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Exercise 2 - Other applications of energy storage

doc. dr. sc. Mirna Gržanić, Nikolina Čović

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing

University of Zagreb

28 March 2024
Example 1

For transmission system in Figure 1 calculate:

(1) the production of generators to minimize operational costs
without considering the ”N-1” safety criterion.
(2) the production of generators to minimize operational costs
considering the ”N-1” safety criterion.
(3) the production of generators to minimize operational costs
considering the ”N-1” safety criterion if the short-term transfer
capacity of the transmission line during 15 minutes is 60 MW and
the maximum ramping rate for generator G1 is 1 MW/min and for
generator G2 is 0.5 MW/min.

Generator G1 produces at a cost of 20 EUR/MW and generator G2

produces at a cost of 30 EUR/MW. Load D1 is 300 MW and D2 is
150 MW. The transfer capacity of each transmission line is 50 MW.
Example 1

(4) the minimum battery capacities and generator production

amounts to minimize operational costs while considering the ”N-1”
safety criterion. The short-term transfer capacity during 15
minutes is 60 MW, and protection (almost instantaneous action) is
set to trip the line if the transfer power exceeds 75 MW. The
ramping power for generator G1 is 2 MW/min, and for generator
G2 is 2 MW/min.

Generator G1 produces at a cost of 20 EUR/MW and generator G2

produces at a cost of 30 EUR/MW. Load D1 is 300 MW and D2 is
150 MW. The transfer capacity of each transmission line is 50 MW.
Example 1

Example 2

The off-grid production facility with a constant load of 3.1 kW is

powered solely by solar panels and wind turbines (no connection to
the grid). What capacities of solar panels and wind turbines are
required to ensure that the consumption is always satisfied? The
normalized production of wind turbines and solar panels is given in
Table 1. Since there is no possibility of injecting excess production
into the grid, how much energy needs to be ”discarded”?
To utilize this excess energy, it is possible to install a battery
storage system. What would be the required capacity and installed
power to fully utilize the excess production with such a storage
system? In that case, what would be the capacities of the solar
panels and wind turbines?
Example 2

Table: Normalized production of solar panels and wind turbines

Hour 1 2 3 4 5
Solar 0,1 0,3 0,4 0,2 0,1
Wind 0 0 0 0 0

Hour 6 7 8 9 10
Solar 0,05 0 0 0 0
Wind 0,2 0,45 0,7 0,65 0,45
Example 3

The expected uncontrollable load over 6 hours is shown in Table 2. The

microgrid also consists of two generators with capacities of 150 kW each.
The operating costs for the first generator are 0.04 €/kWh, and for the
second one are 0.06 €/kWh. Additionally, the microgrid contains a
controllable load of a constant amount of 25 kW. Determine the
operating costs in the following cases:
(1) disregard the existence of controllable load.
(2) the controllable load is lighting and can be shifted up to 20% of the
hourly consumption, totaling 12.5 kWh over 6 hours.
(3) the controllable load is a commercial HVAC system (with a demand
factor of 1.2) and can be shifted up to 20% of the hourly consumption,
totaling 12.5 kWh over 6 hours.
(4) the microgrid also consists of a battery with a charging efficiency of
0.9 (the battery starts empty), a capacity of 35 kWh, and the
controllable load cannot be managed.
(5) combination of 3 i 4.
Example 3

Table: Constant demand

Hour Load Hour Load

1 80 kW 4 90 kW
2 160 kW 5 200 kW
3 220 kW 6 180 kW

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