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Plan of Written Examination

All the aspirants are informed as under with respect to the written test to be
conducted for the recruitment for the post of Instructor (Advt. No. 05 of
2023) :-

1. The Exam will be conducted in MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) format.

OMR sheet will be used for answering the questions.

2. The Exam would be of 2 hours duration.

3. The Exam will consist of two parts (Part A and Part B) as follows:-

Marks (Each
No. of Question
Part Topic Type of Questions
Questions carries 1

Questions from
General Knowledge
and Current Affairs,
Punjab History and
MCQs (Multiple
A Culture, Logical 40 40
Choice Questions)
Reasoning and
Mental ability,
Punjabi, English,
ICT, (Annexure-1)

Questions from the MCQs (Multiple

B 80 80
Subject (Annexure-2) Choice Questions)

Total 120 120

4. There will be negative marking. Each question carries 1 mark.

For every wrong answer, 1/4th mark i.e. 0.25 mark would be
deducted. The question(s) not attempted will receive no credit
or discredit.

5. Tentative syllabus for the written examination for the recruitment of

Instructor is annexed at Annexure-1 and Annexure-2.
Annexure - 1

Part A - General Knowledge, Punjab History and Culture,

Logical Reasoning Mental Ability, Punjabi, English and ICT.

Sr. Indicative Contents of Syllabus Weightage

No. (Approx.)
General Knowledge and Current affairs of National and
International importance including:
(i) Polity issues,
(ii) Environment issues,
(iii) Current Affairs,
(iv) Science and Technology, 10
(v) Economic issues,
(vi) History of India with special reference to Indian freedom
struggle movement.
(vii) Sports,
(viii) Cinema and Literature.
(ix) Geography
Punjab History and Culture:-
Physical features of Punjab and its ancient history. Social, religious
and economic life in Punjab. Development of Language & literature
2. and Arts in Punjab, Social and culture of Punjab during Afgan/Mughal 5
Rule, Bhakti Movement, Sufism, Teachings/History of Sikh Gurus and
Saints in Punjab. Adi Granth, Sikh Rulers, Freedom movements of

Logical Reasoning & Mental Ability:

(i) Logical reasoning, analytical and mental ability.(05 Marks)
3. (ii) Basic numerical skills, numbers, magnitudes, percentage, 10
numerical relation appreciation. (03 Marks)
(iii) Data analysis, Graphic presentation charts, tables,
spreadsheets. (02 Marks)
ਪੰ ਜਾਬੀ:-
ਸ਼ੁੱ ਧ-ਅਸ਼ੁੱ ਧ, ਸ਼ਬਦਜੋੜ, ਅਗੇਤਰ ਅਤੇ ਿਪਛੇਤਰ, ਸਮਾਨਾਰਥਕ/ਿਵਰੋਧੀਸ਼ਬਦ, ਨ ਵ,
4. ਪੜਨ ਵ ਅਤੇ ਿਕਿਰਆ ਦੀਆਂ ਿਕਸਮ ਤੇ ਸਹੀ ਵਰਤ, ਿਲੰਗ ਅਤੇ ਵਚਨ, ਪੰ ਜਾਬੀ ਅਖਾਣ 5

ਤੇ ਮੁਹਾਵਰੇ, ਅੰ ਗਰੇਜੀ ਤ ਪੰ ਜਾਬੀ ਅਨੁ ਵਾਦ ਅਤੇ ਬਹੁਤੇ ਸ਼ਬਦ ਦੀ ਥ ਇੱਕ ਸ਼ਬਦ

Basic Grammar, Subject and Verb, Adjectives and Adverbs,
Synonyms, Antonyms, One Word Substitution, Fill in the Blanks,
5. 5
Correction in Sentences, Idioms and their meanings, Spell Checks,
Adjectives, Articles, Prepositions, Direct and Indirect Speech, Active
and Passive Voice, Correction in Sentences, etc.

6. Basics of computers, Network & Internet, Use of office productivity 5
tools Word, Excel, Spreadsheet & PowerPoint.

Maximum Marks 40
Annexure – 2
Part B - Subject Syllabus for the post of Instructor

Number of Questions 80 Maximum Marks- 80

1. swihq Aqy swihq rUp:-

swihq: pirBwSw, pRXojn, q`q

swihq dw hor AnuSwSnW nwL sMbMD: swihq Aqy smwj, swihq Aqy
mnoivigAwn, swihq Aqy ieiqhws, swihq Aqy Drm, swihq Aqy rwjnIqI,
swihq Aqy ivcwrDwrw, swihq Aqy siBAwcwr
swihq rUp:
m`DkwlI rUp: slok, kw&I, sIhr&I, ik`sw, vwr, jMgnwmw, jnmswKI
AwDuink rUp: nzm, gIq, Zzl, K`ulHI kivqw, khwxI, imMnI khwxI, nwvl,
nwvlY`t, nwtk, iekWgI, jIvnI, svY-jIvnI, s&rnwmw, fwierI, inbMD, ryKw
2. pMjwbI sU&I kwiv-Dwrw Aqy gurmiq kwiv-Dwrw:-

pMjwbI sU&I kwiv-Dwrw: AwrMB, ivkws pVwA, ivSySqwvW

pRmu`K sU&I kvI: bwbw Sy^ &rId, vjId, Swh husYn, bu`lHy Swh, sulqwn bwhU

gurmiq kwiv-Dwrw: AwrMB, ivkws pVwA, ivSySqwvW

gurmiq kwiv-Dwrw dy pRmu`K kvI: gurU nwnk dyv jI, gurU AMgd dyv jI, gurU
Amrdws jI, gurU rwmdws jI, gurU Arjn dyv jI, gurU qyg bhwdr jI, BweI
gurdws jI

3. pMjwbI ik`sw kwiv-Dwrw Aqy bIr kwiv-Dwrw:-

pMjwbI ik`sw kwiv-Dwrw: AwrMB, ivkws pVwA, ivSySqwvW
pRmu`K kvI: dmodr, pIlU, hwSm, vwirs Swh, kwdrXwr
bIr kwiv-Dwrw: AwrMB, ivkws pVwA, ivSySqwvW
pRmu`K kvI: gurU goibMd isMG, njwbq, Swh muhMmd

4. AwDuink pMjwbI kivqw:-

AwDuink pMjwbI kivqw: AwrMB, ivkws pVwA, ivSySqwvW
AwDuink pMjwbI kivqw dy pRmu`K ruJwn: AwdrSvwdI, XQwrQvwdI, pRgqIvwdI,
juJwrvwdI, smkwlI pMjwbI kivqw
pRmu`K kvI: BweI vIr isMG, pRo. pUrn isMG, DnI rwm cwiqRk, pRo. mohn isMG,
AMimRqw pRIqm, bwvw blvMq, iSv kumwr btwlvI, fw. hirBjn isMG,
fw.jgqwr, pwS, sMq rwm audwsI, surjIq pwqr, jsvMq dId, suKivMdr AMimRq

5. pMjwbI vwrqk, AwDuink pMjwbI glp, pMjwbI nwtk qy iekWgI:-

pMjwbI vwrqk: AwrMB, ivkws pVwA, ivSySqwvW

pMjwbI nwvl: AwrMB, ivkws pVwA, ivSySqwvW
pRmu`K nwvlkwr: nwnk isMG, jsvMq isMG kMvl, guridAwl isMG, rwm srUp
AxKI, dlIp kOr itvwxw
pMjwbI khwxI: AwrMB, ivkws pVwA, ivSySqwvW
pRmu`K khwxIkwr: sujwn isMG, krqwr isMG du`gl, kulvMq ivrk, pRym pRkwS,
virAwm isMG sMDU
pMjwbI nwtk Aqy iekWgI: AwrMB, ivkws pVwA, ivSySqwvW
pRmu`K nwtkkwr Aqy iekWgIkwr: eISvr cMdr nMdw, blvMq gwrgI, Ajmyr
isMG AOlK, AwqmjIq, crn dws is`DU, svrwjbIr

6. CMd, BwrqI kwiv-Swsqr Aqy p`CmI Awlocnw pRxwlI:-

CMd: pirBwSw, iksmW Aqy l`Cx
CMd: doihrw, kib`q, korVw, cOpeI, dv`eIAw, bYNq, isrKMfI
BwrqI kwiv-Swsqr: pirBwSw Aqy sMprdwvW: DunI sMprdwie, rs sMprdwie,
AlMkwr sMprdwie
p`CmI Awlocnw pRxwlI nwL sMbMiDq mUl sMklp: Anukrx, ivrycn,
klwiskvwd, rumWsvwd, XQwrQvwd, mwrksvwd, im`Q, sMrcnw, pRqIk, ibMb,

7. BwSw, BwSw ivigAwn, pMjwbI BwSw Aqy gurmuKI ilpI:-

BwSw: pirBwSw, pRikrqI, pRXojn Aqy mh`qv
BwSw ivigAwn: pirBwSw qy Kyqr
BwSw vMngIAW: tkswlI BwSw, ivAkqI BwSw, ApBwSw, gupq BwSw, rijstr,
ipzn qy ikREl
pMjwbI BwSw: inkws, ivkws Aqy ivSySqwvW
aupBwSw: pirBwSw, aupBwSw dIAW pCwx-ivDIAW, pMjwbI dIAW aupBwSwvW
gurmuKI ilpI: inkws Aqy ivkws

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