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nead E/101C

(4) (3) When creative

(4) (3) (2)
(1) Fill The being the and tather' not s toThe famous,whenever evenshame I n Mystory Translated was ror
expression that uen tDe
(2) Fillthe in
tell hnc.
she she she she ttranslation
he ed1torsh1p in
author early read fact tather saoing
that most the given
her the related love to ind T
job about that but be he language
mother WAs
will wil will will blankfather years that Delhi
something s of
blank grew
ther thinking Another
pronouncement sent I weigbt
witings his passage
settle achievego travel I an
a to he
house, was I had
too with said, critic of ofwith up him, of him my
literary inspired
my personal the not thought incl1nat1on of life. late
in far, widely magazine a with thing and
a great the Il1fe by a at so. from his into mv one
the "She had is
far-off one the
him tea that iterary Engl1sh answer
correct pieces
correct Our that Melbourne father. born
of will somehow led It invendor, that engage of on for
place these expectation people. time wnting into, and
go also family I the writing
SPACE option had barely espectation from Snpat st1ll the
in option far," ment real1sed mother one's
days, Iife inhaled tothatmoved etc. had in Hindi undecided six
the The with of English. Sbe
FOR to he tothat Rai.
complete meant complete strangefeeling made Premchand, acknowledged the a tongue guestions
ROUGH she his them list his certain came He (2
extent wil hadbeen
tht would witing. However, of wasfhction It staved tóngue, bout
im seemed etentually. g
the the long. followed linguistic of far." s that
WORK something even fond
sentence. sentence. take The his with a can
that, for the popular1ty wrong to he of Hind1 follow.
upreading it me told to be
was there
shopkeeper, me myself saing language
without pride. for «hen rest editor
too everywhere. my
this was on that only
happened large awas
1 mother
having practically granddaughter
knew I later me. and pOss1bleshould l
for the that a
ubiquity, He
that started after failed critic
much read me Everyone long seemed write
felt I
to no Premchand
time reading writer OH medium
later. him
comprehend the one of
somethingwnting in,
and had Premenana nappy and he
reverence who cook the
Decomes of
just a neion on, creative told
story hst that
was ike he me
by in had my 1 a

6. 5 4. 3. E/101C
by also decisions We
and Free Omnipresence (3) Choose
the Occasional (1) (4) (3) (2) Choose (3) Choose
1 (D) (B) (A)
(C) Premchand (4) (3) (1)
(2) Choose
being.imprint; The thoughts
upbringing implies ()Inhaled
letting only
willgiven her being being
imbibing (B) (A) her the the his She Her She The
what have
the father's the his and and cOnstantthe a
toway a
and complete is k1nd factability wasfamily feltStatement
gobe we passage
the correct influenced compelled correct writing' correct became
andconditioned his (C) ofthat obligated
independent of to actions D)
all accumulate
experience ability expectation only. only anxiety love she to
awe was felt
freedom meaning styleoption
answer o
our and by to refers and feared tochauv1n1stic
ofpressurized which
in neverare to subconsciously large the to
ego, themind. what write reverence
decide from to of with extensIve carry
of to of from fromfail1ng him is
the for not
attachments our free It'swhile present. Our make people like the people on
past. the her
SPACE psychological will our and the word her him following. him that about the wr1tetotrue
memornea) options to reach
backstoty It sad from legacaf with
any act six
FOR to is "Ubiquity he the 1n
and ou choce free about inspired a| ofher spect
given Engl1sh Hind1
ROUGH t can
e past estions
from walks 3
cod1ng rid karmic him 4
absolutely anted 2
below gTandfather's because
Unw 4) 2
as in mainly language mchand to
beliefs all impressions
any it (Ci of the
WORK that people life.
That's such imprnt appe A
and onlandyCi
influence passage
follow. because
Then it We ars D) her
cond1tion1ng asNot and in wriungs
only father
we the just
clearly of th e of
can only experiences past passage
result what t
res1de if to
neutral1se ofwe
uncan our are blas
have or
purify born andenvironment
truth genetic
our with,shape wil
ourmind code, but our Our
10 9. 7. E/101C

(3) (2) (1) (4) (4) (3

(4) (3) (2) (1) Fill"Free wrongth(e4) (3) 2(1) "Karmic 2 (1) Fill
The deepen your Ifandcalmer, Thichoice s react to aThe
Fil The Fill nclination choice
in you
our our weour author in the our the in alwaysarewe we Or author in mental applies above
we we we we the will"
the human the to0
choices areability accumulate let make
embrace genetic
truth ability imprint" are
decIsIons wi sh kinder someone's in
go blank can blank is is
unable blankproves beings born blankargues to wiring to significantlyeven most an
to choices
of be doings of to embark expand or
are are our our with our code, with exacting
make with that experienced if. witb are with
that tosituations
bring referred dictated are our
That's less aggression.
completely solely bringto the more ego,without past the individuality being,our
and the pre-determinedshaped the on
a the born bumans the anxious, ability
guided choice correct ideaattachments and experiencescorrect vices
to correct that why restricted, definition
a slaves by examine
reform scope like,
change moreconsidering change in by journey
of of the our past don't some our to
SPACE by is option and option option
our ofmind of ng Sounds who of
the restricted
option "free karmic passage your peopleabilitybridictated
in and and environmegt
past in social choices events have too and you free
FOR ourselvese) towil" to oneself. to to to aboutreasonable
ficonditioning the
xed complete lives. dependon
"free agency to
complete completeimples and succeed chooseto wil . (4)
by impripts. is
constrscts make that complete
by .What
ROUGH past of
our ayth cornsèquences. bètefs.
change our
environment. < envronmental will" rexplore vour
the sentence.the rational we the in
predispositions. But
eventspredispositions. the
and are because your such thatwithin marry, we
by sentence.
sentence. forced sentence. conditioned here' s
commonl y
and suggesting expectationschoices. Curent ways effortschange
our to
intluences. to
ourselves. the what
genetic make. karmicbeliefs. more professi
engage depends, catch. on mean
than Despite by
code. coding. But iD Our you free
sustained a ablity
ouDers stron pursue wil
I is
wonder our tohowyouorthat
nneremotional make we
your work, to that have

Read 12. E/101C

And Taking it higher thchocolate etoday cafes Soon Heritage, sugar pond, After gift shoh-kwah-tl) then, But was
consumed On the (4) (3) (2) Choose (1) What (4) (3) (2) (Choose 1) What
with Oday'
from s the
Filipinos 180 th e even chully a given Making Definition
Do Our Ignonng Holding
Engaging Mak1ng does
at enough, and was where the do the
a a than Aztecs human the
was still
author Spanish the drink enjoyed backstory you
dollop tour century, the casinos version, winter
inpassage most correct the
that famed wealthy Gods iquid Choices
of a
think one's onchoices author
serve poured though, wasdidn't evolved of in
of of luxury. beings appropriate to
international chocolate Bertram arrived and but often byevening.
itsoft coffee Parisian the form and - - Free could past fuxedfrequently option
h from
started hot Europeans properties healinghad it serve into Every really key
witcheese Wil". be beliefs
or choclate in flavoured
was the
Aztec by answer to experiences
mango bouses Gordon their the
Dothing inner
tea. tearoomgilded the have
a suitable a
while cups popping English
EmperorOlmec option. and and
added cocoa work a
SPACE had pot s morsPes. saysAmericas with the "Free means
chunks. warms Prerogative! strngen
and impulsively.
Mexicans of Angelna's, caught six title
cocoa, mostly into up botsugar hot,AndMontezuma, word peoplé Wll" lifeg) d1_pas1itions and
FOR questions fo to
) you self-awareness
around onchocolate in Chocolate. expand
ROUGH Ytalians
punch die d with and the of up ? this mindsets 5)
you since northwestern
which the drank1500s, better passage ? the
it cups
off,17"-century believed, and folloW.
WORK serve
up partly is masses. became sugar scope
it the than
with it also (for warm.liquid as 1t had Aztec a of
like because in a
poshChocolate "the the nay Central cup one
vanilla, a New Europe. chocolateIn not
thick word of s
the York beverage
Chocolate: Aztecs Dot yet
America bot agency
chilli In
have fo r
pudding. cost houses id, arrived cocoa
made it
powder City). these
of of been
the that (zocolatl. around
chocolate But one its quite from Chocolate
Colombians lively a
and by
can crOss aristocracy," way chocolate Europe,
Culture as
cinnamon. was the st1ll places, acTOSS indulgent pronounced
between BCE was
serve much end find and th e
was back first
of ithot as a It
18. 17. 16. 14. 13 E/101C

(1) (4) (3) (2) (3) (2) (1) (4) (3) (2) (1) The people.
3) (1) Cocoa
(4) (3) (2) (1) SoonChoose
(4) (3) (2) Choose (1) The (4) way
masses became hot was Colombians
Filipinos Italians
Mexicans ch0colate
the Chocolate
people spikingaddingserving Aztec
ItOnly The The did drinking was
enough, catered was
the the supply
chocolate readily essential hot people first
correct correct preferred being wealthy sugar it
got popular serve was chocolate itwith it cold.
though, served serve to Houses as introduced
of had
attracted available serve cocoacostlier the consumed a to made
did meaning statement
hot Europeansingredient medicine.spices.
a the
among hot not tea
not hot hot hot chocolate
marked become
drink their
chocolate so
appeal in
chocolate chocolate
chocolate than elitelcoffee by
the the cafes. of from survive by was cocoa the
the could
the chocolate the
with tea of to
rich to
SPACE commoners. topped the over out palatable
underlined or the hot
pharma buy beverage
experiencepeople. caught flavouredtopped the coffee.society of
following chocolate.
FOR with the imaker.
t. reach
years. compames. by
on with a of (6)
ROUGH witthe withpeppers.
expression a of the
of dollop 1sentury the Olmec
drinking cheese.
dollop of aristocracy'
commoners. Spanipeoplshe.
masses. in of
cream. as
hot the
chocolate. following in
sentence r

21. 19 Read E/101C


(4) (3) Arabica
(1) Eugenioides
(2) Which Coffea
(3) Coffea
(4) Canephora
(2 (Which
1)structuralgeneticist Despitespecies, Robusta
"We'reincluding Aschromosome
past andsteady chromosome, genetic blended
this Most beans Coftee's
Robusta the
(4) (3) It (2) (1Which
) Eugenioides a
It It Robusta
A Arabica
ACoffea 50,000 result, is given
is has ofblend ofblend of
always and rate represent
the the this, to toand genetic
easily the level, ditferent
Juan interbreed relatively
only Coffea make passage
following of following of following there thenyears.Coffea over but variation Coffeacoffee
interbred the two Arabica Coffea tallking
at around make-up
Medrano the time. Coffea a a
the flavour is Eugenioides
From Arabica's phenomenon rare Arabica. that
phenomenon copies the is variation with and
statements and Canephora
species varieties
chromosomalabout substantial However, in 56%
that Arabica But we is
of at
profiles other eventliving
Robusta main of known drink no
of low the single
is all the trivial
other eachsource of for
of coffee and coffee variation only the
containsultiplecalled beans comes the
SPACE chromosqme. is variability
UCin coffee
species, true level, the
e Coffea as
concern: six
of hasCoffea Davis
FR isae ofsingle sold) Arabica.
of from
itsBenetic about more Atthe beans innovel
gngle questions
Arabica the whichcoffee is yploidy.Arabica (7)
ROUGH most Coffee two 10
Coffea than level
at andmutations also
physical nucleotide
species species In million
sold the has trom
variation. two Center
relatively copies. because Coffea many that
WORK Arabica in DNA basically
copies deletions characteristics that that hybr1dization
are Coffeatonnesfollow.
level, at varnation This alsocases,
? world young.
is Canephora it
of the in have has
nonot makes Canephora, of
each beans the
and but
? University occurred
vanation,widely more
having 1s with crop
chromosome insertions,"there of mutation,
it and from
resistance, the cultivated much has than other were
is ofArabica
since you formed
two two sold thewhich
California, thatcreate which more species. grown
? Medrano copiescopies Overall, two is
says as also
coffee event. a
occurs difficult species and
the bybrid known
emernitus However.
of of Arabica
at plant. whole sold
says. Davis. each each
the the of at for are as
101 EC 9
21. Conplete the
N. Whuch of the follom1ng sflences gven nList-| wath the"appropnave phrasal verbs gven nist-lI
spee: List.!
Sentences List-lI
Coffea Caneghora A She Phrasal verba
was very
2 Cotea Eugenuonde with hum or hu
affensve remarks on women vn politics gve aWay
3) Arabica B| have plenty of
4 Robusta to bok loversterestung Boks w ut dowD
C Strange that
pevple eas1ly
23. Whuch oí the folloxing ttpes of tenlation and run the° reputation' ll cut up
D Rahul is trng to
| Tanabiltr at the structural lexel on his stokung

2 Vanability at the chromsonmal level (hogse the correet answer from the ootuns given
3 Vanab1lity at the level of deletons and inv
14 Vanab1l1ty at the DNA level
24. Choose the statement tthat is factual incorret 14 A-4,B-,C1- N,(0-0
sposs1ble to roast the beans of asingle
CofeaArabica 28. Complete tbe sentences given un List: with the aooruonate adverds gven List-l
12 Two speces of coffeecan be blended to mabe abre saees
ocur uathe List.I
3 Due to ts genetic make-up. novel mutationsdo
aot List
coteeplant (Sentences (Adverbs)
senuothe Arabca
4 Vanations In disease resistance can be A Ithought the restaurant would be expeasive but
It was afordable
sequeDcetoform. B t was a senious acident But the fa
25. Re-arange the followng phrases in coet reasonabl
Acreated b human
C The meeting was a disaster as it as Ver ouckly
B collective cultural heitage onganized
Callanguages D Mura is gited, she has the abilty to learn any bardly
D communities are our
Chose the corect answer from the options g1ven below
Choose the correct answer from the options gven below ()) (4)-4D,(B)-VM,C)-d,(DI-I
(2 (4)-IM, B-(D),C1-(|1),D-d)
(2 B. (A, (D,C) (3) (4)-), (B-(D)(C)-(V), DI-()
(3) C), (A, (D, (B (49 (A)-(UL, B-V),C)-0),(D-)
14) (D, (B,C, (A.
complet the sentence:
29. Choose the appropriate ward pair to hm.
to form ameaningtul senknk. IIwud
26. Allin the blank wth the corect
earlysimnerbreak Ididntknow Rahul wasinthe bosotal
therumoursafan (2) had known, have visited
The Principal addresed us in the assembly and (1) knew, go 14) know, had gone
(2) quashed
() defended (3) have knowD, be going
4) rebuked
101 E/C
101 EC 10 Mnteh tho words i
30. ldentity he option closest in mcanung to he underlined word List-l Llst-I with thcir (11)
The ovie star'r bograph1 isa glosgy, SVcophantic portravnl
cowardly "Theocrucy defLlst-Il
initions in List-I1
flatteriNg (C)
ns) drugs
One who glects and sale and puta up prescriptions
(11l) from
(D) Antiquarian A distantbypast studies objects or artistic
31. Choose the correct ANTONYM of the underlined word
Choo8e the
(V) A govornmnt
morbid delusiondivineof guidance or rel1gous leaders
The Min1ster unleashed a compl1ment ncaunst the newspaper for its biascd editorial on meraty
(1) I).correct answer(C) from the
(B) - (1), uodline8s one's power.
Importance or
among women n his constituenc
-(). options given below
(C) -(I),(D).(1)
(2) (A) - (IV), . (B)
(A) (). (B) - -(III), (D)- ()
(2) endorsenent (3)
(III), (C)- (D)-
(3) regulation
(4) (A) - (III),
(B) -(T), (C) (IV, -(Il),
(4) speculation g6.
Pill in the blank with the (D)- (u)
A small correct option.
32. Choose the correct SYNONYM for redoubtable from the options given below. (1) altercation between two children ended up as a
(1) imsy (2) match group fight.
(2) perplexing (3) contest
(3) formidable (4) race
(4) voluble
97 Re-arrange thne loltoWng
IA) for Pnrases in the right sequehce to
33. Choose the correct ANTONYM for sullen from the options given below. seven hours but was hardly forma meaningful
(B) because of the sentence.
(1) morose
absence of any
«C) able to decide who the murderermotivation
(2) reticent was
(3) timid (D) she worked on the case
ooe the correct answer from the
(4) genial options given below
(A), (C), (D), (B)
to make a meaningful sentence : (1)
34. Rearrange the following parts in the correct sequence (3) (D), (C),(B), (A).
(2) (D), (A), (C), (B).
(A) are iborn but our (4) (A), (B), (C), (D).
learned SIl in the blank with the correct option.
(B) constituents of flavour. are 98
he candidate assured the interviewers that the ip in her
(C) our responses to basic tastes grades during her second semester was
since she had always been a top scorer in the first
(D) perceptions of smells, the main (1) anomaly
options given below
Choose the correct answer from the
(2) allay
(1) (B), (D), (A), (C).
(3) adage
(2) (A), (C), B), (D).
(4) abatement
(3) (C), (A), (D), B).
(4) (C), (B), (D), A). SPACE FOR ROULH WORK
Choose the
43. word clo8CHt in 13 )
12 Why did you make that meaning to the
IReplue he ndorhed word with the most approprate SYNON allour busueN
from physicul
1) sarcastic flippant remark aboutunderlherined word.
For soene now, we've been toying with .he Idea of transfernng 12) d1srespectful chosce of clothes ?
toonue Nales onty 3) casual
launch 4) ind1flerent
3) coIderng Select the word
(4) cureful
The thief showed OPPOSI
his TE meaning tothe under ined word.
disbelief when
40. Selet the word opp0site in meaning to the underl1ned word they were
) displaycd
(2) concealed
informed that hfs partner had been arested.
Manager, but later
A irst the workers were agreeable to he proposuls of their (3) battled
reconciled to the new proposals (4) marked
(2) estranged
45. Fillin the blank with the
(3) cooperate The President finally had tocorrect option.
(4) agreed 1) ignore the demands of the public for his
(2) initiate
41. Complete the sentences gven in List-] witbhe appropnate words given in List-ll (3) accede to
List-I List-II
(Words) (4) condone
(A) She was able to gve a explanation in the collaborateld
Re-arrange the following parts of a
court for her presence near the crimescene 46.
(A) for organizations which sentence in thecorrect sequence to form a meaningful sentence.
B The Rockland Hosp1tal with AIIMS to corroborate/ng
services to
customers on a
(C) employees with whom theyface-to-face
conduct a free cancer screening camp basis,
C Though she has shown only 4 improvement in credible deal is very imporcnt
D) the quality of the
achieving her target yet her efforts are relationship between
Choose the correct answer rom the optionscustomers and
D The doctors give the prognosis by ther IV) creditable given below:
diagnosis with several tests. (1) (A), (B), (D), (C).
(2) (C), (A), (B), (D).
Choose the correct answer from the options gven below (3) (B), (D), (A), (C).
(4) (D), (A), (C), (B).
1) (A) -(), (B)-ID), (C) - ID, (D) - IV)
(2) (A) - (D, (B) - (IID, (C) -(ID, (D) - (V) 47. Re-arrange the following parts of asentence in then corect sequence to form a meaningful sentence.
(3) (A) - (IID, (B) - ),(C) - (IV), (D) (II) O (A) as a concept fundamental to
(4) (A -ID, (B) IV), (C) - ), (D) - (II) (B) especially with the injunction to treat equals pqpally
(C) justice is associated with the notion of equity nd equality.
42 Fll in the blank with the correct option. (D) ethical theory and political philosophy,
Most of the guests arrived for the concert bus
Choose the correct answer from the options given þelow :
) by @ (1) (D), (B), (C), (A). (21 (C), (A), (B), (D).
2 with (3) (B), (A), (D), (C). (A), (D), (C), (B).
(3) from
(14 )
101 E/C

48. Match the idioms in List-I with their meanings in LIsD

List-I Meanings)
(Idioms) something
deal with
feel unable to
(A) blow the gaff
ashamed andembarrassed
feel terribly
(B) at the end of your tether
(C) be full of beans (M) divulge a

want to curl up and die be full of energy

below :
Choose the correct answer from the options@jven
(1) (A) - (II), (B) - (I), (C) - (IV, (D) (II)
(2) (A) - (II), (B) - (IV), (C)-(D, (D) -(|I)
(3) (A) -(M, (B) -(), (C) - I), (D) -(I)
(4) (A) -(UI), (B)- (IV, (C)- (), (D) - (II)
in List-ll:
49. Match the blanks in List-I with the Prepostions List-I
(Sentences) with
(A) The edited version of herjarticle ()
indistinguishable her irsersion.
his (I) to
any affinity
(B) I just don't feel caustic.
prose style. It's too for
dissimilar (II)
(C) Her ideas are not all that
mine. diffidence (I) from
to mistake his
(D) It would be wrong
his arrogance or coldness.
the options given below :
Choose the correct answer from
- (I), (D) - (III)
(1) (A) - (I), (B) - (I), (C)
(D) - (I)
(2) (A) - (I), (B) - (III), (C) -(I),
(C)-(I), (D) - (III)
(3) (A) -(I), (B) - (II),
(), (D) - (1)
(4) (A) -(I), (B) - (IV), (C) - :
correct sequenCe to form a meaningful sentence
50. Re-arrange the parts in their
critical thinking|
(A) students with tools for
(B) cooperative learning is and provides
(C) that enhances
teaching method
(D) eclectic and unique :
correct answer from the optionsgiven below (A).
Choose the (2) (B), (D), (C),
(1) (A), (C), (B), (D). (4) (C), (B), (D),

(3) (B), (A), (D), (C). WORK


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