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Arnel D.

Gabas Jr April 16, 2024


“Embrace My Career Destiny”

I stood at the crossroads of youth and maturity as a senior highschool student, wrestling
with the overwhelming responsibility of mapping out my future career, Equipped with
determination and curiousity, I engaged in different courses and extracurricular activities in an
attempt to discover my interest and talents. It was not easy to navigate through academic
requirements amidst social obligations and personal ambitions, But i kept going because i wanted
a destiny filled with purpose and satisfaction.

One of the most valuable parts of this journey was ability to learn through doing in senior
high school. Internship, job shadowing experiences and volunteer work exposed me to real life
activities in different industries and professions thus enabling me to gain practical skills and
knowledge. In any journey I took through senior highschool career exploration there have been
obstacles encountered. There were times of doubt, moments where everything seemed
impossible and self-uncertainly but with determination and resilence I managed to overcome

It was a calling that really resonated with the deepest recesses of my soul; I discovered my
true passion. Accomplishing work that has an impact on those around me in ways that matter,
whether it is through solving intricate problems in the lab or creating art that fires up the
imagination, brought me deep satisfaction. As i journeyed through the highs and lows of senior
high school career exploration, I came to a realization about purpose beyond job titles and
paycheck. Graduation was near; therefore, I had to choose among wide-ranging opportunities
that possibilities for growth. With the assistance of the mentors, family members, or even career
counselors, I took the risk of proceeding on a journey geared towards self-discovery and
professional development.

As students, we are the one are the given the responsibility of being honest and having
integrity in everything during our academic life. Let us not allow ourselves to be tempted into
cheating or even copying others work as such acts only compromise our integrity in academics
and edrode trust in our educational community. Instead, let us aim at nurturing characters that are
academically honest at all times through what we say, what we do and how we relate with others.
In senior high school, there is a journey of peaks and throughs, wins and loses. Let them become
an avenue for growth as well as learning which makes us gain strength that nothing else could
have offered us before. With full tenacity and resilience unwavering path to success becomes
possible despite any obstacles encountered. In summary, let’s take away moral lessons in action
from these experiences; doing the right thing always; seeing things from other people’s points of
view; taking responsibility for your action; caring for one another ; never giving up no matter the

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