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Footine, epee ~ Oz0mm 250 ‘SPACED @ comm 0-G-PW flab a Igo a5) EMeAnemenr MAIN REINFORCEMENT. CONCRETE conens £5 I5l0.15) = orem FOoTIWG PRorernes Usm xzsm BootNe PAD Leese. 25m - lovasm ra) 4 (otin x2) Lessee 245m PacTOL s Gm LENGTH GE REH © 2. yaaaTS= ETS (1-em LENGTH Tease NUTSAS =luPes “AF FOOTING NWTPAES = 256 cot Baes, Nom Se = _%5U vuT pass. Iaupes-pzowm xem LouTs (25% css TE Wiees, Une wees 0.5m \earie wines = 53m bre uiees < Ue x1 & tooTIN ES x am Erte wimes = Ui: dye WW THE Wrees = GI am x Led ‘i Els saz ng COLUMN VEUTICAL REINFORCE MENT BEAGUT = D-CF Mm W/ TooTINeS 1 bene = Gam D- DEMD TO VEER FRE OF = 3 yonaises OOBBTSM Foote $ 3. Peetine 70 NGL vase AL FISH GL-T BETIM 2g oo an oF A FL0OR beam 5: REAM Derr = 0am fe. DowEL 3 oan Lgsm > 9-eBIS MAA VEE LM Length PSB Foe Maw pom EE yg column cums 1 mans 959 Aw et - D20mm KUM HEIGHT B05 mm WITHOUT FOOTING. \. Tie +O ELoOR LeveL = 205m Te werm eery = o.asm >. Dower 2 oA Litem = ams ust Um LeMem msm FOR MAlP = 2 maw BO2 Ty ip cum = 120 pes = Deommv om rere] Heieuy © em witkour FOOTING I. Fuvok To FLOR LeveL = tum a. Beam DEPTH < bam %. Rowe oa Lesm= 7Aimo vse om Lemar usm FoR MAIN OSS Wmaw ese = eee, St pow <_aypee- Orme tom Ape i Concnete cover 40mm f MAIN vemFroRtemteT 2-pz20mm eases UATEtAL TES, 2@s 0mm, 4 @ 100 mm Lest & tSomm 0.c. UP To mieten ene ose os Later aL Ties A Lives = (0-4 X2) 4 Lo qunrad-O-Ls Ls @FootING TO BeTTOM OF GeATE mEAM LeNeTH OF couuMP = O-3375m tO.c1Im £0. 1675" rot WTEC Tes re cae = Onuibrgun- 0-694 (2) - O.twnla Ynes @0-tSm ove = O-UleTS 2\-o1mla) = Brag = | erecwwe ae neora ce (24 MAN) ET Ale ts 9te FH UUM 2 ROPES Rurces R52 _ OM 2 ywts/vee Ter Noses BOTS 2 Wyee= DioMM KEM Temes 2 3LE moore) Lite d= [6-92 m¥al & Loom X21 400m x2V4 Lee om NretaL = 1209S %2~ 740 -S oct ee tm = Ue en (ese Die Nesm- up ee Abee - Dior Furs goo 7 ERE - Dome Kem BEIEET £5.05 m WrrHovt FooTIVe VENETH Oe COLUMY © %.05m = 5220 Foulare nar Tes. eeailen Mes © Oro 0.0 spauwe « [-S25m-0-0m @)-o.1m(a) O-1sm S692 FF TOTAL = ABU pes x 22 GrZpes, Rut per Rsm > Ss WT/lese < are pes eer ¢ Ts tag. (apes mem Tuts (ase xem Wore (ZAMS 24I= 27 HER HIE CHuMY = Aol PES Au Jarl, * IUS A Ipapes~ Dromm Xin BEIGUT = Zum WrrhovT FOOTE hero = Lcotwmy = Fou tates TES = 2.0". am z MES @ O-S0m 0.6 -SpALING Thom + 2lo-usm) - 4 om) ose FS aad 26 ATEAL < (24 Kaelya 4uz USPC ¥ & columns MroTAL = 200 Pes Nnse = _ZOOPCS | = sopes~ D1 MY Gm 44 Lase JUN eT! ON For Bt (amo xuse) nies @O-le SPAUIME WUTAL Sees FX ZH COLUMN = ROPES Noses 0d . 42.5 ped 404 [nse apes - DIMMMX OM For. 92 (400% 400) WIE SEG.[mr Spaciubs O-40M= Apes om NTOLAL = ADCS © Colwmns < D2 pee My = _s29t5 BPs ~ Dowm tun Fan es% Wroray< Leper YZ = MOORES Aun ree BIE 2 FETs / Bh Deer = avopes go pes — Drowns * wn tut [ese HTOrAL? Poo pee X2= WOpES Wess 200%. sre - DommXem fur lap PML Dame x2z YARES NSP WATS 2. Fez Bpee-DIDMMm YUM Sot lege ero Tie Wines Lue wise c0-3m Were s san Loe woes = IS [ino ote tatu pen 1200p smo per 4oapes) ¥O-BM Lie wites 2 256m FAME wees © Angie XI Sr.ten ey Beam By wee cewere 25m “Tor BARS. woMT IM vOUS \. mene O-amny? 2 LEWOTH OR BEAM = aun Ds Gummy VINTH + gamez Ay comemete Coven 7 70+ Omxe PYAL = ws2mxtle TTI LZ m= [aS pes ¥ apes comdinveus top PACS Gelpe 416 Pee Ka MEAS *_AY 02 Pe > Detmn Ru TOR DAES , Disconrs MOD (oT DAES LEVETH OF REIN Soper ERT Feed = orm 2. wlumin g WY OTH = Odin 9. Conepere Ue > -0.04m A. Ue cE ern. 1-5 80 5. Hoot nic erat Tr pea ¥2°5 ter + [oem FOB peA [pe Xz or care lpeA [pe Xz Or owes F Mery meas {IEPEA ~ Dromn yum a enn rem Bomar pans .wRT WvoUS, LewetH oF reivrcrce ment HREMT (perth ox moEAM) « 9-43 Deco WIDTH ge Ama ANETH pg REAM og dim A UNRETD wre R___ 5+ 0.042 AWA LS STD MELE Ge FIM ae «HOSEL ARCS cormMMBOUL BerTOM BARS > 4-302 ves nA TANS = DEL OBER __ D29mmxum BOTTOM DEES, DIE COMM MULT (vr BOE METH oF PEErpeeme | reneny or -wdaiEReremen T= 4-7 2. Us pr MEAN 3 ott yz % oo te eee Colma pce a Torae © eater LAU ngage VEUT barge d. ge & pealye ripe «1 pe yavcamS O peo Deomm Kom FOR BL WITH OVER LHANEER tRAM Com) T7EP ARS COMTINVOYS UeMeTEL ys peinroRemenT te Bene FO Umy2 2. LeNO1H OF REAM? Un 3. cowmes WIDTH = Btn 4. WNERETE COR 2.0. 041m ¥Z TOM < 82m x1 be &2 Tm Str ae (PTA TES X APEX Cominvor® sep dans, SSeS [oper 14 beams TOP PAY, DIG Lommiuovs sen DAES AEMETHN OF LEImEonCE, | Pew 4 ger Gad -coumnyidin = 9-4 ee z-totumn vida = 9. eq o-am Brwnewete (wer = Lo. 94 ln = ov ogmn 4. Ya ohm = Le isam lL. tsam poor = ow Os tan tam 3. Zlpw om |pe om (pO Z 6-Poy pe = 0. Sepe ae OWE Pe AO Sq. 9-104 pur | pe XIU bars F PPS x a|beams = Epes = Damn xem eee WITH whee, commday Levels OF priwyoRce men We PEND CDEPIN AF pene < octom 2-@lwmn Wiatn So air By. length of DEAM gap 4 Concrete cover = ~O-eam7? TOA att eb Td HD Tae Were 7 MENTS 7p ontinvevs bart Aa Gaps 44 beam? Fe espe. ~ promm zum oo poTIom DEPT, PrredTIpvovs (UA BFS LeNeTR oF PEINTORCEMeNT 1. MENCTA OF pean = due TUS oe ream <0 amv? > Woo & Om Fe oreo AUCs 2 quee 2 aor 2 6 Aga PE YAUT BAI. O-AOped [pe Om IPE Vee y a pens 4Res - Dromm Kum FOR 92 wiTw over HANECR peAM (sen) WP DAR. com ioLs LRNGTH oF PAIWToR Ce mE wT Lexan UEMEMH on eam . OY? cr fen Fume neg sO 4s wmerere wens 6. 04m x2 fOTAL sam ede t.2Te em cai V2na pose a pee Lumipyovs tans TP < Bswpe x4 bao = 22.00 4-p6s ~ Dzomw Yum eS CEA We Paonia en TOP PARES, Disconnrwuors (WT REPS LENGTH ce RENMFOREnE AT amon? Gnin-a |. mewD Lenglt of Pein torcemaryy [. Prag? (NEFIe geam = 6 -d0W cowmes yrs = Odor a ceyetie FR PER em A. wwe wr = 0.9 dm FR Bae peeeees oral = © Demy FEV s Bae Jem « L2UD RCS Y apes comin vous tars, owl’ < dene 75 % Gheamy E1412 Fee — Pease Xm porto PART 915 CowTINvar5 (urey Cengdn 0} reinvrorcement [Length of Bea” = dun 2° US of pemm = ~o-demre Hoo KO: twee 2 ince 2 qom orn 0 Ma% Ped Qu FOS: Oat pe Ze Gon pe = Ipe 74 deans pcs -Dzomn Yom —_—_—_Y Fou Wl with LENENH *S.57 ORvune HOt + TOP BARS, com> MoUs Lengyn OY Peingorcerst | Prise 20. HR 2, Wergih efbenn tength ok dam stm Avonertle cee = s0ubet? Gains ermrebesctin & 8m bonfpe = 1S pes 74 pes cortiavout 9% oe pes 2 beams = Naps = pron Xun POTTOM ARS , piscom wuous (ot bars Geng 4. pe uvroraaye MT 1. engl of peat som 2. Ys of PeAwr =~ Lamy? 5. Uooa = Oy TIA, = %2orn oer SONG pe x 2a Ore Lou pe FUP Ire orl © apes x 2 beams Files! oop Top Dae (ONT. Langer op, peintoreere™ \ Bend 5 Dum l 2 4 paany < I0-brr wally = oquny? so.0qa¥2 aug * %. cow 4 veynerele cover = egy «em eh PTI ent eQDas pes TAI comin bew> weirs. atk pes KR Dbeam'> Bq ees —Dromn ¥ eM / sop ARS qi scomts bb WS eng 2% Lsietor. Gowns | grid 2 | Bei? \-Pew eo ue ° 6 °%m 2, ome wh 6. 4 wm | ge 4 ond OM 9, gaim ° “oar 4 Yo 4. an baw Qf sade ote aonb x2 ae om am tom Gojoe owl # sovdepe ec ouwptpe HOPE 2° Me 7e+ Geerget OAL pC PSETPS SLB pene opbores 17d PS = qPES = Apes 2% beams Boton pars. ortin. Lente, tater. Lent! Cha se | = ois 1 Cobar odie bed y2 P led uy beer = Ip. bn eons WTA [eMail gam (2. 44an = emer APE torn he EREEY APE (0 hod = €692 nes % LAWS = (1.004 965s Deon Fem titlom “Fars ~ piscort. [4d baw Gurgit at Reinfor, Vert ef bean > Sop Ue of ean > = (001% aeHod & 0. Int > THAN S.qum Xt = 6 EM poriom ars, Ont GS2m > 1-067 pes 2.0 bons: 2-194 pes? OPS lagqdet Ben. eefpe dl ta ens I foewnd (ape) pec: graze 2-Colvm wdte «9 aux? RES. Drom + bm % lenge a ream = forte 41 oreakt on Ee@nD For Tor bars, Continvors Kengir g reivforcenvert \ tend a pane GAO bane tne oatiobes a. vagal how = ty. Lon © ReGed gery rpecm 5 clone Gag ee ane © U8-22 mpc ~ DoInm Yen ace ee ee. ten. bars Descent Jesrbar> SOV pot - ta 822 (angen al faite beagh © pean 2.1m of beMm = ~10Imyz ays \4- b2%m PDON HS TIPS cont. bard © woot ——+-bqun 2 Ome. by, cept 7 htm sal: 3 -2em¥2a-7em% 2b .qy2 PES ~ Drone YO = beotboars 4.7m = Mapes rar bms . comme CMT ~-08 6 d= Yr ef benny 1m Vn 12 rm | Im feta foum7?d om eR ahr Mo | tinjye SE “emf ome ee ope Ore te O-qevet OVOT PET OE REMY pem 2.204 pes 2 ULL FES Youd derss 4. tos pers tps Spee Kaqaiy J lb per 7 Frome Yor Tid Aor peldon bars. prs con: Jw bors lop brs cont. lengts of ren. of Bi \s bend : along Yotar $ amye Pll 4 grows = 3. ne 4% - cohmn width ee 1. Uy ch ream > ~l.0277% F Woo . | Bs Cone cary 6 2 toa ¥ oe oe | ie Tohal 2 OLO2wayr | » 204m <9 2buX 324 Tim WT 24. MIP 4205 gant tans Ten oats bees a ban pes 72 oot BONS ee = 19 44% poy 2 beans ae umpe Poo apes 2A AU TS DeOwH Xen dps 42 40am 5 Sas Drom ¥en ya. [orb kav > pars Bi" Levgh od paint + 4 1 reat? Gel aed? Grvela Lined s oum | 6 0 04m eesene atheo-bm | ode ode 5 cow +-0-04 | 6 ° A. Yoke TN he rm lot mi2 eopu Qe am then analy, ip eines Tq © a a 6 Cypek buy 294 Gecuape ET TORE G57 MO = Apes #2 wh es = Gps % Thtans Voges =vacre® Ym pollu Pars. cond Lancih oJ gain bend (pepe ct bior ) 4g3y raven wilh ay a leg poor sy 8, A. core cover 2 ~e ode et a A [org «We De = U-O°Toy Wn, 25 pes ATES combs b> wpe ered pes x 2 peed ea_2h kere » act Mor 4 (Uh +loor fon bars cytinvous Undin ©} cuingeraee’ beend = OG? BIER oh egan. tresan %. WM WiclVh . 6-dm A conerada, qgatr + -9r ody? Ter Gs (ALOR wae ls 20-0]270 LO Met 9.049 guy gts tthoue? tar? Gmlee = a a9% pes x beam > < Veta upes = Trowm Xam ‘ ans YOR bars «Die con. | col bar erg OF Piofe c vn gaide | guid) Gril Pea eee ea eee salth recur FAM) Gam Hoa foun | 4.4m wer | oe |] 6 ae OY im coude ao pe | eq etme | MTT oy, c- Nook gimge [OM | pve Ben o1m ane cae ee peal a opt Tepe tT ot ~ dupe — FGI PE OMI: O27 Pe 65 My Pel Buy peh 6: UUTG AO ETP C2 2 AeIpe IPE = Vp cutbers SUPE y 7 beam > -\7 pe fo How does, cond. lang fro Wate Lend HP Hoe) 6am Glun wilh Paomm Yom od Slang) gf bar .sen d. Conore ee comt = PHL oes 217 SARS com. Hr, uel 2 we yepey ved rams > 6.12965 ~ Dawtum bottom pacs, piccoms (Gr bas feng} ef rein - J Gegth of ean > Slo 2, YE dt bam = 07 x. Hoe ¥ = Ot ¥2 ————__———_—. Faal. Pim 43> 7 GEM I ye gesfe ot bOI Ap Umpc = pes v2 bars © pe- Deon sum STIRRUPS. bye Us eg slo-mm de) sas wy). os ban Em iengih leven } Beawn = meO-tm 0.292 for st y= AW (4m) a $<: [an e Me . ‘ PRS Cons a crouitom besrm-oos mld) Wells -Duwektom ES 1m terg ¥r Neng te DOMS 0.96 -Unrs for Ads SL me (5.0m) Im —_ z PH €OB ms oto gpauiegs LTn-0-8Er EN oLinlel « nano fry broth o hoven Lagii. = 4, (3. Im) =1-Im oem Tyee WPF CO tom Ge cpt e i Miclal , (Hd anyye ATL AB PESX eden: GUL PO Vesr> seam 45 psp TES Down Yom, Ch mterg th Leng of pears Im -8AMs Lom Vai LOI gc apa. s Lom 0-03 wfa)~ am(a) ae lope ¥ Udeaws = Cope wotad Cada « Deeg + hott SES ppm xe Bae deep ecto 2m 72) 4(o,qny2)-01 5 om @3m srg RBIS gle gin yep Fors = 4on-gloum) + = [522 YS €0-0 ouspatl

wnlgqad C14 0A). = pes 7eR OMS = COPS Neem «Koper — Byes -Dummtuy WA ects aaa Tre WIRES a ayn 54 (One wy) slav ) AV hiewiee «spon Yam ie speud C very WO. OF inate sechioes <1) WOOF Lateral reg = seg 460 4 Cha 41k0 4 2eE 10> 2031 PS Ae Chem to 5m) yl6smtotse+ Ne ut ee, «1 Y 2027 Yo.5m= Gree. Wn os, Slabs > Cate wre = Gan fn mm) Slabs > (6.4K TT» to. 62% ke Sues = dinates Ta: (pants ise}y(sun-4ecemo is) oF 42 slabs « 1g 2 Pim PEP cporech Qacome BW Ars qedgmeay dlm% Gl. 248 = sh ER ozs nS AT: Agr 10-15 wn i ~~ (53 45m 1) x 880-6 Smo. psn) +g Fie wires 2 Ts 30-78 0 5 ORL Og all ees pt eee eee = % tk pam 51) 065FC% -9 mony S1)-O65PS fang 42.550m asa, yiaxXeing—_/ ra Fg Hie wire = ype Me YO ITY oe wt . Malerials “Footie Derevim faxes Fig Wires — ewer | column Prom xa — ALRCD ~ [ropes : — Ae 7S Dionmyun ~ 207 ‘ vires g2. a cps q 62. [84 FY > Sepes ~ DT HES= PAPO - PLD ~ Gogo = Wy 4 FRADE - BORED = 329° -— er enw Dave Fan . qo.orpe> ~ apes — bre Hite > tenes — (o.z0upe> 2 ere ~ eeteps = vb 096 p> ano ere nee oe - apes : « ~ Bp 92 UAT? etd ec? ae = aasoee? ~ enue ie = aed at 12 Guapes (eee = q2.04gr? - Ss 2 ary mee Gpe Lu auqe Oia a Ube. 4s ~ 1%PeS T) Lome xom, ~ AGP 9C9 - Fopes Be TE Wires [2o- Toky Wowerwir4 Rate Dom yam > Natoes ya Torey [P= = qe2l. 7049 Drommy am = ase pes K Ky 80 kg [pes W084. 60 kd Dremmzcor = DIRS YS lle + padre Tacs 221? 33 y GTR pra choy y zgarf L136 eT My). (s00 eg lay Dupamon ee 14-374 “Pe ely 14-162 days = {Sclays Derailed cosa ostimat? A Lavoe sthe tngr Foreman Sw L aboor en Sob - ta} . EQUIPMENT PAR ovrrer mae x a ay Deoo PL 2 oC MawrAS k - a an eae! lomm 250 4 ee! 1843984.66, Perea Ke my72.0 44 lodela. 5 : we « : ©14300.36 oe 4 Wosauo a6 : 46 Hie GV ate wit leq Aig oa 14269.96 agiasi iq” Soha | —_— Meic | 116 261-14 EEC: pee a | sone Guero Centingeroy ph 7 | lo 6350.) ta ELSBNROY (eee Fo comm actos ort blow | [Nea yy a S| a) ae G\alwe, added tor [or Diet 6447. 57) We N11 en Ho tetany 5 | F I y139 fan oe arene TT payne oT \ LIA syleq 4 1

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