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 How to write an effective Precis:

1. Read Carefully: Read the original text thoroughly to understand its main ideas, arguments, and
supporting details.

2. Identify the Main Points: Identify the author's thesis statement (main argument) and the key
supporting points in the text.

3. Condense the Content: Summarize the original text in your own words, condensing it into a
concise paragraph or a few paragraphs.

4. Maintain Structure: Retain the original structure of the text, including the order of the main
points and their logical flow.

5. Omit Irrelevant Details: Eliminate any unnecessary or irrelevant details that do not contribute
to the central message.

6. Avoid Interpretation: A precis is not an analysis or critique. Stick to summarizing the author's
ideas without adding personal opinions.

7. Use Third Person: Write the precis in the third person, even if the original text is in the first

8. Maintain Objectivity: Stay objective and impartial in your summary, avoiding any biases or

9. Check Accuracy: Ensure that your precis accurately reflects the main ideas and tone of the
original text.

10. Be Clear and Concise: Use clear language and be concise in expressing the essential points.

11. Maintain Word Count: Précis often have specific word limits, so ensure you meet the required

12. Proofread: Review your precis for any grammatical or spelling errors.

13. Include Citation: If required, provide a citation to acknowledge the source of the original text.

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