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Chapter 2

Cells of the
Nervous System
Important Facts
• Neurons are cells specialized for rapid com- together with its myelin sheath, and the frag-
munication. Most of the cytoplasm of a neuron ments are eventually phagocytosed.
is in long processes, the neurites (dendrites and • The neuronal cell body initially reacts to axotomy
axon), which conduct signals toward and away with increased protein synthesis, accompanied by
from the cell body, respectively. structural changes known as the axon reaction,
• In the central nervous system (CNS), neuronal or chromatolysis. In the absence of axonal re-
cell bodies and dendrites occur in gray matter. generation, the cell body may later shrink or die.
White matter consists largely of axons, most of Axons severed in the peripheral nervous system
which have myelin sheaths that serve to increase can regrow and reinnervate their targets.
the velocity of conduction. • In mammals, axons transected within the CNS
• A neuronal surface membrane has a resting fail to regenerate effectively. Synaptic rearrange-
potential of −70 mV, maintained by the sodium ments, however, can occur in partly denervated
pump. This is reversed to +40 mV in an axon regions of gray matter, and some recovery of
during the passage of an action potential. function occurs as a result of recruitment of
• The fastest signals, known as impulses or action alternative neuronal circuitry.
potentials, are carried in the surface membrane • The neuroglial cells of the normal CNS are astro-
of the axon. There is rapid (saltatory) conduction cytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal cells (derived
in myelinated axons because the ion channels in from neural tube ectoderm), and microglia
the axolemma are confined to the nodes. (derived from mesoderm). Astrocytes occur
• The surface membrane of the perikaryon and throughout the brain and spinal cord. Oligoden-
dendrites does not conduct impulses. Potential drocytes produce myelin and are also found next
changes move more slowly and are graded. An to the cell bodies of some neurons. Microglial
action potential is initiated when the region of the cells become phagocytes when local injury or
axonal hillock is depolarized to a threshold level. inflammation is present.
• Neurons communicate with one another at syn- • The neuroglial cells of the peripheral nervous
apses. Chemical transmitters released by axonal system are Schwann cells in nerves and satellite
terminals evoke changes in the membrane of the cells in ganglia.
postsynaptic cell, which may be either stimulated
or inhibited. The effect depends on the transmit-
ter and the type of receptor molecule in the Two classes of cells are present in the central
postsynaptic membrane. nervous system (CNS) in addition to the usual
• Local reductions of membrane potential (excit- cells found in blood vessel walls. Neurons, or
atory postsynaptic potentials or depolarizations) nerve cells, are specialized for nerve impulse
add together and may result in initiation of conduction and for exchanging signals with
action potentials. Hyperpolarization (inhibitory other neurons. They are, therefore, respon-
postsynaptic potentials) reduces the likelihood of
sible for most of the functional characteristics
initiation of an impulse.
of nervous tissue. Neuroglial cells, collectively
• Proteins and other substances are transported
known as the neuroglia or simply as glia, have
within axons at different speeds and in both
directions. important ancillary functions.
• Much of the cytoplasm of a neuron is removed The CNS consists of gray matter and white
when the axon is transected. The segment that matter. Gray matter contains the cell bodies
has been isolated from the cell body degenerates of neurons, each with a nucleus, embedded


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O-2 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

in a neuropil made up predominantly of deli- resolution to show the structures of intimately

cate neuronal and glial processes. White mat- apposed cell membranes.
ter, on the other hand, consists mainly of long
processes of neurons, the majority being sur-
Different Shapes and Sizes
rounded by myelin sheaths; nerve cell bodies
of Neurons
are lacking. Both the gray and the white matter
contain large numbers of neuroglial cells and a Although all neurons conform to the general
network of blood capillaries. principles already outlined, a wide range of
structural diversity exists. The size of the cell
body varies from 5 mm across for the smallest
Neurons cells in complex circuits to 135 mm for the larg-
est motor neurons. Dendritic morphology, es-
Neurons are cells specialized for sending and pecially the pattern of branching, varies greatly
receiving chemically mediated electrical sig- and is distinctive for neurons that constitute a
nals. The part of the cell that includes the nu- particular group of cells. The axon of a local
cleus is called the cell body, and its cytoplasm circuit neuron may be as short as 100 mm, less
is known as the perikaryon. Dendrites are typi- than 1 mm in diameter, and devoid of a myelin
cally short branching processes that receive sig- covering. On the other hand, the axon of a mo-
nals from other neurons. Most neurons of the tor neuron that supplies a muscle in the foot is
CNS have several dendrites and are, therefore, nearly 1 m long, up to 10 mm in diameter, and
multipolar in shape. By reaching out in various encased in a myelin sheath up to 5 mm thick.
directions, dendrites increase the ability of a (Much longer axons are present in large ani-
neuron to receive input from diverse sources. mals such as giraffes and whales.)
Each cell has a single axon. This process, which Neurons occur in ganglia in the peripheral
varies greatly in length from one type of neu- nervous system and in either laminae (layers) or
ron to another, typically conducts impulses groups called nuclei in the CNS. The large neu-
away from the cell body. Some neurons have rons of a nucleus or comparable region are called
no axons, and their dendrites conduct signals Golgi type I or principal cells; their axons carry
in both directions. Axons of efferent neurons in the encoded output of information from the re-
the spinal cord and brain are included in spinal gion containing their cell bodies to other parts of
and cranial nerves. They end on striated muscle the nervous system. The dendrites of a principal
fibers or on nerve cells of autonomic ganglia. cell are contacted by axonal terminals of several
The term neurite refers to any neuronal pro- other neurons. These neurons include principal
cess: axon or dendrite. cells of other areas and nearby small neurons. The
The fact that each neuron is a structural and latter are known variously as Golgi type II, inter-
functional unit is known as the neuron doc- nuncial, or local circuit neurons, or, more simply,
trine, proposed in the latter part of the 19th as interneurons. In many parts of the brain, these
century in opposition to the then-prevailing neurons greatly outnumber the principal cells.
view that nerve cells formed a continuous re- Examples of large and small neurons are
ticulum or syncytium. The unitary concept, shown in Figure 2-1, which shows the cells as
conforming to the cell theory, was advanced they might appear in specimens stained by the
by His on the basis of embryological studies, Golgi method.
by Forel on the basis of the responses of nerve
cells to injury, and by Ramón y Cajal from his
histological observations. The neuron doc-
trine was given wide distribution in a review
by Waldeyer of the individuality of nerve cells. Structural features of neurons and neuroglial
The lack of cytoplasmic continuity between cells are not well shown in sections prepared by
neurons at synapses was conclusively demon- general-purpose staining methods such as the
strated in the 1950s when it became possible alum-hematoxylin-eosin beloved of patholo-
to obtain electron micrographs with sufficient gists. Specialized staining methods are preferred

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-3

Primary sensory neuron

Principal neuron of spinal ganglion
Motor neuron of sympathetic (has no true dendrites)
of spinal cord ganglion

Amacrine cell of retina

(has no axon)

Golgi type ll
Tract cell of interneuron
spinal gray

Figure 2-1 Examples of neurons, showing variations in size, shape, and branching of processes.

for light microscopy. Additional information Therefore, these stains demonstrate the nuclei
is obtained with the electron microscope and of all cells and the cytoplasmic Nissl substance
from studies in which functionally significant (RNA of rough endoplasmic reticulum) of neu-
chemical compounds are histochemically local- rons (Fig. 2-2).
ized in the cells and parts of cells in which they Reduced silver methods produce dark de-
are synthesized or stored. posits of colloidal silver in various structures,
Cationic dyes, called “Nissl stains” when ap- notably the proteinaceous filaments inside ax-
plied to nervous tissue, bind to DNA and RNA. ons (Fig. 2-3). Other silver methods are avail-

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O-4 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

Figure 2-2 Motor neuron in the spi-

nal cord, stained with cresyl violet to show
the Nissl bodies and a prominent nucleolus

able for demonstration of different types of The Golgi method, which has many vari-
neuroglial cells. ants, is valuable for the study of neuronal mor-
Stains for myelin rely on the affinities of phology, especially of dendrites. Insoluble salts
certain dyes for hydrophobic proteins and of silver or mercury are precipitated within the
protein-bound phospholipids. They reveal cells in blocks of tissue that are then cut into
the major tracts of fibers. Some of the pho- thick sections. Some neurons, including the
tographs in this book (e.g., in Chapter 7) are finest branches of their dendrites, stand out in
of sections stained by Weigert’s method for black against a clear background (Fig. 2-4). Oc-
myelin. casional neuroglial cells are similarly displayed,

Figure 2-3 Cell body of a neuron in the

brain, surrounded by axons. In addition, the nu-
cleolus and a small accessory body of Cajal are
seen in the nucleus. (Stained by one of Cajal’s
silver nitrate methods; 31,000.)

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-5

contained in specific populations of neurons.

These substances include putative neurotrans-
mitters and enzymes involved in their synthe-
sis or degradation. Several previously unrecog-
nized systems of neurons have been identified
by the use of these methods. With immunohis-
tochemistry, substances in tissues are detected
by the binding of specific antibodies. Immu-
nohistochemical methods for cell-specific pro-
teins have largely replaced the traditional silver
methods for staining axons and glial cells.
Electron microscopy reveals the detailed
internal structure of neurons and the special-
izations that exist at synaptic junctions. The
necessity of using very thin sections makes it
difficult to reconstruct in three dimensions.
Electron microscopy may be combined with
staining by Golgi methods or with immunohis-
tochemical procedures.
Confocal microscopy allows the examina-
tion of thin optical sections within thicker
specimens prepared for light (usually fluores-
cence) microscopy. Resolution is enhanced,
and images can be superimposed electronically
to make pictures that are in focus for the whole
Figure 2-4 Pyramidal cell of the cerebral cortex, depth of the specimen. In confocal images, im-
stained by the Golgi technique. The cell body is in the munohistochemical localizations can be com-
lower one third of the picture, and dendrites extend bined with tracing based on filling or axonal
up toward the cortical surface. The axon is not visible.
(390; courtesy of Dr E. G. Bertram.)

Neuron Cytology
but axons (especially if myelinated) are typi-
cally unstained. An important feature of these The parts of a generalized multipolar neuron
methods is the random staining of only a small are shown in Figure 2-5.
proportion of the cells, enabling the resolution
of structural details of the dendritic trees of in- Cell Surface
dividual neurons. The surface or limiting membrane of the neu-
Filling techniques provide pictures simi- ron assumes special importance because of its
lar to those obtained by the Golgi method but role in the initiation and transmission of sig-
for individual neurons that have been studied nals. The plasma membrane, or plasmalemma,
physiologically. A histochemically demonstra- is a double layer of phospholipid molecules
ble ion or enzyme or a fluorescent dye is in- whose hydrophobic hydrocarbon chains are
jected into the neuron through a micropipette all directed toward the middle of the mem-
that has been used for intracellular electrical brane. Embedded in this structure are protein
recording. Some other fluorescent dyes move molecules, many of which pass through the
laterally within cell membranes. These can be whole thickness. Some transmembrane pro-
applied to fresh or even fixed tissue and used to teins provide hydrophilic channels through
trace neuronal connections over distances up which inorganic ions may enter and leave the
to 5 mm. cell by diffusion. Each of the common ions
Histochemical and immunohistochemical (Na1, K1, Ca21, Cl2) has its own specific
methods are available for localizing substances type of molecular channel, and there are also

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O-6 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

in dendrites




Axosomatic Polysomes



in axon

Figure 2-5 Components of a neuron, traced from an electron micrograph. Mitochondria are colored green and
presynaptic terminals from other neurons yellow. (Modified from Heimer L. The Human Brain and Spinal Cord, 2nd
ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995.)

mixed ion channels that allow passage of mul- membrane. Other channels open in response
tiple ions such as Na1 and K1 or Na1, K1, and to ligand, such as neurotransmitters, binding
Ca21. Some channels are voltage gated, which to specific receptors. Nerve impulses are prop-
means that they open and close in response to agated (conducted) along the cell membrane
changes in the electrical potential across the of the neuronal surface. Pumps are protein

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-7

molecules of the cell membrane that consume Membrane Potentials

energy (from adenosine triphosphate [ATP]) The surface membrane of a neuron, like that
as they move ions against concentration gradi- of any other cell, consists of a double layer of
ents. A single pump, known as Na/K-ATPase, phospholipid molecules in which are embed-
transports potassium ions into and sodium ded protein molecules. The special properties of
ions out of the cell, resulting in a net negative the membrane proteins are responsible for the
charge within the cell and contributing to the ability of the neuron to receive, conduct, and
membrane potential. Receptors are protein transmit electrically encoded signals. The most
molecules that respond to specific chemical important membrane proteins are those known
stimuli, typically by causing the opening of as “receptors,” “channels,” and “pumps.” Re-
associated channels. ceptors are discussed later in connection with
The most abundant ions in extracellular synaptic transmission.
fluid are sodium (Na1) and chloride (Cl2). In- A channel is a tubular or ring-like molecule
side the cell, potassium (K1) is the main posi- that permits the passage of inorganic ions such
tive ion; it is neutralized by organic anions of as sodium, potassium, calcium, or chloride. It
amino acids and proteins. Both the extracellular is often a gated channel, which opens or closes
fluid and the cytoplasm are electrically neutral, in response to local electrical or chemical con-
and each has the same total osmotic pressure. ditions. Ions diffuse passively through an open
A consequence of these conditions is that there channel from the region of high concentration
is a potential difference across the membrane: to the region of low concentration. A pump
The inside is negative (270 mV) with respect is a channel with associated enzymes; it con-
to the outside when the neuron is not conduct- sumes energy to move ions from a dilute into
ing a signal. This resting membrane potential a concentrated solution. The energy for this
opposes the outward diffusion of K1 and the process comes from ATP, which is the uni-
inward diffusion of Cl2 because unlike charges versal source of energy in cells. The protein
attract and like charges repel one another. The of which a pump is composed has enzymatic
membrane is much less permeable to Na1 be- activity (ATPase) that catalyzes the hydrolysis
cause the voltage-gated channels for this cation of ATP.
are closed as a consequence of the resting mem-
brane potential. The cytoplasmic anions are too Resting Membrane Potential
large to pass through the membrane. The ionic The most abundant ions in extracellular fluid
concentrations are maintained by the activity of are Na1 and Cl2. Inside the cell, K1 is the main
the sodium pump. positive ion; it is neutralized by organic anions of
The signals carried by a neuron are changes amino acids and proteins. Both the extracellular
in the potential difference across the plas- fluid and the cytoplasm are electrically neutral,
malemma. At rest, the cytoplasm is negative and each has the same total osmotic pressure.
(about 270 mV) with respect to the extracel- A consequence of these conditions is that there
lular fluid. This difference is reversed to about is a potential difference across the membrane:
140 mV inside when an axon is sufficiently The inside is negative (170 mV) with respect to
stimulated. The reversal, known as an im- the outside when the neuron is not conducting a
pulse or action potential, propagates along signal. This resting membrane potential opposes
the axon. An action potential is an all-or-none the outward diffusion of K1 and the inward dif-
phenomenon. In contrast, the dendrites and fusion of Cl2 because unlike charges attract, and
the cell body respond to stimuli with graded like charges repel one another. The membrane
potential changes. Lowering of the membrane is much less permeable to Na1 because the volt-
potential to a threshold level of −55 mV at the age-gated channels for this cation are closed as
initial segment of the axon triggers an action a consequence of the resting membrane poten-
potential. tial. The cytoplasmic anions are too big to pass
through the membrane. The ionic concentra-
Signaling in Neurons tions are maintained by the activity of the so-
A more detailed account of the generation and dium pump. This is a protein in the membrane
conduction of action potentials follows. that simultaneously expels sodium ions from the

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O-8 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

cytoplasm and withdraws potassium ions from hand, conducts impulses, which are waves of
the extracellular fluid. The sodium pump is also complete depolarization of the membrane, in
known as Na/K-ATPase. an all-or-none fashion. Conduction in unmy-
elinated axons will be considered first. The
Depolarization and physics and chemistry of conduction were
Hyperpolarization discovered in the giant axons of the squid (see
Neuronal signals are changes in the membrane Online Table 2-1), which are easier to work
potential that propagate over the surface of the with than the nerve fibers of vertebrates. The
cell body and along the neurites. A stimulus mechanisms are now known to be similar in
initiating such a change is the combination of all animals.
neurotransmitter molecules with receptors at a Consider a point on an axon before, during,
synapse on a dendrite. An excitatory stimulus and after the passage of an action potential. The
causes reduction of the resting membrane po- following events occur.
tential from 170 mV to some lower (less nega-
tive) value. The change in potential spreads 1. The imminent arrival of the impulse
laterally in the membrane from its site of initia- causes a reduction of the membrane po-
tion. A sufficient number of excitatory stimuli tential from about 70 to about 120 mV.
will reduce the potential over the whole surface 2. This amount of reduction in potential is
of the dendrites and soma. If at the axonal hill- the threshold for depolarization, and it
ock the potential is lowered to a critical level opens the voltage-gated sodium chan-
of approximately 120 mV, it has the effect of nels. Sodium ions immediately move into
opening the gated sodium channels there. Na1 the axoplasm. They do this because (a)
diffuses into the cytoplasm, and the membrane they are attracted by the negative charge
potential at the axonal hillock is immediately inside, and (b) the concentration of Na1
reversed to about 140 mV inside, a condition outside is much higher than inside. The
known as depolarization. A wave of depolariza- inrush of Na1 causes reversal of the mem-
tion, known as an action potential or impulse, brane potential to about 140 mV in less
will then be propagated along the axon in the than 1 millisecond.
manner described later. In the laboratory, im- 3. The sodium channels close, and the in-
pulses may be initiated by direct electrical stim- flux of Na1 ceases. This is called inacti-
ulation of nervous tissue. The size of the small- vation of the channels. At the same time,
est stimulus that will trigger an action potential the voltage-gated potassium channels
is the threshold. (The axonal hillock or initial open in response to the depolarization
segment is where the cell membrane’s proper- caused by the incoming Na1. Potassium
ties change from integrating inputs to making a ions now move out of the axon. They do
decision about output into the axon.) so because (a) they are, at this moment,
An inhibitory stimulus causes the rest- electrically repelled by the intra-axonal
ing membrane potential to be increased to a excess of positive charge due to the influx
value greater than 170 mV. This is hyperpo- of Na1, and (b) the concentration of K1
larization. Probably every neuron in the CNS inside is much higher than outside.
receives both excitatory and inhibitory syn- 4. The outward diffusion of K1 takes about
apses. The more a postsynaptic neuron is hy- 2 milliseconds to restore the membrane
perpolarized, the more excitatory stimuli will potential to its original 170 mV. The re-
be needed to reduce the membrane potential covery is assisted by the sodium pumps,
at the axonal hillock to the threshold for ini- which expel Na1 and pull in K1. The
tiation of an impulse. membrane becomes slightly hyperpolar-
ized (180 mV) at this time, for about 1
Propagation of Impulses millisecond.
In the dendrites and soma of a neuron, the 5. While the membrane potential is being
changes in membrane potential are graded; restored to the resting level of 170 mV,
they vary in time and space with the incom- the sodium channels remain closed (in-
ing synaptic activity. The axon, on the other activated), so the membrane cannot be

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-9

depolarized. It is said to be refractory.

The axon is refractory for about 2 mil-
liseconds after the passage of an action
potential; this prevents backward propa-
gation of the impulse.
6. The depolarization due to influx of Na1
spreads in both directions, lowering the
membrane potential to the threshold val-
ue of about 120 mV. This change has no
effect on the refractory membrane that is
still recovering from the passage of the
action potential. In the forward direction,
however, the axonal membrane is not re-
fractory, so reduction of the potential to
120 mV opens the gates of the sodium
channels. There is a rapid influx of Na1,
and the membrane is depolarized.
7. The continuous repetition of this cycle of
ionic movement results in propagation of
the action potential in one direction.
The events are shown graphically in Online
Figure 2-1. Online Figure 2-1 Changes in membrane po-
tential and ion movements at three stages (1, 2, 3) in the
passage of two action potentials along an unmyelinated
Nucleus and Cytoplasm axon. The horizontal axis of the graphs represents dis-
The nucleus of a neuron is usually in the center tance; the vertical axis shows the membrane potential
of the cell body. In large neurons, it is vesicu- in millivolts.
lar (with finely dispersed chromatin), but in
most small neurons, the chromatin is in coarse
clumps. Typically, there is a prominent nucleo- 25 nm) are involved in the rapid transport of
lus. The sex chromatin (see Fig. 2-5), present protein molecules and small particles in both
only in females, was first described in the large directions along axons and dendrites. Microfil-
nuclei of motor neurons. aments (4 nm) are molecules of the contractile
The cytoplasm of the cell body (Fig. 2-6) is protein actin. They are present on the inside of
dominated by the organelles of protein synthe- the plasmalemma and are particularly numer-
sis (rough endoplasmic reticulum and polyri- ous in the tips of growing neurites.
bosomes) and cellular respiration (mitochon- Neuronal cytoplasm also contains small
dria). Also present is a well-developed Golgi numbers of membrane-bound vesicles called
apparatus, where carbohydrate side chains lysosomes, which contain enzymes that cata-
are added to protein molecules packaged into lyze the breakdown of unwanted large mol-
membrane-bound vesicles destined to enter or ecules. Neurons may also contain two types
pass through the surface membrane of the cell. of pigment granules. Lipofuscin is a yellow-
In light microscopy, the rough endoplasmic brown pigment formed from lysosomes that
reticulum is conspicuous as striated bodies of accumulates with aging. Neuromelanin is a
Nissl substance (see Fig. 2-2). black pigment seen only in neurons that use
Filamentous organelles are most prominent catecholamines (dopamine or noradrenaline)
in the neurites. Neurofilaments (diameter, as neurotransmitters.
7.5 to 10 nm) are made of structural proteins
similar to those of the intermediate filaments
of other types of cells. When gathered into Neurites
bundles, they form the neurofibrils of light Dendrites taper from the cell body and branch
microscopy. Microtubules (external diameter, in its immediate environs. In some neurons,

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O-10 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology



Figure 2-6 Electron micrograph of part of the cell body of a neuron in the preoptic area of a rabbit’s brain. The
series of membranes, together with the free polyribosomes between the membranes, constitute the Nissl material of
light microscopy. M, mitochondria; Memb, membranes of endoplasmic reticulum; PM, plasma membrane at surface of
cell. (336,000; courtesy of Dr R. Clattenburg.)

the smaller branches bear large numbers of neurons have no axon, so they can conduct only
minute projections, called dendritic spines, graded changes of membrane potential. In prin-
which participate in synapses. The surface of cipal cells, the diameter of the axon increases in
the cell body is also included in the receptive proportion to its length. Collateral branches may
field of the neuron. be given off at right angles to the axon. The ter-
The single axon has a uniform diameter minal branches are known as telodendria; they
throughout its length. In interneurons, it is typically end as synaptic terminals (also known
short and branches terminally to establish syn- as boutons terminaux) in contact with other cells.
aptic contact with adjacent neurons. Some inter- The cytoplasm of the axon is called axoplasm,

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-11

and the surface membrane is known as the axo- per second, and a squid’s giant axon (1.0 mm)
lemma. The axoplasm includes neurofilaments, conducts at about 25 meters per second. An
microtubules, scattered mitochondria, and frag- advanced nervous system, which needs great
ments of smooth endoplasmic reticulum. numbers of rapidly conducting axons, would
be impracticably large if it had to rely on un-
myelinated axons.
Myelin Myelination allows high conduction veloci-
ties (up to 120 meters per second) without an
The axon of a principal cell is usually sur- inordinate increase in diameter. In a myelinated
rounded by a myelin sheath, which begins near axon, all the sodium and potassium channels are
the origin of the axon and ends short of its ter- concentrated at the nodes. The internodes are
minal branching. Myelin is laid down by neu- electrically insulated by the layers of membrane
roglial cells—Schwann cells in the peripheral that make up the myelin sheath. The myelin ac-
nervous system and oligodendrocytes in the counts for about one third of the total diameter
CNS. The sheath consists of closely apposed of a nerve fiber, and the length of an internode is
layers of glial plasma membranes. Interruptions about 100 times the external diameter.
called nodes of Ranvier indicate junctions be- The ionic movements of an action potential can
tween regions formed by different Schwann occur only at the nodes, but electrical conduction
cells or oligodendrocytes. The ion movements along the internodal axon, which behaves as a well-
of impulse conduction in a myelinated axon are insulated wire, reduces the membrane potential to
confined to the nodes. This arrangement pro- its threshold level at the next node. Thus, the im-
vides for saltatory conduction in which the ac- pulse jumps quickly from node to node. This form
tion potential jumps electrically from one node of propagation is called saltatory conduction.
to the next, so that signaling is much faster in
a myelinated than in an unmyelinated axon. A
nerve fiber consists of the axon and the sur- Nerve Fibers
rounding myelin sheath or of the axon only in
the case of an unmyelinated fiber. The greater A nerve fiber is an axon together with a my-
the diameter of a nerve fiber, the faster is the elin sheath, if present, and the ensheathing glial
conduction of the nerve impulse. cells. The velocity of conduction of an impulse
Myelin sheaths are laid down during the later along a nerve fiber increases with the diame-
part of fetal development and during the first ter. The largest axons have the thickest myelin
postnatal year in the manner shown, for a pe- sheaths and, therefore, the greatest external di-
ripheral fiber, in Figure 2-7. The ultrastructure of ameters. The axonal diameter is approximately
the sheath is seen in Figure 2-8. A Schwann cell two thirds of the total external diameter of the
myelinates only one axon, but in the CNS, each fiber. The thinnest, most slowly conducting
process of a single oligodendrocyte contributes axons are unmyelinated.
to the myelination of a different axon (Fig. 2-9). Peripheral nerve fibers are classified into groups
Experiments with peripheral nerves of animals according to external diameter and conduction ve-
show that all Schwann cells have the potential to locity (Table 2-1). Axons in the CNS are not as
make myelin sheaths and that each neuron deter- easy to classify; their diameters vary greatly.
mines whether the glial cells around its axon will
or will not produce a myelin sheath.
Conduction Velocity
and the Compound
Saltatory Conduction Action Potential
in Myelinated Axons The fibers in mammalian peripheral nerves are
The velocity of conduction of an action po- classified as in Table 2-1. Comparable populations
tential along an unmyelinated axon increases of axons exist in the CNS but are not included in
in proportion to the square root of the diam- any generally recognized system of classification.
eter. Thus, a mammalian unmyelinated fiber In the names of fiber types in the peripheral
(0.2–1.5 µm) conducts at 0.5 to 2.5 meters nervous system, the letters A, B, and C (and the

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O-12 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology


Figure 2-7 (A) The myelin sheath and Schwann cell as they are seen (ideally) by light microscopy. (B–D) Suc-
cessive stages in the development of the myelin sheath from the plasma membrane of a Schwann cell. (E) Ultrastruc-
ture of a node of Ranvier, sectioned longitudinally. (F) Relation of a Schwann cell to several unmyelinated axons.

subtypes alpha, beta, gamma, and delta of group functioning nerve fiber. The action potentials
A) come from the phases of the compound ac- recorded from such individual fibers can be
tion potential. This is a response recorded by related to function. The Roman numerals used
an electrode in contact with a whole nerve. Fol- to name sensory fibers were originally used in
lowing a brief electric shock at a distant point studies of single fibers dissected from dorsal
on the nerve, action potentials are initiated and spinal roots.
propagated in all the axons (Online Figure 2-2).
These impulses reach the recording electrode at
different times, determined by the conduction Synapses
velocities of the axons.
It is possible to dissect successively thin- A neuron influences other neurons at junctional
ner strands from a nerve or a nerve root un- points, or synapses. The term synapse, meaning
til one is obtained that contains only a single a conjunction or connection, was introduced

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-13

Figure 2-8 Ultrastructure of the myelin sheath (M) in a peripheral nerve. The dense and less dense layers
alternate, and the latter includes a thin intraperiod line. A, axoplasm; E, endoneurium, with collagen fibers. (Electron
micrograph, 3107,500; courtesy of Dr R. C. Buck.)

by Sherrington in 1897. An action potential Chemical Synapses

can be propagated in either direction along the
surface of an axon. The direction it follows un- A point of functional contact between two neu-
der physiological conditions is determined by rons, or between a neuron and an effector cell, is
a consistent polarity at most synapses, where a synapse. The structural details of synapses can
transmission is from the axon of one neuron to be resolved only by electron microscopy. Most
a dendrite or the perikaryon of another neuron. synapses in vertebrate animals are chemical syn-
Consequently, action potentials are initiated apses. The surface membranes of the two cells
at the axonal hillock and are propagated away
from the cell body.




Node of
Online Figure 2-2 Compound action poten-
Figure 2-9 An oligodendrocyte with cytoplasmic tial as recorded from a nerve in a limb, showing (red)
extensions forming the myelin sheaths of axons in the the A and C waves with the alpha, beta, gamma, and
central nervous system. (Modified from Bunge MB, delta shoulders of the A wave.The B wave (blue), due to
Bunge RP, Ris H. Ultrastructural study of remyelinization thin, myelinated preganglionic autonomic fibers, can be
in an experimental lesion in adult cat spinal cord. J Bio- recorded from ventral spinal nerve roots in the range
phys Biochem Cytol 1961;10:67–94.) T1 to L2 but not from ordinary peripheral nerves.

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O-14 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

Table 2-1 Size and Conduction Velocity of Nerve Fibers

Name and Function External Diameter Conduction Velocity
of Type of Fiber* (μm) (m/sec)
Myelinated fibers
 Aa or IA 12–20 70–120
  Motor to skeletal muscle; sensory from muscle
spindle proprioceptive endings (phasic,
annulospiral type)
Ab or IB 10–15 60–80
  Sensory from tendons (tension); also Ruffini
endings in skin
Ab or II 5–15 30–80
  Sensory from Meissner’s and pacinian corpuscles
and similar endings in skin and connective tissue;
from large hair follicles and tonic proprioceptive
endings (flower-spray type) of muscle spindles
Ag 3–8 15–40
   Motor to intrafusal fibers of muscle spindles
Ad or III 3–8 10–30
  Sensory from small hair follicles and from free
nerve endings for temperature and pain sensations
B 1–3 5–15
  Preganglionic autonomic (white rami and
cranial nerves 3, 7, 9, and 10)
Unmyelinated fibers
C or IV 0.2–1.5 0.5–2.5
  Pain and temperature; olfaction; postganglionic
*Letters are used for any nerve; Roman numerals are used for sensory fibers in dorsal spinal roots.

are thickened by deposition of proteins (recep- ate [GABA]). Type 1 synapses are asymmetric,
tors and ion channels) on their cytoplasmic sur- with deposits of fibrillary material that are con-
faces. The intervening synaptic cleft contains an spicuously thicker on the postsynaptic than on
electron-dense glycoprotein that is absent from the presynaptic membrane.
the general extracellular space. The postsynaptic structure is typically a
The presynaptic neurite, which is most of- dendrite. Often, it bears a pendunculated pro-
ten a branch of an axon, is known as a syn- jection, a dendritic spine, that invaginates the
aptic terminal or bouton terminal (“terminal presynaptic neurite. Commonly, synapses are
button”; the plural is boutons terminax. This grouped together on a dendrite or an axonal
French term recalls the appearance in light terminal to form a larger structure, known as a
microscopy.). A synaptic terminal contains nu- synaptic complex or glomerulus. In the CNS,
merous mitochondria and a cluster of synaptic the cytoplasmic processes of protoplasmic as-
vesicles. The latter are membrane-bound or- trocytes intimately invest synaptic complexes,
ganelles 40 to 150 nm in diameter (Fig. 2-10), restricting diffusion in the intercellular spaces
which contain chemical neurotransmitters. of released transmitters and inorganic ions such
The vesicles may be spherical (in Gray’s type 1 as calcium and potassium. These small mole-
synapses, which are generally excitatory) or el- cules and ions are absorbed into the cytoplasm
lipsoidal (in Gray’s type 2 synapses, which use of astrocytes and can then diffuse, by way of
the inhibitory transmitter gamma-aminobutyr- gap junctions, to adjacent astrocytes.

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-15




Figure 2-10 Electron micrograph of an axodendritic Gray’s type I (asymmetrical) synapse in a rabbit’s hypo-
thalamus. D, dendrite; M, mitochondria; Pre, presynaptic membrane; Post, postsynaptic membrane; SV, synaptic vesicles.
(382,000; courtesy of Dr R. Clattenburg.)

Some different types of chemical synapse of calcium triggers the fusion of synaptic vesicles
are shown in Figure 2-11. The most common to the terminal plasmalemma, thereby releasing
arrangements for transferring signals from one neurotransmitters and neuromodulators into the
neuron to another are axodendritic and axoso- synaptic cleft. A classical neurotransmitter ei-
matic synapses. Axoaxonal synapses are strategi- ther stimulates or inhibits the postsynaptic cell.
cally placed to interfere either with the initiation A neuromodulator has other actions, including
of impulses at the initial segments of other axons modifying the responsiveness to transmitters.
or with the activities of other synaptic terminals. Having crossed the synaptic cleft, the trans-
Dendrodendritic synapses can modify a neuron’s mitter molecules combine with receptors on
responses to input at other synapses. the postsynaptic cell. If the transmitter–recep-
When the membrane potential of a presyn- tor interaction is one that results in excitation,
aptic neurite is reversed by the arrival of an ac- nonspecific cation channels are opened, al-
tion potential (or, in the case of a dendroden- lowing entry of Na1 and Ca21 and efflux of K1
dritic synapse, adequately reduced by a graded at postsynaptic sites. Inhibition, on the other
fluctuation), calcium channels are opened and hand, primarily involves the opening of chlo-
Ca21 ions diffuse into the cell because they are ride channels in the postsynaptic membrane,
present at a much higher concentration in the which is transiently hyperpolarized as a con-
extracellular fluid than in the cytoplasm. Entry sequence of the diffusion of Cl2 ions into the

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O-16 PART 1 A
Introduction and Neurohistology

Axoaxonal synapse
(Gray's type I)

Axodendritic synapse with Electrical synapse

dendritic spine (Gray's type I) (dendrodendritic)

Figure 2-11 Ultrastructure of various types of synapses. The green areas represent the cytoplasmic processes
of astrocytes. A, axons; D, dendrites.

cytoplasm. Some inhibition results from the receptors associated with G proteins. The lat-
opening of K1 channels, which allows K1 to ter substances bind guanosine triphosphate and
leave the cell, thereby resulting in a net nega- participate in intracellular second-messenger
tive charge inside the neuron, similar to the systems in the cytoplasm of the postsynaptic
effect of the entry of Cl2 ions. These changes cell. The inhibitory transmitter GABA acts on
in the membrane potential are additive over ionotropic receptors associated with chloride
the whole receptive surface of the postsynaptic channels and on G protein–associated recep-
neuron. If the net electrical change reaches a tors that induce opening of potassium channels.
threshold level of depolarization to about −55 Glutamate, the most abundant excitatory trans-
mV at the axon hillock, an action potential mitter, also acts on both ionotropic and metabo-
will be initiated and will travel along the axon. tropic receptors.
Thus, the sum of the postsynaptic responses The properties of some neurotransmitters
in the receptive field of a neuron determines and neuromodulators are summarized in Table
whether, at any given moment, an impulse 2-2. This table does not include the many pep-
will be sent along the axon. tides that serve as transmitters and modulators
Some neurotransmitters act rapidly (within throughout the nervous system.
milliseconds) by combining with ionotropic re-
ceptors, which are also the ion channels in the
membrane. Other substances, notably the pep-
Electrical Synapses
tides, have more protracted actions (within sec- Electrical synapses are common in invertebrates
onds, minutes, or hours). Slowly acting transmit- and lower vertebrates and have been observed
ters or modulators combine with metabotropic at a few sites in the mammalian nervous sys-

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-17

Table 2-2 Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulators

Compound Occurrence and Functions
Amino acids
Glutamate Excitatory neurotransmitter in all parts of the CNS
GABA Inhibitory neurotransmitter in all parts of the CNS
Glycine Inhibitory neurotransmitter in spinal cord and brain stem
Amines and related compounds
Acetylcholine Excitatory transmitter used by motor neurons and by all pre-
ganglionic and some postganglionic autonomic neurons (see
Chapter 24). In the CNS, acetylcholine is the transmitter or neu-
romodulator used by neurons in certain nuclei of the reticular
formation (see Chapter 9) and in nuclei in the basal forebrain
that project to the cerebral cortex.
Dopamine Used by neurons in the hypothalamus, substantia nigra, and
ventral tegmental area (see Chapters 11, 12, and 18). Modula-
tory actions in the corpus striatum, limbic system, and prefrontal
Noradrenaline (norepinephrine) Transmitter used by most neurons of sympathetic ganglia (see
Chapter 24); actions vary with the receptors on the innervated
Noradrenaline-producing neurons in the locus coeruleus and
other parts of the reticular formation (see Chapter 9) have
neuromodulatory effects throughout the brain and spinal cord.
Histamine Excitatory transmitter used by neurons in the tuberomamillary
nucleus of the hypothalamus. These neurons have long, branched
axons that go to most parts of the brain and are believed to be
involved in maintaining consciousness.
Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine) Neuromodulator used by neurons in the midline of the brain
stem with long branching axons going to all parts of the CNS.
Various actions include involvement in sleep (see Chapter 9),
mood (see Chapter 18), and pain (see Chapter 19).
CNS, central nervous system; GABA, gamma-aminobutyrate.

tem. Each consists of a close apposition (2 nm) nexons that joins cells is known by the general
of presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes, term gap junction.
across which the cytoplasms of the two cells
are joined by numerous tubules or connexons,
formed from transmembrane protein molecules Axonal Transport
of both cells. Water and small ions and mol-
ecules move freely through the connexons. An Proteins, including enzymes, membrane lipo-
electrical synapse offers a low-resistance path- proteins, and cytoplasmic structural proteins,
way between neurons, and there is no delay are transported distally within axons from their
because a chemical mediator is not involved. sites of synthesis in the perikaryon. Two ma-
Unlike most chemical synapses, electrical syn- jor rates of transport have been identified by
apses are not polarized, and the direction of studying the distribution of proteins labeled by
transmission fluctuates with the membrane po- incorporation of radioactive amino acids. Most
tentials of the connected cells. A cluster of con- of the protein moves distally at a rate of about

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O-18 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

1 mm/day. This component consists largely of cell body. When the cell body is destroyed, the
structural proteins, including the subunits of axon is isolated from the synthetic machinery of
neurofilaments and microtubules. A smaller the cell and soon breaks up into fragments, which
proportion is transported much more rapidly at are eventually phagocytosed. Similar changes oc-
a mean velocity of 300 mm/day. Transport also cur distally to the site of an axonal injury. The
occurs simultaneously in the reverse direction, degeneration of an axon that has been detached
from the synaptic terminals to the cell body. from the remainder of the cell is called Wallerian
The retrogradely transported material includes degeneration. This process affects not only the
proteins imbibed from the extracellular fluid axon but also its myelin sheath, even though the
by axonal terminals as well as proteins that latter is not part of the injured neuron.
reach the axon terminals by fast anterograde
transport and are returned to the perikaryon. Reactions in the Cell
The rate of retrograde transport is variable, but Body
most of the material moves at about two-thirds
the speed of the fast component of the antero- Changes in the cell body after axonal tran-
grade transport. section constitute the axon reaction. They
The rapid components of axonal transport vary according to the type of neuron. Cells
in both directions involve predominantly parti- in some locations degenerate and disappear.
cle-bound substances and require the integrity This happens to most neurons when the injury
of the microtubules of the axoplasm. Particles occurs before or soon after birth. Conversely,
move along the outsides of the tubules. It is an the proximal portions of some adult neurons
amazing feat of biological engineering that dif- are not significantly altered by cutting the axon.
ferent substances can move at different rates In such cells, 24 to 48 hours after interruption
and in different directions at the same time of the axon, the normally coarse clumps of
within a tube as thin as an axon. Nissl substance are changed to a finely granular
The substances transported in the slow com- dispersion, a change known as chromatolysis
ponent are mostly structural proteins: tubulin (the (Online Fig. 2-3). The nucleus assumes an
subunits of microtubules), actin (for microfila- eccentric position, and the whole cell body
ments), and the subunits of the neurofilament pro- swells. These changes reach a maximum 10
teins. The fast component of anterograde axonal to 20 days after axonal transection, and the
transport moves at 400 mm per day in mammals closer the injury is to the cell body, the more
and birds or at 200 mm per day in cold-blooded severe the swelling. In a chromatolytic neuron,
vertebrates. Fast transport is prevented by microtu- accelerated synthesis of RNA and proteins takes
bule-disrupting drugs such as colchicine and vin- place that favors regrowth of the axon when
blastine. Substances moved in the fast component conditions make such regeneration possible.
include enzymes of neurotransmitter metabolism Recovery commonly takes several months, and
and peptides that are transmitters or neuromodu- the cell body is eventually smaller than normal
lators. They are contained in particles such as small if the axon does not regenerate.
vesicles of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum that The changes described are most easily seen
move along the outsides of the microtubules. in motor neurons after transection of a pe-
ripheral nerve. In cells confined to the CNS,
the axon reaction is conspicuous only in some
Responses of Neurons to large neurons. Large cells may exhibit no axon
reaction when collateral axonal branches that
Injury arise close to the cell body are spared.
Transneuronal degeneration is similar in
Neurons may be injured physically or by disease appearance to the axon reaction, but it occurs
processes such as infarction caused by vascular in neuronal cell bodies that have been deprived
occlusion. Whereas small interneurons are likely of most of their afferents. For example, tran-
to suffer total destruction, injury to large neurons section of the optic tract is followed after sev-
may result either in destruction of the cell body or eral weeks by atrophy of some of the neurons
transection of the axon with preservation of the in the lateral geniculate body of the thalamus,

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-19

clear leukocytes emigrate through the walls of

blood vessels and accumulate in the cylindrical
space within the basal lamina of the column of
Schwann cells associated with each nerve fiber.
The remains of the axon and its myelin sheath
(or the axons only in the case of unmyelinated
fibers) are phagocytosed. Thus, the distal stump
of a degenerated nerve is filled with tubular for-
mations, known as the bands of von Bungner,
that contain phagocytes and Schwann cells.

Axonal Regeneration in
Peripheral Nerves
Online Figure 2-3 A spinal motor neuron ex-
If the axon of a large neuron is transected half-
hibiting the axon reaction (chromatolysis) 6 days after
cutting a motor nerve. (Stained with a blue cationic dye way along its length, the cell loses more than
to show nucleic acids. Compare with Fig. 2-2). half of its cytoplasm. This lost part of the neu-
ron can be regrown when the injury occurs
within the territory of the peripheral nervous
which is where most of the optic fibers termi- system. The reparative process is known as
nate. The postsynaptic neurons have not been axonal regeneration. It is important to distin-
directly injured, and their degeneration is at- guish between this use of the word regeneration
tributed to withdrawal of a trophic substance and the replacement of lost cells by mitosis and
normally supplied by the presynaptic neurons. reorganization of tissue.
Neurons in the CNS of immature animals are If a nerve has been severed, the regenera-
particularly susceptible to damage caused by tion of its axons requires apposition of the cut
deafferentation. ends by placement of sutures through the epi-
neurium. The individual fascicles of the nerve
should be realigned as accurately as possible.
Consequences of
A crushing injury (or freezing a short length
Cutting a Peripheral
of nerve in a laboratory animal) transects the
axons but leaves intact the connective tissues of
The axon does not last long when separated the nerve, including the perineurial sheaths of
from the cell body. Phagocytes remove the re- the fascicles. No surgical intervention is needed
sidual bits of axon and myelin, and they pre- for this type of injury because the cells and con-
pare the nerve to receive any axons that might nective tissue of the endoneurium are there to
regenerate into its distal stump. These events guide growing axons to their appropriate des-
constitute Wallerian degeneration. tinations.
In a severed nerve, the regeneration of axons
Wallerian Degeneration requires surgical apposition of the cut ends. A
in Peripheral Nerves crushing injury (or freezing a short length of
nerve in a laboratory animal) transects the ax-
Simultaneously, throughout its length, on the ons but leaves the connective tissue framework
first day, the axon distal to the lesion becomes of the nerve intact to guide growing axons to
irregularly swollen. By the 3rd to 5th day, the their appropriate destinations.
axon has broken into fragments. Muscle con-
traction induced by electrical stimulation of a
degenerating motor nerve ceases 2 to 3 days af-
Axonal Growth and
ter the nerve is interrupted. The myelin sheath is
converted into short ellipsoidal segments during The following description applies to nerves
the first few days and gradually undergoes com- that have been cleanly cut through and re-
plete disintegration. In the meantime, mononu- paired. During the first few days, phagocytes

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O-20 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

and fibroblasts fill the interval between the ap- b a

posed ends. Regenerating axons and migrating a
Schwann cells invade this region by about the A
4th day, with each axon dividing into many
filamentous branches, each with an enlarged
tip known as a growth cone. The rate of axo-
nal growth is slow at first; the growth cones
may take up to 3 weeks to traverse the site of
transection. Many axons grow into nearby con-
nective tissue, but some find their way into the
bands of von Bungner in the distal segment. If
too many axons fail to enter the distal stump,
a swelling or neuroma is formed and may be-
come a source of spontaneous pain.
The invasion of a particular tube leading to
a specific type of end organ appears to be deter- c
mined only by chance. After crossing the region
of the lesion (Fig. 2-12) and entering the bands
of von Bungner, the axonal filaments grow along
the clefts between columns of Schwann cells and C
the surrounding basal laminae. Usually, only
one branch of each axon enters a single tube;
other sprouts are drawn back into the shaft of
the growing axon. The rate of growth within the
nerve distal to the lesion is 2 to 4 mm/day.
Regenerating axons eventually reach motor
and sensory endings; the proportion of correctly
reinnervated endings depends on conditions e
at the site of the original injury. The time that
will elapse between nerve suture and the be- g
ginning of functional return may be estimated f
on the basis of an average regeneration rate of
1.5 mm/day. This value takes into account the
time required for the fibers to traverse the le- Figure 2-12 Longitudinal section of axons regen-
sion and for the peripheral nerve endings to be erating from the proximal stump (A) across the scar at
a site of transection and repair (C) and into the distal
reinnervated. stump (B) of a peripheral nerve. a, b, c, misdirected
In a human limb, axonal regeneration can regenerating axons; d, coils formed by growing axons
be monitored by testing for Tinel’s sign—that that fail to enter the scar; e, branching regenerated
is, when part of a nerve containing regenerating axon; f, g, axons growing into the peripheral stump.
axons is tapped with a small hammer, the patient (Adapted from Cajal SR. Degeneration and Regeneration
reports a tingling sensation in the area of skin that of the Nervous System, vol I. London: Oxford University
normally would be supplied by the nerve. Press, 1928:243.)
Each regenerating axon becomes surrounded
by the cytoplasm of Schwann cells. For axons merly did. There is less precise control of rein-
that are to be myelinated, the Schwann cells lay nervated muscles, and sensory function is also
down myelin sheaths, starting near the lesion inferior to that mediated by uninjured nerves.
and proceeding distally.
Even years after injury and repair, the fiber
Nerve Grafts
diameters, internodal lengths, and conduction
velocities are seldom more than 80% of the cor- When a substantial length of a nerve has been lost,
responding normal values. Regenerated motor the deficit can be repaired by inserting a graft taken
axons supply more muscle fibers than they for- from a thin cutaneous nerve that is functionally

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-21

less important than the one to be repaired. Several types, including neurons and glial cells. Some
strands of thin nerve are placed side by side, in the proteins inhibit axonal growth; the one best
manner of a cable, for grafting into a large nerve. understood is present in oligodendrocytes and
Axonal regeneration in a nerve graft is identical myelin.
to that in a transected and sutured nerve, but the In a few circumstances, axons regenerate
growing axons have to negotiate two sites of anas- successfully within the mammalian brain. For
tomosis. The functional recovery is, therefore, far example, the unmyelinated neurosecretory ax-
from perfect. A nerve graft must be an autograft ons of the pituitary stalk (see Chapter 11) can
(i.e., taken from the same individual) or an isograft regenerate effectively in adult mammals. Axons
(i.e., taken from an identical twin), or it will be re- of several kinds can regenerate across lesions
jected by the immune system. made in the brain or spinal cord in newborn ro-
dents or the pouch-young of marsupials. Both
newly growing and regenerating axons cross
Axonal Degeneration the sites of transection and make appropriate
and Regeneration in the synaptic connections with other neurons. These
Central Nervous System
animals are at developmental stages equivalent
The simplest lesion to visualize is an incised to early and midfetal development in humans.
wound of the brain or spinal cord. The space Nevertheless, many neurons of immature ani-
made by the knife blade fills with blood and mals die after axotomy. Central axons can re-
later with collagenous connective tissue, which generate and accurately reconnect with other
is continuous with the pia mater. The astro- neurons in adult fishes and amphibians.
cytes in the nervous tissue on each side of the
collagenous scar generate longer and more nu-
Plasticity of Neural
merous cytoplasmic processes, which form a
tangled mass. The number of astrocytes does
not increase appreciably, but there is a large Considerable functional recovery commonly
increase in the total cell population caused occurs after traumatic or pathological damage
mainly by emigration of monocytes from blood to the brain, especially when the lesion is not
vessels to form phagocytic cells known as reac- large. For example, destruction of a small area
tive microglia. The resting microglia that were of cerebral cortex that had a well-defined mo-
present before the injury also transform into tor or sensory function is followed by paralysis
phagocytes. or loss of sensation, with recovery after several
The degeneration of severed central axons weeks. Similar recovery occurs after partial
and their sheaths is different from the process transection of tracts of fibers. Recovery from
of Wallerian degeneration in peripheral nerves. paralysis caused by occlusion of blood vessels
Degenerating fragments of myelinated axons in the cerebral hemispheres (i.e., stroke) is
are present as extracellular objects for several commonly seen in clinical practice, and func-
months after the original injury, and the reac- tional recovery may even occur after incom-
tive microglial cells that eventually phagocytose plete transverse lesions of the spinal cord.
the debris persist in situ for many years, mark- Functional recovery involves the taking
ing the positions of the degenerated fibers. over of the functions of damaged neurons by
Axons that have been transected in a nerve neurons that remain intact. The reorganization
regrow vigorously, as described earlier. In con- of connections within the brain is known as
trast, when axons are transected within the plasticity. This may be an extension of a nor-
brain or spinal cord, their proximal stumps be- mally present adaptability used in the learning
gin to regenerate, sending sprouts into the re- of often-repeated tasks. Structural changes ac-
gion of the lesion, but this growth ceases after company the functional plasticity that occurs
about 2 weeks. This failure of axonal regenera- after injury to the nervous system. Thus, when
tion is attributed partly to inadequate provision a group of neurons is deprived of part of its af-
of growth factors, which are proteins that pro- ferent input, preterminal axons that come from
mote survival of neurons and axonal growth. quite different places grow new branches that
Growth factors are produced by various cell then form synapses at the sites denervated by

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O-22 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

the original lesion. This event, known as axo-

nal sprouting, may occur within a small group
Neuroglial Cells
of neurons or over greater distances, as when
The word neuroglia means “nerve-glue” (from
the axons of intact dorsal root ganglion cells
two Greek words); it is often shortened to glia.
extend their axons for three or four segments
When the term was coined, it was thought that
up and down the spinal cord after transection
the tissue consisted of extracellular fibrillary and
of neighboring dorsal roots.
granular material in addition to cells of the CNS. It
is now known that the central neuroglia consists
Transplantation of entirely of cells, collectively known as gliocytes
Central Neurons and that the fibrous and particulate elements are
Neurons of the adult CNS die soon after re- intermediate filaments and mitochondria in the
moval from the body, presumably as the re- cytoplasm. In current usage, the word neuroglia
sult of severance of their axons and dendrites. applies to all cells that are closely associated with
Axons can, however, grow into and out of neurons, in the peripheral as well as the CNS. The
fragments or isolated cells taken from the em- different types of neuroglial cells are described in
bryonic or fetal brain and transplanted into Online Table 2.1 and illustrated in Figure 2.1.
certain parts of the adult brain. In laboratory The term neuroglia originally referred only
animals, transplanted fetal neurons can partly to cells in the CNS. It is now applied also to the
compensate for the effects of injuries and ex- nonneuronal cells that are intimately related to
perimentally induced diseases. Many attempts neurons and their processes in peripheral gan-
have been made to try such grafts in people glia and nerves. The principal structural fea-
with Parkinson’s disease (see Chapter 12), but tures of each type are shown in Figure 2-13.
no substantial or lasting benefits to the recipi- The developmental biology of neuroglial cells
ents have been found. Transplantation of fetal is reviewed in Chapter 1.
neurons into the human brain or spinal cord
is unlikely to acquire therapeutic significance Central Neuroglia
because (a) even with multiple fetal donors,
the number of grafted neurons is unrealisti- Astrocytes
cally small in relation to the corresponding Astrocytes are variable cells with many cytoplas-
parts of the recipient brain; (b) neurons de- mic processes. Their cytoplasm contains interme-
posited in what would be the normal loca- diate filaments composed of glial fibrillary acidic
tions of their cell bodies are unlikely to gener- protein (GFAP). Many astrocytic processes are
ate axons that will grow several centimeters closely applied to capillary blood vessels, where
in the right direction through the host brain they are known as perivascular end feet. Other
into appropriate populations of postsynaptic end feet are applied to the pia mater at the ex-
neurons; and (c) neurons deposited in regions ternal surface of the CNS and beneath the single
their axons might normally innervate will not layer of ependymocytes that lines the ventricular
receive afferent synapses appropriate to the system, forming, respectively, the external and
normal locations of their cell bodies. the internal glial limiting membranes.
Current research on transplantation into the Two extreme types of astrocytes are easily
brain is focused on stem cells, which may be recognized by light or electron microscopy.
induced to differentiate into neurons or neuro- Fibrous astrocytes occur in white matter and
glial cells and on adult-derived glial cells such have long processes with coarse bundles of
as Schwann cells and olfactory ensheathing GFAP filaments. Protoplasmic (or velate) as-
cells which can encourage axonal growth in the trocytes are found in gray matter, and their
adult brain. There is also much interest in neu- processes are greatly branching and flattened
ral progenitor cells that occur in certain places to form delicate lamellae around the terminal
in the brains of adult animals. These cells can branches of axons, dendrites, and synapses.
be induced to migrate and differentiate into Müller cells (in the retina) and pituicytes (in
neurons; exploitation of this property may have the neurohypophysis; see Chapter 11) are va-
therapeutic potential. rieties of protoplasmic astrocytes. Olfactory

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-23

Online Table 2-1 Neuroglial Cells

Name Description
Gliocytes of the central nervous system
Radial neuroglia These are the first glial cells to appear in embryonic develop-
ment. The nucleus is in the epithelium lining the neurocoele,
and a long cytoplasmic process extends to the outside
surface of the neural tube. Radial neuroglial cells persist into
adult life in submammalian vertebrates. In mammals, they
change into ependymocytes and astrocytes. (Cultured radial
glia cells proliferate and give rise to neurons and astrocytes
but not oligodendrocytes.)
Ependymocytes These form a columnar epithelium (the ependyma) that lines
the neurocoele in the adult. Most ependymocytes have cilia.
The basal surface of each cell has cytoplasmic processes that
anchor it to the underlying nervous tissue. In addition to
regular ependymocytes, there are three variant types:
Ependymal astrocytesare cells with much-branched
processes, in submammalian vertebrates.
A tanycyte is an ependymocyte with a single, long basal
process. Tanycytes are present in the third ventricle and hy-
pothalamus in mammals. Their basal processes end on blood
vessels in the median eminence of the hypothalamus and may
be involved in control of the secretion of hormones by the
pituitary gland.
Choroidal epitheliumis composed of special ependymal
cells on the surfaces of the choroid plexuses, which produce
the cerebrospinal fluid that fills the ventricles of the brain.
Astrocytes The “star cells” have numerous processes. They are pres-
ent everywhere in the brain and spinal cord. The cytoplasm
contains glycogen granules and intermediate filaments (8–9
nm diameter) made of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP).
Astrocytes are interconnected by many gap junctions. There
are different types of astrocytes:
Fibrous astrocytescontain large quantities of GFAP; they
occur in tracts of nerve fibers and near the surface of the
brain. Many of the cytoplasmic processes abut as end-feet on
the basal laminae of capillary blood vessels. Astrocytic end-
feet also form the thin external glial limiting membrane at
the outside surface of the brain and spinal cord and around
the larger blood vessels. There is a similar internal glial limiting
membrane, subjacent to the ependyma.
Protoplasmic astrocytes(also called velate astrocytes)
have veil-like processes, which mingle with the tangled axons
and dendrites of neurons. They contain less GFAP than
fibrous astrocytes, and most of their processes are too thin
to be resolved individually by light microscopy.
Pituicytes—The glial cells of the neurohypophysis are atypi-
cal astrocytes.
Müller cells—Radially oriented astrocytes that span the
layers of the retina.

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O-24 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

Online Table 2-1 Neuroglial Cells (continued)

Name Description
Olfactory ensheathing cells invest primary olfactory
axons on the surface of the olfactory bulb. They have struc-
tural and chemical features in common with both astrocytes
and peripheral gliocytes.
Reactive astrocytes—Seen at sites of injury: normal astro-
cytes enlarge and grow many new processes containing GFAP.
Corpora amylacea—Spherical bodies 25–50 μm in diame-
ter, seen in the normal brains and spinal cords of middle-aged
and elderly people. Most of these objects are formed by ac-
cumulation of glycoproteins and lipoproteins within processes
of astrocytes, although some contain proteins that normally
are present in oligodendrocytes or neurons. Corpora amy-
lacea are often abundant, especially in the white matter of
the spinal cord, and it is surprising that they do not interfere
with function. At sites of degeneration of the cerebral cortex,
there is sometimes a locally increased abundance of corpora
amylacea, but these bodies are not themselves considered to
be involved in the causation of disease.
By staining immunohistochemically to demonstrate certain
cell surface glycoproteins, astrocytes in laboratory rodents
have been classified into two types (designated as Types 1
and 2) that do not correspond to the classic fibrous and
protoplasmic varieties. The Type 1 cells form the glial limiting
membranes and have end feet on blood vessels, whereas the
Type 2 cells are intimately associated with neuronal surfaces
around synapses and at nodes of Ranvier. Modern methods
are likely to reveal yet other cell types, but the traditional
classification of astrocytes as fibrous and protoplasmic types
remains valuable for naming the cells in ordinary light and
electron microscopy, especially in the human central nervous
Oligodendrocytes The name means “cells with few branches.” They have smaller,
denser nuclei than astrocytes. The cytoplasm contains rough
endoplasmic reticulum, polyribosomes and microtubules (25
nm), but no glycogen or GFAP. Oligodendrocytes occur in
two locations:
Interfascicular oligodendrocytes—Seen in rows be-
tween the bundles of axons in white matter. These cells form
myelin in the central nervous system.
 atellite oligodendrocytes occur, together with astro-
cytes, around the cell bodies of large neurons.
Microglial cells These, the least abundant glial cells, resemble oligodendro-
cytes but are more irregularly shaped, with processes that
bear short spines and with elongated rather than round nu-
clei. They are of mesodermal origin, being derived from blood
cells (monocytes).
Resting microglial cellsare normally present, evenly
spread through the gray and white matter.

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-25

Online Table 2-1 Neuroglial Cells (continued)

Name Description
Pericytes, cells adjacent to some capillary blood vessels in
the normal brain, are also derived from monocytes.
Reactive microglia—In injured or diseased central ner-
vous tissue, these phagocytic cells participate in inflammatory
reactions. Some are activated resting microglial cells. More are
monocytes (a type of white blood cell) that have migrated
through the walls of small vessels into the abnormal nervous
Gliocytes of the peripheral nervous system
Schwann cells (Neurolemmocytes) These tube-shaped cells with elongated nuclei intimately en-
sheath all axons in all parts of the peripheral nervous system,
including nerve roots and peripheral nerves. Each axon is
suspended in the cytoplasm of its Schwann cell by a double
layer of surface membrane, the mesaxon. The myelin sheaths
of peripheral nerve fibers are formed by Schwann cells. A
myelinated axon is exposed to extracellular fluid at regular
intervals along its length, where there are short gaps between
adjacent neurolemmocytes. The gaps are called nodes of Ran-
vier. One Schwann cell ensheaths either one myelinated axon
or several unmyelinated axons. The surface of an unmyelin-
ated axon is in contact with extracellular fluid along its whole
length, through the cleft between the layers of its mesaxon.
(This cleft is closed off by the formation of a myelin sheath.)
On the outside surface of each Schwann cell, there is a basal
Ganglionic gliocytes Ganglionic gliocytes are more often called satellite cells.
In sensory and autonomic ganglia, these cells intimately sur-
round the neuronal somata. Ganglia also contain Schwann cells
(around axons). The neuroglial cells of the enteric nervous
system (see Chapter 24) have structural and chemical
features in common with both astrocytes and peripheral glio-
cytes. No special name has been given to the enteric glial cells.

ensheathing cells occur in the olfactory nerves turbances within bundles of axons and regions
and in the olfactory bulb of the forebrain. They of neuropil. The dissipation of potassium ions
are derived from the olfactory placode and have and other small molecules is further enhanced
properties in common with both astrocytes and by the existence of gap junctions between adja-
Schwann cells. cent astrocytes.
Synapses and nodes of Ranvier are sur- Corpora amylacea are spherical bodies 25 to 50
rounded by the processes of protoplasmic as- mm in diameter and are seen in the normal brains
trocytes, which bear neurotransmitter-specific and spinal cords of most middle-aged and elderly
transporter molecules on their surfaces. Astro- people. The name is from a fancied similarity to
cytes can absorb some neurotransmitters, no- starch grains. Most corpora amylacea are formed
tably glutamate, thus terminating their actions by accumulation of glycoproteins and lipoproteins
on the postsynaptic membrane. The absorp- within processes of astrocytes, although some con-
tion of potassium ions by astrocytes around tain proteins that are normally present in oligoden-
synapses, unmyelinated axons, and nodes of drocytes or neurons. Corpora amylacea are often
Ranvier restrains the spread of electrical dis- extremely abundant, especially in the white mat-

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O-26 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

Interfascicular oligodendrocytes

Fibrous astrocyte with

end feet on blood vessels

Resting microglial cell

in gray matter

Ependymal cells

Protoplasmic astrocyte

Figure 2-13 Neuroglial cells of the central nervous system.

ter of the spinal cord, and it is surprising that they ous microtubules are present in the processes.
do not interfere with function. At sites of degen- Interfascicular oligodendrocytes occur in rows
eration of the cerebral cortex, a locally increased among myelinated axons, where their cytoplas-
abundance of corpora amylacea sometimes occurs, mic processes form and remain continuous with
but these bodies are not thought to be involved in the myelin sheaths (see Fig. 2-9). This function
the causation of disease. is equivalent to that of the Schwann cell in pe-
ripheral nerves. One oligodendrocyte is con-
Oligodendrocytes nected to several myelinated axons. Satellite
The nuclei of oligodendrocytes are small. A rim oligodendrocytes are closely associated with the
of cytoplasm surrounds the nucleus, and the cell cell bodies of some large neurons. Astrocytes are
has a few long, thin processes. The cytoplasm also closely associated with neuronal cell bod-
is conspicuous because of its high electron den- ies. A third type of oligodendrocyte, which does
sity and because it contains much granular en- not form myelin, has cytoplasmic processes that
doplasmic reticulum and many polyribosomes. contact the nodes of Ranvier in white matter,
Filaments and glycogen are absent, but numer- alongside processes of astrocytes.

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Chapter 2 Cells of the Nervous System O-27

Ependyma croglial cells are evenly spaced throughout the

The ependyma is the simple cuboidal to co- gray and white matter, with little overlapping
lumnar epithelium that lines the ventricular or intertwining of their processes.
system. Three cell types are recognized in the Resting microglial cells are equivalent to the
ependyma. Ependymocytes constitute the ma- resident macrophages of other tissues, and they
jority. Their cytoplasm contains all the usual can acquire phagocytic properties when the
organelles as well as filaments similar to those CNS is afflicted by injury or disease. They may
in astrocytes. Most ependymocytes bear cilia also be involved in protecting the nervous tis-
and microvilli on their free or apical surfaces. sue from viruses, microorganisms, and the for-
The bases of the cells have cytoplasmic pro- mation of tumors.
cesses that mingle with the astrocytic end feet
Abnormal Central Neuroglia
of the internal glial limiting membrane. Epen-
dymocytes line the ventricular system and are When the brain or spinal cord is injured, the
thus in contact with the cerebrospinal fluid astrocytes near the lesion undergo hypertro-
(CSF). These cells are not connected by tight phy. The cytoplasmic processes become more
junctions, and molecules of all sizes are freely numerous and are densely packed with GFAP
exchanged between the CSF and the adjacent filaments. There may also be a small increase
nervous tissue. in the number of the cells caused by mitosis of
Tanycytes differ from ependymocytes in mature astrocytes. These changes, known as
having long basal processes. Most of these cells gliosis, occur in many pathological conditions,
occur in the floor of the third ventricle. Their and sometimes the reactive astrocytes acquire
basal processes end on the pia mater and on phagocytic properties.
blood vessels in the median eminence of the Cells with structural and staining properties
hypothalamus (see Chapter 11). It has been similar to those of resting microglial cells ap-
suggested that the tanycytes of the ventral hy- pear in large numbers at the sites of injury or
pothalamic region respond to changing levels inflammatory disease in the CNS. Experimental
of blood-derived hormones in the CSF by dis- evidence indicates that some of these pathologi-
charging secretory products into the capillary cal cells, known as reactive microglial cells, are
vessels of the median eminence. Such activity formed from resting microglial cells, which re-
may be involved in the control of the endocrine tract their processes, divide, exhibit amoeboid
system by the anterior lobe of the pituitary movement, and acquire phagocytic properties.
gland (see Chapter 11). The activation of resident microglia occurs im-
mediately after almost any kind of insult. At a
Choroidal epithelial cells cover the sur-
later stage, large numbers of monocytes enter
faces of the choroid plexuses. They have mi-
the nervous system by passing through the
crovilli at their apical surfaces and invagina-
walls of blood vessels, and these also assume
tions at their basal surfaces, which rest on a
the appearance of reactive microglial cells and
basement membrane. Adjacent choroidal epi-
phagocytose the remains of dead cells, bacteria,
thelial cells are joined by tight junctions, thus
and other debris. This function is equivalent to
preventing the passive movement of plasma
that of macrophages in other parts of the body.
proteins into the CSF. These cells are meta-
Reactive microglial cells that are distended with
bolically active in controlling the chemical
lipid-rich phagocytosed material are known as
composition of the fluid, which is secreted by
gitter cells.
the choroid plexuses into the cerebral ventri-
cles (see Chapter 26).
Peripheral Neuroglia
About 5% of the total neuroglial population Schwann Cells (Neurolemmocytes)
in the CNS is composed of resting microg- These tubular cells with elongated nuclei inti-
lial cells. These have small, elongated nuclei; mately ensheath all axons in all parts of the pe-
scanty cytoplasm; and several short-branched ripheral nervous system, including nerve roots
processes with spiny appendages. Resting mi- and peripheral nerves. Each axon is suspended

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O-28 PART 1 Introduction and Neurohistology

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