Jewel Laroda Cardio Work

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Jewel Laroda

Coach Kelly

Health and Wellness

February 22, 2023


(1) Give 4 pros and cons for cardio and resistance training. And

explain each reason.

Pros of Cardio Training:

• Improves blood flow and helps manage high blood


Workouts strengthen the heart. Stronger hearts pump

blood more efficiently. Hence, artery force reduces.

Lowers blood pressure.

• Boosts lung health and function.

As a result, your lungs will benefit from enhanced

circulation and tissue strength.

• lifts spirits energize you and relieve tension.

It encourages neuronal development, decreased

inflammation, and novel activity patterns in the brain that

foster serenity and contentment.

• increases the efficiency with which fat is burned for

energy, which may result in reduced body fat.

The remaining glucose in your muscle is used first, and

then the system switches to the liver as a secondary

source. Cardio exercise increases muscle glucose and fat


Cons of Cardio Training:

• loss of muscle mass

It happens if your body must use muscle tissue for energy

because you haven't eaten enough.

• an overtraining injury

If you push yourself too hard during a hard exercise, you

may experience muscular tension and soreness. It's

possible to injure or make yourself sore by putting too

much strain on your body. Microtears in your muscles is

also a possibility.

• sessions must be lengthy to see results.

Improving your cardiovascular fitness and stamina

typically takes between eight and twelve weeks.

• physical and mental exhaustion

Working yourself and stressing about results can cause

more exhaustion physically and mentally.

Pros of Resistance Training:

• low injury risk

strengthens muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones.

• no equipment is needed.

how to use your own body weight as resistance before

moving on to weights

• with less soreness

Building muscle allows you to do regular tasks with less

discomfort or suffering.

• good endurance gains

Running economy, muscle imbalances, injuries, and

metabolic rate may all be improved with the help of

strength and power training.

Cons of Resistance Training:

• angle specific
Excellent mechanical loading at long muscle lengths

drives sarcomere addition, which moves the optimal

muscle length for force generation to a longer muscle

length and a different joint angle.

• limited use in sports

gains in physical strength, endurance, power, and size.

• cannot monitor the intensity.

the weight lifted compared to one repetition's maximum


• speed controlled.

Resisted training increases athletes' speed-to-strength ratio,

allowing them to produce more force during sprint starts and

other fast accelerations.

(2) List 5 Cardio workouts

• Burpees

• Jump Rope

• Jumping Jacks

• Squat Jumps

• Kickboxing

(3) List 5 Weight training workout

• bench press

• deadlift

• squats

• shoulder press

• bodybuilding

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