2.02A Career Choices

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02A Career Choices

Louiza Khaled

What three factors do you consider most important in choosing a career and why? Write in 1-2
complete sentences.

1. One of the most important factors is an external factor: how much the job will pay. Even if
it’s not the only one, this factor is very important for my because money is something that
encourages me to work well. If I know that the work, I do is well paid, I take it more
seriously and deliver quality work.

2. Another very important factor for me is an internal factor: my interest in the work and
whether I am passionate about it. Unless I work for a short period of time, I cannot work
my whole life in a field that does not interest me.

3. For me, the last important factor is an internal factor: the ability to evolve in the
profession and to learn during the career. Indeed, so that daily life is not linear, being able
to progress in my career would allow me to expand my knowledge and know-how.

Make a list of three costs related to choosing one career over another.

1. A long-distance career would be a big cost.

2. Not getting along well with your work colleagues would be a big cost.

3. Another big cost would be not being able to work overtime if I need the money.

Write 2-3 sentences explaining WHY a person would choose a degree that makes less money
over a degree that makes more money.

A person might choose a lower-paid job to spend less time at work or to avoid investing too much
in their work and spend more time with family or friends. In addition, some people do not want to
study to work directly after high school, without committing to a career.

Budget Reflection
1. Did you have enough money for all of your expenses?
2. What expenses did you have to cut out completely?
3. No one.
4. What did you have to budget for that you did not expect?
5. Car insurance.
6. What did you learn from this activity?
I learned that there are a lot of expenses to manage that we don't always think about.

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