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When people finish their day

and hurry home,

my day starts.



That's all I have on my menu.

But I make whatever customers request

as long as I have ingredients for it.

That's my policy.

My diner is open from midnight

to seven in the morning.

They call it "Midnight Diner."

Do I even have customers?

More than you would expect.

Excuse me...

What else can you make

besides pork miso soup?

What about ginger-fried pork?

Yes, I can make that.

I'll have that then.


Master, I'm back.

Welcome back.

How was Macao?

Their CEO asked me

to put on a few more shows,

but I returned
because I've found my one true love.

He's Japanese?

He's a dealer in a casino.

You should have seen the way

he dealt the cards.

Your last boyfriend was a pianist,

wasn't he?
Men have to be good with their fingers.

This is Marilyn.

She's a dancer, so to speak.

Some of my regulars are her loyal patrons.

She's the poster girl

for the Shinjuku New Art strippers.

Master, cod roe and shochu on the rocks.

Grilled cod roe?

Yes. Medium rare, please.


Marilyn is always quick to fall in love.

When she's in love,

she imitates the habits of her crush.


We've been waiting for you!


unveils herself!

It looks like

her latest boyfriend

likes his cod roe medium rare.

Here you go. Medium rare.



Cod roe has to be eaten

medium rare after all.

Thanks. Good night.


Hey. It's been a while.

The usual.


Ryu is a yakuza member.

He commands a lot of respect around here.
My first impression of him
had been far from favorable though.

I had only just opened this diner

when I first met him.

You're multitasking? I'm impressed.

I have to get regular patrons,

or they'll put me on toilet duty again.

Multitasking is easy, really.

How about fried horse mackerel?

Oh, but I...

It's a taste test. Free of charge.

Wow, thanks!

Seriously? What a pain.

Is this the diner that makes

whatever the customers want?

-Ten, nine, eight...

-I have to get back to work now.

Hey, old man.

I want escargot.

I can't make that.

Okay. What about bird's nest soup?

I don't have anything that expensive.

Are you serious? You can't make anything!

Do you have wieners?

The red kind.

I do.

How about fried octopus wieners?

How much?

Two thousand yen.

That includes the young man's meal.


Why should my boss

pay for that loser's meal?

You can kiss this shop goodbye!

Keep the change.

Keep the change.

Ever since,

Ryu has been a regular at my diner.


Thanks for the food.

That looks delicious.

This is Kosuzu,

the owner of a gay bar in Ni-chome.

He has been running it

for the last 48 years.

What's this? Are you sure?

Thanks for the food.

This brings back memories.

Hey, mister.

Let's make it fair.

You can have my rolled omelet.

I already ate some of it,

I hope you don't mind.


You're welcome.

You know,

I absolutely despise the yakuza.

You're an exception.

Well, I used to hate transvestites.

Oh, get off your high horse.

Well, whatever.

That's a rare sight.

Kosuzu never gets drunk.

Here you go. Sweet rolled omelet.


It smells wonderful!

Do you want some?

You'll get diabetes.

I prefer my omelets with a savory kick.

The kind with a lot of soup stock in it.

You idiot.

That's a soup stock omelet,

not a sweet rolled omelet.

Wonderful! I love how sweet it is.

What's the difference?

Sushi restaurants serve

sweet rolled omelets.

Soba restaurants serve soup stock omelets.

I see.

You really like your rolled omelets.

Why is that?

Eggs are good for your skin, right?

I'm not eating this for my skin.

Does it remind you of an old flame?

Did he like omelets too?

Wouldn't you like to know?

Kosuzu, would you like some fried wieners?

No, I'm good.

They're only delicious

when I take them from Ryu's plate.

Ryu said the same thing.


I thought he'd be here today,

but I guess he dumped me.

Master, could you wrap this up for me?

Sorry for the trouble.

The other girls in my bar

are probably hungry.

It's no trouble at all.

I was going to feed the leftovers

to the neighborhood cats anyway.

Here you go.

You even made a new one for me.

I really appreciate it.

People finish their day and hurry home.

But sometimes they don't want

to go straight back home.

So they drop in somewhere else

on the way home.

How do you want your cod roe?

Medium rare again?

Don't grill it. I want it raw.

Didn't you say cod roe

has to be eaten medium rare?

That loser isn't worth my time.

You broke up with Mr. Medium Rare?

I deserve so much better

than that mama's boy.



Thanks for the food.

Thanks for coming.

You're always quick to fall in love,

and just as quick to fall out of it.

You'll never find a good man that way.

Shut up, shemale.

Watch your tongue, brat.

Raw cod roe is delicious too.

You fell in love with a yakuza.
You're starting to lose it, Kosuzu.

I know what I'm doing.

Marilyn, over here.

Silly crushes, one true love...

I'm done with all that.

You've lived long enough to know better.

Don't spend money on the yakuza.

They will take everything from you.

Why isn't Ryu here today?

He's probably busy extorting money.

No, he's an honorable man.

Trust me, I can tell.

As they say, you should never

judge a book by its cover.

That said, I still can't get over

how tall he is.

Oh, yes. I'm terribly sorry.

I promise I'll do whatever I can

to make up for it.


Ryu, it hurts.

-It hurts.

-Hang in there!

-Are you all right?

-It hurts.

-Are you okay?

-It really hurts.




Hold it!
Come back here!



Fortunately, Ryu's wound wasn't fatal.

However, it was still a serious injury,

and he had to be hospitalized.

Master, I have a favor to ask.

The first tray.

The second tray.

And here's the third tray.

That's a lot of food.

I asked Master to make this for you.

Go on, dig in.

You can't have a lunch box

without red wieners and rolled omelets.

Tell me, Ryu. Are wieners special to you?

We all have a cherished memory,

locked away at the bottom of our hearts.


I hope you'll listen

to my memories of rolled omelet one day.

I'm glad you're alive.

If you died,


Okay, fine.

Isn't it time you went home?

You have to work, don't you?

Life is like the Sumida River.

You have to keep your distance.

Don't underestimate life.

Do you have bonito flakes?

I do. Why do you ask?

I'd like to have bonito flakes sprinkled

on warm rice, dressed with soy sauce.

Cat rice?

That was the first time she came

to my diner.


Hi, everyone.

Sunny-side up eggs are easy to make.

Rolled omelets, on the other hand,

are a little more complicated.

It may require more work,

but why not give it a try?

Lightly scramble the eggs

in the frying pan

for a fluffier omelet.

Roll the omelet towards you.

Move the omelet to one side

before starting the next layer.

Pop the bubbles that appear

with your chopsticks.

Until next time!

Good night.


Subtitle translation by Chen Li Woon

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