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Lesson Plan in Social Studies – Grade 11

Subject: Economics Date: April 1, 2023

Grade and Section: 11- St. Matthew Time: 3:00-4:00 PM

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
1. Learn about the different types of economic systems that govern WHAT
goods and services to produce, HOW to


Topic: Traditional Economies
Materials: Laptop and PowerPoint Presentation
Duration: One (1) hour

A. Preliminary Activities
a. Greetings
- Good morning class.
- How is your day so far? - Good morning
- I’m glad that you are all doing fine! too Ma’am! We
- Okay, before we begin let us first feel the presence of our are fine.
Almighty God.
b. Prayer
Let’s all rise for the prayer. May I request someone from the - Mr. Asuncion
class to lead the prayer? leads the
c. Checking of Attendance prayer.
Is there anyone who’s absent today?
Alright! It’s good to hear that everyone is present in the class. - None, Ma’am.
d. Online Class Rules
Before anything else I just want to remind all of you about
proper decorum during the class. When you any concerns just
raise your hand and you will be given permission to speak. - Okay, Ma’am.
e. Review
Let’s have a short review on our past lesson that we have
discussed. What was our lesson all about?
Yes, Lyra? -Ma’am, our past
lesson is all about
thinking like an
Great! I’m very happy as our past lesson is still fresh in your

Lesson Proper
- Show a video clip about a family that have a tradition that has
been passed down from generation to generation?
- What have you observed about the video?
Yes, Kaira? -I observed that there
is a passing of tradition
from one generation to
That’s great. another.

With that, what do you think is our lesson for today?

Yes, Mr. Ramon? -Our lesson for today
is all about traditional

Since you all have an idea about what we are going to discuss
today, let us now start our lesson.
- Okay, Ma’am.
Before we begin our discussion, let’s have a game. The title of
the game is “Fix Me”. I will the class into 5 groups. 1st row will
be the Group 1, 2nd row will be the Group 2, 3 rd row will be the
Group 3, 4th row will be the Group 4, and 5 th row will be the
Group 5. I will be flashing a jumbled letters related to our
topic today in the board and the first group that will provide
the correct answer will be given a point. The group who has a
highest point will be the winner.

Are you ready class?

- Yes, Ma’am.
Okay! Let’s start.

1. U S T M O C
That’s correct! Group 4 – Custom

2. E G E N NA T R O I
Very good! Group 5- Generation

3. R A T I D I N O T
Correct! Group 2 –Tradition

4. F M L Y I A
That’s correct! Group 4- Family

5. Y M O C EO N
You got it right, Group 4. Group 1 – Economy

The winners for today’s game are Group 4. Congratulations!

In relation to our game just concluded, how were you able to

arrange the letters?
Any volunteer from Group 4?
Yes, Mr. Valdez?
Since we already have
a knowledge about the
lesson we just think of
the possible words
about our assignment
which is to make an
advance reading on
Thank you, Mr. Valdez. I’m glad that you already have a
our next topic and then
knowledge about our lesson and I know that there’s a lot more
for all of you to learn today. matched it in the
jumbled letters in the
D. ANALYSIS board.

Many of our actions spring from habit and custom. Why, for example,
does the bride toss the bouquet at a wedding? Such practices have
become part of our traditional culture.
In a society with a traditional economy, the use of scarce resources—
and nearly all other economic activity—stems from ritual, habit, or
custom. Habit and custom also dictate most social behavior.
Individuals are generally not free to make decisions based on what
they want or would like to have. Instead, their roles are defined by
the customs of their elders and ancestors.

Many societies—such as the central African Mbuti, the Australian
Aborigines, and other indigenous peoples around the world—have
traditional economies. The Inuit of northern Canada in the 1800s
provide an especially interesting case of a traditional economy. For
generations, Inuit parents taught their children how to survive in a
harsh climate, make tools, fish, and hunt. Their children, in turn,
taught these skills to the next generation. When the Inuit hunted, it
was traditional to share the spoils of the hunt with other families. If a
walrus or bear was taken, hunters divided the kill evenly into as
many portions as there were heads of families in the hunting party.
The hunter most responsible for the kill had first choice, the second
hunter to help with the kill chose next, and so on. Because the Inuit
shared freely and generously with one another, members of the
hunting party later shared their portions with other families who had
not participated. The result was that the hunter had the honor of the
kill and the respect of the village, rather than a physical claim to the
entire animal. Because of this tradition of sharing, a village could
survive the long, harsh winters as long as skilled hunters lived in the
This custom was partially responsible for the Inuit’s survival for
thousands of years.

The main advantage of a traditional economy is that everyone knows
which role to play. Little uncertainty exists over WHAT to produce. If
you are born into a family of hunters, you hunt. If you are born into a
family of farmers, you farm. Likewise, little uncertainty exists over
HOW to produce, because you do things much the same way your
parents did. Finally, the FOR WHOM question is determined by the
customs and traditions of the society. In some societies, you would
provide for your immediate family. In others, such as the Inuit, you
would share what you have hunted with all families of the village. In
other words, tradition dictates how people live their lives.

The main drawback of a traditional economy is that it tends to
discourage new ideas and new ways of doing things. The strict roles
in a traditional society have the effect of punishing people who act
differently or break the rules. The lack of progress leads to economic
stagnation and a lower standard of living than in other economic
1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a traditional
I know you’ve learned a lot of lessons today, so anyone who can
summarize our discussion?
Yes, Zia?

-To summarize our

lesson for today,
in a society with a
traditional economy,
the use of scarce
resources—and nearly
all other economic
activity—stems from
ritual, habit, or custom.
Traditional economy is
an economic system in
which the allocation of
scarce resources and
other economic
Very well said, Zia. activities are based on
ritual, habit, or custom.
TRUE OR FALSE. Write T if the statement is True and F if the
statement is False.
1. The main advantage of a traditional economy is that
everyone knows which role to play.
2. In a society with a traditional economy, the use of scarce
resources—and nearly all other economic activity—stems
from ritual, habit, or custom.
3. Habit and custom also dictate most social behavior. Answer: T
4. Individuals are generally not free to make decisions based
on what they want or would like to have. Instead, their roles
are defined by the customs of their elders and ancestors. Answer: T
5. The main drawback of a traditional economy is that it tends Answer: T
to discourage new ideas and new ways of doing things.
Make an advance reading about our next topic: Economic Systems Answer: T
Decision Making- Command Economies Answer: T

- Noted, Ma’am.

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