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This is where I’ll be highlighting my planning throughout this project so I can keep track of what I have done
and what I need to do next.

Date: Pre/Prod/Post/Eval: What do I need to do? Aimed day of Actual day of

completion: completion:
(highlight when completed)
06/03/2024 Pre-Production Contact players/fans from 15/03/2024 11/03/2024
the match for possible
06/03/2024 Pre-production Contact the club to see if it’d 15/03/2024 08/03/2024
be possible that I’d be
allowed in the club to film
06/03/2024 Pre-production Form my two different focus 11/03/2024 18/03/2024
groups in time for my
06/03/2024 Pre-production Research the best way that 22/03/2024 18/03/2024
I’m going to travel to
Torquay and decide which
way this will be.
06/03/2024 Pre-production Research different 08/04/2024
fonts/styles of editing to see
which one would be best.
06/03/2024 Pre-production Complete the necessary pre- 28/03/2024 13/04/2024
(just before Easter)
production documents.
recce/risk assessment/call
06/03/2024 Pre-production Draft up a script and then 28/03/2024 30/03/2024
(just before Easter)
perfect it and learn it by the
filming date.
06/03/2024 Pre-production Watch “Losers” again and 28/03/2024 07/03/2024
(just before Easter)
write down possible
valuable information I could
take from it.
06/03/2024 Pre-production Write down my research 11/03/2024 05/03/2024
about the colours chosen for
this project and why. Do
some colour theory
alongside this.
06/03/2024 Pre-production Research possible genres of 28/03/2024
music to include in the
06/03/2024 Pre-production Research different shot 08/04/2024 05/04/2024
06/03/2024 Pre-production Write about plagiarism and 22/03/2024
how I’m taking inspiration
from “Losers”, not
06/03/2024 Pre-production Research the history of the 11/03/2024 07/03/2024
club/player/person I
06/03/2024 Pre-production Research different possible 22/03/2024
art styles for the animation
06/03/2024 Pre-production Learn how to Adobe 08/04/2024
Audition for my audio.
06/03/2024 Pre-production Message Steve McKell and 08/04/2024 22/03/2024
get the Camera/tripod hired
out for Easter.
06/03/2024 Production Collect the camera and 12/04/2024 12/04/2024
tripod equipment that I will
have hired out.
06/03/2024 Production Go to Torquay and film the 13/04/2024 13/04/2024
appropriate clips.
06/03/2024 Production Film the interview session, TBD CANCELLED
whether that be in person or
07/03/2024 Pre-production Look at possible filming 28/03/2024 14/03/2024
locations and decide where I
will film around the ground.
08/03/2024 Pre-production Make sure I know every 12/03/2024 12/03/2024
detail of my piece, so it goes
as well as possible.
11/03/2024 Pre-production Plan interviews with people 18/03/2024 26/03/2024
14/03/2024 Pre-production Write down some interview 18/03/2024 20/03/2024
questions and send them to
the man so he knows what to
14/03/2024 Pre-production Do the analysis of the focus 18/03/2024 18/04/2024
groups form.
25/03/2024 Production Interview Paul Dennis 26/03/2024 26/03/2024
25/03/2024 Production Interview Jane Kelly online. 27/03/2024 27/03/2024
25/03/2024 Pre-production Move all my Weebly stuff 26/03/2024 27/03/2024
onto Weebly at home.
26/03/2024 Pre-production Note down any quotes from 29/03/2024 29/03/2024
Paul and Jane that I can use
when writing my script.
27/03/2024 Pre-production Have my script written and 13/04/2024 Over the Easter
learnt by the time I go to Holiday.
09/04/2024 Production Collect all the clips from the 15/04/2024 10/04/2024
interviewees in the script
and separate them into
specific files before editing.
15/04/2024 Production Put all the files onto my PC 19/04/2024 18/04/2024
from the memory cards and
separate all the usable
13/04/2024 Post-production Compare my storyboards to 22/04/2024 19/04/2024
what my final shots looked
15/04/2024 Post-production Finish my editing/animating 24/05/2024 02/05/2024
before the hand-in date to
allow myself to do the
evaluation. This will need to
be approximately 10
minutes long overall.
22/04/2024 Post-production. Complete my art style 30/04/2024 25/04/2024
research and get
approximately 20 responses
overall to my form. Then,
choose an art style and
practice it before editing.
02/05/2024 Post-production Write down every bit of 24/05/2024
research/work I did whilst
editing onto my Weebly.
08/05/2024 Evaluation Complete the evaluation 24/05/2024
questions in time for the

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