TUGAS 1 Bahasa Inggris SKOM4209 Syifa Nurul Aini 049802255

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Tugas 1

Nama : Syifa Nurul Aini

NIM : 049802255
Prodi : Ilmu Komunikasi
Tugas 1 Bahasa Inggris SKOM4209

1. Perhatikan teks di bawah ini! Di dalam teks ini, terdapat bagian yang umpang yang harus
diisi dengan pronoun atau kata ganti. Perhatikan kata ganti yang ada dalam tanda kurung
kemudian ubah agar sesuai dengan posisinya dalam kalimat utuh. Ingat beberapa pronoun
mungkin tidak membutuhkan perubahan.

1. This is … new laptop. I bought this last week (I)

2. These are ... cars. They will use …… to go to Medan. (They)
3. Don’t give .... a chance to be governor. Because he is so radiculuos. (He)
4. We give ... a good jacket because She doesn’t have a jacket. (She)
5. ... radio is not very good. Can I borrow….? (I/You)
6. He never gives up on….. . That’s why I choose …. to marry me. (We/He)
7. Will you forgive…. for what I have done to you? (I)
8. Will you go to …. house? (He)
9. …..will present … own research in that conference. (I /I)
10. Is that what ….want? (you)
11. Look at that red car! Is that……? (you)
12. I can’t come home tonight so …. call my mom. (I)
13. If you keep learning, ….. will get what …… want. (you)
14. Truly, ….. have to see the doctor before everything is too late. (us)
15. That’s how I met ….. mother. (you)


1. This is my new laptop. I bought this last week (I)

2. These are their cars. They will use them to go to Medan. (they)

3. Don’t give him a chance to be governor. Because he is so ridiculous. (he)

4. We give her a good jacket because she doesn’t have a jacket. (she)

5. My radio is not very good. Can I borrow yours? (I/you)

6. He never gives up on me. That’s why I choose him to marry me. (we/he)

7. Will you forgive me for what I have done to you? (I)

8. Will you go to his house? (he)

9. I will present my own research in that conference. (I/I)

10. Is that what you want? (you)

11. Look at that red car! Is that yours? (you)

12. I can’t come home tonight so I call my mom. (I)

13. If you keep learning, you will get what you want. (you/you)

14. Truly, we have to see the doctor before everything is too late. (us)

15. That’s how I met your mother. (you)



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