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Sinta : Hy… frieds, I’m sory I’m Iate

Hani : it’s okay
Rendi : les’t we go to the zoo now?
Tini : yeay…..we walking
Sinta : we have arrived at the zoo
Tini : Well, My friends.We are inside the zoo. Which animal
do you want to see first?
Hani : I want to see the Panda bear! Please,friends, take us
to the Panda bear?
Rendi : I want to see birds!
Sinta : Well, let’s first see the map. Um…. I think panda bear’s
is still far away from the entrance, and the birds’ cage
is too. Why don’t we see other animals ?
Tini : That’s right,friend. There must be amazing animals
along the way. Let’s go see them!
Sinta : Well, how about the elephants?
Rendi : Alright!
Hani : Look, friend ! That elephants are super huge!
Sinta : They worked together to take the elephants in here.
Rendi : Where did they come from, Sinta?
Sinta : As far as I know, they were taken from a place called
game preserve.
Rendi : Oh… I see then.
Hani : Look! There are some small fruits all over the ground.
People are throwing the fruits into the elephant’s
mouth. Can I throw the fruits too?
Tini : Look, can you read that? The sign says that it is
forbidden to feed the animals with any foods that
visitors bring.
Hani : Why is that, Tini?
Tini : it’s because the foods that visitors give to the animals
might be unhygienic. These animals really need
hygienic foods
Hani : Oh, I never know that. But, those people keep feeding
the elephants. I’m worried.
Tini : I wish they know what they’re doing soon.
Rendi : I wish the caretakers come here faster to scold at
Sinta : Very well, friend, We have seen the elephants, Are you
hungry enough to have lunch?
Rendi : Yes,I’m really hungry. Can we eat first before going on?
Hani : Me too,
Tini : Okay,Let’s have lunch first. I have made delicious
foods for you all.
Rendi : Alright, let’s find the best spot for us to eat up our
Sinta : okay…

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