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Name : Muhammad Nashuhan

NIM : 22202010
Class : A


Classroom management is an activity carried out by a teacher to create a classroom situation that
is conducive to achieving maximum learning goals. This activity is a deliberate effort made by the teacher
so that learning can run effectively, thereby enabling students to develop their abilities as fully as possible
and form cultural behavior.

1. The teacher in the classroom

The presence of a teacher in the classroom has a big influence on classroom management.
The teacher's presence is not only for the physical form but also for how the teacher responds to
the students so that they can make the class more optimal.
 Proximity
Remembering the character of students is an obligation for teachers to get closer to their
students. Teachers must also be able to estimate closeness to their students.
 Appropriacy
It is the teacher's obligation to adapt to their students so that the class is more comfortable
for learning and does not make the class easily bored.
 Movement
Teachers tend to just sit at the teacher's desk and just explain the material in that way,
which can make the class easily bored. By walking closer to the students and explaining
the material perhaps it can make the students more comfortable and focused.
 Awareness
Being aware of student attitudes, responding to students well and the ability to respond
are the teacher's main responsibilities. Not only that, teachers also need to be self-aware,
to try to measure the success of our behavior and to gain an understanding of how
students perceive us.
2. Using the voice
Using voice is the most important instrument in teaching. Using your voice is the most
important impact in class, there are 3 things you need to pay attention to.
 Audibility
The teacher must be able to estimate that the student can hear his voice even though it is
in the back seat.
 Variety
The importance of variety when speaking in class, such as having a loud voice and a soft
voice. If this can be done then students will know that there is time to focus or be quiet
while the teacher is explaining.
 Conservation
It is important to regulate your breathing when teaching so you don't get nervous and can
maximize your voice so you can walk comfortably until the end of class. Varying your
voice also has a big effect on breathing, such as reducing sounds that are too loud.
3. Talking to students
Teachers' skills in speaking to their students are important, but what is no less important
is empathy towards the person they are talking to. Word management for students must also be
adjusted so that students can understand them easily. To perfect the language, teachers must also
be aware of 3 things that must be known: 1. consider the language they want to understand, 2.
think about what they convey as best as possible, 3. think about how to speak in terms of
intonation, tone of voice, etc.
4. Giving instructions
Teachers must be able to make instructions that are simple or easy to understand and
there are several things that teachers must know, such as: what they want to convey, what
students need to know in order to complete it perfectly, and what information they need to know
5. Student talk and teacher talk
There are two differences in speaking, namely when the teacher speaks and when
students speak. The teacher must be able to know the amount of time used by the teacher and the
amount of time used by students. Teachers must be able to know how to speak appropriately or
usefully and use input that can be understood so that they can help students understand and
master the language.
6. Using the L1
L1 is the language learned from the mother, are English lessons suitable for the use of
L1? At the beginner level students will translate using their L1, this is a natural process in
learning a foreign language. But such a translation process does not mean a return to the national
translator mode. But the use of L1 can make it easier for teachers to make it easier for them to
understand something that is useful for them. But in utilizing L1 students does not mean they
have to ignore the commitment to creating an environment in English because English is the
language they learn, not their L1.
7. Creating lesson stages
Teachers need to create stages for learning. When the teacher begins learning in class in
such a way as to arouse student interest such as discussion. Teachers only need to direct students
to clearly realize the end of something and the beginning of what will happen. So that direction
can be more effective, there are several things teachers need to know, such as attracting students'
attention. To end the teacher's lecture it is good to provide a conclusion on what has been
8. Different seating arrangements
Teachers usually arrange their students' seats to make them more orderly. This use is
usually carried out in ways such as sitting in orderly rows, circles horseshoes, and separate tables.
 Orderly rows
Orderly rows can be said to limit students, but such use can make it easier for teachers to
see all students more clearly. When using such seating, there are things you have to be
careful about, such as when asking questions, the teacher must also be able to arrange the
front row or the back row.
 Circles horseshoes
Teachers can make circular rows to prevent interaction between teachers and students.
This is also often used when there are classes with few students. French and English
legends about King Arthur who are used so that there is no difference about which is
more important.
 Separate tebles
Separate tebles can be more effective as having groups and the teacher go around the
groups and ask what they don't know. But in this kind of teaching the students can also be
more difficult to understand because the teaching is more spread out or separated
9. Different student groupings
Whatever the seating arrangements in a classroom, students can be organised in different
ways: they can work as a whole class, in groups, in pairs or individually.
 Whole class
The teacher makes the class a whole group and can make the class more dynamic and
motivating. Whole-class teaching is less effective if we want to encourage individual
contributions and discussion, since speaking out in front of a whole class is often more
demanding - and therefore more inhibiting - than speaking in smaller groups.
 Group work and pair work
Working groups or pairs can be more beneficial, they can discuss things with their
partner and they can also participate or be more active. Group or pair work can make
students more independent because they learn the material provided by the teacher
without the teacher's help. Problems that can arise in group or pair work are that it can
disrupt the atmosphere in the class
 Solo work
Individual work allows students to work at their own pace, enabling them time to think,
and allows them to be individuals. This often provides relief the group-centered nature of
language teaching. Because when the solo work goes on, students can calm their public
 Class to class
Combining other classes can make them more confident because if they don't understand
they can ask other classes and vice versa. Combining between classes can allow them to
judge which is which most successful for what type of activity, so that they can always
get the most out of it effective grouping for the task at hand.

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