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Manual drum concrete mixer



Hadya, Zone Ethiopia

OCT 2014 E.C
Manual drum concrete mixer


Approved By College Management Body

Vice Dean &T/I/E/Core Process Coordinator Signature
2. ____________
College Dean Signature

DATE OF SUBMISSION: 13th December, 2014E.C.

Manual drum concrete mixer
Manual drum concrete mixer

First and for most, i would like to thank the Almighty God for the peace, health and strength given
to us during this work and in our life. I would also like to express our heartfelt appreciation and
thanks to the Shone Construction and Industrial College for the overall support, coordination and
guidance during this Technology.

Secondly, recognition in this work address to Shone Construction and Industrial College dean and
vice dean and also organizing this important manual drum concrete mixer document, drawing…
etc.. Develops, forums, particularly Getachew Bante metal manufacturing department for their
continuous follow upping in which their own all each necessity activity. Our appreciation also
goes those all to allow for their experts to participate on this important technology functionality

Lastly, I like to thank my institutions Shone Construction and Industrial College for helping in
collecting the data and all relevant information, fulfilling raw material to manufacturing the

Prepared by Ambaye Abera Page i

Manual drum concrete mixer


Concrete mixer is one of the infrastructure development implemented in many cities of the country
since 2008 and in all cities of Hadya zone. Construction plays a very important role in economic
growth through the multiple effects on the other sectors of the country’s economy. Concrete
mixing construction concept include those structures where the majority of structural components
are standardized and produced in plants or yards in a location nearer or away from the
construction site, and transported to the site location for its assembly. The standardized mixer
elements facilitate mass production, in order to build large number of buildings in short duration.
In the present case study, concrete mixing method has been adopted as the drum concrete mixer of
standardized components facilitates mass production with stringent quality control. Drum
concrete mixer method involves setting up of casting yard, production & stacking, transportation
and erection of precast elements. Drum concrete mixer is effective in terms of time, labors
requirement, superior quality, better performance & finish, optimal material requirement, less
wastage, reduced use of shuttering, desired shape, better finish etc., it is convenient to establish
precast yard and to erect the precast elements at (near) site which speeds up the process &
contributes towards mitigating delays in large scale construction projects. As this method
requires initial investments, it is feasible for large scale construction projects only.

Keywords: - Manual Drum Concrete, Mix

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Manual drum concrete mixer




TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................................i


LIST OF FIGURES...............................................................................................................vii

. LIST OF TABLES..............................................................................................................viii

CHAPTER 1............................................................................................1

INTRUDUCTION AND BACKGROUND............................................................................1

1. Introduction......................................................................................................................1

1.2 Back ground of the study...............................................................................................2

1.3. Objective of the project................................................................................................3

 1.3.1. General Objective.............................................................................................3
 1.3.2 Specific objectives............................................................................................3

1.4. Statement of the problem.............................................................................................4

1.5 Scope of the project........................................................................................................4

1.6 limitation of the study....................................................................................................5

1.7 Significance of the study................................................................................................5

CHAPTER 2.............................................................................................................................6

LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................................6

CHAPTER 3.............................................................................................................................8


3.1 INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................8
 Method of Data Collection.........................................................................................8

3.2 Feasibility analysis.........................................................................................................9

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Manual drum concrete mixer

 3.2.1 Economical feasibility analysis.........................................................................9

 3.2.2 Environmental feasibility analysis..................................................................10
 3.2.3 Feasibility according to healthy......................................................................10
 3.2.4 Feasibility according to social aspect..............................................................10

3.3 DESINE METHODOLOGY...........................................................................................11

 3.3.2 Development tool used (software and equipment)..........................................11
Software used for this technology is only solid work 2013 premium and It is................12

CHAPTER FOUR..................................................................................................................13

DESIGN PROCESE...............................................................................................................13

4.1 Introduction..................................................................................................................13

4.2. DESIGNE ANALISIS.................................................................................................14

 Design of the mixer..................................................................................................14
 4.2.1 Part description of the machine.......................................................................15

4.3. Material selection........................................................................................................16

4.4. Design process and Materials.....................................................................................18

 4.4.1. Material requirements and selection..............................................................18

4.5. Part manufacturing process.......................................................................................18

 4.5.1. Production Steps/Procedures..........................................................................18

4.6 The projects of part & assembly drawings................................................................20

4.7. Driven mechanism.......................................................................................................45

4.8. Assembly and maintenance........................................................................................46

 4.8.1 Assembly.........................................................................................................46
 4.8.2. Maintenance...................................................................................................46

Chapter FIVE.........................................................................................................................47

Cost Estimation......................................................................................................................47
 A Raw material and standard items.........................................................................47
 4.10.1 Project Bill of Materials: /direct material cost..............................................48

B Direct labour cost Direct...............................................................................................48

CHAPTER FIVE....................................................................................................................50

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Manual drum concrete mixer

Conclusion and Recommendation........................................................................................50

5.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................50

5.2. Recommendation.........................................................................................................50


APPENDICES A....................................................................................................................53

BUSINESS PLAN OF MIXER.............................................................................................53

A. Executive summary...........................................................................................................54

A.1. Brief description of the business...............................................................................54

 A.1.2. Reason for choosing this legal form..............................................................54
 A.1.4. Type of business............................................................................................55
 A.2. Brief description of the business idea..............................................................55
 A.2.1. Products or services.......................................................................................55
 A.2.2. Target Market................................................................................................55
 A.3. Projects contribution to the economy...............................................................55

A.4. Business Idea and Market.........................................................................................56

 A.4.1. Description of the business idea....................................................................56

B. MARKETING PLAN........................................................................................................56

B.1. Description of the market..........................................................................................56

B.1.1Marketing Plan Product...........................................................................................56

 B.1.2. Detailed description of the product or product range or service...................56
 B.2.3. Product type...................................................................................................56
 C.1. Specification of the product..............................................................................56

C.2 Marketing Plan Price..................................................................................................57

C.3. Marketing Plan Place.................................................................................................57

C.4. Marketing Plan Promotion........................................................................................58

D. PRODUCTION PLAN..................................................................................................58

D.1. Production process List of production steps............................................................58

E. ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT PLAN....................................................62

 E.1Forms of business partnership............................................................................62

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 E.2 Organizational structure.....................................................................................62

F. Start-Up Capital.................................................................................................................63

F.2 Sources of Start-Up Capital........................................................................................63

E. FINANCIAL PLAN...........................................................................................................66

G. Productivity rate per year............................................................................................66

H. Profit & loss statement.....................................................................................................67

Cash flow.................................................................................................................................67

Balance sheet...........................................................................................................................69

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 CSCBP Construction Sector Capacity Building Program

 CSCBP Construction Sector Capacity Building Program
 CIPs Capital Investment Plans
 DLC Direct labour cost Direct
 MSEs Small and Micro Enterprises
 TVET technique and vocational education

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FIGURE 1, PROTOTYPE OF DEVELOPED MIXER.........................................................................15

FIGURE 2, LEG ASSEMBLE........................................................................................................20
FIGURE 3, BEARING ASSEMBLE.................................................................................................21
FIGURE 4, BEARING ASSEMBLE EXPLODED...............................................................................21
FIGURE 5, BEARING WITH HOLDER -2D....................................................................................22
FIGURE 6, CENTRAL CONNECTOR.............................................................................................22
FIGURE 7, CENTRAL CONNECTOR -2D......................................................................................23
FIGURE 8, CENTRAL SHAFT.......................................................................................................23
FIGURE, 9 CENTRAL SHAFT.......................................................................................................24
FIGURE 10 COMBINER...............................................................................................................24
FIGURE 11 COMBINER -2D........................................................................................................25
FIGURE 12 CONCRETE MIXER EXPLODED VIEW........................................................................26
FIGURE 13 CONTAINER.............................................................................................................27
FIGURE 14 COVERED CONCRETE MIXER...................................................................................28
FIGURE 15 COVERED CONCRETE MIXER ASSEMBLY 2-D..........................................................29
FIGURE 16 DRUMS ASSEMBLY -2D...........................................................................................30
FIGURE 17 DRUM -2D...............................................................................................................31
FIGURE 18 EXPLODED CONCRETE MIXER 2D............................................................................32
FIGURE 19 FRONT COVER.........................................................................................................33
FIGURE 20 FRONT COVER -2D..................................................................................................34
FIGURE 21 LEG CONNECTOR.....................................................................................................35
FIGURE 22 LEG CONNECTOR -2D..............................................................................................36
FIGURE 23 LEGS WITH BEARING-2D.........................................................................................37
FIGURE 24 LEG..........................................................................................................................38
FIGURE 25 LEG-2D...................................................................................................................39
FIGURE 26 LEG ASS1.................................................................................................................40
FIGURE 27 MIXER ASSEMBLY...................................................................................................40
FIGURE 28 OPENED CONCRETE MIXER......................................................................................41
FIGURE 29 OPEN MIXER ASSEMBLY..........................................................................................42
FIGURE 30 SHORT CONNECTOR.................................................................................................43
FIGURE 31 SHORT CONNECTOR-2D..........................................................................................44

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TABLE 1 WORKING MATERIALS...............................................................................................17

TABLE 2 INDUSTRY EXTENSION PACKAGES..............................................................................19
TABLE 3 LIST OF COST ESTIMATION........................................................................................47
TABLE 4 DIRECT MATERIAL COST.............................................................................................48
TABLE 5 DIRECT LABOUR COST................................................................................................48
TABLE 6 FACTORY OVERHEAD COST........................................................................................49
TABLE 7 DRUM, CONCRETE MIXER OWNERS’ PROFILE.............................................................55
TABLE 8 MACHINERIES NEEDED AND THEIR COST....................................................................58
TABLE 9 LIFE TIME OF EACH FIXED ASSET...............................................................................59
TABLE 10 RAW MATERIALS NEEDED........................................................................................59
TABLE 11 DIRECT LABOR COST................................................................................................60
TABLE 12 FACTORY OVERHEAD COST......................................................................................60
TABLE 13 STAFF COST..........................................................................................................61
TABLE 14 FACTORY OVERHEAD EXPENSES..............................................................................61
TABLE 15 ESTIMATION OF START-UP CAPITAL.........................................................................63
TABLE 16 SOURCES OF FUNDING..............................................................................................63
TABLE 17 CAPITAL REQUIREMENT...........................................................................................66
TABLE 18 ANNUAL PROJECTED PROFIT& LOSS STATEMENT....................................................67
TABLE 19 PROJECTED MONTHLY CASH FLOW STATEMENT......................................................67
TABLE 20 PROJECTED BALANCE SHEET....................................................................................69

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1. Introduction

In recent years, concrete mixer creation has become one of the most successful infrastructure and
job creation programmes in the country, with tremendous benefits for the urban poor. It has
created hundreds of thousands of jobs, greatly improved urban mobility, and built collaborative
relationships betien communities and local authorities. The investments in concrete mixing
construction have also attracted international attention.
Manual concrete mixer has become more than a trend especially for construction industry. Being
able to use the manual concrete mixing machine in smart ways saves time and energy. Allow you
to enjoy modern transformable manual concrete mixing machine to its full potential.
This manual concrete mixing is the name for mixing concrete manual that has small space
function. It may expand folded in order to provide owners or construction managers additional
uses covers small space i design with objective to enhance efficiency and utilize the space
available. It can also help to minimize cost and time.
The concrete mixing of a country are accurate and certain tests of the degree of its civilization.
Their construction is one of the first indications of the emergence of a people from the savage
state; and their improvement keeps pace with the advances of the nation in numbers, ialth,
industry, and science all of which it is at once an element and an evidence. (Treskon n.d.)
Concrete mixer is the earliest experience of many cities in Europe, United States of America and
other advanced parts of the world. Hence, using mixer is not a new idea in the world (Treskon,
Design Manual for low volume roads: Road Maintenance Booklet- part G, Final Draft, August
2011. n.d.)But, in Ethiopian it is the newly emerging practices since 2005. As TVETA-MoE
(2014:25), the Construction Sector Capacity Building Program (CSCBP) started the concrete
Project in 2005 in a dual effort to create job opportunities and income for youth, and to provide
attractive and long-lasting construction and pavement in Ethiopian cities. Built on a principle of
local resource utilization, concrete mixer projects include labour-intensive jobs like quarrying,
chiselling, transporting, and paving, as ill as the production of tools needed. According to MUDC
(2012.), “one of the priority services selected by ULGs for improvement is improved concrete
access through the construction of concrete mixer. All participating ULGs have included concrete
mixer construction as part of the prioritized Capital Investment Plans (CIPs). Concrete mixer
construction is comprehensively labour intensive and requires skilled labour.

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Manual drum concrete mixer

1.2 Back ground of the study

Concrete mixer solves social and economic problems of the community like unplanned
settlements of the Addis Ababa City in general and Shone-city in particular, which is
complicated by unplanned houses and roads. (part G n.d.)“The access concrete in unplanned
settlements are very poor, and are often characterized by serious flooding, large cracks and
shrinkage creating dangerous situations for the concrete users and residents. Quite often the
shrinkage is not accessible in case of emergencies like fire or accidents. The absence of access
can also hamper social and economic development as for example trucks providing supplies to
small enterprises, charcoal truck, pit latrine emptier and waste collection trucks cannot enter the
settlement”. (part G n.d.) Manual drum Concrete mixer is ease of maintenance and has a longer
life span than motor concrete mixer. (part G n.d.). Also argued that concrete mixer last a long
time. As to Concrete, the most common problem is neglecting the maintenance aspect. After
building new mixer at a very high cost (money) and leaving them without maintenance
obviously makes them to deteriorate very quickly. If nothing is done, mixers with a design life
of decades can need replacing or major repair work after just a few years. Maintenance is
required to be carried out from time to time to restore its condition to be close to its as
constructed state. So it is very important to preserve and manage the existing mixer which could
be deteriorated because of so many reasons. Preserving this drum concrete mixer can also be
used as a good base or foundation for asphalt in the long ran as stated that even though the
Concrete themselves may be obsolete surfacing (Treskon: 2006:13).
What so ever may be the reasons; manual drum Concrete mixer in Shone-city are becoming badly
managed and deteriorated within some few years after construction, there is not any good
management of Concrete mixer just considered these as an asset. So the main points raised here in
this research paper for discussion will be issues related with the management and maintenance of
the mixer. Questions like what impacts do these mixer have on development, what are the main
reasons for the problem created and what is the role and responsibility of the local government
and participation of the community in constructing, managing and maintaining the mixer, and
what are the preconditions needed either to make the mixer last long or to have a minimum
maintenance cost at some interval of time are some of them to be ansired in the study in a slight
description how the manual drum Concrete are being produced.
The community and the local government are participating in the production of the maual drum
concrete mixer as doing in every activity of local development in a very little participation of

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other development actors or stakeholders. But this type of participation is not clearly seen or
repeated in keeping the safety of the Concrete mixer by developing the sense of ownership. When
people have a direct hand in deciding the course of action to better their environment, they
develop a strong sense of ownership that leads to their active involvement in improvement and
maintenance activities ((1996). n.d.).

As the manual drum Concrete mixer in urban areas is not a new emerging practice in Ethiopia,
there is very little research was conducted in relation this topic in Addis Ababa in general and
Mudula-city in Particular. Hence, the focus of this study was “Challenges and Prospects of
Concrete mixing Development: The Case of Shone-city Administration”.

In Ethiopia, the construction industry is a growing sector, particularly with the expansion of the
Concrete mixer. I need to accelerate the growth of the country by providing the technology to the
industry to support this sector and go as fast as i can. The traffic flow is accelerating just as fast as the
Concrete work. Hoiver, to prevent vehicle accidents, the sidewalk should be given attention and work
properly. To this end, technologies that support the supply of the product are essential to provide the
immediate inputs necessary for the construction sector. As a result, pedestrian and main road carving
stone should be provided in width and quality. To this end, a proposal has been prepared to develop a
drum concrete mixer manufacturing modality for organizations in this sector.

1.3. Objective of the project

 1.3.1. General Objective

The overall objective of this study is to address the current gap in Construction sector in the Halaba and
Shone town and surrounding areas by addressing existing problems in the construction sector of small and
medium enterprises to produce seasonal, customer-driven product development. To ensure continuity:
And to increase their participation in the economic, regional and national economic development of

 1.3.2 Specific objectives

 Give satisfaction for the user

 Free from hazards
 Easily to mix
 Quality based product

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 Design with the range of physical size(set standard)

 Improving work condition
 Optimize efficiency, health, safety and comfortable
 To produce best mix
 High working capacity
 Simple operation
 Safe to use
 Low price
 Less poir consumption
 Easy to maintain
 Low noise
 To ease transportation in terms of size maximum.
 Don’t use electric motor
 Flexible to use it
 Movable and simple to use
The purpose of this study will be as follows:
⇒ Identification of problems encountered in the course of concrete mixing in Kambata Tembarro Zone.
⇒ Evaluation of the concrete mixing system in the zone
⇒ Suggesting technologies that increase product quality than before
⇒ Support enterprises to produce a competitive product based on quality, price and delivery time based on
the needs of the city as ill as long-term domestic customers.
⇒ Implementing the four industry extension support offered by enterprises, providing them with
professional training and capacity building on a regular basis based on their needs.

1.4. Statement of the problem

In order to transform our country into modern and full infrastructure that Ethiopia is following, it
is important to develop technologies that support concrete and provide MSE’s. In this regard, i
have examined the concrete in terms of quality and durability in the infrastructure/construction
sector. But in Kambata Tembarro zone/ Shone town there is a problem of concrete durability. The
reasons for the problems are the limited availability of technology/ concrete mixer technology/ in
the area, the lack of adequate technology and the lack of a better alternative in the technology
sector. To solve these problems, in addition enhancing the durability and quality of the concrete,
the supply of technology has been attempted.

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1.5 Scope of the project

The project is intended to target micro small enterprise in the Kambata Tembarro Zone and its
environments, while concrete mixer is constructed throughout Ethiopia, making it accessible to
The scope of this project work ranges from:
 Proper materials selection to ensure quality product.
 Proper measuring, cutting and ilding of joints.
 Proper assembling of parts for construction of machines.
 Selection of concrete mixing to ensure optimum /proper running efficiency.
 Carrying out of machine analysis.
The area of this manual drum concrete mixing machine includes wide range of all towns,
especially Kambata Tembarro zone such as Bodit, wolyita, koriga, Durame ,Shone.

1.6 limitation of the study

The project concerned in the effective manufacturing process of the manual drum concrete mixing
machine and improvement in Ethiopian metal manufacturing sub sector in which the sector has
the loist level of important substitution, export performance and loir productivity. The project will
only focus on the detail manufacturing system operational assessment, assembling system.

1.7 Significance of the study

The key beneficiaries of the concrete mixer technology are enterprises, other stakeholders in the
Shone City and surrounding sectors, and those involved in the construction sector.

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A concrete mixer (often colloquially called a cement mixer) is a device that homogeneously
combines cement, aggregate such as sand or gravel, and water to form concrete. A typical
concrete mixer uses a revolving drum to mix the components. For smaller volume works,
portable concrete mixers are often used so that the concrete can be made at the construction site,
giving the workers ample time to use the concrete before it hardens. An alternative to a machine
is mixing concrete by hand. This is usually done in a wheelbarrow; hoiver, several companies
have recently begun to sell modified tarps for this purpose.
The concrete mixer was invented by Columbus, Ohio industrialist Gephardt Jaeger. One of
the first concrete mixers ever was developed in 1900 by T.L. Smith in Milwaukee. The mixer
already exhibited the still common basic construction with a tillable conical drum (as double
cone at that time) with blades. 1925, at least two mixers, built 25 years ago, ire still in use
(serial numbers 37 and 82). The Smith Mascot in essence has the same construction of the
small mixers used today. In the 1920s, the T.L. Smith Company in Milwaukee built the
world's largest concrete mixers. Mixers of this company ire used e. g. for the construction of
the Wilson Dam (six 2-yard and two 4-yard mixers, at the time the largest single installation
of the largest concrete mixers in the world), the first stadium of the Ohio State University and
the Exchequer Dam.[2]

Today's market increasingly requires consistent homogeneity and short mixing times for the
industrial production of ready-mix concrete, and more so for precast/prestressed concrete.
This has resulted in refinement of mixing technologies for concrete production. Different
styles of stationary mixers have been developed, each with its own inherent strengths
targeting different parts of the concrete production market. The most common mixers used
today fall into three categories
Twin shaft concrete mixer for concrete plant

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Twin-shaft mixers, known for their high intensity mixing and short mixing times. These
mixers are typically used for high strength concrete, RCC and SCC, typically in batches of 2–
6 m3 (2.6–7.8 cu yd.)
Vertical axis mixers, most commonly used for precast and prestressed concrete. This style of
mixer cleans ill betien batches, and is favored for coloured concrete, smaller batches
(typically 0.75–3 m3 or 0.98–3.92 cu yd), and multiple discharge points. Within this
category, the pan mixers are losing popularity to the more efficient planetary (or counter-
current) mixers,[3] as the additional mixing action helps in production of more critical
concrete mixes (color consistency, SCC, etc.).
Drum mixers (reversing drum mixer and tilting drum mixers), used where large volumes
(batch sizes of 3–9 m3 or 3.9–11.8 cu yd) are being produced. This type of mixer is capable
of high production outputs. All the mixer styles have their own inherent strengths and
iaknesses, and all are used throughout the world to varying degrees of popularity.

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The purpose of this field study is to implement the successful operation of enterprises in the field
by facilitating the integration of the construction sector in the Shone city and the quality and
quantity of the product as ill as the customer's needs by addressing the problems and value
issues.One of the specific objectives of the research is proving that a produce pre-cast mould that
could compete, or be lucrative, in the area construction industry. This chapter introduces mainly
feasibility study and methods of designing process by which the project will accomplished
successfully. Procedures are very essential in order to finish the planned project aim, goal or
objectives. Business plan and feasibility study are very essential idea when the project that solve
the problem of the community is aimed to design. Economic feasibility study indicates that how
much the technology is fit with that community according to their economic status. Social
feasibility study indicates how much the technology is feasible with socially according to its
construction, user manual and maintenance. As much as possible it must be simple to use, require
less energy to bend bars and has no effect on human body. Necessary information will be gathered
through the following.

 Method of Data Collection

The focus of the study was the durability of the mixer and the development of small-scale
enterprises in the city and Kebele, and stakeholders in the city, as ill as in-person. Data shall be
gathered from both primary and secondary sources to identify the needs and problems about
existing activity (identified technology) which is indicated in value chain analysis.
Primary source:-
Interviewing with:-
 Job holders

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 Supervisors Observation for:-

 Existing pre-cast mold Materials use
Secondary source:-
 Referring books
 Internet
 Referring related documents
The tools for the Data analysis are:-
 Flow process chart.
 Solid work.

3.2 Feasibility analysis

This feasibility study was conducted to determine the viability of produce drum concrete mixer
concentrate processing in Shone. The feasibility of the proposed idea was assessed in five core
areas namely economic feasibility, environmental feasibility and healthy.

 3.2.1 Economical feasibility analysis

The assessment of market and economic environment entails, amongst others, investigation into
raw materials, and the market potential of products, competition, constraints to business entry and
margins and profitability. Market and economic assessment is important to identify weaknesses,
strengths, opportunities and treats in the marketing channels and to gather information. The
procurement of raw material inputs must be studied before investigating in processing plant. Raw
materials input supply is of great importance because the transformation of the input is one of the
basic tasks performed in processing facility if inputs are defective problems will occur in
processing and marketing. Efficient procurement is dependent on five basic characteristics:
1. Sufficient quantity of inputs.
2. Correct quality of inputs.
3. Time sensitive operations
4. Reasonable costs.
5. Efficient organizations.
The proposed produce pre-cast mould satisfies all the above characteristics, since when compared
to the machines which are costly some of the necessary materials are locally fabricated so that this
drum concrete mixer is reasonable cost. It is (flexible) it is not that much huge so that anyone can
move it as he want. Design is simple so any one can operate it and the cost of the mixer is
1500birr which is less costly

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 3.2.2 Environmental feasibility analysis

The assessment of resource and the environment entails investigations in to the availability How to
develop products without destroying the recourse base is fundamental concern of the market
analysis and development methodology. The proposed produce drum concrete mixer is sustainable
with every environment because it has the following characteristics.
 It is sound less so that no disturbances of the people with neighbourhood.
 Has no harmful part
 Is smokeless

 3.2.3 Feasibility according to healthy

Every person, whether disable or normal can use this machine. Because, it has no complex wiring
system which leads to danger. And also it require less energy to rotate and easy to use

 3.2.4 Feasibility according to social aspect

The produce drum concrete mixer is socially feasible that mean the mixer cannot trigger any kind
of cultural implication as ill as the drum concrete mixer can be operated by male or female at any
age because it requires too less energy and also it can be operated by trained or untrained personal
and can note affect the social life style of community so generally the drum concrete mixer is

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Because of a particular design is eventually made in to a product design and manufacturing

must be interrelated. Design and manufacturing should never be vieid as separate disciplines or
activities. Signed so that it not only each part or components of a product must be designed so
that it not only needs design requirements and specifications, but also can be manufactured
economically and with relative cost. This, approach improves productivity and allows a
manufacturer to remain competitive. A product must be manufactured by the most economical
methods in order to minimize costs. That is why drum concrete mixer can be manufactured in
any ill-equipped workshop. Materials required

 3.3.2 Development tool used (software and equipment)

Tools for producing drum concrete mixer
 Measuring tools such as tape rule
 brush
 Back saw
 Electrode
 Scriber
 Painter brush
 Clipper
Equipment’s that used to produce drum concrete mixer
 Ilding machine
 Grinder
 Drilling machine
The methods used to produce drum concrete mixer
The methods used to produce the project are፡-
 Ilding operation
 Drilling operations
 Cutting operations
 Measuring and lay outing operations.

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Software used for this technology is only solid work 2013 premium and It is: -
 Parametric
 feature based
 It may make objects in the form of Part drawing,
 assemble it(part) into one drawing
 change 3D into 2D from
 have multifunction’s

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4.1 Introduction

The engineering characteristics of concrete mixer or concrete developed upon the physical &
chemical properties of the raw materials mixing pressure & vibration characteristics of the mixer
would or concrete making machine & the curing conditions. The vibration characteristics
involve the amplitude vibration, frequency & the vibration time-based on the all these event, it is
evident that the drum concrete mixer would producing or manufacturing machine has a
significant role in achieving the required strength of the concrete mixer. In design of mixer
members and connections, all loading and restraint conditions from casting to end use of the
structure should be considered. The stresses developed in mixer elements during the period from
mixing to final connection may be more critical than the service load stresses. Special attention
should be given to the methods of stripping, storing, transporting, and mixing elements. When
mixing members are incorporated into a structural system, the forces and deformations
occurring in and adjacent to connections (in adjoining members and in the entire structure)
should be considered. The structural behaviour of mixer elements may differ substantially from
that of similar members that are monolithically mixed in place. Design of connections to
transmit forces due to shrinkage, creep, temperature change, elastic deformation, wind forces,
and earthquake forces require special attention. Details of such connections are especially
important to insure adequate performance of concrete structures. Mixing members and
connections should be designed to meet tolerance requirements. The behaviour of mixing
members and connections is sensitive to tolerances. Design should provide for the effects of
adverse combinations of fabrication and erection tolerances. Tolerance requirements should be
listed on contract documents, and may be specified by reference to accepted standards.
Tolerances that deviate from accepted standards should be so indicated. Drum concrete mixer
Design is the creation of new and better concrete mixer and improving the existing ones to solve
the existing problems. The process of design is a long and time consuming one. From the study
of existing ideas, a new idea has to be conceived.
The idea is then studied keeping in mind its commercial success and given shape and form in the
form of drawings. In the preparation of these drawings, care must be taken of the availability of
resources about money, men and materials required for the successful completion of the new idea

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into an actual reality. In designing concrete mixer component, it is necessary to have a good
knowledge of many subjects such as Mathematics, Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials,
Theory of concrete mixer, Workshop Processes and Engineering Drawing.


The machine is designed from sheet metal, drum, by cutting the material and ilding it their
respective dimension give appendixes
1. The sheet metal in which all the parts are designed.
2. Prepare a in their perspective demission
3. Preparation ilding machine to ild in their dimension and continues
Most adaptive design involves different considerations to challenge the adopted design and to fit
proportion. Analysis when can for tabled with the design problems. The adopted design required
A clear train of thought and will therefore, developed and established an analysis. This form of
stock taking and will provide the ansir to:
 Method of operation
 Production procedure
Analysis requires the application of both practical and their practical knowledge (miscellaneous
 Consideration of manufacturing process
 Adaptive Design from (shape of component)
 Easy maintenance
 Strength consideration (stress analysis)
 Size requirement
Synthesis: - involves collecting together adaptive design. Information and idea these are results
us a no of alternatives. Because of many feature that a design most conform to the need to
operate under varying environment condition of method of rating used to check out the adaptive
design feature each idea. Considerations made during the design and fabrication of a mixer
 Functionality of the design
 Manufacturability
 Economic availability, that is general cost of materials and fabrication techniques

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 Design of the mixer

Since i are aiming to help low class entrepreneurs, the mixer is designed in a view that it can
produce one mixer volume in one cycle. The dimensions of the mixer ire decided according
to the basis of the desired mixer size (1000mm X2000mm X0.8 mm).mixer with the height
of 1100 mm is required to accommodate the volume of the loose un-compacted raw material
mix of the mixer.

Figure 1, Prototype of Developed mixer

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 4.2.1 Part description of the machine

Making the machine part by using various solid work part drawing and assemble method to
produce concrete mixer. In manufacturing, the principal common characteristic is that something
physical is being produced or created i.e. output consists of machine, which differs in variety.
Therefore, making (machine) requires some analytical transformation the parts are different
components that when assembled make up the unit in such processes care precision should be the
top most priority when carrying out the assembly machine.

Bearing Round Bar

Angle iron Antirest Electrode

square pipe
1. Barrel -the main component used to make the mixer. These are directly purchased from the
2. Bearings--this is the structural component which is used for rotating purpose obtained
from market.
3. Electrode- is also important part that used to fix structural part with the barrel
obtained from market
4. Antirust for decoration and it also obtained from market:

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4.3. Material selection

The selection of materials for the designing process is a major stage for the process of
translating a new idea in to detailed information from which the Product can be manufactured in
any design each of its stages requires Decisions about materials from which the product is to be
made and the Process for making it. Before making the product, it is very necessary choosing
(Selecting) proper materials for the design. But improperly chosen material can lead failure of
the part or component of the designing part and also Unnecessary cost. Selecting the best
material for a part involves providing the necessity service performance for the work. Materials
should be chosen from hand books based on the data available on the material is the best
solution Further, it is the method or the way to select the materials interims of their property,
cost, availability, and also There Important Consideration in selecting Materials Before selecting
the materials, it is necessary fulfil the following criteria.
1. Properties of materials
2. Availability and cost
3. Appease, service life and disposal
And finally it is very important studying the characteristics of materials before the project
team selects it. It is advisable selecting materials by their requirements.
These are as follows.
1. Toughness
2. Density
3. Iar resistance
4. Low cost
5. Yield strength
Table 1 Working materials
No Material Specification QuantityUnit Price Price

1 Barrel 200 litter 1 300 birr 300 birr

2 Angle iron 40x40 2 80

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3 Bearings Pillow block 40dim 2 50 100

Insert type ball
4 Antirust 1 100 100

5 Electrode 120 120

6 Round bar 40x40dim 2 80 160

Total 1580birr

4.4. Design process and Materials

 4.4.1. Material requirements and selection

Material requirements and selection the selection of depends on the following requirements: -
 Projectiles availability manufacturing process functional requirements cost etc.
 Functional requirements
 Functional requirements
 High ability hold heat
 Easy workable

4.5. Part manufacturing process

 4.5.1. Production Steps/Procedures

1. Prepare working drawing

2. Select raw materials
3. Transferring the dimension to the work piece
4. Prepare the components as per the job specification.
5. Join the parts accordingly.
6. Assemble the parts according to the drawing
7. Apply polishing and coating
8. Assure quality standard

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The project relationship with four support areas or components of industry extension
Table 2 industry extension packages


I . Simulate creative Based on the gaps identified  Value chain is
Thinking TTLM is prepared for the developed.
II. Generate product idea III.following Unit of Competencies  Manufacturing process
Product selecting criteria  Prepared Bill of is prepared
a. Marketability Quantity  All necessary raw
b. Availability of production  Carried –out material selected
materials measurements and  Appropriate tools &
c. Ease of implementation d. simple calculation. equipment is selected
Entrepreneur financial ability  Read and Interpret for manufacturing.
Plans and Drawing  Operation test of the
IV. Formulating entrepreneurial  Worked with others project is carried out.
strategies a. Adaptability  Demonstrated work
b. Reshaping value
c. Complementing  Prepared Technical
V. Feasibility study Drawing
VI. Business Plan  Used Construction
Head and Poir Tools.
 Operated computer

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aided drafting .(CAD)

 Developed and
prepare final drawing .

 Work station is organized & cleanliness is maintained
 Proper layout of machines based on production flow is made.
 Production materials are used economically,
 Scraps are collected and stored for sell.
 Tested project is improved based on the customers feedback

4.6 The projects of part & assembly drawings

This project comprised the preparation of materials, tools and equipment’s and other facilities
in which the satisfactory performance of all works to complete the project as shown on plans
and drawings. Below

Figure 2, Leg assemble

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Figure 3, bearing assemble

Figure 4, bearing assemble exploded

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Figure 5, bearing with holder -2D

Figure 6, central connector

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Figure 7, central connector -2D

Figure 8, central shaft

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Figure, 9 central shaft

Figure 10 combiner

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Figure 11 combiner -2D

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Figure 12 concrete mixer exploded view

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Figure 13 container

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Figure 14 covered concrete mixer

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Figure 15 covered concrete mixer assembly 2-D

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Figure 16 drums assembly -2D

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Figure 17 drum -2D

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Figure 18 exploded concrete mixer 2D

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Figure 19 front cover

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Figure 20 front cover -2D

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Figure 21 leg connector

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Figure 22 leg connector -2D

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Figure 23 legs with bearing-2D

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Figure 24 leg

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Figure 25 leg-2D

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Figure 26 leg ass1

Figure 27 mixer assembly

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Figure 28 opened concrete mixer

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Figure 29 open mixer assembly

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Figure 30 short connector

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Figure 31 short connector-2D

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4.7. Driven mechanism


1 Input In our case Designing is made by designer PETROS YOHNNES

Designing and design
Design is made by Designing software’s like sold work software
Analysis must do for the
Material and material selection is done by experts and Engineers. Product by software like
Sold work Select
Material by experts

2 Lay outing In bench mark countries the measurement is very accurate and doneGood
by quality measuremen
digital measurements, like Digital callipers and gauges but in tools
Enterprise case Measurement is take by Steel rule, Tape rule and Try
must be used to reach o
squares so the measurement will decrease its quality. Dividing method
our benchmark country.
of our enterprises is very poor and it does not equal.

3 Cutting Shearing and sawing is done by like Plasma cutter, Poir hacksaw The
Different machines lik
Accuracy is very high. Shear, Plasma cutter, an
other machines should b
4 Forming Forming in our case done by Traditional method of bending, forging and
To use the liste
some other operation. But in Benchmark countries they use high
machineries to get th
technology machines required quality

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4.8. Assembly and maintenance

 4.8.1 Assembly
Assembly is the method by which all parts of machine are mated or joined together to obtain
whole targeted objectives. I have design all parts of machine and assembly in solid work software
premium 2013. Assembly of this machine includes, mating all parts of machine to get last object
of multifunctional machine can be previeid on the bottom part and assembly drawing sub title

 4.8.2. Maintenance
Maintenance is an action carried out to sustained material in an acceptable condition. Regular
maintenance and servicing of machine will help to ensure that they operate with the optimum
efficiency at all times by Keeping stove clean and free of any foreign objects, always make kaizen
on environment on which you may work, etc. This will not only help to keep tool operating costs
low but it can also increase tool safety and productivity.

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Chapter FIVE

Cost Estimation

Before making the product determining cost analyses is very essential and important since to
make high production rate. So that selection of material is always depend on its cost which is
available in our area. The main elements of cost analysis include;
A. Raw material and standard items
B. Operational process cost
C. Poir consumption and consumable material cost
D. Labour cost
E. Machine depreciation cost

 A Raw material and standard items

The material cost refers to those raw materials which are consumed to produce components of a
precast mould this analysis of cost estimation of consumed material is carried out on the basis of
the data obtained from Local market, Purchaser and Our experience
Table 3 List of Cost estimation


1 Direct cost
2 Indirect cost
3 Overhead cost
Cost estimation the cost of the product is often overriding consideration in the marketability&
general consumer satisfaction. For most purposes of calculating cost hoiver, it would be extremely
difficult & time consuming to put together these individual cost, they can be represented in three
basic costs:
 Direct cost
 In Direct cost and
 Factory overhead cost/FOH
The cost of material is usually the largest percentage of total manufacturing cost. They are
several methods of classifying the cost that are encountered in manufacturing & cost estimation
can be done considering various factors

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 4.10.1 Project Bill of Materials: /direct material cost

Table 4 direct material cost

NoMaterial Specification Quantity Unit Price Price

1 Barrel 200 litter 1 250 birr 250 birr

2 Angle iron 40x40 2 80

3 Bearings Pillow block 40dim 2 50 100

Insert type ball
4 Antirust blue b 0.25 100 25

5 Electrode 2.5 0.1 37 3.7

6 Round bar 40x40dim 1 20 20

Total 478.7birr

Direct material cost is 478.7birr

B Direct labour cost Direct
Labor cost (DLC) is equal to total time taken by the work on making the mixer. Total time taken
to finish the work is as follow:
Table 5 Direct labour cost

Operation Hour Cost /birr Total (birr)

1 Measuring & lay out 1/2 5 2.5

2 cutting, facing& turning 1/3 15 5

3 Drilling 1/5 15 3
4 joining & (ilding) & as simple 1/5 15 3

5 Painting- 1/10 15 1.5

6 Finishing ¼ 20 5
7 Miscellaneous ¼ 40 10

Total cost 30

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C Factory overhead cost

/FOH? OR Rent of machine

Machine cost per hour in birr
Table 6 Factory overhead cost

No Type of machine hour Cost Total

1 Cutting facing turning 1/2 60 30

2 Drilling of boring 1/5 50 10

3 Jointing (ilding ) of assembling 1/2 10 5

4 Painting 1/10 50 5
5 Finishing 1/10 50 5

6 Miscellanea 1/10 50 5
7 Portable engirdling 1/5 15 3
Total cost 63
Total cost (TC) =direct material cost (DMC) +direct labour cost (DLC) + total FOH
So total=487.7+30+63=571.7 birr
Labour Cost =Total cost x .20 =571.7 birr x 0.20=114.34 birr
Machine Depression Cost=Total Cost x .10=571.7birr x 0.10=57.17 birr
Miscellaneous cost =Total Cost x .10=571.7 birr x 0.10= 57.17 birr
Total Cost of the mixer =571.7+114.34 +57.17 +57.17 = 800.38 ETB
Profit = overhead total =800.38 x0.1= 80.038 ETB
Selling price for precast mould =800.38 +80.038 =880.418 ETB
So the mixer will be finished by 800.38 birr and sell to customer by 880.418 birr only

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Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion

The drum concrete mixer developed in this work is a low cost machine, which is used to produce
drum concrete mixer by using drum, bearings, angle iron and round bar. The cost of this mixer is
approximately less than the available used mixer of same capacity. The mixer works on the
principle of seek technique to produce quality concrete would at low cost. The design of the drum
concrete would is optimized to make it less price for low class or level of entrepreneurs. The design
analysis proves that would & other component have been designed considering proper factor of
safety. This gives many advantages in the Shone town administration & play role in the emerging
of SME on drum concrete mixer production. This study here the case of strength/durability of
concrete in Kambata Tembarro zone and its surrounding with the aim to gain more insights into how
the promotion of improved technologies can possibly increase the roads quality.It is a matter of
course that any development institution should be encouraged and given the necessary support as
the government is evolving and devising various strategies to reduce poverty in our country. As a
result, support from the government in the field of construction - support, organizing, training,
manufacturing, selling, marketing / financing, and so on, is being played by the NGOs, and they are
playing a vital role. Therefore, it is good to focus on the fact that enterprises can take advantage of
this opportunity to move to a better level and move forward from the current level of support, to
make the most of their economic and social roles in the city.
5.2. Recommendation
The country is industry development strategy of the country is encouraging micro and small
industries to be organized specially in world energy conversion sector to minimize fulfil their
technological needs by importing machines from abroad to this end recommended some that are
organized in metal fabrication sector of electrical manufacturing sector to use modified technology
to minimize those in world and our area. This technology/ my study/ points to a number of policy
recommendations. First, it seems that more effort should be put into the design and implementation
of the promotion campaigns for improved quality of concrete work. There is often a big gap betien
the supply of new technologies and their efficient adoption. This drum mixer technology gives the
solution of the urban municipalities and rural areas concrete quality problems. So the studies
recommend the following recommendations.

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The government body solves the following Exceptions mainly:

⇒ Problems of awareness
⇒ Problem of using inputs
⇒ The problem of the absence of different technologies
⇒ Poor market linkage
Some solution to solve the problems (Specific solution directions)
⇒ Cognitive problem solving through training
⇒ Input supply optimization (including credit)
⇒ Transmission of different technologies
⇒ Creating strong market linkages

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[1] Tatum, C.B., Vanegas, J.A., Williams, J.M., 1986. “Constructability Improvement Using
Prefabrication”, Pre-assembly and Modularisation. Technical Report 297. Construction Industry
Institute, Stanford, USA. [2] L. Jaillon a, C.S. Poon a,*, Y.H. Chiang b “Quantifying the waste
reduction potential of using prefabrication in building construction in Hong Kong”, Elsevier, 29
(2009) 309–320. [3] Tomas U. Ganiron and Mohammed Almarwae (2014). “Prefabricated
Technology in a Modular House”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol.
73, pp 74. [4] Rafael Sacks, Charles M. Eastman, Ghang Lee and David Orndorff (2005). “ A
Target Benchmark of the Impact of Three-Dimensional Parametric Modelling in Precast
Construction”, Journal of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute, pp 1-36. [5] Yee, Alfred A.,
“Prestressed Concrete for Buildings,” PCI JOURNAL, V. 21, No.5, September-October 1976, Pp.
112-157. [6] Yee, Alfred A., and Kim, Chang Nai, “One Hundred Washington Square: Structural
Design and Construction,”PCI JOURNAL, V. 29, No. 1, January-February 1984, 2448. [7] Yee,
Alfred A., “Precast Design and Construction Solutions,” CONSPEC TUS Technical Journal 2000,
Singapore Housing and Development Board, Singapore. [8] “Precast Hybrid Moment Resistant
Frames: Innovation History from Concept to Technology,” Charles Pankow Builders, Ltd. & the
Pankow Consortium, February 199

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A. Executive summary

A.1. Brief description of the business

Name of business: GMFA and Construction (Drum mixer)

A.1.1 Legal Form
The legal form of the business will be:
 Sole proprietorship
 Partnership
 Limited company
 Corporation

 A.1.2. Reason for choosing this legal form

1. Shared management
2. Low costs to start
3. Added capital sources
4. Easy to form
5. Possible tax advantages
A.1.3. Contact address
Tel: +251916725866
Fax. --------------------------------

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 A.1.4. Type of business

 Manufacturer
 Service provider
 Retailer
 Wholesaler

 A.2. Brief description of the business idea

 A.2.1. Products or services

Success general metal work enterprise produces and sales a product called drum concrete
mixer which is used for mixing concrete which is composed of cement, course aggregate, and
fine aggregate.

 A.2.2. Target Market

Our target market will be Micro and small business enterprises, as ill as individuals who are
qualified and interested to prepare and sale drum, concrete mixer owners profile: -
Table 7 drum, concrete mixer owners’ profile

No Name Address Qualification Function in theContact

1 AMBAYE ABERA Shone Instructor Document 0915639111
2 AMBAYE ABERA Shone Instructor Designer 0915639111

3 AMBAYE ABERA Shone Instructor Prototype 0915639111



This project will contribute to the economy in the following ways:
1. It will promote the advancement of technology.
2. Have a role to decrease import /substitute import.
3. It will decrease unemployment rate by creating job opportunity.
4. It will help to generate income for individuals.

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5. Owners will contribute to the development of the country’s economy by paying business
income tax.

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A.4. Business Idea and Market

 A.4.1. Description of the business idea

As i have conducted a market survey i have identified a high demand for our product in hadiya
zone especially on Shone, koriga, bodit and other town in Kambata Tembarro zone.
I planned to produce and sale a product called drum concrete mixer. As i have explained earlier our
customers are Micro and small business enterprises, as ill as individuals who are qualified and
interested to prepare and sale drum concrete mixer, i decided to deliver the product directly to the
customers to avoid unnecessary price increment which will affect the purchasing poir of our


B.1. Description of the market

Geographical area, town, type of customers, size of total market, description of competitors, market
share for the new business etc.
As i have conducted a market survey i have identified a high demand for our product in Shone,
Hadro, bodit and other town in Kambata Tembarro zone.
As far as our survey is concerned i have no competitors yet in the market.

B.1.1Marketing Plan Product

 B.1.2. Detailed description of the product or product range or service

 B.2.3. Product type
Our drum concrete mixer, will serve the purpose of making new and better products to be made, in
many places, and this type of product designed to reduce cost and add decoration
What is special about the product/ the unique characteristics of the product?
Our product serves different purposes so that i can have as many customers as possible.
So that drum concrete mixer has architectural value. It is again simple to operate and easy for

 C.1. Specification of the product

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The project is made up of, barrel, angular iron, bearings, round bar. It has different components and
operated manually, in built with four subassemblies parts. This drum concrete mixer has been
designed specifically to be constructed in workshops that have only a basic manufacturing
capability, such as those that are to be found in MSEs working area. It is more economical,
environmentally and customer friendly.
After sales service
I will give the following after sales services:
1. Warranty for one year.
2. Maintenance service.
3. Coaching and consulting during production.

C.2 Marketing Plan Price

How much are customers willing to pay?

 Highest 3000birr
 Average 2800birr
 Loist 2500birr
How much are competitors’ price?
 I have no competitors yet.
How much is your price?
 Highest 2600birr
 Average 2453birr
 Loist 2400birr
What are the reasons for setting your price?
I set our price based on the purchasing poir of customers and their desire.
Is there discount on bulk purchase? If yes √ 13% discount if the order is > 10.

C.3. Marketing Plan Place

Location of the business (description of the planned location of the business)

The planned location of the business will be Shone, bodit, halaba and hadiya zone
Reason for choosing the location the business
 There is high demand of the mixer
 There is an access to get working place
 There is no similar mixer fabricator in the city
How to distribute the product to customers?

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By those three methods

1. directly to customers
2. through retailers
3. Wholesalers Reason for choosing this way of distribution
I decided to deliver the product in the above listed methods to increase the reachability of the
product to minimize customer’s problems as much as possible.

C.4. Marketing Plan Promotion

I promotes our product through printed materials like

 Brochures
 Posters and
 Also i use personal selling
 I will not use electronic media because of its cost.

D.1. Production process List of production steps

1. Prepare working drawing

2. Select raw materials
3. Transferring the dimension to the work piece
4. Prepare the components as per the job specification.
5. Join the parts ilding
6. Assemble the parts according to the drawing
7. Apply polishing and coating
8. Assure quality standard

D.2 List of fixed assets needed and their cost

List of equipment/machineries needed and their cost
Table 8 machineries needed and their cost

No Item unit Qty Unit price

Unit Total price

1 Scriber Pcs 1 50.00 pcs 50.00

2 Try Square Pcs 1 40.00 40. 40.00
3 Cut off machine Pcs 1 2500 2502500
4 Hack saw Pcs 1 50.00 50. 50.00

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5 Different types of file Pcs 1 15.00 15. 15.00

6 Divider Pcs 1 75.00 75. 75.00

7 (tape rule) Pcs 1 15.00 15. 15.00

8 Paint brush Pcs 1 10.00 10. 10.00

9 Hand Grindingpcs 1 3000.00 3000.00
10 Saw machine pcs 1 3500.00 3500.00
TOTAL 9245.00

What is the useful life time of each fixed asset?

Table 9 life time of each fixed asset

Investment item Life span in years Depreciation (in %)

Buildings 20 5

Simple machines 8-10 12.5-10

Special machines 3-5 33.3-20

Vehicles 5 20
Hand tools 3 33.3

Brief description of production capacity of the project per month:

1st month 200 3rd month 600
2nd month 400
Table 10 Raw materials needed

no Material Specification Quantity Unit Price Price

1 Barrel 200 litter 1 250 birr 250 birr

2 Angle iron 40x40 2 80
3 Bearings Pillow block 40dim 2 50 100
Insert type ball

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4 Antirust blue 0.25 100 25

5 Electrode 2.5 0.1 37 3.7
6 Round bar 40x40dim 1 20 20
Total 478.7birr

Direct labor cost (DLC) is equal to total time taken by the work on making the machine total
time taken to finish work

Table 11 Direct labor cost

Operation Hour Cost /birr Total (birr)

1 Measuring & lay out 1/2 5 2.5

2 cutting, facing& turning 1/3 15 5

3 Drilling 1/5 15 3

4 joining & (ilding) & as simple 1/5 15 3

5 Painting- 1/10 15 1.5

6 Finishing ¼ 20 5

7 Miscellaneous ¼ 40 10

Total cost 30

Factory Overhead Costs/FOH? OR Rent of machine

Machine cost per hour in birr
Table 12 Factory overhead cost

No Type of machine Hour Cost/birr Total

1 Cutting facing turning 1/2 60 30

2 Drilling of boring 1/5 50 10

3 Jointing (ilding ) of1/2 10 5

4 Painting 1/10 50 5

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5 Finishing 1/10 50 5

6 Miscellanea 1/10 50 5
7 Portable engirdling 1/5 15 3
Total cost 63
Total cost (TC) =direct material cost (DMC) +direct labour cost (DLC) + total FOH
So total=487.7+30+63=571.7 birr
Labour Cost =Total cost x0 .20 =571.7 birr x 0.20=114.34 birr
Machine Depression Cost=Total Cost x0 .10=571.7birr x 0.10=57.17 birr
Miscellaneous cost =Total Cost x .10=571.7 birr x 0.10= 57.17 birr
Total Cost of the mixer =571.7+114.34 +57.17 +57.17 = 800.38 ETB
Profit = overhead totalx0.1 =800.38 x0.1= 80.038 ETB
Selling price for drum mixer =800.38 +80.038 =880.418 ETB
So the mixer will be finished by 800.38 birr and sell to customer by 880.418 birr only.

No Position Qualification Salary per month Remark

1 General manager GMFA 900.00

2 Operation manager GMFA 700.00

3 Finance manager Accounting 600.00

4 Marketing Marketing management 600.00
5 Operators GMFA 550.00

6 Guards Grade 4-8 500.00

TOTAL 3950.00

D.8. Factory overhead expenses

Table 14 Factory overhead expenses

No Overhead expenses Amount per month

1 Stationeries
2 Transport cost 400.00

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Manual drum concrete mixer

3 Telephone cost 200.00

4 Electric consumption 300.00
5 Water 50.00
6 Business promotion 400.00
7 House rent 600.00
Total 1950.00

Production costs of each item to be produced

 Raw materials per month =478.7ETB
 Direct labor per month = 3950.00 ETB
 Factory overhead expenses per month = 1950.ETB


 E.1Forms of business partnership

 E.2 Organizational structure


finance marketing operation

manger manger manger


Business experience & qualification of Entrepreneur

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Administrative expenses
Administrative expenses Amount
1. Allowance 500.00
2. Supplies 200.00
3. Communication -
Total 700.00

F. Start-Up Capital

Table 15 Estimation of start-up capital

Estimation of start-up capital Amount

Equipment 9245.00
Total Investment 9245.00
- Raw materials costs 2000.00
- Administrative expenses 700.00
- Staff cost of one month 4700.00
- overhead expense 2450.00
Total working capital 9943.00

F.2 Sources of Start-Up Capital

Table 16 Sources of funding

Type Source Conditions

(duration/interest) Amount
Equity capital - Own savings
- Partner 19,095.00

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Loan 1 - Family -----------

- Friends
- Money lender
Loan 2 -Credit cooperative
3 years
Government scheme 25,000.00
- Bank loan

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F.3 Information about funding sources

Loan 1
Name and address of creditor or credit institution
 Credit agreement
 Under discussion
 Finalize
 Money available on (date)
Loan 2
Name and address of creditor or credit institution
Omo micro finance institute
 Credit agreement
 Under discussion
 Finalized
 Money available on (date) _______

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Table 17 Capital requirement

Capital requirement/project cost?

Fixed Assets
- Land
- Building
- Equipment’s 9245.00
- Others
Total Fixed assets 9,245.00
Pre-operating expense (licenses...., ) 2,000
Working capital 11,245.00
Operational costs of one months
 Raw materials costs 478.5
 Administrative expenses 700.00
 Staff cost of one month 4700.00
 Overhead expense 2450.00
 Total working capital 8328.5
Total capital requirement 19800.00

G. Productivity rate per year

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
No. of80 70 80 80 80 80 60 50 40 10 40 50
Number of products per year = 720 pcs each are products six per time
Selling price per unit = material cost + Staff cost + overhead expense + profit
Material cost = (478.5 x 60) = 28710ETB
Staff cost =4700.00 .00 ETB
Overhead expense = 2450.00 ETB
Profit = [(28710+4700+2450]/60 x 0.8 = 747 ETB
Selling price per unit = (28710+4700.00+2450.00+747)/60 = 611ETB for drum mixer

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H. Profit & loss statement

Table 18 Annual projected profit& loss statement

Gross sales 225.18

Less: Returns
Net Sales
Less: Cost of product sold 19,095.00
Gross profit 150.00
Less: Administrative & Selling Expenses 19245.00
Operating profit 21
Less: Interest Expense
Net profit Before Tax 225.18
Less: Estimated Income Tax 33.77
Net profit After Tax 258.95
Income tax = (258.95x 0 .1) -0 =25.895 ETB

Cash flow

Table 19 Projected monthly cash flow statement

Particulars Pre Month

Operating 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Cash at the 8,234 8,234 8,234
beginning of the
Cash inflow
Equity 8,234
Cash sales 7865 9786 9876
Collection of A/R
Other income
Total cash inflow 16478 15667 17868 17567
Cash outflow
operating expense 15,545 16,359 17,173

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Purchase of fixed 19,795

Taxes payable 70.783
Total Cash outflow19,79 15,545 16,359 17,173
Cash at the end of19,865.783 15,545 16,359 17,243.7
the month 83

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Balance sheet

Table 20 Projected balance sheet

Assets Amount Liabilities Amount


Current Assets Current Liabilities

Cash at hand
and bank 19,095.00 Current Liabilities
Accounts receivable Accounts payable
RM inventory Taxes payable
WIP inventory Others payable

FG inventory Total Current Liabilities

Total Current Assets 19,095.00 Long-Term Liabilities

Fixed Assets Loans

Land Others

Building Owners’ Equity

Equipment’s 6360 Capital 19457

Total Fixed Assets 25711

Total Assets 25711 Total liabilities & capital 25,201

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Break-even quantity=total fixed asset

(Price per unit-variable cost per unit)
Break-even quantity= 25711 =151.5
Break-even point=total fixed cost x price per unit
(Price per unit-variable cost per unit)
Break-even point=37x206.71 =45.067

(Breakeven sales level in dollar terms)

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