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I. Choose the correct answer by crossing A, B, C, or D!

1. Look at the dialogue!

Meilin : ……………… Mr. Agus.
Mr. Agus : Good afternoon, Meilin. How are you?
Meilin : I’m fine, Thank you. And You?
Mr. Agus : Fine. Thank you
The correct respon to fill in the blank is………
A. Good morning C. Good night
B. Good afternoon D. Good bye

2. Mr. Haryo and Mrs. Endang have two daughters and three sons.
The bold word mean……..
A. Saudara Perempuan C. Bibi
B. Anak Perempuan D. Ibu

3. Today is Monday. Edo went to Yogyakarta the day before, Edo went to Yogyakarta
A. Thursday C. Saturday
B. Friday D. Sunday

4. Jingga : “How do you do?”

Kevin : “How do you do”
Jingga : “What is your name?”
Kevin : “My name is KEVIN”
Jingga : “Can you spell it?”
Kevin : “certain, K-E-V-I-N”
The true spelling of KEVIN is……..
A. key-i-vi-ai-en
B. key-ei-vi-ei-en
C. key-ai-vi-ei-en
D. key-ei-vi-ai-en

5. How to plants a sunflower

 Put the soil in the pot
 Make a hole with a finger
 Put the ……. in the hole
 Water the seeds
The best word to fill in the blank is…….
A. Seeds B. Leaf C. Stem D. Root

6. Seta : What do you usually have for lunch?

Nurul : I usually have fried rice, an egg, and a glass of lemonade
According to the dialogue above, where is the true statement?
A. Seta like fried rice, an egg, and a glass of lemonade
B. Nurul like fried rice, an egg, and a glass of lemonade
C. Seta didn’t like fried rice, an egg, and a glass of lemonade
D. Nurul didn’t like fried rice, an egg, and a glass of lemonade

7. The principal’s office is beside room 2a

The bold word mean………

A. Di samping
B. Di belakang
C. Di depan
D. Diantara

8. Dear Meilin,
I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon!
Don’t forget to take a medicine and take a rest!
The bold words mean…….
A. Cepat masuk sekolah C. Cepat minum obat
B. Cepat periksa ke dokter D. Cepat sembuh

9. a cow eats grass and a cow gives……...

A. wool and meat C. milk and meat
B. eggs and meat D. wool and eggs

10. Tigor usually………. after school

A. Plays Guitar
B. Plays drum
C. Plays violin
D. Plays piano

11. Look at the table below!

No Statements
1 Seta usually wears jacket on rainy day
2 Tigor usually wear sweater on a sunny day
3 Nurul usually T-shirt on a windy day
4 Made usually wear a fair of flip-flops on a sunny day
The true statements is……….
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

12. Tigor : “What’s your hobby, Meilin?”

Meilin : “I Like reading a book”
Tigor : “I see. What do you want in the future?’
Meilin : “I want to be……….”
A. an author C. a drummer
B. an animator D. a fashion designer

13. What’s the matter with Tina?

Tina has ………

A. a toothache
B. an earache
C. a headache
D. a backache
14. Look at the picture!
What’s is the true statement?
A. Both shirts are in the same size, but different color
B. Both shirts are in the same color, but different size
C. Both shirts are in the different size and color
D. Both shirts are in the same size and color

15. Last holiday

Last holiday, Nurul and her family went to Bali. They went hiking in the mountain, visited the
museum, fishing on the river, and they also …………. at the beach.
The best word to fill in the blank is………
A. Snorkeling C. Camping
B. Watching movie D. Swimming

16. The inventor of Telephone is………...

A. Robert Davidson C. Alexander Graham Bell
B. Daniel Halladay D. The wright brothers

17. It is ……………. People use it to browse the internet, read e-books, and watch movies
A. Television C. Telephone
B. DVD player D. Smart Phone

18. Which animal is bid and has very long neck?

A. Giraffe C. Zebra
B. Cheetah D. Elephant

19. Look at the picture!

The picture tells us to……...
A. Use enough water
B. Use water as much as possible
C. Use water to take a bath only
D. Use water to wudhu only

20. No Trash No Kinds

1 banana's peel A Organic
2 plastic bottle B Organic The true statement are……
3 can C Non Organic
A. 1A, 3C C. 3C,4D
4 leaf D Non Organic
B. 2B, 3C D. 1A,4D

21. Nina : “What do you want Jordi?”

Jordi : “I want a kilogram of………. and three bars of………”
The best words to fill in the blank are…….
A. apples, porridge C. porridge, strawberries
B. apples, chocolates D. porridge, apples

22. No Fruits Price

1 Banana 12.500
2 Orange 15.000
3 Melon 25.000
4 Grape 27.500
Mrs. Ani wants to buy 2 Kg Banana and 1 Kg grapes. How much the price of Mrs. Ani’s
shopping list?
A. Fifty thousand and fifty hundred
B. Fifty-two thousand and fifty hundred
C. Fifty thousand and two hundred
D. Fifty-two thousand and two hundred

23. Look at the picture!

Nurul spent twelve hours to Yogyakarta the last holiday. So Nurul
was ……...
A. Tiring
B. Boring
C. Fun
D. Great

The questions for nuber 24-26!

Notice !
Batu Transport Museum
Opening Hours:
Ticket counters:
11.00 am- 7.30 p.m
Visiting hours:
12.00-8.00 pm

24. The Transport Museum is in ......

A. Batu B. Bali C. Banjar D. Bandar Lampung

25. The ticket counter close at….

A. 07.00 am C. 07.30 am C. 07.00 pm D. 07.30 pm

The Questions for number 26-27!

Goldilocks and three bears
Goldilocks went for a walk in the Forrest, in the Forrest soon she came to the Bears’
house. She stopped and knocked.
Goldilocks found some porridge in the kitchen; in the kitchen she tasted the Bear’s
porridge Ouch! Its. So hot!
Goldilocks found three bear’s chairs in the next room; in the next room She sat on the
lowest chair. Oppss, she broke it!

26. Where was Goldilock went?

A. to the zoo C. to the museum
B. to the park D. to the Forrest
27. The bold word means……
A. Ini sangat panas C. Ini sangat keras
B. Ini sangat pedas D. Ini sangat pegas

28. It is a very big animal in stories. It has a long tail, sharp teeth, and large wings. It also has
fire coming out of its mouth. What’s that??
A. Dragon C. Horse
B. Rhino D. Giraffe

The questions for number 29-30!

How to make a pencil holder from a can
Materials: Procedure:
a can 1. Choose a can
scissors 2. Wash the can
Plain paper 3. Dry the can with a piece of cloth
Glue 4. Cut the plain paper
a piece of cloth 6. Color the paper with water-based point
7. Put glue on the can
8. Wrap the can with the colored paper
29. After put the glue, we can wrap the can with…….
A. Water-based point C. Plan paper
B. Colored paper D. Piece of cloth

30. Can, glue, a piece of cloth, etc. are part of......... on a procedural text
A. Materials C. Title
B. Procedure D. Theme

II. Answer each question below!

31. Translate into Indonesian!
a. Room 2a is behind teacher’s office
b. The canteen is beside the library

32. No Members No Arti

1 Grand father A Ayah
2 Father B Ibu
3 Grandmother C Kakek
4 Mother D Nenek

Pair the following member names with their meanings!

33. On Sunday, Tigor, Udin, Nurul, and Edo make a pencil holder from a can. They so excited
to find some materials. Let’s help them to find its. Write five materials to make a pencils

34. No The Inventor No The Invention

1 Alexander Graham Bell A Incandescent lamp
2 C. Mcroni B Telephone
3 Thomas Alva Edison C Radio

Look at the table, match between the invention and the invention!
35. Dear Meilin,
I wish you a speedy recovery. Get well soon!
Don’t forget to take a medicine and take a rest!
According to the text above, What’s the matter with Meilin?

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