Galicia - Israel Hamas Conflict

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Galicia, Jann Vherwel R.

- 4 ChE C

Israel-Hamas Conflict Reflection Paper

The Israeli-Hamas conflict, a longstanding and deeply entrenched issue, holds significant
implications for the global community. From an international perspective, this conflict is seen
through the lenses of human rights, security, and political stability. The repeated cycles of violence
between Israel and Hamas not only affect the local populations but also reverberate through the
broader international system, influencing global politics, security dynamics, and humanitarian

My view, shaped by this international perspective, emphasizes the need for a balanced
approach that addresses both Israeli security concerns and Palestinian aspirations for self-
determination and dignity. Israel, facing continuous threats from Hamas' rocket attacks and other
militant activities, asserts its right to defend its citizens. However, the humanitarian impact on
Palestinian civilians, exacerbated by blockades and military actions, cannot be overlooked. This
dual focus on security and human rights underscores the complexity of achieving a lasting peace.

The ripple effects of the Israeli-Hamas conflict on the global system are profound. Firstly,
it contributes to regional instability in the Middle East, a key area for international geopolitical
interests, particularly concerning energy resources and trade routes. Secondly, the conflict fuels
global polarization, as countries and international organizations often take sides, influencing
diplomatic relations and international cooperation. Lastly, the ongoing violence and humanitarian
crises challenge the principles of globalization, which aim to promote interconnectedness and
mutual benefit. As nations grapple with these tensions, the conflict underscores the need for
international efforts to mediate and support sustainable solutions that respect both security needs
and human rights.

In conclusion, the Israeli-Hamas conflict serves as a stark reminder of the intricate interplay
between local conflicts and global dynamics. Addressing this issue requires a nuanced
understanding that balances security, human rights, and the broader implications for international
stability and cooperation. The global community's response to this conflict will shape not only
regional futures but also the prospects for a more connected and peaceful world.

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