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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Schools Division of Eastern Samar
Escalo Street, Brgy. 12, Llorente, Eastern Samar


Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________
Grade & Section: ___________________________ LRN: ____________

DIRECTION: Read and analyze each item carefully. Choose the best answer and
write it on your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following is considered the highest form of arts in China?
a. Kabuki c. Wayang Kulit
b. Peking Opera d. Dalang
2. What is the key feature of Japanese theater?
a. Costumes & Props c. Vocal Techniques in singing
b. Production staff d. Staging & Scenery
3. What is the primary function of a “Dalang” in the Wayang Kulit performance?
a. Play the instruments c. Act a certain role
b. Direct the production d. Sings the mood songs
4. Below are the instruments used in Peking Opera. Which of the following is a
cross flute that is usually played along with singing?
a. Ti-ts c. Siao
b. Sona d. Hu-ch’in
5. Which type of music is very flexible and can be performed by one shamisen or
entire orchestra?
a. Gamelan c. Yue-chi’in
b. Naugata d. Kagura
6. It is comprised mainly by bronze percussion instruments augmented with
strings and flute.
a. Naugata c. Gamelan
b. Gong d. Erh-huang
7. What is the major dramatic function of Gamelan music in Wayang Kulit?
a. To interpret moods c. To accompany stage action
b. To arose audience interests d. To tell the story
8. What technique is best for subtle delivery of poetical text written in Japanese
metrical form of alternating seven and five syllables?
a. Fan-fan c. Shamisen
b. Gamelan d. Yakuharai
9. In Peking Opera, what is the main goal of the performers?
a. To put beauty into every motion. c. To accompany stage actions
b. To sing the mood songs d. All of the above
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Schools Division of Eastern Samar
Escalo Street, Brgy. 12, Llorente, Eastern Samar

10. Why does gamelan ensemble comprise mainly by bronze instruments?

a. It gives gamelan music a bright and lingering sound.
b. It gives a majestic melodies and clangorous vibrancy of the gamelan.
c. It added in setting the mood or atmosphere of play.
d. All of these
11. A hanging gongs used in the Gamelan ensemble.
a. Bonang c. Gong and kempul
b. Gambang d. Kenong and Ketuk
12. The Peking Opera consists of orchestral music which includes kettle drum.
What is its significance to the performance of Peking Opera?
a. Signify the beginning of the performance
b. Create the tempo of the performance
c. Played along with singing in the performance
d. All of the above
13. The pentatonic style used in kabuki is adopted mainly from ________.
a. China c. Indonesia
b. Japan d. Thailand
14. What is the primary message of “Wayang Kulit”?
a. Reflection toward the spiritual spirit of the gods
b. To entertain audience through performance of puppets
c. To communicate with people watching the performance
d. Partake as annual celebration of Indonesian culture.
15. How can one produce a Wayang Kulit production?
a. By mainly singing
b. By screening of actors
c. By creating puppets
d. All of these
16. Which of the following is the traditional Japanese drama?
a. Kabuki c. Peking Opera
b. Wayang Kulit d. Nang Shadow
17. What do you call to a shadow puppet in Thailand?
a. Leather monkey show c. Togalu Gombeyaata
b. Nang d. Wayang Kulit
18. Which of the following refers to the shadow puppet of Indonesia?
a. Kabuki c. Peking Opera
b. Nang d. Wayang Kulit
19. The Chinese people believed that performing the lion and dragon dances
a. Makes the country more wealthy
b. Drives bad luck and evil spirits away
c. Tells the people to reconcile
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Schools Division of Eastern Samar
Escalo Street, Brgy. 12, Llorente, Eastern Samar

d. Makes the people more healthy

20. The following are worn by female dancers in Balinese, except;
a. Various colors of make-up c. sarong and wrap long sash
b. A crown d. sword in their shoulder
21. Which of the fundamental components of Wayang Kulit performance means a
light source?
a. Blencong c. Kepyak
b. Kothak d. Gamelan
22. Which of the following is used to create the white oshiroi base for the
characteristic stage make up of Kabuki?
a. Rice powder c. Foundation make up
b. Water based paint d. Acrylic paint
23. In kabuki theater art, which of the following symbolizes by “fan” as props?
a. Bird c. Rain
b. Insects d. Wind
24. What is the main objective of wearing Chinese costumes during new year?
a. To maintain the sanctity of their tradition
b. It is believed to bring good luck to people
c. It gives them great power, dignity, wisdom and prosperity
d. It makes them healthier and wealthy.
25. Which of the following is the main reason why Thais launch hot-balloon
lanterns into the sky?
a. For fun
b. For hatred
c. Sends away misfortune and bad lucks
d. For personal purpose
26. What is the BEST term to a cultural dance that is usually passes onto different
generations and represents the specific region?
a. Folk dance c. Asian Dance
b. Regional Folk Dance d. Traditional Dance
27. Why do people engage in Folk dancing?
a. It fulfills certain ceremonial, ritual or entertainment functions
b. It is a means of communication for the transmission or approval of norms
c. It is the one that appears most frequently at the level of a community’s
social life.
d. a-c responses are all correct
28. This dance means “with the use of sticks”.
a. Binislakan c. Sakuting
b. Pangalay d. Sua-ku-Sua
29. Which of the following dances is a courtship dance of Tausug?
a. Binislakan c. Sakuting
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Schools Division of Eastern Samar
Escalo Street, Brgy. 12, Llorente, Eastern Samar

b. Pangalay d. Sua-ku-Sua
30. Which of the following dances uses “Janggay” or an extended metal finger
a. Binislakan c. Sakuting
b. Pangalay d. Sua-ku-Sua
31. Which of the following dances was influenced by the Chinese?
a. Binislakan c. Sakuting
b. Pangalay d. Sua-ku-Sua
32. Which of the following dance steps has the step pattern of “step and cut”?
a. Slide c. Skip
b. Bleking d. Gallop
33. Which of the dance steps below has the step pattern of “heel-place, close”?
a. Bleking c. Mincing
b. Pivot d. Stamping
34. How can one portray a good performance of Binislakan?
a. Using one stick to produce rhythm
b. Using two sticks to produce rhythm
c. Using three sticks to produce rhythm
d. Using 2 bamboos to produce rhythms
35. Which of the following is a step pattern of “Change Step”?
a. Touch, close
b. Steps, close, step
c. Step, step, step and so on
d. Step R, step L close to R in rear, step R
36. It means to bow.
a. Saludo c. Set
b. Bend d. Leap
37. When one stamp or tap his/her one foot and the weight of the body is on the
other foot, this means __________.
a. Saludo c. Padyak
b. Leap d. Set
38. Touch (ct. 1), Close (ct. 2) is a step pattern of ________.
a. Pivot Turn c. Bleking
b. Leap d. Touch
39. What is the step pattern of Skip?
a. Slide, close c. Step and Hop
b. Heel-place, close d. Step and cut
40. You were instructed by your teacher to take waltz step in 16 counts. How
many measures will you use?
a. 4 M c. 16 M
b. 8 M d. 32 M
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Schools Division of Eastern Samar
Escalo Street, Brgy. 12, Llorente, Eastern Samar

41. What classification does cigarette and alcohol belong to?

a. Gateway drugs c. Stimulant drugs
b. Depressant drugs d. Inhalants
42. It is a tall, leafy plant used in producing a cigarette?
a. Tobacco c. Nicotine
b. Carcinogen d. Inhalants
43. This refers to the smoke that a smoker directly inhales.
a. Mainstream smoke c. Sidestream smoke
b. Third-hand smoke d. Cigarette
44. It is a colorless, bitter-tasting substance consumed since the ancient times.
a. Cigarette c. Extracted fruits
b. Alcohol d. Smoke
45. The following are type of alcohol, EXCEPT one;
a. Isopropyl c. Methanol
b. Ethanol d. Beer
46. Which of the following statements correctly tells the negative effect of
cigarette smoking?
a. Smoking causes 2% of oral cancers
b. Smoking may or may not causes neck cancer
c. Smoking decreases miscarriage rick
d. Smoking causes mouth diseases
47. Can alcohol give extra strength and energy?
a. Yes, it provides more calories
b. Yes, alcohol increases your central nervous system
c. No, however alcohol has nutritional value
d. No, alcohol is a depressant
48. Which of the following sections in the R.A no. 9211prohibits the sale of
tobacco within the school perimeter?
a. Section 5 c. Section 9
b. Section 6 d. Section 10
49. Your friend invited you to drink in bar, what will you do?
a. Say Yes, I will go with you.
b. Say Yes, but I’ll just take one glass
c. Say No, maybe next time
d. Say No, I don’t want to drink
50. Which of the following is the best way to avoid taking into cigarette or alcohol?
a. Live alone
b. Limit your friends
c. Suggest another activity
d. None of the above
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Regional Office No. VIII
Schools Division of Eastern Samar
Escalo Street, Brgy. 12, Llorente, Eastern Samar

1 B 11 C 21 A 31 C 41 A
2 C 12 B 22 A 32 D 42 A
3 C 13 A 23 D 33 A 43 A
4 A 14 A 24 A 34 B 44 B
5 B 15 C 25 C 35 B 45 D
6 C 16 A 26 B 36 A 46 D
7 C 17 B 27 D 37 C 47 D
8 D 18 D 28 A 38 D 48 A
9 A 19 B 29 D 39 C 49 D
10 D 20 D 30 B 40 B 50 C

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