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Yauyos Quechua corpus .


Tabla de Contenido de transcripciones:
COLCAS_LR_SHININGPATH ......................................................................................................................... 17

CUNYARI_CG_GRANDMOTHER_LAKE....................................................................................................... 106

CUNYARI_ER_HAND .................................................................................................................................. 111

CUNYARI_ER_WEAVING............................................................................................................................ 120

FLORIDA_CJ_COW_SAQIRWAYTAY_VICUNA ............................................................................................ 131

FLORIDA_JH_CONDOR_CONDENADOS..................................................................................................... 134

FLORIDA_PH_CARPENTRY ......................................................................................................................... 160

HONGOS_LW_SUPPER .............................................................................................................................. 166

LINCHA_NF_DEER ..................................................................................................................................... 201

LISCAY_LP_VARIOUS ................................................................................................................................. 217

LISCAY_SE_STORIES .................................................................................................................................. 237

LLANKA_BC_LOSTCOW_MILKING ............................................................................................................. 248

MADEAN_GH_FOURSTORIES .................................................................................................................... 290

MADEAN_VDE_CHEESE............................................................................................................................. 297

MADEAN_VDE_ROPE ................................................................................................................................ 309

MADEAN_VDE_VARIOUS .......................................................................................................................... 321

NAKARUMI_DC_MEDICINALHERBS .......................................................................................................... 353

ORTIGAL_AB_PERSONALHISTORY............................................................................................................. 358

SANPEDRO_BS_VARIOUS .......................................................................................................................... 368

SHUTCO_AQ_GOATS ................................................................................................................................. 394

SHUTCO_MG_FROG_DOG_MOUSE_BIRD ................................................................................................ 411

SHUTCO_MG_LITERACY ............................................................................................................................ 421

TAMBOPATA_AB_COMADRES .................................................................................................................. 432

TAMBOPATA_AB_COURTSHIP .................................................................................................................. 442

TAMBOPATA_DO_WEAVING .................................................................................................................... 451

TAMBOPATA_HT_HARVEST ...................................................................................................................... 465

TANA_IM_ORCHARD................................................................................................................................. 468

TAPALLA_RS_SPIN ..................................................................................................................................... 524

VILLAFLOR_VA_DOVE_DREAMS ............................................................................................................... 569

VINAC_AM_LION....................................................................................................................................... 585

VINAC_AR_GRANDPARENTS ..................................................................................................................... 593

VINAC_AR_MEDICINALHERBS ................................................................................................................... 642

VINAC_CQ_TWOBROTHERS ...................................................................................................................... 654

VINAC_DC_BROADBEANHARVEST ............................................................................................................ 658

VINAC_DC_BULL........................................................................................................................................ 663

VINAC_DC_CORN ...................................................................................................................................... 668

VINAC_DC_GOSSIP .................................................................................................................................... 682

VINAC_DC_MILKING ................................................................................................................................. 759

VINAC_DC_SHININGPATH_DISAPPEARED ................................................................................................ 827

VINAC_EA_EARTHQUAKES ........................................................................................................................ 834

VINAC_EA_WORKSHOP ............................................................................................................................ 839

VINAC_HQ_HEALER .................................................................................................................................. 843

VINAC_HQ_LAMB_NEWYEAR ................................................................................................................... 950

VINAC_JC_CURE ........................................................................................................................................ 956

VINAC_MA_ERRANZA_CANDELARIA ...................................................................................................... 1019

VINAC_MG_WANKAS .............................................................................................................................. 1026

VINAC_MM_CONDENADOS_BURIAL_COCA ........................................................................................... 1030

VINAC_SH_FIVESTORIES ......................................................................................................................... 1043

VINAC_SH_PUNA_BREASTS .................................................................................................................... 1055

VINAC_VV_DESPACHOALMAS ................................................................................................................ 1069

VINAC_VV_TODOSMUERTOS .................................................................................................................. 1088

YURACSAYHUA_UY_BULL_RIDDLES_SOULS ........................................................................................... 1192

VILLAFRANCA_CW_VARIOUS .................................................................................................................. 1206

TANA_IM_KITCHEN ................................................................................................................................. 1212

LISCAY_MP_DREAMS .............................................................................................................................. 1232

LINCHA_SV_MILKING_C .......................................................................................................................... 1267

LINCHA_SV_LEXICON .............................................................................................................................. 1277

LINCHA_SV_KITCHEN .............................................................................................................................. 1312

LINCHA_NF_SENDERO ............................................................................................................................ 1338

HUANGASCAR_VQ_RELIGION ................................................................................................................. 1378

HUANGASCAR_NS_TERRORISTS ............................................................................................................. 1402

CACRA_IB_LEXICON ................................................................................................................................ 1417

VIÑAC_EA_BODYSEARCH_C .................................................................................................................... 1447

CACRA_MB_LIFEHISTORY ....................................................................................................................... 1518

HONGOS_HS_PERSONALHISTORY .......................................................................................................... 1556

HONGOS_HS_STORIES ............................................................................................................................ 1594

HONGOS_LW_STORIES ........................................................................................................................... 1647

HONGOS_MT_HERRANZA_C .................................................................................................................. 1677

LINCHA_NF_FROGSTORY ........................................................................................................................ 1697

LINCHA_NF_TAILTRIM_C ........................................................................................................................ 1707

LISCAY_NF_SENDERO .............................................................................................................................. 1712

LISCAY_VV_MILKING_C ........................................................................................................................... 1722

VINAC_VV_BURIAL_C .............................................................................................................................. 1759

VILLAFRANCA_CW_VARIOUS .................................................................................................................. 1786

CHOCOS_BD_PICTURES .......................................................................................................................... 1792

CHOCOS_JM_KALLWA ............................................................................................................................ 1800

HONGOS_HS_VARIOUS ........................................................................................................................... 1807

VINAC_DC_SHEEPBATH_C ...................................................................................................................... 1828

LISCAY_JP_WIFE_ADOBE ........................................................................................................................ 1846

VINAC_EA_GRANDMOTHER ................................................................................................................... 1865

LISCAY_NF_PROTEST ............................................................................................................................... 1894

LISCAY_EH_ABUSE_SCHOOL ................................................................................................................... 1921

Yauyos Quechua corpus .eaf transcription/gloss/translation compilation

This document contains the transcriptions, glosses and Spanish and English translations of 85 recordings made
in the Province of Yauyos, District of Lima, Peru, between May 2010 and August 2014. Lists of the recordings
as well as of the participants follow below.

Yauyos is a critically endangered Quechuan language spoken in the Andes Mountains in south-central Peru.
According to different estimates, the language currently counts between about 250 and 1,600 speakers. Yauyos
includes eight dialects. This compilation includes recordings from the five southern dialects:
Apurí-Madeán-Viñac; Azángaro-Chocos-Huangáscar; Chocos-Hongos; Lincha-Tana; and San Pedro de

The recordings transcribed here total 25 hours and 00 minutes, of which 16 hours and 19 minutes are
transcribed and translated, and 13 hours and 46 minutes of these, additionally glossed. The recordings — along
with 108 additional, untranscribed audio recordings, 81 video recordings, a lexicon, and a grammar — are
archived at The DoBeS project, housed at the Max Planck Institute in Nijmegen, The Netherlands as well as
the Archive of Indigenous Languages of Latin America, housed at the University of Texas, Austin. .

Each transcription block includes six elements: transcription; transcription with morpheme breaks;
morpheme-by-morpheme glosses; a Spanish free translation; an English free translation; and a time signature.
Like this:

Quechua transcription
Morpheme breaks
Spanish free translation
English free translation
Time signature.

All transcriptions and Spanish translations were prepared with the help of consultants bilingual in Yauyos and
Spanish: Eudosia Alvarado, Iris Barrosa, Delfina Chullukuy, Gloria Cuevas, Esther Madueño, Hilda Quispe,
Celia Rojas, Martina Rojas, Sofía Vicente. Special thanks to Esther Madueño for years of skillful, patient help;
I am deeply grateful.

For the most part I have left the translations exactly as my consultants suggested them to me. In many cases,
translations preserve something of the syntax of the original Quechua (For example, “Mariapa vakan kayan”
‘María has a cow’ receives the gloss “Hay su vaca de María.”). I revised some of the later translations —
something I now very much regret! — into a more SAS.

Below are six tables. The first contains a list of the 2010-2012 recordings; the second, of the 2013-2014
recordings; the third, of the participants; the fourth and fifth, of morpheme codes employed in the glosses.
Recording titles include three elements: the name of the place in which the recording was made, the initials of
the principal participant and a word or two recalling the principal theme of the recording. Times are given in
the format(hh):mm:ss (times for phase I are rounded to the nearest 10 seconds).

For more complete metadata as well as a grammar and a lexicon of the language, please consult the Southern
Yauyos Corpus, at either DoBeS or AILLA.

Table 1. List of transcribed recordings, 2010-2012

Recording Title Total Portion Portion

length transcribed glossed
& translated
1 Colcas_LR_ShiningPath 47:20 47:20 47:20
2 Cunyari_CG_Grandmother_Lake 03:50 03:50 03:50
3 Cunyari_ER_Hand 03:30 03:30 03:30
4 Cunyari_ER_Weaving 07:10 07:10 07:10
5 Florida_HG_Condor_Condenados 13:00 13:00 13:00
6 Florida_CJ_Cow_Saqirwaytay_Vicuna 05:40 05:40 00:00
7 Florida_PH_Carpentry 03:30 03:30 03:30
8 Hongos_LW_Supper 32:30 32:30 32:00
9 Lincha_NF_Deer 17:40 17:40 17:40
10 Liscay_LP_Various 14:10 14:10 14:10
11 Liscay_SE_Stories 12:50 12:50 12:50
12 Llanka_BC_LostCow_Milking 26:50 26:50 26:50
13 Shutco_MG_Frog_Dog_Mouse_Bird 05:10 05:10 05:10
14 Shutco_MG_Literacy 06:30 06:30 06:30
15 Madean_GH_FourStories 19:10 04:00 04:00
16 Madean_VDE_Cheese 12:20 12:20 00:00
17 Madean_VDE_Rope 13:00 13:00 00:00
18 Madean_VDE_Various 18:30 18:30 18:30
19 Nakarumi_DC_MedicinalHerb 03:30 03:30 03:30
20 Ortigal_AB_PersonalHistory 11:10 11:10 00:00
21 SanPedro_BS_Various 28:20 22:20 10:30
22 Shutco_AQ Goats_C 14:10 14:10 00:00
23 Tambopata_AB_Comadres 03:00 03:00 03:00
24 Tambopata_AB_Courtship 12:30 06:00 06:00
25 Tambopata_DO_Weaving 14:20 14:20 14:20
26 Tambopata_HT_Harvest 03:50 03:50 00:00
27 Tana_IM_Orchard 31:10 31:10 31:10
28 Tapalla_RS_Spin 38:50 38:50 38:50
29 Villaflor_VA_Dove_Dream 11:50 11:50 11:50
30 Vinac_AM_Lion 05:30 05:30 00:00
31 Vinac_AR_Grandparents 72:40 65:50 65:50
32 Vinac_AR_MedicinalHerbs 23:20 12:40 00:00
33 Vinac_CQ_TwoBrothers 02:00 02:00 02:00
34 Vinac_DC_BroadBean 18:40 06:00 00:00
35 Vinac_DC_Bull 02:30 02:30 00:00
36 Vinac_DC_Corn 26:30 15:10 00:00
37 Vinac_DC_Gossip 37:00 37:00 37:00
38 Vinac_DC_Milking 32:00 32:00 32:00
39 Vinac_DC_ShiningPath_Disappeared 04:20 04:20 04:20
40 Vinac_EA_Earthquakes 04:00 04:00 04:00
41 Vinac_EA_Workshop 42:50 04:10 00:00
42 Vinac_HQ_Healer 56:00 56:00 56:00
43 Vinac_HQ_Lamb_NewYear 05:50 05:50 05:50
44 Vinac_JC_Cure 23:50 23:50 23:50
45 Vinac_MA_Erranza_Candelaria 06:20 06:20 00:00
46 Vinac_MG_Wankas 02:20 02:20 02:20
47 Vinac_MM_Condenados_Burial_Coca 07:10 07:10 07:10
48 Vinac_SH_FiveStories 07:10 07:10 07:10
49 Vinac_SH_Puna_Breasts 07:20 07:20 07:20
50 Vinac_VV_DespachoAlmas 11:20 11:20 11:20
51 Vinac_VV_TodosMuertos 55:10 55:10 55:10
52 Yuracsayhua_UY_Bull_Riddles_Souls 11:10 11:10 11:10

Table 2. List of Transcribed Recordings 2013-2014

Name Length Portion Portion Portion

Transcribed Translated Glossed
Cacra_IB_Lexicon 30:57 30:57 30:57 30:57
Cacra_MB_LifeHistory 23:51 20:32 20:32 20:32
Chocos_BD_Pictures 05:01 05:01 05:01 05:01
Chocos_JM_Kallwa 09:41 09:41 09:41 09:41
Hongos_HS_PersonalHistory 16:33 16:33 16:33 16:33
Hongos_HS_Stories 45:59 24:26 24:26 24:26
Hongos_HS_Various 31:56 08:47 08:47 08:47
Hongos_LW_Stories 21:14 21:14 21:14 21:14
Hongos_MT_Herranza_C 31:18 13:08 13:08 13:08
Huangascar_LG_Various 24:04 15:14 00:00 00:00
Huangascar_NS_Terrorists 08:47 08:47 08:47 08:47
Huangascar_VQ_Religion 58:35 19:18 19:18 19:18
Lincha_NF_FrogStory 06:10 06:10 06:10 06:10
Lincha_NF_SenderoGentiles 26:59 26:59 26:59 26:59
Lincha_NF_TailTrim/_C 03:38 03:38 03:38 03:38
Lincha_SV_Kitchen 17:12 17:12 17:12 17:12
Lincha_SV_Lexicon 34:39 26:18 26:18 26:18
Lincha_SV_Milking_C 16:10 16:10 16:10 16:10
Liscay_EH_Abuse_School 19:36 13:50 13:50 13:50
Liscay_EH_Sendero_Elope 25:05 06:08 06:08 06:08
Liscay_JP_Wife_Adobe 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59
Liscay_MP_Dreams 26:51 26:51 26:51 26:51
Liscay_NF_Protest 19:48 12:02 12:02 12:02
Liscay_NF_Sendero 11:36 04:48 04:48 04:48
Liscay_TT_CalatoCure 18:25 18:25 00:00 00:00
Liscay_VV_Milking_C 23:00 23:00 23:00 23:00
Tana_IM_Kitchen 15:58 15:58 15:58 15:58
Villafranca_CV_Various 19:08 02:58 02:58 02:58
Vinac_DC_SheepBath_C 10:35 10:35 10:35 10:35
Vinac_EA_Cross_C 09:11 09:11 09:11 09:11
Vinac_EA_Grandmother 15:21 15:21 15:21 15:21
Vinac_EA_BodyRetrieval_C 32:39 32:39 32:39 04:26
Vinac_VV_Burial_C 12:16 12:16 12:16 12:16

Table 3. List of Participants

97 participants contributed recordings. Their names are listed below. Dialects are bolded; municipalities,
underlined; towns, italicized; annexes, indented. Alphabetical order is preserved throughout. Three participants
requested to remain anonymous. In these cases, I have assigned "pseudo-initials."

Azángaro Anselma Caja, Filipa Postillón
Colca Genoveva Rodríguez, Lucía Rodríguez,
Marcalla Fortunato Gutiérrez, Isak Gutiérrez
Puka Rumi Alcibiada Rodríguez
Villaflor Victorina Aguado, Senovia Gutiérrez
Chocos Honorato B., Bonifacia de la Cruz, Julia Mayta

Huangáscar Luisa Gutiérez, PP, Victoria Quispe, Teodolo Rodríguez
Natividad Saldaña
Tapalla Grutilda Saldaño; Eudisia Vicente

Apurí AA, Pedro Carrún
Madeán Victoria Diaz, Gabino Huari, Ernestina Huari, Efrén Yauri,
Tayamarca Isabel Chávez
Viñac Dona Alvarado; Eudosia Alvarado, Pripodina Auris, Jesus
Centeno, Meli Chavez, Delfina Chullukuy, Martina Guerra,
Victoria Guerra, Carmen Huari, Aleka Madueño, Acención
Madueño, Melania Madueño, Hilda Quispe, Angélica Romero,
Saturnina Utcañe
Casa Blanca Margarita Madueño
Esmeralda Floriana Centeno ,Emilia Guerra
Florida Juana Huari, Leonarda Huari, Neri Huari, Corsina Javier,
Cecilia Quispe
Ortigal AB
Llanka Octavia Arco, Bautista Cárdenas
Qanta Octavio Sulluchuco
Qunyari Cecilia Guerra, Emiliano Rojas,
Shutco María Guerra, Teresa Guerra, Alejandra Quispe,
Tambopata Alejandrina Centeno, Macedonia Centeno, Soylita Chullunkuy
Hida Evangelista, Soylita Huari
Yuracsayhua Urbana Yauri

Cacra Iris Barrosa, Maximina Barrosa, Regina Huamán
Hongos SA, Eduardo Centeno, Dina Huamán, Leona Huamán,
Sabina Huamán, Senaida Oré; Hipólita Santos, Maximina Tupac,
Erlinda Vicente

Lincha Ninfa Flores, Anselma Vicente, Sofía Vicente
Tana Amador Flores, Gabina Flores, Lucio Flores, Dina Lázaro,
Elisa Mancha, Isabel Mancha

San Pedro de Huacarpana
San Pedro de Huacarpana
Liscay Santa Ayllu, Edwin Fuentes, Neli Fuentes, RF, Huamán,
Sofía Huamán, Lucía Martinez, Rosa O., Maximina Paloma,
Juan Páucar
San Pedro Bernarda S. et al.

Glosses were prepared in accord with the Leipzig glossing rules. For reasons of space, two deviations from the
standard abbreviations were made: “proximal demonstrative” is not rendered “DEM.PROX” but “DEM.P”;
and “distal demonstrative” is not rendered “DEM.DIST” but “DEM.D.”

The following tables lists the gloss abbreviations employed and the morphemes to which they correspond.
Morphemes are common to all dialects unless otherwise specified (AH indicates the
Azángaro-Chocos-Huangáscar dialect; AMV, Apurí-Madeán-Viñac; CH, Cacra-Hongos; LT, Lincha-Tana;
SP, San Pedro de Huacarpán). Á indicates alternation between [yá] and an accent shift to the final syllable. H,
I, N, and S indicate alternations between [] and [h], [i], [n], and [s], respectively. U indicates alternation
between [u] and [a]. Y indicates alternation between [y], [i] and []. PI indicates an alternation between [pi]
and [ø] (specific to the case of additive -pis. These five alternations are conditioned by environment in all
dialects. R indicates alternative realizations of */r/ – realized as [r] in all dialects except that of CH, where it
is predominantly realized as [l]. TK marks any place in the transcriptions where I was not completely sure of a
transcription, analysis, or gloss. Please note that some INTNS have been incorrectly glossed as EMPH. A
second table follows that lists the morphemes and their corresponding glosses.

Table 4. Morpheme codes (sorted by code)

ø [none] zero morpheme nominal or verbal

11 -y first person (AMV, LT) nominal inflection, allocation

12 -ni first person (AMV, LT) verbal inflection

13 -: first person (ACH, CH, SP) nominal inflection, allocation

14 -: first person (ACH, CH, SP) verbal inflection

1.FUT -shaq first person singular future verbal inflection

1.OBJ -wa 1P object (AMV, LT) verbal inflection
1.OBJ -ma 1P object (ACH, CH, SP) verbal inflection

1>2 -yki2 1P subject 2P object verbal inflection

1>2.FUT -sHQayki 1P subject 2P object future verbal inflection

1PL1 -nchik first person plural nominal inflection, allocation

1PL2 -nchik first person plural verbal inflection

-chuwan first person plural conditional verbal inflection
1PL.FUT -shun first person plural future verbal inflection

21 -yki1 second person nominal inflection, allocation

22 -nki second person verbal inflection

2.COND -waq second person conditional verbal inflection

2.OBJ -sHu second person object verbal inflection
2>1 -wanki 2P subject 1P object verbal inflection
31 -n1 third person nominal inflection, allocation

32 -N2 third person verbal inflection

3.FUT -nqa third person future verbal inflection

3P subject 1P object (AMV,
3>11 -wan1 verbal inflection
3P subject 1P obj (ACH,
3>12 -man verbal inflection
3P subject 1PL obj (AMV,
3>1PL1 -wanchik verbal inflection
3P subject 1PL obj (ACH,
3>1PL2 -manchik verbal inflection
3>2 -shunki 3P subject 2P object verbal inflection

ABL -paq3 ablative nominal inflection, case

accusative (ACH, AMV, LT,

ACC1 -ta nominal inflection, case
ACC2 -Kta accusative (CH) nominal inflection, case

ACMP -sHi accompaniment verbal derivation, vv

ADD -PIs additive enclitic
AG -q agentive nominal derivation, vn

ALL -man1 allative, dative nominal inflection, case

BEN1 -paq2 benefactive nominal inflection, case

BEN2 -pU benefactive, translocative verbal derivation, vv

CAUS1 -rayku causal nominal inflection, case

CAUS2 -chi causative verbal derivation, vv

CERT -puni certainty, precision enclitic

CISL -mu cislocative, translocative verbal derivation, vv

COMP -hina comparative nominal inflection, case

COND -man2 conditional verbal inflection

CONT -Raq continuative enclitic

DEM.D chay demonstrative, distal demonstrative (pron. & det.)
demonstrative, distal
DEM.DD wak demonstrative (pron. & det.)
DEM.P kay demonstrative, proximal demonstrative (pron. & det.)
DESR -naya desirative verbal derivation, vv
DIM1 -cha1 diminutive restrictive nominal affix

DIM2 -cha2 diminutive verbal derivation, vv

DISC -ña discontinuative enclitic

DISJ -chu3 disjunctive enclitic

DMY1 na dummy noun noun

DMY2 na- dummy verb verb

DUR -chka durative-simultaneative verbal inflection

EMPH1 -Yá emphatic Enclitic

EMPH2 -ARi emphatic enclitic

EVC -trI evidential - conjectural enclitic

EVD -mI evidential - direct enclitic
EVR -shI evidential - reportative enclitic
EXCEP -YkU exceptional verbal derivation, vv
EXCL -pura exclusive nominal inflection, case
F -a feminine nominal, adjectival inflection

FACT -cha3 factive verbal derivation, nv

FREQ -katra frequentive verbal derivation, vv

GEN1 -pa1 genitive nominal inflection, case

GEN2 -pi1 genitive nominal inflection, case

IK -ik evidential modifier (strong) enclitic

evidential modifier
IKI -iki enclitic

INCEP1 -ri1 inceptive verbal derivation, vv

INCH -ya3 inchoative verbal derivation, sv

INCL -ntin inclusive nominal derivation, nn

INF -y2 infinitive nominal derivation, vs

INJUNC -chun injunctive verbal inflection

IMP -y3 imperative verbal inflection

INSTR -wan2 instrumental - comitative nominal inflection, case

INTENS -ya2 intensifier verbal derivation, vv

IRREV -tamu irreversible change verbal derivation, vv

JTACT -pa(:)ku joint action verbal derivation, vv
LIM1 -kama1 limitative nominal inflection, case

LIM2 -kama2 limitative verbal derivation, vv

LOC1 -pa2 locative nominal inflection, case

LOC2 -pi2 locative nominal inflection, case

LOC3 -traw locative (CH) nominal inflection, case

M -o, -u masculine nominal, adjectival inflection

-sapa multiple possessive nominal derivation, nn
MUTBEN -pUkU mutual benefit verbal derivation, vv

NEG -chu1 negation enclitic

-kuna2 non-exhaustive nominal derivation, nn

NMLZ -na1 nominalizer nominal derivation, vn

PART -masi partnership nominal derivation, nn

PASS -raya passive verbal derivation, vv
PASSACC -ka passive, accidental verbal derivation, vv
PHT [various] phatism multi
PL1 -kuna plural nominal inflection

POSS -yuq possessive nominal derivation, nn

PRF1 -sHa1 perfect nominal derivation, vs

PRF2 -sHa2 perfect verbal inflection

PROG -ya1 progressive verbal inflection

PROH ama prohibitive particle

PST -RQa past tense verbal inflection

PURP -paq3 purposive nominal inflection, case

Q -chu2 question marker enclitic

RECP -nakU reciprocal verbal derivation, vv

REFL -kU reflexive-middle-med.passive verbal derivation, vv

REPET -pa3 repetitive verbal derivation, vv

RPST -sHQa reportative past tense verbal inflection

RSTR -lla restrictive enclitic
SEQ -taq sequential enclitic
SIMUL -tuku simulative verbal derivation, vv
SUBADV -shtin subordinator - adverbial nominal derivation, vn
subordinator different
SUBDS -pti nominal derivation, vn
subordinator identical
SUBIS -shpa nominal derivation, vn
TOP -qa topic enclitic
UNINT -Ra uninterrupted action verbal derivation, vv
URGT -RU urgent, personal interest verbal derivation, vv

VRBZ -na2 verbalizer verbal derivation, nv

Table 5. Morpheme codes (sorted by morpheme)

-: 14 first person (ACH, CH, SP) verbal inflection

-: 13 first person (ACH, CH, SP) nominal inflection, allocation

-:ri PL3 plural (SP) verbal derivation/inflection, vv

-a F feminine nominal, adjectival inflection

-aRi EMPH2 emphatic enclitic

-cha1 DIM1 diminutive restrictive nominal affix

-cha2 DIM2 diminutive verbal derivation, vv

-cha3 FACT factive verbal derivation, nv

-traw LOC3 locative (CH) nominal inflection, case

-chi CAUS2 causative verbal derivation, vv

-chka DUR durative-simultaneative verbal inflection

-chu1 NEG negation enclitic

-chu2 Q question marker enclitic

-chu3 DISJ disjunctive enclitic

-chun INJUNC injunctive verbal inflection

1PL.CON first person plural
-chuwan verbal inflection
D conditional
-hina COMP comparative nominal inflection, case
-ik IK evidential modifier (strong) enclitic
evidential modifier
-iki IKI enclitic
-ka Passive, accidental verbal derivation, vv
-kama1 LIM1 limitative nominal inflection, case

-kama2 LIM2 limitative verbal derivation, vv

-katra FREQ frequentive verbal derivation, vv

-Kta ACC2 accusative (CH) nominal inflection, case

-kU REFL verbal derivation, vv
-kuna1 PL1 plural nominal inflection

-kuna2 non-exhaustive nominal derivation, nn
-lla RSTR restrictive enclitic
-ma 1.OBJ 1P object (ACH, CH, SP) verbal inflection
-man1 ALL allative, dative nominal inflection, case

-man2 COND conditional verbal inflection

3P subject 1PL obj (ACH,

-manchik 3>1PL2 verbal inflection
-masi PART partnership nominal derivation, nn
-mI EVD evidential - direct enclitic
-mu CISL cislocative, translocative verbal derivation, vv

-n 31 third person nominal inflection, allocation

-N 32 third person verbal inflection

-ña DISC discontinuative enclitic

-na1 NMLZ nominalizer nominal derivation, vn

-na2 VRBZ verbalizer verbal derivation, nv

-nakU RECP reciprocal verbal derivation, vv

-naya DESR desirative verbal derivation, vv
-nchik1 1PL1 first person plural nominal inflection, allocation

-nchik2 1PL2 first person plural verbal inflection

-ni1 12 first person (AMV, LT) verbal inflection

-ni2 EUPH euphonic nominal inflection

-nki 22 second person verbal inflection

-nqa 3.FUT third person future verbal inflection

-ntin INCL1 inclusive nominal derivation, nn

-o, -u M masculine nominal, adjectival inflection

-pa:ku JTACT joint action verbal derivation/inflection, vv
-pa1 GEN1 genitive nominal inflection, case

-pa2 LOC1 locative nominal inflection, case

-pa3 REPET repetitive verbal derivation, vv

-paq1 ABL ablative nominal inflection, case

-paq2 BEN benefactive nominal inflection, case

-paq3 PURP purposive nominal inflection, case

-pi1 GEN2 genitive nominal inflection, case

-pi2 LOC2 locative nominal inflection, case

-PIs ADD additive enclitic

subordinator different
-pti SUBDS nominal derivation, vn

-pU BEN2 benefactive, translocative verbal derivation, vv

-pUkU MUTBEN mutual benefit verbal derivation, vv

-puni CERT certainty, precision enclitic
-pura EXCL exclusive nominal inflection, case
-q AG agentive nominal derivation, vn
-qa TOP topic enclitic
-Ra UNINT uninterrupted action verbal derivation, vv
-Raq CONT continuative enclitic
-Raya PASS passive verbal drivation, vv

-rayku CAUS1 causal nominal inflection, case

-ri1 INCEP1 inceptive verbal derivation, vv

-RQa PST past tense verbal inflection

-RU URGT urgent, personal interest verbal derivation, vv (inflective)
-sapa multiple possessive nominal derivation, nn
-sHa1 PRF1 perfect nominal derivation, vs

-sHa2 PRF2 perfect verbal inflection

-shaq 1.FUT first person singular future verbal inflection

-shI EVR evidential - reportative enclitic
-sHi ACMP accompaniment verbal derivation, vv
subordinator identical
-shpa SUBIS nominal derivation, vn
-sHQa RPST reportative past tense verbal inflection
-sHQayki 1>2.FUT 1P subject 2P object future verbal inflection
-shtin SUBADV subordinator - adverbial nominal derivation, vn
-sHu 2.OBJ second person object verbal inflection

-shun 1PL.FUT first person plural future verbal inflection
-shunki 3>2 3P subject 2P object verbal inflection
accusative (ACH, AMV,
-ta ACC1 nominal inflection, case
-tamu IRREV irreversible change verbal derivation, vv
-taq SEQ sequential enclitic
-trI EVC evidential - conjectural enclitic
-tuku SIMUL simulative verbal derivation, vv
-wa 1.OBJ 1P object (AMV, LT) verbal inflection
3P subject 1P object
-wan1 3>11 verbal inflection
-wan2 INSTR instrumental - comitative nominal inflection, case

3P subject 1PL obj (AMV,

-wanchik 3>1PL1 verbal inflection
-wanki 2>1 2P subject 1P object verbal inflection
-waq 2.COND second person conditional verbal inflection
-y1 11 first person (AMV, LT) nominal inflection, allocation

-y2 INF infinitive nominal derivation, vs

-y3 IMP imperative verbal inflection

-Yá EMPH1 emphatic enclitic

-ya1 PROG progressive verbal inflection

-ya2 INTENS intensifier verbal derivation, vv

-ya3 INCH2 inchoative verbal derivation, sv

-yki1 21 second person nominal inflection, allocation

-yki2 1>2 1P subject 2P object verbal inflection

-YkU EXCEP exceptional verbal derivation, vv

-yuq POSS possessive nominal derivation, nn
[none] ø zero morpheme nominal or verbal
[various] PHT phatism multi
ama PROH prohibitive particle
chay DEM.D demonstrative, distal demonstrative (pron. & det.)
kay DEM.P demonstrative, proximal demonstrative (pron. & det.)

na DMY1 dummy noun noun

na- DMY2 dummy verb verb

demonstrative, distal
wak DEM.DD demonstrative (pron. & det.)

The transcripts

Sunday, October 7, 2012 11:40 AM

Imaynataq suyñusan puñuy ... puñushpa

Imayna-taq suyñu-sa-n puñu-y puñu-shpa
how-SEQ dream-PRF-3 sleep-INF sleep-SUBIS
¿Cómo soñaba durmiendo?
What did you dream while you slept?
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:02.840

Imatañanpis suyñukuya: puñushpaqa yanukuya: wasikunata pichakuya:

ima-ta-ña-n-pis suyñu-ku-ya-: puñu-shpa-qa yanu-ku-ya-: wasi-kuna-ta picha-ku-ya-:
what-ACC-DISC-3-ADD dream-REFL-PROG-1 sleep-SUBIS-TOP cook-REFL-PROG-1 house-PL-ACC
¿Qué cosa también sueño cuando duermo? Estoy cocinando, estoy barriendo la casa.
What else am I dreaming about when I'm sleeping? I'm cooking; I'm sweeping the house.
00:00:02.850 - 00:00:09.330

Imapis mikunanta ruwaya:

ima-pis miku-na-n-ta ruwa-ya-:
what-ADD eat-NMLZ-3-ACC make-PROG-1
¿Qué cosa también? Estoy preparando comida.
What else -- I'm preparing food.
00:00:09.360 - 00:00:13.590

Chayhinakunallata suyñuya:
chay-hina-kuna-lla-ta suyñu-ya-:
Así no más estoy soñando.
I dream like that, no more.
00:00:13.600 - 00:00:17.480

Siempre con ganado estamos andando
Siempre estamos andando con ganado.
We're always wandering around with the cattle.
00:00:17.770 - 00:00:20.020

Vaka:wan puriyanchik, ubihawan puriyanchik

vaka-:-wan puri-ya-nchik ubiha-wan puri-ya-nchik
cow-1-INSTR walk-PROG-1PL sheep-INSTR walk-PROG-1PL
Estamos andando con las vacas, estamos andando con las ovejas.
00:00:20.050 - 00:00:26.320

En quechua, sí
En quechua, sí.
In Quechua, yes.
00:00:20.050 - 00:00:26.320

Ubihata hitarushpa maskakuya:

ubiha-ta hita-ru-shpa maska-ku-ya-:
sheep-ACC toss-URGT-SUBIS search-REFL-PROG-1
He botado las ovejas y las estoy buscando.
I´ve tossed out the sheep and I´m looking for them.
00:00:26.360 - 00:00:33.490

Hasta en sus sueños -- Vakawan puriyanki?

Even in your dreams -- You wander around with the cows?
00:00:26.360 - 00:00:33.490

Siempre la misma vaca?

Always the same cows?
00:00:33.510 - 00:00:38.150

Aa, vakata suyñuya: Kisukunata ruwaya:

aa vaka-ta suyñu-ya-: kisu-kuna-ta ruwa-ya-:
Ah cow-ACC dream-PROG-1 cheese-PL-ACC make-PROG-1
Ah, sueño con las vacas. Estoy haciendo quesos.
Ah, I dream about the cows. I´ making cheese.
00:00:38.150 - 00:00:42.760

Pasaypaq chaykunata suyñuya:

pasaypaq chay-kuna-ta suyñu-ya-a:
much DEM.D-PL-ACC dream-PROG-1
Totalmente todo eso sueño.
I dream a lot about that.
00:00:42.950 - 00:00:46.780

00:00:46.790 - 00:00:53.820

trakiyuqkuna ya
traki-yuq-kuna ya
foot-POSS-PL already
Con patas ya.
With legs, yeah.
00:00:46.790 - 00:00:53.820

Vaca con alas? Vaca volando, nunca?

Cows with wings? Flying cows? Ever?
00:00:46.790 - 00:00:53.820

Aa, trakiyuq vakacha kaypaq kaq. Vakata hitaru: suyñuni:pa

aa traki-yuq vaka-cha kay-paq ka-q vaka-ta hita-ru-: suyñu-ni-:-pa
Ah foot-POSS cow-DIM DEM.P-ABL be-AG cow-ACC toss-URGT-1 dream_EUPH-1-LOC
Ah, tienen patas las vaquitas, las de acá. En mi sueño he botado las vacas
Ah, the cows have legs, the ones from around here. In my dreams I've tossed out the cows.
00:00:53.840 - 00:00:59.750

Hinashpa maskashpa puriya:. Ayves lliw chinkarun ayves huklla ishkayllata tariru:
hinashpa maska-shpa puri-ya-: Ayves lliw chinka-ru-n ayves huk-lla ishkay-lla-ta tariru-:
Then search-SUBIS walk-PROG-1 sometimes all lose-URGT-3 sometimes one-RSTR two-RSTR-ACC
Después estoy andando buscando. a veces todas se perdieron. a veces encuentro una no más, dos no más.
Then I´m walking around looking for them. Sometimes all get lost; sometimes only one or two get found.
00:00:59.770 - 00:01:06.840

Lamitan lliw chinkakun

lamitan lliw chinka-ku-n
half all lose.REFL-3
La mitad, todos se han perdido.
Half, all get lost.
00:01:06.840 - 00:01:09.010

00:01:12.510 - 00:01:17.160

De vez en cuando llora usted?

From time to time, do you cry?
00:01:12.510 - 00:01:17.160

Ima niyamantri manam intindi:chu

ima ni-ya-ma-n-tri mana-m intindi-:-chu
what say-PROG-1OBJ-3-EVC no-EVD understand-1-NEG
¿Qué me estará diciendo? No entiendo.
What in the world is she saying to me? I don't understand.
00:01:17.160 - 00:01:25.660

Qué la hace llorar?

What makes you cry?
00:01:17.160 - 00:01:25.680

Imash waqachishunki ayves waqankichu

ima-sh waqa-chi-shunki ayves waqa-nki-chu
what-EVR cry-CAUS-3>2 sometimes cry-2-Q
¿Qué te hace llorar? dice. ¿a veces lloras?
What makes you cry, she says. Do you cry sometimes?
00:01:25.660 - 00:01:29.930

Ay, recuerdes a éste, su hijo, su hija

Ay, recuerdas a tus hijos y a tus hijas.
Ay, you remember them, your sons, your daughters.
00:01:29.950 - 00:01:34.640

00:01:34.640 - 00:01:39.010

. . . kunata . . . hukkunata [undecipherable] waqan yari

kuna-ta huk-kuna-ta waqa-n-ya-ri
s . . . otros lloran. pues.
s . . . others cry, then.
00:01:34.640 - 00:01:39.010

huk law wambra:kuna [inaud.- kakuyan?] waqaku: Imaynam mana waqashaq yuyarishpa una unayñam
wambralla: manam kutikamunchu Luciano.
huq law wambra-:-kuna waqa-ku-: Imayna-m mana waqa-shaq-chu yuyari-shpa unay unay-ña-m wambra-lla-:
mana-m kuti-ka-mu-n-chu Luciano.
one side child-1-PL cry-REFL-1 how-EVD no cry-1.FUT-Q remember-SUBIS before before-DISC-EVD
child-1-EMPH no-EVD return-REFL-CISL-3 Luciano.
Mis hijos [estando] en otro sitio yo me lloro por ellos. ¿Cómo no voy a llorar recordándome? Tiempo ya
mis hijos no vuelven aquí.
I cry because my children are far away. How am I not going to cry remembering them? It's been a long.
long time since my son, Luciano,
came back here.
00:01:39.030 - 00:01:51.560

Rikarinchu pasaypaq. Maytatriki rikun?

rikari-n-chu pasaypaq may-ta-tri-ki ri-ku-n
appear-3-NEG a.lot where-ACC-EVC-KI go-REFL-3
No aparece nunca. ¿Dónde se habrá ido, pues?
He doesn't show up ever. Where in the world could he have gone?
00:01:51.560 - 00:01:54.600

Ni maypa kasantapis yatra:chu waqaku:

ni may-pa ka-sa-n-ta-pis yatra-:-chu waqa-ku-:
nor where-LOC be-PRF-3-ACC-ADD know-1-NEG cry-REFL-1
No sé ni por donde se encuentra. Lloro.
I don't know his whereabouts. I cry.
00:01:54.640 - 00:01:58.670

Pi mana waqakunchu yuyarishpa waqaku:

pi mana waqa-ku-n-chu yuyari-shpa waqa-ku-:
who no cry-REFL-3 remember-SUBIS cry-REFL-1
¿Quién no va a llorar recordando? Recordando, lloro.
Who's not going to cry when they remember? Remembering, I cry.
00:01:58.670 - 00:02:03.190

Waqaku sapalla: ayves

waqa-ku-´ sapa-lla-: ayves
cry-REFL-1 alone-RSTR-1 sometimes
Me lloro solito a veces.
I cry all alone sometimes.
00:01:58.670 - 00:02:03.190

Kanchu may Wawalla: rikushpaqa kutiramunñachu

ka-n-chu may wawa-lla-: ri-ku-shpa-qa kuti-ra-mu-n-ña-chu
be-3-Q where baby-RSTR-1 go-REFL-SUBIS-TOP return-INCEP-3-DISC-NEG
¿Dónde está? Mi hijo se fue y todavía no ha vuelto.
He is where? SInce he left, my son hasn't returned.
00:02:03.200 - 00:02:09.980

Lliw lliw wawallakuna huk lawpam

lliw lliw wawa-lla-kuna huk law-pa-m
all all child-RSTR-PL one-side-LOC-EVD
Todos mis hijos están en otro lado
All the children are someplace else.
00:02:12.950 - 00:02:16.180

Cañetepa, limapa, montañapa

Cañete-pa lima-pa montaña-pa
Cañete-LOC lima-LOC rain.forest-LOC
En Cañete, en Lima, en la selva.
In Cañete, in Lima, in the rain forest
00:02:16.180 - 00:02:23.070

Rain forest
00:02:16.180 - 00:02:23.070

00:02:16.180 - 00:02:23.070

. . . En otro país . . . Dónde estará, pues. Vivirá ó no?

. . . En otro país . . . ¿Dónde estará, pues? ¿Vivirá ó no?
In another country. Where could he be? Alive or dead?
00:02:23.160 - 00:02:28.730

00:02:28.740 - 00:02:36.030

Kawsanchutr manachutr? No se sabe. No.

kawsa-n-chu-tr mana-chu-tr
live-3-Q-EVC no-Q-EVC
¿Estará vivo o estará muerto? No se sabe. No.
Would he be alive or not? We don't know.
00:02:28.740 - 00:02:36.030

Siquiera se sabe? No se escucha?

You don't even know? You don't hear from him?
00:02:28.740 - 00:02:36.030

Manam iskucha:chu. Imapam?

mana-m iskucha-:-chu ima-pa-m
no-EVD hear-1-NEG what-LOC-EVD
No escucho. ¿En qué?
I don't hear. In what?
00:02:36.090 - 00:02:43.990

Imapa, pitaq willamanchik. No aparece. Manam trayamunchu. Manamik rikarinchu.

ima-pa pi-taq willa-ma-n-chik mana-m traya-mu-n-chu mana-mi-k rikari-n-chu
what-LOC who-SEQ tell-1.OBJ-3-1PL.OBJ no-EVD arrive-CISL-3-NEG no-EVD-K appear-3-NEG
¿En qué? ¿Quién nos va a avisar? No aparece. No llega. No aparece.
How? Who is going to tell us? He hasn't showed up. He hasn't arrived. He hasn't showed up.
00:02:36.090 - 00:02:43.990

Tiempo, ya.
A while already.
00:02:44.010 - 00:02:51.390

Ya, tiempo ya. trunka pichqayuq watatañam riyan.

trunka pichqa-yuq wata-ta-ña-m ri-ya-n
ten five-POSS year-ACC-DISC-EVD go-PROG-3
Ya tiempo ya. Quince años ya se fue.
A while already. He left fifteen years ago.
00:02:44.010 - 00:02:51.390

Desde hace cuando?

Since when?
00:02:44.010 - 00:02:51.390

Quince. Dieziseis años.

00:02:51.390 - 00:02:57.010

"trunka pichqa". ¿Catorce años? Quince.

"trunka pichqa". Fourteen years? Fifteen.
00:02:51.390 - 00:02:57.010

En Quechua dice huk, ishkay, kimsa, tawa, pichqa, suqta, qanchis, pusaq, ishqun, tr unka
huk, ishkay, kimsa, tawa, pichqa, suqta, qanchis, pusaq, ishqun, trunka
huk, ishkay, kimsa, tawa, pichqa, suqta, qanchis, pusaq, ishqun, trunka
En Quechua dice "huk, ishkay, kimsa, tawa, pichqa, suqta, qanchis, pusaq, ishqun, trunka" (uno, dos, tres,
cuatro, cinco, seis, siete,
ocho, nueve, diez)
In Quechua we say "huk, ishkay, kimsa, tawa, pichqa, suqta, qanchis, pusaq, ishqun, trunka" (one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, ten)
00:02:57.060 - 00:03:03.710

trunka pichqayuq, dice, trunka suqtayuq

trunka pichqa-yuq trunka suqta-yuq
ten five-POSS ten six-POSS
Quince, dice, dieciseis
Fifteen, we say, sixteen.
00:03:03.720 - 00:03:07.800

Siete. Ayves. Suqtayuq. Dieziseis. Siete. Diezisiete.

Ayves. Suqta-yuq
sometimes six-POSS
Siete. a veces dieciseis. Dieciseis. Siete. Diecisiete.
Seven. Sometimes. Seven. Sixteen. Seventeen.
00:03:07.910 - 00:03:13.430

Y cuando se desaparecieron, ¿dónde se iban?

And when they disappeared, where were they headed?
00:03:13.470 - 00:03:18.160

Montañata rikura. Montañatam.

montaña-ta ri-ku-ra-ø montaña-ta-m
rain.forest-ACC go-REFL-PST-3 rain.forest-ACC-EVD
Se fue a la selva. A la selva.
He went to the rain forest. To the rain forest.
00:03:18.190 - 00:03:23.550

Maypatrik. Manam kanchu. May . . . Chaypam huk wawa:. Maypa llaqta kasanpatr kayan trabahashpatr.
may-pa-tri-k mana-m ka-n-chu. may chay-pa-m huk wawa-: may-pa llaqta ka-sa-n-pa-tr ka-ya-n
where-LOC-EVC-IK no-EVD ve-3-NEG where DEM.D-LOC-EVD one baby-1 where-LOC town
be-PRF-3-EVC be-PROG-3 work-ESUBIS-EVC
¿En dónde, pues? No hay . . . dónde . . . por allá está uno de mis hijos. En donde hay pueblo estará
Where, then? There aren't. Where . . . There . . . one of my children . . . Where there's a town, for sure. He's
there working.
00:03:23.580 - 00:03:30.730

Llaqta kasanpitr kayan trabahashpa kayan.

llaqta ka-sa-n-pi-tr ka-ya-n trabaha-shpa ka-ya-n
town be-PRF-3-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3 work-SUBIS be-PROG-3
Estará en pueblo, seguro. Estará trabajando.
He must be in some town. He's there working.
00:03:23.580 - 00:03:30.730

Kayan maypaq ma kutimunqa ... huktaq chay ... punapaq estará pues. En pueblo.
ka-ya-n may-paq ma kuti-mu-nqa huk-taq chay puna-paq
be-PROG-3 where-ABL MA return-CISL-3.FUT one-SEQ DEM.D puna-LOC
Está. ¿De dónde, pues, va a regresar? No creo que esté en la puna. Estará en pueblo, pues.
He's there. Where, then, is he going to come back from? Another that .... He must be in the puna. In town.
00:03:30.730 - 00:03:36.460

No creo.
No creo.
No creo.
No creo.
I don't think so.
00:03:36.460 - 00:03:42.440

Los terroristas será.

It's the terrorists then.
00:03:36.460 - 00:03:42.440

¿Cómo será?
¿Cómo será?
How would it be?
00:03:42.460 - 00:03:48.480

En chacra trabajando debe estar.

Debe estar en alguna chacra trabajando.
He must be in some field working.
00:03:42.460 - 00:03:48.480

00:03:48.610 - 00:03:53.110

Salieron enojados? Entonces . . .

Did they leave mad? Then . . .
00:03:48.610 - 00:03:53.110

Ha ido a trabajar y después para Cañete se ha ido. Me voy a la selva diciendo. De allá ya que no puede
Se fue a trabajar y después se fue hacia Cañete. "Me voy a la selva", dijo. De allá ya que no puede regresar.
He went to work and then he left for Cañete. "I'm going to the rain forest," he said. Now he can't come back
from there.
00:03:53.170 - 00:04:01.840

Otros años volvían pero último nada ha regresado.

Otros años volvía pero últimamente no ha regresado.
In other years they came back, but lately they haven't come back at all.
00:04:01.910 - 00:04:07.270

¿Cuándo fue la última vez que volvió?

When was the last time he came back?
00:04:07.300 - 00:04:09.890

Noventa y dos años. Mil novecientos noventa y dos. Noventa y dos, noventa y tres, noventa y cinco.
Noventa y dos años. Mil novecientos noventa y dos. Noventa y dos, noventa y tres, noventa y cinco.
Ninety-two years. Nineteen ninety-two. Ninety-three. Ninety-five.
00:04:10.810 - 00:04:19.080

Y en la selva, ¿qué estaba haciendo? Imatataq

And what was he doing in the rain forest? What
00:04:19.120 - 00:04:24.480

Imatatrik ruwayan? Manam yatra:chu.

ima-ta-tr-ik ruwa-ya-n mana-m yatra-:-chu
what-ACC-EVC-KI work-PROG-3 no-EVD know-1-NEG
¿Qué cosa estará haciendo, pues? No sé.
What in the world is he doing? I don't know.
00:04:24.480 - 00:04:30.690

Imapatrik trabahan? Imaynatr?

ima-pa-tr-k trabaha-n imayna-tr
what-LOC-EVC-K work-3 how-EVC
¿En qué, pues. trabajará? ¿Cómo será?
At what could he be working? How would it be?
00:04:24.480 - 00:04:30.690

ruwa . . .
work . . .
00:04:24.480 - 00:04:30.710

Estará trabajando, seguro.
He's working, for sure.
00:04:30.690 - 00:04:34.470

Chay manam kutikamunchu

chay mana-m kuti-ka-mu-n-chu
Por eso no vuelve para acá.
That's why he hasn't come back.
00:04:34.630 - 00:04:44.280

Ni idea de lo que hubiera podido pasar?

Not the slightest idea of what could have happened?
00:04:34.630 - 00:04:44.280

¿Qué piensa que llegó a pasar?

What do you think happened?
00:04:44.280 - 00:04:49.850

¿Qué cree usted que pasó?

What do you believe happened?
00:04:49.850 - 00:04:54.310

Imanarunqatr? Wañukuntri niya: . . Wañukuntriki.

ima-na-ru-nqa-tr wañu-ku-n-tri ni-ya-: wañu-ku-n-tr-ki
what-VRBZ-URGT-3.FUT-EVC die-REFL-3-EVC say-PROG-1 die-REFL-3-EVC-KI
¿Qué habrá pasado? Se murió, pues, estoy diciendo. O morirá. Estará muerto.
What could have happened? He died, I guess, I'm saying. He must be dead.
00:04:54.350 - 00:05:00.870

Se puede morir de repente.
He could die possibly.
00:04:54.350 - 00:05:00.870

Wañukunmantriki. Imanamantaq. Kay kaytrik tiyempuqa. Imayna mana kutikamunmanchu?

wañu-ku-n-man-tri-ki imana-man-taq kay kay-tri-k tiyempu-qa imayna mana kuti-ka-mu-n-man-chu
die-REFL--3-COND-EVC-KI happen-COND-SEQ DEM.P DEM.P-EVC time-TOP how no
Se puede morir, pues. ¿Qué puede pasar? Tanto tiempo. ¿Por qué no puede volver?
He could die, of course. What could happen? This . . . This, sure, a long time ago. Why can't he come
00:05:00.900 - 00:05:07.850

Se murió, pues.
He must have died.
00:05:07.980 - 00:05:14.010

Kutiramunmantri? Imatrik pasan?

kuti-ra-mu-n-man-tri ima-tri-k pasa-n
return-URGT-CISL-3-COND-EVC what-EVC-K happen-3
Puede volver? ¿Qué pasaría?
Can he come back? What could happen?
00:05:07.980 - 00:05:14.010

Mmm, claro.
Mmm, right.
00:05:07.980 - 00:05:14.010

Mmmm. Wañukuntri.
Mmmm. wañu-ku-n-tri
Mmmm. die-REFL-3-EVC
Mmm. Se murió, pues.
Mmm. Then he's dead.
00:05:14.010 - 00:05:17.350

Y es hijo de usted?
And he's your son?
00:05:14.010 - 00:05:17.350

Uno no más.
Only one.
00:05:17.350 - 00:05:24.720

Uno no más.
Only one.
00:05:17.350 - 00:05:24.720

One only?
00:05:17.350 - 00:05:24.720

Pero él no sabe, pues. Manam yatranchu.

mana-m yatra-n-chu.
no-EVD know-3-NEG
Pero él no sabe, pues. Pero él no sabe.
But he doesn't know. But he doesn't know.
00:05:24.760 - 00:05:28.290

Maypa kasantapis yatranchu.

may-pa ka-sa-n-ta-pis yatra-n-chu
where-LOC be-PRF-3-ACC-ADD know-3-NEG
Dónde es el lugar en que está . . no se sabe.
Where is it that he is? We don't know.
00:05:28.310 - 00:05:30.970

Manam yatra:chu. May . . . Maymantri rikun? Karumantri nishpam nimara kay unay qayna huk wataraq.
mana-m yatra-:-chu may may-man-tri ri-ku-n karu-man-tri ni-shpa-m ni-ma-ra-ø kay unay qayna huk wata-raq
no-EVD know-1-NEG where where-ALL-EVC go-REFL-3 far-ALL-EVC say-SUBIS-EVD
say-1OBJ-3-PST-3-Y DEM.P before next one year-CONT
No sé. ¿Dónde . . . hacia dónde, pues, se fue? Lejos seguro. Me dijo un año, un año todavía.
I don't know. Where . . . tow here could he have gone? Far, for sure. He said to me before next year, one
year still.
00:05:31.030 - 00:05:38.450

La última vez que pasó, ¿qué dijo?

The last time he came, what did he say?
00:05:40.410 - 00:05:44.640

Voy a volver, dijo, pues. Kutimushaqmi.

"Voy a volver", dijo, pues. "Voy a volver".
I'll come back, he said. I'll come back.
00:05:44.790 - 00:05:48.290

Kay watallatam nishpam. Manam rikarinchu.

kay wata-lla-ta-m ni-shpa-m mana-m rikari-n-chu
DEM.P year-RSTR-ACC-EVD say-SUBIS-EVD no-EVD appear-3-NEG
Para este año, no más, diciendo, no apareció.
He said for this very year, but he hasn't appeared.
00:05:48.600 - 00:05:51.520
Ah, bien estaba.
Ah, bien estaba.
Ah, he was well.
00:05:51.690 - 00:05:55.150

¿Y bien de salud estaba?

And he was in good health?
00:05:51.690 - 00:05:55.150

00:05:58.540 - 00:06:03.240

¿No no cree usted que será los terroristas.

You don't think it could be the terrorists?
00:05:58.540 - 00:06:03.240

Tirroristaqa kananchu kara manam.TKTK

tirrorista-qa kanan-chu ka-ra-ø mana-m
Terrorist-TOP now-NEG be-PST-3 no-EVD
Ahora no hay terroristas.
There are no terrorists now.
00:06:04.170 - 00:06:08.870

¿Por acá no pasaron?

They didn't come through here?
00:06:04.170 - 00:06:08.870

Antes. Antes.
Antes. Antes.
Before. Before.
00:06:08.950 - 00:06:12.840

Puraminti wak altu urqupa runata piliyara wañuchinakurun wak altu urqu urqupa.
puraminti wak altu urqu-pa runa-ta piliya-ra-ø wañu-chi-naku-ru-n altu urqu urqu-pa.
totally DEM.D high hill-LOC person-ACC fight-PST-3 die-CAUS-RECP-URGT-3 high hill hill-LOC
Total, pelearon contra la gente en esa montaña alta. Se mataron los unos a los otros, allí en la montaña,
montaña alta.
They fought a lot against the people there in the high mountain. They killed each other up there in the high
00:06:12.920 - 00:06:19.880

Terrorista. Unay ayka wataña chayqa kayan?

terrorista unay ayka wata-ña chay-qa ka-ya-n
Terrorista. before how.many year-DISC DEM.D-TOP be-PROG-3
Terroristas. Hace tiempo. ¿Cuántos años ya será?
Terrorists. How many years ago already?
00:06:19.950 - 00:06:25.270

Varios años.
Varios años.
Many years.
00:06:19.950 - 00:06:25.290

00:06:25.270 - 00:06:27.840

¿Y gente de acá era, ó . . . ?

Was it people from here or . . .
00:06:25.270 - 00:06:27.840

De afuera vino. Achka achkam hamusa.

achka achka-m hamu-sa-ø
a.lot a.lot-EVD come-PRF-3
Vinieron de afuera. Muchos vinieron.
They came from outside. Lots and lots came.
00:06:27.840 - 00:06:33.770

¿Gente de afuera?
People from outside?
00:06:27.840 - 00:06:33.770

Harto, harto. Gente.

00:06:33.780 - 00:06:39.470

Aa, achka terrorista.

aa achka terrorista.
Ah, a.lot terrorist
Ah, muchos terroristas.
Ah, a lot of terrorists.
00:06:33.780 - 00:06:39.470

Hinashpa . . . Chay altu urqupi . . . pasaypaq

hinashpa chay altu urqu-pi pasaypaq
then DEM.D high hill-LOC much
Después en las montañas . . . mucho . . .
Then on that high mountain ... a lot
00:06:39.480 - 00:06:45.780

Gwardyatam vino. Chay gwardyawan piliyara.

gwardya-ta-m vino chay gwardya-wan piliya-ra-ø
police-ACC-EVD came DEM.D police-INSTR fight-PST-3
Policías también vinieron. Pelearon con los policías.
Police ... came ... They fought with those policemen.
00:06:39.480 - 00:06:45.780

Chaypa runata wañuchira. Ahh. Altu. Arriba. Urqupa.

chay-pa runa-ta wañu-chi-ra-ø Ahh. altu. arriba. urqu-pa
DEM.P-GEN person-ACC die-CAUS-PST-3 Ahh. high up hill-LOC
Mataron a gente de acá. Ahh. Alto. Arriba. En la montaña.
They killed people from here. Ahhh. High. Up. In the mountains.
00:06:45.850 - 00:06:53.800

Azángaro hanaylaw altum.
Azángaro hanay-law altu-m
Azángaro up.hill-side high-EVD
Azángaro más arriba. Alto.
Up hill from Azángaro. Up high.
00:06:45.850 - 00:06:53.800

¿Como en guerra?
Like in a war?
00:06:45.850 - 00:06:53.800

Altu puna. Wawayaska.

altu puna. Wawayaska.
high puna. Wawayaska.
En alta puna. Wawayaska.
In the high puna. Wawayaska.
00:06:53.910 - 00:06:56.580

Ése vino pues.

Ése vino, pues.
They came.
00:06:56.580 - 00:07:00.900

¿Y qué pasó precisamente?

And what exactly happened?
00:06:56.580 - 00:07:00.900

Terrorista. Achka achkam hamusa.

terrorista. achka achka-m hamu-sa-ø
terrorist a-lot a-lot-EVD come-PRF-3
Terroristas. Muchísimos vinieron.
Terrorists. A whole lot of them came.
00:07:00.930 - 00:07:04.120

Chaymi algunus runaqa lliw ayqishpa rikura kustata. Ah, algunos se fue.
chay-mi algunus runa-qa ayqi-shpa ri-ku-n kusta-ta
DEM.D-EVD some person-TOP escape-SUBIS go-REFL-3 coast-ACC
Por eso algunas personas -- todos -- se fueron escapando a la costa. Ah, algunos se fueron.
So some people -- all -- escaped, left for the coast. Ah, some left.
00:07:05.160 - 00:07:10.640

Chay lliw lliw listamanshi trurara. Chay listaman trurasan rikura

chay lliw lliw lista-man-shi trura-ra-ø chay lista-man trura-sa-n riku-ra-ø
DEM.D all all list-ALL-EVR put-PST-3 DEM.D list-ALL put-PRF-3- go-REFL-PST-3
Pusieron a todos en una lista. Los a quienes pusieron en la lista se fueron.
They put everyone on the list. Those who were put on the list left.
00:07:10.860 - 00:07:14.490

00:07:10.860 - 00:07:14.490

algunustaq wañuchirataq huk ishkayta wañurachirun.

algunus-taq wañu-chi-ra-ø-taq huk ishkay-ta wañu-ru-chi-ru-n
some-ACC die-CAUS-PST-3-SEQ one two-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-PST-3
Mataron a algunos. A uno ó dos mataron
They killed some. They killed one or two.
00:07:14.550 - 00:07:19.730

Y bajaron . . .
And they came down . . .
00:07:14.550 - 00:07:19.730

Ganawninta qatikura qalay qalay wañurachishpa nata este . . . Amador Garayta

ganaw-ni-n-ta qati-ku-ra-ø qalay wañu-ri-shpa na-ta este Amador Garay-ta
cattle-EUPH-3-ACC grab-REFL-PST-3 everything die-URGT-CAUS-SUBIS DMY-ACC ummm Amador
llevaron a todos sus animales y mataron este . . . Amador Garay
They grabbed all their cattle up there and killed . . . ummm . . . Amador Garay
00:07:19.820 - 00:07:27.360

Wasintas kargarikura bistyawan

wasi-n-ta-s karga-ri-ku-ra-ø bistya-wan
house-3-ACC-ADD carry-INCEP-REFL-PST-3 horse-INSTR
Lo cargaron a su casa también con caballos.
They carried them home with horses.
00:07:28.230 - 00:07:38.690

Mulankunawan kargarikushpa pasan wañurichishpa wak Chavin lawpash hinashpa qalay qalay Chavin
minerowanshi partisa
mula-n-kuna-wan karga-ri-ku-shpa pasa-n wañu-ri-chi-shpa wak Chavin law-pa-sh hinashpa qalay qalay
Chavin minero-wan-shi
side-LOC-EVR then everything everything Chavin
Se fueron cargando todo con mulas, matando allá en el lado de Chavín, dicen. Luego, repartieron todo con los
Carrying everything with mules, they left killing people over by Chavin. Then they divided up everything
with the miners.
00:07:28.230 - 00:07:38.690

miner-INSTR-EVR give.out-PRF-3

00:07:38.750 - 00:07:40.760

la vaca
the cow.
00:07:38.750 - 00:07:40.760

Krusawkaman vakata
krusaw-kaman vaka-ta
crossed-LIM cow-ACC
Vacas crusadas
Mixed-breed cows.
00:07:41.210 - 00:07:43.680

¿Por qué?
00:07:41.210 - 00:07:43.680

Chayaq payqa kara na este

chay-qa pay-qa ka-ra-ø na este
DEM.D-TOP 3-TOP be-PST-3 DMY umm
Éso, él era este . . .
That, he was, that, ummm
00:07:44.210 - 00:07:47.090

Intanadanwanshi kara
intanada-n-wan-shi ka-ra-ø
Estaba con su entanada.
He was with his step-daughter.
00:07:47.390 - 00:07:49.100

Chayta kanan kaypa hukwan

chay-ta kanan kay-pa huk-wan
A ése ahora en acá con otro
That now here with another
00:07:50.060 - 00:07:52.490

Kayhina llaqta runallam chay willarusa

kay-hina llaqta runa-lla-m chay willa-ru-sa-ø
DEM.P-COMP town person-RSTR-EVD DEM.D tell-URGT-PRF-3
Como acá gente del pueblo no más avisaron.
Like here, just town people told.
00:07:52.550 - 00:07:55.470

"Chaynam wak," nishpa chayllam wañurachin. "Wakta wañuchiy!"

chay-na-m wak ni-shpa chay-lla-m wañu-ra-chi-n wak-ta wañu-chi-y
Así es ése, diciendo, y por eso no más lo mató. "¡Mátale a él!"
That's it. That one, they said, and just like that they killed him. "Kill that one!"
00:07:55.470 - 00:07:59.240

Chayshi payqa nin "Ayqikunchu ni ima?"

chay-shi pay-qa ni-n ayqi-ku-n-chu ni ima
DEM.D-EVR 3-TOP say-3 escape-REFL-3-Q nor what
Por eso, dicen, él dijo, "¿Se escapa ó qué?"
That's why, they say, he said, "Did he escape or what?"
00:07:59.300 - 00:08:02.880

00:08:03.090 - 00:08:04.980

Tirroristam hamuyan niptinqa, "Wak turutatr pagaykushaqqa."

tirrorista-m hamu-ya-n ni-pti-n-qa wak turu-ta-tr paga-yku-shaq-qa
terrorist-EVD come-PROG-3 say-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D bull-ACC-EVC pay-EXCEP-1.FUT-TOP
"Los terrorista están viniendo", dijo, "Les pagaré ése toro".
"The terrorists are coming," he said, "I'll pay them that bull."
00:08:05.010 - 00:08:08.800

Manam wañuchimanqachu nin.

mana-m wañu-chi-ma-nqa-chu ni-n
no-EVD die-CAUS-1.OBJ-3.FUT-NEG say-3
"No me van a matar", dijo.
"They won't kill me," he said.
00:08:08.870 - 00:08:11.160

Hinaptinshi, "Wak turuta pagaykusayki" niptin asiptan.

hinaptin-shi wak turu-ta paga-yku-sayki ni-pti-n asipta-n
then-EVR DEM.D bull-ACC pay-EXCEP-1>2 say-SUBDS-3 accept-3
Después, dicen, cuando él dijo "Te voy a pagar mi toro", ellos aceptaron.
Then, they say, when he said "I'll pay you that bull" they accepted.
00:08:11.200 - 00:08:15.220

Hinaptinshi chay enemigun, "No, no, no. ¡Mátalo!"

hinaptin-shi chay enemigun, "No, no, no. mátalo
then-EVR DEM.D enemy "No, no, no. ¡Mátalo!"
Después, dice, su enemigos [cambiaron de idea y dijeron,], "¡No, no, no! ¡Mátalo!"
Then, they say, those enemies of his [changed their minds and said,] "No! No! No! Kill him!"
00:08:15.650 - 00:08:19.390

Entonces, "¿a qué vinistes?" dice dijo.

Entonces, "¿a qué viniste?" dijo.
Then, "What did you come for?" he said.
00:08:19.450 - 00:08:21.830

Imamantaq hamuranki mana wañuchina:paq ninshi. Chay wañurachin.

ima-man-taq hamu-ra-nki mana wañu-chi-na-:-paq ni-n-shi chay wañu-ra-chi-n
what-ALL-SEQ come-PST-2 no die-CAUS-NMLZ-1-PURP say-3-EVR DEM.D die-PST-CAUS-3
"¿Para qué has venido para no matarte?" dijo, dicen. En eso lo mató.
"What have you come for so that I shouldn't kill?" he said, they say. And he killed him.
00:08:21.920 - 00:08:26.030

Chay intanadananta ayqikusa.

chay intanada-n-ta ayqi-ku-sa-ø
DEM.D step-daughter-3-ACC escape-REFL-PRF-3
Su entanada se escapó.
His step-daughter escaped.
00:08:26.480 - 00:08:29.460

Lluqsishpaqa ni may risan yatrakunchu

lluqsi-shpa-qa ni may ri-sa-n yatra-ku-n-chu
exit-SUBIS-TOP nor where go-PRF-3 know-REFL-3-NEG
Salieron y no sabemos ni dónde se fueron.
They left and we don't know where they went.
00:08:30.450 - 00:08:35.230

Chinkarun. Ni may risan yatrakunchu.

chinka-ru-n ni may ri-sa-n yatra-ku-n-chu
lose-URGT-3 nor where go-PRF-3 know-REFL-3-NEG
Se perdieron. No se sabe dónde se fueron.
They got lost. We don't know where they went.
00:08:30.450 - 00:08:35.230

Despareció total. Sí.

Desparecieron total. Sí.
They disappeared completely. Yes.
00:08:35.730 - 00:08:37.560

Chay warmillaña kidarun sapallan

chay warmi-lla-ña kida-ru-n sapa-lla-n
DEM.D woman-RSTR-DISC stay-URGT-3 alone-RSTR-3
Esas mujeres no más se quedaron solas.
Those women stayed all alone.
00:08:37.890 - 00:08:40.220

Lliw lliw qatikusa kabritunkunata chikupish wawankuna uyqankunapa kidarusa ay

lliw lliw qati-ku-sa-ø kabritu-n-kuna-ta chiku-pi-sh wawa-n-kuna uyqa-n-kuna-pa kida-ru-sa-ø ay
all all grab-REFL-PRF-3 kid-3-PL-ACC tunnel-LOC-EVR baby-3-PL- sheep-3-PL-GEN stay-URGT-PRF-3
Todo agarraron -- sus cabritas todo. Todas las crias de las ovejas se habían quedado en un hueco, dicen, ay
They grabbed everything, everything -- all the little goats. The babies of their sheep had stayed in a tunnel,
00:08:40.480 - 00:08:46.440

Lliwshi lliwta qatikun

lliw-shi lliw-ta qati-ku-n
all-EVR all-ACC grab-REFL-3
Se llevaron todo, dicen, todo.
Everything, they say, they took everything.
00:08:46.580 - 00:08:49.020

Mikunantapis lliw lliwshi sibadanta trigunta ima kaqtapis katriwan takurachisa

miku-na-n-ta-pis lliw lliw-shi sibada-n-ta trigu-n-ta ima ka-q-ta-pis katri-wan taku-ra-chi-sa-ø
eat-NMLZ-3-ACC-ADD all all-EVR barley-3-ACC wheat-3-ACC what be-AG-ACC-ADD salt-INSTR
Su comida, también, todo, todo, su cebada, su trigo -- lo habían entreverado con sal.
Their food, too, everything, everything, their barley, their wheat, anything, they mixed it with salt.
00:08:49.080 - 00:08:57.140

Chaynashpash qatikun
chay-na-shpa-sh qati-ku-n
Así, dicen, los sigió
Like that, they say, he followed them.
00:08:57.260 - 00:08:58.740

Wañuchirataq wak napa wak altu

wañu-chi-ra-ø-taq wak na-pa wak altu
Y los mataron, allí, en las montañas.
And he killed him, there, em, there in the mountains.
00:08:59.780 - 00:09:03.420

Pukarumichu, Kashalla hanaynin napa

Pukarumi-chu Kashalla hanay-ni-n na-pa
Pukarumi-Q Kashalla up.hill-EUPH-3 DMY-LOC
¿Pukarumi? Arriba de Kashalla. Allí.
Pukarumi? Over Kashalla. There.
00:09:03.810 - 00:09:07.320

Este Amador Garaychu imam sutin kara . . . Wamanta

Amador Garay-chu ima-m suti-n ka-ra-ø Waman-ta
Amador Garay-Q what-EVD name-3 be-PST-3 Waman-ACC
Este . . . ¿Amador Guerra? ¿Como se llamaba? Wamán.
Ummm . . . Amador Guerra? What was his name? Wamán.
00:09:07.470 - 00:09:12.200

Victor Wamán después su hijo.

Victor Wamán y después su hijo.
Victor Wamán and then his son.
00:09:12.270 - 00:09:15.040

¿Cómo se llamaba? Jorge. Wamán.

¿Cómo se llamaba? Jorge. Wamán.
What was his name? Jorge. Wamán.
00:09:15.120 - 00:09:17.600

Chay kuskanta wañurachisa chaypa.

chay kuska-n-ta wañu-ra-chi-sa-ø chay-pa
DEM.D together-3-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-PRF-3 DEM.D-LOC
Los mataron juntos allí.
They killed them together there.
00:09:17.810 - 00:09:20.230

Imapam chayta ruwara paytaq? Imaparaq?

imapa-m chay-ta ruwa-ra-ø pay-taq imapa-raq
why-EVD DEM.D-ACC do-PST-3 3-SEQ why-CONT
¿Para qué le hicieron eso a él? ¿Para qué, todavía?
What did they do that to him for? What for?
00:09:20.510 - 00:09:25.580

¿Porque a ellos precisamente?

Why them exactly?
00:09:20.510 - 00:09:25.580

yanqañatrik chayta wañuchira.

yanqa-ña-tri-k chay-ta wañu-chi-ra-ø
Por gusto lo habrá matado, pues.
They killed him just for the sake of it.
00:09:26.150 - 00:09:32.270

ñataq wak Huangáscarlawpis qatimusa vakata, como

ña-taq wak Huangáscar law-pis qati-mu-sa-ø vaka-ta
DISC-SEQ DEM.D Huangáscar side-ADD grab-CISL-PRF-3 cow-ACC
También traían de allá Huangáscar, arriaban vacas, como
Also, from around Huangáscar they brought cows, like
00:09:26.150 - 00:09:32.270

Veinte dijo. Treinta también dijo.

veinte, dijeron. Treinta, también, dijeron.
Twenty, they say. Thirty, too, they say.
00:09:32.800 - 00:09:36.260

Chayta qatirusatatr. TK Qipanta qatimusa runanqa.

chay-ta qati-ru-sa-ø-taq qipa-n-ta qati-mu-sa-ø runa-n-qa
DEM.D-ACC grab-URGT-PRF-3 behind-3-ACC grab-CISL-PRF-3 person-3-TOP
Las agarraron y atrás arrearon a su dueño.
They caught them and dragged their owner along behind.
00:09:36.410 - 00:09:39.540

Hinaptinshi iskinapa kayaptin baliyarun

hinaptinshi iskina-pa ka-ya-pti-n baliya-ru-n
then corner-LOC be-PROG-SUBDS-3 shoot-URGT-3
Luego, cuando estaba en la esquina lo dispararon.
Then, they say, when he was in the corner, they shot him.
00:09:39.710 - 00:09:42.470

Baliyaptinqa wañukun
baliya-pti-n-qa wañu-ku-n
shoot-SUBDS-3-TOP die-REFL-3
Cuando lo dispararon, él murió.
When they shot him, he died.
00:09:42.470 - 00:09:44.690

Hinashpa vakata qatimusa chaykunata Azángaro plasaman.

hinashpa vaka-ta qati-mu-sa-ø chay-kuna-ta Azángaro plasa-man
then cow-ACC grab-CISL-PRF-3 DEM.D-PL-ACC Azángaro plaza-ALL
Después llevaron todas las vacas a la plaza de Azángaro.
Then they took all the cows to the Azángaro plaza.
00:09:45.280 - 00:09:48.430

Hinashpa chaypaq witrayman pasachisa chay Amador kaqmanñataq

hinashpa chay-paq witray-man pasa-chi-sa-ø chay Amador ka-q-man-ña-taq
then DEM.D-LOC up.hill-ALL pass-CAUS-PRF-3 DEM.D Amador be-AG-ALL-DISC-SEQ
Después, las hicieron pasar de allí hacia arriba a donde Don Amador también
Then, from there they made [them?] march up high to Don Amador´ place.
00:09:48.540 - 00:09:52.450

Achka achkatash vakata qatirun. Como cinquenta, sesenta, como ochenta.
achka achka-ta-sh vaka-ta qati-ru-n
a.lot a.lot-ACC cow-ACC grab-URGT-3
Llevaron muchas, muchas vacas. Como cinquenta, como sesenta. como ochenta.
They took lots and lots of cows. Like fifty. Like sixty. Like eighty.
00:09:52.900 - 00:09:57.560

Harta vacas llevó.

Harta vacas llevaron.
They took lots of cows.
00:09:58.630 - 00:10:01.650

Vendería, pues, ó regalaría, ¿Cómo haría pues?

Vendería, pues, ó regalaría, ¿Cómo haría pues?
They could sell them, or give them away. What would they do?
00:10:01.770 - 00:10:08.340

¿A qué? A comer? ¿A vender?

For what? To eat? To sell?
00:10:01.770 - 00:10:08.340

Todo allí por Chavin, dice, quedó.

Todo se quedó allí por Chavin, dicen.
Everything stayed over by Chavin, they say.
00:10:08.370 - 00:10:10.730

Chaytataq ruwara.
chay-ta-taq ruwa-ra-ø
Así hicieron.
That's what they did.
00:10:13.150 - 00:10:15.180

Total vino ese terrorista. Para acá llegó.

Total, vinieron esos terroristas. Para acá llegaron.
Absolutely, those terrorists came. They got here.
00:10:16.330 - 00:10:19.590

Llapa tiyendaman yaykushpaqa lliw lliwshi imantapis apakun.

llapa tiyenda-man yayku-shpa-qa lliw lliw-shi ima-n-ta-pis apa-ku-n
all store-ALL enter-SUBIS-TOP all all-EVR what-ACC-ADD bring-REFL-3
Entrando en todas las tiendas, llevaron todo, todo lo que tenían
They entered all the stores and took anything and everything they had.
00:10:20.110 - 00:10:23.480

Chukuspa nin. Huangáscarpa nin.

Chukus-pa ni-n Huangáscar-pa ni-n
Chocos-LOC say-3 Huangáscar-LOC say-3
En Chocos, dicen. En Huangáscar, dicen.
In Chocos, they say. In Huangáscar, they say.
00:10:24.290 - 00:10:29.620

¿Qué querían precisamente?

What exactly did they want?
00:10:24.290 - 00:10:29.620

Uraykunapas wañurachin. Kay San Miguel uraypapis kimsa runata

uray-kuna-pas wañu-ra-chi-n. kay San Miguel uray-pa-pis kimsa runa-ta
down-PL-LOC die-URGT-CAUS-3 DEM.P San Miguel down.hill-GEN-ADD three person-ACC
Los mataron abajo. Abajo de San Miguel [mataron] a tres personas.
Down there they killed them. Down below San Miguel [they killed] three people.
00:10:29.760 - 00:10:33.720

Tenintita, agintita
teninti-ta aginti-ta
representative-ACC official-ACC
A teniente, a agente.
Representatives and officials.
00:10:34.430 - 00:10:36.650

Chay awtoridadta wañurachin.

chay awtoridad-ta wañu-ra-chi-n
DEM.D official-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-3
Mataron a esos autoridades.
They killed those officials.
00:10:36.940 - 00:10:39.670

Chay wawqin ama nisantas wañurisataq

chay wawqi-n ama ni-sa-n-ta-s wañu-ra-chi-sa-ø-taq
DEM.D brother-3 PROH say-PRF-3-ACC-ADD die-URGT-PRF-SEQ
También mataron a su hermano que dijo no.
They also killed his brother who said "No!"
00:10:39.740 - 00:10:43.070

"¡Ama wawqitaq wañuchiychu!" niptinshi wañurachiyan paytawanpis.


Cuando él dijo, "¡No mates a mi hermano!" mataron a él también, dicen.
When he said, "Don't kill my brother!" they killed him, too, they say.
00:10:43.620 - 00:10:50.130

"Wañurachiy wakta!" Wañuchiptin "Amam pampankichu hinam ismunqa!" ninshi.

wañu-ra-chi-y wak-ta wañu-chi-pti-n ama-m pampa-nki-chu hina-m ismu-nqa ni-n-shi
"¡Mátalo a ése!" Cuando lo mató, dijo, "¡No vayas a enterrarlo! ¡Que se pudra así!"
"Kill that one!" When they killed him, he said, "You're not going to bury him! Let him rot like that!"
00:10:50.290 - 00:10:57.250

¿Qué querían?
What did they want?
00:10:50.290 - 00:10:57.250

Chay kasa hina familya vesinu.

chay ka-sa-ø hina hina familya vesinu.
DEM.D be-PRF-3 thus family neighbor
Él era como familia, un vecino.
He was like family, a neighbor.
00:10:58.450 - 00:11:01.310

Chayshi kasa kumunidadshi trakra kara

chay-shi ka-sa-ø kumunidad-shi trakra ka-ra-ø
DEM.D-EVR be-PRF-3 community-ECR field be-PST-3
Ése era terreno communal, ése era.
That was a community field, they say, that one was.
00:11:01.630 - 00:11:04.450

Chaymanshi abasta tarpura

chay-man-shi abas-ta tarpu-ra-ø
DEM.D-ALL-EVR broad.beans plant-PST-3
Allí, dicen, sembró habas.
Over there, they say, he planted broad beans.
00:11:04.730 - 00:11:06.470

Hinaptinshi paytaqa mana tarpunanta munasachu.

hinaptin-shi paytaqa mana tarpunanta munasa-ø-chu?
then-EVR 3-ACC-TOP no plant-NMLZ-3-ACC want-PRF-3-NEG
Después, dicen, no querían que él sembrara.
Then, they say, they didn't want him to plant.
00:11:06.970 - 00:11:10.480

Chayllapaq willakarusa.
chay-lla-paq willa-ka-ru-sa-ø
Por eso no más avisaron
That's why they told on him.
00:11:10.490 - 00:11:11.770

Tirroristaman. Hinaptin chayta wañurachin.

tirrorista-man hinaptin chay-ta wañu-ra-chi-n
terrorist-ALL then DEM.D-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-3
a los terroristas. Y después lo mataron.
to the terrorists. Then they killed him.
00:11:12.350 - 00:11:15.560

TApuríkushpa tApuríkushpa risa wañurachin.

tapu-ri-k-shpa tapu-ri-k-shpa ri-sa-ø wañu-ra-chi-n
Iban preguntando y preguntando había y lo mataron.
They went around asking, asking, and they killed him.
00:11:16.840 - 00:11:20.180

Tiniyintish kara ahintish kara huknin

tiniyintish kara ahintish kara huk-ni-n
lieutenant-EVR be-PST-3 agent-EVR be-PST-3 one-EUPH-3
Era teniente, dicen, y el otro era agente.
He was a lieutenant, they say, and the other was an agent.
00:11:21.350 - 00:11:23.660

Huknin tiniyinti. Wañurachin. Wawqinñataq ama wawqi:ta niptin. Kimsata wañurachin.
huk-ni-n tiniyinti wañu-ra-chi-n Wawqi-n-ña-taq ama wawqi-:-ta ni-pti-n kimsa-ta wañu-ra-chi-n
one-EUPH-3 lieutenant die-URGT-CAUS-3 brother-3-DISC-SEQ PROH brother-1-ACC say-SUBDS-3
three-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-3
Otro [era] teniente. Mataron a su hermano cuando él dijo "¡No a mi hermano!" Mataron a tres.
Another was a lieutenant. They killed his brother when he said, "Don't [kill] my brother!" They killed three
00:11:23.860 - 00:11:29.850

Ah, total miedo tenía por eso

Ah, total, tenían miedo por eso
Ah, they were really afraid becaise of that.
00:11:30.710 - 00:11:37.870

Y todo el mundo, me imagino viviendo con mucho miedo.

And everybody was living in fear, I imagine.
00:11:30.710 - 00:11:37.870

Nosotros nos fuimos para Cañete.

Nosotros nos fuimos a Cañete.
We left for Cañete.
00:11:37.910 - 00:11:40.070

Cañeteta ayarikura:. Esposo:ta listaman trurarusa.

Cañete-ta ayari-ku-ra-: esposo-:-ta lista-man trura-ru-sa-ø
Cañete-ACC escape-REFL-PST-1 husband-1-ACC list-ALL put-URGT-PRF-3
Me escapé a Cañete. Habían puesto a mi esposo en la lista.
I escaped to Cañete. They had put my husband on the list.
00:11:40.630 - 00:11:44.490

Achka achkas vaka kara. Como treinta tenía.

achka achka-s vaka ka-ra-ø
a.lot a.lot-ADD cow be-PST-3
Tenía muchas, muchas vacas. Como treinta tenía.
There were lots and lots of cows. He had like twenty.
00:11:45.050 - 00:11:48.730

Rikura Cañeteta.
ri-ku-ra-ø Cañete-ta
go-REFL-PST-3 Cañete-ACC
Se fue a Cañete.
He went to Cañete.
00:11:48.930 - 00:11:50.550

Wambra:ñataq kara este

wambra-:-ña-taq ka-ra-ø este
child-1-DISC-SEQ be-PST-3 ummm
Mi hijo era este
My son was, umm
00:11:50.930 - 00:11:54.510

¿Cuánto tiempo?
For how long?
00:11:50.930 - 00:11:54.510

Univirsidadmi yaykurura ishkay warmi:.

univirsidad-mi yayku-ru-ra-ø ishkay warmi-:.
University-EVD enter-URGT-PST-3 two woman-1
Dos de mis hijas ingresaron en la universidad.
Two of my daughters started university.
00:11:55.120 - 00:11:58.480

Chay idukana: kaptin mal añu kara chay wataqa

chay iduka-na-: ka-pti-n mal añu ka-ra-ø chay wata-qa
DEM.D educate-NMLZ-1 be-SUBDS-3 bad year be-PST-3 DEM.D year-TOP
Tenía que educarlas. Ese año era mal año.
I had to educate them. That year was a bad year.
00:11:58.700 - 00:12:02.060

Hinaptin rikura: vakantin. Cañeteta

hinaptin ri-ku-ra-: vaka-ntin Cañete-ta
then go-REFL-PST-1 cow-INCL Cañete-ACC
Por eso fui a Cañete con mis vacas.
So I went with my cows and all to Cañete.
00:12:02.520 - 00:12:06.210

¿Cuánto tiempo ya será éste? Ya está mi hija también. Ya está allí ya.
¿Cuánto tiempo ya será? Ya está mi hija también. Ya está allí ya.
How long ago was that? My daughter is there already, too. She's there already.
00:12:09.990 - 00:12:14.430

Ah, con cuánto tiempo ya, pues? De allí venimos.

Ah, con cuánto tiempo ya, pues? De allí venimos.
Ah, how long ago would that be? We came from there.
00:12:15.050 - 00:12:19.600

Chay kutimusa: watapis. Ayka watañatr kayan?

chay kuti-mu-sa-: wata-pis ayka wata-ña-tr ka-ya-n
DEM.D return-CISL-PRF-1 year-ADD how.many year-DISC-EVC be-PROG-3
Vol vi a un año, ¿Hace cuántos años ya?
I returned a year later. How many years ago already?
00:12:20.590 - 00:12:24.480

Unay unaymiki kutimusa

unay unay-mi-ki kuti-mu-sa-ø
before before-EVD-KI return-CISL-PRF-3
Hace mucho tiempo regresó.
He came back a while ago.
00:12:25.130 - 00:12:32.680

Aa, kutikamura: lliw ganawnintin . Wambra: lliw listu qishpiruptinña.

aa kuti-ka-mu-ra-: lliw ganaw-ni-ntin wambra-: lliw listu qishpi-ru-pti-n
Ah, return-REFL-CISL-PST-1 all cattle-EUPH-INCL child all ready construct-URGT-SUBDS-3
Ah, regresé con todo mi ganado cuando mis hijos todos ya se educaron.
Ah, I came back with all my cattle when my children had been educated.
00:12:25.130 - 00:12:32.680
Wambra: puchukarura universidadta ishkay.
wambra-: puchuka-ru-ra-ø universidad-ta ishkay
child finish-URGT-PST-3 university-ACC two
Dos de mis hijos terminaron universidad.
Two of my children finished university.
00:12:33.280 - 00:12:36.950

Chay profesorañam kananqa.

chay profesora-ña-m kanan-qa
DEM.D teacher-DISC-EVD now-TOP
Ya son profesoras ahora.
They're teachers now.
00:12:37.640 - 00:12:40.700

Chay kutikamura qari wambra: yaykunan kara manaña atiparachu.

chay kuti-ka-mu-ra-ø qari wambra-: yayku-na-n ka-ra-ø mana-ña atipa-ra-ø-chu
DEM.D return-REFL-CISL-PST-3 man child-1 enter-NMLZ-3 be-PST-3 no-DISC-
Por eso regresó mi hijo. Tenía que [iba a] ingresar pero ya no pudo.
So my son came back -- he was going to enter [university] but then he couldn't.
00:12:41.320 - 00:12:45.790

Chay kutimupti:ñatr karaqa

chay kuti-mu-pti-:-ña-tr ka-ra-ø-qa
Cuando regresé él ya habrá sido [acá].
Yes, when I returned, he would have already been [here].
00:12:51.700 - 00:12:54.090

Wambra: universidadta puchukaruptin kutimuptinñamiki.

wambra-: universidad-ta puchuka-ru-pti-n kuti-mu-pti-n-ña-mi-ki
child-1 university-ACC finish-URGT-SUBDS-3 return-CISL-SUBDS-3-DISC-EVD-KI
Cuando mi hijo terminó la universidad ya regresó pues.
When my son finished university, he returned, then.
00:12:54.090 - 00:12:57.120

Sí, pero usted volviendo para acá

Yes, but you coming back here . . .
00:12:57.690 - 00:13:00.770

Yo vol vi con esposo no más. La mitad ganado hizo volver.

Yo vol vi con mi esposo no más. Él hizo volver la mitad del ganado.
I came back with just my husband. He had half of the cattle come back.
00:13:00.770 - 00:13:04.910

Chaymi wambra: kidumura qari wambra: hinaptin Cañetepa

chaymi wambra-: kidumura-ø qari wambra: hinaptin Cañete-pa
DEM.D-EVD child-1 remain-CISL-PST-3 man child-1 then Cañete-LOC
Por eso luego mi hijo se quedó en Cañete, mi hijo.
So then my child, my son, stayed in Cañete.
00:13:05.840 - 00:13:09.160

Como en abajo es.
It's like it is down hill.
00:13:18.210 - 00:13:20.310

Kay riku: huk huk overata uray huk overasata

kay ri-ku-: huk huk overa-ta´ uray huk overa-sa-ta
DEM.P go-REFL-1 one one overa-ACC down.hill one overa-PRF-ACC
00:13:22.830 - 00:13:29.440

Total sufrimiento es abajo.

Total sufrimiento es abajo.
It's just suffering down there.
00:13:22.830 - 00:13:29.440

Manam atipanchu kawsayta wasinpa

mana-m atipa-n-chu kawsa-y-ta wasi-n-pa
no-EVD live-INF-ACC house-3-LOC
No puede vivir en su casa.
He can't live in his house.
00:13:30.480 - 00:13:33.500

Ay, trabajamos. Para ganado su comida. Tienda con carrita.

Ay, trabajamos. Para [poder compar la] comida del ganado. Tienda con carrita.
Ay, we work. [to pay] for food for the cattle. Selling things with a cart.
00:13:35.720 - 00:13:44.710

Y allá abajo, ¿qué hacía? ¿en qué trabajaba?

And down there, what did you do? what kind of work?
00:13:35.720 - 00:13:44.710

Mi hijo total trabajaba.

Mi hijo total trabajaba.
My son worked a lot.
00:13:45.060 - 00:13:47.100

Por eso se enfermó. Por eso vino de allá para acá.

Por eso se enfermó. Por eso vino de allá para acá.
That's why he got sick and came from there to here.
00:13:47.840 - 00:13:51.370

Ah, la mitad ganado vendiendo.

Ah, vendiendo la mitad del ganado.
Ah, selling half the cattle.
00:13:51.790 - 00:13:54.980

Ya no podía mi hijo estudiar y . . .

Mi hijo ya no podía estudiar y . . .
My son couldn't study any more and . . .
00:13:56.030 - 00:13:59.490

Vine para acá ya . Ah, su papá era más edad ya. ¿Quién va a trabajar?
Vine para acá ya . Ah, su papá era más viejo ya. ¿Quién va a trabajar?
I came here. Ah, his father was older already. Who´ going to work?
00:13:59.490 - 00:14:06.220

Ya no se puede trabajar, criar ganado allá abajo.

Ya no se puede trabajar ni criar ganado allá abajo.
It's not possible any more to work or to raise cattle down there.
00:14:07.310 - 00:14:10.440

No se puede.
No se puede.
You can't.
00:14:11.990 - 00:14:18.490

Difícil la vida abajo.

Life down there is hard.
00:14:11.990 - 00:14:18.490

Se acaba la vida abajo. No es como sierra.

Se acaba la vida abajo. No es como la sierra.
Life ends down there. It's not like in the mountains.
00:14:18.960 - 00:14:23.000

00:14:18.960 - 00:14:23.000

En sierra estamos tranquilo. Cuando hay pasto, cuando no hay pasto, sí.
En la sierra estamos tranquilos. Cuando hay pasto y cuando no hay pasto, sí.
In the mountains we´re calm. When there's pasture grass and when there's no pasture grass, yes.
00:14:23.210 - 00:14:27.350

Runahina. Grabayanmi. Grabayanmi runahina.

runa-hina graba-ya-n-mi graba-ya-n-mi runa-hina
person-COMP record-PROG-3-EVD record-PROG-3-EVD person-COMP
Como gente. Está grabando. Como gente. Éstá grabando.
Like people. She's recording. She's recording. Like people.
00:14:27.950 - 00:14:35.940

Sufrimento es. Chaymi mana allinchu.

chay-mi mana allin-chu
DEM.D-EVD no good-NEG
Sufrimiento es. Por eso no es bueno.
It's suffering. That's why it's not good.
00:14:27.950 - 00:14:35.940

En Quechua, cuénteme.
In Quechua, tell me.
00:14:27.950 - 00:14:35.940

Chaymi mana kawsayta atipanchikchu.

chay-mi mana kawsa-y-ta atipa-nchik-chu
Por eso no se puede vivir [allí].
That's why we can't live [there].
00:14:37.310 - 00:14:40.060

Kananpis manam allinchu. Ñaña: uraypi kayan.

kanan-pis mana-m allin-chu ñaña-: uray-pi ka-ya-n
now-ADD no-EVD good-NEG sister-1 down.hill-LOC be-PROG-3
Ahora no está bueno. Mi hermana está abajo.
Now it's not good. My sister is down there.
00:14:40.140 - 00:14:43.150

Ya acabó ganado. Puchukarunñam ganawta.

puchuka-ru-n-ña-m ganaw-ta
finish-URGT-3-DISC-EVD cattle-ACC
Ya se acabó el ganado. Ya se acabó el ganado.
The cattle are all finished up. The cattle are all finished up.
00:14:43.230 - 00:14:46.490

Huk ishkayllañam.
huk ishkay-lla-ña-m
Uno o dos no más
One or two only.
00:14:46.970 - 00:14:48.160

Manam atipanchu uywayta.

mana-m atipa-n-chu uywa-y-ta
no-EVD raise-INF-ACC
No pueden criar [ganado].
They can't raise [cattle].
00:14:49.170 - 00:14:52.060

Chay pastu valikuyan. Raya.

chay pastu vali-ku-ya-n raya
DEM.D pasture be.worth-REFL-PROG-3 row
Se compra pasto por rayas.
That pasture costs by the row.
00:14:53.210 - 00:14:56.220

Cinquenta, sesenta zorros, dice.

Cinquenta, sesenta zorros, dicen.
Fifty, sixty foxes, the say.
00:14:56.590 - 00:14:59.890

Rayaqa manam aykas kanchu.

raya-qa mana-m ayka-s ka-n-chu
row-TOP no-EVD how.many-ADD be-3-NEG
No hay siquiera algunas rayas.
There isn't even a small number of rows.
00:14:59.920 - 00:15:02.020

Ishllam chay raya na kay uqaqa.

ishlla-m chay raya na kay uqa-qa
few-EVD DEM.D row DMY DEM.P oca-TOP
Hay pocos surcos de oca.
There are few rows of oca.
00:15:02.840 - 00:15:06.410

Chalatam así no más ya. Manañam kanñachu.

chala-ta-m mana-ña-m ka-n-ña-chu
Chala. Así no más ya. Ya no hay.
Stalks. Just like this, no more. There isn't any anymore.
00:15:06.530 - 00:15:10.110

Unayñam kara altu altu chayllaqa.

unay-ña-m ka-ra-ø altu altu chay-lla-qa
before-DISC-EVD be-PST-3 high high DEM.D-RSTR-TOP
Antes era alto alto la ésa.
Before, it was really tall.
00:15:10.510 - 00:15:13.630

Chaytam qutura: las tresta. Lluqsiyanña.

chay-ta-m qutu-ra-1 las tres-ta lluqsi-ya-n-ña
DEM.D-ACC-EVD pile.up-PST-1 the three-ACC come.out-PROG-3-DISC
Yo las montoné las tres. Ya está saliendo.
I piled them up all three. They're already coming out.
00:15:14.140 - 00:15:17.830

tryaq, tryaq, tryaq. Ya está cortando.

Chayaq, chayaq, chayaq. Ya está cortando.
Chayak, chayak, chayak. It's already being cut.
00:15:18.060 - 00:15:22.310

Chayta uyarishpa puriya: uyarishpalla uyarishpalla

chay-ta uyari-shpa puri-ya-: uyari-shpa-lla uyari-shpa-lla
Éso escucho cuando ando. Escuchando, escuchando.
I hear that when I walk. I hear it, I hear it.
00:15:22.460 - 00:15:26.070

Hinashpa trayarushpaqa kaptinqa waqtakuyanchikña.

hinashpa traya-ru-shpa-qa ka-pti-n-qa waqta-ku-ya-nchik-ña
then arrive-URGT-SUBIS-TOP be-SUBDS-3-TOP
Después, llegando, cuando hay, ya se chanka.
Then, when you get there, when there is any, you're already swinging at it.
00:15:26.590 - 00:15:31.500

Hasta lo que podemos
As much as you can.
00:15:32.490 - 00:15:34.190

Kutiyamu: vaka chawana:paq

kuti-ya-mu-: vaka chawa-na-:-paq
return-PROG-CISL-1 cow milk-NMLZ-1-PURP
Vuelvo para lechar las vacas.
I come back to milk the cows.
00:15:34.710 - 00:15:37.640

Chayta las cinco, las seis, las siete. Por allá.

Las cinco, las seis, las siete. Por allá.
The five, six, seven [of them]. Around there.
00:15:38.380 - 00:15:43.280

Chaytaña kutimushpa vakata qaraya:, mikuyachi:, chawaya:

chay-ta-ña kuti-mu-shpa vaka-ta qara-ya-: miku-ya-chi-: chawa-ya-:
DEM.D-ACC-DISC return-CISL-SUBIS cow-ACC serve-PROG-1 eat-PROG-CAUS-1 milk-PROG-1
Cuando vuelvo, doy de comer a mis vacas, las hago comer, y las lecheo.
When I go back there, I serve the cows, I feed them, I milk them.
00:15:43.780 - 00:15:48.810

Kisuta ruwara:. Kay chikachaqta kimsa muldita

kisu-ta ruwa-ra-: kay chika-cha-q-ta kimsa muldi-ta
cheese-ACC make-PST-3 DEM.P size-AG-ACC three mold-ACC
Hacía queso de este tamaño -- tres moldes.
I made cheese. This size -- three molds.
00:15:49.950 - 00:15:53.900

Kayna hatun ulla huntam lichiyni: kara.

kay-na hatun ulla hunta-m lichi-y-ni-: ka-ra-ø
DEM.P-VRBZ big pot hull-EVD milk-INF-EUPH-1 be-PST-3
Lo que lecheaba [llenaba] una hola así de grande
What I milked [filled] a pot this big.
00:15:54.260 - 00:15:57.320

Alli-alli, lichiyuq vakaya kara.

alli-alli lichi-yuq vaka-ya ka-ra-ø
good-good milk-POSS cow-EMPH be-PST-3
Eran vacas con bastante leche.
The cows had a lot of milk.
00:15:57.560 - 00:16:01.130

Chay lichiyuq vaka: kara chaymi . . .

chay lichi-yuq vaka-: ka-ra-ø chay-mi
DEM.D milk-POSS cow-1 be-PST-3 DEM.D-EVD
Así mis vacas tenían leche. Por eso ...
My cows had milk like that, so ...
00:16:03.070 - 00:16:06.000

Huybisninpa. Dumingunpa. kisuta apaq kara ishkay

huybis-ni-n-pa dumingu-n-pa. kisu-ta apa-q ka-ra-ø ishkay
Thursday-EUPH-3-LOC Sunday-3-LOC cheese-ACC bring-AG be-PST-3 two
Los días jueves y domingo, solía llevar dos quesos [a vender]
On Thursdays and Sundays, I would bring two cheeses [to sell]
00:16:06.640 - 00:16:10.860

A Cañete.
To Cañete.
00:16:11.010 - 00:16:13.560

Con canasta.
With a basket.
00:16:11.010 - 00:16:13.580

Para vender.
To sell.
00:16:13.560 - 00:16:17.440

¿Todo hasta Cañete?

All the way to Cañete?
00:16:13.560 - 00:16:17.440

Cañetepa wasi: kara tiyempu kananpis wasi: kayan chay luti: kayan.
Cañete-pa wasi-: ka-ra-ø tiyempu kanan-pis wasi-: ka-ya-n chay luti-: ka-ya-n
Cañete-LOC house-1 be-PST-3 time now-ADD house-1 be-PROG-3 dem.D lot-1 be-PROG-3
Tenía una casa en Cañete mucho tiempo. Ahora también tengo una casa allí, tengo mi lote.
I had a house in Cañete for a long time. Now, too, I have a house, a lot.
00:16:18.310 - 00:16:22.460

00:16:23.190 - 00:16:26.820

¿Y no se puede cambiar, por ejemplo, a San Jerónimo?

Can't you trade it, say, in San Jerónimo?
00:16:23.190 - 00:16:26.820

Ah, allí no.

Ah, allí no.
Ah, not there.
00:16:26.870 - 00:16:31.960

Finalmente, ¿Cómo corrieron a los terroristas?

In the end, how did they chase away the terrorists?
00:16:26.870 - 00:16:31.960

Ah, ése, chayllapama disparisirura.

aa chay-lla-pa-m-a disparisi-ru-ra-ø
Ah, ése, allí no más desapareció.
Ah, that, just there they disappeared.
00:16:32.160 - 00:16:36.460

Ah, wañurura lliw lliwshi

aa wañu-ru-ra-ø lliw lliw-shi
Ah, die-URGT-PST-3 all all-EVR
Ah, se murieron toditos, dicen.
Ah, all of them have died, they say.
00:16:36.650 - 00:16:39.520

¿A los terroristas?
The terrorists?
00:16:36.650 - 00:16:39.520

¿Quiénes? ¿Cómo?
Who? How?
00:16:39.970 - 00:16:41.410

Chaypa pidirurañamiki.
chay-pa pirdi-ru-ra-ø-na-mi-ki
Se perdieron allí.
They got lost there.
00:16:42.280 - 00:16:47.660

Kikinkamatr wañuchinakura. Gwardyakunatr wañuchira.

kiki-n-kama-tr wañu-chi-naku-ra-ø gwardya-kuna-tr wañu-chi-ra-ø
self-3-RSTR-EVC die-CAUS-RECP-PST-3 police-REFL-EVC die-CAUS-PST-3
Se habrán matado entre ellos. Los guardias los habrán matado.
The must have killed each other. Policemen must have killed them.
00:16:42.280 - 00:16:47.660

Ah, chaypaq chinkarunñam kaypaqpis achkata wambrakunata pusharun.

aa chay-paq chinka-ru-n-ña-m kay-paq-pis achka-ta wambra-kuna-ta pusha-ru-n
Ah, DEM.D-ABL lose-URGT-3-DISC-EVD DEM.P-ABL-ADD a.lot-ADD child-PL-ACC take-URGT.3
Después ya desaparecieron de acá también. Llevaron a muchos jóvenes.
Then they disappeared from here; they took many young people.
00:16:47.730 - 00:16:51.350

Lliw wañurachi-n-trik kanchu kutiramunchu

lliw wañu-ra-chi-n-tr-k ka-n-chu kuti-ra-mu-n-chu
all die-URGT-CAUS-3-EVC-K be-3-NEG return-REFL-CISL-3-NEG
Habrán matado a todos pues. No hay. Ya no regresaron
They must have killed them all. There aren't any. They haven't come back.
00:16:52.070 - 00:16:54.240

Wambrata inkitashpa qalay qalay pusharura.

wambra-ta inkita-shpa qalay qalay pusha-ru-ra-ø
child-ACC trick-SUBIS all all take-URGT-PST-3
Engañaron a todos los jóvenes engañándolos y los llevaron.
They tricked all the young people and took all of them away.
00:16:55.220 - 00:16:58.390

Ah, sí.
Ah, sí.
Ah, yes.
00:16:58.600 - 00:17:03.680
¿Se instaló la policía en el pueblo?
Did the police set up shop in the town?
00:16:58.600 - 00:17:03.680

Chay napaqtriki ma Huangascarpa pulisiyaqa. Huangáscar.

chay na-paq-tri-ki ma Huangáscar-pa pulisiya-qa Huangáscar.
DEM.D DMY-ABL-EVC-KI EMPH Huangascar-LOC police-TOP Huangáscar.
De allí, seguro, Huangáscar, La policía. Huangáscar.
From there, for sure. Huangáscar. The police. Huangáscar.
00:17:04.660 - 00:17:12.020

¿Cómo era?
How was it?
00:17:04.660 - 00:17:12.020

Huangascarpaqmi hamura hinashpa wama wamaq pulisiyapis

Huangascar-paq-mi hamu-ra-ø hinashpa wama wamaq pulisiya-pis
Huangascar-ABL-EVD come-PST-3 then a.lot a.lot policemen-ADD
Vinieron de Hunagáscar y luego muchos policías, también [vinieron].
They came from Huangáscar, then lots and lots of policemen [came], too.
00:17:12.690 - 00:17:16.230

Disparantaq paykunapis. Total

dispara-n-taq pay-kuna-pis total
shoot-3-SEQ 3-PL-ADD a.lot
Ellos también dispararon bastante.
They, too, also shot a lot.
00:17:16.710 - 00:17:20.340

piliyakuyaq wak altu urqupa. Huk . . .

piliya-ku-ya-q wak altu urqu-pa huk
fight-REFL-PROG-AG DEM.D high hill-LOC one
Peleaban allá arriba en la montaña.
They would fight up there in the mountains.
00:17:21.040 - 00:17:25.990

Wak altupa qushta-qushtalla

wak altu-pa qushta-qushta-lla
DEM.D high-LOC smoke-smoke-RSTR
Allá encima todo [estaba] tapado de humo.
Up there, everything [was] covered in smoke.
00:17:21.040 - 00:17:25.990

Chay tirroristawan kay runa kay Azángarupaq rikuyaq. Wama wamaq piliyakuyaq.
chay tirrorista-wan kay runa kay Azángaru-paq ri-ku-ya-q wama wamaq piliya-ku-ya-q
DEM.D terrorist-INSTR DEM.P person DEM.P Azángaro-ABL go-REFL-PROG-AG much much
Muchas, muchas personas de acá, Azángaro estaban yendo con esos terroristas a luchar.
The people from Azaángaro were going with the terrorists. They were fighting a lot.
00:17:26.230 - 00:17:34.800

Pukamayu altupa
Pukamayu altu-pa
Pukamayu high-LOC
En Pukamayu [río rojo] arriba.
Up over Pukamayu [Red River]
00:17:26.230 - 00:17:34.800

¿Todo con . . .
Even with . . .
00:17:26.230 - 00:17:34.800

Huk vesesllam
huk veses-lla-m
one times-RSTR-EVD
Una vez no más
Just once.
00:17:37.350 - 00:17:40.320

Una vez no más.

Una vez no más.
Just once.
00:17:37.350 - 00:17:40.320

Huk vesesllam piliyara. Chaypaq chinkaruranñamiki

huk ves-lla-m piliya-ra-ø chay-paq chinka-ru-ra-n-ña-mi-ki
one time-RSTR-EVD fight-PST-3 DEM.D-ABL lose-REFL-URGT-3-DISC-EVD-KI
Una vez no más lucharon y después desaparecieron.
They fought just once and then they disappeared.
00:17:40.370 - 00:17:44.340

Maytrik rin?
may-ta-tri-ki ri-n
where-ACC-EVC-KI go-3
¿Dónde habrán ido pues?
Where would they have gone?
00:17:45.450 - 00:17:53.010

La gente por acá, ¿recibió bien a la policía?

Did people here take kindly to the police?
00:17:45.450 - 00:17:53.010

Kay runa favormik pulisiyaqa.

kay runa favor-mi-k pulisiya-qa
DEM.D person favor-EVD-K police-TOP
La policía favorece la gente de acá.
The police favors the people here.
00:17:55.920 - 00:17:59.000

He escuchado hablar que va a haber reparaciones.

I've heard it said that there are going to be reparations.
00:17:59.610 - 00:18:06.040

¿Sabe algo de eso?

Do you know anything about that?
00:18:08.520 - 00:18:12.150

Total mara ... manchakunam kara. Experimento era.

total mara mancha-ku-na-m ka-ra-ø
completely scare ... scare-REFL-NMLZ-EVD be-PST-3
Total, era para tener miedo. Experimento era.
Totally, it was to make you scared. It was an experiment.
00:18:13.320 - 00:18:17.080

Marku Kancha uraynintash rira istansyaman. trayaramun arman qipikusakama manchaku:

Marku Kancha uray-ni-n-ta-sh ri-ra-ø istansya-man traya-ra-mu-n arma-n qipi-ku-sa-ø-kama mancha-ku-:
markukancha down.hill-EUPH-3-ACC-EVR go-PST-3 ranch-ALL arrive-PST-CISL-3 weapon-3
carry-REFL-PRF-3-LIM scare-REFL-1
Fueron a una estancia abajo de Marco Cancha, dicen. Llegaron todos cargando sus armamentos. Me asusté.
They went to a ranch below Marco Cancha, they say. They arrived carrying their weapons and I got scared.
00:18:18.040 - 00:18:23.450

Kisu:ta aparikun ishkayta.

kisu-:-ta apa-ri-ku-n ishkay-ta
cheese-1-ACC bring-INCEP-REFL-3 two-ACC
Se llevaron mis dos quesos.
They took two of my cheeses.
00:18:24.000 - 00:18:25.990

Chayna achka wambranchikta familyakunata subrinukunata aparun

chay-na achka wambra-nchik-ta familya-kuna-ta subrinu-kuna-ta apa-ru-n
DEM.D-NMLZ a.lot child-1PL-ACC family-PL-ACC nephew-PL-ACC bring-URGT-3
Así llevaron a muchos de nuestros hijos, nuestros parientes, nuestros sobrinos.
So they took away lots of our children, our relatives, our nephews.
00:18:26.190 - 00:18:30.710

Hinashpam ma wañuchintri. Kutikamunchu. Wañukuntri

hinashpa-m ma wañu-chi-n-tri kuti-ka-mu-n-chu wañu-ku-n-tri
then-EVD EMPH die-CAUS-3-EVC return-REFL-CISL-3-NEG die-REFL-3-EVC
Después los habrán matado. No regresaron. Se habrán muerto.
Then they must have killed them. They didn't come back. They must have died.
00:18:31.170 - 00:18:34.950

Varios. Llevó varios chicos.

Varios. Llevaron varios chicos.
Many. They took many youngsters.
00:18:36.060 - 00:18:38.170

Aa, chayshi rumita qipiya:chin. Armankunata qipiya:chin. ¿Cómo no va a morir? Por allí no más.
aa chay-shi rumi-ta qipi-ya:-chi-n arma-n-kuna-ta qipi-ya:-chi-n
Ah, DEM.D-EVR stone-ACC carry-PL-CAUS-3 weapon-3-PL-ACC carry-PL-CAUS-3
Por eso, dicen, los obligaban a cargar piedras, los obligaban a cargar sus armamentos. ¿Cómo no van a morir?
Por allí, no más.
Ah, so, they say, they were making them carry stones, they were making them carry their weapons. How are
they not going to die? Just
00:18:42.110 - 00:18:49.170

Es lo más triste de la vida.
That's the saddest ting in the world.
00:18:42.110 - 00:18:49.380

Chay chay llapatr chayqa wañurun

chay chay llapa-tr chay-qa wañu-ru-n
Allí, por allí todos se habrán muerto.
There, they all must have died there.
00:18:49.170 - 00:18:51.530

Chaynash wak nalawkunapa Wañupisa Yanaklawkunapatr

chay-na-sh wak na-law-kuna-pa Wañupisa Yanak-law-kuna-pa-tr
DEM.D-NMLZ-EVR DEM.D DMY-side-PL-LOC Wañupisa yanak-side-PL-LOC-EVC
Así, dicen, pasaron por allá, por Wañupisa, al lado de Yanak, seguro.
So, they say, there in where-is-it, Wañupisa, around Yanak, for sure.
00:18:52.310 - 00:18:57.310

Latawan yanushpataqshi runatapis mikurura.

lata-wan yanu-shpa-taq-shi runa-ta-pis miku-ru-ra-ø
pot-INSTR cook-SUBIS-SEQ-EVR person-ACC-ADD eat-URGT-PST-3
Luego, hasta cocinaron a gente en ollas de metal, dicen, y los comieron
They even cooked people in metal pots, they say, and ate them.
00:18:57.500 - 00:19:00.060

Chaynash kara. Chayna runata mikushpa purira wañuchishpa runata mikushpash

chay-na-sh ka-ra-ø chay-na runa-ta miku-shpa puri-ra-ø wañu-chi-shpa runa-ta miku-shpa-sh
person-ACC eat-SUBIS-EVR
Así, dice, era. Así caminaban, comiendo a gente; matando a gente los comían, dicen.
It was like that, they say. Like that, they walked around eating people, killing people and eating them, they
00:19:03.560 - 00:19:09.390

Manchakura: tutas manam puñura: chaymi rikura:

mancha-ku-ra-: tuta-s mana-m puñu-ra-: chay-mi ri-ku-ra…
scare-REFL-PST-1 night-ADD no-EVD sleep-PST-1 DEM.D-EVD go-REFL-PST-1
Tenía miedo. Ni de noche no dormía por eso me fui
I was scared. I didn't sleep at night. So I left.
00:19:10.750 - 00:19:13.770

A Cañete.
To Cañete.
00:19:13.770 - 00:19:14.880

Total daba miedo, ése

Total daba miedo, ése
It was really frightening, that.
00:19:16.810 - 00:19:20.060

Manchakushpa tutas puñu:chu.
mancha-ku-shpa tuta-s puñu-´-chu
scare-REFL-SUBIS night-ADD sleep-1-NEG
Teniendo miedo ni noche no dormía
Being scared, I didn't sleep at night.
00:19:20.360 - 00:19:22.950

suyñukayanchik runallata fiyullataña

suyñu-ka-ya-nchik runa-lla-ta fiyu-lla-ta-ña
Estamos soñañando feo a la gente
We were dreaming ugly things [having nightmares] about the people..
00:19:23.770 - 00:19:26.100

Chaynam kara tristi

chay-na-m ka-ra-ø tristi
Así ha sido triste.
So it's been sad.
00:19:27.890 - 00:19:30.480

Me cuentan en Florida, por ejemplo

They tell in Florida, for example,
00:19:33.190 - 00:19:37.550

que ejecutaron a una señora y luego

that they executed a lady and then
00:19:37.620 - 00:19:43.860

Los alumnos ya no podían concentrarse, ya no podían estudiar.

The students couldn't concentrate any more, they couldn't study any more.
00:19:43.910 - 00:19:49.310

Ay, pobres. Da miedo, pues.

Ay, pobres. Da miedo, pues.
Ay, poor things! It's scary, of course.
00:19:49.380 - 00:19:54.550

Ya no podían dormir.
They couldn't sleep any more.
00:19:49.380 - 00:19:54.550

Total manchakuyantrik tutapis.

total mancha-ku-ya-n-tri-k tuta-pis
completely scare-REFL-PROG-3-EVC-K night-ADD
Total tendrán miedo de noche también.
They'd be really scared at night, too.
00:19:54.680 - 00:19:57.290

00:19:54.680 - 00:19:57.290

00:19:57.310 - 00:19:57.460

Arí. Waqta kay uraylaw urayhina muntikunaman rishpash puñukura
arí. waq-ta kay uray uray-hina-m munti-kuna-man ri-shpa-sh puñu-ku-ra-ø
yes DEM.D-ACC DEM.P down.hill down.hill-COMP-EVD plant-PL-ALL go-SUBIS-EVR
Por aquí al lado de abajo por el monte andaban y dormían.
Yes, near here, below, going in the brush, they say, they slept.
00:19:57.460 - 00:20:07.660

Waqtakunata lluqsishpa runas puñuy. Arí. Urayqa listarusa varios, varios. Variosta achka achkata listarusa.
waqta-kuna-ta lluqsi-shpa runa-s puñu-y. arí. uray-qa lista-ru-sa-ø varios, varios. varios-ta achka achka-ta
side-PL-ACC come.out-SUBIS person-ADD sleep-INF yes down.hill-TOP list-URGT-PRF-3 many many
many-ACC a.lot a.lot-ACC list-URGT-PRF-3
Saliendo a las laderas la gente dormido. Listaron a varios abajo. Listaron a muchos.
They came out on the hillsides, the people sleeping. Yes, they put many, many on the list. They listed a
whole lot of people.
00:19:57.460 - 00:20:07.660

Hinashpash chay napa este

hinashpa-sh chay na-pa este
then-EVR DEM.D DMY-LOC ummm
Después, dicen, de eso
Then, they say, that ummm
00:20:08.620 - 00:20:10.870

Ima niyaratr kanpis?

ima ni-ya-ra-ø-tr ka-n-pis
what say-PROG-PST-3-EVC be-3-ADD
¿Qué habrán estado diciendo, pues?
What would they have been saying, anyway?
00:20:11.270 - 00:20:13.390

Pilataykachishpash baliyasa baliyayta munasa niyantri. Imanayatr? Azángaro.

pilata-yka-chi-shpa-sh baliya-sa-ø baliya-y-ta muna-sa-ø ni-ya-n-tri ima-na-ya-tr Azángaro.
face.down-EXCEP-CAUS-SUBIS-EVR shoot-PRF-3 shoot-INF-ACC want-PRF-3 say-PROG-3-EVC
what-NMLZ-PROG-EVC Azángaro.
Los hicieron echarse de barriga y los dispararon ... querían dispararlos. Estarán diciendo. ¿Cómo ya será?
They made them lie face-down on the ground and shot them ... they wanted to shoot. Azángaro.
00:20:13.650 - 00:20:18.720

Imaynatas chayqa ruwara.

imayna-ta-s chay-qa ruwa-ra-ø
Lo hacían de cualquier manera, dicen.
They worked however, they say.
00:20:19.140 - 00:20:20.920

Manam manchakushunchu mana

mana-m mancha-ku-shun-chu mana
no-EVD scare-REFL-1PL.FUT-NEG no
No vamos a terner miedo, no.
We're not going to be scared, no.
00:20:21.890 - 00:20:24.170

¿Y sigue con miedo?

And they're still afraid?
00:20:25.180 - 00:20:27.760

Total daba miedo. Total manchakunam kara

Total mancha-ku-na-m ka-ra-ø
totally scare-REFL-NMLZ-EVD be-PST-3
Total daba miedo. De total teníamos que tener miedo.
It was really scary. You had to be scared.
00:20:28.510 - 00:20:31.640

00:20:31.750 - 00:20:35.350

Pero hoy en día, ¿sigue dándole miedo?

But these days, does it still frighten you?
00:20:31.750 - 00:20:35.350

Hasta ahora, pues.

Hasta ahora, pues.
Even now, of course.
00:20:35.370 - 00:20:40.450

Hasta ahora. Sigue pensando en eso.

Even now. You still think about that.
00:20:35.370 - 00:20:40.450

Todos chicos están . . . Kulihiyupaq puchukayashpa rikuyan

kulihiyu-paq puchuka-ya-shpa ri-ku-ya-n
. finish-PROG-SUBIS go-REFL-PROG-3
Todos los chicos están ... Cuando terminan la escuela, se van.
All the youngsters are. When they finish up school, they're leaving.
00:20:41.460 - 00:20:45.370

Cañete may Huancayota montañata maytatr rin?

Cañete may Huancayo-ta montaña-ta may-ta-tr ri-n
Cañete where Huancayo-ACC rain.forest-ACC where-ACC-EVC go-3
Cañete, ¿dónde? ¿a Huancayo? ¿a la selva? ¿dónde irán?
Cañete, where -- to Huancayo, to the rain forest? Where would they go?
00:20:45.680 - 00:20:49.200

Para Lima. En Lima está total llenecito. Hunta hunta Limapi kakuyan.
hunta hunta Lima-pi ka-ku-ya-n
full full Lima-LOC be-REFL-PROG-3
A Lima. En Lima todo está llenecito. Llleno, lleno está en Lima.
To Lima. Lima is completely filled-up. It's all filled-up in LIma.
00:20:49.420 - 00:20:54.370

Pasaypaq manam puriyta atipana

pasaypaq mana-m puri-y-ta atipa-na
completely no-EVD walk-INF-ACC
Total, no es para poder andar.
At the end of the day, it's not for being able to walk.
00:20:54.940 - 00:20:57.020

Total lleno es pues, andar en Lima

Total lleno está pues, [no se puede] andar en Lima
It's all full, you know, walking in Lima.
00:20:58.110 - 00:21:00.740

Total lleno está.

Total lleno está.
It's totally full.
00:21:01.590 - 00:21:03.830

Por eso yo también. Yo no acostumbro.

Por eso yo tampoco no me acostumbro.
That's why me too. I don't get used to it.
00:21:04.100 - 00:21:09.610

A mí no me gusta. Manam gustanichu.

I don't like it. I don't like it.
00:21:04.100 - 00:21:09.610

En cárcel como en cárcel. Yo me voy diciendo salí, vine.

En cárcel como en cárcel. "Yo me voy" dije y salí, vine.
In jail, like in a jail. I'm leaving, I said, and I left. I came.
00:21:09.700 - 00:21:16.250

Manam kustumbra:chu.
mana-m kustumbra-:-chu.
no-EVD accustom-1-NEG
No me acostumbro.
I don't get used to it.
00:21:17.030 - 00:21:19.650

Total lleno de gente. Ajjjj.

Total lleno de gente. Ajjjj.
Completely full of people. Acchhh.
00:21:20.650 - 00:21:22.600

Karrupis ashnakuyanmi
karru-pis ashna-ku-ya-n-mi
car-ADD smell-REFL-PROG-3-EVD
Los carros también apestan.
The cars, too, stink.
00:21:23.450 - 00:21:25.210

Umalla:s kanankaman nanayan.

uma-lla-:-s kanan-kaman nana-ya-n
head-RSTR-1-ADD now-LIM hurt-PROG-3
Mi cabeza duele hasta ahora.
Even now my head is hurting.
00:21:26.120 - 00:21:28.250

From Lima
00:21:28.540 - 00:21:31.940

Qayna puntraw qanin puntrawllam trayamura: TK

qayna puntraw qanin puntraw-lla-m traya-mu-ra-:
yesterday day day.before.yesterday day-RSTR-EVD arrive-CISL-PST-INF-1
Ayer, anteayer no más llegué
Yesterday, the day before yeaterday, I arrived.
00:21:28.540 - 00:21:31.940

Ñawilla nanaptin rikuray:

ñawi-lla nana-pti-n ri-ku-ra-y
eye-RSTR hurt-SUBDS-3 go-REFL-PST-INF-1
Cuando mis ojos dolían, me fui.
When my eyes hurt, I left
00:21:32.230 - 00:21:34.520

Ñawilla pukayarura total puka. Yawarhina ñawi kara.

ñawi-lla puka-ya-ru-ra-ø total puka. yawar-hina ñawi ka-ra-ø
eye-RSTR red-INCH-URGT-PST-3 totally red blood-COMP eye be-PST-3
Mis ojos se pusieron rojos, completamente rojos. Mis ojos eran como sangre.
My eyes truned red totally red. My eyes were like blood.
00:21:34.660 - 00:21:39.230

Chaymi rikuray:
chay-mi ri-ku-ra-y-:
Por eso me fui.
So I left.
00:21:40.170 - 00:21:43.120

Ay, rinrilla:s uparura qayna wataqa.

Ay, rinri-lla-:-pis upa-ru-ra-ø qayna wata-qa
Ay, ear-RSTR-1ADD deaf-URGT-PST-3 last year-TOP
Mi oído se volvió sordo el año pasado.
My ears went deaf last year.
00:21:43.250 - 00:21:45.810

Rinri: upara i trakilla:kuna nanara total.

rinri upa-ra-ø i trraki-lla-:-kuna nana-ra-ø total
ear deaf-PST-3 and foot-RSTR-1-PL hurt-PST-3 totally
Mi oído también estaba sordo, mi pie también dolía.
My ears were deaf and my feet hurt terribly.
00:21:45.940 - 00:21:49.100

Kananpis aqwantanchu manam total

kanan-pis aqwanta-n-chu mana-m total
now-ADD withstand-3-NEG no-EVD totally
Ahora no aguanta, de total
Now it doesn't withstand it at all.
00:21:49.640 - 00:21:52.180

Tisu allí no está.

Tieso, allí no está.
Stiff, it isn't there.
00:21:52.180 - 00:21:53.510

Chay pisupam manam kustumbra:chu.

chay pisu-pa-m mana-m kustumbra-:-chu
DEM.D floor-LOC-EVD no-EVD accustom-1-NEG
En ese piso no me acostumbro.
I haven't gotten used to this floor.
00:21:54.080 - 00:21:56.560

Karselpihinam witrqara wambra:kuna istudiyaq pasan.

karsel-pa-hina-m witrqa-ra-ø wambra-:-kuna istudiya-q pasa-n
jail-LOC-COMP-EVD close-PST-3 child-1-PL study-AG pass-3
Cuando mis hijos se van a estudiar, me encerraban como en cárcel
When my children went to school, they closed me in like in a jail.
00:21:57.700 - 00:22:01.160

Hukninpis hukninpis hinaptin sapalla: witrqarayachin.

huk-ni-n-pis huk-ni-n-pis hinaptin sapa-lla-: witrqa-raya-chi-n
other-ADD other-ADD then alone-RSTR closed-PASS-CAUS-3
El otro el otro despés solita me hacen estar encerrada.
The other then the other then all alone they make me be closed in.
00:22:01.350 - 00:22:05.010

Total da miedo. Manam atipa:chu kawsayta chaypaqa.

mana-m atipa-:-chu kawsa-y-ta chay-pa-qa
Total da miedo. No puedo vivir en allí.
It's really scary. I can´ live there.
00:22:07.740 - 00:22:11.320

Huk puntraw ishkay puntraw karruwan.

huk puntraw ishkay puntraw karru-wan
one day two day car-INSTR
Un día dos días con carro.
One or two dats with a car.
00:22:11.970 - 00:22:14.920

Más ya no. Total estabas.

Más ya no. Total estabas.
No more. You were completely.
00:22:15.580 - 00:22:18.300

Kalli lluqsikusa pasaypaq kakuyan.

kalli lluqsi-ku-sa-ø pasaypaq ka-ku-ya-n
street come.out-REFL-PRF-3 a.lot be-REFL-PROG-3
En la calle salían, es demasiado.
The street -- they came out. It's too much.
00:22:18.920 - 00:22:22.440
Pasays atipanchikchu
pasa-y-s atipan-chik-chu
No podemos ni pasar
We can't get by, either.
00:22:23.200 - 00:22:25.240

Y luego hasta los carros suben.

And then even the cars get up on . . .
00:22:26.310 - 00:22:29.040

Aa. karru karrullam wakpaq purikuyan.

aa karru karru-lla-m wak-paq puri-ku-ya-n
Ah. far far-RSTR-EVD DEM.D-ABL walk-REFL-PROG-3
Ah, lejísimo está caminando de allá.
Ah, She's walking really far from there.
00:22:29.110 - 00:22:32.360

Ah, atropellan, dice.

Ah, atropellan, dice.
Ah, they run you over, she says.
00:22:32.530 - 00:22:35.720

Atropellan y se van.
They run you over and they leave.
00:22:32.530 - 00:22:35.720

Ah, en tu delante, atropellan, pues.

Ah, delante de tí, atropellan, pues.
Ah, in front of you, they run people over.
00:22:35.820 - 00:22:39.490

00:22:35.820 - 00:22:39.490

Cañete casi igual está.

Cañete casi igual está.
Cañete is just about the same.
00:22:43.840 - 00:22:47.100

Ya va a unir con Lima. Manañam allinchu kustaqa. Imaynaraq wakpa yatrakan?

mana-ña-m allin-chu kusta-qa imayna-raq wak-pa yatraka-n
no-DISC-EVD good-NEG coast-TOP how-CONT DEM.D-LOC
Ya va a unirse con Lima. Ya no está buena la costa. ¿Cómo se acostumbrará allá?
They're going to unite with Lima. The coast is no good any more. How can you get used to it?
00:22:47.100 - 00:22:54.130

They're going to unite with Lima. The coast is no good. How can you get used to it there?
00:22:47.100 - 00:22:54.130

Total fiyutr kayan.

total fiyu-tr ka-ya-n
Totally ugly-EVC be-PROG-3
Total feo estará.
It would be really awful.
00:22:56.290 - 00:22:57.960

Te acostombraste?
Did you get used to it?
00:22:59.080 - 00:23:00.740

Chuch. Chayqa piwan kayanki ya?

chuch. chay-qa pi-wan ka-ya-nki ya
chuch DEM-D-TOP who-INSTR be-PROG-2 EMPH
Chuch. ¿Con quién estás allí?
Chuch. Who are you with there?
00:23:01.330 - 00:23:08.920

Éso sí. Kushikuni. Feliz de la vida.

For sure. I'm happy. High on life-
00:23:01.330 - 00:23:08.920

Con Ramón Alvarado.

With Ramón Alvarado.
00:23:09.530 - 00:23:13.390

Es que . . . con una familia vivo. Alquilo cuarto.

It's that . . . I live with a family. I rent a room.
00:23:13.880 - 00:23:21.870

00:23:22.320 - 00:23:24.980

Te acostombraste?
Have you gotten used to it?
00:23:22.320 - 00:23:24.980

00:23:22.320 - 00:23:24.980

Poor little thing.
00:23:25.510 - 00:23:29.600

Chaytaq rinki chaytaq manachu?

chay-taq ri-nki chay-taq mana-chu
¿Vas allí ó no vas?
Do you go there or not?
00:23:30.120 - 00:23:34.350
Setenta años tiene.
They're seventy years old.
00:23:30.120 - 00:23:34.350

00:23:34.870 - 00:23:37.340

Sí, sí . . .
Yes, yes . . .
00:23:34.870 - 00:23:37.340

00:23:37.380 - 00:23:47.340

Fuí dos meses, pero familia no tengo entonces más fácil es viajar.
I went for two months. But I don't have my own family so it's easier to travel.
00:23:37.380 - 00:23:47.340

Cha cha. Munasayki ura?

cha cha. muna-sa-yki ura
Cha cha. want-PFV-2 hour
Cha. Cha. La hora que quieras.
Cha. Cha. Whenever you want.
00:23:47.590 - 00:23:52.040

Cualquier hora vas.

Vas a cualquier hora.
You go at any time.
00:23:54.650 - 00:23:58.850

No entiendo.
I don't understand.
00:23:54.650 - 00:23:58.850

Aa, munasantri ura. Cualquier hora se va.

aa muna-sa-n-tri ura
Ah, want-PRF-3-EVC hour
Ah, la hora que quiera. A cualquier hora se va.
Ah, any time she wants. You go at any time.
00:23:59.210 - 00:24:04.090

Más ó menos.
More or less.
00:23:59.210 - 00:24:04.090

Aa, mana wambrayki kanchu mana qariyki kanchu.

aa mana wambra-yki ka-n-chu mana qari-yki ka-n-chu
Ah, no child-2 be-3-NEG no man-2 be-3-NEG
Ah, no tienes hijo, no tienes esposo.
Ah, you don't have a child, you don't have a husband.
00:24:04.690 - 00:24:08.680

Más ó menos.
More or less.
00:24:04.690 - 00:24:08.680

kidakushun kaypayari.
kida-ku-shun kay-pa-ya-ri
Nos quedamos acá pues.
We´ll stay here, then.
00:24:08.780 - 00:24:11.350

Así soltera kasaykaman puriyankiriki.

soltera kasa-y-kama puri-ya-nki-ri-ki
single marry-INF-LIM walk-PROG-2-RI-KI
Así, soltera, caminarás hasta que te cases, pues.
So, single, you'll wander around until you get married.
00:24:11.350 - 00:24:14.470

Así es.
That's right.
00:24:14.820 - 00:24:17.030

Wawayuq kashpaqa qariyuq kaspaqa ya no.

wawa-yuq ka-shpa-qa qari-yuq ka-shpa-qa
Teniendo hijo, teniendo esposo, ya no.
With a child, with a husband, no more.
00:24:14.820 - 00:24:19.990

Algunos no dice ése.

00:24:20.170 - 00:24:22.680

Ni idukakunchu ni imatas ruwanchu sinu wambran kayanña.

ni iduka-ku-n-chu ni ima-ta-s ruwa-n-chu sinu wambra-n ka-ya-n-ña
nor educate-REFL-3-NEG nor what-ACC-ADD do-3-NEG rather child-3 be-PROG-3-DISC
No se educan ni hacen nada sino tienen hijos ya.
They don't educate themselves or anything; rather, they have children.
00:24:22.946 - 00:24:27.446

Éso es malo.
Éso es malo.
That's bad.
00:24:27.776 - 00:24:30.486

Otra vida es.

Otra vida es.
It's another life.
00:24:31.076 - 00:24:33.636

Es otra vida.
It's another life.
00:24:31.076 - 00:24:33.636

Chaynam wambra:kunaqa istudyunta puchukarushpaña qariyuq y feliz están.

chay-na-m wambra-:-kuna-qa istudyu-n-ta puchuka-ru-shpa-ña qari-yuq
DEM.D-NMLZ-EVD child-PL-TOP studies-3-ACC finish-URGT-SUBIS-DISC man-POSS
Por eso mis hijas, terminando sus estudios tienen esposos y están felices.
So my children, finishing their studies, have husbands and they're happy.
00:24:35.056 - 00:24:41.846

00:24:43.016 - 00:24:48.736

¿Cree que las muchachas hoy en día son más felices?

Do you think that girls there days are happier?
00:24:43.016 - 00:24:48.736

que las muchachas de antes? ¿Más felices las muchachas modernas que las muchachas de antes?
than girls from before? Are modern girls happier than girls from before?
00:24:49.246 - 00:24:59.526

00:24:59.676 - 00:25:01.156

¿Por qué?
00:24:59.676 - 00:25:01.156

Pero ahora, qipa wiñay ya no. Algunos.

qipa wiña-y
behind grow-INF
Pero ahora los del actual, ya no. Algunos
But now, youngsters aren't anymore. Some.
00:25:03.896 - 00:25:09.036

Ya no está como antes.

00:25:10.226 - 00:25:12.756

¿Mejor ó peor es?

Is it better or worse?
00:25:13.736 - 00:25:15.266

Peor. Ya tienen hijo, pues.

Peor. Ya tienen hijos, pues.
Worse. They already have children.
00:25:15.696 - 00:25:21.596

Nada no sabe.
No saben nada.
They don't know anything.
00:25:21.636 - 00:25:25.366

Cuando tienen hijo manaña uywayta atipanchu. Imawan uywanqa?

mana-ña uyuwa-y-ta atipa-n-chu Ima-n-wan uywa-nqa
no-DISC raise-INF-ACC what-EVD-INSTR raise-3.FUT
Cuando tienen hijos, ya no puede criar. ¿Con qué van a criar?
When they have children, they can't raise them. What are they going to raise them with?
00:25:25.746 - 00:25:31.366

No tiene ganado nada. Antes yo tenía . . .

No tiene ganado nada. Antes yo tenía . . .
They don't have cattle -- nothing. Before, I had . . .
00:25:31.786 - 00:25:35.736

Yo no tiene-RSTRs nada.
Yo no tiene-RSTRs nada.
And they don't have anything.
00:25:35.836 - 00:25:37.706

Mi ganado tenía, pues. Con ése . . . chaywan idukara: wawa:ta.

chay-wan iduka-ra-: wawa-:-ta
DEM.D-INSTR educate-PST-1 baby-1-ACC
Tenía mi ganado, pues. Con ése . . . Con eso he educado a mis hijos.
I had my cattle. With that . . . with that I educated my children.
00:25:37.706 - 00:25:42.176

Chay mana imaykipis kaptinqa chay imaynataq idukanki?

chay mana ima-yki-pis ka-pti-n-qa chay imayna-taq iduka-nki
DEM.D no what-3-ADD be-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D how-SEQ educate-2
Así si no tienes nada con qué vas a educar.
if you don't have anything, how are you going to educate?
00:25:43.576 - 00:25:46.386

Mikuypaqpis wañuyanki kuskayki wawantin

miku-y-paq-pis wañu-ya-nki kuska-yki wawa-ntin
eat-INF-ABL-ADD die-PROG-2 together-2 baby-INCL
De hambre vas a morir, junto con tus hijos.
You're going to be dying of hunger -- you together with your children.
00:25:46.736 - 00:25:50.026

Nada, pues.
Nada, pues.
00:25:50.056 - 00:26:00.726

Entonces, todo depende del ganado. Con ganado, to es possible, sin ganado, nada.
Then everything depends on the cattle. With cattle, everything is possible; without cattle, nothing.
00:25:50.056 - 00:26:00.726

Manam profisyunal kashpaqa imawantaq? Ganado tiene que criar.

mana-m profisyunal ka-shpa-qa ima-wan-taq
no-EVD profesional be-SUBIS-TOP what-INSTR-SEQ
Si no eres profesional, ¿con qué? Tienes que criar ganado.
If you're not a professional, with what? You have to raise cattle.
00:26:01.546 - 00:26:05.186

Total sufriendo. Si anda con ganado también, no es fácil.

Total sufriendo. Si andas con ganado tampoco no es fácil.
Suffering all the time. If you go around with cattle, too, it's not easy.
00:26:05.786 - 00:26:11.286
algunus qillakunaqa atipanchu.
algunus qilla-kuna-qa atipa-n-chu
some lazy-PL-TOP
Algunos flojos no pueden.
Some lazy people can't-
00:26:11.440 - 00:26:14.110

Hinashpaqa wawantapis idukanchu manariki.

hinashpa-qa wawa-n-ta-pis iduka-n-chu mana-riki
then-TOP baby-3-ACC-ADD educate-3-NEG no-RI-KI
Luego no educan a sus hijos, pues.
Then they don't educate their children, of course.
00:26:14.220 - 00:26:16.640

Chay qipa wiñay.

chay qipa wiña-y
DEM.D behind grow-INF
Los jovenes.
The youngsters.
00:26:17.530 - 00:26:19.180

Uchuk uchuklla wawayarunña hinashpa ni profesyonal imallatas yatrakuytaq munanchu.

uchuk uchuk-lla wawa-ya-ru-n-ña hinashpa ni profesyonal ima-lla-ta-s yatra-ku-y-taq muna-n-chu
little little-RSTR baby-INCH-URGT-3-DISC then nor prefesional what-RSTR-ACC-ADD
know-REFL-INF-SEQ want-3-NEG
Chiquitos chiquitos dieron a luz después no son profesionales no quieren saber nada.
They had children very young and then they aren't professionals and they don't want to learn anything.
00:26:19.700 - 00:26:24.490

Prufisyunal kashpaqa qullqitam ganayanriki.

prufisyunal ka-shpa-qa qullqi-ta-m gana-ya-n-riki
Profesional be-SUBIS-TOP gold-ACC-EVD earn-PROG-3-RI-KI
Siendo profesionales, están ganando también su plata.
As professionals, they're earning money.
00:26:24.960 - 00:26:27.540

Chaywan wawanta uywayan wasinta ruwayan.

chay-wan wawa-n-ta uywa-ya-n wasi-n-ta ruwa-ya-n
DEM.D-INSTR baby-3-ACC raise-PROG-3 house-3-ACC make-PROG-3
Con eso están criando a sus hijos y están haciendo su casas.
With that, they're raising their children and building their house.
00:26:28.160 - 00:26:30.300

Wawa:kuna ñuqapa alli allin prufisyun

wawa-:-kuna ñuqa-pa alli allin prufisyun
baby-1-PL 1-GEN good good profession
Mis hijos a mí tienen buenas profesiones.
My children have very good professions.
00:26:31.090 - 00:26:33.180

Wasiyuqmi karruyuqmi.
wasi-yuq-mi karru-yuq-mi
Tienen casas y carro.
They have houses and cars.
00:26:34.030 - 00:26:36.510

Como éste . . . chay wawanchikpa wawanqa chayhina imas pwistu kashpaqa qillataqmi kasa.
. chay wawa-nchik-pa wawa-n-qa chay-hina ima-s pwistu ka-shpa-qa qilla-taq-mi ka-sa-ø
. DEM.D baby-1PL-POSS baby-3-TOP DEM.D-COMP what-ADD put be-SUBIS-TOP lazy-SEQ-EVD
Como éste . . . el hijo de mi hija, teniendo todo puesto, era flojo también
Like ummm . . . our daughter's child, having everything given to her, was lazy.
00:26:36.750 - 00:26:44.080

Manataqmi trabahayta istudiyayta munanchu apurawqa

mana-taq-mi trabaha-y-ta istudiya-y-ta muna-n-chu apuraw-qa
no-SEQ-EVD work-INF-ACC study-INF-ACC want-3-NEG quick-TOP
No quieren trabajar o estudiar rápido
They don't want to work or study quickly.
00:26:44.910 - 00:26:48.110

Chaynam wambra:pa wambrankuna kayan

chay-na-m wambra-:-pa wambra-n-kuna ka-ya-n
DEM.D-NMLZ-EVD child-1-GEN child-3-PL be-PROG-3
Así están los hijos de mis hijos.
My children's children are like that.
00:26:49.170 - 00:26:51.340

Qillakama. Televisyonninta rantirun chay televisyon ashara:kun kayhina. TK

qilla-kama Televisyon-ni-n-ta ranti-ru-n chay televisyon asha-ra:-ku-n kay-hina
lazy-LIM television-EUPH-3-ACC buy-URGT-3 DEM.D television open.mouth-PASS-REFL-3
Flojos. Les compró una televisión y ahora la están viendo boca abierta así.
Lazy. They bought them their television and they're watching that television with their mouths hanging open
like this.
00:26:52.270 - 00:26:57.950

Qawakuyan chayta
qawa-ku-ya-n chay-ta
Están viendo eso.
They're watching that.
00:26:58.020 - 00:27:00.060

Hinashpaqa ni mikuytas mikunchu

hinashpa-qa miku-y-ta-s miku-n-chu
then-TOP eat-INF-ACC-ADD eat-3-NEG
Luego ni la comida comen.
Then they don't even eat food.
00:27:00.340 - 00:27:03.220

Hinashpaqa no sabe nada. Así es. Chaynam kasa.

hinashpa-qa chay-na-m ka-sa-ø
Después no sabe nada. Así es. Así es.
Then they don't know anything. That's how it is. That's how it is.
00:27:03.550 - 00:27:09.620

De antes total trabajamos.

De antes total trabajamos.
Before, we worked a lot.
00:27:10.390 - 00:27:16.630

Las mujeres de antes . . .

The women from before . . .
00:27:10.390 - 00:27:16.630

Pero una mujer antes que quería protegerse . . .

A woman before who wanted to protect herself . . .
00:27:16.800 - 00:27:22.310

No tener bebé, ¿cómo lo hacía?

not to have a baby. How did she do it?
00:27:22.380 - 00:27:25.720

Wawanchik kaptinpis. Imata ganawta imatas uywashpam idukayanchik

wawa-nchik ka-pti-n-pis ima-ta ganaw-ta ima-ta-s uyuwa-shpa-m iduka-ya-nchik
baby-1PL be-SUBDS-3-ADD what-ACC cattle-ACC what-ACC.ADD raise-SUBIS-EVD educate-PROG-1PL
Cuando tenemos hijos, los educamos criando ganado o lo que sea.
When we have children, we educate them raising cattle or whatever.
00:27:25.820 - 00:27:32.180

Viva kashpa, algunus

viva ka-shpa algunus
live be-SUBIS some
Siendo vivos, algunos
Being alive, some . . .
00:27:32.470 - 00:27:34.000

Qillakunaqa manataq.
qilla-kuna-qa mana-taq
lazy-PL-TOP no-SEQ
perezosos no.
the lazy ones, no.
00:27:34.000 - 00:27:35.760

Mi pregunta es: Una mujer

My question is: A woman
00:27:35.990 - 00:27:39.490

que no quiere tener bebé, para protegerse . . .

who doesn't want to have a baby, in order to protect herself . . .
00:27:39.590 - 00:27:45.390

Ésa ya no tiene vida también, pues.

Ésa ya no tiene vida tampoco, pues.
That one doesn't have life anymore also, then.
00:27:46.330 - 00:27:50.910

¿qué hace?
What does she do?
00:27:46.330 - 00:27:50.910

Chay wañuruptikiqa pima qawashunki? Yasqayaruptikiqa?

chay wañu-ru-pti-ki-qa pi-ma qawa-shunki yasqa-ya-ru-pti-ki-qa
DEM.D die-URGT-SUBDS-2-TOP who-MA look-3>2 old-INCH-URGT-SUBDS-2-TOP
Cuando mueres, ¿quién te va a ver?. ¿O cuando eres anciana?
When you die, who's going to see to you? Or when you're old?
00:27:51.440 - 00:27:56.620

Yasqayaruptiki mana pinikipis kanqachu

yasqa-ya-ru-pti-ki mana pi-ni-ki-pis ka-nqa-chu
old-INCH-URGT-SUBDS-2 no who-EUPH-2-ADD be-3.FUT-NEG
Cuando estás anciana no va a haber nadie.
When you're old, you won't have anyone'.
00:27:58.460 - 00:28:01.230

Qampas mamaykis taytaykis wañukunqa turikipis panikichu ñañaykipis apartiyá pues.

qam-pa-s mama-yki-s tayta-yki-s wañu-ku-nqa turi-ki-pis pani-ki-chu ñaña-yki-pis aparti-yá pues
2-POSS-ADD mother-2-ADD father-2-ADD die-REFL-3.FUT brother-2-ADD sister-2-NEG sister-2-ADD
separate-EMPH then
Cuando se mueren tu mamá y tu papá, tus hermanos, tus hermanas, tus hermanas aparte [, sola estarás].
Your mother and father, when they die, your brother, your sister, your sister, too, will be away, then.
00:28:02.720 - 00:28:08.850

Aparte ya ¿quién te va a ver?

Aparte, ya, ¿quién te va a ver?
Away already, who's going to take care of you?
00:28:10.090 - 00:28:12.920

Cuando te pasa algo, también, ¿quién te va a ver

Cuando te pasa algo, también, ¿quién te va a ver
When something happen to you who's going to take care of you?
00:28:13.240 - 00:28:15.980

¿Quién va a gastar cuando mueres, también?

¿Quién va a gastar cuando mueres, también?
Who's going to pay when you die, too?
00:28:16.070 - 00:28:19.600

Qullqita ganashpas bankuman ima trurakunki chaypis pim pitaq?

qullqi-ta gana-shpa-s banku-man ima trura-ku-nki chay-pis pi-m pi-taq
gold-ACC earn-SUBIS-ADD bank-ALL what save-REFL-2 DEM.D-ADD who-EVD who-SEQ
Ganando dinero aunque haces guardar en banco, ¿quién? ¿Quién?
When you earn money, although you put it in the bank, who? Who
00:28:21.000 - 00:28:24.710

mana wawayki kaptinqa? Edadnikipaq wawakunkimanmi hukllatás

mana wawa-yki ka-pti-n-qa edad-ni-ki-paq wawa-ku-nki-man-mi huk-lla-ta-s
no baby-2 be-SUBDS-3-TOP age-EUPH-2-PURP baby-REFL-2-COND-EVD one-RSTR-ACC-ADD
si no tienes hijos? En tu viejez, debes tener un hijo siquiera.
if there's no child? In your old age? You should have at least one child.
00:28:25.230 - 00:28:30.090

OK, dando luz, el parto . . .

OK, giving birth, giving birth
00:28:30.630 - 00:28:36.230

cuando una mujer da luz

when a woman gives birth
00:28:36.260 - 00:28:40.180

¿qué puede hacer para bajar el dolor?

what can she do to reduce the pain?
00:28:40.420 - 00:28:43.940

para que no duela, ¿qué puede hacer?

So that it won't hurt, what can she do?
00:28:44.230 - 00:28:47.860

Imatataq ruwankiman ima imatataq ruwanman?

ima-ta-taq ruwa-nki-man ima ima-ta-taq ruwa-n-man
what-ACC-SEQ do-2-COND what what-ACC-SEQ do-3-COND
¿Qué puedes hacer? ¿Qué se puede hacer?
What can you do? What? What can be done?
00:28:47.920 - 00:28:51.230

Hina dolorwantrik wawaku:man.

hina dolor-wan-tri-k wawaku-:-man
thus pain-INSTR-EVC-K baby-REFL-INF-COND
Así con ese dolor puedo dar luz.
Like that, with pain, can you give birth.
00:28:51.480 - 00:28:53.800

Aa, hina dolorwan wawakunki naptinqa

aa hina dolor-wan wawa-ku-nki na-pti-n-qa
Ah, thus pain-INSTR baby-REFL-2 do-SUBDS-3-TOP
Ah, así con dolor vas a dar a luz .
Ah, like that, with pain, you're going to give birth, when it ....
00:28:53.860 - 00:28:57.290

Edad pasaruptin manañash atipachuwanchu

edad pasa-ru-pti-n mana-ña-sh atipa-chuwan-chu
age pass-URGT-SUBDS-3 no-DISC-EVR
Cuando te pasan tus años ya no puedes poder.
When age comes, we can't anymore.
00:28:57.980 - 00:29:01.500

medikuman ya trik.
mediku-man ya tri-k
para médico ya será pues.
that's for the doctor already, then.
00:29:01.630 - 00:29:03.080

Operashunkiñam chayqa.
opera-shunki-ña-m chay-qa
operate-3>2-DISC-EVD DEM.D-TOP
Te operan ya eso.
They operate on you for that.
00:29:04.130 - 00:29:08.830

Unay unay
Antes, antes
00:29:04.130 - 00:29:08.830

unayqa wawakuranchiktri
unay-qa wawa-ku-ra-nchik-tri
before-TOP baby-REFL-PST-1PL-EVC
Antes tuvimos hijos.
Before we had children.
00:29:09.300 - 00:29:12.320

Only one.
00:29:09.300 - 00:29:12.320

Wawakura: kimsam wawa:ta

wawa-ku-ra-: kimsa-m wawa-:-ta
baby-REFL-PST-1 three-EVD baby-ACC
Dí luz a mis tres hijos.
I gave birth to three children.
00:29:13.200 - 00:29:16.600

Kikilla: TK fwirsawan wawakuyanchiik

kiki-lla-: fwirsa-wan wawa-ku-ya-nchik
self-RSTR-1 force-INSTR baby-REFL-PROG-1PL
Yo misma, pues. Con fuerza damos luz.
I myself, of course. With effort, we give birth.
00:29:16.600 - 00:29:20.170

Antes, antes, sin médico, ¿cómo se hacía?

Before, before, without a doctor, how did they do it?
00:29:20.310 - 00:29:25.090

Antes médico sacaba, pues, aquí operando.

Antes un médico sacaba, pues, aquí operando.
Before, the doctor took it out, here, operating.
00:29:25.370 - 00:29:28.520

Cuando no pasa, opera, pues.

Cuando no pasa, opera, pues.
When it doesn't pass, they operate.
00:29:29.360 - 00:29:32.520

Wak ñaña: upirasam

wak ñaña-: upira-sa-ø-m
DEM.D sister-1 operate-PRF-3-EVD
Mi hermana es operada.
That sister of mine got operated.
00:29:32.590 - 00:29:35.240

Hace cien años

A hundred years ago
00:29:35.540 - 00:29:37.900

Si no pasaba el bebé, ¿qué hacían?

If the baby didn't pass, what did they do?
00:29:38.410 - 00:29:41.960

Saca, pues, médico.

El médico lo saca, pues
The doctor takes it out.
00:29:42.140 - 00:29:46.030

00:29:42.140 - 00:29:46.030

¿Antes del médico? Sí pasaba, pues.

¿Antes del médico? Sí pasaba, pues.
Before the doctor. It passed.
00:29:46.750 - 00:29:50.310

Muere, pues, muere.

Muere, pues, muere.
They die, of course, they die.
00:29:51.000 - 00:29:54.240

¿Pero si no pasaba?
But if it didn't pass?
00:29:51.000 - 00:29:54.240

You die.
00:29:54.300 - 00:29:56.650

Se muere, así?
One dies, just like that?
00:29:54.300 - 00:29:56.650

00:29:57.230 - 00:29:59.150

¿Y nada se puede hacer?

And there's nothing that can be done?
00:29:57.230 - 00:29:59.150

Cuando pasa, muere. Mi tía así se murió.
Cuando pasa, muere. Mi tía así se murió.
When that happens, they die. My aunt died like that.
00:29:59.150 - 00:30:02.950

00:29:59.150 - 00:30:02.950

Con varios hijos, ya.

Con varios hijos, ya.
With many children already.
00:30:03.900 - 00:30:06.140

Cuatro . . . .¿Cuatro hijos ya tenía? ¿Ó cinco?

Cuatro . . . .¿Cuatro hijos ya tenía? ¿O cinco?
Four. She had four children? Or five?
00:30:07.660 - 00:30:14.190

¿Me puede contar como se murió?

Can you tell me how she died?
00:30:07.660 - 00:30:14.190

Cuatro, seguro. ¿Cuatro ó cinco? Cuatro ó cinco.

Cuatro, seguro. ¿Cuatro o cinco? Cuatro o cinco.
Four, for sure. Four or Five? Four or five.
00:30:14.680 - 00:30:20.040

Chay. Pichqa wawayuq warmi wañukura wawashpa.

chay pichqa wawa-yuq warmi wañu-ku-ra-ø wawa-shpa
DEM.D five baby-POSS woman die-REFL-PST-3 baby-SUBIS
Así. Mujer con cinco hijos se murió dando luz.
Like that. A woman with five children died giving birth.
00:30:20.410 - 00:30:24.540

Chayshi fwirsawantrik wawayan chaytrik yawartrik vinas tipirun.

chay-shi fwirsa-wan-tri-k wawa-ya-n chay-tri-k yawar-tri-ki vina-s tipi-ru-n
DEM.D-EVR force-INSTR-EVC-K baby-PROG-3 DEM.D-EVC-K blood-EVC-KI vein-ADD break-URGT-3
Así con fuerza está dando luz, por eso se habrá roto la vena.
Like that, giving birth with effort, that's why she must have broken a vein.
00:30:25.550 - 00:30:30.080

Su vina rompió.
Su vina rompió.
Her vein broke.
00:30:31.070 - 00:30:33.630

Chaymi chay wama wamaq yawar hamurirun. Wañukunmi.

chay-mi chay wama wamaq yawar hamu-ri-ru-n
DEM.D-EVD DEM.D a.lot a.lot blood come-INCEP-URGT-3
Por eso vino mucha, mucha sangre. Se murió.
So a whole lot of blood started to come. She died
00:30:34.340 - 00:30:38.530


00:30:39.960 - 00:30:44.490

¿Éso llegó a pasar a muchas mujeres?

And that happened to a lot of women?
00:30:39.960 - 00:30:44.490

Varios. Wañukun.
varios wañu-ku-n
many die-REFL-3
Varias. Se murieron.
Many died.
00:30:44.840 - 00:30:47.680

Muchos murió.
Muchas murieron.
Many died.
00:30:44.840 - 00:30:47.680

Varios hijos ya teniendo.

Cuando ya tenían varios hijos.
With many children already.
00:30:48.190 - 00:30:50.330

¿Qué pasa cuando muere una mujer así?

What happens when a women dies like that?
00:30:51.470 - 00:30:54.010

¿Qué va a hacer? Enterrar, pues.

¿Qué va a hacer? Enterrar, pues.
What are they going to do? Bury, of course.
00:30:54.830 - 00:30:58.920

¿Qué hace la familia?

What does the family do?
00:30:54.830 - 00:30:58.920

Wañukuptin pampayan. ? Imananqa?

wañu-ku-pti-n pampa-ya-n ima-na-nqa
die-REFL-SUBDS-3 bury-PROG-3 what-VRBZ-3.FUT
Cuando se muere, la entierran, pues. ¿Qué va a hacer?
When she dies, they bury her, of course. What are they going to do?
00:30:59.960 - 00:31:02.930

Simintiryuman apayan.
simintiryu-man apa-ya-n
cemetery-ALL bring-PROG-3
La llevan al cemeterio.
They bring her to the cemetery.
00:31:03.580 - 00:31:08.060

Waqakushpapis simintiryuman apanchik.

waqa-ku-shpa-pis simintiryu-man apa-nchik
cry-REFL-SUBIS-ADD cemetery-ALL bring-1PL
Aunque llorando se le lleva al cementerio.
Although crying, we bring her to the cemetery.
00:31:03.580 - 00:31:08.060


00:31:11.590 - 00:31:16.450

Y el padre, ¿se vuelve a casar?

And the father, does he get remarried?
00:31:11.590 - 00:31:16.450

Ya no pues, como primero. Ya no.

Ya no pues, como primero. Ya no.
It's not like the first one. Not anymore.
00:31:16.780 - 00:31:20.030

Chay warmikuna kayantriki wawachiyanchu uywanakun.

chay warmi-kuna kaya-n-tri-ki wawa-chi-ya-n-chu uywa-naku-n
DEM.D woman-PL be-PROG-3-EVC-KI baby-CAUS-PROG-3 raise-RECP-3
Esas mujeres hay -- no tienen hijos sólo conviven.
There are, of course, those women who don't have children -- they just live together.
00:31:20.710 - 00:31:24.710

Hinashpa kikinpis wañuntaqmi.

hinashpa kiki-n-pis wañu-n-taq-mi
then self-3-ADD die-3-SEQ-EVD
Después ellas mismas también mueren
Then they themselves die.
00:31:24.710 - 00:31:26.690

¿Qué cosa va a hacer?

¿Qué cosa va a hacer?
What are they going to do?
00:31:27.400 - 00:31:30.790

No sé. Para cuidarse.

I don't know. To take care of themselves.
00:31:27.400 - 00:31:30.790

¿Trabajar? ¿No trabajar?

Work? Not work?
00:31:31.430 - 00:31:35.430

¿Pagar al cerro? No sé- ¿Qué se puede hacer?

Pay the hill? I don't know. What can they do?
00:31:35.630 - 00:31:39.630

Manam imapis ruwachuwanchu wawakuypaq.

mana-m ima-pis ruwa-chuwan-chu wawa-ku-y-paq
no-EVD what-ADD do-1PL.COND-NEG baby-REFL-INF-
No podemos hacer nada en dar luz.
We can't do anything in giving birth.
00:31:40.560 - 00:31:43.180

00:31:40.560 - 00:31:43.180

00:31:40.560 - 00:31:43.210

Es su suerte. Ése muere.

Es su suerte. Ésa muere.
It's her luck. That one dies.
00:31:43.180 - 00:31:45.660

Ah, así será su suerte. ¿Cómo será?

Ah, así será su suerte. ¿Cómo será?
Ah, that would be her luck. How will it be?
00:31:46.970 - 00:31:50.220

00:31:51.270 - 00:31:55.240

¿Y parto difícil ha tenido usted?

And have you had a difficult childbiirth?
00:31:51.270 - 00:31:55.240

Ah, sufriendo.
Ah, sufriendo.
Ah, suffering.
00:31:55.650 - 00:31:58.760

¿Me puede contar?

Can you tell me?
00:31:55.650 - 00:31:58.760

Total sudayllaña hamukuyan kwirpunchikpapis chaq chaq chaq. Sutukuyan sudayniki

total suda-y-lla-ña hamu-ku-ya-n kwirpu-nchik-pa-pis chaq chaq chaq. sutu-ku-ya-n suda-y-ni-ki
Totally sweat-INF-RSTR-DISC come-REFL-PROG-3 body-1PL-LOC-ADD chak chak chak
drip-REFL-PROG-3 sweat-INF-EUPH-2
Total sudor no más está viniendo en todo el cuerpo. Chak chak chak está goteando tu sudor.
Just a whole lot of sweat is coming on our body -- tchak, tchak, tchak -- your sweat is dripping.
00:32:02.510 - 00:32:08.060

fwirsata ruwayanchik
fwirsa-ta ruwa-ya-nchik
force-ACC make-PROG-1PL
Estamos haciendo fuerza.
We're making an effort.
00:32:08.320 - 00:32:10.090

¿Cuánto tiempo?
For how long?
00:32:11.040 - 00:32:13.680

Un día. Huk puntraw. Huk tuta nanapa:shun TK kananhina.

huk puntraw. huk tuta nana-pa:-shun kanan-hina
one day one night hurt-REPET-1PL.FUT now-COMP
Un día. Un día. Una noche te está doliendo, doliendo como hoy día.
One day. One day. One night it's hurting, hurting you like now.
00:32:14.070 - 00:32:19.580

Huk tuta
huk tuta
one night
Una noche.
One night.
00:32:14.160 - 00:32:16.230

Temprano o noche.
Temprano o noche.
Early or at night.
00:32:19.580 - 00:32:22.190

Hinashpaqa tardishina pasan

hinashpa-qa tardis-hina pasa-n
then-TOP afternoon-COMP pass-3
Después sobre tarde pasa.
Then, over the evening, it passes.
00:32:22.330 - 00:32:24.340

Ah, sí.
Ah, sí.
Ah, yes.
00:32:25.890 - 00:32:30.670

¿Y otras mujeres ayudan?

And other women help?
00:32:25.890 - 00:32:30.670

Te agarran, pues. Algunas, no.

Te agarran, pues. Algunas, no.
They hold on to you. Some, no.
00:32:31.250 - 00:32:33.680

Ah, así.
Ah, así.
Ah, like this.
00:32:35.440 - 00:32:38.540

Explain it to me.
00:32:35.440 - 00:32:38.540

¡Cuénteme en Quechua! ¿Cómo se hace?

Tell me in Quechua! How do they do it?
00:32:39.080 - 00:32:41.660

Nos agarran.
They take hold of us.
00:32:41.710 - 00:32:44.260

¿Cómo ayudan?
How do they help?
00:32:41.710 - 00:32:44.260

Kaynam hapimanchik wiqawninchikpaqmi hapimanchik.

kay-na-m hapi-manchik wiqaw-ni-nchik-paq-mi hapi-manchik
DEM.P-VRBZ-EVD grab-3>1PL waist-EUPH-1PL-LOC-EVD grab-3>1PL
Así nos agarra de la cintura nos agarra.
Like this, they take hold us at the waist, they take hold of us.
00:32:44.570 - 00:32:47.570

00:32:47.880 - 00:32:51.450

¿Y las dos paradas?

Both standing?
00:32:47.880 - 00:32:51.450

Agachando, así. Kayna Hapipakunchik.

Kayna hapi-paku-nchik.
Agachando, así. Así. Nos sostenemos.
Squatting, like this. Like this. Holding on to each other.
00:32:51.880 - 00:32:58.850

Las dos paradas? ¿Agachadas? ¿Cómo?

Both standing, both squatting? How?
00:32:51.880 - 00:32:58.850

Kayna ukupa wasi ukupa yari

kay-na uku-pa wasi uku-pa yari
DEM.D-VRBZ inside-LOC house inside-LOC EMPH-RI
Así dentro de la casa, pues.
Like this, inside the house, inside, of course.
00:32:59.250 - 00:33:02.300

¿Y cualquier mujer puede ayudar?¿Ó hay mujeres especiales?
And any woman can help? Or are there special women?
00:33:02.620 - 00:33:07.740

Any one.
00:33:07.830 - 00:33:10.060

Especial también hay, pues.

Especial también hay, pues.
There are also special ones.
00:33:07.830 - 00:33:10.060

Hombre también hay. Wawachiq.

Hay varones también que saben hacer dar luz.
There are men, too -- midwives
00:33:10.230 - 00:33:12.870

Qaripis kanmi wawachikuq.

qari-pis ka-n-mi wawa-chi-ku-q
man-ADD be-3-EVD baby-CAUS-REFL-AG
También hay hombres que hacen dar luz.
There are also men midwives.
00:33:13.500 - 00:33:15.780

Wawachin hapishpa. Uranta tantiyan. Uranraq faltan nin.

wawa-chi-n hapi-shpa ura-n-ta tanti-ya-n ura-n-raq falta-n ni-n
baby-CAUS-3 grab-SUBIS hour-3-ACC count-PROG-3 hour-3-CONT lack-3 say-3
Agarrando, hacen dar luz. Calculando la hora. "Falta la hora", dicen.
Holding on, they birth the baby. Counting the hours. There's still an hour, they say.
00:33:16.100 - 00:33:19.830

Chaynam. Parisninkunata, plasintankunata hurqun.

chay-na-m paris-ni-n-kuna-ta plasinta-n-kuna-ta hurqu-n
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD placenta-EUPH-PL-ACC placenta-3-PL-ACC remove-3
Así es. Saca la placenta la placenta todo.
It's like that. They take out all the placenta, all the placenta.
00:33:20.940 - 00:33:27.760

Apuraw. Si no . . . manam apuraw hurquptinqa chayqa

apuraw. . mana-m apuraw hurqu-pti-n-qa chay-qa
quick . no-EVD quick remove-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D-TOP
Rápido. Si no . . . Si no lo saca rápido eso
Quickly. If . . . If it's not taken out quickly
00:33:28.360 - 00:33:32.990

wañuchinmi. witrayman siqaramunqa

wañu-chi-n-mi witray-man siqa-ra-mu-nqa
die-CAUS-3-EVD up.hill-ALL go.up-URGT-CISL-3.FUT
causa muerte. Subirá para arriba.
it kills. It'll go up.
00:33:33.010 - 00:33:35.980

Aya. Entonces, sale el bebé

Aya. Then the baby comes out
00:33:36.290 - 00:33:41.660

saca la placenta. Luego, ¿qué hacen?

they take the placenta out. Then, what do they do?
00:33:42.370 - 00:33:46.470

Sacan. ¿Qué cosa hará? Por allá botará, pues.

Lo sacan. ¿Qué cosa hará? Por allá botará, pues.
They take it out. What are they going to do? They'll toss it away, then.
00:33:47.170 - 00:33:53.010

¿Como? ¿Cocinando? ¿Cómo?

¿Como? ¿Cocinando? ¿Cómo?
How? Cooking it? How?
00:33:53.180 - 00:33:57.160

Algunos comen.
Come people eat it.
00:33:53.180 - 00:33:57.160

No sé precisamente. Cocinando, me imagino.

I don't know. Cooking it, I suppose.
00:33:57.380 - 00:34:00.580

Pero también hay algunos que plantan

But there are also people who plant it.
00:34:01.330 - 00:34:06.490

Ay, intiranmiki
Ay, intira-n-mi-ki
Ay, bury-3-EVD-KI
Sí, se entierra, pues.
Ay, it gets buried, then.
00:34:06.600 - 00:34:12.790

Ah, sí, haciéndose enterrar.

Ah, sí, haciéndose enterrar.
Ah, yes, it gets buried.
00:34:06.600 - 00:34:12.790

y encima plantan árbol.

and they plant a tree on top.
00:34:06.600 - 00:34:12.790

Pampata utrkurishpam chayta. Intirun.

pampa-ta utrku-ri-shpa-m chay-ta Intiru-n
ground-ACC hole-INCEP-SUBIS-EVD DEM.D-ACC bury-3
Haciendo hueco el suelo, lo entierran.
Making a hole in the ground, they bury it.
00:34:13.100 - 00:34:17.130

Hay veces.
a veces.
There are times.
00:34:13.100 - 00:34:17.130

Algunos comen.
Algunos lo comen.
Some people eat it.
00:34:18.260 - 00:34:22.150

¿A qué?
00:34:18.260 - 00:34:22.150

Ella come. Va a comer.

Ella lo come. Lo va a comer.
She eats it. She's going to eat it.
00:34:22.330 - 00:34:25.030

Cuando tiene su hijo.

Cuando tiene hijo.
When she has her baby.
00:34:25.110 - 00:34:28.660

Para mí, sale y hay una razón por la cual sale, y no se debe de comer.
As I see it, it comes out and there's a reason it comes out, and it shouldn't be eaten.
00:34:31.550 - 00:34:35.910

Huk quptinqa mikuruchuwantri

huk qu-pti-n-qa miku-ru-chuwan-tri
one give-SUBDS-3-TOP eat-URGT-1PL.COND-EVC
Cuando otro da, podemos comer.
When someone else gives it, we can eat it.
00:34:36.010 - 00:34:38.960

Qumaptin chayqa
qu-ma-pti-n chay-qa
Cuando nos da.
When they give it to us.
00:34:39.370 - 00:34:42.320

Hay algunos.
There are some
00:34:39.370 - 00:34:42.320

Grasiyosatr kayan.
grasiyosa-tr ka-ya-n
funny-EVC be-PROG-3
Chistosa está.
She's being funny.
00:34:42.370 - 00:34:45.810

Acá, ¿las mujeres toman alcohol?

Do women here drink alcohol?
00:34:45.910 - 00:34:51.560

Algunas tumanmiki.
algunas tuma-n-mi-ki
some.F drink-3-EVD-KI
Algunas toman pues.
Some drink.
00:34:51.620 - 00:34:55.080

Ah, algunas.
Ah, algunas.
Ah, some.
00:34:51.620 - 00:34:55.080

00:34:55.340 - 00:35:01.950

Y, ¿bien visto es? ¿ó no?

And is it looked on favorably? Or no?
00:34:55.340 - 00:35:01.950

Feo será, pues, que se emborracha una mujer. ¿Tú tomas?

Feo será, pues, que se emborrache una mujer. ¿Tú tomas?
It would be ugly for a woman to get drunk. Do you drink?
00:35:04.870 - 00:35:08.340

Chami. Cuando pasan chami, sí tomo.

Chami. When they pass around chami, yes, I drink.
00:35:09.200 - 00:35:13.720

Pero dos tres copas será, pues. Hasta que te emborrachas.

Pero dos tres copas será, pues. Hasta que te emborrachas.
But it would be two or three cups. Until you get drunk.
00:35:14.650 - 00:35:19.890

Algunas total mujer aquí también toman. ¿Dónde también hace borracho mujer también.
Algunas mujeres aquí también toman. ¿Dónde también se pone borracha mujer también.
Some women here also drink. Where also do they get women drunk also?
00:35:20.280 - 00:35:25.760

Toma bastante. Imaynam warmiqa tumashun?

imayna-m warmi-qa tuma-shun
how-EVD woman-TOP drink-1PL.FUT
Toman bastante. ¿Cómo vamos a beber nosotras las mujeres?
They drink a lot. How are we women going to drink?
00:35:26.700 - 00:35:31.410

Qalay Sayariruchuwantri lukuyarishpa. Ah, umanchikpis nanarumantri

qalay saya-ri-ru-chuwan-tri luku-ya-ri-shpa Ah, uma-nchik-pis nana-ru-ma-n-tri
Desnudo también podemos pararnos. Enloqueciéndonos. Nuestra cabeza también puede doler.
We could also stand around naked. Going crazy. Our heads also could hurt.
00:35:32.130 - 00:35:40.140

No entiendo.
I don't understand.
00:35:32.130 - 00:35:40.140

Podemos morir.
We could die.
00:35:41.140 - 00:35:42.940

Ah, alcohol, chami es feo.

Ah, alcohol, chami es feo.
Ah, alcohol, chami, is ugly.
00:35:42.940 - 00:35:48.710

¿De tomar? Sí hay.

To drink. Yes, there is.
00:35:42.940 - 00:35:48.710

Algunos todo clase toma.

Algunos toman toda clase.
Some drink all sorts.
00:35:49.570 - 00:35:54.170

00:35:49.570 - 00:35:54.170

. . . shimi runa . . .
. . . shimi runa . . .
. . . mouth person . . .
00:35:54.490 - 00:36:00.510

Cerveza toma, chami toma, trago toma.

Cerveza toman, chami toman, trago toman.
They drink beer; they drink chami; they drink liquor.
00:35:54.490 - 00:36:00.510

Runapa shiminpa grabayan . . .

runa-pa shimi-n-pa graba-ya-n . . .
person-GEN mouth-3-LOC record-PROG-3 . . .
Está grabando la lengua de la gente.
She's recording people's language.
00:36:00.980 - 00:36:05.950

Ése nos puede envenenar. Vininamachuwantri

Ése nos puede envenenar. Nos podemos envenenar.
That can poison us. We could get poisoned.
00:36:00.980 - 00:36:05.950

Fiyum chayqa.
fiyu-m chay-qa
Feo es eso.
That's ugly.
00:36:06.030 - 00:36:09.710

Éso sí.
00:36:06.030 - 00:36:09.710

¿Por qué tomará? Le gustará, pues.

¿Por qué tomará? Le gustará, pues.
Why would they drink? They must like it.
00:36:10.410 - 00:36:14.480

¿Y por qué toman?

And why do they drink?
00:36:10.410 - 00:36:14.480

Borracho seguro, pues
They must be drunkards.
00:36:15.080 - 00:36:17.630

Ratu ratum chaywanqa shinkaruchuwan.

ratu ratu-m chay-wan-qa shinka-ru-chuwan
moment moment-EVD DEM.D-INSTR-TOP drunk-URGT-1PL.COND
Rapidito rapidito podemos emborracharnos con eso.
Quick quick we can get drunk on that.
00:36:18.190 - 00:36:24.950

00:36:18.190 - 00:36:24.950

¿Uds. no?
Not you?
00:36:18.190 - 00:36:24.950

Kopallawan uma: muyurin.

kopallawan uma-: muyurin.
cup-RSTR-INSTR head-1 spin-INCEP-3
Con un sólo vaso mi cabeza da vuelta.
With just one cup, my head starts to spin.
00:36:26.000 - 00:36:28.710

Pero yo no . . . yo no gusto.
Pero yo no . . . yo no gusto.
But I don't. I don't like it.
00:36:28.950 - 00:36:30.870

No me gusta.
No me gusta.
I don't like it.
00:36:31.490 - 00:36:37.020

¿No le gusta como se sienta en la cabeza?

You don't like the way it feels in your head?
00:36:31.490 - 00:36:37.020

Pero nada más cuando pasan chami. Una copita.

But only when they pass around chami. One little cup.
00:36:37.380 - 00:36:42.830

Sí, ¿no?
Sí, ¿no?
Yeah, no?
00:36:43.710 - 00:36:47.300

Porque sí calienta. eso sí.

Because it does warm you up. That it does.
00:36:43.710 - 00:36:47.300

Te hace calentar
It warms you up.
00:36:47.630 - 00:36:49.080

Kaliyentamanchikmi chaymiki.
kaliyenta-manchik-mi chay-mi-ki
Éso nos puede calentar, pues.
That warms us up, for sure.
00:36:47.650 - 00:36:51.590

Hinallatr wak mikuypaqpis kayan

hina-lla-tr wak miku-y-paq-pis ka-ya-n
Así no más estará ella de hambre.
Just like that, she is hungry.
00:36:51.840 - 00:36:54.650
Ya no ya tomamos dice él también.
Ya no tomamos dice él también.
We don't drink anymore, he says, also.
00:36:54.810 - 00:36:58.000

Hinallatr mikuypaqpis puriyanki

hina-lla-tr miku-y-paq-pis puri-ya-nki
thus-RSTR-EVC eat-INF-PURP-ADD walk-PROG-2
Así no más estarás andando de hambre también.
Just like that you're walking around hungry, too.
00:36:59.370 - 00:37:01.970

Total vienes con carro.

Total vienes con carro.
You come by car.
00:37:02.320 - 00:37:04.330

Chay motoqa maypitaq kayan?

chay moto-qa may-pi-taq ka-ya-n
DEM.D motorbike-TOP where-LOC-SEQ be-PROG-3
Ese moto, ¿dónde está?
Where is that motorbike?
00:37:04.400 - 00:37:09.440

Con moto. Esa moto allá.

With a motorbike. That motorbike there.
00:37:04.400 - 00:37:09.440

All alone?
00:37:10.570 - 00:37:13.810

All alone.
00:37:10.570 - 00:37:13.810

Sapallaykitr hamuyankiyá
sapa-lla-yki-tr hamu-ya-nki-yá
alone-RSTR-2-Q come-PROG-2-EMPH
Sóla estraás viniendo, pues.
You¡d be coming all alone then.
00:37:14.110 - 00:37:19.760

No tengo a quien me acompañe.

I don't have anyone to come with me.
00:37:14.110 - 00:37:19.760

Achachak. ¿Dónde es?

¡Qué miedo! ¿Dónde está?
Oh, my. Where is it?
00:37:23.520 - 00:37:28.360

00:37:23.520 - 00:37:28.360

Asss. ¿Con moto? ¡Achachak!

Asss. Achachak.
Asss. Achachak.
Aya. ¿Con moto? ¡Qué miedo!
Wow. With a motorbike? Oh, my.
00:37:28.420 - 00:37:33.440

Going up.
00:37:28.420 - 00:37:33.440

00:37:34.790 - 00:37:44.050

Bonito. Pero uno se caye. Uno se caye; uno se levanta.

Nice. But you fall. You fall; you pick yourself up.
00:37:34.790 - 00:37:44.050

¿Y ese moto?
¿Y ese moto?
And that motorbike?
00:37:44.240 - 00:37:46.690

¿Qué se va a hacer?
What can you do?
00:37:44.240 - 00:37:46.690

¿Está parando?
¿Está parado?
It's standing?
00:37:46.910 - 00:37:50.350

Allí. Bonito.
There. Just fine.
00:37:46.910 - 00:37:50.350

Y no te machuquó?
Y no te aplastó?
And it didn't crush you?
00:37:50.810 - 00:37:56.490

Kikillaykitriki siqaramunkichu?
kiki-lla-yki-tri-ki siqa-ra-mu-nki-chu
self-RSTR-2-EVC-KI go.up-URGT-CISL-2-TOP
¿Tú misma subiste?
You yourself came up?
00:37:56.640 - 00:37:59.570

Kaynaptin siqayaramunki?
kay-na-pti-n siqa-ya-ra-mu-nki
Cuando hizo así, subiste?
When it did that, you came up?
00:37:56.640 - 00:37:59.570

¡Qué miedo!
For goodness sakes!
00:37:59.600 - 00:38:05.290

Sí, así. Oh.

Yes. Like that. Oh.
00:37:59.600 - 00:38:05.290

Pero, si con moto

But if with a motorbike
00:38:05.370 - 00:38:11.590

Imapa purinki motowanqa?

imapa puri-nki moto-wan-qa
why walk-2 motorbike-INSTR-TOP
¿Por qué andas con moto?
What are you going around with a motorbike for?
00:38:05.370 - 00:38:11.850

00:38:05.370 - 00:38:11.850

Llego a todos lados. Acá. A Chavin.

I get everuwhere. Here. Chavin.
00:38:11.590 - 00:38:17.620

Aa, imaynataq purinki?

Aa imayna-taq puri-nki
Ah, how-SEQ walk-2
Ah, cómo puedes caminar?
Ah, how can you walk?
00:38:17.680 - 00:38:23.190

A San Pedro. Sin moto, ¿qué puedo?

San Pedro. Without a motorbike, what can I do?
00:38:17.680 - 00:38:23.190

piru huktriki apayashunki. Kikillaykichu puriyanki motowan?

piru huk-tri-ki apa-ya-shunki kiki-lla-yki-chu puri-ya-nki moto-wan
but one-EVC-KI bring-PROG-3>2 self-RSTR-2-Q walk-PROG-2 motorbike-INSTR
Pero otro te estará llevando. ¿Ó tú misma estás andando con moto?
But someone else must be bringing you. Or are you yourself wandering around with a motorbike?
00:38:23.270 - 00:38:29.020

Caballo no tengo.
I don't have a horse.
00:38:23.270 - 00:38:29.020

sapa kikiki mana qashpá

sapakiki mana qashpa
sapakiki mana qashpa
00:38:29.770 - 00:38:31.900

¡Qué miedo!
00:38:32.730 - 00:38:35.780

Sapallantrik hamuyan
sapa-lla-n-tri-k hamu-ya-n
alone-RSTR-3-EVC-K come-PROG-3
Sóla está vieniendo.
She's coming all alone.
00:38:32.730 - 00:38:35.780

Chaypaq sapallaqa imaynataq rinki suwa suwarushuptiki

chay-paq sapa-lla-qa imayna-taq ri-nki suwa suwa-ru-shu-pti-ki
DEM.D-ABL alone-RSTR-TOP how-SEQ go-2 thief rob-URGT-3>2-SUBDS-3>2
Por qué estás viniendo sola de allá si un ratero te puede robar?
How come you come all alone from there if a thief can rob you?
00:38:36.540 - 00:38:39.400

Suwapis rikarunmantri chaypa.

suwa-pis ri-ka-ru-n-man chay-pa
Los rateros pueden aparecer por allí, también
Thieves also can pop up around there.
00:38:40.580 - 00:38:44.430

Antes sé total que costumbre había. Ahora poco, pues. Ahora casi no escucho.
Antes sé total que costumbre había. Ahora poco, pues. Ahora casi no escucho.
Before I knew all the customs there were. Now, little. Now I can hardly hear.
00:38:44.550 - 00:38:50.680

Gente malo no puede faltar.

Gente malo no puede faltar.
They'll never be short on bad people.
00:38:52.220 - 00:38:54.690

00:38:55.130 - 00:39:00.250

Por Lincha me dicen. Pero por acá . . .

Around Lincha, they tell me- But around here . . .
00:38:55.130 - 00:39:00.250

Trankilo. Kikiyki urmarunki

trankilo. kiki-yki urma-ru-nki
calm self-2 fall-URGT-2
Tranquilo. usted más bien te caiste.
Calmly. You yourself fell.
00:39:01.170 - 00:39:05.500

Urmaruranki. Imaynaraq purinki.

urma-ru-ra-nki imayna-raq puri-nki
fall-URGT-PST-2 how-CONT walk-2
Has caído. ¿Cómo andarás?
You fell. How will you go around?
00:39:06.040 - 00:39:11.050

Kwidakushpa y-ari. Dyosta qayarikushpa.

kwida-ku-shpa-y-ari. ya-ri Dyos-ta qayari-ku-shpa
Cuidándote, pues, llamando a Dios.
Taking care of yourself, of course. Calling on God.
00:39:12.280 - 00:39:14.950

años tiene.
years old.
00:39:15.380 - 00:39:19.170

00:39:15.380 - 00:39:19.170

Tawa trunka ishkayniyuq

00:39:15.380 - 00:39:19.170

Chaynamik wambra: ñuqapa kayan. Sapallanmi.

chay-na-mi-k wambra-: ñuqa-pa ka-ya-n sapa-lla-n
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD-K child-1 1-GEN be-PROG-3 alone-RSTR-3-EVD
Así está mi hijo -- solo.
That's how my son is -- all alone.
00:39:22.950 - 00:39:25.980

No tiene mujer. Chay kananpis rinan kara wak na. Chay Liskayta imam.
chay kanan-pis ri-na-n ka-ra-ø wak na. chay Liskay-ta ima-m
DEM.D now-ADD go-NMLZ-3 be-PST-3 DEM.D DMY DEM.D Liskay-ACC what-EVD
No tiene mujer. Así ahora también tenía que ir. A Liskay ¿o qué?
He doesn't have a wife. Today too he had to go there, umm, to Liskay, or what?
00:39:26.790 - 00:39:32.070

En qué sitio está fiesta allá?

En qué sitio hay fiesta allá?
Where around there is there a festival?
00:39:32.510 - 00:39:35.650

00:39:36.000 - 00:39:38.500

00:39:36.000 - 00:39:38.500

Ah, Ortigal.
Ah, Ortigal.
Ah, Ortigal.
00:39:38.500 - 00:39:40.930

Ortigal. eso.
Ortigal. Right.
00:39:38.500 - 00:39:40.930

Ése ahora iba a ir, este . . .

A ésa ahora iba a ir, este . . .
I was going to go to that one, umm ...
00:39:41.090 - 00:39:43.610

Moto, dice, quiere llevar, ah.

Moto, dice, quiere llevar, ah.
Motorbike, he says, he wants to take, ah.
00:39:43.930 - 00:39:46.880

Por cien soles.

Por cien soles.
For one hundred sols.
00:39:47.110 - 00:39:49.650

Achka qullqipaq y . .
achka qullqi-paq i
a.lot gold-ABL and
Mucho dinero y
For a lot of money and
00:39:51.440 - 00:39:55.190

Achka achka.
A whole lot.
00:39:51.440 - 00:39:55.190

Nata pagananta munayan . . . rantinanta gasolinata.

na-ta paga-na-n-ta munaya-n ranti-na-n-ta gasolina-ta
DMY-ACC pay-NMLZ-3-ACC want-PROG-3 buy-NMLZ-3-ACC gasoline-ACC
Para que pague, lo quiere, para que compre gasolina.
He wants me to pay, to buy gasoline.
00:39:55.430 - 00:40:00.670

Chayqa imaynañataq alkansanqa.

chay-qa imayna-ña-taq alkansa-nqa
DEM.D-TOP how-DISC-SEQ suffice-3.FUT
Así cómo ya va a alcanzar?
Like that, how is it going to be enough?
00:40:00.810 - 00:40:02.810

Pero con cinco soles de gasolina llegas. No es la gasolina que cuesta.

But you can get there with five sols-worth of gasoline. It's not the gasoline that costs.
00:40:02.510 - 00:40:10.510

Viyahakuy munasapis chaynam kayan chayqa imanataq rinqa?

viyaha-ku-y muna-sa-ø-pis chay-na-m ka-ya-n chay-qa imana-taq ri-nqa
Cuando queremos viajar también así está y ahora cómo se puede ir?
When we want to travel, too, it's like that -- how are we going to go?
00:40:10.760 - 00:40:13.930

00:40:10.760 - 00:40:13.930

Chaymi rinan kara

chay-mi ri-na-n ka-ra-ø
DEM.D-EVD go-NMLZ-3 go-PST-3
En eso tenía que ir.
So he had to go.
00:40:15.150 - 00:40:16.930

Invitawman kara chayam rinan kara manam rinchu kanan

invitaw-ma-n ka-ra-ø chay-am ri-na-n ka-ra-ø mana-m ri-n-chu kanan
invite-1.OBJ-3 be-PST-3 DEM.D-EVD go-NMLZ-3 be-PST-3 no-EVD go-3-NEG now
Me han invitado para que vaya. Ahora no va.
They invited me to go. Now they don't go.
00:40:17.440 - 00:40:22.170

Yo no fuí.
00:40:17.440 - 00:40:22.170

Ganawniyuq kantaq vakas.

ganaw-ni-yuq ka-n-taq vaka-s
cattle-EUPH-POSS be-3-SEQ cows-ADD
Tengo mis animales --hay vacas.
I have my animals -- there are cows.
00:40:22.470 - 00:40:24.860

Ah. Errancia.
Ah, errancia.
Ah, errancia.
00:40:26.170 - 00:40:32.070

Me gusta cuando ponen cinta a la vaca. Bonito.

I like it when they pierce the cows' ears with ribbons. Nice.
00:40:26.170 - 00:40:32.070

Para otro año voy a hacer erranza el veinticinco. Aquí en Colca.

Para el año que entra voy a hacer erranza el veinticinco. Aquí en Colca.
In another year, I'm going to have an errancia the twenty-fifth. here in Colca.
00:40:32.490 - 00:40:37.040

00:40:32.490 - 00:40:37.040

Will you come?
00:40:37.100 - 00:40:42.360

Sí. ¿Porqué no? El año que entra. Y grabo video.

Yes. Why not. Next year. And I'll video record it.
00:40:37.100 - 00:40:42.360

Qaninpas pasarun huk grupum hirakurun

qanin-pa-s pasa-ru-n huk grupu-m hira-ku-ru-n
previous-LOC-ADD pass-URGT-3 one group-EVD santiago-REFL-URGT-3
La otra vez también ya pasó un grupo. Hicieron su Santigo.
The last time, too, a group passed and held a Santiago.
00:40:46.000 - 00:40:50.590

Chay ñuqataqa kanan watanpam tukaman.

chay ñuqa-ta-qa wata-n-pa-m tuka-ma-n
DEM.D 1-ACC-TOP year-3-LOC-EVD touch-1.OBJ-3
A mí me toca al otro año.
In another year it's my turn.
00:40:50.780 - 00:40:53.690

Mamatapis ñuqa ñuqatapis wak wawa: hirakun.

mama-ta-pis ñuqa ñuqa-ta-pis wak wawa-: hira-ku-n
mother-ACC-ADD 1 1-ACC-ADD DEM.D baby-1 santiago-REFL-3
A mi mama y a mi también y a mi hija también nos toca el santiago.
My mother, I, me, too, my daughter, have a santiago.
00:40:54.840 - 00:40:58.350

No. Valido pone.

No. Valido pone.
No. An expert does.
00:40:58.390 - 00:41:04.100

¿Y usted misma pone cinta?

And do you yourself pierce their ears?
00:40:58.390 - 00:41:04.100

. . . munankichu sintachiytaqa
muna-nki-chu sinta-chi-y-ta-qa
want-2-NEG ribbon-CAUS-INF-ACC-TOP
No quieres ponerles cinta.
You don't want to pierce their ears.
00:41:05.540 - 00:41:09.320

Sí, este . . .
Sí, este . . .
Yes, ummm
00:41:05.540 - 00:41:09.320

piru qam hukchu atipanki

piru qam huk-chu atipa-nki
but 2 one-Q
Pero usted, ¿qué vas a poder?
But can you do one?
00:41:10.210 - 00:41:12.040

00:41:12.320 - 00:41:16.200

No me gusta cuando cortan la oreja.

I don't like it when they cut their ears.
00:41:12.320 - 00:41:16.200

Con señala pues. Siñalllam chay. Kuchirirun.

señal-lla-m chay. kuchi-ri-ru-n
Con señal, pues. Ése es nada más señal. Lo empiezan a cortar.
With a brand. That's just a brand. They start to cut it.
00:41:16.250 - 00:41:21.300

Kuchirirun hapishpa
kuchi-ri-ru-n hapi-shpa
Agarrando, lo cortan.
Grabbing it, they start to cut it.
00:41:21.620 - 00:41:23.390

Sangre. Yawar.
Blood. Blood.
00:41:23.530 - 00:41:26.400

Cha . . . Ah, chaynam. Maypapis. Kachu..

cha Ah, chay-na-m may-pa-pis kachu
Cha Ah, DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD where-LOC-ADD horn
Ah, Así lo hacen donde que sea. Cacho.
Ah, they do that everywhere. Horn.
00:41:26.560 - 00:41:32.860

Igual. Cuando le cortan el cuerno . . .

Just the same, when they cut the horn . . .
00:41:26.560 - 00:41:32.860

Kachutam kurtan.
kachu-ta-m kurta-n
horn-ACC-EVD cut-3
Cortan el cacho.
They cut the horn.
00:41:33.690 - 00:41:35.150

00:41:33.690 - 00:41:35.150

Chaypaq vakaqa chuskakamallatr kayan.

chay-paq vaka-qa chuska-kama-lla-tr ka-ya-n
DEM.D-LOC cow-TOP hornless-RSTR-RSTR-EVC be-PROG-3
Ya allí las vaca estarán todas -- chuscas.
In that, there are just hornless cows
00:41:35.750 - 00:41:38.450

Krusadu kanchu vaka chay lawpa.

krusadu ka-n-chu vaka chay law-pa
crossed be-3-Q cow DEM.D-side-LOC
Allí en ese lado hay vacas crusadas?
Are there mixed-breed cows over there?
00:41:39.490 - 00:41:41.740

00:41:41.980 - 00:41:45.740

Conversamos de "Chikapiti"
We talked about "Chikapiti"
00:41:41.980 - 00:41:45.740

Aa, Qullqapitipaqmiki
aa Qullqapiti-paq-mi-ki
Ah, Colcapiti-LOC-EVD-KI
Ah, en Colcapiti, pues.
Ah, in Colcapiti, then.
00:41:45.800 - 00:41:50.570

Aa, Qullqapiti hanay lawpam waka kayan

Aa Qullqapiti hanay law-pa-m waka ka-ya-n
Ah, Colcapiti up.hill side-LOC-EVD tomb be-PROG-3
Ah, Colcapiti en el lado de arriba hay waka.
Ah, Colcapiti. Up there there are tombs.
00:41:45.800 - 00:41:50.570

00:41:45.800 - 00:41:50.570

Unay runapa wasin.

unay runa-pa wasi-n
before person-GEN house-3
Las casas de gente antigua.
The houses of ancient people.
00:41:50.770 - 00:41:53.070

Quri antigum wak altupa sutin. Wak altu puntapa.

quri antigum wak altu-pa suti-n wak altu punta-pa
silver ancient DEM.D high-GEN name-3 DEM.D high point-LOC
Plata antigua se llama allá arriba. Allá en esa punta arriba.
"Ancient Silver" it's called up there. There in that high point.
00:41:53.550 - 00:41:57.060

hanaylaw pitipañataqmi Qullqapiti

hanay-law piti-pa-ña-taq-mi Qullqapiti
up.hill-side Piti-LOC-DISC-SEQ-EVD Colcapiti
En el lado de arriba ya también se llama qullqapiti. Colcapiti.
Up there, too, it's called Colcapiti.
00:41:57.210 - 00:41:59.570

Arriba piti puntallatam Tayapunta. TK

Arriba, la punta no más es tayapunta.
The top up there the top is Tayapunta.
00:41:59.920 - 00:42:02.700

Allí están allí.

Allí están allí.
There they're there.
00:42:02.920 - 00:42:08.050

Me dicen que panteón es.

They tell me it's a graveyard.
00:42:02.920 - 00:42:08.050

00:42:08.290 - 00:42:10.950

que calavera hay.

that there are skeletons.
00:42:08.290 - 00:42:10.950

Aa, kalabira, tullu, wamaq wamaq chay ukupaq kakuyan.

aa kalabira, tullu, wamaq wamaq chay uku-paq ka-ku-ya-n
Ah, skeleton bone a.lot a.lot DEM.D inside-LOC be-REFL-PROG-3
Ah, calaveras, huesos, hay muchos allí adentro.
Ah, skeletons, bones, there are a lot there inside.
00:42:11.160 - 00:42:17.670

Aa, waka ukupatriki runa wañura unay.

aa waka uku-pa-tri-ki runa wañu-ra-ø unay.
Ah, tomb inside-LOC-EVC-KI person die-PST-3 before
Ah, dentro de las huacas la gente habrá muerto antes.
Ah, inside the tombs there would be people died before.
00:42:11.160 - 00:42:17.670

wasin ukullapa
wasi-n uku-lla-pa
house-3 inside-RSTR-LOC
Dentro no más.
Just inside their houses.
00:42:17.790 - 00:42:19.370

Ishkay intiwanshi wañura

ishkay inti-wan-shi wañu-ra-ø
two sun-INSTR-EVR die-PST-3
Murieron con dos soles, dicen.
With two suns, they say, they died.
00:42:19.570 - 00:42:22.100

Ay, es gentil.
Ay, es gentil.
Ay, they're ancient people.
00:42:22.190 - 00:42:26.160

¿Y qué gente vivía allá?

And what people lived there?
00:42:22.190 - 00:42:26.160

Antigus [undecipherable] ima kaqtrik kara? Tiyempu. Unay tiyempu. Imaynaya kara?
antigus ima ka-q-tri-k ka-ra-ø tiyempu unay tiyempu imayna-yá ka-ra-ø
ancients what be-AG-EVC-K be-PST-3 time before time how-EMPH be-PST-3
Gente antigua. . ¿Qué seres habrán sido? Antes. ¿Como habrá sido antes?
Ancient people. What kind of beings would there have been? A long time ago how would it have been?
00:42:26.170 - 00:42:33.970

Ah. Antes.
Ah. Antes.
Ah, before.
00:42:26.170 - 00:42:33.970

Ancient peoples?
00:42:26.170 - 00:42:33.970

Chaypaq ñuqanchik rikariranchik chay puchukaptintri

chay-paq ñuqanchik rikari-ra-nchik chay puchuka-pti-n-tri
DEM.D-LOC 1PL appear-PST-1PL DEM.D finish-SUBDS-3-EVC
En eso nos hemos parecido cuando-RSTRs terminaron.
So we appear when they finished off.
00:42:34.420 - 00:42:38.510

00:42:38.640 - 00:42:43.260

¿Y cómo es que se acabaron?

And how did they get finished off?
00:42:38.640 - 00:42:43.260

Imayna [undecipherable]
¿Cómo será?
How would it be?
00:42:43.560 - 00:42:48.320

Ishkay ishkay dos inti ishkay intiwan.

ishkay ishkay dos inti ishkay inti-wan
two two two sun two sun-INSTR
Con dos soles.
With two suns.
00:42:43.560 - 00:42:48.320

Ishkay intiwan.
ishkay inti-wan
two sun-INSTR
Con dos soles.
With two suns.
00:42:48.710 - 00:42:52.960

Con dos sol. Manachu rupayan wak TK

mana-chu rupa-ya-n wak
no-Q burn-PROG-3 DEM.D
Con dos soles. A ver cómo está ardiendo allí.
With two suns. Isn't it burning there?
00:42:48.710 - 00:42:52.960

wakhina ishkay.
wak-hina ishkay.
Así dos.
Like that two.
00:42:53.160 - 00:42:54.760

Dos sol, dice. Total. Murió. Tiqtirishpash.

Dos soles, dicen. Total. Murieron friéndose, dicen.
Two suns, they say. Totally. They died fried, they say.
00:42:55.030 - 00:43:02.670

¿Cómo que dos soles?

How's that -- two suns?
00:42:55.030 - 00:43:02.670

Calor, pues.
Calor, pues.
00:43:03.920 - 00:43:07.540

¿Es que un día . . .

Is it that one day . . .
00:43:03.920 - 00:43:07.540

amanecieron dos soles? ¿De repente?

two suns rose? All of a sudden?
00:43:07.540 - 00:43:11.760
Chaynatr kara.
chay-na-tr ka-ra-ø
Así sería, pues.
That's the way it would be.
00:43:11.930 - 00:43:16.180

Y todos se muerieron ese mismo día?

And all of them died that very same day?
00:43:11.930 - 00:43:16.180

Chaynatr wañukurun pasaypaq wasinpa wañukura.

chay-na-tr wañu-ku-ru-n pasaypaq wasi-n-pa wañu-ku-ra-ø
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC die-REFL-URGT-3 a.lot house-3-LOC die-REFL-PST-3
Así pues se habrán muerto. En su casa, de total se habrán muerto.
They would have died like that. In their houses they would have died.
00:43:16.580 - 00:43:19.420

Así, pues, murieron bastantes. En sus casa murieron

00:43:16.580 - 00:43:19.420

Wak altu chasqamatray nin. Wak altukunata wak altukunata.

wak altu Chasqamatray ni-n Wak altu-kuna-ta wak altu-kuna-ta
DEM.D high Chaskamachay say-3 DEM.D high-PL-ACC DEM.D high-PL-ACC
Allá arriba le dicen chasqamachay. Allá arriba todo.
There high up they call it Chaskamachay. All there up high, all there up high.
00:43:20.380 - 00:43:23.800

Urqukunapa ukunpash kasa uchuk wayta walayuqllash kasa.

urqu-kuna-pa uku-n-pa-sh ka-sa-ø uchuk wayta wala-yuq-lla-sh ka-sa-ø
hill-PL-LOC inside-3-LOC-EVR be-PRF-3 small flower skirt-POSS-RSTR-EVR be-PRF-3
Dentro de los cerros, dicen, había una chiquita con falda de balleta
Inside the hills, they say, there was a little girl with a skirt.
00:43:24.130 - 00:43:27.500

Chaypi chakirusa walantin vistiduntinshi.

chay-pi chaki-ru-sa-ø wala-ntin vistidu-ntin-shi
DEM.D-LOC dry-URGT-PRF-3 skirt-INCL clothes-INCL-EVR
Allí se secó todo con falda y su vestido.
There she was left dry with her skirt and her clothes.
00:43:28.890 - 00:43:31.710

¿Y es por algo que hicieron?

And is it for something they did?
00:43:32.400 - 00:43:34.740

Chaymantrik ayarikura chay ukuman matray ukunkunaman

chay-man-tri-k aya-ri-ku-ra-ø chay uku-man matray uku-kuna-man
DEM.D-ALL-EVC-K cadaver-INCEP-REFL-PST-3 DEM.D inside-ALL cave inside-PL-ALL
De allí se habrán vuelto cadáveres -- al interior de la cueva -- adentro.
So, they would have turned into cadavers inside the cave -- inside.
00:43:32.640 - 00:43:38.260
00:43:38.620 - 00:43:42.440

¿Pero fue castigo? ¿Qué hicieron?

But was it a punishment? What did they do?
00:43:38.620 - 00:43:42.440

Imaynama chayhinatr kay kayan?

Imayna-m-á chay-hina-tr kay ka-ya-n
Cómo será allí, pues.
How would it be like that?
00:43:42.540 - 00:43:44.870

¿Y eso puede volver a pasar?

And could that happen again?
00:43:47.620 - 00:43:50.400

¿Qué va? Claro.

¿Qué va? Claro.
Of course.
00:43:50.730 - 00:43:54.820

A nosotros, ¿Nos puede pasar?

To us? Could it happen to us?
00:43:50.730 - 00:43:54.820

Chayna ramashunñam kanan

chay-na rama-shun-ña-mi-k kanan
DEM.D-VRBZ barbecue-1PL.FUT-DISC-EVD now
Así ya nos va a azar ahora.
Like that we´e going to barbecue now.
00:43:55.720 - 00:43:57.560

00:43:55.720 - 00:43:57.560

Lliw lliwtriki wañukushun puchukashun entonses manachu?

lliw lliw-tri-ki puchuka-shun entonces mana-chu
all all-EVC-KI finish-1PL.FUT then no-Q
¿Toditos habremos que morir, que terminar, entonces, no?
All will have to die, to finish off, then, no?
00:43:58.900 - 00:44:03.560

Ya no faltará.
Ya no faltará.
It won't be long now.
00:43:58.900 - 00:44:03.560

00:43:58.900 - 00:44:03.560

[not transcribable]
00:44:03.650 - 00:44:07.020

Ñuqanchik wañuptinchik alawanshi hikarin nisataq. Imayna runa chayta yatran.
ñuqanchik wañu-pti-nchik ala-wan-shi hikari-n ni-sa-ø-taq imayna runa chay-ta yatra-n
1PL die-SUBDS-1PL- wing-INSTR-EVR appear-3 say-PRF-3-SEQ how person DEM.D-ACC know-3
Cuando nosotros morimos, con alas, parece, dicen. ¿Cómo la gente sabrá-RSTR?
When we die, with wings, they say, it appears, they said. How do people know that already?
00:44:07.820 - 00:44:14.460

00:44:07.820 - 00:44:14.460

¿Se hornearon?
They got baked?
00:44:17.540 - 00:44:20.000

Así dice. Ah, panchamankarunshi unayqa,

Ah, pachamanka-ru-n-shi unay-qa
Ah, bake-URGT-3-EVR before-TOP
Así dice. Ah, se hicieron pachamanka, dicen, antes.
So they say. They got baked, they say, before.
00:44:20.620 - 00:44:27.630

¿Se pachamankaron?
They got stewed?
00:44:20.620 - 00:44:27.630

Watyarunña. Pachamankarun. Chaynatr watyaramashun ñuqanchiktapis

watya-ru-n-ña pachamanka-ru-n. chay-na-tr watya-ra-ma-shun ñuqanchik-ta-pis
Se pachamancaron ya. Pachamankaron. Así, pues, nos hará panachamanka también.
They got baked, they say. They got baked. Like that, we're going to get baked, us, too.
00:44:27.660 - 00:44:34.730

00:44:27.660 - 00:44:34.730

Amatr pachamankasaqa? TK
ama-tr pachamanka-sa-qa?
No hecha pachamanka pues.
Not baked.
00:44:38.280 - 00:44:44.810

Yo quiero morirme tranquilo. No, no, no, no, no. No en pachamanka.

I want to die in peace. No, no, no, no, no. Not in stew.
00:44:38.280 - 00:44:44.810

Claro, si me puedo morir ya comiéndome

Of course, if I could die eating
00:44:44.810 - 00:44:48.520

del camote al lado tchuk tchuk tchuk tchuk

the yams to the side, tchuk, tchuk, tchuk
00:44:48.790 - 00:44:51.120

trumiruptin. TK
When he chokes.
00:44:54.770 - 00:45:01.050

00:44:54.770 - 00:45:01.050

Hay algunos que dicen

There are some people who say
00:45:01.260 - 00:45:04.690

que el mundo, nuestro mundo a nosotros, se va a acabar el año que entra.

that the world, our world, is going to end next year.
00:45:04.740 - 00:45:12.450

Imaynama chayna runa rimapa:kusa TK puchukashunshi nishpa

imayna-m-á chay-na runa rima-paku-sa-ø puchuka-shun-shi ni-shpa
how-EVD-EMPH DEM.D-VRBZ person talk-PL-PRF-3 finish-1PL.FUT-EVR say-SUBIS
¿Cómo será, ése? La gente hablan que vamos a terminar, todos.
How would that be? People have talked that we're going to finish off, saying.
00:45:13.070 - 00:45:18.960

Lliwshi wañushun puchukashun hukñash runa rikarinqa nisataq

lliw-shi wañu-shun puchuka-shun huk-ña-sh runa rikari-nqa ni-sa-ø-taq
all-EVR die-1PL.FUT finish-1PL.FUT one-DISC-EVR person appear-3.FUT say-PRF-3-SEQ
Todos, dicen, vamos a morir, vamos a terminar. Otra gente, ya va a aprecer, dicen.
Everyone, they say, we're going to die, to get finished off. Other people will appear, as they say.
00:45:18.960 - 00:45:23.330

Imaynatri kashun?
imayna-tri ka-shun
how-EVC be-1PL.FUT
¿Cómo estaremos pues?
How will we be, then?
00:45:24.570 - 00:45:29.600

Me lo estaba diciendo Don Fortunato.

Don Fortunato was telling me
00:45:24.570 - 00:45:29.600

Lo había escuchado en la radio.

He'd heard it on the radio.
00:45:29.710 - 00:45:32.680

que en dos mil dioce ya.

that in 2012 already
00:45:32.800 - 00:45:35.390

Achachaw. Yo no creo.
¡Vaya! Yo no creo.
Come on! I don't believe it.
00:45:35.660 - 00:45:41.770
Puchukashun. No sé.
We're going to finish off. I don't know.
00:45:35.660 - 00:45:41.770

Temblorwanraqtri wañurushun?
temblor-wan-raq-tri wañu-ru-shun
earthquake-INSTR-CONT-EVC die-URGT-1PL.FUT
Con terremoto todavía habrá que morir.
So we're going to die in an earthquake.
00:45:42.120 - 00:45:45.490

Por temblor.
By an earthquake.
00:45:42.120 - 00:45:45.490

Año año pasado pasó total. Feo.

Pasó uno el año año pasado total. Feo.
Last year one passed. Awful.
00:45:48.300 - 00:45:51.740

Casa también moviá así así así.

La casa también moviá así así así.
Houses also moved. Like this, like this.
00:45:52.460 - 00:45:55.300

¿Y se cayeron casas?
And houses fell down?
00:45:58.130 - 00:46:00.660

00:46:00.700 - 00:46:01.630

Algunos no también.
Algunos no también.
Some, no, too.
00:46:02.590 - 00:46:04.530

Y acá, cuando hay terremoto, ¿qué hacen?

And here, when there's an earthquake, what do they do?
00:46:05.500 - 00:46:10.230

Para afuera salgo.

Para afuera salgo.
I go out outside.
00:46:10.340 - 00:46:12.420

Para afuera.
00:46:10.340 - 00:46:12.420

¿Para esperar a que se pase?
To wait until it passes?
00:46:14.110 - 00:46:15.910

Fwerata pawarunchik. Imanashuntri?

fwera-ta pawa-ru-nchik ima-na-shun-tri
outside-ACC jump-URGT-1PL what-VRBZ-1PL.FUT-EVC
Salgamos afuera. Qué cosa vamos a hacer?
We jump outside. What are we supposed to do?
00:46:17.030 - 00:46:19.470

Fwerapapis katkatakuyanchik
fwera-pa-pis katkata-ku-ya-nchik
outside-LOC-ADD tremble-PROG-1PL
Afuera también estamos temblando
Outside, too, we're trembling.
00:46:19.920 - 00:46:22.130

Ima ladirankunapaq rumipis hinkuyamuntriki

ima ladira-n-kuna-paq rumi-pis hinku-ya-mu-n-tri-ki
what side-3-PL-LOC stone-ADD roll-PROG-CISL-3-EVC-KI
Las piedras están rodando en la peña.
Stones, too, are rolling down the sides [of the mountain]
00:46:22.190 - 00:46:26.150

Salta, pues. Rumi pawamun

Rumi pawa-mu-n
Rumi jump-CISL-3
Saltan. Las piedras saltan.
It jumps. The rock jumps.
00:46:26.290 - 00:46:28.720

Ah, animal también. Espanta.

Ah, los animales también. Se espantan.
Ah, animals, too. They get scared.
00:46:30.090 - 00:46:34.080

¿Y animal también?
And animals, too?
00:46:30.090 - 00:46:34.080

Espantando va.
Espantados van.
They go around spooked.
00:46:34.250 - 00:46:36.510

00:46:34.250 - 00:46:36.510

Hay algunos que dicen

00:46:37.030 - 00:46:38.910

que el animal sabe cuando va a llegar terremoto.
00:46:38.980 - 00:46:44.090

Oh, my!
00:46:44.330 - 00:46:47.590

que cambia su comportamiento.

00:46:44.330 - 00:46:47.590

que lo hueleó algo.

00:46:47.820 - 00:46:49.580

Así es.
Así es.
That's right.
00:46:49.980 - 00:46:52.270

¿Verdad será?
Is it really true?
00:46:49.980 - 00:46:52.270

que el gato comienza a andar en círculo. Así.

00:46:53.740 - 00:46:59.160

00:46:59.480 - 00:47:03.560

¿Gato sabe? ¿Por lo mismo comienza a

Cats know? That's why they start to
00:46:59.480 - 00:47:03.560

go crazy?
00:47:04.080 - 00:47:05.680

Vakapaq suyarayashunkiñatr TK
vaka-paq suya-raya-shunki-ña-tr
cow-PURP wait-PASS-3>2-DISC-EVC
Ya te está esperando para las vacas.
He's already waiting for you for the cow.
00:47:06.100 - 00:47:09.000

Chaynatr wañushun, aw?. Vaka

chay-na-tr wañu-shun aw vaka
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC die-1PL.FUT yes cow
Así vamos a morir,¿no? Vacas.
We're going to die like that, no? Cows.
00:47:09.060 - 00:47:10.960

nanaptin rishaq
nana-pti-n ri-shaq
hurt-SUBDS-3 go.1.FUT
Cuando duele voy a ir.
When it hurts, I'm going to go.
00:47:11.960 - 00:47:13.540

Haynaypam vaka chawanan kayan

haynay-pa-m vaka chawa-na-n ka-ya-n
up-LOC-EVD cow milk-NMLZ-3 be-PROG-3
Las vacas están arriba para lechear.
Up hill the cow has to be milked.
00:47:13.970 - 00:47:18.320

¡Qué miedo!
00:47:13.970 - 00:47:18.320

00:47:13.970 - 00:47:18.320

Ah, ¿qué hora ya está?

Ah, ¿qué hora es ya?
Ah, what time is it?
00:47:18.780 - 00:47:20.430

00:47:18.780 - 00:47:20.430

00:47:21.040 - 00:47:23.897

Ya son las once.

It's already eleven.
00:47:21.040 - 00:47:23.897

Sunday, October 7, 2012 11:51 AM

Unay karqa mamachay urqupa yatrarqa.
Antes había una abuelita que vivía en la puna.
Before, there was an old lady who lived in the mountains.
00:00:00.030 - 00:00:06.340

ubihawan. Hinaptinshi hamukuyarqa

con ovejas. Luego estaba viniendo
with her sheep. Then, there was coming
00:00:06.470 - 00:00:10.760

Una tardi vakata qatimuptin

una tarde cuando traía las vacas
one afternoon, when she was bringing her cows
00:00:10.860 - 00:00:12.740

Runa tristi tristi qaparikurun urqupa.

un hombre, triste triste, gritó en el cerro.
a sad, sad man, cried in the hills.
00:00:12.930 - 00:00:16.160

Hinaptin mamachallaqa nin, "Maypataq chay pubri wankallaqa? Alalaypaqtriki waqallayan", ninshi.
Luego, la abuelita dijo "¿Dónde ese pobre Wanka? Estará llorando de frío", dijo.
Then, the old lady said, "Where, that poor Wanka? He must be crying from the cold",
00:00:16.290 - 00:00:22.190

Kuntistarun, "¡Abwelitay!"
Respondió, "¡Mi abuelita!"
He answered, "my grandmother!"
00:00:22.440 - 00:00:26.480

Pubri wankalla chiripaqtrik mikuypaqtrik kayan", nishpash. Chayhina niyaptinshi

"Pobre Wanka, estará con frío y con hambre", dijo. Cuando estaba diciendo así,
"Poor Wanka. He must be cold and hungry," she said. When she was saying that,
00:00:26.900 - 00:00:30.820

Mas sirkapaña mas sirkapaña

Más cerca ya, más cerca ya
Closer and closer already
00:00:31.070 - 00:00:33.210

qaparikuyan Wankaqa, "¡Señor!"

el Wanka está gritando. "¡Señor!"
the Wanka was shouting. "Sir!"
00:00:33.360 - 00:00:36.600

kwirpuman -- rass! -- pasó como corriente

a su cuerpo -- rass! -- pasó como una corriente [de electricidad]
Rass! A current passed through her body.
00:00:39.770 - 00:00:43.170

Umanshi wiñarun. Tardiñash inti pasaruptin,

Su cabeza ceció. Tarde ya, cuando el sol pasó,
Her head grew. Late already, when the sun had passed,
00:00:44.530 - 00:00:47.350

Inti pasayaptiñashiki runa qaparikuyan hamukuyan qaparikushtin.

Cuando el sol estaba ocultando, el hombre estaba gritando. Estaba viniendo gritando.
When the sun was setting, the man was screaming. He was coming, screaming.
00:00:48.150 - 00:00:53.120

Animalpis rudiyaytaña qallarikurun kayhina wasin qipanpa .

Sus animales también comenzaron a rodear, así detrás de su casa.
The animals, too, started to circle, like this, behind her house.
00:00:53.390 - 00:00:57.470

Mamachallaqa katkatashpa tiyakuyan. "¿Imatataq kuntistayarqani? ¡Jesús kredu!"

La abuelita temblando, se sentó. "¿Qué estaba respondiendo? ¡Jesús credo!"
The old lady, shaking, sat down. "What was I responding? Good Lord!"
00:00:57.690 - 00:01:02.310

"¿Imataq chayqa? Mana chayqa runachu kanman karqa. ¿Ima chayqa? Kundinawtri chayqa", nishpa
"¿Qué es-RSTR? eso no hubiera podido ser una person. ¿Qué es-RSTR? Será condenado", dijo.
"What is that? That couldn't have been a person. What is that? It must be a zombie!" she said.
00:01:03.020 - 00:01:07.490

Justo está en casa, dentro cerradito ya está.

Justo está en casa, dentro cerradito ya está.
She's right in her house, closed up inside already.
00:01:07.770 - 00:01:10.400

Abwelitallaqa suyakuyan wasin ukupa chusachallanpa. Hinaptin,

La abuelita estaba esperando dentro de su casa, su chosita. Despues
The old lady was waiting inside her house, her little hut. Then,
00:01:10.510 - 00:01:14.350

trayaramun. Chay kundinaw trayaramusa

llegó. El condenado había llegado.
it arrived. The zombie had arrived.
00:01:14.540 - 00:01:18.700

Kayhina muyukuyan. Animalninshi abuwelitallaqa salvarun.

Estaba dando vueltas así. Sus animales, dicen, salvaron a la abuelita.
Her animals were circling like this. They saved the old lady.
00:01:18.870 - 00:01:23.450

Animal kayan wasin kayhina rudiyakuyan

Los animales están así, rodeando su casa.
The animals are like this, circling her house.
00:01:23.720 - 00:01:26.300

Muyukuyan. Mana yaykuchinchu mamachayman.

Están dando vueltas. No dejan ingresar donde mi abuelita.
They're circling. They didn't let [the zombie] enter where my grandmother was.
00:01:26.570 - 00:01:29.720

Kundinawqa muyukuyan tukuy tuta risakushpa tiyakuyan abwelitallayqa

El condenado estaba dando vueltas toda la noche. Mi abuelita estaba sentada, resando.
The zombie went round and round all night. My grandmother was sitting, praying.
00:01:29.940 - 00:01:34.730

"Kanantri ... Kananqa mikuruyawanqatriki", nishpash katkatashpa tiyakuyan.

"Ahora, seguro ... Ahora me va a comer", dijo. Estaba sentada, temblando.
"Now, for sure. Now he's going to eat me," she said. She was sitting, trembling.
00:01:35.080 - 00:01:39.890
Allin hora las tres de la mañana
A buena hora, a las tres de la mañana
Early, at three in the morning,
00:01:40.140 - 00:01:42.000

chinkakuykun. Qaparishpash pasakun urquta

se perdió. Gritando se fue hacía el cerro
he was lost. Screaming, he left for the mountains
00:01:42.240 - 00:01:45.410

el condenado.
the zombie.
00:01:45.620 - 00:01:47.880

00:01:48.330 - 00:01:48.490

Una abuelita vivía en Chuncho Laguna su esquinita, abuelita

Una abuelita vivía en la esquina de Chuncho Laguna. Una abuelita
An old lady lived in a corner of Chuncho Lake. An old lady
00:01:48.500 - 00:01:54.350

Qutra patachanpa pullucha shaqa TK pulluchayuq. Chayshi

con una manta color plomo, en la orilla de la laguna.
with a grey shawl, on the banks of the lagoon.
00:01:54.420 - 00:01:58.980

Huk viyehucha risa qutra patachanta. Risanpaq tutapakuykurusa.

Un viejecito iba por la orilla de la laguna. Cuando había ido, de le oscureció.
An old man was going along the banks of the lagoon. When he had gone, it got dark.
00:01:59.130 - 00:02:04.740

Hinashpaqa trayarusa abwelitamanqa tutaykuptin

Después, cuando oscureció, llegó a la abuelita.
Then, when it got dark, he arrived to the old lady ['s place].
00:02:04.830 - 00:02:09.780

Uchuk chusa wasichalla chusa wasicha qishta ichu wasichapash yatrasa

Vivía en una chosa chica, una casita no más, en una casita [con techo de] paja.
She lived in a small hut, just a little house, a little house [with a roof] of straw.
00:02:09.870 - 00:02:14.490

Chay abwelitaqa. Hinaptinshi chay visita warmi

Esa abuelita. Después, esa visita mujer
The old lady. Then, the woman visitor.
00:02:14.560 - 00:02:19.600

Abwelitu tutapakuykurushpa samakurusa chay abwelitaman

El abuelito, cuando le oscureció, descansó donde la abuelita.
When it got dark on the old man, he hested at the old woman ['s place].
00:02:23.010 - 00:02:27.230

Samakurusa. Hinaptinshi, "¡Samaykachillaway, abuwelita!" nishpa nisa.

Descansó. Después. "¡Házme descansar, abuelita!" dijo.
He rested. Then, "Have me rest, grandmother!" he said.
00:02:27.300 - 00:02:32.720

Samaykachin. "¡Samakullá, señor!"

Le hizo descansar. "¡Descánsate no más, señor!"
He had him rest. "Please rest, sir!"
00:02:32.790 - 00:02:36.650

"Wasiy chay kayllam ... kaynallam wasiy", nishpa nisa.

"Mi casa es así no más," dijo.
"My house is just like this," she said.
00:02:36.690 - 00:02:40.540

Samakun chaypa viyehochaqa.

El viejo descansó allí.
The ld man rested there.
00:02:40.640 - 00:02:44.030

Puñukun. Tuta casi a las tres de la mañanaqa

Dormió. En la noche, casi a las tres de la mañana,
He slept. At night, at almost three in the morning,
00:02:44.100 - 00:02:48.200

chay abwelitaqa pasakusa, kasachu.

Esa abuelita se había ido, no estaba.
The old lady had gone. She wasn't there.
00:02:48.280 - 00:02:52.710

Chay visitalla chay yasqalla puñukusa qutra patanpa puñuyasa rangra-rangra utrkuchapa.
Esa visita, ese anciano dormió en la orilla de la laguna. Estaba durmiendo en piedras, en un huequito.
The visitor, the old man slept on the banks of the the lagoon. He was sleeping on top of stones, in a hole.
00:02:52.880 - 00:02:59.410

Ni chosa nada no había había. En huequito no más estaba durmiendo.

Ni chosa nada no había había. En huequito no más estaba durmiendo.
There was no hut or anything. He was sleeping in a hole, no more.
00:02:59.520 - 00:03:04.470

"Dios mío, ¿dónde estoy durmiendo?" qutra patanpa manisirun, aqu aquchapa.
"Dios mío, ¿dónde estoy durmiendo?" Amaneció en la orilla de la laguna, en arena.
"My God, where am I sleeping?" He woke up on the banks of the lagoon, in sand.
00:03:04.570 - 00:03:08.420

Manisirusa abwelitoqa. Hinashpaqa pasakun. Chay kamcha invitasankunapis kasa waraqupa murun.
Amaneció el abuelito. Después, se fue esa cancha que le había invitado. Era pepa de warajo.
The old man woke up. Then, the toasted grain that [the old lady] had given him was gone. It was warajo pits.
00:03:08.590 - 00:03:15.480
Ni kancha mayschu kasa waraqupa murun kasa.
No era cancha de maíz, era pepa de warajo.
It wasn't toasted corn. It was warajo pits.
00:03:15.560 - 00:03:19.620

Hinaptinshi, ¿maypataq puñurani? ¿Ima mamakucha? ¿Imataq kaypa karqa? ¿Maypiman samakurqani? nishpa
Después, "¿Dónde he dormido?¿Qué abuelita? ¿Qué había acá? ¿Dónde he descansado?"
Then, "Where did I sleep? What old lady? What was here? Where did I rest?"
00:03:19.700 - 00:03:25.370

Chay viyehuchaqa pasakun. Continuó su trabajo, su camino.

Ese viejecito se fue. Continuó su trabajo, su camino.
That old man left. He continued on his way.
00:03:25.500 - 00:03:31.650

¿Imatr? Pukuy chayqa kasa. Pukuycha urqupa kan pishqucha.

¿Qué será? Ése era "pukuy". En la puna hay "pukuycitos", pajaritos.
What was it? That was a "pukuy". In the mountains there are "pukuys", little birds.
00:03:31.840 - 00:03:35.760

Como gallinita canta hora en hora

Como gallinita canta hora en hora
Like a little crow, it sings every hours.
00:03:35.870 - 00:03:39.120

Ese pajarito ha sido esa abuelita.

Ese pajarito ha sido esa abuelita.
That old lady was that bird.
00:03:39.230 - 00:03:42.620

La ha encantado. Allí termina. Chiquito no más era.

Le encantó [al abuelito]. Allí termina. Chiquito no más era.
It bewitched [the old man]. It ends there. It was a short one.
00:03:42.730 - 00:03:48.216

Sunday, October 7, 2012 11:53 AM

Unayshi kay Vinacpa kashqa huk runa.
unay-shi kay Vinac-pa ka-shqa-ø huk runa.
before-EVR DEM.P Vinac-LOC be-NPST-3 one person
Antes, dicen, había un hombre aquí en Viñac.
Once upon a time, they say, there was a man here in Viñac.
00:00:00.080 - 00:00:03.930

Kurapa impliyadum -- Lluqi Maki. Chayshi sapa tardi kampanata ripikakuq.

kura-pa impliyadu-m Lluqi Maki Chay-shi sapa tardi kampana-ta ripika-ku-q
priest-GEN employee-EVD Lluqi Maki [Strong Hand] DEM.D-EVR every afternoon bell-ACC
Era el empleado del cura -- Mano de bastón, le decían. Todas las tardes él tocaba la campana [de la iglesia].
He was an employee of the priest -- [his name was] Lluqi Maki [Strong Arm]. Every afternoon, he rang the
[church] bell.
00:00:04.480 - 00:00:10.680

Aburrikurun sakristanqa wamaq wamaq kampanata suynachiptin.

aburri-ku-ru-n sakristan-qa wama wamaq kampana-ta suyna-chi-pti-n
bore-REFL-URGT-3 deacon-TOP a.lot a.lot bell-ACC sound-CAUS-SUBDS-3
El sacristán se aburrió de [Mano de Bastón] porque hacía sonar la campana constantamente.
The deacon got annoyed that [Lluqi Maki] rang the bell so much.
00:00:10.940 - 00:00:15.320

Chaytaqa mancharachimushaq karaho

Chay-ta-qa mancha-ra-chi-mu-shaq karaho
"A ver si no lo puedo hacer asustar, carajo", dijo.
"Let's see if I can't scare the bastard."
00:00:15.470 - 00:00:17.850

ñuqaqa," nishpa rin tardiqa kapa .. kapakarushpa kamanta kapakurushpa.

ñuqa-qa ni-shpa ri-n huk tardi-qa kap ... kapa-ka-ru-shpa kama-n-ta kapa-ku-ru-shpa
1-TOP say-SUBIS go-3 one afternoon-TOP cov ... cover-REFL-URGT-SUBIS blanket-3-ACC
Se fue una tarde [al la torre] ocultándose bajo una frazada.
He went [to the bell tower] one afternoon and hid himself under a blanket.
00:00:18.080 - 00:00:23.120

Siqarun kampanaman altuman. Hinashpa chaypa turipa suyan. trayarun Lluqi Makiqa
siqa-ru-n kampana-man altu-man hinashpa chay-pa turi-pa suya-n traya-ru-n Lluqi Maki-qa
go.up-URGT-3 bell-ALL high-ALL then DEM.D-LOC tower-LOC-EVR wait-3 arrive-URGT-3 Lluqi
Subió hacia la campana. Después, allí en la torre esperaba [hasta que] llegó Mano de Bastón.
He climbed up high into the bell tower. Then he waited there in the tower [until] Lluqi Maki arrived.
00:00:23.230 - 00:00:27.740

trayaruptinqa altupa karaho almaqa suyayasa. "Alma karaho

traya-ru-pti-n-qa altu-pa karaho Alma-qa suya-ya-sa Alma karaho
arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP high-LOC bastard soul-TOP wait-PROG-PRF-3 soul bastard
Cuando [Mano de Bastón finalmente] llegó a la cima, estaba esperando allí un alma. "Alma carajo,
When [Lluqi Maki finally] arrived up there, a ghost was waiting. "Damn ghost!
00:00:28.260 - 00:00:31.050

bahamuy!" nin. "Bahamuy, karaho!" nin. Nada.

baha-mu-y ni-n baha-mu-y karaho ni-n nada
go.down-CISL-IMP say-3 go.down-CISL-IMP bastard say-3 nothing
¡bájate!" dijo. [Pero no bajó. Otra vez le ordenó:] "¡Bájate, carajo!" Nada [el alma no hacía caso].
Get down!" he said. [But it didn't come down. Again:] "Get down, damn it!" he said. Nothing.
00:00:31.110 - 00:00:35.140

Hinashpa siqashpaqa chuqaykaramun ukuta almataqa.

hinashpa siqa-shpa-qa chuqa-yka-ra-mu-n uku-ta Alma-ta-qa
then go.up-SUBIS-TOP throw.EXCEP-URGT-CISL-3 inside-ACC soul-ACC-TOP
Después [Mano de Bastón] subió y tiró al alma [para abajo,] para dentro [de la torre].
So [Lluqi Maki] climbed up and threw the ghost inside [down the tower].
00:00:35.310 - 00:00:39.740

Almaqa wañunankama pampaman saqarun. Saqaptinqa kampanata ripikarun.

Alma-qa wañu-na-n-kama pampa-man saqa-ru-n saqa-shpa-qa kampana-ta ripika-ru-n
soul-TOP die-NMLZ-3-LIM ground-ALL fall-URGT-3 fall-SUBIS-TOP bell-ACC ring-URGT-3
El alma cayó al suelo, a su muerte. Cuando se cayó [el alma], [Mano de bastón] se puso a tocar la campana.
The ghost fell to the floor, to his death. When [the ghost] fell, [Lluqi Maki] started tolling the bell.
00:00:40.450 - 00:00:44.660

Kampanata ripikaykushpaqa bahamun.

kampana-ta ripika-yku-shpa-qa bahamun
bell-ACC ring-EXCEP-SUBIS-TOP go.down-CISL-3
Después de repicar la campana, bajó [de la torre].
After he tolled the bell, he came down [out of the tower].
00:00:44.810 - 00:00:47.360

"Imatr chay alma kasa? Qawaykushaq," nishpa kamawan ayllurayaqta

Ima-tr chay alma ka-shqa-ø qawa-yku-shaq ni-shpa kama-wan ayllu-ra-ya-q-ta
what-EVC DEM.D soul be-NPST-3 see-EXCEP-1.FUT say-SUBIS blanket-INSTR wrap-PRF
"¿Que cosa habrá sido esa alma? Voy a ver", dijo [y se fue a ver] lo que había estado envuelto con la frazaza.
"What in the world was that? I'm going to look," he said and [went to look at] the thing that had been
wrapped in the blanket.
00:00:47.530 - 00:00:50.280

kamanta achkikushpa qawaykuptinqa sakristan wañurusa sakristanta wañurachisa.

kama-n-ta achki-ku-shpa qawa-yku-pti-n-qa sakrinstan wañu-ru-sa sakristan-ta wañu-ra-chi-sa-ø
blanket-3-ACC open-REFL-SUBIS see-EXCEP-SUBIDS-3-TOP deacon die-URGT-PRF-3 deacon-ACC
Desenvolviendo la frazada, vio al sacrisatán, muerto. ¡Había matado al sacristán!
When he pulled back the blanket he saw the deacon -- dead. He had killed the deacon!
00:00:50.410 - 00:00:54.560

Hinaptinshi kosinerun: "Chay karqa Lluqi Makiqa."

hinaptin-shi kosineru-n karqa-ø chay Lluqi Maki-qa
then-EVR cook-3 be-PST-3 DEM.D Lluqi Maki-TOP
Después, dice, la cocinera, [dijo], "Fue Mano de Bastón [quien lo hizo]".
Then, they say, the cook [said], "It was Lluqi Maki [who did it]."
00:00:54.710 - 00:00:57.280

Yayayman trayarun. "Yayay," nin, "Sacristantam wañupakuruni," nin. "Kamawan ayllukuykushpam turripa
suyaruwan," nin.
Yayay-man traya-ru-n Yayay ni-n Sakristan-ta-m wañu-paku-ru-ni ni-n Kama-wan ayllu-ku-yku-shpa-m
turri-pa suya-ru-wa-n
priest-ALL arriveURGT-3 priest say-3 deacon-ACC-EVD die-MUTBEN-PST-3 say-3 blanket-INSTR
wrap-EXCEP-REFL-SUBIS- tower-LOC wait-URGT-1.OBJ-3
[Mano de Bastón] fue [donde el] cura. "Yayay [padrecito]" dijo, "maté al sacristán". "Me esperó en la torre
envolviéndose en una frazaa".
[Lluqi Maki] went to the priest, "Father," he said, "I killed the deacon," he said. "He waited for me in the
bell tower, wrapped in a
00:00:57.390 - 00:01:03.810

"Chaytam wañupakuruni," nin. "Kanan prisutr rinki."

chay-ta-m wañu-paku-ru-ni ni-n kanan prisu-tr ri-nki
DEM.D-ACC-EVD die-MUTBEN-URGT-1 say-3 now prisoner-EVC go-2
"Lo maté" dijo [Mano de Bastón]. [El cura contestó,] "Ahora irás preso.
"I killed him," said [Lluqi Maki]. [The priest responded,] "Now you're going to be arrested.
00:01:04.240 - 00:01:07.600

"Kay qullqita qushqayki. Ripukuy maytapis!" nin.

kay qullqi-ta qu-shqayki ripu-ku-y may-ta-pis ni-n
DEM.P money-ACC give-1>2.FUT go-REFL-IMP where-ACC-ADD say-3
[Tén] te voy a dar este dinero. ¡Ándate a donde sea!" dijo [el cura].
"I'm going to give you this money. Go away -- anywhere!" said [the priest].
00:01:07.700 - 00:01:10.190

Qullqita quykuptin, ripukun, pasakun.

Qullqi-ta qu-yku-pti-n ripu-ku-n pasa-ku-n
money-ACC give-EXCEP-SUBDS-3 go-REFL-3 pass-REFL-3
Cuando [el cura] le dio la plata, [Mano de Bastón] se fue. Se fugó.
When [the priest] gave him the money, [Lluqi Maki] left, he went away.
00:01:10.230 - 00:01:12.660

"Karu karu llaqtata rikuy!" nin.

karu karu llaqta-ta ri-ku-y ni-n
far far town-ACC go-REFL-IMP say-3
"Ándate a un pueblo muy lejano!" dijo.
"Go to a town far, far away!" he said.
00:01:13.170 - 00:01:15.710

Riyasanpiqa trayarunpwintiman.
Ri-ya-sa-n-pi-qa traya-ru-npwinti-man
go-PROG-PRF-3-LOC-TOP arrive-URGT-3 bridge-ALL
[Mano de Bastón] llegó a donde se dirigía, a un puente.
He arrived at the place he was going to, at a bridge.
00:01:15.870 - 00:01:18.750

Pwentikama trayaruptin huk mamakucha traqnarayasapwintipa.

pwenti-kama traya-ru-pti-n huk mamakucha traqna-ra-ya-sa-øpwinti-pa
bridge-LIM arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3 one old.lady tie-UNINT-INTENS-PRF bridge-LOC
Cuando llegó al puente [encontró a] una ancianita amarrada en el puente.
When he arrived at the bridge, there was an old woman tied to the bridge.
00:01:18.890 - 00:01:22.350

"Imapaqtaq traqnarayanki?" nin. "Kay llaqtapaq kundinawmi lliw lliw runata puchukayan," nin.
imapaq-taq traqna-ra-ya-nki ni-n kay llaqta-paq kundinaw-mi lliw lliw runa-ta puchuka-ya-n ni-n
why-SEQ tie-UNINT-INTENS-3 say-3 DEM.P town-LOC zombie-EVD all all person-ACC finish-PROG-3
"¿Para qué estás amarrada?" le preguntó. "En este pueblo un condenado está terminando a toda la gente"
"Why are you tied up?" he said. "There's a zombie in this town finishing off all the people," she said.
00:01:22.910 - 00:01:28.320

"Mana manam runa kanchu. Chaymi ñuqata mikunanpaq kutimushpa traqnaruwan," nin
mana mana-m runa ka-n-chu chay-mi ñuqa-ta miku-na-n-paq kuti-mu-shpa traqna-ru-wa-n ni-n
no no-EVD person be-3-NEG DEM.D-EVD 1-ACC eat-NMLZ-3-PURP return-CISL-SUBIS
tie-URGT-1.OBJ-3 say-3
"Ya no hay gente. Por eso, para poder comerme cuando regresa, es que me ha atado aquí", dijo [la anciana].
"There aren't any people. That's why he tied me up -- so he can eat me when he comes back," she said.
00:01:28.430 - 00:01:33.720

"Katraykurusayki ñuqaqa. Qawaykachiway chay kundinawpa wasinta!" nin.

katra-yku-ru-sayki ñuqa-qa qawa-yka-chi-wa-y chay kundinaw-pa wasi-n-ta ni-n
release-EXCEP-URGT-1>2.FUT 1-TOP see-EXCEP-CAUS-1.OBJ-IMP DEM.D zombie-GEN house-3-ACC
"Yo te voy a soltar. [Pero tienes que] mostrarme la casa del condenado", dijo [Mano de bastón].
"I'm going to set you free. [But you have to] show me that zombie's house!" said [Lluqi Maki].
00:01:33.720 - 00:01:38.110

Katraykurun mamakutaqa. Katraykuruptin mamakuchaqa pushansha chay kundinawpa wasinman.

katra-yku-ru-n mamaku-cha-ta-qa katra-yku-ru-pti-n mamakucha-qa pusha-n-sha chay kundinaw-pa
release-EXCEP-URGT-3 old.lady-ACC-TOP release-EXCEP-PST-3 old.lady-TOP take-3-EVR DEM.D
zombie-GEN house-3-ALL
Desató a la anciana y cuando la soltó, ella lo llevó, dice, a la casa del condenado.
He freed the old woman. When he freed the old woman, she took him, they say, to the zombie's house.
00:01:38.230 - 00:01:43.770

trayarachin. "Kaymi wasin," nishpa kitrarun imaynapis. Yaykurun Lluqi Makiqa trayamun wasiman.
traya-ra-chi-n kay-mi wasi-n ni-shpa kitra-ru-n imayna-pis yayku-ru-n Lluqi Maki-qa traya-mu-n wasi-man
arrive-URGT-CISL-3 DEM.P-EVD house-3 say-SUBIS open-URGT-3 how-ADD enter-URGT-3 Lluqi
Maki-TOP arrive-CISL-3 house-ALL
Lo hizo llegar. "Este es su casa" dijo y abrió [la puerta] como pudo Mano de Bastón, llegando a la casa,
She delivered him [there]. "This is his house," she said and opened it however she could. Lluqi Maki arrived
and entered the house.
00:01:44.490 - 00:01:50.400

Wasiqa kakuyasa tiyenda. Imapis hunta kakuyasa. Vilapis yanqaña.

wasi-qa ka-ku-ya-sa-ø tiyenda ima-pis hunta ka-ku-ya-sa-ø vila-pis yanqa-ña
house-TOP be-REFL-PROG-PRF-3 store what-ADD full be-REFL-PROG-PRF-3 candle-ADD in.vainDISC
La casa era tienda. Llena estaba – de todo había – incluso muchas velas.
The house was a store. It was filled up with anything [and everything] -- lots of candles, too.
00:01:50.620 - 00:01:55.490

Chaypaq tutaykurun. Tutaykuruptin vilata prindirun.

chay-paq tuta-yku-ru-n tuta-yku-ru-shpa vila-ta prindi-ru-n
DEM.D-ABL night-EXCEP-URGT-3 night-EXCEP-URGT-SUBIS candle-ACC light-URGT-3
Luego llegó la noche y cuando oscureció, prendió una vela.
Later, night fell. When it got dark, he lit a candle.
00:01:55.890 - 00:01:59.680

Vilanta prendiruptin kayan derepenti

vila-n-ta prende-ru-shpa ka-ya-n derepenti
candle-3-ACC light-URGT-SUBIS be-PROG-3 suddenly
Cuando prendió la vela, de repente
When he lit the candle, all of a sudden
00:01:59.850 - 00:02:02.280

-- bum! -- altupaq siqaykaramun pedasos

bum altu-paq siqayka-ra-mu-n pedasos
bum! high-ABL fall-URGT-CISL-3 pieces
– bum! – cayeron pedazos [de un cuerpo humano – manos, pies] desde el techo.
– bang! – pieces [body parts – arms, legs] fell from the ceiling.
00:02:02.350 - 00:02:06.350

Huk pedasulla ultimuqa umallan faltakuyan

huk pedasu-lla ultimu-qa uma-lla-n falta-ku-ya-n
one piece-URGT last-TOP head-URGT-3 lack-REFL-PROG-3
Un pedacito, el último [cayó hasta que] faltaba nada más la cabeza.
One small piece, the last [fell until] just the head was missing!
00:02:06.660 - 00:02:10.260

Uman siqaykaramushpa pawashpaqa hapin deyunaves Lluqi Makitaqa. Lluqi Makiqa ña hatu hatun
chaflinkuna listakusaña suyarayan
uma-n siqayka-ra-mu-shpa pawa-shpa-qa hapi-n deyunaves Lluqi Maki-ta-qa Lluqi Maki-qa ña hatu hatun
chafli-n-kuna lista-ku-sa-ña
head-3 fall-URGT-SUBIS jump-SUBIS grab-3 immediately Lluqi Maki-ACC-TOP Lluqi Maki-TOP DISC big
big VV-3-PL ready-REFL-PRF-DISC
Cuando cayó la cabeza, [el condenado, cuyo cuerpo se había rearmado de los pedazos caídos] [Pero] Mano
de bastón, bien alistado, ya
estaba esperando con un gran chafle todo.
When his head fell, [the zombie] jumped and right away grabbed Lluqi Maki. [But] Lluqi Maki was already
ready, waiting for him with a big
pick axe.
00:02:10.410 - 00:02:18.170


Chafliwan pikarun yapa hapin yapa pikarun yapa hapin yapa pikarun. piliyakuyan tukuy tuta.
chafli-wan pika-ru-n yapa hapi-n yapa pika-ru-n yapa hapi-n yapa pika-ru-n piliya-ku-ya-n tukuy tuta
VV-INSTR strike-URGT-3 repeat grab-3 repeat strike-PST-3 repeat grab-3 repeat strike-PST-3
fight-REFL-PROG-3 all night
Con el chafle, Mano de Bastón pega [al condenado]. Otra vez [el condenado] agarra a [Mano de Bastón]. Otra
vez lo pega. Otra vez lo agarra. Toda la noche estaban peleando
He struck him with the pick. Again, [the zombie] grabbed him. Again he struck him with the pick. Again
he grabbed. Again he struck.
They were fighting all night.
00:02:18.240 - 00:02:24.190

"Vila puchukaptinqa, vilata kambiyaykuy!" nintaqshi.

vila puchuka-pti-n-qa vila-ta kambiya-yku-y ni-n-taq-shi
candle finish-SUBDS_3-TOP candle-ACC change-EXCEP-IMP say-3-SEQ-EVR
"Cuando termina la vela, ¡cámbiale la vela!" dijo.
"When the candle runs out, change candles!" he said, they say.
00:02:24.680 - 00:02:27.790
Manisiqta nin,
manisi-q-ta ni-n
dawn-AG-ACC say-3
Al amanecer,[el condenado] dijo
At dawn, [the zombie] said,
00:02:28.010 - 00:02:31.460

"Qammi salvasyunniy kanki. Kimsa tutam piliyashun," nin

qam-mi salvasyun-ni-y ka-nki kimsa tuta-m piliya-shun ni-n
2-EVD salvation-EUPH-1 be-2 three night-EVD fight-1PL.FUT say-3
"Tú eres mi salvación. Tres noches vamos a pelear", le dijo el condenado.
"You are my salvation! We're going to fight for three nights," he said.
00:02:31.540 - 00:02:34.590

"trayarushaq kanan tardi. Qamqa listu suyawanki," nin.

traya-ru-shaq kanan tardi qam-qa listu suya-wa-nki ni-n
arrive-URGT-1.FUT now afternoon 2-TOP ready wait-1.OBJ-2 say-3
Tarde voy a regresar. Espérame listo [para pelear]", dijo [el condenado].
"I'll be back again this afternoon. Wait for me! Be ready!" said [the zombie].
00:02:34.930 - 00:02:39.040

nishpash pasakun. Kampana maskaq ripun hinaptin kampanata ripikurirun Lluqi Makiqa. TK
ni-shpa-sh pasa-ku-n kampana-ta maska-q ripu-n hinaptin kampana-ta ripiku-ri-ru-n Lluqi Maki-qa
say-SUBIS-EVR pass-REFL-3 bell-ACC look.for-AG go-3 then bell-ACC ring-INCEP-URGT-3 Lluqi
Diciendo, dice, se fue. Mano de Baston fue a buscar una campana y después se puso tocarla.
Saying that, they say, he went away. Lluqi Maki went to look for a bell then he began to toll the bell.
00:02:39.350 - 00:02:45.950

Tardiqa yapa listo suyarun. Yapataqshi trayarun.

tardi-qa yapa listo suya-ru-n yapa-taq-shi traya-ru-n
afternoon-TOP repeat ready wait-URGT-3 repeat-SEQ-EVR arrive-URGT-3
En la tarde, ya listo, [Mano de Bastón] esperó. Y otra vez llegó [el condenado].
That afternoon, [Lluqi Maki] waited, ready again [for the zombie]. Again, [the zombie] came.
00:02:46.090 - 00:02:48.980

Chaypipis piliyan medya nochikamallaña chayqa

chay-pi-pis piliya-n medya nochi-kama-lla-ña chay-qa
DEM.D-LOC-ADD fight-3 middle night-RSTR-RSTR-DISC DEM.D-TOP
En allí también peleó hasta la media noche no más ya.
They fought there just until midnight.
00:02:49.090 - 00:02:51.840

Chaypaq pasakun. "Suyawanki chaynam paqarin," nishpa. Qayantintaqqa QH trayarun chayhinata.

chay-paq pasa-ku-n suya-wa-nki chay-na-m paqarin ni-shpa qayantin-taq-qa traya-ru-n chay-hina-ta
DEM.D-ABL pass-REFL-3 wait-1.OBJ-2 DEM.D-VRBZ tomorrow say-SUBIS
"Me vas a esperar así mañana", dijo[el condenado y, en efecto,] regresó así al día siguiente
"Wait for me like that [again] tomorrow!" said [the zombie. And, indeed, he] arrived like that the next day.
00:02:51.990 - 00:02:55.710

trayaruptin nisa ya nin,

traya-ru-pti-n ni-sa-ø ya ni-n
arrive-PST-SUBDS-3 say-PRF-3 EMPH say-3
Cuando llegó le dijo ya,
When he arrived, they say, he said,
00:02:55.840 - 00:02:58.580

Killawan chay ratullaña piliyaykun.

killa-wan chay ratu-lla-ña piliya-yku-n
moon.INSTR DEM.D moment-URGT-DISC fight-EXCEP-3
"Bajo la luz de luna, pelearemos, un rato no más." Y un ratito no más pelearon.
"Under the moon, we'll fight for just a little while."
00:02:58.680 - 00:03:00.590

Ratullaña piliyaykurun. Hinaptinshi, "Kanan

ratu-lla-ña piliya-yku-ru-n hinaptin-shi kanan
moment-URGT-DISC fight-EXCEP-URGT-3 then-EVR now
Un ratito no más ya pelearon. Después [el condenado dijo], "Ahora,
They fought for just a little while. Then, they say, [the zombie said], "Now
00:03:00.670 - 00:03:03.340

kaypim intiyeru kayan," nishpaqa qawaykachin. "Kay pampapa ukunpa pamparayan qullqiy," nin. "Intiyeru,"
kay-pi-m intiyeru ka-ya-n ni-shpa-qa qawa-yka-chi-n kay pampapa uku-n-pa pampa-ra-ya-n qullqi-y ni-n
DEM.P-LOC-EVD buried.treasure be-PROG-3 say-SUBIS-TOP look-EXCEP-CAUS-3 DEM.P ground-GEN
inside-3-LOC bury-UNINT-INTENS-3 money-1 say-3
aquí hay entierro [tesoro escondido]," y mostró [el lugar a Mano de Bastón]. "Acá, en esta pampa está
enterrada mi plata" dijo. "Hay
entierro" repitió.
"there is buried treasure here," he said and showed it [to Lluqi Maki]. "My money is buried in this ground,"
he said. "Buried treasure,"
he said.
00:03:03.340 - 00:03:08.710

buried.treasure say-3

"Kaywan pampachiwanki," nin. "Qampaqmi qali qali imaypis kidanqa," nin.

kay-wan pampa-chi-wa-nki ni-n qam-paq-mi qali qali ima-y-pis kida-nqa ni-n
DEM.P-INSTR bury-CAUS-1.OBJ-2 say-3 2-BEN-EVD all all what-1-ADD remain-3.FUT say-3
"Con esta [lampa] me vas a enterrar" le dijo. "Todo lo que tengo te lo vas a quedar.
"You're going to bury me with this [shovel]," he said. "You can keep everything, all that I have," he said.
00:03:08.760 - 00:03:13.080

"Kimsa puntraw, kimsa tutam vilawanki," nin.

kimsa puntraw kimsa tuta-m vila-wa-nki ni-n
three day three night-EVD hold.vigil-1.OBJ-2 say-3
"Tres días y tres noches me vas a velar", le dijo.
You'll hold vigil for me for three days and three nights," he said.
00:03:13.420 - 00:03:16.250

Kay runakunapis huntaramunña lliw

kay runa-kuna-pis hunta-ra-mu-n-ña lliw
DEM.P person-PL-ADD gather-URGT-CISL-3-DISC all
La gente [del pueblo] también llenaron [sus costales con el tesoro del condenado].
The people [of the village], too, filled [their sacks with the zombie's treasure].
00:03:16.480 - 00:03:20.180

medya nochi chutakurun kikillan wañurun.

medya nochi chuta-ku-ru-n kiki-lla-n wañu-ru-n
middle night stretch-REFL-URGT-3 self-RSTR-3 die-URGT-3
A la media noche él mismo [el condenado] solito se echó [en el suelo] y se murió.
At midnight, he himself, alone, stretched himself out [on the ground] and died.
00:03:20.250 - 00:03:24.730

Wañurun. Hinashpa vilapakun lliw lliw

wañu-ru-n hinashpa vila-pa-ku-n lliw lliw
die-URGT-3 then hold.vigil-MUTBEN-3 all all
Se murió. Después, prendieron todas las velas [que se encontraban en la tienda del condenado].
He died. Then they lit all the candles [that had been in the store]
00:03:24.990 - 00:03:28.110

kimsa tuta, kimsa puntraw. Hinashpa pampachin.

kimsa tuta kimsa puntraw hinashpa pampa-chi-n
three night three day then buy-CAUS-3
[La velas duraron] tres noches y tres días. Después [la gente del pueblo] lo enterraron [al que fue un
[The candles burned] for three days and three nights. Then [the villagers ] buried [the now-former zombie].
00:03:28.240 - 00:03:31.720

kidarun Lluqi Makiqa chaypa riko

kida-ru-n Lluqi Maki-qa chay-pa riko
stay-URGT-3 Lluqi Maki-TOP DEM.D-LOC rich
Mano de Bastón se quedó allí [en el pueblo], rico
Lluqi Maki stayed there [in the village],
00:03:31.820 - 00:03:34.700

chay lliw lliw chay kundinawpa irensyanwan.

chay lliw lliw chay kundinaw-pa irensya-n-wan.
DEM.D all all DEM.D zombie-GEN inheritance-3-INSTR
con toda la herencia del condenado.
inheriting all of the zombie's riches.
00:03:34.760 - 00:03:38.120

Chayllam. Chay kwintu puchukarun.

chay-lla-m chay kwintu puchuka-ru-n
DEM.D-URGT-EVD DEM.D story finish-URGT-3
Éso no ás es el cuento. Terminó.
That's all there is to that story. The end.
00:03:38.390 - 00:03:39.880

00:03:39.950 - 00:03:40.070

Sunday, October 7, 2012 11:54 AM

Qaytuwan ñakariyani sapa puntraw kwadirnutaqa qawaykushpa qawaykushpa.
Qaytu-wan ñakari-ya-ni sapa puntraw kwadirnu-ta-qa qawa-yku-shpa qawaykushpa.
string-INSTR suffer-PROG-1 every day notebook-ACC-TOP look-EXCEP-SUBIS look-EXCEP-SUBIS
Estoy sufriendo todos los días con hilo, mirando y mirando mi cuaderno.
Every day I struggle with yarn, looking and looking at the notebook.
00:00:00.100 - 00:00:05.080

Dibuhuta qawaykushpa qawaykushpa ñakarini.

dibuhu-ta qawa-yku-shpa qawa-yku-shpa ñakari-ni
drawing-ACC look-EXCEP-SUBIS look-EXCEP-SUBIS suffer-1
Mirando y mirando los dibujos, sufro.
Looking and looking at the drawings, I suffer.
00:00:06.090 - 00:00:10.140

Hinallam kaypa trabahakuni sapa puntraw.

hina-lla-m kay-pa trabaha-ku-ni sapa puntraw
thus-RSTR-EVD DEM.P-LOC work-REFL-1 every day
Así no más trabajo todos los días.
Just like this, I work every day.
00:00:12.230 - 00:00:16.340

Ayves trakrapa trabahani.

ayves trakra-pa trabaha-ni
sometimes fields-LOC work-1 work-1
a veces trabajo en la chacra.
Sometimes I work in the fields.
00:00:17.220 - 00:00:19.750

Masta kaypi trabahani.

mas-ta kay-pi trabaha-ni
more-ACC DEM.P-LOC work-1
Trabajo aquí más.
I work more here.
00:00:21.770 - 00:00:26.080

Partista partistaqa takaykunchik. Unayña ruwani.

partis partis-ta-qa taka-yku-nchik unay-ña ruwa-ni
parts parts-ACC-TOP labor-EXCEP-1.PL before-DISC make-1
Partes se chancan. Hace tiempo, yo lo hago.
Parts get worked like this. I've made them for a long time now.
00:00:37.150 - 00:00:42.620

diyariyu figurachata hurqunchik.

diyariyu figura-cha-ta hurqu-nchik
daily shape-DIM-ACC take.out-1.PL
Todos los días se sacan las figuritas
Every day, the shapes get drawn out.
00:00:43.170 - 00:00:48.410

Kay dibuhuchakunata kayhina dibuhuchakunata qawashpa ruwani.

kay dibuhu-cha-kuna-ta kay-hina dibuqu-cha-kuna-ta qawa-shpa ruwa-ni
DEM.P drawing-DIM-PL-ACC DEM.P-COMP drawing-DIM-PL-ACC look-SUBIS make-1
Estos dibujitos, mirando estos dibujitos así, lo hago.
These little drawings, like this, looking at these little drawings, I work.
00:00:48.600 - 00:00:53.920

Ñakarishpa qawani dibuhukunata.

ñakari-shpa qawa-ni dibuhu-kuna-ta
suffer-SUBIS look-1 drawing-PL-ACC
Sufriendo miro todos los dibujos
Suffering, I look at the little drawings.
00:00:54.130 - 00:00:57.330

ayves huk lawkunapa huk lawkunapa.

ayves huk law-kuna-pa huk law-kuna-pa
sometimes one-side-PL-LOC one-side-PL-LOC
a veces en otros sitios en otros sitios
Sometimes in other places, in other places.
00:00:57.480 - 00:01:01.050

Kayhinakunachatam ruwani kayhina dibuhuchakunatam.

kay-hina-kuna-cha-ta-m ruwa-ni kay-hina dibuhu-cha-kuna-ta-m
Los hago asícito. Como estos dibujitos
Just like these, I make them, Like these little drawings.
00:01:05.860 - 00:01:09.690

Dibuhani ñakariyani.
dibuha-ni ñakari-ya-ni
draw-1 suffer-PROG-1
Dibujo y estoy sufriendo
I draw and I'm suffering.
00:01:09.720 - 00:01:12.960

Kayhinachakunata kayta qawaykushpa qawaykushpa ruwani.

kay-hina-cha-kuna-ta kay-ta qawa-yku-shpa qawa-yku-shpa ruwa-ni
Asícito, los hago, mirando mirando.
Just like these, looking, looking, I make them.
00:01:14.220 - 00:01:20.290

Kayna trabahayani
kay-na trabaha-ya-ni
Así estoy trabajando.
Like this, I'm working.
00:01:20.400 - 00:01:25.180

Churin mantininanpaqyá trabahan wambraykuna mantininaypaq trabahani kayna.

churi-n mantini-na-n-paq-yá trabaha-n wambra-y-kuna mantini-na-y-paq trabaha-ni kay-na
child-3 support-NMLZ-3-PURP-EMPH work-3 child-1-PL support-NMLZ-1-PURP work-1 DEM.P-NMLZ
Trabaja para que mantenga a sus hijos. Para que mantenga a mis hijos trabajo así.
He works to so he can support his children. I work so I can support my children.
00:01:25.400 - 00:01:30.230

Viday pasanaypaq trabahakuni imayna kakunraq kay trabahuy washaypis nananñam.

vida-y pasa-na-y-paq trabaha-ku-niiiiii imayna ka-ku-n-raq kay trabahu-y washa-y-pis nana-n-ña-m
life-1 pass-NMLZ-1-PURP TK work-REFL-1 how be-REFL-3-CONT DEM.P work-INF back-1-ADD
Trabajo para pasar la vida. ¿Cómo será ya mi trabajo? Mi espalda también me duele ya
I work to spend my life. How would my work be? My back, too, hurts already.
00:01:30.360 - 00:01:36.530

Sapa puntraw trabahasay

sapa puntraw trabaha-sa-y
every day work-PRF-1
Lo que he trabajado todos los días.
That I've worked every day.
00:01:36.630 - 00:01:40.120

Kayna afanakuyani.
kay-na afana-ku-ya-ni
DEM.P-NMLZ work.hard-REFL-PROG-1
Así estoy trabajando duro.
Like this, I'm working hard.
00:01:40.400 - 00:01:43.820

Manisiptinqam tutaykunankaman.
manisi-pti-n-qa-m tuta-ku-na-n-kaman
Desde que amanece hasta que oscurece
From dawn to dusk
00:01:43.910 - 00:01:46.690

Warmiñataq puchkawan qariñataq tihiduwan.

warmi-ña-taq puchka-wan qari-ña-taq tihidu-wan
woman-DISC-SEQ spinning-INSTR man.DISC-SEQ weaving-INSTR
Las mujeres con hilado y los hombres con tejido
women with spinning, men with weaving
00:01:46.840 - 00:01:50.330

Qarikuna afanakun.
qari-kuna afana-ku-n
man-PL work.hard-REFL-3
Los hombres son afanosos.
The men work hard.
00:01:51.000 - 00:01:55.190

Hinashpaqa ayvesnin kayhina kaykunawan pasachini.

hinashpa-qa ayves-ni-n kay-hina kay-kuna-wan pasa-chi-ni
then-TOP sometimes-EUPH-3 TK DEM.P-COMP DEM.P-PL-INSTR pass-CAUS-1
Luego a veces los hago pasar así con éstos.
Then, sometimes, I make these go through with these like this.
00:01:55.380 - 00:01:59.900

Pikani qaytukunata kayhina kay lliwta pikarushpa lliwta kaymanñataq huqarini trurani wakmanñataq.
pika-ni qaytu-kuna-ta kay-hina kay lliw-ta pika-ru-shpa lliw-ta kay-man-ña-taq huqa-ri-ni trura-ni
prick-1 thread-PL-ACC DEM.P-COMP DEM.P çall-ACC prick-URGT-SUBIS all-ACC
Pico los hilos así. Cuando pico todos estos, recojo todo hacia acá y lo guardo hacía allá.
I prick the thread like this. When I prick all these, I gather all of them up over here and save them over there.
00:02:03.590 - 00:02:11.190

Hinashpaqa yapañataq kaykunata afanakuni

hinashpa-qa yapa-ña-taq kay-kuna-ta afana-ku-ni
Después otra vez ya me ocupo a hacer todos éstos
Then, again, I go back to struggling with these.
00:02:11.270 - 00:02:15.370

Like this.
00:02:15.420 - 00:02:18.350

Kayhinañataq yapa chaynalla ruwani.

kay-hina-ña-taq yapa chay-na-lla ruwa-ni
Así ya, otra vez, Así hago.
Like this already again. I make them like that
00:02:18.450 - 00:02:25.140

Kolorchakunata kayna trurashpa qawashpa

kolor-cha-kuna-ta kay-na trura-shpa qawa-shpa
Así, mirando, poniendo los colores
Like this, looking, putting the colors in.
00:02:25.220 - 00:02:28.890

así no más
Just like this.
00:02:29.450 - 00:02:34.800

Rantikunaypaqpis ruwani ayveses ruwapakuni masta.

rantiku-na-y-paq-pis ruwa-ni ayveses ruwa-paku-ni mas-ta
sell-NMLZ-1-PURP-ADD make-1 sometimes make-MUTBEN-1 more-ACC
a veces los hago para vender también. Los hago más para otras personas.
Sometimes I make them to sell, too. More often, I make them for others.
00:02:35.040 - 00:02:38.910

Rantiqpis kantaqmi. Apurí kinraykunata apaptiy rantin. Rantiq kanmi. Mastaqa ruwapakuni ñuqaqa obrata.
ranti-q-pis ka-n-taq-mi Apurí kinray-kuna-ta apa-pti-y ranti-n ranti-q ka-n-mi mas-ta-qa ruwa-paku-ni ñuqa-qa
buy-AG-ADD be-3-SEQ-EVD Apurí sideways-PL-ACC bring-SUBDS-1 buy-3 buy-AG be-3-EVD
more-ACC-TOP make-MUTBEN-1 1-TOP job-ACC
También hay compradores. Cuando los llevo a Apurí, los compran. Hay compradores. Pero más hago obras de
There are also buyers. When I bring them over to Apurí, they buy them. There are buyers, but I make more
for other people.
00:02:41.490 - 00:02:49.980

Kikiypaq ruwani hukkunapaq ruwani kaypa kanan kikiypaq awayani.

kiki-y-paq ruwa-ni huk-kuna-paq ruwa-ni kay-pa kanan kiki-y-paq awa-ya-ni
self-1-PURP make-1 one-PL-PURP make-1 DEM.P-LOC now self-1-PURP weave-PROG-1
Hago para mí mismo y hago para personas. Ahora estoy tejiendo para mí.
I make them for myself, and I make them for other people. Now, I'm making one for myself.
00:02:50.320 - 00:02:54.320

Kikiypaq ruwayani kayta.

kiki-y-paq ruwa-ya-ni kay-ta
self-1-PURP make-PROG-1 DEM.P-ACC
Estoy haciendo esto para mi mismo.
I'm making this for myself.
00:02:54.510 - 00:02:57.500

Kaynallam ruwani sapa puntraw ruwani kayhina

kay-na-lla-m ruwa-ni sapa puntraw ruwa-ni kay-hina
DEM.P-VRBZ-RSTR-EVD make-1 every day make-1 DEM.P-COMP
Así no más hago todos los días hago así
Just like this, I make them every day.
00:02:57.950 - 00:03:02.000

Mirinuchapam kayqa kayan ayves ruwani wiqapaq ubihapaq.

mirinu-cha-pa-m kay-qa ka-ya-n ayves ruwa-ni wiqa-paq ubiha-paq
VV-DIM-GEN-EVD DEM.P-TOP be-PROG-3 sometimes make-1 twisted-GEN sheep-GEN
Ésto es de merino. a veces hago de [lana] torcida, de [lana de] oveja
This one is out of merino. Sometimes I make them out of spun wool, out of sheep's wool.
00:03:02.140 - 00:03:09.950

Aha, millwaychata rantishpa mana ubihay kaptinpis.

aha millwa-y-cha-ta ranti-shpa mana ubiha-y ka-pti-n-pis
aha wool-1-DIM-ACC buy-SUBIS no sheep-1 be-SUBDS-3-ADD
Ahhh, cuando no tengo ovejas, compro mi lana.
Ahhh, when I don't have sheep, I buy my wool.
00:03:10.170 - 00:03:16.090

Rantini millwata ispisyal.

ranti-ni millwa-ta ispisyal
buy-1 wool-ACC special
Compro lana especial.
I buy special wool.
00:03:16.320 - 00:03:19.850

Yana millwata rantini kay kolorkunataqa rantini Limapaq.

yana millwa-ta ranti-ni kay kolor-kuna-ta-qa ranti-ni Lima-paq
black wool-ACC buy-1 DEM.P color-PL-ACC-TOP buy-1 Lima-LOC
Compro lana negra.Compro estos colores de Lima
I buy black wool and I buy these colors in Lima
00:03:20.090 - 00:03:24.540

Cañetepaq- Chayta apamushpam ruwani. Kayna trabahani ñuqa

Cañete-paq chay-ta apa-mu-shpa-m ruwa-ni kay-na trabaha-ni ñuqa
Cañete-LOC DEM.D-ACC bring-CISL-SUBIS-EVD make-1 DEM.P-VRBZ work-1 1
y de Cañete. Los traigo y hago estos. Así trabajo yo.
and in Cañete. I bring them and I make these. I work like this.
00:03:24.590 - 00:03:31.560

Ruwapakuni chay chaypa alkansaykamun huk pulluta

ruwa-paku-ni chay chay-pa alkansa-yka-mu-n huk pullu-ta
make-MUTBEN-1 DEM.D DEM.D-LOC suffice-EXCEP-CISL-3 one manta-ACC
Hago para otros. Ése por allí me alcanza una manta.
I make them for others. That over there is enough for one manta.
00:03:32.020 - 00:03:39.170

Uqi pulluyki qawachinaypaq kaynam ruwasay nishpa qawachinaypaq.

uqi pullu-yki qawa-chi-na-y-paq kay-na-m ruwa-sa-y ni-shpa qawa-chi-na-y-paq
gray manta-2 look-CAUS-NMLZ-1-PURP DEM.P-NMLZ-EVD make-PRF-1 say-SUBIS
[Lléva] tu pullo plomo para que yo se le muestre. Lo que hago es así. Para que le muestre.
[Bring] your gray manta so I can show it to her. What I make like this, to show her, I'm saying.
00:03:39.700 - 00:03:44.480

¿Maytri uqi pulluyki? Apuraw pues rapido no más liz

may-tri uqi pullu-yki apuraw pues
where-EVC gray manta-2 quick so
¿Dónde está tu pullo plomo? Rápido, pues, rápido no más. Liz
Where is your gray manta? Quick! Just quick, Liz.
00:03:49.470 - 00:03:54.620

Kayhinallam () trabahani
kay-hina-lla-m trabaha-ni
Así no más trabajo
I work just like this.
00:03:58.550 - 00:04:00.390

Kaytata hurquni sumaq sumaq lista.

kay-ta hurqu-ni sumaq sumaq lista
DEM.P-ACC take.out-1 pretty pretty ready
Yo saco esto bonito bonito. Listo.
I pop out really pretty mantas. All ready.
00:04:09.890 - 00:04:12.700
Kayhinachakunataq surquni kimsa tawa puntrawta imam.
kay-hina-cha-kuna-taq surqu-ni kimsa tawa puntraw-ta ima-m
DEM.P-COMP-DIM-PL-SEQ take.out-1 three four day-ACC what-EVD
Asícitos, yo los saco en tres o cuatro días por allí
I pop them out like this in three or four days, more or less.
00:04:12.850 - 00:04:16.030

Kayhinachakunata chaykunata awani.

kay-hina-cha-kuna-ta chay-kuna-ta awa-ni
Los tejo todo como éstos
Just like these, I weave these.
00:04:16.180 - 00:04:20.860

Kayhinachakunatam kayhina lluqsin away.

kay-hina-cha-kuna-ta-m kay-hina lluqsi-n awa-y
DEM.P-COMP-DIM-PL-ACC-EVD DEM.P-COMP come.out-3 weave-1
Mi tejido sale como éstos.
My weaving turns out like these.
00:04:21.140 - 00:04:26.010

Kaynachatam ruwani kaychapam demorani.

kay-na-cha-ta-m ruwa-ni kay-cha-pa-m demora-ni
Los hago así. Aquicito demoro.
Jult like this, I make them. Right here -- it takes me a long time.
00:04:26.180 - 00:04:33.120

Kay figurachapam demorani ruwayta kaychapam ve, kaychapam dimurani allita.

kay figura-cha-pa-m demora-ni ruwa-y-ta kay-cha-pa-m ve, kay-cha-pa-m dimura-ni alli-ta
tarry-1 good-ACC
Demoro en hacer esta figurita aquí. ¡Vé! Demoro bastante aquí.
It takes me a long time to make this pattern right here. Look! I take a good, long time on this little one.
00:04:33.880 - 00:04:41.510

Kaychata ruwashpam. Sasa wakmi.

kay-cha-ta ruwa-shpa-m sasa wak-mi
Haciendo éste. Ése es difícil.
Making this one. That one is hard.
00:04:42.140 - 00:04:45.970

Kayqa fasil chayllam, kayllam sasa mm ya mmmm

kay-qa fasil chay-lla-m kay-lla-m sasa mm ya mmmm
DEM.P-TOP easy DEM.D-COMP-EVD DEM.P-COMP-EVD hard mm ya mmmm
Éste es fácil -- así no más; éste es difícil mmm ya mmmm
This one. That one is easy. This one is hard. Mmmm, ya, mmm.
00:04:46.350 - 00:04:53.300

Añuchañapam waranqa.
añu-cha-ña-pa-m waranqa
year-DIM-DISC-LOC-EVD thousand
En el año mil
In the year one thousand
00:04:53.470 - 00:04:58.280

waranqa isqun pachaqnin kanchis trunka pusaqniyuqpaq.

waranqa isqun pachaq-ni-n kanchis trunka pusaq-ni-yuq-paq
thousand nine hundred-EUPH-3 seven ten eight-EUPH-POSS
mil novecientos setenta y ocho.
One thousand nine hundred seventy-eight.
00:04:59.030 - 00:05:02.580

Mil novecientos setenta y ocho.

mil novecientos setenta y ocho
thousand nine hundred seventy and eight
mil novecientos setenta y ocho.
Nineteen seventy-eight.
00:05:02.690 - 00:05:06.170

Chay nisan watapam yatrarqani ñuqa awaykuyta

chay ni-sa-n wata-pa-m yatra-rqa-ni ñuqa awa-yku-y-ta
DEM.D say-PRF-3 year-LOC-EVD learn-PST-1 1 weave-EXCEP-INF-ACC
Éso se llama. En ese año yo aprendí a tejer.
That's what they call it. In that year I learned to weave.
00:05:06.240 - 00:05:09.190

Konforme yatrani masta

konforme yatrra-ni mas-ta
correct learn-1 more-ACC
En la medidia que aprendo, másasí mismo aprendo más
The more I learn, the more
00:05:12.720 - 00:05:14.040

Mastaña yatrani kaykunataña chayta.

mas-ta-ña yatra-ni kay-kuna-ta-ña chay-ta
Más ya. Sé hacer todo éstos ya.
more already. I know how [to make] all these already
00:05:14.040 - 00:05:15.710

Chay tiyempuqa yatrarqani baytata.

chay tiyempu-qa yatra-rqa-ni bayta-ta
DEM.D time-TOP know-PST-1 scarf-ACC
En ese tiempo yo sabía solamente hacer bayeta
At that time, I only knew how [to make] scarves.
00:05:15.710 - 00:05:17.160

Kay pullu kurriyentichakunallata.

kay pullu kurriyenti-cha-kuna-lla-ta
DEM.P manta cheap-DIM-PL-RSTR-ACC
Esta manta es muy corriente no más
This manta -- cheap, run-of-the-mill
00:05:17.160 - 00:05:19.020
Kamakunallatam kananqa kaykunata pintawchakunata ruwani sumaqtaña.
kama-kuna-lla-ta-m kanan-qa kay-kuna-ta pintaw-cha-kuna-ta ruwa-ni sumaq-ta-ña
blanket-PL-COMP-ACC-EVD now-TOP DEM.P-PL-ACC painted-DIM-PL-ACC make-1 pretty-ACC-DISC
Frazadas no más. Ahora hago éstos pintaditos bonito.
Just blanckets. Now I make these painted ones nicely.
00:05:19.090 - 00:05:24.470

Watan watanpa mastaña yatrani qalash mantakunatañam awani kananqa.

wata-n wata-n-pa mas-ta-ña yatra-ni calash manta-kuna-ta-ña-m awa-ni kanan-qa
year-3 year-3-LOC more-ACC-DISC learn-1 calash manta-PL-ACC-DISC-EVD weave-1 now-TOP
De año en anó aprendí más. Ahora tejo calashes y mantas.
From year to year, I learned more. Now I weave calashes and mantas.
00:05:24.830 - 00:05:29.330

mmmm ya
mmmm ya
mmmm ya
00:05:29.500 - 00:05:33.500

Kayna funksiyunan kaynallam kay makinaqa.

kay-na funksiyuna-n kay-na-lla-m kay makina-qa
¡Vé! Así funciona esta máquina, así no más
Look! This machine functions just like this. Just like this.
00:05:33.550 - 00:05:36.980

trakillawan trakillawan manihanchik

traki-lla-wan traki-lla-wan maniha-nchik
foot-RSTR-INSTR foot-RSTR-INSTR manage.1PL
Se maneja con pie no más, con pie no más.
You drive it with your foot, just with your foot.
00:05:37.060 - 00:05:39.000

Altuman ukuman trakillaywan kuyuyani qaway, ve

altu-man uku-man traki-lla-y-wan kuyu-ya-n ve
high-ALL low-ALL foot-RSTR-1-INSTR move-PROG-1 look
Lo muevo para arriba y para abajo con mi pie. ¡Vé!
Just with my foot, I'm moving it up and down. Look! Look!
00:05:39.070 - 00:05:41.760

Chayna trakichallawan kampana kampanachankunallata ruwanchik kayhina ruwashpam.

chay-na traki-cha-lla-wan kampana kampana-cha-n-kuna-lla-ta ruwa-nchik kay-hina ruwa-shpa-m
Así con el pie no más ... hacemos una campana, las campanitas haciendo así.
Like this, just with your foot. Bell ... you make little bells like this, doing it.
00:05:41.780 - 00:05:47.590

Kaychakunata ruwashpam awanchik kaytapis ruwani kikiymi.

kay-cha-kuna-ta ruwa-shpa-m awa-nchik kay-ta-pis ruwa-ni kiki-y-mi
DEM.P-DIM-PL-ACC ruwashpammake-SUBIS-EVD make-1PL DEM.P-ACC-ADD make-1 self-1-EVD
Asicito haciendo tejemos esto también hice yo mismo
Doing it like this, you make this, too. I make them myself.
00:05:47.730 - 00:05:51.360

Kaychatapis kikiymi ruwani kaychatapis kikiymi ruwani.

kay-cha-ta-pis kiki-y-mi ruwa-ni kay-cha-ta-pis kiki-y-mi ruwa-ni
DEM.P-DIM-ACC-ADD TK self-1-EVD make-1 DEM.P-DIM-ACC-ADD self-1-EVD make-1
Yo mismo hice éste. esto también, yo mismo lo hice.
I made this little one myself. I made this little one too, myself.
00:05:51.660 - 00:05:56.150

Chaytrawan trabahani shuqushchaman aylluni karisuchakunaman.

chay-cha-wan trabaha-ni shuqush-cha-man ayllu-ni karisu-cha-kuna-man
Trabajo con éstecito. Los envuelvo hacia carisos y palitos.
I work with that little one, wrapping them up around the shuttles, around the sticks.
00:05:56.350 - 00:06:02.910

Kayhina ayllukushpa kayhina awani kaywan awakuni.

kay-hina ayllu-ku-shpa TK kay-hina awa-ni kay-wan awa-ku-ni
Así, envolviéndolos así, tejo así, con éstos tejo.
Like this, wrapping them like this, I weave them with this. I waeve them.
00:06:03.000 - 00:06:06.760

Mmm, kaychakunawan awani.

mmm kay-cha-kuna-wan awa-ni
mmm DEM.P-DIM-PL-INSTR weave-1
mmm, con éstos tejo
Mmmm, I weave with these little ones.
00:06:06.910 - 00:06:09.720

Chaymi chay tallerchaypa irramiyentam hhamm todo pue'

chay-mi chay taller-cha-y-pa irramiyenta-m hhamm todo pue'
DEM.D-EVD DEM.D workshop-DIM-1-LOC tool-EVD hhamm everything then
Luego éstos son las herramientas de mi tallercito. Hammm, toto pue´
Then these are my workshop's tools. Yaaa, everything then.
00:06:09.880 - 00:06:14.820

Lliw tihirakuna-m trabahan kay tihirachakunawan trabahani.

lliw tihira-kuna-m TK trabaha-n kay tihira-cha-kuna-wan trabaha-ni
all scissors-PL-EVD VV work-3 DEM.P scissors-DIM-PL-INSTR work-1
Todas estas tijeras trabajan. Trabajo con estas tijeras todo.
All these scissors work. I work with these scissors.
00:06:15.070 - 00:06:18.980

Kaykunawan largunta midikushpa midikushpa ruwani. Kaywan midishpa.

kay-kuna-wan largu-n-ta midi-ku-shpa midi-ku-shpa ruwa-ni kay-wan midi-shpa
DEM.P-PL-INSTR long-3-ACC measure-REFL-SUBIS measure-REFL-SUBIS make-1 DEM.P-INSTR
Los hago midiendo, midiendo su largo con estos. Mido con estos.
I make them measuring, measuring their length with these. Measuring with these.
00:06:26.770 - 00:06:31.940

Ahh, sumaq lluqsinanpaq midikushpam ruwani.
ahh sumaq lluqsi-na-n-paq midi-ku-shpa-m ruwa-ni
ahh, pretty come-out-NMLZ-3-PURP measure-REFL-SUBIS-EVD make-1
Los hago mideindo para que salgan bonito.
I make them measuring so that they come out nice.
00:06:31.960 - 00:06:36.940

Mmm, chaynam chay awakuni

mmm chay-na-m chay awa-ku-ni
Mmmm, así los tejo.
Mmmm, like that I weave them.
00:06:36.960 - 00:06:42.710

Pullu wakhina pullukunapaq hurquni libru huk librukunapaq hurquni mmmm.

pullu wak-hina pullu-kuna-paq hurqu-ni libru huk libru-kuna-paq hurqu-ni mmmm
manta DEM.D-COMP manta.PL-PURP take.out-1 book one book-PL-ABL take.out-1 mmmm
Mantas, así para mantas los saco ... libro ... de otros libros los saco. Mmmmm.
Manta, like that for mantas, I take them out of ... book .... I take them from other books, mmm.
00:06:45.250 - 00:06:50.270

Chaynam hurqushpam dibuhutaqa hurquni yatrapakuyani yatrapakuyani.

chay-na-m hurqu-shpa-m dibuhu-ta-qa hurqu-ni yatra-paku-ya-ni yatra-paku-ya-ni
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD take.out-SUBIS-EVD drawing-ACC-TOP take.out-1 learn-MUTBEN-PROG-1
Así, sacando los dibujos, saco y estoy aprendiendo, estoy aprendiendo.
Like that taking the drawings out, I take them out and I'm learning, I'm learning.
00:06:50.360 - 00:06:56.660

Kan huk mayorkunam kan ya chayqa awan alli allita llaqtapa.

ka-n huk mayor-kuna-m ka-n ya chay-qa awa-n alli alli-ta llaqta-pa
be-3 one older-PL-EVD be-3 EMPH DEM.D-TOP weave-3 good good-ACC town-LOC
Hay uno: hay mayores ya. Tejen muy bien en el pueblo.
There is one. There are older ones. There are those already. They weave really well in the town.
00:06:57.040 - 00:07:00.530

Vicente, Rosa, chay wambraykuna awan allitam.

Vicente, Rosa, chay wambra-y-kuna awa-n alli-ta-m
Vicente, Rosa, DEM.D child-1-PL- weave-3 good-ACC-EVD
Vicente, Rose. Mis hijos tejen bien.
Vicente, Rosa. My children weave well.
00:07:00.670 - 00:07:05.850

Sumaq sumaqtam awan wakhinata.

sumaq sumaq-ta-m awa-n wak-hina-ta
pretty pretty-ACC-EVD weave-3 DEM.D-COMP-ACC
Tejen muy bonito, así.
They weave really nicely, like that.
00:07:05.950 - 00:07:07.940

00:07:07.990 - 00:07:08.528
Sunday, October 7, 2012 11:57 AM

Maman vakaycha
Mi vaquita madre
My mother cow
00:00:04.800 - 00:00:07.550

habia echado cria
had had a baby
00:00:07.620 - 00:00:10.530

Maman maman vakillona wawapakarushqa

La vaca mama habia dado cria
The mother cow had had a baby
00:00:11.170 - 00:00:17.540

Ñawin pukyupash wawapakurusa

En el ojo del manantial habia echado cria
The the eye of the spring, she had had a baby
00:00:17.670 - 00:00:22.560

¡Kurriy vakiray qawarqamunki!

¡Ánda, mi vaquera, vá ver!
Run, my cowgirl, go see!
00:00:22.590 - 00:00:27.670

¡Kurriy pastoray rikurqamunki!

¡Corre, mi pastora, recógela!
Run, my shepherdess, pick her up!
00:00:27.690 - 00:00:32.100

Puchkachaykita hapirikushpa
agarrando tu puchka
grabbing your spindle
00:00:32.180 - 00:00:36.800

Warakachaykita hapirikushpa
agarrando tu honda
grabbing your sling
00:00:36.820 - 00:00:41.220

¿Icha llullapas icha siyertupas?

¿Será mentira o será la verdad?
Is it a lie or is it true?
00:00:43.120 - 00:00:49.430

Ismu atrqayshi muyullayarqa allpi kundurshi wallukayarqa
Un águila gris estaba dando vuelta, dicen, un cóndor gris lo estaba abrazando, dicen.
A grey eagle was circling it, they say; a grey condor was embracing it, they say
00:00:49.580 - 00:00:59.580

¡Kurrriy pastoray qawarqamunki! ¿Icha llullapas icha siyertupas?

¡Córre mi pastora, vá a ver! ¿es mentira o es cierto?
Run, my shepardess, go see! Is it a lie or is it true?
00:00:59.760 - 00:01:09.140

trina kaptinqa watarqamunki turuqa kulluman tallaman TK

Si es hembra, la vas a amarrar, [si es] toro, hacia el cuello, hacia el tronco
If it's a female, you'll tie her up: [if it's] a bull around the neck and torso
00:01:09.370 - 00:01:21.410

trina kaptinqa qatirqamunki toro kaptinqa saqirqamunki

Si es hembra la vas a traer y si es toro lo vas a dejar
If it's a female, you'll bring it; if it's a bull, you'll leave it.
00:01:22.410 - 00:01:32.860

Kumunidadlla sirvikunanpaq kumunidadlla mantininanpaq

Para que sirva a la comunidad, para que mantenga la comunidad
So that he serves the community, so that he maintains the community
00:01:32.890 - 00:01:42.630

00:01:46.990 - 00:01:47.080

¡Adios niway! ¡Dispidiway, señor dwiñullay!

Señor mi dueño, ¡Díme adiós! ¡Déspidete de mí!
My master, say good-bye to me! Bid me farewell!
00:01:47.470 - 00:01:54.040

¡Adios niway! ¡Dispidiway, señor amullay!

Díme adiós! ¡Despídete de mí, señor, mi amo!
Say good-bye to me! Bid me farewell, my lord!
00:01:54.080 - 00:01:59.660

Watankaman killankaman, ¡Adiós nillaway!

Hasta el año, hasta el mes, ¡dime adiós!
For a year, for a month, tell me good-bye!
00:01:59.800 - 00:02:06.010

Ishkay kimsa watankaman, ¡Adiós nillaway! Kutishpaqa kutimushaq kimsa tawa watata. Vweltashpaqa
vweltamushaq kimsa tawa watata.
Dos, tres años, ¡Díme adiós! Si vuelvo volveré en dos o tres años. Si regreso, regresaré en dos, tres años.
Two or three years -- say good-bye to me! If I come back, I'll come back in two or three years. If I return, I'll
return in two or three
00:02:06.060 - 00:02:23.350
Shunquy hunta llakiyuqtam saqillasqayki; ñawiy hunta wiqiyuqtam dihallasqayki.
Mi corazón lleno de pena, te voy a abandonar; mi ojo lleno de lágrimas, te voy a dejar.
My heart filled with sadness, I'm going to abandon you; my eyes filled with tears, I'm going to leave you.
00:02:23.470 - 00:02:35.240

Shunguy hunta llakiyuqtam saqillasqayki; ñawiy hunta wiqiyuqtam dihallasqayki

Con mi corazón lleno de pena, te voy a abandonar; con mis ojos llenos de lágrimas, te voy a dejar.
With my heart full of sadness, I'm going to abandon you; with my eyes full of tears, I'm going to leave you.
00:02:35.280 - 00:02:46.080

Saqirwaytay saqirwaytay saqirwaytachay saqirwaytay saqirwaytay saqirwaytachay

Florcita te voy a dejar, florcita te voy a dejar.
I'm going to leave you my little flower, I'm going to leave you my dear flower.
00:02:46.270 - 00:02:56.980

Saqiytaqa saqisqaykim. Dihaytaqa dihasqaykim.

Te voy a abandonar, te abandonaré; te voy a dejar, te dejaré.
00:02:57.070 - 00:03:04.470

kawasashpaqa kutimushaq kimsa tawa watata kawasashpaqa vweltamushaq kimsa tawa watata
Si vivo, regresaré en dos o tres anos; si es que vivo, volveré en dos o tres anos.
If I'm alive, I'll return in two or three years; if I'm alive, I'll come back in two or three years.
00:03:04.490 - 00:03:16.990

Wañushpaqa manañatr kutimushaqchu; wañushpaqa manañatr vweltamushaqchu

Si me muero, ya no regresaré; si me muero, ya no volveré.
If I die, I won't return any more; if I die, I won't come back any more.
00:03:17.050 - 00:03:28.710

Hasta allí no más.

Hasta allí no más.
Hasta allí no más.
00:03:28.830 - 00:03:31.440

00:03:31.450 - 00:03:31.720

Urqun puriq tarukitay tapukullasqayki

Mi taruka que andas por el cerro te voy a preguntar
My taruca who wanders in the mountains, I'm going to ask you,
00:03:31.720 - 00:03:38.330

Urqun puriq vicuñata tapukullasqayki

Mi vicuña que andas por el cerro, te voy a preguntar
My vicuña who wanders in the mountains, I'm going to ask you
00:03:38.410 - 00:03:44.710

Ayway vicuñachay tapukullasqayki, Ayway tarukitachay tapukullasqayki

Mi vicuñita andariega te voy a preguntar; mi tarukita andariega te voy a preguntar
My wandering vicuña, I'm going to ask you; my wandering taruca, I'm going to ask you.
00:03:45.090 - 00:03:56.300

Ñabiyay warmillataña manachu qawakullarqanki? ¿Falsay mosullata manachu rikakullarqanki?

¿No has visto a mi vaquillona? ¿No has visto a mi torillo?
Haven't you seen my cowgirl? Haven't you seen my cowboy?
00:03:56.450 - 00:04:09.810

¿Maylawninta chay lawninta pasayallarqa?

¿Por dónde por qué sitio estaban pasando?
Where, by what place were they passing?
00:04:09.970 - 00:04:16.720

¿Maylawninta chay lawnintataq ripuyallarqa?

¿Por dónde, por qué lado estaban yendo?
Where, by what place were they going?
00:04:16.840 - 00:04:23.290

¿Karreterallantachu pasayachillarqa iradurallantachu qatiyallarqa?

¿Por carretera estaban haciendo pasar o por sendero estaban llevando?
Were they having them go on the road or were they taking them on the path?
00:04:23.290 - 00:04:36.440

00:04:42.760 - 00:04:43.030

Sunday, October 7, 2012 11:57 AM


Huk pashñash karqa ovehera.

huk pashña-sh ka-rqa-ø ovehera.
one girl-EVR be-PST-3 shepherdess
Una chica era ovejera.
A girl was a shepheardess.
00:00:00.610 - 00:00:04.530

Chaymanshi trayarushqa huk qari

chay-man-shi traya-ru-shqa-ø huk qari
DEM.D-ALL-EVR arrive-URGT-RPST-3 one man
Para alli había llegado un hombre
A man arrived there.
00:00:05.250 - 00:00:10.040

kurbatan yuraq kurbatayuq

kurbata-n yuraq kurbata-yuq
tie-INSTR white tie-POS
su corbata con corbata blanca
his tie was white, with a white tie.
00:00:10.630 - 00:00:13.620

yana ternuyuq chay pashñawan purirqa.

yana ternu-yuq chay pashña-wan puri-rqa-ø
black suit-POS DEM.D girl-INSTR walk-PST-3
y con terno negro andaba con esa chica.
He walked around with the girl in a black suit.
00:00:13.900 - 00:00:18.850

Chayshi pashñaqa wiksayuq rikarirun.

chay-shi pashña-qa wiksa-yuq rikari-ru-n
DEM.D-EVR girl-TOP stomach-POS appear-URGT-3
La chica pareció embarazada.
The girl appeared pregnant.
00:00:19.540 - 00:00:22.160

Chayshi, "Maytapis pushaway. Ima niwanqaraq mamay taytay?" nirqash.

chay-shi May-ta-pis pusha-wa-y ima ni-wa-nqa-raq tayta-y mama-y ni-rqa-ø-sh
DEM.D-EVR where-ACC-ADD take-1.OBJ-IMP what say-1.OBJ-3.FUT-CONT mother-1 father-1
Después, 'A dondequiera lleváme. ¿Qué me dirán mi mama y mi papa?' dice que dijó.
Then she said, "Take me where ever. What will my mother and father say to me?"
00:00:22.450 - 00:00:28.640

Hinaptinshi, "Ñawikita witrqakuykuy. Ñuqam qipirushqayki llaqtayta ninshi."

hinaptin-shi ñawi-ki-ta witchqa-ku-yku-y ñuqa-m qipi-ru-shqayki llaqta-y-ta ni-n-shi
then-EVR eye-2-ACC close-REFL-EXCEP-IMP 1-EVD town-1-ACC carry-URGT-1>2.FUT say-3-EVR
Después, dice, "Ciérrate los ojos. Yo te voy a llevar a mi pueblo'?, dice que dijo.
Then, they say, he said, "Close your eyes. I'm going to carry you to my town."
00:00:28.780 - 00:00:35.070

Hinaptinñataqshi qipirachikusa chay pashñaqa.

hinaptin-ña-taq-shi qipi-ra-chi-ku-sa-ø chay pashña-qa
Después la chica se hacía cargar.
Then the girl got herself carried.
00:00:35.190 - 00:00:38.940

Chayshi, matrayman trayarachishqa, hat-hatun qaqa, matrayman.

chay-shi matray-man traya-ra-chi-shqa-ø hat-hatun qaqa matray-man
DEM.D-EVR cave-ALL arrive-URGT-CAUS-RPST-3 big-big cliff cave-ALL
Para una cueva le hizo llegar, una imensa peña, para una cueva.
He deposited her in a cave, in a cave on a high, high cliff.
00:00:39.080 - 00:00:45.050

Chayshi, "Kayllam wasiy, kayllam llaqtay."

chay-shi kay-lla-m wasi-y kay-lla-m llaqta-y
En-RSTR, dice, "Éste no más es mi casa, éste no más es mi pueblo".
With that, they say, "This, no more, is my house; this, no more, is my town."
00:00:45.100 - 00:00:48.650

"Si munashpa qamwan ñuqa kashun,"

si muna-shpa qam-wan ñuqa ka-shun
if want-SUBIS 2-INSTR 1 be-1.FUT
"Si queremos vamos a ser tú y yo",
"If we want, you and I will be,"
00:00:48.820 - 00:00:52.050

ninshi. Hinaptinñataqshi wiksayuq kayashpaqa killallantaq wawakurullan.

ni-n-shi hinaptin-ña-taq-shi wiksa-yuq ka-ya-shpa-qa killa-lla-n-taq wawa-ku-ru-lla-n
say-3-EVR then-DISC-SEQ-EVR stomach-POS be-PROG-SUBIS-TOP month-RSTR-3-SEQ
dice que dijo. Después ya, estando embarrazada al mes no más dio luz.
he said, they say. Then, being pregnant, she gave birth in just a month.
00:00:52.200 - 00:00:58.740

Chayshi wawakuptinqa mitad runa mitad kundur rikarirun.

chay-shi wawa-ku-pti-n-qa mitad runa mitad kundur rikari-ru-n
DEM.D-EVR baby-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP half person half condor appear-URGT-3
En-RSTR, cuando dio luz [el bebé] apareció mitad gente mitad condor.
With that, when she gave birth, [the baby] appeared half human half condor.
00:00:58.870 - 00:01:04.550

Chay pashñataqshi mana pañalnin kanchu pasayqaq.

chay pashña-taq-shi mana pañal-ni-n ka-n-chu pasayqaq.
DEM.D girl-SEQ-EVR no diaper-EUPH-3 be-3-NEG completely
La chica no tenía pañales, nada.
The girl didn't have diapers at all.
00:01:04.640 - 00:01:09.290

Wambran walankunallataq qatrarusha TK pañalninta ruwarun.

wambra-n wala-n-kuna-lla-taq qatra-ru-sha pañal-ni-n-ta ruwa-ru-n
child-3 skirt-3-PL-RSTR-SEQ dirty-URGT-PRF diaper-EUPH-3-ACC make-URGT-3
Hizo los pañales de su hijo de su ropa sucia.
She made her baby's diapers out of her dirty skirts.
00:01:09.430 - 00:01:13.490

Chaypaq, "Wambray pañalnin manam kanchu. Lliw lliwñam kakarun. Taqsakaramushaq," ninshi.
chay-paq wambra-y pañal-ni-n mana-m ka-n-chu lliw lliw-ña-m kaka-ru-n taqsa-ka-ra-mu-shaq ni-n-shi
DEM.D-ABL child-1 diaper-EUPH-3 no-EVD be-3-NEG all all-DISC-EVD urine-URGT-3
wash-TK-URGT-CISL-1.FUT say-3-EVR
"Mi hijo no tiene pañales. Todito se ha acabado. Voy a lavar", dijo.
"My baby doesn't have any diapers. They're all used up. I'm going to go wash," she said, they say.
00:01:13.590 - 00:01:21.150

"¡Corre, ya! Qipirushqayki wak pukyukama," nin.

qipi-ru-shqayki wak pukyu-kama ni-n
carry-URGT-1>2.FUT DEM.D lagoon-LIM say-3
"¡Corre, ya! Te voy a cargar hasta este manantial", dijo [el cóndor].
"Run already! I'll carry you to the lake," he said.
00:01:21.200 - 00:01:26.020

Qipirun pukyukamash.
qipi-ru-n pukyu-kama-sh
carry-URGT-3 lagoon-RSTR-EVR
La cargó hasta el manantial, dicen.
He carried her to the lagoon, they say.
00:01:26.140 - 00:01:28.050

Pukyukamash qipirun. Hinaptinñataqshi pukyupaqa nin trayarun Dyosninchik.

pukyu-kama-sh qipi-ru-n hinaptin-ña-taq-shi pukyu-pa-qa ni-n traya-ru-n Dyos-ni-nchik
lagoon-RSTR-EVR carry-URGT-3 then-DISC-SEQ-EVR lagoon-LOC-TOP say-3 arrive-URGT-3
La cargó hasta el manantial. Después, al manantial, dijo, llegó nuestro Dios.
He carried her to the lake, they say. Then, God arrived at the lake, he said.
00:01:28.160 - 00:01:35.130

"Imatam ruwanki, iha?"

ima-ta-m ruwa-nki iha
what-ACC-EBD make-2 daughter
"¿Qué haces, hija?"
"What are you doing, daughter?"
00:01:35.220 - 00:01:37.460

"Kanan wak kundurqa mikurushunkim," ninshi.

kanan wak kundur-qa miku-ru-shunki-m ni-n-shi
now DEM.D condor-TOP eat-URGT-3>2.FUT-EVD say-3-EVR
"Ahora ese cóndor te va a comer", le dijo, dicen.
"That condor is going to eat you now," he said, they say.
00:01:37.960 - 00:01:42.100

"Mikurushunkim wak kundurqa."

miku-ru-shunki-m wak kundur-qa
eat-URGT-3>2.FUT-EVD DEM.D condor-TOP
"Ése condor te va a comer".
"That condor is going to eat you."
00:01:42.180 - 00:01:45.140

"Pasakuy mamaykipa wasinta! Ripukuy!" ninshi.

pasa-ku-y mama-yki-pa wasi-n-ta ri-puku-y ni-n-shi
pass-REFL-IMP mother-2-POS house-3-ACC go-REFL-IMP say-3-EVR
"¡Ándate a la casa de tu mama! ¡Éscapate!" dijo, dicen.
"Go to your mother's house! Run away!" he said, they say.
00:01:45.250 - 00:01:48.660

Pasakun kundurqa naqa pashñaqa pasakun maman kaqta, llaqtantam, maman llaqtanta.
pasa-ku-n kundur-qa pashñaqa pasa-ku-n mama-n ka-q-ta llaqta-n-ta-m mama-n llaqta-n-ta
pass-REFL-3 condor-TOP girl-TOP pass-REFL-3 mother-3 be-AG-ACC town-3-ACC mother-3 town-3-ACC
Se fue el cóndor y a la chica se fue a donde su mamá, a su pueblo, al pueblo de su mamá.
The condor left. The girl went to her mother's place, her town, her mother's town.
00:01:49.070 - 00:01:55.270

Chayshi mamanman willakun,

chay-shi mama-n-man willa-ku-n
DEM.D-EVR mother-3-ALL tell-REFL-3
En-RSTR, ella avisó a su mamá,
With that, she told her mother,
00:01:55.390 - 00:01:57.620

"Chaynam kundur qipiwarqa matrayta chaypi wawakuruni."

chay-na-m kundur qipi-wa-rqa-ø matray-ta chay-pi wawa-ku-ru-ni
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD condor carry-1.OBJ-PST-3 cave-ACC DEM-D-LOC baby-REFL-URGT-1
"Así, ese cóndor me ha llevado a la cueva y allí diluz".
"That condor carried me like that to a cave and I gave birth there."
00:01:57.813 - 00:02:01.393

Hinaptin kanan Dyos Taytam nin,

hinaptin kanan dyos tayta-m ni-n
then now God father-EVD say-3
Después, "Ahora Dios Padre me dijó,
Then, "Now, God Our Father said,
00:02:01.560 - 00:02:04.140

"Ripukuy mamayki kaqta," niwan.

ripu-ku-y mama-yki ka-q-ta ni-wa-n
go-IMP mother-2 be-AG-ACC say-1OBJ.3
'Ándate a donde tu mama'", me dijo.
'Go to your mother's place,'" he said to me.
00:02:04.200 - 00:02:06.790

Hinaptinñataqshi mamanqa nin pinsarun,

hinaptin-ña-taq-shi mama-n-qa ni-n pinsa-ru-n
then-DISC-SEQ-EVR mother-3-TOP say-3 think-URGT-3
Despues su mama pensó,
Then, her mother thought.
00:02:06.850 - 00:02:11.820

"Kay pilulpa hatu-hatunpa yakuta timpurachishaq."

kay pilul-pa hatu-hatun-pa yaku-ta timpu-ra-chi-shaq
DEM.P cauldron-LOC big-big-LOC water-ACC boil-URGT-CAUS-1.FUT
"Voy a hacer hervir agua en este perrol grande".
"I'm going to boil water in this big cauldron."
00:02:11.860 - 00:02:14.960

Timpurachin hat-hatun mankapash hinashpash

timpu-ra-chi-n hat-hatun manka-pa-sh hinashpa-sh
boil-URGT-CAUS-3 big-big pot-LOC-EVR then-EVR
Hizo hervir [agua] en una olla grande, dicen, después
She boiled it in a big, big pot, they say, then
00:02:15.010 - 00:02:18.970

un mantelwanshi tapaykurun
un mantel-wan-shi tapa-yku-ru-n
one table.cloth-INSTR-EVR cover-EXCEP-URGT-3
la tapó con un mantel.
she covered it with tablecloth
00:02:19.030 - 00:02:22.090

una manta destapó kankata tapaykurun
kanka-ta tapa-yku-ru-n
grill-ACC cover-EXCEP-URGT-3
una manta destapó, y tapó el fogón
She covered the grill
00:02:22.130 - 00:02:26.240

trayarunshari, "Maymi chay warmiy?"

traya-ru-n-sh-ari may-mi chay warmi-y
arrive-URGT-3-EVR-ARI where-EVD DEM.D woman-1
Llego, dicen, "¿Donde está esa mi mujer?"
He arrived, they say, "Where is my wife?"
00:02:26.410 - 00:02:29.900

"Kanallan intregaway!" nishpash, chay kundur trayarun.

kana-lla-n intrega-wa-y ni-shpa-sh chay kundur traya-ru-n
now-RSTR hand.over-1.OBJ-IMP say-SUBIS-EVR DEM.D condor arrive-URGT-3
"¡Ahorita entrégamela!" dijo el cóndor cuando llegó.
The condor arrived and said, "Hand her over to me right now!"
00:02:29.940 - 00:02:34.520

Chay kundurshi trayarun, "Maymi warmiy? Kanallan intregaway!" nishpa.

chay kundur-shi traya-ru-n may-mi warmi-y kana-lla-n intrega-wa-y ni-shpa
DEM.D condor-EVR arrive-URGT-3 where-EVD woman-1 now-RSTR turn.over-1.OBJ-IMP say-SUBIS
Él condor, dicen, llegó. "¿Dónde está mi mujer? ¡Entrégamela ahorita!" dijo.
The condor, they say, arrived. "Where is my wife? Hand her over to me right now!" he said.
00:02:34.650 - 00:02:39.770

"Kayllapi, Señor. Tiyaykuy!" nin.

kay-lla-pi señor tiya-yku-y ni-n
DEM.P-RSTR-LOC sir sit-EXCEP-IMP say-3
"Acá no más, Señor. ¡Siéntese por favor!" dijo [la mamá].
"Sir, please, sit right here," said [the mother].
00:02:39.830 - 00:02:43.640

Chay tiyakullaptinqa chay atrqaychaqa yakuman tiyakuruptinshi

chay tiya-ku-lla-pti-n-qa chay atrqay-cha-qa yaku-man tiya-ku-ru-pti-n-shi
Cuando ese pobre aguilacito se sentó hacia el agua, cuando se sentó, dicen,
Just when the poor eagle sat down by the water, when he sat down, they say
00:02:43.760 - 00:02:48.550

Ishkay qari kaspiwan ukuman impuhaykurun.

ishkay qari kaspi-wan uku-man impuha-yku-ru-n
two man stick-INSTR inside-ALL push-EXCEP-URGT-3
Dos hombres lo empujaron al dentro con un palo.
Two men pushed him inside with sticks.
00:02:48.640 - 00:02:53.690

Chayshi yatrarun kundur kashqanta.

chay-shi yatra-ru-n kundur ka-shqa-n-ta
DEM.D-EVR know-URGT-3 condor be-RPST-3-ACC
En-RSTR, dicen, supieron que era condor.
With that, they say, they found out that he was a condor.
00:02:53.870 - 00:02:56.610

Wañurachin chay kundurta. Apágale!

wañu-ra-chi-n chay kundur-ta
die-URGT-CAUS-3 DEM.D condor-ACC
Lo mataron al condor. Apágale.
They killed that condor. Turn it off!
00:02:56.680 - 00:03:00.030

00:03:00.460 - 00:03:00.800

Unayshi karqa huk maqta.

Unay-shi ka-rqa-ø huk maqta
before-EVR be.PST-3 one
Más antes, dice, había un muchacho.
Once upon a time there was a young man
00:03:00.990 - 00:03:05.270

Huk maqta huk pubripa wawanwan tinkururqa.

huk maqta huk pubri-pa wawa-n-wan tinku-ru-rqa-ø
one one poor-POS baby-3-INSTR crash-URGT-PST-3
Se choquó con otro muchacho, hijo de un pobre.
He fought with another young man, the son of a poor man.
00:03:05.390 - 00:03:10.870

Chayshi manam munarqachu chay pashñataqa.

chay-shi mana-m muna-rqa-ø-chu chay pashña-ta-qa
Por eso, dice, no quería a esa chica.
That's why, they say, he didn't want that girl.
00:03:10.950 - 00:03:17.970

Hinaptinñataqshi utrkullapa pashñataq uywakurqa.

hinaptin-ña-taq-shi utrku-lla-pa QH pashña-taq uywa-ku-rqa-ø
then-DISC-SEQ-EVR cave-RSTR-LOC girl-ACC keep-REFL-PST-3
Después, dice, tenía a la chica en cueva, no más.
Then, they say, he kept the girl in a cave.
00:03:18.800 - 00:03:23.980

Chay utrkullapaña uywakuptinñataqshi,

chay utrku-lla-pa-ña uywa-ku-pti-n-ña-taq-shi
Cuando la tenía en esa cueva,
When he had the girl in that cave,
00:03:24.210 - 00:03:27.070

maqtaqa pashñataq aparqa mikunanta.

maqta-qa pashña-taq apa-rqa-ø miku-na-n-ta girl-ACC bring-PST-3 eat-NMLZ-3-ACC
el muchacho llevaba su comida a la chica.
the young man brought the girl his food.
00:03:27.210 - 00:03:31.680

Tutallan tardillan mikunan sobraptin apakurqa.

tuta-lla-n tardi-lla-n miku-na-n sobra-pti-n apa-ku-rqa-ø
night-RSTR-3 afternoon-RSTR-3 eat-NMLZ-3 be.left-over-SUBDS-3 bring-REFL-SUBDS-3
De noche y de tarde no más, cuando sobraba su comida se lo llevaba.
At night and in the afternoon, when he had food left over, he brought it.
00:03:31.890 - 00:03:36.280

Chayñataqshi chay matraypa kayaptinqa

chay-ña-taq-shi chay matray-pa ka-ya-pti-n-qa
De allí, cuando [la chica] estaba en la cueva
So, when she was in the cave,
00:03:36.520 - 00:03:40.420

kada tutash mikunan chinkayaq wasinpa.

kada tuta-sh miku-na-n chinka-ya-q wasi-n-pa
every night-EVR eat-NMLZ-3 lose-PROG-AG house-3-LOC
todas las noches se perdía la comida de la casa [del papá del muchacho].
every night, food in [the young man's father's] house would go missing.
00:03:40.550 - 00:03:44.680

Chinkaptinqa kanan tutaqa

chinka-pti-n-qa kanan tuta-qa
lose-SUBDS-3-TOP now night-TOP
Una noche que se perdía [la comida],
One night, when [the food] went missing,
00:03:44.820 - 00:03:48.580

"Manam iskapanqachu wañurachishaqmi!

mana-m iskapa-nqa-chu wañu-ra-chi-shaq-mi
no-EVD escape-3.FUT-NEG die-URGT-CAUS-1.FUT-EVD
[el papá se dijo], "Esta noche no va a escapar. ¡Lo voy a matar!
[the father said to himself], "Tonight, he's not going to escape. I'm going to kill him."
00:03:48.750 - 00:03:52.340

"Piraq chay mikunayta suwayawan? Kanan tutam suyarushaq

pi-raq chay miku-na-y-ta suwa-ya-wa-n kanan tuta-m suya-ru-shaq
who-CONT DEM.D eat-NMLZ-1-ACC steal-PROG-1.OBJ-3 now night-EVD steal-URGT-1.FUT
¿Quién me está robando mi comida? ¡Esta noche lo voy a esperar
Who is stealing my food? I'll wait for him tonight
00:03:52.520 - 00:03:56.200

"achawan!" dice que dijo.

con acha!" dice que dijo
with an axe!" he said, they say.
00:03:56.320 - 00:03:57.840

00:03:58.090 - 00:04:01.110

De alla dice wañurachin achawan. Kaypa quykurun.

wañu-ra-chi-n acha-wan kay-pa qu-yku-ru-n
die-URGT-CAUS-3chi-n axe-INSTR DEM.D-LOC give-EXCEP-URGT-3
De allá, dice, mató [al ladrón] con acha. Lo dio aquí [en el cuello].
So, they say, he killed [the thief] with an axe. He gave it to him here [in the neck].
00:04:01.520 - 00:04:05.350

Churinta. Churinta.
churi-n-ta churi-n-ta
child-3-ACC child-3-ACC
A su hijo. A su [propio] hijo!
His son. His [own] son!
00:04:05.490 - 00:04:07.660

Churinta. Churintash -- wañurachin achawan.

churi-n-ta churi-n-ta-sh wañu-ra-chi-n acha-wan
child-3-ACC child-3-ACC_EVR die-URGT-CAUS-3 axe-INSTR
A su hijo, mató a su hijo con acha!
His son, he killed his son, they say, with an axe.
00:04:08.150 - 00:04:13.730

Qawaykuptinqa churin kayashqa madrugaw.

qawa-yku-pti-n-qa churi-n ka-ya-shqa-ø madrugaw
look-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP child-3 be-PROG-RPST-3 morning
Cuando miró en la mañana había sido su hijo [a quien había matado].
When he looked in the morning, it had been his son [whom he had killed].
00:04:13.840 - 00:04:17.870

"Imayna? Pitaq churiyta kayhina wañurachin?" nin nishpa.

imayna pi-taq churi-y-ta kay-hina wañu-ra-chi-n ni-n ni-shpa
how who-SEQ child-1-ACC DEM.D-COMP die-URGT-CAUS-3 say-3 say-SUBIS
¿Cómo? ¿Quién ha matado a mi hijo así?" dijo, diciendo.
"How? Who killed my son like this?" he said, they say.
00:04:17.980 - 00:04:21.070

Maman taytan waqakun wama-wamaqta.

mama-n tayta-n waqa-ku-n wama-wamaq-ta
mother-3 father-3 cry-REFL-3 a.lot-a.lot-ACC
Su mama y su papa lloraron bastante.
His mother and his father cried a great deal.
00:04:21.160 - 00:04:23.950

Pampakurun chayshi.
pampa-ku-ru-n chay-shi
Lo enterraron, dice,
They buried him, they say,
00:04:25.070 - 00:04:27.370

Matraymanqa chay wañusan tardiqa.
matray-man-qa chay wañu-sa-n tardi-qa
cave-ALL-TOP DEM.D die-PRF-3 afternoon-TOP
para la cueva la tarde de su muerte.
in a cave the afternoon of his death.
00:04:27.540 - 00:04:30.920

Katawan qipikusash trayarun.

kata-wan qipi-ku-sa-sh traya-ru-n
manta-INSTR carry-REFL-PRF-EVR arrive-URGT-3
Llegó cargado con manta.
He arrived carried in a manta.
00:04:31.280 - 00:04:33.890

Mikunan qipikushqa.
miku-na-n qipi-ku-shqa-ø
eat-NMLZ-3 carry-REFL-RPST-3
Cargaron su comida.
The carried his food.
00:04:34.130 - 00:04:36.770

Mikunan qipikusa trayaruptinñataqshi,

miku-na-n qipi-ku-sa-ø traya-ru-pti-n-ña-taq-shi
eat-NMLZ-3 carry-REFL-PRF-3 arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3-DISC-EVR
Cuando llegó cargado su comida,
When he arrived with his food carried,
00:04:36.980 - 00:04:39.460

Manachush payhinañachu. "Imapaqtaq wak yawar yawar kayan?" diciendo dice qawapaykun.
mana-chu-sh pay-hina-ña-chu imapaq-taq wak yawar yawar ka-ya-n qawa-pa-yku-n
no-NEG-EVR 3-COMP-DISC-NEG why-SEQ DEM.D blood blood be-PROG-3 look-REPET-EXCEP-3
no se parecía a él mismo. "Por qué hay esta sangre, [tanta] sangre?" dijeron, dice, y quedaron mirándolo.
He didn't look like himself. "Why is there this blood, all this blood?" they said, they say, staring at her.
00:04:40.130 - 00:04:46.630

Qawapaykuptinñataqshi allquchan karqa yuraq chapucha.

qawa-pa-yku-pti-n-ña-taq-shi allqu-cha-n ka-rqa-ø yuraq chapu-cha
look-REPET-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ-EVR dog-DIM-3 be-PST-3 white cap-DIM
Cuando lo miró bien, dice, tenía un perrito blanco, chapito.
When they looked at him for a long time, the say, she had a little white dog.
00:04:47.070 - 00:04:51.400

Chayshi nin, "Kondenadawñam wakqa kayan. Manañam chay maqtañachu."

chay-shi ni-n kondenadaw-ña-m wak-qa ka-ya-n mana-ña-m chay maqta-ña-chu
De allí, dice, dijeron, "És ya está condenado. Ése no es ese muchacho ya".
So, they say, the said, "That one is already a zombie. It's not the young man any more."
00:04:51.840 - 00:04:57.100

"Mikurushunki wak kundinawqa," dice que dijo.

miku-ru-shunki wak kundinaw-qa
eat-URGT-1>2.FUT DEM.D zombie-TOP
"Te puede comer ese condenado", dice que dijo.
"That zombie might eat you," he said, they say.
00:04:57.230 - 00:05:00.220

Chayshi mikurunan kayaptinqa nin,

chay-shi miku-ru-na-n ka-ya-pti-n-qa ni-n
De alli, cuando [el condenado] quería comer, dijo [a la chica]
Sp, later, when [the zombie] wanted to eat, he said [to the girl]
00:05:00.750 - 00:05:04.070

"Ripukuytam munarqanchik.
ripu-ku-y-ta-m muna-rqa-nchik
"Nos queríamos fugarnos.
"We wanted to run away.
00:05:04.300 - 00:05:06.460

'Haku!' niwarqankimiki. Kananmik, ripukushun ishkayninchik!" dice que dijo.

haku ni-wa-rqa-nki-miki kanan-mi-k ripu-ku-shun ishkay-ni-nchik
let's-go say-1.OBJ-PST-2-EVD-KI now-EVD go-REFL-1PL.FUT two-EUPH-1PL
'¡Vámonos!' me dijiste. Pues, ahora nos iremos los dos", dice que dijo.
'Let's go!' you said to me, Now, let's run away the two of us," he said, they say.
00:05:06.640 - 00:05:11.270

"Ishkayninchik ripukushun!
ishkay-ni-nchik ripu-ku-shun
Nos iremos los dos.
"'Let's run away the two of us.
00:05:11.450 - 00:05:13.390

Mana pipis qawawananchikpaq pasakushun ishkayninchik!" dice que dijo.

mana pi-pis qawa-wa-na-nchik-paq pasa-ku-shun ishkay-ni-nchik
no who-ADD look-1.OBJ-NMLZ-1PL-PURP pass-REFL-1PL.FUT two-EUPH-1PL
Para que nadie no nos vea, pasaremos los dos [al mismo tiempo]", dice que dijo.
So that no one will see us, we'll both leave [at the same time]" he said, they say.
00:05:13.540 - 00:05:17.940

Chayshi pasakun.
chay-shi pasa-ku-n
En eso se fueron del lugar.
And, with that, they left.
00:05:18.360 - 00:05:20.590

Achka achka kayna kullarnin karqa qullqintin riptin.

achka achka kay-na kullar-ni-n ka-rqa-ø qullqi-ntin ri-pti-n
a.lot a.lot DEM.P-VRBZ necklace-EUPH-3 be-PST-3 gold-INCL go-SUBDS-3
[La chica] tenía bastante collares y con su dinero todo salió.
[The girl] had a lot of necklaces and she set off with her money and all.
00:05:21.090 - 00:05:25.080

"Chay kullarnikitaqa surquruy!
chay kullar-ni-ki-ta-qa surqu-ru-y
DEM.D necklace-EUPH-2-ACC-TOP take.out-URGT-IMP
"¡Sácate ese collar!
"Take out that necklace of yours!"
00:05:25.570 - 00:05:28.500

"Manam chay kullartaqa munanichu qawaytapis lamita kaminupaqa,"

mana-m chay kullar-ta-qa muna-ni-chu qawa-y-ta-pis lamita kaminu-pa-qa
no-EVD DEM.D necklace-ACC-TOP want-1-NEG look-INF-ACC-ADD half road-LOC-TOP
Yo no quiero ver ese collar para nada, en mitad del camino.
"I don't want to see that necklace in the middle of the road."
00:05:28.670 - 00:05:32.650

Kullarninkunata surqurachin.
kullar-ni-n-kuna-ta surqu-ra-chi-n
necklace-EUPH-3-PL-ACC take.out-URGT-CAUS-3
La hizo sacar su collar.
He made her take out her necklaces.
00:05:32.890 - 00:05:35.160

Chay chapuchataqa rimariptinqa wañurachin chay chapuchataqa.

chay chapu-cha-ta-qa rimari-pti-n-qa wañu-ra-chi-n chay chapu-cha-ta-qa
Y cuando el perro ladró, lo mató a ese chapito.
And when the little dog barked, he killed the little thing.
00:05:35.440 - 00:05:40.010

Chayshi ripukun -- karu karutaña ripukun.

chay-shi ripu-ku-n karu karu-ta-ña ripu-ku-n
DEM.D-EVR go-REFL-3 far far-ACC-DISC go-REFL-3
En eso, dice, se fueron -- lejos, muy lejos se fueron.
With that, they say, they went very, very far away.
00:05:40.170 - 00:05:43.730

trayarun pantiyunman -- ivanheliya kaqman trayarun.

traya-ru-n pantiyun-man ivanheliya ka-q-man traya-ru-n
arrive-URGT-3 cemetery-ALL evangel be-AG-ALL arrive-URGT-3
Llegaron al cementerio -- donde el Evangelio llegaron.
They arrived at the cemetery -- they arrived where the Archangel is.
00:05:43.950 - 00:05:47.720

Chayshi nin, "Imapaqmi wak kundinawwan puriyanki?

chay-shi ni-n imapaq-mi wak kundinaw-wan puri-ya-nki
DEM.D-EVR say-3 why-EVD DEM.D zombie-INSTR walk-PROG-2
En allí, dice, dijo, "¿Para qué estás andanado con [un] condenado?
With that, they say, he said, "Why are you wandering around with [a] zombie?
00:05:47.990 - 00:05:52.680

Wakqa kanan mikurushunkim."

wak-qa kanan miku-ru-shunki-m
DEM.D-TOP now eat-URGT-1>2-EVD
Ahora [yo voy] a comerte."
[I'm] going to eat you now."
00:05:52.890 - 00:05:54.880

Pantiyun qipanman pusharun. Hinashpa chaypash mikurun.

pantiyun qipa-n-man pusha-ru-n hinashpa chay-pa-sh miku-ru-n
cemetery behind-3-ALL take-URGT-3 then DEM.D-LOC-EVR eat-URGT-3
La llevó detrás del cementerio. Después, en allí, dice, se la comió.
He took her behind the cemetery and then and there he ate her, they say.
00:05:55.440 - 00:05:59.830

Chay pashñatash mikurun chay maqta.

chay pashña-ta-sh miku-ru-n chay maqta
Ese muchacho se comnió a esa chica, dice.
The young man ate that girl, they say.
00:06:01.790 - 00:06:05.540

Ishkay maqtanshi karqa pashñapa.

ishkay maqta-n-shi ka-rqa-ø pashña-pa
two be-PST-3 girl-POS
[Hubo una vez hace mucho tiempo una chica]. Esa chica tenía dos enamorados.
[Onceupon a time, there was a girl]. The girl had two boyfriends, they say.
00:06:06.350 - 00:06:10.440

Ishkayshi karqa maqtan chay pashñapa.

ishkay-shi ka-rqa-ø maqta-n chay pashña-pa
two-EVR be-PST-3 DEM.D girl-POS
Tenía dos enamorados, esa chica.
Two boyfriends, the girl had, they say.
00:06:10.750 - 00:06:14.620

Chayñataqshi trayaruptin, qqashh-qqashh

chay-ña-taq-shi traya-ru-pti-n qaqshhhhhhhhkash
DEM.D-DISC-SEQ-EVR arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3 [snoring noise]
[Una vez] cuando ella llegó [a la casa de uno de los muchachos, lo encontró] roncando – qaqshhqaqshh –
[Once] when she arrived [at the house of one of the young men, she found him] snoring – qaqshhqaqshh –
00:06:15.150 - 00:06:20.140

niyashqash kunkan. Hinaptinshi,

ni-ya-shqa-ø-sh kunka-n hinaptin-shi
say-PROG-RPST-3-EVR neck-3 then-EVR
from out of his neck. Then, they say,
desde el cuello. Luego, dicen,
00:06:20.810 - 00:06:24.380

"Karahota-qa imanaruntaq?" diciendo qawaykurun. Qawaykushpaqa, huk utrpata hapikushpa kay kunkanman
karaho-taq ima-na ru-n-taq qawa-yku-ru-n qawa-yku-shpa-qa huk utrpa-ta qapi-ku-shpa kay kunka-n-man
damn-SEQ what-VRBZ-PST-3-SEQ look-EXCEP-URGT-3 look-EXCEP-SUBIS-TOP one ash-ACC
grap-REFL-SUBIS DEM.D neck-3-ALL pass-EXCEP-URGT-3
Lo observó [un rato y] dijó, "¿Qué le pasó a este carajo?" Después de observarlo, ella agarró cenizas y le
rellenó la garganta con ellas.
She watched him [for a while then] said, "What happened to that bastard?" After she watched him, she grabbed
some ashes, and stuffed them
down his throat.
00:06:24.510 - 00:06:32.170

Ya decían chayñataqshi, mayupaqa, "Aaqayyyyy! Wak pishqunta qaway!" dijo.

chay-ña-taq-shi mayu-pa-qa aqayyyyy yas wak pishqu-n-ta qawa-y
DEM.D-DISC-SEQ-EVR river-LOC-TOP hahahaha INTERJ DEM.D bird-3-ACC look-IMP
[Otro día con el otro muchacho] en el río [donde los dos se estaban bañado, desnudos]. La chica [vió el pene
del muchacho y se rió]
"¡Hahaha! ¡Míra su pájaro!" dijo.
[Another day, with the other boy] at the river [the two were bathing, naked] the girl [saw the boy's penis and
laughed], "Hahaha! Look at
his bird!" she said.
00:06:32.790 - 00:06:41.350

Pashñash nin, "Pishqunta qaway! Wak maqtataqa . . . . dónde es, carajo?" dice que dijo.
pashña-sh ni-n pishqu-n-ta qawa-y wak maqta-ta-qa may-pa-taq
girl-EVR say-3 bird-3-ACC look-IMP DEM.D where-LOC-SEQ
La chica dijo [otra vez] "¡Míra a ese joven! Su pájaro, ¿dónde está?"preguntó. "¿Dónde está, carajo?"
The girl said [again], "Look at that young man! His bird – where is it?" she said. "Where the hell is it?"
00:06:41.680 - 00:06:49.490

Umantaq katraykurunshi .... chayarapish watakarusa chukchan de allí dice cuando soltó
uma-n-taq katra-yku-ru-n-sha chayara-pi-sh wata-ka-ru-sa-ø chukcha-n
head-3-SEQ release-EXCEP-URGT-3-EVR chayara.thorn-LOC-EVR tie-PASSACC-PST-PRF-3 hair-3
[Sorprendido y avergonzado, el muchacho perdió la cabeza – ésta se desprendió de su cuerpo]. Él soltó la
cabeza [y ésta se cayó al lado del río] y se enredó entre las espinas.
[Surpised and ashamed, the boy actually lost his head]. He let his head go, [and it fell into the bushes on the
side of the river] and his hair had got entangled in thorns.
00:06:51.070 - 00:06:59.420

ripunshari umaqa kunkanman.

ripu-n-sh-ari uma-qa kunka-n-man
go-3-EVR-ARI head-TOP neck-3-ALL
Esa cabeza fue [volando] hacia su cuello [intentando recuperar su lugar].
His head went [flying back] towards his neck [trying to recover its lost place].
00:06:59.920 - 00:07:04.560

trayashpaqa -- pun! -- laqakaruyta munan. Ni laqakanchu. vwelta laqakanchu.

traya-shpa-qa pun laqa-ka-ru-y-ta muna-n ni laqa-ka-n-chu vwelta laqa-ka-n-chu
arrive-SUBIS-TOP boom hit-REFL-URGT-INF-ACC want-3 nor stick-REFL-3-NEG again stick-3-NEG
Cuando [su cabeza] llegó – bang! – quería pegarse, pero no se pegó. No se pegó. [La cabeza comenzó a volar
por todos lados]
When [his head] got there – bang! – it wanted to stick, but it didn't stick. It didn't stick. [The head began to fly
00:07:04.950 - 00:07:10.850

Después, dice
Then, they say
00:07:10.960 - 00:07:12.890

kutirishpaqa chay maqtapa kayninman laqakarun uman

kuti-ri-shpa-qa chay maqta-pa kay-ni-n-man laqa-ka-ru-n uma-n
Entonces, cuando la cabeza del muchacho [finalmente] volvió, se pegó acá [sobro los hombros de la
muchacha.Éso hizo que la cabeza de la
muchacha se desprenda y comence a volar por todos lados, también.]
Then when the young man's head [finally] came back, it stuck here [on the girl's shoulder. That caused the
girl's head to detatch itself
and begin to fly about, too]
00:07:13.280 - 00:07:17.480

chay pashñapa uman laqakarun kayninman

chay pashña-pa uma-n laqa-ka-ru-n kay ni-n-man
DEM.D girl-POS head-3 stick-PASSACC-URGT-3 DEM.D say-3-COND
[When] the head of the girl [finally returned, it] stuck here [on the neck of the young man].
of the girl here [where his own head used to be]. He stuck the girl's head here.[Cuando] la cabeza de la
muchacha [finalmente volvió] se
pegó aquí [sobre los hombros del muchacho].
00:07:17.880 - 00:07:21.310

ah, Viñaqpash.
ah, Viñaq-pa-sh
ah Viñac-LOC-EVR
Ah, en Viñac, dice.
Ah, in Viñac, the say.
00:07:21.730 - 00:07:25.350

Qarwa qala rikarirqa pantiyunpa.

qarwa qala rikari-rqa-ø pantiyun-pa
rust-colored naked appear-PST-3 cemetery-LOC
Un perro calato color teja apareció en el cementerio.
A rust-colored, hairless dog appeared in the cemetery.
00:07:25.840 - 00:07:28.730

Pantiyunpash rikarirqa qarwa qala.

pantiyun-pa-sh rikari-rqa-ø qarwa qala
cemetery-LOC-EVR appear-PST-3 rust-colored naked
En el cementerio, dice, apareció un perro color de teja.
A rust-colored hairless dog appeared in the cemetery, they say.
00:07:28.800 - 00:07:31.410

qarwa allqu.
qarwa allqu
rust-colored dog
Un perro color teja.
A rust-colored dog.
00:07:31.590 - 00:07:33.620

Chayshi alumnuta mikuruyta munarqa.

chay-shi alumnu-ta miku-ru-y-ta muna-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVR student-ACC eat-URGT-INF.ACC want-PST-3
De allí, dice, quería comer a alumno.
So, they say, he wanted to eat a student.
00:07:33.870 - 00:07:37.810

Kundinawkururqa huk warmish.

kundinaw-ku-ru-rqa-ø huk warmi-sh
zombie-REFL-URGT-PST-3 one woman-EVR
Se ha condenado una mujer, dice.
A woman turned into a zombie, they say.
00:07:38.370 - 00:07:42.290

Está grabando lo que hablo. ¡Cállate ya!

Está grabando lo que hablo. ¡Cállate ya!
She's recording what I say ... Shut up already!
00:07:42.990 - 00:07:46.020

Por eso
00:07:46.810 - 00:07:50.140

naman pasu ... kulehiyu ... wasin kulehiyu ukumanshi witrqarurqa alumnuta lliw lliwta.
na-man pasu kolehiyu wasi-n kuliqiyu uku-man-shi witrqa-ru-rqa-ø alumnu-ta lliw lliw-ta
that-ALL step house-3 inside-ALL-EVR close-URGT-PST-3 student-ACC all
Hacía ... el colegio ... su casa ... Para dentro del colegio encerró a los alumnos todos.
Towards ... the high school ... his house ... He closed all the students inside the high school.
00:07:50.410 - 00:07:57.830

Manash katraykamurqachu.
mana-sh katra-yka-mu-rqa-ø-chu
No le soltaba, dice.
He didn't let them out, they say.
00:07:58.070 - 00:08:00.390

Chayllapash chay kundinawta manchakushpa

chay-lla-pa-sh chay kundinaw-ta mancha-ku-shpa
Allí no más dice, teniendo miedo a ese condonado
Just there, they say, Fearing the zombie,
00:08:01.880 - 00:08:06.030

prufisurnin manisichirqa
prufisur-ni-n manisi-chi-rqa-ø
teacher-EUPH-3 wake.up-CAUS-PST-3
su profesor hizo amanecer.
their professor woke him up.
00:08:06.100 - 00:08:08.250

Tukuy tutash chaypa puñurqa karpitallanpa.

tukuy tuta-sh chay-pa puñu-rqa-ø karpita-lla-n-pa
all night-ECR DEM.D sleep-PST-3 desk-RSTR-LOC
Toda la noche, dice, durmió no más en su carpeta.
All night, they say, he slept on his desk.
00:08:10.260 - 00:08:14.480

Qayantintañash intiwan qarquriramun llapan alumnuta mikuq hamunanpaq maman kaqta.

qayantin-ta-ña-sh inti-wan qarqu-ri-ra-mu-n llapa-n alumnu-ta miku-q hamu-na-n-paq mama-n ka-q-ta sun-INSTR throw.out-INCEP-URGT-CISL-3 all-3 student-ACC eat-AG
come-NMLZ-3-PURP mother-3 be-AG-ACC
Al día siguente, dice, con sol ya, botó a todos sus alumnos para que vengan a comer donde sus mamás.
The next day, they say, with the sun, he kicked out all the students to go home to their mothers to eat.
00:08:15.690 - 00:08:23.380

Chayllam chayqa kayan.

chay-lla-m chayqa ka-ya-n
Éso no más está.
That's all there is.
00:08:23.950 - 00:08:25.930

Qala chichi chaypaqñataqshi

qala-chichi chay-paq-ña-taq-shi
naked-breast DEM.D-ABL-DISC-SEQ-EVR
[Había una mujer teta] calata. Después, dice
[Once upon a time, there was a woman with] bare breasts. Then, they say,
00:08:26.470 - 00:08:29.430

chay qala-chichitaqa
chay qala-chichi-ta-qa
DEM.D naked-breast-ACC-TOP
esa teta calata
the bare-breasted woman
00:08:29.660 - 00:08:31.700

maman taytan suyarushqa wasinpa.

mama-n tayta-n suya-ru-shqa-ø wasi-n-pa
mother-3 father-3 rest-URGT-RPST-3 house-3-LOC
su mamá su papá le había esperado en su casa.
Her mother and father had waited for her at home.
00:08:31.900 - 00:08:36.570

Chayshi rindasuwan
chay-shi rindasu-wan
De allí, dice, con riendas
So, they say, with reins
00:08:36.790 - 00:08:39.290

waqtakuyan chay qala chichitaqa.

waqta-ku-ya-n chay qala chichi-ta-qa
beat-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D naked breast-ACC-TOP
pegaron a esa teta calata.
they beat the bare-breasted woman.
00:08:39.580 - 00:08:41.870

Chayshi willakurun
chay-shi willa-ku-ru-n
De allí, dice, les avisó.
So, they say, she told them
00:08:42.240 - 00:08:44.380

"Piñiymi pakarayan wasiypa wak ichu utrkupa."

piñi-y-mi paka-ra-ya-n wasi-y-pa wak ichu uchu-pa
necklace-1-EVD VV hide-UNINT-INTENS-3 house-1-LOC DEM.D straw insdie-LOC
"Mi collar está escondido en mi casa dentro de la paja".
"My necklace is hidden in my house under the straw.
00:08:44.650 - 00:08:48.610

"Chayta surquruy!" nishpash willakurun.

chay-ta surqu-ru-y ni-shpa-sh willa-ku-ru-n
"¡Sácalo!" les avisó, dice.
"Take it out!" she told them, they say.
00:08:48.920 - 00:08:52.030

Chayshi chay piñinta surquruptinqa

chay-shi chay piñi-n-ta surqu-ru-pti-n-qa
DEM.D-EVR DEM.D necklace-3-ACC take.out-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
De allí, dice, cuando sacaron su collar,
So, they say, when they took out her necklace,
00:08:52.170 - 00:08:55.530

manañash chay qarwa qalaqa karqañachu.

mana-ña-sh chay qarwa qala-qa ka-rqa-ø-ña-chu
no-DISC-EVR DEM.D rust-color naked-TOP be-PST-3-DISC-NEG
ya no había, dice, ese perro color de teja.
that rust-colored hairless dog wan't there any more.
00:08:55.810 - 00:08:58.190

Manañash kundinaw karqachu. Chinkarurqañash

mana-ña-sh kundinaw ka-rqa-ø-chu chinka-ru-rqa-ø-ña-sh
no-DISC-EVR zombie be-PST-3-NEG lose-URGT-PST-3-DISC-EVR
Ya no había, dice, el condenado ya. Se había perdido, dice
The zombie wasn't there any more, they say. He had disappeared already, they say,
00:08:58.310 - 00:09:01.470

chay piñinta tariruptin. Piñinpaqshi chay kundinawkurushqa.

chay piñi-n-ta tari-ru-pti-n piñi-n-paq-shi chay kundinaw-kuru-shqa-ø
DEM.D necklace-3-ACC find-URGT-SUBDS-3 necklace-3-ABL-EVR DEM.D zombie-REFL-RPST-3
cuando encontraron su collar. Para su collar, dice. se había condenado.
when they found her necklace. She had turned into a zombie on account of her necklace.
00:09:02.340 - 00:09:06.630

Krusnintinshi midiyu midiyu qullqintinshi

krus-ni-ntin-shi midiyu midiyu qullqi-ntin-shi
cross-EUPH-INCL-EVR middle middle gold-INCL-EVR
Su cruz, dice. con la mitad de su plata
Her cross, they say, along with half her money
00:09:07.040 - 00:09:10.130

karqa chay piñin pakararqa.

ka-rqa-ø chay piñi-n paka-ra-rqa-ø
be-PST-3 DEM.D necklace-3 hide-UNINT-PST-3
estaban [donde] estaba escondido su collar.
were [where] her necklace was hidden.
00:09:10.350 - 00:09:13.360

Chayllam. Chay hukshi karqa pashña.

chay-lla-m chay huk-shi ka-rqa-ø pashña
DEM.D-RSTR-EVD DEM.D one-EVR be-PST-3 girl
Éso no más. [Hubo una vez hace mucho tiempo] otra chica, dicen.
That's all. [Once upon a time] there was another girl, they say.
00:09:15.580 - 00:09:19.450

Pashñash karqa ubihawan.

pashña-sh ka-rqa-ø ubiha-wan
girl-EVR be-PST-3 sheep-INSTR
Había una chica, dicen, con ovejas.
There was a girl, they say, with sheep
00:09:20.050 - 00:09:22.210

Urqupash pashña karqa -- María sutiyuq.

urqu-pa-sh pashña ka-rqa-ø Marya suti-yuq
hill-LOC-EVR girl be-PST-3 Mary name-POS
En la puna, dicen, había una chica que se llamaba María.
In the hills, they say, was a girl named Mary.
00:09:23.430 - 00:09:26.850

ubihawan yatrakurqa.
ubiha-wan yatra-ku-rqa-ø
sheep-INSTR live-REFL-PST-3
Vivía con ovejas
She lived with sheep.
00:09:27.280 - 00:09:29.140

Chayshi tutaq waqayashqa

chay-shi tuta-q waqa-ya-shqa-ø
DEM.D-EVR night-AG cry-PROG-RPST-3
En la noche [María] estaba llorando [por la muerte de su amante].
At night, [Mary] was crying [over the death of her lover].
00:09:29.710 - 00:09:33.240

"Marita, Marita, palabrayta ya kutichiway!"

Marita Marita palabra-y-ta ya kuti-chi-wa-y
Mary.DIM Mary.DIM word-1-ACC EMPH return-CAUS-1.OBJ-IMP
[De repente, ella escuchó,] "¡Marita, Marita, devuélveme mi juramento!" [Era la voz de su amante]
[Suddenly, she heard,] "Little Mary, sweet Mary, release me from my promise!" [It was the voice of her lover.]
00:09:33.990 - 00:09:38.920

"Palabrayta kutichiway!" nishpash. "Palabraypaqmi

palabra-y-ta kuti-chi-wa-y-shi palabra-y-paq-mi
word-1-ACC return-CAUS-1.OBJ-IMP-EVR word-PURP-EVD
"¡Devuélveme mi juramento!" le pidió. "Por ese juramento
"Release me from my promise!" he said. "Because of my promise
00:09:39.260 - 00:09:42.160

kanan huras Dyos Taytanchik qarqumuwan," ninshi.

kanan huras diyus tayta-nchik qarqu-mu-wa-n ni-n-shi
now hours days father-1PL throw.out-CISL-1.OBJ-3 say-3-EVR
ahora nuestro dios me está botando [del cielo]" dijo.
God Our Father is now throwing me out [of heaven]," he said.
00:09:42.210 - 00:09:46.050

Después, dicen,
Then, they say,
00:09:46.440 - 00:09:48.210

[Dios] lo botó [del cielo. No podía descansar en paz].
[God] threw him out [of heaven. He could not rest in peace].
00:09:48.660 - 00:09:50.310

Urunguyhiñallash lluqsiramusa kahunpaq.

urunguy-hiña-lla-sh lluqsi-ra-mu-sa-ø kahun-paq
fly-COMP-RSTR-EVR come.out-URGT-CISL-PRF-3 box-ABL
Como moscón, él había salido de su ataúd.
Just like a fly, he came out of the coffin.
00:09:50.330 - 00:09:53.860

Hatun kahapaqshi
hatun kaha-paq-shi
big box-ABL-EVR
De un ataúd grande.
Out of a big coffin.
00:09:54.010 - 00:09:55.410

Como urunguycito.
Todo como un moscón.
Like a big fly.
00:09:55.640 - 00:09:57.440

Chay urunguysitu lluqsiramushqa chay kahapaq.

chay urunguysitu lluqsi-ra-mu-shqa-ø chay kaha-paq
Ese moscón salió del ataúd
That fly came out of the coffin.
00:09:57.660 - 00:10:01.400

Hinaptinñataqshi kundinawkurushpa chay pashña kaqta trayaramun tuta.

hinaptin-ña-taq-shi kundinaw-ku-ru-shpa chay pashña ka-q-ta traya-ra-mu-n tuta
then-DISC-SEQ-EVR zombie-REFL-URGT-SUBIS DEM.D girl be-AG-ACC arrive-URGT-CISL-3 night
y [así] se convirtió en un condenado. Él llegó donde estaba su chica en la noche.
and turned into a zombie. He arrived at the girl's place at night.
00:10:01.960 - 00:10:06.940

Chayshi nin,
chay-shi ni-n
DEM.D-EVR say-3
De allí, dijo, dicen,
So, they say, he said,
00:10:07.550 - 00:10:10.300

"¡Palabrayta kutichiway, Marita!"

palabra-y-ta kuti-chi-wa-y Mari-ta
word-1-ACC return-CAUS-1.OBJ-IMP Mary-ACC
"¡Devuélveme mi juramento, Marita!" le pidió.
"Dear Mary, release me from my promise!"
00:10:10.450 - 00:10:13.610

"Palabratamik qunakurqanchik
palabra-ta-mi-k qu-naku-rqa-nchik
word-ACC-EVD-K give-RECP-PST-1PL
"Nos juramos amor:
"We gave each other our word:
00:10:13.830 - 00:10:15.840

mana wañukushpapis mana dihanakunanchikpaq," ninshi.

mana wañu-ku-shpa-pis mana diha-naku-na-nchik-paq ni-n-shi
no die-REFL-SUBIS-ADD no leave-RECP-NMLZ-1PL-PURP say-3-EVR
para no dejarnos, ni aún muriéndonos" dijo.
not to leave each other, even when we die" he said, they say.
00:10:15.980 - 00:10:20.400

Después, dicen,
Then, they say,
00:10:20.670 - 00:10:22.630

pasarun pashñaqa.
pasa-ru-n pashña-qa
pass-URGT-3 girl-TOP
La chica[, asustada,] se fue.
The girl[, frightened,] left.
00:10:22.780 - 00:10:24.720

tenía perrito colorado allquchanshi karqa puka allqucha

allqu-cha-n-shi ka-rqa-ø puka allqu-cha
dog-DIM-3-EVR be-PST-3 red dog-DIM
Ella tenía un perrito colorado. Un perrito [calato, sin pelos,] colorado tenía.
She had a little red dog. A little red [hairless] dog, she had.
00:10:25.200 - 00:10:29.030

Hinashpash, "Ripukushun. Haku!"

hinashpa-sh ripu-ku-shu-n haku
then-EVR go-REFL-1PL.FUT let's.go
[La voz rogó,] "Nos vamos a ir [juntos]. ¡Vámonos!"
[The voice pleaded,] "We're going to run away. Let's go!"
00:10:29.300 - 00:10:31.650

wakqa kundinawmi mikurushunkim nin pasachikun pashñataqa

wak-qa kundinaw-mi miku-ru-shunki-m ni-n pasa-chi-ku-n pashña-ta-qa
DEM.D-TOP zombie-EVD eat-URGT-3>2-EVD say-3 pass-CAUS-REFL-3 girl-ACC-TOP
"Ese condenado te va a comer", dijo [la madre de la chica] e hizo escapar a la chica.
"That zombie is going to eat you," said [the girl's mother] and she made the girl escape.
00:10:31.810 - 00:10:36.400

Chayshi hatun alisush wiñayashqa.

chay-shi hatun alisu-sh wiña-ya-shqa-ø
DEM.D-EVR big alisu.tree-EVR grow-PROG-RPST-3
[La chica y su madre llegaron donde] un gran árbol aliso estaba creciendo.
[The girl and her mother arrived at a place where] a big aliso tree was growing.
00:10:36.490 - 00:10:40.000

Chay alisumanshi siqarachin chay pashñata.

chay alisu-man-shi siqa-ra-chi-n chay pashña-ta
DEM.D Alisu-ALL-EVR go.up-URGT-CAUS-3 DEM.D girl-ACC
[La mamá] hizo que la chica suba a ese árbol.
[The girl's mother] made the girl climb into the aliso tree.
00:10:40.220 - 00:10:43.430

Hinaptinshi chay kundinawqa manam ñawin qawayta munanchu altuman ushachinchu.

hinaptin-shi chay kundinaw-qa manam ñawi-n qawa-y-ta muna-n-chu altu-man usha-chi-n-chu
then-EVR DEM.D zombie-TOP no-EVD eye-3 look-INF-ACC want-3-NEG high-ALL
[La mamá explicó,] "Los ojos del condenado no pueden mirar para arriba. [El condenado] no puede [mirar]
para arriba".
[The mother explained,] "The zombie's eyes don't want to look upward. [The zombie] can't [look] up."
00:10:43.540 - 00:10:48.630

Después, dicen, [El condenado pronto se acercó al lugar donde crecía el gran árbol aliso. La chica tenía mucho
miedo. Pero su perro
calato, coloradito interceptó al condenado.]
Then, they say,[The zombie soon came near to that place where the big aliso tree was growing. The girl was
very scared. But that little
red hairless dog blocked the zombie's advance.]
00:10:49.020 - 00:10:50.930

piluyta yupaykushpaqa
pilu-y-ta yupa-yku-shpa-qa
hair-1-ACC count-EXCEP-SUBIS-TOP
"Si cuentas mis pelos te
"If you [can] count my hairs
00:10:51.080 - 00:10:53.170

wak dweñutaqa mikukurunkitriki.

wak dweñu-ta-qa miku-ku-ru-nki-tri-ki
puedes comer a mi dueña" dijo [el perrito].
you can eat my mistress," [said the dog].
00:10:53.280 - 00:10:55.510

"piru kanan tuta yuparuy piluyta! Yuparuy!" ninshi chay.

piru kanan tuta pilu-y-ta yupa-ru-y yupa-ru-y ni-n-shi chay
but now night hair-1-ACC count-URGT-IMP count-URGT-IMP say-3-EVR DEM.D
"¡Esta noche, cuénta mis pelos! ¡Cuéntalos!" dijo [el perrito calato]. ["Si los puedes contar todos antes del
amanecer, te puedes comer a
mi dueña".]
"Tonight, count my hairs! Count them!" said [the the hairless dog].["If you can count them all before the sun
rises, you can eat my
00:10:55.610 - 00:10:59.030

Hinaptiñataqshi piluntaqa yupayanshari wak chapupaqta. Ushachinchu yupayta.

hinaptin-ña-taq-shi pilu-n-ta-qa yupa-ya-n-sh-ari chay chapu-paq-ta usha-chi-n-chu yupa-y-ta
then-DISC-SEQ-EVR hair-3-ACC-TOP count-PROG-3-EVR-ARI DEM.D dog-GEN-ACC count-INF-ACC
[El condenado intentó] contar los pelo de ese perro calato, pero no los pudo contar.
[The zombie tried] counting the hairs on that hairless dog, but he couldn't count them.
00:10:59.360 - 00:11:04.310

Las tres de la mañanataqa

las tres de la mañana-ta-qa
the.FP three the.F of morning-ACC-TOP
Hacia las tres de la mañana
Towards three o'clock in the morning
00:11:04.790 - 00:11:07.400

kantarunshi gallu .
kanta-ru-n-shi gallu
sing-URGT-3-EVR rooster
un gallo cantó. [El condenado había perdido la apuesta con ese perro calato, coloradito].
a rooster sang, they say. [The zombie had lost his bet with the little red hairless dog].
00:11:07.480 - 00:11:09.420

Gallu qaparirun. Hinaptiñaqataqshi

gallu qapari-ru-n hinaptin-ña-taq-shi
rooster shout-URGT-3 then-DISC-SEQ-EVR
El gallo gritó. Luego, dicen,
The rooster crowed. Then, they say,
00:11:09.590 - 00:11:12.850
"Kananqa qamwan ñuqam
kanan-qa qam-wan ñuqa-m
"Ahora tú y yo
"Now you and I
00:11:13.270 - 00:11:16.280

qarqumuwan Dyos Taytanchikmi."

qarqu-mu-wa-n Dyos tayta-nchik-mi
throw.out-CISL-1.OBJ-3 God father-1PL-EVD
"Me bota nuestro dios", [dijo el condenado].
"God Our Father has rejected me," [said the zombie].
00:11:16.370 - 00:11:19.800

Palabraytam kutichiwanki. Kananmi kaypi ñuqatam pampawanki," nishpash chay kundinaw chutakarun chay
palabra-y-ta-m kuti-chi-wa-nki kanan-mi kay-pi ñuqa-ta-m pampa-wa-nki ni-shpa-sh chay kundinaw
chuta-ka-ru-n chay pampa-pa
word-1-ACC-EVD return-CAUS-1.OBJ-2 now-EVD DEM.P-LOC 1-ACC-EV.D bury-1.OBJ-2
say-SUBIS-EVR DEM.D zombie pull-PASSACC-URGT-3 TK DEm.D ground-LOC
"Mi juramento me vas a devolver. Ahora me vas a enterrar" [le ordenó el condenado]. Y el condenado se
echó en el suelo
"You're going to forgive me my promise. You're going to bury me here, now," he said, and stretched himself
out along the ground
00:11:20.090 - 00:11:27.350

chay plantapi yatanpa.

chay planta-pi yata-n-pa
DEM.D tree-LOC side-3-LOC
al lado de ese árbol.
next to that tree.
00:11:27.640 - 00:11:29.820

Hinaptiñataqshi mamanta taytanta qayachin.

hinaptin-ña-taq-shi mama-n-ta tayta-n-ta qaya-chi-n
then-DISC.SEQ-EVR mother-3-ACC father-3-ACC call-CAUS-3
Después [la chica] hizo llamar a la mamá y al papá [del condenado].
Then [the girl] sent for [the zombie's] mother and father.
00:11:30.020 - 00:11:33.910

"Kayhinam wawayki kay yataypa wañukun purikushqaypa," nin.

kay-hina-m wawa-yki kay yata-y-pa wañu-ku-n puri-ku-shqa-y-pa ni-n
DEM.P-COMP-EVD baby-2 DEM.P side-1-LOC die-REFL-3 walk-REFL-PRF-1-LOC say-3
"Así tu hijo se murió a mi lado, donde andaba" les dijo.
"Like that, your son died at my side, where I walked," she said.
00:11:34.110 - 00:11:38.560

Hinaptiñataqshi maman taytan nin,

hinaptin-ña-taq-shi mama-n tayta-n ni-n
then-DISC-SEQ-EVR mother-3 father-3 say-3
Después, dice, su mamá y su papá dijeron,
Then, they say, his mother and his father said,
00:11:38.910 - 00:11:41.740

"Imaynataq wawayqa kuyashurqankiqa.

imayna-taq wawa-y-qa kuya-shu-rqa-nki-qa
how-SEQ baby-1-TOP love-1.OBJ-PST-2-TP
"¡Como ya mi hijo te ha querido!
"How my son loved you!
00:11:42.120 - 00:11:45.420

"Wañukuptin pampakurqani hinaptiñataq kahunpaq imaynataq chay wawayqa lluqsiramurqa urunguyhina

wañu-ku-pti-n pampa-ku-rqa-ni hinaptin-ña-taq kahun-paq imayna-taq chay wawa-y-qa lluqsi-ra-mu-rqa-ø
die-REFL-SUBDS-3 bury-REFL-PST-1 then-DISC-SEQ coffin-LOC how-SEQ DEM.D baby-1-TOP
come.out-URGT-CISL-PST-3 fly-COMP
[La muchacha contó a los padres, "Él se echó en el suelo bajo ese gran arbol aliso y] cuando murió lo enterré
[como me había pedido" [La
mamá preguntó,] "¿Cómo así salió mi hijo del cajón como un moscón?"
[The girl explained to the boy's parents, "He stretched himself out on the ground under that big aliso tree and]
when he died, I buried him
[as he asked]". When he died, I buried him. Then how did my son come out of his coffin like a fly?
00:11:45.970 - 00:11:53.430

wama-wamaqtatr kuyashurqanki
wama-wamaq-ta-tr kuya-shu-rqa-nki
a.lot a.lot-ACC-EVC love-1.OBJ-PST-2
[El papá dijo,] "Mucho te habrá querido.
[The father said,] "He must have loved you very, very much.
00:11:54.250 - 00:11:56.650

Kanan ... imay ... kanan kaypamiki kayan.

kanan imay kanan kay-pa-miki ka-ya-n
now when now DEM.P-LOC-EVD-KI be-PROG-3
Ahora ya está [descansando] aquí
Now he's [resting] here
00:11:56.680 - 00:11:59.540

palabranta kutikachiptiki. Kanan

palabra-n-ta kuti-ka-chi-pti-ki kanan
word-3-ACC return-REFL-CAUS-SUBDS-2 now
[porque] le devolviste su juramento. Ahora
[because] you released him from his promise. Now
00:11:59.730 - 00:12:02.470

qamwan ñuqam pampam rishun wawayta,"

qam-wan ñuqa-m pampa-m ri-shun wawa-y-ta
2-INSTR 1-EVD ground-EVD go-1PL.FUT baby-1-ACC
tú y yo vamos a enterrar a mi hijo [tal como se debe]",
you and I are going to bury my son [properly],"
00:12:02.630 - 00:12:05.100

nispash apakun pantiyunman.

ni-shpa-sh apa-ku-n pantiyun-man
say-SUBIS-EVR bring-REFL-3 cemetery-ALL
dijo [el padre] y llevaron [el cadáver] al cementerio.
he said and they brought [the body] to the cemetery.
00:12:05.520 - 00:12:08.100

Chaypañataqshi pantiyunpa pamparuptin

chay-pa-ña-taq-shi pantiyun-pa pampa-ru-pti-n
Cuando lo habían enterrado en el cementerio,
When they had buried him in the cemetery,
00:12:08.180 - 00:12:10.980

chay kahunta qawaykuptinqa mana kashqachu.

chay kahun-ta qawa-yku-pti-n-qa mana ka-shqa-ø-chu
DEM.D coffin-ACC look-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP no be-RPST-3-NEG
[abrieron la primera tumba] y miraron al interior del ataúd: no había nada [allí].
[they opened the grave where they had first buried the boy and] looked in the coffin: he wasn't there.
00:12:11.060 - 00:12:14.200

Abehahina, gusanuchahina,
abeha-hina gusanu-cha-hina
bee-COMP worm-DIM-COMP
Como abeja, como gusanito,
Like a bee, like a little worm,
00:12:14.330 - 00:12:16.570

uchuk utrkullantash kwirpu i alma lluqsirushqa.

uchuk utrku-lla-n-ta-sh kwirpu i alma lluqsi-ru-shqa-ø
small hole-RSTR-3-ACC-EVR body and soul come.out-URGT-RPST-3
había salido, cuerpo y alma, por un huequito chiquito.
he had come out through a tiny, little hole -- body and soul.
00:12:16.700 - 00:12:20.140

Huknin puntrawmi kutimunki mas kwintuta willanaypaq.

huk-ni-n puntraw-mi kuti-mu-nki mas kwintu-ta willa-na-y-paq
one-EUPH-3 day-EVD return-CISL-2 more story-ACC tell-NMLZ-1-PURP
Otro día volverás y más cuentos te avisaré.
You'll come back another day and I'll tell you more stories.
00:12:22.280 - 00:12:26.840

Vakata chawashpa lichi tumanachikpaq.

vaka-ta chawa-shpa lichi tuma-na-nchik-paq
cow-ACC milk-SUBIS milk drink-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
Vamos a lechar las vacas para tomar leche.
We'll milk the cows to drink milk.
00:12:27.070 - 00:12:30.220

Kutimunki chaymi kwintuta masta willashqayki .

kuti-mu-nki chay-mi kwintu-ta mas-ta willa-shqayki
return-CISL-2 DEM.D-EVD story-ACC more-ACC tell-1>2.FUT
Regresarás por eso te avisaré más cuentos.
You'll come back so I'll tell you more stories.
00:12:30.680 - 00:12:34.740

Ariyá. Lichi tumanachikpaq hina hamunki.
ari-yá lichi tuma-na-nchik-paq hina hamu-nki
yes-EMPH milk drink-NMLZ-1PL-PURP COMP come-2
Sí, pues. Vendrás para tomar leche.
Yes, indeed. You'll come to drink milk.
00:12:36.500 - 00:12:40.200

00:12:40.530 - 00:12:47.470

vakaqa kayninpa waqrayuqmiki kayan umanpi waqrayuqmi

vaka-qa kay-ni-n-pa waqra-yuq-mi-ki ka-ya-n uma-n-pi waqra-yuq-mi
cow-TOP DEM.P-EUPH-3-GEN horn-POSS-EVD-KI be-PROG-3 head-3-LOC horn-POSS-EVD
Las vacas de por acá tienen cacho. Tienen cacho en la cabeza.
The cows from here have horns. Their heads have horns.
00:12:47.950 - 00:12:52.590

chankan huntam lichin kayan

chanka-n hunta-m lichi-n ka-ya-n
udder-3 full-EVD milk-3 be-PROG-3
Lleno su uvre está su leche.
00:12:52.790 - 00:12:54.850

Sunday, October 7, 2012 11:59 AM

Kay ... kay madera kuchunataq
kay kay madera kuchu-na-taq
Ésto es para cortar madera
This is to cut wood.
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:02.330

Kayñataqqa madera utrkunataq.

kay-ña-taq-qa madera utrku-na-taq
Ésto es para hacer hueco a la madera
This is to make holes in wood.
00:00:06.260 - 00:00:09.290

Uchkuchankunata ruwaq sumaq ruwanataq

uchku-cha-n-kuna-ta ruwa-q sumaq ruwa-na-taq
hole-DIM-3-PL-ACC make-AG pretty make-NMLZ-PURP
Para hacer los huequitos bonito.
To make little holes, to make them nicely.
00:00:09.430 - 00:00:12.280

Kay surqushpañataq, kay kambiyani.

kay surqu-shpa-ña-taq kay kambiya-ni
DEM.P take.out-SUBIS-DISC-SEQ DEM.P change-1 VV
Sacando éste, cambio éste
Taking this out, I change this.
00:00:15.100 - 00:00:18.170

Lihana pulinapaq
liha-na puli-na-paq
sand-NMLZ VV polish-NMLZ-PURP VV
Para lijar, para pulir.
To sand, to polish.
00:00:18.410 - 00:00:21.150

Sipillu, siruchu, martillu, chaykunata

sipillu sirucho martillo chay-kuna-ta
brush saw hammer DEM.D-PL-ACC
Cepillo, serrucho, martillo,-RSTRs
Brush, saw, hammer, these
00:00:22.470 - 00:00:26.280

para clavar
para clavar
to nail
00:00:26.510 - 00:00:29.180

Chaywanmi pwertata ruwayani. Chaywan allichani pwertata, bintanata, misata.

chay-wan-mi pwerta-ta ruwa-ya-ni chay-wan allicha-ni pwerta-ta bintana-ta misa-ta
DEM.D-INSTR-EVD door-ACC VV make-PROG-1 DEM.D-INSTR fix-1 VV door-ACC window-ACC VV
table-ACC VV
Con ése hago puertas, Con ése arreglo puertas, ventanas, mesas.
I make doors with this; I fix doors, windows, and tables with this.
00:00:30.560 - 00:00:36.270

Manayá kaypaqa kay kada runa kaypa

mana-ya kay-pa-qa kay kada runa kay-pa
no-EMPH DEM-LOC-TOP DEM.P each person DEM-.P-LOC
No. Aqui cada persona aqui
No. Here every person here
00:00:40.320 - 00:00:45.220

yatraq runallapaqmi
yatra-q runa-lla-paq-mi
know-AG person-RSTR-BEN-EVD
para las personas, los que saben no mas
is knowledgeable. Just for people
00:00:45.220 - 00:00:47.050

Manam achkataq ruwanichu.

mana-m achka-taq ruwa-ni-chu
no-EVD a.lot-ACC make-1-NEG
No hago mucho.
I don't make much.
00:00:47.480 - 00:00:50.170
Hukllata ishkayllata chayllata ruwani
huk-lla-ta ishkay-lla-ta chay-lla-ta ruwa-ni
Hago uno o dos no más.
I make just one or two.
00:00:50.290 - 00:00:53.190

Mas kaptinqa piru ruwankimantrik. Mas kaptinqa ruwaymantaqyá

mas ka-pti-n-qa piru ruwa-nki-man-tri-k mas ka-pti-n-qa ruwa-y-man-taq-yá
more be-SUBDS-3-TOP but make-2-COND-EVC-K more be-SUBDS-3-TOP make-1-COND-SEQ
Cuando hay mas, puedes hacer [más]. Cuando hay mas puedo hacer
But when there's more, you can make [more]. When there's more, I can make, too., yes.
00:00:54.250 - 00:00:57.420

kayan proyektukuna lluqsimuptin

ka-ya-n proyektu-kuna lluqsi-mu-pti-n
be-PROG-3 project-PL VV come.out-CISL-SUBDS-3
Hay. Cuando salen los proyectos
There are. When projects come out,
00:00:58.180 - 00:01:00.490

kantidad kaptinqa ruwaymantaqyá

kantidad ka-pti-n-qa ruwa-y-man-taq
a.lot be-SUBDS-3-TOP make-1-COND-SEQ
Cuando hay muchos, los puedo hacer.
When there is a lot, I can make, too, yes.
00:01:00.550 - 00:01:02.600

ruwaymantrik lliw lliwta pwertankunata bintanankunata

ruwa-y-man-tri-k lliw lliw-ta pwerta-n-kuna-ta bintana-n-kuna-ta
make-1-COND-EVC-K all all-ACC door-3-PL-ACC window-3-PL-ACC
Puedo hacer todo -- sus puertas, sus ventanas
I can make all that -- their doors, their windows.
00:01:03.930 - 00:01:10.000

Lliw lliwta ruwayman

lliw lliw-ta ruwa-y-man
all all-ACC make-1-COND
Puedo hacer todo.
I can make everything
00:01:10.080 - 00:01:13.170

Chaypa rinimik trabahaq.

chay-pa ri-ni-mi-k trabaha-q
DEM.D-LOC go-1-EVD-K work-AG
Voy allí a trabajar.
I go there to work.
00:01:15.900 - 00:01:18.280

Kay makinayta apashpa rini ruwaq

kay makina-y-ta apa-shpa ri-ni ruwa-q
DEM.D machine-1-ACC VV bring-SUBIS go-1 make-AG
Llevando mi maquina, voy a hacer
I bring my machines and go to work.
00:01:21.370 - 00:01:24.640

Paredninkunata tichunkunata ruwaq

pared-ni-n-kuna-ta tichu-n-kuna-ta ruwa-q
wall-EUPH-3-PL-ACC roof-3-PL-ACC make-AG
a hacer sus paredes y sus puertas.
To make their walls and their roofs.
00:01:28.480 - 00:01:31.890

Ishkay killa kimsa killa chayqa

ishkay killa kimsa killa chay-qa
two month three month DEM.D-TOP
Un mes o dos meses-RSTR.
That's two or three months.
00:01:35.910 - 00:01:39.570

00:01:39.760 - 00:01:41.320

Wasita ruwashpaqa dimoranchikmi

wasi-ta ruwa-shpa-qa dimora-nchik-mi
house-ACC make-SUBIS-TOP tarry-1PL-EVD
Haciendo la casa se demora
Making a house takes time.
00:01:45.050 - 00:01:48.130

Dimoranchikmi mana runa kaptinqa

dimora-nchik-mi mana runa ka-pti-n-qa
tarry.1PL-EVD no person be-SUBDS-3-TOP
Se demora, cuando no hay gente.
When there aren't [many] people, it takes time.
00:01:48.180 - 00:01:52.880

mas tiyemputa
mas tiyempu-ta
more time-ACC
mas tiempo
more time
00:01:53.120 - 00:01:54.540

Runa kaptinqa menus tiyemputaqa ruwanchik

runa ka-pti-n-qa menus tiyempu-ta-qa ruwa-nchik
person be-SUBDS-3-TOP less time-ACC-TOP make-1PL
Cuando hay gente, se hace en menos tiempo.
When there are people, we make it less time.
00:01:54.840 - 00:01:58.620

Qullqi kaptinqa apurawmi ruwanchik

qullqi ka-pti-n-qa apuraw-mi ruwa-nchik
money be-SUBDS-3-TOP quick-EVD make-1PL
Cuando hay plata se hace rapido
When there's money, we make it quickly.
00:02:04.580 - 00:02:06.540

mana qullqi kaptinqa [inaudible]

mana qullqi ka-pti-n-qa
no money be-SUBDS-3-TOP
Cuando no hay dinero
When there isn't money
00:02:06.630 - 00:02:11.910

kaypa mana kay karpintiriya kaptinqa rini huk ruwaq trakratañataq rini
kay-pa mana kay karpintiriya ka-pti-n-qa ri-ni huk ruwa-q trakra-ta-ña-taq ri-ni
DEM.P-LOC no DEM.P carpentry VV be-SUBDS-3-TOP go-1 one make-AG fields-ACC-DISC-SEQ go-1
Cuando no hay [trabajo en] carpinteria aquí, voy a hacer otra [cosa]. Voy a la chacra.
When there's no carpentry [work] here, I go to do other [things]. I go to the fields.
00:02:19.200 - 00:02:25.930

Ganawtaqa qawamuni.
ganaw-ta-qa qawa-mu-ni
cattle-ACC-TOP look-CISL-1
Cuido el ganado
I look after the cattle.
00:02:29.170 - 00:02:31.310

We herd.
00:02:31.420 - 00:02:34.500

Manataq kaypaqa ruwanitaqchu.

mana-taq kay-pa-qa ruwa-ni-taq-chu
Acá no más no hago.
I don't make any here.
00:02:35.140 - 00:02:39.550

Kaptin kaypa ruwani

ka-pti-n kay-pa ruwa-ni
be-SUBDS-3 DEM.P-LOC make-1
Cuando hay aca hago
When there are, I make some.
00:02:39.550 - 00:02:41.220

Mana kaptinqa hukmantaqa rini ah hukmanta

mana ka-pti-n-qa huk-man-ta-qa ri-ni ah huk-man-ta
no be-SUBDS-3-TOP one-ALL-PHT go-1 ah one-ALL-PHT
Cuando no hay voy a otro, a otro.
When there aren't I go to something else, ah, to something else.
00:02:41.220 - 00:02:43.690

Tarpuq kampañaya kayman trayamunqañam

tarpu-q kampaña kay-man traya-mu-nqa-ña-m
plant-AG countryside DEM.P-ALL arrive-CISL-3.FUT-DISC-EVD
Ya va a llegar a la campaña para sembrar.
It's going to arrive already here in the countryside to plant.
00:02:49.260 - 00:02:52.500

papa tarpuq sara

papa tarpu-q sara
potato plant-AG corn
sembrar papas, maiz
to plant potatoes, corn
00:02:52.720 - 00:02:55.230

uqa, ulluku, chaykunata tarpuq

uqa ulluku chay-kuna-ta tarpu-q
oca olluko DEM.D-PL-ACC plant-AG
oka olluku -- sembrar todo-RSTR.
oca, ulluco -- to plant all that.
00:02:55.480 - 00:02:59.100

chaynam. kaypaq tarpuni. chaynam kawsanchik kaypaq

chay-na-m kay-paq tarpu-ni chay-na-m kawsa-nchik kay-paq
Like that. I plant here. We live like that here.
00:02:59.560 - 00:03:03.160

chayna. trabahakushpa. Hukta. trabahakushpa mikunapaq.

chay-na trabaha-ku-shpa huk-ta trabaha-ku-shpa miku-na-paq
Like that. Working. Something else. Working to eat.
00:03:05.330 - 00:03:09.450

Le estoy enseñando todo-RSTR.
I'm teaching him that.
00:03:16.080 - 00:03:18.650

Kaykunata ruwananpaqqa
kay-kuna-ta ruwa-na-n-paq-qa
para hacer esto todo.
to make all this.
00:03:18.910 - 00:03:21.490

Qawayantaqa paypis yatrananpaq.

qawa-ya-n-taq-qa pay-pis yatra-na-n-paq
look-PROG-3-SEQ-TOP 3-ADD know-NMLZ-3-PURP
Él, también está mirando, para saber.
He's watching, him, too, to know how.
00:03:22.030 - 00:03:25.930

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:00 PM


Kurriy. Kambiyakamuy. Hakuykikta.

Ánda, cámbiate tu saco.
kurri-y kambiya-ka-mu-y haku-yki-kta
run-IMP change-REFL-CISL-IMP jacket-2-ACC
Go, on, change your jacket!
00:02:56.300 - 00:02:59.930

Sakuchu imataq?
¿Saco? ¿Qué?
saku-chu ima-taq
jacket-Q what-SEQ
Jacket? What?
00:03:00.340 - 00:03:04.050

Ushtichikalamuy sakuykkita!
Ánda, pónte tu saco.
ushtichi-ka-la-mu-y saku-yki-kta
put.on-REFL-URGT-CISL-IMP jacket-2-ACC
Go put on your jacket!
00:03:00.340 - 00:03:04.050

Saku largu u chiku? Kakula

saku largu u chiku ka-ku-la-ø
jacket big or small be-REFL-PST-3
00:03:04.210 - 00:03:08.640

Chumpaykikta ushtuchikalamuy! Kurriy!

¡Ánda, pónte tu chumpa! ¡Corre!
chumpa-yki-kta ushtu-chi-ka-la-mu-y kurri-y
sweater-2-ACC run-IMP
Go on, put on your sweater! Run!
00:03:04.210 - 00:03:08.640

traklamanchu liyan? Piwan ya?

¿Está yendo a la chacra? ¿Con quién, pues?
trakla-man-chu li-ya-n pi-wan ya
field-ALL-Q go-PROG-3 who-INSTR EMPH
Is he going to the field? With who, then?
00:03:14.030 - 00:03:18.790

May [undecipherable] haqimunki?

¿Dónde lo vas a dejar?
may-law-man haqi-mu-nki
where-side-ALL leave-CISL-2
Where will you leave it?
00:03:19.230 - 00:03:21.140
Pala, palaqchu TK qamman. Kutimushaqchu entonses. Ah, ama kutimunkichu qamqa istorbum kayanki
Viene a conversar contigo. Voy a volver entonces. !No vayas a volver! Tú estás estorbando.
pala pala-q-chu qam-man kuti-mu-shaq-chu entonses Ah ama kuti-mu-nki-chu qam-qa istorbu-m ka-ya-nki
talk ... to talk 2-ALL return-CISL-1.FUT-NEG so ah PROH return-CISL-2-NEG 2-TOP
She came to talk to you. I'm going to come back, then. Don't you come back! You're being a pain in the
00:03:24.870 - 00:03:37.680

00:03:37.800 - 00:03:49.410

Likun. Miguel Santos. Shinkaya kayan. Qamkunallam parlanki. Paykunaqa ...

Se fue. Miguel Santos. Está borracho. ustedes no más van a conversar.
li-ku-n Miguel Santos. shinka-ya ka-ya-n qam-kuna-lla-m parla-nki pay-kuna-qa
go-REFL-3 Miguel Santos. drunk-EMPH be-PROG-3 2-PL-RSTR-EVD talk-2 3-PL-TOP
He left. Miguel Santos. He's drunk. Just you are going to talk. They ...
00:03:37.800 - 00:03:49.410

00:03:50.420 - 00:03:57.010

Suti:tam apakunki niy. Llapanta apakunki imaya.

"Vas a llevarte mi nombre", díle. "A todos te vas a llevar, qué".
suti-:-ta-m apa-ku-nki ni-y llapa-n-ta apa-ku-nki ima-ya
name-1-ACC-EVD bring-REFL-2 say-IMP all-3-ACC bring-REFL-2 what-EMPH
Say, "Your'e going to take along my name. You're going to take along them all, what."
00:03:50.420 - 00:03:57.010

Ñuqakunaqa kichwam ka:. Ah, kush kush. Kurriy! Miriyandamuy!

Nosotros somos de habla quechua. ¡Corre! ¡Ánda merendar!
ñuqa-kuna-qa kichwa-m ka-: Ah kush kush. kurri-y miriyanda-mu-y
1-PL-TOP Quechua-EVD be-1 ah shoo shoo run-IMP lunch-CISL-IMP
We're Quechua [speakers]. Shoo! Run! Go eat your dinner!
00:03:57.120 - 00:04:09.250

00:03:57.120 - 00:04:09.250

upyachimantri, nishpa. Ima milagru! ?¿Qué tal?

"Me puede hacer tomar" dice. ¡Qué milagro! ¡Qué tal?
upya-chi-ma-n-tri ni-shpa ima milagru
drink-CAUS-1.OBJ-3-EVC say-SUBIS what miracle
"He can make me drink," he said. What a miracle! How are you?
00:04:09.890 - 00:04:18.780

Señura Avivas kananpaq riqsinakushun.

Señora Aviva. De ahora en adelante nos vamos a conocer.
señura Avivas kanan-paq riqsi-naku-shun
Señora Aviva now-ABL be.acquainted-RECP-1.PL
Señora Aviva, from now on, we're going to get to know each other.
00:04:18.800 - 00:04:22.870
Imaytaq kutimunki?
¿Cuándo vas a regresar?
imay-taq kuti-mu-nki
when-SEQ return-CISL-2
When are you going to come back?
00:04:23.430 - 00:04:26.570

00:04:26.890 - 00:04:31.460

Huk killakta? Uktubri killapi?

¿En un mes? El mes de octubre?
huk killa-kta uktubri killa-pi
one month-ACC October month-LOC
In just a month? In October?
00:04:31.600 - 00:04:41.330

Icha a fines uktubri. Uktubri paqwaypiñachu hamunki?

¿O a fines de octubre? ¿Terminando octubre vienes?
icha a.fines uktubri uktubri paqwa-y-pi-ña-chu hamu-nki
or at.the.end October October finish-INF-LOC-DISC-Q come-2
Or at the end of October? Are you coming at the end of October?
00:04:31.600 - 00:04:41.330

Manam ñuqakunaqa talpula:chu. Paypa wawinmi talpula.

No, nosotros no hemos sembrado. Sus hijos han sembrado.
mana-m ñuqa-kuna-qa talpu-la-:-chu pay-pa wawi-n-mi talpu-la-ø
no-EVD 1-PL-TOP plant-PST-1-NEG 3-GEN baby-3-EVD plant-PST-3
We haven't planted. Her children have planted.
00:04:45.310 - 00:04:53.590

Sutin Edilina Santos.

Se llama Edelina Santos.
suti-n Edilina Santos.
name-3 Edilina Santos.
Her name is Edelina Santos.
00:04:53.860 - 00:04:56.890

00:04:57.400 - 00:05:06.200

Ñuqakunaqa faynachawmi kaya:. Faena comunal estamos haciendo acequia.

Nosotros estamos en faena. Faena comunal -- estamos haciendo una acequia.
ñuqa-kuna-qa fayna-traw-mi ka-ya-:
1-PL-TOP job-LOC-EVD be-PROG-1
We're in the middle of community work days. We're in community work days -- we're making a canal.
00:04:57.400 - 00:05:06.200

00:05:06.240 - 00:05:11.850
Sekya fayna kaptinmi liya: llapa:
Cuando hay faena de acequia, vamos todos.
sekya fayna ka-pti-n-mi li-ya-: llapa-:
canal job be-SUBDS-3-EVD go-PROG-1 all-1
When there's a community work day [fixing up] the canal, we all go.
00:05:11.920 - 00:05:15.100

Maystrum kala, chay maystru

Había maestro. Ese maestro
maystru-m ka-la-ø chay maystru
foreman be-PST-1 DEM.D foreman
There was a foreman. That foreman.
00:05:15.130 - 00:05:19.280

Mana avansanchu nayta.

No avanza a hacerlo.
mana avansa-n-chu na-y-ta
no advance-3-NEG DMY-INF-ACC
doesn't move forward doing that
00:05:19.280 - 00:05:21.690

Trabahayta i kanan komunalta trulalamá

a trabajar. Y ahora puso [a trabajar] a la comunidad, pues.
trabaha-y-ta i kanan komunal-ta trula-la-m-a
work-INF-ACC and now community-ACC put-PST-EVD-EMPH
working and now he's put the community [to work].
00:05:21.760 - 00:05:26.100

kumunidad. Paqarinpis.
Comunidad. Mañana también.
kumunidad paqarin-pis
community tomorrow-ADD
The community. Tomorrow, too.
00:05:26.100 - 00:05:36.150

Kumunidadllañam. Napa:kuya trabahapa:kuya. Llapan rigakuq luna. Trabahaya:

La comunidad no más ya estamos haciéndolo, estamos trabajando. Toda la gente que riega. Estamos
kumunidad-lla-ña-m na-pa:ku-ya-ø trabaha-pa:ku-ya-ø llapa-n riga-ku-q luna trabaha-ya-:
community-RSTR-DISC-EVD DMY-PL-PROG-3 work-PL-PROG-3 all-3 irrigate-REFL-AG person
Just thecommunity is doing it, is working. All the people who irrigate. We're working.
00:05:26.100 - 00:05:36.150

Alli. Chaynam. Kuskam trabahapa:ku: traklapipis talpu: chayhina -- turnunakushpa turnunakushpa

Bien. Así todos trabajamos juntos. En la chacra también sembramos así -- turnándose, turnándose.
alli chay-na-m kuska-m trabaha-paku-: trakla-pi-pis talpu.: chay-hina turnu-naku-shpa turnu-naku-shpa
good DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD together-EVD work-MUTBEN-1 field-LOC-ADD plant-1 DEM.D-COMP
Well. Like that, we all work together. In the fields, too, we plant like that -- taking turns, taking turns.
00:05:40.650 - 00:05:49.300

Paqwayanñam talpukuy.
La siembra ya está terminando.
paqwa-ya-n-ña-m talpu-ku-y
finish-PROG-3-DISC-EVD plant-REFL-INF
Planting is almost done.
00:05:51.550 - 00:05:57.300

Paqwayanchikñam talpuyta piru aw?

Ya estamos terminando de sembrar, ¿no?
paqwa-ya-nchik-ña-m talpu-y-ta piru aw
finsh-PROG-1PL-DISC-EVD plant-INF-ACC but yes
We're finishing the planting, no?
00:05:51.570 - 00:05:54.550

Ukaktam talpupakuya:.
Estamos sembrando oca.
uka-kta-m talpu-pa:ku-ya:-
oca-ACC-EVD plant-PL-PROG-1
We're planting oca.
00:05:58.340 - 00:06:05.380

Papaktapis talpulalu:ñam kanan qalakta, aw?

Ya hemos sembrado las papas, ahora las VVs, ¿no?
papa-kta-pis talpu-la-lu-:-ña-m kanan qala-kta aw
potato-ACC-ADD plant-UNINT TK-URGT-1-DISC-EVD now qala-ACC yes
We've already planted the potatoes, now the VV, no?
00:05:58.340 - 00:06:05.380

00:06:15.220 - 00:06:18.010

Takllawan qaluwiyanchik chaypaqa uka ... trakla ... yakuwan ichashpa. Chaypaqa qaluwiyanchik kimsa
puntraw tawa puntraw
Estamos trabajando allí la oca con taklla. chacra ... echando agua. En allí estamos trabajando desde hace tres
días, cuatro días haciendo
taklla-wan qaluwi-ya-nchik chay-pa-qq uka trakla yaku-wan icha-shpa chay-pa-qa qaluwi-ya-nchik kimsa
puntraw tawa puntraw
foot.plow-INSTR work-PROG-1PL DEM.D-LOC oca field water-INSTR toss-SUBIS DEM.D-LOC-TOP
work-PROG-1PL three day four day
We're working with a foot plow there in the oca. The fields. Adding water. We're working there for three
days, four days getting it
00:06:18.560 - 00:06:30.590


Puntataq pachanchik
Primero se machaca.
punta-taq pacha-nchik
apex-SEQ pachanchik
First you prepare it.
00:06:18.560 - 00:06:30.590

Qalakta talpuya:. Ukakta talpuya:

Estoy sembrando qala, estoy sembrando oca.
qala-kta talpu-ya-: uka-kta talpu-ya-:
VV-ACC plant-PROG-1 oca-ACC plant-PROG-1
I'm planting VV; I'm planting oca.
00:06:31.400 - 00:06:39.230

Mashwakuna ullukukunaktam ayves talpukunchik.

a veces sembramos mashua y olluco y todo.
mashwa-kuna ulluku-kuna-kta-m ayves talpu-ku-nchik
mashua-PL olluca-PL-ACC-EVD sometimes plant-REFL-1PL
Sometimes we plant mashua and olluca and all.
00:06:47.640 - 00:06:51.110

Ahora. Uktubri. . . Sitiyembri. Talpushun ayshakta

Ahora en octubre, setiembre vamos a sembrar papas de aguacero.
uktubri sitiyembri talpu-shun aysha-kta
October September plant-1PL.FUT potato-ACC
Now, in October, September, we'll plant [a variety of] potatoes.
00:06:51.130 - 00:07:01.970

00:06:51.130 - 00:07:01.970

Papa de aguacero.
[a variety of] potatoes.
00:06:51.130 - 00:07:01.970

Mashwaktash pay mikuy munan. Mashwash gustan.

Ella quiere comer mashua, dice. mashwa le gusta, dice.
mashwa-kta-sh pay miku-y muna-n mashwa-sh gusta-n
mashua-ACC-EVR 3 eat-INF want-3 mashua-EVR please-3
She wants to eat mashua, she says. She likes mashua, she says.
00:07:02.110 - 00:07:08.530

Con su mashua.
And with their mashua.
00:07:02.110 - 00:07:08.530

00:07:08.620 - 00:07:13.290

Hace orinar. Qayaktam ishpachikunña
Hace orinar. Bastante hace orinar.
qaya-kta-m ishpa-chi-ku-n-ña
a.lot-ACC-EVD urinate-CAUS-REFL-3-DISC
It makes you urinate. It makes you urinate a lot.
00:07:13.330 - 00:07:18.860

00:07:18.860 - 00:07:29.380

Mashwaqa prostatapaqshi allin.

La mashua es buena para la próstata, dice.
mashwa-qa prostata-paq-shi allin
mashua-TOP prostate-BEN-EVR good
Mashua is good for the prostate, they say.
00:07:18.860 - 00:07:29.380

Prostatawantri kayanki?
¿Estarás con [problemas de la] próstata?
prostata-wan-tri ka-ya-nki
prostate-INSTR-EVC be-PORG-2
Would you be [having problems] with your prostate?
00:07:18.860 - 00:07:29.380

Valinaku:. Paqarin yanapamay u paqarin ñuqakta chaypaq talpashun qampaktañataq ninaku:mi

Nos suplicamos. Mañana me vas a ayudar o mañana yo de allí vamos a sembrar de usted ya también nos
vali-naku-: paqarin yanapa-ma-y u paqarin ñuqa-kta chay-paq talpa-shun qampa-kta-ña-taq ni-naku-:-mi
request-RECP-1 tomorrow help-1.OBJ-IMP or tomorrow 1-ACC DEM.D-ABL plant-1PL.FUT
We ask for each other's services. Help me tomorrow or mine there we'll plant yours tomorrow, we say to each
00:07:43.140 - 00:07:53.370

Turnuchawan ñuqakunaqa trabaha:

Nosotros trabajamos con turno.
turnu-cha-wan ñuqa-kuna-qa trabaha-:
turn-DIM-INSTR 1-PL-TOP work-1
We work in turns.
00:07:53.690 - 00:07:56.260

Turnu. Walmipis, qalipis.

Turno. Mujeres y hombres.
turnu walmi-pis qali-pis
turn woman-ADD man-ADD
turns. Woman and men.
00:07:57.060 - 00:08:02.060

00:08:07.060 - 00:08:09.760

Claro, pues. Hombre

00:08:07.060 - 00:08:09.760

00:08:09.760 - 00:08:20.280
Qaliqa takllawanmi halun. Qipantañataq kulpakta maqanchik pikuwan.
Los hombres voltean con takllas. Nosotras vamos atrás chancando los terrones con pico.
qali-qa taklla-wan-mi qalu-n qipa-n-ta-ña-taq kulpa-kta maqa-nchik piku-wan
man-TOP foot.plow-INSTR-EVD turn.over -3 behind-3-ACC-DISC-SEQ hit-1PL
Men turn over the earth with a foot plow. Behind them, we break up the clods with a pick.
00:08:09.760 - 00:08:20.280

Walmiñataqmi kayhina allichanchik allpikta.

Las mujeres ya así arreglamos la tierra.
walmi-ña-taq-mi kay-hina alli-cha-nchik allpi-kta
The women already fix up the earth like this.
00:08:09.760 - 00:08:20.280

Qalikunaqa qaluwiyan ima

Los hombres voltean así.
qali-kuna-qa qaluwi-ya-n ima
man-PL-TOP turn.over-PROG-3 what
The mean are turning over [the earth] like this.
00:08:27.560 - 00:08:33.660

Qalikunaqa allikta qalukuyan.

Los hombres voltean bien.
qali-kuna-qa alli-kta qalu-ku-ya-n
man-PL-TOP good-ACC turn.over-REFL-PROG-3
The men turn over the earth well.
00:08:27.560 - 00:08:33.660

00:08:33.800 - 00:08:37.790

Walmikunaqa talpuya: allichaya: kulpakta maqaya:.

Nosotras las mujeres sembramos, arreglamos, golpeamos los terrones.
walmi-kuna-qa talpu-ya-: alli-cha-ya-: kulpa-kta maqa-ya-:
woman-PL-TOP plant-PROG-1 good-FACT-PROG-1 hunk-of-earth-ACC hit-PROG-1
The woman are planting, improving, hitting big clumps of earth.
00:08:38.270 - 00:08:47.130

Qaliqa paqwalushpaqa allichayanchik. Qali paqwalun allichalu:

Cuando terminan los hombres, lo arreglamos. Los hombres terminaron y lo arreglamos
qali-qa paqwa-lu-shpa-qa alli-cha-ya-nchik qali paqwa-lu-n alli-cha-lu-:
man-TOP finish-URGT-SUBIS-TOP good-INCH-1PL man finish-URGT-3 good-FACT-URGT-1
When the men finish, we're fixing it up. The men finished and we fixed it up.
00:08:38.270 - 00:08:47.130

00:08:47.140 - 00:08:50.830

Estamos sembrando ya también.
We're also planting already.
00:08:47.140 - 00:08:50.830

Kayna wiqawninchikman katawan kayna katawan wiqawninchikman simillakta watakurushpa talpu:

Así con manta [lo amarramos] en la cintura. Amarrándolo en la cintura sembramos semilla.
kay-na wiqaw-ni-nchik-man kata-wan kay-na kata-wan wiqaw-ni-nchik-man similla-kta wata-ku-ru-shpa
DEM.P-VRBZ waist-EUPH-1PL manta-INSTR DEM.P-DISC manta-INSTR waist-EUPH-1PL seed-ACC
tie-REFL-URGT-SUBIS plant-1
Like this, [we tie it] to our waists with a manta, we tie it to our waists and plant seeds.
00:08:50.900 - 00:08:57.450

00:08:50.900 - 00:08:57.450

00:08:57.550 - 00:09:06.120

Klaro. Mana qali kaptinqa ñuqanchikpis taqllakta hapishpa qaluwanchik yali

Claro. Cuando no hay hombres, nosotras también, agarrando la taklla voletamos, pues.
klaro mana qali ka-pti-n-qa ñuqanchik-pis taqlla-kta hapi-shpa qaluwa-nchik ya-li
clear no man be-SUBDS-3-TOP 1PL-ADD foot.plow-ACC grab-SUBIS turn.over-1PL EMPH-RI
Of course, when there aren't any men, we also grab the foot plow and turn over [the earth], then.
00:09:22.190 - 00:09:28.320

Qaliwanchu mana
Con hombre, no.
qali-wan-chu mana
man-INSTR-NEG no
With the men, no.
00:09:28.540 - 00:09:38.810

piru manam siymprim qalikuna. Qali ya masta.

Pero no hay siempre hombres. Los hombres trabajan más rápido, pues.
piru mana-m siympri-m qali-kuna qali ya mas-ta
but no-EVD always-EVD man-PL man EMPH more-ACC
But there aren't always men. Men work faster, then.
00:09:28.540 - 00:09:38.810

Walmiqa talpunchik, allichanchikmi.

Nosotras las mujeres sembramos, arreglamos.
walmi-qa talpu-nchik alli-cha-nchik-mi
woman-TOP plant-1PL good-FACT-1PL-EVD
We women plant and improve.
00:09:39.480 - 00:09:42.560

Wanqakunchik nakta papaktapis ukaktapis. Walmi.

Volteamos-RSTR, papa, oca. Mujer.
wanqa-ku-nchik na-kta papa-kta-pis uka-kta-pis walmi
turn.over-REFL-1PL DMY-ACC potato-ACC-ADD oca-ACC-ADD woman
We VV ummm, potatoes and oca. The women.
00:09:42.560 - 00:09:55.640

piru manam qali kaptinqa qaluwinchik yali. siympri kusechana:paqpis. Mmm, walmi.
Pero cuando no hay varones, nosotras volteamos siempre. Para cosechar también, Mmm, las mujeres.
piru mana-m qali ka-pti-n-qa qaluwi-nchik ya-li siympri kusecha-na-:-paq-pis. Mmm, walmi
but no-EVD man be-SUBDS-3-TOP turn.over-1PL ya-RI always harvest-NMLZ-1-PURP-ADD Mmm,
When there aren't any men, we always plow. So we can plant. too. Mmmm, the women.
00:09:42.560 - 00:09:55.660

Manam toda la vidaqa nanpis. Ayves. Paypis walmi hapanmi. No tiene esposo.
Toda la vida no hay, a veces. Ella también es mujer soltera. No tiene esposa.
mana-m na-n-pis ayves pay-pis walmi hapa-n-mi
no-EVD DMY-3-ADD sometimes 3-ADD woman alone-3-EVD
Not all your life, ummm .... sometimes. She's a woman alone. She doesn't have a husband.
00:09:55.640 - 00:10:07.190

kusechakunchik chaymi. kusecha ...

Cosechamos así. Cosecha ...
kusecha-ku-nchik chay-mi kusecha
harvest-REFL-1PL DEM.D harvest
We harvest like this. Harvest ...
00:09:55.640 - 00:10:07.190

00:10:07.970 - 00:10:12.360

Madre solteram kaya: ñuqallaqa

Soy madre soltera, yo.
madre.soltera-m ka-ya-: ñuqa-lla-qa
single.mother-EVD be-PROG-1 1-RSTR-TOP
I'm a single mother, me.
00:10:07.970 - 00:10:12.360

00:10:12.490 - 00:10:19.350

Ñuqallami ichaqa ka: viyudaña.

Si yo soy ya viuda.
ñuqa-lla-mi icha-qa ka-: viyuda-ña
1-RSTR-EVD if-TOP be-1 widow-DISC
If I'm a widow already.
00:10:12.490 - 00:10:19.350

00:10:23.750 - 00:10:32.680

Chay yali kanan puntrawpis trabahayamu: Mana qusa: kaptin, mana qali: kaptin. Trabahaya: i . . .
Por eso hoy día también estoy trabajando. Cuando no tengo esposo, cuando no tengo esposo.
Chay ya-li kanan puntraw-pis trabaha-yamu: mana qusa-: ka-pti-n mana qali-: ka-pti-n trabaha-ya-: i
DEM.D EMPH-RI now day-ADD work-PROG-CISL-1 no husband-1 be-SUBDS-3 no man-1 be-SUBDS-3
work-PROG-1 and
That's when, then, I'm working today -- I don't have a husband, I don't have a man. I'm working and ...
00:10:23.750 - 00:10:32.680

Regakuna:pis sinu manalaq yakukta qumanqachu.

Para regar sino no me van a dar agua.
rega-ku-na-:-pis sinu mana-laq yaku-kta qu-ma-nqa-chu
irrigate-REFL-NMLZ-1-ADD rather no-CONT water-ACC give-1.OBJ-3.FUT
To irrigate -- if not, they won't give me water.
00:10:33.630 - 00:10:36.850

Mana yakukta qumaptin imaynataq potrero:pis planta:pis kanqa

Cuando no me da agua, ¿cómo voy a tener alfalfa y plantas?
mana yaku-kta qu-ma-pti-n imayna-taq potrero-:-pis planta-:-pis ka-nqa
no water-ACC give-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3 how-SEQ VV -ADD plant-1-ADD be-3.FUT
If they don't give me water -- how will I have alfalfa and plants?
00:10:37.240 - 00:10:41.360

Kay komida talpusha mikuykunapis mana pwedinchu

Esta comida sembrada la comida también no puede
kay komida talpu-sha-ø miku-y-kuna-pis mana pwedi-n-chu
DEM.P food plant-PRF-3 eat-INF-PL-ADD no
This food that's planted, food too, can't ...
00:10:41.360 - 00:10:45.810

Chakikunqatrik mana yaku qumaptinqa ¿Imaynataq machakushaq?

Se va a secar, pues, si no me dan mi cuota. ¿Cómo voy a machucar?
chaki-ku-nqa-tri-k mana yaku qu-ma-pti-n-qa imayna-taq macha-ku-shaq
dry-REFL-3.FUT-EVC-K no water give-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3-TOP how-SEQ VV-REFL-1.FUT
If they don't give me water, they're going to dry out. How am I going to work?
00:10:45.840 - 00:10:52.520

00:10:45.840 - 00:10:52.520

Va secar cuando no me da agua, cuando no trabajo.

00:10:52.970 - 00:10:59.020

Mitamik truramanchik kwadirnuman sutinchikta imay puntraw machanakuna:paqpis

Él pone nuestros nombres en un cuaderno para la mita -- para que día podemos machacar.
mita-mi-k trura-manchik kwadirnu-man suti-nchik-ta imay puntraw macha-naku-na-:-paq-pis
water.cuota-EVD-K put-3>1PL notebook-ALL name-1PL-ACC when day labor-RECP-NMLZ-1-PURP
He puts us, our names, in a notebook -- When -- what day -- we can labor.
00:11:09.680 - 00:11:18.710

Se paga por emmm mullapaq paganchik dos solistam.

Se paga, emm, por mulla, se paga dos soles.
mulla-paq paga-nchik dos solis-ta-m
water.cuota-PURP pay-1PL two sols-ACC-EVD
You pay, ummm, for a cuota of water. We pay two sols.
00:11:23.650 - 00:11:31.320

Ñuqakunapaq pichqa mulla: huk, ishkay, kimsa, tawa, pichqa.

El nuestro es cinco mollas. Uno dos tres cuatro cinco.
ñuqa-kuna-paq pichqa mulla: huk ishkay kimsa tawa pichqa.
1-PL-GEN five water.cuota-1 one two three four five
Ours is five cuotas -- one, two, three, four, five.
00:11:32.840 - 00:11:40.950

Mmmm, pichqa mulla

mmm, cinco mollas.
Mmmm, pichqa mulla
Mmmm, five water.cuota
Mmmm, five cuotas.
00:11:40.980 - 00:11:44.100

Chaypaqa a ver aykaktataq mmm pagaya:

A ver, ¿cuántos estoy pagando allí?
chay-pa-qa a.ver ayka-kta-taq mmm paga-ya-:
DEM.D-LOC-TOP let's.see how.many-ACC-SEQ mmm pay-PROG-1
Let's see -- How many am I paying there?
00:11:44.080 - 00:11:51.840

Manama yatranchikchu.
No sabemos.
Mana-ma yatra-nchik-chu
no-EMPH know-1PL-NEG
We don't know.
00:12:09.100 - 00:12:16.200

Manam ñuqakunaqa kaytaq manehay yatra:chu.

Nosotros no sabemos manejar-RSTR.
mana-m ñuqa-kuna-qa kay-taq maneha-y yatra-:-chu
no-EVD 1-PL-TOP DEM.P-ACC drive-INF know-1-NEG
We don't know how to drive this.
00:12:09.100 - 00:12:16.200

Manam pasaypaq ñuqa chaytaq intindi:chu

Yo no entiendo eso nada.
mana-m pasaypaq ñuqa chay-taq intindi-:-chu
no-EVD completely 1 DEM.D-SEQ understand-1-NEG
Really, I don't understand that.
00:12:38.350 - 00:12:44.960

Televisyonni:tapis apagaya: hinallam

Apago mi televisión así no más.
televisyon-ni-:-ta-pis apaga-ya-: hina-lla-m
television-EUPH-1-ACC-ADD thus-RSTR-EVD
I'm just turning off my television like that.
00:12:45.510 - 00:12:49.230

Mmmm, manam prindiyta yatra:chu

No sé prenderlo.
Mmmm, mana-m prindi-y-ta yatra-:-chu
Mmmm, no-EVD turn.on-INF-ACC know-1-NEG
I don't know how to turn it on it.
00:12:49.240 - 00:12:52.760

Algunos, éste, pues, está con televisión no más.

00:12:52.800 - 00:12:58.680

00:12:52.800 - 00:12:58.680

Manam ñuqa tantu gustamanchu chay televisyunniki

A mí no me gusta tanto esa televisión tuya.
mana-m ñuqa tantu gusta-ma-n-chu chay televisyunni-ki
no-EVD 1 so.much please-1.OBJ-3-NEG DEM.D television-EUPH-2
I don't like your television that much.
00:12:59.330 - 00:13:03.220

NO sé. Antes no había-RSTRs pues.

00:13:04.050 - 00:13:09.530

Kustumbriqpaqmi chayqa.
Éso es para los que están acostumbrados.
kustumbri-q-paq-mi chay-qa
accustomed-AG-BEN-EVD DEM.D-TOP
It's for people who are accustomed to it.
00:13:09.830 - 00:13:13.010

Manam ñuqapaq kanchu televisyon. Kanan tiyempu wawi:kunaqa

Yo no tengo televisión. -RSTRs tiempos mis nietos.
mana-m ñuqa-paq ka-n-chu televisyon kanan tiyempu wawi-:-kuna-qa
no-EVD 1-GEN be-3-NEG television now time baby-1-PL-TOP
I don't have a television. These days, my children
00:13:15.340 - 00:13:25.370

Masha:pis qalipis walmipis, wawi:kunapaq

Mis yernos, también, los hijos e hijas de mis hijos.
masha-:-pis qali-pis walmi-pis wawi-:-kuna-paq man-ADD woman-ADD baby-1-PL-GEN
My son-in-law, too, my children's sons and daughters.
00:13:15.340 - 00:13:25.370

Televisyunta likakuyan. Pelota pukllaqkunaktam maychu diporti kashankunakta. Manam ñuqakunaqa

gustamanchu chayaq tantu.
Están mirando televisión. A los que juegan pelota, en donde hay deporte y todo. A mí no me gusta
televisyun-ta lika-ku-ya-n pelota puklla-q-kuna-kta-m may-chu diporti ka-sha-n-kuna-kta mana-m
ñuqa-kuna-qa gusta-ma-n-chu chay-aq tantu
television-ACC watch-REFL-PROG-3 ball play-AG-PL-ACC-EVD where-Q sport be-PRF-3-PL-ACC
no-EVD 1-PL-TOP please-1.OBJ-3-NEG DEM-TOP so.much
They're watching television. The people who play [foot] ball -- whereever there's sports. We don't like that
too much.
00:13:25.400 - 00:13:36.510

Arequipa ó por dónde?

00:13:59.320 - 00:14:02.270

Dice que ha ido en excursión. Yo estando en Lima he escuchado ése.

00:14:02.280 - 00:14:08.410

Maytamá chay munti munti montañakta? Maytam chay lila?

A dónde, al bosque, a la montaña, a dónde se fueron?
may-ta-ma chay munti munti montaña-kta may-ta-m chay li-la-ø
where-ACC-EMPH DEM.D brush brush mountain-ACC where-ACC-EVD DEM.D go-PST-3
Where? To the brush, the mountains? Where did they go?
00:14:13.610 - 00:14:18.500

piru imay hinam chay lluqsilushpaqa mana kuska lilachu.

Pero ¿cómo es que no se fueron juntos cuando salieron?
piru imay hina-m chay lluqsi-lu-shpa-qa mana kuska li-la-ø-chu
but when thus-EVD DEM.D go.out-URGT-SUBIS-TOP no together go-PST-3-NEG
But, how is it that they didn't leave like that together?
00:14:18.500 - 00:14:25.520

Imapaqtaq chay na walmilla kidalun . . . pashnalla mas klaro, aw?

¿Por qué la mujer no más se quedó? ¿ la chica no más? más claro, ¿no?
Imapaq-taq chay na walmi-lla kida-lu-n pashna-lla mas klaro aw
why-SEQ DEM.D DMY woman-RSTR remain-URGT-3 girl-RSTR more clear no
Why did just the woman stay? Just the girl, better said, no?
00:14:25.520 - 00:14:31.880

Pashnalla kidalun. Qaliqa likun maytataq? Imapaq?

La chica no másse quedó, el hombre se fue -- ¿a dónde? ¿Para qué?
pashna-lla kida-lu-n qali-qa li-ku-n may-ta-taq imapaq
girl-RSTR remain-URGT-3 man-TOP go-REFL-3 where-ACC-SEQ why
Just the girl stayed. The man went where? For what?
00:14:31.990 - 00:14:36.360

Manachu kuska linman? A ver. Imapaq kidalun?

No pudieron ir juntos? ¿Para qué se quedó?
mana-chu kuska li-n-man a.ver imapaq kida-lu-n
no-Q together go-3-COND let's.see why remain-URGT-3
Can't they go together? Let's see. Why did she stay?
00:14:36.440 - 00:14:40.530

Asta aviyonkunawanpis ashuykulam, aw?

Hasta con aviones se acercaron, ¿no?
asta aviyon-kuna-wan-pis ashu-yku-la-ø-m aw
until airplane-PL-INSTR near-EVCEP-PST-3-EVD aw?
They even got close with airplanes, no?
00:14:48.720 - 00:14:52.170

Ha ido caminando, pero con avioneta estuvo buscando, ¿sí ó no?

00:14:52.170 - 00:14:57.360

Manam mana talilachu maytrawpis. Solamente hakunta dijo. No creo.

No lo han encontrado en ningún lado. Solamente su saco, dijo. No creo.
mana-m mana tali-la-ø-chu may-traw-pis solamente haku-n-ta
no-EVD no-EVD find-PST-3-NEG where-LOC-ADD only jacket-3-ACC
They haven't found them anywhere. Just his jacket, they say. I don't believe it.
00:14:57.360 - 00:15:04.620

00:14:57.360 - 00:15:04.620

00:15:04.620 - 00:15:18.470

Aviyuneta ashuykuyan mana kanchu. Pero chay huk walmitaq talilushpaqa apalunñam naman ospitalman
Una avioneta se está acercando. No hay nada. Pero a esa otra mujer, cuando la encontraron, la llevaron ya al
aviyuneta ashu-yku-ya-n mana ka-n-chu pero chay huk walmi-taq tali-lu-shpa-qa apa-lu-n-ña-m na-man
airplane near-EXCEP-PROG-3 no be-3-NEG but DEM.D one woman-SEQ find-PST-SUBIS-TOP
bring-PST-3-DISC-EVD DMY-ALL hospital-ALL
The plane is coming close. There's nothing. But when they found the other woman they brought her to the
umm hospital already.
00:15:18.650 - 00:15:29.030

Pasaypaq mikuypaq alalaypaq chakishakta, aw?

Total, estaba con hambre, con frío, flaca, ¿no?
pasaypaq miku-y-paq alala-y-paq chaki-sha-kta, aw
completely eat-INF-ABL cool-INF-ABL dry-PRF-ACC no
Completely, hungry, cold, skinny, no?
00:15:29.030 - 00:15:33.620

Mmmm. hunyuchutr
Mmm, habrá sido en junio.
Mmmm. hunyu-chu-tr
Mmmm. June-Q-EVC
Mmmm, it would have been June.
00:15:39.350 - 00:15:48.860

00:15:39.350 - 00:15:48.860

Ima killapitr kalanchik chay

En qué mes estuvimos allí?
ima killa-pi-tr ka-la-nchik chay
what month-LOC-EVC be-PST-1PL DEM.D
In what month were we there?
00:15:39.350 - 00:15:48.860

00:15:49.020 - 00:15:53.420

Mayo ... abril, mayo, junio estaba.

Mayo ... abril, mayo, junio era.
May ... April, May, June, it was.
00:15:49.020 - 00:15:53.420

Kala: Cañetepi chaypim uyarila: ñuqapis

Estaba en Cañete. Yo también lo escuché allí.
ka-la-: Cañete-pi chay-pi-m uyari-la-: ñuqa-pis
be-PST-1 Cañete-LOC DEM.D-LOC-EVD hear-PST-1 1-ADD
I was in Cañete. I, too, heard it there.
00:15:53.770 - 00:15:57.930

Pero imapaqmi chayta apala? Imapaqmi pushanakula?

Pero ¿para qué la llevó? ¿Para qué se llevaron?
pero imapaq-mi chay-ta apa-la-ø imapaq-mi pusha-naku-la-ø
but why-EVD DEM.D-ACC bring-PST-3 why-EVD take-MUTBEN-PST-3
But, why did he bring her? Why did they take each other?
00:15:58.020 - 00:16:03.770

Y después de-RSTR, yo no sé también.

00:16:07.250 - 00:16:11.750

Pero manaya chay walmiwan qaliqa chay mas claro. Maqtawanchu pashña chinkakuqqa
Pero el hombre no [estaba] con la mujer. La chica se perdió con el hombre.
pero mana-ya chay walmi-wan qali-qa chay mas klaro maqta-wan-chu pashña chinka-ku-q-qa
but no-EMPH DEM.D woman-INSTR man-TOP DEM.D more clear girl
But not with that woman, the man, better said. The girl was lost with the young man.
00:16:22.770 - 00:16:32.090

Manaya nawanchu viyaqiktachu lila -- suwanakushpatr lila, lluqsila.

Pero no con ése no viajaron. Escapándose se habrán ido, saleron.
mana-ya na-wan-chu viyaqi-kta-chu li-la-ø suwa-naku-shpa-tr li-la-ø lluqsi-la-ø
no-EMPH DMY-INSTR-NEG trip-ACC-NEG go-PST-3 rob-RECP-SUBIS-EVC go-PST-3 go.out-PST-3
He didn't go on a trip with that ... They must have left eloping.
00:16:32.130 - 00:16:40.230

Ah, lluqsila paseyuman ... Mas mas ... yaykushpaqa manaña pwedilachu Pero imapaqmi chay walmiqa
Salieron a pasear. Más, más ... cuando entraron ya no podían. Pero ¿para qué se quedó esa mujer?
Ah, lluqsi-la-ø paseyu-man mas mas yayku-shpa-qa mana-ña pwedi-la-ø-chu pero imapaq-mi chay walmi-qa
Ah, go.out-PST-3 walk-ALL more more enter-SUBIS-TOP no-DISC but why DEM.D
woman-TOP remain-PST-3
They went out for a walk. More ... more ... when they came in, they couldn't. But why did that woman stay?
00:16:40.370 - 00:16:48.460

Y hombre no más se fue

00:16:48.550 - 00:16:51.880

A montaña entró. Nada. No encontraba, pues. ¿Cómo estarías, ya?

00:16:52.640 - 00:16:57.850

Manam chaytaqa yatralañachu mastaqa. Kayman hamulushpaqa manaña

De eso ya no sé más. Cuando yo vine para acá ya no.
mana-m chay-ta-qa yatra-la-ø-ña-chu mas-ta-qa kay-man hamu-lu-shpa-qa mana-ña
I didn't learn any more about it when I came here. Tomorrow,
00:16:58.550 - 00:17:04.280

00:16:58.550 - 00:17:04.280

Uray Cañetepim chaytaq uyarila:

Abajo en Cañete escuché-RSTR.
uray Cañete-pi-m chay-taq uyari-la-:
down.hill Cañete-LOC-EVD DEM.D-SEQ hear-PST-1
I heard that down in Cañete.
00:17:04.450 - 00:17:07.530
00:17:19.710 - 00:17:24.860

Ispiritu maliñukuna [inaudible]. . .

ispiritu maliñu-kuna
spirit evil-PL
00:17:19.710 - 00:17:24.950

Manam. Manam.
mana-m mana-m
no-EVD no-EVD
00:17:19.710 - 00:17:24.950

Manam ñuqaqa huyaku:chu simintiryu.

Yo no tengo miedo en el cementerio.
mana-m ñuqa-qa huya-ku-:-chu simintiryu
no-EVD 1-TOP VV-REFL-1-NEG cemetery
Cemeteries don't scare me.
00:17:24.860 - 00:17:28.410

Pantityun punkunkunaktapis puliku:mi.

Camino por la puerta del cementerio también.
pantityun punku-n-kuna-kta-pis puli-ku-:-mi
cemetery door-3-PL-ACC-ADD walk-REFL-1-EVD
I'll walk through the cemetery door.
00:17:28.410 - 00:17:31.700

Esposo:ta mama:kuna tayta:kunakta qayakushpa manam

Llamo a mi esposo, a mi mamá, a mi papá no
Esposo-:-ta mama-:-kuna tayta-:-kuna-kta qaya-ku-shpa mana-m
husband-1-ACC mother-1-PL father-1-PL-ACC call-REFL-SUBIS no-EVD
I call on my husband, together with my mother and my father, [I'm] not
00:17:31.720 - 00:17:36.260

manam na:chu ... manam huyaku:chu.

no, este, no tengo miedo.
mana-m na-:-chu mana-m huya-ku-:-chu
no-EVD DMY-1-NEG no-EVD scare-REFL-1-NEG
not, ummm, I'm not afraid.
00:17:36.260 - 00:17:40.440

Manam imapis manchachimanchu

Nada me hace asustar.
mana-m ima-pis mancha-chi-ma-n-chu
no-EVD what-ADD be.frightened-CAUS-1.OBJ-3-NEG
Nothing scares me.
00:17:40.450 - 00:17:48.350

unay imas pasamashanchik

Antes lo que nos ha pasado.
unay ima-s pasa-ma-sha-nchik
before what-ADD pass-1.OBJ-PRF-1PL
Before -- anything that happened to us.
00:17:40.450 - 00:17:48.350

kichwa limanaykipaq kichwa grabanayki apanaykipaq llaqtaykiman

kichwa lima-na-yki-paq kichwa graba-na-yki apa-na-yki-paq llaqta-yki-man
Quechua talk-NMLZ--PURP Quechua record-NMLZ-2 bring-NMLZ-2-PURP town-2-ALL
00:17:48.710 - 00:17:53.890

00:17:53.970 - 00:17:57.360

00:17:57.440 - 00:18:03.810

kichwallaktam limakuya: kaytrawlaq manam kastillanukta lima:chu

Estoy hablando quechua no más. Aquí no se habla castellano.
kichwa-lla-kta-m lima-ku-ya-: kay-traw-laq mana-m kastillanu-kta lima-:-chu
Quechua-RSTR-ACC-EVD talk-REFL-PROG-1 DEM.P-LOC-CONT no-EVD Spanish-ACC talk-1-NEG
I'm just talking Quechua. Here, still, we don't speak Spanish.
00:17:57.440 - 00:18:03.810

Daniel Trigo. El grandazo. Hatun Daniel Trigo.

Daniel Trigo. Hatun Daniel Trigo.
Daniel Trigo. big Daniel Trigo.
00:18:04.050 - 00:18:11.620

00:18:12.850 - 00:18:14.430

Hatun hatunmi.
Es muy grande.
hatun hatun-mi
big big-EVD
He's really big.
00:18:12.850 - 00:18:14.430

Wira wiraw
wira wira-w
fat fat-W
00:18:16.470 - 00:18:17.810

Karruwantri kapas trayamunña

Quizás habrá venido ya con carro.
karru-wan-tri kapas traya-mu-n-ña
car-INSTR-EVC perhaps arrive-CISL-3-DISC
Maybe she came on the bus.
00:18:26.780 - 00:18:28.580

Mutuwanshi hamula
Vino con su moto, dice.
mutu-wan-shi hamu-la-ø
motorcycle-INSTR-EVR come-PST-3
She came with her motorcycle, she says.
00:18:29.150 - 00:18:33.810

Ah, mutuwan nin. Mayta chay mutuyki kayan?

Ah, con moto, dijo. ¿Dónde está tu moto?
Ah, mutu-wan ni-n may-ta chay mutu-yki ka-ya-n
Ah, motorcycle-INSTR say-3 where-ACC DEM.D motorcycle-2 be-PROG-3
Ah, with a motorcycle, she said. Where is your motorcycle?
00:18:29.150 - 00:18:33.810

Ah, postachawshi chay mutu.

Ah, posta-traw-shi chay mutu.
Ah, DEM.D motorcycle
00:18:36.520 - 00:18:39.120

Ah, chayyuqtriki chayaq.

Ah, chay-yuq-tri-ki chay-aq
00:18:39.230 - 00:18:41.970

Ah, manañachu Maria enfermera. Tatianañatr kayan, aw?

Ah, María ya no es la enfermera. Será Tatiana ya, ¿no?
Ah, mana-ña-chu Maria enfermera Tatiana-ña-tr ka-ya-n aw
Ah, no-DISC-Q Maria nurse Tatiana-DISC-EVC be-PROG-3 no
Ah, María isn't the nurse any more. It would be Tatiana, no?
00:18:49.640 - 00:18:55.580

Tatiana la negra. La samba.

00:18:56.800 - 00:19:00.650

Manalaq lishaq pakuchu hishashpalla algun . . .ah, fwirti kashpallamá linchik postaman.
No voy a ir, pues. Estando enferma algún ... Cuando es grave se va a la posta.
mana-laq li-shaq pa-ku-:-chu hishashpa-lla algun ah fwirti ka-shpa-lla-má li-nchik posta-man
no-CONT go-1.FUT VV-REFL-1-NEG some .ah, strong be-SUBIS go-1PL
I'm still not going to go when I'm sick in bed. Some ... ah, when it's strong, then, we'll go to the health clinic.
00:19:13.160 - 00:19:24.250

Ah, fwirti kashpa

Ah, fwirti ka-shpa
Ah, strong be-SUBIS
00:19:13.160 - 00:19:24.250

manam hishashpaqa manam li:chu

Si no estoy enferma en la cama, no voy.
mana-m hishashpa-qa mana-m li-:-chu
no-EVD no-EVD go-1-NEG
If I'm not really sick, I don't go.
00:19:24.690 - 00:19:27.890

Cuando no estoy enferma, no voy.

00:19:24.690 - 00:19:27.890

Ayves pasan. kontraku ... narushpatrki. Mas gravim kaptinqa nami nishpa pasan purtinta nishpa
a veces cuando da la contra, seguro. Cuando es más grave, pasan por la puerta.
ayves pasa-n kontra-ku ... na-ru-shpa-tri-ki. mas gravi-m ka-pti-n-qa na-mi ni-shpa pasa-n purti-n-ta ni-shpa
sometimes pass-3 oppose-REFL ... DMY-URGT-SUBIS-EVC-KI more serious-EVD be-SUBDS-3-TOP
DMY-EVD say-SUBIS pass-3 door-3-ACC say-SUBIS
Sometimes it goes against .... when it did that, for sure. When it's more serious, ummm, they say, they go
though [the clinic] doors, they
00:19:34.940 - 00:19:42.570

hishalla: ñuqa kanpis paypis wakhina hishan ñuqapapis trakim nanayan qunqurni:
Ya estoy en cama. él también así está en cama. Mi pie está doliendo mi rodilla, también.
hisha-lla-m ñuqa ka-n-pis pay-pis wak-hina hisha-n ñuqa-pa-pis traki-m nana-ya-n qunqur-ni-:
bed-RSTR-1 1 be-3-ADD 3-ADD DEM.D-COMP bed-3 1-GEN-ADD foot-EVD hurt-PROG-3 knee-EUPH-1
I've just got my bed, too. She, too, like that, [has] her bed. My foot, my knee, hurts, too.
00:19:44.920 - 00:19:51.300

Imam chaypaq allin kayanman? Qunqurllam nanan ñuqapapis.

¿Qué cosa puede ser bueno para la rodilla? Mi rodilla también me duele.
ima-m chay-paq allin ka-ya-n-man qunqur-lla-m nana-n ñuqa-pa-pis
what-EVD DEM.D-BEN good be-PROG-3-COND knee-RSTR-EVD hurt-3 1-GEN-ADD
What's good for the knees? My knee. too, hurts.
00:19:51.330 - 00:19:55.720

Manachu rimidyukta apakamulanki?

¿No has traído algún remedio?
mana-chu rimidyu-kta apa-ka-mu-la-nki
no-Q medicine-ACC bring-REFL-CISL-PST-2
You didn't bring any medicine?
00:19:56.410 - 00:19:58.710

Or any pills?
00:19:59.310 - 00:20:01.100

00:20:01.160 - 00:20:05.030

00:20:05.110 - 00:20:08.150

Madrisitash hamushpaqa apamun pastillakta

Las madrecitas llevan pastillas cuando vienen.
madrisita-sh hamu-shpa-qa apa-mu-n pastilla-kta
nun.DIM-EVR come-SUBIS-TOP bring-CISL-3 pill-ACC
When the nuns come, they say, they bring pills.
00:20:08.260 - 00:20:12.690

Las madrecitas traen pastillas cuando vienen.

When the nuns come, they bring pills.
00:20:08.300 - 00:20:13.480

ampullakta naman inyektamananchikpaq
Ampolla para que nos inyecte.
ampulla-kta na-man inyekta-ma-na-nchik-paq
injection-ACC DMY-ALL inject-1.OBJ-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
siringe to give us injections.
00:20:13.300 - 00:20:19.150

00:20:13.700 - 00:20:19.230

00:20:19.720 - 00:20:24.770

Sí. Nos hace sanar. Chay Don Miguel ishpaynintapis hitrakatamun riki TK
Sí, nos hace sanar. Los orines dde Don Miguel ramaron.
chay Don Miguel ishpay-ni-n hitraka-kta-m li-ki
DEM.D Don Miguel urinate-INF-EUPH-3 RI-KI
Yes, they make us get well. Don Miguel's urine spilled, then.
00:20:20.910 - 00:20:27.960

Vienen para cuando hay fiestas. Hacer misa.

00:20:35.960 - 00:20:44.150

Viene cuando hay fiestas para ... Misa lulaq shamun

Vienen cuando hay fiestas para ... Vienen para hacer misa.
misa lula-q shamu-n
mass make-AG come-3
They come when there are festivals to ... they come to hold mass.
00:20:35.960 - 00:20:44.150

Manam unay mishñachu kananqa lunakuna

La misa ahora ya no es como antes. La gente
mana-m unay mish-ña-chu kanan-qa luna-kuna
no-EVD before mass-DISC-NEG now-TOP person-PL
There wasn't mass before. Now the peple.
00:20:56.120 - 00:21:01.250

Simana Santapipis. ¿Ud es de otra religión o es católica?

aunque en Semana Santa. ¿Ud es de otra religión o es católica?
simana santa-pi-pis.
week holy-LOC-ADD
during Holy Week, too. Are you another religion or are you Catholic?
00:21:01.250 - 00:21:08.320

¿Judia? Eh, sí? Qam limanki entonces.

¿Judía? Eh, ¿sí? Tú estás hablando, entonces.
qam lima-nki entonces
2 talk-2 then
Jewish? Eh, yes? You're talking, then.
00:21:09.890 - 00:21:14.290

¿Por qué no? Nosotros católica

00:21:23.940 - 00:21:28.690

En fiesta bailamos, tomamos. ... tushukunchik fiystapi navidad kandilaryaninchik

En las fiestas bailamos, tomamos. Bailamos en las fiestas -- navidad ynuestra candelaria.
tushu-ku-nchik fiysta-pi navidad kandilarya-ni-nchik
dance-REFL-1PL party-LOC Christmas Candelaria-EUPH-1PL
We dance and drink at the festivals. We dance at the festivals -- Christmas and our Candelaria.
00:21:29.180 - 00:21:39.080

Ah, tushukunchikmi.
Ah, bailamos.
Ah, tushu-ku-nchik-mi
Ah, dance-REFL-1PL-EVD
Ah, we dance.
00:21:29.180 - 00:21:39.080

Navidadninchik trayamuptinqa tushukunchik

Cuando llega nuestra navidad, bailamos.
navidad-ni-nchik traya-mu-pti-n-qa tushu-ku-nchik
Christmas-EUPH-1PL arrive-CISL-SUBDS-TOP dance-REFL-1PL
When our Christmas comes, we dance.
00:21:39.090 - 00:21:41.930

Tushunchik i imaqintam kriyinchik ñuqakunaqa.

Nosotros bailamos y creemos en las imágenes.
tushu-nchik i imaqin-ta-m kriyi-nchik ñuqa-kuna-qa
dance-1PL and saint-ACC-EVD believe-1PL 1-PL-TOP
We dance and believe in the saints.
00:21:42.880 - 00:21:48.580

Pero chay ivanqiliyokuna sabadistakunaqa mana kriyinchu.

Pero esos evangelios y sabatistas no creen.
pero chay ivanqiliyo-kuna sabadista-kuna-qa mana kriyi-n-chu
but DEM.D Evangelical-PL Adventist-PL-TOP no believe-3-NEG
But those Evangelists and Adventists don't believe.
00:21:48.690 - 00:21:57.350

Chaykunaqa asirkamunchu fiystamanqa

Ésos no se acercan para las fiestas.
chay-kuna-qa asirka-mu-n-chu fiysta-man-qa
DEM.D-PL-TOP near-CISL-3-NEG festival-ALL-TOP
They don't come near the festivals.
00:21:57.460 - 00:22:01.570

Ah, katulikullam chaypaqa tushukunchik

Ah, los católicos no más bailamos en-RSTR.
Ah, katuliku-lla-m chay-pa-qa tushu-ku-nchik
Ah, Catholic-RSTR-EVD DEM.D-LOC-TOP dance-REFL-1PL
Ah, just the Catholics dance there.
00:22:01.770 - 00:22:05.250

00:22:01.770 - 00:22:05.250

Acá son ivanqiliqu ishllam manam achkachu

Acá hay pocos evangélicos. No hay muchos.
ivanqiliqu ishlla-m mana-m achka-chu
Evangelical few-EVD no-EVD a.lot-NEG
Here, there are few Evangelicals. There aren't a lot.
00:22:05.960 - 00:22:10.660

¿Qué religión es usted?

¿Qué religión es usted?
What religion are you?
00:22:32.070 - 00:22:35.890

Judías. ¿Qué será-RSTR?

Judías. ¿Qué será-RSTR?
"Jewishes" What would that be?
00:22:36.330 - 00:22:41.100

00:22:36.330 - 00:22:41.100

00:22:36.330 - 00:22:41.100

Judía, dice.
Judía, dice.
Jewish, she says.
00:22:42.010 - 00:22:45.790

00:22:42.010 - 00:22:45.790

Julá. Judía.
Julá. Judía.
"Jewla". Jewish.
00:22:42.010 - 00:22:45.790

Ni deseamos marido ajeno.

00:23:06.320 - 00:23:09.180

Manam chaytaq munanchu. Manam ñuqakunapis kustumbra:chu chaytaqa.

No quieren-RSTR. Nosotros tampoco no estamos acostumbrados a-RSTR.
mana-m chay-taq muna-n-chu mana-m ñuqa-kuna-pis kustumbra-:-chu chay-ta-qa
no-EVD DEM.D-SEQ want-3-NEG no-EVD 1-PL-ADD accustom-1-NEG DEM.D-ACC-TOP
They don't want that. We don't get used to it, either.
00:23:09.330 - 00:23:14.640

Hay algunos.
00:23:14.810 - 00:23:17.660

Algunos, pues, hay.

00:23:18.960 - 00:23:21.310

Icha paylaqchutr tukuy tarde kalun

Tal vez ella estaba toda la tarde.
Icha pay-laq-chu tukuy tardi ka-lu-n
or 3-CONT-Q all afternoon be-URGT-3
Maybe she was there all afternoon
00:23:26.480 - 00:23:29.860

Dinupa karruwanshi shamulanki?

¿Viniste en el carro de Dino?
Dinu-pa karru-wan-shi shamu-la-nki
Dinu-GEN car-INSTR-EVR come-PST-2
Did you come in Dino's car?
00:23:30.150 - 00:23:33.230

00:23:33.260 - 00:23:35.170

Manam. Mutuwanshi shamula.

No, con moto vino.
mana-m mutu-wan-shi shamu-la-ø
no-EVD motorcycle-INSTR-EVR come-PST-3
No, she came with a motorcycle, she said.
00:23:33.260 - 00:23:35.170

00:23:36.800 - 00:23:40.760

Imay urataq trayamulanki?

¿Qué hora has llegado?
imay ura-taq traya-mu-la-nki
when hour-SEQ arrive-CISL-PST-2
What time did you arrive?
00:23:36.800 - 00:23:40.760

Maytataq lila?
¿A dónde ha ido?
may-ta-taq li-la-ø
where-ACC-SEQ go-PST-3
Where did she go?
00:23:51.360 - 00:23:54.150

nami. Unaymi chayna pulila chay terruku.

Éso. Antes así andaba los terrucos.
na-mi unay-mi chay-na puli-la-ø chay terruku
DMY-EVD before-EVD DEM.D-VRBZ walk-PST-3 DEM.D Shining.Path.member
Ummm. The Shining Path wandered about like that before.
00:23:58.240 - 00:24:05.150

katanwan qipikusha pero no es este clase manta

Cargando con sus mantas, pero no es esa clase de manta.
kata-n-wan qipi-ku-sha-ø
manra-3-INSTR carry-REFL-PRF-3
Carrying things with their mantas. But not that kind of manta.
00:24:05.370 - 00:24:09.510

Otro de pullo. Así. Así es. Terruco. Ah, con manta cargaba.
Otro de pullo. Así. Así es. Los terrucos. Ah, con manta cargaba.
Another kind of manta. Like that. It's like that. The terrorists. Ah, they carried their things with mantas.
00:24:09.680 - 00:24:19.230

Mujer, hombre.
Mujeres y hombres.
Women, men.
00:24:09.680 - 00:24:19.230

Mujer, hombre.
Mujeres y hombres.
Women, men.
00:24:19.330 - 00:24:23.400

Ma, allallikta. trayamuspha manchachikuq kala.

Bien bien. Cuando llegaban hacían asustar.
ma all-alli-kta traya-mu-spha mancha-chi-ku-q ka-la-ø
EMPH good-good-ACC arrive-CISL-SUBIS fright-CAUS-REFL-AG be-PST-3
Well, very good. When she came, she scared them.
00:24:19.330 - 00:24:23.400

Tukun, pues. Ése nos . . .

tuku-n .
00:24:28.890 - 00:24:35.710

Ah, ése, tukun.

Ah tuku-n
Ah, simulate-3
00:24:28.890 - 00:24:35.710

Awtoridadkunakta ashuyishpa wañuchiyta munala

Acercándose a las autoridades, los querían matar.
awtoridad-kuna-kta ashuyi-shpa wañu-chi-yta muna-la-ø
official-PL-ACC near-SUBIS die-CAUS-ACC want-PST-3
They approached the officials; they wanted to kill them.
00:24:35.720 - 00:24:40.590

Ah, kaypi. Awtoridadkunaqa pakakuq huk law likuq

Las autoridades se escondían, se fueron a otros sitios.
Ah, kay-pi Awtoridad-kuna-qa paka-ku-q huk law li-ku-q
Ah, DEM.D-LOC official-REFL-TOP hide-REFL-AG one-side go-REFL-AG
Ah, here. The officials hid, they went other places.
00:24:40.590 - 00:24:45.930

familyallan ñuqakuna suya:

Nosotros sus parientes no más los esperabamos.
familya-lla-n ñuqa-kuna suya-:
family-RSTR-3 1-PL wait-1
Just their families -- we waited.
00:24:46.330 - 00:24:49.390

Hinashpa tapuman, "Maytam qusayki lin? Maytam wawiki lin?" nin.

Después me preguntaron, "¿Dónde se fue tu esposo? ¿Dónde se fue tu hijo?" dijo.
hinashpa tapu-ma-n may-ta-m qusa-yki li-n may-ta-m wawi-ki li-n ni-n
then ask-1.OBJ-3 where-ACC-EVD husband-2 go-3 where-ACC-EVD baby-2 go-3 say-3
Then they asked me, "Where did your husband go? Where did your son go?" they said.
00:24:49.690 - 00:24:56.010

"Manam kaypichu. Limachawmi. huk lawpim," ni:. Ishkayninmi kala. Walmi qali kala.
"No está acá. En Lima. En otro lado", dije. Eran ambos -- hombre y mujer era.
mana-m kay-pi-chu Lima-traw-mi huk law-pi-m ni-: Ishkay-ni-n-mi ka-la-ø walmi qali ka-la-ø
no-EVD DEM.P-LOC-NEG Lima-LOC-EVD one-side-LOC-EVD say-1 two-EUPH-3-EVD be-PST-3 woman
man be-PST-3
"he's not here. He's in Lima. Somewhere else," I said. It was both -- it was a woman and a man.
00:24:56.250 - 00:25:04.160

Manam munaqkunakta pushakuyan

Estaban llevando a los que no querían.
mana-m muna-q-kuna-kta pusha-ku-ya-n
no-EVD want-AG-PL-ACC take-REFL-PROG-3
They were taking people who didn't want [to go].
00:25:04.720 - 00:25:07.440

Para parque, para plaza llevaba.

00:25:14.830 - 00:25:22.680

Ah, kasapaq yali pushakuyan

Ah, los estaban llevando de sus casas, pues.
Ah, kasa-paq ya-li pusha-ku-ya-n
Ah, house-ABL EMPH-RI take-REFL-PROG-3
Ah, from their houses, then, they were taking them.
00:25:14.830 - 00:25:22.680

Parkiman pushashpam, "Vamos ñuqawan!" niq.

Los llevaban al parque diciendo, "Vamos conmigo".
parki-man pusha-shpa-m vamos ñuqa-wan ni-q
plaza-ALL take-SUBIS-EVD let's.go 1-ACC say-AG
"Come with us!" they would say, taking them to the plaza.
00:25:22.770 - 00:25:26.590

00:25:22.770 - 00:25:26.590

Vámos, compañero.
00:25:27.190 - 00:25:33.320

Ah, companera ya nos decía.

00:25:27.190 - 00:25:33.320

El consejo, también.
The town hall, too.
00:25:33.310 - 00:25:35.770

Los estaban quemando.
They're burning them.
00:25:33.350 - 00:25:38.880

Konsequktapis toniyta munala wak kanan kay telefono manachu publiku limayan chayta
Querían derrumbar el consejo también -- donde ahora está el teléfono público, ¿no? estaban diciendo-RSTR.
konsequ-kta-pis toni-y-ta muna-la-ø wak kanan kay telefono mana-chu publiku lima-ya-n chay-ta
town.hall-ACC-ADD VV-INF-ACC want-PST- DEM.D now DEM.P telephone no-Q public talk-PROG-3
They wanted to blow up the town hall. There [where] the public telephone is now, no? They were saying
00:25:38.910 - 00:25:46.000

00:25:38.910 - 00:25:46.000

00:25:38.910 - 00:25:46.000

00:25:46.030 - 00:25:51.020

kimayta munakuyan
Querían quemarlos.
kima-y-ta muna-ku-ya-n
burn-INF-ACC want-REFL-PROG-3
They wanted to burn them.
00:25:46.030 - 00:25:51.020

ichaluptin manachu wakman kayman

Cuando los echaron, no ves, para allá, para acá.
icha-lu-pti-n mana-chu wak-man kay-man
When they threw them all over the place, no?
00:25:46.030 - 00:25:51.020

Ése era gente malo.

00:25:51.820 - 00:25:54.250

00:25:55.580 - 00:25:58.200

Chay malo gente trayalamun kayman

Esas personas malas llegaron acá.
chay malo gente traya-la-mu-n kay-man
DEM.D bad people arrive-PST-CISL-3 DEM.P-ALL
Those bad people came here.
00:25:55.580 - 00:25:58.200

00:25:58.200 - 00:26:06.990

Chay limpu limpu chunyakulanchik ayves. Wak Linchakunapis. Chay qinti malu Lincha. Tana.
Por eso era todo silencio acá a veces. En Lincha también. Esa gente es mala. Lincha. Tana.
chay limpu limpu chunya-ku-la-nchik ayves wak Lincha-kuna-pis chay qinti malu Lincha Tana
DEM.D all all silence-REFL-PST-1PL sometimes DEM.D Lincha-PL-ADD DEM.D people bad Lincha. Tana.
But we were completely silent here sometimes. There in Lincha, too. Those bad people. Lincha. Tana.
00:25:58.200 - 00:26:06.990

Sí. Después poco a poco perdió. Chaypaq poco a poco.

Sí, después poco a poco se perdieron. De allí poco a poco.
Yes. Then little by little they lost. From there, little by little.
00:26:13.320 - 00:26:18.680

00:26:18.680 - 00:26:26.320

Chaykunaktash kanan Ollanta. Ollanta umala kanan chaykunakta wañuchishaq niyan

A todos-RSTRs dice ahora Ollanta. Ollanta, Umala, "A-RSTRs," está diciendo, "voy a matar."
chay-kuna-kta-sh kanan Ollanta Ollanta Umala kanan chay-kuna-kta wañu-chi-shaq ni-ya-n
DEM.D-PL-ACC now Ollanta. Ollanta umala now DEM.D-PL-ACC die-CAUS-1.FUT say-PROG-3
All those, they say, now, Ollanta. Ollanta Umala. "Now I'll kill those," he's saying.
00:26:18.680 - 00:26:26.320

Chinkanqam niyan a ver pues

Va a perder está diciendo. A ver, pues.
chinka-nqa-m ni-ya-n
lose-3.FUT-EVD say-PROG-3
They're going to lose, they're saying. We'll see, then.
00:26:26.380 - 00:26:28.890

No creo. Manam ñuqa piyensapti: manam

No creo. Cuando yo no pienso. No ...
mana-m ñuqa piyensa-pti-: mana-m
no-EVD 1 think-SUBDS-1 no-EVD
I don't believe it. Not when I think ... not ...
00:26:29.070 - 00:26:33.870

Terrukum piyur Umalakta wañulachinqa verás no más

Los terrucos son peores. Van a matar a Umala. Verás, no más.
terruku-m piyur Umala-kta wañu-la-chi-nqa
Shining.Path-EVD worse Umala-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-3.FUT
The Shining Path is worse. They're going to kill Umala. You'll see.
00:26:34.140 - 00:26:37.400

Ése no dice. Hasta tiene domicilio en subterraneo.

No dicen-RSTR. Hasta tienen domicilios subterraneos.
They don't say that. They even have bunkers under ground.
00:26:38.240 - 00:26:44.980

Nosotros así que estamos así no tenemos.

Nosotros así que estamos así no tenemos
We who are here like that, we don't have
00:26:45.360 - 00:26:48.820

en subterraneo nuestro domicilio. No tenemos no tenemos armamiento para matarle a nuestro prójimo. No,
pues. Pero
en subterraneo nuestro domicilio. No tenemos no tenemos armamiento para matarle a nuestro prójimo. No,
pues. Pero
our houses underground. We don't have ... we don't have weapons to kill our neighbors. No, then. But
00:26:48.940 - 00:26:59.380

Paykunapaq subtirranyuñash kayan. Wasin. Granadakunaktapis. Armamintukunaktapis. Lantikuyan

Pero las suyas son subterraneas. Sus casas. Granadas y armamentos, también. Están comprando más.
pay-kuna-paq subtirranyu-ña-sh ka-ya-n wasi-n granada-kuna-kta-pis armamintu-kuna-kta-pis lanti-ku-ya-n
3-PL-GEN subterranean-DISC-EVR be-PROG-3 house-3 grenade-PL-ACC-ADD weapons-PL.ACC-ADD
buy-REFL-PROG-3 more-ACC
But theirs are under ground, they say. Their houses. Grenades, too. Weapons, too. They're buying more.
00:26:59.650 - 00:27:09.820

00:26:59.650 - 00:27:09.820

Chaytrik Umalakta rispitan. Wañulachinqa verás no más.

Por eso, pues, respetarán a Umala. Lo van a matar. Verás, no más.
chay-tri-k Umala-kta rispita-n Wañu-la-chi-nqa
DEM.D-EVC-K Umala-ACC respect-3 die-URGT-CAUS-3.FUT
That would be why they respect Umala. They're going to kill him. [Just wait,] you'll see.
00:27:10.070 - 00:27:13.880

Imaynatr chaykaman kala.

imayna-tr chay-kaman ka-la-ø
how-EVC DEM.D-LIM be-PST-3
00:27:31.020 - 00:27:34.500

Se fueron más claro para Yauyos. No sé. ¿Dónde estarían andando, pues?
Se fueron hacia Yauyos, más claro. No sé. ¿Dónde estarían andando, pues?
It's more like they went to Yauyos. I don't know. Where would they be wandering around, then?
00:27:38.800 - 00:27:45.980

They left.
00:27:46.030 - 00:27:50.140

. . . pueblo . . . a sus casa pues ellos salía.

. . . pueblo . . . a sus casa pues ellos salían.
... town ... they left for their houses, then.
00:27:46.030 - 00:27:50.140

Wakintaqa matalulam. Chay sinchiskuna. Limpu wakintaqa

Ha matado a algunos. Esos sinchis. A todos algunos.
wakin-taq mata-lu-la-ø-m chay sinchis-kuna limpu wakin-ta-qa
other-SEQ kill-URGT-PST-3-EVD DEM.D Commandos-PL all other-ACC-TOP
He's killed some. Those commandos. All the others.
00:27:52.250 - 00:27:58.230

Ése lo que ... chay Paulina nishanta

Ése lo que ... esa que se llamaba Paulina.
chay Paulina ni-sha-n-ta
DEM.D Paulina say-PEF-3-ACC
That's what ... they one called Paulina.
00:27:59.880 - 00:28:04.220

00:28:04.670 - 00:28:11.390

Huktaqa terrukukunaktaqa sinchiñataq matalula

Los sinchis ya mataron a otros terrucos.
huk-ta-qa terruku-kuna-ta-qa sinchi-ña-taq mata-lu-la-ø
one-ACC-TOP Shining.Path-PL-ACC-TOP commando-DISC-SEQ kill-URGT-PST-3
The Commandos already killed other Shining Path soldiers.
00:28:04.670 - 00:28:11.390

"Mátalo!" nishashiki.
"¡Mátalo!" dijo, dicen.
"Kill him!" she's said, they say.
00:28:04.670 - 00:28:11.390

Mata a esos sinchis que venía.

Mata a esos Sinchis que venían.
kill those commandos who came.
00:28:11.580 - 00:28:14.560

Yo conocía.
Yo la conocía.
I knew her.
00:28:14.620 - 00:28:20.170

Kabesilla chay Paulinash kala

La jefa, dice, era esa Paulina.
kabesilla chay Paulina-sh ka-la-ø
chief DEM.D Paulina-EVR be-PST-3
Paulina, they say, was the chief.
00:28:14.620 - 00:28:20.170

00:28:14.620 - 00:28:20.170
Qusa: teniyenti alkaldi kaptin.
Cuando mi esposo era teniente alcalde.
qusa-: teniyenti alkaldi ka-pti-n
husband-1 lieutenant mayor be-SUBDS-3
When my husband was lieutenant mayor,
00:28:20.530 - 00:28:24.510

00:28:20.530 - 00:28:24.510

Ashukuyan. Hinaptin, "Compañera, maypim qusayki?" niman.

Estába escapándose. Después me dijo, "Compañera, dónde está tu esposo?"
ashu-ku-ya-n Hinaptin Compañera may-pi-m qusa-yki ni-ma-n
retreat-REFL-PROG-3 then Compañera where-LOC-EVD husband-2 say-1.OBJ-3
he was escaping, then, "Compañera, where is you husband?" they said to me.
00:28:24.610 - 00:28:31.430

No sé. ¿Dónde iría? Qamkuna ashiptikim chinkakun ni:

"No sé. ¿Dónde iría? Cuando ustedes. escaparon se perdió", dije.
qam-kuna ashi-pti-ki-m chinka-ku-n ni-:
2-PL escape-SUBDS-2-EVD lose-REFL-3 say-1
"I don't know. Where would he go? When you escaped, he got lost," I said.
00:28:31.470 - 00:28:38.180

"Kutimuchun. Wañuchina:paq."
"¡Que vuelva! Para que lo podemos matar."
kuti-mu-chu-n wañu-chi-na-:-paq
"Have him come back ... so we can kill him."
00:28:38.500 - 00:28:42.860

I peyor. Yapash
i peyor yapa-sh
and worse again-EVR
00:28:43.990 - 00:28:46.810

00:28:48.990 - 00:28:55.660

Hasta ahora. Ayves yo sueño. Así como antes llegaba así llega.
00:28:48.990 - 00:28:55.660

Y yo me escondo
00:28:55.740 - 00:28:58.010

. . . suyñulu: suyñulu:mi. Chay wambla:kuna, "Alex, Alex, llegó terruco!"

Me sueño y me sueño. Los chicos dicen, "Alex, Alex, llegaron los terrucos!"
suyñulu: suyñulu:mi. Chay wambla:kuna Alex, Alex,
dream-1 dream-1-EVD DEM.D child-1-PL Alex, Alex,
I dream and dream. The children [say]: "Alex! Alex! The Shining Path is coming! "
00:28:55.760 - 00:29:03.600

Nishpa wambla TK waqlaw

dijo el chico aquel lado.
Ni-shpa wambla waq-law
say-SUBDS child DEM.D-side
said the boy VV another place.
00:29:03.620 - 00:29:06.320

Sueño. claro, claro.

Sueño. claro, claro.
I dream, of course. Of course.
00:29:06.320 - 00:29:14.890

Da miedo. ¿Qué cosa? Con su armamiento nos está apuntando. ¿Cómo no nos va a dar miedo?
Da miedo. ¿Qué cosa? Nos apuntaban con su armamientos. ¿Cómo no nos va a dar miedo?
It's scary. What? Pointing at us with their weapons. How are we not going to be afraid?
00:29:06.320 - 00:29:14.890

Total, capuchado está él.

Total, estaban capuchados.
Really, they were wearing ski masks.
00:29:16.420 - 00:29:21.000

Manachu llaqtaykipaq trayakamun

No llegaron a tu pueblo?
mana-chu llaqta-yki-paq traya-ka-mu-n
no-Q town-2-LOC arrive-REFL-CISL-3
They didn't get to your town?
00:29:16.420 - 00:29:21.000

Que kayan kanan Imaykiktaqa

ka-ya-n kanan ima-yki-kta-qa
be-PROG-3 now what-2-ACC-TOP
00:29:25.870 - 00:29:33.340

Imaytaq llaqtaykipaq lluqsimulanki

¿Cuándo has salido de tu pueblo?
imay-taq llaqta-yki-paq lluqsi-mu-la-nki
when-SEQ town-2-ABL go.out-CISL-PST-2
When did you leave your town?
00:29:25.870 - 00:29:33.340

Imaypaq pachañataq puliyanki? Kay Kanadapaq lluqsimushpa

Desde hace cuando ya estás andando? [Cuando] saliste del Canadá?
imay-paq pacha-ña-taq puli-ya-nki kay Kanada-paq lluqsi-mu-shpa
when-ABL date-DISC-ABL walk-PROG-2 DEM.P Canada-ABL go.out-CISL-SUBIS
Since when, since what date, have you been wandering around? [When] did you leave Canada?
00:29:25.870 - 00:29:33.340

00:29:45.750 - 00:29:50.960

kwidadu! Chay chaypitaq qalqali mikulushunkiman

¡Cuidado! Un karkaria te puede comer por allí.
kwidadu chay chay-pi-taq qalqali miku-lu-shunki-man
careful DEM.D DEM.D-LOC-SEQ demon eat-URGT-3>2-COND
Be careful! A demon could eat you there.
00:29:45.750 - 00:29:50.960

00:29:51.710 - 00:29:55.070

De Viñac, dice, pues.
From Viñac, she says, then.
00:29:55.140 - 00:30:00.550

Ahora, kanan maypaq shamuyanki?

Ahora, ¿de dónde estás viniendo?
kanan may-paq shamu-ya-nki
now where-ABL come-PROG-2
Now, where are you coming from?
00:29:55.140 - 00:30:00.550

Chay Viñaq lliwtanmi.

Ese Viñac a todos.
chay Viñac lliw ta-n-mi
DEM.D Viñac all-ACC-3-EVD
That Viñac all of them
00:30:00.830 - 00:30:07.410

Viñaqpaq? Chay Viñaqchawmi allalli terrukupis . Chaykunatr kala.

De Viñac. Por allí Viñac hay muchos terrucos. eso seguro habrá sido.
Viñaq-paq chay Viñaq-traw-mi all-alli terruku-pis chay-kuna-tr ka-la-ø
Viñaq-ABL DEM.D Viñaq-LOC-EVD good-good Shining.Path-ADD DEM.D-PL-EVC be-PST-3
From Viñac. There in Viñac there are a lot of Shining Path soldiers. There would have been, for sure.
00:30:00.830 - 00:30:07.410

Buwenus hentichu kasha

¿Eran buenas personas?
Buwenus qinti-chu ka-sha-ø
good.PL peple-Q be-PRF-3
Were they good people?
00:30:08.970 - 00:30:12.910

Alli TK runachu?
¿Son buenas personas?
Alli runa-chu
good person-Q
Are they good people?
00:30:12.950 - 00:30:19.870

Manam nuqaqa Viñaqta riqsi:chu. Qam riqsinkichu, min?

Yo no conozco Viñac. Tú conoces, Min?
mana-m ñuqa-qa Viñaq-ta riqsi-:-chu qam riqsi-nki-chu min
no-EVD 1-TOP Viñaq-ACC be.acquainted-1-NEG 2 be.acquainted-2-Q Min
I don't know Viñac. Do you know it, Min?
00:30:12.950 - 00:30:19.870

Ñuqaqa manam riqsi:chu.
Yo no conozco.
ñuqa-qa mana-m riqsi-:-chu
1-TOP no-EVD be.acquainted-1-NEG
I don't know it.
00:30:19.900 - 00:30:21.490

Apuríktam ichaq riqsí:.

Sí conozco Apurí.
Apurí-kta-m ichaq riqsí-:
Apurí-ACC-EVD if be.acquainted-1
I do know Apurí.
00:30:23.470 - 00:30:26.160

Apurí también pasa en carro. Witrayman Viñacpa.

Pasas Apurí también en carro. Arriba de Viñac.
Apurí witray-man Viñac-pa
Apurí up.hill-ALL Viñac-LOC
You go by Apurí, too, in the bus. Up hill from Viñac.
00:30:27.800 - 00:30:31.530

Apurípaq witraymanshi Viñacman pasan.

Va de Apurí hacia arriba hacia Viñac, dice.
Apurí-paq witray-man-shi Viñac-man pasa-n
Apurí-ABL up.hill-ALL-EVR Viñac-ALL pass-3
It goes from Apurí up hill, she says, to Viñac.
00:30:34.120 - 00:30:37.380

Apuríkta riqsí:m. Chay chimpam Huangáscartapis

Conozco Apurí. Es frente a Huangáscar también.
Apurí-kta riqsí-:-m chay chimpa-m Huangáscar-ta-pis
Apurí-ACC be.acquainted-1-EVD DEM.D front-EVD Huangáscar-ACC-ADD
I know Apurí. There in front of Huangáscar, too.
00:30:37.380 - 00:30:41.680

Chocostapis riqsi:m.
También conozco Chocos.
Chocos-ta-pis riqsi-:-m
Chocos-ACC-ADD be.acquainted-1-EVD
I also know Chocos.
00:30:42.100 - 00:30:44.180

Aquí frente de Hongos. Allá aparece.

Aquí frente de Hongos. Allá aparece.
Here, in front of Hongos. You can see it there.
00:30:51.360 - 00:30:54.900

¿Por Llangas vienes? ¿Por Llangas? ¿Dónde vienes?

¿Por Llangas vienes? ¿Por Llangas? ¿Dónde vienes?
Do you come via Llangas? Via Llangas? Where do you come?
00:31:11.150 - 00:31:15.970

¿De Viñac por dónde viniste?

¿De Viñac por dónde viniste?
How did you come from Viñac?
00:31:17.600 - 00:31:19.410

Imayna trankilu pulin hapallan.

¿Cómo caminas tranquilo sola?
imayna trankilu puli-n hapa-lla-n
how calm walk-3 alone-RSTR-3
How does she walk about calmly all alone?
00:31:32.920 - 00:31:37.310

Wata mas nishpa.

Más de un año, dice.
wata mas ni-shpa
year more say-SUBIS
More than a year, she says.
00:31:38.700 - 00:31:44.030

Ishkay watañam llaqta:paq lluqsimusha ninchu

Dos años ya es que salí de mi pueblo dijo?
ishkay wata-ña-m llaqta-:-paq lluqsi-mu-sha-ø ni-n-chu
two year-DISC-EVD town-1-ABL go.out-CISL-PRF-3 say-3-Q
She said it's been two years since she left her town?
00:31:38.700 - 00:31:44.030

Un año ya.
00:31:44.940 - 00:31:46.510

Kanan imaytaq kutinki? Ah, ¿Cuándo vuelves a tu país?

Ahora, ¿Cuándo vas a regresar?
kanan imay-taq kuti-nki
now when-SEQ return-2
Now, when are you going back? When do you go back to your country?
00:31:50.510 - 00:31:56.930

Maypish wasinta lulayan

En dónde está haciendo su casa, dice?
May-pi-sh wasi-n-ta lula-ya-n
where-LOC-EVR house-3-ACC make-PROG-3
Where did she say she's making her house?
00:32:03.940 - 00:32:08.530

Viñac kay lawnimpish Esmeralda sutin.

De Viñac más para acá. Dice que se llama Esmeralda.
Viñac kay law-ni-n-pi-sh Esmeralda suti-n
Viñac DEM.P-side-EUPH-3-LOC-EVR Esmeralda name-3
Viñac more to this side. It's called Esmeralda.
00:32:03.940 - 00:32:08.530

00:32:08.550 - 00:32:12.270

Ah, Apurípa trawpimpish chaypish luwanqa

En el centro de Apurí, dice, lo va a hacer
Ah, Apurí-pa trawpi-n-pi-sh chay-pi-sh luwa-nqa
Ah, Apurí-GEN center-3-LOC-EVR DEM.D-LOC-EVR make-3.FUT
In the middle of Apurí, she says, she's going to make
00:32:08.550 - 00:32:12.270

Ah, chaychutr kapas imawanpis tinkulunqatr kapas

Ah, por-RSTR. Tal vez con qué se va a encontrar? Tal vez
Ah, chay-chu-tr kapas ima-wan-pis tinku-lu-nqa-tr kapas
Ah, DEM.D-Q-EVC perhaps what-INSTR-ADD find-URGT-3.FUT perhaps
Ay, that would be why. Maybe, what is she going to meet up with, maybe?
00:32:12.380 - 00:32:16.730

su casa.
her house.
00:32:12.380 - 00:32:16.730

00:32:16.730 - 00:32:20.840

maridukunaktapis talilun
Va a encontrar a su marido y todo.
maridu-kuna-kta-pis tali-lu-n
husband-PL-ACC-ADD find-URGT-3
She's going to find a husband and everything.
00:32:16.730 - 00:32:20.840

"Yo tengo," niyan ya.

"Yo tengo", está diciendo, pues.
ni-ya-n ya
"I've got one," she's saying, then.
00:32:20.940 - 00:32:22.910

Maytaq chayqa? Apuríchu Viñacchu?

¿De dónde es ése? ¿De Apurí ó de Viñac?
may-taq chay-qa Apurí-chu Viñac-chu
where-SEQ DEM.D-TOP Apurí-Q Viñac-Q
Where is he from? Apurí or Viñac?
00:32:23.170 - 00:32:27.190

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:01 PM

Mamay, chaypaq hukñataq kan.
mama-y chay-paq huk-ña-taq ka-n
mother-1 DEM.D-ABL one-DISC-SEQ be-3
Mamita, después otro ya hay.
Dear, then there's another one.
00:05:22.220 - 00:05:26.680

Venawñataqshi nin kayna.

venaw-ña-taq-shi ni-n kay-na
El [cuento del] vanado, se contaba así.
The [story of the] deer, went like this.
00:05:27.330 - 00:05:29.820

Chayllata willashaq.
chay-lla-ta willa-shaq
Les voy a contar ése no más.
I'm going to tell just this one.
00:05:30.170 - 00:05:32.950

Chay vinawñataq nin kaynash payshi,

chay venaw-ña-taq ni-n kay-na-sh pay-shi
El [cuento del] vanado, dijo [mi tía] es así. Él
The [story of] the deer, [my aunt] said, is like this. He
00:05:33.090 - 00:05:36.940

"Qam paywan wawqi ñañapura kanki."

qam pay-wan wawqi ñaña-pura ka-nki
2 3-INSTR brother sister-INTACT be-2
Tú y él son hermanos de madre y padre
You and she are going to be true brother and sister.
00:05:37.290 - 00:05:40.970

Payshi rikachun kara; qamñapaqshi mana imaykipis kanchu.

pay-shi rikachun ka-ra-ø qam-ña-paq-shi mana ima-yki-pis ka-n-chu
3-EVR rich be-PST-3 2-DISC-BEN-EVR no what-2-ADD be-3-NEG
Él [tu hermano mayor] era bien rico; mientras que tú no tenías nada.
e was very rich; you, in contrast, didn't have anything.
00:05:41.310 - 00:05:45.650

Qampaq wawasapa kayanki; paypis wawasapash churisapash.

qam-paq wawa-sapa ka-ya-nki pay-pis wawa-sapa-sh churi-sapa-sh
Tú tenías muchos hijos. Él también, tenía muchos hijos, muchos hijos varones.
You had lots of children. He, too, had lots of children, lots of boys.
00:05:45.820 - 00:05:49.540

Chay kayan paypis ganawniyuq payqa kayan vakayuq ubihayuq.

chay ka-ya-n pay-pis ganaw-ni-yuq pay-qa ka-ya-n vaka-yuq ubiha-yuq
DEM.D be-PROG-3 3-ADD cattle-EUPH-POSS 3-TOP be-PROG-3 cow-POSS sheep-POSS
Él tenía mucho ganado. Tenía vacas y ovejas. Todo.
He had lots of cattle. He had cows and sheep. Everything.
00:05:49.700 - 00:05:53.560

Lliw -- qamñataq mana

lliw qam-ña-taq mana
all 2-DISC-SEQ no
Todo -- de usted ya nada.
Everything. You don't.
00:05:54.530 - 00:05:58.120

imayuqpis kankichu. Chay wambraykita katrarunki mayornikikama, wawqikikamaqa.

ima-yuq-pis ka-nki-chu chay wambra-yki-ta katra-ru-nki mayor-ni-ki-kama wawqi-ki-kama-qa
what-POSS-ADD be-2-NEG DEM.D child-2-ACC send-URGT-2 older-EUPH-2-LIM brother-2-RSTR-TOP
Tú no tenías nada. Mandaste a tu hijo donde tu hermano mayor.
You don't have anything. You sent your children over to your older brother, your brother
00:05:58.510 - 00:06:03.460

"Lichita mañakaramuy tiyuykipis sweruta," nin.

lichi-ta maña-ka-ra-mu-y tiyu-yki-pis sweru-ta ni-n
milk-ACC request-REFL-URGT-CISL-IMP uncle-2-ADD whey-ACC say-3
'¡Ánda! ¡Pídete leche y suero de tu tio!' dij[iste].
"Go ask your uncle for milk, for whey," [you] said.
00:06:03.600 - 00:06:06.950

Ritamun LL wambrakunaqa wakhina maqtilluyhina tamañukunaqa ritamun tiyun kaqta.

rita-mu-n wambra-kuna-qa wak-hina maqti-llu.y tamañu-kuna-qa rita-mu-n tiyu-n ka-q-ta
leave-CISL-3 child-PL-TOP DEM.D-COMP size-PL-TOP leave-CISL-3 uncle-3
Se fueron los hijos -- tamaño de mi hijito -- se fueron donde su tío.
The childre, like that -- the size of this little fellow of mine -- went to their uncle's place.
00:06:07.320 - 00:06:11.810

"Tío déme suero, leche," nin

'Tío, ¡déme suero, leche!' dijo.
"Uncle, give me whey and milk," they said.
00:06:12.410 - 00:06:15.330

Chay niptinñash, nikurun,

chay ni-pti-n-ña-sh ni-ku-ru-n
Así cuando le pidió [a su tío, éste]
When they said that, [their ancle] said,
00:06:15.510 - 00:06:17.640

"Hooooo. No hay suero."

'Hooooo. No hay suero'.
"There's no whey."
00:06:17.770 - 00:06:19.770

"Kay sweruypis allquypaqpis. Faltan," nikurunshi subrinuntaqqa

kay sweru-pis allqu-y-paq-pis. Falta-n ni-ku-ru-n-shi subrinu-n-ta-qa
DEM.D whey-ADD dog-1-BEN-ADD lack-3 say-REFL-URGT-3-EVR nephew-3-ACC-TOP
"Este suero mío también es para mi perro. Falta", dijo ese tío a su sobrino.
"This whey of mine, too, is for my dog. There isn't enough," he said, they say, to his nephew.
00:06:19.870 - 00:06:24.330

tiyunqa. Chaypaqshi kutirun maman kaqta, papanin kaqta.

Tiyu-n-qa Chay-paq-shi kuti-ru-n mama-n ka-q-ta papa-ni-n ka-q-ta
uncle-3-TOP DEM.D-ABL-EVR return-URGT-3 mother-3 be-AG-ACC father-EUPH-3 be-AG-ACC
su tío. De allí, dice, regresó donde su mamá, donde su papá.
HIs uncle. He returned from there to his mother's place, to his father's place.
00:06:24.340 - 00:06:29.250

"Papa, mama," nin wambrankunaqa.

Papa mama ni-n wambra-n-kuna-qa
father mother say-3 child-3-PL-TOP
'Papá, mamá', dijeron los chicos.
"Daddy, mommy," said their children,
00:06:29.360 - 00:06:31.540

Amor de swerukunapa kesillukunapash kayan wambraqa

amor de sweru-kuna-pa kesillu-kuna-pa-ch ka-ya-n wambra-qa
love of whey-INCL-GEN curds-PL-GEN-EVR be-PROG-3 child-TOP
Los chicos estaban con antojo de suero y de queso, dicen
The children were hungry for whey and curds, they say.
00:06:32.130 - 00:06:35.700

mana vakan kaptinqa. Chayshi nin,

Mana vaka-n ka-pti-n-qa Chay-shi ni-n
no cow-3 be-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D-EVR say-3
por que no tenían vaca. En eso dice dijo,
Because they didn't have a cow. So, they say, he said,
00:06:35.750 - 00:06:40.250

Chaynam niruwan tiyay. Mama nin, papa nin,

Chay-na-m ni-ru-wa-n tiya-y-kuna Mama ni-n papa ni-n
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD say-URGT-1.OBJ-3 aunt-1-PL mother say-3 father say-3
Así me contó mi tía. "Mamá" dijo, "Papá" dijo,
My aunt told it to me like that. "Mommy!" he said. "Daddy!" he said.
00:06:40.270 - 00:06:44.390

"Aya," nin. "No te quiso dar," nin mamanqa, papa ninpis .

Aya ni-n mama-n-qa Papa ni-n-pis
Aya say-3 mother-3-TOP father say-3-ADD
"Aya. No te quiso dar" dijeron su mamá y su papá.
"Aya," she said, "He didn't want to give it to you," his mother said. The father said, too,
00:06:44.500 - 00:06:49.210

"Aya, entonces, hijo, yo me voy a ir. Kay urquta witrayta witrayta rishaq," nin.
Kay urqu-ta witray-ta witray-ta ri-shaq ni-n
DEM.P hill-ACC up.hill-ACC up.hill-ACC go-1.FUT say-3
"Aya, entonces, hijo, yo me voy a ir. A esta montaña para arriba, para arriba voy a ir", dij[iste].
"Aya, then, son, I'm going to go up this mountain. I'm going to go way up the mountain," [you] said.
00:06:49.340 - 00:06:54.280

Ripukun payqa urquta

ripu-ku-n pay-qa urqu-ta
go-REFL-3 3-TOP hill-ACC
Se fue al cerro
He left for the hill
00:06:54.580 - 00:06:57.150

maskakuq vikuñachata wakchakuq

Maska-ku-q vikuña-cha-ta wakcha-ku-q
look.for-REFL-AG vicuña-DIM-ACC domesticate-REFL-AG
a buscar una vicuñita para domesticar
to look for a little vicuña to domesticate.
00:06:57.430 - 00:07:00.960

wambrantam mikuchikunanpaq kashñita.

Wambra-n-ta-m miku-chi-ku-na-n-paq kashñi-ta
child-3-ACC-EVD eat-CAUS-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP meat-ACC
para poder alimentar a sus hijos con carne.
to feed his children meat.
00:07:01.090 - 00:07:03.830

Chayñataqmi nin ...

Chay-ña-taq-mi ni-n
En-RSTR, dicen
So, they say
00:07:03.890 - 00:07:07.960

mmmm ... chayñataq nin ...

mmmmm chay-ña-taq ni-n
mmmmm DEM.D-DISC-SEQ say-3
mmmmm . . . se fue ...
Mmmmm, so, the say
00:07:08.050 - 00:07:11.880

Chayqa qamqa ritamunki urquta.

Chay-qa qam-qa rita-mu-nki urqu-ta
DEM.D-TOP 2-TOP go-CISL-2 hill-ACC
Ése ... usted ... te fuiste a ese cerro.
He, you left for the hill.
00:07:16.480 - 00:07:19.640

Maskakuq wak vikuñachatam wakchakuq ritamunki.

Maska-ku-q Wak vikuña-cha-ta-m wakcha-ku-q rita-mu-nki
look.for-REFL-AG DEM.D vicuña-DIM-ACC-EVD domesticate-REFL-AG go-CISL-2
Te fuiste a buscar a ese vicuñita para domesticar.
You left to look for that little vicuña to domesticate.
00:07:19.690 - 00:07:25.420

Chaypaq Dyosninchikkuna tinkurunki qamqa.

Chay-paq Dyos-ni-nchik-kuna tinku-ru-nki qam-qa
[Allí, en la cima de la montaña], tú hallaste a nuestro Dios.
[There, on the mountain] you found our God.
00:07:25.420 - 00:07:28.520

Tinkurunki Dyosninchikwan chay nin,

Tinku-ru-nki Dyos-ni-nchik-wan chay ni-n
find-URGT-2 God-EUPH-1PL-INSTR DEM.D say-3
Te encontraste con nuestro Dios y él dijo
You met our God who said,
00:07:28.580 - 00:07:31.970

Dyosninchikqa, "Imatam ashinki, iha?" nin Dyosninchikqa.

Dyos-ni-nchik-qa ima-ta-m ashi-nki iha ni-n Dyos-ni-nchik-qa
God-EUPH-1PL-TOP what-ACC-EVD do-2 daughter say-3 God-EUPH-1PL-TOP
Nuestro Dios,"¿Qué buscas, hija?" preguntó nuestro Dios.
Our God: "What are you looking for, daughter?" said our God.
00:07:32.120 - 00:07:36.730

Chaymi nin, "Maskakuyani wakchatam wakchakunaypaqmi."

Chay-mi ni-n maska-ku-ya-ni wakcha-ta-m wakcha-ku-na-y-paq-mi
DEM.D- EVD say-3 look.for-REFL-PROG-1 sheep-ACC-EVD domesticate-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP
respondiste, "Estoy buscando un cordero para domesticar".
So he [you] said, "I'm looking for a sheep to domesticate."
00:07:36.810 - 00:07:42.240

"Wambray[paq]mi. Lichipaq karnipaq kisupaq wambray waqan," nin qamqa.

wambra-ni-y lichi-paq karni-paq kisu-paq wambra-y waqa-n ni-n qam-qa
child-1-EVD milk-PURP meat-PURP cheese-PURP child-1 cry-3 say-1 2-TOP
"Para mis hijos. Mi hijos lloran por leche, por carne, por queso", dijiste.
"For milk, for meat for my children. My children cry for cheese," he said. You
00:07:42.330 - 00:07:46.650

Willakun ... willaykurunki Dyosninchikmanqa lliwta.

willa-ku-n willa-yku-ru-nki Dyos-ni-nchik-man-qa lliw-ta
tell-REFL-3 tell-EXCEP-URGT-2 God-EUPH-1PL-ALL-TOP all-ACC
Avisa ... todo avisaste a nuestro Dios, todo.
tol ... told everything to our God.
00:07:46.700 - 00:07:50.080

Wambra willasu . . . willasuptiki

wambra willa-su willa-su-pti-ki
child tell-2.OBJ tell-3>2SUBDS-3>2
Cuando los chicos te avisaron
When the children told you
00:07:50.140 - 00:07:52.780

imayna kutirimusanta
Imayna kuti-ri-mu-sa-n-ta
how return-INCEP-CISL-PRF-3-ACC
como habían vuelto
how, on their return.
00:07:52.850 - 00:07:55.760

"Ahhh," chaypaq nin.

ahhh, chay-paq ni-n
ahhh, DEM.D-ABL say-3
"Ahh", él dijo después.
"Ahhh," he said then.
00:07:55.860 - 00:07:59.120
Chaypaq niptinñataq nin Dyosninchik, "Iha," nin,
chay-paq ni-pti-n-ña-taq ni-n Dyos-ni-nchik iha nin
DEM.D-ABL say-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ_EVR say-3 God-EUPH-1PL daughter say-3
Cuando dijo-RSTR, nuestro Dios dijo, "Hija", dijo,
Then when he said that, our God said, "Daughter," he said,
00:08:00.130 - 00:08:04.200

"Pasaypaqtriki rirap ... mmmm Qam pasaypaqtriki riranki Dyosninchikta tariq."

pasaypaq-tri-ki ri-ra-pu-mu qam pasaypaq-tri-ki ri-ra-nki Dyos-ni-nchik-ta tari-q
completely-EVC-KI go-URGT-BEN-CISL- 2 completely-EVC-KI go-PST-2 God-EUPH-1PL-ACC find-AG
[Porque es seguro que] tú fuiste a buscar a nuestro Dios.
"Totally, you must have mmm go ... You totally must have gone to find our God."
00:08:04.280 - 00:08:10.040

Dyosninchikqa nin, "Iha," ni kaytam.

Dyos-ni-nchik-qa ni-n Iha ni-n kay-ta-m
God-EUPH-1PL-TOP say-3 daughter say-3 DEM.P-ACC-EVD
Nuestro Dios dijo, "Hija", dijo a ella.
Our God said, "Daughter," he said to her.
00:08:10.110 - 00:08:14.100

"Apanki pukatrakita, wamanripata,"

apa-nki pukatraki-ta wamanripa-ta
bring-2 pukatraki-ACC wamanripa-ACC
"Hija, lléva plantas de pukatraki y wamanripa".
"Daughter, take pukatraki and wamanripa plants,
00:08:14.150 - 00:08:20.160

allin wayta se dice clavel, ah, clavel waytachata.

allin wayta wayta-cha-ta
good flower flower-DIM-ACC
[Lléva] allin wayta [lléva] flor de clavel",
[Take] allin wayta, [take] carnations,"
00:08:20.270 - 00:08:25.160

Quyu ... quykushunki Dyosninchik qamman.

quyu .quy-ku-shunki Dyos-ni-nchik qam-man
give give-REFL-3>2 God-EUPH-1PL 2-ALL
[dijo] nuestro Dios y te dio [esas plantas].
[said] our God and gave [those plants] to you.
00:08:25.220 - 00:08:27.890

Qamman quykushunki chaypa chaykuna. Kuntintu kutiramunki istansyaykimanqa.

qam-man quy-ku-shunki chay-pa chay-kuna kuntintu kuti-ra-mu-nki istansya-yki-man-qa
2-ALL give-REFL-3>2 DEM.D-LOC DEM.D-PL content return-URGT-CISL-2 ranch-2-ALL-TOP
Á tí te las dio allí [en la montaña] y contento regresaste a tu estancia.
To you he gave all those there. You returned happy to your ranch.
00:08:28.020 - 00:08:33.860

Warmikiman trayakurunki qamqa.

warmi-ki-man traya-ku-ru-nki qam-qa
woman-2-ALL arrive-REFL-URGT2 2-TOP
Llegaste [a tu casa] a tu esposa
You arrived [at your house] to your wife
00:08:33.910 - 00:08:36.490

Kaytam: "Quykuruwan Dyosninchik," nishpa.

kay-ta-m quy-ku-ru-wan Dyos-ni-nchik ni-shpa
Le [mostraste las plantas y le] dijiste, "Ésto me dio nuestro Dios".
You [showed her the plants and] said to her, "Our God gave me this."
00:08:37.190 - 00:08:39.940

Chaypaq koralniykiqa kayna ya kayan -- koralniyki wasiyki.

chay-paq koral-ni-yki-qa kay-na ya ka-ya-n koral-ni-yki wasi-yki
DEM.D-ABL corral-EUPH-3-TOP DEM.P-VRBZ EMPH be-PROG-3 corral-EUPH-2 house-2
Después tu corral así está -- así está tu corral, tu casa.
Then, your corral was like this -- your corral, your house
00:08:40.030 - 00:08:43.830

"Kay huk ishkay kimsa tawa iskinanman,"

kay huk ishkay kimsa tawa iskina-n-man
DEM.P one two corner-ALL four corner-ALL
[Nuestro Dios te había dicho,] "En uno, dos, tres, cuatro esquinas –
[Our God had said to you,] "In one, two, three, four corners –
00:08:43.970 - 00:08:47.800

"trayakushpaqa plantakuy .. pampakuykunki," nishunki Dyoninchikqa.

traya-ku-shpa-qa planta-ku-nki pampa-ku-yku-nki ni-shunki Dyos-ni-nchik-qa
arrive-REFL-SUBIS-TOP plant-REFL-2 bury-REFL-EXCEP-2 say-3>2 God-EUPH-1PL-TOP
Llegando vas a plantar [estas flores], vas a enterrar [estas plantas]" te dijo nuestro Dios.
When you arrive, you're going to plant [these flowers], you're going to bury [these plants]," our God said to
00:08:47.910 - 00:08:52.380

"Ese flor usted tendría también," dice, "llegando para tu mujer."

'Ese flor usted tendría también', dice, 'llegando para tu mujer'.
You should have this flower, too, he said, for your wife when you arrive.
00:08:56.770 - 00:09:00.560

Cuatro esquina enterraste. Tarde llegando. ¿Entendiste?

Cuatro esquina enterraste. Tarde llegando. ¿Entendiste?
You buried in the four corners. When you got there in the afternoon. Did you understand?
00:09:00.620 - 00:09:05.680

"Pampakuykurunki chayman."
pampa-ku-yku-ru-nki chay-man
'Vas a enterrar para allí'.
Your're going to bury them there
00:09:06.050 - 00:09:09.660

"Tawa iskinanman. Chaypaqa kamaykim ushtukuykunki."

tawa iskina-n-man chay-pa-qa kama-yki-m ushtu-ku-yku-nki
four corner-3-ALL DEM.D-LOC_TOP bed-2-EVD enter-REFL-EXCEP-2
en las cuatro esquinas [de tu corral]. Después te vas a acostar en tu cama.
in the four corners [of your corral]. Then you're going to get into your bed.
00:09:09.770 - 00:09:13.340

"A las doce de la noche llikchariptikiqa, ubiha, vaka ayakuyashpa kuralnikipi."

llikchari-pti-ki-qa ubiha vaka aya-ku-ya-shpa kural-ni-ki-pi
wake.up-SUBDS-2-TOP sheep cow shout-REFL-PROG-SUBIS corral-EUPH-2-LOC
A las doce de la noche, cuando despiertes, ovejas y vacas estarán bramando y valando en tu corral".
At twelve at night, when you wake up, your sheep and your cows [will be] baaing and mooing in your corral.
00:09:13.610 - 00:09:19.020

Dyosninchik bendisyonninta quykushunki. Chaypaq nin wak inviDyoso wawqaykiqa nin,

Dyos-ni-nchik bendisyon-ni-n-ta quyku-shunki chay-paq ni-n wak inviDyoso wawqa-yki-qa ni-n
God-EUPH-1PL blessing-EUPH-3-ACC give-REFL-3>2 DEM.D-ABL say-3 DEM.D jealous sibling-2-TOP
Nuestro Dios te dio su bendición. Después ése envidioso hermano tuyo [vió los animales y] dijo,
Our God gave you his blessing. Then that jealous brother of yours [saw the animals and] said,
00:09:20.730 - 00:09:27.760

"Maypaqtaqmi suwamuranki?" nishpa. Tuta tuta trayarun kamanpi puñukuyaqtaraq tarirun.

may-paq-taq-mi suwa-mu-ra-nki ni-shpa tuta tuta traya-ru-n kama-n-pi puñu-ku-ya-q-ta-raq tari-ru-n
where-ABL-SEQ-EVD rob-CISL-PST-2 say-SUBIS night night arrive-URGT-3 bed-3-LOC
"¿De dónde los has robado?" Tú encontraste [a tu hermano rico] todavía durmiendo en su cama en la noche.
"Where did you rob these from,· he said. He arrived late at night and found him still asleep in his bed.
00:09:27.870 - 00:09:34.950

Payqa hatarirushañam rikaq.

pay-qa hatari-ru-sha-ña-m rika-q
Él ya había levantado a ver.
He had already gotten up to see
00:09:35.090 - 00:09:38.060

Hatarirushañam rikaq
hatari-ru-sha-ña-m rika-q
Había levantado a ver
He had already gotten up to see
00:09:38.170 - 00:09:41.310

animalninta -- vakan wawachayuq ubihan wawachayuq.

animal-ni-n-ta vaka-n wawa-cha-yuq ubiha-n wawa-cha-yuq
animal-EUPH-ACC cow-3 child-DIM-POSS sheep-3 child-DIM-POSS
sus animales -- sus vacas con crías, sus ovejas con crías.
his livestock -- his cows with offspring, his sheep with offspring
00:09:41.470 - 00:09:45.100

Llamanpis ayakuyan, kural hunta ayakuyan -- ubiha, vaka wawayuq.

llama-n-pis aya-ku-ya-n kural hunta aya-ku-ya-n ubiha vaka wawa-yuq
llama-3-ADD shout-REFL-PROG-3 corral full shout-REFL-PROG-3 sheep-TOP cow baby-POSS
sus llamas, también, gritando -- el corral lleno estaba gritando – ovejas, vacas [y llamas, todos] con sus crías.
his llamas, too, making their noises, his corral full [with animals] making their noises -- sheep and cows qith
00:09:45.230 - 00:09:52.680

Manisirun. Chaytash nin wak ... kay inviDyoso wawqinqa, "Suwakamuranki tuta," nishpa,
manisi-ru-n chay-ta-sh ni-n wak kay inviDyoso wawqi-n-qa suwa-ka-mu-ra-nki tuta ni-shpa
dawn-URGT-3 DEM.D-ACC-EVR say-3 DEM.D DEM.P jealous sibling-3-TOP rob-REFL-CISL-PST-2 night
Amaneció. Ése tu hermano envidioso dijo, "¡Robaste éstos de noche!"
He wok up. With that, he -- that ... the jealous brother -- "You stole these at night," he said.
00:09:52.810 - 00:10:00.280

nikurun chaynanpi. Chayshi nin, "Ñuqataqa mana suwakumunichu suwa niwanaykipaqqa

ni-ku-ru-n chay-na-n-pi chay-shi ni-n ñuqa-ta-qa mana suwa-ku-mu-ni-chu suwa ni-wa-na-yki-paq-qa
thief say-1.OBJ-NMLZ-2-PURP-TOP
Contestaste, "Yo no he robado para que digas
he said, alike that in that. Then, they say, he said to me, "I didn't steal. [I'm not] a thief so that you can say to
00:10:01.200 - 00:10:08.180

imatataq rikarawanki," nin.

ima-ta-taq rika-ra-wanki ni-n
what-ACC-SEQ see-PST-2>1 say-3
que me has visto."
that you saw me," he said.
00:10:08.320 - 00:10:10.960

"Wambray lechepaq, kisupaq waqaptin ñuqa rikurani urquta."

wambra-y leche-paq kisu-paq waqa-pti-n ñuqa ri-ku-ra-ni urqu-ta
child-1 milk-ABL cheese-ABL cry-SUBDS-3 1 go-REFLPRF1 hill-ACC
"Cuando mis hijos lloraron por leche y por queso, me fui [arriba] a la montaña.
"When my children cried for milk and for cheese, I went to the hill,"
00:10:11.200 - 00:10:15.750

"Dyosninchikwan ñuqa tinkurqani," nin.

Dyos-ni-nchik-wan ñuqa tinku-rqa-ni ni-n
God-EUPH-1PL-INSTR 1 meet-PST.1 say-3
[Allí] yo me encontré con nuestro Dios", contaste.
[There,] I met with our God," you said.
00:10:15.950 - 00:10:18.320

"Ay, ñuqapis rishaq entonces," nin inviDyoso wawqinqa.

ay, ñuqa-pis ri-shaq entonces ni-n inviDyoso wawqi-n-qa
Ay, 1-ADD go-1.FUT then say-3 jealous sibling-3-TOP
"Ay, entonces, yo también voy a ir [a la montaña]", dijo tu hermano envidioso.
"Ah, then I, too, am going to go," said the jealous brother.
00:10:19.510 - 00:10:23.930

Achk achka ubihayuq kayashpa, eh, kayashpa.

achk achka ubiha-yuq ka-ya-shpa eh, ka-ya-shpa
a.lot a.lot sheep-POSS be-PROG-SUBIS eh, be-PROG-SUBIS
Hartas, hartas ovejas tenía. [Tu hermano rico] tenía [hartas].
Although he had lots and lots of sheep, eh, he had them,
00:10:24.130 - 00:10:28.090

Chaypaq nin pasaypaq chanchu sapatuta pantalon chanchu pasaypaq lapi chuko pasaypaqshi ritamun paypis.
chay-paq ni-n pasaypaq chanchu sapatu-ta pantalon chanchu pasaypaq lapi chuko pasaypaq-shi rita-mu-n
DEM.D-ABL say-3 completely old shoe-ACC pant old completely ripped hat completely-EVR go-CISL-3
[Pero] él, también, se fue con zapatos muy viejos, un pantalon muy viejo, un sombrero completamente gastado.
[But] he, too, went with totally old shoes, totally old pants, a hat completely torn.
00:10:28.250 - 00:10:34.590

Ambisiyakuq ritamun. Kayashpachu kanan chayta rinman.

ambisiya-ku-q ri-pta-mu-n ka-ya-shpa-chu kanan chay-ta ri-n-man
strive-REFL-AG go-SUBDS-3 be-PROG- now DEM.D-ACC go-3-ALL
Ambicionando se fue. Así, [haciendo semblante de estar] sin nada, él podía ir allí.
He went with greed. Now, [pretending to be poor and] empty-handed, he could go there.
00:10:34.640 - 00:10:39.000

Chayshi nin Dyosninchikwan paypis tinkurun.

chay-shi ni-n Dyos-ni-nchik-qa pay-pis tinku-ru-n
DEM.D-EVR say-3 God-EUPH-1PL-TOP 3-ADD find-URGT-3
En-RSTR, dice -- él también encontró nuestro Dios.
So, they say, he, too, found our God.
00:10:39.140 - 00:10:44.200

Chayshi nin Dyosninchik, "Iho," nin.

chay-shi ni-n Dyos-ni-nchik iho nin
DEM.D-EVR say-3 God-EUPH-1PL son say-3
En eso dijo nuestro Dios, "Hijo", dijo.
Then, they say, our God said, "Son," he said,
00:10:44.360 - 00:10:48.310

"Imatam ashiyanki?" nin. "Wakcha wakchakuq vikuñawan

ima-ta-m ashi-ya-nki ni-n wakcha wakcha-ku-q vikuña-wan
what-ACC-EVD do-PROG-2 say-3 sheep domesticate-REFL-AG vicuña-INSTR
Qué estás buscando?" [Tu hermano contestó] "[Busco] un cordero y una vicuña para domesticar
What are you looking for?" [Your brother answered], "[I'm looking for] a sheep and a vicuña to domesticate
00:10:48.400 - 00:10:52.310

hapikuqmi hamurqani ñuqa," nin. "Wambrayta mikuchikunaypaq," nin.

hapi-ku-q-mi hamu-rqa-ni ñuqa ni-n. wambra-y-ta miku-chi-ku-na-y-paq ni-n
grab-REFL-AG-EVD come-PST-1 1 say-1 child-1-ACC eat-CAUS-NMLZ-1-PURP say-3
Yo he venido a atraparlos", dijo, "para alimentar a mis hijos".
I came to catch them," he said, "so I can feed my children."
00:10:52.390 - 00:10:57.270

"Wakchakunaypaq wambray uywananpaq," nin. Aya ay, payqa yatrayanña.

wakcha-ku-na-y-paq wambray uywa-na-n-paq ni-n. aya ay, pay-qa yatra-ya-n-ña
domesticate-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP child-1 raise-NMLZ-3-PURP say-3 Aya ay, 3-TOP know-PROG-3-DISC
"[Quiero] domesticarlos para que mis hijos los críen", dijo. "Aya", [pensó Dios] "Él ya se está haciendo el
"[I want] to domesticate them so my children can raise them," he said. "Aya," [thought God] "Now he's getting
00:10:57.290 - 00:11:03.550

Ahh, chayshi nin, "Manam imaypis kanchu," nin.

ahh, chay-shi ni-n. mana-m ima-y-pis ka-n-chu ni-n
Ahh, DEM.D-EVR say-3 no-EVD what-1-ADD be-3-NEG say-3
Luego dijo [tu hermano], "No tengo nada".
Then [your brother] said, "I don't have anything."
00:11:03.660 - 00:11:08.700

InviDyoso wawqimanqa quykurun huk

InviDyoso wawqi-man-qa quy-ku-ru-n huk
jealous sibling-ALL-TOP give-REFL-URGT-3 one
Para el invisioso hermano le dio un
He gave the jealous brother a
00:11:08.890 - 00:11:12.230

pukatraki hatun millwahina waytam kayan ispisyal.

pukatraki hatun millwa-hina wayta-m ka-ya-n ispisyal
pukatraki big wool-COMP flower be-PROG special
pukatraki grande. Como lana era como -- flor especial.
big pukatraki flower -- like wool -- special.
00:11:12.300 - 00:11:17.080

Chayta kayninman waytaykarachin paytaqa.

chay-ta kay-ni-n-man wayta-yka-ra-chi-n pay-ta-qa
Éso para su acá le puso como flor para él.
He put it here, he put the flower in his hat.
00:11:17.140 - 00:11:21.710

Kayman huk hatunta huk uchukullata kay lawmanqa hatunta uchukullata.

kay-man huk hatun-ta huk uchuk-lla-ta kay law-man-qa hatun-ta uchuk-lla-ta
DEM.P-ALL one big-ACC one small-RSTR-ACC DEM.P-side-ALL-TOP big-ACC small-RSTR-ACC
Para [un lado el puso] una [flor] grande, para el otro lado [puso] otra [flor] pequeña – una grande y una
[On one side, he put], a big [flower], and [he put] another small [flower] on the other side – one big one and
one small one.
00:11:21.800 - 00:11:27.360

Waytaykarachin. Chaypaqa kutikamun payqa.

wayta-yka-ra-chi-n chay-pa-qa kuti-ka-mu-n pay-qa
Le puso su flor, de allí se regresó él.
He put the flowers in his hat. The he returned [home].
00:11:27.360 - 00:11:33.270

Chaypaqqa kutimushpaqa kuntintutriki kutimun.

chay-paq-qa kuti-mu-shpa-qa kuntintu-tri-ki kuti-mu-n
DEM.D-ABL-TOP return-CISL-SUBIS-TOP content-EVC-KI return-CISL-3
Cuando regresó de allí, contento seguro habrá vuelto.
Returning from there, for sure he must have returned happy.
00:11:33.610 - 00:11:37.650

"Ganawniykiqa achkam miranqa," nikurun Dyosninchik paytaqa.
ganaw-ni-yki-qa achka-m mira-nqa ni-ku-ru-n Dyos-ni-nchik pay-ta-qa
cattle-EUPH-2-TOP a.lot increase-3.FUT say-REFL-URGT-3 God-EUPH-1PL 3-ACC-TOP
"Tus animales van a aumentar mucho", le había dicho nuestro Dios.
Your cattle is going to multilpy a lot," our God had said to him.
00:11:37.820 - 00:11:42.070

Manañam miranñachu ganawninqa paypaqa.

mana-ña-m mira-n-ña-chu ganaw-ni-n-qa pay-pa-qa
no-DISC-EVD increase-3-DISC-NEG cattle-EUPH-3-TOP 3-GEN-TOP
Pero, ya no aumenta sus animales de él.
[But] his animals didn't multiple any more.
00:11:42.140 - 00:11:45.550

Ganawtapis lliwta diharun qamman; diharushunki lliw lliw ganawta.

ganaw-ta-pis lliw-ta diha-ru-n qam-man diha-ru-shunki lliw lliw ganaw-ta
cattle-ACC-ADD all-ACC leave-URGT-3 2-ALL leave-URGT-3>1 all all cattle-ACC
Te dejó todo a tí – animales también. Te dejó todo, todos los animales.
He left you everything, cattle too. He left you absolutely eveverything, cattle.
00:11:45.830 - 00:11:50.430

Hinaptin lliw estanciyantinta dihaykushunki qammanmi.

hinaptin lliw estanciya-ntin-ta diha-yku-shunki qam-man-mi
then all ranch-ACMP leave-EXCEP-2>1 2-ALL-EVD
Después te dejó todo, incluso la estancia – todo para tí.
Then he left you everything, the ranch and everything for you.
00:11:50.530 - 00:11:54.500

Ishkayllam chayta. . . ishkay ishkaylla paykunaqa.

ishkay-lla-m chay-ta ishkay ishkay-lla pay-kuna-qa
Dos, no más ... dos, dos no más eran ellos.
They were just two. They were two, just two.
00:11:54.600 - 00:11:58.180

Chayñataqshi istansyan matray kara. Chay matraymanñataq trayashpañataqshi,

chay-ña-taq-shi istansya-n matray ka-ra-ø chay matray-man-ña-taq traya-shpa-ña-taq-shi
DEM.D-DISC-SEQ-EVR ranch-3 cave be-PST-3 DEM.D cave-ALL-DISC-SEQ
Su estancia tenía una cueva. Cuando [tu hermano] llegó,
His ranch had a cave. When [your brother] got to that cave,
00:11:58.400 - 00:12:03.950

nin, allqun kara, chapi allqu.

ni-n allqu-n ka-ra-ø chapi allqu
say-3 dog-3 be-PST-3 VV dog
su perro estaba [allí] – un perro chapo --
his dog was there – a furry dog.
00:12:04.440 - 00:12:07.870

Chayshi istansyanman ashuykuyaptin paytaqa qatirun. Añakuyan allqu.

chay-shi istansya-n-man ashu-yku-ya-pti-n pay-ta-qa qati-ru-n aña-ku-yu-n allqu
DEM.D-EVR ranch-3-ALL approach-EXCEP-PROG-SUBDS-3 3-ACC-TOP chase-URGT-3
bark-REFL-PROG-3 dog
So, when he neared his ranch, the dog chased him, barking.
Luego, cuando se estaba acercando a su estancia, el perro lo persiguió, ladrando.
00:12:07.980 - 00:12:14.400

Kaniy puchukakuyan allquqa. Chaypa kaniy puchukaptinqa payshi nin,

kani-y puchuka-ku-ya-n allqu-qa chay-pa kani-y puchu-ka-pti-n-qa pay-shi ni-n
bite-INF finish-REFL-PROG-3 dog-TOP DEM.D-LOC bite-INF finish-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D-EVR say-3
Está terminando de morderlo el perro -- Cuando [el perro] terminó por morderlo, él dijo,
The dog is finishing biting him. When he finished biting him there, he said, they say,
00:12:14.500 - 00:12:20.990

"¡Perro, carajo! ¡Me estás desconociendo! ¿Qué cosa? ¡Carajo!" nin.

"¡Perro, carajo! ¡Me estás desconociendo! ¿Qué cosa? ¡Carajo!"
Damn dog! You don't recognize me! What the heck?" he said.
00:12:21.020 - 00:12:24.690

Payqa waqrayuqña hamukuyan. Ahh, lluwcho.

pay-qa waqra-yuq-ña hamu-ku-ya-n ahh lluwcho
DEM.D-TOP horn-POSS-DISC come-REFL-PROG-3 ahh, lluwcho
Le empezaron a salir cachos, [como los del] lluwcho
He started to grow horns [like a] lluwcho
00:12:24.760 - 00:12:29.480

Kabrahinam kayan lluwcho. Chayshi.

kabra-hina-m ka-ya-n lluwcho chay-shi
goat-COMP-EVD be-PROG-3 lluwcho. DEM.D-EVR
Es como una cabra -- lluwcho. En-RSTR, dice,
It's like a goat -- a lluwcha. With that, they say.
00:12:29.640 - 00:12:36.520

Chayñataqshi. Chayñataqshi nin.

chay-ña-taq-shi chay-ña-taq-shi ni-n
En-RSTR, dicen [la historia], dice,
So then, they say. [the story] says
00:12:36.689 - 00:12:42.599

Chayñataq niptinñataqshi nin,

chay-ña-taq ni-pti-n-ña-taq-shi ni-n
En-RSTR, cuando dijo ya, dice, dijo
So then, when he said already, he said,
00:12:42.779 - 00:12:46.039

wambra -- uchuchuk wambra, kayna, wambrachakunalla --

wambra uch-uchuk wambra kay-na wambra-cha-kuna-lla
child small-small child DEM.D-VRBZ child-DIM-PL-RSTR
Sus hijos – chiquitos niños, niñitos, no más –
Little, little children, like this, just small children
00:12:46.089 - 00:12:49.619

dijeron, "¡Papa llegó. ¡Papa llegó!" Cuando dijeron, "¡Papa llegó!"

dijeron, "¡Papa llegó. ¡Papa llegó!" Cuando dijeron, "¡Papa llegó!"
"Daddy's home! Daddy's home!" he said. When he said, "Daddy's home!"
00:12:49.699 - 00:12:54.199

allquqa añakuyan; kanikuyan alluqa. Warminman nin ..

allqu-qa aña-ku-ya-n kani-ku-ya-n allu-qa warmi-n-man ni-n
dog-TOP bark-REFL-PROG-3 bite-REFL-PROG-3 dog-TOP woman-3-ALL say-3
El perro le estaba ladrando. El perro estaba mordiendolo. Habló con su esposa.
the dog was barking. The dog was biting him. He said to his wife,
00:12:54.269 - 00:13:00.259

Tiyaykuptinqa, allqush turiyakurun paytaqa. traqnikuyan allqu.

tiya-yku-pti-n-qa allqu-sh turi-ya-yku-ru-n pay-ta-qa traqni-ku-ya-n allqu
sit-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP dog-EVR bark-PROG-REFL-URGT-3 3-ACC-TOP be.mad-REFL-PROG-3 dog
Cuando se sentó, el perro le estaba ladrando. El perro estaba furioso con él.
When he sat down, they say, the dog was barking at him. The dog was in a rage.
00:13:01.359 - 00:13:07.409

Chay allquchaqa traqniptinñataqshi, nin wambra,

chay allqu-cha-qa traqni-pti-n-ña-taq-shi ni-n wambra
DEM.D dog-DIM-TOP say-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ-EVR say-3 child
[Como] el perro estaba furioso, los niños dijeron,
When the dog got mad, the children said,
00:13:07.879 - 00:13:11.779

"Papa, mikuykushun ya," nin. Papaninqa nin, "Katrinta, uchunta mikamashun, ¡niy!" nisa, "Katrinta, uchunta
papa miku-yku-shun ya ni-n papa-ni-n-qa ni-n katri-n-ta uchu-n-ta miku-ma-shun ni-y ni-sa katri-n-ta uchu-nta
father eat-EXCEP-1PL.FUT EMPH say-3 father-EUPH-3-TOP say-3 salt-3-ACC chile-3-ACC eat-?-1PL.FUT
say-IMP-EMPH say-3 salt-3-ACC chile-3-ACC
"Papá, vamos a comer, ya". Su papá dijo, "Vamos a comer con sal y rocoto, ¡dí!" él ordenó. "¡Sal y rocoto!"
"Daddy, let's eat," the said. Their father said, "We're going to eat salt and chile, say!" he said, "salt and chile."
00:13:11.829 - 00:13:19.689

mikama[shun]," nin. Wambrakunaqa patryachiyta atipanchu.

mika-ma-shun ni-n wambra-kuna-qa patrya-chi-y-ta atipa-n-chu
eat-?-1PL.FUT say-3 child-PL-TOP explode-CAUS-INF-ACC
"¡Vamos a comer!" dijeron. [Pero] los chicos no pudieron emitir [palabras].
"We're going to eat!" they said. [But] the children couldn't make [their words come out.
00:13:19.709 - 00:13:23.449

Chaypaq ripukun paqwash -- llapa wawan todo ripukun chay. Chay

chay-paq ripu-ku-n paqwa-sh llapa wawa-n todo ripu-ku-n chay chay
DEM.D-ABL go-REFL-3 forever-EVR all child-3 all go-REFL-3 DEM.D DEM.D
Después, se fue para siempre -- con sus hijos todo se fue. Ésa,
Then, he left for good -- all his children -- all left. That, that,
00:13:23.559 - 00:13:29.309

qaqaman ripukun. Pasaypaq runapaq kunvirtirun kabraman.

qaqa-man ripu-ku-n pasaypaq runa-paq konvirti-ru-n kabra-man
cliff-ALL go-REFL-3 completely person-ABL convert-URGT-3 goat-ALL
para ese precipicio se fue. De gente se convirtieron en cabras, para siempre.
They left for that cliff. Completely, from people they turned into goats.
00:13:29.419 - 00:13:34.179
Vinawman. Qaqapa yatrakun. Runa kayan -- sakukusa runa.
vinaw-man qaqa-pa yatra-ku-n runa ka-ya-n saka-ku-sa runa
deer-ALL cliff-LOC live-REFL-3 person be-PROG-3 jacket-REFL-PRF person
[Se convirtieron] en venado. En precipicio vivían. Hay gente [allí], gente que se viste.
[They turned] into deer. They lived in the cliffs. There are people [there], people with jackets.
00:13:34.219 - 00:13:40.279

Kabra -- qalaman, shapla -- kabrahina -- kay kabrayhina sayaq. trayamun, kutirun runa.
kabra qala shapla kabra-hina kay kabra-y-hina saya-q traya-mu-n kuti-ru-n runa
goat naked hairless goat-COMP DEM.P goat-1-COMP stand-AG arrive-CISL-3 return-URGT-3 person
Llegaron a ser cabras – [algunos] calatos, [algunos] peludos – como mis cabras paradas allí. [De] gente
They became goats – [some of them] naked [goats, some goats] with hair – like my goats standing here. They
turned [from] people.
00:13:40.349 - 00:13:47.029

Waqrayuq wambrapis, waqrayuq. Lumbakama trinakunaqa, lumbakama kakuyan.

waqra-yuq wambra-pis waqra-yuq lumba-kama trina-kuna-qa lumba-kama ka-ku-ya-n
horn-POSS child-ADD horn-POSS hornless-LIM female-PL-TOP hornless-RSTR be-REFL-PROG-3
Los varones tenían cuernos, estaban con cachos; las hembras estaban sin cachos, sin cuernos.
The children had horns. They had horns. The females were without horns, without horns.
00:13:47.269 - 00:13:53.099

Machukunaqa waqrayuq hamuykakuyan, nin.

machu-kuna-qa waqra-yuq hamu-yka-ku-ya-n ni-n
male-PL-TOP horn-POSS come-EXCEP-REFL-PROG-3 say-3
Los machos estaban llegando a tener cacho, dijo.
The males were growing horns. He said.
00:13:53.129 - 00:14:01.149

Chay niptin nishpa,

chay ni-pti-n ni-shpa
Cuando dijo-RSTR, diciendo, dice,
When he said that, saying, they say
00:14:05.749 - 00:14:09.219

ripukun pasaypaq. "Chit!"

ripu-ku-n pasaypaq chit
go-REFL-3 completely chit
se fueron para simepre. 'Chit!'
They left completely. "Chit!"
00:14:09.249 - 00:14:14.169

Chitchityakushpa rikullan kabrakunaqa.

chitchit-ya-ku-shpa riku-lla-n kabra-kuna-qa
chitchit-PROG-REFL-SUBIS go-RSTR-3 goat-PL-TOP
Chit-chitando las cabras se fueron.
"Chit-chitting," they just left, goats.
00:14:14.199 - 00:14:19.389

Matraypaq lluqsirun pasaypaq. Paqwash ripukun -- venawñaya urqupa kanan

matray-paq lluqsi-ru-n pasaypaq paqwash ripu-ku-n venaw-ña-ya urqu-pa kanan
cave-ABL come.out-URGT-3 completely completely go-REFL-3 deer-DISC-EMPH hill-LOC now
Salieron de la cueva y se fueron para siempre. Ahora son venado en la puna.
they came out from the cave forever. They left for good -- deer in the hills now.
00:14:19.399 - 00:14:27.049

Vinawllañam mirakuyan, waqrayuqkamaña. Ahhh, chayshi manash inviDyoso kaytaq atipanchikmanchu.

vinaw-lla-ña-m mira-ku-ya-n waqra-yuq-kama-ña ahhh, chay-shi mana-sh inviDyoso kay-taq
deer-RSTR-DISC-EVD look-REFL-PROG-3 horn-POSS-RSTR-DISC ahhh, DEM.D-EVR no-EVR jealous
Se multiplican ya como cabras – [sus bebés] tienen cachos y todo. [La moraleja de la historia es] no debemos
ser envidiosos.
Multiplying just as deer. With horns and all. Ahh, that's why, they say, we can't be jealous.
00:14:27.099 - 00:14:36.229

fiyush inviDyoso kaytaqa.

fiyu-sh inviDyoso kay-ta-qa
ugly-EVR jealous DEM.P-ACC-TOP
Feo, dice, es ser invidioso.
It's awful, tehy say, to be jealous.
00:14:36.249 - 00:14:38.739

Así es.
That's it.
00:14:38.769 - 00:14:40.999

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:02 PM


Total también kay siyrapaqa pasiyapaku: michipaku:

kay siyra-pa-qa pasiya-paku-: michi-paku-:
DEM.P mountain-LOC-TOP pasture-MUTBEN-1 herd-MUTBEN-1
Total también aquí en la sierra pasteo, pasteo
Completely,too, in these mountains, I pasture, I herd.
00:00:00.110 - 00:00:04.790

Tipaku: kay siyrapiqa.

ti-paku-: kay siyra-pi-qa
Nos sentamos en esta sierra.
We sit in these mountains.
00:00:04.830 - 00:00:09.190

Pasteyaq michiq ya ri-:.

pasteya-q michi-q ya ri-:
pasture-AG herd-AG EMPH go-1
Voy a pastear, a pastear
I go to pasture, to herd.
00:00:09.220 - 00:00:14.850

ubiha michiq kabra michiq, vaka michiq.

ubiha michi-q kabra michi-q vaka michi-q
sheep herd-AG goat herd-AG cow herd-AG
Pastear oveja, pastear vaca, pastear cabra.
Herd sheep, herd goats, herd cows.
00:00:14.860 - 00:00:17.940

Sirkallatam riya: manam karutachu.

sirka-lla-ta-m ri-ya-: mana-m karu-ta-chu
close-RSTR-ACC-EVD go-PROG-1 no-EVD far-ACC-NEG
Estoy diyendo acá cerquita no más, no lejos.
I'm staying close, I don't go far.
00:00:17.970 - 00:00:23.450

Iskwelapam niyetu:kunaqa wawa:kunaqa rinmi ñuqallam ka: analfabitu.

Iskwela-pa-m niyetu-:-kuna-qa wawa-:-kuna-qa ri-n-mi ñuqa-lla-m ka-: analfabitu
school-LOC-EVD grandchild-1-PL-TOP baby-1-PL-TOP go-3-EVD 1-RSTR-EVD be-1 illiterate
En escuela están mis nietos, mis hijos van. Yo no más soy analfabeto.
My grandchildren are in school. My children went. I'm the only illiterate.
00:00:23.510 - 00:00:28.530

Yerfano ñuqaqa kakura:. Hinashpa ñuqaqa ni klasita imatapis riqsi:chu.

yerfano ñuqa-qa ka-ku-ra-: hinashpa ñuqa-qa ni klasi-ta ima-ta-pis riqsi:chu.
orphan 1-TOP be-REFL-PST-1 then 1-TOP nor class-ACC what-ACC:ADD be.acquainted-1-NEG
Yo soy huerfana después yo no sé nada de estudio no conozco.
I was an orphan. So I don't know anything about classes or anything.
00:00:28.530 - 00:00:35.460

Mamacha: kara tiya: kara ya tiyu:

mama-cha-: ka-ra-ø tiya-: ka-ra-ø ya tiyu-:
mother-DIM-1 be-PST-3 aunt-1 be-PST-3 EMPH uncle-1
Había mi abuelita, mi tía, mi tío.
There was my grandmother and my aunt.
00:00:45.780 - 00:00:50.530

Tiyu:pa sirvintin mamacha:pis sirvintin ñuqa kara:. Tiyakunapa.

tiyu-:-pa sirvinti-n mamacha- :-pis sirvinti-n ñuqa ka-ra-: tiya-:-kuna-pa
uncle-1-GEN servant-3 mother-DIM-ADD servant-3 1 be-PST-1 aunt-1-PL-GEN
Yo era la siviente de mi abuelita de mi tío, de mis tías
I was my grandmother's servant, my uncle's servant, my aunts'.
00:00:50.610 - 00:00:55.910

Ñuqaqa manam ni tayta:ta ni mama:ta riqsi:chu.

ñuqa-qa mana-m ni tayta-:-ta ni mama-:-ta riqsi-:-chu
1-TOP no-EVD nor father-1-ACC nor mother-1-ACC be.acquainted-1-NEG
Nn conozco a mi papa ni a mi mama.
I never met my mother ot my father.
00:00:56.380 - 00:01:01.260
Werfanum kakura:. Mamacha: uyuwamara tiyu: uyuwamara.
werfanu-m ka-ku-ra-: mama-cha-: uyuwa-ma-ra-ø tiyu-: uyuwa-ma-ra-ø
orphan-EVD be-REFL-PST-1 mother-DIM-1 raise-1.OBJ-PST-3 uncle-1 raise-1.OBJ-PST-2
He sido huerfano. Mi abuelita me ha criado, mi tío me ha criado.
I was an orphan. My grandmother raised me. My uncle raised me.
00:01:01.270 - 00:01:08.340

Chaymi hishpichimara chaymi naa

chay-mi hishpi-chi-ma-ra-ø chay-mi naa
Ése me ha hecho crecer por-RSTR.
So I grew up with them. So, umm
00:01:08.350 - 00:01:13.170

Dirihimara imayna ruwana:ta ima ganawwan uyuwana:ta. GG

dirihi-ma-ra-ø imayna ruwa-na-:-ta ima ganaw-wan uyuwa-na-:-ta
teach-1.OBJ-PST-3 how make-NMLZ-1-ACC what cattle-INSTR raise-NMLZ-1-ACC
Me ha enseñado como hace para criar a mis animales.
They taught me what to do to raise my animals.
00:01:13.170 - 00:01:17.290

Ganawkuna michina:paq chay chaytam nama trakra trabahana:paq.

ganaw-kuna michi-na-:-paq chay chay-ta-m na-ma trakra trabaha-na-:-paq.
cattle-PL herd-NMLZ-1-PURP DEM.D DEM.D-ACC-EVD DMY-EMPH fields work-NMLZ-1-PURP
Para pastear los animales así pues para trabajar en la chacra.
So I could herd the cows, so that I could work in the fields.
00:01:17.310 - 00:01:22.840

Rumita pichashpa
rumi-ta picha-shpa
stone-ACC clear-SUBIS
Limpiando piedra.
Clearing stones.
00:01:22.860 - 00:01:26.500

Allí está. Arí.

Allí está. Sí.
That's right. Yes-
00:01:26.500 - 00:01:32.350

Awila ya kara huvinllaraqmi nishpam chay ñuqata nimara

awila ya ka-ra-ø huvin-lla-raq-mi ni-shpa-m chay ñuqa-ta ni-ma-ra-ø
grandmother EMPH be-PST-3 young-RSTR-CONT-EVD say-SUBIS-EVD DEM.D 1-ACC say-1.OBJ-PST-3
mi abuela todavía era joven. Así me ha dicho a mí.
My grandmother was still young. That's what they told me.
00:01:32.350 - 00:01:36.390

Ñuqata uyuwamara mamacha: tiyu: tiya: chaypa makinpi hishpiqllam ñuqa ka:
ñuqa-ta uyu-ma-ra-ø mama-cha-: tiyu-: tiya-: chay-pa maki-n-pi hishpi-q-lla-m ñuqa ka-:
1-ACC raise-1.OBJ-PST-3 mother-DIM-1 uncle-1 aunt-1 DEM.D-LOC hand-3-LOC grow-AG-RSTR-EVD 1
A mí me ha criado mi abuelita, mi tía, mi tío n su poder de ellos yo he crecido.
I was raised by my grandmother, my uncle, my aunt. I grew up under their care.
00:01:36.930 - 00:01:43.530

Abwela:pa sutin kara Lorinsa Pawkar.

abwela-:-pa suti-n ka-ra-ø Lorinsa Pawkar
grandmother-1-GEN name-3 be-PST-3 Lorinsa Pawkar.
Mi abuela era Laurensa Paucar.
My grandmother's name was Lorensa Pawcar.
00:01:43.580 - 00:01:48.930

00:01:48.950 - 00:01:56.410

Wakintam intindiya:. Wakintaq intindiya:. Pero wakintaq manam. Runakuna uyarinqam qam rimasaykita.
wakin-ta-m intindi-ya-: wakin-taq intindi-ya-: pero wakin-taq mana-m runa-kuna uyari-nqa-m qam
some-ACC-EVD understand-PROG-1 some-SEQ understand-PROG-1 but some-SEQ no-EVD person-PL
hear-3.FUT-EVD 2 talk-PRF-2-ACC
A algunos lo comprendo. Pero algunos no. La gente escuchará lo que hablas.
I'm understanding some of them. I'm understanding some of them. But the rest, no. The people are going to
hear what you say.
00:01:56.420 - 00:02:06.920

Huk lawpa runakuna. huk law payispa runakuna. Ah, huk lawpa. Pay grabayan.
huk law-pa runa-kuna huk law payis-pa runa-kuna ah, huk law-pa pay graba-ya-n
one-side-GEN person-PL one-side country-GEN person-PL ah one-side-GEN 3 record-PROG-3
Esa gente es de otro sitio, de otro país. Ah, de otro sitio. Estará grabando.
The people are from someplace else, from another country. Ah, from somplace else. She's recordi
00:02:06.920 - 00:02:12.270

kichwata uyariy kumprindichinaykipaq.

kichwa-ta uyari-y kumprindi-chi-na-yki-paq
Quechua-ACC hear-INF understand-CAUS-NMLZ-2-PURP-
Escuchar Quechua para que lo hagas entender.
Hear Quechua --so you make them understand.
00:02:12.280 - 00:02:16.120

00:02:16.160 - 00:02:20.990

Piwan? familyakunawan?
pi-wan familya-kuna-wan
who-INSTR family-PL-INSTR
Con quién? Con mis familiares?
With whom? With my family?
00:02:21.000 - 00:02:24.680

Ah, huk lawpa ya. Allintaqa. Kapastriki palabrata kichwata apakunqa kananpis.
ah, huk law-pa ya. allin-ta-qa. kapas-tri-ki palabra-ta kichwa-ta apa-ku-nqa kanan-pis
ah one-side-GEN EMPH good-ACC-TOP perhaps-EVC-KI word-ACC Quechua-ACC bring-REFL-3.FUT
Ah, en otro sitio pues. Tal vez palabra Quechua se puede llevar ahora.
AH, from someplace else. Good. Maybe they'll bring Quechua now, too.
00:02:24.680 - 00:02:31.610

Ah, chay nata, este

ah, chay na-ta,
Ah,-RSTR, este
Ah, that, that thingy. umm
00:02:43.190 - 00:02:46.830

algunus unay anteriyor riki. Atuqpa trakinkunata watyakun.

algunus unay anteriyor ri-ki atuq-pa traki-n-kuna-ta watya-ku-n
some before previous RI-KI fox-GEN foot-3-PL-ACC bake-REFL-3
Algunos antes anterior, pues. Hacían pachamanka de pata de zorro.
Some people, before, ancestors, then. They baked the fox's feet.
00:02:46.950 - 00:02:52.240

nara. "Imapaqmi qam puka traki kanki?" niptinshi

na-ra-ø imapaq-mi qam puka traki ka-nki ni-pti-n-shi
DMY-PST-3 why-EVD 2 red foot be-2 say-SUBDS-3-EVR
Así por que eres de pies rojos, le dijo
"Why are your feet red?" he said, they say.
00:02:52.240 - 00:02:56.090

Watyarushpa watyakura:mi watyakunipti:sh atuq watyakurusa

watya-ru-shpa watya-ku-ra-:-mi watya-ku-pti-:-sh atuq watya-ku-ru-sa
Haciendo pachamanka, hice pachamanka. Cuando hice pachamanka, dice, el zorro se hizo pachamancar.
Baking, I baked, when I baked, they say the fox was baked.
00:02:56.130 - 00:03:00.540

Y lo mismo napi kundur. Apustesa atuqwan.

na-pi kundur apuste-sa-ø atuq-wan
DMY-LOC condor bet-NPST-3 fox-INSTR
Y lo mismo [sucede] con el cóndor. Apostó con el zorro.
And the same thing [happened with] the condor. He made a bet with the fox.
00:03:00.580 - 00:03:06.070

Atuqwan apustisa kundur. Hinashpa.

atuq-wan apusti-sa-ø kundur hinashpa
fox-INSTR bet-NPST-3 condor then
el cóndor apostó con el zorro.
The condor made a bet with the fox.
00:03:06.090 - 00:03:10.660

Atuq wañukusa kundur shiplarusa kikinta atuqtaqa mikurusa.

atuq wañu-ku-sa-ø kundur shipla-ru-sa-ø kiki-n-ta atuq-ta-qa miku-ru-sa-ø
fox die-REFL-NPST-3 condor VV-URGT-NPST-3 self-3-ACC fox-ACC-TOP eat-REFL-NPST-3
[Pobre zorro!] [Él va a] morir: el cóndor lo [va a] comer. Al mismo zorro, lo [va a] comer [el cóndor].
[Poor fox!] The fox [is going to] die: the condor [is going to eat] him, the fox himself.
00:03:10.700 - 00:03:16.540

00:03:16.580 - 00:03:21.290

Chay pata rohaqa pariyuna.
chay pata roha-qa pariyuna
DEM.D foot red-TOP pariyuna.bird
Esa con pata roja es un pájaro.
That red-foot is a pariyuna-bird.
00:03:21.400 - 00:03:27.580

Pariyuna altu napim chayna yatran lagunapim.

pariyuna altu na-pi-m chay-na yatra-n laguna-pi-m
Pariyuna.bird high DMY-LOC-EVD DEM.D-VRBZ live-3 lake-LOC-EVD
Pariuna vive en la altura en las lagunas.
The pariyuna bird lives in the hills like that, in the lakes.
00:03:28.160 - 00:03:33.730

Chay lagunapi yatraqñataq nira:. Na... Imaynam qam kayanki puka traki. Puka trakikikuna.
chay laguna-pi yatra-q-ña-taq ni-ra-ø na... Imayna-m qam ka-ya-nki puka traki puka traki-ki-kuna
DEM.D lake-LOC live-AG-DISC-SEQ say-PST-3 DMY how-EVD 2 be-PROG-2 red foot red foot-2-PL
Lo que vivía en laguna también ha dicho Cómo estás tú con pies rojos?
The ones that live in the lakes already, they said, Ummm, "How do you have red feet?"
00:03:33.750 - 00:03:40.610

Ñuqaqa watyasam ñuqaqa ka: nisa. Hinaptin watyachikusa chaytapis atuqtaq.

ñuqa-qa watya-sa-m ñuqa-qa ka-: ni-sa-ø hinaptin watya-chi-ku-sa-ø chay-ta-pis atuq-taq
1-TOP bake-PRF-EVD 1-TOP be-1 say-NPST-3 then bake-CAUS-REFL-NPST-3 DEM.D-ACC-ADD
Yo estoy pachamankiyado, dijo, dice. Se hizo pachamankar también el zorro.
Me, I'm baked, he said. Then he fox baked himself, too.
00:03:40.710 - 00:03:48.380

Watyachikusa tustay tustay trayarun ni puka trakipis kanchu.

watya-chi-ku-sa-ø tusta-y tusta-y traya-ru-n ni puka traki-pis ka-n-chu
bake-CAUS-REFL-NPST-3 toast-INF toast-INF arrive-URGT-3 nor red foot-ADD be-3-NEG
Se hizo pachamanka. Bien dorado había cocinado. Ni siquiera salió pies rojos.
He baked himself. He came out nice and toasty, but his feet weren't red.
00:03:48.440 - 00:03:52.790

00:03:52.910 - 00:03:56.190

Atuqmi lliw murikun astawan ni puka trakipis lluqsinchu.

atuq-mi lliw muri-ku-n astawan ni puka traki-pis lluqsi-n-chu
fox-EVD all die-REFL-3 rather nor red foot-ADD come.out-3-NEG
El zorro todo se murió ni siquiera salieron los pies rojos.
The fox died, rather, his feet never came out red.
00:03:56.270 - 00:04:00.370

Kundurñataqa atuqta apustirun ma mayqinninchik lastá

kundur-ña-ta-qa atuq-ta apusti-ru-n ma mayqin-ni-nchik lasta-Á
condor-DISC-ACC-TOP fox-ACC bet-URGT-3 EMPH which-EUPH-1PL snow-EMPH
el cóndor apostó con el [desafortunado] zorro: "¿Cuál de nosotros [puede aguantar más tiempo] en nevada?
The condor bet the [hapless] fox: "Which of us [will hold out longer] in the snow?
00:04:06.050 - 00:04:12.480

Altu lastapi urqupi. Hinashpash nira

altu lasta-pi urqu-pi hinashpa-sh ni-ra-ø
high snow-LOC hill-LOC then-EVR say-PST-3
¿En la nieve en las montañas [más] altas?"
In the snow high in the mountains?"
00:04:12.480 - 00:04:16.480

"Mayqinninchikshi ma wañurushun?" nin. Manam wañushaqchu ñuqaqa ninshi atuqqa.

mayqin-ni-nchik-shi ma wañu-ru-shun ni-n mana-m wañu-shaq-chu ñuqa-qa ni-n-shi atuq-qa.
which-EUPH-1PL-EVR EMPH die-URGT-1PL.FUT say-3 no-EVD die-1.FUT-NEG 1-TOP say-3-EVR
"¿Cuál de nosotros va a morir?" preguntó [el cóndor]. "¡Yo no voy a morir!" anunció el zorro [y aceptó el
reto del cóndor].
"Which of us is going to die?" he said. "I'm not going to die," said the fox, they say.
00:04:16.480 - 00:04:22.700

Manam wañu:manchu ninshi. Hinaptinshi, "Qariqarillaraqchu?" "Ah, sí, qariqarillaraqmi," nin

mana-m wañu-ma-:-n-chu ni-n-shi hinaptin-shi qari-qari-lla-raq-chu ah sí qari-qari-lla-raq-mi ni-n
no-EVD die-1-COND-NEG say-3-EVR then-EVR man-man-RSTR-CONT-Q ah yes
man-man-RSTR-CONT-EVD say-3
"No puedo morir", se dijo [mientras que los dos se instalaron en el la fría, fría nieve]. "¿Valiente, valiente
todavía"? [preguntó el
cóndor cuando el zorro empezó a tiritar]. "Sí, ¡valiente, valiente!", [respondió el zorro].
"I can't die," he said [to himself, as the two settled into the cold, cold snow]. "Still brave and strong?" [asked
the condor when the fox
began to shiver] "Ah, still brave and strong," he said.
00:04:22.720 - 00:04:29.130

Qariqarillaraqchu kundur tiyayan rumi hawanpa imatriki lastapatriki atuq tiyayan.

qari-qari-lla-raq-chu kundur tiya-ya-n rumi qawa-n-pa ima-tri-ki lasta-pa-tri-ki atuq tiya-ya-n
man-man-RSTR-CONT-Q condor sit-PROG-3 stone top-3-LOC what-EVC-KI snow-LOC-EVC-KI fox
"¿Valiente valiente?" [el cóndor volvió a preguntar]. El cóndor debió estar sentado encima de una piedra, y el
zorro sentado en la nieve.
"Still brave and strong?" [the condor asked again]. The condor must be sitting on top of a rock, and the fox
must be sitting [right] on the
00:04:29.250 - 00:04:34.700

Granizu parapa hawanpi. Hinashpash nin kundurqa

granizu para-pa qawa-n-pi hinashpa-sh ni-n kundur-qa
hail rain-GEN top-3-LOC then-EVR say-3 condor-TOP
Encima del granizo [estará sentado]. Después el cóndor [lo aguijoneó una vez más],
On top of the hail and slush [he's sitting]. Then, the condor [goaded him once more],
00:04:34.800 - 00:04:40.970

Qariqarillaraqchu? Sí, qariqarillaraqmi. Qariqarillaraqchu? Qariqarillaraqmi. Niytaq niyallan hinashpa

qari-qari-lla-raq-chu sí qari-qari-lla-raq-mi. Qari-qari-lla-raq-chu qari-qari-lla-raq-mi ni-y-taq ni-ya-lla-n
hinashpa wañu-ku-n
man-man-RSTR-CONT-Q yes man-man-RSTR-CONT-EVD man-man-RSTR-CONT-Q
man-man-RSTR-CONT-EVD say-INF-SEQ say-PROG-RSTR-3 then die-REFL-3
"¿Valiente valiente?" "Sí, ¡valiente, valiente!" "¿Valiente valiente?" "Sí, ¡valiente, valiente!" está diciendo no
más por decir – se murió
[en seguida].
"Still brave and strong?" "Yes, still brave and strong!" "Still brave and strong?" "Yes, still brave and strong!"
he said for the sake of
saying and died.
00:04:41.000 - 00:04:47.040

Hinaptin kundur kikinta mikurun. Apustaq manam ñuqaqa wañushaqchu niq apauraw wañurun astawan.
hinaptin kundur kiki-n-ta miku-ru-n apusta-q mana-m ñuqa-qa wañu-shaq-chu ni-q apauraw wañu-ru-n
then condor self-3-ACC eat-URGT-3 bet-AG no-EVD 1-TOP die-1.FUT-NEG say-AG quick die-URGT-3
Después el cóndor comió al mismo [zorro]. Él que aceptó la apuesta, él que dijo "Yo no voy a morir" rápido
murió más bien.
Then the condor himself ate him. The one who made the bet, the one who said "I'm not going to die" died
quickly, instead.
00:04:48.260 - 00:04:55.050

Ni chaynakunam ñuqakuna kwintu: kara. GG Unay yasqakuna chaytam willamara.

ni chay-na-kuna-m ñuqa-kuna kwintu: ka-ra-ø unay yasqa-kuna chay-ta-m willa-ma-ra-ø
nor DEM.D-VRBZ-PL-EVD 1-PL story-1 be-PST-3 before ancient-PL DEM.D-ACC-EVD tell-1.OBJ-PST-3
Así eran todos nuestros cuentos. Antes, los ancianos me contaron.
That's how all our stories were. Before, the elders told them to me.
00:04:55.050 - 00:05:00.390

Chaynam chaynam chaykuna nishpa.

chay-na-m chay-na-m chay-kuna ni-shpa
"Así, así son"; dijeron [los ancianos].
"Like that, like that," said [the older people].
00:05:00.480 - 00:05:07.310

00:05:07.370 - 00:05:11.540

Noche pues, narimashpa wasa wasarimashpam nuchipis kwentakuq. Chaynam chaynam nishpa.
na-rima-shpa wasa wasa-ri-ma-shpa-m noche-pis kwenta-ku-q chay-na-m chay-na-m ni-shpa
DMY-INCEP-1.OBJ-SUBIS-EVD wake wake-INCEP-1.OBJ-SUBIS-EVD night-ADD tell.stories-REFL-AG
En la noche, pues, me despertaban. Y cuando me despertaban en la noche me contaban.
At night, then, they woke .... they woke me up and told stories at night.
00:05:11.570 - 00:05:19.170

Chaynash kara nishpa loka toro kara. Kay napaq kaypaq rira. Hinaptinmi
chay-na-sh ka-ra-ø ni-shpa loka toro ka-ra-ø Kay na-paq ka-ypaq ri-ra-ø Hinaptin-mi
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVR be-PST-3 say-SUBIS crazy bull be-PST-3 DEM.P DMY-ABL DEM.P-ABL go-PST-3
Así, dice, era, había un toro loco. De acá, de acá, ha ido.
So, they say, there was a crazy bull. It went out from ummm, from here. Then
00:05:19.170 - 00:05:24.660

Propiyo propiyo riptin loca toro presentakurura. Hinaptin wakhina altupa safarura. Kayhina altuta siqaru
propiyo propiyo ri-pti-n loca toro presenta-ku-ru-ra.ø hinaptin wak-hina altu-pa safa-ru-ra-ø Kay-hina altu-ta
owner owner go-SUBDS-3 crazy bull present-REFL-URGT-PST-3 then DEM.D-COMP high-LOC
loose-URGT-PST-3 DEM.P-COMP high-ACC go.up-URGT
Cuando se fue el dueño, se presentó un toro loco. Después, así, como allá en arriba, se ha soltado. Y después
así para encima ha subido.
When the owner left, the crazy bull presented himself. Then, he let him loose in the hills, like that and, like
that, he climbed up in the
00:05:25.230 - 00:05:32.980


Luku turuqa luku turuqa chaykunatam mamachalla willamaq.

luku turu-qa luku turu-qa chay-kuna-ta-m mama-cha-lla willa-ma-q
crazy bull-TOP crazy bull-TOP DEM.D-PL-ACC-EVD mother-DIM-RSTR tell-1.OBJ-AG
Toro loco toro loco todo eso mi abuelita me contaba.
My grandmother would tell me about the crazy bull, like that, the crazy bull.
00:05:32.980 - 00:05:36.800

Taytacha willamaq . Chayhinam antigwo viyehukuna purira nishpa

tayta-cha willa-ma-q chay-hina-m antiguwo viyequ-kuna puri-ra-ø ni-shpa
father-DIM tell-1.OBJ-AG DEM.D-COMP-EVD ancient old-PL walk-PST-3 say-SUBIS
Mi abuelito avisaba. Así los antiguos ancianos andaban diciendo.
My grandfather used to tell [stories]. The ancients walked about like that, they said.
00:05:36.840 - 00:05:42.120

Chaypaq sirrutaqa punta nipakun

chay-paq sirru-ta-qa punta ni-paku-n
DEM.D-ABL hill-ACC-TOP point say-MUTBEN-3
De allí el cerrro le dicen punta.
So, they call the hill "peak."
00:05:42.290 - 00:05:48.890

Ablanshiki. Ablanshi.
abla-n-shi-ki abla-n-shi
talk-3-EVR-KI talk-3-EVR
Dice que habla. Habla, dice.
They talk, they say, for sure. They talk, they say.
00:05:49.000 - 00:05:56.490

Págame tragu vino nishpatriki ablayamun.

tragu vino ni-shpa-tri-ki abla-ya-mu-n
liquor wine say-SUBIS-EVC-KI talk-PROG-CISL-3
Págame trago, vino, diciendo estará hablando, pues.
"Pay me liquor, wine," they say, for sure. They're talking.
00:05:56.560 - 00:06:04.850

Nishpash niyamun.
Ni-shpa-sh ni-ya-mu-n
Dice que está dicendo.
They're talking, they say.
00:06:04.900 - 00:06:11.300

Revelayan ayves suynu:kunapi. suyñunpi suyñuchayan.

revela-ya-n ayves suynu-:-kuna-pi suyñu-n-pi suyñu-cha-ya-n
reveal-PROG-3 sometimes dream-1-PL-LOC dream-3-LOC dream-FACT-PROG-3
a veces se está revelando en mis sueños. En sus suenos le está haciendo soñar.
They're revealing it sometimes in my dreams. In your dreams they make you dream.
00:06:11.360 - 00:06:18.400

Págame nishpa págame nata tal tal tragu vinu fruta.

ni-shpa na-ta tal tal tragu vinu fruta
say-SUBIS DMY-ACC such such alcohol wine fruit
Págame diciendo, trago, vino, fruta, diciendo.
"Pay me," they say, "Pay me, ummm, such and such -- liquor, wine, fruit."
00:06:18.400 - 00:06:24.310

Págame nishpash suyñuchan suynuchakunmiki.

nis-hpa-sh suyñu-cha-n suyñu-cha-ku-n-mi-ki
say-SUBIS-EVR dream-DIM-3 dream-FACT-REFL-3-EVD-KI
Págame diceindo dice le dice en su sueño. Nos hace soñar, pues.
"Pay me!" they say and make you dream. They make you dream, then.
00:06:24.310 - 00:06:27.270

Mikuramanchik kikinchikta wañurunchik.

mikura-manchik kiki-nchik-ta wañu-ru-nchik
eat-UNINT-3>1PL self-1PL-ACC die-URGT-1PL
Nos come a nosotros, morimos.
They eat us; we die.
00:06:28.240 - 00:06:34.660

Runa ya suynuninchikpa qatikatrayamanchik.

runa ya suyñu-ni-nchik-pa qati-katra-ya-manchik
person EMPH dream-EUPH-1PL-LOC hunt-FREQ-PROG-3>1PL
En nuestro sueño una persona nos está sigitiando.
In our dreams, a person is chasing us.
00:06:34.740 - 00:06:42.770

Ima kuchillawanpis imawanpis. Apuntakuykushpa kayhina kurriyamun.

ima kuchilla-wan-pis ima-wan-pis. apunta-yku-ku-shpa kay-hina kurri-ya-mu-n
Con qué con cuchillo con cualquier cosa. ASí enseñandote está viniendo corriendo.
With a knife or whatever. Taking aim [at us] they're running like this.
00:06:42.880 - 00:06:50.190

Piyedrakunawanpis tirayamanchik.
piyedra-kuna-wan-pis tira-ya-manchik
stone-PL-INSTR-ADD throw-PROG-3>1PL
Con piedra también está tirando, pues.
They're throwing rocks at us, too.
00:06:50.220 - 00:06:54.050

Ganado tirahinayá.
Como tirar a los animales.
Like throwing animals.
00:06:54.080 - 00:06:59.250

Chaynam tiramanchik riki. Wak puntakuna urqukuna.

chay-na-m tira-manchik ri-ki wak punta-kuna urqu-kuna
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD throw-3>1PL-RI-KI DEM.D point-PL hill-PL
Así nos tiran pues por allá por la punta del cerro.
They throw us like that, then, there, the peaks, the hills.
00:06:59.270 - 00:07:03.580

Kawsan ninmiki. Ganawkuna pirdirunchik hinaptinshi pagarishpaqa qatikun.

kawsa-n ni-n-mi-ki ganaw-kuna pirdi-ru-nchik hinaptin-shi paga-ri-shpa-qa qati-ku-n
live-3 say-3-EVD-KI cattle-PL lose-URGT-1PL then-EVR pay-INCEP-SUBIS-TOP bring-REFL-3
Vive, dice, pues. Perdimos animales, después, dice, cuando paga, trae.
They're alive, they say. We lose cattle then, they say, paying, they bring them back.
00:07:03.670 - 00:07:10.290

Ayves tarinchik ayves tarinchikchu.

ayves tari-nchik ayves tari-nchik-chu
sometimes find-1PL sometimes find-PL-NEG
a veces se encuentra, a veces no se encuentra.
Sometimeswe find them, sometimes we don't.
00:07:10.320 - 00:07:16.690

Ay, frutakunawan pagashpa ayves tarinchik ayves tarinchikchu.

ay, fruta-kuna-wan paga-shpa ayves tari-nchik ayves tari-nchik-chu.
ay fruit-PL-INSTR pay-SUBIS sometime find-1PL sometimes find-1PL-NEG
Ah, pagando con frutas, a veces encuentras a veces no se encuentra.
Ah, when we pay with fruit, sometimes we find them, sometimes we don't.
00:07:17.300 - 00:07:22.180

De la costa.
From the coast.
00:07:22.220 - 00:07:27.140

Chincha, Lunahuaná, Cañete. Chaypaqmi frutata apayamunchik.

Chincha Lunahuaná Cañete chay-paq-mi fruta-ta apa-ya-mu-nchik
Chincha, Lunahuaná, Cañete. DEM.D-ABL-EVD fruit-ACC bring-PROG-CISL-1PL
Chincha, Lunahuaná, Cañete. De allí estamos trayendo la fruta.
Chincha, Lunahuaná, Cañete. We're bringing fruit from there.
00:07:27.240 - 00:07:32.090

Ah, claro, baqayanchik.

ah, claro, baqa-ya-nchik
ah of.course go.down-1PL
Claro, estamos bajando.
Ah, of course, we're going down the hill.
00:07:32.140 - 00:07:35.240

Kananqa todo carro no más, unaymi,

kanan-qa unay-mi
now-TOP before-EVD
Ahora es todo carro, no más. Antes
Now it's just cars. Before
00:07:35.560 - 00:07:40.100

Herraduranta rina kara:qa. trakiwan

herradura-n-ta ri-na ka-ra-:-qa traki-wan
path-3-ACC go-NMLZ be-PST-1-TOP foot-INSTR
Por herradura tenías que ir. A pie.
I used to have to go on the path, by foot.
00:07:40.100 - 00:07:43.520

trakiwan unay unay wambra kashpa trakiwan purira: kananqa viyehaqa manaña ma puri:ñachu
traki-wan unay unay wambra ka-shpa traki-wan puri-ra-: kanan-qa viyeha-qa mana-ña ma puri-:-ña-chu
foot-INSTR before before child be-SUBIS foot-INSTR walk-PST-1 now-TOP old.F-TOP no-DISC EMPH
Cuando a pie más antes cuando era niña he caminado ahora que estoy anciana ya no puedo caminar.
Before, by foot. Before, when I as a child, I walked about on foot. Now, old,I don't walk any more.
00:07:43.550 - 00:07:51.380

Karru no más karru no más karrullañam apayamanchik altuta trayamun karruqa

karru-lla-ña-m apa-ya-manchik altu-ta traya-mu-n karru-qa
car-RSTR-DISC bring-PROG-3>1PL high-ACC arrive-CISL-3 car-TOP
Carro no más carro no más ya nos está trayendo. Para arriba llega carro.
Just cars, just cars. Only cars, already are bringing us. The car arrives up hill.
00:07:51.380 - 00:07:55.800

Unayqa manam trayamura:chu herradurantam rira: burro mula

unay-qa mana-m traya-mu-ra-:-chu herradura-n-ta-m ri-ra-: burro mula
before-TOP no-EVD arrive-CISL-PST-1-NEG path-3-ACC-EVD go-PST-1 donkey mule
Antes no ha llegado por herradura tenías que viajar con burro, mula.
Before, it didn't arrive. I went on the path, with donkeys, with mules.
00:07:55.950 - 00:08:00.500

Chaywanmi ripakuq ka: una unayqa

chay-wan-mi ripa-ku-q ka-: una unay-qa
DEM.D-INSTR-EVD go-REFL-AG be-1 before before-TOP
Con eso tenías que viajar mucho antes.
Long before, I would go like that.
00:08:00.510 - 00:08:03.960

00:08:03.980 - 00:08:07.130

Ah, karruwan primera vespis kay karruwan trayamuptinqa sillakuykushpam riyanchik

Ah, karru-wan primera ves-pis kay karru-wan traya-mu-pti-n-qa silla-ku-yku-shpa-m ri- ya-nchi
ah car-INSTR first time-ADD DEM:P car-INSTR arrive-CISL-SUBDS-3-TOP
Ah, la primera vez también con el carro, con estos carros, cuando llega nos vamos cabalgando.
Ah, the first time with a car .... When it arrives, we're going galloping in a saddle.
00:08:07.150 - 00:08:14.050

00:08:14.080 - 00:08:19.880

Riyanchik kustaman, Limaman, Chunaman, Limamanpis, maymanpis riyanchik, viyahaqña familyanchikuna

imapis kaptinqa.
ri-ya-nchin kusta-man, Lima-man, Chuna-man, Lima-man-pis, may-man-pis ri-ya-nchik viyaqa-q-ña
familya-nchik-kuna ima-pis ka-pti-n-qa
go-PROG-1PL coast-ALL Lima-ALL Chuna-ALL Lima-ALL-ADD where-ALL-ADD go-PROG-1PL
travel-AG-DISC family-1PL- what-ADD be-SUBDS-3-TOP
Estamos yendo a la costa, a LIma, ó para Lima también a donde sea estamos yendo a viajar donde hay tus
familiares, cuando hay.
We're going to the coast, to Lima, to Chuna. We're going to Lima, to where ever. We we're going to travel
to whatever family we have.
00:08:19.880 - 00:08:28.450

Sí, Chincha, Lima, familya ñuqapa ...

Sí, Chincha, Lima, familya ñuqa-pa
yes Chincha, Lima, family 1-GEN
Sí, Chincha, Lima, mi familia ...
Yes, Chincha, Lima, my family ...
00:08:28.550 - 00:08:34.250

Ñuqallam chay altu siyrapa usuya:

Ñuqa-lla-m chay altu siyra-pa usu-ya-:
1-RSTR-EVD DEM.D high mountain-LOC cast-PROG-1
Yo no más estoy botado acá arriba en la sierra.
I'm the only one cast out on this high mountain
00:08:35.440 - 00:08:38.080

00:08:40.200 - 00:08:44.940

00:08:51.370 - 00:08:56.380

Niyeta:kuna kayan ya kanan niyetu:kunapis.

Niyeta-:-kuna ka-ya-n ya kanan niyetu-:-kuna-pis
granddaughter-1-PL be-PROG-3-EVD EMPH now grandson-1-PL-ADD
Mi nieta hay mis nietos también.
My granddaughter, my grandsons.
00:08:56.420 - 00:09:03.140

00:09:04.280 - 00:09:08.260

Hawka ya ka:.
Hawka ya ka-:
calm EMPH be-1
Tranquilo estoy, pues.
I'm at peace here.
00:09:08.280 - 00:09:11.640

Ganawwan trankilu kanchik. Ganawninchiman kumpañamanchik.

Ganaw-wan trankilu ka-nchik Ganaw-ni-nchi-man kumpaña-manchik
cattle-INSTR peaceful be-1PL cattle-EUPH-1PL accompany-3>1PL
Con animal tranquilo estamos. Nuestra animal nos está acompañando.
We're at peace with the cattle. Our cattle keep us company.
00:09:11.750 - 00:09:16.050

Vakanchin kashpa kabranchin kashpa uyqanchin kashpa. Paywanmiki yatranchik.

Vaka- nchin ka-shpa kabra-nchin ka-shpa uyqa-nchin ka-shpa pay-wan-mi-ki yatra-nchik
cow-1PL be-SUBIS goat-1PL be-SUBIS sheep-1PL be-SUBIS 3-INSTR-EVD-KI live-1PL
Con nuestra vaca estando con nuestra cabra estando con nuestra oveja estando. Con ellos, pues, estamos
With our cows, with our goats, with our sheep. We live with them.
00:09:16.080 - 00:09:21.110

siyra partipaqa
siyra parti-pa-qa
mountain part-LOC-TOP
En parte de la sierra.
In part of the mountain.
00:09:21.180 - 00:09:26.500

sorropaq Allí esta. liyunkunanpaq pumakunapaqmi kwidanchik.

sorro-paq liyun-kuna-paq puma-kuna-paq-mi kwida-nchik
fox-ABL lion-PL-ABL puma-PL-ABL-EVD care.for-1PL
Del zorro? Del león, puma, pues, cuidamos.
From foxes? That's it. We protect them from lions and pumas.
00:09:26.570 - 00:09:34.490

siympri trayamun kaymanqa

siympri traya-mu-n kay-man-qa
always arrive-CISL-3 DEM.P-ALL-TOP
Siempre llega para acá.
They always come around here.
00:09:34.570 - 00:09:39.290

Sawarikun pasan
sawari-ku-n pasa-n
VV-REFL-3 pass-3
Se va cargando.
They carry them off.
00:09:39.410 - 00:09:42.950

Ganawta sawarirun kay umbrunwan hinashpa pasakun.

ganaw-ta sawari-ru-n kay umbru-n-wan hinashpa pasa-ku-n
cattle-ACC VV-URGT-3 DEM.P shoulder-INSTR then pass-REFL-3
Al animal se pone al hombro y después se va.
They carry off the cattle on their shoulders then they leave.
00:09:43.400 - 00:09:46.930

[undecipherable] qatiptinchikqa chay ganawwan liwidamanchik.

qati-pti-nchik-qa chay ganaw-wan liwida-manchik
grab-SUBDS-1PL-TOP DEM.D cattle-INSTR throw-3>1PL
Cuando lo segimos con ese animal nos avienta.
When we chase them, they throw that animal at us.
00:09:46.960 - 00:09:52.280

00:09:52.620 - 00:09:56.870

00:09:56.920 - 00:10:02.430

00:10:02.770 - 00:10:07.990

Ah, terrukukuna purisa [undecipherable]

ah, terruku-kuna puri-sa-ø
ah terrorist-PL walk-PRF-3
Ah, cuando los terrucos caminaban.
Ah, the Shining Path walked about
00:10:08.130 - 00:10:12.230

Umm, hamurá. Kaypim runata matansiyará

umm, hamu-ra-ø-Á kay-pi-m runa-ta matansiya-ra-ø-Á
umm come-PST-3-EMPH DEM.P-LOC-EVD person-ACC slaughter-PST-3-EMPH
Umm, antes ha venido aquí ha matado a personas.
Ummm, they came here and slaughtered people.
00:10:12.260 - 00:10:18.060

Muchos estaba matando matansiyando.

Muchos estaba matando matansiyando.
A lot of them -- killling, slaughtering.
00:10:18.140 - 00:10:21.290

Chay wambra:man su perruntapis matansiyarura chay terrorista.

chay wambra-:-man su perru-n-ta-pis matansiya-ru-ra-ø chay terrorista
DEM.D child-1-ALL dog-3-ACC-ADD slaughter-URGT-PST-3 DEM.D terrorist
De ese mi hija sus perros también los han matado los terroristas.
Those terrorists even slaughtered my daughter's dog.
00:10:21.410 - 00:10:25.810

Armawan tiyerrata michakushpa.

arma-wan tiyerra-ta micha-ku-shpa
gun-INSTR land-ACC fight-REFL-SUBIS
Con arma impidiendo tierra.
Fighting for land with guns
00:10:25.930 - 00:10:31.800

Ayves demandakurun tiyerrayuqkuna trakrakunapaq imapaqpis.

ayves demanda-ku-ru-n tiyerra-yuq-kuna trakra-kuna-paq imapaq-pis
sometimes denounce-REFL-URGT-3 land-POSS-PL field-PL-PURP why-ADD
a veces denicuiaron los que tienen su tierra. para terreno, para cualquier cosa.
Sometimes they denounced landholders for their fields, for whatever.
00:10:31.850 - 00:10:36.730

Fuwisiyukuna karun hinashpa chay demandakurun chayman chay terrukuman.

fuwisiyu-kuna karun hinashpa chay demandakurun chayman chay terrukuman.
judgement-PL be-PST-3 then DEM.D denounce-REFL-PST-3 DEM.D-ALL DEM.D terrorist-ALL
Había conflicto, y después-RSTRs denunciaronn para ellos, para los terrucos.
There were trials, then they denounced them to them, to the Shining Path.
00:10:36.750 - 00:10:41.380

Hinaptin chay terrukuqa chay kuntra hamukuyan.

hinaptin chay terruku-qa chay kuntra hamu-ku-ya-n
then DEM.D terrorist-TOP DEM.D contra come-REFL-PROG-3
Después ese terrorista venía a la contra.
Then, the Shining Path, the Contras are coming.
00:10:41.410 - 00:10:45.700

Ganawtapis kitayamanchik tiyerratapis

Ganaw-ta-pis kita-ya-manchik tiyerra-ta-pis
cattle-ACC-ADD take.away-PROG-3>1PL land-ACC-ADD
Nuestros animal nos quitaban, nuestras tierras ambién nos quitaban.
They took cattle from us, land, too.
00:10:45.770 - 00:10:50.670

Hukman intregayan. Dáme

Huk-man intrega-ya-n
one-ALL deliver-PROG-3
Para otro está entregando.
They're turning it over to others. "Give me!"
00:10:50.910 - 00:10:56.240

Todo rico, millionario.

Todo rico, millionario.
All rich -- millionaires.
00:10:56.250 - 00:10:59.760

Imapaqmi uywanki ganawta nin nishpam kitamarun

Imapaq-mi uywa-nki ganaw-ta ni-n ni-shpa-m kita-ma-ru-n
why-EVD sheep-2 cattle-ACC say-3 say-SUBIS-EVD take.away-1.OBJ-URGT-3
Para qué crías animal, diciendo, se nos quitó.
"Why are you raising cattle?" they say, and take it away from us.
00:10:59.770 - 00:11:04.010

Wawallanchu chuchu familyanchikta wañurichishpaqa lliw partiyan.

Wawa-lla-n-chu chu-chu familya-nchik-ta wañuri-chi-shpa-qa lliw parti-ya-n
baby-RSTR-3-NEG Q-Q family-1PL-ACC die-INCEP-SUBIS-TOP all distribute-PROG-3
Nuestros hijos, ó nuestros familiares -- después de matarlos, todo está repartiendo.
Our children ... After they started killing our relatives, they distributed everything.
00:11:04.110 - 00:11:09.690

huvinkunaman yanqa pubri nishpa pubrikunaman Pubriq kashun.

huvin-kuna-man yanqa pubri ni-shpa pubri-kuna-man Pubri-q ka-shun
young-PL-ALL lie poor say-SUBIS poor-PL-ALL poor-AG be-1.PL-FUT
Para los jovenes, por gusto, pobre diciendo. Pobre, cómo vamos a ser.
to the young people, for the fun of it, to the poor. We're going to be the poor.
00:11:09.710 - 00:11:17.370

Chaymi diskutirura: ñuqa kay uray ishkayta wañurachira Juanchu nata

Chay-mi diskuti-ru-ra-: ñuqa kay uray ishkay-ta wañu-ra-chi-ra-ø Juan-chu na-ta
DEM.D-EVD argue-URGT-PST-1 1 DEM.P down.hill two-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-PST-3 Juan-Q
Por eso yo he discutido aquí abajo cuando mataron a dos, a Juan? No ...
That's why I argued here down hill. They killed two, ummm Juan? No ...
00:11:17.450 - 00:11:22.170

Valentín Fuentista
Valentín Fuentista
Valentín Fuentista
Valentin Fuentista.
Valentín Fuentista.
00:11:22.200 - 00:11:24.690

Hinaptinmi kichwapa alllita diskutirura:

Hinaptin-mi kichwa-pa allli-ta diskuti-ru-ra-:
then-EVD Quechua-LOC good-ACC argue-URGT-PST-1
Después en Quechua bien bien he discutido.
Then, I argued really well in Quechua.
00:11:24.850 - 00:11:27.820

Chaymi pubrimanmi ñuqaqa parti nimaptin atay

Chay-mi pubri-man-mi ñuqa-qa parti ni-ma-pti-n atay
DEM.D-EVD poor-ALL-EVD 1-TOP part say-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3 VV
Por eso para los pobres yo estoy repartiendo me dijo.
"That's why I'm distributing to the poor," they said to me
00:11:27.880 - 00:11:30.740

Pubriq kanchin. Flojo. Qilla. Qilla kashpa, flojo kashpam

Pubri-q ka-nchin Flojo. Qilla. Qilla ka-shpa flojo ka-shpa-m
poor-AG be-1PL lazy lazy lazy be-SUBIS lazy be-SUBIS-EVD
Pobre no hay nada. Qué pobre eso es por ocioso, vago.
We're poor. Lazy. Lazy. Being lazy, being lazy.
00:11:30.780 - 00:11:36.560

Ganawqa uyuwakuptinchik kanmi ganawqa huk ishkay wakchanchiktaqa awmintanmi ratamashpanchik nin.
Ganaw-qa uyuwa-ku-pti-nchik ka-n-mi ganaw-qa huk ishkay wakcha-nchik-ta-qa awminta-n-mi
rata-ma-shpa-nchik ni-n
cattle-TOP raise-REFL-SUBDS-1PL be-3-EVD cattle-TOP one two sheep-1PL-ACC-TOP augment-3-EVD
follow-3>1PL-SUBIS-3>1PL say-3
El animal cuando criamos, hay. El animal, uno, dos, cuando nos sigue, aumenta
When we raise cattle, there are cattle. When one or two of our sheep follow us, they increase, they said.
00:11:36.670 - 00:11:43.230

Mana ratamashpallanchikmi wañurun imapis unquy hapirun.

Mana rata-ma-shpa-lla-nchik-mi wañu-ru-n ima-pis unqu-y hapi-ru-n
no follow-3>1PL-SUBIS-RSTR-3>1PL-EVD die-URGT-3 what-ADD sick-INF grab-URGT-3
Cuando no nos sigue no más, se muere. Qué también le agarró -- enfermedad.
When they don't just follow us, they die. What else, sickness took hold of them?
00:11:43.460 - 00:11:47.910

Imapis pasarun? siyrata ratamashpanchik awmintarinmi. Unollapam, dosllapam

Ima-pis pasa-ru-n siyra-ta ratama-shpa-nchik-qa awminta-ri-n-mi Uno-lla-pa-m dos-lla-pa-m
what-ADD pass-URGT-3 mountain-ACC follow-3>1PL-SUBIS-3>1PL augment-INCEP-3-EVD
Qué también le sucede? Si nos sigue a la sierra, aumentan. De uno no más, de uno no más.
What else happens? If they follow us to the mountain, they increase -- just one, just two.
00:11:48.010 - 00:11:53.710

No one.
00:11:55.030 - 00:11:59.950

Chay ganaw dividisanwan rikisiyantri.

Chay ganaw dividi-sa-n-wan rikisi-ya-n-tri
DEM.D cattle divide-PRF-3-INSTR enrich-PROG-3-EVC
Con ese animal que han dividido estarán enriqueciendo.
With the division of the cattle, they would be rich.
00:12:00.000 - 00:12:04.960

yanqa chay palaspurasmi chay ganawta partira kikinqa mikunraq

yanqa chay palaspuras-mi chay ganaw-ta parti-ra-ø kiki-n-qa miku-n-raq
lie DEM.D DEM.D cattle-ACC distribute-PST-3 self-3-TOP eat-3-CONT
Por gusto mentira a esos animales ha repartido él mismo también ha comido.
It's a lie, they distributed our cattle just for the fun of it -- they themselves ate it, still.
00:12:04.960 - 00:12:09.730

kikinqa allintaraqtaq gusaq

kiki-n-qa allin-ta-raq-taq gusa-q
self-3-TOP good-ACC-CONT-SEQ enjoy-AG
Ellos mismos bueno todavía se gosaban.
They themselves enjoyed them well still.
00:12:09.760 - 00:12:13.230

Parece desparesirunñam. Manam uyari:chu. Uyariytaq uyari:mi. GG

Parece desparesi-ru-n-ña-m. Mana-m uyari-:-chu Uyari-y-taq uyari-:-mi
seem.3 disappear-URGT-3 no-EVD hear-1-NEG hear-INF-SEQ hear-1-EVD
Ya se desaparecieron ya. No escucho. De escuchar, escucho.
It seems like they've disappeared. I don't hear them. Listening, too, I listen.
00:12:13.540 - 00:12:19.560

Chay radiyokunapim kayan nishpa

Chay radiyu-kuna-pi-m ka-ya-n ni-shpa
DEM.D radio-PL-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3 say-SUBIS
En radio todo allí hay, dicen.
On theradio and everything, they say there are.
00:12:19.560 - 00:12:21.260

Chay kayanshi niqta pero manam kay siyraman trayamunchu.

Chay ka-ya-n-shi ni-q-ta pero mana-m kay siyra-man traya-mu-n-chu
DEM.D be-PROG-EVR say-AG-ACC but no-EVD DEM.P mountain-ALL arrive-CISL-3-NEG
Está pareciendo, pero para esta Sierra
They're there, they say, but they haven't arrived on this mountain.
00:12:21.260 - 00:12:23.680

trayamura puntantin puntantin TK payqa.

traya-mu-ra-ø punta-ntim punta-ntim pay-qa
arrive-CISL-PST-3 point-INCL point-INCL 3-TOP
Han llegado de grupo en grupo ellos.
They came from peak to peak, them.
00:12:23.720 - 00:12:27.220

Qipikusa washanman
Qipi-ku-sa washa-n-man
carry-REFL-PRF back-3-ALL
Cargando en su espalda
Carrying packs on their backs.
00:12:27.250 - 00:12:30.290

Qipiyta qipiykukushpa. Kanan qamkunatr hamuyanki. Así por lo mismo paykuna trayamura.
Qipi-y-ta qipi-yku-ku-shpa Kanan qam-kuna-tr hamu-ya-nki mismo pay-kuna traya-mu-ra-ø
carry-INF-ACC carry-EXCEP-REFL-SUBIS now 2-PL-EVC come-PROG-2 same 3-PL arrive-CISL-PST-3
Cargándose una manta en la espalda. Así como ustedes están llegando así igualito. También ellos han
Carrying their mantas. Now you are coming. Just like that, they came.
00:12:30.290 - 00:12:34.670

00:12:34.690 - 00:12:38.260

00:12:38.280 - 00:12:42.200

Radiyokunapa rimayta rimayan. Lluqsiyamunshi terrorista. Terrorista rikariyamunshi. Qashqanshi

terrorista. Nin pero manam
Radiyo-kuna-pa rima-y-ta rima-ya-n Lluqsiya-mu-n-shi terrorista Terrorista rikari-ya-mu-n-shi Qashqa-n-shi
terrorista Ni-n pero mana-m traya-mu-n-raq-chu
radio-PL-LOC talk-INF-ACC talk-PROG-3 come.out-PROG-CISL-3-EVR terrorist Terrorist
appear-PROG-CISL-3-EVR VV-3-EVR terrorist say-3 but no-EVD arrive-CISL-3-CONT-NEG
En la radio está diciendo que está saliendo los terroristas, dice. Aparecieron otra vez pero acá no llega
On the radio they talk for the sake of talking. They say terrorists are coming out. Terrorists are appearing,
they say, they're coming
back. But they haven't arrived.
00:12:45.100 - 00:12:50.690

qunqaytatrik seguro. GG Siyertu rikarimushpaqa trayamunqa.

qunqayta-trik seguro Siyertu rikari-mu-shpa-qa traya-mu-nqa
Possibly-EVC for.sure true appear-CISL-SUBIS-TOP arrive-CISL-3.FUT
Derepente, seguro. Si de verdad está pareciendo llegará.
Maybe, for sure. If they are really showing up, they'll arrive.
00:12:52.310 - 00:12:55.900

Ninma kay radiyollapim iskucha:. Radiyo kayanmi terrorista.

Ni-n-ma kay radiyo-lla-pi-m isku-cha-: Radiyo ka-ya-n-mi terrorista
say-3-EMPH DEM.P radio-RSTR-LOC-EVD listen-1 radio be-PROG-3-EVD terrorist
En la radio no más estoy escuchando. Radio [dice] hay terrorista
I just listen to the radio. There are terrorists [says] the radio.
00:13:12.140 - 00:13:16.060

Qasqanmi ripitimunqa nishpa niq.

Qasqa-n-mi ripiti-mu-n-qa ni-shpa ni-q
VV-3-EVD repeat-CISL-3.FUT say-SUBIS say-AG
Otra vez van a repetir, decía
They're going to repeat again, they said.
00:13:16.060 - 00:13:19.350

00:13:20.920 - 00:13:25.750

Hinaptinqa prindiruptinqa rikun uyariya: ya.

Hinaptin-qa prindi-ru-pti-n-qa ri-ku-n uyari-ya-: ya
then-TOP light-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP go-REFL-3 hear-PROG-1 EMPH
Cuando lo prende, se va -- estoy escuchando, pues
Then, when they turn it on, it goes -- I'm listening, then.
00:13:27.890 - 00:13:31.920

Cualquier cosa.
00:13:32.070 - 00:13:35.350

Radiyo willakayamun ya.

Radiyo willa-ka-ya-mu-n ya.
radio tell-PROG-CISL-3 EMPH
Radio está avisando.
The radio is telling it.
00:13:35.370 - 00:13:37.020

Ña chaytaq ulvida... Ulvidaru:yá manayá yuya.. yuyari:manchu.

Ña chay-taq ulvida... Ulvida-ru-:-yá mana-yá uya.. uyari-:-man-chu
DISC DEM.D-SEQ forget forget-PST-1-EMPH no-EMPH hear hear-1-COND-NEG
Me he olvidado, pues, ya no me puedo acordar.
I've already forgotten. I can't remember any more.
00:13:37.140 - 00:13:41.170

00:13:41.170 - 00:13:45.550

Televisyunkunata ayves qawa:, ayves mana

Televisyun-kuna-ta ayves qawa-: ayves mana
television.PL-ACC sometimes look-1 sometimes no
Veo a veces televisor, a veces no.
Sometimes I watch television, sometimes not.
00:13:47.550 - 00:13:50.310

Televisyun hamuyan imay mana rikchaq GG runakuna.

Televisyun hamu-ya-n imay mana ri-kcha-q runa-kuna
television come-PROG-3 when no go-PROG-AG person-PL
La televisión está viniendo de distantas formas. La gente ...
The television is coming in different forms. People ...
00:13:50.550 - 00:13:57.040

Wañuchinakun imamiki chaytaq muna:chu.

Wañu-chi-naku-n ima-mi-ki chay-taq muna-:-chu.
die-CAUS-RECP-3 what-EVD-KI DEM.D-SEQ want-1-NEG
Se mata todo, pues, eso no quiero.
They kill each other and all, then. I don't want that.
00:13:57.400 - 00:14:00.710

Chaynallam Señura parlaku:. Ña diyaña kayan. Ganaw lluqsinanpaq.

Chay-na-lla-m Señura parla-ku-: Ña diya-ña ka-ya-n Ganaw lluqsi-na-n-paq
DEM.DVRBZ-RSTR-EVD Señora talk-REFL-1 DISC day-DISC be-PROG-3 cattle go.out-NMLZ-3-PURP
Así no más yo converso, Señora. Ya es día -- el animal tiene que salir.
I talk like that, no more, Ma'am. It's day already. The cattle have to go out.
00:14:01.710 - 00:14:05.440

00:14:05.480 - 00:14:11.130

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:03 PM


Unayshi kara huk asnu.

Antes había un burro.
Unay-shi ka-ra-ø huk asnu.
before-EVR be-PST-3 one donkey
Once upon a time, there was a mule.
00:00:00.210 - 00:00:04.560

Chay asnuqa, este, ya también.

Ese burro, este, ya también
Chay asnu-qa,
DEM.D mule-TOP
The mule, ummm, also ...
00:00:04.610 - 00:00:08.410

Huk runañataqshi kara suganta hitakurura.

Una presona, también, había que había botado su soga.
Huk runa-ña-taq-shi ka-ra-ø suga-n-ta hita-ku-ru-ra-ø
one person-DISC-SEQ-EVR be-PRF-3 rope-3-ACC throw-REFL-URGT-PRF-3
There was a person, too, who had lost his rope.
00:00:08.500 - 00:00:13.210

Suganta hitakuruptinñataqshi asnuta tapuykun.

Cuando botó su soga ya también preguntó a su burro
Suga-n-ta hita-ku-ru-pti-n-ña-taq-shi asnu-ta tapu-yku-n
rope-3-ACC throw-REFL-URGT-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ-EVR mule-ACC ask-EXCEP-3
When he lost his rope, he asked the mule.
00:00:13.250 - 00:00:18.790

Asnuqa nin, "Manam. Ñuqa tarisisayki sugaykitaqa -- potrero alfata quykamay," nin runataqa.
El burro dijo, "No. Yo te voy a hacer encontrar tu soga. Potrero de alfalfa déme", he said to the man.
Asnu-qa ni-n mana-m ñuqa tari-si-sayki suga-yk-ita-qa potrero alfa-ta qu-yka-ma-y ni-n runa-ta-qa
mule-TOP say-3 no-EVD 1 find-ACMP- rope-2-ACC basket alfa-ACC give-EXCEP-1.OBJ-IMP say-3
The mule said, "No. I'm going to help you find your rope. Give me a basket-full of alfalfa," he said to the
00:00:18.920 - 00:00:26.800

Hinaptinñataq ya tardillam trayarachimushaq sugaykita nin asnuqa.

Después, "En la tarde te voy a hacer llegar tu soga", dijo el burro.
Hinaptin-ña-taq ya tardi-lla-m traya-ra-chi-mu-shaq suga-yki-ta ni-n asnu-qa
then-DISC-SEQ ya afternoon-RSTR-EVD arrive-URGT-CAUS-CISL-1.FUT rope-2-ACC say-3 mule-TOP
Then, "This afternoon, I'm going to get your rope to you," said the mule.
00:00:26.850 - 00:00:32.690

Ya nin potrero alfalfata quwaykun.

"Ya", dijo y el potrero de alfalfa le dio.
Ya ni-n potrero alfa-ta quwa-yku-n
EMPH say-3 basket-full alfalfa-ACC give-EXCEP-3
"OK," he said and gave him the basket-full of alfalfa.
00:00:32.720 - 00:00:36.220

Asnuqa mikuyan chayta. Mikushpaqa

El burro está comiendo en allí. Comiendo
Asnu-qa miku-ya-n chay-ta Miku-shpa-qa
The mule is eating it. When he ate,
00:00:36.260 - 00:00:40.150

Ishkay atuq sugantin trayarun ishkay atuq sugantin trayarushpa entonses nin.
Dos zorros llegaron con sogas dos zorros llegando dijo
Ishkay atuq suga-ntin traya-ru-n ishkay atuq suga-ntin traya-ru-shpa entonses ni-n
two fox rope-ACMP arrive-URGT-3 two fox rope-ACMP arrive-URGT-SUBIS then say-3
Two foxes arrived with their ropes. When the foxes arrives with their ropes,
00:00:40.180 - 00:00:46.450

Kaypa asnuqa wañurusa kananqa aysashun kay sugawan nishpa ishkaynin aysapa:ku sanqaman.
En acá el burro murió. "Ahora hay que jalar con esta soga" dijo y los dos jalaron a la sanga.
Kay-pa asnu-qa wañu-ru-sa-ø kanan-qa aysa-shun kay suga-wan ni-shpa ishkay-ni-n aysa-pa:ku sanqaman.
DEM.P-LOC mule-TOP die-URGT-PRF-3 now-TOP pull-1.FUT DEM.P rope-INSTR say-SUBIS
two-EUPH-3 pull-PL ravine-ALL
The mule died here. "Now let's pull with this rope," he said and the two pulled him towards the ravine.
00:00:46.540 - 00:00:53.980

Entonses asnu allallata atuq watakun kunkapaq trakipaq sugawan watarun.

Entonces el burro bien bien le amarró del cuello, del pie
Entonses asnu all-alla-ta atuq wata-ku-n kunka-paq traki-paq suga-wan wata-ru-n
then mule good-good-ACC fox tie-REFL-3 neck-ABL foot-ABL rope-INSTR tie-URGT-3
Then the fox tied the mule up really well. He tied him up with the rope by the neck and by the foot.
00:00:53.990 - 00:00:59.000

Hinashpash asnuta aysayan. Entonses asnuqa kayna alchaparikun.

Después el burron está jalando. Después así se arregló.
Hinashpa-sh asnu-ta aysa-ya-n Entonses asnu-qa kay-na alchapa-ri-ku-n
then-EVR mule-ACC pull-PROG-3 then mule-TOP DEM.P-VRBZ fix-BEN-INCEP-REFL-3
Then he's pulling the mule. Then the mule fixed it like this.
00:00:59.020 - 00:01:03.790

Hatarinanpaqña. Entonses ancharayan aysayan sanqamanshi,

Para que se levante, después está echado y está llevándole a la sanja.
Hatari-na-n-paq-ña Entonses ancha-ra-ya-n aysa-ya-n sanqa-man-shi
get.up-NMLZ-3-PURP-DISC then VV-UNINT-PROG-3 pull-PROG-3 ravine-ALL-EVR
so that he could get up. Then he's thrown down and he's pulling towards the ravine.
00:01:03.870 - 00:01:08.350

Asnuqa qaqa hatarishpash ripukun

Después el burro levantando se fue a esa gente su casa.
Asnu-qa qaqa hatari-shpa-sh ripu-ku-n
mule-TOP get ... get.up-SUBIS-EVR go-REFL-3
Then the mule got up and, getting up, he left.
00:01:08.380 - 00:01:11.800

chay runapa wasinman. Chay runapa wasinman

Para su casa de esa gente para la gente su casa
chay runa-pa wasi-n-man. Chay runa-pa wasi-n-man
DEM.D person-GEN house-3-ALL DEM.D person-GEN-ALL house-3-ALL
towrds the man's house, towards the man's house.
00:01:11.960 - 00:01:16.250

Ñuqaqa niraykim kuyayan niraykim.

"Yo te he dicho. Está moviendo te he dicho".
Ñuqa-qa ni-ra-yki-m kuya-ya-n ni-ra-yki-m
1-TOP say-PRF-1>2-EVM move-PROG-3 say-PST-1>2-EVD
"I told you. He's moving, I told you."
00:01:16.340 - 00:01:20.030

Qam nimaranki. "Tikshirachush TK, kuyurayanchush," nirayki.

Ud. me has dicho. Tikshió? O estaba moviendo, te hedicho.
Qam ni-ma-ra-nki tikshi-ra-chu-sh kuyu-ra-ya-n-chu-sh ni-ra-yki-m
2 say-2>1-PRF-2>1 VV-PRF-Q-EVR move-PRF-PROG-3-Q-EVR say-PST-1>2-EVM
"You said to me, "Did he VV? Was he moving?" I said to you.
00:01:20.120 - 00:01:25.150

"Chiri ñam, wañusa ñam," niramanki, nishpash kuriyan.

Frío ya está muerto, me has dicho, y has corrido
Chiri ña-m wañu-sa ña-m ni-ra-ma-nki ni-shpa-sh kuri-ya-n
cold DISC-EVD dead-PRF DISC-EVD say-PST-1.OBJ-2 say-SUBIS-EVR run-PROG-3
"Cold alrady, dead already," you said to me and he's running.
00:01:25.210 - 00:01:31.250

trakita plantay, kumpadre! Rishun hinalla ! trakita plantay!

Plánta tu pie, compadre. Hay que ir así no más. Plánta tu pie.
traki-ta planta-y kumpadre. Ri-shun hina-lla traki-ta planta-y
foot-ACC plant-IMP compadre go-1.PL-FUT thus-RSTR foot-ACC plant-IMP
PAnt your foot, compadre! Let's go just like that! Plant your foot!
00:01:31.670 - 00:01:36.710

Nishpash asnu kurriyan runapa wasinman. HInashpash

Después ese burro esta corriendo para ese gente su casa
Ni-shpa-sh asnu kurri-ya-n runa-pa wasi-n-man HInashpa-sh
say-SUBIS-EVR mule run-PROG-3 person-GEN house-3-ALL then-EVR
Then, the mule is running towards the man's house. Then, they say,
00:01:36.760 - 00:01:40.700

Chay runapa wasinman trayarachin. Kaypa sugayki kayan

Para ese gente su casa hizo llegar. "Aquí está tu soga".
Chay runa-pa wasi-n-man traya-ra-chi-n Kay-pa suga-yki ka-ya-n
DEM.D person-GEN house-3-ALL arrive-URGT-CAUS-3 DEM.P-LOC rope-2 be-PROG-3
He had it arrive to the man's house. "Here's your rope!"
00:01:40.750 - 00:01:44.640

Intregaykusayki. Atuqtaqa aysarun wañusataña trayarachin chay runa kaqman. Intregachikun suganta.
Te voy a entregar. Muerto ya hizo llegar también donde esa gente. Se hizo entregar la soga.
Intrega-yku-sayki. Atuq-ta-qa aysa-ru-n wañu-sa-ta-ña traya-ra-chi-n chay runa ka-q-man Intrega-chi-ku-n
deliver-EXCEP-1>2.FUT fox-ACC-TOP pull-URGT-3 die-PRF-ACC-DISC ariive-URGT-CAUS-3 DE.D
person be-AG-ALL deliver-CAUS-REFL-3 rope-3-ACC
"I'm going to turn it in to you." He pulled the fox. He had it arrive dead already to the man's place. He had
the rope delivered.
00:01:44.740 - 00:01:52.190

Ése es todo. Puchukarunña

Ése es todo. Se terminó.
Puchuka-ru-n-ña QH
That's all. It's over.
00:01:52.220 - 00:01:57.900

Chayllash unay. Kwentuta willakura papani:.

Así dice antes. Mi papá me cont´ese cuento.
Chay-lla-sh unay Kwentu-ta willa-ku-ra-ø papa-ni-:
DEM.D-RSTR-EVR before story-ACC tell-REFL-PST-3 father-EUPH-:
00:01:57.900 - 00:02:01.740

00:02:01.740 - 00:02:05.060

Apwestata ruwan kunehota

[Hubo una vez hace mucho tiempo un zorro.] Él hizo una a apuesta con un conejo.
Apuwesta-ta ruwa-n kuneho-ta
bet-ACC make-3 rabbit-ACC
[Once upon a time there was a fox.] He made a bet with a rabbit.
00:02:22.090 - 00:02:26.540

Kunehosh kayna rumita hatun rumita hapiyasa

El conejo agarró una piedra así de grande.
kuneho-sh kay-na rumi-ta hatun rumi-ta hapi-ya-sa-ø
rabbit-EVR DEM.P-VRBZ stone-ACC big stone-ACC grab-PROG-PRF-3
The rabbit had grabbed a stone as big as this.
00:02:26.580 - 00:02:30.890

Atuq trayaramusa. "Kananqa mikurusqayki."

Llegó el zorro. "¡Ahora te voy a comer!"
Atuq traya-ra-mu-sa-ø Kanan-qa miku-ru-sqayki
fox arrive-URGT-CISL-PRF-3 now-TOP eat-URGT-1>2.FUT
The fox arrived. "Now I'm going to eat you!"
00:02:30.950 - 00:02:34.240

"Kananqa mikurusaykim," nin na atuq kunehota.

le dijo el zorro al conejo. "¡Ahora te voy a comer!"
Kanan-qa miku-ru-sayki-m ni-n na atuq kuneho-ta
now-TOP eat-URGT-1>2.FUT say-3 DMY fox rabbit-ACC
said the fox to the rabbit. "Now I'm going to eat you!"
00:02:34.280 - 00:02:38.690

"Ya. Kay rumita hapishun. Fwisiyum hamuyan. Kay rumita

[Pero ese conejo era bien astuto. Él contestó al zorro,] "Tenemos que sostener esta piedra. Viene el juicio
Ya. Kay rumi-ta hapi-shun Fwisiyu-m hamu-ya-n kay rumi-ta
EMPH DEM.P stone-ACC grab-1.PL-FUT judgement-EVD bring-PROG-3 DEM.P stone-ACC
[But the rabbit was very astute. He answered the gullible fox,] "We have to hold up this stone. [The final]
judgement is coming.
00:02:38.830 - 00:02:43.410

Si la sueltas,
"If you let [this stone] go,
00:02:43.410 - 00:02:45.430

Mundum ñitiramashun kaytam sustininkiqa kayta sustinichkanki ñuqañataqmi.

el mundo nos va a aplastar", [dijo el conejo]. "Vas a sostener ésta [piedra]. Mientras la vas sosteniendo, yo
también, ...
Mundu-m ñiti-ra-ma-shun kay-ta-m sustini-nki-qa kay-ta sustini-chka-nki ñuqa-ña-taq-mi
world-EVD crush-3>1.PL-FUT DEM.D-ACC-EVD hold-3-TOP DEM.P-ACC hold-PROG2-2
"The world is going to crush us. "Hold this one. While you're holding on to this one, I, too, ...
00:02:45.580 - 00:02:50.420

Huk wakluwpis siqaykayamun chayta sustinichkamushaq nishpa kuniquqa ayaririrun

Otra está cayendo allá en otro lugar. Voy a estar sosteniendo ésa [piedra]", dijo [el conejo].
Huk wak-luw-pa siqayka-ya-mu-n sustini-chka-mu-shaq ni-shpa kuneho-qa ayari-ri-ru-n
one DEM.D-side-ADD fall-PROG-CISL-3 hold-PROG2-CISL-1.FUT say-SUBIS rabbit-TOP
Another is falling in another place. I'm going to be holding up that one," said [the rabbit].
00:02:50.420 - 00:02:54.530

Atuq sustinira:yan tutakuykunña mikuna:yan lliwña. Hinaptin

El conejo escapó. El zorro seguía sostenido [la piedra]. Oscureció, tenía hambre y ya no aguntaba.
Atuq sustini-ra:-ya-n tuta-ku-yku-n-ña miku-naya-n lliw-ña. Hinaptin
fox hold-UNINT.INTENS-PROG-3 night-REFl-EXCEP-3-DISC eat-DESR-3 all-DISC then
The rabbit escaped. The fox continued holding up [the stone]. Night fell and he was hungry and everything
00:02:54.590 - 00:02:58.780
Hinalla atuq, "Imay ura chay konehoqa kutimunqa yanapamananpaq?" ni-n.
Así el zorro dijo, "¿A qué ahora va a regresar ese conejo para que me ayude?"
Hina-lla atuq imay ura chay koneho-qa kuti-mu-nqa yanapa-ma-na-n-paq ni-n
thus-RSTR fox when time-EVC DEM.D rabbit-TOP return-CISL-3.FUT help-1.OBJ-NMLZ-PURP say-3
So the fox said, "What time is that rabbit going to come back and help me?"
00:02:58.860 - 00:03:02.990

Hinallam rumita hapira:yan hinashpaqa

Así no más estaba sosteniendo la piedra, después
Hina-lla-m rumi-ta hapi-ra:-ya-n hinashpa-qa
thus-RSTR-EVD stone-ACC grab-UNINT.INTENS-PROG3 then-TOP
Just like that, the stone was being held up, then
00:03:02.990 - 00:03:05.730

Katraykurun. Imapis kanchu. "Ñuqata ingañamara," nishpa.

[el zorro] la soltó y – no pasó nada! "Me han engañado!" se dijo [el zorro].
Katra-yku-ru-n ima-pis ka-n-chu ñuqa-ta ingaña-ma-ra-ø ni-shpa
loose-EXCEP-URGT-3 what-ADD be-3-NEG 1-ACC deceive-1.OBJ-PRF-3 say-SUBIS
[the fox just] let it go and – nothing! "He tricked me!" said [the fox].
00:03:06.580 - 00:03:09.670

Pasakun atuqqa, "Kunehoqa maypi? Kanan tarimushaqmi," nishpa.

Se fue el zorro. "Ahora, ¿dónde estará el conejo?" dijo. "¡Lo voy a encontrar!"
Pasa-ku-n atuq-qa kuneho-qa may-pi kanan tari-mu-shaq-mi. ni-shpa
pass-REFL-3 fox-TOP rabbit-TOP where-LOC now find-CISL-1.FUT-EVD say-SUBIS
The fox left. "Where could the rabbit be?" he said. "I'm going to find him!"
00:03:09.690 - 00:03:13.240

Mikurushaqmi nishpa Hinashpaqa kunehoqa nipa

"Lo voy a comer", dijo. Después el conejo
Miku-ru-shaq-mi ni-shpa Hinashpa-qa kuneho-qa ni-pa
eat-URGT-1.FUT-EVD say-SUBIS then-TOP rabbit-TOP PHT
"I'm going to eat him," he said. Then the rabbit
00:03:13.250 - 00:03:17.790

Wertaman yaykurushpa klavilta lliw usharusa

entró al jardín [del dueño del zorro] y dejó todos los flores de clavel botados en el suelo.
Werta-man yayku-ru-shpa klavil-ta lliw usha-ru-sa-ø
garden-ALL enter-URGT-SUBIS carnation-ACC all discard-URGT-SUBIS
entered the garden and left all the carnations discarded on the ground.
00:03:17.790 - 00:03:20.390

Chaypiña runaqa hapirusa kunehota hawlarusa kayhina.

Allí [en la huerta] un hombre [el dueño] agarró al conejo y lo enjauló así.
Chay-pi-ña runa-qa hapi-ri-sa-ø kaniqu-ta hawla-ru-sa-ø kay-hina
A man grabbed the rabbit there [in the garden] and caged him like this.
00:03:20.450 - 00:03:23.950

Chay hawlaruptinshi, atuq trayarun. "Imata qamqa kaypa kumpadri ruwayanki?"

Cuando lo enjauló, llegó el zorro. "¿Qué estás haciendo acá, compadre?" [preguntó el zorro].
Chay hawla-ru-pti-n-shi Atuq traya-ru-n Ima-ta qam-qa kay-pa kumpadri ruwa-ya-nki
Chay cage-URGT-SUBDS-3-EVR fox arrive-PST-3 what-ACC you-TOP DEM.P-LOC compadre
When [the man] caged [the rabbit], the fox arrived. "What are you doing here, compadre?" [asked the fox]
00:03:24.020 - 00:03:28.500

"Manam. Kanan puntrawqa kayan kumpliyañum."

[El conejo astuto contestó,] "Hoy día, aquí hay [una fiesta de] cumpleaños".
mana-m kanan puntraw-qa ka-ya-n kumpliyañu-m
no-EVD now day-TOP be-PROG-3 birthday-EVD
[The astute rabbit answered,] "Today there's a birthday [party] here."
00:03:28.520 - 00:03:32.310

"Chaymi kay kaypaq qurqaramanki kay hawlapaq."

"Por eso", [dijo] "¡Sácame de aquí! ¡Déjame salir] de esta jaula!"
Chay-mi kay kay-pa qurqa-ra-ma-nki kay hawla-paq
"So," [he said,] "Take me out of this! [Let me out] of this cage here!"
00:03:32.380 - 00:03:36.010

Hinaptikiqa, GG "Kanan ñuqa musikum valikusa kaya:."

"Me han pedido que venga como músico.
Hinapti-ki-qa kanan ñuqa musiku-m vali-ku-sa ka-ya-:
thus-SUBDS-2-TOP now 1 musician-EVD request-REFL-PRF be-PROG-1
Then, "I've been requested as a musician."
00:03:36.010 - 00:03:38.780

Chay kaypa ratulla shuyaykamanki.

Un ratito no más me vas a esperar acá."
Chay kay-pa ratu-lla shuya-yka-ma-nki
DEM.P DEM.P-LOC moment-RSTR wait-EXCEP-1.OBJ-2
"Wait for me here just a moment!"
00:03:38.780 - 00:03:41.660

Shaykaramuwaptiqa, TK "Kanallan shayakaramusayki." Hinaptinqa, "Rishaqmi," nin.

"Bueno, te voy a esperar", [dijo el zorro y soltó al conejo]. "Ya me voy", se despidió [el conejo].
Shayka-ra-mu-wa-pti-qa kana-lla-n shaya-ka-ra-mu-sayki hinaptin-qa Ri-shaq-mi ni-n
wait-URGT-CISL-1-SUBDS-TOP TK now-RSTR-now wait-URGT-CISL-1>2.FUT then-TOP go-1.PL-FUT
"Right now I'm going to wait for you," [agreed the fox and he freed the rabbit]. "I'm going to go," said [the
00:03:41.700 - 00:03:47.660

Pasan. "Ñuqam kaya: kuntratista -- trumpitata apakaramushaq."

Se fue. "Yo soy contratista – voy a traer una trompeta."
Pasa-n ñuqa-m ka-ya-: kuntratista trumpita-ta apa-ka-ra-mu-shaq
pass-3 1-EVD be-PROG-1 contractor trumpet-ACC bring-REFL-URGT-CISL-1.FUT
He left. "I'm a hired musician – I'm going to bring a trumpet."
00:03:47.710 - 00:03:51.810

Hinashpaqa, "Tukana:paq. Pachamankakuna kayan alli allin mikushun kanan tardi," nishpa
Para que pueda tocar. Hay pachamanca y todo. Hoy tarde vamos a comer rico,"
Hinashpa-qa tuka-na-:-paq pachamanka-kuna ka-ya-n alli allin miku-shun kanan tardi ni-shpa
then-TOP play-NMLZ-1-PURP pachamanka-PL be-PROG good good eat-1PL.FUT now afternoon say-SUBIS
Then, "So that I can play. There's a pachamanca and all. We're going to eat really well this afternoon,"
00:03:51.820 - 00:03:55.900

nin atuqtaqa. Atuqqa pasan.

dijo al zorro. El zorro pasó [a la jaula]
ni-n atuq-ta-qa Atuq-qa pasa-n
say-3 fox-ACC-TOP fox-TOP pass-3
he said to the fox. The fox went [into the cage]
00:03:55.940 - 00:03:58.870

Ya nishpa, "Ñuqa kaypa witrqarachkashaq. 'Kayllapam shuyamatrkanki.' TK Kayman lliw alli alli
invitadokuna hamunqa," nishpa kuniqu pasan.
diciendo, "Aquí voy a estar encerrado [esperando]" El conejo le dijo, "Aquí no más vas ir esperándome. Todos
los invitados van a venir
aquí", dijo y se fue.
ya ni-shpa ñuqa kay-pa witrqa-ra-chka-shaq Kay-lla-pa-m shuya-ma-chka-nki Kay-man lliw alli alli
invitado-kuna hamu-nqa ni-shpa kuneho
wait-1.OBJ-PROG2-2 DEM.P-LOC all good good guest-REFL come-3.FUT
saying, “I'm going to be shut in here [waiting]." The rabbit said to him, "You're going to be waiting for me
here. All the guests will come
here," he said and left.
00:03:59.750 - 00:04:07.140

say-SUBIS rabbit pass-3

[Huk?] kunehoqa ayqirirun. Mana mikuchikunchu. Runaman trayarun.

El conejo se escapó. No se hizo comer. El hombre [el dueño del huerto] llegó [a casa y vio al zorro en la jaula].
huk kuneho-qa ayqi-ri-ru-n mana miku-chi-ku-n-chu runa-man traya-ru-n
one rabbit-TOP escape-URGT-3 no-EVD eat-CAUS-REFL-3-NEG person-ALL arrive-URGT-3
The rabbit escaped. He didn't get eaten. The man [the fox's owner] arrived [home and saw the fox in the cage].
00:04:07.250 - 00:04:10.500

"Qam sinvergwensa. Qam atuqman kunvertikuranki," nishpash

"¡Tú sin verguenza. ¡Tú te cambiaste con el conejo!" le dijo.
Qam sinvergwensa qam atuq-man kunverti-ku-ra-nki ni-shpa-sh
2 shameless 2 fox-ALL convert-REFL-PST-2 say-SUBIS-EVR
"You [are] shameless. You switched with the rabbit!" he said
00:04:10.500 - 00:04:14.160

Waqtarun runan atuqtaqa. Atuq atuq wañurun chaypi. Kuneho ya

Y el hombre pegó al zorro y el zorro murío allí. El conjejo [mientras tanto]
Waqta-ru-n runa-n atuq-ta-qa Atuq atuq wañu-ru-n chay-pi kuneho ya
hit-URGT-3 person-3 fox-ACC-TOP fox fox die-URGT-3 DEM.D-LOC rabbit EMPH
The man beat the fox and the fox dies there. The rabbit [meanwhile]
00:04:14.160 - 00:04:18.390

iskapashpa salvakurun vidanta.

escapó y salvó la vida.
iskapa-shpa salva-ku-ru-n vida-n-ta
escape-SUBIS save-REFL-URGT-3 life-3-ACC
escaped and saved his life.
00:04:18.490 - 00:04:20.990

Ése no más. Chayllam chay kwentu.

Éso no más es el cuento.
Chay-lla-m chay kwentu.
That's it. That's all for this story.
00:04:21.050 - 00:04:25.580

Urquntam hamullarqani.
Por el cerro no más he venido.
Urqu-n-ta-m hamu-lla-rqa-ni
hill-3-ACC-EVD come-RSTR-PST-1
I've come by his hill
00:05:28.510 - 00:05:34.200

puntantam hamullarqani. kuka kinto quqawniyuqllam

Por la punta yo he venido. Con fiambre de ojas de coca.
punta-n-ta-m hamu-lla-rqa-ni kukakinto quqaw-ni-yuq-lla-m
point-3-ACC-EVD come-RSTR-PST-1 coca.leaves picnic-EUPH-POSS-RSTR-EVD
I've come by his peak with a just picnic of coca leaves
00:05:34.360 - 00:05:41.280

Pisku vinu fuyambriyullam

Con pico, vino de fiambre
Pisku vinu fuyambri-yuq-lla-m
pisco wine picnic-POSS-RSTR-EVD
with just a picnic of pisco wine
00:05:41.300 - 00:05:47.800

Pulvuchapa tapaykullasa. Wayrachapa apaykullasa

Tapado de polvo. Llevado de aire.
Pulvu-cha-pa tapa-yku-lla-sa Wayra-cha-paq apa-yku-lla-sa
Covered with dust, carried by the wind
00:05:47.800 - 00:05:56.190

Kay sityuchaman trayaykamunki. Kay sityuchaman visitaykamunki.

Para este sitio vas a llegar. Para ese sitio vas a visitar.
Kay sityu-cha-man traya-yka-mu-nki Kay sityu-cha-man visita-yka-mu-nki
DEM.P site-DIM-ALL arrive-EXCEP-CISL-2 DEM.P site-DIM-ALL visit-EXCEP-CISL-2
You're going to come to this place. You're going to visit this place.
00:05:56.260 - 00:06:06.500

Chayllam chayqa.
Ése no más ése es.
Chay-lla-m chay-qa
That's all for that one.
00:06:06.570 - 00:06:12.100

Unayshi ichi kara. Chay ichi nin ... tapukun mamanñataq

[Empezó a contar el perro:] Antes había un gato. Ese gato preguntó a su mamá,
Unay-shi ichi ka-ra-ø Chay ichi ni-n tapu-ku-n mama-n-ña-taq
before-EVR cat be-PRF-3 DEM.D cat say-3 ask-REFL-3 mother-3-DISC-SEQ
[The dog began his story:] Once upon a time there was a cat. The cat asked his mother,
00:06:13.860 - 00:06:18.690

¿Maytam mamayki rin?" "Mama:qa rikun yaku yakullakuqmi". TK

"¿Dónde se fue tu mamá?" [preguntó el gatito]. "Mi mamá se fue a buscar agua", [respondió la mamá gato].
May-ta-m mama-yki ri-n Mama-:-qa ri-ku-n yaku yaku-lla-kuq-mi GG
where-ACC-EVD mother-2 go-3 mother-1-TOP go-REFL-3 water water-RSTR-REFL-AG-EVD
"Where did your mother go?" "My mother went to look for water."
00:06:18.720 - 00:06:23.530

"¿Maytaq chay yakuqa?" "Qinchu shuqurusa".

"¿Dónde está esa agua?" [preguntó]. "Un picaflor la chupó" [contestó].
May-taq chay yaku-qa Qinchu shuqu-ru-sa-ø
where-ACC DEM.D water-TOP hummingbird suck-URGT-PRF-3
"Where is the water?" "A hummingbird drank it."
00:06:23.570 - 00:06:27.030

"¿May chay qinchuqa?" "Runtuqmi rin". "¿May chay runtuqa?"

"¿Dónde está el picaflor?"[preguntó]. "Se fue a poner un huevo"[contestó]. "¿Dónde está ese huevo?"
May-taq chay qinchu-qa Runtu-q-mi ri-n May chay runtu-qa
where-SEQ DEM.D hummingbird-TOP egg-AG-EVD go-3 where DEM.D egg-TOP
"Where is the hummingbird?" "It went to lay an egg." "Where is the egg?"
00:06:27.070 - 00:06:32.410

"Qalam kacharusa". "¿Maytaq chay qalaqa? "

"El perro lo mascó" [contestó]. "¿Dónde está ese perro?"
qala-m kacha-ru-sa-ø May-taq chay qala-qa
"The dog had chewed it." "Where is the dog?"
00:06:33.050 - 00:06:36.470

"Qala tullatam aparun". "¿Maypaqtaq chay aparasa?" "Ukllupam trurarayasa".

"El perro [se fue] llevándose un hueso" [contestó]."¿De dónde llevó [ese hueso]?" [preguntó]. "Estaba
guardado en el almacén" [contestó].
Qala tulla-ta-m apa-ru-n May-paq-taq chay apa-ra-sa Ukllu-pa-m trura-ra-ya-sa
dog bone-ACC-EVD bring-URGT-3 where-ABL-SEQ DEM.D bring-UNINT PRF
"The dog took a bone [and left]." "Where was [the bone] taken from?" "It's stored in the store-house.
00:06:36.580 - 00:06:41.810

Mayta chayqa rin? Wak qullqa tunanpam kachuyan.

"¿Dónde se fue [el perro]?" [preguntó]. "Está en el rincón del almacén mascando [el hueso]" [contestó].
May-ta chay-qa ri-n Wak qullqa tuna-n-pa-m kachu-ya-n
where-ACC DEM.D-TOP go-3 DEM.D root.cellar corner-3-LOC-EVD chew-PROG-3
"Where did [they dog] go?" "He's chewing [the bone] in the corner of the root cellar."
00:06:41.820 - 00:06:45.720

Chayllam chay nishpash qala nira. Ichita uchuk ichilla burlakura mamanta.
El perro dijo así: Un gato chiquito se burló de su mamá.
Chay-lla-m chay ni-shpa-sh qala ni-ra-ø ichi-ta uchuk ichi-lla burla-ku-ra-ø mama-n-ta
DEM.D-RSTR-EVD DEM.D say-SUBIS-EVR dog say-PRF-3 cat-ACC small cat-RSTR joke-REFL-PRF-3
That's all the dog said. A small cat made fun of his mother.
00:06:45.840 - 00:06:52.870

Chayllam. Ishkay ichilla parlara mamanta tapichipichipichi

Ése dos gatos conversaban cuando preguntó de su mamá.
Chay-lla-m ishkay ichi-lla parla-ra-ø mama-n-ta tapish-ku-pti-n
DEM.D-RSTR-EVD two cat-RSTR talk-PRF-3 mother-3-ACC tapichipichipi
Just like that. Two cats taked to his mother
00:06:55.270 - 00:06:59.500

Kuntestara huk siñurata. Manam intindichinchu may maman risantaqa. Chay willakura maman tapukun.
Contestó a una señora. No ha hecho entender dónde se fue su mama.
Kuntesta-ra-ø huk siñura-ta Mana-m intindi-chi-n-chu may mama-n ri-sa-n-ta-qa
answer-PRF-3 one lady-ACC no-EVD understand-CAUS-3-NEG where mother-3 go-PRF-AC-TOPC
They answered a lady. She couldn't make them understand where their mother had gone.
00:06:59.580 - 00:07:05.870

Ese michi.
Ése gato.
That cat.
00:07:05.940 - 00:07:09.780

Kanan witraytam riya: ubihaman. ubiha:ta michimushaq, vaka:ta chawarushaq, kisuta ruwarushaq.
Ahora estoy yendo para mi oveja. Miu oveja voy a atajar. mi vaca voy a lechear y mi queso voy a hacer.
Kanan witray-ta ri-ya-: ubiha-man ubiha-:-ta michi-mu-shaq vaka-:-ta chawa-ru-shaq kisu-ta ruwa-ru-shaq
now up.hill-ACC go-PROG-1 sheep-ALL sheep-1-ACC herd-CISL-1.FUT cow-1-ACC milk-URGT-1.FUT
cheese-ACC make-URGT-1.FUT
Now I'm going up hill with my sheep. I'm going to herd my sheep; I'm going to milk my cows; I'm going to
make cheese.
00:07:54.030 - 00:08:01.440

Hinashpa vakata yakuta tumachishaq.

Después voy a hacer tomar agua a mi vaca.
Hinashpa vaka-ta yaku-ta tuma-chi-shaq
then cow-ACC water-ACC drink-CAUS-1.FUT
Then I'm going to have my cows drink water.
00:08:01.450 - 00:08:04.380

Purimushaq, vakawan, kabrawan.

Con vaca, con oveja, con cabra andaré.
puri-mu-shaq vaka-wan kabra-wan
walk-CISL-1.FUT cow-INSTR goat-INSTR
I'm going to walk around with my cows and goats.
00:08:04.440 - 00:08:07.280

Tutaykunqa yanukushaq.
Va a oscurecer voy a cocinar.
Tuta-yku-nqa yanu-ku-shaq
night-EXCEP-3.FUT cook-REFL-1.FUT
It's going to get dark and I'll cook.
00:08:07.290 - 00:08:10.170

Wakchakunata chichichishaq. Hinashpa

Voy a hacer mamar mi wakcho, después
Wakchakunata chichi-chi-shaq hinashpa
sheep-PL-ACC breast-CAUS-1.FUT then
I'm going to have my sheep nurse, then
00:08:10.190 - 00:08:13.550

puñushaq timpranu. Puñuku: istansyapaqa.

Voy a dormir temprano. Duerm en estancia.
puñu-shaq timpranu. Puñu-ku-: istansya-pa-qa
sleep-1.FUT early sleep-REFL-1 ranch-LOC-TOP
I'm going to sleep early. I'll sleep at the ranch.
00:08:13.600 - 00:08:18.110

Chirikullan, wayrakullan timpranu.

Hace frío, hace aire en la mañana.
Chiri-ku-lla-n wayra-ku-lla-n timpranu.
cold-REFL-RSTR-3 wind-REFL-RSTR-3 early
It's cold and windy early [in the morning].
00:08:18.170 - 00:08:24.750

Tres kwatrutaqa rikcharu:ña suyñukunata willanaku:. Wambrakunawan parlaku:.

A las tres a las cuatro ya se despiertan y se avisan sus sueños. Con los hijos converso.
Tres kwatru-ta-qa rikcha-ru-:-ña suyñu-kuna-ta willa-naku-: wambra-kuna-wan parla-ku-:
three four-ACC-TOP wake.up-URGT-1-DISC dream-PL-ACC tell-RECP-1 child-PL-INSTR talk-REFL-1
00:08:24.790 - 00:08:31.000

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:08 PM


Vaka hamurqa chaytam Tambopa harkaq-

Vaka hamu-rqa-ø chay-ta-m Tambo-pa harka-q
cow come-PST-3 DEM.D-ACC-EVD Tambo-LOC herd-AG
La vaca vino acá para pastear en Tambo
The cow came here to pasture in Tambo.
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:02.940

Chaymi qatikayamusa warakawan

Chay-mi qati-ka-ya-mu-sa-ø waraka-wan
Por eso estaba arreado con soga.
So he was tied up with a rope
00:00:03.020 - 00:00:05.770

Kaminuta rishpam. wak lawta asta witrarun

kaminu-ta ri-shpa-m wak law-ta asta witra-ru-n
road-ACC go-SUBIS-EVD DEM.D-side-ACC until go.up-URGT-3
Iba por el camino. Subió por por más allá.
He was going by the road. He went up on the far side.
00:00:05.890 - 00:00:09.520

Sirco witraypa puraminti sayarun. Parlapamuy, a ver .

Sirku witray-pa puraminti saya-ru-n Parla-pa-mu-y .
Corral above-LOC completely rest-URGT-3 talk-BEN-CISL-IMP .
Se paró completamente en el cerco arriba. ¡Ánda, convérsale! A ver.
He completely stopped in the corral up hill. Go on, talk with her. Let's see.
00:00:09.610 - 00:00:15.610

Mikunayawan ñuqata. ¿Imaynatr las dosikamaqa sayachishun vakataqa? ¿Kaypa imakunapis ruwanaykitr?
Ñuqam qatishaq
miku-naya-wan ñuqa-ta Imayna-tr las dosi-kama-qa saya-chi-shun vaka-ta-qa Kay-pa ima-kuna-pis
ruwa-na-yki-tr Ñuqa-m qati-shaq
eat-DESR-1.OBJ-3 1-ACC how-EVC the twelve-RSTR-TOP rest-CAUD-1PL.FUT cow-ACC-TOP
DEM.P-LOC what-PL-ADD make-NMLZ-2-EVC 1-EVD take-1.FUT
Me está dando hambre. ¿Cómo vamos a hacer esperar a la vaca hasta las doce? ¿Acá qué tienes que hacer?
Yo voy a llevarlo.
It's making me hungry. How will we make the cow wait until twelve? What do you have to do here? I'll take
00:00:15.810 - 00:00:22.940

Ishkaymi vakayki nin wak warmi

Ishkay-mi vaka-yki nin wak warmi
two-EVD cow-2 say-3 DEM.D woman
Tienes dos vacas dijo esa mujer.
That woman said you have two cows.
00:00:22.990 - 00:00:25.760

Wak altu waqtapatr karaho

wak altu waqta-pa-tr karaho
DEM.D high ladera-LOC-EVC damn
Allá arriba en esa ladera. ¡Carajo!
Up there on the hillside. Damn!
00:00:25.820 - 00:00:30.300

¿Ima paypaq huchanchu? Qaykuruptinqa hawkam sayakun. Uñankunata fweraman diharuptinchik

ima pay-paq hucha-n-chu qayku-ru-pti-n-qa hawka-m saya-ku-n uña-n-kuna-ta fwera-man diha-ru-pti-nchik
what 3-GEN fault-3-Q toss-ADD calm-EVD rest-REFL-3 calf-3-PL-ACC outside-ALL
¿Qué culpa tiene? Cuando se echa al coral ya tranquilo para. Su cría también, se le saca afuera.
What fault is it of hers? When you toss her into the corral, she stands there calmly. Her babies, too, when
you leave them outside.
00:00:30.390 - 00:00:35.060

Uñatatriki mana qaykurachu, Ñuqa imanashaqmi

Uña-ta-tri-ki mana qayku-ra-ø-chu Ñuqa ima-na-shaq-mi
calf-ACC-EVC-KI no toss-PST-3-NEG 1 what-VRBZ-1.FUT-EVD
No habrán echado el ternero. Yo tengo que hacer lo.
The calf must not have been tossed out. I have to do it.
00:00:35.100 - 00:00:39.680

kumudakurun, sabes Señora. Imaynataq ñuqaqa kanan kumudakurushaq. Yo sé

kumuda-ku-ru-n Imayna-taq ñuqa-qa kanan kumuda-ku-ru-shaq
comfortable-REFL-URGT-3 how-SEQ 1-TOP now comfortable-REFL-URGT-1.FUT
Sabes, Señora, se ha acomodado. Ahora ¿cómo podemos acomodarnos? Yo sé.
He made himself comfortable, you know, Ma'am? Now how can we settle in? I know.
00:00:39.730 - 00:00:45.830

¿Muchacha o muchacho?
¿Muchacha o muchacho?
Girl or boy?
00:00:45.970 - 00:00:48.760

Vakayqa ¿Imaytaq hamurqa? Kanan saparusa.

Vaka-y-qa imay-taq hamu-rqa-ø Kanan sapa-ru-sa-ø VV
cow-1-TOP come-PST-3 now when-SEQ let.go-URGT-PRF-3
¿Cuándo vino mi vaca? Ahora se había soltado.
When did my cow come? Now he had been let go.
00:00:48.920 - 00:00:51.790

Las tres mediata qaykurunimik.

las tres midya–ta qayku-ru-ni-mi-k
the three half-ACC toss-URGT-1-EVD-K
Lo eché a las tres y media
I tossed him out at three-thirty.
00:00:51.890 - 00:00:54.960

Inti siqaykuptinllami vaka qayakuyan

inti siqayku-ya-pti-n-lla-mi vaka qaya-ku-ya-n
sun hide-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-RSTR-EVD cow moo-REFL-PROG-3
Cuando oculte el sol no más la vaca ya está bramando.
Just when the sun sets, the cow is mooing.
00:00:56.920 - 00:01:00.480

Chaytri uñanpis kidarurqa.

chay-tri uña-n-pis kida-ru-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVC calf-3-ADD remain-URGT-PST-3
Por eso habrá quedado su ternero también.
That must be why her calf stayed, too.
00:01:02.320 - 00:01:04.980

Kimsam kidarusa. Chawarunaymi karqa.

kimsa-m kida-ru-sa-ø chawa-ru-na-y-mi ka-rqa-ø
three-EVD remain-URGT-PRF-3 milk-URGT-NMLZ-1-EVD be-PST-3
Tres habían quedado. Yo las iba a lechear.
Three had stayed. I would have milked.
00:01:06.630 - 00:01:10.500

Qaykuykuptiyqa sikyata pasarushpaqa qalay qalayta allí mismo laplarun

qayku-yku-pti-y-qa sikiya-ta pasa-ru-shpa-qa qalay qalay-ta lapla-ru-n
toss-EXCEP-SUBDS-1-TOP canal-ACC pass-URGT-SUBIS-TOP all all-ACC suckle-URGT-3
Cuando yo lo eché, pasó la acequía y allí mismo mamó.
When I let him out, passing the canal, he suckled right there.
00:01:11.820 - 00:01:16.200

Wakpim asnurayan chayná.

wak-pi-m asnu-raya-n chay-na
Allá está parado como un burro.
He's standing there just like a mule.
00:01:16.750 - 00:01:18.730

Ishkay yuraqkama vaka wak ukuntam ayqiriykaraptin chaypitr karunña

ishkay yuraq-kama vaka wak uku-n-ta-m ayqi-ri-yku-ru-pti-n chay-pi-tr ka-ra-ø
two white-LIM cow DEM.D below-3-ACC-EVD escape-INCEP-EXCEP-URGT-SUBDS-3
dos vacas blancas por allí abajo están. Cuando se escapó habrán sido allí.
There are two white cows under there. When he escaped, they must have been there.
00:01:18.960 - 00:01:23.580

Pasaypaq manam kwintata qusachu.

pasaypaq mana-m kwinta-ta qu-sa-ø-chu
completely no-EVD account-ACC give-PRF-3-NEG
De total, no se daba cuenta.
She did not realize it at all.
00:01:28.280 - 00:01:32.060

Rimaytakaman rimakuyan. Manam nisaykihina.

rima-y-ta-LIM rima-ku-ya-n mana-m ni-sa-yki-hina
talk-INF-ACC-RSTR talk-REFL-PROG-3 no-3 say-PRF-2-COMP
Habla por hablar. No como lo que tú dices.
She talks for the sake of talking. Not like what you say.
00:01:32.330 - 00:01:36.960

fiyu fiyu warmin chayqa.

fiyu fiyu warmi-n chay-qa
ugly ugly woman-3 DEM.D-TOP
Su mujer es muy mala.
His wife is really awful.
00:01:32.330 - 00:01:36.960

¿Qué diablo será ése? Chaytri wañuq qarin wañunankamam maqarqa.

Chay-tri qari-n wañu-na-n-kama-m wañuq maqa-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVC die-AG man-3 die-NMLZ-3-RSTR-EVD hit-PST-3
Qué diablo será ése? Será por eso qur su esposo finado la pegó hasta que muera.
What the devil is that? That must be why her late husband beat her to death.
00:01:37.060 - 00:01:43.270

Runaqa kachuwan kumprindido.

Runa-qa ka-chuwan kumprindido
person-TOP be-1PL.COND understood
Gente podemos ser comprendido.
We people can be understood.
00:01:44.500 - 00:01:48.060

Ése dice casi pegó gente

Él casi pegó a a una persona, dicen.
That one, they say, almost hit people.
00:01:49.540 - 00:01:52.450

00:01:49.540 - 00:01:52.450

Ha hecho daño mi vaca dentro de Tambo

Mi vaca hizo daño en Tambopata.
My cow has done damage inside of Tambo.
00:01:52.620 - 00:01:57.150

Por gusto había bajado.

Había bajado por gusto.
He'd come down for the fun of it.
00:01:59.870 - 00:02:04.540

Habiendo pasto puede comer. Mikuchakunman pastuchataq. Kayanñam pastucha kananqa, ve

Miku-cha-ku-n-man pastu-cha-taq ka-ya-n-ña-m pastu-cha kanan-qa ve
eat-DIM-REFL-3-COND pasture.grass-DIM-ACC be-PROG-3-DISC-EVD pasture-grass-DIM now-TOP look
Cuando hay pasto [aquí] que puede comer. Puede comer pastito. Ahora pasto habrá.
When there's pasture grass here he could eat. He could eat pasture grass. Now there's pasture grass already.
00:02:04.790 - 00:02:11.240

¿Imanasataq mana vakata qaykurumankichu? Niy chay wambrata.

¿Ima-na-sa-taq mana vakata qayku-ru-man-ki-chu Ni-y chay wambra-ta
what-VRBZ-PRF-3-SEQ no cow-ACC toss-URGT-COND-2-NEG say-IMP DEM.D child-ACC
¿Por qué no has echado a esa vaca? Díle a ese chico.
How was it that you couldn't toss out the cow? Say it to that boy.
00:02:12.200 - 00:02:17.900

Qaynam mana karqachu.

Qayna-m mana ka-rqa-ø-chu
previous-EVD no be-PST-3-NEG
Antes no había.
Before, there wasn't any.
00:02:12.200 - 00:02:17.900

Manayá. Chayraqtrik hamuyan.

Mana-yá chay-raq-tri-k hamu-ya-n
No, pues, Recién estará viniendo.
No, then. He must only just be coming.
00:02:18.030 - 00:02:21.980
Nishpa ¿May? ¿Hamuyanchu?
Ni-shpa may hamu-ya-n-chu
say-SUBIS where come-PROG-3-NEG
¿Dónde? ¿Está viniendo?
Saying, Where is he coming?
00:02:18.030 - 00:02:21.980

Kaypim ruwakunay kay(ta). Kapastri yataypa taqsaptiki yapakuruyman.

Kay-pi-m ruwa-ku-na-y kay-(ta). Kapas-tri yata-y-pa taqsa-pti-ki yapa-ku-ru-y-man.
DEM.P-LOC-EVD make-REFL-NMLZ-1 DEM.P-ACC perhaps-EVC side-1-LOC wash-SUBDS-2
Tengo que hacerlo aquí. Tal vez, cuando lavas en mi lado, puedo aumentarme.
I have to do it here. Maybe when you wash next to me, I can get seconds.
00:02:22.380 - 00:02:26.790

Kay warmichaqa wayra wak witraypi purisa.

kay warmi-cha-qa wayra wak witray-pi puri-sa-ø
DEM.P woman-DIM-TOP wind DEM.D above-LOC walk-PRF-3
Esta señorita rápido rápido allá arriba andaba.
That young lady was walking really fast there up the hill.
00:02:28.950 - 00:02:36.840

Kanan jueves. mirecoles dice no, mañana jueves . . . viernes, sábado . . . tres días
Hoy es jueves. Mirecoles dice no, mañana jueves . . . viernes, sábado . . . tres días
Today is Thursday. Wednesday, she says no. Tomorrow is Thursday. Friday, Saturday. Three days.
00:02:28.950 - 00:02:36.840

¿Ima niyantri Don Filomino?

¿Ima ni-ya-n-tri Don Filomino
what say-PROG-3-EVC Don Filomino?
¿Qué estará diciendo Don Filomeno?
What must Don Filomino be saying?
00:02:37.100 - 00:02:39.030

¿Maypiyá puñurqa?
may-pi-yá puñu-rqa-ø
where-LOC-EMPH sleep-PST-3
En dónde habrá dormido?
Where could he have slept?
00:02:40.860 - 00:02:43.100

Qipa qipapiñatr puñurqa. Pero ¿Imayna wak uñanqa kidarurqa?

qipa qipa-pi-ña-tri-k puñu-rqa-ø imayna wak uña-n-qa kida-ru-rqa-ø
behind behind-LOC-DISC-EVC-K sleep-PST-3 how DEM.D calf-3-TOP remain-URGT-PST-3
Más atras ya habrá dormido. Pero cómo se quedó su ternero?
She must have slept further back. But how did her calf stay here?
00:02:43.390 - 00:02:47.770

He was saying, they say.
00:02:47.890 - 00:02:52.370

ton ton ton ton

ton ton ton ton
tap tap tap tap
ton ton ton ton
tap, tap, tap, tap
00:02:52.470 - 00:02:56.090

Alish chayta hamuyan.

Alish chay-ta hamu-ya-n
Alish DEM.D-ACC come-PROG-3
Alicia allí está viniendo.
Alicia is coming.
00:02:59.480 - 00:03:00.490

Chaykunatr, ¿Hamuyanchu runa?

Chay-kuna-tr hamu-ya-n-chu runa
DEM.D-PL-EVC come-PROG-3-Q person
Todos-RSTRs, ¿está viniendo gente?
Those, for sure. Are people coming?
00:03:00.560 - 00:03:03.810

Sayaykunqaraqtri vaka.
Saya-yku-nqa-raq-tri vaka.
La vaca va a pararse allí todavía.
The cow is going to stay there still.
00:03:03.870 - 00:03:07.110

¿Imayna kanqa? ¿Kay warmi mikunmanchu? ¿Imaynayá

Imayna ka-nqa Kay warmi miku-n-man-chu Imayna-yá
how be-3.FUT DEM.D woman eat-3-COND-Q how-EMPH
¿Cómo será? ¿Comerá esa señorita? ¿Cómo será?
How will it be? Can the young lady eat? Cow will it be?
00:03:07.160 - 00:03:10.840

¿Entendiste la quechua?
¿Entendiste la quechua?
Did you understand the Quechua?
00:03:07.160 - 00:03:10.840

Purinki hamunki.
Puri-nki hamu-nki
walk-2 come-2
Vas a caminar y vas a venir.
You're going to walk. You're going to come,
00:03:10.990 - 00:03:13.360

Vakachakunata harkanki niy

Vaka-cha-kuna-ta harka-nki ni-y
cow-DIM-PL-ACC herd-2 say-IMP
Vas a pastear vacas. Díle.
You're going to pasture cows, say!
00:03:13.480 - 00:03:16.110

kukachantam apamusa llapa.

kuka-cha-n-ta-m apa-mu-sa-ø llapa
coca-DIM-3-ACC-EVD bring-CISL-PRF-3 all
Había traido su coquita.
00:03:20.000 - 00:03:24.200

Gustarunki hinashpaqa manañam kutinkichu.

Gusta-ru-nki hinashpa-qa mana-ña-m kuti-nki-chu
like-URGT-2 then-TOP no-DISC-EVD return-2-NEG
Te va a gustar y después ya no vas a regresar.
You're going to like it and then you're not going to go back.
00:03:20.000 - 00:03:24.200

kukatam apapamuwasa, ve.

kukatam apa-pa-mu-wa-sa-ø ve.
coca-ACC-EVD bring-BEN-CISL-1.OBJ-PRF-3 look
Coca me había traido.
00:03:24.300 - 00:03:27.620

00:03:27.720 - 00:03:32.320

Manañam manam kutinkiñachu. kidakunkiñam.

Mana-ña-m mana-m kuti-nki-ña-chu kida-ku-nki-ña-m
no-DISC-EVD no-EVD return-2-DISC-NEG remain-REFL-2-DISC-EVD
Ya no vas a volver. Te vas a quedar.
You won't go back. You'll stay.
00:03:27.720 - 00:03:32.320

Kaypiña maskanki, niy

Kay-pi-ña maska-nki ni-y
DEM.P-LOC-DISC search.for-2 say-IMP
En acá ya vas a buscar. Díle.
You're going to look here already. Say!
00:03:32.490 - 00:03:35.680

00:03:32.490 - 00:03:35.680

Aquí a Bibis atajas.

Aquí atajarás a Bibis [la vaca].
Here, you'll pasture Bibis [the cow].
00:03:35.780 - 00:03:37.790

Vakachata harkanki, ubihata.
Vaka-cha-ta harka-nki ubiha-ta
cow-DIM-ACC herd-2 sheep-ACC
Atajas vaquita, oveja,
You'll pasture cows and sheep.
00:03:37.880 - 00:03:40.580

¿No conoces?
¿No lo conoces?
You don't know it?
00:03:40.730 - 00:03:44.290

Llamachakunaqa? ¿Allí hay llama ó no?

Llamachakuna ¿Allí hay llamas o no?
Llamas. Are there llamas there or not?
00:03:40.730 - 00:03:44.290

Wakraqtri kwidananchiqa kanqa. Allquntinchu trayamuyan?

Wak-raq-tri kwida-na-n-chi-qa kanqa ¿Allqu-ntin-chu traya-mu-ya-n
DEM.D-CONT-EVC care.for-NMLZ-1-CAUS TOP be-3.FUT dog-INCL-Q come-PROG-3
A eso todavía tengo que cuidar. ¿Están viniendo con su perro?
I still have to take care of it like that. Are they coming with their dog and all?
00:03:44.820 - 00:03:49.210

00:03:44.820 - 00:03:49.210

Aroschata kombidaptinchik ¿mikunmanchu? ¿Imaynaya?

Aros-cha-ta kombida-pti-n-chik ¿miku-n-man-chu imayna-ya
rice-DIM-ACC combine-SUBDS-1PL eat-3-COND-Q how-EMPH
Si mezclamos arrocito, ¿lo comería? ¿Cómo será?
If we mix the rice, would she eat it? How will it be?
00:03:52.670 - 00:03:55.550

Amaraq! wak!
Ama-raq wak
Ése todavía no.
That one not yet.
00:03:55.660 - 00:03:58.120

Ama, puntrawyarun.
Ama puntraw-ya-ru-n
No! Es día.
No! It's already day time.
00:03:55.660 - 00:03:58.120
kwidaykunki. Manka rupayan icha.
kwida-yku-nki manka rupa-ya-n icha
care.for-EXCEP-2 pot burn-PROG-3 or
Vas a cuidar. Cuidado, está quemando la olla.
You're going to take care of it. The pot is burning -- careful!
00:03:58.390 - 00:04:01.340

00:04:01.480 - 00:04:04.460

Allquchata kwidaykushaq
Allqu-cha-ta kwida-yku-shaq
dog-DIM-ACC care.for-EXCEP-1.FUT
Voy a cuidar al perrito.
I'll take care of the dog.
00:04:01.480 - 00:04:04.460

Runacham hamuyan riki.

Runa-cha-m hamu-ya-n ri-ki
person-DIM-EBD come-PROG-3 RI-KI
Gene está viniendo.
People are coming all right.
00:04:04.920 - 00:04:08.810

Chaynam ninki: 'Runam hamuyan'.

Chay-na-m ni-nki runa-m hamu-ya-n
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD say-2 person-EVD come-PROG-3
Así vas a decir: "Está viniendo gente".
You're going to say like that: "People are coming."
00:04:09.390 - 00:04:12.470

'Kaminuntam puriyan runa', ninki.

'Kaminu-n-ta-m puri-ya-n runa ni-nki
road-3-ACC-EVD walk-PROG-3 person say-2
"Gente está caminando por el camino", vas a decir.
"People are walking on the road" you'll say.
00:04:12.560 - 00:04:15.230

Wakhina runa puriqtaqa.

Wak-hina runa puri-q-ta-qa
DEM.D-COMP person walk-AG-ACC-TOP
Así lo que camina gente. Perro!
Like that to people who walk. Dog!
00:04:15.420 - 00:04:18.830

¡Carajo y mierda! Éste es medio bravo.

¡Carajo y mierda! Éste es medio bravo.
Damn and shit! This one is half fierce.
00:04:20.450 - 00:04:24.040

¡Corbatón! [el nombre del perro]
Corbatón! [the dog's name]
00:04:24.220 - 00:04:30.390

Por allí camino no más estás.

Por allí camino no más estás.
You're there just by the road.
00:04:30.550 - 00:04:40.260

Kaypaqa ñuqanchik lliwtam yatranchik kastillanu, kichwa.

Ñuqa-nchik lliw-ta-m yatra-nchik kastillanu kichwa
1PL all-ACC-EVD know-1PL Spanish Quechua
Todos nosotros sabemos castellano y quechua.
All of us know Spanish and Quechua.
00:04:30.550 - 00:04:40.260

Ya pasó.
She went by.
00:04:40.400 - 00:04:43.710

¿Ya pasó?
Did she go by already?
00:04:40.400 - 00:04:43.710

Ma tapushun
ma tapu-shun
A ver, vamos a preguntar
Let's see -- we´ll ask.
00:04:43.840 - 00:04:52.410

Arí, arí.
arí Arí,
yes yes
Sí, pues, sí.
Yes, yes.
00:04:43.840 - 00:04:52.410

¿Puedes comer?
Can you eat?
00:04:52.480 - 00:04:55.870

¿Imayas mikuchaykuwaqchu mamáy? Vamos a comer.

¿Ima-ya-s miku-cha-yku-waq-chu mamá-y
what-EMPH-ADD eat-DIM-EXCEP-2.COND-Q mother-1
¿Cualquier cosita puedes comer, mami? Vamos a comer.
Can you eat anything? Let's eat.
00:04:55.920 - 00:04:59.990

Ya, basta, basta, va a servir. Yo voy a traer ese dañero.

Ya, basta, basta, va a servir. Yo voy a traer ese dañero.
OK, enough, enough. She's going to serve. I'm going to bring that mischief-maker.
00:05:00.090 - 00:05:04.440

Esa pampa son seis dueños.

Hay seis dueños en esta pampa.
There are three owners in this pampa.
00:05:07.070 - 00:05:11.120

Con una cinta no más.

Con una cinta no más.
Just with a belt.
00:05:11.430 - 00:05:14.010

Vamos a subir. Quiero sacar la prueba.

Vamos a subir. Quiero sacar la prueba.
Let's go up. I want to test it.
00:05:14.100 - 00:05:20.110

Qatra vakaqa wanuyan qutranman.

Qatra vaka-qa wanu-ya-n qutra-n-man
dirty urinate-PROG-3 VV cow-TOP reservoir-3-ALL
Esa vaca cochina está orinando en su estanco.
That dirty cow is pissing in her reservoir.
00:05:21.460 - 00:05:31.810

Sikintin qaykusanpaq.
siki-ntin qayku-sa-n-paq
calf-INCL loose-PRF-3-ABL
Por que lo ha echado con su ternero
Because she was let out with her calf.
00:05:31.910 - 00:05:34.560

Manam kikinqa yo no he echado niymantriki ninaykipaq.

mana-m kiki-n-qa ni-y-man-tri-ki ni-na-yki-paq
no-EVD self-3-TOP say-1-COND-EVC-KI say-NMLZ-2-PURP
No él mismo. "Yo no he echado." Yo puedo decirlo para que tú lo digas.
Not himself, "I haven't tossed it." I could say it so you can say it.
00:05:34.660 - 00:05:39.980

Wakta parlapashpa yatrachichkay

wak-ta parla-pa-shpa yatra-chi-chka-y
A ella vaya conversándole y vaya enseñándole.
Go on talking with her and teaching her.
00:05:40.120 - 00:05:44.710

00:05:44.790 - 00:05:47.100

¡Va enseñándole!
Go teaching her!
00:05:44.790 - 00:05:47.100

Vaya, vaya.
Vaya, vaya.
Gon on, go on!
00:05:47.260 - 00:05:50.960

Vakata lliwta qaquruy rikurushaq wak hanaypim.

Vaka-ta lliw-ta qaqu-ru-y riku-ru-shaq wak hanay-pi-m
cow-ACC all-ACC leave-URGT-1FUT DEM.D toss-URGT-IMP above-LOC
A la vaca, todo vas a botar. Voy a irme, allá, arriba.
Toss out the cow and everything. I'm going to go there up hill.
00:05:47.260 - 00:05:50.960

Wak altupa aroschata. Quykaramuy aros. Sobrachanta ashchalla kayan. Chay mutita yanukurqani.
Wak altu-pa aros-cha-ta Qu-yka-ra-mu-y aros Sobra-cha-n-ta ash-cha-lla ka-ya-n Chay muti-ta yanu-ku-rqa-ni
DEM.D high-LOC rice-DIM-ACC give-EXCEP-CISL-IMP rice be.left.over-DIM-3-ACC little-RSTR
be-PROG-3 DEM.D hominy-ACC cook-REFL-PST-1
Allá encima está arroz. ¡Dáme arroz! Le sobra poquito no más. He cocinado mote.
There's rice up there. Give me the rice. There's only a little of its left-overs. I cooked this hominy.
00:05:51.160 - 00:06:00.070

Kalliqunpa kayan. ¿imata?

Kalliqun-pa ka-ya-n ima-ta
alley-LOC be-PROG-3 what-ACC
Está en el callejon. ¿Qué?
It's in the alley. What?
00:05:51.160 - 00:06:00.070

qunchu kay kay

qu-n-chu kay kay
give-3-Q DEM.D DEM.D
¿Da? Ya. Ya.
Does it give? Here, here.
00:06:00.140 - 00:06:08.840

Kaypim Vicente yatran.
kay-pi-m vicente yatra-n
DEM.P-LOC-EVD vicente live-3
Acá vive Vicente.
Vicente lives here.
00:06:08.970 - 00:06:17.870

Manam sitin kaptin chawanmanchu karqa.

Mana-m siti-n ka-pti-n chawa-n-man-chu ka-rqa-ø
no-EVD calf-3 be-SUBDS-3 milk-3-COND-NEG be-PST-3
Sin ternero, no hubiera lecheado.
Without a calf, she wouldn't have milked.
00:06:18.270 - 00:06:23.580

Qaykumuwaq sititaraq karaho

Qayku-mu-waq siti-ta-raq karaho
toss-CISL-2.COND calf-ACC-CONT damn
Puedes echar al ternero todavía. Carajo.
You could still toss out the calf. Damn!
00:06:18.270 - 00:06:23.580

Tupakullarqa imayna mana sitin kaptin

tupa-ku-lla-rqa-ø imayna siti-n-qa ka-pti-n
horn-REFL-RSTR-PST-3 how calf-3-TOP be-SUBDS-3
Lo corneó -- ¿Cómo si no tiene cria?
She horned him. How if she doesn't have a calf?
00:06:23.700 - 00:06:28.380

Chayman lliwta winakuruy.

chay-man lliw-ta winakuruy
¡Allí échalo todo!
Toss it all in over here!
00:06:28.660 - 00:06:35.150

Chay chiri arosnikita kayman masta.

chay chiri aros-ni-ki-ta kay-man mas
DEM.D cold rice-EUPH-2-ACC DEM.P-ALL more
!Más de tu arroz frío aca!
More of your cold rice over here!
00:06:28.660 - 00:06:35.150

Manam chaytaq yanqachu. Yatrachinki kaynatam pagashunki kristal qullqita.

mana-m chay-taq yanqa-chu yatra-chi-nki kay-na-ta-m kristal paga-shunki qullqi-ta
no-EVD DEM.D-SEQ in.vain-NEG know-CAUS-2 DEM.P-VRBZ-ACC-EVD pay-3>2 crystal gold-ACC
No es éste mentira. Vas a enseñar. Enseñas así te va a pagar cristal dinerito.
That's not in vain. You're going to teach and that way she'll pay you -- cristal and gold.
00:06:35.280 - 00:06:45.470

Grasyas nishpa rimapay.

Grasyas ni-shpa rima-pa-y say-SUBIS talk-REPET-IMP
Gracías diciendo cónversale.
Say thank you and go on talking.
00:06:45.560 - 00:06:51.710

Lliwtachu mishiman qaraykuynki? [undecipherable]

lliw-ta-chu mishi-man qu-ra-yku-y
¿Serviste todo al gato?
Did you serve it all to the cat?
00:06:51.790 - 00:06:57.620

No hay.
No hay.
There isn't any.
00:06:57.700 - 00:07:01.010

¿Manachu frihulniki? ¿Puchukarunchu?

¿Mana-chu frihul-ni-ki Puchuka-ru-n-chu
no-EVC bean-EUPH-2 finish-URGT-3-Q
¿Ya no tienes frijoles? ¿Se terminó?
You don't have any beans? It's finished?
00:06:57.700 - 00:07:01.010

Manam, ishchallatam mikuramusa.

Mana-m ishcha-lla-ta-m miku-ra-mu-sa-ø
No, poquito no más había comido.
No. He ate just a little bit.
00:07:01.130 - 00:07:06.550

Kaytri kayan.
Kay-tri ka-ya-n
Ha de estar aquí.
It should be here.
00:07:01.130 - 00:07:06.550

Arí, allinmi.
arí alli-n-mi
yes good-3-EVD
Sí, está bien.
Yes. It's good.
00:07:06.660 - 00:07:13.270

¿Qampaq allinchu chay?

qam-paq alli-n-chu chay
2-BEN good-3-Q DEM.D
Para tí estará bien?
Is this good for you?
00:07:06.660 - 00:07:13.270

Waqraptin vakata chay ukuta siqaykurun.

waqra-pti-n vaka-ta chay uku-ta siqaykurun
horn-SUBDS.3 cow-ACC inside-ACC DEM.D fall-REFL-URGTT-3
Cuando corneó esa vaca allí al dentro se cayó.
When he horned the cow, she fell there inside.
00:07:17.350 - 00:07:20.340

Lluquchinga kinraypa. Allinllam pastu kayan. Oye.

Lluquchinga kinray-pa Alli-n-lla-m pastu ka-ya-n Oye.
Lluquchinga side-LOC good-3-RSTR-EVD pasture.grass be-PROG-3
Al lado de Lluquchinga. Hay muy buen pasto. Oye.
Over by Lluquchinga. There's very good pasture grass. Listen!
00:07:21.290 - 00:07:26.430

Chay chaqla kinraytatr pasarurqa ¿aw?

chay chaqla kinray-ta-tr pasa-ru-rqa-ø aw
DEM.D cliff area-ACC-EVC pass-URGT-PST-3 yes
Por esa peña por allí habrá venido, no?
He must have come by up around that cliff, no?
00:07:26.570 - 00:07:29.230

Wak yuraqkama vakam pawarun. Gracias.

Wak yuraq-kama vaka-m pawa-ru-n
DEM.D white-LIM cow.EVD jump-URGT-3
Esas vacas blancas saltaron. Gracias.
Those white cows jumped. Thank you.
00:07:29.330 - 00:07:35.010

Ñuqam dudayani. Qaninpapaqmi pinsayani. Yuraqkamallam altu altupa.

Ñuqa-m duda-ya-ni qaninpa-paq-mi pinsayani. Yuraq-kama-lla-m altu altu-pa
1-EVD doubt-PROG-1 previous-ABL-EVD think-PROG-1 white-RSTR-RSTR-EVD high high-LOC
Yo me lo estoy dudando. Desde más antes, estoy pensando. Las blancas están arriba.
I'm doubting it. I'm thinking about it since before. The white ones are up high.
00:07:41.360 - 00:07:48.330

Amañakayta allamunki.
Amañakay-ta alla-mu-nki
Amañakay-ACC harvest-CISL-2
Vas a sacar amañakay
You'll harvest amañakay.
00:07:48.380 - 00:07:55.700

Kapastri kayanmanpis siqananpaq.

Kapas-tri ka-ya-n-man-pis siqa-na-n-paq
perhaps-EVC be-PROG-3-COND-ADD go.up-NMLZ-3-PURP
Tal vez pueda haber para que suba.
There might be some so they can go up.
00:07:48.380 - 00:07:55.700

Fiyu fiyu qatram warmi kasa chay warmi. ¡Atatayáw!

Fiyu fiyu warmi ka-sa-ø chay warmi qatra-m atatayaw
ugly ugly dirty-EVD woman be-PRF-3 DEM.D woman EXCL
Esa mujer era bien fea y cochina. Qué asco me dio. ¡Atatayáw!
That woman was really nasty and filthy. Atatayáw!
00:07:55.960 - 00:08:03.300

alayla nin fiyu fiyu warmim chay
alayla ni-n fiyu fiyu warmi-m chay
alayla say-3 ugly ugly woman-EVD DEM.D
Lo que le llaman Alila, bien mala es esa mujer.
00:08:03.390 - 00:08:07.240

filuqa paninqa nin maqawaytam ñuqata pinsayan nin

filuqa pani-n-qa ni-n maqa-wa-y-ta-m ñuqa-ta pinsa-ya-n ni-n
filuqa sister-3-TOP say-3 hit-1.OBJ-INF-ACC 1-ACC think-PROG-3 say-3
De Filomena su hermana, dijo. Me quiere pegar, dijo.
00:08:07.340 - 00:08:12.790

Pashña kakuyan.
Pashña ka-ku-ya-n
girl be-REFL-PROG-3
Chica ya está.
She's a girl [young].
00:08:12.840 - 00:08:17.500

Tardiq chaynallañatr kayan.

Tardi-q chay-na-lla-ña-tr ka-ya-n
Por la tarde así no más estará.
00:08:17.660 - 00:08:21.670

Otra vez todavía.
Again, still.
00:08:17.660 - 00:08:21.670

Hamushpapis kutishaq kay koral pirqapaq [undecipherable]

Hamu-shpa-pis kuti-shaq kay koral pirqa-paq
come-SUBIS return-1.FUT DEM.P corral wall-PURP
Cuando vengo, voy a volver para pircar a ese corral.
When I come, I'll come back to wall this corral.
00:08:22.140 - 00:08:26.230

Qatimushaq vakata kaykama.

Qati-mu-shaq vaka-ta kay-kama
Voy a traer las vaca hasta aquí.
I'm going to bring the cows up to here.
00:08:26.320 - 00:08:30.800

Ya, ¡kukata rakiykuy!

Ya kuka-ta raki-yku-y
EMPH coca-ACC separate-EXCEP-IMP
Ya, ¡sepárame coca!
OK, set some coca apart for me!
00:08:30.860 - 00:08:33.120

¿Manachu qam laplarunkiraq?
¿Mana-chu qam lapla-ru-nki-raq
no-Q 2 lap.up-URGT-2-CONT
¿Qué todavía tu no has lambido? hahahaha
Haven't you lapped up [your food] yet?
00:08:33.280 - 00:08:38.340

¿Imayna manaya qam laplarunki?

Imayna mana-ya qam lapla-ru-nki
how no-EMPH 2 lap.up-URGT-2
¿Cómo no has lambido tú?
How is it -- you haven't lapped up [your food]?
00:08:33.280 - 00:08:38.340

Ratu ratulla mikunayta mikunki. ¿Yaku qunitr kanchu?

Ratu ratu-lla miku-na-y-ta miku-nki yaku quni-tr ka-n-chu
moment moment-RSTR eat-NMLZ-1-ACC eat-2 water hot-EVC be-3-Q
Tú rápidito comes mi comida. Agua caliente habrá?
You eat my food quickly. Would there be hot water?
00:08:38.480 - 00:08:44.050

chiriwanmi ñuqataq
chiri-wan-mi ñuqa-taq
Tengo frío yo también.
I'm cold, too.
00:08:44.190 - 00:08:49.560

Riruyman karqa ñuqapis yanqa hanaypaq.

Ri-ru-y-man ka-rqa-ø ñuqa-pis yanqa hanay-paq
go-URGT-1-COND be-PST-3 1-ADD in.vain up-LOC
Hubiera ido yo también por gusto para arriba.
I, too, would have gone up hill for the fun of it.
00:08:44.190 - 00:08:49.560

¿Ñatr wambraypis pasarunña?

ña-tr wambra-y-pis pasa-ru-n-ña
DISC-EVC child-1-ADD pass-URGT-3-DISC
Ya habrá pasado chico también?
The boy must have gone by already, too.
00:08:49.680 - 00:08:56.240

He came in.
00:08:49.680 - 00:08:56.240

kukallaypaq llakikusa kayaptiy astawan kukallay trayaramun

kuka-ta llaki-ku-sa-ø ka-ya-pti-y asta-wan kuka-lla-y traya-ra-mu-n
coca-ACC sorrow-REFL-PRF-3 be-PROG-SUBDS-1 until-INSTR GG coca-RSTR-1 arrive-URGT-CISL-3
Cuando yo tenía pena para coca, más bien la coca llegó.
When I was worried about my coca, my coca arrived.
00:08:56.940 - 00:09:05.620

kukaypaqmi llakikuni ñuqaqa.

kuka-y-paq-mi llaki-ku-ni ñuqa-qa
coca-1-CAUS-EVD GG sorrow-REFL-1 1-TOP
Para mi coca, yo me preocupo.
I worry about my coca.
00:09:05.700 - 00:09:12.830

Parlapamuy, parlapamuy. Manam . . .

Parla-pa-mu-y parla-pa-mu-y Mana-m
Ánda cónversale, cónversale. No . . .
Go on talking to her. No ...
00:09:05.700 - 00:09:12.830

Manam mikuytapis atipanichu. Kaymi nanakuyan.

Mana-m miku-y-ta-pis atipa-ni-chu Kay nana-pa-ku-ya-n
Yo no puedo siquiera comer. Aquí me está doliendo
I can't even eat. It's hurting me here.
00:09:12.940 - 00:09:16.930

Ñuqapis chay hanaylawtaña rishpam intiruntañam rakraruni

ñuqa-pis chay hanay-law-pi-m intiru-n-ta-ña-m rakra-ru-ni
1-ADD DEM.D up-side-LOC-EVD entire-3-ACC-DISC-EVD swallow-URGT-1
Yo también al lado de arriba yendo entero ya me lo tragué.
Me, too, going up hill, I swallowed it whole.
00:09:17.040 - 00:09:20.980

00:09:21.040 - 00:09:29.640

Chay sirvisyu kaqman tiyaykarachiy. Chayta allichakuy

Chay sirvisyu ka-q-man tiya-yka-ra-chi-y Chay-taq allicha-ku-y
A donde que está los servicios siéntalo y eso arréglalo.
Set that where the dinnerware is. And fix that up.
00:09:29.770 - 00:09:34.790

Kaypaq atindiyanki. Misim.

Kay-taq atindi-ya-nki VV Misi-m
DEM.P-SEQ store-PROG-2 cat-EVD
Ésto guárdale para encima. El gato.
Hang that here. Cat!
00:09:34.900 - 00:09:40.790

00:09:34.900 - 00:09:40.790

00:09:40.880 - 00:09:47.950

Chayllata allquyman qararushaq. ¿Yapakunkichu?

Chay-lla-ta allqu-y-man qara-ru-shaq Yapa-ku-nki-chu
DEM.D-RSTR-ACC serve-URGT-1.FUT dog-1-ALL increase-REFL-2-Q
Voy a dar ése no más al perro. ¿Te vas a aumentar?
I'm going to give only that to the dog. Are you having seconds?
00:09:48.140 - 00:09:56.080

Ya no.
No longer.
00:09:48.140 - 00:09:56.080

A la mierda. Hatunchanqatri kay

hatun-cha-nqa-tri kay
A la mierda. Ésta se va a poner grande.
Shit! This is going to get big.
00:09:56.160 - 00:10:02.750

¡Parlapamuy, parlapamuy! ¡Kay altuman truray!

Parla-pa-mu-y parla-pa-mu-y Kay altu-man trura-y
¡Cónversale, cónversale! ¡Guárdale acá encima!
Go on talking with her! Go on talking with her! Store that up here!
00:10:02.860 - 00:10:10.420

Kaytapis allqu mikurun. Qaninpa dihaykuptiy mikurusa lliw.

Kay-ta-pis allqu miku-ru-n. Qaninpa diha-yku-pti-y miku-ru-sa-ø lliw
DEM.P-ACC-ADD dog eat-URGT-3 Previously leave-EXCEP-SUBDS-1 eat-URGT-PRF-3 all
El perro va a comer esto también. La otra vez cuando lo dejé se había comido todo.
The dog's going to eat this, too. The other time when I left it, he had eaten it all.
00:10:10.620 - 00:10:18.900

Kayllapam kanki. Haruwan qarashaqñatriki

Kay-lla-pa-m ka-nki haru-wan qara-shaq-ña-tri-ki
DEM.P-RSTR-LOC-3 be-3 pitcher-INSTR serve-1.FUT-DISC-EVC-KI
Va a estar aquí no más. Lo serviré ya con jarra.
You're going to be right here. I'm going to serve it already with a pitcher.
00:10:19.090 - 00:10:24.880

Kayllapitr kanki. ¿Imataq?

Kay-lla-pi-tr ka-nki. ima-taq
Aquí no más vas a estar. Qué cosa?
You're going to be right here. What?
00:10:19.090 - 00:10:24.880

Qawarakuyan mikukuqtatriki.
Qawa-ra-ku-ya-n miku-ku-q-ta-tri-ki
Está mirando lo que está comiendo, pues.
He's watching what's being eaten, for sure.
00:10:24.990 - 00:10:32.420

00:10:24.990 - 00:10:32.420

Chayraqmi mikuchishaq riki paytaqa. Recien voy a hacer comer

Chay-raq-mi miku-chi-shaq ri-ki pay-ta-qa
Recién voy a hacer comer a ellos. Recién voy a hacer comer.
I'm just now going to feed them.
00:10:32.540 - 00:10:39.130

Después de comer yo chakcho mi coca ya.

Después de comer yo chakcho mi coca, ya.
After eating, I chew my coca already.
00:10:39.240 - 00:10:42.830

Yantata truraykuy. ¿Allqupaq timpururqachutr?

Yanta-ta trura-yku-y Allqu-paq timpu-ru-rqa-ø-chutr
firewood-ACC save-EXCEP-IMP dog-BEN boil-URGT-PST-3-CHUSH
Guárda la leña. ¿Habrá hervido [la comida] del perro?
Store the firewood. Will the dog's [food] have boiled?
00:10:43.020 - 00:10:47.470

Yanta. Yanta.
yanta yanta
fire.wood fire.wood
Leña. Leña.
Firewood. Firewood.
00:10:43.020 - 00:10:47.470

Hinañalla kayachun.
Hina-ña-lla ka-ya-chun
Así no más ya que esté.
Let it be just like that.
00:10:47.550 - 00:10:51.720
Winarayanmi yantaqa.
Wina-raya-n-mi yanta-qa.
throw-PASS-3-EVD fire.wood-TOP
La leña está echada.
The firewood is tossed in.
00:10:47.550 - 00:10:51.720

Timpusa kayan timpurun.

Timpu-sa-ø ka-ya-n timpu-ru-n GG
boil-PRF-3 be-PROG-3 boil-URGT-3
Ya está hervido. Ya hervió.
It's boiled. It boiled.
00:10:51.800 - 00:10:56.650

¡fwera karamba¡ ¡Wak allqu!

fwera karamba wak allqu
outside darn DEM.D dog
¡Fuera, caramba! ¡Ese perro!
Out, dammit! That dog!
00:10:56.850 - 00:11:00.810

Va a botar vaca mi taytakucha.

Va a botar vaca, mi viejito.
My papi is going to let the cows out.
00:11:00.970 - 00:11:06.950

Aunque es dañero ¡Sin vergüenza! Assssuuuu.

Aunque es dañero ¡Sin vergüenza! Assssuuuu.
Although it's a trouble-maker. Shameless! Asssssuuuu.
00:11:07.140 - 00:11:12.740

Cebada, sí, ya está creciendo. Cebada.

Cebada, sí, ya está creciendo. Cebada.
Barley, yes. Barley is already growing.
00:11:12.920 - 00:11:17.950

Allí pisotearía, pues. Sin vergüenza.

Allí pisotearía, pues. Sin vergüenza.
He would trample there. Shameless.
00:11:18.020 - 00:11:21.360

Chaynatamiki kichwachataqa rimayanki qam riki.

chay-na-ta-mi-ki rima-ya-nki qam kichwa-cha-ta-qa ri-ki
Así pues, estás hablando quechua, Usted, pues.
Like that, you're speaking Quechua. You, then.
00:11:21.540 - 00:11:26.910

saya karamba . Manam rikarinchu

saya karamba Mana-m rikari-n-chu
EXCL darn no-EVD appear-3-NEG
Saya caramba! No aparece.
Dammit! He hasn't shown up.
00:11:27.130 - 00:11:33.290

Mana chay qatram rikarinraq

Mana chay qatra-m rikari-n-raq
no DEM.D dirty-EVD appear-3-CONT
Ese flojo no aparece todavía.
That filthy one hasn't appeared yet.
00:11:27.130 - 00:11:33.290

Manaraqya. Ura manaraqchu.

Mana-raq-ya ura mana-raq-chu
no-CONT-EMPH hour manaraqchuTK.
Todavía no, Todavía no es hora pues.
Not yet. It's not time yet.
00:11:33.390 - 00:11:35.790

Rantiy urata, niy.

Ranti-y ura-ta, ni-y
buy-IMP hour-ACC say-IMP
"¡Compra reloj!" ¡dí!
Say, "Buy a watch!"
00:11:36.330 - 00:11:38.010

00:11:38.040 - 00:11:38.050

'Compro' ninantaq 'rantiy' . . . ura.

'Compro' ni-na-n-taq ranti-y ura. say-NMLZ_3-SEQ GG buy-INF hour
"Comprar" quiere decir "rantiy" . . . reloj.
"Buy" means "rantiy" ... a watch.
00:11:38.130 - 00:11:41.360

¿Pero ése tu radio no da hora?

¿Pero tu radio no da hora?
But your radio doesn't give the time?
00:11:42.150 - 00:11:45.640

¿Qué cosa no más da? ¿Imallata?

¿Qué cosa no más da? ¿Qué?
What does it give? What?
00:11:46.050 - 00:11:49.420

Ay, tu culo pasará frío.

Ay, tu culo pasará frío.
Ay, your ass will get cold.
00:11:49.710 - 00:11:52.100

00:11:52.110 - 00:11:52.140

00:11:52.110 - 00:11:52.140

hacia aquí seguro
This way, for sure.
00:11:52.150 - 00:11:56.780

Chay papam kayan

Chay papa-m ka-ya-n
DEM.D potato-EVD be-PROG-3
En aquí está papa
The potatoes are here.
00:11:52.150 - 00:11:56.780

Ah, tus, tus.

ah, tus, tus
ah, cough cough
Ah, tos, tos.
Ah, cough, cough.
00:11:56.840 - 00:12:02.200

Wiqawniymi nanan
Wiqaw-ni-y-mi nana-n
lower.back-EUPH-1-EVD hurt-3
Me duele la cintura
My back hurts.
00:12:02.240 - 00:12:07.270

¡Lavaykunki, Bawti!
lava-yku-nki bawti
wash-EXCEP-2 bawti
Vas a lavar, Bauti
Your going to wash, Bauti.
00:12:07.330 - 00:12:11.900

Yo siento mi cintura
Me duela la cintura
My back hurts.
00:12:07.330 - 00:12:11.900

Aw, lavashuntriki, kaypis qatra qatra kayan imaynatr kayan

Aw, lava-shun-tri-ki kay-pis qatra qatra ka-ya-n imayna-tr ka-ya-n
Aw, wash-1.FUT-EVC-KI DEM.P-ADD dirty dirty be-PROG-3 how-EVC be-PROG-3
Vamos a lavar seguro. Acá está muy sucio. ¿Cómo estará?
We're going to wash, for sure. It's really dirty here. How is it going to be?
00:12:11.910 - 00:12:15.410

Kaytapis paqaykushun
Kay-ta-pis paqa-yku-shun
Esto también vamos a lavar
We're going to wash this, too.
00:12:15.450 - 00:12:21.090

¡Paqay! ¡Paqay! Chiri yakupaq manam balinichu riki.

Paqa-y paqa-y chiri yaku-paq mana-m bali-ni-chu ri-ki
wash-IMP wash-IMP cold water-PURP no-EVD be.worth-1-NEG RI-KI
¡Lávale! ¡Lávale! Yo no valgo para agua fría, te digo.
You wash it! You wash it! I'm no good with cold water, for real.
00:12:21.120 - 00:12:26.070

A ver quway. Lluqsinman tapachikunqa.

qu-wa-y lluqsi-n-man tapa-chi-ku-nqa
give-1.OBJ-1 come.out-3-COND cover-CAUS-REFL-3.FUT
A ver. ¡Dámelo! Puede salir. Hay que taparlo.
Let's see. Give it to me! It could come out. It has to be covered.
00:12:30.340 - 00:12:35.240

Makichaykita paqashpa ... Ñuqaqa chaynalla chawashaq.

maki-cha-yki-ta paqa-shpa ñuqa-qa chay-na-lla chawa-shaq
hand-DIM-2-ACC wask-SUBIS 1-TOP DEM.D-VRBZ-RSTR milk-1.FUT
Cuando te lavas las manitas ... Yo así no más voy a ordeñar
When you wash your hands ... I'm going to milk just like this.
00:12:35.330 - 00:12:44.620

Makiyta ñuqaqa paqakaramuniñam

Maki-y-ta ñuqa-qa paqa-ka-ra-mu-ni-ña-m
Ya me he lavado las manos
I've already washed my hands.
00:12:44.730 - 00:12:50.630

Kaynallamiki kay urqupaqa yatranchik riki.

kay-na-lla-mi-ki kay urqu-pa-qa yatra-nchik ri-ki
Así no más vivimos en esta puna
This is the way we live in the hills.
00:12:58.450 - 00:13:01.410

Chay ganawchawan tukuy puntraw lluqsin

chay ganaw-cha-wan tukuy puntraw lluqsi-n
DEM.D cattle-DIM-INSTR all day come.out-3
Salen todos los días con el ganado.
They go out every day with the cows.
00:13:01.470 - 00:13:05.090

"Hay que tiyar" ¡niy!
hay que tiya-r ni-y
sit-INF say-IMP
Hay que sentar ¡díle!
We have to sit, tell her.
00:13:05.130 - 00:13:08.580

Tukuy puntraw tiyakushun todo el día hay que sentar, dice

tukuy puntraw tiya-ku-shun
all day sit-REFL-1PL.FUT
Vamos sentarnos todo el día. Todo el día hay que sentar, dice.
We're going to sit all day. We have to sit all day, tell her.
00:13:08.970 - 00:13:13.110

Uñanta katraykuramuy hiniyunta yatrarunanchikpaq.

uá-n-ta katra-yka-ra-mu-y waqra-mu-pti-n hiniyu-n-ta yatrar-u-na-nchik-paq
Ánda suelta su ternera para conocer su maña.
Let her calf go so we can know its cunning.
00:13:13.180 - 00:13:16.360

Kay pampaman qatimuchun wakpa nitiruwaptinqa

kay pampa-man qati-mu-chun wak-pa niti-ru-wa-pti-n-qa
Que lo traiga hacia esta pampa -- allá me puede machucar
Let him bring it toward that ground -- over there he would trample me.
00:13:16.430 - 00:13:19.740

Qatimushaqchu manaraq. Kaykunata paqaykurushaq

qati-mu-shaq-chu mana-raq kay-kuna-ta paqa-yku-ru-shaq
No voy a arrear todavía. Voy a lavar estos.
I'm not going to bring it yet. I'm going to wash all of these.
00:13:19.900 - 00:13:24.320

Waqanmi kanallan hamuptiy. Waqayanmi kanallan hamuptiy

waqa-n-mi kana-lla-n hamu-pti-y waqa-ya-n-mi kana-lla-n hamu-pti-y
cry-3-EVD now-RSTR-now come-SUBDS-1 cry-PROG_3-EVD now-RSTR-now come-SUBDS-1
Lloraba ahorita cuando vine. Está llorando ahorita cuando estoy viniendo.
He cried just now when I came. He's crying just now that I'm coming.
00:13:28.450 - 00:13:33.080

ahhh, waqayan uraylawpa apamunki chay nanta

ahhh, waqa-ya-n uray-law-pa apa-mu-nki chay na-n-ta
ahhh, cry-PROG-3 below-side-LOC DEM.D bring-CISL-2 that-3-ACC
Ahhh, está llorando. Le vas a trear su eso abajo.
Ahhh, he's crying. Bring his thingy down there.
00:13:33.610 - 00:13:37.970

00:13:38.110 - 00:13:41.620

Lo voy a traer, pues
I'm going to bring it, then.
00:13:41.730 - 00:13:44.510

Qatimushaq kayman
qati-mu-shaq kay-man
Lo voy a traer hacia acá
I'm going to bring it here.
00:13:41.730 - 00:13:44.510

Balditatriki apanki payqa kayllapaq qawamunqa

baldi-ta-tri-ki apa-nki pay-qa kay-lla-paq qawa-mu-nqa
bucket-ACC-EVC-KI bring-2 3-TOP DEM.P-RSTR-ABL look-CISL-3.FUT
Vas a llevar el balde. Ella de aquí no más a ver
You're going to bring the bucket. She's going to watch from right here.
00:13:44.640 - 00:13:48.850

Puede espantar
It could spook.
00:13:48.950 - 00:13:55.420

Arí, payqa almayuqpis kayanmantri

arí, pay-qa alma-yuq-pis ka-ya-n-man-tri
yes 3-TOP soul-POSS-ADD be-PROG-3-COND-EVC
Sí, ella puede estar acompañada de una alma
Yes, she might be with a soul, too.
00:13:48.950 - 00:13:55.420

Chay baldita.
chay baldi-ta
DEM.D bucket-ACC
Ese balde.
That bucket.
00:13:55.430 - 00:14:04.610

Sí hay, dice.
There are, she says.
00:14:04.690 - 00:14:13.550

En tu pueblo cría la vaca o no? Sabrá lechear pues, ¿o no?
En tu pueblo cría la vaca o no? Sabrá lechear pues, ¿o no?
Do you raise cows in your town? You'd know how to milk then? Or don't you?
00:14:04.690 - 00:14:13.550

Chakpaykushaq, baldi sumaqta

chakpa-yku-shaq baldi sumaq-ta
turn.over-EXCEP-1.FUT bucket pretty-ACC
Lo voy a voltear. Ya, pón bien el balde
I'm going to turn it over. Ya, [put] the bucket nicely.
00:14:13.800 - 00:14:19.740

Maman kanan qatracharunqa pawakatrashpa

mama-n kanan qatra-cha-ru-nqa pawa-katra-shpa
mother-3 now dirty-FACT-URGT-3.FUT jump-FREQ-SUBIS
Su madre ahora lo va a ensuciar saltando
HIs mother is going to dirty everything now jumping around.
00:14:19.830 - 00:14:22.690

Sí va a saltar.
She's going to jump around.
00:14:22.780 - 00:14:27.690

ayaw miyerda
ayaw miyerda
ayaw shit
Aya! Shit!
00:14:22.780 - 00:14:27.690

subrankiraq yakuta
subra-nki-raq yaku-ta
be.left.over-2-CONT water-ACC
Vas a sobrar todavía. El agua.
You're going to over fill it, still. The water.
00:14:27.730 - 00:14:31.640

Ya, ma, qatimushaq

Ya, ma, qati-mu-shaq
Ya, ma, bring-CISL-1.FUT
Ya, a ver, voy a traer.
Ya, I'll bring it.
00:14:37.840 - 00:14:45.020

¡Qatimuy! ¿Watun maniyan maypi kayan?

qati-mu-y watu-n maniya-n may-pi ka-ya-n
bring-CISL-IMP rope-3 legcuffs-3 where-LOC be-PROG-3
¡Tráelo! ¿Dónde estarán su soga y su manea?
Bring it. Where are his rope and legcuffs?
00:14:45.080 - 00:14:50.960

Wak uraylawpitri.
wak uray-law-pi-tri
DEM.D down-side-LOC-EVC
Allá abajo, seguro.
There down there, for sure.
00:14:45.080 - 00:14:50.960

Sarurullawankiman. Manam saruwanantaq munaniñachu

saru-ru-lla-wa-nki-man mana-m saru-wa-na-n-taq muna-ni-ña-chu
trample-URGT-RSTR-1.OBJ-2-COND no-EVD trample-1.OBJ-NMLZ-3-PURP want-1-DISC-NEG
Me puede pisotear. Ya no quiero que me pisotea.
He could trample me. I don't want him to trample me any more.
00:14:51.080 - 00:14:56.100

Paradito no más ya. A ver, vamos probar, pue'

Paradito no más ya. A ver, vamos probar, pue'
Just standing up now, let's see, let's try it, then,
00:14:56.400 - 00:14:59.860

De corto lo vas a agarrar de cacho

De corto lo vas a agarrar de cacho
You're going to grab him by the horn close in.
00:14:59.940 - 00:15:03.520

Así es.
Yes, indeed.
00:15:03.660 - 00:15:07.150

De cacho voy a agarrar. Voy a poner bozal.

Le voy a agarrar el cacho. Le voy a poner bozal.
I'm going to grab him by the horn. I'm going to put a bridle on him.
00:15:03.660 - 00:15:07.150

Echando bosal, me puede pisotear.

Cuando le echo bosal, me puede pisotear
00:15:07.350 - 00:15:11.670

he could trample me while I'm putting a bridle on him

00:15:07.350 - 00:15:11.670

Chaypim katri kayan

chay-pi-m katri ka-ya-n
DEM.D-LOC-EVD salt be-PROG-3
Allí está la sal.
There's the salt.
00:15:11.900 - 00:15:15.310

No puedo levantar con cintura

No puedo levantar [por que me duele la] cintura
I can't get up with my waist [hurting].
00:15:16.590 - 00:15:20.850

Ay, por favor, ya

Ay, por favor, ya
Ay, please, thanks.
00:15:20.970 - 00:15:24.490

Kayman uman kayan. Va a espantar é.se

kay-man uma-n ka-ya-n
DEM.P-ALL head-3 be-PROG-3
Su cabeza está acá.
His head is pointing this way.
00:15:24.680 - 00:15:30.530

a ver
Let's see.
00:15:24.680 - 00:15:30.530

¡Kayta pasarachiy! Kargarayanñamiki ¡Sumaqlla winaruy!

kay-ta pasa-ra-chi-y karga-raya-n-ña-mi-ki sumaq-lla wina-ru-y
¡Házle pasar aquí! Se está cargando ya. ¡Añádalo bonito!
Have him come here! It's being carried already. Add it in nicely!
00:15:30.630 - 00:15:35.800

Pusillu hubieramos traido

Hubieramos traido una tasa
We should have brought a cup.
00:15:35.880 - 00:15:40.070

Ama! Huk lawman hitraykurullawaq! Ñuqapa piyur makiy takyanchu

ama huk law-man hitra-yku-ru-lla-waq ñuqa-pa piyur maki-y takya-n-chu
PROH one-side-ALL spill-EXCEP-URGT-RSTR-2.COND 1-GEN worse hand-1 sustain-PROG-3-NEG
No. Cuidado que no lo derrames en otro sitio. El mío peor -- mi mano no sostiene.
No! Be careful not to spill it over the other side. Mine is worse -- my hand doesn't hold it.
00:15:40.590 - 00:15:45.480

Huk lawman ñuqaqa taqtaykuruyman

huk law-man ñuqa-qa taqta-yku-ru-y-man
one-side-ALL 1-TOP empty-EXCEP-URGT-1-COND
Lo puedo vaciar hacia otro sitio.
I can empty it somewhere else.
00:15:45.640 - 00:15:52.890

Kaytapis kwahushunñatriki.
kay-ta-pis kwahu-shun-ña-tri-ki
DEM.P-ACC-ADD curdling.agent-1PL.FUT-DISC-EVC-KI
Echaremos el cuajo a éste también ya.
We can add in the curdling agent here, too.
00:15:52.990 - 00:15:55.510
00:15:52.990 - 00:15:55.510

¿Con qué?
With what?
00:15:55.580 - 00:15:59.790

Manam chay kwahu valinchu

mana-m chay kwahu vali-n-chu
no-EVD DEM.D curdling.agent be.worth-3-NEG
Ese cuajo ya no vale.
This curdling agent isn't any good.
00:15:55.580 - 00:15:59.790

Chay pastillawan uqusa kwahu qashqallatrik kayan

chay pastilla-wan uqu-sa kwahu qashqa-lla-tri ka-ya-n
DEM.D pill-INSTR wet-PRF curdling.agent be-PROG-3
Con esa pastilla que se mojó el cuajo estará conforme.
With that wafer that's wet, curdling agent will be up to standard.
00:16:03.270 - 00:16:08.390

Seguro vale
It's OK, for sure.
00:16:03.270 - 00:16:08.390

Chayqa ashnakuyantri niyaniyá.

chay-qa ashna-ku-ya-n-tri ni-ya-ni-yá
Ésta estará apestando, seguro, digo yo
It'll be really stinky, I'm telling you.
00:16:08.710 - 00:16:11.300

Ishchallataña shutuykachiyman, ¿aw?

ishcha-lla-ta-ña shutu-yka-chi-y-man aw
Debo hacer gotear poquito no más, ¿no?
I have to make it drip just a little, right?
00:16:12.800 - 00:16:17.770

Menus shutuyan.
menus shutu-ya-n
less drip-PROG-3
Está goteando menos.
It's dripping less.
00:16:18.410 - 00:16:22.140

Qayna puntrawpaq masmi

qayna puntraw-paq mas-mi
previous day-ABL more-EVD
Es más que ayer
It's more than yesterday.
00:16:18.410 - 00:16:22.140

Tranquilo. Qayna puntraw vaka saruruwaptinmi. Apenas trakiywan kakuyani

qayna puntraw vaka saruru-wa-pti-n-mi apenas traki-y-wan ka-ku-ya-ni
previous day cow trample-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3-EVD barely foot-INSTR be-REFL-PROG-1
Ayer también cuando la vaca me pisoteó. Apenas estoy con mi pie
Yesterday, too, when the cow trampled me, I'm only barely on my feet.
00:16:22.330 - 00:16:27.170

Chay alkolchawantri susunarun.

chay alkol-cha-wan-tri susuna-ru-n
DEM.D alcohol-DIM-INSTR-EVC sleep-URGT-3
Con ese alcohol seguro adormecerá.
With that alcohol, it should go to sleep, for sure.
00:16:27.230 - 00:16:32.100

Ni ishllata.
ni ishlla-ta
nor little-ACC
Siquiera un poquito
Not even a little
00:16:32.270 - 00:16:38.730

Kaypa ñakarinchikmi vakachawan

kay-pa ñakari-nchik-mi vaka-cha-wan
Acá se sufre con las vaquitas
Around here we suffer with the cows.
00:16:32.270 - 00:16:38.730

O "sufre", se dice en castellano.

O "sufre", se dice en castellano.
Or "suffer" you say in Spanish.
00:16:38.890 - 00:16:41.870

Kichwapaqa "ñakariyanchikmi vakawan"

Kichwa-pa-qa ñakari-ya-nchik-mi vaka-wan
Quechua-LOC-TOP suffer-PROG-1PL-EVD cow-INSTR
En Quechua "estamos sufriendo con las vacas".
In Quechua: "We're suffering with the cows."
00:16:42.080 - 00:16:44.950

¡Tapay! Sigu-siguruta tapanki.

tapa-y sigu siguru-ta tapa-nki
cover-IMP secure secure-ACC cover-2
¡Tapa! Lo vas a tapar bien seguro.
Cover it! Cover it really securely!
00:16:45.190 - 00:16:50.950

Ah, rinriytaraq. aytrirusay.

ah, rinri-y-ta-raq aytri-ru-sa-y
ah, ear-1-CONT stir-URGT-PRF-1
sí, mi oído todavía. Lo había movido.
Ah, my ear still. I had stirred it.
00:16:45.190 - 00:16:50.950

Rinriymi siqsichkan.
rinri-y-mi siqsi-chka-n
ear-1-EVD itch-PROG-3
Mi oído me está dando comezón
My ear is itching.
00:16:51.050 - 00:16:53.300

Mastam chawaruwaq karqa. Chay sitin rabyarachin

mas-ta-m chawa-ru-waq ka-rqa-ø chay sitin rabya-ra-chi-n
more-ACC-EVD be-PST-3 DEM.D calf milk-URGT-2.COND anger-URGT-CAUS-3
Más hubieras lecheado. Hizo amargar al sitin.
You should have milked more. It made that calf mad.
00:17:06.430 - 00:17:10.260

Kayta takurushunñatr.
kay-ta taku-ru-shun-ña-tr
Ya vamos a enteverrar éste.
We're going to mix this already.
00:17:10.340 - 00:17:13.540

Takushpatriki chay kisuta ruwashun icha.

Taku-shpa-tri-ki chay kisu-ta ruwa-shun icha.
combine.SUBIS-EVC-KI DEM.D cheese-ACC make-1PL.FUT maybe
Combinándolos, pues, haremos queso, sí o no?
Combining them, then, we´l make that cheese, right?
00:17:14.180 - 00:17:17.860

Lliwtañatr takurushun
Lliw-ta-ña-tr taku-ru-shun
Todo ya lo vamos a entreverrar
We'll mix it all now.
00:17:18.410 - 00:17:21.810

Kiluraq kayan
Kilu-raq ka-ya-n
kilo-CONT be-PROG-3
Hay un kilo todavía
There's still a kilo.
00:17:18.410 - 00:17:21.810
Hinataña Abajo hay corta'
Así ya que esté. Abajo hay cortante.
Like that already. There's curdling agent below.
00:17:22.030 - 00:17:25.230

Kanan imaynatr altuman rinqa vaka. Altuntatr.

kanan imayna-tr altu-man ri-nqa vaka Altu-n-ta-tr
now how-EVC high-ALL go-3.FUT cow high-3-ACC-EVC
¿Cómo va a ir por arriba la vaca ahora? Por arriba.
Now how is the cow going to go towards the heights? Up high?
00:17:30.040 - 00:17:35.500

Vaka rinqa.
Vaka ri-nqa
cow go-3.FUT
La vaca va a ir.
The cow will go.
00:17:35.790 - 00:17:37.740

00:17:37.930 - 00:17:39.650

Altutatr qatiramushaq.
Altu-ta-tr qati-ra-mu-shaq
high-ACC-EVC bring-URGT-CISL-1.FUT
Lo voy a llevar hacia arriba.
I'll bring it up hill.
00:17:39.980 - 00:17:42.170

¿Imaynatr aysashaq kayta?

Imayna-tr aysa-shaq kay-ta
how-EVC pull-1.FUT DEM.P-ACC
¿Cómo voy a jalar ésto?
How am I going to haul this?
00:17:43.290 - 00:17:46.080

Te vas a hacer ayudar.
You're going to get yourself helped.
00:17:46.330 - 00:17:48.100

Le va a dar..
She's going to serve it to him.
00:17:48.390 - 00:17:50.320

Baldichatam aysanki. Kay lichichantinta

Baldi-cha-ta-m aysa-nki Kay lichi-cha-ntin-ta
bucket-DIM-ACC-EVD pull-2 DEM.P milk-DIM-INCL-ACC
Baldecito vas a jalar. Éste con su lechecita.
You'll haul the little bucket. This one with its milk.
00:17:50.800 - 00:17:55.090

Con balde. Yo voy

Con balde. Yo voy.
With a bucket. I'm going.
00:17:55.610 - 00:17:57.480

Cayendo puedo ramar, pue'

Cayendo, lo puedo ramar, pues.
Falling, I could spill it, then.
00:17:57.510 - 00:17:59.600

Yo voy a hacer mi quesito

Yo voy a hacer mi quesito
I'm going to make my cheese.
00:17:59.650 - 00:18:01.430

Amaraq espera.
Todavía espera
Not yet. Wait!
00:18:02.350 - 00:18:04.790

Él va a venir por encima. Sumaqlla niy

Él va venir por encima. Bonito, pues, díle.
He's going to come over the hill. Nicely, tell her.
00:18:05.000 - 00:18:08.540

Por encima con mi vaca.

Por encima con mi vaca
Over the hill with my cow.
00:18:08.660 - 00:18:11.200

Voy a almorzar.
I'm going to have lunch.
00:18:08.660 - 00:18:11.200

Por allá Salviapata uraytaña bahachimunki

salviapa-ta uray-ta-ña baqa-chi-mu-nki
Salviapata-ACC down-ACC-DISC come.down-CAUS-CISL-2
Por allá Salviapata. Vas a hacerles bajar hacia abajo.
Over there by Salviapata. You'll have them come down.
00:18:11.480 - 00:18:13.760

Arí uraypa Salviapatapa. Saksaykachishpa

Arí uray-pa Salvyapata-pa. saksa-yka-chi-shpa
yes down-LOC Salvyapata-LOC fill-EXCEPCAUS-SUBIS
Sí, abajo en Salviapata. Haciendo llenar.
Yes, down in Salviapata, having them fill [their stomachs] up.
00:18:13.810 - 00:18:16.230

Arí wak lawllatañam. kay lawta manañam.

Arí wak law-lla-ta-ña-m kay law-ta mana-ña-m
Sí, por allá no más. No por este lado.
Yes, just over on that side -- not on this side any more.
00:18:16.290 - 00:18:20.240

Pasachimushaq urayman
Pasa-chi-mu-shaq uray-man
pass-CAUS-CISL-1.FUT down-ALL
Voy hacer pasar para abajo.
I'm going to have them go down hill.
00:18:16.290 - 00:18:20.240

Vakata chawayanñamiki purimuchkashaq ñuqaqa

Vaka-ta chawa-ya-n-ña-mi-ki puri-mu-chka-shaq ñuqa-qa
Ya está lecheanso la vaca. Voy a andar yo.
She's already milking the cow. I'm going to go walk.
00:18:20.400 - 00:18:23.770

Rishaq barachatam. Quechua, rápido lo puedo aprender yo.

Ri-shaq baracha-ta-m.
go-1.FUT pole-ACC-EVD
Voy a Baracha
I'll go Baracha. I can learn Quechua quickly.
00:18:23.880 - 00:18:29.480

Ya purimuchkashaqmi riki
Ya puri-mu-chka-shaq-mi ri-ki
Ya voy a estar andando
I'm going to be going all right.
00:18:30.620 - 00:18:34.010

Kaychaskam kayan, ve GG
Kay-cha-ska-m ka-ya-n
Más acá está.
It's a bit more towards here.
00:18:35.350 - 00:18:37.360

Mástam katraykurunman karqa.
Mas-ta-m katra-yku-ru-n-man ka-rqa-ø
more-ACC-EVD loose-EXCEP-URGT.3.COND be-PST-3
Más hubiera soltado pues.
You should have loosened it more.
00:18:38.220 - 00:18:40.300

Ese maldito perro ¡que lo lleve!

Ese maldito perro ¡que lo lleve!
Let that damn dog take it.
00:18:40.610 - 00:18:43.330

¿Por qué no has alquilado de Vita?

¿Por qué no has alquilado de Vita?
Why haven't you rented from Vita?
00:18:43.440 - 00:18:46.320

¿Manachu chay wankuchata qawanki?

Mana-chu chay wanku-cha-ta qawa-nki
no-Q DEM.D mold-DIM-ACC see-2
¿No has visto ese moldecito?
You haven't seen the little mold, have you?
00:18:47.750 - 00:18:50.230

ña que iba, kanastapichu kay baldipichu

ña kanasta-chu na kay baldi-pi-chu
DISC basket-DISC DEM.P bucket-DISC
Ahh, estará en la canasta o en el balde.
It's in the basket or in the bucket.
00:18:50.260 - 00:18:53.080

Chayllamantriki. En allí no más.

Allí no más.
Just there. There, no more.
00:18:53.380 - 00:18:56.710

Arí. Yapaykuruy
Arí. Yapa-yku-ru-y
yes repeat-EXCEP-URGT-IMP
Sí, auméntale.
Yes, give him more.
00:18:53.380 - 00:18:56.710

Wayra wayra ripunqa, ay, piwan rishaqtri

wayra wayra ripu-nqa piwan ri-shaq-tri
wind wind go-3.FUT who-INSTR go-1.FUT-EVC
Se va a ir rápido, ay, ¿Con quién iré?
She's going to go really fast. Who will I go with?
00:18:56.940 - 00:19:02.570

¿Y éste?
¿Y éste?
And this one?
00:18:56.940 - 00:19:02.570

Puedo olvidar.
I could forget.
00:19:03.440 - 00:19:07.700

Carry it.
00:19:03.440 - 00:19:07.700

Harkaykamunki kay vakata wakpaq. Kayman qarquramuy

harka-yka-mu-nki kay vaka-ta wak-paq. Kay-man qarqu-ra-mu-y
Ataja la vaca de allá. Suéltalo por acá.
Pasture this cow over there. Let it let it go towards here.
00:19:08.060 - 00:19:11.770

Arí. Kaypaqtriki chuqamushaq

Arí. Kay-paq-tri-ki chuqa-mu-shaq
Sí. Lo voy a botar de aquí.
Yes. I'm going to toss it out from here, for sure.
00:19:12.050 - 00:19:14.750

Arí witrayman.
Arí witray-man.
yes above-ALL
Sí. Para arriba.
Yes, up hill.
00:19:12.050 - 00:19:14.750

Chaytam nin kichwapa, "Witrayman qatishaq".

Chay-ta-m ni-n Kichwa-pa, Witray-man qati-shaq'
DEM.D-ACC-EVD say-3 Quechua-LOC above-ALL bring-1.FUT
A eso dicen en Quechua, "Lo voy a llevar arriba"'.
That's what you say in Quechua: "I'm going to bring it up hill."
00:19:14.940 - 00:19:18.090

Hamuchkaniñam. Richkani.
Hamu-chka-ni-ña-m ri-chka-ni
Ya vengo. Vaya yendo
I'm coming already. I'm going.
00:19:18.290 - 00:19:20.470

Ese es Huancavelica, el dejo. Qammiki chaypi kachkan. Ayacuchano
Qam-mi-ki chay-pi ka-chka-n Ayacuchano
2-EVD-KI DEM.D-LOC be-PROG.LU-3 Ayacuchoan
Ése es Huancavelica, el dejo. Usted mismo allí está. Ayacuchano.
That's Huancavelican, the accent. You yourself are there. Ayacuchan.
00:19:20.500 - 00:19:25.320

Achkam chaypa kayan. Pero art . . . Kaypa witraykachimunki, mamay.

Achka-m chay-pi ka-ya-n Kay-pa witra-yka-chi-mu-nki mama-y
a.lot-EVD DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3 . DEM.P-LOC go.up-EXCEP-CAUS-CISL-2 mother-1
Allí hay harto. Pero hart ... . De aquí vas a hacer subir, mami.
There's a lot there. But a l.... From here your going to have it go up hill, dear.
00:19:26.980 - 00:19:31.250

Usted, viendo aquí, espera.

Usted, viendo aquí, espera.
You, come here and wait.
00:19:31.310 - 00:19:34.420

Allí no más espera.

Allí no más espera.
Wait right there.
00:19:31.310 - 00:19:34.420

Ayúdame a soltar. Antes estabas sentado aquicito

Ayúdame a soltar. De antes estabas sentado aquicito
Help me let him loose. Before, you were sitting right here.
00:19:34.500 - 00:19:37.270

Manam rinriy uyarinchu.

Mi oido no escucha.
My ear doesn't hear.
00:19:37.270 - 00:19:39.970

Arí. Upam kani.

Sí. Soy sorda.
Yes. I'm deaf.
00:19:40.040 - 00:19:43.790

fwirtita rimaptinmi intindini. Arí.

Cuando hablan fuerte entiendo. Sí.
When they talk loudly, I hear. Yes.
00:19:43.900 - 00:19:52.060

Chay. Chaynam. kichwa rimana kayan.

Éso. Así es. Tiene que hablar quechua.
That. Like that. They have to speak Quechua.
00:19:52.560 - 00:19:56.200

Ah, iglesi. ¿Imayna chay iglis rimayqa?

Ah, inglés. ¿Cómo es hablar inglés?
Ah, English. How is it to talk English?
00:20:00.520 - 00:20:05.610
¿Tantu mana intindin Quechua?
¿Mucho no se entiende Quechua.?
They don't understand much Quechua?
00:20:05.760 - 00:20:11.800

¿Riti? Achka achka riti. Ah, riti urqutriki. Aya.

¿Nieve? Mucha, mucha nieve. Ah, nieve -- montañas habrán. Aya.
Snow? Lots and lots of snow. Ah, snow -- there must be mountains. Aya.
00:20:11.980 - 00:20:20.380

¿Kabrachata uywanki? ¿Riti urqupa? Aya.

¿Crías cabras? ¿En montaña nevada? Aya.
You raise goats? On a snowy mountain? Aya.
00:20:20.650 - 00:20:26.300

¿Kukataqa akunchu chay law runa? Aquí chakchamos.

¿Chakcha coca la gente de ese laso? Aquí chakchamos.
Do the people there chew coca? Here, we chew coca.
00:20:26.370 - 00:20:33.250

Somos kokera. Kukachayta akushpam ñuqaqa vakachayta harkani.

Somos coqueros. Chakchando mi coquita yo pasteo mis vacas.
We're coca-heads. I chew my coca while I pasture my cows.
00:20:33.350 - 00:20:41.150

Vakilla unita no más. Parió. Watrarun.

Vaquilla -- unita, no más. Parió. Echó cría.
Calf -- just one. It gave birth. It gave birth.
00:20:44.200 - 00:20:48.830

Chaytaqa kachupa hapinchik con soga.

A ése lo agarramos del cuerno con soga.
We grab that one by the horn with a rope.
00:20:49.010 - 00:20:52.550

Ñuqanchikpaqshi riyan altu vaka.

Las nuestras, dicen, están yendo arriba, [nuestras] vacas.
Ours, they say, are going up hill, [our] cows
00:20:52.810 - 00:20:55.240

truraykuy vakanchikta hapirun.

Guárda nuestra vaca. Agarró.
Put away our cows. He grabbed them.
00:20:55.430 - 00:20:57.560

Qawayanqatriki lichiyaqta.
Va a estar mirando a él que está lecheando.
She's going to be watching the person who's milking,
00:20:57.770 - 00:21:00.020

Vakay chawaqta qawanki.

Vas a ver a él que lechea mi vaca.
You're going to watch the person milking my cow.
00:21:00.170 - 00:21:01.960

kumadriytamik yatrachisayki. Manam mas ... Kichwallatamik rimayani ñuqakunaqa.

Éso no más te voy a enseñar a mi comadre. Nosotros estamos hablando quechua no más.
I'm going to teach you just that, to my comadre. We're talking just Quechua.
00:21:02.890 - 00:21:10.030

Apurawlla chay vakanchik mana chawachikunqachu.

Rápido, no más. Nuestra vaca no se va a dejar de lechear.
Quickly. Our cow isn't going to let herself be milked.
00:21:10.430 - 00:21:13.160

Hanayta pushakusapis riyay. ¡Manam kay pukaqa

Para arriba. Aunque sea llevando, ¡ánda! !No esa colorada.
Up hill. Even if you have to bring it, go! Not the colored one!!
00:21:13.250 - 00:21:17.490

Manañam puntrawyaruptin vakay chawachikunqachu.

No se va a dejar de lechear mi vaca cuando hace día.
My cow won't let herself be milked until it's day time.
00:21:17.510 - 00:21:22.470

Awwwnn. Voy a lechear.

Voy a lechear.
I'm going to milk.
00:21:17.510 - 00:21:22.470

Vakamiki mana puntrawyaruptinqa lichiyakunqachu.

Cuando no hace día, la vaca no se va a lechear.
If it's not day time, the cow won't be milked.
00:21:22.610 - 00:21:26.270

Ñuqakunaqa kichwatam rimani.

Nosotros hablamos quechua.
We speak Quechua.
00:21:26.350 - 00:21:29.650

Kay mi nietas, "¿Ésos qué?

Mis nietas [dicen], "¿Ésos qué?
My granddaughters [say], "Those -- what?"
00:21:29.910 - 00:21:33.700

Cuando hablo quechua, "¿Qué? ¿Qué?" Está parado. "¡Burro mierda, no sabes hablar!"
Cuando hablo quechua, "¿Qué? ¿Qué?" Está parado. "¡Burro mierda, no sabes hablar!"
When I speak in Quechua, "What? What?" They're standing there. "Stupid donkey, you don't know how to
00:21:33.790 - 00:21:41.580

¿De dónde es, Señorita?

¿De dónde es, Señorita?
Where are you from, Miss?
00:21:33.790 - 00:21:41.580
Todo quechua se habla. castellano se habla igualito.
Todo lo que se dice en quechua, en castellano se dice igualito.
Everything you say in Quechua, you say in Spanish just the same.
00:21:41.620 - 00:21:46.680

Ninim ñuqa wambrayta, qamqa yatranki.

Yo digo a mi hija, tú sabes.
I say to my daughter, you know.
00:21:46.820 - 00:21:49.640

Kuskanta yatrawaq kichwata y kastillano. A los dos tienes que aprender.

Puedes aprender quechua y castellano juntos. A los dos tienes que aprender.
You can learn Quechua and Spanish together. You have to learn them both.
00:21:49.780 - 00:21:54.670

Si llegas para un mano, cuando te habla en quechua, ¿qué diciendo vas a contestar? Niniyá ñuqa.
Si llegas a una persona, cuando te habla en quechua, ¿que le vas a decir? ¿qué le vas a contestar? digo yo.
If you come up to a person and if they speak to you in Quechua, what are you going to say? what are you going
to answer? I say.
00:21:54.970 - 00:22:03.280

"Sí, sí, mamá. Sí, mamá". Así no más dice ellos.

"Sí, sí, mamá. Sí, mamá". Así no más dice ellos.
"Yes, yes, mother. Yes, mother." That's all they say.
00:22:03.650 - 00:22:07.320

¿De dónde es Usted, Señora? ¿De qué pueblo?

¿De dónde es Usted, Señora? ¿De qué pueblo?
Where are you from, Ma'am? From what town?
00:22:07.530 - 00:22:11.360

huk law paysshi.

Otro país, dice.
Another country, she says.
00:22:12.860 - 00:22:15.600

00:22:12.860 - 00:22:15.600

Manash kay runachu, Bauti.

No es persona de acá, dice, Bauti.
She's not a person from here, she says, Bauti.
00:22:15.720 - 00:22:17.560

Chaypaqa riti urqullañash.

Allí es montaña nevada no más, dice.
There there are just snowy mountains, she says.
00:22:17.620 - 00:22:21.650

Por Italia. Por allí.

Por Italia. Por allí.
Around Italy. Around there.
00:22:17.620 - 00:22:21.650

Ishkaynintam rimawaq qam.

Tu puedes hablar los dos.
You can speak both.
00:22:21.750 - 00:22:27.430

Imatataq invitaykushun mikuyta. Mikurankiña.

¿A qué le podemos invitar a comer? Ya comiste.
What can we invite her to eat? You already ate.
00:22:27.480 - 00:22:31.360

Chaytrik pushamushurqanki. TK
Por eso te habrá traído.
That must be why they brought you.
00:22:31.430 - 00:22:35.890

Allikama runam, ¿aw?

Son buenas personas, no?
They're good people, no?
00:22:35.960 - 00:22:38.560

¿Allquchapaq manachu kayan, entonses?

¿Entonces no hay para el perrito?
¿So there's none for the dog?
00:22:38.620 - 00:22:41.750

¿Sapallaykichu hamunkiqa? Tawa killa hamurqanki.

¿Veniste solita? ¿Cuatro meses veniste?
You came all alone? You came for four months?
00:22:41.790 - 00:22:47.120

Hinashpa kutikurqanki. kukachatamik akuni ñuqaqa. Kay kukachayta akushpam

¿Luego volviste? Yo chakcho coquita. Chakchando mi coquita ....
Then you came back? I chew coca. Chewing my coca ....
00:22:48.750 - 00:22:55.200

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:14 PM

Atrqayshi atrqayshi hovintukusa.
Atrqray-shi atrqray-shi hovin-tuku-sa-ø
eagle-EVR eagle-EVR
El águila, dice, el águila, dice, se convirtió en joven.
The eagle, they say, the eagle, the say, dressed himself up as a young man.
00:00:51.210 - 00:00:55.100

hovintukushpash huk chumpi awakuyaqqa.
hovin-tuku-shpa-sh huk chumpi awa-ku-ya-q-qa one sash weave-REFL-PROG-AG-TOP
Cuando se convirtió en joven uno que estaba tejiendo faja
Dressed up as a young man ... she was weaving a sash.
00:00:55.530 - 00:01:00.400

Pashñaman trayasa, "Kuyayllapaq chumpita awasanki," ninshi

pashña-man traya-sa-ø kuya-y-lla-paq chumpi-ta awa-sa-nki ni-n-shi
girl-ALL arrive-PRF-3 love-INF-RSTR-PURP sash-ACC weave-PRF-2 say-3-EVR
Para une señorita había llegado ¿Qué bonita faja tejías," le dijo.
He arrived where a girl was. "What a lovely sash you weave," he said, they say.
00:01:00.450 - 00:01:05.650

"Awakunim," nin. Atrqay atrqay shimin pintasa

awa-ku-ni-m ni-n atrqay atrqay shimi-n pinta-sa
weave-REFL-1-EVD say-3 eagle eagle mouth-3 paint-PRF
tejo, dijo, el águila, el águila su boca pintada
I weave, he said. The eagle, the eagle's mouth
00:01:05.770 - 00:01:10.650

sumaq sumaq yuraq chilikuyuq chay yana chilikuchayuq, yuraq pichuchayuq

sumaq sumaq yuraq chiliku-yuq chay yana chiliku-cha-yuq pe yuraq pichu-cha-yuq
pretty pretty white jacket-POSS DEM.D black jecket-DIM-POSS pe white lapel-POSS
bonito bonito con chaleco blanco con chalequito negro con pechitos blanco
He had a really nice white jacket and black vest and white lapels.
00:01:10.790 - 00:01:15.270

un muchachito
the young man.
00:01:15.380 - 00:01:19.520

"¡Chumpyta awaruy!" ninyá ninshi, "Hamushaq".

chumpi-y-ta awa-ru-y ni-n-ya ni-n-shi hamu-shaq
sash-1-ACC weave-URGT-IMP say-3-EMPH say-3-EVR come-1.FUT
"¡Téje mi faja!" le dijo, "Ya voy a venir".
"Weave me a sash.· he said, they say. "I will come."
00:01:19.620 - 00:01:24.520

"Aver. Awarinanchikpaq," ninshi . . . ni . . .

aver awa-ri-na-nchik-paq ni-n-shi ni . . .
let's.see weave-INCEP-NMLZ-1PL-PURP say-3-EVR ni . . .
a ver, para urdir, dice le dijo,
"So that we can begin to weave," he said, they say.
00:01:24.630 - 00:01:30.340

tarinchu chay hovintaqa y no ...

tari-n-chu chay hovin-ta-qa y no
find-3-NEG DEM.D and no
no encontró a ese joven y no
SHe didn't find the young man, and didn't
00:01:30.500 - 00:01:34.780

Atrqayshi kasa chay sityupi. "Hamurqanim," nin.

atrqay-shi ka-sa-ø chay sityu-pi hamu-rqa-ni-m ni-n
eagle-EVR be-PRF-3 DEM.D place-LOC come-PST-1-EVD say-3
el águila dice, había en ese sitio y le dijo he venido
The eagle, they say, was in that place. "I came," he said.
00:01:34.830 - 00:01:39.960

"Hamurqani," nishpa niptin, "Atrqayllatam tarirurqani chaypa," nin.

hamu-rqa-ni ni-shpa ni-pti-n atrqay-lla-ta-m tari-ru-rqa-ni-m chay-pa ni-n
come-PST-1 say-SUBIS say-SUBDS-3 eagle-RSTR-ACC-EVD find-URGT-PST-1 DEM.D-LOC say-3
he venido le dijo y águila no más he encontrado en allí le dijo
Saying, "I came," When she said, "I only found an eagle there," she said.
00:01:40.110 - 00:01:45.810

"Imayna manam chaypi karqani?" nin.

imayna mana-m chay-pi ka-rqa-ni ni-n
how no-EVD DEM.D-LOC-EVD be-PST-1 say-3
cómo no estabas en allí le dijo
"what do you mean I wasn't there?" he said.
00:01:45.920 - 00:01:52.270

"Manam. Atrqayllam kasa," nishpa kutikun. Kutikushpa

mana-m atrqay-lla-m ka-sa-ø kuti-ku-n kuti-ku-shpa
no-EVD eagle-RSTR-EVD be-PRF-3 return-REFL-3 return.REFL-SUBIS
águila no más había diciendo se volvió
"There was just an eagle." She returned. Returning,
00:01:52.420 - 00:01:56.330

hinaptinshi yapa rishqa yapa kutishqa awakusanman

hinaptin-shi yapa ri-shqa-ø yapa kuti-shqa-ø awa-ku-sa-n-man
then-EVR again go-NPST-3 again return-NPST-3 weave-REFL-PRF-3-ALL
después otra fue, otra vez regresó a donde estaba tejiendo
then, another time, she went, another time, she returned to where she was weaving.
00:01:56.450 - 00:02:01.350

hamurqanim nin manam chaypim karqani nin

hamu-rqa-ni-m ni-n mana-m chay-pi-m ka-rqa-ni ni-n
come-PST-1-EVD say-3 no-EVD DEM.D-LOC-EVD be-PST-1 say-3
he venido, le dijo, no allí estuve, le dijo
"I came," he said. "I wasn't there," she said.
00:02:01.470 - 00:02:05.340

atrqay atrqaywan parlasa

atrqay atrqay-wan parla-sa-ø
eagle eagle-INSTR talk-PRF-3
el águila con el águila no más conversaba.
The eagle was talking with the eagle.
00:02:05.400 - 00:02:08.390

atrqay kashqa nin chay hovinchu

atrqay ka-shqa ni-n chay hovin-chu
eagle be-SUBIS say-3 DEM.D
gáblan era ni siquiera el joven
That young man was an eagle.
00:02:08.470 - 00:02:12.780

chayllapam dihanakurun hinashpaqa

chay-lla-pa-m diha-naku-ru-n hinashpa-qa
así no más se dejaron después
Just like that. They left each other. Then.
00:02:12.960 - 00:02:16.920

ni kutinchu ni rinñachu
ni kuti-n-chu ni ri-n-ña-chu
nor return-3-NEG nor go-3-DISC-NEG
no volvió ni regresó
He neither returned nor came any more.
00:02:16.950 - 00:02:19.570

The end.
00:02:19.660 - 00:02:22.860

eso no más
That's all.
00:02:24.520 - 00:02:26.060

Liyunpis chayna trayan

liyun-pis chay-na traya-n
Lion-ADD DEM.D-VRBZ arrive-3
Leon también dice era así
There once was a lion, too. He arrives.
00:02:28.220 - 00:02:30.260

pashñaman trayarun
pashña-man traya-ru-n
girl-ALL arrive-PST-3
para una chica llegó
He arrived to where a girl was.
00:02:30.600 - 00:02:33.160

alli alli pashña hermosa pashñash kasa

alli alli pashña hermosa pashña-sh ka-sa-ø
good good girl beautiful girl-EVR be-PRF-3
bien bien buena moza chica había sido (simpática
A really fine girl. She was a beautiful girl.
00:02:33.360 - 00:02:36.030

huvinpis allilla hovin

huvin-pis alli-lla hovin good-RSTR
también el joven era buenazo
The young man, too, was quite fine,
00:02:36.220 - 00:02:38.730

imatam ruwayanki niptin ubihatam harkani nishpa nin pashña

ima-ta-m ruwa-ya-nki ni-pti-n ubiha-ta-m harka-ni ni-shpa ni-n pashña
what-ACC-EVD make.PROG-2 say-SUBDS-3 sheep-ACC-EVD herd-1 say-SUBIS say-3 girl
qué estás haciendo le dijo. Estoy pasteando oveja, dice le dijo la chica.
"What are you doing?" he said. "I'm herding sheep," said the girl.
00:02:38.880 - 00:02:43.130

harkashisayki nin huvin

harka-shi-sayki ni-n huvin
herd-BEN-1>2.FUT say-3
te voy a ayudar a pastear le dijo, el joven
"I'll help you herd your sheep," said the young man.
00:02:43.180 - 00:02:46.600

hinashpash tardi puñun maqtaqa pashñawan

hinashpa-sh tardi puñu-n maqta-qa pashña-wan
then-EVR afternoon sleep-3 girl-INSTR
después dice en la tarde dormió el muchacho con la chica
Then, they say, in the afternoon the young man slept with the girl.
00:02:46.760 - 00:02:52.900

Hinashpa wawarachisa pashñataqa liyun

Hinashpa wawa-ra-chi-sa-ø pashña-ta-qa liyun
then baby-PASSACC-CAUS-PRF-3 girl-ACC-TOP lion
Después había hecho tener hijo a la chica el leon
Then the lion made the girl have a baby.
00:02:54.640 - 00:03:01.100

ni liyunchu kasa sinu

ni liyun-chu ka-sa-ø sinu
nor lion-NEG be-PRF-3 rather
NO había sido leon sino
It wasn't a lion but
00:03:03.120 - 00:03:05.760

ripushpaqa liyun rikarirun

ripu-shpa-qa liyun rikari-ru-n
go-SUBIS-TOP lion appear-PST-3
iba pareciéndose león
going around, it appeared to be a lion.
00:03:06.110 - 00:03:09.040

rishqa pashña rishqa chay wasinta

ri-shqa pashña rishqa chay wasi-n-ta
go-SUBIS girl go-SUBIS DEM.D house-3-ACC
ha ido la chica a ido a esa su casa
when the girl went to that house,
00:03:11.730 - 00:03:16.550

wasinpaq TK kanchu sinu matray kasa

wasi-n-paq ka-n-chu sinu matray ka-sa-ø
house-3-ABL be-3-NEG rather cave be-PRF-3
su casa no es sino cueva era
it wasn't his house but a cave
00:03:16.780 - 00:03:19.390

matraypa chaypa liyunlla kasa

matray-pa chay-pa liyun-lla ka-sa-ø
cave-LOC DEM.D-LOC lion-RSTR be-PRF-3
en cueva en allí leon no más había
There in the cave there was just a lion.
00:03:19.960 - 00:03:22.520

chayshi chayhina mana

chay-shi chay-hina mana
en eso allí así no
With that, like that, no
00:03:23.060 - 00:03:25.520

matraypaq siympri trayaqshiki

matray-paq siympri traya-q-shi-ki
cave-LOC always arrive-AG-EVR-KI
a la cueva siempre dice llegaba
he always arrived at the cave, they say,
00:03:26.360 - 00:03:28.800

wawarachisa chay pashñataqa kutichashpa kutichashpa

wawa-ra-chi-sa-ø chay pashña-ta-qa kuti-cha-shpa kuti-cha-shpa
había hecho tener hijo a la chico yendo vueltas y vueltas
He had made the girl have a baby, coming and going, coming and going.
00:03:29.590 - 00:03:32.830

liyun pero liyunpa wawan kashqa runa qari

liyun pero liyun-pa wawa-n ka-shqa runa qari
lion but lion-GEN baby-3 be-SUBIS person man
el leon pero del leon su hijo había sido una persona un varón
A lion. But the lion's baby was a person, a boy.
00:03:33.490 - 00:03:38.170

qarita wawakarusa
qari-ta wawa-ka-ru-sa-ø
man-ACC baby-REFL-PST-PRF-3
a un varón había tenido hijo
She had given birth to a boy.
00:03:39.020 - 00:03:41.190
imaynam chay maqtata pirsiqin
imayna-m chay maqta-ta pirsiqi-n
how.EVD DEM.D follow-3
cómo a este muchacho lo persigue
How .... he followed that young man
00:03:42.150 - 00:03:45.640

wawa . . . waway . . . chish churiki nishpa

wawa . . . wawa-y . . . chish churi-ki ni-shpa
baby . . . baby-1 . . . chish child-2 say-SUBIS
hijo . . . tener hijo . . . hacer, dice, tu hijo, diciendo
baby .... my baby ... your child, she said.
00:03:46.270 - 00:03:49.270

cuando siempre volvía
when he returned.
00:03:49.340 - 00:03:50.790

liyun liyunpa churin kashpa

liyun liyun-pa churin ka-shpa
lion lion-GEN child-3 be-SUBIS
Leon leon su hijo era
Lion. It was the lion's baby.
00:03:51.380 - 00:03:54.410

alli-alli hovin heniyoso

alli-alli hovin heniyoso
good-good character
bien bien joven de carácter
a good young man, of character.
00:03:54.960 - 00:03:58.710

liyunpa heniyum heniyoyuq

liyun-pa heniyu-m heniyo-yuq
lion character-3 character-POSS
del león su carácter, su carácter.
The lion's character ... he had character.
00:03:59.110 - 00:04:02.120

chaymi chay chayllapaqmi mastaq manam yuyanichu

chay-mi chay chay-lla-paq-mi mas-taq mana-m yuya-ni-chu
Éso es todo, más no recuerdo.
That's all. I don't remember any more.
00:04:02.560 - 00:04:08.800

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:09 PM


Huktam. Imananñataq? Manachu achanraq TK

Otro. ¿Qué cosa ya está haciendo? ¿Todavía no lo saca?
Another. What is she doing now? Hasn't she taken it out yet?
00:00:04.030 - 00:00:09.460

Manañam chaypaqa tumarqanchikchu, aw?

Ya no has tomado desde esa fecha, ¿no?
You haven't taken any since then, right?
00:00:09.540 - 00:00:12.690

Imatataq ruwayan. Kabrachanta michiyarqa.

¿Qué está haciendo? Estaba pasteando su cabrita.
What is she doing? She was pasturing her goats.
00:00:12.690 - 00:00:19.340

Ah, may, chay sapallan riptin

Ah, dónde, cuando fue solita
Ah, where --- When she went alone.
00:00:19.370 - 00:00:22.990

Tiya Maríapa wasinpa, aw?

La casa de la Tía María, no?
Aunt María's house, no?
00:00:23.150 - 00:00:26.700

Éso no. Es Madeán-RSTR. La Tía Victoria.

Éso no. Es Madeán-RSTR. La Tía Victoria.
Nott that one. That's Madeán. Aunt Victoria.
00:00:26.840 - 00:00:31.810

¿Imatataq chumayan? ¿Chay rikisunta?

Qué cosa está colando allí? Riquesón?
What's draining? Is it her cheese curd?
00:00:31.830 - 00:00:35.310

Rikisuntam chumayan. Sweru timpusatam chumayan.

Está colando riquesón. Está colando suero hervido.
She's draining the cheese. She's draining the boiled whey.
00:00:35.370 - 00:00:39.800

Trapuchapi. Kanan rikisuntatri hurqunqa.

En trapito. Ahora sacará el riquesón.
In a little rag. Now she'll take out the cheese curd.
00:00:41.070 - 00:00:48.570

An elderly woman!
00:00:48.570 - 00:00:51.680

Pasaypaq mamacha.
Es muy vieja.
She's a really old woman.
00:00:51.920 - 00:00:53.620

Lliw chumachayan
Todito está colando.
Everything is draining.
00:00:53.720 - 00:00:55.770

¿Pi Victoria? ¿Imatr apellidun?

¿Quién es Victoria? ¿Qué será su apellido?
Who is Victoria? What is her last name?
00:00:55.800 - 00:01:00.720

Manam riqsinichu chimpalaw runakunata.

No conozco a gente de en frente.
I don't know people from in front.
00:01:01.270 - 00:01:05.420

Madeantaq manaya riqsinchikchu.

No conocemos [a gente de] Madéan, pues.
We don't know [people from] Madeán.
00:01:09.910 - 00:01:13.350

Manaya riqsinchikchu chay law runataqa

No conocemos, pues, gente ese lugar.
We don't know people from that place.
00:01:13.350 - 00:01:16.370

¿Pitaq ihan kayan? Aver, ¡riqsiruy!

¿Quién es su hija? A ver, ¡conócele!
Who is her daughter? Let's see, get to know her!
00:01:16.870 - 00:01:20.000

Ihan kaptinqam Ido riqsiyanki.

Si tiene hija, Ido la conoce.
If she has a daughter, Eudosia knows her.
00:01:20.030 - 00:01:22.590

Manaya karanta qunchu.

No nos da [deja ver] la cara.
She doesn't give us [let us see] her face.
00:01:24.320 - 00:01:26.770

Manam. Manam qawarinchu.

No. No mira.
No. She doesn't look [at us].
00:01:26.810 - 00:01:30.440

Ququkatrayan ya wawanqa.
Su hija está agachándose.
Her daughter is crouching down.
00:01:30.460 - 00:01:33.570

¿Imataq wak allqunpaq chay?

¿Qué cosa para su perro?
What is that for her dog?
00:01:33.590 - 00:01:36.100

Allqun mikunanpaq vasiyayan.

Está vaciando [la olla] para que coma su perro.
She's emptying [the pot] so her dog can eat.
00:01:36.100 - 00:01:38.170

Kwahunkunata tiyayan.
Está sentando su cuajo todo.
She's setting out her curdling agent and all.
00:01:38.170 - 00:01:39.790

Chay botellanpa.
En su botella.
In her bottle.
00:01:39.800 - 00:01:41.570

Tiyayan mamanqa.
Su mamá está sentada.
Her mother is sitting.
00:01:43.170 - 00:01:45.570

Imatatrik chay rimapakun? Isha, Isha creo es.

¿Qué se dirán? Isha. Creo que es Isha.
What would they be saying to each other? Isha. I think it's Isha.
00:01:45.660 - 00:01:49.690

Paypis edanña.
Ella también ya está avanzada de edad.
She's elderly already.
00:01:54.080 - 00:01:56.340

Manam wambrachu. Ahh, edanña paypis.

No es criatura. Ah es de edad.
She's not a child. Ahh, she's elderly already.
00:01:56.350 - 00:02:00.040

Mankanta mayllayan. Hitrkayan.

Está lavando su olla. Está raspando.
She's washing her pot. She's scraping it.
00:02:00.040 - 00:02:04.230

Mamachaqa sigue.
La abuelita sigue.
The old lady continues [doing that].
00:02:07.840 - 00:02:10.800

Chumayan rikusunta. ¿Imaman vasiyayta ushachinchu?

Está colando el riquesón. ¿En qué va a poder vaciarlo?
She's draining her cheese curds. What is she going to be able to empty it into?
00:02:10.920 - 00:02:14.460

Watayan. Warkunqa. Wataykushparaq chay warkunqa.

Lo está amarrando. Lo va a colgar. Amarrando todavía lo colgará.
She's tying it. She's going to hang it. Tying it, still, she's going to hang it.
00:02:14.510 - 00:02:17.870

Chaki chaki shutunanpaqtri

Para que gotee seco, seco, seguro.
So that it drips, for sure, dry, dry.
00:02:18.560 - 00:02:21.020

Mamaymi chaynata ruwan.

Mi mamá así hace.
My mother does it like that.
00:02:21.020 - 00:02:23.000

Chumarun hinashpa wataykushpa warkurun. Chaki.

Coló después, amarrando le cuelga. Seco,
She drained it, then, tying t up, she hanged it. Dry.
00:02:23.250 - 00:02:25.750

Chaki rikisunqa.
Seco su riquesón.
Dry, her cheese curd.
00:02:25.760 - 00:02:29.100

It drips-
00:02:29.110 - 00:02:30.450

Rishpaqa ñuqa apakamuni.

Cuando voy, yo lo traigo.
When I go, I bring it.
00:02:31.610 - 00:02:33.570

Unay unay blusataraqchu hinam ushturayachinpis abuwelitaq. ¡Ve!

La abuelita tiene puesta una blusa como las antiguas, parece. ¡ve!
The old lady has on a blouse like the olden ones, it seems. Look!
00:02:33.570 - 00:02:38.020

¿Ima ... ima niq chayta? Unayqa "munilla" niq.

¿Qué ... ¿como llamaban-RSTR? Antes lo llamaban "munilla".
What ... what did they call that? Before, they called it a "munilla."
00:02:38.080 - 00:02:41.720

Pero wak kunkachanta -- imataq niqshi. "Sulapa". Allí está -- "sulapa".

Pero su cuellito -- que le decían, dice? "Sulapa". Allí está -- "sulapa".
But her little collar -- what did they call it? "Sulapa." That's it -- "Sulapa."
00:02:41.750 - 00:02:46.860

¡Mira! ¡Ve! Sumaq blusachan.

¡Míra! ¡Vé! ¡Qué bonita blusa!
Look! See! Her blouse is pretty.
00:02:46.870 - 00:02:49.950

Unay pero wakhinata trarakuq kanchik. Kanaqa,

Pero antes así nosotras poníamos. Ahora,
But before we used to dress like that. Now,
00:02:49.970 - 00:02:52.590

Ayves uyruta ayves kayna nachata.

a veces redondo, a veces así.
Sometimes round, sometimes like this.
00:02:52.610 - 00:02:55.590

Kaychata adornuta kwellopaqta. Sakuchayuq washanpa sakuchayuq.

Asicito su adornito en el cuello. Con saquito en la espalda, con saquito.
Just like that with decorations on the collar. With a little sack on her back, with a little sack.
00:02:56.790 - 00:03:03.120

Abuelita así moneda, nin

La abuelita, dice así es moneda.
The old lady, a change purse, like that, they say.
00:03:03.190 - 00:03:07.460

Moneda, moneday.
Moneda, mi moneda.
A change purse. My change purse.
00:03:07.500 - 00:03:09.340

Apamuy, dice, fiystaman rinanpaq. Ginducham karqa sumaq

Llevame, para que vayamos a la fiesta, Guindo era bonito.
Bring me, she says, so she can go to the festival. Maroon was pretty.
00:03:09.350 - 00:03:13.700

Sumaq formachayuq. Sumaq sumaq adornuchayuq.

Bonito con forma, bonito, bonito con adorno.
Pretty with its little shape. Really pretty with its little decorations.
00:03:13.740 - 00:03:16.970

Kaychapa abrochichayuq.
En aquí con su brochecito.
With a little pin right here.
00:03:16.970 - 00:03:19.190

Adornakunata unay trurakurqanchik.

Adorno todo nos poníamos antes.
We used to wear jewelry and all.
00:03:19.270 - 00:03:21.820
Ah, ñuqapis abwelayta qawarqani. Chayna trurakuqta.
Yo también he visto a mi abuelita. Así que se ponía.
I also saw my grandmother [like that]. She dressed like that.
00:03:21.990 - 00:03:26.540

Cuello redondo
Cuello redondo.
A round collar.
00:03:27.100 - 00:03:29.210

Pobre abuelita. trurayan baldichanta.

Pobre abuelita. Está guardando su baldecito.
Poor old lady. She's putting her little bucket away.
00:03:29.290 - 00:03:33.040

Ayka watayuqña chay abwelita?

¿Cuántos años ya tendrá esa abuelita?
How old must that old lady be?
00:03:33.140 - 00:03:36.460

¿Ayka watayuq nishurankitaqa?

¿Cuántos años te dijo que tiene?
How old did she tell you she was?
00:03:36.460 - 00:03:39.110

Chukchanpis yuraq yuraq.

Su cabello también -- blanco, blanco.
Her hair. too -- all white.
00:03:39.110 - 00:03:43.510

Ah, unayqa manaya iskwelaqa kasa. Unayqa analfabitullaya kayaq. Warmiqa piyur.
Ah, antes no había escuela. Antes, eran analfatetos no más. Las mujeres peor.
Ah, before, they didn't have schools. Before, they were just illiterate. It was worse for the woman.
00:03:46.740 - 00:03:52.600

Qariwan kartiyanakuna TK nishpash mana trurapakuqchu pubrikunata,

Van a mandar cartas con hombres, dijeron y no ponían a los pobres [en las escuelas]..
They're going to send a letter with a man, they said, and they didn't put the poor people [in school].
00:03:52.650 - 00:03:56.000

"Ima valiqtaq warmikunaqa istudiyanqa?" nin.TK

"¿Para qué valen las mujeres para que estudien?" decían.
"What's it worth to send a woman to school?" they said.
00:03:59.150 - 00:04:02.890

Mishichanpis pukllachayan. Ah, chay misi, allqu tiyayan chaypa.

Su gatito, también está jugando. Ah, su gato, su perro está sentado en allí.
Her little cat is playing. Ah, her cat. The dog is sitting there.
00:04:02.970 - 00:04:07.020

Chay kuñachayan swerun.

Está poniendo cuña (una piedra para que lo sostenga) [debajo de] su suero.
She's propping up her curdling agent with a stone.
00:04:07.080 - 00:04:11.360

shutunanpaq, ve! Shutuyanña.

Para que gotea, ¡ve! Está goteando.
So that it can drip. Look! It's dripping!
00:04:11.360 - 00:04:15.350

Pobre abuelita.
Pobre abuelita.
Poor old lady.
00:04:16.620 - 00:04:18.580

Chay ... wak pi? Manam riqsinichu.

¿Ése quién es? No conozco.
Who is that? I don't recognize her.
00:04:19.940 - 00:04:24.910

¿Maytam chay rikun? Puriyan.

¿A dónde se fue? Está andando.
Where did she go? She's walking around.
00:04:24.910 - 00:04:28.020

Baldintinta hamuyan. ¿Imataya niyan mamakucha?

Está viniendo con su baldecito. ¿Qué estará diciendo la abuelita?
She's coming with her little bucket. What would the old lady be saying?
00:04:28.200 - 00:04:32.000

Kusinanpatr kayan, ¿aw?

Estará en su cocina, ¿no?
She must be in her kitchen, no?
00:04:32.070 - 00:04:34.990

Kosinanpaya kayan.
En su cocina, pues, está.
She's in her kitchen, yes.
00:04:35.470 - 00:04:37.790

Chay wakpa misichan tikrakachayan, ¡ve! Aa, pukllachayan misichanpis. ¡Ve!

Ése gatito allá está volteandose, ve! Ah, está jugando su gatito, también. Ve!
That little cat there is rolling around. Look! Ah, her little cat is playing. Look!
00:04:38.720 - 00:04:45.040

Kanan mamaku trayarun misin kaqta.

Ahora la abuelita llegó donde su gato.
Now the old lady has arrived wo where her cat is.
00:04:46.480 - 00:04:49.020

Ah, riyan. Ah, sekadornintam.

Ah, está yendo. Ah, su secador.
Ah, she's going. Ah, to her dryer.
00:04:49.390 - 00:04:54.860

Warkuyan, ve, trapuchanta.
Está colgando -- ¡vé! -- su telita.
She's hanging up -- look! -- her little cloth.
00:04:54.980 - 00:04:58.360

Ahhh, abuelita.
Ahhh, abuelita.
Ahhh, little old lady.
00:05:01.800 - 00:05:04.540

Está caminaaaando.
She's walking around.
00:05:04.540 - 00:05:07.230

Mana qatrachakunanpaq. Mandilchanta watachakun.

Para que no ensuciarse, se amarra su mandil.
She's trying on an apron so she dosn't get dirty.
00:05:07.230 - 00:05:11.360

Chay mandil -- huk mandilninta ukupam kayan.

Ese mandil -- otro de sus mandiles está al dentro.
That apron -- another of her aprons is inside.
00:05:11.380 - 00:05:15.060

Aa, wambantri watakusa kayan. Mamay chaynam watakun qawanman.

Ah, su hija está amarrada [con un mandil]. Mi mamá así se amarra encima.
Ah, her daughter is tied [with an apron]. My mother ties herself on top like that.
00:05:15.060 - 00:05:19.240

Imatapis qatrarun hinashpa, mandilninta ruwarun.

Rompía algo y luego hacía su mandil.
She ripped something then she made her apron.
00:05:19.260 - 00:05:22.050

Qawanman watakurun. Aa, menostañatr chayqa.

Para su encima se amarró. Ah, menos ya será.
She ties it top top of her. Ah, there would be less already.
00:05:22.050 - 00:05:26.410

Vakata chawaptikim pasaypaq.

Cuando lecheas vaca, total.
When you milk cows, completely
00:05:26.500 - 00:05:29.450

Pobrecitas las ancianitas, sabes.

Pobrecitas las ancianitas, sabes.
Poor old ladies, you know.
00:05:33.290 - 00:05:35.970

Intindinchu paykuna pobre.

Pobrecitas ellas no entienden.
Poor things -- they don't understand.
00:05:36.090 - 00:05:38.940

"sibadata wichishun" nishpa

"Vamos a ramar cebada", dicen.
We're going to harvest barley," they say.
00:05:41.420 - 00:05:45.600

Imatash kanan ruwayanki?

¿Qué estás haciendo ahora?
¿What are you doind now, she says?
00:05:45.850 - 00:05:48.490

00:05:48.540 - 00:05:52.060

Es que es sordo.
Es que es sordo.
It's that she's deaf.
00:05:52.060 - 00:05:53.580

Imatash kanan ruwayanki? Imatash pikayanki? Chaytash ninki! En quechua.

"¿Qué estás haciendo ahora?" ¿Qué estás picando? Vas a decir-RSTR. En quechua.
What are you doing now, she says? What are you cutting? Say that! In Quechua!
00:05:53.580 - 00:05:58.420

Col picando -- Koltam pikayani.

Estoy picando col -- Col estoy picando.
I'm cutting cabbage. I'm cutting cabbage.
00:05:58.450 - 00:06:01.140

Para sopa. Kolta pikayani.

Para sopa. Estoy picando col.
For soup. I'm cutting cabbage.
00:06:01.160 - 00:06:03.510

Para la sopa.
Para la sopa.
For the soup.
00:06:03.510 - 00:06:06.260

Col estoy picando para sopa, Niy yari!

Estoy picando col para la sopa. Dílo ya!
I'm cutting cabbage for the soup. Say it already!
00:06:06.310 - 00:06:09.610

Para sopa sopa voy a hacer.

Para la sopa voy a hacer.
I'm going to do it for the soup.
00:06:09.630 - 00:06:12.030

Mankaman. Mankaman. ¿Qué vas a echar? ¿Morón? Morón.

A la olla. A la olla. ¿Qué vas a echar? ¿Morón? Morón.
Into the pot. Into the pot. What are you going to put in? Barley? Barley.
00:06:12.050 - 00:06:17.180

Carne, aycha. Papita. Papita.

Carne, carne. Potatoes. Potatoes.
Meat. Meat. Potatoes. Potatoes.
00:06:17.920 - 00:06:23.430

00:06:24.260 - 00:06:27.530

trrakillawan. trrakillawan.
A pie no más. A pie, no más.
Just by foot. Just by foot.
00:06:27.580 - 00:06:29.630

Tra'killawan hamuyanchik kaminuta.

A pie no más estamos viniendo en el camino.
We came by foot on the road.
00:06:29.690 - 00:06:32.840

00:06:32.960 - 00:06:36.760

Aa, trakillawan. Karretera.

Ah, a pie no más. Por la carretera.
Ah, just by foot. On the road.
00:06:36.800 - 00:06:39.750

Kisupaq. ispisyal. Rantinchikpis.

Para queso. Especial. Vendemos también.
For cheese. Special. We sell it, too.
00:06:46.160 - 00:06:51.810

¿Maypam tiyanqa? Fwera. ¡Fwerapa tiyamuchun!

¿Dónde va a sentar? Afuera. ¡Que se siente afuera!
Where is she going to sit? Outside. Let her sit outside!
00:06:51.810 - 00:06:56.400

De suero está. ¡Écha ése! De leche su suero. No pierde ya nada.

De suero está. ¡Écha ése! De leche su suero. No pierde ya nada.
There's whey. Throw in that! Milk whey. Nothing gets wasted.
00:07:22.420 - 00:07:29.180

Así se come. Ya no pierde nada de pobre vaca. Qawarachikunchu. Aw.

Así se come. Ya no pierde nada de pobre vaca. ¿Ha hecho ver? Sí.
It's eaten like that. Nothing gets wasted from the poor cow. Did you show her? Yes.
00:07:31.170 - 00:07:40.770

Mala es esa vaca Chawachikunma.

Mala es esa vaca. Se hace lechear, pues.
Cows are bad. They get milked, of course.
00:07:40.770 - 00:07:47.190

Puntrawñam kakuyan.
Ya está haciendo día.
It's day already-
00:07:52.910 - 00:07:57.450

May may huk na mikunan allqupa. Mikuchinaypaq. Allqu.

¿Dónde, dónde un ...este ... su comida del perro. Para que yo haga comer. Perro.
Where ... where ... one ... ummm ... the dog's food. So I can feed the dog.
00:08:02.300 - 00:08:07.840

Allqu mikunan -- ¿Maypam kayan?

¿Dónde está la comida del perro?
The dog's food -- Where is it?
00:08:07.840 - 00:08:12.900

Allqupa mikunan.
La comida del perro.
The dog's food.
00:08:12.900 - 00:08:15.950

Timpurachinki chaypa.
Vas a hacer hervir aquí.
You're going to boil it here.
00:08:15.950 - 00:08:18.010

00:08:18.010 - 00:08:20.790

Kayta ... chaytamik timpurachiwaq.

Puedes hacer hervir-RSTR.
You can boil this ... that.
00:08:20.790 - 00:08:25.760

Chishikay timpusa huktriki.

Anoche habrá hervido otro.
Last night another one must have boiled.
00:08:25.760 - 00:08:27.820

Chay rikisun kayarachu Rikushpatr mikuchuwan kara.

¿Había ese riquesón? Yendo, hubieramos podido comer.
Was there the cheese curd? We could have gone and eaten it.
00:08:30.700 - 00:08:34.120

Pero manam tiyempu kanchu. Ya son las nueve.

Pero no hay tiempo. Ya son las nueve.
But there's no time. It0s nine o'clock already.
00:08:35.960 - 00:08:38.590

Shutukuyan. Ratullam,
Gotea. Un rato no más.
It's dripping. Just for a moment.
00:08:42.590 - 00:08:44.740

¿Quién trajo esta galleta? ¿Quién trajo ésta? Huklla-

¿Quién trajo esta galleta? ¿Quién trajo ésta? Uno no más.
Who brought these crackers? Who brought these? Just one.
00:08:46.670 - 00:08:56.320

00:08:56.320 - 00:08:59.060

00:08:59.210 - 00:09:01.880

Allqupa mankan.
La olla del perro.
The dog's pot.
00:09:02.830 - 00:09:06.320

¿May allqupa platun?

¿Dónde está el plato del perro?
Where's the dog's plate?
00:09:06.450 - 00:09:08.850

Platun. Sirvisiyu mana kayan.

Su plato. No hay servicio.
His plate. There are no dishes.
00:09:20.540 - 00:09:22.830

Servicio que está limpiocito, ah?

Servicio que está limpiocito, ah?
The plates -- what's clean?
00:09:22.830 - 00:09:26.470

Qatra. Allquta sapa puntraw mikuchini.

Sucio. Todos los días hago comer al perro-
Dirty. I feed the dog every day.
00:09:39.880 - 00:09:43.250

Cuervo, cuervo, cuervo, cuervo.

Cuervo, cuervo, cuervo, cuervo.
Cuervo, cuervo, cuervo, cuervo. [the dog's name]
00:09:43.620 - 00:09:46.290

00:09:59.610 - 00:10:03.660

Allqu. ¡Grábale! Lo que está comiendo. Estoy con abuelita.

Allqu. ¡Grábale! Lo que está comiendo. Estoy con abuelita.
00:10:37.240 - 00:10:43.090

The dog. Record it! What he's eating. I'm with grandma.
00:10:37.240 - 00:10:43.090

Abwelitatr gustakurashunki. Kutiramun.

La abuelita te gustará. Vuelve.
You're going to like grandma. She comes back.
00:10:48.950 - 00:10:53.190

Señorita está enamorándote.

Señorita está enamorándote.
The young lady is courting you.
00:10:53.210 - 00:10:57.960

¡Allquta grabaramuway!
¡Grábame el perro!
Record the dog for me!
00:11:23.370 - 00:11:27.680

Mikushun. Mikushun ya.

Vamos a comer. Vamos a comer, pues.
We're going to eat. We're going to eat already.
00:11:37.590 - 00:11:41.330

Vamos a mikur ya. Para irnos.

Vamos a comer ya. Para irnos.
Let's go eat already. SO we can go.
00:11:43.080 - 00:11:46.830

Rinanchikpaq mikushun apuraw.

Vamos a comer rápido para que hablemos.
We'll eat quickly so we can talk.
00:11:46.830 - 00:11:49.860

00:11:50.230 - 00:11:54.520

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:12 PM

Ah, warkatatr shimpayan. Warkatatr, aw?
Ah, estará trenzando honda. Será honda. ¿no?
Ah, she must be braiding a sling. It must be a sling, no?
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:04.390

Shimpayanraq mamakucha. ¡Míra!

Está trenzando todavía la abuelita. ¡Míra!
The grandmother is still braiding. Look!
00:00:08.400 - 00:00:12.140

¡Ve! Shimpayan. Qiruy qiruytaraq.

¡Vé! Está trenzando. Bien tieso todavía.
Look! She's braiding. Really stiff, too,
00:00:17.880 - 00:00:20.720

Karga watuta imatr wak shimpayan. Achka achka.

Está trenzando una soga de carga, creo. Mucho.
She's braiding a carrying rope, I think. A lot.
00:00:20.750 - 00:00:24.090

Kururchan kayan ve! Usaqpaq chay shimpayan.

Su uvillo hay, ve! Está trenzando para los que usan.
She has her ball of yarn. She's braiding for the people who use it.
00:00:24.120 - 00:00:28.340

Dieciseis. No. Pusaqpaq. Ocho.

Dieciseis. No, de ocho. Ocho.
Sixteen. No, out of eight. Eight.
00:00:28.620 - 00:00:31.970

¡Ve! Ah, warkatahina shimpayan. ¡Ve! Arí warkatahinaraq ¡Ve!

¡Ve! Parece honda está trenzando. ¡Vé! Si, parece honda todavía, ¡Vé!
Look! It seems like a sling. She's braiding. Look! Yes, it seems like a sling, still. Look!
00:00:33.530 - 00:00:39.060

Hatun watutam ruwayan.

Está haciendo una soga grande.
She's making a big sling.
00:00:39.200 - 00:00:41.790

Palmata chay shimpayan.

Está trenzando en palma.
She's braiding in a chevron.
00:00:42.750 - 00:00:47.680

fwirsa, fwirsawan shimpakuyan.

Fuerza, con fuerza está trenzando.
Strength. She's braiding with strength.
00:00:48.440 - 00:00:52.650

Sino hukchu tuta puñunallan? Wakhina imatapis ruwashpaqa pishipayantri. Hinashpa puñukunñatrik.
Si no, de noche qué va a dormir? Sí, pues, haciendo lo que sea cansará y después se dormirá.
If not, how is she going to sleep at night? Like that, doing whatever, she's getting tired. Then she'll sleep.
00:00:53.360 - 00:00:59.640

¿Kikinchutr millwirqapis?
¿Lo habrá torcido ella misma?
Dis she herself twist [the yarn]?
00:00:59.750 - 00:01:03.920

Ah, chay.
Ah, that.
00:01:04.110 - 00:01:06.020

Aviva muytikatrayan wakpa.

Aviva está revolcando allí.
Aviva is turning it over there.
00:01:06.520 - 00:01:11.010
¿Imatatr Avivapis rimapayan?
¿Qué le estará conversando Aviva?
What would Aviva be talking to her about?
00:01:11.030 - 00:01:14.020

Ah, rinrinpa rimayan. Hay que gritarle.

Ah, está hablando en su oído.. Hay que gritarle.
Ah, she's talking into her ear. You have to shout to her.
00:01:14.490 - 00:01:19.160

Ah, ¿manatr uyarinchu?

Ah, ¿no escuchará?
Ah, then she doesn't hear?
00:01:19.380 - 00:01:23.440

Anciana ya.
An old lady already.
00:01:23.900 - 00:01:26.250

Ah, rinrinllam pay rimapayan Aviva. Ariyá. Manatr uyariyanchu.

Ah, Aviva le está hablando en su oído no más. Sí, pues. No estará escuchando.
Ah, Aviva is talking just into her ear. Yes. She must not be hearing.
00:01:26.250 - 00:01:31.470

Makillanñatr allinraq kayan ruwananpaq. ¡No hagas bulla! Ah, es Thalía.

Su mano no más, seguro, estará bien todavía para que trabaje. ¡No hagas bulla! Ah, es Thalía.
Just her hands, for sure, would still be good so she can work. Don't make noise! Ah, it's Thalía.
00:01:31.470 - 00:01:39.170

Ah, Avivata yatrachiyan

Ah, está enseñando a Aviva.
Ah, she's teaching Aviva.
00:01:40.580 - 00:01:44.110

Ah, "Chaynash shimpay" niyan.

Ah, "Así, trénza" le está diciendo.
Ah, "Braid like this" she's saying.
00:01:44.130 - 00:01:46.790

Avivaqa ushchinchu.
Aviva no puede.
Aviva can't.
00:01:46.830 - 00:01:49.630

Manaña yapa maqashunaykipaq.

Para que no te pegue otra vez.
So she doesn't hit you again.
00:01:49.920 - 00:01:54.250

Shimpaykuyan. Ah, yatrayachin Avivata.

Está trenzando. Ah, está enseñando a Aviva.
She's braiding. Ah, she's teaching Aviva.
00:01:54.350 - 00:01:57.660

Shimpakuyan. Sin éxito. Mana puchukarinchu.

Está trenzando. Sin éxito. No termina.
She's braiding. Without success. She doesn't finish.
00:01:57.660 - 00:02:01.150

Manatriki yatrachinchu ... ushachinchu Avivaqa shimpayta.

No enseñará a Aviva, seguro. Aviva no puede trenzar.
She won't teach Aviva, for sure. Aviva can't braid.
00:02:01.180 - 00:02:05.750

Ahhhh. ¡Ve! Wambranñataq. Wambran kayan, ¿aw?

Ahhhh. Su hija, ya. Es su hija, ¿no?
Ahhhh. Her daughter already. It's her daughter, no?
00:02:05.750 - 00:02:11.080

"¡Kayna shimpay!" nin. "¡Kaynata ruway!" nin

"¡Trénza así!" dijo. "¡Hágalo así!" dijo.
"Braid like this!" she said. "Do it like this!" she said.
00:02:11.090 - 00:02:13.390

Avivaqa hapirayan. Yanqa mana yatranchu.

Aviva está agarrada. Por gusto no sabe.
Aviva is grabbed. She can't for the fun of it.
00:02:13.920 - 00:02:18.180

¿Imatatriki rinrichanpa niyan? ¡"Yatrachiway!" niyantriki. "¿Imaynataq ruwashaq?" niyantri.

¿Qué le estará diciendo en la oreja? "¡Enséñame!" estará diciendo. "¿Cómo voy a hacer?" estará diciendo.
What must she be saying in her ear? "Teach me!" she must be saying. "How will I do this?" she must be
00:02:19.320 - 00:02:24.360

Kanan hukninñataq yatrayachin. Hukninñataq.

Ahora la otra ya también le está enseñando. La otra también.
Now the other one, too, is teaching her. The other one, too.
00:02:24.370 - 00:02:28.220

¡Ve! "'Kaynata shimpay!" nin. ¡Ve! ¡Ve!

¡Vé! "¡Así trénza!" le dijo. ¡Vé! ¡Vé!
Look! "Braid like this!" she said to her. Look! Look!
00:02:29.050 - 00:02:35.430

Hapiyachin Avivata.
Está haciendo agarrar a Aviva.
She's making Aviva grab it.
00:02:35.440 - 00:02:38.560

Avivaqa mana yatranchu.

Aviva no sabe.
Aviva doesn't know how.
00:02:38.900 - 00:02:41.830
Hukllapaq hukllapaqmiki qaytuta hapinqa.
Uno por uno va a agarrar el hilo.
One by one she's going to take hold of the threads.
00:02:41.870 - 00:02:45.270

Hinashpa, krusanqa hinashpa ahustanqa hinashpa yapañataq huk lawman. Tinkunya.

Después va a cruzar y después va a ajustar y después otra vez para el otro lado. Sí da.
Then she's going to cross it over then she's going to tighten it, then again on the other side. It works.
00:02:45.270 - 00:02:50.860

¿Abwelitaqa imachatatr ruwayan? Tiyayanña payqa.

¿Qué cosita estará haciendo la abuelita? Ella está sentada.
What would the old lady be doing? She's sitting.
00:02:51.630 - 00:02:56.100

¿Y todos con ocho hacen?

¿Y todos con ocho hacen?
And everyone does it with eight [strings]?
00:02:57.420 - 00:02:59.470

Distintum chaytaq ruwanchik. Kimsallapaq ruwayanchik, tawapaqpis ruwayanchik, pusaqpaqpis ruwayanchik.

Lo hacemos de maneras distintas. De tres no más se hace; de cuatro, también se hace; de ocho, también se
We do it in various ways. We do it with just three; we also do it with four; with eight, too, we do it.
00:02:59.730 - 00:03:05.940

trunka ishkayniyuqpaqpis ruwanchik.

De doce también se hace-
We do it with twelve, too.
00:03:05.970 - 00:03:08.890

Ishkay trunka pusaqniyuqpaqpis ruwayanchik.

De veintiocho, también estamos haciendo.
We do it with twenty-eight, too.
00:03:08.890 - 00:03:12.220

Suqta trunkapaqpis ruwanki warkata. Sumaq sumaq ñawi warkata.

De cinquenta también haces honda. Hondas muy bonitas en figura de figura de ojo.
You make a sling out of fifty, too. Really pretty slings with an eye pattern.
00:03:12.470 - 00:03:17.340

Llañu llañuchatr. Llañu llañuchata millwinki.

Delgadito delgadito será. Bien delgadito se tuerce.
It must be very thin. You twist it very thin.
00:03:17.340 - 00:03:22.090

Hinashpa ruranki sumaq sumaq warkata.

Después vas a hacer hondita muy bonita.
Then you're going to make a really pretty sling.
00:03:22.260 - 00:03:26.060

¿Mamakucha hukchu qawayan sumaqta? Hinashpatr wak watullataña ruwakuyallan.

La abuelita, ¿Cómo va a mirar ya bien? Por eso estará haciendo soga no más ya.
How is the grandmother going to see well? That must be why she's just making rope now.
00:03:26.100 - 00:03:32.350

¿Imatañam qawan?
¿Qué cosa ya va a ver?
What is she going to see?
00:03:32.410 - 00:03:35.220

¿Millwatrik? ¿U kustaltachu shimpayan? Millwahinam.

¿Será lana? ¿O está trenzando costal? Parece lana.
Would it be wool? Or is she braiding [strips from a plastic] sack? Seems like wool.
00:03:35.530 - 00:03:39.290

Millwatr. Hukchu kustal.

Será lana. No creo que sea costal.
It must be wool. I don't think it's sack.
00:03:39.290 - 00:03:43.810

kustalñam pero mayormente ruwan.

La mayoría ya hacen de costal, pero.
Most make them from sacks, though.
00:03:43.810 - 00:03:46.630

Millwa, aw? Millwa. Millwiyanraqtrii mamakuchaqa.

Lana, ¿no? Lana. La abuelita estará torciendo lana todavía.
Wool, no? Wool. The grandmother must still be twisting wool.
00:03:46.810 - 00:03:52.260

Kanan qipa wiñaykunañam kustaltaq chutayaq kasa.

Ahora, la última generación ya está jalando costales no más.
Now, the latest generation is pulling sacks, nothing else-
00:03:52.280 - 00:03:55.940

Manañam. Kanan kustaltapis chutanñachu. Rantillan rantikuy.

Ya no. Ahora ya no jalan costales tampoco. Nada más compra.
Not any more. Now they don't even pull sacks. They just buy bought.
00:03:55.960 - 00:03:59.760

Unaykunaqa watuta ruwaq kayanchik ubihapaqpis llamapaqpis.

Antes hacíamos soga de lana de llama de lana de oveja.
Before, we used to make rope with sheep wool and llama wool.
00:03:59.790 - 00:04:04.890

De lana de alpaca.
And alpaca wool.
00:04:05.440 - 00:04:07.620

No sé de donde estaba sacando su lana -- que pura vaca tiene.

No sé de donde estaba sacando su lana -- que pura vaca tiene.
I don't know where she was getting her wool from -- she only has cows.
00:04:08.560 - 00:04:12.830
Ah, ¿alpakachu wak kayan?
¿Ése es de alpaca?
That's alpaca wool?
00:04:13.170 - 00:04:15.070

Ah, ya ves, pues.

Ah, ya ves, pues.
Ah, now you see.
00:04:15.080 - 00:04:18.440

¿Imatatr Avivata parlapayan? Manam ...

¿Qué cosa le estará conversando a Aviva? No
What would she be talking with Aviva about? No ---
00:04:18.530 - 00:04:21.810

Kanan waqtarunqamiki.
Ahora le va a golpear, pues.
Now she's going to hit her.
00:04:21.820 - 00:04:24.330

"¿Yatrankichu?" niyantri. ¿Ima niyantriki? "Unaykunaqa waqtawashpatrik yatrachiwarqanchik", nintri.

"¿"¿Aprendiste?" estará diciendo. ¿Qué estará diciendo, pues? "Antes no enseñaba pegándonos"; dirá.
"Have you learned?" she must be saying. What would she be saying? "Before, they taught us hitting us," she'd
be saying.
00:04:24.330 - 00:04:31.070

Mmmm. Chaytriki "¡Kanan yatriy!" niyan.

Por eso le estará diciendo, "Ahora, ¡aprénde!"
That's why she must be saying, "Now learn!"
00:04:31.070 - 00:04:36.270

Manataqchu ushachinqataqchu Avivaqa

No podrá tampoco Aviva, vas a ver.
Aviva isn't going to be able [to do it], either.
00:04:37.020 - 00:04:40.270

Inridarapunqa lliw.
Va a enredarle todito.
She's going to tangle it all.
00:04:40.370 - 00:04:43.380

Yatrarunña. Yatrayan. Yatrayanña.

Aprendió ya. Está aprendiendo. Ya está aprediendo.
She learned already. She's learning. She's learning already.
00:04:46.660 - 00:04:51.160

Fwirtita mamaku kashpa waqtarusa kanman.

Siendo fuerte la abuelita, le puede pagar
Being strong, the grandmother could hit her.
00:04:51.430 - 00:04:53.980

Makinta llaqwaykun Avivapa

Lambió la mano de Aviva.
She whipped Aviva's hand.
00:04:53.980 - 00:04:58.430

Le habrá dolido.
That must have hurt.
00:04:58.440 - 00:05:02.520

Había mosca. Mucha mosca. Ah. Chay kisupa lichipa yatanpaya mosca.
Habían moscas, muchas moscas. Ah, al lado de queso y leche hay mosca, pues.
There were flies. Lots of flies. Ah, nest to milk and cheese -- flies.
00:05:03.040 - 00:05:10.920

Mmmm, mosca.
Mmmm, moscas.
Mmm, flies.
00:05:11.930 - 00:05:13.990

Yatrrarunñam Aviva, ¡ve!

Aviva ya aprendió, ¡Vé!
Aviva learned how already. Look!
00:05:14.680 - 00:05:17.030

¡Vé! ¿Está bien?

¡Vé! ¿Está bien?
Look! Is it good?
00:05:17.060 - 00:05:19.530

00:05:20.000 - 00:05:24.660

¿Con cuánto hilo ha hecho? A ver, ¡cuéntale!

¿Con cuántos hilos lo hizo? A ver, ¡cuéntalos!
How many threads did she do it with? Let's see -- count them!
00:05:24.660 - 00:05:27.410

Hamuni. Yatrachiwanaykipaq.
Vengo. Para que me enseñes.
I came. So that you'd teach me.
00:05:32.600 - 00:05:36.000

Arí. "Arí" ¡niy! Arí.

Sí. ¡Dí "Sí"! Sí.
Yes. Say, "Yes"! Yes.
00:05:36.000 - 00:05:39.590

Le está enseñando.
She's teaching her.
00:05:45.910 - 00:05:48.650

Está trenzando.
She's braiding.
00:05:48.650 - 00:05:52.710

¿Ya aprendistes?
¿Ya aprendiste?
Hae you learned yet?
00:05:57.110 - 00:05:59.510

Todavía no.
Not yet.
00:05:59.610 - 00:06:01.970

No entra cabeza.
No entra en tu cabeza.
It doesn't get into your head.
00:06:02.030 - 00:06:04.630

No entra.
No entra.
It doesn't get in.
00:06:04.630 - 00:06:07.470

Abuelita, abuelita habla en quechua, digo, en castellano. Habla mayormente en ... en castellano habla un poco
conmigo, pero ella puramente
quechua habla.
Abuelita, abuelita habla en quechua, digo, en castellano. Habla mayormente en ... en castellano habla un poco
conmigo, pero ella puramente
quechua habla.
The grandmother speaks in Quechua, I mean in Spanish. She speaks mostly in ... she speaks in Spanish a little
with me, but she [generally]
speaks purely in Quechua.
00:06:07.580 - 00:06:19.190

Watunqa fiyu fiyu wiqam kayan.

Si soga es de lana bien fea.
Her rope is [out of] really nasty yarn.
00:06:19.610 - 00:06:27.250

fwirsan kayan.
Tiene fuerza.
She's strong.
00:06:27.360 - 00:06:31.000

No, díle en su oído. No escucha.

No, díle en su oído. No escucha.
No, say it in her ear. She doesn't hear.
00:07:17.210 - 00:07:22.000

¿Imataq ruwanki? Warkakunaypaq.

¿Que hace usted? Para que haga honda.
What are you doing? So I can make a sling.
00:07:22.070 - 00:07:27.010

Vaka qatinaypaq.
Para que agarre vaca.
So I can catch cows.
00:07:27.330 - 00:07:29.460

Willaway! Eh? "Willaway" -- díle fuerte, pues.

¡Avísame! Eh? "¡Avísame!" ¡díle fuerte, pues!
Tell me how! Huh? "Tell me how!" Say it loudly.
00:07:29.460 - 00:07:34.520

¡Willaway! Vaka qatinaypaq.

¡Avísame! Para que agarre vaca.
Tell me how! So I can catch cows.
00:07:34.520 - 00:07:38.780

¿Cómo se hace? Allí está. Allí está. Lo que está haciendo. Munanyá. Manam yatrawaqchu. No puedes.
¿Cómo se hace? Allí está. Allí está. Lo que está haciendo. Quiere, pues. No puedes aprender. No puedes.
How is it done? That's it. That's it. What she's doing. She wants to. You can't learn. You can't.
00:07:54.320 - 00:08:04.210

Tú, tú, ¡habla!

Tú, tú, ¡habla!
You, you, talk!
00:08:05.620 - 00:08:07.980

Allí en medio. Abajito.

Allí en medio. Abajito.
There in the middle. A little lower.
00:08:13.750 - 00:08:19.160

¡Yatrachiy! ¡Hapiychu! ¡Hapiychu. Yanqapis. ¡Hapiychuya. ¿Imanan?

¡Enséña! ¡No agarres! ¡No agárres! Mentira, también. ¡No agarres! ¿Qué hace?
Teach her! Don't grab it! Don't grab it! For no good reason. Don't grab it! What is she doing?
00:08:20.880 - 00:08:26.160

Para que sale hoy. Ok, ¿ahora qué hay que hacer?
Para que salga hoy. Bien, ¿ahora qué hay que hacer?
SO it comes out today. OK, what do you have to do now?
00:08:26.570 - 00:08:30.880

¿Imataq ruwani?
¿Qué hago?
¿What do I do?
00:08:34.070 - 00:08:36.890

Atipawaqchu. Manam atipawaqchu. Kayta

No puedes poder. No puedes poder. Ésto.
You can't. You won't be able to. This.
00:08:36.890 - 00:08:40.870

Éste házle pasar por aquí medio. Dos, dos.

Éste házle pasar por aquí medio. Dos, dos.
Make this one go here in the middle. Two, two.
00:08:40.900 - 00:08:44.530

Así. Así. ¡Sepárale! ¡Agárra! A ver. ¡Agárra éste!

Así. Así. ¡Sepárale! ¡Agárra! A ver. ¡Agárra éste!
Like that. Like that. Separate them! Grab it! Let's see. Grab this one!
00:08:44.850 - 00:08:52.780

Después, éste, éste.

Después, éste, éste.
Then that one, that one.
00:08:52.810 - 00:08:56.890

¿Aykawan kaytaq ruwayanki? Wiss. Chaytriki

¿Con cuántas estás haciendo ésta? Wisss. Ése, seguro ...
How many are you doing this with? Wisss. That one for sure.
00:08:57.030 - 00:09:00.380

Nanayraq nanayraqmi kayan. Paltanpaqmi chayqa

Tengo que hacer. Tengo que hacer todavía. Para su plano es ésa.
I have to make it still. It's for the flat part.
00:09:00.400 - 00:09:04.180

Ah, yo también no sé éste. Mentira, también. Así, así. ¡Pásale así!

Ah, yo tampoco no sé éste. Mentira, también. Así, así. ¡Pásalo así!
I don't know that, either. In vain, too. Like that. Like that. Pass it like that.
00:09:04.180 - 00:09:10.930

OK. De acá, ¿cómo? ¿Con éste?

Bien. ¿De acá, ¿Cómo? ¿Con éste?
OK. From here? How? With this one?
00:09:18.100 - 00:09:23.370

¿Con éste? Sí, de medio. De medio. Dos. ¿A dónde? ¿Acá?

¿Con éste? Sí, de medio. De medio. Dos. ¿A dónde? ¿Acá?
With this one? Yes, from the middle. Two. To where? Here?
00:09:23.640 - 00:09:27.730

No puede. No puede. Manam atipanichu. Manam atipawaqchu.

No puede. No puede. No puedo. No puedes.
She can't. She can't. I can't. You can't.
00:09:27.850 - 00:09:35.850

No sé. Yatrachinki. Kayhina. Qawankiya. ¡Qaway!

No sé. Vas a enseñar. Así. Vas a ver, pues. ¡Míra!
I don't know. Your going to teach her. Like this. You're going to see. Look!
00:09:35.940 - 00:09:44.560

Ya, ahora sí. "Aprendí ya," ¡díle!

Ya, ahora sí. "Aprendí ya," ¡díle!
Now, yes. Say, "I learned already!"
00:10:29.090 - 00:10:33.050
Vakatam qatichiy kaywan.
¡Haz agarrar la vaca con esto!
Have the cows caught with this!
00:10:39.960 - 00:10:42.820

¿Con vaca? Ah, kayhina. Maqashpa kayna kaywan maqashpa.

¿Con vaca? Ah, pegando así con ésto, pegando.
With a cow? Ah, like this. Hitting them like this, with this, hitting them.
00:10:42.870 - 00:10:46.880

Ya, paymanñataq quy!

Para ella ya también dále.
Give it to her as well.
00:10:51.710 - 00:10:54.410

Ayves, ayves. ¿Qué va a poder? ¡Enséñale, pues! ¿Con éste?

a veces. a veces. ¿Qué va a poder hacer? ¡Enséñale, pues! ¿Con éste?
Sometimes, sometimes. What is going to be able to do? Teach jer, then! With this?
00:10:54.660 - 00:11:03.750

¿Al centro? Ah. ¿Luego jalo?

¿Al centro? Ah. ¿Luego jalo?
To the middle? Ah. Then I pull?
00:11:06.490 - 00:11:11.850

trawpita, ¡Díle! Pasachishaq ¡Díle!

"Al centro", ¡Díle! "Voy a hacer pasar", ¡Díle!
"To the middle," Tell her! "I'm going to have [this one] go [here]" Tell her!
00:11:11.890 - 00:11:15.360

Pasachishaq. trawpita.
Hago pasar. Al centro.
I make it go [here]. In the middle.
00:11:15.360 - 00:11:20.560

trawpita. Ah, trawapinta, trawapinta.

Al centro. Ah, a su centro, a su centro.
To the middle. Ah, to the middle of it. To the middle of it.
00:11:20.600 - 00:11:24.520

OK. Y luego, acá, al centro. Otra vez. ¿Acá? ¿Acá?

OK. Y luego, acá, al centro. Otra vez. ¿Acá? ¿Acá?
OK. And then here, in the middle. Again. Here? Here?
00:11:24.540 - 00:11:32.040

¿Y este al medio?
¿Y este al medio?
And this one to the middle?
00:11:32.130 - 00:11:36.460

También. A ver. ¡Mírale! ¡Mírale! ¿Qué tal está? A ver. ¡Hágale mirar!
También. A ver. ¡Mírale! ¡Mírale! ¿Qué tal está? A ver. ¡Hágale mirar!
Also. Let's see. Look at it! Look at it! How is it? Let's see. Show it to her!
00:11:36.500 - 00:11:42.840

¿Está bien? No se puede. ¿Con cuanto hilo ha hecho? A ver. ¡Cuéntale!

¿Está bien? No se puede. ¿Con cuantos hilos lo hizo? A ver. ¡Cuéntalos!
Is it OK? She can't. How many threads did she di it with? Let's see. Count them!
00:11:51.280 - 00:12:00.570

Hamuni. Yatrachiwanakipaq. "Arí," niy! Qawanaykipaq hamunki. "Arí," niy! Arí.

Vengo. Para que me enseñes. "Sí" ¡Dí! Para que veas vas a venir. "Sí" ¡Dí!
00:12:05.410 - 00:12:14.180

Le voy a enseñar-
I'm going to teach her-
00:12:19.430 - 00:12:24.010

¿Ya aprendistes? Manaraq.

¿Ya aprendiste? No tadavía.
Did you learn yet? Not yet.
00:12:30.420 - 00:12:35.470

No entra cabeza. No entra.

No entra en tu cabeza. No entra.
It doesn't get into your head. It doesn't get in.
00:12:35.470 - 00:12:41.080

Ahorita vamos a lechear.

Ahorita vamos a lechear.
Right now, we're going to milk.
00:12:42.240 - 00:12:45.450

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:15 PM

Hina yaku achka hamuyan
hina yaku achka hamu-ya-n
thus water a.lot come-PROG-3
mucha agua viene así.
A lot of water is coming like that.
00:03:32.200 - 00:03:34.580

Chayta altu altuta nakuykushpa alminchik

chay-ta altu altu-ta naku-yku-shpa almi-nchik
DEM.D-ACC high high-ACC lift-EXCEP-SUBIS cross-1PL
Así, alzando para encima, se pasa por el río.
Holding up our skirts, we cross the river.
00:03:34.830 - 00:03:37.590

Vakata pasachimunchik kay law chimpa koralman

vaka-ta pasa-chi-mu-nchik kay law chimpa koral-man
cow-ACC pass-CAUS-CISL-1PL DEM.D-side front corral-ALL
Hacemos pasar la vaca de este lado frente hacia el coral.
We make the cows cross from here in front toward the corral.
00:03:37.630 - 00:03:41.210

Michinchik, kisuta ruwanchik vakata chawashpa

michi-nchik kisu-ta ruwa-nchik vaka-ta chawa-shpa
herd-1PL cheese-ACC make-1PL cow-ACC milk-SUBIS
Pasteamos. Lecheamos las vacas y hacemos queso.
We herd. Milking the cows, we make cheese.
00:03:41.410 - 00:03:46.250

Kisuta ruwanchik
kisu-ta ruwa-nchik
cheese-ACC make-1PL
Se hace queso.
We make cheese.
00:03:46.310 - 00:03:50.600

ratuskamanshi kisuta
ratus-kaman-shi kisu-ta
moments-LIM-EVR cheese-ACC
más un luego queso
A little later, she says, cheese.
00:03:46.310 - 00:03:50.600

ruwasaykita qawanqa
ruwa-sa-yki-ta qawa-nqa
make-PRF-2-ACC look-3.FUT
lo que hacer va a haber
What you make. She'll watch.
00:03:50.670 - 00:03:52.710

Aa. ratuskama ruwashaq.

a ratus-kama ruwa-shaq
ah moments-LIM make-1.FUT
Hh, más un luego voy a hacer
I'm going to make some in a little while.
00:03:52.800 - 00:03:54.640

Ratuskama kisuta ruwashaq

ratus-kama kisu-ta ruwa-shaq
moments-LIM cheese-ACC make-1.PL
Más un luego voy a hacer queso
I'm going to make cheese in a little while.
00:03:54.750 - 00:03:57.490

Kananpis ruwanay.
kanan-pis ruwa-na-y
now-ADD make-NMLZ-1
Ahora también tengo que hacer
I have to make some now, too.
00:03:57.560 - 00:03:59.080

Todo va a hacer acá.

Va a hacer todo acá-
She's going to do everything here.
00:04:03.790 - 00:04:06.070

Así, así. así. Rápido.

Así, así. así. Rápido.
Like this, like this, like this. Quickly.
00:04:06.270 - 00:04:10.710

Vas a echar kayna. Kayhina.

kay-na kay-hina
Vas a echarlo así. Así.
You're going to throw it in like this. Like this.
00:04:10.870 - 00:04:14.100

Ishkay vakay chawani kayhina

ishkay vaka-y chawa-ni kay-hina
two cow-1 milk-1 DEM.P-COMP
Lecheo mis dos vacas así.
I milk my two cows like that.
00:04:14.190 - 00:04:16.760

Duruyarunña. Duruyaruptin hurqushpaqa wankuman.

duru-ya-ru-n-ña duru-ya-ru-pti-n hurqu-shpa-qa wanku-man
hard-INCH-URGT-3-DISC hard-INCH-URGT.SUBDS-3 take.out-SUBIS-TOP mold-ALL
Ya se puso duro. Cuando se pone duro se pone al molde.
It's already hard. When it gets hard, it gets put in the mold.
00:04:16.850 - 00:04:21.230

Aa, unayqa kamintapis

ah, unay-qa kaminu-ta-pis
ah, before-TOP road-ACC-ADD
Ah, antes por el camino.
Ah, before, by road.
00:04:21.660 - 00:04:27.000

Walayqu, walayuq kanchik.

wala-yqu wala-yuq ka-nchik
skirt-POSS skirt-POSS be-1PL
Con falda, con falda somos.
Skirts. We have skirts.
00:04:27.110 - 00:04:30.050

Kananqa todo pantalón.

kanan-qa todo pantalon
now-TOP all pants
Ahora todas se ponen pantalones.
Now it's all pants.
00:04:30.120 - 00:04:31.930
pantalonlla kanan usayan
pantalon-lla kanan usa-ya-n
pants-RSTR now use-PROG-3
00:04:31.990 - 00:04:34.260

con faldo no más era antes no hay buso

00:04:34.400 - 00:04:38.120

wala wala walallawan

wala wala wala-lla-wan
skirt skirt skirt-RSTR-INSTR
00:04:38.140 - 00:04:41.960

walallawanmi purirqanchik niy ya grabayashunkimiki

wala-lla-wan-mi puri-rqa-nchik ni-y ya graba-ya-shunki-mi-ki
skirt-RSTR-INSTR-EVR walk-PST-1PL say-IMP EMPH record-PROG-3>2-EVD-KI
con falda no más caminabamos, dí, pues, te está grabando, pues
We wandered around with just skirts. Say it already! She's recording you!!
00:04:38.140 - 00:04:41.960

walallawan kananqa todo busuyuq

wala-lla-wan kanan-qa todo busu-yuq
skirt-RSTR-INSTR now-TOP all sweat.pants-POSS
Con falda no más [anadábamos]. Ahora todas tienen buso.
[We used to go about ] just with a skirt. Now everyone has sweat pants.
00:04:42.010 - 00:04:46.960

antes wala no más

Antes, falda no más
Before, just skirts
00:04:47.360 - 00:04:50.080

Qala tranka. Shuquy. Shuquy.

qala tranka shuquy shuquy
naked moccasins moccasins
Calato. Ojotas. Ojotas.
Naked. Moccasins. Moccasins.
00:04:50.190 - 00:04:54.980

qala tranka
qala tranka
00:04:50.190 - 00:04:54.980

Kay ruwashpa shukuyta, millwishpa, ruwanchik shukuyta, sirinchik kikinchik.

kay ruwa-shpa shukuy-ta millwi-shpa ruwa-nchik shukuy-ta siri-nchik kiki-nchik
DEM.D make-SUBIS moccasins-ACC twist-SUBIS make-1PL moccasins-ACC sew-1PL self-1PL
Haciendo ojotas, torciendo [lana], hacemos ojotas, los cosemos nosotros mismos.
Making moccasins, twisting [yarn], we made moccasins, we sewed them ourselves.
00:04:55.210 - 00:04:59.980
"Puchkashpash harkayan puchkashpam harkani" ¡Niy yari! Tishani lanata.
puchka-shpa-sh harka-ya-n puchka-shpa-m harka-ni niy yari tisha-ni lana-ta
spin-SUBIS-EVR herd-PROG-3 spin-SUBIS-EVD herd-1 say-IMP YA-RI cards-1 wool-ACC
"Hilando pasteo, hilando pasteo", ¡Dí, pues! Escarmino lana
Spinning, I herd. Spinning, I herd. Say it! I card wool.
00:05:00.020 - 00:05:04.230

Vakata harkanchik puchkashpa millwata, puchka puchkashpa.

vaka-ta harka-nchik puchka-shpa millwa-ta puchka puchka-shpa
cow-ACC herd-1PL spin-SUBIS wool-ACC spin spin-SUBIS
Pasteamos las vacas, hilando lana, hilando, hilando.
We herd the cows spinning wool -- spinning and spinning.
00:05:04.290 - 00:05:09.200

Puchkanchik ahhhh . . vakata harkanchik vakapa qipanpa ahh millwinchik

puchka-nchik ahhhh vaka-ta harka-nchik vaka-pa qipa-n-pa ahh millwi-nchik
spin-1PL ahhhh cow-ACC herd-1PL cow-GEN behind-3-LOC ahh twist-1PL
Hilamos, ah, Detras de las vacas, detras de las vacas, torcimos [lana].
We spin. Ahh, we herd the cows and behind the cows, behind the cows, we twist [yarn].
00:05:09.410 - 00:05:15.200

Vakapa qipanpa warkawan harkanchik.

vaka-pa qipa-n-pa warka-wan harka-nchik
cow-GEN behind-3-LOC sling-INSTR herd-1PL
Detras de las vacas, pasteamos con honda.
Behind the cows, we herd with a sling.
00:05:15.310 - 00:05:19.070

Warkata ruwanchik.
warka-ta ruwa-nchik
sling-ACC make.1PL
Hagamos hondas.
We make slings.
00:05:19.520 - 00:05:23.660

yatranim soga warka ruwayta díle

yatra-ni-m soga warka ruwa-y-ta díle
know-1-EVD rope sling make-INF-ACC
yo sé hacer soga honda díle
I know how to make rope and slings. Tell her!
00:05:19.520 - 00:05:23.660

Allí está warka.

Allí hay una honda.
There's a sling.
00:05:24.100 - 00:05:28.430

Dice te va a comprar
Dice va a comprar
She says she's going to buy it.
00:05:24.100 - 00:05:28.430

¡Veinte soles no más!
¡Veinte soles no más!
Just twenty sols!
00:05:28.650 - 00:05:32.110

Aykapaqshi rantikunki
ayka-paq-shi rantiku-nki
how.much-BEN-EVR sell-2
por cuánto vas a vender
How much are you going to sell it for?, she says,
00:05:28.650 - 00:05:32.110

¿Manachu qullqikita apamurqanki?

mana-chu qullqi-ki-ta apa-mu-rqa-nki
no-Q gold-2-ACC bring-CISL-PST-2
¿No trajiste tu plata?
You didn't bring your money?
00:05:32.280 - 00:05:34.480

Diez soles,entonces. Diez soles voy a vender.

Diez soles, entonces. [Por] diez soles [te lo] voy a vender.
Ten sols, then. Ten sols and I'll sell it.
00:05:34.530 - 00:05:37.680

Kinse solesman bahay mucho bajaste

kinse soles-man baha-y
fifteen soles-ALL lower-INF
para qionce soles, rebájale, has bajado mucho
Fiftenn sols! Come down! You came down a lot!
00:05:41.160 - 00:05:43.920

Aa, millwapis sasa esa sasa.

ahh, millwi-pis sasa esa sasa
ahh, wool-ADD hard that hard
Ah, la lana también es difícil. Ésa es difícil
Ah, wool, too, is hard. That is hard.
00:05:44.020 - 00:05:48.150

Trabajo es. Millwata tishanchik hinashpa millwinchik, qaytu ruwanchik.

millwa-ta tisha-nchik hinashpa millwi-nchik qaytu ruwa-nchik
wool-ACC card-1PL then twist-1PL thread make-1PL
Trabajo es. La lana se escarmina, después se tuerce, y después se hace hilo.
It's work. You card the wool then you twist it and make yarn.
00:05:48.320 - 00:05:54.510

Millwanchik, aya.
millwa-nchik aya
wool-1PL aya
Nuestra lana. Aya.
Our wool, aya.
00:05:54.680 - 00:06:00.300

Kinse solestash pagashunki warkaykipaq

kinse soles-ta-sh paga-shunki warka-yki-paq
fifteen soles-ACC_EVR pay-3>2 sling-2-BEN
quince soles, dice, te va a pagar para tu honda
Fifteen sols, she says, she's going to pay you for your sling.
00:05:54.680 - 00:06:00.300

Unayqa paykunaqa mantelta ruwaq, mantelta ruwaq, mantelta bordaq. Unayqa. Paykunañataq
unay-qa pay-kuna-qa mantel-ta ruwa-q mantel-ta ruwa-q mantel-ta borda-q unay-qa paykunaña-taq
before-TOP 3-PL-TOP table.cloth-ACC make-AG table.cloth-ACC make.AG table.cloth-ACC
embroider-AG before-TOP 3-PL-DISC-SEQ
Antés, ellas hacían manteles, hacían manteles, bordaban manteles. Antes. Ellas, ya.
Before, they would make table cloths. They would make table cloths. they would embroider table cloths.
Before. They, already
00:06:01.930 - 00:06:08.870

Iskwelaman rirqankichu díle

iskwela-man ri-rqa-nki-chu
school-ALL go-PST-2-NEG
00:06:01.930 - 00:06:08.870

Pashñakuna pashñakuna mantelta bordaq

pashña-kuna pashña-kuna mantel-ta borda-q
girl-PL girl-PL table.cloth-ACC embroider-AG
las señoritas, señoritas bordaban manteles.
The girls. The girls would embroider table cloths.
00:06:08.900 - 00:06:12.110

Yatraqninqa mana yatraqninqa manayari

yatra-q-ni-n-qa mana yatra-q-ni-n-qa mana-ya-ri
know-AG-EUPH-3-TOP no know-AG-EUPH-3-TOP no-Y-ARI
Las que sabían; las que no sabían, no pues.
The ones who knew how. The ones who didn't know how, no, of course.
00:06:12.260 - 00:06:15.560

trurawarqayá huk ratu manayá puchukachiwarqachu, trurawarqam

trura-wa-rqa-ø ya huk ratu mana-ya puchuka-chi-wa-rqa-ø-chu trura-wa-rqa-ø-m
put-1.OBJ-PST-3 EMPH one moment no-EMPH finish-CAUS-1.OBJ-PST-3-NEG put-1.OBJ-PST-3-EVD
Sí me pusieron [en la escuela], un rato. No me hicieron terminar, pero sí me pusieron.
They did put me [in school] for a short while. They didn't have me finish, but they did put me in.
00:06:16.080 - 00:06:23.190

Iskwelaman trurachishurqankichu mamayki.

iskwela-man trura-chi-shu-rqa-nki-chu mama-yki
school-ALL put-CAUS-2.OBJ-PST-2.OBJ-NEG mother-2
para escuea te han puesto tu mamá
Your mother didn't put you in school.
00:06:16.080 - 00:06:23.190

Kwartu no mas. Kintu. Manam puchukaranichu.

mana-m puchuka-ra-ni-chu
no-EVD finish-PST-1-NEG
Cuarto grado no más. Quinto. No terminé.
Fourth grade, only. Fifth. I didn't finish.
00:06:23.260 - 00:06:28.840

¿Ima añukamash karanki?

ima añu-kama-sh ka-ra-nki
what year-RSTR-EVR be-PST-2
hasta qué grado has estado
Up to what grade were you, she says.
00:06:29.520 - 00:06:31.450

Sigundu, tirsiru. Chay chaykamallatr

sigundu tirsiru chay chay-kama-lla-tr
second third DEM.D DEM.D-RSTR-RSTR.EVC
Segundo o tercero. Hasta allí no más será.
Second or third. It would be just up to there.
00:06:32.160 - 00:06:34.730

Sabes leer pero ahora no.

Sabes leer, pero ahora no.
You know how to read, but now, no.
00:06:34.910 - 00:06:39.320

Sabes leer nada, ¿no?

No sabes leer nada, ¿no?
You don't know how to read anything, no?
00:06:34.910 - 00:06:39.320

Todo olvidé. Qunqaruni qalay qalay. Cabeza también

qunqa-ru-ni qalay qalay
forget-URGT-1 all all
Todo olvidé. Olvidé todo, todo. Cabeza también.
I forgot everything. I forgot everything, everything, My head, too.
00:06:39.400 - 00:06:45.960

Pasaypaq. Ima trurarasaytapis qunqarunim.

pasaypaq ima trura-ra-sa-y-ta-pis qunqa-ru-ni-m
completely what save-UNINT-ACC-ADD forget-URGT-1-EVD
Totalmente. Lo que había guardado, me olvidé.
Completely. What I saved, too, I forgot.
00:06:47.500 - 00:06:50.440

Manam kabesay chaynañachu

mana-m kabesa-y chay-na-ña-chu
Mi cabeza ya no es igual.
My head isn't like that any more.
00:06:50.560 - 00:06:53.760

Hermano no hay. Hermano todo falleció.

No tengo hermanos. Todos fallecieron.
I don't have brothers or sisters. All my brothers and sisters died.
00:06:54.610 - 00:06:59.330

"Todo murió" ¡Niyya! ¡Niyya! ¡Kichwapa grabay kaypam kayan!

ni-y-ya ni-y-ya kichwa-pa graba-y kay-pi-m ka-ya-n
say-IMP-EMPH say-IMP-EMPH Quechua-LOC record-IMP DEM.P-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3
todo murió díle pues, díle en Quechua te está grabando en aquí está
They all died. Say it! Say it already! She's here recording in Quechua.
00:06:59.380 - 00:07:03.350

Aa, lliw lliw wañukunmi.

ah, lliw lliw wañu-ku-n-mi
ah, all all die-REFL-3-EVD
Ah, todos se murieron.
Ah, they all died.
00:07:03.540 - 00:07:11.060

¡Kichwapa rimay! "Ñañaypis, turiypis karqam pero wañukunña" nishpa rimay!

kichwa-pa rima-y ñaña-y-pis turi-y-pis ka-rqa-ø-m pero wañu-ku-n-ña ni-shpa rima-y
Quechua-LOC talk-IMP sister-1-ADD brother-1-ADD be-PST-3 but die-REFL-3-DISC say-SUBIS talk-IMP
En quechua habla mi hermana ni mi hermano había ahora todos fallecieron, diciendo habla
Talk in Quechua! I had a sister and a brother, but they died. Talk!
00:07:03.540 - 00:07:11.060

cinco hermanos tenía tres mujeres

00:07:11.210 - 00:07:16.120

¿Piraq? Lliw lliw wañukun. Manam kanchu. Ñuqa sapallaymi kani. Solito.
pi-raq lliw lliw wañu-ku-n mana-m ka-n-chu ñuqa sapa-lla-y-mi ka-ni solito
who-CONT all all dir-REFL-3 no-EVD be-3-NEG 1 alone-RSTR-1-EVD be-1 all.alone
¿Quién? Tosos fallecieron. No hay. Yo estoy sóla. Solita.
Who? They all died, There aren't any. I'm all alone. By myself.
00:07:17.140 - 00:07:23.410

ahh solamente quedé con mi hija, no más

00:07:23.550 - 00:07:28.020

Wambrayllawanñam yatrakuni. Aa, Lima

wambra-y-lla-wan-ña-m yatra-ku-ni aa Lima
child-1-RSTR-INSTR-DISC-EVD live-REFL-1 ah Lima
Con mi hija no más ya vivo. Ah, Lima.
I live just with my daughter, Ahhh, Lima.
00:07:28.460 - 00:07:34.440

Limapam kayan, nishpa.

Lima-pa-m ka-ya-n ni-shpa
Lima-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3 say-SUBIS
Están en Lima, dice.
They're in Lima, she says.
00:07:34.590 - 00:07:38.730

kichwapa rimay wambray kan

kichwa-pa rima-y wambra-y ka-n
Quechua-LOC talk-IMP child-1 be-3
En Quechua, pues, habla. Mi hijo hay.
Talk in Quechua! I have children.
00:07:34.590 - 00:07:38.730
Ishkay warmi, huk qari.
ishkay warmi huk qari
two woman one man
Dos mujeres, un hombre.
Two women, one man.
00:07:38.840 - 00:07:41.520

Limata rinkichush manachush wambraykiman

Lima-ta ri-nki-chush mana-chush wambra-yki-man
Lima-ACC so-2-Q no.Q child-2-ALL
Vas a Lima, o no vas, a donde tus hijos
Do you go to Lima or don't you go to Lima, she says. Where your children are.
00:07:41.770 - 00:07:44.350

Rinim, rinim. Rishaqmi kananpis.

ri-ni-m ri-ni-m ri-shaq-mi kanan-pis
go-1-EVD go-1-EVD go-1.FUT-EVD now-ADD
Sí voy, sí voy. Voy a ir ahora también
I go. I go. I'm going to go now, too.
00:07:44.460 - 00:07:48.290

Imaynash Lima willay

imayna-sh Lima willa-y
how-EVR Lima tell-IMP
Cómo, dice, es Lima, avísale
What is Lima like? Tell her!
00:07:48.400 - 00:07:51.390

Lima está bastante gente

Hay mucha gente en Lima.
There are a lot of people in Lima.
00:07:51.580 - 00:07:55.240

Puraminti gente.
puraminti gente
completely people
Demasiado gente.
Too many people.
00:07:55.380 - 00:07:57.910

Pasaypaq manam puriyta atipanichu. Kayna aysashpalla qatiyani.

pasaypaq mana-m puri-y-ta atipa-ni-chu kay-na aysa-shpa-lla qati-ni
completely no-EVD walk-INF.ACC DEM.P-VRBZ pull-SUBIS-RSTR follow-1
Total, no [puedo] caminar. Así caminas jalado no más sigo.
Completely. I can't walk. Pulled along, I follow, like this.
00:07:58.180 - 00:08:02.560

Achka achka. Pasaypaq.

achka achka pasaypaq
a.lot a.lot completely
Muchos, muchos. Totalmente.
A lot. A lot. Completely.
00:08:02.850 - 00:08:06.650

No, pues.
No. No.
00:08:06.700 - 00:08:09.520

Unayqa manam chaynachu karqa ninki, aw

unay-qa mana-m chay-na-chu ka-rqa-ø ni-nki aw
before-TOP no-EVD DEM.D-VRBZ-NEG be-PST-3 say-2 yes
antes, no era así, dices, no
Before it wasn't like that, you say. Yes.
00:08:06.700 - 00:08:09.520

Fuimos, pues.
We went, yes.
00:08:09.790 - 00:08:12.600

¡Niyya! ¡Chayta rimay!

ni-y-ya chay-ta rima-y
díle,-RSTR, habla
Say that! Talk about that!
00:08:09.790 - 00:08:12.600

"Kalamina rantiqmi rirani wasiypaq" ¡niy!

kalamina ranti-q-mi ri-ra-ni wasi-y-paq ni-y
tin.roofing buy-AG-EVD go-PST-1 house-1-BEN say-IMP
ha ido a comprar calamina para mi casa, díle
I've gone to buy tin roofing for my house. Say it!
00:08:12.740 - 00:08:15.120

Kalamina rantiq rirqani. Uray lawta wasi huk kayan.

kalamina ranti-q ri-rqa-ni uray law-ta wasi huk ka-ya-n
tin.roofing buy-AG go-PST-1 down side-ACC house one be-PROG-3
Fui a comprar calamina. Abajo hay otra casa
I went to buy tin roofing. Down the hill there's another.
00:08:15.130 - 00:08:18.080

Kalamina rantiq rirqani. Tuta urayman trakillawan pasakuni.

kalamina ranti-q ri-rqa-ni tuta uray-man traki-lla-wan pasa-ku-ni
tin.roofing buy-AG go-PST-1 night down-ALL foot-RSTR-INSTR pass.REFL-1
Fui a comprar calamina. Fui abajo, a pie en la noche.
I went to buy tin roofing. I went by foot, down hill, at night.
00:08:18.320 - 00:08:22.360

Chaywanhina bistyawan pushawaq [undecipherable] yaykunanpaq

chay-wan-hina bistya-wan pusha-waq yayku-na-n-paq
Como con-RSTR, con caballo, puedes llevar. Para que entre.
Like with that. With a horse you could take it. So that it gets in.
00:08:22.500 - 00:08:27.200

Kabrata hapiq. Taksa taksachata hapiq.

kabra-ta hapi-q taksa taksa-cha-ta hapi-q
goat-ACC grab-AG small small-DIM-ACC grab-AG
Agarraba una cabra. Agarraba una cabra chiquitita.
He would grab a goat. He would grab a small little goat.
00:08:27.420 - 00:08:30.160

Chaywan rantimuq kani turillaywan

chay-wan ranti-mu-q ka-ni turi-lla-y-wan
DEM.D-INSTR buy-CISL-AG be-1 brother-RSTR-1-INSTR
Con eso solía comprar con mi hermano.
With that I used to buy, with my brother.
00:08:30.300 - 00:08:33.380

Chaypaq hamuq uraypaq hapimunchik kalaminata hamuq asnuwan

chay-paq hamu-q uray-paq hapi-mu-nchik kalamina-ta hamu-q asnu-wan
DEM.D-ABL come-AG down-ABL grab-CISL-1PL tin.roofing-ACC come-AG ass-INSTR
Después de abajo solíamos traer -- agarramos la calamina -- venía con burro.
Then, we would bring it from down hill -- we grabbed the tin roofing -- he would come with a donkey.
00:08:34.070 - 00:08:39.030

Aa, mulawan.
ah, mula-wan
ah, mule-INSTR
Ah, con una mula.
Ahh, with a mule.
00:08:39.360 - 00:08:43.450

de palka de san jerónimo trajiste

de palka o de sanjeronimo trajiste
00:08:39.360 - 00:08:43.450

de San Jerónimo
00:08:43.600 - 00:08:46.350

San Jerónimopaq asta kaykama.

San Jerónimopaq asta kay-kama
San Jerónimo-ABL until here-LIM
De San Jerónimo hasta acá
From San Jerónimo to here.
00:08:47.910 - 00:08:50.460

Hamuyanchik. Quqawta ruwakuykushpa asnunchikpa qipanta hamuyanchik.

Hamu-ya-nchik Quqaw-ta ruwa-ku-yku-shpa asnu-nchik-pa qipa-n-ta hamu-ya-nchik
come-PROG-1PL picnic-ACC make-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS donkey-1PL-GEN behind.3.ACC
Veníamos. Haciendo nuestro fiambre, veníamos detrás de nuestro burro.
We're coming. Making our picnic, we're coming behind our donkey.
00:08:50.820 - 00:08:56.150

¿Kabrayki karqachush manachush? Karqam kabray, ubihay, vakay.

Kabra-yki ka-rqa-ø-chu-sh mana-chu-sh Ka-rqa-ø-m kabra-y ubiha-y vaka-y
goat-2 be-PST-3-Q-EVR no-Q-EVR be-PST-3-EVD goat-1 sheep-1 cow-1
¿Tenías cabras o no, dice? Yo tenía cabras, ovejas y vacas.
Did you have goats or not, she asks? I had goats, sheep and cows.
00:08:57.900 - 00:09:04.000

Harta estaba mi vaca, harta estaba oveja.

Tenía muchas cabras, tenía muchas ovejas.
I had lots of cows, lots of sheep.
00:09:04.200 - 00:09:07.280

Mula también hay, burro también hay, yegua también hay.

También tenía mulas y burros y yeguas.
Mules, too, donkeys, too, mares, too.
00:09:07.350 - 00:09:11.100

Ahora no hay nada. Ahora no hay. Harto está en puna ahora.

Ahora no hay nada. Ahora no hay. Hay muchos en la puna ahora.
Now there's nothing. Now there isn't any. There are a lot in the mountains now.
00:09:11.180 - 00:09:15.180

Harto está. Qué ...

Hay muchos. Qué ...
There are a lot. What ...
00:09:15.250 - 00:09:17.760

Pitaq harkanqa? Pitaq harkanqa? Kanan manam harkaq, manam kaptin kanan kanchu.
Pi-taq harka-nqa Pi-taq harka-nqa Kanan mana-m harka-q mana-m ka-pti-n kanan ka-n-chu
who-SEQ herd-3.FUT qho-SEQ herd-3.FUT now no-EVD herd-AG no-EVD be-SUBDS-3 now be-3-NEG
¿Quién va a pastear? ¿Quién va a pastear? Ahora cuando no hay pastor, ahora no hay.
Who's going to herd? Who's going to herd? Now, when there aren't shepherds, now there aren't
00:09:17.890 - 00:09:22.940

Kanan ishkay kimsallatam kaypa qayakatrakuni.

Kanan ishkay kimsa-lla-ta-m kay-pa qaya-katra-ku-ni
now two three-RSTR-ACC-EVD DEM.P-LOC call-FREQ-REFL-1
A dos tres no más aca estoy siguitiando.
I'm looking after just two or three.
00:09:23.130 - 00:09:26.590

Vida pasaykunallaypaq ishllata kisu mikunallaypaq.

Vida pasa-yku-na-lla-y-paq ishlla-ta kisu miku-na-lla-y-paq
life pass-EXCEP-NMLZ-RSTR-1-PURP a.little-ACC cheese eat-NMLZ-RSTR-1-PURP
Para que pase la vida, poquito no más para que come queso.
In order to keep myself alive, to eat a little bit of cheese.
00:09:26.760 - 00:09:30.270

Unayqa artum karqa vaka. Kanan urqupa

Unay-qa artu-m ka-rqa-ø vaka Kanan urqu-pa
before-TOP a.lot-EVD be-PST-3 cow now hill-LOC
Antes tenía muchas vacas. Ahora están an la puna.
Before, I had a lot of cows. Now they're in the mountains.
00:09:30.620 - 00:09:34.170

¿Maypataq qam yatranki? ¿Maytaq llaqtayki? "Kanasta"?

May-pa-taq qam yatra-nki May-taq llaqta-yki Kanasta
where-LOC-SEQ 2 live-2 where-SEQ town-2 basket
¿Dónde estás viviendo usted? ¿Dónde es tu pueblo? Kanasta?
Where are you living? Where is your town? "Canasta'"
00:09:34.330 - 00:09:38.200

¿Al norte? Lejísimo. Karu karum.

Karu karu-m
far far-EVD
¿Al norte? Lejísimo. Lejos, lejos.
In the north? Really far. Far, far.
00:09:38.310 - 00:09:42.570

Ah, karu karum. ¿Imaynataq? ¿Imamantaq hamuranki?

Ah karu karu-m Imayna-taq ima-man-taq hamu-ra-nki
Ah, far far-EVD how-SEQ what-ALL-SEQ come-PST-2
De lejos, lejos, ¿A qué y cómo has venido?
Ah, from far, far away- How, for what did you come?
00:09:42.610 - 00:09:47.990

Ah, con avión vienes? Aviyonwan.

Ah, con avión vienes? Aviyonwan.
Ah, do you come in a plane? In a plane.
00:09:48.080 - 00:09:52.730

Killawan. A pie? trakiwan? Shukuychanchikta ruwachaykushpa.

Killa-wan traki-wan Shukuy-cha-nchik-ta ruwa-cha-yku-shpa
month-INSTR foot-INSTR moccasins-DIM-1PL-ACC make-DIM-EXCEP-SUBIS
Con un mes. ¿A pie? Haciendo nuestra ojota.
In a month. On foot? Making our moccasins.
00:09:52.890 - 00:09:59.380

Aa, manam animalniyyuq. siymprim animalniyyuq.

Aa mana-m animal-ni-y-yuq siympri-m animal-ni-y-yuq
Ah, no-EVD animal-EUPH-1-POSS always-3 animal-EUPH-1-POSS
No con mi animal. Siempre con mi animal.
Ah, without my animals. Always with my animals.
00:09:59.650 - 00:10:03.630

Papata tarpushpa abasta tarpushpa

Papa-ta tarpu-shpa abas-ta tarpu-shpa
potato-ACC plant-SUBIS broad.beans-ACC plant-SUBIS
Sembrando papa, sembrando hava.
Planting potatoes, planting broad beans.
00:10:03.820 - 00:10:07.780

sibadata tarpushpa, wichishpa. Chaynam antisqa manam imapis kaptinqa
sibada-ta tarpu-shpa wichi-shpa Chay-na-m antis-qa mana-m ima-pis ka-pti-n-qa
barley-ACC plant-SUBIS plow-SUBIS DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD before-TOP no-EVD what-ADD
Sembrando cebada, y ramando, Así era antes cuando no había nada.
Planting barley and plowing. That's the way it was before when there wasn't anything,
00:10:07.780 - 00:10:13.600

Chaypaqa armayan animaltaqa armayan.

Chay-pa-qa arma-ya-n animal-ta-qa arma-ya-n
DEM.D-LOC-TOP put.together-PROG-3 animal-ACC-TOP put.together-PROG-3
Después está adqueriendo animales.
Then they're acquiring animals, acquiring.
00:10:13.650 - 00:10:16.700

Rantiyan hinashpaqa armayan.

Ranti-ya-n hinashpa-qa arma-ya-n
buy-PROF-3 then-TOP put.together-PROG-3
Compran y luego arman.
They buy them and then they acquire them.
00:10:16.870 - 00:10:20.490

bistyapis unayqa karqa -- bistya, mula.

bistya-pis unay-qa ka-rqa-ø bistya mula.
horse-ADD before-TOP be-PST-3 horse mule
Antes habían caballos -- caballos y mulas.
Before, there were horses -- horses and mules.
00:10:20.590 - 00:10:23.910

Mula. bistyawan sillakushpa.

Mula bistya-wan silla-ku-shpa
mule horse-INSTR seat-REFL-SUBIS
Mulas. Cabalgado en el caballo
Mules. We rode horseback
00:10:24.050 - 00:10:26.500

Monturawan, istribuswan.
Montura-wan istribus-wan
saddle-INSTR stirrups-INSTR
Con montura, con estribo.
With saddles and stirrups.
00:10:26.660 - 00:10:30.020

Sillakushpa riyanchik.
Silla-ku-shpa ri-ya-nchik
Ibamos cabalgando.
We went on horseback.
00:10:30.720 - 00:10:33.330

Fiyu fiyu iskalunkunata pasayanchik bistyawan.

Fiyu fiyu iskalun-kuna-ta pasa-ya-nchik bistya-wan
ugly ugly grade-PL-ACC pass-PROG-1PL horse-INSTR
Feos gradientes estamos pasando con los caballos.
We're passed awful steeps with the horses.
00:10:34.080 - 00:10:37.680

Kanan karulla kakuyan aviyonlla kakuyan.

Kanan karu-lla ka-ku-ya-n aviyon-lla ka-ku-ya-n
now car-RSTR be-REFL-PROG-3 airplane-RSTR be-REFL-PROG-3
Ahora es carro no más, avión no más.
Now it's just cars, it's just planes.
00:10:40.740 - 00:10:44.810

Kananqa porsaber sillakunapis yatranmanchu.

Kanan-qa porsaber silla-kuna-pis yatra-n-man-chu
now-TOP to.know seat-PL-ADD know-3-COND-NEG
Ahora por saber no sabrán ni cabalgar.
Now they couldn't ride horseback to save their lives.
00:10:45.390 - 00:10:49.310

"Unayhinañachu. Manam parapis" niy yari!

Unay-hina-ña-chu mana-m para-pis ni-y y-ari
"Ya no es como antes. No hay lluvia tampoco". ¡Díle, pues!
"It isn't like before. There's no rain, either." Tell her, then!
00:10:50.260 - 00:10:54.280

Hukmanñam kanan parapis ...

Huk-man-ña-m kanan para-pis
one-ALL-DISC-EVD now rain-ADD
Otra forma no más es ahora la lluvia.
The rain is a different way now.
00:10:54.320 - 00:10:56.530

Todo asaqu no más.

Todo sereno no más.
All mist -- no more.
00:10:56.700 - 00:10:58.550

Unayqa klaru -- rayu. "Qangran! Qangran!"

Unay-qa klaru rayu. "Qangran Qangran
before-TOP lightning thunder ba-broom ba-broom
Antes claro rayo. [sonido de rayo]
Before -- lighting, thunder "Bbrra-boom! Bbrra-boom!"
00:10:58.670 - 00:11:03.200

Ahora manam rayupischu. Nada.

Ahora mana-m rayu-pis-chu Nada
now no-EVD thunder-ADD-NEG nothing
Ahora ni siquiera hay rayo. Nada.
Now there isn't even thunder. Nothing.
00:11:03.590 - 00:11:09.440

Antes bastante rayo.

Antes había rayo bastante
Before -- a lot of thunder.
00:11:11.430 - 00:11:13.740

Runakunatam wañuchiq hapiq.

Runa-kuna-ta-m wañu-chi-q hapi-q
person-PL-ACC-EVD die-CAUS-AG grab-AG
Mataba, agarraba a la gente
It would kill people, grab them.
00:11:14.340 - 00:11:17.090

Runa suwaqta baliyamuq altupaq, siyelupaq.

Runa suwa-q-ta vali-ya-mu-q altu-paq siyelu-paq
person rob-AG-ACC shoot-PROG-CISL-AG high-ABL heaven-ABL
Disparaban de arriba, del cielo a la gente que robaba.
From up high, from the sky they would shoot people who stole.
00:11:17.400 - 00:11:21.490

Chay wañuchiq.
Chay wañu-chi-q
Ése mataba.
It would kill.
00:11:21.540 - 00:11:23.660

Barretata mana hapiqchu.

Barreta-ta mana hapi-q-chu
lever-ACC no grab-AG-NEG
No agarraba barreta
They wouldn't take hold of iron bars.
00:11:25.470 - 00:11:29.820

Barritata apaptin
Barrita-ta apa-pti-n
lever-ACC bring-SUBDS-3
Cuando llevaban barreta
When you brought an iron bar
00:11:29.990 - 00:11:31.630

Lampata apaq kay prindidurkunata

Lampa-ta apa-q kay prindidur-kuna-ta
shovel-ACC bring-AG DEM.P
Cuando llevaban lampa, prendible,
When you brought a shovel, a safety pin,
00:11:31.810 - 00:11:34.560

Kay sarsillukunata lluchushpa puriq

Kay sarsillu-kuna-ta lluchu-shpa puri-q
DEM.P earring-PL-ACC walk-AG
aretes. Lo sacaban y andaban
earrings -- you would take it off and walk around
00:11:34.660 - 00:11:37.920

Manam kananqa ganawwanpis riyan. Manam rayu kanchu.

Mana-m kanan-qa ganaw-wan-pis ri-ya-n mana-m rayu ka-n-chu
no-EVD now-TOP cattle-INSTR-ADD go-PROG-3 no-EVD thunder ne-3-NEG
Ahora no van con sus animales tampoco -- no hay rayos
Now they aren't going with cattle, either -- there's no thunder.
00:11:38.260 - 00:11:42.840

Rayo unayqa wamaq wamaq rayu kakullaq.

Rayo unay-qa wamaq wamaq rayu ka-ku-lla-q.
thunder before-AG a.lot a.lot thunder be-REFL-RSTR-AG
Más antes bastante bastante había [se escuchaba] rayo.
Thunder -- before, there was a whole lot of thunder.
00:11:43.270 - 00:11:46.500

Qangran qangran taqlaqyakuq. VV

Qangran qangran taqlaq-ya-ku-q
ba-broom ba-broom rumble-INCH-REFL-AG
[rayo] dice, suena.
"Bbrra-boom! Bbrra-boom!" it rumbled.
00:11:46.630 - 00:11:49.620

Kaykunalla krusta krus

Kay-kuna-lla krus-ta krus
DEM.P-PL-RSTR cross-ACC cross
Estos no más, cruz, cruz
Just these -- cross, cross
00:11:49.730 - 00:11:52.180

Krusta kaynakushpa puriq kanchik.

krus-ta kay-na-ku-shpa puri-q ka-nchik
Haciendo la cruz así, caminábamos.
We walked around making a cross like this.
00:11:52.410 - 00:11:55.080

Kara qarway
Ka-ra.ø qarwa-y
be-PST-3 VV-1
Tenía jarua.
I had jarua-
00:11:57.080 - 00:12:00.770

¿Llaqtaykita paranchu?
Llaqta-yki-ta para-n-chu
town-2-ACC rain-3-NEG
¿Lleuve en tu pueblo?
Doesit rain in your town?
00:12:01.000 - 00:12:04.180

Pero ¿rayu kanchu?

Perorayu ka-n-chu
but thunder be-3-NEG
Pero hay rayo?
But is there thunder?
00:12:04.220 - 00:12:06.790

Para kayan.
Para ka-ya-n
rain be-PROG-3
Hay lluvia.
There's rain.
00:12:06.790 - 00:12:09.190

Papatam ... yanukushun papata.

Papa-ta-m yanu-ku-shun papa-ta.
potato-ACC-EVD cook-REFL-1PL.FUT potato-ACC
Papa, ya vamos a sancochar.
Potatoes ... we're going to cook potatoes.
00:12:11.490 - 00:12:14.550

Kisuta chishchiy niy Kisuta chishchiy. Chay uchuta kutay. Yanukuyanki.

Kisu-ta chishchi-y ni-y kisu-ta chishchi-y Chay uchu-ta kuta-y Yanu-ku-ya-nki
cheese-ACC fry-INF say-IMP cheese-ACC fry-INF DEM.D chile-ACC grind-IMP cook-REFL-PROG-2
Díle que frie queso. Frie queso. Ese aji muéle.
"Fry cheese!" tell her! "Fry cheese!" Crush that pepper! Estás cocinando.
00:12:14.700 - 00:12:19.940

Yanukushun papata.
Yanu-ku-shun papa-ta
cook-REFL-1PL.FUT potato-ACC
Vamos a cocinar papas.
We're going to cook potatoes.
00:12:20.200 - 00:12:22.600

Yanukushun ishkayninchik. Ariyá.

Yanu-ku-shun ishkay-ni-nchik Ari-yá
cook-REFL-1PL.FUT two-EUPH-1PL ys-EMPH
Vamos a cocinar las dos. Sí, pues.
Both of us are going to cook. Yes, yes.
00:12:24.180 - 00:12:27.530

Llaqtaykipa ¿imawantaq yanukunki? Yantawan?

Llaqta-yki-pa ima-wan-taq yanu-ku-nki Yanta-wan
town-2-LOC what-INSTR-SEQ cook-REFL-2 firewood-INSTR
En tu pueblo, ¿con qué cocinas?¿Con leña?
What do you cook with in your town? With firewood?
00:12:33.240 - 00:12:36.090

¿Leña kanchu llaqtaykipa?

Leña ka-n-chu llaqta-yki-pa
firewood be-3-Q town-2-LOC
¿Hay leña en tu pueblo?
Is there firewood in your town?
00:12:36.460 - 00:12:39.030

¿Manachu leñaqa?
Mana-chu leña-qa
no-Q firewood-TOP
¿No hay leña?
There's no firewood?
00:12:39.250 - 00:12:41.680

¿Yantawanpis yanukunchush?
Yanta-wan-pis yanu-ku-n-chu-sh
firewood-INSTR-ADD cook-REFL-3-CHUSH
¿Con leña también cocinan, dice?
They cook with firewood, too, she says?
00:12:41.760 - 00:12:43.870

¿Sapallayki hamuranki?
Sapa-lla-yki hamu-ra-nki
alone-RSTR-2 come-PST-2
¿Has venido sola?
Did you come all alone?
00:12:44.000 - 00:12:46.250

¿Kay llaqtata?
Kay llaqta-ta
DEM.P town-ACC
¿A este pueblo?
To this town?
00:12:47.110 - 00:12:48.520

Sí, sapallay hamurani. Aso macho!

Sí sapa-lla-y hamu-ra-ni Aso macho
yes alone-RSTR-1 come-PST-1 Oh wow
Sí, vine sola. ¡Qué valiente!
Yes, I came all alone. Oh, my!
00:12:49.340 - 00:12:56.490

¿Llapa mamakuq qawaq hamurunki?

Llapa mama-ku-q qawa-q hamu-ru-nki
all mother-REFL-AG look-AG come-URGT-2
¿Has venido a ver todas las ancianas?
You came to see all the old ladies?
00:12:56.560 - 00:12:59.170

¡Cómese pan, tía! ¡Cóme! ¡Cóme, pues!

¡Cómese pan, tía! ¡Cóme! ¡Cóme, pues!
Eat bread, Tía! Eat! Eat, then!
00:12:59.360 - 00:13:04.130

En tu pueblo
In your town
00:13:04.410 - 00:13:06.530

¿Tarpunkichu sibadata, truguta?

tarpu-nki-chu sibada-ta trugu-ta
plant-2-Q barley-ACC wheat-ACC
Siembras cebada, trigo?
Do you plant barley, wheat?
00:13:06.640 - 00:13:09.370

¿Avas? Serropamiki
Avas Serro-pa-mi-ki
broad.beans hill-LOC-EVD-KI
¿Habas? En el cerro.
Broad beans? In the hills.
00:13:09.580 - 00:13:12.930

Chikito llamachata apakuwaq.

Chikito llama-cha-ta apa-ku-waq
small llama-DIM-ACC bring-REFL-2.COND
Te puedes llevar una llamita chiquita.
You could take a small little llama.
00:13:12.930 - 00:13:16.960

Chay Cañetellapaq apamurqani. Burruwan

Chay Cañete-lla-paq apa-mu-rqa-ni Burru-wan
DEM.D Cañete-RSTR-ABL bring-CISL-PST-1 donkey-INSTR
De Cañete no más he traido. Con burro.
I brought it just from Cañete. With a donkey.
00:13:17.640 - 00:13:21.090

Kilu kilu kilullanpa

Kilu kilu kilu-lla-n-pa
kilo kilo kilo-RSTR-GEN
Kilo por kilo no más
Just by the kilo.
00:13:21.090 - 00:13:23.020

Asnuwan? Asnullawan katrinchikman rinchik.

Asnu-wan Asnu-lla-wan katri-nchik-man ri-nchik
donkey-INSTR donkey-RSTR-INSTR salt-1PL-ALL go-1PL
Con burro? Traíamos nuestro sal con burro no más.
With a donkey? Just with a donkey we do for our salt.
00:13:23.460 - 00:13:27.590

Asukarninchikman rinchik urayta.

Asukar-ni-nchik-man ri-nchik uray-ta
sugar-EUPH-1PL-ALL go-1PL down.hill-ACC
Para nuestro azucar se va para abajo.
We go down hill for our sugar.
00:13:27.620 - 00:13:30.270

Ishkay puntraw trayanchik. ¿Ishkay puntraw?

Ishkay puntraw traya-nchik Ishkay puntraw
two day arrive-1PL two day
Se llega dos días. ¿Dos días?
We arrive in two days. Two days?
00:13:30.400 - 00:13:33.640

¿Maypa puñunki?
May-pa puñu-nki
where-LOC sleep-2
¿Dónde duermes?
Where do you sleep?
00:13:34.080 - 00:13:35.920

Kaminupa puñunchik. Kaminupa tunanpa.

Kaminu-pa puñu-nchik Kaminu-pa tuna-n-pa
road-LOC sleep-1PL road-LOC corner-3-LOC
Dormimos en el camino, rincón del camino.
We sleep on the road, on the corner of the road.
00:13:35.980 - 00:13:38.510

hovinllachush riranki urayta?

hovin-lla-chush ri-ra-nki uray-ta
young-RSTR-CHUSH go-PST-2 down.hill-ACC
¿Cuando estabas joven no más has ido para abajo, dice?
You went down hill ust when you were young, she says?
00:13:39.900 - 00:13:42.780

hovinlla hovinlla
hovin-lla hovin-lla
young-RSTR young-RSTR
Jovencito no más.
Just when I was young.
00:13:42.780 - 00:13:45.400

Turiywan turiypis chayqa lliw lliwmi kawsarqa.

Turi-y-wan turi-y-pis chay-qa lliw lliw-mi kawsa-rqa-ø
brother-1-INSTR brother-1-ADD DEM.D-TOP all all-EVD live-PST-3
Con mi hermano mi hermano. En es tiempo todos estaban vivos.
With my brother, my brother, too. Everyone was alive then.
00:13:45.630 - 00:13:49.210

Turiywan turiywan purirqani

Turi-y-wan turi-y-wan puri-rqa-ni
brother-1-INSTR brother-1-INSTR walk-PST-1
Con mi hermano caminaba.
I went around with my brother, with my brother.
00:13:49.470 - 00:13:52.070

Hukninwan hukninwan puriq kani.

Huk-ni-n-wan huk-ni-n-wan puri-q ka-ni
one-EUPH-3-INSTR one-EUPH-INSTR walk-AG be-1
Con el otro con el otro caminaba.
I would walk around with the other one, with the other one.
00:13:52.290 - 00:13:54.660

Mamay ayvesnin riq ñuqa ayvesnin riq kani.

Mama-y ayves-ni-n riq ñuqa ayves-ni-n ri-q ka-ni
mother-1 someetimes-EUPH-3 go-AG 1 someetimes-EUPH-3 go-AG be-1
Mi mamá a veces iba, a veces yo iba.
Sometimes my mother would go, sometimes I would go.
00:13:54.680 - 00:13:58.140

Pwentiqa kaq kay

Pwenti-qa ka-q kay
bridge-TOP be-AG DEM.P
Había puente acá.
There was a bridge here.
00:14:04.090 - 00:14:05.720

Kayhinallam [undecipherable]
00:14:05.950 - 00:14:09.710

Pasayanchik, pasayanchik puraminti kuyuq pwintita.

Pasa-ya-nchik pasa-ya-nchik puraminti kuyu-q pwinti-ta
pass-PROG-1PL pass-PROG-1PL completely move-AG bridge-ACC
Estamos pasando, estamos pasando y el puente movía.
We're crossing, we're crossing and the bridge was totally moving
00:14:09.870 - 00:14:13.890

Chaytam aysashpalla pasachiwaq.

Chay-ta-m aysa-shpa-lla pasa-chi-waq
Me hacían pasar jalándome de la mano.
They had me cross there pulling [me by the hand].
00:14:14.080 - 00:14:16.880

Bistyapis pasayan pasaypaq alay-alayrita.

bistya-pis pasa-ya-n pasaypaq alay-alayri-ta.
horse.ADD pass-PROG-3 pass-INF VV
Caballos, también, pasaban alaire.
Horses, too, passed with agility.
00:14:17.000 - 00:14:19.590

Uchuk kayhinalla pasayan

Uchuk kay-hina-lla pasa-ya-n
small DEM.P-COMP-RSTR pass-PROG-3
Chicos así no más pasaban.
Small ones just like this passed.
00:14:19.750 - 00:14:21.880

Kayhina huk lawninpa kay lawnintam kaynataq kayan.

Kay-hina huk law-ni-n-pa kay law-ni-n-ta-m kay-na-taq ka-ya-n
Como acá, por allá y por acá,así es.
Like here, here and there, all over, it's like that.
00:14:22.280 - 00:14:25.490

Kayna kayan. Chayta pasayanchik.

Kay-na ka-ya-n Chay-ta pasa-ya-nchik
Así es. Pasábamos ése.
It's like that. We passed that.
00:14:25.810 - 00:14:28.400

Yanqas mayuta chay lo demasta.

yanqa-s mayu-ta chay lodemas-ta
in.vain-ADD river-ACC DEM.D
En vano -- lo demás al río.
In vain -- the rest of it to the river.
00:14:28.540 - 00:14:31.000

Mayuqa sumaq ruwasa kayan unaykunaqa.

Mayu-qa sumaq ruwa-sa ka-ya-n unay-kuna-qa
river-TOP pretty make-PRF be-PROG-3 before-PL-TOP
El río está bien hecho desde antes.
The river is well made from long before.
00:14:31.130 - 00:14:35.280

Achka achkam kanan yakuqa rikuyan.

Achka achka-m kanan yaku-qa ri-ku-ya-n
a.lot a.lot now water-TOP go-REFL-PROG-3
Ahora mucha agua está yendo.
Lots and lots of water is running now.
00:14:36.670 - 00:14:39.210

Mishkiman riq uvasman.

Mishki-man ri-q uvas-man
sweet-ALL go-AG grapes-ALL
Íbamos por fruta, por uvas
We would go for fruit, for grapes.
00:14:39.850 - 00:14:41.880

Uvasta apaq kayan kanastawan.

Uvas-ta apa-q ka-ya-n kanastawan.
grapes-ALL bring-AG be-PROG-3 basket-INSTR
Estábamos traendo uvas en canastas.
We would be bringing grapes in baskets.
00:14:42.120 - 00:14:44.540

Granadas. Sakunpi granadas.

Granadas. Saku-n-pi granadas.
pomegranates sack-3-LOC pomegranates
Granadas. Granadas en costales..
Pomegranates. Pomegranates in sacks.
00:14:44.540 - 00:14:46.910

trurayanchik hinashpa wasi altupam

trura-ya-nchik hinashpa wasi altu-pa-m
save-PROG-1PL then house high-LOC-EVD
Después los guardábamos encima de la casa.
Then we would store them on top of the house.
00:14:46.960 - 00:14:49.960

trurayanchik mikunanchikpaq.
trura-ya-nchik miku-na-nchik-paq
Los guardábamos para comerlos
We would save them so we could eat them.
00:14:50.090 - 00:14:52.300

Chayta mikunchik ishllapa ishllapa.

Chay-ta miku-nchik ishlla-pa ishlla-pa
DEM.D-ACC eat-1PL little-LOC little-LOC
Los comíamos poco a poco.
We ate those little by little.
00:14:52.620 - 00:14:54.840

Taking them out.
00:14:54.860 - 00:14:56.790

Kananqa mikun munasanchik qullqi kaptinqa.

Kanan-qa miku-n muna-sa-nchik qullqi ka-pti-n-qa
now-TOP eat-3 want-PRF-1PL gold be-SUBDS-3-TOP
Ahora comemos lo que nos gusta cuando hay plata.
Now we eat whatever we want when there's money.
00:14:56.790 - 00:15:00.330

Kaypa rantiyanchik hinaptin mishkitapis imatapis.

Kay-pa ranti-ya-nchik hinaptin mishki-ta-pis ima-ta-pis
DEM.P-LOC buy-PROG-1PL then sweet-ACC-ADD what-ACC-ADD
Aquí estamos comprando frutas y cualquier cosa.
Here we're buying fruit and whatever.
00:15:00.450 - 00:15:03.620

Uvastapis, imatapis.
Uvas-ta-pis ima-ta-pis
grapes-ACC-ADD what-ACC-ADD
Uvas, también. Cualquier cosa.
Grapes, too, anything.
00:15:03.790 - 00:15:05.260

Urayqa puriq kani trakillawan trakinchikpis nananankama.

Uray-qa puri-q kani traki-lla-wan traki-nchik-pis nana-na-n-kama
down.hill-TOP walk-AG be-1 foot-RSTR-INSTR foot-1PL-ADD hurt-NMLZ-3-RSTR
Yo solía andar hacia abajo a pie no más -- hasta que nuestros pies nos dolían
I would walk down hill just on foot -- until our feet hurt.
00:15:05.390 - 00:15:09.480

traki paltanchikpis pushllunankama purinchik.

trraki palta-nchik-pis pushllu-na-n-kama puri-nchik
foot sole-1PL-ADD blister-NMLZ-3-LIM walk-1PL
Caminábamos hasta que ampollas se formaban en las plantas de nuestros pies.
We walked until blisters formed on the souls of our feet.
00:15:09.580 - 00:15:12.870

Shukuywan, shukuywan.
Shukuy-wan shukuy-wan
moccasin-INSTR moccasin-INSTR
Con ojota, con ojota.
With moccasins, with moccasins.
00:15:13.140 - 00:15:15.030

"trakipis ampulla hatarinankaman rirqani" nishpa.

trraki-pis ampulla hatari-na-n-kama ri-rqa-ni ni-shpa
foot-ADD blister get.up-NMLZ-3-LIM go-PST-1 say-SUBIS
"Andaba hasta que se formaba ampolla en mi pie", ¡dí!
"I walked until I got blisters on my feet", say!
00:15:15.110 - 00:15:18.180

Ampulla haparin trakinchik hinaptin chay puriyanchik.

Ampulla hapari-n traki-nchik hinaptin chay puri-ya-nchik
blister get.up-3 foot-1PL then DEM.D walk-PROG-1PL
Ampolla se levantaban en nuestros pies, luego caminábamos [aún más].
Blisters formed on our feet, then we walked [still more].
00:15:18.190 - 00:15:21.460

Ah, chayta uchukllata iskinallanta [undecipherable]

Ah, chay-ta uchuk-lla-ta iskina-lla-n-ta
Ah, DEM.D-ACC small-RSTR-ACC corner-RSTR-3-ACC
Ah, a ése, al chiquito en la esquina
Ah, that one the little one in the corner
00:15:22.010 - 00:15:27.090

¿Y qué se hace cuando tiene ampolla?

¿Y qué se hace cuando tiene ampolla?
And what do you do when you have a blister?
00:15:27.240 - 00:15:31.040

No hay nada, no hay nada.

No hay nada, no hay nada.
There isn't anything. There isn't anything.
00:15:31.130 - 00:15:34.830

00:15:35.020 - 00:15:37.300

No había ni zapatilla ni nada. Sólo ojota de cuero de vaca. Antes.

No había ni zapatilla ni nada. Sólo ojota de cuero de vaca. Antes.
There weren't shoes or anything. Only moccasins out of cow leather. Before.
00:15:37.300 - 00:15:42.650

Fiyebri amarillu uray karachu mamay wañukun.

Fiyebri amarillu uray ka-ra-ø-chu mama-y wañu-ku-n
fever yellow down.hill be-PST-3-TK mother-1 die-REFL-3
Había fiebre amarillo abajo y se murió mi mamá.
There was yellow fever down hill and my mother died.
00:15:43.040 - 00:15:46.430

Karqatriki. ¿Imaynayá, pero?

Ka-rqa-ø-tri-ki Imayna-ya pero
be-PST-3-EVC-KI how-EMPH but
Habría, pues, ¿cómo será?
There must have been. How would it be?
00:15:46.460 - 00:15:49.050

Manam karqachu.
Mana-m ka-rqa-ø-chu
no-EVD be-PST-3
No había.
There wasn't any.
00:15:49.190 - 00:15:50.190

Imay chay wamaq wamaq uray wanuq uchuk wambralla kaptiy.

Imay chay wamaq wamaq uray wanu-q uchuk wambra-lla ka-pti-y
when DEM.D a.lot a.lot down.hill die-AG small child-RSTR be-SUBDS-1
Muchos morían cuando yo era chiquita.
When I was a small child, lots and lots died.
00:15:50.470 - 00:15:55.610

Runa kaypa wamaq wamaqshi wañurqa.

Runa kay-pa wamaq wamaq-shi wañu-rqa-ø
person DEM.P-LOC a.lot a.lot-EVR die-PST-3
Muchas personas de acá murieron, dicen
Lots and lots of people from here died, they say.
00:15:55.610 - 00:15:57.890

Chayshi ñuqata papaniy chay pacham wañukurqa.

Chay-shi ñuqa-ta papa-ni-y chay pacha-m wañu-ku-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVR 1-ACC father-EUPH-1 DEM.D date-EVD die-REFL-PST-3
Por eso, dicen, mi papá se murió en esa fecha.
That's why, they say, my father died at that time.
00:15:57.890 - 00:16:01.680

Wañukurqa chay unquywan.

Wañu-ku-rqa-ø chay unqu-y-wan
die-REFL-PST-3 DEM.D be.sick-INF-INSTR
Se murió con esa enfermedad.
He died with that sickness.
00:16:01.700 - 00:16:04.460

Chaypa chaypa tumachirqa sibuylla.

Chay-pa chay-pa tuma-chi-rqa-ø sibuylla
DEM.D-LOC DEM.D-LOC drink-CAUS-PST-3 onion
En acá, en acá, hacía tomar [agua de] cebolla.
Here, here, the had him drink onion [water].
00:16:04.570 - 00:16:07.980
Kubaqu. Ima kuraninchik hamusa chayta tumachirqa- Puhusashpay. Ah, puhusashpay.
Kubaqu Ima kura-ni-nchik hamu-sa chay-ta tuma-chi-rqa-ø Puhu-sa-shpa-y Puhu-sa-shpa-y
curdling.agent what cure-EUPH-1PL come-PRF DEM.D-ACC drink-CAUS-PST-3 urine-PRF-SUBIS-INF??
Coajo. Cualquier cura que venía, ésa hicieron tomar. Orines. Ah, orines. TK
Curdling agent. Whatever cure came along -- they made him take it. Urine. Ah, urine.
00:16:08.090 - 00:16:14.110

Chaykunatash ñuqamanpis ñuqatapis hapiruwarqa.

Chay-kuna-ta-sh ñuqa-man-pis ñuqa-ta-pis hapi-ru-wa-rqa-ø
Todos-RSTRs también, dicen, a mi me agarraron también.
All those, they say, they grabbed me, too, me, too,
00:16:14.380 - 00:16:18.030

Yaqa wañurqani chayshi tiyay.

Yaqa wañu-rqa-ni chay-shi tiya-y.
almost die-PST-1 DEM.D-EVR aunt-1
Casi me murí después, dice mi tía.
I almost died, then, says my aunt.
00:16:18.110 - 00:16:20.610

Tiyay, mamay, papaniy,

Tiya-y mama-y papa-ni-y
aunt-1 mother-1 father-EUPH-1
Mi tía, mi mamá, mi papá.
My aunt, my mother, my father.
00:16:20.640 - 00:16:24.100

Papayya wañukuchunpis wambranchik kawsakuchun ninshi. Chaykunata upyachiwaptinshi kawsakurqani.

Papa-y-ya wañu-ku-chun-pis wambra-nchik kawsa-ku-chun ni-n-shi chay-kuna-ta upya-chi-wa-pti-n-shi
father-1-EMPH die-REFL-INJUNC-ADD child-1PL live-RFL-INJUNC say-3-EVR DEM.D-PL-ACC
drink-CAUS-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3-EVR love-REFL-PST-1
Aunque sea que se muere mi papá pero que su hija viva, dijo, dicen. Cuando me hicieron tomar-RSTRs
[remedios], vi vi.
Although my father might die, his daughter should live, he said, they say. When they made me take those
[cures], I lived.
00:16:24.100 - 00:16:31.090

Wañuymantri karqa. Mana hampiptinqa

Wañu-y-man-tri ka-rqa-ø Mana hampi-pti-n-qa
die-1-COND-EVC be-PST-3 no cure-SUBDS-3-TOP
Yo hubiese muerto. De no curarte.
I might have died. If you they hadn't cured you.
00:16:31.240 - 00:16:34.270

"Mana hampiwaptin wañuymanpis karqa", niy! Ah.

Mana hampi-wa-pti-n wañu-y-man-pis ka-rqa-ø ni-y Ah.
no cure-1OBJ-SUBDS-3 die-1-COND-ADD be-PST-3 say-IMP Ah.
"Si no me hubieran curado, me hubiera muerto", ¡dí! Ah.
"If they hadn't cured me, I would have died," say!
00:16:34.340 - 00:16:37.940

Achka wambran kaptintri, Mamay manam hampikuyta [undecipherable] atiparqachu

Achka wambra-n ka-pti-n-tri mama-y mana-m hampi-ku-y-ta
a.lot child-3 be-SUBDS-3-EVC mother-1 no-EVD cure-REFL-INF-ACC
Teniendo muchos hijos no habrá podido curarse mi mamá.
Because she had a lot of children, my mother must not have been able to be cured.
00:16:38.440 - 00:16:42.530

Chikita ñuqaqa kidakurqani kaykama yachiq.

Chikita ñuqa-qa kida-ku-rqa-ni kay-kama yachi-q
small 1-TOP remain-REFL-PST-1 DEM.P-LIM live-AG
Chiquito no más yo me he quedado para acá a vivir.
Very young, I stayed here to live.
00:16:42.560 - 00:16:46.190

Arriba también en Viscay también casa tenía.

Arriba también en Viscay también tenía casa
Up in Viscay, too, I had a house.
00:16:46.200 - 00:16:49.100

Y me dicen que se ofrece granada.

Y me dicen que se ofrece granada.
And they tell me that you offer pomegranates.
00:16:50.140 - 00:16:54.350

al urqu.
al cerro.
to the hill.
00:16:54.350 - 00:16:56.460

Sí. Cuando el cerro te agarra, se da granada, naranja ...

Sí. Cuando el cerro te agarra, se da granada, naranja ...
Yes, when the hill grabs, you give pomegranates, organges ...
00:16:56.480 - 00:17:01.440

¿Y qué más se da al urqu? Yantapis urayqa kanan kayhina waqchasa kayan urayqa.
Yanta-pis uray-qa kanan kay-hina waqcha-sa ka-ya-n uray-qa
firewood-ACC down.hill-TOP now DEM.P-COMP crack-PRF be-PROG-3 down.hill
¿Y qué más se da al urqu? Leña, también, abajo ahora así astillado está abajo.
And what else do you give to the hill? Firewood, too, down hill now is splintery, downhill.
00:17:06.450 - 00:17:12.580

Urqullapaq apamuq kanchik asnuwan, mulawan.

Urqu-lla-paq apa-mu-q ka-nchik asnu-wan mula-wan
hull-RSTR-ABL bring-CISL-AG be-1PL donkey-INSTR mule-INSTR
De la puna traíamos con burro, con mula.
We would bring [things] from the mountain with donkeys and mules.
00:17:12.660 - 00:17:16.380

00:17:16.380 - 00:17:18.330

Kananqa ukaliptu no más está.

Kanan-qa ukaliptu
now-TOP eucaliptus
Kananqa eucalipto no más hay.
Now there's just eucaliptus.
00:17:18.450 - 00:17:21.410

00:17:21.570 - 00:17:23.200

Urquman qapishuptiki imatash qaranki?

Urqu-man qapi-shu-pti-ki ima-ta-sh qara-nki
hill-ALL carry-3>-SUBDS->2 what-ACC-EVR serve-2
Cuando te agarra, ¿qué cosa vas a pagar al cerro?
What are you going to give to the hill when it grabs you?
00:17:23.580 - 00:17:27.630

Frutataya qaranchik.
Fruta-ta-ya qara-nchik
fruit-ACC-EMPH serve-1PL
Fruta se paga.
We offer fruit.
00:17:28.060 - 00:17:29.920

Qararikunchik llamputa.
Qara-ri-ku-nchik llampu-ta
serve-INCEP-REFL-1PL ground.corn-ACC
Le botamos maíz molido.
We offer ground corn.
00:17:30.250 - 00:17:32.450

00:17:32.650 - 00:17:34.280

00:17:34.640 - 00:17:36.770

Chayta qaranchik.
Chay-ta qara-nchik
DEM.D-ACC offer-1PL
Éso se paga.
We offer that.
00:17:36.850 - 00:17:38.220

¿El cerro chakcha?

¿El cerro chakcha?
The hill chews coca?
00:17:38.310 - 00:17:40.660

Chakcha, pues.
Chakcha, pues.
It chews coca!
00:17:40.660 - 00:17:44.580

Chakcha. Toma.
Chakcha. Toma.
It chews coca. It drinks [liquor].
00:17:44.580 - 00:17:45.810

00:17:45.850 - 00:17:47.870

¡Lo pasa bonito el cerro!

¡Lo pasa bonito el cerro!
The hill has a good time of it!
00:17:47.870 - 00:17:50.280

It drinks!
00:17:50.280 - 00:17:52.970

00:17:54.460 - 00:17:55.810

Ñuqa Victoria. Victoria Díaz Espinosa.

Ñuqa Victoria. Victoria Díaz Espinosa.
1 Victoria. Victoria Díaz Espinosa.
Soy Victoria. Victoria Díaz Espinosa.
I'm Victoria. Victoria Díaz Espinosa.
00:17:56.490 - 00:18:00.130

Avivam sutiy.
Aviva-m suti-y
Aviva-EVD name-1
Me llamo Aviva.
My name is Aviva.
00:18:00.270 - 00:18:02.840

Parayanchu kanan llaqtaykita?

Para-ya-n-chu kanan llaqta-yki-ta
rain-PROG-3-Q now town-2-ACC
Ahora está lloviendo a tu pueblo?
Is it raining now in your town?
00:18:04.120 - 00:18:06.910

Sí, claro. El verano, no más.

Sí, claro. El verano, no más.
Yes, of course. Just in summer.
00:18:07.000 - 00:18:09.860

Esa leña -- ¡échalo!

Esa leña -- ¡échalo!
That firewood -- toss it in!
00:18:09.890 - 00:18:11.910

¿Ima karruwan kaypa ...

Ima karru-wan kay-pa
what car-INSTR DEM.P-LOC
¿Con qué carro acá ..
With what car here ...
00:18:12.120 - 00:18:14.810

O acá .. ¿Dónde vas por allá?

O acá .. ¿Dónde vas por allá?
Or here? Where are you going over there?
00:18:14.830 - 00:18:18.250

¿Ima karruwan hamurqanki?

Ima karru-wan hamu-rqa-nki
what car-INSTR come-PST-2
¿Con qué carro veniste?
What car did you come with?
00:18:18.330 - 00:18:20.840

Del aeropuerto viniste, ¿no?

Del aeropuerto viniste, ¿no?
You came from the airport, no?
00:18:21.160 - 00:18:23.690

Qunillam kayanchik kanallan. Kayqa qunillam kasa.

Quni-lla-m ka-ya-nchik kana-lla-n Kay-qa quni-lla-m ka-sa-ø
warm-RSTR-EVD be-PROG-1PL now-RSTR-now DEM.P-TOP warm-RSTR-EVD be-PRF-3
Caliente no más estamos ahorita. Ésta era caliente.
We're ncie and warm right now. This was nice and warm
00:18:23.830 - 00:18:28.180

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:19 PM

Kayqa kurasun nanaypaq allin. Mancharisapaq kayta priparanchik

Kay-qa kurasun nana-y-paq allin Manchari-sa-paq kay-ta pripara-nchik
DEM.P-TOP heart hurt-INF-PURP good scare-PRF-PURP DEM.P-ACC prepare-1PL
Ésto es para dolor de corazón. Lo preparamos para susto.
This is for heart pain. We prepare this for fright.
00:07:54.640 - 00:08:01.030

Kutanchik maraypa. Chay huguchanta isprimishpam tumanchik.

Kuta-nchik maray-pa Chay hugu-cha-n-ta isprimi-shpa-m tuma-nchik
grind-1PL VV mortar-LOC VV DEM.D juice-DIM-3-ACC VV squeeze.out-SUBIS-EVD VV drink-1PL
Lo molimos en el batán. Exprimimos el jugo y lo tomamos.
We grind it in a mortar. We sqeeze out the juice and we drink it.
00:08:02.380 - 00:08:07.080

Mancharisa wambra, kurasun nanay

Mancha-ri-sa wambra kurasun nana-y
scare-INCEP-PRF child heart hurt-INF
Para susto de los niños y dolor de corazón.
For fright in children and heart pain.
00:08:07.150 - 00:08:10.720

Mal kaqkunam kayta tuman

Mal ka-q-kuna-m kay-ta tuma-n
bad be-AG-PL-EVD DEM.P-ACC drink-3
Los que están mal toman ésto.
People who are sick drink this.
00:08:10.800 - 00:08:13.210

00:08:13.440 - 00:08:17.490

Corazón roto?
00:08:17.650 - 00:08:20.550

00:08:20.660 - 00:08:25.770

kurasun mal de amorwan sufrishpaqa .

kurasun mal de amor-wan sufri-shpa-qa .
heart heartbreak-INSTR suffer-SUBIS .
Cuando estás con pena de amor.
When you are suffering with heartbreak
00:08:25.830 - 00:08:35.210

Regalawayyá, kumadri! Chaypaq sufriyani.

Regala-wa-y-ya kumadri Chay-paq sufri-ya-ni
give.present-1.OBJ-IMP-EMPH comadre DEM.D-ABL suffer-PROG-1
¡Regálamelo, comadre! De eso estoy sufriendo
Make me a gift of that, comadre! I'm suffering from that!
00:08:35.220 - 00:08:40.720

Chayqa kurasun nanaywanshi kayani. I

Chay-qa kurasun nana-y-wan-shi ka-ya-ni i
DEM.D-TOP heart hurt-INF-INSTR-EVR be-PROG-1 and
Estoy con mal de corazón, ella dice.
I've got heartbreak, she says.
00:08:40.790 - 00:08:46.240

Mal de amorkunapaq sufrishpa kurasuniki nanaptin chaykunapis allin -- hampishunkim.

Mal demamor-kuna-paq sufri-shpa kurasun-iki nana-pti-n chay-kuna-pis allin hampi-shunki-m
heartbreak-PL-ABL suffer-SUBIS heart-2 hurt-SUBDS-3 DEM.D-PL-ADD good cure-3>2-EVD
Cuando estás con mal de corazón, cuando te duele el corazón, esto es bueno. Te cura.
When your're suffering from heartbreak, when your heart hurts, this is good -- it heals you.
00:08:46.350 - 00:08:52.850

Napaq fiyebri interiyorpaq allin. Chay fiyebri interiyorniki kaptinqa,

Na-paq fiyebri interiyor-paq allin Chay fiyebri interiyorn-iki ka-pti-n-qa
that-PURP fever interior-PURP good DEM.D fever interior-2 be-SUBDS-3-TOP
Es bueno para fiebre interior. Cuando tienes fiebre interior,
For ummm, it's good for interior fever. When you have interior fever,
00:08:52.900 - 00:08:59.170

Marayta matrkarunki yaku timpusaman

Maray-ta matrka-ru-nki yaku timpu-sa-man
mortar-ACC grind-URGT-2 water boil-PRF-ALL
Lo mueles en batán [y lo echas] a agua hervido
You grind this in a mortar [and put it] in boiled water.
00:08:59.230 - 00:09:01.990

Mesklarunki hinashpa tasa tasa tumanki. rimidyum. Allin rimidyum kay

Meskla-ru-nki hinashpa tasa tasa tuma-nki rimidyum Allin rimidyum kay
mix-URGT-2 then cup cup drink-2 medicine good medicine-EVD DEM.P
Lo mezclas luego lo tomas por tasas. Es medicina. esto es buena medicina.
You mix it and then take it by the cupful. It's medicine. This is good medicine.
00:09:02.050 - 00:09:07.760

Kay verde rosas. rusas verdi kayna sumaq achka uhachayuq, ¡ve!
Kay verde rosas rusas verdi kay-na sumaq achka uha-cha-yuq ve
DEM.P green roses roses green DEM.P-VRBZ pretty a.lot leaf-DIM-POSS look
Rosas verde. Rosas verde. Tiene muchas ojitas bonitas así. ¡Míra!
Green roses. Green roses. It's got lots of pretty little leaves like that. Look!
00:09:07.800 - 00:09:13.090

¡Ama! ¡Ama! Planta chayta saruruwaq kwidadu. Rosas verdim kay sutin.
Ama Ama Planta chay-ta saru-ru-waq kwidadu Rosas verdi-m kay suti-n
PROH PROH Plant DEM.D-ACC trample-URGT-2.COND careful Roses green-EVD DEM.P name-3
Cuidado con mi plata no lo vayas a pisotear. Su nombre es rosas verde.
No! You could trample my plant. Be careful! Its name is green roses.
00:09:13.370 - 00:09:17.990

Midisina na planta
midisina na planta
Medicine DMY plant
Medicina, este, planta.
Medicine, ummm, plant.
00:09:18.500 - 00:09:22.790

Mala ayripaq
Mala ayri-paq
bad air-PURP
Para mal aire
For bad air.
00:09:29.990 - 00:09:34.070

Chay rudaqa [amor konsiginapaq]. Swertitam qayan kay ruda

Chay ruda-qa [amor konsigi-na-paq]. Swerti-ta-m qaya-n chay ruda-qa.
DEM.D rue-TOP love obtain-NMLZ-PURP luck-ACC-EVD call-3 DEM.D rue-TOP
Esta ruda es para conseguir amores. La ruda llama la suerte.
Rue is to obtain love. Rue brings good luck.
00:09:34.240 - 00:09:39.490

Difindiwanchik malechokunapaqqa
difindi-wanchik malecho-kuna-paq-qa
defend-3>1PL curse-PL-ABL-TOP
Nos protege contra maldades.
It protects us against curses.
00:09:39.800 - 00:09:44.880

Imapis. Bañakuruy swerti-yuq kanki.

Ima-pis Baña-ku-ru-y swerti-yuq ka-nki
what-ADD bathe-REFL-URGT-IMP luck-POSS be-2
Lo que sea. ¡Báñate! Vas a tener suerte.
Whatever. Bathe with it! You'll have good luck.
00:09:44.920 - 00:09:47.460

Wayrakunay ... mana wayrakunankipaq kaynacham apakatrakunki

Wayra-kuna-y mana wayra-ku-na-nki-paq kay-na-cha-m apa-katra-ku-nki
Para que no tengas mal aire [enfermedad], lo vas a llevar así no más.
So that you don't have bad air [sickness], you'll take some just like this.
00:09:47.490 - 00:09:51.100

Kaynachatam apakatrakunki
Kay-na-cha-ta-m apa-katra-ku-nki
Lo vas a llevar así no más.
You'll take some along just like this.
00:09:51.400 - 00:09:54.440

Chay sumaq sumaq waytachayuq.

Chay sumaq sumaq wayta-cha-yuq
DEM.D pretty pretty flower-DIM-POSS
Éste tiene flores hermosos.
This has beautiful flowers
00:09:54.510 - 00:09:58.020
Por eso en casa guarda, pues. Verdad. Chaynam nigosiyu u kwalkiyer manam wasikiman trayananpaq
Chay-na-m nigosiyu u kwalkiyer mana-m wasi-ki-man traya-na-n-paq
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD business or any no-EVD house-2-ALL arrive-NMLZ-3-PURP
Por eso se guarda en casa, pues. Verdad. Así, negocio o cualquier ... para que no llegue a tu casa.
That's why you keep in the house. It's true. Like that, a business or whatever ... so that that doesn't come to
your house.
00:10:02.960 - 00:10:09.330

Hierba de tomar chay turunhil.

Toronjil es para tomar en mate.
Lemon balm is for herbal tea.
00:10:09.370 - 00:10:13.200

Chaypis allin sustupaqmi. Kurasun nanay ... Kurasun nanaypaqmi kay verdad. Chay qungona, turunhil.TK
Chay-pis allin sustu-paq-mi. kurasun nanay-paq kurasun nana-y-paq-mi kay verdad Chay qungona turunhil
DEM.D-ADD good fright-PURP heart hurt-INF-PURP heart hurt-INF-PURP DEM.P true DEM.D
qungona-flower toronjil
Esto también es bueno para el susto. Para dolor de corazón. Para dolor de corazón. Verdad. Rosas verde,
This, too, is good for fright. For heart pain. It's for heart pain -- that's true. Sedum, toronjil ...
00:10:13.230 - 00:10:20.340

Wak rosa verdi chay kimsantam priparanchik. klavil waytapis

Wak rosa verdi chay kimsa-n-ta-m piepara-nchik. klavil wayta-pis
DEM.D rose green DEM.D three-3-ACC-EVD prepare-1PL carnation flower-ADD
ésas rosas verde. Preparamos los tres juntos. Flor de clavel, también
and green roses -- we prepare all three together. Carnation flowers, too
00:10:20.450 - 00:10:25.380

Klavil yuraq klavil waytachatawan. Chay rimidyum chay [TK] mancharisapaq

klavil yuraq klavil wayta-cha-ta-wan. Chay rimidyum chay mancha-ri-sa-paq
carnation white carnation flower-DIM-ACC-INSTR DEM.D medicine DEM.D scare-URGT-PRF-PURP
Clavel. Con florcito de clavel blanco. Ése es remedio para susto.
Carnations -- with the flowers of white carnations. That's a remedy for fright.
00:10:25.420 - 00:10:31.230

¿Cómo se puede saber si uno sufre de aire o de susto?

¿Cómo se puede saber si uno sufre de aire o de susto?
How do you know if someone is suffering from air or from fright?
00:10:31.240 - 00:10:36.500

Chay manamik puñunkichu tuta chay

Chay mana-mi-k puñu-nki-chu tuta chay
DEM.D no-EVD-K sleep-2-NEG night DEM.D
No duermes de noche
You don't sleep at night
00:10:36.690 - 00:10:40.980

sustuwanqa. Chuqayanki makikita rikchariyanki. Siqaykuyanki suyñunikipa

sustu-wan-qa Chuqa-ya-nki maki-ki-ta rikchari-ya-nki Siqa-yku-ya-nki suyñu-ni-ki-pa
fright-INSTR-TOP toss-PROG-2 hand-2-ACC wake.up-PROG-2 fall-PROG-2 sleep-EUPH-2-LOC
con susto. Estás botando las mano, estás despertándote. Te estás cayendo en tu sueño.
with fright. You're throwing up your hands and waking up. You're falling in your dreams.
00:10:41.050 - 00:10:46.460

Chay ayripaqqa umayki nananqa arrohachishunki

Chay ayri-paq-qa uma-yki nana-nqa arroha-chi-shunki
DEM.D air-ABL-TOP head-2 hurt-3.FUT vomit-CAUS-3>2
Aire te va a dar dolor de cabeza y te hace arrojar.
Air is going to give you a headache and makes you throw up.
00:10:46.570 - 00:10:50.780

chirichachishunki. Chay wayrasa kaptikiqa lliw takarushpa tumaptikiqa

chiri-cha-chi-shunki Chay wayra-sa ka-pti-ki-qa lliw taka-ru-shpa tuma-pti-ki-qa
cold-FACT-CAUS-3>2 DEM.D wind-PRF be-SUBDS-2-TOP all knock-URGT-SUBIS drink-SUBDS-2-TOP
Te da escalofrío. Cuando tienes mal aire, chankas cuando tomas
It gives you chills. When you have air, you knock when you drink.
00:10:50.940 - 00:10:56.650

Kalmaykachishunki. rimidyum chay.

kalma-yka-chi-shunki. rimidyu-m chay.
calm-EXCEP-CAUS-3>2 medicine-EVD DEM.D
Te va a hacer calmar. eso es remedio.
It's going to calm you down. That is a remedy.
00:10:56.880 - 00:11:02.630

Chay planta. Ayves altu altu wiñan. Parapim ayves ismun.

Chay planta. ayves altu altu-pi-m wiña-n para-pi-m ayves ismu-n
DEM.D plant sometimes high high-LOC-EVD grow-3 rain-LOC-EVD sometimes rot-3
Esa planta. a veces crece en la puna, En tiempo de lluvia a veces se pudre.
That plant. Sometimes it grows up high. In the rain, sometimes it rots.
00:11:05.670 - 00:11:10.310

Kay ruturuptin kayna brutiyamun, aw? Kayna altupim kaypa wiñan. Kayna wiñaruy chayqa.
Kay rutu-ru-pti-n kay-na bruti-ya-mu-n Kay-na altu-pi-m kay-pa wiña-n Kay-na wiña-ru-y chay-qa.
Cuando se corta, así está brotando, ¿no? Así en puna crece. Así crece.
When it's cut, it sends of shoots like this, no? It grows like this in the hills. It grows like that.
00:11:10.680 - 00:11:15.350

Paray tiyempuyá sumaq sumaq wiñan. Parapaq kay ismurusaya. Chayllash chay turunhil.
Para-y tiyempu-ya sumaq sumaq wiña-n Para-paq kay ismu-ru-sa-ø ya Chay-lla-sh chay turunhil
rain-INF time-EMPH pretty pretty grow-3 rain-LOC DEM.P rot-PST-PRF-3 EMPH DEM.D-RSTR-EVR
DEM.D lemon.balm
En tiempo de lluvia crece hermoso. En lluvia había podrido. Así no más es toronjil.
It grows beautifully in rainy season. In rain, it had rotted. That's it for lemon balm.
00:11:15.410 - 00:11:23.880

Papaqil, mamaqil, nin.

Papaqil mamaqil ni-n
father-qil mother-qil say-3
Papajil, mamajil, dice.
Mamajil, papajil, they say.
00:11:23.880 - 00:11:27.840
Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:26 PM

¿Maypaq hamuranki? ¿Viñaq?
¿De dónde veniste? ¿Vinac?
Where did you come from? Viñac?
00:00:14.080 - 00:00:16.230

Arí. Llaqta nin Vinaqtam. Chay

Sí. Le dicen al pueblo Vinac. Ése
Yes. They call they town Viñac. That
00:00:18.850 - 00:00:21.680

Papaniy trakran chay llaqta wak lawninpa

La chacra de mi papá es al otro lado de ese pueblo.
My father's field is on the other side of that town.
00:00:21.770 - 00:00:26.250

Chaypa familyakuna hukllallam kayan ñam puchukarun

Allí están los parientes. Unito no más está. Ya se acabaron.
The relatives are there. Only one. They finsihed off already.
00:00:30.270 - 00:00:33.800

¿Mayta ripun? Wañukun varyus.

¿Dónde se fueron? Varios se muerieron.
Where did they go? Several died.
00:00:34.680 - 00:00:37.550

Hukllallañam primuy yatran chaypa.

Unito no mas, mi primo, vive allí.
Just one, my cousin, lives there.
00:00:38.180 - 00:00:41.160

¿imatatr sutin? Qunqaruniñam Chayllam trakran kurrin kumpañeru.

¿Cuál es su nombre? Me olvidé ya. eso no más. Un compañero corre su chacra.
What is his name? I forgot already. Just that. A friend takes care of his field.
00:00:45.110 - 00:00:49.600

Ah, sibada chaykunata wichipuwan.

Ah, cebada. Me rama-RSTRs.
Ah, barley. He harvests those for me.
00:00:49.760 - 00:00:53.130

Kaballuwan riki trillachin.

Lo hace trillar con caballo.
He thrashes it with a horse.
00:01:00.030 - 00:01:01.380

Buruwan, kaballuwan trillan.
Trilla con burro, con caballo.
He threshes it with a donkey, with a horse.
00:01:02.090 - 00:01:04.040

Chay wambraykuna burrunkuna, kaballunkuna witraypa.

Los caballos y los burros de mis hijos están arriba.
My children's donkeys and horses are up there.
00:01:04.840 - 00:01:09.190

Kuska kayan
Están junto.
They're together.
00:01:09.310 - 00:01:10.580

¿Kanan trakillawan chay kuntinkiqa?

¿Ahora vas a volver a pie no más?
Now you're going to go back on foot?
00:01:15.030 - 00:01:17.990

¿Qué hace?
What does it do?
00:01:28.180 - 00:01:29.090

Kay Don Valentin kayanmiki.

Don Valentín está, pues.
Don Valentín is there-
00:01:32.770 - 00:01:34.570

Ah, pay vakawantrik kapas wakpa kay. ¿Imayyá?

Él estará con sus vacas. Tal vez allí. ¿Dónde?
He must be with his cows. Maybe there. Where?
00:01:36.700 - 00:01:40.050

¿Imaynatr kakunpis? Vaka chawaqmi rin. Kayan wak wak ...

¿Cómo será? Se ha ido a lechear vaca. Está allí.
How would it be? He went to milk the cows. He's there.
00:01:42.170 - 00:01:46.820

Kanan paypaq kayanmi chay na mashanmi chay trabahan.

Ahora él tiene a su yerno allí. Él trabaja.
Now he has his there. He's working.
00:01:48.190 - 00:01:52.290

Huk valdi kayan ninchush

Tiene un balde, dice.
He has a bucket, he says.
00:01:54.480 - 00:01:57.980

Kayanmi paypaq mashan Cañetepam yatran.

Él tiene un yerno -- vive en Cañete.
He has a son-in-law -- he lives in Cañete.
00:02:00.470 - 00:02:06.180

Ah, se rie, ¿no? Parlapayawanmik, ¿ve?

Ah, se rie, ¿no? Me está hablando, ¿ve?
Ah, he's laughing, no? He's talking to me! See?
00:02:15.390 - 00:02:20.700

varyusmi kayan iskwelapaq.

Hay varios en la escuela.
There are many in school.
00:02:29.470 - 00:02:31.870

Lunista kanqatrik. Kanan sabadu.

El lunes va a haber. Hoy es sabado.
On Monday there will be. Today is Saturday.
00:02:32.120 - 00:02:35.160

Paqarin domingo.
Manana es domingo.
Tomorrow is Sunday.
00:02:35.710 - 00:02:39.300

Lunistaq lliw yaykun kutimun may purisanpa chay wambra.

Lunes todos entran, los chicos vuelven de donde han ido.
On Monday they all enter, the children come back from where the had gone.
00:02:40.030 - 00:02:44.830

Unayñam tiyarisan iskwelaqa.

Hace tiempo ya la escuela se instaló.
The school was established a long time ago.
00:02:46.020 - 00:02:52.310

Kanan lliw lliwña iskwelash mihurarun.

Ahora, toda la escuela ya mejoró, dicen.
Now the whole school has improved, they say.
00:02:52.500 - 00:02:54.950

Lliw mihurasa kayan.

Está todo mejorada.
It's all improved.
00:02:56.200 - 00:02:57.760

iglesyapis kayanmik chay waqaptiylla wak luqurayan wak TK

Alli está también la iglesia --
The church is there, too.
00:02:59.820 - 00:03:04.010

Lliw lliw tunishpa wak timblurmik lliw lliw mashtarun.

Ése terremoto durrumbó todo, aplastó todo.
That earthquake knocked everything down, it crushed everything.
00:03:08.020 - 00:03:13.760

Ñuqapa wasi wakhinalla wak timblurpa mashtasam kayan

Por ese terremoto mi casa así está derrumbado.
From that earthquake my house like this is knocked down.
00:03:13.960 - 00:03:17.840

Wakqa kwartuy kay kaqqa wambraypam chayqa mashapam

Ese otro cuarto es mio este es de mi hija y yerno.
That is my room. This one is my daughter's and my's.
00:03:18.290 - 00:03:24.730

Manam timblur ñuqapaqa ... ¿Piyá allichanqa?

Sin el terremoto la mía ... ¿Quién la va a arreglar?
Without the earthquake, mine ... Who's going to fix it up?
00:03:26.890 - 00:03:31.140

Rahasam kakuyan.
Está rajada.
It's cracked.
00:03:31.590 - 00:03:33.500

Trabahum kasaqa kayan akasu fasilchu.

La casa es trabajo. ¿Acaso sea fácil?
The house is work. Or maybe it's easy?
00:03:35.100 - 00:03:37.420

Pasaypaq chaypaq pukulla pukullañam pasarayan piru

De esa fecha, están pasando un poquito, un poquito no más, pero.
Since then, they're happening just a little bit, just a liitle bit, though.
00:03:41.390 - 00:03:45.770

Total wak kaq kwartu rahasam kayan wak law

Ese cuarto está completamente rajado ese lado.
That room is completely cracked on that side.
00:04:00.480 - 00:04:03.970

Pilpasa kayan.
Está deshecho.
It's wrecked.
00:04:04.640 - 00:04:05.780

Chayhina trayaramushpa mashtarunqatr

Si llega así [otro terremoto] lo va a tender.
If [another eathquake] comes like that, it will lay it flat.
00:04:06.680 - 00:04:10.290

Kapas qunqayta traymunqa temblorqa

Tal vez llegue un terremoto para [hacernos] olvidar [robarnos].
Maybe an earthquake will come and [make us] forget [steal everything away].
00:04:12.580 - 00:04:15.780

Kaykuna nuwevupaqñam kayan

Éstos están [hechos] de nuevo ....
These were redone.
00:04:16.040 - 00:04:19.770
Paqarin nishpaqa llaqtataraqtriki riyanki?
"Mañana" dices y estarás yendo al pueblo toadavía.
"Tomorrow" you say and you'd be going to town still.
00:04:24.510 - 00:04:27.960

Chaynam vida. ¿Imaynatr?

Así es la vida. ¿Cómo será?
Life is like that. How will it be?
00:04:31.820 - 00:04:34.570

Puriyaqmi kasi wakhina

Casí anda así.
He's almost a walker like that.
00:04:35.780 - 00:04:38.240

Kaballuwan qipisa purintri.

Andará cargado con caballo.
He would walk carried on a horse.
00:04:41.230 - 00:04:43.460

Kaballuqa imatatr Vinaqpaq mikunman ¿Pastu kanchu? ¿manachu?

¿Qué pueden comer los cabbalos en Viñac? ¿Hay pasto o no?
What can the horses eat in Viñac? Is there pasture grass or not?
00:04:43.720 - 00:04:49.160

Qullqitrik achka achka.

Tendrán mucho dinero.
They must have a lot of money.
00:04:50.720 - 00:04:54.300

Qullqillantatr quykuwanman
Me pueden dar su dinero no más.
They could give me just their money.
00:04:54.300 - 00:04:57.090

Frutata chaykunata mikunaypaq.

Para que yo coma mi fruta y esos.
So I can eat my fruit and things.
00:05:02.530 - 00:05:05.150

Imallatapis rantiymantriki kumpraymantri.

¿Qué cosita también puedo comprar, puedo comprar?
What other little thing could I buy, could I buy?
00:05:08.790 - 00:05:11.650

Kayanmi tiyenda kitrarayan ganawninmantri lluqsirun. Kanmi.

Hay tienda estaría abieta o habrá salido a su ganado. Hay.
There's a store it's open or he must have gone out to his cows. There are.
00:05:16.460 - 00:05:20.610

Kayanmi uniku qullqiyuqpaqyá ¿Maypam regalawachuwan runaqa?

Sí hay -- únicamente para los con dinero. ¿Dónde nos puede hacer regalos la gente?
There are -- only for people with money. Where can people give us things as gifts?
00:05:23.100 - 00:05:28.700

Wambraykuna kayan. Unqu kaptiy wambraykunalla kay willkaykunalla lavan

Tengo mis hijos. Cuando estoy enferma, mis hijos y mis nietos lavan.
I have children. When I'm sick, my children and mu grandchildren wash.
00:05:36.310 - 00:05:40.920

Mana unqushpaqa kikiymi lavakuni.

Cuando no estoy enferma yo misma lavo.
Whan Im not sick, I myself wash.
00:05:42.080 - 00:05:45.490

Kikiymi lavakuni.
Yo misma lavo.
I myself wash.
00:05:48.030 - 00:05:50.160

¿Ukaliptuta pitaq sembranqa? ¿Pipaqñataq?

¿Quién va a sembrar eucaliptos? ¿Para quién ya?
Who's going to plant eucaliptus? For whom?
00:05:57.070 - 00:06:00.870

Bastante kayan Tutura witraypa plantaqa.

Hay muchos árboles arriba en Totora.
There are lots of trees up in Totora.
00:06:01.510 - 00:06:05.140

Unay runay plantarqa bastantita.

Antes, mi esposo plantó bastante.
Before, mi husband planted a lot.
00:06:07.020 - 00:06:09.690

Kakuyan qiruqa.
Hay palos allí.
There are sticks there.
00:06:10.150 - 00:06:12.170

Punapaq qiñwalllami kayan

En la puna hay quinguales no más.
In the puna, there are just quinguals.
00:06:18.880 - 00:06:20.910

Ah, qiñwalllam kayan. Kay plantaqa kay ukaliptullam

Hay quinguales no más. Estos árboles, estos eucaliptos no más.
There are just quinguals. These trees, these eucaliptus ...
00:06:21.900 - 00:06:25.760

Chaykunaqa kayanmiki
Sí hay esas.
Yes there are those.
00:06:29.840 - 00:06:31.910

Flor de wamanripa.
Wamanripa flower.
00:06:33.380 - 00:06:36.160

Flor de pukatraki.
Pukatraki flower.
00:06:36.800 - 00:06:38.390

Imatr sutin? qunqaruniñam. Manañatriki pasaypaqñatrik lluqlluyá

¿Cómo se llamará? Ya me olvidé. Ya no habrán muchas flores de lluqllu.
What is its name? I forgot already. There must not be a lot of lluqllu flowers any more.
00:06:41.620 - 00:06:46.870

00:06:48.580 - 00:06:51.930

Chay kafe ruwanapaqmik mariyasutuqa allin.

Valeriana es buena para hacer café [mate].
Valerian is good for making coffee [tea].
00:06:52.150 - 00:06:55.340

tumanchikmi. Qunim.
Se toma. Caliente.
You drink it. Hot.
00:06:55.850 - 00:07:00.330

Hanaypam wak chay kanan wambraypi yatrasanpaq kayanmiki.

Arriba está donde mis hijos viven ahora allí hay.
It's up hill where my children live now.
00:07:00.510 - 00:07:04.270

Ullqushpis kayan, aw.

Hay flores de ullqush, también, ¿no?
There are ullqush flowers, too, no?
00:07:04.720 - 00:07:06.620

Chuqlluqupapis -- yuraqpis pukapis

Flores de chuqlluqupa, también -- blanco y rojo.
Chuqlluqupa flowers, too -- white and red.
00:07:07.140 - 00:07:09.570

Kananqa nañam rikarirunqa blankuñam

Ahora aparecen ya los blancos ya.
Now the white ones are appearing already.
00:07:10.530 - 00:07:13.410

Qanimpam kara pukaqa

Antes habian rojos.
Before, there were red ones.
00:07:13.590 - 00:07:15.600

Kayanmi lliw punapapis waytaqa.

En la puna hay todas las flores.
All the flowers are in the puna.
00:07:18.380 - 00:07:21.730

Wamanripa puna karuparaqtri kayan. Awkichankaparaqtri qaqapa

Habrá wamanripa lejos en la puna todavía; habrá en Awkichanca en la peña.
There must be wamanripa far in the puna still; there must be some in Awkichanca on the cliffs.
00:07:25.860 - 00:07:30.250

Tospaq kayna mariyasututa kamchashpa tumanchik-

Para la tos sue tuesta Valeriana y se lo toma así.
For coughs, you toast Valerian and you drink it like this.
00:07:45.780 - 00:07:50.710

Chayqa lindum. Qunimiki. Chiripaqmi. Chay tos hapiruwanchik. Friyupaqmi.

Es bonito. Es caliente. Es para el frío. La tos nos agarra. Para el frío.
It's nice. It's warm. It's for the cold. We catch coughs. It's for the cold.
00:07:52.540 - 00:07:56.590

Chaykunatam manam kanan wambray alliyamunraqchu

Ésos. Ahora mi hijo no se mejora todavía.
Those. Now my son isn't getting better yet.
00:07:57.210 - 00:08:00.720

Mejoralta ichawaq. Ahus.

Puedes echarle mejoral [aspirina]. Ajos.
You could toss him some Mejoral [aspirin]. Garlic.
00:08:07.950 - 00:08:10.890

Chay ahus winaptiy lliw lliw kiruy wichirun

Cuando tomé ajo, se me cayeron todos mis dientes.
When I took garlic, all my teeth fell out.
00:08:16.570 - 00:08:20.260

Wichichinmi. No hay,
Hace caer. No tengo.
It makes them fall out. I don't have any.
00:08:20.880 - 00:08:24.900

Sumaq sumaq trayasallataña.

A bien cocinado no más ...
Just well cooked ...
00:08:33.380 - 00:08:36.540

Manaña kamchata imas kachaniñachu

Cancha ya no -- no lo masco ya.
Toasted grains -- not any more. I don't chew it any more.
00:08:37.260 - 00:08:40.530

Makinallatañam valikuni.
Suplico una máquina no más.
I just ask for a machine.
00:08:41.620 - 00:08:44.830

Ah, makina matrkachakunallataña akukuni

Ah, muelo en una máquina y masco.
Ah, I grind it in a machine and chew it.
00:08:45.690 - 00:08:48.620

Like that.
00:08:49.710 - 00:08:50.920

Mana lus kaptin kirusinwanmi kanchik.

Cuando no hay luz, estamos con kerosene
When there's no electricity, we have kerosene.
00:09:01.670 - 00:09:08.360

Lamparinmi linterna
Mechero o linterna.
Lamps or flashlights.
00:09:08.730 - 00:09:10.680

Kuminayanmantrik. ¡Kumichiyyá!
Puede tener hambre. ¡Házle comer!
Puede tener hambre. ¡Házle comer!
00:09:27.550 - 00:09:30.800

Hapishpaqa kitarishunki.
Agarrando, te lo va a quitar.
He's going to grab it and take it away from you.
00:09:35.640 - 00:09:38.120

Mikunayantrk makichanqa.
Su manita le esta dando hambre.
His hand is making him hungry.
00:09:54.830 - 00:09:57.730

¿Maypatrik masamorapis? ¿Mana preparaqpaqchu?

¿Dónde habrá mazamorra? ¿No hay para quien prepare?
Where would there be pudding? Isn't there for the person who prepared it?
00:09:58.200 - 00:10:01.710

Masamorataq imallapaqpis ruwayanchikmi lichipaq, agwapaq.

Se hace mazamorra de cualquier cosita -- de leche, de agua.
You make pudding out of anything -- milk, water.
00:10:04.740 - 00:10:09.400

mayis -- mayis lichillapamik runwayanchik

Maíz -- [mazamorra de] maíz se hace en leche.
Corn -- corn [pudding] is made in milk.
00:10:12.850 - 00:10:16.540
Mulinchik makinapaq kamcharinchik kallanapa hinashpa
Se muele en la maquina y se tuesta en sartén luego
You grind it in a machine then you toast in in a pan then
00:10:22.130 - 00:10:26.830

Chaynam ruwanchik.
Asi se hace.
You make it like that.
00:10:27.550 - 00:10:29.090

Chaykunata ruwakunchik lliw.

Hacemos todo-RSTR.
We make all that.
00:10:30.490 - 00:10:32.950

Pachamankataq hornota nakushpa pirqaykushpa.

Pachamanca -- se hace, se pirca el horno.
Pachamanca -- you make, you wall the oven.
00:10:37.470 - 00:10:41.640

Leñakunawan ruparachinchik.
Se hace quemar con leña.
You burn it with wood.
00:10:42.120 - 00:10:44.900

Kumiyyá kumiy
¡Cóme ya! ¡Cóme!
Eat! Eat!
00:10:47.130 - 00:10:48.660

Tiyerrawan pamparun
Lo entierran con tierra.
The bury it with earth.
00:10:48.800 - 00:10:51.160

¿Imaynayá huk lawkunapaq ruwakun?

¿Cómo harán en otro lado?
How would they do it in other places?
00:10:53.790 - 00:10:55.980

Imallatapis kaqtaya-
Cualquier cosita.
Anything -- what there is.
00:10:57.900 - 00:10:59.990

Tiene hambre ya.
00:11:04.940 - 00:11:07.080

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:28 PM

Ya, otra vez estamos grabando . . .
Ya, otra vez estamos grabando . . .
OK, we're recording again.
00:00:00.010 - 00:00:02.320

Upallay shimi, chikus.

Cállense, muchachos.
Upalla-y shimi chikus
be.quiet-INF mouth boys
Quiet down, guys.
00:00:02.340 - 00:00:04.950

From the beginning?
00:00:04.970 - 00:00:07.760

Unayshi kara shipash.

Hubo una vez hace mucho tiempo una muchacha.
Unay-shi ka-ra-ø shipash
before-EVR be-PST-3 girl
Once upon a time, there was a girl
00:00:07.830 - 00:00:09.820

Antaylumata maskakushpa rira.

Ella andaba buscando bayas de antayluma.
antayluma-ta maska-ku-shpa ri-ra-ø
antayluma.berry-ACC search-REFL-SUBIS go-PST-3
She went looking for antayluma berries.
00:00:09.820 - 00:00:12.300

Hinashpañataq antaylumata tarirushpaqa pallakuyara hinaptinshi.

Despues de encontrar bayas de antayluma, las estaba recogiendo.
Hinashpa-ña-taq-shi antayluma-ta tari-ru-shpa-qa palla-ku-ya-ra-ø hinaptin-shi
then-DISC-SEQ-EVR antayluma.berry-ACC find-URGT-SUBIS-TOP gather-REFL-PROG-PST-3 then-EVR
After finding some antayluma berries, she was gathering them up.
00:00:12.300 - 00:00:17.960

trayarun hovin. Hovin trayaruptinshi

Llegó un joven. Cuando llegó, el joven le preguntó,
traya-ru-n huvin huvin traya-ru-pti-n-shi
arrive-URGT-3 arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3-EVR
There arrived a young man. When the young man arrived, he said,
00:00:17.990 - 00:00:21.750

nin, "Imatam maskakuyanki?" "Maskakuya:qa antaylumata."

"¿Qué estás buscando?" "Estoy buscando antaylumas".
ni-n ima-ta-m maska-ku-ya-nki Maska-ku-ya-:-qa antayluma-ta
say-3 what-ACC-EVD search-REFL-PROG-2 search-REFL-PROG-1-TOP antayluma.berries-ACC
"What are you looking for?" "I'm looking for antayluma berries."
00:00:21.780 - 00:00:26.680

"A ver, ñawiki chipuykuy qipirusayki altu antaylumaman."

"A ver, ciérra los ojos. Te voy a cargar allá arriba hacia las antaylumas".
ñawi-ki chipu-yku-y qipi-ru-sayki altu antayluma-man
eye-2 shut-EXCEP-IMP carry-URGT-1>2.FUT high antayluma.berries-ALL
"Let's see, close your eyes. I'm going to carry you up high for antayluma berries."
00:00:27.260 - 00:00:31.470

Antaylumanmanqa qipichikurun hinaptinshi qaqapa rikarirun.

Se hizo cargar hacia las antaylumas. [O, por lo menos, eso es lo que creía, pero] apareció encima de un
Antayluman-man-qa qipi-chi-ku-ru-n hinaptin-shi qaqa-pa rikari-ru-n
antayluma.berries-ALL-TOP carry-CAUS-REFL-URGT-3 then-EVR cliff-LOC appear-URGT-3
She got herself carried to the antayluma berries. [Or, at least that's what she thought, but] then they showed
up on a cliff.
00:00:31.790 - 00:00:36.780

Qaqapi rikariruptinñataqshi
[Una vez que] apareció en el precipicio,
qaqa-pi rikari-ru-pti-n-ña-taq-shi
When they appeared on the cliff
00:00:37.020 - 00:00:40.190

Qaqapa lluqsiyta atipanchu. Qayakun, QH "Imaynataq kanan lluqsishaq?"

de esa precipicio no pudo salir. Gritó "¿Cómo voy a bajar ahora?"
qaqa-pa lluqsi-y-ta atipa-n-chu qaya-ku-n imayna-taq kanan lluqsi-shaq
cliff-LOC go.out-INF-ACC shout-REFL-3 how-SEQ now go.out-1.FUT
She couldn't get off the cliff. She shouted, "Now, how am I going to get down?"
00:00:40.570 - 00:00:45.040

Kundur pasan. "Kundur qipillay! Qipimay!"

un cóndor pasó. "Condor, que cargas, ¡Cárgame!" [gritó la chica]
kundur pasa-n kundur qipi-lla-y qipi-ma-y
condor pass-3 condor carry-RSTR-IMP carry-1.OBJ-IMP
A condor passed by. "Condor, you can carry [people], Carry me!" [shouted the girl].
00:00:45.110 - 00:00:49.600

"Turutam pagasayki!" nin.

"Te pagaré un toro", le dijo.
turu-ta-m paga-sayki ni-n
bull-ACC-EVD pay-1>2.FUT say-3
"I´ll pay you a bull," she said.
00:00:49.700 - 00:00:52.220

"Manam. Manam turutaqa muna:chu."

[el cóndor contestó,] "No. No quiero un toro", [y la dejó allí].
Mana-m Mana-m turu-ta-qa muna-:-chu
no-EVD no-EVD bull-ACC-TOP want-1-NEG
[The condor replied,] "No. I don't want a bull," [and he flew on].
00:00:52.890 - 00:00:56.100

Huk kundur pasan
otro cóndor pasó por allí. [Él tampoco no quería ayudar a la chica.]
Huk kundur pasa-n
one condor pass-3
Another condor passed by. [He, too, refused to help the girl.]
00:00:56.100 - 00:00:59.190

¡Bája el volumen!
¡Bája el volumen!
Turn down the volume!
00:00:59.380 - 00:01:04.400

Está arriba está.

Está arriba está.
It's up there it is.
00:01:06.020 - 00:01:07.860

Let's continue.
00:01:08.460 - 00:01:14.240

¿Sigo? ¿En lo mismo? Acába ya.

¿Sigo? ¿En lo mismo? Acaba ya.
Should I go on? With the same thing? Finish, already!
00:01:14.630 - 00:01:19.780

Hinaptinña huk atrqay pasan, ismu atrqay

Después pasó un gabilán, un gabilán color marrón oscuro.
hinaptin-ña huk atrqay pasa-n ismo atrqay
then-DISC one eagle pass-3 dark.brown eagle
Then a hawk passed by, a dark brown hawk.
00:01:20.080 - 00:01:23.780

"Cárgame no más!" [le rogó la chica].
"Carry me!" [the girl pleaded].
00:01:24.400 - 00:01:27.290

"Bahayta munaya:!" qayakatrakun. "Manam tiyempu kanchu."

"¡Quiero bajar!" gritó. "No hay tiempo", [contestó ese gabilán color marrón oscuro].
Baha-y-ta muna-ya qaya-katra-ku-n. Mana-m tiyempu ka-n-chu
go.down-INF-ACC want-1-EMPH shout-FREQ-REFL-3 no-EVD time be-3-NEG
"I want to get down!" she shouted. [That dark brown hawk replied,] "There's no time."
00:01:27.880 - 00:01:31.590

Pasarun. Huk atrqay pasan igwalitu.

Y se fue. Otro gabilán pasó. Igualito [contestó].
Pasa-ru-n Huk atrqay pasa-n igwalitu.
pass-URGT-3 one eagle pass-3 exact.same
And he left. Another eagle passed by, exactly the same.
00:01:31.750 - 00:01:34.820

Hinaptinshi huk atrqay. "Huk turutam pagasayki."

Después, otro gabilán. [Después, otro cóndor]. "Te pagaré un toro" [les ofreció la chica una y otra vez].
Hinaptin-shi huk atrqay Huk turu-ta-m paga-sayki
then-EVR one eagle one bull-ACC-EVD pay-1>2.FUT
Then, another hawk. [Then, another condor]. "I'll pay you a bull," [the girl offered again and again]
00:01:35.110 - 00:01:39.190

Hinaptinqa atray kundur qipirun.

Después, el águila ... el cóndor la cargó
Hinaptin-qa atrqay kundur qipi-ru-n
then-TOP eagle condor carry-URGT-3
Then, the eagle ... the condor carried her.
00:01:39.950 - 00:01:43.290

Qipiruptinqa hinashpaqa chay kundurqa qipiptin huk turuta pagaykun.

Luego, como la cargó ese cóndor, después de que la cargó, ella le pagó un toro.
Qipi-ru-pti-n-qa hinashpa-qa chay kundur-qa qipi-pti-n huk turu-ta paga-yku-n
carry-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP then-TOP DEM.D condor-TOP carry-SUBDS-3 one bull-ACC pay-EXCEP-3
Then, when the condor carried her, after he carried her, she payed him a bull.
00:01:43.730 - 00:01:50.930

Mikukunshi kundurqa. Chayllam kwintu ya

el cóndor [recibió el toro y luego], dicen, comió [a la chica]. eso no más es el cuento.
Miku-ku-n-shi kundur-qa chay-lla-m kwintu ya
eat-REFL-3-EVR condor-TOP DEM.D-RSTR-EVD story EMPH
The condor [gratefully accepted the bull and then,] they say, he ate [the girl]. That's the whole story.
00:01:52.400 - 00:01:59.700

Zorro. Cualquier cuento.

Zorro. Cualquier cuento.
Fox. Any story.
00:02:05.580 - 00:02:10.300

00:02:18.450 - 00:02:24.090

Huklla atuqshi kasa. Atuqshi puriyan. Kumpadrin yutu kasa chay yutuqa. Shiiiip ship ship pawarirun.
Un zorro no más había, dice. El zorro, dice, está andando. Su compadre era un perdiz. Y ese perdiz shiiip
ship ship saltó.
Huk-lla atuq-shi ka-sa-ø Atuq-shi puri-ya-n Kumpadri-n yutu ka-sa-ø chay yutu-qa Shiiiip ship ship
one-RSTR fox-EVR be-PRF-3 fox-EVR walk-PROG-3 compadre-3 partridge be-PRF-3 DEM.D
partridge-TOP Shiiiip ship ship jump-INCEP-URGT-3
Once upon a time, there was a fox. The fox was wandering around. His companion was a partridge. The
partridge started to jump: "Shiiip,
shiip, shiip!"
00:02:24.190 - 00:02:32.300

[...] atuq hamusa

Vino el zorro
[...] atuq hamu-sa
[...] fox come-PRF
The fox came.
00:02:32.320 - 00:02:36.050

este . . . waytrawwan
este . . . waytraw
. waytraw-wan
. waytraw-INSTR
ummmm .... waytraw bird
00:02:36.100 - 00:02:38.840

"Kumpadri, imaynataq waqayanki qamqa? Kuyayllata waqanki!" nin.

"Compadre, ¿Por qué estás llorando usted? ¡Qué bonito cantas tú!" le dijo.
kumpadri, imayna-taq waqa-ya-nki qam-qa kuya-y-lla-ta waqa-nki ni-n
compadre how-SEQ cry-PROG_2 2-TOP love-INF-RSTR-ACC cry-2 say-3
"Compadre, why are you crying? How lovely you sing!" he said.
00:02:39.000 - 00:02:43.620

"Ñuqaqa waqaku sumaqllatam. Qamqa. Ñuqaqa quyu quyuta TK waqayani."

"Yo llora bonito no más y tú ..." "Yo feo feo estoy llorando."
ñuqa-qa waqa-(:)-ku sumaq-lla-ta-m qam-qa ñuqa-qa quyu quyu-ta waqayani
1-TOP cry-1-REFL prettu-RSTR-EVD 2-TOP 1-TOP ugly ugly cry-PROG-3
"I sing nicely. You ... " "I'm singing awfully."
00:02:43.870 - 00:02:48.370

"A ver, kumpadri, waqaykuy! Wak shimikita sirarushun." Siraschikun shiminta atuqqa.
"A ver, compadre, ¡pónte a llorar! Te vamos a coser la boca." Se hizo coser su boca el zorro.
aver kumpadri waqa-yku-y wak shimi-ki-ta sira-ru-shun sira-chi-ku-n shimi-n-ta atuq-qa
let's.see compadre cry-EXCEP-IMP DEM.D mouth-2-ACC sew-URGT-1PL.FUT sew-CAUS-REFL-3
mouth-3-ACC fox-TOP
"Let's see, compadre. Go ahead and sing! We're going to sew your mouth shut." The fox had his mouth
sewed shut.
00:02:48.590 - 00:02:54.990

Hinaptinqa yutu pawaptinqa chay, "aaaap-ship-ship-ship!" yutupas "wwaaaayyy!"

Después cuando el perdiz saltó, "aaaap-shiiiip-ship-ship-ship!" El perdiz también, " "waaaayyy!"
hinaptin-qa yutu pawa-pti-n-qa chay aaaapship ship ship yutu-pas wwaaaayyy.
then-TOP partridge jump-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D aaaapship ship ship partridge-ADD wwaaaayyy.
Then, when the partridge jumped, , "aaaap-shiiiip-ship-ship-ship!" The partridge, too, " "waaaayyy!"
00:02:55.710 - 00:03:00.460

Atuqpa shimin qacharun hatu hatun.

Del zorro su boca se rompió grande grande
atuq-pa shimi-n qacha-ru-n hatu hatun
fox-GEN mouth-3 break-URGT-3 big big
The fox's mouth ripped open wide.
00:03:00.470 - 00:03:02.180

Hinaptinqa, "Kumpadri, yanqa yanqa shimita sirarachinki kananqa shimilla qacharun hatu hatun."
Después, "Compadre por gusto, por gusto, mi boca has hecho coser. Ahora mi boca se rompió grande
hinaptin-qa kumpadri yanqa yanqa shimi-(:)-ta sira-ra-chi-nki kanan-qa shimi-(:)-lla qacha-ru-n hatu hatun
then-TOP compadre in.vain in.vain mouth-1-ACC sew-URGT-CAUS-2 now-TOP mouth-1-RSTR
break-URGT-3 big big
Then, "Compadre, you had my mouth sewed up just for the fun of it. Now my mouth has ripped open wide!"
00:03:02.350 - 00:03:09.010

Chaypaq kabrata mikuyta qallakuykun atuq manaña rispitanñachu

De allí el zorro empezó a comer la cabra. Ya no respetó.
chay-paq kabra-ta miku-y-ta qalla-ku-yku-n atuq mana-ña rispita-n-ña-chu
DEM.D-ABL goat-ACC eat-INF-ACC begin-EXCEP-REFL-3 fox no-DISC respect-3-DISC-NEG
So, the fox started to eat the goat. He didn't respect him any more.
00:03:09.440 - 00:03:13.560

Kabrataña mikun. Hatun shimiyuqña rikarirun kumpadrinqa. "Kuyayllapaq waqakuyan yutuqa!

Kuyakullaypaq chay waytrawwan yutuqa!"
La cabra ya comió. Boca grande ya apareció. Su compadre, "¡Qué bonito está contando el perdíz! ¡Qué
bonito [cantan] ese waytraw y el
kabra-ta-ña miku-n hatun shimi-yuq-ña rikari-ru-n kumpadri-n-qa kuya-y-lla-paq waqa-ku-ya-n yutu-qa
kuya-ku-y-lla-paq chay waytraw-wan
goat-ACC-DISC eat-3 big mouth-POSS-DISC appear-URGT-3 compadre-3-TOP love-INF-RSTR-ABL
cry-REFL-PROG-3 partridge-TOP love-INF-RSTR-ABL DEM.D
He ate the goat already. He appeared to have a big mouth already. Su compadre, "The partridge is singing so
beautifully! The waytraw and
the partridge sing so beautifully!"
00:03:14.590 - 00:03:23.060

waytraw-INSTR partridge-TOP

Chaynalla kay chayllam kwintuqa mas kanchu manam.

Así no más éste. Ése no más el cuento. Más, no hay.
chay-na-lla kay chay-lla-m kwintu-qa mas ka-n-chu mana-m
That's the way that one goes. That's all there is to the story. There's no more.
00:03:23.500 - 00:03:27.240

Hukñataqshi na sutin
Otro ya también este se llama
Huk-ña-taq-shi na suti-n
one-DISC-SEQ_EVR DMY name-3
Another is called
00:03:37.410 - 00:03:40.350

Wak awkichanka altupa tiyan na atrqay

En allá en awkichanka arriba está sentado un ágila.
wak awkichanka altu-pa ti-ya-n na atrqay
DEM.D awkichanka high-LOC sit_PROG-3 DMY eagle
There in Awkichanca up high sat an eagle.
00:03:40.460 - 00:03:44.640

00:03:45.180 - 00:03:47.100

Hamullarqani toroymanta hamullarqani

He venido. He venido por el toro.
I came. I came for the bull
00:03:50.890 - 00:03:57.060

Antaylumata qatirikuspa, antaylumata qatirukuspam

Sigiendo antaylumas, sigiendo antaylumas
Hunting for antayluma berries, hunting for antayluma berries
00:03:57.110 - 00:04:05.900

Wayakillacha kornitiyuqllam
Con cornete de wayaquil
With a horn of wayaquil.
00:04:05.930 - 00:04:12.150

Huritinllachay tiñachayuqllam
Con tiña de color de oro.
With a gold-colored tambourine
00:04:12.150 - 00:04:16.350

Puntachallanta hamullarqani, urquchallantam hamullarqani.

Por la punta no más he venido, por el cerro no más he venido
I came over the peak, I came by the mountain
00:04:16.350 - 00:04:24.130

kukakintulla qullqaniyuqlla, kukakintulla fiyambriyuqlla.

Con coquita no más de fiambre con coca quinto no más de fiambre
With just coca to eat along the way, with just coca to eat along the way.
00:04:24.150 - 00:04:32.210

Yana puyulla tapallawaptin, yana llantulla tapayawaptin.

Cuando me tapaba neblina negro, cuando me tapaba sombra negra
When black fog was covering me, when black shade was covering me.
00:04:32.240 - 00:04:40.500

Allin paqunal nispa niwaptin allin sirkulla nispa niwaptin.

Buen pajonal cuando me dijo buen muro cuando me dijo
Good scrubland, when he said to me, good fences, when he said to me.
00:04:40.700 - 00:04:48.160

Allin sirkuchun kayaykuyasqa, allin putriruchu kayaykullasqa.

Ni buen muro no había ni buen potrero no había
There weren't good fences, there weren't good store-bins.
00:04:48.160 - 00:04:57.010

Ichu ichullam kayaykullasqa salla sallallam kayaykullasqa

Ichu, ichu no más había, pedregoso, pedregoso no más era.
Staw, there was just straw, rocky, it was just rocky.
00:04:57.060 - 00:05:04.920

Ranra ranrallam kayaykullasqa, imallapaqmi hermanitallay

Piedras piedras no más habían, ¿Para qué no más mi hermanita?
Rocks, just rocks, there were. Why, then, my little sister?
00:05:04.920 - 00:05:13.220

Ingañawanki, mentirawanki. ¿Imallapaqmi llullukawanki?

Me engañas, me mientes, ¿Para qué nomás mientes?
You trick me, you lie to me? Why do you lie to me?
00:05:13.220 - 00:05:21.970

Allin pukllaqmi nillaykullaspa allin paqunalmi nillaykullaspa. Ya chayllam.

Qué buen jugador, diciendo que hay buen pajonal, que buen jugador, diciéndolo. Ya es todo.
A good player, telling me there's good scrub land, a good player, saying that. That's all.
00:05:21.970 - 00:05:32.110

Alberqunistay alberqunistay luluchallanpaq miski mikuycha

Alberqita, mi alberqita, desde su verdecito te van comiendo.
Mi little peas, my little peas, since you were green, they eat you up
00:05:32.880 - 00:05:44.410

Alberqunistay alberqunistay luluchallanpaq miski mikuycha

Aberjita mi alberjita desde verdecito te vamos comiendo
Mi little peas, my little peas, since you were green, they eat you up
00:05:44.420 - 00:05:51.010

Puququspaqa alberqunistay katrita uchuta nisitakunki

Despues de madurar alberqita, necitarás salcita o ají.
After you ripen, my little peas, you'll need salt and chile.
00:05:51.010 - 00:05:59.280

. ¿De nuevo? ¿Sigo no más?

. ¿De nuevo? ¿Sigo no más?
Again? Do I just continue?
00:05:59.290 - 00:06:06.660

Alberqunistay alberqunistay luluchallanpa miski mikucha

Aberjita, mi alberjita desde verdecito te vamos comiendo
Mi little peas, my little peas, since they were unripe, they get eaten.
00:06:06.670 - 00:06:14.170

Puququspaqa alberqunistay katrita uchuta nisitakunki

Cuando maduras, mi alberjita, sal y picante vas a necesitar.
When you ripen, mu little peas, you're going to need salt and chile.
00:06:14.170 - 00:06:21.330

Puququspaqa alberqunistay katrita uchuta nisitakunki

Cuando maduras, mi alberjita, sal y picante vas a necesitar.
When you ripen, mu little peas, you're going to need salt and chile.
00:06:21.330 - 00:06:28.780

Ñuqa pubrilla mana mamayuq mana taytayuq alberqunistay.

Yo soy pobre, sin madre y sin padre, alberqita
My little peas, I'm poor -- without a mother, without a father.
00:06:28.800 - 00:06:36.430
Ñuqa pubrilla mana mamayuq, mana taytayuq alberqunistay.
Yo pobre sin madre sin padre alberqita
My little peas, I'm poor -- without a mother, without a father.
00:06:36.520 - 00:06:43.590

Puqurquptikiqa alberqunistay, uqi pishqunmi mikurqusqunki

Cuando maduras alberjita. Te va a comer un pájaro plomo
hen you ripen, my little peas, a grey bird is going to eat you.
00:06:43.610 - 00:06:50.880

Puqurqutikiqa alberqunistay, uqi pisqumi surququsqunki. Nada más-RSTR.

Cuando maduras alberjita un pájaro plomo te va a chupar. Nada más-RSTR.
When you ripen, my little peas, a grey bird is going to suck you. Just that.
00:06:50.880 - 00:07:00.050

Hamullarqani chikchik paralla tapallawaptin,

He venido por lluvia granizo cuando me ha tapado
I came when the freezing rain was covering me
00:07:00.050 - 00:07:08.290

Yana puyulla ñitillawaptin.

Cuando me estaba aplastando neblina negro
when the black fog was crushing me.
00:07:08.290 - 00:07:12.820

Nahina hamullasqaypa hamullasqaypam

Donde he venido, donde he venido
Where I came, where I came
00:07:12.820 - 00:07:18.850

Warmay sambaywan tinkukurqani warmay yanaywan. Nada más. Chayllam.

Con mi hija samba me he encontrado, con mi hija negra. nada más. eso no más.
warmay sambaywan tinkukurqani warmay yanaywan. Nada más. Chayllam.
warmay sambaywan tinkukurqani warmay yanaywan. Nada más. Chayllam.
I met with my black daughter, with my black daughter.
00:07:18.870 - 00:07:26.880

¿Nada más chayllam? Chayllam. Huk huk huk. Awkichankachay wamanripachay.

Mi Awkichanka, mi wamanripa,
My Awkichanka, my wamanripa.
00:07:26.900 - 00:07:36.250

Awkichankachay wamanripachay. Sasa maskanay

Mi Awkichanka, mi wamanripa. Difícil de buscar.
My Awkichanka, my wamanripa. Hard to llok for.
00:07:36.260 - 00:07:44.420

Sasa tarinayqa quripachay

Difícil de encontrar quripachay
Mi Quripacha - difícil de encontrar.
00:07:44.430 - 00:07:50.180

chamichallacham traguchallayki paris parischa naranhallayki
Tienes chamicito no más de traguito y un parcito de naranjas
You have just chamis to drink and a pair of oranges.
00:07:50.180 - 00:07:58.980

bolsaywanmi palko
Con mi bolsa ...
00:07:59.090 - 00:08:08.670

Chayllam. Qunqaruni.
Éso no más. Olvidé.
Just that. I forgot.
00:08:09.610 - 00:08:23.820

Ya no hay canciones en quechua. Todo es castellano.

Ya no hay canciones en quechua. Todo es castellano.
There aren't songs in Quechua. Everything is Spanish.
00:08:23.860 - 00:08:31.380

Pura wayna. ¿Canciones de cosecha?

Pura wayna. ¿Canciones de cosecha?
Just waynas. Harvest songs?
00:08:31.390 - 00:08:42.020

¿de siembra? ¡Bailas! ¡Bailas! ¡Wachakaspi! Ah, bailas.

¿de siembra? ¡Bailas! ¡Bailas! ¡Wachakaspi! Ah, bailas.
Planting [songs]? Dances! Dances" "Wachkaspi" Ah, dances.
00:08:42.020 - 00:08:52.630

Cantapapanpi yanupa pampapi. ¿Cómo es? Papa ira qawa. Ya no faltará. Papa . . . Verdad.
"Canta papanpi yanupa pampapi". ¿Cómo es? "Papa ira qawa". Ya no faltará. Papa . . . Verdad.
"Canta papanpi yanupa pampapi". How is it? "Papa ira qawa". It won't be long. "Papa" Right.
00:08:52.630 - 00:09:06.880

¿Qué cosa? Entre dos. Dos vamos a cantar. Pero hay que en también. Vamos a fallar, pues.
¿Qué cosa? Entre dos. Dos vamos a cantar. Pero hay que en también. Vamos a fallar, pues.
What? Between two? Two of us are going to sing. But there isn't that, too. We're going to mess it up.
00:09:06.880 - 00:09:15.270

Olvidamos, pues. El tiempo que quieran. Consulten. ¿O éste? "Papa Kantakushpa".

Olvidamos, pues. El tiempo que quieran. Consulten. ¿O éste? "Papa Kantakushpa".
We forget. All the time you want. Consult. Or this one? "Papa Kantakushpa."
00:09:15.280 - 00:09:29.270

Qué buenas cantaditas. Cantas tú yutucituy qué buenas cantaditas.

Qué buenas cantaditas, mi perdicito, qué buenas cantaditas.
What nice little tunes, my little partridge, what nice little tunes.
00:09:29.270 - 00:09:37.260

Kantay kantay palabray palabray surtiqay.

Cánta! Cánta! Compromiso, anillo de compromiso.
Sing! Sing! My promise, my promise ring.
00:09:37.290 - 00:09:43.290
De todo pájaro. De todo . . . este . . . maíz. ¿Sólo uno? ¿O dos? ¿O todos?
De todo pájaro. De todo . . . este . . . maíz. ¿Sólo uno? ¿O dos? ¿O todos?
All the birds. All, ummm, corn! Just one of us? Or all?
00:09:43.290 - 00:09:52.080

Todos. Todos, dice. Ya. Yutucito no más.

Todos. Todos, dice. Ya. Yutucito no más.
All. All, she says. OK. Just the partridge one.
00:09:52.120 - 00:10:02.110

Papay ira qawachanpim yutusituy kantakuchkan.

Encima de las papas, un perdecito está cantando.
On top of the potatoes, the little partridge is singing.
00:10:02.110 - 00:10:07.310

Papay ira qawachampim yutucito kantakuchka. ¡Atataw yutusituy! ¡Qué buenas cantaditas!
Encima de las papas, el perdecito está cantando. ¡Qué asco, perdicito! ¡Qué buenas cantaditas!
On top of the potato stems, the little partridge is singing. Gross partridge! What pretty little tunes!
00:10:07.310 - 00:10:16.600

¡Atataw yutusituy! ¡Qué buenas cantaditas! ¡Kantay kantay, millwachay! Palabray palabray surtiqay.
¡Qué asco mi perdicito! ¡Qué buenas cantaditas! ¡Cánta! ¡Cánta, mi lanacita! Mi compromiso, mi anillo de
My gross little partridge! What pretty little tunes! Sing! Sing, my little wool! My promise, my promise ring.
00:10:16.630 - 00:10:26.480

Kantay kantay yutuchay! Palabray palabray surtiqay. Salva lirio qawachampim chiwisito kantakuchkan
¡Cánta! ¡Cánta, mi perdicito! Mi palabra, mi palabra, mi anillo de compromiso. Encima de salva lirio un
chivillo está cantando
Sing! Sing, my little partridge! My promise, my promise ring. A chivillo is singing on top of salvia.
00:10:26.520 - 00:10:36.990

Saray qawachampim chiwicito kantakuchkan. ¡Atataw chiwisituy! ¡Qué buenas cantaditas!

Encima de mi maíz, un chivillo está cantando. ¡Qué asco, mi chivillocito! ¡Qué buenas cantaditas!
On top of my corn, a chivillo is singing. My gross little chivillo! What pretty little tunes!
00:10:37.030 - 00:10:46.170

¡Atataw chiwisituy! ¡Qué buenas cantaditas! ¡Kantay kantay riruchay! palabray palabray surtiqay.
!Qué asco, mi chivillocito¡ ¡Qué buenas cantaditas! ¡Cánta! ¡cánta, mi rirucito! Mi compromiso, mi anillo de
Gross little chivillo! What pretty little tunes! Sing! Sing, my ruru! My promise, my promise sing.
00:10:46.170 - 00:10:55.790

Kantay kantay lilanchay! Palabray palabray surtiqay. Sebadera qawachanpim pichusitay kantakuchkan.
¡Cánta! ¡Cánta, mi lilancito! Mi palabra, mi palabra, mi anillo de compromiso. Encima de la cebada, mi
pichusacita está cantando
Kantay kantay lilanchay palabray palabray surtiqay. Sebadera qawachanpin pichucitay kantakuchkan
Kantay kantay lilanchay palabray palabray surtiqay. Sebadera qawachanpin pichucitay kantakuchkan
Sing! Sing, my little lila! My promise, my promise ring. My little pichusa is singing on top of the barley.
00:10:55.830 - 00:11:06.240

Sebadera qawachanpin pichuycitay kantankuchkan. Atataw pichusituy qué buenas cantaditas.

Encima de la cebada, mi puchusacita está cantando. ¡Qué asco, mi pichusacito! ¡Qué buenas cantaditas!
Sebadera qawachanpin pichuycitay kantankuchkan. Atataw pichusituy qué buenas cantaditas.
Sebadera qawachanpin pichuycitay kantankuchkan. Atataw pichusituy qué buenas cantaditas.
On top of the barley, my little pichusa is singing. My gross little pichusa! What pretty tunes!
00:11:06.240 - 00:11:15.290

Atataw pichinsituy qué buenas cantaditas. Kantay kantay yuyachay palabray palabray surtiqay.
¡Qué asco, mi pichusacita! ¡Qué buenas cantaditas! ¡Cánta! ¡cánta, mi pichusacita! Mi compromiso, mi anillo
de compromiso.
My gross little pichusa! What pretty little tunes! Sing! Sing, my little pichhusa! My promise, my promise sing.
00:11:15.290 - 00:11:25.030

Kantay kantay lurachay palabray palabray surtiqay. Y tú también

¡Cánta! ¡Cánta, mi lorito! Compromiso, anillo de compromiso. Y tú también.
Sing! Sing, my little loro! My promise, my promise ring. And you too.
00:11:25.040 - 00:11:33.970

Otro. Surtiqay surtiqay. Qammi kawsa kanki surtiqay. Chayqa.

Otro. "Surtiqay surtiqay". "Qammi kawsakanki surtiqay." Chayqa.
Another. "Surtiqay surtiqay". "Qammi kawsakanki surtiqay." That one!
00:11:33.970 - 00:11:46.950

Calladita, dice. Mucha bulla.

Calladita, dice. Mucha bulla.
Quiet, she says! Lots of noise.
00:11:46.950 - 00:11:57.910

Surtiqay palabray surtiqay surtiqay. Qammi kawsu kargaqanki surtiqay

Anillo, anillo de compromiso, anillo. Tú eres el culpable, mi anillo.
Promise ring, promise ring. You're the guilty one, my ring.
00:11:57.930 - 00:12:07.430

Palabray surtiqay surtiqay qammi kawsu kargaqanki surtiqay.

Mi anillo de compromiso, mi anillo. Tú eres el culpable, mi anillo.
Promise ring, promise ring. You're the guilty one, my ring.
00:12:07.440 - 00:12:15.330

Runapa wawanwan uyaytukuynaypaq surtiqay. Runapa churinwan uyaytukunaypaq surtiqay.

Para que yo conviva con el hijo de una persona. Para que yo conviva con el hijo de un hombre.
So I can live with the child of a person. So I can live with the child of a man.
00:12:15.370 - 00:12:26.510

surtiqay. Surtiqay surtiqay qammi kawsu kargaqanki surtiqay.

Mi anillo de compromiso, mi anillo. Tú eres el culpable, mi anillo.
00:12:26.510 - 00:12:36.240

Surtiqay surtiqay qammi kawsu kargaqanki surtiqay. Runapa wawawan uyaytukunaypaq

Mi anillo de compromiso, mi anillo. Tú eres el culpable, mi anillo. Para que yo conviva con el hijo de un
Promise ring, promise ring. You're the guilty one, my ring. So I can live with the child of a man.
00:12:36.240 - 00:12:48.700

surtiqay. Runapa churinwan uyaytukunaypaq surtiqay

Para que yo conviva con el hijo de un hombre.
So I can live with the child of a man.
00:12:48.700 - 00:12:56.910

Surtiqay surtiqay qammi kawsu kargaqanki surtiqay

Mi anillo de compromiso, mi anillo. Tú eres el culpable, mi anillo.
00:12:56.930 - 00:13:05.300

surtiqay surtiqay surtiqay qammi kawsu kargaqanki surtiqay. Runapa churinwan uyaytukunaypaq
Mi anillo de compromiso, mi anillo. Tú eres el culpable, mi anillo. Para que yo conviva con el hijo de un
Promise ring, promise ring. You're the guilty one, my ring. So I can live with the child of a man.
00:13:05.300 - 00:13:16.160

tukunaypaq surtiqay. Runapa churinwan uyaytukunaypaq surtiqay.

mi anillo. Para que yo conviva con el hijo de un hombre.
So I can live with the child of a man.
00:13:16.160 - 00:13:26.380

Otro. ¿Cuál? Bastantes. Pishqu. Ah, ésa.

Otro. ¿Cuál? Bastantes. Pishqu. Ah, ésa.
Another. Which? Lots. "Pishqu". Ah, that one.
00:13:26.440 - 00:13:37.670

Ankukichkutam saruquni mana hatariy atipayta.

Pisotiyé ankukichka no poder levantarme.
I stepped on anku thorns, I can't get up.
00:13:37.700 - 00:13:43.730

Ankukichkatay saruquni mana hatariy atipayta. Chayhinallam saruqushaq Madeaniñullay huvintaqa.

Pisotiyé ankukichka no poder levantarme. Así te voy a pisotear, joven de Madeán.
I stepped on anku thorns. I'm going to step on you like that, young man from Madeán.
00:13:43.850 - 00:13:53.730

Qipikunallam saruqusa Madyaninollay huvintaqa. Tantar kichkantan saruquni mana hatariy atipayta.
Así te voy a pisotear, joven de Madeán. Pisotiyé tantarkichka no poder levantarme.
I'm going to step on you ike that, young man from Madeán. I stepped on tanta thorns and I can't get up.
00:13:53.730 - 00:14:05.560

Tantarkichka saruquni mana hatariy atipayta. Chaytahinallam saruqushaq wamanginullay huvintaqa.

Pisotiyé tantakichka no poder levantarme. Así te voy a pisotear hovin de Wamanga.
I stepped on tanta thorns and I can't get up. I'm going to step on you like that, young man from Wamanga.
00:14:05.560 - 00:14:17.080

00:14:17.080 - 00:14:27.420

Quechua. Ve. Runa hamuy.

Quechua. Ve. Gente, ¡vén!
Quechua. Look. Person, come!
00:14:28.150 - 00:14:40.010
shipashta nin . . . atipanchu. Walanta achkiyan. Ah ha. Uno no más. ¿Ya no? Huk urqush kasa. Turu.
Maman rin. Tarimunchu.
Dijo a la chica, no puede. Está alzando su falda. Ah ha. Unno no más. ¿Ya, no? Había un cerro, dicen. Un toro.
Se fue su mamá. No la
He said to the girl -- he can't. She's lifting up her skirt. Ah ha. Now, yes? There was a hill, they say. A bull.
His mother left. He
didn't find her.
00:14:40.010 - 00:14:53.080

Wawan rin. Tariramun. Imaraq chay? Turu. Ahha. Urqupa wawan rin. Tariramun. Ima chay?
Se fue su hijo. Lo encontró. ¿Qué será? Toro. Su hijo se fue en el cerro. Lo encontró. ¿Qué será?
His son left. He found him. What would it be? A bull. His son went in the mountain. He found him.
What would it be?
00:14:53.220 - 00:15:03.270

La repuwestaqa: paynim. grueso trae el piejo.

La respuesta es el peine. greuso trae el piejo.
The answer is a comb. When it's thick it brings out the lice.
00:15:03.280 - 00:15:11.820

Allí está. ¿Uno por uno?

Allí está. ¿Uno por uno?
That's it. One by one?
00:15:20.450 - 00:15:31.280

Wak Añimarka aparushunki ya.

De esa Añimarka te van a llevar.
wak Añimarka apa-ru-shunki ya
DEM.D Añimarka bring-URGT-3>2 EMPH
There in Añimarka they'll take you away, then.
00:20:59.780 - 00:21:02.980

Kaypa kayan Añimarka inkantuhina ya kay Añimarka.

Añimarka está por allí. Añimarka es como un encanto.
kay-pa ka-ya-n Añimarka inkantu-hina ya kay Añimarka
DEM.P-LOC be-PROG-3 añimarka ghost-COMP EMPH DEM.P añimarka
Añimarka is around here. Añimarka is like a ghost.
00:21:02.980 - 00:21:09.250

Rikarirunqa huk huvin hinashpa "Haku!" nishunki. "Kinraypa pushashunki." Qam rinki hinaptinqa qaqaman
Va a aparecer un joven y después te va a decir, "¡Vámos! Por allá te voy a llevar".Irás y después te va a hacer
sentar [por un tiempo muy
largo] en una precipicio.
rikari-ru-nqa huk huvin hinashpa haku ni-shunki kinray-pa pusha-shunki qam ri-nki hinaptin-qa qaqa-man
appear-URGT-3.FUT one then let's.go say-3>2 up-LOC take-3>2 2 go-2 then-TOP cliff-ALL
A young man will appear. Then he'll say to you, "Let's go! I'll take you over there." You'll go and then he'll
make you sit and sit on a
00:21:09.290 - 00:21:16.100

Chayllapa chinkarunki. Shuqurushunki. Aya.

Allí no más te vas a perder. Te va a succionar [la sangre]. Aya.
Chay-lla-pa chinka-ru-nki Shuqu-ru-shunki Aya.
DEM.D-RSTR-LOC lose-URGT-2 suck-URGT-3>2 Aya.
Right there you'll get lost. He'll suck you[r blood out]. Aya.
00:21:16.120 - 00:21:25.380

As. Chaynallaña ya.

As. Así no más pues.
As. Chay-na-lla-ña ya
Ah. That's it, then.
00:21:25.410 - 00:21:28.310

Chayqa tuta ya puntrawqa manam imapis kanchu. Tuta puriptiki ya chunyaq puriptiki.
Éso pasa de noche, pues. De día no hay nada. eso es cuando caminas de noche, cuando caminas en silencio.
Chay-qa tuta ya puntraw-qa mana-m ima-pis ka-n-chu tuta puri-pti-ki chunya-q puri-pti-ki
DEM.D-TOP night- EMPH day-TOP no-EVD what-ADD be-3-NEG night walk-SUBDS-2 be.silent-AG
That's at night. In the day, there's nothing. When you walk at night, when you walk in the silence.
00:21:28.340 - 00:21:33.370

Unayqa Awkichanka inkantakurashá wak altupa yantaman riptiki.

Antes Awkichanka también encantaba, dicen. Allá encima cuando ibas a traer leña.
Unay-qa Awkichanka inkanta-ku-ra-sh-Á wak altu-pa yanta-man ri-pti-ki
before-TOP awkichanka bewitch-REFL-PST-EVR-EMPH DEM.D high-LOC firewood-ALL go-SUBDS-2
In olden times, Awkichanka, too, bewitched, they say. There up high when you went for firewood.
00:21:33.610 - 00:21:39.420

Huk rumi kayan warmihina chaypish inkantara unay unay. Unay tiyempu
Hay una piedra en forma de una mujer allí. Anteriormente encantaba. En tiempos antiguos.
huk rumi ka-ya-n warmi-hina chay-pi-sh inkanta-ra-ø unay unay. Unay tiyempu
one stone be-PROG-3 woman-COMP DEM.D-LOC-EVR bewitch.PST-3 before before before time
There's a stone [in the form of] a woman. A long, long time ago, It bewitched there. In olden times.
00:21:39.420 - 00:21:45.170

warmikunata karrukunatash inkantara wak Awkichankapish.

A las mujeres y a los carros encantaban allá en Awkichanka, dicen.
warmi-kuna-ta karru-kuna-ta-sh inkanta-ra-ø wak Awkichanka-pi
woman-PL-ACC car-PL-ACC-EVR bewitch-PST-3 DEM.D awkichanka-LOC
They bewitched woman and cars there in Awkichanka, they say.
00:21:45.240 - 00:21:49.750

Unaytrik. Kananqa ya kanñachu imapis.

Años atrás será, probablemente. Ahora ya no hay nada.
unay-tri-k kanan-qa ka-n-ña-chu ima-pis
before-EVC-K now-TOP be-3-DISC-NEG what-ADD
That would be a long time ago, then. Now there isn't anything.
00:21:49.850 - 00:21:56.680

Ya manam kanñachu. Unayqa alli kanchu iksistira manachu unayqa nin.

No hay nada ya. Antes era común. Existían [los encantos], ¿O no?
ya mana-m ka-n-ña-chu unay-qa alli ka-n-chu iksisti-ra-ø mana-chu unay-qa ni-n
EMPH no-EVD be-3-DISC-NEG before-TOP good be-3-NEG exist-PST-3 no-NEG before-TOP say-3
There's nothing. Long ago, a there were good lot, they existed -- isn't that so? Before, they say.
00:21:56.680 - 00:22:03.870

Kundinawkuna purira kadenakusa nin unayqa.

Andaban condenados todos encadenados, decían, antes.
Kundinaw-kuna puri-ra kadena-ku-sa ni-n unay-qa
zombie-PL walk-PST-ø chain-REFL-PRF say-3 before-TOP
Zombies wandered around in chains, they say. Before.
00:22:03.900 - 00:22:07.430

Kananqa imapis kanñachu.

Ahora ya no hay nada ya.
kanan-qa ima-pis ka-n-ña-chu
now-TOP what-ADD be-3-DISC-NEG
Now there isn't anything anymore.
00:22:07.430 - 00:22:12.580

Hawkañam yatrakapa:kuyá. Manañam manachu unayqa manachu. Trapuhinash formakuq kundinawkuna.

Ahora nos vivimos ya tranquilo. Ya no. ¿No? Antes. ¿No? Los condenados tomaban la forma de trapos.
hawka-ña-m yatra-ka-pa-:-ku-ya mana-ña-m mana-chu unay-qa mana-chu trapu-hina-sh forma-ku-q
calm-DISC-EVD live-REFL-1PL-EMPH no-DISC-EVD no-NEG before-TOP no-NEG rag-COMP-EVR
form-REFL-AG zombie-PL
Now we live in peace. Not any more. No? Before. No? Zombies would form themselves like rags, they
00:22:12.620 - 00:22:18.460

Aysaparuptikiqa tutaq hamura hinashpa

Cuando jalabas [o torcías el trapo] de noche [el condenado] aparecía. Después [el condenado decía].
aysa-pa-ru-pti-ki-q tuta-q hamu-ra-ø hinashpa
pull-REPET-URGT-SUBDS-2-TOP night-AG come-PST-3 then
When you pulled [or twisted the rag] at night, [the zombie] would appear. Then [he would say],
00:22:18.470 - 00:22:21.770

"Imapaq aysapamaranki ñuqa hawka puñukupti:" nishpash. Manchachiman.

"¿Para que me has jaloneado cuando yo dormía tranquilo? Me haces asustar".
imapaq aysa-pa-ma-ra-nki ñuqa hawka puñu-ku-pti-: ni-shpa-sh mancha-chi-man
why pull-BEN-1.OBJ-PST-2 1 calm sleep-REFL-SUBDS-1 say-SUBIS-EVR scare-CAUS-1.OBJ-3
"Why did you tug at me when I was sleeping peacefully? It scared me."
00:22:21.770 - 00:22:26.180

Unayqa chayna. Kananqa imapis kanchu. Qalqachakuna unayqa puriq.

En tiempo antiguo así era. Ahora ya no hay nada. Karkarias y otros andaban antes.
unay-qa chay-na kanan-qa ima-pis ka-n-chu qalqacha-kuna unay-qa puri-q
before-TOP DEM.D-VRBZ now-TOP what-ADD be-3-NEG demon-PL before-TOP walk-AG
It was like that in olden times. Now there isn't anything. Before, demons wandered about.
00:22:26.200 - 00:22:30.470

Unayya pero unay ya chayqa viyehokunatrik.

Antes, pero. Era antes. Esos viejos, habrán sido probablemente.
unay-qa pero unay ya chay-qa viyeho-kuna-tri-k
before-TOP but before EMPH DEM.D-TOP old-PL-EVC-K
Before, though. That was before. It would be the old ones.
00:22:30.470 - 00:22:38.120

Wambra. Hinashpa mushuq mushuqlla trapu usuyasa.

Una chica [encontró] un trapo nuevecito que estaba botado.
wambra hinashpa mushu-q mushuq-lla trapu usu-ya-sa
child then new new-RSTR rag waste-PROG-PRF
A girl. Then there was a totally new rag that had been thrown away.
00:22:38.120 - 00:22:42.040

Traputaqa aparikushpa pasakun. "Kay traputa apakushaq," nishpa.

Llevando el trapo se fue. "Voy a llevarme este trapo," dijo.
trapu-ta-qa apa-ri-ku-shpa pasa-ku-n kay trapu-ta apa-ku-shaq - TK ni-shpa
She took the rag and left. "I'm going to take this rag," she said.
00:22:42.040 - 00:22:45.670

Hinapinqa wambraqa ishkay kabrata michiyaq. "Ñuqamanpis qachamay!" nin.

Dos chicas [la que había encontrado el trapo y una amiga suya] estaban pasteando cabras. "¡Para mí también
desgárralo!" pidió [la amiga].
Hinapin-qa wambra-qa ishkay kabra-ta michi-ya-q TK ñuqa-man-pis qacha-ma-y ni-n
then child-TOP two goat-ACC herd-PROG-AG 1-ALL-ADD rip-1.OBJ-IMP say-3
Two girls [the girl who found the rag and her friend] were herding goats. "Rip it for me, too," said [the friend].
00:22:45.670 - 00:22:49.410

Qachan traputaq -- uyanchu qachachikuyta traputa.

[Intentó] desgarrar el trapo – [pero] no pudieron desgarrar el trapo.
qacha-n trapu-taq uya-n-chu qacha-chi-ku-y-ta trapu-ta
rip-3 rag-ACC rip-CAUS-REFL-INF-ACC rag-ACC
[She tried to] rip the rag – [but] they couldn't get the rag to rip.
00:22:49.460 - 00:22:53.280

Hinaptin wasipiña rumiwan takaptinpis uyanchu. "Wasipiña

Después, en casa, ni chancando con piedra, no podían [desgarrarlo]. "En casa,
hinaptin wasi-pi-ña rumi-wan taka-pti-n-pis uya-n-chu wasi-pi-ña
then house-LOC stone-INSTR hit-SUBDS-3-ADD house-LOC
Later, at home, [they tried again but] they couldn't [rip it] even hitting it with a rock. "At home,
00:22:53.280 - 00:22:56.420

tiherawan narushun. Kuchillawanpis kuchurushpanchik partinakushun."

vamos a hacerlo con tijera. Aunque sea con cuchillo vamos a cortarlo y lo vamos a dividir entre nosotras", [las
chicas se habían dicho]
tihera-wan na-ru-shun kuchilla-wan-pis kuchuru-shpa-nchik parti-naku-shun
we're going to do it with scissors. Even with a knife – we're going to cut it then we'll split it between us," [the
girls had said].
00:22:56.450 - 00:23:01.050

Qipirikushpa rin nataq traputaqa.

Cargando se fue [llevando] el trapo.
qipi-ri-ku-shpa ri-n na-taq trapu-ta-qa
Carrying the rag in her manta, she left.
00:23:01.080 - 00:23:04.000

Tardiña wambrqa pukllasanpa tutaykarachin qatimun kabratam. Hinaptinqa kabrata qatimuptinqa.

Ya era tarde. Donde jugaban las chicas, anocheció y ellas arrearon las cabras. Después, cuando arrearon las
tardi-ña wambra-qa puklla-ya-sa-n-pa tuta-yka-ra-chi-n qati-mu-n kabra-ta-m hinaptin-qa kabra-ta
afternoon-DISC child-TOP play-PRF-3-LOC night-EXCEP-URGT-CAUS-3 bring-CISL-3 goat-ACC-EVD
then-TOP goat-ACC bring-CISL-SUBDS-3-TOP
It was late already and night fell where the girls were playing. They brought in the goats. Then, when they
brought in the goats
00:23:04.030 - 00:23:09.930

Trapuqa qipinpaq kuyurirun.

El trapo en su manta se movió
trapu-qa qipi-n-paq kuyu-ri-ru-n
rag-TOP carry-3-LOC move-INCEP-URGT-3
The rag started moving in [the girl's] manta.
00:23:10.000 - 00:23:13.080

00:23:13.080 - 00:23:15.140

Fwertitaña kuyurirun wambrahina.

fuerte ya se movió como un bebé.
fwerti-ta-ña kuyu-ri-ru-n wambra-hina
strong-ACC-DISC move-INCEP-URGT-3 child-COMP
it started moving hard -- like a child.
00:23:15.140 - 00:23:17.300

"Imataq kayan?" Yataykuptinqa imapis kantaqchu. Baharachin wakhinata.

"¿Qué cosa hay?" Cuando tocó no había nada [ningún bulto]. Entonces lo bajó así.
ima-taq ka-ya-n yata-yku-pti-n-qa ima-pis kanta-q-chu baha-ra-chi-n wak-hina-ta
what-SEQ be-PROG-3 touch-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP what-ADD be-3-SEQ-NEG take.down-URGT-CISL-3
"What is there?" When she touched it, there wasn't anything, either. She lowered it like this.
00:23:17.310 - 00:23:21.340

yapataq kuyurun wakhinata baharachin. Baharachishpa qawayaptinqa imapis kantaqchu

Otra vez se movió y [otra vez la chica] lo hizo bajar así. Cuando lo hizo bajar y miró, nada había tampoco.
yapa-taq kuyu-ru-n wak-hina-ta baha-ra-chi-n baha-ra-chi-shpa qawa-ya-pti-n ima-pis ka-n-taq-chu
repeat-SEQ move-PST-3 DEM.D-COMP-ACC lower-URGT-CAUS-3 lower-URGT-CAUS-SUBIS
look-PROG-SUBDS-3-TOP what-ADD be-3-SEQ-NEG
Once again, it moved. [Once again, the girl] the girl lowered it like that. When she lowered it and looked,
there wasn't anything, either.
00:23:21.340 - 00:23:26.110

Hinaptin trayarun wasinman mikura:rin. Hinashpaqa paqarinña tutaykurunña. Hinashpaqa
Después llegaron a su casa y comieron. [Al día siguente] anocheció. Después
hinaptin traya-ru-n wasi-n-man miku-ra-:ri-n hinashpa-qa paqarin-ña tuta-yku-ru-n-ña hinashpa-qa
then arrive-URGT-3 house-3-ALL eat-PST-PL-3 then-TOP tomorrow-DISC night-EXCEP-URGT-3-DISC
Then they arrived home and ate. Then, [the next day], the sun set. Then
00:23:26.110 - 00:23:32.140

Qipintinta lliw ... trapuntaq llikllanpa qipikushpa wakhina wasinkunaman hinaykun

Con su manta y todo, su trapo en la manta, cargándolo así fue a su casa.
qipi-ntin-ta lliw trapu-n-taq lliklla-n-pa qipi-ku-shpa wak-hina wasi-n-kuna-man hina-yku-n
carry-INCL-ACC all rag-3-SEQ manta-3-LOC carry-REFL-SUBIS DEM.D-COMP house-3-PL-ALL
All with her manta, her rag in her manta, she carried like that home.
00:23:32.190 - 00:23:38.090

tutaqa imapaqmi kuyurichiwaranki nishpa kundinaw kasa chayqa apakun

En la noche, "¿Para qué me has hecho mover?" dijo [el trapo]. Había sido condenado. Se la llevó.
tuta-qa imapaq-mi kuyu-ri-chi-wa-ra-nki ni-shpa kundinaw ka-sa-ø chay-qa apa-ku-n
night-TOP why-EVD move-INCEP-CAUS-1.OBJ-PST-2 say-SUBIS zombie be-PRF-3 DEM.D-TOP
At night, "Why did you make me move?" he said. It was a zombie! He took her away.
00:23:38.270 - 00:23:42.690

Wambrata mikurun. Runapa achka runa trawpin surqurun. Hapishpa pasachin qaparikatraq. Unayqa.
Chaynam chay kwintu TK
Comió a la niña. En medio de las personas, bastante personas, la sacó [de su casa]; agarrándola la hizo pasar
[entre la gente] mientras
gritaba y gritaba. Antes [pasaban esas cosa]. Así es ese cuento.cuento.
wambra-ta miku-ru-n runa-pa achka runa trawpi-n surqu-ru-n hapi-shpa pasa-chi-n qapari-katra-q unay-qa
chay-na-m chay
child eat-URGT-3 person-GEN a.lot person middle-3 take.out-URGT-3 grab-SUBIS pass-CAUS-3
He ate the girl. In the middle of lots of people, he took her out. Grabbing her, he made her pass while she
shouted and shouted. Long
ago. That's how that story goes.
00:23:42.700 - 00:23:51.060


Wak wasikunamanshi yaykurun kundinawqa.

Para esas casas, dice, dentró el condenado
wak wasi-kuna-man-shi yayku-ru-n kundinaw-qa
DEM.D house-PL-ALL-EVR enter-URGT-3 zombie-TOP
The zombie entered those houses, they say.
00:23:52.270 - 00:23:55.960

Nishpa witrqakara:rin kundinaw [undecipherable]. Witrqakuruptinqa.

Diceindo se encerraron cuando venia el condenado después que se encerraron
ni-shpa witrqa-ka-:ra-ri-n kundinaw hinaptin-qa witrqa-ku-ru-pti-n-qa
say-SUBIS close-REFL-PST-PL-3 zombie then-TOP close-REFL-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
When the zombie came, they shut themselves in. When they shut themselves in,
00:23:55.980 - 00:23:59.310

Wakhina wasi utrkunta altukunapash shayllan shayllan tullulla qutukayan. VV

Así por el huequito de la casa por encima, dice -- "shayllan shayllan" -- su hueso no más se ontonaba.
wak-hina wasi utrku-n-ta altu-kuna-pa-sh shayllan shayllan tullu-lla qutu-ka-ya-n
DEM.D-COMP house hole-3-ACC high-PL-LOC-EVR shayllan shayllan bone-RSTR VV-REFL-PROG-3
Like that, through a hole in the roof of the house, they say, -- "shayllan shayllan" -- just his bones VV.
00:23:59.310 - 00:24:04.150

Tullutaqa waqtayan achawan, pikuwan. Hinaptin pisakayan kayna chayqa kundinaw kasa.
Al hueso está chankando con hacha, con pico. Después, así se estaba pegando -- eso había sido el condenado.
tullu-ta-qa waqta-ya-n acha-wan piku-wan hinaptin pisa-ka-ya-n kay-na chay-qa kundinaw ka-sa-ø
bone-ACC-TOP beat-PROG-3 axe-INSTR pick-INSTR then hit-PASSACC-PROG-3 DEM.P-VRBZ
DEM.D-TOP zombie be-PRF-3
[The inhabitants] are beating the bones with axes and picks. Then, he's being hit like that -- it was the
00:24:04.180 - 00:24:10.380

Runata mikuyan. Unayqa manam manash dyosta yuyarikurachu TK

Comía gente. Antes tiempo dice no se recordaba de Dios.
runa-ta miku-ya-n unay-qa mana-m mana-sh dyos-ta yuya-ri-ku-ra-ø-chu ri-ki
person-ACC eat-PROG-3 before-TOP no-EVD no-EVR God-ACC remember-INCEP-REFL-PST-3-NEG
He's eating the people. In olden times, they say, [people] didn't remember God, then.
00:24:10.390 - 00:24:15.210

Mana resakurachu. Mana dyosta qayakurachu. QH

No sabían resarse, no sabían llamar a Dios.
mana resa-ku-ra-ø-chu mana dyos-ta qaya-ku-ra-ø-chu
no pray-REFL-PST-3-NEG no God-ACC call-REFL-PST-3-NEG
They didn't pray. They didn't call on God.
00:24:15.320 - 00:24:19.740

Chay iksistira mana dyosniyuq, yatrara mana dyosniyuq.

Ellos existían sin Dios, vivían sin Dios.
chay iksisti-ra-ø mana dyos-ni-yuq yatra-ra-ø mana dyos-ni-yuq
DEM.D exist-PST-3 no God-EUPH-POSS live-PST-3 no God-EUPH-POSS
They existed without God, they lived without God.
00:24:19.780 - 00:24:24.770

Mana resakuyta yatrarachu. Dimonyu, Dimonyu, Satanaswan yatrara.

No sabían resar. Con el Demonio, con Satanas vivían.
mana resa-ku-y-ta yatra-ra-ø-chu Dimonyu Dimonyu satanas-wan yatra-ra-ø
no pray-REFL-INF-ACC know-PST-3-NEG Devil Devil Satan-INSTR live-PST-3
They didn't know how to pray. They lived with the Devil, with Satan.
00:24:24.770 - 00:24:28.030

Unay runakunaqa manam resakuyta yatraqchu ni imatapis yatrarachu pasaypaq.

Gente antiguos no sabían resar siquiera -- no sabían nada, total.
unay runa-kuna-qa mana-m resa-ku-y-ta yatra-q-chu ni ima-ta-pis yatra-ra-ø-chu pasaypaq
before person-PL-TOP no-EVD pray-REFL-INF-ACC know-AG-NEG nor what-ACC-ADD
know-PST-3-NEG completely
People before didn't know how to pray, even. They didn't know anything at all.
00:24:28.030 - 00:24:32.380

Nahina yanqa wiñayta wiñaykuqlla kara muntihina.

Este, como ... crecían por crecer. Crecían nomás como monte.
na-hina yanqa wiña-y wiña-yku-q-lla ka-ra-ø munti-hina
DMY-COMP lie grow-INF grow-EXCEP-AG-RSTR be-PST-3 brush-COMP
Umm, like ... They grew for the sake of it. They grew like shrubs.
00:24:32.410 - 00:24:35.600

Kananqa resakuyta imas yatrayanchik. Kananqa persinakullatapis.

Ahora ya sabemos resar y qué mas ahora -- persijinarnos, también.
kanan-qa resa-ku-y-ta ima-s yatra-ya-nchik kanan-qa persina-ku-lla-ta-pis
now-TOP pray-REFL-INF-ACC what-ADD know-PROG-1PL now-TOP cross-REFL-RSTR- ACC-ADD
Now we know how to pray and what else now -- to make the sign of the cross, too.
00:24:35.630 - 00:24:39.870

Chaynamik runa huk siñura wañukun.

Así, una persona, una señora se falleció.
chay-na-mi-k runa huk siñura wañu-ku-n
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD-K person one lady die-REFL-3
Like that, a person, a lady died.
00:24:44.160 - 00:24:48.760

Vakata qatiyaptin puchka puchkawan kayna puchka puchkawan riyanshi. Hinashpa turutaqa sikipaq kayna
puchka puchka tulluwan tuksikurun.
Cuando está arreando la vaca, hilando, hilando, así hilando hilando estaba yendo. Después al torro de su poto
así lo hincó con el palito
de lo que está hilando.
vaka-ta qati-ya-pti-n puchka puchka-wan kay-na puchka puchka-wan ri-ya-n hinashpa turu-ta-qa siki-paq
kay-na puchka-wan puchka tullu-wan
cow-ACC take-PROG-SUBDS-3 spin spin-INSTR DEM.P-VRBZ spin spin-INSTR go-PROG-3 then
bull-ACC-TOP behind-LOC-TOP DEM.P-VRBZ spin-INSTR spin
When she was bringing in her cows, spinning [thread], spinning, like this, she was going, they say, spinning,
spinning. Then she pricked
the bull in the behind with her spindle.
00:24:50.550 - 00:24:57.290

bone-INSTR prick-REFL-URGT-3

Apuraw mikuyankama turuqa kayna tuksirikusa.

Hasta que come rápido ella hincaba el torro así.
apuraw miku-ya-n-kama turu-qa kay-na tuksi-ku-pti-n
quick eat-PROG-3-LIM TK bull-TOP DEM.P-VRBZ prick-REFL-SUBDS-3
Until the bull ate quickly, she pricked him like this.
00:24:57.310 - 00:25:00.050

Wan! Saytaruptinqa warmi saqakuykun.

Boon! La pateó y la mujer se cayó.
wan sayta-ru-pti-n-qa warmi saqa-ku-yku-n
whack! kick-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP woman fall-REFL-EXCEP-3
Whack! [the bull] kicked her and the woman fell.
00:25:00.050 - 00:25:03.030
Wañukun. Wañukuptinqa warmi wañukun. Wañukuptinqa
Se murió. Cuando se murió la mujer se murió.
wañu-ku-n wañu-ku-pti-n-qa warmi wañu-ku-n wañu-ku-pti-n-qa
die-REFL-3 die-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP woman die-REFL-3 die-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP
She died. When the woman died, she died. When she died
00:25:03.050 - 00:25:08.700

Wañukun Doña Ivorsia Doña Ivorsia wañukun nin.

Se murió Doña Ivorcia, se murió Doña Ivorcia, dijo.
wañu-ku-n Doña Ivorsía Doña Ivorsía wañu-ku-n ni-n
die-REFL-3 Doña Ivorsía Doña Ivorsía die-REFL-3 say-3
Doña Ivorsia died. Doña Ivorsia died, they say.
00:25:08.720 - 00:25:11.810

Kabrata altunpi michirá. Wak doña Bernardapa kabranmiki rumita katraykurun. Kananqa
Pasteaba cabra encima. La cabra de esa Doña Bernarda pues rodó piedra. Ahora
kabra-ta altu-n-pi michi-ra-ø-Á wak doña Bernarda kabra-n-mik rumi-ta katra-yku-ru-n kanan-qa
goat-ACC high-3-LOC herd-PST-3-EMPH DEM.D doña Bernarda goat-3-EVD-K stone-ACC
release-EXCEP-URGT-3 now-TOP
She was pasturing goats up high. [One of] Doña Bernarda's goats set a stone rolling. Now
00:25:11.810 - 00:25:18.070

Tiya na, "Qaranpis manañam tarikunqachu. Kananqa ahora sí kananqa vidanwan wak
La tiya, "Su cuero tampoco no se va a encontrar. Ahora ahora sí vivo."
tiya qara-n-pis mana-ña-m tari-ku-nqa-chu kanan-qa ahora sí kanan-qa vida-n-wan-mi
aunt skin-3-ADD no-DISC-EVD find-REFL-3.FUT-NEG now-TOP now yes now-TOP life-3-INSTR-EVD
The lady, "They're not going to find his skin, even. Now, now, yes, alive."
00:25:18.070 - 00:25:22.370

Wañuq runalla hukvidata llakikuyan. "Kananqa prisutriki ñuqaqa rikushaq. Imanashaq?"

El finado de total tenía pena. Ahora me iré preso yo. ¿Qué voy a hacer?"
wañu-q runa-lla huk-vida-ta llaki-ku-ya-n kanan-qa prisu-tri-ki ñuqa-qa riku-shaq ima-na-shaq
die-AG person-RSTR one-life-ACC sorrow-REFL-PROG-3 now-TOP prisoner-EVC-KI 1-TOP
go-REFL-1.FUT what-VRBZ-1.FUT
She was very sorry for the deceased person. "Now I'm going to go to jail. What will I do?"
00:25:22.370 - 00:25:27.460

"Kabrata qaqaman imapaq qarquranki?" nishpa. "Kabraqa ni rumita katraykusachu."

"¿Para qué soltaste la cabra a la pena?" le dijo. "Cabra ni siquiera había soltado la piedra."
Kabra-ta qaqa-man imapaq qarqu-ra-nki ni-shpa kabra-qa ni rumi-ta katra-yku-sa-chu
goat-ACC cliff-ALL why toss-PST-2 say-SUBIS goat-TOP nor stone-ACC release-EXCEP-PRF-3-NEG
"Why did you let the goats loose on the cliff?" he said. "The goat didn't even set the stone rolling."
00:25:27.460 - 00:25:33.520

Turuta trayanaykuptin chayna pasaruptin TK chay gwardiya paqarinnintaq kaypaq trayaramun huwis kanan
Don Guillermo Don Jose Quispe
Cuando ese guardia soltó el toro en eso no más llegó acá al día siguente juez Don Guillermo y Don José
turu-ta chay-na-yku-ru-pti-n ku-ru-pti-n gwardya paqarin-ni-n-taq kay-paq traya-ra-mu-n huwis kanan Don
Guillermo Don Jose
tomorrow-INCL-SEQ DEM.P-ABL arrive-URGT-CISL-3 judge now Don Guillermo
When the policeman VV ed the bull like that, the next day the judge came here, now, Don Guillermo, Don
José Quispe.
00:25:33.540 - 00:25:40.400

Don Jose Quispe

trayara:rimun huwisqa hinashpa vistigayta qallakuykun. Maypaq chay rumi kabra katraykurusa?"
Cuando llegaron juez después empezaron a investigar. "¿De dónde es esa pidra a la cabra había rodado?".
traya-ra-:ri-mu-n huwis-qa hinashpa vistiga-y-ta qalla-ku-yku-n may-paq chay rumi kabra katra-yku-ru-sa
arrive-URGT-PL-CISL-3 judge-TOP then investigate-INSF-ACC begin-REFL-EXCEP-3 where-ABL DEM.D
stone goat release-EXCEP-URGT-PRF-3
The judge came then they started to investigate. "Where is the stone that the goat had set rolling?"
00:25:40.410 - 00:25:45.940

Nishpa vistigayan waknin kaynata gwardya Tubarkuna vistigayan. Hinashpaq

dijo y está investigando por allá así. El policía Tubares está investigando, Después
ni-shpa vistiga-ya-n wak-ni-n kay-na-ta gwardya tubar-kuna vistiga-ya-n hinashpa-qa
say-SUBIS investigate-PROG-3 DEM.D-EUPH-3 DEM.P-VRBZ-ACC police tubar-PL investigate-PROG-3
he said and is investigating over there like this. Officer Tubar is investigating. Then,
00:25:45.940 - 00:25:51.290

Vistigashpaqa pasakun -- vistigaq lliw gwardyuntin huwisnintin lliw.

Despues de investigar se fueron. Todos los invesitigadoes con policía con juez todo.
vistiga-shpa-qa pasa-ku-n vistiga-q lliw gwardiyu-ntin huwis-ni-ntin lliw
investigate-SUBIS-TOP pass-REFL-3 investigate.AG all police-INCL judgle-EUPH-INCL all
After they investigated, they left -- all the investigators with the policemen and the judges and all.
00:25:51.290 - 00:25:56.280

Turu saytaptin sillun saqakurusa.

Cuando pató el toro su pezuña se había caído.
turu sayta-pti-n sillu-n saqa-ku-ru-sa-ø
bull kick-SUBDS-3 hoof-3 fall-REFL-URGT-PRF-3
When the bull kicked [the woman] his hoof had fallen off.
00:25:56.280 - 00:25:58.960

Chay yatallanpa rumi hapirusa hinashpa wañukun.

En su lado no más le había agarrado la piedra y se murió.
chay yata-lla-n-pa rumi hapi-ru-sa-ø hinashpa wañu-ku-n
DEM.D side-RSTR-3-LOC stone grab-URGT-PRF-3 then die-REFL-3
Just at his side, a stone had caught him then he died.
00:25:58.960 - 00:26:02.160

Paqarintaqa chay tardiqa siqarachimun ayataq San Lurinsuman. Ni puñupa:kuchu na vila kapa:kuyá hunta
hunta kapa:kuyá. TK
Al día siguente, esa tarde, hicieron subir el cadáver para San Lorenzo. Ni siquiera durmieron. Vela había.
Llenecito llenecito estaba.
paqarin-ta-qa chay tardi-qa siqa-ra-chi-mu-n aya-taq San Lurinsu-man ni puñu-pa:ku-chu vila ka-pa:-ku-ya
hunta hunta
tomorrow-ACC-TOP DEM.D afternoon-TOP fall-URGT-CAUS-CISL-3 cadaver-ACC San Lorenzo-ALL nor
The next day in the afternoon, they took the cadaver up to San Lorenzo. They didn't even sleep. There were
candles. It was completely
00:26:02.160 - 00:26:10.500

full full be-UNINT-PROG-EMPH

Altu altusniyuq wasin kara. Uchuk wasillam kayan altusniyuq kara. Taqlan
La casa tenía segundo piso. Era casa chica con segundo piso.
altu altus-ni-yuq wasi-n ka-ra-ø uchuk wasi-lla-m ka-ya-n altus-ni-yuq ka-ra-ø taqlan
high attic-EUPH-POSS house-3 be-PST-3 small house-RSTR-EVD be-PROG-3 attic-EUPH-POSS be-PST-3
The house had a second floor. It was a small house with a second floor. Clang!
00:26:11.400 - 00:26:15.530

taqlan ma chay altuspiqa taqlachakuyan.

[sonaba como lata] y seguía haciendo bulla en el segundo piso.
taqlan m-a chay altus-pi-qa taqla-cha-ku-ya-n
clang-3 EVD-EMPH DEM.D attic-LOC-TOP clang-FACT-REFL-PROG-3
Clang! Noise kept coming from second floor.
00:26:15.560 - 00:26:19.360

Taqlachakuptinqa, "Imanarunmi? Wak runa? Imanayantaq wak warmiqa? Imam kayan?"

Cuando sonaba la lata, "¿Qué pasó? ¿Esa persona? ¿Qué está haciendo esa mujer? ¿Qué hay?"
taqla-cha-ku-pti-n-qa ima-na-ru-n-mi wak runa ima-na-ya-n-taq wak warmi-qa ima-m ka-ya-n
DEM.D woman-TOP what-EVD be-PROG-3
When [they heard the] clanging, "What happened? That person? What is that woman doing?· What is it?"
00:26:19.390 - 00:26:25.320

Hinashpaqa kanan wañuq ... kanan Don Pedro pawkash ishkaynin altuman siqara:rin.
Después ahora el finado ahora Don Pedro Pawkash los dos subieron a encima.
hinashpa-qa kanan wañu-q kanan don pedro pawkash ishkay-ni-n altu-man siqa-ra-:ri-n
then-TOP now die-AG now don pedro totally two-EUPH-3 high-ALL go.up-PST-PL-3
Then now, the late .... now Don Pedro, both of them, went up to the second floor.
00:26:25.330 - 00:26:33.800

Manam imapis kanchu. Bahara:rimun. Devwelta taqtaqlan taqlan niyan.

No había nada. Bajaron. Y otra vez empezó el ruido -- taqlan, taqlan -- estaba sonando.
mana-m ima-pis ka-n-chu baha-ra-:ri-mun devwelta taq-taqlan taqlan ni-ya-n
no-EVD what-ADD be-3-NEG come.down-PST-PL-CISL-3 again clang-clang-3 clang-3 say-PROG-3
There wasn't anything. The came back down. Once again -- clang, clang, clang -- it's saying.
00:26:33.800 - 00:26:39.440

Hinaptinqa devweltataq altuta siqarun. Devwelta atuta siqaptin

Después otra vez subieron encima. Cuando de vuelta subieron encima
hinaptin-qa devwelta-taq altu-ta siqa-ru-n devwelta altu-ta siqa-pti-n
then-TOP again high-ACC go.up-URGT-3 again high-ACC go.up-SUBDS-3
Then, once again, they went up to the second floor. And once again when they went up to the second floor.
00:26:39.480 - 00:26:43.810

vuwetataq baharamun taqlachakuyan kada ratu

otra vez se volvió a bajar y sigue el ruido a cada momento.
vuweta-taq baha-ra-mu-n taqla-cha-ku-ya-n kada ratu
again-SEQ come.down-URGT-CISL-3 clang-FACT-REFL-PROG-3 each moment
once again they came back down. But the clanging continued every minute.
00:26:43.810 - 00:26:47.150

Hinaptinqa tiyapa:kuya hinaptinqa

Después están sentado después
hinaptin-qa tiya-pa:ku-ya hinaptin-qa
then-TOP sit -PL-PROG-3 then-TOP
Then, they're sitting then
00:26:47.170 - 00:26:51.220

Aya. Waqayta qallakun "ooohh oooooh ooohhhh ooh oooh."

Empezó a llorar, "oooh ooohh oooh" [como si le hubiera muerto un familiar].
aya waqa-y-ta qalla-ku-n ooohh oooooh ooohhhh ooh oooh
aya cry-INF-ACC begin-REFL-3 ooohh oooooh ooohhhh ooh oooh
It started to cray, "ooohh oooooh ooohhhh ooh oooh," [as if a relative had died].
00:26:51.250 - 00:26:58.030

nin niptinqa
dijo. Cuando lo dijo
ni-n ni-pti-n-qa
say-3 say-SUBDS-3-TOP
he said. When he said that,
00:26:58.030 - 00:27:00.790

"Imataq chayqa kayan?" nishpa wañuq Doloresllaqa pawanqa.

"¿Qué cosa hay?" dijo la finada Dolores y saltó.
ima-taq chay-qa ka-ya-n ni-shpa wañu-q dolores-lla-qa pawa-n
what-SEQ DEM.D-TOP be-PROG-3 say-SUBDS die-AG Dolores-RSTR-TOP jump-3
"What's that?" said the late Dolores, jumping.
00:27:00.790 - 00:27:04.880

Pawaptinqa Don Alejandrokuna pawan.

Cuando saltó Don Alejandro también saltó.
pawa-pti-n-qa Don Alejandro-kuna pawa-n
jump-SUBDS-3-TOP Don Alejandro-INCL jump-3
When she jumped, Don Alejandro also jumped.
00:27:04.900 - 00:27:08.060

"Imapis kanchu," wañuq Tiofilollaqa nin, "Señoramik."

"No hay nada", dijo el finado Tiofílo, "Es mi esposa, pues".
ima-pis ka-n-chu wañu-q Tiofilio-lla-qa ni-n siñura-mi-k
what-ADD be-3-NEG die-AG Tiofilio-RSTR-TOP say-3 lady-EVD-K
"It's nothing," said the late Tiofilio. "It's my wife, then."
00:27:08.060 - 00:27:11.100

Chayqa waqayan, "Imataq kanmanqa?" "Señoramik chayqa."

Ésa está llorando. "¿Qué cosa puede ser?" "Mi esposa es, pues, ésa".
chay-qa waqa-ya-n ima-taq ka-n-man siñura-mi-k chay-qa
DEM.D-TOP cry-PROG-3 what-PURP be-3-COND lady-EVD-K DEM.D-TOP
She was crying, "What could that be?" "It's my wife, then."
00:27:11.120 - 00:27:15.230
Niptinqa pawapa:kumá qawakta TK hinata qawapa:kuptin qawaptinqa
Cuando lo dijo saltaron parece así están mirando cuando miré
ni-pti-n-qa pawa-pa:ku-m-a qawa hina- ta qawa-pa:ku-pti-n-qa qawa-pti-n-qa
say-SUBDS-3-TOP jump-PL-EVD-EMPH see thus-ACC see-PL-SUBDS-3-TOP jump-SUBDS-3-TOP
When he said thay, the jumped [to see?] like this. When they looked, when I looked
00:27:15.230 - 00:27:21.020

Kanchu imapis. Hinaptin kutikaramunqa altupaq. Devweltataq taqlachakuyan. Manisirun chaynalla.

No hay nada. Y después se regresaron para arriba y otra vez está haciendo ruido. Así amaneció, así igualito
ka-n-chu ima-pis hinaptin kuti-ka-ra-mu-nqa altu-paq devwelta-taq taqla-cha-ku-ya-n manisi-ru-n chay-na-lla
be-3-NEG what-ADD then return-REFL-URGT-CISL-3-TOP high-ABL again-SEQ
Not a thing. Then the went back up. Again, [they heard the same] clanging noise. It dawned like that. It
00:27:21.040 - 00:27:28.250

Hinaptin madrugawqa chaynalla lliw kaytaña pasachikamun pampaq. Hinashpa pampasanpaq kutiramun.
Después, en la mañana así no más y todo se trajo para acá para enterrar. Después de enterrar se regresaron
hinaptin madrugaw-qa chay-na-lla lliw kay-ta-ña pasa-chi-ka-mu-n pampa-q hinashpa pampa-sa-n-paq
then morning-TOP DEM.D-VRBZ-RSTR all DEM.P-ACC-DISC pass-CAUS-REFL-CISL-3 bury-AG then
bury-PRF-3-ABL return-URGT-CISL-3
Then, in the morning just like that they brought everything here to bury it. Then, they came back from the
00:27:28.250 - 00:27:34.510

Maskaptin sirtumpa
Cuando buscó de verdad
maska-pti-n sirtumpa
look.for-SUBDS-3 true
When they looked, in truth,
00:27:34.510 - 00:27:37.180

chay qullqipaq penasa.

éso para plata estaba penando
chay qullqi-paq pena-sa-ø
DEM.D money-ABL sorrow-PRF-3
she was grieved for the money.
00:27:37.180 - 00:27:40.020

Ah, kondenakurunmantri kara qullqi chay kasa.

Sí, se hubiera condenado seguro si ése había sido plata.
Ah, kondena-ku-ru-n-man-tri ka-ra-ø qullqi chay kasa-ø
Ah, condemn-REFL-URGT-3-COND-EVC be-PST-3 money DEM.D be-PRF-3
Ah, she would have condemned herself [to being a zombie]. That was money.
00:27:40.050 - 00:27:44.010

Qullqi tariruptin uchuchuk sinsillulla qullqi kasa. Chay tariruptin. Chay chinkarun.
Cuando encontró dinero eran chiquitos monedas eso había sido. Cuando lo encontraron, se desapareció [el
qullqi tari-ru-pti-n uchu-chuk sinsillu-lla qullqi ka-sa-ø chay tari-ru-pti- chay chinka-ru-n
money find-URGT-SUBDS-3 small-small-RSTR change-RSTR money be-PRF-3 DEM.D
find-URGT-SUBDS-3 DEM.D lose-URGT-3
When they found the money, it was just small change. When they found it, [the zombie] disappeared.
00:27:44.020 - 00:27:48.910

Kanñachu imapis.
Ya no había nada.
ka-n-ña-chu ima-pis
be-3-DISC-NEG what-ADD
There wasn't anything any more.
00:27:48.910 - 00:27:51.870

Siyertum chayqa. Siyertum chayqa -- kondenakun qullqipaqqa.

Verdad es-RSTR. Verdad es eso -- se condenan por plata.
siyertu-m chay-qa siyertu-m chay-qa kondena-ku-n qullqi-paq
true-EVD DEM.D-TOP true-EVD DEM.D-TOP condemn-REFL-3 money-CAUS-TOP
That's true. That's true -- they condemn themselves for money.
00:27:51.880 - 00:27:57.150

Qullqipaqqa. Ya pues. Voy.

Para plata. Ya pues, me voy.
00:27:57.160 - 00:28:02.230

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:29 PM

Mamakuchataqa qawashpa llakikuni.
Mirando a la abuelita me da pena.
Looking at the grandmother, I get sad.
00:00:04.530 - 00:00:08.360

Pero allinraq mamaku kay.

Pero la abuelita todavía está bien.
But the grandmother is still well.
00:00:09.030 - 00:00:12.370

Wak rikisunninkunata narun warkurun.

Hizo-RSTR, colgó su riquesón y todo.
She did that, she hung up her cheese curd and all.
00:00:13.080 - 00:00:18.890

Tiya Alejandrapa kabran chaypa kay. Pachku. Pachkuta mikuyan.

Las cabras de Tía Alejandra están allí. Pachco. Está comiendo pachco.
There are Aunt Alejandra's goats. Tufts of new grass. They're eating tufts of new grass.
00:00:19.070 - 00:00:25.130
Chay wasiy hanay lawllanpa pero mikuyan. Ah, chayllapayá mikuyan.
Están comiendo justo arriba de mi casa. Allí no más están comiendo.
They're eating just up hill from my house. Ah, they're eating there.
00:00:27.030 - 00:00:31.770

Chay kapillapis huk pwertayuqllaña kayasa.

La capilla tenía una sola puerta no más ya.
The chapel only had one door.
00:00:31.970 - 00:00:35.450

Kabra ... Kapillaqa kayan.

Las cabras ... la capilla está ...
The goats ... The chapel is ...
00:00:35.470 - 00:00:39.290

Kabra sayananmi, ubiha sayananmi. Manañam kapillachu.

Es donde paran las cabras, es donde paran las ovejas; ya no es capilla.
It's where the goats stay, it's where the sheep stay. It's not a chapel any more.
00:00:39.330 - 00:00:42.570

Santutr kayan ubihakuna, kabrakuna. Pero maypiñatr santuqa? huk lawpiñatr. Manatr kapilla kanñachu.
Las ovejas y las cabras serán imágenes. ¿Dónde ya estarán los imágenes? En otro sitio ya, seguro. Ya no
será capilla.
The sheep and the goats must be statues. Where would the statues be? Somewhere else, for sure. It's must
not be a chapel any more.
00:00:43.830 - 00:00:49.390

Manayá. ¿Piyá uywayan? ¿Maytaq wak kayan? Shutcoyá.

No, pues. ¿Quién estará teniendo? ¿Dónde está? Shutco, pues.
No. Who'd be looking after it? Where is that? Shutco.
00:00:49.460 - 00:00:52.850

Kayan kalamina wasikuna. Ah, siyertu, ¿aw? Tiya Mariapa.

Allí hay casas [con techos] de calamina. Ah, verdad, ¿no? De Tía María,
There are houses with tin roofs. Ah, true, no? Aunt María's.
00:00:52.970 - 00:00:58.480

Justupa wasin kayan, ¿aw?

Es la casa de Justo, ¿no?
That's Justo's house, no?
00:00:58.480 - 00:01:01.840

Kay law pampa lawpayá kayan.

Este lado es la pampa.
This side is the side with the flat ground.
00:01:02.110 - 00:01:04.700

Ayayayaya.. Mamanchikpa wasinhinam chay. Tunisa kayan. Ah, chayya tunisa kayan.
Ah, parece ser la casa de nuestra mamá. Está derrumbado. Sí, pues, ése está derrumbado.
Ah, it seems like our mother's house. It's falling down. Yes, it's crumbling.
00:01:05.430 - 00:01:12.150

¿Mayqinin tunirun? ¿Kusinan?
¿Cuál de ellos se derrumbó? ¿Su cocina?
Which of them crumbled? Her kitchen?
00:01:12.260 - 00:01:14.990

Maniyasa wak kabra kayan, ¿aw? Maniyasallayá. Maniyasata tiyanchik harkan pampapi.
Esa cabra está trincada, ¿no? Trincados no más. Nuestra tía pastea a trincados en la pampa.
That goat has its feet tied, no? Yes, its feet are tied. Our aunt pastures [her animals with] their feet tied on
the pampa.
00:01:15.020 - 00:01:20.470

Hutupaykuptin ... hutupaykuptin mikunyá kabrakuna. Kustumbrawñatr kayan.

Cuando los junta, cuando los junta, las cabras comen, pues. Estarán acustumbradas.
When she gathers them up, when she gathers them up, the goats eat. They must be used to it.
00:01:21.130 - 00:01:25.960

Arí. Pay purikuyanraq vivutaraq.

Ay, ella todavía está caminando rápido.
Yes, she's still walking around lively.
00:01:27.290 - 00:01:30.610

Chay puntrawyá Avivawan rinchik.

Ese día, pues, fuimos con Aviva.
WE went that day with Aviva.
00:01:32.160 - 00:01:35.520

Chay grabaq payta.

Para grabar a ella.
To record her.
00:01:35.730 - 00:01:38.570

Chay chay partiyayani ñuqapis. Warkachantin. Allquchanpis.

Yo estará sentada también. Con su honda. Con su perro.
I should be somewhere around there, too, With her sling. With her dog.
00:01:40.500 - 00:01:46.790

ubihataq, kabrataq kutiyachin alkansachin warkawantri. Kabrapis kasusam, piru. Riqsiyantriki runantaqa.
Está haciendo volver a las ovejas y a las cabras. Hará alcanzar [las piedras] con la honda. Las cabras
también hacían caso. Conocerán a su dueño.
She's making the sheep and the goats come back. She makes [the stones] reach with the sling. The goats, too,
obey her. They must know their
00:01:46.790 - 00:01:54.240

Kasun kabranqa.
Sus cabras le obedecen.
Her goats obey her.
00:01:54.960 - 00:01:57.000

Lo dejaría con sonido pero mucho es ...

Lo dejaría con sonido pero mucho es ...
I would leave it with the sound on, but a lot is
00:01:57.890 - 00:02:01.220
May kurrikuyan? Kurririyan wak sinvergwensa. diharunqayá.
¿Dónde está corriendo? Está corriendo ese sin verguenza. Se lo va a dejar, pues.
Where is he running? That shameless one is running away! She's going to leave it.
00:02:01.230 - 00:02:06.600

¡Vé! Está gritando "¡Cabra mierda!"

¡Vé! Está gritando "¡Cabra mierda!"
See! She's shouting, "Shit goat!"
00:02:06.640 - 00:02:09.830

"¡Cabra mierda!" Verdimanchu kurriyan yakumanchu kurriyan.

"¡Cabra mierda!" Está corriendo hacia [el pasto] verde o hacia el agua?
"Shit goat!" It's running towards the green [grass] or to the water?
00:02:09.880 - 00:02:17.430

Kurriy kurriy riyan. Uraytam riyan. ¿Maytatr diharunqa?

Están yendo corriendo, rápido hacia abajo. ¿Dónde los dejará?
They're running quickly, going down hill. Where will she leave them?
00:02:17.440 - 00:02:22.950

Umantapis aywarishpa aywarishpam kurrin.

Moviendo, moviendo su cabeza corre.
Moving their heads around, moving their heads around, they're running.
00:02:23.680 - 00:02:26.030

Chayna kaqtam kabrapa takin nin, "Pampaman niptin lapin lapin; qaqaman niptinqa rinrinkipis kasha rin".
Así, a su lugar ... La canción de la cabra dice, "Cuando dice a la pampa lapin lapin, y cuando dice a la peña, tu
oreja también se para".
Like that, to their place. The goats' song goes, "When she says to the pampa, lapin lapin, and she she says to
the cliff, your ears, too,
stand up."
00:02:26.050 - 00:02:33.910

fwirtitaña takyariyan.
Ya está tranquilizándose ya.
They'r calming down already-
00:02:33.910 - 00:02:37.150

Tiyaqa kurriyan apuraw.

La tía está corriendo rápido.
The aunt is running quickly.
00:02:37.300 - 00:02:39.660

Kabra, ha ...
Cabra, ha
Goats, ha
00:02:41.080 - 00:02:43.490

Uraypaña. Wakhina harkayaqtachu grabararinkiqa.

Abajo, ya, Así ¿has grabado lo que está pasteando?
Down hill already. Like that, have you recorded the person who was herding?
00:02:44.200 - 00:02:47.650
Atrriki. Hukchuyá payqa ichashmi grabayawan nin.
Ella qué va a decir si me está grabando?
What is she going to say if she's taping me?
00:02:47.660 - 00:02:52.390

Tiyapakuyantri paykunaqa.
Estarán sentadas ellas
They must be sitting down.
00:02:52.410 - 00:02:54.700

Chuqayamun. ¡Ve! Kutichiramunqa kayman tiyayqa

Está botando, ¡ve! Mi tía les está haciendo dar vuelta hacia acá.
She's tossing [rocks]. Look! My aunt is making them turn back towards here.
00:02:54.910 - 00:02:59.870

Kutirichimunyá. Uray kural iskinanpa kayan

Les hizo dar vuelta. Están en la esquina del corral
She made them turn around. There in the corner of the coral.
00:03:00.260 - 00:03:07.280

Verdichamanña kurriyan kabraqa.

Las cabras están corriendo hacia [el pasto] verde.
The goats are running towrds the green [grass].
00:03:07.320 - 00:03:10.070

Pashpapatr kayan. Ah, pashpachapayá. Chay kurrikatrayan. Chayta maskakuyan pashpachata.

Habrá pastito chiquitito. Ah, pastitos chiquitos. Están correteando. Están buscando los pastitos chiquititos..
There must be little grass tufts. Ah, little grass tufts. They're running all around. They're looking for the little
grass tufts.
00:03:10.110 - 00:03:15.180

Llapa animalmiki pashpa kaptinqa kurrikatrakullan. Akasu mikunchu ¿imataq? ¡Ve! Witraymanñataq kanan
Cuando hay pastitos chiquititos todos los animales corretean. ¿Crees que no va a comer? ¡Vé! Ya ahora está
dando vuelta hacia arriba.
When there are little grass tufts, all the animals run about. How are they not going to eat it? Look! Now they're
already turning back up
00:03:17.530 - 00:03:24.940

Pukapis kasa vakahina. Ariyá wak sintakusa kayan. Kaninqa imatr tiyanchikqa.
Ese colorado también era como vaca. Sí, pues, tiene cintas. Tal vez masque a nuestra tía.
The colored one was like a cow. Yes, it has [its ears pierced with] ribbons. He might bite our aunt.
00:03:41.370 - 00:03:46.730

Arí. Rinrinta wak takarunqa ¡Uyariy, maldisyaw!

Si. Va a pegar sus orejas, seguro. "¡Escucha, sin verguenza!"
Yes, she's going to box its ears. "Listen, dammit!"
00:03:47.160 - 00:03:51.810

Mamanchikpa wasin rikariyan kananqa ¡ve!

La casa de nuestra mamá está apareciendo ahora, ¡Vé!
Our mother's house is appearing now, look!
00:03:51.930 - 00:03:55.740

Chaypa rikarin. ¿Imatayá ruwayan? Chiwanta maniyayanchu? ¿Imanayantri?

Allí está apareciendo. ¿Qué estará haciendo?¿Estará trincando su chivo? ¿Qué estará haciendo?
It's visible there. What is she doing? Would she be tying her goat's feet? What would she be doing?
00:03:56.820 - 00:04:02.410

¿Maniyayan icha katrariyanchu? Maniyayantri.

¿Lo está trincando o lo está soltando? Lo estará trincando.
Is she tying its feet or is she setting it loose? She must be trying its feet.
00:04:03.560 - 00:04:08.630

Maniya sigurarun.
Seguró la soga.
She secured the rope.
00:04:08.770 - 00:04:10.620

Kanan huknintañataq hapinga.

Ahora va a agarrar al otro ya también .
Now she's going to catch the other one, too.
00:04:12.190 - 00:04:14.730

Manam rinchu. Manayasanñam kayan.

No se van. Ya están trincados.
They don't leave. They're already tied up.
00:04:15.910 - 00:04:19.340

Manam pawayta ushachinchu. Impuhayan. tritru imatr kayan.

No puede saltar. Está empujando. Tal vez esté preñada.
It can't jump. It's pushing. It might be pregnant.
00:04:19.360 - 00:04:23.630

Kananqa kabranqa watrarunqa lliw lliwtri.

Ahora todas sus cabras echarán crías.
Now all her goats will give birth.
00:04:23.720 - 00:04:26.490

"tritrullam kayan kabray" nirqa.

"Mis cabràs están preñadas", dijo.
"My goats are pregnant," she said.
00:04:27.230 - 00:04:29.720

Achkam uñan kanan kakuyasa.

Tenía muchas crías ahora.
She had a lot of baby animals just now.
00:04:29.720 - 00:04:31.370

Chivatunwantriki uywapaqaTK chivatunwantriki. tritruchañatriki rirqa wakman.

Con su chivato, seguro lo habrá hecho empadrar, con su chivato, seguro. Preñada ya habrá ido para allá.
She must have made them mate with her billy goats, with her billy gosts, for sure. They must have gone there
pregnant already.
00:04:31.390 - 00:04:36.520
Ayyy. Lliwñam watrarusa hanaypa
Todas ya habían echado cría arriba.
They all already gave birth up hill.
00:04:36.580 - 00:04:39.900

¿Aykanñatr awmentarun kabranqa kanan? Uñachayuqkama kayan.

¿Cuánto ya habrán aumentado su cabras ahora? Todas tienen sus críitas.
How much have her goats increased [in number] now? They all have their little young.
00:04:43.000 - 00:04:47.830

Me estaba diciendo el otro día que le obligaron a vender todas su cabras.

Me estaba diciendo el otro día que le obligaron a vender todas su cabras.
You were telling me the other day that they forced her to sell all her goats.
00:04:48.090 - 00:04:52.170

Ahh, Urtado.
Ah, [su hijo] Urtado.
Ah, [her son] Urtado.
00:04:52.170 - 00:04:54.590

"Kutimushpaqa lliw lliw kabraykitam rantikurushaq hinashpa Limata pushasayki", ninshi. ¿Wambran? Ah,
"Cuando regreso, voy a vender todas tus cabras y después te voy a llevar a Lima", le dijo. ¿Su hijo? Ah,
"When I come back, I'm going to sell all your goats then I'm going to take you to Lima," he said. Her son? Ah,
00:04:54.770 - 00:05:02.150

Shutcopa kaptinshi rirqa.

Cuando él estaba en Shutco, ella se fue, dicen.
When he was in Shutco, she left, they say.
00:05:02.560 - 00:05:05.200

Ah, watayanña.Chay tritru karqa kabranqa Ushachinchu rantikuyta.

Está amarrando ya. Todas su cabras estaban preñadas allí. No pudo venderlas.
She's tying them up already. All her goats are pregnant there. She couldn't sell them.
00:05:05.240 - 00:05:11.480

Tumpalla wirarikuchun ninshi pay.

Que engorden un poquito, dijo ella, dicen.
Let them fatten up a bit, she said, they say.
00:05:11.530 - 00:05:14.840

Maniyakusataraqtri. Imatr watarunpis tiyayqa .

Estarán trincados todavía. Tal vez mi tía los haya amarrado.
They must have their legs tied still. Maybe my aunt tied them.
00:05:22.810 - 00:05:28.450

Watayanyá tarde. Maniyasatachu watan icha katrachishparaqchu?

Está amarrando ya tarde. ¿Los amarra tincados o los suelta todavía?
She's tying them up late. Is she pasturing them with their legs tied or is she letting them loose yet?
00:05:28.450 - 00:05:31.760
Imayna ya wak maniyakusa pawakachayan, ve ve!, Ah.
Cómo será? Así trincado está saltando, ve!
00:05:31.810 - 00:05:37.440

Watayanña piru. Ñatriki tardikuyanña

Está amarrando ya pero. Ya estará tarde, seguro.
00:05:38.180 - 00:05:42.200

Klaro klaro puka kabran

Carito, clarito su cabra colorada.
00:05:42.250 - 00:05:45.000

Wak puka sumaq sumaq pukachaya kasa.

Esa colorada bonito coloradito había sido.
00:05:45.050 - 00:05:48.050

Wak sintakusa kayan wak yanapis

Esá puesto su sinta esa negra también.
00:05:48.150 - 00:05:51.290

Éso era -- qué? -- principios de marzo?

00:05:51.370 - 00:05:54.870

Marzo ya. No! Marso, no?

00:05:54.910 - 00:05:59.020

Chayraq pastu rikarimuptin kara disimbritr kara

It was recently when the pasture grass was appearing. It would have been December. Recién cuando apareció
pasto era. Diciembre habrá sido.
00:05:59.070 - 00:06:03.610

Imatataq qatiyan Mitukanchata. Mitukanchataqa qatin después de fibriruñam

Qué cosa está llevando para Mitucancha? A Mitucancha lleva después de febrero ya.
00:06:03.760 - 00:06:08.620

Mmm, disimbritr karqa. Disimbri.

Ahh, diciembre habrá sido. Diciembre.
00:06:08.650 - 00:06:12.090

Juro que era justo antes de que me fui. Diciembre.

00:06:12.090 - 00:06:16.030

Antes. Antes, pues. No.

00:06:16.240 - 00:06:20.120

Marsutaq karqa napish kabranqa Mitukanchapish- Ah, Después de fibrirutama wakma qatin. [febrero pasay]
En marzo, dice, estaba su cabra en Mitucancha. Después de febrero para allá lleva.
00:06:20.350 - 00:06:25.680

Era en diciembre. Diciembre, enero.

00:06:25.700 - 00:06:29.810

Pashñachawan hamusa. Ah, diciembre sería. Rantikuyan, nishpa.
Con una ñiñita venía.
00:06:29.810 - 00:06:34.250

Manam kayqa takiyamunchu. Después de febrero.

Este no custumbra.
00:06:34.250 - 00:06:37.170

Chay kabra qatisampaq. Disimbrita rirqanchik disimbitachu

De esa cabra que ha llevado. Diciembre habrás ido.
00:06:37.220 - 00:06:41.110

Novimbritachu chay chaymi rirqani. Mana pastu kaptintri. Chaymi kurrikatrayan.

Fui allí por noviembre. Cuando no había pasto, seguro. Por eso están correteando.
I went there arounf November. When there wan't any pasture grass, for sure. That's why they're running
00:06:41.110 - 00:06:46.120

Chayraq chayraq wak pashpariyan.

Recien, recien, está creciendo pastito.
The pasture grass is only recently starting to grow.
00:06:46.120 - 00:06:49.630

Chaymi wak kabra kurrikatrayan. Antes que yo fui a Lima era.

Por eso esas cabras están correteando. era antes que yo fui a Lima.
That's why the goats are running all around. It was before I went for Lima.
00:06:49.910 - 00:06:53.530

Ah, disimbritr kayan.

Ah, será diciembre.
Ah, it must be december-
00:06:53.790 - 00:06:56.610

Diciembre o noviembre? Noviembre. Chay chaytri.

Diciembre o noviembre? Noviembre. Ése será.
December or November. November. That would be it.
00:06:56.640 - 00:06:59.730

Shutcotam riyani Avivawan, nin.

Estoy yendo a Shutco con Aviva, dijo.
I'm going to Shutco with Aviva, she said.
00:06:59.740 - 00:07:02.100

Chay chay killatri karqa. Mana pastu kanchu.

Por esos meses será. No hay pasto.
it would have been those months. There's no pasture grass.
00:07:02.130 - 00:07:05.290

Chayraq pashpachariyan. Chayyá kurrikatrakuyan.

El pasto está creciendo recien. Por eso están correteando.
The pasture grass has only recently started to grow. That's why they're running around.
00:07:05.310 - 00:07:09.840

Achkaraq kayanpis. ¿Aykataq kayan?
Todavía hay mucho. ¿Cuántos hay?
There's a lot still. How many are there?
00:07:09.840 - 00:07:11.820

Ventish kabran kayan.

Tiene veinte cabras, dice.
SHe has twenty goats, she says.
00:07:11.850 - 00:07:14.840

Trece. Diesiseis también, pues. Dieciseis.

Trece. Diesiseis también, pues. Dieciseis.
Thirteen. Sixteen, too. Sixteen.
00:07:22.550 - 00:07:27.460

Ventim kayan kabray. Awmentarun.

"Tengo veinte cabras. Aumentaron".
"I have twenty goats. They increased."
00:07:27.680 - 00:07:32.670

Kabrachan wakhina. Ashnuntapis.

Sus cabritas son así. Su burrito, también.
Her goats are like that. Her donkey, too.
00:07:34.430 - 00:07:37.860

Maqayan maniyarushpaña tiyayqa.

Mi tía lo está pegando, tincandolo ya
My aunt is hitting him, tying him up.
00:07:37.950 - 00:07:40.310

Maniyaykushpam qatiyan.
Trincándolo, lo está llevando.
She's taking him along with his legs tied.
00:07:41.130 - 00:07:43.250

Lliw lliw maniyasa mana puriyananpaqtriki

Todo trincados para que no caminen, seguro.
All with their feet tied so that they don't walk, for sure.
00:07:43.490 - 00:07:47.510

Mana dihananpaqtriki. Asnuqa kurrikatrayan.

Para que no le deje seguro. El burro corretea.
So that they don't leave her, for sure. The donkey is running around.
00:07:47.610 - 00:07:51.850

Ella ya no alcanza. ¿Ima killapataq?

Ella ya no alcanza. ¿En qué mes?
Ahe can't catch up with them any more. In what month?
00:07:52.280 - 00:07:57.270

Arí. fibrirutayá mamanchik wañukuptin.

En febrero, pues, cuando falleció nuestra mamá
In February -- when our mother died.
00:07:57.410 - 00:08:01.130

Kañapakurqani rupanta
Quemamos su ropa.
We burnt her clothes.
00:08:01.210 - 00:08:03.550

Chaypis hutupaykushpa.
Juntándolo allí también.
Gathering it up there, too.
00:08:03.710 - 00:08:06.370

Hutupaykushpallayá puyupa kañakuyanchik.

Montonándolo pues, estábamos quemando en la neblina.
Piling it up, we were burning it in the fog.
00:08:06.400 - 00:08:09.630

Kayqa, Shutcopa karqa.

Ésto era en Shutco.
This was in Shutco.
00:08:10.120 - 00:08:12.630

Paylla imantapis mamaypa ukupa hurqukuyan.

Ella estaba sacando lo que sea de mi mamá de al dentro.
She was taking anything of my mother's out form inside.
00:08:12.780 - 00:08:17.140

Lo estábamos quemando.
We were burning it.
00:08:17.620 - 00:08:19.820

Kabrachanta harkayan. Tiya kay law iskinanpa sayayan tiyacha.

Está pasteando sus cabritas. La tía está sentada en la esquina a este lado, la tíacita.
She's pasturing her little goats. The aunt is sitting in the coener on this side, the dear aunt.
00:08:21.430 - 00:08:26.710

Mana dihananpaqchu wak hutu hutullata harkayan. Purirayan sinu diharuptinqa llapatriki kuri kuri
Los está pasteando juntado no más para que no le deje. Está dando vuelta sino otra vez otra vez la dejarán y
corriendo se ocultarán.
She's pasturing them all grouped together so that they don't leave her. She's walking around, if not, all of them
are going to leave and run to hide.
00:08:27.760 - 00:08:35.330

Kurri kurri rishpa dañumanña.

Corriendo rápido a hacer daño.
Running quickly to do harm.
00:08:36.010 - 00:08:39.610

Kabrachanqa. ¿Imaynaya kanan vakantinta harkayan kabranta?

Su cabrita. ¿Cómo estará pasteando sus cabras ahora todo con sus vacas?
Her goats. How is she pasturing her goats now with her cows and all?
00:08:40.710 - 00:08:46.340

Kabrantam hukllapa hukllapa watasa.

Amarró sus cabras uno por uno.
She tied up her goats one by one.
00:08:46.530 - 00:08:48.770

Eh. Watarasayá. Vakataraq qatisa michirinanpaq. Vakanta michirikuspayá.

Amarraba pues. Llevaba su vaca todavía para que monen. Haciendo comer un poco sus vacas.
She tied them up. She took her cows still so they could eat. Having her cows eat a bit.
00:08:48.860 - 00:08:55.350

¿Pitaq wak? ¿Imatataq marqakatrakuyan?

¿Quién es ése? ¿Qué está alsateando?
Who is that? What is he lifting up?
00:08:55.420 - 00:08:58.440

¿Dabilachu? ¿Pitaq? Kapas, ¿ah?

Dábila será? O quién? Tal vez, ¿ah?
Would it be Dábila? Who? Possibly, ah?
00:08:58.640 - 00:09:01.920

¿Piyá? Kapas, ah.

¿Quién será? Tal vez, ah.
Who would it be? Possible, ah?
00:09:02.120 - 00:09:04.400

El chivo.
The goat.
00:09:05.410 - 00:09:07.990

El chivo.
The goat.
00:09:08.750 - 00:09:11.300

¿Imata kapayan? Hinashpa, ¿imananqataq?

¿Qué está castrando? Luego, ¿qué va a hacer?
What is he castrating? Then, what is he going to do?
00:09:11.890 - 00:09:15.230

Chivuchatayá qatiyan ¿Pi? Dabilahinachush?

Está llevando un chivato. ¿Quién será? Parece Dábila.
He's taking along a billy goat. WHo would it be? Seems like Dábila.
00:09:15.560 - 00:09:20.430

Paytri seguro. ¿Ya ves? Pashpachayanña sumaq pastucha.

Será él, seguro. ¿Ya ves? Los pastitos también ya están creciendo bonito.
It would be him, for sure. Now you see? The pasture grass is growing already nicely.
00:09:21.300 - 00:09:27.830

Gransachakunata. Ya ves, pues. Disimbri, iniru, fibriru, marsu.

VV. ?Ya ves, pues? Diciembre, enero, febrero, marzo.
You see? December, January, February, March.
00:09:28.250 - 00:09:33.320

Gransakuna michisan kay. Iniruta usiyarun.

Donde pasteó es granza. En enero descampó.
Where she pastured is granza. It cleared up in January.
00:09:33.530 - 00:09:37.610

Fibrirutaq. Chayraqmi parakatramurqa. Disimbrita ñuqanchik rirqanchik.

Febrero, todavía recien estaba lluvisnando. Nosotros fuimos en diciembre.
In February is was just recently drizzling. We left in December.
00:09:37.640 - 00:09:41.960

¿Ya ves? Wak llantukatrayan, ¡ve!

¿Ya ves? Está nublando allí, ¡Vé!
You see? It's clouding up there. Look!
00:09:41.970 - 00:09:46.940

Kayanyá. Chaytri Tiya Alejandraqa Shutcollapa kakurqa chaypachaqa.

Hay pues. Por eso la tía Alejandra en Shutco no más estaba viviendo.
There is. That must be why Aunt Alejandra was living right there in Shutco.
00:09:48.720 - 00:09:55.510

¿Tiya Mariakunataqa qawanchikchu?

¿A la tía Maria todo no se ve?
Can you see Aunt María?
00:09:55.620 - 00:09:59.440

Chayqa apartitr kayan ¿aw?

Éso será aparte, ¿no?
That would be apart, no?
00:09:59.890 - 00:10:03.280

Lo de Tía María?
Lo de Tía María?
Aunt María's place?
00:10:03.460 - 00:10:06.120

Kabrawan puriyan. Karupa chaytatriki grabarun. ¿Payqa manatr rimanchu imatapis?

Está caminando con las cabras. Habrá grabado eso lejos. ¿Ya no hablará nada ella?
She's wandering about with the goats. She must have recorded her far away. She didn't say anything?
00:10:07.230 - 00:10:12.400

Rimayantri piru.
Estará habando, seguro.
She'd be talking, for sure.
00:10:12.420 - 00:10:15.210

"¡Kabra miyerda!" nishpa riyayan.

Anda diciendo "¡Cabra mierda! ¡Cabra mierda!"
She goes about saying, "shit goat! Shit goat!"
00:10:19.320 - 00:10:23.870
Chikupis rikchariyanña. "¿Imaynataq kamanman ripushaq puñuq?" niyanyá.
El chico también está despertando. "¿Cómo voy a ir a dormir en su cama?" estará diciendo.
The child, too, is waking up already. "How am I going to go sleep in his bed?" he's saying.
00:10:23.940 - 00:10:27.400

Wak ishkay warmikunam tiyayan sinu riymanmi karqa.

Esas dos mujeres estaban sentadas sino hubiera ido.
Those two woman were sitting there. Otherwise, I would have gone.
00:10:27.440 - 00:10:35.170

Ñuqa laqyarushaq sikipaq.

Yo lo voy a palmear en el poto.
I'm going to slap him on the behind.
00:10:35.180 - 00:10:38.110

Kiputaqa. Laqyapanash kayan.

Al Kipu. Está bien para palmear.
Kipu [a dog]. On his behind.
00:10:38.330 - 00:10:43.620

00:10:43.620 - 00:10:46.530

¿Imaypa grabasan kasan? Wak makinatr yatrayan.

¿Cuándo es lo que grabó? Èsa máquina sabrá.
When is what she recorded? That machine must know.
00:10:47.130 - 00:10:52.350

Kodiguyuqchu kayan numeroyuqchu. ¿Imaynayá?

¿Es con código o es con número? ¿Cómo será?
Does it have a code or does it have a number? How would it be?
00:10:52.680 - 00:10:56.990

Ah, claro, pues. Kwadirnuhinallam utilisan.

Ah, claro, pues. Como cuaderno utilizan.
Ah, of course. They use it like a notebook.
00:10:59.190 - 00:11:05.780

¿Imaynayá yatran paykunaqa? Ñuqanchik yatranchikchu ni imapis.

¿Cómo sabrán ellos? Nosotros no sabemos nada.
How do they know? We don't know anything.
00:11:07.810 - 00:11:13.020

Ñuqapis yatranichu.
Yo tampoco no sé.
I don't know, either.
00:11:14.900 - 00:11:17.120

Wakhina qaqurichashpa
Así sobando
Massaging like that
00:11:17.250 - 00:11:20.210
Maskachayan maskayan.
Está buscando. Está buscando
He's looking for it. He's looking for it.
00:11:20.210 - 00:11:23.850

Ah, Tiyay Felicita.

Ah, mi tía Felicita.
Ah, my Aunt Felicita.
00:11:24.910 - 00:11:27.330

Waqayaniyá siympri yuyariyaniyá.

Estoy llorando. Siempre estoy recordando.
I'm crying. I'm always remembering.
00:11:27.500 - 00:11:30.340

Qaninpa llaqtapis waqasallaypa.

La otra vez in Viñac también que lloré no más.
The other time in Viñac, too, that I just cried.
00:11:30.480 - 00:11:32.910

Chay ñawi nanaykunatanña tarirunapis Ah, napaqtri niyan Doña Martinapaqtri.

Allí dolor de vista también tengo es a encontrar. Ah, para Doña Martina estará diciendo.
Eye pain, too, is to be found there. Ah, for ummm, for Doña Martina she must be saying.
00:11:33.020 - 00:11:38.040

Huknin tawa killantapis kumplinraqchu hukninñataq wañukun.

El uno no cumple ni siquiera cuatro mes todavía, el otra ya también se falleció.
One hasn't even completed four months yet, and the other, too, died.
00:11:38.060 - 00:11:43.010

Ah, Tiyuy Vishitatr niyan.

Ah, estará hablando de mi tío Vicente.
Ah, she must be talking about my Uncle Vicente.
00:11:43.270 - 00:11:49.440

Manam waway kanchu. Hukllalla chayllawanmi yatrakuni sapa sapallaymi Chayqa willkam.
No tengo a mis hijos. Unito no más. Con ése no más me vivo yo solitita. Esa es mi nieta.
I don't have my children. Just one. I live with just that one -- all alone. That's my grandchild.
00:11:50.100 - 00:11:56.400

Kay willkachallaywanmi purini. ¿kichwata intindinchu?

Camino con mi nietacita no más. ¿Entiende quechua?
I walk about with just my little granddaughter. Does she understand Quechua?
00:11:56.610 - 00:12:00.240

¿kichwata riman, ninkichu? Ah. kichwa rimaqyá. kichwatapis riman kastillanupis riman.
¿Si habla Quechua, dijiste? Ah, es quechua hablante. Habla quechua y habla español también.
Does she speak Quechua, you said? Ah, she's a Quechua speaker. She speaks Quechua and she speaks Spanish,
00:12:00.320 - 00:12:04.740

Wakllawanmi kani. Warmi wawi kanmi ishkay.

Con él no más yo paro. Tengo dos hijas.
I'm just with that one. I have two daughters.
00:12:04.830 - 00:12:08.120

Karu karum. Ah, karum.

Muy lejos. Ah, lejos.
Very far. Ah, far.
00:12:08.340 - 00:12:10.380

Montaña. Hukllay qari wawiy kan montañapa.

La selva. Tengo a un hijo no más en la selva.
In the rain forest. I have just one of my sons in the rain forest.
00:12:10.440 - 00:12:13.420

Sapallay. Lliw lliw runakuna prisu ripun.

Solita. Toda, toda la gente se fue a la cárcel
All alone. All the people went to prison.
00:12:13.530 - 00:12:18.220

Apanrik chaypayá.
Los llevaron allí pues.
They took them there.
00:12:27.630 - 00:12:31.720

Qayantintaqa- Apamusa kayna gurdu runata.

Al día siguente traía así a un hombre gordo.
The next day the brought a fat man like this.
00:12:32.080 - 00:12:36.670

Wak pampapa samachin. Apu-apuraw siqaykachin.

Allá en la pampa hace descansar. Rápido rápido lo hizo ocultar.
They had him rest there on the pampa. Really quickly, they hid him.
00:12:36.760 - 00:12:41.590

Farduntin farduntin kakuyan rupa.

Por fardos sobre fardos allí hay pues la ropa.
There are bundles and bundles of clothes.
00:12:41.590 - 00:12:44.420

Hapiruwaptinqa manañam kashaqñachu.

Cuando me agarra ya no voy a estar.
When it grabs me, I'm not going to be any longer.
00:12:44.430 - 00:12:47.610

Flawtallatañam tarinki tiyanay patapi decía dice pues. Chayshi

Vas a encontrar una flauta ya no más dónde yo estaba sentada en el andén, dijo, dicen, pues. Luego, dicen
You're going to find just a flute where I had been sitting on the terrace, she said, they say. Then, they say,
00:12:47.630 - 00:12:52.800

Warmi riptinqa kayasa pikuchan plumachankunalla kasa.

Cuando se fue la mujer, había en su pico plumas no más ya.
When the woman left, there were just feathers in its mouth.
00:12:52.840 - 00:12:58.110
¿Imataq kayqa? ¿Pitataq kaypaq mikururqa?" nin
¿Qué es ésto? ¿A quién comieron acá? dijo.
What is this? Whom did they eat here?
00:12:58.110 - 00:13:02.690

Rutullatatr mikurusa kaypaqa.

A rutu no más había comido acá.
Just a rutu bird was eaten here.
00:13:02.700 - 00:13:04.930

Suyakuyan. Rikarinchu. Chaypi kuchakunata qawaykushpa kutikun. TK

Está esperando. No apareció. Mirando los pikitos allí, regresó.
He's waiting. He doesn't appear. Looking at the beaks, he returned.
00:13:04.980 - 00:13:10.240

Chay willanakun. Kayna parlaq ñuqanchikchu parlanchik chayna parlapakun hinshpash niq.
Se avisan. Conversaban así. Nosotros no conversamos, no nos hablamos así. Luego decían
They told each other. They used to talk like this. We don't talk, don't converse like that. Then they used to say
00:13:10.440 - 00:13:15.810

Este ... maqtam hamuraq tuta trayamuwarqa

Un joven me ha venido de noche y me ha llegado.
Ummm -- A yound man came at night, he arrived to me.
00:13:15.810 - 00:13:19.410

Hinashpa, "fiystaman hamunki", niwarqa. Ñuqa rirqani fiystaman.

Después me dijo, "Vas a venir a la fiesta". Yo fui a la fiesta.
Then he said to me, "You're going to come to the festival." I went to the festival.
00:13:19.440 - 00:13:23.010

"Si --- hapiruwaptinqa flawtallaytañam tarinki nirqash." Ni imapis kasachu.

Asi si me agarran vas a encontrar mi flauta no más",dijo. No había nada.
"If they catch me, you'll find just my flute," he said. There was nothing.
00:13:23.020 - 00:13:27.850

Rutupa plumankuna rutupa pikunkunahinash kayasa. Umachan.

Habían las plumas del rutu, como el pico del rutu. Su cabecita.
There were just the rutu bird's feathers, like the rutu bird's beak. His little head.
00:13:27.850 - 00:13:32.030

Challatash qawaramuni una unay tiyasaypaq kutikamuni. Pipis kasachu.

Éso no más vi. Vol vi de donde me senté antes. No había nadie.
I saw only that. I returned from where I sat before. There was no one.
00:13:32.030 - 00:13:36.180

Upahina suyakuyan. Rututriki ingañarqa. Maqtatukushpa.

Como sonso estaba esperando. El rutu la engañó. La engañó haciendose de un varón.
She was waiting like an idiot. The rutu bird tricked her. He tricked her pretending to be a man.
00:13:36.180 - 00:13:41.070

varyustatr kikinpa shiminpaqpis sumaqtri yatrarqa peru lliwñatr qunqarun.

De su propia boca habrá aprendido muchos bonitos pero ya se habrá olvidado todo.
She must have learned many nicely from her own mouth but she must have forgotten them all already.
00:13:41.070 - 00:13:46.580

varyustamik niyan. Variostam ñuqatapis willawarqa mamachay.

Muchos está diciendo. Mi abuela a mi también me contó muchos.
A lot, she's saying. My grandmother told me many, too.
00:13:46.580 - 00:13:51.420

Manamik pero kumpletutachu nin.

Pero no dice completo. dijo.
But not completely, she says.
00:13:51.420 - 00:13:54.030

Manaña. Chay kundurpatapis manayá kumpletutañachu, nin.

Ya no. Hasta el del cóndor ya no [se cuenta] completo, dice.
Not any more. Even the one about the condor -- [isn't told] completely, she says.
00:13:54.050 - 00:13:58.810

Qaqamanñashik pusharurqa hinashpash kundurqa

La llevó hacia la peña, dice. Después el cóndor
He took her to the cliff, they say. Then the condor
00:13:58.810 - 00:14:01.720

wak pashñataqa watrarachin

hizo tener hijo a la chica.
made the girl have a baby.
00:14:01.730 - 00:14:04.460

wawakurun. Wawakuruptinqa warmiqa ñuqanchikhina

Dió luz. Cuando la mujer dio luz, como nosotras ...
She gave birth. When the woman gave birth, like us ...
00:14:04.460 - 00:14:07.815

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:31 PM

Sapukuna unay karqa ... Sapukuna gananakun unay nira, ah, sorrowanshi gananakura.
sapu-kuna unay ka-rqa-ø sapu-kuna gana-naku-n unay ni-ra-ø sorro-wan-shi gana-naku-ra-ø
frog-PL before be-PST-3 frog-PL win-MUTBEN-3 say-PST-3 fox-INSTR-EVR before win-MUTBEN-PRF-3
Hubo una vez hace mucho tiempo varios sapos. Los sapos compitieron contra un zorro. [Uno de los sapos hizo
una apuesta con el zorro. "Ud.
va a seguir la carretera", le había dicho, "yo, la acequía.Vamos a ver quien llega primero".]
Once upon a time, there were some frogs. Long ago, the frogs competed against a fox.[One of the frogs had
made a bet with the fox. "You
run along the road," he said. "I'll go along the canal.We'll see who gets there first."]
00:00:00.350 - 00:00:07.170

Atuq, huknin "kurr," huknin "laq," hukin "kurr," huknin"'laq."

atuq, huk-ni-n kurr huk-ni-n laq huk-ni-n kurr huk-ni-n laq
fox one-EUPH-3 'kurr' one-EUPH-3 'laq' one-EUPH-3 'kurr', one-EUPH-3 'laq'.
El zorro dice waq!, el [sapo] dice, kurr! Uno dice, waq!, el otro dice, kurr!
The fox goes waq!, the [frog] goes kurr! One goes waq! the other goes, kurr!
00:00:07.340 - 00:00:12.210

Chay laqniq nap karu karupi kayan, sorro kurriyan. Sapuqa

chay laq-ni-q nap karu karu-pi ka-ya-n sorro kurri-ya-n sapu-qa
DEM.D laq-EUPH-AG that-p far far-LOC be-PROG-3 fox run-PROG-3 frog-TOP
[The race begins!] The kurr one is already very far; the fox is running [as hard as he can to keep up but] the
frogs [had organized
themselves earlier on].
[La carrera empieza!] El kurr está lejos ya; el zorro está corriendo [tan rápido como pueda pero] los sapos [se
habían organizado antes].
00:00:12.450 - 00:00:16.870

Filapa trurakarun -- mana hukllachu rin. Filapa trurakarun -- ganayan sorrotaqa!

fila-pa trura-ka-ru-n mana huk-lla-chu ri-n fíla-pa trura-ka-ru-n gana-ya-n sorro-ta-qa.
row-LOC put-REFL-URGT-3 no one-RSTR-NEG go-3 row-LOC put-REFL-URGT-3 win-PROG-3
Se habían puesto en fila [a lo largo de la acequia]. No está yendo solamente uno [de los sapos, sino varios]. En
fila se habían puesto. ¡Y
le están ganando al zorro!
They had put themselves in a row [the length of the canal]. Not just one [frog, but many] are running. They
lined themselves up. And
they're beating the fox!
00:00:16.970 - 00:00:21.530

Sorrollaqa, "Waq-waq-waq!" kurriyan; sapuqa kurr-kurryashpa karupiña.

sorro-lla-qa waq waq waq kurri-ya-n sapu-qa kurr-kurr-ya-shpa karu-pi-ña
fox-RSTR-TOP waq waq', run-PROG-3 frog-TOP kurr-kurr-PROG-SUBIS 'Waq far-LOC-DISC
Pobrecito el zorro waq! waq! waq! está corriendo [más rápido que nunca; sin embargo, siempre hay un sapo –
igualito al que lo precedía –
que haciendo] kurr! kurr! está más lejos.
The poor fox waq! waq! waq! is running [faster that he had ever run before; nevertheless, there is always
another frog – identical to the
one before – who] kurr! kurr! is already far ahead.
00:00:21.730 - 00:00:28.760

Atuqñataqshi kundurwan tapunakuq, "Qam quni quni, kumpadri; ñuqa chiri chiri, kumpadri," niq.
atuq-ña-taq-shi kundur-wan tapu-naku-q qam quni quni kumpadri chiri ñuqa kumpadri chiri ni-q
fox-DISC-SEQ-EVR condor-INSTR ask-RECP-AG 2 warm warm compadre 1 cold cold compadre', say-AG
El zorro y el cóndor se preguntaban, "Ud., compadre, es caliente caliente. Yo, compadre, soy frío frío
compadre," decía.
The fox and the condor asked each other, "You're really, really warm, compadre. I'm really, really cold,
compadre," he said.
00:00:29.160 - 00:00:36.120

Chay chiri chiri kaqqa wañunayanshi; chay quni quni kaq wañunayan.
chay chiri chiri ka-q-qa wañu-naya-n-shi chay quni quni ka-q wañu-na-ya-n
DEM.D cold cold be-AG-TOP die-DESR-3-EVR DEM.D warm warm be-AG die-DESR-3
Él que está frío frío está por morir; él que está caliente caliente está por morir.
The really cold one is about to die; the really warm one is about to die.
00:00:36.330 - 00:00:41.830
Chay chiri chiri kaq karu tumpalla risistiyanraq.
chay chiri chiri ka-q karu tumpa-lla risisti-ya-n-raq
DEM.D cold cold be_AG far little-RSTR resist-PRG-3-CONT
Él que está frío frío todavía está un poquito resistiemdo.
The really cold one is holding out still.
00:00:42.190 - 00:00:45.560

Chaykunallam chay unay kwintu karqa chay atuqpis.

chay-kuna-lla-m chay unay kwintu ka-rqa-ø chay atuq-pis
DEM.D-PL-RSTR-EVD before story be.PST-3 DEM.D DEM.D fox-ADD
Éso no más había más antes el cuento el zorro también.
That's all there was to that old story about the fox.
00:00:46.300 - 00:00:49.760

Sapuwan atuq gananakuq. Chay sapu fila-pi-m trurakarushpa karu karupi kakuyan atuqlla huklla kurriyarun.
sapu-wan atuq gana-naku-q chay sapu fila-pi-m trura-ka-ru-shpa karu karu-pi kaku-ya-n atuq-lla huklla
frog-INSTR fox win-MUTBEN-RAG DEM.D frog row-LOC-EVD put-REFL-URGT-SUBIS far far-LOC
be-REFL-PRG-3 fox-RSTR one-RSTR run-PROG-URGT-3
El sapo y zorro competían. Los sapos se pusieron en fila y ya estaban muy lejos; [mientras que] el zorro --
[siendo] uno solo -- estaba
The frog and the fox were competing. The frogs put themselves in a long line and were already really far
along [while] the fox -- [being]
one alone -- was running.
00:00:50.170 - 00:00:57.840

"Waq-waq-waq!" waqyashpa. Sapuqa, "kurr-kurr-kurr!" karupiña.

waq waq-ya-shpa sapu-qa kurr kurr waq kurr waq karu-pi-ña
'Waq waq waq', waq-PROG-SUBIS frog-TOP 'kurr kurr' kurr far-LOC-DISC
Waq! waq! waq! haciendo [el zorro parece estar quedándose más y más atrás mientras que] el sapo kurr! kurr!
kurr! está lejos ya.
Waq! waq! waq! -ing [the fox seems to be falling further and further behind while] the frog, kurr! kurr! kurr!
-ing is far ahead already.
00:00:57.950 - 00:01:02.400

"Imaynataq wak miyerda ganayawan?" nin.

imayna-taq wak miyerda gana-ya-wan ni-n
how-SEQ DEDM.D shit win-PROG-1.OBJ-3 say-3
"¿Cómo me está ganando ese mierda?' dijo [el zorro].
"How is that little shit beating me?" said [the fox].
00:01:02.610 - 00:01:05.670

Mana chay hukllachu sapu kasa -- achka achka chay sapuqa kasa.
mana chay huk-lla-chu sapu ka-sa-ø achka achka chay sapu-qa ka-sa.ø
no DEM.D one-RSTR-NEG frog be-PRF-3 a.lot a.lot DEM.D frog be-PRF-3
No era uno no más el sapo sino eran varios los sapos. [Finalmente, el zorro, agotado, cayó al suelo – muerto.]
It wasn't just one frog only. There were many, many frogs. [Finally, the fox, exhausted, fell to the ground –
00:01:05.760 - 00:01:08.900

Chaynapa atuqtaq ganarun.

chay-na-pa atuq-taq gana-ru-n
Así es como [los sapos] ganaron al zorro.
That's how they beat the fox.
00:01:09.150 - 00:01:11.160

Chaykunallam kaq. Chaytapis partis partisllatam yuyani. Mana shipash mosuhinañachu yuyani.
chay-kuna-lla-m partis partis-lla-ta-m yuya-ni mana shipash ka-q mozsu-hina-ña-chu chay-ta-pis yuya-ni
DEM.D-PL-RSTR-EVD be-AG DEM.D-ADD parts parts.RSTR.ACC-EVD remember-1 no girl
boy-COMP-DISC-NEG remember-1
Ésos no más hay. eso también algunas partes no más me acuerdo. No como las señoritas ni como los jóvenes
me acuerdo
That's all there are. I only remember a few parts -- I don't remember like the girls and boys do.
00:01:12.430 - 00:01:18.950

siympriña nayan qunqayani. Chaykunallam chay kwintu karqa.

siympri-ña na-ya-n qunqa-ya-ni chay-kuna-lla-m chay kwintu ka-rqa-ø
always-DISC that-PROG-3 forget-PROG-1 DEM.D-PL-RSTR-EVD DEM.D story be-PST-3
Simpre ya me estoy olvidando.-RSTRs no más hay el cuento.
00:01:19.090 - 00:01:23.880

00:01:23.900 - 00:01:24.220

Allquñataq kasa allqupis maqtatukusa.

Allqu-ña-taq ka-sa-ø allqu-pis maqta-tuku-sa-ø
dog-DISC-SEQ be-PRF-3 dog-ADD
[Hubo una vez hace mucho tiempo] un perro. Ese perro se desfrazaba de hombre.
[Once upon a time] there was a dog. That dog dressed himself up as a young man.
00:01:24.270 - 00:01:28.140

Pashñaqa quykurusa chumpita mushuqta watakurusa wiqawninman.

Pashña-qa qu-yku-ru-sa-ø mushuq-ta wata-ku-ru-sa-ø chumpi-ta wiqaw-ni-n-man
girl-TOP give-EXCEP-PST-PRF-3 new-ACC tie-REFL-PST-PRF-3 sash-ACC waist-EUPH-3-ALL
[También había una chica]. La chica dio [a ese perro disfrazado de muchacho] una faja nuevecita y se la
amarró a la cintura.
[There was a girl, too]. The girl gave [the young man] a sash, a new one, and she tied it around his waist.
00:01:28.280 - 00:01:32.400

Chay watakuruptinqa derepente puntraw riptinqa allquqa watarayasa wiqawninpa chumpiwan.

Chay wata-ku-ru-pti-n-qa derepente puntraw ri-pti-n-qa allqu-qa wiqaw-ni-n-pa wata-ra-ya-sa-ø chumpi-wan
DEM.D tie-REFL-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP all.of.a.sudden day go-SUBDS-3-TOP dog-TOP
Después de ceñirsela, un día cuando se fue [a visitar al muchacho. Sorprendentamente, ella encontró que] un
perro estaba con la faja a la cintura. [El muchacho, sin embargo, no se encontraba.]
After she tied it on him, when she went one morning [to visit the young man. To her surprise, she found] a dog
was tied about the waist with her sash. [The young man, however, was nowhere to found.]
00:01:32.670 - 00:01:37.850

'¿Allquman chumpiytaqa quykuran imataq?' nin.

'¿Allqu-man chumpi-y-ta-qa qu-yku-ra-n ima-taq ni-n
dog-ALL sash-1-ACC-TOP give-EXCEP-PRF-3 what-SEQ say-3
[Cuando la chica se encontró con el muchacho más tarde] ella dijo, "¡Diste mi faja a un perro! ¿Qué cosa?"
[When the girl saw the young man a while later] she said, "You gave my sash to the dog! What's up?"
00:01:37.970 - 00:01:41.080

Mintras tantuqa chay allqu íngañasa pashñataqa.

Mintras tantu-qa chay allqu íngaña-sa-ø pashña-ta-qa
while so.much-TOP DEM.D dog deceive-PRF-3 girl-ACC-TOP
Mientras tanto el perro engañaba a la chica.
Meanwhile, the dog was deceiving the girl.
00:01:41.340 - 00:01:46.190

Tuta trayaruptinqa chumpiytaq allquchush watarusa. Imapaqtaq chumpiyta allquman quykuranki

Tuta traya-ru-pti-n-qa chumpi-y-taq wata-ru-sa allqu-man allqu-chush Ima-paq-taq chumpi-y-ta qu-yku-ra-nki
night arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP chumpi-taq dog-chush tie-URGT-PRF what-PURP-SEQ sash-1-ACC
dog-ALL give-EXCEP-PST-2
"En la noche cuando llegó un perro se había puesto mi faja" [contestó el muchacho]. "¿Para qué has dado mi
faja al perro?" [preguntó la
chica otra vez].
"When he arrived at night, the dog had tied my sash tied" [the young man answered]. " Why did you give my
sash to the dog?" [the girl asked
00:01:46.460 - 00:01:52.110

Allquchu manam chayqa ñuqam karqani icha allqum kanki nin.

Allqu-chu mana-m chay-qa ñuqa-m ka-rqa-ni icha allqu-m ka-nki ni-n.
dog-NEG 1-EVD be-PST-1 or dog-EVD t no-EVD be-2 DEM.D-TOP say-3
[El muchacho] admitió, "No era perro. Era yo" .[dijo el muchacho]. "O eres perro".
[The young man] said, "That wasn't a dog. It was me. Or maybe you're a dog."
00:01:52.230 - 00:01:56.860

'Ñuqam karqani ñuqa maqtam', nin.

ñuqa-m ka-rqa-ni ñuqa maqta-m ni-n
1-EVD be-PST-1 1 say-3
'Yo era yo muchacho', dijo.
"It was I. I'm a young man," he said.
00:01:57.060 - 00:01:59.470

chaypaqña kwintuta qukurun allqu chayqa kasa

chay-paq-ña kwintu-ta qu-ku-ru-n allqu chay-qa ka-sa-ø
DEM.D-ABL-DISC story-ACC give-REFL-PST-3 dog DEM.D-TOP be-PRF-1
De allí, ya, se da el cuento. Era perro.
That's how the story goes. He was a dog.
00:01:59.720 - 00:02:05.320

00:02:05.380 - 00:02:05.510

Imata mas qunqanchik ya manayá chay tiyempuhinachu.
Ima-ta mas qunqa-nchik mana-yá chay tiyempu-hina-chu
what-ACC more no-EMPH DEM.D forget.1PL time-COMP-NEG
Todo nos olvidamos no es como en el tiempo. Luego
What more? We forget? It's not like in that time.
00:02:05.620 - 00:02:11.320

Ukuchataqshi kasa. Pashñamanshi chay uqikama tirnuyuq ishkay trayasa.

ukucha-taq-shi ka-sa-ø chay uqi-kama tirnu-yuq ishkay Pashña-man-shi traya-sa-ø
mouse-SEQ-EVR be-PRF-3 grey—LIM suit-POSS two girl-ALL arrive-PRF-3
[Once upon a time], there was a mouse. Two men in grey suits arrived at a girl['s house].
[Hubo una vez hace mucho tiempo] un ratoncito. Dos hombres con terno plomo llegaron a [la casa de] una
00:02:11.750 - 00:02:17.660

'Hamunki paqarin papa allananchikpaq', nin.

Hamu-nki paqarin papa alla-na-nchik-paq ni-n.
come-2 tomorrow potato harvest-NMLZ-1PL-PURP say-3
[One of the men invited the girl,] "Tomorrow you'll come and harvest potatoes," he said.
[Uno de los hombres invitó a la chica,] "Mañana vienes a cosechar papa", dijo.
00:02:18.020 - 00:02:21.540

Riptinqa kanchu naq hukpa ukuchalla kurrikatrayasa. Tutaykuptinqa shulikama papata trayarachin
Ri-pti-n-qa ka-n-chu na-q huk-pa ukucha-lla kurri-katra-ya-sa- Tuta-yku-pti-n-qa shuli-kama papa-ta
go-SUBDS-3-TOP that-AG one-GEN mouse-RSTR run-FREQ-PROG-PRF-3 night-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP
hole-LIM potato-ACC be-3-NEG arrive.URGT-CAUS-3
Cuando se fue [sin embargo] no había [nadie allí] – solamente un ratón que estaba correteando. Cuando
oscureció [el hombre finalmente llegó
y] entregó papas picoteadas por pájaros.
When she went, [though] there wasn't [anyone there] – just a mouse running up and down.When it got dark,
[the man finally showed up and]
delivered potatoes half-eaten by birds.
00:02:21.640 - 00:02:28.340

'¿Imaynataq shulikama papataq apamuwarqanki?' nin.

'¿Imayna-taq shuli-kama papa-ta apa-mu-wa-rqa-nki ni-n
why-SEQ hole-RSTR bring-CISL-1.OBJ-PST-2 potato-ACC say-3
"¿Para qué me has traido papas comidas por pájaros?' dijo [la chica].
"Why did you bring me potatoes half-eaten by birds?" she said.
00:02:28.480 - 00:02:32.520

'Chaynallaya papay lluqsiyan', nin. Puntrawñataq por saber rin. Kanchu.

'Chay-na-lla-ya papa-y lluqsi-ya-n ni-n Puntraw-ña-taq por saber ri-n Ka-n-chu
DEM.D-VRBZ-RSTR-EMPH potato-1 come.out-PROG-3 say-3 day-DISC-SEQ for go-3 to.know be-3-NEG
"Así no más está saliendo mi papa", dijo. [La chica se fue sin siquiera una papa.] She went in the next day
[again] out of curiosity.
[Again, the next day, too,] there was nothing.
"My potatoes are coming out just like that," he said. [The girl left without a single potato.]"My potatoes are
coming out just like that,"
he said. [The girl left without a single potato.]Regresó al día [siguente nada más] por curiosidad. [Ese día
tampoco] había nada.
00:02:32.820 - 00:02:38.210
'Papata allashaq hamunki watyakunanchikpaq'. Kanchu. Ukuchalla kurrikatrayan surku surkupa.
'Papa-ta alla-shaq hamu-nki watyaku-na-nchik-paq Ka-n-chu Ukucha-lla kurri-katra-ya-n surku surku-pa.
potato-ACC harvest.1.FUT come-2 pachamanka-REFL-NMLZ-1PL-PURP be-3-NEG mouse-RSTR
run-FREQ-PROG-3 circle circle-LOC
"Vas a venir a cosechar papa para hacer pachamanca" [le había dicho] No había nada – solamente estaba ese
ratoncito correteando [entre]
todas las rayas [de papas].
I'm going to harvest potatoes. You'll come so that we can make pachamanca." There wasn't anything -- just
a mouse running around and
around in circles.
00:02:38.390 - 00:02:43.420

Tardiqa yapa shulikama papan apakusa trayarun.

Tardi-qa yapa shuli-kama apa-ku-sa papa-n traya-ru-n
afternoon-TOP repeat bird-eaten-LIM potato-3 bring-REFL-PRF-3 arrive-URGT-3
En la tarde otra vez llegó [el hombre] llevando sus papas picadas por pájaros.
In the afternoon, [the man] arrived again bringing his potatoes half-eaten by birds.
00:02:43.510 - 00:02:46.640

Ukuchallash kurrikatrayasa. 'Ñuqam karqani qawawarqankichu', nintaq chaypis.

Ukucha-lla-sh kurri-katra-ya-sa-ø 'Ñuqa-m ka-rqa-ni qawa-wa-rqa-nki-chu ni-n-taq chay-pis
mouse-RSTR-EVR run-FREQ-PROG-PRF3 1-EVD be-PST-1 look-1.OBJ-PST-2-NEG say-3-SEQ
El ratón estaba correteando, correteando", [dijo la chica]. "Yo era", él respondió "¿No me has visto?"
The mouse was running all around." "It was me," he said. "Didn't you see me?"
00:02:46.930 - 00:02:51.460

Maqta chayqa kasa. Chay ukucha kasa maqtatukushpa

Maqta chay-qa ka-sa-ø Chay ukucha ka-sa-ø maqta-tuku-shpa DEM.D-TOP be-PRF-3 DEM.D mouse be-PRF-3
[Al final de cuentas, no] era hombre. Era un ratón que fingía ser hombre.
He was[n't] a man [after all]. It was a mouse disguised as a man.
00:02:51.690 - 00:02:55.240

Chaykuna ingañaq unayqa. Kanan chayqa kanñachu.

Chay-kuna ingaña-q unay-qa Kanan chay-qa ka-n-ña-chu
DEM.D-PL deceive-AG before-TOP now DEM.D-TOP be-3-DISC-NEG
Antiguamente, todos ellos engañaban. Ahora ya no hay esas cosas.
In the old days. all of those deceived. Now there isn't any one that any more.
00:02:55.820 - 00:03:00.390

Asnuñataq wañurusa . . . Asnu wañuruptinqa, nas después

Asnu-ña-taq wañu-ru-sa-ø Asnu wañu-ru-pti-n-qa
ass-DISC-SEQ ass die-URGT-PRF-3 die-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
Un burro había muerto. Cuando murió el burro,
A donkey had died. When the donkey died
00:03:01.920 - 00:03:08.570

liyun mikusa. Tuqapayaykun. '¿Wañusachu kayan?' nishpa.

liyun miku-sa-ø Tuqa-pa-yku-n '¿Wañu-sa-chu ka-ya-n ni-shpa
lion eat-PRF-3 spit-REPET--EXCEP-3 die-PRF-Q be-PROG-3 say-SUBIS
Un leon [comenzó] a comerlo. [El leon] lo escupió. "¿Está muerto?" dijo.
A lion [began to] eat it. [The lion] spit repeatedly. "Is it dead?" he said.
00:03:09.040 - 00:03:13.850

Hinaptin, wañusa kayasa kay liyakurun na lasuwan asnumanqa mikunanpaq.

Hinaptin wañu-sa ka-ya-sa-ø kay liya-ku-ru-n na lasu-wan asnu-man-qa miku-na-n-paq
then die-PRF be-PROG-PRF-3 DEM.P tie.up-REFL-URGT-3 that lasso-INSTR ass-ALL-TOP
Estaba [efectivamente] muerto. [El leon] amarró al burro para poder comerlo.
It was [indeed] dead. [The lion] tied up the donkey with a lasso in order to eat it.
00:03:14.040 - 00:03:19.900

Entonses liyakuruptinqa qaaachin qachin saqakuykun. Pobre atuq pobre liyunta wañuqpaq.
Entonses liya-ku-ru-pti-n-qa qaaachi-n qachi-n saqaku-yku-n Pobre atuq pobre liyun-ta wañu-q-paq
then tie-up-REFL-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP hoonk hooonk escape-EXCEP-3 poor fox poor lion-ACC
Entonces cuando lo estaba amarrando [el burro] se escapó rebuznando. Pobre león! Pobre zorro, [también]! [El
burro] los arrastra hasta matarlos.
Then, when he tied it up, "hooonk, hooonk" it escaped. Poor lion! And poor fox [too]! [The donkey]
dragged them [both] to their deaths.
00:03:20.180 - 00:03:26.070

qatracharun nañachu
qatra-cha-ru-n na-ña-chu
drag-FACT-URGT-3 that-DISC-BEG
Los arrastró.
He dragged them.
00:03:26.400 - 00:03:30.710

Wak wañuq wañurun. Por saber asnuqa narqa wañuqtukurun.

Wak wañu-q wañu-ru-n Por saber asnu-qa na-rqa-ø wañu-q-tuku-ru-n
DEM.D die-AG die-URGT-3 for to.know ass-TOP that-PST-3 die-SIMUL-URGT-3
Ese muerto murió. Por las puras el burro se hacía el muerto
That "dead" one died. Out of curiosity, the donkey had pretended to be dead.
00:03:31.540 - 00:03:37.740

Kawsarishpashiki riq peyor atuqta wañurachin. Chaykunallam chay kwintu.

Kawsa-ri-shpa-sh diha-ru-n peyor liyun-ta atuq-ta wañu-ra-chi-n Chay-kuna-lla-m chay kwintu
live-INCEP-SUBIS leave-URGT-3 worse lion-ACC fox-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-3 DEM.D-PL-RSTR-EVD
DEM.D story.
Cuando [el burro] revivió – las cosas empeoraron para el zorro – él lo mató. eso no más es este cuento.
When [the donkey] came back to life – things went worse for that fox – he killed him. That's all there is to that
00:03:37.940 - 00:03:43.920

00:03:43.920 - 00:03:43.970

Rutupis ingañarqash maqtatukushpa pashñata

Rutu-pis ingaña-rqa-ø-sh maqta-tuku-shpa pashña-ta
bird-ADD deceive-PST-3-EVR girl-ACC
Un rutu [ave pequeño de altura] también engañó a una chica haciendose de un caballero.
A rutu-bird, too, deceived a girl by making himself out to be a young man.
00:03:43.970 - 00:03:48.770

Hamunki chaypim millwata tishashpaqa nishpa.

Hamu-nki chay-pi-m millwa-ta tisha-shpa-qa ni-shpa
come-2 DEM.D-LOC-EVD wool-ACC card-SUBIS-TOP say-SUBIS
"Vas a venir allí y vas a escaminar lana", dijo.
"You're going to come with me and you're going to card wool there," he said.
00:03:49.060 - 00:03:53.350

Riptinqa millwalla quturayasa ni maqtaqa kasachu

Ri-pti-n-qa millwa-lla qutu-ra-ya-sa-ø ni maqta-qa ka-sa-ø-chu
go-SUBDS-3-TOP wool-RSTR accumulate-UNINT-PROG-PRF-3 nor be-PRF-3-NEG
Cuando se fue lana no más estaba amontonando. El caballero no estaba
When she went, there was just wool piling up -- there was no young man.
00:03:53.430 - 00:03:58.260

Chayshi chay rutu chayaq kasa runachu maqtachu

Chay-shi chay rutu chay-aq kasa-ø runa-chu maqta-chu
DEM.D-EVR DEM.D bird DEM.D-TOP be-PRF-3 person-NEG GG
Ese rutu no había sido ni una persona ni un caballero.
That rutu-bird hadn't been either a person or a young man.
00:03:58.410 - 00:04:03.610

Yapa rin hinashpa mana hamusankichu nin manachu ñuqa chaypa millwata tishashpa suyayki nin kanchu
Yapa ri-n hinashpa mana chay-pa hamu-sa-nki-chu millwa-ta tisha-shpa suya-yki ni-n ni-n mana-chu ñuqa-qa
repeat go-3 then no come-PRF-2-NEG say-3 no-NEG 1-TOP DEM.D-LOC wool-ACC card-SUBIS say-3
wait-1>2 be-3-NEG
Cuando se fue otra vez le dijo"¿ Porqué no viniste?" "¿No te esperé allí escarminando lana,?" dijo. No había
[ningún muchacho].
When he came another time, he said, "Why haven't you come?" "Wasn't I there carding wool waiting for
you?" he said. There was no [young
00:04:03.740 - 00:04:09.710

Atrqayllaqa muytikatrayasqa chaypi

Atrqay-lla muyti-katra-ya-sqa-ø chay-pa
eagle-RSTR lifting.and.dropping-FREQ-PROG-NPST-3 DEM.D-LOC
"Sólo un águila estaba allí agachándose y levantándose la cabeza".
"There was just an eagle there crouching down and standing up."
00:04:09.900 - 00:04:12.910

yapa kutiptinpis chaynallataq

yapa kuti-pti-n-pis chay-na-lla-taq
Otra vez cuando regresó también estaba el águila
Returning another time, just like that.
00:04:13.240 - 00:04:15.890

Kanchu chayqa ultimu uraqa atrqay presentakurun

Ka-n-chu chay-qa ultimu ura-qa atrqay presenta-ku-ru-n
be-3-NEG last hour-TOP eagle DEM.D-TOP present-REFL-URGT-3
[EL muchacho] no estaba. A la última hora se presentó un águila.
There was no [young man]. At the last moment, an eagle presented himself.
00:04:16.600 - 00:04:20.850

Maqtamiki ñuqaqa chay karqani nin

Maqta-mi-ki chay ka-rqa-ni ñuqa-qa ni-n 1-TOP DEM.D be-PST-1 say-3
"Yo era el caballero, pues. Yo era", le dijo
"I was the young man," he said. "That was me."
00:04:21.030 - 00:04:24.230

Chaypaq ñañataq kundurñataq pushasa pashñata

Chay-paq ñaña-ta kundur-ña-taq pusha-sa-ø pashña-ta
DEM.D-ABL sister-ACC condor.DISC-SEQ take-PRF-3 girl-ACC
Después, condor ya también llevaba a una chica
Then, her sister, too. A condor, too, took away a girl.
00:04:24.600 - 00:04:30.100

Kalamina wasiman trayarachin pashñata

Kalamina wasi-man traya-ra-chi-n pashña-ta
tin.roof house-ALL arrive-URGT-CAUS-3 girl-ACC
Le hizo llegar para la casa de calamina la chica
He had the girl come to a house with a tin roof.
00:04:30.260 - 00:04:33.220

wawakurusa wambranchik walanta taqsaramushaq nishpa nin

wawa-ku-ru-sa-ø wambra-nchik wala-n-ta taqsa-ra-mu-shaq ni-shpa ni-n
baby-REFL-URGT-PRF-3 child-1PL skirt-3-ACC wash-URGT-CISL-1.FUT sat-SUBIS say-3
Había dado luz y le dijo de nuestro hijo su ropa voy a lavar dice le dijo
She had given birth and she said, "I'm going to wash our child's clothes."
00:04:33.450 - 00:04:38.340

Wambranpa walanta taqsayaptinqa ñachu hatu hatun qaqata baharun mana kalaminachu chay kasa
Wambra-n-pa wala-n-ta taqsa-ya-pti-n-qa ña-chu hatu hatun qaqa-ta baha-ru-n mana kalamina-chu chay
child-3-GEN skirt-3-ACC wash-PROG-SUBDS-3-TOP DISC-NEG big big cliff-ACC descend-URGT-3 no
tin.roof-NEG DEM.D be-PRF-3
Cuando estaba lavando el pañal del bebe, inmensa peña bajó y no era calamina eso
When she was washing the baby's diapers, he came down a huge cliff. It hadn't been a tin roof.
00:04:38.650 - 00:04:45.920

Taqsakuyaptinqa trayarun imamanmi saqimuwaranki nishpa kundur trayarun

Taqsa-ku-ya-pti-n-qa ima-man-mi saqi-mu-wa-rqa-nki ni-shpa kundur traya-ru-n traya-ru-n
wash-REFL-PROG-SUBDS-3-TOP arrive-URGT-3 what-ALL-EVD abandon-CISL-1.OBJ-PST-2 say-SUBIS
condor arrive-URGT-3
Cuando está lavando en su lado se apareció le dijo para qué me has dejado? Diciendo llegó el cóndor.
When she was washing, he arrived saying, "What did you abandon me for?" The condor arrived.
00:04:46.060 - 00:04:51.040

wambraypa walan taqsaqmi hamurqani nin

wambra-y-pa wala-n taqsa-q-mi hamu-rqa-ni ni-n
child-1-GEN skirt-3 wash-AG_EVD come-PST-1 say-3
He venido a lavar su pañal de mi bebe le dijo
"I came to was my baby's diapers," she said.
00:04:51.190 - 00:04:53.970

ultimo uraqa kundur chay kasa manatriki

kundur chay-aq ka-sa-ø mana-tri-ki
condor DEM.D-TOP be-PRF-3-DISC-EVC-K no-EVC-KI
Finalmente, ése había sido cóndor
At the end of the way, he was a condor.
00:04:54.150 - 00:04:57.660

Maqtachu kasa mikutamunwan churintaqa . . . eso no más cuento

No era muchacho TK su hijo . . . eso no más cuento
It wasn't a young man TK his son. There are no more stories.
00:04:57.840 - 00:05:06.430

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:32 PM

sibada alli alli kaq, trigo sibada para.
sibada alli alli ka-q trigu sibada para
barley good good be-AG wheat barley rain
Cebada había bastante, trigo cebada
There was a lot of barley, wheat and barley.
00:00:00.120 - 00:00:03.630

Chunukunaman apana karqa sako por sako.

Chunu-kuna-man apa-na ka-rqa-ø sako por sako
Chunu-PL-ALL bring-NMLZ be-PST-3 sack by sack
Se llevaba saco por saco hacia Chuno.
We brought it sackby sack to Chuno-
00:00:03.740 - 00:00:07.100

Chunaman rishpa kutichimuna karqa por saco.

Chuna-man ri-shpa kuti-chi-mu-na ka-rqa-ø por sako.
Chuna-ALL go-SUBIS return-CAUS-CISL-NMLZ be-PST-3 by sack
Llevando para Chuno, se hacía volver por sacos.
When we brought things to Chuna, we would bring things back by sacks.
00:00:07.320 - 00:00:09.770

Papa lucha siparaw, sirinisa papa siparaw.

Papa lucha siparaw sirinisa papa siparaw
potato lucha separate sirinisa potato separate
La papa larga aparte, otra papa aparte, papa sirinisa aparte.
Long potatoes separated from other potatoes, separated from sirnisa potatoes.
00:00:10.020 - 00:00:15.130

Por saku por saku apamuna karqa.
Por saku por saku apa-mu-na ka-rqa-ø
by sack by sack bring-CISL-NMLZ be-PST-3
Por sacos se traía más antes.
Before, we used to bring it by sacks and sacks.
00:00:15.260 - 00:00:17.820

Kanan mana chaynaqa kanchu. Llantakunata qutushtin lliptakunata kañakushtin, hanay chununa wasi yatrana
Kanan mana chay-na-qa ka-n-chu Llanta-kuna-ta qutu-shtin llipta-kuna-ta kaña-ku-shtin hanay chununa wasi
yatra-na ka-rqa-ø
now no DEM.D-VRBZ-TOP be-3-NEG fire.wood-PL-ACC gather-SUBADV ash-PL-ACC
burn-REFL-SUBADV up chununa house live-NMLZ be-PST-3
Ahora no hay así. Juntando leña, quemando ceniza, se vivía arriba en Chunu Wasi.
Now there aren't like that any more. Gathering firewood, burning ash, we lived like that before in Chunu
00:00:18.230 - 00:00:25.630

Chaypa más perinin yatrana karqa.

Chay-pa más perinin yatra-na ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D-LOC more permanent live-NMLZ be-PST-3
Tenías que vivir allí más permanente.
You used to have to live there more permanently.
00:00:25.830 - 00:00:28.540

Chay Chunukunata apamusa

Chay Chunu-kuna-ta apa-mu-sa
DEM.D Chunu-PL-ACC bring-CISL-PRF-3
Lo ha llevado a Chunu.
He's taken it to Chuno
00:00:28.830 - 00:00:30.590

sibadata por su kwinta sinkuwenta sakus, trinta, vinti sakus sibada, trigu.
sibadata por su kwinta sinkuwenta sakus, trinta, vinti sakus sibada, trigu.
Barley fifty sacks thirty twenty sacks barley wheat
Cebada por su cuenta -- cincuenta sacos. Treinta, veinte sacos -- cebada, trigo.
Barley on its own fifty sacks. Thirty, twenty sacks of barley, wheat.
00:00:30.780 - 00:00:35.920

Papatapis alli allita hurquna karqa -- uqa, papa, aba.

Papa-ta-pis alli alli-ta hurqu-na ka-rqa-ø -- uqa papa aba
potato-ACC-ADD good good-ACC gather-NMLZ be-PST-3 oca potato broad.beans
Papa también se cosechaba en abondancia -- oca, papa, hava.
We also used to harvest a whole lot of potatoes -- oca, potatoes, broad beans.
00:00:36.680 - 00:00:41.060

Kanan manayá chayqa kanñachu. Chaykuna apana karqa.

Kanan mana-yá chay-qa ka-n-ña-chu Chay-kuna apa-na ka-rqa-ø
now no-EMPH DEM.D-TOP be-3-DISC-NEG DEM.D-PL bring-NMLZ be-PST-3
Ahora no hay todo eso. Todo eso era para llevar.
Now that doesn't exists any more. WE used to bring all that.
00:00:41.230 - 00:00:44.760

Wak Markupukyupa nisa trígota hurqupakamuq kani -- ishkay, kimsa klasita.
Wak Markupukyu-pa ni-sa trígu-ta hurqu-pa-ka-mu-q ka-ni ishkay, kimsa klasi-ta.
DEM.D Marcopukyo-LOC say-PRF-3 wheat-ACC gather-MUTBEN-CISL-AG be-1 two three kind-ACC
Allá en Marcopukyo que le dicen yo cosechaba trigo de dos o tres variedades.
Over in Marcopukyo, as they call it, I used to harvest wheat -- two, three varieties.
00:00:44.980 - 00:00:49.540

Papas también.
Potatoes, too.
00:00:49.640 - 00:00:52.560

Kanan chay kanñachu. Ni Chuno. Por que no hay lluvia.

Kanan chay ka-n-ña-chu Ni Chuno
now DEM.D be-3-DISC-NEG nor Chuno
Ahora ya no hay esas cosas. Ni chuño. Porque no hay lluvia
Now that doesn't exist any more. Not eben in Chuno. Because there isn't any rain.
00:00:52.630 - 00:00:59.080

Parayá manam unayhina paranñachu.

Para-yá mana-m unay-hina para-n-ña-chu.
rain-EMPH no-EVD before-COMP rain-3-DISC-NEG
No hay lluvia como los años más anteriores.
Rain. It doesn't rain any more like in the old days.
00:00:59.170 - 00:01:01.940

Unayqa parakullaqyá
Unay-qa para-ku-lla-q-yá
Más antes había bastante lluvia.
Before, it used to just rain.
00:01:02.010 - 00:01:04.630

Pastupis kakullaq alli alli.

Pastu-pis ka-ku-lla-q alli alli.
pasture-ADD be-REFL-RSTR-AG good good
Había bastante foraje.
And there was a good lot of pasture grass.
00:01:04.820 - 00:01:07.370

Vakatapis chawana karqa. Hatu hatun kisuta, kisuta ruwana karqa tinaman.
Vaka-ta-pis chawa-na ka-rqa-ø Hatu hatun kisu-ta kisu-ta ruwa-na ka-rqa-ø tina-man
cow-ACC-ADD milk-NMLZ be-PST-3 big big cheese-ACC cheese-ACC make-NMLZ be-PST-3 tub-ALL
Antés se lecheaba la vaca. Quesos enormes, queso se hacía como en una tina.
We used to milk the cows. We used ot make great big cheeses in a tub.
00:01:07.620 - 00:01:12.700

Kanan vakataq tusillaman chawayanchik kabratahina.

Kanan vaka-taq tusi-lla-man chawa-ya-nchik kabra-ta-hina
now cow-SEQ cup-RSTR-ALL milk-PROG-1PL goat-ACC-COMP
Ahora la vaca se saca lecha en una tasita como cabra.
Nowwe milk a cow into a cup, like a goat.
00:01:12.930 - 00:01:16.970

Ayves kan lichipis ayves mana lichipis kanchu. Pastukawsu. Ritikuna ritikamullaq wamaq wamaqta.
Ayves ka-n lichi-pis ayves mana lichi-pis ka-n-chu Pastu-kawsu Riti-kuna riti-ka-mu-lla-q wamaq wamaq-ta
sometimes be-3 milk-ADD sometimes no milk-ADD be-3-NEG pasture-CAUS sleet-PL
sleet-REFL-CISL-RSTR-AG a.lot a.lot-ACC
a veces hay leche y a veces no hay. Por el forraje. Cuando nevaba nevaba bastante.
Sometimes there's milk; sometimes there isn't. On account of the pasture-grass. When it would sleet it
would sleet a lot.
00:01:17.360 - 00:01:24.480

Yakupis tukuy pampata rikullaq.

Yaku-pis tukuy pampa-ta ri-ku-lla-q
water-ADD all ground-ACC go-REFL-RSTR-AG
El agua también iba por todo el lado por la pampas.
Water, too, used to run all over the ground.
00:01:24.540 - 00:01:27.650

Vakakunata aparuq, bistyakunata aparuq sanqakunapa. Kananqa ni sanqapis kanchu.

Vaka-kuna-ta apa-ru-q bistya-kuna-ta apa-ru-q sanqa-kuna-pa Kanan-qa ni sanqa-pis ka-n-chu
cow-PL-ACC bring-URGT-AG horse-PL-ACC bring-URGT.AG stream-PL-LOC now-TOP nor stream-ADD
Llevábamos a las vacas, llevábamos a los caballos en los riochuelos. Ahora ya no hay ni riochuelos.
We would bring the cows, we would bring the horses to the streams. Now there aren't even streams.
00:01:27.820 - 00:01:34.310

Unayqa alli alli vidam pasana karqa. ¿Viyaha? Manam viyaharqanichu.

Unay-qa alli alli vida-m pasa-na ka-rqa-ø Viyaha Mana-m viyaha-rqa-ni-chu
before-TOP good good life-EVD pass-NMLZ be-PST-3 travel no-EVD travel-PST-1-NEG
Antes pasábamos una vida buena. ¿Viaja? No he viajado.
Before, we used to live really good lives. Travel? I've never traveled.
00:01:35.060 - 00:01:39.910

Ni Huancayo ni Lima ni may. Kay Cañetetaq rirqani. Limakunaqa imaynatr Limaqa.

Ni Huancayo ni Lima ni may. Kay Cañete-taq ri-rqa-ni Lima-kuna-qa imayna-tr Lima-qa
nor Huancayo nor Lima nor where DEM.P Cañete-ACC go-PST-1 Lima-PL-TOP how-EVC Lima-TOP
Ni a Huancayo, ni a Lima, ni a ningún lado. A Cañete si he ido. ¿Cómo será Lima?
Not Huancayo, nor Lima, nor anywhere. I have gone to Cañete. Lima and all -- how would Lima be?
00:01:41.340 - 00:01:48.040

Cañetellapam wambray. Chay wambray kaqllatam rini ayves. Ayves en kwandumik. Manataq perinin
Cañete-lla-pa-m wambra-y chay wambra-y ka-q-lla-ta-m ri-ni ayves en kwandu-mik mana-taq perinin
Cañete-RSTR-LOC-EVD child-1 DEM.D child-1 be-AG-RSTR-ACC-EVD go-1 sometimes sometimes in
when-EVD-K no-SEQ permanent walk-1-SEQ-NEG
En Cañete no más está mi hijo. Allí no más voy a veces. De vez en cuando al pueblo no viajo permanente.
My son is just in Cañete. Sometimes I go just to my son's place. Every once in a while. I don't wander
around all the time.
00:01:48.180 - 00:01:54.620

Viyahi purinaypaq mana valinichu, Chaymi mana viyahikunichu.

Viyahi puri-na-y-paq mana vali-ni-chu achka chay-mi mana viyahi-ku-ni-chu
trip walk-NMLZ-1-PURP no be.good-1-NEG a.lot DEM.D-EVD no trip-REFL-1-NEG
No sirvo para salir de viaje. Por eso ya no viajo.
I'm not good for going on trips. That's why I don't travel..
00:01:54.720 - 00:01:58.160

Timblurkunataq sintinña kalaminaskuna saqlaq saqlaq nishpaya pasan. Algunus manataq sintinchiktaqchu.
Timblur-kuna-taq sinti-n-ña kalamina-kuna saqlaq saqlaq ni-shpa-ya pasa-n Algunus mana-taq
earth.quake-PL-SEQ feel-3-DISC tin.roofing-PL bang bang say-SUBIS-EMPH pass-3 some no-SEQ
Cuando pasa temblor sentimos los ruidos de la calamina -- "saqlaq saqlaq" sonando pasa. Algunos no se hacen
They feel the earthquakes -- when they happen, the tin roofing goes "saqlaq saqlaq". We don't feel some of the.
00:01:58.430 - 00:02:04.590

Temblortaqa kalamina wasipa sintinchikya. Asustani chay kalamina wasipa puñushpaqa. Ñitiruwanmantri.
Temblor-ta-qa kalamina wasi-pa sinti-nchik-ya Asusta-ni chay kalamina wasi-pa puñu-shpa-qa
earth.quake-ACC-TOP tin.roofing house-GEN feel-1PL-EMPH get.scared-1 DEM.D tin.roofing house-GEN
El temblor se siente en una casa [con techo] de calamina. Dormiendo en una casa [con techo] de calamina, me
asusto. Nos puede aplastar
You feel the earthquakes in a house [with a roof] of tin. Sleeping in a house [with a roof] of tin, I get scared. It
could crush us.
00:02:04.750 - 00:02:11.660

Iskwelanta lliwta ya wambrayta puchukachirqani. Todito todito

Iskwela-n-ta lliw-ta ya wambra-y-ta puchuka-chi-rqa-ni.
school-3-ACCn-ta all-ACC EMPH child-1-ACC finish-CAUS-PST-1
Hice a todos mis hijos terminar la escuela. Toditos.
I made all my children finish their schooling, Absolutely all of them.
00:02:11.800 - 00:02:16.550

Hukllanpis kanchu analfabituqa.

Huk-lla-n-pis ka-n-chu analfabitu-qa
one-RSTR-3-ADD be-3-NEG illiterate-TOP
No hay ni un analfabeto.
Not even one is illiterate.
00:02:16.750 - 00:02:19.680

Ñuqallam analfabitu kani. Mamay taytanchik manam truwawarqachu.

Ñuqa-lla-m analfabitu ka-ni Mama-y tayta-nchik mana-m truwa-wa-rqa-chu
1-RSTR-EVD illiterate be-1 mother-1 father-1PL no-EVD put-1OBJ-PST-3-NEG
Yo no más soy analfabeto. Mi mamá y mi papá no me pusieron [a estudiar].
I'm the only illiterate one. My mother and father didn't put me [in school].
00:02:19.730 - 00:02:23.760

Unayqa mana iskwela ubligatoriyuchu kaq. Voluntariyu.

Unay-qa mana iskwela ubligatoriyu-chu ka-q Voluntariyu.
before-TOP no school obligatory-NEG be-AG Optional
Más antes no era obligatorio la escuela.
Before, school wasn't obligatory. It was optional.
00:02:23.900 - 00:02:28.020

Chaytri analfabituta uyuwawarqa. Kanan manayá wambraqa.

Chay-tri analfabitu-ta uyuwa-wa-rqa-ø Kanan mana-yá wambra-qa
DEM.D-EVC illiterate-ACC keep-1.OBJ-3 now no-EMPH child-TOP
Por eso criaron analfabeto. Ahora los hijos ya no [son analfabetos]..
That's why they kept me illiterate. Now the children aren't.
00:02:28.060 - 00:02:32.520

Wakhinakunaqa istudiyayanñamiki.
Wak-hina-kuna-qa istudiya-ya-n-ña-mi-ki
Así ya están estudiando ahora.
All like that, they're already studying.
00:02:32.640 - 00:02:35.620

Wambrayqa lliw istudiyasa.

Wambra-y-qa lliw istudiya-sa-ø
child-1-TOP all study-PRF-3
Mis hijos todos estudiaron.
My children all studied.
00:02:35.730 - 00:02:38.000

Ñuqataq mana trurawarqachu. Hinaptinmi ¿imayna mana trurawarqachu imaynam istudiyanki?

Ñuqa-taq mana trura-wa-rqa-chu Hinaptin-mi ¿imayna mana trurawa-rqa-ø-chu imayna-m istudiya-nki
1-ACC-SEQ no put-1.OBJ-PST-3-NEG then-EVD how no put-1.OBJ-PST-3-NEG how-EVD study-2
A mí no me pusieron. Luego, ¿Cómo -- no me pusieron -- ¿Cómo estudias?
They didn't put me [in school]. So, how -- they didn't put me in -- how do you study?
00:02:38.770 - 00:02:43.160

Manayá trurawarqachu ñuqataqa. Chaytri analfabitu kakuni.

Mana-yá trura-wa-rqa-ø-chu ñuqa-ta-qa Chay- tri analfabitu ka-ku-ni
no-EMPH put-1.OBJ-PST-3-NEG 1-ACC-TOP DEM.D-EVC illiterate be-REFL-1
No me ha puesto pues a mí. Por eso soy analfabeto.
They didn't put me in school. That's why I'm illiterate.
00:02:43.280 - 00:02:48.590

Iskribiytapis usachinichu, ni firmaytapis. Total analfabitu.

Iskribi-y-ta-pis usachi-ni-chu ni firma-y-ta-pis Total analfabitu
write-INF-ACC-ADD be-able-1-NEG nor sign-INF-ACC-ADD completely illiterate
Escribir tampoco no puedo, firmar tampoco. Totalmente analfabeto.
I can't write or sign [my name], either. Completely illiterate.
00:02:48.910 - 00:02:53.700

Manayá leyeytapis usachinichu

Mana-yá leye-y-ta-pis usachi-ni-chu
No puedo pues leer tampoco.
I can't read, either.
00:02:54.210 - 00:02:56.560

¿Imaynatr¡ kayan? Profesurpis kaymantri karqa. ¿Ima istudiyashpaqa imatr kayman karqa?
¿Imayna-tr ka-ya-n profesur-pis ka-y-man-tri ka-rqa-ø ¿Ima istudiya-shpa-qa ima-tr ka-y-man ka-rqa-ø
how-EVC be-PROG-3 teacher-ADD be-1-COND-EVC be-PST-3 what study-SUBIS-TOP what-EVC
be-1-COND be-PST-3
¿cómo hubiera sido? De repente hubiera salido profesor.
How would it be? I might have been a teacher, too. Studying, what might I have been?
00:02:56.610 - 00:03:00.840

Imaypis kay imapis kay swertipaqmi, ¿imapis kaymantri karqa?

Imay-pis kay ima-pis kay swerti-paq-mi ¿ima-pis ka-y-man-tri ka-rqa-ø
when-ADD DEM.D what-ADD DEM.D luck-PURP-EVD what-ADD be-1-COND-EVC be-PST-3
Todas esas cosas son para tener suerte.¿qué también hubiera sido?
That's all for ahving luck. What else might I have been?
00:03:00.920 - 00:03:04.030

Mana istudiyayuq ¿imatamá yatranki?

Mana istudiya-yuq ¿ima-ta-m-á yatra-nki
no study-POSS what-ACC-EVD-EMPH know-2
Si no has estudiado, ¿qué cosas vas a saber, pues?
Without any studies, what are you going to know?
00:03:04.120 - 00:03:06.700

Manayá iskribiytapis usachinchikchu -- ni lapis hapiytapis.

Mana-yá iscribi-y-ta-pis usachi-nchik-chu -- ni lapis hapi-y-ta-pis
no-EMPH write-INF-ACC-ADD -- nor pencil grab-INF-ACC-ADD
No podemos escribir -- ni siquiera agarrar lapis.
We can't write, either -- or hold a pencil, either.
00:03:07.220 - 00:03:14.230

Istudiyaq iskribiyan lapiskunata hapishpa. Iskribiyanmiki, wakhinakunapis iskribiyanñam.

Istudiya-q iskribi-ya-n lapis-kuna-ta hapi-shpa iskribi-ya-n-mi-ki wak-hina-kuna-pis iskribi-ya-n-ña-m
study-AG write-PROG-3 pencil-PL-ACC grab-SUBIS write-PROG-3-EVD.KI DEM.D-COMP-PL-ADD
Los que estudian esrciben. Agarrando lápiz, están escribiendo. Como él también -- ya está escribiendo.
Those who study, write. Thy grab pencils and they're writing. Like that one, too --he's writing already.
00:03:14.330 - 00:03:20.420

Mana riqkuna, ¿Imatam rimasayki? Yatranchikchu. ¿Ima negosiyupis kaypaq kantri?

Mana ri-q-kuna ¿ima-ta-m rima-sayki Yatra-nchik-chu ¿Ima negosiyu-pis kay-paq ka-n-tri
no go-AG-PL what-ACC-EVD talk-1-2 know-1PL-NEG what business.ADD DEM.P-LOC be-3-EVC
Los que no hemos ido, ¿qué cosa te vamos a decir? No sabemos. ¿Qué negocio habrá allí?
People who haven't gone, What are they going to say to you? We don't know. What businesses are going to
be here?
00:03:21.130 - 00:03:28.010

Víñaqpaq kayan, ya hentipis manaña kaypi ñuqalla yatrayani Kaypa wichiqkuna kaypa na trakrayuqkuna
ratulla hamun naq.
Víñaq-paq ka-ya-n ya henti-pis mana-ya kay-pi ñuqa-lla yatra-ya-ni Kay-pa wichi-q-kuna kay-pa na
trakra-yuq-kuna ratu-lla hamu-n na-q
Víñac-LOC be-PROG-3 EMPH people-ADD no-EMPH DEM.P-LOC 1-RSTR live-PROG-1 DEM.P-LOC
harvest-AG-PL DEM.P-LOC that fields-POSS-PL moment-RSTR
En Viñac sí hay. [Aquí] no hay ni gente. Yo no más vivo acá. Los que tienen chacra los que vienen a ramar
vienen por un momento no más come-3 that-AG
There are in Viñac. [Here] there aren't any people. Just I live here. The people who have fields here, the people
who plant come for just a moment.
00:03:28.420 - 00:03:36.790

Kusechankuna huqariqlla. Ñuqalla kaypaq yatrani.

kusecha-n-kuna huqa-ri-q-lla ñuqa-lla kay-paq yatra-ni
harvest-3-PL collect-INCEP-AG-RSTR 1-RSTR DEM.P-LOC live-1
Recoger sus cosechas yo no más acá vivo.
Those who collect their crops. Only I live here.
00:03:37.110 - 00:03:41.590

Sapallay rantikuniyá
Sapa-lla-y ranti-ku-ni-yá
alone-RSTR-1 buy-REFL-1-EMPH
Solita yo vendo.
I sell stuff all alone.
00:03:41.830 - 00:03:44.680

Pokuta kilu kilu ishkay kilu kilu chayhinalla rantikuni.

Poku-ta kilu kilu ishkay kilu kilu chay-hina-lla ranti-ku-ni
little-ACC kilo kilo two kilo kilo DEM.D-COMP-RSTR buy-REFL-1
Poco poco por kilos no más yo vendo
A little bit. A kilo or two kilos -- just like that I sell stuff.
00:03:44.900 - 00:03:48.690

Lliwta -- abaskuna, albirhakuna -- ayveslla rantikuni, apani llaqtatam.

Lliw-ta abas-kuna alberha-kuna ayves-lla ranti-ku-ni apa-ni llaqta-ta-m
all-ACC broad.beans-PL pea-PL sometimes-RSTR buy-REFL-1 bring-1 town-ACC-EVD
Todo -- hava, alberja de vez en cuando vendo llevo al pueblo.
Everything -- broad beans, peas -- once in while I sell stuff, I bring it into town.
00:03:48.930 - 00:03:55.580

Ayves Piruhuayuqta chayta apani. Chayllam manayá achka kaypichu.

Ayves Piruhuayuq-ta chay-ta apa-ni Chay-lla-m mana-yá achka-pi-chu
sometimes Piruhuayuq-ACC DEM.D-ACC bring-1 DEM.D-RSTR-EVD no-EMPH a.lot-LOC-NEG
a veces llevo a Piruhuayuk. Así no más, no es en cantidad.
Sometimes I bring stuff to Piruhuayuk. Just like that -- not in great quantity.
00:03:55.690 - 00:04:00.250

Ñallata taksalla taksallapitaq ya tarpukuni, manayá hatu hatunpichu.

Ña-lla-ta ima-taq taksa-lla taksa-lla pi-taq ya tarpu-ku-ni mana-yá hatu hatun-pi-chu
DISC-RSTR-ACC what-SEQ little-RSTR little-RSTR who-SEQ EMPH plant-REFL-1 no-EMPH big
Yo siembro en chiquitos, chiquitos [terrenos], no en grandes.
Just ummm, I just plant in small plots, not in big ones.
00:04:00.820 - 00:04:05.560

Yaku kasankamalla. Tamboman wak kaminuqa riyan.

Yaku ka-sa-n-kama-lla Tambo-man wak kaminu-qa ri-ya-n
water be-PRF-3-RSTR-RSTR Tambo-ALL DEM.D road-TOP go-PROG-3
Mientras haya agua no más. Ese camino va a Tambopata
Just as long as there's water. That road goes to Tambo.
00:04:05.900 - 00:04:10.210

Kay dirichu kaminum riyan.

Kay dirichu kaminu-m ri-ya-n
DEM.P straight road-EVD go-PROG-3
Este camino va directo.
This road goes straight there.
00:04:10.360 - 00:04:14.790

"Hamullayki" ninkitriki. "Ñuqallami visitamurqayki" ninkitriki.

Hamu-lla-yki ni-nki-tri-ki Ñuqa-lla-m visita-mu-rqa-yki ni-nki-tri-ki
come-RSTR-2 say-2-EVC-KI 1-RSTR-EVD visit-CISL-PST-1>2 say-2-EVC-KI
"¿Se puede?" dirás. "Yo no más te he visitado" dirás.
"May I" you'll say. "Just I have visited you," you'll say.
00:04:14.910 - 00:04:20.380

Tambopatinuman trayarunki, "Ñuqallam hamuni wasillayki. Allqullaykim kanirullawanman", ninkitrki

Tambopatinu-man traya-ru-nki 'Ñuqa-lla-m hamu-ni wasi-lla-yki allqu-lla-yki-m kani-ru-lla-wa-n-man
Tambopatter-ALL arrive-URGT-2 1-RSTR-EVD come-1 house-RSTR-2 dog-RSTR-2-EVD
bite-URGT-RSTR-1.OBJ-3-COND say-3-EVC-KI
Vas a llegar a Tambopata, "Yo no más vengo a tu casa. Cuidado que tu perro me pueda morder", dirás.
You're going to arrive in Tambopata. "Just I come to your house. Be careful your dog doesn't bite me," you'll
00:04:20.610 - 00:04:25.700

Voy a llevar arriba.

Voy a llevar arriba.
I'm going to take some up hill.
00:04:25.780 - 00:04:30.500

Asta qinwa arriba. Lehu lehuraqmi kayan. Minudu qinwa hanaypiyá.

asta qinwa arriba Lehu lehu-raq-mi ka-ya-n Minudu qinwa hana-pi-yá
until quingual above far far-CONT-EVD be-PROG-3 often quingual above-LOC-EMPH
Hasta el quingual arriba. Lejos muy lejos está. Hay a menudo quinguales arriba.
Up to the quingual grove. It's still very far. Often there are quingual trees up high.
00:04:30.780 - 00:04:37.260

Chayta atahani. Rastrum parakunampa sapallay harkani ubihayta vakaykunata.

Chay-ta ataha-ni Rastru-m para-kuna-m-pa sapa-lla-y harka-ni ubiha-y-ta vaka-y-kuna-ta
DEM.D-ACC tie.up-1 trace-EVD rain-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP alone-RSTR-1 herd-1 sheep-1-ACC
Allí atajo [a mis animales]. Solita bajo la lluvia pasteo mis ovejas y mus vacas.
I pasture [the animals] there. All alone, in the rain, I herd my sheep and my cows
00:04:37.440 - 00:04:43.560

Aquí mana pipis yatranchu.

Aquí mana pi-pis yatra-n-chu
here no who-ADD live-3-NEG
Aquí nadie vive.
No one lived here.
00:04:43.800 - 00:04:47.890

Wambraylla kaypi kayan. Esmeraldapam kanan kayan. Sapallaymi yatrani-

Wambra-y-lla kay-pi ka-ya-n Esmeralda-pa-m kanan ka-ya-n Sapa-lla-y-mi yatra-ni
child-1-RSTR DEM.P-LOC be-PROG-3 Esmeralda-LOC-EVD now be-PROG-3 alone-RSTR-1-EVD live-1
Mis hijos no más. Él también vive en Esmeralda ahora. Yo vivo sola
Just my children are here. They're in Esmeralda now. I live all alone.
00:04:48.040 - 00:04:53.180

Vakachaywan, ubihachaywan. ubihachaytaqa ispusuymi harkan.

Vaka-cha-y-wan ubiha-cha-y-wan ubiha-cha-y-ta-qa isposu-y-mi harka-n
cow-DIM-1-INSTR sheep-DIM-1-INSTR sheep-DIM-1-ACC-TOP husband-1-EVD herd-3
Con mi vaquita, con mi ovejita. Mi ovejita mi esposo lo pastea.
With my little cow, with my little sheep. My husband herds my little sheep.
00:04:53.260 - 00:04:59.440

Chaymi mana kaypichu. ¿Imatataq tarpushaq? Papata.

Chay-mi mana kay-pi-chu ¿Ima-ta-taq tarpu-shaq Papa-ta
DEM.D-EVD no DEM.P-LOC-NEG waht-ACC-SEQ plant-1.FUT potato-ACC
Por eso no hay en acá. ¿Qué voy a sembrar? Papa.
That's why there aren't any here. What am I going to plant? Potatoes.
00:04:59.580 - 00:05:04.670

Kanan wichiruni sibadata, papata, abasta.

Kanan wichi-ru-ni sibada-ta papa-ta abas-ta
now harvest-URGT-1 barley-ACC potato-ACC braod.beans-ACC
Ahora ramamos cebada, papa, hava.
Now we plant barley, potatoes, broad beans.
00:05:04.920 - 00:05:08.550

Uqata qasanmi kaypaqa. Mana uqata tarpunichu. Tambolawpa uqata alli-allita kusechakullan.
Uqa-ta qasa-n-mi kay-pa-qa Mana uqa-ta tarpu-ni-chu Tambo-law-pa uqa-ta alli alli-ta kusecha-ku-lla-n
oca-ACC freeze-3-EVD DEM.P-LOC-TOP no oca-ACC plant-1-NEG Tambo-side-LOC oca-ACC good
good-ACC harvest-REFL-RSTR-3
La oca hiela acá. No sebramos oca. Allá en Tambopata cosechan oca en abondancia.
Oca freezes here. We don't plant oca. There in Tambopata the harvest a lot of oca.
00:05:08.670 - 00:05:15.230

Kaypaq tarpunichu. abaskuna, sibadakuna, trigukuna. Chayllata kusechani.

Kay-paq tarpu-ni-chu abas-kuna sibada-kuna trigu-kuna Chay-lla-ta kusecha-ni
DEM.P-LOC plant-1-NEG broad.beans-PL barley-PL wheat-PL DEM.D-RSTR-ACC harvest-1
Acá sembramos habas, cebada, trigo. Eso no más cosechamos.
Here, we plant broad beans, barley, and wheat. I harvest just that.
00:05:15.390 - 00:05:22.850

Fibriru marsukamaraqtri paranqa. Kananqa más lluviya kayan. Qayna wata pokum karqa. Chaymi menus
pastupis karqa.
Febrero marzo-kama-raq-tri para-nqa Kanan-qa más lluviya ka-ya-n qayna wata poku-m ka-rqa-ø chay-mi
menos pastu-pis ka-rqa-ø
February March-RSTR-CONT-EVC rain-3.FUT now-TOP more rain be-PROG-3 previous year little-EVD
be-PST-3 DEM.D-EVD less pasture.grass-ACC be-PST-3
Hasta febrero marzo todavía lloverá. Ahora hay más lluvia. El año pasado había poca lluvia. Por eso hay poco
It should rain until February or March. Now there's more rain. Last year there was little. That's why there
was less pasture-grass.
00:05:23.170 - 00:05:30.150

Unayqa chay nishpa willanakun kaqta.

unay-qa chay ni-shpa willa-naku-n ka-q-ta
before-TOP DEM.D say-SUBIS tell-RECP-3 be-AG-ACC
Antes decíamos eso y nos pasábamos la voz.
Before, we would say that and we would tell each other.
00:05:31.470 - 00:05:33.770

Tardinkuna, madrugawkuna imapaqya chay Chayhinakunash karqa kwintu willanakuna kayna

Tardi-n-kuna madrugaw Chay-hina-kuna-sh willa-naku-n ka-rqa-ø hina kayna ignuranti-kuna-lla
afternoon-PL morning DEM.D-COMP-PL-EVR tell-RECP-3 be-PST-3 thus DEM.P-VRBZ
En las tardes, en la madrugada para qué ya será ése? . Así, dice era los cuentos para avisarnos antes por que
éramos analfabetos.
In the afternoon, in the morning, what would those stories be for? Like that, they say, so we could tell each
other así, being ignorant.
00:05:33.800 - 00:05:40.290

Willanakun bwena urakuna parlanakun karqa.

Willa-naku-n bwena ura-kuna parla-naku-n ka-rqa-ø
tell-RECP-3 good hour-PL talk-RECP-3 be-PST-3
Nos contábamos en buenas mañanas nos conversábamos.
WE told each other [stories] early in the morning we woulw talk to each other.
00:05:40.450 - 00:05:43.430

Kanan manayá chayqa kanñachu.

Kanan mana-yá chay-qa ka-n-ña-chu
Ahora ya no hay eso.
Now that doesn't exist any more.
00:05:43.590 - 00:05:46.300

Kastillanupi rimaq chayllamanñam shimin riyan manayá kay kichwa.

Kastillanu-pi rima-q chay-lla-man-ña-m shimi-n ri-ya-n mana-yá kay kichwa
Spanish-LOCpi talk-AG DEM.D-RSTR-ALL-ÑISCEVD mouth-3 go-PROG-3 no-EMPH DEM.P Quechua
Los que hablan en castellano, su boca va a ir allí no más. No este quechua.
Those who speak in Spanish, their tongues are going to run just there. Not Quechua.
00:05:46.490 - 00:05:49.650

kichwa manahinachu
kichwa mana-hina-chu
Quechua no-COMP-NEG
No es como la Quechua.
It's not like Quechua.
00:05:50.010 - 00:05:52.400

Atipan wata watallatañam rimayan kastillanukuna rimaq kichwapa.

Atipa-n wata wata-lla-ta-ña-m rima-ya-n kastillanu-kuna rima-q kichwa-pa year year-RSTR-ACC-DISC-EVD talk-PROG-3 Spanish-PL talk-AG Quechua-LOC
Pueden. Año en año ya los que hablan en quechua están hablando castellano.
They can. Year by year, those who speak in Quechua are speaking Spanish.
00:05:52.710 - 00:05:57.740

Manam nañachu huk wambrakuna mana nawaptinyá

Mana-m na-ña-chu huk wambra-kuna na-wa-pti-n yari
no-EVD that-DISC-NEG one child-PL that-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3 YARI
Mis hijos ya no me ayudan, pues.
My children don't help me any more.
00:05:57.990 - 00:06:01.640

Ahh, manayá ñuqaqa kay kastillanutaq. Soy inútil. Intindinichu.

Ahh, mana-yá ñuqa-qa kay kastillanu-taq intindi-ni-chu.
Ahh, no-EMPH 1-TOP DEM.P Spanish-SEQ understand-1-NEG
Ah, yo no [hablo] este castellano. Soy inútil. No entiendo.
Ah, I don't [speak] Spanish. I'm useless. I don't understand.
00:06:01.840 - 00:06:06.070

Mana hukkunalla ayves kastillanu.

Mana huk-kuna-lla ayves kastillanu.
no one-PL-RSTR sometimes Spanish
No, algunos veces castellano.
NO. A very few times in Spanish.
00:06:06.280 - 00:06:08.790

Kichwalla rimaq kichwallata rimayani. Manayá kastillanutaq, manayá hinaptin

kichwa-lla rima-q kichwa-lla-ta rima-ya-ni Mana-yá kastillanu-taq mana-yá hinaptin-mi
Quechua-RSTR talk-AG Quechua-RSTR-ACC talk-PROG-1 no-EMPH Spanish-ACC no-EMPH then-EVD
Los que hablan quechua no más. Yo hablo no más quechua. castellano, no. No, pues. Después,
Those who speak just Quechua. I speak just Quechua. Not Spanish. No. Then,
00:06:13.670 - 00:06:19.450

Imatapis manam manchakunichu. Ayves tutakuna imapis waqaptin mancharini.

Ima-ta-pis mana-m mancha-ku-ni-chu Ayves tuta-kuna ima-pis waqa-pti-n mancha-ri-ni
what-ACC-ADD no-EVD scare-REFL-1-NEG sometimes night-PL what-ADD cry-SUBDS-3 scare-INCEP-1
Yo no tengo miedo a nada. a veces en la noche no más cuando algo grita tengo miedo
I'm not afraid of anything. Sometimes at night something cries and I get scared.
00:06:29.780 - 00:06:33.610

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:34 PM


¿Imay ura-taq traya-nki kanan?

¿Imay ura-taq traya-nki kanan?
when hour-SEQ arrive-2 now
¿Ahora a qué hora vas a llegar?
Now what time are you going to arrive?
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:01.960

Imay ura-trik traya-shaq

Imay ura-trik traya-shaq
when hour-EVC-K arrive-1.FUT
¿A que hora pues llegaré?
What time will I get there?
00:00:02.360 - 00:00:04.580

¿May-ta vaka-wan ri-ya-nki?

¿May-ta vaka-wan ri-ya-nki?
where-ACC cow-INSTR go-PROG-2
¿Dónde vas con las vacas?
Where are you going with the cows?
00:00:05.420 - 00:00:06.990

Con mi nieto
With my grandson.
00:00:07.080 - 00:00:10.040

¿Maqta-kuna-ta pusha-nki icha pashña-ta?

¿Maqta-kuna-ta pusha-nki icha pashña-ta?
boy-REFL-ACC bring-2 or girl-ACC
¿Vas a llevar a los muchachos o a la chica?
Are you going to take the boys or the girl?
00:00:10.590 - 00:00:13.640

Warmi wambra-ta-m pusha-shaq

Warmi wambra-ta-m pusha-shaq
woman child-ACC-EVD bring-1.FUT
Voy a llevar a la mujercita.
I'm going to take the girl.
00:00:13.750 - 00:00:15.960

Qawa-ya-yki qam-kuna-ta-pis.
Qawa-ya-yki qam-kuna-ta-pis.
Estoy viendo a Ustedes también.
I'm looking at you, too.
00:00:16.050 - 00:00:18.470

Unay ñuqa-kuna-qa mana-m qawa-rqa-ni-chu pay-kuna-qa almenos mana-m qawa-rqa-pis-chu

Unay ñuqa-kuna-qa mana-m qawa-rqa-ni-chu pay-kuna-qa almenos mana-m qawa-rqa-ø-pis-chu
before 1-PL-TOP no-EVD see-PST-2-NEG 3-PL-TOP at.least no-EVD see-PST-3-NEG
Antes, nosotros no veíamos. Por lo menos, ellos tampoco no veían.
Before, we didn't see. At last they didn't see, either.
00:00:18.680 - 00:00:22.530

Wak alkaldi Vicente ka-pti-n

Wak alkaldi Vicente ka-pti-n
DEM.D mayor Vicente be-SUBDS-3
Cuando Vicente era alcalde
When Vicente was mayor.
00:00:23.660 - 00:00:25.920

Gringu-pis ka-ya-n. Qawa-shun. Ése es culpable
Gringu-pis ka-ya-n Qawa-shun.
Gringo-ADD be-PROG-3 see-1PL.FUT
Hay gringos, también. Vamos a ver. Vicente -- ése es culpable
There are gringos, too. We'll see. Vicente -- He's guilty.
00:00:26.000 - 00:00:29.110

Mana-ña kanan qipa wiña-y-kuna. No sé chay kastillanu-pa

Mana-ña kanan qipa wiña-y-kuna chay kastillanu-pa?
no-DISC now behind grow-INF-PL DEM.D Spanish-LOC
Ya no la ultima generacion. No sé hablar castellano
Not the most recent generation. I don't know in this Spanish.
00:00:29.840 - 00:00:33.160

Ima chay-kuna rima-nqa-ña na-ru-shpa-qa

Ima chay-kuna rima-nqa-ña na-ru-shpa-qa
Ellos hablarán y lo harán.
They'll speak and do that.
00:00:33.350 - 00:00:35.820

kichwa-pa yanqa-ña-m
kichwa-pa yanqa-ña-m
Quechua-LOC in.vain-DISC-EVD
En quechua es mentira.
in Quechua in vain-
00:00:35.870 - 00:00:37.820

Maqta-cha medio faltito

Maqta-cha medio faltito
boy-DIM part flawed
El chiquito es medio faltito.
The boy is a bit daft.
00:00:37.920 - 00:00:40.630

Pay sapa-lla-n hamu-ya-n kay-na-ta-qa

Pay sapa-lla-n hamu-ya-n kaynataqa
3 alone-RSTR-3 come-PROG-3 DEM.P-VRBZ-ACC-TOP
Solito está viniendo así.
He's coming like that alone.
00:00:41.440 - 00:00:44.450

Chay-qa ima miku-y-ta-taq miku-nki qam-qa

Chay-qa ima miku-y-ta-taq miku-nki qam-qa
DEM.D-TOP what eat-INF-ACC-SEQ eat-2 2-TOP
¿Qué comida comes en allí Usted?
What food do you eat there?
00:00:44.470 - 00:00:46.770

00:00:47.030 - 00:00:49.130
Achka papa-ta, achka papa-ta.
Achka papa-ta, achka papa-ta.
a.lot potato-ACC a.lot potato-ACC
Muchas papas, muchas papas.
A lot of potatoes, a lot of potatoes.
00:00:49.240 - 00:00:51.920

¿Wasi-ki-man hunta-q-ta mana hunta-q?

¿Wasi-ki-man hunta-q-ta mana hunta-q?
house-2-ALL full-AG-ACC no fill-AG
¿Tu casa que llena o es que no llena?
Does your house fill up or doesn't it fill up?
00:00:52.290 - 00:00:55.210

¿Ése no más?
¿Éso no más?
Just that?
00:00:55.360 - 00:00:56.020

¿Éso no mas sale en tu chacra?

¿Éso no más sale en tu chacra?
Just that comes out in your field?
00:00:57.020 - 00:00:58.620

igwal en tu kabra-cha-nchik-pis kan ¿aw?

igwal kabra-cha-nchik-pis kan aw
equal kabra-cha-nchik-pisgoat-DIM-1PL-ADD be-3 yes
Igual en tu [casa tienes cabras como] nosotros tenemos kabras, ¿no?
Just like we have goats, you [have goats, too], no?
00:00:58.800 - 00:01:01.140

Tenemos ovejitas también.
We have sheep, too.
00:01:01.360 - 00:01:02.450

¿Riqsi-nki ubiha-ta? ¿mana?

¿Riqsi-nki ubiha-ta? ¿mana?
be.acquainted-2 sheep-ACC no
¿Conoces las ovejas o no?
Do you know sheep or not?
00:01:02.700 - 00:01:04.780

Conocerás, pues.
You'll get to know them.
00:01:04.930 - 00:01:05.910

Kanan kichwa-pa intindi-nki-ña-tri-k
Kanan kichwa-pa intindi-nki-ña-tri-k
now Quechua understand-2-DISC-EVC-K
Ahora en quechua entenderás ya.
You're going to understand in Quechua now.
00:01:06.440 - 00:01:08.290

Chay-mi parla-shpa papa-ni-y qapari-n.

chay-mi parla-shpa papa-ni-y qapari-n.
DEM.D-EVD talk-SUBIS father-EUPH-1 shout-3
Así conversando, mi papá grita
That's why my father shouts when he talks.
00:01:08.340 - 00:01:10.330

Kichwa-pa rima-q-mi serranu-qa

kichwa-pa rima-q-mi serranu-qa
Quechua-LOC talk-AG-EVD sierra.resident-TOP
Los que hablan en quechua son serranos.
Those who speak in Quechua are from the Sierra.
00:01:10.400 - 00:01:12.860

Kanan vaka-y harka-q haku

Kanan vaka-y harka-q haku
now cow-1 pasture-AG let's
Ahora vamos a pastear las vacas.
Now we're going to pasture the cows.
00:01:12.920 - 00:01:14.650

Tukuy puntraw yatra-mu-na-nchik-paq

Tukuy puntraw yatra-mu-na-nchik-paq
all day know-CISL-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
Todo el día para que aprendemos.
All day so we can learn.
00:01:14.810 - 00:01:17.070

Tukuy puntraw kichwa-pa ñuqa-wan rima-pti-ki

Tukuy puntraw kichwa-pa ñuqa-wan rima-pti-ki
all day Quechua-LOC 1-INSTR talk-SUBDS-2
Si hablas in quechua todos los días conmigo.
If you speak Quechua every day with me
00:01:17.380 - 00:01:20.300

Ari-yá ¡psht, pollu!

Ari-yá ¡psht, pollu!
yes-EMPH ¡psht, chicken
Sí. ¡psht, pollo!
Yes. ¡psht, chicken!
00:01:20.490 - 00:01:23.200

Wallpa wak-hina habas-ta miku-ya-n

Wallpa wak-hina habas-ta miku-ya-n
chicken DEM.D-COMP broad.beans-ACC eat-PROG-3
La gallina está comiendo la habas así.
The chicken is eating the broad beans like that!
00:01:23.300 - 00:01:24.770

¡Asss! Miku-shqa,
¡Asss! Miku-shqa
¡Asss! eat-SUBIS
¡Asss! Comiendo
Asss! Eating ..
00:01:24.830 - 00:01:26.220

Comia, pues.
It's eaten it, all right.
00:01:26.300 - 00:01:27.310

Yanqa-ña-tr kaya-chi-ni wallpa-lla-paq.

Yanqa-ña-tr kaya-chi-ni wallpa-lla-paq.
in.vain-DISC-EVC spread-1 chicken-RSTR-BEN
Mentira tiendo sólo para gallina
I spread them out in vain -- just for the chickens!
00:01:27.470 - 00:01:29.580

Asnu-lla-y-ta-tr michi-shaq
Asnu-lla-y-ta-tr michi-shaq
Asnullaytatr michishaq
Pastearé a mi burro no más.
I'll pasture just my donkey.
00:01:30.280 - 00:01:32.660

¿May-pa surqu-shpa-tr miku-ya-n

¿May-pa surqu-shpa-tr miku-ya-n
where-LOC take.out-SUBIS-EVC eat-PROG-3
¿Dónde? ¡Los está sacando y los está comiendo!
Where? It's taking them out and eating them!
00:01:33.550 - 00:01:35.300

Surqu-ru-n-mi-ki ni-n-shi-ki.
Surquru-n-mi-ki ni-n-shi-ki
take.out-URGT-3-EVD-KI say-3-EVR-KI
Los sacó, dijo.
It took them out, she said.
00:01:35.330 - 00:01:36.740

¡Wallpa visiyoso!
Wallpa visiyoso.
chicken vicious
¡Gallina viciosa!
Vicious chicken!
00:01:36.900 - 00:01:39.940

Chay-mi vaka harka-q haku ni-nki-mi-ki. Tukuy puntraw mana-chu yatra-mu-chuwan

Chay-mi vaka harka-q haku ni-nki-mi-ki tukuy puntraw mana-chu yatra-mu-chuwan
DEM.D-EVD cow pasture-AG let's say-2-EVD-KI all day no-Q know-CISL-1PL.COND
Por eso "Vamos a pastear las vacas", vas a decir. Todo el día podemos aprender , ¿só o no?
So you're going to say, "Let's pasture the cows" and we can learn all day, yes or no?
00:01:40.070 - 00:01:43.790

Ñuqa-chu pusha-shaq tukuy ...

Ñuqa-chu pusha-shaq tukuy
1-Q bring-1.FUT all
¿O la llevaré yo todo ...
Or I'll take her all ...
00:01:44.460 - 00:01:46.420

Wañu-ku-n-man-tri hanay buski-pa-qa buski-man chay-qa

Wañu-ku-n-man-tri hanay buski-pa-qa buski-man chay-qa
die-REFL-3-COND-EVC up forest-LOC-TOP forest-ALL DEM.D-TOP
Puede morir arriba en el bosque. Hacia el bosque, ésa
She could die up in the forest. To the forest, she
00:01:46.480 - 00:01:50.070

Up hill.
00:01:46.480 - 00:01:50.070

Qiñwal-man traya-ra-chi-pti-ki wañu-ku-n-man

Qiñwal-man traya-ra-chi-pti-ki wañu-ku-n-man
Quingual.grove-ALL arrive-URGT-CAUS-SUBDS-2 die-REFL-3-COND
Si le haces llegar al qingual, puede morir
If she make her get to the quingual grove, she could die.
00:01:50.150 - 00:01:51.730

Witray-man-qa ahita-ya-n-tri-ki
Witray-man-qa ahita-ya-n-tri-ki
up-ALL-TOP be.agitated-PROG-3-EVC-KI
Arriba se agitará pues.
She'll be huffing and puffing up up there!
00:01:51.880 - 00:01:54.430

Ari-yá ¿Imayna-tr ahita-ya-n!

Ari-yá ¿Imayna-tr ahita-ya-n!
yes-EMPH how-EVC be.agitated-PROG-3
Sí, pues, ¡como se estará agitando!
Yes indeed, how she'll be huffing and puffing!
00:01:54.460 - 00:01:57.930

Puraminti-tr ahita-ya-n.
Puramintitr ahita-ya-n.
completely-EVC be.agitated-PROG-3
Estará aqitarándose bastante.
She'll really be huffing and puffing!
00:01:54.460 - 00:01:57.930

Si kay-pa wambra-lla-nchik
Si kay-pa wambra-lla-nchik
yes DEM.P-LOC child-RSTR-1PL
Si acá nuestros hijos
If our chidren here
00:01:59.330 - 00:02:00.370

ñuqa-nchik-paq hamu-shpa ayves unay-paq hamu-shpa

ñuqa-nchik-paq hamu-shpa ayves unay-paq hamu-shpa
1-1PL-GEN come-SUBIS sometimes before-ABL come-SUBIS
Los nuestros, a veces cuando vienen, antes cuando venían
ours, when they come, sometimes before when they came,
00:02:00.390 - 00:02:02.360

Pata-s siqa-y-ta-pis atipa-n-chu.

Pata-s siqa-y-ta-pis atipa-n-chu.
terrace-ADD go.up-INF-ACC-ADD
no pueden subir ni siquiera un andén.
they can't even go up one terrace.
00:02:02.430 - 00:02:04.700

Qam ni-shpa kinray-lla-n pusha-shaq

Qam ni-shpa kinray-lla-n-ta pusha-shaq
Qam say-SUBIS up-RSTR-3-ACC bring-1.FUT
"La voy a llevar no más arriba" dices.
"I'm going to take her just up hill" you say.
00:02:05.580 - 00:02:07.410

Haku ni-ya-ni
Haku ni-ya-ni
let's say-PROG-1
Vamos le estoy diciendo
Let's go, I'm saying.
00:02:07.920 - 00:02:10.260

harka-y-man vaka-ta-pis ni-ya-wan. harka-y-man hanay-law uray-law-tri tiya-y-man

harka-y-man vaka-ta-pis ni-ya-wan. harka-y-man hanay-law uray-law-tri tiya-y-man
pasture-1-COND cow-ACC_ADD say-PROG-1.OBJ-3 pasture-1-COND up-side down-side-EVC sit-1-COND
Puedo pastear las vacas también, me dijo. Puedo pastear arriba y abajo. Podría sentarme.
I can pasture the cows, too, she said to me. I can pasture them up hill and down hill. I could sit.
00:02:10.510 - 00:02:13.760

Qaya-y-man-tri-ki karu-paq
Qaya-y-man-tri-ki karu-paq
call-1-COND-EVC-KI far-ABL
Podría llamar de lejos
I could call from far away.
00:02:13.790 - 00:02:15.600

Chay vaka-ta chuqa-mu-y ni-shpa

Chay vaka-ta chuqa-mu-y ni-shpa
"¡Bóta esa vaca!" diría.
"Round up that cow!" I could say.
00:02:15.780 - 00:02:17.300

Puede botar.
She can herd.
00:02:17.410 - 00:02:19.320

Chuqa-mu-n-man-tri-ki ¿manachu?
Chuqa-mu-n-man-tri-ki ¿manachu?
toss-CISL-3-COND-EVC-KI no-Q
Puede botar, pues, ¿o no?
She can herd [cows], or no?
00:02:19.540 - 00:02:21.110

Estará botando.
She'd be herding them.
00:02:21.270 - 00:02:23.180

"Chuqa-mu-nki-man-chu" niy
"Chuqa-mu-nki-man-chu" niy
toss-CISL-2-COND-Q say-IMP
"¿Puedes botar?" ¡dí!
"Can you herd?" say!
00:02:21.270 - 00:02:23.180

Estará botando.
She'd be herding them.
00:02:24.000 - 00:02:26.790

Vaka-ta chuqa-mu-waq-chu
Vaka-ta chuqa-mu-waq-chu
cow-ACC toss-CISL-2.COND-Q
¿Puedes botar las vacas?
Can you herd cows?
00:02:24.000 - 00:02:26.790

Vaka waqra-cha-yuq ka-ya-n.

Vaka waqra-cha-yuq ka-ya-n.
cow horn-DIM-POSS be-PROG-3
Las vacas tienen cachos.
The cows have horns.
00:02:29.000 - 00:02:31.410
Vaka-cha-n ka-ya-n ishkay rinri-cha-n-pis
Vaka-cha-n ka-ya-n ishkay rinri-cha-n-pis
cow-DIM-3 be-PROG-3 two ear-DIM-3-ADD
Las vacas tienen dos orejas, también.
The cows have two ears, too.
00:02:31.410 - 00:02:34.520

Arí, kay-pa-pis vaka-nchik-ta miku-nchik-mi-ki.

Arí, kay-pa-pis vaka-nchik-ta miku-nchik-mi-ki.
yes DEM.P-LOC-ADD cow-1PL-ACC eat-1PL-EVD-KI
Acá también comemos nuestras vacas, pues.
Here, too, we eat our cows.
00:02:34.660 - 00:02:37.220

Mana-ya rupa-chi-nchik-chu
Mana-ya rupa-chi-nchik-chu
No hacemos quemar, pues
We don't burn them.
00:02:37.850 - 00:02:39.740

kima-nchik-chu-q wañu-q-lla-y ratu-cha-llá

kima-nchik-chu-q wañu-q-lla-y ratu-cha-llá
burn-1PL-NEG- die-AG-RSTR-1 moment-DIM-RSTR-EMPH
No quemamos a mi finado un ratito.
We didn't burn my late [husband] one second!
00:02:39.750 - 00:02:42.090

Marka-lla-pis kida-n-yá tukuy

Marka-lla-pis kida-n-yá tukuy
brand-RSTR-ADD stay-3-EMPH all
La marca se queda todo ...
Brands stay all ...
00:02:42.160 - 00:02:44.480

Para siympri-ña chay-qa

Para siympri-ña chay-qa
for always-DISC DEM.D-TOP
Ésas son para simepre.
Those are for forever.
00:02:44.590 - 00:02:46.050

Ratu-lla chay-taq chay marka-nchik-pis

Ratu-lla chay-taq chay marka-nchik-pis
moment-RSTR DEM.D-SEQ DEM.D brand-1PL-ADD
Nuestras marcas son para un ratito
Our brands are for a little while
00:02:46.580 - 00:02:48.990

Riqsi-na-nchik-paq, mana chinka-na-n-paq

Riqsi-na-nchik-paq, mana chinka-na-n-paq
be.acquainted-NMLZ-1PL-PURP no get.lost-NMLZ-3-PURP
para que conozcamos [nuestros animales], para que no se pierdan.
so we can recognize [our animals], so they don't get lost.
00:02:49.950 - 00:02:52.710

Puntraw-ya-ya-n-ña-m ñuqa-kuna-qa lluqsi-ni-ña-má

Puntraw-ya-ya-n-ña-m ñuqa-kuna-qa lluqsi-ni-ña-má
Ya está haciendo día. Nosotros salimos ya
It's already getting to be day. We go out
00:02:52.840 - 00:02:55.230

Ah, puntraw-qa animal-wan lluqsi-nchik

Ah, puntraw-qa animal-wan lluqsi-nchik
Ah day-TOP animal-INSTR go.out-1PL
Ah, de día salimos con los animales.
Ah, during the day we go out with the animals.
00:02:57.400 - 00:02:59.520

Madrugaw-ni-n, tardi-lla-n, hina-pa wañu-q ka-nchik. Silensiyu-m kida-n

Madrugaw-ni-n, tardi-lla-n, hina-pa wañu-q ka-nchik. Silensiyu-m kida-n
morning-EUPH-3 afternoon-RSTR-3 COMP die-AG be-1PL silence-EVD stay-3
En la madrugada y en la tarde, así, moriamos. [El pueblo] se queda abandonado..
In the morning and in the afternoon, we would die. [The town] is abandoned.
00:02:59.620 - 00:03:03.413

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:35 PM


"Qariywantri yatramushaq runaywantri",

Qari-y-wan-tri yatra-mu-shaq runa-y-wan-tri
man-1-INSTR-EVC-KI live-CISL-1.FUT person-1-INSTR-EVC
"Con mi esposo viviré, con mi gente.
"I'll live with my husband, with my people.
00:02:33.640 - 00:02:38.320

Paqarin rishaq.
paqarin ri-shaq
tomorrow go-1.FUT
Mañana voy a ir.
I'm going to go tomorrow.
00:02:38.390 - 00:02:41.210

Tiyuyki Seberowantrik yatramushaq paqarin nishpa

tiyu-yki sebero-wan-tri-k yatra-mu-shaq paqarin ni-shpa
uncle-2 sebero-INSTR-EVC-K live-1.FUT tomorrow say-SUBIS
Con tu tío Severo pues viviré, mañana" dije.
I'll live with your uncle Sebero, then, tomorrow, I said.
00:02:41.270 - 00:02:43.660

rishpa uyqaywan.
ri-shpa uyqa-y-wan
go-SUBIS sheep-1-INSTR
yendo con mis ovejas.
going with my sheep.
00:02:43.700 - 00:02:45.520

¿Inamoranakuni? ¿imaynaya chay ima?

inamora-naku-ni imayna chay ima how DEM.D what
¿Voy a enamorarme? ¿Cómo será pues-RSTR? ¿Qué?
I'm going to fall in love? How will that be, then? What?
00:02:45.830 - 00:02:48.520

Urqupa kayasanchikpis chaypis

urqu-pa ka-ya-sa-nchik-pis chay-pis
Cuando estuve en la puna también, eso también
When I was in the hills, too, that, too
00:02:51.390 - 00:02:54.030

tinkuyani ubihaywan ñuqa uchuychallaypaq kani

tinku-ya-ni ubiha-y-wan uchuy-cha-lla-y-paq ka-ni
find-PROG-1 sheep-1-INSTR small-DIM-RSTR-1-ABL be-1
Me he encontrado con mis ovejas desde chiquita.
I've found myself with my sheep since I was very small.
00:02:54.290 - 00:02:57.720

Uyqawan kayashpa tinkunchik ubihawan kasanchikpaq

uyqa-wan ka-ya-shpa tinku-nchik ubiha-wan ka-sa-nchik-paq
sheep-INSTR be-PROG-SUBIS find-1PL sheep-INSTR be-PRF-1PL-ABL
Nos encontramos cuando estábamos con las ovejas. Cuando estuvimos con las ovejas.
We met when we were with the sheep. When we were with the sheep-
00:02:57.840 - 00:03:01.060

Tinkusanchikpaqñam kayman hamuni riki

tinku-sa-nchik-paq-ña-m kay-man hamu-ni r-iki
Desde que nos encontramos vine acá
Since we met, I came here,
00:03:01.120 - 00:03:04.200

Uyqallawan ñuqaqa kani desde chikitullaqa

ubiha-lla-wan ñuqa-qa ka-ni desde chikitu-lla-qa
sheep-RSTR-INSTR 1-TOP be-1 since small-RSTR-TOP
Yo he estado con las ovejas no más desde pequenita.
I've just been with sheep since iI was small.
00:03:06.910 - 00:03:10.880

Pubri kayniyta mana mamayuq kashpa

pubri ka-y-ni-y-ta mana mama-yuq ka-shpa
poor be-INF-EUPH-1-ACC no mother-POSS be-SUBIS
Por lo que he sido pobre, sin mamá
My being poor, without a mother
00:03:11.050 - 00:03:13.400

Uchuchuychallatam mamay dihawarqa hinaptin

uchuy uchuy-cha-lla-ta-m mama-y diha-wa-rqa-ø hinaptin
small small-DIM-RSTR-ACC-EVD mother-1 leave-1.OBJ-PST-3 so
Chiquitita mi mamá me dejó. Después
My mother left me when I was very, very small, so
00:03:13.450 - 00:03:16.090

Total michipakushpalla ñuqa kani

total michi-paku-shpa-lla ñuqa ka-ni
completely herd-MUTBEN-SUBIS-RSTR 1 be-1
Total yo vivo pasteando no más.
I live working as a shepherdess, no more.
00:03:16.420 - 00:03:19.380

Hinashpa michipakushpalla altullapa punallapa kayashpam.

hinashpa michi-paku-shpa-lla altu-lla-pa puna-lla-pa ka-ya-shpa-m
Pasteando en altura, estando en la puna,
Shephearding in the mountains, being in the puna,
00:03:19.500 - 00:03:23.020

Qariwanpis tupani. Tupashpaña bahamuni

qari-wan-pis tupa-ni tupa-shpa-ña baha-mu-ni
man-INSTR-ADD find-1 find-SUBIS-DISC come.down-CISL-1
Me encontré con un hombre. Cuando me encontré [con él] bajé.
I found a man, and, when I found him, I came down.
00:03:23.150 - 00:03:26.220

Chaymi kaypaña kayanchik.

chay-mi kay-pa-ña ka-ya-nchik
Por eso estamos acá ya.
That's why we're here.
00:03:26.440 - 00:03:28.500

Kanan otra vwelta

kanan otra vwelta
now other turn
Ahora de nuevo
Now, another time
00:03:28.860 - 00:03:30.620

kayani viyeha pachaypapis otra vwelta ganawniywan

ka-ya-ni viyeha pacha-y-pa-pis otra vwelta ganaw-ni-y-wan
be-PROG-1 old era-1-LOC-ADD other turn cattle-EUPH-1-INSTR
Estoy en mi viejez también y de nuevo con mis animales.
In my old age, I am once again with my cattle.
00:03:30.690 - 00:03:34.090
Otra vwelta kayani ganawniywan manam ni chaypaqa
otra vwelta ka-ya-ni ganaw-ni-y-wan mana-m ni chay-pa-qa
other turn be-PROG-1 cattle-EUPH-1-INSTR no-EVD nor DEM.D-LOC-TOP
Otra vez estoy con mis animales no por que de allí.
Once again I'm with my animals, not because
00:03:36.110 - 00:03:39.370

este nashaq riki

este na-shaq ri-ki
ummm that-1.FUT RI-KI
este, voy a hacer
umm, I'm going to do that.
00:03:39.460 - 00:03:41.760

Uyqachayta kasarashpa puchukarunchik. Hinashpa

uyqa-cha-y-ta kasa-ra-shpa puchuka-ru-nchik hinashpa
sheep-DIM-1-ACC marry-UNINT-SUBIS finish-URGT-1PL so
Cuando nos casamos terminamos con las ovejas. Después.
When we got married, we finished with the sheep, so
00:03:42.020 - 00:03:45.450

Ni ima kutirinaykipaq kanchu. No hay nada. No hay wacho.

ni ima kuti-ri-na-yki-paq ka-n-chu
nor what return-INCEP-NMLZ-2-PURP be-3-NEG
No hay nada para que puedas volver. No hay nada. No hay wacho.
There's nothing so you can come back. There's nothing, there are no sheep.
00:03:45.620 - 00:03:49.700

Otra vwelta
otra vwelta
other turn
Otra vez
Another time
00:03:49.840 - 00:03:51.370

ganawniyta armani
ganaw-ni-y-ta arma-ni
cattle-EUPH-1-ACC assemble-1
Adquiero mis animales.
I acquire my cattle
00:03:53.830 - 00:03:55.680

Hinashpa kanan kay viyeha pachallaypa puriyani

hinashpa kanan kay vieha pacha-lla-y-pa puri-ya-ni
so now DEM.P old.F era-RSTR-1-LOC walk-PROG-1
Después ahora en mi viejez estoy andando.
So now in my old age, I'm wandering around
00:03:55.980 - 00:03:58.820

otra vwelta
otra vwelta
other turn
otra vez
once again
00:03:58.970 - 00:04:00.440

con mi oveja
with my sheep
00:04:00.740 - 00:04:02.450

Mana mana ganawniki kanqa ... runaqa

mana mana ganaw-ni-ki ka-n-qa runa-qa
no no cattle-EUPH-2 be-3-TOP person-TOP
Cuando no tienes animales, la gente
When you don't have animals, people
00:04:03.110 - 00:04:06.130

Allin ni bwenus diyas ni bwenus diyas primacha nada nishunkichu

allin ni bwenus diyas ni bwenus diyas prima-cha ni-shunki-chu
good nor good days nor good days cousin-DIM say-3>2-NEG
Bien, ni siquiera "Buenos días, prima" no te dicen.
Good ... good morning ... they don't even say "Good morning, cousin," to you.
00:04:06.290 - 00:04:10.810

Mana imaykipis kaptinqa hoy pasan si cuando tienes tu wachito

mana ima-yki-pis ka-pti-n-qa
no what-2-ADD be-SUBDS_3-TOP
Cuando no tienes nada por allí pasa, cuando tienes tus wachos
When you don't have anything, they pass by. If when you have your sheep
00:04:11.230 - 00:04:15.300

Cuando es toro dice que, "Buenos días, primacha. buenos días".

Cuando tienes toro dicen,"Buenos dias, primacha, buenos dias".
when it's a bull, they say, "Good morning, cousin. Good morning."
00:04:15.380 - 00:04:19.280

Mana imaykipis kaptinqa, no hay nada cariño

mana ima-yki-pis kaptinqa
no what-2-ADD be-SUBDS-ADD
Cuando no tienes nada, no hay nada, no hay cariño.
When you don't have anything, there's nothing, no affection.
00:04:19.470 - 00:04:22.550

ah chaymi mamay uchuy-uchuychallatam ñuqata diharuwarqa siyte

ah chay-mi mama-y uchuy uchuy-cha-lla-ta-m ñuqa-ta deqa-ru-wa-rqa-ø siyte
ah DEM.D-EVD mother-1 small small-DIM-RSTR-ACC-EVD 1-ACC leave-URGT-1.OBJ-PST-3 seven
Por eso a mi mi mamá dejó chiquitita. [Nosotros somos] siete.
Ah, so, my mother left me very, very small [There are] Seven [of us]
00:04:25.720 - 00:04:30.720

Siete hijos. Uno murió.

Siete hijos. Uno murió.
Seven children. One died.
00:04:30.850 - 00:04:33.670

Seis vivos.
Seis vivos.
Six living.
00:04:33.900 - 00:04:35.400

Tres hombres, tres mujeres.

Tres hombres, tres mujeres.
Three men and three women
00:04:35.670 - 00:04:37.410

Chaynam kayani. Kanan kawsayani. Manam mayqinniypis wañuniraqchu.

chay-na-m ka-ya-ni kanan kawsa-ya-ni mana-m mayqin-ni-y-pis wañu-ni-raq-chu.
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD be-PROG-1 now live-PROG-1 no which-EUPH-1-ADD die-1-CONT-NEG
Así estoy ahora Estoy viviendo. Ninguno de nosotros no ha muerto todavía.
That's how I am now, I'm living. None of us has died yet.
00:04:38.200 - 00:04:43.570

¿Maypa ihuywan tinkushaq? Ah, Limapaq kayan. Hukllallam.

may-pa ihu-y-wan tinku-shaq Lima-paq ka-ya-n huk-lla-lla-m
where-LOC son-1-INSTR find-1.FUT LIma-LOC be-PROG-3 one-RSTR-RSTR-EVD
¿Dónde me voy a encontrar con mi hijo? Ah, en Lima está uno no más.
Where am I going to meet my son? Ah, just one of them is in LIma.
00:04:44.330 - 00:04:49.040

Wambray kaypa kayan kimsa.

wambra-y kay-pa ka-ya-n kimsa
child-1 DEM.P-LOC be-PROG-3 three
Tengo tres hijos acá.
I have three children here.
00:04:49.140 - 00:04:51.030

Kimsam kaypi -- huk warmi ishkay qari.

kimsa-m kay-pi huk warmi ishkay qari
three-EVD DEM.P-LOC one woman two man
Hay tres acá -- una mujer y dos hombres.
There are three here -- one woman and two men.
00:04:52.150 - 00:04:54.990

Kimsam tawallam wambray

kimsa tawallam wambray
three four-RSTR-EVD child-1
Tengo tres, cuatro hijos.
I have three -- four children.
00:04:55.530 - 00:04:58.300

¿swerte? ¿Imata? "swerte? niyan

swerte ima-ta swerte ni-ya-n
suerta imata suerte niyan
¿Suerte? ¿Qué? Suerte está diciendo.
Luck? What? She's saying luck.
00:05:01.270 - 00:05:05.560

Ah florestaqa suyñunchik ganawninchik kananpaq.

ah flores-ta-qa suyñu-nchik ganaw-ni-nchik ka-na-n-paq
ah flowers-ACC-TOP dream-1PL cattle-EUPH-1PL be-NMLZ-3-PURP
Ah, soñamos con flores para tener ganado.
Ah, we dream about flowers to have cattle.
00:05:09.180 - 00:05:14.020

Ganawninchik kananpaq flortaq suyñunchik

ganaw-ni-nchik ka-na-n-paq flor-taq suyñu-nchik
cattle-EUPH-1PL be-NMLZ-3-PURP flower-ACC dream-1PL
Para tener animales, soñamos con flores.
To have cattle, we dream about flowers.
00:05:14.210 - 00:05:16.810

Éso es suerte -- flor.

Éso es suerte -- flor.
Flowers are lucky.
00:05:17.580 - 00:05:20.200

No, eso es clavel.

No, eso es clavel
No, that's carnation.
00:05:22.140 - 00:05:26.100

Mala swertiqa riki -- imapis

mala swerti-qa ri-ki ima-pis
bad luck-TOP RI-KI what-ADD
Mala suerte, lo que sea.
Bad luck -- anything
00:05:29.830 - 00:05:34.240

Chay sorro.
chay sorro
DEM.D fox
Ese zorro
00:05:34.270 - 00:05:37.250

¿Ima chay mala swerti nisa? Chay kaqkunatatrik.

ima chay mala swerti ni-sa chay ka-q-kuna-tri-k
what DEM.D bad luck say-PRF DEM.D be-AG-PL-EVC-K
Qué es lo que le dicen mala suerte? Esos seres, pues.
What is it they call bad luck? Those beings, then.
00:05:37.270 - 00:05:40.200

Chaytataq swerti nisa, ¿aw?

chay-ta-taq swerti nisa aw
DEM.D-ACC-SEQ luck say-PRF yes
A eso le dicen suerte, ¿no?
That's what they call luck, no?
00:05:41.520 - 00:05:43.970
Mala swertiqa putka yaku.
mala swerti-qa putka yaku
bad luck-TOP turbid water
Mala suerte -- agua turbio.
Turbid water is bad luck.
00:05:44.170 - 00:05:46.970

Putka yaku kichwapaq riki pudrichunyatr kayan kay.

putka yaku kichwa-paq ri-ki pudrichu-ña-tr ka-ya-n kay
turbid water Quechua-LOC RI-KI rotten-DISC-EVC be-PROG-3 DEM.P
Agua turbio en Quechua. Ésta estará podrido ya.
Turbid water in Quechua. It would be rotten already.
00:05:47.100 - 00:05:52.970

"turbio yaku" en quechuaqa riki "putka yaku"

turbio yaku en quechua-qa ri-ki putka yaku
turbid water in Quechua-TOP turpid water RI-KI turbid water
"turbio yaku" en quechua, pues, es "putka yaku"
"turbio yaku" in Quechua it's "putka yaku"
00:05:53.170 - 00:05:57.090

Chaynakun.allatam rimakullaniya
chay-na-kuna-lla-ta-m rima-ku-lla-ni-ya
Ésos no más. Así no más hablo ya.
Just those. That's all I'll talk about.
00:05:58.960 - 00:06:02.140

Ay, perruninchik kuminanpaq.

ay perru-ni-nchik kumi-na-n-paq
ay dog-EUPH-1PL eat-NMLZ-3-PURP
Para que nuestro perro coma.
So that our dog eats.
00:06:02.260 - 00:06:05.680

Kanan riki vakatatr harkamushaq.

kanan ri-ki vaka-ta-tr harka-mu-shaq
now RI-KI cow-ACC-EVC pasture-CISL-1.FUT
Ahora voy a pastear vaca.
I'm going to pasture the cows now.
00:06:08.530 - 00:06:11.010

Vaka harkanaypaq ya riyani puntrawyayanña

vaka harka-na-y-paq ri-ya-ni puntraw-ya-ya-ná
cow pasture.NMLZ-1-PURP go-PROG-1 day-INCH-PROG-3-DISC
Estoy yendo ya para pastear vaca -- ya está haciendo día.
I'm going now in order to pasture the cows -- it's already day.
00:06:11.450 - 00:06:14.450

Puntrawyayanñamiki vakapaq
chay-mi puntr¡aw-ya-ya-n-ña-mi-ki vaka-paq
Ya se está haciendo día. Para la vaca.
The day has already dawned. To the cows.
00:06:14.450 - 00:06:16.200

Vakamik mandakuyanqa
vaka-mi-k manda-ku-ya-nqa
cow-EVD-K order-REFL-PROG-3.FUT
La vaca va a estar mandando.
The cows going to be giving the orders.
00:06:16.420 - 00:06:18.510

Mana vakanchik imanchik kaptin hawkatr tiyakuchuwan.

mana vaka-nchik ima-nchik ka-pti-n hawka-tr tiya-ku-chuwan
no cow-1PL what-1PL be-SUBDS-3 calm-EVC sit-REFL-1PL.COND
Sin vacas, sin lo que sea, tranquilo podemos sentarnos.
Without cows and stuff, we could sit in peace.
00:06:18.600 - 00:06:21.800

Paymi mandakuyanqa rinanchikpaq.

pay-mi manda-ku-ya-nqa ri-na-nchik-paq
Ellas van a estar mandando para que váyamos.
They're going to be giving the orders -- so that we go.
00:06:24.420 - 00:06:28.890

Apuraw mayman uyqanchikpis, vakanchikpis.

apuraw may-man uyqan-chik-pis vaka-nchik-pis
quickly where-ALL sheep-2-ADD cow-1PL-ADD
Rápido a donde nuestras ovejas y nuestras vacas.
Quickly to where our sheep and our cows are.
00:06:28.940 - 00:06:31.470

Es oca, pues, oca.

Es oca, pues, oca.
It's oca, then, oca.
00:06:34.240 - 00:06:36.030

No, es mashua, mashua.

No, es mashua, mashua.
No, it's mashua, mashua.
00:06:36.250 - 00:06:38.950

Tawa puntraw, pichqa puntraw ninchikmik chaytaqa

tawa puntraw pichqa puntraw ni-nchik-mi-k chay-ta-qa
four day five day say-1PL-EVD-K DEM.D-ACC-TOP
Cuatro días, cinco días, decimos, ése.
Four days, five days, we say, that one.
00:06:46.760 - 00:06:55.680

Chay chayna soliyarachiptinchik mishkiyanmik payqa.

chay chayna soliya-ra-chi-pti-nchik mishki-ya-n-mi-k pay-qa
Cuando hacemos solear así, se pone dulce, ella.
When we sun it like that, it gets sweet.
00:06:55.910 - 00:06:58.850

Poquito. Mana soliasa kaptinqa wakta soliyachiyanchik.

poquito mana soliya-sa ka-pti-n-qa wak-ta soliya-chi-ya-nchik
a.little no sun-PRF be-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D-ACC sun-CAUS-PROG-1PL
Poquito. Cuando no eatá soleado, lo hacemos solear.
A little. Wnen it hasn't been sunned, we sun it.
00:07:30.700 - 00:07:35.320

Papataq soliyachinchikchu manam. Hinallatam truranchik. Soliyarushpaqa aqsakullanqatr payqa

papa-taq soliya-chi-nchik mana-m hina-lla-ta-m trura-nchik soliya-ru-shpa-qa aqsa-ku-lla-nqa-tr pay-qa
potato-SEQ sun-CAUS-1PL-NEG no-EVD thus-RSTR-ACC-EVD put-1PL sun-URGT-SUBIS-TOP
No hacemos solear las papas. Cuando los ponemos a solear así se amargan.
We don't lay the potatoes out in the sun. We put them like this -- if we set them in the sun they turn bitter.
00:07:39.570 - 00:07:44.680

¿Manachu paykuna wakpa wasinpi paykuna mikun uqata?

mana-chu pay-kuna wak-pa wasi-n-pi pay-kuna miku-n uqa-ta
no-Q 3-PL DEM.D-LOC house-3-LOC 3-PL eat-3 oca-ACC
¿Ellos en allá, en su casa, ellos no comen oca?
There in her house, don't they eat oca?
00:07:53.150 - 00:07:56.950

Chayllata imatrki rimayashaq imatataq

chay-lla-ta ima-tri-ki rima-ya-shaq ima-ta-taq
Éso no más. ¿Qué voy a estar hablando? ¿Qué?
That's all. What am I going to be talking about? What?
00:07:58.740 - 00:08:00.720

Mastaraqchu icha tukuy puntrawchu icha

mas-ta-raq-chu icha tukuy puntraw-chu
more-ACC-CONT-Q or all day-Q
¿Más todavía o todo el día?
More still or all day?
00:08:00.910 - 00:08:03.090

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:38 PM


ubihatam harkanchik kay witray urqupa. Millwanchikta rutushun kama ruwanapaq.

ubiha-ta-m harka-nchik kay witray urqu-pa Millwa-nchik-ta rutu-shun kama ruwa-na-paq
sheep-ACC-EVD herd-1PL DEM.P up.hill hill-LOC wool-1PL-ACC cut-1PL.FUT blanket
Pasteamos las ovejas en la puna. Cortaremos nuestra lana para hacer frazadas.
We pasture the sheep up in the hills. We will cut our wool to make blankets.
00:00:00.020 - 00:00:08.050
Chumpa ruwanapaq, warka ruwanapaq, wata ruwanapaq.
chumpa ruwa-na-paq, warka ruwa-na-paq, wata ruwa-na-paq
sweater make-NMLZ-PURP sling make-NMLZ-PURP rope make-NMLZ-BEN
Para hacer chumpas, para hacer hondas, para hacer sogas.
To make sweaters, to make slings, to make rope.
00:00:08.090 - 00:00:13.630

Rutushaq. Taqsashuntriki.
rutu-shaq taqsa-shun-tri-ki
cut-1.FUT wash-1PL.FUT-EVC-KI
La cortaremos. Hay que lavarla.
We will cut. It has to be washed.
00:00:13.650 - 00:00:17.520

Qalash ruwanapaq puchkana.

qalash ruwa-na-paq puchka-na
blanket make-NMLZ-PURP spin-NMLZ
Hay que hilar para hacer frazadas.
One has to spin to make a blanket.
00:00:18.100 - 00:00:21.360

Waska ruwanapaq millwina.

waska ruwa-na.paq millwi-na
rope make-NMLZ-PURP twist-NMLZ
Hay que torcer para hacer soga.
One has to twist to make rope
00:00:22.720 - 00:00:25.030

Taqsanaraqtri millwa taqsashun millwata

taqsa-na-raq-tri millwa taqsa-shun millwa-ta
wash-NMLZ-CONT-EVC wool wash-1PL.FUT wool-ACC
Hay que lavar la lana todavía. Vamos a lavar la lana.
The wool has to be cleaned still. We will clean the wool
00:00:28.670 - 00:00:31.750

Taqsarushaq. Tishashunñataqa.
taqsa-ru-shaq tisha-shun-ña-taq
Lo voy a lavar y hay que escaminarla ya.
I'm going to wash it and it has to be carded.
00:00:34.640 - 00:00:36.390

Tishashpa, wiqashun. Puchkashun llañunta

tisha-shpa wiqa-shun puchka-shun llañu-ta
card-SUBIS twist-1PL.FUT spin-1PL.FUT thin-ACC
Escarminándola, la torceremos. Hay que hilar delgado.
Carding it, we'll twist it. It has to be spun thin.
00:00:39.670 - 00:00:44.630

allunapaq, kama ruwanapaq.

allu-na-paq kama ruwa-na-paq
weave-NMLZ-PURP blanket make-NMLZ-PURP
para urdir, para hacer frazadas.
in order to weave, in order to make blankets
00:00:45.600 - 00:00:51.620

chumpa ruwanapaq, chalina ruwanakunapaq

chumpa ruwa-na-paq chalina ruwa-naku-na-paq
sweater make-NMLZ-PURP chalina make-MUTBEN-NMLZ-PURP
para hacer chumpas, para hacer chalinas [para vender]
to make sweaters, to make scarves [to sell
00:00:54.630 - 00:01:01.300

Awayantriki kay kamata

awa-ya-n-tri-ki kay kama-ta
weave-PROG-3-EVC-KI DEM.P blanket-ACC
Estará tejiendo, seguro, una frazada.
He must be weaving, for sure, a blanket.
00:01:04.230 - 00:01:08.320

ubihapa millwanwan . . . yuraq millwa, yana millwa

ubiha-pa millwa-n-wan yuraq millwa, yana millwa
sheep-GEN wool-3-INSTR white wool black wool
con lana de oveja -- lana negra, lana blanca
with sheep's wool -- black wool, white wool
00:01:16.080 - 00:01:23.680

Pinturakunawan tinikushpa ..
pintura-kuna-wan tini-ku-shpa
Teñiéndola con tintura ...
Dying it with dye ...
00:01:23.740 - 00:01:26.620

Dos, tres camas.

Dos o tres frazadas
Two or three blankets
00:01:28.270 - 00:01:30.320

it depends
00:01:31.810 - 00:01:33.010

Tutantin awani riki. Chishikay awarqani asta medya nochim

tuta-ntin awa-ni ri-ki chishikay awa-rqa-ni asta medya nochi-m
night-INCL weave-1 R-IKI last.night weave-PST-1 until middle night-EVD
Incluso de noche, tejo, pues. Anoche he tejido hasta media noche.
I weave at night, too. Last night, I wove until midnight. [Second voice, Spanish: Who made your loom?
00:01:39.080 - 00:01:52.060

Mandé hacer. Ermelinda era.

Lo mandé hacer. Era Ermelinda.
I had it made. It was Ermelinda.
00:01:52.360 - 00:01:59.040

Wambraykuna manam awaykuyta munanñachu . . . . ratu yaykushpa

wambra-y-kuna mana-m awa-yku-y-ta muna-n-ña-chu ratu yayku-shpa
child-1-PL no-EVD weave-EXCEP-INF-ACC want-3-DISC-NEG moment enter-SUBIS
Mis hijos ya no quieren tejer. Entrando un rato ...
My children don't want to weave any more. Entering for a moment ...
00:01:59.130 - 00:02:06.980

Tawam wambray ñuqapa ishkay qari ishkay warmi

tawa-m wambra-y ñuqa-pa ishkay qari ishkay warmi
four-EVD child-1 1-GEN two man two woman
Tengo cuatro hijos - dos hombres, dos mujeres
I have four children -- two boys and two girls
00:02:13.880 - 00:02:16.930

Awanmi paykunapis riki.

awa-n-mi pay-kuna-pis ri-ki
weave-3-EVD 3-PL-ADD R-IKI
Ellos también tejen, pues
They also weave, then
00:02:17.490 - 00:02:19.780

Yatran awayta, alluyta, puchkayta,

yatra-n awa-y-ta, allu-y-ta, puchka-y-ta
know-3 weave-INF-ACC twist-INF-ACC spin-INF-ACC
Saben tejer, torcer e hilar
They know how to weave, twist, and spin
00:02:23.590 - 00:02:28.070

guruchikunawan tihiyta
guruchi-kuna-wan tihi-y-ta
crochet.needle-PL-INSTR weave-INF-ACC
[saben] tejer con groche
[they know how] to knit with a crochet needle
00:02:28.670 - 00:02:31.250

Kay warakatapis ruwaruni, ¡ve!

kay waraka-ta-pis ruwa-ru-ni ve
DEM.P sling-ACC-ADD make-URGT-1 see
Hice esta honda, también. ¡Míra!
I also made this sling. Look!
00:02:33.710 - 00:02:36.520

Waraka -- yanta qipikunapaq.

waraka yanta qipi-ku-na-paq
sling wood carry-REFL-NMLZ-PURP
Una honda -- para cargar leña
A sling -- to carry wood
00:02:37.110 - 00:02:41.770

Vaka alsashpa chawanapaq -- chay warakaqa balin

vaka alsa-shpa chawa-na-paq chay waraka-qa bali-n
cow tie-SUBIS milk-NMLZ-PURP DEm.D sling-TOP be.worth-3
Para amarrar la vaca para lechear -- esta honda sirve
this sling is good for tying up the cows to milk
00:02:45.490 - 00:02:51.970

Chay warakaqa llama millwam, ubihachu manam.

chay warka-qa llama millwa-m ubiha-chu mana-m
DEM.D sling-TOP llama wool-EVD sheep-NEG no-EVD
Esa honda es de lana de llama, no es de oveja
This sling is llama wool, it is not sheep [wool].
00:02:52.680 - 00:02:59.770

Kayqa llamam. Kayta awarushpaqa,

kay-qa llama-m kay-ta awa-ru-shpa-qa
Éste es [de lana de] llama. Tejiendo éste
This one is llama [wool]. Weaving this one
00:03:00.610 - 00:03:03.450

partishunñataqmi riki GG siranapaq

parti-shun-ña-taq-mi ri-ki sira-na-paq
Lo vamos a partir ya, para coserlo
We're going to separate it, to sew it
00:03:04.960 - 00:03:10.070

Sirarishpa quni quni puñurushun riki qatakuykushpaqa

sera-ri-shpa quni quni puñu-ru-shun r-iki qatayku-ku-shpa-qa
Cuando cosemos, vamos a dormir caliente, pues, abrigándonos.
When we sew, we'll sleep nice and warm, covering ourselves up.

Kay kama quni qunimiki.

kay kama quni quni-mi-k
DEM.P blanket warm warm-EVD-KI
Esta frazada es bien caliente
This blanket is really warm
00:03:15.890 - 00:03:18.040

Chumpatapis tihimuni. Kikiymi kay wiqani.

chumpa-ta-pis tihi-mu-ni kiki-y-mi kay wiqa-ni
sweater-ACC-ADD weave-CISL-1 self-1-EVD DEM.P spin-1
Tejo chumpas también. Yo mismo hilo.
I also knit sweaters. I spin this myself.
00:03:26.010 - 00:03:29.060

Wiqani kikiymi kay qaytu na wiqayta

wiqa-ni kiki-y-mi kay qaytu wiqa-y-ta
spin-1 self-1-EVD DEM.P yarn spin-INF-ACC
Yo hilo yo mismo este hilo, hilado.
I myself spin this yarn.
00:03:29.670 - 00:03:32.190

Kay llañuntapis puchkani kikiymi.

kay llañu-n-ta-pis puchka-ni kiki-y-mi
DEM.P thin-3-ACC-ADD spin-1 self-1-EVD
Este delgado también -- yo mismo lo hilo.
This thin one also -- I spin it myself
00:03:34.410 - 00:03:36.660

Huk simanatam rishaq witrayta.

huk semana-ta-EVD ri-shaq witray-ta
one week-ACC go-1.FUT up.hill-ACC
La otra semana voy a ir arriba
Next week I´m going to go up hill
00:03:45.430 - 00:03:47.880

ubihay qawaq
ubiha-y qawa-q
sheep-1 see-AG
a ver mis ovejas
to see my sheep
00:03:48.210 - 00:03:49.730

Vakaykuna qutuq
vaka-y-kuna qutu-q
cow-1-PL gather-AG
a juntar mis vacas
to round up my cows
00:03:51.550 - 00:03:55.000

Yanta apamuq
yanta apa-mu-q
firewood bring-CISL-AG
a traer leña
to bring firewood
00:03:56.530 - 00:03:58.710

Yantapis kanchu yanukunapaq.

yanta-pis ka-n-chu yanu-ku-na-paq
firewood-ADD be-3-NEG cook-REFL-NMLZ-PURP
No hay leña tampoco para cocinar.
There isn't any wood, either, for cooking.
00:04:02.790 - 00:04:06.100

Paramunqaña. Urqupa yantakuna qutuna riki

para-mu-nqa-ña urqu-pa yanta-kuna qutu-na ri-ki
rain-CISL-3.FUT-DISC hill-LOC wood-PL gather-NMLZ RI-KI
Va a llover ya. Hay que juntar leña en la Puna
It´ going to rain. Wood has to be collected in the hills.
00:04:06.240 - 00:04:10.020

Kayqa awapakuymi.
kay-qa awa-paku-y-mi
Éste es tejido para vender.
This one is a weaving for sale.
00:04:17.030 - 00:04:19.740

Estoy tejiendo [para ganar dinero].
I'm weaving [to make money].
00:04:20.190 - 00:04:23.000

fiysta 15 de agustu urkista puñunanpaq.

fiysta 15 de agustu urkista puñu-na-n-paq
festival 15 of August band sleep-NMLZ-3-PURP
Para que duerme la orquesta en la fiesta del 15 de agosto.
So that the band can sleep at the festival the 15th of August
00:04:23.760 - 00:04:28.260

Mayurdumupaq kamanmi.
mayurdumu-paq kama-n-mi
majordomo-BEN blanket-3-EVD
Es la frazada del mayordomo.
It's the majordomo's blanket.
00:04:28.330 - 00:04:33.010

De tío Dionisio.
De tío Dionisio.
Tío Dionosio's.
00:04:35.560 - 00:04:38.260

Wambrankuna hamunqash -- kaywan puñun riki.

wambra-n-kuna hamu-nqa-sh kay-wan puñu-n ri-ki
child-3-PL come-3.FUT-EVR DEM.P-INSTR sleep-3 R-IKI
Sus hijos van a venir, dicen, y con éste van a dormir, pues.
His children are going to come, they say. They´ll sleep with this, then.
00:04:44.070 - 00:04:47.660

Kimasam kaypa kayan kimsam kaman.

kimsa-m kay-pa ka-ya-n kimsa-m kama-n
three-EVD DEM.P-LOC be-PROG-3 three-EVD blanket-3
Hay tres acá. Tiene tres frazadas.
There are three here. He has three blankets.
00:04:54.610 - 00:04:57.130

Ñuqapapis awaypaq wakpa kayan

ñuqa-pa-pis awa-y-paq wak-pa ka-ya-n
Lo mío también para tejer está allí.
What I have to weave is there too.
00:04:59.690 - 00:05:01.980

Rantiy kamaqa manam igwal ubihanchik.

ranti-y kama-qa mana-m igwal ubiha-nchik
buy-INF blanket-TOP no-EVD equal sheep-1PL
Una frazada comprada no es igual a [una hecha de lana de] nuestra oveja.
A bought blanket isn't the same as [one made from wool from] our sheep.
00:05:17.820 - 00:05:25.260

No es como su lana.
It's not like its wool.
00:05:25.610 - 00:05:30.000

¡Qampis kuntistamuwankimá!
qam-pis kuntista-mu-wa-nki-m-a
2-ADD answer-CISL-1.OBJ-2-EVD-EMPH
¡Tú también me vas a contestar!
You, too, are going to answer me!.
00:05:30.060 - 00:05:31.900

¿Qam yatranki, mana?

qam yatra-nki mana
2 know-2 no
¿Tú lo sabes o no?
Do you know it or not?
00:05:33.570 - 00:05:37.000

¿Qam . . . qam manachu yatranki kuriktu kuriktuta?

qam qam mana-chu yatra-nki kurictu kuriktu-ta
2 2 no-Q know-2 correct correct-ACC
¿Tú no lo sabes total correcto?
You don't know it correctly?
00:05:38.780 - 00:05:47.730

fiystapis trayakaykamunña.
fiysta-pis traya-ka-yka-mu-n-ña
La fiesta también ya esta llegando.
The festival, too, is coming already.
00:05:54.480 - 00:05:57.120

Fiystapa tushukunki kanan irransa kakullanqatriki.

fiyeta-pa tushu-ku-nki kanan irransa ka-ku-lla-nqa-tri-ki
festival-LOC dance-REFL-2 now erranza be-REFL-RSTR-3.FUT-EVC-KI
En la fiesta bailarás. Ahora va a haber erranza, seguro.
You'll dance at the festival. Now there's going to be an erranza, for sure.
00:06:00.010 - 00:06:06.600

urqupaq hamukuyan llama

Urqu-paq hamu-ku-ya-n llama
hill-ABL come-REFL-PROG-3 llama
Llaman están viniendo de la puna.
Llamas are coming from the hills.
00:06:12.260 - 00:06:18.530

Don Silvio. Qatiyamuntri. ¿Imayna, pero?

Don Silvio qati-ya-mu-n-tri imayna pero
Don Silvio bring-PROG-CISL-3-EVC how but
Don Silvio, dice. Los estará traendo. ¿Pero, cómo?
Don Silvio, they say. He'd be bringing them. But how?
00:06:19.290 - 00:06:24.080

¿Imay urataq hamupakurqanki?

imay ura-taq hamu-paku-rqa-nki
when hour-SEQ come-MUTBEN-PST-2
¿A qué hora han venido ustedes?
What time did you come?
00:06:38.210 - 00:06:41.180

Kayna chumpakunata tihini riki.

kay-na chumpa-kuna-ta tihi-ni ri-ki
DEM.P-VRBZ sweater-PL-ACC knit-1 R-IKI
Así tejo chompas, pues
I knit sweaters like that, then.
00:07:01.380 - 00:07:05.120

Yuraq ubiha millwan.

yuraq ubiha millwa-n
white sheep wool-3
De lana de ovejas blancas.
From white sheep's wool.
00:07:05.570 - 00:07:10.410

Manaraq parayaptinchu qutunchik yantata riki.

mana-raq para-ya-pti-n-chu yanta-ta qutu-nchik ri-ki
no-CONT rain-PROG-SUBDS-3-NEG firewood-ACC gather-1PL R-IKI
Cuando todavía no esta lloviendo juntamos leña.
When it's still not raining yet, we gather firewood.
00:07:37.960 - 00:07:41.970

Parapi yanukunanchikpaq.
para-pi yanu-ku-na-nchik-paq
Para cocinar en la lluvia.
To cook in the rain.
00:07:51.810 - 00:07:55.520

Michiqmi kayan ubihaywan.

michi-q-mi ka-ya-n ubiha-y-wan
herd-AG-EVD be-PROG-3 sheep-1-INSTR
Un pastor está con mis ovejas.
A shepherd is with my sheep.
00:07:58.710 - 00:08:01.240

Vaka chawaq.
vaka chawa-q
cow milk-AG
Lechear vacas.
To milk cows
00:08:11.590 - 00:08:14.980

Kisuta ruwashparaq trayamuyan.

kisu-ta ruwa-shpa-raq traya-mu-ya-n
cheese-ACC make-SUBIS-CONT arrive-CISL-PROG-3
Haciendo queso todavía, está viniendo.
Still making cheese, she's coming.
00:08:16.430 - 00:08:19.970

Hanay patapim kayan.

hanay pata-pa-m ka-ya-n
above terrace-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3
Está arriba en los andenes.
She's up in the terraces.
00:08:30.570 - 00:08:35.540

Wambraymi harkan. Kanan puntraw klasi kanchu manam.

wambra-y-mi harka-n kanan puntraw klasi ka-n-chu mana-m
child-1-EVD pasture-3 now day class be-3-NEG no-EVD
Mi hija está pasteando. Hoy día no hay clase.
My daughter is pasturing. There's no school today.
00:08:42.750 - 00:08:46.910

wayra-ku-ya-n m-ari
Está corriendo viento.
It's windy.
00:09:06.080 - 00:09:08.260

Wayrakuyan, qasakuyan.
wayra-ku-ya-n qasa-ku-ya-n
wind-REFL-PROG-3 freeze-REFL-PROG-3
Está corriendo viento, está helando.
It's windy, it's freezing
00:09:11.750 - 00:09:14.080

Está haciendo calor.
It's hot.
00:09:14.820 - 00:09:16.380

Algunuspa puchkan tipikuyanmi.

algunus-pa puchka-n tipi-ku-ya-n-mi
some-GEN spin-3 break-REFL-PROG-3-EVD
El hilado de algunas personas se rompe.
Some people's yarn breaks.
00:09:32.110 - 00:09:34.380
Kay astawan tipinchu. Rápido avanzas.
kay astawan tipi-n-chu
DEM.P instead break-3-NEG
Éste más bien no rompe. Rápido avanzas
This, rather, doesn't break. You advance quickly.
00:09:40.040 - 00:09:43.990

Tipiptin, para añadir demoras.

Cuando rompe, para anadir domaras
When it breaks, it takes you time to add.
00:09:45.070 - 00:09:49.200

Kay yanapis ubiha millwanmiki.

kay yana-pis ubiha millwa-n-mi-ki
DEM.P black-ADD sheep wool-3-EVD-KI
Este negro también es lana de oveja
This black one, too, is sheep's wool.
00:10:01.040 - 00:10:03.220

gris también
grey, too
00:10:06.550 - 00:10:07.810

Qarwam kayqa, qarwa.

qarwa-m kay-qa qarwa
nogal.tree-EVD DEM.P-TOP nogal.tree
Éste es nogal, nogal.
This is [dyed with color from the] nogal-tree. Nogal-tree.
00:10:32.740 - 00:10:36.620

Ichuwan chaytaqa ruranchik.

ichu-wan-mi chay-ta-qa rura-nchik
Ése se hace con paja.
That one is made with straw.
00:10:57.290 - 00:10:59.770

Qallaykuyani chayraq.
qalla-yku-ya-ni chay-raq
Recién estoy empezando.
I'm just starting.
00:11:05.690 - 00:11:07.690

Ñuqa kikiymi ruwani.

ñuqa kiki-y-mi ruwa-ni
1 self-1-EVD make-1
Yo mismo lo hago.
I make it myself.
00:11:09.300 - 00:11:11.190

Pichqa alambriwan
pichqa alamrbi-wan
five wire-INSTR
Con cinco palitos.
With five knitting needles.
00:11:13.430 - 00:11:14.870

Pichqa alambriwanmi ruwanchik

pichqa alambri-wan-mi ruwa-nchik
five wire-INSTR-EVD make-1PL
Se hace con cinco palitos.
It's made with five knitting needles.
00:11:15.840 - 00:11:18.040

Ceciliopa willkachanpa chullunta qawanki

Cecilio-pa willka-cha-n-pa chullu-n-ta qawa-nki
Cecilio-GEN grandchild-DIM-3-GEN hat-3-ACC look-2
Estás mirando la gorra del nietecito de Cecilio.
You're looking at Cecilio's grandson's hat.
00:11:34.440 - 00:11:37.550

Bien bonito está de color vacan con su nombre.

Bien bonito está, de color, vacan, con su nombre.
It's really nice, colored, cool, with his name.
00:11:38.730 - 00:11:42.520

Ahora vas a fijarte. Vas a ver.

Ahora vas a fijarte. Vas a ver.
Now you're going to pay attention. You're going to see.
00:11:43.170 - 00:11:45.080

Ñuqam chayta ruwayani. Chay wambra ... ruwasay ... napam kara de su . . . wambranpa, ¿imam sutin?
ñuqa-m chay-ta ruwa-ya-ni chay wambra ruwa-sa-y na-pa-m ka-ra-ø wambra-n-pa ima-m suti-n
1-EVD DEM.D-ACC make-PROG-1 DEM.D child make-PRF-1 DMY-GEN-EVD be-PST-3 child-3-GEN
what-EVD name-3
Yo estoy haciendo-RSTR. Ese niño ... lo que hice ... era . . . de su . . . su hijo, ¿como se llama?
I'm making that. That child ... what I made ... that was ... his ... his son, what is his name?
00:11:46.390 - 00:11:56.810

Lucio diharun chay willkachanpaqña kanan kayan.

Lucio diha-ru-n chay willka-cha-n-paq-ña kanan ka-ya-n
Lucio leave-URGT-3 DEM.D grandchild-DIM-3-BEN-DISC now be-PROG-3
Lucio dejó . . . para su nieto ya ahora está.
Lucio left it. It's for his grandson now.
00:11:57.760 - 00:12:03.070

willkachanña kanan usayan.

willka-cha-n-ña kanan usa-ya-n
grandchild-DIM-3-DISC now use-PROG-3
Su nietecito ya ahora lo está usando.
His grandson is using it now.
00:12:05.380 - 00:12:09.630

Nuybita harqunchik
nuybi-ta harqunchik
nine-ACC toss.out-1PL
A las nueve, se botan [las vacas].
The cows get set out at nine.
00:12:19.570 - 00:12:20.780

Unquykunam kanan ubihatapis hapiyan.

unqu-y-kuna-m kanan ubiha-ta-pis hapi-ya-n
sick-INF-PL-EVD now sheep-ACC-ADD grab-PROG-3
Enfermedades están agarrando a las ovejas
Sicknesses are taking hold of the sheep now.
00:12:21.920 - 00:12:24.040

uma punkikuna
uma punki-kuna
head swollen-PL
Hinchazon de cabeza
Swollen heads
00:12:24.950 - 00:12:27.180

rimidyullawanña upyana kayanchik

rimidyu-lla-wan-ña upya-na ka-ya-nchik
medicine-RSTR-INSTR drink-NMLZ be-PROG-1PL
Con medicina no más ya tenemos que tomar
We have to have take it with just medicine already.
00:12:29.000 - 00:12:31.370

Hanaypa pastu kayan.

hanay-pa pastu ka-ya-n
above-LOC pasture.grass be-PROG-3
Arriba hay pasto.
There's pasture grass up in the hills.
00:12:40.660 - 00:12:43.320

Vakapaqpis ubihapaqpis kayan pastu.

vaka-paq-p ubiha-paq-pis ka-ya-n pastu
cow-BEN-ADD sheep-BEN-ADD be-PROG-3 pasture.grass.
Hay pasto para las vacas y para las ovejas.
There's pasture grass for both the cows and the sheep.
00:12:50.820 - 00:12:54.630

Vakawantri kayan. Maypitr?

vaka-wan-tri ka-ya-n may-pi-tr
cow-INSTR-EVC be-PROG-3 where-LOC-EVC
Estará con las vacas. ¿Dónde?
She must be with the cows. Where could she be?
00:13:01.720 - 00:13:03.500

Uku ukupatr kayan.
uku uku-pa-tr ka-ya-n
inside inside-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3
Estará abajo.
It must be underneath.
00:13:05.130 - 00:13:08.500

¿Qaqurunñachu manaraqchu?
qaqu-ru-n-ña-chu mana-raq-chu
toss.out-URGT-3-DISC-Q no-CONT-EVC
¿Ya habrá botado [las vacas] o todavía no¿
Has she already let out [the cows] or not yet?
00:13:12.450 - 00:13:14.520

Recien será.
It would be recently.
00:13:14.560 - 00:13:17.600

Ratukama tihishaq.
ratu-kama tihi-shaq
moment-LIM knit-1.FUT
Hasta mas luego voy a tejer.
I'm going to knit until a but later.
00:13:23.110 - 00:13:25.580

sibadayta wayrachishaq, abasniyta pallanay kayan llaqta rinay tarde rinaypaq.

sibada-y-ta wayra-chi-shaq abas-ni-y-ta palla-na-y ka-ya-n llaqta ri-na-y tardi ri-na-y-paq
barley-1-ACC wind-CAUS-1.FUT broad.beans-EUPH-1-ACC pick-NMLZ-1 be-PROG-3 town go-NMLZ-1
afternoon go-NMLZ-1-PURP
Voy a ventear mi cebada y tengo que cortar habas para en la tarde al pueblo
I'm going to winnow my barley and I have to pick broad beans to go to town in the afternoon.
00:13:25.900 - 00:13:30.860

Voy a cargar mis habas para que domingo uray Cañete kargananpaq
uray Cañete karga-na-n-paq
down Cañete carry-NMLZ-3-PURP
Voy a caragar mis habas para que domingo -- para que los cargue abajo a Cañete
I'm going to carry my broad beans so Sunday -- so she carries them down to Cañete.
00:13:33.510 - 00:13:39.220

Viyahitam rinqa tiyayki.

viyahi-ta-m ri-nqa tiya-yki
trip-ACC-EVD go-3.FUT aunt-2
Tu tía va a ir de viaje.
Your aunt is going to go on a trip.
00:13:40.480 - 00:13:42.260

Wambraykuna qawaq
wambra-y-kuna qawa-q
child-1-PL see-AG
Para ver nuestros hijos.
To see our children
00:13:44.620 - 00:13:46.930

Uraypiyá kayan lliw.

uray-pi-ya ka-ya-n lliw
down-LOC-EMPH be-PROG-3 all
Abajo están todos.
All are down the hill.
00:14:05.510 - 00:14:07.180

Rantikunaypaqqpis apaniyá.
rantiku-na-y-paq-qpis apa-ni-ya
sell-NMLZ-1-PURP-ADD bring-1-EMPH
Llevo para vender también
I bring them to sell, too.
00:14:16.380 - 00:14:18.140

Rantikunaypaq kanan kayanchu.

rantiku-na-y-paq kanan ka-ya-n-chu
sell-NMLZ-1-PURP now be-PROG-3-NEG
Ahora no hay para que yo venda.
Now there aren't any so that I can sell.
00:14:20.890 - 00:14:22.960

Friday, September 28, 2012 8:21 AM


Giyawayay giyawayay giyawayay giyawayay

Gíame bien, gíame bien, gíame bien, gíame bien.
Guide me, guide me, guide me, guide me.
00:00:00.020 - 00:00:07.190

Giyawayay giyawayay giyawayay giyawayay!

Gíame bien, gíame bien, gíame bien, gíame bien
Guide me, guide me, guide me, guide me.
00:00:07.220 - 00:00:15.520

Waytachachchik tirsiyopelo qaytuchanchik sedapaño

Nuestr soga terciopelo nuestro hilo sedapaño
Our velvet rope, our silk thread
00:00:15.560 - 00:00:23.790

Waytachachchik tirsiyopelo qaytuchanchik sedapaño

Nuestr soga terciopelo nuestro hilo sedapaño
Our velvet rope, our silk thread
00:00:23.830 - 00:00:31.630

Urumantam kadenani qullqimantam watuchani.
Cadeno el oro, ato la plata.
I chain gold, I tie up silver.
00:00:31.650 - 00:00:39.510

Urumantam kadenani qullqimantam watuchani.

Cadeno el oro, ato la plata.
I chain up gold, I tie up silver.
00:00:39.590 - 00:00:47.720

Tipishaqmi niyankichu, rumpishaqmi niyankichu

Estás diciendo yo voy a romper o estás diciendo you voy a romper
Are you saying I'm going to tear or are you saying I'm going to rip?
00:00:47.740 - 00:00:56.370

Pero manam tipinkichu pero manam rumpikichu

Pero no vas a romper, pero no vas a romper
But you're not going to tear, but your're not going to break.
00:00:56.380 - 00:01:05.220

giyawayay giyawayay giyawayay giyawayay giyawayay giyawayay

GIame bien Gíame bien Gíame bien Gíame bien Gíame bien Gíame bien
Guide me, guide me, guide me, guide me, guide me
00:01:05.290 - 00:01:18.080

Kulatriyos, kulantriyos, kulantriyos, kulantriyos, kulantriyus yuraq yasisa

kulantriyus yuraq yasisa
Culanto, culantro, culantro, culanto, culantro flor blanca, culantro flor
Cilantro, cilantro, cilantro, cilantro, cilantro white floer, cilantro white
00:01:18.120 - 00:01:30.620

Rumirituy, rumirituy, rumirituy, rumirituy, rumirituy asul yasisa, rumirituy

asul yasisa.
Romero, romero, romero, romer, romero flor azul, romero flor azul.
Rosemary, rosemary, rosemary, rosemary, rosemary blue flower, rosemary blue
00:01:30.690 - 00:01:43.000

Yerba bwinay, yerba buwenay, yerba buwenay, yerba buwenay, yerba buwenay asul
yasisa yerba buwenay asul yasisa.
Hierba buena, hierba buena, hierba buena, hierba buena, hierba buena flore
azul, hierba buena flor azul.
Pepermint, pepermint, pepermint, pepermint, pepermint blue flower, pepermint
blue flower.
00:01:43.080 - 00:01:56.050

Marmakillay, marmakillay, marmakillay, marmakillay, marmakillay yuraq yasisa,

marmakillay yanalla tullu.
Marmaquilla, marmaquilla, marmaquilla, marmaquilla, marmaquilla flor blanco,
marmaquilla tallo negro.
Marmaquilla, marmaquilla, marmaquilla, marmaquilla, marmaquilla flor blanco,
marmaquilla tallo negro.
00:01:56.120 - 00:02:08.600

Uvasituy, uvasituy, uvasituy, uvasituy, uvasituy yakulla shunqu, uvasituy

yakulla shunqu.
Uvacita, uvacita, uvacita, uvacita, uvacita corazon aguada, uvacita corazon
Grapes, grapes, grapes, grapes, grapes watery heart, grapes watery heart.
00:02:09.510 - 00:02:22.130

Granaditay, granaditay, granaditay, granaditay, granaditay yawarlla shunqu,

granaditay aqulla shunqu.
Granada, granada, granada, granada, granada corazón de sangre, granada, corazón
de arena.
Pomegranate, pomegranate, pomegranate, pomegranate, pomegranate heart of blood,
pomegranate heart of sand.
00:02:22.300 - 00:02:35.020

Giyawayawayay giyaway giyawayawayagiya giyawayawayay giyaway giyawayawayagiya,

GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien
GIame bien
Guide me, guide me, guide me, guide me, guide me, guide me.
00:02:35.630 - 00:02:48.220

Tambu llaqtaypi altumpim, piruway rumiru wayta. Chaymankamallam piruwashun

piruway rumiru wayta.
En mi pueblo Tambo en las alturas, me montonan flores de romero. Hasta hacia
allá voy a montonar flores de romero.
In my town Tambo in the heights, rosemary flowers gather. Up to over there, I'm
going to gather rosemary flowers.
00:02:48.350 - 00:03:00.090

Tambu llaqtallay altupim piruway rumiru wayta chayman kamallam piruwashun

piruway rumiru wayta
En mi pueblo Tambo en las alturas, me montonan flores de romero. Hasta hacia
allá voy a montonar flores de romero.
In my town Tambo in the heights, rosemary flowers gather. Up to over there, I'm
going to gather rosemary flowers.
00:03:00.620 - 00:03:12.320

giyaway giyaway giyaway giyaway giyaway giyaway giyaway giyaway giyaway giyaway
giyaway giyawaya giyaway giyaway giyawaya
GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien
GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien GIame bien
Guide me, guide me, guide me, guide me, guide me, guide me.
00:03:12.610 - 00:03:27.250

kwidadu, kwidadu, kalabasa! kwidadu, kwidadu, kalabasa! Watuyki tipiptin,

kalabasa, qaqata ripunkiman, kalabasa! Qaytuyki rumpiptin, kalabasa, qaqata
ripunkiman, kalabasa!
Cuidado, cuidado, calabasa! ¡Cuidado, cuidado, calabasa! Si tu soga se rompe,
calabasa, te puedes ir por la peña, calabasa. Si tu hilo se rompe, calabasa, te
puedes ir por la peña, calabasa!
Careful, careful, pumpkin! Careful, careful, pumpkin! If your rope tears, you
might go off the cliff! If your thread breaks, you might go off the ciff!
00:03:27.440 - 00:03:42.610

Sunday, October 7, 2012 6:03 PM


00:00:00.000 - 00:00:02.110

Manam ñuqaraqmi pushashaq.

No, yo todavía voy a llevar.
no-EVD 1-CONT-EVD bring-1.FUT
Manam ñuqaraqmi pushashaq
No, I'm still going to take it.
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:02.110

Ah, payñam tapamunqa.

Ah, él ya va a tapar.
Ah, pay-ña-m
Ah, 2-DISC-EVD cover-CISL-3.FUT
Ah, he's going to cover it already.
00:00:02.160 - 00:00:05.000

Ah, ñuqañam nashaq.

Ah, yo ya voy a hacer-RSTR
Ah, ñuqa-ña-m na-shaq
Ah, I'm going to do that already.
00:00:05.400 - 00:00:08.950

Kanan kaytaq Nelbataqtrik kay lawman taparamun.

Ahora Nelba va a tapar éste en este lado.
Kanan kay-ta-qa Nelba-taq-tri-k kay law-man tapa-ra-mu-n
now DEM.P-ACC-TOP Nelba-SEQ-EVC-K DEM.P-side-ALL cover-URGT-CISL-3
Now Nelba's is going to close this over here.
00:00:09.670 - 00:00:12.750

Manaraqmi. Chayraqmi.
No todavía, recien.
Mana-raq-mi Chay-raq-mi
Not yet, stll.
00:00:13.660 - 00:00:18.540

Paqwaramunñatrik wak lawta.

Ya habrá terminado allá.
Paqwa-ra-mu-n-ña-tri-k wak law-ta
He must have already finished over there.
00:00:13.660 - 00:00:18.540

Chayraqmi tapayan. "Tapaykuramuy! Tapay!" niwaptin.

Recien está tapando. "¡Ánda, tápale! ¡Tápale!" me dijo.
Chay-raq-mi tapa-ya-n Tapa-yku-ra-mu-y Tapa-y ni-wa-pti-n
He's just closing it. "Go on and close it! Close it!" he said to me.
00:00:19.290 - 00:00:24.060

Ñuqaqa tapaykurani.
Yo tapé.
Ñuqa-qa tapa-yku-ra-ni
1-TOP cover-EXCEP-PST-1
I closed it.
00:00:24.760 - 00:00:28.090

Ya hukyaruni ya. Ischalla yakuta.

Lo unifiqué. Poca agua.
Ya huk-ya-ru-ni ya Ischa-lla yaku-ta
EMPH one-INCH-URGT-1 DISC little-RSTR water-ACC
I joined them. Little water
00:00:28.090 - 00:00:31.600

Estoy jugando, pues.
I playing, then.
00:00:31.800 - 00:00:35.520

Qam traskinki. Paqwaruptikiq pitaq traskinqa?

Tú vas a recibir. Cuando tú terminas, ¿Quién recibirá?
Qam traski-nki Paqwa-ru-pti-ki-q pi-taq traski-nqa
2 accept-2 finish-URGT-SUBDS-2-TOP who-SEQ accept-3.FUT
Your going to receive. When you finish, who's going to receive.
00:00:35.520 - 00:00:38.930

Pim traskinqa? Ah, wak hanay mansanaykiqa.

¿Quién va a recibir? Tus manzanas allí arriba.
Pi-m traski-nqa Ah, wak hanay mansana-yki-qa
who-EVD accept-3.FUT Ah, DEM.D up.hill apple-2-TOP
Who's going to receive? Ah, there up hill, your apples.
00:00:39.130 - 00:00:44.760

Primitivosh traskinqa.
Primitivo va a recibir. dicen.
Primitivo-sh traski-nqa
Primitivo-EVR receive-3.FUT
Primitivo is going to receive, they say.
00:00:39.130 - 00:00:44.760

Yari ña rigaramunña.
Ya regó.
Ya-ri ña riga-ra-mu-n-ña.
He already watered.
00:00:44.930 - 00:00:47.560

Ah, rigaramunña.
Ah, ya regó.
Ah, riga-ra-mu-n-ña
Ah, irrigate-URGT-CISL-3-DISC
Ah, he's already watered.
00:00:47.560 - 00:00:49.930

Ah, huk, ah, chayllam kayan.

Ah, uno, ah, eso no más está-
Ah, huk, ah, chay-llam ka-ya-n.
Ah, one ah, DEM.D-RSTR-EVD be-PROG-3
Ah, one, ah, there's just that one.
00:00:49.930 - 00:00:52.590

Chayllata. Chaypaqa rishaq -- wak animalniyman, wak infermuykunaman.

Éso no más. Voy a ir allí, hacia donde mis animales, mi [esposo] enfermo y todo.
Chay-lla-ta chay-pa-qa ri-shaq wak animal-ni-y-man wak infermu-y-kuna-man
Just that there. I'm going to my animals to my sick [husband] and all.
00:00:52.660 - 00:00:56.700

Atendiqtrik rishaq.
Tengo que ir a atenderlo.
atendi-q-tri-k ri-shaq
take-care-of-AG-EVC-K go-1.FUT
I have to go to take care of him.
00:00:56.740 - 00:00:58.700

Pitaq atiyendinqa sapallay kayaptiyqa.

¿Quién va a attenderlo si yo estoy solita?
Pi-taq atiyendi-n-qa sapa-lla-y ka-ya-pti-y-qa
who-SEQ alone-RSTR-1 be-PROG-SUBDS-1-TOP
Who's going to take care of him if I'm all alone.
00:00:58.810 - 00:01:01.530

Asta maypaqpis trayanaykamaya. Hinalla kakun.

Hasta de donde sea, hasta que yo llegue. Así está.
Asta may-paq-pis traya-na-y-kama-ya hina-lla ka-ku-n
until where-LOC-ADD arrive-NMLZ-1-RSTR-EMPH thus-RSTR be-REFL-3
From where ever, until I arrive. He's like that.
00:01:01.660 - 00:01:04.740

Uray tawantriki machakarunkiman

Abajo también puedes machukar sus cuatro.
uray tawa-n-tri-ki machaka-ru-nki-man
down.hill four-3-EVC-KI VV-URGT-2-COND
Ah, you could take care of his four down hill.
00:01:04.770 - 00:01:08.760

Ah, chaynam
Ah, así.
Ah, chay-na-m
Ah, like that.
00:01:04.770 - 00:01:08.760

Te lo va a consentir, pues.
They're going to concede it to you, then.
00:01:08.970 - 00:01:12.700

Aver ma kunsendiwanqachu.
A ver si me lo consienten.
Aver m-a kunsendi-wa-nqa-chu.
Aver EVD-EMPH concede-1.OBJ-3.FUT-Q
Let's see if they concede it to me.
00:01:08.970 - 00:01:12.700

Te lo va a consentir.
They're going to concede it to you.
00:01:12.700 - 00:01:15.420

[undecipherable] ninqayari.
[Que?] va a decir, pues?
[What is he?] going to say, then?
00:01:12.700 - 00:01:15.420

Wakllañamik kidarun
Éso no más quedó.
Wak-lla-ña-mi-k kida-ru-n
Just that was left.
00:01:15.430 - 00:01:19.000

Chaytri ... suyaykurushaqtriki.

Por eso ... lo tengo que esperar.
Chay-tri suya-yku-ru-shaq-tri-ki
That's why ... I have to wait for him.
00:01:15.430 - 00:01:19.000
Chaypaq rikushaqñatrik. Manaña kaptinqa imanashaqñatr?
De allí me voy a ir seguro. Si no hay, ¿qué voy a hacer?
Chay-paq ri-ku-shaq-ña-tri-k mana-ña ka-pti-n-qa ima-na-shaq-ña-tr
I'm going to leave already from there. If there isn't any, what am I going to do?
00:01:19.060 - 00:01:23.100

Ah, rikushaqñatr.
Ah, me voy a ir ya.
Ah, ri-ku-shaq-ña-tr.
Ah, I'm going to go already.
00:01:23.120 - 00:01:25.210

Ah, puntrawyaruptinqa.
Ah, cuando hace día.
Ah, puntraw-ya-ru-pti-n-qa
Ah, when it dawns.
00:01:25.210 - 00:01:26.630

Mastaqa mashtakuyanmi
Más está tendiéndose.
mas-ta-qa mashta-ku-ya-n-mi
more-ACC-TOP spread.out-REFL-PROG-3-EVD
He's getting more spread out.
00:01:26.640 - 00:01:31.350

Emptying the reservoir.
00:01:26.640 - 00:01:31.350

¡Uyariy! Mana alkansanichu.

¡Escúcha! No me alcanza
Uyari-y mana alkansa-ni-chu
hear-IMP no reach-1-NEG
Listen! I don't have enough
00:01:31.350 - 00:01:34.390

tiyemputa ya. Mana alkansanichu.

el tiempo, pues. No me alcanza.
tiyempu-ta ya mana alkansa-ni-chu
time-ACC EMPH mana reach-1-NEG
time, then. I don't have enough.
00:01:34.410 - 00:01:37.130

Tardiña tardiña riptiyqa ña hukña taparun hukña istankarunqa.

Tarde ya tarde ya cuando fui él ya había tapado uno; él va a desestancar otro ya.
Tardi-ña tardi-ña ri-pti-y-qa ña huk-ña tapa-ru-n huk-ña istanka-ru-nqa
late-DISC late-DISC go-SUBDS-1-TOP DISC one-DISC cover-URGT-3 one-DISC
Late, late already, when I went, he closed one already. He's going to empty another reservoir already.
00:01:37.150 - 00:01:41.840

Chaymi huktañachu valikurushaq sichu wak hanaykunata.

Por eso a otro ya voy a contratar a alguien allí arriba.
Chay-mi huk-ta-ña-chu vali-ku-ru-shaq sichu wak hanay-kuna-ta
That's why I'm going to request another there up hill.
00:01:41.900 - 00:01:45.220

Uraykunata uraylawta wak rigananpaq, niyani.

Por abajo y todo, por el lado de abajo allí para que regue, estoy diciendo.
Uray-kuna-ta uray-law-ta wak riga-na-n-paq ni-ya-ni
down.hill-PL-ACC down.hill-side-ACC DEM.D irrigate-NMLZ-3-PURP say-PROG-1
"Down hill and all, down hill there -- so that they water," I'm saying.
00:01:45.350 - 00:01:48.850

"Paganki. Pagashunñam regarunanpaqmi valikurunki," niwara ya chay wawi warmi.

"Vas a pagar, vamos a pagar para regar. Vas a suplicar," me ha dicho mi hija.
paga-nki paga-shun-ña-m regaru-na-n-paq-mi vali-ku-ru-nki ni-wa-ra-ø ya chay wawi warmi
pay-2 pay-1PL-FUT-DISC-EVD irrigate-URGT-NMLZ-3-PURP-EVD request-REFL-URGT2
say-1.OBJ-PST-3 EMPH DEM.D baby woman
"You're going to pay. We're going to pay already to water. You're going to request someone," may daughter
said to me.
00:01:50.040 - 00:01:55.120

Ah, wawi warmi rigarunaypaq.

Ah, mi hija -- para que yo riega.
Ah wawi warmi riga-ru-na-y-paq
Ah, baby woman irrigate-URGT-NMLZ-1-PURP
Ah, my daughter -- so I can water.
00:01:55.160 - 00:01:58.570

Yaku usun chaymi llaqtan llaqtata rishaq manam rigachuwanchu.

Agua está derramando. Así voy a ir al pueblo; no podemos regar.
Yaku usu-n chay-mi llaqta-n llaqta-ta ri-shaq mana-m riga-chuwan-chu.
water waste.on.the.ground-3 DEM.D-EVD town-3 town-ACC go-1.FUT no-EVD irrigate-1PL.COND-NEG
Water is spilling. So I'm going to go to their town, to town. We can't water.
00:01:59.840 - 00:02:04.480

Tukuy puntrawmi.
Todo el día.
Tukuy puntr0aw-mi
all day-EVD
All day.
00:02:04.580 - 00:02:06.520

Ñakaruni . Pusuman hiqaykuruni kaypaq urayman.

Sufro. Me caí hacia el pozo. De acá para abajo.
ñaka-ru-ni-m Pusu-man hiqa-yku-ru-ni. kay-paq uray-man
suffer-URGT-1 well-ALL fall-URGT-3 DEM.P-ABL down.hill
I suffer. I fell towards the well. From here down hill.
00:02:06.520 - 00:02:10.950

Pim? Kanan wak Don Primitivo istankayamushpaqa.

¿Quién? Ahora Don Primitivo está destancando.
Pi-m kanan wak Don Primitivo istanka-ya-mu-shpa-qa
who-EVD now DEM.D Don Primitivo drain.reservoir-CISL-SUBIS-TOP
Who? Don Primitivo is emptying the reservoir.
00:02:11.020 - 00:02:14.590

Él, seguro
For sure, he
00:02:14.590 - 00:02:17.980

Payya chakirunqa paypaqa.

Él ... El suyo va a secar.
pay-ya chaki-ru-nqa pay-pa-qa
He ... his is going to dry out.
00:02:14.590 - 00:02:17.980

emptied the reservoir.
00:02:18.020 - 00:02:23.350

Así dicen. No, sé. Mayqin ninraqya? Llullakuyanya kaykuna?

Así dicen. No sé. ¿Cuál dice todavía, pues? Están mintiendo éstos.
mayqin ni-n-raq ya lluya-ku-ya-n ya kay-kuna
which say-3-CONT EMPH yuyakuyan ya kaykuna
That's what they say. I don't know. Which still says so, then -- They're lying, those.
00:02:18.020 - 00:02:23.350

Kimsam kakuyan istankaq.

Tres están por destancar.
Kimsa-m ka-ku-ya-n istanka-q
three-EVD be-REFL-PROG_3 drain.reservoir-AG
Three are to be watered.
00:02:23.350 - 00:02:26.060

Kanan Primitivoqa ñuqam istankamurani.

Ahora Primitivo dice que yo he destancado.
Kanan Primitivo-qa ñuqa-m istanka-mu-ra-ni
now Primitivo-TOP 1-EVD drain.reservoir-CISL-PST-1
Now Primitovo [says] I emptied the reservoir.
00:02:32.140 - 00:02:35.020

Kanan gordopa.
Ahora del Gordo.
Kanan gordo-pa
now fat-GEN
Now Gordo's.
00:02:35.080 - 00:02:36.780

Ah, mana chay yuyakunchu.

Ah, él no se acuerda.
Ah, mana chay yuya-ku-n-chu
Ah, no DEM.D remember-REFL-3-NEG
Ah, he doesn't remember that.
00:02:39.910 - 00:02:44.320

Ah, entonces ima yakutaqa yaykumunqa mana wak chimpalaw yakutapis yaykumuptinqa?
Ah, entonces ¿qué agua va a entrar si el agua tampoco no entra allí en frente?
Ah, entonces ima yaku-ta-qa yayku-mu-nqa mana wak chimpa-law yaku-ta-pis yayku-mu-pti-n-qa
Ah, then what water-ACC-TOP enter-CISL-3.FUT no DEM.D front-side water-ACC-ADD
Ah, then, what water is going to get in if the water there in front doesn't get in?
00:02:49.220 - 00:02:56.160

Manachu? Ah, akabará.

¿Ó no? Ah, se acabó.
Mana-chu Ah, akaba-ra-´
no-Q Ah, finish-PST-3
No? Ah, it ran out.
00:02:59.950 - 00:03:03.780

Akabarun. Chay pero chayqa poko

Se terminó. eso pero eso es poco.
Akaba-ru-n Chay pero chay-qa poko
finish-URGT-3 DEM.D but DEM.D-TOP little
It ran out. That, but that's a little.
00:03:03.850 - 00:03:11.160

Chaynam ñuqapapis kimsam pataman tapani.

Así yo también tapé tres andenes.
Chay-na-m ñuqa-pa-pis kimsa-m pata-man tapa-ni
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD 1-GEN-ADD three-EVD terrace-ALL close-1
Like that, I also covered three terraces.
00:03:17.280 - 00:03:21.130

Uchuypis pasapasaypaqmi chakirun ay uchuypis chakisham kayan,

Mi ají también total se secó. Mi ají también está seco.
Uchuy-pis pasapasaypaq-mi chaki-ru-n ay uchuy-pis chaki-sha-m ka-ya-n
chile-ADD completely-EVD dry-URGT-3 ay chile-ADD dry-PRF-EVD be-PROG-3
My chile completely dried out. Ah, my chiles, too, are dried out.
00:03:21.520 - 00:03:26.370

Rocotopis kayan ya pero pishqu ya mikukuchan chakishatapis.

Hay rocoto también, pero los pájaros se comen los secos también.
Rocoto-pis ka-ya-n ya pero pishqu ya miku-ku-cha-n chaki-sha-ta-pis
chile-ADD be-PROG-3 EMPH but bird EMPH eat-REFL-DIM-3 dry-PRF-ACC-ADD
There are chiles, too. But the birds are also eating up the dry ones.
00:03:28.670 - 00:03:32.720

Pishqum kakuyan. Uchuk uchuk mansanata ...

Hay pájaros. Las chiquititas manzanas ...
Pishqu-m ka-ku-ya-n Uchuk uchuk mansana-ta
bird-EVD be-REFL-PROG-3 small small apple-ACC
There are birds. The small, small apples ...
00:03:32.760 - 00:03:37.750

Come pájaro.
00:03:32.760 - 00:03:37.750

Katrukuyanmi. . . . lunayashayan TK
están masticando. Un espanta pájaros no más está puesto [allí].
Katru-ku-ya-n-mi lunaya-sha-ya-n
chew-REFL-PROG-3-EVD scarecrow-PRF-PROG-3 GG
Theyr'e chewing. There's just a scarecrow up.
00:03:37.750 - 00:03:44.650

Allillita mikukuyan.
Bien bien están comiendo.
Alli-alli-ta miku-ku-ya-n
good-good-ACC eat-REFL-PROG-3
They're eating very well.
00:03:37.750 - 00:03:44.650

Mikushayari, mikushayari.
Comido, pues, comido, pues.
Miku-sha-ø-y-ari Miku-sha-ø-y-ari
It's eaten, then, it eaten, then!
00:03:44.730 - 00:03:47.790

Ambrunañayari. Rasu rasum. Imatañatr merisishun?

Parece que estamos en hambruna ya. ¿Qué cosa ya mereceremos?
Ambruna-ña-y-ari Rasu rasu-m Ima-ta-ña-tr Merisi-shun
hunger-DISC-EMPH-ARI reason reason-EVD what-ACC-DISC-EVC deserve-1PL.FUT
We're in a famine already, it seems. What do we deserve already?
00:03:47.790 - 00:03:52.000

Ambrunapiñam kayantri wak lunayashay kakun uchupis.

Estarán en hambruna ya. El ají, también, tiene espanta-pájaros que puse.
ambruna-pi-ña-m ka-ya-n-tri wak lunaya-sha-y ka-ku-n uchu-pis.
hunger-LOC-DISC-EVD be-PROG-3-EVC DEM.D scarecrow-PRF-1 be-REFL-3 chile-ADD
They must be starving already -- the chiles, too, have a scarecrow I put there.
00:03:52.660 - 00:03:57.210

Uchuchuk mansanayllapis lunallashan kakuyan

Mis chiquitas manzanas -- está puesto espanta pájaros.
Uch-uchuk mansana-y-lla-pis lunaya-sha-n ka-ku-ya-n
small-small apple-1-RSTR-ADD scarecrow-PRF-3 be-REFL-PROG-3
My small apples have a scarecrow.
00:03:57.570 - 00:04:01.100

Chaytaqa shupi mikusha. Kay tiyashpaya rikayani.

Shupi [gusano] comía a ése. Lo estaba viendo mientras estaba sentada.
Chay-ta-qa shupi miku-sha Kay tiya-shpa ya rika-ya-ni
Worms ate that one. Sitting there, I was watching it.
00:04:01.610 - 00:04:06.130

Ñuqapata porsukwenta kaptinqa ganasnintaña ruwayan. Arí.

Cuando el mío está por su cuenta, le están haciendo sus ganas.
Ñuqa-pa-ta porsukwenta ka-pti-n-qa ganas-ni-n-ta-ña ruwa-ya-n arí
1-GEN-ACC on.its.own.account be-SUBDS-3-TOP desire-EUPH-3-ACC-DISC make-PROG-3 yes
When mine abandoned, they do what they want. Yes.
00:04:06.990 - 00:04:12.620

Ah, manaña pipis ispantaq kanchu.

Ya no hay nadie quien los espante.
Ah, mana-ña pi-pis ispanta-q ka-n-chu
Ah, no-DISC who-ADD scare-AG ne-3-NEG
There's no one now who scares them.
00:04:12.620 - 00:04:16.140

Chayna ya kayan. Sapallay purishpa.

Así está. Sola estoy andando.
Chay-na ya ka-ya-n chapa-lla-y puri-shpa
It's like that.. I'm going about all alone.
00:04:16.250 - 00:04:19.490

Kwentanpaqñayari kayan kwentanpaq.

Está abandonado ya, pues, está abandonado.
Kwenta-n-paq-ña-y-ari ka-ya-n kwenta-n-paq
account-3-ABL-EMPH-ARI be-PROG-3 account-3-ABL
It's on its own already, abandoned.
00:04:19.530 - 00:04:21.900

trakraqa kakuyan.
chacra está.
trakra-qa ka-ku-ya-n
fields-TOP be-REFL-PROG-3
It's fields.
00:04:22.070 - 00:04:23.490

Manaña alkansanichu tiyemputa.

Ya no me alcanza el tiempo.
Mana-ña alkansa-ni-chu tiyempu-ta
no-DISC reach-1-NEG time-ACC
I don't have enough time any more.
00:04:24.130 - 00:04:26.940

Imanashaqtaq Dyosllatañatriki. Rigakushaq mana chakinanpaq ... ma ... yaku pipis fakultaykuwananpaq.
¿Qué voy a hacer? A Dios no más ya será. Voy a regar para que no seque el agua. Para que alguien me
pueda dar su agua.
Ima-na-shaq-taq Dyos-lla-ta-ña-tri-ki Riga-ku-shaq mana chaki-na-n-paq na yaku pi-pis
DMY water who-ADD facilitate-EXCP-1.OBJ-3
What am I going to do? It's in God's hands already. I'm going to water so its doesn't dry out. So someone
can help me out with water.
00:04:26.960 - 00:04:36.520

Chaynam kayani. Chaynam puriyani.

Así estoy. Así estoy caminando.
Chay-na-m ka-ya-ni Chay-na-m puri-ya-ni
That's how I am. That's how I'm going about.
00:04:37.650 - 00:04:40.040

Funupaq qayamuwan. "Tiya Puku," me dijo.

Mw llamó por teléfono. "Tía Puku", me dijo.
Funu-paq qaya-mu-wa-n Tiya Puku
telephone-ABL call-CISL-1.OBJ-3 Aunt Puku
He called me from the telephone. "Aunt Puku," he said to me.
00:04:40.760 - 00:04:44.520

Quién mierda está llamando nini. Pi miyerdam qayayamuwan nini.

"¿Quién mierda me está llamando?" dije. "¿Quién mierda me está llamando?" dije.
ni-ni. Pi miyerda-m qaya-ya-mu-wa-n ni-ni.
say-1 who shit-EVD call-PROG-CISL-1.OBJ-3 say-1
"Who the hell is calling me?", I said. "Who the hell is calling me?" I said.
00:04:44.570 - 00:04:49.520

Chaypaq otro kay law nin. "Tiya Puku," niptinqa

Entonces, otro en este lado dijo, "Tía Puko".
Chay-paq otro kay law ni-n Tiya Puku ni-pti-n-qa
DEM.DABL other DEM.P-side say-3 Aunt Puku say-SUBDS-3-TOP
So, another on this side said, "Aunt Puku!"
00:04:49.760 - 00:04:53.630

A quién estás llamando. Tú eres ratero seguro nini. Suwatr kanki qamqa niruni.
"¿A quién estás llamando? Tú eres ratero, seguro," dije. "Serás ratero, seguro", le dije.
ni-ni Suwa-tr ka-nki qam-qa ni-ru-ni
say-1 thief-EVC be-2 2-TOP say-URGT-1
"Who are you calling? You're a thief, for sure," I said. "You're a thief. for sure, you," I said.
00:04:53.930 - 00:05:00.540

Chaynapis chunyaqtaqa GG suwakunmantriki.

Así donde está silencio pueden robar.
Chay-na-pis chunya-q-ta-qa suwa-ku-n-man-tri-ki
So, where it's silent, they can rob.
00:05:04.090 - 00:05:06.700

Chayna ñuqapatapis uraylawpi wasikunata limpu limpu. Altuman pakirusha.

Así, mío también, mis casas en el lado de abajo -- todito. Y para arriba habían roto.
Chay-na ñuqa-pa-ta-pis uray-law-pi wasi-y-kuna-ta limpu limpu altu-man paki-ru-sha-3
DEM.D-VRBZ 1-GEN-ACC-ADD down.hill-LOC house-1-PL-ACC all all high-ALL break-URGT-PRF-3
Like that, mine also, my houses down hill -- everything, everything. And up hill they'd broken it.
00:05:06.830 - 00:05:12.540

Pi yaykukuntri? Manaya yatranichu pi kashantapis?

¿Quién entraría? -- Yo no sabía quien era, tampoco
Pi yayku-ku-n-tri mana ya yatra-ni-chu pi ka-sha-n-ta-pis
who enter -REFL-3-EVC no EMPH know-1-NEG who be-PRF-3-ACC-ADD
Who would enter? I don't know who it was, either.
00:05:13.040 - 00:05:15.820

Chaypaqa runa kan visinum chaypaqa

En allí hay gente, hay vecinos en allí.
Chay-pa-qa runa ka-n visinu-m chay-pa-qa
DEM.D-LOC-TOP person be-3 neighbor-EVD DEM.D-LOC-TOP
There are people there, neighbors.
00:05:15.840 - 00:05:24.080

Ah, altapam Pakshampi kayan -- kandawniypis warkurayan altapam. Manam kanankamapis trurachinichu.
Ah, está arriba en Paksha -- mi candado también está colgado -- arriba. Hasta ahora tampoco no he mandado
Ah, altu-pa-m Paksham-pi ka-ya-n kandaw-ni-y-pis warku-ra-ya-n altu-pa-m mana-m kanan-kama-pis
Ah, high-LOC-EVD Paksha-LOC be-PROG-3 padlock-EUPH-1-ADD hang-UNINT-PROG-3
high-LOC-EVD no-EVD now-RSTR-ADD put-CAUS-1-NEG
Ah, it's up in Paksha -- my padlock, too, is hung --up there. Until now I haven't had it put on.
00:05:15.840 - 00:05:24.080

Yantáy. Igualito. Chay faltan, niy -- baqashan yanta.

Mi leña. Igualito. eso falta, dí. La leña que bajó.
Yantá-y Igualito chay falta-n ni-y baqa-sha-n yanta
firewood-1 exactly.the.same DEM.D lack-e say-IMP go.down-PRF-3 firewood
My firewood. Exactly the same. "That's missing," say -- the firewood that he brought down.
00:05:27.470 - 00:05:32.700

Kaypaq Bitu apan qillukunata alli allita.

Bitu llevó muchos palos de aquí.
Kay-paq Bitu apa-n qillu-kuna-ta alli alli-ta
DEM.P-ABL Bitu bring-3 stick-PL-ACC good good-ACC
Bitu took a good lot of sticks from here.
00:05:32.790 - 00:05:38.000

Chayna paqwarun. Paqwarunyari.

Así terminó. terminó, pues.
Chay-na paqwa-ru-n Paqwa-ru-n-y-ari
DEM.D-VRBZ finish-URGT-3 finish-URGT-3-EMPH-ARI
It's finished up like that. It's finished up, then.
00:05:32.790 - 00:05:38.000

Allin allin wak suwaq suwaq.

Bien, bien es ése. Ése es bien ratero.
allin allin wak suwa-q suwa-q
good good DEM.D rob-AG rob-AG
That one's a good thief, a really good thief.
00:05:38.000 - 00:05:43.380

Wak bitu qanin puntraw mirkulis huybis

Ese Bito ante ayer, miercoles, jueves.
Wak Bitu qanin puntraw mirkulis huybis
DEM.D Bitu previous day Wednesday Thursday
That Bitu the day before yesterday. Wednesday, Thursday.
00:05:38.000 - 00:05:43.380

Uchuta kay nata trayachimun llaqtaman.

Hizo llegar rocoto así al pueblo.
Uchu-ta kay na-ta traya-chi-mu-n llaqta-man
chile-ACC DEM.P DMY-ACC arrive-CAUS-CISL-3 town-ALL
He delivered chile to town.
00:05:43.470 - 00:05:46.540

Kaynata trayachimun llapa verdita pallamusha uy

Así hizo llegar todo verdito -- todo cogido verde hoy.
Kay-na-ta traya-chi-mu-n llapa verdi-ta palla-mu-sha-ø uy
DEM.P-VRBZ-ACC arrive-CAUS-CISL-3 all green-ACC harvest-CISL-PRF today
He dilivered it like that -- all harvested green today
00:05:46.650 - 00:05:50.720

Llapa verdita pallarusha.

Había cogido todo verde.
Llapa verdi-ta palla-ru-sha
all green-ACC harvest-URGT-PRF
He'd harvested it all green
00:05:52.000 - 00:05:55.080

Rantikuyta imaynañataqña ferya ritamuptinqa. Pimanñataq rantikunqa?

¿Cómo ya va a vender cuando no va a la feria? ¿A quién ya va a vender?
Rantiku-y-ta imayna-ña-taq-ña ferya rita-mu-pti-n-qa Pi-man-ña-taq rantiku-nqa
How can you sell already when he goes to the fair? Who is he going to sell it to?
00:05:57.400 - 00:06:02.130

"Rantikuway!" nira. "Rantikushayki," niptin.

"¡Véndeme!" dijo. "Te voy a vender", dijo.
Rantiku-wa-y ni-ra-ø rantiku-shayki ni-pti-n
sell-1.OBJ-IMP say-PST-3 sell-1>2.FUT say-SUBDS-3
"Sell it to me!" he said. "I'm going to sell it to you," he said.
00:06:02.320 - 00:06:05.120

Tiofiloman yaykaramun rantikushayki nin.

Entró donde Tiofilo. "Te voy a vender", dijo.
Tiofilo-ma yayka-ra-mu-n rantiku-shayki ni-n
Tiofilo-ALL enter-URGT-CISL-3 sell-1>2.FUT say-3
He entered Tiofilo's. "I'm going to sell it to you," he said.
00:06:05.150 - 00:06:08.040
Chaypi allichayaptíy ya
Allí cuando estaba arreglando.
Chay-pi alli-cha-ya-ptí-y ya
There when I was fixing it up.
00:06:08.230 - 00:06:10.100

Manam wakkunapaq uchun kanchu.

Ellos no tienen rocoto.
Mana-m wak-kuna-paq uchu-n ka-n-chu
no-EVD DEM.D-PL-ABL chile-3 be-3-NEG
They don't have any chiles.
00:06:11.190 - 00:06:15.380

Manam kanchu nin ya Alcibiades.

No hay dijo Alcibiades.
Mana-m ka-n-chu ni-n ya Alcibiades
no-EVD be-3-NEG say-3 EMPH Alcibiades
Alcibiades said there isn't any.
00:06:11.190 - 00:06:15.380

Manam kanchu ñuqapa trakraypiqa uchuqa kanchu.

No tengo rocoto en mi chacra.
Mana-m ka-n-chu ñuqa-pa trakra-y-pi-qa uchu-qa ka-n-chu
no-EVD be-3-NEG 1-GEN fields-1-LOC-TOP chile-TOP be-3-NEG
I don't have any chiles in my fields.
00:06:15.450 - 00:06:19.150

Mana kaptiyqa wallpapa runtunkunata aparun. Hatun kinchapaq.

Cuando no estuve, se llevó hasta los huevo de mi gallina. De una [canasta de] kincha grande.
Mana ka-pti-y-qa wallpa-pa runtu-n-kuna-ta apa-ru-n Hatun kincha-paq
no be-SUBDS-1-TOP chicken-GEN egg-3-PL-ACC take-URGT-3 big VV-ABL
When I wasn't there, he took the chicken's eggs. From a big bamboo [basket].
00:06:21.820 - 00:06:27.580

Hinaptinmi llullanta unuta dihan kuchunaykuna chinkan.

Después él deja un solo huveo, su llulla. Mi cuchillo y todo se pierde.
Hinaptin-mi llulla-n-ta unu-ta diha-n kuchu-na-y-kuna chinka-n
then-EVD single.egg-3.ACC one-ACC leave-3 split-NMLZ-1-PL lose-3
Then he left a single egg, one. My knife and everything gets lost.
00:06:27.650 - 00:06:32.620

Pantalon busuniykuna chinkan.

Mi,pantalon, mi buso -- todo se pierde.
Pantalon busu-ni-y-kuna chinka-n
pants sweatpants-EUPH-1-PL lose-3
Pants, sweatpants, all get lost.
00:06:33.710 - 00:06:36.670

Ispehu. Waktrik apan. ¿Pitaq apanqa?

Espejo. Habrá llevado-RSTR, seguro. ¿Quién los va a llevar?
Ispehu Wak-tri-k apa-n. Pi-taq apa-nqa
Mirror DEM.D-EVC-K bring-3 who-SEQ bring-3.FUT
A mirror. He took that, for sure. Who is going to take them?
00:06:36.880 - 00:06:42.910

Ñuqapataqa silensiyo kaptin munashantaña ruwayan.

Cuando está silencio, están haciendo lo que quieran con lo mío.
Ñuqa-pa-ta-qa silensiyo ka-pti-n muna-sha-n-ta-ña ruwa-ya-n
1-GEN-ACC-TOP silent be-SUBDS-3 want-PRF-3-ACC-DISC make-PROG-3
When it falls silent, they're doing what they want already to my things.
00:06:42.980 - 00:06:48.120

Munashan kaptinqa apakuyan.

Cuando es lo que quieren, lo están llevando.
Muna-sha-n ka-pti-n-qa apa-ku-ya-n
want-PRF-3 be-SUBDS-3-TOP bring-REFL-PROG-3
When it's what they want, they take it.
00:06:48.870 - 00:06:50.930

Iskinanpi sikiya tunallanpi wallpay watrakunraq. Chaypa qalay qalay aparusha chay.
Mi gallina pone huevos nada más en la esquina, en la orilla de la acequia. Llevó todo, todo-RSTR.
Iskina-n-pi sikiya tuna-lla-n-pi wallpa-y watra-ku-n-raq Chay-pa qalay qalay apa-ru-sh-ø
corner-3-LOC canal corner-RSTR-3-LOC chicken-1 lay.egg-REFL-3-CONT DEM.D-LOC a.lot a.lot
My hen lays eggs still in the corner, in the corner of the canal. He's taken absolutely everything there.
00:06:50.940 - 00:06:57.260

Munashantañam ruwan runaqa tantyayawantriki.

La gente hace lo que quiere -- me está observando, seguro.
Muna-sha-n-ta-ña-m ruwa-n runa-qa tantya-ya-wa-n-tri-ki
want-PRF-3-ACC-DISC-EVD make-3 person-TOP observe-PROG-1.OBJ-EVC-KI
People do what they want already. They must be sizing me up, for sure.
00:06:57.390 - 00:07:02.010

Wak karu purikushayta ansiyanaña kashayta GG

allá por lejos que camino que soy anciana ya.
Wak karu puri-ku-sha-y-ta ansiyana-ña ka-sha-y-ta
DEM.D far walk-REFL-PRF-1-ACC old.woman-DISC be-PRF-1-ACC
There where I've walked far, an old lady already.
00:07:02.090 - 00:07:06.310

Ah, patantyawashpa chayta ruwan.

Ah, calculándome, eso hacen.
Ah, patantya--wa-shpa chay-ta ruwa-n
Ah, observe-1.OBJ-SUBIS DEM.D-ACC make-3
Ah, sizing me up, they do that.
00:07:06.460 - 00:07:09.210

Mmmm. Manaña pipis kwidaq kanchu. Manaña pipis administraq kanchu tutataq.
Ya no hay nadie quien lo cuide. Ya no hay nadie quien administre de noche.
Mmmm. Mana-ña pi-pis kwida-q ka-n-chu Mana-ña pi-pis administra-q ka-n-chu tuta-taq
Mmmm. no-DISC who-ADD care.for-AG be-3-NEG no-DISC who-ADD administer-AG be-3-NEG
Mmmm. There's no one anymore to take care of it. There's no one any more to administer it at night.
00:07:09.580 - 00:07:14.930

puriq kanchu. Chayya kanan ruwayan.

No hay nadie que camine. Ahora están haciendo-RSTR
puri-q ka-n-chu chay ya kanan ruwa-ya-n
walk-AG be-3-NEG DEM.D EMPH now make-PROG-3
there's no one who walks. Now they're doing that.
00:07:15.010 - 00:07:18.270

Chaypi yantallata rosakuni wak bigupa arrendashanta pikashata.

En allí recojo [sacando por las raíces] leña. Allí su [lote] arrendado de Bigu.
Chay-pi yanta-lla-ta rosa-ku-ni wak bigu-pa arrenda-sha-n-ta pika-sha-ta
DEM.D-LOC firewood-RSTR-ACC uproot-REFL-1 DEM.D Bigu-GEN rent-PRF-3-ACC cut-PRF-ACC
I collect my firewood [pulling it up by the roots] there [in] Bigu's rented [lot], the cut ones.
00:07:18.720 - 00:07:25.050

Runam chaytapis apan manam gustanichu.

Gente allí, también lo lleva. No me gusta.
Runa-m chay-ta-pis apa-n mana-m gusta-ni-chu
person-EVD DEM.D-ACC-ADD bring-3 no-EVD like-1-NEG
People there, too, take them. I don't like it.
00:07:25.070 - 00:07:28.940

Hinallatañam qaninpa apakaramun, wak yantaña.

Así no más, antes lo trajeron, esa leña.
Hina-lla-ta-ña-m qanin-pa apa-ka-ra-mu-n wak yanta-ña
thus-RSTR-ACC-DISC-EVD previous-pa take-REFL-URGT-CISL-1apakaramun DEM.D firewood-DISC
Just like that, before, they took it, that firewood.
00:07:28.940 - 00:07:33.300

Runa alli-alli hodidu kakuyan.

La gente está bien jodido.
runa all-alli hodidu ka-ku-ya-n
person good-good fucked be-REFL-PROG-3
People are really fucked up.
00:07:36.050 - 00:07:38.560

Kaykunapim purikuyan chay Bitu.

Ese Bitu está caminando por acá.
Kay-kuna-pi-m puri-ku-ya-n chay Bitu
Bitu is wandering around here abouts.
00:07:38.580 - 00:07:42.120

Yantanchik iskapanchu.
Nuestra leña no se escapa.
Yanta-nchik iskapa-n-chu
firewood-1PL escape-3-NEG
Our firewood doesn't escape.
00:07:44.110 - 00:07:46.530

Mana ya tinkunichu chay nallantañam. Chay Istiniopa Flavio pashñanllatañam avisarurani.

No me encuentro su-RSTR. He avisado a la hija de Istinio, no más.
mana ya tinku-ni-chu chay na-lla-n-ta-ña-m chay Istiñu-pa Flavio pashña-n-lla-ta-ña-m avisarurani
I don't find it his thingamajig. I've only told Falvio's daughter.
00:07:48.270 - 00:07:54.880

Guindón, pues.
Peaches, then.
00:07:56.300 - 00:08:01.680

Desde uchukllanpaq pacha [undecipherable]

Desde chiquito
Desde uchuk-lla-n-paq pacha
since small-RSTR-3-ABL date
Since he was very small
00:07:56.300 - 00:08:01.680

Total es. Maman taytanta niptinchikqa maman taytan no importa nada.

Total es. Cuando lo decimos a su mamá y a su papá, su mamá y su papá [dijeron] no le importa nada.
Mama-n tayta-n-ta ni-pti-nchik-qa mama-n tayta-n
mother-3 father-3-ACC say-SUBDS-1PL-TOP mother-3 fathre-3
Completely. When we said that to his mother and father, his mother and father [said] It doesn't matter.
00:08:02.310 - 00:08:07.080

No, pues.
No, then.
00:08:07.120 - 00:08:09.110

Imas ninchu.
No dice nada.
Ima-s ni-n-chu
what-ADD say-3-NEG
He doesn't say anything,
00:08:07.120 - 00:08:09.110

Ni atr manatr. Nada.

Ni sí, ni no. Nada.
Ni a-tr mana-tr Nada
nor A-EVC no-EVC nothing
Neither yes nor no -- Nothing.
00:08:09.140 - 00:08:11.860

Kustumbrawña kay kustumbrawña. Ah, traskiyanyari.

Está acostumbrado ya, está acostumbrado ya. Sí, está recibiendo pues.
Kustumbraw-ña kay kustumbraw-ña Ah traski-ya-n-y-ari
accustomed-DISC DEM.P accustomed-DISC Ah, receive-PROG-3-EMPH-ARI
They're used to it already. This. They're used to it already. Ah. he's receiving, then.
00:08:11.920 - 00:08:17.980

traskiyanyari. Chay ya wambraqa kustumbrawrunña. Ahora

Sí está recibiendo. Por eso el hijo ya se acostumbró.
traski-ya-n-y-ari Chay ya wambra-qa kustumbraw-ru-n-ña.
receive-PROG-3-EMPH-ARI DEM.D EMPH child-TOP accustom-URGT-3-DISC
Yes, he's receiving. That´ why the child already got used to it. Now
00:08:17.980 - 00:08:21.900

Kanan wawayuqña kayanpis. Imatañataq wawintapis chay kanan?

Ahora ya está con hijo, también. ¿Qué [va a decir] a su hijo también ahora?
Kanan wawa-yuq-ña ka-ya-n-pis ima-ta-ña-taq wawi-n-ta-pis chay kanan
now baby-POSS-DISC be-PROG-3-ADD what-ACC-DISC-SEQ baby-3-ACC-ADD DEM.D now
Now he's got a child, too. What [is he going to say] to his child now?
00:08:21.920 - 00:08:26.800

Wakta kallpa kallpa ritamun Milva.

Allá Milva va fuerte, fuerte.
Wak-ta kallpa kallpa rita-mu-n Milva.
DEM.D-ACC strong strong go-CISL-3 Milva.
Milva is going there really strong.
00:08:27.070 - 00:08:33.640

Está corregiendo.
He's correcting.
00:08:27.070 - 00:08:33.640

Ya habrá terminado, seguro.
He must have finished already, for sure.
00:08:35.550 - 00:08:37.150

Ah, hanaypaqtriki botaramunqa.

Ah, va a botar de arriba.
Ah, hanay-paq-tri-ki bota-ra-mu-nqa
Ah, up.hill-ABL-EVC-KI toss-URGT-CISL-3.FUT
He´s going to toss [out the cows] from up hill.
00:08:37.370 - 00:08:39.800

Chayta pushakarunkiman kara.

Hubieras debido llevar-RSTR.
Chay-ta pusha-ka-ru-nki-man ka-ra-ø
You should have taken that.
00:08:39.860 - 00:08:45.800

wak lawta libri tapaykarapamuway kanan dirihirayanmi.

Para allá tápamelo libre ahora está dirigido.
wak law-ta libri tapa-yka-ra-pa-mu-wa-y kanan dirihi-ra-ya-n-mi
DEM.D-side-ACC libri cover-EXCEP-URGT-BEN-CISL-1.OBJ-IMP now direct-UNINT-PROG-3-EVD
Go on and and cover it for me over there free. Now it's directed.
00:08:39.860 - 00:08:45.800

Kay wak lawta ya wak law urayman.

Aquí, allía, pues, allá para abajo.
Kay wak law-ta ya wak law uray-man
DEM.P DEM.D-side-ACC EMPH DEM.D-side down.hill-ALL
Here, over there, then, over there down hill.
00:08:46.580 - 00:08:49.290

Mana. Ñuqaraqmi wakman rinaypaq.

No, yo todavía ... para que yo vaya hacia allá.
Mana ñuqa-raq-mi wak-man ri-na-y-paq
No. I still have to go there.
00:08:49.980 - 00:08:52.960

Ñam shantiwan konversashaña kayani.

Ya he conversado con Shanti.
Ña-m shanti-wan konversa-sha-ña ka-ya-ni
DISC-EVD Shanti-INSTR converse-PRF-DISC be-PROG-1
I've already had a conversation with Shanti.
00:08:52.960 - 00:08:56.190

Korre ama ña ... qa ... kaychu. Qillakuyankitrari. GG

Ánda, no séas mala, estarás teniendo flojera.
Korre ama ña-qa kay-chu qilla-ku-ya-nki-tr-ari
Run! Don't ... already ... be like that! You must be being lazy.
00:08:56.240 - 00:09:01.550

Ah, ama qillayaqa! GG

No tengas flojera.
Ah, mana qilla-ya-qa
Ah, no lazy-INCH-TOP
Ah, don't be lazy!
00:09:01.730 - 00:09:04.710

Así es, pues.
It's like that, then.
00:09:04.900 - 00:09:08.890

A mis sobrinos no más, pues.
Just to my [nieces and] nephews, then.
00:09:08.890 - 00:09:10.900
Yuyarikuni ayves ayves.
Me acuerdo a veces a veces.
yuya-ri-ku-ni ayves ayves
remember-REFL-1 sometimes sometimes
I remember sometimes, sometimes
00:09:10.920 - 00:09:13.380

Manaya tiyempun kanchu. Manaya tiyempu kanchu.

No tiene tiempo. No tiene tiempo, pues.
mana-ya tiyempu-n ka-n-chu Mana-ya tiyempu ka-n-chu
no-EMPH time-3 be-3-NEG no-EMPH time be-3-NEG
He doesn't have time. He doesn't have time.
00:09:13.500 - 00:09:16.500

Ñuqallay mana tiyemputa alkansashpa.

Yo porque no me alcanza el tiempo.
Ñuqa-lla-y mana tiyempu-ta alkansa-shpa
1-RSTR-1 no time-ACC reach-SUBIS
I don't have enough time.
00:09:16.730 - 00:09:19.200

Wakhinallam purikuni. Imanashaqmi?

Así no más yo camino. ¿Qué puedo hacer?
Wak-hina-lla-m puri-ku-ni Ima-na-shaq-mi
Just like that I go about. What am I going to do?
00:09:19.580 - 00:09:23.210

Sí, pues
Sí, pues
Yes, then.
00:09:23.210 - 00:09:26.250

Chaynatriki rigakushaq. Qamkunallañatriki.

Así, pues, regaré. ustedes no más ya será, pues.
Chay-na-tri-ki riga-ku-shaq Qam-kuna-lla-ña-tri-ki
Like that, then, I'll water. It's just you already, then.
00:09:26.280 - 00:09:29.580

Un ratitullapis favurta ruwawanki.

Un ratito no más también me harás el favor.
Un ratitu-lla-pis favur-ta ruwa-wa-nki
one small.moment-RSTR-ADD favor-ACC make-1.OBJ-2
Just a second, too, you're going to do me a favor.
00:09:29.990 - 00:09:34.450

Kaynalla chayllawan takakuyaptiymi tiyakun.

Así no más cuando estaba chancando se sentó.
Kay-na-lla chay-lla-wan taka-ku-ya-pti-y-mi tiya-ku-n
Just like this, when I was working away with that, he sat down.
00:09:39.370 - 00:09:43.170

Para qué estás trabajando?

Para qué estás trabajando?
What are you working for?
00:09:43.170 - 00:09:47.300

Mancha manchay bwenam payqa kara.

Él era bien bueno.
Mancha manchay bwena-m pay-qa ka-ra-ø
a.lot a.lot good-EVD 3-TOP be-PST-3
He was really good.
00:09:43.170 - 00:09:47.300

Mancha manchay bwenam ñuqaqa

Bien bueno era. Yo,
Mancha manchay bwena-m ñuqa-qa
a.lot a.lot good-EVD 1-TOP
He was really, really good. I
00:09:47.460 - 00:09:49.260

killa intiru mana

un mes entero no
killa intiru mana
month entire no
for a whole month [I] didn't
00:09:49.380 - 00:09:52.030

Fuwisiyunumiyanta naranichu
Su fisionomía no me he [olvidado].
Fuwisiyunumiya-n-ta na-ra-ni-chu
physiognomy-3-ACC DMY-PST-1-NEG
I haven't ummm [lost] his fisiognomy.
00:09:52.030 - 00:09:54.980

Perderanichu. Kananñam chinkarun fuwisiyunumiyan, karan qawasháy GG

No lo he perdido. Ahora se pirdió su fisiognomía, lo que he visto su cara.
Perde-ra-ni-chu kanan-ña-m chinka-ru-n fuwisiyunumiya-n kara-n qawa-shá-y
lose-PST-1-NEG now-DISC-EVD lose-URGT-3 physiognomy-3 face-3 look-PRF-1
I haven't lost it. Now already his physiognomy got lost, what I saw of his face.
00:09:55.560 - 00:10:00.070

Kananñam chinkaruwan.
Ahora ya se me pirdió.
Kanan-ña-m chinka-ru-wa-n
now-DISC-EVD lose-URGT-1.OBJ-3
Now it's lost to me already.
00:10:00.070 - 00:10:01.720

Yuyarakuyani paytam yuyarakuyani. Imayna kashantapis yuyarakuyani.

Lo estoy recordando, lo estoy recordando. Como lo que era estoy recordando.
Yuya-ra-ku-ya-ni pay-ta-m yuya-ra-ku-ya-ni imayna ka-sha-n-ta-pis yuya-ra-ku-ya-ni
remember-URGT-REFL-PROG-1 3-ACC-EVD remember-URGT-REFL-PROG-1 how be-PRF-3-ACC-ADD
I'm remembering him, I'm remembering. I'm remembering how he was.
00:10:02.120 - 00:10:07.200

"Ánda diskansakamuy wasikipa!" niwan kikinpas

"¡Ánda, descánsa en tu casa!" me dijo. Él mismo también
diskansa-ka-mu-y wasi-ki-pa ni-wa-n kiki-n-pas
rest-REFL-CISL-IMP house-2-LOC say-1.OBJ-3 self-3-ADD
Go rest in your house, he said to me. He, himself, too.
00:10:07.490 - 00:10:12.710

diskansuman ripun. Ñuqata: "Diskansakamuy!"

se fue a descansar. A mí [dijo], "¡Ánda descansar!"
diskansu-man ripu-n. Ñuqa-ta diskansa-ka-mu-y
rest-ALL go-3 1-ACC rest-REFL-CISL-3
went to rest. [He said] to me, "Go on and rest!"
00:10:12.720 - 00:10:16.590

"Yasqañam kakunki. Tiyakuy!" niwan.

"Eres anciana ya, ¡Siéntate!" me dijo.
Yasqa-ña-m ka-ku-nki tiya-ku-y ni-wa-n
old-DISC-EVD be-REFL-2 sit-REFL-IMP say-1.OBJ-3
"You're old already. Sit down," he said to me.
00:10:16.600 - 00:10:19.770

Shantiman hanaylawpa. "Manam Shantis kanña ... kanraqchu," nini.

Al lado de arriba, hacia Shanti. "Shanti no tiene tampoco. No hay todavía", le dije.
Shanti-man hanay-law-pa mana-m shanti-s ka-n-ña ka-n-raq-chu ni-ni
Shanti-ALL up-hill-side-LOC no-EVD shanti-ADD be-3-DISC be-3-CONT-NEG say-1
Towards Shanti, up hill. "Shanti doesn't have, either ... doesn't have yet," I said.
00:10:19.940 - 00:10:24.530

Kutiramusha hanin puntrawmi.

Había regresado ante ayer.
Kuti-ra-mu-shaq hanin puntraw-mi
return-URGT-CISL-1.FUT previous day-EVD
She'd gone back yesterday.
00:10:24.610 - 00:10:27.460

"Pallayara puka pantalonniyuq ginduntaqa," nini.

Estaba recogiendo guindón con pantalón rojo le dije.
Palla-ya-ra-ø puka pantalon-ni-yuq gindun-ta-qa ni-ni
harvest-PROG-PST-3 red pants-EUPH-POSS peach-ACC-TOP say-1
"She picked her peaches in red pants," I told him.
00:10:27.510 - 00:10:31.710

Chaymi, "Pi ya chay kara?" "Nelbam kara."

Por eso "¿quién hubiera sido?" "Nelba ha sido".
Chay-mi pi ya chay ka-ra-ø Nelba-m ka-ra-ø
DEM.D-EVD who EMPH DEM.D be-PST-3 Nelba-EVD be-PST-3
So, "Who was it? It was Nelba."
00:10:32.150 - 00:10:35.070

"Paytam ñuqa rikarani."
"Lo ví".
pay-ta-m ñuqa rika-ra-ni
3-ACC-EVD 1 see-PST-1
"I saw him."
00:10:35.100 - 00:10:37.700

"Valikushatr kara. Ah, paytama rikarani."

"Será contractado, seguro. A él ví".
vali-ku-sha-tr ka-ra-ø ah pay-ta-m-a rika-ra-ni
request-REFL-PRF-EVC be-PST-3 ah 3-ACC-EVD-EMPH see-PST-1
"He must have been requested [hired]. I saw him."
00:10:37.700 - 00:10:41.350

Chaymi kutiramusha. Manam kanchu. Waqlaqpitr pallayan nin.

"Por eso ha regresado. No está. Estará en Waqlaq recogiendo", le dije.
Chay-mi kuti-ra-mu-sha Mana-m ka-n-chu waqlaq-pi-tr palla-ya-n ni-n
DEm.D-EVD return-URGT-CISL-PRF-3 no-EVD be-3-NEG waqlaq-LOC-EVC harvest-PROG-3 say-3
That's why he's come back. There isn't. He must be harvesting in Waqlaq.
00:10:41.350 - 00:10:46.750

Tu calabaza.
Your squash.
00:10:46.760 - 00:10:48.590

"Ishkayllata apikunaypaq," nini. Shantipa mana kashachu.

"Dos no más, para hacer mi mazamorra", dije. Shanti no tenía.
ishkay-lla-ta api-ku-na-y-paq ni-ni Shanti-pa mana ka-sha-chu
2-RSTR-ACC pudding-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP say-1 Shanti-GEN no be-PRF-NEG
"Just two, to make my pudding," I said. Shanti didn't have any.
00:10:48.630 - 00:10:52.770

Uchukchuklla kayan -- desasunñam. Mana puqusha kanchu.

Hay chiquititos no más. Todo desasón -- nada está maduro.
Uchuk-chuk-lla ka-ya-n desasun-ña-m mana puqu-sha ka-n-chu
small-RSTR be-PROG-3 flavorless-DISC-3 no ripe-PRF be-3-NEG
There are just small ones -- flavorless. There aren't ripe ones.
00:10:52.770 - 00:10:56.170

"Uraylawpa kayan. Pallakaramuy ishkayllata!" nini.

"Está al lado de abajo. anda recógete docitos no más", le dije.
Uray-law-pa ka-ya-n palla-ka-ra-mu-y ishkay-lla-ta ni-ni
down.hill-side-LOC be-PROG-3 harvest-REFL-CISL-INF two-RSTR-ACC say-1
"There are some down hill. Go pick just two," I said.
00:10:56.200 - 00:10:59.890

Niptiyqa pallakun.
Cuando le dije-RSTR, los recogió.
ni-pti-y-qa palla-ku-n
say-SUBDS-1-TOP harvest-REFL-3
When I said that, he picked them.
00:10:59.940 - 00:11:01.640

Chaypa kalabasuy chinkariyanñam.

Allí, mi calabaza ya se está pirdiendo.
Chay-pa kalabasu-y chinka-ri-ya-n-ña-m
My squash there are getting lost.
00:11:01.640 - 00:11:04.270

Gindon tunaykunapa wakhina puqukuyan. Wakkunata mikuykukun.

Mis guindones por allá en el rincón están madurando así. Comieron-RSTRs.
Gindon tuna-y-kuna-pa wak-hina puqu-ku-ya-n wak-kuna-ta miku-yku-ku-n
peach corner-1-PL-LOC DEM.D-COMP ripe-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D-PL-ACC eat-EXCEP-REFL-3
My peaches in the corner are ripening like that. Those got eaten.
00:11:11.480 - 00:11:16.600

"Kutimushpaqa kayna baldillawan apakushaq," niwan.

"Regresando, los llevaré con baldecito así", me dijo.
Kuti-mu-shpa-qa kay-na baldi-lla-wan apa-ku-shaq ni-wa-n
return-CISL-SUBIS-TOP DEM.P-NMLZ bucket-RSTR-INSTR bring-REFL-1.FUT say-1.OBJ-3
"Coming back, I'll bring them like this, with just a bucket," he said to me.
00:11:16.600 - 00:11:21.720

Kikin pasun diskansumanqa.

Él mismo se fue al descanso.
Kiki-n pasu-n diskansu-man-qa
self-3 pass-3 rest-ALL
He himself left for a rest.
00:11:22.450 - 00:11:25.170

Kikinmi pasun diskansumanqa ripukun. Ñuqaqa puriyaniraq.

Él mismo se fue al descanso -- salió. Yo estoy caminando todavía.
Kiki-n-mi pasu-n diskansu-man-qa ripu-ku-n Ñuqa-qa puri-ya-ni-raq
self-3-EVD pass-3 rest-ALL-TOP go-REFL-3 1-TOP walk-PROG-1-CONT
He himself left for a rest -- he left. I'm still walking around.
00:11:25.200 - 00:11:30.500

Seguro. Chaynatrik kidarunpis. Maypiñataq deskapanqa? imapis Ña qué ... ña ...

Seguro. Así se habrá quedado. ¿Dónde ya escapará? ¿Qué cosa también? Ya que
Seguro. Chay-na-tri-k kida-ru-n-pis. May-pi-ña-taq deskapa-n-qa ima-pis ña
for.sure DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC-K stay-URGT-3-ADD where-LOC-DISC-SEQ escape-3-TOP who-ADD
For sure. He would have stayed like that. Where is he going to escape? What, too ... already ... that ...
00:11:34.070 - 00:11:40.030

Chay kamiyon volteyayaptinqa. Pi imañataq deskapanqa?

Cuando esa camión se volteó. ¿Qué cosa ya se va a escapar?
Chay kamiyon volteya-ya-pti-n-qa. Pi ima-ña-taq deskapa-nqa
DEM.D truck turn.over-PROG-SUBDS-3-TOP who what-DISC-SEQ escape-3.FUT
When that truck turned over, who, what is going to escape?
00:11:40.050 - 00:11:43.470

Ah, ya, ña ña kuna runa
Ah, ya, ya, gente.
Ah, ya, ña ña kuna runa
Ah, then, them already, people,
00:11:44.120 - 00:11:47.130

Waq runa chirimuyanta apamuq.

Esa persona traía sus chirimoyas.
waq runa chirimuya-n-ta apa-mu-q
DEM.D person chirimoya-3-ACC bring-CISL-AG
That person brought his chirimoyas.
00:11:47.760 - 00:11:50.640

Iguskunata apamuq kaypi tapaptiy durasnunta.

Traía acá higos aquí cuando yo tapaba sus duraznos.
igus-kuna-ta apamu-q kay-pi tapa-pti-y durasnu-n-ta
figs-PL-ACC bring-AG DEM.P-LOC cover-SUBDS-1 peach-3-ACC
He brought figs here when I covered his peaches.
00:11:50.680 - 00:11:54.690

Qaninpa durasnun kayan. Pim pallarura?

Antes tenía duraznos. ¿Quién los recogió?
qaninpa durasnu-n kay-na-m Pi-m palla-ru-ra-ø
previous peach-3 DEM.P-VRBZ-EVD who-EVD harvest-URGT-PST-3
He had peaches. Who picked them?
00:11:54.690 - 00:11:57.360

Uraylawpa haruptinmi umay shimpachikuq shamurani.

Cuando VV abajo, yo vine para hacerme trenzar el cabello.
uray-law-pa haru-pti-n-mi uma-y shimpa-chi-ku-q shamu-ra-ni
down.hill-side-LOC VV-SUBDS-3-EVD head-1 braid-CAUS-REFL-AG come-PST.1
When he VV down hill, I came to have my hair braided.
00:11:57.360 - 00:12:01.390

Milbatr pallarun. Chaymi wambran.

Nelba habrá recogido, seguro. Por eso su hijo
Milba-tr palla-ru-n chay-mi wambra-n
Milba-EVC harvest-URGT-3 DEM.D-EVD child-3
Nelba must have picked them, for sure. So her son
00:12:01.390 - 00:12:04.770

chay iskwelapaq, wambran mikushtin imapaqtaq mishkitaqa

¿Por qué viino su hijo de la escuela comiendo fruta?
chay iskwela-pa ka-q wambra-n miku-shtin-sha-m imapaq-taq nishkitaq
DEM.D school-GEN be-AG child-3 eat-SUBADV why-SEQ say- -SEQ
Why did her son come from school eating fruit?
00:12:04.840 - 00:12:09.320

"Aparamuy kumiyanki!" nin wambranta.

"¡Llévame tu kumi!" dijo a su hijo.
apa-ra-mu-y kumiya-nki ni-n wambra-n-ta
bring-URGT-CISL-IMP VV-2 say-3 child-3-ACC
"Bring me your kumi," she said to her son.
00:12:09.420 - 00:12:12.550

Chayllam chinkarun wak lawpi.

Así no más pirdió en ese lado.
Chay-lla-m chinka-ru-n wak law-pi
Just like that it got lost over there.
00:12:12.770 - 00:12:14.990

Wakkunam chay kay yaykuq kayan.

Ésos son los que caben.
Wak-kuna-m chay yayku-q ka-ya-n
Those are the ones that fit in.
00:12:15.750 - 00:12:19.300

Manañaya kanñachu.
Ya no hay, pues.
Mana-ña ya ka-n-ña-chu.
There aren't any any more.
00:12:20.950 - 00:12:24.480

00:12:20.950 - 00:12:24.480

Chimpim sigikunki chay runata.

Sigue a esa gente en frente.
Chimpi-m sigi-ku-nki chay runa-ta
front-EVD follow-REFL-2 DEM.D person-ACC
Follow those people in front.
00:12:24.510 - 00:12:27.190

Sigikunki qawanaykipaq,
Síguelos para que veas,
Sigi-ku-nki qawa-na-yki-paq.
follow-REFL-2 look-NMLZ-2-PURP
Follow them so you'll see,
00:12:27.320 - 00:12:29.500

qaqchanaykipaq. Visinu ... pa ... chaypaqmi valinchik.

para que lo molestes. Vecinos ... pa ... para eso valemos.
qaqcha-na-yki-paq visinu chay-paq-mi vali-nchik
bother-NMLZ-2-PURP neighbor-BEN DEM.D-PURP-EVD be.worth-1PL
so you'll bother them. That's what neighbors are good for.
00:12:29.550 - 00:12:33.090

Visinuqa valinchik pa'

Vecinos valemos para
Visinu-qa vali-nchik
neightbor-TOP be.worth-1PL
We neighbors are good for ...
00:12:33.090 - 00:12:35.110

llapanchik favurisikunanchikpaq.
Todos para cuidarnos.
llapa-nchik favurisi-ku-na-nchik-paq
all-1PL favor-REFL-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
All of us -- to look after us.
00:12:35.140 - 00:12:37.800

Qillurirañam chay durasnuyki, milukutuniki.

Tus duraznos y tus melocotones ya estaban madurando.
qillu-ri-ra-n-ña-m Chay durasnu-yki milukutun-iki
yellow-INCEP-PST-DISC-EVD DEM.D peach-2 apricot-2 VV
Your peaches already started turning yellow.
00:12:38.260 - 00:12:43.140

Kanan manatr kanchu.

Ahora ya no habrá.
Kanan mana-tr ka-n-chu
now no-EVC be-3-NEG
Now there wouldn't be any.
00:12:43.140 - 00:12:44.630

Mana, aw? Wakpipis karam ummm.

No, ¿no? En allá también había.
Mana, aw Wak-pi-pis ka-ra-ø-m ummm
no yes DEM.D-LOC-ADD be-PST-3-EVD ummm
No, no? There were some there, too.
00:12:45.630 - 00:12:49.200

Napam Ninguwipa arrendashanpi.

De-RSTR, de dónde Ningu ha arrendado.
na-pa-m Ninguwi-pa arrenda-sha-n-pi
DMY-LOC-EVD Ninguwi-GEN rent-PRF-3-LOC
That's ... Ningu's rented [lot]
00:12:49.250 - 00:12:53.770

Durasnu. Chay mana kanan kanchu. Yullu mashtarakuyan.

Duraznos. Ahora no hay nada nada. Verde está tendido.
Durasnu. Chay mana kanan ka-n-chu yullu mashta-ra-ku-ya-n
peach DEM.D no now be-3-NEG unripe spread-UNINT-PROG-3
Peaches. Now there aren't any. It's spread out unripe.
00:12:53.840 - 00:12:57.990

Llaqtapa kaptiymi chayta ruwan.

Cuando estoy en el pueblo, eso hace.
Llaqta-pa ka-pti-y-mi chay-ta ruwa-n
town-LOC be-SUBDS-1-EVD DEM.D-ACC make-3
When I'm in town, he does that.
00:12:57.990 - 00:13:00.300

Kay hanaylaw Mariopa churin granadillaqa kasha witrqaruptiypis.

Aquí al lado de arriba el hijo de Mario tenía sus granadillas cuando lo cierré [con espina] también.
Kay hanay-law Mario-pa churi-n granadilla-ta ka-sha witrqa-ru-pti-y-pis
DEM.P up.hill-side Mario-GEN child-3 granadilla-ACC be-PRF close-URGT-SUBDS-1-ADD
Here up hill, Mario's child had his granadillas when I closed it off [with brambles].
00:13:00.480 - 00:13:04.640

Apakuyan. Kaymanraqmi qarantapis chuqamusha.

Lo está llevando. Hasta acá todavía había botado su cáscara.
apa-ku-ya-n kay-man-raq-mi qara-n-ta-pis chuqa-mu-sha
He's taking it. He tossed his peels all the way here.
00:13:04.780 - 00:13:08.780

Mana dihanam kayan.

No es para dejar ya.
Mana diha-na-m ka-ya-n
no leave-NMLZ-EVD be-PROG-3
It isn't supposed to be left.
00:13:08.930 - 00:13:10.730

Ah. Ah. Rasunyari. chunyaptin.

Ah, eso es, pues. Cuando está silencio.
Ah. Ah. Rasun-y-ari chunya-pti-n
Ah. Ah. reason-EMPH-ARI be.silent-SUBDS-3
Ah. Ah. Right, then. When it's quiet.
00:13:11.450 - 00:13:16.260

"Manam yantaypis kanchu," ninki. Manachu?

"No tengo leña tampoco" vas a decir, ¿ó no?
Mana-m yanta-y-pis ka-n-chu ni-nki mana-chu
no-EVD firewood-1-ADD be-3-NEG say-2 no-Q
"I don't have any firewood, either," you'll say, or no?
00:13:16.830 - 00:13:19.730

Aso madre.
Aso madre.
Aso madre.
Oh my
Oh my!
00:13:21.430 - 00:13:30.750

Suyawantri. Durasnuy kara mansanay kara qanin puntraw birnis chay wawi warmi pallanan kara.
Me puede robar. Ante ayer viernes mis duraznos eran, mis manzanas eran -- mi hija tenía que cosechar.
Suya-wa-n-tri durasnu-y ka-ra-ø mansana-y ka-ra-ø qanin puntraw birnis chay wawi warmi palla-na-n ka-ra-ø
rob-1.OBJ-3-EVC peach-1 be-PST-3 apple-1 be-PST-3 previous day Friday DEM.D baby woman
harvest-NMLZ-3 be-PST-3
They could rob me, The day before yesterday, Friday, my peaches were, my apples were. My daughter had
to pick them.
00:13:21.430 - 00:13:30.750

Urayman apananpaq. Manashá GG imapis kanchu.
Para llevarlos abajo. No hay nada, dice pues.
Uray-man apa-na-n-paq mana-sh-a ima-pis ka- n-chu
down.hill-ALL bring-NMLZ-PURP no-EVR-EMPH talk-ADD be-3-NEG
To bring them down hill. There's nothing, they say, then.
00:13:30.760 - 00:13:33.770

"Manam imapis kanchu. Mansanaykiqa," nishpa

"No hay nada. Tus manzanas," dijo.
Mana-m ima-pis ka-n-chu mansana-yki-qa ni-shpa
no-EVD what-NEG be-3-NEG apple-2-TOP say-SUBIS
"There's nothing. Your apples," she said
00:13:34.140 - 00:13:36.640

Paltallantañam -- llapa bandiqaman huntarachishpa.

Su palta, no más -- haciendo llenar todo en una bandeja
Palta-lla-n-ta-ña-m. Llapa bandiqa-man hunta-ra-chi-shpa
avocado-RSTR-ACC-DISC-EVD all platter -ALL fill-URGT-CAUS-SUBIS
Just her avocadoes. Gathering it all onto a platter
00:13:36.660 - 00:13:40.150

apakuyan. Ahhh. Ahhh.

lo está trayendo. Ahhhh, ahhhh.
apa-ku-ya-n Ahhh. Ahhh.
bring-REFL-PROG-3 Ahhh. Ahhh.
she's bringing it. Ahhhh. Ahhhhhh.
00:13:40.190 - 00:13:44.860

"Manam mansanaykiqa kanchu," nin

"No tienes manzanas", dijo.
Mana-m mansana-yki-qa ka-n-chu ni-n
no-EVD apple-2-TOP be-3-NEG say-3
"You don't have any apples," she said.
00:13:45.030 - 00:13:46.910

Chaynam chungayaptin munashantañatr creyo

Así, cuando están VV lo que quieren, creo.
Chay-na-m chunga-ya-pti-n muna-sha-n-ta-ña-tr creyo
When they what they want, I believe
00:13:47.450 - 00:13:50.460

Nadies no hay.
No hay nadie.
There ain't no one.
00:13:50.770 - 00:13:54.600

Kanan kay wasi iskinatam kan pwertanta ruwashaq wakta yaykamun.

Ahora la casa tiene una esquina. Voy a hacerle una puerta. Alli entran.
Kanan kay wasi iskina-ta-m ka-n pwerta-n-ta ruwa-shaq wak-ta yayka-mu-n
now DEM.P house corner-ACC-EVD be-3 door-3-ACC make-1.FUT DEM.D-ACC enter-CISL-3
Now this house has a corner. I'm going to make a door. They enter there.
00:13:54.600 - 00:13:59.320
Waktam yaykamun. Chaymi avisarurani wambratam resanaypaq apamusha.
Por allí entró. Por eso le avisé -- había tríado a su bebé para yo rese por él.
Wak-ta-m yayka-mu-n Chay-mi avisa-ru-ra-ni wambra-ta-m resa-na-y-paq apa-mu-sha-ø
bring-CISL-PRF -3
He entered there. So I told him. He had brought his son for me to pray for him.
00:13:59.320 - 00:14:04.970

wevokunata. "Hinata resarapuway! Pagashaykim." niwan.

Huevo todo. "¡Así résa por mí! Te voy a pagar", me dijo.
wevo-kuna-ta hina-ta resa-ra-pu-wa-y paga-shayki-m ni-wa-n
egg-PL-ACC thus-ACC pray-URGT-BEN-1.OBJ-IMP pay-1>2.FUT-EVD say-1.obj-3
egg and alls. Then he said to me, "Pray for me like that! I'll pay you."
00:14:04.970 - 00:14:09.510

Chay resaruni. Hinata resani. Yanukunayya kakuyaptin.

Resé por él. Así resé. Cuando estaba, tenía que cocinar.
Chay resa-ru-ni Hina-ta resa-ni Yanu-ku-na-y ka-ku-ya-pti-n
DEM.D pray-URGT-3 thus-ACC pray-1 cook-REFL-NMLZ-1 be-REFL-PROG-SUBDS-3
I prayed for him. I prayed like that. When he was there, I had to cook.
00:14:09.570 - 00:14:14.420

Chaypaq, butaramuy! Butaramuy aguwaman!

De allí [le dije], "¡Ánda, bótale en el agua!"
Chay-paq umm buta-ra-mu-y buta-ra-mu-y aguwa-man
So [I said], "Toss it into the water! Toss it into the water!"
00:14:14.710 - 00:14:19.880

"Kayqa manchasha wambraykiqa kayan.

"Tu hijo está bien asustado."
Kay-qa mancha-sha wambra-yki-qa ka-ya-n
DEM.P-TOP scare-PRF child-2-TOP be-PROG-3
"That daughter of yours is scared."
00:14:19.900 - 00:14:22.200

Pero pagawanki manam pagawaptikiqa

"Pero me vas a pagar. Si no me pagas no
Pero paga-wa-nki mana-m paga-wa-pt-iki-qa
but pay-1.OBJ-2 no-EVD pay-1.OBJ-SUBDS_2-TOP
But you're going to pay me. If you don't pay me,
00:14:22.250 - 00:14:24.710

manam wambraykiqa alliyanqachu," nini.

tu hijo no va a sanar," le dije.
mana-m wambra-yki-qa alli-ya-nqa-chu ni-ni
no-EVD child-2-TOP good-INCH-3.FUT-NEG say-1
your son isn't going to get better," I said.
00:14:24.710 - 00:14:27.100

Shamurun vasuyta aparikushpa. Akasu kutikamunñachu? Chaymi avisarani. Kay wasiy chinkaqtaqa.
Vino trayendo mi vaso. Acaso regresó? Por eso le avertí. Esa mi casa perdida
shamu-ru-n Vasu-y-ta apa-ri-ku-shpa Akasu kuti-ka-mu-n-ña-chu chay-mi avisa-ra-ni Kay wasi-y
come-URGT-3 glass-1-ACC bring-INCEP-REFL-SUBIS maybe return-REFL-CISL-3-DISC DEM.D-EVD
tell-PST-1 DEM.P house-1 lose-AG-ACC-TOP
He came bringing my glass. Do you think he came back? That's why I warned him. My house that was
00:14:27.120 - 00:14:36.100

Imaynapis yatrashaqmi.
Cómo sea voy a llegar a saber.
Imayna-pis yatra-shaq-mi
how-ADD know-1.FUT-EVD
Any way about it, I'm going to find out.
00:14:36.110 - 00:14:38.380

Limatam rishaq. Limapaqa buskaq kanmiki. Sutintapis rimayanmiki. Ichu manachu?

Voy a ir a Lima. En Lima hay gente que sortea, pues. Está hablando su nombre. Sí ó no?
Lima-ta-m ri-shaq. Lima-pa-qa buska-q ka-n-mi-ki suti-n-ta-pis rima-ya-n-mi-ki ichu mana-chu
Lima-ACC-EVD go-1.FUT Lima-LOC-TOP be-3-EVD-KI name-3-ACC-ADD
talk-PROG-3-EVD-KI or no-Q
I'm going to go to LIma. In Lima, there are people who read cards, then. They're saying his name, yes or no?
00:14:38.460 - 00:14:43.990

Limapi Grau kanmi.

En Lima en Grau hay.
Lima-pi Grau ka-n-mi
Lima-LOC Grau be-3-EVD
There are in Lima, on Grau.
00:14:43.990 - 00:14:46.780

Chay wawipa nanpa kanmi. Chaynam tarimushayki -- sutikitapis narushaqmi. Piraqtaq nanqa?
Mi hijo tiene [casa] allí. Así te voy a encontrar. Hasta tu nombre voy a hacer. ¿Quién todavía va a hacer?
Chay wawi-pa na-n-pa ka-n-mi. Chay-na-m tari-mu-shayki suti-ki-ta-pis na-ru-shaq-mi pi-raq-taq na-nqa
My son has his [house] there. I'm going to find you like that. I'm going to do your name. Who, though, is
going to do it?
00:14:46.780 - 00:14:52.840

Qamllam chay wak uraypa traskirushpa mansanan grandipaq traskirushpa chay puntraw.
Tú no más en allí abajo recibiendo sus manzanas, recibiendo las grandes grandes ese día.
Qam-lla-m chay wak uray-pa traski-ru-shpa mansana-n grandi-paq traski-ru-shpa chay puntraw
2-RSTR-EVD DEM.D DEM.D down.hill-LOC receive-URGT-SUBIS apple-3 big-ABL
receive-URGT-SUBIS DEM.D day
Just you there down hill, receiving, receiving his apples, receiving big ones that day.
00:14:52.850 - 00:14:59.020

Llapa tiyuntin. "Chay tiyuyki imatr apara?" nini.

Con su tío y todo. "¿Tu tío qué habrá llevado?" le dije.
llapa tiyu-ntin Chay tiyu-yki ima-tr apa-ra-ø ni-ni
all uncle-INCL DEM.D uncle-2 what-EVC bring-PST-3 say-1
With his uncle and all. "What must your uncle have taken?" I said.
00:14:59.020 - 00:15:03.700
Manam chayqa runtu mikuyta yatranchu. Tiyendamantri aparura niwan.
"Ése no sabe comer huevos. Seguro los llevó a la tienda", me dijo.
Mana-m chay-qa runtu miku-y-ta yatra-n-chu tiyenda-man-tri apa-ru-ra-ø ni-wa-n
no-EVD DEM.D-TOP egg eat-INF-ACC know-3-NEG store-ALL-EVC bring-URGT-PST-3 say-1.OBJ-3
"That one doesn't know how to eat eggs. He must have taken them to the store, for sure," he said to me.
00:15:03.720 - 00:15:08.180

Ya sabe, pues, ése. Ahh, yatrayanñayari.

Ya sabe, pues, ése. Ya sabe, pues.
That one knows already, then. Ahh, he knows already, then.
00:15:08.190 - 00:15:11.950

Ñuqatapis chayna chay

Mío también así.
Ñuqa-ta-pis chay-na chay
MIne too, like that.
00:15:12.040 - 00:15:15.270

Uchuyta limpu limpu pallarusha.

Se había cortado todo mi ají.
Uchu-y-ta limpu limpu palla-ru-sha
chile-1-ACC all all harvest-URGT-PRF-3
They had harvested all my chiles.
00:15:15.310 - 00:15:17.400

"Chayhina chay tiyuyki," niniyari

"Así es tu tío", le dije, pues.
Chay-hina chay tiyu-yki ni-ni-y-ari
DEM.D-COMP DEM.D uncle-2 say-2
"That's the way that uncle of yours is," I said, then.
00:15:17.430 - 00:15:20.350

Niptiy ya niwan chayhina yaykuqmi wak trakrayman yaykuqmi

Cuando lo dije, me dijo así "Lo que entra, lo que entra en mi chacra.
Ni-pti-y ya ni-wa-n chay-hina yayku-q-mi wak trakra-y-man yayku-q-mi
say-SUBDS-1 EMPH say-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D-COMP enter-AG-EVD DEM.D fields-1-ALL enter-AG-EVD
When I said that, then, she said to me, "Like that, the ones that get into -- the ones that get into my fields."
00:15:20.410 - 00:15:23.970

Vakaytapis kachaykurusha.
Había soltado mis vacas, también.
Vaka-y-ta-pis katra-yku-ru-sha-ø
cow-1-ACC-ADD loose-EXCEP-URGT-PRF-3
They'd also let loose my cows.
00:15:24.000 - 00:15:26.390

Ishkay kutikatraykurusha. Imataq prisisan chay vakata katraykunanpaq? Imata animaltaq ... ?
Soltaron dos. ¿Qué le precisaba para que suelte ésas vacas? ¿Qué animal?
Ishkay kuti-katra-yku-ru-sha Ima-SEQ prisisa-n chay vaka-ta katra-yku-na-n-paq ima-ta animal-taq
two return-FREQ-EXCEP-URGT-PRF-3 what-ACC force-3 DEM.D cow-ACC
loose-EXCEP-NMLZ-3-PURP what-ACC animal-ACC
They let two loose. What forced them for them to let those cows out? What animal?
00:15:26.400 - 00:15:31.140

Akasu animalqa fastidiyayanchu imataq runataqa?

Acaso el animal está molestando, qué cosa, a la persona?
Akasu animal-qa fastidiya-ya-n-chu ima-taq runa-ta-qa
maybe animal-TOP bother-PROG-3-Q what-SEQ person-ACC-TOP
Maybe an animal is bothering -- what -- a person?
00:15:31.190 - 00:15:34.620

Mala kustumbrita yatran, mala kustumbri, mala kustumbri total. Kustumbrawñam chay.
Están aprendiendo una mala custumbre. Mala custumbre. Mala custumbre, total. Están acostumbrados
Mala kustumbri-ta yatra-n mala kustumbri mala kustumbri total Kustumbraw-ña-m chay
bad custom-ACC know-3 bad custom bad custom completely accustom-DISC-EVD DEM.D
They're learning a bad habit. Bad habit, completely bad habit. That one is accustomed to it.
00:15:34.620 - 00:15:40.970

hovinchu viyeho viyehoña kayanqa.

¿Joven es? Viejo ya es. Viejo está.
hovin-chu viyeho viyeho-ña ka-ya-n-qa
young-NEG old old-DISC be-PROG-3-TOP
Is he young? Old, he's old already.
00:15:41.020 - 00:15:44.050

Chavito pues.
A kid, then.
00:15:44.480 - 00:15:46.340

Chaynam. Manañam kwentakuchuwanñachu.

Así es. Ya no podemos darnos cuenta ya.
Chay-na-m mana-ña-m kwenta-ku-chuwan-ña-chu
That's the way it is. We can't realize it any more.
00:15:46.360 - 00:15:56.160

Ah, chaynam manañam diskutiyta ñuqa munanichu kayna. Dyospa palabranta

Ah, así yo no quiero discutir ya. Escuchando la palabra de dios.
Ah, chay-na-m mana-ña-m diskuti-y-ta ñuqa muna-ni-chu kay-na Dyos-pa palabra-n-ta
Ah, I don't want to argue any more. [Lisening to] he word of God
00:15:56.480 - 00:16:03.910

iskucharushpa. Dyos manam pirda ... nata ... munaniñachu. Rikuniñam.

escuchando. dios no pierd ... eso ... no quiero ya [no quiero perder a Dios?]. Ya me voy.
iskucha-ru-shpa. Dyos mana-m pirda na-ta mana-m muna-ni-ña-chu. Ri-ku-ni-ña-m
listen-URGT-SUBIS God no-EVD lose DMY-ACC no-EVD want-1-DISC-NEG go-REFL-1-DISC-EVD
listening. God doesn't lose ... ummm ... I don't want that. [I don't want to lose God?]. I'm going already.
00:16:03.910 - 00:16:09.750

Imañatr kay runawan diskutiyqa.

¿Qué cosa ya será para discutir con esa gente?
ima-ña-tr kay runa-wan diskuti-y-qa
what-DISC-EVC DEM.P person-INSTR argue-INF-TOP
What could there be still to argue with these people?
00:16:10.480 - 00:16:13.270

Kapastri pikayanipis nishpa manañam diskutiyta munaniñachu.

"Tal vez estoy pecando", dijo. "Ya no quiero discutir."
Kapas-tri pika-ya-ni-pis ni-shpa mana-ña-m diskuti-y-ta muna-ni-ña-chu
perhaps-EVC sin-PROG-1-ADD say-SUBIS no-DISC-EVD argue-INF-ACC want-1-DISC-NEG
"Maybe I'm sinning," she said. "I don't want to argue any more."
00:16:13.340 - 00:16:19.310

Chaynam kayani. Imaynaraq kashaq?

Así estoy. ¿Cómo estaré?
Chay-na-m ka-ya-ni imayna-raq ka-shaq
DEm.D-VRBZ-EVD be-PROG-1 how-CONT be-1.FUT
That's the way I am. How am I going to be?
00:16:19.550 - 00:16:23.200

Asta wañukunay puntrawkamatriki chayna purishaq.

Hasta el día que yo muera andaré así.
Asta wañu-ku-na-y puntraw-kama-tri-ki chay-na puri-shaq.
until die-REFL-NMLZ-1 day-RSTR-EVC-KI DEM.D-VRBZ walk-1.FUT
Until the day I die, I'm going to walk around like that.
00:16:23.260 - 00:16:26.720

Luchashaq. Atipashaytatrik ruwakushaq.

Lucharé. Haré lo que pueda.
Lucha-shaq Atipa-sha-y-ta-tri-k ruwa-ku-shaq
fight-1.FUT make-REFL-1.FUT
I'm going to fight. I'll do what I can.
00:16:26.900 - 00:16:33.250

Lo que pueda.
What I can.
00:16:33.420 - 00:16:34.940

Chayna infermuyqa wakhinata kakuyan.

Mi [esposo] enfermo también está así.
Chay-na infermu-y-qa wak-hina-ta ka-ku-ya-n
My sick [hiusband] is like that.
00:16:34.970 - 00:16:38.250

Ehh ñuqallaña. Wak wawi warmim hamushpam asta alli-alli sirvisiyuta ruwawan.
Yo no más ya. Mi hija más bien viene y me ayuda bastante .
ehh ñuqa-lla-ña wak wawi warmi-m hamu-shpa-m asta alli-alli sirvisiyu-ta ruwa-wa-n
ehh 1-RSTR-DISC DEM.D baby woman-EVD come-SUBIS-EVD until good-good service-ACC
Ehh, just me already. When my daughter comes, she does me a great favor.
00:16:38.300 - 00:16:44.510

Ivis. No. Manaya hamunchu.

Ivis. No. No viene.
Ivis. No. mana-ya hamu-n-chu.
Ivis. No. no-EMPH come-3-NEG
Ivis. No. She doesn't come.
00:16:44.650 - 00:16:48.790

¿Dónde estará, pues? ¿Cómo ... ? Imaynaya kakun?

¿Dónde estará, pues? ¿Cómo ...? ¿Cómo estará?
Imayna-ya ka-ku-n
why-EMPH be-REFL-3
Where would she be, then? How ... ? How would it be, then?
00:16:49.270 - 00:16:53.920

Él es. Payqa infermarun. trakillanwan.

Él es. Él se enfermó. Su pié no más.
Pay-qa inferma-ru-n traki-lla-n-wan
3-TOP get.sick-URGT-3 foot-RSTR-3-INSTR
It's him. He got sick -- just his foot.
00:16:57.840 - 00:17:02.630

trakin ishkaynin trakin kayan mañashahina

Sus dos pies, sus pies están como trincado.
traki-n ishkay-ni-n traki-n ka-ya-n maña-sha-hina
foot-3 two-EUPH-3 foot-3 be-PROG-3 lock-PRF-COMP
Both his feet. It's like his feet are locked.
00:17:02.650 - 00:17:07.190

Maki. Makiqa funksiyunanraqmi. Pero trakiqa

mano. Sus manos funcionan todavía. Pero sus pies
Maki Maki-qa funksiyuna-n-raq-mi. Pero traki-qa
hand hand-TOP function-3-CONT-EVD but foot-TOP
His hands still work, but his foot
00:17:07.320 - 00:17:11.590

mañashahina kayan. Kay nerviyutr.

Están como trincado. El nervio será, seguro.
maña-sha-hina ka-ya-n kay nerviyu-tr
lock-PRF-COMP be-PROG-3 DEM.P nerve-EVC
It's as if it's locked. It must be the nerve.
00:17:11.630 - 00:17:14.960

Wak Limaman apara. Limaman apara.

Lo llevó a Lima. Lo llevó a Lima.
Wak Lima-man apa-ra-ø Lima-man apa-ra-ø
DEM.D Lima-ALL bring-PST-3 Lima-ALL bring-PST-3
She took him to Lima. She took him to Lima.
00:17:21.800 - 00:17:26.760

Pa ... naman chay kuranderu nishanman.

para ese curando lo que decía.
na-man chay kuranderu ni-sha-n-man
DMY-ALL DEM.D healer say-PRF-3-ALL
To that umm, healer that they called.
00:17:26.760 - 00:17:29.580

Arí. Chay kuranderuñataqmi pasarusha.

Sí, pues, ese curandero ya también le había pasado.
Arí. Chay kuranderu-ña-taq-mi pasa-ru-sha-ø
yes DEM.D healer-DISC-SEQ-EVD pass-URGT-PRF-3
Yes. That healer, too, already, had passed him
00:17:29.580 - 00:17:32.750

Naaa. "Infermidad Dyospa nin. Kayan doctorman," niptin. Doctorman apaykurusha

"Enfermedad de dios es. Para el doctor". Cuando dijo-RSTR, lo llevaron al doctor.
Naaa. Infermidad Dyos-pa-m ka-ya-n doctor-man ni-pti-n doctor-man apa-yku-ru-sha
DMY sickness God-GEN-EVD be-PROG-3 doctor-ALL say-SUBDS-3 doctor-ALL
Ummm, "It's a sickness from God. It's for a doctor," he said. They brought him to the doctor.
00:17:32.940 - 00:17:41.120

Doctorpaq apaykuruptinqa ampullatash aplikarun.

Cuando lo llevaron al doctor, aplicaron una ampolla.
Doctor-paq apa-yku-ru-pti-n-qa ampulla-ta-sh aplika-ru-n
doctor-ALL bring-EXCEP-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP injection-ACC-EVR apply-URGT-3
When she brought him to the doctor, they gave him a shot, they say.
00:17:41.230 - 00:17:45.560

Aplikaruptinqa ya chaypi lluqsiramushpaqa

Cuando lo aplicaron allí, cuando salió
Aplika-ru-pti-n-qa ya chay-pi lluqsi-ra-mu-shpa-qa
When they applied it then, there, going out
00:17:45.870 - 00:17:51.800

Ya. Sintirunñasha sintirunñash

ya sintió, sintió [mejor], dicen
Ya. Sinti-ru-n-ña-sh-a sinti-ru-n-ña-sh
he felt, he already felt [better].
00:17:51.960 - 00:17:55.850

Chaymantri kaymanqa tiyaq trayaramun

Por eso llegó acá a sentarse.
Chay-man-tri kay-man-qa tiya-q traya-ra-mu-n
So he arrived here ... to stay.
00:17:55.900 - 00:17:58.280

trayarachimun trayaytaqa wasiyman chaypi tiyakarun.
Hizo llegar, de hacer llegar a mi casa, allí se sentó.
traya-ra-chi-mu-n traya-y-ta-qa wasi-y- man chay-pi tiya-ka-ru-n
She delivered him, when she delivered him to my house, he sat down there.
00:17:58.910 - 00:18:04.250

Huktañataq maskani kaypi chay kuriyosukunata chay yatraqmi. Y nada.

Busqué a otro, también, aquí, [entre] los curiosos, los que saben. Nada.
Huk-ta-ña-taq maska-ni kay-pi chay kuriyosu-kuna-ta chay yatra-q-mi.
one-ACC-DISC-SEQ look.for-1 DEM.P-LOC DEM.D cusious.person-PL-ACC DEM.D know-AG-EVD
I looked for another, too, here, [one of] those strange ones, those who know. Nothing.
00:18:04.300 - 00:18:10.510

00:18:12.640 - 00:18:14.990

A qué . . . cuando . . . éste . . .

00:18:15.430 - 00:18:18.450

Kaypaqmi Camillawan hurqun

De acá sacó con Camilla.
Kay-paq-mi Camilla-wan hurqu-n
DEM.P-ABL-EVD Camilla-INSTR take.out-3
She took him out of here with Camilla.
00:18:18.640 - 00:18:22.270

Chay wawi warmi. Chaymi aparun urayman. Chayñash

Mi hija. Por eso lo llevaron abajo. De allí ya dice
Chay wawi warmi. Chay-mi apa-ru-n uray-man Chay-ña-sh
DEM.D baby woman DEM.D-EVD bring-URGT-3 down.hill-ALL DEM.D-DISC-EVR
That daughter of mine. That's why they took him down hill. So, they say,
00:18:22.380 - 00:18:27.550

Doctora de otro país. Ah. Chayman apaykurun

Doctora de otro país. Lo llevaron a ella.
Ah. Chay-man apa-yku-ru-n
A doctor form another country. Ahh. They took him to her.
00:18:27.550 - 00:18:35.460

Chayman apaykuruptinshi nin

Cuando lo llevaron, ella dijo, dicen,
Chay-man apa-yku-ru-pti-n-shi ni-n
When they took him there, they say, she said
00:18:35.460 - 00:18:38.770

Ah. Chaymi kayan. Pero sanaytaqa sananmantri pero largum.

Ah, por eso está. Pero sanar, puede sanar, pero [será] largo.
Ah. Chay-mi ka-ya-n Pero sana-y-ta-qa sana-n-man-tri pero largu-m
Ah. DEM.D-EVD be-PROG-3 but heal-INF-ACC-TOP heal-3-COND-EVC but long-EVD
Ah. That's why. But to heal ... It could heal. But [it will take a] long [time].
00:18:39.080 - 00:18:45.320

Tiyempu largu. Nira. Niruptinqa

Tiempo largo le ha dicho. Cuando lo dijo
Tiyempu largu Ni-ra-ø Ni-ru-pti-n-qa
time long go-PST-3 say-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
A long time, she said. When she said
00:18:45.320 - 00:18:50.190

Chay pastillakunata resusitamun. Resetarun kapsula.

Recetó pastillas y todo. Recetó cápsulas.
Chay pastilla-kuna-ta resusita-mu-n Reseta-ru-n kapsula
DEM.D pill-PL-ACC resusitate-CISL-3 prescribe-URGT-3 capsule
She prescribed pills and everything. She prescribed capsules.
00:18:50.210 - 00:18:55.220

Vitamina. Kapsula. Chaykunata apamusha. Achkata apamusha.

Vitaminas, cápsulas. Llevaron eso y todo. Mucho llevaron.
Vitamina Kapsula Chay-kuna-ta apa-mu-sha-ø Achka-ta apa-mu-sha-ø
vitamin capsule DEM.D-PL-ACC bring-CISL-PRF-3 a.lot-ACC bring-CISL-PRF-3
Vitamins, capsules. She's brought all that. She's brought a lot.
00:18:55.400 - 00:19:01.480

Chaywan kara chaywan kara manam ya imananpischu. GG Manam imananpischu.

Con eso era, con eso era, y no le han hech nada. No le han hecho nada.
Chay-wan ka-ra-ø chay-wan ka-ra-ø mana-m ya imana-n-pis-chu. Mana-m ima-na-n-pis-chu
It was with that. It was with that. They haven't done anything. They haven't done anything.
00:19:01.850 - 00:19:07.320

Awtoridadqa. Payqa kara

Él era autoridad.
Awtoridad-qa Pay-qa ka-ra-ø
authority-TOP 3-TOP be-PST-3
He was an official.
00:19:12.430 - 00:19:15.360

tiyempu awtoridad. Presidente de la comunidad doce años.

Mucho tiempo era autoridad. Era Presidente de la comunidad por doce años.
AN official for a long time -- president of the community for twelve years.
00:19:15.410 - 00:19:20.260

Doce años presidente de la comunidad. Tukuy urquta nakuyan.

Doce años era presidente de la comunidad. A todo la montaña, está ...
Tukuy urqu-ta na-ku-ya-n
all hill-ACC DMY-REFL-PROG-3
Presidente of the community for twelve years. It's umm .... the whole hill.
00:19:20.260 - 00:19:26.260

No. Payqa huwiskunata pushamura pa chulala sityuman. Entonses chaypi payqa

No. Él trajo a un juez y todo a Chulala, hacia el sitio. Entonces allí, él
No. Pay-qa huwis-kuna-ta pusha-mu-ra-ø chulala sityuman. Entonses chay-pi pay-qa
No. 3-TOP judge-PL-ACC take-CISL-PST-3 Chulala place-ALL then DEM.D-LOC 3-TOP
No. He took a judge and all to Chulala. Then, there, he
00:19:30.550 - 00:19:39.160

kidarun. mana imatapis nashpa kananñash ulimpu kay huk yaykun huk yaykun. Tankash Mayupaqña
Quedó sin hacer nada. Ahora ya, dicen, Olimpo uno entra otro entra. De Tankash Mayu ya firmó.
kida-ru-n mana ima-ta-pis na-shpa kanan-ña-sh ulimpu kay huk yayku-n huk yayku-n Tanka-sh Mayu-paq-ña
stay-URGT-3 no what-ACC-ADD DMY-SUBIS now-DISC-EVR ulimpu DEM.P one enter-3 one enter-3
Tankash Mayu-ABL-DISC sign-URGT-3
stayed. He didn't do anything. Now, they say, Olimpo here, one enters, another enters. They already signed
from Tankash Mayu.
00:19:39.180 - 00:19:50.480

Ah. Chaypaqña firmarun. Ah. wak Chulala Kruskunapaq. Kay urqunkunata namura. Wak altu
Sí, de allí ya firmó. Ah, de ese Chulala Cruz todo. Todo hizo cerro todo. Allís altu Sasayuq todo.
Ah. Chay-paq-ña firma-ru-n Ah wak Chulala Krus-kuna-paq Kay urqu-n-kuna-ta na-mu-ra-ø Wak altu
Ah. DEM.D-ABL-DISC sign-URGT-3 Ah. DEM.D Chulala Kruskuna-ABL DEM.P hill-3-PL-ACC
DMY-CISL-PST-3 DEM.D high Sasayuq-PL-ACC
Ah, the signed from there. Ah, from Chulula Cruz and all. They did it to this hill and all. And high up there
-- Sasayuq.
00:19:50.820 - 00:20:01.330

Limpu nam reskatamura.

Rescataron todo.
Limpu na-m reskata-mu-ra-ø
clean DMY-EVD save-CISL-PST-3
They saved it all.
00:20:01.400 - 00:20:04.210

Kay kashapatatapis.
Aquí a Kashapata también.
Kay kashapata-ta-pis
DEM.P Kashapata-ACC-ADD
Here to Kashapata, too.
00:20:04.210 - 00:20:06.070

Chay dañukunapaq narushpa manachu kara pagananpaq.

Esos daños también cuando había no era para que pague.
Chay dañu-kuna-paq na-ru-shpa mana-chu ka-ra-ø paga-na-n-paq
From those harms, doing that, ummm, It wasn't in order to pay.
00:20:06.110 - 00:20:11.210

00:20:11.210 - 00:20:15.810
Kanan huk yaykurun. Ni kubranchu ni kubranchu.
Ahora entra otro, ni siquiera cobra, ni siquiera cobra.
Kanan huk yayku-ru-n Ni kubra-n-chu ni kubra-n-chu
now one enter-URGT-3 nor charge-3-NEG nor charge-3-NEG
Now another entered. He doesn't even charge; he doesn't even charge.
00:20:11.210 - 00:20:15.850

... kakuyan Ñuñitaqa. Ñuñipaqa deslindaramun.

En Ñuñi deslindaron.
[inaudible] ka-ku-ya-n Ñuñi-pa-qa Ñuñi-pa-qa Dislinda-ra-mu-n
be-REFL-PROG-3 Ñuñi-LOC-TOP Ñuñi-LOC-TOP separate-URGT-CISL-3
In Ñuñi they separated it.
00:20:15.810 - 00:20:21.210

Mana kananhinachu chay rira wak

No se fue como ahora allí ---
Mana kanan-hina-chu chay ri-ra-ø wak-
They didn't go like now over there.
00:20:21.230 - 00:20:24.350

Na... pi ... wak altupi yatrayaptiy kurnitintin vaka rikuyan wakman.

Cuando estaba viviendo en las montañas, él estaba andando hacia allí con vacas y un cornete.
na pi wak altu-pi yatra-ya-pti-y kurniti-ntin vaka ri-ku-ya-n wak-man
DMY who DEM.D high-LOC live-PROG-SUBDS-1 horn-INCL cow go-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D-ALL
When I was living there in the hills, he was going there with his cow and a trumpet.
00:20:24.350 - 00:20:29.600

Ah, kurnitintin qatikuyan.

Ah, con un cornete y todo estaba arreando.
Ah, kurniti-ntin qati-ku-ya-n
Ah, horn-ACMP plow-REFL-PROG-3
Ah, he was plowing with a trumpet and all.
00:20:29.720 - 00:20:32.310

Chaypaqqa altuman kay kashapatamanñataq.

De allí hacia encima, hacia Kashapata ya también.
Chay-paq-qa altu-man kay Kashapata-man-ña-taq.
From there up hill towards Kashapata, too.
00:20:32.520 - 00:20:36.270

Chayman michaq ñuqatas harquruwara kashapataman riranim.

El pastor me botó a mí también. Hacia Kashapata me fui.
Chay-man micha-q ñuqa-ta-s harqu-ru-wa-ra-ø kashapata-man ri-ra-ni-m
DEM.D-ALL herd-AG 1-ACC-ADD toss-URGT-1.OBJ-PST-3 kashapata-ALL go-PST-1-EVD
The shepherd tossed me out, too -- I went towards Kashapata.
00:20:36.570 - 00:20:40.580

Kananñam manaqa.
Ahora, sí, ya no.
kanan-ña-m mana-qa
Now not any more.
00:20:40.720 - 00:20:42.190

Kananñam manaqa.
Ahora ya no.
Kanan-ña-m mana-qa
Now not any more.
00:20:42.720 - 00:20:44.240

alli-allitayari lucharanchik wak hurquruptinqa

Bien bien luchamos cuando sacaron-RSTR.
alli-alli-ta-y-ari lucha-ra-nchik wak hurqu-ru-pti-n-qa
good-good-ACC-EMPH-ARI fight-PST-1PL DEM.D take.out-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
We fought really well when they took that out.
00:20:43.780 - 00:20:49.590

Llapa mayurkuna. Alalaypipis alalaypipis kara tiyanpilla GG sumberunchik kayna. Sombrerunchikpis

Todos los mayores. En el frío también, en el frío también nuestros sombreros eran así. Nuestros sombreros
no salían, tampoco.
Llapa mayur-kuna Alala-y-pi-pis alala-y-pi-pis ka-ra-ø tiya-n-pi-lla sumberu-nchik kay-na Sombreru-nchik-pis
all adult-PL cool-INF-LOC-ADD cool-INF-LOC-ADD be-PST-3 sit-3-LOC-RSTR hat-1PL DEM.P-VRBZ
hat-1PL-ADD come.out-PST-3-NEG
All the adults. In the cold, too. In the cold, too. It was our hats like this. Our hats didn't come off
00:20:50.500 - 00:20:59.420

Mayores, pues.
Adults, then.
00:20:50.500 - 00:20:59.450

Imataq chay alalaypi.

¿Qué cosa en este frío?
Ima-taq chay alala-y-pi
what-SEQ DEM.D cool-INF-LOC
What in that cold?
00:20:59.420 - 00:21:00.980

Pastupis karachu ... Imataq ... vakapaqpis.

Pasto tampoco no había. ¿Qué cosa para la vaca, también? para vaca.
Pastu-pis ka-ra-ø-chu ima-taq vaka-paq-pis
pasture.grass-ADD be-PST-3-NEG what-SEQ cow-BEN-ADD
There wasn't pasture grass, either. What ... for the cows, too?
00:21:00.980 - 00:21:04.270

Chaynam lucharanchik wak sityupaq. Chaymi hamusha.

Así luchamos por ese lugar. Por eso ha venido
Chay-na-m lucha-ra-nchik wak sityu-paq Chay-mi hamu-sha-ø
We fought like that for that place. That's why he's come,
00:21:04.400 - 00:21:09.620

Kanan kay Kashapataman -- Mullida.

Ahora a Kashapata -- Mullida.
Kanan kay Kashapata-man Mullida
now DEM.P Kashapata-ALL Mullida.
Mullida, now to Kashapa.
00:21:09.620 - 00:21:12.760

Kaballeriyawan hamusha gwardyantin

Vino con caballo, con policía.
Kaballeriya-wan hamu-sha-ø gwardya-ntin
horse-INSTR come-PRF-3 policeman-ACMP
He's come with a horse and with a policeman and all.
00:21:12.800 - 00:21:15.420

Ah. Katrakuntin. Ah. Chaymi kumunidad lluqsimunchik

Ah, con guardia. Ah, por eso salimos la comunidad.
Ah. Katra-ku-ntin Ah. Chay-mi kumunidad lluqsi-mu-nchik
Ah. loose-REFL-ACMP Ah. DEM.D-EVD communidad come.out-CISL-1PL
Ah, with a policeman. Ah, that's why we, the community, came out.
00:21:15.490 - 00:21:20.010

Kay Kashapata hanaylawman chay Toro Rumi nishanman. Chaypim

Para arriba de Kashapata hacia el lugar que se llama Toro Rumi. Allí
Kay kashapata hanay-law-man chay Toro Rumi ni-sha-n-man. Chay-pi-m
DEM.P kashapata up.hill-side-ALL DEM.D Toro Rumi say-PRF-3-COND DEM.D-LOC-EVD
Up hill to Kashapata -- towards the place called Toro Rumi. There
00:21:20.070 - 00:21:24.130

Nata. Mulligata
a ése, a Mulliga.
Na-ta. Mulliga-ta
to umm, to Mulliga.
00:21:24.130 - 00:21:26.930

Nara. Ah, disku . . . Chaypim

Hizo, Ah, disco, Allí
Na-ra-ø Ah, disku Chay-pi-m
They did that .... Ah, disk. There.
00:21:26.930 - 00:21:31.710

Narura. Warmi qari chaypa huntakuyanchik

hizo. Mujeres y hombres allí estaban llenando.
Na-ru-ra-ø Warmi qari chay-pa hunta-ku-ya-nchik
They did that. Women and men -- we're filling it there.
00:21:31.730 - 00:21:35.830
Nas . . . chayqa . . . wak pi . . . wak Kashapatapiñam maqarura César Mullidata.
Éso también, ése, en allí, en Kashapata ya pegaron a César Mulliga.
Na-s chay-qa wak pi wak Kashapata-pi-ña-m maqa-ru-ra-ø César Mullida-ta
That, too. That ... there ... who ... There in Kashapata already they beat César Mullida.
00:21:40.600 - 00:21:48.470

Kaballeriyanpaq baharura. Chaymi qalatuykushpa, ah, kurriyanwan alli-allita chikutita qura.

Bajó de su caballo. Luego, desnudándole, bien bien le hicieron látigo con su correa .
Kaballeriya-n-paq baqa-ru-ra-ø Chay-mi qalatu-yku-shpa Ah, kurriya-n-wan all-alli-ta chikuti-ta qu-ra-ø
horse-3-ABL go.down-URGT-PST-3 DEM.D-EVD naked-ECEP-SUBIS Ah, belt-3-INSTR good-good-ACC
whip-ACC give-PST-3
He got off his horse. So, taking off his clothes, they whipped him good with his belt.
00:21:48.540 - 00:21:56.780

Chayna luchusham kara wak Ñuñipis kay Kashapatapis. Chaynam luchusham kara
Así lo que hemos luchado en Kashapata, allá en Ñuñi también. Así lo que luchamos era.
Chay-na Luchu-sha-m ka-ra-ø wak ñuñi-pis kay Kashapata-pis Chay-na-m luchu-sha-m kara-ø
fight-PRF-EVD be-PST-3
It was fought like that there in Ñuni and here in Kashapata, too. It was fought like that.
00:21:57.560 - 00:22:03.620

Kananqa imaynataq a ver huk propitariyo kakuyan.

Ahora a ver como está otro propietario.
Kanan-qa imayna-taq aver huk propeyetariyo ka-ku-ya-n
now-TOP how-SEQ let's.see one owner be-REFL-PROG-3
Now, let's see how another owner is.
00:22:03.620 - 00:22:07.330

Manañaya hoviniskuna riskatayta atipanchu. Imaynaraq ya?

Los jovenes ya no pueden rescatarlo. ¿Cómo es todavía, pues?
Mana-ña-ya hovinis-kuna riskata-y-ta atipa-n-chu Imayna-raq-ya
no-DISC-EMPH young.people-PL save-INF-ACC how-CONT-EMPH
Young people can't save it any longer. How is it still, then?
00:22:09.440 - 00:22:15.210

Manaña ni piyensanñachu
Ya no piensan siquiera.
Mana-ña ni piyensa-n-ña-chu
no-DISC nor think-3-DISC-NEG
They don't even think any more.
00:22:15.890 - 00:22:18.360

Wak hovin ... Wak viyehokuna naruptinqa ya.

Ese joven ... Cuando los viejos hacen, pues
Wak hovin Wak viyeho-kuna na-ru-pti-n-qa ya
DEM.D young.person DEM.D old.person-PL DMY-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP EMPH
Those young peo .... when the old people do that, then.
00:22:18.410 - 00:22:22.820

Napis. Frelan uraylawñapis wañukun
Éso también. Frelan en el lado de abajo también se murió.
Na-pis Frelan uray-law-ña-pis wañu-ku-n
DMY-ADD Frelan down.hill-side-DISC-ADD die-REFL-3
That, too. Down hill, Frelan, too, died.
00:22:22.880 - 00:22:26.510

Marcus. Marcus Flores Florespis wañukun. Kanan kay infermuy ñuqapa kaqpi
Marcus. Marcus Flores también se murió. Ahora éste mi [esposo] enfermo, donde yo.
Marcus Marcus Flores-pis wañu-ku-n Kanan kay infermu-y ñuqa-pa ka-q-pi
Marcus. Marcus Flores-ADD die-REFL-3 now DEM.P sick.person-1 1-POSS be-AG-LOC
Marcus. Marcus Flores died. Now this sick [husband] of mine, in my place.
00:22:26.700 - 00:22:33.960

Wakhina inutilisado kakuyan ... ya no ... imaynaña ... imapaqpis valinchu.

Así está inutilizado. ... Ya no ... ¿Cómo ya ... Ya no sirve para nada.
Wak-hina inutilisado ka-ku-ya-n mayna-ña imapaq-pis vali-n-chu
DEM.D-COMP unused be-REFL-PROG-3 how-DISC why-ADD be.worth-3-NEG
It's unused like that. How already ... It's not good for anything.
00:22:34.400 - 00:22:39.320

Ah, pero wak hukkuna GG imapaqtaq valin? Wak Don Cerilo?

Ah, pero-RSTRs otros, ¿para qué sirven? ¿Ese Don Cerilo?
Ah, pero wak huk-kuna imapaq-taq vali-n wak Don Cerilo
Ah, but DEM.D one-PL why-SEQ be.worth.3 DEM.D Don Cerilo
Ah, but those others. What are they good for? That Don Cerilo?
00:22:44.410 - 00:22:49.480

Imapaqtaq? Él no, mana ya payqa ni ...

¿Para qué? Él no, él no.
Imapaq-taq mana ya pay-qa ni
why-SEQ no EMPH 3-TOP nor
What for? Not him. Not him or ...
00:22:49.500 - 00:22:55.260

Cirokuna. Imapaqtaq? Nada.

Ciro todo, ¿para qué? Nada.
Ciro-kuna Imapaq-taq Nada.
Ciro-PL why-SEQ nothing
Ciro and all. What for? Nothing.
00:22:55.260 - 00:22:59.160

Yakuta puripakatrananpaq wakqa valiyan. Chayllapaqñayari. Manañam imapaqpis.

Ése valdrá para que corretea el agua no más. Para eso no más, pues. Ya no para nada.
Yaku-ta puri-pa-katra-na-n-paq wak-qa vali-ya-n Chay-lla-paq-ña-y-ari mana-ña-m imapaq
water-ACC walk-REPET-FREQ-NMLZ-3-PURP DEM.D-TOP be.worth-PROG-3
That's only good so that the water will run. Just for that, then. Not for anything.
00:22:59.260 - 00:23:06.940

Ñuqapa trabahuymik chayqa -- teniyenti dispachu.

Ése era mi trabajo -- teniente de dispacho.
Ñuqa-pa trabahu-y-mi-k chay-qa teniyenti dispachu
1-GEN work-1-EVD-K DEM.D-TOP manager office
That was my job -- office manager.
00:23:07.140 - 00:23:11.330

Fuwisiyupa dispachunkuna. Adubikunata chutashpa chutachini. Madresoltera kashpa.

en el dispacho del juez. Labrando, he hecho labrar, siendo madre soltera.
Fuwisiyu-pa dispachu-n-kuna Adubi-kuna-ta chuta-shpa chuta-chi-ni Madresoltera ka-shpa
judge-GEN office.3.PL adobe-PL-ACC make.adobes-SUBIS make.adobe-CAUS-1 single.mother be-SUBIS
The judge's office and all. When I was a single mother, making bricks, I had bricks made.
00:23:11.350 - 00:23:18.020

Chay kalaminapaqpis ushaykunata rantikushpa. Kanan runa yatrakuyan no hay de teniyenti dispachun kanchu
ni fuwespa dispachunpis.
También vendí mis ovejas para [comprar] calamina. Ahora gente está viviendo [allí]. No hay despacho ni
de teniente, ni de juez.
Chay kalamina-paq-pis ushay-kuna-ta ranti-ku-shpa Kanan runa yatra-ku-ya-n teniyenti dispachu-n ka-n-chu
ni fuwes-pa dispachu-n-pis
DEM.D tin.roofing-ABL-ADD sheep-1PL-ACC buy-REFL-SUBIS now person live-REFL-PROG-3
manager office-3 be-3-NEG nor judge-GEN office-3-ADD
I sold my sheep [to buy] that tin roofing. Now people are living [there]. There's no manager's office or
judge's office, either.
00:23:18.030 - 00:23:28.040

kumunidad llabiruptinpis Istunioqa kuchukuyanshi.

Cuando echó llave la comunidad, también, dicen, Istinio lo cortó.
kumunidad llabi-ru-pti-n-pis istuñu-qa kuchu-ku-ya-n-shi
community key-URGT-SUBDS-3-ADD Istiñu-TOP cut-REFL-PROG-3-EVR
After the community locked it, Istinio cut it, they say.
00:23:28.320 - 00:23:32.210

Llapa llapanchikmi kolaboraranchik chaykunapi.

Todos todos hemos colaborado en todo-RSTR.
Llapa llapa-nchik-mi kolabora-ra-nchik chay-kuna-pi
all all-1PL-EVD collaborate-PST-1PL DEM.D-PL-LOC
All of us collaborated in all that.
00:23:32.290 - 00:23:35.270

Ah, llapanchik. Asta kalamina rantiq koleqiyukunapaq

Ah, todos nosotros. Hasta compraba calamina para el colegio todo.
Ah, llapa-nchik. Asta kalamina ranti-q koleqiyu-kuna-paq
Ah, all-1PL until tin.roofing buy-AG
Ah, all of us. We even bought tin roofing for the high school.
00:23:35.270 - 00:23:38.480

Kalamina rantik ... rantishanchikuna

Lo que hemos comprado calamina todo
Kalamina ranti-sha-nchikuna
tin.roofing buy-PRF-1PL-PL
Tin roofing bough .... The tin roofing we bought
00:23:38.490 - 00:23:41.240

Chaykuna kara. Llapanchikmiki kwotata ruwakuranchik

Ésos era. Todos, pues, hemos hecho cuota.
Chay-kuna ka-ra-ø Llapa-nchik-mi-ki kwota-ta ruwa-ku-ra-nchik
DEM.D-PL be-PST-3 all-1PL-EVD-KI cuota-ACC make-REFL-PST-1PL
They were those. All of us made cuota.
00:23:41.260 - 00:23:45.330

Kananñam fasilidad kan.

Ahora ya hay facilidad.
Kanan-ña-m fasilidad ka-n
now-DISC-EVD easiness be-3
Now everything's easy.
00:23:45.820 - 00:23:48.950

Gubiyernuchutr ima .... chay chuqamun awtoridadchutr

El gobierno donará ó las autoridades.
Gubiyernu-chu-tr ima chay chuqa-mu-n awtoridad-chu-tr
government-Q-EVC what DEM.D throw-CISL-3 authority-Q-EVC
Does the government ... what ... or the authorities give those out.
00:23:48.950 - 00:23:53.220

Imaynatr tarimun? Chay kananqa fasilidad kayan. Llapanpaq.

¿Cómo encontrará? Ahora hay facilidad. Para todos.
imayna-tr tari-mu-n chay kanan-qa fasilidad ka-ya-n llapa-n-paq
how-EVC find-CISL-3 DEM.D now-TOP easiness be-PROG-3 all-3-BEN
How would they find it? Now everything's easy. For everyone.
00:23:53.220 - 00:23:58.830

Mash. Ima.
ma-sh ima
PHT-EVR what
00:24:02.500 - 00:24:05.570

Imapaqtaq Paulinopis? Para qué ... Chaypi kananpaq?

¿Para qué Paulino también? ¿Para que esté en allí?
imapaq-taq Paulino-pis. Chay-pi ka-na-n-paq
why-SEQ Paulino-ADD DEM.D-LOC be-NMLZ-3-BEN
Paulino, too -- what for? What for? To be there.
00:24:07.170 - 00:24:12.450

Istiniopis. Para que esté en allá.

Istinio también. Para que esté en allá.
Istinio, too. So that he's there.
00:24:12.520 - 00:24:15.850

Kandawta. Na ... alkaldi deligado Chaytapis kuchururash wak Istinio ninmi.

el candado. El Alcalde Delegado. Dicen que Istinio cortó ´e también.
kandaw-ta na alkaldi deligado Chay-ta-pis kuchu-ru-ra-ø-sh wak istiño ni-n-mi
padlock-ACC DMY mayor delegate DEM.D-ACC-ADD cut-URGT-PST-3 DEM.D istinio say-3-EVD
the padlock. The deputy mayor. They say that Istinio cut that, too.
00:24:18.240 - 00:24:25.590

Ah, pubri runaqa mana trabahakunman wasinta.

Gente pobre no puede trabajar en su casa.
Ah, pubri runa-qa mana trabaha-ku-n-man wasi-n-ta
Ah, poor person-TOP no work-PL-ALL house-3-ACC
Ah, poor people can't work in his house.
00:24:25.850 - 00:24:29.350

Wak na imaynataq adubinta shaqlikun VV

A ver, su adobe cómo está labrando
Wak na imayna-taq adubi-n-ta shaqli-ku-n
DEM.D DMY how-SEQ adobe-3-ACC make.adobe-REFL-3
Let's see how he's making his adobe bricks.
00:24:29.350 - 00:24:32.800

tuki wasi ruway TK kanmi nin swegran ishlista

Hay una casa bonita que hice, dice la suegra de Ishlista.
Tuki wasi ruwa-ya-q-qa Kay-mi ni-n swegra-n ishnista
pretty house make-PROG-AG-TOP DEM.P-EVD say-3 ishnista
There's the pretty house I built, says Ishlista's mother-in-law.
00:24:33.030 - 00:24:36.940

Waktaq wak law kusinaytaq qurani. Ni turun vakan kayaptin nin pirkanchu. Kay wasita kumunidad
llabiruptin kuchurun ninmi.
Les dimi cocina allí. NI siquiera cuando tiene vacas y toros, no pirca [su casa]. Cuando la comunidad echó
llave a esa casa, lo cortó,
wak-taq wak law kusina-y-taq qu-ra-ni ni turu-n vaka-n ka-ya-pti-n ni-n pirka-n-chu. Kay wasi-ta kumunidad
llabi-ru-pti-n kuchu-ru-n
DEM.S-SEQ DEM.D-side kitchen-1-ACC give-PST-1 nor turunbull-3 cow-3 be-PROG-3 say-3 roof-3-NEG
DEM.D house-ACC community key-URGT-SUBDS-3
Over there I gave them my kitchen. He doesn't roof [his house] even when he has bulls and cows. They said
when the community locked the
house he cut it.
00:24:36.940 - 00:24:46.770

cut-URGT-3 say-3-EVD

Taqsaruraq yatran
Taqsa-ru-raq yatra-n
wash- know-3
00:24:47.200 - 00:24:55.210

Karupi kaqqa Mana ya yatranchikchu. Mana ya qawanchikchu chaykunata.

Lo que estamos en lejos, no sabemos, pues. No, pues, no miramos-RSTRs.
karu-pi ka-qa mana ya yatra-nchik-chu mana ya qawa-nchik-chu chay-kuna-ta
far-LOC be-AG-TOP no EMPH know-1PL-NEG no EMPH look-1PL-NEG DEM.D-PL-ACC
Those that are far -- we don't know, then. We don't see those, then.
00:24:47.200 - 00:24:55.210

Pero kananpis chuqanmantrik komunindadpaq. Manamik pipischu payqa.

Pero ahora lo puede sacar de la comunidad. Él no es nadie.
pero kanan-pis chuqa-n-man-tri-k komunindad-paq mana-mi-k pi-pis-chu pay-qa
but now-ADD throw-3-COND- EVC-K community-ABL no-EVD-K who-ADD-NEG 3-TOP
But now they can kick him out of the community. He isn't anyone.
00:24:55.350 - 00:24:59.890

Ah, kumunidad ya dihayan. Ah, kumunidad ya dihapakuyan.

La comunidad lo está dejando, pues. La comunidad, pues, lo está dejando.
Ah, kumunidad ya diha-ya-n Ah kumunidad ya diha-paku-ya-n
Ah, community EMPH leave-PROG-3 Ah, community EMPH leave-MUTBEN-PROG-3
The community is leaving him. Ah, the community is leaving him. then.
00:24:59.930 - 00:25:06.630

Ah, manaya kanchu manaya bola kanchu

Ah, no hay, pues, no hay bola.
Ah, mana ya ka-n-chu mana ya bola ka-n-chu
Ah, no EMPH be-3-NEG no EMPH ball be-3-NEG
Ah, there aren't any. No one has any balls.
00:25:07.860 - 00:25:12.510

Para que na chuqananpaq. Ya no hay bola.

Para que, este, bote. Ya no hay hombre.
In order to ... ummm .. in order to kich him out. No one's got balls any more.
00:25:12.510 - 00:25:20.410

Ah, autoridad más que nadie. Awtoridadmi. Awtoridadmi.

Ah, autoridad más que nadie. Autoridad. Autoridad.
Ah, the officials more than anyone. The officials. The officials.
00:25:22.590 - 00:25:27.680

Ah, burlashaña kayan burlashañam kayan

Ya es burla. Ya es burla.
Ah, burla-sha-ña ka-ya-n burla-sha-ña-m ka-ya-n
Ah, joke-PRF-DISC be-PROG-3 joke-PRF-DISC-EVD be-PROG-3
Ah, it's a joke already. It's a joke already.
00:25:32.250 - 00:25:36.670

Ñam . . ñam riqsiyanña. Huk ya yaykun.

Ya lo están conociendo. Otro entra, pues.
ña-m ña-m riqsi-ya-n-ña huk-ya yayku-n
DISC-EVD DISC-EVD be.acquainted-PROG-3-DISC one-EMPH enter-3
They're getting to know it already, already. Another comes in, then.
00:25:36.750 - 00:25:40.550

Iguwal ya. Huk ruwaykun. Iguwal ya.

Igual, pues. Otro lo hace. Igual, pues.
iguwal ya. huk ruwa-yku-n Iguwal ya.
equal EMPH one make-EXCEP-3 equal EMPH
The same, then. Another does it. The same, then.
00:25:40.840 - 00:25:44.110

Manaña rispitu kanñachu. Ya no hay.

Ya no hay respeto. Ya no hay.
mana-ña rispitu ka-n-ña-chu
no-DISC respect be-3-DISC-NEG
There's no respect any more. Not any more.
00:25:44.120 - 00:25:48.030

Florencio yaykun atipanchu. Kanan dumingu yaykurun.

Florencio entró - no puede. Ahora Domingo entra.
Florencio yayku-n atipa-n-chu Kanan dumingu yayku-ru-n
Florencio enter-3 now Sunday enter-URGT-3
Florencio entered. He can't. Now on Sunday, he'll enter.
00:25:48.080 - 00:25:53.720

Nada. Marsupiqa ya rinanpaq limpu limpu runata firmakayachin.

Para que vaya en el mes de marzo estaba haciendo firmar a toda le gente.
Nada. Marsu-pi-qa ya ri-na-n-paq limpu limpu runa-ta mana-chu firma-ka-ya-chi-n
nothing March-LOC-TOP EMPH go-NMLZ-3-PURP all all person-ACC no-NEG sign-REFL-PROG-CAUS-3
Nothing. In order to go in March, they were making all the people sign.
00:25:53.760 - 00:25:58.890

Firmakayachin. No puede ya. Pasaypaq.

Está haciendo firmar. No puede ya. Total.
Firma-ka-ya-chi-n Pasaypaq.
sign-REFL-PROG-CAUS-3 completely
He's making people sign. He can't any more. Completely.
00:25:58.910 - 00:26:05.300

Chaytrik manchakuyan.
Por eso tendrá miedo.
Chay-tri-k mancha-ku-ya-n
That must be why she's scared.
00:26:06.460 - 00:26:13.190

Llutanshiki llutan runashi kan.

Otra forma de gente, dice, hay.
llutan-shi-ki llutan runa-shi ka-n
deformed-3-EVR-KI deformed person-EVR be-3
They're messed up, they say. There are messed up people, they say.
00:26:06.460 - 00:26:13.190

Rasun puwes varyustañataqshi mikun wañuchinqa.

Verdad, pues. Comen a varios ya, dicen. Van a matar.
Rasun puwes varyus-ta-ña-taq-shi miku-n wañu-chi-nqa
reason then many-ACC-DISC-SEQ-EVR eat-3 die-CAUS-3.FUT
True, indeed. It eats many, already, they say. It's going to kill.
00:26:13.240 - 00:26:18.350

Así hablaba chay Grutildapis Cirupa warminpis chaynataqshi wañurá

Así hablaba Grutilda, la esposa de Ciro. Así se murió, dicen.
Grutilda-pis Ciru-pa warmi-n-pis chay-na-taq-shi wañu-ra-´
Grutilda-ADD Ciru-GEN woman-3-ADD DEM.D-SEQ-EVR die-PST-3
Grutilda. Ciro's wife, too, was talking like that. That's how she died, they say.
00:26:18.420 - 00:26:24.540

Buskamurash. Tarimurash
Lo buscó, dicen; lo encontró, dicen.
Buska-mu-ra-ø-sh Tari-mu-ra-ø-sh
look.for-CISL-PST-3-EVR find-CISL-PST-3-EVR
She looked for it, they say. She found it, they say.
00:26:24.620 - 00:26:26.540

Pa kikinkunatrik GG ruwanakun wak pastuta kitanakushpa.

Entre ellos, pues, harán, quitándose el pasto.
Pa kiki-n-kuna-tri-k ruwa-naku-n wak pastu-ta kita-naku-shpa
PHT self-3-PL-EVC-K make-RECP-3 DEM.D pasture.grass remove-RECP-SUBIS
Among themselves they'd do it, taking pasture grass from each other.
00:26:29.520 - 00:26:33.790

Ah, entre ... kikinkamallaraq

Ah, entre ... entre ellos, no más todavía
Ah, entre kiki-n-kama-lla-raq
Ah, between self-3-RSTR-RSTR-CONT
Ah, among ... among just themselves, still.
00:26:35.150 - 00:26:38.620

Ah, lo, wak Kashapatapa yatraqtriki.

Ah, lo que vive en Kashapata, seguro.
Ah, wak Kashapata-pa yatra-q-tri-ki
Ah, DEM.D Kashapata-GEN live-AG-EVC-KI
Ah, the people who live there in Kashapata, for sure.
00:26:39.310 - 00:26:41.800

Seguro. Ah, triki. No sé. Imaynatriki?

Seguro. Ah, seguro. No sé. ¿Cómo será?
Seguro a-tri-ki Imayna-tri-ki
for.sure A-EVC-KI how-EVC-KI
For sure. Ah, for sure. I don't know. How would it be?
00:26:42.660 - 00:26:46.800

Arí. Ima ya kakunpis. Ima? Yana kundurchutr? Ima? Yana sapuchutr? Imatr kakun?
Sí. ¿Qué cosa habrá, pues? Condor negro, ¿qué será? Sapo negro, ¿qué será?
Arí. Ima ya ka-ku-n-pis Ima yana kundur-chu-tr ima yana sapu-chu-tr ima-tr ka-ku-n
yes what EMPH be-REFL-3-ADD what black condor-Q-EVC what black frog-Q-EVC what-EVC be-REFL-3
Yes. What would it be, then? What? A black condor? What? A black frog? What would it be?
00:26:48.210 - 00:26:56.710

Sí, dicen, es.
It's like that, they say.
00:26:56.750 - 00:26:58.490

Chayna nishayari.
Así dijo, pues.
Chay-na ni-sha-ø-y-ari
That's how it was said, then.
00:26:59.760 - 00:27:02.990
Ah, chaynayari kumunidadpaq pastupaq.
Ah, así es, pues. Para la comunidad, para pasto.
Ah, chay-na-y-ari kumunidad-paq pastu-paq
Ah, DEM.D-VRBZ-EMPH-ARI community-BEN pasture.grass-BEN
Ah, like that, then. For the community. For pasture grass.
00:27:05.230 - 00:27:08.540

Pelakuyan mentira kitanakushpa.

Están pelando por gusto, quitándoselo.
Pela-ku-ya-n mentira kita-naku-shpa.
fight-REFL-PROG-3 lie remove-RECP-SUBIS
They're fighting for the fun of it, taking it away from each other.
00:27:08.540 - 00:27:11.080

May kanan imatapis Ningupata ruwantaqchu

Ahora no hace nada tampoco al de Ningo.
May kanan ima-ta-pis Ningu-pa-ta ruwa-n-taq-chu
where now what-ACC-ADD Ningu-GEN-ACC make-3-SEQ-NEG
Now they're not doing anything to Ningo's, either.
00:27:11.310 - 00:27:13.780

Manaya ruwanchu yanqa yanqam runata firmachin.

No hace nada. Por gusto hace firmar a la gente.
Mana ya ruwa-n-chu yanqa yanqa-m runa-ta firma-chi-n
no EMPH make-3-NEG in.vain in.vain-EVD person-ACC sign-CAUS-3
He doen't do anything. He makes people sign for the fun of it.
00:27:13.860 - 00:27:18.080

Kanan alkaldi diligadupaqñatachutr

Ahora sería para el Alcalde Delegado ya
Kanan alkaldi diligadu-paq-ña-ta-chu-tr
now mayor delegate-GEN-DISC-DISC-ACC-Q-EVC
It would already be for the deputy mayor now.
00:27:18.160 - 00:27:20.870

Jorge fimakayachin. Asta ñuqamanpis trayamuwan wella diqitaltam trurachiwan.

Jorde está haciendo firmar. Hasta a mi también llegó. Me hizo poner mi huella digital.
Jorge fima-ka-ya-chi-n. Asta ñuqa-man-pis traya-mu-wa-n wella diqital-ta-m trura-chi-wa-n
Jorge sign-REFL-PROG-CAUS-3 until 1-ALL-ADD arrive-CISL-3 print finger-ACC-EVD
Jorge is having it signed. He even came to me and had me put my finger print.
00:27:20.940 - 00:27:26.890

Alcalde? Alcalde centro poblado?

Alcalde? Alcalde centro poblado?
Mayor? Mayor of the village?
00:27:27.920 - 00:27:33.390

Ah, Jorgemantrik rishun. ¿ Qué vamos a hacer? Jorgemantrik rishun. Pi

Ah, para Jorge, seguro, iremos. ¿Qué vamos a hacer? Para Jorge, seguro, iremos.
Ah, Jorge-man-tri-k ri-shun Jorge-man-tri-k ri-shun Pi
Ah, Jorge-ALL-EVC-K go-1PL.FUT Jorge-ALL-EVC-K fo-1PL.FUT who
Ah, we'll go for Jorge, for sure. What are we going to do? We'll go for Jorge, for sure. Who ...
00:27:45.120 - 00:27:49.560

Konosido runatriki [TK] puriyaptinqa apuyashun

Habrá que apoyar a una persona conocido cuando anda.
Konosido runa-tri-ki reyunido puri-ya-pti-n-qa apu-ya-shun
known person-EVC-KI together walk-PROG-SUBDS-3-TOP support-PROG-1PL.FUT
We have to support someone known when they run.
00:27:49.660 - 00:27:54.300

Ah. Ñuqas firmachiwanmari, ah, firmachiwanm....

Ah, a mí también me hizo firmar. Ah, me hizo firmar.
Ah. Ñuqa-s firma-chi-wan-m-ari ah, firma-chi-wa-n-m
Ah. 1-ADD sign-CAUS-1.OBJ-3 ah, sign-CAUS-1.OBJ-3-EVD
Ah , He made me sign, too. Ah, he made me sign.
00:28:02.380 - 00:28:05.920

Maypim votanki nishpam. Pero manashari chay wawi warmitapis firmachinraqchu

"En dónde sufragas?" dijo. Pero todavía no han hecho firmar a mi hija, dicen.
May-pi-m vota-nki ni-shpa-m Pero mana-sh-ari chay wawi warmi-ta-pis firma-chi-n-raq-chu
where-LOC-EVD vote-2 say-SUBIS-EVD but no-EVR-ARI DEM.D baby woman-ACC-ADD
"Where do you vote?" he said. But, they say, they haven't made my daughter sign yet.
00:28:05.980 - 00:28:10.700

Chay wawiypis ehhh kaypa elektormiki

Mi hija también es elector acá.
Chay wawi-y-pis ehhh kay-pa elektor-mi-ki
DEM.D baby-1-ADD ehhh DEM.P-LOC elector-EVD-KI
My daughter is an elector here.
00:28:10.740 - 00:28:15.430

Ah, ya no p . . . Manaña yari. Manaña yari. Kaypiña yari. Kaypiña.

Sí, ya no, pues. Aquí ya, pues. Aquí ya.
Mana-ña-y-ari Mana-ña-y-ari Kay-pi-ña-y-ari Kay-pi-ña
Ah, not any more. Not any more, then. Here already, then. Here, already.
00:28:18.750 - 00:28:25.010

Imapaqtaq entonces todo padronninchik baqamura

¿Por qué, entonces, bajaron todos nuestros padrones?
Imapaq-taq entonses todo padron-ni-nchik baqa-mu-ra-ø
why-SEQ then all census-EUPH-1PL go.down-CISL-PST-3
Why did all our censuses come down, then?
00:28:25.080 - 00:28:29.150

a nuestro pueblo.
to our town?
00:28:29.150 - 00:28:31.210

Ah, imapaqmi llaqtanchiktaq dihashun?
Ah, ¿para qué vamos a dejar nuestro pueblo?
Ah, imapaq-mi llaqta-nchik-taq diha-shun
Ah, why-EVD town-1PL-SEQ leave-1PL.FUT
Ah, what are we going to leave our town for?
00:28:35.710 - 00:28:40.730

Linchapi ñuqakunapa kanchu ... padrun kaypi.

No tenemos en Lincha. [Tenemos] padrón aquí.
Lincha-pi ñuqa-kuna-pa ka-n-chu padrun kay-pi
Lincha-LOC 1.PL-GEN be-3-NEG patron DEM.P-LOC
WE don't have in Lincha. Our census is here.
00:28:41.420 - 00:28:45.350

Chay alkaldi diligadum dihakun hanaypaqmi limpu limpu kayman hurquramuptinqa

Ese Alcalde Delegado se dejó arriba cuando sacaronn todo de allá.
chay alcaldi diligadu-m diha-ku-n hanay-paq-mi limpu limpu kay-man hurqu-ra-mu-pti-nqa
DEM.D mayor delegate-EVD leave-REFL-3 up.hill-LOC-EVD clean clean DEM:P-ALL
The deputy mayor stayed when they took everything out from up there
00:28:45.370 - 00:28:50.550

Kaymi distritu lluqsirunman manañam runa kayman mobilisanmanñachu Linchaman.

Acá puede salir el distrito. Ya no puede mobilizarse la gente para Lincha.
Kay-mi distritu lluqsi-ru-n-man mana-ña-m runa kay-man mobilisa-n-man-ña-chu Lincha-man
DEM.P-EVD district come.out-URGT-3-COND no-DISC-EVD person DEM.P-ALL
mobilize-3-COND-DISC-NEG Lincha-ALL
The district could come out here. People from here can't be mobilizsed to Lincha.
00:28:50.600 - 00:28:55.770

Alkaldi diligadum dihakuyan.

El Alcalde Delegado se está dejando.
Alkaldi diligadu-m diha-ku-ya-n
mayor delegate-EVD leave-REFL-PROG-3
The dpeuty mayor is leaving it.
00:28:55.950 - 00:28:58.480

Aw riki. Kanan ima .... ima diniwan [DNI] kanan

Sí, pues. Ahora qué ... ¿Con qué DNI ahora?
Aw riki. Kanan ima ima dini-wan kanan
yes RI-KI now what what DNI-INSTR now
Yes, then. Now what ... Now with what DNI [National Identity Document]
00:28:58.490 - 00:29:03.730

Jorgeman chuqaq rishaq. Willkayllam diniyta aparura

Iré sufragar para Jorge. Mi nieto llevó mi DNI.
Jorge-man chuqa-q ri-shaq willka-y-lla-m dini-y-ta apa-ru-ra-ø
Jorge-ALL toss-AG go-1.FUT grandson-1-RSTR-EVD DNI--1-ACC bring-URGT-PST-3
I´ll go vote for Jorge. My grandson took my DNI.
00:29:03.770 - 00:29:07.610

Ilsapa wambran nama kaypi.

El hijo de Elsa acá.
Ilsa-pa wambra-n na-ma kay-pi
Elsa's son here.
00:29:07.990 - 00:29:11.960

Numerullaywanñatriki rishaq. Aw. Nawan.

Con mi número no más ya iré. Sí. Con-RSTR.
Numeru-lla-y-wan-ña-tri-ki ri-shaq Aw. Na-wan
I'll go with just my number. Yes. With that ...
00:29:15.660 - 00:29:19.640

DNIpaqa kanmi Limamanmi aparura. Kaypitr sigurachikunaypaq, Limapa sigurawmi kani.

Hay de mi DNI. Lo llevóa Lima. Para asegurarme acá. Estoy asegurada en Lima.
DNI-pa-qa ka-n-mi Lima-man-mi apa-ru-ra-ø Kay-pi-tr sigura-cri-ku-na-y-paq kay-pa Lima-pa siguraw-mi
insure-CAUS-REFL-NMLZ-PURP DEM.P-LOC Lima-LOC insured-EVD be-1
There's my DNI's. He brought it to Lima. So I can insure myself here. I'm insured in Lima.
00:29:22.850 - 00:29:29.850

Chaymi. "Cañeteman allicharachimunki kaypitr siguranaypaqqa," niwara

Lo vas a arreglar en Cañete, para poder asegurarte acá", me dijo.
Chay-mi Cañete-man alli-cha-ra-chi-mu-nki kay-pi-tr sigura-na-y-paq-qa ni-wa-ra-ø
insure.NMLZ-1-PURP-TOP say-1.OBJ-PST-3
So, "You're going to have that fixed in Cañete to be able to insure yourself here," he said to me.
00:29:30.090 - 00:29:37.100

Tiyukipatapis limpu kuskaypatam aparura.

Lo llevó junto con el de tu tío también.
Tiyu-k-pa-ta-pis limpu kuska-y-pa-ta-m apa-ru-ra-ø
uncle-2-POSS-ACC-ADD all together.1.GEN-ACC-EVD bring-URGT-PST-3
He brought your uncle's and mine together.
00:29:37.130 - 00:29:40.310

Kanan manam kanchu. Hinalla yatranki.

Ahora no hay. Así no más vas a vivir.
Kanan mana-m ka-n-chu. Hina-lla yatra-nki
now no-EVD be-3-NEG thus-COMP live-2
Now there aren't any. You're going to live just like that.
00:29:41.040 - 00:29:43.660

Ah, ñuqapatapis aparamun wawi warmi chay na hurqumunanpaq sigurachikunaypaq

Ah, mi hija trajo el mío también. Para sacarlo, para que yo me asegure.
Ah, ñuqa-pa-ta-pis apa-ra-mu-n wawi warmi chay na hurqu-mu-na-n-paq sigura-chi-ku-na-y-paq-qa
Ah, 1-GEN-ACC-ADD bring-URGT-CISL-3 baby woman DEM.D DMY take.out-CISL-NMLZ-3-PURP
Ah, my daughter brought mine, too. To take out, so I can get insured.
00:29:44.570 - 00:29:51.100

Ah, na, kopiya hurqumunanpaq kanan hiqaramunñam ya DNIqa.

Ah,-RSTR, para sacar copia. Ahora subió ya
Ah, na, kopiya hurqu-mu-na-n-paq kanan hiqa-ra-mu-ña-m ya DNI-qa.
Ah, that, to make a copy. Now it's gone up.
00:29:51.170 - 00:29:55.670

Ah, Ñam aparamunña. Aparamunñam

Ah, ya lo trajo. Ya lo trajo.
Ah, ña-m apa-ra-mu-n-ña apa-ra-mu-n-ña-m
Ah, she already brought it, She already brought it.
00:29:55.850 - 00:30:00.970

Vas a comunicar nishpam papiltaqa qumuwara ñuqaman

"Vas a comunicar", dijo y me dio un papel á mí.
ni-shpa-m papil-ta-qa qu-mu-wa-ra-ø ñuqa-ma-n
say-SUBIS-EVD paper-ACC-TOP give-CISL-1.OBJ-PST-3 1-ALL
"You're going to call," he said and gave me a paper.
00:30:01.000 - 00:30:05.720

"Komunikamunki," niwaram.
"Vas a comunicar", me dijo.
Komunika-mu-nki ni-wa-ra-ø-m
communicate-CISL-2 say-1.OBJ-PST-3-EVD
"You're going to call," he said to me.
00:30:05.780 - 00:30:08.450

Kayanmi papilqa quwasha.

Está el papel que me dio.
Ka-ya-n-mi papil-qa qu-wa-sha
be-PROG-3-EVD paper-TOP give-1.OBJ-PRF
There's the paper he gave me.
00:30:08.530 - 00:30:12.120

Seguro ya.
For sure already.
00:30:13.160 - 00:30:18.670

Pasarunñatr yaku
El agua ya habrá pasado.
Pasa-ru-n-ña-tr yaku
pass-URGT-3-DISC-EVC water
The water must already have passed.
00:30:13.160 - 00:30:18.670

Muyurishpa muyurishpa ya trayakurunqa.

Dando vuelta, dando vuelta, pues, va a llegar.
Muyu-ri-sh muyu-ri-sh ya chay-ku-ru-nqa
circulate-INCEP-SUBIS circulate-INCEP-SUBIS EMPH arrive-REFL-URGT-1.FUT
Going around in circles, then, he's going to arrive.
00:30:18.670 - 00:30:23.060
Ña tindirushpaqa nanqaña ya
Ya, tendiendo va a hacer ya.
Ña tindi-ru-shpa-qa na-nqa-ña
Spreading it, he's going to do it already.
00:30:24.010 - 00:30:26.610

Ah, qawapaykaramushpam.
Ah, voy a mirarlo.
Ah, qawapa-yka-ra-mu-shpa-m
Ah, I'm going to go check it.
00:30:27.920 - 00:30:29.760

Bosta pasamushayki.
Te voy a pasar la voz.
bos-ta pasa-mu-shayki
voice-ACC pass-CISL-1>2.FUT
I'll let you know.
00:30:30.180 - 00:30:32.300

Ñachu kumplirunña ura?

¿Ya cumplió la hora?
ña-chu kumpli-ru-n-ña ura
DISC-Q fulfill-URGT-3-DISC hour
Is the hour already complete?
00:30:32.490 - 00:30:35.050

Ya pasanaypaq. Ah, rishaq yakutatriki qawamushaq.

Ya, para que pase. Ah, voy a ir; voy a ver agua.
Ya pasa-na-y-paq Ah, ri-shaq yaku-ta-tri-ki qawa-mu-shaq
EMPH pass-NMLZ-1-PURP Ah, go-1.FUT water-ACC-EVC-KI see-CISL-1.FUT
In order that it passes. Ah, I'm going to go. I'm going to check the water.
00:30:37.010 - 00:30:43.190

Wakman rinaypaq. Kaypi Shanti tapananpaq.

Para irme para allá. En aquí para que Shanti tape.
Wak-man ri-na-y-paq. Kay-pi shanti tapa-na-n-paq.
I have to go over there. So Shanti can close it here.
00:30:43.290 - 00:30:47.730

Kanan wakpichu kichwataqa rimayan.

¿Están hablando quechua allí ahora?
Kanan wak-pi-chu kichwa-ta-qa rima-ya-n
now DEM.D-LOC-Q Quechua-ACC-TOP talk-PROG-3
Are they talking Quechua now there?
00:30:54.320 - 00:30:58.060

Ah, rimayanñachu kanan wakpi?

Ah, ¿ahora ya están hablando allí?
Ah, rima-ya-n-ña-chu kanan wak-pi
Ah, talk-PROG-3-DISC-Q now DEM.D-LOC
Ah, are they talking now there?
00:30:58.120 - 00:31:00.260

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:46 PM


Tukuy tiyempum kaytaq ruwa:

tukuy tiyempu-m kay-taq ruwa-:
all time-EVD DEM.P-SEQ make-1
Todo el tiempo hago ésto.
I do this all the time.
00:00:07.730 - 00:00:11.640

Uchuklla kasa:paq.
uchuk-lla ka-sa-:-paq.
small-RSTR be-PRF-1-ABL
Desde que era chiquita
From when I was little.
00:00:11.750 - 00:00:13.280

Kanankaman manam kaytaq dihayta muna:chu pasaypaq.

kanan-kaman mana-m kay-taq diha-y-ta muna-:-chu pasaypaq.
now-LIM no-EVD DEM.P-SEQ leave-INF-ACC want-1-NEG completely
hasta ahora. No quiero dejar esto por nada.
Until now. I don't want to give it up at all.
00:00:13.370 - 00:00:18.590

Kaymi visyulla: kan. Tabahu:. Maypapis, maypapis.

kay-mi visyu-lla-: ka-n tabahu-: may-pa-pis may-pa-pis
DEM.P-EVD vice-RSTR-1 be-3 work-1 where-LOC-ADD where-LOC-ADD
Es mi vicio, es mi trabajo en donde sea, en donde sea.
This is my vice, my work where ever, where ever.
00:00:18.710 - 00:00:23.850

Kaymi trabahulla: ñuqapaq allukuna:paq.

kaymi trabahu-lla-: ñuqa-paq allu-ku-na-:-paq.
Ésto es mi trabajo -- mío, para abrigarme.
This is my work -- mine to bundle myself up.
00:00:24.170 - 00:00:30.310

Llikllakuna, punchukuna, puñunakuna, ruwa: na lliw lliw imatapis ruwa: kaypaqmi.

lliklla-kuna, punchu-kuna, puñu-na-kuna, ruwa-: na lliw lliw ima-ta-pis ruwa-: kay-paq-mi.
manta-PL poncho-PL sleep-NMLZ-PL make-1 DMY all all what-ACC-ADD make-1 DEM.P-ABL-EVD
Mantas, ponchos, camas todo todo hago de ésta.
Montas, ponchos, blankets -- everything, everything I make from this.
00:00:30.380 - 00:00:37.200

Kay kay millwapaqmi imapis lluqsimun.

kay kay millwa-paq-mi ima-pis lluqsi-mu-n.
DEM.P DEM.P wool-ABL-EVD what-ADD come.out-CISL-3
De esta lana sale lo que sea.
Anything comes out of this yarn.
00:00:37.510 - 00:00:41.950

Kaymi puchkakuna:pas pasaypaq llañupis.

kay-mi puchka-ku-na-:-pas pasaypaq llañu-pis.
DEM.P-EVD spin-REFL-NMLZ-1-ADD much thin-ADD
Aquí tengo que hilar -- total delgado, también.
I have to spin here -- completely thin, too.
00:00:42.190 - 00:00:52.200

Maske raktapis, kaymi trabahulla: ñuqapa visyum.

maske rakta-pis, kay-mi trabahu-lla-: ñuqa-pa visiyu-m
although thick-ADD DEM.P-EVD work-RSTR-1 1-GEN vice-EVD
Aunque grueso, éste es mi trabajo no más, es mi vicio.
Although thick, this is my work, my vice.
00:00:52.240 - 00:00:58.120

Manam kaytaqa dihayta muna:chu. Imaynapaqpis hinatam ruwakulla:

mana-m kay-ta-qa diha-y-ta muna-:-chu. imayna-paq-pis hina-ta-m ruwa-ku-lla-´.
no-EVD DEM.P-ACC-TOP leave-INF-ACC want-1-NEG how-PURP-ADD thus-ACC-EVD
No quiero dejar esto por nada. Así no más hago como sea.
I don't want to leave this for anything. Like this I just make whichever way.
00:00:58.240 - 00:01:04.480

Puchkam gustakamallan pasaypaq.

puchka-m gusta-ka-ma-lla-n pasaypaq
spin-EVD like-PASSACC-1.OBJ-RSTR-3 completely
El hilado me gusta bastante.
I really like to spin.
00:01:17.180 - 00:01:28.100

Uyqa:pam kaytaq hurquru:, uyqalla:pam kaytaq rutu:.

uyqa-:-pa-m kay-taq hurqu-ru-:, uyqa-lla-:-pa-m kay-taq rutu-:
sheep-1-GEN-EVD DEM.P-ACC take.out-PST-1 sheep-RSTR-1-GEN-EVD DEM.P-ACC cut-1
Saqué ésta de mis ovejas -- la corté de mis ovejas no más.
I took this from my sheep, I cut it from my sheep.
00:01:28.200 - 00:01:35.030

Wañuchikushpaqa qaranpaqña.
wañu-chi-ku-shpa-qa qara-n-paq-ña.
Después de matarlos, de su cuero ya .
After killing them, from their skins already.
00:01:35.680 - 00:01:40.050

Qaranpaqñam kaytaq rutunchik.
qara-n-paq-ña-m kay-taq rutu-nchik
de su cuero ya se corta ésto
From its skin, we cut this.
00:01:40.180 - 00:01:48.490

Kaytaq ishkay puntraw u huk puntrawllam ruwa:. Tukuy puntraw ruwashpaq huntachi: kaytaqa lliwtam.
kay-taq ishkay puntraw u huk puntraw-llam ruwa-´ tukuy puntraw ruwa-shpa-qa hunta-chi-: kay-ta-qa
DEM.P-ACC two day or one day-RSTR-EVD make-1 all day make-SUBIS-TOP fill-CAUS-1
Hago esto en dos días o un día no más. Haciéndolo todo el día, hago juntar todo ésto.
I make this in one or two days, no more. Doing this all day, I gather all this.
00:01:48.690 - 00:01:57.540

Puchka: paqarinninta hukta ruwa: minchanta hukta.

puchka-: paqarin-ni-n-ta huk-ta ruwa-: mincha-n-ta huk-ta
spin-1 tomorow-EUPH-3-ACC one-ACC make-1 day.after.tomorow.-3-ACC one-ACC
Hilo mañana, hago uno; al día siguente, otro.
I'll spin tomorrow and make one; the day after tomorrow, another.
00:01:57.730 - 00:02:04.770

Sapa puntraw ñuqa kayta ruwa: sapa puntraw.

sapa puntraw ñuqa kay-ta ruwa-: sapa puntraw
every day 1 DEM.P-ACC make-1 every day
Todos los días yo hago esto todos los días.
Every day, I do this every day.
00:02:04.860 - 00:02:12.160

Manam chaytaq kilunpaq ruwa:chu manam pesa:chu kilunpaqa.

mana-m chay-taq kilu-n-paq-qa ruwa-:-chu mana-m pesa-:-chu kilu-n-paq-qa
no-EVD DEM.D-ACC kilo-3-ABL-TOP make-1-NEG no-EVD weigh-1-NEG kilo-3-ABL-TOP
Yo no hago esto por kilo yo no peso por kilo.
I don't do this by the kilo; I don't weigh it by the kilo.
00:02:12.390 - 00:02:18.380

Manam. Ayka kilulla lluqsin? Manam chaytaqa.

mana-m ayka kilu-lla lluqsi-n mana-m chay-ta-qa
no-EVD how.many kilo-RSTR come.out-3 no-EVD DEM.D-ACC-TOP
No. ¿Cuántos kilos saldrá ? Ésto
No. How many kilos would come out? This
00:02:18.560 - 00:02:24.740

ruwa:chu. Uyqapaq ya uyqapaq ya.

ruwa-:-chu uyqa-paq ya uyqa-paq ya
make-1-NEG sheep-ABL EMPH sheep-ABL EMPH
Yo hago. De oveja pues, de oveja pues.
I don't do. From sheep, from sheep.
00:02:24.780 - 00:02:32.410

Uyqapaqpis kanmi alpakapaqpis kanmi llamapaqpis kanmi.

uyqa-paq-pis ka-n-mi alpaka-paq-pis kan-mi llama-paq-pis ka-n-mi
sheep-ABL-ADD be-3-EVD alpaca-ABL-ADD be-3-EVD llama-ABL-ADD be-3-EVD
De lana de oveja. También hay de lana de alpaca, también hay de lana de llama.
There is sheep wool, alpaca wool, and llama wool, too.
00:02:32.560 - 00:02:40.800

Millwaqa pero manam kaypaqa alpaka kanchu.

millwa-qa pero mana-m kay-pa-qa alpaka ka-n-chu
wool-TOP but no-EVD DEM.P-LOC-TOP alpaca be-3-NEG
De lana, pero acá no hay lana de alpaca.
Wool, but here's there isn't any alpaca wool.
00:02:40.910 - 00:02:45.120

Ni alpaka ni llama. Kanan manam trayamunchu. Unayqa kaypam purira llameru.

ni alpaka ni llama kanan mana-m traya-mu-n-chu unay-qa kay-pa-m puri-ra-ø llameru
nor alpaca nor llama now no-EVD come-CISL-3-NEG before-TOP DEM.P-LOC-EVD walk-PST-3
Ni de alpaca ni de llama. Ahora no vienen los llameros. Antes andaban por acá.
Neither alpaca nor llama. Now they don't come -- before the llamamen came around here.
00:02:45.250 - 00:02:52.010

sibadakunata kargashpa, triguta rantishpa, sarata rantishpam purira. Kanan karrum lliw lliw maypapis kakuyan.
sibada-kuna-ta karga-shpa trigu-ta ranti-shpa sara-ta ranti-shpam puri-ra-ø kanan karru-m lliw lliw may-pa-pis
barley-PL-ACC carry-SUBIS wheat-ACC sell-SUBIS corn-ACC sell-SUBIS walk-PST-3 now car-EVD all all
where-LOC-ADD be-REFL-PROG-3
Cargando cebada y todo, comprando trigo, comprando maís andaban. Ahora donde sea ya hay carros.
They went around carrying all their barley buying wheat, buying corn. Now there are cars anywhere and
00:02:52.320 - 00:03:00.970

Karruwanñatr kanan imatapis rantipakuyan chay llamayuqkuna alpakayuqkuna.

karru-wan-ña-tr kanan ima-ta-pis ranti-paku-ya-n chay llama-yuq-kuna alpaka-yuq-kuna
Ahora la gente con llamas, la gente con alpacas estarán comprando lo que sea con carros ya.
Now the people with llamas, the people with alpacas are buying everything with a car.
00:03:01.110 - 00:03:08.090

Manañam kanan chay llamatapis qawanchikchu ni imaypis kanan unayñam.

mana-ña-m kanan chay llama-ta-pis qawa-nchik-chu ni imay-pis kanan unay-ña-m
no-DISC-EVD now DEM.D llama-ACC-ADD see-1PL-NEG nor when-ADD now before-DISC-EVD
Ahora ya no se ven las llamas tampoco nunca. Desde hace mucho tiempo ya.
Now we don't see llamas any more ever. For a long time now.
00:03:08.410 - 00:03:16.910

Chinkarun llamapis.
chinka-ru-n llama-pis
lose-URGT-3 llama-ADD
Las llamas también se perdieron.
Llamas, too, have been lost.
00:03:17.040 - 00:03:28.390

Kamataqa. Chaypaqmi. Ese telar cómo le dicen? Ese delgadito que abriga.
kama-ta-qa chay-paq-mi
Cama. De éste .... Ese tela, ¿cómo le dicen? Ese delgadito que abriga.
A blanket. From this ... That material. How do they call it? The thin one that's warm.
00:03:28.520 - 00:03:36.930

Polar. Polarpaqpis más mehortam -- chayqa allukun.

polar polar-paq-pis más mehor-ta-m chay-qa allu-ku-n
fleece fleece-ABL-ADD more better-ACC-3 DEM.D-TOP cover-REFL-3
Polar. Mejor que polar -- esto abriga.
Fleece. Better than fleece -- this bundles you up.
00:03:37.000 - 00:03:46.040

Kayna raktatañam. Kaynañam.

kay-na rakta-ta-ña-m kay-na-ña-m
Así grueso ya así ya.
Like this, thick, just like this.
00:03:46.130 - 00:03:53.500

Ya no se hila. Así con otro palito se . . . Así ya grueso, grueso.

Ya no se hila. Así con otro palito se . . . Así ya grueso, grueso.
It's not spun any more. Like this, with another stick, it . . . Like this, nice and thick.
00:03:53.590 - 00:04:02.930

Y sale bonito. Abriga. Mejor que polar. Doble.

Y sale bonito. Abriga. Mejor que polar. Doble.
And it comes out nice. It keeps you warm. Double.
00:04:03.200 - 00:04:07.760

¿Se fue? Piedra.

¿Se fue? Piedra.
He left? Stone.
00:04:08.270 - 00:04:20.900

Imay mana rikchaqmi kayqa planchapis kan mas uchukllas mas hatunpis kanmi kawpukunaqa mas hatunñam.
imay mana rikcha-q-mi kay-qa plancha-pis ka-n mas uchuk-lla-s mas hatun-pis ka-n-mi kawpu-kuna-paq mas
when no card-AG-EVD DEM.P-TOP board-ADD be-3 more small-RSTR-ADD more big-ADD be-3-EVD
kawpu-PL-ABL more big-DISC-EVD
¿Cuándo no se va ésta? También hay plancha -- más grande y más pequeño hay. Más grandes ya son las
Thre are boards, too. There are smaller and bigger boards. The kawpus´are bigger.
00:04:20.970 - 00:04:36.300

Alli allitam chayqa fwirsata qun kawpunanchikpaq.

alli alli-ta-m chay-qa fwirsa-ta qu-n kawpu-na-nchik-paq
good good-ACC-EVD DEM.D-TOP force-ACC give-3 card-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
Éso da buena fuerza para caupiar.
This gives really good strength for us to card.
00:04:36.640 - 00:04:43.990

Manañam chaykunaqa puchkaytaqa munanchu.

mana-ña-m chay-kuna-qa puchka-y-ta-qa muna-n-chu
Ésas ya no quieren hilar.
They don't want to spin any more.
00:04:44.090 - 00:04:56.950

Mantelkunatam unayqa markaranchik. Kanan chaykunataqa manam munanchu kananqa.

mantel-kuna-ta-m unay-qa marka-ra-nchik kanan chay-kuna-ta-qa mana-m muna-n-chu kanan-qa
table.cloth-PL-ACC-EVD before-TOP embroider-PST-1PL now DEM.D-PL-ACC-TOP no-EVD want-3-NEG
Antes marcaban manteles y todo. Ahora ya no quieren hacer todo-RSTR.
Before we embroidered table cloths. Now they don't want to do all that now.
00:04:57.320 - 00:05:02.790

Lliw lliwtam rantishpallañam kanan kamatapis chay polartkunatapis rantishpañam puñukuna. Kanan runaqa
lliw lliw-ta-m ranti-shpa-lla-ña-m kanan kama-ta-pis chay polart-kuna-ta-pis ranti-shpa-ña-m puñu-kuna kanan
runa-qa mana-m
all all-ACC-EVD buy-SUBIS-DISC-EVD now blanket-ACC-ADD DEM.D fleece-PL-ACC-ADD
buy-SUBIS-DISC-EVD sleep-PL now person-TOP no-EVD
Todo comprando ya no más ahora -- frazadas y polares, también comprando ya frazadas. Hoy la gente no
Now buying everything -- blankets, fleece. Buying blankets. Now people don't
00:05:02.900 - 00:05:10.210

chay puñukunataq munanchu.

chay puñu-kuna-taq muna-n-chu
chay sleep-PL-ACC want-3-NEG
quieren estas frazadas.
want these blankets.
00:05:10.330 - 00:05:15.930

Lujo ya será pues. Luquñatriki. Manam chay kama chay kay puchkusata munanchu. Limapapis kama kanmi
Cañetepapis kama kanmi.
luqu-ña-tri-ki mana-m chay kama chay kay puchku-sa-ta muna-n-chu lima-pa-pis kama ka-n-mi cañete-pa-pis
kama ka-n-mi
luxury-DISC-EVC-KI no-EVD DEM.D blanket DEM.D DEM.P spin-PRF-ACC want-3-NEG
Lima-LOC-ADD blanket be-3-EVD Cañete-LOC-ADD blanket be-3-EVD
Lujo ya será pues. Lujo ya será. No quieren esta frazada, esta hilada. En Lima hay frazadas, en Cañete,
también, hay frazadas.
It would be a luxury already. It would be a luxury already. They don't want those blankets, they don't want
these woven ones. There are
blankets in Lima; there are blankets in Cañete.
00:05:16.020 - 00:05:28.200

Wambra:kunapaq apa apana apakulla:mi. Chayqa trurarayan chayqa dublasam . . . Manam sityuta
wambra-:-kuna-paq apa apa apa-ku-lla-:-mi chay-qa trura-raya-n dubla-sa-m mana-m sityu-ta ukupa-n-chu
child-1-PL-BEN bring bring bring-REFL-RSTR-1-EVD DEM.D-TOP save-PASS-3 fold-PRF-EVD no-EVD
place-ACC occupy-3-NEG
Llevo esto no más para mis hijos también. Se guarda doblado . . . no ocupa espacio.
I just bring this for my children. It's kept folded. It doesn't take up space.
00:05:28.300 - 00:05:38.650

Polarkunatam rantin kamakunata rantin chaykuna chay kamataqa wakpaq ukupanchu kaypaq chaywan
polar-kuna-ta-m ranti-n kama-kuna-ta ranti-n chay-kuna chay kama-ta-qa wak-paq ukupa-n-chu kay-pa-qa
chay-wan puñu-ku-nchik
fleece-PL-ACC-EVD buy-3 blanket-PL-ACC buy-3 DEM.D-PL DEM.D blanket-ACC-TOP DEM.D-LOC
occupy-3-NEG DEM.P-LOC-TOP chaywan puñukunchik
Compran polares, compran frazadas, éstos. Esa frazada allá no ocupa espacio. Acá dormimos con-RSTR.
They buy fleece; they buy blankets, those. That blanket there doesn't take up space. Here we sleep with that.
00:05:38.730 - 00:05:49.310

quni quni. Áda. Bóta de abajo, pues.

quni quni
warm warm
bien calientito. Bóta de abajo, pues.
nice and warm. Well, toss them out from below.
00:05:49.310 - 00:05:58.540

Va todavía de día. ¿Qué hora es? Muy tarde. Tarde hay que llevar ahora. Adónde va a comer ?Quién va a
soltar ya?
Va todavía de día. ¿Qué hora es? Muy tarde. Tarde. Hay que llevarlos ahora. ¿Dónde van a comer? ¿Quién
los va a soltar ya?
It's still daytime. What time is it? Very late. Late. We have to take them now. Where are they going to
eat? Who's going to let them
out already?
00:05:58.540 - 00:06:10.790

Ya no ya. Ya no ya. ¿Quién va a soltar? Áda, bota para arriba. Para llevar para amarrar no más.
Ya no ya. Ya no ya. ¿Quién los va a soltar? Áda, bota para arriba. Para llevar para amarrar no más.
Not now. Not any more. Who's going to let them out? Áda, toss them out up hill. To take them to tie
them up, no more.
00:06:10.810 - 00:06:18.390

Chaynam chayqa chayqa chay intiwan inti manam mana kaptinqa hinallam chayqa.
chay-na-m chay-qa chay-qa chay inti-wan inti mana-m mana ka-pti-n-qa hina-lla-m chay-qa
Así es eso con sol; cuando no hay sol así es-RSTR.
That's like that with sun; when there's no sun, that's like that.
00:06:18.470 - 00:06:28.180

Yuraqayan inti trayamuptinqa lliw lliwmi chayqa yakuman rikun

yuraq-ya-ya-n inti traya-mu-pti-n-qa lliw lliw-mi chay-qa yaku-man ri-ku-n
white-INCH-PROG-3 sun come-CISL-SUBDS-3-TOP all all-EVD DEM.D-TOP water-aLL go-REFL-3
Está blanqueando. Cuando llega el sol, todos se van al agua.
It's turning white. When the sun comes, they all leave for the water.
00:06:28.250 - 00:06:37.800

Yakumanñam chayqa rikun. Chinkarunñam. Manam kanñachu chinkan. Kikillanmi chayqa chinkan.
yaku-man-ña-m chay-qa ri-ku-n chinka-ru-n-ña-m mana-m ka-n-ña-chu chinka-n kiki-lla-n-mi chay-qa
water-ALL-DISC-EVD DEM.D-TOP go-REFL-3 lose-URGT-3-DISC-EVD no-EVD be-3-DISC-NEG lose-3
self-RSTR-3-EVD DEM.D-TOP lose-3
Éste ya se fue hacia el agua y se perdió. Ya no hay. Él mismo se perdió, éste se perdió.
This one went to the water and got lost already. There isn't any. Himself, he got lost. That one got lost.
00:06:37.860 - 00:06:48.740

Yakuñatr rikuyan pampantaqa

yaku-ña-tr ri-ku-ya-n pampa-n-ta-qa
water-DISC-EVC go-REFL-PROG-3 ground-3-ACC-TOP
El agua estará yendo por la pampa.
Water should already be running along the ground.
00:06:48.780 - 00:06:59.770

Condenado . . .
Condenado . . .
Zombie . . .
00:06:59.830 - 00:07:07.630

kundinaw chay wak altu chay altu.

kundinaw chay wak altu chay altu
zombie DEM.D DEM.D high DEM.D high
Condenado acá allá alto acá alto.
Zombie here, there, up high, here up high.
00:07:07.740 - 00:07:13.780

Llapa wak rumi hatu hatun rumikunam chayqa.

llapa wak rumi hatu hatun rumi-kuna-m chay-qa
lall DEM.D stone big big stone-PL-EVD DEM.D-TOP
Todas aquellas piedras grandes, las grandes piedras allá --
All those stones, really big stones there.
00:07:13.840 - 00:07:18.840

fiyu fiyum chaykuna wak chimpatam. Ñuqaqa wak mal añupa rikura: wak chimpa altutam manam nunca
manam risatam trayaru: pastuta maskashpa.
fiyu fiyu-m chay-kuna wak chimpa-ta-m ñuqa-qa wak mal añu-pa ri-ku-ra-: wak chimpa altu-ta-m mana-m
nunca mana-m ri-sa-:-ta-m traya-ru-:
ugly ugly-EVD DEM.D-PL DEM.D front-ACC-EVD 1-TOP DEM.D bad year-LOC go-REFL-PST-1 DEM.D
front high-ACC-EVD no-EVD never no-EVD
Ésas allá al frente son feas. Yo me fui en aquel mal año arriba, al frente, buscando pasto. Llegué a un sitio
donde nunca había llegado.
Those to the front are really awful. In that bad year, I went up high looking for pasture and came to a place I'd
never been.
00:07:18.900 - 00:07:30.190

pastu-ta maska-shpa mana

go-PRF-1-ACC-EVD come-PST-1 pasture-ACC search-SUBIS no

Imapis karachu kaypaqa ni ima ni ima pasaypaq allpillam kakullara. Hinaptin

ima-pis ka-ra-chu kay-pa-qa ni ima ni ima pasaypaq alpi-lla-m ka-ku-lla-ra-ø hinaptin
what-ADD be-PST-NEG DEM.P-LOC-TOP nor what nor waht a.lot dirt-RSTR-EVD be-REFL-RSTR-PST-3
No había nada acá -- nada nada. Mucho polvo, no más. Después
There was nothing here -- nothing, nothing -- just a lot of dirt. Then
00:07:30.240 - 00:07:37.110

Kayhina puñu . . . puñuy . . . hina hapiraman hinaptin hatu hatun runam ashuykaya:musa TK kaynashparaq
kay-hina puñu-y hina hapi-ra-ma-n hinaptin hatu hatun runa-m ashu-yka-ya:-mu-sa-ø kay-na-shpa-raq
DEM.D-COMP sleep-INF COMP grab-PST-1.OBJ-3 then big big person-EVD
Así me agarró el sueño. Luego, un hombre muy grande se me estaba acercado haciendo así.
So sleep took hold of me. Then a very big man approached me, going like this.
00:07:37.190 - 00:07:46.890

Hinashpaqa hatariru:. Allqukuna yatanpa kara allqullakuna kay yatanpa kara. Kay asiru: kara kayqa maki:pa
chaytri defendíkamara
hinashpa-qa hatari-ru-: allqu-kuna yata-n-pa ka-ra-ø allqu-lla-kuna kay yata-n-pa ka-ra-ø kay asiru-: ka-ra-ø
kay-qa maki-:-pa chay-tri
then-TOP get.up-URGT-3 dog-PL side-3-LOC be-PST-3 dog-RSTR-PL DEM.P side-3-LOC be-PST-3
DEM.P ring-1 be-PST-3 DEM.P-TOP hand-LOC DEM.D-EVC
Entonces me levanté. Tenía un perro a su lado. Su perro no más estaba a su lado. Yo tenía mi anillo de acero
en mi mano. eso me habrá
Then I got up. His dog was at his side. Just his dog was at his side. I had my ring on my hand -- that must
have defended me.
00:07:46.970 - 00:07:57.640


Mana chay kaptinqa mikuramanmantri kara chay Dimonyukuna. Dimonyum chayqa. Chay llapa chay llapa
altu rumipaq ukunpaq yatran wak
chimpapaqa rumi.
mana chay ka-pti-n-qa miku-ra-ma-n-man-tri ka-ra-ø chay Dimonyu-kuna Dimonyu-m chay-qa chay llapa
chay llapa altu rumi-paq uku-n-paq
no DEM.D be-SUBDS-3-TOP eat-PST?-COND-1.OBJ-3-EVC be-PST-3 DEM.D devil-PL devil-EVD
DEM.D-TOP DEM.D all DEM.D all high stone-GEN
Si ése no hubiera estado me hubiera comido el demonio. Ése era demonio. Ése todo ése todo dentro de la
piedra alta vive frente en esa
If that hadn't been there, that devil would have eaten me. It was a devil. All that, all that, lives inside the
stone up high in front of
that stone.
00:07:57.660 - 00:08:12.880

yacha-n wak chimpa-pa-qa rumi

inside-3-LOC live-3 DEM.D front-GEN-TOP stone

Wak chimpapaqa wak chimpa manachu yuraqayan wakpaqa fiyu fiyum chay turukunam chaypaqa.
wak chimpa-pa-qa wak chimpa mana-chu yuraq-a-ya-n wak-pa-qa fiyu fiyu-m chay turu-kuna-m chay-pa-qa
DEM.D front-LOC-TOP DEM.D front no-Q white-EUPH?-INCH-3 DEM.D-LOC-TOP ugly ugly-EVD
Allí frente, allí frente están blanqueando, ¿ó no? Hay un toro horrible allí.
There in front, there in front, they're turning white, no? The bull there is horrible.
00:08:12.960 - 00:08:24.580

Rikariyan kaballukunam, rikariyan chay rumipa.

rikari-ya-n kaballu-kuna-m rikari-ya-n chay rumi-pa
appear-PROG-3 horse-PL-EVD appear-PROG-3 DEM.D stone-LOC
Caballos y todo están apareciendo; están apareciendo en esa piedra.
There are horses appearing; they're appearing on that rock.
00:08:24.640 - 00:08:34.110

Tuta puriptinqa chay runataqa imanantrik wañuy wanuchiyta wañuyta munashpañam hamuya:yan TK
pasaypaq almadiyasañam
tuta puri-pti-n-qa chay runa-ta-qa ima-na-n-tri-k wañu-y wanu-chi-y-ta muna-shpa-ña-m hamu-ya:-ya-n
night walk-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D person-ACC-TOP what-VRBZ-3-EVC die-INF die-CAUS-INF-ACC
want-SUBIS-DISC-EVD come-PL-PROG-3 completely
De noche cuando anda queriendo matar a esa gente, queriend morir. Ya están viniendo total sin ganas de nada.
When it walks around at night wanting to kill those people . . .They're already coming completely without
00:08:34.210 - 00:08:45.820

without.desire -PRF-3-DISC-EVD

Huk viyahe kay runam wak karretera Madeanta rishpa tumakurusa pasaypaq shinkarusa hinashpaqa
huk viyahe kay runa-m wak karretera Madean-ta ri-shpa tuma-ku-ru-sa-ø pasaypaq shinka-ru-sa-ø hinashpa-qa
one trip DEM.P person-EVD DEM.D road Madeán-ACC go-SUBIS drink-REFL-URGT-PRF-3 completely
drunk-URGT-PRF-3 then-TOP
Un viaje, esta persona yendo por la carretera a Madeán se había tomado bastante y se había emborrachado.
One trip, this person going on the road to Madeán had been drinking a lot, had gotten drunk. then
00:08:45.890 - 00:08:54.620

Mulapa hawanpa sillakushpa hamura

mula-pa qawa-n-paq silla-ku-shpa hamu-ra-ø
mule-LOC up-3- saddle-REFL-SUBIS come-PST-3
Vino cabalgando encima de una mula
He came riding on a mule.
00:08:54.750 - 00:08:57.600

pampaman . . . . pampamantrik
pampa-man pampa-man-trik
ground-ALL ground-ALL-EVC
al suelo al suelo seguro
to the ground, to the ground, for sure
00:08:57.630 - 00:09:00.670

siqaykurura este shinkaqqa. Hinashpam chay

siqayku-ru-ra-ø este shinka-q-qa hinashpa-m chay
fall-URGT-PST-3- umm drunk-AG-TOP then DEM.D
se cayó el borracho. Después este
the drunk fell down, umm . . . then, that . . .
00:09:00.690 - 00:09:05.740

Pacha hapirusa yaqam wañurun.

pacha hapi-ru-sa-ø yaqam wañu-ru-n
ground grab-URGT-PRF-3 almost die-URGT-3
El suelo lo acogió y él casi murió
The ground grabbed him and he almost died.
00:09:05.770 - 00:09:08.610

Pasaypam lukuyara.
pasaypa-m luku-ya-ra-ø
a.lot-EVD crazy-INCH-PST-3
Total, se enloqueció
He went totally crazy.
00:09:08.650 - 00:09:11.110

fiyu fiyum wak wak chimpa chaqlakunaqa wak rumikunaqa.

fiyu fiyu-m wak wak chimpa chaqla-kuna-qa wak rumi-kuna-qa
ugly ugly-EVD DEM.D DEM.D front slippery-PL-TOP DEM.D stone-PL-TOP
Al frente es bien feo. Las piedras son resbalosas.
It's bad there in front. Those rocks are slippery.
00:09:11.130 - 00:09:15.580

fiyu fiyum.
fiyu fiyu-m
ugly ugly-EVD
Es muy malo.
It's really nasty.
00:09:15.580 - 00:09:17.920

Chayta pasashpaqa imallatapis maskin.

chay-ta pasa-shpa-qa ima-lla-ta-pis maski-n
DEM.D-ACC pass-SUBIS-TOP what-RSTR-ACC-ADD search-3
Cuando pasan por allí, buscan cualquier cosita.
Going by there, they look for any little thing.
00:09:17.920 - 00:09:20.970

Agwa floridata u kresutapis apamunkimanmi.

agwa florida-ta u kresu-ta-pis apa-mu-nki-man-mi
water florida-ACC or creso-ACC-ADD bring-COSL-2-COND-EVD
Puedes llevar agua de florida o creso.
You can bring florida water or VV.
00:09:20.970 - 00:09:25.260

Qam sumaq sumaq warmim kayanki. Hinaptaqa

qam sumaq sumaq warmi-m ka-ya-nki Hinapta-qa
2 pretty pretty woman-EVD be-PROG-2 then-TOP
"Ud eres una mujer muy bonita" [dijo]. Luego
"You are a very pretty woman," [he said]. Then
00:09:25.260 - 00:09:28.380

00:09:28.410 - 00:09:28.430

se enamoró, dicen.
he fell in love, they say.
00:09:28.430 - 00:09:32.530

Qarihinash inamorakun.
qari-hina-sh inamora-ku-n
Como hombre, dicen, se enamoró.
Like a man, they say, he fell in love.
00:09:32.530 - 00:09:35.880

Wak chimpata pasashpaqa imallatapis

wak chimpa-ta pasa-shpa-qa ima-lla-ta-pis
Pasando por en frente cualquier cosa [puede pasar]
When you go by there in front anything [could happen]
00:09:35.890 - 00:09:39.450

Ay, pero chay motoykipaqriki petrolitrr kayan. aw?

ay pero chay moto-yki-paq-riki petroliyo-tr ka-ya-n aw
ay but DEM.D motorbike-2-LOC-RI-KI oil-EVC be-PROG-3 yes
Pero en tu moto habrá petrolio, ¿no?
Ay, but in that motorbike of yours there must be oil, no?
00:09:39.470 - 00:09:44.030

Imataq kayan chay motoykipa?

ima-taq ka-ya-n chay moto-yki-pa
what-SEQ be-PROG-3 DEM.D motorbike-3-LOC
¿Qué cosa hay en tu moto?
What is in your motorbike?
00:09:44.060 - 00:09:47.560

¿Petrolio o gasolina? Ay, tienes que . . .

¿Petrolio o gasolina? Ay, tienes que . . .
Oil or gasoline? Ay, you have to . . .
00:09:47.560 - 00:09:52.740

frotarte con tu agua de florida o . . .

frotarte con tu agua de florida o . . .
rub yourself with your florida water or . . .
00:09:52.770 - 00:10:00.380

con creso o con algo. Feo es. Mi gente ha sufrido feo. Se hace curar haciendo pagos.
con creso o con algo. Feo es. Mi gente ha sufrido feo. Se hace curar haciendo pagos.
with creso or with something. It's bad. My people have suffered badly. You cure yourself making
00:10:00.410 - 00:10:10.200

Pagos con fruta, con muchas cosas.

Pagos con fruta, con muchas cosas.
Payments with fruit, with lots of things.
00:10:10.230 - 00:10:14.360

Allí sanó. Loquiaba noche, total deliraba, loquiaba. "Me está llevando agua! Pasaypam yakuwan apayaman!"
pasaypa-m yaku-wan apa-ya-ma-n
a.lot-EVD water-INSTR bring-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Allí sanó. Loquiaba noche, total deliraba, loquiaba. ¡"Me está llevando agua! ¡Con bastante agua me está
He got better there. He was going crazy at night, going delirious, going crazy. "Water is taking me away!
With a lot of water, it's
taking me away!"
00:10:14.400 - 00:10:23.410

"Yakum kayta kurrikuyan! Kama puñukuya:, pero pasaypaq pasaypaq yakum! Puñu:!"
yaku-m kay-ta kurri-ku-ya-n kama puñu-ku-ya-: pero pasaypaq pasaypaq yaku-m puñu-:
water-EVD DEM.P-ACC run-REFL-PROG-3 bed sleep-REFL--1 but a.lot a.lot water-EVD sleep
"¡Agua está corriendo acá! Estoy durmiendo [en mi] cama, pero ¡total agua está! ¡Duermo!".
"Water is running here! I am sleeping in my bed but it's totally water! I sleep!"
00:10:23.410 - 00:10:29.360

"Apayamanña. Qapiy ... qapiykamallay! Yaku! Yaku!"

apa-ya-ma-n-ña qapi-y qapi-yka-ma-lla-y yaku yaku
bring-PROG-1.OBJ-3-DISC grab-INF grab-EXCEP-1.OBJ-RSTR-IMPER water water
"¡Ya me están llevando! ¡Agárra! ¡Agárrame! ¡Agua! ¡Agua!"
"They're taking me away already! Grab! Grab on to me! Water! Water!"
00:10:29.360 - 00:10:33.650

"Apayamanñam. Yakum pasaypa kurrikuyan -- achka achka yaku."

apa-ya-ma-n-ña yaku-m pasaypa kurri-ku-ya-n achka achka yaku
bring-PROG-1.OBJ-3-DISC-EVD water-EVD a.lot run-REFL-PROG-3 a.lot a.lot water
"Me están llevando ya. Agua, mucha agua, agua está corriendo."
"They're taking me away already. Lots of water is running, lots and lots of water."
00:10:33.650 - 00:10:39.380

Amayá diqaramaychu nishpa lukuyakuyan.

ama-yá deqa-ra-ma-y-chu ni-shpa luku-ya-ku-ya-n
"¡No me dejes!" dijo, enloqueciéndose.
Saying, Don't leave me! he was going crazy.
00:10:39.400 - 00:10:44.410

Pero kamapam ñuqa puñukuya: ishkayni: imatrik pasaypaqtrik presyunayan pasaypaq.

pero kama-pa-m ñuqa puñu-ku-ya-: ishkay-ni-: ima-tri-k pasaypaq-trik presyuna-ya-n pasaypaq
but bed-LOC-EVD 1 sleep-REFL-PROG-1 two-EUPH-1 what-EVC-K a.lot-EVC-K bother-PROG-3 a.lot
Pero estamos durmiendo en cama los dos. ¿Qué cosa estará molestando total.
But we're sleeping in bed, both of us. What could be bothering so much?
00:10:44.410 - 00:10:52.720

Chay vinupaq chay piskupaq lukuyakuyan chay Dimonyuqa.

chay vinu-paq chay pisku-paq luku-ya-ku-ya-n chay Dimonyu-qa
DEM.D wine-ABL DEM.D pisco-ABL crazy-INCH-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D devil-TOP
Ese demonio estará enloqueciéndose por pisco y vino.
That devil must be going crazy for wine, for pisco
00:10:52.730 - 00:10:57.260

Chaymi hampichira: hukwan, hukwan.

chay-mi hampi-chi-ra-: huk-wan huk-wan
Por eso lo hice curar con uno y con otro.
So I had him cured with one and with another.
00:10:57.280 - 00:11:01.950

Runatam yatraq, runata pagaq . . .

runa-ta-m yatra-q runa-ta paga-q
person-ACC-EVD know-AG person-ACC pay-AG
[Lo llevé] a una persona que sabe, a una persona paga ...
[I took him to ] a knowledgable person, a person pay ...
00:11:01.960 - 00:11:06.660

chay runaqa ... pagayta ... yatrara ... chay ... llapa ... chay
chay runa-qa paga-y-ta yatra-ra-ø chay llapa chay
DEM.D person-TOP pay-INF-ACC know-PST-3 DEM.D all DEM.D
Esa gente .. pagar .. ha aprendido ... ése ... todo ése ...
those peiople ... to pay ... learned ... that ... all ... that
00:11:06.710 - 00:11:10.110

urqukunata hinashpa chayta ñuqaqa

urqu-kuna-ta hinashpa chay-ta ñuqa-qa
hill-PL-ACC then DEM.D-ACC 1-TOP
a las montañas. Después a ésa yo
to the mountains. Then I
00:11:10.120 - 00:11:14.280

valikushpa pagachira: chayllam.

vali-ku-shpa paga-chi-ra-: chay-lla-m
supliqué y hice pagar eso no más.
requested him and I had just that paid.
00:11:14.310 - 00:11:17.420

Runa trankilisarun manam pasaypam lukuyakullara

runa trankilisa-ru-n mana-m pasaypa-m luku-ya-ku-ya-ra-ø
person calm.down-URGT-3 no-EVD a.lot-EVD crazy-INCH-REFL-PROG-3
El hombre se tranquilizó -- no estaba enloqueciéndose tanto.
The man calmed down -- he wasn't going crazy so much.
00:11:17.520 - 00:11:21.540

Hukvidatam lukuyara -- manam allinchu kara.

hukvida-ta-m luku-ya-ra-ø mana-m allin-chu ka-ra-ø crazy-INCH-PST-3 no-EVD good.NEG be-PST-3
Se estaba enloqueciendo totalmente -- no era bueno.
He was really going crazy -- it wasn't good.
00:11:21.580 - 00:11:27.370

Tukuy tutam lukuyakullayan dolurkunawan mancharisakunan pachaqa

tukuy tuta-m luku-ya-ku-lla-ya-n dolur-kuna-wan mancha-ri-sa-kuna-n pacha-qa
all night-EVD crazy-INCH-REFL-RSTR-PROG-3 pain-PL-INSTR scare-INCEP-PRF-PL-3 ground-TOP
Toda la noche se estaba enloqueciendo con dolores, con sustos, el suelo ...
All night he was going crazy, with pains, with frights, the ground ...
00:11:27.380 - 00:11:34.670

Pasaypaq altuman chuqayan.

pasaypaq altu-man chuqa-ya-n
pasaypaq altuman chuqayan
Total está botando para arriba.
He's tossing them out up hill.
00:11:34.700 - 00:11:37.960

Hukvidata, ¡Dyos miyo! ¿Imaña chay kara?

hukvida-ta Dyos miyo ima-ña chay ka-ra-ø
completely-ACC God mine what-DISC DEM.D be-PST-3
Total, ¡Dios mío! ¿Qué cosa ya era-RSTR?
Really, my God, what was that already ?
00:11:37.980 - 00:11:43.840

Cómo es que sabes que alguien está loco?

Cómo es que sabes que alguien está loco?
How is it that you know that someone is crazy?
00:11:43.860 - 00:11:47.840

Loquea, loquea. "Ya no estoy bien", dice. Está hablando una cosa.
Loquea, loquea. "Ya no estoy bien", dice. Está hablando una cosa.
He goes crazy, he goes crazy. "I'm not well any more," he says. He's talking one thing.
00:11:47.870 - 00:11:57.700

yanqañam imatas rimayan lukuyakuyanña wakman kayman rikuyan kurrikachakuyan imam

yanqa-ña-m ima-ta-s rima-ya-n luku-ya-ku-ya-n-ña wak-man kay-man ri-ku-ya-n kurrika-cha-ku-ya-n
Por ningún motivo está hablando cualquier cosa, enloqueciéndose, yendo, corretiando para acá para allá. Qué
For no rason at all, he's saying whatever, going crazy already, going, running up and down. What
00:11:57.750 - 00:12:05.730


kwirpum nanayan kaymi kay runam aysayamanña kay runam

kwirpu-m nana-ya-n kay-mi kay runa-m aysa-ya-ma-n-ña kay runa-m
body-EVD hurt-PROG-3 DEM.P-EVD DEM.P person-EVD pull-PROG-1.OBJ-3-DISC DEM.P person-EVD
"Mi cuerpo está doliendo", [dice]. "Gente ya me está jalando para acá, esta gente".
"My body is hurting," [he says]. "These people are pulling me over here, these people."
00:12:05.760 - 00:12:11.910

"Aysaptiyamanmi kay qipallatam. Puriyan kay runa aysayamanñam," nishpam lukuyakuyan. Dyos tayta
manayá pipis kanchu pero Dimonyuriki
yatanpatr kayan hukchu." Ñuqanchik qawanchik chaykunata.
aysa-pti-ya-ma-n-mi kay qipa-lla-ta-m puri-ya-n kay runa aysa-ya-ma-n-ña-m ni-shpa-m luku-ya-ku-ya-n Dyos
tayta mana-yá pi-pis ka-n-chu pero
pull-SUBDS-PROG-1.OBJ-3-EVD DEM.P grab-RSTR-ACC-EVD walk-PROG-3 DEM.P person
"Jalándome, de atras no más. Esta gente está andando, jalándome ya", dice, enloqueciéndose. Dios padre, no
hay nadie pero el demonio
estará a su lado, creo. Nosotros vemos todo-RSTR.
"Pulling me, just from behind. These people are walking around pulling me," he sas, going crazy. My God,
there isn't anybody but the
devil must be at his side, I think. We see all that.
00:12:11.910 - 00:12:26.910

Dimonyu-riki yata-n-pa-tr huk-chu ka-ya-n ñuqanchik qawa-nchik chay-kuna-ta

God father no-EMPH who-ADD be-3-NEG but devil-RI-KI side-3-GEN-EVC one-Q be-PROG-3 1PL

Hukchu presentakun ñuqanchikmanqa. Chay pampapa puñuriptinchik imanaratrriki?

huk-chu presenta-ku-n ñuqanchik-man-qa chay pampa-pa puñu-ri-pti-nchik ima-na-ra-tri-ki
one-Q present-REFL-3 1PL-ALL-TOP DEM.D ground-LOC sleep-INCEP-SUBDS-1PL
¿Uno va a presentarse hacia nosotros? Cuando durmimos en el suelo, qué habrá hecho?
Is another going to show up in front of us? When we slept on the ground, what must he have done?
00:12:26.920 - 00:12:36.470

Chaypatr Dimonyu kayara. Hinashpaqa ¿imanantriki?

chay-pa-tr Dimonyu ka-ya-ra-ø hinashpa-qa ima-na-n-tri-ki
DEM.D-LOC-EVC devil be-PROG-PST-3 then-TOP what-VRBZ-EVC-KI
El demonio estaba allí, seguro. ¿Después qué hará?
The devil was surely in there. Then what would he do?
00:12:36.530 - 00:12:41.270

Chay paguta munashpa, chay piskuta vinuta munashpa. chay granadakunata, chay naranqakunata. Pagaptinchik
chay pagu-ta muna-shpa chay pisku-ta vinu-ta muna-shpa chay granada-kuna-ta chay naranqa-kuna-ta
paga-pti-nchik chay-taq
DEM.D payment-ACC want-SUBIS DEM.D pisco-ACC wine-ACC want-SUBIS DEM.D
pomegranate-PL-ACC DEM.D orange-PL-ACC pay-SUBDS-1PL DEM.D-ACC
Cuando quiere ese pago, cuando quiere pisco y vino y granadas y naranjas, si lo pagamos
When he wants that payment, when he wants pisco and wine and pomegranates and oranges, if we pay that
00:12:41.290 - 00:12:51.730

samaykun chay runaqa. Mana pagaptinqa wañukunña. Mikuruntriki.

samay-ku-n chay runa-qa mana paga-pti-n-qa wañu-ku-n-ña miku-ru-n-tri-ki
rest-REFL-3 DEM.D person-TOP no pay-SUBDS-3-TOP die-REFL-3-DISC eat-URGT-3-EVC-KI
esa gente descansa. Si no se le paga, [el enfermo] muere. [El Demonio] lo come, pues.
those people rest. If it isn't paid, [the sick person] dies. [The Devil] eats them.
00:12:51.750 - 00:12:56.990

Mikunñatriki chaytaq Dimonyuqa chay runataq. Chaytri wañukun.

miku-n-ña-tri-ki chay-taq Dimonyu-qa chay runa-taq chay-tri wañu-ku-n
eat-3-DISC_EVC-KI DEM.D-ACC devil-TOP DEM.D person-ACC DEM.D-EVC die-REFL-3
El Demonio comerá a esa gente. Por eso se habrá muerto.
The devil will eat them, those people. That would be why he died.
00:12:57.020 - 00:13:00.910

¿Y alguna otra cosa que se puede hacer?

¿Y alguna otra cosa que se puede hacer?
And is there anything else you can do?
00:13:00.930 - 00:13:06.480

Pagar al cerro nada más. Chay urqutaya paganchik.

chay urqu-ta-ya paga-nchik
DEM.D hill-ACC-EMPH pay-1PL
Pagar al cerro, nada más. A ese cerro hay que pagar.
Pay the mountain, nothing more. We have to [make offerings to] the mountain.
00:13:06.520 - 00:13:13.670

Chay urqutam paganchik -- tuta, medya nochi. ¿Imay ura?

chay urqu-ta-m paga-nchik tuta medya nochi imay ura
DEM.D hill-ACC-EVD pay-1PL night middle night when hour
Pagamos al cerro de noche, a media noche. ¿Qué hora?
We pay the hill at night, at midnight. What time?
00:13:13.680 - 00:13:18.340

Surtiyachishpa imay urapaq nisitayan las dosi puntrawpaqchu tutapaqchu.

surtiya-chi-shpa imay ura-paq nisita-ya-n las dosi puntraw-paq-chu tuta-paq-chu
divine-CAUS-SUBIS when hour-LOC need-PROG-3 the twelve day-GEN-Q night-GEN-Q
Hacemos sortear para [averiguar] la hora que lo necesite -- para las doce del día o de la noche.
We have our fortunes told [to find out] what time it is needed -- twelve o'clock in the daytime or at night
00:13:18.340 - 00:13:23.360

u medya nochipaqchu imaynam chaynam

u medya nochi-paq-chu imayna-m chay-na-m
or middle night-LOC-Q how-EVD DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD
o para medianoche o cómo hacer?
or at midnight or how?
00:13:23.370 - 00:13:27.480

Hukvidatam lukuyarun runalla manam puñuyta atiparachu

hukvida-ta-m luku-ya-ru-n runa-lla mana-m puñu-y-ta atipa-ra-ø-chu crazy-INCH-URGT-3 person-RSTR no-EVD sleep-INF-ACC
Total, mi esposo se estaba enloqueciendo -- no podía dormir.
My husband went really crazy -- he couldn't sleep.
00:13:27.510 - 00:13:34.590

Dyos miyo manam puñuytapis kumpletaranchikchu chay chay pachaqa chay chimpapaqa.
Dyos miyo mana-m puñu-y-ta-pis kumpleta-ra-nchik-chu chay chay pacha-qa chay chimpa-LOC-qa
God mine no-EVD sleep-INF-ACC-ADD complete-PST-1PL-NEG DEM.D DEM.D date-TOP DEM-D
Dios mío, no hemos dormido las horas completas esa fecha en frente.
My God, we didn't sleep the night through that time in front.
00:13:34.600 - 00:13:41.870

Chay mulapaq siqaykuruptin puñukuratrik shinkaqqa.

chay mula-paq siqayku-ru-pti-n puñu-ku-ra-ø-trik shinka-q-qa
DEM.D mule-LOC fall-PST-SUBDS-3 sleep-REFL-PST-EVC drunk-AG-TOP
Cuando el mareado se cayó de esa mula se habrá dormido.
When he fell off that mule, the drunk must have fallen asleep.
00:13:41.900 - 00:13:45.400

Mulañataqtri hamura. Kay chimpapam mikukuyasa mula.

mula-ña-taq-tri hamu-ra-ø kay chimpa-pa-m miku-ku-ya-sa-ø mula
mule-DISC-ACC-EVC come-PST-3 DEM.D front-LOC-EVD eat-REFL-PROG-PRF-3 mule
Vino al frente de la mula. La mula estaba comiendo acá frente.
He came in front of the mule. The mule was eating in front.
00:13:45.420 - 00:13:49.950
Hinaptinshi shullka huk huk
hinaptin-shi shullka huk huk
then-EVR last one one
Después, último, uno, otro
Then, the last, one, another
00:13:49.970 - 00:13:52.380

Huk wawa karatr shullka ultimo ultimo

huk wawa ka-ra-ø-tr shullka ultimo ultimo
one baby be-PST-3-EVR last last last
otro hijo último último último.
another child, the youngest, the last.
00:13:52.400 - 00:13:56.730

Chay abas rekuhinanpaq payqa mulataq nisitayan chayqa

chay habas rekuhi-na-n-paq pay-qa mula-taq nisita-ya-n chay-qa
DEM.D broad.beans pick-NMLZ-3-PURP 3-TOP mule-ACC need-PROG-3 DEM.D-TOP
Necesitaba la mula para recoger las habas, después,
In order to pick the broad beans he needed the mule, then
00:13:56.740 - 00:14:02.470

Mulallataña payqa tutaykuruptin apuraw pusharamusa mulallataña wasimanqa

mula-lla-ta-ña pay-qa tuta-yku-ru-pti-n apuraw pusha-ra-mu-sa-ø mula-lla-ta-ña wasi-man-qa
Cuando oscureció, rápido trajo la mula no más -- la mula no más ya para la casa.
When it got dark, he quickly brought just the mule to the house, just the mule already.
00:14:02.520 - 00:14:08.130

Avas trakrapa karu karuparaq kakuyan kargananpaq,

avas trakra-pa karu karu-pa-raq ka-ku-ya-n karga-na-n-paq
broad.beans field-LOC far far-LOC-CONT be-REFL-PROG-3 carry-NMLZ-3-PURP
Hay habas en la chacra lejos, lejos para cargar.
There are broad beans in the field, far far away, to be carried.
00:14:08.150 - 00:14:13.290

rantikunapaq, kamyonman entregananpaq. Hinaptinqa

rantiku-na-n-paq kamyon-man entrega-na-n-paq hinaptin-qa
sell-NMLZ-3-PURP truck-ALL deliver-NMLZ-3-PURP then-TOP
para vender, para entregar al camionero. Después
to sell, to deliver to the truck. Then
00:14:13.310 - 00:14:17.610

tutaña trayaykaramun pasaypaq karallanpis

tuta-ña traya-yka-ra-mu-n pasaypaq kara-lla-n-pis
night-DISC come-EXCEP-PST-CISL-3 a.lot face-RSTR.3.ADD
LLegó en la noche, su cara también totalmente
He arrived at night, his face, too, totally
00:14:17.640 - 00:14:22.460

Pasay pasaypaq. Yawarnintachu? Imataraq hurqura chay Dimonyukuna?

pasay pasaypaq yawar-ni-n-ta-chu ima-ta-raq hurqu-ra-ø chay Dimonyu-kuna
lot a.lot blood-EUPH-3-ACC-Q what-ACC-CONT remove-PST-3 DEM.D devil-PL
Totalmente ¿Su sangre? ¿Qué cosa le habrá sacado ese demonio?
Totally, totally. His blood? Or what did the devil suck out of him?
00:14:22.480 - 00:14:30.430

Pasaypaq trayaramun kaynalla.

pasaypaq traya-ra-mu-n kay-na-lla
Llegó así no más.
He arrived like just this.
00:14:30.450 - 00:14:36.160

Puraminte chay polvokunata huntasan.

puraminte chay polvo-kuna-ta hunta-sa-n
completely DEM.D dust-PL-ACC gather-PRF-3
Total lleno de polvo.
Completely covered with dust.
00:14:36.180 - 00:14:42.030

Hinaptin paqarinnintaq minchantaq pasaypaq lukuyakullan Dyos Tayta tuta manam.

hinaptin paqarin-ni-n-taq mincha-n-taq pasaypaq luku-ya-ku-lla-n Dyos tayta tuta manam
then tomorrow-EUPH-3-SEQ day.after.tomorrow-3-SEQ a.lot crazy-INCH-REFL-RSTR-3 God father night
Después en la mañana al día siguente se estaba enloqueciendo completamente. dios mío, noche no
Then in the morning on the next dayhe was just going crazy. My God, at night no
00:14:42.080 - 00:14:47.290

puñuyta atiparachu. "Yakum kaypaq kurrikuyan, kay yakutam yakum apakayaman, pasaypam apakayaman."
puñu-y-ta atipa-ra-ø-chu yaku-m kay-paq kurri-ku-ya-n kay yaku-ta-m yaku-m apa-ka-ya-ma-n pasaypa-m
sleep-INF-ACC water-EVD DEM.P-LOC run-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.P water-ACC-EVD
water-EVD bring-KA-PROG-1.OBJ-3 a.lot.EVD
ha podido dormir. "Agua está corriendo por acá. Esta agua me está llevando. Agua me está llevando".
he couldn't sleep. "Water is running through here, it's taking me away to the water, the water is taking me
00:14:47.310 - 00:14:55.200


Imanashaqmi? Qapikamallay! Huk

ima-na-shaq-mi qapi-ka-ma-lla-y huk
what-VRBZ-1.FUT-EVD grab-KA-1.OBJ-RSTR-IMP one
"¿Qué voy a hacer? ¡Agarrame no más! Otro
"What am I going to do? Just grab on to me! Other
00:14:55.250 - 00:14:58.800

"Yakum kaytaq, achka achka rikuyan," nishpa, pasaypaq lukuyayan.

yaku-m kay-taq a.lot a.lot go-REFL-PROG-3 say-SUBIS a.lot crazy-INCH-PROG-3
yakum kaytaqa achka achka rikuyan nishpa pasaypaq lukuyayan
"Mucha agua está yendo por acá", dijo, enloqueciéndose.
Saying, "Lots and lots of water is running through here," he was going really crazy.
00:14:58.800 - 00:15:03.780

Hukvidatam llakikura wañunqañatr kay runa de repente wañurunga imañatr
hukvida-ta-m llaki-ku-ra-ø wañu-nqa-ña-tr kay runa de repente wañu-ru-nqa ima-ña-tr grief-REFL-PST-3 die-3.FUT-DISC-EVC DEM.P person of sudden die-URGT-3.FUT
Tenía mucha pena. "Va a morir ya, esta gente, de repente va a morir. ¿Qué ya
He was really sad. "They're going to die, these people will die." What
00:15:03.840 - 00:15:11.430

Runa maskaq ri: huk kuriyoso maskaq kaymi chay kuriyosokuna

runa maska-q ri-: huk kuriyoso maska-q kay-mi chay kuriyoso-kuna
person search-AG go-1 one strange search-AG DEM.P-EVD DEM.D curious.PL
Me fui a buscar gente, a buscar un curioso, esos curiosos, acá
I went to look for people, to look a strange person, those strange people, here.
00:15:11.440 - 00:15:18.240

chay urqukuna pagaq kanmi pero

chay urqu-kuna paga-q ka-n-mi pero
DEM.D hill-PL pay-AG be-3-EVD but
Hay que pagar a las mmontañas pero
It's necessary make an offering to the mountain, but
00:15:18.270 - 00:15:23.340

lliw lliw imatapis

lliw lliw ima-ta-pis
all all what-ACC-ADD
todo, lo que sea
everything, whatever
00:15:23.360 - 00:15:26.370

Mishkitam maskanchik-- naranqata mansanata.

mishki-ta-m maska-nchik naranqa-ta mansana-ta
sweet-ACC-EVD search-1PL orange-ACC apple-ACC
Se busca frutas -- naranjas, manzanas.
We look for fruit -- oranges, apples.
00:15:26.390 - 00:15:32.300

Pisku, vinu, pasakunata maskashpam, chayta kutichinchik chay bruhuman.

pisku vinu pasa-kuna-ta maska-shpa-m chay-ta kuti-chi-nchik chay bruhu-man
pisco wine raisin-PL-ACC search-SUBIS-EVD DEM.D-ACC return-CAUS-1PL DEM.D shaman-ALL
Buscamos pisco, vino y pasas buscando y hacemos que el brujo los devuelva
We look for pisco, wine and raisins and we have th shaman return them
00:15:32.330 - 00:15:39.580

Chay Dimonyukunaman. Chay pagaptinraq, sanaykun, allaykun,

chay Dimonyu-kuna-man chay paga-pti-n-raq sana-yku-n alla-yku-n
DEM.D devil-PL-ALL DEM.D pay-SUBDS-3-CONT heal-EXCEP-3 good-EXCEP-3
a los demonios. Cuando lo paga, [el enfermo] sana, se mejora.
to the devils. When they pay that, [the sick person] heals, they get better.
00:15:39.620 - 00:15:45.000

Así, es el deminio que nos vuelve loco. Sï el demonio te fastidia

Así, es el deminio que nos vuelve loco. Sï el demonio te fastidia
So, it's the devil that drives you crazy. If the devil bothers you . . .
00:15:45.000 - 00:15:52.320

Y el Demonio escoje a quienquiera o es que . . . Donde caye.

Y el Demonio escoje a quienquiera o es que . . . . Donde caye.
And the devil picks just anyone or is it that . . . Where it falls.
00:15:52.340 - 00:15:58.880

Donde se caye, se caye. a veces. Una fecha yo me entraba

Donde se caye, se caye. a veces. Una fecha yo me entraba
Where it falls, it falls. Sometimes, One time I was going to
00:15:58.880 - 00:16:04.250

Huk qutraman tapaq kay qipapam huk qutra hatu hatun kan wak trakrankaman trayan yaku.
huk qutra-man tapa-q kay qipa-pa-m huk qutra hatu hatun ka-n wak trakra-n-kaman traya-n yaku
one well-ALL cover-AQ DEM.P behind-LOC-EVD one well big big be-3 DEM.D field-3-LIM come-3 water
A un estanco para tapar aquí atrás. Hay grande grande. Hasta su chacra llega el agua.
a reservoir, here behind, to close it off. There's a really big one- The water gets to his field.
00:16:04.250 - 00:16:12.950

Chaymi ñuqaqa las dosita qutrapaq yaku pasayamusa.

chay-mi ñuqa-qa las dosita qutra-paq yaku pasa-ya-mu-sa-ø
DEM.D-EVD 1-TOP the twelve.DIM well-LOC water pass-PROG-CISL-PRF-3
Por eso yo a las doce por el pozo el agua estaba pasando.
So, I, at twelve ... water was passing through the lake.
00:16:12.990 - 00:16:19.350

Imay urata huntanmantri? Las dosita ñuqaqa pasariya: vakata yaku tumachiqqa.
imay ura-ta hunta-n-man-tri las dosita ñuqa-qa pasa-ri-ya-: vaka-ta yaku tuma-chi-q-qa
when hour-ACC gather-3.COND-EVC the twelve.DIM 1-TOP pass-INCEP-PROG-1 cow-ACC water
¿A qué hora va a llenar? Las doce yo estoy empezando a llevar las vacas para hacer que tomen agua.
What time is it going to fill? At twelve I'm beginning to bring the cows by to have them drink water.
00:16:19.380 - 00:16:27.030

Quchaman yaykupti:qa truwenohinam soynarun hukta .

qucha-man yayku-pti-n-qa truweno-hina-m soyna-ru-n huk-ta
well-ALL enter-SUBDS-3-TOP thunder-COMP-EVD sound-URGT-3 one-ACC
Cuando entré a la estanque, como trueno sonó. Uno.
When I came into the well, it sounded like a thunder clap, once
00:16:27.060 - 00:16:32.520

Hinataraq tapaya: chaypaqa, allqu: kayan, puchka: kayan, lampa: kayan. Hinaptinmi
hina-ta-raq tapa-ya-: chay-pa-qa allqu-: ka-ya-n puchka-: ka-ya-n lampa-: ka-ya-n hinaptin-mi
thus-ACC-CONT cover-PROG-1 DEM.D-LOC-TOP dog-1 be-PROG-3 spin-1 be-PROG-3 shovel-1
be-PROG-3 then-EVD
Después estoy tapando allí -- tengo mi perro, tengo mi hilado, tengo mi lampa. Luego
Then, I'm covering it there, I have my dog, I have my yarn, I have a shovel. Then
00:16:32.540 - 00:16:40.130

Huk truweno.
huk turuweno
one thunder.clap
Un trueno.
A thunder clap.
00:16:40.150 - 00:16:43.320

Ishkayña huk kimsaña. Manam wiksakasachu chayqa. Tardikuptinqa puñuku:ña ya -- pasaypaq huk vidapa
ishkay-ña huk kimsa-ña mana-m wiksa ka-sa-ø-chu chay-qa tardi-ku-pti-n-qa puñu-ku-:-ña ya pasaypaq huk
vida-pa ka-ya-:
two-DISC one three-DISC no-EVD stomach be-PRF-3-NEG DEM.D-TOP late-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP
sleep-REFL-1-DISC EMPH a.lot one life-LOC be-PROG-1
Dos y otros tres ya. Su barriga no estaba llena. Cuando hizo tarde ya me dormí totalmente -- en otra vida estoy.
Two already and three more. His stomach wasn't full- When it got late, I fell asleep -- I'm in a different
00:16:43.360 - 00:16:55.850

Tuta puñuyapti:qa, huk hatu hatun turu ñawinpis

tuta puñu-ya-pti-:-qa huk hatu hatun turu ñawi-n
night sleep-PROG-SUBDS-1-TOP one big big bull eye-3
En la noche cuando estoy durmiendo, un toro grande, su ojos
At night, when I am sleeping, a really big bull, his eyes
00:16:55.910 - 00:17:02.390

ninahina pasaypaq kurrikatrayamanña, qatikatrayaman.

nina-hina pasaypaq kurri-katra-ya-:-ma-n-ña qati-katra-ya-:-ma-n
fire-COMP a.lot run-FREQ-PROG-1.OBJ-3-DISC bring-FREQ-PROG-1.OBJ-3
como candela. Me estaba correteando, sigitiando.
like fire. He was running all around after me, chasing me.
00:17:02.410 - 00:17:08.250

Huk plantam kayasa hatu hatun chay plantaman siqarupti:pis chay turuqa tawa trrakiyuqya turuqa kayan kay
huk planta ka-ya-sa-ø hatu hatun chay planta-man siqa-ru-pti-:-pis chay turu-qa tawa traki-yuq-ya kayan kay
one tree be-PROG-PRF-3 big big DEM.D tree-ALL go.up-URGT-SUBDS-1-ADD DEM.D bull-TOP four
Había un árbol muy grande. Cuando trepé el árbol, el toro -- con cuatro patas, como esa vaca --
There was a really big tree. When I climbed up the tree, the bull -- with four legs, like that cow --
00:17:08.300 - 00:17:16.980

Hinaptinqa kaynaraq turu siqaramun qipapaq plantaman, siqapti:pis tuta suyñuni:pa,

hinaptin-qa kay-na-raq turu siqa-ra-mu-n qipa-paq planta-man siqa-pti-:-pis tuta suyñu-ni-:-pa
then-TOP DEM.P-VRBZ-CONT bull go.up-PST-CISL-3 behind-LOC tree-ALL go.up-SUBDS-ADD night
después, así todavía, el toro subió destrás del árbol, cuando subí esa noche en mi sueño.
then, still, like this, the bull climbed up behind the tree, when I climbed up at night in my dream
00:17:17.010 - 00:17:25.640

pasaypaq persigi . . . persigiyaman Dyos tayta sapallaraqtaq puñukura: chay pachaqa kara
pasaypaq persigi persigi-ya-ma-n Dyos tayta sapa-lla-raq-taq puñu-ku-ra-: chay pacha-qa ka-ra-ø
a.lot follow follow-PROG-1.OBJ-3 God father alone-RSTR-CONT-SEQ sleep-REFL-PST-1 DEM.D date
Me está persigiendo, ¡Díos mío! Solita todavía dormía. En esa fecha era
He's chasing me, my God? I slept all alone. At that time, I was
00:17:25.690 - 00:17:34.920
Wambrallaraq. Manaraqmi qari:pis kararaqchu. Sapalla: wak wasipa puñukura: vaka:wan.
wambra-lla-raq mana-raq-mi qari-:-pis ka-ra-ø-raq-chu sapa-lla-: wak wasi-pa puñu-ku-ra-: vaka-:-wan
child-RSTR-CONT no-CONT-EVD man-1-ADD be-PST-3-CONT-NEG alone-RSTR-1 DEM.D house-LOC
sleep-REFL-PST-1 cow-1-INSTR
todavía criatura. No tenía esposo todavía. Solita me dormía en mi casa con mis vacas.
still very young. I still didn't have my husband. I slept alone in my house with my cows.
00:17:34.930 - 00:17:43.650

Taytacha:, mamacha:kunaqa pasakun fiystaman. Venti kwatro de hunyoman. Pasakun llapan.

tayta-cha-: mama-cha-:-kuna-qa pasa-ku-n fiysta-man venti-kwatro de hunyo-man pasa-ku-n llapan
father-DIM-1 mother-DIM-1-PL-TOP pass-REFL-3 festival-ALL twenty-four of June-ALL pass-REFL-3 all
Mi abuelito y mi abuelita se fueron a la fiesta del 24 de junio. Todos se fueron.
My grandfather and my grandmother went to the festival on the twenty-fourth of June. Everyone went.
00:17:43.680 - 00:17:51.280

ñuqallata diharamashpa pasakun chaymi pasaypaña kara:

ñuqa-lla-ta diha-ra-ma-shpa pasa-ku-n chay-mi pasaypa-ña ka-ra-:
1-RSTR-ACC leave-URGT-1.OBJ-SUBIS pass-REFL-3 DEM.D-EVD a.lot-DISC be-PST-1
A mí no más dejándome, se fueron. Ya estaba
Leaving me, just me, they went. So I was
00:17:51.310 - 00:17:59.060

chaymi kamamanña hatun puntrawpis kamallapaña sapalla: hitarayapti:

chay-mi kama-man-ña hatun puntraw-pis kama-lla-pa-ña sapa-lla-: hita-raya-pti-:
DEM.D-EVD bed-ALL-DISC big day-ADD bed-RSTR-LOC-ADD alone-RSTR-1 lay-PASS-SUBDS-1
por eso en la cama. Día también, [estaba] en cama no más, solita. Cuando estuve tirada
in bed, in the daytime, too, just in bed, all alone. When I was lying
00:17:59.090 - 00:18:08.190

Runa trayaramun. Primu nishpa huk riqsisa runa, pero manam payqa karachu, manam chayqa hamunchu.
runa traya-ra-mu-n primu ni-shpa huk riqsi-sa-ø runa pero mana-m pay-qa ka-ra-ø-chu mana-m chay-qa
person come-URGT-CISL-3 cousin say-SUBIS one recognize-PRF-3 person but no-EVD 3-TOP
be-PST-3-NEG no-EVD DEM.D-TOP come-3-NEG
Una persona llegó diciendo que era mi primo conocido pero no era él, no vino él.
A person came calling himself cousin, a familiar person, but it wasn't him, he hidn't come.
00:18:08.340 - 00:18:16.430

Chay chay tukushpa payqa.

chay chay tuku-shpa pay-qa
Él, él fingiendo ser él.
He, he, pretending to be him
00:18:16.440 - 00:18:19.550

Unquyankichu? Imaynam, Elsa? "Imaynam kayanki?" niman.

unqu-ya-nki-chu imayna-m Elsa Imayna-m ka-ya-nki ni-ma-n
sick_INCH-2-Q how-EVD elsa. how-SEQ be-PROG-2 say-1.OBJ-3
"¿Estás enferma? ¿Cómo [estás] Elsa? ¿Cómo estás?" me dijo.
"Are you sick? How [are you], Elsa? How are you?" he said to me.
00:18:19.550 - 00:18:25.170

Aw malmi kaya:. Kaynalla rimayan.
aw mal-mi ka-ya-: kay-na-lla rima-ya-n
yes bad-EVD be-PROG-1 DEM.P-VRBZ-RSTR talk-PROG-3
"Sí, estoy enferma". Así no mas está hablando.
"Yes, I'm sick." Just like that he's talking.
00:18:26.860 - 00:18:30.180

Dimonyu chayqa kara. Mikuramanmantri kara icha aparamanmantri. Imaynaraq kanman kara?
Dimonyu chay-qa ka-ra-ø miku-ra-ma-n-man-tri ka-ra-ø icha apa-ra-ma-n-man-tri imayna-raq ka-n-man
devil DEM.D-TOP be-PST-3 eat-URGT-1.OBJ-3-COND-EVC be-PST-3 or
take-URGT-1.OBJ-3-COND-EVC how-CONT be-3-COND be-PST-3
Era el Demonio. Me hubiera comido o me hubiera llevado. O cómo hubiera sido?
That was the devil. He could have eaten me or he could have taken me away. Or how would it have been?
00:18:31.440 - 00:18:37.710

Chay mamacha trayaramun chay uralla. "Rikushaq", nishpa pasan.

chay mama-cha traya-ra-mu-n chay ura-lla pas ri-ku-shaq ni-shpa pasa-n
DEM.D mother-DIM arrive-URGT-CISL-3 DEM.D hour-RSTR Pas go-REFL-1.FUT say-SUBIS pass-3
Mi abuelita llegó en ese instante. "Me voy a ir", dijo y se fue.
My grandmother arrived at that moment. "I'm going to go," he said and left.
00:18:37.710 - 00:18:43.180

Hinashpaa ñuqaqa pasaypaq unqushpaqa kaya:

hinashpa ñuqa-qa pasaypaq unqu-shpa-qa ka-ya-:
then 1-TOP a.lot sick-SUBIS-TOP be-PROG-1
Después yo estaba muy enferma .
Then I was really sick, I was.
00:18:43.180 - 00:18:47.750

Wak estansyapaq manayá karachu

wak estansya-paq mana-yá ka-ra-ø-chu
DEM.D ranch-LOC no-EMPH be-PST-3-NEG
Allá en esa estancia no había
There in that ranch there wasn't
00:18:47.760 - 00:18:50.760

rekaw. "Fideyostayari apamunki, Edgar. Edgar! Edgar!" nishpa ya trayaramun.

rekaw fideyos-ta-y-ari apa-mu-nki Edgar Edgar Edgar ni-shpa-ya traya-ra-mu-n
rekaw pasta-ACC-EMPH-ARI bring-CISL-2 Edgar Edgar Edgar say-SUBIS-EMPH come-PST-CISL-3
comida. "Lléva fideos, Edgar! Edgar!" diciendo pues llegó.
food. "Bring pasta, Edgar. Edgar! Edgar!" saying, then, he came.
00:18:50.770 - 00:18:56.780

Chayqa mamacha trayaramuptinqa chinkarun

chay-qa mama-cha traya-ra-mu-pti-n-qa chinka-ru-n
DEM.D-TOP mother-DIM come-PST-CISL-SUBDS-3-TOP lose-URGT-3
Cuando mi abuela llegó se perdieron.
When grandmother got there, they got lost.
00:18:56.780 - 00:19:00.790

Chay mamachallataqmi Edgar trayarun. Manam pipis kanchu. Imaynataq Edgar trayaramun nimayan.
chay mama-cha-lla-taq-mia Edgar traya-ru-n mana-m pi-pis ka-n-chu Imayna-taq Edgar traya-ru-n ni-ma-ya-n
DEM.D mother-DIM-RSTR-SEQ-EVD Edgar come-PST-3 no-EVD who-ADD be-3-NEG how-SEQ Edgar
come-PST-3 say-1.OBJ-PROG-3
Edgar llegó donde la abuelita . No había nadie. "¿Cómo llegó Edgar?" me está diciendo.
Edgar arrived at my grandmother's. There was no one. "How did Edgar come?" she's saying to me.
00:19:00.810 - 00:19:07.140

Sapallanchiktaq mikurumachuwantri Dimonyuqa. Imatr chay Dimonyukuna ay Dyos tayta

sapa-lla-nchik-ta-qa miku-ru-ma-chuwan-tri Imatr chay Dimonyu-kuna ay Dyos tayta
alone-RSTR-1PL-SEQ eat-URGT-1.OBJ-1PL.COND-EVC what-EVC DEM.D devil-PL ay God father
[Cuando estamos] sólos, el Demonio nos puede comer. ¿Qué será ese demonio? ¡Ay, Dios padre!
[When we're] alone, the Devil can eat us. What might be Devil be? Ah, dear God!
00:19:09.910 - 00:19:15.710

Hukvidatam ñuqaqa ñakara: kristyan wambra kashpaqa.

huk-vida-ta-m ñuqa-qa ñaka-ra-: kristyan wambra ka-shpa-qa
one-life-ACC-EVD 1-TOP suffer-PST-1 christian child be-SUBIS-TOP
Bastante sufía, cristiana, cuando era niña.
I suffered a lot, a Christian, as a child.
00:19:18.120 - 00:19:22.560

Taytachalla:wan kawsakura: mamachalla:wan kawsakura:. Mama:qa huk kompromisuwan rikun huk lawta.
tayta-cha-lla-:-wan kawsa-ku-ra-: mama-cha-lla-:-wan kawsa-ku-ra-: mama-:-qa huk kompromisu-wan ri-ku-n
huk law-ta
father-DIM-RSTR-1-INSTR live-REFL-PST-1 mother-DIM-RSTR-1-INSTR live-REFL-PST-1
mother-1-TOP one commitment-INSTR go-REFL-3 one place-ACC
Vivía con mi abuelito y my abuelita no más, yo vivía. Mi mamá se fue con otro compromiso a otro sitio.
I lived with just my grandfather and my grandmother, I lived. My mother went to another place with another
00:19:24.680 - 00:19:32.030

Vidaqa ñuqapa tristim kara.

vida-qa ñuqa-pa tristi-m ka-ra-ø
life-TOP 1-GEN sad-EVD be-PST-3
Mi vida mía era triste.
My life has been sad.
00:19:32.060 - 00:19:39.950

Chaynam kayara.
chay-na-m ka-ya-ra-ø
Así era.
That's how it was.
00:19:39.990 - 00:19:43.890

Ñakarinchikmi sapallanchikqa manam imaynapis.

ñaka-ri-nchik-mi sapa-lla-nchik-qa mana-m imayna-pis
suffer-INCEP-1PL-EVD alone-RSTR-1PL-TOP no-EVD how-ADD
Se sufre solito sin manera alguna
We suffer all alone without any way
00:19:43.910 - 00:19:48.390

Atipanchikchu achka achka uyqawan . Achka achka vakayuq kara mamacha: -- chaytam ñuqa harkara:
atipa-nchik-chu achka achka uyqa-wan Achka achka vaka-yuq ka-ra-ø mama-cha-: chay-ta-m ñuqa harka-ra-:
548 a.lot a.lot sheep-INSTR a.lot a.lot cow-POSS be-PST-3 mother-DIM-1 DEM.D-ACC-EVD
1 herd-PST-1
No se puede con muchas ovejas. Mi abuelita tenía muchas, muchas vacas. Yo las pasteaba.
We can't manage with so many sheep. My grandmother had lots and lots of cows. I herded them.
00:19:48.390 - 00:19:55.420

Karu karuraq yakuman hamukuyan chaymi

karu karu-raq yaku-man hamu-ku-ya-n chay-mi
far far-CONT water-ALL come-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D-EVD
Venía de muy lejos lejos buscando agua por eso
He was coming far, still far, for water, so
00:19:58.150 - 00:20:01.820

Imay urataq huntanqa kay yakuqa nishpa, Tapaykuruy! Yaykuruy

imay ura-taq hunta-nqa kay yaku-qa ni-shpa tapa-yku-ru-y yayku-ru-y
when hour-SEQ gather-3.FUT DEM.P water-TOP say-SUBIS cover-EXCEP-URGT-IMP enter-URGT-IMP
"¿A qué hora va a llenar el agua?" dijo. "¡Tráncale! ¡Éntra
"When is the water going to fill?" she said, "Cover it! Go in
00:20:01.880 - 00:20:07.190

quchaman!" Dyos taytay mala urapa imaynatrriki

qucha-man Dyos taytay mala ura-pa imayna-tri-ki
lake-ALL God father bad hour-LOC how-EVC-KI
en el pozo!" Dios padre! En mala hora, seguro.
to the well!" My God, at a bad time, for sure.
00:20:07.190 - 00:20:13.760

Yaykuykurura: mana kwentata qukushpa.

yayku-yku-ru-ra-: mana kwenta-ta qu-ku-shpa
enter-EXCEP-URGT-1 no account give-REFL-SUBIS
Entré sin imaginarme.
I went in without realizing
00:20:13.760 - 00:20:17.750

Chaynam kara. Ñakanmi madresolterakuna ñakayanmi

chay-na-m ka-ra-ø ñaka-n-mi madresoltera-kuna ñaka-ya-n-mi
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD be-PST-3 suffer-3-EVD single.mother-PL suffer-PROG-3-EVD
Así era. Las madres solteras sufren. Están sufriendo.
It was like that. Single mothers suffer. They're suffering.
00:20:17.760 - 00:20:28.620

Qari qariki ukuparushpaqa pasakuntri maytapis huk warmiwan sirikuntri.

qari qari-ki ukupa-ru-shpa-qa pasa-ku-n-tri may-ta-pis huk warmi-wan siri-ku-n-tri
man man-2 occupy-URGT-SUBIS-TOP pass.REFL-3-EVC where-ACC-ADD one woman-INSTR
El hombre, tu hombre, despues de haberte usado se va a otro sitio, con otra mujer.
A man, your man, after having used you, goes on to some other place, with another woman.
00:20:36.780 - 00:20:44.980

Abandonarun pasaypaqña diharirun.

abandona-ru-n pasaypaq-ña diha-ri-ru-n
abandon-URGT-3 a.lot-DISC leave-INCEP-URGT-3
La abandonó, las dejó completamente.
He abandoned her, completely, he left her.
00:20:44.980 - 00:20:48.440

kidakurunña ultimutaqa partidan asentananpaq chayqa negakurunña.

kida-ku-ru-n-ña ultimu-ta-qa partida-n asenta-na-n-paq chay-qa nega-ku-ru-n-ña
stay-REFL-URGT-3-DISC last-ACC-TOP certificate-3 register-NMLZ-3-PURP DEM.D-TOP
Se quedó en último para sentar la partida [de nacimiento de su bebé]. Él se negó
She stayed last to register her [baby's birth] certificate. He refused
00:20:48.440 - 00:20:55.180

Munanñachu partida asentaytapis ni rekonosiytapis.

muna-n-ña-chu partida asenta-y-ta-pis ni rekonosi-y-ta-pis
want-3-DISC-NEG certificate register-INF-ACC-ADD nor recognize-INF-ACC-ADD
No quiso asentar la partida ni reconocer [al bebé].
He didn't want to register the certificate or recognize [the baby]
00:20:55.180 - 00:20:59.410

Mamanqa riki kawsakunmi wakinninpaqa wañukunñam mamanpis

mama-n-qa ri-ki kawsa-ku-n-mi wakin-ni-n-paq-qa wañu-ku-n-ña-m mama-n-pis
mother-3-TOP RIKI live-REFL-3-EVD some-EUPH-3-ABL-TOP die-REFL-3-DISC-EVD mother-3-ADD
Su mamá vivía de otro. Ya se murió su mamá también.
His mother lived from another. His mother, too, died already.
00:21:04.850 - 00:21:10.210

Taytachallanwan mamachallanwanñam,
tayta-cha-lla-n-wan mama-cha-lla-n-wan-ña-m
Con su abuelito con se abuelita ya,
With their grandfathers and grandmothers,
00:21:10.270 - 00:21:13.550

werfanokuna, kawsakun
werfano-kuna kawsa-ku-n
orphan-PL live-REFL-3
huérfanos, viven.
they live, orphans.
00:21:17.690 - 00:21:20.030

Allí allí más que aksidentekuna pasaruptinpis maman taytan wañukun kristyano
aksidente-kuna pasa-ru-pti-n-pis mama-n tayta-n wañu-ku-n kristyano
accident-PL pass-URGT-SUBDS-3-ADD mother-3 father-3 die-REFL-3 christian
Allí, allí, más que . . . Cuando pasa accidente se mueren sus mamás y sus papás cristianos.
There, there, more than . . . When an accident occurs, their mothers and fathers die Christians.
00:21:24.570 - 00:21:34.210

Chay wawakunaqa kidan hukvida triste sapan pobresitos

chay wawa-kuna kida-n hukvida triste sapa-n pobresitos
DEM.D baby-PL stay-3 completely sad alone-3 poor.little.things
Esos niños se quedan solos, tristes, pobrecitos.
Those children remain really sad, alone, poor little things.
00:21:34.210 - 00:21:40.270

Runapam makinpaña yatrakullan
runa-pa-m maki-n-pa-ña yatra-ku-lla-n
person-GEN-EVD hand-3-GEN-DISC live-REFL-RSTR-3
Viven de la mano de la gente, no más.
They live out of other people's hands.
00:21:40.280 - 00:21:44.780

Mikusa manam mikusapis allin puñusa manam puñusapis allin vistikusapis manam vistikusapis purikuyan
miku-sa mana-m miku-sa-pis allin puñu-sa mana-m puñu-sa-pis allin visti-ku-sa-pis mana-m visti-ku-sa-pis
eat-PRF no-EVD eat.PRF-ADD good sleep-PRF-ADD no-EVD sleep-PRF-ADD good
clothe-REFL-PRF-ADD no-EVD clothe-REFL-PRF-ADD walk-REFL-PROG-3
Andan comido o no comido, también, dormido o no dormido, también, bien vestido o mal vestido.
Well fed or hungry, well rested or tired, well dressed or ragged, they wander around.
00:21:44.790 - 00:21:52.540

Chay llapa chay werfanokunapaq manam apoyu kallanchu

chay llapa chay werfano-kuna-paq mana-m apoyu ka-lla-n-chu
DEM.D all DEM.D orphan-PL-BEN no-EVD support be-RSTR-3-NEG
Todos esos huerfanos -- ellos no tienen apoyo.
Those . . . for all those orphans, there is no support.
00:21:52.550 - 00:22:00.920

Kanan pero kayanñatr manam siympri chay alkaldikuna imallatas quykuntri

kanan pero ka-ya-n-ña-tr mana-m siympri chay alkaldi-kuna ima-lla-ta-pis qu-yku-n-tri
now but be-PROG-3-DISC-EVC no-EVD always DEM.D mayor-PL what-RSTR-ACC-ADD
Ahora, pero, siempre habrán alcaldes -- les darán cualquier cosita
But now there will always be mayors -- they'll give them any little thing.
00:22:00.920 - 00:22:10.160

Maypallatr chaykuna?
may-pa-lla-tr chay-kuna
¿Dónde estarán?
Where could they possibly be?
00:22:19.130 - 00:22:26.120

Selvakunatash rikullan
selva-kuna-ta-sh ri-ku-lla-n
rain.forest-PL-ACC-EVR go-REFL-RSTR-3
Se fueron a la selva y todo, dicen.
To the rain forest, they say, they've gone.
00:22:26.120 - 00:22:31.130

Alli alli karruyuq alli alli wasiyuq kayan.

alli alli karru-yuq alli alli wasi-yuq ka-ya-n
good good car-POSS alli alli house-POSS be-PROG-3
Tienen buenos carros y buenas casas.
They've got good cars and good houses.
00:22:33.230 - 00:22:36.360

Imaynallatrik wasinkunata ruwan hinashpaqa qullqitañatrik ruwan.

imayna-lla-trik wasi-n-kuna-ta ruwa-n hinashpa-qa qullqi-ta-ña-trik ruwa-n
how-RSTR-EVC house-3-PL-ACC make-3 then-TOP gold-ACC-DISC-EVC make-3
¿Cómo harán sus casas? Después harán plata ya.
How would they build their houses? Then they make money, it seems.
00:22:36.360 - 00:22:44.040

Se murieron.
They died.
00:22:49.810 - 00:22:53.740

Aves aksidentekuna pasarun. Hinaptinshi chay wambraqa hukmanñam chayqa

aves aksidente-kuna pasa-ru-n hinaptin-shi chay wambra-qa huk-man-ña-m chay-qa
sometimes accident-PL pass-URGT-3 then-EVR DEM.D child-TOP one-ALL-DISC-EVD DEM.D-TOP
a veces pasaron accidentes y después esos chicos ya son diferentes.
Sometimes accidents happened. Then those children are different.
00:22:53.750 - 00:22:59.460

Wiñan manañam chayqa . . . ya es . . . ya es . . .

wiña-n mana-ña-m chay-qa
grow-3 no-DISC-EVD chayqa
Crecen y ya no son . . .
They grow up, they are no longer . . .
00:22:59.460 - 00:23:03.350

Manañam, chay maman wañuruptinqa imaynañatr chay nerviyosu. Pasaypaq manchakushpallañam puriyan
mana-ña-m chay mama-n wañu-ru-pti-n-qa imayna-ña-tr chay nerviyosu pasaypaq mancha-ku-shpa-lla-ña-m
no-DISC-EVD DEM.D mother-3 die-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP how-DISC-EVC DEM.D nervous a.lot
Ya no. Cuando murieron sus mamás, habrán quedado nervioso. Asustadoa andan ya, pobrecitos.
Not any more. When their mothers died, how already? Nervous. They wander around being really scared,
the poor little things.
00:23:03.350 - 00:23:12.900


Imayshunqulla wambrakunalla! Qawallay chay wambrakunallata!

imayshunqu-lla wambra-kuna-lla qawa-lla-y chay wambra-kuna-lla-ta
what-heart-RSTR child-PL-RSTR look-RSTR-IMP DEM.D child-PL-RSTR-ACC
Pobrecitos los hijos. Míra a esos probres criaturas.
Oh, dear heart, the little children. Just look at those children!
00:23:12.900 - 00:23:18.970

Pero hinashpaqa chayqa huk lawta rishpaqa qullqitatrik ruwan allalli karruyuqkunaña trayamun
pero hinashpa-qa chay-qa huk law-ta ri-shpa-qa qullqi-ta-tri-k ruwa-n alli alli karru-yuq-kuna-ña traya-mu-n
but then-TOP DEM.D-TOP one place-ACC go-SUBIS-TOP gold-ACC-EVC-K make-3 good good
car-POSS-PL-DISC arrive-CISL-3
Pero, luego, yendo a otro sitio, harán, pues, mucho dinero. Hasta con buenos carros ya vienen.
But, then, going someplace else, they make money, of course. They come with very good cars.
00:23:18.970 - 00:23:28.990

Trabahakullantriki imaynapis
trabaha-ku-lla-n-tri-ki imayna-pis
Ellos trabajarán como sea.
They work however they can.
00:23:28.990 - 00:23:36.190

Atipasantatriki ruwan hinashpaqa poko

atipa-sa-n-ta-tri-ki ruwa-n hinashpa-qa poko make-3 then-TOP little
Harán lo que puedan, pues. Luego, poco
They do what they can, of course. Then little
00:23:42.170 - 00:23:45.540

Imaynapis rikiraq hatariruntrik chay wasinkunata hinashpaqa trabahakunñatr imaynapis yatrakunña

imayna-pis ri-ki-raq hatari-ru-n-tri-k chay wasi-n-kuna-ta hinashpa-qa trabaha-ku-n-ña-tr imayna-pis
how-ADD RI-KI-CONT raise-URGT-3-EVC-K DEM.D house-3-PL-ACC then-TOP
work-REFL-3-DISC-EVC how-ADD live-REFL-3-DISC
Levantarán sus casas como sea, pues. Luego trabajarán ya como sea, viven.
They'll build their houses however they can. Then they'll work however they can, they live.
00:23:45.540 - 00:23:53.500

Wiñarushpaqa riki imaynapis trabahakuyanñatri

wiña-ru-shpa-qa ri-ki imayna-pis trabaha-ku-ya-n-ña-tri
Habiendo crecido como sea ya, estarán trabajando ya.
Having grown up any which way, they must be working already.
00:23:54.980 - 00:23:58.530

Runaqa kananqa paninkunawan turinkunawanñam komprometikuyan

runa-qa kanan-qa pani-n-kuna-wan turi-n-kuna-wan-ña-m komprometi-ku-ya-n
person-TOP now-TOP sister-3-PL-INSTR brother-3-PL-INSTR-DISC-EVD commit-REFL-PROG-3
La gente ahora se compromete con sus hermanos y sus hermanas.
People now make commitments with their sisters and brothers.
00:24:12.570 - 00:24:21.420

Primas i hermanoskunawan chayqa tinkun u tiyunkunawan hinshpaqa

primas i hermanos-kuna-wan chay-qa tin-ku-n u tiyu-n-kuna-wan hinshpa-qa
cousins and brothers-PL-INSTR DEM.D-TOP meet-REFL-3 or uncle-3-PL-INSTR then-TOP
Primas y hermanos también se encuentran ... o con sus tíos. Duespués
Cousins and brothers -- they get together . . . or with their uncles. Then
00:24:21.420 - 00:24:29.390

Hukvida wañuptinqa asss imay manam

hukvida wañu-pti-n-qa asss imay mana-m
completely die-SUBDS-3-TOP asss when no-EVD
Cuando mueren, ass, cuando no
When they die, asss, when no
00:24:30.280 - 00:24:36.320
Animalkunam qaparishpam tuta purikullan kristyanu
animal-kuna-m qapari-shpa-m tuta puri-ku-lla-n kristiyanu
animal-PL-EVD shout-SUBIS-EVD night walk-REFL-RSTR-3 Christian
Sus animales andan de noche gritando.
Their animals wander around at night screaming
00:24:36.320 - 00:24:40.640

Mancharichimanchik tuta
mancha-ri-chi-manchik tuta
scare-INCEP-CAUS-1PL.OBJ night
Nos asustan de noche.
It scares us at night.
00:24:40.640 - 00:24:45.880

Ah, chaytaq manchakunmi

Ah, chay-taq mancha-ku-n-mi
Ah, DEM.D-SEQ scare-REFL-3-EVD
Ah, ése sí asusta.
Ah, that is scary.
00:24:59.390 - 00:25:02.440

Chaytaq manchan . . . warmipa umankunash chay ult altu wak

chay-taq mancha-n warmi-pa uma-n-kuna-sh chay ult altu wak
DEM.D-SEQ scare-3 woman-GEN head-3-PL-EVR DEM.D hi high DEM.D
Ése asus . . . Hay cabezas de mujeres, dicen, allá encima allá
That´s scare . . . There are women's heads, they say, there, up, high, there
00:25:05.560 - 00:25:12.110

Wak altukunapam yatran runa chaykunapa umallanshi

wak altu-kuna-pa-m yatra-n runa chay-kuna-pa uma-lla-n-shi
DEM.D high-PL-LOC-EVD live-3 person DEM.D-PL-LOC head-RSTR-3-EVR
Allá encima vive gente. Sus cabezas, dicen, están por allí.
There up high people live -- their heads, they say, are there.
00:25:12.110 - 00:25:17.420

Pampapa ooo trurarayan.

pampa-pa ooo trura-raya-n
ground-LOC ooo store-PASS-3
Están guardados en el suelo.
They're stored in the ground.
00:25:17.420 - 00:25:21.520

Warmikunapa umash pampapa trurarayan chayaq altukunatash chayaq rin

warmi-kuna-pa uma-sh pampa-pa trura-raya-n chay-aq altu-kuna-ta-sh chay-aq ri-n
woman-PL-GEN head-EVR ground-LOC save-PASS-3 DEM.D-TOP high-PL-ACC-EVR DEM.D-TOP go-3
La cabeza de una mujer está guardado en el suelo. Se va para arriba y todo.
A woman's head is buried in the ground. It goes all up high there.
00:25:21.520 - 00:25:27.650

Chay gringukunaqa altukunatash rin imaynaraq chay runata

chay gringu-kuna-qa altu-kuna-ta-sh ri-n imayna-raq chay runa-ta
DEM.D gringo-PL-TOP high-PL-ACC-EVR go-3 how-CONT DEM.D person-ACC
Esos gringos, dicen, van todo para arriba- ¿Cómo a esa gente
Those gringos, they say, go all up high. How those people still
00:25:27.650 - 00:25:33.450

Imaynaraq chay runata wañuchin? imaynaraq?

imayna-raq chay runa-ta wañu-chi-n imayna-raq
how-CONT DEM.D person-ACC die-CAUS-3 how-CONT
¿Cómo matarán a esa gente? ¿Cómo, pues?
How could they kill those people? How?
00:25:33.450 - 00:25:36.850

Wambrakunatash chayaq suwakun. Uchuk uchuk wambrakunalla wambrakunatash apan.

wambra-kuna-ta-sh chay-aq suwa-ku-n uchuk uchuk wambra-kuna-lla wambra-kuna-ta-sh apa-n
child-PL DEM.D-TOP rob-REFL-3 little little child-PL-RSTR child-PL-ACC-EVR bring-3
Roban a criaturas, dicen. Llevan a chiquititos criaturas, dicen.
They steal children, they say. They take away little, little children, they say.
00:25:36.850 - 00:25:43.940

Siyertumpaya chayaq pasan kay San Jeronimopa

siyertumpa-ya chay-aq pasa-n kay San Jeronimo-pa
true-EMPH DEM.D-TOP pass-3 DEM.P San Jeronimo-LOC
Es cierto que pasa-RSTR. Acá en San Jerónimo
It's true that happens. Here in San Jerónimo
00:25:47.560 - 00:25:53.780

Cañeteman [undecipherable] huk pashña wambrash kara. Tawa watayuq chayshi

Cañete-man ri-na ... huk pashña wambra-sh ka-ra-ø tawa wata-yuq chay-shi
Cañete-ALL go-NMLZ ... one girl child-EVR be-PST-3 four year-POSS DEM.D-EVR
A Cañete [...] a una chica una chica de cuatro años
A girl, they say, [..] to Cañete, a girl, a four-year-old girl
00:25:53.800 - 00:25:59.260

Chinkarun. Mana kanchu, ni pi qawanchu, ni pi tarinchu. Chay gringukuna chaytaq apan.

chinka-ru-n ni pi qawa-n-chu ni pi tari-n-chu chay gringu-kuna chay-taq apa-n
lose-URGT-3 nor who see-3-NEG nor who find-3-NEG DEM.D gring-PL DEM.D-ACC take-3
Se perdió. Nadie la ha visto ni nadie la ha encontrado. Los gringos se la llevaron.
Se was lost. No one has seen her, no one has found her. The gringos took her away.
00:25:59.260 - 00:26:07.080

Crutilda Saldaño Lázarum ka:

Crutilda Saldaño Lázaru-m ka:
Crutilda Saldaño Lázaru-EVD be-1
Crutilda Saldaño Lázaro soy.
I'm Crutilda Saldaño Lázaro.
00:26:07.080 - 00:26:12.710

Viñactaqmi esposo:ñataqmi kan Delfín Gonzalez Palomino.

Viñac-taq-mi esposo-:-ña-taq-mi ka-n Delfín Gonzalez Palomino
Viñac-SEQ-EVD husband-1-DISC-SEQ-EVD be-3 Delfín Gonzalez Palomino
Mi esposo es de Viñac. Delfín Gonzalez Palomino
My husband is from Viñac. Delfín Gonzalez Palomino.
00:26:12.710 - 00:26:18.140

Delfín Gonzalez Palominum. Ñuqaqa kayllapam yatraku: kasara: este nasisa: ... pa ... chaypaq
Delfín Gonzalez Palominum. Ñuqa-qa kay-lla-pa-m yatra-ku-: kasa-ra-: este nasi-sa-: chay-paq
Delfín Gonzalez Palominum. 1-TOP DEM.P-RSTR-LOC-EVD live-REFL-1 marry-PST-1 ummm born-PRF-1
Delfín González Palomino. Yo acá no más he vivido, me casé acá, nací acá.
Delfín Gonzalez Palomino. I've only lived here. I got married, was born, here.
00:26:18.150 - 00:26:26.980

Kasarakura: kayllapam hinallam kay llap kawsaku: tuku watan watan manam maytapis lluqsi:chu.
kasa-ra-ku-ra-: kay-lla-pa-m hina-lla-m kay llap kawsa-ku-: tuku wata-n wata-n mana-m may-ta-pis
marry.URGT.REFL-PST-1 DEM.D-RSTR-LOC-EVD thus-RSTR-EVD DEM.D all live-REF-1 all year-3
year-3 no-EVD where-ACC-ADD go.out-1-NEG
Me casé acá no más. Así no más yo vivo todos los años no he salido ningún lado.
I got married right here. Just like that, here all I live, year in, year out, I don't go anywhere.
00:26:26.980 - 00:26:34.650

Wak law wasilla:pam. Wak law wasi:llaman. Chay wak law wasin kayan huk karreterapa qawanmi
wak law wasi-lla-:-pa-m wak law wasi-:-lla-man chay wak law wasi-n ka-ya-n huk karretera-pa qawa-n-mi
DEM.D place house-RSTR-LOC-1-EVD DEM.D place house-1-RSTR-ALL DEM.D DEM.D place house-3
be-PROG-3 one road-GEN up-3-EVD
Mi casa está al lado de allá. Al lado de allá hacia mi casa encima de la carretera.
My house is over there. Over there towards my house above the road.
00:26:34.650 - 00:26:42.330

ukun. Karretera pasan ukun ukun ukunpaq i hawanpaq

uku-n. Karretera pasa-n uku-n uku-n uku-n-paq i qawa-n-paq
below-3 road pass-3 below-3 below-3 below-3-LOC and up-3-LOC
Abajo. La carretera pasa abajo, abajo, por abajo y por encima.
Below. The road goes below, below, blow and above.
00:26:42.330 - 00:26:50.640

hanaylawninpaq uraylawninpaq chayllapam ñuqaqa yatra ...

hanay-law-ni-n-paq uray-law-ni-n-paq chay-lla-pa-m ñuqa-qa yatra ...
up-side-EUPH-3-LOC down-side-EUPH-3-LOC DEM.D-RSTR-LOC-EVD 1-TOP live
Por arriba y por abajo. En allí no más yo vivo.
Above and below. I live just there.
00:26:50.640 - 00:26:58.050

Maytapis riyta muna:chu manam yatraka: ni maypa ni maypa

may-ta-pis ri-y-ta muna-:-chu mana-m yatraka-: ni may-pa ni may-pa
where-ACC-ADD go-INF-ACC want-1-NEG no-EVD get.accustomed-1 nor where-LOC nor where-LOC
No he querido ir ningún lado. No me acostumbro en ningún lado.
I don't want to go anywhere. I don't get used to it anywhere, not anywhere.
00:26:58.050 - 00:27:04.520

Ni maypa kayllapam yatraku: hawka hawka

ni may-pa kay-lla-pa-m yatra-ku-: hawka hawka
nor where-LOC DEM.P-RSTR-LOC-EVD live-REFL-1 peaceful peaceful
ningún lado. Aquí no más me he vivido, tranquilo, tranquilo.
Nowhere. Only here have I lived peacefully.
00:27:04.520 - 00:27:11.300

Ñuqaqa vaka:tam harkaku: vaka:tam uywayku: uyqa:tam uywaku: trakra:pam cha trabahaku: rigashpa
ñuqa-qa vaka-:-ta-m harka-ku-: vaka-:-ta-m uywa-ku-: uyqa-:-ta-m uywa-ku-: trakra-:-pa-m cha trabaha-ku-:
1-TOP cow-1-ACC-EVD herd-REFL-1 cow-1-ACC-EVD raise-REFL-1 sheep-1-ACC-EVD raise-REFL-1
field-1-LOC-EVD fie ... work-REFL-1 irrigate-SUBIS
Yo pasteo mis vacas, crío mis vacas, crío mis ovejas. Trabajo en mi chacra regando.
I pasture my cows, raise my cows, raise my sheep. I work in my fields, watering.
00:27:12.980 - 00:27:20.880

kusechashpa imaymanata ñakashpa. Ishkayllam yatrakulla: wambra:pis.

kusecha-shpa imayma-na-ta ñaka-shpa ishkay-lla-m yatra-ku-lla-: wambra-:-pis
harvest.SUBIS how-NMLZ-ACC suffer.SUBIS two-RSTR-EVD live-REFL-RSTR-1 child-1-ADD
Cosechando en cualquier manera, sufriendo. Dos no más vivimos [acá] -- mis hijos también.
Harvesting, suffering however. Only two, we live [here] -- my children, too
00:27:20.880 - 00:27:28.010

Pusaqmi pasakun Limata llapan. Hukllanmi kayan tiyendayuq. Tiyendayuq kayan hukllañam.
pusaq-mi pasa-ku-n Lima-ta llapa-n huk-lla-n-mi kay-lla-pa ka-ya-n tiyenda-yuq tiyenda-yuq ka-ya-n
eight-EVD pas-REFL-3 Lima-ACC all-3 one-RSTR-3-EVD DEM.P-RSTR-LOC be-PROG-3 store-POSS
store-POSS be-PROG-3 one-RSTR-DISC-3
Ocho se fueron a Lima, todos. Uno no más está acá -- tiene tienda. Uno no más está acá, con tienda.
Eight went to Lima, all. Only one is here, with a store. Only one is here with a store.
00:27:28.010 - 00:27:37.670

Pero qarin kan hasta esposum kan wambranpis kanmi ultimu wambran kidakun kaypi warmi.
pero qari-n ka-n hasta esposu-m ka-n wambra-n-pis ka-n-mi ultimu wambra-n kida-ku-n kay-pi warmi
but man-3 be-3 until husband-EVD be-3 child-3-ADD be-3-EVD last child-3 stay-REFL-3 DEM.P-LOC
Pero tiene esposo hasta tiene esposo. También tiene hijos. El último de su hijos se quedó en acá, una chica.
But there's her husband, even her husband. There are her children, too. The last of her children stayed here,
a girl.
00:27:37.670 - 00:27:46.290

warmi dama
warmi dama
warmi dama
Mujer. Dama.
A girl. A girl.
00:27:46.290 - 00:27:51.580

Ahh, kaytaqmi uyqatam uyqapa millwantam kaytaq puchkayanchik

ahh, kay-taq-mi uyqa-ta-m uyqa-pa millwa-n-ta-m kay-taq puchka-ya-nchik
ahh, DEM.P-LOC-EVD sheep-ACC-EVD sheep-GEN wool-3-ACC-EVD DEM.P-LOC spin-PROG-1PL
Ah, aquí de oveja , , , hilamos lana de oveja.
Ah, here, sheep . . . we're spinning sheep's wool here.
00:27:56.000 - 00:28:01.570

Uyqapa wak uyqapam hurqunchik

uyqa-pa wak uyqa-pa-m hurqu-nchik
sheep-GEN DEM.D sheep-GEN-EVD take.out-1PL
Lo sacamos de las ovejas, de esas ovejas.
From sheep, from those sheep, we get it.
00:28:01.570 - 00:28:06.390

Este .. millwanta, Millwam kay yatra ... millwam kaypa sutin

este millwa-n-ta millwa-m kay yatra millwa-m kay-pa suti-n
Ummm wool-3-ACC wool-EVD DEM.P know wool-EVD DEM.P-GEN name-3
Este lana, lana esto ... esto se llama lana.
Ummm ... its wool. Wool, it's known ... it´s called wool.
00:28:06.390 - 00:28:10.590

Lana se dice en Quechua, este en castellano. Millwam kay

"Lana" se dice en quechua, este, en castellano. Es "millwa"
It's called "lana" in Quechua, umm, in Spanish. It's "millwa"
00:28:10.590 - 00:28:15.430

Millwam kayqa uyqapa hawanpaqmi rutunchik

millwa-m kay-qa uyqa-pa qawa-n-paq-mi rutu-nchik
wool-EVD DEM.P-TOP sheep-GEN up-3-LOC-EVD card-1PL
Es lana. Se trasquila encima de la oveja.
It's wool. It's carded over the sheep.
00:28:15.430 - 00:28:21.220

hawanpaq kawsayaptin wañukuptinqa qarallanpaqña de su cuero no más ya se saca.

qawa-n-paq kawsa-ya-pti-n wañu-ku-pti-n-qa qara-lla-n-paq-ña
Encima cuando está vivo; cuando está muerta ya, de su cuero no más ya se saca.
From on top of it when it's alive; from it's skin when it's dead already. From it's skin only it's taken already.
00:28:21.220 - 00:28:30.710

Chaytaqa lliw ruwanchik.

chay-ta-qa lliw ruwa-nchik
DEM.D-ACC-TOP all make-1PL
Hacemos todo-RSTR.
We do all that.
00:28:30.710 - 00:28:35.590

Punchuta kay lliklla chay llika qipirasaykita sumaq sumaq

punchu-ta kay lliklla chay lliklla qipi-ra-sa-yki-ta sumaq sumaq
poncho-ACC DEM.P manta DEM.D manta carry-PST-PRF-2-ACC pretty pretty
Poncho, esta manta, esa manta .... que estás cargando -- bonita, bonita
Poncho, this mata, that manta your carrying, so nice.
00:28:35.590 - 00:28:40.020

que se abriga cama, para taparnos bonito sale, grueso abriga

que abriga una frazada para taparnos -- sale bonito, grueso --- abriga.
that keeps a bed warm, to cover ourselves, it comes out nice, thick and warm.
00:28:40.020 - 00:28:48.650

Sumaq sumaq allukuykushpa puñukun chaywan

sumaq sumaq allu-ku-yku-shpa puñu-ku-n chay-wan
pretty pretty cover-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS sleep-REFL-3 DEM-D-INSTR
Abrigandose bonito, bonito, se duerme con-RSTR.
Covering yourself up with that, you sleep really nice.
00:28:48.650 - 00:28:53.380
Ya casi ya no. Ahora no hay quechua, mamacita. Ya no hay. Ahora nosotros hablamos
Ya casi ya no. Ahora no hay quechua, mamacita. Ya no hay. Ahora nosotros hablamos
There's hardly any anymore. There's no Quechua now, dear. There's isn't any anymore. Now we speak
00:28:57.530 - 00:29:05.200

Menores ni entienden ya. Peor. usted está entendiendo. Otros no entienden.

Menores ni entienden ya. Peor. usted entendie. Otros no entienden.
Young people don't even understand now. Worse. You understand. Others don't understand.
00:29:05.210 - 00:29:11.070

Ñuqapis Viñacta hamura:

ñuqa-pis Viñac-ta hamu-ra-:
1-ADD Viñac-ACC come-PST-1
Yo también vine a Viñac.
I also came to Viñac.
00:29:11.070 - 00:29:15.190

Tardi tardiñam trayamura: pasaypaq pishipasa pasaypaq yakunasa yakutam munashpa

tardi tardi-ña-m traya-mu-ra-: pasaypaq pishipa-sa pasaypaq yaku-na-sa yaku-ta-m muna-shpa
late late-DISC-EVD arrive-CISL-PST-1 a.lot tire-PRF a.lot water-VRBZ-PRF water-ACC-EVD want-SUBIS
Tarde llegué bien cansada, con mucha sed, queriendo agua.
I got there very late, very tired, very thirsty, wanting water.
00:29:15.190 - 00:29:24.360

Chay Maruqa, Maruqapa wawanñataq tari:chu. Chaypa chay

chay Maruqa, Maruqa-pa wawa-n-ña-taq tari-:-chu chay-pa chay
DEM.D Maruqa Maruqa-GEN baby-3-DISC-ACC find-1-NEG DEM.D-LOC DEM.D
No encontré a Maruja, al hijo de Maruja allí.-RSTR
I didn't find Maruja, Maruja's child there. That ...
00:29:24.360 - 00:29:32.150

Turin kayasan Alejandro Evangelista. Chaynam trayamura: chay Esperanzam chay

turi-n ka-ya-sa-n Alejandro Evangelista. Chay-na-m traya-mu-ra-: chay Esperanza-m chay
brother-3 be-PROG-PRF-3 Alejandro Evangelista. DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD arrive-CISL-PST-1 DEM.D
Esperanza-EVD DEM.D
Su hermano estaba, Alejando Evangelista. Así llegé allí. Esperanza ...
Her brother was there, Alejandro Evangelista. I got there like that. Esperanza ...
00:29:32.150 - 00:29:42.580

Nansim sutin. Hamura:tr nishpam ñuqa kaypaq rira: tantikuramushaq willkallatapis qawaykaramushaq nishpa
Nansi-m suti-n hamu-ra-:-tr nishpa-m ñuqa kay-paq ri-ra-: tanti-nku-ra-mu-shaq willka-lla-ta-pis
Nansy-EVD name-3 come-PST-3-EVC say-SUBIS 1 DEM.P-LOC go-PST-1
Nancy se llama. Habré venido, pensando, "Yo vine. Voy a encontrarme con ella. Voy a ver por lo menos a mi
Her name is Nancy. I must have come, thinking, "I came here, I will meet her. I'll see my grandson at least."
00:29:42.590 - 00:29:52.890


Nieto voy a ver diciendo. Capaz ni nadies ha venido. Entonces
"Voy a ver a mi nieto", dije. Quizás nadie ha venido. Entonces
I said, "I'm going to see my grandson." Maybe no one has come. Then
00:29:52.890 - 00:30:01.090

Manam kay hamushaqchu paqarin chay [inaudible]

mana-m kay hamu-shaq-chu paqarin chay
no-EVD DEM.D come-1.FUT-NEG tomorrow DEM.D
No vendré mañana. Ése ...
I won't come tomorrow. That ....
00:30:01.100 - 00:30:05.370

Wak vaka:ñataq harkana:paq chawana:paq leche hurqun:npaq kaptin hamukura:

wak vaka-:-ña-taq harka-na-:-paq chawa-na-:-paq leche hurqu-na-:-paq ka-pti-n hamu-ku-ra-:
DEM.D cow-1-DISC-ACC herd-NMLZ-1-PURP milk-NMLZ-1-PURP milk take.out-NMLZ-1-PURP
be-SUBDS-3 come-REFL-PST-1
Hay que pastear las vacas, lechear, sacarles la leche cuando hay. Vine.
The cows have to be herded, milked, milked, when there is any. I came.
00:30:05.380 - 00:30:15.640

Kaypaq trakrata [...]

kay-paq trakra-ta
Acá, la chacra.
Here, the field ....
00:30:23.910 - 00:30:27.690

Hukvidata invidiyakun ñuqataq pasaypam chayaq nimallan wakpaq kaypaq

huk-vida-ta invidiya-ku-n ñuqa-taq pasaypa-m chay-aq ni-ma-lla-n wak-paq kay-paq
one-life-ACC envy-REFL-3 1-ACC a.lot-EVD DEM.D-TOP say-1.OBJ-RSTR-3 DEM.D-LOC DEM.P-LOC
Acá me tienen invidia. Me dicen por allá y por acá.
They're really jealous of me. They tell me here and there.
00:30:27.690 - 00:30:34.600

Hatun trakrapa puripti: hatun trakrapa ahhh yatrakupti:

hatun trakra-pa puri-pti-: hatun trakra-pa chay ahhh yatra-ku-pti-:
big field-LOC walk-SUBDS-1 big field-LOC DEM.D ahhh live-REFL-SUBDS-1
Cuando ando en chacra grande, cuando vivo en chacra grande
When I walk around in a big field, when I live in a big field
00:30:34.600 - 00:30:39.600

Manam ñuqa pitapis suwaku:chu ni kita:chu mana

mana-m ñuqa pi-ta-pis suwa-ku-:-chu ni kita-:-chu mana
no-EVD 1 who-ACC-ADD rob-REFL-1-NEG nor remove-1-NEG no
No robo a nadie ni le quito nada.
I don't steal from anyone or take anything away, no
00:30:39.600 - 00:30:44.270

Manas imatas ruwa:chu llapa tiyu:pa trakrantam ñuqa

mana-s ima-ta-s ruwa-:-chu llapa tiyu-:-pa trakra-n-ta-m ñuqa
no-ADD what-ACC-ADD make-1-NEG all uncle-GEN field-3-ACC 1
No hago nada. Todas las chacras de mi tío, yo
I don't do anything. All my uncle's fields I
00:30:44.270 - 00:30:49.260

Mantiniya: llapa llapan lliw trakrantaq taytacha: trakranta llapan churinman diharura
mantini-ya-: llapa llapan lliw trakra-n-taq tayta-cha-: trakra-n-ta llapan churi-n-man diha-ru-ra-ø
maintain-PROG-1 all all all field-3-SEQ father-DIM-1 field-3-ACC all grandchild-3-ALL leave-URGT-PST-3
estoy manteniendo todo -- todas las chacras de mi abuelo. Dejó sus chacras a todos sus nietos.
I'm taking care of all, all my grandfather's fields. He left his fields to all his grandchildren.
00:30:49.260 - 00:30:59.030

Ñuqallam kaypa kakulla: yatrakulla: pasaypaq huk wakpaq huk kaypaq traqnikamallan pero manam ñuqa
ñuqa-lla-m kay-pa ka-ku-lla-: yatra-ku-lla-´ pasaypaq huk wak-paq huk kay-paq traqni-ka-ma-lla-m pero
manam ñuqa
hate-PASSACC-1.OBJ-RSTR-3 but no-EVD 1
Yo no más acá estoy, acá vivo. Uno de acá y otro de allá me tienen cólera pero yo no
I'm just here, just live here. One here, another there hates me, but I ...
00:30:59.030 - 00:31:06.070

Ñuqa imatapis ruwa:chu manam suwaku:chu ni pitapis pitapis manam

ñuqa ima-ta-pis ruwa-:-chu mana-m suwa-ku-:-chu ni pi-ta-pis pi-ta-pis mana-m
1 what-ACC-ADD make-1-NEG no-EVD rob-REFL-1-NEG nor who-ACC-ADD who-ACC-ADD no-EVD
Yo no he hecho nada a nadie ni siquiera he robado a nadie, a nadie, no
I don't do anything. I don't rob anyone, anyone,
00:31:06.070 - 00:31:13.610

Ñuqaqa nisita:chu sapa ñuqa ñuqa niyanchikmi yatrakunchik imaynapis maski maski waqakushtinpis maski
ñuqa-qa nisita-:-chu sapa ñuqa ni-ya-nchik yatra-ku-nchik imayna-pis maski maski waqa-ku-shtin-pis maski
1-TOP need-1-NEG alone 1 say-PROG-1PL live-REFL-1PL how-ADD although although
cry-REFL-SUBADV-ADD although
Yo .... no necesito ... solo, yo, nosotros no más vivimos como sea, aunque llorando aunque ...
I ... don't need ... alone, I, I, we're saying, we live however. Although, although we cry,
00:31:13.610 - 00:31:23.380

Asikushtinpis imaynanpis imaynanpapis

Asi-ku-shtin-pis imayna-n-pis imayna-n-pa-pis
laugh-REFL-SUBADV-ADD how-3-ADD how-3-GEN-ADD
Riendo, aunque como como sea
Laughing, however, however
00:31:23.380 - 00:31:29.100

Kay kaypaqmá kay visinukuna piliyakullan hukvidata dinunsiyanakun maqanakun

kay kay-paq-m-á kay visinu-kuna piliya-ku-lla-n huk-vida-ta dinunsiya-naku-n maqa-naku-n
DEM.P DEM.P-LOC-EVD-EMPH DEM.P neighbor-PL fight-REFL-RSTR-3 one-life-ACC
denounce-RECP-3 beat-RECP-3
En acá todos mi vecinos pelean. Se denuncian, se golpean.
Around here, all my neighbors fight. They denounce each other, they hit each other.
00:31:35.840 - 00:31:43.370

Kritikan kritikanakun wakpaq kaypaq pero manam ñuqallaqa pimanpis

kritika-n kritika-naku-n wak-paq kay-paq pero mana-m ñuqa-lla-qa pi-man-pis
criticise-3 criticise-RECP-3 DEM.D-LOC DEM.P-LOC but no-EVD 1-RSTR-TOP who-ALL-ADD
Critican, se critican, por allá y por acá, pero yo a nadie
Criticise, criticise each other, here and there, but I no one
00:31:46.340 - 00:31:53.950

Ni pitapis kritika:chu dañukuruptinpis sumaqllam nikulla:

ni pi-ta-pis kritika-:-chu dañu-ku-ru-pti-n-pis sumaq-lla-m ni-ku-lla-:
nor who-ACC-ADD criticise-1-NEG hurt-REFL-URGT-SUBDS-3-ADD pretty-RSTR-EVD
A nadie critico cuando hacen daño también a maneras lo albierto.
I don't criticise anyone. When they do harm, I take it up with them nicely.
00:31:53.960 - 00:32:00.850

Kutichimankichu, manachu? Imaynam?

kuti-chi-ma-nki-chu mana-chu imayna-m
return-CAUS-1.OBJ-2-Q no-Q how-EVD
"¿Me lo vas a devolver o no? ¿O cómo es?"
"Are you going to return it to me or not? How is it?"
00:32:00.850 - 00:32:05.290

Quiere decir, ¿me va a devolver en daño o no lo que me hace daño? Costales.

Quiere decir, ¿me va a devolver en daño o no lo que me hace daño? Costales.
That means are you going to make good on the damages or not, what damage you did me, sacks.
00:32:05.300 - 00:32:13.690

Hukvidatam subrinunwan ñañanwan kunawan turinkunawan piliyakullan runa asss

huk-vida-ta-m subrinu-n-wan ñaña-n-wan kuna-wan turi-n-kuna-wan piliya-ku-lla-n runa
one-life-ACC-EVD nephew-3-INSTR sister-3-INSTR PL-INSTR brother-3-PL-INSTR fight-REFL-RSTR-3
La gente pelea con sus sobrinos, con sus hermanas y con sus hermanos
People fight -- with their nephews, with their sistesr, with their brothers.
00:32:15.750 - 00:32:22.380

Manam primu hermanupis manañam konsideranakunñachu

mana-m primu ermanu-pis mana-ña-m konsidera-naku-n-ña-chu
no-EVD cousin brother-ADD no-DISC-EVD respect-RECP-3-DISC-NEG
No, primos hermanos ya no se respetan
No, in-laws don't respect each other anymore.
00:32:22.380 - 00:32:28.700

Pero ñuqallaqa manam chaytaq ruwa:chu. Tiyu:kuna trayamuptin atindikulla:mi. Kuñadukuna tr ayamuptin
mikuykatrillá imallatapis
pero ñuqa-lla-qa mana-m chay-taq ruwa-:-chu tiyu-:-kuna traya-mu-pti-n atindi-ku-lla-:-mi kuñadu-kuna
traya-mu-pti-n miku-yka-chi-lla-:
but 1-RSTR-TOP no-EVD DEM.D-ACC make-1-NEG uncle-PL arrive-CISL-SUBDS-3
attend-REFL-RSTR-1-EVD arrive-CISL-SUBDS-3
Pero yo no hago-RSTR. Cuando llegan mis tíos los atiendo. Cuando sus cuñados vienes, les doy de comer--
cualquier cosita.
But I don't do that. When my uncles come, I attend to them. When their in-laws come, I feed them -- any
little thing.
00:32:28.700 - 00:32:38.010


Wasipa kayan imallapis mikunanchikpaq

wasi-pa ka-ya-n ima-lla-ta-pis miku-na-nchik-paq
house-LOC be-PROG-3 what-RSTR-ACC-ADD eat-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
En la casa hay cualquier cosita para comer.
There's any little thing in the hosue for us to eat.
00:32:38.010 - 00:32:44.870

Wawakun wakhina chuqllakunapa. Míra, ya así en chozita se dan hijo.

wawa-ku-n wak-hina chuqlla-kuna-pa
Dan a luz así, incluso en chozas. Míra ya así en chozita se dan hijo.
They give birth like that, in a hut and all. Look! Like that in a hut they give birth.
00:33:00.850 - 00:33:07.850

Huerfanitos. Solteras, madres solteras así en choza se da avez avez le ganan en camino.
Huerfanitos. Solteras, madres solteras dan a luzasí en choza a veces, a veces le ganan en camino.
Orphans. Single woman, single mothers, like that, in a hut it happens, sometimes. Sometimes, it comes over
them in the road.
00:33:07.910 - 00:33:15.920

Cuando está pastando su ganado, así. cuando estamos así, cuando nosotras estamos atajando ganado.
Cuando están pastando su ganado, así. Cuando estamos así, cuando nosotras estamos atajando ganado.
When they're herding the cows, like that, when we're like that, when we're tying up the cows.
00:33:15.930 - 00:33:20.100

Kampupam chayaq wawakun kampupam chaytaq atiparun wawakullan

kampu-pa-m chay-aq wawa-ku-n kampu-pa-m chay-taq atipa-ru-n wawa-ku-lla-n
fields-LOC-EVD DEM.D-TOP baby-REFL-3 fields-LOC-EVD DEM.D-ACC
Dan a luz en el campo. Les gana en el campo y dan a luz.
In the fields, they give birth. It comes over them in the fields and they give birth.
00:33:20.100 - 00:33:26.810

Pam . . . Kampullapam wawakun hinashpa kaynallam wawachanta apakun

pam kampu-lla-pa-m wawa-ku-n hinashpa kay-na-lla-m wawa-cha-n-ta apa-ku-n
grou fields-RSTR-LOC-EVD baby-REFl-3 then DEM.P-VRBZ-RSTR-EVD baby-DIM-3-ACC bring-REFL-3
En el campo no más dan a luz. Después así no más llevan a sus bebitos así.
Just in the fields, they give birth, then they bring their little babies back like that.
00:33:26.810 - 00:33:32.690

U llikllachanwan wakhina llikllachanwan apakun

u lliklla-cha-n-wan wak-hina lliklla-cha-n-wan apa-ku-n
or manta-DIM-3-INSTr DEM.D-COMP manta-DIM-3-INSTr bring-REFL-3
Con sus mantitas así con sus mantitas los llevan.
With their little mantas, liek that, with their little mantas, they bring them.
00:33:32.690 - 00:33:36.610

Manam ni ropa qalallatam chaytaqa apakullan

mana-m ni ropa qala-lla-ta-m chay-taq apa-ku-ya-n
no-EVD nor clothes naked-RSTR-ACC-EVD DEM.D-ACC bring-REFL-PROG-3
No tienen ni ropa. Así desnudito no más los llevan.
No, not even clothes. Completely naked they bring them.
00:33:36.610 - 00:33:43.260

Sola. Madre soltera.
Sola. Madre soltera.
Alone. SIngle mother.
00:33:43.260 - 00:33:49.070

Sapan warmikunapa manam apoyu kanchu pobresitas

sapa-n warmi-kuna-pa mana-m apoyu ka-n-chu pobresitas
alone-3 woman-PL no-EVD support be-3-NEG poor.little.things
Las madres solteras no tienen apoyo, pobrecitas.
Single mothers don't have any support, the poor things.
00:33:49.070 - 00:33:54.770

Hukvida llakikunapaqmi qawaykunchik.

hukvida llaki-kuna-paq-mi qawa-yku-nchik
completely grief-PL-PURP-EVD look-EXCEP-1PL
Bastante era para dar pena cuando lo vimos.
It's really was sad for us to see.
00:33:54.770 - 00:33:59.310

De alguien dará su hijo, pues, de alguien dará . Manam firmaytapis atipanchu chay
. mana-m firma-y-ta-pis atipa-n-chu chay
Tendrá el bebé de alguien, de alguién. No pueden siquiera firmar.
They'll have someone's child, they'll have someone's. They can't even sign their names.
00:34:03.250 - 00:34:10.330

Mana estudiyaq hukvidatamña kayan chay pobrekunaqa manam

mana estudiya-q huk-vida-ta-ña ka-ya-n chay pobre-kuna-qa mana-m
no study-AG one-life-ACC-DISC be-PROG-3 DEM.D poor-PL-TOP no-EVD
Sin educación. Los pobres están ... no
Uneducated. Poor people really are ... They don't
00:34:10.350 - 00:34:17.950

imatapis yatranchu. Qullqitapis falsutapis traskillan.

ima-ta-pis yatra-n-chu qullqi-ta-pis falsu-ta-pis traski-lla-n
what-ACC-ADD know-3-NEG gold-ACC-ADD false-ACC-ADD receive-RSTR-3
saben nada. Reciben billetes falsas.
know anything. They accept false money.
00:34:19.640 - 00:34:24.420

Ingañaykun turuta rantikuptin vakata rantikuptinqa ingañaykun ishllalla platata qullqita quykun hinashpa
Ingaña-yku-n turu-ta rant-iku-pti-n vaka-ta ranti-ku-pti-n-qa ingaña-yku-n ishlla-lla plata-ta qullqi-ta qu-yku-n
cheat-EXCEP-3 bull-ACC buy-REFL-SUBDS-3 cow-ACC buy-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP cheat-EXCEP-3
little-RSTR money-ACC gold-ACC give-EXCEP-3 then
Los engañan cuando venden toros, cuando venden vacas, les dan poquito dinero, poquito dinero les dan.
They cheat them when they sell a bull, when they sell a cow, they cheat them. They give them very little
money, money, then
00:34:24.440 - 00:34:31.470

"Achkatam pagayayki, pagayayki", nishpa negosiyantikuna

achka-ta-m paga-ya-nki paga-ya-yki ni-shpa negosiyanti-kuna-qa
much-ACC-EVD pay-PROG-2 pay-PROG-1>2 say-SUBIS
Después los compradores les dicen, "Te estoy pagando, te estoy pagando bastante".
Then the businessmen say, "You're paying .... I'm paying you a lot."
00:34:31.490 - 00:34:37.700

Inagañaykun. Chay waranqa kwestasantam

inagaña-yku-n. chay waranqa kwesta-sa-n-ta-m
cheat-EXCEP-3 DEM.D thousand cost-PRF-3-ACC-EVD
Los engañan. Que cuesta mil
They cheat them. That which costs one thousand
00:34:37.700 - 00:34:44.910

Kimsa tres siyentos solesllata quykun

kimsa tres siyentos soles-lla-ta qu-yku-n
three three hundred sols-RSTR-ACC give-EXCEP-3
Les dan tres, tres cientos soles no más.
Three, they give them just three hundred soles.
00:34:44.920 - 00:34:51.380

Ingañan chay madre solterakunata chay manaya analfabetakunataq ingañaykun qullqin

ingaña-n chay madre soltera-kuna-ta chay mana-ya analfabeta-kuna-taq ingaña-yku-n qullqi-n
cheat-3 DEM.D mother single-PL-ACC DEM.D mother-EMPH illiterate-PL-ACC cheat-EXCEP-3 gold-3
Les engañan a esas madres solteras, a esos analfabetos, les engañan con su dinero
They cheat those single mothers, those illiterate people. They cheat them out of their money.
00:34:51.410 - 00:34:59.100

Kay achka qullqim kayaq valurmi kayan qullqiqa kayan manam ishllachu nishpa
kay achka qullqi-m kay-aq valur-mi ka-ya-n qullqi-qa ka-ya-n mana-m ishlla-chu ni-shpa
DEM.P much gold-EVD DEM.P-TOP worth-EVD be-PROG-3 gold-TOP be-PROG-3 no-EVD little-NEG
"Ésto es mucho dinero. Vale mucho. Es dinero. No es poquito", les dicen.
"This is a lot of money. This is worth a lot. It's money. It's not a little," they say.
00:34:59.110 - 00:35:05.720

Alli trabahakuptinqa qariqa rikuhikurunmi

alli trabaha-pti-n-qa qari-qa rikuqikurunmi.
good work-SUBDS-3-TOP man-TOP pick.up-REFL-PST-3-EVD
Si es trabajadora, un hombre se la recoje.
When she works well, a man picks her up.
00:35:22.460 - 00:35:27.270

Kimsa wawayuqta ishkay wawayuqta tawa wawayuqta rikuhikun

kimsa wawa-yuq-ta ishkay wawa-yuq-ta tawa wawa-yuq-ta-m rikuqi-ku-n
three baby-POSS-ACC two baby-POSS-ACC four baby-POSS-ACC-EVD pick.up-REFL-3
Con tres hijos con dos hijos con cuatro hijos se recojen.
The pick up women with three children, with two children, with four children.
00:35:27.270 - 00:35:32.540

Hinashpa achkaña wawan kayan chaypaq ñakanñataqtri mikuypaq.

hinashpa achka-ña wawa-n ka-ya-n chay-paq ñaka-n-ña-taq-tri miku-y-paq
then much-DISC baby-3 be-PROG-3 DEM.D-ABL suffer-3-DISC-SEQ-EVC eat-INF-ABL
Después tiene muchos hijos. De allí sufrirá de hambre.
Then she has a lot of babies. She'll suffer a lot from that, from hunger.
00:35:32.540 - 00:35:41.120

Vistidunpaq mikunanpaq riki ñakantrik

vistidu-n-paq miku-na-n-paq ri-ki ña-ka-n-trik
clothes-3-PURP eat-NMLZ-3-PURP RI-KI suffer-3-EVC
Sufrirán por ropa, por comida.
They'll suffer for clothes, for food.
00:35:41.120 - 00:35:46.150

Imaynapis uywakuntrik maman manam mikusa manam mikusatapis

imayna-pis uywa-ku-n-trik mama-n mana-m miku-sa-ø mana-m miku-sa-ø-ta-pis
how-ADD raise-REFL-3-EVC mother-3 no-EVD eat-PRF-3 no-EVD eat-PRF-3-ACC-ADD
Cómo los criará su mamá, alimentados o no alimentados.
How ever will their mother raise them, having eaten, not having eaten.
00:35:46.150 - 00:35:53.650

Postaman rin kayanshi kayanshi kimsallatam ishkayllatam tawallatam wawakun

posta-man ri-n ka-ya-n-shi ka-ya-n-shi kimsa-lla-ta-m ishkay-lla-ta-m tawa-lla-ta-m wawa-ku-n go-3 be-PROG-3-EVR be-PROG-3-EVR five-RSTR-ACC-EVD two-RSTR-ACC-EVD
four-RSTR-ACC-EVD baby-REFL-3
Van al puesto de salud. Hay, hay, dicen. Dan a luz a tres no más, a dos no más, a cuatro no más.
They go to the health clinic. There is, there is, they say. They give borth to just three, just two, just four.
00:36:02.690 - 00:36:10.510

Chay madresolteraqa wawakun achka achkatam diferenti apelliduyuq diferenti apelliduyuq pichqa suqta
chay madresoltera-qa wawa-ku-n achka achka-ta-m diferenti apellidu-yuq diferenti apellidu-yuq pichqa suqta
DEM.D single.mother-TOP baby-REFL-3 much much-ACC-EVD different different five six
Estas madres solteras dan a luz bastante bastante. Con apellidos diferentes, apellidos diferentes. Con cinco,
seis apellidos.
Those single mothers have lots and lots of babies. With different last names, different last names, five, six
last names.
00:36:10.540 - 00:36:18.890

00:36:18.900 - 00:36:23.740

00:36:23.750 - 00:36:29.830

Manam chayaq kararaqchu manam chayraq chayaq kimsa tawa watallaraq chayaq rikarirun chay kanan mana
mana-m chay-aq ka-ra-ø--raq-chu mana-m chay-raq chay-qa kimsa tawa wata-lla-raq chay-aq rikari-ru-n chay
kanan mana
DEM.D-TOP appear-PST-3 DEM.D now no
Allí no había todavía. Recien, apareció allí hace tres o cuatro años. Ahora ya no
There wasn't that yet there, not that yet. That appeared there recently, three or four years. Now not
00:36:29.850 - 00:36:38.770

Manam wawananpaq kayan ya kanan inyeksyonapis kayanmi

mana-m wawa-na-n-paq ka-ya-n ya kanan inyeksyona-pis ka-ya-n-mi
no-EVD baby-NMLZ-3-PURP be-PROG-3 YA now injection-ADD be-PROG-3-EVD
Ahora hay inyecciones para no tener hijos.
Now there are injections so as not to have a baby.
00:36:38.770 - 00:36:44.620

Chaytam trurakun vakunan kaypaq

chay-ta-m trura-ku-n vakuna-n kay-paq
DEM.D-ACC-EVD put-REFL-3 vaccinate-3 DEM.D-LOC
Ésos se ponen, se vacunan por acá.
They put those. People get vaccinated here.
00:36:44.620 - 00:36:51.040

Manam wawakunanpaq imayna ya chaykuna manam yatra:chu

mana-m wawa-ku-na-n-paq imayna ya chay-kuna mana-m yatra-:-chu
no-EVD baby-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP why EMPH DEM.D-PL no-EVD know-1-NEG
Para que no tengan hijo. ¿Cómo serán? Yo no sé.
So as not to have a baby. How could those be? I don't know.
00:36:51.040 - 00:36:55.680

Ñuqaqa sesenta añustaña rilla:

ñuqa-qa sesenta añus-ta-ña ri-lla-:
1-TOP sixty years-ACC-DISC go-RSTR-1
Yo sesenta años ya voy.
I'm going on sixty years already.
00:36:55.680 - 00:37:01.440

00:37:01.460 - 00:37:05.330

yanqallaq kambiyaykunmi este es

yanqa-lla-q kambiya-yku-n-mi
in.vain-RSTR-AG change-EXCEP-3-EVD
Cambia por gusto. Éste es ...
For no good reason -- it changes. That's ....
00:37:05.330 - 00:37:10.560

Okichanka. Okichanka es bien lejos cerros. Allí hay encanto allí

Okichanka. Okichanka es en los cerros muy lejanos. Hay encanto allí
Okichanka. Okichanka is in the far, far hills. There's a ghost there.
00:37:10.570 - 00:37:15.280

00:37:15.280 - 00:37:19.560

Huk inqiniyerush rikura chay observaq hinashpash

huk inqiniyeru-sh ri-ku-ra-ø chay observa-q hinashpa-sh
one engineer-EVR go-REFL-PST-3 DEM.D observe-AG then-EVR
Un ingeniero, dicen, fue a observar y después
An engineer, they say, went there to observe, and then, they say,
00:37:19.560 - 00:37:26.230

Chaylla kidakun tutaqa karruqa purikuyanshi

chay-lla kida-ku-n tuta-qa karru-qa puri-ku-ya-n-shi
DEM.D-RSTR stay-REFL-3 night-TOP car-TOP walk-REFL-PROG-3-EVR
Allí no más se quedó y de noche el carro anda, dicen.
He stayed there, and at night, they say, the car goes around.
00:37:26.260 - 00:37:31.250
Tutaqa suynukuyanshi karruqa puntrawqa manash kanchu imapis. Tutañataqshi suynakuyan karruqa
tuta-qa suynu-ku-ya-n-shi karru-qa puntraw-qa mana-sh ka-n-chu ima-pis tuta-ña-taq-shi suynu-ku-ya-n
karru-qa puri-ku-ya-n
night-TOP sound-REFL-PROG-EVR car-TOP day-TOP no-EVR be-3-NEG what-ADD
night-DISC-SEQ-EVR sound-REFL-PROG_3 car-TOP walk-REFL-PROG-3
Se escucha el carro de noche. De día no hay nada pero de noche el carro suena, corre.
They say you can hear the car at night. During the day, they say, there's nothing. But at night the car is
making noise, going around.
00:37:31.250 - 00:37:40.550

00:37:40.550 - 00:37:44.010

Chaypaqa puyum puyum chaypaq pasaypaq witrqarun manam imapis

chay-pa-qa puyu-m puyu-m chay-paq pasaypaq witrqa-ru-n mana-m ima-pis
DEM.D-LOC-ABL fog-EVD fog-EVD DEM.D-ABL a.lot close-URGT-3 no-EVD what-ADD
Hay neblina, neblina allí. Se cierra completamente allí -- no [se ve] nada.
There's fog, fog there. It closes completely there. [You can't see] anything.
00:37:52.770 - 00:38:01.070

Pero entero que parece. Mitad no más. Guárda tu .. .

Pero entero que parece. Mitad no más. Guárda tu .. .
But it appears whole. Half, no more. Hold on to your ....
00:38:03.370 - 00:38:09.990

Vaka:tam harkayá kaypa. Pastutam mikuyachi: kaypi vaka:ta

vaka-:-ta-m harka-ya-: kay-pa pastu-ta-m miku-ya-chi-: kay-pi vaka-:-ta
cow-1-ACC-EVD herd-PROG-1 DEM.P-LOC pasture-1-ACC-EVD eat-PROG-CAUS-1 DEM.P-LOC
Pasteo mis vacas acá. Hago comer pasto a mi vacas acá.
I herd my cows here. I have my cows eat pasture here.
00:38:19.290 - 00:38:25.050

Aw. Kisutam rantiku:. Ishllatapis wakchatapis

aw. kisu-ta-m ranti-ku-: ishlla-ta-pis wakcha-ta-pis
yes cheese-ACC-EVD buy-REFL-1 little-ACC-ADD ram-ACC-ADD
Sí. Vendo queso. Hay pocos corderos.
Yes. I sell cheese. Not a lot of rams.
00:38:25.070 - 00:38:30.210

Aw, kaypaqa kiseruqa kakullan achkam

aw, kay-pa-qa kiseru-qa ka-ku-lla-n achka-m
yes DEM.D-LOC-TOP cheese.makers-TOP be-REFL-RSTR-3 much-EVD
Ay, aquí hay muchos queseros.
Sí, there are a lot of people who make cheese here.
00:38:35.440 - 00:38:40.300

Wasilla:man rantiku: wasi runallaman

wasi-lla-man ranti-ku-´ wasi runa-lla-man
house-RSTR-1-ALL buy-REFL-1 house person-RSTR-ALL
Vendo en mi casa no más. Mi casa. A gente no más.
I sell it just in my house. My house. Just to people.
00:38:40.300 - 00:38:43.910

00:38:50.250 - 00:39:03.150

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:47 PM

Antes, dice, pues, había una . . .
Antes había una mujer con un bebé.
Once upon a time, there was a woman with a baby.
00:00:00.350 - 00:00:06.180

señora. Señora con wawa . . . wawayuq señora.

wawa wawa-yuq
baby baby-POSS
señora. Señora con bebé, señora con bebé.
woman -- a woman with a baby, a woman with a baby.
00:00:06.300 - 00:00:13.090

rin. Nata wasita kayhina yasqa warmipa wasinta.

ri-n na-ta wasi-ta kay-hina yasqa warmi-pa wasi-n-ta
go-3 DMY-ACC house-ACC DEM.P-COMP old woman-GEN house-3-ACC
Se fue a una casa así, la casa de una ancianita ciega.
She went to a house like this one, to the house of a blind old woman.
00:00:13.170 - 00:00:17.790

Yasqa warmiqa siyegusha kara. Chay siyegu warmipa.

yasqa warmi-qa siyegu-sh-a ka-ra-ø chay siyegu warmi-pa
old woman-TOP blind-EVR-EMPH be-PST-3 DEM.D blind woman-GEN
La anciana era ciega, dicen. [La casa era] de esa mujer ciega.
The old woman was blind, they say. [The house was] the blind woman's.
00:00:17.790 - 00:00:22.300

Hinaptin kamchantasha kamchakuyan triguta

Hinaptin kamcha-n-ta-sha kamcha-ku-ya-n trigu-ta
then cancha-3-ACC-EVR-EMPH cancha-REFL-PROG-3 wheat-ACC
[Cuando llegó la mujer con bebé, la mujer ciega] estaba tostando granos de trigo [cancha],
[Cuando llegó la mujer con bebé, la mujer ciega] estaba tostando granos de trigo [cancha],
00:00:22.360 - 00:00:26.060

matiwan truraykushpa. Hinaptintaqshi naqa.

mati-wan trura-yku-shpa hinaptin-taq-shi na-qa
guardándolo en un plato. Duespués, dice, ese ese
setting it aside on a plate. Then, they say, ummm,
00:00:26.060 - 00:00:31.600

Ishkay wambrachakunañataq trayarun.

ishkay wambra-cha-kuna-na-taq traya-ru-n
two child-DIM-PL-DISC-SEQ arrive-URGT-3
Después, dicen, llegaron dos niñitos.
Then, they say, two children arrived.
00:00:31.730 - 00:00:34.450

Wambrachañataq. Kamchallantaq kachukuyan tiyakushpa.

wambra-cha-ña-taq kamcha-lla-n-taq kachu-ku-ya-n tiya-ku-shpa
child-DIM-DISC-SEQ cancha-RSTR-3-SEQ chew-REFL-PROG-3 sit-REFL-SUBIS
os niñitos se sentaron [en la casa de la ancianita y empezaron a] comer la cancha
he children sat down [inside the woman's house and started] eating her cancha.
00:00:34.560 - 00:00:40.080

Siyegu mamakuñataq nayan.

siyegu mamaku-ña-taq na-ya-n
blind old.woman-DISC-SEQ DMY-PROG-3
La ancianita ciega sigue haciendo
The blind old woman was making
00:00:40.080 - 00:00:44.060

Kamchakuyan, trakayan naman matiman kamchataqa.

kamcha-ku-ya-n traka-ya-n na-man mati-man kamcha-ta-qa
cancha-REFL-PROG-3 empty-PROG-3 DMY-ALL plate-ALL cancha-ACC-TOP
sigue haciendo cancha, poniéndola en un plato
s making cancha, transfering the toasted cancha out onto a plate.
00:00:44.200 - 00:00:49.050

Hinaptinqa kamchallanqa manam huntarinchu matimanqa.

hinaptin-qa kamcha-lla-n-qa mana.m hunta-ri-n-chu mati-man-qa
then-TOP cancha-RSTR-3-TOP no-EVD fill-INCH-3-NEG plate-ALL-TOP
[Pero] después, su cancha no llenaba para el plato.
[But], then, her cancha wasn't filling up the plate.
00:00:49.170 - 00:00:53.840

Mana mana huntarinñash. Kunformi kamchakuyan. Ukucha ukucha nayan.

Mana mana hunta-ri-n-ña-sh kunformi kamcha-ku-ya-n ukucha ukucha na-ya-n
no no fill-INCH-3-DISC-NEG proper cancha-REFL-PROG-3 rat rat DMY-PROG-3
No llenaba [el plato]. Ella sigue tostando. "Un ratón. Un ratón lo está haciendo", [pensaba la ancianita].
It didn't fill up [the plate]. She went on toasting her grain. "A mouse. A mouse is doing that," [thought the
00:00:53.890 - 00:01:00.920

Makinwan chuqayan ukucha.

maki-n-wan chuqa-ya-n ukucha
hand-3-INSTR throw-PROG-3 rat
"¡Con sus manos el ratón está botándolo¡ ¡Está comiendo mi cancha! ¿Qué cosa? ¡El ratón lo está botando!"
"The mouse is tossing it out with his hands!
00:01:00.950 - 00:01:04.000

Kamcha:ta kachuyan. Imayna? Ukucha chuqayan. Ukuchaqa manam manam lluqsinchu. Kamchata
kachukuyan wambraqa.
kamcha:-ta kachu-ya-n imayna ukucha chuqa-ya-n ukucha-qa mana-m mana-m lluqsi-n-chu kamcha-ta
kacha-ku-ya-n wambra-qa
cancha-1-ACC chew-PROG-3 how rat throw-PROG-3 rat-TOP no-EVD no-EVD go.out-3-NEG cancha-ACC
chew-REFL-PROG-3 child-TOP
¡Está comiendo mi cancha! ¿Qué cosa? ¡El ratón lo está botando!"
He's eating up my cancha! How so? The mouse is tossing it around!" "That mouse just won't leave," [thought
the old woman. But there was no
mouse. It was the boys who] were chewing up the cancha! Two boys. It was the boys who] were chewing up
00:01:04.030 - 00:01:11.760

Wambra ishkayniyuq. Hinashpa ishkay wambrata hapirun qunqaykachishpash hapirun makipaq.

wambra ishkay-ni-yuq hinashpa ishkay wambra-ta hapi-ru-n qunqa-yka-chi-shpa-sh hapi-ru-n maki-paq
child two-EUPH-POSS then two child-ACC grab-URST-3 forget-EXCEP-CAUS-SUBIS-EVR grab-URGT-3
Dos muchachos. Después agarró a los dos chicos. Los hizo olvidar [los engañó] y los agarró de la mano.
Two boys She grabbed the two boys. She tricked [the boys] and caught them by the hand
00:01:12.070 - 00:01:18.700

Makin hapiruptinñaqa
maki-n hapi-ru-pti-n-ña-qa
hand-3 grab-URGT-SUBDS-3-DISC-TOP
Cuando les agarró la mano
When she grabbed their hands
00:01:18.710 - 00:01:21.000

Hinashpa chay wambrataqa nin yasqa mamakuqa. "Manam ... qamqa flakuraqmi kayanki. Kanan
hinashpa chay wambra-ta-qa ni-n yasqa mamakuq-qa manam ... qam-qa flaku-raq-mi kaya-n[ki] kanan
then DEM.D child-ACC-TOP say-3 old old.lady-TOP no-EVD ... 2-TOP skinny-CONT-EVD be-PROG-2
la anciana dijo a los niños, "Uds. están delgados aún.
the old woman said to the boys, "No ... you're still skinny. Now
00:01:21.270 - 00:01:27.460

"nallapam hawlallapam qamtaq wirayachisayki",nin.

na-lla-pa-m hawla-lla-pa-m qam-taq wira-ya-chi-sayki ni-n
Ahora los voy a hacer engordar en un ... en una jaula, nada más", dijo.
I'm going to fatten you up in a ummm, in a cage!" she said.
00:01:27.460 - 00:01:31.070

Hinashpash pushaykun wasinman.

Hinashpa-sh pusha-yku-n wasi-n-man
then-EVR take-EXCEP-3 house-3-ALL
Después, dice, los llevó a su casa.
Then, they say, she brought them to her house.
00:01:31.300 - 00:01:34.420

Pushaykushtinqa wambrataq makin yatapasha yantaman katran.

pusha-yku-shtin-qa wambra-taq maki-n yatapa-sha yanta-man katra-n
take-EXCEP-SUBADV-TOP child-ACC hand-3-ACC hold-PRF firewood-ALL send-3
Despues de llevar a los niños [a la casa] con las manos atadas, los mandó a recoger leña.
When she brought the boys [home], their hands tied, she sent them for firewood.
00:01:34.510 - 00:01:39.200

Yantaman katraruptinña ... kananqa namun ... "Yantatam kanan aparamunki. Kanan
yanta-man katra-ru-pti-n-ña kanan-qa na-mu-n kay-ni-n yanta-ta-m kanan apa-ra-mu-nki kanan
firewood-ALL DMY-CISL-3 DEM.P-EUPH-3 firewood-ACC-EVD now send-URGT-SUBDS-3-DISC
bring-URGT-CISL-2 now-TOP now
Cuando los mandó por leña [dijo], "Ahora me van a traer leña.
When she sent them for wood, [she said] "Now you're going to bring firewood.
00:01:39.780 - 00:01:45.740

"mediyo meses mediyo añu sirvisayki yanta apamusaywan", nin.

mediyo meses mediyo añu sirvi-sayki yanta apa-mu-sa-y-wan ni-n
half months half year firewood bring-CISL-PSF-1-INSTR serve-1>2.FUT say-3
En medio mes, en medio año, los voy a cocinar con la leña que les he [mandado a] traer", les dijo.
"half a month ... half a year, I'm going to serve you with the firewood I brought," she said.
00:01:45.740 - 00:01:52.210

Chayaqqa ishkay palumawan tinkurun.

chay-qa ishkay paluma-wan tinku-ru-n
DEM.D-TOP two dove-INSTR meet-URGT-3
Tiempo después [cuando los niños fueron por leña] se encontraron con dos palomas.
Later [when the two boys went for firewood] they met up with two doves.
00:01:52.350 - 00:01:55.410

Ishkay palumaqa nin, "Manam yantataqa

Ishkay paluma-qa mana-m ni-n yanta-ta-qa
two dove-TOP say-3 no-EVD firewood-ACC-TOP
Los dos palomas les aconsejeron, "La leña --
Two two doves said, "The firewood --
00:01:55.440 - 00:01:59.810

"apayachun! GG Kananqa sirvishunkimiki. Wirayaykashunkim wirayaykachishpam qamtaqa mikushunki!"

apa-ya-chun kanan-qa sirvi-shunki-mi-ki wira-ya-yka-shunkim-m wira-ya-yka-chi-shpa-m qam-ta-qa
bring-PROG-INJUNC now-TOP serve-3>2-EVD-KI fat-INCH-EXCEP-3>2-EVD 2-ACC-TOP
¡que no se entregue! Ahora los va a cocinar!,os va a hacer engordar y después de hacerlos engordar, se los va a
don't bring it! [The old woman] is going to serve you up now. She's going to fatten you up and after she's
fattened you up up, she's
going to eat you!"
00:01:59.910 - 00:02:06.850

niptin naqa
ni-pti-n na-qa
Cuando [las palomas] les dijeron-RSTR
After [the doves] said that
00:02:06.880 - 00:02:09.410

wambrakunallaqa yantata aparun. Hinashpa, hawlaman witrqarun mamakuqa.

wambra-kuna-lla-qa yanta-ta apa-ru-n hinashpa hawla-man witrqa-ru-n mamaku-qa
child-PL-RSTR-TOP firewood-ACC bring-URGT-3 then cage-ALL close-URGT-3 old.woman-TOP
los pobres niños [pese a haber escuchado ésto] llevaron la leña [a] la ancianita [quien] los encerró en una jaula.
the poor children brought the firewood [anyway] and then the old woman closed them up in a cage.
00:02:09.410 - 00:02:13.880

Witrqaruptinshi hawlapasha witrqarayan.
witrqa-ru-pti-n-shi hawla-pa-sh-a witrqa-ra-ya-n
Cuando los encerró en la jaula, dice, [permanecían los niños] encerrados.
When she closed them up in the cage, they say, [the boys stayed there], locked up.
00:02:14.130 - 00:02:17.640

Ukuchapa trupallanta paluma quykun.

ukucha-pa trupa-lla-n-ta paluma qu-yku-n
mouse-GEN tail-RSTR-3-ACC dove bring-EXCEP-3
Las palomas dieron [a los niños] el rabito de una rata.
The doves brought [the boys] the tail of rat.
00:02:17.790 - 00:02:20.950

Ukuchapa trupanta yatapan. "Flakum kayanki. Flakuraq kayanki," nin.

ukucha-pa trupa-n-ta ka-ya-nki yata-pa-n flaku-raq ka-ya-nki flaku-m ni-n
mouse-GEN tail-3-ACC touch-BEN-3 skinny-EVD be-PROG-2 skinny-CONT be-PROG-2 say-3
[Cuando vino la ancianita ciega a verificar si los niños se estaban engordando, no tocó los brazos de los niños
sino] tocó el rabo del
ratón. "Están flacos. Están flacos todavía," dijo.
[When the blind old woman came to check if the boys were fattening up, she didn't touch the boys' limbs,
rather] she touched the rat's
tail. "You're skinny," she said, "You're still skinny."
00:02:21.120 - 00:02:25.730

Qunqaytaqa ukuchamasin apamun trupataqa.

qunqaytaq-qa ukucha-masi-n apa-mu-n trupa-ta-qa
suddenly-TOP mouse-PART bring-CISL-3 tail-ACC-TOP
De repente,[ llegó] el compañero del ratón y se llevó el rabo.
Suddenly, the rat's friend [showed up] and took the tail [back to his rat friend]
00:02:25.880 - 00:02:29.260
Chay mamakuqa yataykun imananqataq yataykachin makintaqa
chay mamaku-qa yata-yku-n ima-na-nqa-taq yata-yka-chi-n maki-n-ta-qa
DEM.D old.woman-TOP touch-EXCEP-3 what-VRBZ-3.FUT-SEQ touch-EXCEP-CAUS-3
Así, la anciana pudo tocarles [los brazos de verdad]. ¿Qué podían hacer? Se dejaron tocar los brazos.
The old woman touched [their fat arms for real]. What could they do? They let her touch their arms.
00:02:29.290 - 00:02:36.500

nish "Ñam kanan allin kayanki. ¡Yantaman riruy!"

ni-sh ña-m kanan allin ka-ya-nki yanta-man ri-ru-y
say-EVR DISC-EVD now good be-PROG-3 firewood-ALL go-URGT-IMP
"Ahora están bien [gordos]. ¡Váyan por leña!" les dijo.
"Now you're good [and fat]. Go for firewood!" she said.
00:02:37.130 - 00:02:40.450

Yantaman rin. Yantaman palumaqa yapataq chaypa rikarin. Waqakun palumaqa.

yanta-man ri-n yanta-man paluma-qa yapa-taq chay-pa rikari-n waqa-ku-n paluma-qa
firewood-ALL go-3 firewood-ALL dove-TOP repeat-SEQ DEM.D-LOC appear-3 cry-REFL-3 dove-TOP
Se fue para leña. Cuando [llegaron donde] la leña, otra vez las palomas aparecieron allí. Las palomas
pusieron a llorar,.
They went for the firewood. [When they arrived] at the wood pile, the doves appeared there once again. The
doves started to cry.
00:02:40.960 - 00:02:47.870

Tapun, "Imapaq manam ... imapaq waqakunki, paluma?" nin.

tapu-n ima-paq mana-m ... ima-paq waqa-ku-nki paluma ni-n
ask-3 waht-PURP no-EVD ... what-PURP cry-REFL-2 dove say-3
[Uno de los niños] preguntó, ¿Para qué lloran, palomas?" dijo.
[One of the boys] asked, "Doves, why are you crying?" he said.
00:02:48.890 - 00:02:52.700

"Manam qam yatrankichu. Kananqa

mana-m qam yatra-nki-chu kanan-qa
no-EVD 2 know-2-NEG now-TOP
"Aún no te has dado cuenta" [contestaron las palomas].
You [still] don't know," [the doves answered].
00:02:52.990 - 00:02:55.180

kanan chay mamakuq hatu hatun paylawan timpuyachin yakuta", nin.

kanan chay mamakuq hatu hatun payla-wan timpu-ya-chi-n yaku-ta ni-n
now DEM.D old.woman big boil-PROG-CAUS-3 big water-ACC pot-INSTR say-3
"Ahora esa anciana está haciendo hervir agua en una olla tremenda.
"Now the old woman the boiling water in a great big pot.
00:02:55.190 - 00:02:59.060

"Kananqa kutiriptikiqa
kanan-qa kuti-ri-pti-ki-qa
now-TOP return-INCEP-SUBDS-2-TOP
"Ahora cuando ustedes regresan
"Now, when you go back
00:02:59.060 - 00:03:02.230

mikushunki!" nin. "Altuman siqachishunki tichuman.

miku-shunki ni-n altu-man siqa-chi-shunki tichu-man
eat-3>2 say-3 high-ALL go.up-CAUS-3>2 roof-ALL
"los va a comer!" dijeron. "Ella les va a hacer subir al techo.
"she's going to eat you!" they said. "She's going to make you go up on the roof.
00:03:02.320 - 00:03:05.850

"Iskaleratañam trurarun.
iskalera-ta-ña-m trura-ru-n
ladder-ACC-DISC-EVD put-URGT-3
"Ya puso escalera.
"She's already put up a ladder.
00:03:05.860 - 00:03:08.050

"¡Amamá siqayankichu qamqa! Chay mamakuqta siqachinki primero yatrachishunaypaq", TK nin.

ama-m-a siqa-ya-nki-chu qam-qa chay mamakuq-ta siqa-chi-nki primero yatra-chi-shu-na-:-paq ni-n
PROH-EVD-EMPH go.up-PROG-2-NEG 2-TOP DEM.D old.woman-ACC go.up-CAUS-2 first
know-CAUS-2.OBJ-NMLZ-PURP say-3
"¡No subes! Van a hacer que esa anciana suba primero a manera de enseñarles", les aconsejaron.
"Don't go up [the ladder]! Make the old woman go up first. [Tell her you don't know how and she has to go
up first] in order to teach
you," they said.
00:03:08.090 - 00:03:14.050
Chay mamakuqqa siqan altupa. "Imas kakuyantri? charki. Imas kayantri hurqumunanpaq?"
chay mamaku-qa siqa-n altu-pa ima-s ka-ku-ya-n-tri charki ima-s ka-ya-n-tri hurqu-mu-na-n-paq
DEM.D old.lady-TOP go.up-3 high-LOC what-ADD be-REFL-PROG-3-EVC jerky be-PROG-3-EVC
what-ADD take.out-CISL-NMLZ-3-PURP
[Así, los niños hicieron que] la anciana suba [primero preguntando,] "¿Qué estará [en el techo?] ¿Acaso carne
seca?" ¿Qué también habrá
para recoger?" [preguntó uno de los niños]
[The boys did as the birds said]. The old woman went up [to the roof first]. "What else would there be?
Jerky. What else would there be
to take out?" [asked the boys?]
00:03:14.050 - 00:03:20.950

Chaypaq, "Siqay qam! Manam ñuqa yatra:chu," nin.

chay-paq siqa-y qam mana-m ñuqa yatra-:-chu ni-n
DEM.D-ABL go.up-IMP 2 no-EVD 1 know-1-NEG say-3
De allí, "Súbe usted, yo no sé", dijo [uno de los niños].
So, "You go up [first]," said [one of the boys]. "I don't know how."
00:03:21.300 - 00:03:23.980

"Manam yatra:chu," niptin mamakuq siqan.

mana-m yatra-:-chu ni-pti-n mamakuq siqa-n
no-EVD know-1-NEG say-SUBDS-3 old.woman go.up-3
Cuando dijo "Yo no sé", la anciana subió.
When he said he didn't know, the old lady went up.
00:03:24.300 - 00:03:29.010

Hinaptinshi, "Iskalerataqa chuqarirunki!" nin.

hinaptin-shi iskalera-ta-qa chuqa-ri-ru-nki ni-n
then-EVR ladder-ACC-TOP throw-INCEP-URGT-2 say-3
Entonces, dicen, [uno de los niños gritó al otro,] "¡Retíra la escalera!"
Then, they say, [one of the boys shouted to the other], "Knock over the ladder!" he said.
00:03:29.010 - 00:03:32.460

"Kikin siqaykurunqa," nin.

kiki-n siqayku-ru-nqa ni-n
self-3 fall-URGT-3.FUT say-3
"Ella misma va a caer", dijo,
"She herself is going to fall," he said.
00:03:32.520 - 00:03:34.440

Mamakuq yaku timpusanta.

Mamakuq yaku timpu-sa-n-ta
old.lady water boil-PRF-3-ACC
[Y así pasó.] La ancianita [se cayó en] el agua que ella había hervido. 40. Wa
[And, indeed,] the old woman [fell] into water she had boiled.
00:03:34.470 - 00:03:37.100

Wañurun mamakuqqa. Allí mismo disuyanki. Nata nin

wañu-ru-n mamakuq-qa disuya-nki na-ta ni-n
die-URGT-3 old.lady-TOP butcher-2 DMY-ACC say-3
Se murió la anciana. "¡Allí mismo la vas a degollar!" dijo [el otro niño,]
The old woman died. You're going to butcher her right there, he said.
00:03:37.130 - 00:03:43.490

Abrinki kurasunnintam. Kayan ishkay huk pichi huk

abri-nki kurasun-ni-n-ta-m ka-ya-n ishkay huk pichi huk
open.2 heart.EUPH-3-ACC-EVD be-PROG-3 two one dog one
Vas a abrir su corazón. Están dos: un perro una
You're going to open his heart. There are two: one dog, one ...
00:03:43.820 - 00:03:48.480

00:03:48.500 - 00:03:49.190

Chay ispadatam apakunki. Chay pichitam apuraw hurqurishpa apakunki

chay ispada-ta-m apa-ku-nki chay pichi-ta-m apuraw hurqu-ri-shpa apa-ku-nki
DEM.D sword-ACC-EVD bring-REFL-2 DEM.D dog-ACC-EVD quick take.out-INCEP-SUBIS
Vas a llevar esa espada. Ese pichi, sacando rapidito, te lo vas a llevar.
You're going to bring the sword, and you're going to take the dog out quickly and bring him.
00:03:50.030 - 00:03:55.260

Rikunsha. Chay warmi qari wambrakunaqa.

ri-ku-n-sh-a chay warmi qari wambra-kuna-qa
go-REFL-EVR-EMPH DEM.D woman man child-PL-TOP
Se fue, dice. Mujer ... hombre ... chicos
They left, they say. Woman ... man ... children
00:03:55.340 - 00:04:00.330

Huk hukta pasaramun.

huk huk-ta pasa-ra-mu-n
one one-ACC pass-URGT-CISL-3
a uno, a otro, pasaron.
left one by one.
00:04:00.790 - 00:04:03.310

Qusankunataña tarirun. Qaripis, warmipis.

qusa-n-kuna-ta-ña tari-ru-n qari-pis warmi-pis
husband-3-PL-ACC-DISC find-URGT-3 man-ADD woman-ADD
Su esposo todo encontró. Hombre y mujer también.
She found her husband and all already. Husband and wife.
00:04:03.460 - 00:04:07.370

Chaypiñataq na una inviDyosuñataqshi huknin kara panin.

chay-pi-ña-taq na una inviDyosu-ña-taq-shi huk-ni-n ka-ra-ø pani-n
DEM.D-LOC-DISC-SEQ DMY one jealous-DISC-SEQ-EVR one-EUPH-3 be-PST-3 sister-3
En-RSTR, dice, ha sido envidiosa una de sus hermanas.
With that, they say, too, [there once was a girl]. One of [the girl's] sisters was jealous.
00:04:09.630 - 00:04:15.340

klavutañataqshi klavarun katrinman.

klavu-ta-ña-taq-shi klava-ru-n katri-n-man
Clavo ya también, dice, clavó a su catri.
[The jealous sister] nailed a nail into her VV.
00:04:15.540 - 00:04:17.880

Umanman lliw pasarun klavuqa.

uma-n-man lliw pasa-ru-n klavu-qa
head-3-ALL all pass-URGT-3 nail-TOP
Para su cabeza pasó el clavo
The nail passed all through the girl's head.
00:04:17.960 - 00:04:20.930

Uman pasaruptinqa wañurun. Pichiñataqshi kara. Pichi chay kurasunpaq allin chay pichi
uma-n pasa-ru-pti-n-qa wañu-ru-n pichi-ña-taq-shi ka-ra-ø pichi chay kurasun-paq allin chay pichi
head-3 pass-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP die-URGT-3 dog-DISC-SEQ-EVR be-PST-3 dog DEM.D heart-BEN
good DEM.D dog
Cuando pasó su cabaza, se murió. Perro también había. Perro es bueno para el corazón, ese perro.
When the nail passed through her head, she died. There was also a dog. Dog ... that ... that dog is good for
your heart.
00:04:20.950 - 00:04:26.900

Pichiñataq rin panteyunta pampamuptinqa hinashpa kahunta disbaratarun

pichi-ña-taq ri-n panteyun-ta pampa-mu-pti-n-qa hinashpa kahun-ta disbarata-ru-n
dog-DISC-SEQ go-3 cemetery-ACC bury-CISL-SUBDS-3-TOP then coffin-ACC take.apart-URGT-3
El perro ya también, dice, se fue al cementerio en el suelo. Después desarmó el cajón.
The dog went to the cemetery when they buried [the girl]. Then he took apart the coffin-
00:04:27.270 - 00:04:33.320

Disbaratashpa hurqumun umantaqa

disbarata-shpa hurqu-mu-n uma-n-ta-qa
take.apart-SUBIS take.out-CISL-3 head-3-ACC-TOP
Desarmándolo sacó su cabeza.
When he took it apart, he took out [the girl's] head-
00:04:33.440 - 00:04:38.150

pushakun wasinta. Urqutañataq rin palumaman

pusha-ku-n wasi-n-ta urqu-ta-ña-taq ri-n paluma-man
take-REFL-3 house-3-ACC hill-ACC-DISC-SEQ go-3 dove-ALL
Se lo llevó a su casa. Al cerro también se fue para paloma.
and took it home. [The dog] went to the hill, to [find] the dove.
00:04:38.200 - 00:04:42.340

palumata kasakamushaq nishpa

paluma-ta kasa-ka-mu-:-sh ni-shpa
dove-ACC marry-REFL-CISL-1.FUT say-SUBIS
"A la paloma voy a casar," diciendo.
"I'm going to chase the dove," he said-
00:04:42.600 - 00:04:44.970

Chaypañataq bulsaman huntarun qullqi

chay-pa-ña-taq bulsa-man hunta-ru-n qullqi
DEM.D-LOC-DISC-SEQ bag-ALL fill-URGT-3 money
En allí ya también para la bols llenó plata.
There, too, [the dove?] filled a bag with money.
00:04:45.030 - 00:04:48.740

Chay pichiwan. Pichiwan huntaruptin apakun wasinta.

chay pichi-wan pichi-wan hunta-ru-pti-n apa-ku-n wasi-n-ta
DEM.D dog-INSTR dog-INSTR fill-URGT-SUBDS-3 bring-REFL-3 house-3-ACC
con ese perro. Cuanto lo llenó con el perro, se lo llevó a su casa.
With that dog. When he filled it with the dog, he brought it home.
00:04:48.820 - 00:04:54.240

Pichiqa rikun chayta kumplikushpa.

pichi-qa ri-ku-n chay-ta kumpli-ku-shpa
El perro se fue después de cumplir-RSTR.
The dog left after completing that.
00:04:54.320 - 00:04:57.130

Ñata. Ya no.
Ya. Ya no.
That's it. No more.
00:04:59.110 - 00:05:03.940

Marayta shari zorroqa trayashpa saytan

Maray-ta sha-ri zorro-qa traya-shpa sayta-n
mortar-ACC EVR-RI fox-TOP arrive-SUBIS kick-3
Al batan, dice, llegando el zorró lo pateó.
When the fox came to the mortar, they say, he kicked it.
00:05:03.960 - 00:05:07.890

Saytaptinqa runaqa zorro batanwan ma ma ruwedanpa sayaykachimuy.

sayta-pti-n-qa runa-qa zorro batan-wan-m-a ruweda-n-pa saya-yka-chi-mu-y
kick-SUBDS-3-TOP person-TOP fox mortar-INSTR-EVD-EMPH wheel-3-LOC
Pateando, gente, zorro con el batán. Pues ... Pues ... "¡Pónle en rueda! ¡Házle parar!
When he kicked it, a person ... the fox ... with the mortar. Then ... Then ... "Stand it up on its wheel!
00:05:07.990 - 00:05:14.260

Hinashpa dilanti rinki nin.

hinashpa dilanti ri-nki ni-n
then front go-2 say-3
"Después vas a ir delante", dijo.
"Then you're going to go in front," he said.
00:05:14.260 - 00:05:15.910

Dilantita zorroqa upallaña riyallan batanqa hukta kurrishpaqa.

dilanti-ta zorro-qa upa-lla-ña ri-ya-lla-n batan-qa huk-ta kurri-shpa-qa
front-ACC fox-TOP deaf-RSTR-DISC go-PROG-RSTR-3 mortar-TOP one-ACC run-SUBIS-TOP
Delante el zorro sonso corriendo ya el batán, en uno corriendo,
The poor, stupid fox was running in front already. The mortar running after another,
00:05:16.270 - 00:05:21.130
Hapirun mitadpaq partirun zorro.
hapi-ru-n mitad-paq parti-ru-n zorro
grab-URGT-3 half-ABL divide-URGT-3 fox
Lo agarró y lo partió de mitad -- el zorro.
He grabbed it and split it in half -- the fox.
00:05:21.130 - 00:05:24.210

TK "Mayqininchik pirdirishun? Kusisam kayhina silbaku:" nin.

Mayqin-ni-nchik pirdi-ri-shun kusi-sa-m kay-hina silba-ku-: ni-n
which-EUPH-3-EVC lose-INCEP-1PL.FUT sew-PRF-EVD DEM.P-COMP whistle-REFL-1 say-3
A ver, ¿cuál de nostros vamos a perder? Cocido así, yo silbo," dijo-
"Let's see. Which of us will lose? "Sewed up like this, I whistle," said [the waytraw]
00:05:24.230 - 00:05:28.050

"Ma, ñuqata kusiramay!" nin

ma ñuqa-ta kusi-ra-ma-y ni-n
"A ver ¡a mí, cóseme!" le dijo.
"Let's see. Sew me up!" said the other.
00:05:28.530 - 00:05:31.210

Chaypaq kusirun waytraw.

chay-paq kusi-ru-n waytraw
DEM.D-ABL sew-URGT-3 waytraw
De allí le cosió el waytraw.
So the waytraw sewed [up the fox's mouth].
00:05:31.210 - 00:05:34.490

Kusiruptinqa manam
kusi-ru-pti-n-qa mana-m
Cuando lo cosió, no
When he sewed it, no ...
00:05:34.600 - 00:05:37.500

Chayna silbakushpa purikunki kanan.

chay-na silba-ku-shpa puri-ku-nki kanan
DEM.D-VRBZ whistle-REFL-SUBIS walk-REFL-2 now
Así silbando vas a andar ahora.
"Now you're going to walk about whistling."
00:05:37.530 - 00:05:40.130

Silbakun waytraw, "Shushushu - shushushu!" Silbakun waytraw.

silba-ku-n waytraw shushushu shushushu silba-ku-n waytraw
whistle-REFL-3 waytraw shushushu shushushu. whistle-REFL-3 waytraw.
Silba el waytraw. Wishushushushu Wishushushushu. Silba el waytraw.
The waytraw whistled, "Shushushu -- shushushu!" The waytraw whistled.
00:05:40.140 - 00:05:46.440

chay zorro silbaptintaq qunqayta

chay zorro silba-pti-n-taq qunqa-y-ta
DEM.D fox whistle-SUBDS-3-SEQ forget-INF-ACC
Cuando el zorro está silbando de repente
When the fox whistled, all of a sudden,
00:05:46.530 - 00:05:49.650

yutu nin pirdiptin yutu.

yutu ni-n pirdi-pti-n yutu
partridge say-3 lose-SUBDS-3 partridge
Perdíz dijo cuando perdió perdiz
the partridge said. When he lost, the partridge,
00:05:49.740 - 00:05:51.510

Pawaptin waaaak rumpirun uydunkaman,

pawa-pti-n waaaak rumpi-ru-n uydu-n-kama
jump-SUBDS-3 waaaak break-URGT-3 ear-3-RSTR
Cuando saltó pirdió hasta su oído.
When [the partridge] jumped -- "waaaak!" -- even his ear broke,
00:05:51.540 - 00:05:55.310

su boca.
his mouth.
00:05:55.310 - 00:05:56.300

00:05:56.920 - 00:05:57.310

Unayshari kara huk runa huvin

Antes, dice, había una persona, un joven.
Long ago, they say, there was a person, a young man.
00:05:57.310 - 00:06:01.070

Huvin pasay pasaypaq na pinqa ... huvin pinqakura

Un joven muy miedoso, tenía verguenza.
A timid young man, he was ashamed.
00:06:01.110 - 00:06:05.810

Man - - - manchakura pashñata, inamoradanta

Tenía miedo a las chicas, a su enamorada.
He was afraid of girls, of his girlfriend.
00:06:05.990 - 00:06:09.360

Hinashpa mana wasinta mikurachu

Después. no comío en su casa
Then, he didn't eat in her house.
00:06:09.490 - 00:06:12.800

Wasinpa chay pashñapa wasinpa manam mikuyta munarachu. Wasinta kutishpañataq

No quiso comer en la casa de esa chica. Volviendo a casa,
He didn't want to eat in the girl's house. When he returned to her house,
00:06:12.840 - 00:06:18.340

sweruntawan chapuykushpa mi ... mikurun chaputa.

Haciendo sanco con su suero ... comió el sanco.
She made sanco with her whey ... she ate the sanco.
00:06:18.450 - 00:06:22.980

Qipanta pashña enamoradan trayashpa vintanapa yaykuptin mikukuyaq trayarun.

Llegó detrás [de la casa] de la chica, su enamorada, cuando entró por la ventana para comer, ella llegó.
When he arrived behind the girl, his girlfriend [´ house]: When he entered through the window to eat, she
00:06:23.080 - 00:06:27.970

Rikaykushpa niñu chapucha niptin wañurun. Chay huvin inamuradun.

Cuando ella lo vio "Niño sanco" dijo y el joven su enamorado murió.
When she saw him, she said "Sanco boy" and the young man, her boyfriend, died.
00:06:28.240 - 00:06:34.390

Wañurun. Puchukarun. Chay kunkapaq. Kunkanpatrik atrakukarura.

Se murió, se terminó. Por su cuello. Su garganta lo habrá atracado, seguro.
He died, He finished off. Because of his throat. He throat VV, for sure.
00:06:34.500 - 00:06:44.470

Pasarachu chapuqa. Imapaq yapashaq. Mana chayllam. Ah, chayllam chayqa.

El sanco no pasó. ¿Para qué voy a aumentar? No, eso no más. Ah, eso no más, ése.
The sanco didn't pass [down his throat]. What am I doing to repeat for? No. Just that. The end.
00:06:44.610 - 00:06:53.810

Hukñataq ma . . . malkriyadu huvinshi kara. Ishkay kimsa enamoradan kaptin.

Otro ya también. Había un joven malcriado, dicen. Tenía dos o tres enamoradas.
Another one. There was a rude young man, they say. He had two or three girlfriends.
00:06:54.890 - 00:07:00.370

Huk enamoradanñataq kasarayta munara.

Una de sus enamoradas quería casarse.
One of his girlfriends wanted to get married.
00:07:00.400 - 00:07:03.780

Hinaptinñataq ishkay kimsam yatrachinakuykushpa misita watarun kunkanman misaqa puchukarun wañurun.
Después, dos o tres enseñándose amaron gatos al cuello. Los gats terminaron, muerieron,
Then two or three, teaching each otherm tied cats around their necks, The cats finished off, died,
00:07:03.830 - 00:07:11.140

Huvinqa. Wañurunya.
El joven. Se murió, pues.
The young man. He died.
00:07:11.140 - 00:07:18.710

Manatr kawsanchu. Chay wañurun. Chay inamuradun.

No viven, seguro. Se murió. Su enamorado.
They're not alive, for sure. They died. The lovers.
00:07:18.720 - 00:07:22.420
Misita watarun allqutawan rachkarishpalla wañurachin.
Amarró al gato con el perro y arrayándolo no más, lo mató.
The tied the cat up with a dog. [The cat] scratched him and killed him.
00:07:22.420 - 00:07:26.020

Enamoradantaq. inamuraduntaq. Ah.

A su enamorado. A su enamorado.
Her lover. Her lover.
00:07:26.020 - 00:07:30.330

Pichqa wata nin chaytaqa

Cinco años, dicen a-RSTR.
Five years the say that.
00:07:30.370 - 00:07:40.420

Ah, cincuenta años. Chay watayuq.

Ah, cincuenta años. Ése tiene de edad.
Ah, fifty years. Years old.
00:07:42.960 - 00:07:47.000

Karru hamuyan karreterantam.

Carro está viniendo por la carretera.
A car is coming on the road.
00:07:53.650 - 00:07:57.250

Karreterantaña karru hamuyan. Caminando.

El carro ya está viniendo por la carretera. Caminando.
The car is coming on the road already. Walking.
00:07:57.270 - 00:08:03.730

Irradura karreteruchu kaminunta. Caminando irraduranta trakillawan. Burrunchikta qatikuykushpa.

Heradura -- carretera no. Por el camino. Caminando, por heradura, a pie no más. Arreando nuestros burros.
The path -- not the road. The trail. Walking, on the trail, on foot. Taking along our donkeys.
00:08:03.780 - 00:08:11.610

Ah, burrunchik kaywan rinchik Cañetekama maykamapis atipasanchikkama. Lunahuana urayta may
Ah, nuestro burro. Con éste íbamos hasta Cañete, hasta donde sea, hasta donde podamos. Lunahuana, abajo,
Ah. our donkeys. We went with those up to Cañete, up to where ever, up to where we could. Lunahuana,
downhill, where ever.
00:08:12.110 - 00:08:19.750

Maytapis riyanchik ya viyahiyta? Ganawninchikkunata qatikushpa irraduranta rinchik.

A dónde, también, estábamos viajando? Llevando a nuestros animales íbmos por la herradura.
Where else were we traveling? We took along our animals and went along the path.
00:08:19.860 - 00:08:25.370

Wak altuta irraduranta rinchik. Karu karumi. Lunahuana chaynapis

Ibamos allá arriba por herradura. Bien lejos es. A Lunahuana así [de lejos].
We went up there by the path. It's really far. To Lunahuana, like that [far away]-
00:08:28.090 - 00:08:33.640

Imapis kanchu. Wanakullam chay kaminupaq kan
No hay nada. Wanaku no más hay por ese camino.
There's nothing. Only Wanaku is on that path.
00:08:35.220 - 00:08:39.190

Imatataq tarinki muntikuna kan. Kichkakuna.

¿Qué vas a encontrar? Monte todo hay. Espina.
What are you going to find. There's brush. Thorn bushes.
00:08:39.220 - 00:08:47.270

Ah, suyñuyanchikmiki.
Ah, estamos soñando.
Ah, we dream.
00:08:47.280 - 00:08:54.540

Imaynataq manam? Qamtamik suyñuyki. Siyertu. Warmimik trayarun suyñuni:pa

¿Por qué no vamos a soñar? Ah, usted he soñado de verdad. Mujer a llegado en mi sueño.
Whay not. Ah, I dreamed about you. A woman came in my dream.
00:08:54.540 - 00:08:59.590

¿Imatapis suyñurunchik? Yanqanpatriki. Suyñuqa suyñutriki. Chay suyñuta qam kriyinkichu.

¿Qué también soñamos? Por gusto será, pues, eso. El sueño será, pues, sueño. Ese sueño no puedes creer.
What else do we dream? It would be for no good reason. Dreams would be dreams. You can't believe in
00:09:07.410 - 00:09:16.140

¿Imapaq chay suyñunchik signifikaduyuqchu? suyñuqa.

¿Para qué tienen significado nuestros sueños? El sueño.
What do our dreams have menaing for? Dreams.
00:09:16.150 - 00:09:20.860

Alli swertipaqmi suyñunchik chay kabrataqa.

Para buena suerte se sueña con cabras.
For good luck, you dream about goats.
00:09:31.660 - 00:09:36.070

¿Imaynam chay kabrataq suyñunchik? Mala swertichu.

¿Cómo vamos a soñar con cabras? No es mala suerte.
How are we going to dream about goats? It's not bad luck.
00:09:36.080 - 00:09:40.430

ubihamik mala swertiqa. Ah. Burrokuna

Las ovejas es mala suerte. Ah. Y los burros.
Sheep are bad luck. Ah, and donkeys.
00:09:40.430 - 00:09:45.420

Burro nin asnuta.

Al burro le dicen "asnu".
Donkeys are called "asnu."
00:09:45.420 - 00:09:50.470

ubihata chayqa mala swerti.

[Soñar con] ovejas es mala suerte.
Dreaming about] sheep is bad luck.
00:10:10.930 - 00:10:15.140

Burro enfermo chayqa.

Los burros son enfermedad.
Donkeys are sickness.
00:10:15.140 - 00:10:19.400

Atraso, dice, no más. Atraso. Oveja.

Atraso, dice, no más. Atraso. Oveja.
Delay, they say, no more. Delay. Sheep.
00:10:25.590 - 00:10:30.640

atraso. Oveja.
Las ovejas son el atraso.
Sheep are delay.
00:10:30.680 - 00:10:35.000

Wallpa suwaqam wallpa suwaqam. Mikuypaq wañunchik wallpata suyñurushpaqa

Gallina es ratero, gallina es ratero. Cuando soñamos con gallina [éso quiere decir que ] vamos a morir de
Chickens are thieves, chickens are thieves. When you dream about chickens [that means] you're going to die of
00:10:35.000 - 00:10:39.360

Wallpata suyñushpa mikuypaq wañukunkim.

Si sueñas con gallinas vas a morir de hambre.
If you dream about chickens you're going to die of hunger
00:10:39.360 - 00:10:43.930

Atuqa chay ganadaw mikuq atuq

EL zorro es lo que come tus animales. El zorro.
Foxes? Foxes are the ones that eat your cattle. Foxes.
00:10:43.940 - 00:10:50.930

Atuqqa kay Viñaqlawpa kayan wama wamaq

Por Viñac hay muchos zorros.
Around Viñac there are a lot of foxes.
00:10:50.980 - 00:10:54.580

¿Paloma? ¿Qué será paloma? Manam yatra:chu ñuqa.

¿Paloma? ¿Qué será paloma? Yo no sé.
Dove? What would doves be? I don't know.
00:10:59.390 - 00:11:04.680

Mana chaytaq na yatra:chu. Mana kasutaqchu suyñushpapis

No sé-RSTR. Aunque lo sueno, no le hago caso.
I don't know that. Although I dream, I don't pay attention.
00:11:04.680 - 00:11:10.690

kichwapaq. Ima ninchiktri? Manam intindi:chu.

En quechua ¿qué se dirá? No entiendo.
In Quechua? What would you say? I don't understand.
00:11:25.760 - 00:11:32.970

Allinpis suyñun imatriki.

Sus sueños serán buenos, tal vez.
Their dreams woud be good, I guess.
00:11:32.980 - 00:11:37.600

Imapaqpis allin paz no sé que todos estamos bien.

¿Para qué es buena la paz? Para que estemos bien todos.
Why is peace good? So we can all be well.
00:11:37.600 - 00:11:46.249

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:50 PM


Qayna wata marzo killapam

El año pasado en el mes de marzo
Last year in the month of March
00:00:00.150 - 00:00:03.570

wak Apurípa yatrakurqani vakachaywan

vi vi en Apurí con mis vaquitas.
I lived in Apurí with my cows.
00:00:03.600 - 00:00:07.410

Chaymi liyun
Luego un león
Then a puma
00:00:07.500 - 00:00:09.530

kabrakunata hapishpa mukukuyan

agarrando las cabras, se las comió.
grabbed the goats and ate them.
00:00:11.920 - 00:00:15.360

Huk warmiqa istansyanman yaykurusa

Una mujer entró en su estancia
A woman entered her ranch
00:00:15.360 - 00:00:18.630

chaymi chay warmi rumiwan liyunta chuqan

Luego esa mujer tira con piedra al leon.
Then that woman threw a stone at the lion.
00:00:20.050 - 00:00:24.610

Liyunqa manam manchakunchu sinu kabrataq arrastrakuyan.

El león no tenía miedo sino está agarrando la cabra.
The lion doesn't get scared; rather, he's dragging the goat
00:00:24.630 - 00:00:29.940
Chaymi señoraqa rikuyan qipanta kabrapi qipanta liyunqa arrastraptin
Luego la señora se fue atras de de cabra atrás del león. Cuando arrastró
Then the woman is going behind the goat, behind the lion. When it dragged
00:00:30.030 - 00:00:37.470

Chay huk . . . ishkay yatraraqa ishkay warmi

Allí una .. dos mujeres vivían, Dos.
There one ... two woman lived. Two.
00:00:37.580 - 00:00:40.600

Hukninta qayan, "¡Tráe cuchillo!" nishpa qayan chay tiyanta chay pashña
A la otra grita, "¡Tráe cuchillo!" llamó la tía a la chica.
The other shouts, "Bring a knife!" shouted the aunt to the girl.
00:00:40.770 - 00:00:47.120

Chaymi "tráe cuchillo" niptin. Chayraq chay liyun katraykurun chay kabrata ripukun urayman
Luego, cuando dijo "Tráe chuchillo" de allí el león soltó la cabra y se fue hacia abajo.
The, when she said "Bring a knife" the lion released the goat and left down hill.
00:00:48.390 - 00:00:57.360

Chaymi pasarun ishkay simana

Luego pasaron dos semanas
Then two weeks passed
00:01:01.050 - 00:01:05.090

Huk runañataqmi kabranta michirqa chayna urqupa.

Un hombre ya también pasteaba sus cabras así en el cerro,
A man pastured his goats like that on the mountain,
00:01:05.330 - 00:01:09.750

Qaqakunapa achkam kabram.

En las peñas habían muchas cabras.
There were a lot of goats on the cliffs.
00:01:09.810 - 00:01:12.800

Chaymi kabranta michishpa runallaqa sinkurusa

Luego cuando el hombre estaba pastando sus cabras, [se cayó de la peña y] se rodó
Then, when the man was pasturing his goats, he [fell from the cliff and] rolled
00:01:13.180 - 00:01:18.960

Sinkurusa shinkatriki
Se rodó borracho, seguro.
He rolled drunk, for sure.
00:01:19.380 - 00:01:21.990

Chaymi liyun mikurusa tukuy kay umankunata lliwta chay runallataq.

Luego el león comió toda la cabeza, [comió] a ese hombre todo.
Then the lion ate the whole head, [he ate] the whole man.
00:01:22.020 - 00:01:27.030

Chaypa chay liyun muchilawan karanta tapaykushpa saqirusa.

Después, el león tapándose la cara con una mochila abandonó [el lugar]
Then, the lion, covering his face with a backpack, abandoned [the place].
00:01:27.420 - 00:01:32.080

Runalla wañukun liyunpa mikusa.

El hombre murió comido del leon
The man died, eat by the lion.
00:01:33.340 - 00:01:36.420

Por eso
00:01:43.330 - 00:01:45.910

[había una] persona
[there was] a person
00:01:46.820 - 00:01:49.850

churin karqa vakawan

Su hija estaba con las vacas. [Cuando no volvió en la noche]
His daughter was with the cows. [When she didn't come back at night],
00:01:50.130 - 00:01:52.800

maskashpa tarirun
la buscó y la encontró.
he looked for her and found her.
00:01:52.990 - 00:01:55.600

karu karuta sinkurusa

[Se habia caído de la peña y] se había rodado muy lejos
She had [fallen from the cliff and] rolled very far.
00:01:55.850 - 00:01:58.170

sinkuruptin liyunqa matrayman aparusa

Cuando rodó, el leon la habia llevado a una cueva
When she rolled, the lion brought her to a cave.
00:01:58.450 - 00:02:01.970

Chaypi mikurusa runallataqa

Alli había comido a la persona [la chica]
There, he had eaten the person [the girl]
00:02:02.400 - 00:02:04.980

Chaypaq chay runaqa mancharikuykun.

De allí, el hombre se asustó.
So the man got scared.
00:02:05.450 - 00:02:09.790

Kalabirayanña kasa tariruptin.

Cuando la encontró ya se había hecho calavera.
When he found her, she was already a skeleton.
00:02:09.940 - 00:02:12.330

Chaynata pamparun
Así la enterró.
Like that, he buried her.
00:02:12.710 - 00:02:14.930

Chaynam chay istoriya.

Así es esta historia.
That's the way that story goes.
00:02:17.390 - 00:02:19.200

Pasarurqa qayna wata.

El año pasado pasó
Last year passed,
00:02:19.280 - 00:02:21.260

llapa runa mancharirunchik

Toda la gente, nos asustamos.
Everyone, we got scared.
00:02:21.420 - 00:02:23.740

Kuridu hamunkunchik lliw runakuna

Toda la gente, corriendo vinimos
Everyone, we came running
00:02:24.650 - 00:02:26.600

liyunta manchakushpa
teniendo miedo al leon
being afraid of the lion.
00:02:26.630 - 00:02:28.470

"¿Imaytri mikuruwashun?" nishpa

¿"Cuándo nos comerá? decian.
"When is it going to eat us?" we said.
00:02:28.730 - 00:02:31.540

Piru manaña masta mikurqachu runata

Pero no ha comido más a la gente
But he hasn't eaten more people
00:02:31.880 - 00:02:34.970

ni animaltapis
ni a animales
or animals.
00:02:35.380 - 00:02:37.020

00:02:37.440 - 00:02:39.470

Huk liyunshi kasa huk pashñaman risa

Había un león que fue donde una chica
There was a lion who went to a girl
00:02:41.130 - 00:02:44.610

Burlakusa chay pashñata chay pashñatayá wawarachisa.

Engañó a esa chica y hizo a la chica tener bebé.
He tricked the girl and made the girl have a baby.
00:02:45.040 - 00:02:48.570

Chay pashña wawarun chay liyunpaq.

Esa chica dio luz [al hijo] del leon.
The girl gave birth to the lion's [baby].
00:02:49.010 - 00:02:52.260

Luego, dicen,
So, they say,
00:02:52.700 - 00:02:56.850

there came
00:02:57.430 - 00:03:00.690

Chay llaqtaman trayaramun huk matun runa

Llegó a ese pueblo un hombre matón
A killer arrived to that town
00:03:01.840 - 00:03:06.630

lliw llaqtantinta puchukarun

Terminó con todo el pueblo.
He finished off the whole town
00:03:06.930 - 00:03:10.220

Luego, dicen,
So, they say,
00:03:10.390 - 00:03:11.550

chay lluqimaki
Lluqimaki [brazo fuerte]
Lluqimaki [Strong Arm]
00:03:12.290 - 00:03:14.350

mamanta salvarun qipikuykushpa iskaparachin mamanta ni wañuchinchu.

Salvó a su mamá. Cargándola, le hizo escapar. [El matón] no mató a su mamá.
He saved his mother. Carrying her, he had her escape. [The killer] didn't kill her.
00:03:14.720 - 00:03:19.320

Chay pashña wawarqa chay liyunpa churinta.

La chica [mientras tanto] dio luz al hijo del león.
The girl, [meanwhile] gave birth to the lion's child.
00:03:19.510 - 00:03:22.800

Chay pishtaku VV chay llaqtaman trayaruptin

Cuando llegó el VV a ese pueblo
When the VV arrived in that town,
00:03:23.050 - 00:03:26.200

lliw runataña
a toda la gente
all the people
00:03:26.290 - 00:03:27.550

ni chankakuruptinpis lliw kitrarun wañurachin lliwta.

sin siquiera chancarlos, abrió a todos y a todos mató.
without even tying them up, opened them all and killed them all.
00:03:27.670 - 00:03:31.590

Chay lluqimaki mamallanta qipirikushpa pasakun

Lluqimaki, cargando a su mamá, pasó
Lluqimaki passed by carrying his mother,
00:03:32.380 - 00:03:35.920

Qaqaman chaypi salvarun mamanta.

[yendo] hacia la peña y allí salvo a su mamá.
[going] towards the cliff. There he saved his mother.
00:03:36.230 - 00:03:40.440

Chay wawan valirun liyunpa churin chay pashña wawasan

El hijo del lión a quien la chica había dado luz [era el mismo Lluqimaki]
The lion's son to whom the girl had given birth [was that Lluqimaki]
00:03:40.970 - 00:03:44.480

Chay salvarurqa mamanta.

[Era él quien ] salvo a su mamá.
[He was the one who] saved his mother.
00:03:45.410 - 00:03:48.260

Huk pashñash kasa.

Había una chica, dicen,
There was a girl, they say,
00:04:07.920 - 00:04:10.550

Rutuchash ingañarusa chay pashñata

Un rutu engañó a esa chica.
A rutu bird tricked that girl.
00:04:10.630 - 00:04:14.050

"Chay sityupam suyawanki", nishpash nisa chay pashñata.

"Me vas a esperar en ese sitio", dijo a la chica.
"You're going to wait for me in this place," he said to the girl.
00:04:14.590 - 00:04:17.820

Pashña ubihanta qatirikushpa ripun.

La chica, arreando sus ovejas, she fue.
The girl took her sheep and left.
00:04:17.940 - 00:04:21.440
ubihanta qatitrikushpa rikuptin
Cuando se fue llevando su oveja
When she took her sheep and left,
00:04:21.830 - 00:04:24.620

"Chay sityupam suyawanki", nishpa chay pashñaqa nisa.

"En ese sitio me vas a esperar", dijo la chica
"You're going to wait for me in this place," said the girl.
00:04:25.330 - 00:04:28.250

Chayshi rutucha
Luego, dicen, el rutucito
Then, they say, the rutu bird
00:04:28.640 - 00:04:30.510

millwata tishakushpa tiyasa chaypa.

escarminando lana sentaba allí
seated there, was carding wool
00:04:30.710 - 00:04:34.190

Ni maqtaqa trayanchu
No llegó el muchacho.
The young man didn't arrive.
00:04:34.350 - 00:04:36.450

¿Imanaruntaq? Pero rutuchaqa

¿Qué pasó?· Per el rutucito
What happened? Buut the rutu bird
00:04:36.550 - 00:04:38.470

tiyayan millwachanta tishachakushpa

estaba sentado escarminando su lana
was sitting carding his wool.
00:04:38.690 - 00:04:41.820

Tardi yapa tutaq kutukurun chay

Tarde, otra vez, noche volvió
Late, again at night returned
00:04:42.430 - 00:04:45.240

rutuqa chay pashñaman

el rutu a la chica
the rutu bird to the girl
00:04:45.380 - 00:04:47.530

Chayshi nin, "¿Imanataq mana hamurqankichu chay sityuman?" nin

Luego dijo, "¿Por qué no viniste a ese sitio?" dijo.
Then she said, "Why didn't you come to that place?" she said.
00:04:47.650 - 00:04:51.410

"Chayllapam ñuqaqa suyarqayki millwayta tishakushpa,

"Allí no más yo te esperé escarminando mi lana.
"I waited for you right there, carding my wool.
00:04:52.290 - 00:04:55.720

Chaypi uyqaykita harkayarqanki", ninshi

Allí estabas pasteando tus ovejas", dijo.
You were there pasturing your sheep," she said.
00:04:56.250 - 00:04:58.570

Ingañarurqa chay
Él la engañó. Ese
He tricked her. That
00:04:58.990 - 00:05:01.390

chay rutu chay pashñachataqa

ese rutu [engañó] a esa chica.
that rutu bird [tricked] the girl.
00:05:01.740 - 00:05:03.810

Rutucha nin huk pishqucham kan kayna tamañucha.

Dicen "rutu" -- hay un pajarito de este tamañito.
The call "rutu" -- there's a little bird like this size.
00:05:04.250 - 00:05:08.210

"Rupuyrupuyrupuy" nishpa takichakushpa millwanta tishachakun.

"Rupuyrupuyrupuy" canta escarminando su lana.
"Rupuyrupuyrupuy" he sings while he cards his wool.
00:05:09.000 - 00:05:13.320

Pero chay ingañarqa chay pashñataqa.

Pero ese engañó a esa chica.
But that one tricked the girl.
00:05:13.850 - 00:05:16.620

Qayna chaynash ingañarqa chay liyunn

Así, dicen, antes [todos] la engañaron -- el león
Like that, they say, before, they [all] tricked her -- the lion,
00:05:17.910 - 00:05:20.860

kundur rutu
el cóndor, el rutu --
the condor, the rutu --
00:05:21.250 - 00:05:23.770

pashñata ingañarqa,
[todos] engañaron a la chica
[they all] tricked the girl
00:05:23.880 - 00:05:26.200

y le hicieron tener bebé.
and made her have a baby.
00:05:26.350 - 00:05:28.540

¿Imaynatrik qayna chay tiyempukuna karqa unay tiyempu pasadu.
¿Cómo [habrá sido en] antes? Habían esos tiempos antes -- tiempos pasados.
How [must it have been] before? There were those times before -- past times.
00:05:28.590 - 00:05:33.150

00:05:33.200 - 00:05:33.300
Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:53 PM


Wak runapa trakinqa punkisam kayan, tulluntri kuyusa kayan, ¿Alliyanqachutr?

Wak runa-pa traki-n-qa punki-sa-m ka-ya-n tullu-n-tri kuyu-sa ka-ya-n alli-ya-nqa-chu-tr
DEM.D person-GEN foot-3-TOP swell-PRF-EVD be-PROG-3 bone-3-EVC move-PRF be-PROG-3
El pie de esa persona está hinchado, el hueso estará fuera de lugar ¿Sanará?
That person's foot is swollen, the bone must be out of place. Will he get better?
00:00:00.880 - 00:00:09.020

De esa persona su pie está mal. Está hinchado. ¿Sanará?

00:00:09.270 - 00:00:17.070

Wambray matrkawan tansharusa. Yakuta quykuruptiy pasarun.

Wambra-y matrka-wan tansha-ru-sa-ø Yaku-ta qu-yku-ru-pti-y pasa-ru-n
child-1 toasted.grain-INSTR choke-URGT-PRF-3 water-ACC give-EXCEP-URGT-SUBDS-1 pass-URGT-3
Mi hijo se había atorado con matrka. Cuando le di agua, pasó.
My son had choked on toasted grain. When I gave him water, it passed.
00:00:20.450 - 00:00:27.170

Mi hijo se había atorado con matrka. Cuando le di agua, pasó.

00:00:27.270 - 00:00:32.430

Wambrayqa karu karutatr rinqa tabahapakuq mana sirkapaq kanchu ruwapakunanpaq

Wambra-y-qa ri-nqa tabaha-paku-q mana sirka-paq karu ka-n-chu karu-ta-tr ruwa-paku-na-n-paq
child-1-TOP far fat-ACC-EVC go-3.FUT work-MUTBEN-AG no close-LOC be-3-NEG
Mi hijo irá muy lejos para trabajar [para ganar dinero]. No hay [trabajo] cerca para que lo haga.
My son will go very far to work [for pay]. There isn't [work] close so he do it.
00:00:36.470 - 00:00:44.380

Mi hijo irá lejos. Cerca no hay trabajo para que hague.

00:00:44.490 - 00:00:52.230

qiñwaltam rirqani yanta qipikuq. Tariramuni achka lliptata

qiñwal-ta-m ri-rqa-ni yanta qipi-ku-q Tari-ra-mu-ni achka llipta-ta
quingual.grove-ACC-EVD go-PST-1 firewood carry-REFL-AG find-URGT-CISL-1 a.lot ash-ACC
Fui al quingual a traer leña. Encontré bastante ceniza para [chakchar coca].
I went to the quingual grove to carry firewood. I found a lot of ash [to chew coca].
00:00:54.340 - 00:01:00.500

Fui al quingual a traer leña. Me entré bastante ceniza para chakchar coca.
00:01:00.630 - 00:01:06.590

Wak runaqa karu karutam riyan mana bistyayuq. ¿Maypi puñupakushpa trayanqa wasinta?
Wak runa-qa karu karu-ta-m ri-ya-n mana bistya-yuq May-pi puñu-paku-shpa traya-nqa wasi-n-ta
DEM.D person-TOP far far-ACC-EVD go-PROG-3 no horse-POSS where-LOC sleep-MUTBEN-SUBIS
arrive-3.FUT house-3-ACC
Esa persona está yendo lejos sin caballo. ¿Dónde dormiendo, llegará a su casa? [=¿Dónde dormirá para que
llegue a su casa?]
That person is going very far without a horse. Sleeping where, will he arrive at his house? [=Where will he
sleep so he'll arrive at his
00:01:12.900 - 00:01:26.090

Esa gente está yendo lejos sin bestia. Dónde dormirá para que llegue a su casa?
00:01:26.220 - 00:01:34.850

Wasiy rahasam kayan. Siqaykurunqatr. ¿Para pasanmanchu?

Wasi-y raha-sa-m kayan siqayku-ru-nqa-tr. Para pasa-n-man-chu
house-1 crack-PRF-EVD be-PROG-3 fall-URGT-3.FUT-EVC rain pass-3-COND-Q
Mi casa está rajado. Se caerá. ¿Puede pasar la lluvia?
My house is cracked. It's going to fall down. Could the rain pass?
00:01:35.030 - 00:01:42.960

Mi casa está rajado. Se caerá. ¿Qué va a pasar la lluvia?

00:01:43.070 - 00:01:49.350

Puramintim taytan wambray maqan. Chaymi manchakurunña. Mana shipunchu.

Puraminti-m tayta-n wambra-y maqa-n Chay-mi mancha-ku-ru-n-ña Mana shipu-n-chu
completely-EVD father-3 child-1 beat-3 DEM.D-EVD scare-REFL-URGT-3-DISC no near-3-NEG
Su papá le pega mucho a mi hijo, completamente. Por eso se asustó y no se acerca.
My child's father beats him completely. That's why he got scared and doesn't go close.
00:01:53.720 - 00:02:00.800

Su papa le pega mucho a mi hijo y ha tuvo miedo y por eso no se acerca a su papa.
00:02:00.990 - 00:02:06.990

Wak wambra huk huk runawanmi purin. Imanasatr wak?

Wak wambra huk huk runamin purin. Ima-na-sa-tr wak-qa?
Wak wambra huk huk runamin purin. what-VRBZ-PRF-EVC DEM.D-TOP
Esa chica anda con un hombre y otro. ¿What's wrong with him?
That girl walks around with one man and another. ¿Qué tendrá?
00:02:10.850 - 00:02:16.490

Manam mamanta yuyashpa purin.

mana-m mama-n-ta yuya-shpa puri-n
no-EVD mother-3-ACC remember-SUBIS walk-3
Anda sin hacer caso a su mamá.
She walks around without remembering her mother.
00:02:17.510 - 00:02:23.260

No hace caso a su mama.

00:02:23.380 - 00:02:27.110

Runa . . . runa chay maqtata wañurachin hanay urqupa [undecipherable] wañurachin.

Runa runa chay maqta-ta wañu-ra-chi-n hanay urqu-pa xxxxx wañu-ra-chi-n
person person DEM.D die-URGT-CAUS-3 up hill-LOC xxxxx die-URGT-CAUS-3
Gente mató a ese chico arriba en la puna. Lo mató.
People killed that young man up in the hills. They killed him.
00:02:34.600 - 00:02:43.870

A ese chico le había matado gente lejos en la puna.

00:02:44.810 - 00:02:52.520

Wak runaqa wamaq wamaqtam piliyakuyan. Lukuhinam wak purin.

Wak runa-qa wamaq wamaq-ta-m piliya-ku-ya-n Luku-hinam wak puri-n
DEM.D person-TOP a.lot a.lot-ACC-EVD fight-REFL-PROG-3 crazy-COMP DEM.D walk-3
Esa gente pelea mucho. Como loca anda.
Those people fight a lot. They wander about like crazy [people].
00:02:55.940 - 00:03:01.700

Borracho ya cada vez. Esa gente pelea mucho. Como loca anda. Cada vez no más pelea.
00:03:03.060 - 00:03:10.750

Wak yakuqa putka putkam riyan. Maytatr parayaramun?

Wak yaku-qa putka putka-m ri-ya-n May-ta-tr paraya-ra-mu-n
DEM.D water-TOP turbid turbid-EVD go-PROG-3 where-LOC-EVC VV-URGT-CISL-3
Esa agua está yendo muy turbio. ¿Dónde habrá llovido?
That water is running really turbid. Where could it have rained?
00:03:14.700 - 00:03:20.720

Ese río está yendo demasiado turbio y bastante. ¿Dónde habrá llovido?
00:03:22.110 - 00:03:28.740

Maytañatr ñañay riyan? Tutaykuruntri. Imay oraraq trayanqa?

May-ta-ña-tr ñaña-y ri-ya-n Tuta-yku-ru-n-tri Imay ora-raq traya-nqa
where-ACC-DISC-EVC sister-1 go-PROG-3 night-EXCEP-URGT-3-EVC when hour-CONT arrive-3.FUT
¿Dónde estará yendo mi hermana? Se habrá oscurecido. ¿A qué hora llegará?
Where could my sister be going? It must have gotten dark. What time will she arrive?
00:03:33.730 - 00:03:44.280

¿Dónde estará yendo mi hermana? Ya ha oscurecido. ¿Qué hora llegará?

00:03:44.380 - 00:03:49.760

Tihipakushpalla wambranta uywan. Chaynallam mikuchin chaynallam pachachin.

Tihi-paku-shpa-lla wambra-n-ta Chay-na-lla-m miku-chi-n chay-na-lla-m uywa-n pacha-chi-n
weave-MUTBEN-SUBIS-RSTR child-3-ACC raise-3 DEM.D-VRBZ-RSTR-EVD eat-CAUS-3
Tejiendo no más, cría a sus hijos. Así no más les hace comer; así no más les hace vestir.
Just weaving, she raises her children. Like that, she feeds them; like that, she dresses them.
00:03:54.090 - 00:03:59.560

Tejiendo no más lo tiene a su hijo. Haciendo no más le hace comer y así no más le hace vestir
00:04:00.010 - 00:04:05.850

Wak karruqa imatapis lliw lliwtam apamun. Pero karum.

Wak karru-qa ima-ta-pis lliw lliw-ta-m apa-mu-n Pero kar-u-m
DEM.D car-TOP what-ACC-ADD all all-ACC-EVD bring-CISL-3 but expensive-EVD
Ese carro trae todo, todo, pero es caro.
That bus brings everything. But it's expensive.
00:04:09.990 - 00:04:18.360

Ese carro trae de todo de todo pero es caro.

00:04:18.960 - 00:04:23.790

Wak ukuchaqa puraminti sibadayta puchukarusa shiprallatañam saqirusa.

Wak ukucha-qa puraminti sibada-y-ta puchuka-ru-sa-ø shipra-lla-ta-ña-m saha-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D mouse-TOP completely barley-1-ACC finish-URGT-PRF-3 bran-RSTR-ACC-DISC-EVD
Ese pericote ha terminando toda mi cebada y afrecho no más ha dejado.
That mouse completely finished off my barley and left just bran.
00:04:27.270 - 00:04:32.450

Ese pericote ha terminando toda mi cebada y afrecho no más ha dejado.

00:04:32.820 - 00:04:38.640

sibada kusechay trabahusum. matrka mikuypis trabahusu

sibada kusecha-y trabahusu-m. matrka miku-y-pis trabahusu
barley harvest-INF laborious-EVD toasted.grain eat-INF-ADD laborious
Cosechar cebada es difícil; comer machka también es difícil.
Harvesting barley is hard work; eating toasted grain is also hard work.
00:04:41.120 - 00:04:47.480

Cosechar cebada es difícil; comer machka también es difícil.

00:04:47.580 - 00:04:51.880

Watyakuruchuwan. Mishkita llapanchik mikurunanchikpaq. Aycham faltayan.

Watya-ku-ru-chuwan Mishki-ta llapa-nchik miku-ru-na-nchik-paq Aycha-m falta-ya-n
pachamanca-REFL-URGT-1PL.COND sweet-ACC all-1PL eat-URGT-NMLZ-1PL-PURP meat-EVD
Podemos hacer pachamanca para que todos nosotros comamos rico. Falta carne.
We can make pachamanca so we all can eat well. Meat is lacking.
00:04:55.580 - 00:05:02.050

Podemos hacer pachamanca para comer todos rico; pero falta carne.
00:05:02.790 - 00:05:08.500

Wak warmiqa apikurusam. Apitaq diskwidaykurusa ratu mankan kimarusa

Wak warmi-qa api-ku-ru-sa-ø-m api-ta-qa deskwida-yku-ru-saø ratu manka-n kima-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D woman-TOP puddding-REFL-URGT-PRF-3-EVD pudding-ACC-TOP
neglect-EXCEP-URGT-PRF-3 moment pot-3 burn-URGT-PRF-3
Esa señora hizo mazamorra. Se olvidó de su mazamorra un rato y su olla se quemó.
That woman made pudding. She neglected her pudding for a moment and her pot burned.
00:05:12.370 - 00:05:20.500

Esa señora está haciendo mazamorra. Se había olvidado un poquito y su olla ha quemado.
00:05:20.910 - 00:05:29.450

Wak vakanchaqa watrarusa. ¿Imatr wawan kayan? ¿Wak urquchu trinachu?

Wak vaka-n-cha-qa watra-ru-sa-ø ka-ya-n wak Ima-tr urqu-chu wawa-n trina-chu
DEM.D cow-3-DIM-TOP give.birth-URGT-PRF-3 what-EVC baby-3 be-PROG-3 DEM.D male-Q female-Q
Esa vaca dio cría. ¿Qué será su bebé? ¿macho o hembra?
That cow gave birth. What is her baby? Is it male or female?
00:05:36.560 - 00:05:43.910

Esa vaca había dado cría. ¿Qué será su cría? ¿Será macho o hembra?
00:05:44.240 - 00:05:50.100

Wak mulaqa manam mansuchu. Runatam wak wañuchin. Manam allin animalchu wakqa.
Wak mula-qa mana-m mansu-chu Runa-ta-m wak wañu-chi-n Mana-m allin animal-chu wak-qa
DEM.D mule-TOP no-EVD tame-NEG person-ACC-EVD DEM.D die-CAUS-3 no-EVD good animal-NEG
Esa mula no es manso. Mata gente. Ese no es buen animal.
That mule is not tame. It kills people. It is not a good animal.
00:05:54.420 - 00:06:04.140

Ese mula es chucaro. Mata gente. Ese animal no es bueno.

00:06:04.420 - 00:06:09.410

Asnupa sillakuruptinchikqa, asnu nanta rinrinta chulurichishpam chuqakun

Asnu-pa silla-ku-ru-pti-nchik-qa asnu na-n-ta rinri-n-ta chulu-ri-chi-shpa-m chuqa-ku-n
donkey-LOC seat-REFL-URGT-SUBDS-1PL-TOP donkey DMY-3-ACC ear-3-ACC
fold.back/stick.up-INCH-CAUS-SUBIS-EVD toss-REFL-3
Cuando nos cabalgamos encima de un burro, el burro, parando las orejas, [nos] bota.
When we ride on a donkey, the donkey sticks its ummm ears up and throws.
00:06:11.630 - 00:06:22.740

Cuando nos cabalgamos en burro parando la oreja nos bota.

00:06:23.030 - 00:06:28.560

Agustu killapa urquta risaqa, animaltam malugran, animaltam wañuchin urquqa

Agustu killa-pa urqu-ta ri-sa-ø-qa animal-ta-m malugra-n animal-ta-m wañu-chi-n urqu-qa
August month-LOC hill-ACC go-PRF-3-TOP animal-ACC-EVD ruin-3 animal-ACC-EVD die-CAUS-3
Cuando se va a la puna en el mes de agosto, la puna malogra el animal, mata el animal.
Going to the mountains in the month of August, the mountain ruins animals, kills animals.
00:06:33.680 - 00:06:42.860

Cuando se va en mes de agosto a la puna, lo mata el animal en la puna.

00:06:45.570 - 00:06:54.420

Wasiytam pirqakuriytam munani. Runa kanqachutr?

Wasi-y-ta-m pirqa-ku-ri-y-ta-m muna-ni Runa ka-nqa-chu-tr
house-1-ACC-EVD wall-REFL-INCEP-INF-ACC-EVD want-1 person be-3.FUT-Q-EVC
Quiero pilcar mi casa. ¿Habrá gente [para ayudar]?
I want to wall [fence] my house. Will there be people [to help]?
00:07:00.920 - 00:07:07.390

Quiero pilcar mi casita. ¿Se habrá gente? 'Runa' es gente.
00:07:07.800 - 00:07:15.480

Wak warmiqa achka achka vakayuq kasa

Wak warmi-qa achka achka vaka-yuq ka-sa-ø
DEM.D woman-TOP a.lot a.lot cow-POSS be-PRF-3
Esa mujer tiene muchas vacas.
That woman has lots and lots of cows.
00:07:17.770 - 00:07:23.770

Maytatr wak riyan?

May-ta-tr wak ri-ya-n
where-ACC-EVC DEM.D go-PROG-3
Where would she be going?
¿Dónde estará yendo?
00:07:24.090 - 00:07:26.230

Esa mujer tenía bastante vaca. ¿A dónde estará yendo?

00:07:26.740 - 00:07:30.430

Wak trakraqa sara trakram. Wakpa allintam kusechanchik.

Wak trakra-qa sara trakra-m Wak-pa allin-ta-m kusecha-nchik
DEM.D field-TOP corn field-EVD DEM.D-LOC good-ACC-EVD harvest-1PL
Esa chacra es chacra de maíz. Allí se cosecha bien.
That field is a corn field. We harvest well there.
00:07:34.460 - 00:07:40.820

Esa chacra es de maíz. En allí se cosecha bastante maíz.

00:07:41.360 - 00:07:47.610

Wasiyta ñuqaqa pichakuyani tallawanmi. Manam ñuqa riqsinichu huk pichakunaypaq

Wasi-y-ta ñuqa-qa picha-ku-ya-ni talla-wan-mi Mana-m ñuqa riqsi-ni-chu huk picha-ku-na-y-paq
house-1-ACC 1-TOP sweep-REFL-PROG-1 straw-INSTR-EVD no-EVD 1 be.acquainted-1-NEG one
Barro mi casa con talla. Yo no conozco otra escoba para que barre.
I sweep my house with straw. I don't know another broom so I can sweep.
00:07:51.260 - 00:08:02.480

Esa casa yo barro con talla. En vez de la escoba es talla. Otra escoba yo no conozco.
00:08:03.660 - 00:08:13.900

Muruchu kaldullatam kaldukuyani. Pero manam takunniy kanchu.

Muruchu kaldu-lla-ta-m kaldu-ku-ya-ni Pero takun-ni-y mana-m ka-n-chu
barley soup-RSTR-ACC-EVD soup-REFL-PROG-1 but no-EVD substance-EUPH-1 be-3-NEG
Estoy haciendo mi sopita de marrón. Pero no tengo carne o queso.
I'm making barley soup. But I don't have meat or cheese.
00:08:17.660 - 00:08:23.430

Estoy haciendo mi sopita de marrón pero no tengo carne ni queso.

00:08:23.770 - 00:08:30.570

Wak warmiqa bayetalla trurakusa. Manam walanpis tarikunchu ni blusanpis

Wak warmi-qa bayeta-lla trura-ku-sa-ø mana-m wala-n-pis tari-ku-n-chu ni blusa-n-pis
DEM.D woman-TOP VV-RSTR put-REFL-PRF-3 no-EVD skirt-3-ADD find-REFL-3-NEG nor
Esa mujer se pone bayeta no más. No encuentra ni falda, ni blusa.
That woman wears a just VV. She can't find either a skirt or a blouse.
00:08:34.480 - 00:08:43.340

Esa mujer usa pura balleta no tiene ni falda, ni blusa

00:08:43.520 - 00:08:50.630

Wak warmiqa wañukun wawakuywanmi. Manam qarin atindisachu.

Wak warmi-qa wañu-ku-n wawa-ku-y-wan-mi Mana-m qari-n atindi-sa-ø-chu
DEM.D woman-TOP die-REFL-3 baby-REFL-INF-INSTR-EVD no-EVD man-3 attend-PRF-3-NEG
Esa señora falleció dando luz. Su esposo no la atendió.
That woman died in childbirth. Her husband didn't take care of her.
00:08:54.400 - 00:09:01.000

Esa señora falleció dando luz, y su esposo no la ha atendido.

00:09:01.090 - 00:09:07.090

Piraq sibadayta rutunqa. Manam runapis tarikunchu. Kikiyma tuta rutushaq.

Pi-raq sibada-y-ta rutu-nqa Mana-m runa-pis tari-ku-n-chu Kiki-y-m-a tuta rutu-shaq
who-CONT barley-1-ACC reap-3.FUT no-EVD person-ADD find-REFL-3-NEG self-1-EVD-EMPH night
¿Quién segará mi cebada? No se encuentra ni una persona. Yo misma la segaré noche.
Who is going to reap my barley? There's not a person to be found. I'll reap it myself at night.
00:09:10.380 - 00:09:18.890

¿Quién segará mi cebada? No se encuentra peón. Yo misma cortaré, segaré.

00:09:19.660 - 00:09:29.120

Kaldukunaypaq sibadayta pilakuykurushaq. Tulluchallanta tiyarachikushaq tuta fiyuniypaq

Kaldu-ku-na-y-paq sibada-y-ta pila-ku-yku-ru-shaq Tullu-cha-lla-n-ta tiya-ra-chi-ku-shaq tuta fiyuni-y-paq
soup-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP barley-1-ACC peel-REFL-EXCEP-URGT-1.FUT bone-DIM-RSTR-3-ACC night
Para que yo haga sopa pelando mi cebada, voy a hacer sentar un huesito no más. VV
So I can make soup peeling my barley, I'm going to set out just a little bone.
00:09:32.440 - 00:09:41.750

Mi sopita voy a sentar de cebadita pelando, con huesito no más. No tengo carne.
00:09:45.000 - 00:09:52.510

Wak warmiqa achka achkatam sankukurusa mishki mishki sankutam ruwarusa

Wak warmi-qa achka achka-ta-m sanku-ku-ru-sa-ø mishki mishki sanku-ta-m ruwa-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D woman-TOP a.lot a.lot sanco-REFL-URGT-PRF-3 sweet sweet sanco-ACC-EVD
Esa mujer hizo mucho sanco [machka revuelta con dulce]. Hizo el sanco bien rico.
That woman made a lot of sanco [machka cooked with sugar]. She made really delicious sanco.
00:09:57.600 - 00:10:03.410

Esa mujer había hecho bastante machka revuelto con agua con dulce y era bien rico.
00:10:03.630 - 00:10:12.680

sibadaytaqa achkata runata quturishpam kusechani. Manam ñuqaqa animaltaq nisitanichu. Traguwan,
kukawan, tushuchishpallam kusechakuni.
sibada-y-ta-qa achka-ta runa-ta qutu-ri-shpa-m kusecha-ni Mana-m ñuqa-qa animal-taq nisita-ni-chu tragu-wan
kuka-wan tushu-chi-shpa-lla-m
barley-1-ACC-TOP a.lot-ACC person-ACC gather-INCEP-SUBIS-EVD harvest-1 no-EVD 1-TOP
animal-ACC need-1-NEG drink-INSTR coca-INSTR
Juntando a muchas personas, yo cosecho mi cebada. Yo no necesito animales. Con trago y con coca, no más
haciendo bailar [a la gente],
Gathering together a lot of people, I harvest my barley. I don't need animals. With liquor and coca, just
having [people] dance, I harvest.
00:10:17.010 - 00:10:32.530

dance-CAUS-SUBIS-RSTR-EVD harvest-REFL-1

Yo mi cebada hago bailar con bastante gente, con coca y con licor, no necesito animales.
00:10:32.700 - 00:10:41.090

Papanchikta allashpaqa
Papa-nchik-ta alla-shpa-qa
potato-1PL-ACC dig-SUBIS-TOP
Sacando nuestras papas,
Harvesting our potatoes,
00:10:44.210 - 00:10:49.050

Kustalman winaykushpam wasiman sasa sasata apanchik

kustal-man wina-yku-shpa-m wasi-man sasa sasa-ta apa-nchik
sack-ALL add-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD house-ALL hard hard-ACC bring-1PL
echándolas en costales, los llevamos a casa con mucha dificultad.
tossing them into sacks, we bring them home with great difficulty.
00:10:49.150 - 00:10:53.820

Sacando coca, sacando papa, se echa al costal y se lleva muy difícil porque tiene bastante peso.
00:10:54.490 - 00:11:03.560

Pasaypaq uqaytapis uru puchukarun. Imatatr mikushaq?

Pasaypaq uqa-y-ta-pis uru puchuka-ru-n Ima-ta-tr miku-shaq
completely oca-1-ACC-ADD worm finish-URGT-3 what-ACC-EVC eat-1.FUT
Gusanos acabaron con mi oca totalmente. ¿Qué comeré?
Worms completely finished off my oca. What am I going to eat?
00:11:07.780 - 00:11:15.210

Total, terminó gusano mi oca. ¿Qué comeré?

00:11:16.130 - 00:11:20.470

Plantata tumbarushpa yantaytam ruwakarushaq. Runa suwarunqa?

Planta-ta tumba-ru-shpa yanta-y-ta-m ruwa-ku-ru-shaq Runa suwa-ru-nqa
tree-ACC fell-URGT-SUBIS firewood-1-ACC-EVD make-REFL-URGT-1.FUT person steal-URGT-3.FUT
Tumbando un árbol, voy a hacer mi leña. ¿Gente se la robará?
Felling a tree, I'm going to make my firewood. Will people steal it?
00:11:24.670 - 00:11:29.420

Tumbando mi planta, voy a hacer mi leña. Pero malogrará la gente.

00:11:30.010 - 00:11:34.690

Vakayta chawarushpa kisuta ruwarushpa. Swerullantam apikurushaq muruchuchata.

Vaka-y-ta chawa-ru-shpa kisu-ta ruwa-ru-shpa sweru-lla-n-ta-m api-ku-ru-shaq muruchu-cha-ta
cow-1-ACC milk-URGT-SUBIS cheese-ACC make-URGT-SUBIS whey-RSTR-3-ACC-EVD
pudding-REFL-URGT-1.FUT barley-DIM-ACC
Lecheando mi vaca, hago queso. Voy a hacer mazamorra de su suero no más con moroncito.
Milking my cow, I make cheese. I'm going to make pudding of just its whey and barley.
00:11:38.840 - 00:11:47.240

lechando mi vaca, voy a hacer mi mazamorra con su suero no más con morroncito.
00:11:47.310 - 00:11:52.510

Ñuqaqa kaldukuni allpi mankachapam. Mishki mishkitam surqun

Ñuqa-qa kaldu-ku-ni allpi manka-cha-pa-m Mishki mishki-ta-m surqu-n
1-TOP soup-REFL-1 clay pot-DIM-LOC-EVD sweet sweet-ACC-EVD come.out-3
Yo hago mi sopa en ollta de barro y sale bien rica.
I make my soup in a clay pot and it comes out really delicious.
00:11:57.100 - 00:12:07.150

Yo hago mi sopita en ollta de barro y bien rico sale mi sopa.

00:12:07.800 - 00:12:14.490

Wak runaqa wawanta pamparun kaman qipichaykushpam qullqiyuq runa.

Wak runa-qa wawa-n-ta pampa-ru-n kama-n qipi-cha-yku-shpa-m qullqi-yuq runa
DEM.D person-TOP baby-3-ACC bury-URGT-3 blanket-3 carry-DIM-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD gold-POSS
Esas personas enterraron a su hijo envolviéndolo con su frazada -- ¡personas con dinero!
Those people buried their son, wrapping him in a blanket -- people with money!
00:12:17.870 - 00:12:26.210

Esa gente enterró su hijo envolviendo con su cama teniendo dinero

00:12:26.350 - 00:12:32.760

Wak sapuqa pawakatrayan. Qatra sapu.

Wak sapu-qa pawa-katra-ya-n Qatra sapu
DEM.D frog-TOP jump-FREQ-PROG-3 dirty frog
Ese sapo está saltando. ¡Sapo sucio!
That frog is jumping around. Dirty frog!
00:12:37.120 - 00:12:41.640

Ese sapo está saltando. Sapo sucio.

00:12:41.850 - 00:12:46.520

Huk animalta hapirushun hinashpa watarushun trakikita. trakikitaqa watashpa kutikarachinqam

Huk hapi-ru-shun hinashpa wata-ru-shun traki-ki-ta traki-ki-ta-qa wata-shpa animal-ta kuti-ka-ra-chi-nqa-m
one animal-ACC grab-URGT-1PL.FUT then tie-URGT-1PL.FUT foot-2-ACC foot-2-ACC-TOP tie-SUBIS
Vamos a agarrar un animal; luego vamos a amarrar tus pies. Cuando amarran tus pies, le van a hacer volver.
We're going to catch an animal then we'll tie your feet. When they tie your feet, they'll have it go back.
00:12:50.040 - 00:12:57.480

Vamos a agarrar ese animalito y vamos a sobarlo o vamos a amarrarlo porque va a hacerle volver a su sitio sus
00:12:57.670 - 00:13:05.040

Puraminti qisha wak warmiqa puriyan. Manañam tiyempun kanchu ñaqsakunanpaq

Puraminti qisha wak warmi puri-ya-n Mana-ña-m tiyempu-n ka-n-chu ñaqsa-ku-na-n-paq
completely nest DEM.D woman walk-PROG-3 no-DISC-EVD time-3 be-3-NEG
Esa mujer está andando [con su cabello hecho un] nido completamente. Ya no tiene tiempo para penarse.
That woman is walking around [with her hair tangled in] a total nest. She doesn't have time any more to comb
[her hair].
00:13:11.660 - 00:13:18.860

Esa mujer está andando total su pelo. Ya no tendrá tiempo para penarse.
00:13:19.110 - 00:13:24.520

Wak warmitaqa puraminti qarin maqayan sapa puntraw upyashpa.

Wak warmi-ta-qa puraminti qari-n maqa-ya-n sapa puntraw upya-shpa
DEM.D woman-ACC-TOP completely man-3 hit-PROG-3 every day drink-SUBIS
El esposo de esa mujer, tomando todos los días, la pega demasiado.
That woman's husband drinks every day and beats her terribly
00:13:28.220 - 00:13:39.210

A esa señora demasiado le pega su esposo tomando diario.

00:13:39.910 - 00:13:46.110

Wak runakunaqa tiyemputa piyerdin kukata akushpa, traguta upyashpa, parlakushpa.

Wak runa-kuna-qa tiyempu-ta piyerdi-n kuka-ta uku-shpa tragu-ta upya-shpa parla-ku-shpa
DEM.D person-PL-TOP time-ACC lose-3 coca-ACC chew-SUBIS drink-ACC drink-SUBIS
Esas personas pierden tiempo tomando alcohol, chakchando coca, y hablando.
Those people lose time chewing coca, drinking liquor, and talking.
00:13:50.590 - 00:14:00.360

Esas personas pierden tiempo tomando licor, chakchando coca.

00:14:00.510 - 00:14:06.950

fiysta ruwananpaq runakunaqa qinuwaltam riyan achka achka asnuyuq.

fiysta ruwa-na-n-paq runa-kuna-qa qinuwal-ta-m ri-ya-n achka achka asnu-yuq
festival make-NMLZ-3-PURP person-PL-TOP quingual.grove-ACC-EVD go-PROG-3 a.lot a.lot
Para que hagan fiesta, las personas están yendo al quingual con muchos burros.
So that they can make a festival, the people are going to the quingual grove with lots of donkeys.
00:14:10.810 - 00:14:20.130

Para que haya fiesta esas personas está yendo bastante burro. Para que haya fiesta
00:14:21.980 - 00:14:30.640

Wak chutchakunaqa ach achka llamachayuq riyan urayta mishki apaq. Maypi puñupakushtintri rin?
Wak chutcha-kuna-qa achka achka llama-cha-yuq ri-ya-n uray-ta mishki apa-q May-pi puñu-paku-shtin-tri ri-n
DEM.D person.from.the.mountains-PL-TOP a.lot a.lot llama-DIM-POSS go-PROG-3 down-ACC fruit
bring-AG where-LOC sleep-MUTBEN-SUBADV-EVC go-3
Esas personas de altura están bajando [a la costa] con muchas llamas a traer fruta. ¿Dónde, yendo, dormirán?
Those people from the mountains are going down [to the coast] with a lot of llamas to bring fruit. Where,
going, will they sleep?
00:14:34.010 - 00:14:49.710

Esas personas de altura están bajando a traer fruta de la costa. ¿Dónde, dónde dormiendo estarían yendo?
00:14:50.140 - 00:15:02.280

Wak runaqa achka aychata aparamusa -- llama aychash -- sibadawan kambiyakunanpaq aparamusa.
Wak runa-qa achka aycha-ta apa-ra-mu-sa-ø llama aycha-sh sibada-wan kambiya-ku-na-n-paq apa-ra-mu-sa-ø
DEM.D person-TOP a.lot meat-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-PRF-3 llama meat-EVR barley-INSTR
exchange-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP bring-URGT-CISL-3
Esa gente había traído bastante carne -- carne de llama, dicen -- para que lo cambien por cebada.
Those people brought a lot of meat -- llama meat, they say -- in order to exchange it for barley.
00:15:05.000 - 00:15:20.300

Esa gente había traido bastante carne de llama para que cambie con cebada.
00:15:21.610 - 00:15:26.090

Wak warmichaqa sumaq sumaq llikllatam ruwayta yatran.

Wak warmi-cha-qa sumaq sumaq lliklla-ta-m ruwa-y-ta yatra-n
DEM.D woman-DIM-TOP pretty pretty shawl-ACC-EVD make-INF-ACC know-3
Esa mujer sabe hacer mantas bonitas.
That woman knows how to make beautiful shawls.
00:15:28.860 - 00:15:36.480

Wak hatun mayuqa qatra qatra riyan, pero allinshi fruta graniyananpaq.
Wak hatun mayu-qa qatra qatra ri-ya-n pero allin-shi fruta graniya-na-n-paq
DEM.D big river-TOP dirty dirty go-PROG-3 but good-EVR fruit seed-NMLZ-3-PURP
Ese río grande está yendo muy sucio. Pero es bueno, dicen, para que granee la fruta [en la costa].
That big river is running very dirty, but it good, they say, so that the fruit [trees on the coast] seed.
00:15:40.400 - 00:15:54.530

Ese río grande está yendo demasiado sucio. Pero es bueno para que graneen las frutas en la costa.
00:15:54.780 - 00:16:01.340

Wak karuqa dispasiyu riyan. Imay urataq trayanqa?

Wak karu-qa dispasiyu ri-ya-n Imay ura-taq traya-nqa
DEM.D car-TOP slow go-PROG-3 when hour-SEQ arrive-3.FUT
Ese carro está yendo despacio. ¿A qué hora llegará?
That car is going slow. What time will it arrive?
00:16:05.920 - 00:16:15.690

Ese carro está yendo despacio. ?A qué hora llegará?

00:16:15.800 - 00:16:19.190

Sombreruy pasaypa mawka kayan. Manam paratapis atahanñachu.

Sombreru-y pasaypa mawka ka-ya-n Mana-m para-ta-pis ataha-n-ña-chu
hat-1 completely old be-PROG-3 no-EVD rain-ACC-ADD intercept-3-DISC-NEG
Mi sombrero está demasiado viejo. Ya no ataja la lluvia.
My hat is too old. It doesn't intercept the rain any more.
00:16:23.160 - 00:16:30.320

Mi sombrero está demasiado viejo. Ya no ataja la lluvia ya. El agua se pasa.

00:16:30.400 - 00:16:37.140
Altutam rirqani. Ritirusam. Hinaptinmi ñawiy surunpirusa ñawi nanaywan kayani.
Altu-ta-m ri-rqa-ni Riti-ru-sa-m Hinaptin-mi ñawi-y surunpi-ru-sa-ø ñawi nana-y-wan ka-ya-ni
high-ACC-EVD go-PST-1 snow-URGT-PRF-3-EVD then-EVD eye-1 burn-URGT-PRF-3 eye
hurt-INF-INSTR be-PROG-1
Fui a la puna. Había nevado. Luego mis ojos se malograron. Ahora me están doliendo los ojos.
I went to the mountains. It had snowed. Then my eyes got wrecked. Now my eyes hurt.
00:16:41.390 - 00:16:48.710

He ido a la puna, la cordillera. La nevada me había malogrado la vista, y ahora estoy con dolor de vista.
00:16:48.860 - 00:16:56.560

Tukuy tutam wak runaqa purin. Suwakun imatr

Tukuy tuta wak runa puri-n Suwa-ku-n ima-tr
all night DEM.D person walk-3 steal-REFL-3 what-EVC
Esa persona anda toda la noche. Tal vez robará.
That person wanders around all night. Maybe he'll steal.
00:17:00.740 - 00:17:06.840

Esa gente anda toda la noche. Tal vez robará.

00:17:07.700 - 00:17:12.310

Puyupam wambray chinkarusa. Karu karutam ripusa.

Puyu-pa-m wambra-y chinka-ru-sa-ø Karu karu-ta-m ripu-sa-ø
fog-LOC-EVD child-1 lose-URGT-PRF-3 far fat-ACC-EVD go-PRF-3
Mi hijo se perdió en la neblina. Lejísimo se extravió.
My son got lost in the fog. He andered very far.
00:17:16.030 - 00:17:23.170

Urqupam puñurusa.
Urqu-pa-m puñu-ru-sa-ø
hill-LOC-EVD sleep-URGT-PRF-3
Dormió en la puna.
He slept on the mountain
00:17:27.160 - 00:17:28.880

Mi hijo se había perdido en la neblina. Lejísimo se había extraviado. En lejos había dormido.
00:17:29.350 - 00:17:37.710

Wak pobre ubiha watrashtin riyan. Hita hita wawanta riyan.

Wak pobre ubiha watra-shtin ri-ya-n Hita hita wawa-n-ta ri-ya-n
DEM.D poor sheep give.birth-SUBADV go-PROG-3 leave leave baby-3-ACC go-PROG-3
Esas ovejas están yendo dando cría. Dejando, dejando sus crías, están yendo.
Those poor sheep are giving birth even as go. Dropping, dropping their babies, they go.
00:17:41.200 - 00:17:48.350

Esas ovejas están yendo dando cría. Dejando, dejando, están yendo.
00:17:48.710 - 00:17:54.240

Wak runataqa runash tarirusa hinashpash gulpirusa.

Wak runa-ta-qa runa-sh tari-ru-sa-ø hinaptin gulpi-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D person-ACC-TOP person-EVR find-URGT-PRF-3 then hit-URGT-PRF-3
Gente, dicen, encontró a esa persona y luego la golpearon.
People, they say, found that person and then they beat him.
00:17:58.620 - 00:18:09.110

A esa gente le había encontrado y le había pegado.

00:18:09.700 - 00:18:14.680

Wak planataqa siqaykurusa. Karu karutam sinkurusa.

Wak planta-qa siqayku-ru-sa-ø Karu karu-ta-m sinku-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D tree-TOP fall-URGT-PRF-3 far far-ACC-EVD roll-URGT-PRF-3
Ese árbol se cayó y se rodó muy lejos.
That tree fell and rolled very far.
00:18:18.760 - 00:18:23.750

Esa planta se había caido, y lejísimo se había rodado.

00:18:23.900 - 00:18:27.680

Wak trakrayqa monte hunta hunta kakuyan. Imaytaq ruwashaq?

Wak trakra-y-qa monte hunta hunta ka-ku-ya-n Imay-taq ruwa-shaq
DEM.D field-1-TOP brush full full be-REFL-PROG-3 when-SEQ make-1.FUT
Mi chacra está lleno de monte. ¿Cuándo lo haré?
That field of mine is full of brush. When am I going to do it?
00:18:30.230 - 00:18:37.140

Mi chacra está lleno de monte. ¿Cuándo haré?

00:18:37.340 - 00:18:40.450

Wak llamaqa millwam millwasa kayan. Kuyayllapaqmi kayan millwan. Llikllay ruwakullanaypaq.
Wak llama-qa millwa-m millwa-sa ka-ya-n Kuya-y-lla-paq-mi ka-ya-n millwa-n llikla-y ruwa-ku-lla-na-y-paq
DEM.D llama-TOP wool-EVD wool-PRF be-PROG-3 love-INF-RSTR-ABL-EVD be-PROG-3 wool-3
manta-1 make-REFL-RSTR-NMLZ-1-PURP
Esa llama tiene lana bonita. Tiene lana Tiene lana linda para que yo haga mi manta.
That llama has nice wool. It has lovely wool so I can make my shawl.
00:18:49.670 - 00:18:59.500

Esa llama está con bonita lana. Bonita lana tiene. Me lo voy a hacer mi manta.
00:18:59.570 - 00:19:05.600

Vaka qaraqa valin sapatupaq, watupaq, imapaqpis valin vaka qaraqa.

Vaka qara-qa vali-n sapatu-paq watu-paq ima-paq-pis vali-n vaka qara-qa
cow skin-TOP be.worth-3 shoe-PURP rope-PURP what- PURP-ADD be.worth-3 cow skin-TOP
El cuero de vaca vale para zapato, para soga -- para cualquier cosa vale.
Cow's leather is good for shoes, for ropes -- it's good for anything.
00:19:06.910 - 00:19:23.580

Ese cuero de vaca vale para zapato, para soga, para cualquier otra cosa vale.
00:19:23.660 - 00:19:31.020

Wak paha wasiy siqaykurunqatr. Shutukuyan.

Wak paha wasi-y siqayku-ru-nqa-tr Shutu-ku-ya-n
DEM.D straw house-1 fall-URGT-3.FUT-EVC drip-REFL-PROG-3
Mi casa de paja se va a caer. ¡Gotea!
That straw house of mine is going to fall down. It drips!
00:19:32.560 - 00:19:45.040
Mi casa de paja caerá, y además está goteando.
00:19:45.550 - 00:19:52.980

Manam imapis wasiy tarikunchu. Imaypis kanchu kay.

Mana-m ima-pis wasi-y tari-ku-n-chu Ima-y-pis ka-n-chu kay
no-EVD what-ADD house-1 find-REFL-3-NEG what-1-ADD be-3-NEG DEM.P
No se encuentra nada en mi casa. No tengo nada.
There's nothing to be found in my house. I don't have anything.
00:19:56.850 - 00:20:02.410

No tengo nada en mi casa. Nada tengo.

00:20:02.570 - 00:20:07.150

Wak pashñaqa puraminti mudakurushpam puriyan. Yanqa wintipakushpa purin.

Wak pashña-qa puraminti muda-ku-ru-shpa-m puri-ya-n yanqa wintipa-ku-shpa puri-n
DEM.D girl-TOP completely fashion-REFL-URGT-SUBIS-EVD walk-PROG-3 in.vain flirt-REFL-SUBIS
Esa muchacha está andando bien vestido. Anda coqueteando.
That girl is walking about well-dressed. She walks about flirting with the boys,
00:20:10.900 - 00:20:19.560

Esa muchacha está andando bien vestido

00:20:19.750 - 00:20:25.200

Viendo a chicos está andando. Enamorando a chicos está andando.

00:20:25.450 - 00:20:30.520

Wak warmiqa puraminti mana pachayuq puriyan. Lunallahina.

Wak warmi-qa puraminti mana pacha-yuq puri-ya-n Lunalla-hina
DEM.D woman-TOP completely no clothes-POSS walk-PROG-3 scarecrow-COMP
Esa mujer está andando como sin ropa, como espánta pájaros.
That woman is walking around without clothes -- like a scarecrow.
00:20:34.900 - 00:20:40.450

Esa mujer está andando como si no tuviera ropa. Parece espanta-pájaros.

00:20:41.100 - 00:20:49.840

Wak maqtaqa pukllayta atipanchu qay. Yanqam saytakatrayan.

Wak maqta-qa puklla-y-ta atipa-n-chu qay yanqa-m sayta-katra-ya-n
DEM.D play-INF-ACC PHT in.vain-EVD kick-FREQ-PROG-3
Ese muchacho no sabe jugar pelota. Por gusto está haciendose de patear.
That boy can't play [ball]. In vain, he's kicking and kicking.
00:20:55.450 - 00:21:01.880

Ese muchacho no sabe jugar pelota. Por gusto está haciéndose de patear.
00:21:02.290 - 00:21:09.630

Wak runaqa trabahopakushpam purin. Chaynam imallatapis wasinman apamun.

Wak runa-qa trabaho-paku-shpa-m puri-n Chay-na-m ima-lla-ta-pis wasi-n-man apa-mu-n
house-3-ALL bring-CISL-3
Esas personas andan trabajando. Así llevan cualquier cosita a su casa.
Those people go about working. That way they bring a little something home.
00:21:13.690 - 00:21:21.930

Esa persona anda trabajando. Así lleva algo a su casa.

00:21:22.120 - 00:21:27.660

Wambraypa pachantaq rimindaykushpa rimindaykushpam ushtuchini. Puchukanankama.

Wambra-y-pa pacha-n-taq riminda-yku-shpa riminda-yku-shpa-m ushtu-chi-ni Puchuka-na-n-kama
child-1-GEN clothes-3-ACC repair-EXCEP-SUBIS repair-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD wear-CAUS-1
Parchando y parchando la ropa de mi hijo, la hago VV hasta que se termine.
Patching and patching my child's clothes I make them VV until it wears out.
00:21:31.760 - 00:21:39.330

Ese chico parchando, parchando su ropita le ponga hasta que se termine su ropa.
00:21:40.000 - 00:21:47.220

Wak chumpiqa fasil ruwanatr kayan ninkitr. Manam fasilchu; sasatam ruwanchik.
Wak chumpi-qa fasil ni-nki-tr Mana-m fasil-chu ruwa-na-tr sasa-ta-m ruwa-nchik
DEM.D sash-TOP easy make-NMLZ-EVC ve-PROG-3 say-2-EVC no-EVD easy-NEG hard-ACC-EVD
Esa faja será fácil de hacer, dirás. Pero no es fácil. Es difícil de hacer.
You'll say that that sash must be easy to make. It's not easy; it's hard to make.
00:21:50.700 - 00:22:02.760

Esa faja estará fácil, dirás. Pero es difícil de hacer. Dirás que es fácil.
00:22:02.940 - 00:22:13.070

Ñuqaqa purini animalniywan, wayrata, chirita mirisishpam.

Ñuqa-qa puri-ni animal-ni-y-wan wayra-ta chiri-ta mirisi-shpa-m
1-TOP walk-1 animal-EUPH-1-INSTR wind-ACC cold-ACC deserve-SUBIS-EVD
Yo ando con mis animales, padeciendo de frío, en el viento
I walk about with my animals, suffering wind and cold.
00:22:13.200 - 00:22:31.070

Yo ando con mi animal, padeciendo de frío, de hambre.

00:22:31.150 - 00:22:37.940

Wak wambraqa kustumbraw kayan tantalla mukuqtri.

Wak wambra-qa kustumbraw ka-ya-n tanta-lla muku-q-tri.
DEM.D child-TOP accustomed be-PROG-3 bread-RSTR eat-AG-EVC
Ese chico estará demasiado acostumbrado a comer pan.
That boy must be accustomed to eating just bread.
00:22:41.450 - 00:22:47.750

Ese chico estará demasiado acostumbrado a comer pan.

00:22:47.950 - 00:22:51.310

Ñuqanchikpaqa sibadanchikmi -- ¿imapaqpis? Kaldunchikpaq, yakunchikpaq, allqunchikpaq.

Ñuqa-nchik-pa-qa sibada-nchik-mi ima-paq-pis Kaldu-nchik-paq yaku-nchik-paq allqu-nchik-paq
1-1PLGEN-TOP barley-1PL-EVD what-PURP-ADD soup-1PL-PURP water-1PL-PURP dog-1PL-PURP
¿Para qué es nuestra cebada? Para nuestra sopa, para nuestra agua, para nuestro perro.
What is our barley for? For our soup, for our water, for our dogs.
00:22:54.290 - 00:23:05.620

Para nosotros nuestra cebada es para nuestra comida, para tomar con nuestra té, para nuestra sopa, para nuestro
perrito. Saraqa mishki mishkim chuqllunpa.
00:23:05.730 - 00:23:24.990

Chakirushpallañam kamchata mikunchik

Chaki-ru-shpa-lla-ña-m kamcha-ta miku-nchik
dry-URGT-SUBIS-RSTR-DISC-EVD toasted.grain-ACC eat-1PL
Cuando se seca se come en cancha.
When it dries, we eat it toasted.
00:23:25.410 - 00:23:29.350

El maíz es bien rico en choklo. Cuando se seca se come en cancha.

00:23:29.580 - 00:23:34.700

Wak allquqa watrarushpa, utrkuman winakarusa. trunkam kayan wawan.

Wak allqu-qa watra-ru-shpa utrku-man wina-ka-ru-sa-ø trunka-m ka-ya-n wawa-n
DEM.D dog-TOP give.birth-URGT-SUBIS hole-ALL put-PASSACC-URGT-PRF-3 ten-EVD be-PROG-3
Dando cría, esa perra, se metió en un hueco. Tiene diez crías.
That dog, giving birth, threw herself in a hole. She has ten babies.
00:23:39.960 - 00:23:45.670

Ese perro había dado cría, se había metido en el hueco y tiene diez crías.
00:23:45.840 - 00:23:51.740

Wak ushqupaqa achkam wawan kasa. muntipam purisa.

Wak ushqu-pa-qa achka-m wawa-n ka-sa-ø munti-pa-m puri-sa-ø
DEM.D a.lot-EVD baby-3 be-PRF-3 brush-LOC-EVD walk-PRF-3
Esa gato montés tenía muchas crías. Andaba en monte.
That mountain cat had a lot of young. I walked about in the brush.
00:23:56.150 - 00:24:02.260

Esa gatushua anda en monte. Tiene bastante cría.

00:24:02.420 - 00:24:09.090

Qayninpam piliyashpa turuy qaqapa siqaykurun. Karu karutam sinkurun.

Qaynin-pa-m piliya-shpa turu-y qaqa-pa siqayku-ru-n Karu karu-ta-m sinku-ru-n
previous-LOC-EVD fight-SUBIS bull-1 cliff-LOC fall-URGT-3 far far-ACC-EVD roll-URGT-3
La vez pasada, mi toro, peleando, se cayó a la peña y se rodó muy lejos.
The last time, my bull, fighting, fell on the cliff and rolled very far.
00:24:13.200 - 00:24:18.180

La vez pasada mi toro se cayó a la peña y lejísimo se rodó-

00:24:18.460 - 00:24:24.160

Karru siqaykushpam puchukaq kaq trayarusa mayuman

Karru siqayku-shpa puchuka-q ka-q traya-ru-sa-ø mayu-man
car fall-SUBIS-EVD finish-AG be-AG arrive-URGT-PRF-3 river-ALL
Cayendo, el carro llegó a donde termina al río.
The car, falling, arrived at where the river ends
00:24:26.830 - 00:24:31.120
Cayendo, el carro se había llegado a terminar al río.
00:24:31.250 - 00:24:36.160

Yakuytaqa puruwanmi qipimuni karupaq

yaku-y-ta-qa puru-wan-mi qipi-mu-ni karu-paq
water-1-ACC-TOP gourd-INSTR-EVD carry-CISL-1 far-ABL
De lejos, traigo mi agua con porongo.
I carry my water with a gourd from far away.
00:24:44.740 - 00:24:52.570

Traigo mi agua con porongito de lejísimo

00:24:53.560 - 00:24:57.950

Ñuqaqa kukata akushpam sanu sanu purini wayrapis wayrawanchu ñuqataq.

Ñuqa-qa kuka-ta aku-shpa-m sanu sanu puri-ni wayra-pis wayra-wa-n-chu ñuqa-taq
1-TOP coca-ACC chew-SUBIS-EVD healthy healthy walk-1 wind-ADD wind-1.OBJ-3-NEG 1-ACC
Yo, chakchando coca, ando sanito. A mí no me da ni aire.
Chewing my coca, I walk about healthy. I don't even get air [I never get sick].
00:25:00.530 - 00:25:08.340

Yo, chakchando coca, ando sanito. A mí no me da ni aire.

00:25:08.410 - 00:25:12.760

Allinta mikushpam, uranpi mikushpam, sanu purinchik.

Allin-ta miku-shpa-m ura-n-pi miku-shpa-m sanu puri-nchik
good-ACC eat-SUBIS-EVD hour-3-LOC eat-SUBIS-3 healthy walk-1PL
Comiendo bien, comiendo en su hora, andamos sano.
Eating well, eating on time, we walk about healthy.
00:25:14.370 - 00:25:21.740

Yo ando comiendo bien y en su hora. Por eso paro sano.

00:25:21.880 - 00:25:30.440

Ñuqanchik fwirti kanchik. Patachita, matrkata, trakranchik lluqsiqta mikushpam.

Ñuqanchik fwirti ka-nchik Patachi-ta matrka-ta trakra-nchik lluqsi-q-ta miku-shpa-m
1PL strong be-1PL wheat.soup-ACC toasted.grain-ACC field-1PL come.out-AG-ACC eat-SUBIS-EVD
Nosotros somos fuertes comiendo lo que sale de nuestra tierra -- patachi y machka.
We're strong because we eat what comes out of our fields -- wheat soup and toasted grain.
00:25:34.170 - 00:25:42.440

Nosotros somos sanos comiendo las cosas que salen de nuestra tierra, comiendo machka.
00:25:42.570 - 00:25:51.930

Ñuqaqa wayra ruwaptinqa, ishpayllatam tumakuruni.

Ñuqa-qa wayra ishpay-lla-ta-m ruwa-pti-n-qa tuma-ku-ru-ni
1-TOP wind make-SUBDS-3-TOP urine-RSTR-ACC-EVD take-REFL-URGT-1
Cuando a mí me da aire, yo me tomo orinas, no más.
When I get air [sick], I just drink urine.
00:25:56.100 - 00:26:01.430

Cuando a mí me da aire, yo me tomo orines, no más.

00:26:01.600 - 00:26:06.040
Qusuwan kashpaqa, kimawchayta ruwarushpam. Tumakuni chay manichawan.
Qusu-wan ka-shpa-qa kimaw-cha-y-ta ruwa-ru-shpa-m Tuma-ku-ni chay mani-cha-wa-n
cough-INSTR be-SUBIS-TOP burnt-DIM-1-ACC make-URGT-SUBIS-EVD take-REFL-1 DEM.D
Cuando estoy con tos, hago mi quemadito [mate de hierbas] y eso me arregla.
When I have a cough, I make my quemadito [herb tea] and that makes me better.
00:26:09.870 - 00:26:19.290

Yo cuando estoy con la tos, hago me quemadito y eso me arregla.

00:26:19.380 - 00:26:24.150

Midisina plantayuq ñuqapaqa qusuwan kaptinqa, wamanripa, utkuyripa, pukatraki,

Midisina planta-yuq ñuqa-pa-qa qusu-wan ka-pti-n-qa wamanripa utku-ripa pukatr aki
Medicina amedicine plant-POSS 1-GEN-TOP cough-INSTR be-SUBDS-3-TOP wamanripa utkuyripa,
Cuando yo tengo tos, [toma] medicina con plantas -- wamanripa, utkuyripa, pukatraki
When I have a cough, [I take] medicine with plants -- wamanripa, utkuyripa, pukatraki
00:26:27.510 - 00:26:36.880

kimarishpa upyakuruni.
kima-ri-shpa upya-ku-ru-ni
burnt-INCH-SUBIS drink-REFL-URGT-1
Haciendo un "quemadito", lo tomo.
making a "quemado," I drink it.
00:26:39.360 - 00:26:41.290

Yo cuando estoy con la tos me tomo la hierba de la puna que es pukatraki, wamanripa, y ése me hace bien a mí
00:26:41.740 - 00:26:50.390

Para paraptinqa, mana uqunaypaqqa, matrayman rikuni.

Para para-pti-n-qa mana uqu-na-y-paq-qa matray-man ri-ku-ni
rain rain-SUBDS-3-TOP no wet-NMLZ-1-PURP-TOP cave-ALL go-REFL-1
Cuando llueve, voy a una cueva para no mojarme.
When it rains, I go to a cave so I don't get wet.
00:26:54.470 - 00:27:02.530

Cuando llueve la lluvia, para no majarme, yo me voy a la cueva.

00:27:02.680 - 00:27:08.510

Vakay wira wiram matraypi puñushpa, allin pastuta mikushpam.

Vaka-y wira wira-m matray-pi puñu-shpa alli-n pastu-ta miku-shpa-m
cow-1 fat fat-EVD cave-LOC sleep-SUBIS good-3 pasture.grass-ACC eat-SUBIS-EVD
Mi vaca es bien gorda durmiendo en la cueva y comiendo buen pasto.
Sleeping in a cave and eating good pasture, my cow is really fat.
00:27:11.350 - 00:27:18.630

Mi vaca es bien gorda durmiendo en la cueva y comiendo buen pasto.

00:27:18.650 - 00:27:23.770

Wak kaminuqa karu karum, huyu huyum subidatam rinchik.

Wak kaminu-qa karu karu-m huyu huyu-m subida-ta-m ri-nchik
DEM.D road-TOP far far-EVD narrow narrow-EVD ascent-ACC-EVD go-1PL
Ese camino es muy lejos y muy estrecha -- se va subiendo.
That road is very far and very narrow -- it goes up hill.
00:27:30.660 - 00:27:36.600

Ese camino es lejísimo, demasiado estrecho, oyada oyada se va.

00:27:36.850 - 00:27:42.840

Wak rumiqa siqaykurunqatr. Apenas niya kayan.

Wak rumi siqayku-ru-nqa-tr Apenas niya ka-ya-n
DEM.D stone fall-URGT-3.FUT-EVC barely VV be-PROG-3
Esa piedra caerá -- está con las justas.
That stone is going to fall. It's VV
00:27:49.830 - 00:27:54.420

Esa piedra caerá -- está con las justas.

00:27:54.690 - 00:27:58.130

Wak runapaqa sakunqa ubihapi millwanmi

Wak runa-pa-qa saku-n-qa ubiha-pi millwa-n-mi
DEM.D person-GEN-TOP coat-3-TOP sheep-GEN wool-3-EVD
El saco de ese hombre es de lana de la oveja.
That man's jacket is [made out] of sheep's wool.
00:28:02.380 - 00:28:12.360

De ese hombre su saco es de lana de la oveja.

00:28:13.230 - 00:28:17.460

Ñuqaqa puñukuni wasiypaq qarallapam manam kulchunpachu.

Ñuqa-qa puñu-ku-ni wasi-y-paq qara-lla-pa-m mana-m kulchun-pa-chu
1-TOP sleep-REFL-1 house-1-LOC skin-RSTR-LOC-EVD no-EVD mattress-LOC-NEG
En mi casa, yo duermo en cuero [de oveja] no más, no en colchón
In my house, I sleep just on [sheep] pelts, not on a mattress.
00:28:19.270 - 00:28:30.980

Yo duermo tan sólo en cuera de oveja -- no tengo colchón

00:28:31.370 - 00:28:35.290

Kuchiyta wañurachishpaqa mutiywan mishkita mikuruni.

Kuchi-y-ta wañu-ra-chi-shpa-qa mote-y-wan mishki-ta miku-ru-ni
pig-1-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-SUBIS-TOP hominy-1-INSTR sweet-ACC eat-URGT-1
Cuando mato mi chancho, lo como rico con mote.
When I kill my pig, with hominy I eat it -- delicious.
00:28:39.510 - 00:28:45.120

Matando mi chancho, con mote me lo como rico.

00:28:45.360 - 00:28:49.570

Vakayta wañurachishpaqa, aychantaqa chakirachikunim.

Vaka-y-ta wañu-ra-chi-shpa-qa aycha-n-ta-qa chaki-ra-chi-ku-ni-m
Cuando mato mi vaca, hago secar su carne.
When I kill my cow, I dry its meat.
00:28:59.410 - 00:29:07.440
Matando a mi vaca, su carne me lo hago secar.
00:29:07.550 - 00:29:12.020

Wak suwa liyunqa ubihayta tumbarusa

Wak suwa liyun-qa ubiha-y-ta tumba-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D thief puma-TOP sheep-1-ACC knock.down-URGT-PRF-3
¡Esa puma ratera tumbó mi oveja!
That thief [of a] puma knocked off my sheep!
00:29:15.650 - 00:29:28.120

Ese león ratero había tumbado mi oveja.

00:29:28.570 - 00:29:33.310

Millway rutiypaqa, yawarninwan pukllakunchik karnavalpa.

Millwa-y ruti-y-pa-qa yawar-ni-n-wan puklla-ku-nchik karnaval-pa
wool-1 card-INF-LOC-TOP blood-EUPH-3-INSTR play-REFL-1PL carnaval-LOC
Cuando esquilamos lana, con la sangre nos jugamos en el carnival.
When we card wool, we play with its blood at the carnaval.
00:29:37.330 - 00:29:45.140

Cuando esquilamos lana, con la sangre nos jugamos en el carnival.

00:29:45.420 - 00:29:52.300

Mana usa hapinanpaq, mana unquy hapinanpaqqa

Mana usa hapi-na-n-paq mana unqu-y hapi-na-n-paq
no worm catch-NMLZ-3-PURP no be.sick-INF catch-NMLZ-3-PURP
Para que no agarre gusanos, para que no agarre una enfermedad,
So as not to catch worms, so as not to catch a sickness
00:29:56.390 - 00:30:02.820

ubihanchikpa akantaqa pichananchikmi.

ubiha-nchik aka-n-ta-qa picha-nchik-mi
sheep-1PL manure-3-ACC-TOP sweep-1PL-EVD
hay que barrer el abono de nuestras ovejas
our sheep's manure gets swept.
00:30:03.330 - 00:30:06.220

Para que no le agarre una enfermedad a nuestra oveja, hay que barrer el abono de la oveja
00:30:06.390 - 00:30:13.420

Wak karu urqupaqa wama wamaqta rupakuyan.

Wak karu urqu-pa-qa wama wamaq-ta rupa-ku-ya-n
DEM.D far hill-LOC-TOP a.lot a.lot-ACC burn-REFL-PROG-3
En ese cerro lejos, quema mucho [hace mucho calor].
In that far hill, it burns a lot [it's very hot]
00:30:19.780 - 00:30:27.970

En ese cerro lejos, demasiado calor hace.

00:30:28.170 - 00:30:33.300

Wak chimpa urqumanqa apurawmi inti trayan.

Wak chimpa urqu-man-qa apuraw-mi inti traya-n
DEM.D front hill-ALL-TOP quick-EVD sun arrive-3
El sol llega rápido a ese cerro en frente.
The sun arrives quickly at the hill in front.
00:30:36.490 - 00:30:40.520

A ese cerro del frente, el sol llega rápido.

00:30:41.210 - 00:30:47.190

Wak urqu qipanpa karu karutam muyumunchik.

Wak urqu qipa-n-pa karu karu-ta-m muyu-mu-nchik
DEM.D hill behind-3-LOC far far-ACC-EVD circle-CISL-1PL
Se da vuelta atrás de ese cerro lejíssimo.
You have to go around behind that far hill.
00:30:51.520 - 00:30:54.560

Atrás de ese cerro lejíssimo, se da vuelta

00:30:54.730 - 00:30:57.550

Qaynimpam huk runa . . . huk runata kaballun . . . kikinpi kaballun trakinta pakirusa
Qaynin-pa-m huk runa . huk runa-ta kaballu-n . kiki-n-pi kaballu-n traki-n-ta paki-ru-sa-ø
previous-LOC-EVD one person . one person-ACC horse-3 . self-3-GEN horse-3 foot-3-ACC
La vez pasada, una persona, a una persona, su caballo, su propio caballo, le rompió el pie.
The other time, a person's horse, his own horse, broke the person's foot.
00:31:01.750 - 00:31:11.290

La vez pasada, a un señor su propio caballo le rompió su pie.

00:31:12.060 - 00:31:17.860

Wak wambra sinkurusam karuta animalninwan purishpa

Wak wambra sinku-ru-sa-ø-m karu-ta animal-ni-n-wan puri-shpa
DEM.D child roll-URGT-PRF-3-EVD far-ACC animal-EUPH-3-INSTR walk-SUBIS
Ese chico, caminando con sus animales [se cayó y] se rodó lejos.
That boy, walking with his animals, [fell and] rolled far.
00:31:21.960 - 00:31:30.360

Ese chico se había rodado lejos, caminando por su animal.

00:31:30.560 - 00:31:35.580

Unaymi tiyay wañukun. Karu karutam sinkurusa. Pasaypaqmi ñawinmanpis allpi huntarusa.
Unay-mi tiya-y wañu-ku-n Karu karu-ta-m sinku-ru-sa-ø Pasaypaq-mi ñawi-n-man-pis allpi hunta-ru-sa-ø
before-EVD aunt-1 die-REFL-3 far far-ACC-EVD roll-URGT-PRF-3 completely-EVD eye-3-ALL-ADD earth
Antes, mi tía se murió. Se había rodado lejísimo y hasta sus ojos se habían llenado de tierra.
Before, my aunt died. She had rolled very far and even her eyes had filled totally with dirt.
00:31:37.980 - 00:31:50.390

Antes, mi tía se falleció, lejísimo se había rodado, hasta su vista se había llenado de tierra
00:31:50.510 - 00:31:58.010

Unayqa purinaq karqa trakillawanmi. Kananhinachu qay karruwan.

Unay-qa puni-na-q ka-rqa-ø traki-lla-wan-mi Kanan-hina-chu qay karru-wan
before-TOP walk-NMLZ-AG be-PST-3 foot-RSTR-INSTR-EVD now-COMP-NEG PHT car-INSTR
Antes, se andaba a pie no más -- no como ahora con carro.
Before, one would go about just on foot -- not like now, with cars.
00:32:02.340 - 00:32:11.000

Antes se andaba a pie no más -- no como ahora con carro.

00:32:11.140 - 00:32:17.230

Ahh. Es que me está yendo de mi cabeza.

00:32:20.520 - 00:32:24.600

¿Falta todavía?
00:32:28.940 - 00:32:30.590

Kanan fiystataqa sumaq sumaqtacha ruwarunqa. Achka runam dunayasa.

Kanan fiysta-ta-qa sumaq sumaq-ta-cha ruwa-ru-nqa Achka runa-m duna-ya-sa-ø
now festival-ACC-TOP pretty pretty-ACC-DIM make-URGT-3.FUT a.lot person-EVD donate-PROG-PRF-3
Ahora van a hacer una fiesta muy bonita -- muchas personas han donando.
Now they're going to make the festival really nice. A lot of people have donated.
00:32:34.500 - 00:32:41.800

Ahora la fiesta seguro va a ser bonito porque bastante gente está donando.
00:32:41.920 - 00:32:47.440

Esmeralda llaqtapaqa ishkay kimsallam wasi kayanman. Manam achka achkachu.

Esmeralda llaqta-pa-qa ishkay kimsa-lla-m wasi ka-ya-n-man Mana-m achka-chu
Esmeralda town-LOC-TOP two three-RSTR-EVD house be-PROG-3-COND no-EVD a.lot-NEG
En ese pueblo de Esmeralda, puede haber dos o tres casas, no más. No hay muchas.
In the town of Esmeralda there might be just two or three houses. There aren't a lot.
00:32:51.520 - 00:32:57.000

En ese pueblo de Esmeralda, hay unas cuantas casitas no más -- no hay harta casa.
00:32:57.190 - 00:33:02.370

Chay runapi warmin wañukuptin, wambrachankuna achkam kidarqa. Pero llapantam wiñayachin.
Chay runa-pi warmi-n wañu-ku-pti-n wambra-cha-n-kuna achka-m kida-rqa-ø Pero llapa-n-ta-m wiña-ya-chi-n
DEM.D person-GEN woman-3 die-REFL-SUBDS-3 child-DIM-3-PL a.lot-3 remain-PST-3 but
all-3-ACC-EVD grow-PROG-CAUS-3
Cuando la esposa de esa persona falleció, sus hijitos -- muchos -- se quedaron. Pero él está haciendo crecer a
When that man's wife died, her little children -- many -- remained. But he's raising all of them.
00:33:06.380 - 00:33:15.250

Cuando de ese persona su esposa falleció, quedó varios hijitos, pero lo está haciendo crecer.
00:33:15.380 - 00:33:22.320

Qayarikushpash fiystata rurasa istansyanpi.

Qayari-ku-shpa-sh fiysta-ta rura-sa-ø istansya-n-pi
call-REFL-SUBIS-EVR festival-ACC make-PRF-3 ranch-3-LOC
Han llamado [a la gente], dicen, y han hecho una fiesta en su estancia.
They've called [people], they say, and made a festival on their ranch.
00:33:32.350 - 00:33:40.230

Esa gente dice llamando a hombre y mujer hacia fiesta en su estancia.

00:33:40.540 - 00:33:46.470

Cacra llaqtapaqa fiyum. Utam karanchikta mikun.

Cacra llaqta-pa-qa fiyu-m Uta-m kara-nchik-ta miku-n
Cacra town-LOC-TOP ugly-EVD VV-EVD face-1PL-ACC eat-3
Es feo en el pueblo de Cacra. La uta nos come la cara.
It's nasty in the town of Cacra. Worms eat your face.
00:33:50.370 - 00:33:56.930

En ese pueblo de Cacra es feo, come la uta a nuestra cara.

00:33:57.090 - 00:34:02.630

Infirnillu qaqapaqa kimsa trunka runam wañukurqa. Urqum ñitirura.

Infirnillu qaqa-pa-qa kimsa trunka runa-m wañu-ku-rqa-ø Urqu-m ñiti-ru-ra-ø
hell cliff-LOC-TOP three ten person-EVD die-REFL-PST-3 hill-EVD crush-URGT-PST-3
Treinta personas se murieron en La Peña del Infernillo. La montaña las aplastó.
Thirty people died at Hell's Cliff. The mountain crushed them.
00:34:07.060 - 00:34:15.880

En ese peña del infernillo, ha muerto treinta personas. El cerro lo aplastó.

00:34:16.000 - 00:34:22.170

Apurí llaqta urqunpaqa intiyerush ruwinash. Unay runa yatrarqash.

Apurí llaqta urqu-n-pa-qa intiyeru-sh ruwina-sh Unay runa yatra-rqa-ø-sh
Apurí town hill-3-LOC-TOP buried.treasure-EVR ruin-EVR before person live-PST-3-EVR
En un cerro del pueblo de Apurí, hay un entierro, dicen, hay una ruina, dicen. La gente antes vivía allí, dicen.
In a hill of the town of Apurí, there's buried treasure, they say, there's a ruin, they say. Ancient people lived
there, they say.
00:34:25.520 - 00:34:35.390

En el pueblo de Apurí, hay ruina. La gente antes dice vivía allí.

00:34:37.080 - 00:34:44.070

Awkichanka urqupaqa inkantush. Karrush chinkarurqa qutrapa.

Awkichanka urqu-pa-qa inkantu-sh Karru-sh chinka-ru-rqa-ø qutra-pa
Awkichanka hill-LOC-TOP phantom-EVR lose-URGT-PST-3 car-EVR lake-LOC
En el cerro de Awkichanca hay un encanto, dicen. Un carro se perdió en la laguna, dicen.
On the hill of Awkichanca there's a phantom, they say. A car was lost in the lake, they say.
00:34:47.260 - 00:35:01.020

En el cerro de Okichanca dice que es un encanto, que un carro se ha perdido.

00:35:01.410 - 00:35:07.800

Wamani puntapaqa puyush tiyan parananpaq.

Wamani punta-pa-qa puyu-sh tiya-n para-na-n-paq
Wamani peak-LOC-TOP fog-EVR sit-3 rain-NMLZ-3-PURP
En la punta de Huamani, la neblina se sienta, dicen, para que llueva.
On the peak of Wamani, the fog sits, they say, so that it rains.
00:35:11.020 - 00:35:20.620

En el cerro de Huamán allí dice sienta la neblina para que llueva.

00:35:20.840 - 00:35:26.120

Ayrayá urquqa rikush. Inkantuyuqshi.
Ayrayá urqu-qa riku-sh Inkantu-yuq-shi
Ayrayá hill-TOP rich-EVR phantom-POSS-EVR
El cerro de Ayrayá es rico, dicen. Tiene encanto, dicen.
The hill of Ayrayá is rich, they say. It has a phantom, they say.
00:35:29.960 - 00:35:38.180

El cerro de Ayrayá, dice que es rico, tiene su encanto.

00:35:38.340 - 00:35:44.380

Huancavelica llaqta sumaq sumaqshi. Kichwallatash runa riman.

Huancavelica llaqta sumaq sumaq-shi kichwa-lla-ta-sh runa rima-n
Huancavelica town pretty pretty-EVR Quechua-RSTR-ACC-EVR person talk-3
El pueblo de Huancavelica es bonito, dicen. La gente habla quechua, no más, dicen.
The town of Huancavelica is nice, they say. The people speak just Quechua, they say.
00:35:48.710 - 00:35:58.830

El pueblo de Huancavelica dice que es bonito. Todas las personas dice hablan quechua.
00:35:58.930 - 00:36:05.620

Viñaq llaqtanchik antisqa sumaqshi karqa. Yunkakuna mishkitash apamuwan.

Viñaq llaqta-nchik antis-qa sumaq-shi ka-rqa-ø yunka-kuna mishki-ta-sh apa-mu-wa-n
Viñac town-1PL before-TOP pretty-EVR be-PST-3 person.from.the.coast-PL fruit-ACC-EVR
Nuestro pueblo de Viñac dice antes era bonito. Toda la gente de abajo nos traían fruta, dicen.
Our town of Viñac was nice before, they say. All the people from the coast brought us fruit, they say.
00:36:09.520 - 00:36:18.520

Nuestro pueblo de Viñac dice antes era bonito. Todas las personas de la costa, dice, traía fruta.
00:36:18.580 - 00:36:25.840

ubihanchikta wañurachishpaqa, mishkita yawarnintam mikurunchik. Mutintawan, papantawan.

ubiha-nchik-ta wañu-ra-chi-shpa mishki-ta yawar-ni-n-ta-m miku-ru-nchik Muti-n-ta-wan papa-n-ta-wan
sheep-1PL-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-SUBIS sweet-ACC blood-EUPH-3-ACC-EVD eat-URGT-1PL
hominy-3-ACC-INSTR potato-3-ACC-INSTR
Cuando matamos nuestro carnero, comemos su sangre con mote y papas -- rico.
When we kill our ram, we eat its blood with hominy and potatoes -- delicious.
00:36:29.900 - 00:36:38.710

Matando nuestro carnero, su sangre se come rico con mote y con papa
00:36:39.260 - 00:36:44.150

Uñachanchik wañuruptinpis, aychachan chishichakurunchikmi.

Uña-cha-nchik-qa wañu-ru-pti-n aycha-cha-n chisicha-ku-ru-nchik-mi
young-DIM-1PL-TOP die-URGT-SUBDS-3 meat-DIM-3 main.course-REFL-1PL-EVD
Cuando muere nuestro corderito chiquitito, hacemos el plato principal de su carnecita.
When our little lamb dies, we make a main course out of its meat.
00:36:46.130 - 00:36:50.590

Cuando muere nuestro corderito chiquitito, de sus carnecitas nos hacemos el segundo.
00:36:51.090 - 00:36:56.200

Wak yakuqa allpi ukupatr. Karu karutatr riyan.

Wak yaku-qa allpi uku-pa-tr karu karu-ta-tr ri-ya-n
DEM.D water-TOP earth inside-LOC-EVC far far-ACC-EVC go-PROG-3
Ese agua seá abajo de la tierra. Estará yendo lejísimo.
That water must be underground. It must be running far.
00:37:00.400 - 00:37:04.840

Ese agua porte abajo de la tierra. Estará yendo lejísimo.

00:37:05.020 - 00:37:08.600

Wak mayupaq manash kanchu yaku. Chinkarunshi.

Wak mayu-paq mana-sh ka-n-chu yaku. Chinka-ru-n-shi
DEM.D river-LOC no-EVR be-3-NEG water lose-URGT-3-EVR
No hay agua en ese río, dicen. Se perdió, dicen.
There's no water in that river, they say. It was lost, they say.
00:37:13.080 - 00:37:20.700

En ese río, dice, no hay agua. Perdió, dice.

00:37:20.860 - 00:37:24.120

Wak warmiqa lliwta lliwtanshi. Qarintash wañurachin. Mashantash wañurachin.

Wak warmi-qa lliw-ta lliw-ta-n-shi Qari-n-ta-sh wañu-ra-chi-n Masha-n-ta-sh wañu-ra-chi-n
DEM.D woman-TOP all-ACC all-ACC-3-EVR man-3-ACC-EVR die-URGT-CAUS-3
Esa mujer es bien mala, dicen: Mató a su marido, dicen; mató a su yerno, dicen.
That woman is really bad, they say. She killed her husband, they say; she killed her son-in-law, they say.
00:37:28.130 - 00:37:35.710

Esa mujer es bien mala: Mató a su marido; mató a su yerno.

00:37:35.870 - 00:37:40.740

Wañukachishpash, qipirusa karuta. Mana disiyananpaq.

Wañu-ka-chi-shpa-sh qipi-ru-sa-ø karu-ta Mana disiya-na-n-paq
die-REFL-CAUS-SUBIS-EVR carry-URGT-PRF-3 far-ACC no suspect-NMLZ-3-PURP
Cuando lo mató, dicen, lo cargó lejos para que no le sospeche.
When she killed him, they say, she carried him far, so they wouldn't suspect.
00:37:45.060 - 00:37:55.490

Matando, dice, había llegado lejísimo para que no le sospeche.

00:37:55.580 - 00:38:00.240

Ñuqanchaqa paraptin ubihanchik yatanpi puñunchik, muntita mashtakuykushpam. Ukunchikta yaku riptin.
Ñuqa-ncha-qa para-pti-n ubiha-nchik yata-n-pi puñu-nchik munti-ta mashta-ku-yku-shpa-m Uku-nchik-ta yaku
1-1PL-TOP rain-SUBDS-3 sheep-1PL side-3-LOC sleep-1PL brush-ACC spread-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD
inside-1PL-ACC water go-SUBDS-3
Cuando llueve, nosotros, tendiendo monte, dormimos al lado de nuestras ovejas y el agua va por debajo de
When it rains, we spread out brush and sleep next to our sheep -- the water goes below us.
00:38:03.960 - 00:38:15.230

Nosotros cuidando nuestra oveja, tendremos monte en el piso, y en su encima, se duerme.

00:38:15.660 - 00:38:22.960

y el agua pasa por dentro del monte
00:38:25.880 - 00:38:29.610

Wak warmiqa kamchachanta uchkurikushpash, llaman qutuq risa, mayuta pawayashpash siqaykarusa. Karu
karutash aparusa.
Wak warmi-qa kamcha-cha-n-ta uchku-ri-ku-shpa-sh llama-n qutu-q ri-sa-ø mayu-ta pawa-ya-shpa-sh
siqayku-ru-sa-ø Karu karu-ta-sh apa-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D woman-TOP kamcha-DIM-3-ACC lift-INCEP-REFL-SUBIS-EVR llama-3 gather-AG go-PRF-3
river-ACC jump-PROG-SUBIS-EVR fall-URGT-3 far far-ACC-EVR bring-URGT-PRF-3
Ese mujer se fue a juntar sus llamas. Saltando el río, se cayó, y [el río] la llevó lejos,
That woman went to gather up her llamas. Jumping the river, she fell and [the river] took her far.
00:38:31.820 - 00:38:47.610

Ese mujer se había ido a juntar su llama, y se había caído al río , y el río la ha llevado lejos.
00:38:48.220 - 00:39:01.780

ubihanchikpa akanqa valin papa tarpunapaq, wirtanchikpaq

ubiha-nchik-pa aka-n-qa vali-n tarpu-na-paq, papa wirta-nchik-paq
sheep-1PL-GEN manure-3-TOP be.worth-3 potato plant-NMLZ-PURP garden-1PL-PURP
El abono de nuestras ovejas vale para la siembre de papa y para nuestro jardín.
Our sheep's manure is good for planting potatoes and for our garden.
00:39:06.310 - 00:39:16.950

Su abono de la oveja vale para nuestra papa, para sembrar nuestra papa y para nuestro jardín.
00:39:19.940 - 00:39:25.350

Wak runaqa warminta wañurachin maqayashpalla silapuyashpalla.

Wak runa-qa warmi-n-ta wañu-ra-chi-n maqa-ya-shpa-lla sila-pu-ya-shpa-lla
DEM.D person-TOP woman-3-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-3 hit-PROG-SUBIS-RSTR
Ese hombre, volviendo celoso, mató a su mujer, pegándola.
That man, turning jealous, killed his wife, beating her.
00:39:29.420 - 00:39:38.060

Ese hombre le pegó a su mujer y la mató, celando no más.

00:39:39.120 - 00:39:44.600

Achka achka kaballuyuq wak runaqa karqa. Mana kultivashpallam

Achka achka kaballu-yuq wak runa ka-rqa-ø Mana kultiva-shpa-lla-m
a.lot a.lot horse-POSS DEM.D person be-PST-3 no cultivate-SUBIS-RSTR-EVD
Esa gente tenía muchos caballos, pero no los cultivó
Those people had a alot of horses, but because they didn't take care of them,
00:39:48.660 - 00:39:56.740

Lliw wañurachin.
Lliw wañu-ra-chi-n
all die-URGT-CAUS-3
y mataron a todos.
they killed them all.
00:39:57.840 - 00:39:58.910

Esa gente tenía muchos caballos sin cultivarlo bien, no más lo mató.
00:39:58.980 - 00:40:03.710

trakraymi tuñirun. Yakutam katraykurusa.

trakra-y-mi tuñi-ru-n Yaku-ta-m katra-yku-ru-sa-ø
field-1-EVD crumble-URGT-3 water-ACC-EVD release-EXCEP-URGT-PRF-3
Mi chacra se derrumbo. Había soltado el agua.
My field washed away. Water had been released.
00:40:08.210 - 00:40:12.540

Mi chacra se derrumbo. Había soltado el agua.

00:40:12.580 - 00:40:16.320

Wasitaqa ruwanchik ichuwan, qiruwanmi.

Wasi-ta-qa ruwa-nchik ichu-wan qiru-wan-mi
house-ACC-TOP make-1PL straw-INSTR stick-INSTR-EVD
La casa se hace con paja y palos.
The house is made with straw and sticks.
00:40:22.920 - 00:40:27.890

La casa se hace con pajita y con palo.

00:40:28.080 - 00:40:32.480

Uchukchallam wasichan.
Uchuk-cha-lla-m wasi-cha-n
small-DIM-RSTR-EVD house-DIM-3
Su casa es chiquitita.
Their house is tiny.
00:40:36.750 - 00:40:40.850

Chiquito no más es su casita.

00:40:42.240 - 00:40:44.760

munti muntillam trakran.

munti munti-lla-m trakra-n
brush brush-RSTR-EVD field-3
Lleno de monte es su chacra.
His field is full of brush.
00:40:48.590 - 00:40:50.840

Lleno de monte es su chacra.

00:40:50.970 - 00:40:53.200

00:40:55.570 - 00:40:55.806

De mi vaca su . . . no . . . no
00:40:56.056 - 00:40:58.456

Vakay watraruptin ñuñun punkirun.

Vaka-y watra-ru-pti-n ñuñu-n punki-ru-n
cow-1 give.birth-URGT-SUBDS-3 udder-3 swell-URGTT-3
El ubre de mi vaca se hinchó cuando dio cría.
My cow's udder swelled when she gave birth.
00:40:58.656 - 00:41:02.526

¿Imawanraq pasariyman?
Ima-wan-raq pasa-ri-y-man
¿Con qué lo puedo pasar?
What can I pass it over with?
00:41:03.386 - 00:41:07.586

De mi vaca su ubre hinchó cuando dio cría. Con qué lo podría pasar?
00:41:07.746 - 00:41:11.796

Runkuwanchu qaqurushaq, ¿Imawantaq qaquruyman?

Runku-wan-chu qaqu-ru-shaq ima-wan-taq qaqu-ru-y-man
sack-INSTR-Q rub-URGT-1.FUT what-INSTR-SEQ rub-URGT-1-COND
¿Lo sobo con talega? ¿Con qué puedo sobarlo?
Should l rub it with a sack? What can I rub it with?
00:41:15.016 - 00:41:20.276

¿ O lo sobo con talega o con cualquier cosa puedo sobar?

00:41:20.506 - 00:41:26.166

Wak vakaypa atakanmi mal kayan. Puriyta atipanchu.

Wak vaka-y-pa ataka-n-mi mal ka-ya-n Puri-y-ta atipa-n-chu
DEM.D cow-1-GEN hoof-3-EVD bad be-PROG-3 walk-INF-ACC
El pie de mi vaca está mal. No puede caminar.
My cow's leg is hurt. It can't walk.
00:41:30.276 - 00:41:35.146

De mi vaca su pie está mal. No puede caminar.

00:41:35.256 - 00:41:39.956

Wak saqlaqa riyta atipanchu. Qaqa trawpintam, qaqa iskinantam riyan.

Wak saqla-qa ri-y-ta atipa-n-chu Qaqa trawpi-n-ta-m qaqa iskina-n-ta-m ri-ya-n
DEM.D horse-TOP go-INF-ACC cliff middle-3-ACC-EVD cliff corner-3-ACC-EVD
Ese caballo no puede caminar. Está yendo por esquina de la peña, por medio de la peña.
That horse can't walk. It's going on the corner of the cliff, in the middle of the cliff.
00:41:41.446 - 00:41:47.896

Ese caballo no puede caminar. Está yendo por esquina de la peña, por medio de la peña.
00:41:48.086 - 00:41:54.886

Wak qatra kabra qaqaman winakarun.

Wak qatra kabra qaqa-man wina-ka-ru-n
DEM.D dirty cliff-ALL goat
Esa cabra cochina se metió a la peña.
That dirty goat got up onto the cliff.
00:41:57.896 - 00:42:01.146
Esa cabra cochina se metió a la peña.
00:42:01.176 - 00:42:04.556

Wak wambra qaqa trawpintam pasayan manam manchakuyan.

Wak wambra qaqa trawpi-n-ta-m pasa-ya-n mana-m mancha-ku-ya-n
DEM.D child cliff middle-3-ACC-EVD pass-PROG-3 no-EVD scare-REFL-PROG-3
Ese chico está pasando por medio de la peña sin tener miedo.
That child is walking through the middle of the cliff -- he doesn't get scared.
00:42:05.956 - 00:42:09.776

Ese chico está pasando por medio de la peña sin tener miedo.
00:42:09.856 - 00:42:13.766

Wak warmitash hitaykarusa wakchan qaqata wañukusa.

Wak warmi-ta-sh hita-yka-ru-sa-ø wakcha-n qaqa-ta wañu-ku-sa-ø
DEM.D woman-ACC-EVR toss-EXCEP-URGT-PRF-3 sheep-3 cliff-ACC die-REFL-PRF-3
El wacho de esa mujer la botó a la peña y se murió.
That woman's sheep, the say, tossed her to the cliff and she died.
00:42:15.146 - 00:42:21.326

A esa señora le había botado su wacho y se había muerto.

00:42:21.556 - 00:42:27.186

Wak wambrakuna wawarunankama maqtata qatikatran.

Wak wambra-kuna wawa-ru-na-n-kama-m maqta-ta qati-katra-3
DEM.D child-PL baby-URGT-NMLZ-3-RSTR grab-FREQ-3
Esas mujeres, hasta que tengan bebés, persiguen a los hombres
Until they they have babies, those girls hunt men.
00:42:29.286 - 00:42:34.576

Esas mujeres hasta tener hijo está siguetiendo a hombres

00:42:35.146 - 00:42:38.926

Wak urquqa alli urqutr qay wakqa kastigakunmi.

Wak urqu-qa alli qay wak-qa kastiga-ku-n-mi
DEM.D hill-TOP PHT DEM.D-TOP good punish-REFL-3-EVD
Ese cerro será cerro. Ése [nos] castiga.
That mountain would be a mountain. It punishes [us].
00:42:41.756 - 00:42:48.946

Esa peña no es buena . . . esa peña no es buena . . .

00:42:49.526 - 00:42:54.996

Ese cerro no es buen cerro. Ese cerro nos hace daño.

00:42:55.146 - 00:43:00.226

Wak qiñwalpa wamaq wamaq ullqushmi kayan, chuqlluqupam kan. Aparamushaqmi.

Wak qiñwal-pa wamaq ka-ya-n chuqlluqupa-m wamaq ka-n ullqush-mi Apa-ra-mu-shaq-mi.
DEM.D quingual.grove-LOC a.lot a.lot ullqush-EVD be-PROG-3 chuqlluqupa-EVD be-3
En esa quingual hay muchas flores de ullqush, hay flores de chuqlluqupa. Voy a traerlas.
In that quingual grove there are lots of ullqush flowers. There are chuqlluqupa flowers. I'm going to bring
00:43:04.246 - 00:43:11.026

En esa kiñual hay bastante flor de chuqlluqupa y ollqush . . . ¿qué cosita? . . voy a traerlo.
00:43:11.026 - 00:43:21.006

qiñwalpaqa runam suwakurushpa vakata watarusa.

qiñwal-pa-qa runa-m suwa-ku-ru-shpa vaka-ta wata-ru-sa-ø
quinual.grove-LOC-TOP person-EVD rob-REFL-URGT-SUBIS cow-ACC tie-URGT-PRF-3
En el quingual un hombre robó una avaca y la amarró.
In the quingual grove, people stole a cow and tied it up.
00:43:24.436 - 00:43:29.916

En el quingual le había robado a un hombre la vaca y le había amarrado.

00:43:30.136 - 00:43:34.586

Wak qutraqa hunta hunta kayasa.

Wak qutra-qa hunta hunta ka-ya-sa-ø
DEM.D fill fill reservoir-TOP be-PROG-PRF-3
Ese estanque está muy lleno.
That reservoir is completely full.
00:43:38.566 - 00:43:46.116

Ese estanque está llenecito.

00:43:46.976 - 00:43:50.636

Wak urqu qipantam muyuyamunchik.

Wak urqu qipa-n-ta-m muyu-ya-mu-nchik
DEM.D hill behind-3-ACC-EVD circle-PROG-CISL-1PL
Atrás de ese cerro, estamos dando vuelta.
We're going around in circles behind that hill.
00:43:52.836 - 00:43:57.396

Atrás de ese cerro, estamos dando vuelta.

00:43:57.566 - 00:44:01.956

Wak urqupaq kayan manka. Achka achka mankam muytirayan

Wak urqu-paq ka-ya-n manka achka achka manka-m muyti-raya-n
DEM.D hill-LOC be-PROG-3 pot a.lot a.lot pot-EVD turn.over-PASS-3
Allá en ese cerro, hay bastante olla. Bastante está volteado.
There are pots in that hill -- a whole lot of pots are turned over.
00:44:03.146 - 00:44:10.796

Allá en ese cerro, hay bastante olla. Bastante está volteado.

00:44:10.916 - 00:44:16.086

Wak warmiqa qaqa sikinpam yatrasa. ¿Imaynatr yatran?

Wak warmi-qa siki-n-pa-m yatra-sa-ø Imayna-tr qaqa yatra-n
DEM.D woman-TOP cliff live-PRF-3 how-EVC behind-3-LOC.EVD live-3
Esa mujer vivía atrás del cerro. ¿Cómo vivirá?
That woman lived behind that cliff. How in the world does she live?
00:44:20.316 - 00:44:24.896

Esa mujer vivía atrás del cerro. ¿Cómo vivirá?
00:44:24.946 - 00:44:29.666

Vikuñachapa wawanqa karu karutam purisa.

Vikuña-cha-pa wawa-n-qa karu karu-ta-m puri-sa-ø
vicuña-DIM-GEN baby-3-TOP far far-ACC-EVD walk-PRF-3
Las crías de la vicuñita andaban lejíssimo
The vicuña's babies wander very far.
00:44:36.266 - 00:44:41.146

De la vicuñita sus cría lejíssimo se va.

00:44:41.336 - 00:44:45.766

Tutaykuqtam wak animalqa mikusa.

Tuta-yku-q-ta-m wak animal-qa miku-sa-ø
night-EXCEP-AG-ACC-EVD animal-TOP DEM.D eat-PRF-3
Cuando oscurece, ese animal come
When it gets dark, that animal eats.
00:44:49.016 - 00:44:51.496

Cuando oscurece también come ese animal.

00:44:51.556 - 00:44:53.956

Tutaykuqtam runawan tinkuruni. Manchariruni.

Tuta-yku-q-ta-m runa-wan tinku-ru-ni Mancha-ri-ru-ni
night-EXCEP-AG-ACC-EVD person-INSTR meetURGT-1 scare-INCEP-URGT-1
Cuando estaba oscureciendo me encontré con un hombre y me asusté.
When it was getting dark, I met up with a man and I got scared.
00:44:57.566 - 00:45:02.366

Cuando estaba oscureciendo me encontré con un hombre y me asusté.

00:45:02.586 - 00:45:06.686

Wak . . . . wak urqu siqaytam qillakuni.

Wak wak urqu siqa-y-ta-m qilla-ku-ni
DEM.D DEM.D hill go.up-INF-ACC-EVD lazy-REFL-1
Subir a ese cerro me da flojera.
I'm too lazy to go up that hill.
00:45:10.626 - 00:45:14.756

Subir a ese cerro me da flojera.

00:45:14.916 - 00:45:18.786

ubihaytam rantikuruni. Manam pagawanchu.

ubiha-y-ta-m ranti-ku-ru-ni Mana-m paga-wa-n-chu
sheep-1-ACC-EVD buy-REFL-URGT-1 no-EVD pay-1.OBJ-3-NEG
Vendí mi oveja pero no me pagó.
I sold my sheep but they didn't pay me.
00:45:22.696 - 00:45:30.466

Vendí mi oveja y no me pagó.

00:45:31.006 - 00:45:33.776

turuymi waqrakucha TK lluqsirun.
turu-y-mi waqra-ku-cha lluqsi-ru-n
bull-1-EVD horn-REFL-DIM? come.out-PST-3
Mi toro salió cornealón.
My bull came out a horner.
00:45:37.546 - 00:45:41.376

Mi toro salió cornealón.

00:45:41.476 - 00:45:45.126

Wak kabrayqa wira wiram. Ishkayllatam watran.

Wak kabra-y-qa wira wira-m Ishkay-lla-ta-m watra-n
DEM.D goat-1-TOP fat fat-EVD two-RSTR-ACC-EVD give.birth-3
Mi cabra es bien gorda. Da cria a dos.
That goat of mine is really fat. She gives birth to two at a time.
00:45:48.506 - 00:45:55.046

Esa mi cabra es bien gordita. Da cría dos.

00:45:55.596 - 00:46:00.486

Wak kaballuypa wawanqa. Kawsanqachutr?

Wak kaballu-y-pa wawa-nqa Kawsa-nqa-chu-tr
DEM.D horse-1-GEN baby.3.FUT live-3.FUT-Q-EVC
Es la cría de mi caballo. ¿Vivirá?
That's my horse's baby. Will it live?
00:46:04.586 - 00:46:09.346

De ese mi caballo su cría. ¿Vivirá?

00:46:09.686 - 00:46:13.336

Wak runaqa shinkarushpa. ¿Imay ura-tr trayan wasinta?

Wak runa-qa shinka-ru-shpa Imay ura-tr traya-n wasi-n-ta
DEM.D person-TOP drunk-URGT-SUBIS when hour-EVC arrive-3 house-3-ACC
Ese hombre se emborrachó, ¿Qué hora llegará a su casa?
That person is drunk. What time will he ever get home?
00:46:17.286 - 00:46:24.426

Wak warmipaqa trunkam wawan.

Wak warmi-pa-qa trunka-m wawa-n
DEM.D woman-GEN-TOP ten-EVD baby-3
Esa mujer tiene diez hijos.
That woman has ten children.
00:46:27.846 - 00:46:31.036

De esa mujer es diez su hijo.

00:46:32.576 - 00:46:35.326

Wak wambraqa qilla qillam. Suwakuytam ichaq afanakun.

Wak wambra-qa qilla qilla-m ichaq Suwa-ku-y-ta-m afanaku-n
DEM.D child-TOP lazy lazy-EVD rob-REFL-INF-ACC-EVD or work.hard-3
Ese niño es bien ocioso. Robarse se ocupa.
That boy is really lazy. He busies himself with stealing.
00:46:44.596 - 00:46:50.236
Ese niño es bien ocioso. Robarse se ocupa.
00:46:50.396 - 00:46:56.566

kustal sibaday ñitiruwanmi.

kustal sibada-y ñiti-ru-wa-n-mi
sack barley-1 crush-URGT-1.OBJ-3-EVD
Mis costales de mi cebada me machucaron.
My barley sacks got crushed on me.
00:47:01.046 - 00:47:03.706

Mis costales de mi cebada me machucó.

00:47:03.816 - 00:47:07.256

Ukucham kustalniyman winakarusa. Hapirunim.

Ukucha-m kustal-ni-y-man wina-ka-ru-sa-ø Qapi-ru-ni-m
mouse-EVD sack-EUPH-1-ALL grab-URGT-1-EVD
El pericote se había metido en mi costal y lo agarré.
A mouse got into my sack, but I caught it.
00:47:09.476 - 00:47:16.436

El pericote se había metido en mi costal y lo agarré.

00:47:17.336 - 00:47:21.116

Suwa maldisyaw wasiyman yaykurusa uchkuntam.

Suwa maldisyaw wasi-y-man yayku-ru-sa-ø uchku-n-ta-m
thief damned house-1-ALL enter-PST-PRF-3 hole-3-ACC-EVD
Un ladrón maldiciado entró en mi casa por el hueco.
A damned thief entered my house through the hole.
00:47:24.506 - 00:47:31.066

El ratero había entrado en mi casa por el hueco.

00:47:31.376 - 00:47:36.446

Kanan tutaq suyñukuruni fiyutam. Ima pasaruwanqa?

Kanan tuta-q suyñu-ku-ru-ni fiyu-ta-m Ima pasa-ru-wa-nqa
now night-AG dream-REFL-URGT-1 ugly-ACC-EVD what pass-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT
Esa noche había soñado feo. ¿Qué me pasará?
Last night I had an awful dream. What's going to happen to me?
00:47:38.946 - 00:47:44.386

Esa noche había soñado feo. ¿Qué me pasará?

00:47:44.676 - 00:47:49.506

Wak warmipa umanpaqa chiplikuyan ganchunpis.

Wak warmi-pa uma-n-pa-qa chipli-ku-ya-n ganchu-n-pis
DEM.D head-3-LOC-TOP aparkle-REFL-PROG-3 woman-GEN barrette-3-ADD
El gancho está brillando en el cabello de esa mujer.
That woman's barrette is glittering on her head.
00:47:53.466 - 00:48:00.056

En su cabeza de esa mujer, el gancho está brillando.

00:48:00.356 - 00:48:04.966
Wak wambraqa puchu kuchihina mikun.
Wak wambra-qa puchu kuchi-hina miku-n
DEM.D child-TOP small pig-COMP eat-3
Ese chico come como chancho pequeño.
That child eats like a little pig.
00:48:09.306 - 00:48:12.026

Ese chico come como chancho pequeño.

00:48:12.236 - 00:48:17.686

Bisinuyqa uyarikunchu qay

Bisinu-y-qa uyari-ku-n-chu qay
neighbor-1-TOP hear-REFL-3-NEG PHT
Mi vecino no escucha.
My neighbor doesn't hear.
00:48:21.786 - 00:48:23.756

Mi vecino no escucha.
00:48:26.226 - 00:48:28.306

Wak taytaqa puriyta atipanchu.

Wak tayta-qa puri-y-ta atipa-n-chu
DEM.D father-TOP walk-INF-ACC be-able-3-NEG
Ese anciano no puede caminar
That old man can't walk.
00:48:31.736 - 00:48:33.896

Ese anciano no puede caminar

00:48:33.916 - 00:48:36.236

Wiksa punkiwan wañukun.

Wiksa punki-wan wañu-ku-n
stomach inflamation-INSTR die-REFL-3
Se murió con hinchazón del estómago.
He died with a swollen stomach.
00:48:39.416 - 00:48:42.766

Hinchando su estómago se falleció.

00:48:42.886 - 00:48:46.456

Tullunmi pakirusa.
Tullu-n-mi paki-ru-sa-ø
bone-3-EVD break-URGT-PRF-3
Su hueso se rompió.
His bone broke.
00:48:50.046 - 00:48:53.676

Su hueso se rompió.
00:48:53.786 - 00:48:57.136

Wak runaqa ñawsarusa, sanu karqa.

Wak runa-qa ñawsa-ru-sa-ø sanu ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D person-TOP blind-URGT-PRF-3 healthy be-PST-3
Esa gente se había vuelto ciego, pero era sano.
That person had gone blind, but he was healthy.
00:48:59.676 - 00:49:03.966

Esa gente se había vuelto ciego, pero era sano.

00:49:04.226 - 00:49:08.386

Tushunanpaq, ukuchayanña.
Tushu-na-n-paq ukucha-ya-n-ña
dance-NMLZ-3-PURP mouse-INCH-3-DISC
Para que baile, hace como un pericote.
In order to dance, he's going like a mouse.
00:49:11.106 - 00:49:13.456

Para que baile, es con un pericote.

00:49:13.536 - 00:49:16.256

Wak uñakunaqa tushukuyan. Pararunqatr.

Wak uña-kuna-qa tushu-ku-ya-n Para-ru-nqa-tr
DEM.D ram-PL-TOP dance-REFL-PROG-3 rain-URGT-3.FUT-EVC
Esos corderitos están bailando. Lloverá.
Those rams are dancing around. It's going to rain.
00:49:20.606 - 00:49:24.316

Esos corderitos están bailando. Lloverá.

00:49:24.476 - 00:49:28.306

Wak pishquqa waqakuyan. Mal añutr kanqa.

Wak pishqu-qa waqa-ku-ya-n Mal añu-tr ka-nqa
DEM.D bird-TOP cry-REFL-PROG-3 bad year-EVC be-3.FUT
Esa pájaro está cantando. Mal año será.
That bird is singing. It's going to be a bad year.
00:49:32.276 - 00:49:37.326

Esa pájaro está cantando. Mal año será.

00:49:37.446 - 00:49:42.166

Wak runa hampikuyta yatranchu qay,

Wak runa hampi-ku-y-ta yatra-n-chu qay,
DEM.D person know-3-NEG cure-REFL-INF-ACC PHT
Esa persona no sabe curar.
That person doesn't know how to cure.
00:49:46.126 - 00:49:48.256

Esa gente no sabe curar.

00:49:48.346 - 00:49:51.126

Yakuta hitaykurun.
Yaku-ta hita-yku-ru-n
water-ACC spill-EXCEP-URGT-3
Aventó el agua.
She pitched out the water.
00:49:54.856 - 00:49:56.506

Aventó el agua.
00:49:56.666 - 00:49:58.646

Wasiyta yaykurushpam, suwakurusa imallaytapis.

Wasi-y-ta yayku-ru-shpa-m suwa-ku-ru-sa-ø ima-lla-y-ta-pis
house-1-ACC enter-URGT-SUBIS-EVD rob-REFL-URGT-PRF-3 what-RSTR-1-ACC-ADD
Entrando en mi casa, había robado todo lo que tenía.
Entering into my house, he stole every last thing I had.
00:50:02.286 - 00:50:08.046

Entrando en mi casa, se lo había robado todo lo que tenía

00:50:08.216 - 00:50:12.386

Rigakunaykamam allqu suwakurusa.

Riga-ku-na-y-kaman allqu suwa-ku-ru-sa-ø
water-REFL-NMLZ-1-LIM dog rob-REFL-URGT-PRF-3
Hasta que requé, el perro había robado.
Until I watered, the dog had stolen.
00:50:15.676 - 00:50:18.206

Hasta que estoy regando, el perro se había robado.

00:50:18.346 - 00:50:21.596

Wak dañeru wakcha, alfaman yaykurushpa, patryarun, wañurun.

Wak dañeru wakcha alfa-man yayku-ru-shpa patrya-ru-n wañu-ru-n
DEM.D harmful lamb alfafa-ALL enter--URGT-SUBIS explode-URGT-3 die-URGT-3
Ese wacho dañero había entrado en la alfalfa, [su estómago] reventó, y se murió.
That harmful lamb got into the alfalfa, [his stomach] burst, and he died.
00:50:25.846 - 00:50:32.216

Esa wachu dañero había entrado en la alfalfa, hinchó

00:50:32.616 - 00:50:37.436

y se reventó, murió.
00:50:37.586 - 00:50:39.416

Wak runaqa karu karutash animalninta qatirun

Wak runa-qa karu karu-ta-sh animal-ni-n-ta qati-ru-n
DEM-DD far far-ACC-EVR animal-EUPH-3-ACC person-TOP bring-URGT-3
Esa persona llevó sus animales lejíssimo, dicen.
That person took their animals really far, they say.
00:50:43.406 - 00:50:49.406

Esa persona, dice, llevó lejíssimo sus animales.

00:50:49.596 - 00:50:53.686

Manash pastu kanchu. Pastuta maskayan.

Mana-sh pastu ka-n-chu. Pastu-ta maska-ya-n
no-EVR pasture.grass be-3-NEG pasture.grass-ACC look.for-PROG-3
No hay pasto, dicen. Están buscando pasto.
There's no pasture grass, they say. They're looking for pasture grass.
00:50:56.066 - 00:51:02.876

Dice que no hay pasto. Está buscando pasto.

00:51:03.166 - 00:51:06.246

Wak runaqa suwakuyaptinshi, trakinta kuchurusa.

Wak runa-qa suwa-ku-ya-pti-n-shi traki-n-ta kuchu-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D person-TOP rob-REFL-PROG-SUBDS-3-EVR foot-3-ACC cut-URGT-PRF-3
Le cortaron los pies a esa persona por que había estado robando, dicen.
Because that person had been robbing, they say, they cut his feet off.
00:51:09.996 - 00:51:14.126

Esa persona dice que cuando estaba robando le cortaron sus pies.
00:51:14.236 - 00:51:19.426

Unay karqa huk runa suwa suwa, rinrinta kuchurusa ishkayninta.

Unay ka-rqa-ø huk runa suwa suwa, rinri-n-ta kuchu-ru-sa-ø ishkay-ni-n-ta
before be-PST-3 one person thief thief ear-3-ACC cut-URGT-PRF-3 two-EUPH-3-ACC
Antes había un hombre muy ladrón -- le cortaron las orejas, las dos.
Before, there was a man who stole a lot -- they had cut off both his ears.
00:51:22.596 - 00:51:29.376

Antes había un hombre demasiado ratero, y le habían cortado las dos orejas.
00:51:29.566 - 00:51:35.316

Kananpis huk runataqa suwaykuyaqtash tarirusa, hinashpash ankunta kuchurun.

Kanan-pis huk runa-ta-qa suwa-yku-ya-q-ta-s tari-ru-sa-ø anku-n-ta hinashpa-sh kuchu-ru-n
now-ADD one person-ACC-TOP rob-EXCEP-PROG-AG-ACC-EVR find-URGT-PRF-3 then-EVR
tendon-3-ACC cut-PST-3
Ahora, también, dicen, habían encontrado a una persona que estaba robando, y luego le cortaron el tendón.
Now, too, they had found a person who was stealing, then they cut his tendon.
00:51:39.346 - 00:51:46.036

Ahora dice a esa persona que estaba robando, y le había encontrado y le cortó el tendón.
00:51:46.926 - 00:51:54.076

Qayninpam huk warmi, mudalikushpa, tushukuyasa.

Qaynin-pa-m huk warmi mudali-ku-shpa tushu-ku-ya-sa-ø
previous-LOC-EVD one woman dress.up-REFL-SUBIS dance-REFL-PROG-PRF-3
La vez pasada una señora, vistiéndose bien, estaba bailando
The other time, a woman dressed up and went dancing.
00:51:58.296 - 00:52:03.946

La vez pasada una señora, vistiéndose bien, estaba bailando.

00:52:04.036 - 00:52:09.016

vistiéndose bien estaba bailando

00:52:09.286 - 00:52:13.166

00:52:16.626 - 00:52:21.476

00:58:58.886 - 00:58:59.122

Vistiéndose bien, estaba bailando.

00:59:00.712 - 00:59:03.492

Hat hatun karru siqayta atipanchu

hat hatun karru siqa-y-ta atipa-n-chu
big big car go.up-INF-ACC
No puede subir a un autobus grande.
He can't get on a really big bus.
00:59:07.242 - 00:59:11.382

Tremendo carro no puedo subir.

00:59:12.972 - 00:59:17.942

Achka achka runa rikuyarqa irransaman

achka achka runa ri-ku-ya-rqa-ø irransa-man
a.lot a.lot person go-REFL-PROG-PST-3 erranza-ALL
Muchas personas estaban yendo a la erranza.
A lot of people were going to the erranza.
00:59:20.072 - 00:59:23.632

Bastante gente estaba yendo a la erranza.

00:59:24.822 - 00:59:28.612

Mikunayaruwan. Kamchayta kachukurushtin rini

Miku-naya-ru-wa-n Kancha-y-ta kacha-ku-ru-shtin ri-ni
eat-DESR-URGT-1.OBJ-3 toasted.grain-1-ACC chew-REFL-URGT-SUBADV go-1
Mi dio hambre. Comiendo mi canchita fui.
It made me hungry. Chewing my toasted grains, I went.
00:59:32.982 - 00:59:37.692

Mi dio hambre. Comiendo mi canchita fui.

00:59:38.042 - 00:59:42.232

Mishki mishkitaqa mikunchik kisuntawan, aychantawan

mishki mishki-ta-qa miku.nchik kisu-n-ta-wan aycha-n-ta-wan
sweet sweet-SEQ eat-1PL cheese-3-ACC-INSTR meat-3-ACC-INSTR
Se come rico con queso y carne.
It's really delicious to eat with cheese and meat.
00:59:45.802 - 00:59:50.582

Rico se come con queso y con carne.

00:59:52.352 - 00:59:55.222

Hospital riytaq manchakunam.

Hospital ri-y-taq mancha-ku-na-m
Hospital go-INF-SEQ scare-REFL-NMLZ-EVD
Ir al hospital da miedo.
Going to the hospital is scary.
00:59:58.222 - 01:00:01.252

Ir al hospital tengo miedo.

01:00:02.732 - 01:00:05.492

Llikllayta chuqarishpam pasakuni

Lliklla-y-ta chuqa-ri-shpa-m pasakuni
manta-1-ACC throw-INCEP-SUBIS-EVD pass-REFL-1
Botando mi manta, me fui.
Tossing my manta, I left.
01:00:08.992 - 01:00:11.782

Botando mi manta, me fui.

01:00:11.842 - 01:00:14.812

Alkansaruni karu karupa.

Alkansa-ru-ni karu karu-pa
catch.up-URGT-1 far far-LOC
Alcanzé lejos.
I caught up much father on.
01:00:17.092 - 01:00:19.352

Alcanzé lejos.
01:00:19.462 - 01:00:21.882

Ququniyta quykuruni
ququni-y-ta qu-yku-ru-ni
picnic-1-ACC give-EXCEP-URGT-1
Le di mi fiambre.
I gave her my picnic.
01:00:25.562 - 01:00:27.662

Mi fi hambre le dí.
01:00:27.802 - 01:00:30.172

Millwayta tisharishpa tisharishpa puchkakuruni.

Millwa-y-ta tisha-ri-shpa tisha-ri-shpa puchka-ku-ru-ni
Escarminando, escarminando mi lana la hilé.
I spinned my wool, carding it and carding it.
01:00:33.062 - 01:00:38.582

Hilando mi lana, escarminando, escarminando, lo hice.

01:00:38.652 - 01:00:45.472

Wak plantaqa hat hatunmik kayan. siqaykarunqatr.

Wak planta-qa hat hatun-mi-k ka-ya-n siqayka-ru-nqa-tr
DEM.D tree-TOP big big-EVD-K be-PROG-3 fall-URGT-3.FUT-EVC
Ese árbl es muy grande. Se caerá.
That tree is really big. It's going to fall.
01:00:49.072 - 01:00:53.722

Ese planta está grande. Se caerá.

01:00:53.762 - 01:00:56.452

Wak yakuqa tapakarusa.

Wak yaku-qa tapa-ka-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D water-TOP block-REFL-URGT-PRF-3
Esa agua se había tapado.
That water had got blocked up.
01:00:59.242 - 01:01:01.342

Esa agua se había tapado.

01:01:01.382 - 01:01:03.752

Añas mikurusa sarata.

Añas miku-ru-sa-ø sara-ta
hedgehog eat-URGT-PRF-3 corn-ACC
Un erizo había comido el maíz.
A hedgehog had eaten the corn.
01:01:06.562 - 01:01:08.892

Leriz se había comido el maíz.

01:01:08.922 - 01:01:13.232

Wak kulebrapa qaran lluqsisam.

Wak kulebra-pa qara-n lluqsi-sa-ø-m
DEM.D snake-GEN skin-3 cme.out-PRF-3-EVD
El cuero de esa culebra salió.
That snake's skin has come off.
01:01:14.382 - 01:01:19.202

De esa culebra su cuero salía.

01:01:19.332 - 01:01:24.382

Runkuyta ñuqaqa ruwakuni ququniy apakunaypaq.

Runku-y-ta ñuqa-qa ruwa-ku-ni ququni-y apakunaypaq.
taliga-1-ACC 1-TOP make-REFL-1 picnic-1 bring-REFL-NMLZ-PURP
Yo hago mi talega para llevar mi fiambre.
I make sack to bring along my picnic.
01:01:28.422 - 01:01:32.152

Yo hago mi taligita para llevar mi fiambre.

01:01:32.232 - 01:01:36.032

Mantelniytapis markakuruni, bordakuruni, sirakuruni ququniy apanaypaq.

Mantel-ni-y-ta-pis marka-ku-ru-ni borda-ku-ru-ni sira-ku-ru-ni ququni-y apa-na-y-paq
tabecloth-EUPH-1-ADD mark-REFL-URGT-1 embroider-REFL-URGT-1 sew-REFL-URGT-1
picnic-EUPH-1 bring-NMLZ-1-PURP
Mi mantel también -- lo marqué, lo bordé y lo cocí -- para llevar mi fiambre.
My tablecloth, too -- I marked it, embroidered it and sewed it -- to bring along my picnic.
01:01:36.802 - 01:01:42.552

Mi mantel también me lo hice. Me lo cosí, me lo bordé.

01:01:42.622 - 01:01:47.702

Para llevar mi fiambre.
01:01:47.952 - 01:01:50.422

Wak warmiqa animalta witrqarishpa ñakachin.

Wak warmi-qa animal-ta witrqa-ri-shpa ñaka-chi-n
DEM.D woman-TOP animal-ACC close-INCEP-SUBIS suffer-CAUS-3
Esa mujer encerró a los animales y les hizo sufrir.
That woman closed up the animals and made them suffer.
01:01:54.032 - 01:01:58.732

Esa mujer cerrando los animales hace sufrir.

01:01:58.822 - 01:02:03.272

Wak runaqa uyarinchu qay.

Wak runa-qa uyari-n-chu qay.
DEM.D person-TOP hear-3-NEG PHT
Esas personas no escuchan.
Those people don't hear.
01:02:06.152 - 01:02:08.662

Esa gente no escucha.

01:02:08.722 - 01:02:11.132

Wak warmiqa puraminti iqum.

Wak puraminti warmi-qa iqu-m
DEM.D woman-TOP completely sickly-EVD
Esa mujer es totalmente enfermiza.
That woman is really sickly.
01:02:14.122 - 01:02:16.402

Esa señora es completamente enfermiza.

01:02:16.432 - 01:02:19.162

Papay pasaypaq quyurusa. Rupaypatr.

Papa-y pasaypaq quyu-ru-sa-ø rupa-y-pa-tr
potato-1 completely green-URGT-PRF-3 burn-INF-LOC-EVC
Mis papas se habían verdeado por completo. Estarán en el sol.
My potatoes had completely ripened. They must be in the sun.
01:02:23.172 - 01:02:28.032

Mi papa se había verdeado por completo.

01:02:28.082 - 01:02:32.452

Será en el sol.
01:02:32.512 - 01:02:34.192

Tiyuy wañukuptinqa imanpis chinkakun, puchukakun.

Tiyu-y wañu-ku-pti-n-qa ima-n-pis chinka-ku-n puchuka-ku-n
uncle-1 die-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP what-3-ADD lose-REFL-3 finish-REFL-3
Quando se falleció mi tío, todo se perdió, se terminó.
When my uncle died, everything was lost, everything finished off.
01:02:37.912 - 01:02:45.352

Quando se falleció mi tío, todo se perdió, se terminó.
01:02:45.552 - 01:02:49.502

Wasiymi pasaypaq usuyan. Imay uratr allichakushaq?

Wasi-y-mi pasaypaq usu-ya-n Imay ura-tr alli-cha-ku-shaq
house-1-EVD completely waste-PROG-3 when hour-EVC good-FACT-REFL-1.FUT
Mi casa está completamente desperdiciado. ¿Cuándo la arreglaré?
My house is completely wasted. When ever will I fix it up?
01:02:53.832 - 01:02:58.672

Mi casa está total. ¿Qué hora reglaré?

01:02:58.762 - 01:03:02.822

Qayarikuruy kutichimunanpaq, apamunanpaq.

Qayari-ku-ru-y kuti-chi-mu-na-n-paq apa-mu-na-n-paq
Llámale para que haga regresar, para que lo traiga..
Shout at him to make him come back, so that he brings it.
01:03:08.152 - 01:03:13.742

Llámale para que hague regresar, para que lo traigue.

01:03:15.032 - 01:03:19.622

Me dio ganas de comer fruta.
I want to eat fruit.
01:03:23.762 - 01:03:27.752

Me dio ganas de comer fruta.

01:03:28.462 - 01:03:31.652

Aychantaq kombidaykuwanchu qay. Tullullatam quykuwan.

Aycha-n-taq Kombida-yku-wa-n-chu Tullu-lla-ta-m qay. qu-yku-wa-n
meat-3-SEQ share-EXCEP-1.OBJ-3-NEG qay. bone-RSTR-ACC-EVD give-EXCEP-1.OBJ-3
No me invitó a su carne. Sólo huesito me dio.
He didn't share his meat with me. He only gave me a bone.
01:03:34.632 - 01:03:40.392

No me invitó a su carne. Sólo huesito me dio.

01:03:40.412 - 01:03:43.732

Lichiqa puchqurusam.
Lichi-qa puchqu-ru-sa-ø-m
milk-TOP spoil-URGT-PRF-3-EVD
La leche se cortó.
The milk soured.
01:03:48.002 - 01:03:49.862

La leche se había vinegrado.

01:03:49.872 - 01:03:52.052

Wak wamiqa wiksayuqña kayan
Wak wami-qa wiksa-yuq-ña ka-ya-n
DEM.D woman-TOP stomach-POSS-DISC be-PROG-3
Esa mujer está embarrazada ya.
That woman is prgnant already.
01:03:55.762 - 01:03:58.542

Esa señora está gestando.

01:03:58.582 - 01:04:01.462

Urquta hamuyaptiymi, tutaykuruwan, siqaykuruni.

Urqu-ta hamu-ya-pti-y-mi tuta-yku-ru-wa-n siqayku-ru-ni
hill-ACC come-PROG-SUBDS-1-EVD night-EXCEP-URGT-1.OBJ-3 fall-URGT-1
Cuando estaba viniendo al cerro, se me oscurecií y me caí.
When I was coming to the hill, it got dark on me and I fell.
01:04:04.722 - 01:04:11.522

Cuando estoy viniendo, el cerro . . . del cerro, me oscureció y me caí.

01:04:11.692 - 01:04:19.982

Runawan tinkurushpa manchariruni.

Runa-wan tinku-ru-shpa mancha-ri-ru-ni
person-INSTR find-URGT-SUBIS scare-INCEP-URGT-1
Encontrándome con gente, me asusté.
Meeting up with people, I got scared.
01:04:23.432 - 01:04:29.432

01:04:29.432 - 01:04:32.452

Puñupukushaq nishpam hamurqani.

Puñu-pu-ku-shaq ni-shpa-m hamu-rqa-ni
sleep-BEN-REFL-1.FUT say-SUBIS-EVD come-PST-1
Diciéndome voy a dormir algún lado, vine.
Saying to myself, I'm going to sleep somewhere, I came.
01:04:32.522 - 01:04:35.492

Voy a dormir en algún sitio diciendo he venido.

01:04:35.752 - 01:04:40.092

Qipikusa hamushpam, pishiparuni.

Qipiku-sa hamu-shpa-m pishipa-ru-ni
carry-REFL-PRF come-SUBIS-EVD tire-URGT-1
Viniendo bien cargada, me cansé.
Coming carrying a lot on my back, I got tired.
01:04:42.382 - 01:04:45.202

Viniendo bien cargado, me cansé.

01:04:45.282 - 01:04:48.942

Kushi kushilla kurikatrayan.

Kushi kushi-lla kuri-katra-ya-n
happy happy-RSTR run-FREQ-PROG-3
Alegre está correteando.
She is running all around, happy.
01:04:52.962 - 01:04:55.092

Alegre está correteando.

01:04:55.172 - 01:04:57.962

Chukcha chukchasapam wak warmiqa kasa.

Chukcha chukcha-sapa-m wak warmi-qa ka-sa-ø
hair hair-MULTPOSS-EVD DEM.D woman-TOP be-PRF-3
Esa mujer tiene mucho cabello.
That woman has a whole lot of hair.
01:05:00.922 - 01:05:04.172

Esa señora tiene tremendo pelo.

01:05:04.232 - 01:05:07.672

Wak warmiqa wawapakurusam

Wak warmi-qa wawa-paku-ru-sa-ø-m
Esa mujer dio luz a un hijo ilegítimo.
That woman gave birth to an illegitimate child.
01:05:10.712 - 01:05:13.432

Esa señora había tenido su hijo natural.

01:05:13.502 - 01:05:17.212

Apikurushaq nishpam lichita apamurqani.

Api-ku-ru-shaq ni-shpa-m lichi-ta apa-mu-rqa-ni
pudding-REFL-URGT-1,FUT say-SUBIS-EVD milk-ACC bring-CISL-PST-1
Voy a hacer mazamorra, dije y traje leche.
Saying, I'm going to make pudding, I brought milk.
01:05:18.452 - 01:05:21.482

Voy a hacer mazamorra diciendo he traido leche.

01:05:21.592 - 01:05:25.262

Vakanchik watraruptinqa, kurtatam timpurachinchik.

Vaka-nchik watra-ru-pti-n-qa kurta-ta-m timpu-ra-chi-nchik
cow-1PL give.birth-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP TK-ACC-EVD boil-URGT-CAUS-1PL
Cuando una vaca da cría se hierve la calostra.
When a cow gives birth, you boil the calostrum.
01:05:28.412 - 01:05:32.162

Cuando da cría nuestra vaca, se hacer hervir la calostra.

01:05:32.262 - 01:05:36.552

Wak runaqa ruwapakushpam purin

wak runa-qa ruwa-paku-shpa puri-n
DEM.D person-TOP work-MUTBEN-SUBIS walk-1
Esas personas andan trabjando [para ganar dinero].
Those people wander about working [for others].
01:05:40.682 - 01:05:43.932

Esa gente trabajando anda.
01:05:44.012 - 01:05:47.982

01:05:49.012 - 01:05:49.173

Tiya-y ka-q-pi ruwa-paka-ra-mu-shaq wawa-y miku-na-n-paq.

aunt-1 be-AG-LOC make-MUTBEN-URGT-CISL-1FUT baby-1 eat-NMLZ-3-PURP
I'm going to do a job at my aunt's so my children can eat.
01:05:49.193 - 01:05:53.933

Donde mi tía voy a hacer un trabajo para hacerle comer a mis hijos.
01:05:54.783 - 01:06:00.773

Vaka-ta chawa-paka-ra-mu-shaq kaldu-y-pi takuni-n-paq

I'm going to help milk cows to have VV for my soup.
01:06:04.353 - 01:06:09.973

Voy a ayudar lechear vaca para echar lechecita a mi sopita.

01:06:10.583 - 01:06:19.003

sibada-ta taka-paka-ra-mu-shaq wawa-y matrka miku-na-n-paq.

barley-ACC thresh-MUTBEN-URGT-CISL-1.FUT baby-1 matrka eat-NMLZ-3-PURP
I'm going to help thresh barley so my children can eat machka.
01:06:19.003 - 01:06:25.013

Voy a ayudarle a chancar cebada para que coma machka mis hijos.
01:06:25.013 - 01:06:29.793

Millwa-ta ruta-paka-ra-mu-shaq wawa-y-pa kama-n ruwa-na-y-paq.

wool-ACC sheer-MUTBEN-URGT-CISL-1.FUT baby-1-GEN blanket-3 make-NMLZ-1-PURP
I'm going to help sheer wool so I can make a blanket for my children.
01:06:30.053 - 01:06:34.923

Voy a aydarle cortar lana de la oveja para poder hacer su cama de mis hijos.
01:06:35.193 - 01:06:40.083

Karka-ta qutu-ra-mu-shaq kaldu-nchik yanu-ku-ru-na-nchik-paq.

cow.patties-ACC collect-URGT-CISL-1.FUT soup-1PL cook-REFL-URGT-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
I'm going to collect cow patties so that I can cook our soup.
01:06:40.563 - 01:06:45.863

Voy a juntar bosta para poder cocinar nuestra sopa.

01:06:46.183 - 01:06:50.783

Quiere decir que la bosta es un fuego como el gas.

01:06:51.293 - 01:06:54.613

ubiha-y-mi karu karu-ta-ña ri-ya-n ri-ku-shaq-ña ratu-kama.
sheep-1-EVD far far-ACC-DISC go-PROG-3 go-REFL-1.FUT-DISC moment-RSTR
My sheep is going far, far away now. I'm going to go already. See you later.
01:06:54.633 - 01:07:00.373

Mi oveja está yendo lejísimo ya, me voy a ir ya. Hasta luego.

01:07:00.373 - 01:07:05.593

Wambra-y-pa rupa-n-taq taqsa-ra-mu-shaq hatun mayu-pa

child-1-GEN clothes-3-SEQ wash-URGT-CISL-1.FUT big river-LOC
I'm going to wash my children's clothes in the big river
01:07:05.733 - 01:07:10.933

qatra qatra-m ka-ya-n

dirty dirty-EVD be-PROG-3
they're really dirty
01:07:11.293 - 01:07:12.923

Voy a lavarle la ropa de mis hijos en el río grande por que está demasiado sucia
01:07:12.923 - 01:07:17.943

Kaballu-ta aysa-ra-mu-shaq sibada-nchik trilla-ra-chi-na-nchik-paq

horse-ACC pull-URGT-CISL-1.FUT barley-1PL thrash-URGT-CAUS-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
I'm going to pull the horse so we can thrash our barley.
01:07:19.073 - 01:07:26.193

Voy a traer el caballo para hacer trillar la cebada.

01:07:26.193 - 01:07:29.763

Wak runa karu-pa usu-ya-n shinka puraminti shinka usu-ya-n

DEM.D person far-LOC toss.on.the.ground-PROG-3 drunk completely drunk toss.on.the.ground-PROG-3
That man is tossed far on the ground, drunk, completely drunk and tossed on the ground.
01:07:29.763 - 01:07:35.643

Ese hombre está botado lejos por completo borracho.

01:07:35.693 - 01:07:41.403

Wak-pi allqu-n-qa piña piñam suwa-raq-taq

DEM.D-GEN dog-3-TOP angry angry-EVD rob-CONT-SEQ
That dog of his is very mean and thieving
01:07:42.043 - 01:07:48.103

Ese perro de ese es demasiado bravo y ratero

01:07:48.473 - 01:07:54.773

Wayra-pi wayra-pa mana-m miku-na-y timpu-ri-n-chu uqu-raq-tri yanta-qa ka-ya-n.

wind-LOC wind-LOC no-EVD eat-NMLZ-1 boil-INCEP-3-NEG wet-CONT-EVC firewood-TOP be-PROG-3
In the wind, in the wind, my food won't start to boil. My firewood must still be wet.
01:07:55.333 - 01:08:03.593

En el aire no alte mi leña -- todavía mi leña está mojada.

01:08:04.623 - 01:08:12.573

Tiyu-y-mi invita-yku-wa-n vaka-pa shunqu-ni-n-ta piru vaka-n rimidyu-wan wañu-ru-sa.
Mi tío me invitó un pedazo del hígado de su vaca, pero la vaca había sido muerto de remedio.
uncle-1-EVD invite-EXCEP-1.OBJ-3 cow-GEN heart-EUPH-3-ACC but cow-3 medicine-INSTR
My uncle invited me to cow's heart but his cow had died with medicine.
01:08:12.993 - 01:08:25.093

Mana-m fideyos-ni-y ka-n-chu kalabasa-lla-ta-m kaldu-ku-ru-ni. Fresku-m ka-ya-n. Wiksayki manam

no-EVD noodles-EUPH-1 be-3-NEG squash-RSTR-ACC-EVD soup-REFL-URGT-1 fresh-EVD stomach-2
no-EVD be.sick-3-NEG
I don't have noodles. I made squash soup. It's fresh. Your stomach won't hurt.
01:08:28.343 - 01:08:38.433

Yo no tengo fideos -- tan solo he hecho una sopa de calabaza, pero es fresco -- no te va a doler el estómago.
01:08:38.433 - 01:08:45.543

Kisu-y-ta-m kwahu-ru-ni. Ni hapi-n-chu. Alma-tr puklla-ru-n.

cheese-1-ACC-EVD curdling.agent-URGT-1 nor catch-3-NEG spirit-EVC play-URGT-3
I put curdling agent in the cheese but it didn't take. A spirit must have played [a trick]
01:08:45.543 - 01:08:52.193

Mi queso echado cortante pero no agarró -- habrá jugado el ánimo malo

01:08:52.193 - 01:09:01.993

Mana-m vaka qara-y ka-n-chu shukuy-ni-y sira-ku-na-y-paq -- pasaypaq utrku-wan puri-ya-ni.

no-EVD cow leather-1 be-3-NEG moccasins-EUPH-1 sew-REFL-NMLZ-1-PRUP completely hole-INSTR
I don't have cow leather to sew my moccasins. I'm walking around with holes.
01:09:01.993 - 01:09:09.563

No tengo cuero de vaca para poder coser mi zapato -- con todo ojota hueco estoy caminando
01:09:09.563 - 01:09:18.263

Wak qaqa-qa siqayka-ra-mu-sa altu altu-m wak qaqa-qa.

DEM.D cliff-TOP fall-URGT-CISL-PRF-3 high high-EVD cliff-TOP.
That cliff fell; that cliff is very high.
01:09:22.533 - 01:09:28.023

Esa peña se había caído y todavía es demasiado alto y espesado

01:09:28.043 - 01:09:33.983

Karu karu-paq-mi yaku-ta apa-mu-ni mana-m sirka-pi yaku ka-n-chu

far far-ABL-EVD water-ACC bring-CISL-1 no-EVD close-LOC water be-3-NEG
I brought water from far, far away; there´s no water close by.
01:09:36.233 - 01:09:44.993

De lejos traigo agua -- cerca de mi casa no tengo agua.

01:09:45.073 - 01:09:47.988

Wambra-y-pa haku-n puchuka-ru-n mana-m qullqi-y ka-n-chu ranti-na-y-paq

child-1-GEN clothes-3 finish-URGT-3 no-EVD gold-1 be-3-NEG buy-NMLZ-1-PURP
My son's clothes are finished; I don't have money to buy.
01:09:49.673 - 01:09:54.993

Su ropa de mi niño se terminó -- no tengo dinero para comprar.

01:09:54.993 - 01:09:59.693

papa chacrata manam kanchu papa puramente chacrapis

01:09:59.693 - 01:09:59.713

Papa-yki-ta tarpu-ra-mu-ni trakra-pa. Mana-m ka-n-chu papa-pis. Puraminte pubri-m ka-ya-n. trakra-pis
mana-m papa-pis watra-sa-chu
potato-2-ACC plant-URGT-CISL-1 field-LOC no-EVD be-3-NEG potato-ADD completely poor-EVD
be-PROG-3 field-ADD no-EVD potato-ADD
I planted your potatoes in the field. There are no potatoes. The field is too poor. The potatoes didn't
produce in the field.
01:09:59.713 - 01:10:10.273

En la chacra sembré papa, pero demasiado pobre está la tierra y la papa no ha dado.
01:10:10.273 - 01:10:17.003

Wak warmi-qa puraminte qilla-m mana-m ima-ta-pis ruwa-ku-n-chu chay-mi qari-n maqa-n. Esa mujer es
ociosa. Por eso no hace nada
DEM.D woman-TOP completely lazy-EVD no-EVD what-ACC-ADD make-REFL-3-NEG DEM.D-EVD
man-3 beat-3
That woman is extremely lazy. She doesn't do anything. That's why her husband beats her.
01:10:17.003 - 01:10:28.453

y el marido le pega
01:10:29.103 - 01:10:30.693

Karu karu-m ri-na-y ka-ya-n ququni-y-ta-m ruwa-ku-ya-ni matrka-lla-ta-pis kuta-ku-ru-shaq ni-ya-ni.

far far-EVD go-NMLZ-1 be-PROG-3 picnic-1-ACC-EVD make-REFL-PROG-1 matrka-RSTR-ACC-ADD
grind-REFL-URGT-1.FUT say-PROG-1
I have to go far, far away. I'm making my picnic, I'll also grind machka, I'm saying.
01:10:30.953 - 01:10:41.503

Lejísimo tengo que ir -- tengo que moler mi machka -- aunque sea machkita llevará mi fiambre
01:10:41.533 - 01:10:45.413

Wak riti-qa altu altu tiya-ru-sa

DEM.D snow-TOP high high sit-URGT-PRF
That snow sits high high up.
01:10:45.413 - 01:10:50.813

Ima-ta-taq trabaha-q miku-nqa

what-ACC-SEQ work-AG eat-3.FUT
What will the workers eat?
01:10:50.813 - 01:10:58.633

Wak runa-qa lliwta lliwta maqa-katra-n puraminti warmi-n-ta churi-n-ta maqa-n

DEM.D person-TOP all all-ACC beat-FREQ-3 completely woman-3-ACC child-3-ACC beat-3
That man is beats everything. He beats his wife and children compeletely.
01:10:58.683 - 01:11:07.503
Ese hombre es bien pagalón -- total le pega a su mujer y a sus hijos.
01:11:07.503 - 01:11:14.073

Ruwa-paka-ra-mu-shaq prima-y ka-q-pa ropa-n-ta taqsa-paka-ra-mu-shaq wambra-y-pi tanta-n-paq

work-MUTBEN-URGT-1.FUT cousin.F-1 be-AG-LOC clothes-3-ACC wash-MUTBEN-URGT-CISL-1.FUT
child-1-GEN bread-3-PURP
I'm going to go to my cousin's; I'm going to wash clothes for my child's bread.
01:11:14.073 - 01:11:23.643

Voy a ir a donde mi prima -- voy a laver su ropa para compar su pan de mis hijos.
01:11:23.643 - 01:11:31.113

Wak trakra-qa puraminti rumi rumi-m mana-m yaku puri-ri-n-chu.

DEM.D field-TOP completely stone stone-EVD no-EVD walk-INCEP-3-NEG
That field is filled with stones. Water can't start to run.
01:11:31.113 - 01:11:37.323

Esa chacra es demasiado piedrosa y el agua no avanza.

01:11:37.323 - 01:11:41.943

Wak pishqu-qa miku-ku-ya-n miku-na-y-ta -- qatra pishqu!

Ese pájaro está comiendo demasiado mi comida
DEM.D bird-TOP eat-REFL-PROG-3 eat-NMLZ-1-ACC -- dirty bird
That bird is eating my food -- dirty bird!
01:11:41.943 - 01:11:50.733

-- es pájaro sucio
01:11:50.973 - 01:11:53.113

Wak shakash miku-ku-ya-n, pero mishki mishki-m aycha-n.

DEM.D eat-REFL-PROG-· but sweet sweet-EVD meat-3
That guinea pig is eating, but his meat is very sweet.
01:11:53.233 - 01:12:00.453

Ese cuy demasiado come, pero es bien rico la carne

01:12:00.453 - 01:12:04.883

Wak allqu puraminte qatra pero alli alli-ta-m wawacha-y-ta kwidan tuta muyu-n alli-ta-m para-pa-pis
DEM.D dog completely dirty but good good-ACC-EVD guard-3 night circle-3 good-ACC-EVD
rain-LOC-ADD guard-3-EVD
That dog is really dirty, but he guards my animals well. At night he circles and in the rain he guards well, too.
01:12:05.553 - 01:12:12.973

Ese perro es sucio pero cuida mis animales en la noche . . . cuida bien en la lluvia.
01:12:12.973 - 01:12:22.313

Wak vaka-qa waqra-ku-n wambra-ta qaqa-man hita-yku-ru-sa

DEM.D cow-TOP horn-REFL-3 child-ACC cliff-ALL throw-EXCEP-URGT-PRF
That cow horns [people]. She threw a child to the cliff.
01:12:26.573 - 01:12:32.123

Esa vaca es cornealona a un chiquito le había aventado de la peña.
01:12:32.343 - 01:12:37.433

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:54 PM


Kayan huk produktotaqmi tarpunchik papatahina uqatahina mashwam sutin. Qillum. Hayakullanmi.
Hay un producto que se siembra como la papa o como la oca -- se llama mashua. Es amarilla. Es amarga
There is a product that we plant like potatoes or like oca. Its name is mashua. It's yellow. It's bitter
00:00:00.180 - 00:00:09.940

Mana soliyasa o mana yanusa.

[si] no está soleado o no está cocida.
[if ] it's not sunned or not cooked.
00:00:10.170 - 00:00:13.330

Chayqa allin prostatapaqmi.

Ése es bueno para la próstata
It's good for the prostate
00:00:13.500 - 00:00:15.950

Mana yanushpallam likwarunchik o yanushpapis

Sin cocinar, se le licúa o sancuchando también
Without cooking it, we liquify it or, cooking it
00:00:16.400 - 00:00:21.570

Mikunchik sapa madrugaw sapa puntraw. Chay allin chay qarikuna mana ishpayta atipanpaq.
Se come todas la mañanas todos los días. eso es bueno para los hombres que no pueden orinar.
WE eat it every morning every day. It's good for men who can't urinate.
00:00:21.870 - 00:00:29.200

Kayan huk planta. ¿Imapapis utilisanchik chay plantataqa? Mikuypaq muti kaldupa.
Hay otra planta. ¿Para qué se utiliza esta planta? Para comer en caldo de mote.
There's another plant. What do we use this plant for? To eat in hominy soup.
00:00:29.660 - 00:00:37.260

¿Imapapis chay plantaqa allin?

¿Para qué también es buena esa planta?
What else is this plant good for?
00:00:37.420 - 00:00:39.880

Perehilmi sutin chay plantaqa allin varisispaq

Se llama perejil. Esa planta es bueno para várices.
Its name is parsley. This plant is good for VV.
00:00:40.090 - 00:00:44.430

Presion altapaq allin allin chay yakun. Chayta kashtushpam presion altata aparaw bahachinchik
Su agua es buena para la presion alta. Cuando la masticamos rápido bajamos la presión alta.
Its water is good for high blood pressure. When we chew it, we bring down our blood pressure quickly.
00:00:44.520 - 00:00:51.410

Perihil chaypa sutin. Huk plantacham kan altupi wiñaq.

Perejil de ése su nombre. Hay otra planta que crece en la puna.
Its name is parsley. There's another plant that grows in the mountains.
00:00:51.570 - 00:00:56.050

Urqullapam chayqa wiñan. Choruqam sutin.

Solamente crece en la puna. Se llama choruca.
It only grows in the mountains, Its name is choruca.
00:00:56.210 - 00:00:59.460

Chay plantaqa allin

Esta planta es bueno
This plant is good
00:00:59.750 - 00:01:01.670

choke de climapaq kurupaq hamuptinchik.

para el choque de clima, para cuando se viene de lejos.
for climate shock, for when we come from far away.
00:01:01.900 - 00:01:06.040

kustapaq altuta siqaptinchik umanchik nanan.

Para cuando subimos de la costa a la altura y nos duele la cabeza.
For when we come up from the coast and our heads hurt.
00:01:06.200 - 00:01:10.350

arruhaykunata qallarinki wiksaykikuna nanan

Empiezas a arrojar o te duele el estómago
You start to throw up or your stomach hurts.
00:01:10.570 - 00:01:15.130

choke de clima ispisyalpaqmi chay

Éso es especial para el choque de clima.
It's special for climate shock.
00:01:15.270 - 00:01:17.770

Chay churuqa nisan planta altupam

La choruja se llama -- es planta de altura.
Its called choruca -- its a mountain plant.
00:01:18.080 - 00:01:23.180

chaytaqa mal kashpaqa qaparishpam uhantaqa

Cuando estás mal le cortas la hoja
When you're sick, you cut its leaves
00:01:23.430 - 00:01:28.510

kashtushpa milpurunchik ishkay kimsa veses chay allichakun apuraw kwirpunchikta allichan chay plantaqa.
Se mastica y se traga dos o tres veces. Esta planta nos mejora rápido, nos arregla el cuerpo.
You chew it and swallow it two or three times. This plant makes you better quickly, it fixes our bodies.
00:01:28.810 - 00:01:37.080

Claro, hardininchikpa wiñan chay ruda
Claro, la ruda crece en nuestro jardin.
Of course. Rue grows in our gardens.
00:01:37.830 - 00:01:42.720

Rudam sutin qillu waytachayuq. Chay rudaqa allin choke de klimapaqtaqmi, wayrapaq.
Ruda se llama -- tiene flor amarilla. Esta ruda es buena para choque de clima y aire.
Its name is rue -- it has a little yellow flower. Rue is good for climate shock and for air.
00:01:42.940 - 00:01:51.360

Chiri pasawaptinchikpis wiksa nanaykunapaq.

Cuando nos pasa frío o para dolor de estómago
When we get chills or for stomach pain
00:01:51.660 - 00:01:56.180

Allin chayqa ayvesnin chuqallaruwanchik, chay timpranu wasipaq lluqsiptinchik.

Ésta es buena a veces cuando nos choca el mal aire o salimos temprano de la casa.
It's good sometimes when we get shock or when we leave home early.
00:01:56.320 - 00:02:01.360

Chay plantaqa allin chaypaqmi.

Esa planta es bueno para eso.
This plant is good for that.
00:02:01.580 - 00:02:04.410

Qaqakunapam wiñan chay sabila nisan.

En las penas crece -- se llama sábila.
It grows on cliffs -- its called aloe.
00:02:05.030 - 00:02:09.410

Paqpa rikuq iskinanpa kichkayuq.

Se aparece como el maguey con espinas en los costados
It seems like maguey with thorns on its sides.
00:02:09.580 - 00:02:12.340

Chayqa allin inflamasyunpaq qusupaq

Ésa es buena para la infamación y para la tos
It's good for inflamation and coughs.
00:02:12.480 - 00:02:16.030

Ñawinchikman wiqichanta shutuchinchik

Hace el ojo gotear lágrimas.
It makes the eye drip tears.
00:02:16.600 - 00:02:21.420

Bronkeyuspaqami chayqa allin ishkay kimsa veses tumanchik

Es bueno para bonqueos -- se toma dos o tres veces.
It's good for the lungs -- we take it two or three times.
00:02:21.660 - 00:02:26.030

Allinmi chayqa wiqichan. Chayqa

Su lágrima es buena, Ésa
Its tear is good. That
00:02:26.400 - 00:02:30.740

Sustu qayanapaqpis allinmi chayqa

también es bueno para llamar el susto.
is also good to call fright.
00:02:31.140 - 00:02:35.190

Plantanchik maypapis plantanchik uriganuta chay uriganuqa allin

En donde sea se planta el orégano. El orégano es bueno
We plant oregano anywhere. Oregano is good
00:02:35.410 - 00:02:41.430

Menstruwasyun kurihinapaq
para corregir la regla.
to correct menstruation.
00:02:41.590 - 00:02:44.740

Wiksanchik nanptin wiksanchik afluharuptin chaytaqa upyanchik

cuando nos duele el estómago, cuando nos afloja estómago, tomamos ésa.
when your stomach hurts or when your stomach is loose, you take this,
00:02:45.060 - 00:02:51.010

Allinmi chay uriganuqa kaldupapis usanchik chaytaqa yakuchapapis tumanchik

El orégano es bueno. Lo utilizamos en sopa y lo tomamos en en agua.
Oregano is good. We use it in soup and we drink it in water.
00:02:51.210 - 00:02:56.280

Tantutam mikunchik kisu kalduchapa lichi kalduchapa

Mucho comemos en sopa de queso o en sopa de leche.
We eat it a lot in cheese soup or in milk soup.
00:02:56.500 - 00:03:00.160

Allinmi chay uriganu imapapis mikunchikmi

El oregano es bueno en lo que sea que comemos.
Oregano is good in whatever we eat.
00:03:00.400 - 00:03:04.320

Chiripaqmi chay allin chay

Es bueno para el frío.
It's good for cold.
00:03:04.460 - 00:03:07.530

Molle nisan planta hatun wiñan kustapim chay wiñan

Molle se llama una planta que crece grande en la costa.
A plant that grows tall on the coast is called molle.
00:03:07.870 - 00:03:14.060

Quniqpa chay molleqa allin ohankunatam mayki trabahashpa rishapis

El molle es bueno donde hace calor. Sus ojas, donde has ido trabajando,
Molle is good where it's hot. Its leaves, where you go working...
00:03:14.570 - 00:03:21.140

kustata riptiki moskito wamaq wamaq huntashunki trakikiman makikiman

Cuando vas a la costa, muchos mosquitos se junatn en tus piernas y en tus brazos
When you go to the coast, a lot of mosquitos gather on your legs and arms
00:03:21.240 - 00:03:25.440

Chay ohantan hapishpam qaqurunki alli-allita makikipa hinashpam

Agarras esas ojas sobas bien tus manos. Después,
You grab its leaves and rub your hands really well. Then,
00:03:25.580 - 00:03:32.450

Piyernaykikunata makikikunata karaykikunata qaqukurunki chay

Lo vas a sobar bien en tus piernas, tus brazos, y tu cara
You're going to rub it on your legs, your arms and your face.
00:03:33.000 - 00:03:37.080

Manaña pikashunkichu chay muskitus. Mullim chay pantapa sutin

Los mosquitos ya no te van a picar. Esa planta se llama molle.
The mosquitos aren't going to bite you any more. That plant is called molle.
00:03:37.220 - 00:03:40.960

Chaywan mana wawakurunchu apuraw

Con ésa no puede tener hijo rápido
With this one, one can't have a baby quickly.
00:03:41.120 - 00:03:44.600

Qariyuq kashpa kimsa tawa wata mana wawayuq purin

Cuando uno ha tenido esposo tres o cuatro años pero no anda con bebé,
When you've had a husband for three or four years and don't walk about with a baby,
00:03:44.740 - 00:03:49.240

Chiri pasasa kashpa pasaypaq chiri pasasa kashpa chaypaqa allin

Cuando uno tiene "pasado de frío" cuando uno tiene mucho "pasado de frío", para eso es bueno
When you have chills, when you have really bad chills, this is good for that,
00:03:49.480 - 00:03:56.180

Mamamamata ishllapa ishllata tumananchik

tomamos mama-mama poquito a poquito
we take mama-mama little by little
00:03:56.530 - 00:04:02.790

Miyel de abehata tuman pero mana tantutachu sinu ishllata

Toman miel de abeja pero no mucho, sino poco.
They take bees' honey, but not a lot, just a little.
00:04:03.040 - 00:04:08.200

achkata upyaptinqa dañuntaqmi ñataq

Cuando toman mucho, hace daño también
When they take a lot, it does harm, too.
00:04:08.390 - 00:04:15.610

Huktaqmi allin chay vino dulsi chay uvaspaq ruwasa chay vino dulsita timpurachishpaqa tuman
Otro también bueno es el vino dulce que es hecho de las uvas. hacen hervit el vino dulce y lo toman,
Another good one is sweet wine which is made out of grapes. They boil this sweet wine and drink it.
00:04:15.850 - 00:04:23.670
Chay mana wawakuqkuna chayshi allin
Es bueno para los que no tienen bebé, dicen.
It's good for [women] without children, they say.
00:04:23.930 - 00:04:29.520

Uma nanaypaq umanchik wama-wamaqta nanaptin trurarunchik huk limontam trawpipaq partirunchik
Para dolor de cabeza, cuando mucho te duele la cabeza, le pones un limón partido en mitad
For headaches, when your head really hurts, put a lime cut in half.
00:04:29.910 - 00:04:38.890

Kay ñawinchikpa yatanman ishkaynin lawpaqnitinchik

al lado del ojo, en los dos lados
next to your eyes, on both sides
00:04:39.110 - 00:04:44.060

ñataqmi napi payqu yakuchata upyanchik

También se toma aguita de payko.
We also drink Payko water.
00:04:44.300 - 00:04:48.930

Churqata kachunchik upyanchik

Masticamos chorca y la tomamos
We chew chorca and we drink it.
00:04:49.100 - 00:04:51.920

Rudata kachurishpaqa upyarunchik

Masticamos la ruda y la tomamos
We chew rue and we drink it,
00:04:52.060 - 00:04:56.490

Milpurunchikpis ruda
Tragamos las ruda.
We swallow rue
00:04:56.500 - 00:05:00.670

Ishpaytaqmi allin uma nanaypaqa ishparishpa

El orine es bueno para los dolores de cabeza. Orinamos y
Urine is good for headaches. You urinate
00:05:00.760 - 00:05:04.740

umanchikta taqsarunchik
lavamos la cabeza [con los orines].
and wash your head [with the urine]
00:05:04.830 - 00:05:08.920

o trapuwanpis watarunchik ishpaywan uqurichishpa chay allin uma nanaypaqa

o amarramos [la cabeza] con un trapo después de haberlo remojado con orines. eso es bueno para dolores de
or you tie a rag [around your head] after soaking it in urine. That's good for a headache.
00:05:09.150 - 00:05:14.840

Igadupaqpis allin chay planta kichkayuq planta chay alkachufa

Esta planta con espina, esta alcochofa es buena para el hígado.
This plant with prickles, artichoke, is good for the liver.
00:05:15.000 - 00:05:20.680

Timpurichishpa kaldupapis upyanchik chaytaqa yakuchantapis upyanchik

La hacemos hervir en una sopa y la tomamos o tomamos su agua también.
You boil it in a soup and you drink it or you drink its water.
00:05:21.020 - 00:05:25.650

Chay huktaqmi kan chay planta

Hay otra planta también
There's another plant, too
00:05:25.830 - 00:05:28.290

Pukyupa wiñaq planta chay berros. Chay berrostaqa

Berros, Esta planta crece en manantiales.
Cress. This plant grows in springs
00:05:28.400 - 00:05:32.080

takarishpa upyarunchik huguntapis ayvesnin papawanpis mikunchik chaytaqa insalapahina

Chancando, tomamos su jugo. a veces, la comemos con papa también, como en ensalada.
We grind it and drink its juice. Sometimes, we eat it with potatoes, like in a salad.
00:05:32.310 - 00:05:38.450

Chaypaq hukpis kantaqmi

Después, hay otra también --
Then, there's another one --
00:05:38.650 - 00:05:41.480

papaya chayqa mishkim.

papaya. Es fruta.
papaya. It's fruit.
00:05:41.770 - 00:05:46.150

chaytaqa madrugawnin kada madrugaw mikunchik chaytaqa

En la mañana, cada mañana, la comemos.
In the morning, every morning, we eat it.
00:05:46.200 - 00:05:50.450

Chaypaq huk kantaqmi chay diynti de liyun nisan

Después hay otro también -- ésta se llama diente de león.
Then, there's another one -- this one is called dandelion.
00:05:51.950 - 00:05:58.660

Plantachaqa alfapa trawpinpa wiñan largum uhachankuna chaytaq kukatahinam

La plantita crece en medio de la alfalfa. Tiene ojas largas como la coca.
This little plant grows in the middle of alfalfa. It has long leaves like coca.
00:05:58.780 - 00:06:06.400

Kashtunchik takarishpapis hugunta upyanchik chayqa allinmi kwalkiyer ratum chaytaq mikunchik
Lo masticamos o lo chancamos y tomamos su jugo. Esta es buena -- se toma a cualquier momento.
We chew it or we crush it and drink its juice. It's good -- we eat it at any time.
00:06:06.510 - 00:06:15.240
Chay igadupaq allintaqmi chay boldo nisan. Uhachataqa yakuchapim sapa madrugaw upyanchik chay
Ésta es buena para el hígado -- se llama boldo. Tomamos sus hojas cada mañana en agua. Es para el hígado.
This one is good for the liver -- it's called boldo. We drink its leaves every morning in water. It's for the liver.
00:06:16.430 - 00:06:26.380

Madrugawninpa chay upyanchik allin ruwaruwananchikpaq chaywanqa alliyanchikmi igadunchik mal kaptin
En las mañanas se toma para que nos hace bien para que nos haga bien. Cuando nuestro hígado está mal, nos
mejoramos con ésta.
We take it in the morning in order for it to do us good. When our livers aren't well, we get better with this one.
00:06:26.560 - 00:06:36.330

00:06:36.440 - 00:06:36.580

Kay pepa de palta . . . kay . . . riñonninchik allichinampaq

Esta pepa de palta . . . esta . . . es para sanar el riñon.
Avacado pits make our kidneys better,
00:06:42.560 - 00:06:49.610

Kay plantaqa allin papapi yakun

Esta planta es buena en agua de papa.
This plant is good in potato water.
00:06:49.750 - 00:06:54.530

Shanka mayupi, sikiyapi wiñaq

Crece en las orillas de los ríos y de las acequias.
It grows on the banks of rivers and canals.
00:06:55.120 - 00:07:00.680

Llantin. Chay trakrakunapa, tunanpa, tankunapa yaku kasanpa wiñaq

Llantín. Ésta crece en las chacras, en sus esquinas, y donde hay agua.
Llantin. It grows in fields, in the corners, and where there's water.
00:07:02.990 - 00:07:09.140

sibadatam kamchanchik
Tostamos cebada,
We toast barley.
00:07:09.580 - 00:07:13.020

matrkakunapaqhina chaykunata
como para hacer la matchka
like in order to make kachka
00:07:13.230 - 00:07:16.050

Kuskaychishpa timpuchinchik
Poniéndolos juntos, los hacemos hervirse hace hervir
Putting them together, we boil them
00:07:16.310 - 00:07:18.280

Grama . . . yuraq gramatawan

con grama blanca
with white VV
00:07:18.780 - 00:07:21.290

Chayta llapanta tiyempu yuyachishpam tumanchik tukuy puntraw

Lo tomamos todo el tiempo todos los días cuando nos acordamos
We drink it all the time every day when we remember.
00:07:22.180 - 00:07:25.610

varyus puntrawpaq.
para varios días.
for several days.
00:07:25.720 - 00:07:31.180

Chay . . . wiqawninchik nanaptin

Cuando nos duele la cintura, ésta
When our waists [lower backs] hurt, this
00:07:31.930 - 00:07:36.120

Chay wiqawninchikmanpuni chiri yakuta

a nuestra cintura mismo con agua fría
cold water directly on our waits
00:07:36.490 - 00:07:40.510

Chiri yakuwan mallakunchik chiri yakuta hitraykunchik trapuwanpismi chiriwan nitinchik

Nos lavamos con agua fría o le echamos agua fría o lavamos con un trapo frío también.
We wash with cold water or we toss cold water on it or we wash with a cold rag.
00:07:41.380 - 00:07:48.300

mallakurunkipis chiri yakuwan. Chaymi allichakuwan. Estas plantas

Te lavas con agua fría. Así nos arregla. Estas plantas
You wash with cold water. So it make sus better. These plants
00:07:48.730 - 00:07:55.180

son para el riñon para que desinflame, para que corrija

son para el riñon para que desinflame, para que corrija
are for the kidneys, so that they dis inflame, so that they correct
00:07:55.600 - 00:08:00.950

o a veces también tenemos el riñon inflamado

o a veces también tenemos el riñon inflamado
or sometimes, too, we have inflamed kidneys.
00:08:01.810 - 00:08:05.530

para eso es estas plantas: cola de caballo, yantin

para eso es estas plantas: cola de caballo, yantin
That's what these plants are for -- horse's tail, yantín,
00:08:06.130 - 00:08:12.040

cebada tosatada este

cebada tosatada este
toasted barley. ummm
00:08:12.200 - 00:08:17.490

grama blanco después también se puede dar

grama blanco después también se puede dar
white VV. Then, too, you can give
00:08:18.470 - 00:08:25.370

se puede recibir agua fría

se puede recibir agua fría
you can receive cold water
00:08:25.750 - 00:08:28.980

hacía la cintura, en dirección del riñon, y eso nos hace bien

hacía la cintura, en dirección del riñon, y eso nos hace bien
towards your lower back, in the direction of your kidneys, and that is good for you.
00:08:29.330 - 00:08:34.370

Para . . . Esas cosas son para desinflamar el riñon

Para . . . Esas cosas son para desinflamar el riñon
For ... Those things are to reduce inflamation in the kidneys.
00:08:34.770 - 00:08:40.650

Con ese se alivia . . . se utiliza en la sierra

Con ese se alivia . . . se utiliza en la sierra
With that, we relieve --- it's used in the Sierra
00:08:41.470 - 00:08:48.930

o en cualquier parte del país, se puede decir.

o en cualquier parte del país, se puede decir.
or in any part of the country, you could say
00:08:49.140 - 00:08:54.400

Gripi hampinanchikpaqñataqmi
Para curar el gripe
To cure a cold
00:08:54.630 - 00:08:56.860

asukarta kañanchik mankapa

se quema el azúcar
we burn sugar in a pot
00:08:57.120 - 00:09:00.520

kukata, wamanripata
coca, wamanripa
coca, wamanripa,
00:09:01.660 - 00:09:05.610

pukatrakita, unquypata
pukatraki, anguiripa
pukatrakita, unquypata
00:09:05.850 - 00:09:08.590
kukata, valeriana chakisata
coca, valeriana seco
coca, dried valerian
00:09:10.050 - 00:09:14.600

kamchanchik lliw lliwta mankapa hinashpam

Los tostamos todas en una olla. Luego,
We toast them all in a pot then
00:09:14.730 - 00:09:19.770

Yakuta winaykunchinchik kimadadituman

Hacemos añadir agua al quemadito
We have water added to burnt sugar
00:09:20.520 - 00:09:23.770

timpuykachipam upyanchik ukaliptuchatawanmi

haciendo hervir se toma con [oja de] eucalipto más
boiling it, we drink it with eucaliptus [leaves]
00:09:24.140 - 00:09:29.110

Yapaykunchik napi nogal uhantawan chay allichakuwan gripitaqa

Se aumenta con hojas de nogal. Eso nos arregla la gripe.
We add in nogal leaves. That fixes our colds.
00:09:29.440 - 00:09:35.690

Estas plantas son para curar la gripe. En esta forma se prepara

Estas plantas son para curar la gripe. En esta forma se prepara
These plants are to cure colds. They're prepared in this manner
00:09:36.530 - 00:09:45.420

para tomar. Se quema el azúcar, cualquier clase de azúcar

para tomar. Se quema el azúcar, cualquier clase de azúcar
to drink. You burn sugar -- any kind of sugar
00:09:46.620 - 00:09:51.620

se echa la yerba que crece en la puna que se llama wamanripa

se echa la yerba que crece en la puna que se llama wamanripa
you toss in an herb that grows in the mountains that's called wamanripa
00:09:51.870 - 00:09:58.060

pukatraki que es unas ojas largas

[junto con] pukatraki que tiene unas ojas largas,
[along with] pukatraki that has long leaves,
00:09:58.120 - 00:10:01.460

kulkuripa que es unas ojas blancas

kulkuripa que tiene unas ojas blancas
kulkuripa that has white leaves
00:10:02.240 - 00:10:05.410

la coca, las ojas del nogal

la coca, las ojas del nogal
coca, nogal leaves
00:10:06.510 - 00:10:11.050

Esos son buenos para combatir la gripe con la tos.

Esos son buenos para combatir la gripe con la tos.
These are good to fight colds with a cough.
00:10:12.230 - 00:10:19.250

Kay paltapi murunwanpis hampinchik

Con la pepa de a palta se cura
With avocado pits, we cure
00:10:20.930 - 00:10:25.120

uvaryu punkisata, uvaryunchik nanaptin

ovario inflamado. Cuando nos duelen los ovarios
inflamed ovaries. When our ovaries hurt
00:10:25.590 - 00:10:30.740

Murunta takarishpa timpuchinchik. Hinashpa samakunchik chay yaku timpusawan mallakurunchikpis

Chankando la pepa, se hace hervir y después descansamos y nos lavamos con esa agua hervida-
We crush the pit and boil it. Then we rest and wash ourselves with the boiled water.
00:10:31.270 - 00:10:38.950

disinflaman chayta. Warmikuna karuta puriptinchik, chiripi tiyaruptinchik, nanawanchik

Éso desinflama-RSTR. Cuando las mujeres caniman lejos, o se sientan en agua fría o están con dolor
That redices inflamation. When women walk far or sit in cold water or have pain
00:10:39.540 - 00:10:48.250

o punkisa rikuq rikarin partinchik chaypaqmi allin.

o cuando parece hinchado nuestro parto para eso es bueno.
or when our placenta seems inflamed, this is good for that.
00:10:48.520 - 00:10:55.250

Chay punkisapaq, chay wiksanchik imatapis mikuruntriki

Para esa hinchazón, para el estómago lo que sea que haya comido
for that inflamation, for the stomach, whatever you ate
00:10:56.370 - 00:11:03.060

Frutata chirita, yakuta upyanchik, mikuytapis mikurunchik chirita chay wiksanchikman

Cuando se toma fruta o agua fría o comemos comida fría, al estómago
When we drink cold water or eat cold fruit or food, the stomach
00:11:03.400 - 00:11:10.480

malogradu, u qullqullan wamaq-wamaqta chay yakuchata paltapi murunta.

descompuesta, suena demasiado esa agua de pepa de palta
messed up, makes a lot of noise, avocado pit water
00:11:10.820 - 00:11:19.240

ninaman winashpa. Kankaykushpam, takarishpa timpurachinchik, hinashpam tumanchik chay diyareyanchik

Se echa al fuego. Chankando, se hace hervir. Luego, lo tomamos para aliviar la diarea.
we toss it into the fire. We crush it and boil it. Then we take it to alleviate diarhea
00:11:19.460 - 00:11:29.190
chayllam samachikun. Chay mishki mikunasanchik
Éso no más hace descansar. La fruta que comemos
Just that makes it rest. The fruit that we eat
00:11:29.560 - 00:11:38.020

Pakay nisan -- habas rikuqwan. Mishki kan. Chaypi murunmi yana -- achka muruchan
Se llama pacay. Es como las habas. Es dulce. Su pepa es negra -- tiene varias pepas.
It's called pakay. It's like broad beans, It's sweet. Its pits are black -- it has a lot of pits.
00:11:38.470 - 00:11:46.680

lluqsin huk pakayllapa. Chayta kutarishpa tumanchik . . . tumachinchik chay runakunaman

salen en un solo pacay. Lo molemos y lo tomamos. Hacemos tomar a las personas
come out of just one pacay. We grind them and drink it. We have people drink it.
00:11:46.790 - 00:11:56.030

Wama-wamaq upyaqman, chay tragullaman didikakuqman.

A las personas que toman mucho, a las personas que se dedican al licór
The people who drink too much, the people who dedicate themselves to liquor
00:11:56.830 - 00:12:03.010

Kaldupapis, sigundupapis, imapapis quykurunchik. Chay kitakun poku a poku. Mana tumananpaq.
Se les da en la sopa o en el guiso. eso se quita poco a poco para que no tomen.
We give it to them in soup or in stew. That takes it away little by little so they don't drink.
00:12:03.310 - 00:12:12.840

Chayta siympri qupana chayta ruwanqa runakunaman

Hay que dar eso siempre. Va a hacer la gente ----
You always have to give this. It makes people ---
00:12:13.560 - 00:12:20.550

Esta fruta se llama pacay. Son como las habas grande que tiene
00:12:22.980 - 00:12:32.480

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:56 PM

00:00:00.070 - 00:00:02.710

Ishkay turikunash kasa. Hinashpaqa

Habían dos hermanos. Luego
There were two brothers. Then,
00:00:02.930 - 00:00:06.050

Huknin kasa kaqniqu huknin mana kaqniqu.

Uno tenía mucho; uno no tenía nada.
One had much; one did not have anything.
00:00:06.250 - 00:00:10.320

Mana kaqniqu mayurdumuta hapirusa.

Él que no tenía nada agarró el cargo de mayordomo.
The one who had nothing was appointed festival host.
00:00:10.650 - 00:00:15.280

Hinashpaqa hukninñataq nisam,

Entonces el otro le decía,
Then the other said to him,
00:00:15.420 - 00:00:18.540

"¿Imapaqmi mayurdumuta hapinki?

"¿Por qué agarraste el cargo de mayordomo?
"Why did you get appointed host?
00:00:18.770 - 00:00:21.640

mana imaykipis kaptin', nisa. Hinashpaqa

si no tienes nada?" dijo. Entonces
when you don't have anything?" Then,
00:00:21.700 - 00:00:25.360

Huknin pubriqa . . . pubriqa

El otro, el [hermano] pobre . . . el pobre
The other one, the poor [brother] ... the poor one
00:00:25.650 - 00:00:29.750

nisa, 'Ñuqaqa trabahaqmi rishaq', nisa.

dijo, "Yo voy a ir a trabajar", dijo.
said, "I'm going to go work," he said.
00:00:29.900 - 00:00:33.680

00:00:33.900 - 00:00:36.880

trabahaqqa riptinqa tutaykurusa.

Cuando se fue trabajar, cerró la noche.
When he went to work, night fell,
00:00:37.130 - 00:00:41.140

Tutapaykurusa mayu patanpa.

Se le oscureció en el orillo del rio.
It got dark on the banks of the river.
00:00:41.330 - 00:00:43.920

Hinashpaqa puñusa chaypi. Hinashpaqa

Entonces, se durmió allí. Entonces,
Then, he slept there. Then,
00:00:44.020 - 00:00:46.760

en su sueno,
in his dream,
00:00:46.870 - 00:00:49.870

qaqakuna rimasa, nisa. "¿Imatataq qunki kay pubriman?" nisa.

los cerros hablaban. "¿Qué le vas a dar a este pobre?" dijo.
the hills were talking, "What are you going to give this poor man?" one said.
00:00:50.000 - 00:00:54.320

Hukninqa nisa, "Almiduntam qushaq". Hukninqa nisa,

El otro dijo, "Yo le voy a dar almidón". El otro dijo,
The other said, "I'm going to give him almidón." The other said,
00:00:54.350 - 00:00:58.230

"Waytatam qushaq", nisa.

"Yo le voy a dar flor", dijo.
"I'm going to give him a flower," it said.
00:00:58.650 - 00:01:02.990

Hinashpaqa llikchariptinqa
Entonces, cuando despertó
Then, when he woke up,
00:01:05.490 - 00:01:08.360

nisa ubiha, vaka

dijo, ovejas y vacas
he said, sheep and cows
00:01:08.420 - 00:01:12.790

llama yatanpa rikarirusa. Hinashpaqa pubriqa kutimusa

y llamas habían aparecido a su lado. Entonces el pobre regresó
and llamas had appear at his side. Then, the poor man returned
00:01:12.950 - 00:01:19.810

llapa animalninwan wasinman.

a su casa con todos sus animales.
home with all of his animals.
00:01:20.050 - 00:01:22.690

Turin inviDyosoqa nisa,

Su hermano envidioso le dijo,
His jealous brother said to him,
00:01:22.920 - 00:01:26.270

"¿Ima. . . maypaqmi suwaramunki kayta?" nishpa.

"¿Qué . . . de dónde los has robado?" le dijo,
"What ... where did you steal them from?" he said.
00:01:26.360 - 00:01:29.640

Sirmusa turinta.
Le maltrató a su hermano.
He abused his brother.
00:01:29.810 - 00:01:32.490

Sirmusa turinta.
Le maltrató a su hermano.
He abused his brother.
00:01:32.680 - 00:01:36.410

InviDyosoqa nisa, "¿Maypam . . .

El invidioso le dijo, "¿Dónde
The jealous one said, "Where
00:01:36.630 - 00:01:39.280

maytam rirqanki?" nishpa tapusa. Hinashpaqa huknin inviDyosoqa risa

dónde fuiste?' preguntó. Despues el otro, el invidioso se fue
where did you go?" he asked. Then, the other, the jealous one, went.
00:01:39.310 - 00:01:44.120

Igual hinashpaqa había tutapakuyku en orilla del rio.

Igual también se le oscureció en la orilla del rio.
The same, night fell on the banks of the river.
00:01:44.280 - 00:01:50.370

El invidioso,
The jealous one
00:01:51.230 - 00:01:54.050

cuando despertó
when he wokeup
00:01:54.150 - 00:01:56.150

waqrakuna huturasa llatanpa. Hinashpaqa nisa

cachos estaban montonandos a su lado. Entonces dijo
horns were piled up along side him. Then he said,
00:01:56.360 - 00:02:01.110

"Kaytrik vakaqa, kaytrik ubihaqa".

"Éste será vaca; éste será oveja".
"This must be a cow; this must be a sheep."
00:02:01.260 - 00:02:05.210

"Kaymiki rikisayqa kananqa", nisa hinshpaqa llikcharuptin wasinman kutikaramun.

"Ahora me he enriquesido aquí", dijo. Entonces, cuando se despertó, volvió a su casa.
"Now I've become rich here," he said. Then, when he woke up, he returned to his house.
00:02:05.270 - 00:02:11.000

Hinashpaqa llapa waqrakuna umanman

Entonces todos los cachos a su cabeza.
Then, all the horns to his head
00:02:11.110 - 00:02:15.130

umanman ratarun.
se habían pegado a su cabeza.
had stuck to his head.
00:02:15.210 - 00:02:17.550

Kuwero . . . kwero saqsakuna lliwkwirpuman ratarun.

Cuero . . . cuero se habia pegado en todo su cuerpo.
[Animal] skin ... skin had stuck to his whole body.
00:02:17.940 - 00:02:24.320

Wasinman kutikamuptinqa warninpis

Cuando regresó a su casa su mujer
When he returned to his house, his wife
00:02:24.600 - 00:02:27.940

warminpis qatiparun urquta.

su mujer lo botó al cerro.
his wife tossed him out to the hills.
00:02:28.250 - 00:02:31.800

allqunpis kanirun. Hinashpaqa chay

su perro lo mordió. Entonces ese
his dog bit him. Then, that
00:02:32.230 - 00:02:36.370

runaqa ripukun silvestri kutirun.

hombre se fue, se volvió silvestre.
man left, he turned wild.
00:02:36.470 - 00:02:40.430

Chaynam. Chaynallam yatrasay.

Así. eso no más sé.
Like that. That's all I know.
00:02:40.610 - 00:02:43.950

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:57 PM


... mikurusa. Chaymi kanan pallayaniña

[Venados] habían comido [mis habas] por eso los estoy cogiendo ya.
[Dear] had eaten [my broad beans] so I'm picking them already.
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:03.810

Viñacman karganaypaq
Para que yo las cargue a Viñac
So I can carry them to Viñac.
00:00:03.810 - 00:00:08.400

Kanan tiyempu kay abas kusechay puchukayanñam kay agostu killapa.
Ahora el tiempo de la cosecha de habas ya está terminando en este mes de agosto.
Now the time of the broad bean harvest is ending in the month of August.
00:00:08.400 - 00:00:14.140

Ultima kusechañam kay abas kayan kaypi.

Ésta es la ultima cosecha. Las habas están aquí.
This is the last harvest. The broad beans are here.
00:00:14.170 - 00:00:19.420

Kaypam kusechayani abasllayta

Acá estoy cosechando mis habas.
I'm harvesting my broad beans here.
00:00:19.420 - 00:00:24.200

Ay kay me está grabando Aviva. Avivawamni kusechani abasta.

Ah, Aviva me estará grabando aquí. Con Aviva estoy cosechando habas.
Ah, Aviva is recording me here. I'm harvesting broad beans with Aviva.
00:00:24.200 - 00:00:32.130

Venawpam mikusan sobrallantañá

Nada más ya la sobra de lo que comieron los venados.
Just the leftovers of what the deer ate.
00:00:32.170 - 00:00:38.440

ubihayta qatiramuni. Chay ubihayta

Traje mis oveas. Mis ovejas
I brought my sheep. My sheep.
00:00:38.440 - 00:00:43.840

Mikushtin kusechayani. abasniyta chay verde ohantam mikunqa ubihay wakchay.

Estoy comiendo mientras cosecho. Mis ovejas y mis wachos van a comer las ojas verdes de mis habas.
I'm eating while I harvest, My sheep and my lambs are going to eat the green leaves of my broad beans.
00:00:43.860 - 00:00:52.560

Karupaqmi hamuyani, Viñacpaq. Karuraqmi kay kayan

Estoy viviendo de lejos, de Viñac. Ésta está lejos todavía.
I'm coming from far away, from Viñac. It's still far away.
00:00:52.610 - 00:00:57.550

trayaramuni pishipasa. Kanan abasniytam pallayani

Lllegué cansada. Ahora estoy cogiendo mis habas.
I arrived tired, Now I'm picking my broad beans.
00:00:57.610 - 00:01:04.540

Ahora sí.
Ahora sí
Now, yes.
00:01:13.070 - 00:01:14.600

Voy a terminar ya.
I'm going to finish already.
00:01:14.600 - 00:01:17.190

Pallayta chay vinawpa sobrallantam. ¿Imatashá chay pallaruptiy mikunqa kanan?

A cosechar nada más la sobra de los venado. A ver, ¿ahora qué van a comer cuando lo recogo, dice?
To harvest just the deer's leftovers. Let's see what they're going to eat now, when I harvest it.
00:01:17.200 - 00:01:23.550

Allí está.
Allí está.
There it is.
00:01:23.550 - 00:01:31.140

Chay waqasanta kanan grabakurunqamiki.

Ahora se va a grabar lo que lloró.
Now she's going to record what they cried.
00:01:54.290 - 00:01:58.130

¿Maytatr wawan ripun

¿Dónde iría su cría?
Where did her baby go?
00:01:58.140 - 00:02:00.000

¿Ya ves? Manatr chay gustunpaqchu.

¿Ya ves? eso no será para su gusto.
You see? That must not be to their taste.
00:02:03.850 - 00:02:07.380

Chaki chakiña abas kayan. Kayna kayan.

Las habas ya están muy secas. Así están.
The broad beans are already really dry, They're like this.
00:02:07.380 - 00:02:13.450

Kay suma sumaq gustunpam puqusam kayan kay abas. Yanukuptin mikuptin
Éstas bonitas son a su gusto -- las habas que están maduras. Cocinando, comiendo ...
These nice ones are to their taste -- the broad beans that are ripe. Cooking them, eating them ...
00:02:13.450 - 00:02:21.250

Kayan mishki asukarniyuqhina. ¿Qué fruta mejor?

Está dulce, como con azúcar. ¿Qué fruta mejor?
They're sweet, like with sugar. What better fruit?
00:02:21.250 - 00:02:29.110

Cancha, sancochando.
Cancha, sancochado.
Toasted, boiled.
00:02:29.110 - 00:02:33.470

Avas partida chaykunatam mikunchik segundupa.

habas partida -- comemos-RSTRs en el guiso.
Split broad beans -- we eat those in stew.
00:02:33.470 - 00:02:37.990

Pataska gustu gustunpa puqusam kay kayan. Chaki chaki,ve?

Sopa de trigo. Está madurado a su gusto. Seco, seco, ¿ves?
Wheat soup. These are ripe and to their taste. Dry, dry -- see?
00:02:37.990 - 00:02:47.710

Que arroz mejor alimentum kayqa kayan.

Esto es más nutritivo que arroz.
This is more nutritious than rice.
00:02:47.720 - 00:02:55.660

Tumbarusa chay venaw

Los venado los había tumbado.
The deer had knocked these down.
00:02:55.690 - 00:03:00.720

Tumbarishpa, tumbarishpa maldisiadowqa mikurusa.

Tumbando, tumbando los malditos habían comido.
Knocking them over, knocking them over, the damned things ate them!
00:03:00.720 - 00:03:02.840

Chakitamik wayrachishaq hinashpa

Voy a hacer ventear los secos luego
I'm going to winnow the dry ones then
00:03:02.860 - 00:03:08.540

trurani abasniyta -- mikunaypaq, rantikunaypaq.

Guardo mis habas -- para comer, para vender
I store my broad beans -- to eat, to sell.
00:03:08.540 - 00:03:12.130

Familiaykunam Lima apanaypaq kamchakunapaq

Para llevar a mi familia en Lima, para hacer cancha.
to take to my family in Lima, to make cancha.
00:03:12.130 - 00:03:17.840

Avas partida suma sumaq yakuwan uqurachishpa pelan verdi kayna hinashpa gisopa mikun.
habas partidas bonito bonito-- se hace mojar en agua, se pela verde así, luego se como en guiso.
Spit broad beans are really nice -- you soak them in water, you peal them green like this, then you eat them in
00:03:17.840 - 00:03:26.450

Chaymi mejor alimentum abas. Kay siyerapa minestranchik kayan -- habas, alberha.
Las habas son más nutritivas. Acá en la sierra tenemos nuestras menestras -- habas, alberja.
Broad beans are more nutritious. Here in the Sierra we have our legunes -- broad beans, peas.
00:03:26.450 - 00:03:36.540

Chaykunami kayan.
There are those.
00:03:36.540 - 00:03:42.060

Chaki chakiñam kayan, ¿ve? Partikashpa pampakunamanña siqaykuyan.

Ya están secas. ?ve? Se caen al suelo y se parten.
They're dry already. See? The fall to the ground and break open.
00:03:42.070 - 00:03:49.060

Chay pampaman siqaykusanqa. Yutuña mikunqa, paluma. Kutiypa abastañataq kanqa.

Los perdices y las palomas van a comer los que se han caido al suelo. De nuevo van a haber habas.
The partriges and doves are going to eat the ones that fell to the ground. Once again there will be broad beans.
00:03:49.060 - 00:03:57.930

Kayqa riki kayan kashtusan kay lliwchu ¿ve?

Ésta está mascada ya del vanado, ¿ve?
This has been chewed by the deer, see?
00:03:57.930 - 00:04:06.000

Tarpunchik lliwpaqyá. Venawpaq yutupaq palumapaq

Sembramos para todos, pues -- para los venados, para los perdices, para las palomas.
We plant for all -- for the deer, for the partriges, for the doves.
00:04:06.020 - 00:04:13.330

Paykunapa sobrallantañam dweñuqa kusechanchik. Paykunam tarpuqhinapis TK primero puntata mikurunqa.

La sobra no más de ellos ya se cosecha el dueño. Parece que siembran ellos -- comen primero.
The owner harvests only their leftovers. Like they're the ones who plant -- they eat first.
00:04:13.360 - 00:04:20.980

Sobrallanta kusechayanchik
La sobra no más estamos cosechando.
We're just harvesting leftovers.
00:04:20.980 - 00:04:27.870

Chakiyan wichirusaña kanpis kanñachu

Se seca ya lo que había caido ya. Hay también, ya no hay,
What had fallen dries up. There are, too; there aren't any more.
00:04:38.680 - 00:04:44.320

Pampapaña usuyan
Ya están botados en el suelo.
They're discarded on the ground.
00:04:44.350 - 00:04:51.740

00:04:51.740 - 00:05:00.030

¿Ya ves? Me hincó. Huk rayaraqmi kayasa.

¿Ya ves? Me hincó. Una raya todavía había.
You see? It pricked me. There was still another row.
00:05:00.030 - 00:05:07.920

Chaypa mikusan
Allí es donde comieron.
There is where they ate.
00:05:07.940 - 00:05:18.670

Cáscara no más pobre habas.

Cáscara no más pobre habas.
Just shells -- poor broad beans.
00:05:41.290 - 00:05:45.090

Pishqukuna lliw llliwña mikuyan

Los pájaros están comiendo todo ya.
The birds are eating everything already,
00:05:47.170 - 00:05:51.800

"Mananñatr runan kanchu", nintriki,

"Ya no estará su dueño", dirán.
"Their owner must not be here any more", they must say.
00:05:52.350 - 00:05:54.790

Chay venawtaqa kasanchikyá eskopetawan wañuchin.

Se casan los venados con escopeta. Se matan.
We hunt the dear with rifles. They kill them.
00:06:26.430 - 00:06:30.910

Apan mikunanpaq chalunta charki charkichin o rantikun.

Lo llevan para comer. Hacen charki o lo venden.
They take it to eat or they make jerky or sell it.
00:06:30.920 - 00:06:37.340

00:06:37.370 - 00:06:37.460

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:58 PM

Aver, kanan ñuqa kaypi rimaykushaq kay kustumbri turu mansayta
Aver kanan ñuqa kay-pi rima-yku-shaq kay kustumbri turu mansa-y-ta
let's.see now 1 DEM.P-LOC talk-EXCEP1.FUT DEM.D custom bull tame-INF-ACC
A ver, ahora yo hablaré aquí de la costumbre de manzar los toros.
Let's see. I'm going to talk here about the custom of taming a bull.
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:08.740

Kay malta animal mana aray yatraq chaytam

kay malta animal mana ara-y yatra-q chay-ta-m
DEM.D young animal no plow-INF know-AG DEM.D-ACC-EVD
Este animal joven que no sabe arar
This young animal that doesn't know how to plow.
00:00:08.770 - 00:00:13.150

"Turu mansay" ninchik chay aray yatrananpaq.

turu mansa-y ni-nchik chay ara-y yatra-na-n-paq
bull tame-INF say-1PL DEM.D plow-INF know-NMLZ-3-PURP
Eso se se llama "manzar toro" para que aprenda arar
This is called "taming a bull" so he knows how to plow.
00:00:13.210 - 00:00:17.400

Kay turu mansaypaqqa maltata

kay toro mansa-y-paq-qa malta-ta
DEM.P bull tame-INF-PURP-TOP young-ACC
Para este "manzar toro" joven
For this bull-taming, young,
00:00:17.450 - 00:00:19.960

Turutam trakraman pusharun

turu-ta-m chacra-man pusha-ru-n
bull-ACC-EVD fields-ALL take-URGT-3
llevan al toro a la chacra.
they take the bull to the fields.
00:00:20.020 - 00:00:22.320

trakraman pusharushpam chay duyñu

chacra-man pusha-ru-shpa-m chay dweñu
fields-ALL take-URGT-SUBIS-EVD DEM.D owner
Cuando el dueno lo llevó a la chacra.
When the owner took him to the fields,
00:00:22.410 - 00:00:25.820

Yanapaqnin runatam maskarun

yanapa-q-ni-n runa-ta-m maska-ru-n
help-AG-EUPH-3 person-ACC-EVD look.for-URGT-3
Buscó a gente, a sus ayudantes.
He looked for people, his helpers.
00:00:25.880 - 00:00:28.940

Valikurun padrinunpaq
valiku-ru-n padrinu-n-paq
request-URGT-3 godfather-3-BEN
Suplicó a su padrino
He requested his godfather
00:00:28.990 - 00:00:32.070

Chaymi qallarin chay turu mansaytaqa kukanwan,

chay-mi qallari-n chay turu mansa-y-ta-qa kuka-n-wan
DEM.D-EVD begin-3 DEM.D bull tame-INF-ACC-TOP coca-3-INSTR
Allí empiezan manzar al toro, con su coca,
They start there to tame the bull, with their coca.
00:00:32.100 - 00:00:35.590

kay animuchanwan. Turutaqa watarun

kay animu-cha-n-wan turu-ta-qa wata-ru-n
DEM.P liquor-DIM-3-INSTR bull-ACC-TOP tie-URGT-3
con su valorcito. Amarraron al toro
and their liquor. They tied the bull
00:00:35.630 - 00:00:40.430
kuyundawan yubuwan
kuyunda-wan yubu-wan
con cuyanda y con yubo
with a VV and with a yoke.
00:00:40.470 - 00:00:44.580

Chaywan listuta sayarachin

chay-wan listu-ta saya-ra-chi-n
Con eso le hicieron parar listo
With that they made it stand ready
00:00:44.610 - 00:00:48.410

chay kukan chay valurchan

chay kuka-n chay valur-cha-n
DEM.D coca-3 DEM.D VV-DIM-3
su coca y su valor
their coca and their liquor
00:00:48.440 - 00:00:52.460

Hinashpam chaypa listarun chay turu mansulla lluqsinanpaq.

hinashpa-m chay-pa lista-ru-n chay turu mansu-lla lluqsi-na-n-paq
then-EVD DEM.D-LOC ready-URGT-3 DEm.D bull tame-RSTR come.out-NMLZ-3-PURP
dDespués, allí listaron el toro para que salga bien manso
Then they got the bull ready there to come out tame.
00:00:52.500 - 00:00:56.780

llampuchan qarwachan upichan waytan

llampu-cha-n qarwa-cha-n upi-cha-n wayta-n
ground.corn-DIM-3 ceremonial.stone.DIM.3 upi-DIM-3 flower-3
Su llampucito, su qarwacito, su upicito, su flor
His llampu, his ceremonial stone, his upi, his flower
00:00:56.810 - 00:01:01.590

Chaymi urqukunaman qarakun pachamama.

chay-mi urqu-kuna-man qara-ku-n pachamama
DEM.D-EVD hill-PL-ALL serve-REFL-3 pachamama
Por eso pagan al cerro, a Pachamama.
So they make an offering to the hill, to Pachamama
00:01:01.630 - 00:01:05.100

"Kay turullayta mansaykushaq trabahanaypaq,

kay turu-lla-y-ta mansa-yku-shaq trabaha-na-y-paq
DEM.D bull-RSTR-1-ACC tame.EXCEP-1.FUT work-NMLZ-1-PURP
"Voy a manzar mi torito, para que trabaje,
"I'm going to tame this bull of mine, so I can work,
00:01:05.130 - 00:01:08.270

kumunidad sirvinanpaq", nin hinashpa

kumunidad sirvi-na-n-paq ni-n hinashpa
community serve-NMLZ-3-PURP say-3 then
"para que sirva al pueblo", dijo, luego
"and so that he serves the community," he said, then
00:01:08.300 - 00:01:11.390

chay turutaqa. Llampuchaykun chay yubuchanman

chay turu-ta-qa llampu-cha-yku-n chay yubu-cha-n-man
DEM.D bull-ACC-TOP llampu-FACT-EXCEP-3 DEM.D yoke-DIM-3-ALL
a ese toro. Ponen llampu a su yubocito.
that bull. They put llampu on his yoke.
00:01:11.430 - 00:01:15.620

trupachanta kuchurun. Chay trupanta kuchurushpam,

trupa-cha-n-ta kuchu-ru-n chay trupa-n-ta kuchu-ru-shpa-m
tail-DIM-3-ACC cut-URGT-3 DEM.D tail-3-ACC cut-URGT-SUBIS-EVD
Le cortan el rabo. Cuando le cortan el rabo ,
They cut his tail. When they cut his tail,
00:01:15.670 - 00:01:18.990

Chay araq dweñum trupan sirdachantawan,

chay ara-q dweñu-m trupa-n sirda-cha-n-ta-wan
DEM.D plow-AG owner-EVD tail-3 VV-DIM-3-ACC-INSTR
El dueño de ese arador, su rabo con sus pelitos
The owner of that plow-bull, with his tail and his hair
00:01:19.020 - 00:01:24.030

Clavil waytachata waytakuykun.

clavil wayta-cha-ta wayta-ku-yku-n
carnation flower-DIM-ACC flower-REFL-EXCEP-3
Se pone una florcita de clavel.
He puts a carnation flower on his hat.
00:01:24.080 - 00:01:26.290

Turumanñataqmi waytachin clavil waytata.

turu-man-ña-taq-mi wayta-chi-n clavil wayta-ta
bull-ALL-DISC-SEQ-EVD flower-CAUS-3 carnation flower-ACC
Pone una flor de clavel al toro.
He puts a carnation flower on the bull.
00:01:26.320 - 00:01:29.530

"Trabahaytam yatranki kumunidad sirvinaykipaq."

trabaha-y-ta-m yatra-nki kumunidad sirvi-na-yki-paq
work-INF-ACC-EVD know-2 community serve-NMLZ-2-PURP
"Vas a aprender a trabajar para que sirvas al pueblo".
"You're going to learn to work so you can serve the community,"
00:01:29.580 - 00:01:33.340

"Vidayki pasanaykipaq, ¿pim gratisqa mikuchishunki?"

vida-yki pasa-na-yki-paq pi-m gratis-qa miku-chi-shunki
life-2 pass-NMLZ-2-PURP who-EVD free-TOP eat-CAUS-3>2
"Para que pases tu vida, ¿quién te va a dar de comer gratis?
"So that you live your life. Who's going to feed you for free?"
00:01:33.360 - 00:01:37.370

"Chaymi kawsanki. Pastuta mikuchishunki trabahaptikim", nin.
chay-mi kawsa-nki pastu-ta miku-chi-shunki trabaha-pti-ki-m ni-n
DEM.D-EVD live-2 pasture.grass eat-CAUS-3>2 work-SUBDS.2 say-3
"Por eso vas a vivir. Si trabajas, te van a hacer comer alfalfa", dijo.
"That's why you're going to live. If you work, they're going to feed you pasture.grass," he said.
00:01:37.410 - 00:01:41.730

Chaypi mansan ¡"fwera! ¡fwera! ¡fwera!"

chay-pi mansa-n fwera fwera fwera
DEM.D-LOC tame.3 outside outside outside
Allí lo mansan. ¡"Fuera! ¡Fuera! ¡Fuera!"
They tame him there. "Out! Out! Out!"
00:01:41.760 - 00:01:45.190

"¡Raya dirichu!" nishpa paytaqa chikutiwan yatrachin. Manam munaptinqa -- ¡Látigo! ¡Látigo!
raya dirichu ni-shpa pay-ta-qa chikuti-wan yatra-chi-n mana-m muna-pti-n-qa látigo látigo
row straight say-SUBIS 3-ACC-TOP rope.whip-INSTR know-CAUS-3 no-3 want-SUBDS-3-TOP whip whip
"¡Raya derecho!"dicen y le enseñan con chicote. Y cuando no quiere - ¡Látigo! ¡Látigo!
Saying, "Straight row!" they teach him with a rope whip. And if he doesn't want to -- Whip! Whip!
00:01:45.240 - 00:01:51.090

"¡fwera! ¡fwera!" nin, "¡Raya dirichu tichu!" nishpa yatrachin runatahina.

fwera fwera ni-n raya dirichu tichu ni-shpa yatra-chi-n runa-ta-hina
outside outside say-3 row straight roof say-SUBIS know-CAUS-3 person-ACC-SIM
"¡Fuera! ¡Fuera!" dice, "¡Raya derecho techo!" dice y le enseñan como a personas.
"Out! Out!" he says, Saying, "Straight as an arrow!" he teaches him as if he were a person.
00:01:51.110 - 00:01:56.820

Dirichu arananpaq chay algunusqa mana yatrashpaqa chivatiyakuyan -- ¡Látigo! ¡Látigo!

dirichu ara-na-n-paq chay algunus-qa mana yatra-shpa-qa chivatiya-ku-ya-n látigo látigo
straight plow-NMLZ-3-PURP DEM.D some-TOP no know-SUBIS-TOP VV sit-REFL-PROG-3 whip whip
Para que are derecho, algunos, cuando no aprenden, están sentando VV-- ¡Látigo! ¡Látigo!
So that he plows straight. Some, when they don't learn, are setting VV -- Whip! Whip!
00:01:56.850 - 00:02:04.650

Diri-dirichu aranankama, chay dirichu araruptin

diri-dirichu ara-na-n-kama chay dirichu ara-ru-pti-n
strai-straight plow-NMLZ-3-LIM DEM.D straight plow-URGT-SUBDS-3
Hasta que are derecho, cuando ara derecho
Until he plows straight, when he plows straight
00:02:04.700 - 00:02:09.240

Vwelta, vwelta ararunña yatranña

vwelta vwelta ara-ru-n-ña yatra-n-ña
turn turn plow-URGT-3-DISC know.3.DISC
Vuelta tras vuelta -- ya aró; ya aprendió.
Turn after turn -- He's plowed already; he's learned already.
00:02:09.270 - 00:02:12.310

Chaymi chayqa diharunña turutaqa yapa samaykun.

chay-mi chay-qa diha-ru-n-ña turu-ta-qa yapa sama-yku-n
DEM.D-EVD DEM.D-TOP leave-URGT-3-DISC bull-ACC-TOP again rest-EXCEP-3
Ya dejan al toro y descansa otra vez.
So they leave the bull and he rests again.
00:02:12.340 - 00:02:17.100

Yatraruptinqaña tarpuytaña wichiytaña runa qayakuykun

yatra-ru-pti-n-qa-ña tarpu-y-ta-ña wichi-y-ta-ña runa qaya-ku-yku-n
know-URGT.SUBDS.3.TOP-DISC plant-INF-ACC-DISC plow-INF-ACC-DISC person call-EXCEP-3
Cuando aprende ya a sembrar y a ramar la gente llama
When he learns to plant and to plow, people call
00:02:17.130 - 00:02:20.990

Chayllam chay kustumbri -- chaynam chay turuta yatrachinchik mansanchik trabahananpaq.

chay-lla-m chay kustumbri chay-na-m chay turu-ta yatra-chi-nchik mansa-nchik trabaha-na-n-paq
Éso no más es el costumbre -- Así enseñamos a los toros a ser nobles para que trabajen.
That's all. The custom of taming the bull like that. We teach the bull, we tame him so that he works.
00:02:21.030 - 00:02:27.050

Yatraruptinmi chaychaqa trakraman trayarushpaqa aranchik difrintiña.

yatra-ru-pti-n-mi chay-cha-qa trakra-man traya-ru-shpa-qa ara-nchik difrinti-ña
Cuando aprende, llegando a la chacra ya aramos con tranquilidad
When he learns, we arrive in the fields and plow with confidence.
00:02:27.110 - 00:02:32.620

chaymi chay toro mansay

chay-mi chay toro mansa-y
DEM.D-EVD DEM.D bull tame-INF
eso es el mansa toro.
That's taming the bull.
00:02:32.670 - 00:02:36.650

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:59 PM


Ñuqa sara tarpuy kustumbrita willakushaq

Yo voy a contar la costumbre de sembrar maíz-
I'm going to tell about the custom of planting corn.
00:00:00.140 - 00:00:06.550

Markaballuypa sara tarpuy kustumbritam ruwani

En mi [chacra en] Marcaballu hago la costumbre de sembrar maíz.
In my [field] in Marcaballu I do the custom of planting corn.
00:00:07.020 - 00:00:12.640

Primero simillayta tiyachini trakraman

Primero, hago sentar mis semillas en la chacra.
First, I set my seeds in the field.
00:00:12.850 - 00:00:16.040

Chaypam lliw listu, waytay, kukay

Allí, todo listo -- mis flores, mi coca
There, everything ready -- my flowers, my coca.
00:00:16.110 - 00:00:20.070

Lliw: sara simillay, llampuy, qarway, llama wiray

Todo -- mis semillas de maíz, mi llampu, mi qarwa, mi grasa de llama
Everything my corn seeds, my "llampu", my "qarwa", my llama fat
00:00:20.750 - 00:00:27.750

Qallarinaypaq lliw tumaykuni -- chamiskunata

Para empezar, tomo todo -- chamis
To begin, I take everything -- "chamis"
00:00:29.050 - 00:00:33.460

kukayta akuykuni
chakcho mi coca
I chew my coca
00:00:33.610 - 00:00:37.050

Chay valorwanmi tarpuyta qallarini

Empiezo a sembrar con mi alcól
I begin to plant with my alcochol
00:00:37.200 - 00:00:42.380

Tarpuqmi taligayman simillayta alistanmi,

Para sembrar, alisto mis semillas en un saco
To plant, I get my seeds ready in a sack
00:00:42.530 - 00:00:47.380

Turuwan araqpis sutinqañam VV

Para arar con toro, también, va a llamar ya
To plow with a bull, too, he's going to call
00:00:47.750 - 00:00:51.930

Gañanqa surkutam kitran chaymanmi sarayta tarpuni.

El arador abre el surco y siembro mi maíz allí.
The plower opens the row and I plant my corn there.
00:00:52.200 - 00:00:57.200

Chay gañan fallarunqa chaymi

El arador va a fallar, por eso
The plower is going to err, so
00:00:57.410 - 00:01:01.480

Arrastrani trakra patankama chaypa rayata fallaruptin

Lo arrastro hacia la orilla de la chacra, allí, si falla una raya
I drag him to the border of the field. There, if he misses a row.
00:01:02.870 - 00:01:08.250

chay sigini tarpuyta paqa
sigo para sembrar
I follow to plant.
00:01:08.580 - 00:01:14.500

midyata ruwani yapa chamiskunata tumaykuni chay aswayta

Hago la mitad. Otra vez, tomo mi chamis, mi chica
I do half. Again, I drink my chamis, mi chica.
00:01:15.000 - 00:01:21.040

aswatam ruwani sarapaq utu sarapaq

Hago chica de maíz de maíz comido de gusano.
I make chica from corn eaten by worms
00:01:21.360 - 00:01:25.420

Chaytam tumapakuni.
Allí, tomo
There, I drink
00:01:25.830 - 00:01:28.520

Tumaykushpa yapa sigina asta puchukaq

Tomando, otra vez sigo, hasta terminar
Drinking, again I follow, until it's finished
00:01:28.800 - 00:01:33.260

Puchukarushpaqa, también na yapam balurta, kukata

When I finish, otra vez, alcól, coca
Cuando termino, again, alcochol, coca
00:01:33.890 - 00:01:39.180

Chay kustumbrim chayna chay sara tarpuy chay Markavalluypa

Así es la costumbre de la siembra de maíz en Marcavallu.
The custom of planting corn is like that in Marcavallu.
00:01:39.590 - 00:01:45.030

Chaypam terminani.
Allí termino. Luego
I finish there. Then
00:01:45.430 - 00:01:51.700

00:01:45.430 - 00:01:51.700

Saraqa nasimun
¿En cuántos días crece, nace el maíz? El maíz nace ...
In how many days doe the corn grow, is it born? Corn is born
00:01:52.400 - 00:01:58.350

¿Ayka puntrawnintaqa wiñan saraqa nasimun?

00:01:52.400 - 00:01:58.350

trunka ishkayniyuq puntrawninta chay trunka pichqayuq puntrawnintaqa ñam trakrantañam tapamun
En doce diás, a los quince días tapamos la chacra
In twelve days. At fifteen days we cover the field
00:01:58.720 - 00:02:06.020

Chaypam tarpupakuni lliw

Allí siembro todo
I plant everything there
00:02:06.440 - 00:02:10.060

turnaninchik chaypa. Huk trakra puchukarun qayantin minchantin huk trakranman chayna
Tomamos turnos allí. Terminamos una chacra y al día siguente, o el día después, [pasamos] a otra chacra.
We take turns there. We finish one field and the next day, the day after, [we go one] to another field.
00:02:10.640 - 00:02:17.430

en turno y
en turno y
in turns and
00:02:17.860 - 00:02:20.370

Chaynam puchukapakuni tarpuyta.

Así terminamos de sembrar.
Like that we finish planting.
00:02:20.590 - 00:02:23.470

De allí, cuando ha crecido, ?A cuántos días se riega?

Then, when it has grown, At how many days do you water it?
00:02:23.820 - 00:02:28.630

Chaypaqa wiñuraptinqa ¿ayka puntrawnintataq reganchik?

00:02:23.820 - 00:02:28.630

Reganchik chay sarataqa

Regamos el maíz
We water the corn
00:02:28.750 - 00:02:31.800

ishkay trunka ishkay kimsa puntrawniyuqtamá

que tiene doce o trece días
that's twelve or thirteen days old.
00:02:31.970 - 00:02:37.410

Repasanchik primero yakuwan regananchikpaq

Lo repasamos primero con agua para poder regar.
We go over it first with water to be able to water.
00:02:37.570 - 00:02:43.150

Ay, chay sara wañuriyaptinmi

Ah, cuando el maíz está creciendo
Ah, when the corn is growing.
00:02:43.680 - 00:02:48.840

Chay sara wañaruriyaptin

00:02:43.680 - 00:02:48.840

Chaynama chay kustumbre lliw .. Ah, chaypa
Así es la costumbre todo. Ah, allí
That's the whole custom. Ah, there.
00:02:59.120 - 00:03:09.250

Chayta qunqaruni sara antis tarpuyninchik hinashpa riki. Upichanchik, llampuchanchik prepararunchik
He olvidado ése. Nuestra siembra antes, después, pues.. Preparamos nuestro upi, nuestro llampucito
I forgot that. Before, our planting, then, of course. We prepare our upi, our llampu.
00:03:09.500 - 00:03:18.350

Huk tasachaman Pachamama urqum, chay atuqnin, añasnin. VV

en un vacito. Pachamama cerro, su zorro su añas.
in a cup. Pachamama mountain, her foxes her añas
00:03:18.670 - 00:03:24.420

Chay fuwisiyukuna kwidananpaq Pachamamaman pagaykunchik.

Para cuidar el juicio, pagamos a Pachamama.
To take care of the judgement, we pay Pachamama.
00:03:24.590 - 00:03:29.330

Chay llamachatapis pampaykunchik sara rayachanman

Enterramos las llamicitas en las rayas de maíz.
We bury the little llamas in the corn rows.
00:03:29.580 - 00:03:33.900

Chay kusechashpam alli alli kusechananchikpaq chaytam paganchik

Para cosechar bien, pagamos-RSTR.
To have a good harvest, we pay those.
00:03:33.960 - 00:03:39.030

chaypaqa kusechanchik
De allí cosechamos
From there, we harvest
00:03:39.450 - 00:03:42.580

Suqqta qanchis pusaq killatam sumaq sumaq puqusata.

En cinco o seis meses [nuestro maíz] bien madurado
in five or six months nice, ripe [corn]
00:03:42.800 - 00:03:48.050

Chaypaqa kusechanchik lliwta despanqanchik hinashpaqa

De allí cosechamos, pelamos todo, luego
Then we harvest, we peel it all, then
00:03:48.210 - 00:03:55.270

Chay ishkuykushpam seleksyunanchik.

Desgranando, seleccionamos.
We remove the grains from the cobs and sort them
00:03:55.430 - 00:03:59.300

Chay semillata mikunaykipaq.

Estas semillas para comer
These grains for eating
00:03:59.470 - 00:04:03.470

Utuchata aswaykipaq, chusuchanta wallpaykipaq

De gusano para tu chica, las chiquititas de la punta para tu gallina.
The worm-eaten ones for your chica, the small ones from the tip for your chicken.
00:04:03.690 - 00:04:08.860

Uyruchanta mutikipaq
Los granos redondos de la parte gruesa para mote.
The round grains from the bottom of the cob for hominy
00:04:09.320 - 00:04:13.650

Chay selectionawta chakichinchik

Hacemos secar los seleccionados
We dry the selected ones
00:04:13.880 - 00:04:18.430

Chay mas allinnin granuntam sumaq mejornintam eskohinchik semillapaq

Escogemos sus mejores granos, sus más bonitos, sus mejores para semillas.
We select its best grains, its prettiest, its best for seed.
00:04:18.560 - 00:04:24.780

Chayta ishkuykushpam marzu tiyempum ñuqaqa chakichini sarayta.

Desgranando en marzo yo hago secar mi maíz.
Removing the grains from the cobsin March I dry my corn.
00:04:24.930 - 00:04:29.970

Seleksyunasa simillatam mikuyta, utuchanta, uyruchanta, chusuchanta.

Se han seleccionado semillas para comer, su comido de gusano, su redondo, su menudito.
The seeds are selected -- to eat, the worms-eaten ones, the round ones, the little ones.
00:04:30.430 - 00:04:36.670

Chaypaqa lliw almasenarunkiña

De allí, almanacenerás todo
Then, you'll put it all in storage
00:04:37.010 - 00:04:40.040

Derechishpa tukuy wata huk kusechakaman mikunaykipaq

Derecho -- para que puedas comer todo el año una cosecha.
Right away .. so you can eat one harvest all year.
00:04:40.140 - 00:04:43.520

Chaypaqa yapa tarpunaykipaq surqunki semillaykita

Para que siembras otra vez, vas a sacar tu semilla.
You'll take out your seeds so you can plant again.
00:04:43.740 - 00:04:48.010

Chaynam chay kustumbre chaynam chay kusechanchik

Así es esa costumbre. así es nuestra cosecha.
The custom is like that. Our harvest is like that.
00:04:48.130 - 00:04:52.800

Chay klavil plantachaykunata ñuqa chay klavil planatatapis kultivanimá kultivani chay fondu Nakarunipam
Las plantitas de clavel, yo cultivo las plantas de clavel en el fondo de Nakarumi. Tú VV, en tu jardín.
Carnation plants, I cultivate carnation plants at the far end of Nakarumi. Your VV, in your garden.
00:04:53.250 - 00:05:03.630

chay washtayki chay wirtaykiman

00:04:53.250 - 00:05:03.630

Chaypam kayan klavilniy, chay lliw waytam kayan

Allí están mis flores de clavel, allí tengo todas mis flores.
My carnations are there. I have all my flowers there.
00:05:03.940 - 00:05:10.650

Chay waytaykunapa sutin kayan

Los nombres de mis flores son
The names of my flowers are
00:05:10.860 - 00:05:16.000

chay sutin kayan klavil rosas

Sus nombres son clavel, rosas,
Their names are carnations, roses,
00:05:16.510 - 00:05:21.240

chay qillu kayan waytay krisantemu

Los amarillos son mis flores de crisantemo
The yellow ones are my chrysanthemum flowers
00:05:22.060 - 00:05:26.000

qillu, yuraq
amarillos, blancos.
yellow, white.
00:05:26.220 - 00:05:28.690

Kay wirtachaypi kayan tumbischaykuna granadillachaykuna

En mi jardincito tengo tumbos, granadillas,
In my garden, I have tumbos, grenadines,
00:05:29.540 - 00:05:34.820

mansanaykuna, lliw.
y mansanas -- todo.
and apples -- everything.
00:05:35.110 - 00:05:39.310

Lliw clase satrachakuna tumanapaqpis

Toda clase de hierba para tomar.
Every kind of herb to take.
00:05:39.510 - 00:05:43.810

Mansanilla, chay kulin.

manzanilla y colín.
camomile and VV
00:05:43.990 - 00:05:47.940

turunhil, inuhu, chaykunam, chay

toronjil, enojo,-RSTRs
VV, VV, those
00:05:48.310 - 00:05:57.590

satra te tumanapaq. Chay mansanillaqa disirritante.

¿Para que vale la manzanilla? Es una hierba para tomar te. La manzanilla es un desirritante.
What is camomile good for? It's an herb to drink tea. Manzanilla removes irritation.
00:05:58.030 - 00:06:07.370

Chay mansanillaqa, ¿imapaqtaq allin?

00:05:58.030 - 00:06:07.370

Chay rimidyum asta chay yakuchapi timpuykachishpa mal de vistapaq -- para que laves.
Es remedio. Hasta -- cuando la haces hervir en agua, es para problemas del ojo -- para que te laves [los ojos].
It's a remedy. Even -- when you boil it in water, it's for eye problems. So you can wash [your eyes].
00:06:08.570 - 00:06:17.630

Chayqa disirritanti. Chay kulinqa

¿El colín? Es desirritante.
And VV? It removes irritation.
00:06:18.650 - 00:06:27.250

¿Chay kulinqa?
00:06:18.650 - 00:06:27.250

chiripaqmi, wiksa napaypaqmi.

Es para el frío, para dolores del estómago.
It's for cold, for stomach pains.
00:06:27.500 - 00:06:30.420

Chay turunhilqa kurasun nanaypaq, mancharisapaq.

El toronjil es para dolores del corazón, para el susto.
VV is for heart pain, for fright.
00:06:32.050 - 00:06:36.840

Chay rusaverdikuna kayan, wawillaychaykuna kayan mancharisapaqmi.

Hay rosas verde y hay wawillay para el susto.
There's green roses and there's wawillachay for fright.
00:06:37.910 - 00:06:44.970

Chay mancharisa unquq wambrakunapaq.

Es bueno para el susto. Mmm, el susto y para niños enfermos.
It's good for fright. Mmm, fright and for sick children.
00:06:45.560 - 00:06:52.090

Mancharisapaq chay allin.

00:06:45.560 - 00:06:52.090

Chay rusa verdi

¿Qué hacemos tomar? ¿Qué hacemos amarrar? Rosas verde
What do we have them take? What do we have them tie? Green roses,
00:06:52.570 - 00:06:59.310

¿Imatataq tumachinchikchu watachinchikchu?
00:06:52.570 - 00:06:59.310

Turunhil, wawillay chayta takaykushpa timpusa yakuchapa tumachinki mancharisa kaptin.

toronjil, y wawillay. Cuando tienen susto, chancas éstos y lo haces tomar en agua hervida.
VV and wawillay. When they have fright, you crush those and have them drink them in boiled water.
00:06:59.550 - 00:07:07.460

Kurasun nanaypaq.
Para dolor de corazón,
For heart pain,
00:07:08.020 - 00:07:11.120

Gindas chaykunapis kayanmi. Chay gindas chayllapaqqa

guindas -- ésas también hay. Guindas son para-RSTR.
sour cherries -- there are those, too. Sour cherries are for that.
00:07:15.910 - 00:07:19.890

Pishqullam puchukan manam puquchinchu.

Los pájaros las terminan. No maduran.
The birds finish them off. They don't mature.
00:07:20.890 - 00:07:26.190

Chayshi pushqukunata kultivani.

Por eso, dicen, cultivo pájaros. Para los riñones.
That why, they say, I cultivate birds. For the kidneys.
00:07:26.300 - 00:07:32.170

00:07:26.300 - 00:07:32.170

Runapis provechanchu gindastaqa total. Huancayopam ichaqa puqun

La gente aprovecha de las guindas. En Huancayo maduran.
People benefit from sour cherries. In Huancayo they ripen.
00:07:32.930 - 00:07:39.750

Leyenda, kwintuyá, unay.

Una leyenda, un cuento -- antiguo.
A legend, a story -- from before.
00:07:48.370 - 00:07:57.410

Ese cuento del perdiz. ¿O no?

The story about the partridge? Or no?
00:07:57.640 - 00:08:01.890

Chay kwintu yutukunapaq kaq, ¿manachu?

00:07:57.640 - 00:08:01.890

Ah, chay yutukunapaq manachu manayá sumaq yuyanichu

Ah, ése del perdíz, ¿o no? No me acuerdo bien de ése.
Ah, the one about the partridge, no? I don't remember it well.
00:08:02.060 - 00:08:10.790

Chay adivinansachatatrik quykusayki ultimuta kichwapaq.
Te voy a dar una adivinanza en quechua.
I'm going to give you a riddle in Quechua.
00:08:17.630 - 00:08:24.560

Ariyá. Lliw lliwtam rispundisayki

Sí. Te las contestaré todas.
Yes. I'll answer them all for you.
00:08:25.030 - 00:08:32.510

Huk adivinansachatam aver rimaykurushaq hinashpa respwestantam kikillay nishaq

Una adivinanza. A ver. Voy a hablar y yo misma diré las respuestas.
A riddle. Let's see. I'm going to talk and I myself will say the answers.
00:08:32.640 - 00:08:39.330

Ishkaymi lapin lapin, tawan tushtun tushtun, hukmi banderalla benderan

Dos VV, cuatro VV, uno VV bandera
Two, four, one
00:08:41.150 - 00:08:48.390

chay significan allqumanmi. Chay tawan tushtun tushtunmi tawan trakin

Eso significa un perro. Los cuatro son sus cuatro pies.
It means a dog. The four are his four feet.
00:08:48.780 - 00:08:54.730

ishkay lapin lapin rinrin, hukmi banderalla banderan trupan chaymi chay adivinansa allqu
Los dos son sus orejas, el es su cola. Por eso [la respuesta a] esa adivinanza es "perro".
The two are his ears and the one is his tail. That's why [the answer to] the riddle is "dog-"
00:08:54.860 - 00:09:01.960

Allqupa adivinansan.
00:09:02.190 - 00:09:07.110

¡Adivina adivinador! Huk adivinansapis kasa maraypa

00:09:07.150 - 00:09:15.150

Mamanqa tiyaylla tiyaq, wawanqa tushuylla tushuq. ¿Imatr? Aver.

00:09:16.550 - 00:09:24.800

Maraytri kayan. Maray tunayninwan

Será maray Hay la adivinanza de la piedra para moler.
There's the riddle about the grinding stone.
00:09:25.130 - 00:09:33.120

Maray adivinansaq kayan.

00:09:25.130 - 00:09:33.120

Achka kayan. Mayormente kichwa kastillanu.

Hay muchos. Mayormente en quechua, castellano. Antes hablamos.
There are a lot. Principally in Quechua, Spanish. Before we spoke.
00:09:33.330 - 00:09:42.940

Antes hablamos
00:09:33.330 - 00:09:42.940

Wak wambrakunanta kichwata rimashpa mamay, taytay, taytallay rimaq kichwata kastillanuta manam.
hablando quechua a sus hijos. Mi mamá y mi papá y mi abuelito hablaban quechua -- castellano, no.
speaking Quechua to their children. My mother and my father and my grandfather spoke Quechua -- Spanish,
00:09:50.130 - 00:09:58.830

Chaypaq ñakarin kichwa rimayta.

De allí, sufren para hablar quechua.
Since then, they struggle to speak Quechua.
00:09:59.070 - 00:10:02.160

La gente antes hablaba. Quechua no más.

People before spoke it. Just Quechua.
00:10:05.450 - 00:10:12.410

Unay runakunaqa rimaqmi. Kichwallatamik.

00:10:05.450 - 00:10:12.410

Españolkunaqa hamurqa Pirupa qullqinchikta apananpaq

Los españoles vinieron a Peru para llevarse nuestro oro.
The Spanish came to Peru to take our gold.
00:10:22.640 - 00:10:30.500

Tupaq Amaru Atawalpata prisyunarun, ¿manachu?

Tupak Amaru presionó a Atawalpa, ¿no?
Tupak Amaru pressured Atawalpa, no?
00:10:31.350 - 00:10:37.770

Chaypaq riki, segun istudiyu, iskwela kasanpa. Chay iskwelaman rirqanchik wakhina uchukchalla
De allí, pues, según sus estudios, la escuela que ha tenido. Los que hemos ido a la escuela así chiquitos
From there, according to one's studies, the school he's had. Those who went to school like that young
00:10:47.930 - 00:10:57.180

hinashpaqa chaypiña kastillanutaqa leyenchik rimayanchik

entonces allí ya leímos castellano, lo estábamos hablando
then there already we read Spanish, we were speaking it.
00:10:57.410 - 00:11:04.360

Chay iskwela cuatro setenta karqa hinashpa ubligaturyo rikuyanchik wambraqa

Había la escuela cuatro setenta. Luego los niños estábamos yendo obligatoriamente.
There was school four seventy. Then the children, we were going obligatorily.
00:11:04.490 - 00:11:11.020

Antes karqa primarya kumplitu sikundaryahina alli alli preparakusa yatrasa

Antes era la primaria completa como la secondaria. Los bien preparados sabían
Before it was complete primary school, like secondary school -- The well prepared ones knew.
00:11:11.380 - 00:11:18.510

Primaria separada, secondaria separada.

Primary school separate, secondary school separate.
00:11:23.380 - 00:11:28.100
siparaw primarya, siparaw sikundarya
00:11:23.380 - 00:11:28.100

Chay ñuqaya riki yatraruni kastillanu poku a poku rimayta chay iskwelaman yaykurushpa
Yo aprendí a hablar castellano poco a poco. cuando entré en la escuela.
I learned to speak Spanish little by little when I entered school.
00:11:31.430 - 00:11:37.230

iskwelapaqa kastillanutañam prufisurakuna yatrayachiwan manaña kichwataqa

En la escuela los profesores nos enseñaban español ya, quechua ya no.
In school, the teachers taught us Spanish, not Quechua.
00:11:37.660 - 00:11:43.190

Pilallata truraykushpa rimachiwankiman.

Poniendo las pilas me puedes hacer hablar. ¿Qué cosita voy a decir?
Putting in the batteries, you can make me talk. What am I going to say?
00:11:50.590 - 00:11:58.740

¿Qué cosita voy hablaykur?

00:11:50.590 - 00:11:58.740

¡Hábla de sus ovejas! ¿Cómo aprendiste? ¿A cuántos meses dan cría?

Talk about your sheep! How did you learn? At how many months do they give birth?
00:12:04.090 - 00:12:12.760

ubihaykipaq rimaykuy ¿Imaynataq yatrarqanki? ¿Ayka killantataq watran?

00:12:04.090 - 00:12:12.760

¿Imakunam ubihaykipa sutin? ¿May urqukunaman michinki?

¿Cuáles son los nombres de tus ovejas? ¿Dónde pasteas en los cerros?
What are your sheep's names? Where do you pasture them in the hills?
00:12:12.940 - 00:12:17.390

Voy a hablar, pues, de mis ovejas.

I'm going to talk about my sheep, then.
00:12:23.130 - 00:12:28.620

Voy decir pues para mi oveja.

00:12:23.130 - 00:12:28.620

Su nombre es Milena.
Her name is Milena.
00:12:28.960 - 00:12:31.470

Su nombre Milena.
00:12:28.960 - 00:12:31.470

¡Pero napiyá rimay! Kay kichwataq ... manañam kichwataq wakchay ....qunqaruni. Kichwapim rimayanchik.
¡Pero habla en ése! Aquí en quechua ... ya no en quechua, mis wachos ... me olvido. ¡Estamos hablando en
Put speak in umm! Here in Quechua ... not in Quechua any more? My sheep ... I forget. We're speaking in
Quechua !
00:12:31.550 - 00:12:40.830

¿Imakunam sutin?
¿Cuáles son sus nombres? El nombre de mi oveja
What are their names? My sheep's name is
00:12:41.040 - 00:12:47.990

ubihaypaq sutin.
00:12:41.040 - 00:12:47.990

Milena. Manta VV
Milena. A thread-worn manta.
00:12:48.370 - 00:12:52.920

Milena. Chaqruy lliklla

00:12:48.370 - 00:12:52.920

Kay qiñwalkuna
Voy con mi oveja arriba a Chununa, a Tambo. El quingual.
I go with my sheep up to Chununa, to Tambo. The quinual grove.
00:13:14.390 - 00:13:20.020

ubihaywan riyani Chununa witrayta, Tambuyta

00:13:14.390 - 00:13:20.020

Hasta Kikipampa.
Up to Kikipampa.
00:13:20.070 - 00:13:22.620

00:13:20.070 - 00:13:22.620

Hasta trakaqucha.
Up to trakaqucha.
00:13:22.650 - 00:13:25.310

Asta trakaqucha
00:13:22.650 - 00:13:25.310

Amayá kastillanuta rimaychu!

Allí doy vuelta. ¡No hables castellano! ¿Estoy hablando castellano?
There, I turn around. Don't speak Spanish! I'm speaking Spanish?
00:13:25.340 - 00:13:32.390

Allí da vuelta. ¿Kastillanu ñuqa rimanichu?

00:13:25.340 - 00:13:32.390

Allí doy vuelta con mi oveja detrás de Iñapata.

There, I turn around with my sheep behind Iñapata.
00:13:34.080 - 00:13:38.540

Chaypam muyurimuni ubihaywan Iñapatanpa qipanpa.

00:13:34.080 - 00:13:38.540
"Kay qinwanta avyun siqaykusanta" ¡niyyá!
Al quingual. "Al quingual donde se cayó el avión" ¡dí!
To the quingual grove. "To the quingual grove where the plane crashed" say!
00:13:38.720 - 00:13:44.030

00:13:38.720 - 00:13:44.030

Al Quingual donde se cayó el avión. Hacia su coral.

To the quingual grove where the plane crashed. Towards the corral.
00:13:44.080 - 00:13:48.610

Kay qinwantayá avyun siqaykusanta. Kuralninman

00:13:44.080 - 00:13:48.610

¿A qué hora haces dar vuelta a tus ovejas? ¿A qué hora, dice?
AT what time do you have your sheep turn around? At what time, she says?
00:13:48.660 - 00:13:52.820

¿Imay urataq muyurichimunki ubihaykita? ¿Imay urash?

00:13:48.660 - 00:13:52.820

A las tres mi oveja vuelve.

My sheep returns at three o'clock.
00:13:52.870 - 00:13:55.940

Las tresta kutirimun ubihayqa

00:13:52.870 - 00:13:55.940

hacia su corral. A las cuatro las pongo en el corral.

towards their corral. At four o'clock I corral them.
00:13:56.580 - 00:14:02.760

Kuralninman. Las kwatrutaq qaykuyaniña.

00:13:56.580 - 00:14:02.760

Para cocinar ya, para comer ya.

To cook already, to eat already.
00:14:02.860 - 00:14:06.660

Cocinar ya. Comer ya.

00:14:02.860 - 00:14:06.660

Chaykunapam wiñan chuqlluqupa.

00:14:19.440 - 00:14:23.640

Chullqapañataqmi wiñayan ullqush.

00:14:23.670 - 00:14:30.300

Pamakunapañatam wiñayan waraqu. Chaytam mikunchik.

00:14:32.300 - 00:14:37.210

Manachu chay kukachaykim akuykusayki imallawanpis qaqurikunkichu.
Sin haber chakchado tu coca, con cualquier cosita
Without having chewed your coca, with whatever.
00:14:48.600 - 00:14:53.480

Rimidyuchawan chay kusta runaqa chuqan alturapaqa

Con remediocito. La altura choca a la gente de la costa.
With a remedy. The heights hit [make sick] people from the coast.
00:14:53.680 - 00:14:58.790

Chaymiki ñuqanchik kukachanchikta akunchik

Por eso nosotros chakchamos nuestra coca.
That's why we chew our coca.
00:14:58.890 - 00:15:03.790

00:14:58.890 - 00:15:03.790

¿Imaynataq mana chuqanqachu paytaqa

Tomamos chamis. ¿Cómo no te va a chocar?
We drink chamis. How is that not going to make you sick?
00:15:04.730 - 00:15:13.140

Chamita tumanchik
00:15:04.730 - 00:15:13.140

Ishpaychata tumaykushpaqa
Otros sitio chocan, pues. ¿Qué es bueno para el choque? ¿Qué hierba es buena? Tomando orines.
Other places hit you. What's good for shock? What herb is good? Drinking urine.
00:15:13.500 - 00:15:20.030

Otro sitio choca, pues. Chay chuqapaqa, ¿ima allin? ¿Ima satrakuna allin?
00:15:13.500 - 00:15:20.030

tumaykushpaqa. Rudakunata. Urqupa hampikunchik.

Tomando orines. Cualquier cosita. La ruda. Nos curamos en el cerro.
Drinking urine. Any little thing. Rue. We heal ourselves on the mountain.
00:15:20.090 - 00:15:30.780

Ishpaykunata. Imachatapis
00:15:20.090 - 00:15:30.780

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:01 PM

¿Cada quien sabe como hacer?
¿Cada quien sabe como hacer?
Each person knows how to do it?
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:03.400
Ya, vamos a ir, ya.
Ya, vamos a ir, ya.
OK, we're going to go already.
00:00:05.600 - 00:00:07.470

Haku! Tres veces escupas y tapas.

Vámonos! Tres veces escupas y tapas.
Let's go! Spit three times and cover it!
00:00:07.520 - 00:00:11.160

[undecipherable] Pachamama.
00:00:11.170 - 00:00:14.080

Ya, ¿no? ¿Con qué lo vas a tapar?

Ya, ¿no? ¿Con qué lo vas a tapar?
OK, no? What are you going to cover it with?
00:00:14.150 - 00:00:17.470

¡Tápale! ¡Tápale! Hilo no tengo.

¡Tápale! ¡Tápale! Hilo no tengo.
Cover it! Cover it! I don't have any thread.
00:00:17.510 - 00:00:20.480

Up hill.
00:00:24.490 - 00:00:29.200

Es algo, Tío, pues. Ya salió.

Es algo, Tío, pues. Ya salió.
It's something, Uncle, then. He already left.
00:00:29.350 - 00:00:34.480

Sombreruyta kumadricha quykamuway.

sombreru-y-ta kumadri-cha qu-yka-mu-wa-y
hat-1-ACC comadre-DIM give-EXCEP-CISL-1.OBJ-IMP
Un favorcito, comadre, alcánzame mi sombrero.
Comadre, do me a favor and hand me my hat.
00:00:34.560 - 00:00:39.390

Waqan wawanhina.
waqa-n wawa-n-hina
cry-3 baby-3-COMP
Llora como su hijo
He cries like her baby.
00:00:39.500 - 00:00:41.840

Está llorando el cordero.

Está llorando el cordero.
The ram is crying.
00:00:41.910 - 00:00:44.350

Wacho está waqakundo.

Wacho está waqa-ku-ndo
El cordero está llorando
The ram is crying.
00:00:46.930 - 00:00:48.910

00:00:48.970 - 00:00:50.320

¿Está llorando?
¿Está llorando?
It's crying?
00:00:50.460 - 00:00:52.370

Wakcho ... waqayan hinaptin

Wakcho waqa-ya-n hinaptin
sheep cry-PROG-3 then
El cordero estará llorando, pues.
The ram is crying.
00:00:52.750 - 00:00:56.620

¿kukata akuykuyta munankichu? ¡Chakcha!

kuka-ta aku-yku-y-ta muna-nki-chu
coca-ACC chew-EXCEP-INF-ACC want-2-Q
¿Quieres chakchar coca? Chakcha!
Do you want to chew coca? Chew!
00:00:56.660 - 00:01:01.590

Chishikay qayna puntraw

Chishikay qayna puntraw
last.night previous day
Anoche ante ayer
Last night, the day before yeasterday
00:01:01.630 - 00:01:04.500

Drogakuyanchik. Drogakuyanki.
Droga-ku-ya-nchik droga-ku-ya-nki
Estamos drogándonos. Te estás drogando.
We're drugging ourselves. You're drugging yourself.
00:01:05.680 - 00:01:09.830

Cápsula tomamos.
Tomamos cápsulas.
We take capsules.
00:01:10.100 - 00:01:15.550

Aspirinakunata qayna puntraw apamullawan; qaquwan trikiyta.

Aspirina-kuna-ta qayna puntraw apa-mu-lla-wa-n qaqu-wa-n traki-y-ta
Aspirin-PL-ACC previous day bring-CISL-RSTR-1.OBJ-3 rub-1.OBJ-3 foot-1-ACC
Me trajo aspirina ayer. Me sobó el pie.
She brought me aspirin and everything yesterday. She rubbed my foot.
00:01:15.680 - 00:01:19.660

trakiyta qaquwayan riruchayta.

traki-y-ta qaquwa-ya-ni riru-cha-y-ta
foot-1-ACC rub-PROG-3 finger-DIM-1-ACC
Está sobánome el pie, los dedos.
She's massaging my foot, my toes.
00:01:20.000 - 00:01:22.940

Ah, gracias a Dios, manam sapallaychu kani.

Ah, gracias a Dios, mana-m sapa-lla-y-chu ka-ni
Ah, thanks to God no-EVD alone-RSTR-1-NEG be-1
Ah, gracias a Dios, no estoy sola.
Ah, thank God I'm not all alone.
00:01:23.330 - 00:01:27.050

¿Imaynataq hamuyarqa?
Imayna-taq hamu-ya-rqa-ø
how-SEQ come-PROG-PST-3
¿Cómo vino?
How did he come?
00:01:27.130 - 00:01:30.440

¿Piwan tumashpatr pay hamun?

pi-wan tuma-shpa-tr pay hamu-n
who-INSTR drink-SUBIS-EVC 3 come-3
¿Con quién tomando vendrá él?
Drinking with whom would he come?
00:01:30.600 - 00:01:34.770

¿Pim maskayan Shillita?

Pi-m maska-ya-n Shilli-ta
who-EVD look.for-PROG-3 Shilli-ACC
¿Quién está buscando a Shilli?
Who's looking for Shilli?
00:01:34.990 - 00:01:38.230

¿Qué voy a levantar yo, pues?

¿Qué voy a levantar yo, pues?
What am I going to lift then?
00:01:38.870 - 00:01:42.050

¿Ima niykaramuntri?
Ima ni-yka-ra-mu-n-tri
¿Qué le habrá dicho?
What would he have said?
00:01:42.540 - 00:01:44.560

Timpranum ñuqa parlanaypaq.
Timpranu-m ñuqa parla-na-y-paq
early-EVD 1 talk-NMLZ-1-PURP
Temprano para que yo converse
Early. So I can talk.
00:01:44.610 - 00:01:46.240

kutiramuni nin. Kay

kuti-ra-mu-ni ni-n kay
return-URGT-CISL-1 say-3 DEM.P
Voy a volver, dijo. Este
I'm going to come back, he said. This ...
00:01:46.310 - 00:01:48.510

Tapumuptin, traskirapamuway hinashpa alcharapuway!

tapu-mu-pti-n traski-ra-pa-mu-wa-y hinashpa alcha-ra-pu-wa-y
Cuando pregunta, recógemelo y después pónmelo en orden
When he asks, receive it for me then put it in order it for me.
00:01:48.650 - 00:01:51.120

Timpranum. Manam lluqsimunqañachu nin.

Timpranu-m mana-m lluqsi-mu-nqa-ña-chu ni-n
early-EVD no-EVD go.out-CISL-3.FUT-DISC-NEG say-3
Temprano todavía no va a salir, dijo.
Early, he won't go out yet, he said.
00:01:51.350 - 00:01:55.090

[door opening]
00:01:55.290 - 00:01:57.110

Mayta tutaykuptin [riyan]. Qacharuytatr munayan. ¿Manachu kalmaykun?

May-ta tuta-yku-pti-n qacha-ru-y-ta-tr muna-ya-n Mana-chu kalma-yku-n
where-ACC night-EXCEP-SUBDS-3 break-URGT-INF-ACC want-PROG-3 no-Q calm-EXCP-3
¿Dónde [está yendo] cuando está oscureciendo?. Estará queriendo romper. ¿No calma el dolor?
Where [is he going] when night is falling? It seems like it's going to break. ¿Doesn't it calm down?
00:01:57.260 - 00:02:02.260

Hinata listayaptiy listayaptiy susunarun.

Hina-ta lista-ya-pti-y lista-ya-pti-y susuna-ru-n
thus-ACC ready-PROG-SUBDS-1 ready-PROG-SUBDS-1 fall.asleep-URGT-3
Así estuve listando listando y se adormeció
Like that, I was getting ready, getting ready and it fell asleep.
00:02:02.490 - 00:02:05.680

00:02:05.810 - 00:02:07.420

traskiruptinqa samarunqatr.
traski-ru-pti-n-qa sama-ru-nqa-tr
receive-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP heal-URGT-3.FUT-EVC
Cuando [el cerro] recibe [el pago], [tu pie] sanará.
When [the hill] receives [the offering], [your foot] will heal.
00:02:07.930 - 00:02:10.430

Lo va a hacer sanar
It's going to make it heal.
00:02:10.510 - 00:02:11.710

Maña ruwayaq.
Maña ruwa-ya-q
complain make-PROG-AG
Hacía maña.
It was having temper tantrums.
00:02:11.820 - 00:02:13.430

Manam traskisachu ninyá.

mana-m traski-sa-chu ni-n-yá
no-EVD receive-PRF-NEG say-3-EMPH
[EL pago] no se recibió, dijo, pues.
[The offering] wasn't received, he said, then.
00:02:13.510 - 00:02:15.640

Tintasyun natrik. Chay yututriki.

Tintasyun na-tri-k chay yutu-tri-ki
temptation that-EVC-K DEM.D partridge-EVC
Tentación. eso habrá sido -- ese perdiz, seguro.
Temptation. It must have been -- that partridge, for sure,
00:02:15.710 - 00:02:17.570

Paytrik takparun -- traskirqachu.

pay-tri-k takpa-ru-n traski-rqa-ø-chu
3-EVC-K squawk-URGT-3 receive-PST-3-NEG
Él, seguro, habrá ampoyado VV y [el cerro] no ha recibido
It made squawked up, that's why it wouldn't have received.
00:02:17.920 - 00:02:19.980

Yutum pawarun, nin ¿manachu? Ramonyá.

Yutu-m pawa-ru-n ni-n mana-chu Ramon ya
partridge-EVD jump-URGT-3 say-3 no-Q Ramon EMPH
Un perdiz saltó, dijo -- ¿no? -- Ramon, pues.
A partridge jumped, he said, didn't he, Ramón?
00:02:20.650 - 00:02:23.700

Shilik shilik nin tuku. ¿Maytaq?

Shilik shilik ni-n tuku may-taq
Shilik shilik say-3 tuku-bird where-SEQ
"¡Shilik-shilik!" dijo la lechuza -- ¿Dónde?
"Shilik-shilik," cried the owl. Where?
00:02:24.580 - 00:02:27.380

Chayllapitr mesaman chuqarun.

chay-lla-pi-tr mesa-man chuqa-ru-n
Lo habrán echado allí hacia la mesa.
They would have thrown it right there on the mesa.
00:02:27.780 - 00:02:30.230

Ayayaw aso macho.

Ayayaw aso macho
Ayayaw aso macho
Ayayaw aso macho.
00:02:30.400 - 00:02:31.980

Ah, yo me asustaba
Ah, yo me asustaba.
Ah, I got scared.
00:02:34.160 - 00:02:36.280

¿Desde dónde salió mi hilo?

¿Desde dónde salió mi hilo?
Where did my yarn come out from?
00:02:36.340 - 00:02:40.260

De dónde salió mi hilo ovillo negro?

¿De dónde salió mi hilo ovillo negro?
Where did my black ball of yarn come out from?
00:02:40.410 - 00:02:43.670

Si prefiere, se lo ...
Si prefiere, se lo ...
If you prefer, I'll ...
00:02:43.690 - 00:02:46.230

Manchariruni. ¿Llipta, Doña Martina?

Mancha-ri-ru-ni llipta Doña Martina
scare-INCEP-URGT-1 coca.ash Doña Martina
Me asusté. ¿Llipta, Doña Martina?
I got scared. Coca-ash, Doña Martina?
00:02:46.370 - 00:02:48.790

¿Maypi hapirayarqani? Kanan chinkarun.

May-pi hapi-raya-rqa-ni kanan chinka-ru-n
where-LOC grab-PASS-PST-1 now lose-URGT-3
¿Dónde estuve agarrado? Ahora se perdió.
Where was I being grabbed? Now it got lost.
00:02:48.910 - 00:02:51.100

Mana timbladirayuq aparun.

mana timbladira-yuq apa-ru-n
no tray-POSS bring-URGT-3
Lo llevó sin tembladera.
He took it without the tray.
00:02:51.230 - 00:02:52.830

Kanyá. Huktapis valikuni chaypi. Yuli astawan hamuyasa.
Kan-ya huk-ta-pis vali-ku-ni chay-pi astawan Yuli hamu-ya-sa
be-3-EMPH one-ACC-ADD request-REFL-1 DEM.D-LOC instead Yuli come-PROG-PRF
Hay, pues. Supliqué a otro también. Yuli estaba vieniendo más bien.
There is, then. I requested another, too. Yuli was coming there instead.
00:02:54.300 - 00:02:57.380

Aa. Chaykunatatriki trurarqa.

Ah. Chay-kuna-ta-tri-ki trura-rqa-ø
Ah. DEM.D-PL-ACC save-PST-3
Habrá guardado-RSTRs.
She must have saved those.
00:02:57.500 - 00:03:00.530

Chay trawpanpitr kayan.

Chay trawpa-n-pi-tr ka-ya-n
DEM.D middlwe-3-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3
Están allí en el centro
They're there in the center.
00:03:00.610 - 00:03:01.870

¿Chayqa ima?
chay-qa ima
DEM.D-TOP what
¿Qué es-RSTR?
What is this?
00:03:02.140 - 00:03:03.370

¡Chayta vasiyarapamuway chaynam! Manam suyanchu.

Chay-ta vasiya-pa-mu-y chay-na-m mana-m suya-n-chu
Éso, ánda, desocúpalo así! No espera.
Empty that for me like that! It doesn't wait.
00:03:03.580 - 00:03:05.580

Apashaq mana luswan.

Apa-shaq mana lus-wan
bring-1.FUT no light-INSTR
Lo llevaré sin luz [linterna]
I'll bring it without [a flash]light.
00:03:05.640 - 00:03:07.340

Madrawñatr rikcharishpa apanki.

Madraw-ña-tr rikcha-ri-shpa apa-nki
dawn-DISC-EVC wake-INCEP-SUBIS bring-2
En la mañana, despertando, llegarás.
You'll get there in the morning when you wake up.
00:03:08.010 - 00:03:10.130

Kutimunqatr kapas.
Kuti-mu-nqa-tr kapas
return-CISL-3.FUT-EVC perhaps
Volverá, tal vez.
Maybe he'll come back.
00:03:10.280 - 00:03:12.400

Chaypitr kayan Carmen rantikun chay mankachapa ishkayninta.

Chay-pi-tr ka-ya-n Carmen rantiku-n chay manka-cha-pa ishkay-ni-n-ta
DEM.D-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3 Carmen sell-3 DEM.D pot-DIM-LOC two-EUPH-3-ACC
Carmen estará allí. Vende los dos en esa ollita
Carmen must be there. She sells both of them in that little pot.
00:03:12.560 - 00:03:15.450

¿Maypitr wakkuna kayan?

may-pi-tr wak-kuna ka-ya-n
where-LOC-EVC DEM.D-PL be-PROG-3
¿Dónde estarán ellos?
Where could those be?
00:03:15.550 - 00:03:17.590

¿Maypiya kayan?
may-pi-ya ka-ya-n
where-LOC-EMPH be-PROG-3
¿Dónde estarán, pues?
Where are they then?
00:03:17.800 - 00:03:19.600

Donde encontró con tío Amador.

Donde se encontró con Tío Amador
Where he met Tío Amador.
00:03:20.760 - 00:03:22.870

Cañetemantri payqa yaykuyan.

Cañete-man-tri pay-qa yayku-ya-n
Cañete-ALL-EVC 3-TOP enter-PROG-3
Él estará entrando hacia Cañete..
He must be entering Cañete.
00:03:23.190 - 00:03:25.130

¿Cuándo entonces ha venido? ¿Ayer?

¿Cuándo vino, entonces? ¿Ayer?
When, then, did he come? Yesterday?
00:03:25.320 - 00:03:28.130

Éste, pues,
Éste, pues,
That one, then.
00:03:28.180 - 00:03:29.660

Seguro viene. Dice con

Seguro viene, dice con
He's coming, for sure, he says, with
00:03:29.850 - 00:03:31.570

Javier se encontró.
Javier se encontró.
He met with Javier.
00:03:31.690 - 00:03:34.850

"Estoy viajando, ¡alcánzame!" de repente diría a su Javier

"Estoy viajando, ¡alcánzame!" de repente diría a su Javier
"I'm traveling. Catch up with me!" he might say to his Javier.
00:03:35.110 - 00:03:38.020

De Lima viene directo a Cañete donde Amador llegaría pues

De Lima viene directo a Cañete donde Amador llegaría pues
From Lima he's coming straight to Cañete, where Amador should arrive, then.
00:03:38.210 - 00:03:42.380

Allí conversaría y allí dice ha dado su llave.

Allí habrán conversado y allí le dio su llave, dicen.
They would have talked there and there he gave him his key, they say.
00:03:43.000 - 00:03:45.840

Tiene otra llave. Para dormir, dice ha dicho.

Tiene otra llave. Para dormir, dice ha dicho.
He's got another key. To sleep, he said, they say.
00:03:46.000 - 00:03:49.660

Pasaypaq manaraq tinkurunchu

Pasaypaq mana-raq tinku-ru-n-chu
a.lot no-CONT find-URGT-3-NEG
Todavía no lo ha encontrado.
He still hasn't found it at all.
00:03:49.940 - 00:03:51.750

Lliptallayki mamay
Llipta-lla-yki mama-y
ash-RSTR-2 mother-1
Tu llipta, Mami.
Your ash, dear.
00:03:51.840 - 00:03:53.580

Paypatatr entonses qawayan

Pay-pa-ta-tr entonses qawa-ya-n
3-GEN-ACC-EVC then look-PROG-3
Al suyo entonces estará mirando
Then he must be looking at his.
00:03:53.770 - 00:03:56.440

Pasarqa qanim puntraw Madeaninta.

pasa-rqa-ø qanim puntraw madean-ni-n-ta
pass-PST-3 before-yesterday day madean-EUPH-3-ACC
Pasó ante ayer por Madeán
The day before yesterday he went around Madeán's.
00:03:56.580 - 00:03:58.630

Qayna puntraw tukuy puntraw kayarqa Ortigalpish.

qayna puntraw tukuy puntraw ka-ya-rqa-ø ortigal-pi-sh
previous day all day be-PROG-PST-3 ortigal-LOC-EVR
Ayer, pasó todo el día en Ortigal.
Yesterday he spent the whole day in Ortigal.
00:03:58.690 - 00:04:01.120

Simintiryukunapash papaninta velakamun.

simintiryu-kuna-pa-sh papa-ni-n-ta vela-ka-mu-n
cemetery-PL-LOC-EVR father-EUPH-3-ACC hold.vigil-REFL-CISL-3
Prendió velas para su papa en el cementerio, dicen.
He lit candles for his father in the cemetery, they say
00:04:01.270 - 00:04:03.920

Tukuy Ortigalpa purimun hinashpa kayta hamurun.

tukuy Ortigal-pa puri-mu-n hinashpa kay-ta hamu-ru-n
all ortigal-LOC walk-CISL-3 then DEM.P-ACC come-URGT-3
En todo Ortigal caminó y después vino para acá.
He walked all around Ortigal and then he came here.
00:04:04.020 - 00:04:06.690

habrá llegado a la una de la tarde, seguro. Chay.

habrá llegado a la una de la tarde. seguro. chay
He must have arrived at one in the afternoon. For sure. That ...
00:04:06.760 - 00:04:09.490

fwerapi kayaptiymi chaypa rikarirun.

fwerapi ka-ya-pti-y-mi chay-pa rikari-ru-n
outside-LOC be-PROG-SUBDS-1-EVD DEM.D-LOC appearURGT-3
Cuando estuve afuera apareció allí.
When I was outside, he appeared there.
00:04:09.890 - 00:04:11.780

Ah, chaypa tiyapakuyarqani.

ah, chay-pa tiya-paku-ya-rqa-ni
Ah, allí estuvimos sentados
Ah, we were sitting there together.
00:04:12.020 - 00:04:14.130

¿Don Juanchu almanchu hamuyan ima?

Don Juan-chu alma-n-chu hamu-ya-n ima
Don Juan-Q soul-3-Q come-PROG-3 what
¿Es Don Juan o es que su espíritu está viniendo?
Is that Don Juan coming or his soul?
00:04:14.340 - 00:04:16.360

Yo vengo parece. ¿De maypaq? nini. ¿Shuyunakuychu? ¿Maypa? nini.

may-paq ni-ni shuyunakuy-chu may-paq ni-ni
where-ABL say-1 shuyunakuy-Q where-ABL say-1
Yo vengo parece. ¿De dónde? dije. De Shuyunakuy, dijo. ¿De dónde¿ç? dije
"I'm coming, it seems, from ..." "From where?" I said, "Shuyunakuy? Where?" I said.
00:04:16.660 - 00:04:20.990

De Shutco ya.
From Shutco already.
00:04:21.170 - 00:04:22.750

00:04:22.930 - 00:04:25.320

Shutcopish kutiyamun.
Shutco-pi-sh kuti-ya-mu-n
Shutco-LOC-EVR return-PROG-CISL-3
Está regresando de Shutco.
He's coming back from Shutco.
00:04:26.720 - 00:04:29.280

Papanin rin Llankata Shutkuta.

papa-ni-n ri-n llanka-ta shutku-ta
father-EUPH-3 go-3 llanka-ACC shutko-ACC
Su papa va a Llanka y a Shutko.
His father goes to Llanka and Shutco.
00:04:29.360 - 00:04:31.500

Apuríkunatash rinqa.
Apurí-kuna-ta-sh ri-nqa
Apurí-PL-ACC-EVR go-3.FUT
Va a ir a Apurí, dicen.
He's going to go to Apurí, they say.
00:04:31.560 - 00:04:33.770

Pampa Rosario Pampa Rosariopatr trakran.

Pampa Rosario Pampa Rosario-pa-tr trakra-n
pampa rosario pampa rosario-LOC-EVC fields-3
En Pampa Rosario. Su chacra estará en Pampa Rosario.
In Pampa Rosario. His fields must be in Pampa Rosario.
00:04:34.700 - 00:04:39.000

Imayshi riyan Huancayota? Dumingutash dumingutash pasayan kaypaq.

imay-shi ri-ya-n Huancayo-ta Dumingu-ta-sh dumingu-ta-sh pasa-ya-n kay-paq
when-EVR go-PROG-3 Huancayo-ACC Sunday-ACC-EVR Sunday-ACC-EVR pass-PROG-3 DEM.P-ABL
¿Cuándo, dice, va a Huancayo? Dómingo, dicen. Va a irse de acá domingo, dicen.
When, they say, is he going to Huancayo? On Sunday, they say. On Sunday, they say, he's leaving from
00:04:43.800 - 00:04:49.510

"Dumingutam rishaq", nin.

Dumingu-ta-m ri-shaq ni-n
Sunday-ACC-EVD go-1.FUT say-3
"Domingo voy a ir", dijo.
"I'm going to go on Sunday," he said.
00:04:50.190 - 00:04:51.470

Cuando voy de acá voy de entrar a Ica. Para Aysa también dijo
Cuando voy de acá voy de entrar a Ica. Para Aysa, también, dijo
"When I leave here, I'm going to enter Ica. To Aysa, too," he said.
00:04:51.580 - 00:04:54.630

Tiya Donaqa ninshi.

Tiya Dona-qa ni-n-shi
Aunt Dona-TOP say-3-EVR
Tía Dona dijo, dice
Tía Dona said, they say.
00:04:56.190 - 00:04:57.300

Chay wasita arindaruy lusta paganapaq nin.

Chay wasi-ta arinda-ru-y lus-ta paga-na-paq ni-n
DEM.D house-ACC rent-URGT-IMP light-ACC pay-NMLZ-PURP say-3
"¡Ariénda esa casa para pagar la luz!" dijo
"Rent that house to pay the electric bill," he said.
00:04:57.820 - 00:05:00.610

Pasaypaq laqasanichu? Imaynataq arindarun?

pasaypaq laqa-sa-ni-chu imayna-taq arrenda-ru-n
completely stuck-PRF-1-Q how-SEQ rent-URGT-3
"¿Estoy completamente pegado?" ¿Cómo lo arrendaron?
Am I completely stuck? How did they rent it?
00:05:00.850 - 00:05:04.560

Es peligro. ¿Qué cosa? ¿Quién va a vivir?

Es peligro. ¿Qué cosa? ¿Quién va a vivir?
It's dangerous. What? Who's going to live there?
00:05:06.190 - 00:05:08.730

Ukupaqmi kayan pachariyamun.

Uku-paq-mi ka-ya-n pacha-ri-ya-mu-n
inside-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3 explode-PROG-CISL-3
Adentro está reventando
It's turned upside down inside.
00:05:09.050 - 00:05:11.770

Peor gente puede meterse. No sé. Wañupakushun runata hinashpa.

wañu-paku-shun runa-ta hinashpa
die-MUTBEN-1PL.FUT person-ACC then
peor, gente puede meterse. No sé. Podemos matar gente luego
Worse, people could get inside. I don't know. We could kill people then
00:05:12.000 - 00:05:16.330

Pitaq paganqa? Casa no vale.

pi-taq paga-nqa
who-SEQ pay-3.FUT
¿Quién va a pagar? La casa no vale nada.
Who's going to pay? That house isn't worth anything.
00:05:16.510 - 00:05:19.330

"Chayta arindakushun", nin.

chay-ta allin-ta-pis muna-n-chu
DEM.D-ACC good-ACC-ADD want-3-Q
"Debemos arrendarlo", dijo.
"We should rent it," he said.
00:05:19.410 - 00:05:21.600

"Lusta pagankimantri karqa, lusninta", niniyá.

Lus-ta paga-nki-man-tri ka-rqa-ø lus-ni-n-ta ni-ni-yá
light-ACC pay-2-COND-EVC be-PST-3 light-EUPH-3-ACC say-1-EMPH
"Hubieras debido pagar la luz, su luz", le dije pues
"You should have paid the electric bill, His electric bill", I said, then.
00:05:22.400 - 00:05:25.670

Arindakushun nin.
arinda-ku-shun ni-n
rent-REFL-1PL.FUT say-3
"Hay que arrendarlo", dijo
"We should rent it," he said.
00:05:26.620 - 00:05:28.080

Arindakushun pimanpis lusta pagananpaq nin.

arinda-ku-shun pi-man-pis lus-ta paga-na-n-paq ni-n
rent-REFL-1PL.FUT who-ALL-ADD luztalight-ACC pay-NMLZ-3-PURP say-3
"Hay que arrendarlo a quien que sea para que pague la luz".
We should rent it to whoever to pay the electric bill," he said.
00:05:28.110 - 00:05:30.030

Unn, pitaq yatranqa?

unn, pi-taq yatra-nqa
unn, who-SEQ live-3.FUT
¿Quién va a vivir [allí]?
Who's going to live [there]?
00:05:30.060 - 00:05:31.370

Eso corre riesgo.

Eso corre riesgo
That runs a risk.
00:05:31.420 - 00:05:32.770

Chaytrik payqa ultimuta kanan urapi.

chay-tri-k pay-qa ultimu-ta kanan ura-pi
DEM.D-EVC-K 3-TOP last-ACC now hour-LOC
Por eso, pues, ahora en la ultima hora él ---
That must be why, now, at the final hour, he
00:05:32.850 - 00:05:34.560

Chayna paymi trurakun paymi pagamunqa nin.

chay-na pay-mi trura-ku-n pay-mi paga-nqa ni-n
DEM.D-VRBZ 3-EVD save-REFL-3 3-EVD pay-3.FUT say-3
"Así, él se lo guarda, él va a pagar", dijo.
"Like that, he keeps it, he'll pay it," he said.
00:05:34.610 - 00:05:36.780

Qué sabe Ido, ya?

Qué sabe Ido, ya?
What does Ido know already?
00:05:36.830 - 00:05:37.450

Ayy, como sin nada yo esa casa encontré su agua desagua -- todito.
Ayya Yo encontré esa casa como sin nada -- ni agua ni desagua -- nada.
Ayyy, I found that house without anything -- water, plumbing -- nothing,
00:05:40.410 - 00:05:44.970

Tío Amador yo hice hacer estará diciendo él.

Tío Amador estará diciendo, "Yo hice hacer".
Uncle Amador must be saying, "I had it done."
00:05:46.290 - 00:05:49.110

Él no está esas fechas no está acá él. Pagachikuyantri.

Él no está esas fechas no está acá él. Se estará haciendo pagar
He's not around these days; he's not here. He must be getting paid.
00:05:50.430 - 00:05:53.800

Kanan chaykunatatr kay aklaranan kayan.

Kanan chay-kuna-ta-tr aklara-na-n ka-ya-n GG
now DEM.D-PL-ACC-EVC clarify-NMLZ-3 be-PROG-3
Ahora hay que aclarar todo eso.
Now all that has to be clarified.
00:05:54.890 - 00:05:57.890

Llabinta quykushaq.
llabi-n-ta qu-yku-shaq
key-3-ACC give-EXCEP-1.FUT
Voy a darle su llave.
I'm going to give him his key.
00:05:59.860 - 00:06:02.200

Esa casa no vale para arrendar.

Esa casa no vale para arrendar
That house isn't worth renting.
00:06:03.160 - 00:06:05.890

Peligro está. Chay timblur kaptin siqakaykamunmantri.

chay temblor ka-pti-n siqayka-mu-n-man-tri
DEM.D earthquake be-SUBDS-3 fall-CISL-3-COND-EVC
Es peligroso. Si hay terremoto, puede caerse.
It's dangerous if there's an earthquake, it could fall.
00:06:06.240 - 00:06:08.700

chay alkolniyta mana tapasanichu tapaykarapuway

chay alkol-ni-y mana tapa-sa-ni-chu tapa-yka-ra-pu-wa-y
DEM.D alcohol-EUPH-1 no cover-PRF-1-NEG cover-EXCEP-URGT-BEN-1.OBJ-IMP
No había tapado ese alcohol. Un favor -- tápamelo.
I hadn't capped that alcohol. Cap it for me!
00:06:08.840 - 00:06:11.510

Yatanpa tapan
Yata-n-pa tapa-n
side-3-LOC cover-3
La tapa está a su lado.
The top is next to it.
00:06:12.570 - 00:06:13.650

¿Kanan maytañatr kuriyan?

kanan may-ta-ña-tr kuri-ya-n
now where-ACC-DISC-EVC run-PROG-3
¿Ahora a dónde ya estará corriendo?
Now where could it be running already?
00:06:14.100 - 00:06:15.370

Imay urataq kayan? Las siytipaq ¿aw? Ah, faltayanraq.

Imay ura-taq ka-ya-n Las siyete-paq aw. Ah, falta-ya-n-raq.
when hour-SEQ be-PROG-3 the seven-LOC yes Ah, lack-PROG-3-CONT
Qué hora está? a las siete, sí. Ah, falta todavía.
What time is it? Seven o'clock, no? Ah, there's still more to go.
00:06:16.860 - 00:06:20.760

Uran karqachutr.
ura-n ka-rqa-ø-chu-tr
hour-3 be-PST-3-Q-EVC
Habrá sido su hora.
It must have been its time.
00:06:21.050 - 00:06:23.330

Chaqla chaqlantam riyan.

chaqla chaqla-n-ta-m ri-ya-n
stone.outcropping stone.outcropping-3-ACC-EVD go-PROG-3
Está yendo de piedra en piedra.
She's going from stone to stone.
00:06:24.030 - 00:06:26.160

trayaramun. trayaramunñam mikusanman, aw?

traya-ra-mu-n traya-ra-mu-n-ña-m miku-sa-n-man aw
arrive-URGT-CISL-3 arrive-URGT-CISL-3-DISC-EVD eat-PRF-3-ALL yes
Llegó. Ya llegó de a donde comió, ¿no?.
He's arrived. He's already arived where it ate.
00:06:27.080 - 00:06:30.700

00:06:32.200 - 00:06:33.750

Kay ura lluqsinman karqa chaychaqa tinkurunman karqa.

Kay ura lluqsi-n mana-m ka-rqa-ø chay-cha-qa tinku-ru-n-man ka-rqa-ø
DEM.P hour go.out-3 no-EVD be-PST-3 DEM.D-DIM-TOP find-PST-3-COND be-URGT-3
Hubiera debido sali a esa hora. Lo hubiera encontrado exacto.
He should have left at that time. He would have found it.
00:06:35.990 - 00:06:39.000

Kay chimpallapaq chuqayan, aw?

kay chimpa-lla-paq chuqa-ya-n aw
DEM.P front-RSTR-LOC toss-PROG-3 yes
De aquí frente no más estan botando, no?
They're making the offering right in front of here, no?
00:06:41.000 - 00:06:43.310

¿Pachankamachu? ¿Maykamatr ya?

pacha-n-kaman-chu may-kama-tr ya
ground-3-LIM-Q where-RSTR-EVC EMPH
Hasta su sitio? Hasta dónde ya?
Up to the same place? Or up to where to, then?
00:06:43.360 - 00:06:45.310

Maskashpatr rin.
maska-shpa-tr ri-n
look.for-SUBIS-EVC go-3
Buscando seguro irá.
He went looking, for sure.
00:06:45.890 - 00:06:47.690

Chayninta rinki. Siete veinte.

chay-ni-n-ta ri-nki siete veinte
DEM.D-EUPH-3-ACC go-2 seven twenty
Vas a ir por allí. Siete veinte.
You're going to go around there. Seven twenty.
00:06:47.770 - 00:06:50.690

Claro pues, eso es pago mínimo.

Claro pues, eso es pago mínimo.
Of course, that's minimum wage.
00:06:51.840 - 00:06:54.040

Ah, trurashpapis akasu aprindirun kichwata.

Ah, trura-shpa-pis akasu aprindi-ru-n kichwa-ta
Ah, save-SUBIS-ADD perhaps learn-URGT-3 Quechua-ACC
Ah, guardando acaso aprendió Quechua.
Ah, saving it, maybe she learned Quechua.
00:06:54.180 - 00:06:57.050

Ah, yo no yo no.
Ah, yo no yo no
Ah, I don't, I don't
00:06:57.270 - 00:06:58.640

¿Quien? ¿Nadies? Guardó no más ya-

¿Quien? ¿Nadie? Guardó no más ya-
Who? No one? Ah, he just saved it already.
00:06:58.680 - 00:07:00.010

Pero sin luz ya estaba. Yo no he prendido.

Pero no tenía luz. Yo no lo prendí.
But it was already without electricity. I didn't turn it on.
00:07:00.030 - 00:07:02.110

Kortawñatr karqa. Chay kortawpaq ima gastantañatr kayta kobrakunqa .
kortaw-ña-tr ka-rqa-ø chay kortaw-paq ima gasta-n-ta-ña-taq kobra-ku-nqa
cut-DISC-EVC be-PST-3 DEM.D cut-ABL what spend-3-ACC-DISC charge-REFL-3.FUT
Estaría cortado, ya, seguro. Ahora qué lo que gasta ya va a cobrarse?
It must be cut off already, for sure. Now, he's going to charge what he spent.
00:07:04.240 - 00:07:09.250

Total es gente.
Total es gente.
Pretty is as pretty does.
00:07:09.340 - 00:07:13.550

trakillay alliyaptin chayta rantikarushaq.

traki-lla-y alli-ya-pti-n chay-ta ranti-ka-ru-shaq
Cuando mi pie sane lo voy a vender.
When my foot gets better, I'm going to sell that.
00:07:13.780 - 00:07:15.830

Chawashiq lichillanrayku riymantri.

chawa-shi-q lichi-lla-n-rayku ri-y-man-tri
milk-ACMP-AG milk-RSTR-3-CAUS go-1-COND-EVC
Puedo ir a ayudar a lechear a cuenta de su leche.
I could go help milk on account of her milk
00:07:16.080 - 00:07:18.260

Wama wamaq sitinpis kakullasa. Arrastran.

wama wamaq siti-n-pis ka-ku-ya-sa
a.lot a.lot calf-3-ADD be-REFL-PROG-PRF
De total su becerro también era. Lo arrastran.
A whole lot -- It was her calf, too. They drag it.
00:07:20.380 - 00:07:23.160

Esa vaca bron pues ese.

Esa vaca bron pues ese
That cow is a bron, then, that one.
00:07:23.850 - 00:07:26.360

Tiene fuerza. De Doña Felicia.

Tiene fuerza. De Doña Felicia.
It's strong. Doña Felicia's.
00:07:26.480 - 00:07:30.410

Ima diyablu ya ñuqanchik kanchik animal shungo.

Ima diablu ya ñuqa-nchik ka-nchik animal shungo
what devil EMPH 1-1PL be-1PL animal heart
Por qué seremos pues nosotros que nos gusta los animales?
Why the devil do we like animals?
00:07:30.570 - 00:07:34.090

00:07:36.420 - 00:07:40.260

Kimsa wambrantin kayanshi.
kimsa wambra-ntin ka-ya-n-shi
three child-INCL be-PROG-3-EVR
Está con sus tres hijos, dicen
She's with her three children, they say.
00:07:40.840 - 00:07:43.330

Le he ayudado ya.
I've already helped.
00:07:44.770 - 00:07:46.400

Mikunanraykupis yanukunqatr.
Miku-na-n-rayku-pis yanu-ku-nqa-tr
A cuenta de su comida va a cocinar
On account of her food, she's going to cook.
00:07:46.480 - 00:07:49.870

Kaypapis mikunayta ganakuymantri yanapakushpaqa.

Kay-pa-pis miku-na-y-ta gana-ku-y-man-tri yanapa-ku-shpa-qa
Si quiero ayudar. aquí también podría ganar mi comida.
If I want to help. I could earn my food here, too.
00:07:50.030 - 00:07:54.720

Peyonin chaypa peyoninwan kuskan trayamun.

Peyon-ni-n chay-pa peyon-ni-n-wan kuska-n traya-mu-n
day.laborer-EUPH-3 DEM.D-LOC day.laborer-EUPH-3-INSTR together-3 arrive-CISL-3
Allí, con su peón. Llegó junto con su peón.
There, with his day laborer. He arrived together with his day laborer
00:07:55.720 - 00:07:58.370

Deliaqa ripusa naman Honoratush ripusa.

Delia-qa ripu-sa-ø na-man Honoratu-sh ripu-sa
Delia-TOP go-PRF-3 that-ALL Honoratu-EVR go-PRF
Delia se fue donde Honorato se fue, dicen.
Delia went where Honorato went, they say.
00:07:58.580 - 00:08:01.300

Tutas tutas sayarushpa pusharunqa pastu qawachiq. ¿Maytatri?

Tuta-s tuta-s pusha-ru-nqa pastu qawa-chi-q may-ta-tri
night-ADD night-ADD take-URGT-3.FUT pasture.grass look-CAUS-AG where-ACC-EVC-KI
Noche noche la ha llevado mostrarle pasto. ¿Dónde será?
At night, too, at night, too, he brought her to show her the pasture grass. Where in the world?
00:08:01.340 - 00:08:04.160

Honoratu rantikurqa. Chayman qawaq ripusa.

Honoratu rantiku-rqa-ø Chay-man qawa-q ripu-sa-ø
Honoratu sell-PST-3 DEM.D-ALL look-AG go-PRF-3
Honorato lo vendió. Se fueron allí a ver.
Honorato sold it. They went there to see.
00:08:04.260 - 00:08:07.310

Ñuqapis tiyakuni allqu anyawaptin.

Ñuqa-pis tiya-ku-ni allqu anya-wa-pti-n
1-ADD sit-REFL-1 dog bark-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3
Yo también me senté cuando el perro me ladró.
I, too, sat down when the dog barked at me.
00:08:07.880 - 00:08:10.560

Chaytaq hamuyasa altupaq qayamuwan hinaptin suyani.

Chaytaq hamu-ya-sa altu-paq qaya-mu-wan hinaptin suya-ni
DEM.D-SEQ come-PROG-PRF high-ABL call-CISL-1.OBJ-3 then wait-3
Estaba viniendo allí de arriba. Me llamó y me paré.
He was coming there from up high, then he called me and I stopped.
00:08:10.710 - 00:08:13.130

Chay nini wak chimpataña runa hamuyan

Chay ni-ni wak chimpa-ta-ña runa hamu-ya-n
DEM.D say-1 DEM.D front-ACC-DISC person come-PROG-3
Allí dije allá frente gente está viniendo
There, I said, in front, people are coming.
00:08:13.260 - 00:08:15.010

Chay peyonin kasa chay peyoninwan tiyakuyan.

Chay peyon-ni-n ka-sa chay peyon-ni-n-wan tiya-ku-ya-n
DEM.D day.laborer-EUPH-3 be-PRF DEM.D day.laborer-EUPH-3-INSTR sit-REFL-3
Era su peón. Estaba sentado con su peón.
It was his day laborer. He was sitting with his day laborer.
00:08:15.550 - 00:08:17.550

Peon pero kananqa avansayantriki usiyarun tukuy puntraw.

Peyon pero kananqa avansa-ya-n-tri-ki usiya-ru-n tukuy puntraw
day.laborer but now-TOP advance-PROG-3-EVC-KI clear.up-URGT-3 all day
Ya ahora el peon habrá avanzado seguro todo el día descampó.
A day laborer, but now they must be advancing, for sure, it cleared up all day.
00:08:24.500 - 00:08:27.360

Qampis avansarunki. Chayshari kanan naramun.

Qam-pis avansa-ru-nki Chay shari kanan na-ra-mu-n
2-ADD advance-.URGT-2 DEM.D- SHARI now that-URGT-CISL-3
Tu también avansarás. Por eso, dicen, ahora .ha hecho
You also advanced. That´s why, they say, they did that now.
00:08:27.380 - 00:08:29.250

Kay simana dimuraramun kumadri ¿manash? Ah, miriyenda

Kay simana dimura-ra-mu-n kumadri mana-sh Ah, miriyenda
DEM.P week tarry-URGT-CISL-3 comadre no-EVR Ah, dinner-
Esta semana demoraron, comadre ¿no dice? Ah, merienda.
This week, they took a long time, or not, comadre? Ah, dinner.
00:08:29.380 - 00:08:32.190

Mana manash rikarimunchu.

Mana mana-sh rikari-mu-n-chu
no no-EVR appear-CISL-3-NEG
No, no aparece, dicen.
No, he hasn't shown up, they say.
00:08:32.240 - 00:08:33.860

Chay yanukunankama tiyapakuptinchik.

chay yanu-ku-na-n-kama tiya-paku-pti-nchik
Haste que cocinara, estuvimos sentados
Until it cooked, we were sitting.
00:08:33.990 - 00:08:36.000

Jorge ruwamurqa tutaykunankama.

Jorge-qa ruwa-mu-rqa-ø tuta-yku-na-n-kama
Jorge-TOP make-CISL-PST-3 night-EXCEP-NMLZ-3-RSTR
Jorge ha trabajado hasta la nochecita
Jorje worked until it got dark.
00:08:36.470 - 00:08:38.720

"Tiyuymi mana rikarinchu hinaptin dimuraruni," niy!

tiyu-y-mi mana rikari-n-chu hinaptin dimura-ru-ni ni-y
uncle-1-EVD no appear-3-NEG then delay-URGT-1 say-IMP
"Mi tío no apareció. Por eso me demoré," ¡dí!
Say, "My uncle didn't show up -- that's why I took a long time."
00:08:38.840 - 00:08:41.870

"Kuska rishun" niyawanmiki. ¿Puyupaq imanataq qawanqa?

kuska ri-shun ni-ya-wa-n-mi-ki puyu-paq imana-taq qawa-nqa
together go-1.PL say-PROG-1.OBJ-3-EVD-KI fog-LOC how-SEQ see-3.FUT
"Vamos a ir junto", me está diciendo. ¿Pero en neblina cómo va a ver?
"Let's go together," she's saying to me. In the fog, how is she going to see?
00:08:42.360 - 00:08:45.140

Pastumanña vakayta wataykuyman

pastu-man-ña vaka-y-ta wata-yku-y-man
pasture.grass-ALL-DISC cow-1-ACC tie-EXCEP-1-COND
En pasto ya puedo amarrar mi vaca.
I can tie my cows up in pasture grass already.
00:08:45.490 - 00:08:47.270

Tinkurunki hinashpa Don Juanwan?

tinku-ru-nki hinashpa Don Juan-wan
find-URGT-2 then Don Juan-INSTR
¿Luego te encontraste con Don Juan?
Then you met with Don Juan?
00:08:47.810 - 00:08:49.840

Puriyan lliw trakranta qawashpa.

puri-ya-n lliw trakra-n-ta qawa-shpa
walk-PROG-3 all fields-3-ACC look-SUBIS
Está andando viendo todo su terreno.
He's walking around looking at all his fields.
00:08:54.920 - 00:08:56.680

Wak Puma Pukyo kinraykunapa uraykunapa lliwta.

wak Puma Pukyo kinray-kuna-pa uray-kuna-pa lliw-ta
DEM.D Puma Pukyo area-PL-LOC down.hill-PL-LOC all-ACC
Allá en Puma Pukyo todo arriba y abajo está andando..
There in Puma Pukyo, all up hill and all down hill -- everything.
00:08:56.820 - 00:08:59.490

Lliw lliwñash qawaramun.

lliw lliw-ña-sh qawa-ra-mu-n
all all-DISC-EVR look-URGT-CISL-3
Todo ya, dice, ha visto.
Everything, he's seen everything already, they say.
00:08:59.650 - 00:09:00.750

Hanaylaw Vicentipapis kayanmi.

hanay-law Vicenti-pa-pis ka-ya-n
up.hill-side Vicente-GEN--ADD be-PROG-3
Al lado de arriba también hay lo de Vicente.
Up hill, Vicenti's is, too.
00:09:01.640 - 00:09:03.280

Nin, "Tiyaykuy manam ..

ni-n tiya-yku-y mana-
say-3 sit-EXCEP-IMP no-EVD
Dijo, "Siéntate. No ...
He said, "Please sit. No ...
00:09:03.670 - 00:09:05.900

"Sayaptiyaykiqa GG arreglakamunmanchu."
saya-pti-ya-yki-qa arregla-ka-mu-n-man-chu
Cuando estás parado no va a haber arreglo.
When you're standing, it can't be fixed.
00:09:06.260 - 00:09:08.620

"Achkam dibiwanki" nin. Hinaptin, "Parlashun" nishpa sillata quwan.

achka-m dibi-wa-nki ni-n hinaptin parla-shun ni-shpa silla-ta qu-wa-n
a.lot-EVD owe-1.OBJ-2 say-3 then talk-1PL-FUT say-SUBIS chair-ACC give-1.OBJ-3
"Me debes mucho", dijo. Luego, "Hablémos", dijo y me dio una silla.
"You owe me a lot," he said. Then, "Let's talk," he said and gave me a chair.
00:09:08.880 - 00:09:13.330

Hinaptinmi tiyayarqa. Ñuqapaqtaqa [undecipherable] ñuqatapis sillarun hinashpa kutikumuniña.

hinaptin-mi tiya-rqa-ø ñuqa-paq-ta-qa ñuqa-ta-pis silla-ru-n hinashpa kuti-mu-ni-ña
then-EVD sit-PST-3 1-GEN.ACC.TOP 1-ACC-ADD stamp-URGT-3 then return-CISL.1.DISC
Después estaba sentado. Mío .... Puso su suello al mío también, luego vol vi ya.
Then he sat. My ... He stamped mine, too, then I came back.
00:09:14.620 - 00:09:23.970

Kanan ultimu niyawan Delia.

Kanana ultimu ni-ya-wa-n delia
now last say-PROG-1.OBJ-3 delia
Ahora ultimo me dijo Delia
Now, Delia told me last.
00:09:24.570 - 00:09:26.620

Hinaptin "Dyos miyo" nishpa hukvida lukikaramunña.

Hinaptin dios miyo ni-shpa luki-ka-ra-mu-n-ña
then God mine.M say-SUBIS crazy-REFL-URGT-CISL-3-DISC
Despues, "¡Dios mio!" dijo y se enloqueció completamente.
Then, "My God!" he said, and went totally crazy.
00:09:26.780 - 00:09:29.820

"¿Imaynataq mana traskiwanqaraqchu?" nirqani. Mentira estás diciendo.

imayna-taq mana traski-wa-nqa-raq-chu ni-rqa-ni
how-SEQ no receive-1.OBJ-3.FUT-CONT-NEG say-PST-1
"Cómo ya no me va a recibir?" dije. "Estás diciendo una mentira".
"How is he not going to receive me any more?" I said. "You're telling a lie."
00:09:30.892 - 00:09:35.542

Domingo, pues. Domingo va a decir.

Domingo, pues. Domingo va a decir.
Sunday, then. He's going to say on Sunday.
00:09:35.542 - 00:09:40.302

No tenía ni plata. Estoy preocupado cuando dijo, "¿Qué cosa te voy a cortar?" dijo.
No tenía ni plata. Estaba preocupado cuando dijo, "¿Qué cosa te voy a cortar?"
I didn't even have money. I was worried when he said, "What am I going to cut you?"
00:09:41.990 - 00:09:46.360

Allí [undecipherable]
00:09:46.580 - 00:09:49.480

Salvarushunki Shilli astawan, kumadri.

Salvarushunki Shilli astawan kumadri
save-URGT-1PL.FUT Shilli rather comadre
Te salvó más bien Shilli, comadre
Shilli saved you instead, comadre.
00:09:52.720 - 00:09:54.940

Pasaypaq ishkayninchik Celedoniawan.

pasaypaq ishkay-ni-nchik Celedonio-wan
completely two-EUPH-1PL Celedonio-INSTR
Total, [yo] y Celedonio, nosotros dos ...
Completely, the two of us, [me] and Celedonio...
00:09:57.910 - 00:10:04.590

wak lawninta kay lawninta pañashpapis algudon trawpillanta pushawaq

wak law-ni-n-ta kay law-ni-nta paña-shpa-pis algudon trawpi-lla-n-ta pusha-wa-q
DEM.D-side-EUPH-3-ACC DEM.P-side-EUPH-3-ACC pick-SUBIS-ADD cotton center-RSTR-3-ACC
Me llevaba pañando por la diricha por la izquierda, por el centro
He took me picking here and there, to the center.
00:10:04.768 - 00:10:08.768
Qarikunawan parlashpa yataypa pañaq rinantam munarqanichu. Hinashpa wak lawpaq kay lawpaq pushawaq.
qari-kuna-wan parla-shpa yata-y-pa paña-q ri-na-n-ta-m muna-rqa-ni-chu hinashpa wak law-paq kay law-paq
man-PL-INSTR talk-SUBIS side-1-LOC VV-AG go-NMLZ-ACC-EVD want-PST-1-NEG then
DEM.D-side-LOC DEM.P-side-LOC take-1.OBJ-AG
No quería cosechar con hombres conversando a mi lado. Después me llevaban por aquí y por allá
I didn't want to go pick with men talking next to me. So he took me here and there.
00:10:09.388 - 00:10:15.578

Parlapashuptiki kobrakayanki. Manam, manam.

Parla-pa-shu-pti-ki kobra-ku-ya-n mana-m mana-m
talk-BEN-2.OBJ-SUBDS-3 charge-REFL-PROG-2 no-EVD no-EVD
"Cuando te está hablando, te estás cobrando". No, no.
"While he's talking to you, you're charging." No, no.
00:10:15.630 - 00:10:17.440

Mamayqa huk vidam kakullaq. Ima maldisyaw chayqa

Huk vida-m ka-ku-lla-q ima maldisyaw chay-qa
one life-EVD be-REFL-RSTR-AG what damned DEM.D-TOP
Mi mamá era una recta. Qué maldecida es
My mother was very strict. What a devil she was!
00:10:17.450 - 00:10:19.800

Manam karnival pukllashpaqa pukllakullaq.

mana-m karnival puklla-shpa-qa puklla-ku-lla-q
no-EVD carnival play-SUBIS-TOP play-REFL-RSTR-AG
Cuando no jugaban carnaval, no más jugaban.
When they weren't playing carnaval, they were just playing.
00:10:19.830 - 00:10:22.610

Sekiyata rikuptiypis ishkayninmá hamuq hinashpa

Sekiya-ta ri-ku-pti-y-pis ishkay-ni-n-m-a hamu-q hinashpa
canal-ACC go-REFL-SUBDS-1-ADD two-EUPH-3-EVD-EMPH come-AG then
Cuando iba a la acequia también los dos venían
When I would to the canal, the two of them would come
00:10:23.650 - 00:10:25.840

Sikiyapipis puramintim taqsakachiwaq mas uquchiwasam

Sikiya-pi-pis puraminti-m taqsa-ka-chi-wa-q mas uqu-chi-wa-sa-m
canal-LOC-ADD completely-EVD wash-REFL-CAUS-1.OBJ-AG more wet-CAUS-1.OBJ-PRF-EVD
No me dejaban nada lavar en la acequia, más me hacían mojar
Totally, they wouldn't let me wash in the canal, rather, the would get me wet.
00:10:25.880 - 00:10:28.680

Wasiyta hamuruptiypis uquchiwaq. Huk vidatam wakwanqa pukllarirqani.

Wasi-y-ta hamu-ru-pti-y uqu-chi-wa-q Huk vida-ta-m wakwanqa pukllarirqani.
house-1-ACC come-URGT-SUBDS-1 wet-CAUS-1.OBG-AG one life-ACC DEM.D-INSTR-TOP
Cuando venía a casa me hacían mojar bastante. Con ellos he jugado.
When I would come home, the would get me wet. I played around with them.
00:10:29.090 - 00:10:32.070

Paypis ñuqapis sufrishaqtri. Wama wamqtam ñakachiwaq.
Pay-pis ñuqa-pis sufri-shaq-tri Wama wamqta ñakachiwaq
3-ADD 1-ADD suffer-1PL-EVC a.lot a.lot suffer-CAID-1.OBJ-AG
Él como yo también sufriremos. Total me hacía sufrir.
He and I, too, will suffer. He would make me suffer a lot.
00:10:32.940 - 00:10:36.280

Mana mana ima runawanpis parlaykushaqchu.

Mana mana ima runa-wan-pis parla-yku-shaq-chu
no no what person-INSTR-ADD talk-EXCEP-1.FUT-NEG
No, no voy a conversar con nadie.
No. I won't talk to anyone.
00:10:37.070 - 00:10:39.370

Pasaypaq baylipapis [undecipherable].

pasaypaq bayli-pa-pis
completely dance-LOC-ADD
Total, en los bailes también.
Totally, at dances, too.
00:10:40.090 - 00:10:42.470

Karuman winaramuwanchik hinashpa

Karu-man wina-ra-mu-wanchik hinashpa
far-ALL throw-URGT-CISL-3>1PL then
Nos echaron en un carro, después ...
They threw us into a bus, then ...
00:10:42.580 - 00:10:44.210

tiyay Shatu
tiya-y Shatu
aunt-1 shatu
Mi tia Shatu
My aunt Shatu.
00:10:45.520 - 00:10:47.230

kwidaykuyashunki, Tiyay Shatu

kwida-yku-ya-shunki Tiya-y shatu
care-EXCEP-PROG-3>2 aunt-1 shatu
Mitía Shatu te está cuidando.
My aunt Shatu is taking care of you.
00:10:47.500 - 00:10:49.230

De viejo.
An old man's.
00:10:49.320 - 00:10:51.680

Laptakuyan añaykukuwan.
lapta-ku-ya-n aña-yku-wa-n
get.mad-REFL-PROG-3 scold-EXCEP-1.OBJ-3
Está renegando. Me resondrió.
He's getting mad. He scolded me.
00:10:51.780 - 00:10:53.550

Kwidaykuyashunki alliallita kwidaykuyan

kwida-yku-ya-shunki alli-alli-ta kwida-yku-ya-n
care-EXCEP-PROG-3>2 good-good-ACC care-EXCEP-PROG-3
Te está cuidándo. Está cuidando bien
She's taking care of you well. Ah, she's taking care of you. She's taking good care.
00:10:53.590 - 00:10:54.620

Allallin kanan primuykuna alli-allin wakpaqmi

Alla-allin kanan primu-y-kuna alli-allin wak-paq-mi
good-good now cousin-1-PL good-good DEM.D-ABL-EVD
Ahora, muy bien. Mis primos de allí bien bien --
Really good. Now my cousins are really good from there.
00:10:54.660 - 00:10:57.430

Unginumanmi. ¿Imayman runawanpis --?

Unginu-man-mi imay-man runa-wan-pis
Unginu-ALL-EVD when-ALL person-ALL-ADD
Hacia Ungino. ¿Para cuando con gente también --?
Towards Ungino. ¿For when with people, too --- ?
00:10:57.590 - 00:11:00.550

Tushuptiypis alli-allita pegakuq.

Tushu-pti-y-pis alli-alli-ta pega-ku-q
dance-SUBDS-1-ADD good-good stick-REFL-AG
Cuando bailaba también bien bien me pegaba
When I danced, he stuck to me good,
00:11:01.220 - 00:11:03.810

Pushamuwaqyá awtuwan pushapakamuwaq hanay napaq.

Pusha-mu-waq ya awtuwan pusha-paka-mu-waq hanay na-paq
take-CISL-1.OBJ-AG EMPH auto-INSTR take-CISL-1.OBJ-AG up that-ABL
Me traía, pues. con auto. me traían arriba de-RSTR.
He brought me, then, in a car, they brought me up hill, from that.
00:11:03.960 - 00:11:06.730

Chay huk law wasiman pawaykuruq kani.

Chay huk law wasi-man pawa-yku-ru-q kani
DEM.D one-side house-ALL jump-EXCEP-URGT-AG be-1
Yo solía saltar hacia esa casa al otro lado.
I used to jump to that house on the other side.
00:11:07.420 - 00:11:10.460

huk law wasiman pawaykurushpa Ni kwartuymanchu pawaykuq kani.

huk law wasi-man pawa-yku-ru-shpa ni kwatru-y-man-chu pawa-yku-q ka-ni
DEM.D-side house-ALL jump-EXCEP-URGT-SUBIS nor room-1-ALL jump-EXCEP-AG be-1
Saltando hacia la casa al otro lado -- ni siquiera para mi cuarto saltaba.
Jumping to a house some place else, I didn't even used to jump to my room.
00:11:10.670 - 00:11:14.720

Asikullaq chay runa muyushpa kutimuq.

Asi-ku-lla-q chay runa muyu-shpa kuti-mu-q
laugh-REFL-RSTR-AG DEM.D person circulate-SUBIS return-CISL-AG
Esa persona se reía no más y dando vuelta se volvía
That person would laugh, going in circles. he'd come back.
00:11:15.130 - 00:11:18.190

Kananpis karrupis siqaykakamun.

Kanan-pis karru-pis siqayka-ka-mu-n
now-ADD car.ADD fall-REFL-CISL-3
Ahora también el carro también se cayó
Now, too, a bus fell.
00:11:18.290 - 00:11:20.210

Hinaptin muyushpa kutimun.

hinaptin muyu-shpa kuti-mu-n
then circulate-SUBIS return-CISL-3
Después dando vuelta regresó.
Then, going in circles, he came back.
00:11:20.320 - 00:11:21.490

Emilio fwerapi kidarun.

Emilio fwera-pi kida-ru-n
Emilio outside-LOC stay-URGT-3
Emilio se quedó afuera
Emilio stayed outside.
00:11:22.300 - 00:11:24.370

Ni mayman yaykusay yatrakunchu.

Ni may-man yayku-sa-y yatra-ku-n-chu
nor where-EVD-ALL enter-PRF-1 know-REFL-3-NEG
Ni sabían hacia donde yo había entrado.
They didn't know even where I had gone in.
00:11:24.410 - 00:11:26.180

Tiyay Shatu asikullaq. Wama-wamaq kakullarqa chaytam.

tiya-y shatu asi-ku-lla-q wama wamaq ka-ku-lla-rqa-ø chay-ta-m
aunt-1 Shatu laugh-REFL-RSTR-AG a.lot a.lot be-REFL-RSTR-PST-3 DEM.D-ACC-EVD
Mi tía Shatu se reía no más. Bien demás era.
My Aunt Shatu would just laugh. She was too much!
00:11:27.050 - 00:11:31.850

Día hasta mañana noche. ¿Con quién, qa?

Día hasta mañana noche. ¿Con quién, qa?
Today up to tomorrow night. With whom, eh?
00:11:32.000 - 00:11:35.060

Warmin wakhina gordam karqa.

warmi-n wak-hina gorda-m ka-rqa-ø
woman-3 DEM.D-COMP fat-EVD be-PST-3
Su mujer era así gorda.
His wife was fat like this.
00:11:35.230 - 00:11:37.880

Pasaypaqmi chay warmi waqarqa.
pasaypaq-mi chay warmi waqa-rqa-ø
completely-EVD DEM.D woman cry-PST-3
Totalmente lloraba esa mujer.
Completely, that woman cried.
00:11:38.046 - 00:11:40.816

Wak bandiduqa munarqachu manash wawayuqta.

wak bandidu-qa muna-rqa-ø-chu mana-sh wawa-yuq-ta
DEM.D bastard-TOP want-PST-3-NEG no-EVR baby-POSS-ACC
Ese maldito, dicen, no quiso a una [mujer] con bebé.
That bastard, they say, didn't want [a woman] with a baby.
00:11:40.966 - 00:11:44.636

Wawapakuqtriki kidaq
wawa-paku-q-tri-ki kida-q
baby-MUTBEN-AG-EVC-KI remain-AG
Madre soltera quedaba, seguro.-
She must have remained a single mother, for sure.
00:11:44.816 - 00:11:47.436

Hinatrik karqa swertiki.

Hina-tri-k ka-rqa-ø swerti-ki
thus-EVC be-PST-3 luck-2
Así sería tu suerte.
That's how your luck would be.
00:11:47.510 - 00:11:50.050

Ninmi pero no había estado.

Dijo pero no había estado
He said, but he hadn't been there.
00:11:50.300 - 00:11:52.790

Chay kanan asiq kani

Chay kanan asi-q ka-ni
DEM.D now laugh-AG be-1
Ahora solía reirme
Now I used to laugh.
00:12:07.990 - 00:12:09.150

Ungino nishpa ukupa tiyayani

Ungino ni-shpa uku-pa tiya-ya-ni
Ungino say-SUBIS inside-LOC sit-PROG-1
Ungino dijo. Estoy sentadal dentro
Ungino, he said. I'm sitting on the inside.
00:12:09.280 - 00:12:10.370

Kananqa lapichikun
kanan-qa lapi-chi-ku-n
now-TOP wrinkle-CAUS-REFL-3
Ahora está arrugado
Now it's wrinkling.
00:12:10.530 - 00:12:11.570

Ishkaynin. ¿Desde cuándo?

Los dos. ¿Desde cuando?
Both of them. "SInce when
00:12:17.360 - 00:12:18.530

llegó?" dije yo también.

llegó?" dije yo también¿
did he arrive?" I said, too.
00:12:18.620 - 00:12:19.990

Fuerte encontré a ése.

Fuerte encontré a ése.
I found that one strong.
00:12:20.010 - 00:12:20.800

Planta apashpa hamururqa ima nunka hamurqachu.

Planta apa-shpa hamu-ru-rqa-ø ima nunka hamu-rqa-ø-chu
Plant bring-SUBIS come-URGT-PST-3 what never come-CISL-PST-3-NEG
Vino llevando un árbol. Sino nunca vinieron
He came bringing a tree. Or did they never come?
00:12:20.880 - 00:12:23.250

Chumpantapis puloverta ruwaq kani ishkayninta.

Chumpa-n-ta-pis pulover-ta ruwa-q ka-ni ishkay-ni-n-ta
sweater-3-ACC-ADD pullover-ACC make-AG be-1 two-EUPH-3-ACC
Yo solía hacer chumpas y pulloveres los dos
I used to make sweaters and pullovers. Both.
00:12:23.340 - 00:12:25.600

Tiyarushpa kanan karupa.

Tiya-ru-shpa kanan karru-pa
sit-URGT-SUBIS now car-LOC
Me sentaba en lejos
Sitting now far away
00:12:33.120 - 00:12:34.070

Karu karuta rikun. Kanan primuy.

karu karu-ta ri-ku-n kanan primu-y
far far-ACC go-REFL-3 now cousin-1
lejos muy lejos se fue ahora mi primo
my cousin went far, far away now.
00:12:34.360 - 00:12:36.680

Kapas allinpis kayan.

Kapas allin-pis ka-ya-n
perhaps good-ADD be-PROG-3
Tal vez sea bueno.
Maybe it's good.
00:13:16.370 - 00:13:18.450

Paytri kayan mas akabaw.

pay-tri ka-ya-n mas akabaw
3-EVC be-PROG-3 more finished
Ése estará más acabado.
That'd be more finished.
00:13:19.150 - 00:13:22.680

Shipash kakullaq.
shipash ka-ku-lla-q
girl be-REFL-RSTR-AG
Era muchacha no más.
She was just a girl.
00:13:22.740 - 00:13:25.800

Ishkayninchik kayan kanan.

ishkay-ni-nchik ka-ya-n kanan
two-EUPH-1PL be-PROG-3 now
Nosotros dos estamos ahora.
Both of us are now.
00:13:25.910 - 00:13:28.060

Los chicos ya llegaría, pues.

Los chicos ya habrán llegado, pues.
The boys would have arrived already, then,
00:13:28.180 - 00:13:30.000

Kapas lliw lliwtri kayan

kapas lliw lliw-tri ka-ya-n
perhaps all all-EVC be-PROG-3
Tal vez estén todos.
Maybe they're all there.
00:13:30.650 - 00:13:32.100

Ay, pero. ¿Cómo extrañaba ... " Varyus kayan, aw? Varyus kayan.
Ay, pero. ¿Cómo extrañaba ... " Hay varios, ¿no? Hay varios.
Ay, but, How he missed her. There are several of them, no? There are several of them.
00:13:35.710 - 00:13:40.790

Cómo le extrañaba con celos todo, aso macho.

Cómo le extrañaba con celos todo, aso macho.
How he missed her, with jealousy and everything. Aso macho!
00:13:41.050 - 00:13:43.760

Mana kapas kitanakuq kayantri.

Mana kapas kita-naku-q ka-ya-n-tri
no-EVR perhaps leave-RECP-AG be-3.FUT-NEG
Quizás no habrá para quitar
Maybe there aren't any to take away.
00:13:55.470 - 00:13:57.120

Wasiytapis Celedonio rantirun.

Wasi-y-ta-pis Celedonio ranti-ru-n
house-1-ACC-ADD Celedonio buy-URGT-3
Celedonio compró mi casa, también
Celedonio bought my house, too.
00:13:57.280 - 00:13:59.880

Nietos tendrá. Witrayman varyus.

witray-man varyus
up.hill-ALL many
nietos tendrá. Hacia arriba hay varios.
He must have grandchildren. Up hill are several.
00:13:59.980 - 00:14:02.110

Ariyá pashñacha. Nietos ya no más pues ahora

Ari-ya pashña-cha
yes-EMPH girl-DIM
Sí pues, una chica. Nietos ya no más pues ahora-
Yes, yes, a little girl. Now just grandchildren, then.
00:14:02.200 - 00:14:04.730

Niyetollaña yari. Pero lliw lliw chay warmi wawankuna wawayuq imallatr lliw lliw.
Niyeto-lla-ña yari Pero lliw lliw chay warmi wawa-n-kuna wawa-yuq ima-lla-tr lliw lliw
Nietollañayarigrandchild-RSTR-DISC YA-RI but all all DEM.D woman baby-3-PL baby-POSS
what-RSTR-ACC all all
Su nieto no más ya. Pero todos sus hijos son mujeres. Todas tendrán hijos ya seguro.
Just his grandchild already. But all of his children are girls. They all must have children now, for sure.
00:14:04.820 - 00:14:08.250

Kenyollañatr kayan sapan. Soltero.

Kenyo-lla-ña-tr ka-ya-n sapa-n soltero
Kenyo-RSTR-DISC-EVC be-PROG-3 alone-3 single
Kenyo no más ya estará solo, soltero.
There's just Kenyo now who's alone, single.
00:14:09.730 - 00:14:11.850

Abelpis wawayuqchu ahh lliw wawayuqshi

Abel-pis wawa-yuq-chu ahh lliw wawa-yuq-shi
Abel-ADD baby-POSS ahh all baby-POSS
¿Abel tiene hijos? Ahh, todos tienen hijos, dicen.
Does Abel, too, have children? Ahh, They all have children, they say.
00:14:12.540 - 00:14:16.290

Warmillachu manachu? Qari kan hukpis? Uno hay pues.

Warmi-lla-chu mana-chu qari ka-n huk-pis
woman-RSTR-Q no-Q man be-3 one-ADD
¿Chicas no más o no? ¿No hay siquiera un varón? Hay uno, pues.
Just girls or not? Isn't there a single boy? There's one, then.
00:14:17.320 - 00:14:20.320

Kayanchu Celedoniopa? Limapi istudiyayan.

Ka-ya-n-chu Celedonio-pa Lima-pi istudiya-ya-n
be-PROG-3-Q Celidonio-GEN Lima-LOC study-PROG-3
¿Tiene Celedonio? Sí, está estudiando en Lima.
Does Celedonia have any? Yes -- studying in Lima.
00:14:20.550 - 00:14:23.150

Así. Kenyu. Manam riqsinichu

Mana-m riqsi-ni-chu
no-EVD be.acquainted-1-NEG
¿Sí? Kenyo. No lo conozco.
Yes? Kenyo. I don't know him.
00:14:23.340 - 00:14:25.700

Kenyo ayay ultimo será pues ése

Kenyo ayay ultimo será es ése
Kenyo, yaya. He would be the last.
00:14:25.930 - 00:14:28.500

Imay shungo chaytaq riki kuyakuyantri.

Imay shungo chay-taq ri-ki kuya-ku-ya-n-tri
what heart DEM.D-SEQ RI-KI love-REFL-3-EVC
¡Qué pobrecito! Ha de quererlo bastante.
Poor thing! He must love that one very much.
00:14:28.790 - 00:14:30.910

Unito no más, ¿no? Unito no más tiene.

Unito no más, ¿no? Unito no más tiene.
Just one, no? He has just one.
00:14:31.010 - 00:14:33.500

Kenyo, sí, pues, Kenyo ultimo maqtacha piru.

Kenyo Kenyo ultimo maqta-cha pero
Kenyo Kenyo last but
Ahh. sí pues, Kenyo era el último muchachito.
Kenyo, yes,then. Kenyo is the last boy, but
00:14:37.130 - 00:14:41.780

Mayor karqa wañurqatr.

Mayor ka-rqa-ø wañu-rqa-ø-tr
older be-PST-3 die-PST-3-EVC
Había un mayor. Se habrá muerto
There was an older one -- he must have died.
00:14:41.900 - 00:14:44.590

Qué va? Todo warmillash karqa. Milliso.

Todo warmi-lla-sh ka-rqa-ø Milliso.
all woman-RSTR-EVR be-PST-3 twin
¿Qué va? Eran todas mujeres, dicen. Millisos.
What's up? They were all girls, they say. Twins.
00:14:45.010 - 00:14:47.560

Mayqin ya kayan chay milliso. Millisonqa wañururqash huknin

Mayqin ya ka-ya-n chay milliso. milliso-n-qa wañuru-rqa-ø-sh huk-ni-n
which EMPH be-PROG-3 DEM.D twin-3-TOP twin-3-TOP die-URGT-PST-3-EVR one-EUPH-3
¿Cuál de ellos será el milliso? El otro de los millisos se murió, dicen.
Which one is the twin? The other twin died, they say.
00:14:47.820 - 00:14:51.570

Lisa creo. Ahh, chay chaytri kayan. Seguro

chay chay-tri ka-ya-n seguro
DEM.D DEM.D-EVC be-PROG-3 for.sure
Lisa creo. Ahhh. Será ésa. Seguro.
Lisa, I believe. Ah, It must be that one. For sure.
00:14:51.610 - 00:14:54.600

Lisa creo Milliso. Mabelchu

Milliso. mabel-chu
twin Mabel-Q
Lisa, creo. Millisos. ¿Mabel?
Lisa, I believe. Twins. Mabel?
00:14:55.350 - 00:14:58.220

Lisa nintri hina Mabelchu manam

Lisa ni-n-tri hina Mabel-chu manam
Lisa say-3-EVC COMP Mabel-Q no-EVD
Lisa dijo, creo. ¿Mabel? No.
Lisa, she said, I believe. Mabel? No.
00:14:58.500 - 00:15:00.930

¿Pero imaynataq? Milliso huknin wañukuptin...? Huk karqatr¡ hinam

Pero imayna-taq Milliso huk-ni-n wañu-ku-pti-n Huk ka-rqa-ø-tr hina-m
but how-SEQ twin one-EUPH-3 die-REFL-SUBDS-3 one be-PST-3-EVC thus-EVD
¿Pero cómo? Si el otro milliso se murió .. Era el otro, creo.
But how did the other one die? It was another, I think.
00:15:01.090 - 00:15:04.200

Ortigalpam wambran aw
Ortigal-pa-m wambra-n aw
Ortigal-LOC-EVD child-3 yes
Su hijo está en Oortigal, ¿no?
His son is in Ortigal, no?
00:15:04.290 - 00:15:06.110

Shillita ahh warmin. Kanan

Shilli-ta warmi-n kanan
Shilli-ACC woman-3 ahora
Shilli, ahh, su mujer. Ahora,
Shilli. Ahh, his wife. Now
00:15:06.940 - 00:15:10.780

Wañuq tiyay panan llunchuynin icha

wañu-q tiya-y pani-n llunchuy-ni-n icha
die-AG aunt-1 sister-3 or
La nuera de mi tía finada, tal vez.
My late aunt's daughter-in-law, maybe.
00:15:12.160 - 00:15:14.110

Piwan? tiyu Aquilespa churinpa

Pi-wan tiyu Aquiles-pa churi-n-pa
who-INSTR uncle Akiles-GEN child-3-GEN
¿Con quién? El hijo de Tío Alquiles.
With whom? Uncle Akiles's son's.
00:15:24.380 - 00:15:27.410

warmi wawan
warmi wawa-n
woman baby-3
Su hija.
His daughter.
00:15:27.800 - 00:15:29.440

Chinaywan ishkaynin karqa kulehyupa istudiashpa

China-y-wan ishkay-ni-n ka-rqa-ø kulehyu-pa istudia-shpa
China-1-INSTR two-EUPH-3 be-PST-3 study-SUBIS
Con mi China -- Los dos estaban en el colegio estudiando
With my China -- they were both in high school- studying
00:15:30.510 - 00:15:32.710

Tiyu Aquilespa churin kanan wañukunmi chay

Tiyu Aquiles-pa churi-n kanan wañu-ku-n-mi chay
uncle Akiles-GEN child-3 now die-REL-3-EVD DEM.D
El hijo de Tío Aquiles ahora falleció.
Uncle Akiles's son is dead now.
00:15:32.900 - 00:15:35.280

Irma. ¿Aykataq Irmapa wawanyá? Ése es.

Irma. Ayka-taq Irma-pa wawa-n ya.
Irma. how.many-ACC Irma-GEN baby-3 EMPH
Irma. ¿Cuántos hijos tiene Irma? Ése es.
Irma. How many children does Irma have? That's it.
00:15:35.390 - 00:15:38.920

De Irma su yerno, su nuera es Mabel.

El yerno, la nuera de Irma es Mabel.
Irma's son-in-law, her daughter-in-law is Mabel.
00:15:39.950 - 00:15:43.890

Kayanmi huk. Ah, chaytrik, aw. ¿Kanan kuskanchu hinalla piliyarunchu?

Ka-ya-n-mi huk. chay-tri-k aw. Kanan kuska-n-chu hina-lla piliya-ru-n-chu
be-PROG-3-EVD one DEM.D-EVC-K yes now together-3-Q thus-RSTR fight-URGT-3-Q
Allí hay uno. Ah, eso no? ¿Ahora están juntos así o se pelearon?
There's one there. Ah, that, for sure. Are they together like that or did they fight?
00:15:44.360 - 00:15:48.150

Siparakurunchu? Kuskan kayanmi piliyarushpa piliyarushpa kuskanmi.

Sipara-ku-ru-n-chu kuska-n ka-ya-n-mi piliya-ri-shpa piliya-ri-shpa kuska-n-mi
Separate-REFL-URGT-3-Q together-3 be-PROG-3-EVD fight-URGT-SUBIS fight-URGT-SUBIS
¿O se separaron? Juntos están peleando peleando también
Did they separate? They're together -- fighting all the time.
00:15:48.240 - 00:15:51.570

¿Pero wambra aykañatr? ¿Kimsa imaynatr kayan? Ah, kimsa warmichakamantaya..
Pero wambra ayka-ña-tr kimsa imayna-tr ka-ya-n kimsa warmi-cha-kaman-ta-ya
but child how.many-DISC-EVC three how-EVC be-PROG-3 three woman-DIM-LIM-ACC-EMPH
Pero cuántos hijos? ¿Cómo habrá tres? Ayay, tres niñas
But how many children? How are there going to be three? Ahh, three girls.
00:15:51.650 - 00:15:54.640

Pura mujeres
All girls.
00:15:54.770 - 00:15:56.380

Mujer no más.
Just girls.
00:15:56.660 - 00:15:57.990

¿Hay ... de uno de ellos hay un varoncito?

¿Tiene ... tiene un varoncito uno de ellos?
Does ... does one of them have a boy?
00:16:02.050 - 00:16:04.830

Mayqin chay warmi wambranpa. De Lisa

Mayqin chay warmi wambra-n-pa.
which DEM.D woman child-3-POSS
¿De cuál de ellos es la niña? . De Lisa.
Which one has the daughter? Lisa.
00:16:04.910 - 00:16:07.320

Ah, un varoncito tenía año pasado, ante año pasado.

Ah, tuvo un varoncito el año pasado o ante año pasado.
Ah, she had a boy last year or the year before.
00:16:07.420 - 00:16:10.230

De Lisa. De Nemesia es su nuera.

De Lisa. Es la nuera de Nemesia.
Lisa. She's Nemesia's daughter-in-law.
00:16:10.340 - 00:16:13.480

¿Nemesia? De Jirmi? Ah. De Jeremía es.

¿Nemesia? ¿De Jirmi? Ah. Es de Jeremina.
Nemesia? Jirmi's? Ah, It's Jeremina's.
00:16:14.030 - 00:16:17.070

No no es hijo de Jerimías. De Nemesia. Chaypa wawapakuninñatr.

chay-pa wawa-paku-y-ni-n-ña-tr
No, no es el hijo de Jeremías. Es deNemesia. Será su hijo natural
No. It's not Jeremías' son. It's Nemesia's. Her illegitimate child, for sure.
00:16:17.830 - 00:16:21.340

¡Katakuy, warmi!
Kata-ku-y warmi
manta-REFL-IMP woman
¡Pónte tu manta, mujer!
Put on your manta, woman!
00:16:21.410 - 00:16:23.950

¡Katakuy chay pulluta! Nemesia su wawapakuy -- Jorge.

Kata-ku-y- chay pullu-ta Nemesia wawa-paku-y Jorge.
manta-REFL-IMP DEM.D manta-ACC Nemesia baby-MUTBEN-INF Jorge.
¡Pónte esa manta! El hijo natural de Nemesia -- Jorje.
Put on that manta! Nemesia's illegitimate child -- Jorge.
00:16:25.230 - 00:16:28.810

Ah, imakunayá sutin? "Tiya, tiya", niwan. Ni riqsinichu

Ah, ima-kuna-ya suti-n tiya tia ni-wa-n ni riqsi-ni-chu
Ah, what-PL-EMPH name-3 aunt aunt say-1.OBJ-3 nor be.acquainted-1-NEG
Ah, ¿cómo todo se llamará? "Tía, tía" me dice. Ni los conozco.
Ah, What all's her name? "Tía, Tía," the say to me. I don't even know them.
00:16:29.560 - 00:16:32.330

Chaypa churichanmi qari.

chay-pa churi-cha-n-mi qari
DEM.D-LOC child-DIM-3-EVD man
Su nieto es varón.
His grandchild is a boy.
00:16:32.390 - 00:16:34.720

Ah, chay huk kayan chay warmipa qarillash.

Ah, chay huk ka-ya-n chay warmi-pa qari-lla-sh
Ah, DEM.D one be-PROG-3 DEM.D woman-GEN man-RSTR-EVR
Ah, ése. Hay otra. Esa mujer tiene varones, no más, dicen.
Ah, that one. There's another. That woman has just boys, they say.
00:16:34.860 - 00:16:38.200

Ah, Ceciliapa.
Ah, Cecilia-pa
Ah, Cecilia-GEN
Ah, de Cecilia.
Ah, Cecilia's.
00:16:38.310 - 00:16:40.570

Tawachu kayan? Tawatr kayan warmi. Silvia

Tawa-chu ka-ya-n tawa-tr ka-ya-n warmi Silvia
four-Q be-PROG-3 four-EVC be-PROG-3 woman Silvia
¿Hay cuatro? Habrán cuatro mujeres. Silvia
Are there four? There must be four girls. Silvia.
00:16:40.670 - 00:16:43.210

Silviayá sutin chayqa.

Silvia ya suti-n chay-qa
Silvia EMPH name-3 DEM.D-TOP
Ésa se llama Silvia, pues.
That one's named SIlvia, then.
00:16:43.330 - 00:16:45.130

Chaytriki mayornin mayor. Mamanpa sutin, sutiyuq.

Chay-tri-ki mayor-ni-n mayor mama-n-pa suti-n suti-yuq
DEM.D-EVC-KI older-EUPH-3 older mother-3-GEN name-3 name-POSS
Ésa será su mayor. Mayor. Lleva el nombre de su mama.
That one must be her oldest. Ah, her mother's name is her name.
00:16:45.210 - 00:16:48.570

Grande hija mujer tiene.

Tiene una hija grande.
She has a big [old] daughter.
00:16:48.630 - 00:16:50.780

Huklla chayllam chaypa kanan huk hukmiki

Huk-lla chay-lla-m chay-pa kanan huk huk-m-iki
Ella tiene unito no más ahora. Uno. Sí, uno.
She's got just one now. One. One.
00:16:50.850 - 00:16:53.400

Hestayan niyarqachu hina. Pero hatuntri wambranqa kayan.

Hesta-ya-n ni-ya-rqa-ø-chu hina Pero hatun-tri wambra-n-qa ka-ya-n
be.pregnant-PROG-3 say-PROG-PST-3-Q COMP but big-EVC child-3-TOP be-PROG-3
Está embarrazada, estaban diciendo, creo. Pero su hija ya estará grande
She's pregnant, they were saying, I believe. But her daughter must be big already.
00:16:53.440 - 00:16:57.260

Chivito chivito. Mi promocion era.

Chivito chivito. Mi promocion era.
Small, small. He was in my graduating class.
00:16:58.230 - 00:17:00.370

¿Promosyunikichu? Unn.
promosyun-iki-chu unn
graduating.class-2-Q unn
¿Tu promoción? Unn.
Your graduating class? Unnn.
00:17:00.580 - 00:17:02.150

Promosyuny -- kuskaymi puchukarqani.

promosyuny kuska-y-mi puchuka-rqa-ni
graduating.class together-1-EVD finish-PST-1
Mi promoción -- terminamos juntos.
My graduating class. We finished together.
00:17:03.040 - 00:17:06.140

Así? Chayna ...

¿Así? Así ...
Is that right? So ...
00:17:07.210 - 00:17:10.540

Chay karqa ma [undecpherable]

Chay ka-rqa-ø ma
Éso había, pues
That was
00:17:10.770 - 00:17:13.220

Hagámos pasar ya.
Let's let them leave already.
00:17:13.480 - 00:17:16.120

Habrá pasado ya.
He must have left already.
00:17:16.170 - 00:17:17.440

Reyunyunkunapash ishkayninchik manisirqanchik

Reyunyun-kuna-pa-sh ishkay-ni-nchik manisi-rqa-nchik
reunion-PL-LOC-EVR two-EUPH-1PL stay.awake-PST-1PL
En las reuniones, dice, los dos nos amanacimos.
In the reunions, they say, the two of us stayed up all night.
00:17:17.700 - 00:17:20.190

Ishkaynin. Primullay Ortigalpaq trayaruptinqa

ishka-ni-n Primu-lla-y Ortigal-paq traya-ru-pti-n-qa
two-EUPH-3 cousin-RSTR-1 Ortigal-ABL arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
Los dos. Cuando mi primo de Ortigal llegó ...
Both of them. When my cousin from Otigal arrived ...
00:17:20.540 - 00:17:24.140

"¿Mayyyymi Jacinta?" niwan

Mayyyy-mi Jacinta ni-wa-n
where-EVD Jacinta say-1.OBJ-3
"¿Dóooonde está Jacinta?" me dijo.
"Where is Jacinta" he said to me
00:17:24.250 - 00:17:26.250

Kanan wambrayuq. Hamunñachu.

Kanan wambra-yuq hamu-n-ña-chu
now child-POSS come-3-DISC-Q
Ahora tiene niño. Ya no viene
Now she's got a baby. She doesn't come any more.
00:17:26.290 - 00:17:28.530

Chaylla chay wambran kasa chaypa.
Chay-lla chay wambra-n ka-sa-ø chay-pa
Ésos no más son sus hijos.
That's all her children.
00:17:28.640 - 00:17:30.880

Seis y treinta y cinco recién.

Seis y treinta y cinco recién.
Just past six thirty-five.
00:17:31.010 - 00:17:32.850

Chayta imatr munarqa.

Chay-ta ima-tr muna-rqa-ø
DEM.D-ACC what-EVC want-PST-3
Éso seguro habrá querido
He wanted that, for sure.
00:17:32.990 - 00:17:34.440

Inti siqaykuyaptin imanatriki.

inti siqayku-ya-pti-n ima-na-tri-ki
sun fall-PROG-SUBDS-3 what-VRBZ-EVC-KI
Cuando está ocultando el sol, ¿qué hará?
What will he do when the sun sets?
00:17:34.520 - 00:17:36.450

Ya, llegaría ya. Ya llegó pues.

Ya, llegaría ya. Ya llegó pues.
They should be getting there already. They already got there, then.
00:17:36.540 - 00:17:39.420

Diez para la siete, pues.

Diez para la siete, pues.
Ten to seven, then.
00:17:41.950 - 00:17:43.870

Suyanqaraqtriki ah suyanqaraqtriki
Suya-nqa-raq-tri-ki ah suya-nqa-raq-tri-ki
wait-3.FUT-CONT-EVC-KI ah wait-3.FUT-CONT-EVC-KI
Esperarán todavía, seguro. Ah, esperarán todavía, seguro.
They'll wait still, for sure. Ah, They'll wait still, for sure.
00:17:44.070 - 00:17:47.120

Ah, ses. Siyeti trayarunshari.

Ah, ses. Siyeti traya-ru-n-sha-ri
Ah, six seven arrive-URGT-3-EVR-RI
Ah, las seis. Llegaron a las siete, dicen, pues.
Ah, six o'clock. They got there at seven, they say, then.
00:17:47.280 - 00:17:50.310

Suyanqaraqtriki. ¿Qué va? Suyanqaraqtriki.

suya-nqa-tri-ki suya-nqa-raq-tri-ki
Va a esperar todavía, seguro. ¿Qué va? Van a esperar todavía, seguro.
They're going to wait still, for sure. What's up? They're going to wait still, for sure.
00:17:50.780 - 00:17:53.810

Irmaqa wañukunmi nin. Ayka watañatr?

Irma-qa wañu-ku-n-mi ni-n ayka wata-ña-tr
Irma-TOP die-REFL-3-EVD say-3 how.many year-DISC-EVC
Irma se falleció, dijeron. ¿Cuántos años ya [tendrá]?
Irma passed away, they say. How old would she be?
00:17:56.200 - 00:17:59.390

Ima shipash warmi!

Ima shipash warmi
what girl woman
¡Que mujer joven!
What a young woman!
00:17:59.740 - 00:18:03.180

Wamaq wamaqmi.
wamaq wamaq-mi
a.lot a.lot-EVD
Bastante, bastante.
A whole lot.
00:18:03.390 - 00:18:05.630

Imaynash pero? Unquywan? Wawakushpa?

Imayna-sh pero unqu-y-wan wawa-ku-shpa
how-EVR but be.sick-INF-INSTR baby-REFL-SUBIS
¿Cómo pero? ¿Con enfermedad? ¿Dando luz?
But how? From some sickness? Giving birth?
00:18:05.860 - 00:18:09.170

Qarinshi diyabluman itregaykurusa. Siyertuchu? Imaynaya?

Qari-n-shi diyablu-man itrega-yku-ru-sa Siyertu-chu imayna-ya.
man-3-EVR devil-ALL deliver-EXCEP-REFL-PRF-3 true-Q how-EMPH
Su esposo, le había entregado al diablo, dicen. ¿Será verdad o cómo será?
Her husband delivered her to the devil, they say. Is it true? How would it be?
00:18:09.930 - 00:18:12.530

Menospawsyawanshi karqa.
Menospawsya-wan-shi ka-rqa-ø
Menopause-INSTR-EVR be-PST-3
Estaba con su menopausia, dicen.
She was in menopause, they say.
00:18:13.050 - 00:18:14.720

Ah, chaytatriki mana ...

Ah, chay-ta-tri-ki mana
Ah, eso seguro no ....
Ah, that, for sure, she didn't ....
00:18:15.370 - 00:18:18.070

no la cuidó.
take care of her.
00:18:18.170 - 00:18:19.910

Mana pusharqachu distrayiq

Mana pusha-rqa-ø-chu distrayi-q
no take-PST-3-NEG distract-AG
No la llevó a distraerse
He didn't take her to amuse herself
00:18:20.200 - 00:18:22.180

fiystakunaman. Mana alimentachirqachu.

fiysta-kuna-man mana alimenta-chi-rqa-ø-chu
festival-PL-ALL no feed-CAUS-PST-3-NEG
para las fiestas. No le ha dado buena alimentación.
to the festivals. He didn't feed her well.
00:18:22.230 - 00:18:25.560

rabyayaruptinchik huk vidash hamukullan. Ah, chaytaq nash

Rabiaya-ya-ru-pti-nchik huk vida-sh hamu-ku-lla-n ah, chay-taq na-sh
anger-INCH-URGT-SUBDS.1PL one life-EVR come-REFL-RSTR-3 ah, DEM.D-SEQ that-EVR
Cuando nos da cólera bastante dice viene. Ah, de allí más, dice,
When we get mad, they say, it comes a lot. Ah, so, they say, ...
00:18:25.660 - 00:18:29.000

Hay ahora pero medicina para ese menopausia.

Hay ahora pero medicina para ese menopausia.
But now there's medicine for menopause.
00:18:29.180 - 00:18:32.730

Menospawsyawan kayan.
Menospawsya-wan ka-ya-n
menopause-INSTR be-PROG-3
Está con menopausia.
She's in menopause.
00:18:34.420 - 00:18:37.530

Chaypaqmi kayan ... manañam mana rimarinchu.

Chay-paq-mi ka-ya-n mana-ña-m mana rima-ri-n-chu
Por eso hay --- Ya no hablan [de-RSTR].
That's why there is ... They don't, they don't talk about it.
00:18:38.140 - 00:18:41.000

rabyachirqatriki mana nata trankiluchu.

rabya-chi-rqa-ø-tri-ki mana na-ta trankilu-chu
anger-CAUS-PSST-3-EVC-KI no that-ACC calm-NEG
Le habrá hecho enojarse, seguro. No estaba tranquila.
He must have made her mad, for sure. She wasn't calm.
00:18:42.130 - 00:18:45.800
karqa. Priykupasyun, rabya chukaruchuwantri, lukupis lluqsiruchuwantri.
ka-rqa-ø priykupasyun rabya chuka-ru-chuwan-tri luku-pis lluqsi-ru-chuwan-tri
be-PST-3 worry anger crash-URGT-1PL.COND-EVC crazy-ADD come.out-URGT-1PL.COND-EVC
La preocupación y la cólera nos pueden chocar [enfermar]. Podemos volvernos locos, también.
Worry and anger can hit us [and make us sick]; we could go crazy, too.
00:18:45.840 - 00:18:50.390

pubri mana alliyaytapis [atiparqachu]

pubri mana alli-ya-y-ta-pis
poor no good-INCH-INF-ACC-ADD
Pobre, no [pudo] sanarse.
Poor thing! She [couldn't] get better.
00:18:50.480 - 00:18:53.850

Nishpa hamunyá Erfilio.

ni-shpa hamu-n ya Erfilio
say-SUBIS come-3 EMPH Erfilio
Viene Erfilio, dijo.
Erfilio is coming, he said.
00:18:58.080 - 00:19:00.600

Chay bulsachata alkansamuy. Chaymi, este ...

Chay bulsa-cha-ta alkansa-mu-y
Esa bolsita ¡alcánsamelo!
Hand that bag to me!
00:19:00.940 - 00:19:03.620

pitaq kaypa yatran hampiyta

pi-taq kay-pa yatra-n hampi-y-ta
who-SEQ DEM.P-LOC know-3 cure-INF-ACC
¿Quién aquí sabe curar?
Who here knows how to cure?
00:19:03.760 - 00:19:05.530

Iduta sino ninmá.

Idu-ta sino ni-n má
Ido-ACC rather say-3 say-1-EVD-EMPH
A Eudosia sino, dijo.
Eudosia if not, she said.
00:19:05.670 - 00:19:07.950

hinashpa qayaykurunimá . . . maskan

hinashpa qaya-yku-ru-ni-má maska-n
then call-EXCEP-URGT-1-EVD-EMPH look.for-3
Después le pasé la voz . . . sortea.
Then I called her. She reads cards.
00:19:08.350 - 00:19:12.140

ooh, qamqa yatrayanki imawan unqusatapis warmiki.

qam-qa yatra-ya-nki ima-wan unqu-sa-ta-pis warmi-ki
2-TOP know-PROG-2 what-INSTR be.sick-PRF-ACC-ADD woman-2
ooh, "Ud. está sabe con qué se enfermó tu esposa".
Oooh, "You know with what your wife got sick."
00:19:13.750 - 00:19:17.440

Asss, ¿Y qué dijo?

Asss, ¿Y qué dijo?
Asss. And what did he say?
00:19:17.840 - 00:19:19.270

"Istansyaykim ...
"Tu estancia.
"Your ranch ...
00:19:20.220 - 00:19:21.750

istansyayki mayu patanpi hatun rumi ...

istansya-yki-m mayu pata-n-pi hatun rumi
ranch-2-EVD river bank-3-LOC big stone
"En tu estancia en orilla del río hay una piedra grande ..
"At your ranch, on the bank of the river, there's a big stone ...
00:19:22.060 - 00:19:25.800

rumichu ima qaqachu

qumi-chu ima qaqa-chu
stone-Q what cliff-Q
una piedra o una peña
a stone or a cliff
00:19:25.970 - 00:19:28.130

kayan", nin.
ka-ya-n ni-n
be-PROG-3 say-3
hay", dijo.
is there," she said.
00:19:28.200 - 00:19:29.650

"¿Chaypa imatataq ruwarqa?" ninyá.

chay-pa ima-ta-taq ruwa-rqa-ø ni-n ya
DEM.D-LOC what-ACC-SEQ make-PST-3 say-3 EMPH
"Qué hizo allí?" dijo, pues
"What did he do there?" she said.
00:19:30.190 - 00:19:34.380

Chaypish taqsakurusa.
chay-pi-sh taqsa-ku-ru-sa-ø
Había lavado allí, dicen
She had washed there, they say.
00:19:35.310 - 00:19:37.240

Chaymi hapin. Chay rumiqa alli allin, dijo.

chay-mi hapi-n chay rumi-qa alli allin
DEM.D-EVD grab-3 DEM.D stone-TOP good good
"Ésa la agarró. Esa piedra es bien malo", dijo.
"That one grabbed her. That stone is really bad," she said.
00:19:43.030 - 00:19:46.970

Ishkay ... ishkay turu barroso chaypa kayan.

ishkay ishkay toro barroso
two two bull mud
Dos. Dos toros barrosos están allí.
Two ... there are two mud-colored bulls there.
00:19:47.980 - 00:19:52.040

¿Ima inkantutriki?
ima inkantu-tri-ki
what ghost-EVC-KI
¿Qué encanto será?
What phantom would it be?
00:19:52.630 - 00:19:54.440

Celedonio. Ah,
Celedonio. Ah.
Celedonio. Ah.
00:19:54.530 - 00:19:56.650

Alli allin chay ...

alli allin chay
good good DEM.D
"Mal mal ése
"Bad, bad that
00:19:56.730 - 00:19:58.160

rumikiqa, ninmá
rumi-ki-qa ni-n-m-á
stone-2-TOP say-3-EVD-EMPH
tu piedra, dijo, pues.
stone of yours, she said, then.
00:19:58.230 - 00:20:01.460

Chayma Iduta nin, "¡Hampirapuway!" nin.

chay-ma Idu-ta ni-n hampi-ra-pu-wa-y
Por eso, pues, dijo a Ido, "Cúramelo", dijo.
That's why, then, he said to Ido, "Cure her for me," he said.
00:20:01.790 - 00:20:04.850

Iduqa piyensanman
Idu-qa piyensa-n-man
Ido-TOP think-3-COND
Ido puede pensar
Ido could think ...
00:20:06.320 - 00:20:09.450

"Ya", dijo.
"Ya", dijo.
"Enough," she said.
00:20:10.840 - 00:20:13.340

"Chay hamushaq Ortigalta", nin.

chay hamu-shaq Ortigal-ta ni-n
DEM.D come-1.FUT Ortigal-ACC say-3
"Voy a venir a Ortigal", dijo
"I'll come to Ortigal," she said.
00:20:13.580 - 00:20:17.020

"Chaykunata chaykunata listanki lliw lliwta.

chay-kuna-ta chay-kuna-ta lista-nki lliw lliwta
DEM.D-PL-ACC DEM.D-PL-ACC ready-2 all all-ACC
"Esas cosas, esas cosas vas a listar todo todo".
"You're going to get all those things ready -- absolutely everything."
00:20:17.230 - 00:20:20.270

tres qawachinanpaqtri karqa

tres qawa-chi-na-n-paq-tri ka-rqa-ø
three see-CAUS-NMLZ-3-PURP-EVC be-PST-3
Habrá sido para hacer ver a tres
It must have been to have three see.
00:20:21.310 - 00:20:23.730

ri-n ya
go-3 EMPH
Se fue, pues..
She went, then.
00:20:24.030 - 00:20:25.650

Chay sikipichay las tresta karqa.

chay sikipichay las tres-ta ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D clothes.burning the three-ACC be-PST-3
Ese sikipichay era a las tres.
The sikipichay was at three.
00:20:26.570 - 00:20:28.890

Chay imatr. Chay imatriki.

chay ima-tr chay imatriki
DEM.D what-EVC DEM.D what-EVC-KI
Éso de repente será. De repente será.
Perhpas it's that. Perhaps that.
00:20:29.010 - 00:20:31.410

Chay rin Idu, ¿manachu? Manash tarichikunchu.

chay ri-n Ido mana-chu mana-sh tari-chi-ku-n-chu
DEM.D go-3 Ido no-EVR no-EVR find-CAUS-REFL-3-NEG
Allí se fue Eudosia, ¿ó no? No se dejó de encontrar, dice.
Ido went there, or didn't she? He didn't let himself be found, they say.
00:20:31.560 - 00:20:34.770

Chay runa? mmm, Ortigalpa.
Chay runa mmm, Ortigal-pa
DEM.D person mmm, Ortigal-LOC
¿Esa gente?. Mmmm, en Ortigal.
That person? Mmmm. in Ortigal.
00:20:34.920 - 00:20:37.330

swegrallan kasa.
swegra-lla-n ka-sa-ø be-PRF-3
Su suegra no más estaba
Just her mother-in-law was there.
00:20:37.960 - 00:20:39.830

"Manam kanchu." "¿Maytatr rikun?" nin.

mana-m ka-n-chu may-ta-tr ri-ku-n ni-n
no-EVD be-3-NEG where-ACC-EVC go-REFL-3 say-3
"No hay." "¿A dónde se habrá ido,?" dijo.
"There aren't any." "Where would they have gone?" he said.
00:20:40.060 - 00:20:42.390

La una, onsellata kaypaq rin Ido.

la una onse-lla-ta kay-paq ri-n Ido
the one eleven-RSTR-ACC DEM.D-ABL go-3 Ido
A la una . . . las once no más Ido se fue de acá.
At one o'clock, just eleven o'clock, Ido left here.
00:20:42.540 - 00:20:45.680

Todo warmilla kikinpis

todo warmi-lla kiki-n-pis
all woman-RSTR self-3-ADD
Todas mujeres no más. Ella misma, también
All girls. She herself, too,
00:20:46.120 - 00:20:48.190

Ahh, onsellata rin hinashpaqa

Ahh onse-lla-ta ri-n hinashpa-qa
Ahhh eleven-RSTR-ACC go-3 then-TOP
A las once no más se fue después
Ahh, she went just at eleven o'clock, then ...
00:20:48.290 - 00:20:51.180

"Unata apashun", ninyá, "Ishkay uraqa". nin

Una-ta apa-shun ni-n ya ishkay ura-qa ni-n
one-ACC bring-1PL.FUT say-3 EMPH two hour-TOP say-3
"A la una lo vamos a llevar", dijo pues. "Dos horas," dijo.
"We'll bring it at one o'clock," she said, then. "In two hours," she said.
00:20:52.180 - 00:20:55.120

"Unata apashun", hinashpa ...

una-ta apa-shun
one-ACC bring-1PL.FUT
"A la una lo llevaremos", después ...
"We'll bring it at one o'clock," then ...
00:20:55.200 - 00:20:57.800

"Las tresta qawchinanchikpaq", nin.

las tres-ta qawchi-na-nchik-paq ni-n
the three-ACC throw-NMLZ-1PL-PURP say-3
"Para poder botar as las tres", dijo
"So that we can make the offering at three o'clock," she said.
00:20:58.070 - 00:21:00.920

"Bullatr lluqsirunqa", nin. Ukuykita puriyan.

Bulla-tr lluqsi-ru-nqa ni-n uku-yki-ta puri-ya-n
noise-EVC come.out-URGT-3.FUT say-3 inside-2-ACC walk.-PROG-3
"Va a salir bulla", dijo. Por tu dentro está caminando.
"It's going to make noise," he said. He's walking on the inside of your [fields].
00:21:00.980 - 00:21:04.430

Tirmu siqaykurun.
tirmu siqayku-ru-n
thermos fall-URGT-3
Termo se cayó.
The thermos fell.
00:21:04.610 - 00:21:08.070

Manash tarichikunchu.
mana-sh tari-chi-ku-n-chu
No se dejó de encontrar, dicen.
He wouldn't let himself be found, they say
00:21:09.500 - 00:21:11.950

Siyertu. ¿Imatr qaraykururqa?

siyerto ima-tr qara-yku-ru-rqa-ø
true what-EVC serve-EXCEP-URGT-PST-3
De verdad. De repente lo pagó.
True. Maybe he made the offering.
00:21:12.650 - 00:21:14.430

Chayma nin. Siyertumpi -- imatr trayaramun.

chay-ma ni-n siyertumpi ima-tr traya-ra-mu-n
DEM.D-EVD-EMPH say-3 true what-EVC come-URGT-CISL-3
Por eso, dijo. De verdad -- de repente llegó.
That's why, he said. It's true -- maybe he got there.
00:21:14.960 - 00:21:17.660

Ahh, Iduqa nin. Ushchiwaqchu?

Ahh, Idu-qa ni-n ushchi-waq-chu
Ahh, Ido-TOP say-3 be-able-2.COND-Q
Ahh. Ido le dijo, "¿Podrás?"
Ahh, Ido said to him, "Will you be able to?"
00:21:17.700 - 00:21:20.980

turuyqa pendehum.
turu-y-qa pendehu-m
bull-1-TOP damned-EVD
"Mi toro es liso."
"My bull is a pain in the ass."
00:21:21.440 - 00:21:23.570

Mansayta ushchiwaqchu?
mansa-y-ta ushchi-waq-chu
"¿Podrás mansarlo?"
"Could you tame him?"
00:21:23.630 - 00:21:25.400

he said
00:21:25.480 - 00:21:26.720

Iduta ... Chay runa? Annn, chay runa.

Idu-ta chay runa annn
Ido-ACC DEM.D person annn
a Ido. Esa persona? Annnn.
to Ido. That person? Ann.
00:21:27.280 - 00:21:30.980

"Ñuqaqa turuykitaqa lasarushaqmi"

ñuqa-qa turu-yki-ta-qa lasa-ru-shaq-mi
1-TOP bull-2-ACC-TOP tame-URGT-1.FUT-EVD
"Yo voy a laciar a tu toro".
"I'll tame your bull."
00:21:31.150 - 00:21:34.970

"Kubardichu kani. Turuykitaqa lasurushaqmi".

kubardi-chu ka-ni turu-yki-ta-qa lasu-ru-shaq-mi
coward-NEG be-1 bull-2-ACC-TOP tame-URGT-1.FUT-EVD
"Yo no soy cobarde. Voy a laziar a tu toro".
"I'm no coward. I'll tame your bull."
00:21:35.940 - 00:21:39.310

"Watullata quykuway!" dijo.

watu-lla-ta qu-yku-wa-y
"¡Soga no más déme!" dijo.
"Just giveme a rope!" he said.
00:21:39.380 - 00:21:42.400

arrastra .... chay Wanka Pampa runata ...

arrastra chay Wanka Pampa runa-ta
drag DEM.D Wanka Pampa person-ACC
Arrastra ... a esa gente de Wanka Pampa
Drag .... those people from Wanka Pampa ...
00:21:43.480 - 00:21:47.510

Hampiq riptiymi chay Ipallapaq.

hampi-q ri-pti-y-mi chay Ipalla-paq
heal-AG go-SUBDS-1-EVD DEM.D Ipalla-ABL
Cuando fui a curar ese de Ipalla.
When I went to cure the one form Ipalla.
00:21:48.310 - 00:21:51.150

turu barrosush hamukamullan pampatapis aspirishpa aspirishpa

turu barrosu-sh hamu-ka-mu-lla-n pampa-ta-pis aspi-ri-shpa aspi-ri-shpa
bull barrosu-EVR come-REFL-CISL-RSTR-3 flat.ground-ACC-ADD scratch-INCEP-SUBIS
Toro barroso, dicen, venía por la pampa escarbando escarbando
A mud-colored bull, they say, was coming over the flat ground, digging it up.
00:21:51.740 - 00:21:56.100

mmm hamusa mesanman

mmm hamu-sa-ø mesa-n-man
mmm come-PRF-3 mesa-3-ALL
mmm venía hacia la mesa.
Mmmm, he was coming towards the mesa
00:21:56.420 - 00:21:59.260

Chay qaraykuqtrik. Chay huknin

chay qara-yku-q-tri-ki chay huk-ni-n
Ése que pagó, seguro. Ése otro
The one that got offered, for sure. The other one.
00:21:59.470 - 00:22:02.140

Kumpañerunshi mancharirun.
kumpañeru-n-shi mancha-ri-ru-n
companion-3-EVR scare-INCEP-URGT-3
Su compañero, dicen, se asustó.
His companion, they say, got scared.
00:22:02.170 - 00:22:04.710

Ama manchariychu! Ama qawaychu!

ama manchari-y-chu ama qawa-y-chu
"¡No te asustes! ¡No mires!"
"Don't be scared! Don't look!"
00:22:04.820 - 00:22:07.300

Ñawikita tapakuy! ninshari. ña siyanñam Ido hukpis siyarqani nanpis

ñawi-ki-ta tapa-ku-y ni-n-shari siya-n-ña-m Ido huk-pis siya-rqa-ni na-n-pis
eye-2-ACC cover-REFL-IMP say-3-SHARI VV-3-DISC Ido one-ADD VV-PST-1 that-3-ADD
"¡Tápate la vista!" le dijo, dicen.
"Cover your eyes!" he said, they say.
00:22:07.990 - 00:22:11.970

rinmi. Payshi: "Hamukayamushaq".

ri-n-mi pay-shi hamu-ka-ya-mu-shaq
se fue él. Él, dice -- "Yo estaré viniendo".
He left. He, they say: "I'm going to be coming!"
00:22:12.400 - 00:22:15.760

Chay turu pampata aspirishpa aspirishpa. unnnn mmmmm

chay turu pampa-ta aspi-ri-shpa unnnn mmmmm
DEM.D bull flat.ground-ACC scratch-INCEP-SUBIS unnnn mmmmm
Ese toro escarbando el suelo ...
That bull was digging up the flat ground.
00:22:15.890 - 00:22:20.740

Hinashpash hamukuyan ... unnnh chayma nin, Ñuqaqa turuykita lasarushaqmi.

hinashpa-sh hamu-ku-ya-n chay-ma ni-n ñuqa-qa turu-yki-ta lasa-ru-shaq
then-EVR come-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D-EVD-EMPH say-3 1-TOP bull-3-ACC tame-URGT-1.FUT
Después, dicen, estaba viniendo. Por eso dijo, "Voy a lasear a tu toro".
Then, they say, it was coming. That's why he said, "I'm going to tame your bull."
00:22:20.880 - 00:22:27.290

Unnn, chay imatriki nirqa.

unnn, chay ima-tri-ki ni-rqa-ø
unnn, DEM.D what-EVC-KI say-PST-3
Ummm, "Así será, pues", dijo.
Ummm, "That must be it, for sure," he said.
00:22:27.540 - 00:22:31.560

Imatayá pinsaruqa? Chaytrik pakakururqa. Siyertumpi imatr qaraykurun.

ima-ta ya pensa-ru-rqa-ø chay-tri-k paka-ku-ru-rqa-ø siyertumpi ima-tr qara-yku-ru-n
what-ACC EMPH think-URGT-PST-3 DEM.D-EVC hide-REFL-URGT-PST-3 true what-EVC
¿Qué habrá pensado? Por eso se habrá escondido. De verdad de repente lo pagó (al diablo).
What must he have thought already? That must be why he hid. It's true -- maybe he paid it [to the devil].
00:22:31.710 - 00:22:36.410

Así parece hablaba gente.

Así parece hablaba gente.
At least that's what people were saying.
00:22:36.550 - 00:22:38.670

Chaytri mana munarqachu hampinayta. Qawchinanpaq.

chay-tri mana muna-rqa-ø-chu hampi-na-y-ta qawchi-na-n-paq
DEM.D-EVC no want-PST-3-NEG cure-NMLZ-INF-ACC throw-NMLZ-3-PURP
Por eso no habrá querido curarla. Para que bote.
That must be why he didn't want to cure her. To make an offering.
00:22:38.780 - 00:22:41.990

U derepenti chay warmitaqa hampiruptinqa qarita imatr kambiyarun karqa.

u derepenti chay warmi-ta-qa hampi-ru-pti-n-qa qari-ta ima-tr kambiya-ru-n-man ka-rqa-ø
or maybe DEM.D woman-ACC-TOP cure-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP man-ACC what-EVC
change-URGT-3-COND be-PST-3
O de repente es esa señora cuando lo ha curado al hombre de repente lo hubiera cambiado.
Or maybe when he cured that woman, she would have changed men.
00:22:43.480 - 00:22:47.070

Qaraykururqash niyarqa.
qara-yku-ru-rqa-ø-sh ni-ya-rqa-ø
Había pagado estaba diciendo
He made the offering they were saying.
00:22:47.170 - 00:22:49.390

"Idutatr qaraykurunman karqa", niwanmi.

Ido-ta-tr qara-yku-ru-n-man ka-rqa-ø ni-wa-n-mi
Ido-ACC-EVR serve-EXCEP-URGT-3-COND be-PST-3 say-1.OBJ-3-EVD
"Hubiera pagado a Ido", me dijo.
"He would have made an offering of Ido," he said to me.
00:22:49.710 - 00:22:53.180

Don Bailarintash pusharusa

Don bailarin-ta-sh pusha-ru-sa-ø
Don bailarin-ACC-EVR take-URGT-PRF-3
Habían llevado a Don Bailarin, dicen,
They took Don Bailarin, they say,
00:22:53.310 - 00:22:57.090

hampinanpaq shinkaykachishpash pusharusa hinashpash qaraykuyta munasa.

hampi-na-n-paq shinka-yka-chi-shpa-sh pusha-ru-sa-ø hinashpa-sh qara-yku-n muna-sa-ø
cure-NMLZ-3-PURP drunk-EXCEP-CAUS-SUBIS-EVR take-URGT-PRF-3 then-EVR serve-EXCEP-3
para que se cure. Lo emborracharon y lo llevaron y después, dice, quería pagar.
to be cured. They had got him drunk and took him and then he wanted to make an offering.
00:22:57.170 - 00:23:01.770

Kwentatatr astawan qukurun.

kwenta-ta-tr astawan qu-ku-ru-n
account-ACC-EVC rather give-REFL-URGT-3
Más bien se habrá dado cuenta
Rather, he must have realized it.
00:23:01.810 - 00:23:04.330

Kwentatash qukurun.
kwenta-ta-sh qu-ku-ru-n
account-ACC-EVR give-REFL-URGT-3
Se dio cuenta, dicen.
He realized it, they say.
00:23:04.360 - 00:23:08.230

Chay warmiqa dibiltriki -- qaraykushpa.

chay warmi-qa dibil-tri-ki qara-yku-shpa
DEM.D woman-TOP weak-EVC-KI serve-EXCEP-SUBIS
Esa mujer será bien débil, pagando ...
That woman must be very weak. When she was making an offering,
00:23:09.240 - 00:23:11.670

Pero musyakururqatr manam atipaymanchu nirqa hinashpaqa pakakururqa.

Pero musya-ku-ru-rqa-ø-tr mana-m atipa-y-man-chu ni-rqa-ø hinashpa-tr paka-ku-ru-rqa-ø
but bet-REFL-URGT-PST-3-EVC no-EVD say-PST-3 then.EVC
Pero se habrá divinado que no voy a poder, dijo, y después se escondió
But he must have realized I can't, he said, and then he hid.
00:23:12.600 - 00:23:17.510

Chayshi qaraykuruyta munarqa. Chayshi ...

chay-shi qara-yku-ru-y-ta muna-rqa-ø chay-shi
Quiso hacer un pago [de ella]. Por eso, dice ....
He wanted to make on offering [of her]. So, they say ...
00:23:18.150 - 00:23:21.330

Qaqa . . . qaqa ukunpañash kayasa. Aya. Don Bailarin.

qaqa qaqa oku-n-pa-ña-sh ka-ya-sa-ø aya Don bailarin
cliff cliff inside-GEN-DISC-EVR be-PROG-PRF-3 aya Don bailarin
Don Bailarín ya estaba en peña en peña al dentro, dicen.
Don Bailarín was already on the cliff, on the cliff, in the interior, they say.
00:23:23.170 - 00:23:27.590

Jesus kredo nishpash kutirikaramun.

Jesus kredo ni-shpa-sh kuti-ri-ka-ra-mun
Jesus I.believe say-SUBIS-EVR return-INCEP-REFL-URGT-CISL-3
"Jesus credo", dijo y dio la vuelta
"Jesus Christmas," he said, and started to go back.
00:23:28.360 - 00:23:31.200

Hamukurun lukuhina
Hamu-ku-ru-n luku-hina
come-REFL-URGT-3 crazy-COMP
Se vino como loco.
He came like a crazy person.
00:23:32.750 - 00:23:36.600

Chayshi rimasa chay nishpa niwan niptinqa. Waktaqa akasu warminpis munanqachu nin.
chay-shi rima-sa-ø chay ni-shpa ni-wa-n ni-pti-n-qa wak-ta-qa akasu warmi-n-pis muna-nqa-chu ni-n
DEM.D-EVR talk-PRF-3 DEM.D say-SUBIS say-1.OBJ-3 say-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D-ACC-TOP maybe
woman-3-ACC want-3.FUT-NEG say-3
Así hablaba, así me dijo, "A ése, tal vez ni siquiera su mujer lo va a querer", dijo.
Talking like that, he said to me, "Maybe not even his wife is going to want him," he said.
00:23:38.320 - 00:23:43.980

kananpis. Inkantawmi -- sapallanya kayan.

kanan-pis inkantaw-mi sapa-lla-n ka-ya-n
now-ADD bewitched-EVD alone-RSTR-3-EMPH be-PROG-3
Ahora también. Está encantado -- solito está, pues.
Now, too. Bewitched. He's all alone.
00:23:44.020 - 00:23:46.740

¿Hasta acá?
¿Hasta acá?
Up to here?
00:23:46.920 - 00:23:50.040

Maman wañukuptinpis
mama-n wañu-ku-pti-n
mother-3 die-REFL-SUBDS-3
Cuando su mamá se falleció
When their mother passed away
00:23:51.040 - 00:23:52.450

¡Pubri wambrakunaqa!
pubri wambra-kuna-qa
poor child-PL-TOP
¡Sus pobres hijitos!
Her poor children!
00:23:53.390 - 00:23:56.510

Lliwta pushakarushpam rin.

lliw-ta pusha-ka-ru-shpa-m ri-n
Llevando a todos se fue
She left taking all of them.
00:23:56.760 - 00:23:58.430

Rikun. Chay huk wambrachanña kayanmi. Upa, sordo.

ri-ku-n chay huk wambra-cha-n-ña ka-ya-n-mi upa sordo
go-REFL-3 DEM.D one child-DIM-3-DISC be-PROG-3-EVD deaf deaf
Se fue. Hay uno de sus hijitos allí. Sordo. Sordo.
She left. There's one of her children there. Deaf. Deaf.
00:23:58.610 - 00:24:02.980

Chaytash pagayta munarqa.

chay-ta-sh paga-y-ta muna-rqa-ø
Quiso pagar a ésa, dicen.
He wanted to make an offering of her, they say.
00:24:03.190 - 00:24:06.040

Chaytash pusharurqa pagananpaq.

chay-ta-sh pusha-ru-rqa-ø paga-na-n-paq
Llevó a ésa para hacer pago, dicen
He took her to make an offering of her, they say.
00:24:06.100 - 00:24:09.120

Chay warmi sanananpaq. Chayshi ...

chay warmi sana-na-n-paq chay-shi
DEM.D woman heal-NMLZ-3-PURP DEM.D-EVR
Esa mujer, para que sane. Luego, dicen,
So that woman would get better. So, they say ...
00:24:09.440 - 00:24:12.820

Dimonyuqa nin,
Dimonyu-qa ni-n
devil-TOP say-3
El Demonio dijo,
The Devil said,
00:24:13.060 - 00:24:15.280

"Manam upataqa munanichu".

mana-m upa-ta-qa muna-ni-chu
no-EVD deaf-ACC-TOP want-1-NEG
"No quiero a sordo".
"I don't want a deaf one."
00:24:15.450 - 00:24:17.570

"¡Kutichikuy! Sanutam munani".

kuti-chi-ku-y sanu-ta-m muna-ni
return-CAUS-REFL-IMP healthy-ACC-EVD want-1
"¡Házla volver! Yo quiero a sano".
"Make her go back! I want a healthy one."
00:24:17.720 - 00:24:21.550

Chayshi kutichikamun.
chay-shi kuti-chi-ka-mu-n
Por eso, dicen, la hizo volver
That's why, they say, he made her go back.
00:24:21.860 - 00:24:23.710

chay wambrachata.
chay wambra-cha-ta
a la niñita.
the little girl.
00:24:24.550 - 00:24:27.140

Faltu imatr chay runa. ¿Imaynataq wambrantaqa ..." Por eso dijo, pues.
Faltu ima-tr chay runa imayna-taq wambra-n-ta-qa
deficient what-EVC DEM.D person how-SEQ child-3-ACC-TOP
Tal vez sea falto ese hombre. ¿Cómo a su hijo ... ?
Maybe that man is damaged. How -- his child!?
00:24:27.230 - 00:24:30.620

Por eso imapactado dice es.

Por eso, dicen, tiene pacto [con el Diablo]
That's why they say he's in a pact [with the devil].
00:24:30.670 - 00:24:33.690

Esa mierda, dice, ha entregado a su mujer.

Esa mierda, dice, ha entregado a su mujer.
That piece of shit, they say, delivered his wife [to the devil].
00:24:33.770 - 00:24:35.950

Iba a comprar este ...

Iba a comprar este ...
He was going to buy that ...
00:24:36.310 - 00:24:37.960

A su precio. Impactado pues. Así dice

A su precio. Impactado pues. Así dice
For a price. In a pact, after all. So they say.
00:24:39.710 - 00:24:42.680

Dimonyuqa ganaruntriki. Chaytriki payqa ...

Dimonyu-qa gana-ru-n-tri-ki chay-tri-k pay-qa
El demonio le habrá ganado. Por eso, seguro, él
The devil must have beaten him. That's why, for sure, he ...
00:24:42.810 - 00:24:45.660

Chayna kidarun. Chayshi ishkay runam paganan karqa.

chay-na kida-ru-n chay-shi ishkay runa-m paga-na-n ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D-VRBZ stay-URGT-3 DEM.D-EVR two person-EVD pay-NMLZ-3 be-PST-3
Así quedaron. En-RSTR, dicen, tenía que pagar a dos personas.
That's the way they stayed. So, they say, he had to offer two people.
00:24:46.410 - 00:24:51.280

Chayshi, "Warmikita pagaway! Pagaway!" nin.

chay-shi warmi-ki-ta paga-wa-y paga-wa-y ni-n
DEM.D-EVR woman-2-ACC pay-1.OBJ-IMP pay-1.OBJ-IMP say-3
Por eso, dice. "¡Págame tu mujer! ¡Págame!"
That's why, they say, "Offer me your wife! Offer her to me!"
00:24:52.040 - 00:24:54.910

Haa, piru qullqiyuqchutr kidarunqa? Mana.

haa, piru qullqi-yuq-chu-tr kida-ru-nqa mana
haa, but gold-POSS-Q-EVC remain-URGT-3.FUT no
Ah, pero quedará con plata. No.
Haa, but he must have stayed with money? No.
00:24:55.270 - 00:24:58.950

Arí, mana chayman pagaptin hukchu qun.

Arí, mana chay-man paga-pti-n huk-chu qu-n
yes no DEM.D-ALL pay-SUBDS-3 one-NEG give-3
Sí, cuando no pagan allí, no lo va a dar.
Yes. When you don't make an offering there,
00:24:59.010 - 00:25:02.190

Chay chayshi konfiyansa hampipakuq riyarqa. Ah Dyos miyo.

chay chay-shi konfiyansa hampi-paku-q ri-ya-rqa-ø ah dyos miyo
DEM.D DEM.D-EVR trust cure-MUTBEN-AG go-PROG-PST-3 ah God mine
En-RSTR, dice, confianza estaba viniendo a curar. Oh, Dios mío
So, they say, she was coming in confidence to cure. Ah, my God!
00:25:03.690 - 00:25:06.870

Chay Ido niwan, "¿Imapaqtaq niwarqanki? Pagarullawanmantri karqa".

chay Ido ni-wa-n ima-paq-taq ni-wa-rqa-nki paga-ru-lla-wa-n-man-tri ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D ido say-1.OBJ-3 what-PROG-SEQ say-1.OBJ-PST-3 pay-URGT-RSTR-1.OBJ-3COND-EVC
Ido me dijo, "¿Para qué me has llamado? Me hubiera pagado, seguro".
Ido said to me, "What did you call me for? To make an offering of me, for sure."
00:25:07.080 - 00:25:11.750

"Ñuqa yatranichu. Inosente ñuqa".

ñuqa yatra-ni-chu inosente ñuqa
1 know-1-NEG innocent 1
"Yo no sé, soy inocente, yo"
"I don't know. I'm innocent."
00:25:11.990 - 00:25:14.370

Nini. ¿Pi hampiy ...

Ni-ni pi hampi-y
say-1 who cure-1
Dije, "¿Quién [sabe] curar
I said, "Who [knows how to] cure ..
00:25:14.450 - 00:25:17.560

"Kayta yatran", niptintriki. Hampipakuyta yatran. U maskaykuyta yatran niptintri.

kay-ta yatra-n ni-pti-n-tri-ki hampi-paku-y-ta yatra-n u maska-ku-y-ta yatra-n ni-pti-n-tri
DEM.P-ACC know-3 say-SUBDS-3-EVC-KI cure-MUTBEN-INF-ACC know-3 or
look.for.EXCEP-INF-ACC know-3 say-SUBDS-3-EVC
"Aquí saben" habrá dicho. "Saben curar". "O saben sortear", habrá dicho.
"Here they know," he must have said. "They know how to cure." "Or how to read cards", he must have said.
00:25:17.600 - 00:25:21.130

Niptinyá "ñuqaqa inosente" nikuruni.

ni-pti-n-ya ñuqa-qa inosente ni-ku-ru-ni
say-SUBDS-3-EMPH 1-TOP innocent say-REFL-URGT-1
Cuando dijo, pues, "Yo soy innocente" le he dicho.
When he said "I'm innocent." I said,
00:25:21.150 - 00:25:24.290

Chayta yatrashpaqa ninmanchu. Allintrik pakakurqa.

chay-ta yatra-shpa-qa ni-n-man-chu allin-tri-k paka-ku-rqa-ø
DEM.D-ACC know-SUBIS-TOP say-n-COND-NEG good-EVC-K good-EVC-K hide-REFL-PST-3
Éso sabiendo no lo diría. Bien se habrá escondido.
Knowing that, he wouldn't say it. He must have hid himself well.
00:25:24.530 - 00:25:27.870

Allintri. Pero musyakururqatriki.

allin-tri pero musi-ya-ku-ru-rqa-ø-tri-ki
good-EVC but suspect-REFL-URGT-PST-3-EVC-KI
Bueno será. Pero se habrá sospechado.
He must be good. But he must have suspected.
00:25:27.950 - 00:25:30.400

unn, payqa ganaruwanqatr.

unn, pay-qa gana-ru-wa-nqa-tr
unn, 3-TOP win-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT-EVC
Unnn, él me ganará.
Unnn, he's going to beat me.
00:25:30.460 - 00:25:32.320
Ñuqaqa ... Pagaruwanqatr.
ñuqa-qa paga-ru-wa-nqa-tr
1-TOP pay-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT
Yo. Me va a pagar.
I. He's going to make me an offering.
00:25:32.360 - 00:25:34.300

Pagaruwanqa. Kikiyta. Imatr nishpaqa.

paga-ru-wa-nqa-tr kiki-y-ta ima-tr ni-shpa-qa
pay-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT self-1-ACC what-EVC say-SUBIS
Me va a pagar. A mi mismo, tal vez, Cómo diciendo.
He's going to make me an offering. To me myself, maybe.
00:25:34.350 - 00:25:36.340

Ishkay turuchayqa.
ishkay turu-cha-y-qa
two bull-DIM-1-TOP
Dos mi torito
My two bulls.
00:25:36.430 - 00:25:38.620

"Bravo" ninyá. Ah, ya ves? Imayna ninman? A ver.

bravo ni-n ya imayna ni-n-man-qa
wild say-3 EMPH how say-3-COND-TOP
"Bravo", dijo, pues. Ah, ¿ya ves? ¿Cómo diría? A ver.
"WIld," he said, then. Ah, now you see? How could he say it? Let's see.
00:25:38.750 - 00:25:42.790

Hampirapuway. turuykitaqa ñuqa ratuqa hapirushaq.

hampi-ra-pu-wa-y turu-yki-ta-qa ñuqa ratu-qa hapi-ru-shaq
cure-URGT-BEN-1.OBJ-IMP bull-2-ACC-TOP 1 moment-TOP grab-URGT-1.FUT
"¡Cúramelo! Voy a agarrar a tu toro un ratito".
"Cure her for me! I'm going to grab your bull in just a second."
00:25:43.200 - 00:25:45.800

Hampirapuway yari ima na ...

hampi-ra-pu-wa-y yari ima na
cure-URGT-BEN-1.OBJ-IMP YARI what that
"¡Cúramelo, pues!" Qué
"Cure her for me already!" What
00:25:45.800 - 00:25:47.530

Kayan pesawtrki kayan, aw? Imakunata nisitan, ninmantriki.

ka-ya-n pesaw-tri-ki ka-ya-n aw ima-kuna-ta nisita-n runakunata ni-n-man-tri-ki
be-PROG-3 heavy-EVC-KI be-PROG-3 yes what-PL-ACC need-3 person-PL-ACC say-3-COND-EVC-KI
"Estará pesado, ¿no? ¿Qué tanto necesitan?" diría, seguro.
"It must be heavy, no? What all do they need," he'd say, for sure.
00:25:47.570 - 00:25:51.050

Pesado. dice, era pesado, dice.

Pesado, dice, era pesado, dice.
Heavy, he said. It was heavy, he said.
00:25:51.100 - 00:25:53.790

"¿Aykataq kubrawanki?", ninyá.

Ayka-taq kubra-wa-nki ni-n ya
how.much charge-1.OBJ-2 say-3 EMPH
"¿Cuánto me vas a cobrar?" dijo, pues.
"How much are you going to charge me?" he said, then.
00:25:53.850 - 00:25:57.040

"Chay hanaymanqa setenta solespaqtri rinman", nin.

chay hanay-man-qa setenta soles-paq-tri ri-n-man ni-n
DEM.D up.hill seventy sols-ABL-EVC go-3-COND say-3
"Puedo ir hacia arriba por setenta soles", dijo.
"I could go up hill there for seventy sols," he said.
00:25:57.080 - 00:26:00.390

"Ya pues, pagasayki", nin ya sumaq ya kidakun.

paga-sayki ni-n ya sumaq ya kida-ku-n
pay-1>2.FUT say-3 EMPH pretty EMPH remain-REFL-3
"Ya pues, te voy a pagar", dijo y bonito ya se quedaron.
"OK, then, I'll pay you," he said, and they stuck with that pretty.
00:26:01.030 - 00:26:04.810

Chayá rirqa Iduqa kutiramun rabya rabyasa.

Chayá ri-rqa-ø Idu-qa kuti-ra-mu-n rabya rabya-sa
DEM.D-EMPH go-PST-3 Ido-TOP return-URGT-CISL-3 anger anger-PRF
Por eso Ido se fue. Regresó bien molesta.
That's why Ido went. She came back really mad.
00:26:04.930 - 00:26:09.010

Piru allinchu kutichiwarqa? "Yanqa yanqa rini. Tiyempuyta pirdichiwan," niwan.

piru allin-chu kuti-chi-wa-rqa-ø yanqa yanqa ri-ni tiyempu-y-ta pirdi-chi-wa-n ni-wa-n
but good-NEG return-CAUS-1.OBJ-PST-TOP in.vain in.vain go-1 time-1-ACC lose-CAUS-1.OBJ-3
Pero bien hizo volver? "Por gusto fui. Me hizo perder mi tiempo", me dijo.
But did she make the offering? "I went just for the fun of it. He made me waste my time," she said to me.
00:26:09.080 - 00:26:13.150

Chayna manañam nichiwanchu imatapis asss.

chay-na mana-ña-m ni-chi-wa-n-chu ima-ta-pis asss
Así ya no me hace decir nada asss.
So they don't make me say anything anymore.
00:26:13.760 - 00:26:16.230

Wakmi hampikuq upallata familyay imas pasaruptin Dyos miyo.

wak-mi hampi-ku-q upa-lla-ta familya-y ima-s pasa-ru-pti-n Dyos
DEM.D-EVD cure-REFL-AG silent-RSTR-ACC family-1 what-ADD pass-URGT-subds-3 God
Él curaba, calladito, a familia cuando algo le pasaba, Dios mío.
He would cure my family quietly when something would happen. My God!
00:26:16.310 - 00:26:19.870

Maldisyun. ¿Imawan chayraq purin? ¿Pimá yatran? ¿Ima?

maldisi-wanchik-man-tri ima-wan chay-raq puri-n pi-ma yatra-n ima
damned what-INSTR DEM.D-CONT walk-3 who-EVD-EMPH know-3 what
Maldición. ¿Con qué todavía andará? ¿Quién sabe, pues? ¿Qué ...
A curse . What is he walking about with still? Who knows? What ...
00:26:19.970 - 00:26:23.490

"Ñuqahina sanutr" nichuwantriki.

ñuqa-hina sanu-tr ni-chuwan-tri-ki
1-COMP healthy-EVC say-1PL.COND-EVC-KI
"Como yo, sano, seguro", podemos decir.
"Healthy like me, for sure" we could say.
00:26:23.600 - 00:26:26.970

Sí, pues, "Ñuqahina sanutr". Ahhh, "Ñuqahinatr" aw.

ñuqa-hina sanu-tr ñuqa-hina-tr ñuqa-hina-tr
Si, pues, "Como yo, sano, seguro". Ahh, "Como yo, seguro". ¿no?
Yes, then, "Healthy like me, for sure." Ahhh, "Like me, for sure", no?
00:26:27.110 - 00:26:29.460

Priyokupaw puriyan siyertumpatr warmin mal kaptin nin.

priyokupaw puri-ya-n siyertu-n-pa-tr warmi-n mal ka-pti-n ni-n
worried walk-PROG-3 rue-EVC woman-3 bad be-SUBDS-3 say-3
De verdad, estará andando preocupado por que su esposa está enferma.
It's true-- he must be walking around worried because his wife sick.
00:26:29.500 - 00:26:32.270

Primay Amaciatapis chayhinashiki entregaykururqa.

prima-y amacia-ta-pis chay-hina-shi-ki entrega-yku-ru-rqa-ø
cousin-1 amacia-ACC-ADD DEM.D-COMP-EVR-KI deliver-EXCEP-URGT-PST-3
A mi prima Amasia, también, la entregaron así, dicen.
They delivered my cousin Amacia, too, like that, they say.
00:26:32.320 - 00:26:35.500

Achallaw. Chaypis.
achallaw chay-pis
Yikes! DEM.D-ADD
Ah, ¡qué miedo! Ése también.
Yaikes! That, too.
00:26:35.560 - 00:26:40.700

Ya estamos listo.
Ya estamos listo.
We're ready now.
00:26:40.790 - 00:26:44.370

Eseeee yantatash pallayasa.

yanta-ta-sh palla-ya-sa-ø
fire.wood-ACC-EVR havest.cuting-PROG-PRF-3
Estaba cortando leña, dicen.
She was cutting fire wood, they say.
00:26:44.480 - 00:26:48.670

Qawariptin huk yuraq kabrash
qawa-ri-pti-n huk yuraq kabra-sh
look-INCEP-SUBDS-3 one white goat-EVR
Cuando miró había una cabra blanca
When she looked, there was a white goat.
00:26:48.780 - 00:26:52.470

Con campanita
With a little bell.
00:26:52.730 - 00:26:56.150

Qawariptinshi achka achka kabra hamukuyasa. Hukta

qawa-ri-pti-n-shi achka achka kabra hamu-ku-ya-sa-ø huk-ta
look-INCEP-SUBDS-3-EVR a.lot a.lot goat come-REFL-PROG-PRF-3 one-ACC
Cuando miró de repente muchas cabras estaban viniendo. A uno
When she looked all of a sudden a lot of goats were coming. One
00:26:56.290 - 00:27:00.180

kayna ñawinta chinkaykarachiptin.

kay-na ñawi-n-ta chinka-yka-ra-chi-pti-n
Así cuando se cerró los ojos,
So when she squeezed her eyes shut
00:27:00.260 - 00:27:02.630

Sombreruta chuqaykurunman karqa

sombreru-ta chuqa-yku-ru-n-man ka-rqa-ø
hat-ACC toss-EXCEP-URGT-3-COND be-PST-3
Sombrero hubiera aventado.
She should have tossed her hat.
00:27:02.710 - 00:27:04.930

Chayshi chinkarun kabraqa. Chayllapish.

chay-shi chinka-ru-n kabra-qa chay-lla-pi-sh
En-RSTR, dicen, la cabra se perdió allí no más.
So, they say, the goat got lost. Right there.
00:27:04.930 - 00:27:07.800

Chayman Amaciatash qaraykurusa. Chayman yantan ...

chay-man amasia-ta-sh qara-yku-ru-sa-ø chay-man yanta-n
DEM.D-ALL amasia-ACC-EVR serve-EXCEP-URGT-PRF-3 DEM.D-ALL firewood-3
Hacia allí, Amasia había sido pagado. Hacia allí su leña
There, Amasia, they say, had been offered. There, her firewood
00:27:07.860 - 00:27:11.420

Chaypish achka achkata kañakurusa.

chay-pi-sh achka achka-ta kaña-ku-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D-LOC-EVR a.lot a.lot-ACC burn-REFL-URGT-PRF-3
En allí bastante bastante había quemado
There, they say, a whole lot had burned.
00:27:11.570 - 00:27:13.500

Hinashpatr huk lawpaq intregarqa. Huklawpatriki.

hinashpa-tr huk law-paq intrega-rqa-ø huk law-pa-tri-ki
then-EVR one-side-LOC deliver-PST-3 one-side-LOC-EVC-KI
Después en otro sitio la habrán entregado. En otro sitio, seguro.
Then they must have offered her someplace else. Someplace else, for sure.
00:27:13.600 - 00:27:16.600

Ahh, huk lawpatriki rimarqaña intregarqa chaypi.

ahh, huk law-pa-tri-ki rima-rqa-ø-ña intrega-rqa-ø chay-pi
ahh, one-side-LOC-EVC-KI talk-PST-3-DISC deliver-PST-3 DEM.D-LOC
En otro sitio ya habrán hablado y la entregó allí
Ahhh, they must have talked some other place and he offered her there.
00:27:16.740 - 00:27:20.560

Tutacharaqshi rirqa wambrachanwanshi qari wambrachawanshi.

tuta-cha-raq-shi ri-rqa-ø wambracha-n-wan-shi qari wambra-cha-wan-shi
night-DIM-CONT-EVR go-PST-3 child-DIM-3-INSTR-EVR man child-DIM-3-INSTR-EVR
En nochecita todavía se fue con su hijito, dicen. Su hijo
At night, still, they say, she went with her son, they say. Her son
00:27:20.590 - 00:27:23.400

Manachush kanchu kabraqa. Ima kabrataqa karqa?

mana-chu-sh kabra-qa ka-n-chu ima kabra-ta-qa ka-rqa-ø
no-q-EVR goat-TOP be-3-NEG what goat-ACC-TOP be-PST-3
No había sido cabra. ¿Qué cabra era?
There hadn't been a goat. What goat was there?
00:27:23.430 - 00:27:26.240

"Ñuqa qawarqanichu." ninshi maqtachanqa.

ñuqa qawa-rqa-ni-chu ni-n-shi maqta-cha-qa
1 look-PST-1-NEG say-3-EVR
"Yo no he visto", dijo su hijito, dicen.
"I didn't see," said her son, they say.
00:27:26.360 - 00:27:28.740

¿Chay wambraqa mana qawarqachu? Mana qawarqachu.

chay wambra-qa mana qawa-rqa-ø-chu mana qawa-rqa-ø-chu
DEM.D child-TOP no look-PST-3-NEG no look-PST-3-NEG
¿Ese niño no lo vio? No lo vio.
That child didn't see it? He didn't see it.
00:27:28.800 - 00:27:31.810

Chayllapash loka hamurun -- resaykushpa loka.

chay-lla-pa-sh loka hamu-ru-n resa-yku-shpa loka
DEM.D-RSTR-LOC-EVR crazy come-URGT-3 pray-EXCEP-REFL-SUBIS crazy
De allí no más volvió loca, rezando, loca.
So, they say, she went crazy, praying, crazy.
00:27:32.860 - 00:27:35.580

Ahh, chay warmi? Chay qawaq?

ahh chay warmi chay qawa-q
ahh DEM.D woman DEM.D look-AG
Ahh, ¿esa mujer? ¿Ésa que veía?
Ahh, that woman? The seer?
00:27:35.620 - 00:27:37.860

Pasaypish rupankunata lluchukururqa qalatu puriyan.

pasaypi-sh rupa-kuna-ta lluchu-ku-ru-rqa-ø
completely-EVR clothes-PL-ACC VV-REFL-URGT-PST-3
De total, dice, su ropa se ha acabado. Está andando calato.
Completely, they say, her clothes have worn out. She's wandering around naked.
00:27:38.430 - 00:27:41.330

Manash pinqakuyllapaq.
mana-sh pinqa-ku-y-lla-paq
No, dicen, de vergüenza no más.
Not just out of shame, they say.
00:27:41.370 - 00:27:44.490

De total, dice.
Totally, they say.
00:27:44.650 - 00:27:47.550

Chayshi nin, "Chay Erfilium hamukuyan. Chay Erfilium hamukuyan," nin.

chay-shi ni-n chay Erfilium hamu-ku-ya-n chay Erfilium hamu-ku-ya-n ni-n
DEM.D-EVR say-3 DEM.D Erfilio-EVD come-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D erfiliu-EVD come-REFL-PROG-3
En-RSTR, dice, dijo, "Erfilio está viniendo. Ese Erfilio está viniendo", dijo.
So, they say, she said, "Erfilio is coming. Erfilio is coming," she said.
00:27:47.590 - 00:27:50.790

"Imapaqtaq hamuyan chay Erfilio?"

ima-paq-taq hamu-ya-n chay Erfilio
what-PURP-SEQ come-PROG-3 DEM.D erfilio
"A qué está viniendo ese Erfilio?"
"What is Erfilio coming for?"
00:27:50.870 - 00:27:53.230

Chaytriki chayta Erfilio pagarurqa.

chay-tri-ki chay-ta Erfilio paga-ru-rqa-ø
Ése, Erfilio la habrá pagado, seguro.
Erfilio must have offered her, for sure.
00:27:53.690 - 00:27:57.350

Chayna nin chay ... de mi tía Dina, pues.

Así dijo ... de mi tía Dina, pues.
So she said, that ... from my Aunt Dina, then.
00:27:57.780 - 00:28:01.250
Dinaqa -- Javier su hija. Amacia.
Dina -- la hija de Javier. Amacia.
Dina -- Javier's daughter. Amacia.
00:28:01.400 - 00:28:05.880

Chaymi Ortigalpa yatrarqa; kanan Madeanman hamukurun yatraq.

chay-mi Ortigal-pa yatra-rqa-ø kanan Madean-man hamu-ku-ru-n yatra-q
DEM.D-EVD ortigal-LOC live-PST-3 now madean-ALL come-REFL-URGT-3 live-AG
Allí en Ortigal vivía. Ahora vino a Madeán a vivir.
So, he lived in Ortigal. Now he came to Madeán to live.
00:28:06.120 - 00:28:09.710

Pero kawsarun? ahhhh

pero kawsa-ru-n ahhhh
but live-URGT-3 ahhhh
¿Pero vivió ? hhh
But he lived? Annnh.
00:28:09.950 - 00:28:13.580

Hampirachikun ya chay ima imayna kutichirqa chayshi qarin ...

hampi-ra-chi-ku-n ya chay ima imayna kuti-chi-rqa-ø chay-shi qari-n
cure-URGT-CAUS-REFL-3 EMPH DEM.D what how return-CAUS-PST-3 DEM.D-EVR man-3
Se ha hecho curar ... así como ... ¿Cómo ha hecho volver? En eso, dice, su esposo ...
She got herself cured. That ... What ... How did she have it returned? So, they say, her husband ...
00:28:14.610 - 00:28:19.820

Risa eseee Erfiliota maskaq.

ri-sa-ø eseee erfilio maska-q
go-PRF-3 eseee erfilio look.for-AG
Ha ido eseeeeee a buscarle a Erfilio.
She's gone, ummmm, to look for Erfilio.
00:28:19.960 - 00:28:22.490

Marqarunshi warmi-n-ta.
marqa-ru-n-shi warmi-n-ta
beat-URGT-3-EVR woman-3-ACC
La pegó, dicen, a su mujer.
He beat her, his wife.
00:28:22.570 - 00:28:25.680

Hampinkichu. Imaynataq wañurachinki.

hampi-nki-chu imayna-taq wañu-ra-chi-nki
cure-2-Q how-SEQ die-URGT-CAUS-2
"¿Vas a curarle? O cómo vas a matarle?"
"Are you going to cure her? Or how are you going to kill her?"
00:28:25.750 - 00:28:28.570

Chayshi, "¿Imata ruwarun? Hampirqa".

chay-shi ima-ta hampi-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVR what-ACC cure-PST-3
"¿Qué hizo? Curó."
"What did she do? She cured."
00:28:28.620 - 00:28:31.200

Hampishirqatrik? Imataq kutichirqa? Imatatrik ruwarqa? Imata ruwarqa?

hampi-shi-rqa-tri-k ima-taq kuti-chi-rqa-ø ima-ta-tri-k ruwa-rqa-ø ima-ta ruwa-rqa-ø
cure-ACMP-PST-3-EVC-K what-SEQ return-CAUS-PST-3 what-ACC-EVC-K make-PST-3 what-ACC
Habrá ayudado curar. Qué hizo volver? Qué habrá hecho? ¿Qué hizo?
She must have helped cure. What did they have returned? What must they have done? What did they do?
00:28:31.310 - 00:28:35.390

Imataraqtri faltayan . . . para que pague?

ima-ta-raq-tri falta-ya-n
what-ACC-CONT-EVC lack-PROG-3
¿Qué todavía estará faltando para que pague?
What's still missing ... so they can make the offering?
00:28:36.660 - 00:28:39.380

Chaypaqtri warminta pirdirurqa.

chay-paq-tri warmi-n-ta pirdi-ru-rqa-ø
DEM.D-ABL-EVC woman-3-ACC lose-URGT-PST-3
Por eso habrá perdido a su esposa.
That must be why he lost his wife.
00:28:40.810 - 00:28:44.260

Chaypaqya warminta pirdirun.

chay-paq-ya warmi-n-ta pirdi-ru-n
DEM-ABL-EMPH woman-3-ACC lose-URGT-3
Por eso, pues, perdió su esposa.
That's why he lost his wife, then.
00:28:44.330 - 00:28:47.820

Varyustash intentaykurqa.
varyus-ta-sh intenta-yku-rqa-ø
many-ACC-EVR attempt-XCEP-PST-3
Lo intentó con varios, dicen.
He tried with many people, they say.
00:28:48.140 - 00:28:51.310

00:28:51.360 - 00:28:56.370

Manam munanchu Dimonyuqa chay faltutaqa?

mana-m muna-n-chu Dimonyu-qa chay faltu-ta-qa
no-EVD want-3-NEG devil-TOP DEM.D handicapped-ACC-TOP
¿El Demonio no quiere a un enfermo?
The Devil doesn't want a defective one?
00:29:08.690 - 00:29:12.420

"Ñuqaqa sanutam munani -- manam upataqa munanichu," nin

ñuqa-qa sanu-ta-m muna-ni mana-m upa-ta-qa muna-ni-chu
1-TOP healthy-ACC-EVD want-1 no-EVD deaf-ACC-TOP want-1-NEG
"Yo quiero a sano -- no quiero a sordo", dijo.
"I want a healthy one -- I don't want a deaf one," he said.
00:29:12.970 - 00:29:15.920

00:29:15.970 - 00:29:18.000

Parlantriki, ¿aw? Parlantriki.

parla-n-tri-ki aw, parla-n-tri-ki
talk-3-EVC-KI yes talk-3-EVC-KI
Conversará, ¿no? ¡Conversará!
They'd talk, no? Oh, they'd talk!
00:29:18.060 - 00:29:20.080

Chay Quñipish ... chay ...

chay quñi-pa-sh chay
Allí en Quñi, dicen, hay ...
There in Quni, they say, ,,, there ...
00:29:20.160 - 00:29:23.330

fiyu fiyu qaqam. Qaqa qaqa qaqamiki chay Quñi witrayqa.

fiyu fiyu qaqa-m qaqa qaqa qaqa-mi-ki chay quñi witray-qa
ugly ugly cliff-EVD cliff cliff cliff-EVD-KI DEM.D Quñi up.hill-TOP
Es una peña bien fea. Peña, peña es ese Quñi arriba.
It's a horrible cliff. Cliffs and more cliffs that Quni up hill.
00:29:24.020 - 00:29:28.780

Achallaw! Warmipis munanachu karqa.

Achallaw warmi-pis muna-na-chu kay-qa
Yikes! woman-ADD want-NMLZ-NEG DEM.P-TOP
¡Qué miedo! Ni mujer qué le va querer.
Yikes! Not a woman who would want him.
00:29:30.050 - 00:29:34.110

Me puede pagar.
He could offer me up.
00:29:34.180 - 00:29:36.230

Uniku mana yatraq chay mana yatraq riki asiptanmantriki.

uniku mana yatra-q chay mana yatra-q ri-ki asipta-n-man-tri-ki
only no know-AG DEM.D no know-AG RI-KI accept-3-COND-EVC-KI
Únicamente las que no saben. Las que no saben seguro puede aceptarlo.
Only those who don't know. The ones who don't know, for sure, could accept him.
00:29:36.270 - 00:29:40.260

huk law warmi imatriki. Ahh, huk lawtrik. Kaypi warmikuna ...
huk law warmi ima-tri-ki ahh, huk law-tri´ kay-pa warmi-kuna-qa
one-side woman what.EVC-KI ahh, one-side-EVC-K DEM.P-LOC woman-PL
Una mujer de otro sitio, tl vez. Ahhh, de otro sitio, pues. Las mujeres de acá [no pueden aceptar].
A woman from someplace else, maybe. Ahh, from someplace else. Women from here [couldn't accept].
00:29:40.460 - 00:29:44.060
Kaypa warmikuna. Lliw lliwpis yatrayanñatriki. Huk veses chay ...
kay-pa warmi-kuna-qa lliw lliw-pis yatrra-ya-n-ña-tri-ki huk veses chay
DEM.D-LOC woman-PL all all-ADD know-PROG-3-DISC-EVC-KI one times DEM.D
Las mujeres de acá. Todas ya sabrán, seguro. Una vez,
Women from here. All would already know, for sure. One time, that ...
00:29:44.230 - 00:29:48.600

Madean fiysta tres de hunyutr karqa

Madean fiysta tres de hunyu-tr ka-rqa-ø
Madean festival three of June-EVC be-PST-3
La fiesta de Madeán era el tres de junio.
The festival in Madean was June 3.
00:29:48.730 - 00:29:51.010

Chayman risa Marleni

chay-man ri-sa-ø marleni
DEM.D-ALL go-PRF-3 marleni
Marleni se fue allí
Marleni went there
00:29:51.030 - 00:29:53.450

Ayde, Vilma, Normakuna

ayde vilma Norma-kuna
ayde vilma Norma-PL
Aydee, Vilma, y Norma
Ayde, Vilma, and Norma.
00:29:53.590 - 00:29:55.240

Chay Chaka Mayupam yatrayan nin. ¿Allí no decía?

chay Chaka Mayu-pa-m yatra-ya-n ni-n
DEM.D Chaka river-LOC-EVD live-PROG-3 say-3
Está viviendo en el Río Chaka, dijo. ¿Allí, no decía?
She's living on the Chaka River, he said. There, didn't he say?
00:29:56.360 - 00:30:00.470

Huk runa.
huk runa
one person
Una persona.
A person.
00:30:00.610 - 00:30:02.720

Chay runata chayman suyakushpa intregananpaqtri.

chay runa-ta chay-man suya-ku-shpa intrega-na-n-paq-tri
Así esperando a esa persona para que lo enrtregue.
Waiting for that person in order to offer them up
00:30:02.830 - 00:30:05.610

Chaypish hapiyan wañurachinshi.

chay-pi-sh hapi-ya-n wañu-ra-chi-n-shi
Allí, dicen, la agarró y la mató, dicen.
So, they say, he grabbed her and killed her, they say.
00:30:05.710 - 00:30:08.820

Aideta Ilutawanshi hapikurun kapas.

aidee-ta iluta-wan-shi hapi-ku-ru-n
aidee-ACC iluta-INSTR-EVR grab-REFL-URGT-3
A Aide y al Iluterio también los agarró, possiblemente..
He also grabbed Aide and Iluterio, possibly.
00:30:08.890 - 00:30:11.010

Chayshi Qanchi qawanta qawanta ...

chay-shi qanchi qawa-n-ta qawa-n-ta
DEM.D qanchi above-3-ACC above-3-ACC
En eso, dicen, muy encima de Qanchi
So, they say, way above Qanchi ...
00:30:16.170 - 00:30:19.560

Kutikamun yanqanpatr. Iskapanpa.

kuti-ku-ya-mu-n yanqa-n-pa-tr iskapa-n-pa
return-REFL-CISL-3 in.vain-3-LOC-EVC escape-3-LOC
Se esta regresando de cualquier manera. Al escape
he's going back any way possible. On the escape.
00:30:19.730 - 00:30:22.820

Chayshi runakuna manchakusa riq fiystaman Madeanta.

chay-shi runa-kuna mancha-ku-sa ri-q fiysta-man madean-ta
DEM.D-EVR person-PL scare-REFL-PRF go-AG festival-ALL madean-ACC
En-RSTR, dicen, la gente tenía miedo de ir a la fiesta de Madeán.
So, they say, people were scared to go to the festival in Madeán.
00:30:23.310 - 00:30:27.120

Imayna chay runaqa kayan alli altu runa alli potente.

imayna chay runa-qa ka-ya-n alli altu runa alli potente
how DEM.D person-TOP be-PROG good high person good powerful
Cómo está esa persona-- una persona bien alta, bien potente.
How is that person -- very tall, very powerful.
00:30:28.850 - 00:30:32.160

Robusto, gordo.
Robusto, gordo.
Robust and fat.
00:30:32.290 - 00:30:35.330

Maman wañukuptinpis manam waqanchu. Hunn?

mama-n wañu-ku-pti-n-pis mana-m waqa-n-chu, hunn
mother-3 die-REFL-SUBDS-3-ADD no-EVD cry-3-NEG hunn
Ni siquiera cuando se murió su mama no lloró. Hunn?
He didn't cry even when his mother died. Hunn?
00:30:36.000 - 00:30:39.330

Mamanpis qaraykururqa imatr entonse? "Imapaqtaq waqashaq?"

mama-n-pis qara-yku-ru-rqa-ø ima-tr entonse ima-paq-taq waqa-shaq
mother-3-ADD serve-EXCEP-URGT-PST-3- what-EVC then what-PURP-SEQ cry-1.FUT
A su mamá también así lo habrá pagado entonces. "Para que voy a llorar?"
So he would have offered up his own mother, too. "What I am going to cry for?"
00:30:39.370 - 00:30:42.760

Mamayqa rikuyanmi diskansaqña." Trankilum.

Mi mamá está yendo a descansar". Tranquila.
My mother is going to rest." Calm.
00:30:44.100 - 00:30:48.680

Manash waqanchu.
mana-sh waqa-n-chu
no-EVR cry-3-NEG
No lloró, dice
He didn't cry, they say.
00:30:48.790 - 00:30:51.650

¿Qué será, pues, entonces? ¿o verdad será?

¿Qué será, pues, entonces? ¿ó verdad será?
What would it be, then? Or maybe it's true.
00:30:51.770 - 00:30:54.320

Arí, "Imapaqtaq ñuqa waqashaq?" nin. "Warmiypaqpis waqarqanichu."

Arí, ima-paq-taq ñuqa waqa-shaq ni-n warmi-y-paq-pis waqa-rqa-ni-chu
yes what-PURP-SEQ 1 cry-1.FUT say-3 woman-1-BEN-ADD cry-PST-1-NEG
Sí, "Para qué voy a llorar?" dijo. "Para mi esposa tampoco no he llorado".
Yes. "What am I going to cry for?" he said. "I didn't cry for my wife, either."
00:30:54.330 - 00:30:58.680

"Mamaypaq waqashaqchu." Rumi kurasun rumi kurasun chayqa. Manayá waqanchu.

mama-y-paq waqa-shaq-chu rumi kurasun rumi kurasun chay-qa mana-ya waqa-n-chu
mother-1-BEN cry-3.FUT-NEG stone heart stone heart DEM.D-TOP no-EMPH cry-3-NEG
"Para mi mamá tampoco yo no voy a llorar". Corazón de piedra, corazón de piedra, ese. Pues no ha llorado.
"I'm not going to cry for my mother, either." Heart of stone, heart of stone, that one. He didn't cry, then.
00:31:00.890 - 00:31:07.820

Hukkunaqa waqarun.
huk-kuna-qa waqa-ru-n
one-PL-TOP cry-URGT-3
Otros lloraron.
Others cried.
00:31:08.510 - 00:31:11.960

Su hermano Lusha: "¡Agárra valor! ¡No llores! ¡No llores!" nishpa.

Su hermano Lusha dijo, "¡Agárra valor! ¡No llores! ¡No llores!"
His brother Lusha said, "Take courage! Don't cry! Don't cry!"
00:31:12.820 - 00:31:17.650

Chay ishkay ishkayraqyá kayan wambrachan.

chay ishkay ishkay-raq-ya ka-ya-n wambra-cha-n
DEM.D two two-CONT-EMPH be-PROG-3 child-DIM-3
Tiene dos, dos hijitos todavía.
He has two, two children still.
00:31:19.950 - 00:31:23.800

Taksacha. Chayta pusharikushpaña hamusa. Siyertumpayá upacham.

taksa-cha chay-ta pusha-ri-ku-shpa-ña hamu-sa-ø siyertumpa ya upa-cha-m
La más chiquita. Había venido traéndola. De verdad es sordita.
The smallest one. He had come, taking her. It's true she's deaf.
00:31:23.990 - 00:31:29.390

¿Kutiramunchu? ¿ñachu? ¿Doña Deliachu kutiramun? ¡Qawarikuy, kumadri!

kuti-ra-mu-n-chu ña-chu doña delia-chu kuti-ra-mu-n qawa-ri-y kumadri
return-URGT-CISL-3-Q that-Q doña delia-Q return-URGT-CISL-3 look-INCEP-IMP comadre.
¿Volvó ya? Ha vuelto Doña Delia? A ver ¡Mírale, comadre!
Has she come back yet? Has Doña Delia come back? Go look, comadre!
00:31:31.280 - 00:31:35.820

trayamuptinqa kay punkullapa hamuchun nin ya.

traya-mu-pti-nqa kay punku-lla-pa hamu-chun ni-n
arrive-CISL-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.P door-RSTR-LOC come-INJUNC say-3
Cuando llegó "Que venga por esta puerta!" dijo
When he came, she said, "Let him come in this door!"
00:31:35.980 - 00:31:41.770

¿Pasamuway! ¿Paychu? ¿Pim? Pero, ¡qawaykaruy!

pasa-mu-wa-y pay-chu pi-m pero qawa-yku-ru-y
pass-CISL-1.OBJ-IMP 3-Q who-EVD but look-EXCEP-URGT-IMP
¡Pásamelo! ¿Es él? ¿O quién? ¡Pero verifíca!
Pass that to me! Is it him? Who is it? But go check!
00:31:42.250 - 00:31:45.760

kwidadu, kwidadu! Makinanta.

kwidadu kwidadu makina-n-ta
careful careful machine-3-ACC
¡Cuidado, cuidado! Su máquina.
Careful! Careful! Her machine.
00:31:45.970 - 00:31:47.920

¡Sácalo del camino!

¡Sácalo del camino!
Get it out of the way!
00:31:48.310 - 00:31:54.870

Vas a pasar.
Vas a pasar.
You're going to go by.
00:31:55.150 - 00:31:57.250

No hay, pero.
No hay, pero.
But there isn't any.
00:31:59.220 - 00:32:01.890

Galgo no más hay.

Galgo no más hay.
There's only galgo VV.
00:32:03.690 - 00:32:07.370

¡Chakcha! ¿Invitashaqchu?
chakcha invita-shaq-chu
chew invite-1.FUT-Q
¡Chakcha! ¿Voy a invitar?
Chew! Am I going to invite you?
00:32:07.440 - 00:32:10.540

Akukusakuñatr. Kutiyan piru. Achaw. Tutakuna purin qarqariyahina.

aku-ku-sa-ku-ña-tr kuti-ya-n piru. achaw tuta-kuna puri-n qarqariya-hina
chew-REFL-PRF-REFL-DISC -EVC return-PROG-3 but achaw night-PL walk-3 demon-COMP
Todo chakchado. Está regresando. ¡Qué miedo! De noche todo anda como jarjaria.
It must be all chewed. She's coming back, though. Yikes! He wanders around at night like a condemned
00:32:10.580 - 00:32:14.910

¡Abre! Chaypis qaninpa hamusa.

chay-pis qaninpa hamu-sa-ø
DEM.D-ADD previous come-PRF-3
¡Abre! Allí antes también ha venido.
Open! Before, he went there, too.
00:32:15.410 - 00:32:19.930

Casi entré a otra casa. Mayqinikipis mana yuyachiwarqankichu.

mayqin-iki-pis mana yuya-chi-wa-rqa-nki-chu
which-2-ADD no remember-CAUS-1.OBJ-PST-2-NEG
Casi entré a otra casa. Ninguno de Ustedes me hizo recordar.
I almost went into another house. Neither of you reminded me.
00:32:20.000 - 00:32:24.460

Yo también había olvidado total.

Yo también había olvidado total.
I, too, had forgotten completely.
00:32:24.520 - 00:32:27.180

Asss. Wak tinapa alchawaqtri. ¡Pero pasa para allá dentro!

asss wak tina-pa alcha-waq-tri
asss DEM.D tub-LOC fix-2.COND-EVC
Ass. Lo puedes arreglar en esa tina. ¡Pero pasa para allá dentro!
Asss. You can fix it in that tub. But come past that inside!
00:32:27.240 - 00:32:30.740

¿O tú vas a sentar acá, Shilli?

¿O tú vas a sentar acá, Shilli?
Or are you going to sit here, Shilli?
00:32:33.220 - 00:32:36.390

Imaynataq pasaypaq qunqarurqanchik, piru?

imayna-taq pasaypaq qunqa-ru-rqa-nchik piru
how-SEQ completely forget-URGT-PST-1PL but
¿Cómo de total nos hemos olvidado?
But how dod we all completely forget?
00:32:36.440 - 00:32:39.990

Achacháw! Kay kayna uman ... Apuríman lapcharun kichkata.

achacháw kay kay-na uma Apurí-man lapcha-ru-n kichka-ta
achacháw DEM.D DEM.P-VRBZ head Apurí-ALL grab-URGT-3 thorn-ACC
¡Qué miedo! Aquí así su cabeza ... En Apurí agarró espina.
Yikes! Like this, here, his head ... She grabbed onto a thorn bush in Apurí.
00:32:40.090 - 00:32:44.050

Dyos miyo! Apurawmiki ripun wak Ipoqa. Mana puñunchu nada.

Dyos miyo apuraw-mi-ki ripu-n wak ipo-qa mana puñu-n-chu nada
God mine quick-EVD-KI go-3 DEM.D ipo-TOP no sleep-3-NEG nothing
¡Dios mío! Rápido se fue ese Ipo. No dormió nada.
My God! Ipo went quickly! He didn't sleep at all.
00:32:44.210 - 00:32:48.060

Kayhinapis. Cuando me gana hora a mí ... ¿Hasta dónde fue?

Kayhinapis. Cuando me gana hora a mí ... ¿Hasta dónde fue?
Like here, too. When time gets away from me ... Up to where did he go?
00:32:48.100 - 00:32:52.100

Hasta Apurí más allá.

Hasta Apurí más allá.
Up to past Apurí.
00:32:52.840 - 00:32:54.940

Hilda icha yaku kayanraqpis.

Hilda icha yaku ka-ya-n-raq-pis
Hilda or water be-PROG-3-CONT-ADD
Hilda a ver si hay agua todavía.
Hilda, maybe there's still water?
00:32:55.120 - 00:32:58.790

Mana kanan tumaytam munanchu qaninpaq shinkarachiwarqanchik

Mana kanan tuma-y-ta-m muna-n-chu qaninpaq shinka-ra-chi-wa-rqa-nchik
no now drink-INF-ACC-EVD want-3-NEG previous drunk-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-PST-1PL
No quiere tomar ahora. Antes nos había emborrachado.
He doesn't want to drink now. Before he had got us drunk.
00:32:58.820 - 00:33:02.170

Ahh, ¿no te da sueño?

Ahh, ¿no te da sueño?
Ahh, it doesn't make you sleepy?
00:33:02.280 - 00:33:05.860

Entonces ahorita podemos ir, ¿eh?

Entonces ahorita podemos ir, ¿eh?
Then we can go right now, no?
00:33:05.910 - 00:33:08.170

¿Y dónde dormimos?
¿Y dónde dormimos?
And where will we sleep?
00:33:09.660 - 00:33:11.790

Bajo las estrellas. No sé.

Bajo las estrellas. No sé.
Under the stars. I don't know.
00:33:13.870 - 00:33:18.480

Katkatarushuntrik piru.
katkata-ru-shun-tri-k piru
shake-URGT-1PL.FUT-EVC-K but
Temblaremos de frío, pero.
But we'll be shivering!
00:33:18.710 - 00:33:22.100

En la mañanita es mejor
En la mañanita es mejor
It's better early in the morning.
00:33:22.280 - 00:33:25.830

más tranquilo es. Fácil vamos divisando. Rikuy, kumadre! Pitaq mirindata sirvimushunki Shilli? Ahora.
Riku-y kumadre pi-taq mirinda-ta sirvi-mu-shunki Shilli.
go-REFL-IMP comadre who-SEQ dinner-ACC serve-CISL-3>2 Shilli.
Más tranquilo es. Fácil vamos divisando. ¡Ándate, comadre!. ¿Ahora quién te va a servir la merienda,
Shilli? ¿Ahora?
It's more peaceful. We'll go easily looking around. Go on, comadre! Now who's going to serve you dinner,
Shilli? Now what?
00:33:25.990 - 00:33:33.410

Ya se fue Doña Mila.

Ya se fue Doña Mila.
Doña Mila already left.
00:33:33.470 - 00:33:37.570

Kaynam hitraykurusa.
kay-na-m hitra-yku-ru-sa-ø
Así había derramado.
That's the way it spilled.
00:33:45.030 - 00:33:49.070

¡Witrqaykuruy Shillicha! Chiriyamunmi.

witrqa-yku-ru-y shilli-cha chiri-ya-mu-n-mi
close-EXCEP-URGT-IMP shilli-DIM cold-PROG-CISL-3-EVD
¡Ciérralo, Shili. Está haciendo frío.
Close it, Shilly! It's cold out.
00:33:49.320 - 00:33:54.030

Nos hemos sudado.

Nos hemos sudado.
We've gotten sweaty.
00:33:54.100 - 00:33:56.810
Tutayaqpaq piru kaminullantatr hamuyanki. Camino. Pero qué tentación hoy
Tuta-ya-q-taq piru kaminu-lla-n-ta-tr hamu-ya-nki
night-INCH-AG-LOC but road-RSTR-3-ACC-EVC come-PROG-2
En oscuridad pero por el camino no más estarás viniendo. ¡Pero qué tentación! ¡Oye!
But you must have come on the road in the dark! The road. But what temptation! Listen!
00:33:56.940 - 00:34:00.620

Pucha. Miercoles, si.

Pucha. Miercoles, sí.
Damn. Wednesday, yes.
00:34:00.640 - 00:34:02.340

Pero yo le estoy diciendo hay espina en tu costadito.

Pero yo le estoy diciendo hay espina en tu costadito.
Buy I'm telling him there's a thorn in your side.
00:34:02.350 - 00:34:04.670

Si, pue, me estaba avisando. Así agarré.

Si, pue, me estaba avisando. Así agarré.
Yes, then, he was telling me. So I grabbed it.
00:34:04.690 - 00:34:07.680

Alkolta .... alkolta hitraykuruy, Ido!

alkol-ta alkol-ta hitra-yku-ru-y ido,
alcohol-ACC alcohol-ACC toss-EXCEP-URGT-IMP ido,
¡Alcohol, alcohol, échale, Ido!
Toss some alcohol in it, Ido!
00:34:07.740 - 00:34:10.870

00:34:10.940 - 00:34:12.740

Kay hitraykuruy alkolta chayta! Ramonpa shiminpaqpis carne viva brotará pues
kay hitra-yku-ru-y chay-ta alkol-ta Ramon-pa shimi-n-paq-pis
Échale alcohol a ése! Como dice Ramón: carne viva brotará, pues.
This! Toss some alcohol in there! As Ramón says: live flesh, then.
00:34:12.860 - 00:34:16.400

It will heal.
00:34:16.480 - 00:34:19.060

Allinchu kayan. Esa tasita ¡pásame! Vasito no hay.

allin-chu ka-ya-n
good-NEG be-PROG-3
No está bien. Esa tasita, ¡pásame! Vasito no hay.
It's not good. Pass me that cup! There are no cups.
00:34:20.470 - 00:34:24.040

Ese otro blanquito. Ahh, chami llevaste. Chami.

Ese otro blanquito. Ahh, chami llevaste. Chami.
That other little white one. Ahh, you brought chami. Ahhh, chami.
00:34:24.240 - 00:34:29.480

Chami. Agua no más hemos llevado. Imaynataq Shilliqa hamuyarqa? Qayachisahina.

Imayna-taq shilli hamu-ya-rqa-ø qaya-chi-sa-hina
how-SEQ shilli come-PROG-PST-3 call-CAUS-PRF-COMP
Chami. Agua no más hemos llevado. ¿Cómo estabas viniendo, Shili? como mandado a llamar.
Chami. We only brought water. How were you coming, Shilli, like you were sent to call.
00:34:30.220 - 00:34:33.900

Si hoy me llamó Darío en la mañana.

Sí, hoy me llamó Darío en la mañana.
Yes, Darío called me today in the morning.
00:34:33.940 - 00:34:38.800

Este cujulo será palangana. Ya pues voy a ir pues diciendo.

Ya pues, voy a ir, pues, diciendo.
OK already, I'll go, then, saying.
00:34:38.880 - 00:34:44.450

Familyankunatapis shimin turiypaq qunqarusañam pasaypaq warmilla manañam. Chivita ... silvia ... chivita.
familya-n-kuna-ta-pis shimi-n turi-y-pa-taq qunqa-ru-sa-ña-m pasaypaq warmi-lla mana-ña-m chivita silvia
family-3-PL-ACC mouth-3 brother-1-GEN-SEQ forget-URGT-PRF-DISC-EVD completely woman-RSTR
no-DISC-EVD chivita silvia chivita
Me había olvidado completamente de la familia de mi hermano. Completamente niñas, no más. Chivita . .
My brother's relatives. I had completely forgotten. Completely just girls. Chivita. Silvia. Chivita.
00:34:44.550 - 00:34:49.920

Chivita. Silvia. Shiminpis patryarusa chayllamanñam. Pasaypaqtri ñuqakunataq qunqarun.

Chivita silvia shimi-n-pis patrya-ru-sa-ø chay-lla-man-ña-m pasaypaq-tri ñuqa-kuna-taq qunqa-ru-n
Chivita silvia mouth-3-ADD explode-URGT-PRF-3 DEM.D-RSTR-ALL-DISC-EBD completely-EVC
1-PL-SEQ forget-URGT-3
Chivita Silvia. Su boca también había reventado para eso no más ya De total a nosotros nos han olvidado.
Chivita. SIlvia. Her mouth, too, has exploded, just for that already. Completely, they've forgotten about us.
00:34:49.970 - 00:34:56.380

Yo no sé. ¿Cómo? Así yo también ya estoy cuando así mal cuando estoy se fue Erminio.
Yo no sé. ¿Cómo? Así yo también ya estoy cuando así mal cuando está enferma gente.
I don't know. How? I'm like that, too, when people aren't well, are sick.
00:34:56.450 - 00:35:02.680

Ojalá que te mejores. Sí, hoy ¿Cómo estará chacra, también? ¿Cómo estará?
Ojalá que te mejores. Sí, hoy ¿Cómo estará chacra, también? ¿Cómo estará?
I hope you get better. Yes, listen, How would the fields be, too? How would they be?
00:35:02.720 - 00:35:07.780

¿chacra para qué te preocupes, hermana? Trabahunchikyari. Lo único es cementera.

¿chacra para qué te preocupes, hermana? Nuestro trabajo, pues. Lo único es cementera.
Why are you worried about the fields, sister? It's our work, then. The garden is the only thing.
00:35:08.400 - 00:35:13.420
Na ya tarpuyninchik ... perro está poniendo, chivillo también
Na ya tarpu-y-ni-nchik
that EMPH plant-INF-EUPH-1PL
Es, pues, nuestra siembra. Perro se está metiendo, chivillo, también.
Well, our planting, then ... Dogs are getting in, chivillo birds, too.
00:35:13.480 - 00:35:20.460

Todo está arruinando maíz. Qayninpaqa akurachini tumarachini; kananqa munanchu.

qaninpa-qa aku-ra-chi-ni tuma-ra-chi-ni kanan-qa muna-n-chu
previous-TOP chew-URGT-CAUS-1 drink-URGT-CAUS-1 now-TOP want-3-NEG
Todo estará arruinado -- maíz. Antes le hice chakchar y tomar. Ahora no quiere.
Everything is ruined -- corn ... Before, I made them chew coca, I made them drink; now they don't want to.
00:35:21.620 - 00:35:26.460

I piyensamentun kayan llaqtanta dihasantriki

i piyensamentu-n ka-ya-n llaqta-n-ta diha-sa-n-tri-ki
and thinking-3 be-PROG-3 town-3-ACC leave-PRF-EVC-KI
Y tiene su pensamiento -- que dejó su pueblo
And he has his thoughts -- that he left his town, for sure.
00:35:26.570 - 00:35:30.900

Qasallash llaqtanqa manash kayhinachu. Sí, mis amigos me hacen falta.

qasa-lla-sh llaqta-n-qa mana-sh kay-hina-chu
Puro hielo, dice, es su pueblo. No es como acá, dice. Sí, mis amigos me hacen falta.
Her town is just ice, she says. Not like here, she says. I miss my friends,
00:35:32.940 - 00:35:38.010

Ah, claro pues.

Ah, claro pues.
Ah, of course.
00:35:38.390 - 00:35:40.580

Prufesyunninwanmi kayqa puriyan akasu yanqachu imataq.

prufesyun-ni-n-wan-mi kay-qa puri-ya-n akasu yanqa-chu ima-taq
profession-EUPH-3-INSTR DEM.P-TOP walk-PROG-3 maybe in.vain-NEG what-SEQ
Con su profesión está andando, acaso por gusto.
She's going about with her profession. Maybe for the fun of it.
00:35:40.650 - 00:35:46.330

Uchuk wambralla rimayta yatran chaynash demoran.

uchuk wambra-lla rima-y-ta yatra-n chay-na-sh demora-n
small child-RSTR talk-INF-ACC know-3 DEM.D-VRBZ-EVR tarry-3
Como un bébé chiquito aprende a hablar así está demorando.
Like a small child takes time to learn how to talk.
00:35:50.940 - 00:35:54.700

Todo escrito está llevando en su internet.

Todo escrito está llevando en su internet.
Everything written out -- she's taking it on her internet.
00:35:54.870 - 00:35:58.260

Un niño tarda dos años a aprender su propia lengua.
Un niño tarda dos años a aprender su propia lengua.
A child takes two years to learn their own language.
00:35:58.700 - 00:36:02.000

Ella también eso piensa. ¡Chay yakuta apakaramuy!

chay yaku-ta apa-ka-ra-mu-n
DEM.D water-ACC bring-REFL-URGT-CISL-3
Ella también eso piensa. ¡Lléva esa agua!
She thinks that, too. Bring me that water!
00:36:02.230 - 00:36:05.290

No matriculó ¿no? ¿Dónde? Anda, Hildacha, en esquina.

No matriculó ¿no? Dónde? Anda, Hildacita, en esquina.
He didn't sign up? Where? Go on, Hilda, in the corner.
00:36:05.410 - 00:36:09.380

Esquina del fogón está olla con éste.

En la esquina del fogón hay una olla con éste.
In the corner of the hearth there's a pot with that.
00:36:09.530 - 00:36:13.140

Kay tirmumanpis hitaykaramuy. Azúcar hay todavía.

Kay tirmu-man-pis hita-yka-ra-mu-y
A ese termo también, ¡échalo!. Azúcar hay todavía.
Toss some in this thermos, too. There's still sugar.
00:36:13.410 - 00:36:17.040

Este mi Shilli está sin comer.

Este mi Shilli está sin comer.
My Shilly hasn't eaten.
00:36:17.260 - 00:36:19.410

Yo meriendando vine.
Yo meriendando vine.
I came eating supper.
00:36:19.430 - 00:36:23.260

Imallataq imataq kanan kakullan.

Ima-lla-taq ima-taq kanan ka-ku-lla-n
what-RSTR-SEQ what-SEQ now be-REFL-RSTR3
Qué cosa es ahora ahora qué cosa.
What, what is it now?
00:36:23.960 - 00:36:27.000

Hay que preguntarle.

Hay que preguntarle.
You have to ask her.
00:36:27.240 - 00:36:30.070

Espérate para que te lleves. La tasa allí cuida no más

Espérate para que te lleves. La tasa allí cuida no más
Wait -- so that you can take some along. Just be careful with that cup there.
00:36:30.170 - 00:36:32.880

Lleno es ése. Iskinanpam kayan mankaqa tibyullapis kayantri.

Iskina-n-pa-m ka-ya-n manka-qa tibyu-lla-pis ka-ya-n-tri
corner-3-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3 pot-TOP luke.warm-RSTR-ADD be-PROG-3-EVC
Lleno es ése En el costado está la olla --aunque sea un poquito caliente estará.
That one is full. In the corner there's a pot -- although it'll be luke-warm.
00:36:32.910 - 00:36:36.500

Yo te toca la puerta para ir ya. A qué hora más o menos?

Yo te toca la puerta para ir ya. A qué hora más o menos?
I'll knock on your door to leave. What time more or less?
00:36:36.640 - 00:36:40.300

¿Qué hora será pues? Seis, siete será

¿Qué hora será pues? Seis, siete será
What time would it be? Six, seven o'clock.
00:36:40.330 - 00:36:42.970

00:36:43.000 - 00:36:48.770

Regresando, tarde ya ella temprano se va a su vaca.

Regresando, tarde ya ella temprano se va a su vaca.
On the way back. SHe goes out with her cows early.
00:36:49.430 - 00:36:53.170

Tarde, temprano como antes va a llegar.

Tarde, temprano como antes va a llegar.
In the afternoon, she'll arrive early, like just before.
00:36:53.360 - 00:36:56.110

Nosotros no más la una vamos a llegar. O más temprano, también estaremos.

Nosotros no más la una vamos a llegar. O más temprano, también estaremos.
We'll get there just at one. Or earlier, we'll also be there.
00:36:57.000 - 00:37:01.200

Yo también mi mamá no más botaba mis wachos.

Yo también mi mamá no más botaba mis wachos.
Me, too. My mother pastured my sheep.
00:37:01.360 - 00:37:04.330

Tres más hay que llevar.

00:37:04.330 - 00:37:08.240

Entonces paso por pan.

Entonces paso por pan.
Then I'll go for bread.
00:37:09.470 - 00:37:11.670

Y es cocinado, ah.
Y es cocinado, ah.
And it's cooked, ah.
00:37:11.850 - 00:37:14.350

mi lenteja.
mi lenteja.
my lentils.
00:37:14.830 - 00:37:16.950

¿Lenteja? Es lo que como todos los días.

¿Lenteja? Es lo que como todos los días.
Lentils? That's what I eat every day.
00:37:17.240 - 00:37:20.490

Chaywanshi chay gringa gringa payqa. ¿Qué cosa vas a comer?

chay-man chay gringa gringa pay-qa
DEM.D-ALL DEM.D gringa gringa 3-TOP
Con-RSTR, dice, esa gringa, gringa ella. ¿Qué cosa va a comer?
With that, she says, the gringa, her. What is she going to eat?
00:37:20.670 - 00:37:24.040

00:37:24.040 - 00:37:26.130

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:03 PM


Imayna manam yatranqachu? Epifania sitintachu katrayan. Imaynaya wak?

¿Cómo no va a saber? Está Epifania soltando el becerro? ¿Cómo será, pues,-RSTR?
imayna mana-m yatra-nqa-chu Epifania siti-n-ta-chu katra-ya-n imayna-ya wak
how no-EVD know-3.FUT-NEG Epifania calf-3-ACC-Q release-PROG-3 how-EMPH DEM.D
How is she not going to know? Is Epifania setting her calf loose? How would that be?
00:00:00.190 - 00:00:07.000

Sitintaya katrayan vaka chawananpaqtriki.

Está soltando el becero para que lechea a la vaca.
siti-n-ta-ya katra-ya-n vaka chawa-na-n-paq-tri-ki
calf-3-ACC-EMPH release-PROG-3 cow milk-NMLZ-3-PURP-EVC-KI
She's setting the calf free to milk the cow.
00:00:07.060 - 00:00:10.280

Maman waqayanmi.
Su mamá está llorando.
mama-n waqa-ya-n-mi
mother-3 cry-PROG-EVD
His mother is crying
00:00:10.520 - 00:00:12.410

Chayshi manam kichwa rimayta mamayni ñuqa yatranichu niy.

Por eso dijo no habla Quechua. "Mi mamá; yo no sé"
chay-shi mana-m kichwa rima-y-ta mama-y-ni ñuqa yatra-ni-chu
DEM.D-EVR no-EVD Quechua talk-INF-ACC mother-1-1 1 know-1-NEG
That's why, they say, she said she doesn't know how to speak Quechua. ., say!.
00:00:13.550 - 00:00:16.940

yanqam chaytaq niyan imay manam yatranqan payqa.

Por gusto está diciendo-RSTR. ¿Cómo no va a saber?
yanqa-m chay-taq ni-n imayna mana-m yatra-nqa-chu
in.vain-EVD DEM.D-ACC say-3 how no-EVD know-3.FUT-NEG
She's saying that for no good reason, How is she not going to know Quechua?
00:00:17.070 - 00:00:19.130

Maman rimaptinqa pero paypis yatrayantrik.

Si su mamá habla, ella también lo sabrá.
mama-n rima-pti-n-qa pero pay-pis yatra-ya-n-tri-k
mother-3 talk-SUBDS-3-TOP but 3-ADD know-PROG-3-EVC-K
If her mother is speaking it, she must know it, too.
00:00:19.130 - 00:00:23.050

Mamanqa yatrayantrik
Su mamá lo sabrá.
mama-n yatra-ya-n-tri-k
mother-3 know-PROG-3-EVC-K
Her mother must know it.
00:00:19.130 - 00:00:23.050

Maman taytanwan pay

Su mamá y su papá.
mama-n tayta-n-wan pay
mother-3 father-3-INSTR 3
Her mother and her father
00:00:23.050 - 00:00:25.460

Ipipapis rimarqa.
Epifania también hablaba.
Ipipa-pis rima-rqa-ø
Ipipa-ADD talk-PST-3
Epifania, too, spoke it.
00:00:25.580 - 00:00:28.340

Ipipa Doña Vivia, Don Celecio riman kichwatamiki.

Ipipa, Doña Vivia, Don Celecio hablan quechua pues.
Ipipa Doña Vivia, Don Celecio rima-n kichwa-ta-mi-ki.
Ipipa Doña Vivia, Don Celecio speak-3 Quechua-ACC-EVD-KI
Ipipa. Doña Vivia, and Don Cecelio speak Quechua.
00:00:28.500 - 00:00:32.630

Chichiyachin chichiyachin.
Está haciendo mamar, está haciendo mamar.
chichi-ya-chi-n chichi-ya-chi-n
breast-PROG-CAUS-3 breast-PROG-CAUS-3
he's having her nurse. She's having her nurse.
00:00:32.940 - 00:00:34.960

Estará desmamando.
She must be weaning him.
00:00:37.050 - 00:00:40.010

Saytayan chay vaka.

Esa vaca está pateando ya.
sayta-ya-n chay vaka
kick-PROG-3 DEM.D cow
That cow is kicking already.
00:00:37.050 - 00:00:40.010

Hatunñam sitin.
El becero está grande ya.
hatun-ña-m siti-n
big-DISC-EVD calf-3
Her calf is big already.
00:00:40.010 - 00:00:43.030

Manañam chichichikunchu
Todavía no se deja de mamar.
mana-ña-m chichi-chi-ku-n-chu
She doesn't let herself be milked still.
00:00:40.010 - 00:00:43.030

Está pateando.
She's kicking.
00:00:46.290 - 00:00:49.650

Ay, karaho! Vakaqa saytarun.

¡Ay, carajo! La vaca la pateó.
Ay, karaho vaka-qa sayta-ru-n
Ay, damn cow-TOP kick-PST-3
Ah, damn! The cow kicked her.
00:00:50.190 - 00:00:52.560

Hatunñamik sitin kayan. Anuyanñatriki.

El becero ya está grande. Seguro ya estará desmamando.
hatun-ña-mi-k siti-n ka-ya-n anu-ya-n-ña-tri-ki
big-DISC-EVD-K calf-3 be-PROG-3 wean-PROG-3-DISC-EVC-KI
Her calf is big already. She must be weaning him.
00:00:53.650 - 00:00:57.330

Chaytrik saytakuyan. Chay chuchunyatr kayan.

Por eso estará pateando. Estará preñada.
chay-tri-k sayta-ku-ya-n chay chuchu-ña-tr ka-ya-n
DEM.D-EVC-K kick-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D pregnant-DISC-EVC be-PROG-3
That must be why she's kicking. She must be pregnant.
00:00:58.350 - 00:01:02.330

Chaytriki manaña vakaqa chichinchu wawanta.

Por eso, seguro, la vaca ya no mama su cría.
chay-tri-ki mana-ña vaka-qa chichi-n-chu wawa-n-ta
DEM.D-EVC-KI no-DISC cow-TOP breast-3-NEG baby-3-ACC
That must be why the cow doesn't nurse her baby.
00:01:03.080 - 00:01:05.320

Vakata rugayan munanchu.

Está rogando la vaca. No quiere.
vaka-ta ruga-ya-n muna-n-chu
cow-ACC beg-PROG-3 want-3-NEG
He's begging. The cow doesn't want to.
00:01:08.910 - 00:01:10.780

Chawachikunchu. Manam lichinta quyta munanchu.

No se deja de mamar. No quiere dar su leche.
chawa-chi-ku-n-chu mana-m lichi-n-ta qu-y-ta muna-n-chu
milk-CAUS-REFL-3-NEG no-EVD milk-3-ACC give-INF-ACC want-3-NEG
She doesn't let herself be milked. She doesn't want to give up her milk.
00:01:11.550 - 00:01:16.270

Chay willkachanpis.
Ése es su nietecito.
chay willka-cha-n-pis
DEM.D grandchild-DIM-3-ADD
That's her little grandson.
00:01:17.690 - 00:01:19.500

Milvinpa turu wak trayarun.

El toro de Milvin llegó allí.
Milvin-pa turu wak traya-ru-n
Milvin-GEN bull DEM.D arrive-URGT-3
Milvin's bull arrived there.
00:01:19.570 - 00:01:22.750

Turu trayarun.
El toro llegó.
turu traya-ru-n
bull arrive-URGT-3
The bull's arrived.
00:01:19.570 - 00:01:22.750

Ay, chaytriki kurrikatrakuyan.

Por eso estará correteando.
chay-tri-ki kurri-katra-ku-ya-n
That must be why he's running around.
00:01:22.920 - 00:01:27.120

Wak Miriampis pasanqam wambran qipikusa.

Miriam también va a pasar cargando su bebé.
wak Miriam-pis pasa-nqa-m wambra-n qipi-ku-sa
DEM.D Miriam-ADD pass-3.FUT-EVD child-3 carry-REFL-PRF
Miriam also is going to go by carrying her baby.
00:01:27.190 - 00:01:29.590

Aa, Olindapis chaypa kayan. Ishkaynin.

Ah, Olinda también está allí. Las dos.
aa Olinda-pis chay-pa ka-ya-n ishkay-ni-n
Ah, Olinda-ADD DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3 two-EUPH-3
Olinda, too, is there. Both of them.
00:01:29.590 - 00:01:32.150

Olindas wakpaya kayan.

Olinda también está allá.
Olinda-s wak-pa-ya ka-ya-n
Olinda, too, is there.
00:01:32.200 - 00:01:33.750

Maqtachanpis asiyan. Allquchan tushuchishpa

Su niño también está riyendo haciendo bailar su perrito.
maqta-cha-n-pis asi-ya-n allqu-cha-n tushu-chi-shpa
boy-DIM-3-ADD laugh-PROG-3 dog-DIM-3 dance-CAUS-SUBIS
Her little boy is also laughing, making his puppy dance.
00:01:33.750 - 00:01:38.020

Allquchanta hapirayan.
Está agarrando perrito.
allqu-cha-n-ta hapi-raya-n
dog-DIM-3-ACC grab-PASSACC-3
He's grabbed on to his puppy.
00:01:44.100 - 00:01:46.860

Munanchu vaka quyta.

La vaca no quiere dar.
muna-n-chu vaka qu-y-ta.
want-3-NEG cow give-INF-ACC
The cow diesn't want to give.
00:01:48.610 - 00:01:53.410

Tipirun alsantatr hina. Surqurun. Saytatr payman.

Rompió su soga, creo. Lo sacó. Le va a patear seguro.
tipi-ru-n alsa-n-ta-tr hina surqu-ru-n sayta-tr pay-man
break-URGT-3 rope-3-ACC-EVC like take.out-URGT-3 kick-EVC 3-ALL
He broke his rope, I believe. He took it out. He's going to kick her.
00:01:55.270 - 00:02:00.310

Chay alsayan vaka chawananpaq.

Lo está amarrando para lechear la vaca.
chay alsa-ya-n vaka chawa-na-n-paq
DEM.D tie-PROG-3 cow milk-NMLZ-3-PURP
She's tying it to milk the cow.
00:01:55.270 - 00:02:00.310

trakinta watayan.
Está amarrando sus pies.
trraki-n-ta wata-ya-n
foot-3-ACC tie-PROG-3
She's tying up her feet.
00:02:02.630 - 00:02:05.460

Waktam alsa sultashun ninchik

Vamos a alsar se dice.
wak-ta-m alsa sulta-shun ni-nchik
DEM.D-ACC-EVD tie release-1PL.FUT say-1PL
We're going to untie him, you say.
00:02:05.490 - 00:02:08.270

Vakata sultashun chawananchikpaq nin

"Vamos a trincar la vaca para lechear", dice.
vaka-ta sulta-shun chawa-na-nchik-paq ni-n
cow-ACC release-1PL.FUT milk-NMLZ-1PL-PURP say-3
We'regoing to leat the cow go so we can milk, she says.
00:02:08.290 - 00:02:11.810

Mas sumaq chayqa kanman chay uñantapis mana kunkanchu.

Ese becero puede ser más bonito si no le amarra las patas.
mas sumaq chay-qa ka-n-man-tri-ø chay uña-n-ta-pis mana kunka-n-chu
more pretty DEM.D-TOP be-3-COND- DEM.D calf-3-ACC-ADD mana tie.feet-3-NEG
That calf would be nicer without his feet tied
00:02:12.430 - 00:02:16.390

Watuwan trakichanman watanchik. Kunka ninchik chayta

Amarramos sus patitas con soga. eso llamamos "kunka."
watu-wan traki-cha-n-man wata-nchik. kunka ni-nchik chay-ta
rope-INSTR foot-DIM-3-ALL tie-1PL Kunka say-1PL DEM.D-ACC
We tie up its feet with rope. We call that " kunka."
00:02:16.440 - 00:02:19.970

Wak umbruyanñatr mamanta hat hatun kayan.

Ese ya estará cargando a su mamá. Es tremendo.
wak umburu-ya-n-ña-tr mama-n-ta hat hatun ka-ya-n
DEM-D carry.on.shoulder-PROG-3-DISC-EVC mother-ACC big big be-PROG-3
That one would already be carrying his mother on his shoulder. He's big.
00:02:21.160 - 00:02:23.430

Manañam chayta usanchu.

Ya no usan-RSTR.
mana-ña-m chay-ta usa-n-chu
They don't use that any more.
00:02:23.580 - 00:02:27.850

Manañam pero kananqa kunkanchu.

Pero ahora ya no ... su cuello no
mana-ña-m pero kanan-qa kunka-n-chu
no-DISC-EVD but now-TOP neck-3-NEG
But not now, not her neck.
00:02:23.580 - 00:02:27.850

Watanñam ishtakachata plantashpa

Se amarra ya plantando palito.
wata-n-ña-m ishtaka-cha-ta planta-shpa
tie-3-DISC-EVD stick-DIM-ACC VV plant-SUBIS
She ties her up, planting a peg.
00:02:28.120 - 00:02:31.040

Antes huklla chawashpa

Antes, lecheando uno no más.
antes huk-lla chawa-shpa
before one-RSTR milk-SUBIS
Before, milking just one.
00:02:31.160 - 00:02:33.980

Karruskachanman watan
A little further on, she ties him up.
karruska-cha-n-man wata-n
VV DIM-3-ALL tie-3
Poquito más lejos amarra.
00:02:31.160 - 00:02:33.980

Huklla chawashpash chay trakinman kunkanman

Uno no más cuando lecheaba, [lo amarra] el pie y el cuello.
huk-lla chawa-shpa chay trakin-kuna-man kunka-n-man
one-RSTR milk-SUBIS DEM.D foot-PL-ALL neck-3-ALL
Just one when she milks [she ties them] by the foot and by the neck.
00:02:34.030 - 00:02:37.060

Bulsachata shiminman trurarushpa.

Poniendo bolsacita a su boca.
bulsa-cha-ta shimi-n-man trura-ru-shpa
bag-DIM-ACC mouth-3-ALL put-URGT-SUBIS
Putting a bag on her mouth.
00:02:37.680 - 00:02:40.730

Mamanpa trakillanman watarunchik.

Amarramos nada más el pie de la mamá.
mama-n-pa traki-lla-n-man wata-ru-nchik
mother-3-GEN foot-RSTR-3-ALL tie-EXCEP-1PL
We tie just the feet of its mother.
00:02:40.770 - 00:02:43.450
Están lecheando.
They're milking.
00:02:43.830 - 00:02:45.370

Hatu hatunñam turu kasa.

El toro ya es grande.
hatu hatun-ña-m turu ka-sa-ø
big big-DISC-EVD bull be-PRF-ø
The bull is big already.
00:02:45.390 - 00:02:48.280

She had nursed.
00:02:48.310 - 00:02:51.290

Turuqa pusuquy pusuquy chichirusa. VV

El toro había mamado hasta que salgue espuma.
turu-qa pusuqu-y pusuqu-y chichi-ru-sa-ø
bull-TOP foam-INF foam-INF breast-URG-PRF-3
The calf had nursed until foam came out.
00:02:48.310 - 00:02:51.290

Wak chikan mansaman chayqa

Ese tamaño ése es para mansar
wak chikan mansa-man chay-qa
DEM.D size tame-ALL DEM.D-TOP
At that size, he's ready to be tamed.
00:02:51.290 - 00:02:53.840

00:02:55.330 - 00:02:58.760

Peludum kayan chay turu

Ese toro está peludo.
peludu-m ka-ya-n chay turu
hairy-EVD be-PROG-3 DEM.D bull
That bull has lots of hair.
00:02:55.330 - 00:02:58.760

Chichirunñatriki. Imatataq chawanqa?

Ya mamó ¿Qué va a lechear?
chichi-ru-n-ña-tri-ki ima-ta-taq chawa-nqa
breast-URGT-3-DISC-EVC-KI what-ACC-SEQ milk-3.FUT
He already nursed. What will she milk?
00:02:59.650 - 00:03:01.990

Ishchallataña hapiyan
Poquito no más está aplastando.
ishcha-lla-ta-ña hapi-ya-n
little-RSTR-ACC-DISC grab-PROG-3
She's grabbing just a little bit.
00:03:02.630 - 00:03:04.710

Achka lichi kanchu

No hay mucha leche.
achka lichi ka-n-chu
a.lot milk be-3-NEG
There's not a lot of milk.
00:03:12.620 - 00:03:14.660

Manaya achkachu hatu hatun sitinña kayan

No hay mucha [leche]. Su ternero está grande ya.
mana-ya achka-chu hatu hatun siti-n-ña ka-ya-n
no-EMPH a.lot-NEG big big calf-3-DISC be-PROG-3
There isn't a lot. Her calf is already very big.
00:03:15.120 - 00:03:17.860

Musikantatr prindirun
Habrá prendido su música.
musika-n-ta-tr prindi-ru-n
music-3-ACC-EVC light-URGT-3
She must have turned on her music.
00:03:23.260 - 00:03:25.200

Chawakuyan baldeta huntarichinchu.

Está lecheando en un balde. No se llena.
chawa-ku-ya-n balde-ta hunta-ri-chi-n-chu
milk-REFL-PROG-3 bucket-ACC fill-INCH-CAUS-3-NEG
She's milking into a bucket -- it isn't filling up.
00:03:32.890 - 00:03:35.440

Kimsa tasallañatr lichin kayan chaypa

Ésa tendrá tres tasas de leche, no más.
kimsa tasa-lla-ña-tr lichi-n ka-ya-n chay-pa
three cup-RSTR-DISC-EVC milk-3 be-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC
She wouldn't have more than three cups of milk.
00:03:36.200 - 00:03:39.850

Manam huntachinchu. Ayka ayka lichiraya kayan

No se llena. ¿Cuántas lecheras hay?
mana-m hunta-chi-n-chu. ayka ayka lichira-ya ka-ya-n
no-EVD gather-CAUS-3-NEG how.much how.much milk-cow-EMPH be-PROG-3
It doesn't fill it up. How many milk cows are there?
00:03:41.280 - 00:03:44.880

Ishkay lichiram kayan.

Hay dos lecheras.
ishkay lichira-m ka-ya-n
two dairy.cow-EVD be-PROG-3
There are two dairy cows.
00:03:45.430 - 00:03:47.100
Ishkay lichira. Wak chichanpis chaypa.
Dos lecheras. Ése está mamando también allí.
Ishkay lichira. Wak chicha-n-pis chay-pa.
two milk.cow DEM.D nurse-3-ADD DEM.D-LOC
Two milk cows. That one is nursing there, too.
00:03:50.620 - 00:03:53.550

Está comiendo rico.
He's eating well.
00:03:54.450 - 00:03:55.930

Avas chalatachu mikuyan

Está comiendo chala de habas.
avas chala-ta-chu miku-ya-n
broad.beans stalk-ACC-NEG eat-PROG-3
They're eating broad bean stalks.
00:03:56.630 - 00:04:00.430

Hanaylaw patapim michayani.

Estoy pasteando en otro andén.
hanay-law pata-pi-m micha-ya-ni
up-side terrace-LOC-EVD herd-PROG-1
I'm herding up on the terrace.
00:04:00.510 - 00:04:03.980

Aa, qampa.
Ah, de usted
aa qam-pa
Ah, 2-GEN
Ah, yours.
00:04:00.510 - 00:04:03.980

Watasa wak mikuyan.

Ése está comiendo amarrado.
wata-sa wak miku-ya-n
tie-PRF DEM-D eat-PROG-3
That one is eating tied up.
00:04:05.090 - 00:04:07.030

Aa, wakkunam hatu hatunña kayan.

Ésos están grandes ya.
aa wak-kuna-m hatu hatun-ña ka-ya-n
Ah, DEM.D-PL-EVD big nig-DISC be-PROG-3
Those are big already.
00:04:07.890 - 00:04:10.680

Avas chalata mikuyan

Está comiendo chala de habas
avas chala-ta miku-ya-n
braod.beans stalk-ACC eat-PROG-3
They're eating broad bean stalks.
00:04:07.890 - 00:04:10.680

Uchuk uchuklla kayan.

Están muy chiquitos.
uchuk uchuk-lla ka-ya-n
small small-RSTR be-PROG-3
They're really small.
00:04:10.880 - 00:04:13.530

Just little ones.
00:04:13.710 - 00:04:14.760

Karrupis bullata ruwayan. Kabrachanpis chaypa kayan.

El carro está haciendo bulla. Su cabrita está allí, también.
karru-pis bulla-ta ruwa-ya-n kabra-cha-n-pis chay-pa ka-ya-n
car-ADD noise-ACC make-PROG-3 goat-DIM-3-ADD DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3
The car is making noise. Her little goat is there, too.
00:04:16.310 - 00:04:26.260

Wawachayuqkaman kayan kabrachan¿

¿Está por tener cría su cabrita?
wawa-cha-yuq-kaman ka-ya-n kabra-cha-n
baby-DIM-POSS-LIM be-PROG-3 goat-DIM-3
Is her goat going to have a baby?
00:04:27.050 - 00:04:29.450

Wakchanpis kayan.
También tiene ovejas.
wakcha-n-pis ka-ya-n
sheep-3-ADD be-PROG-3
SHe has sheep, too.
00:04:29.490 - 00:04:32.970

Huktaña chawayan.
Ya está lecheando la otra.
huk-ta-ña chawa-ya-n
one-ACCDISC milk-PROG-3
She's already milking another.
00:04:33.290 - 00:04:35.400

Yana altuta.
A la negra alta.
yana altu-ta
black tall-ACC
The tall black one.
00:04:35.470 - 00:04:38.210

Vakataña chawayan.
Está lecheando la vaca ya.
vaka-ta-ña chawa-ya-n
cow-ACC-DISC milk-PROG-3
She's milking the cow already.
00:04:35.470 - 00:04:38.210

Wakqa sitin umara.

Ése becero es umara.
wak-qa siti-n umara
DEM.D-TOP calf-3 VV
That calf is VV
00:04:39.240 - 00:04:41.850

Pillku vaka
Vaca callejona.
pillku vaka
black.and.white cow
A black and white cow.
00:04:42.550 - 00:04:44.870

00:04:46.380 - 00:04:47.850

Chay kolortaq ninchik pillku

Ese color se dice callejón
chay kolor-taq ni-nchik pillku
DEM.D color-ACC say-1PL pillku
That color is called "pillku"
00:04:49.110 - 00:04:51.120

Wak Olindapis kayta chawashiyan.

Olinda está ayudando a lechear.
wak Olinda-pis kay-ta chawa-shi-ya-n
Olinda is helping milk.
00:04:52.400 - 00:04:55.840

Ayka vakayuq kayan.

¿Cuántas vacas tiene?
ayka vaka-yuq ka-ya-n
Ayka vakayuq kayan.
How many cows does she have?
00:05:03.580 - 00:05:05.710

Ay, kachkanpis pichqachu suqtachu chaynata ya.

¿Hay cinco o seis?
ay ka-chka-n-pis pichqa-chu suqta-chu chay-na-ta ya
Are, therefive or six?
00:05:06.800 - 00:05:09.090

Sitin turuchankuna
Sus terneros y sus toros.
sitin turu-cha-n-kuna
calf-3 bull-DIM-3-PL
Her calfs and bulls.
00:05:09.370 - 00:05:11.420

Sus vaquillas.
Her cows.
00:05:11.680 - 00:05:13.990

Huk wataraq wakchaqa ñuqapam kayan hanaylaw patapa.

El que está amarrado arriba en el andén -- ése es mío.
huk wata-raq wakcha ñuqa-pa-m hanay-law pata-pi
one year-CONT sheep-TOP 1-GEN-EVD up.hill-side terrace-LOC
One tied up right there up hill on the terrace is mine.
00:05:15.770 - 00:05:18.520

Está comiendo bien rico.
They're eating well.
00:05:19.560 - 00:05:21.500

Avas chalata mikuyan.

Está comiendo chala de habas.
avas chala-ta miku-ya-n
broad-beans stalk-ACC eat-PROG-3
They're eating broad bean stalks
00:05:21.800 - 00:05:23.430

Avas chalataya
Chala de habas, pues.
avas chala-ta-ya
broad.beans stalk-ACC-EMPH
Broad bean stalks, then.
00:05:23.530 - 00:05:24.890

Chawarunña vakata
Ya lecheó las vacas.
chawa-ru-n-ña vaka-ta
milk-URGT-3 cow-ACC
She already milked the cow.
00:05:26.030 - 00:05:27.380

Puchukarunña Miriampis chaypi kayan

Ya terminó. Miriam también está allí.
puchuka-ru-n-ña Miriam-pis chay-pi kayan
finish-URGT-3-DISC Miriam-ADD DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3
She already finished. Miriam is also there.
00:05:28.320 - 00:05:30.810

Turuta ya qatiyan Miriamqa

Miriam está arreando el toro.
turu-ta ya qati-ya-n Miriam-qa
bull-ACC EMPH take-PROG-3 Miriam-TIO
Miriam is taking a bull.
00:05:30.850 - 00:05:32.410

Turu takurun
El toro se entreveró.
turu taku-ru-n
bull tangle-URGT-3
The bull got tangled up.
00:05:32.420 - 00:05:33.410

Waway qipishaqña nishpapis lluqsishaq.

"Voy a cargar mu bebé ya", dijo. "Voy a salir".
wawa-y qipi-shaq-ña ni-shpa-pis lluqsi-ru-n
baby-1 carry-1.FUT-DISC say-SUBIS-ADD leave-URGT-3
"I'm going to carry my baby already," she said. "I'm going to leave."She left carrying her baby.
00:05:34.020 - 00:05:36.620

Wawachan qipichisa alli alli turuqa waqrarunqa imatr

Su bebecito se carga bien bien. Tal vez el toro la cornee.
wawa-cha-n qipi-chi-sa alli alli turu-qa waqra-ru-nqa ima-tr
baby-DIM-3 carry-CAUS-PRF good good bull-TOP horn-URGT-3.FUT what-EVC
Her little baby's carried well. The bull could gore her.
00:05:36.620 - 00:05:39.950

00:05:41.720 - 00:05:43.260

00:05:41.720 - 00:05:43.260

Vakawan kashpaqa waqarunmantri.

Estando con vaca puede cornear.
vaka-wan ka-shpa-qa waqa-ru-n-man-tri
Being with the cow, it could gore her.
00:05:43.990 - 00:05:46.540

Kaniruytachu munayan allqu

¿Quiere morder el perro?
kani-ru-y-ta-chu muna-ya-n allqu
tooth-URGT-INF-ACC-Q want-PROG-3 dog
Does the dog want to bite?
00:05:51.480 - 00:05:54.660

Pukllapayanchu kaniruytachu munayan?

Está jugando o quiere morder?
puklla-paya-n-chu kani-ru-y-ta-chu muna-ya-n
play-UNINT-3-Q bite-URGT-INF-ACC-Q want-PROG-3
Is it keeping on playing or does it want to bite?
00:05:55.220 - 00:05:57.600

Allí va a agarrar.
Lo va a agarrar allí.
He's going to grab it there.
00:05:59.120 - 00:06:00.620

Mansukaman wak turunkunaqa.

Esos toros son para mansar.
mansu-kaman wak turu-n-kuna-qa
tame-LIM DEM.D bull-3-PL-TOP
Those bulls are ready to be tamed.
00:06:01.540 - 00:06:03.710

Aysan waqrapaq wataykushpa

Lo jalan amarrándole el cacho.
aysa-n waqra-pa wata-ya-ku-shpa
pull-3 horn-GEN tie-INCH-REFL-SUBIS
She's pulling him tied up by the horn.
00:06:04.700 - 00:06:07.140

Watarishpalla mikunpis.
Amarrado no más come.
wata-ri-shpa miku-n-pis
He eats tied up.
00:06:07.650 - 00:06:11.310

Manso chay kasa.

Bien manso era.
manso chay ka-sa-ø
tame DEM.D be-PRF-3
That one is tamed.
00:06:07.650 - 00:06:11.310

Kay watayan.
Lo está amarrando.
Kay watayan.
Kay watayan.
She's tying it.
00:06:12.830 - 00:06:15.940

Está amarrando.
She's tying him up.
00:06:17.380 - 00:06:18.990

Va a jalar pues.
She's going to pull him.
00:06:22.310 - 00:06:23.530

Aysanqatrik chay.
Lo va a jalar, seguro.
aysa-nqa-tri-k chay
pull-3.FUT-EVC-K DEM.D
She's going to pull it, then.
00:06:24.270 - 00:06:25.550

Ara aradorña
Ara ... Arador ya es.
ara ... arador-ña
plow plower-DISC
It's a plow ... a plower already.
00:06:26.310 - 00:06:27.920

Araq niyan.
"Arador" está diciendo
ara-q ni-ya-n
plow-AG say-PROG-3
She's saying "plower".
00:06:27.920 - 00:06:29.900

Aradorñatr, aw?
Será arador, ¿no?
arador-ña-tr aw
plower-DISC-EVC yes
It must be a plower, no?
00:06:27.920 - 00:06:29.900

Con yunta-
With a pair.
00:06:30.370 - 00:06:31.700

Maypiya kayan chay huknin

¿Dónde estará ese otro?
may-pi-ya ka-ya-n huk-ni-n
where-LOC-EMPH be-PROG-3 one-EUPH-3
Where would the other be?
00:06:31.960 - 00:06:33.460

Munanchu chay vakamantriki.

No quiere hacía la vaca seguro.
muna-n-chu chay vaka-man-tri-ki
want-3-NEG DEM.D cow-ALL-EVC-KI
She must not want to towards the cow.
00:06:36.460 - 00:06:39.190

Munanchu riyta.
No quiere ir.
muna-n-chu ri-y-ta
want-3-NEG go-INF-ACC
He doesn't want to go.
00:06:36.460 - 00:06:39.190

Arrastrarunqa. ¿Ima chay?

Le va a arrastrar. ¿Qué es-RSTR?
arrastra-ru-nqa ima chay
drag-URGT-3.FUT what DEM.D
She's going to drag him. What's that?
00:06:39.280 - 00:06:41.540

Wambran trayarun
Llegó su hija.
wambra-n traya-ru-n
child-3 arrive-URGT-3
Her daughter arrived.
00:06:41.540 - 00:06:43.230

Chay pashñacha.
Esa chica.
chay pashña-cha
DEM.D girl-DIM
That little girl.
00:06:41.540 - 00:06:43.230

Pasachin turuta
Está llevando toro.
pasa-chi-n turu-ta
pass-CAUS-3 bull-ACC-TOP
She took along the bull.
00:06:44.100 - 00:06:46.080

Takiytaña qallarin.
Empezó a cantar ya.
taki-y-ta-ña qallari-n
sing-INF-ACC-DISC begin-3
They started singing already.
00:06:48.880 - 00:06:50.150

Manam uyarinchu. Uyariyanchu?

No escucha. ¿O escucha?
mana-m uyari-n-chu uyari-ya-n-chu
no-EVD hear-3-NEG hear-PROG-3-Q
She doesn't hear. Does she hear?
00:06:54.890 - 00:06:56.900

¿Está grabando?
Is it recording?
00:06:56.950 - 00:06:59.390

00:06:59.520 - 00:07:01.460

00:07:02.550 - 00:07:04.690

Kanan harqunqañatr vakanta

Va a botar ya a su vaca.
kanan harqu-nqa-ña-tr vaka-n-ta
now toss-3.FUT-DISC-EVC cow-3-ACC
Now she's going to herd her cow.
00:07:16.670 - 00:07:20.220

Lo va a soltar ya seguro
She's going to set it loose, for sure.
00:07:21.930 - 00:07:24.910

Kabrantaña chawayan.
Está lecheando sus cabras ya.
kabra-n-ta-ña chawa-ya-n
goat-3-ACC-DISC milk-PROG-3
She's milking her goats already.
00:07:21.930 - 00:07:24.910

Chay katraykunqaña.
Lo va a soltar ya.
chay katra-yku-nqa-ña
She's going to set him loose.
00:07:27.050 - 00:07:29.410

Uñachanpis kapachasa kayan.

Sus beceritos están capachados.
uña-cha-n-pis kapacha-sa ka-ya-n
calf-DIM-3-ADD mask-PRF be-PROG-3
Her little calfs are masked.
00:07:30.480 - 00:07:34.060

Achka achkam kabran, aw?

Tiene muchas cabras, no?
achka achka-m kabra-n aw
a.lot a.lot-EVD goat-3 yes
She has a lot of goats, no?
00:07:34.550 - 00:07:37.190

Aw varyus kanmi kabran.

Sí, tiene muchas cabras.
aw varyus ka-n-mi kabra-n
yes many be-3-EVD goat-3
Yes, she has a lot of cows.
00:07:37.530 - 00:07:39.000

Millisuta millusutatr watrarun.

De dos en dos, habría parido.
millusu-ta millusu-ta-tr watra-ru-n
twin twin-Q give.birth-URGT-3
She must have given birth to twins.
00:07:38.960 - 00:07:41.170

Aa, varyusmi kabran kayanmi.

Sí, tiene muchas cabras.
aa varyus-mi kabra-n ka-ya-n-mi
ah, many-EVD goat-3 be-PROG-3-EVD
Yes, she has a lot of goats.
00:07:42.100 - 00:07:44.810

Millusukamanchu watrarun.
Parió millisos.
millusu-kaman-chu watra-ru-n
twin-LIM-Q give.birth-URGT-3
She gave birth to twins.
00:07:44.970 - 00:07:46.750

Chay kabranpawan vakanpawanchu kisuchan.

Su queso será de sus cabras y de sus vacas.
chay kabra-n-pa-wan vaka-n-pa-wan-tri-ø kisu-cha-n
DEM.D goat-3-GEN-INSTR cow-3-GEN-INSTR-EVC cheese-DIM-3
Her cheese would be from her goats and from her cows.
00:07:51.950 - 00:07:55.540

Kabrankunatrik awmentayan-
Las cabras estarán aumentando.
kabra-n-kuna-tri-k awmenta-ya-n
goat-3-PL-EVC-K augment-PROG-3
The number of her goats would be increasing.
00:07:55.560 - 00:07:57.960

00:07:58.540 - 00:08:01.580

Kabrapaqqa kisullanshi.
Sale más queso de leche de cabra, dicen.
kabra-paq-qa kisu-lla-n-shi
goat-GEN-TOP cheese-3-EVR
More milk comes out of goats' milk, they say.
00:07:58.540 - 00:08:01.580

Sweruqa ischalla lluqsin kabrapa.

Poquito suero sale de la leche de cabra.
sweru-qa ischa-lla lluqsi-n kabra-pa
whey-TOP little-RSTR leave-3 goat-GEN
Little whey comes out of goats' milk.
00:08:01.580 - 00:08:04.340

Vakapañataq uñayuq kaptinqa

De la leche de vaca, también, cuando tienen crías chiquitas..
vaka-pa-ña-taq uña-yuq ka-pti-n-qa
Out of cows' milk, too, when they have babies.
00:08:06.910 - 00:08:09.850

swerullan. sityuq kaptinqa

Su suero no más. Cuando tienen becerros.
sweru-lla-n siti-yuq ka-pti-n-qa
whey-RSTR-3 calf-POSS be-SUBDS-3-TOP
Just their whey. When they have calfs.
00:08:09.910 - 00:08:13.340

Mas kisulla sitipaqqa.

Más quesillo del becerro.
mas kisu-lla siti-n-paq-qa
more cheese-RSTR calf-3-ABL-TOP
More cheese from her calf.
00:08:13.360 - 00:08:17.280

Queso no más.
Just cheese.
00:08:13.360 - 00:08:17.280

Kabranpis kayan
Están también sus cabras.
kabra-n-pis ka-ya-n
goat-3-ADD be-PROG-3
Her goats are there, too.
00:08:22.090 - 00:08:23.500

Kapuchasa. Tupayan.
Están capuchados. Están corneandon.
kapucha-sa tupa-ya-n
mask-PRF butt-PROG-3
They're masked. They're butting heads.
00:08:23.530 - 00:08:27.530

Chawachikunpis kabrapis. Manam chawachikunchu.

Esa cabra no se deja lechear, tampoco. No se deja lechear.
chawa-chi-ku-n-pis kabra-pis mana-m chawa-chi-ku-n-chu
The goat doesn't let herself be milked, either. She doesn't let herself be milked.
00:08:28.960 - 00:08:33.290

Mansu algunus Chukaru.

Algunos son mansos, algunos semarones.
mansu-m algunus chukaru
tame-EVD some wild
Some are tame, some are wild
00:08:33.980 - 00:08:35.440

Pastuta rantishpallatrik purin, aw?

Comprando pasto no más andará.
pastu-ta ranti-shpa-lla-tri-k puri-n aw
pasture.grass-ACC buy-SUBIS-RSTR-EVC-K walk-3 yes
She's going around just buying pasture.
00:08:37.760 - 00:08:40.690

Pastuta rantishpa Markakaman trayarun

Llegó hasta Marca comprando pasto.
pastu-ta ranti-shpa Marka-kaman traya-ru-n
pasture.grass-ACC buy-SUBI Marca-LIM arrive-URGT-3
She arrived all the way at Marca buying pasture.
00:08:40.880 - 00:08:43.090

00:08:43.240 - 00:08:45.270

Mana pastutrrik mana kanchu.

Pasto no habrá.
mana pastu-tri-k mana ka-n-chu
no pasture.grass-EVC-K no be-3-NEG
There must not be pasture grass, no.
00:08:46.860 - 00:08:49.320

Rantisankuna trurananpaqtriki.
Para guardar lo que compró, seguro.
ranti-sa-ø-kuna trura-na-n-paq-tri-ki
buy-PRF-3-PL save-NMLZ-3-PURP-EVC-KI
To save all that she bought, for sure.
00:08:49.320 - 00:08:51.400

Kay pastu tiyempu rantin.

En época de pasto compra.
kay pastu tiyempu ranti-n
DEM.P pasture.grass time buy-3
She buys in pasture season.
00:08:51.400 - 00:08:53.350

Kananqa chupapitr hina kayan.

Ahora me parece que está en Chupa.
kanan-qa Chupa-pi-tr hina ka-ya-n
now-TOP Chupa-LOC-EVC COMP be-PROG-3
I believe she's in Chupa now.
00:08:53.400 - 00:08:56.010

Chupapash arrendarun.
Ha arrendado en Chupa, dicen.
Chupa-pa-sh arrenda-ru-n
Chupa-LOC-EVR rent-URGT-3
She's rented in Chupa, they say.
00:08:56.710 - 00:09:00.180

Wak kasallatash rirqa vakantin

Se fue a Casalla con sus vacas, dicen.
wak kasalla-ta-sh ri-rqa-ø vaka-ntin
DEM.D kasalla-ACC-EVR go-PST-3 cow-INCL
She's gone to Kasalla, they say, with her cows and all.
00:08:56.710 - 00:09:00.180

Wakpaq Don Heladiyupa pastuntam rantirqa ninchu.

Campraron el pasto de Don Heladio de allí, ¿dijeron?
wak-paq Don Heladiyu-pa pastu-n-ta ranti-rqa-ø nin-chu
DEM.D-ABL Don Heladiyu-GEN pasture.grass-3-ACC buy-PST-3 say-Q
They bought Don Heladio´ pasture grass from there, did they say?
00:09:01.240 - 00:09:05.130

Chaynash varyus rantipakurun.

Así, dicen, varios compraron.
chay-na-sh varyus ranti-paku-ru-n
So, they say, many people bought it.
00:09:05.230 - 00:09:08.630

Así dice.
Así dice
So they say
00:09:05.230 - 00:09:08.630

varyuspaq ratutriki limpiyarun pastutaqa.

Entre muchos, rápidito habrán limpiado el pasto.
varyus-paq ratu-tri-KI limpiya-ru-n pastu-ta-qa
many-ABL moment-EVC-KI clean-URGT-3 pasture.grass-ACC-TOP
Many would clean up the pasture quickly.
00:09:09.210 - 00:09:12.170

Achka vakaqa apurawtrik mikunman.
Muchas vacas lo pueden comer rápido.
achka vaka-qa apuraw-tri-k miku-n-man
a.lot cow-TOP quick-EVC-K eat-3-COND
A lot of cows can eat it quickly.
00:09:13.090 - 00:09:16.320

Vakaqa mikukullan ya.

Las vacas comen bastante.
vaka-qa miku-ku-lla-n ya
Cows eat a lot.
00:09:17.120 - 00:09:19.370

Varyus qutunakuykushpa ratutr limpiyarunqa

Entre varios, montonándose, rápido lo va a limpiar.
varyus-qa qqutu-naku-yku-shpa ratu-tr limpiya-ru-nqa
many-TOP gather-RECP-EXCEP-SUBIS moment-EVC clean-URGT-3.FUT
Many all together will clean it up quickly.
00:09:19.420 - 00:09:22.860

Harto amontonándose rapidito lo limpiará.

00:09:19.420 - 00:09:22.860

Chay kabranpis
Sus cabras también
chay kabra-n-pis
DEM.D goat-3-ADD
Those goats of hers, too.
00:09:23.520 - 00:09:25.200

Pasaypaq peludu kayan.

Es muy peludo.
pasaypaq peludu ka-ya-n
completely hairy be-PROG-3
It's totally hairy
00:09:25.480 - 00:09:27.390

Ishkay klasim kayan kabra, paqla i waqrayuq

Hay dos clases de cabras -- lomba y cachudo.
ishkay klasi-m ka-ya-n kabra, paqla i waqra-yuq
two class-EVD be-PROG-3 goat hornless and horn-POSS
There are two varieties of goats, those with horns and those without.
00:09:27.650 - 00:09:31.180

00:09:31.510 - 00:09:33.030

Está mamando.
She's nursing (how cute).
00:09:34.520 - 00:09:36.310

Chawayanraq kabranta.
Está lecheando sus cabras todavía
chawa-ya-n-raq kabra-n-ta
milk-PROG-3-CONT goat-3-ACC
She's still milking her goats.
00:09:38.480 - 00:09:39.860

varyus ya kayan.
Son muchos.
varyus ya ka-ya-n
many EMPH be-PROG-3
There are many of them.
00:09:39.880 - 00:09:41.380

Kabrapa lichinshi mas alimentu.

La leche de cabra es más nutritivo.
kabra-pa lichi-n-shi mas alimentu
goat-GEN milk-3-EVD more food
Goats' milk, they say, is more nutritious.
00:09:46.790 - 00:09:49.150

que vakapa.
que la de la vaca.
que vaka-pa
than cow-GEN
than cow's [milk].
00:09:50.060 - 00:09:51.420

Istudiayaq wambrakunapaqshi mas mimoriyanpaq

Para los chicos estudiantes, dicen, para que tengan más memoria.
istudiya-q wambra-kuna-paq-shi mas mimoriya-n-paq
study-AG child-PL-BEN-EVR more memory-3-PURP
For the children who study, they say, so that they have more memory.
00:09:53.890 - 00:09:57.670

Hatun baldipachu ruwayan kisuta.

Está haciendo queso en balde grande.
hatun baldi-pa-chu ruwa-ya-n kisu-ta
big bucket-LOC-Q make-PROG-3 cheese-ACC
She's making cheese in a big bucket.
00:09:57.890 - 00:10:00.500

Aa, baldi midiyanupa.

Ah, en balde mediano.
aa baldi midiyanu-pa
Ah bucket medium-LOC
Ah, in a medium-sized bucket.
00:10:01.540 - 00:10:03.030

Wakpapis kayan kabraqa, ¡ve!

La cabra también está allí. ¡Vé!
wak-pa-pis ka-ya-n kabra-qa ve.
DEM.D-LOC-ADD be-PROG-3 goat-TOP see
The goat is there, too. Look!
00:10:07.370 - 00:10:10.230

Varios cabras tiene.

Tiene varias cabras
She has many goats.
00:10:10.230 - 00:10:12.740

Lechera nin
Lechera dijo.
lechera ni-n
milk.cow say-3
A milk cow, she said.
00:10:10.230 - 00:10:12.740

Chichichan kashuy kashuy

Su tetita está bien derechita [llena de leche]
chichi-cha-n kashu-y kashu-y
breast-DIM-3 straight-INF straight-INF
Her teat is really straight [full].
00:10:14.980 - 00:10:16.480

Chawayan kutiyachikun.
Está lecheando. Está rumiando.
chawa-ya-n kuti-ya-chi-ku-n
milk-PROG-3 turn-PROG-CAUS-REFL-3
She's milking. She's ruminating.
00:10:19.690 - 00:10:22.860

Está rumiando.
She's ruminating.
00:10:22.860 - 00:10:26.030

Kimsan wambraykikuna takikuyan ah.

Tus tres hijas están cantando.
kimsa-m wambra-yki-kuna taki-ku-ya-n ya
three-EVD child-2-PL sing-REFL-PROG-3 EMPH
Your three children are singing.
00:10:35.410 - 00:10:37.460

kantantes lluqsirun
Salieron cantantes.
kantantes lluqsi-ru-n
singers come.out-URGT-3
They came out singers.
00:10:37.510 - 00:10:38.540

Ése es Yaki.
Ése es Yaki.
That's Yaki.
00:10:38.740 - 00:10:42.120

Chiwachan kayan kapacha.

Su chivito está con capacho.
chiwa-cha-n ka-ya-n kapacha-ku-sa
billy.goat-DIM-3 be-PROG-3 mask-PRF
Her kid billy goat is masked.
00:10:55.060 - 00:10:56.630

Paqalatri chaykuna, aw?

Ésos serán lombitos, ¿no?
paqala-tri chay-kuna aw
without.horns-EVC DEM.D-PL yes
Those would be without horns, no?
00:11:00.240 - 00:11:02.070

Chay pukachaqa waqrachayuqmi kanga.

Ése coloradito va a ser con cachito.
chay puka-cha-qa waqra-cha-yuq-mi ka-nqa
That little colored one is going to have horns.
00:11:02.280 - 00:11:05.330

Suytu umacha, aw? VV

Cabecita redonda.
Suytu uma-cha aw?
round head-DIM yes
Round-headed, no?
00:11:05.550 - 00:11:06.630

Suytu umachan kayan. Kayqa paqlacham

Su cabecita es redonda. Ésta es lombita.
suytu uma-cha-n ka-ya-n kay-qa paqla-cha-m
round head-DIM-3 be-PROG-3 DEM.P-TOP without.horns-DIM-EVD
His head is round. This one doesn't have horns.
00:11:06.640 - 00:11:09.230

Paqlaqam dañeru dañeru piru.

Lombas son bien dañeras (andarriegas).
paqla-qa dañeru dañeru pero
without.horns-TOP-EVD harmful harmful but
The ones without horns do a lot of damage, though.
00:11:10.360 - 00:11:12.720

Pasaypaq dañeru kabrakuna.

Total dañeras son las cabras.
pasaypaq dañeru kabra-kuna
a.lot harmful goat-PL
Goats do a lot of damage.
00:11:12.720 - 00:11:16.840

Qayaq uma. Qayaq uma nin.

Cabeza amarga. Cabeza amarga dice.
qaya-q uma qaya-q uma ni-n
bitter-AG head bitter-AG head say-3
Stubborn-headed. Stubborn-headed, she says.
00:11:16.870 - 00:11:20.610

Uman amargan.
Su cabeza amarga.
uma-n amarga-n
head-3 bitter-3
00:11:21.810 - 00:11:23.100

Imapaq qayaq umachaqa?

¿Por qué son de cabeza picante?
imapaq qaya-q uma-cha-qa
why bitter-AG head-DIM-TOP
What are they bitter-headed for?
00:11:23.610 - 00:11:25.240

Aa takinpis kan manachu.

Ahhh, su canción también hay, ¿no?
Aa taki-n-pis ka-n mana-chu
Ahhh, sing-3-ADD be-3 no-Q
Ah, there's their song, too, no?
00:11:26.250 - 00:11:29.470

Pampaman niptinqa umayshi nanan ninshi.

Cuando digo a la pampa me duele la cabeza dijo, dice.
pampa-man ni-pti-n-qa uma-y-mi nana-n ni-n-shi
ground-ALL say-SUBDS-3-TOP head-1-EVD hurt-3 say-3-EVR
When she says toward the ground, my head hurts, they say, she said.
00:11:30.580 - 00:11:34.000

Qaqaman niptinqa
Cuando digo a la pena.
qaqa-man ni-pti-n-qa
cliff-ALL say-SUBDS-3-TOP
When she says toward the cliff
00:11:34.030 - 00:11:37.060

Qaqaman niptinqa.
Cuando digo a la pena.
qaqa-man ni-pti-n-qa
cliff-ALL say-SUBDS-3-TOP
When she says toward the cliff
00:11:34.030 - 00:11:37.060

Rinrinpis lapin lapinshi rin.
Su oreja también va moviendo moviendo. [flamea]
rinri-n-pis lapi-n lapi-n-shi ri-n
ear-3-ADD move-3 move-3-EVR go-3
Her ears, too, go moving around.
00:11:37.590 - 00:11:40.610

Chay nishpash
Éso diciendo, dice.
chay ni-shpa-sh
Saying that, they say.
00:11:40.860 - 00:11:43.840

Pampapaqa manaya kabra mikunchu muntipa

Las cabras no comen en la pampa sino en monte.
pampa-pa-qa mana-ya kabra miku-n-chu munti-pa
ground-LOC-TOP no-EMPH goat eat-3-NEG bush-LOC
Goats don't eat on flat land but in the brush.
00:11:44.350 - 00:11:47.230

muntipam waylun chay kabra.

En monte la cabra se columpia (se cuelga) las cabras.
munti-pa-m wayli-n chay kabra
bush-LOC-EVD balance-3 DEM.D goat
The goats balance themselves in the brush.
00:11:47.230 - 00:11:49.210

00:11:49.390 - 00:11:50.440

Mmm kapachunta katraykuyan Olinada, ¡ve!

Olinda está soltando su capacho. ¡Vé!
mmm kapachu-n-ta katra-yku-ya-n Olinada ve.
Mmm mask-3-ACC loose-EXCEP-PROG-3 Olinada, look
Olinda is taking off its mask. Look!
00:11:51.610 - 00:11:54.070

Aa wakwan
Ah, con ésa
aa wak-wan
Ah, with that.
00:11:54.100 - 00:11:56.580

Aa, millisullam kasa.

Ah, millisos no más habían.
aa millisu-lla-m ka-sa-ø
Ah, twin-RSTR-EVD be-PRF-3
There were just twins.
00:11:54.100 - 00:11:56.580

Achkañatr kabran kayan.

Ya tendrá muchas cabras.
achka-ña-tr kabra-n ka-ya-n
a.lot-DISC-EVC goat-3 be-PROG-3
She would already have a lot of goats.
00:11:56.600 - 00:11:58.050

Wak karqa imapitaq mayu.

¿En qué mes fue-RSTR? En mayo.
Wak ka-rqa-ø ima-pi-taq mayo
DEM.D be-PST-3 what-LOC-SEQ May
When was that? May.
00:11:58.140 - 00:12:00.940

Va a vender, seguro.
She's going to sell, for sure.
00:11:58.140 - 00:12:00.940

00:12:01.450 - 00:12:02.400

Junio ya creo era.

Junio ya era, creo.
I believe it was June already.
00:12:02.650 - 00:12:05.040

Junio creo era.

Junio era, creo.
I believe it was June.
00:12:05.210 - 00:12:07.150

En mayo.
En mayo.
In May.
00:12:07.930 - 00:12:10.310

Ñatr rantikurunña.
Ya lo habrá vendido.
ña-tr rantiku-ru-n-ña
She would have sold already.
00:12:07.930 - 00:12:10.310

Chay kwahunmi.
Ése es su cuajo.
chay kwahu-n-mi
DEM.D curdling.agent-3-EVD
That's her curdling agent.
00:12:10.940 - 00:12:12.860

Lichinta kwahurunqaña
Va a echar cuajo a su leche ya.
lichi-n-ta kwahu-ru-nqa-ña
milk-3-ACC curdling.agent-URGT-3.FUT-DISC
She's going to add curdling agent to her milk already.
00:12:13.690 - 00:12:15.540

Hat hatun baldiman chawarun, ¡Ve!

Lecheó en un balde grande. ¡Vé!
hatun baldi-man chawa-ru-n ve.
big bucket-ALL milk-URGT-3 look
She milked into a big bucket. Look!
00:12:15.540 - 00:12:18.460

Va a terminar ya.
She going to finish already.
00:12:15.540 - 00:12:18.460

Aa, achkam kayan, aw?

Hay mucho, ¿no?
aa achka-m ka-ya-n aw
Ah, a.lot-EVD be-PROG-3 yes
There's a lot, no?
00:12:18.480 - 00:12:20.720

De la cabra ya.
The goat's.
00:12:20.970 - 00:12:23.760

Kabrapatrik awmentarun.
De la cabra habrá aumentado.
kabra-pa-tri-k awmenta-ru-n
goat-GEN-EVC-K augment-URGT-3
There would be more of the goats'.
00:12:20.970 - 00:12:23.760

Kanan kwahunqaña chay lichinta.

Ahora va a echar cuajo a su leche.
kanan kwahu-nqa-ña chay lichinta.
now curdling.agent-INCH-3.FUT-DISC DEM.D milk-3-ACC
Now she's going to put the curdling agent in her milk.
00:12:25.830 - 00:12:28.140

Wak rakinqa.
Lo va a separar allí.
wak raki-nqa
DEM.D separate-3.FUT
She's going to separate it there.
00:12:28.620 - 00:12:32.370

Aa, rakinqa, rakinqa.

Ah, va a separar, va a separar.
aa raki-nqa raki-nqa
Ah, separate-3.FUT separate-3.FUT
Ah, she's going to separate it, she's going to separate it.
00:12:28.620 - 00:12:32.370

Avivaman qunanpaqmi rakinqa.

Lo va a separar para darselo a Aviva.
Aviva-man qu-na-n-paq-mi raki-nqa
Aviva-ALL give-NMLZ-3-BEN-EVD separate-3.FUT
She's going to separate it to give [some] to Aviva.
00:12:32.690 - 00:12:35.700

Tumananpaqtriki rakinqa.
Para que tome, seguro, va a separar.
tuma-na-n-paq-tri-ki raki-nqa
drink-NMLZ-3-PURP-EVC-KI separate-3.FUT.
She's going to separate it in order to drink it.
00:12:32.690 - 00:12:35.700

Pasakamun wakkunata.
Pasaron por allá.
pasa-ka-mu-n wak-kuna-ta
She went by all of those.
00:12:39.090 - 00:12:40.490

Lichinta tumaykushpa baldillanta aysarikushpa.

Tomándose su leche y jalando su balde.
lichi-n-ta tuma-yku-shpa baldi-lla-n-ta aysa-ri-ku-shpa
milk-3-ACC drink-EXCEP-SUBIS bucket-RSTR-3-ACC pull-INCEP-REFL-SUBIS
Drinking her milk and hauling her bucket.
00:12:40.490 - 00:12:42.340

Kutikamun sapallan.
Se regresó solita.
kuti-ka-mu-n sapa-lla-n
turn-REFL-CISL-3 alone-RSTR-3
She went back all alone.
00:12:42.380 - 00:12:44.720

Qammanchu qushunki chay lichita.

¿A tí te va a dar la leche?
qam-man-chu qu-shunki chay lichi-ta
2-ALL-Q give-3>2 DEM.D milk-ACC
Is she going to give you the milk?
00:12:47.150 - 00:12:50.040

Chay baldinta aysarikushpa hamukun.

Vino jalando su balde.
chay baldi-n-ta aysa-ri-ku-shpa hamu-ku-n
DEM.D bucket-3-ACC pull-INCEP-REFL-SUBIS come-REFL-3
She came hauling her bucket.
00:12:52.250 - 00:12:54.000

Fututa tumakushpaqa
Tomando foto.
Futu-ta tuma-ku-shpa-qa
Taking a picture.
00:12:54.110 - 00:12:56.150

Apayan ¡ve! kwahuyan.

Está llevando, ¡Vé!. Está echando cuajo.
apa-ya-n ve. kwahu-ya-n
bring-PROG-3 look curdling.agent-INCH-3
She's bringing it. Look! She's putting curdling agent in it.
00:12:56.350 - 00:13:01.500

Chay kwahunta winayan

Está echando el cuajo.
chay kwahu-n-ta wina-ya-n
DEM.D curdling.agent-n-ACC add-PROG-3 VV
She's adding her curdling agent to it.
00:12:56.350 - 00:13:01.500

Kisu ruwananpaq.
Para que hacer queso.
kisu ruwa-na-n-paq
cheese make-NMLZ-3-PURP
To make cheese.
00:13:01.570 - 00:13:03.250

Chay lichi kurtananpaq.

Para cortar la leche.
chay lichi kurta-na-n-paq
DEM.D milk curdle-NMLZ-3-PURP
To curdle the milk.
00:13:04.990 - 00:13:06.550

kwahuta winayan.
Está echando cuajo.
kwahu-ta wina-ya-n
curdling.agent-ACC add-PROG-3
She's adding curdling agent.
00:13:06.730 - 00:13:08.300

kwahunkuna qipikushpatrik purin.

Cargando su cortante andará.
kwahu-n-kuna qipi-ku-shpa-tri-k puri-n
curdling.agent-3-PL carry-REFL-SUBIS-EVC-K walk-3
She would walk around carrying her curdling agent.
00:13:13.860 - 00:13:17.730

Kaspinpis kanchu.
No tiene palo tampoco.
kaspi-n-pis ka-n-chu
stick-3-ADD be-3-NEG
Her stick isn't there, either.
00:13:18.370 - 00:13:20.080

Kaspin manachu kayan yatanpi.

No tiene su palo a su lado.
kaspi-n mana-chu ka-ya-n yata-n-pi
stick-3 no-NEG be-PROG-3 side-3-LOC
She doesn't have her stick next to her.
00:13:20.090 - 00:13:21.600

Kaspitatr wak maskan. Arí, kaspitam maskasa.

Estará buscando su palo. Ah, su palo.
kaspi-ta-tr ruwa-q maska-n ah kaspi-ta maska-sa
stick-ACC make-AG look.for-3 Ah, stick-ACC look.for-PRF
She must be looking for her stick. Ah, her stick.
00:13:21.600 - 00:13:23.840

Lo movió.
She stirred it.
00:13:24.880 - 00:13:27.690

Kaspin qatra imatr kayan

Tal vez su palo esté sucio.
kaspi-n qatra ima-tr ka-ya-n
stick-3 dirty what-EVC be-PROG-3
Maybe her stick is dirty.
00:13:24.880 - 00:13:27.690

Aychirun, ve.
Lo movió, ¡ve!
aychi-ru-n ve.
stir-URGT-3 look
She stirred it. Look!
00:13:28.750 - 00:13:30.520

Antesmik karqa kwahu putuchanchik na.

Antis teníamos nuestro cortante en nuestra botellita.
antis-mi-k ka-rqa-ø kwahu putu-cha-nchik na
before-EVD-K be-PST-3 curdling.agent gourd.jug-DIM-1PL that
Before, we had our curdling agent in a gourd jug thingy.
00:13:31.380 - 00:13:34.360

Uchukuchasa watuchayuq
Hecho hueco con su soga.
uchu-ku-cha-sa watu-cha-yuq
A hole bored in it, with its rope.
00:13:34.360 - 00:13:35.990

Serda tapachayuq.
Con tapa de cerda (de vaca)
serda tapa-cha-yuq
leather cover-DIM-POSS
With a cover made of [cow's] leather.
00:13:36.040 - 00:13:37.440

Kaspichayuq hinashpa chay serdallapa chumakuq kanchik.

Solíamos colarlo con palito y con-RSTRs pelos.
kaspi-cha-yuq hinashpa chay serda-lla-pa chuma-ku-q ka-nchik
stick-DIM-POSS then DEM.D leather-RSTR-LOC strain-REFL-AG be-1PL
We used to strain it with a stick, then, and just bristles.
00:13:37.590 - 00:13:40.490

Kaspichallawan aytriq kanchik

Solíamos moverlo con un palito no más
kaspi-cha-lla-wan aytri-q ka-nchik
stick-RSTR-INSTR stir-AG be-1PL
We used to stir it with just a little stick.
00:13:40.640 - 00:13:42.740

kanan botella.
Ahora es botella.
kanan botella
now bottle
Now its a bottle.
00:13:42.960 - 00:13:44.430

Winku purucham kaq antes. VV

Era una botella chueca antes.
winku puru-cha-m ka-q antes
crooked pot-DIM-EVD be-AG before
Before it was a crooked little pot.
00:13:45.480 - 00:13:47.350

U derichucha.
O derecho.
u derichu-cha
or straight-DIM
Or straight.
00:13:47.410 - 00:13:49.490
Aa, putucha
Ah, botellita
aa putu-cha
Ah, gourd.bottle
Ah, a little gourd jug.
00:13:47.410 - 00:13:49.490

Kayan serda watasa

Está amarrado con cerda.
ka-ya-n serda wata-sa
be-PROG-3 bristle tie-PRF
It's tied with bristles
00:13:49.500 - 00:13:51.160

chay chumananpaq.
para que cuelga.
chay chuma-na-n-paq
DEM.D strain-NMLZ-3-PURP
so that it strains.
00:13:51.160 - 00:13:52.770

00:13:51.160 - 00:13:52.770

Kanan kan chay botella.

Ahora hay esas botellas.
kanan ka-n chay botella
now be-3 DEM.D bottle
Now there are those bottles.
00:13:54.510 - 00:13:56.330

Aa botella botellallanñam pastillallawanñam kanan kisuta ruwan.

Ah, Botellas. Botellas ya no más. Ahora hacen queso con pastillas no más.
aa botella botella-lla-n-ña-m pastillalla-wan-ña-m kanan kisu-ta ruwa-n
Ah, botella botellallanñam pastillallawanñam kanan kisuta ruwan.
Ah. Bottles. Just bottles already. Now they make cheese just with tablets.
00:13:56.110 - 00:14:00.730

Paykuna wakchata ubihata uywantri

Ellos criarán wachos y ovejas, seguro.
pay-kuna wakcha-ta ubiha-ta uywa-n-tri
3-PL sheep-ACC sheep-ACC raise-3-EVC
They must raise rams and sheep. for sure.
00:14:07.990 - 00:14:10.060

Almuwerso bulsan.
Su bolsa de almuerzo.
almuwerso bulsa-n
lunch bag-3
Their lunch bag.
00:14:10.850 - 00:14:12.790

De cabra.
00:14:25.410 - 00:14:27.880

kwahuta ninchik.
Se dice cortante.
kwahu-ta ni-nchik
curdling.agent-ACC say-1PL
It's called cuajo.
00:14:25.410 - 00:14:27.880

Chaytri wakcha wañurun ima.

Ese chivito murió, creo.
Chay-tri wakcha wañu-ru-n ima
DEM.D-EVC lamb die-URGT-3 what
That lamb died, I believe.
00:14:28.110 - 00:14:30.540

Wakchacha chaypa
Chivito. Allí ..
Wakcha-cha chay-pa
Billy goat. There ...
00:14:30.580 - 00:14:33.550

kwahullantam surquyanchik.
Están sacando su cortante, seguro.
kwahu-lla-n-ta-m surqu-ya-nchik
curdling.agent-RSTR-3-ACC-EVD take.out-PROG-1PL
They're taking out their curdling agent, for sure
00:14:34.140 - 00:14:36.060

Ispisiyal lichin chichisallan chayqa.

Especial lo que tomó su leche no más.
ispisiyal lichi-n chichi-sa-lla-n chay-qa
special milk-3 nurse-PRF-RSTR-3 DEM.D-TOP
Her special milk -- just what she nursed.
00:14:36.130 - 00:14:39.490

Se hace secar.
She dries it.
00:14:40.550 - 00:14:43.060

Chaywanmi chakichin.
Se hace secar con-RSTR.
chay-wan-mi chaki-chi-n
You dry it with that,
00:14:40.550 - 00:14:43.060

charkitahina charkitahina chakichin.

Como carne seca, se hace secar.
charki-ta-hina charki-ta-hina chaki-chi-n
jerky-ACC-COMP jerky-ACC-COMP dry-CAUS-3
Like meat jerky, like meat jerky -- she dries it.
00:14:45.730 - 00:14:47.810

Partichaykuptinqa chaki chaki.

Cuando lo parte está seco, seco.
parti-cha-yku-pti-n-qa chaki chaki.
part-FACT-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP dry dry
When she cuts it, it's dry, dry-
00:14:47.810 - 00:14:49.800

No tiene olor nada. Bonito.

No tiene olor nada. Bonito.
It doesn't have any odor. Nice.
00:14:49.800 - 00:14:52.550

En Marca
In Marca.
00:15:20.330 - 00:15:21.940

Marcapam chay vakan kayan

Estas vacas están en Marca.
Marca-pa-m chay vaka-n ka-ya-n
Marca-LOC-EVD DEM.D cow-3 be-PROG-3
Those cows are in Marca.
00:15:22.450 - 00:15:24.850

Chay Marcapi chawayan katrariyanñam.

En esa Marca, están lecheando, están soltando ya.
chay Marca-pi chawa-ya-n katra-ri-ya-n-ña-m
DEM.D Marca-LOC milk-PROG-3 release-INCEP-PROG-3-DISC
There in Marca, they're milking, their letting the cows loose already.
00:15:25.760 - 00:15:29.660

para pastear.
so they can herd.
00:15:29.990 - 00:15:31.900
Aa, ñuqamik rantikuruni. abas chalata.
Ah, yo, pues, vendí. Chala de habas.
aa ñuqa-mi-k rantiku-ru-ni abas chala-ta
Ah, 1-EVD-K sell-URGT-1 broad.beans stalk-ACC
Ah, I sold, then. Broad bean stalks.
00:15:32.340 - 00:15:37.440

Aa, kusechaw qaninña abastaqa.

Ah, las habas ya se cosecharon antes.
aa kusechaw qanin-ña abas-ta-qa
Ah, harvested previous-DISC broad.beans-ACC-TOP
Ah, the broad beans were harvested before.
00:15:41.030 - 00:15:43.710

kusecharushpa ña rantikuruni chay lliwta

Cuando coseché ya vendí todo-RSTR.
kusecha-ru-shpa rantiku-ru-ni chay lliw-ta
harvest-URGT-SUBIS sell-URGT-3 DEM.D all-ACC
When I harvested already I sold all that.
00:15:44.000 - 00:15:46.900

Chayllataq vakapaq rantin verdillata

Éso se vende verde para las vacas no más.
chay-lla-taq vaka-paq ranti-n verdi-lla-ta
DEM.D-RSTR-SEQ cow-BEN buy-3 green-RSTR-ACC
Just that you sell green just for cows.
00:15:49.220 - 00:15:54.440

Vakam mikunanpaq
Para que comen las vacas.
vaka-m miku-na-n-paq
cow-EVD eat-NMLZ-3-PURP
So that they cows can eat it.
00:15:54.940 - 00:15:56.640

Chay mana rantikuptiyqa pirdirunqa abas chala chakirunqa. Entonses ima

Si no vendo la chala de habas, se perderá, se secará. Entonces qué
chay mana rantiku-pti-y-qa pirdi-ru-nqa abas chala chaki-ru-nqa entonses ima
DEM.D no sell-SUBDS-1-TOP lose-URGT-3-EVC broad.beans stalk dry-URGT-3.FUT then what
If I don't sell the broad bean stalks, they'll go bad, they'll dry out. Then what ...
00:15:56.710 - 00:16:01.660

pirdichin. Aa, chaypipaq lichin kanchu ni

hace perder. Ah, allí no hay leche.
pirdi-chi-n aa chay-pi-paq lichi-n ka-n-chu ni
lose-CAUD-3 Ah, DEM.D-LOC-BEN milk-3 be-3-NEG nor
gets lost. Ah, she doesn't have milk there nor
00:16:01.660 - 00:16:05.650

Lichi manañam wayanqachu

Leche ya no va a
lichi mana-ña-m waya-nqa-chu
Milk isn't going to VV
00:16:01.660 - 00:16:05.650

Presyonpis kanmiki chakiruptinqa

Tienen su precio, pues, cuando se secan.
presyo-n-pis ka-n-mi-ki chaki-ru-pti-n-qa
price-3-ADD be-3-EVD-KI dry-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
They have their price when they dry.
00:16:05.690 - 00:16:07.960

Aa chaymi wak rantirun hinashpa vakanta michiyanmi.

Por eso compró. Ahora está pasteando su vaca.
aa chay-mi-k ranti-ru-n hinashpa vaka-n-ta michi-ya-n-mi
Ah DEM.D-EVD-K buy-URGT-3 then cow-3-ACC herd-PROG-EVD
Ah, that's why she bought it. Then she's herding her cows.
00:16:08.780 - 00:16:11.930

kisunta ruwayan.
haciendo su queso.
kisu-n-ta ruwa-ya-n
cheese-3-ACC make-PROG-3
making her cheese.
00:16:12.550 - 00:16:16.780

Nañam kayan
Ya está
Na-ña-m ka-ya-n
That's there already.
00:16:29.040 - 00:16:30.770

Priñaduñam kayan chay wak aburridu manam wawan chichinchu.

Preñada está ya. Está aburrida -- no mama su cría.
Priñadu-ña-m ka-ya-n chay wak aburridu mana-m wawa-n chichi-n-chu.
pregnant-DISC-EVD be-PROG-3 DEM.D DEM.D annoyed no-EVD baby-3 nurse-3-NEG
She's already pregnant. She's annoyed -- she's not nursing her baby.
00:16:30.850 - 00:16:34.670

Chayman wakta. Runanta mana chawachikunchu. Saytayan.

Hacia allá, a ésa. Su dueño le no hace lechear. Está pateando.
chay-man wak-ta runa-n-ta mana chawa-chi-ku-n-chu. sayta-ya-n
DEM.D-ALL DEM.D-ACC person-3-ACC no milk-CAUS-REFL-3-NEG kick-PROG-3
Towards there, that. Her owner isn't having her nurse. She's kicking.
00:16:34.680 - 00:16:38.500

tritruñam wak vaka kayan. Huktañam wawanqa.

Esa vaca está preñada ya. Va a dar luz a otra.
tritru-ña-m wak vaka ka-ya-n huk-ta-ña-m wawa-nqa
pregnant-DISC-EVD DEM.D cow be-PROG-3 one-ACC-DISC-EVD baby-3-TOP
That cow is pregnant already. She's going to have another baby.
00:16:39.270 - 00:16:41.870

Aa, hatunña kayan kay wawan, ¡ve!
Ay, su cría ya está grande, ¡Vé!
aa hatun-ña ka-ya-n kay wawa-n ve.
ay big-DISC be-PROG-3 DEM.D baby-3 look
Ah, her baby is big already, her baby is. Look!
00:16:41.990 - 00:16:44.480

Hatunña kay wawan.

Su cría ya esta grande.
hatun-ña kay wawa-n
big-DISC DEM.D baby-3
Her baby is already big.
00:16:41.990 - 00:16:44.480

Aa, chaypam, chay tritruña kashpam wakhinayan

Ah, allí. Cuando ya está preñada hace así.
aa chay-pa-m chay tritru-ña ka-shpa-m wak-hina-ya-n
Ah, there. When she's pregnant already, she goes like that.
00:16:44.950 - 00:16:48.060

Huk shulkayuqñam wak kayan.

Ése ya tiene otro hermanito
huk shulka-yuq-mi wak ka-ya-n
one DEM.D be-PROG-3
That one already has a little brother.
00:16:48.220 - 00:16:52.730

Vakapis watran na watallanpaqmi

Las vacas también dan luz cada año.
vaka-pis watra-n wata-lla-n-paq-mi
cow-ADD give.birth-3 year-RSTR-3-ABL-EVD
Cows, too, give birth yearly.
00:16:53.010 - 00:16:56.280

ubihatañataq watran wata ishkay kurtita vakaqa kada wata

Las ovejas dan dos cortes al año. Las vacas, cada [una vez al] año.
ubiha-ta-ña-taq watra-n wata ishkay kurti-ta vaka-qa kada wata
sheep-ACC-DISC-SEQ give.birth year two litter-ACC cow-TOP each year
Sheep have two litters a year. Cows, every [once a] year.
00:16:56.420 - 00:17:00.500

Vakaqa watran nuybi mesesta ubihanchik suqta ...

Las vacas dan luz a los nueve meses; las ovejas, a seis.
vaka-qa watra-n nuybi meses-ta ubiha-nchik suqta
cow-TOP give.birth.3 nine months-ACC sheep-1PL six
Cows give birth after nine months; sheep, six.
00:17:03.610 - 00:17:07.470

Suqta killallata
a los seis meses no más.
suqta killa-lla-ta
six month-RSTR-ACC
after just six months.
00:17:07.660 - 00:17:09.320

Runawan igwaltriki vakaqa: nuybi mes.

La gente será igual, pues, a la vaca -- nueve meses.
runa-wan igwal-tri-ki vaka-qa nuybi mes
person-INSTR equal-EVC cow-TOP nine month
Cows would be equal to humans -- nine months.
00:17:10.070 - 00:17:12.640

Chawachikunchu mana ya vaka.

La vaca no se deja lechear.
chawa-chi-ku-n-chu mana ya vaka
milk-CAUS-REFL-3-NEG no EMPH cow
The cow isn't letting herself be milked.
00:17:24.770 - 00:17:26.280

Chawarunña pero imaynapis

Lecheó como sea.
chawa-ru-n-ña pero imayna-pis
milk-URGT-3-DISC but how-ADD
She milked her however [she could]
00:17:27.600 - 00:17:29.820

Wak yapaykuptin Chawayanña, ve.

Cuando le aumentó está lecheando.
wak yapa-yku-pti-n chawa-ya-n-ña ve.
DEM.D increase-EXCEP-SUBDS-3 milk-PROG-3-DISC look
When she's giving her seconds, she's milking already. Look!
00:17:29.890 - 00:17:32.710

Hatu hatun kayan sitin. Mansanapaqña wak turun kayan

Su ternero está muy grande. Ese toro ya está para mansar.
hatu hatun ka-ya-n sitin mansa-na-paq-ña wak turun ka-ya-n
big big be-PROG-3 calf-3 tame-NMLZ-PURP-DISC DEM.D bull-3 be-PROG-3
Her calf is really big. That bull is ready to be tamed.
00:17:33.990 - 00:17:37.170

Aa, chichin suwavesinapaq.

Ah, para que su teta sea suave.
aa chichi-n suwavesi-na-paq
Ah teat-3 soften-NMLZ-PURP
Ah, to soften their teats.
00:17:46.870 - 00:17:48.720

Makinchik blandunanpaq ya sino

Para hacer suaves nuestras manos, sino
maki-nchik blandu-na-n-paq ya sino
hand-1PL soften-NMLZ-3-PURP EMPH if.not
So we can make our hands soft, then, if not
00:17:48.730 - 00:17:52.230

Tusku kaptinqa vakapa nanachinqa chichinta saytarushpa diqarushunki

Cuando están toscas, van a hacer doler las tetas de la vaca. Pateando, te va dejar.
tusku ka-pti-n-qa vaka-pa nana-chi-nqa chichi-n-ta sayta-ru-shpa diha-ru-shunki
hard be-SUBDS-3-TOP cow-GEN hurt-CAUS-3.FUT breast-3-ACC kill-URGT-SUBIS leave-URGT-3>2
When they're rough and they'll make the cow's teats hurt. She'll kick and leave you.
00:17:52.400 - 00:17:56.550

Baldikitaq taqlan hitaykurunqa.

Aventará tu balde haciéndolo sonar.
baldi-ki-taq taqla-n hita-yku-ru-nqa
bucket-2-SEQ make.noise-3 fall-URGT-3.FUT
She'll knock over your bucket with a clank.
00:17:56.550 - 00:17:59.200

Manañaya katrarinchu lichinta tritruñam kayan.

Ya no suelta su leche. Está preñada ya.
mana-ña-ya katra-ri-n-chu lichi-n-ta tritru-ña-m ka-ya-n
no-DISC-EMPH release-INCEP-3-NEG milk-3-ACC pregnant-DISC-EVD be-PROG-3
She's not letting go of her milk any more ... she's pregnant already.
00:18:06.690 - 00:18:09.940

Kikinpa ruwasantrik kayan.

Será lo que hizo ella misma.
kiki-n-pa ruwa-sa-n-tr-ik ka-ya-n
self-3-GEN make-PRF-3-EVC-K be-PROG-3
It must be what she made herself.
00:18:15.840 - 00:18:18.120

Como comprado.
Like bought ones.
00:18:18.150 - 00:18:20.050

Kikinpa ruwasan taksa yuraqcham kayan.

Lo que hizo ella misma es chiquito y blanco
kiki-n-pa ruwa-sa-n taksa yuraq-cha-m ka-ya-n
self-3-GEN make-PRF-3 small white-DIM-EVD be-PROG-3
What she made herself is small and white.
00:18:21.280 - 00:18:25.060

They braided it-
00:18:21.280 - 00:18:25.060

Aa, kikin shimparqa vakan wakhina

Ah, ella misma trenzó su vaca así.
aa kiki-n shimpa-rqa-ø vaka-n wak-hina
Ah, self-3 braid-PST-3 cow-3 DEM.D-COMP
Ah, she herself braided her cow like that.
00:18:25.080 - 00:18:27.530

Para que amarre su pata
in order to tie her feet.
00:18:27.620 - 00:18:28.950

Chaytaqa millwiruni
Éso torcí.
chay-ta-qa millwi-ru-ni
I twisted that.
00:18:38.840 - 00:18:40.900

Kustalta disatayakushpa millwayta tishaykushpa millwirunchik mesklawan ruwarun watuta.

Desatando un costal, escarminado mi lana, torciendo, hicieron la soga con la mezcla.
kustal-ta disata-ya-ku-shpa millwa-y-ta tisha-yku-shpa millwi-ru-nchik meskla-wan ruwa-ru-n watu-ta
sack-ACC untie-PROG-REFL-SUBIS wool-1-ACC card-EXCEP-SUBIS twist-URGT-1PL mix-INSTR
make-PST-3 rope-ACC
Unraveling a sack, carding my wool, we twisted it. They made a rope with the mix.
00:18:41.080 - 00:18:46.040

Chaywan kanan wakchay watarayan.

Mis wachos están amarrados con ésa ahora.
chay-wan kanan wakcha-y ri-ki wata-ra-ya-n
DEM.D-INSTR now sheep-1 RI-KI tie-UNINT-INTENS-3
My sheep are tied up with that now.
00:18:46.130 - 00:18:48.250

Aa, vwelta mikukuyan wak.

De vuelta está comiendo.
aa vwelta miku-ku-ya-n wak
Ah, again eat-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D
Ah, that one is eating again.
00:18:50.700 - 00:18:53.170

Aa, kayanraq abas wawanta maskayan.

Ah, tsu cría todavía está buscando fruta de habas.
aa ka-ya-n-raq abas wawa-n-ta maska-ya-n
Ah, be-PROG-CONT broad.beans baby-3-ACC look.for-PROG-3
Ah, her baby is still looking for broad beans.
00:18:54.480 - 00:19:00.090

Surkupa abaspa surkunpis -- klaro, klaro.

El surco de habas está claro, claro.
surku-pa abas-pa surku-n-pis klaro klaro
VV-LOC broad.beans-GEN -3-ADD clear clear
Their stalks -- the broad beans' stalks -- clear, clear.
00:18:54.480 - 00:19:00.090

Uqachanta lliwta mikurun tullullantaña diharun

Comieron todas las ojas. Dejaron nada más el tallo.
uqa-cha-n-ta lliw-ta miku-ru-n tullu-lla-n-ta-ña diha-ru-n
leaf-DIM-3-ACC all-ACC eat-URGT-3 stalk-RSTR-3-ACC-DIS leave-URGT-3
They ate all the leaves -- they only left the stalks.
00:19:02.660 - 00:19:05.720

Tullunta dihayan.
Está dejando la talla
tullunta diha-ya-n
stalk.3.ACC leave-PROG-3
She's leaving their stalks-
00:19:05.800 - 00:19:07.580

Watarasaqa lliwtatr mikun.

Amarrado todo comerá.
wata-ra-sa-qa lliw-ta-tr miku-n
tie-UNINT-PRF-TOP all-ACC-EVC eat-3
Tied up, they'd eat everything.
00:19:09.160 - 00:19:12.370

Lliwta mikun watasa pastutapis alfalfa verditapis

Todo está comiendo amarrado, pasto, alfalfa verde.
lliwta miku-n wata-sa pastu-ta-pis alfalfa verdi-ta-pis
all-ACC eat-3 tie-PRF pasture.grass-ACC-ADD alfalfa green-ACC-ADD
They're eating everything tied up -- pasture grass, alfalfa, greenery.
00:19:11.300 - 00:19:14.650

00:19:14.680 - 00:19:15.340

Aa, chay kimsantaqa harkakun vakan ubihan kabran, vakantaqa.

A los tres pastea: su vacas, su carneros y su cabras, su vacas
aa kimsa-n-ta-qa harka-ku-n vaka-n ubiha-n kabra-n vaka-n-ta-qa
Ah three-3-ACC-TOP pasture-REFL-3 cow-3 sheep-3 goat-3 cow-3-ACC-TOP
She pastures the three -- her cows, her sheep, her goats. her cows.
00:19:35.690 - 00:19:41.220

Lichin aslla kaptin kabran lichi kayan chaywan kisuta ruwayan.

Cuando hay poca leche [de vaca], hay leche de cabra -- está haciendio queso con ésa
lichi-n aslla ka-pti-n kabra-n lichi ka-ya-n chay-wan kisu-ta ruwa-ya-n
milk-3 little be-SUBDS-3 goat-3 milk be-PROG-3 DEM.D-INSTR cheese-ACC make-PROG-3
When they have little [cows'] milk, there's goat milk -- she's making cheese with that.
00:19:41.430 - 00:19:45.610

ubiha wakchantaqa rantikunanpaq, wañuchispha mikunanpaq

Para vender los wachos de las ovejas, para comerlos cuando los mata.
ubiha wakcha-n-ta-qa rantiku-na-n-paq wañu-chi-spha miku-na-n-paq
sheep sheep-3-ACC-TOP sell-NMLZ-3-PURP die-CAUS-SUBIS eat-NMLZ-3-PURP
In order to sell the sheep's lambs, in order to eat them when she slaughters them,
00:19:46.280 - 00:19:50.620

Chay allinmi wakhina uywakun chay
Éso es bueno criar-RSTR.
chay allin-mi wak-hina uywa-ku-n chay
It's good to raise them like that.
00:19:50.700 - 00:19:52.850

Nisisitashpa chaypaq hapinqa.

Cuando necesita, va a agarrar de allí.
nisisita-shpa chay-paq hapi-nqa
need-SUBIS DEM.D-ABL grab-3.FUT
When she's in need, she'll grab one from there.
00:19:53.220 - 00:19:56.470

Mikunanpaq rantikunqa
Para que come va a vender.
miku-na-n-paq rantiku-nqa
eat-NMLZ-3-PURP sell-3.FUT
She's going to sell them in order to eat.
00:19:56.590 - 00:19:58.600

Mikunanpaq wañuchinqa
Para comer, va a matar.
miku-na-n-paq wañu-chi-nqa
eat-NMLZ-3-PURP die-CAUS-3.FUT
She's going to slaughter them in order to eat them.
00:19:58.740 - 00:20:00.780

Chay allinmi wakhina uywan. Kabrachankunata rantikun.

Los cría bien así. Vende sus cabritas.
chay allin-mi wakhina uywa-n kabra-cha-n-kuna-ta rantiku-n
DEM.D good-EVD DEM.D-COMP raise-3 goat-DIM-3-PL-ACC sell-3
She raises them well like. She sells her goats.
00:20:01.580 - 00:20:05.150

Chiva chivuchankunata wiñaruptin

Cuando sus chivitos crecen
chiva chivu-cha-n-kuna-ta wiña-ru-pti-n
goat billy.goat-DIM-3-PL-ACC grow-URGT-SUBDS-3
When her billy goats grow
00:20:05.150 - 00:20:07.220

Vakataqa manayá. Chay wak ubihata kabratahina rantikunki.

Las vacas, no. Vendes las ovejas como las cabras
vaka-ta-qa mana-ya chay wak ubiha-ta kabra-ta-hina rantiku-nki
cow-ACC-TOP no-EMPH DEM.D DEM.D sheep-ACC goat-ACC-COMP sell-2
Not cows. You sell sheep just like goats.
00:20:07.670 - 00:20:11.910

Vakataqa kimsa watanta tawa watanta

La vaca tres años cuatro años.
vaka-ta-qa kimsa wata-n-ta tawa wata-n-ta
cow-ACC-TOP three year-3-ACC four year-3-ACC
Cows. at three years, four years.
00:20:12.540 - 00:20:16.030

Kabrataqa suqta, qanchis ...

La cabra, seis o siete
kabra-ta-qa suqta qanchis
goat-ACC-TOP six seven
goats, six, seven
00:20:17.930 - 00:20:20.060

killachantaqa kabrachankuna wañuchikunqataq u rantikunqapis

meses Va a matar algunos de sus cabras, va a vender algunos.
killa-cha-n-ta-qa kabra-cha-n-kuna wañu-chi-ku-nqa-taq u rantiku-nqa-pis
month-DIM-3-ACC-TOP goat-DIM-3-PL- die-CAUS-REFL-3.FUT-SEQ or sell-3.FUT
months. She's going to slaughter or sell her goats
00:20:20.070 - 00:20:23.380

Kabraqa riki
Las cabras pues
kabra-qa ri-ki
goat-TOP RI-KI
Goats, then.
00:20:29.460 - 00:20:31.370

wata ishkay kurtita wawaptinqa kimsa killa ima

Al año da dos cortes de cría. Cinco meses.
wata ishkay kurti-ta wawa-pti-n-qa kimsa killa ima
year two litter-ACC baby-SUBDS-3-TOP five month what
She fives birth to two litters a year. Five months.
00:20:31.730 - 00:20:34.680

Chichiyanqa hinashpa huktaña pa wawanqa

Está mamando y después otro ya va a echar cría.
chichi-nqa hinashpa huk-ta-ña wawa-nqa
nurse-PROG-3.FUT then one-ACC-DISC baby-3.FUT
She's going to nurse then she'll have another baby.
00:20:34.830 - 00:20:37.630

Vakaqa watantinraq ishkay kimsa wataraq vakataqa uywanqa rantikunanpaq.

Las vacas se crían un año o dos tres años todavía para que se venda.
vaka-qa wata-ntin-raq ishkay kimsa wata-raq vaka-ta-qa uywa-nqa rantiku-na-n-paq
cow-TOP year-INCL-CONT two three year-CONT cow-ACC-TOP raise-3.FUT sell-NMLZ-3-PURP
You will raise a cow for a year still, for two or three still, to be able to sell it.
00:20:38.320 - 00:20:43.330

Allqu miyerda kaniruyta munayan.

El perro mierda quiere morder.
allqu miyerda kani-ru-y-ta muna-ya-n
dog shit bite-URGT-INF-ACC want-PROG-3
The damn dog wants to bite.
00:20:47.170 - 00:20:51.210

Mas tiyempu, mas gastu

Más tiempo, más gasto.
mas tiyempu mas gastu
more time more expense
More time, more expense.
00:20:47.170 - 00:20:51.210

Kabrataqa pukuta uywanchik kaypa

Las cabras se crían poco acá.
kabra-ta-qa puku-ta uywa-nchik kay-pa
goat-ACC-TOP little-ACC raise-1PL DEM.P-LOC
We raise few goats here.
00:20:57.770 - 00:21:00.560

Liqirum dañuman kurrin manam atipanchikchu

Son bien lijeras -- corren a hacer daño -- no se puede.
liqiru-m dañu-man kurri-n mana-m atipa-nchik-chu
light-EVD harm-ALL run-3 no-EVD
They're light -- they run to do harm -- we can't.
00:21:00.760 - 00:21:04.070

Aa, kampuman qatiptinchik

Cuando se lleva al campo
aa kampu-man qati-pti-nchik
Ah, countryside-ALL take-SUBDS-1PL
When we take them to the countryside
00:21:06.390 - 00:21:08.260

Enkambiyo hinallapa trakrayki icha deruyki kaptin icha kapas trankilu.

En cambio así no más si tienes una chacra o un echadero, tal vez sean más tranquilo.
enkambiyo hina-lla-pa trakra-yki icha deru-yki ka-pti-n icha kapas trankilu
in.contrast thus-RSTR- field-2 or corral-2 be-SUBDS-3 or possible peaceful.
In contrast, when you have a field or a corral like that, they can be calm.
00:21:08.260 - 00:21:12.230

Pero dañuman kurrin kabraqa

Pero las cabras corren a hacer daño.
pero dañu-man kurri-n kabra-qa
but harm-ALL run-3 goat-TOP
But goats run to do harm.
00:21:12.290 - 00:21:14.610

Chay Rubipa kabran aqusnikiman trayarunqa.

Las cabras de Rubi llegaron a donde tu ajo.
chay Rubi-pa kabra-n aqus-ni-ki-man traya-ru-n-qa
DEM.D Rubi-GEN goat-3 garlic-EUPH-2-ALL arrive-URGT-3-TOP
Rubi's goats got into your garlic [field].
00:21:15.090 - 00:21:18.050

Aquspa purikuyasa kabraqa

Las cabras estaban andando en el ajo.
aqus-pa puri-ku-ya-sa-ø kabra-qa
garlic-LOC walk-REFL-PROG-PRF-3 goat-TOP
The goats were wandering around in the garlic.
00:21:20.060 - 00:21:22.730

Shinkarunchikchu? TW Turu pero wira wira kayan, ve.

¿Nos puede emborrachar? Ese toro está bien gordo. ¡Vé!
shinka-ru-nchik-chu turu pero wira wira ka-ya-n ve
drunk-URGT-1PL-Q bull but fat fat be-PROG-3 look
Can we get them drunk? But the bull is big and fat. Look!
00:21:28.140 - 00:21:33.700

Shinkarushaq ima huntatamik tumarusani

Tal vez me emborrache. Estuve tomando [copas] llenas.
shinka-ru-shaq ima hunta-ta-mi-k tuma-ru-sa-ni
drunk-URGT-1.FUT what full-ACC-EVD-K drink-URGT-PRF-1
I'm going to get drunk, maybe. I've been drinking full [cups].
00:21:28.140 - 00:21:33.700

Arashpa wak wirayan.

Arrando, está engordando.
ara-shpa wak wira-ya-n
plow-SUBIS DEM.D fat-INCH-3
He fattened up plowing.
00:21:34.560 - 00:21:36.550

Wambrachan qatiyamun
Su hijita está arreando.
wambra-cha-n qati-ya-mu-n
child-DIM-3 bring-PROG-CISL-3
Her daughter is taking hold of it.
00:21:37.190 - 00:21:39.840

Chay turuwanmi arantrik

Con ese toro se arará.
chay turu-wan-mi ara-n-tri-k
DEM.D bull-INSTR-EVD plow-3-EVC-K
She must be plowing with that bull.
00:21:41.440 - 00:21:44.260

Wak turuwan ya chay abas kusechasayta.

Con ese toro, pues, las habas que coseché.
wak turu-wan ya chay abas kusecha-sa-y-ta
DEM.D bull-INSTR EMPH DEM.D broad.beans harvest-INF-ACC
With that bull, then, the broad beans I harvested.
00:21:44.690 - 00:21:48.610

trakrapa trabahantrik
En la chacra trabajará.
trakra-pa trabaha-n-tri-k
field-LOC work-3-EVC-K
He must be working in the fields.
00:21:44.690 - 00:21:48.610

Rantikusayta tarpurqani
Lo que vendí, sembré.
rantiku-sa-y-ta tarpu-rqa-ni
sell-PRF-1-ACC plant-PST-1
I planted what I sold.
00:21:48.830 - 00:21:50.520

Wak turunta rantikurunñam

Ya vendió se toro.
wak turu-n-ta rantiku-ru-n-ña-m
DEM.D bull-3-ACC sell-3-DISC-EVD
She already sold her bull.
00:21:51.180 - 00:21:53.220

Hukñatrik kayan.
Ya será otro
huk-ña-trik ka-ya-n
That would be another one already.
00:21:53.350 - 00:21:57.010

Maltatam mansarun.
Mansó a ese terno
malta-ta-m mansa-ru-n
calf-ACC-EVD tame-URGT-3
She tamed the calf.
00:21:53.350 - 00:21:57.010

Es manso no más.
It's just tame.
00:22:05.530 - 00:22:07.290

Mansum wakqa. Yatran waqrakuyta

Ese toro es manso. Sabe cornear.
mansu-m wak-qa yatra-n waqra-ku-y-ta
tame-EVD DEM.D know-3 horn-REFL-INF-ACC
That one is tame. That one can horn people.
00:22:07.380 - 00:22:13.360

Algunusqa yatran ya
Algunos aprenden cornear.
algunus-qa yatra-n ya
some-TOP know-3 EMPH
Some can horn.
00:22:07.380 - 00:22:13.360

algunus turuqa runa waqrayta gustan qaritam karu karutam kurrin.

A algunos toros les gusta cornear a los hombres -- corren lejos.
algunus turu-qa runa waqra-y-ta gusta-n qari-ta-m karu karu-ta-m kurri-n
some bull-TOP person horn-INF-ACC like-3 man-ACC-EVD far far-ACC run-3
Some bulls like to horn men -- they run far, far away.
00:22:13.860 - 00:22:18.290
Kabranta chawayanraq
Todavía está lecheando su cabra.
kabra-n-ta chawa-ya-n-raq
goat-3-ACC milk-PROG-3-CONT
She's still milking her goat.
00:22:20.420 - 00:22:23.970

Imayna chay veintitres de setiyembre selebrarqa

¿Cómo han festejado el veintitres de setiembre?
imayna chay veintitres de setiyembre selebra-rqa-ø
how DEM.D twenty-three of September celebrate-PST-3
How did they celebrate that September 23?
00:22:31.980 - 00:22:35.240

Pitaq qatikatrarusa turu nirqam hinashpa iskaparusa

A quién persiguió el toro, dijeron, que después escapó?
pi-taq qati-katra-ru-sa-ø turu ni-rqa-ø hinashpa iskapa-ru-sa-ø
who-SEQ take-FREQ-URGT-PRF-3 bull say-PST-3 then escape-URGT-PRF-3
Who did they say the bull chased, then he had escaped.
00:22:35.340 - 00:22:37.820

Turu puklla ... pasamuptin Apurípaq. Pi chay?

Cuando llevaron el toro de Apurí. Quién ha sido?
turu puklla ... pasa-mu-pti-n Apurí-paq pi chay
bull play ... pass-CISL-SUBDS-3 Apurí-ABL who DEM.D
When they took the bull from Apurí. Who was that?
00:22:38.410 - 00:22:42.230

Torrero. Persi.
Torrero. Persi.
Torrero. Persi.
Torrero. Persi.
Torrero. Persi.
00:22:42.360 - 00:22:44.850

Imay wata chay waqrarusa hinashpa ripukun nirqa?

En qué año había sido le había corneado y después se fue, dijeron?
imay wata chay mana-chu waqra-ru-sa-ø hinashpa ripu-ku-n ni-rqa
when year DEM.D no-Q horn-URGT-PRF-3 then go-REFL-3 say-PST-3
In what year was he horned and then he left, did they say?
00:22:46.210 - 00:22:49.700

Kanña turu waqrakuq. Kanyá

Hay toros que cornean. Sí, hay.
ka-n-ña turu waqra-ku-q ka-n ya
be-3-DISC bull horn-REFL-AG be-3 EMPH
There are bulls that gore people. Yes, there are.
00:22:50.690 - 00:22:54.320

Huk visnintam. Ricarduta.

Una ves a Ricardo.
huk ves-ni-n-ta-m Ricardu-ta
one time-EUPH-3-ACC-EVD Ricardo-ACC
One time -- to Ricardo.
00:22:55.820 - 00:22:58.460

Lo botó.
He threw him
00:22:58.460 - 00:23:02.900

Negosiyante qatiyamuptin tinkuruptin

Cuando el negociante lo estaba trayendo, cuando se encontraron
Negosiyante qati-ya-mu-pti-n tinku-ru-pti-n
trader bring-PROG-CISL-SUBDS-3 meet-URGT-SUBDS-3
When the trader was bringing it, when they met ....
00:22:58.460 - 00:23:02.960

Lo encontró.
He ran into him.
00:23:02.900 - 00:23:03.830

Turuqa hapirusa Doña Nievespa wasinman pawaykarachin

El torro lo corrió y le hizo saltar [encima de] la casa de Doña Nieves.
turu-qa hapi-ru-sa-ø Doña Nieves-pa wasi-n-man pawa-yka-ra-chi-n
bull-TOP chase-URGT-PRF-3 Doña Nieves-GEN house-3-ALL jump-EXCEP-URGT-CAUS-3
The bull chased him and made him jump to Doña Nieves' house.
00:23:04.520 - 00:23:09.370

Kalamina qawanta pasarachisa. Ukuman siqakuykusa.

Le hizo pasar por encima de la calamina y se cayó al dentro
kalamina qawa-n-ta pasa-ra-chi-sa-ø uku-man siqa-ku-yku-sa ø
tin.roofing top-3-ACC pass-URGT-CAUS-PRF-3 inside-ALL fall-REFL-EXCEP-PRF-3
He made him go on top of the tin roof. He fell inside-
00:23:09.960 - 00:23:13.550

Wasi ukuman siqakuykusa Don Ricardo.

Don Ricardo se cayó hacia al dentro.
wasi uku-man siqa-ku-yku-ru-sa Don Ricardo
house inside-ALL fall-REFL-EXCEP-URGT-PRF-3 Don Ricardo
Don Ricardo fell inside.
00:23:13.840 - 00:23:18.940

Manachu lluqsiyta atiparqa.

No pudo salir.
mana-chu lluqsi-y-ta atipa-rqa-ø
no-NEG come.out-INF-ACC
He couldn't get out.
00:23:13.840 - 00:23:18.940

Hinashpash pwertanta kandawninta kuchurusa, aw?
Después, dicen cortaron su puerta y su candado, ¿no?
hinashpa-sh pwerta-n-ta kandaw-ni-n-ta kuchu-ru-sa-ø aw
then-EVR door-3-ACC padlock-INCL-ACC cut-URGT-PRF-3 yes
Then, they say, they cut the door with its lock and all, no?
00:23:19.700 - 00:23:22.390

Aw, lluqsiramusa
Sí, salió [finalmente]
aw lluqsi-ra-mu-sa-ø
yes come.out-URGT-CISL-PRF-3
Yes, he got out [finally]
00:23:22.460 - 00:23:24.080

Kanña animal piña kan turu

Hay animales bravos, toros [bravos].
ka-n-ña animal piña ka-n turu
be-3-DISC animal mad be-3 bull
There are mean animals, bulls there are.
00:23:24.330 - 00:23:27.510

Chay kalaminatriki mana klavasa karqa.

Esa calamina no estaría clavada.
chay kalamina-tri-ki mana klava-sa ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D tin.roofing-EVC-KI no nail-PRF be-PST-3
That tine roofing must not have been nailed down.
00:23:27.780 - 00:23:31.220

Chay kumudasalla.
Estaba comodado no más
chay kumuda-sa-lla
It was just set in place.
00:23:31.220 - 00:23:33.140

Pawaykuptinqa ukuta siqaykukun.

Cuando se aventó [ya] al dentro se cayó.
pawa-yku-pti-n uku-ta siqayku-ku-n
jump-EXCEP-SUBDS-3 inside-ACC fall-REFL-3
When he jumped, he fell inside.
00:23:33.190 - 00:23:35.910

waqraruptin payqa pawakuykurqa ya

Cuando lo corneó saltó
waqra-ru-pti-n pay-qa pawa-ku-yku-rqa-ø ya
When he gored him, he jumped
00:23:36.140 - 00:23:39.080

Encima del techo. Mana turu

encima del techo. The bull didn't ....
mana turu
no bull
on top of the roof. El toro no ...
00:23:39.080 - 00:23:42.120

Ricardullachu siqaykurusa icha turuchu?

¿Se cayó Ricardo no más o el toro [también]?
Ricardu-lla-chu siqayku-ru-sa-ø icha turu-chu
Ricardo-RSTR-Q fall-URGT-PRF-3 or bull-Q
Did just Ricardo fall in or the bull [too]?
00:23:42.590 - 00:23:48.280

Ukuman kalamina kaynata ukuman siqakuykurusa

al dentro ... la calamina se cayó al dentro así.
uku-man kalamina kay-na-ta uku-man siqa-ku-yku-ru-sa-ø
inside-ALL tine.roofing DEM.P-VRBZ-ACC inside-ALL fall-REFL-EXCEP-URGT-PRF-3
inside ... the tin roofing fell inside like this.
00:23:42.590 - 00:23:48.280

¿Con el toro?
With the bull and all?
00:23:48.590 - 00:23:51.650

Los dos ya.
Both of them.
00:23:48.590 - 00:23:51.650

00:23:52.360 - 00:23:54.440

Los dos
Both of them.
00:23:52.360 - 00:23:54.440

Turantin siqaykurusa, ay, chay ukupaqa puchukarunmantriki [karqa].

Se cayó todo con el toro. Ay, [hubiera] podido terminar al dentro.
tura-ntin siqayku-ru-sa-ø ay, chay uku-pa-qa puchuka-ru-n-man-tri-ki
bull-INCL fall-URGT-PRF-3 ay, DEM.D inside-LOC-TOP finish-URGT-3-COND-EVC-KI
He fell with the bull, ay, he might [have] been finfished off inside.
00:23:54.730 - 00:23:59.870

Madripa kuntran rimaqshi Ricardoqa hinaspa

Ricardo estaba hablando mal de la madre. Después
madri-pa kuntra-n rima-q-shi Ricardo-qa hinashpa
nun-GEN against-3 talk-AG-EVR Ricardo-TOP then
Ricardo was talking against the nun, they say. Then
00:23:59.990 - 00:24:03.180

Madri kaqkunata risa niyarqachu. Madri salvarusa niyarqa

Se fue donde la madre, estaban diciendo. La madre lo salvó, estaba diciendo.
madri ka-q-kuna-ta ri-sa-ø nirqa-ø madri salva-ru-sa-ø ni-ya-rqa-ø
nun be-AG-PL-ACC go-PRF-3 say-PROG-PST-3 nun save-URGT-PRF-3 say-PROG-PST-3
He went to the nun's place, they were saying. The nun saved him, they were saying
00:24:03.180 - 00:24:05.890

Kanña piña turu.

Hay toros bravos.
ka-n-ña piña turu
be-3-DISC mad bull
There are fierce bulls.
00:24:11.430 - 00:24:13.200

Sanuchu chayta ruwarun? Shinkachu?

¿Hizo eso sano o borracho?
sanu-chu chay-ta ruwa-ru-n shinka-chu
sober-Q DEM.D-ACC make-URGT-3 drunk-Q
Dis he do that sober or drunk?
00:24:13.490 - 00:24:16.130

Sanutriki manachu ukuntash risa nin negosiyante huybis kanan

Habrá sido sano, ¿no? Dicen que el negociante se fue al dentro. Jueves
sana-tri-ki mana-chu uku-n-ta-sh ri-sa-ø ni-n negosiyante huybis kanan
heal-EVR-KI no-Q inside-3-ACC-EVR ri-sa-3 say-3 trader Thursday now
He must have been sober, no? They say the trader went inside. Thursday. Today ...
00:24:16.600 - 00:24:20.240

Kananhina huybistri karqa

Como ahora, era jueves seguro
kanan-hina huybis-tri ka-rqa-ø
now-COMP Thursday-EVC be-PST-3
It was Thursaday, like today.
00:24:20.710 - 00:24:22.320

Negosiyante qatimurqa hinashpa tinkururqa chaypa

El negociante lo trajo después lo encontró allí.
negosiyante qati-mu-rqa-ø hinashpa tinku-ru-rqa-ø chay-pa
trader bring-CISL-PST-3 then meet-URGT-PST-3 DEM.D-LOC
The trader brought it, they say, then he met it there.
00:24:23.040 - 00:24:25.990

Ayqiyamuqwanshi tinkurun ninshi hinam.

Se encontró con él que estaba escapando, dijeron, creo.
ayqi-ya-mu-q-wan-shi tinku-rqa-ø ni-n-shi hina-m
He met the one who was escaping, they say, it seems.
00:24:26.840 - 00:24:29.690

Así es. Carreras dice iba ... chay
Así es. Carreras iba, dicen allí
That's right. They say Carreras was going ... there
00:24:30.330 - 00:24:33.320

Huk vakamanshi Persi arrastrakayamun.

Persi está arrastrando otra vaca.
huk vaka-man-shi Persi arrastra-ka-ya-mu-n
one cow-ALL-EVD Persi drag-REFL-PROG-CISL-3
Persi is tugging along another cpw.
00:24:34.650 - 00:24:37.530

Aa, suqitayta manam atipanchu

Ah, no lo puede sostener.
aa suqi-y-ta mana-m atipa-n-chu
Ah, sustain-INF-ACC no-EVD
Ah, he can't sustain it.
00:24:37.540 - 00:24:39.270

Wiram chukaro maypaqtrrik rantiyamun?

Es gordo. Bravo -- ¿De dónde estará comprando?
wira-m chukaro may-paq-trik ranti-ya-mu-n
fat-EVD wild where-ABL-EVC-K buy-PROG-CISL-3
He's fat. Wild -- Where could they be buying from?
00:24:40.730 - 00:24:43.920

Maypataq qatimusa?
¿De dónde lo agarraron?
may-pa-taq qati-mu-sa-ø
where-LOC-SEQ bring-CISL-PRF-3
Where did they bring him from?
00:24:46.750 - 00:24:48.820

Kay postaman riyaptinshi chay arrastramusa wak law.

Cuando estaba yendo a la posta, dicen, lo arrastraba allí.
kay posta-man ri-ya-pti-n-tri chay arrastra-mu-sa-ø wak law
When he was going to the health clinic, they say, he was dragging it there
00:24:48.940 - 00:24:52.870

Napa. Odonchu mayqinninpa chay wasi kayqa kinrayta.

De ése. ¿De Odón o de quíen es ese casa para allá?
na-pa Odon-chu mayqin-ni-n-pa chay wasi kay-qa kinray-ta
Theirs. Odon's or which one's -- that house here up hill?
00:24:53.490 - 00:24:57.660

Sultayta atipanchu ripun. Maypi qapirqa

No le puede amarrar la pata. ¿Dónde lo habrá agarrado?
sulta-y-ta atipa-n-chu ripu-n may-pi hapi-rqa-ø
tie.foot-INF-ACC go-3 where-LOC grab-PST-3
She can't tie her foot. Where did she grab it?
00:24:58.800 - 00:25:01.640
Vakapa fuwersan kantri urayman piyur.
Hacia abajo, la fuerza de una vaca será peor.
vaka-pa fwirsa-n ka-n-tri uray-man piyur
cow-GEN strength-3 be-3-EVC down.hill-ALL worse
Going down hill a cow's strength would be worse.
00:25:04.000 - 00:25:06.950

¿Maypitaq kanan alkansanqa?

¿Dónde lo va a alcanzar ahora?
may-pi-taq kanan alkansa-nqa
where-LOC-SEQ now reach-3.FUT
Where is she going to catch up to it now?
00:25:07.050 - 00:25:09.650

Igwalanki vakapa fwirsanwan.

¿Cómo vas a igualar con la fuerza de la vaca?
igwala-nki vaka-pa fwirsa-n-wan
equal-2 cow-GEN strength-3-INSTR
How are you going to equal the strength of a cow?
00:25:10.000 - 00:25:12.260

Chawayanraq kabrantaqa
Todavía está lecheando sus cabras.
chawa-ya-n-raq kabra-n-ta-qa
milk-PROG-3-CONT goat-3-ACC-TOP
She's still milking her goats.
00:25:13.410 - 00:25:15.380

Aa, yapamik kutinqa, aw?

Ah, de nuevo va a regresar, ¿no?
aa yapa-mi-k kuti-nqa aw
Ah, again-EVD-K return-3.FUT yes
Ah, she's going to go back again, no?
00:25:15.840 - 00:25:19.310

Todavía no termina.
It's not finished yet.
00:25:15.840 - 00:25:19.360

Wak kuyayllapaq alqalla kasa paqlalla.

Ese pintón bonito era lombo [sin cachos].
wak kuya-y-lla-paq alqana-lla ka-sa-ø paqla-lla
DEM.D love-INF-RSTR-ABL color-NMLZ-RSTR be-PRF-3 without.horns-RSTR
That lovely colored one was without horns.
00:25:19.310 - 00:25:22.060

Wakhina rikariruptin harkakuymantri.

Así cuando parece puedo pastear.
wak-hina rikari-ru-pti-n harka-ku-y-man-tri
Like that, when It appears, I can pasture.
00:25:22.840 - 00:25:24.970

Pero qaqata ripuptinqa imaynataq rishaq qipanta?

Cuando van a la peña, ¿cómo voy a ir atrás?
pero qaqa-ta ripu-pti-n-qa imayna-taq ri-shaq qipa-n-ta
but cliff-ACC go-SUBDS-3-TOP how-SEQ go-1.FUT behind-3-ACC
But when they go to the cliff, how am I going to go behind them?
00:25:25.130 - 00:25:28.880

Umanta ayurishpa ayurishpa qaqaman ripukun

Su cabeza moviendose moviéndose, se fue a la peña.
uma-n-ta ayu-ri-shpa ayu-ri-shpa qaqa-man ripu-ku-n
head-3-ACC move-INCEP-SUBIS move-INCEP-SUBIS cliff-ALL go-REFL-3
With his head bobbing all around, he left for the cliff.
00:25:31.110 - 00:25:34.740

00:25:35.590 - 00:25:39.540

Te está mirando.
He's looking at you.
00:25:35.590 - 00:25:39.540

Sin cachos
00:25:42.870 - 00:25:44.690

00:25:49.360 - 00:25:54.070

Mana chichinanpaq.
Para que no mamen.
mana chichi-na-n-paq
no nurse-NMLZ-3-PURP
So they don't nurse.
00:25:49.360 - 00:25:54.070

Ah, mana chichinanpaq. Tarde watarun mamanta wawanta kapacharun.

Ah, para que no mame. Tarde amarró a su mamá y puso capachos a sus bebés.
aa mana chichi-na-n-paq tarde wata-ru-n mama-n-ta wawa-n-ta kapacha-ru-n
Ah, no nurse-NMLZ-3-PURP afternoon tie-URGT-3 nother-3-ACC baby-3-ACC mask-URGT-3
Ah, so they don't nurse. She tied up the mother in the afternoon and put masks on her babies.
00:25:54.150 - 00:25:58.490

Qayantinta chawanankama chayraq kachaykunqa mikunanpaq.

Hasta que lechee el día siguente. Después los soltará para que comen.
qayantin-ta chawa-na-n-kama chay-raq kachay-ku-nqa miku-na-n-paq milk-NMLZ-3-LIM DEM.D-CONT release-EXCEP-3.FUT eat-NMLZ-3-PURP
Until she milks the next day. Then she'll let them loose so they can eat.
00:25:58.630 - 00:26:01.470

Hinaptin yapa tardiq kapachunqa.

En la tarde de nuevo les va a poner capachas.
hinaptin-shi yapa tardi-qa kapacha-ru-nqa
then-EVR again afternoon-TOP mask-URGT-3.FUT
Then again she'll put masks on the in the afternoon.
00:26:01.470 - 00:26:03.300

Chaynallam wak pubritaqa diharun. Vakatawan kuskataya kabrataqa dihamun.

Así no más dejó al pobrecito. Dejó la cabra junto con la vaca.
chay-na-lla-m wak pubri-ta-qa diha-ru-n vaka-ta-wan kuska-ta-ya kabra-ta-qa diha-mu-n
goat-ACC-EMPH leave-CISL-3
She left the poor thing like that. She left the goat with the cow, then.
00:26:04.000 - 00:26:08.040

Kab ... wakchallantam uray kurralman wak na qaykurqa.

Echó sus cab .... sus wachos no más abajo al corral.
kab ... wakcha-lla-n-ta-m uray kurral-man wak na qayku-rqa-ø
goa .... sheep-RSTR-3-ACC-EVD up.hill corral-ALL DEM.D DMY turn.out-PST-3
She tossed her g ... just her sheep down hill in the corral.
00:26:09.060 - 00:26:13.060

ubiha wakchanta
Las crías de sus ovjeas.
ubiha wakcha-n-ta
sheep ram-3-ACC
Her baby sheep.
00:26:13.280 - 00:26:15.240

Se murió.
He died.
00:26:29.830 - 00:26:31.130

Chay karnirupa churin

El hijo del carnero.
chay karniru-pa churi-n
DEM.D ram-GEN child-3
That ram's baby
00:26:31.450 - 00:26:34.410

Kabraqa wawan qalachatam

La cabra echa cría calatito
kabra-qa wawa-n qala-cha-ta-m
goat-TOP baby-3 naked-DIM-ACC-EVD
The goat gives birth to naked [hairless] ones.
00:26:34.410 - 00:26:36.460

Manam normal chivatu churintahinachu.

No es normal como el hijo del chivato.
mana-m normal chivatu churi-n-ta-hina-chu
no-EVD normal billy.goat child-3-ACC-COMP-NEG
It's not normal like the billy goat's baby.
00:26:36.710 - 00:26:40.510

karniruchapis peluchantin mana qalachu

Los carneros también tienen pelos -- no son calatos.
karniru-cha-pis pelu-cha-yuq mana-m qala-chu
ram-DIM-ADD hair-POSS no-EVD naked-NEG
The ram, too, has its hair -- it's not naked.
00:26:47.390 - 00:26:50.170

Chay ropachanta trurantri

Se pondrá su ropita
chay ropa-cha-n-ta trura-n-tri
DEM.D clothes-DIM-3-ACC put-3-EVC
It must put on its clothes.
00:26:50.260 - 00:26:53.900

Kay parapa
En la lluvia.
kay para-pa
DEM.P rain-LOC
In this rain.
00:26:54.010 - 00:26:56.810

Peluchan wiñanankaman
hasta que crezca su pelo.
Pelu-cha-n wiña-na-n-kama
hair-DIM-3 grow-NMLZ-3-RSTR
until its hair grows.
00:26:54.010 - 00:26:56.810

Chichinqa ya kabra
La cabra va a mamar.
Chichi-nqa ya kabra
nurse-3.FUT EMPH goat
The goat is going to nurse, then.
00:27:04.760 - 00:27:07.070

Chay ubihapa wawanta chay karnirupa churinta.

el bebé de ese oveja; el hijo de ese carnero.
chay ubiha-pa wawa-n-ta chay karniru-pa churi-n-ta
DEM.D sheep-GEN child-3-ACC DEM.D ram-GEN child-3-ACC
That sheep's baby; that ram's baby.
00:27:07.350 - 00:27:10.340

Wak hapisantri rantisa.

Ése que está agarrado será comprado.
wak hapi-sa-n-tri ranti-sa-ø
DEM.D grab-PRF-3-EVC buy-PRF-
The one that's caught would have been bought.
00:27:26.990 - 00:27:29.050

Chay ukukchakunaqa pinturapa

Los chiquititos son de pintura.
chay uchuk-cha-kuna-qa pintura-pa
DEM.D small-DIM-PL-TOP paint-GEN
The small ones are from paint.
00:27:32.300 - 00:27:35.230

Pintura Pato.
Pintura Pato
Pintura Pato.
paint Pato.
Pato paint
00:27:35.230 - 00:27:37.460

Desukupaptin sumaq sumaq yuraqchallam kidarun mallaruptin.

Cuando lo desocupe se quedan bonitos y blanquitos cuando se lavan
desukupa-pti-n-qa sumaq sumaq yuraq-cha-lla-m kida-ru-n malla-ru-pti-n
free-SUBDS-3 pretty pretty white-DIM-RSTR-EVD remain-URGT-3 wash-URGT-SUBDS-3
When she gets freed up, they turn out really white and pretty when she washes them.
00:27:37.600 - 00:27:40.980

algunus pintan, algunus manam.

Algunos pintan algunos no
algunus pinta-n algunus mana-m
some paint-3 some no-EVD
Some people paint, some don't.
00:27:44.840 - 00:27:49.810

huk lawkunapaqtri apamun piru.

Los traerán de otro sitio.
huk law-kuna-paq-tri apa-mu-n pero
one-side-PL-ABL-EVC bring-CISL-3 but
But she must bring them from somewhere else.
00:27:49.800 - 00:27:52.480

Karu ya kayan chay pintura.

Esa pintura es cara.
karu ya ka-ya-n chay pintura
expensive EMPH be-PROG-3 DEM.D painr
That paint is expensive.
00:27:52.560 - 00:27:54.930
Allpillapa. Allpillapa.
De tierra no más, de tierra no más.
allpi-lla-pa allpi-lla-pa
earth-RSTR-GEN earth-RSTR-GEN
Just of earth, just of earth-
00:28:00.090 - 00:28:03.000

00:28:05.000 - 00:28:09.990

Natural. Chay allpitaqa surqumunchik, qillu

Natural. Se saca la tierra amarilla.
natural chay allpi-ta-qa surqu-mu-nchik qillu
natural DEM.D earth-ACC-TOP take.out-CISL-1PL yellow
Natural. We take out the earth --yellow.
00:28:05.000 - 00:28:09.990

sityu kayan chay allpipa sityun qillu allpa.

La tierra amarilla tiene un sitio. El sitio de la tierra amarilla.
sityu ka-ya-n chay allpi-pa sityu-n qillu allpa
site be-PROG-3 DEM.D earth-GEN site-3 yellow earth
That yellow earth has a place. The yellow earth place.
00:28:10.110 - 00:28:14.260

Arsillam chayaq.
Es tierra arcilla.
arsilla-m chay-aq
It's clay.
00:28:10.110 - 00:28:14.260

Yuraq allpapis kanmi sityum kan.

también hay tierra blanca -- tiene su sitio.
yuraq allpa-pis ka-n-mi sityu-m ka-n
white earth-ADD be-3-EVD site-EVD be-3
There's also white earth -- it has its place.
00:28:14.430 - 00:28:17.260

Yakuwan uquchinchik.
Se hace mojar con agua
Yakuwan uquchinchik.
water-INSTR wet-CAUS-1PL
You wet it with water.
00:28:19.540 - 00:28:21.670

Lliw kay wasi, allpillawan kayan pintasa. Manam pinturachu.

Toda esta casa está pintada con tierra no más.
lliw kay wasi, allpi-lla-wan ka-ya-n pinta-sa-ø mana-m pintura-chu
all DEM.P house earth-RSTR be-PROG-3 paint-PRF-3 no-EVD paint-NEG
This whole hosue is painted with just earth. Not paint.
00:28:21.700 - 00:28:28.270

Wak antapachapa
De Antapacha.
wak Antapacha-pa
DEM.D Antapacha-GEN
From Antapacha.
00:28:29.310 - 00:28:31.140

Antapachapam allpita apamurqani.

Traje la tierra de Antapacha.
Antapacha-pa-m allpi-ta apa-mu-rqa-ni
Antapacha-GEN-EVD earth-ACC bring-CISL-PST-1
I brought earth from Antapacha.
00:28:31.140 - 00:28:34.020

Chaywan pintarqani. Uquykachishpa.

Pinté con ésa, mojándolo.
chay-wan pinta-rqa-ni uqu-yka-chi-shpa
I painted with that. Wetting it.
00:28:35.210 - 00:28:39.180

Chayaq naturalmi, kay allpa lluqsiyamun kay sityupaq.

Ése es natural. Esta tierra sale de este sitio.
chay-aq natural-mi, kay allpa lluqsi-ya-mu-n kay sityu-paq
DEM.D-TOP natural-EVD DEM.P earth come.out-PROG-CISL-3 DEM.P site-ABL
It's natural. This earth is coming out of this place.
00:28:39.550 - 00:28:43.980

Aw, chaynam.
Sí, así.
aw chay-na-m
Yes. like that.
00:28:43.980 - 00:28:45.720

Sumaqmi lluqsin.
Sale bonito.
sumaq-mi lluqsi-n
pretty-EVD come.out-3
It comes out nice.
00:28:46.470 - 00:28:48.220

Pintura también.
Paint, too.
00:28:49.580 - 00:28:52.160

Bulsantaña listakuyan. Vakan harkananpaq.
bulsa-n-ta-ña lista-ku-ya-n vaka-n harka-na-n-paq
bag-3-ACC-DISC ready-REFL-PROG-3 cow-3 pasture-NMLZ-3-PURP
00:28:54.490 - 00:28:58.080

Chay muldinta winayan bulsanman

Está echando su molde en su bolsa.
chay muldi-n-ta wina-ya-n bulsa-n-man
DEM.D mold-3-ACC bag-3-ALL
She's tossing her [cheese] mold into her bag.
00:28:58.080 - 00:29:02.220

Manam allqun apananpaq.

Para que no lo lleve su perro.
mana-m allqu-n apa-na-n-paq
no-EVD dog-3 bring-NMLZ-3-PURP
So that her dog doesn't take it.
00:28:58.080 - 00:29:02.250

Qipikusatr rinqa.
Va ir cargándolo, pues.
qipi-ku-sa-tr ri-nqa
carry-REFL-PRF-EVC go-3.FUT
She's going to go carrying it, for sure.
00:29:02.220 - 00:29:04.050

Manaya rantikuyta munanpischu.

No quieren vender ya tampoco.
mana-ya rantiku-y-ta muna-n-pis-chu
no-EMPH sell-INF-ACC want-3-ADD-NEG
They don't want to sell, either, then.
00:29:14.900 - 00:29:17.290

Chay kisun ruwananpaq.

Para hacer su queso.
chay kisu-n ruwa-na-n-paq
DEM.D cheese-3 make-NMLZ-3-PURP
To make their cheese.
00:29:17.400 - 00:29:19.090

Chay kisullanpaqmi qullqita hapin.

Agarran su plata de su queso no más.
chay kisu-lla-n-paq-mi qullqi-ta hapi-n
DEM.D cheese-RSTR-3-ABL-EVD money-ACC grab-3
They just get money from their cheese.
00:29:19.570 - 00:29:22.100

Pastukunata rantishpa
Comprando pasto y todo.
pastu-kuna-ta ranti-shpa
pasture-grass-ACC buy-SUBIS
Buying pasture grass and all.
00:29:22.100 - 00:29:27.270
Pastuta ... pastu pagananpaq chay.
Para pagar pasto.-RSTR
pastu-ta pastu paga-na-n-paq chay
pasture.grass-ACC pasture.grass pay-NMLZ-3-PURP DEM.D
To pay for their pasture grass, that ...
00:29:22.100 - 00:29:27.270

Ñuqa wambrayta mil novecientos setenta ochenta puro leche de vaca

Yo [dí] a mis hijos -- mil novecientos setenta, ochenta -- puramente leche de vaca.
ñuqa wambra-y-ta mil novecientos setenta ochenta
1 child-1-ACC thousand nine.hundred seventy eighty
I [gave] my children -- nineteen seventy, eighty -- pure cow's milk,
00:29:27.440 - 00:29:35.870

Kisunta ruwanña. Rantikushpa paganmik.

Su queso hacen ya. Vendiendo, pagan, pues.
kisu-n-ta ruwa-n-ña rantiku-shpa paga-n-mi-k
cheese-3-ACC make-3-DISC sell-SUBIS pay-3-EVD-K
They make their cheese already. They sell it and pay, then.
00:29:27.440 - 00:29:35.870

kabra, kisu chayllatam tumachirqani manam iksistirqachu chay rantiypaq kay Viñacpaqa wak tarqu TK Gloria
de kabra, queso. Les hice tomar eso no más. Leche vendida, esa Gloria, no existía acá Viñac.
kabra, kisu chay-lla-ta-m tuma-chi-rqa-ni mana-m iksisti-rqa-ø-chu chay ranti-y-paq kay Viñac-pa-qa wak
tarqu Gloria
goat cheese DEM.D-RSTR-ACC-EVD drink-CAUS-PST-1 no-EVD exist-PST-3-NEG DEM.D buy-1-PURP
goat [milk], cheese. I had them drink just that. Bought milk, that Gloria, didn't exist here in Viñac.
00:29:36.040 - 00:29:42.940

Por eso chay huk vispira pachamama charlata qurqa

Por eso ... Una víspera Pachamama dieron una charla.
chay huk vispira pachamama charla-ta qu-rqa-ø
DEM.D one evening pachamama lecture-ACC give-PST-3
That's why ... They gave a lecture on Pachamama one evening.
00:29:52.970 - 00:29:58.130

Chay yogurkunata yatrachiwarqanchik.

Nos enseñaron [como hacer] Ese yogur.
chay yogur-kuna-ta yatra-chi-wa-rqa-nchik
DEM.D yoghurt-PL-ACC know-CAUS-3>2-PST-3>2
They taught us how to make yoghurt.
00:29:58.130 - 00:30:00.910

Rantishpa apananpaq
Comprándolo para traerlo
ranti-shpa apa-na-n-paq
buy-SUBIS bring-NMLZ-3-PURP
Buying it to bring it.
00:30:00.970 - 00:30:04.540

Kombininmi lichi rantikuykuy

Conviene vender la leche
kombini-n-mi lichi rantiku-yku-y
be.advantageous-3-EVD milk sell-EXCEP-INF
It's advantageous to sell milk.
00:30:04.550 - 00:30:07.040

kisu ruwayta
hacer queso
kisu ruwa-y-ta
cheese make-INF-ACC
to make cheese
00:30:07.110 - 00:30:08.760

Un sol sinkwenta litruta.

Un sol cinquenta el litro.
un sol sinkwenta litru-ta
one sol fifty liter-ACC
One sol fifty per liter.
00:30:09.400 - 00:30:12.100

Pero menusmi kayan chay Gloriakunaqa

Pero esa Gloria es menos [nutritivo].
pero menus-mi ka-ya-n chay Gloria-kuna-qa
but less-EVD be-PROG-3 DEM.D Gloria-PL-TOP
But that Gloria and all is less [nutritious].
00:30:12.240 - 00:30:15.500

Menus. Chay lichiqa mas.

Menos. Esa leche. más.
menus chay lichi-qa mas
less DEM.D milk-TOP more
Less. That milk, more.
00:30:15.500 - 00:30:18.570

Ishkay puntrawpaq
Para dos días.
ishkay puntraw-paq
two day-PURP
Two days
00:30:18.640 - 00:30:19.570

nos dura.
it lasts us.
00:30:19.570 - 00:30:21.370

Manaya rantikunchu munanchu. Mastaq ruwaq kisu ruwananpaq

No venden. No quieren. Para hacer más queso.
mana-ya rantiku-n-chu muna-n-chu mas-taq ruwa-q kisu ruwa-na-n-paq
no-EMPH sell-3-NEG want-3-NEG more-SEQ make-AG cheese make-NMLZ-3-PURP
They don't sell it, don't want to. To make more cheese.
00:30:21.710 - 00:30:26.120

Chaypam presiyunta trurarqa

Pusieron su precio allí.
chay-pa-m presiyu-n-ta trura-rqa-ø
DEM.D-LOC-EVD price-3-ACC put-PST-3
They put their price there.
00:30:26.140 - 00:30:29.540

A ver. Ayka litrutam baldi kayan

A ver. ¿Cuántos litros hay en un balde?
aver ayka litru-ta-m baldi ka-ya-n
let's.see how.many liter-ACC-EVD bucket be-PROG-·
Let's see. How many liters are in a bucket?
00:30:29.540 - 00:30:33.010

Lichin nin
Su leche, dijo.
lichi-n ni-n
milk-3 say-3
Their milk, they said.
00:30:33.060 - 00:30:35.420

Chayqa nuybi litrus

Es nueve litros.
chay-qa nuybi litrus
DEM.D-TOP nine liters.
It's nine liters.
00:30:35.450 - 00:30:38.250

nuybi litruspaqa huk kilu kisullam lluqsin.

De nueve litros sale un kilo de queso no más.
nuybi litruspaqa huk kilu kisullam lluqsin
nine liters-ABL-TOP one kilo cheese-RSTR-EVD come.
One kilo of cheese comes out of nine kilos of milk.
00:30:39.450 - 00:30:44.300

Konveniyan lichi rantikuq.

Le conviene vender la leche.
konveniya-n lichi rantiku-q
be.advantageous-3 milk sell-AG
It is to their advantage to sell milk.
00:30:58.620 - 00:31:00.240

Lichi rantikuymi konveniyan. Manam

Conviene vender leche. No
lichi rantiku-y-mi konveniya-n mana-m
milk sell-INF-EVD be.advantageous-3 no-EVD
It's advantageous to sell milk-
00:31:00.240 - 00:31:03.270

kisu rantikuytachu. Kisupaqqa gastayanki -- kwahuta, katri-ta.

vender queso. Para [hacer] queso estás gastando por cortante, por sal.
kisu rantiku-y-chu kisu-pa-qa gasta-ya-nki kwahu-ta katrichi-ta
cheese sell-INF-NEG cheese-PURP-TOP spend-PROG-2 curdling.agent-ACC katrichita
not to sell cheese. For cheese, you're spending -- for curdling agent, for salt.
00:31:03.280 - 00:31:08.320

Pone sal.
To add salt.
00:31:03.280 - 00:31:08.470

Tiyempu pirdinki ruwashpa

Pierdes tiempo haciéndolo
tiyempu pirdi-nki ruwa-shpa
time lose-2 make-SUBIS
You lose time making it-
00:31:08.320 - 00:31:11.980

Lichita rantikushpaqa manam.

Vendiendo leche, no.
lichi-ta rantiku-shpa-qa mana-m
milk-ACC sell-SUBIS-TOP no-EVD
Not selling milk.
00:31:11.980 - 00:31:14.110

Deyunaves chawarunki medidakunki listu.

De una vez, lecheas, mides, Listo.
deyunaves chawa-ru-nki medida-ku-nki listu
immediately milk-URGT-2 measure-REFL-2 ready
All at once you milk, you measure. Ready!
00:31:14.310 - 00:31:17.500

Kisuta mas ruwakuyan pero

Más hacen queso pero
kisu-ta mas ruwa-ku-ya-n pero
cheese-ACC more make-REFL-PROG-3 but
They're making more cheese but
00:31:21.440 - 00:31:24.200

Simana qutikushpa rantikunña nishpatriki

Vendiendo una semana, compran ya, se dirán seguro.
simana quti-ku-shpa rantiku-n-ña ni-shpa-tri-ki
Selling one week, they buy already, they must be saying.
00:31:24.170 - 00:31:27.330

Pero lichitam igwal ya diyariyu rantikushpa

Pero leche igual es, ya. Vendiendo diario
pero lichi-ta-m igwal ya diyariyu rantiku-shpa
but milk-ACC-EVD equal EMPH daily sell-SUBIS
but milk is the same if you sell it daily.
00:31:27.480 - 00:31:30.250
mastam surqunki semanal.
Sacas más cada semana.
mas-ta-m surqu-nki semanal
more-ACC-EVD take.out-2 weekly
You take more out weekly.
00:31:30.250 - 00:31:33.410

Kisuqa bahanraqmik kiluta ruwanki

Bajan su queso todavía pues, un kilo haces.
kisu-qa baha-n-raq-mi-k kilu-ta ruwa-nki
cheese-TOP take.down-3-CONT kilo-ACC make-2
Cheese comes down, still, then. You make one kilo.
00:31:33.410 - 00:31:36.230

00:31:36.800 - 00:31:40.820

Semananpaqa baharurqa siyen gramos, dos siyentos gramos.

Bajó cien gramos, dos cientos gramos la semana.
semana-n-pa-qa baha-ru-rqa-ø siyen gramos dos siyentos gramos
week-3-GEN-TOP take.down-URGT-PST-3 one-hundred grams two hundred grams
She brought down one hundred grams, two hundred grams a week.
00:31:36.800 - 00:31:40.820

Suero, pues.
Whey, then.
00:31:41.240 - 00:31:43.310

Freskuqa kilu
Fresco, kilo
fresku-qa kilu
fresh-TOP kilo
Fresh. A kilo.
00:31:41.240 - 00:31:43.310

Iskurrikurunqa chayqa pesu baqan.

Se va escorrir el suero y va a bajar el peso.
iskurri-ku-ru-nqa chay-qa pesu baha-n
VV wring.out-REFL-URGT-3.FUT DEM.D-TOP weight lower-3
They're going to wring it out -- that lowers the weight.
00:31:43.340 - 00:31:45.510

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:45 PM


Sindiru Luminusuqa kay Viñaqpaq afektaramurqa.

Sindiru Luminusu-qa kay Viñaq-paq afikta-ra-mu-rqa-ø
Path Shining-TOP DEM.D Viñac-LOC affect-URGT-CISL-PST-3
Sendero Luminoso en Viñac afectó
The Shining Path affected Viñac.
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:06.020

Uchinta i sinkullatam ... ñuqa karqani uchintapaqñam Huancayopa. Rikuni. Primariya, sikundariya,
universidad ... kay uchintu i sinkutam
uchinta i sinku-lla-ta-m ñuqa ka-rqa-ni primariya sekundariya universidad uchinta-paq-ña-m kay uchintu
Huancayo-LOC i ri-ku-ni
eighty and five-RSTR-ACC-EVD 1 be-PST-1 eighty-ABL-DISC-EVD Huancayo-LOC go-REFL-1 college DEM.D eighty and
El año ochenta y cinco ... el año ochenta yo estuve en Huancayo. Me fui. Primaria, secondaria, universidad
... ochenta y cinco.
Eighty-five ... in eighty I was in Huancayo. I went. Elementary school, high school, college ... eighty-five.
00:00:06.090 - 00:00:15.700


Chay dos de fibrirupash Viñaqman yaykaramun fiyistapi

chay dos de fibriru-pa-sh Viñaq-man yayka-ra-mu-n fiyista-pi
DEM.D two of February-LOC Viñac-ALL enter-URGT-CISL-3 celebration-LOC
El dos de febrero, dicen, entraron a Viñac, durante la fiesta [Candelaria]
They entered Viñac on February 2, they say, during the celebration [Candelaria]
00:00:15.750 - 00:00:20.230

Chaytaq mamallay willakururqa

chay-taq mama-lla-y willa-ku-ru-rqa-ø
DEM.D-SEQ mother-RSTR-1 tell-REFL-URGT-PST-3
Mi mamá no más [me] avisó-RSTR.
My mother told [me] that.
00:00:20.260 - 00:00:22.810

Kunsihu frintillanpam papaniypa wasin kayan.

kunsihu frinti-lla-n-pa-m papa-ni-y-pa wasi-n ka-ya-n
city.hall front-RSTR-3-LOC-EVD father-EUPH-1-GEN house-3 be-PROG-3
La casa de mi papá está justo en frente del consejo municipal.
My father's house is just in front of the city hall
00:00:22.860 - 00:00:25.900

Chaypash valiyakuyan, sweñakuyan.

chay-pa-sh valiya-ku-ya-n sweña-ku-ya-n
Allí, dicen, estaban disparando, estaba sonando.
That's where, they say, they were shooting. It was making noise
00:00:25.960 - 00:00:32.080

Chay-pa polisiyallaqa ukupa kayashpa riki pakakurun naman

chay-pa polisiya-lla-qa uku-pa ka-ya-shpa ri-ki paka-ku-ru-n na-man
Allí, los policías, estaban al dentro, escondiéndose hacia ....
In there, the police were inside, hiding toward ....
00:00:32.110 - 00:00:35.730

bañuman. Chay pulisiyaqa altupaq wañurachin ishkay sindiruta kallipa [ukuman yaykuptinqa]
bañu-man chay polisiya-qa altu-paq wañu-ra-chi-n ishkay sindiru-ta kalli-pa uku-man yayku-pti-n-qa
bath-ALL DEM.D police-TOP high-ABL dife-URGT-CAUS-3 two path-ACC street-LOC inside-ALL
hacia el baño. De alto, los policías mataron a dos Senderos en la calle [cuando estaban entrando].
toward the bathroom. From up high, the policeman killed two Shining Path soldiers on the street [when they
were coming in].
00:00:35.770 - 00:00:43.420

Ishkay sindiruta wañurachishpaqa, yaykurun chay bañuman, ukuman. Lliw susyu yaykurun. Maskakuyan.
ishkay sindiru-ta wañu-ra-chi-shpa-qa yayku-ru-n chay lliw susyu bañu-man yayku-ru-n uku-man
two path-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-SUBIS-TOP enter-URGT-3 DEM.D bath-ALL inside-ALL all dirty
enter-URGT-3 look.for-REFL-PROG-3
Cuando mataron a los dos Senderos, entró en ese baño, hacia el interior, todo sucio entró. Está buscando.
When he killed the two Shining Path soldiers, he came into the bathroom, inside. He came in all dirty,
00:00:43.480 - 00:00:50.480

Lliw lliw runakunata, pwertakunata sayatashpa chaynatam. Chay mamay willakuwarqa. Chay tiyempu
Huancayopa kayani
lliw lliw runa-kuna-ta pwerta-kuna-ta sayta-shpa willa-ku-wa-rqa-ø chay-na-ta-m chay tiyempu chay
Huancayo-pa mama-y ka-ya-ni
all person-PL-ACC kick-SUBIS DEM.D mother-1 tell-REFL-1.OBJ-PST-3 DEM.D-VRBZ-ACC-EVD GG
DEM.D time door-PL-ACC Huancayo-LOC all be-PROG-1
Pateando a toda la gente, todas las puertas. Así me lo contó mi mamá. En esas fechas yo estaba en Huancayo.
Kicking all the people, all the doors. That's how my mother told it to me. I was in Huancayo at that time.
00:00:50.520 - 00:00:57.900

Pasaruptin qawaq hamuni.

pasa-ru-pti-n qawa-q hamu-ni
pass-URGT-SUBDS-3 see-AG come-1
Cuando eso pasó, vine a ver.
When that happened, I came to see
00:00:57.910 - 00:00:59.450

mamay kutirqa "¿Ima aksidintawchu, imachush?"

mama-y kuti-rqa-ø ima aksidintaw-chush ima-chush
mother-1 return-PST-3-TOP what accident-chush what-chush
Mi mamá regresó, "¿Qué? Un accidente o qué?" dijo.
My mother came back, "What -- an accident or what?" she said.
00:01:00.470 - 00:01:04.550

Chay tiyempu kasa kay uchinta y sinku chaytam chay Sindiru yaykaramurqa
chay tiyempu ka-sa kay uchinta i sinku chay-ta-m chay sindiru yayka-TKra-mu-rqa-ø
DEM.D time be-PRF-3 DEM.P eighty and five DEM.D-ACC-EVD DEM.D path enter-URGT-CISL-PST-3
Éso era en el año ochenta y cinco. El Sendero entró [en Viñac].
That time was eighty-five. The Shining Path came in [to Viñac]
00:01:04.600 - 00:01:09.470

Chay, chay pachapaña mana iksistinchu.

chay chay pacha-pa-ña mana iksisti-n-chu
DEM.D DEM.D time-LOC-DISC no exist-3-NEG
En esos tiempos --- ya no existe
At that time -- it doesn't exist any more.
00:01:09.500 - 00:01:13.040

Puwestu polisiya mas antis Viñaqpaq iksistirqam. Puwestu polisiyaman chay polisiyaqa riki iskapashpa tuta
puwestu polisiya mas antis Viñaq-pa chay polisiyaqa iksisti-rqa-ø-m riki iskapa-shpa puwestu tuta
polisiya-man ri-ku-n
post police more before Viñac-LOC DEM.D police-TOP exist-PST-3-EVD RI-KI escape-SUBDIS post night
police-ALL go-REFL-3
Antes existía en Viñac un puesto policíal.-RSTRs policías, salieron de noche, escapándosehacia el puesto
Before, there was a police station in Viñac. The policemen left at night, escaping to the police station.
00:01:13.080 - 00:01:21.520

warmi rupata ushtuykachikushpa.

warmi rupa-ta ushtu-yka-chi-ku-shpa
woman clothes-ACC put.on-EXCEP-CAUS-CAUS-REFL-SUBIS
Poniéndose ropa de mujer.
Dressing up in women's clothes.
00:01:21.560 - 00:01:23.830

Chay polisiyaqa graduwakurqatr

chay polisiya-qa graduwa-ku-rqa-ø-tr
DEM.D police-TOP graduate-REFL-PST-3-EVC
Ese policía ya se habrá graduado
That policeman would have graduated
00:01:24.230 - 00:01:26.290

Alto grado, pues, había recibido.

Había recibido un grado alto.
He'd received a high rank
00:01:26.830 - 00:01:29.260

Wañurachin i salbarun vidanta kikin

wañu-ra-chi-n i salba-ru-n vida-n-ta kiki-n
die-URGT-CAUS-3 and save-URGT-3 life-3-ACC self-3
Lo mató se salvó la vida el mismo
he killed him and salved his own life.
00:01:30.750 - 00:01:34.010

Chayqa tristi tristi nutisya.

chay-qa tristi tristi nutisya
DEM.D-TOP sad sad news
Ése era una noticia muy triste.
That was sad, sad news.
00:01:34.020 - 00:01:38.400

Todu familya chay huk lawpa kaq preyokupakurunchik chay Sindirum atakarun Viñaqta niptin
todu familya huk law-pa ka-q preyokupa-ku-ru-nchik chay sindiru-m ataka-ru-n Viñaq-ta ni-pti-n
all family one-side-LOC be-AG worry-REFL-URGT-1PL DEM.D path-EVD attack-URGT-3 Viñac-ACC
Toda la familia en otros sitios se preocupaba cuandodijeron que el sendero ataquó a Viñac.
The whole family in other places was worried when they said the Shining Path attacked Viñac.
00:01:38.410 - 00:01:45.480

Chaypaq altunta viyahamuni desdi kay Yuraqpunkukamalla karruwan.

chay-paq altu-n-ta viyaha-mu-ni desdi kay Yuraqpunku-kama-lla karru-wan
DEM.D-ABL high-3-ACC travel-CISL-1 since DEM.P Yuraqpunku-RSTR-RSTR car-INSTR
Luego, viajé por alto, desde acá hasta Yuraqpunko no más en carro.
Then I traveled over the mountains, from here just to Yuraqpunko by bus.
00:01:45.530 - 00:01:53.880

Chaypaqa trakiwan para tiyempu kay mayukunapis rikuyan hunta hunta mamay taytay turiykuna qawaq
chayna hamuyani
chay-paq-qa traki-wan para tiyempu kay mayu-kuna-pis ri-ku-ya-n hunta hunta mama-y tayta-y turi-y-kuna
qawa-q chay-na hamu-ya-ni
DEM.D-LOC-TOP foot-INSTR rain time DEM.P where-PL-ADD go-REFL-PROG-3 full full mother-1
father-1 brother-1-PL see-AG DEM.D-VRBZ come-PROG-1
Después, a pie, en timepo de lluvia, los ríos estaban yendo llenos, vine así para ver a mi madre y a mi padre y a
mis hermanos.
Then, by foot, during the rainy season, the rivers were running full-full, I was coming like that to see my
mother and my father and my
00:01:53.910 - 00:02:04.390

Chaynam chay pasarun chay tiyempu uchenta i sinkum chay tiyempu karqa.
chay-na-m chay pasa-ru---n chay tiyempu ochenta i sinku-m chay tiyempu ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD DEM.D pass-URGT-3 eighty and five-EVD DEM.D DEM.D time time be-PST-3
Así pasó en el año ochenta y cinco. Así era ese tiempo.
That's how it happened in eighty-five; that's how it was in that time.
00:02:04.440 - 00:02:09.850

¿Chaypaq ayka wata segirqa? Chay tiyempu ñuqa Huancayopañam karqani

chay-paq ayka wata segi-rqa-ø chay tiyempu ñuqa Huancayo-pa-ña-m ka-rqa-ni
DEM.D-ABL how.many year continue-PST-3 DEM.D time 1 Huancayo-LOC-DISC-3 be-PST-1
¿Cuántos años han seguido? En esos tiempos yo estuve en Huancayo.
How many years have followed since? At that time I was in Huancayo.
00:02:09.890 - 00:02:14.000

Chaypaq riki aykatriki wañurqa desapareserqa hovineskuna desapareserurqa runakuna

chay-paq r-iki ayka-tri-ki wañu-rqa-ø desaparese-rqa-ø hovines-kuna desaparese-ru-rqa-ø runa-kuna
DEM.D-ABL how.many-EVC-KI die-PST-3 disappear-PST-3 young.people-PL disappear-URGT-PST-3
R-IKI person-PL
¿Después cuántos habrán muerto? Jovenes desaparecieron; gente desapareció.
Then, how many would have died? Young people disappeared; people disappeared.
00:02:14.040 - 00:02:22.550
Chay Sindirukunaqa plasaman surqushpash wañuchin baliyan chay suwakunata
chay sindiru-kuna-qa plasa-man surqu-shpa-sh wañu-chi-n bali-ya-n chay suwa-kuna-ta
DEM.D path-PL-TOP plaza-ALL take.out-SUBIS-EVR die-CAUS-3 bullet-INCH-3 DEM.D thief-PL-ACC
Sacando [personas de sus casas y llevándolas] a la plaza, los Senderistas las mataron, dispararon a los ladrones
Taking [people out of their houses and bringing them] into the plaza, the Shining Path killed them and they
shot thieves.
00:02:22.580 - 00:02:27.870

Chay viyu ... warmikuna viyulaqtash wakta wañurachin

chay viyu warmi-kuna viyula-q-ta-sh wak-ta wañu-ra-chi-n
DEM.D ra ... woman-PL rape-AG-ACC-EVR GG said to have been raped or raped, they say DEM.D-ACC
A las mujeres violadas, dicen, las mataron.
They killed the women who had been raped, they say.
00:02:27.890 - 00:02:32.560

00:02:39.019 - 00:02:39.258

Ñuqaqa rikuni ñiyetuywan Huancayokama kidakuni

Ñuqa-qa ri-ku-ni ñiyetu-y-wan Huancayo-kama kida-ku-ni
1-TOP go-REFL-1 grandson-1-INSTR Huancayo-LIM stay-REFL-1
Yo fui con mi nieto hacía Huancayo y me quedé
I went with my grandson to Huancayo and I stayed there.
00:02:39.258 - 00:02:42.138

Noventa y trestam wawallay desapareserun.

noventa i tres-ta-m wawa-lla-y desaparese-ru-n
ninety and three-ACC-EVD baby-RSTR-1 disappear-URGT-3
El noventa y tres, mi hijo desapareció
My son disappeared in ninety-three.
00:02:42.398 - 00:02:45.658

Wawallaytaq puchukarachirqani.
wawa-lla-y-taq puchuka-ra-chi-rqa-ni
baby-RSTR-1-SEQ finish-URGT-CAUS-PST-1
Mi hijo se me terminó.
My son was finished off on me.
00:02:45.808 - 00:02:48.778

Instituto San Augustin de Cajas mekanika awtomotrista bachilleradunta ruwayan

Instituto San Augustin de Cajas mekanika awtomotrista bachilleradu-n-ta ruwa-ya-n
Instituto San Augustin de Cajas mechanical automotive bachelor-3-ACC make-PROG-3
Estaba haciendo su bachillerato en mécanica automotriz en el Instituto San Augustin de Cajas.
He was doing a bachelor's degree in automotive mechanics at the Instituto San Augustín de Cajas.
00:02:48.808 - 00:02:54.048

Universidadpi karqa tercer añu tercer siklu.

Universidad-pi ka-rqa-ø añu tercer tercer siklu
University-LOC be-PST-3 third year third cycle
Estaba en la universidad -- tercer año, tercer ciclo
He was in University -- third year, third term
00:02:54.108 - 00:02:59.588

Chay huk madrugaw trenta i uno de abrilta lluqsirun waway wasillapaq

chay huk madrugaw trenta i uno de abril-ta lluqsi-ru-n wawa-y wasi--lla-paq
DEM.D one morning thirty and one of April-ACC go.out-URGTT-3 baby-1 house-RSTR-ABL
Una madrugada treinta y uno de abril, mi hijo salió de la casa
One morning, the thirty-first of April, my son left the house
00:02:59.638 - 00:03:04.318

bisikletanwan. Ni mas kutikamunchu willkaytaq

bisikleta-n-wan ni mas kuti-ka-mu-n-chu willka-y-taq
bicycle-3-INSTR nor GG ni lic chu more return-REFL-CISL-3-NEG grandson-1-SEQ
con su bicicleta. Ni más volvió para mi nieto
with his bicycle. He never came back for my grandson.
00:03:04.368 - 00:03:07.928

Ishkay watachayuqta wata partillayuqta uywani puntraw maman trabahaq riptin

ishkay wata-cha-yuq-ta wata parti-lla-yuq-ta uywa-ni puntraw mama-n trabaha-q ri-pti-n
two year-DIM-POSS-ACC GG year part-RSTR-INSTR-ACC raise-1 day mother-3 work-AG go-SUBDS-3
Al pequeño de dos añitos, de año y medio no más, criaba de día cuando su mamá se iba a trabajar
I cared for the little two-year-old -- one-and-a-half-year-old -- during the day while his mother worked.
00:03:07.998 - 00:03:12.778

Kutimunchu wawallay kidakuni triste

kuti-mu-n-chu wawa-lla-y kida-ku-ni triste
return-CISL-3-NEG baby-RSTR-1 stay-REFL-1 sad
No volvió mi hijo y me quedé triste.
My son didn't came back, and I remained sad.
00:03:12.848 - 00:03:16.528

Killantin killantin maskani tapukatrashpa

killa-ntin killa-ntin maska-ni tapu-katra-shpa
month-INCL month-INCL look.for-1 ask-FREQ-SUBIS GG
meses y meses he buscado preguntado
I looked for him for months and months, asking.
00:03:17.458 - 00:03:20.638

Chay willkayllatañam chay wawaypa remplasun wiñarachini

chay willka-lla-y-ta-ña-m chay wawa-y-pa remplasu-n wiña-ra-chi-ni
DEM.D grandson-RSTR-1-ACC-DISC-EVD DEM.D baby-1-GEN replace-3 grow-URGT-CAUS-1
Mi nieto remplazó a mi hijo. Lo hice crecer.
My grandson replaced my son. I raised him.
00:03:20.718 - 00:03:25.438

Chaymi wañukushaq Mantarunman ¿Wawayta imanaruyantr? nishpa willkachay, uchuklla pukllachayan

chay-mi wañu-ku-shaq Mantarun-man wawa-y-ta willka-cha-y uchuk-lla ima-na-ru-ya-tri puklla-cha-ya-n
ni-shpa qawa-yku-ni
DEM.D-EVD die-REFL-1.FUT Mantaro-ALL baby-1-ACC what-VRBZ-URGT-PROG-3-EVC say-SUBIS
grandson-DIM-1 small-RSTR play-DIM-PROG-3 look-EXCEP-1
Por eso yo me voy a morir al (rio) Mantaro. ¿A mi hijo qué harán? dije y miré a mi nieto chiquitito jugando.
So I'm going to die in the Mantaro River. "What might they do to my son?" I said and looked at my little
grandson playing.
00:03:25.478 - 00:03:32.528

Chaytaqa qawaykushpaqa valorta hapini.

chay-ta-qa qawa-yku-shpa-qa valor-ta hapi-ni
DEM.D-ACC-TOP look-EXCEP-SUBIS-TOP courage-ACC grab-1
Viendo-RSTR, agarré valor
Seeing that, I took courage.
00:03:32.608 - 00:03:34.948

Manañam imapis importawarqachu

mana-ña-m ima-pis importa-wa-rqa-ø-chu
no-DISC-EVD what-ADD be.important-1.OBJ-PST-3-NEG
No me importa nada ya
Nothing mattered to me anymore.
00:03:34.998 - 00:03:37.348

Kay vidayta akabakuruni. Ñuqaqa karqani ishkay wawayuq gorda

kay vida-y-ta akaba-ku-ru-ni ñuqa-qa ka-rqa-ni ishkay wawa-yuq gorda
DEM.P life-1-ACC finish-REFL-URGT-1 1-TOP be-PST-1 two baby-POSS fat
Me acabé mi vida. Estuve gorda con dos hijos.
I finished my life. I was fat with two babies.
00:03:37.418 - 00:03:42.028

Qaripis manam ñuqata uchuchiwarqachu

qari-pis mana-m ñuqa-ta uchuchi-wa-ra-ø-chu
man-ADD no-EVD 1-ACC miss-1.OBJ-PST-3-NEG
Mi esposo también no me faltaba, tampoco.
I didn't lack a husband, either.
00:03:42.088 - 00:03:45.008

Chayllam chay vidayta akabakuruni. Chaymi chay willkay hamun

chay-lla-m chay vida-y-ta akabaku-ru-ni chay-mi chay willka-y hamu-n
DEM.D-RSTR-EVD DEM.D life-1-ACC finish-REFL-URGT-1 DEM.D-EVD DEM.D grandson-1 come-3
Allí me acabé mi vida. Luego mi nieto viene
Right there, I ended my life. Then my grandson came.
00:03:45.058 - 00:03:47.568

chaymi chay remplasun

chay-mi chay remplasu-n
DEM.D-EVD DEM.D replace-3
Ése remplazó
He replaced
00:03:47.628 - 00:03:50.248

chinkaq wawayta. ¿Ayka watañatakaman noventa i trespaq?

chinka-q ayka wata-ña-ta-kaman noventa i wawa-y-pa tres-paq
lose-AG baby-1-GEN how.many year-DISC-ACC-LIM GG ninety and three-ABL
a mi hijo que se perdió. ¿Cuántos años ya es desde noventa y tres?
my son who was lost. How many years is it since ninety-three?
00:03:50.308 - 00:03:55.348

Mamallay wañukun kaypa noventa

mama-lla-y wañu-ku-n kay-pa noventa
mother-RSTR-1 die-REFL-3 DEM.P-LOC ninety
Mi mamá falleció acá en el [año] noventa.
My mother died here in [noneteen] ninety.
00:03:57.238 - 00:04:00.858

Chay llakikusalla kayaptiy waway chinkarun

chay llaki-ku-sa-lla ka-ya-pti-y wawa-y chinka-ru-n
DEM.D be.sad-REFL-PRF-RSTR be-PROG-SUBDS-1 baby-1 lose-URGT-3-EMPH
Cuando estaba con pena no más mi hijo se perdió.
When I was mourning her, my baby disappeared.
00:04:00.938 - 00:04:03.688

Chaymi vidayta akabakurun total.

chay-mi vida-y-ta akaba-ku-ru-n total
DEM.D-EVD life-1-ACC finish-REFL-URGT3 completely
Allí me acabó la vida de totalmente.
With that, my life completely ended.
00:04:03.738 - 00:04:06.278

Ni puñuy ni mikuy.
ni puñu-y ni miku-y
nor sleep-INF nor eat-INF
Ni dormir, ni comer.
Neither sleeping nor eating ...
00:04:06.958 - 00:04:09.598

Manam qullqiy kasanpis. Wawayta manaTKchu balirqachu ni imapis

mana-m qullqi-y ka-sa-n-pis wawa-y-ta mana--chu bali-rqa-ø-chu ni ima-pis
no-EVD gold-1 be-PRF-3-ADD baby-1-ACC no--NEG be-worth-PST-3-NEG nor what-ADD
No tenía dinero tampoco. Sin mi hijo, no me valía nada
I didn't have any money. Without my son nothing was worth anything to me.
00:04:09.648 - 00:04:13.658

Huk tristetam pasaraniTK

huk triste-ta-m pasa-ra-ni
one sad-ACC-EVD pass-PST-1
Pasé una tristeza.
I've been through a sad time-
00:04:13.698 - 00:04:16.655

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:47 PM

Señorita Buwenos Días. ¿Imataq sutiyki?
Señorita Buenos Días. ¿Cómo te llamas?
Good morning, Miss, What is your name?
00:00:03.010 - 00:00:06.680

¿Maypaqtaq qam hamuyanki?

¿De dómde vienes?
Where do you come from?
00:00:06.980 - 00:00:09.440

¿Imata maskashpa qamqa hamuyanki kay llaqtayta manachu ñuqa riqsiykichu

¿Qué buscabas cuando viniste a mi pueblo? No te conozco.
What were you looking for when you came to my town? I don't know you.
00:00:11.040 - 00:00:15.580

Una unay qawarqaykichu qamta. Kanan chay qawaruyki, señorita.

Antes, no te ví, Ahora te he visto, Señorita.
Before, I didn't see you. Now I've seen you, Miss.
00:00:17.460 - 00:00:21.890

Ñuqaqa qawarqaykichu qamtaqa, pero kanan ñuqaqa sutikitam yatrayta munayani.

Yo no te ví, pero ahora quiero saber tu nombre.
I didn't see you, but now I want to know your name.
00:00:26.830 - 00:00:32.990

¿Imataq sutyki?
¿Cómo te llamas?
What is your name?
00:00:33.140 - 00:00:35.390

¿Imataq prufisyuniyki?
¿Cuál es tu profesión?
What is your profession?
00:00:35.450 - 00:00:37.460

¿Kaypa allinyachu kayanki? ¿Kutumbrayankichu kaypi manachu?

¿Aquí estás bien? ¿Te costumbras o no?
Are you well here? Are you getting used to it or not?
00:00:40.500 - 00:00:44.190

Kaypaqa kaynallam yatrakunchik kay Viñaq llaqtapa.

Acá así no más vivimos en este publo de Viñac
Here in the town of Viñac we live just like this.
00:00:46.670 - 00:00:50.410

Kaymi kananqa inviyernum kayanchik

Aquí estamos en invierno ahora.
Here, we're in winter now.
00:00:50.890 - 00:00:53.680

Param parakuyan.
Está lloviendo.
It's rainin.
00:00:54.000 - 00:00:55.680

Chirikuyan kaypaqa, mitukuna kayan.

Hace frío acá; hay barro.
It's cold here; there's mud.
00:00:55.800 - 00:01:00.230

Manam biranupahinachu
No es como en verano.
It's not like in summer.
00:01:00.290 - 00:01:02.700

Kimsa killam kaypaq paranqa, Señorita.

Acá va a llover tres meses, Señorita.
It's going to rain for five months here, MIss.
00:01:03.060 - 00:01:07.010

¿Agwantankichu kaypi chay parapa? ¿Manachu? ¿Imaynatr?

¿Aguantarás aquí en la lluvia o no? ¿Cómo será?
Will you withstand it here in the rain or not? How will it be?
00:01:07.400 - 00:01:10.750

Wañukunki imatr, Señorita.

Tal vez te mueras, Señorita
Maybe you'll die, Miss.
00:01:11.210 - 00:01:13.480

Kaypi ñuqanchikkunaqa kustumbrawmi kayanchik

Acá nosotros somos acostumbrados.
Here, we're accustomed [to it].
00:01:15.870 - 00:01:18.560

¿O qampa kapas llaqtaykipa peyorpis?

¿O tal vez en tu pueblo sea peor?
Or maybe it's worse in your town?
00:01:18.740 - 00:01:21.390

Peyor kashpaqa, kaypaqa quni qunitri kayanki.

Si es peor, acá estás bien caliente
If it is worse, here you're nice and warm.
00:01:21.630 - 00:01:25.150

Ñuqakuna astawan allukusa kayani. ¿Qamqa?

Nosotros más bien estamos bien abrigados. ¿Usted?
We, rather, are well bundled up. You?
00:01:25.330 - 00:01:28.220

¿Pulluwanchu kayanki manapis chirishunkichu qawakunapaq

¿Tienes pullo? No te dará frío. Para ver.
Do you have a manta? You won't get cold. In order to see.
00:01:28.400 - 00:01:31.120

Qayna huk watahina temblor yapa kaypa kaptinqa
Hace como un año, cuando otra vez hubo terremoto acá,
About a year ago, when there was an earthquake here again,
00:01:52.360 - 00:01:57.000

¿Imapis susidinmantri kaypa? Wasikunapis siqaykunmantri fwirti kaptinqa.

¿Qué pasaría aquí? Si hubiera un [terremoto] fuerte, las casas podrían caerse.
What would happen here? If there were a strong [earthquake], the houses might fall.
00:01:57.040 - 00:02:03.740

Wak urqupaq chay rumikuna hamunman. Hinashpa

Piedras pueden venir de esos cerros. Luego
Rocks can come from those hills. Then,
00:02:03.810 - 00:02:07.040

Wasikunata tuninman.
pueden derrumbar las casas.
they can knock down the houses.
00:02:07.290 - 00:02:09.370

Nishpam ñuqa nini, Señorita.

Digo yo, así, Señorita.
I think, Miss.
00:02:09.650 - 00:02:12.400

¿Imapis pasanmantri fwirti kaptinqa?

¿Qué también podría pasar si hubiera uno fuerte?
What could happen if there were a strong one?
00:02:12.540 - 00:02:15.670

Manayá ñuqanchik yatranchikchu. Dyos taytatr yatran, Señorita.

Nosotros no sabemos nada. Sólo Dios sabrá, Señorita.
We don't know at all. Only God would know, Miss,
00:02:15.760 - 00:02:19.530

Animalninchikunaqa rumim hapiptin riki wañunmantri.

Nuestros animales -- si las piedras los agarran -- podrían morir.
Our animals -- if the stones grab them -- might die.
00:02:23.370 - 00:02:28.180

O sinkunman imatr fwirti kaptinqa.

O pueden rodarse [de la peña] tal vez, si es fuerte.
Or they could roll [down off the cliff], maybe. if it's strong.
00:02:28.490 - 00:02:32.290

Timblur kaptin paykunaqa

Cuando hay terremoto, ellos
When there's an eathquake, they
00:02:32.720 - 00:02:34.710

Qayashpamiki waqashpam purin animaninchikunaqa.

nuestros animales andan gritando y llorando.
our animals wander shouting and crying.
00:02:34.910 - 00:02:38.430

Wasi siqaykushpaqa riki wambranchik ima ukupa kaptin ñítinmantri

Si la casa se cae cuando nuestros hijos están al dentro, los podría aplastar.
If the house falls when our children our inside, it might crush them.
00:02:50.350 - 00:02:55.430

Sunsu wambranchikuna kaptinqa

Si están nuestros hijos chiquitos.
If our little children are there.
00:02:55.560 - 00:02:58.160

Enkambiyo hatuña kashpaqa ayqikuptinqa wasinchik kusasninchikkunallatatr ñitinqa hukchu runataqa

En cambio siendo grandes ya, si se escapan, aplasta nuestras cosas no más, no puede machucar a gente.
In contrast, when [our children] are big already, if they escape, it crushes just our things, it can't crush people.
00:02:58.210 - 00:03:06.420

Pero sonso wambranchikuna kaptinqa rik wambranchiktapis ñintanmantri

Pero si están nuestros hijos más chicos, podrís machucar a nuestros hijos.
But if our smallest children are there, it could crush our children,
00:03:06.500 - 00:03:11.470

Ay, Señorita mana intinchik kaptinqa hukchu vida kanman.

Ay, Señorita, sin nuestro sol, no habría vida.
Ay, Miss, without our sun, there would be no life.
00:03:29.610 - 00:03:35.180

Tutayaqpaq ¿imatapis ruwaychuwan?

En la oscuridad, ¿qué podemos hacer?
In the darkness, what can we do?
00:03:35.320 - 00:03:37.800

Hukchu luswanqa intinchik inti taytanchikwan wakhina kachuwan

Con luz ... nuestro sol ... con nuestro sol padre, así podemos estar.
With light ... our sun ... with our father sun, we can be like that.
00:03:37.830 - 00:03:43.860

Tutayaqpa lukupis volvichuwantrik

En la oscuridad podríamos volvernos locos.
In the darkness, we might go crazy.
00:03:43.940 - 00:03:46.890

¿Hukchu kawsay vida kanman? Intiwan killawanmiki kawsay vidaqa kayan. TK

¿Entonces no podemos vivir? Con el sol, con la luna hay vida para vivir.
Then we can't live. With the sun, with the moon, there is life to live.
00:03:47.370 - 00:03:53.100

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:48 PM


Aya, ¿Ima ninki? ¿Ima ninki qam?

Aya, ¿Qué dices? ¿Qué dices, tú?
Aya, What do you say? What do you say?
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:04.370

Ya empieza, Maruqa. Ya, chay chaymi chay Aviva

Ya empieza, Maruqa. Ya,-RSTR, entonces, esa Aviva...
OK, Maruqa, start. OK, that, then, that Aviva ..
00:00:04.390 - 00:00:08.930

Parlashun. Cuando empieza Maruqa ya prendes, ¿ah?

Hablémos. Cuando empieza Maruqa, ta prendes, ¿ah?
Let's talk. When Maruja begins, turn it on, OK?
00:00:08.960 - 00:00:12.610

¿O ya está prendido? Ya. Ya está. Ya nos . . .

¿O ya está prendido? Ya. Ya está. Ya nos . . .
Or is it already on? Already. It's already. Us ...
00:00:12.630 - 00:00:15.740

00:00:15.760 - 00:00:20.480

¿Cómo se llama? Ayka pullutataq qamqa tihiyta munayanki, Ido?

¿Cómo se llama? ¿Cuántos pullos quieres tejer, Ido?
What is her name? How many mantas do you want to weave, Ido?
00:00:20.490 - 00:00:28.290

Ñuqaqa achkatam kontratata hapiruni. Chaymi awapakuyani.

Yo agarré muchos contratos. Por eso estoy tejiendo
I grabbed a lot of contracts. That's why I'm weaving.
00:00:28.310 - 00:00:31.990

¿Pero aykayá? ¿trunka? trunkatam tihishpa.

¿Pero cuántos? ¿Diez? Tejiendo diez.
But how many? Ten? Weaving ten.
00:00:32.020 - 00:00:35.940

¡Aso, ya! ¿Imaytri puchukanki?

¡Aso! ¿Cuándo terminarás?
Wow! WHen will you ever finish?
00:00:35.940 - 00:00:42.650

Wata wata intiru mana puchukankichu.

Un añu, un año entero no terminarás.
A year, a whole year, you won't finish.
00:00:42.650 - 00:00:48.850
"Tiya, manam atipanichu."
"Tía, no puedo".
"Aunt, I can't."
00:00:48.870 - 00:00:55.280

Tiyempullay kanchu.
No tengo tiempo.
I don't have time.
00:00:55.310 - 00:01:00.070

[undecipherable] Llapa yatraqkuna wama wamaq ...

Todos los que saben, mucho ...
All those who know, a lot ...
00:01:00.100 - 00:01:03.190

Ayay! Chambaqa chambaqa faltawanchik tutapis, puntrawpis.

¡Ayay! Trabajo, trabajo nos falta, noche y día.
Ayay! We lack work, work. Night and day ...
00:01:03.220 - 00:01:10.010

Reir no más, pues.

Reir no más, pues.
Just laughing, then.
00:01:10.040 - 00:01:13.380

Alli chambiyakuqpaq manam imapis faltanmanchu. Asikurushaq. Ñuqa llakipaypaqmi

Para uno que trabaja no falta nada. Voy a reirme. Yo he visto para dar peña.
For a person who works, nothing is lacking. I'm going to laugh. I've reason to be sad.
00:01:13.410 - 00:01:18.850

¿Imaynataq puriyan? niwantri. Chay nishpaya asikurun paypis.

¿Cómo estará andando? me dirá. Así diciendo, pues se ha reido ella también.
How is she walking about, you'd say to me. And saying that she laughed, too.
00:01:18.870 - 00:01:24.470

Este . . . asinantatrik niwan chayta.

Por reir me dirá así.
She's say that to me to laugh.
00:01:24.490 - 00:01:33.320

¿Manachu profesorninchikqa trabahanchu? ¿Maytatatr rikun?

¿No trabaja nuestro profesor? ¿Dónde habrá ido?
Isn't our professor working? Where could he have gone?
00:01:33.340 - 00:01:40.360

00:01:40.360 - 00:01:40.370

Viyaharun. Ass! ¿Yatrachiq?

Viajó. Ass. ¿Para enseñar?
He went traveling. To teach?
00:01:40.370 - 00:01:46.350

Kada ratu kurran. Ñuqanchik
Cada rato corre. Nosotros
He runs away every second. We ---
00:01:46.350 - 00:01:51.620

¿Ñuqachikqa imatataq kubranchik? Baharashunchu?

¿Nosotros qué cobramos? ¿Vamos a bajar?
¿What do we charge? Should we go down?
00:01:51.620 - 00:01:57.720

Pulluyta ruwayani, kamayta tihirapuway

Estoy haciendo mi manta, y mi frazada ¡téjemelo!
I'm making my manta, and my blanket -- weave it for me!
00:01:57.740 - 00:02:03.910

Tihirapuyya. Atipanichu.
¡Téjemelo! No puedo.
Weave it for me! I can't ...
00:02:03.920 - 00:02:07.470

Atipanichu ñuqatriki.
No puedo. Yo seguro.
I can't. I, for sure.
00:02:07.470 - 00:02:12.010

Tiyempu manam kanchu nin. Tiyarirun payqa.

"No hay tiempo", dice. Se sentó ella.
"There's no time," she said. She sat down.
00:02:12.030 - 00:02:16.700

Yasqakunatriki.. Mana niwaqchu.

Los ancianos será. No puedes decir.
It would be the older people. You can't say.
00:02:16.710 - 00:02:20.850

"¿Imay kayta TK?" nin

"?Cuándio [] acá?" dijo.
"When [] here?" she said.
00:02:20.860 - 00:02:26.470

¡Makiyllaykiwan ruray!
¡Házlo con tus manos no más!
Make it with your hands!
00:02:26.480 - 00:02:31.910

Makinawantri ruwayan payqa?

Ella estará haciendo con máquina, pues.
She must be making it with a machine.
00:02:31.920 - 00:02:36.080

Como sea. Ñuqa

Come sea. Yo
However. I
00:02:36.100 - 00:02:40.140

Kisunta apamuwaq.
Puedes llevar su queso.
You can take her cheese.
00:02:40.150 - 00:02:43.600

Este . . . papanta apamuwaq

Puedes llevar sus papas.
You can take her potatoes.
00:02:43.610 - 00:02:46.910

¡Mikuy! ¡Kay papanaykipaq mikuy! Achka achkata.

¡Cóme! Cóme de éstas tus papas! Mucho.
Eat! Eat from these your potatoes! A lot.
00:02:46.920 - 00:02:51.320

Papallaykiraykupis awapakuruyman. Mastapis nini.

Aunque sea por su papa tejería. Más, dices.
If it were just for her potatoes, you would weave. More, you say.
00:02:51.320 - 00:03:02.090

Kananyá tihirapuway
Ahora, pues, téjemelo!
Now, weave it for me!.
00:03:02.090 - 00:03:09.970

Atipanichu. Ñuqapis kaypaqa fallarunichu imatr?

No puedo. Yo también he fallado acá, creo.
I can't. I also messed up here, I think
00:03:09.970 - 00:03:17.500

Waytachaypis hukman lluqsiruwan ishkay trakiyuqhina lluqsin.

Mi flor me está salió de otra forma. Salió como con dos patas.
My flower come out differently on me. It came out like with two feet.
00:03:17.500 - 00:03:24.460

Nerviyosatr kayan. Manam ñuqaqa nerviyosuq kanchu.

Estará nerviosa. Yo no estoy nerviosa.
She must be nervous. I'm not nervous.
00:03:24.470 - 00:03:30.810

Manachu tiherayki kan? Tiheraykita prestaykuway! Chaypis kuchikushaq.

¿No tienes tus tijeras? ¡Préstame tus tijeras!. esto también voy a cortar.
Don't you have your scissors? Lend me your scissors. I'm going to cut this, too.
00:03:30.820 - 00:03:37.110

Tiherayki apakamunki. Ya. Llapapa qá..

Vas a llevar tus tijeras. Ya. Todito.
You're going to take away your scissors. All.
00:03:37.110 - 00:03:41.700

Manam tiherayuq Manam valinkichu. ¿Imata ruwantrk chay?

Sin tejeras, no vales nada. ¿Qué hará?
Without scissors, you're not worth anything. What would she do?
00:03:41.700 - 00:03:48.190

Algo ispisyalmi ñuqa kani. Chaymi apakamuni.

Yo soy un poco especial. Por eso los traigo.
I'm a bit particular. That's why I bring them.
00:03:48.190 - 00:03:52.630

¿Imam chay kulur chay?

¿Qué color es ése?
What color is that?
00:03:52.650 - 00:03:58.930

Sunday, October 7, 2012 12:22 PM


00:00:12.960 - 00:00:15.680

shakashwanchu, runtuwanmi qaquyanmi chaypa. Manaraqmi shakashwanchu

[Me] está sobando con un huevo, no con un cuy. Todavía no con un cuy.
shakash-wan-chu runtu-wan-mi qaqu-ya-n-mi chay-pa mana-raq-mi shakash-wan-chu
He's massaging [me] with an egg, not with a guinea pig. Not yet with a guinea pig.
00:00:16.080 - 00:00:21.370

Chay llapa malta hurqunanpaq.

Éso es para sacar todo el mal-
Chay llapa mal-ta hurqu-na-n-paq
DEM.D all bad-ACC rub-NMLZ-3-PURP
That's to remove all the bad.
00:00:22.190 - 00:00:29.350

Runtuwan qaquyan. Chay vasuman

[Me] está sobando con un heuvo. Al vaso
Runtu-wan qaqu-ya-n Chay vasu-man
egg-INSTR rub-PROG-3 DEM.D glass-ALL
He's massaging [me] with an egg. Into that glass
00:00:29.990 - 00:00:33.610

hitaykunqa. Chaypa qawanqa ima kasanta.

lo va a echar. Allí va a ver que cosa es.
hita-yku-nqa Chay-pa qawa-nqa ima ka-sa-n-ta
throw-EXCEP-3.FUT DEM.D-LOC see-3.FUT what be-PRF-3-ACC
he's going to toss it. There, he's going to see what it is.
00:00:33.660 - 00:00:39.210

Aa, taparayanña. Qaquyan runtuwan.

Ah, está tapado ya. [Me] está sobando con un huevo.
aa tapa-raya-n-ña Qaqu-ya-n runtu-wan
Ah, cover-PASS-3-DISC rub-PROG-3 egg-INSTR
Ah, it's covered up already. He's massaging [me] with an egg.
00:00:40.170 - 00:00:51.490

Ahora, no se ve lo que está haciendo allá por su cabeza. ¿Qué está haciendo precisamente?
Now you can't see what he's doing over near your head. What exactly is he doing?
00:00:40.170 - 00:00:51.490

Don Éver.
Don Éver
Don Éver
Don Éver.
Don Éver.
00:00:51.670 - 00:00:58.420

Y ¿a qué está haciendo-RSTR? Pero, ¿por qué?

And why is he doing that? But, why?
00:00:51.670 - 00:00:58.420

Malnin surqunanpaqtriki
Para sacar su mal, seguro.
Mal-ni-n surqu-na-n-paq-trri-ki
bad-EUPH-3 remove-NMLZ-3-PURP-EVC-KI
To remove all the bad, for sure.
00:00:59.700 - 00:01:05.890

Y ¿cómo se hace-RSTR?
And how do they do that?
00:00:59.700 - 00:01:05.890

Ó sea, ¿cómo hacen para sacar el mal?

That is, what do they do to remove the bad?
00:01:06.040 - 00:01:09.930

Chay runtuwanmi qaqunqa intirun kwirpunta pasarunqa.

Va a pasar todo su cuerpo enterito con el huevo.
Chay runtu-wan-mi qaqu-nqa intiru-n kwirpu-n-ta pasa-ru-nqa
DEM.D egg-INSTR-EVD rub-3.FUT entire-3 body-3-ACC pass-UGRT-3.FUT
He's going to pass the egg over her whole body.
00:01:10.260 - 00:01:15.330

Chay vasuman hinashpa vasiyanqa chaypaq qawanqa ima kasan yatrananpaq

Lo va a vaciar en el vaso y luego va a ver para saber que es.
Chay vasu-man hinashpa vasiya-nqa chay-paq qawa-nqa ima ka-sa-n yatra-na-n-paq
DEM.D glass-ALL then empty-3.FUT DEM.D-ABL see-3.FUT what be-PRF-3 know-NMLZ-3-PURP
He's going to empty it into the glass and then he's going to look at it to find out what it is.
00:01:15.430 - 00:01:20.450

Y estaba diciendo algo como que

And he was saying something like
00:01:21.120 - 00:01:25.900

lo que bajaba era el mal y lo que quedaba como en bola era susto.
what goes down is the bad and what stays like in a ball is fright.
00:01:25.910 - 00:01:34.320

Es cierto.
That's certain.
00:01:34.460 - 00:01:38.470

Um, seru, seru.

Um, cerro, cerro.
Um, seru seru
Um hill hill
Umm, a hill, a hill.
00:01:34.460 - 00:01:38.470

¿Eso es lo que estaba diciendo?

That's what they were saying?
00:01:34.460 - 00:01:38.470

Ah, éste . . . vasuman vasiyaruptin chay . . .

Ah, este ... cuando lo vacía hacia el vaso
Aa éste vasu-man vasiya-ru-pti-n chay
Ah ummm glass-ALL empty-URGT-SUBDS-3 DEM.D
Ah, ummm ... when he empties it into the glass
00:01:38.910 - 00:01:45.030

serro seruhina ruwakasa. Chayqa sustush.

Cerro, como cerro se puso. eso es susto, dicen.
serro seru-hina ruwa-ka-sa-ø Chay-qa sustu-sh
hill hill-COMP make-PASSACC-be-PRF-3 DEM.D-TOP fright-EVR
Like a hill, it formed a hill. That's fright, they say.
00:01:45.080 - 00:01:50.600

¿Cómo es que funciona eso?

How does that work?
00:01:51.250 - 00:01:54.380

Chay qaquptinña chay lliw kwirpunta chay shakashwan uywachasam hina chay runtupis surqun.
Cuando soba todo el cuerpo con el cuy. Como criado. Ese huevo también lo saca.
Chay qaqu-pti-n-ña chay lliw kwirpu-n-ta chay shakash-wan uywa-cha-sa-m hina chay runtu-pis surqu-n
DEM.D rub-SUBDS-3-DISC DEM.D all body-3-ACC DEM.D guinea.pig-INSTR raise-DIM-PRF-EVD
COMP DEM.D egg-ADD remove-3
When he massages your whole body with the guinea pig. Like a raised one. The egg, too, removes it.
00:01:54.960 - 00:02:01.670

Chay hampikuq yatran.

Ese curandero sabe.
Chay hampi-ku-q yatra-n
DEM.D heal-REFL-AG know-3
The healer knows.
00:02:02.800 - 00:02:05.800

Y ¿ha de ser una clase de runtu en especial? ¿O cualquier runtu?

And does it have to be some special kind of egg? Or any old egg?
00:02:06.660 - 00:02:14.410

Ah, wasipa uywasawan

Ah, con uno [de una gallina] criada en casa.
Aa wasi-pa uywa-sa-wan
Ah, house-LOC raise-PRF-INSTR
Ah, with one [from a chicken] raised at home.
00:02:14.510 - 00:02:20.170

Runtunqa yana wallpapa. Kuralpa.

El huevo de una gallina negra. De un corral.
Runtu-n-qa yana wallpa-pa Kural-pa
egg-3-TOP black chicken-GEN corral-GEN
The egg of a black chicken. From a corral.
00:02:14.510 - 00:02:20.170

Mana rantiychu.
No comprado.
Mana ranti-y-chu
no buy-INF-NEG
Not bought.
00:02:20.200 - 00:02:25.220

Entonces, de pato, de . . .
So, duck's ...
00:02:20.200 - 00:02:25.220

Wallpapa. Yana wallpapa. Kuralpa uywasaya

De una gallina. Una gallina negra. Criado en un corral.
Wallpa-pa Yana wallpa-pa Kural-pa uywa-sa-ya
chicken-GEN black chicken-GEN corral-GEN raise-PRF-EMPH
From a chicken. From a black chicken. Raised in a corral.
00:02:25.420 - 00:02:32.580

¿De otro animal, no?

from another animal, no?
00:02:25.420 - 00:02:32.580

Chay platumanya vasiyayan.

Hacía ese plato está vaciando.
Chay platu-man-ya vasiya-ya-n
DEM.D plate-ALL-EMPH empty-PROG-3
He's emptying it into that plate-
00:02:34.080 - 00:02:37.760

OK, ¿Ahora qué está haciendo?

OK, now what is he doing?
00:02:34.080 - 00:02:37.760

Chay runtuta. Chaypa hinashpa kanan

esos huevos. Allí, entonces, ahora ...
Chay runtu-ta Chay-pa hinashpa kanan
DEM.D egg-ACC DEM.D-LOC then now
Those eggs. Now, then, there ...
00:02:38.490 - 00:02:44.350

Kruspa aytrichinqa, makiywan.

Lo va a hacer mover en cruz con mi mano.
Krus-pa aytri-chi-nqa maki-y-wan
cross-LOC move-CAUS-3.FUT hand-1-INSTR
He's going to make it move it in a cross with my hand.
00:02:45.370 - 00:02:50.570

¿Unquqpa makinwan?
¿Con la mano del enfermo?
Unqu-q-pa maki-n-wan
be.sick-AG-GEN hand-3-INSTR
With the hand of the sick person?
00:02:51.950 - 00:02:57.850

Ah, ñuqapa makiywan. Chay aytrichiyanmi

Ah, con mi mano lo está haciendo mover.
Aa ñuqa-pa maki-y-wan Chay aytri-chi-ya-n-mi
Ah 1-GEN hand-1-INSTR DEM.D move-CAUS-PROG-3-EVD
Ah, he's stirring it with my hand.
00:02:51.950 - 00:02:57.850

Ah, unquqpam makin.

Ah, la mano del enfermo.
Aa unqu-q-pa-m maki-n
Ah, sick-AG-GEN-EVD hand-3
Ah, the sick person's hand.
00:02:58.030 - 00:03:04.090

Krusman aytrichin trakiy makiy.

Está haciendo mover en cruz con mi mano y con mi pie.
Krus-man aytri-chi-n traki-y maki-y
cross-ALL move-CAUS-3 foot-1 hand-1
He's making my hand and my foot move in a cross.
00:02:58.030 - 00:03:04.090

Ah, kanan trakillañataq.

Ah, ahora el pie no más ya también.
Aa kanan traki-lla-ña-taq
Ah, now foot-RSTR-DISC-SEQ
Ah, now just the foot, too.
00:03:04.540 - 00:03:08.560

Kapas alli hampiqtri wak kayan. Wakhinataq manam qawarqanichu.

Tal vez será un buen curandero. Yo no lo he visto [hecho] así.
Kapas alli hampi-q-tri wak ka-ya-n Wak-hina-taq mana-m qawa-rqa-ni-chu
perhaps good heal-AG-EVC DEM.D be-PROG-3 DEM.D-COMP-SEQ no-EVD see-PST-1-NEG
Maybe he's a good healer. I haven't seen [it done] like that.
00:03:08.710 - 00:03:19.360

Y es . . . ¿con todo el mundo se hace así con el pie ? ¿ó es nada más porque usted está mal del pie?
And it's .. Does he do it like that with everyone? Or is it just because you're foot is hurt?
00:03:08.710 - 00:03:19.360

Chayna lliwta qaqun hampikun chayna. Chay runa. Ah, chaynam teknikan chay runapa hampiq.
Así lo saca todo. Así cura. Esa persona. Ah, así es la técnica de esa persona, ese curandero.
Chay-na lliw-ta qaqu-n hampi-ku-n chay-na Chay runa Aa chay-na-m teknika-n chay runa-pa hampi-q
DEM.D-VRBZ all-ACC remove-3 heal-REFL-3 DEM.D-VRBZ DEM.D person Ah, DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD
technique-3 DEM.D person-GEN heal-AG
That way, he takes it all out. He heals like that. That person. Ah, that person's, that healer's, technique is
like that.
00:03:19.590 - 00:03:29.060

Ah, ésa es la técnica.

Ah, that's the technique.
00:03:19.590 - 00:03:29.060

Huknin makiwanñataq kananmi.

Con otro mano ahora
Huk-ni-n maki-wan-ña-taq kanan-mi
one-EUPH-3 hand-INSTR-DISC-SEQ now-EVD
Now with the other hand.
00:03:29.440 - 00:03:31.780

En cruz. ya.
In a cross.
00:03:32.310 - 00:03:38.860

Las dos.
00:03:32.310 - 00:03:38.860

Hinashpaqa kanan vasumanmi hitraykunqa.

Después ahora lo va a vaciar en al vaso.
Hinashpa-qa kanan vasu-man-mi hitra-yku-nqa
then-TOP now glass-ALL-EVD empty-EXCEP-3.FUT
Then, now he's going to empty it into the glass.
00:03:44.840 - 00:03:48.660

Y, ¿Avisaron la misma cosa
And they told the same story?
00:03:51.000 - 00:03:55.940

el huevo y el cuy?
The egg and the guinea pig?
00:03:55.940 - 00:03:58.010

Ah, runtupaqqa lluqsin

Ah, sale del huevo.
Aa runtu-paq-qa lluqsi-n
Ah, egg-ABL-TOP come.out-3
Ah, it comes out of the egg.
00:03:59.330 - 00:04:04.900

¿Igual salió?
It came out just the same?
00:03:59.330 - 00:04:04.900

Maldad chay hitrakuyanmi.

La maldad está echando.
maldad chay hitra-ku-ya-n-mi
evil DEM.D throw-REFL-PROG-3
The evil ... it's tossing it.
00:04:05.200 - 00:04:08.190

Maldad y sustutriki.
Maldad y susto, seguro.
Maldad y sustu-tri-ki
evil and fright-EVC-KI
Evil and fright, for sure.
00:04:08.270 - 00:04:11.520

Ah, sustu.
Ah, susto.
Aa sustu
Ah, fright
Ah, fright.
00:04:08.270 - 00:04:11.520

Chayna. Seruchakurun.
Se puso como cerro.
Chay-na Seru-cha-ku-ru-n
It formed into a hill.
00:04:13.450 - 00:04:19.320

Y ¿qué da susto?
00:04:13.450 - 00:04:19.320

Mancharisaya. Timblur pasarun

Está asustado. Un temblor pasó.
Mancha-ri-sa-ya Timblur pasa-ru-n
scare-INCEP-PRF-EMPH earthquake pass-URGT-3
She was frightened. There was an earthquake.
00:04:20.370 - 00:04:28.630

Mancharisa. Kanan ñuqalla

Se había asustado. Ahora yo ...
Mancha-ri-sa-ø Kanan ñuqa-lla
scare-INCEP-PRF-3 now 1-RSTR
She had got scared. Now I ...
00:04:20.370 - 00:04:28.630

Pero, ¿de qué? ¿por qué?

But from what? Why?
00:04:20.370 - 00:04:28.630

Timblur pasarun hinashpa Thalía mancharirun.

Un temblor pasó y Talía se asustó.
Timblur pasa-ru-n hinashpa Thalía mancha-ri-ru-n
earthquake pass-URGT-3 then Thalía scare-INCEP-URGT-3
There was an earthquake and Thalía got scared.
00:04:28.810 - 00:04:31.620

Imawanpis mancharunñam. Atuqwanpis, animalwanpis.

Cualquier cosa puede causar susto -- un zorro o un animal, también.
Ima-wan-pis mancha-ru-n-ña-m Atuq-wan-pis animal-wan-pis
Anything can scare you -- a fox or an animal
00:04:31.620 - 00:04:36.600

Imawanpis mancharirun chaytatr wak surquyachin.

Cualquier cosa puede causar susto -- eso lo está haciendo sacar.
Ima-wan-pis mancha-ri-ru-n chay-ta-tr wak surqu-ya-chi-n.
Anything can scare you -- that's making it come out.
00:04:36.800 - 00:04:41.010

Chay surqukun.
Éso lo saca.
Chay surqu-ku-n
DEM.D remove-REFL-3
That removes it.
00:04:42.020 - 00:04:45.310

Y, tía, ¿alguna vez le ha dado susto?

And has anything ever given you fright?
00:04:45.370 - 00:04:50.080

Klaro. Sustupaq riki siymprim.

Claro, para susto, pues, siempre.
Klaro. Sustu-paq r-iki siympri-m
of.course fright-BEN R-IKI always-EVD
Of course. For fright. Always.
00:04:50.150 - 00:04:53.280
Huk momentu puriyaptiki imapis presentakurushunki u pasarushunki mancharirunki.
Un momento, cuando estás andando, algo se te presenta o te pasa cualquier cosa, te asustas.
Huk momentu puri-ya-pti-ki ima-pis presenta-ku-ru-shunki u pasa-ru-shunki mancha-ri-ru-nki
one moment walk-PROG-SUBDS-2 what-ADD present-REFL-URGT-3>2 or happen-URGT-3>2
One moment, when you're walking, something or another presents itself to you or something happens to you
and you get scared.
00:04:53.960 - 00:04:59.620

Aya. Y, luego, ¿se quita sólo? ¿ó . . .

Aya. And then, it comes out by itself or ...?
00:04:59.730 - 00:05:03.540

Chay fwirtiña gravi kashpaqa wak wakhina hampichikunki.

Cuando es fuerte ya o estás en condición grave, te haces curar así.
Chay fwirti-ña gravi ka-shpa-qa wak wak-hina hampi-chi-ku-nki
When it's strong already or you're seriously ill, you have yourself cured like that.
00:05:03.550 - 00:05:08.770

Chayqa chay siyertu chay sustu kashpaqa kalmarunqa.

Es cierto. Si es susto, se va a calmar
Chay-qa chay siyertu chay sustu ka-shpa-qa kalma-ru-nqa
DEM.D-TOP DEM.D certain DEM.D fright be-SUBIS-TOP calm-URGT-3.FUT
It's certain -- if it's fright, it will calm down.
00:05:09.560 - 00:05:12.710

Piyedra alumbriwan qaquyan.

Está sobando con piedra de alumbre.
Piyedra alumbri-wan qaqu-ya-n
stone alumbri-INSTR rub-PROG-3
He's rubbing with an alumbre stone.
00:05:13.690 - 00:05:19.310

Ahora, ¿qué está haciendo?

Now what is he doing?
00:05:13.690 - 00:05:19.310

Chay piyedra alumbripis hurqunmi.

Lo está sacando con piedra de alumbre.
Chay piyedra alumbri-pis hurqu-n-mi
DEM.D stone alumbri-ADD remove-3-EVD
He's removing [the bad] with the alumbre stone.
00:05:19.340 - 00:05:22.510

Ah, mancharisata.
Ah, susto.
Aa mancha-ri-sa-ta
Ah, fright.
00:05:22.700 - 00:05:30.240

Chay mancharisata. Imawanpis mancharisaykitam chay
Con cualquier cosa que te asustó.
Chay mancha-ri-sa-ta Ima-wan-pis mancha-ri-sa-yki-ta-m chay
The fright. With whatever scared you.
00:05:22.700 - 00:05:30.240

Kanan chay piyedra alumbritaqa tullpapa kañan hinashpa

Ahora quema la piedra de alumbre en el fogón. Luego
Kanan chay piyedra alumbri-ta-qa tullpa-pa kaña-n hinashpa
now DEM.D stone alumbri-ACC-TOP hearth-LOC burn-3 then
Now he'll burn the alumbre stone in the hearth. Then
00:05:30.550 - 00:05:34.240

Chaypa formakan.
Toma forma allí.
Chay-pa forma-ka-n
It forms up there.
00:05:34.980 - 00:05:37.020

Manam maypa . . .
No. ¿Dónde?
Mana-m may-pa
no-EVD where-LOC
No. Where?
00:05:37.360 - 00:05:42.660

¿Y esas piedras se encuentran en cualquier lado?

And you can find those stones anywhere?
00:05:37.360 - 00:05:42.660

Farmasyapaq apakun.
Se trae de la farmacia.
Farmasya-paq apa-ku-n
pharmacy-ABL bring-REFL-3
They bring it from the pharmacy.
00:05:42.780 - 00:05:47.820

¿Maypaqtaq chaykuna?
¿De dónde son-RSTRs?
may-paq-taq chay-kuna
Where are those from?
00:05:42.780 - 00:05:47.820

00:05:42.780 - 00:05:47.820

Maypataq chay piyedra alumbriqa?

Dónde [se encuentran] piedras de alumbre?
May-pa-taq chay piyedra alumbri-qa
where-LOC-SEQ DEM.D stone alumbri-TOP
Where [do you find] alumbre stones?
00:05:48.040 - 00:05:51.650

Maypa? Kay kaypa akasu qawanchikchu

¿Dónde? Por acá acaso se ve.
May-paq kay kay-pa akasu qawa-nchik-chu
where-ABL DEM.P DEM.P-LOC perhaps see.1PL-neg
Where? Maybe you see it here.
00:05:52.110 - 00:05:54.230

Karninchik produsin. Qawanchik riqsinchik niy! Chaytaq maypaqtrik apamun?

Nuestra carne lo produce. "Lo vemos, lo conocemos" ¡dí!¿De dónde pues, traerá?
Karni-nchik produsi-n Qawa-nchik riqsi-nchik ni-y Chay-taq may-paq-tri-k apa-mu-n
meat-1PL produce-3 see-1PL be.familiar-1PL say-IMP DEM.D-SEQ where-ABL-EVC-K bring-CISL-3
Our flesh produces it. "We see it, we know it," say! Where would they bring that from?
00:05:54.450 - 00:05:59.070

Katrihina ya chayqa
Como sal ése
Katri-hina-ya chay-qa
Its like salt.
00:05:59.130 - 00:06:00.870

Yuraqcha. Farmasyapam rantikun chayta.

Blanquito. Se vende eso en la farmacia.
Yuraq-cha Farmasya-pa-m rantiku-n chay-ta
white-DIM pharmacy-LOC-EVD sell-3 DEM.D-ACC
White. They sell it in the pharmacy.
00:06:01.600 - 00:06:06.040

Ah, yuraqcha.
Ah, blanco.
Aa yuraq-cha
Ah, white-DIM
Ah, white.
00:06:01.600 - 00:06:06.040

Entonces, el susto ...

Then, fright ...
00:06:07.000 - 00:06:11.560

se puede quitar por sí sólo? ¿O siempre hay que hacer algo?

can remove itself? Or do you always have to do something?
00:06:12.030 - 00:06:16.460

Piyurashunkiyá mana chayna sustupaq

Te va a empeorar si no [te mandas curar] así del susto.
Piyura-shunki-ya mana chay-na sustu-paq
worsen-3>2-EMPH no DEM.D-VRBZ fright-BEN
It's going to make you worse if you don't [cure yourself] from fright like that.
00:06:16.910 - 00:06:21.580
Mana hampichiptikiqa
SI no te curas
Mana hampi-chi-pti-ki-qa
no heal-CAUS-SUBDS-2-TOP
If you don't have yourself cured.
00:06:16.910 - 00:06:21.580

Lukupis kankimanmi.
Te puedes volver loco también
Luku-pis ka-nki-man-mi
crazy-ADD be-2-COND-EVD
You could go crazy.
00:06:21.690 - 00:06:24.990

Malñam kayanki.
Vas a estár mal ya.
Mal-ña-m ka-ya-nki
bad-DISC-EVD be-PROG-2
You're going to be sick.
00:06:25.010 - 00:06:26.860

Y, ¿cuáles otras opciones hay para quitarse el susto?

What other options are there for getting rid of fright?
00:06:27.100 - 00:06:32.970

Chaypaq tumankim chay sustupaq rimidyukunata yerbata.

De allí, tienes que tomar remedios de hierbas para el susto..
Chay-paq tuma-nki-m chay sustu-paq rimidyu-kuna-ta yerba-ta
DEM.D-ABL drink-2-EVD DEM.D fright-BEN remedy-PL-ACC herb-ACC
So you have to take herbal remedies for fright.
00:06:33.030 - 00:06:37.870

¿Cuáles hierbas?
Which herbs?
00:06:38.160 - 00:06:39.240

Chay mancharisapaq chay wawillay nisan wishkamakaykunata yuraq klavilkunata.

Para susto -- [tóma] lo que se llama "willaway" y "wishkamakay" junto con clavel blanco.
Chay mancha-ri-sa-paq chay wawillay ni-sa-n wishkamakay-kuna-ta yuraq klavil-kuna-ta.
DEM.D scare-INCEP-PRF-BEN DEM.D wawillay.plant say-PRF-3 wishkamakay.plant-PL-ACC white
For fright -- [take] what they call "willaway" and "wishkamakay" as well as white carnations.
00:06:39.290 - 00:06:46.000

Chaykunata tumachin mayaqman.

Se hace tomar-RSTRs en ayunas.
Chay-kuna-ta tuma-chi-n mayaq-man
DEM.D-PL-ACC drink-CAUS-3 fast-ALL
You have them take those on an empty stomach.
00:06:46.390 - 00:06:49.960

Yaku uruchata dansanderu chaykunata.

Agua [con] el gusanito dansandero ---RSTRs.
Yaku uru-cha-ta dansanderu chay-kuna-ta
water worm-DIM-ACC dansanderu.worm dansanderu.worm-DIM-ACC
Water [with] the little dansandero worm -- those.
00:06:50.030 - 00:06:54.540

Dansanderukunata. Wawillay.
Dansandero todo.
Dansanderu-kuna-ta Wawillay
Dansanderu.worm-PL-ACC Wawillay.plant
Dansandero worm. Wawillay herb.
00:06:50.030 - 00:06:54.540

Chay wawillaykunata mancharisapaq.

[Tóma] wawillay para el susto.
Chay wawillay-kuna-ta mancha-ri-sa-paq
DEM.D wawillay.plant-PL-ACC scare-INCEP-PRF-BEN
[Take] willaway for fright.
00:06:54.710 - 00:06:56.940

Bilin rumi. Chaykunata

Piedra de Belén. -RSTRs
Bilin rumi Chay-kuna-ta
belen stone DEM.D-PL-ACC
Belen stone. Those.
00:06:56.960 - 00:07:01.170

Qunchik mancharisapaq chay

Se da para susto. ëse
Qu-nchik Mancha-ri-sa-paq Chay
give-1PL scare-INCEP-PRF-BEN DEM.D
We give that for fright.
00:07:01.250 - 00:07:04.470

Runtukunawan qaquchinchik uchukunawan.

Se soba con huevo y con ají.
Runtu-kuna-wan qaqu-chi-nchik uchu-kuna-wan
egg-PL-INSTR rub-CAUS-1PL chile-PL-INSTR
We massage with eggs and with chile.
00:07:04.780 - 00:07:08.030

Resachinchik. Chaymi chay sustutaqa hampikun.

Se hace rezar. eso cura el susto.
Resa-chi-nchik Chay-mi chay sustu-ta-qa hampi-ku-n
pray-CAUS-1PL DEM.D-EVD DEM.D fright-ACC-TOP heal-REFL-3
We get prayed for. So that heals fright.
00:07:08.960 - 00:07:16.020

Entonces, vamos a tener que hacer algo para Talía.

Then we're going to have to do something for Talía.
00:07:16.940 - 00:07:20.310

Voy a hacer resar, pues.
I'm going to have someone pray.
00:07:21.260 - 00:07:23.200

Ya, pues, mancharirun. Haparinñaqa.

Vuelta se asustó. Gritó.
Ya pues, mancha-ri-ru-n hapari-n-ña-qa
scare-INCEP-URGT-3 shout-3-DISC-TOP
She got scared again. She shouted.
00:07:23.670 - 00:07:26.840

Waqakullan timblur pasaptin. Ñuqapis, "¿Maypitaq chay wambrakuna kayan? Maman trayamurqachu",
nirqani. "Iskwelaparaqtri kayan", nirqani.
Lloró cuando pasó el temblor. Yo, también, "¿Dónde están esos chicos? Su mamá no habrá llegado todavía",
dije. "Estarán todavía en la
escuela", dije.
Waqa-ku-lla-n timblur pasa-pti-n Ñuqa-pis may-pi-taq chay wambra-kuna ka-ya-n mama-n traya-mu-rqa-chu
ni-rqa-ni Iskwela-pa-raq-tri ka-ya-n
cry-REFL-RSTR-3 earthquake pass-SUBDS-3 1-ADD where-LOC-SEQ DEM.D child-REFL be-PROG-3
mother-3 arrive-CISL-PST-3-NEG say-PST-1
She cried when the earthquake happened. I, too, said, "Where are those children? Their mother must not
have arrived yet. They must still
be in school," I said.
00:07:26.950 - 00:07:37.300

school-LOC-CONT-EVC be-PROG-3 say-PST-1

Éso. Empezó a llorar.

That's it. She started to cry.
00:07:26.950 - 00:07:37.300

Hinam wak wambraqa manchakun chay timblurpaq.

Así esa chica tiene miedo de los temblor.
Hina-m wak wambra-qa mancha-ku-n chay timblur-paq
thus-EVD DEM.D child-TOP scare-REFL-3 DEM.D earthquake-LOC
Like that, that child is afraid of earthquakes.
00:07:38.470 - 00:07:41.290

Piyedra alumbriwan qaquyashunki.

Con ese piedra de alumbre te está sobando.
Piyedra alumbri-wan qaqu-ya-shunki
stone VV-INSTR rub-PROG-3>2
He's rubbing you with an alumbre stone.
00:07:45.910 - 00:07:49.570

Chay rumichawan
Con esa piedracita.
Chay rumi-cha-wan
With that little stone-
00:07:45.910 - 00:07:49.570

Wak katrihina kayan yuraq rumi katrihina, aw?

Es como el sal -- blanco -- como sal de piedra, ¿no?
Wak katri-hina ka-ya-n yuraq rumi katri-hina aw
DEM.D salt-COMP be-PROG-3 white stone salt-COMP yes
It's like salt -- white -- like rock salt, no?
00:07:50.410 - 00:07:54.280

Chaymi qaquyawan.
Así me está sobando.
Chay-mi qaqu-ya-wan
He's rubbing me like that.
00:07:56.490 - 00:07:58.050

¿Me puede decir como descubrió él que tenía maldad y susto?

Can you tell me how he figured out that you had curses and fright?
00:08:01.340 - 00:08:08.440

Kartanta qawanmi. kukanta qawanmi, sarata qawanmi.

Mira sus cartas, mira su coca. Mira su maíz.
Karta-n-ta qawa-n-mi kuka-n-ta qawa-n-mi sara-ta qawa-n-mi
card-3-ACC see-3-EVD coca-3-ACC see-3-EVD corn-ACC see-3-EVD
He looks at his cards. He looks at his coca. He looks at his corn.
00:08:09.860 - 00:08:15.380

Chay niwan maldadmi.

Ése es maldad me dijo.
Chay ni-wa-n maldad-mi
DEM.D say-1.OBJ-3 evil-EVD
That's evil, he said to me.
00:08:15.560 - 00:08:19.610

Qammi unqunki mancharisawan.

Ud vas a enfermarte con susto.
Qam-mi unqu-nki mancha-ri-sa-wan
2-EVD be.sick-2 scare-INCEP-PRF-INSTR
You're going to be sick with fright.
00:08:21.280 - 00:08:24.420

Y ¿cómo es precisamente que leen la coca, que leen la sara?

And how is it exactly that they read coca, that they read corn?
00:08:26.320 - 00:08:31.990

Mmm. Yatranya.
Mmm. Yatra-n-ya
Mmm. know-3-EMPH
He knows.
00:08:32.060 - 00:08:34.910

Pay yatranya.
Él sabe.
Pay yatra-n-ya
3 know-3-EMPH
He knows.
00:08:32.060 - 00:08:34.910

Maldad. Imapis pachapisam u imapis yatranña.

Maldad. Lo que sea. Una caída o lo que sea. Él sabe.
Maldad Ima-pis pacha-pi-sa-m u ima-pis yatra-n-ña
evil what-ADD ground TK-PRF-EVD or what-ADD know-3-DISC
Evil. Whatever. A fall. Or whatever. He knows.
00:08:35.310 - 00:08:40.960

Y, ¿de quién aprendió?

And who did he learn from?
00:08:41.610 - 00:08:44.090

Imayna yatran. Swegran. Swegranmi hampiqqa.

¿Cómo sabe? Su suegra. Su suegra es curandera.
imayna yatra-n swegra-n swegra-n-mi hampi-q-qa
how know-3 heal-AG-TOP
How does he know? His mother-in-law. His mother-in-law is a healer.
00:08:45.970 - 00:08:55.040

Chaypaqmi yatrarqa. Pay.

Aprendió de ella. Él.
Chay-paq-mi yatra-rqa-ø Pay.
DEM.D-ABL-EVD know-PST-3 3
He learned from her. Him.
00:08:55.050 - 00:08:57.580

Y ¿qué estamos viendo ahora?

And what are we seeing now?
00:08:58.160 - 00:09:00.020

Chaypaq qawayanchik mesapa kayan

De allí estamos viendo [lo que] est'a en la mesa.
Chay-paq qawa-ya-nchik mesa-pa ka-ya-n
DEM.D-ABL see-PROG-1PL table-LOC be-PROG-3
We're looking at [what] is on the table.
00:09:00.290 - 00:09:03.790

Wayta. Vela.
Flores, velas.
Wayta Bila
flower candle
Flowers, candles.
00:09:04.300 - 00:09:07.350

Chay .... Piyedra alumbri.

Ésa --- piedra de alumbre.
Chay .... Piyedra alumbri.
DEM.D .... stone alumbri.
That ... alumbre stone.
00:09:07.940 - 00:09:12.630

Este .... Shakash.

Este--- un cuy.
.... Shakash
.... guinea.pig
Ummm -- a guinea pig.
00:09:13.420 - 00:09:20.100

¿Cómo se siente uno inmediatamente después? Ó sea ....

How do you feel immediately afterwards?
00:09:21.250 - 00:09:24.730

¿Cansada? Inmediatamente después de hacerse pasar el cuy, etcétera ....

Tired? Immediately after having the cuy passed over you and all ...
00:09:25.490 - 00:09:32.390

00:09:32.410 - 00:09:36.380

Beat up.
00:09:32.410 - 00:09:36.380

Llapa llapa kwirpuyki nanasa

Todo el cuerpo ha dolorido.
Llapa llapa kwirpu-yki nana-sa-ø
all all body-2 hurt-PRF-3
Your whole body is hurt.
00:09:37.880 - 00:09:40.950

Ah, chay qaqusan.

Ése lo que te sobó.
Aa chay qaqu-sa-n
Ah, DEM.D rub-PRF-3
Ah, what he rubbed [you with]-
00:09:40.990 - 00:09:42.770

¿Y alguna vez se ha hecho hacer una cura así, usted?

And did you ever have a cure done like that?
00:09:44.150 - 00:09:48.600

Uywa. Uywa ninchikmik chayta aw uywataq trurachikushaq ninchik

Cría dicimos, ¿no? Voy a mandar a pasarme con cría, dicimos.
Uywa Uywa ni-nchik-mi-k chay-ta aw uywa-taq trura-chi-ku-shaq ni-nchik
sheep sheep say-1PL-EVD-K DEM.D-ACC yes sheep-SEQ put-CAUS-REFL-1.FUT say-1PL
Lamb. A lamb, we say, no? I'm going to have myself saved with a lamb, we say-
00:09:48.580 - 00:09:52.290

Chay uywaqa trurachikunki, pasarachikunki shakashwan.
Con ése se cura. Te vas a hacer jubiar con cuy.
Chay uywa-qa trura-chi-ku-nki pasa-ra-chi-ku-nki shakash-wan
DEM:D sheep-TOP put-CAUS-REFL-2 pass-URGT-CAUS-REFL-2 guinea.pig-INSTR
You save yourself with a lamb. Have yourself rubbed with a guinea pig.
00:09:52.990 - 00:09:58.150

Ima kashpapis.
Qué cosa también?
Ima ka-shpa-pis
what be-SUBIS-ADD
What else is there?
00:09:58.810 - 00:10:00.340

Chay sustuta.
Ese susto.
Chay sustu-ta.
DEM.D fright-ACC
00:10:00.440 - 00:10:06.770

¿Qué está explicando?

What is he explaining?
00:10:00.440 - 00:10:06.770

Chay maldadta.
Esa maldad.
Chay maldad-ta.
DEM.D evil-ACC
00:10:08.630 - 00:10:10.040

Maldadqa chay ukupash

La maldad está al dentro, dice.
Maldad-qa chay uku-pa-sh
evil-TOP DEM.D inside-LOC-EVR
Evil is on the inside, he says.
00:10:11.590 - 00:10:15.350

Qaytuhinashiki chay maldadqa

Madlad es como el hilo, dicen.
qaytu-hina-sh-iki chay maldad-qa
thread-COMP-EVR-KI DEM.D evil-TOP
Evil is like thread, they say.
00:10:15.620 - 00:10:18.380

Redondita era.
Redondita era.
It was round.
00:10:18.520 - 00:10:22.400

Yanachahinam. Formakasa. Ñawi, ñawicha.

Negrito se formaba ojito ojito.
Yana-cha-hina-m Forma-ka-sa-ø Ñawi, ñawi-cha
black-DIM-COMP-EVD form-PASSACC-PRF-3 eye eye-DIM
Blackish. It formed an eye, a little eye.
00:10:23.490 - 00:10:27.830

Maldad. Pi maldad ruwasantapis manachu maskaranqa.

¿No vas a buscar a quien te ha hecho maldad?
Maldad Pi maldad ruwa-sa-n-ta-pis mana-chu maska-ra-nqa
evil who evil make-PRF-3-ACC no-Q look.for-URGT-3.FUT
Evil. Aren't you going to look for the person who did you evil?
00:10:27.890 - 00:10:32.560

Huk warmi ninma. ¿Piyá chay warmi?

Una mujer, dice, ¿Quién será esa mujer?
Huk warmi nin-m-a Pi-ya chay warmi
one woman say-3-EVD-EMPH who-EMPH DEM.D woman
A woman, he says. Who is that woman?
00:10:32.610 - 00:10:35.690

Riqsinichu. Imahinankitr qamqa niwan.

"No la conozco". "Tú sospechas [a alguién]", me dijo.
Riqsi-ni-chu Imahina-nki-tr qam-qa ni-wa-n
be.acquainted-1-NEG imagine-2-EVC 2-TOP say-1.OBJ-3
"I don't know her." "You imagine [who]" he said to me.
00:10:36.650 - 00:10:40.870

Chayta qawayachin.
[Nos] está mostrando-RSTR.
Chay-ta qawa-ya-chi-n
He's showing [us] that.
00:10:44.670 - 00:10:47.880

Y cuando se baja todo ...

And when everything comes down ...
00:10:47.890 - 00:10:51.920

¿Eso saca la maldad?

That gets the bad out?
00:10:52.140 - 00:10:59.200

00:10:59.440 - 00:11:05.530

Curará. Aunque no te saque todo.

Curará. Aunque no te saque todo.
It will heal, although it won't take it all out of you.
00:10:59.440 - 00:11:05.530

Hampiyawanchiktri. Mana sanananchikpaq ...
Nos está curando. Para no sanar.
Hampi-ya-wanchik-tri Mana sana-na-nchik-paq ...
heal-PROG-3>1PL-EVC no recover-NMLZ-1PL-PURP ...
He's healing us. In order not to get well ...
00:11:05.760 - 00:11:11.190

Mala ... runa mala fe kashpaqa

Mala ... siendo gente de mala fe
Mala ... runa mala fe ka-shpa-qa
bad.F ... person bad.F faith be-SUBIS-TOP
Bad ... Being people of bad faith,
00:11:11.580 - 00:11:15.310

Segurayashunki mana sananaykipaq, chaynash

Te está asegurando para que no sanes Así, dice.
Segura-ya-shunki mana sana-na-yki-paq chay-na-sh
assure-PROG-3>2 no recover-NMLZ-2-PURP DEM.D-VRBZ-EVR
they're reassuring you so you don't get better, like that, they say.
00:11:15.370 - 00:11:19.060

Chayshi chay maldadta hampikun las tres de la mañanataq

Así, dicen, se cura la maldad a las tres de la mañana.
Chay-shi chay maldad-ta hampi-ku-n las tres de la mañana-taq
DEM.D-EVR DEM.D evil-ACC heal-REFL-3 the three of the morning-SEQ
So, they say, you heal evil at three in the morning.
00:11:20.050 - 00:11:23.780

Martis puntraw, birnis puntraw.

Día martes, día viernes.
Martis puntraw birnis puntraw
Tuesday day Friday day
Tuesdays and Fridays.
00:11:23.780 - 00:11:29.380

Kwatru. Chay urash chay bruho puñun

Cuatro. Los brujos duermen a esa hora.
Kwatru Chay ura-sh chay bruho puñu-n
four DEM.D hour-EVR DEM.D witch sleep-3
Four. Witches sleep at that time.
00:11:23.780 - 00:11:29.380

Chayaq manash chishillanpaq chay maldad kashpa puñuchuwanchu.

Cuando es maldad, no se puede dormir desde la noche anterior..
Chay-aq mana-sh chishi-lla-n-paq chay maldad ka-shpa puñu-chuwan-chu
DEM.D-TOP no-EVR previous.night-RSTR-3-ABL DEM.D evil be-SUBIS sleep-1PL.COND-NEG
When it's evil, we can't sleep from the night before.
00:11:29.810 - 00:11:32.710

kukachakunata akushpa, sigaruchakunata fumashpa rikchan tutakama

Chakchando coca, fumando cigarros, vas yendo hasta la noche.
kuka-cha-kuna-ta aku-shpa sigaru-cha-kuna-ta ni-shpa ri-chka-n tuta-kama
coca-DIM-PL-ACC chew-SUBIS cigarette-DIM-PL-ACC say-SUBIS go.PROG.LU-3 night-RSTR
Chewing coca. smoking cigarettes, you go on until the night.
00:11:33.150 - 00:11:36.900

Martis i birnis. Chaytash maldadtaqa ruwawanchik.

Se nos hace maldad los días martes y viernes.
Martis i birnis. Chay-ta-sh maldad-ta-qa ruwa-wanchik
Martis and Friday DEM.D-ACC-EVR evil-ACC-TOP make-3>1PL
They do us evil on Tuesdays and Fridays.
00:11:38.340 - 00:11:42.110

Mal día, pues, mal día. Paykuna trabahayan diyabluwantrik.

Ellos estarán trabajando con el diablo.
Pay-kuna trabaha-ya-n diyablu-wan-tri-k
3-PL work-PROG-3 Devil-INSTR-EVC-K
Bad days, bad days. They'd be working with the Devil.
00:11:42.740 - 00:11:47.980

Diyabluwantri maldad ruwaq trabahayan. Manaya Dyoswanchu. Mal diyabluwan.

Los que hacen maldad estarán trabajando con el Diablo. No con dios. [Hacen] mal con el diablo.
Diyablu-wan-tri maldad ruwa-q trabaha-ya-n Mana-ya Dyos-wan-chu Mal diyablu-wan
Devil-INSTR-EVC evil make-AG work-PROG-3 no-EMPH God-INSTR-NEG bad Devil-INSTR
Those who do evil would be working with the Devil. Not with God. [The do] evil with the Devil.
00:11:50.620 - 00:11:57.120

No con Dios.
Not with God.
00:11:50.620 - 00:11:57.120

Pero no me di cuenta que tenía sus días específicos.

But I didn't realize it had specific days.
00:11:57.210 - 00:12:01.020

Chay bruheriyapaqqa. Masta hampichikunchik. Martis i birnista.

Para esa maldad. Más se hace curar el martes y el viernes.
Chay bruheriya-paq-qa Masta hampi-chi-ku-nchik Martis i birnis-ta
DEM.D witchcraft-BEN-TOP more-ACC heal-CAUS-REFL-1PL Tuesday and Friday-ACC
For witchcraft. You get cured more on Tuesdays and Fridays.
00:12:01.870 - 00:12:07.740

¿Conocen ustedes a alguien que se haya enloquecido por susto?

Do you know anyone who went crazy because of fright?
00:12:09.150 - 00:12:13.550

Aa, wambraqa volvinmi luku.

Ah, el chico se volvió loco.
Aa wambra-qa volvi-n-mi luku
Ah, child-TOP turn-3-EVD crazy
Ah, that child went crazy.
00:12:13.980 - 00:12:18.060

Qapariqkuna yanqa yanqa puriqkuna.
Los que gritan, los que caminan por gusto.
Qapari-q-kuna yanqa yanqa puri-q-kuna
shout-AG-PL in.vain in.vain walk-AG-PL
Those who wander about, those who shout for no reason.
00:12:18.230 - 00:12:21.660

¿Qué pasó?
What happened?
00:12:18.230 - 00:12:21.660

Ah, upalla kamankunapaq hatarishpa riyan.

Ah, calladito no más, se levanta de su cama y va yendo.
Aa upalla kama-n-kuna-paq hatari-shpa ri-ya-n.
Ah, silent bed-3-PL-ABL get.up-SUBIS go-PROG-3
Ah, silent, he gets up out of bed and goes around.
00:12:21.780 - 00:12:27.650

Manam tuta hatarishpa kamanpaq lluqsin

No. De noche se levanta de su cama y sale.
Mana-m tuta hatari-shpa kama-n-paq lluqsi-n
no-EVD night rise-SUBIS bed-3-ABL go.out-3
No. At night, he gets up out of his bed and goes out.
00:12:21.780 - 00:12:27.650

Mana hampichiptikiqa chaynanqam.

Cuando no haces curar, así va a ser.
Mana hampi-chi-pti-ki-qa chay-na-nqa-m
If you don't get yourself cured, it's going to be like that.
00:12:28.610 - 00:12:31.390

rabyarichiptikiqa. Atakihina
Cuando le das cólera agarra así.
rabya-ri-chi-pti-ki-qa Ataki-hina
If you get him mad -- it's like an attack.
00:12:31.750 - 00:12:37.980

Atakihinam hapin chay chay

Le agarra como ataque.
Ataki-hina-m hapi-n chay chay
attack-COMP-EVD grab-3 DEM.D DEM.D
It grabs him like an attack.
00:12:31.750 - 00:12:37.980

Chayqa wakhina hampichinayá manam medikupaqchu.

Ése hay que hacer curar. No es para médico.
Chay-qa wak-hina hampi-chi-na-yá mana-m mediku-paq-chu
You have to cure it like that -- it's not for a doctor.
00:12:40.640 - 00:12:43.700

Ni medikupaqchu. Ni pastilla kanchu chaypaqa sinu wakhina.
No hay médico ni pastilla para-RSTR, si no, puede ser así.
Ni mediku-paq-chu Ni pastilla ka-n-chu chay-paq sinu wak-hina
nor doctor-BEN-NEG nor pill be-3-NEG DEM.D-BEN-TOP rather DEM.D-COMP
There's no doctor nor any pill for that; rather [it has to be cured] like that.
00:12:43.920 - 00:12:48.180

Wak reso wak ...

Así con reso.
Wak reso wak ...
DEM.D prayer DEM.D ...
00:12:48.300 - 00:12:51.680

00:12:48.300 - 00:12:51.680

Hubiyanqa, wak runtukunawan pasanqa. Mancharisa hampiyta qunqa qayanqa.

Te van a sobar, te van a pasar con huevo, van a llamar (rezar) para curar el susto.
hubi-ya-nqa wak runtu-kuna-wan pasa-nqa mancha-ri-sa hampi-y-ta qunqa qaya-nqa
massage-PROG-3.FUT DEM.D egg-PL-INSTR pass-3.FUT scare-INCEP-PRF heal-INF-ACC VV call-3.FUT
They're going to massage. They're going to go over you with eggs. They're going to call [on God] to cure
00:12:51.720 - 00:12:57.300

Sanarunkiña rimayanki sanum

"Has sanado ya", está diciendo. "Ya estás sano".
Sana-ru-nki-ña rima-ya-nki sanu-m
recover-URGT-2-DISC talk-PROG-2 healthy-EVD
"You've healed already," he's saying. "You're healthy.
00:12:57.900 - 00:13:02.110

¿Y qué está pasando ahora?

And what's happening now?
00:13:02.170 - 00:13:04.340

Seguro estoy oliendo agua de florida, creo.

Seguro estoy oliendo agua de florida, creo.
I'm probably smelling Florida water, I think.
00:13:04.980 - 00:13:07.780

Ah, qaqurushuptikitriki.
Cuando te ha sobado, seguro.
Aa qaqu-ru-shu-pti-ki-tri-ki
Ah rub-URGT-3>2-SUBDS-3>2-EVC-KI
Ah, when he rubbed you, for sure.
00:13:07.790 - 00:13:10.800

Chay shakashwanña kanan qaquwanqa
Con cuy ya no ahora me va a sobar
Chay shakash-wan-ña kanan qaqu-wa-nqa
DEM.D guinea.pig-INSTR-DISC now rub-1.OBJ-3.FUT
Now he's massaging me with the guinea pig.
00:13:10.910 - 00:13:16.420

Shakashninta hurquyan kustalpaq.

Está sacando su cuy del costal.
Shakash-ni-n-ta hurqu-ya-n kustal-paq
guinea.pig-EUPH-3-ACC remove-PROG-3 sack-ABL
He's taking his guinea pig out of the sack.
00:13:16.470 - 00:13:19.170

Chaynarachikushpaqa imatataq sintiranki? Tumpas kwirpuyki sanahinachu karqa.

Cuando te has mandado hacer así, ¿qué sentiste? ¿Un poco parece que tu cuerpo estaba sano?
Chay-na-ra-chi-ku-shpa-qa ima-ta-taq sinti-ra-nki Tumpas kwirpu-yki sana-hina-chu ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D-VRBZ-URGT-CAUS-REFL-SUBIS-TOP what-ACC-SEQ feel-URGT-2 a.little body-3
healthy-COMP-NEG be-PST-3
When you had yourself done like that, what did you feel? Did it seem like your body was a bit better?
00:13:19.250 - 00:13:25.070

Ama lluqsinkichu niwarqaya. Qayantintaqa timpranu hamurqani.

"No vas a salir" me dijo. En la mañana vine temprano.
Ama lluqsi-nki-chu ni-wa-rqa-ø-ya Qayantin-ta-qa timpranu hamu-rqa-ni
PROH come.out-2-NEG say-1.OBJ-PST-3-EMPH early come-PST-1
"Don't leave!" he said to me. I came early in the morning.
00:13:28.940 - 00:13:34.190

Lluqsishpaqa lluqsinki. Lliw lliw sanakuykushpa.

Saliendo vas a salir. Todito saniandote.
Lluqsi-shpa-qa lluqsi-nki Lliw lliw sana-ku-yku-shpa
come.out-SUBIS-TOP come.out-2 all all recover-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS
Coming out, you're going to come out. Feeling all better.
00:13:34.430 - 00:13:38.790

Wak shakashtam llampuwan pasayan. Mikuchinqa.

A ese cuy está pasando llampu también va a hacer comer llampu. (maíz molido con flor, con qarwa, con
Wak shakash-ta-m llampu-wan pasa-ya-n miku-chi-nqa
DEM.D guinea.pig-ACC-EVD corn.meal-INSTR pass-PROG-3 eat-CAUS-3.FUT
He's going over the guinea pig with corn meal. He's going to feed it to him.
00:13:41.820 - 00:13:49.040

Waytawan llampuwan chay llampu qarwasawan

Conflor, con llampu, con jarwa.
Wayta-wan llampu-wan chay llampu qarwasa-wan
flower-INSTR corn.meal-INSTR DEM.D corn.meal VV-INSTR
With flowers, with llampu. That llampu has jarwa.
00:13:49.300 - 00:13:53.480

¿Por qué el llampu?

Why the corn meal?
00:13:54.240 - 00:13:56.180

Wak mal surqunanpaqyá

Para que saque ese mal.
Wak mal surqu-na-n-paq-yá
To get the bad out.
00:13:56.380 - 00:14:02.990

Llampuykuyan hampikuyan, shakashta llapa

Está echando llampu al cuy. Está curando. Todo ---
Llampu-yku-ya-n hampi-ku-ya-n shakash-ta llapa
corn.meal-EXCEP-PROG-3 heal-REFL-PROG-3 guinea.pig-ACC all
He's covering the guinea pig with llampu. He's healing. All ---
00:13:56.380 - 00:14:02.990

Chay unquq runata

Gente enfermo.
Chay unqu-q runa-ta
DEM.D be.sick-AG person-ACC
Sick people.
00:14:03.010 - 00:14:05.440

Malninta surqunanpaq.
Para sacar su mal.
Mal-ni-n-ta surqu-na-n-paq
bad-EUPH-3-ACC remove-NMLZ-3-PURP
To remove the bad.
00:14:05.600 - 00:14:07.600

Qaquyaptillan wañunqa, aw?

Cuando está sobando, va a morir, ¿no?
Qaqu-ya-pti-lla-n wañu-nqa aw
rub-PROG-SUBDS-RSTR-3 die-3.FUT yes
When he's rubbing, it's going to die, no?
00:14:08.350 - 00:14:14.720

Vivuraq. Mana wañurachu

Vivo todavía. No ha muerto.
Vivu-raq Mana wañu-ra-ø-chu
alive-CONT no die-PST-3-NEG
Still alive. It hasn't died,
00:14:08.350 - 00:14:14.720

Chay algunus naña algunus wañun algunus aa

Algunos hacen-RSTR, algunos mueren, algunos, este ...
Chay algunus na-ña algunus wañu-n algunus aa
DEM.D some DMY-DISC some die-3 some aa
Some do that, some die, some, ummm
00:14:14.900 - 00:14:21.100

Se desmayó.
It fainted.
00:14:14.900 - 00:14:21.100

fwirti kaptikish wañun

Cuando estás muy mal, [el cuy] muere, dice
fwirti ka-pti-ki-sh wañu-n
strong be-SUBDS-2-EVR die-3
When you're strong [very sick], it [the guinea pig]dies
00:14:21.130 - 00:14:23.510

Chay fwirti mana sananayki kaptin wichikwichik.

Cuando es bien fuerte, cuando no vas a sanar, [el cuy dice] wichikwichik.
Chay fwirti mana sana-na-yki ka-pti-n wichikwichik
DEM.D strong no recover-NMLZ.2 be-SUBDS-3 wichikwichik.
When it's strong, when you're not going to heal, [the guinea pig goes] "wichiwichik."
00:14:23.730 - 00:14:26.640

Wichik. Wañuq tiyuykita uywachachiptiy ¿manachu? Qaparikatrakuyan shakash wichikwichikwichik.

Cuando mandé a pasar cuy a tu tío finado ¿no? Estaba gritando y gritando el cuy: "Wichikwichikwichik."
Wichik wañu-q tiyu-yki-ta uywa-cha-chi-pti-y mana-chu qapari-katra-ku-ya-n shakash wichikwichikwichik
Wichik die-AG uncle-2-ACC VV-CAUS-SUBDS-1 no-Q shout-FREQ-PROG-3
When I had your late uncle passed over with a guinea pig, no? The guinea pig was screaming and screaming,
00:14:26.980 - 00:14:33.350

Así es cuando sobamos. Estaba wichkiyando.

Así es cuando sobamos. Estaba wichkiyando.
It's like that when we get massaged. It was going "wichki-"
00:14:33.650 - 00:14:39.590

Mana apuraw alliyananchikpaqmi chaynan. Qatra shakash chaynan.

Para que no mejoremos rápido, el cuy cochino hace así.
Mana apuraw alli-ya-na-nchik-paq-mi chay-na-n Qatra shakash chay-na-n
no quick good-INCH-NMLZ-1PL-PURP-EVD DEM.D-VRBZ-3 dirty guinea.pig DEM.D-VRBZ-3
So that you don't get bettter quickly, the filty guinea pig does that.
00:14:39.950 - 00:14:44.300

00:14:44.340 - 00:14:46.960

Kanan qaquwanqa. Resayan chay. Resakuyan pay

Ahora me va jubiar está resanso me está resando él.
Kanan qaqu-wa-nqa Resa-ya-n chay. Resa-ku-ya-n pay
now rub-1.OBJ-3.FUT pray-PROG-3 DEM.D pray-REFL-PROG-3 3
Now he's going to massage me. he's praying. He's praying.
00:14:47.780 - 00:14:52.940
Y, ¿qué está diciendo precisamente?
ANd what exactly is he saying?
00:14:52.940 - 00:14:55.760

Payqa riki niyantri, "Patron Santiago, hampishiway," nintri. "O Señor."

Seguro él estará diciendo, "Patron Santiago, ¡ayúdame curar! ¡O Señor!"
Pay-qa r-iki ni-ya-n-tri "Patron Santiago hampi-shi-wa-y ni-n-tri O Señor
3-TOP R-IKI say-PROG-3-EVC Patron Santiago heal-ACMP-1.OBJ-IMP say-3-EVC Oh Lord
For sure he's saying, "Patron Saint Santiago, help me heal! O Lord!"
00:14:55.730 - 00:15:03.160

"Señor, inkomendayawan."
"El Señor me está encomendando".
Señor inkomenda-ya-wa-n
Lord commend-PROG-1.OBJ-3
"The Lord is commending me."
00:15:03.180 - 00:15:06.560

Dyosninchickmantri chay nishpam pay hampikuyan.

Llamando a Nuestro dios él estará curando.
Dyos-ni-nchick-man-tri chay ni-shpa-m pay hampi-ku-ya-n
For sure, calling on Our God, he's healing.
00:15:06.600 - 00:15:11.540

Llamputayá. Ah, llamputa mikuykayachin shakashta.

Llampu. Está haciendo comer llampu al cuy.
Llampu-ta-yá Aa llampu-ta miku-yka-ya-chi-n shakash-ta
corn.meal-ACC-EMPH Ah, corn.meal-ACC eat-EXCEP-PROG-CAUS-3 guinea.pig-ACC
Llampu. Ah, he's making the guinea pig eat the llampu.
00:15:11.760 - 00:15:19.670

¿Qué le puso en la boca? Lampu también.

Why did he put it in its mouth? Corn meal, too?
00:15:11.760 - 00:15:19.670

Kurasunniymanya trurayan. Ñuqa niyani, "Kaniruwaptinñataq!"

Para mi corazón está poniendo. Yo estoy diciendo, "¡Me puede morder ya también!"
Kurasun-ni-y-man-ya trura-ya-n Ñuqa ni-ya-ni "Kani-ru-wa-pti-n-ña-taq
heart-EUPH-1-ALL-EMPH put-PROG-3 1 say-PROG-1 bite-URGT-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ
He's putting it over my heart. I'm saying "Be careful he doesn't bite me!"
00:15:25.070 - 00:15:31.000

Muerde pues.
It bites!
00:15:31.140 - 00:15:36.800

Kanikunyá. Chayqa manchariyani. Kaniruwananpaq.

Muerde, pues. Estoy asustando, de repente me muerde.
Kani-ku-n-yá. Chay-qa mancha-ri-ya-ni Kani-ru-wa-na-n-paq
It bites, you know. That's making me afraid -- for him to bite me.
00:15:31.140 - 00:15:36.800

"Manam kanishunkichu!" ninmi.

"No te va a morder", dijo.
"Mana-m kani-shunki-chu ni-n-mi
no-EVD bite-3>2-NEG say-3-EVD
"It's not going to bite you," he said.
00:15:36.830 - 00:15:42.450

Chayna qaqukuyan payqa.

Así me está sobando él.
Chay-na qaqu-ku-ya-n pay-qa
He's massaging me like that.
00:15:45.820 - 00:15:48.750

Mana rimarishpa hampikuyan.

Sin hablar no más está curando.
Mana rima-ri-shpa hampi-ku-ya-n
no talk-INCEP-SUBIS heal-REFL-PROG-3
Without talking, he's healing.
00:15:50.200 - 00:15:53.540

Lliw lliwta
Lliw lliw-ta
all all-ACC
All, everything.
00:15:50.200 - 00:15:53.540

Rimarinyá ishkay kimsa palabrallata, piru

Habla dos tres palabras no más, pero
Rima-ri-n-yá ishkay kimsa palabra-lla-ta piru
say-INCEP-3-EMPH two three word-RSTR-ACC but
He only says two or three words.
00:15:53.620 - 00:15:57.230

kukanta qawaykushpatriki yatrarun kayqa kaynin grabasyunta apamunqa huk lawtam nishpa.
Mirando su coca él lo habrá averiguado ya. Ella va a llevar la grabación a otro sitio.
kuka-n-ta qawa-yku-shpa-tri-ki yatra-ru-n kay-qa kay-ni-n grabasyun-ta apa-mu-n-qa huk law-ta-m ni-shpa
coca-3-ACC see-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVC-KI know-URGT-3 DEM.P-TOP DEM.P-EUPH-3 recording-3-ACC
bring-CISL-3.FUT one-side-3.FUT say-SUBIS
For sure, he found out looking at his coca. She's going to take the recording someplace else.
00:15:57.340 - 00:16:01.980

Chayyá nin ñuqaqa kukaywanñam qawaruni.

Él dijo, "Yo ya vi en mi coca";
Chay-yá ni-n ñuqa-qa kuka-y-wan-ña-m qawa-ru-ni
DEM.D-EMPH say-3 1-TOP coca-1-INSTR-DISC-EVD see-URGT-1
He said, "I already saw with my coca,"
00:16:02.050 - 00:16:05.520

Apanqam payqa nin.

"Lo va a llevar", él dijo.
Apa-nqa-m pay-qa ni-n
bring-3.FUT-EVD 3-TOP say-3
"She's going to take it," he said.
00:16:05.660 - 00:16:08.960

Ima piyensasaykitapis wak hampiqkunaqa?

Qué lo que piensas también esos curanderos.
Ima piyensasayki-ta-pis wak hampi-q-kuna-qa
what think-PRF-2-ACC-ADD DEM.D heal-AG-PL-TOP
What did you think [of] those healers?
00:16:09.060 - 00:16:12.030

Allichiwanqatrik? Manachu? Nisaykitapis ñam yatrarunqaña kukuntaqa qawaykushpa

Nos va a hacer sanar ó no? Lo que dices. Ya va a saber mirando su coca.
Alli-chi-wa-nqa-tri-k? Mana-chu Ni-sa-yki-ta-pis ña-m yatra-ru-nqa-ña kuka-n-ta-qa qawa-yku-shpa
Is he going to heal us or not? What you said. He's going to know by looking at his coca,
00:16:12.180 - 00:16:16.920

Dudayanki manapis alliyanki fenikim kanqa nikunki

Estás dudando si vas a sanar. Tén fe.
Duda-ya-nki mana-pis alli-ya-nki fe-ni-ki-m ka-nqa ni-ku-nki
doubt-PROG-2 no-ADD good-INCH-2 faith-EUPH-2 be-3.FUT say-REFL-2
You're doubting whether you'll get better. Have faith.
00:16:17.080 - 00:16:23.250

Tienes que tener fe, dice, pues

Tienes que tener fe, dice, pues
You have to have faith, he said, then,
00:16:23.290 - 00:16:26.120

Manam ninyá
No, dice.
Mana-m ni-n-yá
no-EVD say-3-EMPH
No, he says.
00:16:26.130 - 00:16:29.140

No funciona si no crees.
It doesn't work if you don't believe
00:16:26.130 - 00:16:29.140

Ni pastilla ni nada no funciona sin fe.

Neither pills nor anything else works without faith.
00:16:29.140 - 00:16:32.570

Chay ninyá chay fetash.

Así dijo. Ése fe, dice.
Chay ni-n-yá chay fe-ta-sh
DEM.D say-3-EMPH DEM.D faith-ACC-EVR
He said. Faith, they say,
00:16:33.510 - 00:16:37.750

Kriyinkish chayta.
Hay que creerlo, dicen.
Kriyi-nki-sh chay-ta
believe-2-EVR DEM.D-ACC
Tienes que creerlo, they say
00:16:37.820 - 00:16:40.840

Para que sanes.
in order for you to heal.
00:16:40.920 - 00:16:49.640

Y cuando hicimos la creencia

And when we did the "creencia"
00:16:40.920 - 00:16:49.640

para usted como hace seis meses por lo de su rodilla. La primera vez, no se había aceptado.
for you, about six months ago, for your knee, [the offering] wasn't accepted the first time.
00:16:49.690 - 00:16:56.200

Y de la misma manera, ¿se puede fallar ésto?

In the same way, can this fail?
00:16:56.470 - 00:17:02.980

Waqayan shakashninmiki chay waqaptinqa manayá apuraw alliyanqachu.

Está llorando su cuy, pues, Cuando llora, no va a sanar rápido.
Waqa-ya-n shakash-ni-n-mi-ki chay waqa-pti-n-qa mana-yá apuraw alli-ya-nqa-chu
cry-PROG-3 guinea.pig-EUPH-3-EVD-KI DEM.D cry-SUBDS-3-TOP no-EMPH quick
His guinea pig is crying. When it cries, you're not going to get better quickly.
00:17:03.200 - 00:17:09.340

Upayalla kaptinqa apurawmi surqurunqa

Cuando [el cuy] está calladito, rápido [el curandero] va a sacar [el mal].
Upaya-lla ka-pti-n-qa apuraw-mi surqu-ru-nqa
silent-RSTR be-SUBDS-3-TOP quick-EVD remove-URGT-3.FUT
When [the guinea pig] is silent, [the healer] will take out [the bed] quickly.
00:17:09.370 - 00:17:15.170

Upayallam mana waqaptinqa

Calladito no más. Cuando no llora
Upa-ya-lla-m mana waqa-pti-n-qa
silent-INCH-RSTR-EVD no cry-SUBDS-3-TOP
Quiet, When it doesn't cry.
00:17:15.680 - 00:17:18.190

Chay Wçwichikuchi chay mala señasyá chayqa.
Ese "wichikuchi" es mala seña.
Chay Wichikuchi chay mala señas-yá chay-qa
DEM-D Wichikuchi DEM.D bad.F signs-EMPH DEM.D-TOP
That "wichikuchi" is a bad sign.
00:17:18.420 - 00:17:22.430

Wichikuchi nishpaya niyan

"Wichikuchi" está diciendo.
Wichikuchi ni-shpa-ya ni-ya-n
Wichikuchi say-SUBIS-EMPH say-PROG-3
"Wichikuchi" it's saying.
00:17:22.710 - 00:17:26.510

Hinashpa ishpaykuruwan. Imapaqtaq ishpan?

¡Después me orinó! ¿Para qué orina?
Hinashpa ishpa-yku-ru-wa-n Imapaq-taq ishpa-n
then urinate-EXCEP-URGT-1.OBJ-3 why-SEQ urinate-3
Then it urinated on me! What does it urinate for?
00:17:26.690 - 00:17:30.190

Arí, fwirtitriki, fwirtitriki kayan.

Sí, pues, estará bien fuerte.
Arí fwirti-tri-ki fwirti-tri-ki ka-ya-n
yes strong-EVC-KI strong-EVC-KI be-PROG-3
Ah, it must be strong.
00:17:31.840 - 00:17:36.940

Me orinó, pues.
It urinated!
00:17:31.840 - 00:17:36.940

Yakitapis qaquptin chayna ishpaykurun

A mi Yacki también la orinó cuyando estaba sobándola.
Yaki-ta-pis qaqu-pti-n chay-na ishpa-yku-ru-n
When he massaged Yaki, too, it urinated like that.
00:17:37.000 - 00:17:40.410

Paypaq manam wichikchayanchu.

Para ella no hizo su "Wichiwik"
Pay-paq mana-m wichikcha-ya-n-chu
3-BEN no-3 wichikcha-PROG-3-NEG
For her it didn't "Wichiwik"
00:17:40.830 - 00:17:44.780

Kanan pero allintri Yakiki kayan.

Pero ahora estará bien tu Yaki.
Kanan pero allin-tri Yaki-ki ka-ya-n
now but good-EVC Yaki-2 be-PROG-3
Buy your Yaki must be well now.
00:17:45.000 - 00:17:50.490

Pero resachinayyá kayan.

Pero tengo que hacer resar.
Pero resa-chi-na-yá ka-ya-n
but pray-CAUS-NMLZ-EMPH be-PROG-3
but I have to have someone pray [for her].
00:17:50.570 - 00:17:53.260

¿Manachu chay Aliciawan resachiwaq? Aliciam sumaq sumaqta resan.

No puedes hacer resar con Alicia. Alicia resa bien bonito.
mana-chu chay Alicia-wan resa-chi-waq Alicia-m sumaq sumaq-ta resa-n
no-Q DEM.D Alicia-INSTR pray-CAUS-2.COND Alicia-EVD pretty pretty-ACC pray-3
Can't you have Alicia pray for her? Alicia prays really nicely.
00:17:53.500 - 00:17:57.990

Ah, chukakunshiki.
Ah, nos choca [nos hace enfermarnos], dicen.
Aa chuka-ku-n-shi-ki
Ah, hit-REFL-3-EVR-KI
Ah, it hits us [makes us sick], they say.
00:17:58.080 - 00:18:05.900

Dibilmi kayani nin. Chukanshi.

Dijo que estoy débil. Sí choca, dice.
Dibil-mi ka-ya-ni ni-n Chuka-n-shi
weak-EVD be-PROG-1 say-3 hit-3-EVR
He says I'm weak. It hits [makes me sick].
00:17:58.080 - 00:18:05.900

Chay Mila Chávez resan.

Mila Chávez resa.
Chay Mila Chávez resa-n
DEM.D Mila Chávez pray-3
Mila Chávez prays.
00:18:06.350 - 00:18:12.560

Huk vespis qaquwarqa chaynayá qayachini Yakita

Una vez también me ha sobado. Así he mandado llamar a Yacki.
Huk ves-pis qaqu-wa-rqa-ø chay-na-yá qaya-chi-ni Yaki-ta
one time-ADD rub-1.OBJ-PST-3 DEM.D-VRBZ-EMPH call-CAUS-1 Yaki-ACC
One time, too, she massaged me. I had Yaki called like that.
00:18:06.350 - 00:18:12.560

Ah, chukanshi
Ah, choca, dicen.
Aa chuka-n-shi
Ah, hit-3-EVR
Ah, it hits [makes us sick], they say.
00:18:12.750 - 00:18:20.650

Chaymi Aliciaqa shinkahina kayhina

Así Alicia como borracho así se fue.
Chay-mi Alicia-qa shinka-hina kay-hina
So Alicia seemed drunk, like this.
00:18:12.750 - 00:18:20.650

Ah, paymanpis pasarunmantri.

Para ella también le puede pasar.
Aa pay-man-pis pasa-ru-n-man-tri
Ah, that could happen to her, too.
00:18:20.720 - 00:18:24.900

Chay manchakuni valikuyta

Por eso tengo miedo suplicar.
Chay mancha-ku-ni vali-ku-y-ta
DEM.D scare-REFL-1 request-REFL-INF-ACC
I'm afraid to request people.
00:18:20.720 - 00:18:24.900

Dibil kaptinchik chukaruwachuwanyá chaymi chay hampiqkuna sigaruchanwan, kukachanwan.

Cuando estamos débiles nos puede chocar. Por eso esos curenderos con su cigarro con su coca
Dibil ka-pti-nchik chuka-ru-wachuwan-yá chay-mi chay hampi-q-kuna sigaru-cha-n-wan kuka-cha-n-wan
cigarette-DIM-INSTR coca-DIM-3-INSTR
When we're weak, it can hit us. So, the healers, with their cigarettes and their coca ...
00:18:25.010 - 00:18:30.750

balurschanwan sinu chukaruwachuwantri.

Con su valorcito sinu lo puede chocar
balurs-cha-n-wan sino chuka-ru-wachuwan-tri
liquor-DIM-3-INSTR rather hit-URGT-3>1PL.COND
and their liquor, otherwise, it might hit us.
00:18:30.750 - 00:18:34.170

fwirti kashpaqa
Siendo fuerte
fwirti ka-shpa-qa
strong be-SUBIS-TOP
When it's strong.
00:18:34.230 - 00:18:40.330

Like that.
00:18:34.230 - 00:18:40.330

Resachinki sustu pasawmi niwanyá chay runa

Haces resar está pasado el susto. Así me dijo esa gente
Resa-chi-nki sustu pasaw-mi ni-wa-n-yá chay runa
pray-CAUS-2 fright past-EVD say-1.OBJ-3-EMPH DEM.D person
00:18:40.360 - 00:18:45.620

Pero yakurachiyyá VV chay wawillay yakukunallatapis

haga tomar diario siquiera esa agua de wawillay
Pero yaku-ra-chi-y-yá chay wawillay yaku-kuna-lla-ta-pis
but water-URGT-CAUS-IMP-EMPH DEM.D wawillay.plant water-PL-RSTR-ACC-ADD
But have her drink wawillay water at least.
00:18:45.760 - 00:18:50.260

Chay dansanderukunata butella pripararuy chay wishkamakaykunata sarakunata chaymi alli allin
Esa dansandero prepárale en una botella. Esa wishkama (alacrán), maíz, todo eso es muy bueno para el susto.
Chay dansandiru-kuna-ta butella pripara-ru-y chay wishkamakay-kuna-ta sara-kuna-ta chay-mi alli allin
DEM.D dansanderu.worm-PL-ACC bottle prepare-URGT-IMP DEM.D wishkamakay.plant-PL-ACC
corn-PL-ACC DEM.D-EVD good good scare-INCEP-PRF-BEN
Prepare a dansandero.worm bottle. Wishkamakay and corn and all -- that's good for fright.
00:18:50.530 - 00:18:56.540

Hinashpa mana sintichishpalla tumachiy mallaqman

Duespués házle tomar sin hacer sentir en ayunas.
Hinashpa mana sinti-chi-shpa-lla tuma-chi-y mallaq-man
then no feel-CAUS-SUBIS-RSTR drink-CAUS-IMP fast-ALL
Then have hertake it on an empty stomach without feeling it.
00:18:56.820 - 00:19:02.140

Tiya Nati chay rimidyuntaq apamun

Tía Nati trae sus remedios.
Tiya Nati chay rimidyu-n-taq apa-mu-n
aunt Natividad DEM.D remedy-3-SEQ bring-CISL-3
Aunt Natividad brought her remedies.
00:19:06.550 - 00:19:10.640

Chayna priparasatam tumachinkiman

Así preparando puedes/debes hacer tomar.
Chay-na pripara-sa-ta-m tuma-chi-nki-man
Prepared like that, you can have her drink it.
00:19:10.640 - 00:19:14.840

Paywan priparachini.
Con ella hago preparar.
Pay-wan pripara-chi-ni
3-INSTR prepare-CAUS-1
I had it prepared with her.
00:19:10.640 - 00:19:14.840

Ayvesqa riyaksyunan chay wambra imapaqpis rabyarirun GG

a veces reacciona esa chica para cualquier cosa. Se amargó.
Ayves-qa riyaksyuna-n-mi chay wambra ima-paq-pis rabya-ri-ru-n
sometimes-TOP react-3-EVD DEM.D child what-ABL-ADD anger-INCEP-URGT-3
Sometimes, that child reacts to anything. She got mad.
00:19:15.020 - 00:19:20.850
Apamuway nini
"¡Tráemelo!" dije.
Apa-mu-wa-y ni-ni
bring-CISL-1.OBJ-IMP say-1
"Bring it to me!" I said.
00:19:15.020 - 00:19:20.850

Chay mal kashpa chaynayá.

Mal estando es así.
Chay mal ka-shpa chay-na-yá
When she's sick, it's like that.
00:19:21.070 - 00:19:23.440

Kurasunniy nanan nin ya pasaypaqyá

Mi corazón duele, dice, bastante
Kurasun-ni-y nana-n ni-n-ya pasaypaq-yá
heart-EUPH-1 hurt-3 say-3-EMPH completely-EMPH
My heart hurts, he said, completely.
00:19:24.480 - 00:19:28.020

Pulmonnin kayan rosado rosado

Su pulmón, dice, está rosado rosado.
Pulmon-ni-n ka-ya-n rosado rosado
lung-EUPH-3 be-PROG-3 pink pink
His lungs. he said, are pink, pink.
00:19:28.180 - 00:19:32.270

Hapisa imatriki yuraqhina mancharisatr kayan.

Estará recogido del suelo de repente. Estará asustado.
Hapi-sa ima-tri-ki yuraq-hina mancha-ri-sa-tr ka-ya-n
grab-PRF what-EVC-KI white-COMP scare-INCEP-PRF-EVC be-PROG-3
It could be a fall. Whitish. It could be fright.
00:19:32.400 - 00:19:39.070

Imapaqya chay yuraqhina

Para qué será como blanco.
Imapaq-ya chay yuraq-hina
why-EMPH DEM.D white-COMP
Why is it whitish?
00:19:32.400 - 00:19:39.070

fwirti fwirti mancharisa unayñatr kayan.

Fuerte fuerte asustaba ya está ya de tiempo.
fwirti fwirti mancha-ri-sa unay-ña-tr ka-ya-n
strong strong scare-INCEP-PRF before-DISC-EVC be-PROG-3
She's must be having strong fright for a while.
00:19:39.740 - 00:19:45.640

Mana yawarniyuq kayan

Sin sangre está.
Mana yawar-ni-yuq ka-ya-n
no blood-EUPH-POSS be-PROG-3
It's bloodless.
00:19:39.740 - 00:19:45.640

Chay pulmonnin pero chay kurasunninqa pasaypaq irritasa yawarninqa kayan.

Ese su pulmón está blanco pero su corazón está irritado de sangre.
Chay pulmon-ni-n pero chay kurasun-ni-n-qa pasaypaq irrita-sa yawar-ni-n-qa ka-ya-n
DEM.D lung-EUPH-3 but DEM.D heart-EUPH-3-TOP completely irritate-PRF blood-EUPH-3-TOP
Its lungs, but its heart is completely irritated, its blood is.
00:19:46.110 - 00:19:52.500

Imapaq ninmá chay hampiq?

Por qué es, dice el curandero
Imapaq ni-n-m-á chay hampi-q
why say-3-EVD-EMPH DEM.D heal-AG
Why did the healer say it was.
00:19:52.620 - 00:19:56.560

Debilidad nin
Debilidad, dijo-
Debilidad ni-n
weakness say-3
Weakness, he said.
00:19:52.640 - 00:19:54.610

Pero mikun wak wambraqa, aw?

Pero sí come esa chica, ¿no?
Pero miku-n wak wambra-qa aw
but eat-3 DEM.D child-TOP yes
But the child eats, no?
00:19:56.710 - 00:20:00.890

Para recogido del suelo.
For falls.
00:20:01.460 - 00:20:03.640

Ah, yawar wañusa pachapaq

Ah, sangre muerta -- de recogido del suelo.
Aa yawar wañu-sa pacha-paq
Ah, blood die-PRF ground-ABL
Ah, dead blood -- from a fall.
00:20:04.350 - 00:20:08.220

Pasaypaq yawar wañusahinayá

Total, su sangre parece muerta.
Pasaypaq yawar wañu-sa-hina-yá
completely blood die-PRF-COMP-EMPH
[Its] blood seems dead, completely.
00:20:04.350 - 00:20:08.220
de susto.
From fright.
00:20:08.280 - 00:20:13.250

Pero manam puraminti yuraqyasam kayan.

pero no de total blanqueado está.
Pero mana-m puraminti yuraq-ya-sa-m ka-ya-n
but no-EVD completely white-INCH-PRF-EVD be-PROG-3
It it hasn't totally turned white.
00:20:08.280 - 00:20:13.250

Mancharin mancharin derepente

Asustado de repente.
Mancha-ri-n mancha-ri-n de.repente
scare-INCEP-3 scare-INCEP-3 perhaps
Scared, scared maybe.
00:20:13.410 - 00:20:17.270

Qaquyashunki, aw?
Te está sobando, ¿no?
Qaqu-ya-shunki aw
rub-PROG-3>2 yes
He's rubbing you, no?
00:20:17.970 - 00:20:21.800

Me está sobando ya.
He's massaging me already.
00:20:17.970 - 00:20:21.800

Shakash wañuyanñam
El cuy ya está muriendo.
Shakash wañu-ya-n-ña-m
guinea.pig die-PROG-3-DISC-EVD
The guinea pig is dying already.
00:20:24.500 - 00:20:26.820

Wakhinayaptin wañun. Chay fwirti fwirti kaptinchikshi chaynam.

Cuando hace así, muere. eso es cuando estás bien fuerte, dice, hace así.
Wak-hina-ya-pti-n wañu-n Chay fwirti fwirti ka-pti-nchik-shi chay-na-m
When it does that, it dies. When you're really, really sick, they say, it does that.
00:20:26.900 - 00:20:33.420

Manañam pasaypaq ñam kayan

Ya no está totalmente.
Mana-ña-m pasaypaq ña-m ka-ya-n
no-DISC-EVD completely DISC-EVD be-PROG-3
He's not completely there any more.
00:20:26.900 - 00:20:33.420

Me acuerdo que yo había dicho, "Pero está bien calmadito" "Está muerto.".
I remember I said, "But it's really calm." "It's dead."
00:20:34.090 - 00:20:42.220

Kallpantrik pasaypaq puchukayan.

Totalmente está terminando su fuerza.
Kallpa-n-tri-k pasaypaq puchuka-ya-n
strength-3-EVC-K completely finish-PROG-3
His strength is running out, completely.
00:20:42.270 - 00:20:48.100

Ñam pasaypaq almadiyanñam chay shakash.

El cuy ya se está almadiando totalmente.
ña-m pasaypaq almadi-ya-n-ña-m chay shakash
DISC-EVD completely faint-PROG-3-DISC-EVD DEM.D guinea.pig
The guinea pig is fainting completely.
00:20:42.270 - 00:20:48.100

Qaquyanña chay.
Está sobando ya.
Qaqu-ya-n-ña chay
He's massaging.
00:20:49.060 - 00:20:53.230

Kanallan puchukashpaqa qawanqa.

Ahorita va a terminar y ver.
Kana-lla-n puchuka-shpa-qa qawa-nqa
now-RSTR finish-SUBIS-TOP see-3.FUT
He's going to finish right now and see.
00:20:54.090 - 00:20:58.170

00:21:02.090 - 00:21:07.960

¿Y se siente bonito, hacerse pasar el cuy?

And does it feel good to have the guinea pig passed over you?
00:21:02.090 - 00:21:07.960

Sobando no más. Qaqukuyan. Kaynalla.

Sobando no más. Está sobando. Así no más.
Qaqu-ku-ya-n Kay-na-lla
Just massaging. He's massaging. Just like that.
00:21:10.190 - 00:21:15.870

Intiru intiru kwirputa

El cuerpo entero.
Intiru intiru kwirpu-ta
entire entire body-ACC
The whole body.
00:21:16.840 - 00:21:20.270

intiru intiru kwirputa. Algunusqa.

El cuerpo enterito. Algunos.
intiru intirukwirpu-ta algunus-qa
entire entire body-ACC some-TOP
The entire body. Some.
00:21:21.290 - 00:21:26.020

En calato no más?
Just naked!
00:21:26.130 - 00:21:33.280

Qalallapash qaqun
Soban calato, dicen.
Qala-lla-pa-sh qaqu-n
naked-RSTR-LOC-EVR rub-3
They massage people naked, they say.
00:21:26.130 - 00:21:33.280

Mmm, curandero había de este.

Mmm, había curandero de este ...
Mmm, there was a healer of that ....
00:21:33.800 - 00:21:37.360

Finado Fidelpa turin.

El hermano del finado Fidel.
Finado Fidel-pa turi-n
late Fidel-GEN brother-3
the late Fidel's brother.
00:21:39.320 - 00:21:44.080

Chay wawqin, wawqin.

Su hermano, su hermano.
Chay wawqi-n wawqi-n
DEM.D brother-3 brother-3
His brother, his brother
00:21:44.240 - 00:21:47.260

Chay qalaqalallash qaqukun.

Sobaba calato-calato no más, dicen.
Chay qala-qala-lla-sh qaqu-ku-n
DEM.D naked-naked-RSTR-EVR rub-REFL-3
He massaged people naked-naked, they say.
00:21:47.980 - 00:21:51.600

Imayna hampikuqtaq chayqa.
¿Qué clase de curandero es ése?
Imayna hampi-ku-q-taq chay-qa
How is that a healer?
00:21:51.690 - 00:21:56.170

Sí. Mañoso.
00:21:51.690 - 00:21:56.170

Warmi kaptinqa yatapashpatr qaquyan.

Cuando es mujer manoseando estará sobando.
Warmi ka-pti-n-qa yata-pa-shpa-tr qaqu-ya-n
woman be-SUBDS-3-TOP touch-REPET-SUBIS-EVC rub-PROG-3
When it's a woman, he'd be feeling her up while he rubs.
00:21:56.260 - 00:22:00.160

Chaynayá qaqukuyan, ve. Shakashqa wañunayanña.

Así está sobando, ¡vé! El cuy ya está por morir.
Chay-na-yá qaqu-ku-ya-n ve. Shakash-qa wañu-naya-n-ña
DEM.D-VRBZ-EMPH rub-REFL-PROG-3 look guinea.pig-TOP die-DESR-3-DISC
He's massaging like that. Look! The guinea pig is about to die.
00:22:04.390 - 00:22:10.030

Y ¿era la primera vez que se hizo curar así?

Was it the first time you had yourself healed like this?
00:22:13.620 - 00:22:17.540

Siympri piru ñuqaqa hubiyachikuq kani Tiya Natillawan.

Siempre me hacía pasar con cuy con tía Nati no más.
siympri pero ñuqa-qa hubiya-chi-ku-q ka-ni Tiya Nati-lla-wan
always but 1-TOP massage-CAUS-REFL-AG be-1 aunt Natividad-RSTR-INSTR
I always used to have just Aunt Natividad massage me with a guinea pig.
00:22:17.980 - 00:22:23.600

Radyugrafiya shakash wakqa. Igualito es a radiografía, shakash.

Es una radiografía cuy. Es igualito a una radiografía, un cuy.
Radiyografiya shakash wak-qa shakash.
x.ray guinea.pig DEM.D-TOP guinea.pig
It's a guinea pig x-ray. A guinea pig is just like an x-ray.
00:22:23.910 - 00:22:30.960

Payllam qaqwaq qaqwaq shakash.

Ella no más cuy-
Pay-lla-m qaqwaq qaqwaq shakash
3-RSTR-EVD VV qaqwaq guinea.pig
Just she guinea pig.
00:22:23.910 - 00:22:30.960

Radyugrafiya siyra.
Radiografía sierra.
Radyugrafiya siyra
x.ray mountains
A mountain x-ray.
00:22:32.370 - 00:22:35.190

En la costa sacan con máquina. Kaypaqa shakashllawan wak huk.

En la costa sacan con máquina. En acá, con cuy, no más.
Kay-pa-qa shakash-lla-wan wak huk.
On the coast, they do them with a machine. Here, with a guinea pig.
00:22:37.030 - 00:22:42.240

Radyugrafiyata chaypaq lluqsinyá

Radiografía. Sallí de allí
Radyugrafiya-ta Chay-paq lluqsi-n-yá
x.ray-ACC DEM.D-ABL come.out-3-EMPH
X-rays. It comes out of that.
00:22:42.900 - 00:22:47.940

Se me hacía que avisa en que

It seemed to me that it tells [what's wrong] in that
00:22:48.060 - 00:22:51.500

Si el shakash está mal de corazón eso quiere decir que tú también estás mal del corazón.
If the guinea pig has a bad heart, that means that you also have a bad heart.
00:22:51.660 - 00:22:57.770

al que está sobando está mal.

Está mal la persona a quien está sobando.
The one he's rubbing is sick.
00:22:57.820 - 00:23:01.550

Imanpis shakashpa mal lluqsirunqa chay qaqusan runa mal. Chaytam surquyan.
Su qué cosa también mal va a salir del cuy, ése donde ha sobado, esa persona el mal está sacando.
Ima-n-pis shakash-pa mal lluqsi-ru-nqa chay qaqu-sa-n runa mal. Chay-ta-m surqu-ya-n
what-3-ADD guinea.pig-GEN bad come.out-UEGT.3.FUT DEM.D rub-PRF-3 person bad DEM.D-ACC-EVD
Whatever is wrong with the guinea pig is going to come out -- where he rubbed the person -- it's taking that
00:23:01.700 - 00:23:08.310

Pero si me acuerdo, ¿Ud. está mal de cuál pie?

But if I remember, Which of your feet is hurt?
00:23:09.000 - 00:23:12.720

00:23:12.650 - 00:23:15.810

Y el shakash estaba mal del otro, ¿no?

But the guinea pig had the other one hurt, no?
00:23:16.100 - 00:23:19.520
No importa, pues.
No importa, pues.
It doesn't matter.
00:23:19.590 - 00:23:23.360

De la derecha.
De la derecha.
The one on the right.
00:23:19.590 - 00:23:23.360

Watarayan traki.
El pie está amarrado.
Wata-raya-n traki
tie-PASS-3 foot
The foot is tied.
00:23:23.400 - 00:23:27.340

Pie es pie.
A foot is a foot.
00:23:23.400 - 00:23:27.340

Wiqawnikiman watarashunki, nin.

Te van a amarrar la cintura, dijo.
Wiqaw-ni-ki-man wata-ra-shunki ni-n
waist-EUPH-2-ALL tie-UNINT-3>2 say-3
They're going to tie you about the waist, he said.
00:23:27.340 - 00:23:32.300

Es cierto. Chayqa lasu lasu qaytu qaytu lluqsiyan chaypaq.

Es cierto. Como soga soga hilo hilo está saliendo ése.
Chay-qa lasu lasu qaytu qaytu lluqsi-ya-n chay-paq
DEM.D-TOP lasso lasso string string come.out-PROG-3 DEM.D-ABL
It's true. It's coming out of there like rope, like thread.
00:23:32.310 - 00:23:39.540

Chaypa tipiyarqa qaytutahina.

Lo está rompiendo como hilo allí.
Chay-pa tipi-ya-rqa-ø qaytu-ta-hina
DEM.D-LOC break-PROG-PST-3 thread-ACC-COMP
He was breaking it like thread there.
00:23:32.310 - 00:23:39.540

Hinashpa tipishpaqa kañaykuyanchu manachu?

Después, lo rompe y lo quema, ¿sí o no?
Hinashpa tipi-shpa-qa kaña-yku-ya-n-chu mana-chu
then break-SUBIS-TOP burn-EXCEP-PROG-3-Q no-Q
Then, he breaks it off and burns it, no?
00:23:39.560 - 00:23:45.950

Kañan lliw lliw sigarun kañanñatr.

Los quema. Quemará todos sus cigarros ya.
Kaña-n lliw lliw sigaru-n kaña-n-ña-tr
burn-3 all all cigarette-3 burn-3-DISC-EVC
He burns them. He burns all his cigarettes, for sure.
00:23:39.560 - 00:23:45.950

Chay yana llampuwan karbuntatr matrkachiwan chaywanmi hampin.

Me hizo moler carbón con llampu negro. Cura con-RSTR.
Chay yana llampu-wan karbun-ta-tr matrka-chi-wa-n chay-wan-mi hampi-n
DEM.D black corn.meal-INSTR coal-ACC-EVC grind-CAUS-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D-INSTR-EVD heal-3
He made me grind the coal with the black llampu. He heals with that.
00:23:46.010 - 00:23:52.130

Lliw lliwta. Chay periyodikonmi. Chay yawarninta vasiyan.

Todito. Está vaciando su sangre en ese su periódico.
Lliw lliw-ta Chay periyodiko-n-mi Chay yawar-ni-n-ta vasiya-n
all all-ACC DEM.D newspaper-3-EVD DEM.D blood-EUPH-3-ACC empty-3
All of it. That's his newspaper. He's emptying out its blood.
00:23:52.180 - 00:23:59.670

Pero hukchu chayta hampichikurqa ishkay kimsa veses.

¿Pero no se habrá hecho curar dos o tres veces?
Pero huk-chu chay-ta hampi-chi-ku-rqa-ø ishkay kimsa veses
but one-Q DEM.D-ACC heal-CAUS-REFL-PST-3 two three times
But wouldn't he have had himself cured two or three times?
00:24:01.070 - 00:24:05.110

Para que él te lo separe.
So he separates it for you.
00:24:05.180 - 00:24:07.410

Chay Don Miguelpis chaynayá niwarqa

Don Miguel también me lo dijo así.
Chay Don Miguel-pis chay-na-yá ni-wa-rqa-
Don Miguel told me the same thing.
00:24:07.890 - 00:24:11.130

Chay watarayan trakikiqa kay.

Tu pie está amarrado allí.
Chay wata-raya-n traki-ki-qa kay
DEM.D tie-PASS-3 foot-2-TOP DEM.P
Your foot is tied up there.
00:24:11.890 - 00:24:15.390

Ankuykiman wiqawnikiman watarayan niwarqa

Está amarrado a tu nervio y a tu cintura, me dijo.
Anku-yki-man wiqaw-ni-ki-man wata-raya-n ni-wa-rqa-ø
nerve-2-ALL waist-EUPH-2-ALL tie-PASS-3 say-1.OBJ-PST-3
It's tied up to your tendon and to your waist, he said to me.
00:24:15.560 - 00:24:18.850

Siyertu imatr kayanki Hilda imaynataq nishunki ishkayqa huk imatr fallanman.
De verdad de repente estarás Hilda. ¿Cómo te van a decir dos personas? Uno de repente puede decir
Siyertu ima-tr ka-ya-nki Hilda imayna-taq ni-shunki ishkay-qa huk ima-tr falla-n-man-mi
certain what-EVC be-PROG-2 Hilda how-SEQ say-3>2 two-TOP one what-EVC fail-3-EVC
It's true. Maybe you are, Hilda. How are two [people] going to tell you [the same thing]? One could be
00:24:18.850 - 00:24:24.160

Chaynam niwan
Me lo dijo así.
Chay-na-m ni-wa-n
He said it to me like that.
00:24:25.370 - 00:24:27.600

Luego tuvimos problemas porque no estaba sangrando, ¿verdad?

Then we had problems because it wasn't bleeding, no?
00:24:28.300 - 00:24:33.470

Chay achkin linternawan

Alumbra con linterna.
Chay achki-n linterna-wan
DEM.D light-3 flashlight-INSTR
He lights it with a flashlight.
00:24:34.240 - 00:24:36.340

Manachu yawarnin kasa?

¿No era su sangre?
Mana-chu yawar-ni-n ka-sa-ø
no-Q blood-EUPH-3 be-PRF-3
Wasn't it his blood?
00:24:37.300 - 00:24:42.940

Yana yanam. Ischallam yawarnin kasa.

Negro. Es negro. Tenía muy poca sangre.
Yana yana-m Ischa-lla-m yawar-ni-n ka-sa-ø
black black-EBD little-RSTR-EVD blood-EUPH-3 be-PRF-3
Black. It's black. He had very little blood.
00:24:37.300 - 00:24:42.940

Está haciendo gotear.
He's making it drip.
00:24:44.210 - 00:24:47.060

Y ¿Por qué es necesario que sangre?

Why is it necessary for it to bleed?
00:24:50.110 - 00:24:53.600

Qawananpaq chayqa.
Para que mire.
Qawa-na-n-paq chay-qa
That's so that he can see.
00:24:54.550 - 00:24:56.710

00:24:54.550 - 00:24:56.710

Yawarninta lliwta shutuchinqa.

Su sangre todo va a hacer gotear.
Yawar-ni-n-ta lliw-ta shutu-chi-n-qa
blood-EUPH-3-ACC all-ACC drip-CAUS-3-TOP
He's going to make all its blood drip out.
00:24:56.970 - 00:25:00.340

Qawananpaqyá chay yawarta.

Para que mire la sangre.
Qawa-na-n-paq-yá chay yawar-ta
So that he can see the blood.
00:24:56.970 - 00:25:00.340

Kalurniyuq kaptikiqa yawarnin yanash

Cuando tienes calor, su sangre es negro, dicen.
Kalur-ni-yuq ka-pti-ki-qa Yawar-ni-n yana-sh
heat-EUPH-POSS be-SUBDS-2-TOP blood-EUPH-3 black-EVR
When you have a fever, its blood is black, they say.
00:25:03.220 - 00:25:09.930

Chaytayá kuchuyan.
Está cortando-RSTR.
Chay-ta-yá kuchu-ya-n
He's cutting that.
00:25:12.190 - 00:25:14.310

¿Por qué corta

Why does he cut it ...
00:25:12.190 - 00:25:14.310

Chay kuchillu.
Ese cuchillo.
Chay kuchillu
DEM.D knife
That knife.
00:25:18.390 - 00:25:21.420

con flor de clavel?

with a carnation?
00:25:18.390 - 00:25:21.420

Ima sikritutriki wak hampiqpa.

¿Qué secretos tendrá ese curandero?
Ima sikritu-tri-ki wak hampi-q-pa
what secret-EVC-KI DEM.D heal-AG-GEN
What secrets must the healer have?
00:25:21.420 - 00:25:27.880

Kuchillun watarayan chay

Su cuchillo está amarrado.
Kuchillu-n wata-raya-n chay
knife-3 tie-PASS-3 DEM.D
His knife is tied ...
00:25:21.420 - 00:25:27.880

Kuchillanta waytarachin watarun.

Amarró un flor a su cuchillo.
Kuchilla-n-ta wayta-ra-chi-n wata-ru-n
knife-3-ACC flower-URGT-CAUS-3 tie-URGT-3
He tied a flower to his knife.
00:25:28.840 - 00:25:31.520

Chay asirum kuchillun chayqa. Lihitimu asiru.

Ése es cuchillo de acero. Verdadero acero.
Chay asiru-m kuchillu-n chay-qa Lihitimu asiru
DEM.D steal-EVD knife-3 DEM.D-TOP legitimate steal
It's a steal knife. Real steal.
00:25:33.260 - 00:25:36.890

Ispesyal hampiqpaqa irramiyentum. Hampikunapaq ispesyal.

Es su herramienta especial -- especial para que cure.
Ispesiyal hampi-q-pa-qa irramiyentu-m Hampi-ku-na-paq ispesiyal
special heal-AG-GEN-TOP tool-EVD heal-REFL-NMLZ-PURP special
It's the healers special tool. Special so he can heal.
00:25:37.400 - 00:25:43.920

Qarawankuna timbladirankuna.
Su jarawa y su tembladera.
Qarawa-n-kuna timbladira-n-kuna
VV-3-PL platter-3-PL
His jarwa and his platter.
00:25:45.110 - 00:25:48.190

Qishuhinatr kasa.
Parecía caracól..
Qishu-hina-tr ka-sa-ø
snail-COMP-EVC be-PRF-3
It seemed like a snail.
00:25:48.530 - 00:25:50.600

Qarawanpistriki kimsa klasi.

Tendrá qarwas de tres clases.
Qarawa-n-pis-tri-ki kimsa klasi
Qarawa.stone-ADD-EVC-KInpistriki three type
He must have three kinds of qarwas.
00:25:53.140 - 00:25:56.590

Achka yanakunatr chaypaq kayan. Yana qarwakunatr.

Seguro qarwa negra todo habrá. Seguro habrá qarwa negra.
Achka yana-kuna-tr chay-paq ka-ya-n Yana qarwa-kuna-tr.
a.lot black-PL-EVC DEM.D-ABL be-PROG-3 black VV-PL-EVC
There must be a lot of black, back qarwa.
00:25:57.430 - 00:26:01.620

Allí, dicen.
There, they say.
00:26:02.250 - 00:26:04.360

Payqa hampikun Limakunapash. Runa maskakullan.

Él cura en Lima,también, dicen. La gente lo solicita bastante.
Pay-qa hampi-ku-n Lima-kuna-pa-sh Runa maska-ku-lla-n
3-TOP heal-REFL-3 Lima-PL-LOC-EVR person look.for-REFL-RSTR-3
He heals in Lima, too, they say. People look for him.
00:26:04.710 - 00:26:08.150

Allin hampikuq kaptin maskan.

Cuando es buen curandero, lo buscan.
Allin hampi-ku-q ka-pti-n maska-n
good heal-REFL-AG be-SUBDS-3 look.for-3
If he's a good healer, they look for him.
00:26:08.200 - 00:26:10.800

Manash dihanchu.
No lo dejan, dice.
Mana-sh diha-n-chu
no-EVR leave-3-NEG
They don't leave him alone, he says.
00:26:08.200 - 00:26:10.800

Allin hampikuq kaptinqa

Cuando es un buen curandero
Allin hampi-ku-q ka-pti-n-qa
good heal-REFL-AG be-SUBDS-3-TOP
If he's a good healer.
00:26:10.900 - 00:26:15.020

Wakpaq ñuqa kubrani.

"Allá yo cobro".
Wak-paq ñuqa kubra-ni
DEM.D-ABL 1 charge-1
"I charge there."
00:26:10.900 - 00:26:15.020

Ah, huk lawpaqa aykatar'ik kubrayan payqa. Pasahekunapaq.

Seguro. ¿Cuánto estará cobrando en otro sitio? Por su pasaje todo.
Aa huk law-pa-qa ayka-ta-tri-k kubra-ya-n pay-qa Pasahe-kuna-paq
Ah, one-side-LOC-TOP how.much-ACC-EVC-K charge-PROG-3 3-TOP fare-PL-BEN
How much could he be charging in other places? For his car fare and all?
00:26:15.970 - 00:26:20.320

Karutam nin.
"[Cobro] caro", dijo.
Karu-ta-m ni-n
expensive-ACC-EVD say-3
"[I charge] a lot," he said.
00:26:15.970 - 00:26:20.320

Ah, chay yana yana chay yawar shutuyan.

Ah, la sangre está goteando muy negro.
Aa chay yana yana chay yawar shutu-ya-n
Ah, DEM.D black black DEM.D blood drip-PROG-3
Ah, the blood is dripping out really black.
00:26:20.320 - 00:26:24.170

Pasaypaq yana.
Totalmente negro.
Pasaypaq yana
completely black
Completely black.
00:26:27.750 - 00:26:31.410

¿Hay otra persona que sepa hacer esto en el pueblo?

Is there anyone else in town who knows how to do this?
00:26:35.190 - 00:26:38.310

Ah, kanña varyus piru distintuyá hampikun

Ah, hay varios. Pero diferente curan.
Aa ka-n-ña varyus piru distintu-ya hampi-ku-n
Ah, be-3-DISC several but different-EMPH heañ-REFL-3
Ah, there are several but they heal differently.
00:26:39.030 - 00:26:43.440

Manam igwalñachu hampikun. Distintu.

No curan igual no más, sino diferente.
Mana-m igwal-ña-chu hampi-ku-n Distintu
no-EVD equal-DISC-NEG heal-REFL-3 different
They don't heal just alike. Different.
00:26:43.870 - 00:26:46.600

Entonces, ¿Cómo lo hacen ellos?

Then, how do they do it?
00:26:46.600 - 00:26:48.380

Chay shakashkuna qawaq kanyá piru.

Hay los que miran los cuys.
Chay shakash-kuna qawa-q ka-n-yá piru.
DEM.D guinea.pig-PL see-AG be-3-EMPH but
There are those that look at the guinea pigs.
00:26:48.390 - 00:26:52.610

Don Dionosiowanpis, qaquchirqani Yakita.

También hice a Don Dionosio sobar a mi Yaki.
Don Dionosio-wan-pis qaqu-chi-rqa-ni Yaki-ta
Don Dionosio-INSTR-ADD rub-CAUS-PST-1 Yaki-ACC
I also had Don Dionosio massage my Yaki.
00:26:52.840 - 00:26:56.510

Payqa imaynataq hampikun?

¿Cómo cura él?
Pay-qa imayna-taq hampi-ku-n
3-TOP how-SEQ heal-REFL-3
How does he cure?
00:26:56.660 - 00:27:01.220

Payqa nin
Él dijo
Pay-qa ni-n
3-TOP say-3
He said
00:26:56.660 - 00:27:01.220

Paypis niwarqa chukim, chay Yakipaq.

Él también me ha dicho que lo de Yaki es choque.
Pay-pis ni-wa-rqa-ø chuki-m chay Yaki-paq
3-ADD say-1.OBJ-PST-3 hit-EVD DEM.D Yaki-BEN
He also tols me Yaki has "choque".
00:27:01.600 - 00:27:05.380

Qaytu qaytum kañarqa kurasunninpa.

Hilo, hilo ha quemado en su corazón.
Qaytu qaytu-m kaña-rqa-ø kurasun-ni-n-pa
string string-EVD burn-PST-3 heart-EUPH-3-LOC
Thread, thread burned in its heart.
00:27:05.460 - 00:27:10.340

Igadun, igadun kay kustillanmanhinam laqarasa.

El hígado estaba como pegado hacia la costilla.
Igadu-n igadu-n kay kustilla-n-man-hina-m laqa-ra-sa
liver-3 liver-3 DEM.P rib-3-ALL-COMP-EVD stick-URGT-PRF-3
His liver was kind of stuck to his ribs.
00:27:10.470 - 00:27:15.100

Chaykunatam surqun.
Chay-kuna-ta-m surqu-n
DEM.D-PL-ACC-EVD remove-3
He took those out.
00:27:17.550 - 00:27:21.190

Ah, kañanqayá chaytaq.

Va a quemar. pues,-RSTR.
Aa kaña-nqa-yá chay-taq
Ah, he's going to burn it.
00:27:21.190 - 00:27:27.670

Hinashpaqa kañanyá
Después los quemó.
Hinashpa-qa kaña-n-yá
then-TOP burn-3-EMPH
Then he burned them.
00:27:21.190 - 00:27:27.670

Tiya Natipis chaynam qaquykushpaqa qawan

Tía Nati, también soba y mira así.
Tiya Nati-pis chay-na-m qaqu-yku-shpa-qa qawa-n
aunt Natividad-ADD DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD rub-EXCEP-SUBIS-TOP see-3
Aunt Natividad also massages and looks like that.
00:27:28.200 - 00:27:34.570

Payqa allquwanñataqmi mikuchin.

Ella lo hace comer a su perro pero.
Pay-qa allqu-wan-ña-taq-mi miku-chi-n
She has her dog eat it, though.
00:27:34.780 - 00:27:36.890

Imanantaq payqa. Ah, intirunta?

¿Qué hace él? Ah, ¿intero?
Ima-na-n-taq pay-qa Aa intiru-n-ta
what-VRBZ-3-SEQ 3-TOP Ah, entire-3-ACC
What does he do? Ah, whole?
00:27:37.770 - 00:27:41.980

Él lo quema.
He burns it.
00:27:37.770 - 00:27:41.980

llushtiy, ve.
Despellejando. ¡Vé!
llushtiy ve
skin-INF look
Skinning it. Look!
00:27:42.190 - 00:27:47.790

Él lo quema.
He burns it.
00:27:42.190 - 00:27:47.790

Chay qawanqa.
Él va a ver.
Chay qawa-nqa
DEM.D see-3.FUT
He's going to see.
00:27:50.050 - 00:27:56.390

Intiruchallantaya llushtinqa
Lo va a despellejar entero.
intiru-cha-lla-n-ta-ya llushti-nqa
entire-DIM-RSTR-3-ACC-EMPH skin-3.FUT
He's going to skin it whole.
00:27:50.050 - 00:27:56.390

Ah, umantatr qallariyan.

Ah, estará empezando desde la cabeza.
Aa uma-n-ta-tr qallari-ya-n
Ah, head-3-ACC-EVC begin-PROG-3
Ah, he must be starting from the head.
00:28:03.390 - 00:28:07.900

Chay umanta llushtiyan

Le está pelando la cabeza.
Chay uma-n-ta llushti-ya-n
DEM.D head-3-ACC skin-PROG-3
He's skinning its head.
00:28:03.390 - 00:28:07.900

Umantahinash urayman qawanqa.

Como a su cabaza, hacia abajo va a ver.
Uma-n-ta-hina-sh uray-man qawa-nqa
head-3-ACC-COMPEVR down-ALL see.3.FUT
He's going to look lower like he [looked] at its head.
00:28:08.060 - 00:28:11.540

Chiri pasasa pasaypaq kayanki niwan

Estás muy mal de "pasado de frío" me dijo.
Chiri pasa-sa pasaypaq ka-ya-nki ni-wa-n
cold pass-PRF completely be-PROG-2 say-1.OBJ-3
You've got a really bad chill, he said to me.
00:28:11.960 - 00:28:15.690

¿Imaynañataq chiritaq pasachikuni? ¿Qalallachu puriyani imataq?

¿Cómo ya me voy a hacer pasar frío? ¿Acaso estoy caminando desnuda?
Imayna-ña-taq chiri-taq pasa-chi-ku-ni qala-lla-chu puri-ya-ni ima-taq
how-DISC-SEQ cold-SEQ pass-CAUS-REFL-1 naked-RSTR-Q walk-PROG-1 what-SEQ
How am I going to get a cill? Am I walking around naked or something?
00:28:18.850 - 00:28:22.980
Kay wiqawniymi pasaypaq chiri pasasa
Mi cintura está totalmente "pasado de frío".
Kay wiqaw-ni-y-mi pasaypaq chiri pasa-sa
DEM.P waist-EUPH-1-EVD completely cold pass-PRF
My waist is totally chilled.
00:28:23.380 - 00:28:26.020

Chaymi nini ayves itanapachu qutrparushaq.

Por eso digo a veces que voy a revolcar enortigas.
Chay-mi ni-ni ayves itana-pa-chu qutrpa-ru-shaq
DEM-D-EVD say-1 sometimes thorn-LOC-Q roll-URGT-1.FUT
So sometimes I say I'm going to roll around in thorns.
00:28:27.450 - 00:28:31.470

Chay wayra itana piru rimidyum, Hilda.

Ya esaortiga de aire es buena, Hilda.
Chay wayra itana piru rimidyu-m Hilda
DEM.D wind thorn but remedy-EVD Hilda.
The wind thorn is a remedy, Hilda.
00:28:31.990 - 00:28:34.190

Chay hatun lambrasa itana

Las grandesortigas de aliso.
Chay hatun lambrasa itana
DEM.D big lambrasa.thorn thorn
The big lambrasa thorns.
00:28:34.380 - 00:28:38.770

Piru watrikunyari.
¡Ésa pica, pero!
Piru watri-ku-n-y-ari
but sting-REFL-3-EMPH-ARI
But it sure stings!
00:28:38.890 - 00:28:44.900

Chay rutu ... chay yuraq talluyuqwanqa. Chayshi allin.

Con ésa con tallo blanco. Ésa es buena, dicen.
Chay rutu ... chay yuraq tallu-yuq-wan-qa Chay-shi allin
DEM.D rutu.bird ... DEM.D white stem-POSS-INSTR-TOP DEM.D-EVR good
With the one with white stems. That one is good, they say.
00:28:38.890 - 00:28:44.900

Lambras itanatriki
Ortiga de lambras [aliso], seguro.
Lambras itana-tri-ki
Lambras.thorn thorn-EVC-KI
Lambras thorn, for sure.
00:28:45.830 - 00:28:49.070

Mula itana chay mula itana watrikun binti kwatru uras.

Ortiga de mula. Ese ortiga de mula pica veinticuatro horas.
Mula itana chay mula itana watri-ku-n binti kwatro oras
Mula.thorn thorn DEM.D mula.thorn thorn sting twenty four hours
Mule thorn. Mule thorn stings for twenty-four hours.
00:28:49.070 - 00:28:52.770

Kawsarishpa kawsarishpa, asssss.

Recordando, recordando, asss
Kawsa-ri-shpa kawsa-ri-shpa asssss
live-INCEP-SUBIS live-INCEP-SUBIS asssss.
Remembering it, remembering it ... assss
00:28:53.080 - 00:28:55.310

Chaymi niwan chay agila ñuqapis qayna chayna traki nanaywan karqani, nin.
Por eso me dijo ese águila, "Yo también tenía dolor de pie antes", dijo.
Chay-mi ni-wa-n chay agila ñuqa-pis qayna chay-na traki nana-y-wan ka-rqa-ni ni-n
DEM.D-EVD say-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D eagle 1-ADD previous DEM.D-VRBZ foot hurt-INF-INSTR be-PST-1
So the eagle told me "I also had foot pain before," he said.
00:28:56.360 - 00:29:01.040

Itanawan pasarachikuy niwanmi.

"Házte picar conortigas", me dijo.
Itana-wan pasa-ra-chi-ku-y ni-wa-n-mi
"Have yourself pricked with thorns," he said to me.
00:29:01.160 - 00:29:03.820

Chay yuraq lambraswan

Con ese blanco aliso.
Chay yuraq lambras-wan
DEM.D white lambras.thorn-INSTR
With white lambras thorn.
00:29:03.830 - 00:29:06.170

Yuraq lambraswan
Con aliso blanco.
Yuraq lambras-wan
white lambras.thorn-INSTR
With white lambrasa thorns.
00:29:03.830 - 00:29:06.170

Chay rimidyu kaptinqa agwantaykushpa pasarachikunanchikqa huk puntraw imatr sufrirachiwanman.

Si es remedio, aguantandome podría hacer pasar un día así. podría sufrir.
Chay rimidyu ka-pti-n-qa agwanta-yku-shpa pasa-ra-chi-ku-na-nchik-qa huk puntraw ima-tr
one day what-EVC suffer-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-3-COND
If it's a remedy, then, bearing it, so that we can have it passed over us, they can make us suffer for a day.
00:29:06.170 - 00:29:10.000

¿Pi pasaruwanman? ¿Pi valorosotr pasarullawanman?

¿Quién me puede picar? ¿Quién puede tener el valor de picarme?
Pi pasa-ru-wa-n-man pi valoroso-tr pasa-ru-lla-wa-n-man
who pass-URGT-1.OBJ-3-COND who courageous-EVC pass-URGT-RSTR-1.OBJ-3-COND
Who could prick me? What coragous person could prick me?
00:29:10.050 - 00:29:13.560

Sanarachiwan pasaruptin
Me hizo sanar cuando me lo pasó.
Sana-ra-chi-wa-n pasa-ru-pti-n
recover-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-3 pass-URGT-SUBDS-3
When he passed it, it made me better.
00:29:13.600 - 00:29:18.610

Chay shakashpaya pasaypa

En ese cuy, pues, total ...
Chay shakash-pa-ya pasaypa
DEM.D guinea.pig-LOC-EMPH completely
On the guinea pig, totally ...
00:29:13.600 - 00:29:18.610

Kay yuraq yuraq pusuq pusuqhina

Ése blanco, blanco, como espuma, espuma.
Kay yuraq yuraq pusuq pusuq-hina
DEM.P white white foam-AG foam-AG-COMP
The white one, white like foam.
00:29:18.660 - 00:29:21.860

Chay chiri pasasam kayanki niwan

Tienes "pasado de frío" me dijo.
Chay chiri pasa-sa-m ka-ya-nki ni-wa-n
DEM.D cold pass-PRF-EVD be-PROG-2 say-1.OBJ-3
You've got a chill, he said to me.
00:29:21.860 - 00:29:25.940

Chaymi, ¿chaywanchu pasarachikushaq? ¿Piwantaq pasarichikushaq? niyani.

Por eso, ¿voy a hacerme picar con-RSTR? ¿Con quién me puedo hacer picar?, estoy diciendo.
Chay-mi chay-wan-chu pasa-ra-chi-ku-shaq pi-wan-taq Pasa-ri-chi-ku-shaq ni-ya-ni
So, Will I have myself pricked with that? Who will I have prick me? I'm saying.
00:29:25.950 - 00:29:33.050

Piru rupaypa rupaypa piru

En solcito, en solcito pero.
piru rupa-y-pa rupa-y-pa piru
but burn-INF-LOC burn-INF-LOC but
In the sunshine, though, in the sunshine.
00:29:33.100 - 00:29:37.400

Chay pasarushpa sudarachishuptiki kapasmi surqurunman.

Cuando te haces picar, tal vez puedes sacar.
Chay pasa-ru-shpa suda-ra-chi-shu-pti-ki kapas-mi surqu-ru-n-man
DEM.D pass-URGT-SUBIS sweat-URGT-CAUS-3>2-SUBDS-3>2 possible-EVD remove-URGT-3-COND
When you have it passed over you, when it makes you sweat, it's possible it could remove it.
00:29:37.660 - 00:29:41.170

Ah, chaypaqya uniku
Ah, para eso sí, sólo.
Aa chay-paq-ya uniku.
Ah, for that, the only ..
00:29:42.110 - 00:29:48.220

Chay wayra kaptinqa, piyurta ruwaruwanman.

Si es que es mal aire, me puede hacer mal.
Chay wayra ka-pti-n-qa piyur-ta ruwa-ru-wa-n-man
DEM.D wind be-SUBDS-3-TOP worse-ACC make.URGT.1.OBJ-3-COND
If it's "bad air", it could make me worse.
00:29:42.110 - 00:29:48.220

Ah, makintaña
Ah, a su mano, ya.
Aa maki-n-ta-ña
Ah, hand-3-ACC-DISC
Ah, his hand.
00:30:01.400 - 00:30:06.060

llushtiyan, ve
Lo está decuerando, ¡vé!
llushti-ya-n ve
skin-PROG-3 look
He's skinning it. Look!
00:30:01.450 - 00:30:03.110

Chay mataqachanta llushtiyan

Está sacando el cuero de su cuellocito.
Chay mataqa-cha-n-ta llushti-ya-n
DEM.D neck-DIM-3-ACC skin-PROG-3
He's skinning it's little neck.
00:30:07.590 - 00:30:10.000

00:30:21.420 - 00:30:23.500

Lo está hincando.
He's thrusting it.
00:30:25.030 - 00:30:27.710

diyariyush runa rin.

La gente va todos los días, dice.
diyariyu-sh runa ri-n
daily-EVR person go-3
People go daily, he sais.
00:30:32.830 - 00:30:35.270

Wak hampiqman
A ese curandero.
Wak hampi-q-man
Towards the healer.
00:30:35.320 - 00:30:39.700

diyariyu diyariyu runa hamullan.

Todos los días viene la gente.
diyariyu diyariyu runa hamu-lla-n
daily daily person come-RSTR-3
People come day in and day out.
00:30:35.320 - 00:30:39.700

Manam dihawanchu. Ishkay kimsatam ayves ninqa hampini nin

"No me dejan. a veces curo a dos o tres [personas as día], dijo.
Mana-m diha-wa-n-chu Ishkay kimsa-ta-m ayves ni-nqa hampi-ni ni-n
no-EVD leave-1.OBJ-3-NEG two three-ACC-EVD sometimes say-3.FUT heal-1 say-3
"They don't leave me alone. Sometimes I heal two or three [people a day]," he said.
00:30:40.970 - 00:30:45.380

Allintatr hampikun chaytri rin runa

Curará bien, por eso irá la gente.
Allin-ta-tr hampi-ku-n chay-tri ri-n runa
good-ACC-EVC heal-REFL-3 DEM.D-EVC go-3 person
He must heal well, that must be why people go [to him].
00:30:46.210 - 00:30:49.030

Ortigalkunanpash, Tayamarkakunanpa, Medeánkunanpa rin wasinman.

Van a su casa De Ortigal, de Tayamarka, de Madeán entre otros, dice.
Ortigal-kuna-n-pa-sh Tayamarka-kuna-n-pa Medeán-kuna-n-pa ri-n wasi-n-man
Ortigal-PL-GEN-EVR Tayamarka-PL-GEN- Medeán-PL-GEN go-3 house-3-ALL
The go to his house from Ortigal and Tayamarka and Madeán, among others, he says.
00:30:50.660 - 00:30:54.580

Ah, wasin wasillan hampin

Ah, de casa en casa curará.
Aa wasi-n wasi-lla-n hampi-n
Ah, house-3 house-RSTR-3 heal-3
Ah, [in] his house, he heals just [in] his house.
00:30:54.580 - 00:30:56.380

Wasillanpam hapin.
En su casa no más cura.
Wasi-lla-n-pa-m hapi-n
house-RSTR-LOC-EVD heal-3
He heals only in his house.
00:30:56.800 - 00:30:57.960

Qamqa wasinpachu kayanki?

Ud. estás en su casa?
Qam-qa wasi-n-pa-chu ka-ya-nki
2-TOP house-3-LOC-Q be-PROG-2
Are you in his house?
00:30:58.270 - 00:31:02.100

No, mamaypa wasinpa kayani.

No, en la casa de mí mamá.
mama-y-pa wasi-n-pa ka-ya-ni
mother-1-GEN house-3-LOC be-PROG-1
No, I'm in my mother's house.
00:30:58.270 - 00:31:02.100

Chaymanmi pusharurqani
Lo llevé allí.
Chay-man-mi pusha-ru-rqa-ni
I brought him there.
00:31:02.480 - 00:31:06.510

Karu runataq chay wasillanpish hampin.

Cura no más en su casa a gente de lejos, dice, cura.
Karu runa-taq chay wasi-lla-n-pi-sh hampi-n
far person-SEQ DEM.D house-RSTR-3-LOC-EVR heal-3
He heals people from far away just in his house, he says.
00:31:07.820 - 00:31:10.280

Ah, chaykunahina wasillanpatriki.

Ah, como ellos, en su casa no más, seguro.
Aa chay-kuna-hina wasi-lla-n-pa-tri-ki.
Ah, like those, just in his house, for sure.
00:31:10.880 - 00:31:13.660

Chayllapam hampini ninmi.

"Curo allí no más", dijo.
Chay-lla-pa-m hampi-ni ni-n-mi
DEM.D-RSTR-LOC-EVD heal-1 say-3-EVD
"I heal just there," he said.
00:31:14.290 - 00:31:16.130

Limatañam rishaq.
Voy a ir a Lima ya.
Lima-ta-ña-m ri-shaq
I'm going to go to Lima.
00:31:25.030 - 00:31:27.230

Wak sulisitayawan runakuna nin.

La gente me está solicitando allí, dijo.
Wak sulisita-ya-wa-n runa-kuna ni-n
DEM.D request-PROG-1.OBJ-3 person-PL say-3
"People are requesting me there," he said.
00:31:28.230 - 00:31:31.930

Limapa yatraqtriki
Gene que vivirá en Lima.
Lima-pa yatra-q-tri-ki
Lima-LOC live-AG-EVC-KI
People who live in Lima, for sure.
00:31:34.110 - 00:31:37.930

Lima runa.
Lima runa
Lima person
People from Lima.
00:31:34.110 - 00:31:37.930

¿Gente de acá?
People from here?
00:31:34.110 - 00:31:37.930

Kay runa kayan Limapa yatraq imatriki.

De repente esa persona está que vive en Lima.
Kay runa ka-ya-n Lima-pa yatra-q ima-tri-ki.
DEM.P person be-PROG-3 Lima-LOC live-AG what-EVC-KI
That person could be one who lives in Lima.
00:31:38.030 - 00:31:41.090

Karrunwan apawan hinashpa hampini ninmá

"Me llevan con sus carros y luego los curo", dijo.
Karru-n-wan apa-wa-n hinashpa hampi-ni ni-n-má
car-3-INSTR bring-1.OBJ-3 then heal-1 say-3-EVD-EMPH
"They bring me with their cars then I heal them," he said.
00:31:42.760 - 00:31:46.000

Grasa, pues.
00:31:49.530 - 00:31:53.930

00:31:49.530 - 00:31:53.930

Y ¿Qué está botando?

What is he tossing out?
00:31:49.530 - 00:31:53.930

¿Grasa no avisa nada?

Fat doesn't have anything to say?
00:31:54.580 - 00:31:57.090

¿No hay que consultar la grasa?

You don't have to look at the fat?
00:31:57.380 - 00:31:59.450

Chay bultuchakuna kaqtaya surquyan.

Lo que hay esa bultita está sacando.
Chay bultu-cha-kuna ka-q-ta-ya surqu-ya-n
DEM.D bulge-DIM-PL be-AG-ACC-EMPH remove-PROG-3
He's taking out the little ball things.
00:31:59.520 - 00:32:04.420

Chay chiri pacha

Ese frío alzado de suelo.
Chay chiri pacha
DEM.D cold ground
Chills, falls.
00:32:04.440 - 00:32:07.170

Chaytayá surquyan.
A eso está sacando.
Chay-ta-ya surqu-ya-n
He's removing that.
00:32:08.750 - 00:32:11.230

Hitayan chayta.
Está botando-RSTR.
Hita-ya-n chay-ta
discard-PROG-3 DEM.D-ACC
He's discarding that.
00:32:14.750 - 00:32:16.090

Chirirushpaqa manañam llushtichikunchu.

Cuando está frío ya no se deja despelujar.
Chiri-ru-shpa-qa mana-ña-m llushti-chi-ku-n-chu
When it's cold, it doesn't let itself be skinned.
00:32:30.130 - 00:32:33.050

Ah, wiratri kayan.

Ah, estará gordo.
Aa wira-tri ka-ya-n
Ah, fat-EVC be-PROG-3
Ah, it must be fat.
00:32:40.430 - 00:32:44.140

Shakashqa wira wiratri kayan.

EL cuy estará bien gordo.
Shakash-qa wira wira-tri ka-ya-n
guinea.pig-TOP fat fat-EVC be-PROG-3
The guinea pig must be really fat.
00:32:40.430 - 00:32:44.140

Qampa rantikurasaykiyá chay shakash.

Ud. lo que me vendiste es, pues, ese cuy.
Qam-pa rantiku-ya-sayki-yá chay shakash
2-GEN sell-PROG-PRF-2-EMPH DEM.D guinea.pig
That guinea pig is the one you sold me.
00:32:44.360 - 00:32:47.010

Chaytaraqchu trurarqanki hampichikuq

¿Guardaste eso para que te cure?
Chay-ta-raq-chu trura-rqa-nki hampi-chi-ku-q
Did you saved thatl to get yourself cured?
00:32:47.050 - 00:32:50.110

Wira wiratriki wak.

Bien gordo, gordo estará ése.
Wira wira-tri-ki wak
fat fat-EVC-KI DEM.D
That one's got to be really fat!
00:32:50.270 - 00:32:52.390

Hitayan. Hitayan. Wak nantayá surquyan.

Lo está botando. Lo está botando. Está sacando su cosita.
Hita-ya-n Hita-ya-n Wak na-n-ta-yá surqu-ya-n
discard-PROG-3 discard-PROG-3 DEM.D DMY-3-ACC-EMPH remove-PROG-3
He's discarding it. He's discarding it. He's taking out it's whatchamacalit.
00:32:53.150 - 00:32:57.910

00:32:53.150 - 00:32:57.910

Chayta ya surquyan payqa.

Éstá sacando-RSTR, él.
Chay-ta-ya surqu-ya-n pay-qa
He's taking that out.
00:33:02.990 - 00:33:06.180

Ah, total.
Ah, total.
Ah, completely.
00:33:10.340 - 00:33:15.340

Ve, chay yuraq yuraq kakuyan. Ve.

¡Vé!, Ése es bien blanco. ¡Vé!
Ve chay yuraq yuraq ka-ku-ya-n Ve
look DEM.D white white be-REFL-PROG.3 look
Look! That's really white. Look!
00:33:10.340 - 00:33:15.340

Chay chiri pasasapawan kashpa chay klarutriki. Chiri sintiyan washayki
Estará claro cuando está con pasado de frío. Tu espalda está sentiendo frío.
Chay chiri pasa-sa-pa-wan ka-shpa chay klaru-tri-k. Chiri sinti-ya-n washa-yki
DEM.D cold pass-PRF-GEN-INSTR be-SUBIS DEM.D clear-EVC-KI cold feel-PROG-3 back-2
It must be clear when it's with a chill.
00:33:22.330 - 00:33:27.920

Kapastri qam uchuk wambrayuqkunalla rigakuq kanki.

Tal vez usted solías regar cuando tenías tu bebé chiquito.
Kapas-tri qam uchuk wambra-yuq-kuna-lla riga-ku-q ka-nki
possible-EVC 2 small child-POSS-PL-RSTR irrigate-REFL-AG be-2
Maybe you used to water when you had your little baby.
00:33:27.940 - 00:33:31.980

Chiriyá kay kakuyan, ¡ve!

Ésto está frío, ¡Vé!
chiri-yá kay ka-ku-ya-n ve
cold-EMPH DEM.P be-REFL-PROG-3 look
This is cold already. Look!
00:33:33.590 - 00:33:37.520

Pasaypaq chiri pasasan

De total pasado de frío.
Pasaypaq chiri pasa-sa-n
completely cold pass-PRF-3
A chill, totally.
00:33:33.590 - 00:33:37.550

Hielo está.
Está helado.
It's frozen.
00:33:37.520 - 00:33:38.910

siympri piru chay wayra itana kanan rikarirunqam

Siempre piru lasortiga de mal aire van a aparecer ahora.
siympri pero chay wayra itana kanan rikari-ru-nqa-m
always but DEM.D wayra.thorn thorn now appear-URGT-3.FUT-EVD
Always, but the wind thorns will be coming out now.
00:33:37.590 - 00:33:42.280

Ratullam chayqa watrikun ichaaaa

Un ratito no más ése pica, óooo
ratu-lla-m chay-qa watri-ku-n ichaaaa
moment-RSTR-EVD DEM.D-TOP sting-REFL-3 ichaaaa
It stings for just a little while. Ichhhaaa
00:33:42.640 - 00:33:45.090

Nam quni qunim chay itana.

Bien caliente, caliente eseortiga.
na-m quni quni-m chay itana
DMY-EVD warm warm-EVD DEM.D thorn
That thorn is really warm.
00:33:45.110 - 00:33:47.930
Chaywan pasakuy watakarariy
Pásate con ésa o si no amárrate.
Chay-wan pasa-ku-y wata-ka-ra-ri-y
Pass yourself over with that one -- or tie up [with it].
00:33:48.130 - 00:33:51.340

Chay muquykuna imaypis nanaptin trakrapa kaptinqa.

Mi rodilla o mi cualquier cosa que me duele en chacra cuando hay
chay muqu-y-kuna imay-pis nana-pti-n trakra-pa ka-pti-n-qa
DEM.D knee-1-PL what-1-ADD hurt-SUBDS-3 field-LOC be-SUBDS-3-TOP
When my knee or my whatever hurts, when there are in the field
00:33:52.130 - 00:33:55.150

Kayna qaqukuruni hinashpa watakuruni pañulluykunawan hinashpa samaykachiwan

Así me sobo después me amarro con mi pañuelo y después así me hace descansar
Kay-na qaqu-ku-ru-ni hinashpa wata-ku-ru-ni pañullu-y-kuna-wan hinashpa sama-yka-chi-wa-n
DEM.P-VRBZ rub-REFL-URGT-1 then tie-REFL-URGT-1 handkerchief-1-PL-INSTR then
I rub myself like this then I tie myself up with my handkerchief then it lets me rest.
00:33:55.190 - 00:33:58.950

Mmm, yuraq yuraq

Mmm, bien blanco.
Mmm, yuraq yuraq
Mmm, white white
Mmm, totally white.
00:33:59.540 - 00:34:02.420

Wak wirantaya surquyan.

Ése está sacando su cebo.
Wak wira-n-ta-ya surqu-ya-n
DEM.D fat-3-ACC-EMPH remove-PROG-3
He's removing its fat.
00:34:04.920 - 00:34:07.450

Chayna hurquyan
Así está sacando.
Chay-na hurqu-ya-n
DEM.D-VRBZ remove-PROG-3
He's taking it out like that,
00:34:08.270 - 00:34:09.830

Qalallachu puriyani ñuqaqa imataq chayhina kananpaq niyani.

Estoy andando desnuda yo o que para que esté así [fría], estor diciendo.
Qala-lla-chu puri-ya-ni ñuqa-qa ima-taq chay-hina kanan-paq ni-ya-ni
naked-RSTR-Q walk-PROG-1 1-TOP what-SEQ DEM.D-COMP now-ABL say-PROG-1
I'm walking around naked or what for me to be [cold] like that, I'm saying.
00:34:09.830 - 00:34:13.710

Kananqa baytata usankiñachu.

Ahora ya no usan bayeta.
kanan-qa bayta-ta usa-nki-ña-chu
You don't use a bayta these days.
00:34:13.870 - 00:34:15.690

Buso. Ishkay busowantri kayanki

Con dos busos estarás.
Buso. Ishkay buso-wan-tri ka-ya-nki
sweatpants two sweatpants-INSTR-EVC be-PROG-2
Sweatpants. You've got two pairs of sweatpants.
00:34:15.770 - 00:34:17.610

Antes ropa interior kaq aw

Antes había ropa interior, ¿no?
Antes ropa interior ka-q aw
before clothes interior be-AG yes
There used to be [long] underwear, no?
00:34:21.370 - 00:34:23.890

Franelakuna chaykuna. Manañatr kanan kanchu. Hatun kay.

Ésos eran de franela. Ahora ya no hay. Eran grandes.
franela-kuna chay-kuna mana-ña-tr kanan ka-n-chu Hatun kay
flannel-PL- DEM.D-PL no-DISC-EVC now be-3-NEG big DEM.P
Those were flannel. They don't exist any more. They were big.
00:34:23.930 - 00:34:27.730

Kay piyernanchikpaq sumaq ligachayuq.

Acá desde nuestras piernas. Bonito -- con liguita.
kay piyerna-nchik-paq sumaq liga-cha-yuq
DEM.P leg-1PL-ABL pretty garter-DIM-POSS
Here from our legs. Nice -- with a little garter.
00:34:27.730 - 00:34:30.730

Kaytatri franela kayan. Kanan manam qawaniñachu chaytaq.

A eso dice que es franela. Ahora ya no veo eso-
kay-ta-tri franela ka-ya-n kanan mana-m qawa-ni-ña-chu chay-taq
DEM.P-ACC-EVC flannel be-PROG-3 now no-EVC see-1-DISC-NEG DEM.D-ACC
That's flannel. We don't see that any more.
00:34:30.770 - 00:34:33.800

Qunikuqmi chayqa.
Nos abrigaba.
quni-ku-q-mi chay-qa
That used to keep us warm.
00:34:33.850 - 00:34:37.110

Uchukchalla ni abrigakunchu chayqa.

Chiquitito no más es. Ni siquiera te abriga.
uchuk-cha-lla ni abriga-ku-n-chu chay-qa
small-DIM-RSTR nor keep.warm-REFL-3-NEG DEM.D-TOP
It's just really small. It doesn't even keep you warm.
00:34:37.130 - 00:34:41.790
Qaytuhinañachush kananqa.
Parece hilo ahora.
Qaytu-hina-ña-chush kanan-qa
It resembles thread now.
00:34:37.130 - 00:34:41.790

Chaynam antis kaq kuyallaypaq franelacha.

Así era antes. Bonito frenelita.
Chay-na-m antis ka-q kuya-lla-y-paq franela-cha
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD before be-AG love-RSTR-INF-ABL flannel-DIM
It was like that before. Lovely flannel.
00:34:41.810 - 00:34:46.960

Kananqa manañam kanchu chayhinaqa ima.

Ahora ya no hay así. ¿Qué cosa ya será?
Kanan-qa mana-ña-m ka-n-chu chay-hina-qa ima
now-TOP no-DISC-EVD be-3-NEG DEM.D-COMP-TOP what
There aren't any like that any more.
00:34:47.650 - 00:34:51.910

00:34:47.650 - 00:34:51.910

Piduda imaynatr chaynakunata ruwananpaq ruwachuwan.

Podemos hacer ya pedido para que nos manden hacer.
Piduda imayna-tr chay-na-kuna-ta ruwa-na-n-paq ruwa-chuwan
order how-EVC DEM.D-VRBZ-PL-ACC make-NMLZ-3-PURP make-1PL.COND
We could order them so they make them. We could make them.
00:34:51.990 - 00:34:55.610

Pididuta ruwaptinchik kapas chaynata ruwarawachuwan.

Cuando hacemos pedido tal vez así nos podieran hacer.
Pididu-ta ruwa-pti-nchik kapas chay-na-ta ruwa-ra-pu-wachuwan
order-ACC make-SUBDS-1PL perhaps DEM.D-VRBZ-ACC make-1PL.COND
When we order them, maybe they can make them for us like that.
00:34:55.930 - 00:34:58.240

Pasaypaq qaytuhina. Tiran

Total, parece hilo. Está tirando.
Pasaypaq qaytu-hina tira-n
completely thread-COMP pull-3
It's completely like thread. He's pulling it.
00:35:00.880 - 00:35:03.490

Está limpiando.
He's cleaning.
00:35:11.760 - 00:35:15.360

Chaypaq trakin puntankamayá llushtinqa.

Le va a sacar el cuero de allí hasta la punta de su pie.
Chay-paq traki-n punta-n-kama-yá llushti-nqa
DEM.D-ABL foot-3 point-3-RSTR-EMPH skin-3.FUT
He's going to skin it from there all the way to the point of its foot.
00:35:19.350 - 00:35:24.430

Chayta hinashpa kananqa qawanqa

Después, ahora lo va a mirar.
Chay-ta hinashpa kanan-qa qawa-nqa
DEM.D-ACC then now-TOP see-3.FUT
Then, now he's going to look at it.
00:35:33.650 - 00:35:39.280

Wakhina yuraq.
Así blanco.
Wakhina yuraq.
DEM.D-COMP white
White like that.
00:35:53.460 - 00:35:57.190

Manam. Chay linternawanmi achkikuyanchik, aw?

No. Estamos alumbrando con linterna, ¿no?
Mana-m chay linterna-wan-mi achki-ku-ya-nchik aw
no-EVD DEM.D flashlight-INSTR light-REFL-PROG-1PL yes
No. We're illuminating it with a flashlight, no?
00:35:57.220 - 00:36:00.230

Aa, chaytri wak yuraq kayan.

Ah, por eso estarán blancos.
Aa chay-tri wak yuraq ka-ya-n
Ah, DEM.D-EVC DEM.D white be-PROG-3
Ah, that must be why they're white.
00:36:00.360 - 00:36:02.840

Ah, tutatriki uywachayashunki, VV aw.

Noche, pues estará pasando cría, ¿no?
Aa tuta-tri-ki uywa-cha-ya-shunki aw
Ah, night-EVC-KI sheep-FACT-PROG-3>2 yes
Ah, they must be giving birth at night, no?
00:36:03.140 - 00:36:08.040

Tutaykuqta niyya
Oscureciendo ya.
The night, say!
00:36:03.140 - 00:36:08.040

Chay kwartuqa tutarasa.

Ese cuarto era oscuro.
Chay kwartu-qa tuta-ra-sa-ø
DEM.D room-TOP night-UNINT-PRF-3
The room was dark.
00:36:08.200 - 00:36:11.570

Chaymi linternawanya achkiyanchik qawananpaq.

Por eso ya estamos alumbrando con linterna -- para que mire.
Chay-mi linterna-wan-ya achki-ya-nchik qawa-na-n-paq
DEM.D-EVD flashlight-INSTR-EMPH light-PROG-1PL see-NMLZ-3-PURP
That's why we're illuminating it with a flashlight -- so he can see.
00:36:11.570 - 00:36:16.650

Chaytriki yuraqayan, ¿ve?

Por eso estará blanqueando, ¿ve?
Chay-tri-ki yuraqa-ya-n ve
DEM.D-EVC-KI white-INCH-3 look
That must be why it's turning white. See?
00:36:16.760 - 00:36:19.520

Yuraq yuraq chay.

Blanquito blanquito, ése.
Yuraq yuraq chay
white white DEM.D
White. It's white.
00:36:26.060 - 00:36:28.470

It illuminates.
00:36:29.890 - 00:36:34.810

Chay qaytu tipiyan, ve!

Ah, ese hilo está rompiendo, ¡Vé!
Chay qaytu tipi-ya-n ve
DEM.D thread break-PROG-3 look
The thread is breaking. Look!
00:36:42.080 - 00:36:45.250

00:36:49.600 - 00:36:51.030

Kuchilluwan kuchuyan.
Está cortando con cuchillo.
Kuchillu-wan kuchu-ya-n
knife-INSTR cut-PROG-3
He's cutting it with a knife.
00:36:53.270 - 00:36:55.670

Chayna hatu hatun

Grande, grande así.
Chay-na hatu hatun
DEM.D-VRBZ big big
Really big like that-
00:37:07.200 - 00:37:10.040

Qaytuchu shakashpa ankunchu niyani.

Es hilo o es el nervio del cuy, estoy diciendo.
Qaytu-chu shakash-pa anku-n-chu ni-ya-ni
thread-Q guinea.pig-GEN nerve-3-Q say-PROG-1
Is it thread or is it the guinea pig's nerve I'm wondering.
00:37:10.420 - 00:37:14.030

Wakhina ankuyuqtachu wañuchinchik akasu.

Matamos acaso a los con tendones así.
Wak-hina anku-yuq-ta-chu wañu-chi-nchik akasu
DEM.D-COMP nerve-POSS-ACC die-CAUS-1PL perhaps
Like that maybe we kill those with tendons.
00:37:14.860 - 00:37:16.800

Rakta raktam kakuyan.

Es muy grueso.
Rakta rakta-m ka-ku-ya-n
thick thick-EVD be-REFL-PROG-3
It's really thick.
00:37:16.980 - 00:37:19.250

Chay piyernankunata mikushpaqa [TK] ankusapata mikunchikchu shakashtaqa.

Cuando comemos sus piernas, no comemos con nervio al cuy.
Chay piyerna-n-kuna-ta miku-shpa-qa anku-sapa-ta miku-nchik-chu shakash-ta-qa
When we eat their legs, we don't eat the guinea pig's tendons.
00:37:21.540 - 00:37:28.160

Chaymi nini ima

Por eso digo ¿qué cosa?
Chay-mi ni-ni ima
DEM.D-EVD say-1 what
That's why I'm asking what.
00:37:21.540 - 00:37:28.160

Siyertu imatriki
Verdad, de repente
Siyertu ima-tri-ki
certain what-EVC-KI
It could be true.
00:37:28.520 - 00:37:30.230

Por eso chay

Por eso ése
THat's why it --
00:37:30.280 - 00:37:33.120

Chishikay maypataq rimayani.

Anoche, ¿dónde estoy hablando?
Chishikay may-pa-taq rima-ya-ni
last.night where-LOC-SEQ talk-PROG-1
Last night. Where am I talking?
00:37:33.240 - 00:37:37.030

Diskutisaywanchu chaychu ruwaruwan imatapis niyani.

[La persona] con que discutí de repente me ha hecho algo, digo.
Diskuti-sa-y-wan-chu chay-chu ruwa-ru-wa-n ima-ta-pis ni-ya-ni
argue-PRF-1-INSTR-Q DEM.D-Q make-URGT-1.OBJ-3 what-ACC-ADD say-PROG-1
[The one] I argued with did something to me, perhaps, I'm thinking.
00:37:40.100 - 00:37:44.160

Piwan piru
¿Con quién, pero?
Pi-wan piru
who-INSTR but
With whom, though?
00:37:45.480 - 00:37:51.560

Nakarumipa kabran qatisaywan

[La persona] que llevé su cabra en Nakarumi.
Nakarumi-pa kabra-n qati-sa-y-wan
Nakarumi-LOC goat-3 take-PRF-1-INSTR
[The one] whose goat I took in Nakarumi.
00:37:45.480 - 00:37:51.560

Chayta riki ruwarachishunkimantri, aw?

Ése, pues, te puede mandar hacer, ¿no?
Chay-ta ri-ki ruwa-ra-chi-shunki-man-tri, aw
They could have you make that, no?
00:37:51.660 - 00:37:54.910

Ñuqapis manam yatrarqanichu. Siyertum.

Yo tampoco no lo sabía. De verdad.
Ñuqa-pis mana-m yatra-rqa-ni-chu Siyertu-m
1-ADD no-EVD know-PST-1-NEG certain-EVD
I didn't know it, either. Truly.
00:37:55.560 - 00:38:01.930

Su hermano no más.
Just her brother.
00:37:55.560 - 00:38:01.930

Siyertu manatr
No será verdad
Siyertu mana-tr
certain no-EVC
It wouldn't be true.
00:38:01.930 - 00:38:04.580

Chaymi niyan
Por eso está diciendo --
Chay-mi ni-ya-n
That's why he's saying --
00:38:01.930 - 00:38:04.580

Kwintupis kanmanchu rimaypis kan.

No puede ser ni cuento ni habladuría.
kwintu-pis ka-n-man-chu rima-y-pis ka-n
account-ADD be-3-COND-BEG talk-INF-ADD be-3
It can't be either a story or gossip.
00:38:04.810 - 00:38:08.610

"Río sí suena cuando cargas piedras", nin. Aver.

"Río sí suena cuando cargas piedras", nin. Aver.
A river sounds when you carry rocks," they say. We'll see.
00:38:08.610 - 00:38:11.750

Imaynataq rimayqa yanqa kanqa aver.

¿Cómo va a ser habladuría por gusto. A ver.
Imayna-taq rima-y-qa yanqa ka-nqa aver
how-SEQ talk-INF-TOP in.vain be-3.FUT let's.see
How is going to be idle talk? We'll see.
00:38:11.960 - 00:38:14.140

Chaytri imatapis ruwarachin chay chayraqmi chay

Por eso me habrá mandado hacer eso allí todavía.
Chay-tri ima-ta-pis ruwa-ra-chi-n chay chay-raq-mi chay
That must be why he had me do it there still.
00:38:14.940 - 00:38:18.590

trayaruwan chay ideya.

Me llegó esa idea.
traya-ru-wa-n chay ideya.
arrive-URGT-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D idea
That idea came to me.
00:38:18.690 - 00:38:21.440

Kapasyá chay
Tal vez puede ser ése.
Kapas-ya chay
perhaps DEM.D
It's possible.
00:38:21.490 - 00:38:23.230

Kabraykiwan qatishiq hamusa-ø ninkimiki, aw

Había venido ayudarte a traer tu cabra dijiste, ¿no?
Kabra-yki-wan qati-shi-q hamu-sa-ø ni-nki-mi-ki aw
goat-2-INSTR bring-ACMP-AG come-PRF-3 say-2-EVD-KI yes
He had come to help you bring your goats, you said. ¿No?
00:38:23.740 - 00:38:26.450

Ah, chay uraypa kitayta munayawanyá hinashpa ñuqa.

Ah, abajo quiere quitarmelo y después yo
Aa chay uray-pa kita-y-ta muna-ya-wa-n-ya hinashpa ñuqa.
Ah, DEM.D down-LOC take.away-INF-ACC want-PROG-1.OBJ-3-EMPH then 1
Ah, he wants to take it from me down hill. Then I ---
00:38:26.620 - 00:38:30.560

Puntanman pasarushpa
Pasando adelante.
Punta-n-man pasa-ru-shpa
point-3-ALL pass-URGT-SUBIS
going ahead
00:38:30.700 - 00:38:32.250

Chay pachaqa piru manam fwirtichu karanki, aw?

Esa fecha pero no eras muy mal, no?
Chay pacha-qa piru mana-m fwirti-chu ka-ra-nki aw
DEM.D time-TOP but no-EVD strong-NEG be-PST-2 yes
But at that time you weren't really bad, no?
00:38:32.350 - 00:38:36.540

En allí.
00:38:42.160 - 00:38:43.890

Turin alli alli nin. Kapas imatapis ruwarachiwan.

Dijo que su hermano es buenazo. Tal vez me mandará hacer algo.
Turi-n alli alli ni-n Kapas ima-ta-pis ruwa-ra-chi-wan
brother-3 good good say-3 possible what-ACC-ADD make-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-3
He said his brother is really good. Maybe he'll have me do something.
00:38:44.240 - 00:38:49.450

Waktaña qawayan ukun wiksan aqallin.

Allí está mirando al dentro del estómago, la tripa.
Wak-ta-ña qawa-ya-n uku-n wiksa-n aqalli-n
DEM.D-ACC-DISC see-PROG-3 inside-3 stomach-3 intestines-3
He's looking at the inside of its stomach -- at it's intestines
00:38:55.850 - 00:38:58.630

Su dentro ya.
at it's insides already.
00:38:58.710 - 00:39:00.180

Su hígado todavía.
At its liver and all.
00:39:00.500 - 00:39:04.850

Chay wiksanta qawayan

Está mirando su barriga.
Chay wiksa-n-ta qawa-ya-n
DEM.D stomach-3-ACC see-PROG-3
He's looking at its stomach.
00:39:00.500 - 00:39:04.850

tritru imatr kasa chay huk shakashqa. ¡ve!

De repente la otra cuy estaba preñada, ¡Vé!
tritru ima-tr ka-sa-ø chay huk shakash-qa ve
pregnant what-EVC be-PRF-3 DEM.D one guinea.pig-TOP look
The other guinea pig was possibly pregnant.
00:39:07.020 - 00:39:10.440

tritrutriki kara, ve!

Habrá sido preñada, ¡ve!
tritru-tri-ki ka-ra-ø ve
pregnant-EVC-KI be-PST-3 look
It must have been pregnant. Look!
00:39:10.940 - 00:39:14.520

Parece preñada.
She seems pregnant.
00:39:10.940 - 00:39:14.520

Chay kidaq wañurunmi. Huk puntraw wañusa kayasa.

Ése lo que quedó se murió. Un día estaba muerto.
Chay kida-q wañu-ru-n-mi Huk puntraw wañu-sa ka-ya-sa-ø
DEM.D stay-AG die-URGT-3-EVD one day die-PRF be-PROG-PRF-3
What stayed died. One day it was dead.
00:39:16.410 - 00:39:19.740

Hukllallam kidaramura, aw? Imanatr

Uno no más quedó, ¿no? ¿Cómo?
huk-lla-lla-m kida-ra-mu-ra-ø aw Ima-na-tr
one-RSTR-RSTR-EVD stay-URGT-CISL-3 yes what-VRBZ-EVC
Just one stayed, no? How?
00:39:19.870 - 00:39:23.710

Chaypaq qawayan. ¿Imatataq qawayan? Riñunninta.

Está mirando allí. ¿Qué está mirando? Ah, sus riñones.
Chay-paq qawa-ya-n ima-ta-taq qawa-ya-n riñun-ni-n-ta
DEM.D-ABL see-PROG-3 what-ACC-SEQ see-PROG-3 kidney-EUPH-3-ACC
He's looking there. What is he looking at? Oh, its kidneys.
00:39:27.720 - 00:39:33.530

Kanan qawanqa kay kurasunninta, igadunta.

Ahora va a ver su corazón y su hígado.
Kanan qawa-nqa kay kurasun-ni-n-ta igadu-n-ta
now see-3.FUT DEM.P heart-EUPH-3-ACC liver-3-ACC
Now he's going to look at its heart and its liver.
00:39:36.500 - 00:39:42.240

¿Wakhina yaykushpa kañanchu?

¿Lo quema así entrando?
Wak-hina yayku-shpa kaña-n-chu
DEM.D-COMP enter-SUBIS burn-3-Q
Does he burn it like that when it enters?
00:39:45.220 - 00:39:47.830

00:39:45.220 - 00:39:47.830

Chay Doña Natiqa allqunpaqmi apan

Doña Nati lo lleva para su perro.
Chay Doña Nati-qa allqu-n-paq-mi apa-n
DEM.D Doña Nati-TOP dog-3-BEN-EVD bring-3
Doña Nati takes it for her dog.
00:39:48.450 - 00:39:51.390

mmm, chay
mmm, chay
mmm, DEM.D
Yes, that.
00:39:48.450 - 00:39:51.390

Igaduntam qawayan chay.

Está mirando su hígado.
Igadu-n-ta-m qawa-ya-n chay
liver-3-ACC-EVD see-PROG-3 DEM.D
He's looking at its liver.
00:39:52.030 - 00:39:54.510

Chay hayaqninta hayaqninta patryayan, ve!

Su yel está reventando! Su yel, ¡ve!
Chay hayaq-ni-n-ta hayaq-ni-n-ta patrya-ya-n ve
DEM.D VV-EUPH-3-ACC yel-EUPH-3-ACC explode-PROG-3 look
It's bile gland is exploding! It's bile gland, look!
00:39:55.870 - 00:40:02.650

Taking it out.
00:40:02.730 - 00:40:04.890

Hunta hunta kakuyan.

Está bien lleno.
Hunta hunta ka-ku-ya-n
full full be-REFL-PROG-3
It's really full.
00:40:04.970 - 00:40:06.690

Hígado también malmi kayanki, nin

Estás mal del hígado también, dijo.
Hígado también mal-mi ka-ya-nki ni-n
liver also bad-EVD be-PROG-2 say-3
Your liver is also sick, he says.
00:40:10.980 - 00:40:14.600

parti partis raya rayahinam kasa

En algunas partes estaba en forma de rayas.
parti partis raya raya-hina-m ka-sa-ø
part parts row row-COMP be-PRF-3
In some parts it was like rows.
00:40:14.850 - 00:40:17.740

Chaytriki chay siympri shimiykuna qayan ninki. Siympri igaduykitr mal kayan.
Será por eso que dices "Mi boca siempre está amarga". Siempre tu hígado estará mal.
Chay-tri-ki chay siympri shimi-y-kuna qaya-n ni-nki siympri igadu-yki-tr mal ka-ya-n
DEM.D-EBC-KI DEM.D always mouth-1-PL be.bitter-3 say-2 always liver-2-EVC bad be-PROG-3
That would be why you say, "My mouth is always bitter." Your liver must always be sick.
00:40:19.090 - 00:40:23.810

siymprimá piru wak alkachufakunata timpuchishpa tumawaq

Siempre pero puedes hacer hervir alcochofas y tomar [el agua] todo.
siympri-má piru wak alkachufa-kuna-ta timpu-chi-shpa tuma-waq
always-EVD-EMPH but DEM.D artichoke-PL-ACC boil-CAUS-SUBIS drink-2.COND
You could always boil artichokes and drink [the water].
00:40:24.380 - 00:40:27.520

Chay riñunnintam hurquyan imaya chay?

Está sacnado su riñon. ¿Qué será ése?
Chay riñun-ni-n-ta-m hurqu-ya-n ima-ya chay
DEM.D kidney-EUPH-3-ACC-EVD remove-PROG-3 what-EMPH DEM.D
He's taking out its kidney. What's that?
00:40:29.310 - 00:40:33.580

Riñunpa yawar wañusahinam kayan.

La sangre en el riñón parece muerta.
Riñun-pa yawar wañu-sa-hina-m ka-ya-n
kidney-LOC blood die-PRF-COMP be-PROG-3
The blood in the kidneys seems dead.
00:40:33.700 - 00:40:37.000

Chaytrik chay sintiyanki chaynatrik kayanki.

Por eso estarás sintiendo [mal], así estarás, pues.
Chay-tri-k chay sinti-ya-nki chay-na-tri-k ka-ya-nki
That must be why you feel [bad], [why] you're like that.
00:40:37.620 - 00:40:40.920

Chaypam hurquyan.
Lo está sacando de allí.
Chay-pa-m hurqu-ya-n
He's taking it out of there.
00:40:43.280 - 00:40:44.780

¿Según qué dice que está bien ...

According to what do they say it's good
00:40:49.150 - 00:40:52.430

Está bien el hígado o está mal el riñon?

that the liver is fine or that the kidney is sick?
00:40:52.450 - 00:40:55.310

¿Qué está buscando?

What is he looking for?
00:40:55.490 - 00:40:56.860

Está siempre a veces manchas de --

Hay siempre manchas de --
There are always spots of --
00:40:57.020 - 00:41:00.280

Chaytaya surquyan.
Está sacándolo.
Chay-ta-ya surqu-ya-n
He's taking it out.
00:41:00.280 - 00:41:02.020

Lo está limpiando.
He's cleaning it.
00:41:02.160 - 00:41:05.890

Y si dice, por ejemplo, que está mal el riñon

And if it says, for example, that the kidney is sick ...
00:41:06.580 - 00:41:10.090

Eso quiere decir --- ¿Qué hay que hacer?

That means ... What do you have to do?
00:41:10.110 - 00:41:13.320

rimidyutaya upyanki
Vas a tomar remedio.
rimidyu-ta-ya upya-nki
remedy-ACC-EMPH drink-2
Your going to take a remedy-
00:41:13.640 - 00:41:16.060

¿Pero qué clase de remedio?

But what kind of treatment?
00:41:16.180 - 00:41:18.000

Chay riñunpaq imataq allin kayan?

¿Qué es bueno para los riñones?
Chay riñun-paq ima-taq allin ka-ya-n
DEM.D kidney-BEN what-SEQ good be-PROG-3
What is good for the kidneys.
00:41:18.100 - 00:41:21.760

Cola de caballo.
Horse's tail herb.
00:41:22.240 - 00:41:24.980

Chay riñunpaqa papata yanusaykitá

Para los riñones, [toma el agua de] las papas que has sancochado.
Chay riñun-paq-qa papa-ta yanu-sa-yki-ta
DEM.D kidney-BEN-TOP potato-ACC cook-PRF-2-ACC
For your kidneys, [drink the water from] the potatoes you've cooked [boiled].
00:41:25.130 - 00:41:29.270

Chumaykushpam tumanki Chay papa mundatam

Escuriendo vas a tomar. Lo que pelas papa
chuma-yku-shpa-m tuma-nki Chay papa munda-ta-m
drain-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD drink-2 DEM.D potato VV-ACC-EVD
Drain them and drink [the water] -- potato peels.
00:41:29.460 - 00:41:33.000

Con cola de caballo
With horse's tail [herb]
00:41:33.210 - 00:41:35.360

sibada kamchakunawan timpuchinki.

Házlo hervir todo con cebada tostada.
sibada kamcha-kuna-wan timpu-chi-nki
barley toasted.grain-PL-INSTR boil-CAUS-2
Boil it them with toasted barley.
00:41:35.410 - 00:41:37.860

Hinashpa aparte truranki

Después vas a guardar aparte.
Hinashpa aparte trura-nki
then apart put-2
Then save it aside.
00:41:37.890 - 00:41:39.710

Tumanaykipaq. Ah, chay linasa chaynam kayan chaynakushpa

Para que lo tomes. Ah, así es la linasa. Haciendo así
Tuma-na-yki-paq Aa chay linasa chay-na-m ka-ya-n chay-na-ku-shpa
So that you can drink it. Ah, linseed is like that -- going like that
00:41:39.810 - 00:41:43.700

Con linaza todo.
With linseed and all.
00:41:39.810 - 00:41:43.700

¿Y para el hígado?
And for the liver?
00:41:44.680 - 00:41:47.760

Igadunpaq chay
Ése esa para el hígado.
Igadu-n-paq chay
liver-3-ABL DEM.D
It's for your liver.
00:41:48.510 - 00:41:51.770

imakunayá satray kaypa este

Que todo, mis yerbas aquí este
ima-kuna-ya satra-y kay-pa
what-PL-EMPH plant-1 DEM.P-LOC
What-all, my herbs here ummm
00:41:52.340 - 00:41:56.110

¿Imam chaypaq? Wamanpinta.

Qué cosa es para-RSTR? Wamanpinta.
Ima-m chay-paq wamanpinta
what-EVD DEM.D-ABL wamanpinta.plant
What's [good] for that? Wamanpinta.herb.
00:41:56.490 - 00:41:59.930

Qayanmik chay.
Amarga, pues,-RSTR.
Qaya-n-mi-k chay
be.bitter-3-EVD-K DEM.D
That one's really bitter.
00:42:00.210 - 00:42:02.520

Ah, wamanpinta, linasa.

Wamanpinta, linaza.
Aa wamanpinta linasa
Ah, wamanpinta.plant linseed
Ah, wamanpinta.herb, linseed.
00:42:02.860 - 00:42:07.040

Achokoriya. eso amarga.

Achicoría. eso amarga.
Achokoriya. VV
Achocoria. That embitters.
00:42:08.390 - 00:42:11.800

Qayaqta mallaqmi.
[Hierbas] amargas en ayunas.
Qaya-q-ta mallaq-mi
be.bitter-AG-ACC fast-EVD
Bitter [herbs] on an empty stomach.
00:42:12.260 - 00:42:17.800

Chaykunata tumanchik qayaqta.

Todo eso -- se toma lo amargo.
Chay-kuna-ta tuma-nchik qayaq-ta
DEM.D-PL-ACC drink-1PL be.bitter-AG-ACC
Those -- we take the bitter ones.
00:42:12.260 - 00:42:17.800

¿Y para sesos?
And for the brain?
00:42:19.130 - 00:42:21.740

Chaypaq icha manaña kanchu rimidyum. Midikuña chaypaq

Para eso si ya no hay cura. Para eso -- el doctor ya.
Chay-paq icha-qa mana-ña ka-n-chu rimidyu-m. Midiku-ña chay-paq
DEM.D-BEN or-TOP no-DISC be-3-NEG remedy-EVD doctor-DISC DEM.D-BEN
For that maybe there is no remedy any more. For that -- the doctor, already.
00:42:22.110 - 00:42:25.370

Nervios nervios es éste.

Éstos son nervios, nervios.
Those are nerves, nerves.
00:42:26.200 - 00:42:29.580

00:42:29.740 - 00:42:33.360

Baleriyana. Chayta qunqaruni ñuqapis ve. Riyani Floridata qunqaruni chayta.

Yo, también, me olvidé-RSTR. ¡Vé! Estoy yendo a Florida -- me olvidé-RSTR
Baleriyana Chay-ta qunqa-ru-ni ñuqa-pis ve Ri-ya-ni florida-ta qunqa-ru-ni chay-ta
Valerian DEM.D-ACC forget-URGT-1 1-ADD look go-PROG-1 Florida-ACC forget-URGT-1 DEM.D-ACC
Valerian. I, too, forgot that. Look! I'm going to Florida -- I forgot that.
00:42:34.140 - 00:42:41.520

Chay mancharisakunapaq chay allinmi.

Éso es bueno para susto y todo.
Chay mancha-ri-sa-kuna-paq chay allin-mi
That's good for fright, among other things.
00:42:41.650 - 00:42:47.260

Baleriyanata (Mariyasutu) rantinaypaq.

Para comprar valeriana.
Baleriyana-ta (Mariasuto) ranti-na-y-paq
Valerian-ACC Valerian buy-NMLZ-1-PURP
To buy valerian.
00:42:41.650 - 00:42:47.260

Chay salurniy mana

Ese mi vida no
Chay salur-ni-y mana
DEM.D life-EUPH-1 no
My life isn't ...
00:42:48.530 - 00:42:51.130

Hakayanmá, ve!
está soplando, ve!
Haka-ya-n-m-á ve
blow-PROG-3-EVD-EMPH look
He's blowing. Look!
00:42:51.180 - 00:42:53.130

Chayqa imaynañatr kayan chay kurasunnintam chayna salurninta tapun. Tiyashpash

Pregunta como estará su corazón -- así [sabe cómo estará] su vida [futuro]. Cuando se sienta, dicen,
Chay-qa imayna-ña-tr ka-ya-n chay kurasun-ni-nta-m chay-na salur-ni-n-ta tapu-n Tiya-shpa-sh
luck-EUPH-3-ACC ask-3 sit-SUBIS-EVR
He asks, how his heart is. That way, [he knows] his life [fate, destiny]. When he sits down, they say,
00:42:53.180 - 00:42:58.590

Suma sumaq tiyashpash pawayan

Sentado bonito, dicen, está saltando.
Suma sumaq tiya-shpa-sh pawa-ya-n
pretty pretty sit-SUBIS-EVR jump-PROG-3
Sitting nicely, they say, it's jumping.
00:42:58.740 - 00:43:00.560

Salurnin. Ah, kayna.

Su vida. Así.
Salur-ni-n kay-na
his future. Like that.
00:43:00.660 - 00:43:03.790
Abrasaykunmi kaynacha.
Le abraza asícito.
Abrasa-yku-n-mi kay-na-cha
It hugs it like that.
00:43:00.660 - 00:43:03.790

pawayan chay salurnintri kawsanki.

Está saltando. Vida [larga] vas a vivir.
pawa-ya-n chay salur-ni-n-tri kawsa-nki
jump-PROG-3 DEM.D luck-EUPH-3-EVC live-2
It's jumping. You're going to live a long life.
00:43:03.790 - 00:43:08.350

Hinashpaq pawan.
Después salta.
Hinashpaq pawa-n
then jump-3
Then it jumps.
00:43:03.790 - 00:43:08.350

Kawsankichu wañunkiñachu
¿Vas a vivir o vas a morir?
Kawsa-nki-chu wañu-nki-ña-chu
live-2-Q die-2-DISC-Q
Will you live or will you die?
00:43:08.510 - 00:43:10.370

Wañunay sirka kaptinqa manañash

Cuando está cerca la muerte, ya no dice
Wañu-na-y sirka ka-pti-n-qa mana-ña-sh
die-DISC-1 close be-SUBDS-3-TOP no-DISC-EVR
When death is close, it doesn't, they say.
00:43:10.420 - 00:43:15.330

abrasanchu manañash sayarinchu.

Ya no abraza, ya no se para
abrasa-n-chu mana-ña-sh saya-ri-n-chu
embrace-3-NEG no-DISC-EVR stop-INCEP-3-NEG
hug any more, it doesn't rest any more, they say.
00:43:15.530 - 00:43:18.480

Ah, salurnin kayanmi nikun

Tiene su vida todavía nos dicen.
Aa salur-ni-n ka-ya-n-mi ni-ku-n
Ah, luck-EUPH-3 be-PROG-3-EVD say-REFL-3
Todavía tiene vida, se dice.
00:43:18.620 - 00:43:22.360

mmm, chaymi
mmm, por eso
mmm chay-mi
mmm, DEM.D-EVD
Mmm, that's why.
00:43:22.360 - 00:43:24.240

¿Y ahora qué está haciendo?

Now what is he doing?
00:43:26.940 - 00:43:28.560

Chaytayá hakayan.
Lo está soplando.
Chay-ta-yá haka-ya-n
He's blowing on it.
00:43:28.730 - 00:43:30.380

Ah, chay salurninta qawayan

Ah, está mirando su destino.
Aa chay salur-ni-n-ta qawa-ya-n
Ah, DEM.D luck-EUPH-3-ACC see-PROG-3
Ah. he's looking at his life [destiny]
00:43:30.380 - 00:43:32.390

Ah, salurninta qawayan chay

Ah, está mirando su destino.
Aa salur-ni-n-ta qawa-ya-n chay
Ah, luck-EUPH-3-ACC see-PROG-3 DEM.D
Ah, he's looking at its future.
00:43:32.450 - 00:43:34.780

kaynatr abrasakurunqa kurasunikita qawashpa niwanqa

Asícito va a abrazar a tu corazón. Cuanod mira, me va a decir,
kay-na-tr abrasa-ku-ru-n-qa kurasu-ni-ki-ta qawa-shpa ni-wa-nqa
DEM.P-VRBZ-EVC embrace-REFL-URGT-3.FUT heart-EUPH-2-ACC see-SUBIS say-1.OBJ-3.FUT
It's going to hug your heart like this, for sure. When he looks, he's going to say to me
00:43:35.450 - 00:43:39.350

Y antes, cuando no había cigarrillos, ¿qué utilizaban?

Before, when there weren't cigarettes, what did they use?
00:43:44.440 - 00:43:48.270

Sigaruwan hakashpa
Soplando con [humo de] cigarro.
Sigaru-wan haka-shpa
cigarette-INSTR blow-SUBIS
Blowing with cigarette [smoke].
00:43:49.100 - 00:43:51.120

Imatayá utilisarqa?
¿Qué habrá utilizado?
Ima-ta-yá utilisa-rqa-ø
what-ACC-EMPH use-PST-3
What did he use?
00:43:51.120 - 00:43:53.260
Asnu wañuchatatr.
Bosta del burro, seguro.
Asnu wañu-cha-ta-tr.
donkey manure-DIM-ACC-EVC
Donkey manure, for sure.
00:43:53.260 - 00:43:59.320

Imaynatrik huk ... maneratriki unay runaqa hampi ... hampinakuq imaynatr.
¿Cómo será? La gente antigua se habrán curado de otra manera. ¿Cómo será?
imayna-tri-k huk ... manera-tri-ki unay runa-qa hampi ... hampi-naku-q imayna-tr
how-EVC-K one ... manner-EVC-KI before person-TOP heal ... heal-MUTBEN-AG how-EVC
How would it be? People before must have healed in a different way. How would it be?
00:44:00.190 - 00:44:06.030

Mamayki wakpa.
Tu mamá está allá.
Mama-yki wak-pa
mother-2 DEM.D-LOC
Your mother is there.
00:44:06.250 - 00:44:08.580

¿Cómo será?
How will it be?
00:44:06.250 - 00:44:08.580

Ah, mi mamá está en acá, ¡Vé!

Ah, mi mamá está aquí, ¡Vé!
Ah, my mother is here. Look!
00:44:09.230 - 00:44:12.630

Yo me atoro al toque.
Yo me atoro al toque.
I choke in an instant.
00:44:15.790 - 00:44:18.250

Con cigarros no puedo.

Con cigarros no puedo.
I'm no good with cigarettes.
00:44:19.280 - 00:44:23.460

Fumar es dañino, ¿no dicen?

Fumar es dañino, ¿no dicen?
"Smoking is bad for your health," don't they say?
00:44:27.380 - 00:44:31.850

Kanan chay puchukarunña qawayta

Ahora ya terminó a ver.
Kanan chay puchuka-ru-n-ña qawa-y-ta
now DEM.D finish-URGT-3 see-INF-ACC
Now he's finished looking.
00:44:33.760 - 00:44:36.500

Paqanqa kanan chay puqusa ishpaywanmi. Paqasa.

Ahora le va a lavar con ese orines podrido. Lavaba.
paqa-nqa kanan chay puqu-sa ishpa-y-wan-mi paqa-sa-ø
wash-3.FUT now DEM.D rot-PRF urinate-INF-INSTR-EVD wash-PRF-3
Now he's going to wash with the rotten urine. He's washed.
00:44:37.400 - 00:44:40.630

Puqus ishpaywanchu paqasa

¿Lavaba con orines podrido?
Puqus ishpay-wan-chu paqa-sa-ø
ripe urine-INSTR-Q wash-PRF-3
He washed with putrid urine?
00:44:40.670 - 00:44:42.440

Kay Doña Natiqa rudatamiki nan.

Esa Doña Nati ruda pues utiliza.
Kay Doña Nati-qa ruda-ta-mi-ki na-n
DEM.P Doña Nati-TOP rue-ACC-EVD-KI DMY-3
Doña Nati uses rue.
00:44:42.440 - 00:44:44.580

Chay puqus ishpayta vasiyayan butellapaq.

Ese orines maduro está vaciando de la botella.
Chay puqus ishpay-ta vasiya-ya-n butella-paq
DEM.D ripe urinate-INF-ACC empty-PROG-3 bottle-ABL
He's emptying the putrid urine out of the bottle.
00:44:44.580 - 00:44:46.940

Chaywan paqanqa.
Va a lavar con-RSTR.
Chay-wan paqa-nqa
he's going to wash with that.
00:44:48.880 - 00:44:50.160

Y-RSTR, ¿a qué sirve?

And what is that good for?
00:44:54.690 - 00:44:56.430

Chayshi hampin
Éso es su remedio, dice.
Chay-shi hampi-n
DEM.D-EVR heal-3
That's his cure, he says.
00:44:57.280 - 00:44:59.270

Puqusa ishpaywan paqanqa lliw lliwta

Va a lavar todo con orines pudridos.
Puqu-sa ishpay-wan paqa-nqa lliw lliw-ta
rot-PRF urinate-INF-INSTR wash-3.FUT all all-ACC
He's going to wash everything with putrid urine.
00:45:00.490 - 00:45:03.150

Chayqa ashnakuyantri makinta

Éso estará oliendo su mano ta,bién.
Chay-qa ashna-ku-ya-n-tri maki-n-ta
DEM.D-TOP smell-REFL-PROG-3-EVC hand-3-ACC
That has got to be stinking up his hands!
00:45:06.950 - 00:45:08.320

Puqus ishpay ashnakuyanmi aso macho

¡Orines podridos huelen bien feo! ¡Aso macho!
Puqus ishpay ashna-ku-ya-n-mi aso.macho
ripe urine smell-REFL-PROG-3-EVD wow
Putrid urine stinks! Wow!
00:45:08.330 - 00:45:11.790

Apesta, pues.
It smells awful!
00:45:08.330 - 00:45:11.790

Chayyá ashnakuyan
Por eso apesta.
Chay-ya ashna-ku-ya-n
That's why it stinks.
00:45:15.590 - 00:45:17.950

¿Y qué tanto tiempo hay que dejar los orines?

How much time do you have to leave the urine?
00:45:18.410 - 00:45:21.350

Puedes dejar semanas, meses.

Lo puedes dejar semanas, meses.
You can leave it for weaks, months.
00:45:21.620 - 00:45:24.920

Mesespaq pasaypaqñatr ashnakuyan.

De meses - total ya olerá.
Meses-paq pasaypaq-ña-tr ashna-ku-ya-n
months-ABL completely-DISC-EVC smell-REFL-PROG-3
Months old -- it's going to completely stink.
00:45:26.050 - 00:45:29.890

Puqus puqus sirbisahina

Bien maduro -- como cerveza.
Puqus puqus sirbisa-hina
ripe ripe beer-COMP
Really fermented -- like beer.
00:45:30.020 - 00:45:32.380
00:45:32.230 - 00:45:43.300

Chaywanshiki este
Con-RSTR, dicen --
With that, they say --
00:45:44.240 - 00:45:46.200

Inflamasyunpaqshi allin chay. Puqus ishpayqa.

Es bueno para la inflamación,dicen -- orines podridos.
Inflamasyun-paq-shi allin chay Puqus ishpa-y-qa
inflamation-BEN-EVR good DEM.D ripe urinate-INF-TOP
It's good for inflamation -- putrid urine.
00:45:46.300 - 00:45:49.580

Katrichapawanshi mallakunchik.
Hay que lavarse con su salcito, dicen.
Katri-cha-pa-wan-shi malla-ku-nchik
You have to wash with its salt, they say.
00:45:49.990 - 00:45:51.960

Después de hacerlo hervir.
After you boil it.
00:45:51.970 - 00:45:54.010

Chaymi niwan Doña Estela chaywan paqakuruy

Por eso me dijo Doña Estela, "¡Lávate con-RSTR!"
Chay-mi ni-wa-n Doña Estela chay-wan paqa-ku-ru-y
DEM.D-EVD say-1.OBJ-3 Doña Estela DEM.D-INSTR wash-REFL-URGT-IMP
That's why Doña Estela said to me, "Wash yourself with that."
00:45:54.120 - 00:45:57.560

Timpurachishpam, me dijo
Despu'es de hervir, me dijo.
After you boil it, she said to me.
00:45:58.160 - 00:46:00.980

Ishpanipischu puquchinipischu
Ni orino ni hago madurar.
Ishpa-ni-pis-chu puqu-chi-ni-pis-chu
urinate-1-ADD-NEG rot-CAUS-1-ADD-NEG
"I neither urinate nor ferment it."
00:46:01.420 - 00:46:03.920

Botellallaman wishiruy chay puqunqatriki.
Para botella no más échale va a madurar.
Botella-lla-man wishi-ru-y chay puqu-nqa-tri-ki
Transfer it to a bottle -- it'll "mature."
00:46:04.110 - 00:46:07.490

Chaypaq timpuykachishpa
"De allí, hiérvelo,
Chay-paq timpu-yka-chi-shpa
"Then, boil it
00:46:07.900 - 00:46:09.760

Tinaman vasiyakushpa chaypa tiyariy niwan

"vacíalo en una tina, y sientate allí", me dijo.
Tina-man vasiya-ku-shpa chay-pa tiya-ri-y ni-wa-n
tub-ALL empty-REFL-SUBIS DEM.D-LOC sit-INCEP-IMP say-1.OBJ-3
and empty it into a tub and sit down in it," she said to me.
00:46:09.760 - 00:46:12.940

Achka achkatatriki hatu hatun butellata ishkay kimsa quturunki chaypaqa.

En muchas botellas grandes -- júnta dos o tres.
Achka achka-ta-tri-ki hatu hatun butella-ta ishkay kimsa qutu-ru-nki chay-pa-qa
a.lot a.lot-ACC-EVC-KI big big bottle-ACC two three gather-URGT-2 DEM.D-LOC-TOP
In lots of really big bottles -- gather two or three.
00:46:13.040 - 00:46:18.330

Achka achkatashá.
Mucho, mucho, dicen.
Achka achka-ta-sh-á
a.lot a.lot-ACC-EVR-EMPH
A lot, a lot, they say.
00:46:13.040 - 00:46:18.330

Chay bañukuruy chaywan

Báñate con-RSTR.
Chay bañu-ku-ru-y chay-wan
Bathe yourself with that.
00:46:18.380 - 00:46:20.520

Ashnakullashaqtrik nini
"Voy a apestar, seguro", le dije.
Ashna-ku-lla-shaq-tri-k ni-ni
smell-REFL-RSTR-1.FUT-EVC-K say-1
"I'm going to stink, for sure," I said.
00:46:20.680 - 00:46:23.990

¿Cuál prefieres? ¿Oler un rato o estar sano?

¿Cuál prefieres? ¿Oler un rato o estar sano?
Which do you prefer? To stink for a little while or to be healthy?
00:46:24.080 - 00:46:27.020
00:46:27.410 - 00:46:29.540

Después te echas perfume, bleh

Después te echas perfume, bleh
After, you put on some perfume. Bleh.
00:46:29.640 - 00:46:31.590

00:46:31.590 - 00:46:33.540

00:46:33.590 - 00:46:36.550

Don Bauti, cuando estaba mal de la próstata

When Don Bauti was having problems with his prostate,
00:46:36.800 - 00:46:39.260

Dice que estaba tomando orines de mujer.

he says he was drinking women's urine.
00:46:41.360 - 00:46:43.950

Warminpa ishpayninpash tuman

Él toma los orines se de mujer, dicen.
Warmi-n-pa ishpay-ni-n-pa-sh tuma-n
woman-3-GEN urine-EUPH-2-GEN-EVR drink-3
He drinks his wife's urine, they say.
00:46:43.990 - 00:46:46.230

Así dice algunus ishpayllantash tumakun.

Así dice, algunos toman sus orines.
algunus ishpa-y-lla-n-ta-sh tuma-ku-n
some urinate-INF-RSTR-3-ACC-EVR drink-REFL-3
So they say. Some people drink their urine.
00:46:47.310 - 00:46:50.360

Sapa madrugawshi
Todas las mañanas, dicen.
Sapa madrugaw-shi
every morning-EVR
Every morning, they say.
00:46:50.360 - 00:46:54.490

Primeru ishpaykun chayshi

Primero lo orina y después dice
Primeru ishpa-y-ku-n chay-shi
first urinate-EXCEP-3 DEM.D-EVR
First they urinate, then, they say,
00:46:55.080 - 00:46:56.700

Segundo chay ishpayashpa

El segundo cuando está orinando.
Segundo chay ishpa-ya-shpa
second DEM.D urinate-PROG-SUBIS
segundo, when they're urinating
00:46:56.790 - 00:46:59.060

Vasuchapa traskikushpash tuman.

Lo ponen en un vaso y lo toman, dicen.
Vasu-cha-pa traski-ku-shpa-sh tuma-n
glass-DIM-LOC accept-REFL-SUBIS-EVR drink-3
They put it in a glass and drink it, they say.
00:47:00.840 - 00:47:05.290

Anki manachu tumasa?

¿No tomaba Anki?
Anki mana-chu tuma-sa-ø
Angélica no-Q drink-PRF-3
Didn't Angélica drink it?
00:47:05.460 - 00:47:07.800

00:47:07.920 - 00:47:09.180

00:47:07.920 - 00:47:09.180

Qari wambrachapa ishpaynintin mashkashpa

Ella buscaba los orines de un niño varoncito.
Qari wambra-cha-pa ishpa-y-ni-ntin maska-shpa
man child-DIM-GEN urinate-INF-EUPH-INCL look.for-SUBIS
She was looking for a boy's urine.
00:47:09.180 - 00:47:11.680

Chay wiksa nanaykunapaq wambrapaq tumachinchikya.

Para dolor de barriga y todo, se hace tomar a los bebés.
Chay wiksa nana-y-kuna-paq wambra-paq tuma-chi-nchik-ya
DEM.D stomach hurt-INF-PL-BEN child-BEN drink-CAUS-1PL-EMPH
Have children drink it for stomach aches.
00:47:11.680 - 00:47:16.100

Con su vasito.
With her little glass [in hand].
00:47:11.680 - 00:47:16.100
Yaki trayaramunña chay qawayan.
Yacki ya llegó y eso está mirando.
Yaki traya-ra-mu-n-ña chay qawa-ya-n
Yaki arrive-CISL-3-DISC DEM.D see-PROG-3
Yaki arrived already and she's watching.
00:47:21.920 - 00:47:25.380

Subrinay chaypis wakchachanta marqakuykushpam qawayan

Mi sobrinita también está mirando con su wachito alzado en sus brazos.
Subrina-y chay-pis wakcha-cha-n-ta marqa-ku-yku-shpa-m qawa-ya-n
niece-1 DEM.D-ADD sheep-DIM-3-ACC lift-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD see-PROG-3
My niece, too, is looking with her lamb lifted up [in her arms]
00:47:29.380 - 00:47:33.370

Chaypaq imatañataq ruwayan.

De allí ¿Qué está haciendo?
Chay-paq ima-ta-ña-taq ruwa-ya-n
Then what is he doing?
00:47:38.030 - 00:47:40.660

Ah, llampuwan kanan.

Ah, ahora con llampu.
Aa llampu-wan kana-n
Ah, corn.meal-INSTR now
Ah, now with llampu.
00:47:41.740 - 00:47:43.800

Manachu wak runaqa valurta mañakun?

¿Ese gente no pide trago?
mana-chu wak runa-qa valur-ta maña-ku-n
no-Q DEM.D person-TOP value-ACC complain-REFL-3
Don't those people ask for liquor?
00:47:46.770 - 00:47:48.760

Kukallantam akun manam traguta

Chakcha su coquita no más. To toma.
kuka-lla-n-ta-m aku-n mana-m tragu-ta
coca-RSTR-3-ACC-EVD chew-3 no-EVD drink-ACC
He chews just his coca. He doesn't drink.
00:47:48.990 - 00:47:52.560

Mana qaynaqa tumakullaqmi.

No, Antes tomaba bastante.
Mana qayna-qa tuma-ku-lla-q-mi
no before-TOP drink-REFL-RSTR-AG-EVD
No. Before, he used to drink.
00:47:52.560 - 00:47:55.590

Warmin wañusanpaq manam tumanchu

Desde la muerte de su esposa, no toma.
Warmi-n wañu-sa-n-paq mana-m tuma-n-chu
woman-3 die-PRF-3-ABL no-EVD drink-3-NEG
Since his wife's death, he doesn't drink.
00:47:56.210 - 00:47:59.430

Imaynataq warmintaqa pirdirurqa wakhina hampikuq runa

¿Cómo así ha perdido a su esposa así, que curaba él?
Imayna-taq warmi-n-ta-qa pirdi-ru-rqa-ø wak-hina hampi-ku-q runa
how-SEQ woman-3-ACC-TOP lose-URGT-PST-3 DEM.D-COMP heal-REFL-AG person
How did he lose his wife like that -- he healed people.
00:48:00.390 - 00:48:04.980

Wak doktorman apashpayá

Cuando lo llevaron a ese doctor
Wak doktor-man apa-shpa-ya
DEM.D doctor-ALL bring-SUBIS-EMPH
When they took him to that doctor,
00:48:05.420 - 00:48:07.470

Wakchu chay diyabluman intregaq karqa

¿Es él quien entregaba al diablo?
Wak-chu chay diyablu-man intrega-q ka-rqa-ø
DEM.DQ DEM.D Devil-ALL deliver-AG be-PST-3
Is he the one who used to deliver to the Devil
00:48:07.470 - 00:48:09.320

Chaychu? Hukchu?
¿Es él o es otro?
Chay-chu Huk-chu
DEM.D-Q one-Q
Is it him or someone else?
00:48:09.850 - 00:48:12.590

00:48:09.850 - 00:48:12.590

Kreyensiya kaptintriki doktorman aparurqa.

Cuando era alzado de suelo lo llevaron al doctor.
Kreyensiya ka-pti-n-tri-ki doktor-man apa-ru-rqa-ø
"creencia" be-SUBDS-3-EVC-KI doctor-ALL bring-URGT-PST-3
When it was a fall, they brought him to the doctor.
00:48:12.590 - 00:48:19.080

Chay yana llampuwan hampiyan, ve

Está curando con ese llampu negro, ¡ve!
Chay yana llampu-wan hampi-ya-n ve
DEM.D black corn.meal-INSTR heal-PROG-3 look
He's healing with the black llampu. Look!
00:48:12.590 - 00:48:19.080

Chay llampuwanyá
Con ese llampu, pues.
Chay llampu-wan-yá
DEM.D corn.meal-INSTR-EMPH
With the llampu.
00:48:26.340 - 00:48:28.180

trurayan yana llamputa chay maldadpaq

Está poniendo el llampu negro para maldad.
trura-ya-n yana llampu-ta chay maldad-paq
put-PROG-3 black corn.meal-ACC DEM.D evil-BEN
He's putting black llampu for evil.
00:48:28.180 - 00:48:31.150

Ispesiyalmik chay imapis maldadpaq llampu kanqa yana

El llampu va a ser negro -- especial para cualquier maldad.
Ispesiyal-mi-k chay ima-pis maldad-paq llampu ka-nqa yana
special-EVD-K DEM.D what-ADD evil-BEN corn.meal be-3.FUT black
Llampu is going to be black -- special for any evil.
00:48:31.270 - 00:48:35.940

Flores, también
Flowers, too.
00:48:36.590 - 00:48:41.000

Karbun matrkasam kayan chay

Ése es carbón molido.
Karbun matrka-sa-m kaya-n chay
coal grind-PRF-EVD be-PROG-3 DEM.D
That's ground carbon.
00:48:36.590 - 00:48:41.000

Karbun matrkasatr kay.

Carbón molido será.
Karbun matrka-sa-tr kay
coal grind-PRF-EVC DEM.P
This must be ground carbon.
00:48:41.000 - 00:48:43.430

Wak yana llamputriki. Algunus yana saratam.

Llampu negro seguro. Algunos a maíz negro.
Wak yana llampu-tri-ki algunus yana sara-ta-m
DEM.D black corn.meal-EVC-KI some black corn-ACC-EVD
That must be black llampu. Some [use] black corn.
00:48:46.300 - 00:48:51.010

Llampu nisa chayta

Se dice "llampu".
Llampu ni-sa chay-ta
corn.meal say-PRF DEM.D-ACC
That's called llampu.
00:48:46.300 - 00:48:51.010
Chay karbuntam matrkachiwan
Me hizo moler ese carbón.
Chay karbun-ta-m matrka-chi-wan
DEM.D coal-ACC-EVD grind-CAUS-1.OBJ-3
He made me grind that coal.
00:48:51.860 - 00:48:54.360

Chaykunawantriki wak Ushita wak Shishi hampichin kay maldadkunapaqtri yana ginda klaviltam maskan.
Con todo eso seguro a Don Osevio y Doña Cecilia hacen curar . Ése será para esas maldades pues. Buscan
clavel negro y marrón.
Chay-kuna-wan-tri-ki wak Ushita wak Shishi hampi-chi-n kay maldad-kuna-paq-tri yana ginda klavil-ta-m
DEM.D-PL-INSTR-EVC-KI DEM.D Osevio DEM.D Cecilia heal-CAUS-3 DEM.P evil-PL-BEN-EVC black
maroon carnation-ACC-EVD look.for-3
Cecilia must have had Osevio cured with all that. For evil they look for black or maroon carnations.
00:48:54.410 - 00:49:00.410

Maldadwanchu imatriki kayan.

Con maldad o con qué estará?
Maldad-wan-chu ima-tri-ki ka-ya-n
evil-INSTR-Q what-EVC-KI be-PROG-3
Does he have evil or what?
00:49:00.990 - 00:49:05.010

No puede agachar.
No puede agachar.
He can't squat.
00:49:06.980 - 00:49:09.410

¿Su riñón sacado es, dijo?

¿Se sacó su riñón, dijo?
They took out his kidney, he said?
00:49:09.800 - 00:49:13.810

Imapaq upirachisa ninmi?

De qué está operado, dijo?
Imapaq upira-chi-sa ni-n-mi
why operate-CAUS-PRF say-2-EVD
Why did she say she had an operation?
00:49:14.850 - 00:49:18.350

huk law riñunllayuqñam kayan ninchu

¿Dijo que tiene un riñon solo de un lado?
huk law riñun-lla-yuq-ña-m ka-ya-n ni-n-chu
one-side kidney-RSTR-POSS-DISC-EVD be-PROG-3 say-3-Q
Did he say he has a kidney only on one side?
00:49:20.550 - 00:49:24.680

Chaytrik mana ...

Por eso no ....
Chay-tri-k mana ...
DEM.D-EVC-K no ...
That must be why no ...
00:49:25.170 - 00:49:29.360

Chayshi mana kukuykuyta ushachinchu.

Por eso, dice, no puede agarracharse.
Chay-shi mana kuku-yku-y-ta ushachi-n-chu
That's why, he said, he can't squat.
00:49:25.170 - 00:49:29.360

Chaytrik mana trabahuta wak runaqa ruwanchu.

Por eso no hará trabajo ese gente.
Chay-tri-k mana trabahu-ta wak runa-qa ruwa-n-chu
DEM.D-EVC no work-ACC DEM.D person-TOP make-3-NEG
That must be why those people don't do any work.
00:49:29.660 - 00:49:32.240

Valinchu trabahu ruwananpaq

No vale para trabajar.
Vali-n-chu trabahu ruwa-na-n-paq
be.worth-3-NEG work make-NMLZ-3-PURP
They're no good for doing work.
00:49:32.590 - 00:49:34.490

Llamputa chay hapiyan

Está agarrando el llampiu
Llampu-ta chay hapi-ya-n
corn.meal-ACC DEM.D grab-PROG-3
He's grabbing llampu.
00:49:39.540 - 00:49:42.750

Chaywanyá pasayan.
Con eso es que está pasando.
Chay-wan-ya pasa-ya-n
He's going over it with that.
00:49:44.640 - 00:49:46.930

Kanan chay
Kanan chay
now DEM.D
Now that
00:49:47.960 - 00:49:50.980

Qaranman kutikachinqa
Para su cuero va a hacer regresar.
Qara-n-man kuti-ka-chi-nqa
skin-3-ALL return-REFL-CAUS-3.FUT
He's going to return it into its skin.
00:49:51.030 - 00:49:53.620

Qaranman kutikachishpa kañaramunqa wak shakashta

Haciendo volver a su cuero, va a quemar a ese cuy.
Qara-n-man kuti-ka-chi-shpa-chu kaña-ra-mu-nqa wak shakash-ta
skin-3-ALL return-REFL-CAUS-SUBIS-Q burn-URGT-CISL-3.FUT DEM.D guinea.pig-ACC
He's going to return [the guinea pig] back into its skin and burn it.
00:49:53.790 - 00:49:56.210

Imaynataq alkulta hitraykushpa?

¿Como? ¿Echándole alcohol?
Imayna-taq alkul-ta hitra-yku-shpa
how-SEQ alcohol-ACC throw-EXCEP-SUBIS
How? Tossing alcohol on it?
00:49:56.210 - 00:49:59.530

Lo va a quemar.
He's going to burn it.
00:49:56.210 - 00:49:59.530

Imayna kañanqa? Alkol hitraykushpatr.

¿Cómo quemará? Echando alcohol, seguro.
Imayna kaña-nqa alkol hitra-yku-shpa-tr
how burn-3.FUT alcohol toss-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVC
How is he going to burn it? Throwing alcohol on it, for sure.
00:50:02.320 - 00:50:04.530

Ah, chay imaynataq rupunqa hinalla

Seguro, cómo puede quemar así, no más.
Aa chay imayna-taq rupu-nqa hina-lla
Ah, DEM.D how-SEQ burn-3.FUT thus-RSTR
Ah, ¿Cómo lo va a quemar así no más?
00:50:04.560 - 00:50:07.880

Ah, pasayanña apurawmik piru.

Ah, está pasando rápido ya.
Aa pasa-ya-n-ña apuraw-mi-k piru
Ah, pass-PROG-3-DISC quick-EVD-K but
Ah, it's passing quickly now.
00:50:11.920 - 00:50:18.160

Ayka watanñataq chay? Piru chay pachalla ruwashpa ruwashinkiman karqa despwestatr.
¿Cuántos años ya es? Pero esa fecha, haciéndolo, hubieras podido ayudar a hacerlo después.
Ayka wata-ña-taq chay piru chay pacha-lla-q ruwa-shpa ruwa-shi-nki-man ka-rqa-ø despuwes-ta-tr
how.many year-DISC-SEQ DEM.D but DEM.D time-RSTR-TOP make-SUBIS make-3>2-COND be-PST-3
How many years is it? That time, making it, you could have helped make it, afterwards.
00:50:18.300 - 00:50:22.600

Ramón piliyaruptin imatr.

Cuando Ramón peleó de repente
Ramon piliya-ru-pti-n ima-tr
Ramon fight-URGT-SUBDS-3 what-EVC
Maybe whan Ramón fought
00:50:23.830 - 00:50:26.650

Ah, despwes chayñata karun, aw?

Ah, después eso ya también hubo, no?
Aa despwes chay-ña-ta karu-n aw
Ah, after DEM.D-DISC-ACC be-URGT-3 yes
Ah, afterwards, that was, too, no?
00:50:26.670 - 00:50:30.470

Ah, chaytri.
Ah, eso seguro.
Aa chay-tri
Ah, for sure.
00:50:30.470 - 00:50:32.370

Kurrirqa kwintupakuqtri u rishpa willarqa. Chaynatr karqa -- chay karahu tantu ya nishpatr sinvergwensa. TK
Seguro se fue a chismosear o cuando se fue les avisó. Llevando cuentos o cuando estaba caminando lo ha
avisado. Tanto ya me está fregando. Seguro ha dicho. Ése carajo.
Kurri-rqa-ø kwintu-paku-q-tri u ri-shpa willa-rqa-ø chay-na-tr ka-rqa-ø chay karaho tantu-ya ni-shpa-tr
run-PST-3 account-MUTBEN-AG-EVC or go-SUBIS tell-PST-3 DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC be-PST-3 DEM.D
damn so.much-EMPH say-SUBIS-EVC shameless
He ran to gossip, for sure. or when he went, he told them. It must have been like that, the jerk saying so much
-- shameless.
00:50:35.880 - 00:50:41.250

Taytan wañuptinmi nini

Cuando su papá falleció, dije
Tayta-n wañu-pti-n-mi ni-ni
father-3 die-SUBDS-3-EVD say-1
When his father died, I said.
00:50:42.200 - 00:50:44.460

Qaynallachush tinkurqani tiyuwanqa.

La otra ves no más me he encontrado con mi tío.
Qayna-lla-chush tinku-rqa-ni tiyu-wan-qa
previous-RSTR-CHUSH find-PST-1 uncle-INSTR-TOP
The other time, I met up with uncle
00:50:46.960 - 00:50:50.560

Tiyuywanqa nini.
Con mi tío dije
Tiyu-y-wan-qa ni-ni
uncle-1-INSTR-TOP say-1
With my uncle, I mean
00:50:50.590 - 00:50:54.150

Qampis mal kayanki, ñuqapis mal kayani

"Tú también estás mal, yo también estoy mal".
Qam-pis mal ka-ya-nki ñuqa-pis mal ka-ya-ni
2-ADD bad be-PROG-2 1-ADD bad be-PROG-1
"You and I are both sick,"
00:50:54.420 - 00:50:57.420

Wañuypis trayamunñachu nishpam nin nini

"La muerte todavía no llega", dijo
Wañu-y-pis traya-mu-n-ña-chu ni-shpa-m ni-n ni-ni
die-1-ADD arrive-CISL-3-DISC-NEG say-SUBIS-EVD say-3 say-1
"Death still won't come," he said
00:50:57.800 - 00:51:02.280

Chayqa niwan
Él me dijo.
Chay-qa ni-wa-n
DEM.D-TOP say-1.OBJ-3
He said to me.
00:51:02.300 - 00:51:04.010

Qamqa piru ima leve imallatr kayanki.

"Pero usted estarás nada más ligera[mente mal]".
Qam-qa pero ima leve ima-lla-tr ka-ya-nki.
2-TOP but what light what-RSTR-EVC be-PROG-2
But you must just be light[ly sick]."
00:51:04.630 - 00:51:08.040

Hampichikuwaqtriki niwanmi.
Te pues hacer curar, pues, me dijo.
Hampi-chi-ku-waq-tri-ki ni-wa-n-mi
"You can get yourself healed, for sure," he said to me.
00:51:08.040 - 00:51:09.860

Imaynataq nishunkiman
¡Cómo te puede decir?
Imayna-taq ni-shunki-man
how-SEQ say-3>2-COND
How can he say that to you?
00:51:10.330 - 00:51:13.710

Chayñam ñuqa pinsaruni

Yo pensé en-RSTR
Chay-ña-m ñuqa pinsa-ru-ni
I thought about that
00:51:10.330 - 00:51:13.710

Imaynataq leve kasaykita yatran

¿Cómo sabe de lo que estás leve?
Imayna-taq leve ka-sa-yki-ta yatra-n
how-SEQ light be-PRF-2-ACC know-3
How does he know that you're light [that you have only a light case of it]?
00:51:13.710 - 00:51:16.380

00:51:13.710 - 00:51:16.380

Chayqa qam hovinraqmi kayarqani

"Tú eres joven todavía. Yo era ...
Chay-qa qam hovin-raq-mi ka-ya-rqa-ni
"You're still young. I was ...
00:51:16.430 - 00:51:19.130

Imaykitaq rupaykita imatr chay imanarunmanpis Sapatuykita u imaykitapis.

Lo tuyo, tu ropa, seguro, lo puede haber hecho. Tu zapato o tu lo que sea .
ima-yki-taq rupa-yki-ta ima-tr chay imana-ru-n-man-pis sapatu-yki-ta u ima-yki-ta-pis
what-2-SEQ clothes-2-ACC what-EVC DEM.D do-URGT-3-COND-ADD shoe-2-ACC or what-2-ACC-ADD
Your things, your clothes, for sure. he could do it. Your shoes or your whatever.
00:51:19.140 - 00:51:24.220

Huk warmitriki maskarunman hinashpa aparunman.

Otra mujer de repente puede buscar y después puede llevar
Huk warmi-tri-ki maska-ru-n-man hinashpa apa-ru-n-man
one woman-EVC-KI look.for-URGT-3-COND then bring-URGT-3-COND
Another woman could look for them then take them.
00:51:24.220 - 00:51:27.370

Sapatuyyá chinkarun
Mis zapato se perdieron.
Sapatu-y-ya chinka-ru-n
shoe-1 lose-URGT-3
My shoes were lost.
00:51:28.290 - 00:51:29.720

Pipataq chay kananpis

¿De quién [son] ahora?
Pi-pa-taq chay kanan-pis
"Whose [are] they now?"
00:51:29.720 - 00:51:31.690

Ishkay sapatillam chinkarun

Dos zapatos se perdieron.
Ishkay sapatilla-m chinka-ru-n
two shoe-EVD lose-URGT-3
Two shoes were lost.
00:51:31.720 - 00:51:33.930

¿Las tuyas?
00:51:34.410 - 00:51:36.820

00:51:34.410 - 00:51:36.820

No hay mi zapatilla. Dos tenía encima.

No tengo mis zapatos. Tenía dos encima
I Don't have shoes. I had two on top
00:51:37.170 - 00:51:39.880

en calamina
de la calmina
of the tin roof.
00:51:39.880 - 00:51:40.820

Puntraw kayarqa napi

De día estaban este
Puntraw ka-ya-rqa-ø na-pi
In the daytime theere were ummm
00:51:42.040 - 00:51:44.560

Ventanapa sapatilla yuraq. Pipataq karqa?, este

Zapatillas blancas en la ventaba. ¿De quién era?
Ventana-pa sapatilla yuraq pi-pa-taq ka-rqa-ø
window-LOC shoe white who-GEN-SEQ be-PST-3
white shoes in the window. Whose were they?
00:51:44.600 - 00:51:48.030

Kanan wak Markapa ventananpa.

En la ventana de Marca ahora
Kanan wak Marka-pa ventana-n-pa
now DEM.D Marka-LOC window-3-LOC
In Marca's window now.
00:51:48.030 - 00:51:50.700

Wak wakchu hamushpaqa kapas apanman.

De repente, ellos vieniendo los pueden llevar.
Wak wak-chu hamu-shpa-qa kapas apa-n-man
DEM.D DEM.D-Q come-SUBIS-TOP possible bring-3-COND
When they come they could possibly take them.
00:51:51.690 - 00:51:54.130

Preguntando su nombre
00:51:54.130 - 00:51:55.620

Piru maskarachiyya -- Pim aparun?

Per házle buscar, a ver, ¿quién llevó?
piru maska-ra-chi-y-ya pi-m apa-ru-n
but look.for-URGT-CAUS-IMP who-EVD bring-URGT-3
Have your cards read -- Who took them?
00:51:55.640 - 00:51:58.230

Manaya yatrachinchu Ramonta

No van a dejar que Ramon sepa.
mana-ya yatra-chi-n-chu Ramon-ta
no-EMPH know-CAUS-3-NEG Ramon-ACC
They won't let Ramón know.
00:51:58.230 - 00:52:01.640

Qayashpa Iduwan u wak Yuliwan maskarachiy

Llamando con Ido ó con Yuli házle sortear.
Qaya-shpa Idu-wan u wak Yuli-wan maska-ra-chi-y
call-SUBIS Eudosia-INSTR or DEM.D Yuli-INSTR look.for-URGT-CAUS-IMP
Have Eudosia or Yuli read your cards.
00:52:01.640 - 00:52:06.590

payllañam kayan
Él no más está.
pay-lla-ña-m ka-ya-n
Just he is there.
00:52:01.640 - 00:52:06.590

Reyunyonman rinaypaq illachini.

Los he echado de menos para poder ir a la reunión.
Reyunyon-man ri-na-y-paq illachi-ni
meeting-ALL go-NMLZ-1-PURP miss-CAUS-1
I missed them to be able to go to the meeting.
00:52:06.600 - 00:52:11.460

¿Ima rikuqtaq karqa sapatillayki?

¿De qué color eran tus zapatillas?
Ima riku-q-taq ka-rqa-ø sapatilla-yki
what color-AD-SEQ be-PST-3 shoe-2
What color were your shoes?
00:52:11.460 - 00:52:13.880

Kanchu sapatillaqa. Yuraq.

Las zapatillas no están. Blancos.
Ka-n-chu sapatilla-qa Yuraq.
be-3-NEG shoe-TOP white
The shoes aren't there. White.
00:52:11.460 - 00:52:13.880

Ishkay yuraq sapatilla kanan ventanapam kayarqa.

Habían dos zapatillas blancas en ventana ahora.
Ishkay yuraq sapatilla kanan ventana-pa-m ka-ya-rqa-ø
two white shoe now window-LOC-EVD be-PROG-PST-3
There were two white shoes in the window now.
00:52:13.910 - 00:52:18.000

Ishkay yuraqmi karqa.

Habían dos blancos.
Ishkay yuraq-mi ka-rqa-ø
two white-EVD be-PST-3
There were two white ones.
00:52:13.910 - 00:52:18.000

Wak napi Dariopa ventananpa.

En la ventana de Dario.
Wak na-pi Dario-pa ventana-n-pa
DEM.D DMY-LOC Dario-GEN window-3-LOC
En Dario's window.
00:52:18.530 - 00:52:21.050

Acá encima en cocina estaba.

Estaban acá encima [del techo] de la cocina.
They were here on top of the kitchen [roof].
00:52:21.150 - 00:52:23.710

De allí, yo dije chico recogería y no había.

De allí, pensé que un chico habrá recogido y no estaban.
So I thought a kid must have taken them and they weren't there.
00:52:23.730 - 00:52:28.450

Un chico.
A child.
00:52:32.300 - 00:52:34.230

Ése capaz llevaría.

Él puede haberlos llevado.
He could have taken them.
00:52:32.300 - 00:52:34.230

00:52:34.230 - 00:52:37.430

Chaynam imaykitatr chay ruwachishunaykipaq aparurun?

Así es, ¿Tú qué cosa habrá llevado para que te mande hacer?
Chay-na-m ima-yki-ta-tr chay ruwa-chi-shu-na-yki-paq apa-ru-ru-n
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD what-2-ACC-EVC DEM.D make-CAUS-3>2-NMLZ-3>2-PURP bring-URGT-3
It's like that. What of yours would they have taken to have you make it?
00:52:37.440 - 00:52:41.750

Puriq puriqmi karqa kay Rubenqa

Caminando caminando era ese Rúben.
Puri-q puri-q-mi ka-rqa-ø kay Ruben-qa
walk-AG walk-AG-EVD be-PST-3 DEM.P Ruben-TOP
Ruben used to wander and wander about.
00:52:41.750 - 00:52:44.110

Kananñam mana purinchu. Hamuyaq kayninta kutiyaq.

Ahora ya no camina. Siempre venía por acá. Estaba regresando.
Kanan-ña-m mana puri-n-chu Hamu-ya-q kay-ni-n-ta kuti-ya-q
now-DISC-EVD no walk-3-NEG come-PROG-AG DEM.P-EUPH-3-ACC return-PROG-AG
Now he no longer walks about. He would be coming around here, coming back.
00:52:44.110 - 00:52:47.910

Bulsaman winarun hinashpa kanan watayanña kañananpaq

Lo echó en una bolsa y después ahora está amarrandolo ya para poder quemarlo.
Bulsa-man wina-ru-n hinashpa kanan wata-ya-n-ña kaña-na-n-paq
bag-ALL toss-URGT-3 then now tie-PROG-3-DISC burn-NMLZ-3-PURP
He tossed it in a bag then now he's tying it so he can burn it.
00:52:51.810 - 00:52:57.150

Hinashpaqa maypitaq kayan puqusa ...

Ahora en dónde está lo maduro?
Hinashpa-qa may-pi-taq na ka-ya-n puqu-sa
then-TOP where-LOC-SEQ DMY be-PROG-3 rot-PRF
Then where is the putrid stuff?
00:52:59.060 - 00:53:01.310

makintaq mallakunqa
se va a lavar las manos.
maki-n-taq malla-ku-nqa
hand-3-SEQ wash-REFL-3.FUT
he's going to wash his hands.
00:53:01.310 - 00:53:04.220

Chaywanyá mallakunqa kanan

Con ése se va a lavar ahora.
Chay-wan-ya malla-ku-nqa kanan
He's going to wash with that now.
00:53:01.310 - 00:53:04.220

Wak karbun trurasanta

Ese carbón que ha guardado.
Wak karbun trura-sa-n-ta
DEM.D coal put-PRF-3-ACC
The coal that he saved.
00:53:04.230 - 00:53:08.380

Ashnakuyanya chayqa
Éso está apestando, pues.
Ashna-ku-ya-n-ya chay-qa
It's stinking!
00:53:09.940 - 00:53:12.280

Apesta, pues.
It's stinky.
00:53:12.280 - 00:53:13.310

Bomba lakrimohenahinam chayqa ashnakuyan.

Éso apesta como bomba lacrimógena.
Bomba lakrimohena-hina-m chay-qa ashna-ku-ya-n
bomb tear-COMP-EVD DEM.D-TOP smell-REFL-PROG-3
That stinks like a tear bomb.
00:53:13.350 - 00:53:18.260

Ehhh, bomba lakrimohena.

Ehhh, una bomba lacrimógena.
Ehhh, bomba lakrimohena
Ehhh, bomb tear
Ehhh, a tear bomb!
00:53:18.260 - 00:53:21.130

Fwirataña lluqsiyan makin mallakuq

Está saliendo afuera para lavarse las manos.
fwera-ta-ña lluqsi-ya-n maki-n malla-ku-q
go.out-PROG-3 hand-3 wash-REFL-AG
He's going outside to wash his hands.
00:53:21.760 - 00:53:27.150

Paypis prostatawanshi unqurqa.

Él, también, está enfermo con la próstata, dice.
Pay-pis prostata-wan-shi unqu-rqa-ø
3-ADD prostate-INSTR-EVR be.sick-PST-3
He, too, is sick with prostate [problems], he says.
00:53:31.220 - 00:53:34.350

Chaypaqshi manaña tumanchu kananqa

De allí, ya no toma ahora, dice.
Chay-paq-shi mana-ña tuma-n-chu kanan-qa
DEM.D-ABL-EVR no-DISC drink-3-NEG now-TOP
So, now he doesn't drink any more, he says.
00:53:34.350 - 00:53:37.470

00:53:37.520 - 00:53:40.050

Prostata hampikurqa basi yerballash.

Se ha curado la próstata a base de hierbas, no más, dice.
prostata hampi-ku-rqa-ø basi yerba-lla-sh
prostate heal-REFL-PST-3 base herb-RSTR-EVR
He healed his prostate [with a remedy] based just on herbs, he says.
00:53:40.050 - 00:53:43.890

Chaymi nin
Por eso, dice
Chay-mi ni-n
DEM.D-EVD say-3
So, he says,
00:53:44.580 - 00:53:47.780

"Doktortaqa munanichu ñuqaqa".

"Yo no quiero doctor".
Doktor-ta-qa muna-ni-chu ñuqa-qa
doctor-ACC-TOP want-1-NEG 1-TOP
"I don't want a doctor."
00:53:47.800 - 00:53:50.380

"Doktorqa nakaruwanmantri", nin.

"El doctor me puede degollar", dijo.
Doktor-qa naka-ru-wa-n-man-tri ni-n
doctor-TOP butcher-URGT-1.OBJ-3-EVC say-3
A doctor might butcher me," he said.
00:53:50.390 - 00:53:52.770

Kuchuruwanmantri, nin.
"Me puede cortar", dijo.
Kuchu-ru-wa-n-ma-n-tri ni-n
cut-URGT-1.OBJ-3-COND-EVC say-3
"He might cut me up," he said.
00:53:52.770 - 00:53:55.780

Pura yerba prostatatapis mayormente

Pura hierba para la próstata mayormente.
Pura yerba prostata-ta-pis mayormente
pure herb prostate-ACC-ADD in.the.majority
Nothing but herbs -- principally for the prostate.
00:53:55.820 - 00:53:59.250

Wamanpintatash qarikunaqa tumanman

Los hombres pueden tomar wamanripa, dicen.
Wamanpinta-ta-sh qari-kuna-qa tuma-n-man
Wamanpinta.plant-ACC-EVR man-PL-TOP drink-3-COND
Men can take wamanripa herb, they say.
00:53:59.250 - 00:54:02.340

Mas qarisirvita chay mashwata

Más qarisirvi o mashua.
Mas qarisirvi-ta chay mashwa-ta
more qarisirvi.plant-ACC DEM.D mashua-ACC
More qarisirvi herb or mashua.
00:54:02.660 - 00:54:05.800

Chay ishpanayachin chay

Éso le hace dar ganas de orinar.
Chay ishpa-naya-chi-n chay
That makes you have to urinate.
00:54:05.800 - 00:54:07.360
mashwata mikuptinchik ishpanayawanchik chay riñunninchikta limpiyanshi.
Cuando comemos mashwa, nos da ganas de orinar y nos limpia los riñones, dicen
mashwa-ta miku-pti-nchik ishpa-nayawa-nchik chay riñun-ni-nchik-ta limpiya-n-shi
mashua-ACC eat-SUBDS-1PL urinate-DESR-3>1PL DEM.D kidney-EUPH-1PL clean-3-EVR
When we eat mashua, it makes us want to urinate. It cleans your kidneys, they say.
00:54:07.360 - 00:54:10.710

Huancayopaqa wak mashwaqa papapaqpis masmi kwestan. Kaypa mikuyta yatranchik

En Huancayo la mashwa cuesta más caro que la papa.
Huancayo-pa-qa wak mashwa-qa papa-paq-pis mas-mi kwesta-n Kay-pa miku-y-ta yatra-nchik
Huancayo-LOC-TOP DEM.D mashua-TOP potato-ABL-ADD more-EVD cost-3 DEM.P-LOC eat-INF-ACC
In Huancayo mashua costs more than potatoes. They know how to eat it here.
00:54:11.620 - 00:54:15.950

Voy a sembrar.
We're going to plant.
00:54:16.440 - 00:54:18.280

Manam. Tarpuriptinchikpis mikunchu wak Shullita wak Erminiota nini.

Cuando sembramos, también, no comen, dije a mi hermano menor, a Erminio.
Mana-m tarpu-ri-pti-nchik-pis miku-n-chu wak Shuli-ta wak Erminio-ta ni-ni
no-EVD plant-INCEP-SUBDS-1PL-ADD eat-3-NEG DEM.D Shuli-ACC DEM.D Erminio-ACC say-1
When we plant it, they don't eat it, I said to my younger brother, to Erminio.
00:54:18.280 - 00:54:22.270

Tambopaq apamuq kani mikuy hampishunaykipaq nini. Ni mikunchu.

De Tambo traía. "¡Cóme para que te cure!" le dije. No, ni siquiera come.
Tambo-paq apa-mu-q ka-ni miku-y hampi-shu-na-yki-paq ni-ni Ni miku-n-chu
Tambo-ABL bring-CISL-AG be-1 eat-IMP heal-3>2-NMLZ-3>2-PURP say-1 nor eat-3-NEG
I used to bring it from Tambopata. "Eat it so it can cure you!" I said. He doesn't even eat it.
00:54:22.470 - 00:54:28.210

Ekstrakto mashwapis kanmi.

Hay extracto de mashwa también.
Ekstrakto mashwa-pis ka-n-mi
juice mashua-ADD be-3-EVD
There's also mashua juice.
00:54:28.210 - 00:54:31.300

Chay qarikuna tuman chay prostatawan unquq

Los hombres toman, los que están enfermos con la pr´tatata.
Chay qari-kuna tuma-n chay prostata-wan unqu-q
DEM.D man-PL drink-3 DEM.D prostate-INSTR be.sick-AG
Men drink it -- those who are sick with prostate [poblems].
00:54:31.310 - 00:54:33.740

Amarga. Chaykunatam tumaq wañuq tiyuyki

Éso todo tomaba finado tu tío.
Amarga Chay-kuna-ta-m tuma-q wañu-q tiyu-yki
DEM.D-PL-ACC-EVD drink-AG die-AG uncle-2
It's bitter. Your late uncle used to drink those.
00:54:33.750 - 00:54:38.980

Chay verdad. Mashwa likuwadutam quwarqa nin

Es de verdad. "Me dieron Mashua licuada", dijo.
Chay verdad. mashwa likuwadu-ta-m qu-wa-rqa-ø ni-n
DEM.D true mashua milkshake-ACC-EVD give-1.OBJ-PST-3 say-3
That's true. "They gave me a mashua milkshake", he said.
00:54:38.980 - 00:54:42.870

Chaymi tumarqani. Chaymi rimidyu nin

"Éso he tomado, eso es remedio", dijo.
Chay-mi tuma-rqa-ni Chay-mi rimidyu ni-n
DEM.D-EVD drink-PST-1 DEM.D-EVD remedy say-3
I"'ve taken that. That's a remedy," he said.
00:54:42.870 - 00:54:45.650

Ekstrakto de mashwa kanmi Huancayopi, chayta

Hay extracto de mashwa en Huancayo.
Ekstrakto de mashwa ka-n-mi Huancayo-pi, chay-ta
juice of mashua be-3-EVD HUancayo-LOC DEM.D-ACC
There's mashua juice in Huancayo.
00:54:45.650 - 00:54:48.010

It's bitter.
00:54:48.030 - 00:54:50.240

Así dice.
Así dice.
So he says.
00:54:48.030 - 00:54:50.240

Extrakto yanushpa mikuy ese mashua es remedio.

Cocína el extracto y cómelo. Ese mashua es remedio.
Extrakto yanu-shpa miku-y
juice cook-SUBIS eat-INF
Cook the juice and eat it. Mashua is a remedy.
00:54:50.420 - 00:54:55.050

Chaykunatam tumashpa
Si tomas-RSTRs,
Chay-kuna-ta-m tuma-shpa
If you drink those,
00:54:50.420 - 00:54:55.050

Gentes grandes gringos compran.

Gentes grandes, gringos, lo compran.
Tall people, gringos, buy it.
00:54:55.270 - 00:54:57.480

Y cuesta más que papa.

Y cuesta más que las papas.
And it costs more than potatoes.
00:54:57.480 - 00:54:59.760

Kaypaq rantiq kanchu mashwanchiktaq. Quturayan. Ñuqa piru yanukunim, mikunim

Acá no hay compradores para nuestra mushuwa. Está montonado. Pero yo lo sancocho y lo como.
Kay-paq ranti-q ka-n-chu mashwa-nchik-taq Qutu-raya-n Ñuqa piru yanu-ku-ni-m miku-ni-m
DEM.P-LOC buy-AG be-3-NEG mashua-1PL-SEQ gather-PASS-3 1 but cook-REFL-1-EVD eat-1
There are no buyers here for our mashua. It's piled up. I cook it and eat it.
00:54:59.780 - 00:55:04.130

Ñuqapis mikunim.
Yo también lo como.
Ñuqa-pis miku-ni-m
1-ADD eat-1-EVD
I also eat it.
00:55:04.140 - 00:55:06.440

Kanan tarpuruni kimsa rayallata

Ahora he sembrado tres rayas.
Kanan tarpu-ru-ni kimsa raya-lla-ta
now plant-URGT-1 three row-RSTR-ACC
I've planted three rows now.
00:55:06.470 - 00:55:09.780

Chaypaq lluqsikullanqatr. ¿Ayka sepallatr kayan mashway?

[Muchos] van a salir de allí. ¿Cuántas sepas de mashua tendré?
Chay-paq lluqsi-ku-lla-nqa-tr ayka sepa-lla-tr ka-ya-n mashwa-y
DEM.D-ABL come.out-REFL-RSTR-3.FUT-EVC how.much stem-RSTR-EVC be-PROG-3 mashua-1
[Lots] are going to come out of there. How many stems of Mashua would I have?
00:55:09.790 - 00:55:12.710

Sepallam kayan manam

Sepa no más está, no
Sepa-lla-m ka-ya-n mana-m
stem-RSTR-EVD be-PROG-3 no-EVD
There are just stems, no ---
00:55:12.710 - 00:55:14.600

Ah, chayna tarpuruni urayta

Ah, así sembré abajo.
Aa chay-na tarpu-ru-ni uray-ta
Ah, DEM.D-VRBZ plant-URGT-1 down-ACC
Ah, I planted like that down hill.
00:55:14.600 - 00:55:16.830

manachu huk ves kay Avivapis

¿Si o no? Una vez, Aviva también
mana-chu huk ves kay Aviva-pis
no-Q one time DEM.P Aviva-ADD
No? One time, Aviva
00:55:16.830 - 00:55:19.250

Kanan nasicharamunña
Ahora ya nació.
Kanan nasi-cha-ra-mu-n-ña
now be.born-DIM-URGT-CISL-3-DISC
It's already born now.
00:55:16.830 - 00:55:19.250

"Oca me invitó," nishpa, invitawan

Oca, me invitó, diciendo me ha invitado.
ni-shpa invita-wa-n
say-SUBIS invite-1.OBJ-33
said, "They invited me to oca" and she invited me.
00:55:19.270 - 00:55:21.270

Chayqa uqachu kasa mashwa kasa

Éso no era oca, era mashua.
Chay-qa uqa-chu ka-sa-ø mashwa ka-sa-ø
DEM.D-TOP oca-NEG be-PRF-3 mashua be-PRF-3
It wasn't oca. It was mashua.
00:55:21.280 - 00:55:24.570

Y hay que sembrar el otro.

We have to plant the other one.
00:55:24.570 - 00:55:27.110

El que traje de Mitucancha.

The one I brought from Mitucancha
00:55:27.960 - 00:55:30.490

00:55:30.490 - 00:55:33.110

Yakontapis tarpushun
Hay que sembrar yacón también.
Yakon-ta-pis tarpu-shun
yacon-ACC-ADD plant-1PL.FUT
We should plant yacon, too.
00:55:33.150 - 00:55:36.870

Chaypis allinmi kolesterolpaq

Éso también es bueno para el colesterol.
Chay-pis allin-mi kolesterol-paq
DEM.D-ADD good-EVD cholesterol-BEN
It's good for cholesterol.
00:55:36.880 - 00:55:38.980

Kolesterol, diyabetis
colesteról, diabetes
Kolesterol diyabetis
cholesterol diabetes
Cholesterol, diabetes.
00:55:39.000 - 00:55:41.470

Ah, diyabetis
Ah, diabetes.
Aa diyabetis
Ah, diabetes
Ah, diabetes.
00:55:41.470 - 00:55:43.170

Imaytaq rishun qamwan yakun allaq wakta

¿Cuándo vamos a ir contigo a sacar yakón allá?
Imay-taq ri-shun qam-wan yakun alla-q wak-ta
when-SEQ go-1PL.FUT 2-INSTR yacon VV dig-AG DEM.D-ACC
When are we going to go with you to harvest yacon there?
00:55:43.170 - 00:55:45.960

Paqarin mincha
Pasado mañana.
Paqarin mincha
tomorrow day.after.tomorrow
The day after tomorrow.
00:55:45.960 - 00:55:47.460

Ah, ¿pasado mañana?

Ah, the day after tomorrow?
00:55:47.460 - 00:55:50.370

Yakunta allamushun. Nakarumipa.

Vamos a sacar yacón en Nakarumi.
Yakun-ta alla-mu-shun Nakarumi-pa
yacon-ACC dig-CISL-1PL.FUT Nakarumi-LOC
We'll harvest yacon in Nakarumi.
00:55:50.390 - 00:55:53.540

Con barreta.
With a long iron bar.
00:55:53.540 - 00:55:56.850

¿Pasado mañana? Sí.

The day after tomorrow? Yes.
00:55:53.540 - 00:55:56.850

Paqarinqa rigakamushaqmi Nakarumipa

Mañana voy a regar en Nakarumi.
Paqarin-qa riga-ka-mu-shaq-mi Nakarumi-pa
tomorrow-TOP irrigate-REFL-CISL-1.FUT-EVD Nakarumi-LOC
Tomorrow I'm going to water in Nakarumi.
00:55:57.030 - 00:55:59.010

Esmeralda yakuwan uqurunqa minchaqa yakunta allamushun

Se va a mojar con agua de Esmeralda y pasado mañana vamos a cosechar yacón.
Esmeralda yaku-wan uqu-ru-nqa mincha-qa yakun-ta allamushun
Esmeralda water-INSTR wet-URGT-3.FUT day.after.tomorrow-TOP yacon-ACC dig-CISL-1PL.FUT
Itwill get wet with water from Esmeralda and the day after tomorrow we´ll harvest yacon.
00:55:59.030 - 00:56:02.690

With you.
00:56:04.540 - 00:56:04.966

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:50 PM


Wakchachay unqurqam. Chay qayna dihasay wakchichayuq

Wakcha-cha-y unqu-rqa-ø-m chay diha-sa-y qayna wakchi-cha-yuq
lamb-DIM-1 get.sick-PST-3-EVD DEM.D leave-PRF-1 previous lamb-DIM-POSS
Mi pequeño wachito se enfermó. Antes que salí, tenía una wakcho.
My little lamb got sick. Before I left I had a lamb.
00:00:12.970 - 00:00:19.940

Chay . . ¿chaytam tapuyawanki?

Chay chay-ta-m tapu-ya-wa-nki
¿Éso -- me estás preguntando-RSTR?
That ... Is that what you're asking me?
00:00:20.030 - 00:00:23.070

Chaymi fiyebri hapirusa wakchichaytaqa.

Chay-mi fiyebri hapi-ru-sa-ø wakchi-cha-y-ta-qa
DEM.D-EVD fever grab-URGT-PRF-3 lamb-DIM-1-ACC-TOP
Fiebre le había agarrado a mi wachito.
Fever had taken hold of my little lamb.
00:00:23.660 - 00:00:28.400

Hinashpaqa antalqinata quykururqani.

Hinashpa-qa antalqina-ta qu-yku-ru-rqa-ni
then-TOP aspirin-ACC give-EXCEP-URGT-PST-1
Después le di antalgina
Then I gave him aspirin.
00:00:28.930 - 00:00:32.950

Wiksachanpa kwaharusa lliw lliw lichichanta kwaharusa

Wiksa-cha-n-pa kwahu-ru-sa-ø lliw lliw lichi-cha-n-ta kwahu-ru-sa-ø
stomach-DIM-3-LOC curdle-URGT-PRF-3 all milk-DIM-3-ACC all curdle-URGT-PRF-3
Había coajado la la leche en su barrigita. La había coajado.
It had curdled all the milk in his little stomach. It had curdled it.
00:00:34.060 - 00:00:38.480

Hinashpaqa batihakuyarqa. Hinashpa ñuqaqa.

Hinashpa-qa batiha-ku-ya-rqa-ø Hinashpa ñuqa-qa
then-TOP pant-REFL-PROG-PST-3 then 1-TOP
Después estaba batijando. Después yo ...
Then he was panting. So I
00:00:39.870 - 00:00:45.840

Ishpaychata tumarachirqani.
Ishpa-y-cha-ta tuma-ra-chi-rqa-ni
urinate-INF-DIM-ACC drink-URGT-CAUS-PST-1
Le hice tomar orines.
made him drink urine.
00:00:46.250 - 00:00:49.160

Wakchichaqa manisirun chaynallam, Ishchallata chichichaykun ishchallata.

Wakchi-cha-qa manisi-ru-n chay-na-lla-m chichi-cha-yku-n Ischa-lla-ta ischa-lla-ta
lamb-DIM-TOP wake.up-URGT-3 DEM.D-VRBZ-RSTR-EVD a.little-RSTR-ACC breast-FACT-EXCEP-3
El wachito amaneció igual. Tomó un poquito de su su leche, un poquito, no más.
The little lamb woke up just the same. He drank only a little milk, only a little.
00:00:49.740 - 00:00:54.340

Al día siguiente
The next day
00:00:54.520 - 00:00:58.510

Mas ischa-ischallatañam chichikun.

Mas ischa-ischa-lla-ta-ña-m chichi-ku-n
more a.little a.little-RSTR-ACC-DISC-EVD breast-REFL-3
Tomó menos leche aún.
He drank even less.
00:00:58.830 - 00:01:03.690

Hinashpam sufriyarqa wakchichayqa chayhina

Hinashpa-m sufri-ya-rqa- ø wakchi-cha-y-qa chay-hina
then-EVD suffer-PROG-PST-3 lamb-DIM-1-TOP DEM.D-COMP
Después mi wachito estaba sufriendo así
Then my little lamb was suffering like that
00:01:04.360 - 00:01:10.050
Wambray nin ... "Wañurachishaqña", nini.
Wambra-y ni-n wañu-ra-chi-shaq-ña ni-ni
child-1 say-3 die-URGT-CAUS-1.FUT-DISC say-1
Mi hija dijo ... "Vamos a matarlo", dije.
My daughter said ... "We're going to kill it," I said.
00:01:10.780 - 00:01:15.150

"¡Mana wañuchiychu wakchichayta!" nishpa waqayta qallaykun.

'Mana wañu-chi-y-chu wakchi-cha-y-ta ni-shpa waqa-y-ta qalla-yku-n
no die-CAUS-INF-NEG lamb-DIM-1-ACC say-SUBIS cry-INF-ACC start-EXCEP-3
'¡No mates a mi wachito!' dijo y empezó a llorar.
"Don't kill my little lamb!" she said and started to cry.
00:01:15.460 - 00:01:19.920

Hinallatam dihani qayantintaq, hinallataqmi manisirun.

Hina-lla-ta-m diha-ni qayantin-taq hina-lla-taq-mi manisi-ru-n
thus-RSTR-ACC-EVD leave-1 thus-RSTR-SEQ-EVD wake.up-URGT-3
Así no más lo dejé. Al día siguente amaneció igual no más
I left it just like that. The next day he woke up just the same.
00:01:20.230 - 00:01:25.330

Hinashpaqa demas dañum sufriyarqa. Hinashpaqaya

Hinashpa-qa demas sufri-ya-rqa-ø dañu-m Hinashpa-qa-ya
then-TOP too.much harm-EVD suffer-PROG-PST-3 then-TOP-EMPH
Después demasiado estaba sufriendo. Después
Then he was suffering too much harm. So
00:01:25.970 - 00:01:29.510

"Wañurachishaqña chay wakchichaytaqa demasñam sufriyan".

wañu-ra-chi-shaq-ña wakchi-cha-y-ta-qa demas-ña-m sufri-ya-n
die-URGT-CAUS-1.FUT-DISC lamb-DIM-1-ACC-TOP too.much-DISC-EVD suffer-PROG-3
"Voy a matar a mi wachito. Está sufriendo demasiado"
"I'm going to kill my little lamb already. He's just suffering too much."
00:01:30.020 - 00:01:34.570

Kuchilluta hapiruni kunkanta kuchuruni. Chaymi

Kuchillu-ta hapi-ru-ni kunka-n-ta kuchu-ru-ni Chay-mi
knife-ACC grab-URGT-1 neck-3-ACC cut-URGT-1 DEM.D-EVD
Agarré un cuchillo y le corté el cuello. Por eso
I grabbed a knife and cut hus throat. That's why
00:01:34.690 - 00:01:40.330

Qawanaypaq imawan wañurun hinashpa kitrani

Qawa-na-y-paq ima-wan wañu-ru-n hinashpa kitra-ni
see-NMLZ-1-PURP what-INSTR die-URGT-3 then open-1
Lo abrí para ver con qué murió
I opened him up to see what he had died from.
00:01:41.780 - 00:01:46.850

Igaduchan punkirusa kalor fiyebre sankucharusa.

Igadu-cha-n punki-ru-sa-ø kalor fiyebre sankucha-ru-sa-ø
liver-DIM-3 swell-URGT-PRF-3 heat fever cook-URGT-PRF-3
Su hígado había hinchado, calor, fiebre lo había cocinado.
His little liver had swollen up. The heat, the fever had cooked it.
00:01:47.470 - 00:01:52.860

Demasiyaw fiyebre . . . fiyebreyuqmi kasa. Chaymi

Demasiyaw fiyebre fiyebre-yuq-mi ka-sa-ø Chay-mi
too.much fever fever-POSS-EVD be-PRF-3 DEM.D-EVD
Demasiado fiebre . . . fiebre tenía. Por eso
Too much fever. I had a fever. That's why
00:01:53.690 - 00:01:59.630

Digullarurqani hinashpa, "Kayqa manam balinchu mikunanchikpaq", allquman qaraykurqani.

digulla-ru-rqa-ni hinashpa kay-qa mana-m bali-n-chu miku-na-nchik-paq allqu-man qara-yku-rqa-ni
open-URGT-PST-1 then DEM.P-TOP no-EVD be.worth-3-NEG eat-NMLZ-1PL-PURP dog-ALL
Lo degollé. "Esto no vale para comer," dije y se lo ser vi al perro.
I butchered him. "This isn't worth our eating it," I said and I served it to the dog.
00:02:01.660 - 00:02:08.360

Allqu mikukun wakchichataqa.

Allqu miku-ku-n wakchi-cha-ta-qa
dog eat-REFL-3 lamb-DIM-ACC-TOP
El perro se comió al wachito.
The dog ate the little lamb.
00:02:09.590 - 00:02:14.140

00:02:16.600 - 00:02:16.840

Kaypaqa año nuwevota selebranchik kaypaqa

Acá se celebra el año nuevo acá
Here, we celebrate New Year's here.
00:02:19.690 - 00:02:23.770

Trenta y uno tutaqa midya nuchitam

El treinta y uno a medianoche
The thirty-first at midnight
00:02:24.800 - 00:02:30.360

Viyehonchikta ruwanchik, viyehonchikta ruwanchik hinashpaqa kañanchikmi.

Hacemos nuestro muñeco, hacemos nuestro muñeco y después lo quemamos.
We make our effigy, we make our effigy and then we burn it.
00:02:31.230 - 00:02:40.180

Chay testamentokunata ruwanchik chay

Hacemos los testamentos
We make our wills.
00:02:41.070 - 00:02:45.270

Erensiyankuna dihananpaq churinpaq, wawanpaq.

Para que deje su herencia para sus hijos y sus hijas
In order to leave our inheritance to our sons and daughters.
00:02:46.120 - 00:02:50.340

Amigunkunapaq, alkaldinkunapaq dihan erensiyanta. Chaymi

Dejan su herrencia para sus amigos, para el alcalde. Después
They leave their inheritance for their friends, for the mayor.
00:02:52.340 - 00:02:59.250

Tushuchin, tushuchin urkistawan, plasapa. Hinashpaqa

Hacen bailar, hacen bailar con una orquesta en la plaza. Después
They have people dance; they have them dance with a band in the plaza. Then.
00:03:00.240 - 00:03:06.230

Dispidichin churinkunata hinashpaqa kañan.

Hacen depedir a sus hijos y después queman [el muñeco]..
They have their children say good bye then the burn [the efigy].
00:03:06.860 - 00:03:12.060

Alkolta hitaykushpa kañan hinashpaqa rondapaq tushupakun runakuna kañash

Echan alcohol y queman. Después toda la gente baila en ronda.
They toss alcohol on it and burn it. Then everyone dances in a circle.
00:03:13.250 - 00:03:21.410

00:03:23.580 - 00:03:23.590

Chaymi chayqa despues de

Por eso-RSTR. Después de
That's why that .... After
00:03:23.600 - 00:03:30.490

Chaymi kañayta puchkarushpa chokolatekunata tumanchik panitunwan.

Cuando terminando de quemar, toman chocolate con panetón.
When they finish burning it, they drink hot chocolate with fruit cake.
00:03:30.830 - 00:03:37.910

Chayta tumanchik hinashpaqa tukuy tuta tushupakurun. manisin tushushpa.

Tomamos eso y luego bailan toda la noche. Amanecen bailando.
We drink that then they dance all night. They stay up all night dancing.
00:03:39.730 - 00:03:47.730

Kushilla. Hinashpaqa qayantintaqa wasinchikta waytachinchik.

Alegres. Luego al día siguente, ponemos flores en [las puertas] de nuestras casas.
Happy. Then, the next day, we put flowers on [the doors] of our houses.
00:03:48.940 - 00:03:55.180

Qillu waytata. Qillu waytata, puka waytata.

Flores amarillas. Flores amarillas y flores rojas.
Yellow flowers. Yellow flowers and red flowers.
00:03:55.990 - 00:04:01.850

Waytachinchik wasinchikpis kushilla kananpaq, mushu kananpaq.

Se ponen flores en las casas para estar alegres, para estar nuevos.
We put flowers on our houses in order to be happy, in order to be new.
00:04:02.890 - 00:04:09.380

¡No hagas bulla! Que no hable, dice.

¡No hagas bulla! Que no hable, dice.
Don't make noise! Tell her not to talk to you.
00:04:19.390 - 00:04:27.020

00:04:31.280 - 00:04:31.290

midyan uchitaqa kay wasinchikpaqa

A media noche, en nuestra casa
At midnight, in our house.
00:04:31.390 - 00:04:39.750

00:04:39.760 - 00:04:39.770

mikupakunchik aveses pachamanka a la ollata ruwanchik

comemos. a veces hacemos pachamanka a la olla.
we eat. Sometimes we make pachamanka in a pot.
00:04:40.480 - 00:04:45.810

Mikuyta preparanchik mikupakunchik familiakuna.

Se prepara comida se come en familia.
We prepare the food and eat it [with] the family.
00:04:46.850 - 00:04:52.790

Chaymi uvaskunata mukunchik deseyunchikta mañakushpa.

Luego, comemos uvas pidiendo nuestros deseos.
Then we eat grapes and make our wishes.
00:04:53.440 - 00:04:59.070

Qullqinchikkunata yupanchik qullqiyuq kananchikpaq tukuy wata.

Contamos nuestra plata para tener plata todo el año.
We count our money so that we'll have money all year.
00:04:59.710 - 00:05:04.710

Chay kustumbrim kaypaqa añu nuwevuqa. Chaymi

Ésa es la costumbre aquí el año nue.
That's the New Year's custom here.
00:05:06.100 - 00:05:12.910

Hanayta plasataqa rishpa tushupakunchik manisinchik

Yendo arriba a la plaza, bailamos, amanecemos.
Going up to the plaza, we dance and stay up all night.
00:05:14.340 - 00:05:20.790

Tushushpa manisinchik. Chayllam. Rupanchikta trurakunchik qilluta.

Amanecemos bailando. Es todo. Nos vestimmos de amarillo.
We stay up all night dancing. That's it. We dress in yellow.
00:05:23.260 - 00:05:34.270

Swirti kananpaq. Chayllata ruwanchik .

Para tener suerte. Hacemos eso no más.
In order to have luck. That's all we do.
00:05:36.430 - 00:05:42.860

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:52 PM


Hildallata qayakuyani pitataq qayashaq masta

Hilda-lla-ta qaya-ku-ya-ni pi-ta-taq qaya-shaq mas-ta
Hilda-RSTR-ACC call-REFL-PROG_1 who-ACC-SEQ call-1.FUT more-ACC
Estoy llamando a Hilda no más. ¿A quién puedo llamar más?
I'm only calling Hilda. Who else can I call?
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:03.250

Yes, indeed.
00:00:03.380 - 00:00:07.830

Tristim huklla yatray kayan akasu mana familyayuq

Tristi-m huk-lla yatra-y ka-ya-n mana familya-yuq
sad-EVD one-RSTR live-INF be-PROG-3 no family-POSS
Es triste vivir uno solo, sin familia, ¿no crees?
It's sad to to live alone without family, isn't it?
00:00:03.380 - 00:00:07.830

De castigo
Out of punishment
00:00:08.080 - 00:00:11.870

Tío, le molesta si grabo?

Tío, would it bother you if I record?
00:00:08.080 - 00:00:11.870

Ahh, hukchuyá GG
Ahh, huk-chu-yá
Ahh, one-NEG-EMPH
Ahh, no creo.
Ahh, I don't think so.
00:00:12.120 - 00:00:15.930

Le molesta si grabo?
Would it bother you if I record?
00:00:12.120 - 00:00:15.930

¿Imay uratr kayan? Hay que listar ya.

Imay ura-tr ka-ya-n
when hour-EVC be-PROG-3
¿Qué hora ya será? Hay que listar ya.
What time is it? We have to get everything ready already.
00:00:16.030 - 00:00:22.000

¿Imapaq molestaykunqa?
imapaq molesta-yku-nqa
why bother-EXCEP-3.FUT
¿Para qué se va a molestar?
Why would it bother anyone?
00:00:16.030 - 00:00:22.000

No molesta
No molesta.
It doesn't bother [anyone].
00:00:22.770 - 00:00:27.350

Sí molesta o no molesta?
Yes, it would bother, or no it wouldn't bother?
00:00:22.770 - 00:00:27.350

kukachankunatam aparuptiy tiyapawangatrik

kuka-cha-n-kuna-ta apa-ru-pti-y tiya-pa-wa-nqa-trik
coca-DIM-3-PL-ACC bring-URGT-SUBDS-1 sit-BEN-1.OBJ-3.FUT-EVC-K
Cuando les llevo su coquita, me van a acompañar a sentar.
When I bring them their coca. they'll accompany me sitting.
00:00:27.630 - 00:00:31.920

¿Imatataq ruwayan pay?

Ima-ta-taq ruwa-ya-n pay
what-ACC-SEQ make-PROG-3 3
¿Qué está haciendo ella?
What is she doing?
00:00:32.440 - 00:00:37.520

Mana familyayuq kayqa tristim kasa. Grabachayan.

Mana familya-y-qu ka-rqa-ø tristi-m ka-sa-ø Graba-cha-ya-n
no family-POSS be-PST-3 sad-EVD be-PRF-3 record-DIM-PROG-3
No tener familia -- esto ha sido triste. Está grabando.
Not having family -- that's been sad. She's recording.
00:00:32.440 - 00:00:37.520

Más ya.
More already.
00:00:39.680 - 00:00:46.240

Sapa putraw piyur piyurñam kayani. Mastaña qayna puntraw. Mana puriyta wakchayta qatiyta atipanichu
Sapa putraw piyur piyur-ña-m ka-ya-ni Mas-ta-ña qayna puntraw mana puri-y-ta waktraw-ta qati-y-ta
every day worse worse-DISC be-PROG-1 more.ACC-DISC previous day no walk-INF-ACC sheep-ACC
Cada día, estoy peor, peor. Más ya el día de ayer. No pude ni caminar ni pastear mis wachos.
Every day it's worse, I'm worse. More yesterday. I couldn't walk or take out my sheep.
00:00:39.680 - 00:00:46.240

Kananpis hinallapa tiyashpa

Kanan-pis hina-lla-pa tiya-ya-shpa-lla
Ahora también estoy sentada asicito no más
Today, too, I've just been sitting like this.
00:00:46.460 - 00:00:51.030

Así no más había

Así no más había
There was no more than that.
00:00:46.460 - 00:00:51.030

Kaychallam kayan papilniy.

kay-cha-lla-m ka-ya-n papil-ni-y
Mi papel está allí no más.
My paper is right there.
00:00:51.910 - 00:00:57.860

¿Imataq? ¿ Kayllata nisitanki aw, tiyu, llama wirata?

Ima-taq Kay-lla-ta nisita-nki aw, tíyo llama wira-ta
what-SEQ DEM.D-RSTR-ACC need-2 yes uncle llama fat-ACC
¿Qué? ¿Ésto no más vas a necesitar, tío? ¿El cebo de llama?
What? You're just going to need this,Uncle? Llama fat?
00:00:51.910 - 00:00:57.860

Kay ... chaykunallaman katallamantri.

kay chay-kuna-lla-man kata-lla-man-tri
Esto --- Esos no más serán para la manta.
This ... Just those are for the manta.
00:00:57.960 - 00:01:03.610

Faltayan. Ahh, kukantaraq akuykuchun

Falta-ya-n Ahh, kuka-n-ta-raq aku-yku-chun
lack-PROG-3 Ahh, coca-3-ACC-CONT chew-EXCEP-INJUNC
Falta. Que chakche su coca todavía
Still missing. Let them chew their coca still.
00:00:57.960 - 00:01:03.610

¡Chayta aysaykuy! ¡Tiyakuy qampis!

chay-ta aysa-yku-y tiya-ku-y qam-pis
¡Jála-RSTR! Y usted, ¡siéntate!
Pull that! And you, sit down!
00:01:04.460 - 00:01:06.780

Avivapis kukata akuchun

Aviva-pis kukata aku-chun
Aviva-ADD coca-ACC chew-INJUNC
Aviva también que chakche la coca
Aviva has to chew coca, too.
00:01:06.810 - 00:01:09.520

Avivam, kumpañanki
Aviva-m kumpaña-nki
Aviva-EVD accompany-2
Aviva, vas a acompañar
Aviva. You're going to keepp her company.
00:01:09.580 - 00:01:12.620

Paywantri kumpañachikunki.
Pay-wan-tri kumpaña-chi-ku-nki
3-INSTR-EVC accompany-CAUS-REFL-2
Te vas a hacer acompañar con ella.
You're going to have yourself accompanied by her.
00:01:12.830 - 00:01:16.150

Chulla maki wambrayki nasirunqa

chulla maki wambra-yki nasi-ru-nqa
odd hand child-2 be.born-URGT.3.FUT
Tu hijo va a nacer con una sola mano.
Your baby is going to be born with an odd number of hands
00:01:16.310 - 00:01:21.500

¡Ishkay makikiwan traskiy!

Ishkay maki-ki-wan traski-y
two hand-2-INSTR receive-IMP
¡Recíbe con ambas manos!
Accept it with both hands!
00:01:16.310 - 00:01:21.500

Don Ramon nisitanqa sigaruta. Fumakushpa kutimunanpaq

Don Ramon nisita-nqa sigaru-ta Fuma-ku-shpa kuti-mu-na-n-paq
Don Ramon need.3.FUT cigarrette-ACC smoke-REFL-SUBIS return-CISL-NMLZ-3-PURP
Don Ramon va a necitar cigarros para que vuelva fumando.
Don Ramon is going to need cigarrettes so that he can smoke while he's coming back.
00:01:22.820 - 00:01:29.620

Sapallantri apanqa.
Sapa-lla-n-tri apa-nqa
alone-RSTR-3-EVC bring-3.FUT
Lo va a llevar solito.
He's going to bring it by himself.
00:01:30.080 - 00:01:36.940

Qamqa uschinaykichu karqa

Qam-qa uschi-na-yki-chu karqa
2-TOP be-PST-3
Ud. no tenía que poder.
You didn't have to be able.
00:01:30.080 - 00:01:36.940

Va a oscurecer ya.
It's going to get dark already.
00:01:36.960 - 00:01:40.670

Tutayarunqa[undecipherable] imatr.
tuta-ya-ru-nqa ima-tr
night-INCH-URGT-3.FUT what-EVC
Va a oscurecer, seguro.
It's going to get dark, for sure.
00:01:36.960 - 00:01:40.670

Paytatriki indikarapuwanki sumaq

pay-ta-tri-ki indika-ra-pu-wa-nki sumaq
3-ACC-EVC-KI indicate-URGT-BEN-1.OBJ.2 pretty
Me lo vas a indicar bonito a él.
You're going to point it out to him nicely for me.
00:01:41.080 - 00:01:44.310

payllata ya niyani apananpaq

pay-lla-ta ni-ya-ni apa-ru-na-n-paq
a él no más estoy diciendo para que lo lleve
I'm saying it just to him, so he brings it.
00:01:41.080 - 00:01:44.310

00:01:46.340 - 00:01:49.980

Chay rimanankunapaq wakpa

chay rima-na-n-kuna-paq wak
Allí para que se hablen.
There so that they talk to each other.
00:01:46.340 - 00:01:49.980

Unay runaraq kayanki. Una unay wak mamachay Justinakuna irransakurqa

Unay runa-raq ka-ya-nki una unay wak chay mama-cha-y justina-kuna irransa-ku-rqa-ø
before person-CONT be-PROG-2 before before DEM.D∂ DEM.D mother-DIM-1 justina-PL
Eres una persona antiguada. Hace mucho tiempo, mi abuela Justina hacía erranza (Santiago)
You're an old-fashioned person. A long, long time ago, my grandmother Justina held erranzas there.
00:01:50.050 - 00:01:54.650
Chay Taytachay Casiano korral irransakunantam sarata
Chay Tayta-cha-y Casiano korral irransa-kuna-n-ta-m sara-ta
DEM.D father-DIM-1 Casiano corral erranza-PL-3-ACC-EVD corn-ACC
Mi abuelito Casiano [hacía] sus erranzas en corral [donde sembraba el maíz]
My grandfather Casiano [held] his erranzas in a corral [where he planted] corn.
00:01:54.760 - 00:01:58.230

Imaypis yanaparqanichu. Ultimuta yanapamurqani. Milvita turnakamurqani.

Imay-pis yanapa-rqa-ni-chu ultimu-ta yanapa-mu-rqa-ni milvi-ta turna-ka-mu-rqa-ni
when-ADD help-PST-1-NEG last-ACC help-CISL-PST-1 milvi-ACC turn-REFL-CISL-PST-1
Nunca he ayudado -- Último ayudé -- Volteé tierra para Milve.
I never helped. The last one I helped -- I turned earth for Milvi.
00:01:58.280 - 00:02:02.800

Chay kuralpam muytikatrashpa raparqani chay

Chay kural-pa-m muyti-katra-shpa rapa-rqa-ni chayyy
DEM.D corral-LOC-EVD crouch-FREQ-SUBIS turn-PST-1 DEM.D
En ese corral, agachándome, volteé la tierra.
Crouching down in that corral, I turned earth.
00:02:02.850 - 00:02:06.350

Hanaylaw mamachay Justinapa wasin yatanpa koralnin

Hanay-law mama-cha-y Justina-pa wasi-n yata-n-pa koral-ni-n
up-side mother-DIM-1 justina-GEN house-3 side-3-LOC corral-EUPH-3
Arriba, en el corral al lado de la casa de mi abuela Justina.
Up there, the corral next to my grandmother Justina's house.
00:02:06.480 - 00:02:09.040

Taytacha Jose irransakurqa chaypam

tayta-cha Jose irransa-ku-rqa-ø chay-pa-m
father-DIM Jose erranza-REFL-PST-3 DEM.D-LOC-EVD
Mi abuelito José hizo erranzas en allí
My grandfather José held erranzas there.
00:02:09.150 - 00:02:11.980

Chaypam irransakurqa. Kayna pampapa irransakuna kayan niyarqa

Chay-pa-m irransa-ku-rqa-ø pampa-pa irransa-kuna ka-ya-n ni-ya-wa-n
DEM.D-LOC erranza-REFL-PST-3 ground-LOC erranza-PL be-PROG-3 say-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Hacía erranzas allí. Así, en una pampa [libre], estaba diciendo.
He held erranzas there. Like that on the flat open ground there, he was saying
00:02:12.020 - 00:02:15.890

Chayqa malta ruwayashunki.

chay-qa mal ruwa-ya-shunki
DEM.D-TOP bad make-PROG-3>2
Ése te está haciendo mal-
That is doing you harm.
00:02:16.000 - 00:02:19.500

Markataya kada kay mal ruwananpaq suyñukuyani

Marka-ta-ya kada kay mal ruwa-na-n-paq suyñu-ku-ya-ni
Marka-ACC-EMPH every DEM.P bad make-NMLZ-3-PURP dream-REFL-PROG-1
Estoy soñando a Marka para que me haga mal.
I'm dreaming about Marka every ... that must be making me sick.
00:02:16.000 - 00:02:19.500

Mamachay Justinapa kayan iñan chay chay chaykunapa

mama-cha-y justina-pa ka-ya-n iñan chay chay chay-kuna-pa
mother-DIM-1 justina-GEN be-PROG-3 stone.totem-3n DEM.D DEM.D DEM.D-PL-LOC
La iña de mi abuelita Justina está allí. Allí,
My grandmother Justina's iña [stone animal] is there. There,
00:02:19.570 - 00:02:23.190

Chaykunata rimarinanpaq yuyashpalla yuyaykachipuwanki apaqta

Chay-kuna-ta rima-ri-na-n-paq yuya-shpa-lla yuya-yka-chi-pu-wa-nki apa-q-ta
remember-EXCEP-CAUS-BEN-1.OBJ-2 bring-AG-ACC
Para que hablen, acordándose. Me harás hacer acordar llevar
So that they remember all that and talk. You'll make me remember to bring it.
00:02:23.220 - 00:02:27.720

Ah, sumaq nashpa unnn

(ah, sumaq na-shpa
(ah, pretty that-SUBIS
Ah, bonito estando
Ah, being pretty
00:02:27.720 - 00:02:33.500

Unay runakunaqa yatrayan masta mastaya lliwta . . ahhh

Unay runa-kuna-qa yatra-ya-n mas-ta mas-ta-ya lliw-ta
before person-PL-TOP know-PROG-3 more-ACC more-ACC-EMPH all-ACC
La gente antigua sabía más, más ya, todo . . . ahhhh
The ancient people knew much more, everything.
00:02:27.720 - 00:02:33.500

Chaypa inti kayan

chay-pa inti ka-ya-n
DEM.D-LOC sun be-PROG-3
Allí está el sol
There's the sun.
00:02:33.640 - 00:02:35.360

Like that.
00:02:35.630 - 00:02:41.310

Manamari. Llapata ruwayaqhinam. Kaynaruni diyariyu. Allinraq papakunata allaramuni, wak yanta
chaykunata qipikusa
Mana-m-ari llapa-ta ruwa-ya-q-hina kay-na-ru-ni diyariyu allin-raq papa-kuna-ta alla-ra-mu-ni wak chay-kuna
yanta-cha-y-kuna-ta qipi-ku-sa
no-EVD-ARI all-ACC make.PROG-AG-COMP DEM.P-VRBZ-URGT-1 daily good-CONT potato-PL-ACC
harvest-URGT-CISL-1 DEM.D firewood DEM.D-PL-ACC carry-REFL-PRF
No, pues. Parece que estaba haciendo todo. Hice así, así no más. Todaviá coseché mis papas, y cargaba mi
No, then. It seems like I'm doing everything. I did it that, just like that. I still harvested potatoes and carried
my firewood and all.
00:02:35.630 - 00:02:41.310

Kananqa manam ni ima ima. Lliw ishkayniy trakiy maniya kayan. Hitaykaruyta munayani
Kanan-qa mana-m ni ima ima lliw ishkay-ni-y trraki-y mani-ya ka-ya-n hita-yka-ru-y-ta muna-ya-ni
now-TOP no-EVD nor what what all two-EUPH-1 foot-1 locked be-PROG-3 fall-URGT-INF-ACC
Ahora no puedo hacer nada. Mis dos piernas están trincandas. Me quiero caer.
Now I can't do anything. Both my legs are shackled. I want to fall.
00:02:41.440 - 00:02:46.920

Chaypa tinkunman . . . Maymi

Chay-pa tinku-n-man Maymi
DEM.D-LOC find-3-COND where-EUPH-EVD
Debe encontrarlo allí. ¿Dónde?
He should find it there. Where?
00:02:48.050 - 00:02:52.800

Nakarumi runa hamuptinqa wayqunta urayta.

Nakarumi runa hamu-pti-n-qa wayqu-n uray-ta
Nakarumi person come-SUBDS-3-TOP stream below-ACC
Cuando la gente de Nakarumi viene por abajo por la sanja
When people from Nakarumi come by the crevasse below
00:02:53.260 - 00:02:57.260

Abas Ido tarpusanta kinrayta ukuntapis rinqañatr

abas Ido tarpu-sa-n-ta kinray-ta uku-n-ta-pis ri-nqa-ña-tr
abas ido plant.PRF.3.ACC area-ACC inside-3-ACC go-3.FUT-DISC-EVC
Irá por donde Ido siembra habas, por allí dentro.
He'll go by where Ido plants broad beans, along the interior.
00:02:57.320 - 00:02:59.980

Por dónde?
Where about?
00:03:00.060 - 00:03:04.300

Payqa riqsin altunta

Pay-qa riqsi-n altu-n-ta
3-TOP be.acquainted-3 high-3-ACC
Él conoce por encima.
He knows the high route.
00:03:00.060 - 00:03:04.300

hovin runaqa
hovin runa-qa person-TOP
Hombre joven.
A young person.
00:03:00.060 - 00:03:04.300

Será ágil.
He must be agile.
00:03:04.340 - 00:03:07.560

Maynintapis ripunqañatr? Gallurumi altuntapis ripunqañatr

may-ni-n-ta-pis ripu-nqa-ña-tr gallurumi altu-n-ta-pis ripu-nqa-ña-tr
where-EUPH-3-ACC-ADD go-3.FUT-DISC-EVC gallurumi high-3-ACC-ADD go-3.FUT-DISC-EVD
¿Por dónde irá? Seguro irá por encima de Gallurumi.
Where abouts will he go? He'll go up above Gallurumi [Cock Rock], for sure.
00:03:04.340 - 00:03:07.560

¿Por dónde?
Where abouts?
00:03:04.370 - 00:03:05.200

Al cerro.
Up hill.
00:03:07.650 - 00:03:10.940

Chaytatrik maskaykapuwanki chay

Chay-ta-tri-k maska-yka-pu-wa-nki chay
Ésto me lo buscarás.
You'll look for that for me.
00:03:07.650 - 00:03:10.940

Uñachikun rin kaminupam kaminu uraylawpaq maypaq sumaq sumaq traskichinga.

Uñachiku-m ri-n kaminu qawa-n-ta kaminu uray-law-paq may-paq sumaq-sumaq traski-chi-nqa
Uñachiku-EVD go-AG road above-3-ACC road down-side-ABL where-ABL pretty-pretty
Por el camino de Uñachico. Por abajo del camino donde lo hará recibir bien
By the road to Uñachico. Below the road where he'll have it received well.
00:03:11.040 - 00:03:16.230

Chaypaq chay kaminu riyan wak lawman chay kaminupa qawaskanpa

chay-paq chay kaminu ri-ya-n wak law-man chay kaminu-pa qawaska-n-pa
DEM.D-ABL DEM.D road go-PROG-3 DEM.D-side-ALL DEM.D road-LOC above-3-LOC
De allí, el camino va hacia el otro lado, encima de ese camino.
From there the road goes towards the other side above that road.
00:03:16.350 - 00:03:21.160
Iskina hawanpa. Qamkuna qamkuna michinayki
Iskina qawa-n-pa Qam-kuna qam-kuna michi-na-yki
corner above-3-LOC 2-PL 2-PL pasture-NMLZ-2
En la esquina arriba donde ustedespastean.
In the corner up there were you pasture [your animals]
00:03:21.370 - 00:03:26.350

Kanan chaypam kayantri

kanan chay-pa-m ka-ya-n-tri
Ahora estará allí.
He must be there now.
00:03:26.400 - 00:03:31.570

Tukuy wayqun Marcapa frintin kayan

tukuy wayqun Marca-pa frinti-n ka-ya-n
all stream Marca-LOC front-3 be-PROG-3
Por toda la sanja. Está en frente de Marca
All along the stream. It's in front of Marca-
00:03:29.290 - 00:03:31.570

Qipalawpa frintin
Qipa-law-pa frinti-n
behind-side-GEN front-3
En frente del lado de atrás
In front of the back side.
00:03:31.630 - 00:03:35.260

Qipas. Kaychapahina.
Qipas kay-cha-pa-hina
Atrás. Como acacito.
Behind. Like right here.
00:03:31.630 - 00:03:35.260

Kaminu qawachan lluqsiq.

Kaminu qawa-cha-n lluqsi-q
road above-DIM-3 go.out-AG
Lo que sale justo encima del camino.
What comes out just above the road.
00:03:35.360 - 00:03:39.040

Chaytatrik indikaykapuwanki
Chay-ta-tri-k indika-yka-pu-wa-nki
Me lo vas a indicar.
You're going to point that out to me.
00:03:40.440 - 00:03:45.150

Chayllapaq chuqaykaramunqa. Ñuqatriki rishaq

Chay-lla-paq chuqa-yka-ra-mu-nqa. Ñuqa-tri-ki ri-shaq
De allí no más lo va a pagar. Yo voy a ir.
He's going to make the offering from right there. I'm going to go.
00:03:40.440 - 00:03:45.150

Refugiopa kidaq pay rinqa

Refugio-pa kida-q pay ri-nqa
Refugio-LOC stay-AG 3 go-3.FUT
El que queda en el Refugio -- él va a ir.
The one who stays in the Refugio. She'll go.
00:03:45.220 - 00:03:48.770

Refugiopa kidaq
Refugio-pa kida-q
Refugio-LOC stay-AG
Él que quedaba en el Refugio.
The one who was staying in the Refugio
00:03:45.220 - 00:03:48.770

Señoritalla tiyapawananpaq
Señorita-lla tiya-pa-wa-na-n-paq
Señorita-RSTR sit-BEN-1.OBJ-NMLZ-3-PURP
La señorita no más me va a acompañar sentar
The young lady will keep me company sitting.
00:03:48.800 - 00:03:50.370

Chay llipta chaynallamiki Lliptay.

Chay llipta- chay-na-lla-mi-ki llipta-y
Esa llipta es así, no más, pues. Mi llipta.
That llipta is just like that. My llipta.
00:03:50.450 - 00:03:52.530

Manam kanchu ñuqapaq puchukarun

Mana-m ka-n-chu ñuqa-paq puchuka-ru-n
no-EVD be-3-NEG 1-GEN finish-URGT-3
No hay. El mío se acabó
Mine's finished -- there's none.
00:03:52.560 - 00:03:55.360

Kayantri. Alli alli kasinutatr pukllanqa

Ka-ya-n-tri alli alli kasinu-ta-tr puklla-nqa
be-PROG-3-EVC good good casion-ACC-EVC play-3.FUT
Debe de haber. Jugará el casino muy bien
There must be. She'll play the casino very well.
00:03:56.060 - 00:03:59.860

Manam indindinichu.
I don't understand.
00:03:59.860 - 00:04:02.600

Ahh, ¿manachu pasaypaq indindinki?

Ahh, mana-chu pasaypaq indindi-nki
Ahh, no-Q completely understand-2
¿No entiendes completamente?
Don't you understand completely?
00:04:02.710 - 00:04:05.110

Ahhh, grabayanñamá
ahhh graba-ya-n-ña-m-á
ahhh record-PROG-3-DISC-EVD-EMPH
Ahhh, si, ya está grabando.
Ahh, she's already recording.
00:04:05.280 - 00:04:09.960

¿Ya estás grabando?
Are you recordning already?
00:04:05.280 - 00:04:09.960

Chay Vanesa alli alli pukllakullasa kasinuwan

Chay Vanesa alli alli puklla-ku-lla-sa kasinu-wan
DEM.D Vanesa good good play-REFL-RSTR-PRF casino-INSTR
Esa Vanesa jugaba bien bien con el casino
That Vanessa played really well at the casino.
00:04:10.410 - 00:04:13.700

Chay hampiptiy Nisapa warminta valikurqa manam hamusachu.

Chay hampi-pti-y nisa-pa warmi-n-ta vali-ku-rqa-ø mana-m hamu-sa-ø-chu
DEM.D cure-SUBDS-1 Nisa-GEN woman-3-ACC request-REFL-PST-3 no-EVD come-PRF-3-NEG
Cuando curé suplicó a la señora de Nisa piru no vino.
When I cured her, she requested Nisa's wife, but she didn't come.
00:04:13.980 - 00:04:20.410

Manam hamurqachu tiyashiq

mana-m hamu-rqa-ø-chu tiya-shi-q
no-EVD come-PST-3-NEG sit-ACMP-AG
No vino a acompañar a sentar
She didn't come to accompany us sitting.
00:04:20.560 - 00:04:23.680

Para sentar
In order to sit.
00:04:20.560 - 00:04:23.680

Mana naptin nata

Mana na-pti-n na-ta
no that-SUBDS-3 that-ACC
Cuando no hizo-RSTR
When she didn't do that
00:04:23.690 - 00:04:26.560

00:04:23.690 - 00:04:26.560

Naykipis pukllakushpa kidakuy rikchanaykipaq

Na-yki-pis puklla-ku-shpa kida-ku-y rikcha-na-yki-paq
that-2-ADD play-REFL-SUBIS stay-REFL-IMP appear-NMLZ-2-PURP
Jugando tu cosa, quédate para que aparezcas
Playing your thing, stay there so that you show up.
00:04:26.740 - 00:04:29.580

Él mismo
He himself.
00:04:29.830 - 00:04:31.770

Kasinuwan, ahh, Kasinuwan

Kasinu-wan, ahh, Kasinu-wan
casino-INSTR ahh, casino-INSTR
Con casino, ahh, con casino
With the casino, ah, with the casino.
00:04:29.830 - 00:04:31.770

Con casino parece
Like with the casino.
00:04:29.830 - 00:04:34.950

Ahh, ñañam
Ahh, ñaña-m
Ahh, sister-EVD
Su hermana
Her sister.
00:04:34.980 - 00:04:40.980

Su hermana.
His sister.
00:04:34.980 - 00:04:40.980

Vanesa Yanepa panim ñañam

Vanesa Yane-pa pani-m ñaña-m
Vanesa Yane-GEN sister-EVD sister-EVD
Vanesa. Es su hermana -- hermana -- de Yane.
Vanesa. She's Yane's sister -- sister.
00:04:34.980 - 00:04:40.980

Hanaylaw plasapa
hanay-law plasa-pa
above-side plaza-LOC
Arriba en la plaza
Up in the plaza.
00:04:41.700 - 00:04:46.800

¿Maypayá siqaykurqa? Paypis wishtuma kayarqa, ¿aw?

May-pa-ya siqayku-rqa pay-pis wishtuma ka-ya-rqa-ø
where-LOC-EMPH fall-PST-3 3-ADD lame-EVD-EMPH be-PROG-PST-3
¿En dónde habrá caído? Ella también estaba cojo, ¿no?
Where did she fall? She was limping, too, no?
00:04:41.700 - 00:04:46.800

Chay kutichiptin alliyarun

chay Kuti-chi-pti-n alli-ya-ru-n
DEM.D return-CAUS-SUBDS-3 good-INCH-URGT-3
Cuando hizo el pago, sanó
When she did made an offering, it got better.
00:04:46.890 - 00:04:51.180

tiyu Jesustri kutichin

tiyu Jesus-tri kuti-chi-n
uncle Jesus-EVC return-CAUS-3
El tío Jesus habrá pagado
Tío Jesus must have made an offering.
00:04:46.890 - 00:04:51.180

Tuta kutichini
tuta kuti-chi-ni
night return-CAUS-1
Noche he pagado
I made an offering at night.
00:04:51.270 - 00:04:56.450

Ima maldisyaw chay Dimonyu poderniyuq

Ima maldisyaw chay Dimonyu poder-ni-yuq
what damned DEM.D devil power-EUPH-POSS
Qué maldito es el demonio -- tiene poder
How damned is that devil -- he's got power.
00:04:51.270 - 00:04:56.450

Mmm las dusitam kutichini hanay plasaman

Mmm las dusi-ta-m kuti-chi-ni hanay plasa-man
Mmm the twelve-ACC-EVD return-CAUS-1 above plaza-ALL
Pagué a las doce de la noche arriba en la plaza
I made an offering at twelve midnight in the plaza.
00:04:56.860 - 00:05:01.100

Unay unaytrik kustumbrachirqa

Unay unay-tri-k kustumbra-chi-rqa-ø
before before-EVC-K accustom-CAUS-PST-3
Antiguamente, le habrán hecho acostumbrar.
In the old days, they would make you get used to it.
00:04:56.860 - 00:05:01.100

Chayta akuykushpa ¡listaruy!

chay-ta aku-yku-shpa lista-ru-y
Chakchando ésto, ¡lístale!
Get that ready while you're chewing coca.
00:05:01.650 - 00:05:03.900

Voy a listar
I'm going to get things ready.
00:05:03.920 - 00:05:05.470

¿Imash faltan, faltan?

ima-sh falta-n falta-n
what-EVR lack-3 lack-3
¿Qué cosa falta, dice?
What's missing? What's missing?
00:05:03.920 - 00:05:05.470

Sigaru rantipamuwanki, Hilda, fumakushtin kutikumunanpaq

Sigaru ranti-pa-mu-wa-nki Hilda fuma-ku-shtin kuti-ku-mu-na-n-paq
Cigarrette buy-BEN-CISL-1.OBJ-2 Hilda, smoke.REFL-SUBADV return-REFL-CISL-NMLZ-n-PURP
Hilda, anda cómprame el cigarro para que regrese fumando.
Hilda, go and buy me a cigarette so he can smoke while he's coming back.
00:05:05.470 - 00:05:09.750

No fuma cigarro
No fuma cigarro.
He doesn't smoke cigarettes.
00:05:09.920 - 00:05:12.230

siympri kaypapis pukaykakamunqa

siympri kay-pa-pis puka-yku-ka-mu-nqa
Siempre acá también hay que fumar
Here, too, you always have to smoke.
00:05:12.350 - 00:05:17.180

00:05:17.420 - 00:05:22.130

(Sí, pue',) Ahorita voy a mandar a Rosely

Ahorita voy a mandar a Rosely
Yes. I'm going to send Rosely right now.
00:05:17.420 - 00:05:22.130

00:05:23.420 - 00:05:29.520

Ah, Señor! Kawsay vidash. Apurawllataq ya wañuka ... wañuruchuwan

Ah, Señor! Kawsa-y vida-sh Apuraw-lla-taq wañu-ru-chuwan
Ah, Señor! live-INF life-EVR quick-RSTR-SEQ die-URGT-1PL.COND
Ah, Señor! Rápido podemos morir.
Oh, Lord! We could die quickly.
00:05:23.420 - 00:05:29.520

Ñakayachiwanchiktaq kaypa.
Ñaka-ya-chi-wanchik-taq kay-pa
Nos está haciendo sufrir acá.
He's making us suffer here.
00:05:29.580 - 00:05:31.970

Cuando cumple todavía dejará

00:05:32.210 - 00:05:34.470

¿Inti imay ura pasayan?

Inti imay ura pasa-ya-n
sun when hour pass-PROG-3
A qué hora está pasando el sol?
What time is the sun setting?
00:05:34.670 - 00:05:38.580

A las seis todavía será.
At six o'clock, still.
00:05:34.670 - 00:05:38.580

Ahh, omnibustri kanan puntraw hamuyan, aw?

Ahh, omnibus-tri kanan puntraw hamu-ya-n
Ahh, omnibus-EVC now day come-PROG-3
Hoy día estará viniendo el autobus,¿no?
Ahh, the omnibus would be coming today, no?
00:05:38.660 - 00:05:42.350

Inti pasaruptin, ¿imay urata munayan?

Inti pasa-ru-pti-n imay ura-ta muna-ya-n
sun pass-URGT-SUBDS-3 when hour-ACC want-PROG-3
A qué hora está queriendo cuando pasa el sol.
What time will it be when the sun sets?
00:05:42.690 - 00:05:46.320

Dus, kwatru por un solchu rantikuyan. ¿U trintachu rantikuyan?
Dus, kwatru por un sol-chu rantiku-ya-n u trinta-chu rantiku-ya-n
two four for one sol-Q sell-PROG-3 or thirty-Q sell-PROG-3
Vende dos o cuatro por un sol? ¿O treinta vende?
Does she sell two or four for a sol? Or does she sell [all] thirty?
00:05:46.720 - 00:05:50.360

¡De shishi ishkay kilutam rantimuway, Hilda!

de shishi ishkay kilu-ta-m ranti-mu-wa-y
from shishi two kilo-ACC-EVD buy-CISL-1.OBJ-IMP
¡Cómprame dos kilos de Cecilia, Hilda!
Buy me two kilos from Cecilia!
00:05:50.570 - 00:05:56.030

No sé ranti . . .
No sé. Comprar ...
I don't know. Buy ....
00:05:50.570 - 00:05:56.030

Chaylla valirun. Urayta riyashpa dismayaruni. Chayta surquruni hinaptin

Chay-lla vali-ru-n uray-ta ri-ya-shpa dismaya-ru-ni chay-ta surqu-ru-ni
DEM.D-RSTR be.worth-URGT-3 down-ACC go-PROG-SUBIS faint-URGT-1 DEM.D-ACC
Éso no más valió cuando estaba yendo abajo me desmayé. eso no más saqué luego
When I was going down hill, I fainted -- just that was any good. I took just that out then
00:05:56.330 - 00:06:00.370

Prindikushpa lliw lliw qaykakuyan

Prindi-ku-shpa lliw lliw qayka-ku-ya-n
light-REFL-SUBIS all all VV-REFL-RSTR-3
Prendiéndolos, los está todos
Lighting them, she's in them all.
00:06:00.430 - 00:06:03.620

Huk lawman kutichiptinchik imatriki

huk law-man kuti-chi-pti-nchik ima-tri-ki
one-side-ALL return-CAUS-SUBDS-1PL. what-EVC-KI
Cuando hicimos el pago hacia otro lado, de repente
When we made the offering in another place, perhaps,
00:06:03.860 - 00:06:06.130

Chaytrik munarirun huk lawman pagaruptiy

Chay-tri-k muna-ri-ru-n huk law-man paga-ru-pti-y
DEM.D-EVC-K want-INCEP-URGT-3 one-side-ALL pay-URGT-SUBDS-1
Por eso habrá querido cuando lo pagó para otro sitio.
That's why it must have wanted when I made the offering on the other side.
00:06:06.780 - 00:06:12.550

Riyashpam dismayaruni uraylawpa Refugio uraylawman

ri-ya-shpa-m dismaya-ru-ni uray-law-pa Refugio uray-law-man
go-PROG-SUBIS-EVD faint-URGT-1 down-side-LOC refugio down-side-ALL
Cuando estaba yendo más abajo del Refugio me desmayé. Allñi abajo
I fainted while I was walking below the Refugio. Down there.
00:06:06.780 - 00:06:12.550

Chaytrik hukninpis munarirun

Chay-tri-k huk-ni-n-pis muna-ri-ru-n
Por eso habrá querido el otro también
That's why he would have wanted the other one, too.
00:06:06.780 - 00:06:12.550

Sepan. Hukvidatam kanan riqsiruni. Kayta yuyarishpa ¿mayta ripukushaq?

Sepan Huk vida-ta-m kanan riqsi-ru-ni kay-ta yuya-ri-shpa may-ta ripu-ku-shaq
Sepan. one life-ACC-EVD now be-acquainted-URGT-1 DEM.P-ACC remember-INCEP-SUBIS where-ACC
Conocí otra vida. Recordando eso, ¿dónde me voy a ir?
I became acquainted with another life. Remembering that, where should I go?
00:06:12.710 - 00:06:17.650

¿Cómo será?
How would it be?
00:06:17.700 - 00:06:20.890

Fiyu fiyum kakuyasa. Manam [undecipherable]

fiyu fiyum ka-sa-ø mana-m
ugly ugly be-PRF-3 no-EVD
Era muy malo.
It was awful.
00:06:17.700 - 00:06:20.890

fwirtiqa hapiwarqa yanqallam ...

fwirti hapi-wa-rqa-ø yanqa-lla-m
strong grab-1.OBJ-PST-3 in.vain-RSTR-EVD
Me agarró fuerte. Por gusto no más ...
It took hold of me hard. In vain ...
00:06:21.060 - 00:06:23.780

Fuerte fuerte a mí también me agarró

A mí también me agarró muy fuerte.
It also grabbed me very hard,
00:06:25.600 - 00:06:28.030

Tío Jesusllam doktorniy payllam hampiwan

Tíyo Jesus-lla-m doktor-ni-y pay-lla-m hampi-wa-n
uncle Jesus-RSTR-EVD doctor-EUPH-1 3-RSTR-EVD cure-1.OBJ3
Tío Jesus no más es mi doctor, él no más me cura.
Just Uncle Jesus is my doctor. Just he cures me.
00:06:28.090 - 00:06:30.540

Kada mal chay mal kaptiy

Kada mal chay mal ka-pti-y
every bad DEM.D bad be-SUBDS-1
Cada enfermedad. Cuando estoy mal
Each illness. When I'm sick
00:06:30.620 - 00:06:33.590

Chaynallam hampiwan
Chay-na-lla hampi-wa-n
Así no más me cura
He cures us just like that.
00:06:33.650 - 00:06:36.510

¿Shakashta hapiramunkichu? ¡Bulsaman winarunki!

Shakash-ta hapi-ra-mu-nki-chu Bulsa-man wina-ru-nki
guinea-pg-ACC grab-URGT-CISL-2-Q bag-ALL throw-URGT-2
¿Ya agarraste el cuy? ¡Échalo en la bolsa!
Did you grab the guinea pig yet? Toss it in the bag!
00:06:36.580 - 00:06:41.390

Chay ukuchapam kayan bulsapa, ah bulsa

Chay uku-cha-pa-m ka-ya-n bulsa-pa ah bulsa
DEM.D inside-DIM-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3 bag-LOC ah bag
Allí al dentro hay en la bolsa. Ah, bolsa.
It's inside in the bag. Yeah, bag.
00:06:36.580 - 00:06:41.390

Ah, chayta tapaykunanchikpaq

ah, chay-ta tapa-yku-na-nchik-paq
Para que lo tapemos.
Ah, so we can cover it.
00:06:41.420 - 00:06:43.550

Bulsaman kayan
bulsa-man ka-ya-n
bag-ALL be-PROG-3
Está en la bolsa
It's in the bag.
00:06:41.420 - 00:06:43.550

¡Chayta siguruta watanki, Hilda! Icha tirunayashpa iskapayanman

Chay-ta siguru-ta wata-nki Hilda icha tiru-naya-shpa iskapa-ru-n-man
DEM.D-ACC secure-ACC tie-2 Hilda, or pull-DESR-SUBIS escape-URGT-3-COND
Éso amárale seguro, Hida. Queriendo jalar, puede escapar.
Tie it up tight --wanting to pull, it could escape.
00:06:43.620 - 00:06:47.850

Imay chay uraqa tintasyun iskapanman. ¡Fiyum!

Imay chay ura-qa tintasyun iskapa-n-man fiyum
when DEM.D hour-TOP temptation escape-3-COND ugly
En esa hora -- tentación -- puede escapar. Es malo.
At that time, there's temptation to escape. It's bad.
00:06:48.480 - 00:06:53.970

Chay shakash hapikuy
Chay shakash hapi-ku-y
DEM.D guinea.pig grab-REFL-IMP
Ese cuy para agarrar
That guinea pig is to be grabbed.
00:06:48.480 - 00:06:53.970

Avivatr hapinqa shakashta

Aviva-tr hapi-nqa shakash-ta
Aviva-EVC grab-3.FUT guinea.pig-ACC
Aviva pues agarrará el cuy.
Aviva will catch the guinea pig.
00:06:54.040 - 00:06:56.220

Avivatr qatikatranqa
Aviva-tr qati-katra-nqa
Aviva-EVC grab-FREQ-3.FUT
Aviva lo seguitiará
Aviva will run around after it.
00:06:56.230 - 00:06:59.390

El cuy?!
The guinea pig?
00:06:56.230 - 00:06:59.390

Ahh. Cuando escapa.

Ahh. Cuando escapa.
Ahh. When it escapes.
00:06:59.470 - 00:07:02.700

Cuando escapa lo agarro

I grab it when it escapes.
00:06:59.470 - 00:07:02.700

Avivataña qaraykurushun
Aviva-ta-ña qara-yku-ru-shun
Ya vamos a hacer pago de Aviva.
We're going make an offering of Aviva already.
00:07:02.810 - 00:07:06.770

Chaykamaqa ura ganarunqa.

Chay-kama-qa ura gana-ru-nqa
Hasta allí va a ganar la hora ya
Up until then, time is going to win.
00:07:02.810 - 00:07:06.770

Amatriki. Valinmi Avivanchikqa.

Ama-tri-ki vali-n-mi Aviva-nchik-qa
PROH-EVC-KI be.worth-3-EVD Aviva-1PL-TOP
No, pues. Nuestra Aviva vale
Of course not. Our Aviva is valuable.
00:07:06.820 - 00:07:10.140

Nos alegra.
She makes us happy.
00:07:10.210 - 00:07:12.800

Kaynata ruwashun
Kay-na-ta ruwa-shun
Lo vamos a hacer así.
That's the way we're going to do it.
00:07:12.910 - 00:07:17.990

Chayllapatr pripararun. Chaykuna truranayki -- kay llama wira.

Chay-lla-pa-tr pripara-ru-n chay-kuna trura-na-yki kay llama wira
DEM.D-RSTR-LOC-EVC prepare-URGT-3 DEM.D-PL save-NMLZ-2 DEM.P llama fat
Lo habrán preparado allí no más. Todo eso tienes que guardar -- este cebo de llama.
They must have prepared it right there. You have to save all that --the llama fat.
00:07:12.910 - 00:07:17.990

Kaypam kayan
Kay-pa-m ka-ya-n
Acá está
Here it is.
00:07:18.200 - 00:07:24.080

May uchuk uchukchalla chishikay chay Doña Yuli maskasam, Ahh, chaychapam kakuyallan
May-pa uchuk uchuk-cha-lla chishikay Doña Yuli maska-sa--m Ahh, chay-cha-pa-m ka-ku-ya-llan
where-LOC DEM.D small-DIM-RSTR last.night DEM.P Doña Yuli look.for-PRF-EVD Ahh,
¿Dónde está ese chiquitito que buscaba Doña Yuli anoche? Allicito está no más.
Where is the little one Doña Yuli was looking for last night? Ah, he's right there.
00:07:18.200 - 00:07:24.080

Chay katallaman- manachu chayllapa? Chishikay maskasa.

Chay kata-lla-man mana-chu chay-lla-pa chishikay maska-sa
DEM.D manta-RSTR-ALL no.Q DEM.D-RSTR-LOC last.night look.for-PRF
En esa manta no más. ¿No está allí? Lo que buscó anoche.
Just on the manta -- Isn't it there? What she was looking for last night.
00:07:24.190 - 00:07:28.710

Chay kintuchan ya kayan.

chay kintu-cha-n ya ka-ya-n
DEM.D leaf-DIM-3 EMPH be-PROG-3
Ya tiene ojitas
It already has little leaves,
00:07:24.190 - 00:07:28.710

Allin kanqatr
Allin ka-nqa-tr
good be-3.FUT-EVC
Va a estar bien.
It's going to be fine-
00:07:28.800 - 00:07:34.320

Ahh, trayaramunñam
Ahh, traya-ra-mu-n-ña-m
Ahh, arrive-URGT-CISL-3-DISC-EVD
Ahhh, ya llegó
Ahhh, it arrived already.
00:07:34.750 - 00:07:38.040

Manachu trayamunraq
mana-chu traya-mu-n-raq
no-Q arrive-CISL-3-CONT
¿No llega todavía?
Hasn't he arrived yet?
00:07:34.750 - 00:07:38.040

Ya va a ser las cinco ya

00:07:38.310 - 00:07:40.760

Ah, sinko i midyata rishpa. Ratullatr payqa trayarunqa

Ah, sinko i midyata ri-shpa ratu-lla-tr pay-qa traya-ru-nqa
Ah, five and half-ACC go-SUBIS moment-RSTR-EVC 3-TOP come-URGT-3.FUT
Ah, yendo a las cinco y media. Rapidito seguro va a llegar él.
Going at six thirty ... He'll get there in no time.
00:07:40.920 - 00:07:44.990

Sanuqa alli trakiyuq apurawtri rirunqa

Sanu-qa alli traki-yuq apuraw-tri ri-ru-nqa
health-TOP good foot-POSS quick-EVC go-URGT-3.FUT
Sano con buenas piernas. Rápido irá.
In good health, with good legs, he'll go quickly.
00:07:48.120 - 00:07:51.330

Yakuta listamunki upiy ruwanapaq

yaku-ta lista-mu-nki upiy ruwa-na-paq
water-ACC ready-CISL-2 stone.totem make-NMLZ-PURP
Alista agua para hacer upiy
Get water ready to make upiy.
00:07:53.370 - 00:07:55.580

Allí está upiy yakuyuqña kayan chay botella

Allí está upiy yaku-yuq-ña ka-ya-n chay botella
upiy water-POSS-DISC be-PROG-3 DEM.D bottle
Allí está UPIY ya está con agua esa botella
00:07:55.660 - 00:07:58.890

Listuñam kayan
Listu-ña-m ka-ya-n
ready-DISC-EVD be-PROG-3
Está listo ya
00:07:58.980 - 00:08:01.590

Chayta yatranki, Aviva?

Chayta yatra-nki, Aviva?
DEM.D-ACC know-2 Aviva?
Éso aprende aviva
00:08:01.710 - 00:08:04.900

Sí estoy aprendiendo
Yes, I'm learning.
00:08:05.010 - 00:08:07.320

Mal kashpa
Mal ka-shpa
bad be-SUBIS
Estando enfermo
Being sick.
00:08:07.360 - 00:08:09.880

Hampikunaykipaq yatranki
Hampi-ku-na-yki-paq yatra-nki
cure-REFL-NMLZ-2-PURP know-2
Aprenderás para que cures
You'll learn so that you can cure.
00:08:07.360 - 00:08:09.880

Hampipakushpa purinaykipaq. Así para que andes curando

Hampi-paku-shpa puri-na-yki-paq
Para que andes curando. Para que andes curando.
So that you can go around curing people. So that you can go around curing people.
00:08:10.010 - 00:08:13.500

Voy a estar la más calificada del Canadá

I'm going to be the most qualified in Canada.
00:08:13.940 - 00:08:17.770

Ah, con premio vas a regresar

00:08:17.780 - 00:08:20.980

Alli alli hampikuq payqa kutirunqa

Alli alli hampi-ku-q pay-qa kuti-ru-nqa
good good cure-REFL-AG 3-TOP return-URGT-3.FUT
Tú vas a regresar una buena curandera.
You're going to go back a really good healer.
00:08:21.000 - 00:08:24.000

Chayna hampikunchik nishpa hampirunki

Chay-na hampi-ku-nchik ni-shpa hampi-ru-nki
DEM.D-VRBZ cure-REFL-1PL say-SUBIS cure-URGT-2
"Así curamos", dirás y curarás.
"That's how we cure," you'll say and you'll cure.
00:08:24.190 - 00:08:28.030

Así es. ¿Imataq sutin, chay señoritapa?

Ima-taq suti-n, chay señorita-pa
what-SEQ name-3 DEM.D señorita-GEN
¿Cómo se llama la señorita?
What is the young lady's name?
00:08:28.130 - 00:08:34.600

Ah, ya intindiyanñatr kichwata

Ah, ya intindi-ya-n-ña-tr kichwa-ta
Ah, ya understand-PROG-3-DISC-EVC Quechua-ACC
Ah, entiende ya el quechua
Ah, she understands Quechua already.
00:08:34.770 - 00:08:40.500

Ya entiende.
She understands already.
00:08:34.770 - 00:08:40.500

00:08:34.770 - 00:08:40.500

00:08:34.770 - 00:08:40.500

Lliptay hitaramuni. Pikaq kanchu.

Llipta-y hita-ra-mu-ni pika-q ka-n-chu
ash-1 throw.out-URGT-CISL-1 be.spicy-AG be-3-NEG
Boté mi ceniza. No hay lo que pica.
I tossed out my ash. There isn't any of the spicy one.
00:08:40.880 - 00:08:46.930

Intindiyanñaya payqa
Intindi-ya-n-ña-ya pay-qa
understand-PROG-3-DISC-EMPH 3-TOP
Está entendiendo ya ella.
She understands already.
00:08:40.880 - 00:08:46.930

Kaytaq pikarapuwanki mitachapaq partinki.

Kay-taq pika-ra-pu-wa-nki mita-cha-paq parti-nki
DEM.P-SEQ be.spicy-URGT-BEN-1.OBJ-2 half-DIM-ABL cut-2
Me vas a picar-RSTR. Lo vas a partir de la mitad
You're going to cut that for me. You'll split it in half.
00:08:47.150 - 00:08:50.470

¿Pipataq karqa granadan? ¿Kananqa kayanchu granada?
Pi-pa-taq ka-rqa-ø granada-n kanan-qa ka-ya-n-chu granada
who-GEN-SEQ be-PST-3 pomegranate now-TOP be-PROG-3-Q pomegranate
¿De quién era la granada? ¿Ahora hay una granada?
Who's pomegranate was that? Is there a pomegranate now?
00:08:50.810 - 00:08:53.740

There are some.
00:08:53.990 - 00:08:57.890

Ñuqa apakamurqani qayna urayta rishpa

Ñuqa apa-ka-mu-rqa-ni qayna uray-ta ri-shpa
1 bring-REFL-CISL-PST-1 previous down-ACC go-SUBIS
Yo traje cuando fui abajo.
I brought somewhen I went down hill.
00:08:53.990 - 00:08:57.890

Chayllam karqa wambra kaptinqa manaya mikunchu

Chay-lla-m ka-rqa-ø wambra ka-pti-n-qa mana-ya miku-n-chu
DEM.D-RSTR-EVD be-PST-3 child be-SUBDS-3-TOP no-EMPH eat-3-NEG
Éso no más había. Cuando tiene hijos, no come.
There was only that. When they have children, they don't eat.
00:08:57.990 - 00:09:02.490

Hukllaya. Manam mikunchu. trurarayan.

Huk-lla-ya mana-m miku-n-chu trura-ra-yiiii
one-RSTR-EMPH no-EVD eat-3-NEG save-PST-INF
Uno no más. No come. Está guardado.
Just one. She doesn't eat them. They're saved.
00:09:02.710 - 00:09:07.610

Kayanñam kanan
ka-ya-n-ña-m kanan
be-PROG-3-DISC-EVD now
Ahora ya hay.
Now there is already.
00:09:08.130 - 00:09:12.970

Ishkaynin, Kimsan kashpaqa mikunyá.

Ishkay-ni-n kimsa-n ka-shpa-qa miku-n-yá
two-EUPH-3 three-3 be-SUBIS-TOP eat-3-EMPH
Cuando están los dos o los tres ya comen
When the two or three of them are there, they eat.
00:09:08.130 - 00:09:12.970

Astawan usiyaykurun
Asta-wan usiya-yku-ru-n
until-INSTR clear-EXCEP-URGT-3
Más bien descampó la lluvia
The rain cleared up.
00:09:17.700 - 00:09:22.390

Pasa mucho ya
00:09:17.700 - 00:09:22.390

Usiyaykurun ya
Usiya-yku-ru-n ya
00:09:22.650 - 00:09:23.960

Pasaypañatr mikuy malugrarun

pasaypa-ña-tr miku-y malugra-ru-n
completely-DISC-EVC eat-INF spoil-URGT-3
La comida ya se habrá malogrado totalmente.
The food must already have completely spoiled.
00:09:24.440 - 00:09:28.410

Chay Chunchush hintilta aysaramun

Chay chunchu-sh hintil-ta aysa-ra-mu-n
DEM.D Chunchu-EVR ancient-ACC pull-URGT-CISL-3
Chunchu jaló al gentil [calavera que está en la cueva], dicen.
Chunchu dragged out the ancient [the skeleton in the cave], they say.
00:09:24.440 - 00:09:28.410

Go on!
00:09:28.840 - 00:09:33.320

¿De dónde?
From where?
00:09:28.840 - 00:09:33.320

Redina pachunchun ya. Urqupash aaaaa

Redina pachunchu-n ya. Urqu-pa-sh
Redina pachunchu-3 EMPH . hill-LOC-EVR
El Cerillo de Redina. La puna, dice
Redin'a Cerillo. In the hills, they say.
00:09:28.840 - 00:09:33.320

Animalninchik wañuyan
Animal-ni-nchik wañu-ya-n
Animal-EUPH-1PL die-PROG-3
Nuestros animales están muriendo.
Our animals are dying.
00:09:33.480 - 00:09:35.440

Ñuqam aysaramuni. Wama-wamaq mitu kayan.
Ñuqa-m aysa-ra-mu-ni wama wamaq mitu ka-ya-n
1-EVD pull-URGT-CISL-1 a.lot a.lot mud be-PROG-3
Yo jalé. Hay demasiado barro.
I pulled it. There's too much mud.
00:09:35.600 - 00:09:38.630

ubihaykuna wañuyan
ubiha-y-kuna wañu-ya-n
sheep-1-PL die-PROG-3
Mis ovejas están muriéndose.
My sheep are dying.
00:09:39.030 - 00:09:40.520

Mana imayqu kayan.

Mana ima-yqu ka-ya-n
no what-POSS be-PROG-3
No tiene nada
She doesn't have anything.
00:09:41.220 - 00:09:46.540

Kimsa tawa puntrawllapis usiyaykuchun.

Kimsa tawa puntraw-lla-pis usiya-yku-chun
three four day-RSTR-ADD clear-EXCEP-INJUNC
¡Qué descampe la lluvia por dos o tres días siquiera!
Let the rain clear up for just two or three days, even!
00:09:41.220 - 00:09:46.540

Chayllapam kayan qullqintriki. Chayta surquruntriki.

Chay-lla-pa-m ka-ya-n qullqi-n-tri-ki chay-ta surqu-ru-n-tri-ki
Su plata estará allí no más. Seguro lo habrá sacado.
His money has got to be there. He must have taken it out.
00:09:46.850 - 00:09:50.840

Chayqa chishikay maskasa

Chay-qa chishikay maska-sa-n-mi
DEM.D-TOP last.night look.for-PRF-3-EVD
Ella buscaba anoche.
She was looking last night.
00:09:54.720 - 00:09:56.720

Chay papilchapam mani kayan. ¿Mayqintri?

Chay papil-cha-pa-m mani ka-ya-n Mayqin-tri
DEM.D paper-DIM-LOC-EVD peanuts be-PROG-3 which-EVC
Hay maní en ese papelito. ¿Cuál de ellos?
There are peanuts in that little piece of paper. Which?
00:09:56.900 - 00:09:58.840

chay lawman
chay law-man
Hacía ese lado.
This way.
00:09:59.800 - 00:10:02.280

Plastikum. Huknin ququmam.

Plastiku-m huk-ni-n ququma-m
plastic-EVD one-EUPH-3 banana.flower-EVD
Es de plástico. El otro es flor de plátano
It's plastic. The other is banana flower.
00:09:59.800 - 00:10:02.280

Ñuqa ñitirayani.
ñuqa ñiti-ra-ya-ni
1 crush-UNINT-PROG-1
Yo estoy machucándolo.
I'm crushing it.
00:10:02.390 - 00:10:04.040

Manachu kasa
Mana-chu ka-sa-ø
no-NEG be-PRF-3
No había.
There weren't any.
00:10:02.390 - 00:10:04.040

Chay chay chay chay

Chay chay chay chay
That, that, that, that.
00:10:04.200 - 00:10:06.610

Chay chaypa kayan

Chay chay-pa ka-ya-n
00:10:04.200 - 00:10:06.610

Hukñachu platutaqa alchashun [TK]

Huk-ña-chu platu-ta-qa alcha-shun
one-DISC-NEG plate-ACC-TOP fix-1PL.FUT
Ya no habrá que arreglar el plato, pues.
We don't have to fix the plate anymore then.
00:10:06.800 - 00:10:10.440

Chay vino pisco

Chay vino pisco
DEM.D wine pisco
Vino pisco.
00:10:10.610 - 00:10:12.550

Ñuqam surquramuni vakay qatinaypaq

Ñuqa-m surqu-ra-mu-ni vaka-y qati-na-y-paq
1-EVD take.out-URGT-CISL-1 cow-1 take-NMLZ-1-
Yo lo saqué para llevar mis vacas.
I took it out to pasture my cows.
00:10:12.670 - 00:10:15.030

Urayta Huangáscar frintinta vakanta qatiyan

uray-ta huangascar frinti-n-ta vaka-n-ta qati-ya-n
down-ACC huangascar front-3-ACC cow-3-ACC take-PROG-3
Está llevando sus vacas abajo al frente de Huangáscar
He's pasturing his cows down hill in front of Huangáscar.
00:10:15.280 - 00:10:18.790

Kayanñam pastuqa
ka-ya-n-ña-m pastu-qa
be-PROG-3-DISC-EVD pasture.grass-TOP
Allí ya hay pasto
There's pasture grass here already.
00:10:19.050 - 00:10:22.740

[undecipherable] pastuchaqa kayanñam. Pastucha.

[undecipherable] pastu-cha-qa ka-ya-n-ña-m pastu-cha
pasture.grass-DIM-TOP be-PROG-3-DISC-EVD pasture.grass-DIM
Hay pastito ya. Pastito.
There's pasture grass there already. Pasture grass.
00:10:19.050 - 00:10:22.740

Chaytam qatiyani nin

Chay-ta-m qati-ya-ni ni-n
DEM.D-ACC-EVD take-PROG-1 say-3
"Los estoy llevando allí", dijo
"I'm bringing them there," he said.
00:10:22.860 - 00:10:26.630

Chaymi hintilta chutaykaramuni

Chay-mi hintil-ta chuta-yka-ra-mu-ni
Por eso saqué el gentil
That's why I brought out the gentil [skeleton in the cave]
00:10:26.830 - 00:10:29.350

Usiyarinanpaq paqarin minchatr kutirachishaq

Usiya-ri-na-n-paq paqarin mincha-tr kuti-ra-chi-shaq
clear-INCEP-NMLZ-3-PURP tomorrow day.after.tomorrow-EVC return-URGT-CAUS-1.FUT
Para que descampe la lluvia. Mañana o pasado mañana lo voy a devolver.
So that the rain clears up. Tomorrow or the day after, I'll return it.
00:10:29.460 - 00:10:32.920

Mayuman trayarusa kanman

mayu-man traya-ru-sa-ø ka-n-man
river-ALL arrive-URGT-PRF-3 ne-3-COND
Debería llegar al río.
He should get to the river.
00:10:33.060 - 00:10:36.480

Chay aparusam aywanko chay urayta.
Chay apa-ru-sa ka-n-man aywanko chay uray-ta
DEM.D bring-URGT-PRF be-3-COND stream DEM.D down-ACC
Aywanko lo llevó abajo.
Aywanko [a stream] took him away down [toward the coast]
00:10:33.060 - 00:10:36.480

Arí arí
Arí arí
yes yes
Sí. Sí.
Yes. Yes.
00:10:38.180 - 00:10:43.370

Vakantinta. Ayveses piñarinshi wak hintilqa.

vaka-ntin-ta ayveses piña-ri-n-shi wak hintil-qa
cow-INCL-ACC sometimes angry-INCEP-3-EVR DEM.D anceint-TOP
Con su vaca y todo. a veces el gentil se molesta, dicen.
With his cows and all. Sometimes the ancients get angry, they say.
00:10:38.180 - 00:10:43.370

Payllaqa mayu mayuman trayarachinman

Pay-lla-qa mayu mayu-man traya-ra-chi-n-man
3-RSTR-TOP river river-ALL arrive-URGT-CAUS-3-COND
Él no más puede hacer que llegue al río.
Just he can have it arrive at the river.
00:10:38.180 - 00:10:43.370

Pagaykushpa surqumunqa
paga-yku-shpa surqu-mu-nqa
pay-EXCEP-SUBIS take.out-CISL-3.FUT
Pagando, lo vas a sacar,
When you make the offering, take it out.
00:10:43.440 - 00:10:46.050

Pagaramurqa manam pagaruptinshi aparun

paga-ra-mu-rqa- manam paga-ru-pti-n-shi apa-ru-n
pay-URGT-CISL-3 no-EVD pay-URGT-SUBDS-3-EVR bring-URGT-3
Pagó. Cuando no le pagó, se lo llevó.
She paid. When she didn't pay, they say, he took it.
00:10:43.440 - 00:10:46.050

Imachatapis qawachipashpa surqumun

Ima-cha-ta-pis qawachi-pa-shpa surqu-mu-n
what-DIM-ACC-ADD return-BEN-SUBIS take.out-CISL-3
Cuando botan cualquier cosita, lo sacan..
When they make an offering of any little thing, they take it out.
00:10:46.140 - 00:10:49.380

Ushturuwachuwanpis kantri
ushtu-ru-wachuwan-pis ka-n-tri
put-URGT-3>1PL.COND be-3-ADD
Nos puede entrar de repente
It can get into us.
00:10:49.470 - 00:10:51.360

Kaypam kayan
Kay-pa-m ka-ya-n
Aquí está
It's here.
00:10:53.490 - 00:11:00.040

¿Maypataq tiyu timbladirayki?

May-pa-taq tiyu timbladira-yki
where-LOC-SEQ uncle tray-2
¿Dónde está tu tembladera, tío?
Where's your tray, tío?
00:10:53.490 - 00:11:00.040

Qayna ubihaywan yatraptiy Ramonwan

Qayna ubiha-wan yatra-pti-y Ramon-wan
previous sheep-INSTR live-SUBDS-1 Ramon-INSTR
Antes cuando vívía con mis ovejas, con Ramón
Before, when I lived with my sheep, with Ramón.
00:10:53.490 - 00:11:00.040

Ña-trik payqa
ña-tri-k pay-qa
Ella, seguro, ya.
Her, for sure.
00:11:01.980 - 00:11:07.560

Kananqa chay duminayan

Kanan-qa chay dumina-ya-n
now-TOP DEM.D dominate-PROG-3
Ahora eso está dominando
Now that's dominating.
00:11:01.980 - 00:11:07.560

Aysarunqa chayhina
Aysa-ru-nqa chay-hina
Así va a jalarlo.
He's going to pull it like that.
00:11:01.980 - 00:11:07.560

Ah, qayna huk puraminti manachu para arruwinaruwarqanchik

Ah, qayna huk puraminti para-qa arruwina-ru-rqa-nchik
Ah, previous one completely rain ruin-URGT-PST-1PL.OBJ
Ah. el año pasado la lluvia nos arruinó totamente, ¿no?
Ah, last year the rain completely ruined us, no?
00:11:07.710 - 00:11:11.770

Sí pues.
You bet.
00:11:12.250 - 00:11:17.460

Karretera tunirun trakra tunirun yakuqa llapa wayquta huntaramun

karretera tuni-ru-n trakra tuni-ru-n yaku-qa llapa wayqu-ta hunta-ra-mu-n
road crumble-URGT-3 fields crumble-URGT-3 water-TOP all stream-ACC fill-URGT-CISL-3
La carretera derrumbó, la chacra derrumbó, y el agua llenó todos los riochuelos.
There were landslides on the road; there were landslides in the fields. Water had filled all the streams,
00:11:12.250 - 00:11:17.460

Chaylla imayna poderniyuqtriki

Chaylla imayna poder-ni-yuq-tri-ki
Éso no más. ¡Qué poder tendrá!
Just that. How powerful he must be!
00:11:20.470 - 00:11:25.730

Chayna nantatr suspendiyan chay aysaramuptin

Chay-na na-n-ta-tr suspendi-ya-n aysa-ra-mu-pti-n
DEM.D-VRBZ that-3-ACC-EVC suspend-PROG-3 pull-URGT-CISL-SUBDS-3
Así, estará suspendiendo su eso cuando lo jaló.
So he'd be holding that up when they pull.
00:11:20.470 - 00:11:25.730

Ariyá manam munasanchikchu

Ari-yá mana-m muna-sa-nchik-chu
yes-EMPH no-EVD want-PRF-1PL-NEG
Sí pues, cuando no lo hemos querido
Yes, when we haven't wanted it.
00:11:26.010 - 00:11:30.270

Imayna poderniyuqtaq Mana paraptinñataq

Imayna-taq poder-ni-yuq-qa. Mana para-pti-n-ña-taq
how-SEQ power-EUPH-POSS-TOP no rain-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ
¿Cómo tiene poder ... cuando no llueve ya.
How does he have power ... ? When there's no rain ...
00:11:26.010 - 00:11:30.270

¿Parananpaq imanachuwantaq? Chayqa riki urquman ...

Para-na-n-paq ima-na-chuwan-taq. chay-qa ri-ki urqu-man
Qué podemos hacer para que llueve?-RSTR, pues, hacia la montaña ---- allí en la puna.
What can we do so that it rains? That, towards the mountains ....
00:11:30.460 - 00:11:33.750

Ah, pagashpa rinchik yaku apaq, aw? Mana paraptin ...

Ah, paga-shpa ri-nchik yaku apa-q mana para-pti-n
ah, pay-SUBIS go-1PL water bring-AG no- rain-SUBDS-3
Ah, pagando, se va a traer la lluvia, ¿no? Si no llueve....
Ah, making offerings, we'll go to bring water, no? If it doesn't rain ---
00:11:33.860 - 00:11:37.980

Yakuta hurqumushpa
yaku-ta hurqu-mu-shpa
water-ACC remove-CISL-SUBIS
Sacando el agua
Taking out water.
00:11:33.860 - 00:11:37.980

Hinaptinqa ayves sigimun piru ayvesqa manayá

Hinaptin-qa ayves sigi-mu-n piru ayves-qa mana-yá
then-TOP sometimes follow-CISL-3 but braod.beans-TOP no-EMPH
Después, a veces sigue a veces no
Then, sometimes it follows, sometimes not.
00:11:38.250 - 00:11:42.050

En la laguna.
In the lake.
00:11:38.250 - 00:11:42.050

Urqu puntachanman tiyachiy

Urqu punta-cha-n-man tiya-chi-y
hill peak-DIM-3-ALL sit-CAUS-IMP
¡Haga sentar para el punto del cerro!
Set it at the peak of the mountain!
00:11:42.290 - 00:11:44.500

Puruwantri chay tiyachin i

puru-wan-tri chay tiya-chi-n
Con pomo se hace sentar
They must have set it out with pomo.
00:11:44.770 - 00:11:46.060

Arí, chay puruwan nachawan

Arí, chay puru-wan na-cha-wan
yes DEM.D pomo-INSTR that-DIM-INSTR
Sí, pues, con ese pomito con esecito
Yes, with that pomo, with that little thing.
00:11:47.680 - 00:11:52.530

Con pomito.
With pomo.
00:11:47.680 - 00:11:52.530

Chay puruwanmi apamun hinashpaqa tiyachin

chay puru-wan-mi apa-mu-n hinashpa-qa tiya-chi-n
DEM.D pomo-INSTR-EVD bring-CISL-3 then-TOP sit-CAUS-3
Lo trae con ese pomo, después lo hace sentar
She brings it with that pomo, then she sets it out.
00:11:53.250 - 00:11:56.560

Huk vez Tambo apamurqa

huk vez Tambo apa-mu-rqa-ø
one time Tambo bring-CISL-PST-3
Una vez Tambopata trajo.
One time Tambo brought.
00:11:57.440 - 00:12:01.620

Mana parariptinqa qawchirin qawchirin

mana para-ri-pti-n-qa qawchi-ri-n qawchi-ri-n
no rain-INCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP return-INCEP-3 return-INCEP-3
Cuando no empieza a llover, rosean rosean
When it doesn't rain, they make offerings and offerings.
00:11:57.440 - 00:12:01.620

Mana paraptinqa pakirun Tambutañataq aparun

mana-ya para-pti-n-qa paki-ru-n Tambu-ta llaqta apa-ru-n
no-EMPH rain-SUBDS-3-TOP break-URGT-3 Tambu-ACC town bring-URGT-3
Cuando no llovió, se rompió y casi llevó al pueblo de Tambo.
When it didn't rain, it broke it and almost washed away [the village of] Tambo.
00:12:01.700 - 00:12:04.950

Arruwinaruchuwan pakiptinqa
Arruwina-ru-chuwan paki-pti-n-qa
ruin-URGT-1PL.COND break-SUBDS-3-TOP
Podemos aruinarlo cuando rompe.
We might ruin it when it breaks.
00:12:05.070 - 00:12:08.820

Pakiptinqa riki rabyarishpa lokiyarun

Paki-pti-n-qa ri-ki rabya-ri-shpa loki-ya-ru-n
Cuando rompió molestandose se enloqueció.
When it broke, he got mad and went crazy.
00:12:05.070 - 00:12:08.820

Mana asukarniyuqshi kayan

Ah, asukar-ni-yuq-chu ka-ya-n
Ah, sugar-EUPH-1-Q be-PROG-3
Ése no tiene azúcar, dice,
It doesn't have sugar, she said.
00:12:20.220 - 00:12:22.950

00:12:20.220 - 00:12:22.950
00:12:20.220 - 00:12:22.950

ima . . . chaynatrik
ima chay-na-tri
Así será.
That's the way would be.
00:12:23.630 - 00:12:28.190

Imapaqtaq asukarnintaqa winanchik

Ima-paq-taq asukar-ni-n-ta-qa wina-nchik
what-PURP-SEQ sugar-EUPH-3-ACC-TOP
¿Para qué se echa su azúcar?
Why do we throw in sugar and all?
00:12:23.630 - 00:12:28.190

Hukchami chaywanmi
huk-cha-mi chay-wan-mi
Unito. With-RSTR.
One. With that.
00:12:30.470 - 00:12:36.040

Mishki chayqu
Mishki chay-qu
sweet DEM.D-POSS
Con dulce
It's sweet.
00:12:30.470 - 00:12:36.040

Kaytam primeru qawachirinki trayashpa

Kay-ta-m primeru qawachi-ri-nki traya-shpa
DEM.D-ACC-EVD first return-INCEP-2 arrive-SUBIS
Vas a botar esto primero cuando llegas.
You're going to offer this first when you get there.
00:12:36.390 - 00:12:39.870

Yatrayantrik payqa
Yatra-ya-n-trik pay-qa
know-PROG-3-EVC-K 3-TOP
Ella ya estará sabiendo.
She must be learning.
00:12:40.220 - 00:12:45.400

Upitatr qawachirinqa
Upi-ta-tr qawachi-ri-nqa
Upi-ACC-EVC return-INCEP-3.FUT
Hay que botar upi.
You have to offer upi.
00:12:40.220 - 00:12:45.400

Qayna Eudosiatam payqa kutichin hanayman

Qayna Eudosia-ta pay-qa kuti-chi-n hanay-man
previous Eudosia-ACC 3-TOP return-CAUS-3 above-ALL
Antes a Eudosia él pagó arriba.
Before, he made an offering up hill, for Eudosia.
00:12:46.760 - 00:12:50.470

Lejos todavía.
Far away.
00:12:51.290 - 00:12:53.660

Galluta apan hamushpa

Gallu-ta apa-n hamu-shpa
Gallu-ACC bring-3 come-SUBIS
Llevó un gallo cuando vino
Le brought a rooster when he came
00:12:51.290 - 00:12:53.660

Gallupa yawarninta
Gallu-pa yawar-ni-n-ta
Gallu-GEN blood-EUPH-3-ACC
La sangre de un gallo
The blood of a rooster
00:12:53.720 - 00:12:55.970

Qawachimun Idotash sumaq

Qawa-chi-mu-n Ido-ta-sh sumaq
see-CAUS-CISL-3 Ido-ACC-EVR pretty
Muéstralo a Eudosia bonito.
Show it to Eudosia nicely.
00:12:55.980 - 00:12:59.110

Chay burlahina ya
chay burla-hina ya
Como burla
Like a joke
00:12:55.980 - 00:12:59.110

Atuqhinash riyaptin ñawin tinkurun chilaptin hinaptinshi

atuq-hina-sh ri-ya-pti-n ñawi-n tinku-ru-n chila-pti-n hinaptin-shi
fox-COMP go-PROG-SUBDS-3 eye-3 find-URGT-3 shine-SUBDS-3 then-EVR
Estaba yendo como zorro, dicen. Lo encontró cuando su ojo brillaba. Luego
It was going like a fox, they say. She found it when its eyes sparked. Then
00:12:59.350 - 00:13:03.390

Pila apagarun pila aparuptinqa sumaq sumaq
Pila apaga-ru-n pila apa-ru-pti-n-qa sumaq sumaq
battery battery bring-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP pretty pretty
La pila se apagó. Cuando lapilase apagó, bonito
The battery went out. When the battery went out, nicely,
00:13:03.790 - 00:13:06.480

Ternuyuq asul yuraq kurbatayuq bin bin bin nishpa qayasa

Ternu-yuq asul yuraq kurbata-yuq bin bin bin qaya-sa-ø
suit-POSS blue white tie-POSS bin bin bin call-PRF-3
Con terno azul con corbata blanca "ben, ben" dijo
He had a blue suit and a white tie -- "bin, bin, bin," he sang.
00:13:06.540 - 00:13:09.360

Chayshi pasaypaq dismayarun

Chay-shi pasaypaq dismaya-ru-n
DEM.D.EVR completely faint-URGT-3
Así dice desmayó total
So, they say, she passed out completely.
00:13:09.390 - 00:13:12.290

Arí, burlatr karqa

Arí, burla-tr ka-rqa-ø
yes joke-EVC be-PST-3
Sí, pues, sería una burla.
Yes, it must be a joke.
00:13:12.700 - 00:13:16.630

Burlatr karqa
Burla-tr ka-rqa-ø
joke-EVC be-PST-3
Sería una burla, pues.
It must be a joke-
00:13:12.700 - 00:13:16.630

Cuando alumbró, dice.
When she lit it, they say.
00:13:12.700 - 00:13:16.630

Qapararqapa uqachanmik kayna

Qapararqa-pa uqa-cha-n-mi-k kay-na
qaparaqa-GEN leaf-DIM-3 DEM.P-VRBZ
La hoja de la qapararqa es así.
The leaves of the qaparara-flower are like that.
00:13:16.750 - 00:13:20.740

Chaytri rikchakurun
Chay-tri rikcha-ku-ru-n
Éso habrá aparecido.
That would have appeared.
00:13:21.050 - 00:13:25.110

Qaparara-- dice que era monte

Qaparara dice que era monte
Qaparara-thorn-bush. They said it was brush.
00:13:21.050 - 00:13:25.110

Chaytrik malora karqa chay ura a las siyeti

Chay-tri-k mal ora ka-rqa-ø chay ura a las siyeti
DEM.D-EVC-K bad hour be-PST-3 DEM.D hour at the seven
Habrá sido mala hora -- a las siete
It must have been a bad time -- at seven.
00:13:25.260 - 00:13:28.900

All alone.
00:13:30.360 - 00:13:32.900

Chayman ya kutichin
Chay-man ya kuti-chi-n
Hizo el pago hacia allí.
He madethe offering over there.
00:13:30.360 - 00:13:32.900

Sapallan apan Ramon motowan imay hura ya qawchirqa

Sapa-lla-n apa-n Ramon moto-wan imay ura ya qawchi-rqa-ø
alone-RSTR-3 bring-3 Ramon motorcycle-INSTR when hour EMPH return-PST-3
Ramón lo trajo solito con su moto. ¿A qué hora ya botó?
Ramón brought it alone with his motorcycle. What time did he make the offering?
00:13:33.110 - 00:13:35.950

Motonta sayaykachishpa(ch) qari

Moto-n-ta saya-yka-chi-shpa(ch) qari
motorcycle-3-ACC wait-EXCEP-CAUS-SUBIS man
00:13:36.060 - 00:13:37.600

Motonta sayaykachishpa qarakurqa no sé

Motonta saya-yka-chi-shpa qara-ku-rqa-ø
motorcycle-3-ACC wait-EXCEP-CAUS-SUBIS serve-REFL-PST-3
Hizo parar su moto y hizo el pago. No sé.
He stopped his motorcycle and made the offering. I don't know.
00:13:37.800 - 00:13:40.850

William aparqa motowan

William apa-rqa-ø moto-wan
William bring-PST-3 motorcycle-INSTR
William lo llevó con su moto.
William took it with a motorcycle.
00:13:40.980 - 00:13:45.750

Puede hacer sanar.
It could make it heal.
00:13:40.980 - 00:13:45.750

Hacia Antapacha.
Towards Antapacha-
00:13:46.120 - 00:13:48.250

Chaymi trakiyta hodido yanqa yanqa

Chay-mi traki-y-ta hodido yanqa yanqa
DEM.D-EVD foot-1-ACC fucked in.vain in.vain
Por eso mi pie está jodido por gusto.
That's why my leg is fucked for no good reason
00:13:48.710 - 00:13:52.250

Shishillam rantikun.
Shishi-lla-m rantiku-n
Shishi-RSTR-ACC-EVD sell-3
Cecilia no más vende.
Only Cecilia sells it.
00:13:52.320 - 00:13:56.440

Shishimanñatr rikun.
Shishi-man-ña-tr ri-ku-n
Ya habrá ido donde Cecilia.
She must already have gone to Cecilia's.
00:13:52.320 - 00:13:56.440

Pasaypaq wishturachiwan.
Pasaypaq wishtu-ra-chi-wa-n
completely limp-PST-CAUD-1.OBJ-3
Me hizo cogear totalmente
It made me limp completely.
00:13:56.440 - 00:13:57.820

¿Imawantaq payqa alliyarun? Kreyensiyawan imataqtrik, ¿aw?

Ima-wan-taq pay-qa alli-ya-ru-n kreyensiya-wan ima-taq-tri aw
what-INSTR-SEQ 3-TOP good-INCH-URGT-3 belief-INSTR what-SEQ-EVC yes
¿Con qué se alivió? Sería con creencía, ¿no?
What did he get better with? With a belief ceremony, or with what?
00:13:58.510 - 00:14:03.170

Don Ermontapis chaytrik hodiramun.

Don Ermon-ta-pis chay-tri-k hodi-ra-mu-n
A Don Ermo también eso lo habrá jodido.
That must have messed up Don Ermo, too.
00:13:58.510 - 00:14:03.170

Chaykunawantri alliyarurqa
chay-kuna-wan-tri alli-ya-ru-rqa-ø
Se habrá aliviado con-RSTRs seguro.
For sure, it would have gotten better with all that.
00:14:03.380 - 00:14:05.170

Kutiyachirqa uraykunaman
kuti-ya-chi-rqa-ø uray-kuna-man
return-PROG-CAUS-PST-3 down-PL-ALL
Hizo regresar para más abajo
He made the offering a bit down hill from there.
00:14:06.140 - 00:14:08.660

hintilkunaman kutiyachin niyarqa

hintil-kuna-man kuti-ya-chi-n ni-ya-rqa-ø
ancient-PL-ALL return-PROG-CAUS-3 say-PROG-PST-3
Estaba diciendo que pagó a los abuelos
He was saying that he made the offering to the ancestors.
00:14:09.000 - 00:14:10.580

Mmm sanaruyanmiki
mmm sana-ru-lla-n-mi-ki
mmm heal-URGT-PROG-3-EVD-KI
Sí, está sanado, pues.
Yes, it's healing already.
00:14:11.300 - 00:14:14.390

Ya está sanando
It's healing already.
00:14:11.300 - 00:14:14.390

yanqa urayta aparun hinashpa

yanqa uray-ta apa-ru-n hinashpa
in.vain down-ACC bring-URGT-3 then
Por gusto lo llevó abajo. Luego
He brought it down hill in vain. Then
00:14:17.200 - 00:14:19.500

Habrán gastado bastante.
They must have spent a lot.
00:14:19.740 - 00:14:21.800
Hizo cortar
He had it cut
00:14:19.740 - 00:14:21.800

Pasaypaq punkisa purirqa

pasaypaq punki-sa puri-rqa-ø
completely swollen-PRF walk-PST-3
Total ha andado hinchado.
She walked around all swollen.
00:14:22.030 - 00:14:24.450

Qaparikashtin rin ninmi

Qapari-ka-shtin ri-n ni-n-mi
shout-PASSACC-SUBAVD go-3 say-3-EVD
Se fue gritando, dicen.
They say that he went shouting.
00:14:24.580 - 00:14:30.660

Marqaykushpam karupa bahachin taximan

marqa-yku-shpa-m karu-pa baha-chi-n taxi-man
alzar-EXCEP-SUBIS car-ABL taxi-ALL
Alzándola, la hicieron bajar del carro al taxi
Lifting her, they had her get out of the bus onto a taxi.
00:14:24.580 - 00:14:30.660

00:14:30.760 - 00:14:33.930

Tiyaykachin chaymi churin apan

Tiya-yka-chi-n chay-mi churi-n apa-n
sit-EXCEP-CAUS-3 DEM.D-EVD child-3 bring-3
La hicieron sentar y después su hijo la llevó
They had her sit then her son brought her.
00:14:30.760 - 00:14:33.930

Kay trakinchik allinchu kakuyasa

kay traki-nchik alli-n-chu ka-ku-ya-sa
¿Estaban bien nuestros pies?
Were our feet good?
00:14:34.000 - 00:14:36.560

Pasaypaqmi aparun umbrukushpa umbrukushpa siqaykayan

Pasaypaq-mi apa-ru-n umbru-ku-shpa umbru-ku-shpa siqayka-ya-n
completely-EVD bring-URGT-3 shoulder-REFL-SUBIS shoulder-REFL-SUBIS fall-PROG-3
Total lo ha llevado hombreando hombreando estaba cayendo.
He brought her on his shoulders -- falling as he went.
00:14:37.260 - 00:14:41.220

Chaytrik kuchurachirqa
Chay-tri-k kuchu-ra-chi-rqa
Por eso lo habrá cortado
That's why he must have cut it.
00:14:41.360 - 00:14:45.050

Chay Limatash apanan karqa operaq chay munakunchu payqa

Chay Lima-ta-sh apa-na-n ka-rqa- opera-q chay muna-ku-n-chu pay-qa
DEM.D Lima-ACC-EVR bring-NMLZ-3 be-PST-3 operaate-AG DEM.D want-REFL-3-NEG 3-TOP
Lo iban a llevar a Lima a operar, pero él no quiso.
They were going to take him to Lima to operate, they say, but he didn't want to.
00:14:47.160 - 00:14:51.620

Mehor kutikushaq Kuchuruwanman mastapis.

mehor kuti-ku-shaq kuchu-ru-wa-n-man mas-ta-pis
better returm-REFL-1.FUT cut-URGT-1.OBJ-3-COND more-ACC-ADD
Mejor me voy. Me puede cortar más también
Better yet, I'm going to go back. They could cut me even more.
00:14:51.690 - 00:14:57.060

Kreyensiya kaptinqa hukchu alliyanman karqa.

kreyensiya ka-pti-n-qa huk-chu alli-ya-n-man ka-rqa-ø
belief be-SUBDS-3-TOP one-Q good-INCH-3-COND be-PST-3
Siendo creencia, otro hubiera podido sanarse.
When there's an offering, another person might have gotten well.
00:14:57.180 - 00:15:00.880

Allintri kutikamurqa
allin-tri kuti-ka-mu-rqa-ø
good-EVC return-REFL-CISL-PST-3
De bien se habrá regresado.
He must have come back well.
00:14:57.180 - 00:15:00.880

Piyur rematakurun kanan

piyur remata-ku-ru-n kanan
worse VV-REFL-URGT-3-COND now
Peor se ha puesto peor ahora.
It's gotten worse now.
00:15:01.070 - 00:15:03.260

Manachu kanan ninmiki rekinata

mana-chu kanan ni-n-mi-ki rekina-ta
no-NEG now say-3-EVD-KI rekina-ACC
¿No lo dijo ahora a Redina?
She didn't say that to Redina now?
00:15:03.420 - 00:15:06.300

Chiripaqshi kamutitpis [undecipherable] kirunta chutachiptin.
chiri-paq-shi kamuti-ta kiru-n-ta chuta-chi-sa-n-paq
De frío, dicen, hasta el camote [...] cuando se hizo jalar su muela.
From the cold, they say, even the yams [...] when she had her tooth pulled.
00:15:07.590 - 00:15:11.240

Tunachan kayan chayshi kuchurun

Tuna-cha-n ka-ya-n chay-shi kuchu-ru-n
corner-DIM-3 be-PROG-3 DEM.D-EVR cut-URGT-3
Está en su rinconcito. Por eso lo cortaron
It's in the corner. That's why they cut it.
00:15:11.490 - 00:15:14.110

Mastaña rikariyan chay huk law ñawinman trayan

mas-ta-ña rikari-ya-n huk law ñawi-n-man traya-n
more.ACC-DISC appear-PROG-3 one-side eye-3-ALL arrive-3
más ya está apareciendo al otro su ojo está llegando
More is appearing, more is getting to his eye on the other side.
00:15:14.300 - 00:15:17.130

¿Imayna chayqa?
Imayna chay-qa
¿Cómo puede ser-RSTR?
How could that be?
00:15:18.050 - 00:15:20.080

Ay, dios mío

Ay, Dios mío
Oh, my God.
00:15:18.050 - 00:15:20.080

TT kreyensiya kaptinqa chayna piyur TKya chayqa kanga ruwachantri Si que es alzado de suelo eso le va a
hacer peor.
kreyensiya ka-pti-n-qa chay-na piyur ruwa-chan-tri
belief be-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D-VRBZ worse make-DIM-3-EVC
Cuando es creencia así nos puede peorar
When it's a belief ceremony, it Could make us worse like that.
00:15:23.540 - 00:15:25.940

ahh mediko hodiruwachumanmi

ahh mediko hodi-ru-wachuman-mi
ahh doctor fuck-URGT-3>1PL.COND
Ahhh, el médico nos puede hacer daño.
Ahh, doctors can mess us up.
00:15:26.250 - 00:15:28.880

Break it!
00:15:35.010 - 00:15:36.260

¿Mani maypataq?
mani may-pa-taq
peanuts where-LOC-SEQ
¿Dónde está el maní?
Where are the peanuts?
00:15:43.030 - 00:15:45.570

Chaypam kakuyan
chay-pa-m ka-ku-ya-n
Allí está
It's right there.
00:15:43.030 - 00:15:45.570

Anchu tapayuq hitrarunman peligro

Anchu tapa-yuq hitra-ru-n-man peligro
wide cover-POSS spill-URGT-3-COND danger
Con una tapa ancha, puede ramar. Cuidado!
With a wide top, it could spill. Careful!
00:15:45.820 - 00:15:49.530

No rama
No rama
It won't spill.
00:15:45.820 - 00:15:49.530

Waytachapis chuskayanña
Wayta-cha-pis chusku-ya-n-ña
flower-DIM-ADD degenerate-PROG-3-DISC ( VV wilt?)
Las flores tabién ya están degenerandose.
The flowers, too, are rotting.
00:16:04.100 - 00:16:05.920

lluvia manam valinchu.

lluvia mana-m vali-n-chu
rain no-EVD be.worth-3-NEG
La lluvia no vale.
The rain isn't worth anything.
00:16:06.320 - 00:16:09.200

Puraminti ismum. Usiyaptin suma sumaq waytan.

Puraminti ismu-m usiya-pti-3 suma sumaq wayta-n
completely rotten-EVD clear-SUBDS-3 pretty pretty flower-3
Totalmente podrido. Cuando se va la lluvia, florea bonito
It's completely rotten. When it clears up, it flowers beautifully.
00:16:09.520 - 00:16:14.490

¿Ayka plantataq tarpurunki? ¿saypatataq?

Ayka planta-taq planta-ru-nki saypa-ta-ta
how.many tree-SEQ plant-URGT-2 sapling-SEQ
¿Cúantos árboles has plantado? ¿Y [cuántas] sepas?
How many trees did you plant? And [how many] saplings?
00:16:16.760 - 00:16:19.650

Pusaq sepata
pusaq sepa-ta
eight sapling-ACC
Ocho sepas
Eight saplings.
00:16:20.830 - 00:16:23.200

Ishkay ishkaychatam plantaruyman chay uchuk uchukchallata

Ishkay ishkay-cha-ta-m planta-ru-mu-ni chay uchuk uchuk-cha-lla-ta
two two-DIM-ACC-EVD plant-URGT-CISL-1 DEM.D small small-DIM-RSTR-ACC
Podría plantar las chiquitas dos en dos
I could plant the little ones two by two.
00:16:25.490 - 00:16:29.710

Chay timbladirata trinan urquntriki nin aw tiyu

Chay timbladira trina-m urqu-n-tri-ki ni-n aw tiyu
DEM.D platter female-EVD male-EVD say-3 yes uncle
Esa tembladera será hembra y macho, no, tío
She says that that tray is both male and female, no, tío?
00:16:33.290 - 00:16:36.830

Karu karuta
Karu karu-ta
far far-ACC
Lejos lejos
Very far.
00:16:33.290 - 00:16:36.830

trinan urquntrik
trina-n urqun-tri-k
female-3 male-EVC-K
Macho y hembra
Male and female.
00:16:36.960 - 00:16:41.070

Chay uchukchallatrik trinan

Chay uchuk-cha-lla-tr trinan
DEM.D small-DIM-RSTR-EVC female
Esta chiquitita será su hembra
That little one would be the female.
00:16:36.960 - 00:16:41.070

Hukninqa urqucha qarichan. Warmichan i qarichan.

Huk-ni-n-qa urqu-cha qari-cha-n warmi-cha-n i qari-cha-n
one-EUPH-3-TOP male-DIM man-DIM-3 woman-DIM-3 and man-DIM-3
El otro es machito machito e hembrita
The other one is the male. The boy. The boy and the girl.
00:16:41.250 - 00:16:44.790

Wakpis principalmi
Wak-pis prinsipal-mi
DEM.D-ADD principal-EVD
Éso también es principal
That, too, is essential-
00:16:44.980 - 00:16:52.630

Chaypis util ya
Chay-pis util ya
Éso también es útil
That, too, is useful.
00:16:44.980 - 00:16:52.630

¿Imawantri qarakuchuwan?
ima-wan-tri qara-ku-chuwan
¿Con qué entonces podemos servir?
What can we serve with?
00:16:54.420 - 00:16:57.020

Chay plato
Chay plato
DEM.D plate
Ese plato.
That plate.
00:16:54.420 - 00:16:57.020

Platum timbladira qullqipa ruwasa prinsipal kay

platu-m timbladira qullqi-pa ruwa-sa prinsipal kay
plate-EVD platter gold-LOC make-PRF principal DEM.P
Un plato tembladera hecho de oro -- es principal.
A tray made of gold is essential.
00:16:57.220 - 00:17:01.410

Wakwan tuman pay

wak-wan tuma-n pay
DEM.D-INSTR drink-3 3
Él toma con-RSTR.
He takes it with that.
00:17:01.750 - 00:17:07.550

Kustumbrim kutichinanpaq. Wakwanraq pagan chay maldisyaw Diyabluta

kustumbri-m kuti-chi-na-n-paq wak-wan-raq paga-n chay maldisyaw diyablu-ta
custom-EVD return.CAUS.NMLZ-3-PURP DEM.D-INSTR pay-3 DEM.D damned devil-ACC
Su costumbre para que devuelva [al cerro, para que cure]. Con eso todavía paga a ese maldito diablo.
It was the custom in order to make an offering. With that they pay the damn devil.
00:17:01.750 - 00:17:07.550

Akasu ñuqanchikqa wakwan tumanchikchu

akasu ñuqa-nchik-qa wak-wan tuma-nchik-chu
perhaps 1-1PL-TOP DEM.D-INSTR drink-1PL-Q
Acaso nosotros tomamos con-RSTR
Maybe we can take it with that?
00:17:07.760 - 00:17:12.030

Pachata tumachinchik wakwan

pacha-ta tuma-chi-nchik wak-wan
ground-ACC drink-CAUS-1PL DEM.D-INSTR
Hacemos tomar a la tierra con-RSTR.
We have the ground take it with that.
00:17:12.200 - 00:17:16.380

Plastiko platuwan mikunchik

Plastiko platu-wan miku-nchik
plastic plate-INSTR eat-1PL
Comemos con platos de plástico.
We eat with plastic plates.
00:17:12.200 - 00:17:16.380

piru imaypaq ... unay unay kustumbritr kayqa

piru imay-paq unay unay kustumbri-tr kay-qa
but when-ABL before before custom-EVC DEM.P-TOP
Pero ¿de cuándo es? Ha de ser custumbre de mucho antes.
But when is it from? It must be a very old custom.
00:17:16.580 - 00:17:24.640

Payqa tuman
(pay-qa tuma-n
3-TOP drink-3
Él toma
He drinks-
00:17:16.580 - 00:17:24.640

Unay unaytriki awelon bisawelon tatara awelon

unay unay-tri-ki awelo-n bisawelo-n tatara awelo-n
before before-EVC-KI grandparent-3 great.grandparent-3 great.great. grandparent-3
De años -- abuelo de su abuelito de su bisabuelo de su tatara abuelo
A long time ago -- the grandfather of his great grandfather of his great-great grandfather.
00:17:24.940 - 00:17:29.370

timbladirayta ruwaruy
timbladira-y-ta ruwa-ru-y
platter-1-ACC make-URGT-IMP
Mi tembladera, ¡házla!
Make my platter!
00:17:34.360 - 00:17:41.710

Matichanpaq. Chay Romanta yapa nishaq aver

Mati-cha-n-paq chay Roman-ta yapa ni-shaq aver
tea-DIM-3-PURP DEM.D roman-ACC repeat say-1.FUT let's.see
Para su mate. De nuevo voy a decir a Don Román.
For his tea. I'm going to tell Don Ramón again.
00:17:34.360 - 00:17:41.710

Manañam atipanichu ruwayta nishunkitr kananqa

Mana-ña-m atipa-ni-chu ruwa-y-ta ni-shunki-tr kanan-qa
no-DISC-EVD make-INF-ACC say-1>2.FUT-EVC now-TOP
Ya no puedo hacer te diré ahora
I can't do it any more I'm going to tell you now.
00:17:41.850 - 00:17:44.410

Imaynatr puriyan llakikuyan

Imayna-tr puri-ya-n llaki-ku-ya-n
how-EVC walk-PROG-3 sorrow-REFL-PROG-3
¿Cómo estará andando? Tiene pena.
How is he walking around¿ He's sorrowful.
00:17:45.300 - 00:17:47.580

Tachitr waqayan
Tachi-tr waqa-ya-n
tachi-EVC cry-PROG-3
Tachi estará llorando.
Tachi must be crying.
00:17:47.870 - 00:17:51.570

Don Romanchu llakikuyan Tachichu masta llakikuyan

Don Roman-chu llaki-ku-ya-n tachi-chu mas-ta llaki-ku-ya-n
Don Roman-Q sorrow-REFL-PROG-3 tachi-Q more-ACC sorrow-REFL-PROG-3
¿[Cuál] tiene más pena -- Don Román o Tachi?
Is Don Román more sad or is Tachi more sad?
00:17:47.870 - 00:17:51.570

Wak Tachish huk puntraw kallipa puriyarqa

wak Tachi-sh huk puntraw kalli-pa puri-ya-rqa-ø
DEM.D tachi-EVR one day street-LOC walk-PROG-PST-3
Un día, Tachi estaba andando en la calle,
One day, Tachi was walking in the street.
00:17:51.780 - 00:17:55.160

Manachu mamallayta qawakururqanki kay kaypam

Mana-chu mama-lla-y-ta qawa-ku-ru-rqa-nki kay kay-pa-m
"¿No has visto a mi mamá por acá?"
"You haven't seen my mother around here?"
00:17:55.200 - 00:17:58.290

Waqashpa chaynata nin Ramon

waqa-shpa chay-na-ta ni-n Ramon
cry-SUBIS DEM.D-VRBZ-ACC- say-3 Ramon
Llorando. Así dijo Ramón
Crying. That's what Ramón said.
00:17:58.830 - 00:18:01.460

"¿Qué vas a hacer ya? ¡Agárra valor! Tu mama ya era anciana".

"¿Qué vas a hacer ya? ¡Agárra valor! Tu mama ya era anciana".
"What are you going to do? Take courage! Your mother was very old already."
00:18:01.950 - 00:18:07.260

Illantri chunyantriki wasinqa

illa-n-tri chunya-n-tri wasi-n-qa
miss-3-EVC be.silent-3-EVC house-3-TOP
La echará de menos -- Su casa estaría silenciosa
He must miss her. His house must be silent.
00:18:12.230 - 00:18:15.720

Machullapis illayachintriki.
Machu-lla-pis illa-ya-chi-n-tri miss-PROG-CAUS-3-EVC
El abuelito también la estará echando menos
The old man, too, would be missing her.
00:18:12.230 - 00:18:15.720

Ay, Señor! Ya ves.

¡Ay, señor! ¿Ya ves?
Ay, sir! You see?
00:18:17.700 - 00:18:26.020

Para. Wakchayta qatiramushaq

para. wakcha-y-ta qati-ra-mu-shaq
rain sheep-1-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-1.FUT
Llueve. Voy a traer mis wachos
It's raining. I'm going to get my sheep.
00:18:17.700 - 00:18:26.020

Katraramuy indikananpaq
katra-ra-mu-y indika-na-n-paq
release-URGT-CISL-IMP indicate-NMLZ-3-PURP
¡Mándale para que le indique!
Send him so that he shows him.
00:18:28.800 - 00:18:33.320

Ramonta katraramushaq wakchayta qatiramushaq

Ramon-ta katra-ra-mu-shaq wakcha-y-ta qati-ra-mu-shaq
Ramon-ACC release-URGT-CISL-1.FUT sheep-1-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-1.FUT
Voy a mandar a Ramón. Voy a traer mis wachos.
I'm going to send Ramón. I'm going to go get my sheep.
00:18:28.800 - 00:18:33.320

Uqu taqsakunay uquyanqañatr

uqu taqsa-kuna-y uqu-ya-nqa-ña-tr
wet wash-PL-1 wet-INCH-3.FUT-DISC-EVC
Mi lavado va a mojar ya seguro
My laundry is going to be getting wet already, for sure.
00:18:33.490 - 00:18:34.820

mana para . . . mana parahinatr kayarqa GG

mana para mana para-hina-tr ka-ya-rqa-ø
no rain no rain-COMP-EVC be-PROG-PST-3
Parece que no iba a llover.
It wasn't looking like it was going to rain.
00:18:35.890 - 00:18:39.470

Blusa . . . blusallaykunata kayllaman warkurapuway
Blusa blusa-lla-y-kuna-ta kay-lla-man warku-ra-pu-wa-y
Blus . . . mi blusas no más, !cuélgamelas hacia acá!
Blouse. Just my blouses -- hang them up for me right over here!
00:18:35.890 - 00:18:39.470

Manaya pasaypaqmi yanay yanay armakaramun

mana-ya pasaypaq-mi yana-y yana-y arma-ka-ra-mu-n
no-EMPH completely-EVD black black assemble-REFL-URGT-CISL-3
No, pues. Total, se armó negro negro.
No, then. It got put together all black.
00:18:39.490 - 00:18:42.810

Tumpa VV chaksaqkunata hinalla GG

Tumpa chaki-sa-q-kuna-ta hina-lla
a.little dry-PRF-AG-PL-ACC thus-RSTR
Los que están un poco secos, así.
The ones that are a little dry just like that.
00:18:42.870 - 00:18:45.980

Mandilllaykunata chaykuna tumpa chaksasa VV kayan

mandil-lla-y-kuna-ta chay-kuna chaksa-sa ka-ya-n
apron-RSTR-1-PL-ACC DEM.D-PL-ACC damp-PRF be-PROG-3
Mis mandíles -- estos están un poco húmedos.
My aprons -- those are a little damp.
00:18:57.550 - 00:19:01.170

Uqukunaqa kayachun! Paqarin ruparinqatr.

Uqu-kuna ka-ya-chun paqarin rupa-ri-nqa-tr
wet-PL be-PROG-INJUNC tomorrow burn-INCEP-3.FUT-EVC
¡Que se queden allí los mojads! Mañana hará calor.
Let the wet ones stay there. It will be warm tomorrow.
00:19:01.450 - 00:19:05.060

Derepente kapastri wambray trayaramunqa imayna kayna kayanki nishpa

derepente kapas-tri wambra-y traya-ra-mu-nqa imayna kay-na ka-ya-nki ni-shpa
perhaps possible-EVC child-1 arrive-URGT-CISL-3.FUT how DEM.P-NMLZ be-PROG-2 say-SUBIS
De repente va a llegar mi hijo. ¿Cóma estás así?
Maybe it's possible my son will come. How are you like that?
00:19:05.780 - 00:19:09.570

Chaykunawan . . .
With those.
00:19:09.640 - 00:19:13.300

Hinatatrik mal kashpa urayman rishaq

hina-ta-tri-k mal ka-shpa uray-man ri-shaq
thus-ACC-EVC-K bad be-SUBIS down-ALL go-1.FUT
Así iré estando mal para abajo.
Being sick like this, I'll go down [to the coast].
00:19:09.640 - 00:19:13.300

Házte volver
Make an offering.
00:19:13.510 - 00:19:16.350

Qawchirachikuy hinatañaya rishaq h´te botar ya.

qawchi-ra-chi-ku-shpa hina-ta-ña ri-shaq
Haciendo volver así ya iré
I'll have an offering made like that already and then I'll go.
00:19:13.510 - 00:19:16.350

Allin kanqa qawchirachikuptikiqa

allin ka-nqa qawchi-ra-chi-ku-pti-ki-qa
good be-1.FUT return-URGT-CAUS-REFL-SUBDS-2-TOP
Estará bueno ahora cuando te haces volver
It'll be good when you make an offering.
00:19:16.720 - 00:19:19.840

Chay nishpa
chay ni-shpa
Así dice
Saying that.
00:19:16.720 - 00:19:19.840

Mana qawchiptin
mana qawchi-pti-n
no return-SUBDS-3
Cuando no botas
When you don't make an offering ...
00:19:20.150 - 00:19:22.620

Mana qawchiptin
mana qawchi-pti-n
no return-SUBDS-3
Cuando no botas
When they don't make an offering,
00:19:20.150 - 00:19:22.620

Manapis allintri kanqa

mana-pis allin-tri ka-nqa
no-ADD good-EVC be-3.FUT
No va a estar bien de repente
It's not going to be good, either, for sure.
00:19:23.070 - 00:19:25.320

Ya, Hilda
Ya, Hilda
Ya, Hilda
Ya Hilda
OK, Hilda.
00:19:28.480 - 00:19:32.220

Rirushaq ya. Ramonta katraramushaq

ri-ru-shaq ya. Ramon-ta katra-ra-mu-shaq
go-URGT-1.FUT EMPH Ramon-ACC release-URGT-CISL-1.FUT
Ya voy a ir ya, a Ramon voy a mandar
I'm going to go now. I'll send Ramón.
00:19:28.480 - 00:19:32.220

Katraramuy indikanampaq, Hildacha

Katra-ra-mu-y indika-na-n-paq Hilda-cha
send-URGT-CISL-IMP indicate-NMLZ-3-PURP Hilda-DIM
Mándale para que le indique, Hildacita.
Send him so that he shows him, Hilda, dear.
00:19:32.330 - 00:19:36.200

Ah, ñuqa kidamushaq

ah, ñuqa kida-mu-shaq
ah, 1 stay-CISL-1.FUT
ah, yo quedaré
Ah, I'll stay.
00:19:32.330 - 00:19:36.200

Aw, paywanmi tiyashaq

Aw, pay-wan-mi tiya-shaq
Aw, 3-INSTR-EVD sit-1.FUT
Sí, voy a sentar con ella.
Yes, I'll sit with her.
00:19:36.750 - 00:19:41.220

Aviva, tiyachkanki chayllapa

Aviva, tiya-chka-nki chay-lla-pa
Aviva, sit-PROG-2 DEM.D-RSTR-LOC
Aviva, vas a estar sentando en allí no más
Aviva, you're going to sit right there.
00:19:36.750 - 00:19:41.220

kumpañanki. kumpañanki chayllapa

kumpaña-nki. kumpaña-nki chay-lla-pa
accompany-2 accompany-2 DEM.D-RSTR-LOC
La vas a acompañar. La vas a acompañar allí no más
You're going to keep her company. You're going to keep her company right there
00:19:42.660 - 00:19:47.300

Chayllaparaq tiyaykuy chayllaparaq

chay-lla-pa-raq tiya-yku-y chay-lla-pa-raq
Allí no más todavía siéntate.
Right there, still. Sit right there still.
00:19:47.330 - 00:19:49.850

¿Cuando ya se va ella?
¿Cuando ya se va ella?
When does she go already?
00:19:50.210 - 00:19:54.180

Ay, chayllaparaq tiyay

Ay, chay-lla-pa-raq tiya-y
Allí no más, ¡siéntate!
Sit right there.
00:19:50.210 - 00:19:54.180

Ah, chaychapa
Ah, chay-cha-pa
Ah, allicito.
Ah, right there.
00:19:55.020 - 00:19:56.980

Grabadorata apamushpa tushuwaq karqa.

grabadora-ta apa-mu-shpa tushu-waq ka-rqa-ø
recorder-ACC bring-CISL-SUBIS dance-2.COND be-PST-3
Traendo grabadora, hubieras podido bailar.
If you had brought a recorder, you might have danced.
00:19:57.870 - 00:20:02.460

Toda la noche
toda la noche
All night
00:20:02.560 - 00:20:04.860

fwirtitatr pararunqachu
fwirti-ta-tr para-ru-nqa-chu
strong-ACC-EVC rain-URGT-3.FUT-Q
¿Va a llover fuerte?
Will it rain heavily?
00:20:02.560 - 00:20:04.860

¿Pararanqañachu? Uraylaw vakay.

para-ra-nqa-ña-chu uray-law vaka-y
rain-UNINT-3.FUT-DISC-Q down-side cow-1
¿Va a llover ya? Mis vacas están abajo.
Is it going to rain already? My cows are down the hill.
00:20:04.960 - 00:20:07.550

Uraylaw puraminti mitu kayan

uray-law puraminti mitu ka-ya-n
down-side completely mud be-PROG-3
Abajo hay demasiado barro.
It's completely muddy down there.
00:20:08.010 - 00:20:09.430
00:20:09.600 - 00:20:11.730

Pukyunanmi wak uray aw

Pukya-na-n wak uray aw
reservoir-VRBZ-3-EVD DEM.D down yes
Abajo se forma manantial, ¿no?
A reservoir formed down there, no?
00:20:09.600 - 00:20:11.730

Vakam qilluyarachin shimillantaraq

Vaka-m qillu-ya-ra-chi-n shimi-lla-n-ta-raq
cow-3 yellow-INCH-CAUS-URGT-CAUS-3 mouth-RSTR-3-ACC-CONT
Las vacas se han hecho amarillar la boca.
The cows made their mouths yellow.
00:20:11.770 - 00:20:14.520

Ah pukyunanña
Ah pukyu-na-n-ña
Ah reservoir-VRBZ-3-DISC
Se formó manantial.
A reservoir formed already.
00:20:11.770 - 00:20:14.520

Puraminti yaku rikuyan trakinwan hodirunqa

Puraminti yaku ri-ku-ya-n traki-n-wan hodi-ru-nqa
totally water run-REFL-PROG-3 foot-3-INSTR fuck-URGT-3.FUT
El agua está yendo totalmente. [las vacas] van a malograr [todo] con sus pies.
The water is completely running -- [the cows] are going to wreck [everything] with their feet.
00:20:14.520 - 00:20:17.230

(Chay) Hukllan chay clavel wayta rinqa chu na granada

(Chay) Huk-lla-n chay clavel wayta ri-nqa-chu na granada
DEM.D one-RSTR-3 DEM.D carnation flower go-3.FUT-Q that pomegranate
Uno no más va a ir. Clavel. ¿O granada?
That one only, that carnation flower is going to go. That, um, pomegranate.
00:20:19.870 - 00:20:23.580

Kay huklla . . . may

Kay huk-lla . may
DEM.D one-RSTR . where
Éste uno no más. Dónde?
This one, no more. Where?
00:20:24.040 - 00:20:27.850

Chaypa misarumi kayan

chay-pa mesa-rumi ka-ya-n
DEM.D table-rock be-PROG-3
Allí está mesarumi.
Mesarumi is there.
00:20:35.410 - 00:20:37.800

Kayllawan chaywan qawchikunmantri

kay-lla-wan chay-wan qawchi-ku-n-man-tri
Con ésto, con ése él puede botar
He can make the offering with this one only ... with that one.
00:20:38.850 - 00:20:41.000

Vino piscota timbladiraman winaykushpa

vino pisco-ta timbladira-man wina-yku-shpa
wine pisco-ACC tray-ALL put-EXCEP-SUBIS
Echando vino pisco a la tembladera
Adding some pisco wine to the tray.
00:20:41.680 - 00:20:44.230

Estará sabiendo
He'll be learning.
00:20:45.050 - 00:20:48.260

Kaypaq lluqsirushpaq qawachirunki

kay-paq lluqsi-na-n-paq qawachi-ru-nki
DEM.P-ABL go.out-NMLZ-3-PURP return-URGT-2
Vas a botar para que salga
You're going to make an offering so that it goes out from here.
00:20:48.520 - 00:20:50.570

Manam kaypaqa
mana-m kay-pa-qa
No de acá
Not from here.
00:20:50.670 - 00:20:53.210

00:20:50.670 - 00:20:53.210

Imayna kayna nata

imayna kay-na na-ta
how DEM.P-VRBZ that-ACC
Cómo está esa cosa
How will it be like that
00:20:53.290 - 00:20:56.230

Runam kayan wakpaña
runa-m ka-ya-n wak-pa-ña
Hay gente allá ya.
There are people there already.
00:20:53.290 - 00:20:56.230

Wakpaña mesata mashtashpaña

wak-pa-ña mesa-ta mashta-shpa-ña
Allá, tendiendo la mesa ya.
Setting the table there already.
00:20:56.260 - 00:20:59.100

¿Hukñachu chay qarawakunata nesitankiñachu?

Huk-ña chay qarawa-kuna-ta nesita-nqa-raq
one-DISC DEM.D qarawa-PL-ACC need-3.FUT-CONT
¿Ya no vas a necitar esa qarawa?
You don't need that qarawa any more?
00:20:59.710 - 00:21:03.190

Chaynikitawantri prestawanki
chay-ni-ki-ta-wan-tri presta-wa-nki
Con tu eso me lo vas a prestar.
Lend it to me with yours.
00:21:03.240 - 00:21:07.910

Ah, mesapa
(Ah, mesa-pa
(Ah, table-LOC
Ah, en la mesa.
Ah, on the table.
00:21:07.930 - 00:21:11.940

Aaaarí mesaman trurananpaq presentananpaq

Aaaarí mesa-man trura-na-n-paq presenta-na-n-paq
yes table-ALL put-NMLZ-3-ALL present-NMLZ-3.PURP
Sí, pues. Para que lo ponga en la mesa, para que lo presente.
Yeees. So that she puts it on the table, so that she presents it.
00:21:07.930 - 00:21:11.940

Mana wichinanpaq bulsachaman winaruy

mana wichi-na-n-paq bulsa-cha-man ima chay-taq
no fall-NMLZ_3-PURP bag-DIM-ALL what DEM.D-SEQ
Para que no caiga. En la bolsita. ¿Qué cosa?
So that it doesn't fall. In the bag. What's that?
00:21:11.960 - 00:21:14.930

Bulsawan kayan
bulsa-wan ka-ya-n
bag-INSTR be-PROG-3
Está con bolsa.
It's with a bag.
00:21:15.050 - 00:21:17.190

ahya bulsa
ahya bulsa
ahya bag
Ahya, bolsa.
Ahya, bag.
00:21:15.050 - 00:21:17.190

¡Bulsachaman chaytaqa truray! Wichirunman. Tintasyun

bulsa-cha-man chay-ta-qa trura-y wichi-ru-n-man tintasyun
bag-DIM-ALL DEM.D-ACC-TOP save-IMP fall-URGT-3-COND temptation
¡Guárdalo en la bolsa! Puede caer. ¡Cuidado!
Put it in the bag. It could fall. Careful!
00:21:17.320 - 00:21:20.430

Va a llover ya.
It's going to rain already.
00:21:23.370 - 00:21:28.860

Claro, pues. Cerilotaqa respetanqachu piyurtri fisiyurunqa.

Claro, pues. Cerilo-ta-qa respeta-nqa-chu piyur-tri fisiyuru-nqa
Cerilo-ACC-TOP respect-3.FUT-Q worse-EVC judge-3.FUT
Claro, pues. A Cerilo, ¿qué va a respetar? Peor va ser el fisio.
Of course. Are they going to respect Cerilo? He's going to get a worse judgement.
00:21:23.370 - 00:21:28.860

Lliw lliw mallarusa

lliw lliw malla-ru-sa
all all wash-URGT-PRF be-3-COND
Todo, todo había lavado.
Everything was washed
00:21:29.110 - 00:21:31.060

¿Maypi? Uraypaqmi paraqa hamuyan puyupaq

May-pi. Ura-paq-mi para hamu-ya-n puyu-paq
where-LOC down-LOC-EVD rain-TOP come-PROG-3 fog-ABL
¿Dónde? De abajo viene la lluvia, de la neblina.
Where? The rain is coming from below, from the fog.
00:21:31.280 - 00:21:33.940

Sumaq sumaq armakurushpa

sumaq sumaq arma-ku-ru-shpa
pretty pretty assemble-REFL-URGT-SUBIS
armandose bonito bonito
gathering up really nicely.
00:21:33.940 - 00:21:36.580

Ukupa alli alli pastu kanqa

uku-pa good good pastu ka-nqa
inside-LOC alli good pasture.grass be-3FUT
Va a haber buen pasto al dentro.
There's going to be good pasture grass inside.
00:21:37.430 - 00:21:40.070

Chimpa ipalla uraypa rikariyamun pasto

chimpa ipalla uray-pa rikari-ya-mu-n pasto
front ipalla down-LOC appear-PROG-CISL-3 pasture.grass
A frente en Ipalla abajo está apareciendo pasto.
In front of Ipalla down hill, pasture grass is appearing.
00:21:40.680 - 00:21:44.810

Ñataq hanaylaw huk lawñapaq

ña-taq hanay-law huk law-ña-paq
DISC-SEQ above-side one-side-DISC-LOC
Ya arriba al otro lado ya
Up hill on the aother side already.
00:21:45.220 - 00:21:46.920

Tú también
You, too.
00:21:47.050 - 00:21:48.870

chaypaq ya rikariyamun
chay-paq ya rikari-ya-mu-n
De allí está apareciendo
It's appearing from there.
00:21:47.050 - 00:21:48.870

¿Maypaq Ramon? Qarakuyanñatr.

May-paq Ramon qara-ku-ya-n-ña-tr
where-LOC Ramon serve-REFL-PROG-3-DISC-EVC
¿Dónde está Ramon? Ya estará allá sirviendo
Where is Ramón? He must already be serving,
00:21:48.940 - 00:21:50.970

¿Kay señoritaqa maypataq yatrayan?

kay señorita-qa may-pa-taq yatra-ya-n
DEm.P señorita-TOP where-LOC-SEQ live-3
Esta señorita dónde estará viviendo?
Where is the young lady living?
00:21:52.850 - 00:21:55.070

Tukuy enero febrero kayan

Tukuy enero febrero ka-ya-n
all January February be-PROG-3
Todo enero y febrero habrá
There is [going to be rain] all January and February.
00:21:55.210 - 00:21:58.260

Parapatr kayllapa pasayta munayan

para-pa-tr kay-lla-pa pasa-y-ta muna-ya-n
Estará queriendo pasar acá en lluvia.
It'll be wanting to pass through here in the rain.
00:22:01.860 - 00:22:07.550

Para usiyariptinqa kutikunqañatrik

Para usiya-ri-pti-n-qa kuti-ku-nqa-ña-tri-k
Cuando descampa la lluvia se va a volver ya.
When the rain clears up, it's going to come back.
00:22:08.450 - 00:22:10.970

Uniku Don Manueltri hamuyan kay lawnintatr

Uniku Don Manuel-tri hamu-ya-n kay law-ni-n-ta-tr
only Don manuel-EVC come-PROG-3 DEM.P-side
Único Don Manuel estará viniendo por este lado.
Don Manuel must be coming this way.
00:22:11.060 - 00:22:13.330

Manam qamunchu
Mana-m hamu-n-chu
no-EVD come-3-NEG
No viene
It's not coming.
00:22:13.600 - 00:22:16.120

Mana wak lawpa kanchu mana kaypichu

mana wak law-pa ka-n mana-chu kay-pi-chu
no DEM.D-side-LOC be-3 no-Q DEM.P-LOC-NEG
No hay en ese lado tampoco acá.
It's not over there; it's not here.
00:22:16.520 - 00:22:18.820

Uñachikupatr yatrayan saranta ima kusechayan imaynayá?

Uñachiku-pa-tr yatra-ya-n sara-n-ta ima cosecha-ya-n imayna-yá
Uñachiku-LOC-EVC live-PROG-3 corn-3-ACC what harvest-PROG-3 how-EMPH
Estará viviendo en Uñachiko, cosechando su maíz. Cómo será?
She must be living in Uñachico, harvesting her corn. How would it be?
00:22:19.090 - 00:22:22.270

Sarantatrik atuq mikuyan allqu mikuyan hinashpatr wakpa kwidayan

Sara-n-ta-tr-ik atuq allqu miku-ya-n hinashpa-tr wak-pa kwida-ya-n
corn3--ACC-EVC-KI fox dog eat-PROG-3 then-EVC DEM.D-LOC care.for-PROG-3
Zorros y perros estarán comiendo su maíz. Por eso lo estará cuidando allá
Dogs and fox must be eating her corn. That's why she's looking after it there.
00:22:22.320 - 00:22:25.650

Wama wamaq Sasa kwidanam sara Hay que tener bastante cuidado el maíz.
Sasa kwida-na-n sara
hard care.for-NMLZ-3 corn
Es difícil cuidar el maíz
It's hard to take care of corn.
00:22:25.960 - 00:22:27.230

Wama-wamaq chiwi kayan

wama-wamaq chiwi ka-ya-n
a.lot a.lot chiwi.bird be-PROG-3
Hay muchos chiwillos.
There are a lot of chiwi birds.
00:22:27.450 - 00:22:30.030

00:22:27.450 - 00:22:30.030

allqu chiwi lluywa

allqu chiwi lluywa
dog chiwi.bird pheasant
Perros, chiwillos, perdices.
Dogs, chiwis, pheasants.
00:22:30.130 - 00:22:32.770

Imapis mana allin

ima-pis mana allin
what-ADD no good
¿Qué cosa también no es bueno?
What else isn't good.
00:22:32.880 - 00:22:35.340

00:22:32.880 - 00:22:35.340

Masñachu masñachu chay animal rikariyamun watan watanpaq

Mas-ña-chu mas-ña-chu chay animal rikari-ya-mu-n wata-n wata-n-paq
more-DISC-NEG more-DISC-NEG DEM.D animal appear-PROG-CISL-3 year-3 year-3-ALL
Esos animales ya se están apareciendo más y más cada año.
More and more of those animals are showing up year after year.
00:22:36.600 - 00:22:40.430

Imatataq . . . imanakushaqtaq mana kay pacha munawananpaq

Ima-ta-taq ima-na-ku-shaq-taq mana kay pacha muna-wa-na-n-paq
what-ACC-SEQ what-VRBZ-REFL-1.FUT-SEQ no DEM.P ground want-1.OBJ-NMLZ-3-PURP
¿Qué cosa? ¿Qué voy a hacer para que no me quiera esta tierra?
What? What am I going to do so that this earth won't want me?
00:22:43.230 - 00:22:46.850
¿Imanan chay maldisyaw [undecipherable]? Chukawanchik
ima-na-n chay maldisyaw [undecipherable] chuka-wanchik
what-VRBZ-3 DEM.D damned hit-3>1PL
¿Qué hará esa maldita x? Nos chocará.
¿What could that damn x do? It could make us sick..
00:22:47.540 - 00:22:50.570

Ah, perinnnnninin purini ukunkunata altunkunata

Ah, perinnnnninin puri-ni uku-n-kuna-ta altu-n-kuna-ta
Ah, constantly walk-1 inside-3-PL high-3-PL
Ah, ando por dentro por encima constantamente.
Ah, I'm always walking all around through the interior and over the heights.
00:22:50.680 - 00:22:54.140

Ima qayayachiwan imatr qayaypatr

ima qaya-ya-chi-wa-n ima-tr qaya-y-pa-tr
what call-PROF-CAUS-1.OBJ-3 what-EVC-K call
me estará haciendo llamar con exigencia
It must be having me called.
00:22:55.230 - 00:22:57.680

Mmm, ayves manam imallatapis

mm, ayves mana-m ima-lla-ta-pis
mm, sometimes no-EVD what-RSTR-ACC-ADD
Mmm, a veces nada en absoluto.
Mmm, sometimes absolutely nothing.
00:22:57.750 - 00:22:59.570

Empezamos a servir.
We start to serve.
00:22:59.850 - 00:23:01.850

Ah, manayá
ah, mana-yá
ah, no-EMPH
Hh, no, pues.
Ah, not at all.
00:22:59.850 - 00:23:01.850

Ésos no más, seguro
Just those, for sure.
00:23:02.480 - 00:23:04.890

Unnm, chayta
unnm, chay-ta
unnm, DEM.D-ACC
Ummnn, a ése
Umm, that one.
00:23:04.910 - 00:23:07.790

Pampaykakunim frutachaykuna apasayta

pampa-yku-ku-ni-m fruta-cha-y-kuna apa-sa-y-ta
bury-EXCEP-REFL-1-EVD fruit-DIM-1-PL bring-PRF-1-ACC
Entierro la fruta que llevo
I bury the fruit I bring.
00:23:04.910 - 00:23:07.790

Qawachirikuni imam maldisyun

qawachi-ri-ku-ni ima-m maldisyun
return-INCEP-REFL-1 what-EVD curse
Boto. ¡Qué maldición!
I make offerings. What a curse!
00:23:08.240 - 00:23:12.670

trakillaytam kayna wishturachin

traki-lla-y-ta-m kay-na wishtu-ra-chi-n
Hizo que mi pie cogee así.
It made my leg limp like this.
00:23:13.010 - 00:23:14.800

Siguru trakiywanqa manam purichuwanchu

siguru traki-y-wan-qa mana-m puri-chuwan-chu
for.sure foot-1-INSTR-TOP no-EVD walk-1PL.COND-NEG
Seguro con nuestros pies no podemos caminar.
For sure, with out feet, we can't walk.
00:23:15.050 - 00:23:17.740

Manam purisanchikchu trakinchikwanqa

mana-m puri-sa-nchik-chu traki-nchik-wan-qa
No hemos caminado con nuestros pies.
We haven't walked with our feet.
00:23:18.140 - 00:23:20.200

¿Maypaya Hildapa wakchan kayan?

may-pa-ya Hilda-pa wakcha-n ka-ya-n
where-LOC-EMPH Hilda-GEN sheep-3 be-PROG-3
¿Dónde, pues, están los wakchos de HIlda?
Where are Hilda's sheep then?
00:23:20.610 - 00:23:22.720

En dónde estará su wacho de Hilda?

Where would Hilda's sheep be?
00:23:20.610 - 00:23:22.720

Hildapa uray nanpa trakranpitr kayan

Hilda-pa uray na-n-pa trakra-n-pi-tr ka-ya-n
Hilda-GEN down that-3-LOC fields-3-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3
Estarán abajo en la chacra de Hilda.
They must be down hill in Hilda's fields
00:23:22.950 - 00:23:26.050

Ya manam qipikusa
(ya mana-m qipi-ku-sa-ø
EMPH no-EVD carry-REFL-PRF-3
00:23:28.400 - 00:23:32.280

Chaynallataq paranman
Chay-na-lla-taq para-n-man
Así no más puede llover
It could rain just like that.
00:23:28.400 - 00:23:32.280

Qayna puntraw chaynarunmi tarde, aw? Hinashpam usiyarirun astawan.

Qayna puntraw chay-na-ru-n.mi para-ru-n tardi usiya-ri-ru-n asta-wan
previous day DEM.D-VRBZ-URGT-3-EVD rain-URGT-3 afternoon clear-INCEP-URGT-3 until-INSTR
El día de ayer así hizo tarde después descampó más bien
Yesterday, it rained like that in the afternoon, and then it cleared up instead
00:23:32.280 - 00:23:36.990

Manañam kay dolorta

mana-ña-m kay dolor-ta
Ya no este dolor
Not this pain any more.
00:23:40.840 - 00:23:43.280

Samachinchu trakiyta imapis frotasyon ni ima

Sama-chi-n-chu traki-y-ta ima-pis frotasyon ni ima
rest-CAUS-3-NEG foot-1-ACC what-ADD rubbing nor what
Nada hace que mi pie descanse -- ni frotacion ni nada
Nothing makes my foot rest -- not massage or anything.
00:23:43.400 - 00:23:46.190

Atriki na malta ruwarashunki.

Atriki na mal-ta ruwa-ra-shunki
A-EVC-KI that bad-ACC make-PRF-3>2
De repente te habrá hecho mal.
It might have done you harm.
00:23:46.310 - 00:23:49.040

Kanan qawachiruptinqa
kanan Qawachi-ru-pti-n-qa
now return-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
Ahora cuando hace el pago.
Now, when he makes the offering.
00:23:49.100 - 00:23:53.410

Chaytaraqtri munayan
chay-ta-raq-tri muna-ya-n
Todavía estará queriendo-RSTR
It must want that still.
00:23:49.100 - 00:23:53.410

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:54 PM


Vispirapa ruwanchik chiki pichayta punguwan -- pungu -- validu.

En la víspera [de la erranza] hacemos el "chiki pichay", la limpieza del sitio con gente solicitada, "validos"
On the eve [of the erranza] we do they "chiki pichay", the cleaning of the site with hired hands, "validos"
00:00:08.550 - 00:00:13.840

Chay rin chiki pichaq

Allí van para hacer el "chiki pichay"
They go there to do the "chiki pichay"
00:00:13.940 - 00:00:18.720

Katanta qipikikushpa kornetinwan tiñanwan

Cargando sus mantas, con su corneta y con su tiña
Carrying their mantas, with their horn and their tambourine
00:00:18.820 - 00:00:23.180

Vakata pasachin qaytu chutaykushpa

Hacen pasar las vacas jalándolos con hilo,
They have the cows pass, pulling with thread,
00:00:23.220 - 00:00:26.260

con walla wallata watan

con walla, amarrándolos con walla
with rope, tying them up with rope
00:00:26.360 - 00:00:29.300

y con algodón.
and with cotton.
00:00:29.390 - 00:00:33.050

Chiki pichayrun tutaykuq inti siqaykuyaptin.

Cuando está ocultando el sol, hacen el "chiki pichay".
When the sun is setting, they do the "chiki pichay"
00:00:33.070 - 00:00:37.040

Chaynallam chay chiki pichay.

Así no mas es el "chiki pichay"
That's all there is to the "chiki pichay."
00:00:37.120 - 00:00:39.830

Allin urataq rin siliyoman.
Temprano, se van al silio [donde se van a enterrar un cuchillo y una piedra].
Early, the go to the "silio" [site where a knife and a stone are buried]
00:00:39.940 - 00:00:43.660

Silliota plantamun estadiyopa, plasapa.

Plantan el silio en el estadio, en la plaza,
They plant the silio in the statium, in the plaza.
00:00:43.880 - 00:00:47.820

Kañata, granadata apan ququmata

Llevan caña, granada, ququma.
They bring cane alcohol, pomeganates and ququma.
00:00:48.120 - 00:00:53.300

Chayta pagamun chay sityuman

Pagan eso al sitio.
They offer that to the site.
00:00:53.480 - 00:00:55.840

Chaypa . . . chay erranza ruwawanchik plasapa ruwanchik.

La erranza se hace allí, se hace en la plaza.
They hold the erranza there, they hold it in the plaza.
00:00:55.960 - 00:00:59.390

Chaypaqa kutimun yapa wasita qayantintaq.

Vuelven otra vez a la casa al día siguiente.
They return home again the next day.
00:00:59.580 - 00:01:03.660

La una las docita llapa vakata qayakunchik

A la una, a las dos, se echan las vacas a la plaza.
At one o'clock, at two o'clock, the cows get herded into the plaza.
00:01:03.720 - 00:01:06.980

Chaypa wanka validukuna hapikullan. Tumban sintata ushtuchinchik

Allí los señores validos agarran las vacas. Las tumban y nosotras les ponemos cintas.
There, the "validos" grab the cows. They tackle them and we put ribbons on them.
00:01:08.260 - 00:01:13.190

Ishkay warmita valikunchik sintata ushtuchiqta wanka . . . suqta wanka

Suplican a dos señoras para que pongan las cintas y seis personas
They request two women to put the ribbons and six people
00:01:13.650 - 00:01:18.380

vakata tumban.
tumban las vacas
tackle the cows
00:01:18.440 - 00:01:21.340

sintachinanpaq chay biturninkunata chuqan

para que ellas [las dos mujeres] pongan las cintas. Tiran caramelos.
so they [the two women] can put the ribbons. They toss candies [to the crowd].
00:01:21.550 - 00:01:25.940

Chaypaq puchukayanña chaypaq dweñupa wallqanta ruwan

De allí, ya se está terminando y pone un wallqa [guirnalda de fruta, caramelos, golosinas, etc.] al dueño.
At that point, it's ending already and the put a wallqa [garland of fruit, candy, sweets, etc.] on the owner.
00:01:27.060 - 00:01:32.190

Biturkunata chuqan dweñu.

El dueño bota caramelos y fruta [a la gente que mira].
The owner tosses candy and fruit [to the people watching].
00:01:32.360 - 00:01:36.510

Qalapiqa validu qalapiqam sutin chay pungupa

"Cabeza calata" -- los validos se llaman "cabezas calatas"
"Bald.heads" -- the validos are called "bald-heads"
00:01:36.750 - 00:01:40.580

Chay kustumbrita ruwan.

Hacen esa custumbre.
They make that custom.
00:01:40.710 - 00:01:43.740

Urqukunaman pagan.
Pagan al cerro.
They pay the mountain.
00:01:43.820 - 00:01:47.220

Tutaykuqtaq qarqurunña dweñuta wallqarachin

En la noche, botaron ya [las vacas] y pusieron una guirnalda al dueño.
At night, they've set out [the cows] and put a garland on the owner.
00:01:47.350 - 00:01:50.480

Achka achkata wallqarachiwanchik.

Nos ponen muchas guirnaldas.
They put a lot of garlands on us.
00:01:50.630 - 00:01:55.010

Vakata qarqurunchik tutaykuqta biturta chuqanchik.

Se botan las vacas y en la noche se tiran caramelos y frutas.
They turn the cows out and toss candies and fruit.
00:01:55.120 - 00:01:58.310

Chaynallam chay erransa puchukarun tukuy puntraw.

Así no mas acaba le erranza todo el día.
Just like that, the erranza ends all day.
00:02:00.190 - 00:02:04.570

Señal pampayña chay qayantintaq .

Al día siguente es el entierro del señal
The next day is the burual of the "señal."
00:02:07.010 - 00:02:09.830

Señalta pampan pukyuta achashpa.

Escarbando un manantial, entierran el señal.
Digging a well, they bury the "señal"
00:02:09.990 - 00:02:12.930

Validam chayta ruwan chaypa wankakuna.

Los validos hacen eso en allí las personas.
The validos do that there.
00:02:13.000 - 00:02:15.980

Qalapiqam sutin chay pungupaq

Los validos se llaman "qalapiqa" [cabeza calata]
The hired hands are called "bald-heads"
00:02:16.020 - 00:02:18.500

Chayllam chay pampata utrkun chayman chay señalninta pampan.

Allí no más, hacen hueco al suelo y entierran el señal allí.
Right there, they make a hole in the ground and bury the "señal" there.
00:02:18.620 - 00:02:22.250

Vakapata yawarninkunata
A la vaca con su sangre
The cow with its blood
00:02:22.460 - 00:02:26.300

Putuchapa, putuchaman chay rinrinta truran yawarninkunata.

En el potito, a un potito ponen su oreja con su sangre.
In a little pot -- they put its ear and its blood in a little pot.
00:02:26.470 - 00:02:30.010

Chaytam chay señalta pampamun.

Entierran el señal allí.
They bury the "señal" there.
00:02:30.080 - 00:02:32.930

Chaypaña ultimutaq saqirwaytataña chayta takin chay saqirwaytata.

Allí ya, último, la "saqirwayta" -- cantan la "saqirwayta".
There, already, last, the "saqirwayta" -- they sing the "saqirwayta".
00:02:33.880 - 00:02:39.200

Chay erransia puchkaruptin

Cuando acaba la erranza
When the erranza ends
00:02:39.230 - 00:02:41.890

Chaynallam chay erransia puchkukarun saqirwaytawan.

Así no más se acaba la erranza con la saqirwayta.
The erranza ends like that, with the "saqirwayta"
00:02:42.060 - 00:02:46.770

Takishpa hamun wasikaman lliw lliw validukuna qaparishpa.

Cantando vienen a la casa, todos los validos gritando.
They arrive home dancing while the validos shout.
00:02:46.830 - 00:02:50.890
Wanka . . . wankam sutin chay validupa.
Wanka ... los validos se llaman "wankas"
Wankas -- the validos are called "wankas"
00:02:51.000 - 00:02:53.990

Suqta wanka chay vakata hapikullan

Seis señores validos agarran la vaca
Six validos grab the cows
00:02:54.120 - 00:02:57.120

pampaman tumban.
y las tumban al suelo.
they knock them to the ground.
00:02:57.410 - 00:02:59.090

Sintachin banderantin muyurikullan kushkukullan chay wanka validukuna

Ponen las cintas. Con su bandera, los validos dan vueltas y VV.
00:02:59.340 - 00:03:04.310

Qaparishpa, qaparishpa. Chayllam chay erransia.

Wapeando, wapeando. Así no más es esta erranza.
Howling and clapping. That's all there is to the erranza.
00:03:04.600 - 00:03:11.470

00:03:11.790 - 00:03:14.970

Primero de febrerota pachatiyaytam ruwan chay urquman pagamunqa.

El primero de febrero hacen el "pachatiyay" -- lo van a pagar al cerro.
The first of February they do the "pachatiyay" -- they're going to pay [make an offering to] the mountain.
00:03:15.160 - 00:03:20.550

Lliw lliw frutakunata chaytaq validum rinqa pagaq

Los validos van para pagar toda esa fruta [al cerro]
The validos go to pay all the fruit [to the mountain].
00:03:20.870 - 00:03:26.560

Cuyta apan ishkay shakashtam .

Cuy. Llevan dos cuyes
Guinea piga. They bring two guinea pigs.
00:03:30.550 - 00:03:32.820

Ishkay shakashta wak urquman paganqa

Van a pagar dos cuyes al cerro.
They're going to pay two guinea pigs to the mountain.
00:03:33.160 - 00:03:36.480

Masta tardita chaypaq qayantintaq fiystaña.

Mas tarde, al día siguente es la fiesta ya.
Later, the next day is the festival already.
00:03:36.590 - 00:03:42.390

Chay urkistakunaña trayamun chay vispirata tukuy tuta tushan qaynatintapis.

La orquesta llega la víspera. Bailan toda la noche y al día siguente también.
The band arrives on the eve. They dance all night and the next day, too.
00:03:42.640 - 00:03:49.900

Chaynallam chay fiysta.

Así no más es la fiesta.
The festival is just like that.
00:03:50.000 - 00:03:53.230

Mayordomokunam kan .
Tiene sus mayordomos
There are hosts.
00:03:53.730 - 00:03:56.470

Suqtam mayordumu chay urkistata mikuchinqa.

Seis mayordomos van a hacer comer a la orquesta.
Six hosts are going to feed the band.
00:03:56.690 - 00:03:59.760

Huk puntraw huk mayordumu huk puntraw huk mayordumu

Un día un mayordomo otro día otro mayordomo.
One day, one host; another day, another host.
00:03:59.830 - 00:04:02.980

Tawam mayordumu tawa puntrawmi chay fiesta kanqa

Hay cuatro mayordomos -- esa fiesta es de cuatro día.
There are four hosts -- the festival is four days.
00:04:03.280 - 00:04:07.230

Korta muntikuna kanqa. Mayordumutaq nombran.

Va a haber el "corta monte". Nombran a los mayordomos
There's going to be the "corta monte" [tree cutting]. They name the hosts.
00:04:07.530 - 00:04:14.840

Watantam chay selebran tawa mayurdumu chay urkistata mikuchinqa.

Celebran una vez al año. Cuatro mayordomos hacen comer a la orquesta.
They celebrate it once a year. Four hosts are going to feed the band.
00:04:14.980 - 00:04:22.070

Komisyunmi chay urkistata pushamunqa Huancayopaq

La comisión va a traer la orquesta de Huancayo
The committee is going to bring the band from Huancayo.
00:04:22.480 - 00:04:25.910

Pasaypaq tushukullanqa runakuna.

La gente va a bailar bastante.
The people are going to dance a lot.
00:04:28.470 - 00:04:31.050

Volontariyoso chay mayordumukunaqa yaykun.

Los mayordomos entran voluntariamente.
The majordomos enter voluntarily.
00:04:41.470 - 00:04:45.920

Kanan kayan tawa watanpaqpis tawa yaykunqa

Ahora hay cuatro para el próxomo año. Cuatro van a entrar.
Now there are going to be four for next year. Four are going to enter.
00:04:46.110 - 00:04:49.770

Korta montepis kanqayá

Va a haber también el "corta monte"
There's goingt o be, too, the "corta monte" [tree cutting]
00:04:51.220 - 00:04:55.020

Plantatam sayachinqa chaypaq waqtanqa padrinum wallqachinqa chay monteman

Van plantar un árbol y de allí y lo van a adornar. El padrino va a poner el wallqa en el árbol.
They're going to plant a tree and decorate it. The padrino is going to put garlands on the tree.
00:04:57.840 - 00:05:05.800

Waqtanqa. Achawan tumbanqa watanpaq huk padrinu kananpaq.

Lo van a adornar. Lo van a tumbar con una acha para que para el próximo año haya otro padrino.
They're going to decorate it, They're going to knock it down with an axe so that the next year there will be
another padrino.
00:05:06.960 - 00:05:13.220

Arboltam sayachinqa pampata utrkushpa chaytam tumbanqa. Chaymi chay korta monte.
Van a plantar el árbol haciendo hueco al suelo. Va a tumbar ese. Ese es el corta monte.
They're going make a hole in the ground and plant a tree. They're going to knock it down. That's the "corta
00:05:14.140 - 00:05:20.440

Kurpuspapis chaynam vispirata ruwanqa.

En el Corpus también así van a hacer.
On Corpus, too, they're going to do it like that.
00:05:24.320 - 00:05:31.810

Urqumantam pagamunqa ishkay shakashta.

Van a pagar dos cuyes al cerro.
They're going to pay two guinea pigs to the mountain.
00:05:32.140 - 00:05:36.410

Chaypaq tarde qallarinqa vispirapis. Nigrukuna, nigritukuna, kapuralkuna, valido

De allí, en la tarde va a empezar la víspera. Los negros, los negritos, los caporales y el valido
From there, in the afternoon, the Vispera is going to start, The blacks, the little blacks, the leaders and the
00:05:36.580 - 00:05:43.160

Chay sumaq sumaq vestidokunatam vestikushpam

Vistiéndose muy bonito en sus vestidos
Dressing themselves nicely in their costumes
00:05:43.480 - 00:05:46.700

Diya puntraw qayantin dansanqa tukuy kallinta hinashpa

El día siguente van a dansar por toda la calle.
The day, the next day they're going to dance through all the streets. Then
00:05:47.010 - 00:05:51.120

Viernes, jueves, viernes, sábado

Viernes, jueves, viernes, sábado
Friday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
00:05:53.060 - 00:05:58.070

Kallinta chay ishkay pandilla muyumunqa ishkay grupo

Dos pandillas, dos grupos van a dar vuelta por toda la calle.
Two gangs, two groups are going to circle through the streets.
00:06:02.940 - 00:06:07.930

Chaynallam chay korpus chaynallam puchukakayan

Así no más es este Corpus. Así no más. Se está terminando.
Corpus is just like that. Just like that. It's over.
00:06:11.270 - 00:06:15.810

00:06:15.840 - 00:06:16.110

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:55 PM


El cuento es enn
El cuento es enn
The story is ummm
00:00:00.040 - 00:00:03.190

Ishkay Wanka samakushqa huk matraypi tarukapa kasanpi wama-wamaq karka kasa.
ishkay Wanka sama-ku-shqa-ø huk matray-pi taruka-pa ka-sa-n-pi wama wamaq karka ka-sa-ø
two Wanka rest-REFL-SUBIS one cave-LOC deer-GEN be-NPST-3-LOC a.lot a.lot manure be-NPST-3
Dos Huankayinos se alojaron en una cueva donde había bastante venados y bosta.
Two Huancayoans were resting in a cave where there were deer and there was a whole lot of manure.
00:00:03.300 - 00:00:09.210

Chayshi Wankaqa nin, "Aychaqa rikarinman kankananchikpaq."

chay-shi Wanka-qa ni-n aycha-cha rikari-n-man kanka-na-nchik-paq
DEM.D-EVR Wanka-TOP say-3 meat-DIM appear-3-COND grill-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
Uno [de los] Wankas dijo, "Ahora debe aparecer carne para que lo azemos".
One [of the] Wankas said, "Meat has got to turn up for us to grill."
00:00:09.320 - 00:00:13.880

Hukninñataq, "Achaláw. Wiksay saksasachaqa puñuyman," nin.

huk-ni-n-ña-taq achaláw wiksa-y saksa-sa-cha-qa puñu-y-man ni-n
one-EUPH-3-DISC-SEQ wow stomach-1 fill-PRF-DIM-TOP sleep-1-COND say-3
El otro, "¡Qué bonito! Mi éstomago llenito podría dormir", dijo.
The other said, "Oh, wow. With my stomach nice and full, I could sleep."
00:00:14.280 - 00:00:18.900

Tutaña killapa sumaq sumaq kaballeriya hamukuyasa pampata chipli-chiplishpa.

tuta-ña killa-pa sumaq sumaq kaballeriya hamu-ku-ya-sa-ø pampa-ta chipli chipli-shpa
night-DISC moon-LOC pretty pretty horse come-REFL-PROG-NPST-3 ground-ACC shine shine-SUBIS
[Esa] noche, bajo la luna, vino por la pampa una tropa de caballos muy brillante.
At night, under the moon, a beautiful horse was coming across the ground, bright and shiny.
00:00:19.040 - 00:00:25.650

Yuraq kaballuqa yuraq vakata arrastramusa.

yuraq kaballu-qa yuraq vaka-ta arrastra-mu-sa-ø
white horse-TOP white cow-ACC drag-CISL-NPST-3
Un caballo blanco jalaba una vaca blanca.
A white horse pulled along a white cow.
00:00:25.870 - 00:00:30.210

Hatun yana lasuwan aysakusash hamusa runaqa.

hatun yana lasu-wan aysa-ku-sa-sh hamu-sa-ø runa-qa
big back lasso-INSTR pull-REFL-NPST-EVR come-CISL-NPST-3 person-TOP
[La vaca] se hacía jalar con un lazo largo y negro.
Pulled, they say, with a black lasso, [the cow] came along.
00:00:30.330 - 00:00:33.500

trayarachin Wankaman. Wankataqa nin, "Ahora sí taytay, kanan eso sí."

traya-ra-chi-n Wanka-man Wanka-ta-qa ni-n tayta-y kanan
arrive-URGT-CAUS-3 Wanka-ALL Wanka-ACC-TOP say-3 father-1 now
El hombre vino y entregó [la vaca] a los Wankas. . El Wanka dijo, "Sí papacito, ahora eso sí".
He came and delivered it to the Wankas. He said to the Wanka, "Yes, now, my man, that now, yes."
00:00:33.560 - 00:00:39.360

"Paysanu, manachu vakata rantiyta munanki?"

paysanu mana-chu vaka-ta ranti-y-ta muna-nki
countryman no-Q cow-ACC buy-INF-ACC want-2
"Paisano, ¿no quieres compar vaca?"
"Countryman, don't you want to buy a cow?"
00:00:39.520 - 00:00:43.450

"Ñakayachiwanmi. Qillakuyanim aysayta," nin

ñaka-ya-chi-wan-mi qilla-ku-ya-ni aysa-y-ta ni-n
hurt-PROG-CAUS-1.OBJ-3-EVD lazy-REFL-PROG-1 pull-IMF-ACC say-3
Me está haciendo sufrir. Me da flojera – no tengo ganas de jalarla", dijo.
"It's making me suffer. I'm too lazy to drag it along," he said.
00:00:43.640 - 00:00:47.420

"Ya, Taytay, rantishaq," qullqinta kamaykun deyunaves.

ya tayta-y ranti-shaq qullqi-n-ta kama-yku-n deyunaves
already father-1 buy-1.FUT gold-3-ACC show-EXCEP-3 at.once
"Ya, Papito, la voy a comprar", [dijo y] le mostró su dinero de inmediato.
"OK, man, I'll buy it," [he said and] he showed him his money right away.
00:00:47.670 - 00:00:52.820

Waktaqa deyunaves chay runaqa pasakun kaballeriya.

wak-ta-qa deyunaves chay runa-qa pasa-ku-n kaballeriya
DEM.D-ACC-TOP at.once DEM.D person-TOP pass-REFL-3 horse
El hombre se fue de inmediato cabalgando.
That person left right away on horseback.
00:00:53.060 - 00:00:57.770

Hinaptinshi chay vakataq wañurachin Wankakunaqa.

hinaptin-shi chay vaka-taq wañu-ra-chi-n Wanka-kuna-qa
then-EVR DEM.D cow-SEQ die-URGT-CAUS-3 Wanka-PL-TOP
Entonces, dice, los Wankas mataron esa vaca.
Then, they say, the Wankas killed the cow.
00:00:57.970 - 00:01:01.520

Wakinnin wañuyachin, wakinninqa kankayanña, huknin lliw na

wakin-ni-n wañu-ya-chi-n wakin-ni-n-qa kanka-ya-n-ña huk-ni-n lliw na
some-EUPH-3 die-PROG-CAUS-3 some-EUPH-3-TOP grill-PROG-3-DISC one-EUPH-3 all DMY
Algunos están matando y algunos están asando la carne y algunos todos eso ...
Some are killing the cow; others are grilling it; still others all umm ...
00:01:01.730 - 00:01:06.130

Tukuy tuta qunakun Wankakunaqa.

tukuy tuta qu-naku-n Wanka-kuna-qa
all night give-RECP-3 Wanka-PL-TOP
Toda la noche los Wankas se ofrecían carne.
All night,the Wankas passed around [the meat].
00:01:06.370 - 00:01:08.680

Hinaptinqa chaypaq mikurarushpa puñurusa.

hinaptin-qa chay-paq miku-ra-ru-shpa puñu-ru-sa-ø
Luego de comer se quedaron dormidos.
Then, after eating, they fell asleep.
00:01:08.960 - 00:01:12.000

Intikama puñuruptin. Derepenti urayta hamuyasa runakunaqa shukukusakuna.

inti-kama puñu-ru-pti-n derepenti uray-ta hamu-ya-sa-ø runa-kuna-qa shuku-ku-sa-kuna
sun-LIM sleep-URGT-SUBDS-3 all.of.a.sudden down.hill-ACC come-PROG-NPST-3 person-PL-TOP
Se quedaron dormidos hasta el amanecer. De repente desde lejos varias personas vinieron, encapuchadas.
They slept until sunrise. All of a sudden people came down hill, their heads covered.
00:01:12.260 - 00:01:17.700

Achka runa hamuyasa chayqa trayasa rastruwan chay rastru hamusa arrastrasaqa.
achka runa hamu-ya-sa-ø chay-qa traya-sa-ø rastru-wan chay rastru hamu-sa-ø arrastra-sa-qa
a.lot person come-PROG-NPST-3 DEM.D-TOP come-NPST-3 trace-INSTR DEM.D trace come.NPST-3
Varias personas venían siguiendo la huella de lo que se había jalado
Lots of people came, the arrived with the trail, the trail of what had been dragged.
00:01:17.850 - 00:01:25.360

Arrasatrasa hamusa. Chayshi chay tapukun Wankataqa Wankaqa nin manam.
arrasatra-sa hamu-sa-ø chay-shi chay tapu-ku-n Wanka-ta-qa Wanka-qa ni-n mana-m
drag-PRF come-NPST-3 DEM.D-EVR DEM.D ask-REFL-3 Wanka-ACC-TOP Wanka-TOP say-3 no-EVD
Entonces preguntaron a los Wankas [si habían visto algo]. Los Wankas respondieron, "No".
So they asked the Wankas [if they'd seen anything]. The Wankas answered, "No."
00:01:25.810 - 00:01:32.470

"Imapis, pipis trayamurachu," nin. "trayamun," nin. "Pasaypaq ... rastruqa pasanchu."
ima-pis pi-pis traya-mu-ra-ø-chu ni-n traya-mu-n ni-n pasaypaq rastru-qa pasa-n-chu
what-ADD who-ADD arrive-CISL-PST-3-NEG say-3 arrive-CISL-3 say-3 completely trace-TOP pass-3-NEG
"Nada, nadie ha llegado". "Llegó" dijeron [los encapuchados], "La huella no pasa de aquí en absoluto".
"Nothing, no one came." "They came," said [the hooded men]. "The trail simply doesn't go past here."
00:01:32.790 - 00:01:37.820

Chayshi Wanka, "Hakuña, taytay! hakuña!" Hinashpa, "Pakananpaq chay aycha. Pakananpaq maskaptin."
chay-shi Wanka haku-ña tayta-y haku-ña hinashpa paka-na-n-paq chay aycha paka-na-n-paq maska-pti-n
DEM.D-EVR Wanka let's.go-DISC father-1 let's.go-DISC then hide-NMLZ-3-PURP DEM.D meat
hide-NMLZ-3-PURP look.for-SUBDS-3
En eso dice el Wanka dijo, "¡Vámos, papito! ¡Vámos!" Después, "Para esconder esta carne. Para
esconderla cuando se buscará".
With that, they say, the Wanka said, "Let's go, already, man! Let's go then and hide the meat, to hide it when
they look for it."
00:01:38.050 - 00:01:43.640

Runapa umallan, trakillan kayashqa. Wankaqa,

runa-pa uma-lla-n traki-lla-n ka-ya-shqa-ø Wanka-qa
person-GEN head-RSTR-3 foot-RSTR-3 be-PROG-SUBIS-3 Wanka-TOP
La cabeza de una persona, el pie de una persona, no más estaba.
There were just a person's head, a person's foot.
00:01:43.760 - 00:01:47.760

"Runamasinchikta mikurunchik!" chay Wankaqa ninakun. "Runamasinchikta mikurunchik, wawki!" nin.

runa--masi-nchik miku-ru-nchik chay Wanka-qa ni-naku-n runa--masinchik-ta miku-ru-nchik wawki ni-n Nada
person-PART-1PL-ACC eat-URGT-1PL DEM.D Wanka-TOP say-RECP-3 person-PART-1PL-ACC
eat-URGT-1PL brother say-3 nothing
"¡Hemos comido a seres humanos!" se dijeron los Wankas. "Hemos comido a nuestros prójimos, hermano"
dijeron. Nada.
"We've eaten our fellow people!" the Wankas said to each other. "We've eaten our fellow people, brother,"
they said. Nothing.
00:01:48.000 - 00:01:54.540

Chayshi, "Chay runakunaqa," nin, "familyaytam."

chay-shi chay runa-kuna-qa ni-n familya-y-ta-m
DEM.D-EVR DEM.D person-PL-TOP say-3 family-1-ACC-EVD
En eso, dice, "Ésos [eran] personas" dijeron. "¡[Hemos comido] a nuestros parientes!"
"Those [were] people," they said. "[We ate] our relatives!"
00:01:54.770 - 00:02:00.210

"Mana vilakuranichu. Puñukunaykamam chinkarun. Hatarishpa hamurusa." "Manachu qawarqanki?"

nishpa tapukun Wankataqa. Wankaqa, "Manam
qawarqanichu," nin.
mana vila-ku-ra-ni-chu puñu-ku-na-y-kama-m chinka-ru-n h atari-shpa hamu-ru-sa mana-chu qawa-rqa-nki
ni-shpa tapu-ku-n Wanka-ta-qa Wanka-qa
no keep.vigil-REFL-PST-1-NEG sleep-REFL-NMLZ-1-RSTR-EVD lose-URGT-3 awake-SUBIS
come-URGF-3 no-Q look-PST-2 say-SUBIS ask-REFL-3
"No he velado. Mientras me quedé dormido, se perdió. Levantándose, se fue,". "¿No has visto?" diciendo
preguntó al Wanka. El
Wanka, "No he visto", dijo.
I didn't keep watch. While I slept, it got lost. When he got up, he left.." "Didn't you see it?· he asked the
Wanka. The
Wanka said, "I didn't see it."
00:02:00.360 - 00:02:10.280

mana-m qawa-rqa-ni-chu ni-n

Wanka-ACC-TOP Wanka-TOP no-EVD look-PST-1-NEG say-3

Chayshi qipita naptinqa deyunavesña runapa [inaudible]

chay-shi qipi-ta na-pti-n-qa deyunaves-ña runa-pa
DEM.D-EVR knapsack-ACC that-SUBDS-3-TOP at.once-DISC person-GEN
Cuando hizo su carga, inmediatamente [sintió la mano] de la persona [muerta cosquillar el interior de su
With that, they say, when he ummm the knapsack, all at once the person's[hand tickle his stomach].
00:02:10.710 - 00:02:14.660

yanqañash aqtunpis imapis Wankaqa runamasinta mikurusa.

yanqa-ña-sh aqtu-n-pis ima-pis Wanka-qa runa-masi-n-ta miku-ru-sa-ø
in.vain-DISC-EVR vomit-3-ADD what-ADD Wanka-TOP person-PART-3-ACC eat-URGT-NPST-3
Mentira ya, dice. Arrojó, también, qué cosa también? Los Huankayinos habian comido a su semejante.
In vain, he threw up everything [in his stomach] – the Wankas had eaten their fellow humans.
00:02:14.820 - 00:02:19.780

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:56 PM


Unayshi kumadrinwan kumpadrin tupakururqa.

unay-shi kumadri-n-wan kumpadri-n tupa-ku-ru-rqa-ø
before-EVD comadre-3-INSTR compadre-3 meet-REFL-URGT-PST-3
Antes un compadre se encontró con su comadre
Once upon a compadre met up with his comadre
00:00:00.080 - 00:00:04.500

Kumadrinwan puñukurun.
kumadri-n-wan puñu-ku-ru-n
comadre-3-INSTR sleep-REFL-URGT-3
y con su comadre durmió.
and he slept with his comadre.
00:00:04.560 - 00:00:08.160

Hinaptinshi surtihanta
hinaptin-shi surtiha-n-ta
then-EVR ring-3-ACC
Después, dicen, sus anillos
Then, they say, their rings
00:00:08.400 - 00:00:11.940

qunakurun. Kumpadrinwan kumadrinwan palabrata qunakushtin aritintawan.

qu-naku-ru-n kumpadri-n-wan kumadri-n-wan palabra-ta qu-naku-shtin ariti-n-ta-wan
give-MUTBEN-URGT-3 compadre.3.INSTR comadre-3-INSTR word-ACC give-MUTBEN-SUBADV
se intercambiaron; y, con un arete, el compadre y la comadre se dieron la palabra [se juraron amor].
they exchanges. And, with an earring, the compadre and comadre gave each other their word [swore their
00:00:12.060 - 00:00:17.050

Hinashpash rumi qipanman wanka diyabluqa pakarusa.

hinashpa-sh rumi wanka diyablu-qa qipa-n-man paka-ru-sa-ø
then-EVR stone behind-3-ALL wanka devil-TOP hide-URGT-NPST-ø
El Wanka [el compadre, que pronto se convertiría en] demonio escondió [su anillo y su arete] bajo una piedra.
Then, behind a rock, [the compadre, a] Wanka [who would soon become a] devil hid [his ring and his earring].
00:00:18.070 - 00:00:22.280

Hinaptin ishkay warmiqa yatrakushqa.

hinaptin ishkay warmi-qa yatra-ku-shqa-ø
then two woman-TOP live-REFL-NPST-3
Dos mujeres vivían [cerca de esa piedra, la comadre y su compañera].
Two women lived there [near that rock, the comadre and her neighbor].
00:00:23.260 - 00:00:26.230

Chay huknin warmimanqa alkansayan.

chay huk-ni-n warmi-man-qa alkansa-ya-n
DEM.D one-EUPH-3 woman-ALL-TOP reach-PROG-3
[El compadre] corrió detrás de la otra mujer [de la compañera, pero nunca] la alcanzó.
[The compadre] chased the other woman [but never caught her].
00:00:26.600 - 00:00:29.330

Chay runaqa chay wankaqa kutikurqa llaqtanta.

chay runa-qa wanka-qa kuti-ku-rqa-ø chay llaqta-n-ta
DEM.D person-TOP DEM.D wanka-TOP return-REFL-PST-3 town-3-ACC
esta persona. Este Wanka se volvío a su pueblo
that person. The Wanka returned to his town.
00:00:29.570 - 00:00:33.300

Kutikushpa wanka diyabluqa wañukurqatriki.

kuti-ku-shpa wanka diyablu-qa wañu-ku-rqa-ø-tri-ki
return-REFL-SUBIS devil-TOP wanka die-REFL-PST-EVC-KI
Volviendo, el Wanka demonio se habrá muerto.
While going back, the Wanka Devil must have died.
00:00:33.540 - 00:00:36.710

Wañukuptinqa chay rumi qipanpa

wañu-ku-pti-n-qa chay rumi qipa-n-pa
die-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D stone behind-3-LOC
Cuando se murió, atrás de la piedra
When he died, behind the stone
00:00:36.980 - 00:00:40.070

aritiwan chay surtihan chayqa pamparayan.

ariti-wan chay surtiha-n chay-qa pampa-ra-ya-n
ear.ring-INSTR DEM.D ring-3 DEM.D-TOP bury-UNINT-PROG-3
su arete y su anillo permanecían entrerrados.
his ring along with his earring remained buried.
00:00:40.170 - 00:00:43.070

"Kutimushaq," nishpa chay pindihuqa manam warminman trayachinchu.

kuti-mu-shaq ni-shpa-sh chay pindihu-qa mana-m warmi-n-man traya-chi-n-chu
return-CISL-1.FUT say-SUBIS-EVR DEM.D bastard-TOP no-EVD woman-3 arrive-CAUS-3-NEG
Aunque [había] dicho "Voy a volver," el pendejo nunca regresó con su mujer.
Although the bastard [had] said, "I'm going to return," he never made it back to his wife
00:00:43.220 - 00:00:46.860

Ariyá, warmiyuq. Hinashpash

ari-yá warmi-yuq hinashpa-sh
yes-EMPH woman-POSS then-EVR
¡Sí, tenía esposa! Después,
Yes, he had a wife! Then
00:00:47.030 - 00:00:50.350

Chay huknin warmiman yatrasan warmiman alkansayan kurriy kurriy.

chay huk-ni-n warmi-man yatra-sa-n warmi-man alkansa-ya-n kurri-y kurri-y
DEM.D one-EUPH-3 woman-ALL live-PRF-3 woman-ALL reach-PROG-3 run-INF run-INF
[Condenado ya, se puso en camino hacia] donde vivía la otra mujer. Corriendo, corriendo, estaba alcanzando a
esa mujer.
[Condemned now, a zombie, he headed to] where the other womna lived. He was catching up to the
woman,running, running.
00:00:50.520 - 00:00:55.670

Alkansaptin, "Suyaykullaway! Salvaykuway!" nishpa.

alkansa-pti-n suya-yku-lla-wa-y salva-yku-wa-y ni-shpa
Cuando la alcanzó, "¡Espérame! ¡Sálvame!" dijo
When he caught up to her, he said, "Wait for me! Save me!"
00:00:55.960 - 00:00:59.870

Shallak shallak shallak shallakhina rikuyan. Kadenan aysakusa

shallak shallak shallak shallak-hina ri-ku-ya-n kadena-n aysa-ku-sa
shallak shallak shallak shallak-COMP go-REFL-PROG-3 chain-3 drag-REFL-PRF
He was going along, dragging his chains – Shallak! Shallak! Shallak!
Estaba yendo así, arrastrando sus cadenas – Shallak! Shallak! Shallak!
00:00:59.920 - 00:01:05.520

Allí está. Wañukuptinshi hamuyan qariqa.

wañu-ku-pti-n-shi hamu-ya-n qari-qa
die-REFL-SUBDS-3-EVR come-PROG-3 man-TOP
Allí está [ésa es la historia]. Cuando murió, el hombre vino [otra vez a donde había escondido su anillo y su
That's right. When he died, they say, the man came [back to where he had buried the ring and the earring].
00:01:05.680 - 00:01:09.540

Ariyá. Hinaptinshi, "Suyaykuway! Salvaykuway!" nishpa.

ari-yá hinaptin-shi suya-yku-wa-y salva-yku-wa-y ni-shpa
Sí, pués. Luego él dijo [otra vez], "¡Espérame. ¡Sálvame!"
Yes, indeed. Then he said [again], "Wait for me! Save me!"
00:01:09.940 - 00:01:13.640

"Suyaway" niptinqa, piyur rikuyan warmiqa rikuyan.

suya-wa-y ni-pti-n-qa piyur ri-ku-ya-n warmi-qa ri-ku-ya-n
wait-1.OBJ-IMP say-SUBDS-3-TOP worse go-REFL-PROG-3 woman-TOP go-REFL-PROG-3
Cuando dijo "¡Espérame!" – peor! – ella se fue [escapándose]. La mujer se estaba yendo.
When he said "Wait for me," – peor! – [the woman started] running further away. The woman was going
00:01:13.690 - 00:01:17.130

Mmmhhhmmm. Shallak, shallak, shallak, shallak, qipanta rikuyan.

mmmhhhmmm, shallak, shallak, shallak, shallak, qipa-n-ta ri-ku-ya-n
mmmhhhmmm, shallak, shallak, shallak, shallak, behind-3-ACC go-REFL-PROG-3
[El condenado] la está [persigiendo], yendo detrás de ella – Shallak! Shallak! Shallak!
[Following] behind her, [the zombie] is going – Shallak! Shallak! Shallak!
00:01:17.240 - 00:01:21.760

"Hapiruwanqa," nishpa, peyor chay yatraqmasinqa ayqikuyan. Hinaptinqa

hapi-ru-wa-nqa ni-shpa peyor chay yatra-q-masi-n-qa ayqi-ku-ya-n hinaptin-qa
grab-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT say-SUBIS worse live-AG-PART-3-TOP escape-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D
"¡Me va a agarrar!" dijo la vecina [la compañera de la comadre] mientras [corría para] escaparse.
"He's going to grab me!" said the neighbor [of the comadre] as she [ran to] to escape.
00:01:21.960 - 00:01:26.990

karupaña kayaptinqa allquñataq hamusa.

karu-pa-ña ka-ya-pti-n-qa allqu-ña-taq hamu-sa-ø
Luego, cuando ya estaba lejos, un perro vino.
when she was already far away, a dog came along.
00:01:27.170 - 00:01:31.160

Chay allqucha trupachanta aywishpa aywishpa aywishpa alkansaykurun chay runamanqa.

chay allqu-cha trupa-cha-n-ta aywi-shpa aywi-shpa aywi-shpa alkansa-yku-ru-n chay runa-man-qa
DEM.D dog-DIM tail-DIM-3-ACC move-SUBIS move-SUBIS move-SUBIS reach-EXCEP-REFL-URGT-3
DEM.D person-ALL-TOP
Ese perrito se acercó a la piedra moviendo, moviendo la colita
The dog reached the rock wagging and wagging his tail,
00:01:31.350 - 00:01:35.310

Muskipashpa, muskipashpa. Hinaptinqa

muski-pa-shpa muski-pa-shpa hinaptin-qa
olfatiándole, olfateándole. Entonces
sniffing around and sniffing around. Then
00:01:35.400 - 00:01:39.270

chay naman trayan chay rumi qipanman.

chay na-man traya-n chay rumi qipa-n-man
DEM.D that-ALL arrive-3 DEM.D stone behind-3-ALL
[Por fin, el perro] llegó a dar con la piedra.
[Finally, the dog] arrived there behind the rock.
00:01:39.320 - 00:01:42.760

Shallak shallakhina suyunaptinshi warmiqa ayqiyan.

shallak shallak-hina suyuna-pti-n-shi warmi-qa ayqi-ya-n
shallak shallak-COMP sound-SUBDS.3.EVR woman-TOP drag-PROG-3
[Mientras tanto, el condenado] estaba sonando Shallak! Shallak! [llamándo a] la mujer mientras ésta se
[Meanwhile, the zombie] was making his Shallak! Shallak! noise [and calling to] the woman as she was
00:01:42.920 - 00:01:46.300

Entonces, "Kawsayantri wak runaqa. Imaynataq qayawanmanqa?" nishpaqa sayan.

entonces kawsa-ya-n-tri wak runa-qa imayna-taq qaya-wa-n-man-qa nishpa-qa sayan
so live-PROG-3-EVD DEM.D person-TOP how-SEQ call-1.OBJ-3-COND-TOP say-SUBIS-TOP stop-3
Entonces, [la mujer] dijo, "Esa persona estará viva. ¿[De otro modo] cómo me podría llamar?" y se paró.
Then, [the woman] said, "That person must be alive. How [else] could he call me?" and she stopped.
00:01:46.530 - 00:01:51.140

Sayayaptinqa, allqu alkansaruptin, wallupashpa, wallupashpa, riyan, riyan.

saya-ya-pti-n-qa allqu alkansa-ru-shpa wallpa-shpa wallpa-shpa ri-ya-n ri-ya-n
rest-PROG-SUBDS-3-TOP dog reach-URGT-SUBDS-3 wag-SUBIS wag-SUBIS go-PROG-3 go-PROG-3
Mientras descansaba, el perro la alcanzó, [todavía] moviendo, moviendo la cola, yendo, yendo.
While she was resting, the dog caught up to her [still] wagging and wagging his tail, going and going.
00:01:51.280 - 00:01:55.810

Chaypash paqarinnin madrawtaña

chay-pa-sh paqarin-ni-n madraw-ta-ña
DEM.D-LOC-EVR tomorrow-EUPH-3 morning-ACC-DISC
La madrugada del día siguente [el perro llevó a la mujer a la piedra, donde la tierra había sido escarbada].
The next day, at dawn, [the dog led the woman back to the rock. She noticed the ground had been scratched
00:01:56.060 - 00:01:59.550

"Kaspiwan imatataq pamparqa? Imataq kanman?" nishpaqa achan kaspiwan

Kaspi-wan ima-ta-taq ima-taq ka-n-man ni-shpa-qa acha-n pampa-rqa-ø kaspi-wan
stick-INSTR what-ACC-SEQ bury-PST-3 what-SEQ be-3-COND say-SUBIS-TOP dig-3 stick-INSTR
"¿Qué cosa han enterrado con palo? ¿Qué puede ser?" dijo la mujer mientras escarbaba con un palo.
"What did they bury with a stick? What could it be?" said the woman as she dug with a stick.
00:01:59.650 - 00:02:05.980

warmiqa. Hinaptinshi surtihanshi kasa sarsillanshi kasa.

warmi-qa hinaptin-shi surtiha-n-shi ka-sa-ø sarsilla-n-shi ka-sa-ø
woman-TOP then-EVR ring-3-EVR be-NPST-3 ring-3-EVR be-NPST-3
la mujer. ¡Era su [arete]! ¡Era su anillo! [Por fin, el condenado podía descansar en paz – habían encontrado su
arete y anillo.]
The woman. It was his [ear]ring! It was his ring! [Now that the ring had been found, the zombie could
finally rest in peace.]
00:02:06.150 - 00:02:10.300

Chaypaqqa ni mas kutikamunñachu Wankaqa.

chay-paq-qa ni mas kuti-ka-mu-n-ña-chu wanka-qa
DEM.D-ABL-TOP nor more return-REFL-CISL-3-DISC-NEG Wanka-TOP
De allí ya no regesó el Wanka.
After that, the Wanka never came back.
00:02:10.520 - 00:02:14.430

Chay salvananpaqtriki.
chay salva-na-n-paq-tri-ki
Él [había venido, probablemente] para que se salve.
He [had probably come] so that he could save himself.
00:02:14.610 - 00:02:16.670

Allqun chay rumiman ashuykukushpa

allqu-n chay rumi-man ashu-yku-ku-shpa
dog-3 DEM.D stone-ALL approach-EXCEP-REFL-SUBIS
[Así va la historia…] Cuando el perro se estaba acercando a esa piedra,
[That's the way the story goes:] When the dog got close to the rock,
00:02:16.970 - 00:02:21.190

Muskikushpa muskikushpa allquqa. Ashuykuptinqa paypis muyurun. Hinaptinqayá

muski-ku-shpa muski-ku-shpa allqu-qa ashu-yku-pti-n-qa pay-pis muyu-ru-n hinaptin-qa-ya
smell-REFL-SUBIS go-PROG-3 dog-TOP approach-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP 3-ADD circulate-URGT-3
oliendo oliendo ... Cuando el perro se acercó [a la piedra la mujer] también le había dado la vuelta.
sniffing and sniffing ... When the dog got close to [the rock, the woman], too, [had] circled around it.
00:02:21.240 - 00:02:26.560

Paqarinnintaq tarirun. Chayna nutisiyata uyarikurani kwintuta.

paqarin-ni-n-taq tari-ru-n chay-na nutisiya-ta uyari-ku-ra-ni kwintu-ta
tomorrow-EUPH-3-SEQ find-URGT-3 DEM.D-VRBZ news-ACC hear-REFL-URGT-1 story-ACC
La [mañana del] día siguente encontró [el anillo]. Así escuché la noticia, el cuento.
And [in the morning of] the next day, she found [the ring]. That's how I heard the news, the story.
00:02:26.760 - 00:02:31.690

fiyum chaypaqshi kumpadrinchikwan

fiyu-m chay-paq-shi kumpadri-nchik-wan
ugly-EVD DEM.D-ABL-EVR compadre-1PL-INSTR
[La moraleja de la historia es que] es malo [estar en el lecho] con su compadre [ó con su comadre].
[The moral of the story is] it's bad [to lie] with your compadre [or with your comadre].
00:02:32.550 - 00:02:35.410

imas perdonanakunchik palabranakunchikchu fiyu.

ima-s perdona-naku-nchick palabra-naku-nchik-chu fiyu.
what-ADD pardon-RECP-1PL promise-RECP-1PL-NEG ugly
Nos perdonamos lo que sea, y no nos juramos amor. eso es malo.
We forgive each other whatever and we don't swear our love. That's bad.
00:02:35.480 - 00:02:38.710

kumpadritaqa ruwakunchik Pasaypaq respectu kananchikpaq.
kumpadri-ta-qa ruwa-ku-nchik pasaypaq respectu ka-na-nchik-paq
kompadre-ACC-TOP make-REFL-1PL completely respect be-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
[Escogemos a alguien para] hacerlo nuestro compadre para que tengamos bastante respeto.
e make [someone] our compadre so that we have complete respect.
00:02:38.810 - 00:02:43.150

Chaypaqshi hina sigiptinqa. Imapis mas piyurtri kanchikman karqa. U mikuruwanchikmanpis kantri
kundinaw kashpaqa.
chay-paq-shi hina sigi-pti-n-qa ima-pis mas piyur-tri ka-nchik-man ka-rqa-ø u miku-ru-wa-nchik-man-pis
ka-n-tri kundinaw
DEM.D-ABL-EVR thus follow-SUBDS-3-TOP what-ADD more worse-EVC be-1PL-COND be-PST-3 or
eat-URGT-3>1PL-COND-EVC-KI be-3-EVC damned
De allí, si acaso vamos más allá [de ese compadrazco] – ¿Qué cosa peor podríamos [hacer]? [El Wanka],
siendo condenado, hubiera podido
comer a cualquiera.
So, carrying on like that. What worse thing could we be? [The Wanka], being a zombie, might have eaten
00:02:43.330 - 00:02:52.230


Shallak shallak shallak shallak rikuyan qipanta

shallak shallak shallak sha ri-ku-ya-n qipanta
Shallak shallak shallak sha go-REFL-PROG-3 behind-3-ACC
[El condenado] la está [persigiendo], yendo detrás de ella – Shallak! Shallak! Shallak! Shallak!
[Following] behind her, [the zombie] is going – Shallak! Shallak! Shallak! Shallak!
00:02:52.350 - 00:02:54.970

Chaynatam uyarikurqani uniku wañuq taytachaymi chaytaqa ñuqakunaman willawarqa.

chay-na-ta-m uyari-ku-rqa-ni uniku wañu-q tayta-cha-y-mi chay-ta-qa ñuqa-kuna-man willa-wa-rqa-ø
DEM.D-VRBZ-ACC only die-AG father-DIM-1-EVD DEM.D-ACC-TOP 1-PL-ALL hear.REFL-PST-1
Así lo escuché. Mi abuelito ya finado nos contó a nosotros.
That's the way I heard it from my late grandfather. He told that to us.
00:02:55.330 - 00:03:01.150

00:03:01.270 - 00:03:03.790

Ah, matrkantawan uchichanta priparaykushpa.

Ah, matrka-n-ta-wan uchi-cha-n-ta pripara-yku-shpa
Ah, toasted.grain-3-ACC-INSTR chile-DIM-3-ACC prepare-EXCEP-SUBIS
Ah, preparando su machka y su aji.
Ah, with their cereal meal and their spices.
00:03:04.380 - 00:03:08.660

Chay chankakaqa kanan biskuchu niraqkunatam hatun pakete paketeta apamuq.

chay chankaka-qa kanan biskuchu niraq-kuna-ta-m hatun pakete pakete-ta apa-mu-q
DEM.D chankaka-TOP now roll family-PL-ACC-EVD big package package-ACC bring-CISL-AG
y esa chankaka parecida al bizcocho. Traían muchos paquetes grandes.
and that "chankaka" that resembles sweet rolls. They would bring great big packages.
00:03:09.050 - 00:03:15.110
Chayna qipikusam Wankakuna purira.
chay-na qipiku-sa-m wanka-kuna puri-ra-ø
DEM.D carry-REFL-PRF-EVD Wanka-REFL walk-PST-3
Así cargados andaban los Huancayinos.
The Huancayoans wandered about loaded down like that.
00:03:15.270 - 00:03:17.780

Kanan riqsinchikchu Wankataqa. yanqaña. uniku chayllam istoriyay mas manam kanchu.
kanan riqsi-nchik-chu wanka-ta-qa. chay-lla-m istoriya-y mas yanqa-ña mana-m uniku ka-n-chu
now become.acquainted-1PL-NEG Wanka-ACC-TOP in.vain-DISC only DEM.D-RSTR-EVD story-1 more
no-EVD be-3-NEG
Ahora ya no conocemos a los Huancayinos. Mentira ya. Ésa no más es mi historia. No hay más.
Now we don't see the Huancayoans any more. It's a lie already. That's all there is to my story. There's no
00:03:17.960 - 00:03:25.230

Wañuq taytachay Marianum ñuqamanqa willawarqa. Kalluwan qipikusash hamurqa

wañu-q tayta-cha-y Marianu-m ñuqa-man-qa willa-wa-rqa-ø kallu-wan qipi-ku-sa-sh hamu-rqa-ø
die-AG father-DIM-1 Mariano-EVD 1-ALL-TOP tell-PST-3 knapsack-INSTR carry-PREF-PRF-EVR
Mi finado abuelito Mariano me lo contó. Él vino cargando su alforja
My late grandfather Mariano told it to me. Carrying his knapsack, they say, he came
00:03:26.190 - 00:03:31.110

Belkapaq wañuq taytachayqa. Chaymi chayta namurqa willakurqa.

belka-paq wañu-q tayta-cha-y-qa chay-mi chay-ta na-mu-rqa-ø willa-ku-rqa-ø
belka-ABL father-DIM-1-TPO DEM.D-EVD DEM.D-ACC that-CISL-PST-3 die-AG tell-REFL-PST-3
desde Belka. Por eso mi finado abuelito [conocía esa historia y] me lo contó.
from Belka. That's why my late grandfather [knew that story and] told it to me.
00:03:31.220 - 00:03:37.810

Wanka kumadrinta karaho lluqarqa hinashpa qarqariya purirqa karaho nishpam rimaq.
wanka kumadri-n-ta karaho lluqa-rqa-ø hinashpa qarqariya puri-rqa-ø karaho ni-shpa-m rima-q
Wanka comadre-3-ACC damned mount-PST-3 then zombie walk-PST-3 damned say-SUBIS-EVD talk-AG
Un Wanka carajo subió a [fornicó con] su comadre y después carcaria [condenado] caminaba, carajo.
A damned Huancayoan mounted his comadre and then he wandered about damned, a zombie.
00:03:37.870 - 00:03:44.360

Mana pampashpa hukchuyá piru kikin warmitatr vivuta imatapis ruwanman karqa. Maypapis vivutatr
lograrunman karqa.
mana pampa-shpa huk-chu-ya kiki-n warmi-ta-tr vivu-ta ima-ta-pis ruwa-n-man ka-rqa-ø may-pa-pis
logra-ru-n-man vivu-ta-tr
no bury.SUBIS one-NEG-EMPH self-3 woman-ACC-EVC live-ACC what-ACC-ADD make-3-COND
be-PST-3 where-LOC-ADD live-ACC-EVC achieve-URGT-3-COND
Si no hubiera enterrado [el anillo], no hubiera sido nada. En vida, ¿qué cosa le habría hecho a esa mujer? En
dónde también vivo lo hubiera
If he hadn't buried [the ring], it wouldn't have come to anything, but what would he have done to the same
woman? Where, too, would he
have managed it live?
00:03:46.600 - 00:03:54.950


"Surtihatawan, sarsilluta, imayna kashaq?" nishpayá qunchik kumpadrinchikman.

surtiha-ta-wan sarsillu-ta imayna ka-shaq ni-shpa-ya qu-nchik kumpadri-nchik-man
ring-ACC-INSTR ear.ring-ACC how be-1.FUT say-SUBIS-EMPH give-1PL compadre-1PL-ALL
"Un anillo y un arete, ¿cómo voy a estar? [¿Qué de malo podría pasar?]" nos decimos y los damos a nuestro
"A ring and an earring – How will I be? [What bad could come of it?]" we say [to ourselves] and give them to
our compadre.
00:03:55.520 - 00:04:01.070

Aha, "Kutimushaqtri," niratriki. Ni kutikamunchu ñañataqtriki. TK Ima unquytri paytapis hapin? Hinaptin
ni kutikamullanñachu.
Aha kuti-mu-shaq-tri ni-ra-ø-tri-ki ni kuti-ka-mu-n-chu ña-ña-taq-tri ima unqu-y-tri pay-ta-pis hapi-n hinaptin
what sick.INF-EVC 3-ACC-ADD grab-3 then nor
"Aha", habrá dicho, "Voy a regresar". Pero nunca regresó. ¿Qué enfermedad lo habrá agarrado? Ya no regresó
[a casa], pobrecito.
Aha, he must have said, "I'm going to come back." But he didn't come back. What sickness would have taken
hold of him? Poor thing, he
didn't make it back [home].
00:04:03.190 - 00:04:12.340


Paqwash. Chay vidaqa huktatr kakuyan.

paqwash chay vida-qa huk-ta-tri ka-ku-ya-n
completely DEM.D life-TOP one-ACC-EVC be-REFL-PROG-3
Totalmente, esa vida habría sido diferente.
This life would be completely otherwise.
00:04:12.490 - 00:04:16.890

00:04:16.960 - 00:04:17.190

Ñuqa vakaywan purini puchkay puchkakushpa tihinay tiqikushpa

ñuqa vaka-y-wan puri-ni puchka-y tiqi-na-y puchka-ku-shpa tiqi-ku-shpa
1 cow-1-INSTR walk-1 spin-INF spin-REFL-SUBIS knit-NMLZ-INF knit-REFL-SUBIS
Yo ando con mis vacas hilando mi hilo y tejiendo mi tejido.
I walk about with my cows, spinning my thread and knitting.
00:04:17.220 - 00:04:22.610

karkatam qipikushpa
karka-ta-m qipi-ku-shpa
manure-ACC-EVD carry-REFL-SUBIS
cargando bosta.
And carrying manure.
00:04:22.790 - 00:04:25.890

Qariywan ñuqa maskarakuruni vidata pasayta munashpayá

qari-y-wan ñuqa maska-ra-ku-ru-ni vida-ta pasa-y-ta muna-shpa ya
man-1-INSTR 1 look.for-PASSACC-REFL-URGT-1 life-ACC pass-INF-ACC want-SUBIS EMPH
Queriendo pasar la vida con mi esposo, pues
Wanting to spend my life with my husband.
00:04:26.120 - 00:04:30.810

Wasiykunata ruwarqani kayna wasikunata yatrakuyta munashpa

wasi-kuna-ta ruwa-rqa-ni kay-na wasi-kuna-ta yatra-ku-y-ta muna-shpa
house-PL-ACC make-PST-1 DEM.P-VRBZ house-REFL-ACC live-REFL-INF-ACC want-SUBIS
Construí mi casa así queriendo vivir en una casa.
I built my house like this, wanting to live in a house-
00:04:31.460 - 00:04:36.440

Wañukushpaña diharuwan viyudaqa kurikatrakunki nishpa

wañu-ku-shpa-ña diha-ru-wan viyuda-qa kuri-katra-ku-nki ni-shpa
die-REFL-SUBIS leave-URGT-1.OBJ-3 widow.TOP run-FREQ-REFL-2 say-SUBIS
Cuando falleció ya me dejó viuda. "Te divirterás" dijo.
When he died, he left me a widow. "You'll run about," he said.
00:04:37.000 - 00:04:40.790

Wañukuptin pamparuniña.
wañu-ku-pti-n pampa-ru-ni-ña
Cuando falleció lo enterré ya.
When he died, I buried him.
00:04:41.360 - 00:04:44.560

Hinashpa pantiyunpayá. ¿Ima wasiypitr pampamushaq!

hinashpa pantiyun-pa-ya ima wasi-y-pi-tr pampa-mu-shaq
then cemetery-LOC-EMPH what house-1-LOC-EVC bury-CISL-1.FUT
¡En el cementerio! No creo que voy a enterrar [a alguien] en mi casa
In the cemetery! I doubt I'm going to bury someone in my house.
00:04:45.050 - 00:04:49.010

Wakpaq ¿pantiyunpa pampanakun, manam?

wak-paq pantiyun-pa pampa-naku-n mana-m
DEM.D-LOC cemetery-LOC bury-RECP-3 no-EVD
Allá , ¿la gente se entierra en el cementerio o no?
There, do people bury each other in the cemetery or not?
00:04:49.330 - 00:04:51.810

Kaypihinatatr kayan
kay-pi-hina-ta-tr ka-ya-n
Será como acá.
It would be like here.
00:04:52.500 - 00:04:55.360

¡Dyos Tayta! Imapaq kimawanchikman? ¡Achichayaw!

Dyos Tayta Ima-paq kima-wanchik-man achichayaw
God father burn-3>1PLCOND what-PURP ayayayayay
¡Dios Padre! Para qué nos quemarían? ¡Ayayay!
My God! Why would they burn us? Ayayayaya.
00:04:56.490 - 00:05:01.220

¡Dios Tayta! ¿Imata willakuyawanki? ¡Jesus Kredo!

Dios tayta ima-ta willa-ku-ya-wa-nki Jesus credo
god father what-ACC tell-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-2 god credo
¡Dios Padre! ¿Qué me estás contando? ¡Jesus Credo!
My God! What are you telling me? Jesus Christmas!
00:05:05.050 - 00:05:09.150

¿I tullunchik ruparayanmanchu?
i tullu-nchik rupa-raya-n-man-chu
and bone-1PL burn-PASS-3-COND-Q
¿Y nuestrsos huesos se pueden quemar?
And our bones can burn?
00:05:09.950 - 00:05:12.760

Ay Jesus Credo Manam

Ay Jesus Credo Mana-m
Ay Jesus Credo no-EVD
Ay, Jesus Credo, no
Ah, Dear Lord, no
00:05:13.200 - 00:05:20.480

Kambiyachiwanchik vistidunchikta.
kambiya-chi-wanchik vistidu-nchik-ta
change-CAUS-3>1PL clothing-1PL-ACC
Nos cambian la ropa.
They change our clothes.
00:05:25.970 - 00:05:28.920

Primiruqa lavawanchikmi
primiru-qa lava-wa-nchik-mi
first-TOP wash-1.OBJ-1PL-EVD
Primeramente nos da un baño
First, they wash us.
00:05:29.150 - 00:05:31.330

Bañaruwanchik kayna bañarushpa yakuwan bañaykushpa vistichiwanchik rupanchikta

baña-ru-wanchik kay-na baña-ru-shpa baña-yku-shpa visti-chi-wanchik yaku-wan rupa-nchik-ta
dress-CAUS-3>1PL clothes-1PL-ACC
Nos bañan así. Después de bañarnos con agua, nos visten de nuestra ropa.
They bathe us like this. After they bathe us, they dress us in our clothes.
00:05:32.870 - 00:05:39.550

Lliw lliw mushuq rupanchiktam kambyachiwanchik hinashpam

lliw lliw mushuq kambya-chi-wanchik rupa-nchik-ta-m hinashpa-m
all all new clothes-1PL-ACC-EVD change-CAUS-3>1PL then-EVD
Nos cambian la ropa [poniéndonos] nuestra ropa nuevecita. Luego,
They change us into brand new clothes. Then,
00:05:39.870 - 00:05:45.300

kahunman winawanchik.
kahun-man wina-wanchik
coffin-ALL throw-3>1PL
Nos echan en el ataúd.
They toss us into a coffin.
00:05:45.390 - 00:05:48.350

Chay kahun winaykushpaqa witrqaruwanchik

chay kahun wina-yku-shpa witrqa-ru-wanchik
DEM.D coffin throw-EXCEP-SUBIS close-URGT-3>1PL
Despues de echarnos en el ataúd, nos encierran.
After they toss us into the coffin, they close us in.
00:05:49.980 - 00:05:53.900

Chay witraykushpaqa vilakuwanchik kay alrididurninman vilata prindikuyan

chay witra-yku-shpa-qa vila-ku-wanchik kay alrididur-ni-n-man vila-ta prindi-ku-ya-n
DEM.D close.EXCEP-SUBIS-TOP candle-REFL-3>1PL DEM.P around-EUPH-3-ALL candle-ACC
Después de encerrarnos en el ataúd, nos prenden velas en todos los costados
After the close us in, they hold vigil for us, they light candles all around us.
00:05:55.290 - 00:06:01.270

Hinashpa pantiyunman apawanchik llapa familyanchik mana familyanchik kumpañawanchik

hinashpa pantiyun-man familya-nchik apa-wanchik mana familya-nchik llapa kumpaña-wa-nchik
then cemetery-ALL bring-3>1PL all family-1PL no family-1PL accompany-1.OBJ-1PL
Después nos llevan al cementerio. Todos nuestros parientes, y los que no son parientes nos acompañan
Then they take us to the cemetery. All our relatives and people who aren't our relatives accompany us.
00:06:02.150 - 00:06:07.360

Pampawanchik tardiqa diharamuwanchik sapallanchikta

pampa-wanchik tardi-qa diha-ra-mu-wanchik sapa-lla-nchik-ta
bury-3>1PL afternoon-TOP leave-UNINT-CISL-3>1PL alone-RSTR-1PL-ACC
Nos sepultan en la tarde y después nos dejan solos
They bury us in the afternoon and then they leave us all alone.
00:06:07.540 - 00:06:13.240

Kurriy kurriy kutipakamun

kurri kurri kuti-paka-mu-n
run run return-MUTBEN-CISL-3
Vuelven corriendo.
They rush back.
00:06:13.510 - 00:06:15.650

Kukankunata tragunkunata muyuykachinakushpa.

kuka-n-kuna-ta tragu-n-kuna-ta muyu-yka-chi-naku-shpa
coca-3-PL-ACC drink-3-PL-ACC circulate-EXCEP-CAUS-RECP-SUBIS
Hacen dar vuelta su coca y su trago ardiente
They pass their coca and their alcohol around.
00:06:17.040 - 00:06:19.880

Chaynam kaypaqa pampanakunchik
chay-na-m kay-pa-qa pampa-naku-nchik
Así nos sepultamos aquí.
That's the way we bury each other here.
00:06:21.790 - 00:06:24.350

piru kukata tragutaq hukchu tuman?

piru kuka-ta tragu-taq huk-chu tuma-n
but coca-ACC drink-SEQ one-Q take-3
¿Pero ni coca ni trago ardiente no tomarán?
But they don't [chew] coca or drink alcohol?
00:06:25.280 - 00:06:27.900

ah, kukankunata akupakunchik . . . ah, kustumbrinchik

ah, kuka-n-kuna-ta aku-pa-ku-nchik ah, kustumbri-nchik
ah, coca-3-PL-ACC chew-MUTBEN-1PL ah, custom-1PL
Ah, chakchamos coca. Ah, es nuestra costumbre.
Ah, we chew coca. It's our custom.
00:06:28.080 - 00:06:33.190

ni una hoja? anda kara´ kukapaq ñuqa wañuriymantri

kuka-paq ñuqa-qa wañu-ri-y-man-tri
ni una hoja? ¡Andá cará! Yo podría morirme por coca.
Not a single leaf? Get off! I could die for coca.
00:06:33.340 - 00:06:39.400

Ah, kaypa llunchuy kidaruptikiqa kukata akuchikiman. Sapa puntraw puranman. ¿Manachu umaykita nanachin
chay cafeqa?
ah, kay-pa llunchuy kida-ru-pti-ki-qa kuka-ta aku-chi-ki-man sapa puntraw pura-n-man mana-chu uma-yki-ta
nana-chi-n chay
ah, DEM.P-LOC stay-URGT-SUBDS-2-TOP coca-ACC chew-CAUS-1>2-COND every day
chew.coca-3-COND no-Q head-2-ACC hurt-CAUS-3 DEM.D
Ah, si te quedas aquí como nuera te haría chakchar coca. Todos los días puede chakchar. ¿El café no te hace
doler la cabeza?
Ah, if you stay here as a, I can make you chew coca. She can chew coca every day. Doesn't
that coffeee make your head hurt?
00:06:43.970 - 00:06:51.680


Umanchiktash dimas café tumasaqa

uma-nchik-ta-sh dimas café tuma-sa-qa
head-1PL-ACC-EVR too.much coffee drink-PRF-TOP
Habiendo tomado demadiado café, nuestras cabezas, dicen [nos duelen]
Having drunk too much coffee, our heads [hurt], they say.
00:06:52.080 - 00:06:55.250

Hmm, umayta nanachin demasta tumaptiyqa.

hmm, uma-y-ta nana-chi-n demas-ta tuma-pti-y-qa
hmm, head-1-ACC hurt-CAUS-3 too.much-ACC drink-SUBDS-1-TOP
Cuando tomo demasiado café, me hace doler la cabeza.
When I drink too much coffee, it makes my head hurt.
00:06:55.470 - 00:06:59.010

Chay tikuna dimasta tumaptiyqa nanan umay.

chay ti-kuna-qa dimas-ta tuma-pti-y-qa nana-n umay
DEM.D tea-PL-TOP too.much-ACC drink-SUBDS-1-TOP hurt-3 head-1
Cuando tomo demasiado te, me duele la cabeza.
When I drink too much tea, my head hurts.
00:06:59.140 - 00:07:03.910

00:07:03.990 - 00:07:04.090

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:57 PM


Huk fechash kasa huk pashña.

huk fecha-sh ka-sa-ø huk pashña
one date-EVS be-NPST-3 one girl
Una fecha había una chica.
Once upon a time there was a girl.
00:00:00.030 - 00:00:04.890

Purisa munti muntipa. Monte muntipaqa antaylumatash maskasa.

puri-sa-ø munti munti-pa. munti munti-pa-qa antayluma-ta-sh maska-sa-ø
walk-NPST-3 bush bush-LOC bush bush-LOC-TOP antayluma.berry-ACC look.for-NPST-3
Andaba en el monte. En monte, monte andaba buscando antayluma.
She wandered around in the brush -- in the brush looking for antayluma berries, they say.
00:00:04.980 - 00:00:10.140

Antaylumata maskayaptinshi
antayluma-ta maska-ya-pti-n-shi
antaylumata.berry-ACC look.for-PROG-SUBDS-3-EVR
Cuando ella estaba buscando antayluma, dice,
When she was looking for antayluma berries, they say
00:00:10.210 - 00:00:13.720

huk hovin trayarun yana ternuyuq yuraq muqandayuq.

huk hovin traya-ru-n yana ternu-yuq yuraq muqanda-yuq
one arrive-URGT-3 black suit-POSS white scarf-POSS
llegó un joven con terno negro y corbata blanca.
A young man arrived in a black suit with a white tie.
00:00:13.790 - 00:00:18.470

Hinashpasha, "Imata maskanki?" nin.

hinashpa-sh ima-ta maska-nki ni-n
then-EVR what-ACC look.for-2 say-3
Despues le dijo '¿Qué estás buscando?'
Then he said, "What are you looking for?"
00:00:18.670 - 00:00:23.860

"Ñuqa qipirusayki antaylumaman," nin. "Ach-achkam antayluma

ñuqa qipi-ru-sayki antayluma-man ni-n ach-achka-m antayluma
1 carry-URGT-1>2.FUT antayluma.berry-ALL say-3 a.lot-a.lot-EVD antayluma.berry
'Yo te voy a llevar para antayluma', dijo. 'Harta antayluma
"I'm going to take you for antayluma berries," he said. "Lots and lots of antayluma berries
00:00:23.940 - 00:00:27.620

kayan," dijo. "piru ñawikitam witrqaykunki,

ka-ya-n piru ñawi-ki-ta-m witrqa-yku-nki
be-PROG-3 but eye-2-ACC-EVD close-EXCEP-2
hay', le dijo. '¡Pero ciérrate los ojos!'
are there," he said. "But close your eyes!?
00:00:27.710 - 00:00:30.800

chipukunkim," dice que dijo. Así cerró.

dice que dijo. Así cerró [los ojos].
he said, they say. So she closed them.
00:00:30.830 - 00:00:34.380

Chayna chipuruptinqa qipirusa matrayman.

chay-na chipu-ru-pti-n-qa qipi-ru-sa-ø matray-man
DEM.D-VRBZ squeeze.shut-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP carry-URGT-NPST-3 cave-ALL
Así, cuando cerró los ojos, él la cargó para la cueva,
So, ing, he carried her to the cave.
00:00:34.470 - 00:00:37.690

altu qaqa matrayman, chaypash uywasa

altu qaqa matray-man chay-pa-sh uywa-sa-ø
high cliff cave-ALL DEM.D-LOC-EVR raise-NPST-3
para una cueva en una peña alta. En allí, dice, la crió.
To a cave on a high cliff. There, they say, he raised her.
00:00:37.850 - 00:00:42.720

Kundor pashñata hinashpash chaypa wawarachisa.

kundor pashña-ta hinashpa-sh chay-pa wawa-ra-chi-sa-ø
Condor girl-ACC then-EVR DEM.D-LOC baby-URGT-CAUS-NPST-3
Después el cóndor hizo dar luz a la chica en allí.
Then the condor made the girl have a baby there.
00:00:42.910 - 00:00:48.270

Wawarachisa. Hinashpa, unayña yatrasa.

wawa-ra-chi-sa-ø hinashpa unay-ña yatra-sa-ø
baby-URGT-CAUS-NPST-3 then before-DISC live-NPST-3
La hizo tener bebé. Después vivieron [allí].
He had her have a baby. Then they lived there
00:00:48.320 - 00:00:51.710
Wambran pañalnin taqsakun mayuman katraykamun watuchawan mayupish. Kulumpiyashpa bahamun.
wambra-n pañal-ni-n taqsa-ku-n mayu-man katra-yka-mu-n watu-cha-wan mayu-pi-sh kulumpiya-shpa
child-3 diaper-EUPH-3 wash-REFL-3 river-ALL release-EXCEP-CISL-3 rope-DIM-INSTR river-LOC-EVR
swing-SUBIS go.down-CISL-3
Para lavar el pañal de su hijo en el río, la soltó al río con soga. Columpiando, bajó.
He let her go to the river to wash her baby's diapers, with a rope in the river, they say. Swinging[on the rope],
she went down.
00:00:52.350 - 00:00:59.720

Taqsakun sikiyata. Sikiyapash wambran pañalninta taqsakuyan pashñaqa;

taqsa-ku-n sikiya-ta. sikiya-pa-sh wambra-n pañal-ni-n-ta taqsa-ku-ya-n pashña-qa
wash-REFL-3 canal-ACC canal-LOC-EVR child-3 diaper-EUPH-3-ACC wash-REFL-PROG-3 girl-TOP
Lavó en la sequia. En la sequia, dice, la chica estaba lavando el pañal de su niño;
She washed in the canal. The girl was washing her baby's diapers in the canal, they say
00:00:59.980 - 00:01:05.850

Papaninqa kidarun churinwan.

papa-ni-n-qa kida-ru-n churi-n-wan
father-EUPH-3-TOP stay-URGT-3 child-3-INSTR
Su papá se quedó con su hijo.
The father stayed with his son.
00:01:06.100 - 00:01:08.890

Hinaptinshi taqsakuyuptinqa trayarusa sapu.

hinaptin-shi taqsa-ku-ya-pti-n-qa traya-ru-sa-ø sapu
then-EVR wash-REFL-PROG-SUBDS-3-TOP arrive-URGT-NPST-3 frog
Cuando estaba lavando allí le llegó un sapo.
Then, they say, when she was washing, a frog arrived.
00:01:09.900 - 00:01:13.370

Sapuqa chayshi konsehaykurusa chikapaq, "Upam pashña.

sapu-qa chay-shi konseha-yku-ru-sa-ø chika-paq upa-m pashña
frog-TOP DEM.D-EVR advise-EXCEP-URGT-NPST-3 girl-BEN stupid-EVD girl
El sapo le consejó, '¡No seas tonta, chica!
The frog counseled the girl, "You're silly, girl,
00:01:14.750 - 00:01:19.630

Deharuy! Mamayki kaq rikuy!" nisa.

deha-ru-y mama-yki ka-q ri-ku-y ni-sa-ø
leave-URGT-IMP mother-2 be-AG go-REFL-IMP say-NPST-3
¡Déjale! ¡Ánda donde tu mama!'
Leave him! Go to your mother's place!" he said.
00:01:19.660 - 00:01:23.800

Hinaptinqa na pashñaqa ripusa. Sapuñataq kidarusa taqsakushpa.

hinaptin-qa na pashña-qa ripu-sa-ø sapu-ña-taq kida-ru-sa-ø taqsa-ku-shpa
then-TOP that girl-TOP go-NPST-3 frog-DISC-SEQ stay-URGT-NPST-3 wash-REFL-SUBIS
La chica se fue donde su mamá; el sapo había quedado lavando ropa.
Then the girl left and the frog stayed washing.
00:01:23.870 - 00:01:29.950

Altupaq kundur qayamun, "Apuramuchkay! Apuramuchkay!" iqun waqaptin.
altu-paq kundur qaya-mu-n apura-mu-chka-y apura-mu-chka-y iqu-n waqa-pti-n
high-ABL condor call-CISL-3 quick-CISL-PROG2-IMP quick-CISL-PROG2-IMP son-3 cry-SUBDS-3
De encima llamó el cóndor. '¡Apúrate! ¡Apúrate!' Mientras que tu hijo estaba llorando.
From up high, the condor called, "Hurry up! Hurry up!" while his son was crying.
00:01:30.200 - 00:01:37.690

Chishikay nash taqsakuyan sapuqa.

chishikay na-sh taqsa-ku-ya-n sapu-qa
last.night that-EVR wsh-REFLPROG-3 frog-TOP
Anoche, dice, está lavando sapo.
Last night, they say, the frog was washing.
00:01:38.200 - 00:01:41.270

"Ñam tukuchkaniña." Puk, puk, puk!

ña-m tuku-chka-ni-ña puk, puk, puk
DISC-EVD finish-PROG2-1-DISC puk, puk, puk
'¡Ya estoy terminando!' -- puk, puk, puk --
I'm already finishing, puk, puk, puk
00:01:41.460 - 00:01:44.890

"Nam tukuchkaniña." Puk, puk, puk! Sikisapa sapu.

ña-m tuku-chka-ni-ña puk, puk, puk siki-sapa sapu
DISC-EVD finish-PROG2-1-DISC puk, puk, puk behind-MULT.POSS frog
'¡Ya estoy terminando!' -- puk, puk, puk -- [dijo] el sapo de pumpis grandes.
Ya estoy terminando, puk, puk, puk the big-butted frog
00:01:44.960 - 00:01:49.640

Ya no estaba chica y, aso macho, hasta ahora

Ya no estaba chica y -- Aso macho, hasta ahora --
The girl wasn't there anymore and, aso macho, until now
00:01:49.880 - 00:01:54.540

"Imatañataq ruwayan? A ver, qawamushaq." Vino.

ima-ta-ña-taq ruwa-ya-n qawa-mu-shaq
what-ACC-DISC-SEQ make-PROG-3 look-CISL-1.FUT
'¿Qué cosa ya está haciendo? A ver. Voy a ver'. Vino.
"What is she going already?" "Let's see. I'm going to see." He came.
00:01:54.720 - 00:01:58.730

No hay chica. Sapullaña. Tukuy utrkuman -- "kurr-kurr-kurr!" -- chinkakun.

sapu-lla-ña tukuy utrku-man kurr kurr kurr chinka-ku-n
frog-RSTR-DISC all hole-ALL kurr kurr kurr lose-REFL-3
Ya no estaba la chica. Sapo no más. Para todos los huecos -- "kurr-kurr-kurr!' -- se pirdió.
There's no girl. Just a frog. "Kurr, kurr, kurr!" He disappeared into all the holes.
00:01:58.760 - 00:02:03.940

Hinaptinshi kutirun kundur kanan

hinaptin-shi kuti-ru-n kundur kanan
then-EVR return-URGT-3 condor now
Después, dice, ahora volvió el cóndor
Then, they say, now the condor returned
00:02:04.360 - 00:02:09.980
matrayman, utrkuman. rabyawan, mikurun churinta.
matray-man utrku-man rabya-wan miku-ru-n churi-n-ta
cave-ALL hole-ALL anger-INSTR eat-PST-3 child-3-ACC
para la cueva, para el hueco, y con cólera a su hijo comió.
to the cave, to the hole and, in rage, he ate his son.
00:02:10.140 - 00:02:14.590

Mikurun. Hinashpash, "Ah, sí, karaho, maypapis tariramushaqmi kananqa?"

miku-ru-n hinashpa-sh Ah, sí karaho, may-pa-pis tari-ra-mu-shaq-mi kanan-qa
eat-URGT-3 then-EVR Ah, yes damn where-LOC-ADD find-URGT-CISL-1.FUT now-TOP
Lo comió. Después, dice, 'Ah, sí, carajo, ¿en dónde voy a encontrarla ahora?'
He ate him. Then, they say, "Ah, yes, damn! Where am I going to find her now?"
00:02:15.540 - 00:02:21.510

nishpa, maskaq rin -- kimsa, tawa puntrawninta. Hinashpash, tarirun wasinpa.

ni-shpa maska-q ri-n kimsa tawa puntraw-ni-n-ta hinashpa-sh tari-ru-n wasi-n-pa
say-SUBIS look.for-AG go-3 three four day-EUPH-3-ACC then-EVR find-URGT-3 house-3-LOC
dijo y se fue a buscar -- dos, tres días. Luego, dice, la encontró en su casa.
he said and went to look for her. For two or three days. Then, they say, he found her in her house.
00:02:22.010 - 00:02:29.070

Chikaqa, yakuta timpurachisa -- achka yaku.

chika-qa yaku-ta timpu-ra-chi-sa-ø achka yaku.
girl-TOP water-ACC boil-URGT-CAUS-NPST-3 a.lot water
La chica había hecho hervir agua -- harta agua.
The girl had boiled water, a lot of water.
00:02:30.400 - 00:02:33.930

Hatun kayna lataman yakutaq pripararun timpusata.

hatun kay-na lata-man yaku-taq pripara-ru-n timpu-sa-ta
big DEM.P-VRBZ pot-ALL water-SEQ prepare-URGT-3 boil-PRF-ACC
Para grande lata había preparado agua hervida.
She prepared boiled water in a big kettle.
00:02:34.440 - 00:02:37.930

Hinashpaqa sumaq sumaq katawan tapamun kay latata.

hinashpa-qa sumaq sumaq kata-wan tapa-mu-n kay lata-ta.
then-TOP pretty pretty manta-INSTR cover-CISL-3 DEM.P pot-ACC
Después, dice, tapó esa lata con una hermosa manta.
Then, they say, she covered the kettle with a beautiful manta.
00:02:38.300 - 00:02:41.720

Hinashpa chaypa tiyarachin maqtata.

hinashpa chay-pa tiya-ra-chi-n maqta-ta.
then DEM.D-LOC sit-URGT-CAUS-3
Después, hizo sentar al muchacho en allí.
Then she sat the young man down there.
00:02:41.780 - 00:02:44.940

Hinaptinshi chay katataqa tiyaykun, ukuman, "Achacha!" qayakun.

hinaptin-shi chay kata-ta-qa tiya-yku-n uku-man achacha qaya-ku-n
then-EVR DEM.D manta-ACC-TOP sit-EXCEP-3 inside-ALL ow.ow.ow call-REFL-3
Después, dice, se sentó para la manta, para dentro, "Achacha!" gritó.
Then, they say, he say on the manta and inside. "Achachacha!" he shouted and
00:02:45.070 - 00:02:48.870

siqaykukusa mantaqa. Hinaptinshi uparun kundurqa.

siqayku-ku-sa-ø manta-qa hinaptin-shi upa-ru-n kundur-qa
fall-REFL-NPST-3 manta-TOP then-EVR dumb-URGT-3 condor-TOP
Se cayó la manta. Después, dice, se calló el cóndor.
The manta fell. Then, they say, the condor shut up.
00:02:48.920 - 00:02:53.710

Chayshi yatrarusa kundur kasanta.

chay-shi yatra-ru-sa-ø kundur ka-sa-n-ta
DEM.D-EVR know-URGT-NPST-3 condor be-PRF-3-ACC
En eso supieron que era condor.
With that, they learned that he was a condor.
00:02:54.430 - 00:02:58.320

"Amarillo pasaypaq trakikiqa kumpadri -- qillu qillucha."

amarillo pasaypaq traki-ki-qa kumpadri qillu qillu-cha
yellow totally foot-2-TOP compadre yellow yellow-DIM
'Está total amarillo tu pie, compadre -- amarillo amarillito'.
"Compadre, your feet are totally yellow. Yellow, yellow."
00:02:58.740 - 00:03:04.700

Sabes, imayna este.

Sabes, cómo este
You know, how, ummm
00:03:04.850 - 00:03:11.440

Chistoso es ése.
Chistoso es ése.
That one is funny.
00:03:11.670 - 00:03:14.670

"Compadre," dice que dijo.

'Compadre', dice que dijo.
"Compadre," he said, they say.
00:03:14.770 - 00:03:18.030

"Kumpadri, imaynataq qampa trakikiqa kayan qillu qillucha? Ñuqapaqa.

kumpadri imayna-taq qam-pa traki-ki-qa ka-ya-n qillu qillu-cha Ñuqa-pa-qa
compadre how-SEQ 2-GEN foot-2-TOP be-PROG-3 yellow yellow-DIM 1-GEN-TOP
'Compadre, ¿cómo está tu pie amarillo amarillito? El mío [no lo está].
"Compadre, how is it that your feet are really yellow?"
00:03:18.120 - 00:03:22.790

Chayna trakikikama GG qillu qillu," dice que dijo.

chay-na traki-ki-kama qillu qillu
DEM-VRBZ foot-2-LIM yellow yellow
Así tus pies están bien amarillo', dice que dice.
"Your feet are really yellow" he said, they say.
00:03:23.240 - 00:03:26.040
"Manam espantashpa watiyaruy! Chayna qillu qillumi kanqa trakikiqa," dice que dijo.
mana-m espanta-shpa watiya-ru-y chay-na qillu qillu-mi ka-nqa traki-ki-qa
no-EVD scare-SUBIS bake-URGT-IMP DEM.D-VRBZ yellow yellow-EVD be-3.FUT foot-2-TOP
'Sin espantar, ¡pachamánkalo! Así, bien amarillo va a ser tu [su] pie', dice que dijo.
"Without scaring him, bake him! That way your [his] feet will be really yellow," he said, they say.
00:03:26.240 - 00:03:31.270

Verdad, zorro enterró a su hijo.

Verdad, zorro enterró a su hijo.
It's true -- the fox buried his son.
00:03:31.660 - 00:03:34.720

¡Se había pachamancado!

¡Se había pachamancado!
He had baked himself!
00:03:34.760 - 00:03:38.240

Huk fechash,
huk fecha-sh
one date-EVR
Una fecha,
One day,
00:03:38.350 - 00:03:43.200

urqupa purisa atuqqa -- puriyan urqupa.

urqu-pa puri-sa-ø atuq-qa puri-ya-n urqa-pa
hill-LOC walk-NPST-3 fox-TOP walk-PROG-3 hill-LOC
un zorro andaba el altura -- está andando en altura.
he was walking in the hills. A fox is walking in the hills.
00:03:43.320 - 00:03:47.560

Quchaman trayarusa. qutra patanta riyashpa, yaku qutrata qawaykurusa ukuta.

qucha-man traya-ru-sa-ø qutra pata-n-ta ri-ya-shpa yaku qutra-ta qawa-yku-ru-sa-ø uku-ta
lake-ALL arrive-URGT-NPST-3 lake bank-3-ACC go-PROG-SUBIS water lake-ACC
look-EXCEP-URGT-NPST-3 inside-ACC
y llegó a unalaguna. Andando en orilla de la laguna, vio al dentro del agua de la laguna.
He came to a lake. Walking on the banks of the lake, he looked in the water of the lake.
00:03:47.670 - 00:03:52.990

Chay yaku trawapinpaq kayasa kisuhina killa -- piru mana kisuchu -- killa.
chay yaku trawapi-n-paq ka-ya-sa-ø kisu-hina killa piru mana kisu-chu killa
DEM.D water middle-3-LOC be-PROG-NPST-3 cheese-COMP moon but no cheese-NEG moon
En medio del agua había una luna -- como queso -- pero no era queso, sino luna.
In the middle of the water there was a moon like a cheese. But it wasn't cheese -- it was the moon.
00:03:53.100 - 00:03:57.920

"Ese karaho kisutaqa mukukurushaq," nishpa yakutaqa laplakuyan qutrapi yakuta.

ese karaho kisu-ta-qa muku-ku-ru-shaq ni-shpa yaku-ta-qa lapla-ku-ya-n qutra-pi yaku-ta
damn cheese-ACC-TOP eat-REFL-URGT-1.FUT say-SUBIS water-ACC-TOP lap-REFL-PROG-3 lake-LOC
"Carajo, me lo voy a comer el queso", así diciendo el agua está lambiendo.
"I'm going to eat that damn cheese!" he said and started lapping up the water in the lake.
00:03:57.980 - 00:04:04.050

Qipan sikintaña pasaypaq qayaykakuyan yakuqa.

qipa-n siki-n-ta-ña pasaypaq qaya-yka-ku-ya-n yaku-qa.
behind-3 behind-3-ACC-DISC totally VV-EXCEP-REFL-PROG-3 water-TOP
Por detrás de su poto empezó a salir el agua.
Water started coming out behind his behind.
00:04:04.110 - 00:04:08.090

Saksaruptin hinaptin, "Karaho.

saksa-ru-pti-n hinaptin karaho
fill-URGT-SUBDS-3 then damn
Se llenó. Después, "Carajo".
When he was full, then, "Damn!"
00:04:08.180 - 00:04:11.650

"Manachu kay yakuta puchukarushun." Hatun suytu rumita hapishpaqa sikinman

mana-chu kay yaku-ta puchuka-ru-shun hatun suytu rumi-ta hapi-shpa-qa siki-n-man
no-Q DEM.P water-ACC finish-URGT-1PL.FUT big long stone-ACC grab-SUBIS behind-3-ALL
"¿No hay que terminar este agua?" Agarró una piedra largo y lo mitió a su poto.
"Don't we have to finish this water?" He grabbed a long stone and put it in his behind.
00:04:11.730 - 00:04:15.700

Sikinta taparun chay suytu rumiwan.

siki-n-ta tapa-ru-n chay suytu rumi-wan
behind-ACC cap-URGT-3 DEM.D long stone-INSTR
Con esa piedra larga se tapó el poto.
He capped his behind with that long stone.
00:04:15.770 - 00:04:19.700

Hinashpa mikun mikun. Qacharun atuq. Rompió, pues.

hinashpa miku-n miku-n qacha-ru-n atuq
then eat-3 eat-3 break-URGT-3 fox
Después come y come -- se rompió el zorro. Rompió, pues.
Then, he ate and he ate. The fox broke. He broke, then.
00:04:20.280 - 00:04:25.910

00:04:25.990 - 00:04:28.080

Qipiykuyan chay atuqtaq. Atuqta kundurqa qipirun. "Siyeluman haku! Rishun gloriyata!" nishpash.
qipi-yku-ya-n chay atuq-taq atuq-ta kundur-qa qipi-ru-n siyelu-man haku ri-shun gloriya-ta ni-shpa-sh
carry-EXCEP-PROG-3 DEM.D fox-SEQ fox-TOP condor-TOP carry-URGT-3 heaven-ALL let's.go
go-1PL.FUT Glory-ACC say-SUBIS-EVR
Está cargando al zorro. el cóndor cargó al zorro. '¡Vamos para el cielo! ¡Iremos a la gloria!' dice que dijo.
He's carrying the fox. A condor carried the fox. "Let's go to heaven! We'll go to Glory!" he said.
00:04:28.180 - 00:04:34.300

Qipikuwanpis ... "Qipisaykim. Chipukuptikiqa qawakunkichu!"

qipi-ku-wa-n-pis qipi-sayki-m chipu-ku-pti-ki-qa qawa-ku-nki-chu
carry-REFL-1.OBJ-3-ADD carry-1>2.FUT-EVD squeeze.closed-REFL-SUBDS-TOP look-REFL-2-NEG
Cuando me cargas -- 'Te voy a cargar cuando cierras los ojos. No me vas a ver.
Me carga, también ... "I'll carry you. Squeeze your eyes shut! Don't look!"
00:04:34.530 - 00:04:39.670
"Chipukunki, ama qawakunkichu!" niptinqa qipirun.
chipu-ku-nki ama qawa-ku-nki-chu ni-pti-n-qa qipi-ru-n
sqeeze.closed-REFL-2 PROH look-REFL-2-NEG say-SUBDS-3-TOP carry-URGT-3
¡Ciérrate los ojos! ¡No me mires!' dijo y lo cargó.
"Squeese your eyes shut! Don't look!" he said and carried him.
00:04:41.390 - 00:04:44.580

Hinashpash trayarachin siyeluman.

hinashpa-sh traya-ra-chi-n siyelu-man
then-EVR arrive-URGT-CAUS-3 heaven-ALL
Después lo hizo llegar al cielo.
Then, they say, he had him arrive in heaven.
00:04:45.210 - 00:04:48.440

Chay siylupaq, kundur kasa kura, manam kundur.

chay siylu-paq kundur ka-sa-ø kura mana-m kundur.
DEM.D heaven-LOC condor be-NPST-ø priest no-EVD condor
En el cielo el cóndor era padre, no condor.
In heaven the condor was a proest, not a condor.
00:04:48.560 - 00:04:51.460

Hinaptin kundurshi trayarushpaqa, pawakushpa rikun. kidakun.

hinaptin kundur-shi traya-ru-shpa-qa pawa-ku-shpa ri-ku-n kida-ku-n
then condor-EVR arrive-URGT-SUBIS-TOP jump-REFL-SUBIS go-REFL-3 stay-REFL-3
Después, cuando el cóndor llegó, dice, saltando, se fue. Se quedó [el zorro].
Then, when the condor arrived, they say, he jumped and left. [The fox] stayed.
00:04:53.130 - 00:04:58.260

Atuqhina nata siyeluta.

atuq-hina na-ta siyelu-ta.
fox-COMP that-ACC heaven-ACC
Como zorro al cielo.
Like a fox to heaven.
00:04:58.320 - 00:05:01.010

Hinaptin, "Imaynataq kutishaq? Imaynataq kutishaq?"

hinaptin imayna-taq kuti-shaq imayna-taq kuti-shaq
then how-SEQ return-1.FUT how-SEQ return-1.FUT
Despues, '¿Cómo voy a volver? ¿Cómo voy a volver?'
Then, "How am I going to go back? How am I going to go back?"
00:05:01.100 - 00:05:04.230

nishpa nin atuq. Llakikun.

ni-shpa ni-n atuq llaki-ku-n
say-SUBIS say-3 fox be.sad-REFL-3
dijo el zorro. Tenía pena.
said the fox. He was sad.
00:05:04.350 - 00:05:07.770

"Kumpadri, kumpadri," diharuwaptinqa nin.

kumpadri kumpadri diha-ru-wa-pti-n-qa ni-n
compadre compadre leave-URGT-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3-TOP say-3
'¡Compadre! ¡Compadre!' dijo [el zorro] cuando [el cóndor lo] abandonó.
"Compadre, compadre," said [the fox] when [the condor] abandoned him.
00:05:10.000 - 00:05:14.100

Hinashpash. "Alli ach-achka kakuyan," nishpa . Wayurash kasa. Wayura.

hinashpa-sh alli ach achka ka-ku-ya-n ni-shpa wayura-sh ka-sa-ø wayura
then-EVR good a.lot a.lot be-REFL-PROG-3 say-SUBIS wayura-EVR be-NPST-3 wayura
Después, dice, 'Harta wayura hay', dijo. Wayura, dice, había. Wayura.
Then, they say, "There's a whole lot of wayura," he said. There was wayura, they say. Wayura.
00:05:14.280 - 00:05:20.720

Hinaptinshi chaytañataq katrun.

hinaptin-shi chay-ta-ña-taq katru-n
then-EVR DEM.D-ACC-DISC-SEQ chew-3
Después, dice, ésa ya también mascó
Then, they say, he chewed that too, already,
00:05:20.860 - 00:05:23.770

Rutushpa. Kay katrurushpaqa kimsa puntrawshi katrurun.

rutu-shpa kay katru-ru-shpa-qa kimsa puntraw-shi katru-ru-n
cut-SUBIS DEM.P chew-URGT-SUBIS-TOP three day-EVR chew-URGT-3
después de cortar. Ésta mascó -- tres días, dice, mascó.
after cutting it. He chewed this -- for three days, they say, he chewed it.
00:05:23.880 - 00:05:28.400

Hatu-hatuntatriki siyelupaq asta akakama.

hatu-hatun-ta-tri-ki siyelu-paq asta aka-kama.
big-big-ACC-EVC-KI heaven-ABL until here-RSTR
Grande grande habrá sido, seguro -- [para llegar] desde el cielo hasta acá.
It must have been really big, for sure -- [to reach] from heaven all the way here.
00:05:28.480 - 00:05:31.690

Hinaptinshi waskilluwan bahamun atuqqa.

hinaptin-shi waskillu-wan baha-mu-n atuq-qa.
then-EVR waskillu-INSTR go.down-CISL-3 fox-TOP
Después con la soga de wayura bajó el zorro.
Then, they say, the fox lowered himself with the wayura rope.
00:05:31.760 - 00:05:35.340

ukutaña TK sumaq sumaq kaynash bahakayamun.

sumaq sumaq kay-na-sh baha-ka-ya-mu-n
pretty pretty DEM.P-VRBZ-EVR go.down-REFL-PROG-CISL-3
Bonito, bonito así está bajando.
He was lowering himself nicely like that, they say.
00:05:35.640 - 00:05:38.730

Bahayamuptinqa pasayasa loritos.

baha-ya-mu-pti-n-qa pasa-ya-sa-ø loritos
go.down-PROG-CISL-SUBDS-3-TOP pass-PROG-NPST-3 loros
Cuando estaba bajando, pasaron loritos.
When he was lowering himself, loros passed by.
00:05:38.830 - 00:05:42.960

Lorokuna chay sara suwa lorokuna ya.
loro-kuna chay sara suwa loro-kuna ya
loro-PL DEM.D corn thief loro-PL EMPH
Loros esos que roban maíz.
Loros -- loros that steal corn, then.
00:05:43.360 - 00:05:45.690

Hinaptinshi nin,
hinaptin-shi ni-n
then-EVR say-3
Después dijo
Then, the say, he said
00:05:46.010 - 00:05:48.330

"Loro, laniyhinam wak sinqa, loro."

loro, lani-y-hina-m wak sinqa loro
loro penis-1-COMP-EVD DEM.D nose loro
'Loro, como mi pájarito es tu nariz'.
"Loro, your nose is like my 'little bird!'"
00:05:48.490 - 00:05:53.450

"Waskilluytañataq katraykuwaq," nin.

waskillu-y-ta-ña-taq katra-yku-waq ni-n
waskillu-1-ACC-DISC-SEQ release-EXCEP-2.COND say-3
'Cuidado que sueltes mi soga ya también', dijo.
"Be careful you don't let go of my rope," he said.
00:05:53.670 - 00:05:57.570

wakhinataña riyashpaqa, uyarishpaqa, kutiramushpa siyertumpa waskilluta katraykurun atuqpata.

wak-hina-ta-ña ri-ya-shpa-qa uyari-shpa-qa kuti-ra-mu-shpa siyertumpa waskillu-ta katra-yku-ru-n atuq-pa-ta
waskillu-ACC release-EXCEP-URGT-3 fox-GEN-ACC
Así ya yendo, escuchando, volviendo de verdad soltó el waskillo del zorro.
Going along like that, listening, coming back, he let go of the fox's rope.
00:05:57.820 - 00:06:04.550

Hinashpash, "Kumpadri, muruchuta mashtay! Muruchuta mashtay!" Bup! Se cayó para el suelo.
hinashpa-sh kumpadri muruchu-ta mashta-y muruchu-ta mashta-y bup
then-EVR compadre barley-ACC scatter-IMP barley-ACC scatter-IMP Bup!
Después, 'Compandre, ¡Tiende morón! ¡Tiende morón!' Bup! Se cayó al suelo.
Then, they say: "Compadre, scatter barley! scatter barley!" Bup! He fell to the ground.
00:06:04.750 - 00:06:09.700

Murió. Chaynash hinaptin trayarachin

chay-na-sh hinaptin traya-ra-chi-n
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVR then arrive-URGT-CAUS-3
Murió. Así, dice, después hizo llegar
He died. So, they say, then he delivered
00:06:09.820 - 00:06:14.720

siyelumanqa. Hinashpa trayarachishpaqa,

siyelu-man-qa hinashpa traya-ra-chi-shpa-qa
heaven-ALL-TOP then arrive-URGT-CAUS-TOP
al cielo. Haciendo llegar,
him to heaven. Then, when he delivered him,
00:06:14.880 - 00:06:18.310

pawashpa rikurun. diharun pay atuqtaqa hinaptin sapallanta.

pawa-shpa ri-ku-ru-n diha-ru-n pay atuq-ta-qa hinaptin sapa-lla-n-ta
jump-SUBIS go-REFL-URGT-3 leave-URGT-3 3 fox-ACC-TOP then alone-RSTR-3-ACC
saltando se fue y dejó al zorro, entonces, solito.
he jumped and left the fox all alone then.
00:06:18.390 - 00:06:22.720

Llakikuyan atuqqa. "Deharuwan kumpadriy. Kanan imaynataq kutishaq?" nishpashyari.

llaki-ku-ya-n atuq-qa diha-ru-wa-n kumpadri-y kanan imayna-taq kuti-shaq ni-shpa-sh-y-ari
be.sad-REFL-PROG-3 fox-TOP leave-URGT-1.OBJ-3 compadre-1 now how-SEQ return-1.FUT
Está teniendo pena el zorro. 'Me dejó mi compadre. ¿Ahora cómo voy a volver? diec que dijo, pues.
The fox is sad. "My compadre left me. Now how will I get back?" he said, they say.
00:06:23.880 - 00:06:29.820

Hinashpaqa unayña kashpaqa,

hinashpa-qa unay-ña ka-shpa-qa
then-TOP before-DISC be-SUBIS-TOP
Después, estando de tiempo ya
Then, much later,
00:06:30.170 - 00:06:33.560

pinsarun wayurata kuchushpa kachilluta ruwayta.

pinsa-ru-n wayura-ta kuchu-shpa kachillu-ta ruwa-y-ta
think-URGT-3 wayura-ACC chew-SUBIS kachillu-ACC make-INF-ACC
pensó cortar wayura y hacer waskillo.
he thought he'd cut wayura to make waskillo rope.
00:06:33.830 - 00:06:37.890

Chay kachillawanña bahamurqa.

chay kachillu-wan-ña baha-mu-rqa-ø
DEM.D kachillu-INSTR-DISC go.down-CISL-PST-3
Con ese waskillo ya bajó.
With that waskilla rope, he lowered himself.
00:06:37.950 - 00:06:40.600

Chayshi chay loroñataq, pasayasa -- achka loro.

chay-shi chay loro-ña-taq pasa-ya-sa-ø achka loro
DEM.D-EVR DEM.D loro-DISC-SEQ pass-PROG-NPST-3 a.lot loro
Después, dice, esos loros también pasaron -- muchos loros.
So, they say, those loros, too, passed by -- lots of loros.
00:06:40.760 - 00:06:45.230

"Loro, laniyhina moho sinqa."

loro lani-y-hina moho sinqa
loro penis-1-COMP snot nose
'¡Loro, como mi huevo es tu nariz mocosa!'
"Loro, your snotty nose is like my balls!"
00:06:45.630 - 00:06:48.850
"Waskillutañataq pikamuwaq," dice que dijo.
waskillu-ta-ña-taq pika-mu-waq
waskillu-ACC-DISC-SEQ pikamuwaq,"
'¡Cuidado que piques mi waskillo!' dice que dijo.
"Be careful not to cut my waskillo rope!" he said, they say.
00:06:48.990 - 00:06:52.170

Hinaptinqa loroqa riyasa, kutiriramun.

hinaptin-qa loro-qa ri-ya-sa-ø kuti-ri-ra-mu-n
then-TOP loro-TOP go-PROG-NPST-3 return-INCEP-URGT-CISL-3
Después, los loros que se habían ido, empezaron a volver,
Then, the loros that had gone, started coming back.
00:06:52.330 - 00:06:55.340

Waskilluntaqa pikarun; siqaykukun atuqqa.

waskillu-n-ta-qa pika-ru-n siqayku-ku-n atuq-qa
Waskillu-3-ACC cut-URGT-3 fall-REFL-3 fox-TOP
Picaron su wasilla y el zorro se cayó.
They cut his waskillo rope and the fox fell.
00:06:55.400 - 00:06:58.490

"Kumpadri, kumpadri, muruchuta mashtay! Muruchuta mashtay!"

kumpadri kumpadri muruchu-ta mashta-y muruchu-ta mashta-y
compadre compadre barley-ACC spread.out-IMP barley-ACC spread.out-IMP
'¡Compadre! ¡Compadre! ¡Tiende morón! ¡Tiende morón!'
"Compadre, compadre, scatter barley! Scatter barley!"
00:06:58.980 - 00:07:02.910

Muruchutapis mashtanchu sinu siqaykukun.

muruchu-ta-pis mashta-n-chu sinu siqayku-ku-n
barley-ACC-ADD spread.out-3-NEG rather fall-REFL-3
Marrón tampoco no tendió. sino se cayó.
He didn't even spread the barley, rather, he fell.
00:07:02.960 - 00:07:08.328

Sunday, October 7, 2012 1:59 PM


Chayqa suma sumaq prindidurninta tiparungaqa

Chay-qa suma sumaq prindidur-ni-n-ta tipa-ru-nqa-qa
DEM.D-TOP pretty pretty fasten-URGT-3.FUT-TOP
Bonito lo va a prender su prendible.
She's going to fasten her safety pin nicely.
00:00:00.270 - 00:00:02.890

Ñuqaqa radiyo apakuruni hinashpaqa

ñuqa-qa radiyo apa-ku-ru-ni hinashpaqa
1-TOP radio bring-REFL-URGT-1 then-TOP
Yo llevaba radio, luego
I brang a radio then
00:00:03.240 - 00:00:05.240

Llantuy kaptinqa qipikusallam purini. Manañam prindiniñachu.

Llantu-y ka-pti-n-qa qipiku-sa-lla-m puri-ni Mana-ña-m prindi-ni-ña-chu
shade-INF be-SUBDS-3-TOP carry-REFL-PRF-RSTR-EVD walk-1 no-DISC-3 fasten-1-DISC-NEG
Cuando nubla cargado no más ya ando. Ya no prendo.
When it clouds over. I just go about carrying [my things in my manta]. I don't pin it any more.
00:00:05.360 - 00:00:09.240

Uratam munashpapis
Ura-ta-m muna-shpa-pis
Aunque quiero saber qué hora es.
Although I want a clock.
00:00:05.360 - 00:00:09.240

yanqaña qipikusa purini

yanqa-ña-m qipi-ku-sa puri-ni
in.vain-DISC-EVD carry-REFL-PRF walk-1
Por gusto ya camino cargado
For the fun of it, Iwander around loaded down
00:00:09.370 - 00:00:11.430

Imatataq kanan ñuqa Lutupa ubihaywan yatrasayta willakushaq

Ima-ta-taq kanan ñuqa Lutu-pa ubiha-y-wan yatra-sa-y-ta willa-ku-shaq
what-ACC-SEQ now 1 Lutu-LOC sheep-1-INSTR live-PRF-1-ACC tell-REFL-1.FUT
¿Qué te voy a contar ahora? ¿lo que vi vi en Lutu con mis ovejas?
What now -- I'll tell about what I lived in Lutu with my sheep.
00:00:12.340 - 00:00:16.200

Wambracha kashpa ñuqa urqullapa yatrarqani.

wambra-cha ka-shpa ñuqa urqu-lla-pa yatra-rqa-ni
child-DIM be-SUBIS 1 hill-RSTR-LOC live-PST-1
Cuando era chica, Vivía en la puna.
When I was a little girl, I lived in the hills.
00:00:16.300 - 00:00:19.450

ubihawan llamawan yatrarqani.

ubiha-wan llama-wan yatra-rqa-ni
sheep-INSTR llama-INSTR live-PST-1
Vivía con mis llamas y mis ovejas.
I llived with my sheep and my llamas.
00:00:19.740 - 00:00:23.230

Sapallay mamay viyuda kaptin.

sapa-lla-y mama-y viyuda ka-pti-n
alone-RSTR-1 mother-1 widow be-SUBDS-3
Solita, mi mamá siendo viuda.
All alone, my mother being a widow.
00:00:24.310 - 00:00:27.440

Urqupa hitaruwaptin yatrakurqani sapallay. Kaypa karqa.

urqu-pa hita-ru-wa-pti-n yatra-ku-rqa-ni sapa-lla-y Kay-pa ka-rqa-ø
hill-LOC abandon-URGT-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3 live-REFL-PST-1 alone-RSTR-1 DEM.P-LOC be-PST-3
Cuando me abandonaron en la puna, vivía solita. Ella estaba aquí.
in the hills, when they abandoned me, I lived all alone. She was here.
00:00:27.550 - 00:00:31.730

Ñuqañataq karqani urqupa.

ñuqa-ña-taq ka-rqa-ni urqu-pa
1-DISC-SEQ be-PST-1 hill-LOC
Yo ya vivía en la puna.
I lived already in the hills.
00:00:31.880 - 00:00:33.940

Yacharqani sapallay.
yacha-rqa-ni sapa-lla-y
live-PST-1 alone-RSTR-1
Vivía solita.
I lived all alone.
00:00:34.230 - 00:00:36.850

Sapallay yatrakurqani.
sapa-lla-y yatra-ku-rqa-ni
alone-RSTR-1 live-REFL-PST-1
Solita vivía.
I lived all alone.
00:00:37.120 - 00:00:38.930

Dosi añus ñuqallam karqani chay yatrarqani urqullapa.

dosi añus ñuqa-lla-m ka-rqa-ni chay yatra-rqa-ni urqu-lla-pa
twelve years 1-RSTR-EVD be-PST-1 DEM.D live-PST-1 hill-RSTR-LOC
Yo no más vivía doce años ... vivía en la puna no más.
Just me, I lived for twelve years just in the hills.
00:00:39.190 - 00:00:43.270

Urqullapi yatrani tiyempu tiyempu.

urqu-lla-pi yatra-ni tiyempu tiyempu
hill-RSTR-LOC live-1 time time
Vivía bastante tiempo en la puna.
I lived a long time just in the hills.
00:00:44.390 - 00:00:47.290

?Imata? Kustumbrawshpa hawkam kustumbrawshpa yatrakunchik kaypahina

Ima-ta kustumbraw-shpa qawka-m kustumbraw-shpa yatra-ku-nchik kay-pa-hina
what-ACC accustomed-SUBIS calm-EVD accustomed-SUBIS live-REFL-1PL DEM.P-LOC-COMP
Que ... Cuando uno se acustumbra, está tranquilo. Cuando uno se acustumbra, uno vive tal como aquí.
What ... When you're used to it, it's peaceful. When you're used to it, you live like you do here.
00:00:47.600 - 00:00:53.730

Yachanchik hawkam parakunapa, puyukunapa, ritikunapa.

yacha-nchik hawka-m para-kuna-pa puyu-kuna-pa riti-kuna-pa
live-1PL calm-EVD rain-PL-LOC fog-PL-LOC sleet-PL-LOC
Uno vive tranquilo -- en lluvia, en neblina, en nevada.
You live peacefully -- in the rain, in the fog, in the snow.
00:00:56.500 - 00:01:02.090

Chikurukunata allakushpa puriq kani.

chikuru-kuna-ta alla-ku-shpa puri-q ka-ni
[wild.root-carrot]-PL-ACC harvest-REFL-SUBIS walk-AG be-1
Andaba cosechando chikuru.
I wandered about digging chikuru
00:01:02.690 - 00:01:06.050

Laqpikunata mikushpa.
laqpi-kuna-ta miku-shpa
[wild.root-carrot]-PL-ACC eat-SUBIS
comiendo laqpi
eating laqpi
00:01:06.150 - 00:01:08.600

Chay urqupa mikuq kani chikurakunata.

chay urqu-pa miku-q ka-ni chikura-kuna-ta
DEM.D hill-LOC eat-AG be-1 [wild.root]-PL-ACC
En la puna. comía chikura.
In the hills, I used to eat chikura.
00:01:08.750 - 00:01:12.210

00:01:08.750 - 00:01:12.210

laqpikunata allashpa
laqpi-kuna-ta alla-shpa
[wild.root]-PL-ACC harvest-SUBIS
cosechaba laqpi.
I would dig up laqpi.
00:01:12.350 - 00:01:15.800

y lo cocinaba.
and I would cook it.
00:01:19.370 - 00:01:22.580

Waraqukunallata mikukushpa purirqani urqupaqa.

waraqu-kuna-lla-ta miku-ku-shpa puri-rqa-ni urqu-pa-qa
[cactus.fruit]-PL-RSTR-ACC eat-REFL-SUBIS walk-PST-1 hill-LOC-TOP
Comiendo warajo, andaba en la puna.
Eating waraqu, I wandered around in the hills.
00:01:26.160 - 00:01:30.000
Ariyá urqupaqa puchukapakunchikmiki.
ari-yá urqu-pa-qa puchuka-paku-nchik-mi-ki
yes-EMPH hill-LOC-TOP finish-MUTBEN-1PL-EVD-KI
Sí, pues. Se nos terminaban en la puna.
Yes, indeed. They ran out on us in the hills.
00:01:33.910 - 00:01:37.330

Chayhina puriq kanchik ayves forsforunchik puchukaruq.

Chay-hina puri-q ka-nchik ayves forsforu-nchik puchuka-ru-q
DEM.D-COMP walk-AG be-1PL sometimes match-1PL finish-URGT-AG
Andábamos así. a veces nuestros fóforos se nos terminaban.
We wandered around like that. Sometimes our matches would run out on us.
00:01:40.510 - 00:01:43.830

Chimpa Tukuwasinpa wañuq tiya Jonas yatraq.

chimpa Tukuwasi-n-pa wañu-q tiya qunas yatra-q
front Tukuwasi-3-LOC wañu-q tiya qunas yatra-q
La fellecida tía Jonas vivía frente a Tukuwasi.
The late Tiya Jonas used to live In front of Tukuwasi
00:01:43.930 - 00:01:48.000

Chaytam riq kani nina mañakuq. Hinashpam hatu hatun

Chay-ta-m ri-q ka-ni nina maña-ku-q hinashpa-m hatu hatun
DEM.D-ACC-EVD go-AG be-1 fire request-REFL-AG then-EVD big big
Allí iba pedir candela. Luego muy grande
I used to go there to ask for embers. Then a really big
00:01:48.150 - 00:01:52.100

Karkawan apamuq kani qushta qushtalla.

karka-wan apa-mu-q ka-ni qushta qushta-lla
manure-wan bring-CISL-AG be-1 make.smoke make.smoke-RSTR
Con bosta traía la candela humeando.
With manure, I used to bring [the embers], smoking, smoking
00:01:52.270 - 00:01:55.690

Ah chaywanmi apamuq kani yatraq.

ah chay-wan-mi apa-mu-q ka-ni yatra-q
ah DEM.D-INSTR-EVD bring-CISL-AG be-1 live-AG
Ah, lo traía con-RSTR. Vivía.
Ah, with that I used to bring it, I used to live.
00:01:55.970 - 00:02:00.540

Hukvida karka kakuyan Lutupa assss

huk-vida karka kakuyan Lutu-pa
one-life manure-TOP be-REFL-PROG-3 Lutu-LOC
Hay mucha bosta en Luto, ass!
Now there's a lot of manure in Lutu, ass!
00:02:04.240 - 00:02:06.600

Hukvida vakapa akan Wachwapawachanan iskinapa

huk-vida vaka-pa aka-n wachwapachana-n iskina-pa
completely cow-GEN aka-n wachwapawachana-3 corner-LOC
Hay mucha cagada de vaca por Wachwapawachanan
There's a lot of cow dung around Wachwapachana
00:02:06.950 - 00:02:10.930

Chaytrik. Chaytri. Chaynam. Ñuqaqa kutimurqani venti

chay-tri-k Chay-tri chay-na-m ñuqa-qa kuti-mu-rqa-ni venti
Por eso. Por eso. Así. Yo volví
So ... So ... Like that. I returned
00:02:14.120 - 00:02:20.370

Venti sinku añusniypañam piru ratu ratuchalla urqullapa ñuqa karqani. Urqullapi yatrakurqani ratuchalla
hamuq kani kaytaq.
venti sinku añus-ni-y-pa-ña-m ratu ratu-cha-lla urqu-lla-pa ñuqa ka-rqa-ni Urqu-lla-pi yatra-ku-rqa-ni
ratu-cha-lla hamu-q ka-ni
twenty five years-EUPH-1-LOC-DISC-EVD moment moment-DIM-RSTR hill-RSTR-LOC 1 be-PST-1
hill-RSTR-LOC live-REFL-PST-1 moment-DIM-RSTR come-AG
a los veinti cinco años ya piru un rato no más. Estuve en la puna. Yo vivía en la puna no más. Un rato no más
venía acá.
when I was twenty-five years old, but for just a little while. I was in the hills. I lived in the hills. I would
come here for just a
little while.
00:02:20.380 - 00:02:28.620

be-1 DEM.P-SEQ

Mamay sapan karqa viyuda hinashpa kaypa trabahaq

mama-y sapa-n ka-rqa-ø viyuda hinashpa kay-pa trabaha-q
mother-1 alone-3 be-PST-3 widow then DEM.P-LOC work-AG
Mi mamá era sola, viuda. Acá trabajaba (en el pueblo)
My mother was alone, a widow. So she worked here.
00:02:28.950 - 00:02:32.700

Ñuqa karqani urqupa chay urqupa kaptiy trabahashpa mikunayta apamuq mikushpa yatranaypaq
ñuqa ka-rqa-ni urqu-pa chay urqu-pa ka-pti-y trabaha-shpa miku-na-y-ta apa-mu-q miku-shpa yatra-na-y-paq
1 be-PST-1 hill-LOC-TOP DEM.D hill-LOC be-SUBDS-1 work-SUBIS eat-NMLZ-1-ACC bring-CISL-AG
yo estaba en la puna, en eso en la puna, estaba trabajando mi comida traía para vivir comiendo
00:02:32.780 - 00:02:39.520

Mamayqa kaypa qamuq witrayta mikunayta apashpa asnuchanwan kargachakusa hamuq.

mama-y-qa kay-pa hamu-q witray-ta miku-na-y-ta apa-shpa asnu-cha-n-wan karga-cha-ku-sa hamu-q
mother-1-TOP DEM.D-LOC come-AG above-ACC eat-NMLZ-1-ACC bring-SUBIS ass-DIM-3-INSTR
carry-DIM-REFL-PRF-ø come-AG
Mi mamá venía arriba traendo mi comida. Venía cargándolo con su burrito.
My mother would come up bringing my food. She came carrying it with her donkey.
00:02:40.100 - 00:02:46.220

ah, kananqa chikaqa kanñachu unayhinaqa

ah, kanan-qa chika-qa ka-n-ña-chu unay-hina-qa
ah, now-TOP girl-TOP be-3-DISC-NEG before-COMP-TOP
Ah. ahora ya no hay chicas como antes.
Ah, Now there aren't girls like before.
00:02:47.210 - 00:02:50.180

unayqa karqa chikaqa alli alli puqusakuna

unay-qa ka-rqa-ø chika-qa alli alli puqu-sa-kuna
before-TOP be-PST-3 girl-TOP good good mature-PRF-3-REFL
00:02:50.240 - 00:02:53.690

kanan uchuyyyy uchulla chikaqa qariman yaykuyan

kanan uchu-y uchu-lla chika-qa qari-man yayku-n-man
now small-PHT small-RSTR girl-TOP man-ALL enter-3-COND
00:02:53.790 - 00:02:57.080

mana ni walantapis watakuyta atipanchu

mana ni wala-n-ta-pis wata-ku-y-ta atipa-n-chu
no nor skirt-REFL-INF-ACC tie-REFL-INF-ACC
00:02:57.310 - 00:02:59.840

kanan walas kanñachu todo buso

kanan wala-s ka-n-ña-chu todo buso
now skirt-ADD be-3-DISC-NEG all sweat.pants
00:03:00.000 - 00:03:02.940

Qarichu warmichu riqsinanchikpaq chichillanhinam kayan, aw

qari-chu warmi-chu riqsi-na-nchik-paq chichi-lla-hina-m ka-ya-n aw
man-Q woman-Q become.acquainted-NMLZ1PL-PURP breast-RSTR-3-COMP-EVD- be-PROG-3 yes
Para que conozcamos --es hombre o mujer -- tiene senos, parece, ¿no?
So we get to know -- man or woman -- they have breasts, maybe, no?
00:03:08.030 - 00:03:11.790

Mana chichin kaptinqa ishkaynin qarihina. Ah, chayna ñakayan.

mana chichi-n ka-pti-n-qa ishkay-ni-n qari-hina Ah, chay-na ñaka-yan
no breast-3 be-SUBDS-3-TOP two-EUPH-3 man-SIM Ah, DEM.D-NVRBZ be.deprived-PROG-3
Si no tiene senos, los dos son como hombres- Ah, carece de eso así.
If they don't have breasts, they're both like men. Ah, they're deprived of that.
00:03:12.140 - 00:03:16.500

Ah, pullera pullera purirqanchik.

ah, pullera pullera puri-rqa-nchik
ah, sweater sweater walk-PST-1PL
Ah, caminamos con pulleras.
Ah, we wandered about with sweaters.
00:03:18.650 - 00:03:21.490

Kanankamapis pullerawan ñuqanchik puriyanchik

kanan-hina-pis pullera-wan ñuqa-nchik puri-ya-nchik
now-COMP-ADD sweater-INSTR 1-1PL walk-PROG-1PL
Hasta ahora también estamos andando con nuestras pulleras, nosotras.
Even now, too, we go about with sweaters.
00:03:21.750 - 00:03:25.330

Claro, pues.
Claro, pues.
That's right.
00:03:26.740 - 00:03:29.650

Kananqa pantalollawan.
kanan-qa pantalon-lla-wan
now-TOP pants-RSTR-INSTR
Ahora con pantalón no más.
Now they wear only pants.
00:03:26.740 - 00:03:29.650

shinpayuq faldayuq purinchik ñuqanchikqa

shinpa-yuq falda-yuq puri-nchik ñuqa-nchik-qa
braid-POSS skirt-POSS walk-1PL 1.1PL-TOP
Con trensas, con faldas, caminamos nosotras
With braids, in skirts -- that's the way we roll.
00:03:29.860 - 00:03:32.950

Kanan shinpapis kanchu.

kanan shinpa-pis ka-n-chu
now braid-ADD be-3-NEG
Ahora no tienen ni trensas.
Now they don't even have braids.
00:03:33.050 - 00:03:35.480

Qari nishpa hapirunchikman

qari ni-shpa hapi-ru-nchik-man
man say-SUBIS grab-URGT-1PL-COND
Hombre, podemos decir y agarrar.
A man, we can say and grab.
00:03:33.050 - 00:03:35.480

Wak warmi
wak warmi
DEM.D woman
Esa mujer
That woman
00:03:35.550 - 00:03:37.750

Manam chichin kaptinqa

mana-m chichi-n ka-pti-n-qa
no-EVD breast-3 be-SUBDS-3-TOP
Cuando tiene senos
When you don't have breasts
00:03:37.840 - 00:03:40.660

Entre warmiqa ¿imatatr ruwanman hapinakushpa?

entre warmi-qa ima-ta-tr ruwa-n-man hapi-naku-shpa
between woman-TOP what-ACC-EVC make-3-COND grab-RECP-SUBIS
Entre mujeres ¿qué pueden hacer cuando se agarran?
Between women, what can you do when you grab each other?
00:03:40.920 - 00:03:45.570

Pan i pan suwanakunqa ¿Ima ninki chay nishuptikiqa?

pan i pan suwa-naku-nqa ima ni-nki chay ni-shu-pti-yki-qa
bread and bread rob-RECP-3.FUT what say-2 DEM.D say-2.OBJ-SUBDS-1>2-TOP
Pan y pan -- se escaparán. ¿Qué puedes decir cuando te dice así?
bread and bread -- they'll elope. What are you giong to say when I say that to you?
00:03:45.670 - 00:03:49.050

Titantañatr qawayachin
tita-n-ta-ña-tr qawa-ya-chi-n
breast-ACC-DISC-EVC look-PROG-CAUS-3
Ya está mostrando sus tetas.
She's showing her breasts alredy
00:03:49.150 - 00:03:52.360

Ah, kanan, sí, ah

Ah, kanan sí, ah
Ah, now, yes ah
Ah, ahora, sí, ahora.
Ah, now, yes, now.
00:03:52.440 - 00:03:57.970

Hildapa turin maqta kay hanaypa uraypaqa kanichi ... na aritita ushtunayarachin
Hilda-pa turi-n maqta kay hanay-paq uray-pa-qa kani-chi-n na ariti-ta ushtu-naya-ra-chi-n
Hilda-GEN brother-3 GG DEM.P above-ABL down-LOC-TOP bite-CAUS that ear.ring-ACC
El hermano de Hida deacá arriba, abajo [en la costa] quería ponerse arete
Hilda's brother from up here, down [on the coast] wanted to pier .. to have an earring put in.
00:03:58.030 - 00:04:03.980

Kanan qaritukusa purinmiki.

kanan qari-tuku-sa puri-n-mi-ki
now man-SIMUL-PRF walk-EVD-KI
Ahora anda vestida de hombre.
Now she walks around dressed as a man.
00:04:04.100 - 00:04:06.820

Churin maqta chukchayuq -- upatrik. Pashñakuna hapishpa lluqarunman nishpa qawapakunchik.

churi-n maqta chukcha-yuq upa-tri-k pashña-kuna hapi-shpa lluqa-ru-n-man ni-shpa qawa-pa-waq
child-3 hair-POSS dumb-EVC-K girl-PL grab-SUBIS mount-URGT-3-COND say-SUBIS
Su hijo tiene cabello largo -- sonso será. Las chicas le pueden subir diciendo "Miramos".
Her son has long hair -- stupid, no? Girls could grab him and top him, saying, "We're looking!"
00:04:06.900 - 00:04:12.930

Ariti modañamik kanan kayan.

ariti moda-ña-mi-k kanan ka-ya-n
earring fashion-DISC-EVD-K now be-PROG-3
Los aretes están a la moda ya hoy.
Earrings are the fashion now.
00:04:13.020 - 00:04:16.860

Se lo va a pegar.
He's going to stick it on himself
00:04:13.020 - 00:04:16.860

Wankutahina laqarunman chayna hinashpa

wanku-ta-hina laqa-ru-n-man chay-na hinashpa
bandage-ACC-COMP stick-URGT-3-COND DEM.D-VRBZ then
Puede pegarlo así como benda, luego
He can stick it like a bandage, like this, then
00:04:16.960 - 00:04:19.470

Mana chichiyuq kaptikiqa chayna lluqarishunkimantri

mana chichiyuq ka-pti-ki-qa chay-na lluqa-ri-shunki-man-tri
Cuando no tienes senos te pueden subir.
When you don't have breasts they can top you
00:04:19.620 - 00:04:22.510

Puede recibir
He might receive
00:04:22.700 - 00:04:25.650

Llaqtanta kutirushpa wakhina asinqa atriki, ¿aw¿ Chaynas rimachirqa nishpatr

llaqta-n-ta kuti-ru-shpa wak-hina asi-nqa a-tri-ki aw chay-na-s rima-chi-rqa ni-shpa-tr
town-3-ACC return-EXCEP-URGT-SUBIS DEM.D-COMP laugh-3.FUT A-EVC-KI yes
Cuando vuelve a su pueblo así reirá, seguro, ¿no? Así también habrá hecho hablar, dijo
When he returns to his village like that, they're going to laugh. For sure. Yes or no? He must have made
people laugh like that saying
00:04:25.720 - 00:04:32.110

Claro, pues. Chay wak natatr qawanqa hinashpatr rimanqa

claro, pe, chay wak na-ta-tr qawa-nqa hinashpa-tr rima-nqa
clear then DEM.D DEM.D that-ACC-EVC lok-3.FUT then-EVC talk-3.FUT
Claro, pues. Ella va a mirar el ... ese ... esa cosa y luego hablará.
That's right. The .. that ... she's going to look ta that thing [laptop] then she'll talk.
00:04:32.160 - 00:04:39.300

Atriki qamtaqa gustarishunki

a-tri-ki qam-ta-qa gusta-ri-shunki
yes-EVC-KI 2-ACC-TOP please-INCEP-3>2
Seguro, a tí te gustaría
For sure. You're going to like it.
00:04:39.360 - 00:04:46.690

Qawachiwaptinqa wakhina
qawa-chi-wa-pti-n-qa wak-hina
Cuando me lo muestra así.
When she shows me like that.
00:04:46.850 - 00:04:49.280

"No hay nada", ¡dí!

"No hay nada", ¡dí!
Say, "There isn't anything."
00:04:49.350 - 00:04:51.690

00:04:53.710 - 00:04:58.860

Asnupa rinrinhina rinrin kayan.

asnu-pa rinri-n-hina rinri-n ka-ya-n
ass-GEN ear-3-COMP ear-3 be-PROG-3
Sus orejas son como las oreja del burro.
His ears are like donkey's ears.
00:04:58.930 - 00:05:03.080

Waktrik asuntun kasa chaykunataqa qawachiwaptin

wak-tri-k asuntu-n ka-sa-ø chay-kuna-ta-qa qawa-chi-wa-pti-n
DEM.D matter-3-ACC be-PRF-3 DEM.D-PL-ACC-TOP look-CAUS-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3-
Así había su asunto cuando me hace ver todo-RSTR.
That's how her affair was. When she shows me all of that ...
00:05:03.140 - 00:05:07.750

¡Anda que graciosa!

¡Anda, eres gracioso!
Go on, you're funny!
00:05:07.760 - 00:05:11.640

Hamurqa misita qawashpam yaykuramuni ñuqa hamuymanchu karqa.

hamu-rqa-ø misi-ta qawa-shpa ya-yka-ra-mu-ni ñuqa hamu-y-man-chu ka-rqa-ø
come-PST-3 cat-ACC look-SUBIS-EVD enter-URGT-CISL-1 come-INF-COND-NEG be-PST-3
Vino. Mirando el gato, entré. Yo no iba a entrar.
She came. I came in watching the cat. I wouldn't have come.
00:05:11.720 - 00:05:16.010

Fósforo no tenía. Por eso vine -- traer fósforo.

No tenía fósforos. Por eso vine -- para traer fósforo.
I didn't have any matches. That's why I came -- to get matches.
00:05:16.070 - 00:05:18.810

Gato también estaba allí -- el misi.

El gato también estaba allí -- el misi
The cat was there, too, Misi.
00:05:18.860 - 00:05:22.190

No pensaba reír, ¿Umasapaqa liyunmik icha?

uma-sapa-qa liyun-mi-k icha
head-MULT.POSS-TOP lion-EVD-K or
No pensaba reír. Un león es cabezón ¿sí o no?
I didn't plan on laughing. Lions have big heads, yes or no?
00:05:22.310 - 00:05:25.260

Unay tiyempuhinatr kayqa apamurqa liyunhina, ¿aw?

unay tiyempu-hina-tr kay-qa apa-mu-rqa-ø liyun-hina
before time-COMP-EVC DEM.D-TOP bring-CISL-PST-3 lion-COMP
Como antes habrán traido como león, ¿no?
Like in old times, they'd have brought it like a lion, no?
00:05:28.170 - 00:05:33.790

Chay liyun qariyuq kayanki ¿Imayna kulayki hatun hatuntri kayan?

chay liyun qari-yuq ka-ya-nki imayna kula-yki hatun hatun-tri ka-ya-n
DEM.D lion man-POSS be-PROG-2 how tail-2 big big-EVC be-PROG-3
Tienes un esposo león. ¿Cómo -- tienes una cola muy larga?
You have a lion husband. How -- you'd have a very long tail?
00:05:33.840 - 00:05:38.880

Barba. Gato será, pues.

Barba. Gato será, pues.
A beard. He must be a cat.
00:05:38.970 - 00:05:42.260

Barba-n ka-n.
mana-chu tuksi-shunki
beard-3 be-3
Tiene barba.
He has a beard.
00:05:45.250 - 00:05:50.610

intindisamiki ya ves, pues

entendía, ya ves, pues
00:05:50.640 - 00:05:54.190

grasiyoso kasanki GG gender

grasiyoso ka-sa-nki
funny be-PRF-2
gracioso habías sido
00:05:54.220 - 00:05:56.740

simi inka nin (tuksiwan)

simi inka ni-n
mouth Inca say-3
simi inca dice
00:05:56.820 - 00:06:00.210

00:06:00.230 - 00:06:02.180

imataña ñuqa willasayki qunqaruniñam, ay karay

ima-ta-ña ñuqa willa-sayki qunqa-ru-ni-ña-m ay karay
what-ACC-DISC 1 tell-1>2.FUT forget-URGT-1-DISC-EVD ay damn
qué ya ya te voy a avisar ya me olvidé todo, ay caray
00:06:02.270 - 00:06:07.100

¿Puntrawqa maypataq purinki?

puntraw-qa may-pa-taq puri-nki
day-TOP where-LOC-SEQ walk-2
De día dónde andas?
00:06:07.180 - 00:06:10.250

¿Maypa purinki?
May-pa puri-nki
where-LOC walk-2
Dónde andas?
00:06:10.330 - 00:06:14.360

matrkata sankushpa suquy suquy akuchishunkiman

matrka sanku-shpa suquy suquy aku-chi-shunki-man
Machka grind-SUBIS powder powder TK chew-CAUS-3>2-COND
Haciendo la machka pito te va a hacer chacchar
Grinding the meal into powder, she'll make you eat.
00:06:14.440 - 00:06:19.360

Mikuchishunkiman Tampopaqmi pushpurishpa pushpurishpa abastaqa

Miku-chi-shunki-man Tampo-paq-mi pushpu-ri-shpa pushpu-ri-shpa abas-ta-qa
eat-CAUS-3>2-COND Tampo-LOC-EVD roast.and.boil-INCEP-SUBIS roast.and.boil-INCEP-SUBIS
Te puede hace comer en Tambopata cocinando la habas.
She could make you eat it en Tambopata, cooking broad beans.
00:06:19.400 - 00:06:26.430

Pishiparullaniñam. Kutimunki paqarin kinrayña. ¿Imaytaq rikuyankiqa? Imaykama kayanki?

Pishipa-ru-lla-ni-ña-m Kuti-mu-nki paqarin kinray-ña ¿Imay-taq ri-ku-ya-nki-q Imay-kama ka-ya-nki
tire-URGT-RSTR-1-DISC-EVD return-CISL-2 tomorrow region-DISC when-SEQ go-REFL-PROG-2-TOP
when-LIM be-PROG-2
Ya me cansé. Mañana por allí vas a volver. ¿Cuándo te estás yendo? ¿Hasta cuándo vas a estar?
00:06:26.450 - 00:06:33.140

Kay simanaraq.
kay simana-raq
Esta semana todavía.
This week, still.
00:06:26.450 - 00:06:33.140

Hasta abril, ahh, Chayqa riki yatrarunkiñatr Chayqa imatapis mallirunkiñatr.

Hasta abril, ahh, Chay-qa ri-ki yatra-ru-nki-ña-tr Chay-qa ima-ta-pis malli-ru-nki-ña-tr
Hasta abril. Ya sabrás entonces. Vas a probar o que sea.
Until April. You'll know it then. You'll try anything.
00:06:33.480 - 00:06:40.510

Yatrashpaqa agwantanman chay warmi? Chayllam haku hanay wasiyta niy

Yatra-shpa-qa agwanta-n-man chay warmi Chay-lla-m haku hanay wasi-y-ta ni-y
know-SUBIS-TO tolerate-3-COND DEM.D woman DEM.D-RSTR-EVD let's.go up house-1-ACC say-IMP
Sabiendolo ¿puede aguantar ese mujer? "Por eso vamos arriba a mi casa", dí.
Knowing that, will the woman be able to last? Say, "So, let's go up to my house."
00:06:40.590 - 00:06:47.970

Chaypash runtuta mikuchimushunki.

Chay-pa-sh runtu-ta miku-chi-mu-shunki
Allí te va a hacer comer huevo
She's going to make you eat eggs there.
00:06:48.050 - 00:06:51.810

A lot.
00:06:48.050 - 00:06:51.810

Vakatash harkanki, vakata chawanki, kisuta ruwanki.

Vaka-ta-sh harka-nki vaka-ta chawa-nki kisu-ta ruwa-nki
cow-ACC-EVR herd-2 cow-ACC milk-2 cheese-ACC make-2
Vas a atajar vacas, vas a lechear, vas a hacer queso.
You're going to pasture cows, you're going to milk cows, you're going to make cheese.
00:06:51.860 - 00:06:56.280

Rikisunkunata timpuchinki.
Rikisun-kuna-ta timpu-chi-nki
curds-PL-ACC boil-CAUS-2
Vas a hacer hervir riquesón
You're going to boil cheese curd.
00:06:56.410 - 00:07:02.530

Sweruta sapa puntraw tumachini

Sweru-ta sapa puntraw tuma-chi-ni
whey-ACC every day drink-CAUS-1
Voy a hcer tomar suera todos los días
I'm going to make her drink whey every day.
00:06:56.410 - 00:07:02.530

Qitrapis hapirunqatriki
Qitra-pis hapi-ru-nqa-tri-ki
diarhea-ADD grab-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT-EVC-KI
Diarea te va a agarrar.
You're going to get diarhea, too.
00:07:02.560 - 00:07:08.130

sweruta tumarushpa pilliwaytatr qallarikunqa TK

sweru-ta tuma-ru-shpa-qa pilli-wa-y-ta-tr qallari-ku-nqa
whey-ACC drink-URGT-SUBIS-TOP give.diarhea-1.OBJ-INF-ACC-EVC begin-REFL-3.FUT
Tomando suero, te va a empezar a aflojar el estómago.
When you drink whey, it's going to start to give you a loose stomach.
00:07:08.200 - 00:07:14.100

Parar taparlo.
To cap it.
00:07:14.180 - 00:07:18.590

Ánda graciosa. Va a tapar, pue'

Ánda graciosa. Va a tapar, pue'
Go on! Funny. She's going to cap it.
00:07:18.610 - 00:07:24.301

Sunday, October 7, 2012 2:02 PM


Aa, ya estamos yendo para arriba.

Ah, we're already heading up hill.
Aa, ya estamos yendo para arriba.
00:00:00.180 - 00:00:05.010

Ahh, simintiryupaq lluqsiyamunki.

Ahh, simintiryu-paq lluqsi-ya-mu-nki
Ahh, cementery-ABL leave-PROG-CISL-2
Ahh, you're coming out of the cementery.
Ahhh, del cementerio estás saliendo.
00:00:05.180 - 00:00:10.270

Qayna. witrayman alma dispachaqña riyanchik

Qayna. Wachay-man alma dispacha-q-ña ri-ya-nchik
Qayna. up-ALL soul go-PROG-1:pl
We're going up the hill to bid farewell to the souls.
Estamos yendo para arriba para despachar las almas.
00:00:10.560 - 00:00:16.050

Qayna puntraw risanchik

Qayna puntraw ri-sa-nchik
last day go-PRF-1.PL
We went yesterday.
Fuimos ayer..
00:00:16.050 - 00:00:20.500

Ah, lliw lliw riq runatatrik tumarqa. Katanchik qipikusa.

Ah, lliw lliw ri-q runa-ta-tri-k tuma-rqa-ø Kata-nchik qipi-ku-sa
Ah, all all go-AG person-ACC-EVC-K take-PST-3 shawl-1.PL carry-REFL-PRF
Ahh, she must have taken fotos of everyone who went. Carrying our shawls.
Habrá tomado [una foto] de todas las personas que fueron. Cargando nuestras mantas.
00:00:20.780 - 00:00:25.800

Ahh, ripakuyanchik.
Ahh, ripa-ku-ya-nchik
Ahh, go-REFL-PROG-1.PL
Ah, lots of us are going.
Ahh, estamos yendo varios.
00:00:25.830 - 00:00:30.710

Hanayman ya ripakuyanchik. Chaypamiki tumarusa. Wawan qipikusakuna.

Hanay-man ya ripa-ku-ya-nchik Chay-pa-mi-ki tumarusa-ø Wawa-n qipi-ku-sa-kuna
We're going up hill, lots of us. She took photos there [of the people] carrying their babies.
Ya estamos yendo varios para arriba. Allá había tomado fotas [de las mujeres] cargando sus bebés.
00:00:32.830 - 00:00:41.360

wak law kallipaqa witrayñataq lluqsiyanchik.

wak law kalli-pa-qa witray-ña-taq lluqsi-ya-nchik
DEM.D-side street-LOC-TOP up-DISC-SEQ leave-PROG-1.PL
Further on, we'll leave up hill by the street. Ah.
Más allá subiremos ya por la calle. Sí.
00:00:44.320 - 00:00:51.680

Wak katay qipikusa ñuqapis riyani.

Wak kata-y qipi-ku-sa ñuqa-pis ri-ya-ni
DEM.D shawl-1 carry-REFL-PRF 1-ADD go-PROG-1
Look! I'm going, too, carrying my manta.
¡Mira! Yo también estoy yendo cargando mi manta. Ahh
00:00:55.310 - 00:01:02.250

Chay hanayta trayashun. Hinashpa chay hanaypa tiyashun

chay hanay-ta traya-shun Hinashpa chay hanay-pa tiya-shun
DEM.D up-ACC arrive-1PL.FUT then up-LOC DEM.D sit-1PL.FUT
We're going to arrive up hill. Then, up there, we're going to sit.
Arriba, pues, vamos a llegar. Luego allá arriba vamos a sentar.
00:01:04.480 - 00:01:10.040

Hinashpa chaypa lliw lliw qutunakuykushpa almata dispachashun inti patachanpim kayaptin.
Hinashpa chay-pa lliw lliw qutu-naku-yku-shpa Alma-ta dispacha-shun inti pata-cha-n-pi-m-ø ka-ya-pti-n
then DEM.D-LOC all all gather-RECIP-EXCEP-SUBIS soul-ACC sun
border-DIM-3-LOC-EVD-ø be-PROG-SUBDS-3
Then, when we are all grouped together, we'll bid farewell to the souls, when the sun is setting.
Después toditos montonándonos, vamos a despachar las almas cuando el sol se está ocultando.
00:01:10.110 - 00:01:15.820

Ahh, wakqa. Shinkakuna sayayan. Parlakuyanmi.

Ahh, wak-qa shinka-kuna saya-ya-n Parla-ku-ya-n-mi-ø
Ahh, DEM.D-TOP drunk-PL stand-PROG-3 .talk-REFL-PROG-3-EVD-ø
Ahh, those. The drunks are standing. They're talking.
Allá están parados los borrachos. Están conversando.
00:01:17.280 - 00:01:25.380
He must have seen you.
Te habrá visto.
00:01:26.470 - 00:01:27.780

Ass, wakpapis tumarusa maypa Don Asensio wak chamisnintinta.

Ass, wak-pa-pis tuma-ru-sa-ø may-pa Don Asensio wak chamis-ni-ntin-ta
Ass, DEM.D-LOC-ADD take-URGT-PRF-3 where-LOC Don Asensio DEM.D chamis-EUPH-INCL-ACC
Ah, she's taken [photos] there, too. Where is Don Asemsio with his chamis?
Allá, también, ha tomado [fotos]. ¿Dónde [está] Don Acencio con su chamis.
00:01:26.540 - 00:01:35.050

Ah, Don Román wak wak law wasinpam wak imatriki?

Ah, Don Román wak wak law wasi-n-pa-m wak ima-tri-ki
Ah, Don Román DEM.D DEM.D side house-3-LOC-m DEM.D what-EVC-KI
Ah, That's Don Román over there. He must be in his house.
Ése es Don Román ese lado -- en su casa estaría.
00:01:35.140 - 00:01:39.890

Hanaypaña kayanchik.
Hanay-pa-ña ka-ya-nchik
We're already up the hill.
Ya estamos arriba.
00:01:39.940 - 00:01:46.540

Ah, hanaypaña Natipis wakpi kayan. Ah, hanaypaña kayanchik.

Ah, hanay-pa-ña Nati-pis wak-pi ka-ya-n Ah hanay-pa-ña ka-ya-nchik
Ah, we're already up the hill. Nati, too, is there. Ah, we're already up the hill.
Aya, estamos arriba, ya. Nati también está allí. Allá arriba ya estamos.
00:01:39.940 - 00:01:46.540

Manash waytakunchikchu.
Mana-sh-ø wayta-ku-nchik-chu
no-EVR-ø flower-REFL-1PL-NEG
You don't put flowers in your hat [on All Saints' Day], they say.
No se pone flor [en Todos Los Santos], dicen.
00:01:46.540 - 00:01:51.220

Alli-alli waytayuqkuna kayan.

Alli-alli wayta-yuq-kuna ka-ya-n
good-good flower-POSS-PL be-PROG-3
There are lots with flowers
Hay muchas con flores.
00:01:46.540 - 00:01:51.220

Doña Deliam waytayuq sumaq kakuyan. Watanpaq alferes karunqa.

Doña Delia-m-ø wayta-yuq sumaq ka-ku-ya-n Wata-n-paq alferes ka-ru-nqa
Doña Delia-EVD-ø flower-POSS pretty be-REFL-PROG-3 year-3-BEN host be-URGT-3.FUT
She's really pretty with her flower. She's going to be the host next year.
Está bien bonito con su flor. Va a ser alfer el año que viene.
00:01:51.230 - 00:02:00.330

Ah, Doña Delia. Norma wakpa tiyayan Waytakurusa

Ah, Doña Delia. Norma wak-pa tiya-ya-n Wayta-ku-ru-sa
Ah, Doña Delia. Norma DEM.D-LOC sit-PROG-3 flower-REFL-URGT-PRF
Ah, Doña Delia. Norma is sitting there, with a flower in her hat.
Ah, Doña Delia. Norma también está sentada con una flor puesta.
00:01:51.230 - 00:02:00.330

fiyum waytakunchik nisachush.

fiyu-m-ø wayta-ku-nchik ni-sa-chush
ugly-EVD-ø flower-REFL-1PL say-PRF-CHUSH
It's bad to put a flower in your hat like that, they say.
El malo ponerse flor así, dicen.
00:02:00.870 - 00:02:07.690

qunqaytatrik tinkun. kowinsidenchu chay.

qunqayta-tri-k tinku-n kowinside-n-chu chay
perhaps-EVC-K find-3 coincide-3-Q DEM.D
They might find it. Or is it a coincidence?
Tal vez lo encuentren. O es causualidad?
00:02:00.870 - 00:02:07.690

Hanay Alma Rumi surqunapiñam kayanchik

Hanay Alma Rumi surquna-pi-ña-m-ø ka-ya-nchik
up Alma Rumi surquna-LOC-DISC-EVD-ø be-PROG-1PL
We're already up hill at Alma Rumi Surquna.
Estamos arriba en Alma Rumi Surquna ya.
00:02:07.840 - 00:02:11.890

Wak alferes kukantañam muyuyachikun. Chamisnintanñam muyuyachikun.

Wak alferes kuka-n-ta-ña-m-ø muyu-ya-chi-ku-n Chamis-ni-n-ta-ña-m-ø muyu-ya-chi-ku-n
DEM.D hosts coca-3-ACC-DISC-EVD-ø circulate-PROG-CAUS-REFL-3 Chamis-EUPH-3-ACC-EVD-ø
The hosts are passing around their coca. They're passing around their chamis.
Los alferes ya están circulando su coca. Están haciendo dar vuelta ya su chamis.
00:02:11.940 - 00:02:16.780

Dispachaqpis alma pushaqpis wakpaña. Uman watakusañam kayan.

Dispacha-q-pis alma pusha-q-pis wak-pa-ña Uma-n wata-ku-sa-ña-m-ø ka-ya-n
send-off-AG-ADD soul take-AG-ADD DEM.D-LOC-DICS head-3 tie-REFL-PRF-DISC-EVD-ø be-PROG-3
The people who send off the souls and the people who accompany the souls are already there. Their heads are
Él que despacha y él que va a llevar los almas ya están allá. Sus cabezas están amarradas.
00:02:16.870 - 00:02:22.250

Ah, Doña Martinapis wakpa tiyayan. Doña Deliawan kuskalla.

Ah, Doña Martina-pis wak-pa tiya-ya-n Doña Delia-wan kuska-lla
Ah, Doña Martina-ADD DEM.D-LOC sit-PROG-3 Doña Delia-INSTR together-RSTR
Ah, Doña Martina is there, too -- she's stiing together with Doña Delia.
Ah, Doña Martina también está sentada allí. Está sentada junto con Doña Delia.
00:02:22.340 - 00:02:29.230

Lliw lliw runakuna kayan. Don Albelqa tushukuyan.

Lliw lliw runa-kuna ka-ya-n Don Albel-qa tushu-ku-ya-n
all all be-PROG-3 Don Albel-TOP person-PL dance-REFL-PROG-3
Everyone is sitting there. Don Abel is dancing.
Toda la gente está sentada allí. Don Abel está baiando.
00:02:29.510 - 00:02:38.190

Lliw lliw tiyanchik chaypaña alma dispachanapaqña.

Lliw lliw tiya-nchik chay-pa-ña alma dispacha-na-paq-ña.
all all sit-1PL DEM.D-LOC-DISC soul
We're all sitting there. We're there to bid farewell to the souls.
Todos ya están sentados allí para dispachar las alma ya.
00:02:29.510 - 00:02:38.190

00:02:38.230 - 00:02:43.330

Wakhina tushukuyan. Haha, grabarusa.

Wak-hina tushu-ku-ya-n Haha graba-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D-COMP dance-REFL-PROG-3 Haha, record-URGT-PRF-3
He's dancing like that. Hahaha, it got recorded.
Está bailando así. Haha, se ha grabado.
00:02:38.230 - 00:02:43.330

Tushukuyan sapallan. piru mana imaypis kaynaqa alma sumaq takishpa waqakushpam despachaq kanchik,
aw? Kutirishpa muyurishpa tushukuyan.
Tushu-ku-ya-n sapa-lla-n piru mana imay-pis kay-na-qa alma sumaq taki-shpa waqa-ku-shpa-m-ø despacha-q
ka-nchik aw Kuti-ri-shpa muyu-ri-shpa
dance-REFL-PROG-3 alone-RSTR-3 but no when-ADD DEM.P-VRBZ-TOP soul pretty sing-SUBIS
cry-REFL-SUNIS be-1PL yes turn-INCEP-SUBIS
He's dancing all by himself! But we never did it like that. We used to bid farewell to the souls nicely,
singing, crying, no? They're
dancing, turning around and around.
Mira, está bailando sólo! Pero nunca [era] así. Antes bonito solíamos despachar nuestras almas cantando y
llorando ¿no? Volviendo, dando
vueltas, está bailando.
00:02:51.890 - 00:03:02.460

circulate-INCEP-SUBIS dance-REFL-PROG-3

Wambrankunapis imapis kanchu. Waqachiwarqanchik wañuq

Wambra-n-kuna-pis ima-pis ka-n-chu Waqa-chi-wa-rqa-nchik wañu-q
child-3-PL-ADD what-ADD be-3-NEG cry-CAUS-1.OBJ-PST-1PL die-AG
She doesn't have children or anything. The person who died made us cry.
No tiene ni hijos ni nada. El fallecido nos hizo llorar.
00:03:02.480 - 00:03:07.480

Emiliatr? Imam sutin karqa wañukushpa wañukuq wambrachankuna waqakuptin.

Emilia-tr-ø Ima-m-ø suti-n wañu-ku-shpa wañu-ku-q wambra-cha-n-kuna waqa-ku-pti-n
Emilia-EVC-ø what-EVD-ø name-3 die-REFL-SUBIS die-REFL-AG child-DIM-3-PL cry-REFL-SUBDS-3
Would it be Emilia? What's the name of the deceased person who made us cry when her children cried?
¿Emilia será? ¿Cómo se llama la finada que nos ha hecho llorar. cuando sus hijitos lloraban?
00:03:08.310 - 00:03:13.140

Kananqa todo mayor edad wañukun. Komadre Madgapis wakpa kayan.

kanan-qa todo mayor edad Madga-pis wañu-ku-n wak-pa komadre ka-ya-n
now-TOP all older age die-REFL- Comadre Madga-ADD DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3
All the older people have died. There's my comadre Magda, too.
Ahora todos los mayores se han muerto. Allá está mi comadre Magda también.
00:03:13.310 - 00:03:18.600

Lliw mamakuchakuna risa alma dispachaq.

Lliw mamakucha-kuna ri-sa-ø alma dispacha-q
all grandmother-PL go-PRF-3 soul
All the old ladies went to bid farewell to the souls.
Todas las ancianitas fueron a despachar las almas.
00:03:18.710 - 00:03:26.690

Tiya Albinapis wakpi kayan.

Tiya Albina-pis wak-pi ka-ya-n
Aunt Albina-ADD DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3
Aunt Albina, too, is there.
La tía Albina también está allí.
00:03:18.710 - 00:03:26.690

Wichis kara. Ima karru chay puriyan piru?

Wichis ka-ra-ø Ima karru chay puri-ya-n piru
Wichis be-PRF-3 what car DEM.D walk-PROG-3 but
It was Wichis. But what car is driving around?
Era Wichis. ¿Qué carro está andando, pero?
00:03:27.800 - 00:03:33.290

Lliw lliw runam rinchik chay. Alma dispachaq.

Lliw lliw runa-m-ø ri-nchik chay Alma dispacha-q
all all person-EVD-ø go-1PL DEM.D soul
Every one goes to bid farewell to the souls.
Toda la gente, vamos allí. Para despachar las almas.
00:03:34.120 - 00:03:39.360

Lliw ya runa rinchik qawaq ya rinchik . Kumpañanchik.

Lliw ya runa ri-nchik qawa-q ya rin-chik Kumpaña-nchik
all EMPH person go-1PL see-AG EMPH go-1PL accompany-1PL
The people, all of us go to see. We go, we accompany them.
La gente, todos vamos a ver. Vamos, los acompañamos.
00:03:39.430 - 00:03:45.930

Tumapakun akupakun kukakunata

Tuma-paku-n aku-paku-n kuka-kuna-ta
take-MUTBEN-3 chew-MUTBEN-3 coca-PL-ACC
They all drink, they all chew coca.
Todos toman y chakchan su coca.
00:03:46.810 - 00:03:53.750

Grabadorayawanpis despachanmantri karqa.

Grabadora-wan-pis despacha-n-man-tri karqa-ø
tape.recorder-INSTR be-PST-3
They could have bid them farewell if only with a tape recorder.
Aunque sea con gabadora hubiese dispachado.
00:03:53.910 - 00:04:01.740

urkistawan, bandawan ayves wataqa.

urkista-wan banda-wan ayves wata-qa
Orchestra-INSTR band-INSTR sometimes year-TOP
In previous years, somtimes with an orchestra or a band.
En años anteriores a veces con banda o con orquesta.
00:03:53.910 - 00:04:01.740

Imayna .... manam gitarra tukaq sumaq chay, aw?

Imayna ya, Mana-m-ø gitarra tuka-q sumaq chay aw
how EMPH no-EVD-ø guitar play-AG pretty DEM.D yes
How ... didn't he play the guitar nicely, no?
¿Cómo --- no tocaba la guitarra bonito, ¿no?
00:04:01.740 - 00:04:06.100

Manaya uyarinchikchu. Manaya takiqta.

Mana-ya uyari-nchik-chu Mana-ya taki-q-ta
no-EMPH hear-1PL-NEG no-EMPH sing-AG-ACC
You can't hear it. [You can't hear] the person who sings.
No se escucha, pues. no a él que canta.
00:04:06.130 - 00:04:09.540

Takiqpis kanchu. Manam gastupis karqachu achkaqa

Taki-q-pis ka-n-chu Mana-m-ø gastu-pis ka-rqa-ø-chu achka-qa
sing-AG-ADD be-3-NEG no-EVD-ø expense-ADD be-PST-3-NEG a.lot-TOP
There isn't a singer, either. They didn't spend a lot, either.
No hay cantante, tampoco. Ni había mucho gasto. Muy poco.
00:04:10.040 - 00:04:14.240

Manaya chaymi mana warmikuna shinkarinchu.

Mana-ya chay-mi-ø mana warmi-kuna shinka-ri-n-chu
no-EMPH DEM.D-EVD-ø no woman-PL drunk-INCEP-3-NEG
No. That's why the women didn't get drunk.
Por eso las mujeres no se emborracharon.
00:04:14.280 - 00:04:18.170

Warmikunaqa shinkarishpa takishpam waqan. Ah, waqakunman karqa takinman karqa

Warmi-kuna-qa shinka-ri-shpa taki-shpa-m-ø waqa-n Ah, waqa-ku-n-man ka-rqa-ø taki-n-man ka-rqa-ø
woman-PL-TOP drunk-INCEP-SUBIS sing-SUBIS-EVD-ø cry-3 Ah cry-REFL-3-COND be-PST-3
sing-3-COND be-PST-3
When the woman get drunk and sing, they cry. Ah, they could have cried, they could have sang.
Las mujeres emborrachándose y cantando lloran. Ah, hubieron podido llorar, hubieron podido cantar.
00:04:18.220 - 00:04:25.310

Maña Deliallam takirikun.

Delia-lla-m-ø taki-ri-ku-n
Delia-RSTR-EVD-ø sing-INCEP-REFL-3
Only Delia started to sing a bit.
Doña Delia no más ha empezado a cantar un poco.
00:04:25.330 - 00:04:28.350

Hanaypa. Ahh.
Hanay-pa. Ahh.
up-LOC Ahh.
Up there. Ahh.
Arriba. Sí.
00:04:28.530 - 00:04:31.470

Payqa sumaqllatam gitarranta tukan.

Pay-qa sumaq-lla-ta-m-ø gitarra-n-ta tuka-n
3-TOP pretty-RSTR-ACC-EVD-ø guitar-3-ACC play-3
He plays his guitar nicely.
Él toca su guitarra bonito.
00:04:31.630 - 00:04:35.740

Ah, sumaqchatam tukan takiptinqa.

Ah, sumaq-cha-ta-m-ø tuka-n taki-pti-n-qa
Ah, play-3 pretty-DIM-ACC-EVD-ø sing-SUBDS-3-TOP
Ah, he plays nicely when they sing.
Toca bonito cuando cantan.
00:04:35.830 - 00:04:39.960

Manachu lluqsin upallanpatriki TK

Mana-chu lluqsi-n upalla-n-pa-tri-ki
no-NEG go.out-3 silent-3-EVC-KI
It doesn't come out. He'd be silent.
No sale ése estará calladito, no más pues, no.
00:04:42.920 - 00:04:49.510

Grabayan wakpa chaytrik manam vosta hurqunchu.

Graba-ya-n wak-pa chay-trri-k mana-m vos-ta hurqu-n-chu
record-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC DEM.D-EVD-K no-EVD-ø voice-ACC take.out-3-NEG
She's recording there. That must be why his voice doesn't come out.
Está grabando allí por eso no sace su voz.
00:04:50.240 - 00:04:57.400

Manam vosnin kanchu, aw?

Mana-m-ø vos-ni-n ka-n-chu aw
no-EVD-ø voice-EUPH-3 be-3-NEG yes
He doesn't have a voice, no?
No tiene voz, ¿no?
00:04:50.240 - 00:04:57.400

Fidelpis takiyantriki Chay takiyan yatanpa.

Fidel-pis taki-ya-n-tri-ki Chay tiya-ya-n yata-n-pa
Fidel-ADD sing-PROG-3-EVC-KI DEM.D sit-PROG-3 side-3-LOC
Fidel, too must be singing. He's sitting at his side.
Fidel también estará cantando, pues. Está sentado en su lado.
00:04:57.420 - 00:05:03.370

00:05:03.430 - 00:05:09.420

Kimsa urash tushukuyarqa.

Kimsa ura-sh-ø tushu-ku-ya-rqa-ø
three hours-EVR-ø dance-REFL-PROG-PST-ø
He was dancing for three hours, she says.
Estaba bailando durante tres horas, dice.
00:05:03.430 - 00:05:09.420

Alegrakuyan swegran wañukusantatr manaya pampakuyninpa karqachu, aw?

Alegra-ku-ya-n suegra-n wañu-ku-sa-n-ta-tr-ø mana-ya pampa-ku-y-ni-n-pa ka-rqa-ø-chu aw
happy-REFL-PROG-3 die-REFL-PRF-3-ACC-EVC-ø no-EMPH
He must be happy his mother-in-law died. He wasn't there at her burial.
Estará bien alegre que su suegra murió. No estaba presente en su sepelio.
00:05:09.460 - 00:05:15.480

Imata ruwayan dispidikuyanña.

Ima-ta ruwa-ya-n dispidi-ku-ya-n-ña
what-ACC make-PROG-3
What are they doing? They're already bidding farewell.
¿Qué están haciendo? Depidiéndose ya.
00:05:20.380 - 00:05:24.490

They must already be bidding them farewell.
Ya se estarán despidiendo.
00:05:20.380 - 00:05:24.490

Ah, coca de dónde, dijo? De Ayacucho.

Where did she say the coca was from? From Ayacucho
Ah, ¿coca de dónde dijo? De Ayacucho.
00:05:24.790 - 00:05:32.380

Wak Doña Delia kayan. Delia Ramos.

Wak Doña Delia ka-ya-n Delia Ramos.
DEM.D Doña Delia be-PROG-3 Delia Ramos.
Doña Delia is there. Delia Ramos.
Allá está Doña Delia. Delia Ramos.
00:05:24.790 - 00:05:32.380

Nishpam muyuyachikurqa kukanta.

Ni-shpa-m-ø muyu-ya-chi-ku-rqa-ø kuka-n-ta
say-SUBIS-EVD-ø circulate-PROG-CAUS-REFL-PST-3 coca-3-ACC
"This coca is from Ayacucho," she said and passed around her coca.
"Esta coca es de Ayacucho", dijo, haciendo circular su coca.
00:05:32.380 - 00:05:38.380
Ninfañataq nin kuka de Huancayo. Lllipta de Taqya nin
Ninfa-ña-taq ni-n kuka de Huancayo. Lllipta de Taqya ni-n
Ninfa-DISC-SEQ say-3 coca from Huancayo. ash from Taqya say-3
Ninfa, too, [brought] coca from Huancayo, she said. And taqya [llama manure] ash, she said.
Ninfa ya también había traido coca de Huancayo. Y llipta de taqya [ceniza de abono de llama], dijo.
00:05:39.730 - 00:05:45.960

Llamapa taqyan. Chaypim chay alma dispachaq.

Llama-pa taqya-n Chay-pi-m-ø chay alma dispacha-q
llama-GEN manure-3 DEM.D-LOC-EVD-ø DEM.D soul
Llama shit. There are the people who are going to send off the souls.
Abono de llama. Allí están los que van a llevar las almas.
00:05:46.010 - 00:05:54.350

Hahay, llamapa taqyan

hahay, llama-pa taqya-n
hahay, llama-GEN manure-3
Hahahah, llama shit.
Hahay, ése es abono de llama.
00:05:46.010 - 00:05:54.350

Varunkuna. Alma pushaq.

Varun-kuna Alma pusha-q soul take-AG
The men. The ones who are going to take along the souls.
Los hombres. Los que van a llevar a las almas.
00:05:54.390 - 00:06:00.070

Chay alma pushaq.

Chay alma pusha-q
DEM.D soul take-AG
The people who are going to take along the souls.
Los que van a llevar las almas.
00:05:54.390 - 00:06:00.070

Chayllam ña.
Chay-lla-m-ø ña.
They're there already.
Ya están allí.
00:06:00.090 - 00:06:03.700

Kuwetin apakusañatr kayan. Dis... ña dipidikachinña

Kuweti-n apa-ku-sa-ña'tr ka-ya-n Dis... ña dipidi-ka-chi-n-ña
fire.cracker-3 bring-REFL-PRF-DISC-EV be-PROG-3 Bi... DISC
He must be holding on to his fire cracker. He's already sending off the souls.
Tendrá su cuhete agarrado, seguro. Ya está haciendo despedir, pues.
00:06:00.090 - 00:06:03.700

Ah. chaypa dispidikuyan.

Ah. chay-pa dispidi-ku-ya-n
Ah, they're bidding farewell there.
Ah, allá está despidiendose.
00:06:03.830 - 00:06:06.400

Eduwardum dispidikayachin. Llapa runata

Eduwardu-m-ø dispidi-ka-ya-chi-n Llapa runa-ta
Eduardo-EVD-ø all person-ACC
Eduardo is bidding farewell to everyone.
Eduardo está haciendo despedir. A toda la gente.
00:06:07.040 - 00:06:13.750

Chayqa kumpañerun ya.

Chay-qa kumpañeru-n ya.
DEM.D-TOP friend-3 EMPG
That one is his friend.
Ése el otro es su compañero.
00:06:19.590 - 00:06:25.120

Ishkay chay alma pushaq

Ishkay chay alma pusha-q
two DEM.D soul take-AG
There are two people who send off the souls.
Hay dos personas que llevan las almas.
00:06:19.590 - 00:06:25.120

Both of them.
Los dos.
00:06:25.310 - 00:06:32.590

Chay yuraq telachawan uman watakusa kayan.

Chay yuraq tela-cha-wan uma-n wata-ku-sa ka-ya-n
DEM.D white cloth-DIM-INSTR head-3 tie-REFL-PRF be-PROG-3
Their heads are wrapped in white cloths.
Sus cabezas estám amarrados con manteles blancos.
00:06:25.310 - 00:06:32.590

Eduardo con Machu está. Kutimuptin.

Eduardo is with Machu. When they return,
Eduardo está con Machu. Cuando vuelven.
00:06:33.140 - 00:06:42.420

It's attached
Se ataja.
00:06:33.140 - 00:06:42.420

Kutimuptin ya mana pasachinchikchu chay fwerallapaqqa.
Kuti-mu-pti-n ya mana pasa-chi-nchik-chu chay fwera-lla-paq-qaTK
When they get back we don't let them get in from outside.
Cuando vuelven, no los dejamos entrar de afuera.
00:06:42.750 - 00:06:47.750

Ñaka-chi-nchik ya.
suffer.CAUS-1PL ya.
We make them suffer
Los haremos sufrir, pues.
00:06:47.770 - 00:06:52.770

Kustumbre chayna.
Kustumbre chay-na
custom DEM.D-VRBZ
The custom is like that.
La costumbre es así.
00:06:47.770 - 00:06:52.770

Mana de una ves wañuy demorananpaqshi chayna atahanchik

Mana de una ves wañu-y demora-na-n-paq-shi-ø chay-na ataha-nchik
no of one time die-INF last-NMLZ-3-PURP-EVR-ø DEM.D-VRBZ attach-1PL
We attach it like as not to die right away, so as to remain [alive], they say.
Se ataja así para no morir pronto, para demorar.
00:06:53.150 - 00:06:56.960

San Pedro pwertanta kitrakunanpaq

San Pedro pwerta-n-ta kitra-ku-na-n-paq
Saint Peter door-3-ACC open-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP
So that Saint Peter opens his gates.
Para que San Pedro abra la puerta.
00:06:57.060 - 00:07:02.670

Mana apuraw wañuy trayamunanpaq.

mana apuraw wañu-y traya-mu-na-n-paq
no-EVD quick die-INF arrive-CISL-NMLZ-3-PURP
So that Death doesn't arrive quickly
Para que la muerte no llegue pronto.
00:06:57.060 - 00:07:02.670

Llapa llapa ...

Llapa llapa ...
all all ...
00:07:04.850 - 00:07:10.760

Lliw lliwta ya dispidikachiwanchik.

Lliw lliw-ta ya dispidi-ku-chi-wa-nchik
all all-ACC EMPH
They make us all bid farewell to all.
Nos están haciendo despedir a todos.
00:07:04.850 - 00:07:10.760

Dispidikaychin llapa chay wañukuqta.

Dispidi-ka-chi-n llapa chay wañu-ku-q-ta all DEM.D die-REFL-AG-ACC
They're having all the deceased sent off.
Están haciendo depedir a todos los que han muerto.
00:07:10.810 - 00:07:13.840

Almanta. Dyos aspiyan.

Alma-n-ta Dyos aspi-ya-n
soul-3-ACC God aspire-PROG-3
their souls. They're yearning for God.
00:07:14.880 - 00:07:17.160

"Hasta pronto" nishpakuna dispidikuwanchik, ¿aw?

hasta pronto nishpa-kuna dispidi-ku-wanchik aw.
Hasta pronto say-SUBIS-PL aw.
Saying "see you soon" and all they bid us farewell.
"Hasta pronto", dicen y se despiden de nosotros.
00:07:17.160 - 00:07:21.970

Chay pushaptin chay pronto wañu ... manaña riyta atipanchu pishipakuyan
Chay pusha-pti-n chay pronto wañu ... mana-ña ri-y-ta atipa-n-chu pishipa-ku-ya-n
DEM.D take-SUBDS-3 DEM.D soon die ... no-DISC go-INF-ACC tire-REFL-PROG-3
When he takes them along, those who are going to die soon can't go. They get tired.
Cuando los llevan, los que pronto van a morir no pueden ir ya. Se cansan.
00:07:34.410 - 00:07:40.070

sirkallapash paran kurriyasanpaq pishipakuyan.

sirka-lla-pa-sh-ø para-n kurri-ya-sa-n-paq pishipa-ku-ya-n
close-RSTR-LOC-EVR-ø stop-3 run-PROG-PRF-3-ABL sayan.
When they're close, they stop. On their run, they get tired. TK
Cerca, se paran. En su corrida, se cansan.
00:07:40.120 - 00:07:46.140

Imaynaya piru paykuna yatran warmi o qari?

Imayna-ya per pay-kuna yatra-n warmi o qari
how-EMPH but 3-PL know-3 woman or man
But how do they know if its a woman or a man?
Cómo sabrán pero ellos hombre o mujer?
00:07:40.120 - 00:07:46.140

Wañunqa prontum nishpa willakamun chay kutiramushpaqa.

Wañu-nqa prontu-m-ø ni-shpa willa-ka-mu-n chay kuti-ra-mu-shpa-qa
die-3.FUT soon-EVD-ø say-SUBIS tell-REFL-CISL-3 DEM.D turn-URGT-CISL-SUBIS-TOP
When they return, they tell [us who] will die soon.
Cuando vuelven [nos] avisan [quien] va a morir pronto.
00:07:46.230 - 00:07:49.870

Mmm, warmi pronto wañunqa.

Mmm, warmi pronto wañu-nqa
Mmm, woman soon die-3.FUT
A woman is going to die soon.
Una mujer va a morir pronto.
00:07:49.980 - 00:07:55.370

Warmish prontu wañunqa ninshi, aw?

Warmi-sh-ø prontu wañu-nqa ni-n-shi-ø aw
woman-EVR-ø soon die.3.FUT say-3-EVR-ø yes
A woman will die soon, they say, no?
Una mujer va a morir pronto, dice ¿no?
00:07:49.980 - 00:07:55.370

Yovana asikuyan.
Yovana asi-ku-ya-n
Yovana laugh-REFL-PROG-3
Yovana is laughing.
Yovana está riéndose.
00:07:56.590 - 00:07:59.400

Imatatriki rimayan? Hahaha.

Ima-ta-tri-ki rima-ya-n Hahaha
what-ACC-EVC-KI PP say-PROG-3 Hahaha
What could they be saying? hahaha
¿Qué estarán diciendo?
00:07:56.650 - 00:08:04.030

Chay runa wañukuptin dispachishpa yatranqa. Qari, warmi, wambra wañukunantapis

Chay runa wañu-ku-pti-n-qa dispacha-shpa yatra-nqa . Qari, warmi, wambra wañu-ku-na-n-ta-pis
DEM.D person die-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP know-3.FUT . man woman child
When that person dies, sends them off, he's going to know -- man, woman, child, [when] they have to die.
Esa persona, cuando muere, despachando, va a saber -- hombre, mujer, niño -- [cuando] tiene que morir.
00:08:11.080 - 00:08:19.300

Lluqsinqañam. Chiwiyanña duwelakuna

Lluqsi-nqa-ña-m-ø Chiwi-ya-n-ña duwela-kuna
leave-3.FUT-DISC-EVD-ø turn.around-PROG-3-DISC mourner-PL
They're going to leave. The mourners are already turning around.
Ya van a salir. Ya están dando la vuelta ya, los duelos.
00:08:19.350 - 00:08:26.310

Dispachantaq runa wañukuptinqa chaypis yatranchik.

Dispacha-n-taq runa wañu-ku-pti-n-qa chay-pis yatra-nchik person die-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP DEM.D-ADD know-1PL
Their send-off, when people die, there, too, we know it.
Su despacho, cuando la gente muere, allí también se sabe.
00:08:19.350 - 00:08:26.310

Chiwayan chiwayan muyuyan tushuytaña

Chiwa-ya-n chiwa-ya-n muyu-ya-n tushu-y-ta-ña
turn.around-PROG-3 turn.around-PROG-3 circulate-PROG-3 dance-INF-ACC-DISC
They're turning around and around to dance.
Está dando la vuelta bailando.
00:08:26.680 - 00:08:33.000

Chaypaq rikushpa purinqa, ripukunqa

Chay-paq ri-ku-shpa puri-nqa ripa-ku-nqa
Then they they'll go walking, they'll go.
Después se van a ir caminando.
00:08:34.240 - 00:08:37.970

Chaypaq lluqsishpaqa.
Chay-paq lluqsi-shpa-qa
Leaving there.
Saliendo de allí.
00:08:38.090 - 00:08:42.590

Ipichapis wakpa puriyan

Ipi-cha-pis wak-pa puri-ya-n
Ipi is also walking there.
Ipi ta,bién está allí andando.
00:08:38.090 - 00:08:42.590

Kurrinñam rikunqa.
Kurri-n-ña-m-ø ri-ku-nqa
run-3-DISC-EVD-ø go-REFL-3.FUT
They're going to go running.
Corriendo se van a ir.
00:08:42.590 - 00:08:46.060

Llapa duwelakuna chaypa chiway chiwayan

Llapa duwela-kuna chay-pa Chiwa-y chiwa-ya-n GG
all mourner-PL DEM.D-LOC turn.around-INF turn.around-PROG-3
All of the mourners keep turning around and around there.
Todos los duelos siguen dando la vuelta.
00:08:46.150 - 00:08:51.470

Ah, dispachayllatam manaña wakhinaqa.

Ah, dispacha-y-lla-ta-m-ø mana-ña wak-hina-qa
Ah, just the send-off. It's no longer like that ....
Nada más el despacho ya no así ...
00:08:57.340 - 00:09:01.300

Todos los santosllapam wakhinan chayqa.

Todos los santos-lla-pa-m-ø wak-hina-n chay-qa
all the saints-RSTR-LOC-EVD-ø DEM.D-COMP-3 DEM.D-TOP
Only on All Saints Day do they do like that.
En Todos los Santos no más ya se hace así.
00:09:01.320 - 00:09:06.150

Lluqsiyanña. Kanan.
Lluqsi-ya-n-ña Kanan
leave-PROG-3-DISC now
They're leaving already. Now.
Está saliendo, ya. Ahora.
00:09:06.190 - 00:09:11.640

Watanmanña, Wak riyan riyanña, ve. Ripukun.

Wata-n-man-ña, Wak ri-ya-n-ña ve. ri-ya-n Ripu-ku-n
year-3-ALL-DISC DEM.D go-PROG-3-DISC look go-PROG-3 go-REFL-3
For next year. They're going, they're going already. Look! They left.
Para el año entrante. Están yendo, ya están yendo, ¡Vé!. Se fuero.
00:09:06.190 - 00:09:11.640

Kuwetita kanan katrarinqa. Ripukunanpaq.

Kuweti-ta kanan katra-ri-nqa Ri-puku-na-n-paq
fire.cracker-ACC now explode-INCEP-3.FUT go-MUTBEN-NMLZ-3-PURP
Now they're going to set off the firecracker. So that they can go.
Ahora va a soltar ya el coehete. Para que se vaya.
00:09:11.680 - 00:09:17.130

Wak bidun ya rirqa chay

Wak bidun ya ri-rqa-ø chay
DEM.D tank EMPH go-PST-3 DEM.D
They went with that tank.
Sí, pues, con bidón ha ido.
00:09:19.290 - 00:09:26.420

Wiss, gastunpis bidunwanchu rirqa.

Wiss, gastu-n-pis bidun-wan-chu ri-rqa-ø
Wiss, cost.INSTR-Q tank -3-ADD ri-rqa-ø
Wow, their expenses. too -- they went with a tank?
Wiss. Su gasto, también. ¿Fueron con bidón?
00:09:19.290 - 00:09:26.420

Lliw lliw kidakun. Manachu.

Lliw lliw kida-ku-n Mana-chu
all all stay-REFL-3 no-NEG
They all stayed. No?
Toditos han quedado. ¿Ó no?
00:09:30.930 - 00:09:38.160

Tushuyan wak Abelqa.

Tushu-ya-n wak Abel-qa
dance-PROG-3 DEM.D Abel-TOP
That Abel is dancing.
Mira está bailando ese Abel!
00:09:30.930 - 00:09:38.160

The people who are running.
Los que están corriendo.
00:09:38.220 - 00:09:42.010
Manachu kurriyaqta tumarqa. Manaya
Mana-chu kurri-ya-q-ta tuma-rqa-ø Mana-ya
no-Q run-PROG-AG-ACC take-PST-3 no-EMPH
Didn't she take a picture of the people who are running?
¿No tomó [foto] de los que están corriendo?
00:09:38.220 - 00:09:42.090

00:09:42.010 - 00:09:43.410

Puntatam payqa kumudakuyasa. Wañunkim maytam riyanki nishpa nipakun

Punta-ta-m-ø pay-qa kumuda-ku-ya-sa-ø Wañu-nki-m-ø may-ta ri-ya-nki-m-ø ni-shpa ni-paku-n
point-ACC-EVD-ø 3-TOP comfortable-REFL-PROG-PRF-3 die-2-EVD-ø where-ACC go-PROG-2-EVD-ø
He had put himself first. Saying, "You're going to die. Where are you going?" they said to each other.
Él se coloquó en primero. "Vas a morir. ¿Dónde vas?" se han dicho.
00:09:42.140 - 00:09:49.070

kay lawman kutirarushpa manam kurriyaqta tumarqañachu. Rikun.

kay law-man kuti-ra-ru-shpa mana-m kurri-ya-q-ta tuma-rqa-ø-ña-chu Ri-ku-n
When she came back to this side, she didn't take pictures of the people running. They went.
Cuando volvió hacia este lado ya tomó [foto] a los que estaban corriendo. Se fueron.
00:09:49.160 - 00:09:55.270

Chay hanaypa sityutr kay ispisyal, aw, Hilda?

Chay hanay-pa sityu-tr-ø kay ispisyal, aw, Hilda.
DEM-D up-LOC site-EVC-ø DEM.D special yes Hilda.
There'd be a special place up there, no, HIlda?
Habrá un sitio especial allá arriba, ¿no, Hilda?
00:10:05.080 - 00:10:09.460

Qanta hanay ....

Qanta hanay ....
Qanta above ....
Up above Qanta.
Arriba de Qanta.
00:10:09.500 - 00:10:17.190

Qanta chay chay diriksyun altupitr kay situyu . Chayman trayarun trayashpakuytitam katrarinqa.
Qanta chay chay kay sityu Chay-man traya-ru-n traya-shpa diriksyunkuyti-ta-m-ø altupi-tr-ø katra-ri-nqa
Qanta DEM.D DEM.D DEM.P site DEM.D-ALL arrive-URGT-3 arrive-SUBIS direction
fire.cracker-ACC-EVD-ø high-LOC-EVD-ø explode.INCEP-3.FUT
The site must be high, in the direction of Qanta,. They arrived there, when they arrive they have to set off the
Más arriba de Qanta por allí debe estar. Más arriba de Qanta allá debe estar el sitio. Cuando llegan a ese
sitio, tienen que soltar un
00:10:09.500 - 00:10:17.190

Despachashpañamkuytitaqa katrarinqa.
Despacha-shpa-ña-m-økuyti-ta-qa katra-ri-nqaø fire.cracker-ACC-TOP explode-INCEP-3.FUT
When they send off the souls, they'll set off the firecracker.
Después de despachar las almas, ya va a soltar el cohete.
00:10:17.190 - 00:10:21.240

Ah, kañayta puchukashpaña

Ah, kaña-y-ta puchuka-shpa-ña
Ah, burn-INF-ACC finish-SUBIS-DISC
After they finish burning that.
Después de terminar de quemar ya.
00:10:21.240 - 00:10:24.140

Chay sityuman trayan hinashpa

Chay sityu-man traya-n hinashpa
DEM.D site-ALL arrive-3 then
They arrive at that site then
Llegan para ese sitio y después
00:10:24.140 - 00:10:28.370

Ariyá chay sityuman trayashpa kañanqa.

Ari-yá chay sityu-man traya-shpa kaña-nqa
yes-EMPH DEM.D site-ALL arrive-SUBIS burn-3.FUT
Yes, when they arrive at that site, they'll burn them.
Sí, cuando llegan a ese sitio, ya van a quemarlos.
00:10:24.140 - 00:10:28.370

Llapa mikusa. Mikuyta apasanta. Chay ñawinkunata kañan chaypa.

llapa mikusa miku-y-ta apa-sa-n-ta Chay ñawi-n-kuna-ta kañan chay-pa
all eat-PRF eat-INF-ACC bring-PRF-3-ACC DEM.D eye-3-PL-ACC burn-3 DEM.D-LOC
All ... the food ... they brought ... They burn that there.
Van a quemar toda esa comida que han llevado.
00:10:28.370 - 00:10:34.750

Their eyes.
Sus ojos.
00:10:28.370 - 00:10:34.750

Chaypa tiyan kañashpa. Puchukanankama hinashpa kutimun.

Chay-pa tiya-n kaña-shpa Puchuka-na-n-kama hinashpa kuti-mu-n
DEM.D-LOC sit-3 burn-SUBIS finish-NMLZ-3-LIM then turn-CISL-3
They sit there burning it. Until it's finished, then they come back.
Allí se sienta un rato quemando. Tiene que terminar de quemar y después se vuelven.
00:10:35.350 - 00:10:43.120

Kurri kurriy kutimun chaymi duylukunaqa.

Kurri kurri-y kuti-mu-n chay-mi-ø duylu-kuna-qa
run run-INF turn-CISL-3 DEM.D-EVD-ø mourner-PL-TOP
Running quickly they come back. That's why the mourners
Corriendo vuelven. Por eso los duelos
00:10:43.390 - 00:10:47.830

chiwanqa. Manam yaykuchinanpaq apuraw atahanqa.

chiwa-nqa. Mana-m-ø yayku-chi-na-n-paq apuraw ataha-nqa
turn.around-3.FUT no-EVD-ø enter-CAUS-NMLZ-3-PURP quick attach-3.FUT
are going to turn around. They're not going to let them come in quickly. They're going to attach it.
van a estar dando la vuelta. No van a dejar que entren rápido. Tiene que atajar bastante.
00:10:47.900 - 00:10:54.390

Mana pasachinqachu apurawqa.

Mana pasa-chi-nqa-chu apuraw-qa
no pass-CAUS-3.FUT-NEG quick-TOP
They're not going to let them go by quickly.
No van dejarlos entrar rápido.
00:10:47.900 - 00:10:54.390

qunqaytamiki trayaramunqa. Ukupa rikarimunqa payqa Eduwarduqa.

qunqa-y-ta-mi-ki traya-ra-mu-nqa Uku-pa rikari-mu-nqa pay-qa Eduwardu-qa
forget-INF-ACC-EVD-KI arrive-URGT-CISL-3.FUT inside-LOC appear-CISL.3.FUT 3-TOP Eduwardo-TOP
Maybe he'll arrive. He's going to appear inside. Him. Eduardo.
De repente puede llegar. Y va a aparecer al dentro Eduardo.
00:10:55.860 - 00:11:00.390

Machullatammmm. Vivo es. Chaypaqa mikunñam kayan.

Machullatammmm. Vivo es. Chaypaqa mikunñam kayan.
Machullatammmm. Vivo es. Chaypaqa mikunñam kayan.
A Edgar ni más, pues. Después ya estamos donde la comida ya.
00:11:00.920 - 00:11:10.010

Ya fwera diharunqa Eduadoqa. Ukupaña muyuriyan.

Ya fwera diha-ru-nqa Eduardo-qa Uku-pa-ña muyu-ri-ya-n
EMPH outside leave-URGT-3.FUT Eduardo-TOP inside-LOC-DISC circulate-INCEP-PROG_3
They're going to leave him on the outside. Eduardo is going to be on the inside turning circles.
Lo van a dejar afuera, Eduardo ya va a estar al dentro dando la vuelta.
00:11:00.920 - 00:11:10.010

Wak Tachipa wasinpam tumarqa chayta.

Wak Tachi-pa wasi-n-pa-m-ø tuma-rqa-ø chay-ta
DEM.D Tachi-GEN house-3-LOC-EVD-ø take-PST-3 DEM.D-ACC
She took that picture in Tachi's house.
En la casa de Tachi es lo que ha tomado foto. ése, no?
00:11:10.150 - 00:11:14.020

Chayqa alfereskuna yanukunchik chayna.

Chay-qa alferes-kuna yanu-ku-nchik chay-na
The hosts have to cook like that.
Son los alferes que cocinamos así.
00:11:14.080 - 00:11:19.490

Ah, tutayaqpiñaya chaytaqa tumarqa.
Ah, tuta-ya-q-pi-ña-ya chay-ta-qa tuma-rqa-ø
She took that one in the dark already.
Y en la oscuridad ya ha tomado ése. .
00:11:14.080 - 00:11:19.490

Llapa mikuytam truranchik.

LLapa miku-y-ta-m-ø trura-nchik
all eat-INF-ACC-EVD-ø put-1PL
We put out all kinds of food.
Ponemos toda clase de comida.
00:11:19.500 - 00:11:23.925

Sunday, October 7, 2012 2:08 PM


Ah, rantikunanpaq apasanña kayan.

Ah, rantiku-na-n-paq apa-sa-n-ña ka-ya-n
Ah, sell-NMLZ-3-PRURP bring-PRF-3-DISC be-PROG-3
She is [there] to sell what she had brought.
Ella está [allí] para que venda lo que ha llevado.
00:00:00.200 - 00:00:07.890

Achka achka vela patarakurusa

Achka achka vela pata-ra-ku-sa-ø-m
a.lot a-lot candle pile-UNINT-REFL-PRF-3-EVD
There are lots and lots of candles piled up there.
Muchas velas están montonadas las unas encima de las otras..
00:00:00.200 - 00:00:07.890

Imataq negosiyo qayna watahina. Mas? Menos?

Ima-taq negosiyo qayna wata-hina Mas? Menos?
what-SEQ business last year-COMP more less
How is business compared to last year?
¿Qué tal es el negocio comparado con el año pasado?
00:00:14.220 - 00:00:17.620

00:00:14.220 - 00:00:17.620

Menos gente.
Fewer people-
Menos gente.
00:00:17.750 - 00:00:21.240

Menos kanan wata runa.

Menos kanan wata runa.
less now year people
There are fewer people this year.
En este año hay poca gente.
00:00:17.750 - 00:00:21.240

Qayna watakuna huk watakuna achka achkam karqa.

Qayna wata-kuna huk wata-kuna achka achka-m ka-rqa-ø
last year-PL one year-PL a-lot a.lot-EVD be-PST-3
There were a lot last year and the year before.
El año pasado ante año pasado habían muchos
00:00:21.360 - 00:00:24.100

Mas hunta huntaya karqa. Poko kanan wata.

Mas hunta hunta ya ka-rqa-ø Poko kanan wata.
more full full EMPH be-PST-3 little now year
It was much more crowded. This year there's little.
Más lleno estaba. Este año hay pocos.
00:00:24.510 - 00:00:28.510

Servesatapis hurquyan.
Servesa-ta-pis hurqu-ya-n
beer-ACC-ADD remove-PROG-3
They're taking out beer, too.
Están sacando cerveza, también.
00:00:29.040 - 00:00:31.450

Servesatatr mas mastaqa rantikurun.

Servesa-ta-tr-ø mas mas-ta-qa rantiku-ru-n
beer-ACC-EVC-ø more more-ACC-TOP sell-URGT-3
They must have sold a lot more beer.
Habrá vendido más cerveza.
00:00:31.500 - 00:00:33.830

Beer all right.
00:00:33.830 - 00:00:34.880

Kaha kaha. midya dosena, kwatru, sinku apayan.

Kaha kaha. midya dosena, kwatru, sinku apa-ya-n
box box half dozen four five bring-PROG-3
Boxes and boxes. A half dozen. They're bringing four or five.
Sobre cajas. Media docena. Están llevando cuatro o cinco
00:00:35.010 - 00:00:40.680

Asu macho. Cañete, maypahinañatr kayanchik. Karro, moto. Asu macho

Asu macho Cañete, may-pa-hina-ña-tr-ø ka-ya-nchik karro moto. Asu macho
EXCL EXCL Cañete where-LOC-COMP-DISC-EVC-ø be-PROG-1.PL car motorcycle EXCL EXCL
Oh, wow. Cañete -- Like where would we be already? Cars. Motorcycles. Oh, wow.
Aso macho. Cañete, ¿como dónde ya estamos? Carro, moto. Aso macho.
00:00:47.800 - 00:00:52.820

Chayqa grabarunkichu kanan? Grabayankichu?

Chay-qa graba-ru-nki-chu kanan Graba-ya-nki-chu
DEM.D-TOP record-URGT-2-Q now record-PROG-2-Q
Did you record that now? Are you recording?
¿Grabaste eso ahora? ¿Estás grabando?
00:00:52.950 - 00:00:55.620

Ah, kidayantriki.
Ah, kida-ya-n-tri-ki
Ah, stay-PROG-3-EVC-KI
Ah, it must be staying.
Ah, estará quedando, pues.
00:00:57.840 - 00:01:02.300

Sunidunqa kidayantriki.
Sunidu-n-qa kida-ya-n-tri-ki
sound-3-TOP stay-PROG_3-EVC-KI
Her sound would be staying.
Su sonido quedará.
00:00:57.840 - 00:01:02.300

Ido ya chaypi.
Ido ya chay-pi
Ido is there.
Ido está allí.
00:01:02.410 - 00:01:05.220

Pipa wambran?
Pi-pa wambra-n
who-GEN child-3
Whose child is that?
De quíen es ese niño?
00:01:05.380 - 00:01:08.280

Subrinunta qipikurushpa puriyan.

Subrinunta qipikurushpa puriyan.
Subrinunta qipikurushpa puriyan.
Cargándose a su sobrino está caminando.
00:01:05.380 - 00:01:08.280

Ah, nata gurduchatatr qipikatrayan.

Ah, na-ta gurdu-cha-ta-tr-ø qipi-katr a-ya-n
Ah, the little fatso would be getting carried.
Ah, el gordito estará cargado.
00:01:09.770 - 00:01:12.020
Wambran manatr hamurachu, aw?
Wambra-n mana-tr-ø hamu-ra-ø-chu aw
child-3 no-EVC-ø come-PST-3-NEG yes
Her son must not have come, no?
Su hijo no habrá venido, ¿no?
00:01:12.060 - 00:01:14.380

Manayá mamanta dihanchu rantikuqta.

Mana-yá mama-n-ta diha-n-chu rantiku-q-ta
no-EMPH mother-3-ACC leave-3-NEG sell-AG-ACC
He doesn't let his mother sell.
No deja vender a su mamá.
00:01:14.840 - 00:01:17.130

Pasaypaqmi fastidiyakuyan.
Pasaypaq-mi-ø fastidiya-ku-ya-n
a.lot-EVD-ø bother-REFL-PROG-3
He's bothering her a lot.
Está molestando mucho.
00:01:17.200 - 00:01:19.530

Chaytri qipikurqa.
Chay-tri-ø qipi-ku-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVC-ø carry-REFL-PST-3
That must be why she carried him. carried.
Por eso lo habrá cargado.
00:01:19.930 - 00:01:21.130

Qipikuykushpa wakchuman rin urayta.

Qipi-ku-yku-shpa wakchu-man ri-n uray-ta
carry-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS sheep-ALL go-3 down-ACC
Carrying [the baby], she's going downhill to [pasture] the sheep.
Cargando [al bebé] va hacia abajo a [pastear] sus ovejas.
00:01:21.230 - 00:01:23.570

Pasayan wambrankuna qipikusa, katankuna qipikusa.

Pasa-ya-n wambra-n-kuna qipi-ku-sa-ø manta-n-kuna qipi-ku-sa-ø
pass-PROG-3 child-3-PL carry-REFL-PRF-3 manta-3-PL carry-REFL-PRF-3
They're going by, carrying their babies, carrying their mantas.
Están pasando cargando sus hijos, cargando sus mantas.
00:01:23.640 - 00:01:30.200

Wak sayaq pitaq?

Wak saya-q pi-taq
DEM.D sit-AG who-SEQ
Who is the person sitting?
La persona que está sentado, ¿quién es?
00:01:31.340 - 00:01:34.580

Roseli chaypa kayan.

Roseli chay-pa ka-ya-n
Roseli DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3
Rosely is there.
Roseli está allí.
00:01:31.340 - 00:01:34.580

Éso es. Kayan wak pwerta, simintiryupa pwerta, ¿aw?

Éso es. Ka-ya-n wak pwerta, simintiryu-pa pwerta, ¿aw?
That is be-PROG-3 DEM.D door cemetery-GEN door yes
There's the door. The cemetery door, no?
Allí está esa puerta. Puerta del cementerio, ¿no?
00:01:36.700 - 00:01:41.650

They're sitting.
Están sentados.
00:01:41.650 - 00:01:44.230

Ah, Carmen sayayan punkupa.

Ah, Carmen saya-ya-n punku-pa
Ah, Carmen sit-PROG-3 door-LOC
Ah, Carmen is sitting at the entrance.
Ah, Carmen está parada en la puerta.
00:01:41.650 - 00:01:44.230

vilakuqtrik riyan almata.

vila-ku-q-tri-k ri-ya-n alma-ta
vigil-REFL-AG-EVC-K go-PROG-3 soul-ACC
They must be going to hold vigil for the sould of their dead relatives.
Estarán yendo a vilar a las almas, pues.
00:01:47.410 - 00:01:51.680

Huk trayayamun, huk yaykuyan.

Huk traya-ya-mu-n huk yayku-ya-n
one arrive-PROG-CIS-3 one enter-PROG-3
Some are arriving, others are going in.
Unos están llegando, otros están entrando.
00:01:53.630 - 00:01:57.370

vilakuykushpa kutiyanña wasinta

vila-ku-yku-shpa kuti-ya-n-ña wasi-n-ta
vigil-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS return-REFL-3-DISC house-3-ACC
After holding vigil, they're going back to their houses.
Después de vilar, están volviendo a sus casas.
00:02:00.740 - 00:02:04.090

Pinuqa sumaq sumaq lluqsirusa.

Pinu-qa sumaq sumaq lluqsi-ru-sa-ø
pine-TOP pretty pretty go.out-URGT-PRF-3
The pines came out really pretty.
Los pinos salieron bonito.
00:02:04.680 - 00:02:10.560

Animalninkuna harkaq.
Animal-ni-n-kuna harka-q
animal-EUPH-3-PL herd-AG
In order to pasture their animals.
Para pastear a sus animales.
00:02:04.680 - 00:02:10.560

Chaypa tiyayan. Chaypish vilakuyan mana almayuq.

Chay-pa tiya-ya-n Chay-pi-sh- vila-ku-ya-n mana alma-yuq
DEM.D-LOC sit-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC-EVR-ø vigil-REFL-PROG-3 no soul-POSS
They're sitting there. The people who don't have souls hold vigil there.
Están sentado allí. Los que no tienen difuntos están velando allí.
00:02:11.650 - 00:02:15.340

Chay yuraqchapa.
Chay yuraq-cha-pa
On the little white one.
En ese blanquito.
00:02:15.760 - 00:02:18.500

Chaypatrik vilakuyan karupa alman kaptin.

Chay-pa-tri-k vila-ku-ya-n karu-pa alma-n ka-pti-n
DEM.D-LOC-EVC-K vigil-REFL-PROG-3 far-LOC soul-3 be-SUBDS-3
They people who have their souls far away must be holding vigil there.
Ah, allí estarán velando los que tienen sus alma lejos.
00:02:18.870 - 00:02:22.500

Sutinllawanña. Prindikun chaypa.

Suti-n-lla-wan-ña Prindi-ku-n chay-pa
With just their names they light them there.
Con sus nombres no más, se prenden allí.
00:02:23.470 - 00:02:28.070

Pedropa wambranchakuna chaypa kayan.

Pedro-pa wambra-n-cha-kuna chay-pa ka-ya-n
Pedro-GEN child-3-DIM-PL DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3
Pedro's grandchildren are there.
Los nietos de Don Pedro están allí.
00:02:30.870 - 00:02:37.280

Wakcha wambrachakuna.
Wak-cha wambra-cha-kuna
Little orphans.
Pequeñitos huerfanitos.
00:02:39.750 - 00:02:41.860

Ah, chay Walluran, napi.

Ah, chay Wallura-n na-pi
Ah, DEM.D wallura-3 DMY-GEN
Ah, Wallura's, hers.
Ah, de Wallura, de ésa.
00:02:42.800 - 00:02:44.930

Ah, mamanpa nichunpam tiyayan.

Ah, mama-n-pa nichu-n-pa-m-ø tiya-ya-n
Ah, mother-3-GEN berth-3-LOC sit-REFL-3
Ah, they're sitting by their mother's grave.
Ah, están sentándose en el nicho de su mama.
00:02:45.420 - 00:02:47.770

Ah, wakpaq vilakuyan.

Ah, wak-paq vila-ku-ya-n
Ah, they're holding vigil there.
Ah, allí están velando.
00:02:49.900 - 00:02:51.910

Ukupam yaykushpapis tumasa, aw?

Uku-pa-m-ø yayku-shpa-pis tuma-sa-ø yes
inside-LOC-EVD-ø enter-SUBIS-ADD drink-PRF-3 no
When they went inside, they'd drunk, no?
Quando entraron habían tomado, ¿no?
00:02:53.480 - 00:02:56.650

Kada nichupatr tumarqanki, ¿aw?

Kada nichu-pa-tr-ø tuma-rqa-nki aw
each berth-LOC-EVC-ø take-PST-2 yes
You must have taken [pictures] at each grave, no?
Habrás tomado [foto] en cada nicho, ¿no?
00:02:57.540 - 00:02:59.940

00:03:00.340 - 00:03:02.530

Kada nichupatr tumarqanki fotuta.

Kada nichu-pa-tr-ø tuma-rqa-nki fotu-ta
each berth-LOC-EVC-ø take-PST-2 photo-ACC
You must have taken a picture at each grave?
Habrás tomado foto en cada nicho
00:03:02.590 - 00:03:05.090

Ah, kay law, ve?

Ah, kay law ve
Ah, DEM.P-side see
Ah, on this side, see?
Ah, en este lado, ¿ves?
00:03:05.110 - 00:03:09.610

Ah, wayta kay sumaq sumaq, ¡ve!

Ah, wayta kay sumaq sumaq, ve!
Ah, flower DEM.P pretty pretty see
Ah, this flower is really pretty. Look!
Ah, el flor aquí es muy bonito, ¡ve!
00:03:11.030 - 00:03:13.650

Kantidad wayta kayan

Kantidad wayta ka-ya-n
quantity flower be-PROG-3
There are lots of flowers.
Hay muchas flores.
00:03:13.890 - 00:03:16.840

Wakpa imata ruwayan?

Wak-pa ima-ta ruwa-ya-n
DEM.D-LOC what-ACC do-PROG-3
What are they doing there?
¿Qué están haciendo allí?
00:03:17.190 - 00:03:22.320

Hatu hatun badipaq tiyachin waytata.

Hatu hatu-n baldi-paq tiya-chi-n wayta-ta
big big bucket-LOC sit-CAUS-3 flower-ACC
They're setting the flowers in really big buckets.
Hacen sentar las flores en baldes muy grandes.
00:03:17.190 - 00:03:22.320

They're lighting [candles].
Están prendiendo [velas].
00:03:22.400 - 00:03:25.610

Prindikuyan velanta.
Prindi-ku-ya-n vela-n-ta
light-REFL-PROG-3 candle-3-ACC
They're lighting their candles.
Están prendiendo sus velas.
00:03:22.400 - 00:03:25.610

Qipalawchu mayñatr kayan? Hukmanña.

Qipa-law-chu may-ña-tr-ø ka-ya-n Huk-man-ña
behind-side-Q where-DISC-EVC- be-PROG-3 one-ALL-DISC
Behind? Where could they be? It's different already.
¿Atrás? Dónde estarán. Es diferente ya.
00:03:26.610 - 00:03:30.030

Urqu shuqllaqukunata aparamusa.

Urqu shuqllaqu-kuna-ta apa-ra-mu-sa-ø
hill shuqllaqu-PL-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-PRF-3
They brought shuqllaqu flowers from mountains.
Trajeron flores de shuqllaqu de la puna,
00:03:32.620 - 00:03:36.650

¡Yuraq shuqllaqukllu! ¡Ve!

Yuraq shuqllaqukllu, ve!
Yuraq shuqllaqukllu, ve!
White shuqllaqu flowers! Look!
¡Flores de shuqllaqukllu blancos! ¡Vé!
00:03:36.810 - 00:03:39.310

Chay pipa nichunpataq kayan? Pipam nichunpayá?

Chay pi-pa nichu-n-pa-taq ka-ya-n Pi-pa-m-ø nichu-n-pa-yá
DEM.D who-GEN berth-3-GEN-SEQ be-PROG-3 who-GEN-EVD-ø nichu-n-pa-yá
Whose grave is that one? Whose grave is it?
¿De quién es ese nicho? ¿De quién es, pues?
00:03:40.910 - 00:03:45.560

Qipalawchu hinam wak kayan

Qipa-law-chu hina-m-ø wak ka-ya-n
behind-side-Q thus-EVD-ø DEM.D be-PROG-3
That one is behind, I believe.
Atrás, creo, está ése.
00:03:46.220 - 00:03:48.600

¿kay law urquchachu?

kay law urqu-cha-chu
DEM.P-side hill-DIM-Q
Or on this side on the little hill?
¿O en este lado de la lomadita?
00:03:49.260 - 00:03:52.140

Wakpaq kayan katan qipikusa.

Wak-paq ka-ya-n kata-n qipi-ku-sa-ø
DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3 manta.3 carry-REFL-PRF-3
There she is carrying her manta.
Allí está cargando su manta.
00:03:52.450 - 00:03:56.400

Tía Kiñe.
Tía Kiñe.
Tía Kiñe.
Tía Kiñe.
Tía Kiñe.
00:03:52.450 - 00:03:56.400

Kiñe kayan wak law napi.

Kiñe ka-ya-n wak law na-pi
Kiñe be-PROG-3 DEM.D-side DMY-LOC
Kiñe is on that side there.
Kiñe está en ese lado.
00:03:56.580 - 00:03:59.290

Tiyunchik Daniel Moranpa imatr wak kayan.

Tiyu-nchik Daniel Moran-pa ima-tr-ø wak ka-ya-n
uncle-1.PL Daniel Moran-pa what-EVC-ø DEM.D be-PROG-3
I believe it's in our uncle Daniel Moran's.
Creo que está en el de nuestro tío Daniel Morán
00:03:59.390 - 00:04:01.660

Ah, maman kaypamiki kayan Doña Kiñapapis.

Ah, mama-n kay-pa-mi-ki ka-ya-n Doña Kiña-pa-pis.
Ah, mother-3 DEM.P-LOC-EVD-KI be-PROG-3 Doña Kiña-GEN-ADD
Ah, Doña Kine's mother is here.
Ah, la mamá de Doña Kine está aquí.
00:04:01.730 - 00:04:05.690

Chaypatrik tiyayan Liliakuna.

Chay-pa-tri-k tiya-ya-n Lilia-kuna
Lilia must be sitting there, too.
Lilia también estará sentada allí, pues.
00:04:05.800 - 00:04:08.750

Ah, allí está bonito flor. Velas.

Ah, there are pretty flowers there. Candles.
Ah, hay flores bonitas allí. Velas.
00:04:10.750 - 00:04:14.230

Alferes chay wak kayan, ve.

Alferes chay wak ka-ya-n ve.
Hosts DEM.D DEM.D be-PROG-3 see
They are the hosts there. Look!
Ellos son los alferes allí, ¡Vé!
00:04:14.770 - 00:04:18.870

Chayqa kayan alferes kaqpatr.

Chay-qa ka-ya-n alferes ka-q-pa-tr-ø
DEM.D-TOP be-PROG-3 hosts be-AG-LOC-EVC-ø
That must be the hosts' place.
Ése será el lugar de los alferes.
00:04:14.770 - 00:04:18.870

Es finado Edgar, creo.

It's the late Edgar, I believe.
Es el finado Edgar, creo.
00:04:19.090 - 00:04:20.980

00:04:22.410 - 00:04:26.460

Ordoñes chay law.

Ordoñes chay law.
Ordoñes DEM.D side
The Ordoñes are on that side.
Los Ordoñes estñan en ese lado.
00:04:22.410 - 00:04:26.460

Ah, chay hanaylaw.

Ah, chay hanay-law.
Ah, DEM.D up-side
Ah, up there.
Ah, allá arriba.
00:04:26.620 - 00:04:28.850

Don Serafín frentin. Sumaq sumaq wayta kayan.

Don Serafín frenti-n Sumaq sumaq wayta ka-ya-n
Don Serafín front-3 pretty pretty flower be-PROG-3
There's a very pretty flower in front of Don Serafin.
Hay una flor bonita en frente de Don Serafín.
00:04:28.850 - 00:04:32.000

Lliw lliwtam tumarusa

Lliw lliw-ta-m-ø tuma-ru-sa-ø
all all-ACC-EVD-ø take-URGT-PRF-3
She took [pictures] of all of them.
Tomó [fotos] de todos.
00:04:32.850 - 00:04:35.680

Tanto tumarusa. Yaykukushpatriki tumarqa.

Tanto tuma-ru-sa-ø yayku-ku-shpa-tri-ki tuma-rqa-ø
so.much take-URGT-PRF-3 enter-REFL-SUBIS-EVC-KI take-PST-3
She took a lot. She must have taken them coming in
Tomó muchas. Las habrá tomado cunado entró
00:04:35.710 - 00:04:37.640

Edgarhina, Justohina.
Edgar-hina Justo-hina
Edgar-COMP Justo-COMP
Like Edgar, like Justo.
Como Édgar, como Justo.
00:04:37.930 - 00:04:40.590

Ah, wak lliw lliw lutuyuq kayan.

Ah, wak lliw lliw lutu-yuq ka-ya-n
Ah, DEM.D all all mourning-POSS be-PROG-3
Ah, everyone is dressed in mourning.
Ah, todos están vestidos de luto.
00:04:40.600 - 00:04:42.480

Chaykunatatriki tumarqa. Chaypa vilakuyan.

Chay-kuna-ta-tri-ki tuma-rqa-ø Chay-pa vila-ku-ya-n
She must have taken [pictures] of all of them, for sure. They're holding vigil there.
Habrá tomado [fotos] de todos, seguro. Están velando allí.
00:04:45.240 - 00:04:49.150

Finado Vicintita.
Finado Vicintita.
Finado Vicintita.
Of the late Don Vicente.
Al finado Don Vicente.
00:04:49.520 - 00:04:52.860

Ah, chayqa kayan

Ah, chay-qa ka-ya-n
Ah, there it is.
Ah, allí está
00:04:54.010 - 00:04:55.370

planta heraniyu
planta heraniyu
plant geranium
The geranium plant.
la planta de geranio.
00:04:55.370 - 00:04:57.620

Plantan wakhina lluqsirusa, aw? Chay planta heraniyu

Planta-n wak-hina lluqsi-ru-sa-ø aw? Chay planta heraniyu
plant-3 DEM.D-COMP leave-URGT-PRF-3 yes DEM.D plant geranium
Her plant came out like that, no? Her geranium plant.
Su planta salió así, ¿no? Su planta de geranio.
00:04:58.040 - 00:05:01.780

Sumaq sumaq lluqsirusa.

Sumaq sumaq lluqsi-ru-sa-ø
pretty pretty leave-URGT-PRF-3
It came out really nice.
Salieron bonito.
00:05:01.840 - 00:05:03.420

¿Pitaq wak?
Pi-taq wak
Who is that?
¿Quién es ése?
00:05:09.720 - 00:05:13.040

00:05:09.720 - 00:05:13.040

Dariachu hina wak.

Daria-chu hina wak
Daria-Q like DEM.D
It seems like Daria, if it's her.
Parece Daria si es que es
00:05:14.150 - 00:05:17.790

¿Chay warmi?
Chay warmi?
DEM.D woman
That woman?
¿Esa mujer?
00:05:14.150 - 00:05:17.790

¿Wak sayaq? Dariachu hinachu wak.

Wak saya-q Daria-chu hina-chu wak
DEM.D sit-AG Daria-Q like-Q DEM.D
The person standing? It seems like Daria, if it's her.
¿La persona que está parada? Parece Daria si es que es.
00:05:17.790 - 00:05:20.960

Chay Apurí law warmim chayqa.

Chay Apurí law warmi-m-ø chay-qa.
DEM.D Apurí side woman-EVD-ø DEM.D-TOP
That woman is from Apurí.
Ésa mujer es de Apurí.
00:05:21.000 - 00:05:24.310

Chay nichukuna sosiyedad chay nichu karqa.

Chay nichu-kuna sosiyedad chay nichu ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D berth-PL society DEM.D berth be-PST-3
Those graves belonged to the brotherhood.
Esos nichos eran de la sociedad.
00:05:30.850 - 00:05:34.730

Sosiyuskunash chay ruwarqa chay.

Sosiyus-kuna-sh-ø chay ruwa-rqa-ø chay.
members-PL-EVR- DEM.D make-PST-3 DEM.D
The fellowship made those, they say.
Los socios hicieron-RSTRs, dicen.
00:05:34.730 - 00:05:37.800

Chaykunapa algunusqa pamparayan

Chay-kuna-pa algunus-qa pampa-raya-n
DEM.D-PL-LOC some-TOP bury-PASS-3
Some people are buried in those.
Algunos están enterrados allí.
00:05:38.010 - 00:05:40.130

algunus unaytriki.
algunus unay-tri-ki
some before-EVC-KI
Some must be from before.
Algunos serán de antes.
00:05:40.220 - 00:05:43.550

algunusqa unay nichutriki altu.

algunus-qa unay nichu-tri-ki altu
some-TOP before berth-EVC-KI high
Some berths up high must be from before.
Algunos nichos encima serán de antes.
00:05:40.220 - 00:05:43.550

Chay kanan kanan kahunqa manañam yaykunñachu chay nichumanqa.

Chay kanan kanan kahun-qa mana-ña-m-ø yaykun-ña-chu chay nichu-man-qa
DEM.D now now coffin-TOP no-DISC-EVD-ø enter-3-DISC_NEG DEM.D berth-ALL-TOP
The coffins these days don't fit in the berths any more.
Los ataúdes de hoy en día ya no entran en esos nichos.
00:05:45.020 - 00:05:49.010

Uchukllata ruwarqa qaynaqa.

Uchuk-lla-ta ruwa-rqa-ø qayna-qa
small-RSTR-ACC make-PST-3 last-TOP
They made them only small before.
Antes los hacían chiquitos no más.
00:05:49.530 - 00:05:52.120

Chay, chay nichuqa kayan.

Chay, chay nichu-qa ka-ya-n
DEM.D DEM.D berth-TOP be-PROG-3
The graves are there.
Los nichos están allí.
00:05:52.170 - 00:05:55.190

Kay runapi kay.

kay runa-pi kay.
DEM.P person-GEN DEM.P
Those are the people from here's.
Éstos son de la gente de acá.
00:05:55.590 - 00:05:58.460

Kaypa ruwasa kahun yaykunanpaq

Kay-pa ruwa-sa-ø kahun yayku-na-n-paq
DEM.P-LOC make-PRF-3 coffin enter-NMLZ-3-PURP
The coffins were made here so they could fit.
Los ataúdes se hicieron acá para que quepan.
00:05:58.490 - 00:06:01.180

Chay rantiy kahunqa manañam chay unay nichumanqa yaykunchu.

Chay ranti-y kahun-qa mana-ña-m-ø chay unay nichu-man-qa yayku-n-chu
DEM.D buy-INF coffin-TOP no-DISC-EVD-ø DEM.D before berth-ALL-TOP enter-3-NEG
Those bought coffins don't fit in the old berths.
Esos ataúdes comprados no entran en los nichos antiguos.
00:06:01.300 - 00:06:04.450

Uchukllaya kayan.
Uchuk-lla-ya ka-ya-n
small-RSTR-EMPH be-PROG-3
It's just small.
Es chiquito, pues.
00:06:04.480 - 00:06:06.460

Iskalerawan wakman siqarusa, ¡ve!

Iskalera-wan wak-man siqa-ru-sa-ø ve.
ladder-INSTR DEM.D-ALL lift-URGT-PRF-3 look
They had lifted them up there with a ladder. Look!
Los habían subido allá con escalera, ¡ve!
00:06:06.990 - 00:06:10.670

Qaynaqa manam karqachu

Qayna-qa mana-m-ø ka-rqa-ø-chu
before-TOP no-EVD-ø be-PST-3-NEG
There weren't any before.
Antes no habian
00:06:12.210 - 00:06:15.040

kahun rantiy
kahun ranti-y
coffin buy-INF
Bought coffins.
ataúdes comprados.
00:06:15.150 - 00:06:17.150

Kaypa ruwasallam tablakunapa ruwaq

Kay-pa ruwa-sa-lla-m-ø tabla-kuna-pa ruwa-q
DEM.P make-PRF-RSTR-EVD- board-PL-GEN make-AG
The ones that were made here were made out of [wood] planks.
Los que hicieron acá se hacían de tablas [de madera].
00:06:17.250 - 00:06:21.660

Kaypa ruwayllawantriki pampakuq

Kay-pa ruwa-y-lla-wan-tri-ki pampa-ku-q
They only buried [people] with the ones made here, for sure.
Enterraban [a la gente] con los que se hicieron acá no más, seguro
00:06:21.970 - 00:06:24.510

Karpintirukuna kahunta ruwaq.

Karpintiru-kuna kahun-ta ruwa-q
Carpinter-PL coffin-ACC make-AG
Carpinters used to make the coffins
Los carpinteros hacían los ataúdes.
00:06:24.530 - 00:06:27.160

Uchukllata. Chay medidallawanmi chay nichu.

Uchuk-lla-ta. Chay medida-lla-wan-mi-ø chay nichu.
small-RSTR-ACC DEM.D size-RSTR-INSTR-EVD-ø DEM.D berth
Very small. Those berths were just that size.
Chiquito. Esos nichos eran de esa medida no más.
00:06:27.160 - 00:06:31.630

Sosiyedad ruwarqa.
Sosiyedad ruwa-rqa-ø
society make-PST-3
The fellowship made them.
La sociedad los hizo.
00:06:31.880 - 00:06:34.730

Kananqa manam nichumanqa pampakunchu

Kanan-qa mana-m-ø nichu-man-qa pampa-ku-n-chu
now-TOP no-EVD-ø berth-ALL-TOP bury-REFL-3-NEG
These days people don't get buried in the berths.
Ahora la gente ya no se entierra allí.
00:06:34.950 - 00:06:37.400

Ah, rantiy kahun mana yaykunchu

Ah, ranti-y kahun mana yayku-n-chu
Ah, buy-INF coffin no enter-3-NEG
Ah, bought coffins won't fit.
Ah, loa ataúdes compradod no caben.
00:06:37.970 - 00:06:41.920

Manaña yaykunchu.
Mana-ña yayku-n-chu
no-DISC enter-3-NEG
They don't fit any more.
Ya no entran allí.
00:06:37.970 - 00:06:41.920

Uchuk wambralla imatr yaykuyan chaymanqa.

Uchuk wambra-lla ima-tr-ø yayku-ya-n chay-man-qa
small child-RSTR what-EVC-ø fit-PROG-3 DEM.D-ALL-TOP
Small children might fit in there, maybe.
Chiquitos niños entrarán allí, tal vez.
00:06:42.120 - 00:06:45.100

Variyus kitrarayan.
Variyus kitra-raya-n
many open-PASS-3
Many are open.
Varios están abiertos.
00:06:46.290 - 00:06:48.810

Kitrarayan. algunus mana velayuq kayan.

Kitra-raya-n algunus mana vela-yuq ka-ya-n
open-PASS-3 some no candle-POSS be-PROG-3
They're open. Some don't have candles.
Están abiertos. Algunos no tienen velas.
00:06:50.020 - 00:06:53.520

Maypiñatrik chay manañatrik familyan kanchu.

May-pi-ña-tri-k chay mana-ña-tri-k familya-n ka-n-chu
where-LOC-DISC-EVC-K DEM.D no-DISC-EVC-K family-3 be-3-NEG
Where are they? They must nott have family any more.
¿Dónde estarán? Ya no tendrán familiares.
00:06:53.540 - 00:06:56.460
Máximo, dice.
Máximo, dice.
Máximo, dice.
It says Máximo.
Máximo, dice.
00:06:56.630 - 00:06:59.230

Piñatr chay Don Máximo Lumi chaykunata prindikun?

Piña-tr-ø chay Don Máximo Lumi chay-kuna-ta prindi-ku-n
who-DISC-EVC-ø DEM.D Don Máximo Lumi chaykunata light-REFL-3
Who is going to light candles for Don Máximo Lumi?
¿Quién prenderá velas para Don Máximo Lumi?
00:07:00.710 - 00:07:04.110

Kuyayllapaq rantiy waytallaraq kasa

Kuya-lla-paq ranti-y wayta-lla-raq ka-sa-ø
love-RSTR-PURP buy-INF flower-RSTR-CONT be-PRF-3
How lovely! They're bought flowers.
¡Qué bonito! Son flores compradas.
00:07:04.110 - 00:07:08.210

Ah, chaypis kay wayta.

Ah, chay-pis kay wayta.
Ah, DEM.D-ADD DEM.P flower
Ah, that one, too, is a flower from here.
Ah, ésa también es una flor de acá.
00:07:08.730 - 00:07:11.740

Pipa nichun chayqa kayan?

Pi-pa nichu-n chay-qa ka-ya-n
who-GEN berth-3 DEM.D.TOP be-PROG-3
Whose berth is that?
¿De quién es ese nicho?
00:07:12.540 - 00:07:15.370

Hina hitarayaqpis lluqsirusa.

Hina hita-raya-q-pis lluqsi-ru-sa-ø
like throw-PASS-AG-ADD leave-URGT-PRF-3
The one that was thrown down came out like that.
Así salió el que está echado.
00:07:17.000 - 00:07:19.470

They must have gotten drunk.
Se habrán emborrachado, pues.
00:07:19.710 - 00:07:25.070

Mucho chamistatrik tumarun.

Mucho chamis-ta-tri-k tuma-ru-n
a.lot chamis-ACC-EVC-K drink-URGT-3
They must have drunk a lot of chami.
Habrán tomado mucho chamis.
00:07:19.710 - 00:07:25.070

That's why.
Por eso
00:07:25.190 - 00:07:27.810

Hitarayan manatr kwidanchu. Vilakuq waktaya kwidanchik. Wañuruptinpis dirichayanchik.

Hita-raya-n mana-tr-ø kwida-n-chu vila-ku-q wak-ta ya kwida-nchik Wañu-ru-pti-n-pis diricha-ya-nchik
throw-PASS-3 no-EVC-ø care-3-NEG vigil-REFL-AG DEM.D-ACC EMPH care-1.PL
It's knocked over. They must not be looking after it. Those who hold vigil have to look after them. When
they blow out, also, they have to be straightened
Está echado. No lo cuidarán. Los que velan tienen que cuidarlos. Cuando se apaga también, lo tenemos
que poner derecho
00:07:27.860 - 00:07:33.860

Chaynashpallam ñuqaqa purini. kay lawman rini, wak lawman rini.

Chay-na-shpa-lla-m-ø ñuqa-qa puri-ni kay law-man ri-ni wak law-man ri-ni
DEM.D-VRBZ-SUBIS-RSTR-EVD-ø 1-TOP walk-1 DEM.P-side-ALL walk-1 DEM.D-side-ALL walk-1
Just doing that, I wander around. I walk around here; I walk around there.
Así haciendo no más, yo ando, Vengo hacia acá, voy hacia allá.
00:07:33.860 - 00:07:36.620

Making it finish.
Haciendo terminar
00:07:37.420 - 00:07:39.710

Kuyayllapaq wayta wak hina kampana.

Kuya-lla-paq wayta wak hina kampana
love-RSTR-PURP flower DEM.D∂ like bell
What a lovely flower.! Like a bell.
¡Qué bonita flor! Así como campana.
00:07:40.760 - 00:07:44.220

klavil, klavil, harrachapa uquyan

klavil, klavil, harra-cha-pa uqu-ya-n
carnation carnation pitcher-DIM-LOC wet-INCH-3
Carnation. Carnation. It's getting wet in a little pitcher.
Clavel, clavel. Se está mojando en una latita.
00:07:44.280 - 00:07:49.530

Fotopaq imapis kuyayllapaqmi lluqsimun

Foto-paq ima-pis kuya-lla-paq-mi-ø lluqsi-mu-n
photo-LOC what-ADD love-RSTR-PURP-EVD-ø leave-CISL-3
Anything comes out well in a photo.
Lo que sea sale bonito en una foto.
00:07:50.310 - 00:07:53.560

Hina qawasaqa fiyum kayan cuando se le ve está feo

Hina qawa-sa-q fiyu-m-ø ka-ya-n
like see-PRF-AG ugly-EVD-ø be-PROG-3
Like when we look it's ugly.
Así cuando miramos es feo.
00:07:53.560 - 00:07:57.140

klavil kayan sumaq sumaq uquyan latachapa viyeho latachapa. Pipa nanpitr wak kayan?
klavil ka-ya-n sumaq sumaq uqu-ya-n lata-cha-pa viyeho lata-cha-pa. Pi-pa na-n-pi-tr-ø wak ka-ya-n
carnation be-PROG-3 pretty pretty wet-INCH-3 can-DIM-LOC old can-DIM-LOC who-GEN
Thare are carnations soaking in a little can, a little old can. In whose thing would it be?
Hay flores de clavel, mojándose bonito en una latita vieja. ¿En la cosa de quién estará?
00:07:57.140 - 00:08:02.210

Puchukayan ya velanqa chaypa

Puchuka-ya-n ya vela-n-qa chay-pa
finish-PROG-3 EMPH candle-3-TOP DEM.D-GEN
Her candle there is already going out.
Ya está terminando su vela allí.
00:08:02.703 - 00:08:04.573

Puchukayanña chaypaq timpranutr prindikura.

Puchuka-ya-n-ña chay-paq timpranu-tr-ø prindi-ku-ra-ø
finish-PROG-3-DISC DEM.D-LOC early-EVC-ø light-REFL-PRF_ø
[The candles] are already finishing up there. They must have lit them early.
[Las velas] ya están acabándose allí. Las habrán prendido temprano.
00:08:04.573 - 00:08:07.553

Luisa dice en allí. ¿Ima Luisatriki?

Luisa dice en allí. Ima Luisa-tri-ki
Luisa dice en allí. what Luisa-EVC-KI
It says "Luisa." What Luisa would it be?
"Luisa" dice allí. ¿Qué Luisa será?
00:08:07.623 - 00:08:11.513

¿Pi Luisatr?
Pi Luisa-tr-ø
who Luisa-EVC-ø
Who is Luisa?
¿Quién Luisa?
00:08:11.673 - 00:08:13.973

Maylawmanmi wak kayan?

May-law-man-mi-ø wak ka-ya-n
where-side-ALL-EVD-ø DEM.D be-PROG-3
Around where is it?
¿Por dónde está?
00:08:17.073 - 00:08:20.153

Maylawninman ya kayan. Uraylawninmanchu
May-law-ni-n-man ya ka-ya-n Uray-law-ni-n-man-chu
where-side-EUPH-3-ALL EMPH be-PROG-3 down-side-EUPH-3-ALL-Q
Around where is it? Under it?
¿Por dónde estará? ¿Por abajo?
00:08:22.093 - 00:08:25.433

Tunachu hinam wak kayan. Hatun krus, ¡ve!

Tuna-chu hina-m-ø wak ka-ya-n Hatun krus ve
corner-Q like-EVD-ø DEM.D be-PROG-3 big cross look
I believe it's in the corner. A big cross. Look!
Creo que está en el rincón. Un cruz grande, ¡vé!
00:08:25.463 - 00:08:28.653

Wañuq tiyuyki Waldu wañuq Berna imatr kuska kayan.

Wañu-q tiyu-yki Waldu wañu-q Berna ima-tr-ø kuska ka-ya-n
die-AG uncle-2 Waldu die-AG Berna what-EVC-ø together be-PROG-3
Your late uncle Waldo and the late Berna must be together.
Tu tío finado Waldo y la finada Berna estarán junto.
00:08:39.393 - 00:08:42.733

¿Chay maylawpaq kayan?

Chay may-law-paq ka-ya-n
DEM.D where-side-LOC be-PROG-3
Where is that one?
¿Ése por dónde está?
00:08:43.293 - 00:08:48.753

wak law tunatr hina wak kayan

wak law tuna-tr-ø hina wak ka-ya-n
DEM.D-side corner-EVC-ø like DEM.D be-PROG-3
I believe it's in the corner there.
Creo que está por el rincón allí.
00:08:48.753 - 00:08:51.013

trakillan kayan runapa wakpi

traki-lla-n ka-ya-n runa-pa wak-pi
foot-RSTR-3 be-PROG-3 person-GEN DEM.D-LOC
Just the person's foot is there.
Nada más el pie de la persona está allá.
00:08:51.513 - 00:08:53.663

Chaki chaki wak kruscha.

Chaki chaki wak krus-cha.
dry dry DEM.D cross-DIM
That cross is really dry.
Esa cruz está muy seca.
00:08:54.633 - 00:08:56.943

Kruschapa watarayan wayta

Krus-cha-pa wata-raya-n wayta
cross-DIM-LOC tie-PASS-3 flower
A flower is tied on the cross.
Una flor está amarrad en la cruz.
00:08:56.943 - 00:08:58.943

Chaki qayna wata ¿manatr?

Chaki qayna wata mana-tr-ø
dry last year no-EVC-ø
Dry from last year, no?
Seco del año pasado, ¿no?
00:08:59.163 - 00:09:02.183

familyan trayamanraqchu
familya-n traya-mu-n-raq-chu
Family-3 come-CISL-3-CONT-NEG
His family won't come, for sure.
Su familia no llegará, seguro.
00:09:02.343 - 00:09:05.303

Ah, chaki waytallaraq watarayan.

Ah, chaki wayta-lla-raq wata-raya-n
Ah, dry flower_LIM-CONT tie-PASS-3
Ah, a dry flower is still tied.
Ah, una flor seca está amarrada todavía.
00:09:05.383 - 00:09:07.473

¿intiruntatr tumarqanki fotuta?

intiru-n-ta-tr-ø tuma-rqa-nki fotu-ta
whole-3-ACC-EVC-ø take-PST-2 photo-ACC
You took a picture of the whole thing?
¿Entero has tomado foto?
00:09:10.283 - 00:09:13.623

kay law ya mas sumaq kayan

kay law ya mas sumaq ka-ya-n
DEM.P-side EMPH more pretty be-PROG-3
It's nicer over here.
Por acá está más bonito.
00:09:15.573 - 00:09:18.733

kay lawllanta
kay law-lla-n-ta
Just here.
Por acá no más.
00:09:15.573 - 00:09:18.733

wak law tunakunapam kayan.

wak law tuna-kuna-pa-m ka-ya-n
DEM.D-side corner-PL-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3
Everything is in that corner.
Todo está en ese rincón, pues.
00:09:18.773 - 00:09:21.463

¿intiruntatr tumarqanki?
intiru-n-ta-tr-ø tuma-rqa-nki
entire-3-ACC-EVC-ø take-PST-2
You took a photo of the whole thing?
¿Enterito tomaste foto?
00:09:25.123 - 00:09:29.993

Chay wak law tunakunatatrik rirqa

Chay wak law tuna-kuna-ta-trri-k ri-rqa-ø
DEM.D DEM.D-side corner-PL-ACC-EVC-K go-PST-3
They would have gone all the way to the other corner.
Se habrán ido al rincón en el otro lado
00:09:34.843 - 00:09:37.503

¿Chaypaq piyá?
Chay-paq pi-yá
Who's over there?
¿Quién estará allí?
00:09:39.753 - 00:09:42.613

Chiriyanña chay. ¿Ñuqapaqchu?

Chiri-ya-n-ña chay ñuqa-paq-chu
That is getting cold. Is it for me?
Éso se está enfriando. ¿Es para mí?
00:09:45.393 - 00:09:47.783

¿Intipaq icha freskuña?

Inti-paq icha fresku-ña
sun-LOC or cool-DISC
In the sun or cool already?
¿En sol o fresco ya?
00:09:48.383 - 00:09:52.603

Tardiqa chirim.
Tardi-qa chiri-m-ø
afternoon-TOP cold-EVD-ø
It's cold in the afternoon.
En la tarde es frío.
00:09:53.313 - 00:09:56.533

Paqarin intipaq.
Paqarin inti-paq
tomorrow sun-LOC
Tomorrow in the sun.
Mañana bajo el sol.
00:09:58.263 - 00:10:00.753

Maypitaq wak kayan?

May-pi-taq wak ka-ya-n
where-LOC-SEQ DEM.D be-PROG-3
Where is that?
¿Dónde está-RSTR?
00:10:02.733 - 00:10:06.063

Mana malugrakunchu chayqa

Mana malugra-ku-n-chu chay-qa
no ruin-REFL-3-NEG DEM.D-TOP
It won't go bad.
Éso no se malogra.
00:10:02.733 - 00:10:06.063

Ésa es lápida
That's a grave stone.
Es una lápida.
00:10:07.373 - 00:10:10.063

Pipa lapidanya wak kayan?

Pi-pa lapida-n ya wak ka-ya-n
who-GEN grave.stone-3 EMPH DEM.D be-PROG-3
Who's grave stone is that?
¿De quién será esa lápida?
00:10:10.733 - 00:10:13.113

Ignacio Rivera.
Ignacio Rivera.
Ignacio Rivera.
Ignacio Rivera.
Ignacio Rivera.
00:10:16.133 - 00:10:18.523

Más allacito qiuén estará?

Who would it be a bit more over there?
Más allacito ¿quién estará?
00:10:18.903 - 00:10:22.113

Rehachanwan sumaqchata lapidanta ruwarusa

Reha-cha-n-wan sumaq-cha-ta lapida-n-ta ruwa-ru-sa-ø
iron-DIM-3-INSTR pretty-DIM-ACC grave.stone-3-ACC make-URGT-PRF-3
He made his gravestone pretty with iron work.
Hizo su lápida bonito con fierros.
00:10:23.673 - 00:10:27.403

Paulina tiyayan chaypa

Paulina tiya-ya-n chay-pa
Paulina sit-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC
Paulina is sitting there.
Paulina está sentada en allí.
00:10:29.183 - 00:10:31.783

Maypitaq kayan kayqa?

May-pi-taq ka-ya-n kay-qa
Where is that?
¿Dónde es ésto?
00:10:32.363 - 00:10:35.113
Paulinapaq imantaq kayan kaypa
Paulina-paq ima-n-taq ka-ya-n kay-pa
Paulina-GEN what-3-SEQ be-PROG-3 DEM.P-LOC
What thing of Paulina is here?
¿Qué es eso de Paulina acá?
00:10:36.753 - 00:10:40.933

Her father.
Su papá.
00:10:42.603 - 00:10:46.913

Taytanwan mamanwan
Tayta-n-wan mama-n-wan
father-3-INSTR mother-3-INSTR
Her father and mother.
Su papá y su mamá.
00:10:42.603 - 00:10:46.913

Taytan imatriki?
Tayta-n ima-tri-ki
father-3 what-EVC-KI
Maybe it's her father.
De repente será su papá.
00:10:46.913 - 00:10:48.853

Mamanqa kawsayanmi.
Mama-n-qa kawsa-ya-n-mi-≠
mother-3-TOP live-PROG-3-EVD-ø
Her mother is alive.
Su mama está viva.
00:10:46.913 - 00:10:48.853

Lucitapis tiyayan chaypa

Lucita-pis tiya-ya-n chay-pa
Lucita-ADD sit-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC
Lucita, too, is sitting there.
Lucita también está sentada allí.
00:10:49.163 - 00:10:53.713

Ah, vilakuyan. Carmen.

Ah, vila-ku-ya-n Carmen.
Ah, vigil-REFL-PROG-3 Carmen.
Ah, she's holding vigil. Carmen.
Ah, está velando. Carmen.
00:10:55.023 - 00:11:00.723

Donde Eucalipto. Eucalipto estás, ¿no?

Donde Eucalipto. Eucalipto estás, ¿no?
Donde Eucalipto. Eucalipto estás, ¿no?
Where the Eucaliptus is. You're there, no?
00:11:09.913 - 00:11:12.203

¿Pitaq chay?
Pi-taq chay?
Who's that?
¿Quién es?
00:11:15.423 - 00:11:18.043

Tambo runakuna.
Tambo runa-kuna
Tambo person_PL
People from Tambo.
Gente de Tambo.
00:11:18.263 - 00:11:23.143

Uray uraypa patanpaña kayan.

Uray uray-pa pata-n-pa-ña ka-ya-n
below below-LOC margin-3-LOC-DISC be-PROG-3
They're below, on its outskirts.
Están abajo en la orilla.
00:11:25.413 - 00:11:27.863

Chaypam kayan finado

Chay-pa-m-ø ka-ya-n finado
DEM.D-LOC-EVD-ø be-PROG-3 deceased.
There is the late ---
Allí está la finada ---
00:11:29.373 - 00:11:32.583

Tachi wak kayan, ¿aw?

Tachi wak ka-ya-n aw
Tachi DEM.D be-PROG-3 yes
Tachi is there, no?
Tachi está allí, ¿no?
00:11:32.623 - 00:11:35.353

Macedonia, creo.
Macedonia, creo.
Macedonia, creo.
Macedonia, I believe.
Macedonia, creo.
00:11:32.623 - 00:11:35.353

Tachicha wak lawpi sayariyan

Tachi-cha wak law-pi saya-ri-ya-n
Tachi-DIM DEM.D-side-LOC stand-INCEP-PROG-3
Tachi is standing on the other side.
Tachi está parada en el otro lado.
00:11:35.983 - 00:11:39.493

Ah, chay qipalawtri kayan, ¡ve!

Ah, chay qipa-law-tri-ø ka-ya-n ve.
Ah, DEM.D behind-side-EVC-ø be-PROG-3 look
Ah, she must be there behind. Look!
Ah, estará allí atrás, ¡Vé!
00:11:41.043 - 00:11:46.793

Félix sayan chaypa.

Félix saya-n chay-pa
Félix stand-3 DEM.D-LOC
Félix is standing there.
Félix está parado en allí.
00:11:41.043 - 00:11:46.793

Wak kayan Tiyu Disideriopa nan nanchu hina nichunchu hinam

Wak ka-ya-n Tiyu Disiderio-pa na-n na-n-chu hina nichu-n-chu hina-m-ø
DEM.D be-PROG-3 uncle Disiderio-GEN DMY-3 thing-3-Q like berth.3-Q like-EVD-Q
That's my uncle Disiderio's, his whatchamacallit, it seems, it seems like his grave.
Ése es de mi tío Desiderio su eso parece su nicho parece.
00:11:47.703 - 00:11:52.673

Maylawpa kayan?
May-law-pa ka-ya-n
where-side-LOC be-PROG-3
Where about is that?
¿Por dónde está?
00:11:47.703 - 00:11:52.673

kay lawpa Refugiolawpa.

kay law-pa Refugio-law-pa
DEM.D-side-LOC Refugio-side-LOC
On this side, toward the Refigio [hotel].
Por ese lado hacia el Refugio.
00:11:54.173 - 00:11:57.673

Wakhina lliw lliw tumbakarushpa nayan

Wak-hina lliw lliw tumba-ka-ru-shpa na-ya-n
Like that, all of them are falling down, they're ...
Así todos se están cayendo. Están ...
00:12:01.183 - 00:12:04.723

Prendinayan. Prendiyan.
Predi-naya-n. Predi-ya-n
light-DESR-3 light-PROG-3
It makes you want to light [candles]. They're lighting [candles].
Da ganas de prender [velas]. Están prediendo [velas].
00:12:04.723 - 00:12:06.353

Entrada, éste.
that's the entrance.
Es la entrada.
00:12:10.303 - 00:12:12.573

Wak kaqlaw pwerta, ¿aw?
Wak ka-q-law pwerta aw
DEM.D be-AG-side door yes
Over there on that side, the door, no?
Al lado de allá, la puerta, ¿no?
00:12:12.573 - 00:12:16.353

Chaypa kayan Tachi.

Chay-pa ka-ya-n Tachi
DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3 Tachi.
There's Tachi.
Allá está Tachi.
00:12:16.933 - 00:12:18.703

Ah, chay wak kaqlawnin pwertan, ¿aw?

Ah, chay wak ka-q-law-ni-n pwerta-n aw.
Ah, DEM.D DEM.D be-AG-side-EUPH-3 door-3 yes
Ah, on the other side of the door, no?
Ah, al otro lado de la puerta, ¿no?
00:12:18.953 - 00:12:22.143

She's looking around.
Está divisando.
00:12:24.183 - 00:12:29.803

Tachi kayan. Virgiliapis titirantin muyuriyan

Tachi ka-ya-n Virgilia-pis titira-ntin muyu-ri-ya-n
Tachi be-PROG-3 Virgilia-ADD tea.pot-INCL circulate-INCEP-PROG-3
Tachi is there. Virgilia, too, passing around her tea pot and all.
Tachi está. Virgilia también está dando vuelta con su tetera.
00:12:24.183 - 00:12:29.803

Ah, titirantin Virgilia kayan wakpa, ¡ve!

Ah, titira-ntin Virgilia ka-ya-n wak-pa ve!
Ah, tea.pot-INCL Virgilia be-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC look
Ah, Virgilia is there with her tea pot. Look!
Ah, Virgilia está allí con su tetera, ¡vé!
00:12:29.923 - 00:12:33.043

Ah, wakpaq kayan Lidia, aw? Esmeralda Lidia wak wak.

Ah, wak-paq ka-ya-n Lidia, aw Esmeralda Lidia wak wak.
Ah, DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3 Lidia, yes Esmeralda Lidia DEM.D DEM.D
Ah, Lidia is there, no? Lidia from Esmeralda, that one, that one.
Ah, allí está Lidia, ¿no? Lidia de Esmeralda. Ésa. Ésa.
00:12:37.203 - 00:12:41.843

Ah, Lidiaman qukurun chamisninta.

Ah, Lidia-man qu-ku-ru-n chamis-ni-n-ta
Ah, Lidia-ALL give-REFL-URGT-3 chamis-EUPH-3-ACC
Ah, she gave Lidia her chamis.
Sí, dio su chamis a Lidia.
00:12:42.033 - 00:12:44.353

Lliwmantriki invitayan payqa.

Lliw-man-tri-ki invita-ya-n pay-qa
All-ALL-EVC-KI invite-PROG-3 3-TOP
She must be inviting everyone, for sure, her.
Estará invitando a todos, seguro, ella.
00:12:47.893 - 00:12:50.623

She's inviting [everyone].
Está invitando [a todos].
00:12:50.623 - 00:12:54.273

Tiya Akipis kayan. Madripis.

Tiya Aki-pis ka-ya-n Madri-pis
aunt Aki-ADD be-PROG-3 nun-ADD
There is aunt Aki, too. The nun, too.
Está la tía Aki, también. La madre, también.
00:12:50.623 - 00:12:54.273

Misa ruwayaqtaq tumarurankichu?

Misa ruwa-ya-q-taq tuma-ru-ra-nki-chu
mass make-PROG-AG-SEQ take-URGT-PST-2-Q
You took [pictures] of the people holding mass?
¿Tomaste [fotos] de las personas que estaban haciendo misa?
00:12:54.573 - 00:12:58.273

Misa, misatam.
Misa, misa-ta-m-ø
mass mass-ACC-EVD-ø
Mass, to mass.
Misa, a la misa.
00:12:54.573 - 00:12:58.273

Misa ruwayaqpa ñuqaqa karqani ya. Chay misapi.

Misa ruwa-ya-q-pa ñuqa-qa ka-rqa-ni ya. Chay misa-pi
mass make-PROG-AG-LOC 1-TOP be-PST-1 EMPH DEM.D mass-LOC
I was where they were holding mass. At that mass.
Yo estaba donde estaban haciendo misa. En esa misa.
00:13:07.013 - 00:13:11.273

Chaypachu tumarqanki?
Chay-pa-chu tuma-rqa-nki
DEM.D-LOC-Q take-PST-2
You took [pictures] there?
¿Tomaste [fotos] allí?
00:13:07.013 - 00:13:11.273

Tomando waqaqa waqaqa

Drinking hahahahahaha.
Tomando hahahaha
00:13:16.393 - 00:13:18.143

Mana kasunchu.
Mana kasu-n-chu
no pay.attention-3-NEG
They don't pay attention.
No hacen caso.
00:13:18.143 - 00:13:19.473

Kasunchu manam oy, asu macho.

Kasu-n-chu mana-m-ø oy, asu macho.
pay.attention-3-NEG no-EVD-ø oy, EXCL EXCL
They're not paying attention at all. Oh, my.
No hacen caso nada, aso macho.
00:13:19.473 - 00:13:23.353

Ñuqapis madri nin ya.

Ñuqa-pis madri ni-n ya.
1-ADD nun say-3 EMPH
Me, too, the nun said.
Yo también dijo la madre.
00:13:19.473 - 00:13:23.353

"Señura, ukuman pasay. Misata ruwashun", nin

Señura, uku-man pasa-y misa-ta ruwa-shun ni-n
Lady inside-ALL pass-IMP mass-ACC make-1.PL say-3
"Ma'am, come inside. We're going to hold mass," she said.
"Señora, páse al dentro. Vamos a hacer misa", dijo.
00:13:23.373 - 00:13:27.003

Pipis. "Ñuqa ukupaw kakuyani".

Pi-pis ñuqa ukupaw ka-ku-ya-ni
who-ADD 1 busy be-REFL-PROG-1
No one. "I'm busy."
Nadie. "Yo estoy ocupada."
00:13:27.173 - 00:13:29.643

Allí estoy yo. Misapa kayani.

Misa-pa ka-ya-ni
mass-LOC be-PROG-1
There I am. I'm at the mass.
Allí estoy yo. Estoy en la misa.
00:13:29.753 - 00:13:33.863

Are you there?
¿Estás allí?
00:13:29.753 - 00:13:33.863

Ishkay kimsallam misata ya riyan.
Ishkay kimsa-lla-m-ø misa-ta ya ri-ya-n
two three-RSTR-EVD-ø mass-ACC EMPH go-PROG-3
Only two or three [people] are going to mass.
Dos o tres [personas] no más están yendo a la misa.
00:13:34.383 - 00:13:38.243

¿Pi chay?
Pi chay?
who DEM.D
Who's that?
¿Quién es ésa?
00:13:38.303 - 00:13:41.813

Madueño. Es ella la señora.

Madueño. She's the woman.
Madueño. Es ella la señora.
00:13:41.833 - 00:13:44.683

Después allí estaba Vishi.

Then Vishi was there.
Después allí estaba Vishi.
00:13:44.773 - 00:13:47.653

Chay ishkay kimsalla yari.

Chay ishkay kimsa-lla y-ari
Just those two or three.
Dos o tres no más pues.
00:13:47.803 - 00:13:50.453

Manam. Lluqsimushpa
Mana-m-ø Lluqsi-mu-shpa
no-EVD-ø leave-CISL-SUBIS
No. Leaving.
No. Saliendo
00:13:50.863 - 00:13:53.593

¿Hukkunaqa manachu lluqsimuyta munan?

Huk-kuna-qa mana-chu lluqsi-mu-y-ta muna-n
one-PL-TOP no-Q leave-CISL_INF-ACC want-3
Others didn't want to leave?
¿Otros no quisieron salir?
00:13:50.863 - 00:13:53.593

pasayan ya. Pasayan. Yaykuyan.

pasa-ya-n ya. Pasa-ya-n Yayku-ya-n
pass-PROG-3 EMPH pass-PROG-3 enter-PROG-3
They're going. They're going out. They're coming in.
Están pasando, pues. Están saliendo, están entrando.
00:13:53.593 - 00:13:56.143

The children, too.
Los niños también.
00:13:56.333 - 00:14:01.033

Mamay papaniypa mamanmi Linchapam paran.

Mama-y papa-ni-y-pa mama-n-mi-ø Lincha-pa-m-ø para-n
mother-1 father-EUPH-1-GEN mother-3-EVD-ø Lincha-LOC-EVD-ø stay-3
My mother, my father's mother is buried in Lincha.
Mi mamá, la mamá de mi papá está enterrada en Lincha.
00:14:03.993 - 00:14:08.173

Chayta misachikurun chayta Madrita anotachikuni.

Chay-ta misa-chi-ku-ru-n Chay-ta Madri-ta anuta-chi-ku-ni
She held the mass. I had the nun note it down.
Ella a hecho la misa. Hizo anotar eso a la madre.
00:14:08.763 - 00:14:12.973

Fanita Chupallu Kundur. Ñuqaqa Kundur Kastaraqmi kayani.

Fanita Chupallu Kundur. Ñuqa-qa Kundur Kasta-raq-mi-ø ka-ya-ni
Fanita Chupallu Kundur. 1-TOP condor caste-CONT-EVD-ø be-PROG-1
Fanita Chupallu Condor. I'm still of condor blood.
Fanita Chupallu Kundur. Yo soy de sangre de cóndor todavía.
00:14:13.153 - 00:14:18.653

Altutam pawani.
Altu-ta-m-ø pawa-ni
high-ACC-EVD-ø jump-1
I fly up high.
Salto para encima.
00:14:18.713 - 00:14:20.923

Imaynaya chay unay runa kundur kara

Imayna chay unay runa kundur ka-ra-ø
how DEM.D before person condor be-PST-3
How must it have been before? People were condors.
¿Cómo habrá sido antes. Personas eran condores.
00:14:22.623 - 00:14:24.643

Chupallu Kundurmi kara. Chay familyam. Papaniypa maman kara.

Chupallu Kundu-rmi- ka-ra-ø Chay familya-m-ø Papa-ni-y-pa mama-n ka-ra-ø
Chupallu condor-EVD-ø be-PST-3 DEM.D family-EVD-ø father-EUPH-1-GEN mother-3 be-PST-3
They were Chupallu Condor. My father's mother's family.
Chupallu Kundur era -- la familia la mamá de mi papá
00:14:24.643 - 00:14:28.423

Ah, papaniypa.
Ah, papa-ni-y-pa
Ah, father-EUPH-1-GEN
Ah, my father's.
Ah, de mi papá.
00:14:28.423 - 00:14:32.703

¿Mamaykipa maman?
Mama-yki-pa mama-n
mother-2-GEN mother-3
Your mother's mother?
¿La mamá de tu mamá?
00:14:28.423 - 00:14:32.703

Papaniypa maman.
Papa-ni-y-pa mama-n
father-EUPH-1-GEN mother-3
My father's mother.
La mamá de mi papá.
00:14:33.933 - 00:14:36.393

Papanin karqa Erminio Chullunkuy Wamán

Papa-ni-n ka-rqa-ø Erminio Chullunkuy Wamán
father-EUPH-3 be-PST-3 Erminio Chullunkuy Wamán
His father was Erminio Chullunkuy Wamán.
Su papá era Erminio Chullunkuy Wamán.
00:14:36.763 - 00:14:39.563

Maman karqa Fanita Chupallu Kundur.

mama-n ka-rqa-ø Fanita Chupallu Kundur.
mother-3 be-PST-3 Fanita Chupallu Kundur.
His mother was Fanita Chupallu Condor.
Su mamá era Fanita Chupallu Kundur.
00:14:39.563 - 00:14:42.503

¿Maypitaq kayan chayqa?

May-pi-taq ka-ya-n chay-qa
Where's that?
¿Dónde es-RSTR?
00:14:44.733 - 00:14:46.633

¿Ukupachu yaykun?
Uku-pa-chu yayku-n
inside-LOC-Q enter-3
Did they go inside?
¿Entraron al dentro?
00:14:46.663 - 00:14:49.373

Puchukarunñam. Maypitaq wak kayan?

Puchuka-ru-n-ña-m-ø May-pi-taq wak ka-ya-n
finish-URGT-3-DISC-EVD-ø where-LOC-SEQ DEM.D be-PROG-3
It ended. Where's that?
Terminó. ¿En dónde está-RSTR?
00:14:49.943 - 00:14:52.433

Ah, chay fwerapi chay fwerapi. Chay vilakuna rantikusan.

Ah, chay fwera-pi chay fwera-pi Chay vila-kuna rantiku-sa-n
Ah, DEM.D outside-LOC DEM.D outside-LOC DEM.D candle-PL sell-PRF-3
Ah, that's outide. That's outside where they sold those candles.
Ah, es afuera, se afuera, donde vendieron esas vela.
00:14:53.133 - 00:14:56.463

Lliw lliw gaseyosakuna.

Lliw lliw gaseyosa-kuna
all all soda.pop-PL
Everything, everything. Soda pop.
Todo, todo, gaseosa todo.
00:14:58.553 - 00:15:01.313

Chay misapaq fweramanña hamuyan tumakushtin

Chay misa-paq fwera-man-ña hamu-ya-n tuma-ku-shtin
DEM.D mass-ABL outside-ALL-DISC come-PROG-3 take-REFL-SUBADV
They're coming outside from the mass, drinking already.
Están viniendo de la misa para afuera, tomando ya.
00:15:05.563 - 00:15:10.483

Tumayta mastriki interesan.

Tuma-y-ta mas-tri-ki interesa-n
drink-INF-ACC more-EVC-KI interest-3
They're more interested in drinking.
Tomar les importará más.
00:15:11.723 - 00:15:14.113

Arí, tumashtintrik payqa purirqa

Arí, tuma-shtin-tri-k pay-qa puri-rqa-ø
yes drink-SUBSDV-EVC-K 3-TOP walk-PST-3
Yes, she must have been walking around drinking.
Sí, pues, habrá andado todo tomando
00:15:14.113 - 00:15:16.163

Shinkakunaqa kasunanchu kara. Madriqa rabyasatr kutin.

Shinka-kuna-qa kasu-na-n-chu ka-ra-ø Madri-qa rabya-sa-ø-tr-ø kuti-n
drunk-PL-TOP pay.attention.NMLZ-3-Q be-PST-3 nun-TOP anger-PRF-3-EVC-ø turn-3
The drunks had to pay attention? The nun must have gotten mad.
¿Los borrachos tenían que hacer caso? La madre se habrá vuelto molesta.
00:15:16.383 - 00:15:19.693

rabyasatriki. piru lliw lliw anutasan.

rabya-sa-tri-ki piru lliw lliw anuta-sa-n
anger-PRF-EVC-KI but all all note-PRF-3
Angry, for sure. But she wrote down all [of their names].
Molesta, seguro, pues. Pero anotó todos [sus nombres].
00:15:19.733 - 00:15:23.363

Achka achkatam anutarasaqa

Achka achka-ta-m-ø anuta-ra-sa-ø-qa
a.lot a.lot-ACC-EVD-ø note-URGT-PRF-3-TOP
She had written down a lot.
Había anotado a muchos
00:15:23.473 - 00:15:25.123
Manaya piru chay anutachiqkuna kanchu
Mana-ya piru chay anuta-chi-q-kuna ka-n-chu
no-EMPH but DEM.D note-CAUS-AG-PL be-3-NEG
But those who got noted down weren't there.
Los que se hicieron anotar no estaban.
00:15:25.333 - 00:15:28.823

Misa ruwananpaq
Misa ruwa-na-n-paq
mass make-NMLZ-3-PURP
To hold mass.
Para que haga misa.
00:15:28.863 - 00:15:31.053

Misa ruwananpaq
Misa ruwa-na-n-paq
mass make-NMLZ-3-PURP
To hold mass.
Para que haga misa.
00:15:28.863 - 00:15:31.053

Ukupa tumakuyan servesata. Kahantinkunata apakuyan.

Uku-pa tuma-ku-ya-n servesa-ta kaha-ntin-kuna-ta apa-ku-ya-n
inside-LOC drink-REFL-3 beer-ACC box-INCL-PL-ACC bring-REFL-PROG-3
They're inside drinking beer. They brought cases and everything.
Están al dentro tomando cerveza. Están llevando por cajas.
00:15:31.053 - 00:15:33.883

Chay uraman napis apan huk

Chay ura-man na-pis apa-n huk
DEM.D hour-ALL DMY-ADD bring-3 one
At that moment, he took along one, too.
En ese rato llevó también uno
00:15:34.033 - 00:15:36.003

Kaha servesata. Mauriochu karqa Julianchu karqa? Imaynaya?

Kaha servesa-ta Maurio-chu ka-rqa-ø Julian-chu ka-rqa-ø Imayna-ya
box beer-ACC Maurio-Q be-PST-3 Julian-Q be-PST-3 how-EMPH
A carton of beer. Was it Mario or Julian? How would it be?
Una caja de cerveza. ¿Era Marío o Julián? ¿Cómo será, pues?
00:15:36.043 - 00:15:38.773

Chay ukupaq tumaparakurqatr. Chay kidamuq runakuna shinkañatr lluqsimura.

Chay uku-paq tuma-pa-ra-ku-rqa-ø-tr-ø Chay kida-mu-q runa-kuna shinka-ña-tr-ø lluqsi-mu-ra-ø
DEM.D inside-LOC drink-BEN-URGT-REFL-PST-3-EVC-ø DEM.D stay-CISL-AG person-PL
drunk-DISC-EVC-ø leave-CISL-PST-3
There inside they must have drunk, for sure. Those who stayed must have left drunk.
Allí al dentro habrá tomado seguro. Los que han quedado ya habrán salido borrachos.
00:15:38.853 - 00:15:43.343

Si gastuntaq kutichiyarqa hinalla

Si gastu-n-taq kuti-chi-ya-rqa-ø hina-lla
yes cost-3-SEQ turn-CAUS-PROG-PST-3 like-RSTR
Yes, their expenses were making them right.
Si su gasto estaba haciendo volver conforme.
00:15:45.613 - 00:15:48.373

Aysayarqa Ido.
Aysa-ya-rqa-ø Ido.
pull-PROG-PST-3 Ido.
Ido was pulling.
Ido estaba jalando.
00:15:48.373 - 00:15:49.573

Imaynañama runaman gastuta qunqan trayashpañamik

Imayna-ña-ma runa-man gastu-ta qunqa-n traya-shpa-ña-mi-k
how-DISC-EMPH person-ALL cost-ACC forget-3 arrive-SUBIS_DISC-EVD-K
How is it going to cost people? They forget already when they arrive..
¿Cómo ya va a dar gasto para a la gente? Llegando, ya pues.
00:15:49.723 - 00:15:52.933

trayashpamik waytanchik truranchik,

traya-shpa-mi-k wayta-nchik trura-nchik
arrive-SUBIS-EVD-K flower-1.PL put-1.PL
When we arrive we place our flowers.
Llegando ponemos nuestras flores.
00:15:52.933 - 00:15:56.073

Chaymanñaqa trayashpa timpranu qunman karqa.

chay-man-ña-qa traya-shpa timpranu qu-n-ma-n ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D-ALL-DISC-TOP arrive-SUNIS early give-3-COND be-PST-3
Arriving there early, they must have given it.
Llegando temprano, lo hubieran debido dar.
00:15:56.083 - 00:15:58.763

Llww lliwmantrik muyuchiman karqa.

Lliw lliw-man-tri-k muyu-chi-man ka-rqa-ø
all all-ALL-EVC-K circulate-CAUS-COND be-PST-3
She should have passed it around to everyone.
Hubiera debido hacer dar vuelta a todos.
00:15:58.813 - 00:16:01.623

Chay trayamushpa lliw lliwman muyuchiman karqa.

Chay traya-mu-shpa lliw lliw-man muyu-chi-man ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D arrive-CISL-SUBIS all all-ALL circulate-CAUS-COND be-PST-3
When they arrived there, they should have passed it around to everyone.
Llegando allí hubieran hecho dar vuelta a todos.
00:16:01.623 - 00:16:03.763

Ay, allí yo también vendiendo salchipollo. Aviva,

Ay, I'm also selling fried chicken there. Aviva,
Ay, allí yo también estaba vendiendo salchipollo. Aviva,
00:16:03.853 - 00:16:07.733

Salchipollu rantikuqtapis tumarun

Salchipollu rantiku-q-ta-pis tuma-ru-n
fried.chicken sell-AG-ACC-ADD take-URGT-3
She also took [pictures] of the people selling fried chicken.
También tomó [fotos] de las personas que vendían salchipollo.
00:16:11.693 - 00:16:13.543

Mikuqtapis tumarun. Teri chaypa tiyayanña.

Miku-q-ta-pis tuma-ru-n Teri chay-pa tiya-ya-n-ña
eat-AG-ACC-ADD take-URGT-3 Teri DEM.D.LOC sit-PROG-3-DISC
She also took [photos] of the people eating. Terri is sitting there.
También tomó [fotos] de los que estaban comiendo. Teri está sentada ya allí.
00:16:13.763 - 00:16:19.953

Tiyayan prindikurunñatr.
Tiya-ya-n prindi-ku-ru-n-ña-tr-ø
She's sitting. She must have already lit [candles].
Está sentado. Ya habrá prendido [velas].
00:16:19.953 - 00:16:22.793

Bonito había salido, ¡Vé!

It came out pretty. Look!
Salió bonito, ¡Vé!
00:16:23.783 - 00:16:26.563

Mikuyanña lluqsiramushpa
Miku-ya-n-ña lluqsi-ra-mu-shpa
They're eating after coming out.
Están comiendo después de salir.
00:16:23.783 - 00:16:26.563

Kay nalaw wak kayan, aw? Kay wasilaw.

Kay na-law wak ka-ya-n aw Kay wasi-law
DEM.P DMY-side DEM.D be-PROG-3 yes DEM.P house-side
Here on the side of that, no? Toward the house.
Aquí a este lado de ése, ¿no? Hacia la casa.
00:16:27.273 - 00:16:30.223

Wak hardintrik pintasa kayan. Ve, sumaq lluqsirusa, ve!

Wak hardin-tri-k pinta-sa-ø ka-ya-n Ve, sumaq lluqsi-ru-sa-ø ve!
DEM.D garden-EVC-K paint-PRF-3 be-PROG-3 Look pretty leave-URGT-PRF-3 Look
That must be the garden that's painted. Look! It came out pretty. Look!
Debe ser el jardín que está pintado. ¡Vé! Salió bonito. ¡Vé!
00:16:30.733 - 00:16:36.543

Asu macho lluqsirusa.

Asu macho lluqsi-ru-sa-ø
Oh, my! It came out ...
¡Aso macho! Salió ...
00:16:30.733 - 00:16:36.543

Karrukunaqa sayayan.
Karru-kuna-qa saya-ya-n
car-PL-TOP wait-PROG_3
The cars are waiting.
Los carros están esperando.
00:16:37.023 - 00:16:39.273

sirbisata qipikuyan. ¡Ve!

sirbisa-ta qipi-ku-ya-n Ve.
beer-ACC carry-REFL-PROG-3 look
They're carrying beer. Look!
Están cargando cerveza, ¡Vé!
00:16:47.743 - 00:16:50.303

00:16:53.673 - 00:16:55.743

sirbisata qipiyan.
sirbisa-ta qipi-ya-n
beer-ACC carry-PROG-3
They're carrying beer.
Están cargando cerveza.
00:16:56.663 - 00:17:01.263

Wakchanta aysayan wawan qipikusa

Wakchu-n-ta aysa-ya-n wawa-n qipi-ku-sa-ø
sheep-3-ACC pull-PROG-3 baby-3 carry-REFL-PRF-3
She's pulling her sheep carrying her baby.
Está jalando su wacho cargando su bebé.
00:18:07.273 - 00:18:10.743

Maytriki gorduta qipirun. Fastidiyakuptin.

May-tri-ki gordu-ta qipi-ru-n Fastidiya-ku-pti-n
where-EVC-KI fat-ACC carry-URGT-3 bother-REFL-SUBDS-3
Where would she be carrying the fat one when he's bothering her?
¿Dónde cargaría al gordo? Cuando se molestaba.
00:18:10.763 - 00:18:16.583

Ñuqaqa wambran qipikusanta qawarqanichu.

Ñuqa-qa wambra-n qipi-ku-sa-n-ta qawa-rqa-ni-chu.
1-TOP child-3 carry-REFL-PRF-3-ACC see-PST-1
I didn't see her carrying her baby.
Yo no vi que estaba cargando su bebé.
00:18:17.273 - 00:18:19.483

Doña Yulipa vakanpis lluqsirusa.

Doña Yuli-pa vaka-n-pis lluqsi-ru-sa-ø
Doña Yuli-GEN cow-3-ADD come.out-URGT-PRF-3
Doña Yuli's cows came out, too.
También las vacas de Doña Yuli salieron
00:18:18.653 - 00:18:20.833

Wambran qipikusa kaptin wambran trayaramuntri. willkantatr qipikatrayan nirqanim.

Wambran qipi-ku-sa-ø ka-pti-n wambra-n traya-ra-mu-n-tri-ø willka-n-ta-tr-ø qipi-ka-cha-ya-n ni-rqa-ni-m-ø
child-3 carry-REFL-PRF-3 be-SUBDS-3 child-3 arrive-URGT-CISL-EVC-ø granchild-3-ACC-EVC
qipi-ka-cha-ya-n ni-rqa-ni-m-ø
When she was carrying her child, her daughter must have arrived. She must be carrying her grandchild, I
Su hija habrá llegado cuando estaba cargando a su bebé. Estará cargateando a su nieto, dije.
00:18:21.003 - 00:18:25.473

Chay wambrachatam qipikurun.

Chay wambra-cha-ta-m-ø qipi-ku-ru-n
DEM.D child-DIM-ACC-EVD-ø carry-REFL-URGT-3
She carried the little one.
Cargó a ese chiquitito.
00:18:25.473 - 00:18:28.923

mamanta ya fastidiyakuyan.
mama-n-ta ya fastidiya-ku-ya-n
mother-3-ACC EMPH bother-REFL-PROG-3
He's bothering his mother.
Ya está molestando a su mamá.
00:18:29.503 - 00:18:32.453

Mana dihanchu rantikuqta.

Mana diha-n-chu rantiku-q-ta
no let-3-NEG sell-AG-ACC
He won't let her sell.
No le deja de vender.
00:18:32.873 - 00:18:35.323

Chaymi qipikurun payqa.

Chay-mi-ø qipi-ku-ru-n pay-qa
That's why she's carrying him
Por eso ella lo carga.
00:18:37.033 - 00:18:39.923

Vakapa kustillanpis yupanam kayan

Vaka-pa kustilla-n-pis yupa-na-m ka-ya-n
cow-GEN rib-3-ADD yupa-na-m ka-ya-n
You can count the ribs on her cow, too.
Las costillas de se vaca son para contar.
00:18:47.483 - 00:18:51.323

Imataq chayqa? Ah, wambra.

Ima-taq chay-qa Ah, wambra.
what-SEQ DEM.D-TOP Ah, child
What's that? Oh, a child.
¿Qué es-RSTR? Ah, chico.
00:18:51.323 - 00:18:57.493
00:18:57.643 - 00:18:59.883

Imata papata apamuy ninim

Ima-ta papa-ta apa-mu-y ni-ni-m-ø
what-ACC potato-ACC bring-CISL-IMP say-1-EVD-ø
What. Bring me potatoes, I told her.
Qué, "¡Tráeme papa!" le dije.
00:18:59.923 - 00:19:04.863

Papan apakusa wasipis qushtakuyan QH

Papa-n apa-ku-sa-ø wasi-pi-pis qushta-ku-ya-n
potato-3 bring-REFL-PRF-3 house-LOC-ADD wet-REFL-PROG-3
Bringing her potatoes. They were soaking in the house, too.
Traendo sus papas. En la casa también estaban humeando.
00:19:04.863 - 00:19:07.733

Ah, qushtayan.
Ah, qushta-ya-n
Ah, wet-PROG-3
Ah, soaking.
Ah, está humeando.
00:19:10.723 - 00:19:13.303

Lliw lliw ya lluqsirusa

Lliw lliw ya lluqsi-ru-sa-ø
all alll EMPH come.out-URGT-PRF-3
Everything came out [in the photos].
Todo, pues, salió [en las fotos].
00:19:10.723 - 00:19:13.303

Vakapis alli-alli chichiyuq kayan, ¡ve!

Vaka-pis alli-alli chichi-yuq ka-ya-n ve.
cow-ADD good-good udder-POSS be-PROG-3 look
The cow, too, has a good udder. Look!
Esa vaca también tiene un buen ubre, ¡Vé!
00:19:15.443 - 00:19:18.973

Uñayuq kayan chay vaka.

Uña-yuq ka-ya-n chay vaka.
calf-POSS be-PROG-3 DEM.D cow
That cow has a calf.
La vaca tiene becerito.
00:19:23.163 - 00:19:25.283

Kartelpis lluqsirusa.
Kartel-pis lluqsi-ru-sa-ø
sign-ADD come.out-URGT-PRF-3
The sign also came out.
El cartel también salió.
00:19:26.103 - 00:19:29.173

That's why, for sure.
Por eso seguro.
00:19:26.103 - 00:19:29.173

Alfredopa wasin chay.

Alfredo-pa wasi-n chay.
Alfredo-GEN house-3 DEM.D
That's Alfredo's house.
Ésa es la casa de Alfredo.
00:19:31.613 - 00:19:35.193

Kay wasitaq manachu tumarqanki?

Kay wasi-taq mana-chu tuma-rqa-nki
DEM.P house-ACC no-Q take-PST-2
Didn't you take a picture of this house?
No tomaste [foto] de esta casa?
00:19:35.983 - 00:19:38.433

manam lluqsinchu. Ah, kartel.

mana-m-ø lluqsi-n-chu Ah kartel.
no-EVD-ø come.out-3-NEG Ah, sign
It didn't come out. Ah, the sign.
No sale. Ah, cartel.
00:19:38.453 - 00:19:46.233

Ariyá. Lliw lliw lluqsirusa.

Ariyá. Lliw lliw lluqsi-ru-sa-ø
yes-EMPH all all come.out-URGT-PRF-3
Yes. Everything came out [in the pictures]
Sí, pues, todito salió [en las fotos].
00:19:46.803 - 00:19:49.073

Pipataq wak kabranqa?

Pipataq wak kabranqa?
who-GEN-SEQ DEM.D goat-3-TOP
Whose goats are those?
¿De quién son esas cabras?
00:20:00.323 - 00:20:03.403

Umallan kayan. Ah, Redinapiña.

Uma-lla-n ka-ya-n Ah, Redina-pi-ña.
head-RSTR-3 be-PROG-3 Ah Redina-GEN-DISC
Only his head is there. Ah, Redina's.
Su cabeza no más está. Ah, de Redena.
00:20:03.453 - 00:20:05.843

Ah, Redinapiña.
Ah, Redina-pi-ña
Ah, Redina-GEN-DISC
Ah, Redina's.
Ah, de Redena.
00:20:05.943 - 00:20:08.353

Kay frentiñamik kayan, ¡ve!

Kay frenti-ña-mi-k ka-ya-n ve.
DEM.P front-DISC-EVD-K be-PROG-3 look
It's here in front. Look!
Aquí al frente está, ¡Vé!
00:20:08.463 - 00:20:10.683

Chaypa kabrachan puñuyan.

Chay-pa kabra-cha-n puñu-ya-n
DEM.D-LOC goat-DIM-3 sleep-PROG-3
Her goats are sleeping there.
Sus cabras están durmiendo allí.
00:20:10.793 - 00:20:14.783

Claropis lluqsirusa.
Claro-pis lluqsi-ru-sa-ø
ClaroADD come.out-URGT-PRF-3
Claro [cable TV satelite dish] came out, too.
Claro también salió.
00:20:14.933 - 00:20:17.373

Claro. Uraylaw napi.

Claro. Uray-law na-pi
Claro. below-side DMY-LOC
Claro. Below that thing.
Claro. Al lado de abajo, de ése.
00:20:17.833 - 00:20:20.733

De Maruja.
00:20:20.793 - 00:20:24.723

Kayqa maylawñataq kayan.

Kay-qa may-law-ña-taq ka-ya-n
DEM.P where-side-DISC_SEQ be-PROG-3
Where is this?
¿Dónde es ésto?
00:20:25.143 - 00:20:27.333

Urayllaman ya kayan.
Uray-lla-man ya ka-ya-n
It's just below.
Está justo no más.
00:20:27.443 - 00:20:29.483

Ah, kay wak lawtrik kayan.

Ah, kay wak law-tri-k ka-ya-n
Ah, DEM.P DEM.D-side-EVC-K be-PROG-3
Ah, it must be over there.
Ah, estará a ese lado..
00:20:30.213 - 00:20:32.843

Redinapa wasin kinrayñatr kayan.

Redina-pa wasi-n kinray-ña-tr-ø ka-ya-n
Redina-GEN house-3 out-DISC-EVC-ø be-PROG-3
It must be in the direction of Redina's house.
Estará por la casa de Redina
00:20:32.893 - 00:20:35.483

Ah, chay qirukuna.

Ah, chay qiru-kuna
Ah, DEM.D wood-PL
Ah, those sticks
Ah, esos palos.
00:20:40.153 - 00:20:43.373

Ukunlawpaqtriki tumarqanki.
Uku-n-law-paq-tri-ki tuma-rqa-nki
inside-3-side-LOC-EVC-KI take-PST-2
You must have taken pictures on the inside, for sure.
Tomaste fotos por dentro, seguro.
00:20:57.033 - 00:20:59.763

Ah, ukunlawpaqtriki.
Ah, uku-n-law-paq-tri-ki
Ah, insice-3-side-LOC-EVC-KI
Ah, inside for sure.
Ah, al dentro, seguro.
00:20:59.783 - 00:21:03.043

Ah, Eritro.
Ah, Eritro.
Ah, Eritro.
Ah, Eritro.
Ah, Eritro.
00:21:03.193 - 00:21:06.183

Chay alma samachiqkuna

Chay alma sama-chi-q-kuna
DEM.D soul rest-CAUS-AG-PL
What puts the souls at peace.
Lo que hacen descansar las almas.
00:21:03.193 - 00:21:06.183

Ah, chay ukupa kayan.

Ah, chay uku-pa ka-ya-n
Ah, DEM.D inside-LOC be-PROG-3
Ah, it's there on the inside.
Ah, es allí al dentro.
00:21:08.233 - 00:21:11.343

Kaynallam. Puchukarunqaña.
Kay-na-lla-m-ø Puchuka-ru-nqa-ña
Ah, it's going to end already.
Ahorita va a terminar ya.
00:21:14.063 - 00:21:15.963

Lliw lliw tumasa.

Lliw lliw tuma-sa-ø
all all take-PRF-3
Ah, everything that got taken
Ah, todo lo que se ha tomado.
00:21:16.553 - 00:21:23.333

Ñuqa. Ima?
Ñuqa. Ima
1 what
Me? What?
Yo. ¿Qué?
00:21:23.523 - 00:21:26.513

Ah, fwera, panteyun.

Ah, fwera, panteyun
Ah, outside cemetery
Ah, outside. The cemetery.
Ah, afuera, el cementerio.
00:21:26.863 - 00:21:31.203

Just in the cemetery?
El cementerio no más?
00:21:26.863 - 00:21:31.203

Chay vilakurushpaqa kada grupucha lluqsimurqa panteyunpaq.

Chay vila-ku-ru-shpa-qa Kada grupu-cha lluqsi-mu-rqa-ø panteyun-paq
DEM.D vigil-REFL-URGT-SUBIS-TOP each group-DIM come.out-CISL-PST-3 cemetery-ABL
After holding vigil each group came out of the cemetery.
Después de vilar salieron por grupos del cementerio.
00:22:08.503 - 00:22:12.853

Chay almayuqkunaqa. Imaynataq lluqsipakamurqa?

Chay alma-yuq-kuna-qa Imayna-taq lluqsi-paka-mu-rqa-ø
Those who have recently deceased relatives. How did they come out?
Los que tienen almas. ¿O cómo salieron?
00:22:12.863 - 00:22:16.743

Ay, ¿Dónde está esa tapa?

Ay, where's the top?
Ay, ¿dónde está esa tapa?
00:22:16.743 - 00:22:19.093

Saytaykuruyman. Hitraruyman karqa gaseyosaykita.

Sayta-yku-ru-y-man Hitra-ru-y-man ka-rqa-ø gaseyosa-yki-ta
kick-EXCEP-URGT-1-COND spill-URGT-1-COND be-PST-3 soda.pop-2-ACC
I could kick it. Your soda pop could have spilled.
Lo puedo patear. Tu gaseosa hubiera derramado.
00:22:22.163 - 00:22:25.223

Apurí Cruzpa una unaymi quturapakun.

Apurí Cruz-pa una unay-mi-ø qutu-ra-paku-n.
Apurí cross-LOC before before-EVD-ø gather-URGT-MUTBEN-3
They've been meeting at Apurí Cruz for a long time.
Han estado reunidos en Apurí Cruz desde hace mucho tiempo
00:22:32.473 - 00:22:35.033

Chaypaq pasakun.
Chay-paq pasa-ku-n
They left from there.
De allí se fueron.
00:22:35.063 - 00:22:38.723

Despachaykushpa kutimushpa yatrayta mikun

Despacha-yku-shpa kutimu-shpa yatra-y-ta miku-n turn-CISL-SUBIS live-INF-ACC eat-3
After sending off the souls, returning to where they live, they eat.
Después de despachar, regresando a donde viven, comen.
00:34:03.373 - 00:34:05.653

We eat.
Se come.
00:34:05.653 - 00:34:07.753

00:34:05.653 - 00:34:07.753

klasi mikuytam truranchik chayman.

klasi miku-y-ta-m trura-nchik chay-man
class eat-INF-ACC put-1.PL DEM.D-ALL
We put all kinds of food there.
clase de comida se pone allí.
00:34:09.033 - 00:34:11.623

Dos de noviyembri.
Dos de noviyembri.
Dos de noviyembri.
November 2.
El dos de noviembre.
00:34:33.053 - 00:34:35.603

Chay vilakuy puntraw Simitiriyupa llapa almanchik vilakunchik.

Chay vila-ku-y puntraw Simitiriyu-pa llapa alma-nchik vila-ku-nchik
DEM.D vigil-REFL-INF day cemetery-LOC all soul-1.PL vigil-REFl-1.PL
The day that we hold vigil in the cemetery. We hold vigil for all our deceased relatives.
El día que velamos velamos todas nuestras almas en el cementerio.
00:34:35.693 - 00:34:40.753

algunusqa chay alman hamusantamiki chay

algunus-qa chay alma-n hamu-sa-n-ta-mi-ki chay
some-TOP DEM.D soul-3 come-PRF-3-ACC-EVD-KI DEM.D
At the arrival of their souls, some
A la llegada de sus almas, algunos
00:34:53.093 - 00:34:55.823

familyankuna kaptin tinkuyan hinashpa tumayan.

familya-n-kuna ka-pti-n tinku-ya-n hinashpa tuma-ya-n
Family-3-PL be-SUBDS-3 find-PROG-3 then take-PROG-3
When their family is there, they meet then they drink.
Cuando sus familiares están, se encuentran y luego toman.
00:34:55.823 - 00:34:58.833

kukachankunata akuyan, chamischankunata tumayan.

kuka-cha-n-kuna-ta aku-ya-n chamis-cha-n-kuna-ta tuma-ya-n
coca-DIM-3-PL-ACC chew-PROG-3 chamis-DIM-3-PL-ACC drink-PROG-3
They chew their coca and drink their chami.
Chakchan su coca y toman su chami.
00:34:59.863 - 00:35:04.113

Almamik wayrakushunkiman.
Alma-mi-k wayra-ku-shunki-man
soul-EVD-K air-REFL-3>2-COND
Souls can give you air [make you sick].
Alma, pues, te puede dar aire.
00:35:26.463 - 00:35:29.003

Chaykwirpuykikuna mal kanman umaykikuna nananman

Chaykwirpu-yki-kuna mal ka-n-man uma-yki-kuna nana-n-man
DEM.D body-2-PL bad be-3-COND head-2-PL hurt-3-COND
Your whole body could be sick, your head could hurt.
Tu cuerpo puede estar mal, tu cabeza puede doler.
00:35:29.223 - 00:35:32.933

Your heart and all.
Tu corazón todo.
00:35:33.313 - 00:35:36.533

siympri tumanki.
siympri tuma-nki.
always drink-2
You'll always drink.
Siempre vas a tomar.
00:35:33.313 - 00:35:36.533

Ah, chay kuka.

Ah, chay kuka.
Ah, DEM.D coca
Ah, that coca.
Ah, esa coca.
00:35:37.343 - 00:35:39.993

balurchanta kukanta.
balur-cha-n-ta kuka-n-ta
value-DIM-3-ACC coca-3-ACC
Their liquor, their coca.
Su valorcito, su coca.
00:35:37.343 - 00:35:39.993

Chaynam yaykunchiktaq.
Chay-na-m-ø yayku-nchik-taq
That's the way you go in.
Así se entra.
00:35:40.393 - 00:35:43.723

Mana wayrashinaykipaq.
Mana wayra-shi-na-yki-paq
no wind-BEN-NMLZ-2-PURP
So that you don't get air [sick].
Para que no te de aire.
00:35:40.393 - 00:35:43.723

Si no umaykikunam nananqa wayraruptin

Si no uma-yki-kuna-m-ø nana-nqa wayra-ru-pti-n
if no head-2-PL-EVD-ø hurt-3.FUT wind-URGT-SUBDS-3
If not, your head will hurt when it gives you air.
Si no, tu cabeza también va a doler cuando te da aire.
00:35:43.723 - 00:35:46.553

piru trayan ya chaymi.

piru traya-n ya chay-mi-ø
but arrive-3 EMPH DEM.D-EVD-
But it arrives for that reason.
Pero llega, pues, por-RSTR.
00:36:00.063 - 00:36:02.233

Chay puntraw diyan llapa almapi vilakunanchik.

Chay puntraw diya-n llapa alma-pi vila-ku-na-nchik
DEM.D day day-3 all soul-GEN vigil-REFL-NMLZ-1.PL
That day is the day we hold vigil for all the souls.
Ese día es el día en que valmos todas las almas.
00:36:02.353 - 00:36:05.783

Ah, chay kustumbri ya chay

Ah, chay kustumbri ya chay
Ah, DEM.D custom EMPH DEM.D
Ah, that's the custom, that.
Ah, ésa es la costumbre.
00:36:05.913 - 00:36:09.403

Diya dostaqa vilakunchik.

Diya dos-ta-qa vila-ku-nchik
day two-ACC-TOP vigil-REFL-1.PL
On the second, we hold vigil.
En el día dos velamos.
00:36:09.403 - 00:36:13.643

Kustumbrin chayhina vilakunchik.

Kustumbri-n chay-hina vila-ku-nchik
custom-3 DEM.D-COMP vigil-REFL-1.PL
Their custom is like that. We hold vigil.
Su costumbre es así. Vamos a vilar.
00:36:09.403 - 00:36:13.643

Primerutaqa yanukunchik.
Primeru-ta-qa yanu-ku-nchik
first-ACC-TOP cook-REFL-1.PL
El primero cocinamos.
00:36:13.713 - 00:36:16.163

Lliw lliw mikuyta yanukunchik alfereskunaqa.

Lliw lliw miku-y-ta yanu-ku-nchik alferes-kuna-qa
all all eat-INF-ACC cook-REFL-1.PL hosts-PL-TOP
The hosts cook all sorts of food.
Los alferes cocinas toda la comida.
00:36:16.343 - 00:36:20.433

Ishkay kimsam mesata ruwan.

Ishkay kimsa-m-ø mesa-ta ruwa-n
two three-EVD-ø table-ACC make-3
They set two or three tables.
Hacen dos o tres mesas.
00:36:20.433 - 00:36:22.933

Only what there is.
Lo que hay no más ya.
00:36:23.593 - 00:36:27.453

Mana alferesqa normalmi yanukun kaqllata.

Mana alferes-qa normal-mi-ø yanu-ku-n ka-q-lla-ta
no hosts-TOP normal-EVD-ø cook-REFL-3 be-AG_LIM-ACC
Those who aren't hosts cook like usual -- what there is.
Los que no son alferes, normal cocinan lo que hay.
00:36:23.593 - 00:36:27.453

imallatapis ash-ashllata
ima-lla-ta-pis ash ashlla-ta
what-RSTR-ACC-ADD little little-ACC
Whatever, just a little.
Cualquier cosita, poquitito.
00:36:27.453 - 00:36:30.503

truraykun frutachankunata. Llapa gustasan.

trura-yku-n fruta-cha-n-kuna-ta Llapa gusta-sa-n
save-EXCEP-3 fruit-DIM-3-PL-ACC all like-PRF-3
They put out their fruit and evrything. Everything that they liked [when they were alive].
Ponen su frutita y todo [en la mesa]. Todo lo que les gustaba [cuando estaban vivos].
00:36:31.163 - 00:36:35.723

Chay yanukuy tardish almaqa trayamun.

Chay yanu-ku-y tardi-sh-ø alma-qa traya-mu-n
DEM.D cook-REFL-INF late-EVR-ø sould-TOP come-CISL-3
The afternoon we cook, the souls come, they say.
La tarde que cocinamos los almas llegan, dicen.
00:36:43.773 - 00:36:46.533

Grupu grupu chay mushuq wañukuycha alferesman hamun

Grupu grupu chay mushuq wañu-ku-y-cha alferes-man hamu-n
group group DEM.D new die-REFL-INF hosts-ALL come-3
Group by group those who have recently died come to the hosts.
Por grupos los que han muerto recientamente vienen a los alferes.
00:36:46.533 - 00:36:50.073

With their friends
Con sus amigos.
00:36:50.670 - 00:36:55.070

Invitanshi amigunkunta. Kanan wataqa ñuqa

Invita-n-shi-ø amigu-n-kuna-ta kanan wata-qa ñuqa
invite-3-EVR-ø friend-3-PL-ACC now year-TOP 1
They invite their friends, they say. This year I
Invitan a sus amigos, dicen. Este año yo
00:36:50.670 - 00:36:55.070

kayani mayordomo.
ka-ya-ni mayordomo
be-PROG-1 host
am hosting.
soy mayordomo.
00:36:55.070 - 00:36:56.290

Haku wasiyta nishpash, almakunaqa pushanakamun.

Haku wasi-y-ta ni-shpa-sh-ø alma-kuna-qa pusha-naka-mu-n
let's.go house-1-ACC say-SUBIS-EVR-ø soul-PL-TOP take-RECP-CISL-3
"¡Let's go to my house!" say the souls and they bring each other.
"¡Vamos a mi casa!" dicen las almas y llevan el uno al otro.
00:36:56.360 - 00:37:00.920

trayamun hinashpash
traya-mu-n hinashpa-sh-ø
arrive-CISL-3 then-EVR-ø
They arrive then
Llegan y después
00:37:01.420 - 00:37:03.990

lliw lliwta ya mesaman chaytaq tiyachinki kukanta chamisninta servesanta

lliw lliw-ta ya mesa-man chay-taq tiya-chi-nki kuka-n-ta chamis-ni-n-ta servesa-n-ta
all all-ACC EMPH table-ABL DEM.D-LOC sit-CAUS-2 coca-3-ACC chami-EUPH-3-ACC beer-3-ACC
You're going to set everything on the table: their coca, their chamis, their beer.
Vas a hacer sentar todo, todo en la mesa: su coca, su chamis, cerveza.
00:37:04.140 - 00:37:10.320

Yakunta mikuyntinta. Chaypish amigunwan

Yaku-n-ta miku-y-ntin-ta Chay-pi-sh-ø amigu-n-wan
water-3-ACC eat-INF-INCL-ACC DEM.D-LOC-EVR-ø friend-3-INSTR
their water together with their food. With that, they say, with their friends
Su agua todo con su comida. En-RSTR, dicen, con sus amigos
00:37:10.340 - 00:37:14.420

trayamushpaqa yakuta tuman.

traya-mu-shpa-qa yaku-ta tuma-n
arrive-CISL-SUBIS-TOP water-ACC drink-3
When they arrive, they drink water.
Llegando, toman agua.
00:37:14.570 - 00:37:18.220

Chamisninkunata upyarin, kukankunata akun, mikun

Chamis-ni-n-kuna-ta upya-ri-n kuka-n-kuna-ta aku-n miku-n
Chamis-EUPH-3-PL-ACC drink-INCEP-3 coca-3-PL-ACC chew-3 eat-3
They drink their chami, they chew their coca, they eat.
Su chamis todo están tomando, su coca todo chakchan, comen.
00:37:18.930 - 00:37:23.630

Ñuqanchik kawsanchik kayanchik achka qutunakurushpa chaynash trayamun alman.

Ñuqa-nchik kawsa-nchik ka-ya-nchik achka qutu-naku-ru-shpa chay-na-sh-ø traya-mu-n alma-n
1-PL live-1PL be-PROG-1.PL a.lot gather-MUTBEN-URGT-SUBIS DEM.D-NMLZ-EVR-ø arrive-CISL-3
We the living are numerous, when we get together like that, they say, their souls come.
Nosotros los vivos cuando nos juntamos bastante así, dicen, las almas llegan.
00:37:23.740 - 00:37:27.570

Bullata ruwashpash
Bulla-ta ruwa-shpa-sh-ø
noise-ACC make-SUBIS-EVR-ø
Making noise, they say.
Haciendo bulla, dicen.
00:37:27.630 - 00:37:29.870

Chayshi, aligri kutikun.

Chay-shi-ø aligri kuti-ku-n
DEM.D-EVR-ø happy turn-REFL-3
That's why, they say, they return happy.
Por eso, dicen, se veulven alegres
00:37:30.450 - 00:37:34.050

Mana yanukuptikiqa, manam, tristi waqakushpa

Mana yanu-ku-pti-ki-qa mana-m-ø tristi waqa-ku-shpa
no cook-REFL-SUBDS-2-TOP no-EVD-ø sad cry-REFL-SUBIS
If you don't cook, no, sad, crying
Si no cocinas, no, triste, llorando
00:37:34.150 - 00:37:36.690

00:37:34.300 - 00:37:38.690

Manam wasiypaq imapis kanchu

Mana-m-ø wasi-y-paq ima-pis ka-n-chu
no-EVD-ø house-1-LOC what-ADD be-3-NEG
"There's nothing in my house," [they say]
"No hay nada en mi casa" [dicen]
00:37:38.940 - 00:37:41.780

Pukarishpash kutikun.
Puka-ri-shpa-sh-ø VV kuti-ku-n
blow-INCEP-SUBIS-EVR-ø turn-REFL-3
sighing, blowing, they say, they return.
suspirando, soplando, dicen, vuelven
00:37:42.430 - 00:37:45.000

Dehan. Chayshi pukaptinqa

Deha-n Chay-shi-ø puka-pti-n-qa
leave-3 DEM.D-EVR-ø blow-SUBDS-3-TOP
They leave. That's why, they say, when it blows,
Abandonan. Por eso, dicen, cuando sopla,
00:37:45.120 - 00:37:48.720

mana mikunayuq kanchik.
mana miku-na-yuq ka-nchik
no eat-NMLZ-POSS be-1.PL
We don't have food.
no tenemos comida.
00:37:48.800 - 00:37:51.690

Imapis kanchu wasikipa

Ima-pis ka-n-chu wasi-ki-pa
what_ADD be-3-NEG house-2-LOC
There's nothing in your house.
No hay nada en tu casa.
00:37:51.710 - 00:37:53.410

Chayna rimay kaptinmi chay kutumbri.

Chay-na rima-y ka-pti-n-mi-ø chay kutumbri
DEM.D-NMLZ talk-INF be-SUBDS-3-EVD-ø DEM.D custom
Like that, when there's talk, there's that custom.
Así es, cuando hay habladuría, hay esta custumbre.
00:37:53.420 - 00:37:58.000

Imapis kanchu wasikipa.

Ima-pis ka-n-chu wasi-ki-pa
what-ADD be-3-NEG house-2-LOC
There's nothing in your house.
No hay nada en tu casa.
00:37:53.420 - 00:37:58.000

Yanukunchik chay almapaqqa, todos los santuspaqqa

Yanu-ku-nchik chay alma-paq-qa todos los santus-paq-qa
cook-REFL-1.PL DEM.D soul-BEN-TOP all the saints-LOC-TOP
We cook for all the souls, on All Saints Day.
Cocinamos para las almas, en todos los santos.
00:37:58.070 - 00:38:02.740

trayamunshi almaqa
traya-mu-n-shi-ø alma-qa
arrive-CISL-3-EVR-ø soul-TOP
The souls arrive, they say.
Las almas llegan, dicen.
00:38:04.550 - 00:38:06.870

Waqashpa tristish kutikun mana imatapis tarishpa

Waqa-shpa tristi-sh-ø kuti-ku-n mana ima-ta-pis tari-shpa
cry-SUBIS sad-EVR-ø turn-REFL-3 no what-ACC-ADD find-SUBIS
Sad, crying, they return if they don't find anything, they say.
Llorando, triste, vuelven si no encuentran nada, dicen
00:38:07.110 - 00:38:10.980

Ah, kaypaqa manam imapis kanchu.

Ah, kay-pa-qa mana-m-ø ima-pis ka-n-chu
Ah, DEM.P-LOC-TOP no-EVD-ø what-ADD be-3-NEG
"Ah, there's nothing here,"
"Ah, no hay nada aquí",
00:38:11.150 - 00:38:14.240

Nishpash kutikun huk lawta rin.

Ni-shpa-sh-ø kuti-ku-n huk law-ta ri-n
say-SUBIS-EVR-ø turn-REFL-3 one-side-ACC go-3
they say and return, they go back someplace else.
dicen y regresan, se van a otro sitio.
00:38:14.270 - 00:38:17.550

Qampaqa amiguykikunaqa
Qam-pa-qa amigu-yki-kuna-qa
2-GEN-TOP friend-2-PL-TOP
All your friends
Todos sus amigos
00:38:17.930 - 00:38:21.220

Le llevan después igualitos a una persona que vivimos

They bring him, just like a living person
Lo llevan después igualitos a una persona que vivimos
00:38:21.300 - 00:38:24.690

Si, por ejemplo

Yes, for example,
Sí, por ejemplo
00:38:24.690 - 00:38:29.000

Imaykipis kanqachu
Ima-yki-pis ka-nqa-chu
what-2-ADD be-3.FUT-NEG
You're not going to have anything.
No vas a tener nada.
00:38:29.050 - 00:38:33.760

Qampa kumpliyañuyki kachun hinashpa invitakunki.

Qam-pa kumpliyañu-yki ka-chun hinashpa invita-ku-nki
2-GEN birthday-2 be- INJUNC then invite-REFL-2
Let it be your birthday. You invite [your friends]
Que sea tu cumpleaños, Invitas [a tus amigos]
00:38:29.050 - 00:38:33.760

Mikuchinki, tumachinki, tushunki.

Miku-chi-nki tuma-chi-nki tushu-nki
eat-CAUS-2 drink-CAUS-2 dance-2
You're going to have people eat and drink, you're giong to dance.
Vas a hacer comer, tomar, bailar.
00:38:34.320 - 00:38:37.540

Chay nishpash paykunapis alegrakuyan

Chay ni-shpa-sh-ø pay-kuna-pis alegra-ku-ya-n
Saying that, they, too, cheer up.
Así, diceindo, ellos también se alegran.
00:38:37.560 - 00:38:40.140

Misanpa, wasinpa kayna, misanpi lliwta tarishpaqa

Misa-n-pa wasi-n-pa kay-na misa-n-pi lliw-ta tari-shpa-qa
table-3-LOC house-3-LOC DEM.P-NMLZ table-3-LOC all-ACC find-SUBIS-TOP
Like that, on their table, in their house. Finding everything on their table,
En su mesa, en su casa así. Encontrando todo en su mesa
00:38:40.160 - 00:38:44.450

Mana . . .Cuando no te acuerda por tu cumpleaños tristim kayanki, ¿sí o no?.

No ... when you don't get remembered on your birthday, you're sad, yes or no?
Cuando no te acuerdan por tu cumpleaños estás triste, ¿sí o no?..
00:38:47.400 - 00:38:54.010

Chayna chay ...

Chay-na chay
It's like that ... that ...
Así es.
00:38:55.180 - 00:38:59.220

Chaynash almakunapis
Chay-na-sh-ø alma-kuna-pis
The souls are like that, they say.
Así son las almas, dicen.
00:38:55.180 - 00:38:59.220

Kriyinchik ñuqanchikkuna chaymi chay.

kriyi-nchik ñuqa-nchik-kuna chay-mi-ø chay
believe-1.PL 1-1.PL-PL DEM.D-EVD-ø DEM.D
We believe that's why it's like that.
Creemos nosotros por eso es así.
00:38:59.270 - 00:39:01.710

Diya primirutaqa yanukunchik, mikunchik

Diya primiru-ta-qa yanu-ku-nchik miku-nchik
day first-ACC-TOP cook-REFL-1.PL eat-1.PL
On the first, we wook, we eat.
En el día primero, cocinamos, comimos
00:39:02.310 - 00:39:06.320

Diya dostaqa velakamunchik wakhina waytakunata apashpa

Diya dos-ta-qa vela-ka-mu-nchik wak-hina wayta-kuna-ta apa-shpa
day two-ACC-TOP vigil-REFL-CISL-1.PL DEM.D-COMP flower-PL-ACC bring-SUBIS
On the second, we hold vigil like that, bringing flowers.
En el día dos vamos a vilar así trayendo flores.
00:39:06.350 - 00:39:10.180

kukankunata apayanchik chay simitiriyuman akukuq gustasanmanqa waytankunata

kuka-n-kuna-ta apa-ya-nchik chay simitiriyu-man aku-ku-q gusta-sa-n-man-qa wayta-n-kuna-ta
coca-3-PL-ACC bring-PROG-1.PL DEM.D cemetery-ALL chew-REFL-AG like-PRF-3-COND-TOP
We bring their coca to the cemetery to chew, what they liked, their flowers and all.
Llevando su coca al cementerio a bolear, a lo que le gustaba, sus flores todo.
00:39:10.730 - 00:39:15.410

Ah, distintu kada unuñataq ya chaytaq

Ah, distintu kada unu-ña-taq ya chay-taq
Ah, different each one-DISC-SEQ EMPH DEM.D-SEQ
Ah, each one is different, that.
Ah, cada uno es diferente ya es-RSTR
00:39:34.240 - 00:39:37.080

Algunus apayan krusninta, u lapidayuqña kayan u algunus

Algunus apa-ya-n krus-ni-n-ta u lapida-yuq-ña ka-ya-n u algunus
some bring-PROG-3 cross-EUPH-3-ACC or grave.stone-POSS-DISC be-PROG-3 or some
Some are bringing their crosses or have their gravestones or some
Algunos están llevando su cruces o ya tienen sus lápidas, o algunos
00:39:37.130 - 00:39:42.290

Según rikursun
Según rikursu-n resources-3
Depending on their resources.
Según sus recursos
00:39:45.250 - 00:39:48.430

Según sus recursos.

Depending on their resources.
Según sus recursos.
00:39:45.250 - 00:39:48.430

Mana algunuspaqa
Mana algunus-pa-qa
no some-GEN-TOP
Some don't
Algunos no
00:39:48.530 - 00:39:51.690

Mana chayna
Mana chayna
Mana chayna
Not like that
Así no
00:39:51.940 - 00:39:55.570

rikursun kanchu. Manam ruwanchu.

rikursu-n ka-n-chu Mana-m-ø ruwa-n-chu
resources-3 be-3-NEG no-EVD-ø make-3-NEG
have resources. They don't make them.
no tienen recursos. Ellos no lo hacen.
00:39:51.940 - 00:39:55.570

Ima karru chayqa purikuyan

Ima karru chay-qa puri-ku-ya-n
what car DEM.D-TOP walk-REFL-PROG-3
What car is that going around?
¿Qué carro es éste que está andando?
00:39:55.740 - 00:39:59.080

Maypa, Cañetepa Limapam imaynañatr kayanchik?

Maypa, Cañete-pa Lima-pa-m-ø imaynaña-tr-ø ka-ya-nchik.
where-LOC Cañete-LOC Lima-LOC-EVD-ø how-DISC-EVC-ø be-PROG-1.PL
Where -- in Cañete, in Lima? How would we be already?
¿Dónde -- en Cañete, en Lima¿ ¿Cómo ya estaremos?
00:39:59.140 - 00:40:03.090

Kurrikatrakuyan karrupis.
Kurri-katra-ku-ya-n GG karru-pis
The car is running around, too.
El carro está correteando, también.
00:40:03.180 - 00:40:06.330

Chay, chay antiskunaqa chay

Chay, chay antis-kuna-qa GG chay
That, a long time ago, that
Ése, mucho antes,
00:40:08.600 - 00:40:13.030

Chayshik chay sosiyukuna ruwapakurqa chay nichuchanta wañushpa chayman pampakunanpaq

Chay-shi-k chay sosiyu-kuna ruwa-paku-rqa-ø chay nichu-cha-n-ta wañu-shpa chay-man pampa-ku-na-n-paq
DEM.D-EVR-ø DEM.D member-PL make-MUTBEN-PST-3 DEM.D berth-DIM-PL die-SUBIS
That's why, they say, before, the members made each other the small berths, to bury each other when they
Por eso, dicen, antes los socios se fabricaban sus nichos pequeños, para enterrarse los unos a los otros.
00:40:13.260 - 00:40:18.020

Na ... ummm...
Na ... ummm...
that ... ummm...
That ... ummmm
Éste ... ummm
00:40:18.030 - 00:40:21.390

familyankunaqa kuhun rantiywan pampan- Mana yaykunchu chay nichuman.

familya-n-kuna-qa kuhun ranti-y-wan pampa-n mana yayku-n-chu chay nichu-man
Family-3-PL-TOP coffin buy-INF-INSTR bury-3 no enter-3-NEG DEM.D berth-ALL
Their families bury them with bought coffins. They don't fit in the berths.
Su familias los entierran con ataúdes comprados. No cabe en esos nichos.
00:40:22.160 - 00:40:28.530

They left them already.
Los dejaron ya.
00:40:28.820 - 00:40:33.210

Huk nichuta ruwachin, hinashpa pampaman pamparun.

Huk nichu-ta ruwa-chi-n hinashpa pampa-man pampa-ru-n
one berth-ACC make-CAUS-3 then ground-ALL bury-URGT-3
They have another berth made, then they bury them in the ground.
Mandan hacer otro nicho, después los entierran en el suelo.
00:40:28.820 - 00:40:33.210

Huk nichuta ruwachin.

Huk nichu-ta ruwa-chi-n
one berth-ACC make-CAUS-3
They have another berth made.
Mandan hacer otro nicho.
00:40:33.450 - 00:40:36.230

Chay midida, chay kahun

Chay midida, chay kahun
DEM.D measure DEM.D coffin
To the measure of the coffin.
Con la medida del ataúd.
00:40:36.270 - 00:40:39.640

Chay terremotokunapimik kahun siqaykaramun chaykunawan. Manam ñuqa

Chay terremoto-kuna-pi-mi-k kahun siqayka-ra-mu-n chay-kuna-wan mana-m ñuqa
DEM.D earthquake-PL-LOC-EVD-K coffin fall-URGT-CISL-3 DEM.D-PL-INSTR no-EVD-ø 1
In that earthquake the coffins fell down with those. I don't
En ese terremoto los ataúdes se cayeron con-RSTRs. Yo no ...
00:40:40.400 - 00:40:47.520

With a bought one.
Con un comprado.
00:40:40.400 - 00:40:47.520

nichuman pampakunchu.
nichu-man pampa-ku-n-chu
berth-ALL bury-REFL-3-NEG
bury in the berths.
No se entierra para nicho.
00:40:47.760 - 00:40:49.500

Ah, terremotopaya dos mil siyetipa siqaykurunqa

Ah, terremoto-pa-ya dos mil siyeti-pa siqayku-ru-n-qa
Ah, earthquake.LOC.EMPH two thousand seven-LOC fall-URGT-3-TOP
Ah, in the earthquake in 2007, they fell out.
Ah, en el terremoto de dos mil siete, se cayeron
00:40:49.880 - 00:40:55.520

Ayka kahuntri fwerapa karqa? Kumudarun pampamanña.

Ayka kahun-tri-ø fwera-pa ka-rqa-ø Kumuda-ru-n pampa-man-ña
how.many coffin-EVC-ø GG sing outside-LOC be-PST-3 place-URGT-3 ground-ALL-DISC EVC
How many coffins were outside? They placed them in the ground.
¿Cuántos ataúdes habrán quedado afuera? Los acomodaron en el suelo ya.
00:40:55.570 - 00:40:59.690

¿Ayka alma?
Ayka alma?
how.many soul?
How many souls?
¿Cuántos muertos?
00:40:55.570 - 00:40:59.690

Piligrum wakman nichu.

Piligru-m-ø wak-man nichu.
danger-EVD-ø DEM.D-ALL berth
It's dangerous [to bury people]in the berths.
Es peligroso [enterrar] en los nichos.
00:40:59.690 - 00:41:00.980

Manam siguru siguruchu.

Mana-m-ø siguru siguru-chu
no-EVD-ø sure sure-NEG
It's not very safe.
No es muy seguro.
00:41:01.050 - 00:41:04.180

Just their bones.
Sus huesos no más.
00:41:01.050 - 00:41:04.180

Chaymi mehor pampamun mas seguridad.

Chay-mi-ø mehor pampa-mu-n mas seguridad
DEM.D-EVD-ø better bury-CISL-3 more security
That's why it's better to bury. It's safer.
Por eso es mejor enterrar. Es más seguro.
00:41:09.750 - 00:41:12.400

Pampapiñam ruwayan huk nichu.

Pampa-pi-ña-m-ø ruwa-ya-n huk nichu
ground-LOC-EVD-ø make-PROG-3 one berth
Their already making another berth in the ground.
En el suelo ya están haciendo otro nicho.
00:41:12.430 - 00:41:17.710

hawanpaqa huk nichutaña ruwarun familyankunapaq

Qawa-n-pa-qa huk nichu-ta-ña ruwa-ru-n familya-n-kuna-paq
top-3-LOC-TOP one berth-ACC-DISC make-URGT-3 family-3-PL-BEN
They made another berth on top for their relatives.
Hicieron otro nicho encima para sus familiares.
00:41:12.430 - 00:41:17.710

Sumaq sumaq wayta kasa. Uray waytatr kustapaq.

Sumaq sumaq wayta ka-sa-ø Uray wayta-tr-ø kusta-paq
pretty pretty flower be-PRF-3 down flower-EVC-ø coast-ABL
That was a very pretty flower. It must be a flower from the coast, from below.
Esa flor era muy bonita. Será flor de abajo, de la costa
00:41:18.080 - 00:41:21.680

Chaynam chayqa.
Chay-na-m-ø chay-qa
That's how that is.
Así es ése.
00:41:26.080 - 00:41:29.250

Kada almayuqyá
Kada alma-yuq-ya
each soul-POSS EMPH
Each person with a dead relative.
Cada persona con alma
00:41:40.530 - 00:41:43.260

Kada uno.
Kada uno.
Kada uno.
Each one-
Cada uno.
00:41:43.390 - 00:41:47.120

Ruwachinchik, rantinchik.
Ruwa-chi-nchik ranti-nchik
make-CAUS-1.PL buy-1.PL
We have them made. We buy them.
Mandamos hacer, compramos.
00:41:43.390 - 00:41:47.120

Ah, kada unum chayqa, kada almayuq

Ah, kada unu-m-ø chay-qa, kada alma-yuq
Ah, each one-EVD-ø DEM.D-TOP each soul-POSS
Ah, each one, each person with a dead relative.
Ah, cada uno-RSTR, cada persona con alma-
00:41:50.760 - 00:41:54.220

Chaypa vilakuyan familyankuna

Chay-pa vila-ku-ya-n familya-n-kuna
DEM.D-LOC vigil-REFL-PROG-3 family-3-PL
They're holding vigil for their families there.
Allí están velando sus familiares.
00:41:58.650 - 00:42:02.040

Wak kayan akipatr hina

Waq ka-ya-n aki-pa-tr-ø hina
DEM.D be-PROG-3 aki-GEN-EVC-ø like
I believe that's Aki's.
Creo que ése es de Aki.
00:42:02.300 - 00:42:05.050

Waytanta apamun, velanta, yakunta, kukanta

Wayta-n-ta apa-mu-n vela-n-ta yaku-n-ta kuka-n-ta
flower-3-ACC bring-CISL-3 candle-3-ACC water-3-ACC coca-3-ACC
They bring their flowers, their candles, their water, their coca.
Traen sus flores, sus velas, su agua, su coca.
00:42:06.140 - 00:42:11.070

Chaykunata truraykushpa dihan.

Chay-kuna-ta trura-yku-shpa diha-n
Putting everything away, they leave.
Guardando todo-RSTR, se van.
00:42:11.530 - 00:42:14.610

Chaymi chay krus kayan variyus.

Chay-mi-ø chay krus ka-ya-n variyus
DEM.D-EVD-ø DEM.D cross be-PROG-3 many
That's why their are many crosses.
Por eso hay muchas cruces
00:42:24.410 - 00:42:26.490

Ima ... ayka ... kimsa kruschu kayan

Ima ... ayka ... kimsa krus-chu ka-ya-n
what ... how.many ... three cross-Q be-PROG-3
What? How many? Are there three crosses?
¿Qué? .. ¿cuántos? ¿Hay tres cruces?
00:42:26.710 - 00:42:29.000

Kimsa runatr chaypaq pamparayan.

Kimsa runa-tr-ø chay-paq pampa-raya-n GG pass
three person-EVC-ø DEM.D-LOC bury-PASS-3
There must be three people buried there.
Tres personas estarán enterrados allí.
00:42:29.480 - 00:42:33.450

Yata yatalla
Yata yata-lla
side side-RSTR
side by side
Lado a lado
00:42:33.650 - 00:42:35.110

Kaynaptin kaynaptin yata yata kayan.

Kay-na-pti-n kay-na-pti-n yata yata ka-ya-n
When they do it like that, when they do it like that, they're side by side
Cuando hace así, cuando hace así, están lado a lado [uno encima del otro].
00:42:33.670 - 00:42:38.580
piru manayá kaypaqa
piru mana-yá kay-pa-qa
But not here.
Pero aquí no
00:42:45.410 - 00:42:48.180

Kallinpis dirihisachu. Kaminunpis kanchu

Kalli-n-pis dirihi-sa-ø-chu Kaminu-n-pis ka-n-chu
street-3-ADD direct-PRF-3-NEG road-3-ADD be-3-NEG
The street isn't managed. There isn't even a path.
La calle no está dirijido. No hay ni siquiera un camino.
00:42:48.370 - 00:42:51.070

Manaya sumaq sumaq

Mana-ya sumaq sumaq
no-EMPH pretty pretty
It's not very pretty.
No es muy bonito
00:42:51.670 - 00:42:53.030

Manaya sumaq ubikasachu wak simintiryu

Mana-ya sumaq ubika-sa-ø-chu wak simintiryu
no-EMPH pretty locate-PRF-3-NEG DEM.D cemetery
The cemetery is not well located
El cementerio no está bien ubicado.
00:43:06.600 - 00:43:09.640

yanqa sityunpa eskohishpa

yanqa sityu-n-pa eskohi-shpa
in.vain site-3-LOC choose-SUBIS
Choosing their site in vain
Escogiendo su sitio en vano
00:43:10.120 - 00:43:14.040

Kada runa kada alma como puwede ña pampakun

kadu runa kada alma como puwede ña pampa-ku-n
each person each soul as can DISC bury-REFL-3
Each person buries their dead however they like.
Cada persona entierra a su alma como le parezca bien.
00:43:14.040 - 00:43:18.490

Floridapam ichaqa pwertata tiyaykushtin pasayan tunukama

Florida-pa-m-ø icha-qa pwerta-ta tiya-yku-shtin pasa-ya-n tunu-kama
Florida-LOC-EVD-ø or-TOP door_ACC sit-EXCEP-SUBADV pass-PROG-3 corner-RSTR
In Florida, if you enter through the door you pass by lots of corners.
En Florida sí entras por la puerta pasas por muchos rincones.
00:43:18.550 - 00:43:23.670

Chaypaq wakchapaq dividiyan uraymanqa hanayman

Chay-paq wak-cha-paq dividi-ya-n uray-man-qa hanay-man
From there, a bit farther, it divides going up and down.
De allí, más allá, se divide -- para arriba y para abajo.
00:43:23.830 - 00:43:27.590

Ispisiyal kayan pasadisu

Ispisiyal ka-ya-n pasadisu
special be-PROG-3 passageway
The passageway is unique.
El pasadiso es especial.
00:43:27.590 - 00:43:31.070

Chaypaq manañam
Chay-paq mana-ña-m-ø
There isn't any there.
Allí no hay ya.
00:43:27.590 - 00:43:31.070

Chay uraylaw qipichan mamaypa kaq kinray riyan.

Chay uray-law qipi-cha-n mama-y-pa ka-q kinray ri-ya-n
DEM.D down-side behind-DIM-3 mother-1-GEN be-AG out go-PROG-3
It goes from there, a little lower down, behind my mother's place.
Va de allí abajito por atrás de [la casa de] mi mamá.
00:43:31.070 - 00:43:34.380

Hanaylaw taku takuñam kayan

Hanay-law taku taku-ña-m-ø ka-ya-n
up-side tangle tangle-DISC-EVD-ø be-PROG-3
Up there it's all tangled up already.
En el lado de arriba ya está todo entreverrado.
00:43:34.380 - 00:43:36.460

Chaypaq uraylaw hanay singa uray singa.

Chay-paq uray-law hanay sinqa uray sinqa
DEM.D-LOC down-side up nose down nose
Down there, they're face-up, face-down
Allí abajo boca arriba, boca abajo.
00:43:36.540 - 00:43:40.670

Pasay kanñachu tiyanapaqpis

Pasa-y ka-n-ña-chu tiya-na-paq-pis
There isn't even a place to sit.
No hay paso para sentar siquiera.
00:43:40.670 - 00:43:44.180

Floridapa ischaq chayhina chayna ruwarurqa

Florida-pa ichaq chay-hina chay-na ruwa-ru-rqa-ø
Florida-LOC ichaq DEM.D-COMP DEM.D-VRBZ make-URGT-PST-3
In Florida, yes, they say, they made it like that.
Lo hicieron, sí, dicen, así en Florida.
00:43:49.870 - 00:43:54.250

Cada uno ya
Each one already
Cada uno ya
00:43:54.490 - 00:43:56.610

Chaypa nichunta ruwakunqa

Chay-pa nichu-n-ta ruwa-ku-nqa
DEM.D-LOC berth-3-ACC make-REFL-3.FUT
will make his berth there.
va a hacer su nichu allí
00:43:56.620 - 00:43:58.290

Chaypaq nasañatr kayan riqsichisa. Kaypa tal fulanupaqmi nishpa.

Chay-paq na-sa-ña-tr-ø ka-ya-n riqsi-chi-sa-ø kay-pa tal fulanu-paq-mi-ø ni-shpa
They would have made it known there, for sure, saying this is for some Joe.
Se habrá hecho conocer allí, seguro. esto es para tal fulano diciendo.
00:43:58.290 - 00:44:04.850

Chayqa chay krus viyeho krusta quturusa chaypa

Chay-qa chay krus viyeho krus-ta qutu-ru-sa-ø chay-pa
DEM.D-TOP DEM.D cross old cross-ACC gather-URGT-PRF-3 DEM.D-LOC
That, those crosses -- they gathered up the old crosses there.
Éso, esas cruces -- juntaron las cruces viejas allí
00:44:07.580 - 00:44:12.800

Kambiyaruntri imaynayá?
Kambiya-ru-n-tri-ø imayna-yá
change-URGT-3-EVC-ø how-EMPH
Would they have changed? How would it be?
¿Habrán cambiado? ¿Cómo será, pues?
00:44:15.970 - 00:44:18.200

Lliw lliw natatrik qutururqa.

Lliw lliw na-ta-tri-k qutu-ru-rqa-ø
all all DMY-ACC-EVC-K gather-URGT-PST-3
They must have gathered all of those things up.
A-RSTRs toditos, pues, habrán juntado
00:44:18.250 - 00:44:20.490

Viyehokunata viyehotatr qutururqa.

Viyeho-kuna-ta viyeho-ta-tr-ø qutu-ru-rqa-ø
old-PL-ACC old-ACC-EVC-ø gather-URGT-PST-3
The old ones, they must have gathered up the old ones.
Las viejas, habrán juntado las viejas.
00:44:20.510 - 00:44:23.020

Mushuqtatr trurarqa.
Mushuq-ta-tr-ø trura-rqa-ø
new-ACC-EVC-ø put-PST-3
They must have put new ones.
Habrán puesto nuevas.
00:44:23.020 - 00:44:25.350

Ah, Doña Delia.

Ah, Doña Delia.
Ah, Doña Delia.
Ah, Doña Delia.
Ah, Doña Delia.
00:44:25.350 - 00:44:28.700

Chay Ignacio Riverapis chaypa kayan.

Chay Ignacio Rivera-pis chay-pa ka-ya-n
DEM.D Ignacio Rivera-ADD DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3
Ignacio Rivera is there.
Iganacio Rivera está allí.
00:44:25.350 - 00:44:28.700

Wakchaskachampa apachanpaq pitaq kayan?

wak-cha-ska-cha-n-pa pi-taq ka-ya-n
A little bit further away from her, who is that?
Más allácito de ella, ¿quién está?
00:44:29.080 - 00:44:32.260

Finado Neli creo que está allí.

It's the late Neli, I believe, who's there.
Finado Neli está allí, creo.
00:44:32.280 - 00:44:34.360

Chay Nelipam sumaqya lapidachan aw?

Chay Neli-pa-m-ø sumaq-ya lapida-cha-n aw
DEM.D Neli-GEN-EVD-ø pretty-EMPH grave.stone-DIM-3 yes
Neli's grave stone is pretty, no?
La lápida de Neli es bonita, ¿no?
00:44:34.660 - 00:44:36.780

Ah, Chaytrik kayan. Sumaqllam kasa lapidan.

Ah, Chay-tri-k ka-ya-n Sumaq-lla-m-ø ka-sa-ø lapida-n
Ah, DEM.D-EVC-K be-PROG-3 pretty-RSTR-EVD-ø be-PRF-3 grave-stone-3
Ah, itmust be. Her grave stone was pretty.
As, eso será. Su lápida era bonita.
00:44:36.780 - 00:44:40.220

Ah, chayqa runa wañukuptinmi, aw, Hilda?

Ah, chay-qa runa wañu-ku-pti-n-mi-ø aw Hilda
Ah, DEM.D-TOP person die-REFL-SUBDS-3-EVD-ø yes Hilda
Ah, that's what they do when someone dies, no, Hilda?
Éso se hace cuando muere gente, ¿no, Hilda?
00:44:49.420 - 00:44:53.980

Runa wañuptinmi, chayqa pichqay

Runa wañu-pti-n-mi-ø chay-qa pichqa-y
person die-SUBDS-3-EVD-ø DEM.D-TOP five-INF
When people die, there's the 'pichqay'
Cuando muere la gente, hay esa "pichqay".
00:44:55.510 - 00:44:59.280

Rupanta uchu diyasninta pichqanchik.

Rupa-n-ta uchu diyas-ni-n-ta pichqa-nchik
clothes-3-ACC eight days-EUPH-3-ACC five-1.PL
After eight days, we burn their clothes.
Después de ocho días, su ropa se quema.
00:44:59.280 - 00:45:03.300

Kañan llapa chay viyehonkunata llapa chay truranantaq.

Kaña-n llapa chay viyeho-n-kuna-ta llapa chay trura-na-n-taq
burn-3 all DEM.D old-3-PL-ACC all DEM.D save-NMLZ-3-PURP
They burn all their old clothes; all these [others] so they can save them
Queman todos sus hilos viejos; todos esos [otros] para que se los guarde.
00:45:03.830 - 00:45:07.020

Chay kañasam fuwegullapi.

Chay kaña-sa-ø-m-ø fuwegu-lla-pi.
DEM.D burn-PRF-3-EVD-ø fire-RSTR-LOC
What is burned in the fire
De lo que quema en ese fuego.
00:45:07.020 - 00:45:08.890

Huk, ishkay, kimsa, tawa pichqa. NIshpa kayna.

Huk, ishkay, kimsa, tawa pichqa. Ni-shpa kayna
one two three four five say-SUBIS DEM.P-VRBZ
One, two, three, four, five, saying it like that
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, diciendo así,
00:45:08.890 - 00:45:12.890

Chuqayan huk sityuman trurananpaq mana valiqtaq kañayan.

Chuqa-ya-n huk sityu-man trura-na-n-paq mana vali-q-taq kaña-ya-n
save-PROG-3 one site-ALL save-NMLZ-3-PURP no be.worth-AG-ACC burn-PROG-3
They set it aside to save it, and what's no good they burn.
Lo echan para un lado para guardarlo, y queman lo que no sirve.
00:45:13.310 - 00:45:16.970

Chay trurananpaqmi, chay pichqayan.

Chay trura-na-n-paq-mi-ø chay pichqa-ya-n
DEM.D save-NMLZ-3-PURP-EVD-ø DEM.D five-PROG-3
To save these, they burn those.
Para guardar-RSTR, eso están quemando.
00:45:17.230 - 00:45:19.440

Chay mana valiqtaña

Chay mana vali-q-ta-ña
DEM.D no be.worth-AG-ACC-DISC
That which isn't good anymore.
Éso que no sirve ya
00:45:32.150 - 00:45:34.080

kimayan. Imapaqñam chay valin? trurarananpaq.

kima-ya-n Ima-paq-ña-m-ø chay vali-n trura-ra-na-n-paq
burn-PROG-3 what-PURP-DISC-EVD-ø DEM.D be.worth-3 save-UNINT-NMLZ-3-PURP
They burn it. "What's this good for still that it should be saved?"
Lo queman. "Para qué ya sirve para que se guarde?"
00:45:34.090 - 00:45:36.670

Mana pichqasaqa, wayrakun, chuqayakun,

Mana pichqa-sa-ø-qa wayra-ku-n chuqalla-ku-n
no five-PRF-3-TOP wind-REFL-3 crash-REFL-3
What doesn't get pichqayed, can make you sick.
Lo que no está pichqado, da aire, da chuqalla.
00:45:36.680 - 00:45:41.770

It makes you sick.
Da aire.
00:45:36.680 - 00:45:41.770

Almakuna chuqallashunki. Chay chuqallawan, wañukunkimanmi.

Alma-kuna chuqalla-shunki Chay chuqalla-wan wañu-ku-nki-man-mi-
soul-PL crash-3>2 DEM.D crash-INSTR die-REFL-2-COND-EVD-ø
The souls can make you sick. With that sickness, you could die.
Las almas te dan chuqalla. Te puedes morir con ese chuqalla.
00:45:43.710 - 00:45:47.880

Uma nanaywan, wiksa nanaywan

Uma nana-y-wan wiksa nana-y-wan
head hurt-INF-INSTR stomach hurt-INF-INSTR
With a head ache, with a stomach ache.
Con dolor de cabeza, con dolor de estómago.
00:45:47.920 - 00:45:51.020

Chayllam chay pichqayqa

Chay-lla-m-ø chay pichqa-y-qa
That's it, the pichqay.
Éso no más es ese pichqay.
00:45:56.470 - 00:45:58.260

Runa wañukuptin chay kusasnin chay rupankunatam pichqayan

Runa wañu-ku-pti-n chay kusas-ni-n chay rupa-n-kuna-ta-m-ø pichqa-ya-n
person die-REFL-SUBDS-3 DEM.D things-EUPH-3 DEM.D clothes-3-PL-ACC-EVD-ø five-PROG-3
When people die, theeir things and their clothes are burned.
Cuando muere la gente, queman todas sus cosas, toda su ropa.
00:45:58.600 - 00:46:02.710

Kanan wataqa wañukunmi

Kanan wata-qa wañu-ku-n-mi-ø
now year-TOP die-REFL-3-EVD-ø
They died this year.
Murieron este año.
00:46:09.970 - 00:46:12.310

Kay Viñacpaq Doña Rosinda, Doña Macedonia.

Kay Viñac-paq Doña Rosinda, Doña Macedonia.
DEM.D Viñac-LOC Doña Rosinda, Doña Macedonia.
Here in Viñac Doña Rosalinda, Doña Macedonia.
Acá en Viñac, Doña Rosinda, Doña Macedonia.
00:46:12.710 - 00:46:17.050

Don Daniel Auris.

Don Daniel Auris.
Don Daniel Auris.
Don Daniel Auris.
Don Daniel Auris.
00:46:17.410 - 00:46:19.950

Kay tíyu VIcente Guerra

Kay tíyu VIcente Guerra
DEM.P uncle VIcente Guerra
Uncle Vicente Guerra.
Este tío Vicente Guerra.
00:46:20.980 - 00:46:23.530

Prontuchaqa wañukun.
Prontu-cha-qa wañu-ku-n
soon-DIM-TOP die-REFL-3
He died a little while ago.
Se murió hace muy poco.
00:46:24.390 - 00:46:28.580

Alejandro Guerra pampakurun Piruhauyucpi.

Alejandro Guerra pampa-ku-ru-n Piruhauyuc-pi
Alejandro Guerra bury-REFL-URGT-3 Piruhauyuc-LOC
They buried Alejandro Guerra in Piruhuayuc.
Enterraron a Alejandro Guerra en Piruhuayuc.
00:46:28.670 - 00:46:32.660

Alejandro Guerraya.
Alejandro Guerra-ya.
Alejandro Guerra-EMPH
Alejandro Guerra
Alejandro Guerra.
00:46:28.670 - 00:46:32.660

Kaypaqpis kayan, variyustaq dispachakurun piru

Kay-paq-pis ka-ya-n variyus-taq dispacha-ku-ru-n piru
DEM.P-LOC-ADD be-PROG-3 many-ACC but
There are here, too, they sent off several, but
Acá también hay, despacharon a varios pero
00:46:34.660 - 00:46:38.090

Kimsa qari variyustaqtriki Limapa pampakurun.

Kimsa qari variyus-taq-tri-ki Lima-pa pampa-ku-ru-n
three man many-ACC-EVC-KI Lima-LOC bury-REFL-URGT-3
They must have buried three men and others, too, in LIma.
Habrán enterrado a tres hombres y a varios también en Lima.
00:46:38.830 - 00:46:42.280

Kaypaq dispachakuyan hinallam.

Kay-paq dispacha-ku-ya-n hina-lla-m-ø
Here, they're sending them off just like that.
Acá están despachando así no más.
00:46:42.350 - 00:46:44.570

Ishkay warmi, qari chay ishkay.

Ishkay warmi, qari chay ishkay.
two women men DEM.D two
Two women, men, those two.
Dos mujeres, hombres,-RSTRs dos.
00:46:45.200 - 00:46:48.700

Chayllam kaypaq wañukun pamparayan kay

Chay-lla-m-ø kay-paq wañu-ku-n pampa-raya-n kay
Only those died here and are buried
Ésos no más murieron acá y están enterrados
00:46:48.980 - 00:46:51.950

simitiriyupaq. Chay hukkunaqa Limapa wañukuptinmi.

simitiriyu-paq chay huk-kuna-qa Lima-pa wañu-ku-pti-n-mi-ø
cemetery-LOC DEM.D one-PL-TOP Lima-LOC die-REFL-SUBDS-3-EVD-ø
in the cemetery. When the others died in Lima,
en el cementerio. Cuando los otros murieron en Lima
00:46:52.050 - 00:46:55.760

kaypi dispachakuyan wambra kashpa

kay-pi dispacha-ku-ya-n wambra ka-shpa
DEM.P-LOC child be-SUBIS
Here they send off [those who] when they were children
Acá se despachan, [a los que] siendo niños
00:46:55.820 - 00:46:58.190

kaypa istidiyarqa, wiñarqa, hinaptinshi

kay-pa istidiya-rqa-ø wiña-rqa-ø hinaptin-shi
DEM.P-LOC study-PST-3 grow-PST-3 then-EVR-ø
studied and grew up here, then
estudiaron y crecieron aquí y, luego,
00:46:58.320 - 00:47:01.750

Kustumbri kaypa wak Virgilia riki

Kustumbri kay-pa wak Virgilia r-iki
custom DEM.P-GEN DEM.D Virgilia R-IKI
It's a custom here, that Virgilia
Es una custumbre de acá esa Virgilia, pues
00:47:01.930 - 00:47:04.260
Primutr tiyum chayta dispachakuyan.
Primu-tr-ø tiyu-n chay-ta dispacha-ku-ya-n
cousin-EVC-ø uncle-3 DEM.D-ACC
must be sending off the soul of her uncle's cousin.
Estará dispachando a su primo.
00:47:04.260 - 00:47:06.600

Limapa, ah, chaytaq kañarushpash aparamushaq kayman aw

Limapa, ah, chaytaq kañarushpash aparamushaq kayman aw
Limapa, ah, chaytaq kañarushpash aparamushaq kayman aw
Ah, ése quemando, dice, lo ha traído para aca, ¿no?
00:47:06.600 - 00:47:09.820

Ah, Doctor Edgar

Ah, Doctor Edgar
Ah, Doctor Edgar
Ah, Doctor Edgar
Ah, Doctor Edgar.
00:47:09.820 - 00:47:14.540

Ah, finado Edgar, Doctor Edgar.

Ah, the late Edgar, Doctor Edgar.
Ah, finado Edgar, Doctor Edgar.
00:47:09.820 - 00:47:14.540

Irniyanshi paypapis. patryarun

Irniya-n-shi-ø pay-pa-pis patrya-ru-n
hernia-3-EVR-ø 3-GEN-ADD burst-URGT-3
His hernia burst, they say.
Su hernia se reventó, dicen.
00:47:23.170 - 00:47:25.880

Irniya imaynatriki
Irniya imayna-tri-ki
hernia how-EVC-KI
How would it be, a hernia.
Hernia, cómo será, pues?
00:47:28.310 - 00:47:29.780

Irniya imaynaya chay hatun hatuntaqshi wiñarura.

Irniya imayna-ya chay hatun hatun-taq-shi-ø wiña-ru-ra-ø
hernia how-EMPH DEM.D big big-ACC-EVR-ø grow-URGT-PST-3
How would it be with that hernia? It had grown really big, they say.
¿Cómo será esa hernia, pues? Había crecido grande, dicen.
00:47:35.780 - 00:47:38.610

Chayshi wañukuptin bañakunanpaqpis watakusash kasa.

Chay-shi wañu-ku-pti-n baña-ku-na-n-paq-pis wata-ku-sa-ø-sh-ø ka-sa-ø
So, they say, when he died he was tied up so that he could bathe.
En eso dice, cuando se murió estaba amarrado para que se bañe.
00:47:39.470 - 00:47:43.860
Chayna watakusash pubri tiyullayta pamparun
Chay-na wata-ku-sa-ø-sh-ø pubri tiyu-lla-y-ta pampa-ru-n
DEM.D-VRBZ tie-REFL-PRF-3-EVR poor uncle-RSTR-1-ACC bury-URGT-3
Tied up like that, they say, they buried my poor uncle.
Así amarrado, dicen, enterraron a mi pobre tío.
00:47:43.860 - 00:47:47.020

¿Presuchu? ¿Imapaq tiyuy karqa chayna?

Presu-chu ima-taq tiyu-y ka-rqa-ø chay-na
imprisoned-Q what-SEQ uncle-1 be-PST-3 DEM.D-VRBZ
Was my uncle imprisoned? Why was he like that?
¿Era encarcelado? ¿Por qué estaba así mi tío?
00:47:47.560 - 00:47:50.450

Shiminkuna watakusa
Shimi-n-kuna wata-ku-sa-ø
mouth-3-PL tie-REFL-PRF-3
his mouth all tied up?
su boca amarrada?
00:47:50.730 - 00:47:52.410

trakinkuna imaynatr almanpis riki

traki-n-kuna imayna-tr-ø alma-n-pis r-iki
foot-3-PL how-EVC-ø soul-3-ADD R-IKI
His feet. How must his soul have been, too?
sus pies. ¿Cómo habrá sido su alma, también?
00:47:52.450 - 00:47:57.410

piyur kusa chay vela sindikusanchik.

piyur kusa chay vela sindi-ku-sa-nchik
worse thing DEM.D candle light-REFL-PRF-1.PL
And worse. The candles we lit ...
Peor cosa. Las velas que prendimos ...
00:47:57.570 - 00:48:02.100

Qawaranki, ¿aw?
Qawa-ra-nki, aw
see-PST-2 yes
You saw it, no?
Lo viste, ¿no?
00:48:05.170 - 00:48:07.190

Wañunchik gusanu mikuwananchik uqu. Chaymi chay rabyaq kayan

Wañu-nchik gusanu miku-wa-na-nchik uqu chay-mi-ø chay rabya-q ka-ya-n
die-1.PL worm eat-1.OBJ-NMLZ-1.PL worm DEM.D-EVD-ø DEM.D anger-AG be-PROG-2
We die so that worms can eat us. That's maddening.
Morimos para que nos comen los gusanos. eso es para dar cólera.
00:48:09.790 - 00:48:13.310

Maypitaq ñuqaqa kayani? Ah, Madre kaqpa misata ruwayan.

May-pi-taq ñuqa-qa ka-ya-ni Ah, Madre ka-q-pa misa-ta ruwa-ya-n
where-LOC-SEQ 1-TOP be-PROG-1 Ah, nun be-AG-LOC mass-ACC make-PROG-3
Where am I? Ah, where the nun is holding mass.
¿Dónde estoy yo? Ah, donde la madre está haciendo misa.
00:48:13.470 - 00:48:17.310

Chay madriqa ruwayan llapa

Chay madri-qa ruwa-ya-n llapa
DEM.D nun-TOP make-PROG-3 all
That nun is doing everything.
Esa madre está haciendo todo
00:48:17.500 - 00:48:22.220

Ah, lliw lliwtam anutarachiwanchik

Ah, lliw lliw-ta-m--ø anuta-ra-chi-wanchik
Ah, all all-ACC-EVD--ø note-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-1PL
She had all of us write it down.
A todos nos ha hecho anotar.
00:48:22.500 - 00:48:27.110

Difuntupaqmi misapa.
Difuntu-paq-mi--ø misa-pa
deceased-BEN-EVD-ø mass-GEN
The mass for the dead.
La misa para los difuntos.
00:48:22.500 - 00:48:27.110

Achka achkapa sutintam wak rimaykushpa

Achka achka-pa suti-n-ta-m wak rima-yku-shpa
a.lot a.lot-GEN name-3-ACC DEM.D talk-EXCEP-SUBIS
Saying the names of lots and lots of people.
Diciendo los nombres de muchos
00:48:27.770 - 00:48:30.700

Misata ruwayan mana chay

Misa-ta ruwa-ya-n mana chay
mass-ACC make-PROG-3 no DEM.D
She's holding mass, that doesn't
Está haciendo misa, eso no
00:48:30.700 - 00:48:33.890

She's holding mass.
Está haciendo misa.
00:48:30.700 - 00:48:33.890

Runas asistinchu.
Runa-s asisti-n-chu
Runa-ADD attend-3-NEG
People don't attend.
La gente no asiste.
00:48:33.960 - 00:48:37.490

Kasunchu misata.
Kasu-n-chu misa-ta
pay.attention-3-NEG mass-ACC
They don't pay attention to mass.
No hacen caso a la misa.
00:48:33.960 - 00:48:37.490

Manatrik con todo korasonnchu llakikun almankunapaq.

Mana-tri-k con todo korason-chu llaki-ku-n alma-n-kuna-paq
no-EVC-K with all heart-NEG regret-REFL-3 soul-3-PL-BEN
They must not be truly sad about their souls.
No tendrán pena de corazón para sus almas.
00:48:37.490 - 00:48:41.070

Chayqa mana campiónta tumarushpaqa wañun

Chay-qa mana Campión-ta tuma-ru-shpa-qa wañu-n
DEM.D-TOP no Campion-ACC take-URGT-SUBIS-TOP die-3
When they doesn't take Campion, they die.
Cuando no toman Campión, se mueren
00:49:04.880 - 00:49:10.200

Hinashpaqa manayá
Hinashpa-qa mana-yá
Then-top no-EMPH
Then not.
Después, no pues
00:49:10.200 - 00:49:13.110

Awstopsiya, no? Ruwananpaq apanchu?

Awstopsiya, no? Ruwa-na-n-paq apa-n-chu
autopsy no make-NMLZ-3-PURP bring-3-NEG
Autopsy, no? Did they take him to do it?
Autopsia, ¿no? No lo llevaron para hacerlo?
00:49:15.090 - 00:49:18.460

Ah, apanchu hinaptin chay

Ah, apa-n-chu hinaptin chay
Ah, bring-3-NEG then DEM.D
Ah, they didn't bring him, so
Ah, no llevan y por-RSTR
00:49:18.480 - 00:49:20.260

Algunus familyakunanqa manam kriyinchu

Algunus familya-n-kuna-qa mana-m-ø kriyi-n-chu
some family-3-PL-TOP no-EVD-ø believe-3-NEG
Some people's families don't believe.
Los familiares de algunos no creen.
00:49:20.260 - 00:49:24.370

Wak qarin ima tumaruptinqa warminta prisu mandananpaq ayves

Wak qari-n ima tuma-ru-pti-n-qa warmi-n-ta prisu manda-na-n-paq ayves
DEM.D man-3 what take-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP woman-3-ACC imprisoned send-NMLZ-3-PURP sometimes
When her husband took something, to send his wife to jail sometimes
Cuando su esposo tomó algo, para mandar a su esposa al cárcel a veces.
00:49:25.310 - 00:49:30.220

Pushamun huwiskunatam hinashpa

Pusha-mu-n huwis-kuna-ta-m hinashpa
take-CISL-3 judges-PL-ACC then
They bring judges then
Llevan a los jueces, luego
00:49:30.610 - 00:49:33.460

Chay pamparayaqta surqun hinashpash qawan.

Chay pampa-raya-q-ta surqu-n hinashpa-sh qawa-n
DEM.D bury-PASS-AG-ACC take.out-3 then-EVR see-3
So they take out the buried person and then look.
Por eso sacan a la persona enterrada y luego lo miran.
00:49:33.510 - 00:49:37.660

Siyertuchu manachu familyanya reklamashpa chayta qawachin.

Siyertu-chu mana-chu familya-n-ya reklama-shpa chay-ta qawa-chi-n
true-Q no-Q family-3-EMPH accuse-SUBIS DEM.D-ACC see-CAUS-3
If it's true or not, the family makes accusations and has it looked into.
Sí o no, su familia reclama y hace ver-RSTR.
00:49:38.020 - 00:49:41.400

Chaynatr chay Sanbata ruwarqa.

Chay-na-tr-ø chay Sanba-ta ruwa-rqa-ø
That's what they would have done to Sanba.
Así habrán hecho a la Señora Sanba.
00:49:41.400 - 00:49:42.820

In Madeán.
En Madeán
00:49:43.290 - 00:49:46.430

Chaynaya ruwarqa finado Don Arnoldupaq

Chay-na-ya ruwa-rqa-ø finado Don Arnoldu-paq
DEM.D-VRBZ-EMPH make-PST-3 deceased Don Arnoldu-BEN
That's how they did it for the late Don Arnoldo.
Así lo hicieron para el finado Arnoldo.
00:49:43.290 - 00:49:46.430

Madeán familyan infisiyaytam munarqa kay Sambata

Madeán familya-n infisiya-y-ta-m-ø muna-rqa-ø kay Samba-ta
Madeán family-3 have.tried-INF-ACC-EVD-ø want-PST-3 DEM.P Samba-ACC
Her Madeán family wanted to have her tried.
Sus familiares de Madeán querían enficiar a Samba.
00:49:46.430 - 00:49:49.500

Imaynatr salvarqa piru maldito qariqa kikintrik tumarqa?

Imayna-tr-ø salva-rqa-ø piru maldito qari-qa kikin-tri-k tumarqa-ø
how-EVC-ø save-PST-3 but damned man-TOP self-EVC-K take-PST-TOP
How would she have defended herself? The damned man would have taken it himself.
¿Cómo se habrá defendido? Pero el maldito hombre sólo se habrá tomado.
00:49:49.580 - 00:49:53.930

Korpusmi kara, aw?

Korpusmi ka-ra-ø aw
Korpusmi be-PST-3 yes
It was during Corpus, no?
Fue durante Corpus, ¿no?
00:49:53.930 - 00:49:55.370

00:49:55.590 - 00:49:58.230

Ah, Corpusmi, aw.

Ah, Corpus-mi-ø aw.
Ah, Corpus-EVD-ø yes
Yes, on Corpus, yes.
Sí, Corpus, sí.
00:49:55.590 - 00:49:58.230

Dansarqam ninmiki
Dansa-rqa-ø-m-ø ni-n-mi-ki
danse-PST-3-EVD-ø say-3-EVD-KI
They said he danced
Dijeron que bailó.
00:49:58.230 - 00:50:00.280

Korpus dispachupa hinamiki

Korpus dispachu-pa hina-mi-ki
Korpus like-EVD-KI
It seems like it was during the Corpus send-off.
Parece que era en el despacho de Corpus.
00:50:01.590 - 00:50:03.980

Hinaptin familya infisiayta qawaykukun.

Hinaptin familya infisiya-y-ta qawa-yku-ku-n
then family have.tried-INF-ACC see-EXCEP-REFL-3
Then her family started to have her tried. VV
Después sus familiares empezaron a enficiarlo.
00:50:04.220 - 00:50:07.880

Piru hunyuchu hinam karqa

Piru hunyu-chu hina-m-ø ka-rqa-ø
but june-Q like-EVD-ø be-PST-3
But I believe it was in June.
Pero en Junio creo era.
00:50:08.010 - 00:50:11.880

Runa wañukuypam karqa

Runa wañu-ku-y-pa-m-ø ka-rqa-ø
person die-REFL-INF-LOC-EVD-ø be-PST-3
When people died, it was
Cuando se murió gente era.
00:50:08.010 - 00:50:11.880

Chay familyankunañam chay klaru kaypi yatran

Chay familya-n-kuna-ña-m-ø chay klaru kay-pi yatra-n
DEM.D family-3-PL-DISC-EVD-ø DEM.D clear DEM.P-LOC know-3
Her family now knows that clearly here.
Su familia ya lo sabe claramente acá.
00:50:14.280 - 00:50:17.990

No sé pichu wañukurqa peru chaypam

No sé pi-chu wañu-ku-rqa-ø peru chay-pa-m-ø
No sé who-Q die-REFL-PST-3 but DEM.D-LOC
I don't know who died, but there
No sé quien habrá muerto en allí pero
00:50:17.990 - 00:50:20.660

Kaynatriki Idupa wañuq Fidel subrinun.

Kay-na-tri-ki Idu-pa wañu-q Fidel subrinu-n
DEM.P-VRBZ Idu-GEN die-AG Fidel nephew-3
Like that, for sure, Ido's late nephew Fidel.
Así, seguro, el finado sobrino de Ido, Fidel.
00:50:20.990 - 00:50:25.240

Istudiyaqpi karqa
Istudiya-q-pi ka-rqa-ø
study-AG-LOC be-PST-ø
He was a student
Era estudiante
00:50:25.240 - 00:50:28.080

Sí, sí sí, es cierto.

Yes, yes, yes -- that's right.
Sí, sí sí, es cierto.
00:50:28.080 - 00:50:30.220

Imataq chay hovin yatrayaq karqa

Ima-taq chay hovin yatra-ya-q ka-rqa-ø
what-SEQ DEM.D know-PROG-AG be-PST-3
What was that young man studying?
Ese joven, ¿qué estaba estudiando?
00:50:31.170 - 00:50:34.410

Andrés. Chay hovincham wañukurqa

Andrés. Chay hovin-cha-m-ø wañu-ku-rqa-ø
Andrés. DEM.Dø die-REFL-PST-3
Andrés. That young man died.
Andrés. Ése joven se murió
00:50:35.150 - 00:50:40.940

TBCwan. Tenía TBC.

TBC-wan. Tenía TBC.
With TB. He had TB.
Con TVC. Tenía TVC.
00:50:40.950 - 00:50:48.640

Limapamiki wañukun. Hospitalpa.

Lima-pa-mi-ki wañu-ku-n Hospital-pa
Lima-LOC-EVD-KI die-REFL-3 Hospital-LOC
He died in Lima. In the hospital.
Murió en Lima. En el hospital.
00:50:48.640 - 00:50:52.250

Hinashpa kayman aparamun pampananpaq.

Hinashpa kay-man apa-ra-mu-n pampa-na-n-paq
then DEM.D-ALL bring-URGT-CISL-3 bury-NMLZ-3-PURP
Then they brought him here to bury him.
Después lo trajeron acá para que se entierre.
00:50:52.300 - 00:50:55.090

Finado Fidel.
Finado Fidel.
deceased Fidel.
The late Fidel.
El finado Fidel.
00:50:55.150 - 00:50:56.610

Manam Huariwanchu apamurqa.

Mana-m-ø Huari-wan-chu apa-mu-rqa-ø
no-EVD-ø Huari-INSTR-NEG bring-CISL-PST-3
They don't bring them with Huari [on the bus]
No trajo con Huari.
00:51:05.710 - 00:51:08.310

Wakkunaqa wañusataq
Wak-kuna-qa wañu-sa-ø-taq
They don't bring dead people.
Ellos no traen a muertos
00:51:08.350 - 00:51:11.290

With a truck
Con carrera.
00:51:08.350 - 00:51:11.290

manam apamunchu.
mana-m-ø apa-mu-n-chu
no-EVD-ø bring-CISL-3-NEG
00:51:11.290 - 00:51:12.440

Aykapaqchu wak apamun? I manam munanchu.

Ayka-paq-chu wak apa-mu-n i mana-m-ø muna-n-chu.
how.much DEM.D bring-CISL-3 and no-EVD-ø want-3-NEG
For how much would they bring them? They don't want to.
¿Por cuánto ése traerá? Y no quieren.
00:51:16.000 - 00:51:19.130

Karruymi salakun nishpa. Manash munanchu.

Karru-y-mi-ø sala-ku-n ni-shpa Mana-sh-ø muna-n-chu
car-1-EVD-ø dirty-REFL-3 say-SUBIS no-EVR-ø want-3-NEG
"My car will get polluted," they say and they don't want to.
"Traes saladerías a mi carro", dicen y no quiere.
00:51:19.200 - 00:51:21.630

Ispesiyal kontratashpa apamun almakunata.

Ispesiyal kontrata-shpa apa-mu-n alma-kuna-ta
special contract-SUBIS bring-CISL-3 soul-PL-ACC
Hiring a private car, they bring their dead relatives.
Especial contratando, traen a los muertitos.
00:51:21.630 - 00:51:25.120

Apamunchu wañusakunata.
Apamunchu wañusakunata.
Apamunchu wañusakunata.
They don't bring corpses.
No trae a muertos.
00:51:21.630 - 00:51:25.120

From below.
De abajo.
00:51:25.130 - 00:51:28.710

Chay surquchinqa
Chay surqu-chi-nqa
DEM.D take.out-CAUS-3.FUT
They'll have them taken out there.
Los harán sacar allí.
00:51:28.740 - 00:51:33.180

Familayankuna manam kriyinchu hinashpañam

Familaya-n-kuna mana-m-ø kriyi-n-chu hinashpa-ña-m-ø
family-3-PL no-EVD-ø believe-3-NEG then-DISC-EVD-ø
Their families don't believe it, so
Sus familiares no creen y por eso
00:51:33.250 - 00:51:36.350

Kaypa awtoridadpis konstatarunmiki
Kay-pa awtoridad-pis konstata-ru-n-mi-ki
DEM.P-LOC awtoridadpis declare-URGT-3-EVD-KI
Here, the authorities too have declared
Acá las autoridades también han constatado.
00:51:37.810 - 00:51:40.300

Hinaptinqa familyantrik surquchirqa.

Hinaptin-qa familya-n-tri-k surqu-chi-rqa-ø
then-TOP family-3-EVC_K take.out-CAUS-PST-3
Then her family must have had her taken out.
Y después sus familiares la habrán hecho sacar.
00:51:40.330 - 00:51:42.980

Ah, kaypaqa, este ...

Ah, kay-pa-qa este ...
Ah, DEM.P-LOC-TOP este ...
Ah, here, ummmm
Ah, acá, este ...
00:51:43.040 - 00:51:45.970

familyanqa qawarun imayna wañukusam postapa ya

familya-n-qa qawa-ru-n imayna wañu-ku-sa-ø-m-ø posta-pa ya
family-3-TOP see-URGT-3 how die-REFL-PRF-3-EVD-ø clinic-LOC EMPH
Her family saw how she had died in the clinic.
Sus familiares vieron cómo había muerto en el puesto de salud pues.
00:51:48.430 - 00:51:54.250

Postamanmik apamun
Posta-man-mi-k apa-mu-n
clinic-ALL-EVD-K bring-CISL-3
They brought her to the health clinic.
La llevaron al puesto de salud
00:51:54.250 - 00:51:59.370

Ishkay campiontash tumarusa.

Ishkay campion-ta-sh-ø tuma-ru-sa-ø
two campion-ACC-EVR-ø take-URGT-PRF-3
He had taken two Campions [packets of rat poison], they say.
Tomó dos paquetes de Campión [veneno], dicen.
00:51:54.250 - 00:51:59.370

HInashpash gaseyosapa.
HInashpa-sh gaseyosa-pa
then-EVR soda.pop-LOC
Then in soda pop, they say.
Después en gaseosa.
00:51:59.380 - 00:52:01.420

Mesapa diharusa sobrinkunata.

Mesa-pa diha-ru-sa-ø sobri-n-kuna-ta
table-LOC leave-URGT-PRF-3 envelope-3-PL-ACC
They left the envelopes on the table.
Dejaron los sobres en la mesa.
00:52:01.890 - 00:52:04.190

Gaseyosa butellantapis mesapa diharusa.

Gaseyosa butella-n-ta-pis mesa-pa diha-ru-sa-ø
soda.pop bottle-3-ACC-ADD table-LOC leave-URGT-PRF-3
They also left the soda pop bottles on the table
También dejaron las botellas de la gaseosa en la mesa.
00:52:04.210 - 00:52:06.510

Vasutapis mesapash diharusa.

Vasu-ta-pis mesa-pa-sh-ø diha-ru-sa-ø
glass-ACC-ADD table-LOC-EVR-ø leave-URGT-PRF-3
They also left the glass on the table.
Dejaron el vaso también en la mesa.
00:52:06.550 - 00:52:09.220

Hinashpash nin wambrachantash

Hinashpa-sh ni-n wambra-cha-n-ta-sh-ø
then-EVR say-3 child-DIM-3-ACC-EVR-ø
Late he told his son
Después dijo a su hijito.
00:52:09.680 - 00:52:13.120

Ah, wambran karqa ¿Mayqinña? ¿Uchukchalla?

Ah, wambra-n ka-rqa-ø mayqin-ña uchuk-cha-lla
Ah, child-3 be-PST-3 which-DISC small-DIM-RSTR
Ah, his children. Which one -- the smallest?
Ah, sus hijos, ¿cúal de ellos era -- el más chiquito?
00:52:13.680 - 00:52:15.920

Chay Rocochallam karqa.

Chay Roco-cha-lla-m-ø ka-rqa-ø
It was little Roco.
Era Rococito
00:52:15.920 - 00:52:17.730

Uchukchalla karqa.
Uchuk-cha-lla ka-rqa-ø
small-DIM-RSTR be-PST-3
He was just small.
Era chiquitito.
00:52:17.840 - 00:52:20.200

Chayshi, Ah, Dyos rikushaqñam creo que le había dicho algo.

Chay-shi-ø Ah, Dyos ri-ku-shaq-ña-m-ø
DEM.R-ø Ah, Dyos go-REFL-1.FUT-DISC-EVD-ø
That's why, they say. "Oh, God, I'm going to go already." I think he had said something to him.
Por eso, dicen, "Ah, dios, me voy a ir, ya". Creo que había dicho algo.
00:52:20.230 - 00:52:28.630

Chayshi wasi ukupatriki kara.

Chay-shi-ø wasi uku-pa-tri-ki ka-ra-ø
DEM.D-EVR house inside-LOC-EVC-KI be-PST-3
He was inside the house.
Estaba al dentro de la casa.
00:52:29.140 - 00:52:33.430

Gaseyosanta tumashpa hina qawanman gaseyosata tumarqa

Gaseyosa-n-ta tuma-shpa hina qawa-n-man gaseyosa-ta tuma-rqa-ø
soda.pop-3-ACC drink-SUBIS thus see-3-COND soda.pop-ACC drink-PST-3
drinking his soda pop, so you can see he had drunk soda pop.
Tomando su gaseosa así puede ver que había tomado gaseosa.
00:52:33.430 - 00:52:37.330

Ñatriki venenoqa ya empezó a calentar el cuerpo.

Ña-tri-ki veneno-qa
Already, for sure- The poison already started to heat up his body.
Ya, seguro, pues, el veneno ya empezó a calentar el cuerpo.
00:52:40.430 - 00:52:45.400

He must have shouted and shouted.
Habrá gritado y gritado.
00:52:45.410 - 00:52:51.230

Qunirichirqatriki haparikatrarqa. Arrohaytash qallakuykun.

Quni-ri-chi-rqa-ø-tri-ki hapari-katra-rqa-3 Arrohaytash qalla-ku-yku-n
It must have heated him up. He shouted and shouted. He started to throw up, they say.
Le habra hecho calentar, pues. Gritó y gritó. Empezó a arrojar, dice.
00:52:45.410 - 00:52:51.230

Runkaytash runkakuyanshi.
Runka-y-ta-sh-ø runka-ku-ya-n-shi-ø
snore-INF-ACC-EVR-ø snore-REFL-PROG-3-EVR-ø
To snore, they say. He was snoring, they say.
A roncar, dicen. Estaba roncando, dicen.
00:52:52.150 - 00:52:56.300

Lliw lliwtriki intiriyorta rupakuyan.

Lliw lliw-tri-ki intiriyor-ta rupa-ku-ya-n
all all-EVC-KI interior-ACC burn-REFL-PROG-3
Everything must have been burning inside him.
Todo, todo, habrá estado quemando a su interior.
00:52:56.480 - 00:52:59.650

Chayshi wambraqa kurriy hamurqa willakuq, maman willakuq.

Chay-shi-ø wambra-qa kurri-y hamu-rqa-ø willa-ku-q mama-n willa-ku-q
DEM.D-EVR-ø child-TOP run-INF come-PST-3 advise.REFL.AG mother-3 advise-REFL-AG
That's why, they say, his son came running to tell, to tell his mother.
Por eso, dicen, el chico vino corriendo a avisar, avisar a su mamá.
00:52:59.690 - 00:53:03.650

Runa pampaychu hina ma karqa. aw

Runa pampa-y-chu hina m-a ka-rqa-ø aw
person bury-INF-Q thus EVD-EMPH be-PST-3 yes
When they were burying people, it seems, no?
Cuando estaban enterrando gente creo era, ¿no?
00:53:03.670 - 00:53:07.260

Ah, simintiryupi. Ah, Chaylla karqa.

Ah, simintiryu-pi. Ah, Chay-lla ka-rqa-ø
Ah, cemetery-LOC ah DEM.D-URGT be-PST-3
Ah, in the cemetery. It was just there.
Ah, en el cementerio. Ah, allí no más era.
00:53:03.670 - 00:53:07.260

simintiryuman wambran trayaramun hinaptinshi

simintiryu-man wambra-n traya-ra-mu-n hinaptin-shi
cemetery-ALL child-3 arrive-URGT-CISL-3 then-EVR-ø
His son arrived at the cemetery, then, they say, "Arnaldo! Arnaldo!"
El chico llegó al cementerio y después, "¡Arnaldo! !Arnaldo!"
00:53:07.850 - 00:53:12.100

Runkayanshi venenu tumarun i kurri kurri se fueron pues.

Runka-ya-n-shi-ø venenu tuma-ru-n i kurri kurri
snore-PROG-3-EVR-ø poison take-URGT-3 and run run
He's snoring, they say. He took poison and quick quick they went.
Está roncando, dice. Tomó veneno y rápido se fueron pues.
00:53:12.340 - 00:53:18.290

Manash chayshi wantushpaña ambulanciyaman.

Mana-sh-ø chay-shi-ø wantu-shpa-ña ambulanciya-man
Mana-EVR-ø DEM.D-EVR-ø VVlevar entre dos-SUBIS-DISC ambulance-ALL
No, they say. That's why, they say toward the ambulance.
No, dicen. Por eso, dicen, hacia ambulancia.
00:53:30.360 - 00:53:34.080

Ambulansiyaqa wakman pushan hinashpa chayman

Ambulansiya-qa wak-man pusha-n hinashpa chay-man
Ambulance-TOP DEM.D-ALL take-3 then DEM.D-ALL
The ambulance took him there, then there
la ambulancia lo llevó allí y después allí
00:53:34.100 - 00:53:37.010

Quqariy! hinashpash postaman aparun

Quqa-ri-y hinashpa-sh posta-man apa-ru-n
collect-INCEP-IMP then-EVR clinic-ALL bring-URGT-3
They picked him up and then took him to the clinic.
Lo recogieron y después lo llevaron a al puesto de salud.
00:53:37.660 - 00:53:41.340

Postapaqa chay sweruta truran

Posta-pa-qa chay sweru-ta trura-n
clinic-LOC-TOP DEM.D IV-ACC put-3
They gave him an IV in the clinic.
En la posta le pusieron suero
00:53:42.100 - 00:53:44.530

¿Imataya truran shiminpaq?

ima-ta-ya trura-n shimi-n-paq
what-ACC-EMPH put-3 mouth-3-LOC
What did they put in his mouth?
¿Qué le pondrán en la boca?
00:53:44.530 - 00:53:48.500

To clean it, for sure.
Para limpiar, seguro.
00:53:48.520 - 00:53:51.770

To get it out.
Para que saque.
00:53:48.520 - 00:53:51.770

Chayshi surquramun, piru

Chay-shi-ø surqu-ra-mu-n piru
DEM.D-EVR-ø take.out-URGT-CISL-3 but
They took it out, they say, but
Dicen que lo sacaron pero
00:53:51.830 - 00:53:54.020

achkataraqshi campiontaq surquramun piru manam

achka-ta-raq-shi-ø campion-taq surqu-ra-mu-n piru mana-m-ø
a.lot-ACC-CONT-EVR-ø Campion-ACC take.out-URGT-CISL-3 but no-EVD-ø
The took out a lot of Campion [the poison] but
Sacaron mucho Campión, pero no
00:53:54.130 - 00:53:57.650

Demasiyaduñatr ishkaypi.
Demasiyadu-ña-tr-ø ishkay-pi
too.much-DISC-EVC-ø two-LOC
There would be too much already, in two.[packets]
Demasiado habrá ya en dos [paquetes].
00:53:57.960 - 00:54:02.240

Ishkayqa avansarurqa apurawtrik.

Ishkay-qa avansa-ru-rqa-ø apuraw-tri-k
two-TOP advance-URGT-PST-3 fast-EVC-K
Two must have advanced quickly.
Los dos habrán avanzado rápido, seguro.
00:54:02.330 - 00:54:05.360
Qawan tumarqa, gaseyosata tumarqa, tumarqa i shinkaraqtaq karqa
Qawa-n tuma-rqa-ø gaseyosa-ta tuma-rqa-ø tuma-rqa-ø i shinka-raq-taq ka-rqa-ø
top-3 take-PST-3 soda.pop-ACC take-PST-3 take-PST-3 and drunk-CONT-SEQ be-PST-3
On top, we was drinking and drinking soda pop, and he was still drunk.
Y para encima siguió tomando gaseosa, tomando, y estaba mareado todavía.
00:54:06.480 - 00:54:11.530

Chay shinka kaptinqa, apurawtrik qunirirun.

Chay shinka ka-pti-n-qa apuraw-tri-k quni-ri-ru-n
DEM.D drunk be-SUBDS-3-TOP fast-EVC-K hot-INCEP-URGT-3
Because he was drunk, it would have started to heat up quickly.
Así, como estaba mareado, rápido, pues, habrá calentado.
00:54:11.880 - 00:54:16.240

Venenarunña llapa yawarninta venenarunña sweruta truran

Venena-ru-n-ña llapa yawar-ni-n-ta venena-ru-n-ña sweru-ta trura-n
poison-sellT-3-DISC all blood-EUPH-3-ACC posion-URGT-3-DISC IV-ACC put-3
He was poisoned already, all his blood was poisoned already. They put an IV in him
Ya se envenenó, toda su sangre se había envenenado ya. Pusieron suero
00:54:16.810 - 00:54:21.120

Chay uraypaq apanampaq kayaptin

Chay uray-paq apa-na-n-paq ka-ya-pti-n
DEM.D down-ACC bring-NMLZ-3-PURP be-PROG-SUBDS-3
to bring him down the hill, being
Para llevarlo abajo. Cuando estaban
00:54:22.310 - 00:54:26.100

He died.
Se murió.
00:54:26.100 - 00:54:28.370

He died.
Se murió
00:54:26.100 - 00:54:28.370

"Alvarados somos campiones", nishpash nin pi niyarqankiman

ni-shpa-sh-ø pi ni-ya-rqa-nki-man
say-SUBIS-EVR-ø who say-PROG-PST-2-COND
"We Alvarados are Champions," he said, who would you have been saying that?
"Los Alvarado somos campiones", dijo, ¿quién estaba diciendo?
00:54:41.910 - 00:54:45.170

Finada, este, María.

The late María.
La finada María.
00:54:45.170 - 00:54:47.570

Paypis chay subrinu wañukuptinñamik payqa tumarun

Pay-pis chay subrinu wañu-ku-pti-n-ña-mi-k pay-qa tuma-ru-n
3-ADD DEM.D nephew die-REFL-SUBDS-3-DISC-EVD-K 3-TOP take-URGT-3
He, too, when his nephew died, he took [poison]
Él también cuando se murió su sobrino ya, él tomó [veneno].
00:54:55.250 - 00:55:00.280

Chay despuwésñachu
Chay despuésñachu
Chay despuésñachu
What that afterwards?
¿Era después ya?
00:55:00.340 - 00:55:04.090

Despuwesña subrinun wañukuptin.

Despuwes-ña subrinu-n wañu-ku-pti-n
after-DISC nephew-3 die-REFL-SUBDS-3
Later when his nephew died.
Ya después cuando su sobrino se murió.
00:55:00.340 - 00:55:04.090

Finado Arnoldupa subrinuntrik karqa.

Finado Arnoldu-pa subrinu-n-tri-k ka-rqa-ø
deceased Arnoldo-GEN nephew-3-EVC-K be-PST-3
He must have been Arnaldo's nephew.
Habrá sido el sobrino del finado Arnoldo.
00:55:04.240 - 00:55:07.030

Chaymi Alvarado campion pay ya rimaq chayta.

Chay-mi-ø Alvarado campion pay ya rima-q chay-ta
DEM.D-EVD-ø Alvarado champion 3 EMPH say-AG DEM.D-ACC
That's why she talks about the Alvarados being "C[h]ampions."
Por eso ella dice que los Alvarado son "Campiones", pues.
00:55:07.060 - 00:55:12.380

Campion nishpa kikinpis tumarun

Campion ni-shpa kiki-n-pis tuma-ru-n
Campion say-SUBIS self-3-ADD take-URGT-3
"Champion," she said and she herself took it.
"Campion", dijo y ella misma lo tomó.
00:55:12.350 - 00:55:13.970

Warmi qari.
Warmi qari.
woman man.
Husband and wife.
Marido y mujer.
00:55:13.970 - 00:55:16.380

Kikinpis campionkurun
Kiki-n-pis campion-ku-ru-n GG
self-3-ADD campion-REFL-URGT-3
They Campioned themselves
Ellos mismos también se campionaron.
00:55:13.970 - 00:55:16.380

wasinta witrqakushpa trankakuykushpa

Wasi-n-ta witrqa-ku-shpa tranka-ku-yku-shpa
Closing up the house, locking the door
Cerrandose la casa, trancándose la puerta.
00:55:16.680 - 00:55:20.060

Atunpañataqshi chayqa, aw?

Atun-pa-ña-taq-shi-ø chay-qa aw
In tuna, too, they say, no?
En atún ya también, dicen, ¿no?
00:55:20.330 - 00:55:21.930

Qarinman sirvirun puntataq hinashpa kikinpis mikuruntriki

Qari-n-man sirvi-ru-n punta-taq hinashpa kiki-n-pis miku-ya-n-taq-tri-k
man-3-ALL serve-URGT-3 point-SEQ GG then self-3-ADD eat-PROG-3-EVC-KI
First she served it to her husband then she herself must have eaten it, too.
Primero lo sirvió a su esposo y después ella misma habrá comido, también, pues.
00:55:25.500 - 00:55:29.850

In tuna, they say.
En atuncito, dicen
00:55:25.500 - 00:55:29.850

Maypitrik pinsamiyentunqa? Imayna kashaq nirqa?

Maypi-taq pinsamiyentu-n-qa Imayna ka-shaq ni-rqa-ø
where-LOC-SEQ thought-3-TOP how be-1.PL say-PST-3
Where could her head be? "How will I be?" she said.
¿Qué habrá pensado? ¿Cómo voy a estar? dijo
00:55:30.270 - 00:55:37.650

Campionchata winarun, aytrikurun, qarinta mikurachin.

Campion-cha-ta wina-ru-n aytri-ku-ru-n qari-n-ta miku-ra-chi-n
Campion-DIM-ACC throw-URGT-3 VV stir-REFL-URGT-3 man-3-ACC eat-URGT-CAUS-3
She threw in the poison, stirred it, and made her husband eat it.
Le echó campioncito, lo movió, y lo hizo comer a su esposo.
00:55:30.270 - 00:55:37.650

Kikinpis mikurun.
Kiki-n-pis miku-ru-n
self-3-ADD eat-URGT-3
She herself ate it.
Ella misma lo comió.
00:55:37.650 - 00:55:43.260
Kikinpis. Qarinqa mal kayaptin kikinpis mikukurun.
Kiki-n-pis Qari-n-qa mal ka-ya-pti-n kiki-n-pis miku-ku-ru-n
self-3-ADD man-3-TOP bad be-prog-SUBDS-3 self-3-ADD eat-REFL-URGT-3
Herself. When her husband was sick, she also ate some.
Ella misma. Y cuando su esposo estaba mal, ella también se puso a comer.
00:55:37.650 - 00:55:43.260

Ishkay nin runkakuyasa.

Ishkaynin runka-ku-ya-sa-ø
two-EUPH-3 GG snore-REFL-PROG-PRF-3
Both of them were snoring.
Los dos estaban roncando.
00:55:43.760 - 00:55:47.010

Chaypaq aparqa Cañeteta. Chaytrik Cañetepa pampakura.

Chay-paq apa-rqa-ø Cañete-ta Chay-tri-k Cañete-pa pampa-ku-ra-ø
DEM.D-ABL bring-PST-3 Cañete-ACC DEM.D-EVC-K Cañete-LOC bury-REFL-PST-3
From there, they took them to Cañete. That must be why they buried them in Cañete.
De allí los llevaron a Cañete. Por eso en Cañete está enterrado.
00:55:47.080 - 00:55:49.950

00:55:50.020 - 00:55:51.830

pwertanta trankarushpatriki chayshi mana

pwerta-n-ta tranka-ru-shpa-tri-ki chay-shi-ø mana
door-3-ACC lock-URGT-SUBIS-EVC-KI DEM.D-EVR-ø no
They locked the door, for sure. That's why, they say,
Trancando la puerta, pues, por eso, dicen, no
00:55:52.020 - 00:55:56.220

Runkakuyan. Dice, "Auxilio, auxilio", dice ya.

Runka-ku-ya-n Dice "Auxilio, auxilio," dice ya
snore-REFL-PROG-3 Dice "Auxilio, auxilio," ya
They were snoring. "Help! help!" they said already.
Estaban roncando. "¡Auxilio¡ ¡Auxilio!" dice ya.
00:55:56.300 - 00:56:00.690

Finado qarintaqa ishchallatatr kikin mikururqa payqa.

Finado qari-n-ta-qa ishcha-lla-ta-tr miku-ru-rqa-ø kiki-n muku-ru-rqa-ø pay-qa
deceased man-3-ACC- little-URGT-ACC-EVC eat-URGT-PST-3 self-3 eat-URGT-PST-3 3-TOP
Her late husband must have only eaten a little himself.
Su finado esposo habrá comido nada más poquito, él.
00:56:00.860 - 00:56:04.750

Y él estaba más conciente que

And he was more conscious than
Y él estaba más conciente que
00:56:04.750 - 00:56:08.230

Payqa achka achkatatri mikurqa.

Pay-qa achka achka-tri-ø miku-rqa-ø
3-TOP a.lot a.lot.ACC-EVC-ø eat-PST-ø
She must have eaten a whole lot of it.
Ella habrá comido muchísimo, pues..
00:56:08.440 - 00:56:10.640

Tía María.
Tía María.
aunt María.
Aunt María.
Tía María.
00:56:08.440 - 00:56:10.640

Chayshi Auxilio auxilio nisa tiyu Niko.

Chay-shi-ø Auxilio auxilio ni-sa-ø tiyu Niko.
DEM.D-EVR-ø help help say-PRF-3 uncle Niko.
That's why, they say, Uncle Niko had said, "Help! Help!"
Por eso, dicen, Tío Niko había dicho "¡Auxilio! ¡Auxilio!"
00:56:11.380 - 00:56:15.080

Chayshi Elsa sintirusa, hinashpaqa nishpa

Chay-shi Elsa sinti-ru-sa-ø hinashpa-qa ni-shpa
DEM.D-EVR-ø Elsa feel-UEGT-PRF-ø then-TOP say-SUBIS
That's why, they say, Elsa had predicted it.
Por eso, dicen, Elsa lo había sentido.
00:56:15.290 - 00:56:18.880

Tiya, Qué pasó?

Tiya, Qué pasó?
Tiya, Qué pasó?
Aunt, "What happened?"
Tía, "¿Qué paso?"
00:56:18.890 - 00:56:20.270

tiyu, Mana rimarinchu.

tiyu, mana rima-ri-n-chu
uncle no talk-INCEP-3-NEG
"Uncle!" He didn't start to talk.
"¡Tío!" No habló.
00:56:20.330 - 00:56:22.930

Runkakuyanshi. pwertata kitraptin trankarakuyan.

Runkaku-ya-n-shi-ø pwerta-ta kitra-pti-n tranka-ra-ku-ya-n
snore-REFL-PROG-EVR-ø door-ACC open-SUBDS-3 lock-URGT-REFL-PROG-3
He was snoring, they say. When they opened the door, it was well blocked.
Estaban roncando, dicen. Cuando abrieron la puerta, estaba bien trancado.
00:56:22.950 - 00:56:25.680

Tantu impuhan, manash kitrakunchu.

Tantu impuhan, mana-sh-ø kitra-ku-n-chu
so.much push-3 no-EVR-ø open-REFL-3-NEG
No matter how much they pushed, it didn't open, they say.
Tanto que empujó no se abrió.
00:56:25.680 - 00:56:29.190

kay lawninta hamun trankarakuyanshi pwertaqa

kay law-ni-n-ta hamu-n tranka-ra-ku-ya-n-shi-ø pwerta-qa
DEM.P-side-EUPH-3-ACC come-3 lock-UNINT-REFL-PROG-EVR door-TOP
They came around here. The door was well blocked.
Vinieron acá. La puerta estaba bien trancado, dicen.
00:56:29.190 - 00:56:31.610

Hanaylawshi yaykuramuptin.
Hanay-law-shi-ø yayku-ra-mu-pti-n
above-side-EVR-ø enter-URGT-CISL-SUBDS-3
They entered from above.
Entraron por encima.
00:56:31.610 - 00:56:33.160

Hanaylawnintañashi yaykun altunta.

Hanay-law-n-in-ta-ña-shi-ø yayku-n altu-n-ta
above-side-EUPH-3-ACC-DISC-EVR-ø enter-3 high-3-ACC
From above, they say, they entered from up high.
Por encima, dicen, entraron desde arriba.
00:56:33.260 - 00:56:36.270

Uku pwerta kwartu kwartunpis.

Uku pwerta kwartu kwartu-n-pis
inside door room room-3-ADD
Inside, the door, the room, the door to his room.
Al dentro, la puerta, el cuarto, la puerta de su cuarto.
00:56:36.370 - 00:56:39.000

piru warmitriki chayta ruwarqa.

piru warmi-tri-ki chay-ta ruwa-rqa-ø
but woman-EVC-KI DEM.D-ACC make-PST-3
But the woman must have done that.
Pero la mujer habrá hecho-RSTR.
00:56:39.000 - 00:56:41.930

Esta trancado, dice.
00:56:39.000 - 00:56:41.930

Locking it.
00:56:42.630 - 00:56:44.380

Takan pwertata manash kitrakamuyanchu
Taka-n pwerta-ta mana-sh-ø kitra-ka-mu-ya-n-chu
hack-3 door-ACC no-EVR-ø open-REFL-CISL-PROG-3-NEG
They hacked at the door, but it didn't open, they say.
Chancaban la puerta, pero no se abría.
00:56:44.530 - 00:56:47.720

A la fuwersa, kitran patadaswan

A la fuwersa, kitra-n patadas-wan
A la fuwersa, open-3 kicks-INSTR
By force, they opened it with kicks.
Con fuerza, lo abrieron a patadas.
00:56:47.950 - 00:56:51.890

Chayshi huk law tunapa huknin huk law tunapa huknin

Chay-shi-ø huk law tuna-pa huk-ni-n huk law tuna-pa huk-ni-n
DEM.D-EVR-ø one-side corner-LOC one-EUPH-3 one-side corner-LOC one-EUPH-3
That's why, they say, one was in the corner at one side, the other was in another corner on the other side.
Por eso, dicen, uno estaba en el rincón a un lado y el otro estaba en el rincón al otro lado.
00:56:53.720 - 00:56:56.870

be.dying-SUBIS-DISC VV
Dying already.
Ya agonizando?
00:56:57.340 - 00:57:00.350

Agunisashpaña kayasa
Agunisa-shpa-ña ka-ya-sa-ø
be.dying-SUBIS-DISC be-PROG-PRF-3
They were already dying.
Ya estaban agonizando.
00:56:57.340 - 00:57:00.350

Doctorman willakuq kurriyan postata.

Doctor-man willa-ku-q kurri-ya-n posta-ta
Doctor-ALL tell-REFL-AG run-PROG-3 clinic-ACC
They went running to the clinic to tell the doctor.
Se fueron corriendo a la posta para avisar al doctor .
00:57:00.510 - 00:57:04.330

Doctor hamun postaman apan ishkayninta.

Doctor hamu-n posta-man apa-n ishkay-ni-n-ta
Doctor come-3 clinic-ALL bring-3 two-EUPH-3-ACC
The doctor came and took the two of them to the clinic.
Vino el doctor y los llevó a los dos a la posta.
00:57:05.680 - 00:57:09.600

sweruta truran. Payqa ñakarqaraqmi.

sweru-ta trura-n Pay-qa ñaka-rqa-ø-raq-mi-ø
IV-ACC put-3 3-TOP suffer-PST-3-CONT-EVD-ø
They gave them IVs. She was still suffering.
Les puso suero. Ella estaba sufriendo todavía.
00:57:09.900 - 00:57:14.170

Chaytrik urayman pusharqa.

Chay-tri-k uray-man pusha-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVC-K down-ALL take-PST-3
That must be why they took her down [to the coast]
Por eso la habrán llevado para abajo.
00:57:15.360 - 00:57:17.960

Chaytrik aparqa may kaminupatr wañukurqa.

Chay-tri-k apa-rqa-ø-q may kaminu-pa-tr-ø wañu-ku-rqa-ø
DEM.C-EVC-K bring-PST-AG where road-LOC-EVC-ø die-REFL-PST-3
That must be why they brought her where. She must have died on the way.
Por eso lo habrá llevado y en camino se habrá muerto.
00:57:17.960 - 00:57:20.460

Ña, Cañete kashpaña. Resolapa kashpaña.

Ña, Cañete ka-shpa-ña Resola-pa ka-shpa-ña
When she was already in Cañete, when she was already in the Resolo [hospital]
Cuando estaba ya en Cañete, cuando ya estaba en el [Hospital] Resolo
00:57:21.130 - 00:57:24.880

Manañam atiparqachu
Mana-ña-m-ø atipa-rqa-ø-chu
She couldn't any more.
Ya no podía.
00:57:24.910 - 00:57:27.930

She died.
Se murió.
00:57:24.910 - 00:57:27.930

Ishkaynin hinashpa postapaq.

Ishkay-ni-n hinashpa posta-paq
two-EUPH-3 then clinic-ABL
Then both of the from the clinic
Los dos, después, de la posta.
00:57:32.380 - 00:57:34.910

Este .... doctorkunata tapun

Este .... doctor-kuna-ta tapu-n
Este .... doctorkunata tapun
Ummm asked the doctor and all
Este ... preguntó al doctor todo
00:57:34.940 - 00:57:39.340

Waqakushtin imaynama
Waqa-ku-shtin imayna-ma
Crying, "How
Llorando, "¿Cómo
00:57:56.640 - 00:57:59.510

Maríayqa campionta tumarunman diciendo

María-y-qa campion-ta tuma-ru-n-man diciendo
María-1-TOP campion-ACC take-PST-3-COND saying
could my María have taken poison?
mi María hubiera podido tomar Campión?
00:57:59.510 - 00:58:02.980

María, ñuqa kani Vini, nin.

María, ñuqa ka-ni Vini, ni-n
María, 1 be-1 Vini, say-3
"María, it's me, Vini", he said.
"María, yo soy, Vini", dijo.
00:58:05.800 - 00:58:09.810

Ah, Vini, Vini, nin. Está hablando.

Ah, Vini, Vini, ni-n Está hablando.
Ah, Vini, Vini, say-3 Está hablando.
"Ah, Vini, Vini," she said. She was talking.
"Ah, Vini, Vini", dijo. Está hablando.
00:58:09.900 - 00:58:13.820

Haciendo así, Vini, Vini makinta []katrakuyan

Vini, Vini maki-n-ta V-katra--ku-ya-n
Vini, Vini hand-3-TOP V-FREQ-REFL-PROG-3
Going like this, Vini, Vini,[] her hands.
Haciendo así, Vini, Vini, sus manos
00:58:17.370 - 00:58:21.890

Ah, mas edadpa manañatr risistirqachu.

Ah, más edad-pa mana-ña-tr-ø risisti-rqa-ø-chu VV
Ah, more age-GEN no-DISC-EVC-ø resist-PST-3-NEG
Ah, he was older, he wouldn't have resisted..
Ah, él tenía más edad ya no podía resistir.
00:58:30.190 - 00:58:32.470

Chaytrik subrinun Madeánpaq hamurqa.

Chay-tri-k subrinu-n Madeán-paq hamu-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVC-K nephew-3 Madeán-ABL come-PST-3
Then his nephew came from Madeán.
Luego su sobrino habrá venido de Madeán.
00:58:35.280 - 00:58:37.550

Chaytrik urayman aparurqa.

Chay-tri-k uray-man apa-ru-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVC-K down-ALL bring-URGT-PST-3
That must be why they brought him down [to the coast]
Por eso lo habrán llevado abajo.
00:58:37.550 - 00:58:39.780

Movimiyentu karrupa mas piyur.

Movimiyentu karru-pa mas piyur.
movement car-LOC more worse
The movement in the car was even worse.
El moviemiento en el carro era peor aún.
00:58:40.460 - 00:58:44.850

Hinashpaqa, wañukurqa Cañetepañam pampakuchin.

Hinashpa-qa, wañu-ku-rqa-ø Cañete-pa-ña-m-ø pampa-ku-chi-n
then-TOP die-REFL-PST-3 Cañete-LOC-DISC-EVD-ø bury-REFL-CAUS-3
Then he died and they had him buried in Cañete.
Luego se murió y lo enterraron en Cañete.
00:58:48.850 - 00:58:52.890

Ah, Cañetepa ishkaynin.

Ah, Cañete-pa ishkay-ni-n
Ah, Cañete-LOC two-EUPH-3
Ah, both of them in Cañete.
Ah, en Cañete los dos.
00:58:52.890 - 00:58:55.190

Chay ishkaynin warmi qari tumarun, aw?

Chay ishkay-ni-n warmi qari tuma-ru-n aw
DEM.D two-EUPH-3 woman man take-URGT-3 yes
Both of them, husband and wife, took it, no?
Los dos, marido y mujer, tomaron, ¿no?
00:58:55.200 - 00:58:57.670

Chaypaqa awstopsiyamantrik apan ruwantrik chaypaq.

Chay-pa-qa awstopsiya-man-tri-k apa-n ruwa-n-tri-k chay-paq
DEM.D-LOC-TOP autopsy-ALL-EVC-K bring-3 make-3-EVC-K DEM.D-LOC
After, they must have brought him for an autopsy. They must have done it there.
Después lo habrán llevado por una austopsia. Lo habrán hecho allí.
00:58:58.350 - 00:59:02.800

Ah, awtopsiyamanñatrik chaypaq apan.

Ah, awtopsiya-man-ña-tri-k chay-paq apa-n
Ah, autopsy-ALL-DISC-EVC-K DEM.D-PURP bring-3
Ah, they must have brought him for an autopsy.
Ah, los habrán llevado para autopsia, pues.
00:59:02.800 - 00:59:05.070

Lliw lliwtam chaypaña qawarqa chaypam venenu

Lliw lliw-ta chay-pa-ña-raq qawa-rqa-ø chay-pa-m venenu
all all-ACC DEM.D-LOC-DISC see-PST-3 DEM.D-LOC-EVD-ø poison
They saw everything there. The poison was there.
Vieron todo allí. Allí estaba el veneno.
00:59:05.300 - 00:59:08.470

Of what they had taken.
Lo que ha tomado.
00:59:08.700 - 00:59:09.660

Finado Arnoldotaq manaya aparqachu kayllapa

Finado Arnoldo-taq mana-ya apa-rqa-ø-chu kay-lla-pa
deceased Arnoldo-ACC no-EMPH bring-PST-3-NEG DEM.PLIM-LOC
They didn't bring the late Arnaldo. Just here.
No llevaon al finado Arnoldo. Acá no más.
00:59:10.930 - 00:59:14.100

Chayqa apuraw wañururqa riki ni apanñachu

Chay-qa apuraw wañu-ru-rqa-ø riki ni apa-n-ña-chu
DEM.D-TOP quick die-URGT-PST-3 R-IKI nor bring-3-DISC-NEG
He died quickly. He wasn't even brought.
El se murió rápido. Ni lo llevaron.
00:59:14.220 - 00:59:16.870

Chay turinkuna tiyunkuna Madeanlawpaq

Chay turi-n-kuna tiyu-n-kuna Madean-law-paq
DEM.D brother-3-PL uncle-3-PL Madean-side-ABL
His brothers and his uncles from Madeán
Sus hermanos y sus tíos de Madeán.
00:59:17.160 - 00:59:21.130

Paninshi infisiayta
Pani-n-shi-ø infisiya-y-ta
sister-3-EVR-ø have.tried-INF-ACC
His sister, they say, to have tried
Su hermana empezó a enficiar, dicen.
00:59:21.130 - 00:59:24.930

Panin. Imaynataq
Pani-n Imayna-taq
sister-3 how-SEQ
His sister [said], "How
Su hermana [dijo] "¿Cómo
00:59:21.130 - 00:59:24.930

turiyqa wañunman venenuwan?

turi-y-qa wañu-n-man venenu-wan
sister-1-TOP die-3-COND poison-INSTR
could my sister die by poison?"
se murió mi hermano con veneno?"
00:59:25.000 - 00:59:27.230

Ima waqtarurqa? Imatr? Maqarachirqa imatr?

Ima waqta-ru-rqa-ø Ima-tr-ø Maqa-ra-chi-rqa-ø ima-tr-ø
what beat-URGT-PST-3 what-EVC-ø hit-URGT-CAUS-PST-3 what-EVC-ø
"What? Could he have hit her? Would she have gotten herself hit?
"¿Qué? La habrá golpeado? Se habrá hecho golpear?"
00:59:27.230 - 00:59:31.030
Nishpa ocho diyasnintaqa kitrachin.
Ni-shpa ocho diyas-ni-n-ta-qa kitra-chi-n
say-SUBIS eight days-EUPH-3-ACC-TOP open-CAUS-3
Eight days later, they had [the grave] opened.
A los ocho días, hicieron abrir [el ataúd].
00:59:31.030 - 00:59:35.020

¿Killanta ninchu?
Killa-n-ta ni-n-chu
moon-3-ACC say-3-Q
One month later, he said?
¿A un mes, dijo?
00:59:35.070 - 00:59:39.450

Killantachu? Killanta.
Killantachu? Killanta.
moon-3-ACC-Q moon-3-ACC
One month later? One month later.
¿Después de un mes? A un mes.
00:59:35.070 - 00:59:39.450

Chayaq "¿Imaynañatr karqa venenuwan wañukuptin?"

Chay-aq Imayna-ña-tr-ø ka-rqa-ø venenu-wan wañu-ku-pti-n
DEM.D-TOP how-DISC-EVC-ø be-PST-3 posion-INSTR die-REFL-SUBDS-3
"How could it be that she died by poison?"
¿Cómo habrá sido si se ha muerto con veneno?"
00:59:39.600 - 00:59:42.690

One month later already.
Después de un mes, ya.
00:59:39.600 - 00:59:42.690

Pasaypaqshi asnakuyaq.
Pasaypaq-shi-ø asna-ku-ya-q
a.lot-EVR-ø smell-REFL-PROG-AG
It was really stinking, they say.
Apestaba completamente, dicen.
00:59:43.200 - 00:59:44.830

piru imataq presisan [TK] wakhina warmiyuq wakhina familyayuq tumarunanpaq.

piru ima-taq presiyuna-n wak-hina warmi-yuq wak-hina familya-yuq tuma-ru-na-n-paq
but what-SEQ pressure-3 DEM.D-COMP woman-POSS DEM.D-COMP family-POSS
But what pressured him to take it like that with a wife and family?
Qué le ha urjido para que él tome así teniendo su esposa, su familia.
00:59:44.830 - 00:59:49.790

Chay warmintash, chay pashñantash maqarusa.

Chay warmi-n-ta-sh-ø chay pashña-n-ta-sh-ø maqa-ru-sa-ø
DEM.D woman-3-ACC-EVR-ø DEM.D girl-3-ACC-EVR-ø hit-URGT-PRF-3
The wife had hit the lover.
La esposa había pegado a la querida.
00:59:50.040 - 00:59:54.690

Warmin. Wak Apurí Cruzpish.

Warmi-n Wak Apurí Cruz-pi-sh-ø
woman-3 DEM.D Apurí Cruz-LOC-EVR-ø
His wife. There in Apurí Cruz, the say.
Su esposa. Allá en Apurí Cruz, dicen.
00:59:54.690 - 00:59:58.520

Suyarusa hinashpa maqarusa.

Suya-ru-sa-ø hinashpa maqa-ru-sa-ø
wait-URGT-PRF-3 then hit-URGT-PRF-3
She had waited for her then she hit her.
Le había esperado y después la pegó.
00:59:58.810 - 01:00:01.010

Chayshi nirqamik tumarun.

Chay-shi ni-rqa-ø-mi-k tuma-ru-n
DEM.D-EVR-ø say-PST-3-EVD-K take-URGT-3
They said that's why he took it
Dijeron que por eso lo tomó.
01:00:01.010 - 01:00:04.020

Chayshi karqa.
Chay-shi-ø ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVR-ø be-PST-3
That's why, they say, it was.
Por eso, dicen, era
01:00:01.010 - 01:00:04.020

Chayshi karqa.
Chay-shi-ø ka-rqa-ø
DEM.D-EVR-ø be-PST-3
That, they say, was
Por eso, dicen, era
01:00:04.020 - 01:00:06.690

Mutivu tumarunanpaq
Mutivu tuma-ru-na-n-paq
motive take-URGT-NMLZ-3-PURP
the motive for his taking it.
el motivo para que tome.
01:00:06.890 - 01:00:10.590

Imapaqtaq maqarqanki nishpa.

Ima-paq-taq maqa-rqa-nki ni-shpa
what-PURP-SEQ hit-PST-2 say-SUBIS
"Why did you hit her?" he said
"Para qué la pegaste?" dijo
01:00:10.640 - 01:00:12.880
piliyapakurqanña hinashpa tumarurqa
piliya-paku-rqa-ø-ña hinashpa tuma-ru-rqa-ø
fight-MUTBEN-PST-3-DISC then take-URGT-PST-3
They started to fight each other and then he took it.
Se pusieron a pelear ya y después lo tomó.
01:00:13.390 - 01:00:16.890

Ah, maqashash warminta.

Ah, maqa-sha-sh-ø warmi-n-ta
Ah, hit-PRF-EVR-ø woman-3-ACC
Ah, he had hit his wife, the say.
Ah, dicen, había pegado a su esposa.
01:00:17.730 - 01:00:19.580

Ah, warminta maqarusa niwan

Ah, warmi-n-ta maqa-ru-sa-ø ni-wa-n
Ah, woman-3-ACC-EVR-ø hit-URGT-PRF-3 say-1.OBJ-3
Ah, he had hit his wife, me dijeron
Ah, había pegado a su esposa, they sad to me.
01:00:19.580 - 01:00:21.180

Chayshi warminqa nin sinverguwensa ñuqaqa

Chay-shi-ø warmi-n-qa ni-n sinverguwensa ñuqa-qa
DEM.D-EVR-ø wife-3-TOP say-3 shameless 1-TOP
His wife said, "Shameless! I am
Su esposa dijo "¡Sin verguenza! Yo
01:00:21.180 - 01:00:23.440

willakurushaqmi gwardyanman willakurushaq terruku kasaykita ninshi.

willa-ku-ru-shaq-mi-ø gwardyan-man willa-ku-ru-shaq terruku ka-sa-yki-ta ni-n-shi-ø
tell-REFL-URGT-1.FUT police-ALL tell-REFL-URGT-1.FUT terrorist be-PRF-2-ACC say-3-EVR-ø
going to tell the police, I'm going to tell them you were a terrorist!" she said, they say.
voy a avisar a la policía, voy decirles que tú eras terruco!" dijo, dicen.
01:00:24.190 - 01:00:28.870

Chayshi tumarurqa
Chayshi tumarurqa
Chayshi tumarurqa
That's whay, they say, he took it.
Por eso, dicen, lo tomó.
01:00:29.940 - 01:00:32.470

Maldisiyadu huk lawkunapish ganawtaya rikarichirqa

Maldisiyadu huk law-kuna-pi-sh-ø ganaw-ta-ya rikari-chi-rqa-ø
damned one-side-PL-LOC-EVR-ø cattle-ACC-EMPH rappear-CAUS-PST-3
Those bastards from someplace else made cattle appear.
Ésos malditos de otro sitio hicieron aparecer animales.
01:00:32.650 - 01:00:36.040

Chay ninmi.
Chay ni-n-mi-ø
DEM.D say-3-EVD-ø
So they said.
Así dijo.
01:00:38.220 - 01:00:39.050

"Manam qamtaqa qayachirqaykichu".

Mana-m-ø qam-ta-qa qaya-chi-rqa-yki-chu
no-EVD-ø 2-ACC-TOP call-CAUS-PST-2>1-NEG
"I didn't have you called."
"Yo a tí no te hice llamar."
01:00:45.200 - 01:00:48.810

Qamqa kutiy. Infiyernupa sufriy ninshi Dyosninchik.

Qam-qa kuti-y Infiyernu-pa sufri-y ni-n-shi-ø Dyos-ni-nchik
2-TOP turn-IMP hell-LOC suffer-IMP VV say-3-EVR-ø God-EUPH-1.PL
"You, go back! Suffer in hell!" God says, they say.
"Tú, ¡regrésa! ¡Súfre el infierno!" dice Nuestro Dios
01:00:48.830 - 01:00:52.950

Kanan Todos los santospaqshi Dyosninchikqa

Kanan Todos los santos-paq-shi-ø Dyos-ni-nchik-qa
now all they saints-BEN-EVR-ø God-EUPH-1.PL-TOP
Now on All Saints' Day, our God
Ahora en Todos los Santos, dicen, nuestro dios
01:00:53.120 - 01:00:57.730

Akarawanchik karnirutahina.
Akara-wanchik karniru-ta-hina
choose-3>1PL ram-ACC-COMP
chooses us like he does the lambs
Nos escoje como a los wachitos.
01:00:57.730 - 01:01:01.060

Chaypaqa qam qam qam watanpaqa

Chay-pa-qa qam qam qam wata-n-paq-qa
DEM.D-LOC-TOP 2 2 2 year-3-BEN-TOP
So, "You, you, you, for the coming year".
En allí, "Tú, tú, tú para el otro año".
01:01:01.450 - 01:01:05.150

Wañunki mayurdumu kanki nishpash disiñawanchik.

Wañu-nki mayurdumu ka-nki ni-shpa-sh-ø disiña-wanchik
die-2 host be-2 say-SUBIS-EVR-ø designate-3>1PL
"You're going to die; you're going to be a host," he designates us
"Tú vas a morir; tú vas a ser mayordomo", nos disigna.
01:01:05.200 - 01:01:08.950

Hinaptin chay venenukuq mana listapachu.

Hinaptin chay venenu-ku-q mana lista-pa-chu
then DEM.D poison-REFL-AG no list-LOC-NEG
Then the ones that poison themselves aren't on the list.
Y después los que se envenenan no están en la lista.
01:01:09.010 - 01:01:11.650

Chay venenakuqkunaqa mala muwerte wañukuqkunaqa mana listapachu.
Chay venena-ku-q-kuna-qa mala muwerte wañu-ku-q-kuna-qa mana lista-pa-chu
DEM.D poison-REFL-AG-PL-TOP GG bad death die-REFL-AG-PL-TOP no list-LOC-NEG
Those who poison themselves, those who die badly are not on the list.
Los que se envenan, los que mueren de mala muerte no están en la lista.
01:01:11.830 - 01:01:15.970

Kutiyachimun ni traskinchu
Kuti-ya-chi-mu-n ni traski-n-chu
turn-PROG-CAUS-CISL-3 nor receive-3-NEG
He makes them go back. He doesn't receive them.
Los hace volver. No los recibe.
01:01:15.970 - 01:01:19.960

Dyosqa harqumun.
Dyos-qa harqu-mu-n
God-TOP toss-CISL-3
God tosses them out.
Dios los bota.
01:01:15.970 - 01:01:19.960

Kutiy qamqa. Manam qayayki manam qayachiraykichu nishpa

Kuti-y qam-qa Mana-m-ø qaya-yki mana-m-ø qaya-chi-ra-yki-chu ni-shpa
turn-IMP 2-TOP no-EVD-ø call-1>2 no-EVD-ø call-CAUS-URGT-1>2-NEG say-SUBIS
"You, go back! I didn't call you. I didn't have you called."
"¡Regrésa, tú! No te llamé. No te hice llamar".
01:01:20.300 - 01:01:24.610

Harqurin. Waqakun, purin, sufrin alman.

Harqu-ru-n. Waqa-ku-n puri-n sufri-n alma-n
toss-URGT-3 cry-REFL-3 walk-3 suffer-3 soul-3
He tossed them out. They cry, they wander; their souls suffer.
Los botó. Lloran, andan. Sus almas sufren.
01:01:24.670 - 01:01:28.890

Runakunata manchachishpa alman purin

Runa-kuna-ta mancha-chi-shpa alma-n puri-n
person-PL-ACC scare-CAUS-SUBIS soul-3 walk-3
Scaring people, their souls wander about.
Sus almas andan, espantando a la gente.
01:01:28.900 - 01:01:31.800

Chay mala muwertewan wañuqqa

Chay mala muwerte-wan wañu-q-qa
DEM.D bad death-INSTR die-AG-TOP
Those that died bad deaths.
Los que han muerto en mala muerte
01:01:31.800 - 01:01:34.990

fiyush kondenakun manchachikun.

fiyu-sh-ø kondena-ku-n mancha-chi-ku-n
ugly-EVR-ø condemn-REFL-3 scare-CAUS-REFL-3
It's bad, they say. They get condemned and they make us get scared.
Es malo, dicen. Se condenan y nos hacen asustar.
01:01:35.030 - 01:01:38.900

No, for sure.
No seguro.
01:01:50.680 - 01:01:53.880

Chayqa Dimonyutriki tentayawanchik.

Chay-qa Dimonyu-tri-ki tenta-ya-wanchik
DEM.D-TOP devil-EVC-KI tempt-PROG-3>1PL
That would be the devil tempting us, for sure.
Será el demonio, tentándonos
01:01:50.680 - 01:01:53.880

Dyosninchik nin wañuy

Dyos-ni-nchik ni-n wañu-y
God-EUPH-1PL say-3 die-IMP
Our God says, "Die!"
Nuestro dios dice, "¡Muere!"
01:01:53.980 - 01:01:57.070

Dimonyutrik chay upyay, chayta upyashpa wañuy niyawanchik.

Dimonyu-tri-k chay upya-y chay-ta upya-shpa wañu-y ni-ya-wanchik
Devil-EVC-K DEM.D drink-IMP DEM.D-ACC drink-SUBIS die-IMP say-PROG-3>1PL
The Devil would be saying to us, "Drink this! Drink this and die!"
El Demonio nos estará diceindo, "¡Tóma ésto! "¡Toma esto y muére!"
01:01:57.150 - 01:02:01.350

Dimonyuta kasuyanchik chaypa. Imatapis ruwakunanchikpaq

Dimonyu-ta kasu-ya-nchik chay-pa Ima-ta-pis ruwa-ku-na-nchik-paq
Devil-ACC pay.attention-PROG-1.PL DEM.D-LOC what-ACC-ADD make-REFL-NMLZ-1.PL-PURP
We're paying attention to the Devil. To do what more?
Estamos haciendo caso al demonio. ¿Qué cosa también para hacernos?
01:02:01.530 - 01:02:04.980

Chayqa riki Diyablumantri ripun alman.

Chay-qa r-iki Diyablu-man-tri-ø ripu-n alma-n
DEM.D-TOP R-IKI Devil-ALL-EVC-ø follow-3 soul-3
It's that. Their souls would be following the Devil.
Éso, pues, sus almas seguirán al Diablo seguro.
01:02:08.970 - 01:02:12.520

Chayshi mana
Chay-shi-ø mana
DEM.D-EVR-ø no
That's why, they say, they don't ...
Por eso, dicen, no
01:02:08.970 - 01:02:12.520

Diyabluwanñatrik sufriyan chaypa.

Diyablu-wan-ña-tri-k sufri-ya-n chay-pa.
They must be suffering already with the Devil.
Están sufriendo ya con el Diablo allí.
01:02:12.550 - 01:02:15.070

Infiyernopi sufriyan
Infiyerno-pi sufri-ya-n
hell-LOC suffer-PROG-3
They're suffering in hell.
Están sufriendo en el infierno.
01:02:15.400 - 01:02:17.560

Qutrash manash pawayta atipanchu chaypash

Qutra-sh-ø mana-sh-ø pawa-y-ta atipa-n-chu chaypash-ø
lake-EVR-ø no-EVR-ø jump-INF_ACC DEM.D-LOC-
There's a lake. They can't jump out of there, they say.
Hay una laguna. No pueden saltar de allí, dicen.
01:02:17.610 - 01:02:20.730

They're going around and around.
Están dando vueltas.
01:02:20.740 - 01:02:23.150

Pawaruyta munayan piru karu karush kay kayan.

pawa-ru-y-ta muna-ya-n piru karu karu-sh-ø kay ka-ya-n
jump-URGT-INF-ACC want-PROG-3 but far far-EVR-ø DEM.P be-PROG-3
They want to jump, but it's very far.
Quieren saltar pero es muy lejos
01:02:23.170 - 01:02:26.000

Chay infiyernu
Chay infiyernu
DEM.D hell
That hell
Ese infierno
01:02:26.000 - 01:02:28.970

Pawaruyta munayan kaypash

Pawaru-y-ta muna-ya-n kay-pa-sh-ø
They want to jump there, they say.
Quieren saltar allí, dicen.
01:02:26.000 - 01:02:28.970

Qutra ninshi kay Waqakunapa

Qutra ni-n-shi-ø kay waqakuna-pa
lake say-3-EVR-ø DEM.P Waqakuna-LOC
There's a lake, they say, in Waqakuna.
Hay una laguna, dicen, in Waqakuna.
01:02:28.970 - 01:02:30.980

Siyertumpamik rumikuna yanayasa kayan.

Siyertumpi-mi-k chay rumi-kuna-mi-k yana-INCH-sa ka-ya-n
true-EVD-K DEM.D stone-PL-EVD-K black-INCH-PRF be-PROG-3
it's true, even the stones turn black [there].
De verdad, hasta las piedras están negreadas.
01:02:31.000 - 01:02:33.330

Chay infiyernuqa chaypish

Chay infiyernu-qa chay-pi-sh-ø
In hell
En el infierno
01:02:33.340 - 01:02:35.720

Chayna qutrata pasarun

Chay-na qutra-ta pasa-ru-n
DEM.D-VRBZ lake-ACC pass-URGT-3
They crossed the lake like that.
Así pasaron la laguna
01:02:35.750 - 01:02:37.720

Ninañataqshi rupakuyan
Nina-ña-taq-shi-ø rupa-ku-ya-n
fire-DISC-ADD-EVR-ø birn-REFL-PROG-3
A fire, too, is burning, they say.
Un fuego también está ardeando, dicen.
01:02:37.770 - 01:02:40.070

Chay ninaman pawayta qawanta munayan mana usachinchu.

Chay nina-man pawa-y-ta qawa-n-ta muna-ya-n mana usachi-n-chu
DEM.D fire-ALL jumpt-INF-ACC over-3-ACC want-PROG-3 no
They want to jump over the fire, but they can't.
Quieren saltar encima de es fuego pero no pueden.
01:02:41.480 - 01:02:46.360

Ninaman siqaykurun.
Nina-man siqayku-ru-n
fire-ALL fall-URGT-3
They fell toward the fire.
Cayeron hacia el fuego.
01:02:46.360 - 01:02:50.340

Ninaman pawaykun chaypa sufrin

Nina-man pawa-yku-n chay-pa sufri-n
fire-ALL jump-EXCEP-3 DEM.D-LOC suffer.3
They jump towards the fire and suffer there.
Saltan hacia la candela y sufren allí.
01:02:46.360 - 01:02:50.340

Kaypa almakunaqa wañuptinqa dis ... pamparuptinqa rin.

Kay-pa alma-kuna-qa wañu-pti-n-qa dis pampa-ru-pti-n-qa ri-n
DEM.P-LOC soul-PL-TOP die-SUBDS-3-TOP dis bury-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP go-3
Here, when souls die, when they are buried, they go.
Aquí cuando las almas se mueren, cuando se entierran, se van
01:02:54.020 - 01:02:59.620

Waqakunapash huk muchka rumicha

Waqakuna-pa-sh-ø huk muchka rumi-cha
Waqakuna-LOC-EVR-ø one muchka stone-DIM
In Waqakuna there is a stone [called] Muchka.
En Waqakuna hay una piedra [llamada] Muchka.
01:02:59.620 - 01:03:03.040

Sumaq muchka rumicha qullutachanta

Sumaq muchka rumi-cha qulluta-cha-n-ta
pretty muchka stone-DIM VV-DIM-3-ACC
A pretty stone, Muchka, with its little qulluta
Bonita piedrita Mucha con todo su collucita.
01:03:03.280 - 01:03:06.650

Chaypash alma trayan hinashpash kurasunninta tapakuykun

Chay-pa-sh alma traya-n hinashpa-sh kurasun-ni-n-ta tapa-ku-yku-n
DEM.D-LOC-EVR-ø soul arrive-3 then-EVR heart-EUPH-3-ACC knock-REFL-EXCEP-3
The souls arrive there, they say, they knock their hearts.
Cuando las almas llegan allí, dicen, sus corazones se chankan.
01:03:07.000 - 01:03:11.170

Almanta tapakuykun. Manam qawarqanichu. Qam qawarqankichu, tiya?

Alma-n-ta tapa-ku-yku-n Mana-m-ø qawa-rqa-ni-chu Qam qawa-rqa-nki-chu tiya
soul-3-ACC knock-REFL-EXCEP-3 no-EVD-ø see-PST-1-NEG 2 see-PST-2-Q aunt
Their souls knock [against the rock?]. I haven't seen it. Have you seen it, aunt?
Sus almas se chankan [contra la piedra?]. Yo no lo he visto. ¿Lo. ha visto, usted, Tía?
01:03:11.170 - 01:03:17.610

kayanya kaminupa.
ka-ya-n-ya kaminu-pa
be-PROG-3-EMPH road-LOC
There are, in the road.
Hay, pues, en el camino.
01:03:18.020 - 01:03:20.890

Chayllapamik chay Waqakunata trayarushpa pichunta takashpa pasayan chay infiyernu qutra
Chay-lla-pa-mi-k chay Waqakuna-ta traya-ru-shpa pichu-n-ta taka-shpa pasa-pti-n chay infiyernu qutra
DEM.D-RSTR-LOC-EVD-K DEM.D Waqakuna-ACC arrive-URGT-SUBIS chest-3-ACC knock-SUBIS
pass-SUBDS-3 DEM.D hell lake
Just there when they get to Waqakuna, banging their chests, they pass that lake in hell.
Allí no más, cuando llegan a Waqakuna, chankándose el pecho pasan esa laguna en el infierno
01:03:21.640 - 01:03:26.100

Kayan rumikuna iskinan yana.

Kaya-n rumi-kuna iskina-n yana.
be-PROG-3 stone-PL corner-3 negro
There are black stones on its banks.
Hay piedras negras en las orillas
01:03:26.370 - 01:03:29.250

yanayasa qutra patampi qutra tunapi

yana-ya-sa-ø qutra pata-n-pi qutra tuna-pi
black-INCH-PRF-3 lake outside-3-LOC lake corner-LOC
Blackened on the banks of the lake, in the corner of the lake.
Negreado en orilla de la laguna, en el rincón de la laguna.
01:03:29.890 - 01:03:32.980

Chaynintam bahayanchik bañuman.

Chay-ni-n-ta-m-ø baha-ya-nchik bañu-man
DEM.D-EUPH-3-ACC-EVD-ø decend-PROG-1.PL bath-ALL
In its, there, we go down to the bath.
Por allí estamos bajando al baño.
01:03:33.080 - 01:03:37.460

Ñuqa riqsinichu Waqakunata.

Ñuqa riqsi-ni-chu Waqakuna-ta
1 know-1-NEG Waqakuna-ACC
I don't know Waqakuna.
Yo no conozco Waqakuna.
01:03:33.080 - 01:03:37.460

Chaynam chay almapi.

Chay-na-m-ø chay alma-pi
Like that, those souls'
Así, de esas almas
01:03:44.620 - 01:03:48.010

kwintunchu manam chayqa siyertum reyalidadtrik piru.

kwintu-n-chu mana-m-ø chay-qa siyertu-m reyalidad-tri-k piru
story-3-NEG no-EVD-ø DEM.D-TOP true-EVD-ø reality-EVC-K but
It's not their story. It's true. It would be reality.
No es su cuento. Es cierto. Será realidad.
01:03:48.440 - 01:03:52.260

Ñuqa chaynatam kriyini.

Ñuqa chay-na-ta-m-ø kriyi-ni
1 DEM.D-VRBZ-ACC-EBD-ø believe-1
That's how I believe.
Yo creo así.
01:03:52.260 - 01:03:53.960

Chaypish takakuykun pichuchanta.

Chay-pi-sh-ø taka-ku-yku-n pichu-cha-n-ta
DEM-D-LOC-EVR-ø knock-REFL-EXCEP-3 chest-DIM-3-ACC
There, they say, [the souls] beat their chests.
Allí, dicen, [los almas] se chankan el pecho.
01:03:56.940 - 01:03:59.740

Chay runapis rishpaqa chaypish

Chay runa-pis ri-shpa-qa chay-pi-sh-ø
Those people, too, when they go there, they say
Esas personas, también, cuando van allí, dicen
01:03:59.750 - 01:04:02.730

Chay qullutachawanshi pichunchikta

Chay qulluta-cha-wan-shi-ø pichu-nchik-ta
DEM.D qulluta.stone-DIM-INSTR-EVR-ø chest-1.PL-ACC
With that colluta stone, our chests
Con ese collutita nuestros pechos
01:04:03.170 - 01:04:07.150

Takakunchik mana llakikunanchikpaq

Taka-ku-nchik mana llaki-ku-na-nchik-paq
knock-REFL-1.PL no regret-REFL-NMLZ-1.PL-PURP
We beat so as not to grieve.
Nos chankamos para no tener pena.
01:04:07.150 - 01:04:11.380

Chay ninmi
Chay ni-n-mi
DEM.D say-3-EVD-1
So they said.
Así dijo.
01:04:13.220 - 01:04:15.140

Wakchayta kay madrugawqa qatiruni

Wakcha-y-ta kay madrugaw-qa qati-ru-ni
sheep-1-ACC DEM.P morning-TOP bring-URGT-1
This morning I brought my sheep.
Esta mañana llevé mis wakchos
01:04:16.690 - 01:04:19.020

Timpranum. Manatr wak lawpa pastu kanmanchu. Lliwtatr yutu mikurun nishpaya.
Timpranu-m-ø mana-tr-ø wak law-pa pastu ka-n-man-chu Lliw-ta-tr-ø yutu miku-ru-n ni-shpa-ya
early-EVD-ø no-EVC-ø DEM.D side-LOC pasture be-3-COND-NEG all-ACC-EVC-ø partridge eat-URGT-3
Early. There can't be any pasture on that side. The partridges must have eaten everything.
Temprano. En ese lado no puede haber pasto. Los vandos se habrán comido todo.
01:04:19.500 - 01:04:25.300

maldisyaw chay saksarushpaqa akasu mikunchu

maldisyaw chay saksa-ru-shpa-qa akasu miku-n-chu
damned DEM.D fill-URGT-SUBIS-TOP perhaps eat-3-Q
Damned things. After filling themselves up, maybe they eat
Maldito. Después de llenarse acaso comió.
01:04:33.280 - 01:04:35.420

Rikuyan qatiruni marco wak lawnin sibada chalaman

Ri-ku-ya-n qati-ru-ni marco wak law-ni-n sibada chala-man
go-REFL-PROG-3 bring-URGT-1 marco DEM.D-side-EUPH-3 barley stalk-ALL
they're going. I brought them over by Marca, to the barley stalks.
Están caminando. Los llevé a Marca más allá a la chala de cebada.
01:04:35.420 - 01:04:39.300

Chay sibada chalapaq manama dihawanchu ni wirtaman riqta.

Chay sibada chala-paq mana-m-ø-ya diha-wa-n-chu wirta-man ri-q-ta
DEM.D barley stalk-ALL non-EVD-ø-EMPH leave-1.OBJ-3-NEG garden-ALL go-AG-ACC
They didn't even let me go to the garden, to the barley stalks
La chala de cebada no me ha dejado ir ni al jardín.
01:04:42.000 - 01:04:44.780

Watuyuq puriq ubiham hamukuyan.

Watu-yuq puri-q ubiha-m-ø hamu-ku-ya-n
rope-POSS walk-AG sheep-EVD-ø come-REFL-PROG-3
The sheep that were walking tied up came along.
Las ovejas que andaban con soga estaban viniendo.
01:04:44.780 - 01:04:48.900

Wasiman qatiramuni kanchuman qaykuykuruni. Listakuni qiwakunataq shakashnipaq

Wasi-man qati-ra-mu-ni kanchu-man qayku-yku-ru-ni Lista-ku-ni qiwa-kuna-taq shakash-ni-ypaq
house-ALL bring-URGT-CISL-1 field-ALL corral-EXCEP-URGT-1 ready-REFL-URGT-1
pasture.gras-PL-ACC gunea.pig-EUPH-1-BEN
I brought them to the house. I put them in the corral. I started to get the pasture grass ready for the guinea
Los traje a la casa, los eché en el coral y después me puse a alistar pasto para mis cuyes.
01:04:48.970 - 01:04:52.960

Hinashhpa michishtin kaminunta qatiramuni.

Hinashhpa michi-shtin kaminu-n-ta qati-ra-mu-ni
then herd-SUBADV road-3-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-1
Then, herding, I brought them by the road.
Después, caminando trajé para el camino.
01:04:53.050 - 01:04:55.860

Verdipaq kanan llakikuyan pasaypaq.

Verdi-paq kanan llaki-ku-ya-n pasaypaq.
green-ABL now grieve-REFL-PROG-3 a.lot
They're really worrying about green [pasture] now.
Se están preocupándose ahora por [pasto] verde.
01:05:06.140 - 01:05:09.010

Verdi i chakita mikushpa kontentayan ya mana verdita mikushpaqa lokiyarushaq nin

Verdi i chaki-ta miku-shpa kontenta-ya-n ya mana verdi-ta miku-shpa-qa loki-ya-ru-shaq ni-n
green and dry-ACC eat-SUBIS happy-INCH-3 EMPH no green-ACC eat-SUBIS-TOP
crazy-INCH-URGT-1.FUT say-3
They're eating green and dry, satisfying themselves. They say, "If I don't eat green, I'm going to go crazy."
Están comiendo verde y seco, contentándose ya. "Si no como verde, voy a enloqueciar", dicen.
01:05:09.170 - 01:05:15.430

Prinsipiyunpaqya wak kustumbrachina wakhina verdi

Prinsipiyu-n-paq-ya kustumbra-chi-na wak-hina verdi
beginning-3-ABL-EMPH accustom-CAUS-NMLZ DEM.D-COMP green
From the beginning you have to accustom them. Green
Desde lo primero tenemos que hacer acostumbrar
01:05:17.970 - 01:05:20.940
allinta mikuchishpa
allin-ta miku-chi-shpa
making them eat green.
haciendo comer bueno
01:05:20.950 - 01:05:23.670

Chayna karqa Esmeralda mana verdiman wataptin

Chay-na ka-rqa-ø Esmeralda mana verdi-man wata-pti-y-qa
DEM.D-VRBZ be-PST-3 Esmeralda no green-ALL tie-SUBDS-1-TOP
It was like that in Esmeralda, when I didn't tie them up [where the pasture was] in green
Así era en Esmeralda cuando no los amarraba hacia [donde había pasto] verde.
01:05:24.740 - 01:05:28.350

Kustumbrantri, kustumbrantri. Manañam chakillapa mikuyta munanchu.

Kustumbra-n-tri-ø kustumbra-n-tri-ø mana-ña-m-ø chaki-lla-pa miku-y-ta muna-n-chu
accustom-3-EVC-ø accustom-3-EVC-ø no-DISC-EVD-ø dry-RSTR-LOC eat-INF-ACC want-3-NEG
They would get accustomed. They would get accustomed. They don't want to eat dry any more.
Se acostumbrarían, Se acostumbrarían. No quieren comer seco ya.
01:05:28.350 - 01:05:33.680

Sunday, October 7, 2012 2:09 PM


(Second voice -- too faint)

00:00:00.190 - 00:00:04.920

Chaypam hintil kayan

Chay-pa-m hintil ka-ya-n
DEM.D-LOC-EVD ancients be-PROG-3
Allí hay restos humanos de antiguos.
There are the remains of ancient people there.
00:00:05.120 - 00:00:11.400

Sumaq hatun rumi kwadriyaw manachu kayhina kwadiyaw sumaq sumaqa ruwasa kayan
Sumaq hatun rumi kwadriyaw mana-chu kay-hina kwadiyaw sumaq sumaq ruwa-sa ka-ya-n
pretty big rock square no-Q DEM.P-COMP square pretty pretty make-PRF be-PROG-3
Qué bonito grande piedra cuadrada bonito bonito está hecho.
A beautiful, big square rock, isn't that right? Like this -- square. It's really made pretty.
00:00:25.170 - 00:00:33.720

Mana chay TK kundurayuq witrayta rirqankichu?

Mana chay kundurayuq witray-ta ri-rqa-nki-chu
no DEM.D Condorayuq up-ACC go-PST-3-NEG
¿No has ido arriba a Condorayuq?
You haven't been up to Condorayuq?
00:00:33.990 - 00:00:42.870

Chaypash huwisiyu pasananpaq na

Chay-pa-sh huwisiyu pasa-na-n-paq na
DEM.D-LOC-EVR judgement pass-NMLZ-3-PURP that
Allí para que pase juicio este . . .
There, they say, in order for the judgement to take pace ... um ...
00:00:43.090 - 00:00:48.320

Chay nina yakuñash runata lliw puchukarura

chay yaku-ña-sh runa-ta lliw nina puchuka-ru-ra
DEM.D fire water-DISC-EVR person-ACC all finish-URGT-PST
Agua de fuego terminó a la gente, dicen.
Fire water finished off all the people, they say.
00:00:48.460 - 00:00:52.050

Chaypaq lluqsimunmi qullqi tikpikuna

Chay-paq lluqsi-mu-n-mi qullqi tikpi-kuna
DEM.D-ABL come.out-CISL-3-EVD gold medallion-PL
Allí salen pendientes de plata.
Gold medallions come out from there.
00:00:57.280 - 00:01:02.770

Qullqi kucharakuna. ¿Runatr aspin ima chuqaramunchu? ¿Imaynayá? Ayves chay witraykunata rishpa tarini
Qullqi kuchara-kuna runa-tr aspi-n ima chuqa-ra-mu-nchu imayna-ya ayvws chay witray-kuna-ta ri-shpa tari-ni
gold spoon-PL person-EVC dig-3 what toss-URGT-CISL-3-Q how-EMPH sometimes DEM.D up-PL-ACC
go-SUBIS find-1
Cucharas de oro. La gente escarbará o botará? ¿Cómo será? a veces cuando voy por allí arriba, los encuentro.
Gold spoons -- would people dig for the or what? Toss them out? How would it be? Sometimes when I go
all the way up there, I find some.
00:01:02.840 - 00:01:08.570

Chay ukupa qullqi kakuyantri

Chay uku-pa qullqi ka-ku-ya-n-tri
DEM.D inside-LOC gold be-REFL-PROG-3-EVC
Allí dentro habrá plata en abondancia
There inside there's got to be a lot of gold.
00:01:08.630 - 00:01:15.190

00:01:15.250 - 00:01:23.000

Runapapis manachu uman hat hatun . Kayhina hat hatun putuhina kakuyasa
Runa-pa-pis hat hatun Kay-hina hat hatun mana-chu putu-hina uma-n ka-ku-ya-sa
person-GEN-ADD no-NEG head-3 DEM.P-COMP big big big gourd-COMP big be-REFL-PROG-PRF
Las cabezas de la gente no eran muy grande. Así grandazo como mate (calabaza) así allí hay.
People's heads weren't really very big. They were like this -- as big as a drinking gourd.
00:01:23.370 - 00:01:31.780

00:01:31.930 - 00:01:41.320

Kayantrik ukupaqa
Ka-ya-n-tri-k uku-pa-qa
be-PROG-3-EVC-K inside-LOC-TOP
Habrá, pues, al dentro.
There must be some on the inside.
00:01:41.430 - 00:01:48.040

00:02:23.220 - 00:02:24.150

Sumaq sumaq kwevochayuq chay iglesyaqa .... mmmm

Sumaq sumaq kwevo-cha-yuq chay iglesya-qa
pretty pretty recess-DIM-POSS DEM.D church-TOP
La iglesia era bien bonita – tenía urnas.
That church was really pretty -- it had little recesses
00:02:24.260 - 00:02:28.040

karqa. Turupis manachu kakuyan pirqapa sumaq sumaq

ka-rqa-ø mana-chu ka-ku-ya-n pirqa-pa sumaq turu-pis sumaq
be-PST-3 bull-ADD no-NEG be-REFL-PROG-3 wall-LOC pretty pretty
Había, además, un toro [pintado] en la pared. Muy bonito era.
There was a bull, too [painted] on the wall. It was really beautiful.
00:02:28.090 - 00:02:33.700

Figura alli-allin nam waqrasapa chayshi ukupa iglesyash ukupa turu puñura.
Figura alli-allin na-m waqra-sapa chay-shi uku-pa iglesya-sh uku-pa turu puñu-ra
statue horn-MULT.POSS DEM.D-EVR inside-LOC church-EVR inside-LOC good-good bull that-EVD
Dentro de la iglesia [había] una estatua [del toro] con cachos grandes y [dentro de esa estatua] dormía el toro.
Inside the church, [there was also] a statue [of the bull] with big horns, [and inside that statue] slept the bull.
00:02:33.810 - 00:02:40.870

Chayshi iglesya ukupaq turu lluqsishpa wañupa riq aaaa

Chay-shi iglesya uku-paq turu lluqsi-shpa ri-q wañu-pa aaaa
DEM.D-EVR church inside-LOC bull come.out-SUBIS die-GEN go-AG aaaa
En eso, dicen, en noches de luna muerta, el toro solía salir de la iglesia y caminar.
So, they say, the bull, would come out of the church and wander around when the moon was dark.
00:02:41.010 - 00:02:47.420

Nan karreterranta kuñariman iskinaman kuñaripaqa witrayta urqunta

Na-n karreterra-n-ta kuñari-man iskina-man kuñari-paq witray-ta urqu-n-ta
that-3 kuñari-ALL corner-ALL kuñari-ABL up-ACC road-3-ACC hill-3-ACC
[Solía ir] por la carreterra a Cuñari y de Cunyari arriba a la montaña.
He [would go] on the road toward Cunyari and then from Cunyari up the mountain.
00:02:47.780 - 00:02:52.780

riq kanan hanay verdeminasman natam qullqita wanushpa

ri-q kanan hanay verdeminas-man na-ta-m qullqi-ta wanu-shpa
go-AG now up.hill verdeminas-ALL that-ACC-EVD gold-ACC defecate-SUBIS
Solía ir ahora arriba hacia Verdeminas defecando plata.
He went, now, up towards Verde MInas, shitting gold.
00:02:52.860 - 00:02:57.860
Chayshi qipanta huk machu sigisa chayshi kustalwan chay wanunta hutushpa risa chay qullqita.
Chay-shi qipa-n-ta sigi-sa chay-shi kustal-wan chay wanu-n-ta qutu-shpa ri-sa huk chay machu qullqi-ta
DEM.D-EVR behind-3-ACC one follow-PRF manure-3-ACC DEM.D-EVR gather-SUBIS go-PRF
A su atrás seguía un viejo juntando ese guano – ese oro – en un costal.
Behind him followed an old man collecting that manure – that gold – in a sack.
00:02:58.330 - 00:03:08.480

Hinaptinshi Verdeminasman trayashpa turuqa chinkarun chay ukuman. utrku kayan ninshi ima chayman
ushturun turuqa
Hinaptin-shi Verdeminas-man traya-shpa turu-qa chinka-ru-n-shi uku-man utrku ka-ya-n ni-n-shi ima
chay-man ushtu-ru-n turu-qa
so,EVR Verdeminas arrive-SUBIS turuqabull-TOP lose-URGT-3 inside-ALL hole be-PROG-3 say-3-EVR
what DEM.D-ALL hide-URGT-3 bull-TOP
Entonces, dicen, cuando el toro llegó a Verdeminas, desapareció al interior. Dicen que hay túneles [allí] y el
toro se escondío en esos [túneles].
Then, they say, when he arrived at Verde MInas, the bull disappeared inside, . They say there are tunnels
[there] and the bull hid in those [tunnels].
00:03:08.690 - 00:03:15.980

He disappeared.
00:03:16.130 - 00:03:20.350

Alli-alli riku chay Viñaqpa chay iglesya qipanpish

Alli-alli riku chay Viñaq-pa chay iglesya qipa-n-pi-sh
good-good rich DEM.D Viñac-LOC DEM.D church behind-3-LOC-EVR
Bien rico era Viñac [en ese entonces]. Detras de la iglesia,
Viñac was really, really rich [then]. Behind the church,
00:03:21.200 - 00:03:26.180

Hatu-hatun kayhina butiqa pampararqa Unay runaqariki allialli kaqniyuq

hatu.hatun kay-hina butiqa pampa-ra-rqa-ø Unay runa-qa-ri-ki alli-alli ka-q-ni-yuq
big DEM.P-COMP TK bury-UNINT-PST-3 before person-TOP-RI-KI good-good be-AG-EUPH-POSS
[su oro] estaba enterrado en botijas bien, bien grandes. Antes, la gente [de Viñac] era bien rica.
[their riches] were buried in a really big clay pots. In olden days, people [in Viñac] were really, really rich.
00:03:26.280 - 00:03:31.580

Allin natrik puru dular urullatatri maniharun hukchu kanan ñuqanchikhinaqa. Kanan manamiki chaytaqa
Allin na-tri-k puru dular uru-lla-ta-tri maniha-ru-n huk-chu kanan ñuqanchik-hina-qa Kanan mana-mi-ki
chay-ta-qa riqsi-nchik-ña-chu
good that-EVC-K pure gold-RSTR-ACC-EVC now no-EVD-KI dolar negotiate-URGT-3 DEM.D-ACC-TOP
now one-NEG 1PL-COMP-TOP be.acquainted-1PL-DISC-NEG
Manejaban dólares, oro puro – [no] como nosotros ahora. Ahora ya no conocemos eso.
Good, for sure. They did business in dollars, in pure gold -- not like us now. Now we don't see anything like
that any more.
00:03:31.750 - 00:03:39.190

Unay runapaq puru uru karqa nanpis
unay runa-paq puru uru ka-rqa-ø na-n-pis
before person-GEN gold be-PST-3 pure that-3-ADD
[Todo lo de] la gente de antes era de puro oro.
The ancient people's things were pure gold.
00:03:39.580 - 00:03:43.910

Asta achanpis, asta barretanpis ima pikunpis puru uru asiru.

asta acha-n-pis asta barreta-n-pis ima piku-n-pis puru uru asiru
until axe-3-ADD until lever-drill-3-ADD what pick-3-ADD gold pure steel
Hasta sus hachas, hasta sus barretas, sus picos y más eran de oro puro, de acero [puro].
Even their axes, even their levers, their picks and what-not were pure gold, [pure] steel.
00:03:44.450 - 00:03:51.350

Kananqa manamik chayqa -- intiriviraw yanqa kwalkiyer fiyeru dulsiñam kan

kanan-qa mana-mi-k chay-qa intiriviraw yanqa kwalkiyer fiyeru dulsiñam ka-n
now-TOP no-EVD-K DEM.D-TOP adulterated lie any iron sweet-DISC.EVD be-3
Ahora eso ya no existe. [sólo] hay mezclas inútiles de cualquier metal suave.
Now there isn't any of that any more. There are [just] useless, cheap mixes of any old soft metal.
00:03:51.750 - 00:03:56.310

Chaymi napa
Chay-mi na-pa
Luego ese . . .
Then that ...
00:03:57.180 - 00:04:02.870

Kaballukunaqash lluqsimun iglesyapaq. Hatu-hatun yuraq kaballu lluqsimuq hinashpash fiyu-fiyu nina ñawi.
Kaballu-kuna-qa-sh lluqsi-mu-n iglesya-paq Hatu-hatun yuraq kaballu lluqsi-mu-q hinashpa-sh fiyu-fiyu nina
horse-PL-TOP come.out-CISL-3 church-ABL big-big white then-EVR ugly ugly horse fire
come.out-CISL-AG eye
Caballos salían de la iglesia. Grandes caballos blancos solían salir [de puerta principal]. Luego, [con sus] ojos
de fuego horribles.
Horses [would] come out of the church. Really, really big white horses used to come out [of the main door].
Then, with his] horrible eyes of fire.
00:04:03.580 - 00:04:11.180

Qawamuq urayta kayhinaraq namush . . . uh . . .

Qawa-mu-q uray-ta kay-hina-raq namush uh
look-CISL-AG DEM.P-COMP-CONT namush up-ACC uh
[Un caballo en particular] solía mirar [el pueblo] abajo
[One horse in particular] would look down [on the town]
00:04:11.330 - 00:04:14.820

Huk ves fwestaman riqta pashñakunata kallinpa qatiramusa kandilaryapatr hina kandilaryapachu
huk ves fwesta-man ri-q-ta pashña-kuna-ta kalli-n-pa qati-ra-mu-sa kandilarya-pa-tr hina kandilarya-pa-chu
one time celebration-ALL go-AG-ACC GG pashñakunatagirl-PL-ACC street-3-LOC grab-URGT-CISL-PRF
Candelaria-LOC-EVC COMP Candelaria-LOC-Q twenty-fifth-LOC-Q
Una vez, sigió a las chicas que iban por la calle a la fiesta. Puede haber sido Candelaria – ya sea Candelaria,
ya sea el veinticinco [Santiago].
One time he followed the girls who were going to the celebration. It might have been Candelaria --
Candelaria or the twenty-fifth.
00:04:15.530 - 00:04:22.370

qatiramusa kallintash qipanta kurikayamuptin yanqam pashñakuna haparishpa

qati-ra-mu-sa kalli-n-ta-sh qipa-n-ta kuri-ka-ya-mu-pti-n yanqa-m GG pashña-kuna hapari-shpa
in.vain-EVD pashñakunagirl-PL scream-SUBIS
Las persiguió por la calle. [El caballo] corría detrás de las chicas [quienes] gritaban en vano.
He grabbed them in the street. [The horse] was running behind the girls [who were] screaming in vain.
00:04:22.640 - 00:04:26.840

huk wasita kitrarishpa pawaykurun hinaptinshi shallak

huk wasi-ta kitra-ri-shpa pawa-yku-ru-n hinaptin-shi shallak
one house-ACC open-INCEP-SUBIS jumpEXCEP-URGT-3 then-EVR crunch
Abrieron [la puerta] de una casa y engresaron. Entonces – shallak! –
They opened [the door] to a house and busted in. Then – shallak! –
00:04:27.040 - 00:04:30.860

shallak pasaramun kay antalalan iskinaman yuraq kaballu

shallak pasa-ra-mu-n kay iskina-man yuraq antalalan kaballu
crunch pass-URGT-CISL-3 DEM-D antalalan corner-ALL white horse
Shallak! Un caballo blanco pasó hacia la esquina de Antalala.
Shallak! A white horse passed by toward the corner of Antalala.
00:04:31.060 - 00:04:34.850

Fiyu-fiyu nina ñawi hatu-hatun animal nisa

Fiyu fiyu nina ñawi hatu-hatun animal ni-sa
ugly ugly fire eye big-big animal say-PRF
Un animal enorme y horrible con ojos de fuego.
A horrible, enormous animal with eyes of fire.
00:04:35.010 - 00:04:38.530

Chay alli-allin nati karqa Viñac riki

Chay alli-lla-llin na-ti ka-rqa-ø Viñac ri-ki
DEM.D goo-oo-ood that-TI be-PST-3 Viñac RI-KI
Habían [caballos] muy buenos en Viñac en ese entonces.
There were excellent [horses] in Víñac in those days.
00:04:40.530 - 00:04:48.440

Qullqi kara kay runakuna napam santupaq karqa

qullqi ka-ra-ø chay runa-kuna na-pa-m santu-paq ka-rqa-ø
gold be-PST-3 DEM.D person-PL that-GEN-EVD saint-LOC be-PST-3
Había oro. La gente lo tenía [escondido] al interior de [las estatuas de] los santos.
There was gold. The people had it [hidden] inside the [statues of] the saints.
00:04:49.490 - 00:04:58.560

lliw nan santupa kapanpis kayqa puru chapiyaw

lliw na-n santu-pa kapa-n-pis kay-qa puru chapiyaw
all that-3 saint-GEN cape-3-ADD DEM.P-TOP pure sequined
Las capas de todos los santos estaban cubiertas con brillantes
All of the saints' capes were covered with sequins
00:04:58.650 - 00:05:03.530

Puru brillanti no más. Hinaptinshi chaykunapis kanan manam kanchu mitataqa rantikuruntri imanaruntri
manam kanñachu rupankuna nintaq. Kantidad
Puru brillanti no más. hinaptin-shi chay-kuna-pis kanan mana-m ka-n-chu mita-ta-qa rantiku-ru-n-tri
ima-na-ru-n-tri mana-m ka-n-ña-chu
pure sequin no more then-EVR DEM.D-PL-ADD now no-EVD be-3-NEG half-ACC-TOP
buy-REFL-URGT-3-EVC what-TK-URGT-3-EVC clothes-3-PL no-EVD
y joyas verdaderas. Ahora de todo eso no queda ni la mitad. Deben haberlo vendido. ¿O qué cosa habrá
pasado? [Los santos] ya no tienen su ropa ni nada. ¡Cantidad [tenían antes]!
and with jewels. Then, they say, all that -- Now there's not even half. They must have sold it. What could
have happened? [The saints] don't have their clothes or anything any more. [They used to have] a lot! me. A
whole lot!
00:05:04.010 - 00:05:13.640

rupa-n-kuna ni-n-taq Kantidad

say-3-SEQ be-3-DISC-NEG a.lot

Ishkay bayulshi karqa Todu chapiyaw puru urutriki santupa kapan.

Ishkay bayul-shi ka-rqa-ø Todu chapiyaw puru uru-tri-ki santu-pa kapa-n
two bucket-EVR be-PST-3 all sequined pure gold-EVC-KI saint-GEN cape-3
Dos baules, dice había. Las capas de las imágenes estaban [bordado] en puro oro.
There were two buckets, they say. The capes of the statues were all covered in sequins, for sure.
00:05:13.950 - 00:05:22.030

Despues santupa karqa kurunachankuna

Despues ka-rqa-ø santu-pa kuruna-cha-n-kuna
later saint-GEN be-PST-3 crwon-DIM-3-PL
Las imágenes tenían coronitas
Then the saints all had their little crowns.
00:05:22.830 - 00:05:27.230

parnintin kambiyakunanpaq puru aseraw. Urum kay kurunachan i

par-ni-ntin kambiya-ku-na-n-paq puru aseraw uru-m kay kuruna-cha-n i
pair-EUPH-INCL change-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP pure steel DEM.P crown-DIM-3 gold-EVD and
con pares para que se cambien. Esas coronitas eran de acero puro, de oro.
in pairs, so that they could change them. Those crowns were pure steel and gold.
00:05:27.430 - 00:05:35.410

Nan hapikusa rinanpaqpis puru

Na-n qapi-ku-sa ri-na-n-paq-pis puru
that-3 grab-REFL-PRF go-NMLZ-3-PURP-ADD pure
Para que vayan [estas coronitas] todas aferradas [a las cabezas de los santos]
So that they go on [and never rust]
00:05:35.740 - 00:05:39.280

blanku na karqa baldichanpis puru uru chay ukuchanpa palumachanpis riq

blanku na ka-rqa-ø baldi-cha-n-pis puru uru chay uku-cha-n-pa paluma-cha-n-pis ri-q
white that be-PST-3 bucket-DIM-3-ADD pure gold DEM.D inside-DIM-3-LOC dove-DIM-3-ADD go-AG
eran blancos. El baldecito [que llevaba uno de los santos] también era de oro puro y dentro de ése iba su
they were white. Their little buckets, too, were pure gold. A little dove would go inside.
00:05:39.610 - 00:05:46.980

Virqinpa chay kanan manam chay kanchu nintaq

Virqin-pa chay kanan mana-m chay ka-n-chu ni-n-taq
virgin-GEN DEM.D now no-EVD DEM.D be-3-NEG say-3-SEQ
Me han dicho que las cosas de la Virgen ya no están allí.
They told me the Virgin's things aren't there any more.
00:05:47.420 - 00:05:53.700

iglesya tunisanpaq manañam trayaniñachu ñuqa.

iglesya tuni-sa-n-paq mana-m traya-ni-ña-chu ñuqa
church crumble-PRF-3-ABL no-EVD arrive-1-DISC-NEG 1
Desde la fecha en que se derrumbó la iglesia, ya no voy yo.
Since the church was knocked down, I don't get there anymore.
00:05:54.170 - 00:05:58.200

Más antes ripaq ripaqmi kani misakunaman prosesyunkunaman riqmi karqani.

Más antes ri-pa-q ri-pa-q-mi ka-ni misa-kuna-man prosesyun-kuna-man ri-q-mi ka-rqa-ni
more before go-REPET-AG go-REPET-AG-EVD be-1 mass-PL-ALL procession-PL-ALL go-AG-EVD
Antes siempre iba a la misa y a las procesiónes. Solía ir.
Long ago, I would always go to the mass and to the processions. I used to go.
00:05:58.560 - 00:06:03.810

kanan manaña trayaniñachu. Imapaqña trayashaq manaña santu ni imapis.

kanan mana-ña traya-ni-ña-chu mana-ña ni santu traya-shaq Imapaq-ña ima-pis
now no-DISC arrive-1-DISC-NEG why-DISC arrive-1.FUT no-DISC saint nor what-ADD
Ahora ya no llego ya. ¿Por qué ya voy a llegar? Ya no hay ni santos. Nada.
Now I don't get there any more. What would I get there for? There aren't saints or anything any more.
00:06:03.980 - 00:06:09.400

Imapis kaptin no sé prosesyun kanchu. fiystapis manachu imanatr riniñachu.

Ima-pis ka-pti-n no sé fiysta-pis mana-chu prosesyun ima-na-tr ka-n-chu ri-ni-ña-chu
what-ADD be-SUBDS-3 no know procession be-3-NEG celebration-ADD no-NEG what-VRBZ-EVC
Cuando no hay nada, no sé si habrá procesion o no habrá. Fiesta no habrá -- ¿cómo será? ya no voy.
If there isn't anything -- I don't know -- there's no procession. There's no celebration, either. How would it
be- I don't go any more.
00:06:09.590 - 00:06:15.650

Chaymi kullarchankunapis. Unay antigwu puru piyedram kaq santupa.

Chay-mi kullar-cha-n-kuna-pis Unay antigwu puru ka-q piyedra-m santu-pa
DEM.D-EVD necklace-DIM-3-PL-ADD before ancient pure precious.stone-EVD be-AG saint-GEN
Por eso tenían sus collarcitos. Antes, los antiguos -- lo de los santos era de joyas puras.
That's why they had their little collars. Before, the ancients -- the saints' things were pure jewels.
00:06:16.430 - 00:06:22.220

Kuyaychallapaq kaq llapan surtihankuna aritinkuna. Todo oro, pues, ahora no hay de-RSTR.
Kuya-y-cha-lla-pa-qa ka-q llapa-n surtiha-n-kuna ariti-n-kuna
love-INF-DIM-RSTR-GEN-TOP be-AG all ring-3-PL ear.ring-3-PL
¡Qué lindos eran todos sus surtijas y sus aretes! Todo de oro, pues. Ahora no hay de eso.
Their ear.rings and their rings were so lovely! Everything pure gold. That doesn't exist any more.
00:06:22.490 - 00:06:30.310
Chayhina karqa napaq animal
Chay-hina ka-rqa-ø na-paq animal
DEM.D-COMP be-PST-3 that-BEN animal
Así era, para animal
That's the way it was for animals.
00:06:33.880 - 00:06:40.540

Purirqa nin. Chayllatam yatrani mastaq yatranichu.

Puri-rqa-ø ni-n Chay-lla-ta-m yatra-ni más-taq yatra-ni-chu.
walk-PST-3 say-3 DEM.D-RSTR-ACC-EVD know-1 more-ACC know-1-NEG
Caminó, dice. eso no más sé, más no sé.
They say he wandered about. That's all I know. I don't know any more.
00:06:40.890 - 00:06:48.920

00:06:49.700 - 00:06:49.910

Adivinancia, hay,
00:06:49.940 - 00:06:52.190

¿Imayá ¿Aykayashá?
Ima-ya ayka-ya-sh-á
what-EMPH how.many--EVR-EMPH
Qué será cuánto será?
What could it be, how many could it be?
00:06:52.290 - 00:06:54.960

Wak waqtata riyan kurku machucha verde verde shimichayuq nin. Qué será
wak waqta-ta ri-ya-n verde verde kurku shimi-cha-yuq machu-cha ni-n
DEM.D side-ACC go-PROG-3 hunchbacked green green mouth-DIM-POSS say-3
Allá por la ladera va un ancianito jorobado con la boca verde, dicen. Qué será?
A hunchbacked old man with a green, green mouth iis going up the side of a hill, What could it be?
00:06:55.270 - 00:07:00.700

¡Adivína! uno de ellos!

¡Adivína! uno de ellos!
Guess! One of them!
00:07:05.320 - 00:07:08.330

Os que está cortando.

Os que está cortando.
A scythe that's cutting.
00:07:08.470 - 00:07:13.310

Está cortando cebada. Sus dientes está quedando verde. Sí o no?

Está cortando cebada. Sus dientes están quedando verde. ¿Sí o no?
It's cutting barley. It's teeth are turning green -- yes or no?
00:07:13.420 - 00:07:17.320
Otro más. ¿Imayá? ¿Aykayashá?
Ima-ya ayka-ya-sha-´
what-EMPH how.many--EVR-EMPH
Otro más. ¿Qué será? ¿Cuál será?
One more. What could it be? How many could it be?
00:07:17.380 - 00:07:20.930

Este. Qaqapa ismu kundurlla warkurayan, dijo.

Qaqa-pa ismu kundur-lla warku-raya-n
cliff-LOC rotten condor-RSTR hang-PASS-3
Este. En una peña está colgado un cóndor podrido, dijo.
This one. A rotting condor is hanging from a cliff, they say.
00:07:21.240 - 00:07:26.400

¿Qué será ese?

¿Qué será ese?
What would that one be?
00:07:29.150 - 00:07:31.660

Unay taytakukuna mamakukuna

Unay taytaku-kuna mamaku-kuna
before grand.father-PL grand.mother-PL
Antiguos abuelos y abuelas.
Olden grandfathers and grandmothers.
00:07:31.920 - 00:07:35.280

Cuando no puede adivinar, este yaaaaa

Cuando no puede adivinar, este yaaaaa
When you can't guess, that's it.
00:07:35.490 - 00:07:39.650

Mataw bestiyupa washanta kachkarunkiña. ¿Ya ves? Decía

mataw washa-n-ta kachka-ru-nki-ña. bestiyu-pa
injured horse-GEN flesh-3-ACC chew-URGT-2-DISC
Masticaste el lomo de un caballo lastimado. Ya ves? Decía.
You chewed the meat of an injured horse. Now you see? They said.
00:07:39.810 - 00:07:45.610

00:07:45.660 - 00:07:49.190

Ese es
Ese es
That's it.
00:07:49.270 - 00:07:52.300

00:07:52.340 - 00:07:56.200

También yaaa, estteee

También yaaa, estteee
This one, too, now.
00:07:56.270 - 00:07:59.910

Wak kinraypa yana matraypaq puka banderalla pukllayan. Qué será ese?
Wak kinray-pa yana matray-paq puka bandera-lla puklla-ya-n
DEM.D sideways-LOC black cave-LOC red flag-RSTR play-PROG-3
Por allá, una bandera roja está jugando en una cueva negra. ¿Qué será?
Over there, a red flag is waving in a black cave. What could it be?
00:08:00.460 - 00:08:07.160

Estamos hablando
Estamos hablando
We're talking.
00:08:13.830 - 00:08:16.310

Qallunchiktam nin.
Qallu-nchik-ta-m ni-n
tongue-1PL-ACC-EVD say-3
A nuestra lengua, dice
Our tongue, they say.
00:08:16.570 - 00:08:18.900

00:08:27.050 - 00:08:27.300

Wawasan hinañatr agwantan ñuqaqa agwantaymanchu. Verdad pe'

Wawa-sa-n hina-ña-tr agwanta-n ñuqa-qa agwanta-y-man-chu
baby-PRF-3 thus-DISC-EVC tolerate-3 1-TOP tolerate-1-COND-NEG
Cómo ha tenido hijo no más tendrá que sorportar. Yo no podría sorportar. Verdad pe'
As she's had a baby. she'll just have to stand it. I couldn't stand it. It's true!
00:08:27.380 - 00:08:33.250

00:08:35.110 - 00:08:41.950

00:08:42.340 - 00:08:47.580

Ama! Chichichintri-ki
Ama chichi-chi-n-tri-ki
¡No! Mamará.
Don't! He'd nurse.
00:08:47.880 - 00:08:52.870

¿Ima? millarurqa? (Allá frente, vaca). Ah, chay almayuq.

Ima milla-ru-rqa-ø Ah, chay alma-yuq
what refuse-URGT-PST-3 Ah, DEM.D soul-POSS
¿Qué ha negado? Ah, ese con alma.
What did he refuse? Ah, the one with a soul.
00:08:53.010 - 00:08:59.300

Riptin animal ashnachikushpa ispantan

Ri-pti-n animal ashna-chi-ku-shpa ispanta-n
go-SUBDS-3 animal smell-CAUS-REFL-SUBIS get.scared-3
Cuando va en el animal oliendo se asusta.
When it [the soul]goes, the animal, smelling it, gets scared.
00:08:59.340 - 00:09:05.800

Ayves kumpañaw viyene wañuypaqpis kayachuwantriki. Bien hukpa almawanpis riyanchiktriki. Animal
Ayves kumpañaw viyene wañu-y-paq-pis ka-ya-chuwan-tri-ki Bien huk-pa alma-wan-pis ri-ya-nchik-tri-ki
Animal qawa-ya-n-tri-ki.
sometimes accompanied come.3 die-INF-PURP-ADD be-PROG-1PL.COND-EVC-KI well one-GEN
soul-INSTR-ADD go-PROG-1PL-EVC-KI Animal see-PROG-3-EVC-KI
a veces acompañado viene. Podemos estar para morir. Bien, con alma de otro podemos estar yendo. El
animal mirará.
Sometimes people come accompanied [by a soul of a recently dead relative]; the person could also be about to
die. We might be going around along with the soul of someone else. The animal must be seeing it.
00:09:06.170 - 00:09:14.980

Pichi karamba. Pirritu.

Pichi karamba. Pirritu.
Piss damn doggie
Perrito caramba. Perrito.
Piss! Damn! Dog!
00:09:15.070 - 00:09:18.220

Almanchik puriyan vivush huk qawaptinqa ñuqanchik qawanchikchu.

Alma-nchik puri-ya-n vivu-sh huk qawa-pti-n-qa ñuqa-nchik qawa-nchik-chu.
soul-1PL walk-PROG-3 alive-EVR one see-SUBDS-3-TOP 1.1PL see-1PL-NEG
Nuestras almas andan vivas. Aunque otros las vean, nosotros nos las vemos.
Your soul wanders about alive, they say. Although another person sees it, we don't see it.
00:09:20.090 - 00:09:25.890

Ñuqa manam almata qawanichu. Algunos dice ve clarito. Kaynahina vistiduyuq ... chay ... riyanchik.
Ñuqa mana-m alma-ta qawa-ni-chu. Kayna-hina vistidu-yuq chay ri-ya-nchik
1 no-EVD soul-ACC see-1-NEG DEM.P-VRBZ-COMP clothes-POSS DEM.D go-PROG-1PL
Yo nunca he visto un alma. Algunos las ven clarito, dicen. Así vestidos estamos yendo.
I don't see the souls. Some people, they say, see them clearly. Like that, like, dressed, they go around.
00:09:26.060 - 00:09:32.500

Manam ñuqaqa almata qawanichu. Ima chumpi ñawichu, ima yana ñawichu. Chumpi ñawi más ve creo.
mana-m ñuqa-qa alma-ta qawa-ni-chu. ima yana chumpi ñawi-chu Chumpi ñawi-chu ñawi ima
no-EVD 1-TOP soul-ACC see-1-NEG what brown eye-NEG what black eye-NEG eye brown
Yo no veo las almas. Los de ojos marron, los de ojos negros. Los de ojos marron ven más, creo.
I don't see the souls. Brown eyes or black eyes -- brown eyes see more, I believe.
00:09:33.040 - 00:09:39.150

Mediyo yana ñawitr. Imanatr manam qawanichu?
Mediyo yana ñawi-tr. Ima-na-tr mana-m qawa-ni-chu
half black eye-EVC what-VRBZ-EVC no-EVD see-1-NEG
[Tengo] ojos medio negros. ¿Cómo será yo no veo?
[I'm] half black-eyed. How is it that I don't see it?
00:09:39.420 - 00:09:42.890

It goes around really clear, they say.
00:09:43.390 - 00:09:51.640

siympri mancharinchik ya runa wañukuptinqa. Siwiyakunchik kaminunta. ¿Ima rishpapis?

siympri mancha-ri-nchik wañu-ku-pti-n-qa Siwiya-ku-nchik kaminu-n-ta. ya ¿Ima runa ri-shpa-pis
always scare-INCEP-1PL die-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP fear-EXCEP-1PL road-3-ACC EMPH what person
Siempre nos asustamos, pues, cuando gente muere, Tememos el camino. ¿Qué cosa también puede ir?.
WE always get scared when people die. We fear their road. What else could be going?
00:09:52.980 - 00:09:58.230

Qipanchikta hamuyan runahina. Hapiykamushunki chutaykamushunki, qawariptiki imapis kanchu.

Animuntriki riyan.
Qipa-nchik-ta hamu-ya-n runa-hina Hapi-yka-mu-shunki chuta-yka-mu-shunki, qawa-ri-pti-ki ima-pis
ka-n-chu. Animu-n-tri-ki ri-ya-n
behind-1PL-ACC come-PROG-3 person-SIM grab-EXCEP-CISL-3>2 pull-EXCEP-CISL-3>2
see-INCEP-SUBDS-2 what-ADD be-3-NEG spirit-1PL-EVC-KI go-PROG-3
Está viniendo detrás de nosotros, como gente. Te agarra, te jala. Cuando miras, no hay nada.
It comes behind us, like a person. It grabs you, it pulls you. When you look, there's nothing. Your soul is
00:09:58.720 - 00:10:06.470

Chayna mancharin kwirpunchik ñuqanchikpa ñataq

Chay-na mancha-ri-n kwirpu-nchik ñuqa-nchik-pa ña-taq
Por eso nuestros cuerpos de asustan, pues.
So our bodies get scared, already, then.
00:10:06.640 - 00:10:10.170

Kaypaqa kriyinchik pachatam

Kay-pa-qa kriyi-nchik pacha-ta-m
DEM.P-LOC-TOP believe-1.PL earth-ACC-EVD
Acá creemos al cerro.
Here, we believe in the earth.
00:10:16.470 - 00:10:23.560

Ayves urmarunchik ayves puñurunchik chayshi urqupa. Hinaptin chay hapiwanchik. Chaywan unqunchik.
Ayvis urma-ru-nchik ayvis puñu-ru-nchik chay-shi urqu-pa Hinaptin chay hapi-wanchik. Chay-wan
sometimes fall-URGT-1PL sometimes sleep-URGT-1PL DEM.D-EVR hill-LOC then DEM.D grab-3>1PL
DEM.D-INSTR get.sick-1PL
a veces nos caemos a veces nos quedamos dormidos en el cerro. Despues, ése te hace daño. Por eso nos
Sometimes we fall; sometimes we fall asleep on the hill. Later, it hurts you. We get sick from that.
00:10:24.180 - 00:10:32.270

Chay kutichikushpa sananchik. Ahhhh, chay pastillaqa gripipaqmi.

Chay kuti-chi-ku-shpa sana-nchik. chay pastilla-qa Ahhhh, gripi-paq-mi.
DEM.D return-CAUS-REFL-SUBIS heal-1PL Ahhhh, DEM.D pill-TOP cold-PURP-EVD
Devolviéndolo [al cerro] sanamos. Ayay, esa pastilla es para gripe.
Returning that [to the hill], we get better. Ahh, the pills are for colds.
00:10:32.590 - 00:10:42.180

Gripipaq bien algu chiripi kuliku chaypaq chay pastillaqa. Manam chaytaqa kaypaqa kriyinchikchu. Sinu
Gripi-paq bien algu chiri-pi kuliku chay-paq chay pastilla-qa. mana-m chay-ta-qa kay-pa-qa kriyi-nchik-chu.
cold-PURP well something cold-LOC colic DEM.D-PURP DEM.D pill-TOP no-EVD DEM.D-ACC-TOP
DEM.P-LOC-TOP believe-1PL rather
Para gripe, bien para cólico, para eso es la pastilla. A eso no creemos en acá nosotros. Sino
For colds, yes, for colic. That's what pills are good for. We don't believe in that here. Rather,
00:10:42.920 - 00:10:50.260

Kaypaqa ayves urmashtin urqupaq purinchik. Hinaptin ayves

Kay-pa-qa ayvis urma-shtin urqu-paq puri-nchik. Hinaptin ayves
DEM.P-LOC-TOP sometimes fall-SUBADV hill-LOC walk-1PL so sometimes
En acá a veces cayéndonos caminamos en el cerro. Por eso a veces
Here, sometimes we walk about falling in the hills. That's why sometimes
00:10:50.420 - 00:10:55.140

Urquqa yarqasapis kayan hapiykuruwanchik.

Urqu-qa yarqa-sa-pis ka-ya-n qapiyku ru-wa-nchik
hill-TOP be.hungry-PRF-ADD be-PROG-3 grab-EXCEP-URGT-3>1PL
El cerro a veces está de hambre eso nos hace daño.
The hill is hungry and it bites us.
00:10:55.350 - 00:10:58.340

Chay nanayawanchik wiqawninchik trakinchik. Imanchikpis nanayantr urmasanchik achaki. Hinaptin

Chay nana-ya-wanchik wiqaw-ni-nchik traki-nchik. Ima-nchik-pis nana-ya-n-tri urma-sa-nchik achaki.
DEM.D hurt-PROG.3>1PL lower.back.EUPH-1PL foot-1PL what.EUPH-ADD hurt-PROG-3-NEG
fall-PRF-1PL-COND perhaps so
La cintura o los pies nos duelen. Cualquier parte de nosotros estará doliendo porque hemos caido, tal vez.
Our backs and feet hurt. Any part of us might hurt because we've fallen, maybe- Then
00:10:58.570 - 00:11:04.730

Chay kutichikunchik. Kay frutachakunawan waytacha llampuchakunawan kutichikunchik chay saman

Chay kuti-chi-ku-nchik. Kay fruta-cha-kuna-wan wayta-cha llampu-cha-kuna-wan kuti-chi-ku-nchik chay
DEM.D return-CAUS-REFL-1PL DEM.P fruit-DIM-PL-INSTR flower-DIM llampu-DIM-PL-INSTR
return-CAUS-REFL-1PL DEM.D rest-3
Por eso devolvemos “al cerro‘. Con frutacitas, florcitas, llampucitos devolvemos. Estos descansan.
We make that return. Fruit, flowers, llampu -- we return all that. That rests.
00:11:04.890 - 00:11:12.620

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2013/Villafranca_CW_Various.eaf
Thursday, May 29, 2014 4:10 PM


Chay alkaldipachu chay dipiyndin

Chay alkaldi-pa-chu chay dipiyndi-n
DEM.D mayor-GEN-DISJ DEM.D depend-3
Eso depende del alcalde.
That depends on the mayor.
00:00:03.880 - 00:00:09.050

Padri di familiyapachu warmi wawayuqkunapachu

Padri di familiya-pa-chu warmi wawa-yuq-kuna-pa-chu
father of family-GEN-DISJ woman baby-POSS-PL-GEN-DISJ
De los padres de familia o de los que tienen hijas.
On the parents, on those who have daughters.
00:00:09.300 - 00:00:12.995

Imaynam trurarungaqa Uchuychalla karrumanqa

Imayna-m trura-ru-nqa-qa Uchuy-cha-lla karru-man-qa
how-EVD put-URGT-3.FUT-TOP small-DIM-RSTR car-ALL-TOP
¿Cómo lo va a guardar? A chiquito carro.
How are they going to save it? To a little car.
00:00:13.535 - 00:00:15.275 00:00:16.957 - 00:00:18.967

Ispisiyaltrik truranman karrutaqa alumnu apananpaq ¿no es cierto?

Ispisiyal-tri-k trura-n-man karru-ta-qa alumnu apa-na-n-paq
special-EVC-K put-3-COND car-ACC_TOP student bring-NMLZ-PURP
Especial debe de poner. a carro para lleve a los alumnos. ¿no es cierto?
They should get a special one. A car to bring the students. Isn't that true?
00:00:19.252 - 00:00:22.192 00:00:22.302 - 00:00:25.252

Tiympu mas antis hurqunman kara chay alumnukuna ganadurkuna lluqsinanpaq

Tiympu mas antis hurqu-n-man ka-ra chay alumnu-kuna ganadur-kuna
time more before remove-3-COND be-PST DEM.D student-PL winner-PL
De tiempo más antes hubiera sacado a esos alumnos para que salguen campiónes.
In previous times they would have taken those students out so they could come
out winners.
00:00:26.822 - 00:00:32.182

nallamanqa ¿cómo se llama ese carro?

lluqsi-na-n-paq na-lla-man-qa
Hacia ese no más ¿Cómo se llama ese carro?
Towards just umm. What is that car called?
00:00:32.402 - 00:00:37.062

Moto taxi, dijo, creo.

Moto taxi,
Motorcycle taxi
Moto taxi dijo, creo.
Motorcycle taxi, they said, I believe.
00:00:37.112 - 00:00:39.502

Chaymanqa siqarunqaqa huk kurralmanhina tan achka runaqa achka alumnuqa.

Chay-man-qa siqa-ru-nqa-qa huk kurral-man-hina tan achka runa-qa achka
DEM.D-ABL-TOP go.up-URGT-3.FUT-TOP one corral-ALL-COMP so.many many person-TOP
Mucha gente, muchos alumnos van a subir hacia allí como hacia un coral.
Lots of people, lots of students are going to go up towards it like towards a
00:00:40.192 - 00:00:45.502

Chaypam puchukakun waknin barrankupa.

alumnu-qa Chay-pa-m puchu-ka-ku-n wak-ni-n barranku-pa
many student-TOP DEM.D-LOC-EVD finish-REFL-3 DEM.D-EUPH-3 cliff-LOC
Terminó allí en otro barranco.
It ended there on another cliff.
00:00:46.347 - 00:00:48.407

Cin ... Pichqata pamparun kaypa.

... Pichqa-ta pampa-ru-n kay-pa
... five-ACC bury-URGT-3 DEM.P-LOC
Sepultaron a cinco aquí.
They buried five here,
00:00:49.057 - 00:00:52.047

Uraypaq saysim kayan siytim kayan ninchu no se. Hiridu.

Uray-paq saysi-m ka-ya-n siyti-m ka-ya-n ni-n-chu Hiridu.
down.hill-LOC six-EVD be-PROG-3 seven-EVD be-PROG-3 say-3-Q injured
Abajo hay seis, hay siete, dicn, no sé. Heridos.
Down hill there are six, there are seven, they say. I don't know. Injured.
00:00:52.167 - 00:00:56.577

Sanaypaq mana sanay yatrakunchu

Sana-y-paq mana sana-y yatra-ku-n-chu
heal-INF-PURP no heal-INF know-REFL-3-NEG
Están por sanar o por no sanar -- no se sabe.
are they to be healed or not healed. We don't know.
00:00:56.852 - 00:00:59.382

Pipis manam kutimunchu.
Pi-pis mana-m kuti-mu-n-chu
who-ADD no-EVD return-CISL-3-NEG
Nadie no vuelve.
No one returns.
00:00:59.512 - 00:01:01.632 00:01:02.412 - 00:01:04.732

Huk siñurallash mihuraypaq hinalla kayan piru

Huk siñura-lla-sh mihura-y-paq hina-lla ka-ya-n piru
one lady-RSTR-EVR improve-INF-PURP thus-RSTR be-PROG-3 but
Hay una señora no más, dice, por mejorar, pero.
There's just one woman, they say, who's to be healed like that, but ...
00:01:04.822 - 00:01:10.222

Hiridu mas gravish Limapa.

Hiridu mas gravi-sh Lima-pa
injured more grave-EVR Lima-LOC
El herido más grave está en Lima.
The most gravely injured is in Lima, they say.
00:01:14.252 - 00:01:16.402

Kimsa ninchu tawa ninchu

Kimsa ni-n-chu tawa ni-n-chu
three say-3-DISJ four say-3-DISJ
Tres, dijo, o cuatro dijo?
Three, did they say or didthey say four?
00:01:17.367 - 00:01:19.907

Umallankuna pakisa piru kawsayan. Ñawillankuna manam qawanchu.

Uma-lla-n-kuna paki-sa piru kawsa-ya-n Ñawi-lla-n-kuna mana-m qawa-n-chu
head-RSTR-3-PL break-PRF but live-PROG-3 eye-RSTR-3 no-EVD see-3-NEG
Su cabeza todo roto pero está vivo. Su ojo todo no ve.
His head and all broken, but he's alive. His eyes don't see.
00:01:20.777 - 00:01:23.157 00:01:23.547 - 00:01:25.387

Mana rimashpa ñawillan qawayan algunus.

Mana rima-shpa ñawi-lla-n qawa-ya-n algunus
no talk-SUBIS eye-RSTR-3 see-PROG-3 some
No habla pero su ojo ve, algunos.
Although they don't speak, their eyes see, some [of them].
00:01:25.557 - 00:01:27.837

Teseso es. Limpu lliw mihur wañukunman kara chay sanaykusanpa.

Limpu lliw mihur wañu-ku-n-man ka-ra chay
all all better die-REFL-3-COND be-PST DEM.D heal-EXCEP-PRF-3-GEN
Teseso es. Todos mejor hubieran debido morir allí donde se cayeron.
It's TK. Those who fell should have died there, where they fell.
00:01:28.057 - 00:01:32.267


Manam priyukupasyun kanmanchu kara kanan

Mana-m priyukupasyun ka-n-man-chu ka-ra kanan
no-EVD worry be-3-COND-NEG be-PST now
No hubiera habido preocupación ahora.
There wouldn't have been any worry now.
00:01:32.892 - 00:01:35.342

Taytan maman allí está todos los días viendo.

Tayta-n mama-n
father-3 mother-3
Sus padres y sus madres allí están todos los días viendo.
Their fathers and their mothers are there every day watching.
00:01:35.542 - 00:01:39.492

¿Cuánto cuesta?
¿Cuánto cuesta?
How much does it cost?
00:01:40.347 - 00:01:41.717

Kamapis aykapis hukchu gratis chaynapaqa.

Kama-pis ayka-pis huk-chu gratis chay-na-paq
bed-ADD how.much-ADD one-NEG free DEM.D-VRBZ-TK
Una cama, cuaánto sea no es gratis allí.
A bed, whatever amount. What's going to be free there?
00:01:42.317 - 00:01:44.782

Uspitalpaq manachu gratis kachimachuwanchu, ¿aw?

Uspital-paq mana-chu gratis ka-chi-ma-chuwan-chu ¿aw?
hospital-ABL no-NEG free be-CAUS-1.OBJ-1PL.COND-Q yes
¿Nada nos va a ser gratis en el hospital, ¿no? TK
Nothing's going to be free for us in a hospital, right?
00:01:45.682 - 00:01:49.452

Kamapaq kubrayan Midisina tantuta quyan

Kama-paq kubra-ya-n Midisina tantu-ta qu-ya-n
bed-ABL charge-PROG-3 medicine so.much-ACC give-PROG-3
Están cobrando por la cama. Están dando tanto tanta medicina.
They're charging for the bed. They're giving that much medicine.
00:01:49.517 - 00:01:51.287 00:01:51.977 - 00:01:54.687

Mama tayta rantishpa rimidiyananpaq
Mama tayta ranti-shpa rimidiya-na-n-paq
mother father buy-SUBIS remedy-NMLZ-3-PURP
Padre y Madre comprando. para que remedie.
Mother and Father buying. so that they recover.
00:01:54.917 - 00:01:57.757 00:01:58.247 - 00:01:59.657

Chay hukllapa wañukuptinqa pampakurun trankilu ya no hay gasto nada.

Chay huk-lla-pa wañu-ku-pti-n-qa pampa-ku-ru-n trankilu
DEM.D one-RSTR-TK die-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP bury-REFL-URGT-3 tranquil
En allí si hubieran muerto, hubieran sepultado tranquilamente. Ya no hay gasto
nada. TK
If they had died there, they would have buried them peacefully. There's no
expense or anything any more.
00:02:00.177 - 00:02:05.192

Waqakushpapis pamparuntri llakikuyanpis diya i nuchipis piru ya no gasta.

Waqa-ku-shpa-pis pampa-ru-n-tri llaki-ku-ya-n-pis diya i nuchi-pis piru
cry-REFL-SUBIS-ADD bury-URGT-3-EVC sorrow-REFL-PROG-3-ADD day and night-ADD but
Llorando , tembién, los sepultarían. Tendrían pena día y noche pero ya no
Crying, too, they would bury them. They would mourn night and day, but they
won't spend any more.
00:02:05.412 - 00:02:10.002

Chay uraypaq
Chay uray-paq
DEM.D down.hill-ABL
Allí abajo.
There down hill.
00:02:10.697 - 00:02:12.057

Nakunata pulladakunata Cañetepa ruwayan chay infirmukunapaq dice.

Na-kuna-ta pullada-kuna-ta Cañete-pa ruwa-ya-n chay infirmu-kuna-paq
DMY-PL-ACC chicken.fry-PL-ACC Cañete-LOC make-PROG-3 DEM.D sick-PL-BEN
Están haciendo polladas en Cañete para esos enfermos, dice.
They're selling chicken in Cañete for the sick people, they say.
00:02:12.367 - 00:02:18.417

Kaykunapapis como limosna está buscando.

Aquí también, como limosna está buscando.
Here, too, they're looking for, like, charity.
00:02:19.162 - 00:02:21.752

Diyariyu kama diyariyu imatapis ducturqa mañarikuyantriki
Diyariyu kama diyariyu ima-ta-pis ductur-qa maña-ri-ku-ya-n-tri-ki
daily bed daily what-ACC-ADD doctor-TOP ask.for-INCEP-REFL-PROG-3-EVC-KI
Diario, cama, diario, ¿qué cosa también estará pidiendo el doctor?
Daily, the bed, daily, what else is the dortor requesting?
00:02:23.232 - 00:02:28.122

Chay mas gastuqa mas tristi. I mana alliyanqachu?

Chay mas gastu-qa mas tristi. I mana alli-ya-nqa-chu
DEM.D more expense-TOP more sad and no good-INCH-3.FUT-NEG
Eso es más gasto, más triste. Y no va a sanar.
That's more expense. It's more sad. And they're not going to get better?
00:02:29.032 - 00:02:31.442 00:02:31.752 - 00:02:33.002

Wañukunqa. Tantu gastuta ruwaykushpa.

Wañu-ku-n-qa Tantu gastu-ta ruwa-yku-shpa
die-REFL-3.FUT so.much expense-ACC make-EXCEP-SUBIS
Van a morir. tanto gasto haciendo.
They're going to die, [even though they're] spending so much.
00:02:33.897 - 00:02:36.957

Kahuntaqa ubsikiyarun risidintikunash algunus ninchu.

Kahun-ta-qa ubsikiya-ru-n risidinti-kuna-sh algunus ni-n-chu.
coffin-ACC-TOP donate-URGT-3 resident-PL-EVR some say-3-TK
El ataúd, dice, lo obsequiaron algunos residentes, dijo.
The residents [of Cañete] donated the coffin, some say.
00:02:37.187 - 00:02:43.907

Chayna nin. Cañete risidintikuna, Chincha, todo por allá, dice.

Chay-na ni-n Cañete risidinti-kuna Chincha
DEM.D-VRBZ say-3 Cañete resident-PL Chincha,
Así dijo. Residentes de Cañete, de Cincha, todo por allá, dijo.
So they said. Residents of Cañete, of Chincha, all over there, they say.
00:02:44.157 - 00:02:48.147

Simanata puchukurunñatrik tantu infirmupaq kayman wakman partiruptinqa. ¿Imata

Simana-ta puchuku-ru-n-ña-tri-k tantu infirmu-paq kay-man wak-man
week-ACC finish-REFL-URGT-3-DISC-EVC-K so.much sick-BEN DEM.P-ALL DEM.D-ALL
Ya terminaría la semana, tantos enfermos que han partido de aquí para allá.
¿Qué cosa va a habe TKr?
They'll have finished the week with so many sick people leaving from here to
there. What's going to be?
00:02:51.967 - 00:02:57.507

parti-ru-pti-n-qa Ima-ta ka-nqa

leave-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP what-ACC be-3.FUT
file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2013/Tana_IM_Kitchen.eaf
Thursday, May 29, 2014 4:09 PM


Chuki karruwan. Wañukun kay huvinpa chay agarraq huvinpa maman.

Chuki karru-wan Wañu-ku-n kay huvin-pa chay agara-q huvin-pa
crash car-INSTR die-REFL-3 DEM.P DEM.D grab-AG
Choque con carro. Murió. La mamá de ese joven que estaba agarrando.
A car crash. The young man's mother who was holding on.
00:00:04.380 - 00:00:09.660

Pashñalla. Manam lutushapischu.

mama-n Pashña-lla mana-m lutu-sha-pis-chu
mother-3 girl-RSTR no-EVD
Muchacha no más. No se había puesto de luto.
Just a girl. She hadn't put on mourning,
00:00:10.090 - 00:00:14.960

¿Ishkay killallaraqchu karun? ¿Masñachu karun?

Ishkay killa-lla-raq-chu ka-ru-n Mas-ña-chu ka-ru-n
two month-RSTR-CONT-Q be-URGT-3 more-DISC-Q be-URGT-3
¿Dos meses no más todavía era? ¿O más era?
Was it just two months already? Or was it more?
00:00:23.210 - 00:00:26.360

Ishkay killallaraqshi karun. Wañukushan.

Ishkay killa-lla-raq-shi ka-ru-n Wañu-ku-sha-n
two month-RSTR-CONT-EVR be-URGT-3 die-REFL-PRF-3
Dos meses no más, dice, era que falleció.
Just two months, they say, it was that she died.
00:00:27.475 - 00:00:30.595

¿Imapi? ¿Ima killapi chay wañun. ¿Kimsa killachu icha kayan? Manam.
Ima-pi Ima killa-pi chay wañu-n Kimsa killa-chu icha ka-ya-n Mana-m
what-LOC what month-LOC DEM.D die-3 three month-Q or be-PROG-3 no-EVD
¿En qué? ¿En qué mes murió? ¿O es tres meses? No.
In what? In what month did she die? Or is it three months? No.
00:00:32.145 - 00:00:34.985 00:00:38.345 - 00:00:41.205

Manañam. Ishkay killaña.

Mana-ña-m Ishkay killa-ña
no-DISC-EVD two month-DISC
No ya. Dos meses ya.
No already. Two months already.
00:00:41.485 - 00:00:43.665

Ñuqaqa disayunayaniña. Infirmuqa, ¿Maytaña ripun? niyantriki.

Ñuqa-qa disayuna-ya-ni-ña Infirmu-qa May-ta-ña ri-pu-n ni-ya-n-tri-ki
1-TOP breakfast-PROG-1-DISC sick-TOP where-ACC-DISC go-BEN-3 say-PROG-3-EVC-KI
Yo ya estoy desayunando. El enfermo ya estará diciendo, '¿Dónde se ha ido?'
I'm already having breakfast. The sick man must already be saying, "Where has
she gone?"
00:00:47.565 - 00:00:53.005

Chayqa qamtapis ingañarushunkitriki.

Chay-qa qam-ta-pis ingaña-ru-shunki-tri-ki
Ay, a tí también te habrá engañado.
They must have tricked you, too.
00:01:03.665 - 00:01:07.045

Qala trakillam purikuyanipis. Mana sapatu ushtuchinaypaqpis tiympu kanchu.

Qala traki-lla-m puri-ku-ya-ni-pis mana sapatu ushtu-chi-na-y-paq-pis Tiympu
naked foot-RSTR-EVD walk-REFL-PROG-1-ADD no shoe put.on-CAUS-NMLZ-1-PURP-ADD time
Descalzo no más estoy andando. No hay tiempo para que me ponga mis zapatos.
I'm walking about barefoot. There's no time for me to put on my shoes.
00:01:11.385 - 00:01:16.495

¿Maypataq chay sapatullay kayan?

ka-n-chu May-pa-taq chay sapatu-lla-y ka-ya-n
be-3-NEG where-LOC-SEQ DEM.D shoe-RSTR-1 be-PROG-3
¿Dónde están mis zapatos?
Where are my shoes?
00:01:16.845 - 00:01:19.525

Manaña ganakunichu, niy! Sapatunta rantinaypaqpis, niy!

Mana-ña gana-ku-ni-chu ni-y Sapatu-n-ta ranti-na-y-paq-pis ni-y
no-DISC earn-REFL-1-NEG say-IMP shoe-3-ACC buy-NMLZ-1-PURP-ADD say-IMP
No gano ya, ¡di! Para que yo me compre zapatos, ¡di!
Say,"I don't earn [anything]"! Say "so I can buy shoes"!
00:01:19.805 - 00:01:22.885

Sapatullay rantinaypaqpis manam ganakunipischu.

Sapatu-lla-y ranti-na-y-paq-pis mana-m gana-ku-ni-pis-chu
show-RSTR-1 buy-NMLZ-1-PURP-ADD no-EVD earn-REFL-1-ADD-NEG
No gano ni para comprar mis zapatos.
I don't make [enough] even so I can buy my shoes.
00:01:23.705 - 00:01:26.605

Manam kisupis kanchu papantawan mikunapaq.
Mana-m kisu-pis ka-n-chu papa-n-ta-wan miku-na-paq
no-EVD cheese-ADD be-3-NEG potato-3-ACC-INSTR eat-NMLZ-PURP
No hay ni queso para comer con papa.
There isn't even cheese to eat with potatoes.
00:01:27.625 - 00:01:31.275

Kisullay nuqapaqa uchukllaqa kaytaq kayanmi, ¿pero pasto?

Kisu-lla-y nuqa-pa-qa uchuk-lla-qa kay-taq ka-ya-n-mi
cheese-RSTR-1 1-GEN-TOP small-RSTR-TOP DEM.P-SEQ be-PROG-3-EVD
Tengo queso aunque chiquitito. ¿Pero pasto?
I have just a little cheese. But pasture grass?
00:01:32.235 - 00:01:35.815

Maypish sapatuy TK kayan. ¿Imapaqmi uywanki? niwan Primitivo.

May-pi-sh sapatu-y ka-ya-n Imapaq-mi uywa-nki ni-wa-n Primitivo
where-LOC-EVR shoe-1 be-PROG-3 why-EVD raise-2 say-1.OBJ-3 Primitivo.
¿Dónde, dice, están mis zapatos? '¿Para qué crias?' me dice Primitivo.
Where, they say, are my shoes? "Why do you raise them?" Promitivo says to me.
00:01:38.335 - 00:01:40.475 00:01:46.465 - 00:01:49.245

¿Vakata? Aw.
Vakata Aw
cow-ACC yes
Vaca? Sí.
Cows? Yes.
00:01:49.975 - 00:01:51.775

Imapaqpis uywakushaq? Hinas uywakushaqtriki mana uywaptiyqa.

Imapaq-pis uywa-ku-shaq Hina-s uywa-ku-shaq-tri-ki mana uywa-pti-y-qa
why-ADD raise-REFL-1.FUT thus-ADD raise-REFL-1.FUT-EVC-KI no raise-SUBIS-TOP
para qué voy a criar. Aunque sea así me criaré. Cuando no crío?
Why am I going to raise them? However, I'll raise them. [What happens] if I
don't raise them?
00:01:52.865 - 00:01:56.965

'Mana uywashpaqa, ¿ima kisutataq mikuyman?' ninkimantriki.

Mana uywa-shpa-qa ima kisu-ta-taq miku-y-man ni-nki-man-tri-ki
no raise-SUBIS-TOP what cheese-ACC-SEQ eat-1-COND say-2-COND-EVC-KI
'Sin criar, ¿qué queso puedo comer?' debes decir.
"If I don't raise them, what cheese can I eat?" you should say.
00:01:57.215 - 00:02:01.165

Niniyari. Chayqa nin. Huk trabahupiña trabahay.

Ni-ni-y-ari Chay-qa ni-n Huk trabahu-pi-ña trabaha-y
say-1-INTENS-EMPH DEM.D-TOP say-3 one work-LOC-DISC work-1
Le dije, pues. El me dice, '¡En otro trabajo ya trabaja!'
I told him, then. He said, "Work in another job!"
00:02:01.265 - 00:02:05.485

¿Imayna ñuqapaqa mana faltawanchu? Kisupis, karnipis.

Imayna ñuqa-pa-qa mana falta-wa-n-chu Kisu-pis karni-pis
how 1-GEN-TOP no be.lacking-1.OBJ-3-NEG cheese-ADD meat-ADD
¿Cómo no me va a faltar lo mío? Queso y carne.
How is mine not going to be missing? Cheese and meat.
00:02:06.065 - 00:02:10.065

Qamqa qaritriki kanki. Chaytri trabahanki hukpi hukpi nini.

Qam-qa qari-tri-ki ka-nki Chay-tri trabaha-nki huk-pi huk-pi ni-ni
2-TOP man-EVC-KI be-2 DEM.D-EVC work-2 one-LOC one-LOC say-1
Usted serás hombre por eso trabajarás en uno y otro, dije.
You'd be a man. That's why you'd work in one and the other, I said.
00:02:12.875 - 00:02:15.865

Yakullapiña. Sapa puntraw. Simanapis. Wak Yonsonpis chaynam kayan.

Yaku-lla-pi-ña Sapa puntraw Simana-pis Wak Yunsun-pis chay-na-m ka-ya-n
water-LM-LOC-DISC every day week-ADD DEM.D Yunsun-ADD DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD be-PROG-3
Todos los días en agua no más. Semana, también. Ese Yonson también está así.
Every day just in water. A week, too. That Yonson is like that, too.
00:02:22.630 - 00:02:28.950

Kaytatr TK laqarachishpaqa paganduñam pushanqa kubrashaqñam. Pagankiñam.

Kay-ta-chu laqa-ra-chi-shpa-qa pagandu-ña-m pusha-nqa kubra-shaq-ña-m
DEM.P-ACC stick-URGT-CAUS-SUBIS-TOP paying-DISC-EVD bring.along-3.FUT
Haciéndolo pegar. Pagando ya lo llevarán. Voy a cobrar. Vas a pagar. Gracias.
making it stick. Paying already, they're going to take it. I'm going to charge.
You're going to pay. Thank you.
00:02:29.025 - 00:02:36.560

Paga-nki-ña-m Gracias
charge-1.FUT-DISC-EVD pay-2-DISC-EVD

Kanan kay huk sabaduta hamuyan Chay Eudosia trabahashun, nin.

Kanan kay huk sabadu-ta hamu-ya-n Chay Eudosia trabaha-shun ni-n
now DEM.P one Saturday-ACC come-PROG-3 DEM.D Eudosia work-1PL.FUT say-EVD
Ahora este, otro sábado está viniendo. Eudosia dijo, 'Vamos a trabajar'.
Now this, the other Saturday he's coming. Eudosia said, "We're going to work."
00:02:38.220 - 00:02:41.070 00:02:41.555 - 00:02:44.165

Llapa llapantataq qayanqa. Mana shamuptinpis.

Llapa llapa-n-ta-taq qaya-nqa Mana shamu-pti-n-pis
all all-3-ACC-SEQ call-3.FUT no come-SUBDS-3-ADD
A todos a todos llamará. Cuando no viene.
She's going to call all, all of them. When they don't come.
00:02:44.335 - 00:02:49.205

Amañam yakuta laqaruptinchikqa kunfiyankichu. Tápas no más para acá niwan.

Ama-ña-m yaku-ta laqa-ru-pti-nchik-qa kunfiya-nki-chu ni-wa-n
PROH-DISC-EVD water-ACC stick-URGT-SUBDS.1PL-TOP confide-2-NEG say-1.OBJ-3
Ya no vas a confiar agua cuando pegamos. 'Tapas no más para acá', me dijo.
Now you're not going to entrust water when we stick it. "Just cover it over
here," he said to me.
00:02:49.605 - 00:02:54.925

¿Arinachu simintun pasakuyan? Simintuwan huk trullun. Aaa.

Arina-chu simintu-n pasa-ku-ya-n Simintu-wan huk trullu-n
sand-Q cement-3 pass-REFL-PROG-3 cement-INSTR one melt-3
¿Está la arena pasando por el cimiento? Con cimento qué va a disolver?
Is the sand passing through the cement? With cement, how is it going to melt?
00:02:55.030 - 00:02:58.170 00:03:00.015 - 00:03:02.825

manañamik purinanpaqpis kay kinray allinñachu.

mana-ña-mi-k puri-na-n-paq-pis kay kinray allin-ña-chu
no-DISC-EVD-K walk-NMLZ-3-PURP-ADD DEM.P across good-DISC-NEG
Ya no está bien para caminar por allá.
It's no longer good for walking over there.
00:03:06.155 - 00:03:09.305

Chay wambraypa kanalasallanña Allin kayan aqukuna huntachishan

Chay wambra-y-pa kanala-sa-lla-n-ña Allin ka-ya-n aqu-kuna hunta-chi-sha-n
DEM.D child-1-GEN channel-PRF-RSTR-3-DISC good be-PROG-3 sand-PL fill-CAUS-PRF-3
Donde mi hijo hizo canalizar no más ya. Está bien donde se llenó de arena y todo.
Just where my son dug canals already. It's good where it was filled with sand
and all.
00:03:10.790 - 00:03:15.800

Runakunam qanin puntraw tutapi chay qayaruwan.

Runa-kuna-m qanin puntraw tuta-pi chay qaya-ru-wan
person-PL-EVD previous day night-LOC DEM.D call-URGT-1.OBJ-3
Gente me llamó ante ayer en la noche.
People called me the day before yesterday at night.
00:03:24.225 - 00:03:27.515

Puñuyaptiy likchariptiy.
Puñu-ya-pti-y likchari-pti-y
sleep-PROG-SUBDS-1 wake.up-SUBDS-1
Cuando estoy durmiendo, cuando me estoy despertando.
When I'm sleeping, when I'm waking up
00:03:27.565 - 00:03:30.025

¿Aw? Ispiritu malignutri.

Aw? Ispiritu malignu-tr
yes sprit malign-EVC
¿No? Espiritu maligno será.
No? It would be an evil spirit.
00:03:43.605 - 00:03:46.365

"Tiya Puku", nimuwantaq. Un hombre pues está llamando. Chaymi, "Yakuqa ..."
¿Con voz de hombre?
Tiya Puku ni-mu-wa-n-taq Chay-mi "Yaku-qa
Aunt Puku say-CISL-1.OBJ-3-SEQ DEM.D-EVD water-TOP
'Tía Puku', me dijo. Un hombre, pues, está llamando. Luego, 'Agua ... ' ¿Con
voz de hombre?
"Aunt Puku," it said to me. A man, then, is calling. Then, "Water ..." With a
man's voice?
00:03:49.625 - 00:03:56.775

"Yaku pushaqtri", niwan Limo. "Yakuqa pasaruntaq ya". Amadormi rigasha

Yaku pusha-q-tri ni-wa-n Limo. Yaku-qa pasa-ru-n-taq-m-a Amador-mi
water bring-AG-EVC say-1.OBJ-3 Limo. water-TOP pass-URGT-3-SEQ-EVD-INTENS
'El que lleva agua será', me dijo Limo. Agua pasó ya también, pues. Amador
había regado.
"The one who brings water," Limo said to me. "Water passed already." Amador had
00:03:58.470 - 00:04:04.695

Kanan tuta. Aa, Amador rigashan kayan.

riga-sha Kanan tuta Aa Amador riga-sha-n ka-ya-n
Amador-EVD water-PRF now night Aa Amador water-PRF-3 kayan.
Ahora esta noche. Amador lo que regó está.
Tonight. What Amador watered is there.
00:04:05.245 - 00:04:08.375

Chayqa. Ratutaq pasarun Wak lawta suynakuyan.

Chay-qa Ratu-taq pasa-ru-n Wak law-ta suyna-ku-ya-n
DEM.D-TOP moment-SEQ pass-URGT-3 DEM.D side-ACC dream-REFL-PROG-3
En eso rapidito no más pasó. Al otro lado está sonando.
So they passed quickly. It's sounding on the other side.
00:04:08.645 - 00:04:14.425

trayamunankamatriki rirura. Achka yakutr kara. Kuchamarca yakutr.

trayamu-na-n-kama-tr ri-ru-ra Achka yaku-tr ka-ra Kuchamarca
arrive-URGT-NMLZ-3-RSTR-EVC go-URGT-PST a.lot water-EVC be-PST Kuchamarca
Hasta que venga habrá ido. Mucha agua había. Agua de Kuchamarca será.
Until they came, they must have gone. There must have been a lot of water. It'd
be water from Kuchamarca.
00:04:14.735 - 00:04:19.435

Manam ima yakupis tardiq rirachu.

yaku-tr Mana-m ima yaku-pis tardi-q ri-ra-chu
water-EVC no-EVD what water-ADD late-TOP go-PST-NEG
En la tarde no iba nada de agua.
In the afternoon, no water was running.
00:04:19.680 - 00:04:22.610

Chay wishikururani
Chay wishi-ku-ra-ni
DEM.D deposit-REFL-PST-1
Por eso me lo junté
That's why I gathered it.
00:04:23.265 - 00:04:25.785

Tuta tuta ichaqa. Tukuy tuta urayman suyñakuyara. Alli willa kashayari.
Tuta tuta icha-qa Tukuy tuta uray-man. Uray-man suyña-ku-ya-ra Alli willa
night night or-TOP all night down-ALL down-ALL sound-REFL-PROG-PST good trace
Noche, noche.Y toda la noche estaba sonando para abajo. Había su huella de
buena cantidad.
Night, night. All night it was sounding down hill. There were a lot of tracks.
00:04:25.915 - 00:04:30.955

Chaylla. Hatarini para orinar levanté.

ka-sha-y-ari Chay-lla hatari-ni
Allí no más. Me levanté. Para orinar levanté.
Just there. I got up. I got up to urinate.
00:04:37.765 - 00:04:43.705

Chaymi, qa tulluy rassss, rassss, rassss

Chay-mi qa tullu-y rassss, rassss, rassss.
DEM.D-EVD qa bone-1 rassss, rassss, rassss.
Luego mis huesos, hicieron rassss rassss rassss.
Them bones went rassss rassss rassss.
00:05:04.555 - 00:05:09.445

Akish. Urayman ripunqa. Chay mankaman ¡trumaruy!

Akish WW Uray-man ri-pu-nqa Chay manka-man truma-ru-y
Seguro down-ALL go-BEN-3.FUT DEM.D pot-ALL rinse-URGT-IMP
Ves, va a ir para abajo. Escúrrele en esa olla.
It's going to go down hill. Drain it into that pot.
00:05:13.835 - 00:05:17.695

Las dusikamallam tiympu durayan. Tardikun ratullañam.
Las dusi-kama-lla-m tiympu dura-ya-n tardi-ku-n ratu-lla-ña-m
the twelve-RSTR-RSTR-EVD time last-PROG-3 late-REFL-3 moment-RSTR-DISC-EVD
Hasta las doce no más dura tiempo. Después hace tarde rápido ya.
Time lasts only until twleve. It gets late in a an instant already.
00:05:28.725 - 00:05:34.275

Aa, allí está intindiyanña. Intindiyan ya, chaylla niyani.

Aa intindi-ya-n-ña Intindi-ya-n ya chay-lla ni-ya-ni
Aa, understand-PROG-3-DISC understand-PROG-3 EMPH DEM.D-RSTR say-PROG-1
Ah, allí está ya entiende. Ah, ya entiende ya, por eso estoy diciendo.
Ah, there it is! She's understanding already. She's understanding already, I
say that.
00:05:35.095 - 00:05:39.935

Kikillaykipis grabakunkiña niyani. ¿Imayna purishaykitapis.

Kiki-lla-yki-pis graba-ku-nki-ña ni-ya-ni Imayna puri-sha-yki-ta-pis
self-RSTR-2-ADD record-REFL-2-DISC say-PROG-1 how walk-PRF-2-ACC-ADD
Usted no más te grabarás le estoy diciendo. ¿Cómo lo que has andado?
You yourself are going to record already, I'm saying. How where you walked?
00:05:40.135 - 00:05:44.135

Vilaykita prindikunkiman huk sirallata rantikushpa delante de la iglesia.

Vila-yki-ta prindi-ku-nki-man huk sira-lla-ta ranti-ku-shpa
candle-2-ACC light-REFL-2-COND one candle-RSTR-ACC buy-REFL-SUBIS
Puedes prender tu vela cuando compras una cera no más delante de la iglesia.
You can light your candle when you buy just one candle in front of the church.
00:05:54.415 - 00:06:01.655

¿Maypitr chay sapatuy kayan? Karniruykipata karninta mikuyanchik.

May-pi-tr chay sapatu-y ka-ya-n Karniru-yki-pa-ta karni-n-ta miku-ya-nchik
where-LOC-EVC DEM.D shoe-1 be-PROG-3 ram-2-GEN-ACC meat-3-ACC eat-PROG-1PL
¿Dónde están mi zapatos? Estamos comiendo la carne de tu carnero.
Where are my shoes? We're eating your ram's meat?
00:06:04.805 - 00:06:09.195

Pim allallita tuparuwara? Kayta shamuptiy.

Pi-m allalli-ta tupa-ru-wa-ra Kay-ta shamu-pti-y
who-EVD a.lot-ACC collide-URGT-1.OBJ-PST DEM.P-ACC come-SUBDS-1
¿Quién me ha chancado duro? Cuando vine aquí.
Who hit me hard? When I came here?
00:06:18.685 - 00:06:21.855

Kay silla kaypi sintaruy kay tunaman ashuykuyani.

Kay silla kay-pi sinta-ru-y kay tuna-man ashu-yku-ya-ni
DEM.P chair DEM.P-LOC sit-URGT-IMP DEM.P corner-ALL approach-EXCEP-PROG-1
Siéntate aquí en esta silla. Aquí rincón me estoy retirando.
Sit here in this chair. I'm retreating to this corner.
00:06:22.205 - 00:06:26.650

Karniruqa. Siqakuykushpaqa wakpaq kurrikayamuwan. Kaywan, kayhina atahakuyani.

Karniru-qa Siqa-ku-yku-shpa-qa wak-paq kurri-ka-ya-mu-wa-n Kay-wan kay-hina
Carnero. Retrocediendo de allí esta corriendo. De aquí así estoy atajando.
Ram. Reteating from there, it's running. From here like that I'm herding.
00:06:26.670 - 00:06:33.420


Kayman. Kaypa kullu kara chaypa kamayta patarakuyani.

Kay-man Kay-pa kullu ka-ra chay-pa kama-y-ta pata-ra-ku-ya-ni
Hacia aquí. Aquí había tronco. Allí estoy doblando mi cama.
Over here. There was a tree trunk here. I'm folding my bed there.
00:06:33.700 - 00:06:38.910

Chayta aturishpa tupakuyan wakta ukuman tupakuyan.

Chay-ta aturi-shpa tupa-ku-ya-n wak-ta uku-man tupa-ku-ya-n
DEM.D-ACC dig-SUBIS collide-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D-ACC inside-ALL collide-REFL-PROG-3
A eso escarbando está topando. Adentro lo está topando.
Digging that, he's colliding with it. On the interior, he's colliding with it.
00:06:39.080 - 00:06:45.190

Chaymi ñakarani allalli piñam kara. Karnirullaqa.

Chay-mi ñaka-ra-ni alli-alli piña-m ka-ra Karniru-lla-qa
DEM.D-EVD butcher-PST-1 good-good angry-EVD be-PST ram-RSTR-TOP
Por eso lo degollé -- era bien bravo. El carnero.
So I butchered him -- he was really mean. The ram.
00:06:47.875 - 00:06:53.690

Ñuqata ishkay kutimik tuparuwan.

Ñuqa-ta ishkay kuti-mi-k tuparuwan
1-ACC two time-EVD-K collide-URGT-1.OBJ-3
A mí, dos veces me topó.
He knocked me two times.
00:06:54.240 - 00:06:58.530

Huktaq pusti kashan wak altupa chay qaqapa.

Huk-taq pusti ka-sha-n wak altu-pa chay qaqa-pa
one-SEQ post be-PRF-3 DEM.D high-LOC DEM.D cliff-LOC
Otro donde el poste arriba en la peña.
Another where the post is up hill, on the cliff.
00:07:01.765 - 00:07:06.615

Aa, mamanta aysaykushpa puntanta hamuyaptiy alli alli quykamuwan, oy

Aa mama-n-ta aysa-yku-shpa punta-n-ta hamu-ya-pti-y alli alli qu-yka-mu-wa-n
aa mother-3-ACC pull-EXCEP-SUBIS point-3-ACC come-PROG-SUBDS-1 good good
Cuando estoy jalando su madre en su delante, cuando llegué, bien fuerte me dio,
When I was pulling his mother in front, when I arrived, he gave it to me good,
00:07:07.165 - 00:07:11.925

give-EXCEP-CICL-1.OBJ-3 hey

Kikikipa karniruykitriki. Aha. Kikikipatr

Kiki-ki-pa karniru-yki-tri-ki Aha Kiki-ki-pa-tr
self-2-GEN ram-2-EVC-KI Aha. self-2-GEN-EVC
El carnero de usted misma será pues. Ha, de usted será.
It would be your own ram, then. Ah. Your own.
00:07:12.455 - 00:07:18.385

Kikiypayá. Chay rantikurani. Rantikuranayki.

Kiki-y-pa-ya Chay ranti-ku-ra-ni Ranti-ku-ra-na-yki
Mío, pues. Por eso lo vendí. Los has vendido. Debes venderlo.
Mine, then. I sold it. You should sell it.
00:07:18.595 - 00:07:22.655

Manash karnin mishkichu

Mana-sh karni-n mishki-chu
no-EVR meat-3 sweet-NEG
Su carne no es rico, dice.
It's meat isn't sweet, they say.
00:07:23.155 - 00:07:25.015

Wañurachikushpatr mikukurunkiman karniruykita . Karni di karniru alimintush.

Wañu-ra-chi-ku-shpa-tr miku-ku-ru-nki-man karniru-yki-ta Karni di karniru
die-URGT-CAUS-REFL-SUBIS-EVC eat-REFL-URGT-2-COND ram-2-ACC meat of ram
Matándolo, puedes comertelo a tu carnero. Carne de carnero es alimento, dice.
If you kill it, you can eat your ram. Ram's meat is nutritious, they say. Soup.
00:07:28.965 - 00:07:35.195

Kumpadrikiñam witrayman aparura.

alimintu-sh Kaldu Kumpadri-ki-ña-m witray-man apa-ru-ra
nutritious-EVR soup compadre-2-DISC.EVD up-ALL bring-URGT-PST
Tu compadre ya lo llevó arriba.
Your compadre already brought it up hill.
00:08:07.395 - 00:08:10.165

Payllam aparura manam mikuranichu.

Pay-lla-m apa-ru-ra mana-m miku-ra-ni-chu
2-RSTR-EVD bring-URGT-PST no-EVD eat-PST-1-NEG
El ya lo llevó. Yo no he comido.
Just he brought it. I didn't eat it.
00:08:10.970 - 00:08:13.740

Quñachu kayanman ayy chayna hakuypis.

Quña-chu ka-ya-n-man ayy chay-na haku-y-pis
thorn-Q be-PROG-3-COND ayy DEM.D-VRBZ clothes-1-ADD
Puede haber una espina. Así está mi saco también.
00:08:18.925 - 00:08:22.035

Chayqa entonces ayritr kayan. Pitaq apamusha

Chay-qa ayri-tr ka-ya-n Pi-taq apa-mu-sha
DEM.D-TOP air-EVC be-PROG-3 who-SEQ bring-CISL-PRF
Eso entonces. Estará mal aire. ¿Quién ha traido?
That then. It would be bad air. Who brought it?
00:08:30.350 - 00:08:33.450 00:08:54.010 - 00:08:55.940

Alli alli kwidanayari.

Alli alli kwida-na-y-ari
a.lot a.lot care.for-NMLZ-INTENS-EMPH
Hay que cuidar bien bien.
You have to take good care of it.
00:09:11.470 - 00:09:13.850

Kanan ñuqapa allalli patryarunqa simillakuyanña ¿no?

Kanan ñuqa-pa allalli patrya-ru-nqa similla-ku-ya-n-ña
now 1-GEN a.lot explode-URGT-3.FUT seed-REFL-PROG-3-DISC
Ahora el mío va a reventar bien. Está semillando, ¿no?
Now mine is going to explode a lot. He's seeding, no?
00:09:17.530 - 00:09:21.180

Similla di na chay plantata kayanraqchu? Me iba a buscar mi planta de manzana.

Similla di na chay planta-ta ka-ya-n-raq-chu
seed of DMY DEM.D tree-ACC be-PROG-3-CONT-Q
Hay todavía semillas de esa planta? Me iba a buscar mi planta de manzana.
Are there still seeds from that tree? He was going to search for my apple tree.
00:09:29.580 - 00:09:39.400

Mañanaqa lunisña. Martisña minchaqa. Mirkulisña ratitu. Simana ratulla
Mañana-qa lunis-ña Martis-ña mincha-qa Mirkulis-ña ratitu Simana ratu-lla
tomorrow-TOP Monday-DISC Tuesday-DISC day.after.tomorrow-TOP Wednesday-DISC
Mañana es lunes. Pasado, martes. Miercoles ya ratito [llega]. Llega ratito la
Tmorrow is Monday. The day after, Tuesday. Wednesday quickly [comes]. The week
is coming in a moment.
00:09:41.140 - 00:09:50.090

moment week moment-RSTR arrive-REFL-PROG-CISL-3

Hinallatriki kumpadriqa kakuyan manachu mihuraqhinachu

hina-lla-tri-k kumpapadri-qa ka-ku-ya-n mana-chu mihura-q hina-chu
thus-RSTR-EVC-K compadre-TOP be-REFL-PROG-3 no-NEG improve-AG thus-NEG
Así no más estará el compadre parece que no mejora.
The compadre would be just like that. It seems he's not improving.
00:09:58.580 - 00:10:02.870

Ima na? Yo iba a ir al culto. Kultumantri riranki

Ima na? kultu-man-tri ri-ra-nki
what DEMY cult-ALL-EVC go-PST-2
¿Qué? Yo iba a ir al culto. ¿Al culto has ido?
What? I was going to go to church. You went to church?
00:10:09.645 - 00:10:16.095

¿Ayka runataq chaypaq? Maypitr chay kultita ruwan?

Ayka runa-taq chay-pa-qa May-pi-tr chay kulti-ta ruwa-n
how.many person-SEQ DEM.D-LOC-TOP where-LOC-EVC DEM.D cult-ACC make-3
¿Cuántas personas hay? ¿En dónde hacen el culto?
How many people are there? Where are they making the church?
00:10:19.055 - 00:10:22.885

Nelsi kaqpi? Nelsi kaqpitr ruwan icha hanay lawpi? Nelsi. Chavela kaqpi? Aa.
Nelsi ka-q-pi Nelsi ka-q-pi-tr ruwa-n icha hanay law-pi Nelsi Chavela ka-q-pi
Nelsi be-AG-LOC Nelsi be-AG-LOC-EVC make-3 or up side-LOC Nelsi. Chavela
¿Donde Nelsi? ¿Donde Nelsi se hace o arriba donde Chavela?
At Nelsi's place? Do they do it at Nelsi's place or up hill at Chavela's place?
00:10:24.775 - 00:10:34.235

be-AG-LOC Aa.

Manam kaypaqa, kaypiqa manam kultinmanpis rinichu ivanhilyupa kultuman.

Mana-m kay-pa-qa kay-pi-qa mana-m kulti-n-man-pis ri-ni-chu ivanhilyu-pa
no-EVD DEM.P-LOC-TOP DEM.P-LOC-TOP no-EVD cult-3-ALL-ADD go-1-NEG gospel-GEN
Aquí no. Aquí no voy ni al culto tampoco. No voy al culto del evagelio.
Here, no. Here, I don't go to church, either, I don't go to the Evangelical
00:10:35.575 - 00:10:41.315

Hongospa yatrashpam kada tardi kultunman riq kani. Aa.

kultu-man Hongos-pa yatra-shpa-m kada tardi kultu-n-man ri-q ka-ni Aa
cult-ALL Hongos-LOC live-SUBIS-EVD every afternoon cult-3-ALL go-AG be-1 Aa
Cuando vivía en Hongos todas las tardes iba al culto.
When I lived in Hongos, I went to church every evening.
00:10:41.535 - 00:10:47.865

Chay kaypaq manam llaqtay kaptin manam kultuman rinichu visitanichu, rinichu.
Chay kay-paq mana-m llaqta-y ka-pti-n mana-m kultu-man ri-ni-chu visita-ni-chu
DEM.D DEM.P-ABL no-EVD town-1 be-SUBDS-3 no-EVD cult-ALL go-1-NEG visit-1-NEG
Cuando no es mi pueblo, no voy al culto, ni visito, ni voy.
When it isn't my town, I don't go, I don't visit the church, I don't go.
00:10:49.825 - 00:10:55.605


Qari wawiymi Hongos warmiwan kasaw. Chay kay wakpi Hongospi.

Qari wawi-y-mi Hongos warmi-wan kasaw Chay kay wak-pi Hongos-pi
man baby-1-EVD Hongos woman-INSTR married DEM.D DEM.P DEM.D-LOC Hongos-LOC
Mi hijo es casado con una mujer de Hongos. Allá en Hongos.
My son is married to a woman from Hongos. Here, there, in Hongos.
00:11:02.195 - 00:11:08.435

Chaypi yatrashpam riq kani kultunmanqa.

Chay-pi yatra-shpa-m ri-q ka-ni kultu-n-man-qa
DEM.D-LOC live-SUBIS-EVD go-AG be-1 cult-3-ALL-TOP
Cuando vivía allí, iba a su culto.
When I lived there, I went to their church.
00:11:08.455 - 00:11:12.225

Aa, kanan manamá trayamuwanchu. Chay unayñam mana trayamuwanchu.

Aa kanan mana-m-a traya-mu-wa-n-chu Chay unay-ña-m mana
Aa, now no-EVD-EMPH arrive-CISL-1.OBJ-3-NEG DEM.D before-DISC-EVD no
Ah, ahora ya no me llega. Ya tiempo no me llega.
Ah, now it doesn't come to me. For a long time now, it hasn't come to me.
00:11:15.205 - 00:11:19.075


Wawiyyuq Huk wata, wata masña. Kayllam kayanqa.

Wawi-y-yuq huk Wata wata mas-ña Kay-lla-m ka-ya-nqa
baby-1-POSS one year year more-DISC DEM.P-RSTR-EVD be-PROG-3.FUT
Tengo hijo. Un año, más de un año ya. Aquí no más va a estar.
I have a child. One year, more than a year already. He'll be right here.
00:11:19.235 - 00:11:25.215

Uraypa Limapa kaqmi wawiyqa trayamunqa.

Uray-pa Lima-pa ka-q-mi wawi-y-qa traya-mu-nqa
down-LOC Lima-LOC be-AG-EVD baby-1-TOP arrive-CISL-3.FUT
Mi hijo que que está abajo en Lima va a llegar.
My son who is down in Lima is going to arrive.
00:11:25.710 - 00:11:29.120

bulsantinqa manañam hamurani mansana mikunaypaq nishpa. Nada.

bulsa-ntin-qa mana-ña-m hamu-ra-ni mansana miku-na-y-paq hamu-ra mana
bag-ACMP-TOP no-DISC-EVD come-PST-1 apple eat-NMLZ-1-PURP come-PST no
He venido con toda mi bolsa para buscar mazana, diciendo. Y nada.
I came with my bag and all to look for apples, saying. And nothing.
00:11:29.220 - 00:11:32.910

ka-na-y-paq ni-shpa Nada

be-NMLZ-1-PURP say-SUBIS nothing

Papata yapaykushayki. Qishaqmi kapas mikunman, ayy, .

Papa-ta yapa-yku-sha-yki qisha-q-mi kapas miku-n-man ayy ananakulláw
potato-ACC add-EXCEP-PRF-2 be.sick-AG-EVD perhaps eat-3-COND ayy, EXCL
Te voy a aumentar papa. Capaz el enfermo puede comer. No. ayy, me está doliendo.
I'm going to give you more potatoes. Maybe the sick man can eat. Ayy, it hurts
00:11:33.985 - 00:11:39.395

Walaytri limpu limpu paqwarun yantata trakaran trakran ushpaptiymi

Wala-y-tri limpu limpu paqwa-ru-n yanta-ta trakara-n trakra-n
skirt-1-EVC all all finish-URGT-3 firewood-ACC field-3 field-3
Mi falda se acabó total cuando recojí leña de chacra en chara.
My skirt completely finished off when I gathered firewood from field to field.
00:11:39.840 - 00:11:45.160

Manamari sufrikuyani. Llaki yantapaqpis

ushpa-pti-y-mi Mana-m-ari sufri-ku-ya-ni Llaki yanta-paq-pis
collect-SUBDS-1-EVD no-EVD-EMPH suffer-REFL-PROG-1 grief firewood-ABL-ADD
No pues, estoy sufriendo. De pena por leña.
No, then, I'm suffering -- grief for firewood.
00:11:46.270 - 00:11:50.910

sufrikuyani allallitam. De nuevo agua, ¡ve! ¡Ve! trayaramuntaq Shantitr

sufri-ku-ya-ni allalli-ta-m traya-ra-mu-n-taq Shanti-tr ri-tamu-ra
suffer.REFL-PROG-1 a.lot-ACC-EVD arrive-URGT-CISL-3-SEQ Shanti-EVC go-
Estoy sufriendo mucho mucho. De nuevo agua, ¡ve! Llegó. Shanti habrá ido.
I'm suffering a lot. Water again! Look! It arrived. Shanti must have gone.
00:11:50.980 - 00:11:57.940

Aquí ya tapé, dijo, pues. Chaytaqa. Ushurachimurankichu manatriki.

Chay-ta-qa Ushu-ra-chi-mu-ra-nki-chu mana-tri-ki
¿Has hecho derramar? No creo.
Did you make it spill? I don't believe so,
00:11:58.170 - 00:12:01.000 00:12:01.100 - 00:12:03.300

Chay almuyrsaw kayan qishaqpaq

Chay almuyrsaw ka-ya-n qisha-q-paq
DEM.D lunch be-PROG-3 be.sick-AG-BEN
Allí está el almuerzo para el enfermo.
There's lunch for the sick man.
00:12:08.135 - 00:12:10.115

Intunsis manisinashatr puñurunki. Manisinasham puñuruni.

Intunsis manisi-na-n-ta-chu puñu-ru-n manisi-na-nakama puñu-ru-ni
so dawn-NMLZ-3-ACC-Q sleep-URGT-3 dawn-NMLZ-3-RSTR sleep-URGT-3
Entonces dormiste hasta que maneció? Hasta que maneció dormí.
Then you slept until dawn? I slept until dawn.
00:12:10.335 - 00:12:14.115

Manisinasham Mana sinasha Sin cenar puñuruni. Gracias. Ñuqapis chaynam

Mana-tr icha puñu-ru-nqa Ñuqa-pis chay-na-m
Hasta que meneció dormí. Gracias. Yo también así.
I slept until dawn. Thank you. I, too, like that
00:12:14.295 - 00:12:18.425

Chishi trayamuni umayta mashkukuruni.

Chishi traya-mu-ni uma-y-ta mashku-ku-ru-ni
last.night arrive-CISL-1 head-1-ACC wash-REFL-URGT-1
Anoche llegué y me lavé la cabeza.
Last night I arrived and I washed my head.
00:12:18.695 - 00:12:21.555

Kanan chayna ñuqapi trabahuy kanan kakuyan.

Kanan chay-na ñuqa-pi trabahu-y kanan ka-ku-ya-n
now DEM.D-VRBZ 1-GEN work-1 now be-REFL-PROG-1
Ahora así está mi trabajo.
Now my work is like that.
00:12:26.575 - 00:12:29.655

Runamasiy. Está para picar. Yantata ushpaptiymi.

Runa-masi-y Yanta-ta ushpa-pti-y-mi
person-PART-1 firewood-ACC collect-SUBDS-1-EVD
Mi compañero. Está para picar. Cuando recogí leña.
My fellow person. It's to be chopped. When I gathered firewood.
00:12:30.605 - 00:12:34.305

Kayna walallaypis akabarun.

Kay-na Wala-lla-y-pis akaba-ru-n
DEM.P-VRBZ skirt-RSTR-1-ADD finish-URGT-3
Así mi falda también acabó.
My skirt finished off like this.
00:12:34.395 - 00:12:37.565

Uqu yantata kuchuni. Hina chiquitu chiquituta.

Uqu yanta-ta kuchu-ni Hina chiquitu chiquitu-ta
gray firewood-ACC split-1 thus small small-ACC
Leña mojado corto. Así, chiquito, chiquito.
I chop wet wood. Thus, small, tiny.
00:12:42.835 - 00:12:47.035

Ushpakamuni. Uchuk barritallawan.

Ushpa-ka-mu-ni Uchuk barrita-lla-wan
collect-REFL-CISL-1 small
Reuno con chiquita barreta.
I gather it with a little metal bar.
00:12:47.210 - 00:12:51.330

Wanqani. Chakita. Apakamunaypaq.

Wanqa-ni Chaki-ta Apa-ka-mu-na-y-paq dry-ACC bring-REFL-CISL-NMLZ-1-PURP
Barreteo los secos. Para traerme.
I turn over the dry ones. So I can bring them.
00:12:51.340 - 00:12:55.570

No hay para yanukunaypaq mana kaptin

yanu-ku-na-y-paq mana ka-pti-n
No hay para ... No hay para que cocine.
There aren't any to ... There aren't any so I can cook.
00:12:55.810 - 00:12:58.800
Manam ihuyqa kanchu hapallaymi yatrakuni ñuqaqa
Mana-m ihu-y-qa ka-n-chu hapa-lla-y-mi yatra-ku-ni ñuqa-qa
no-EVD sone-1-TOP be-3-NEG alone-RSTR-1-EVD live-REFL-1 1-TOP
No tengo hijo. Solita yo vivo.
I don't have children. I live all alone.
00:12:58.975 - 00:13:01.935

Wawillay kashpapis manam watukamuwanchu.

Wawi-lla-y ka-shpa-pis mana-m watuka-mu-wa-n-chu
baby-RSTR-1 be-SUBIS-ADD no-EVD visit-CISL-1.OBJ-3-NEG
Aunque tengo hijo no me visita.
Although I have a child, he doesn't visit me.
00:13:06.260 - 00:13:10.140

Putka yaku kayan ninchush. Putkayá

Put-ka yaku ka-ya-n ni-n-chush Putka-ya
turbid water be-PROG-3 say-3-CHUSH turbid-EMPH
El agua está turbia, dijo sí, Turbio, pues.
The water is turbid, they say, yes. Turbid, then.
00:13:10.285 - 00:13:13.195

Kanan yanqatr chay usuyan.

Kanan yanqa-tr chay usu-ya-n
now lie-EVC DEM.D be.wasted-PROG-3
Ahora mentira estará derramando.
Now in vain it'll be wasted on the ground.
00:13:13.770 - 00:13:15.680

Usuyantri puntrawña kayan vakay trutarishpa tipirunqatrki

Usiya-n-tri puntraw-ña vaka-n trutari-shpa tipi-ru-nqa-tri-ki
clear.up-3-EVC day-DISC cow-3 put-INCEP-SUBOS break-URGT-3.FUT-EVC-KI
Estará derramando. Está día ya. Mi vaca va a jalar y va a romper [la soga].
It'll be wasted on the ground. It's day already. My cow is going to pull and
break [her rope].
00:13:17.155 - 00:13:21.100

¿Kanan imayraq kutichimunkiqa?

Kanan imay-raq kuti-chi-mu-nki-qa
now when-CONT return-CAUS-CISL-2-TOP
¿Cuando ya harás volver ahora?
When are you going to make her go back now?
00:13:23.230 - 00:13:25.800

Kanan rigakunaypaq istankachimushaq

Kanan riga-ku-na-y-paq istanka-chi-mu-shaq
now water-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP pool-CAUS-CISL-1.FUT
Ahora para regar voy a hacer que estanque.
Now in order to water, I'm going to dam it.
00:13:26.540 - 00:13:29.975

Chay urayman kamashpa haqiramuptikiqa pasarunmanmi kara. Unaymi karunchik

Chay uray-man kama-shpa haqi-ra-mu-pt-iki-qa pasa-ru-n-man ka-ra Unay-mi
Allí abajo tendiendo hubieras dejado, hubiera pasado. Estábamos largo rato.
There down hill, spreading it out ... When you left, you should have passed it.
We were there a long time.
00:13:29.995 - 00:13:36.125

before-EVD be-URGT-3-1PL

Chaypa ya kamarara. Lo que churiaba. Churiyasha napi. Este ...

Chay-pa ya kama-ra-ra Churi-ya-sha na-pi
Allí estaba tendido. Lo que churiaba, lo que churiaba en ese ...
It was already contained. That which dripped, that which dripped in that
00:13:36.465 - 00:13:42.215

Napa, Teresapa. Saran. Chay sillapi.

Na-pa Teresa-pa Sara-n Chay silla-pi
DMY-GEN Teresa-GEN corn-3 DEM.D chair-LOC
De ése. De Teresa. Su maíz, En esa silla.
Of umm .. Teresa's. Her corn. In that chair.
00:13:42.540 - 00:13:46.470

¡Chay sillata truraykuruy! ¿May? ¿Imapitaq tiyanki? ¿Kullupi?

Chay silla-ta trura-yku-ru-y May Ima-pi-taq tiya-nki kullu-pi
DEM.D chair-ACC put-EXCEP-URGT-IMP where what-LOC-SEQ sit-2 ass-LOC
¡En esa silla ponle! ¿Dónde? ¿En que vas a sentar? ¿En tronco?
Put it in that chair! Where? What are you going to sit on? On the log?
00:13:49.355 - 00:13:53.855

¿Maypaqtaq chay yaku pasakayamun? ¿Maypaqtaq? Pitrik tapa ... machakuyan.

May-paq-taq chay yaku pasa-ka-ya-mu-n May-paq-taq Pi-tri-k
where-ABL-SEQ DEM.D water pass-REFL-PROG-CISL-3 where-ABL-SEQ who-EVC-K
¿De dónde está pasando esa agua? ¿De dónde? ¿Quién estará regando?
Where is that water passing from? From where? Who'd be watering?
00:14:02.515 - 00:14:07.275

Chaymi chayqa usuyamun.

macha-ku-ya-n Chay-mi chay-qa usu-ya-mu-n
Por eso pues, está derramando.
That's why that's wasting on the ground.
00:14:07.475 - 00:14:09.385

Mikushun! Mikushun papallata! Manam kisullapis kanchu.

Miku-shun Miku-shun papa-lla-ta Mana-m kisu-lla-pis ka-n-chu
eat-1PL.FUT eat-1PL.FUT potato-RSTR-ACC no-EVD cheese-RSTR-ADD be-3-NEG
¡Vamos a comer! Vamos a comer papita. No hay ni siquiera queso.
Let's eat! Let's eat potatoes! There isn't even cheese.
00:14:12.755 - 00:14:18.805

Uchullantawan mikukunchik. Uchullantawan.

Uchu-lla-n-ta-wan miku-ku-nchik Uchu-lla-n-ta-wan
Con su ají no más se come. Con su aqí no más.
We eat it with just chile. With just chile.
00:14:19.870 - 00:14:24.810

Wak uchuy warkurayan uchuk baldillapi wak tunapi

Wak uchuy warku-raya-n uchuk baldi-lla-pi wak tuna-pi
DEM.D chile hang-PASS-3 small bucket-RSTR-LIC DEM.D corner-LOC
Está colgado mi ají en un balde pequeño en esa esquina.
My chile is hanging in a small bucket in that corner.
00:14:28.880 - 00:14:33.390

Palta [inaudible]
00:14:44.685 - 00:14:46.895

Paltallataña Imapa Imata ruwanki paltawan? ¿Imata ruwanki?

Palta-lla-ta-ña Ima-pa Ima-ta ruwa-nki palta-wan Ima-ta ruwa-nki
avocado-RSTR-ACC-DISC what-LOC what-ACC make-2 avocado-INSTR what-ACC make-2
A la palta ya. ¿En qué? ¿Qué cosa vas a hacer con la palta? ¿Qué cosa vas a
hacer a la palta?
To the avocado already. In what? What will you do with the avocado? What will
you do?
00:14:48.060 - 00:14:52.195

Unquqkunapaqtriki yanukushaq.
unqu-q-kuna-paq-tri-ki yanu-ku-shaq
be.sick-AG-PL-BEN-EVC-KI cook-REFL-1.FUT
Para enfermo todo tengo que cocinar.
I'll cook it for the sick man and all.
00:14:52.425 - 00:14:55.275

Vakakunatatr harkashaq. ¡Qué wañurun ya pues! ¡Qué wañun ya!

Vaka-kuna-ta-tr harka-shaq
cow-PL-ACC-EVC herd-1.FUT
Tengo que pastear las vacas. ¡Qué muera ya, pues! ¡Qué muera ya!
I have to pasture the cows. Let them die already! Let them die already!
00:14:55.805 - 00:14:59.485

Wañuruptinqa pamparushaqñatriki. Ya menos preocupación ya.

Wañu-ru-pti-n-qa pampa-ru-shaq-ña-tri-ki
Cuando muere le voy a hacer sepultar ya. Ya menos preocupación ya.
When he dies, I'm going to bury him already. Less worry already then.
00:14:59.780 - 00:15:03.700

Wañuruptinqa waqayankitr, niyani

Wañu-ru-pti-n-qa waqa-ya-nki-tr yanqa
die-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP cry-PROG-2-EVC lie
Cuando muere estarás llorando, estoy diciendo.
When he dies, you're going to be crying, I'm saying.
00:15:08.000 - 00:15:11.320

Waqankimanchu, ¿manañatr?
Waqa-nki-man-tri mana-ña-tr
¿Puedes llorar? No ceo.
Culd you cry? I don't think so.
00:15:12.930 - 00:15:14.660

Sin embargo , mikushiyawan yari kumpañayawan yari.

miku-shi-ya-wa-n-y-ari kumpaña-ya-wa-n-y-ari
Sin embargo me está ayudando a comer, pues. Me está acompañando, pues. TK
Nevertheless, he's helping me eat, then. he's accompanying me.
00:15:20.840 - 00:15:24.680

Aa, ishkayniyqa mikuyaniraqyari. Cuando wañuruptinqa, ¿con quién, ya?

Aa ishkay-ni-y-qa miku-ya-ni-raq-y-ari
Ah, los dos todavía estamos comiendo, pues. Cuando se muere, ¿con quién ya?
Ah, both of uss are eating still. When he dies, with whom, then?
00:15:24.780 - 00:15:29.410

Chay parti intiru... Ishkay pashñakunaqa

Chay parti intiru Ishkay pashña-kuna-qa
DEM.D part whole two girl-PL-TOP
Esa parte entera. Dos chicas.
That whole part. Two girls.
00:15:35.960 - 00:15:38.920

Mikushun. Llapanchik ya mikushun.

Miku-shun Llapa-nchik ya miku-shun
eat-1PL.FUT all-1PL EMPH mikushun.
Vamos a comer. Todos, pues, vamos a comer.
Let's eat! All of us, then, let's eat!
00:15:42.260 - 00:15:45.020

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2013/Liscay_MP_Dreams.eaf
Thursday, May 29, 2014 4:08 PM


Tiyu: kara Gonzales. Chaymi nimara, "Wambrayki idukanki."

Tiyu-: ka-ra Gonzales Chay-mi ni-ma-ra Wambra-yki iduka-nki
uncle-1 be-PST Gonzales. DEM.D-EVD say-1.OBJ-PST child-2 educate-2
Mi tío era Gonzales. En eso me ha dicho 'Vas a educar a tus hijos',
My uncle was Gonzales. He said to me, "You're going to educate your children."
00:00:05.520 - 00:00:10.580

Lliw lliw kay wawata idukanki. Kay wawata idukaptikiqa

Lliw lliw kay wawa-ta iduka-nki Kay wawa-ta iduka-pti-ki-qa
all all DEM.P baby-ACC educate-2 DEM.P baby-ACC educate-SUBDS-2-TOP
Vas a educar a todos, todos, tus hijos. Cuando los educas,
You're going to educate your children.
00:00:12.530 - 00:00:15.710

Qamtaq sirvishunkim yasqayaruptikiqa nimara.

Qam-taq sirvi-shunki-m yasqa-ya-ru-pti-ki-qa ni-ma-ra
2-ACC serve-3>2 old-INCH-URGT-SUBDS-2-TOP say-1.OBJ-PST
A usted te van a servir cuando estás anciana, me dijo.
They'll serve you when you're old, he said to me.
00:00:15.980 - 00:00:18.700

Flabio Gonzales. Kay vaka: kayan, kabra: kayan.

Flabio Gonzales Kay vaka-: ka-ya-n kabra-: ka-ya-n
Flabio Gonzales. DEM.P cow-1 be-PROG-3 goat-1 be-PROG-3
Flabio González Tengo vacas, tengo cabras.
Flabio González. I have cows, I have goats.
00:00:18.750 - 00:00:20.050 00:00:31.590 - 00:00:33.350
Kaywan idukankitrik wawata lliw lliwta nimara.
Kay-wan iduka-nki-tri-k wawa-ta lliw lliw-ta ni-ma-ra.
DEM.P-INST educate-2-EVC-K baby-ACC all all-ACC say-1.OBJ-PST
Con esto vas a educar a todos tus hijos, me dijo.
With these, you're going to educate all your children, he said to me.
00:00:33.350 - 00:00:36.010

Chay idukarunmiki hinashpa kanan hawka hawkañam paykunaqa vidanta pasakun.

Chay iduka-ru-n-mi-ki hinashpa kanan hawka hawka-ña-m pay-kuna-qa vidan-ta
DEM.D educate-URGT-3-EVD-KI so now tranquil tranquil-DISC-EVD 3-PL-TOP
Los educó ahora todos pasan sus vidas tranquilo.
He educated them. Now they pass their lives peacefully.
00:00:36.830 - 00:00:41.090

life-3-ACC pass-REFL-3

Sapalla: vaka chawaq ka:. Dusi lichira sapa sapalla:

Sapa-lla-: vaka chawa-q ka-: Dusi lichira sapa sapa-lla-:
alone-RSTR-1 cow milk-AG be-1 twelve milk.cow alone alone-RSTR-1
Solita lecheaba las vacas. Doce lecheras. Solita, solita.
I used to milk my cows alone. Twelve milk cows. Alone, alone.
00:00:50.540 - 00:00:55.120

Hinashpa qarquq ka: kutimushpa, tenía mi cabra. Kabra: kara, uviha: kara,
kuchi: kara.
Hinashpa qarqu-q ka-: kuti-mu-shpa Kabra-: ka-ra uviha-: ka-ra kuchi-: ka-ra
so expel-AG be-1 return-CISL-SUBIS goat-1 be-PST sheep-1 be-PST pig-1 be-PST
Después, los botaba regresando. Tenía mi cabra. Tenía cabras, tenía ovejas,
tenía cerdos.
Then, I sent the our when I returned. I had goats. I had goats; I had sheep; I
had pigs.
00:00:55.490 - 00:01:00.850

Lliw lliwtam uywara:. Kunihutapis lliw lliwta uywara: wasi huntata.

Lliw lliw-ta-m uywa-ra-: Kunihu-ta-pis lliw lliw uywa-ra- wasi hunta-ta
all all-ACC-EVD raise-PST-1 rabbit-ACC-ADD all all raise-PST-1 house full-ACC
Yo criaba todo. Conejos, también. Criaba todo, la casa llena.
I raised everything. Rabbits, too. I raised everything, the house full.
00:01:00.980 - 00:01:04.960

Este, Cerro de Pasco manda apachira qullqinta mikunanpaq.

Cerro de Pasco apa-chi-ra qullqi-n-ta miku-na-n-paq
Cerro de Pasco bring-CAUS-PST money-3-ACC eat-NMLZ-2-PURP
Cerro de Pasco. Enviaba su dinero para que coma.
Cerro de Pasco. HE sent his money so he could eat.
00:01:05.430 - 00:01:10.230

Para su cuarto.
For his room.
00:01:10.930 - 00:01:13.110

Chaypaq kisuta ruwaq ka:. Hukninta rantikuq ka: vaka:ta turu:ta chaywan apachiq
Chay-paq kisu-ta ruwa-q ka-: Huk-ni-n-ta ranti-ku-q ka-: vaka-ta turu-ta
DEM.D-ABL cheese-ACC make-AG be-1 one-EUPH-3-ACC buy-REFL-AG be-1 cow-ACC
Para eso hacía queso. Uno a uno vendía mis vacas y mis toros. Con eso yo lo
For that, I used to make cheese. I sold my cows and my bulls one by one. With
that, I sent it.
00:01:13.860 - 00:01:18.700

chay-wan apa-chi-q ka-:

bull-ACC DEM.D-INSTR bring-CAUS-AG be-1

Sinu kikin wambra: hamushpa lliw rantikushpa apakuq.

Sinu kiki-n wambra-: hamushpa lliw ranti-ku-shpa apa-ku-q
otherwise self-3 child-1 come-SUBIS all buy-REFL-SUBOS bring-REFL-AG
Si no mis hijos, ellos mismos, veniendo todo vendiendo se lo llevaban.
If not, my children, themselves, would come and sell everything and take it
00:01:18.910 - 00:01:21.990

Hinashpa manaña namuq ñachu.

Hinashpa mana-ña na-mu-q ña-chu
Después ya no me
Then, I no longer
00:01:22.060 - 00:01:24.820

Chayhinam ñuqa purira: huk rikuqta ñakarishpa.

Chay-hina-m ñuqa puri-ra-: huk ri-ku-q-ta ñaka-ri-shpa
DEM.D-SIM-EVD 1 walk-PST-1 one go-REFL-AG-ACC suffer-INCEP-SUBIS
Así yo caminaba. Sufriendo de distintas maneras.
I walked about like that, suffering in different ways.
00:01:26.770 - 00:01:30.490

Chaymi kanan traki: nanaptin, Mamay tiyaykuyña amaña puriychu, niman.

Chay-mi kanan traki-: nana-pti-n Mama-y tiya-yku-y-ña ama-ña puri-y-chu
DEM.D-EVD now foot-1 hurt-SUBDS.3 mother-1 sit-EXCEP-IMP PROH-DISC walk-IMP-NEG
Por eso ahora cuando me duele mi pie, 'Mamá, ¡siéntate! ¡Ya no camines!' me
That's why now when my foot hurts, "Mom, sit down! Don't walk any more!' they
say to me.
00:01:32.550 - 00:01:36.990

Mikunantinta apachimu: apamun kikin.

ni-ma-n Miku-na-ntin-ta apa-chi-mu-: apa-mu-n kiki-n
say-1.OBJ-3 eat-NMLZ-INCL-ACC bring-CAUS-CISL-1 bring-CISL-3 self-3
Me envian su comida. Lo traen ellos mismos.
They send their food. They bring it themselves.
00:01:38.890 - 00:01:42.310

Chaynallam hapiraman kay na.

Chay-na-lla-m hapi-ra-ma-n kay na
Así no más me agarró ésto.
Just like that that grabbed me.
00:01:43.620 - 00:01:46.340

Manaña ruwa:ñachu. trakra:kunallapiña kaku:

Mana-ña ruwa-:-ña-chu trakra-:-kuna-lla-pi-ña ka-ku-:
no-DISC make-1-DISC-NEG field-1-PL-RSTR-LOC-DISC be-REFL-1
Yo no lo hago. En mi chacra no más ya estoy.
I don't do it any more. I'm just in my fields.
00:01:48.920 - 00:01:52.740

Rusmari vakata chawayan. Sumaq sumaq. Asikushtin.

Rusmari vaka-ta chawa-ya-n Sumaq sumaq. Asi-ku-shtin
Rusmari cow-ACC milk-PROG-3 pretty pretty laugh-REFL-SUBADV
Rusmari está lecheando vaca. Bonito bonito. Riéndo. Hahaha.
Rusmari is milking a cow. Nice. Nice. Laughing. Hahaha.
00:01:54.340 - 00:02:01.200

Asikushtin. Uñawan ñakariyan.

Asi-ku-shtin Uña-wan ñaka-ri-ya-n
laugh-REFL-SUBADV young-INSTR suffer-INCEP-PROG-3
Riéndo está sufriendo con el ternero.
Laughing, she's suffering with the calf.
00:02:01.660 - 00:02:04.700

Chaynam ñuqalla: ñakariq ka: ass

Chay-na-m ñuqa-lla-: ñaka-ri-q ka-: ass
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD 1-RSTR-1 suffer-INCEP-AG be-1 ass
Así yo sufría, ass.
I used to suffer like that. Ass.
00:02:06.630 - 00:02:09.090

Ayvis lliw takuruptin waqakuq ka:

Ayvis lliw taku-ru-pti-n waqa-ku-q ka-:
sometimes all mix-URGT-SUBDS-3 cry-REFL-AG be-1
a veces cuando entreveraba todo, me lloraba.
Sometimes, when eerything got mixed, I used to cry.
00:02:09.200 - 00:02:12.200

Waqakuq ka: mana atipashpa.

Waqa-ku-q ka-: mana atipa-shpa
cry-REFL-AG be-1 no
Lloraba cuando no pude.
I cried when I wasn't able.
00:02:13.110 - 00:02:15.870

Huk tiympupa mal añu trayaramun vakapaq.

Huk tiympu-pa mal añu traya-ra-mu-n vakapaq.
one time-LOC bad year arrive-URGT-CISL-3 cow-BEN
Una vez, llegó mal año para las vacas.
One time, a bad year came for the cows.
00:02:17.960 - 00:02:21.310

Pastu kanchu. Para kanchu.

Pastu ka-n-chu Para ka-n-chu
pasture.grass be-3-NEG rain be-3-NEG
No había pasto; no había lluvia.
There was no pasture grass; there was no rain.
00:02:21.365 - 00:02:23.305

Chaymi vaka achka achkam kakuyan vaka lliw lliw kuñadu: qayaru: paykunapata
Chay-mi vaka achka achka-m ka-ku-ya-n vaka lliw lliw kuñadu-: qaya-ru-:
DEM.D-EVD cow a.lot a.lot-EVD be-REFL-PROG-3 cow all all
En-RSTR, pues, habían muchas vacas. Llamé a todos mis cuñados; atajaba las suyas.
Then there were a lot of cows. I called all my uncles; I herded theirs'.
00:02:24.625 - 00:02:30.205

pay-kuna-pa-ta michi-ra
shout-URGT-1 3-PL-GEN-ACC pasture-PST

¡Vakaykita rantikuy! Mana para kanchu. Kay hamurura hinashpa rantikurun.

Vaka-yki-ta ranti-ku-y Mana para ka-n-chu Kay hamu-ru-ra hinashpa ranti-ku-ru-n
cow-2-ACC buy-REFL-IMP no rain be-3-NEG be come-URGT-PST so buy-REFL-URGT-3
¡Vende tus vacas! No hay lluvia. Vino y después las vendió.
Sell your cows! There's no rain. He came and then he sold them.
00:02:30.665 - 00:02:34.125

Achka achkata yaqa vinti vakata rantikura. Kidarunraq lichi.

Achka achka-ta yaqa vinti vaka-ta rinti-ku-ra Kida-ru-n-raq lichi
a.lot a.lot again twenty cow-ACC buy-REFL-PST stay-URGT-3-CONT milk
Muchas, muchas. Vendió casi veinte vacas. Quedó todavía lechera.
A lot, a lot. HE sold almost twenty cows. A milk cow remained.
00:02:34.165 - 00:02:37.625 00:02:38.365 - 00:02:39.945

Chaypaq watanmanqa para trayaramun.

Chay-paq wata-n-man-qa para traya-ra-mu-n
DEM.D-ABL year-3-ALL-TOP rain arrive-URGT-CISL-3
De allí al otro año llegó la lluvia.
From there, the next year the rain came.
00:02:41.135 - 00:02:43.475

Chayma chay hatuchachaq vakakuna kayna puñukun.

Chay-m-a chay hatu-cha-cha-q vaka-kuna kay-na puñu-ku-n
DEM.D-EVD-EMPH big- cow-PL DEM.P-VRBZ sleep-REFL-3
De allí pues esas vacas grandes así se durmieron.
From there, then, those big cows slept like that.
00:02:43.665 - 00:02:46.505

Mikuyta munanchu. Ni pastu ni ima mikuyta munanchu.

Miku-y-ta muna-n-chu Ni pastu ni ima miku-y-ta muna-n-chu
eat-INF-ACC want-3-NEG nor pasture.grass nor what eat-INF-ACC want-3-NEG
No querían comer. Ni pasto ni lo que sea no querían comer.
They didn't want to eat. They didn't want to eat pasture grass or anything.
00:02:46.715 - 00:02:50.635

Un año, huk wata manam para karachu. Lliw lliw chaki kayna ...
huk wata mana-m para ka-ra-chu Lliw lliw chaki kay-na ...
one year no-EVD rain be-PST-NEG all all dry DEM.P-VRBZ ...
Un año, un año no hubo lluvia. Todo todo se secó.
One year, one year there was no rain. Everything dry, like this.
00:02:51.795 - 00:02:56.815

Chayma suyñukurura: imay uchintatr kara imaynayá sumaqñachu.

Chay-mi suyñu-ku-ru-ra-: imay uchinta-tr ka-ra imayna-yá sumaq-ña-chu
DEM.D-EVD dream-REFL-URGT-1 where eighty-ACC-EVC be-PST how-EMPH pretty-DISC-NEG
En eso me soñé. ¿Cuándo sería? Habrá sido [el año] ochenta.
With that, then, I dreamed. When? It would have been [nineteen] eighty.
00:02:58.675 - 00:03:02.795

Chaymi suyñukurura: antista kay kayhina wirakama vaka: kakuyan.

Chay-mi suyñu-ku-ru-ra-: antis-ta kay kay-hina wira-kama vaka-:
DEM.D-EVD dream-REFL-URGT-PST-1 before-ACC DEM.P DEM.P-SIM fat-LIM cow-1
En eso me soñé. Antes. Vacas gordas así hay.
With that, I dreamed. Before. There are fat cows like this.
00:03:02.915 - 00:03:07.545


Mikuypis alli alli tukuy witraypi tukuy uraypa kakuyan mikuy granu.
Miku-y-pis alli alli tukuy witray-pi tukuy uray-pa ka-ku-ya-n miku-y
eat-INF-ADD good good all up.hill-LOC all down.hill-LOC be-REFL-PROG-3 eat-INF
Comida, también, bastante. Por arriba y por abajo hay comida, grano.
Food, too, in plenty. Up hill and down, there's food, grain.
00:03:08.285 - 00:03:14.765


naranha kakuyan, sibada, avas, albirha, chayna suyñukuru:

naranha ka-ku-ya-n sibada avas albirha chay-na suyñu-ku-ru-:
orange barley broad.beans peas DEM.P-VRBZ dream-REFL-URGT-1
Hay naranjas, cebada, avas, alberjas. Así me soñé.
There are oranges, barley, broad beans, peas. I dreamed like that.
00:03:15.585 - 00:03:19.765

Ultimuta wakhina wirakama vaka ultimuta puraminti wayrallataña.

Ultimu-ta wak-hina wira-kama vaka ultimu-ta puraminti wayra-lla-ta-ña
last-ACC DEM.D-SIM fat-LIM cow last-ACC completely wind-RSTR-ACC-DISC
Uñtimo así esas vacas gordas, último total aire no más ya.
00:03:20.025 - 00:03:25.125

Suyñuru: vaka aqlata. Y llegó eso mi sueño.

Suyñu-ru-: vaka aqla-ta
dream-URGT-1 cow thin-ACC
Me soñé con vacas flacas. Y llegó eso mi sueño.
I dreamed about thin cows. And my dream came [true].
00:03:25.245 - 00:03:29.505

Munanchu mikuyta. Hinashpa pastu alfaqa kanñachu. ¿Imawantaq alfata riganki?

Muna-n-chu miku-y-ta Hinashpa pastu alfa-qa kan-ña-chu ima-wan-taq alfa-ta
want-3-NEG eat-INF-ACC so pasture.grass alfalfa-TOP be-3-DISC-NEG what-INSTR-SEQ
No querían comer. Después, no había pasto ni alfalfa. ¿Con qué vas a regar?
They didn't want to eat. Then, there wasn't pasture grass or alfalfa. What are
you going to water with?
00:04:00.145 - 00:04:05.105
alfalfa-ACC irrigate-2

Sibadata wichiru:, sibadallataña mikuchi:.

Sibada-ta wichi-ru-: sibada-lla-ta-ña miku-chi-:
barley-ACC plant-URGT-1 barley-RSTR-ACC-DISC eat-CAUS-1
Ramé cebada. Cebada no más ya hice comer.
I planted barley. I fed them just barley.
00:04:05.645 - 00:04:08.345

Uchukllapatr sibida kara. Chaki sibada. Chayllataña qarayku:

Uchuk-lla-pa-tr sibida ka-ra Chaki sibada Chay-lla-ta-ña qara-yku-:
small-RSTR-LOC-EVC barley be-PST dry barley DEM.D-RSTR-ACC-DISC serve-EXCEP-1
Había cebada en chiquitito no más. Cebada seca. eso no más ya les ser vi.
There was just small barley. Dry barley. I served them just that.
00:04:08.805 - 00:04:13.645

Chaynalla uywarura:. Pasarachira:. Qaru: TKT runapa mikunanchikta ya.

Chay-na-lla uywa-ru-ra-: Pasa-ra-chi-ra-: Qaru: runa-pa miku-na-nchik-ta
Así no más los crié. Los hice pasar. Lo que comemos pues.
I raised them just like that. I had them pass. Our food, already.
00:04:14.435 - 00:04:19.855

Mikunanchik sibadata. Chayllataña mikuchira:.

ya Miku-na-nchik sibada-ta Chay-lla-ta-ña miku-chi-ra-:
Nuestra comida, cebada. eso no más he hecho comer.
Our food, barley. I fed them just that.
00:04:20.255 - 00:04:23.935

Manam mikuyta munarachu vaka. Pastutam rantiru:. Munarachu.

Mana-m miku-y-ta muna-ra-chu vaka pastu-ta-m ranti-ru-:
no-EVD eat-INF-ACC want-PST-NEG cow pasture.grass-ACC-EVD buy-URGT-1
Las vacas no querían comer. Compré pasto. No querían.
The cows didn't want to eat. I bought pasture grass. They didn't want it.
00:04:24.365 - 00:04:28.505

Saku puka saratamik chay katrukura

Muna-ra-chu Sapu puka sara-ta-mi-k chay katru-ku-ra TK
want-PST-NEG sack red corn-ACC-EVD-K DEM.D chew-REFL-PST
[Un] saco [de] maíz colorado. eso mascaron.
A sack of colored corn. They chewed that.
00:04:28.675 - 00:04:31.235

Tristitam pasara añu.
Tristi-ta-m pasa-ra añu
sad-ACC-EVD pass-PST year
El año pasó triste.
The year passed sad.
00:04:33.355 - 00:04:34.535

Chaymi kanan vakataq manam achkam mana muna:chu rantikuyta vakaykitaq lliw
nira: wambra:ta
Chay-mi kanan vaka-taq mana-m achka-m mana muna-:-chu ranti-ku-y-ta vaka-yki-ta
DEM.D-EVD now cow-SEQ no-EVD a.lot-EVD no want-REFL-PST-1-NEG buy-REFL-INF-ACC
Por eso ahora yo no quiero vacas. '¡Vende todas tus vacas!' les he dicho a mis
That's why I don't want cows now."Sell all your cows!" I've told my children.
00:04:35.185 - 00:04:40.045

Kuñadu: mas lliw vakan intrigarura.

lliw ni-ra Kuñadu-: mas lliw vaka-n intriga-ru-ra
cow-2-ACC all say-PST more all cow-3
Mis cuñados también entregaron todas sus vacas.
My in-laws, too, turned in all their cows.
00:04:40.325 - 00:04:42.625

Tiyakura. Tiyakushaq mihur. Pushakamara wawa: nata.

Tiya-ku-ra Tiya-ku-shaq mihur Pusha-ka-ma-ra wawa-:-na-ta
sit-REFL-PST sit-REFL-1.FUT better bring.along-REFL-1.OBJ-PST baby-1 DMY-ACC
Me senté. Mejor me voy a sentar. Mi hijo me trajo allí.
I sat down. Better I sit down. My son brought me there.
00:04:42.805 - 00:04:45.965

Urullata. Mana yatraka:chu kutikamura.

Urulla-ta Mana yatra-ka-:-chu kuti-ka-mu-ra
Urulla-ACC no live-PASSACC-1-NEG return-REFL-CISL-PST
A Orolla. No me acostumbré. Regresé.
To Orolla. I didn't get used to it. I came back.
00:04:46.335 - 00:04:49.255

Tiyakuya: kanan kaypa wasi:pi. Trankiluña.

Tiya-ku-ya-: kanan kay-pa wasi-:-pi Trankilu-ña
sit-REFL-PROG-1 now DEM.P-LOC house-1-LOC tranqil-DISC
Me estoy sentando ahora aquí en mi casa. Tranquila ya.
I'm sitting now here in my house. Peaceful already.
00:04:50.565 - 00:04:54.725

Tudu llakikushpa ispusu: wañukusa swigra: swigru: wañukuq.

Tudu llaki-ku-shpa ispusu-: wañu-ku-sa swigra-: swigru-:
all sorrow-REFL-SUBIS husband-1 die-REFL-PRF
Teniendo pena. Mi esposo murió. Mi suegra, mi suegro, finados.
Sorrowing. My husband died. My, my father-in-law deceased.
00:05:00.825 - 00:05:04.745


Llakikushpa huk vida sufimintu pasara: waqashpa.

Llaki-ku-shpa huk vida sufimintu pasa-ra-: waqa-shpa
sorrow-REFL-SUBIS one life suffering pass-PST-1 cry-SUBIS
Con pena, he sufrido bastante, llorando.
Sorrowing, I've suffered a great deal, crying.
00:05:05.195 - 00:05:09.115

Ispusu: wañukuptin huk vida dulurta waqakura.

Ispusu-: wañu-ku-pti-n huk vida dulur-ta waqa-ku-ra
husband-1 die-REFL-SUBDS-3 one life pain-ACC cry-REFL-PST
Cuando falleció mi esposo. Bastante dolor he llorado.
When my husband died. I cried a good deal of pain.
00:05:09.825 - 00:05:13.395

Aa, ñuqahina ignuranti ama kaychu nira ya.

Aa, ñuqa-hina ignuranti ama ka-y-chu ni-ra ya
Aa, 1-SIM ignorant PROH be-IMP-NEG say-PST EMPH
Aa, 'Como yo analfabeto ¡no seas!' les dije.
Aa, "Don't be illiterate like me!" I told them.
00:05:38.965 - 00:05:42.465

Arí. Manayá nuqahina ñuqa kanan ignuranti kashpam kaypa tiya: sinu.
Arí. Mana-yá nuqa-hina ñuqa kanan ignuranti ka-shpa-m kay-pa tiya-: sinu.
yes no-EMPH 1-SIM 1 now ignorant be-SUBIS-EVD DEM.P-LOC sit-1 otherwise
Sí. No como yo. Yo, siendo analfabeta, estoy sentada en acá, si no
Yes. Not like me. I, being illiterate, am sitting here. Otherwise,
00:05:42.585 - 00:05:46.725

Yatrayniyuq kashpa ima prufisura imapis ka:mantri kara.

Yatra-y-ni-yuq ka-shpa ima prufisura ima-pis ka-:-man-tri ka-ra
know-EUPH-POSS be-SUBIS what teacher what-ADD be-1-COND-EVC be-PST
Teniendo sabiduría, hubiera sido profesora ¿o qué también?
If I had knowledge, I might have been a teacher or what more?
00:05:46.885 - 00:05:50.425

Swilduta ganaku:mantri kara. Siympri chaynatr ka:man kara.

Swildu-ta gana-ku-:-man-tri ka-ra Siympri chay-na-tr ka-:-man ka-ra
salary-ACC earn-REFL-1-COND-EVC be-PST always DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC be-1-COND be-PST
Hubiera ganado mi sueldo. Siempre así hubiera sido.
I would have earned my salary. I could have been like that.
00:05:50.565 - 00:05:52.685 00:05:53.515 - 00:05:55.375

Mama ... truramara mama: iskuylaman. Partida: mana karachu hinashpam tirsir
añukama ya istudiyaykura:
Mama ... trura-ma-ra mama-: iskuyla-man Partida-: mana ka-ra-chu hinashpa-m
mother ... put-1.OBJ-PST mother-1 school-ALL birth.certificate-1 no be-PST-NEG
Mi mamá me puso en la escuela. No tenía mi partida. Por-RSTR, estudié hasta el
tercer grado no más.
My mother put me in school. I didn't have a birth certificate so I studied
until the third grade, no more.
00:05:55.455 - 00:06:02.595

tirsir añu-kama ya istudiya-yku-ra-:

so-EVD third grade-LIM EMPH study-EXCEP-PST-1

Iskribiytaqa yatraya:mi, liytaqa yatraya:mi.

Iskribi-y-ta-qa yatra-ya-:-mi li-y-ta-qa yatra-ya-:-mi
write-INF-ACC-TOP know-PROG-1-EVD read-INF-ACC-TOP know-PROG-1-EVD
Sé escribir y sé leer.
I know how to write; I know how to read.
00:06:04.815 - 00:06:08.655

Chay manam mamalla:, taytalla: wañukuptin mana mama: atipamarachu idukayta

Chay mana-m mama-lla-: tayta-lla-: wañu-ku-pti-n mana mama-: atipa-ma-ra-chu
DEM.D no-EVD mother-RSTR-1 father-RSTR-1 die-REFL-SUBDS-3 no mother-1
Entonces, mi mamá, cuando mi papá falleció, no pudo educarme.
So my mother, when my father died, couldn't educate me.
00:06:10.215 - 00:06:16.715

iduka-y-ta educate-INF-ACC

Tuta waqakuq ka: hatarishpa ...

Tuta waqa-ku-q ka-: hata-ri-shpa ...
night cry-REFL-AG be-1 get.up-INCEP-SUBIS ...
Noche me lloraba levantándome.
AT night, when I would wake up, I would cry.
00:06:30.435 - 00:06:33.235

Chaypam waqakushpa wawa:ta uywara.

Chay-pa-m waqa-ku-shpa wawa-:-ta uywa-ra
Entonces, llorando cuidaba mis hijos.
So, crying, I raised my children.
00:06:36.165 - 00:06:39.885

Diosta mañakura: makilla:tapis pataykushpa.

Dios-ta maña-ku-ra-: maki-lla-:-ta-pis pata-yku-shpa
God-ACC ask.for-REFL-PST-1 hand-RSTR-1-ACC-ADD fold-EXCEP-SUBIS
Rogaba a Dios, doblando las manos también.
I begged God, folding my hands, too.
00:06:41.145 - 00:06:44.225

Ariyá. Trabahayan hukninpis hukninpis trabahan huknin karnisiru huknin karnisira

Ari-yá Trabaha-ya-n huk-ni-n-pis huk-ni-n-pis trabaha-n huk-ni-n karnisiru
yes-EMPH work-PROG-3 one-EUPH-3-ADD one-EUPH-3-ADD work-3 one-EUPH-3 butcher
Sí, pues. Está trabajando el otro. El otro trabaha. El otro es carnicero. La
otra es carnicera.
Yes, then. The other is working. The other works. The other is a butcher. The
other is a butcher.
00:06:57.625 - 00:07:03.145

huk-ni-n karnisira
one-EUPH-3 butcher

El otro, también, karnisiru. Huknin rantikun tiyndapa rupata.

karnisiru huk-ni-n ranti-ku-n tiynda-pa rupa-ta
butcher one-EUPH-3 buy-REFL-3 store-LOC clothes-ACC
El otro también es carnicero. El otro vende ropa en su tienda.
The other one is a butcher. Another sells clothes in his store.
00:07:03.475 - 00:07:07.255

Aa, hukninñataq Cierro de Oroyapa Inhiniyru.

Aa, huk-ni-n-ña-taq Cierro de Oroyapa Inhiniyru
Aa, one-EUPH-3-DISC-SEQ Cierro de Oroyapa engineer
El otro también [está] en Cerro de Oroya. Ingeniero.
Ah, another in Cerro de Oroya. An engineer.
00:07:08.075 - 00:07:12.735

Chaynam wawalla:
Chay-na-m wawa-lla-:
Así son mis hijos.
My children are like that.
00:07:14.395 - 00:07:16.475

Aa, kaypi wambra:kunaqa mutuyuq kayan. Chaypa wambra mamanñataq karruyuq.

Aa, kay-pi wambra-:-kuna-qa mutu-yuq ka-ya-n Chay-pa wambra mama-n-ña-taq-mi
Aa, DEM.P-LOC child-1-PL-TOP motorcycle-POSS be-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC child
Acá, los chicos tienen motos. La mamá de un chico de acá ya también tiene carro.
Here, the boys have motorcycles. The mother of a child from here has a car.
00:07:16.905 - 00:07:22.235

mother-3-DISC-SEQ car-POSS

Aa, payñataqmi llunchuy. Chayhinam wawalla:ta uywara:

Aa, pay-ña-taq-mi llunchuy Chay-hina-m wawa-lla-:-ta uywa-ra-:
Ella ya también es mi nuera. Así he criado a mis hijos.
She's a daughter-in-law already. I raised my children like that.
00:07:22.895 - 00:07:27.895

Kay yaku kurriyaq chay chuya yaku

Kay yaku kurri-ya-q chay chuya yaku
DEM.P water run-PROF-AG DEM.D clear water
Esta agua que está corriendo, esa agua clara.
This running water, that clear water.
00:07:43.645 - 00:07:45.805

Takishpa kayna maki taqllashpa riyan.

Taki-shpa kay-na maki taklla-shpa ri-ya-n
sing-SUBIS DEM.P-VRBZ hand clap-SUBIS go-PROG-3
Cantando así palmeando las manos están yendo.
Singing like this, clapping their hands, they're going.
00:07:53.695 - 00:07:57.035

Kimsa riya: kayna. Kayna takishpa. Kimsam riya:. uchuk mayupaq lluqsiya:
Kimsa ri-ya-: kay-na Kay-na taki-shpa Kimsa-m ri-ya-: uchuk mayu-paq lluqsi-ya-:
three go-PROG-1 DEM.P-VRBZ DEM.P-VRBZ sing-SUBIS three-EVD go-PROG-1 small
Tres, estamos yendo así. Así cantando. Tres estamos yendo. Estoy saliendo de un
río chico para arriba.
Three [of us] are going like this. Singing like this. Three [of us] are going.
I'm coming out of a small river [going] up hill.
00:08:00.675 - 00:08:08.255

river-ABL exit-PROG-1 up.hill-ALL

Así yakuqa wakhina qaqapaq pawaramun wakhina "¡Qué rico agua!" nishpash kayna
yaku-qa wak-hina qaqa-paq pawa-ra-mu-n wak-hina ni-shpa-sh kay-na ash
Así, el agua saltó de la peña así. '¡Qué rico agua!' dije así.
Like that, the water sprang from the cliffs like that. "What delicious water!"
I said like this.
00:08:08.715 - 00:08:14.155


Tumanaya:shi yakutapis. Imapaq ya chayna ya?

tuma-naya-:-shi yaku-ta-pis Ima-paq ya chay-na ya?
Me da ganas de tomar agua también. ¿Para qué pues está haciendo así?
I'm thirsty for water, too. Why is it going like that?
00:08:14.435 - 00:08:19.415

Qipa:taq runakuna hamusa lliw lliw kuchihinam mituman laqkarusa.

Qipa-:-taq runa-kuna hamu-sa lliw lliw kuchi-hina-m mitu-man laqka-ru-sa
behind-1-SEQ person-PL come-PRF all all pig-SIM-EVD mud-ALL stick-URGT-PRF
La gente venía detrás de mí. Todos cubiertos de barro como canchos.
People came behind me. All stuck with mud like pigs.
00:08:19.475 - 00:08:25.015

Chay urqunta siqayamun. Ñuqaqa kay law urqunta riya: Chay runakunaqa wak law
urqunta saqayamun.
Chay urqu-n-ta siqa-ya-mu-n Ñuqa-qa kay-law urqu-n-ta ri-ya-: Chay runa-kuna-qa
DEM.D hill-3-ACC go.up-PROG-CISL-3 1-TOP DEM.P side hill-3-ACC go-PROG-1 DEM.D
Están subiendo por el cerro. Yo estoy yendo por este lado del cerro. Las
personas están subiendo por el otro lado del cerro.
They're going up the hill. I'm going on this side of the hill. The people are
going up that side of the hill.
00:08:25.115 - 00:08:30.355

wak-law urqu-n-ta saqa-ya-mun

person-PL-TOP DEM.D side hill-3-ACC go.down-PROG-CISL-3

Pasaypaq kuchihinam yakuman mituchakurusa.

Pasaypaq kuchi-hina-m yaku-man mitu-cha-ku-ru-sa
a.lot pig-SIM-EVD water-ALL mud-FACT-REFL-URGT-PRF
Como chanchos, se habían embarrado completamente en el agua.
They had completely mussied themselves in the water like pigs.
00:08:31.005 - 00:08:34.885

Puka pukayasa, pasaypaq puka kayna allpa puka kayan.

Puka puka-ya-sa pasaypaq puka kay-na allpa puka ka-ya-n
red red-INCH-PRF a.lot red DEM.P-VRBZ dust red be-PROG-3
Rojo. Habían vuelto rojo. Completamente rojo. La tierra está roja así.
Red. They'd turned red. Completely red. The earth is red like this.
00:08:38.385 - 00:08:42.285

Laqakarusa. Kayhinatr allpipa rupanpis
Laqa-ka-ru-sa Kay-hina-tr allpi-pa rupa-n-pis
Se había pegado. Su ropa, también, en la tierra así.
It had stuck. Their clothes in the dirt like this.
00:08:42.565 - 00:08:45.265

Chayhina witrayman siqayan.

Chay-hina witray-man siqa-ya-n
DEM.D-SIM up.hill-ALL go.up-PROG-3
Así están subiendo para arriba.
They're going up like this.
00:08:45.345 - 00:08:47.745

Ñuqakunañataq kayhina alli alavashpa riya:. Dios taytanchikta alavashpa.

Ñuqa-kuna-ña-taq kay-hina alli alava-shpa ri-ya-: Dios tayta-nchik-ta alava-shpa
1-PL-DISC-SEQ DEM.P-SIM good wash-SUBIS go-PROG-1 God father-1PL-ACC wash-SUBIS
Nosotros ya también asi alavando estamos yendo. Alavando a nuetro Señor.
We, too, are going like this, washing. Washing for God.
00:08:48.045 - 00:08:53.305

Altutaña siqaru: al tantush qawayaramu: runakunaqa. ¡Waq! ¡Waq! ¡Waq! ¡Waq!

Altu-ta-ña siqa-ru-: altantush TK qawa-ya-ra-mu-: runa-kuna-qa waq waq waq waq
high-ACC-DISC go.up-URGT-1 see-PROG-URGT-CISL-1 person-PL-TOP waq waq waq waq
Subí encima ya. Me está mirando la gente encima. ¡Waq! ¡Waq! ¡Waq! ¡Waq! ¡Waq!
I went up to the top already. The people are watching me. ¡Waq! ¡Waq! ¡Waq!
¡Waq! ¡Waq!
00:08:53.965 - 00:09:00.325


Lliw lliw kuchihinam mituman yaykurusa wak runaqa nishpa qawarayamun altupaq.
Lliw lliw kuchi-hina-m mitu-man yayku-ru-sa wak runa-qa ni-shpa qawa-ra-ya-mu-n
all all pig-SIM-EVD mud-ALL enter-URGT-PRF DEM.D person-TOP say-SUBIS
Todos habían entrado en el barro. Esa gente me estaba mirando de alto.
All had gone in to the mud like pigs. Those people are watching me from up high.
00:09:00.420 - 00:09:05.200

Makita kayhina taqllashpa riya:

altu-paq Maki-ta kay-hina taqlla-shpa ri-ya-:
Palmeando las manos así, estoy yendo.
I'm clapping my hands like this, going along.
00:09:12.200 - 00:09:14.780
"En la boda del cordero nos vamos a gozar", nishpash riya: witrayta.
ni-shpa-sh ri-ya-: witray-ta
say-SUBIS-EBR go-PROG-1 up.hill-ACC
'En la boda del cordero nos vamos a gozar', diciendo dice estoy yendo para
"En la boda del cordero nos vamos a gozar," they said, and I'm going up hill.
00:09:28.500 - 00:09:34.000

Lima está. Limatañam rikun. Chaynata witrayta siqayasa mayuta pasarishpa.

Lima-ta-ña-m ri-ku-n Chay-na-ta witray-ta siqa-ya-sa mayu-ta
Lima está. Ya se fue a Lima. Así estuve subiendo para arriba cruzando el río.
He's in Lima. He already went to Lima. Like that, I was going up hill, crossing
the river.
00:09:40.780 - 00:09:46.720

river-ACC pass-INCEP-SUBIS

Kananñam wambra: nin achka achka yakum riyan mamay urayta rishpa Marcallata.
Kanan-ña-m wambra-: ni-n achka achka yaku-m ri-ya-n mamay uray-ta ri-shpa
now-DISC-EVD child-1 say-1 a.lot a.lot water-EVD go-PROG-3 mother-1
Ahora mis hijos me dijeron, 'Mucha agua está yendo, mamá, yendo para abajo, a
Now my children told me, "A lot of water is running, Mom, running down hill, to
00:09:47.000 - 00:09:51.300

down.hill-ACC go-SUBIS Marca-RSTR-ACC

Achka achka yakum riyan ama riychu, nin

Achka achka yaku-m ri-ya-n ama ri-y-chu ni-n
a.lot a.lot water-EVD go-PROG-3 PROH go-IMP-NEG say-3
'Mucha, mucha agua está yendo. ¡No vayas!' me dijeron.
"A lot, a lot of water is running. Don't go!" they said.
00:09:51.560 - 00:09:53.660

Tiyaykuy trankulu kayllapi niyan.

Tiya-yku-y trankulu kay-lla-pi ni-ya-n
sit-EXCEP-IMP tranquil DEM.P-RSTR-LOC say-PROG-3
'¡Siéntate tranquilo en acá no más!' están diciendo.
"Just sit down here calmly!" they're saying.
00:09:53.780 - 00:09:55.800

Aa, achka achka yakuta manam pawayta atipankichu.
Aa, achka achka yaku-ta mana-m pawa-y-ta atipa-nki-chu
Aa, a.lot a.lot water-ACC no-EVD jump-INF-ACC
'No vas a poder saltar [encima de] mucha, mucha agua'.
"You're not going to be able to jump [over] a lot of water."
00:09:55.980 - 00:09:58.780

Chay witrayta mas siqaya: ¿Imapaq ya? Dios taytanchik ...

Chay witray-ta mas siqa-ya-: ima-paq ya Dios tayta-nchik
DEM.D up.hill-ACC more go.up-PROG-1 what-PURP EMPH God father-1PL
Estoy subiendo allí arriba. ¿Para qué, pues? Nuestro Señor ...
I'm going up higher. Why, then? Our God ...
00:09:59.310 - 00:10:03.650

Pushakayaman push .... alavashpatr puriya: tuta suyñuni:pipis aligritr.

Pusha-ka-ya-ma-n push .... alava-shpa-tr puri-ya-: tuta suyñu-ni-:-pi-pis
bring.along-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-3 bring.along .... wash-SUBIS-EVC walk-PROG-1 night
Me está llevando me está llevando. Noche en mi sueño también, alavando estoy
andando alegre, seguro.
It's bringing me along, bringing me ... At night, in my dream, too, I'm walking
about washing, happy, for sure.
00:10:03.770 - 00:10:08.670

dream-EUPH-1-LOC-ADD happy-EVC

Chay mikuyqa chay suyñunanchikpaqqa

Chay mikuy-qa chay suyñu-na-nchik-paq-qa
Esa comida, para soñar.
That food. So that we dream.
00:10:20.410 - 00:10:23.870

Suyñukunchik antis suyñurusa manachu huk prufita.

Suyñu-ku-nchik antis suyñu-ru-sa mana-chu huk prufita
dream-REFL-1PL before dream-URGT-PRF no-NEG one prophet
Nos soñamos. ¿Antes no había soñado un profeta?
We dream. Before, didn't a prophet dream?
00:10:24.090 - 00:10:29.150

Chaynam kanqa siyti añus mal añu siyti añu buyn añu.
Chay-na-m ka-nqa siyti añus mal añu siyti añu buyn añu.
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD be-3.FUT seven years bad year seven year good year
Así va a haber siete años malos, siete años buenos.
Like that, there are going to be seven bad years, seven good years.
00:11:06.230 - 00:11:09.530
Ki .. ki ... imatataq qutushun nin niptinqa
ki .. ki ... ima-ta-taq qutu-shun ni-n ni-pti-n-qa
self .. self ... what-ACC-SEQ pile.up-1PL.FUT say-3 say-SUBDS-3-TOP
'¿Qué cosa vamos a montonar?' dijo.
"What, what are we going to pile up?" he said.
00:11:09.710 - 00:11:13.070

Siñur almasinashun triguta nin

Siñur almasina-shun trigu-ta ni-n
señor stire-1PL.FUT wheat-ACC say-3
'Señor, vamos a almacenar trigo', dijo.
"Sir, we're going to store wheat," he said.
00:11:13.360 - 00:11:15.540

aa, almasinashun triguta

aa, almasina-shun trigu-ta
aa, store-1PL.FUT wheat-ACC
'Ah, vamos a almacenar trigo'.
"Ah, we're going to store up wheat."
00:11:16.220 - 00:11:18.640

Chaymi chay siyti añus almasiruptintrik alla allam trigu kanqa

rantikunanchikpaq nin.
Chay-mi chay siyti añus almasi-ru-pti-n-tri-k alla alla-m trigu ka-nqa
DEM.D-EVD DEM.D seven years store-URGT-SUBDS-3-EVC-K good good-EVD wheat
'Entonces si almacenamos siete años, va a haber mucho trigo para vender', dijo.
"So if we store it up for seven years, there will be a lot of wheat for us to
sell," he said.
00:11:18.980 - 00:11:23.960

ranti-ku-na-nchik-paq ni-n
be-3.FUT buy-REFL-NMLZ-1PL-PURP say-3

Trigu. Rantikurun triguta. Maypaqpis burruntin hamura.

Trigu Ranti-ku-ru-n trigu-ta May-paq-pis burru-ntin hamu-ra
wheat buy-REFL-URGT-3 wheat-ACC where-ABL-ADD donkey-INCL come-PST
Trigo. Vendió trigo. De dónde sea venían con sus burros.
Wheat. They sold wheat. From everywhere they came with their donkeys.
00:11:27.280 - 00:11:31.440

Chaynatatrik ñuqapis suyñukura:. Chay igwalituta.

Chay-na-ta-tri-k ñuqa-pis suyñu-ku-ra-: Chay igwalitu-ta
DEM.D-VRBZ-ACC-EVC 1-ADD dream-REFL-PST-1 DEM.D exact.same-ACC
Así yo también habré soñado. Igualito.
Like that, I must have dreamed, too. Just the same.
00:11:48.300 - 00:11:52.780

Kanan imapaq ya chay suyñukuru: chayta kanan chaytapis trayachishaqtaqshi.

Kanan ima-paq ya suyñu-ku-ru-: chay-ta kanan chay-ta-pis
¿Ahora para qué me habré soñado-RSTR? Ahora eso también haré coincidir.
Now why would I have dreamed that? Now I'll make that, too, come [about].
00:11:54.670 - 00:11:59.310


Chay alavashpa purisa:ta chay maki:ta taqllasa:ta

Chay alava-shpa puri-sa-:-ta chay maki-:-ta taqlla-sa-:-ta
DEM.D wash-SUBIS walk-PRF-1-ACC DEM.D hand-1-ACC clap-PRF-1-ACC
Lavando lo que he caminado lo que he palmeado las manos.
Washing where I walkedm where I clapped my hands.
00:12:00.510 - 00:12:04.330

Altu puntaman siqa: ¿Imapaqraq?

Altu punta-man siqa-: ima-paq-raq
high point-ALL go.down-1 what-PURP-CONT
Para encima a la punta he subido. ¿Para qué será?
I went up high to the peak. Why?
00:12:15.560 - 00:12:19.280

Karu urquta wak altu siylumanñataq piru pullu ya kayan. Mana qawana:paq
Karu urqu-ta wak altu siylu-man-ña piru pullu ya ka-ya-n Mana qawa-na-:-paq
far hill-ACC DEM.D high sky-ALL-DISC-SEQ but fog EMPH be-PROG-3 no
Lejos, allá encima, al cerro, al cielo ya. Pero hay neblina. Para mirar no está
Far, there up high, to the hill, to the sky, already. But there's fog. It's not
good to see.
00:12:20.560 - 00:12:26.040

see-NMLZ-1-PURP good-NEG

Siqa: chay altutatan ñaka ñakaytash bahayamu: traki: nanaptin.

Siqa-: chay altutu-ta-ta-n ñaka ñaka-ñaka-y-ta-sh baha-ya-mu-: traki-:
go.up-1 DEM.D high-ACC suffer suffer-suffer-INF-ACC-EVR go.down-PROG-CISL-1
Estoy subiendo allí encima. Sufiendo, dice, estoy bajando, cuando me duele mi
I'm going up there up high. Suffering, they say, I'm coming down when my foot
00:12:26.430 - 00:12:33.610

foot-1 hurt-SUBDS-3

Tiyrrallatam siqaya: manam laqaq kanchu. Rumipis manam kanchu.

Tiyrra-lla-ta-m siqa-ya-: mana-m laqaq ka-n-chu Rumi-pis mana-m
ground-RSTR-ACC-EVD go.down-PROG-1 no-EVD stick-AG be-3-NEG stone-ADD no-EVD
Tierra no más estoy subiendo. No hay peña. Ni piedra no hay.
I'm going up just on ground. There's no cliff. There are no rocks, either.
00:12:40.150 - 00:12:45.110


Siqayan chayta altu altuta. Después parecieron qaqañataq.

Siqa-ya-n chay-ta altu altu-ta qaqa-ña-taq
go.up-PROG-3 DEM.D-ACC high high-ACC cliff-DISC-SEQ
Estoy subiendo allí encima encima. Después se apareció peña ya también.
I'm going up there high, up high. Then, a cliff appeared already.
00:12:45.220 - 00:12:50.460

Kwiva kwiva qaqaña chaykunapa puriya:

Kwiva kwiva qaqa-ña chay-kuna-pa puri-ya-:
cave cave cliff-DISC DEM.D-PL-LOC walk-PROG-1
Cueva cueva, peña ya. Estoy caminando allí.
Cave, cave, cliff, already. I'm walking about there.
00:12:50.910 - 00:12:54.930

Chayshi runa wakhina tunankunapa kayan

Chay-shi runa wak-hina tuna-n-kuna-pa ka-ya-n
DEM.D-EVR person DEM.D-SIM corner-2-PL-LOC be-PROG-3
Entonces, dice, la gente está en rincón así.
Then, they say, people are like this in the corner.
00:12:55.470 - 00:12:57.910

Chayshi runaqa kurriyamun hapimananpaq. Pawariru: palumahina.

Chay-shi runa-qa kurri-ya-mu-n hapi-ma-na-n-paq Pawa-ri-ru-:
DEM.D-EVR person-TOP run-PROG-CISL-3 grab-1.OBJ-NMLZ-3-PURP jump-INCEP-URGT-1
Entonces, dice, la gente está corriendo para agarrarme. Salté como una paloma.
Then, they say, people are running to grab me. I flew like a dove.
00:12:58.360 - 00:13:03.200

Pawarishpa riku:. Qayna kaypaq rupayuqlla runa kasa.
Pawa-ri-shpa ri-ku-: Qayna kay-paq rupa-yuq-lla runa ka-sa
jump-INCEP-SUBIS go-REFL-1 yesterday DEM.P-LOC clothes-POSS-RSTR person be-PRF
Saltando me fui. Ayer. Era gente con ropa no más.
I went flying away. Yesterday. They were people with just clothes.
00:13:03.880 - 00:13:07.300

Chayma hapirishuntrik kayna kurrikamuptinqa hukta pawarun.

Chay-ma hapi-ri-shun-tri kay-na kurri-ka-mu-pti-n-qa huk-ta
En eso vamos a agarrarle cuando estamos acercando de un moemnto otro saltó.
So we're going to grab it like this. When we were running, another suddenly
00:13:07.470 - 00:13:11.390

one-ACC jump-URGT-3

Pawarishpa pasaku:. De ese ukuman baharu:. Baharushpa

Pawa-ri-shpa pasa-ku-: uku-man baha-ru-: Baha-ru-shpa
jump-INCEP-SUBIS pass-REFL-1 inside-ALL go.down-URGT-1 go.down-URGT-SUBIS
Saltando me fui. Después para dentro bajé. Después de bajar,
I went flying away. Then I went down inside. After going down,
00:13:11.480 - 00:13:16.760

Mikunayaman ya suyñuni:pa. Mikuypaq puriya:.

Miku-naya-ma-n ya suyñu-ni-:-pa Miku-y-paq puri-ya-:
eat-DESR-1.OBJ-3 EMPH dream-EUPH-1-LOC eat-INF-ABL walk-PROG-1
Me está dando hambre en mi sueño. De hambre estoy anadando.
I'm hungry in my dream. I'm walking about hungry.
00:13:16.900 - 00:13:19.960

Hinashpam papa kasa kayhina papa kimsa papa.

Hinashpa-m papa ka-sa kay-hina papa kimsa papa
so-EVD potato be-PRF DEM.P-SIM potato three potato
Después, habían papas así. Papas. Tres papas.
Then there were potatoes like this. Potatoes. Three potatoes.
00:13:20.200 - 00:13:24.030

Chayta suwakuru: ullanpata. Hinashpa mikushpa pasa:.

Chay-ta suwa-ku-ru-: ulla-n-pa-ta Hinashpa miku-shpa pasa-:
DEM.D-ACC steal-REFL-URGT-1 Ullampa-ACC so eat-SUBIS pass-1
Me robé eso de su olla. Después, comiendo, me fuí.
I stole that from her pot. Then, eating, I left.
00:13:24.030 - 00:13:28.050
Aviyunwanshi hamuyan altupaq wiiiiiiiiiichishshshshsh pampaman baharu:
Aviyun-wan-shi hamu-ya-n altu-paq wiiiiiiiiiichishshshshsh pampa-man
airplane-INSTR-EVR come-PROG-3 high-ABL wiiiiiiiiiichishshshshsh ground-ALL
Con un avion está viniendo de encima wiiiiiiichishshshshshsh. Para el suelo.
She's coming by airplane from up high. wiiiiiiichishshshshshsh. I came down to
the ground.
00:13:30.810 - 00:13:36.390

Chay chaynataq puri: wañushaq imañatr

baha-ru-: Chay chay-na-taq puri-: wañu-shaq ima-ña-tr
go.down-URGT-1 DEM.D DEM.D-VRBZ-SEQ walk-1 die-1.FUT what-DISC-EVC
Así, así estoy caminando. Moriré de repente.
I'm walking about like that. Maybe I'll die.
00:13:36.810 - 00:13:39.410

Muntikunalla chayarakunalla pukyukuna kayan altupa qawayamu:

Munti-kuna-lla chayara-kuna-lla pukyu-kuna ka-ya-n altu-pa qawa-ya-mu-:
scrub-PL-RSTR chayara-PL-RSTR spring-PL be-PROG-3 high-LOC see-PROG-CISL-1
Hay monte, chayara, manantiales. De encima estoy mirando.
There's brush, throns, pools. I'm looking at it from up high.
00:13:54.010 - 00:13:58.590

Chay aviyunqa chishshshsh shamukuyan kayhina hinashpa pukyush utrkush kasa

Chay aviyun-qa chishshshsh shamu-ku-ya-n kay-hina hinashpa utrku-sh ka-sa
DEM.D airplane-TOP chishshshsh come-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.P-SIM so cave-EVR be-PRF
Ese avión esta viniendo, chishshshsh, está viniendo así después manantial hueco,
dice había así.
That airplane is coming chishshshsh like this. Then like this.
00:13:58.670 - 00:14:04.670


Hatu hatun kay law utrkush. Piru chay utrkumanqa trayachi-:-manchu chay
aviyunqa sinu hanskapa kidarun.
Hatu hatun kay law utrku-sh Piru chay utrku-man-qa traya-chi-:-man-chu chay
big big DEM.P side cave-EVR but DEM.D cave-ALL-TOP arrive-CAUS-1-COND-NEG DEM.D
Un hueco muy grande este lado. Pero ese avion no me hizo llegar al hueco; sino
más arribita quedó.
A very big hole over here. But the plane didn't deliver me to the hole; rather
it stayed higher up.
00:14:04.970 - 00:14:10.570

aviyun-qa sinu hanaska-pa kida-ru-n
airplane-TOP rather up.hill-LOC stay-URGT-3

¿Imaraq chayqa? ¿Sipulturanchikchu? ¿imaraq?

Ima-raq chay-qa Sipultura-nchik-chu ima-raq
what-CONT DEM.D-TOP buriañ-1PL-Q what-CONT
¿Qué será-RSTR? ¿Nuestra sepultura o qué será?
What is that? Our burial or what?
00:14:18.760 - 00:14:21.780

Chaykunata suyñu:. Kanan suyñu:pa puriya:. Maypipis puriya:mi.

Chay-kuna-ta suyñu-: Kanan suyñu-:-pa puri-ya-: May-pi-pis puri-ya-:-mi
DEM.D-PL-ACC dream-1 now dream-1-LOC walk-PROG-1 where-LOC-ADD walk-PROG-1-EVD
Eso todo soñé. Ahora en mi sueño estoy caminando. Donde que sea estoy caminando.
I dreamed all that. Now, in my dream, I'm walking about. I'm walking about
00:14:24.280 - 00:14:30.940

Donde que camino todo ya.
All where I walked already.
00:14:31.330 - 00:14:32.640

Aa, chay chaytrik puriya: purisa:pi puriya: ruwaya: trabahaya: vakata harkaya:
Aa chay chay-tri-k puri-ya-: puri-sa-:-pi puri-ya-: ruwa-ya-: trabaha-ya-:
Aa, DEM.D DEM.D-EVC-K walk-PROG-1 make-PROG-1 work-PROG-1 make-ACC work-PROG-1
Ah, estaré caminando allí allí donde que he caminado. Estoy caminando, estoy
haciendo, estoy trabajando, estoy pasteando vacas.
Ah, I'd be walking there, there where I'd walked. I'm walking, I'm doing
[things], I'm working, I'm herding cows.
00:14:37.880 - 00:14:43.000

Swigra:wan parlaya:
vaka-ta harka-ya-: Swigra-:-wan parla-ya-:
cow-ACC herd-PROG-1 talk-PROG-1
Con mi suegra estoy conversando.
I'm talking with my mother-in-law.
00:14:43.070 - 00:14:44.570

Swigru:wan parlakuya:. Asishpa, wasipa hana pumapa wasinpi.

Swigru-:-wan parla-ku-ya-: Asi-shpa hana puma-pa wasi-n-pi talk-REFL-PROG-1 sit-SUBIS up.hill Puma-LOC house-3-LOC
Con mi suegro estoy conversando, riendo. En casa, en su casa arriba en Puma.
I'm talking with my mother-in-law, laughing. At home, in her house up in Puma.
00:14:49.790 - 00:14:54.790
Chaypi tiyaya:, parlakuya: sumaq sumaq.
Chay-pi tiya-ya-: parla-ku-ya-: sumaq sumaq.
DEM.D-LOC sit-PROG-1 talk-REFL-PROG-1 pretty pretty
Allí estoy sentada conversando bonito.
I'm sitting there talking nicely.
00:14:55.080 - 00:14:58.140

Kay lawmanchu. Kay law chimpan ukaliptu kayan. Chaypi ya swigra:wan tiyaya:
Kay law-man-chu Kay law chimpa-n ukaliptu ka-ya-n Chaypi ya swigra-:-wan
DEM.P side-ALL-NEG DEM.P side behind-3 eucalyptus be-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC EMPH
Hacia este lado, ¿no ves?. En frente de este lado hay un eucalipto. Allí, pues,
estoy sentada con mi suegra noche.
Towards here, don't you see?. In front of here there's a eucalyptus tree.
There, then, I'm sitting with my mother-in-law at night.
00:15:02.720 - 00:15:08.200

tiya-ya-: tuta sit-PROG-1 night

Aa, parlakuya: kaynata niyaman. Este, wasi, ñuqañataqmi wasita ukuta yaku
pasarusa. Ukunta
Aa parla-ku-ya-: kay-na-ta ni-ya-ma-n wasi ñuqa-ña-taq-mi wasi-ta uku-ta yaku
Ah, estoy conversando, Así me está diciendo. Este, casa. En mi casa también
había filtrado agua por dentro. Por dentro.
Ah, We're talking. Like that, she's telling me. That, house. Water is passing
inside my house, too. Inside.
00:15:11.870 - 00:15:19.610

pasa-ru-sa Uku-n-ta
house-ACC inside-ACC water pass-URGT-PRF inside-3-ACC

Hinashpa, ¿Imaynaraq kay wasiqa siqaykurunqatr kananqa? nishpa qawaya: qayna

puntraw chishikay.
Hina-shpa imayna-raq kay wasi-qa siqa-yku-ru-nqa-tr kanan-qa ni-shpa qawa-ya-:
so how-CONT DEM.P house-TOP go.down-EXCEP-URGT-3.FUT now-TOP say-SUBIS
Entonces, '¿Cómo se cayerá ahora esta casa?' dije y estoy mirando, ayer, anoche.
Then, "How is this house going to fall now?" I said and I'm looking. Yesterday.
Last night.
00:15:20.350 - 00:15:25.390

qayna puntraw chishikay

see-PROG-1 yesterday day last.night

'Saqaykurunqatr wasi: ya kanan. ¿Imaynataq kashaq? ¿Maypi tiyashpa?' niya:
Saqa-yku-ru-nqa-tr wasi-: ya kanan imayna-taq ka-shaq may-pi tiya-shpa
go.down-EXCEP-URGT-3.FUT-EVC house-1 EMPH now how-SEQ now be-1.FUT where-LOC
'Ahora mi casa caerá. ¿Cómo haré? ¿Dónde voy a vivir?' estoy diciendo.
"Now my house is going to fall down. What will I do? Where will I stay?" I'm
00:15:25.980 - 00:15:30.640

Chaypaq chayta suyñukurusa: chayta.

niya-: Chay-paq chay-ta suyñu-ku-ru-sa-: chay-ta
De allí eso me había soñado allí.
Then I'd dreamed that there.
00:15:30.740 - 00:15:33.800

Y mi suegra niyaman manam saqaykunqachu wasiqa. Manam saqaykunqachu. ¿Imapaq

llakikunki? yatray hawkalla niyaman.
ni-ya-ma-n mana-m saqa-yku-nqa-chu wasi-qa Mana-m saqa-yku-nqa-chu Ima-paq
say-PROG-1.OBJ-3 no-EVD go.down-EXCEP-3.FUT-NEG house-TOP no-EVD
00:15:33.900 - 00:15:41.080

llaki-ku-nki yatra-y hawka-lla ni-ya-ma-n

go.down-EXCEP-3.FUT-CHU what-PURP worry-REFL-2 live-IMP tranquil-RSTR


Wasiki sigurum kayan, niyaman. Hanay law wasikuna tunirunmanña rahasaña kayan
kaytaqa ni-ma-n.
Wasi-ki siguru-m ka-ya-n ni-ya-ma-n Hanay law wasi-kuna tuni-ru-n-ma-n-ña
house-2 sure-EVD be-PROG-3 say-PROG-1.OBJ-3 up.hill side house-PL all
'Tu casa está segura', me está diciendo. 'Al lado de arriba las casas pueden
derrumbarse. Están rajadas', me dijo.
"Your house is secure," he's saying to me. "The houses up hill could be knocked
down. They're cracked," he said to me.
00:15:41.340 - 00:15:46.900

raha-sa-ña ka-ya-n kay-ta-qa ni-ma-n

tumble.down-URGT-3-COND-DISC crack-PRF-DISC be-PROG-3 DEM.P-ACC-TOP say-1.OBJ-3

Urayman allin wasikiqa kayan. Manam saqaykunqachu, niman.

Uray-man allin wasi-ki-qa ka-ya-n Mana-m saqa-yku-nqa-chu
down.hill-ALL good house-2-TOP be-PROG-3 no-EVD go.down-EXCEP-3.FUT-NEG
'Abajo tienes una buena casa. No se va caer', me dijo.
"Down hill, you have a good house. It's not going to fall," he said to me.
00:15:49.230 - 00:15:52.450
Chaynata niyaman alma.
ni-ma-n Chay-na-ta ni-ya-ma-n alma
say-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D-VRBZ-ACC say-PROG-1.OBJ-3 soul
Así me está diciendo [su] alma.
That's what [his] soul is saying to me.
00:15:53.810 - 00:15:55.330

Aa, '¡Apuray! ¡Haku! ¡Haku! ¡Pasaruy yakuta! ¡Pasarushun! ¡Apuray! ¡Apuray!'

Aa apura-y haku i Haku Pasa-ru-y yaku-ta Pasa-ru-shun apura-y apura-y ni-ya-ma-n
Aa, hurry-IMP let's.go and let's.go pass-URGT-IMP water-ACC pass-URGT-1PL.FUT
'¡Apúra! ¡Vámos! ¡Vamos! ¡Cruza el agua! Vamos a cruzar. ¡Rápido! ¡Rápido!' me
está diciendo.
"Hurry! Let's go! Let's go! Cross the water! Let's cross! Hurry! Hurry!" he's
saying to me.
00:16:24.410 - 00:16:29.310

hurry-IMP hurry-IMP say-PROG-1.OBJ-3

Yakush achka achka rikuyan. Putka yakush. Kaytaq pasarushun, apuray, hinashpash.
Yaku-sh achka achka ri-ku-ya-n Putka yaku-sh Kay-taq pasa-ru-shun apura-y
water-EVR a.lot a.lot go-REFL-PROG-3 cloudy water-EVR DEM.P-SEQ
'Mucha, mucha agua, dice, está yendo. Agua turbia, dice. Vamos a pasarlo.
¡Rápido!' Luego,
"Lots and lots of water, the say, is running. Turbid water. Let's cross it.
Hurry!" Then,
00:16:29.630 - 00:16:35.010

pass-URGT-1PL.FUT hurry-IMP then-EVR

Aysaykaramanñam yakuman pasarachiman

Aysa-yka-ra-ma-n-ña yaku-man pasa-ra-chi-ma-n
Me está jalando hacia el agua. Me está haciendo cruzar.
He's pulling me towards the water. He's making me cross.
00:16:35.090 - 00:16:36.930

Chaynata suyñu:shpa rikchariru:. Rikchariru:

Chay-na-ta suyñu-:-shpa rikcha-ri-ru-: Rikcha-ri-ru-:
DEM.D-VRBZ-ACC dream-1-SUBIS get.up-INCEP-URGT-1 get.up-INCEP-URGT-1
Así después de soñar me desperté. Me desperté.
Like that, dreaming, I woke up. I woke up.
00:16:50.750 - 00:16:55.370

Huvinñam kasa. Wambra:pis huvinsitum kayan.
Huvin-ña-m ka-sa Wambra-:-pis huvinsitu-m ka-ya-n
young-DISC-ECD be-PRF child-1-ADD young-EVD be-PROG-3
Era joven todavía. Mis hijos también eran jovencitos.
He was young, still. My children, too, were young.
00:17:06.890 - 00:17:09.590

Huvin qawarayaman. ¡Haku! ?Pasashun yakuta! ¡Haku! nishpa aysaykaraman yaku.

Putka yakuman.
Huvin qawa-raya-ma-n TK Haku Pasa-shun yaku-ta Haku ni-shpa aysa-yka-ra-ma-n
young see-PASS-1.OBJ-3 let's.go pass-1PL.FUT water-ACC let's.go say-SUBIS
Joven, me está mirando. ¡Vamos! Vamos a pasar el agua. ¡Vamos! dijo y me jaló
hacia el agua, agua turbia.
"Young, he's watching me. Let's go! Let's cross the water. Let's go!" he's
saying and he's pulling me towards the water, turbid water.
00:17:25.610 - 00:17:32.230

yaku Putka yaku-man

pull-EXCEP-URGT-1.OBJ-3 water cloudy water-ALL

Salurmi ninchu. ¿Ima niratr mama: piru mama: willakurun chay yakukunapi
Salur-mi ni-n-chu Ima ni-ra-tr mama-: piru mama-: willa-ku-ru-n chay
luck-EVD say-3-Q what say-PST-EVC mother-1 but mother-1 tell-REFL-URGT-3 DEM.D
Buena suerte me decía, creo. No sé qué me habrá dicho mi mamá. Pero mi mamá
avisaba para todas esas aguas.
"Good luck!" he said, I believe. I don't know what he'd have said. My mother
00:17:40.030 - 00:17:44.050

Salurninchikmi putka yakuqa nira.

yaku-kuna-pi Salur-ni-nchik-mi putka yaku-qa ni-ra
water-PL-LOC luck-EUPH-1PL-EVD cloudy water-TOP say-PST
Nuestra buena suerte es agua turbia, dijo.
Turbid water is our good luck, he said.
00:17:45.250 - 00:17:48.050

Chay chuya yakutachu. Chuya yaku chay . Limpiyu yakutachu

chay chuya yaku-ta-chu chuya yaku chay . Limpiyu yaku-ta-chu
DEM.D clear water-ACC-NEG clear water DEM.D . clean water-ACC-NEG
O esa agua limpia. Agua limpia, ésa, O agua limpia.
Or clear water. Clear water, that. Or clear water.
00:17:49.210 - 00:17:53.920

No manachu yuyanki. Al uralla yuyarirushpa ñuqa

mana-chu yuya-nki Al ura-lla yuya-ri-ru-shpa ñuqa
no-Q remember-2 hour-RSTR remember-INCEP-URGT-SUBIS 1
¿No te acuerdas? Al momento no más yo me acuerdo.
Don't you remember? I remember only in the moment.
00:18:01.620 - 00:18:07.580

natapis suyñukuru: familiya:kuna trayaramun suyñuni:pa

na-ta-pis suyñu-ku-ru-: familiya-:-kuna traya-ra-mu-n suyñu-ni-:-pa
DMY-ACC-ADD dream-REFL-URGT-1 family-1-PL arrive-URGT-CISL-3 dream-EUPH-1-LOC
Soñe a-RSTR, también. Mi familia llegó en mi sueño.
I dreamed about that, too. My family came in my dream.
00:18:07.830 - 00:18:11.610

Al uralla. Yuyashpaqa yuyaru:mi si puñukarishpaqa manañam yuya:chu.

Al ura-lla Yuya-shpa-qa yuya-ru-:-mi puñu-ka-ri-shpa-qa mana-ña-m hour-RSTR remember-SUBIS-TOP remember-URGT-1-EVD
Al momento no más. Acordándome me acuerdo pero si me quedo dormido ya me
Just at the time. Remembering, I remember. If I fall asleep, I don't remember
any more.
00:18:11.750 - 00:18:16.710


Runakuna kaymanpis trayaramun karruyuq allalli karruyuq wak lawninta

Runa-kuna kay-man-pis traya-ra-mu-n karru-yuq allalli karru-yuq wak
person-PL DEM.P-ALL-ADD arrive-URGT-CISL-3 car-POSS a.lot car-POSS DEM.D
La gente llegó para acá también con carro. Muchos con carro por el otro lado.
People arrived here, too, with a car. A lot with a car by the other side.
00:18:20.430 - 00:18:25.610


Firiyakuna kayan rantikuyan firiyakuna. Chaykunata suyñu:.

Firiya-kuna ka-ya-n ranti-ku-ya-n firiya-kuna Chay-kuna-ta-tr suyñu-:
fair-PL be-PROG-3 buy-REFL-PROG-3 fair-PL DEM.D-PL-ACC dream-1
Hay feria. Están vendiendo. Feria. Con eso soñé.
There's a fair. They're selling. A fair. I dream about that.
00:18:25.750 - 00:18:29.230

Aa, aligrillam kaku:. Hawka hawkallam puri: suyñuni:pish. Puriya: kurriy kurriy
i kay traki:ta nananchu.
Aa aligri-lla-m ka-ku-: Hawka hawka-lla-m puri-: suyñu-ni-:-pi-sh Puri-ya-:
Aa, happy-RSTR-EVD be-REFL-1 tranquil tranqil-RSTR-EVD walk-1 dream-EUPH-1-LOC-EVR
Ah, alegre no más estoy. Tranquilo tranquilo no más estoy caminando en mi
sueño. Corriendo corriendo no me duele el pie.
Ah, I'm just happy. Calmly, calmly. I'm walking about in my dreams. Running
about, running about. My foot doesn't hurt.
00:18:41.230 - 00:18:50.810

kurri-y kurri-y i kay traki-:-ta nana-n-chu

walk-PROG-1 run-INF run-INF and DEM.P foot-1-ACC hurt-3-NEG

Wamaq wamaq kaynintash kurriya:. Manam nananchu trakilla:qa

Wamaq wamaq kay-ni-n-ta-sh kurri-ya-: Mana-m nana-n-chu traki-lla-:-qa
a.lot a.lot DEM.P-EUPH-3-ACC-EVR run-PROG-1 no-EVD hurt-3-NEG foot-RSTR-1-TOP
Bien bien por acá estoy corriendo. No me duele el pie.
I'm running about a lot around here. My foot doesn't hurt.
00:18:51.390 - 00:18:56.230

Kurrikatraptin. Ayvis altupaq hamuya: trupapata altupaq

Kurri-katra-pti-n Ayvis altu-paq hamu-ya-: trupapata altu-paq
run-FREQ-SUBDS-3 sometimes high-ABL come-PROG-1 trupapata high-ABL
Cuando correteo. a veces estoy viniendo de arriba, de Chupa Pata.
when I run about. Sometimes, I'm coming from up hill, from Chupa Pata.
00:18:56.540 - 00:18:59.920

Kurriy kurriy kurriy runatapis yatantapis karrira pasaramun.

Kurri-y kurri-y kurri-y runa-ta-pis yata-n-ta-pis karrira pasa-ra-mu-n
run-INF run-INF run-INF person-ACC-ADD side-3-ACC-ADD race pass-URGT-CISL-3
Rápido, rápido por su lado la gente corriendo pasaron.
Qucik, quick, quick, along side the people, running, passed.
00:19:00.740 - 00:19:05.080

Runa qawayaman kayta.

Runa qawa-ya-ma-n kay-ta
person see-PROG-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D-ACC
La gente me mira.
People are watching me.
00:19:05.300 - 00:19:07.200

Ratirutam ayvis suwakuyta munayaman. Hapiruyta munayan piru siympri ayqiyamun.

Ratiru-ta-m ayvis suwa-ku-y-ta muna-ya-ma-n Hapi-ru-y-ta muna-ya-n piru siympri
thief-ACC-EVD sometimes rob-REFL-INF-ACC want-PROG-1.OBJ-3 grab-URGT-INF-ACC
A ratero a veces quiere robarme. Quiere agarrar pero siempre está escapando.
Thieves someties want to rob me. They want to grab but it always escapes.
00:19:38.460 - 00:19:45.100

want-PROG-3 but always escape-PROG-CISL-3

Kayhina washan kayna kayanankama maqaru:
Kay-hina washa-n kay-na ka-ya-na-n-kama maqa-ru-:
Así hasta que este su espalda había pegado.
00:20:02.820 - 00:20:06.460

nishpa insultada. Chay suyñuni:pa. Grasiyusuta willaku: hanay iglisiyaman

ni-shpa insultada Chay suyñu-ni-:-pa Grasiyusu-ta willa-ku-: hanay iglisiya-man
say-SUBIS insulted DEM.D dream-EUPH-1-LOC funny-ACC tell-REFL-1 up.hill
Así dieciendo me está ofendiendo allí en mi sueño. Gracioso avisé en tienda
para arriba a la iglesia ya también.
saying, insulted. That in my dream. I told it funny going already up hill to
the church.
00:20:20.080 - 00:20:27.520

Asikun runakunaqa willakupti:qa

ri-shpa-ña-taq Asi-ku-n runa-kuna-qa willa-ku-pti-:-qa
church-ALL go-SUBIS-DISC-SEQ laugh-REFL-3 person-PL-TOP tell-REFL-SUBDS-1-TOP
Se rieron la gente cuando conté.
The people laughed when I told them.
00:20:28.470 - 00:20:30.730

Si yuya:man suyñu:taqa sumaq sumaq.

Si yuya-:-man suyñu-:-ta-qa sumaq sumaq.
yes remember-1-COND dream-1-ACC-TOP pretty pretty
Sí, me recuerdo yo de mi sueño bonito bonito.
Yes, I remember my dreams really well.
00:20:34.410 - 00:20:37.350

Truchakunamanshi riya: Kay uraypam trucha alli alli kan.

Trucha-kuna-man-shi ri-ya-: Kay uray-pa-m trucha alli alli ka-n
trout-PL-ALL-EVR go-PROG-1 DEM.P up.hill-LOC-EVD trout good good be-3
Estoy yendo por trucha y todo. Aquí abajo hay bastante trucha.
I'm going for trout and all. Here below there's a lot of trout.
00:20:41.630 - 00:20:43.770 00:20:45.210 - 00:20:48.010

Qayna kananman manisiqman.

Qayna kanan-man manisi-q-man
yesterday now-ALL dawn-AG-ALL
Antes ... ahora en la madrugada.
Before ... now at dawn,
00:20:48.750 - 00:20:51.310

Hatunta kayhinatash surquyamun. Hinashpa rikurushun nishpa kay wasi:man

Hatun-ta kay-hina-ta-sh surqu-ya-mu-n Hinashpa ri-ku-ru-shun ni-shpa kay
Están sacando grandes, like this. Vamos a freírlas, dije, y traje de acá a la
They're taking out big ones, like this. We're going to fry them, I said, and
brought them from here to the hosue.
00:20:56.490 - 00:21:01.450

wasi-:-man traya-ra-chi-mu-n
say-SUBIS DEM.P house-1-ALL arrive-URGT-CAUS-CISL-3

Rikcharirushpaqa qunqarusa:
Rikcha-ri-ru-shpa-qa qunqarusa:
Cuando me desperté me había olvidado.
When I woke up, I'd forgotten.
00:21:01.880 - 00:21:04.280

Chay nishpa mayupaq chuqayamun lachkikuykushpa

Chay ni-shpa mayu-paq chuqa-ya-mu-n lachki-ku-yku-shpa
DEM.D say-SUBIS river-ABL throw-PROG-CISL-3 straddleREFL-EXCEP-SUBIS
Así diciendo, está botándolos del río, abriendo la pierna.
Saying that, they're tossing them out of this river, straddling it.
00:21:11.660 - 00:21:14.820

Alli alli lluchkakullasa piru kayhinasha chuqaru: witraymanshi.

Aalli alli lluchka-ku-lla-sa piru kay-hina-shpa chuqa-ru-: witray-man
good good slip-REFL-RSTR-PRF but DEM.P-SIM-SUBIS throw-URGT-1 up.hill-ALL
Bastante resbalaba así haciendo lo boté para arriba.
Slipping a lot, going like that, I tossed it up hill.
00:21:21.910 - 00:21:25.570

Aa, pusutahinash chuqayamun.

Aa, pusu-ta-hina-sh chuqa-ya-mu-n
Aa, well-ACC-SIM-EVR throw-PROG-CISL-3
Ah como a pozo está botando.
Ah, like to a well, they say, they're tossing them.
00:21:26.690 - 00:21:29.450

Allalli kayna lukiyashpash. Kutiramuyta munayan. Manash kutimunchu karuskaman

Allalli kay-na luki-ya-shpa-sh kuti-ra-mu-y-ta muna-ya-n Mana-sh kuti-mu-n-chu
good-good DEM.D crazy-INCH-SUBIS-EVR return-URGT-CISL-INF-ACC want-PROG-3 no-EVR
Así bien bien loquiando quiere regresar. Pero no vuelven, dice. Lejos lo
Like that, really going crazy, they want to go back. But they don't go back,
they say. They threw them a little far.
00:21:29.860 - 00:21:35.660

karu-ska-man chuqa-ru-n
return-CISL-NEG far-SKA-ALL throw-URGT-3

Chay imapaq chay truchakunata chiri chiri imatr

Ima-paq chay trucha-kuna chiri chiri
why DEM.D trout-PL cold cold
¿Para qué [habré soñado] con esas truchas? Frío de repente será.
Why those fish? It'd be cold, maybe.
00:21:38.400 - 00:21:41.280

Kay altupa alli alli ruynaqa. Chay trakra: altupa. Ruyna qaqamik icha
ruyna-qa Chay trakra-: altu-pa-m Ruyna qaqa qaqa-mi-ki
ruin-TOP DEM.D field-1 high-LOC-EVD ruin cliff cliff-EVD-KI
Aquí encima hay muchas ruinas. Arriba de mi chacra. Ruina es peña, pues, ¿o no?
A ver.
Here up high there are a lot of ruins. Above my fields. Ruins are cliffs, then,
or not?
00:21:57.380 - 00:22:04.640

Ruynaqa chaqamik ruyna. Kay altupim allalli ruyna kayan. Kay altu sumaq sumaq
sumaq wasipapis.
Ruyna-qa chaqa-mi-k ruyna Kay altu ruyna ka-ya-n sirru kay altu sumaq sumaq
ruin-TOP cliff-EVD-K ruin DEM.P high ruin be-PROG-3 hill DEM.P high pretty
Ruina es peña, pues, ruina. Aquí encima hay muchas ruinas. Aquí encima de la
casa también bonito.
Ruins are cliffs, then, ruins. Here up high there are a lot of ruins. Here
above the house, nice, nice.
00:22:08.160 - 00:22:15.000

sumaq wasi
pretty pretty house

Wasi ruwakunapaqpis irmusura suytukuna kayhina kayhina kayan kayhina kayan

Wasi-n runa-kuna-pis irmusura suytu-kuna kay-hina kay-hina ka-ya-n kay-hina
house-3 person-PL-ABL-ADD beauty round-PL DEM.P-COMP DEM.P-COMP be-PROG-3
Para hacer nuestra casa también, hermosura. Todos larguitos, así, así está, así.
To make houses, too. Beauty. Long like this. They're like this. They're like
00:22:15.320 - 00:22:20.780

ka-ya-n kay-hina.

Chay wasi altun kayna huk rumi kayan kayhina. Kayna. Pirwa.
Chay wasi altu-n kay-na kay rumi ka-ya-n kay-hina. Kay-na
DEM.D house high-3 DEM.P-VRBZ DEM.P stone be-PROG-3 DEM.P-COMP DEM.P-VRBZ
Encima de mi casa encima hay una piedra así. Así. Pirwa.
Above my house there's a stone like this. Like this. Stone wall.
00:22:20.960 - 00:22:26.460


Chay ruynata rishpaykitr sumaq sumaq tumaramunki fututa

Chay ruyna-ta ri-shpa-yki-tr sumaq sumaq tuma-ra-mu-nki futu-ta
DEM.D ruin-ACC go-SUBIS-2-EVC pretty pretty take-URGT-CISL-2 photo-ACC
Si vas a esa ruina bonito bonito vas a tomarle foto.
If you go to that ruin, you'll take a really pretty photo.
00:23:00.560 - 00:23:04.000

Nakuna hintilkuna yatrasan kayantaq. Unay Inkakuna yatrasan.

Na-kuna hintil-kuna yatra-sa-n ka-ya-n-taq Unay Inka-kuna yatra-sa-3
DMY-PL ancestor-PL live-PRF-3 be-PROG-3-SEQ before Inca-PL live-PRF-3
Donde vivían los abuelos también allí hay. Donde vivían los Incas antiguamente.
Where the ancients lived, there are some. Where the Incas lived before.
00:23:06.950 - 00:23:11.650

¿Wak lawpi manachu chay Inkaykukuna kanchu? Chay awilu nisankuna.

Wak law-pi mana-m chay Inkayku-kuna ka-n-chu Chay awilu ni-sa-n-kuna
DEM.D side-LOC no-EVD DEM.D Inca-PL be-3-NEG DEM.D grandfather say-PRF-3-PL
¿En el otro lado no hay esos incaicos? Lo que dicen abuelo todo.
On the other side, aren't there those Incaics? What they call the ancestors?
00:23:19.570 - 00:23:24.170

Alli alli wasinkuna chaypaqa. Chay hintil nisanpa.

Alli alli wasi-n-kuna chay-paq Chay hintil ni-sa-n-pa
house-3-PL DEM.D-ABL DEM.D ancestor say-PRF-3-LOC
Bien bien su casa todo en allí. De ese abuelo que dicen.
[There were] a lot [of] their houses there. Of the ancestors, as they call them.
00:23:25.220 - 00:23:30.360

Ishkay intish saqaramun. Urapaq hanapaq. Chayshi lliw lliw tustarun watiyarun.
Ishkay inti-sh saqa-ra-mu-n Ura-paq hana-paq Chay-shi lliw lliw tusta-ru-n
two sun-EVR rise-URGT-CISL-3 below-ABL above-ABL DEM.D-EVR all all toast-URGT-3
Dos soles subieron de arriba, de abajo. En-RSTR, dice, le ha quemado, le ha
hecho pachamanca.
Two suns rose. From below, from above. So, they say, they all got toasted,
00:23:36.900 - 00:23:44.360

Hina kaynash tiyakuyan kaynash. Puchkantin lliw kayhinash. Kaynash.

Hina kay-na-sh tiya-ku-ya-n kay-na-sh Puchkando lliw kay-hina-sh
thus DEM.p-VRBZ-EVR sit-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.P-VRBZ-EVR spinning.yarn all
Así, así, dice, está sentado, así, dice. Con todo su puchka todo, así. Así,
Thus, like this, they say. They're sitting like this, they say. With their
spinning and everything like this, they say. Like this, they say.
00:23:44.620 - 00:23:50.460


Chakirusa lliw lliwtriki ruparura chay ishkaynin.

Chaki-ru-sa lliw lliw-tri rupa-ru-ra chay ishkay-ni-n
dry-URGT-PRF all all-EVC burn-URGT-PST DEM.D two-EUPH-3
Había secado, todos, todos, había quemado esos dos soles.
Everything, everything must have dried out. Those two would have burned them.
00:23:50.780 - 00:23:54.180

Ariyá chaypa kayan Runa runa kashpa imatr kayanman

Ari-yá chay-pa piru Runa runa ka-shpa ima-tr ka-ya-n-man
yes-INTENS DEM.D-LOC but person person be-SUBIS what-EVC be-PROG-3-COND
Sí, pues, allí está. Habiendo gente, ¿qué puede estar?
Yes, indeed, there are there. If there are people, what could be there?
00:24:21.480 - 00:24:24.520 00:24:32.340 - 00:24:34.660

Nigruhinataq kayan. Nigrupa churintri.

Nigru-hina-ta ka-ya-n nigru churi-n-tri
black-COMP-ACC be-PROG-3 black child-3-EVC
Negro parece está. Los hijos de un negro serán.
It seems like they're black. They'd be the children of [someone] black.
00:24:37.570 - 00:24:40.450

Runahinam kasa. ¿Imaynataq kayna? Runahinam kayan allqu.

Runa-hina ka-sa imayna-tr ka-ya-n Runa-hina wak allqu
person-COMP be-PRF how-EVC be-PROG-3 person-COMP DEM.D dog
Como gente había sido, ¿cómo va a ser así? Como gente es ese perro.
He was like a person. How is he going to be like that? The dog is like people.
00:24:51.770 - 00:24:56.310

Runawanshi allqu kayanshiki runawan.

Runa-wan-shi allqu ka-ya-n-shi-ki runa-wan
person-INSTR-EVR dog be-PROG-3-EVR-KI person-INSTR
Con gente, dice, el perro puede estar con gente, dice.
With people, they say, the dog can be with people, they say.
00:25:01.290 - 00:25:03.930

Kay Piscokunapish wambra: purin ganawta rantishpa.

Kay Pisco-kuna-pi-sh wambra-: puri-n ganaw-ta ranti-shpa.
DEM.P Pisco-PL-LOC-EVR child-1 walk-3 cattle-ACC buy-SUBIS
En Pisco todo, dice, anda mi hijo comprando animales.
My son wanders about around Pisco buying cattle.
00:25:36.250 - 00:25:40.070

Chayma chayta qaninpa ripti: willakayaman.

Chay-m-á may chay-ta qanin-pa ri-pti-: willa-ka-ya-ma-n
DEM.D-EVD-INTNS where DEM.D-ACC previous-LOC go-SUBDS-1 tell-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Así, pues, la otra vez cuando fuí así me está contando.
Like that, the last time when I went, he was telling me.
00:25:40.370 - 00:25:43.590

Mama: runama allquwan kasa niman.

Mama-: runa-m-a allqu-wan ka-sa ni-ma-n
mother-1 person-EVD-INTENS dog-INSTR be-PRF say-1.OBJ-3
Mamá, gente, pues, había estado con el perro, me dijo.
Mom, people had been with the dog, he said to me.
00:25:43.830 - 00:25:45.930

Chay allqupa churinta wawakunqa runaqa nin

Chay allqu-qa churi-n-ta wawa-ku-n na-qa ni-n
DEM.D dog-TOP child-3-ACC baby.REFL-3.FUT DMY-TOP say-3
La persona va a dar luz al hijo de ese perro, dijo.
The person is going to give birth to the child of that dog, he said.
00:25:46.210 - 00:25:49.190

No sé, dice, ishkay allquwan urqu allquwanshi kasa.

ishkay-wan urqu allqu-wan-si kasa
two-INSTR hill dog-INSTR be-PRF
No sé, dice, con dos perros machos, con dos perros había estado, dice.
I don't know, he said, it was with two dogs, two male dogs, they say.
00:25:49.370 - 00:25:52.970

Hinashpa chay allqush yatrasa nishpa wañurachin chay allqutaqa.

Hinashpa chay allqu-sh yatra-sa ni-shpa wañu-ra-chi-n chay allqu-ta-qa
then DEM.D dog-EVR live-PRF say-SUBIS die-URGT-CAUS-3 DEM.D dog-ACC-TOP
Después, dice, ese perro sabían y después mataron al perro.
00:25:53.440 - 00:25:58.520

Tardi kutirishpa mamanta taytanta wañurachinta.
Tardi kuti-ri-shpa mama-n-ta tayta-n-ta wañu-ra-chi-n
late return-INCEP-SUBIS mother-3-ACC father-3-ACC kill-URGT-CAUS-3
Tarde regresando a su mamá a su papá mató.
Coming back late, he killed his mother and his father.
00:25:58.750 - 00:26:01.690

¿Pipataq chay? Hatuchachaq kabra kasa.

pi-pa-taq chay hatuchachaq chay kabra
who-GEN-SEQ DEM.D enourmous DEM.D goat
¿De quién es ese? Había sido cabras tremendas.
Whose is that? They were huge goats.
00:26:14.230 - 00:26:15.890 00:26:25.690 - 00:26:27.370

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2013/Lincha_SV_Milking_C.eaf
Thursday, May 29, 2014 4:03 PM


Uva nigra mamallay maya maya pasakamuy

Uva nigra mama-lla-y maya maya pasa-ka-mu-y
grape black mother-RSTR-1 pass-REFL-CISL-INF
Uva negra mamita donde donde pása!
00:00:33.720 - 00:00:39.340

Ñuqallaymi qayachimuyki, ñuqallaymi pushachimuyki.

Ñuqa-lla-y-mi qaya-chi-mu-yki ñuqa-lla-y-mi pusha-chi-mu-yki
1-RSTR-1-EVD see-CAUS-CISL-2 TK 1-RSTR-1-EVD bring.along-CAUS-CISL-2 TK
Yo no más te llamo yo no más te mando traer.
00:00:39.370 - 00:00:45.780

Flur di Lima irmanay mayadi mayadi killay kanchadaykiman pasaykamullay

Flur di Lima irmana-y maya-di maya-di killa-y kanchada-yki-man pasa-yka-mu-lla-y
flower of Lima sister-1 moon-1 TK-2-ALL pass-EXCEP-CISL-RSTR-1
FLor de Lima, hermana, donde donde. A tu lugar de luna, pása!
00:00:46.440 - 00:00:58.060

Kanan puntraw kumpliyañullaykita silibriyayki ubudiynti yayari pasamuy irmana.

Kanan puntraw kumpliyañu-lla-yki-ta silibri-ya-yki ubudiynti TK pasa-mu-y
now day birthday-RSTR-2-ACC celebrate-PROG-2 obedient pass-CISL-INF
Hoy día tu cumpleaños te celebro. Obediente no más pása, hermana!
00:00:58.730 - 00:01:11.650


Ñuqallaymi kayani wawallaykiqa, ñuqallaymi kayani takilullayki

Ñuqa-lla-y-mi ka-ya-ni wawa-lla-yki-qa ñuqa-lla-y-mi ka-ya-ni takilu-lla-yki
1-RSTR-1-EVD be-PROG-1 baby-RSTR-2-TOP 1-RSTR-1-EVD be-PROG-1 TK-RSTR-2
Yo no más soy tu hija, yo no más soy él que te arreo.
00:01:12.710 - 00:01:23.890

Mana mamayuq, mana taytayuq, kumllay mamayuq ñuqallayqa kakuni.

Mana mama-yuq mana tayta-yuq kum-lla-y mama-yuq ñuqa-lla-y-qa ka-ku-ni
no mother-POSS no father-POSS TK-RSTR-1 mother-POSS 1-RSTR-1-TOP be-REFL-1
Sin madre, sin padre. usted mi madre, usted mi madre, no más yo soy.
00:01:25.180 - 00:01:36.620

Runallapa llaqtanpi, runallapa wasinpi mana mamayuqllam kani qamllay

mamayuqllam tardisikuni
Runa-lla-pa llaqta-n-pi runa-lla-pa wasi-n-pi mana mama-yuq-lla-m ka-ni
person-RSTR-GEN town-3-LOC person-RSTR-GEN house-3-LOC no mother-POSS-RSTR-EVD be-1
En gente su pueblo en gente su casa. sin madre no más soy. usted no más mi madre,
00:01:37.390 - 00:01:50.350

qam-lla-y mama-yuq-lla-m tardisi-ku-ni


Irmanitallay kawsakushay puntrawkamatr qawashayki rikashayki

Irmanita-lla-y kawsa-ku-sha-y puntraw-kama-tr qawa-shayki rika-shayki
little.sister-RSTR-1 live-REFL-PRF-1 day-RSTR-EVC see-1>2 see-1>2
Hermanita, hasta el día que vivo, te voy a ver, te voy a mirar tu precencia.
00:01:51.010 - 00:02:03.560


Huk law mundum ripushpaqa manañatrik qawasikichu. Nati nigray mamallay nati
nigray irmanay
Huk law mundu-m ri-pu-shpa-qa mana-ña-tri-k qawa-siki-chu Nati nigra-y
one side world-EVD go-BEN-SUBIS-TOP no-DISC-EVC-K see-1>2-NEG black-1
Otro mundo yendo ya no te veré. Nati negra, mamá, Nati Negra, hermana.
00:02:04.220 - 00:02:16.080

mama-lla-y nati nigra-y irmana-y

mother-RSTR-1 black-1 sister-1

Ima kuyayraq kayanki irnamay ima munayraq kachkanki irmanitay

Ima kuya-y-raq ka-ya-nki irnama-y ima muna-y-raq ka-chka-nki
what love-INF-CONT be-PROG-2 sister-1 what want-INF-CONT be-DUR-2
Qué cariñoso eres hermana. Qué quere no más eres, hermanita.
00:02:17.900 - 00:02:29.340


Manam dihaykimanchu kawsakushay puntrawkama manam wiqisaykichuTK

Mana-m diha-yki-man-chu kawsa-ku-sha-y puntraw-kama mana-m wiqi-sayki-chu
no-EVD leave-2-COND-NEG live-REFL-PRF-1 day-LIM no-EVD TK-1>2-NEG
No te voy a dejar hasta el día que vivo. No te voy a llorar.
00:02:29.560 - 00:02:38.770

Kawsa mundu kayashpaqa

kawsa mundu ka-ya-shpa-qa
live world be-PROG-SUBIS-TOP
En vivo mundo estando.
00:02:38.820 - 00:02:43.150

Mamallaypa numbinwan taytallaypa sutinwan watakullayki irmanitallay

Mama-lla-y-pa TKi-n-wan tayta-lla-y-pa suti-n-wan wata-ku-lla-yki
mother-RSTR-1-GEN 3-INSTR father-RSTR-1-GEN name-3-INSTR tie-REFL-RSTR-2
Con su nombre de mamá, con su nombre de mi papá. Te ato, hermanita.
00:02:44.620 - 00:02:55.900


Achayllaw añayllaw maya maya parlaykuy kayllay wamanwan kayllay atrqaywan

Achayllaw añayllaw maya maya parla-yku-y kay-lla-y wama-n-wan kay-lla-y
Achayllaw añayllaw talk-EXCEP-IMP DEM.P-RSTR-1 TK-3-INSTR DEM.P-RSTR-1
Qué bonito, qué rico, donde donde, conversamos. Con este huamán, con este
00:02:56.420 - 00:03:08.720


Mayllay kumbrintash rataykamushunki mayllay [mayqin] TK kibrandantash

May-lla-y kumbri-n-ta-sh rata-yka-mu-shunki may-lla-y kibranda-n-ta-sh
where-RSTR-1 peak-2-ACC-EVR TK-EXCEP-CISL-1PL.FUT where-RSTR-1 cliff-3-ACC-EVR
Por donde cumbre te va a arrear, por cuál de las quebradas te va a pegar?
00:03:08.860 - 00:03:20.940


Tapupaykuy irmanay kayllay wamanpa fwirsallanta kallpallantam maya maya

Tapu-pa-yku-y irmana-y kay-lla-y waman-pa fwirsa-lla-n-ta kallpa-lla-n-ta-m maya
ask-REPET-EXCEP-IMP sister-1 DEM.P-RSTR-INF falcon-GEN strength-RSTR-3-ACC
Pregúnta hermana, a este huamán. SU fuerza, su fuerza, donde donde pulsea.
00:03:21.120 - 00:03:32.980

maya pulsiya-yku-y

Siñurllay wamanllay, siñurllay validu, maki tinkupuralla maska nabiya kullashpa

Siñur-lla-y waman-lla-y siñur-lla-y validu maki tinku-pura-lla maska nabiya
señor-RSTR-1 falcon-RSTR-1 señor-RSTR-1 validu, hand TK look.for TK cow
SEñor Wamán, Señor Valido, De mano nos búsca TK
00:03:33.260 - 00:03:45.220


Maya maya irmanallaywan parlaykuriy rimaykuy irmanaypa idiyumallanta

yatrashpaqa sabishpaqa
Maya maya irmana-lla-y-wan parla-yku-ri-y rima-yku-y irmana-y-pa
sister-RSTR-1 talk-EXCEP-INCEP-IMP talk-EXCEP-IMP sister-1-GEN
Donde donde mi hermana convérsa, hábla! Sabiendo, conociendo su idioma de mi
00:03:45.420 - 00:03:57.890

idiyuma-lla-n-ta yatra-shpa-qa sabi-shpa-qa

language-RSTR-3-ACC know-SUBIS know-SUBIS-TOP

Irmanallay parlapaykushunki kawkillawan nillashpa irmanallay tapupaykushunkim

inglisllawan nillashpa
Irmana-lla-y parla-pa-yku-shunki kawki-lla-wan ni-lla-shpa irmana-lla-y
sister-RSTR-1 talk-REPET-EXCEP-3>2 Kawki-RSTR-INSTR say-RSTR-SUBIS sister-RSTR-1
Hermana te conversa con su Kawki diciendo, hermana te pregunta con su inglés no
más diciendo.
00:03:58.870 - 00:04:12.630
tapu-pa-yku-shunki-m inglis-lla-wan ni-lla-shpa

Parlaykuy rimaykuy siñurllay validu kayllay irmanallaywan kayllay nabiyullaywan

Parla-yku-y rima-yku-y siñur-lla-y validu kay-lla-y irmana-lla-y-wan kay-lla-y
talk-EXCEP-IMP talk-EXCEP-IMP señor-RSTR-1 hired DEM.P-RSTR-1 sister-RSTR-1
Cónversale, háblalo, Señor Valido, con esto mi idioma, a mi vaca.
00:04:12.990 - 00:04:25.000


Achayllaw añayllaw ima sumaq kallasha kayllay nabiyullay kayllay rikaysaTK

Achayllaw añayllaw ima sumaq ka-lla-sha kay-lla-y nabiyu-lla-y kay-lla-y
Achayllaw añayllaw what pretty be-RSTR-PRF DEM.P-RSTR-1 cow-RSTR-1 DEM.P.-RSTR-1
Qué bonito, qué rico, qué bonito eres. Este mi vaca, esta mi riquesa.
00:04:25.000 - 00:04:36.780

wealth TK

Flur di Lima irmanay uvas nigra irmanay qamllay mamayuqmi runapa llaqtanpam
Flur di Lima irmana-y uvas nigra irmana-y qam-lla-y mama-yuq-mi runa-pa
flower of Lima sisyer-1 grapes black sister-1 2-RSTR-1 mother-POSS-EVD person-GEN
Flor de Lima, hermana, Uva negra, hermana. usted mi mamá no más, en pueblo ge
gente padezco.
00:04:37.280 - 00:04:50.440

llaqta-n-pa-m padisi-ku-ni
town-3-LOC-EVD suffer-REFL-1

Kaña dulsi irmanay qawaqTK niray mamiku qamllam kanki mamallay qamllam kanki
Kaña dulsi irmana-y qawaq nira-y mami-ku qam-lla-m ka-nki mama-lla-y qam-lla-m
sugar.cane sweet sister-1 TK TK mother-KU 2-RSTR-EVD be-2 mother-RSTR-1 2-RSTR-EVD
Caña dulce, hermana. TK mamita. usted no más eres mi mamá, usted no más eres mi
00:04:50.680 - 00:05:02.540

ka-nki ñaña-lla-y
be-2 sister-RSTR-1

Ikstraviyadam kayani runapa llaqtanpi, ikstraviyadum kayani runapa wasinpi.
Ikstraviyada-m ka-ya-ni runa-pa llaqta-n-pi ikstraviyadu-m ka-ya-ni runa-pa
lost-EVD be-PROG-1 person-GEN town-3-LOC lost-EVD be-PROG-1 person-GEN
Estraviada soy en pueblo de gente. Extraviada soy en gente su casa.
00:05:03.080 - 00:05:15.100

Nabiyu mamasita kawsakushay puntrawkaman manam dihashayki.

wasi-n-pi Nabiyu mamasita kawsa-ku-sha-y puntraw-kaman mana-m diha-shayki
house-3-LOC cow mother live-REFL-PRF-1 day-LIM no-EVD leave-1>2
Vaca, amacita, hasta el día que vivo no te voy a dejar.
00:05:15.940 - 00:05:21.960

Ima mikuykuy umanraqTK duyñullay mana partidayuqta duyñullay

Ima miku-y kuyu-man-raq duyñu-lla-y mana partida-yuq-ta duyñu-lla-y
what eat-INF love-TK-CONT owner-RSTR-1 no birth.cetificate-POSS-ACC owner-RSTR-1
QUé comida TKSin partida es mi dueño-
00:05:23.020 - 00:05:33.840

Ushalla mikuykapullaway, mana partidayuqllatapis siñurllay visitanti, gringa!

Usha-lla miku-y ka-pu-lla-wa-y mana partida-yuq-lla-ta-pis siñur-lla-y visitanti
eat-INF be-BEN-RSTR-1.OBJ-IMP no birth.certificate-POSS-RSTR-ACC-ADD señor-RSTR-1
Suave no más comemelo. Señor visitante, Gringa!
00:05:38.720 - 00:05:59.380

visitor gringa

Chuqnallay kibraday wamanripitay sasa maskana paris wamanripanqa

Chuqna-lla-y kibrada-y wamanrip-ita-y sasa maska-na paris wamanripa-n-qa
TK-RSTR-1 cliff-1 wamanripita-1 hard wamanripa-3-TOP
Qhuqnallay Quebrada Wamanripa. Difícil de buscar paris wamanripa.
00:06:24.960 - 00:06:37.040

Chuqnallay TK kibraday wamanripatay sasa maskana

Uchuk-na-lla-y kibrada-y wamanripata-y sasa maska-na
small-TK-RSTR-1 cliff-1 wamanripata-1 hard
Chuqnalla Quebrada, wamanripa difícil de buscar.
00:06:45.740 - 00:06:54.740

wamanripita. Ñuqa chayllami qayachimuyki kayllay kanchaman

wamanripita Ñuqa chay-lla-mi qaya-chi-mu-yki kay-lla-y kancha-man
wamanripita 1 DEM.D-RSTR-TK shout-CAUS-CISL-2 DEM.P-RSTR-1 TK-ALL
wamanripa. Yo te hago llamar a este lugar
00:06:55.040 - 00:07:06.410

kayllay sityuman.
kay-lla-y sityu-man
DEM.P-RSTR-1 place-ALL
a este lugar.
00:07:06.530 - 00:07:09.950

Kayllay salurnisay hinayarillaya masisullata sipancharikuy TK

Kay-lla-y salur-ni-sa-y hina-ri-lla-ya masisu-lla-ta sipan-cha-ri-ku-y
Aquí en este lugar de mi mesa. masiso no más en raíz.
00:07:10.030 - 00:07:21.310

Kayllay sityullaypi wamanripitay masisullata yuranchaykunki

Kay-lla-y sityu-lla-y-pi wamanripita-y masisu-lla-ta yuran-cha-yku-nki
DEM.P-RSTR-1 place-RSTR-1-LOC wamanripita-1 TK-RSTR-ACC TK-FACT-EXCEP-2
00:07:21.490 - 00:07:32.545

Willkantinllanpa mitu mitullanpa paris chayllaman sipancharikuy

Willka-ntin-lla-n-pa mitu mitu-lla-n-pa paris chay-lla-man
grandchild-INCL-RSTR-3-GEN mud mud-RSTR-3-LOC DEM.D-RSTR-ALL
00:07:32.545 - 00:07:44.545


Ñuqachallaychi rigakusqayki ñuqachallaychi kwidakusqayki.

Ñuqa-cha-lla-y-chi riga-ku-sqayki ñuqa-cha-lla-y-chi kwida-ku-sqayki
1-DIM-RSTR-1-TK irrigate-REFL-1>2 1-DIM-RSTR-1-TK care.for-REFL-1>2
00:07:44.645 - 00:07:56.365

Wawintinpa churintinpa maya maya sipanchakuy kuralchallaypi tunachallanpi

Wawi-ntin-pa churi-ntin-pa maya maya sipan-cha-ku-y kural-cha-lla-y-pi
00:07:56.565 - 00:08:08.555


Qullqi mina sityullay sityullay sityullay maya maya sipanchachu chayllay

Qullqi mina sityu-lla-y sityu-lla-y sityu-lla-y maya maya sipa-n-cha-chu
gold mine place-RSTR-1 place-RSTR-1 place-RSTR-1 stem-3-DIM-NEG TK DEM.D-RSTR-1
00:08:08.555 - 00:08:20.155

chay-lla-y wamanripa

Ñuqa chayllaymi kwidakusqayki ñuqa chayllaymi kultivakusqayki.

Ñuqa chay-lla-y-mi kwida-ku-sqayki ñuqa chay-lla-y-mi kultiva-ku-sqayki
1 DEM.D-1-EVD care.for-REFL-1>2 1 DEM.D-RSTR-1-EVD cultivate-REFL-1>2
00:08:20.355 - 00:08:33.065

Añu kumplidu watan kuplimuptin chamullashaqya sityullay sityullay.

Añu kumplidu wata-n kupli-mu-pti-n chamu-lla-shaq-ya sityu-lla-y sityu-lla-y
year completed year-3 complete-CISL-SUBDS-3 place-RSTR-1 place-RSTR-1
00:08:33.245 - 00:08:44.420

Añu kumplidu kumplikamuptin visitamushayki qullqi minay kuralllay

Añu kumplidu kumpli-ka-mu-pti-n visita-mu-shayki qullqi mina-y
year completed complete-REFL-CISL-SUBDS-3 visit-CISL-1>2 gold mine-1
00:08:44.600 - 00:08:56.100


Achayllaw añayllaw paris wamanripitay achallaw añayllaw paris wamanripitay

Achayllaw añayllaw paris wamanripita-y achallaw añayllaw paris wamanripita-y
Achayllaw añayllaw wamanripita-1 achallaw añayllaw wamanripita-1
00:08:56.480 - 00:09:09.180

Ima sumaqta panchirimunki paris paris chay wamanripitay

Ima sumaq-ta panchi-ri-mu-nki paris paris chay wamanripita-y
what pretty-ACC TK-INCEP-CISL-2 DEM.D wamanripita-1
00:09:09.240 - 00:09:20.880

Ima tukillam chilqikamunki paris parisllay utkuyripa chay.

Ima tuki-lla-m chilqi-ka-mu-nki paris paris-lla-y utkuyripa chay
what pretty-RSTR-EVD TK-REFL-CISL-2 utkuyripa DEM.D
00:09:21.160 - 00:09:29.590

¡Kaptin mana kaptin kaqta hinalla!

Ka-pti-n mana ka-pti-n ka-q-ta hina-lla
be-SUBDS-3 no kaptinbe-SUBDS-3 be-AG-ACC be-RSTR
00:09:29.590 - 00:09:49.055

Catahuasi kibraday albakita chay llapa pubripa antuhanan albakita chay.

Catahuasi kibrada-y albaki-ta chay llapa pubri-pa antuha-na-n albaki-ta chay
Catahuasi cliff-1 TK DEM.D all poor-GEN tempt-NMLZ-3 DEM.D
00:10:17.015 - 00:10:28.355

Pacaranllay kibrada uva italia wakcha pubripa maskarikunan.

Pacaran-lla-y kibrada uva italia wakcha pubri-pa maska-ri-ku-na-n
Pacaran-RSTR-1 cliff grape Italy orphan poor-GEN look.for-INCEP-REFL-NMLZ-3
00:10:28.595 - 00:10:39.755

Tinku kibraday klavil inaschay llapa pubri waytan rinan klavil imas chay
Tinku kibrada-y klavil inas-cha-y llapa pubri wayta-n ri-na-n klavil imas
Tinku cliff-1 carnation inas-DIM-1 all poor flower go-NMLZ-3 carnation imas
00:10:40.185 - 00:10:53.385


Katupatallay lunas waytacha sasa ashurinan paris lunas waytaq.

Katupata-lla-y lunas wayta-cha sasa ashurina-n paris lunas wayta-qa
Katupata-RSTR-1 lunas flower-DIM hard approach-INCEP-NMLZ-3 lunas flower-TOP
00:10:53.385 - 00:11:04.765

Achayllaw añayllaw lumas waytachay ima sumaqllam sisallatr kanki

Achayllaw añayllaw lumas wayta-cha-y ima sumaq-lla-m sisa-lla-tr ka-nki
Achayllaw añayllaw lumas flower-DIM-1 what pretty-RSTR-EVD stem-RSTR-EVD be-2
00:11:05.125 - 00:11:16.405

Paris paris chay lumas waytachay pubri wakchapa antuharinan

Paris paris chay lumas wayta-cha-y pubri wakcha-pa antuha-ri-na-n
DEM.D lumas flower-DIM-1 poor orphan-GEN tempt-INCEP-NMLZ-3
00:11:16.565 - 00:11:28.655

Taruka pasakusanki kaynintachu pasharushunki kay shulkay ñañaywan.

Taruka pasa-ku-sa-nki kay-ni-n-ta-chu pasha-ru-shunki kay shulka-y
Taruka pass-REL-PRF-TK DEM.P-EUPH-3-ACC-Q TK-URGT-3>2 DEM.D younger.sibling-1
00:12:33.115 - 00:12:39.495


Parachkachumpas Parachkachumpas pero eso sí kuskayllam pasashun

Parachkachumpas TK Parachkachumpas kuska-y-lla-m pasa-shun
together-1-RSTR-EVD pass-1PL.FUT
00:14:13.365 - 00:14:23.225

pero eso sí kuskayllam ripushun
kuska-y-lla-m ri-pu-shun
together-1-RSTR-EVD go-BEN-1PL.FUT
00:14:23.245 - 00:14:28.265

Uva nigrallay ashuykamuyki, flur di avasllay ashuykamuyki

Uva nigra-lla-y ashu-yka-mu-yki flur di avas-lla-y
grape black approach-EXCEP-CISL-2 TK flower of broad.beans-RSTR-1
00:14:28.465 - 00:14:38.905

approach-EXCEP-CISL-2 TK

Kukachallay quqawniyuqlla kukachallay fiyambriyuqllam

Kuka-cha-lla-y quqaw-ni-yuq-lla kuka-cha-lla-y fiyambri-yuq-lla-m
coca-DIM-RSTR-1 picnic-EUPH-POSS-RSTR coca-DIM-RSTR-1 picnic-POSS-RSTR-EVD
00:14:39.025 - 00:14:49.205

Hitapampallay away vikuña

Hitapampa-lla-y away vikuña
Hitapampa-RSTR-1 weave-IMP TK vicuña
00:14:49.685 - 00:14:55.285

Ichupatallay ayway taruka tapukusqayki irmanallayta mana tarinichu kayllay

Ichupata-lla-y ayway taruka tapu-ku-sqayki irmana-lla-y-ta mana tari-ni-chu
Ichupata-RSTR-1 TK taruka ask-REFL-1>2 sister-RSTR-1-ACC no find-1-NEG DEM.P-RSTR-1
00:14:55.335 - 00:15:09.575

kay-lla-y sityu-pi

Rastruchallantam tarikallani rastruchallantañam tarikamuni

Rastru-cha-lla-n-ta-m tari-ka-lla-ni rastru-cha-lla-n-ta-ña-m
00:15:12.435 - 00:15:22.535


Prisinsiyallantaqa manamik tarinichu Hitaqpampallay vikunitachay

Prisinsiya-lla-n-ta-qa mana-mi-k tari-ni-chu Hitaqpampa-lla-y vikunita-cha-y
presence-RSTR-3-ACC-TOP no-EVD-K find-1-NEG Hitaqpampa-RSTR-1 vicuna-DIM-1
00:15:22.655 - 00:15:32.675

Kayllanta chuya pasachikurqa kayllanta chuya ripukullarqa.

Kay-lla-n-ta chuya pasa-chi-ku-rqa kay-lla-n-ta chuya
00:15:32.815 - 00:15:42.975


Chayllay irmanay chayllay mamallay rasunchallata willay kullaway

Chay-lla-y irmana-y chay-lla-y mama-lla-y rasun-cha-lla-ta willa-y
DEM.D-RSTR-1 sister-1 DEM.D-RSTR-1 mother-RSTR-1 reason-DIM-RSTR-3-ACC tell-IMP
00:15:43.105 - 00:15:52.925

00:15:53.160 - 00:15:59.680 00:16:02.970 - 00:16:06.930

00:16:07.180 - 00:16:10.360

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2013/Lincha_SV_Lexicon.eaf
Thursday, May 29, 2014 4:02 PM


Mitram wak runaqa. Manam lliw runa alli runachu. Mitram.

Mitra-m wak runa-qa Mana-m lliw runa alli runa-chu Mitra-m
miserly-EVD DEM.D person-TOP no-EVD all person good person-NEG miserly-EVD
Esa persona es miserable. No todos son buenas personas. Miserable es.
That person is miserly. Not all are good people. He's miserly.
00:00:01.220 - 00:00:05.710

Marim wak mari. ¡Awqa tintasyun!

Mari-m wak mari Awqa tintasyun
hermaphrodite-EVD DEM.D hermaphrodite cat temptation
Hermafrodita es hermafrodita. ¡Gato tentación!
He's a hermaphrodite. Her maphrodite. Cat! Beware!
00:00:09.090 - 00:00:11.270 00:00:13.030 - 00:00:14.580

Estamos diciendo, Awqa sinbirgwinsa tintasyun.
Awqa sinbirgwinsa tintasyun
cat shameless temptation
Estamos diciendo. Gato sin verguenza, tentación!
We're saying. Shameless cat! Beware!
00:00:19.860 - 00:00:22.880

Mingadum wakkunaqa kayan. Mingam.

Mingadu-m wak-kuna-qa ka-ya-n Minga-m
requested-EVD DEM.D-PL be-PROG-3 requested-EVD
Ellos han sido solicitados para trabajar. Solicitados son.
They've been solicited to work. Solicited to work.
00:00:26.835 - 00:00:28.855

Istiril wak warmi manam wawikunchu. ¡Upalla!

Istiril wak warmi mana-m wawi-ku-n-chu Upa-lla
sterile DEM.D woman no-EVD baby-REFL-3-NEG mute-RSTR
Estéril es esa mujer. No da luz. ¡Calla!
That woman is sterile. She doesn't give birth Quiet!
00:00:35.530 - 00:00:37.795 00:00:39.205 - 00:00:40.525

¡Upalla kay wakcha! ¡Upalla shimi wakcha! Liklanshi nanakuyan.

Upa-lla kay wakcha Upa-lla shimi wakcha Likla-n-shi nana-ku-ya-n
mute-RSTR DEM.P sheep mute-RSTR mouth sheep shoulder-3-EVR hurt-REFL-PROG-3
¡Calladito wakcho! ¡Cállate la boca, wakcho! Su hombro, dice, está doliendo.
[Be] quiet, sheep! Shut up, sheep! His shoulder, he says, is hurting.
00:00:42.437 - 00:00:46.977 00:00:47.412 - 00:00:49.262

traki kay nanshi piyrnash nanayan.

traki kay na-n-shi piyrna-sh nana-ya-n
foot DEM.P DMY-3-EVR leg-EVR hurt-PROG-3
[Su] pìe este su pierna, dice, está doliendo.
His foot, his leg, he says, is hurting.
00:00:49.432 - 00:00:52.862

Allalli nam malum wak pasa pasaypaq llutan runam.

Allalli na-m malu-m wak pasa pasaypaq llutan runa-m
a.lot DMY-EVD bad-EVD DEM.D a.lot a.lot ugly person-EVD
Esa persona es malo. Esa persona es completamente fea.
That person is bad. That person is completely horrid.
00:00:55.742 - 00:00:59.592

Tirribli mana intindaq manam imapis intindinmanchu wakqa.

Tirribli mana intinda-q mana-m ima-pis intindi-n-man-chu wak-qa
terrible no understand-AG no-EVD what-ADD understand-3-COND-NEG DEM.D-TOP
Terrible es. No es uno que entiende. No puede entender nada ése.
Terrible. No es uno que entiende. Ese no puede entender nada.
00:01:02.862 - 00:01:07.262

Terrible es. Manam wak intindinmanchu. ¿Ima diyablutapis?

Mana-m wak intindi-n-man-chu. Ima diyablu-ta-pis
no-EVD DEM.D understand-3-COND-NEG what devil-ACC-ADD
Terrible es. No puede entender ese ¿Qué diablos también?
He's terrible. He can't understand anything. What the hell?
00:01:08.307 - 00:01:11.347

Manisiyanña uranñam kayan. Manisikayamunñam.

Manisi-ya-n-ña ura-n-ña-m ka-ya-n Manisi-ka-ya-mu-n-ña-m
Ah, ya está amaneciendo. Hora ya está. Ya está maneciendo.
Ah, it's already dawning. It's time already. It's dawning already.
00:01:11.752 - 00:01:15.962

Wak runaqa millchu. Wak wambraqa millchu.

Wak runa-qa millchu Wak wambra-qa millchu
DEM.D person-TOP person.who.eats.a.lot DEM.D child-TOP person.who.eats.a.lot
Esa persona es comelón. Ese niño es comelón.
That person eats a lot. That child eats a lot.
00:01:19.442 - 00:01:23.452

Mishtim wak kayan manam llama kumplitu ni alpakachu. Mishti.

Mishti-m wak ka-ya-n mana-m llama kumplitu ni alpaka-chu Mishti
Mishti-EVD DEM.D be-PROG-3 no-EVD llama complete nor alpaca-NEG Mishti
Ese es cruzado. No es llama puro ni alpaca. Es cruzado.
That one is cross-breed. It's not a complete llama or alpaca. It's mixed-breed.
00:01:23.792 - 00:01:27.432

Michiq ¡haku michiq! ¡Haku michiq! Michimushun chay llamata.

Michi-q haku michi-q Haku michi-q Michi-mu-shun chay llama-ta
herd-AG let's herd-AG let's herd-AG herd-CISL-1PL.FUT DEM.D llama-ACC
¡A pastear! ¡Vamos a pastear! ¡Vamos a pastear! Vamos a pastear esa llama.
To herd! Let's go to herd! Let's go herd! We're going to herd that llama.
00:01:29.412 - 00:01:31.272 00:01:33.397 - 00:01:35.917

Midiyan trakrakunata. Wasikunatas mitrunpi midiyan.

Midi-ya-n trakra-kuna-ta Wasi-kuna-ta-s mitru-n-pi midi-ya-n
measure-PROG-3 field-PL-ACC house-PL-ACC-ADD meter-3-LOC measure-PROG-3
Están midiendo chacras. Las casas también por metro está midiendo.
They're measuring fields. They're meauring the houses, too, by the meter.
00:01:38.457 - 00:01:40.197 00:01:40.632 - 00:01:42.792

Wañuñam kananqa kayan manam killa kanchu.

Wañu-ña-m kanan-qa ka-ya-n mana-m killa ka-n-chu
die-DISC-EVD now-TOP be-PROG-3 no-EVD moon be-3-NEG
Ahora ya es luna muerta. Ya no hay luna.
It's the new moon now already TK. There's no moon.
00:01:44.782 - 00:01:47.832

Millwa. Llama millwa, usha millwa, vikuna millwa.

Millwa Llama millwa usha millwa vikuna millwa
wool Llama wool sheep wool vicuna wool
Lana. Lana de llama, lana de oveja, lana de vicuña.
Wool. Llama wool, sheep wool, vicuña wool.
00:01:49.562 - 00:01:52.962

Paqarin mincham kutimushaq. Dimuramushaqraqmi.

Paqarin mincha-m kuti-mu-shaq Dimura-mu-shaq-raq-mi.
tomorrow day.after-EVD return-CISL-1.FUT delay-CISL-1.FUT-CONT-EVD
Pasado mañana regresaré. Voy a demorar todavía.
I'll return the day after tomorrow. I'm going to take more time still. TK
00:01:57.142 - 00:01:58.882 00:02:04.342 - 00:02:05.982

Dios midiyanti ¿imay puntrawtri kutimushaq? Bisitaykamuykim.

Dios midiyanti imay puntraw-tri kuti-mu-shaq Bisita-yka-mu-yki-m
God by.means.of when day-EVC return-CISL-1.FUT visit-EVCEP-CISL-1>2-EVD
Dios mediante ¿qué día regresaré? Te he visitado.
God willing, what day will I return? I visited you.
00:02:06.387 - 00:02:09.007 00:02:15.957 - 00:02:17.897

Siñura. Imataq sutiki? Ñuqapa suti chaymi qampa sutiki

Siñura Ima-taq suti-ki Ñuqa-pa suti chay-mi qam-pa suti-ki
Ma'am what-SEQ name-2 1-GEN name DEM.D-EVD 2-GEN name-2
Señora. ¿Cuál es tu nombre? Mi nombre es así. Tu nombre es ...
Ma'am. What is your name? My name's like this. Your name ...
00:02:18.172 - 00:02:22.197

Algun diya kutimushaq talimushayki kaypi. trayamushaq qam kaqman.

Algun diya kutimu-shaq tali-mu-shayki kay-pi. traya-mu-shaq qam kaq-man
some day return-1.FUT find-CISL-1>2.FUT DEM.P-LOC arrive-CISL-1.FUT 2 be-AG-ALL
Algún día voy a volver. Te encontraré aquí. Voy a llegar donde usted.
Some day I'm going to return. I'll find you here. I'll arrive to your place.
00:02:22.547 - 00:02:26.287 00:02:27.032 - 00:02:28.752

Malshukushunñam. Malshukuyanñam.
Malshu-ku-shun-ña-m Malshu-ku-ya-n-ña-m
breakfast-REFL-1PL.FUT-DISC-EVD breakfast-REFL-PROG-2-DISC-EVD
Vamos a tomar desayuno ya. Ya están tomando desayuno.
We're going to have breakfast already. They're already having breakfast.
00:02:38.252 - 00:02:41.592

Mishkillam kayan. Alla mishkim kayan.
Mishki-lla-m ka-ya-n Alla mishki-m ka-ya-n
sweet-RSTR-EVD be-PROG-3 a.lot sweet-EVD be-PROG-3
Dulce está. Allá dulce está.
It's sweet. It's really sweet.
00:02:44.687 - 00:02:48.427

Tuki tuki mishkim kayan

Tuki tuki mishki-m ka-ya-n
pretty pretty sweet-EVD be-PROG-3
Vivo vivo dulce está.
It's nice and sweet.
00:02:51.092 - 00:02:52.482

Aa, mishkim, Asukarninta hitay mishkinanpaq

Aa, mishki-m Asukar-ni-n-ta hita-y mishki-na-n-paq
Aa, sweet-EVD sugar-EUPH-3-ACC toss-IMP sweet-NMLZ-3-PURP
Ah, dulce. Aviéntale azúcar para que esté dulce.
Ah, sweet. Toss [in] sugar so it'll be sweet.
00:02:53.782 - 00:02:56.342

Yaku mishki yakuta quykuway, díle.

Yaku mishki yaku-ta qu-yku-wa-y
water sweet water-ACC give-EXCEP-1.OBJ-IMP
Agua, dulce agua dulce dame, díle!
Water, giveme sweet water, say to him!
00:02:56.742 - 00:02:59.312

Fruta también. Mishkillata apamullay kapas Ima mishki yakuta apamunki.

Mishki-lla-ta apa-mu-lla-y kapas Ima mishki yaku-ta apa-mu-nki
sweet-RSTR-ACC bring-CISL-IMP perhaps what sweet water-AC being-CISL-2
Fruta también. Tráe fruta no más, capaz. TK ¿Qué agua dulce traíste?
Fruit, too. Bring me just fruit, maybe! What sweet water did you bring?
00:03:01.827 - 00:03:04.312 00:03:06.282 - 00:03:08.902

Kukata akukurushun. Mishkipaykushun.

Kuka-ta aku-ku-ru-shun Mishki-pa-yku-shun
Vamos a masticar coca. Vamos a masticar de nuevo la coca.
We're going to chew coca. We're going to re-chew coca.
00:03:09.547 - 00:03:11.057 00:03:18.497 - 00:03:19.847

Kukata hashayamuy akukurushun.

Kuka-ta haysha-ya-mu-y aku-ku-ru-shun
Coca TK Vamos a masticar.
Let's chew coca.
00:03:24.127 - 00:03:27.217

Allalli mititim wakqa kasha, dice. Kanan trayalamunkiñachu?

Allalli mititi-m wak-qa ka-sha Kanan traya-la-mu-nki-ña-chu
a.lot busybody DEM.D-TOP be-PRF now arrive-URGT-CISL-2-DISC-Q
Bien metete era ese, dice. Ahora ya llegaste ya.
That one was really meddlesome TK, they say. Now you already arrived.
00:03:28.207 - 00:03:30.177 00:03:37.617 - 00:03:39.737

¡Paqakamuy! Lunkuman kukata winaykuy!

Paqa-ka-mu-y Lunku-man kuka-ta wina-yku-y
wash-REFL-CISL-IMP sack-ALL coca-ACC toss-EXCEP-IMP
¡Lávate! ¡Echa la coca en la talega!
Get washed up! Toss the coca in the sack!
00:03:55.187 - 00:03:56.477 00:04:06.477 - 00:04:08.707

Lunkuman quqawta qipichay!

Lunku-man quqaw-ta qipi-cha-y
sack-ALL picnic-ACC carry-DIM-IMP
¡Carga el fiambre en la talega!
Carry the picnic in the sack!
00:04:10.567 - 00:04:12.527

Lunkuyman winaykuruy quqawniyta.

Lunku-y-man wina-yku-ru-y quqaw-ni-y-ta
sack-1-ALL toss-EXCEP-URGT-IMP picnic-EUPH-1-ACC
¡En la talega échame mi fiambre!
Toss my picnic in the sack!
00:04:12.847 - 00:04:14.837

Ñawiy wiqtikuyan imanaluntri

Ñawi-y wiqti-ku-ya-n ima-na-lu-n-tri
eye-1 tear-REFL-PROG-3 what-VRBZ-EXCEP-3-EVC
Mi ojo está lagrimando ¿qué pasaría?
My eye is tearning up. What would have happened?
00:04:15.257 - 00:04:18.047

Chupurun kwirpullay. Chupukuyan. Qaqurachikamuy.

Chupu-ru-n kwirpu-lla-y Chupu-ku-ya-n Qaqu-ra-chi-ka-mu-y
Chinchones. Chinchones están en mi cuerpo. ¡Hazte sobar!
Get yourself massaged!
00:04:28.287 - 00:04:30.667 00:04:32.967 - 00:04:34.537

Alalay pasasham kayan. Alalay pasasham kayan chay wak

Alalay pasa-sha-m ka-ya-n Alalay pasa-sha-m ka-ya-n chay wak
cold pass-PRF-EVD be-PROG-3 cold pass-PRF-EVD be-PROG-3 DEM.D DEM.D
Está pasado de frío. Ah, está pasado de frío por eso es ...
He's passed with cold. Ah, he's passed with cold. That's why ...
00:04:42.337 - 00:04:44.737 00:04:46.332 - 00:04:49.462

Usasapa. Uman chiya kayan.

Usa-sapa Uma-n chiya ka-ya-n
worm-MULT.POSS head-3 louse be-PROG-3
Muy piojosa. Su cabeza está de liendre.
One with a lot of worms. Her head is loused up.
00:04:52.192 - 00:04:55.662

Umanpi alli alli chiya kakuyan. Alalakuyanya.

Uma-n-pi alli alli chiya ka-ku-ya-n Alala-ku-ya-n-ya
head-3-LOC a.lot a.lot louse be-REFL-PROG-3 cold-REFL-PROG-2-EMPH
En su cabeza hay muchos liendres Está haciendo frío, pues.
There are a lot of lice on her head. It's cold, then.
00:04:57.942 - 00:04:59.692 00:05:08.752 - 00:05:10.132

Mitu mitu kakuyan. Wasiypis mitukuyan paraptin.

Mitu mitu kaku-ya-n Wasi-y-pis mitu-ku-ya-n para-pti-n
mud mud be-REFL-PROG-3 house-1-LOC-ADD mud-REFL-PROG-3 rain-SUBDS-3
Hay barro, barro. La casa también se embarra cuando llueve.
There's mud, mud. The house, too, gets muddy when it rains.
00:05:14.142 - 00:05:17.782

Tarahiyan wak wasi tarahichuwan nayan

Tarahi-ya-n wak wasi tarahi-chuwan na-ya-n
Está tarrajiando. Podemos tarajiar esa casa. TK
They're covering it with adobe. We can cover that house with adobe.
00:05:23.542 - 00:05:26.202

Mituwan simintuwan tarahayan. Dima dimasta fastidiyayan.

Mitu-wan simintu-wan taraha-ya-n Dima dimas-ta fastidiya-ya-n
mud-INSTR cement-INSTR -PROG-3 too.much too.much-ACC bother-PROG-3
Con barro y cimento está tarrajeoando. Dema demás está molestando.
they're covering it with mud and cement. He's bothering way too much.
00:05:26.717 - 00:05:28.737 00:05:29.707 - 00:05:31.517

Dimastam fastidiyayawanki.
Dimas-ta-m fastidiya-ya-wa-nki
too.much-ACC-EVD bother-PROG-1.OBJ-2
Me estás molestando demasiado.
You're bothering me too much.
00:05:32.627 - 00:05:34.427
Muqum kay. Chay muqupim chay ashnukuna bistiyakuna huntayan
Muqu-m kay Chay muqu-pi-m chay ashnu-kuna bistiya-kuna hunta-ya-n
wet-EVD DEM.P DEM.D wet-LOC-EVD DEM.D donkey-PL horse-PL fill-PROG-3
Está húmedo aquí. Donde está húmedo burros y bestias están llenando.
It's wet here. Donkeys and horses are filling up in the wet.
00:05:41.427 - 00:05:45.357

Qunqurllay muquchakuyan. Muquchayantriki.

Qunqur-lla-y muqu-cha-ku-ya-n Muqu-cha-ya-n-tri-ki
Un nudo está saliendo en mi rodilla. Está pareciendo nudo, pues.
A knot is coming out on my knee. A knot is forming, then.
00:05:46.857 - 00:05:48.627 00:05:50.387 - 00:05:52.007

Qunqurniy nanayan. traki paltanpis qachayanmi.

Qunqur-ni-y nana-ya-n traki palta-n-pis qacha-ya-n-mi
knee-EUPH-1 hurt-PROG-3 foot soul-33-ADD rip-PROG-3-EVD
Mi rodilla está doliendo. La planta de mi pie está rajando.
My knee is hurting. The sole of my foot is cracking.
00:05:52.332 - 00:05:56.017

Qacha ... Qachariyta munayan. Murun kalduta kaldukurushun.

Qacha Qacha-ri-y-ta muna-ya-n Murun kaldu-ta kaldu-ku-ru-shun
rip rip-INCEP-INF-ACC want-PROG-3 grain soup-ACC soup-REFL-URGT-1PL.FUT
Romper, quiere romper. Sopa de maron vamos a hacer.
Rip ... it wants to rip. We're going to make soup, barley soup.
00:05:56.477 - 00:05:59.177 00:06:06.452 - 00:06:08.002

Sibadata murunta ruwashun.

Sibada-ta murun-ta ruwa-shun
barley-ACC grain-ACC make-1PL.FUT
Vamos a hacer moron de cebada.
We're going to make wheat meal.
00:06:09.152 - 00:06:10.962

Muskiy ashna TK sintiyani. Sinqayman trayakayamun.

Muski-y ashna-ku-ya-n sinti-ya-ni Sinqa-y-man traya-ka-ya-mu-n
smell-IMP stink-REFL-PROG-3 sense-PROG-1 nose-1-ALL arrive-PASSACC-PROG-CISL-3.
Huele, usted. Yo estoy sintiendo olor fuerte. A mi nariz está llegando.
Smell it! I'm sensing a strong odor. It's arriving at my nose.
00:06:13.652 - 00:06:17.252

Sinqay shutuyan ñuti.

Sinqa-y shutu-ya-n ñuti
nose-1 drip-PROG-3 snot
Mi nariz está goteando moco.
My nose is dripping mucus.
00:06:17.557 - 00:06:20.247

Almapa hakunta taqsaqñam ripun.

Alma-pa hakun-ta taqsa-q-ña-m ripu-n
soul-GEN clothes-ACC wash-AG-DISC-EVD go-3
Se fueron a lavar la ropa del muerto.
They went to wash the clothes of the departed soul.
00:06:23.347 - 00:06:25.687

trunkayayachin kanan.
trunka-ya-ya-chi-n kanan
ten-INCH-PROG-CAUS-3 now
Hoy están quemando la ropa del alma fallecida.
Today they're burning the clothes of the departed soul.
00:06:29.442 - 00:06:31.052

Ah, están quemando la ropa del alma fallecido.
Ah, they're burning the clothes of the departed soul.
00:06:32.542 - 00:06:34.132

trunkakuyan kanan tardim.

trunka-ku-ya-n kanan tardi-m
ten-REFL-PROG-3 now late-EVD
Ahora en la tarde está haciendo lo de los diez días.
Today in the afternoon, they're doing what they do at ten days.
00:06:36.282 - 00:06:38.342

Walayqa mushuq mushuq kayan walayqa.

Wala-y-qa mushuq mushuq ka-ya-n wala-y-qa
skirt-1-TOP new new be-PROG-3 skirt-1-TOP
Por ejemplo, mi falda [está] nueva; nueva está mi falda.
For example, my skirt is new. My skirt is new.
00:06:38.817 - 00:06:42.497

Chay viyhuñam chanchañam.

Chay viyhu-ña chancha-ña
DEM.D old-DISC ripped-DISC
Eso [está] viejo, roto ya.
This [is] old already, ripped already
00:06:44.207 - 00:06:46.497

Latapaq qachayanñam. Mutrunakurushun.
Lata-paq qacha-ya-n-ña-m Mutru-naku-ru-shun
Para prender [la candela] lo estoy rompiendo. Vamos a besarnos.
I'm ripping it to light [the fire] We're going to kiss each other.
00:06:51.616 - 00:06:53.556 00:06:57.081 - 00:06:58.411

Mutraykuway. Mutranakushun.
Mutra-yku-wa-y Mutru-naku-shun
¡Bésame! Vamos a besarnos.
Kiss me! We're going to kiss each other.
00:07:00.201 - 00:07:03.731

Muyurirunñam chay sirkukuna, dice Muyurachinñam.

Muyuri-ru-n-ña-m chay sirku-kuna Muyu-ra-chi-n-ña-m
Ah, ya dio vuelta por esos cercos. Ya hizo dar vuelta.
Ah, he already circled around those corals. He already had them circle.
00:07:04.351 - 00:07:06.471 00:07:10.901 - 00:07:13.931

Nakakuyanñam ushata.
Naka-ku-ya-n-ña-m usha-ta
slit.throat-REFL-PROG-2-DISC-EVD sheep-ACC
Está degollando la oveja.
He's slitting the sheep's throat.
00:07:14.421 - 00:07:15.951

Wañuchishpaqa muqu muqukuyanña nakarunña.

Wañu-chi-shpa-qa muqu muqu-ku-ya-n-ña naka-ru-n-ña
die-CAUS-SUBIS-TOP cut.throat disembowel-REFL-PROG-3 slit.throat-URGT-3-DISC
Matando están comiendo ya: degolló.
Killing it, he's cutting its throat already. He already cut its throat.
00:07:18.971 - 00:07:22.301

Nakarushpaqa kankanta kuchunqa yanukunanpaq.

naka-ru-shpa-qa kanka-n-ta kuchu-nqa yanu-ku-na-n-paq
slit.throat-URGT-SUBIS-TOP throat-3-ACC cut-3.FUT cook-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP
Degollando, va a cortarle el cuello para cocinarlo.
Cutting its throat, he's going to cut its throat so he can cook it.
00:07:22.481 - 00:07:25.491

Kuchurun kuyllanta ya chu pawarachiy!

Kuchu-ru-n kuylla-n chu pawa-ra-chi-y
cut-URGT-3 neck-3 PHAT jump-URGT-CAUS-IMP
Le cortó el cuello ¡Hazle saltar!
He cut its neck. Make it jump!
00:07:28.171 - 00:07:31.971

Ñawsarun wakchay yapam imanarun kutiparunña

Ñawsa-ru-n wakcha-y yapa-m ima-na-ru-n kuti-pa-ru-n-ña TK
blind-URGT-3 sheep-1 again-EVD what-VRBZ-URGT-3 repeat-URGT-3-DIS
De vuelta se volvió ciego mi wakcho. ¿Qué pasaría? Lo repetió.
My sheep went blind again. What happened? He repeated it.
00:07:32.246 - 00:07:36.306

Yapam ñawsarun wakchay Huk lawpim ñañay

Yapa-m ñawsa-ru-n wakcha-y Huk law-pi-m ñaña-y
again-EVD blind-URGT-3 sheep-1 one side-LOC-EVD sister-1
De vuelta se volvió ciego mi wacho. En otro sitio está mi hermana.
My sheep went blind again. My sister is in another place.
00:07:42.476 - 00:07:44.636 00:07:44.781 - 00:07:46.701

Huk law llaqtapim ñañay. ¡Lluqiyta quykuruway!

Huk law llaqta-pi-m ñaña-y Lluqi-y-ta qu-yku-ru-wa-y
one side town-LOC-EVD sister-1 cane-1-ACC give-EXCEP-URGT-1.OBJ-IMP
Mi hermana está en otro pueblo. ¡Dame mi bastón!
My sister is in another town. Give me my cane! TK
00:07:46.851 - 00:07:49.281 00:07:53.441 - 00:07:54.871

¡Pichakuy ñutikita! ¿Imataq ñutu ñutu kayan? ¿matrka?

Picha-ku-y ñuti-ki-ta Ima-taq ñutu ñutu ka-ya-n matrka
clean-REFL-IMP snot-2-ACC what-SEQ fine fine be-PROG-3 ground.cereal
¡Límpiate tu moco! ¿Qué cosa está finito finito? ¿Machka?
Clean your snot! What is fine, fine? Ground cereal meal?
00:07:54.891 - 00:07:57.741 00:07:57.961 - 00:08:00.051

matrka ñutu ... ¡Ñutu ñututa matrkakamuy!

matrka ñutu Ñutu ñutu-ta matrka-ka-mu-y
ground.cereal fine fine fine-ACC grind-REFL-CISL-IMP
Machka fino ... ¡Muélelo bien finito!
Ground cereal meal fine ... Grind it really finely!
00:08:00.181 - 00:08:03.121

Ñakakuyanim. Aa, ñakakuni. Sufriyanim ñakakuni dimastam

Ñaka-ku-ya-ni-m Aa ñaka-ku-ni Sufri-ni-ya-ni-m ñaka-ku-ni
suffer-REFL-PROG-1-EVD Aa, suffer-REFL-1 suffer-PROG-1-EVD suffer.REFL-1
Estoy sufriendo. Ah, sufro. Estoy sufriendo demasiado.
I'm suffering. Ah, I suffer. I'm suffering too much.
00:08:04.201 - 00:08:09.771

Vaka harkashpa ñakakuniñam.

dimas-ta-m Vaka harka-shpa ñaka-ku-ni-ña-m
too.much-ACC-EVD cow herd-SUBIS suffer-REFL-1-DISC-EVD
Pasteando las vacas, sufro ya.
I suffer pasturing the cows.
00:08:12.676 - 00:08:14.906

Witrayman altukunaman ukukunaman sayashpa ñakakuyani pishipayakuniñam.

Witray-man altu-kuna-man uku-kuna-man saya-shpa ñaka-ku-ya-ni
above-ALL high-PL-ALL inside-PL-ALL stand-SUBIS suffer-REFL-PROG-1
Para arriba para arriba, para adentro parando estoy sufriendo y me estoy
Uphill, uphill, towards the interior, stanfing, I'm suffering and I'm getting
tires already.
00:08:15.141 - 00:08:19.461

Ñakakuni dimastañam. Pishipakunim.

pishipa-ya-ku-ni-ña-m Ñaka-ku-ni dimas-ta-ña-m Pishipa-ku-ni-m
tire-PROG-REFL-1-DISC suffer-REFL-1 too.much-ACC-DISC-EVD tire-REFL-1-EVD
Sufro demasiado ya. Me canso.
I suffer too much. I get tired.
00:08:32.466 - 00:08:35.036

Ñawi, linri, shimi, sinqa. No ves, hachiwsay hapirushunki.

Ñawi linri shimi sinqa hachiwsa-y hapi-ru-shunki
eye ear mouth nose sneeze-INF grab-URGT-3>2
Ojo, oído, boca, nariz. No ves, te ha agarrado la gripe.
Eye, ear, mouth, nose. Don't you see? A cold caught you.
00:08:37.866 - 00:08:42.276 00:08:44.316 - 00:08:46.306

Aa, alalaypitr hapiruwan sinqa ñuti ñuti sinqa.

Aa, alala-y-pi-tr hapi-ru-wa-n sinqa ñuti ñuti sinqa
Aa, cold-INF-LOC-EVC grab-URGT-1.OBJ-3 nose snot snot nose
Ah, de frío me habrá agarrado. [Mi] nariz [está con] mucho moco..
Ah, it must have caught me from the cold. [My] nose [has] a lot of mucus.
00:08:51.596 - 00:08:54.846

Ñawchi. Aa, piñam wak allquqa. Kanikunmi.

Ñawchi Aa piña-m wak allqu-qa kani-ku-n-mi
small.potato Aa, angry-EBD DEM.D dog-TOP bite-REFL-EVD
Papa menuda. Ah, ese perro es bravo. Muerde.
Smal potatoes. Ah, that dog is fierce. He bites.
00:09:01.026 - 00:09:01.826 00:09:03.066 - 00:09:05.196

Panikim wakpa kayan. patrya .... ¿Imapaq patryarachinki?

Pani-ki-m wak-pa ka-ya-n patrya .... Imapaq patrya-ra-chi-nki
sister-2-EVD DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3 explode .... why explode-URGT-CAUS-2
Tu hermana está allá. Ah, reventó. ¿Para qué lo has hecho reventar?
Your sister is there. Ah, it explo ... Why did you make it explode?
00:09:05.291 - 00:09:06.791 00:09:06.976 - 00:09:09.096

Rupay qacharun dirá pues. U papilta imapaq qacharunki?

Rupa-y qacha-ru-n U papil-ta imapaq qacha-ru-nki
clothes-1 rip-URGT-2 or paper-ACC why rip-URGT-2
Ah, mi ropa se ha roto, dirá pues. O ¿para qué rompiste el papel?
Ah, my clothes have ripped, they'll say, then. Or, why did you rip the paper?
00:09:12.726 - 00:09:17.246

Pakpachakuyan Pakpakiyakuyan. Pakpakiyakuyan.

pakpa-cha-ku-ya-n Pakpaki-ya-ku-ya-nK Pakpaki-ya-ku-ya-n
Está penando [el cuy]. Está penando, está penando.
It's spooking it. TK
00:09:18.061 - 00:09:19.041 00:09:19.686 - 00:09:22.401

Aa, pallaramushun sarata. Kusicharamushun papatachu.

Aa palla-ra-mu-shun sara-ta Kusicha-ra-mu-shun papa-ta-chu
Aa, pick-URGT-CISL-1PL.FUT corn-ACC harvest-URGT-CISL-1PL.FUT potato-ACC-Q
Ah, vamos a coger maíz. O vamos a cosechar papa.
Ah, we're going to pick corn. O we're going to harvest potatoes.
00:09:23.631 - 00:09:25.491 00:09:27.588 - 00:09:29.398

Ishllatam qushayki. Wiksayki kamallanta.

Ishlla-ta-m qu-shayki Wiksa-yki kama-lla-n-ta
little-ACC-EVD give-2>1.FUT stomach-2 ALL-RSTR-2-ACC
Ah, poquito no más te voy a dar. A medida de tu barriga.
Ah, I'll give you just a little bit. The size of your stomach.
00:09:32.798 - 00:09:35.978

Chay pukrupim kayan Manisishañam kayan. Qansayamunña.

Chay pukru-pi-m ka-ya-n Manisi-sha-ña-m ka-ya-n Qansa-ya-mu-n-ña
En esa ollada está. Está maneciendo ya. Está aclarando.
It's in that TK It's dawning already. It' clearing up.
00:09:40.033 - 00:09:41.663 00:09:43.223 - 00:09:45.633

Llantuyamun. Paranqapistri, uy.

Llantu-ya-mu-n Para-nqa-pis-tri uy
shade-PROG-CISL-3 rain-3.FUT-ADD-EVC uy.
Está sombreando. Va a llover capaz.
It's shading over. Maybe it'll rain, oy.
00:09:46.653 - 00:09:47.643 00:09:49.863 - 00:09:52.023

Alli pukutalamunña pasaypiñam. Taparamunqa.

Alli pukuta-la-mu-n-ña ver l pasaypi-ña-m Tapa-ra-mu-nqa
good cloud.over-URGT-CISL-2-DISC-EVD a.lot-DISC-EVD cover-URGT-CISL-3.FUT
Se nubló completamente. Va a tapar.
It clouded over completely. It's going to cover up.
00:09:56.498 - 00:09:59.918

Tapamushanñam pukutay kakuyan manañam tarinkimanchu. Vakaykitapis.

tapa-mu-sha-n-ña-m pukuta-y ka-ku-ya-n mana-ña-m tari-nki-man-chu
cover-CISL-PRF-3-DISC-EVD cloud.over-INF be-REFL-PROG-3 no-DISC-EVD
Ha tapado ya. Hay serasón. Ya no vas a encontrar ni tu vaca. TK
It's covered up already. There's fog. You're not going to find even your cow
any more.
00:10:00.313 - 00:10:04.553

Vaka-yki-ta-pis Puñuysa-ya-n
find-2-COND-NEG cow-3-ACC-ADD doze-PROG-3
Está dormitando.
He's dozing.
00:10:10.073 - 00:10:11.623

Wak wambra punuysayan pubrisitu. Chay yataykipi haru kayan.

Wak wambra punuysa-ya-n pubrisitu Chay yata-yki-pi haru ka-ya-n
DEM.D child doze-PROG-3 poor.thing DEM.D side-2-LOC cup be-PROG-3
Ese niño está dormitando. Pobrecito. En tu lado está la tasa.
That child is dozing, poor thing! The cup is at your side.
00:10:12.833 - 00:10:15.603 00:10:16.523 - 00:10:18.183

Yataykipa kayan haru.

yata-yki-pa ka-ya-n haru
side-2-LOC be-PROG-3 cup
En tu lado está la tasa.
The cup is at your side.
00:10:20.168 - 00:10:22.348

Puñukuyta munayan. Puñukushunña ya.

Puñu-ku-y-ta muna-ya-n puñu-ku-shun-ña ya
Ah, quiere dormir. Vamos a dormirnos ya.
Ah, he wants to sleep. Let's sleep already.
00:10:23.233 - 00:10:25.913

Si no, chakpampim urmaruni. Pilatanpi.

Si no chakpa-m-pi-m urma-ru-ni Pilata-n-pi
or.else forwards-EVD-LOC-EVD fall-URGT-1 front.body-3-LOC TKE
Si no, mi caí de barriga. Tirado de barriga.
If not, I fell forward. lying face-down.
00:10:29.403 - 00:10:32.183 00:10:33.068 - 00:10:34.378
Pilatanpim urmaruni.
Pilata-n-pi-m urma-ru-ni
front.body-3-LOC-EVD fall-URGT-1
De barriga me he caído.
I fell face-down.
00:10:36.423 - 00:10:38.543

Qulishun. Qulirushun ninata.

Quli-shun Quli-ru-shun nina-ta
bury.under.firewood-1PL.FUT bury.under.firewood-1PL.FUT fire-ACC
Vamos a enterrar con un tronco la brasa en el fogón.
We're going to bury the embers in the fire under a log.
00:10:39.158 - 00:10:41.978

Wawiypa pañalninta quway pañalninta, dice. Walanta walachiy.

Wawi-y-pa pañal-ni-n-ta qu-wa-y pañal-ni-n-ta Wala-n-ta
baby-1-GEN diaper-EUPH-3-ACC give-1.OBJ-IMP diaper-EUPH-3-ACC skirt-3-ACC
Deme el pañal de mi bebé. Su pañal, dice. Ponle su falda.
Give me my baby's diaper. His diaper, they say. Put on his skirt.
00:10:46.953 - 00:10:50.913


Wishiyan yakuta. Wishiyan yakuta. Yaku apamunanpaq.

Wishi-ya-n yaku-ta Wishi-ya-n yaku-ta Yaku apa-mu-na-n-paq
collect-PROG-3 water-ACC collect-PROG-3 water-ACC water bring-CISL-NMLZ-3-PURP
Está recogiendo agua. Está recogiendo agua para que traiga.
He's collecting water. He's collecting water so he can bring it.
00:10:54.678 - 00:10:59.548

Kurriy yakuyta aparamuy kayman. Aparapamuway, aysarapamuway

Kurri-y yaku-y-ta apa-ra-mu-y kay-man Aparapa-mu-wa-y
run-IMP water-1-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-IMP DEM.P-ALL bring.BEN-CISL-1.ONJ-IMP
¡Corre tráeme mi agua aquí. ¡Tráemelo! ¡Jálamelo!
Run bring me my water here. Bring it to me! Haul it for me!
00:10:59.678 - 00:11:03.418


Wisaktam watrakulun chay warmi. Qarikamam kasha.

Wisa-ta-m watra-ku-lu-n chay warmi Qari-kama-m ka-sha
twin-ACC-EVD give.birth-REFL-URGT-3 DEM.D woman man-RSTR-EVD be-PRF
Melliso parió esa mujer. Eran hombrecitos.
That woman gave birth to twins. They were boys.
00:11:05.338 - 00:11:07.858 00:11:08.463 - 00:11:10.213

Walmi huk qari huk walmi wawin kayan. Yatrakarun.

Walmi huk qari huk walmi wawi-n ka-ya-n Yatra-ka-ru-n
woman one qariman one woman baby-3 be-PROG-3 know-PASSACC-URGT-3
Tiene una hija y un hijo. Se acostumbraron.
She has a daughter and a son. They got accustomed to it.
00:11:10.893 - 00:11:13.393 00:11:15.823 - 00:11:17.133

Pasaypaypaq yatrakashañam wak runa kayan.

pasaypay-paq yatra-ka-sha-ña-m wak runa ka-ya-n
too.much know-PASSACC-DISC-END DEM.D person be-PROG-3
Total acostumbrado ya está esa gente.
That person is totally accustomed to it.
00:11:17.343 - 00:11:19.523

Lutukusha kayan wañukun familiya. Lutuyuqmi kayan.

Lutu-ku-sha ka-ya-n wañu-ku-n familiya Lutu-yuq-mi ka-ya-n
mourning-REFL-PRF be-PROG-3 die-REFL-3 family mourning-POSS-EVD be-PROG-3
Está de luto. Falleció su familiar. Está con luto.
She's in mourning. A relative died. She's wearing mourning.
00:11:19.821 - 00:11:22.071 00:11:22.293 - 00:11:24.513

Watanpaq hamunkichuch?
Wata-n-paq hamu-nki-chuch
year-3-BEN come-2-CHUCH
¿Al otro año vendrás? TK
Are you going to come next year?
00:11:33.541 - 00:11:35.181

Pasaypiñam yasqayakurunkim, me vas a decir.

Pasa-y-pi-ña-m yasqa-ya-ku-ru-nki-m
Total te pusiste anciana, me vas a decir.
You totally got old, you're going to say to me.
00:11:35.506 - 00:11:37.576

Yapakuyanñam. Yapam kayan.

Yapa-ku-ya-n-ña-m Yapa-m ka-ya-n
repeat-REFL-PROG-3-DISC-EVD Repeat-EVD be-PROG-3
Se está repetiendo. De nuevo está.
It's repeating. It's there again.
00:11:46.766 - 00:11:49.166

Yapayan istudiyunta. Yapam chayllaman riyan, dice.
Yapa-ya-n istudiyu-n-ta Yapa-m chay-lla-ma-n ri-ya-n
repeat-PROG-3 studies-2-ACC repeat-EVD DEM.D-RSTR-ALL go-PROG-3
Está repitiendo su estudio. De nuevo está yendo allí.
He's repeating his studies. He's going there again, they say.
00:11:49.226 - 00:11:52.716

Llunkam hiqaramushpa tantata apamusha.

Llunka-m hiqa-ra-mu-shpa tanta-ta apa-mu-sha
person.from.the.coast-EVD go.up-URGT-CISL-SUBIS bread-ACC bring-CISL-PRF
Los costeños han subido y han traído pan.
People from the coast came up and they brought bread.
00:11:55.836 - 00:11:58.076

Pintay pintay kay yawarninwan. Llushiy! Llushiy!

Pinta-y pinta-y kay yawar-ni-n-wan Llushi-y
paint-IMP paint-IMP DEM.P blood-EUPH-3-INSTR paint.with.blood-IMP
¡Píntalo! ¡Píntalo con su sangre! ¡Píntalo con sangre. ¡Píntalo con sangre!
Paint him! Paint him with its blood! Paint him with blood! Paint him with blood!
00:11:59.971 - 00:12:04.001


¡Llushikuy karanman! ¡Llushikuy karanman! dice.

llushi-ku-y kara-n-man Llushi-ku-y kara-n-man
paint.with.blood-REFL-IMP face-3-ALL paint.with.blood-REFL-IMP face-3-ALL
¡Píntale la cara con sangre! ¡Píntale la cara con sangre! dice.
Paint his face with blood! Paint his face with blood!
00:12:15.831 - 00:12:18.571

Yaqa, yaqa. Yaqa urmarun. Mikunayawan.

yaqa yaqa Yaqa urma-ru-n Miku-naya-wa-n
almost almost almost fall-URGT-3 eat-DESR-1.OBJ-3
Casi, casi. Casi cayó. Me está dando hambre.
Almost, almost. He almost fell. It's making me hungry.
00:12:18.776 - 00:12:20.796 00:12:24.566 - 00:12:26.126

Yarqanayawan. Yarqanayawan. ¡Alinayáw! Yarqanayawan.

Yarqa-naya-wa-n Yarqa-naya-wa-n Alinayaw Yarqa-naya-wa-n
hunger-DESR-1.OBJ-3 hunger-DESR-1.OBJ-3 EXCL hunger-DESR-1.OBJ-3
Total tengo hambre. Tengo hambre. [Quiero hombre]. Tengo hambre.
I'm starving. I'm starving. Oh my! TK I'm starving [for a man].
00:12:26.261 - 00:12:27.891 00:12:32.851 - 00:12:37.771

Lapi. Muntipa lapin.

Lapi Munti-pa lapi-n
leaf tree-GEN leaf-3
Oja. Oja de monte,
Leaf. Tree leaf.
00:12:38.466 - 00:12:40.486

Lluchayan hakunta. Haku dice acá. Llushirun, kitarun hakuntam.

Llucha-ya-n haku-n-ta Haku Llushi-ru-n kita-ru-n clothes-3-ACC clothes take.away-URGT-3
Está sacando su ropa. Su ropa se dice acá. Sacaron, kitaron su ropa.
He's removing his clothes. "Clothes" they say here. They took off, they took
off his clothes.
00:12:43.126 - 00:12:48.686


Kitaykushpam hakunta aparun.

Kita-yku-shpa-m haku-n-ta apa-ru-n
take.away-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD clothes-3-ACC bring-URGT-3
Quitándoselo se llevó su ropa.
Removing them, he took away his clothes.
00:12:48.871 - 00:12:50.801

Nakarun [...] Chakwash. Sarsillu. Rantishun aritita.

Naka-ru-n [...] Chakwash Sarsillu Ranti-shun ariti-ta
decapitate [...] old.woman earring buy-1PL.FUT earring-ACC
Cortaron [...] Abuelita. Arete. Vamos a comprar aretes.
He cut its throat. Old lady. Earring. Let's buy earrings.
00:12:53.221 - 00:12:58.731

Llumchuy. Chay llumchuynin.

Llumchuy Chay llumchuy-ni-n DEM.D
Nuera. Esa su nuera.
Daughter-in-law. Her daughter-in-law.
00:12:59.221 - 00:13:01.561

Pipa pipaq llumchuy Pipa llumchuynintaq wak?

Pi-pa pi-paq llumchuy Pi-pa llumchuy-ni-n-taq wak
who-GEN who-GEN who-GEN DEM.D
¿De quién? ¿La nuera de quién? ¿De quién es ella la nuera?
Whose ... Whose daughter-in-law ... Whose daughter-in-law is she?
00:13:01.641 - 00:13:05.651

Qam pipa llumchuynin kanki? Rastrunpis klaru klaru kayan.

Qam pi-pa llumchuy-ni-n ka-nki Rastru-n-pis klaru klaru ka-ya-n
2 who-GEN be-2 trace-3-ADD clear clear be-PROG-3
¿Usted de quién eres la nuera? Su rastro también está claro.
Whose daughter-in-law are you? Its track is clear, clear.
00:13:05.951 - 00:13:07.821 00:13:10.031 - 00:13:11.871

Rastrunqa riyan chaylawmanmi wakchanchikpapis

Rastru-n-qa ri-ya-n chay law-man-mi wakcha-nchik-pa-pis
trace-3-TOP go-PROG-3 DEM.D side-ALL-EVD sheep-1PL-GEN-ADD
El rastro de nuestro wacho está yendo por ese lado.
The track of our sheep is going toward that side.
00:13:17.451 - 00:13:19.950

Waqcharapuway yantayta.
Waqcha-ra-pu-wa-y yanta-y-ta
split-UNINT-BEN-1.OBJ-IMP firewood-1-ACC
¡Rájame mi leña!
Split my wood for me!
00:13:20.400 - 00:13:22.290

Llutan wak puklluqa . Amam trayankichu. Llutanmi chay pukllu. Pisawmi.

Llutan wak pukllu-qa Ama-m traya-nki-chu Llutan-mi chay pukllu Pisaw-mi
bad DEM.D spring-TOP PROH-EVD arrive-2-NEG bad-EVD DEM.D spring heavy-EVD
Ese manantial es bien malo. No vas a llegar. Malo es ese manantial. Pesado es.
That well is bad. Don't go! That well is bad. It's heavy.
00:13:24.370 - 00:13:27.640 00:13:27.910 - 00:13:29.990

Llutan wak runaqa. Mala fi.

llutan wak runa-qa
bad DEM.D person-TOP
Malo es esa persona. Mala fe.
That person is bad. [Of] bad faith.
00:13:30.735 - 00:13:32.505

Llulla llulla. Pasa pasaypaq llullam wak.

Llulla llulla Pasa pasaypaq llulla-m wak
lie lie pass a.lot lie-EVD DEM.D
Mentiroso mentiroso. Total mentiroso es ese.
Liar, liar. That one is a total liar.
00:13:34.990 - 00:13:37.490

¿Yuyayankichu? ¡Yuyariy! ¡Yuyariy, warmi!

Yuya-ya-nki-chu Yuya-ri-y Yuya-ri-y warmi
remember-PROG-2-Q remember-INCEP-IMP remember-INCEP-IMP woman
¿Te acuerdas?. ¡Recuerda! ¡Recuerda, mujer!
Do you remember? Remember! Remember, woman!
00:13:38.315 - 00:13:42.245
¡Yuyariy warmi familiyaykita maypim chay familiyaykikuna!
Yuya-ri-y warmi familiya-yki-ta may-pi-m chay familiya-yki-kuna
remember-INCEP-IMP woman family-2-ACC where-LOC-EVD DEM.D family-2-PL
¡Recuerda mujer tu familia, donde están tus familiares!
Remember your family, woman, where your relatives are!
00:13:44.545 - 00:13:49.475

Aa, qaquchikun. Qaqurapuway!

Aa qaqu-chi-ku-n Qaqu-ra-pu-wa-y
Aa, massage-CAUS-REFL-3 massage-UNINT-BEN-1.OBJ-IMP
Ah, se hizo sobar. ¡Sóbamelo!
Ah, he got it massaged. ¡Massage it for me!
00:13:54.745 - 00:13:58.825

Qaqurullaway. Un favor, estoy mal, dice. truti.

Qaqu-ru-lla-wa-y truti
massage-URGT-RSTR-1.OBJ-IMP person.from.the.puna
¡Sóbamelo! Un favor, estoy mal. Persona de altura.
Massage it for me! [Do me] a favor! I'm sick. Person from the mountains.
00:14:03.940 - 00:14:06.800 00:14:07.265 - 00:14:08.195

¿Manachu yuyullata apakamunki? ¿Manachu yuyullata apakamunki?

Mana-chu yuyu-lla-ta apa-ka-mu-nki Mana-chu yuyu-lla-ta apa-ka-mu-nki
no-Q vegetable-RSTR-ACC bring-PASSACC-CISL-2 Manachu yuyullata apakamunki,
¿No has traido verduras? ¿No has traído verdura?
You haven't brought vegetables? You haven't brought vegetables?
00:14:08.575 - 00:14:10.095 00:14:13.495 - 00:14:15.805

Tupipa anakun.
Tupi-pa ana-ku-n
Tupe-LOC tradition.dress.of.Tupe
Su vestido de las tupinas.
The dress of the Tupinas.
00:14:18.395 - 00:14:19.805

trayamunankama. Parece que iba a decir. trayamunankama.

trayamu-na-n-kama trayamu-na-n-kama
arrive-CISL-NMLZ-3-LIM arrive-CISL-NMLZ-3-ALL
Hasta que llegue, parece que iba a decir. Hasta que llegue.
Until they arrive, it seems it was going to say. Until they arrive.
00:14:23.295 - 00:14:27.435

Chay diyakama suyaykuway si no si tienes cuenta asta chay puntrawkama

Chay diya-kama suya-yku-wa-y asta chay puntraw-kama suya-yku-wa-y
DEM.D day-LIM wait-EXCEP-1.OBJ-IMP until DEM.D day-ALL wait-EXCEP-1.OBJ-IMP
Hasta ese día, ¡espérame! Pero si tienes cuenta hasta ese día, ¡espérame!
Until that day, wait for me! But if you have account, until that day, wait for
00:14:28.580 - 00:14:33.990

¡Allichakuy! ¡Allichay chay misata! ¡Kumuday chay misata!, puede decir.

Alli-cha-ku-y Alli-cha-y chay misa-ta Kumuda-y chay misa-ta
good-FACT-REFL-IMP good-FACT-IMP DEM.D table-ACC arrange-IMP DEM.D table-ACC
¡Arregla! ¡Arregla esa mesa! ¡Acomoda esa mesa!
Fit it up! Fix up that table! Fix up that table!
00:14:40.970 - 00:14:44.920

Qatra qatra kayan. ¡Aptakuykuy! ¡Aptakuykuy kanchatawan! TK

Qatra qatra ka-ya-n Apta-ku-y apta-ku-y kancha
dirty dirty be-PROG-3 handful-REFL-IMP handful-REFLIMP ground.cereal
Sucio sucio está. ¡Empúñate! ¡Empúñate cancha!
It's dirty, dirty. Take a handful! Take a handful of cancha!
00:14:45.350 - 00:14:46.680 00:14:52.470 - 00:14:54.550

Aa, yanapakuy. aa, yanapanakuy.

Aa, yanapa-ku-y aa yanapa-naku-y
Aa, help-REFL-IMO aa, help-MUTBEN-IMP
Ah, ¡ayúdale! ¡Ayúdense los unos a los otros!
Ah, help him! Help each other!
00:14:55.795 - 00:14:58.535

¡Yanapanakuy ya! ¡Ni ima qawanakuyanña.

yanapa-naku-y ya ni ima qawa-naku-ya-n-ña
Ah,¡ ayúdense, pues! Se están mirándo los unos a los otros.
Help each other, then! You're looking at one another.
00:14:59.995 - 00:15:02.705

Habrá sacado el imagen.
He must have impressed the image of it.
00:15:05.625 - 00:15:06.915

¡Apachiway! Apachikayamunim.
Apa-chi-wa-y Apa-chi-ka-ya-mu-ni-m
¡Envíamelo! Estoy enviando.
Send it to me! I'm sending it.
00:15:08.895 - 00:15:11.135
Aparachikamushaq asukarniykunata.
Apa-ra-chi-ka-mu-shaq asukar-ni-y-kuna-ta
Voy a mandar para mi asúcar todo.
I'm going to send for my sugar and all.
00:15:14.265 - 00:15:17.085

Kunsihayan wak sinbigwinsaqa wawiytapis.

Kunsiha-ya-n wak sinbigwinsa-qa wawi-y-ta-pis
advise-PROG-3 DEM.D shameless.person-TOP baby-1-ACC-ADD
Le está aconsejando ese sinvergüenza a mi hijo también.
That shameless person is advising my child, too.
00:15:24.945 - 00:15:27.645

Anqushaykim tragu.
Anqusha-yki-m tragu drink
Caríñalo con trago.
Entice him with liquor. TK
00:15:28.320 - 00:15:30.150

Washan quniyachimun. ¡Anchakuykuy!

Washa-n quni-ya-chi-mu-n Ancha-ku-yku-y
back-3 warm-PROG-CAUS-CISL-3's.back-EXCEP-IMP
Está haciendo calentar su espalda. ¡Échate!
He's having his back warmed. Lie down! TK
00:15:32.690 - 00:15:34.580 00:15:39.100 - 00:15:40.530

Antaqayamun. Ima kulurta antaqayamun para trayananpaq.

Antaqa-ya-mu-n Ima kulur-ta antaqa-ya-mu-n Para
turn.copper.color-PROG-CISL-3 what color-ACC turn.copper.colored-PROG-CISL-3
Está volviendo rojo el clima. ¿Qué color está volviendose el clima para que
llegue la lluvia.
[The sky] is turning red. What color is it turning so that the rain will come?
00:15:45.650 - 00:15:50.050

rain arrive-NMLZ-3-PURP

Anan allipi TK Wak warmipaq malkriyadutr kayan Akchikullaway.

Anan Wak warmi-paq malkriyadu-tr ka-ya-n Akchi-ku-lla-wa-y
DEM.D woman-GEN spoiled-EVC per-PROG-3 light-REFL-RSTR-1.OBJ-IMP
de esa mujer estará malcriado. ¡Alúmbrame!
that woman's must be spoiled. Light it for me!
00:15:55.500 - 00:15:58.760 00:15:59.205 - 00:16:00.535
Atrpayan. Kalur bastanti. ¡Achachakuyawanmi!
Atrpa-ya-n kalur bastanti achacha-ku-ya-wa-n-mi
climb-PROG-3 heat a.lot burn-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-3-EVD
Está trepando. Hay bastante calor. ¡Me está ardiendo!
he's climbing. It's really hot. It's burning me!
00:16:03.165 - 00:16:04.125 00:16:09.155 - 00:16:11.865

Achachakuyawanmi. Rupakuyan. Kalur. Rupakuyan.

Achacha-ku-ya-wa-n-mi Rupa-ku-ya-n Kalur Rupa-ku-ya-n
burn-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-3 burn-REFL-PROG-3 heat burn-REFL-PROG-3
Me está ardiendo. Está quemando, Calor, Está quemando.
It's burning me. It's burning. Heat. It's burning.
00:16:11.955 - 00:16:16.895

Chayta ruminta akllay. Ritamunña.

Chay-ta rumi-n-ta aklla-y ri-tamu-n-ña
DEM.D-ACC stone-3-ACC choose-IMP go-CMPL-3-DISC
¡Esa su piedra escoge! Ya se fue.
Select that stone! He left already.
00:16:20.250 - 00:16:21.810 00:16:25.745 - 00:16:26.935

Linrinchik uyariyan. Watri ... Watriruwan

Linri-nchik uyari-ya-n Watri Watri-ru-wa-n
ear-1.PL hear-PROG-3 prick prick-URGT-1.OBJ-3
Nuestro oído está escuchando. Me picó.
Our ears are hearing. It pricked me.
00:16:31.495 - 00:16:33.425 00:16:33.565 - 00:16:35.415

Watriwan chalka. Hatun chalka. Yana chalka. Ulanki chalka.

Watri-wa-n chalka Hatun chalka Yana chalka Ulanki chalka
prick-1.OBJ-3 thorn big thorn black thorn Ulanki thorn
Me hinca la espina. Espina grande, espina negra, espina ulanki.
The thorn pricks me. Big thorn. Black thorn. "Ulanki" thorn.
00:16:38.015 - 00:16:44.725

Alanwan raprayan.
Ala-n-wan rapra-ya-n
wing-3-INSTR flap.wings-PROG-3
Está aleteando con sus alas.
It's flapping its wings.
00:16:54.145 - 00:16:55.685

Latarun. Latarun wak pishqu sibadanchikta mikurunman.

Lata-ru-n Lata-ru-n wak pishqu sibada-nchik-ta miku-ru-n-man
land-URGT-3 land-URGT-3 DEM.D bird barley-1PL-ACC eat-URGT-3-COND
Se aterrizó. El pájaro se aterrizó en nuestra cebada. Lo puede comer.
It landed. That bird landed in our barley. It could eat it.
00:16:56.335 - 00:17:00.080

¡Puñukuy! ¡Puñukuy! Papata allashun!

Puñu-ku-y Puñu-ku-y Papa-ta alla-shun
sleep-REFL-IMP sleep-REFL-IMP potato-ACC harvest-1PL.FUT
¡Duérmete! ¡Duérmete! ¡Vamos a cosechar papas!
Sleep! Sleep! Let's dig potatoes!
00:17:02.070 - 00:17:03.830 00:17:13.005 - 00:17:14.265

¿Ima mikuytaq kay, nin?

Ima miku-y-taq kay ni-n
what eat-INF-SEQ DEM.P say-3
¿Qué comida es este? dice.
What food is this? they say.
00:17:14.690 - 00:17:16.470

¿Manachu gustan? ¿Saksarunkichu? Ñutu yanta.

Mana-chu gusta-n saksa-ru-nki-chu Ñutu ya-n-ta
no-Q like-3 fill-URGT-2-Q fine firewood
¿No te gusta? ¿Te has llenado? Leña pequeñito.
Don't you like it? Did you fill up [your stomach]? Small firewood
00:17:20.955 - 00:17:22.635 00:17:25.590 - 00:17:26.910

Amuña amuña . Allillam purinki. Allipaq. Dispasuyulla.

Amuña amuña Alli-lla-m puri-nki Alli-paq Dispasuyu-lla
slow slow good-RSTR-EVD walk-2 good-BEN slow-RSTR
Despacio Despacio. TKS. Con cuidado vas a ir. Para bueno. Despacio no más.
Slowly, slowly. Walk slowly. Nicely. Slowly.
00:17:27.005 - 00:17:31.045

Allilla rinki. Alliq makin malugrasha kayan.

Alli-lla ri-nki Alliq maki-n malugra-sha ka-ya-n
Allilla rinki. right hand-3 ruin-PRF be-PROG-3
Despacito vas a ir. Su mano derecha está malogrado.
Go slowly. His right hand is messed up.
00:17:31.140 - 00:17:32.220 00:17:35.055 - 00:17:37.295

Allqu anyayan, seguro, pues. Allquy hitarayan.

Allqu anya-ya-n Allqu-y hita-raya-n
dog bark-PROG-3 dog-1 throw-PASS-3
El perro está ladrando, seguro, pues. Mi perro está tirado.
The dog is barking, for sure, then. My dog is lying down.
00:17:52.460 - 00:17:55.780

Llulla llullam wak runa.
Llulla llulla-m wak runa
lie lie-EVD DEM.D person
Mentirosa mentirosa es esa persona.
That person is a liar, a liar.
00:18:03.460 - 00:18:05.110

Takparun kanan mana traskinmanchu. Takparun.

Takpa-ru-n kanan mana traski-n-man-chu Takpa-ru-n
jinx.URGT-3 now no receive-3-COND-NEG jinx-URGT-3
Llegó alguien cuando iba a tender la mesa y no puede recibir.
TK now it won't accept it.
00:18:05.860 - 00:18:09.090

Qullun wak warmikunam TK Bullakuyan.

Qullu-n wak warmi-kuna Bulla-ku-ya-n
die-3 DEM.D woman-PL noise-REFL-PROG-3
Terminan esas mujeres. Están haciendo bulla. [Hay bulla]
Those women die. They're making noise.
00:18:12.400 - 00:18:13.970 00:18:14.610 - 00:18:18.600

qaparkachayan waqraq bullata ruwayan.

qapa-rkacha-ya-n waqraq TKE bulla-ta ruwa-ya-n
moo noise-ACC make-PROG-3
Está gritando la vaca. Está haciendo bulla.
The cow is crying. It's making noise.
00:18:18.790 - 00:18:21.470

Waqayan vaka biran biran está diciendo dirá.

Waqa-ya-n vaka biran biran
cry-PROG-3 cow biran biran
Está gritando la vaca "¡Biran! ¡Biran!" está diciendo.
The cow is crying, "Biran! Biran!" it's saying.
00:18:22.895 - 00:18:27.405

Makiyman yaykurun waqcha. Waqcham yaykurun.

Maki-y-man yayku-ru-n waqcha Waqcha-m yayku-ru-n
hand-1-ALL enter-URGT-3 splinter splinter-EVD enter-URGT-3
A mi manó entró astilla. Una astilla entró.
A splinter entered my hand. A splinter entered.
00:18:27.595 - 00:18:29.455 00:18:36.530 - 00:18:38.295

Prick it! TK
00:18:38.925 - 00:18:40.065

Raskayan. Achpikuyan. Achpiyanya. Amam raskankichu.

Raska-ya-n Achpi-ku-ya-n Achpi-ya-n-ya Ama-m raska-nki-chu
scratch-PROG-3 scratch-REFL-PROG-3 dig-PROG-3-EMPH PROH-EVD scratch-2-NEG
Está rascando. Está rascando. Está rescando. No lo rasques!
IHe's scratching. He's scratching. He's digging. Don't scratch!
00:18:46.730 - 00:18:51.340

Mingaynin achka kasha.

Mingay-ni-n achka ka-sha
a.lot be-PRF
Tiene muchos peones.
He has a lot of hired hands.
00:18:53.560 - 00:18:55.250

Mishinchikpis qurpachakun.
Mishi-nchik-pis qurpacha-ku-n
cat-1PL-ADD host.guests-REFL-3
Nuestro gato dice que va a tener visita [se lava la cara]
Our cat is fashing its face [we're going to have visitors].
00:18:56.990 - 00:18:58.790

purupachakurun wak mishi.

purupa-cha-ku-ru-n wak mishi
TKE wash.face-REFL-URGT-3 DEM.D cat
Ese gato se lava la cara.
That cat washed its face.
00:19:04.860 - 00:19:06.260

Muquyan muquruy muquruy muquruy

Muqu-ya-n muqu-ru-y muqu-ru-y muqu-ru-y
cut.throat-PROG-3 cut.throat-URGT-IMP cut.throat-URGT-IMP cut.throat-URGT-IMP
Está cortandole el cuello. ¡Córtale el cuello! ¡Córtale el cuello! ¡Córtale el
He's cutting its throat. Cut ts throat! Cut its throat! TK
00:19:07.345 - 00:19:09.795

Muqakurun trakinpis muqarunshi. Makinpis muqanshi.

Muqa-ku-ru-n traki-n-pis muqa-ru-n-shi Maki-n-pis muqa-n-shi
dislocate-REFL-URGT-3 foot-3-ADD dislocate-URGT-3-EVR hand-3-ADD dislocate-3-EVR
Lo dislocó. Dislocó su pie, dice. Dislocó su mano también, dice.
He dislocated it. He dislocated his foot. He dislocated his hand, too.
00:19:16.385 - 00:19:20.815

Pasapasaypaq. Parakatrayan yanqalla.

Pasa-pasaypaq Para-katra-ya-n yanqa-lla
pass-too.much rain-REPET-PROG-3 lie-RSTR
Total, total. Está cayendo gotas de lluvia, poquito no más.
Completely. It's drizzling a little. TK
00:19:24.345 - 00:19:26.235 00:19:30.505 - 00:19:33.015

Parlakushun tinkushanchikta.
Parla-ku-shun tinku-sha-nchik-ta
talk-REFL-1PL.FUT find-PRF-1PL-ACC
Vamos a converar de lo que hemos encontrado.
Let's talk about what we found.
00:19:41.175 - 00:19:42.905

Imallatapis mikushun ya tinkushanchik trayamushanchik.

Ima-lla-ta-pis miku-shun ya tinku-sha-nchik traya-mu-sha-nchik
what-RSTR-ACC-ADD eat-1PL EMPH find-PRF-1PL arrive-CISL-PRF-1PL
Vamos a comer lo que sea, lo que hemos encontrado, lo que llegamos.
We'll eat whatver, what we found, what we arrived [upon].
00:19:53.655 - 00:19:56.785

Qutra patanpa. Orilla de estanco. ¿Timpuyanchu manachu manka?

Qutra pata-n-pa Timpu-ya-n-chu mana-chu manka
reservoir bank-3-LOC boil-PROG-3-Q no-Q pot
Orilla de estanco. Orilla de estanco. ¿Está hirviendo o no la olla?
Banks of the reservoir. Banks of the reservoir. Is the pot boiling or not?
00:19:57.095 - 00:19:59.025 00:19:59.485 - 00:20:02.295

Mana, aw? Wayaruntri.

Mana aw Waya-ru-n-tri
no yes fill.with.liquid-URGT-3-EVC
No, ¿no? Emposaría.
No, no? It'll have filled up.
00:20:03.365 - 00:20:04.115 00:20:04.795 - 00:20:05.955

Timpuyan. Rupayan nina.

Timpu-ya-n Rupa-ya-n nina
boil-PROG-3 burn-PROG- fire
Está hirviendo. Está ardiendo candela.
It's boiling. The fire is burning.
00:20:06.290 - 00:20:07.540 00:20:09.645 - 00:20:11.005

¡Rupachun! ¡Rupachun nina! Aya, pata pata kakuyan.

rupa-chun rupa-chun nina Aya pata pata ka-ku-ya-n
burn-INJUNC burn-INJUNC fire Aya, terrace terrace be-REFL-PROG-3
¡Qué arde! ¡Qué arde la candela! Aya, andén, andén es.
Let it burn! Let the fire birn! Ayy, it's terraces.
00:20:11.560 - 00:20:12.970 00:20:14.120 - 00:20:16.590
Yapam pataranakurusha dijo?
Yapa-m pata-ra-naku-ru-sha
De vuelta hay que estar uno sobre el otro, ¿dijo?
Again, they have to be one on top of the other, he said? TK
00:20:23.090 - 00:20:25.830

Hitrqasham kayan.
Hitrqa-sha-m ka-ya-n
incline-PRF-EVD be-PROG-3
Está inclinado.
It's inclined.
00:20:27.545 - 00:20:28.965

Kwintata quykurun. Kwintata quykurun.

Kwinta-ta qu-yku-ru-n Kwinta-ta qu-yku-ru-n
story-ACC give-EXCEP-URGT-3 story-ACC give-EXCEP-URGT-3
Le rendió la cuento. Le rendió la cuenta.
He accounted for it. He accounted for it.
00:20:30.205 - 00:20:33.015

Yatrayta quykurunñam. Kwintata quykurunñam.

Yatra-y-ta qu-yku-ru-n-ña-m Kwinta-ta quyku-ru-n-ña-m
Dió de saber. Rendió la cuenta ya.
He made it known. He accounted for it.
00:20:36.445 - 00:20:39.265

Pichirachimuy wak wambrata.

Pichi-ra-chi-mu-y wak wambra-ta
Házle orinar ese niño.
Have that child pee.
00:20:40.040 - 00:20:42.590

Panqanmi. Panqan shuntushun.

Panqa-n-mi Panqa-n shuntu-shun
husk-3-EVD husk-3 gather-1PL.FUT
Vamos a reunir su panca.
Their husks. We're going to gather up their husks.
00:20:47.820 - 00:20:51.120

Qutushun chay panqata. Animalninchik mikunanpaq.

Qutu-shun chay panqa-ta Animal-ni-nchik miku-na-n-paq
gather-1PL.FUT DEM.D husk-ACC animal-EUPH-1PL eat-NMLZ-3-PURP
Vamos a reuinir esas pancas para que coma nuetro animal.
We're going to gather up those husks so our animals can eat.
00:20:51.370 - 00:20:54.835

Machakamuy. Machakuyanqa papata.

Macha-ka-mu-y Macha-ku-ya-nqa papa-ta
crush-REFL-CISL-IMP crush-REFL-PROG-3.FUT potato-ACC
Está machacando la papa. Va a estar machacando la papa. [para que cuspe]
He's crushing the potatoes. He's going to be crushing the potatoes.
00:20:56.195 - 00:20:59.405

Watarachimunña. Watakurunña.
Wata-ra-chi-mu-n-ña Wata-ku-ru-n-ña
Ya se lo hizo amarrar. Ya lo amarró.
He already had him tie it. He already tied it.
00:21:09.065 - 00:21:11.785

Watanñam karun wañukushan.

Wata-n-ña-m ka-ru-n wañu-ku-sha-n
year-3-DISC-EVD be-URGT-3 die-REFL-PRF-3
Es un año lo que falleció.
It's been a year since he died.
00:21:11.990 - 00:21:14.060

Watarunñam. Lutunchik pichashunña

Wata-ru-n-ña-m Lutu-nchik picha-shun-ña TKE q
year-URGT-3-DISC-EVD mourning-1PL sweep-1PL.FUT-DISC
Ya es un año. Vamos a hacer nustra quema-luto.
It's a year already. We're going to burn our mourning clothes.
00:21:21.090 - 00:21:23.900

Yanukushun chakillata papata chaki.

Yanu-ku-shun chaki-lla-ta papa-ta chaki
cook-REFL-1PL.FUT dry-RSTR-ACC potato-ACC dry
Vamos a sancochar seco no más. Papas. Seco.
We're going to cook TK.
00:21:24.640 - 00:21:26.880

Katrimari katrimari. Ashirushaq katrita.

Katri-m-ari katri-m-ari Ashi-ru-shaq katri-ta
loose-EVD-EMPH loose-EVD-EMPH look.for-URGT-1.FUT salt-ACC
Sal, sal. Voy a buscar sal.
Salt. Salt. I'm going to look for salt.
00:21:32.060 - 00:21:35.050

Aa, paspakuyan. Shimiy pasparun cuando
Aa, paspa-ku-ya-n Shimi-y paspa-ru-n
Aa, crack-REFL-PROG-3 mouth-1 crack-URGT-3
Están cuarteando. Mi boca se cuarteó cuando ...
They're cracking. My mouth cracked when ...
00:21:36.320 - 00:21:39.980

Qalluymi qachayan qalluymi qachayan. Aay, makiy ñitikuruni.

qallu-y-mi qacha-ya-n qalluymi qacha-ya-n Aay, maki-y ñiti-ku-ru-ni
tongue-1-EVD rip-PROG-3 toungue-1-EVD rip-PROG-3 Aay, hand-1 crush-REFL-URGT-1
Mi lengua está rajando. Mi lengua está rajando. Aay, aplasté mi mano.
My tongue is cracking. My tongue is cracking. Ayy, I crushed my hand.
00:21:41.410 - 00:21:44.060 00:21:46.920 - 00:21:49.150

Piqayan matrkakuyan. Piqayan.

Piqa-ya-n matrka-ku-ya-n Piqa-ya-n
grind-PROG-3 ground.grain-REFL-PROG-3 -PROG-3
Está moliendo fintito. Está moliendo finito.
She's grinding it fine. She's grinding it. She's grinding it fine.
00:21:52.890 - 00:21:56.250

Pikichu imam hapiruwan. Tunipamá tunimun. TK

Piki-chu ima-m hapi-ru-wa-n Tuni-ku-y-m-á TK tuni-mu-n
Piki-Q what-EVD grab-REFL-1.OBJ-3 demolish-REFL-2-EVD-INTENS TK demolish-CISL-3
Piqui, creo, me agarró. Derrumbaste, derrumbó.
I think piqui caught me.
00:22:04.810 - 00:22:06.520 00:22:14.390 - 00:22:16.160

Pinqawanman wak runaqa. Pinqayawanki.

Pinqa-wa-n-man wak runa-qa Pinqa-ya-wa-nki
shame-1.OBJ-3-COND TK DEM.D person-TOP shame-PROG-1.OBJ-2
Ese persona me puede fijar. Me estás fijando.
That person could shame me. You're shaming me.
00:22:19.275 - 00:22:21.215 00:22:23.465 - 00:22:24.685

Pipu pipum kayan. Kaldunchik pipurun.

Pipu pipu-m ka-ya-n Kaldu-nchik pipu-ru-n
thick thick-EVD be-PROG-3 soup-1PL thicken-URGT-3
Está espeso, espeso. Nuestra sopa está espeso.
It's thick. Our soup thickened.
00:22:25.630 - 00:22:27.370 00:22:28.330 - 00:22:29.900

¡Aylluruy! Puqusu alli hatarirun habunpaq

Ayllu-ru-y Puqusu alli hata-ri-ru-n habun-paq
wrap-URGT-IMP foam good rise-INCEP-URGT-3 soap-ABL
¡Envuélvelo! Espuma levantó bien bien del jabón.
Wrap it up! A lot of foam rose from the soap.
00:22:34.355 - 00:22:36.180 00:22:37.430 - 00:22:40.410

Yatrapayan rimashanta. Puqusu, puqusu. ¡Puqusunta upyay!

Yatra-pa-ya-n rima-sha-n-ta Puqusu puqusu Puqusu-n-ta upya-y
know-BEN-PROG-3 talk-PRF-3-ACC foam foam foam-3-ACC drink-IMP
Le está remedando lo que habla. Espuma, espuma. Su espuma, ¡tómate!
He's imitating what she says. Foam, foam. Drink its foam!
00:22:41.465 - 00:22:43.405 00:22:47.135 - 00:22:51.665

Kapas kaldunchik anqi qay

Kapas kaldu-nchik anqi qay
perhaps soup-1PL bitter hey
Capaz nuetra sopa está picando, oye!
Maybe our soup is bitter. Hey!
00:23:05.125 - 00:23:06.835

Anqirunman chay yakuta yapaykushaq baldiwan.

Anqi-ru-n-man chay yaku-ta yapa-yku-shaq baldi-wan
be.bitter-URGT-3-COND DEM.D water-ACC repeat-EXCEP-1.FUT bucket-INSTR
Estará picando. Le voy a aumentar agua con un balde.
It might be bitter. I'm going to add water to it with a bucket.
00:23:09.655 - 00:23:13.015

manantial. manantialpa yakun shutuyan. Pukyu shutuyan. Pukyu patryaramusham.

manantial manantial-pa yaku-n shutu-ya-n Pukyu shutu-ya-n Pukyu patiya-ra-mu-sha-m
spring spring-GEN water-3 drip-PROG-3 well drip-URGT-CISL-PRF-3 reservoir
manantial. El agua del manantial está goteando. El pozo está goteando. El manantial
había reventado.
Spring. The spring's water is dripping. The well is dripping. The spring had
00:23:17.095 - 00:23:23.505

manantial patryamusham. Usiyarunqatr para.

manantial patrya-mu-sha-m usiya-ru-nqa-tr para
burst-PST-EVD reservoir explode-URGT-PRF-EVD clear.up-URGT-3.FUT-EVC rain
El manantial había reventado. Va a descampar la lluvia.
The spring had overflowed. The rain is going to clear up.
00:23:27.595 - 00:23:30.445

Puran makin. Kuskan makin. Kuskan traki. Kuskan. Ichuq, alliq makin, trakin.
Puran maki-n Kuska-n maki-n Kuska-n traki Kuskan Ichuq alliq maki-n traki-n
both hand-3 together-3 hand-3 together-3 foot together-3 left right hand-3 foot
Sus dos manos. Los dos manos, los dos pies. Los dos. Izquierda, derecha. Su
mano, su pie.
Her two hands. Her two hands. Both feet. Both. Left, right. Her hand, her foot.
00:23:32.195 - 00:23:40.225

Puqusha killa
Puqu-sha killa
mature-PRF moon
Luna llena.
Full moon.
00:23:40.305 - 00:23:41.735

Timpuyan luqluqyayan manka. Luqluqluqyakuyan chay manka, ¡ve!.

Timpu-ya-n luqluqya-ya-n manka Luqluqluq-ya-ku-ya-n chay manka,
boil-PROG-3 luqluqya-PROG-3 pot Luqluqluqya-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D pot
Está hirviendo la olla. Está sonando 'luq, luq, luq'. Está sonando 'luq, luq,
luq' la olla, ¡ve!
The pot is boiling. It's going "luq, luq, luq." The pot is going "luq, luq,
luq." Look!
00:23:44.445 - 00:23:49.415

Ismuyan yanta parawan. Uqushpaya ismun.

Ismu-ya-n yanta para-wan Uqu-shpa-ya ismu-n
rot-PROG-3 firewood rain-INSTR wet-SUBIS-EMPH rot-3
Está podriendo a leña con lluvia. Mojando, pues, está pudriendo,
The wood is rotting with the rain. Getting wet, it rots.
00:23:53.465 - 00:23:58.235

Chay ushapis waqakuyan mancha mancha

Chay usha-pis waqa-ku-ya-n mancha mancha
DEM.D sheep-ADD cry-REFL-PROG-3 a.lot a.lot
Esa oveja también está balando de alaja de alaja.
That sheep is crying a lot, a lot.
00:24:00.785 - 00:24:03.585

Wawiymi. Huknin willkaymi.

Wawi-y-mi Huk-ni-n willka-y-mi
baby-1-EVD one-EUPH-3 grandchild-1-EVD
Mi hijo es. El otro es mi nieto.
He's my child. The other is my grandchild.
00:24:04.735 - 00:24:07.715

Gustu gustu wak qapakatrashpa pilutata maqtakuna.

Gustu gustu wak qapa-katra-shpa piluta-ta maqta-kuna
pleasure pleasure DEM.D shout-REPET-SUBIS ball-ACC
Con gusto gritando gritando. Los muchachos [patean] la pelota. TK
Shouting with pleasure, the boys [kick] the ball.
00:24:18.640 - 00:24:23.280

Putka putka yaku kayan.

Putka putka yaku ka-ya-n
turbid turbid water be-PROG-3
Turbio turbio está el agua.
The water is turbid, turbid.
00:24:29.910 - 00:24:32.560

Kutriytam niyan riku. Kaqniyuq wak.

Kutriy-ta-m ni-ya-n riku Ka-q-ni-yuq wak
TKS-1-ACC-EVD say-PROG-3 delicious be-AG-EUPH-POSS DEM.D
A mi Cutri le dice rico. El es de tener. TK
00:24:36.580 - 00:24:40.430

Para hacer nuestra chicha.
So we can make our chicha beer.
00:24:41.420 - 00:24:42.980

¡Chunkuman winay! Aswa puchqunanpaq. Tarpunanchikpaq.

Chunku-man wina-y Aswa puchqu-na-n-paq Tarpu-na-nchik-paq
bottle-ALL toss-IMP chicha mature-NMLZ-3-PURP plant-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
¡Echale al botellón! Para que la chicha madure. Para que sembremos.
Toss it into the bottle TK. So that the chicha beer matures. So we can plant.
00:24:44.990 - 00:24:48.830

Achapamushun, Haku ukanchikkunata.

Acha-pa-mu-shun Haku uka-nchik-kuna-ta
dig-BEN-CISL-1PL.FUT let's oca-1PL-PL-ACC
Vamos a escarbar nuestra oca todo.
Let's dig our oca.
00:24:49.375 - 00:24:52.005

Sí, kuyani ñuqa achka achkata. Mancha kuyani wawiyta.

kuya-ni ñuqa achka achka-ta Mancha kuya-ni wawi-y-ta
love-1 1 a.lot a.lot-ACC a.lot love-1 baby-1-ACC
Si, yo lo cariño mucho. Total carñino a mi hijo.
Yes, I love him a lot. I love my child a lot.
00:24:56.425 - 00:25:00.945

Llumchuyniytapis wawiytahina ñuqa kuyani.

Llumchuy-ni-y-ta-pis wawi-y-ta-hina ñuqa kuya-ni baby-1-ACC-COMP 1 love-1
A mi nuera también yo la quiero como a mi hija.
I love my daughter-in-law, too, like my child.
00:25:01.445 - 00:25:04.205

Payachaña kayani. Sibadata wichimushun.
Paya-cha-ña ka-ya-ni Sibada-ta wichi-mu-shun
old.woman-DIM-DISC be-PROG-1 barley-ACC scatter-CISL-1PL.FUT
Viejita ya estoy. Aha, vamos a ramar cebada.
I'm an old lady already. Aha, we're going to scatter [plant] barley.
00:25:07.650 - 00:25:09.550 00:25:09.760 - 00:25:11.850

¿Ima kaq tushuy chayqa? Tushukushun chimaytrawan

Ima ka-q tushu-y chay-qa Tushu-ku-shun chimaycha-wan
what be-AG dance-INF DEM.D-TOP dance-REFL-1PL.FUT dance.variety-INSTR
¿Qué clase de baile es-RSTR? Vamos a bailar con chimaycha.
What kind of dance is that? We're going to dance chimaycha.
00:25:11.970 - 00:25:13.820 00:25:14.900 - 00:25:17.280

Wiksaymi nanan tardillan piru. Llakikuni manchayta.

Wiksa-y-mi nana-n tardi-lla-n piru Llaki-ku-ni mancha-y-ta
stomach-1-EVD hurt-3 afternoon-RSTR-3 but sorrow-REFL-1 scare-INF-ACC
Mi estómago duele nada más en las tardes. Total tengo miedo- TK
My stomach only hurts in the afternoon. I sorrow. Fear.
00:25:19.585 - 00:25:21.965 00:25:23.225 - 00:25:24.845

vakaypaq allalli shunquy llakin. asss

vaka-y-paq allalli shunqu-y llaki-n asss
cow-1-BEN a.lot heart-1 sorrow-3 asss
Para mi vaca mi corazón tiene pena duro.
My heart sorrows a lot for my cows.
00:25:25.630 - 00:25:28.180

Qamya desabrido kay manam gustun kanchu kaldupa.

Qamya desabrido kay mana-m gustu-n ka-n-chu kaldu-pa
tasteless bland DEM.P no-EVD flavor-3 be-3-NEG soup-GEN
Desabrido. Está sin sabor. El caldo no tiene gusto.
Insipid. It's tasteless. The soup doesn't have flavor.
00:25:33.890 - 00:25:36.880

Quyurun. Qasilla kay.

Quyu-ru-n Qasi-lla kay tranquil-RSTR DEM.P
[Las papas] volvieron verde. Es trankillo. TK
[The potatoes] turned green. It is calm.
00:25:37.180 - 00:25:38.430 00:25:43.100 - 00:25:44.060

Qatakuyña qatakuyña.
Qata-ku-y-ña qata-ku-y-ña
También dice tápate ya tápate ya, dice.
They also say, cover yourself up already, cover yourself up already, they say.
00:25:44.430 - 00:25:47.560

Qatiyan wasita. Qatinakuyan.

Qati-ya-n wasi-ta Qati-na-ku-ya-n
roof-PROG-3 house-ACC follow-RECIP-PROG-3
Está techando la casa. Se están correteando.
They're roofing the house. They're chasing after one another.
00:25:48.145 - 00:25:51.385

Yarqanayan. Yarqaypaqñam wañukuyan.

Yarqa-naya-n Yarqa-y-paq-ña-m wañu-ku-ya-n
hunger-DESR-3 hunger-INF-ABL-DISC-EVD die-REFL-PROG-3
Total tiene hambre. Está muriendo de hambre ya.
They're starving. They're dying of hunger already.
00:25:51.575 - 00:25:54.755

Piñakusham kayan. Rabiyusum wak runaqa.

Piña-ku-sha-m ka-ya-n Rabiyusu-m wak runa-qa
angry-REFL-PRF-EVD be-PROG-3 angry-EVD DEM.D person-TOP
Está molesto. Rabioso es ese gente.
he's angry. That person is angry.
00:25:57.940 - 00:26:01.160

Aa, kuralmanña qaykurun. Chakiyanñam.

Aa, kural-man-ña qayku-ru-n Chaki-ya-n-ña-m
Aa, coral-ALL-DISC dry-INCH-3-DISC-EVD
Ah, ya lo ha echado al coral. Está secando ya.
Ah, he's already coraled them up. It's drying already.
00:26:02.125 - 00:26:04.055 00:26:04.340 - 00:26:05.435

Qawiyan. Pasaypi qawiyan. Ukam qawiyan.

Qawi-ya-n Pasa-y-pi qawi-ya-n Uka-m qawi-ya-n
dry.out-PROG-3 too.much dry.out-PROG-3 oca-EVD dry.out-PROG-3
Está total duro. Total duro. La oca está duro.
It's completely dry [hard]. Completely hard. The oca is dry.
00:26:05.925 - 00:26:10.985

Suliyayan. Suliyachikushaq ukata. Ñawi qichipsayki.

Suliya-ya-n Suliya-chi-ku-shaq uka-ta Ñawi qichipsa-yki
sun-PROG-3 sun-CAUS-REFL-1.FUT oca-ACC eye eyelash-2
Está soleando. Voy a solear la oca. La pestaña de tu ojo.
It's sunning. I'm going to sun the oca. You eye's lashes.
00:26:12.495 - 00:26:15.270 00:26:15.530 - 00:26:17.850

Qipachakun. Uyru ya kayan qallun.

Qipa-cha-ku-n Uyru ya ka-ya-n qallu-n
front-FACT-REFL-3 round EMPH be-PROG-3 tongue-3
Se pone adelante. Redondo está la lengua.
He puts himself in front. Her tongue is round.
00:26:18.215 - 00:26:19.935 00:26:20.745 - 00:26:22.365

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Lincha_SV_Kitchen.eaf
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 2:22 PM


Kasarakuni. ¿Chayqa ayka watayuqsha? ¿Ayka watañatr kasarashay?

Kasara-ku-ni Chay-qa ayka wata-yuq-sh-a Ayka wata-ña-tr kasara-sha-y
marry-REFL-1 DEM.D-TOP how.many year-POSS- how.many year-DISC-EVC marry-PRF-1
¿Me he casado a cuántos años, dice? ¿Cuántos años ya será que yo me he casado?
I got married at how old, they say? How many years would it be since I got
00:00:00.200 - 00:00:05.260

Ñuqa kasarakuni kimsa trunka ishkayniyuq watayuq

Ñuqa kasara-ku-ni kimsa trunka ishkay-ni-yuq wata-yuq
1 marry-REFL-1 three ten two-EUPH-POSS year-POSS
Yo me casé a los treinta y dos años.
I got married when I was thirty-two years old.
00:00:05.420 - 00:00:11.520

Kasarakushpa mana riqsiyashpa ya kasarani.

Kasara-ku-shpa mana riqsi-ya-shpa ya kasa-ra-ni
marry-REFL-SUBIS no know-PROG-SUBIS EMPH marry-PST-1
Cuando me casé no conocía [a mis esposo]. me casé.
When I got married, I didn't know [my husband].
00:00:38.280 - 00:00:44.920

Mi padre ñuqapa padri niraq kara allin riprisintantihina Alejandro Flores

ñuqa-pa padri niraq ka-ra allin riprisintanti-hina Alejandro Flores Millán.
1-GEN father class be-PST good representative-SIM Alejandro Flores Millán
Mi padre, mi padrino era, un buen representante, Alejandro Flores Milán.
My father, my godfather was a good representative, Alejandro Flores Millán.
00:00:45.240 - 00:00:52.070

Chay mana riqsinakuyashpa kasarayman trayani.

Chay mana riqsi-naku-ya-shpa kasara-y-man traya-ni
DEM.D no know-RECIP-PROG-SUBIS marry-1-COND arrive-1
Sin conocer llegué a casarme.
Without knowing, I arrived to get married.
00:01:04.529 - 00:01:07.989

Tierra también allpipis kayna muyuyachiwan kayna muyuyani muyuyani

allpi-pis kay-na muyu-ya-chi-wan kay-na muyu-ya-ni muyu-ya-ni
dirt-ADD DEM.D-VRBZ turn-PROG-CAUS-1.OBJ-3 DEM.P-VRBZ turn-PROG-1 turn-PROG-1
Tierra también, tierra también me está haciendo dar vuelta. Así estoy dando
vuelta dando vuelta.
Dirt, too, dirt, too, is making me turn around. I'm turning around, turning
around, like this.
00:01:12.269 - 00:01:18.149

Siptikuyani. Mana imapaq valiq wak uchuk runalla.

Sipti-ku-ya-ni Mana ima-paq vali-q wak uchuk runa-lla
pinch-REFL-PROG-1 no what-PURP be.worth-AG DEM.D small person-RSTR
[Me] estoy piniscando. No vale nada ese hombre chiquitito.
I'm pinching [myself]. This little man isn't worth anything.
00:01:24.309 - 00:01:29.249

Atataw. Ankapis kitawanqash. Gabilan me va a quitar seguro cuando anda mi

delante, ya sabía decir..
Atataw Anka-pis kita-wa-nqa-sh
Atataw. eagle-ADD take.away-1.OBJ-3.FUT-EVR
Qué asco. Un gabilán también me lo quitará. Gabilan me va a quitar seguro
cuando anda mi delante, ya sabía decir.
How disgusting! A gull, too, is going to take him away from me. A gull is going
to take him, for sure, when he's walking in front of me, I knew to say.
00:01:32.369 - 00:01:38.289

Uchuk runa ankapis kitawanmanshi.

Uchuk runa anka-pis kita-wa-n-man-shi
small person eagle-ADD take.away-1.OBJ-3-COND-EVR
Hombre chiquito. Gabilán también me lo quitará.
Small man. A gull, too, is going to take him away from me, they say.
00:01:38.289 - 00:01:41.389

Runa wanaypitr kayani.

Runa-wa-naya-pi-tr ka-ya-ni
person-TK-DESR-LOC-EVC be-PROG-1
Estoy en necesidad de la gente
I need someone.
00:01:42.359 - 00:01:44.639

Kay kasarayta munaptiyqa kayantri wak allqu hatunin chaywan kasaraykuyman,

Kay kasara-y-ta muna-pti-y-qa ka-ya-n-tri wak allqu hatun chay-wan
DEM.P marry-1-ACC want-SUBDS-1-TOP be-PROG-3-EVC DEM.D dog big DEM.D-INSTR
Cuando quiero casarme habrá bueno grande con-RSTR me puedo casar, decía.
When I want to get married, there will be a bog dog. I can marry it, I said.
00:01:44.859 - 00:01:49.839

wawa, ¿imapaqmi pinqayta trurawanki, me dice.

kasara-yku-y-man wawa ima-paq-mi pinqa-y-ta trura-wa-nki
marry-EXCEP-1-COND baby what-PURP-EVD shame-INF-ACC put-1.OBJ-2
Hija, '¿Porqué me das verguenza?' me dice.
Daughter, "Why do shame me?" she said to me.
00:01:56.399 - 00:02:00.919

Amam asiptankimanachu kara chayna kasuqa.

Ama-m asipta-nki-man-chu ka-ra chay-na kasu-qa.
'No deberías de aceptar en ese caso'.
"You shouldn't accept in that case."
00:02:01.399 - 00:02:04.519

Imapaq asiptaranki kanan ñuqa manam valiqhina kanan madrinapaq valikuptin kanan
Ima-paq asipta-ra-nki kanan ñuqa mana-m vali-q-hina kanan madrina-paq
what-PURP accept-PST-2 now 1 no-EVD be.worth-AG-SIM now godmother-PURP
'¿Para qué has aceptado? Ahora parece que no valgo de madrina cuando se me
suplica. Voy a quedar [mal]'.
"Why did you accept? Now it'll seem that I'm not worth anything when they ask
me to be a godmother. I'm going to stay [bad].
00:02:04.749 - 00:02:10.049

vali-ku-pti-n kanan kida-shaq

be.worth-REFL-SUBDS-3 now stay-1.FUT

Waqakuyani. Kayna muyukayachiwan pampa.

Waqa-ku-ya-ni Kay-na muyu-ka-ya-chi-wa-n pampa
Estoy llorando. Así me está haciendo dar vuelta por pampa.
I'm crying. The ground is making me turn around like this.
00:02:15.389 - 00:02:18.429

Wakcha. Wakcha wawam chayqa kakun runallawan wiñakuq, dijo.

Wakcha Wakcha wawa-m chay-qa ka-ku-n runa-lla-wan wiña-ku-q
orphan orphan baby-EVD DEM.D-TOP be-REFL-3 grow-RSTR-1.OBJ-3 grow-REFL-AG
Huerfano, Bebé huerfano. Eso era. Con gente no más ha crecido, dijo.
Orphan. Orphan baby. He was that. He grew up just with people, he said.
00:02:58.359 - 00:03:03.099

Uywakashunkim wasi huntapim. Allin allin trabahadurmi kanqa chay runa, me dice,
Uywa-ka-shunki-m wasi hunta-pi-m Allin allin trabahadur-mi ka-nqa chay runa
raise-PASSACC-3> house fill-LOC-EVD good good worker-EVD be-3.FUT DEM.D person
Te va a criar en una casa llena. Ese hombre va a ser buen trabajador, me dice,
He's going to raise you in a full house. That man is going to be a good worker,
they said to me, then.
00:03:03.719 - 00:03:11.239

Ñuqa shamuptiy silvapaq

Ñuqa shamu-pti-y silva-paq

1 come-SUBDS-1 rain.forest-ABL
Yo cuando vine de selva.
When I came from the rainforest.
00:03:51.599 - 00:03:54.279

Silvapaq shamuptiy alkansawan na militaris.

Silva-paq shamu-pti-y alkansa-wan na militaris
rain.forest-ABL come-SUBDS-1 reach-1.OBJ-3 DMY soldiers
Me alcanzaron militares cuando llegué de la selva.
WHen I came from the rainforest, the, um, soldiers caught up with me.
00:03:54.439 - 00:03:58.319

Tarde llegando para Warmiqucha chaypi puñukuni.

Warmiqucha chay-pi puñu-ku-ni
Warmiqucha DEM.D-LOC sleep-REFL-1
Tarde llegando para Warmi Qucha allí me dormí.
I arrived late at Warmiqucha and I slept there.
00:03:58.709 - 00:04:02.749

Despues wak qayantinqa pasakamuni kaymanña.

wak qayantin-qa pasa-ka-mu-ni kay-man-ña
Después al día siguente, pasé aquí.
Them the next day, I came here.
00:04:03.099 - 00:04:05.939

Chay laguna tirminasyunpa alkansaramuwashpa kutichiwan

Chay laguna tirminasyun-pa alkansa-ra-mu-wa-shpa kuti-chi-wa-n
DEM.D lake end-LOC reach-URGT-CISL-1.OBJ-3 return-CAUS-1.OBJ-3
Cuando me alcanzaron donde termina esa laguna, me hicieron regresar.
When they caught up with me at the end of the lake, they made me go back.
00:04:15.659 - 00:04:19.739

Ishlla kukallata apakamun silvapaq.

Ishlla kuka-lla-ta apa-ka-mu-n silva-paq
little coca-RSTR-ACC bring-REFL-CISL-3 rain.forest-ABL
Poquita coca no más traje de la selva.
I brought just a little coca from the rainforest.
00:04:23.489 - 00:04:27.329

Chay drugata qipinki nishpa yaqa mahawanpis.

Chay druga-ta qipi-nki ni-shpa yaqa maqa-wa-n-pis
DEM.D drug-ACC carry-1 say-SUBIS again hit-1.OBJ-3-ADD
'Cargas esa droga', dijo, y casi me pega.
"You're carrying drugs," he said and almost hit me.
00:04:27.789 - 00:04:30.969

Ñuqa ruwashaq drugata hurqushaq?

Ñuqa ruwa-shaq druga-ta hurqu-shaq
1 make-1.FUT drug-ACC take.out-1.FUT
¿[Qué] voy a hacer? ¿[Qué] voy a hacer? ¿Voy a sacar droga?'
"[What] am I going to do? [What] am I going to do? Am I going to get drugs out
of it?"
00:04:42.829 - 00:04:45.349

Intindirushpa pushawan Warmiquchaman.

Intindi-ru-shpa pusha-wa-n Warmiqucha-man
understand-URGT-SUBIS take.along-1.OBJ-3 Warmiqucha-ALL
Entendió y me llevó a Warmi Qucha.
He understood and he took me to Warmi Qucha.
00:04:52.939 - 00:04:55.459

Warmiquchapaq wasikunaman witrqarariwan

Warmiqucha-paq wasi-kuna-man witrqa-ra-ri-wa-n
Warmiqucha-ABL house-PL-ALL close-UNINT-INCEP-1.OBJ-3
En Warmi Qucha a todos nos encerraron en una casa.
In Warmi Qucha, they closed all of us in in a house.
00:04:55.999 - 00:04:59.919

Tariramusha armata.
Tari-ra-mu-sha arma-ta
Había encontrado arma.
They had found weapons.
00:05:06.409 - 00:05:08.649

Qipikusha mulantin trayakaramun altupaq prisu pushakusha.

Qipi-ku-sha mula-ntin traya-ka-ra-mu-n altu-paq prisu
carry-REFL-PRF mule-INCL arrive-REFL-URGT-CISL-3 high-ABL prisoner
Cargado con mula llegó de alto, trayendo su preso.
Carried, with a mule, they arrived from up hill, the prisoner brought along.
00:05:09.389 - 00:05:13.769


Chay tarirushpa wak llapa llapanchik pagan kakuyanchik

Chay tari-ru-shpa wak llapa llapa-nchik paga-n ka-ku-ya-nchik
DEM.D find-URGT-SUBIS DEM.D all all-1PL pay-3 be-REFL-PROG-1PL
Cuando lo encontraron todos todos ya éramos culpables.
When they found that, all, all of us were going to pay.
00:05:14.269 - 00:05:18.289

Wawiypis wañukuyanñam mikuypaq.

Wawi-y-pis wañu-ku-ya-n-ña-m miku-y-paq
Mi hijo también está muriendo de hambre.
My son, too, is already dying of hunger.
00:05:30.349 - 00:05:32.609

Viyahipaq kutichimuwanki ñuqataqa, dije, pues.

Viyahi-paq kuti-chi-mu-wa-nki ñuqa-ta-qa
trip-ABL return-CAUS-CISL-1.OBJ-2 1-ACC-TOP
De viaje me has hecho regresar, dije, pues.
You made me return from a trip, I said, then.
00:05:32.889 - 00:05:36.089

Por eso ha soltado. Tú eres terruco, niwanqa, ñuqatapis.

ni-wa-n-qa ñuqa-ta-pis
say-1.OBJ-3 1-ACC_ADD
Por-RSTR ha soltado, 'Tú eres teruco', me dijo a mí también.
That's why they let me go. "You're a terrorist," they said to me, to me, too,
00:05:47.569 - 00:05:50.389

Chaypi yachaq runakunata Mañakuyani fidiyusta.

Chay-pi yacha-q runa-kuna-ta Maña-ku-ya-ni fidiyus-ta
DEM.D-LOC live-AG person-PL-ACC ask.for-REFL-PROG-1 pasta-ACC
A esas personas que viven allí. Estoy pidiendo fideos.
To the people who lived there. I'm asking for pasta.
00:05:56.409 - 00:05:58.169 00:06:19.229 - 00:06:21.309

Mañakuykushpa fiduyusta pakitinta mañakuykushpa kaldupa:kuyani yanukuyani.

maña-ku-yku-shpa fiduyus-ta pakiti-n-ta maña-ku-yku-shpa kaldu-pa:ku-ya-ni
ask.for-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS pasta-ACC package-3-ACC ask.for-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS
Pidiendo fideos, pideiendo un paquete, estamos haciendo sopa, estoy cocinando.
We asked for pasta, we asked for a packet and we made soup, we cooked.
00:06:23.109 - 00:06:27.509

Yaku timpuyachini hinashpa alkansayani ese

Yaku timpu-ya-chi-ni hinashpa alkansa-ya-ni
water boil-PROG-CAUS-1 then reach-PROG-1
Estoy haciendo hervir agua. Luego estoy alcanzando. Ese
I'm boiling water. Then I'm reaching it. That
00:06:27.779 - 00:06:31.639

Manam paytapis kubrankichu ñuqatapis manam kubrawankichu. Llapata mantiniway,

Mana-m pay-ta-pis kubra-nki-chu ñuqa-ta-pis mana-m kubra-wa-nki-chu Llapa-ta
no-EVD 3-ACC-ADD charge-2-NEG 1-ACC-ADD no-EVD charge-1.OBJ-2-NEG all-ACC
No vas a cobrar a ella; tampoco no me vas a cobrar a mí. Manténme a todos, dijo.
You're not going to charge her. You're not going to charge me either. Hold it
all for me, he said.
00:06:39.859 - 00:06:44.139

Niyanña chay militaris. Ñuqapa favursniy kayan. Chay qayantinqa.

Ni-ya-n-ña chay militaris Ñuqa-pa favurs-ni-y ka-ya-n chay qayantin-qa
say-PROG-3.DISC DEM.D soldiers 1-GEN favor-EUPH-1 be-PROG-3 DEM.D
Están diciendo ya los militares. Están a favor de mí. Al día siguente,
The soldiers are saying already. They're in my favor. On the next day,
00:06:44.149 - 00:06:48.229

Witrqaykun llabikuwan. Witrqaykushpa, pwirtata witrqaykuykushpa

Witrqa-yku-n llabi-ku-wa-n witrqa-yku-shpa pwirta-ta witrqa-ku-yku-shpa
close-EXCEP-3 key-REFL-1.OBJ-3 close-EXCEP-SUBIS door-ACC close-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS
Me encerraron, me encerraron con candado. Cerrando la puerta, cerrando.
They closed me in, they locked me in. Closing the door, closing it.
00:06:57.049 - 00:07:01.589

Witrqarakuyani kuchihinaya. Mikuypaq.

Witrqa-ra-ku-ya-ni kuchi-hina-ya Miku-y-paq
Estoy encerrada como chancho, de hambre.
I'm closed in like a pig. Hungry.
00:07:02.449 - 00:07:06.649

Aa, kayhina aywinaypaq ya. Aywinaypaq mana allichu makiy. Achikayasha ya kayan.
Aa, kay-hina aywi-na-y-paq ya Aywi-na-y-paq mana alli-chu maki Achika-ya-sha ya
Aa, DEM.D-SIM stir-NMLZ-1-PURP EMPH stir-NMLZ-1-PURP no good-NEG hand
Ah, así, para moverlo ya. Para mover no está bien mi mano. Está falseado, pues.
Ah, I have to move it like that already. My hand's no good for moving. It's
00:07:11.569 - 00:07:17.329


Papata allayashpa falsiyarachini makiyta

Papa-ta alla-ya-shpa falsi-ya-ra-chi-ni maki-y-ta
potato-ACC harvest-PROG-SUBIS false-INCH-URGT-CAUS-1 hand-1-ACC
Sacando papa he falsiado mi mano.
Harvesting potatoes, I wrecked my hand.
00:07:17.759 - 00:07:20.439

Mana yatra ... Manam dihaymanchu vakayta.

Mana yacha Mana-m diha-y-man-chu vaka-y-ta
no live no-EVD leave-1-COND-NEG cow-1-ACC
No [puedo] vivir ... No puedo dejar mi vaca.
[I] can't live ... I can't leave my cows.
00:07:20.519 - 00:07:24.199

Wañuruptin, ¿ima uñan chichinqa imata?

¿Wañu-ru-pti-n ima uña-n chichi-nqa ima-ta
die-URGT-SUBDS-3 what calf nurse-3.FUT what-ACC
Cuando muere, ¿qué, qué va a mamar su cría?
When it dies, what, what is its calf going to drink?
00:07:24.429 - 00:07:27.429

Uchukllaraq uñan.
Uchuk-lla-raq uña-n
little-RSTR-CONT calf-3
Su cría está pequeño no más todavía.
It's calf is still small.
00:07:27.939 - 00:07:29.579

¿Imatam chichinman? ¿Pim qishpichinman?

Ima-ta-m chichi-n-man Pi-m qishpi-chi-n-man
what-ACC-EVD nurse-3-COND who-EVD grow-CAUS-3-COND
¿Qué cosa puede mamar? ¿Quién lo va a hacer crecer?
What can it drink? Who is going to raise it?
00:07:31.909 - 00:07:34.069

Aa, kay wakhina chichiyanriki.

Aa kay wak-hina chichi-ya-n-ri-ki
Ah, así está mamando.
Ah, it's nursing like that!
00:07:34.339 - 00:07:37.259

Taytay, taytayta nin intindichin churikiqa intilihintim.

Tayta-y tayta-y-ta ni-n intindi-chi-n churi-ki-qa intilihinti-m
father-1 father-1-ACC say-3 understand-CAUS-3 child-2-TOP intelligent-EVD
Mi papá, a mi papá le dice le hace entender, "Tu hija es inteligente.
She said to my father, she made my father understand, "Your daughter is
00:07:38.709 - 00:07:43.409

Payqa kaptan diyunavismi yatrachiptiyki yatrayan.

Pay-qa kapta-n diyunavis-mi yatra-chi-pti-yki yatra-ya-n
3-TOP understand-3 at.once-EVD know-CAUS-SUBDS-2 know-PROG-3
Ella capta de una vez. Cuando le enseñas, sabe.
She gets it at once. When you teach her, she knows.
00:07:43.529 - 00:07:48.089

Kanan imapaqmi nankiman pirdiyachinki istidiyunta intilihinti walmita.

Kanan ima-paq-mi na-nki-man pirdi-ya-chi-nki istidiyu-n-ta intilihinti
now what-PURP-EVD DMY-2-COND lose-PROG-CAUS-2 studies-3-ACC intelligent
Ahora ¿para qué estás haciendo perder sus estudios a una mujer inteligente?
Now, why are you making an intelligent girl lose her studies?
00:07:48.299 - 00:07:54.539


Pushashaq, nin. Pushashaq ñuqa siguru siguru ñuqam istudiyachishaq, está

diciendo profesora.
Pusha-shaq ni-n Pusha-shaq ñuqa siguru siguru ñuqa-m istudiya-chi-shaq
take.along-1.FUT say-3 take.along-1.FUT 1 sure sure 1-EVD study-CAUS-1.FUT
Voy la voy a llevar, dijo. La voy a llevar, yo, seguro, seguro. Yo le voy a
hacer estudiar', está diciendo mi profesora.
I'm going to bring her, she said. I'm going to bring her, for sure, for sure.
I'm going to make her study," my teacher is saying.
00:08:03.119 - 00:08:09.339

Partistaq rikushaq niyani paywan

Partis-taq riku-shaq ni-ya-ni pay-wan
parts-SEQ go-REFL-1.FUT say-PROG-1 3-INSTR
Por partes, 'Me voy a ir con ella', estoy diciendo.
In part, "I'm going to go with her," I'm saying.
00:08:14.539 - 00:08:16.719

Partistaq mana mamaypaq llakiyani. Llakiyani, waqayani mamaypaq.

Partis-taq mana mama-y-paq llaki-ya-ni Llaki-ya-ni waqa-ya-ni mama-y-paq
parts-SEQ no mother-1-ABL sorrow-PROG-1 sorrow-PROG-1 cry-PROG-1 mother-1-ABL
Por partes no. Por mi mamá tengo pena. Tengo pena, estoy llorando por mi mamá.
In part, no. I feel sorry for my mother. I feel sorry. I'm crying for my mother.
00:08:18.259 - 00:08:24.199

Riyman kara chay prufisurawan

Ri-y-man ka-ra chay prufisura-wan
go-1-COND be-PST DEM.D teacher-INSTR
Hubiera debido irme con esa profesora.
I should have gone with that teacher.
00:08:29.239 - 00:08:31.459

Mana kamutita munashpa papata mikunki.

Mana kamuti-ta muna-shpa papa-ta miku-nki
no sweet.potato-ACC want-SUBIS potato-ACC eat-2
Si no quieres camote, vas a comer papas.
If you don't want sweet potato, you'll eat potatoes.
00:08:37.999 - 00:08:41.079

Gustashpaqa papatapis kamutitapis mikunki.

Gusta-shpa-qa papa-ta-pis kamuti-ta-pis miku-nki
like-SUBDS-TOP potato-ACC-ADD sweet.potato-ACC-ADD eat-2
Si te gusta, comerás papas y camote también.
If you like, you can eat potatos and sweet potato, too.
00:08:41.309 - 00:08:45.509

Wiksaykita saksakuy mikunashunkiman puntraw.

Wiksa-yki-ta saksa-ku-y miku-na-shunki-man puntraw
stomach-2-ACC fill-REFL-IMP eat-NMLZ-3>2-COND day
Llénate la barriga. El día te puede dar hambre.
Fill your stomach! The day could make you hungry.
00:08:45.599 - 00:08:50.219

Yanayayachin pasaypaq wak hushtay.

Yana-ya-ya-chi-n pasaypaq wak hushta-y
black-INCH-PROG-CAUS-3 a.lot DEM.D smoke-INF
Lo está haciendo negrear completamente ese humo.
That smoke is making it turn completely black.
00:08:50.359 - 00:08:54.799

Wañurusha nina. Yaku ya vultiyarushaq tullpaman. Paqwakun nina.

Wañu-ru-sha nina Yaku ya vultiya-ru-shaq tullpa-man Paqwa-ku-n nina
die-URGT-PRF fire water EMPH turn.over-URGT-1.FUT hearth-ALL finish-REFL-3 fire
Había muerto la candela. Agua, pues, había volteado al fogón. La candela
The fire went out. Water had turned over on the hearth. The fire went out.
00:08:55.039 - 00:09:01.709
All, wakcha tuparuwan. Tutay yaqa wañuchiwan.
All wakcha tupa-ru-wan Tutay yaqa wañu-chi-wa-n
All, sheep crash-URGT-1.OBJ-3 night again die-CAUS-1.OBJ-3
Ah, el carnero me chanquó. Anoche casi me mató.
Ah, the ram knocked into me. Last night, he almost killed me.
00:09:01.829 - 00:09:07.089

Pampaman chamqay chamqawan. Kay makiyta waqtaruni.

Pampa-man chamqa-y chamqa-wa-n Kay maki-y-ta waqta-ru-ni
ground-ALL throw-INF throw-1.OBJ-3 DEM.P hand-1-ACC beat-URGT-1
Me botó a la pampa. Golpeé mi mano.
He threw me to the ground. I hit my hand.
00:09:07.549 - 00:09:13.469

Kanan makiy nanayan. Karniru ... Mamayta yuyarishpa waqakuni

Kanan maki-y nanayan. Karniru ... Mama-y-ta yuya-ri-shpa waqa-ku-ni
now hand-1 hurt-PROG-3 ram ... mother-1-ACC remember-INCEP-SUBIS cry-REFL-1
Ahora me duele la mano. Carnero! Recordando a mi madre, lloro.
Now my hand hurts. Ram ... When I remember my motherm I cry.
00:09:13.649 - 00:09:17.049 00:09:17.219 - 00:09:19.399

Mamaypaq ñuqa runapa llaqtanpa yatrashaypaq.

Mama-y-paq ñuqa runa-pa llaqta-n-pa yatra-sha-y-paq.
mother-1-ABL 1 person-GEN town-3-LOC live-PRF-1-ABL
Por mi madre, por lo que he vivido en pueblo ajeno.
For my mother, for what I lived in a strangers' town.
00:09:20.179 - 00:09:23.759

Mamay niwan. ¡Amaña waqaychu!

Mama-y ni-wa-n Ama-ña waqa-y-chu
mother-1 say-1.OBJ-3 PROH-DISC cry-IMP-NEG
Mi madre me dijo, '¡Ya no llores!
My mother said to me, "Don't cry!"
00:09:23.899 - 00:09:27.939

Ah, iha, ¡amañam waqaychu! Utrpayashpapis ninayakuykunim qashqallay.

Ah iha ama-ña-m waqa-y-chu Utrpa-ya-shpa-pis nina-ya-ku-yku-ni-m
Ah, hija, ¡no llores ya!' Estando en ceniza me vuelvo a candela, lo mismo-
Ah, daughter, don't cry!
00:09:27.969 - 00:09:36.399

Amam qunichinkichu bankataqa.

qashqa-lla-y Amam quni-chi-nki-chu banka-ta-qa
fire-INCH-REFL-EXCEP-1-EVD whole-RSTR-1 PROH warm-CAUS-2-NEG bench-ACC-TOP
¡No vas a calentar la banca!
You're not going to warm the bench!
00:09:36.599 - 00:09:39.639

Linkim chayta diyariyu. Achka ya ingrisarun Ivanhilluman.

Li-nki-m chay-ta diyariyu Achka ya ingrisa-ru-n Ivanhillu-man
go-2-EVD DEM.D-ACC daily a.lot EMPH enter-URGT-3 Evangelical-ALL
Vas a ir diario. Muchos ya ingrasaron al Evangelio.
You're going to go every day. Lots already entered the Evangelical church.
00:09:39.734 - 00:09:41.534 00:09:41.654 - 00:09:44.514

Chaypaq qipam kutirun. Asistinñachu.

Chay-paq qipa-m kuti-ru-n Asisti-n-ña-chu
DEM.D-ABL behind-EVD return-URGT-3 attend-3-DISC-NEG
De allí volvieron para atrás. Ya no asisten.
Then they turned back. They don't attend any more.
00:09:44.754 - 00:09:48.094

Mana mikushpam mana yakutapis upiyashpa ayuna pasayanchik

Mana miku-shpa-m mana yaku-ta-pis upiya-shpa ayuna pasa-ya-nchik
no eat-SUBIS-3 no water-ACC-ADD drink-SUBIS fast pass-PROG-1PL
Sin comer, sin tomar agua, ayunamos.
Without eating, without drinking water, we fast.
00:09:48.194 - 00:09:52.154

Ispirituqa alimintayan palabra di Diospa palabranta.

Ispiritu-qa aliminta-ya-n palabra di Dios-pa palabra-n-ta
spirit-TOP nourish-PROG-3 word of God-GEN word-3-ACC
El espírito se está aliementando de la palabra de Dios, de su palabra
Tghe spirit is noursihing itself with the word of the Lord, with his word.
00:09:52.304 - 00:09:56.604

Chaywan alimintayan gurdu kayan aligri.

Chay-wan aliminta-ya-n gurdu ka-ya-n aligri
DEM.D-INSTR nourish-PROG-3 fat be-PROG-3 happy
Con-RSTR se está alimentando. Gordo está. Alegre.
It's nourishing itself with that. It's fat. Happy.
00:09:56.704 - 00:09:59.604

Aa, karnalminti kastigasha kayan.

Aa, karnalminti kastiga-sha ka-ya-n
Aa, carnally punish-PRF be-PROG-3
Ah, carnalmente está castigado.
Ah, it's pubushed in the flesh.
00:09:59.764 - 00:10:03.384

¿Imayna manam familiyanchikwan huntanakushunchu? ¿Imaynam?
Imayna mana-m familiya-nchik-wan hunta-naku-shun-chu Imaynam
how no-EVD family-1PL-INSTR gather-RECIP-1PL.FUT-NEG why
¿Cómo no nos vamos a juntar con nuestra familia? ¿Cómo?
How are we not going to join up with out family? How?
00:10:03.564 - 00:10:07.304

Imallatas mikukushpa yanukushpa mikuykuchuwantri familiyanchikwan mikuyta

Ima-lla-ta-s miku-ku-shpa yanu-ku-shpa miku-yku-chuwan-tri familiya-nchik-wan
Cualquier cosita no más podemos comer, cocinando con nuestra familia,
preparando comida.
We can eat any little thing, cooking with our family, praparing food.
00:10:07.564 - 00:10:12.804

mikuy-ta pripara-yku-shpa
family-1PL-INSTR eat-INF-ACC prepare-EXCEP-SUBIS

Imallas kashanta mikuykuchuwanchik familiyanchikwan, dice, pues. Mikuykuchuwan,

Ima-lla-s ka-sha-n-ta miku-yku-chuwanchik familiya-nchik-wan Miku-yku-chuwan
what-RSTR-PISS be-PRF-3-ACC eat-EXCEP-1PL.COND-1PL family-1PL
Lo que hay no más podemos comer con nuestra familia, dice, pues. Podemos comer
lo que encontramos.
We can eat whatever there is with our family, they say, then. We can eat what
we find.
00:10:14.024 - 00:10:19.444


Trabahakushun familiyanchik maypapis hamuptin sumaq suyaykunanchikpaq. Wasi

huntapis suyananchikpaq. Trabahakushun.
Trabaha-ku-shun familiya-nchik may-pa-pis hamu-pti-n sumaq suya-yku-na-nchik-paq
work-REFL-1PL.FUT family-1PL where-LOC-ADD come-SUBDS-3 pretty
Vamos a trabajar para esperar a nuestra familia bonito. Para esperar con la
casa llena vamos a trabajar.
We're going to work to wait nicely for our family. We're going to work to wait
with the house full.
00:10:19.524 - 00:10:25.784

Wasi hunta-pis suya-na-nchik-paq Trabaha-ku-shun

rest-EXCEP-NMLZ-1PL-PURP house full-ADD rest-NMLZ-PURP work-1PL.FUT

Antis baytallata walakuranchik, dice

Antis bayta-lla-ta wala-ku-ra-nchik
before skirt-RSTR-ACC skirt-REFL-PST-1PL
Antes, nos poníamos falda de balleta no más, dice.
Before, we would put on just "balleta" skirts, they say,
00:10:26.104 - 00:10:29.644

Rantinchik. Awachikunchik kikinchik puchkashpa.

Ranti-nchik Awa-chi-ku-nchik kiki-nchik puchka-shpa
buy-1PL weave-CAUS-REFL-1PL self-1PL spin-SUBIS
Ahora compramos. Antes mandábamos tejer, hilando.
Now we nuy them. Before we spun and had them woven.
00:10:30.424 - 00:10:34.324

Kanchu. Manam tihidur. Chinkakun, wañukun llapan.

Ka-n-chu Mana-m tihidur Chinka-ku-n wañu-ku-n llapa-n
be-3-NEG no-EVD weaver lose-REFL-3 die-REFL-3 all-3
Ahora no hay tejedores. Se perdieron. Murieron todos.
Now there aren't any weavers. They were lost. They all died.
00:10:39.204 - 00:10:42.944

Rantishallata hakukuyanchik.
Ranti-sha-lla-ta haku-ku-ya-nchik
Nos vestimos de [ropa] comprada no más.
We dress just in bought [clothes].
00:10:43.004 - 00:10:45.764

Manañam kanchu trabahunchik. Allish hunturayan kururniykuna.

Mana-ña-m ka-n-chu trabahu-nchik Allish huntu-raya-n kurur-ni-y-kuna
no-DISC-EVD be-3-NEG work-1PL good TK gather-PASS-3 ball.of.yarn-EUPH-1-PL
Ya no hay nuestro trabajo. Mis ovillos están juntados.
There isn't our work [what we've made] any more. My balls fo yarn are all piled
00:10:46.274 - 00:10:51.494

Kururniy altupa muntunarayan achka llapan algudun, para punchu, kalash, bayita.
Kurur-ni-y altu-pa muntuna-raya-n achka llapa-n algudun punchu kalash
ball.of.yarn-EUPH-1 high-LOC heap.up-PASS-3 a.lot all-3 cotton poncho shawl
Mis ovillos están montonados arriba. De todo, harto, algodón, para poncho,
manta, falda.
My balls of yarn are piled up up hill. A lot. Everything -- cotton, for pochos,
shawls, skirts.
00:10:51.914 - 00:11:00.414


Chay trunkakun. trunkakuyan hakuntam trunkayachin, dice.
Chay trunka-ku-n trunka-ku-ya-n haku-n-ta-m trunka-ya-chi-n
DEM.D ten-REFL-3 ten-REFL-PROG-3 coat-3-ACC-EVD ten-INCH-CAUS-3
Hacen quema-ropa. Están quemando la ropa del muerto a los diez dias, lo están
quemando, dicen.
They "ten" it [burn it after ten days]. They're burning the dead person's
clothes after ten days, they're burning it, they say.
00:11:14.094 - 00:11:19.234

Qawachikuyan wakhina. ¿Imatatr qawachin? ¿Agwa binditata, ¿imatr?

Qawa-chi-ku-ya-n wak-hina ima-ta-tr qawa-chi-n agwa bindita-ta ima-tr
look-CAUS-REFL-3 DEM.D-SIM what-ACC-EVC look-CAUS-3 water blessed-ACC what-EVC
Está derramando así. ¿Qué estará derramando? ¿Agua bendita, de repente?
It's spilling over like that. What is spilling over? Maybe holy water?
00:11:19.494 - 00:11:23.414

¿Imalla shipashlla wak warmiqa? Kaytri hakun wakhina kayan?

Ima-lla shipash-lla wak warmi-qa Kay-tri haku-n wak-hina ka-ya-n
what-RSTR girl-RSTR DEM.D woman-TOP DEM.P-EVC coat-3 DEM.D-SIM be-PROG-3
¿Estará joven no más esa chica? Por-RSTR su ropa estará así.
Would that girl be young? That's why her clothes would be like that.
00:11:28.174 - 00:11:31.234

Alkulta hitraykun. Alkulninta. Kañalunqa, ya ves.

Alkul-ta hitra-yku-n Alkul-ni-n-ta Kaña-lu-nqa
alcohol-ACC spill-EXCEP-3 alcohol-EUPH-3-ACC burn-URGT-3.FUT
Derramaron alcohol. Con su alcohol. Van a quemar, ¿ya ves?
They spilled alcohol. With their alcohol. They're going to burn it.
00:11:31.534 - 00:11:37.154

Chaypitr kañalunqa.
Chay-pi-tr kaña-lu-nqa
Van a quemar allí.
They're going to burn it there.
00:11:31.534 - 00:11:37.154

Mushuq mushuq aywikuyan, aywikuyan, ve. Aywiyan, ve.

Mushuq mushuq aywi-ku-ya-n aywi-ku-ya-n ve. Aywi-ya-n ve
new new weave-REFL-PROG-3 weave-REFL-PROG-3 look weave-PROG-3 look
Nuevo nuevo están urdiendo, están urdiendo ¡ve!. Están urdiendo, ¡vé!
New, new, they're weaving. They're weaving. Look! They're weaving. Look!
00:11:37.334 - 00:11:42.234

00:11:47.554 - 00:11:51.354
¡Mamá! ¡Apuraw shamunki!
Mamá ¡Apuraw shamu-nki
mother quick come-2
Mamá, ¡ven rápido!
Mom! Come quickly!
00:11:47.554 - 00:11:51.354

¿Imaynash manam rimayta atipanki? Sirranu kay sirranupa wawin sirranupa churin.
Imayna-sh mana-m rima-y-ta atipa-nki Sirranu kay sirranu-pa wawi-n sirranu-pa
how-EVR no-EVD talk-INF-ACC mountain.dweller DEM.P
¿Cómo no vas a poder hablar? Hija de una serrana, hija de un serrano.
How are you not going to be able to talk? A mountain-dweller's baby, a
mountain-dweller's child.
00:11:51.574 - 00:11:56.594

mountain.dweller-GEN baby-3 mountain.dweller-GEN child-3

Mansu. Mulayqa. Ni sillakuyta munankichu.

Mansu Mula-y-qa Ni silla-ku-y-ta muna-nki-chu
tame mule-1-TOP neither chair-REFL-INF-ACC want-2-NEG
¿Cómo no vas a saber? Manso es mi mula. ¿No quieres cabalgar?
How are you not going to know? My mule is tame. Don't you want to ride him?
00:11:58.924 - 00:12:03.844

¡Wasilla, wasillaq!
Wasi-lla wasi-lla-q
house-RSTR house-RSTR-TOP
¡Casa! ¡Casa!
House! House!
00:12:05.464 - 00:12:07.724

Malshutapis chayraq mana yanta kaptin. Buynus diyas, tiya.

Malshu-ta-pis chay-raq mana yanta ka-pti-n Buynus diyas tiya
breakfast-ACC-ADD DEM.D-CONT no firewood be-SUBDS-3 good day aunt
Desayuno también. Recién [lo estoy haciendo] cuando no hay leña. Buenos días,
Breakfast, too. Without firewood, [I] just ... Good morning, aunt!
00:12:10.804 - 00:12:14.144

Gringawanmi yachakuyani kananqa.

Gringa-wan-mi yatra-ku-ya-ni kanan-qa
Gringa-INSTR-EVD know-REFL-PROG-1 now-TOP
Con la gringa estoy viviendo ahora.
I'm living with the Gringa now.
00:12:14.284 - 00:12:17.864

00:12:17.904 - 00:12:19.904
¿Kay gringawantri yatrakuyanki?
Kay gringa-wan-tri yatra-ku-ya-nki
.Con la gringa estarás viviendo.
You'd be living with the Gringa.
00:12:14.284 - 00:12:17.864

Pasaypaq kustumbralun gringawan.

Pasaypaq kustumbra-lu-n gringa-wan
a.lot accustom-URGT-3 gringa-INSTR
Total se ha acostumbrado con gringa.
She's gotten completely accustomed to the Gringa.
00:12:17.904 - 00:12:19.904

Tutalminti, pasaypaq, puraminti.

Tutalminti pasaypaq puraminti
totally a.lot completely
Totalmente, totalmente, puramente.
Totally, totally, completely.
00:12:23.043 - 00:12:25.616 00:12:25.616 - 00:12:27.388

Pasaypaq kichuwanchikta limashun.

Pasaypaq kichuwa-nchik-ta lima-shun
a.lot Quechua-1PL-ACC talk-1PL.FUT
Total vamos a hablar nuestro quechua.
We're going to totally talk our Quechua.
00:12:25.616 - 00:12:27.388

Kichuwanchik yatranqatriki akasu manachu?

Kichuwa-nchik yatra-nqa-tri-ki akasu mana-chu
Quechua-1PL know-3.FUT-EVC-KI perhaps no-NEG
Nuestro quechua va a aprender acaso, ¿no?
She'll learn our quechua perhaps, or not?
00:12:28.904 - 00:12:33.324 00:12:33.584 - 00:12:36.104

Payqa munakuyan kichuwakta limananchikpaq.

Pay-qa muna-ku-ya-n kichuwa-kta lima-na-nchik-paq
3-TOP want-REFL-PROG-3 Quechua-ACC talk-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
Ella está queriendo que hablemos quechua.
She's wanting for us to talk Quechua,
00:12:33.584 - 00:12:36.104

Qawayta munanki sipulkruta chay wañukuqta?

Qawa-y-ta muna-nki sipulkru-ta chay wañu-ku-q-ta
see-INF-ACC want-2 burial-ACC DEM.D die-REFL-AG-ACC
¿Quieres mirar el sepulto de la person a que murió?
Do you want to watch the burial of the person who died?
00:12:36.534 - 00:12:39.194

Ukutam rin yantaman manam manam yanta kanchu yanukunaypaq, qay.

Ukuta-m ri-n yanta-man mana-m mana-m yanta kanchu yanu-ku-na-y-paq
inside-EVD go-3 firewood-ALL no-EVD no-EVD firewood be-3-NEG
A dentro se fue para leña. No hay, no hay leña para que cocine.
He went inside for firewood. There isn't any forewood for me to cook, hey.
00:12:39.454 - 00:12:43.554

wak piru manam grasiyusu papilhina ya kayan.

qay wak piru mana-m grasiyusu papil-hina ya ka-ya-n
cook-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP eh DEM.D but no-EVD funny paper-SIM EMPH be-PROG-3
Pero no es gracioso-RSTR. Como papel está.
But that's not funny. It's like paper.
00:12:45.834 - 00:12:49.274

00:12:52.563 - 00:12:58.163

Ñuqa kutikuntri nila: kay gringataq. Mikushaq.

Ñuqa kuti-ku-n-tri ni-la-: kay gringa-ta-qa Miku-shaq
1 return-REFL-3-EVC say-PST-1 DEM.P gringa-ACC-TOP eat-1.FUT
Se habrá regresado a esa Gringa, dije yo. Ya volverá seguro.
I, she must have gone back, I said, to the Gringa. I'm going to eat.
00:12:52.563 - 00:12:58.163

Manam rinqallachu pasaypaq. Yatrakushpa kay, ¿aw?

Mana-m ri-nqa-lla-chu pasaypaq Yatra-ku-shpa kay aw
no-EVD go-3.FUT-RSTR-NEG a.lot live-REFL-SUBIS DEM.P yes
Ya no va a ir, total. Viviendo ella, ¿no?
00:12:58.293 - 00:13:02.973

Yachakunqa kaypañatr. Honginañatr kalunqa.

Yacha-ku-nqa kay-pa-ña-tr Hongina-ña-tr ka-lu-nqa
Va a vivir aquí ya. Va a ser Hongina.
She's going to live here already. She's going to be a Hongina.
00:12:58.293 - 00:13:02.973

Ishkayniyñatr yachakushaq.
Ishkay-ni-y-ña-tr yacha-ku-shaq
Las das ya viviremos.
The two of us are going to live already.
00:13:02.993 - 00:13:04.533 00:13:04.623 - 00:13:08.463

Ishkaynikiñatr [inaudible]. Kukupakunakta tipliyachin.
Ishkay-ni-ki-ña-tr Kukupa-kuna-kta tipli-ya-chi-n
two-EUPH-2-DISC-EVC dried.potato-PL-ACC peel-PROG-CAUS-3
Ustedes dos no más. Ah, va a pelar papas
Just the two of you. Ah, she's going to peel potatoes.
00:13:04.623 - 00:13:08.463

Aa kukanta akushpa lliw

Aa kuka-n-ta aku-shpa lliw
Aa coca-3-ACC chew-SUBIS all
Cacchando su coca, todos
Chewing their coca, all.
00:13:08.531 - 00:13:13.531

¿Imata kaypa faltan? Aa, llapanchik kukapanta tipliyachiy.

Ima-ta kay . Aa, llapa-nchik kukapa-n-ta tipli-ya-chi-y
what-ACC DEM.P . Aa, all-!PL TK-3-ACC peel-PROG-CAUS-IMP
¿Qué cosa aquí falta? Papa házle pelar, todo.
What's missing? Have her peel potatoes and all.
00:13:08.531 - 00:13:13.531

00:13:14.011 - 00:13:18.791

Maytraw kaykunakta pulichimuy yakukunakta hitachimuy qutrakunakta

May-traw kay-kuna-kta puli-chi-mu-y yaku-ku-n-ta hita-chi-mu-y qutra-kuna-kta
Donde seas anda! Agua todo házle botar. Estanco que vaya empozar.
Where ever you are, walk! Make her toss out water. Make her fill the reservoir.
00:13:14.011 - 00:13:18.791

00:13:19.191 - 00:13:21.591

00:13:21.811 - 00:13:25.191

Un ratu shinkaykulushaq TKK ima prumlima kayala? TKK

Un ratu shinka-yku-lu-shaq ima prublima kay-la
one moment get.drunk-EXCEP-URGT-1.FUT what problem DEM.P-TK
Un rato me voy a emborrachar. ¿Qué problema hay?
I'm going to get drunk for a momemt. What problem's that?
00:13:21.811 - 00:13:25.191

Kanan imaytaq qam kutikuyanki, tiya urayta

Kanan imay-taq qam kuti-ku-ya-nki tiya uray-ta
now when-SEQ 2 return-REFL-PPROG-2 aunt down.hill-ACC
Ahora Ud. cuándo vas a volver?
Now when are you going to return down hill, Aunt?
00:13:26.520 - 00:13:28.280

00:13:28.291 - 00:13:29.351
00:13:28.291 - 00:13:29.351

00:13:30.911 - 00:13:33.431
Kaypi irransa kakuyan tukilla
Kay-pi irransa ka-ku-ya-n tuki-lla
DEM.P-LOC herranza be-REFL-PROG-3 pretty-RSTR
Ah, allí está herrancia está bonito.
Ah, here's a herranza, nice.
00:13:30.911 - 00:13:33.431

00:13:35.230 - 00:13:37.390
Ah, llapan kay lunatrik kay.
Ah, llapa-n kay luna-tri-k kay
Ah, all-3 DEM.P person-EVC-K DEM.P
Ah, todos, gente de acá será.
Ah, all, that'd be people from here.
00:13:35.230 - 00:13:37.390

Huk law huk law llaqta.

Huk law huk law llaqta
one side one side town
Otro pueblo, otro pueblo.
Somewhere else, another town.
00:13:37.790 - 00:13:40.870
Huk law llaqtatr kay?
Huk law llaqta-tr kay
one side town-EVC DEM.P
¿De otro pueblo será?
That'd be another town?
00:13:37.790 - 00:13:40.870

00:13:42.590 - 00:13:46.850
Alma pampakuyasha kaypa, qay, Dios. ¿Viñactrawtri kay?
Alma pampa-ku-ya-sha kay-pa qay, ¿Viñac-chaw-tri kay
Se había sepultado un muerto. ¿En Viñac será?
A soul had been buried here, oh, my! It'd be in Viñac?
00:13:42.590 - 00:13:46.850

00:13:52.630 - 00:13:55.810
Urkistapis arpapis kayan
Urkista-pis arpa-pis ka-ya-n
Orchestra-ADD harp-ADD be-PROG-3
Orquesta y harpa también hay.
There's an orquestra and a harp, too.
00:13:52.630 - 00:13:55.810

Amatr pampawanmanchu kushikushatr. Pamparuwachuwan urkistawan, ¿aw?

Ama-tr pampa-wa-n-man-chu kushi-ku-sha-tr pampa-ru-wa-chuwan urkista-wan
No nos deben de enterrar alegrandose. Con orquesta nos puede enterrar, ¿no?
They shouldn't get happy burying us. They could bury us with a band, no?
00:13:58.873 - 00:14:03.493

orchestra-INSTR yes
00:14:03.510 - 00:14:06.690

Alalaw. Uraychawpis tukuy tukuy pampakuyanchik urkistawan.

Alalaw Uray-chaw-pis tukuy tukuy pampa-ku-ya-nchik urkista-wan
Alalaw. down.hill-LOC-ADD all all bury-REFL-PROG-1PL orchestra-INSTR
Ah, en la costa también nos enterramos bonito con orquesta.
Ah, on the coast, too, we bury [people] nicely with a band.
00:14:03.510 - 00:14:06.690

Ñuqa manam munaymanchu alma.

Ñuqa mana-m muna-y-man-chu alma
1 no-EVD want-1-COND-NEG soul
Así. Yo no puedo querer alma.
I can't want a dead soul.
00:14:07.170 - 00:14:09.730

Imaynatr urkistawan ñuqa kushi kushi dispachayawanman waqakunman chaytri

ichaq familiyaywan.
Imayna-tr urkista-wan ñuqa kushi kushi dispacha-ya-wa-n-man waqa-ku-n-man
how-EVC orchestra-INSTR 1 happy happy cry-REFL-3-COND
¿Cómo, pues, con esta orquesta alegrando nos puede despachar? Lloraría por mi
How can they send us off happy, happy, with an orchestra. Deben de llorar. I'd
cry for my family.
00:14:09.730 - 00:14:15.273

chay-tri ichaq familiya-y-wan

DEM.D-EVC or family-1-INSTR
00:14:16.633 - 00:14:19.953

Familiyallanchikqa urkista liptin mas masta tukan ima ...

Familiya-lla-nchik-qa urkista li-pti-n mas mas-ta tuka-n ima ...
family-RSTR-1PL-TOP orchestra go-SUBDS-3 more mor-ACC play-3 what ...
Cuando va la orquesta, nuestra familia, más más toca, qué ....
When the band goes, our family, it plays more and more, what ...
00:14:16.633 - 00:14:19.953

00:14:20.013 - 00:14:23.893

Tristikta tukakuyan waqakuyan llapa llapan lunakuna urkistaqa waqachin.

Tristi-kta tuka-ku-ya-n waqa-ku-ya-n llapa llapa-n luna-kuna urkista-qa
sad-ACC play-REFL-PROG-3 cry-REFL-PROG-3 all all-3 person-PL orchestra-TOP
Está tocando triste, toda toda la gente está llorando. La orquesta hace llorar.
When it plays sadly, all the people are crying. The band makes them cry.
00:14:20.013 - 00:14:23.893

Kawsakushun ñuqanchik imaykamatr, tiya.

Kawsaku-shun ñuqa-nchik imay-kama-tr tiya
live-REFL-1PL.FUT 1-1PL when-RSTR-EVC aunt
¿Hasta cuando viviremos nosotros, tía?
Until when wil we live, aunt?
00:14:24.133 - 00:14:26.313

00:14:26.353 - 00:14:29.413

Imay puntrawtriki pampakunanchik tukalamunqa.

Imay puntraw-tri-ki pampa-ku-na-nchik tuka-la-mu-nqa
when day-EVC-KI bury-REFL-NMLZ-1PL play-URGT-CISL-3.FUT
Qué día tocará para enterrarnos.
What day will they play to bury us?
00:14:26.353 - 00:14:29.413

00:14:30.013 - 00:14:34.573

Dios taytanchik ¿Imay puntraw dispunilamashun? Wañukunanchikpaq.
Dios tayta-nchik Imay puntraw dispuni-la-ma-shun Wañukunanchikpaq.
God father-1PL when day dispose-URGT-1.OBJ-1PL.FUT die-REFL-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
Nuestro Dios queriendonos depondrá. Ah, para morirnos.
00:14:30.013 - 00:14:34.573

00:14:34.733 - 00:14:38.553
Viñaquinañachu wakkuna kakuyan, qay.
Viñaquina-ña-chu wak-kuna ka-ku-ya-n qay
Viñaquina-DISC-Q DEM.D-PL be-REFL-PROG-3 hey
Viñaquina será-RSTRs.
They must be Viñacers.
00:14:34.733 - 00:14:38.553

00:14:39.853 - 00:14:43.873

Alla katanpis. Waqakushtin kayqa apayan waytakunakta.

Alla kata-n-pis waqa-ku-shtin kay-qa apa-ya-n wayta-kuna-kta
good shawl-3-ADD cry-REFL-SUBADV DEM.P-TOP bring-PROG-3 flower-PL-ACC
Buena su manta también. Llorando-RSTR está llevando flor.
Her shawl [is] good, too. They're crying and bringing flowers.
00:14:39.853 - 00:14:43.873

00:14:47.353 - 00:14:51.173
Pañalawnintin kayan. Pushayan.
Pañalaw-ni-ntin ka-ya-n pusha-ya-n
shawl-EUPH-INCL be-PROG-3 bring-along-PROG-3
Ella tiene su pañalón. Lo está llevando.
She has her shawl. She's bringing it.
00:14:47.353 - 00:14:51.173

00:14:51.271 - 00:14:57.591

Ima yana lutuyuqta. Ña ligalun pantiyunman. trayalachinñam.

Ima yana lutu-yuq-ta Ña liga-lu-n pantiyun-man
what black mourning-POSS-ACC DISC arrive-URGT-3 cementery-ALL
Ya llegarona al panteón. Ya lo hicieron llegar.
They already arrived at the cemetery. They brought her already.
00:14:51.271 - 00:14:57.591

Aa, manamiki.
Aa, mana-mi-ki
Aa, no-EVD-KI
00:14:59.311 - 00:15:02.111

Kaychawqa manam kumpañamanchik wakhina achka achkachu.

Kay-chaw-qa mana-m kumpaña-manchik wak-hina achka achka-chu.
DEM.P-LOC no-EVD accompany-1.OBJ-1PL DEM.D-COMP a.lot a.lot-NEG
Aquí no nos acompañan así muchos.
Here, a lot [of people] don't accompany us like that.
00:14:59.311 - 00:15:02.111

¿Cómo estará Doña Lourdes? ¿Kayanraqchu tullun?

¿Cómo estará Doña Lourdes? Habrá todavía sus huesos?
How would Doña Lourdes be? Would her bones still be [there]?
00:15:02.111 - 00:15:05.531

00:15:14.591 - 00:15:19.071
00:15:02.111 - 00:15:05.531

Don Aristedista munala:. Qanim nimashan.

Don Aristedista muna-la-: Qanim ni-ma-sha-n
Don Aristedis-ACC want-PST-1 yesterday say-1.OBJ-PRF-3
Quiero a Don Arístedes. Lo que me dijo antes de ayer.
I want Don Aristedes. What he told me the day before yesterday.
00:15:14.591 - 00:15:19.071

¿Imatataq nin?
Ima-ta-taq ni-n
what-ACC-SEQ say-3
¿Qué cosa ha dicho?
What did he say?
00:15:19.611 - 00:15:21.031 00:15:21.291 - 00:15:26.891

Manachu naktam kayan, nipti:. Gwardapamanki gwardapamanki niman ni shamunchu.

Mana-chu na-kta-m ka-ya-n ni-pti-: Gwarda-pa-manki gwarda-pa-manki ni-ma-n
no-NEG DMY-ACC-EVD be-PROG-3 say-SUBDS-1 save-BEN-1.OBJ-2 save-BEN-1.OBJ-2
No hay, cuando dije.. Guárdamelo, guárdamelo, me dijo. Ni ha venido.
There aren't any when I said. "Save it for me, save it for me," he said to me.
He hasn't even come.
00:15:21.291 - 00:15:26.891

00:15:28.291 - 00:15:33.231
ni shamu-n-chu
say-1.OBJ-3 nor come-3-NEG

Manachu kisu kayan kananqa lantikamanaykipaq?
Mana-chu kisu ka-ya-n kanan-qa lanti-ka-ma-na-yki-paq
no-NEG cheese be-PROG-3 now-TOP buy-REFL-1.OBJ-2-PURP
¿No hay queso ahora para que me vendas?
There isn't any cheese now for you to sell me?
00:15:28.291 - 00:15:33.231

Manam, qalay qalay risidinti apakun qawarayashpalla uno en uno hice alcanzar.
Manam qalay qalay risidinti apa-ku-n qawa-raya-shpa-lla
no-EVD all all resident bring-REFL-3 see-PASS-SUBIS-RSTR
No, todo todo se han llevado los residentes. Mirando no más, uno en uno hice
No The residents [of Lima] took it. Just watching it, one by one, I made it
00:15:33.251 - 00:15:39.331

00:15:39.810 - 00:15:40.890
Los familiares, también.
Family members, too.
00:15:39.810 - 00:15:40.890

Aa, risidintilla ya
Aa, risidinti-lla ya
Aa, resident-RSTR EMPH
Ah, residente, no más.
Ah, just residents.
00:15:41.290 - 00:15:45.170
Chayta alkasinllata lulanchik.
Chay-ta alkasi-n-lla-ta lula-nchik
DEM.D-ACC reach-3-RSTR-ACC lulanchik.
A ése alcance no más hacemos
To that extent we make it.
00:15:41.290 - 00:15:45.170

Aa, kada ratu wañuy hapiyawan.

Aa, kada ratu wañu-y hapi-ya-wa-n
Aa, every moment die-INF grab-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Ah, cada momento me está agarrando la muerte.
Ah, death is grabbing me at every moment.
00:15:45.360 - 00:15:47.480

Ataki hapirunwan wañukushaniyá.

Ataki hapi-ru-n-wan wañu-ku-sha-ni-yá TK
attack grab-URGT-3-COND die-REFL-PRF-1-EMPH
Cuando me agarra ataque me voy a morir,
I'm going to die when an attack grabs me.
00:15:47.860 - 00:15:50.400

Ay, ñuqa yaykuruni mamaypa nichuman ya. A ver Ima taltri kayan chay nichu
Ay, ñuqa yayku-ru-ni mama-y-pa nichu-man ya. A vir Ima tal-tri ka-ya-n chay
Ay, 1 enter-URGT-1 mother-1-GEN tomb-ALL EMPH to see what such-EVC be-PROG-3
Ah, yo me he entrado al nicho de mi mamá. Ah, ¿Qué tal está ese nicho? diciendo.
Ah, Ientered my mother's crypt. I said, "Let's see, how is this crypt?"
00:15:51.220 - 00:15:56.560

nichu ni-shpa
DEM.D tomb say-SUBIS

Yuyanichu manaya imayna yaykushpa hitarashaytapis. Chaytapis yuyanichu.

Yuya-ni-chu mana-ya imayna yayku-shpa hita-ra-sha-y-ta-pis chay-ta-pis
remember-1-NEG no-EMPH how enter-SUBIS throw.down-UNINT-PRF-1-ACC-ADD
Yo no me recuerdo como entré ni como estuve tirada. No me lo recuerdo.
I don't remember how I entered and how I was lying down there. I don't remember
00:15:56.600 - 00:16:01.080

DEM.D-ACC-ADD remember-1-NEG

Aa, alkulta sinqayman trurasha chalkata kay qasquyman

Aa, alkul-ta sinqa-y-man trura-sha chalka-ta kay qasqu-y-man
Aa, alcohol-ACC nose-1-ALL put-PRF nettle-ACC DEM.P ribs-1-ALL
Ah, alcohol voy a poner a mi nariz. ortiga a mi costilla.
Ah, I'd put alcohol in my nose and thorns here on my sides.
00:16:01.720 - 00:16:06.600

Hiwiyan diduyta Hiwiyasha diduyta

Hiwi-ya-n didu-y-ta Hiwi-ya-sha didu-y-ta
twist-PROG-3 finger-1-ACC twist-PROG-PRF finger-1-ACC
Estoy torciendo mis dedos, Había torcido mis dedos,
I'm twisting my fingers. I'd twisted my fingers.
00:16:06.960 - 00:16:09.600

Wawiykuna ya, wawikushaywan ya qishayani.

Wawi-y-kuna ya wawi-ku-sha-y-wan ya qisha-ya-ni
baby-1-PL EMPH baby-REFL-PRF-1-INSTR EMPH be-ill-PROG-1
Había tenido mi hijo. Con mi hijo estoy enferma.
I'd had my baby. I was already in labor.
00:16:14.180 - 00:16:17.280

Aa, yantaman rishaq, yantata apamushaq.
Aa, yanta-man ri-shaq yanta-ta apa-mu-shaq
Aa, firewood-ALL go-1.FUT firewood-ACC bring-REFL-1.FUT
Ah, voy a ir por leña. Voy a traer leña.
Ah, I'm going to go for firewood. I'm going to bring firewood.
00:16:17.400 - 00:16:20.360

Platu kanchu. Paqaypaqkamatr platu kakuyan

Platu ka-n-chu paqaypaq-kama-tr platu ka-ku-ya-n
plate be-3-NEG a.lot-RSTR-EVC plate be-REFL-PROG-3 kakuyan
No hay plato. Los platos estarán por lavar.
There are no plates. The plates must have to be washed.
00:16:37.180 - 00:16:40.800

Aa, wañun. Vulkarunshari. Achkashari wañukun vulkaptin.

Aa, wañu-n Vulka-ru-n-sh-ari Achka-sh-ari wañu-ku-n vulka-pti-n
Aa, die-3 turn.over-URGT-3-EVR-EMPH many-EVR-EMPH die-REFL-3 turn.over-SUBDS-3
Ah, se ha muerto. Ha volteado, dice. harto han muerto cuando volquó.
Ah, they died. It turned over, they say. Many died when it turned over, they
00:16:48.900 - 00:16:53.480

Wañukunña. Gravish kara Richarpa churin. Kanan wañukunshi.

Wañu-ku-n-ña Gravi-sh ka-ra Richar-pa churi-n kanan wañu-ku-n-shi
die-REFL-3-DISC grave-EVR be-PST Richar-GEN child-3 now die-REFL-3-EVR
Se ha muerto ya. Grave, dice, estaba el hijo de César. Ahora se murió, dice.
He died already. Richard's child was serious[ly injured]. Now he's died, they
00:16:55.680 - 00:17:01.080

Ishkay llantayuqllash kasha mutu.

Ishkay llanta-yuq-lla-sh kasha mutu
two tire-POSS-RSTR-EVR be-PRF motorcycle
Con dos llantas no más era la moto, dice.
The motorcycle had only two wheels, they say.
00:17:01.920 - 00:17:04.260 00:17:05.040 - 00:17:10.260

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2013/Lincha_NF_Sendero.eaf
Thursday, May 29, 2014 4:07 PM


Chay runakuna
Chay runa-kuna
DEM.D person-PL
Ese gente
Those people.
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:05.640

Malyantakuna. Puriqkuna manam imatapis ruwayta,

Malya-n-ta-kuna Puri-q-kuna mana-m ima-ta-pis ruwa-y-ta
gangsters-3-ACC-PL walk-AG-PL no-EVD what-ACC-ADD make-INF-ACC
Maleantes. Los que andaban no querían hacer nada.
Gangsters. The fellow-travelers didn't want to do anything.
00:00:06.400 - 00:00:10.900

Ruwachiyta manam atiparanchikchu.

ruwa-chi-y-ta mana-m atipa-ra-nchik-chu
No pudimos hacer nada.
We couldn't do anything.
00:00:11.340 - 00:00:13.170

Chaymi lliw lliw ganawninchikkunata rantikuykushpa

Chay-mi lliw lliw ganaw-ni-nchik-kuna-ta rantiku-yku-shpa
DEM.D-EVD all all cattle-EUPH-1PL-PL-ACC sell-EXCEP-SUBIS
Vendiendo todo todo nuestro ganado
Selling all our cattle
00:00:14.680 - 00:00:18.820

Ripukuq kanchik lliwta.

Ri-puku-q ka-nchik lliw-ta
go-PL-AG be-1PL all-ACC
Todo nos hemos ido.
All of us left.
00:00:18.930 - 00:00:21.060

Tuta puntraw ganawninta qatirikushpam rin.

Tuta puntraw ganaw-ni-n-ta hati-ri-ku-shpa-m ri-n
night day cattle-EUPH-3-ACC VV-INCEP-REFL-SUBIS-EVD go-3
Noche y día llevando su ganado se va.
Day and night, bringing their cattle, they went.
00:00:22.280 - 00:00:25.220

Wasi pukunchikpaqpis. Sayakuyanmi runaqa.

Wasi puku-nchik-paq-pis Saya-ku-ya-n-mi runa-qa
house door-1PL-LOC-ADD wait-REFL-PROG-3-EVD person-TOP
En la puerta de nuestra casa Gente está parando.
In the doors of our house People are standing
00:00:25.790 - 00:00:27.430 00:00:27.805 - 00:00:29.835

Chay llapa armantintri ima diyabluntatr chay apakatrakunpis

Chay llapa arma-ntin-tri ima diyablu-n-ta-tr chay apa-katra-ku-n-pis
DEM.D all arms-INCL-EVC what devil-3-ACC-EVC DEM.D bring-FREQ-REFL-3-ADD
Con todo su arma ¿qué diablos llevará, pues?
with all their arms. What the hell would they be carrying?
00:00:30.835 - 00:00:35.155

Chaywan apakatrakushpam rikakayachin runamasinchiktaq.

Chay-wan apa-katra-ku-shpa-m rika-ka-ya-chi-n runa-masi-nchik-taq
Con ése llevateando están haciendo mirar a nuestros prójimos.
Carrying those, they made our neighbors look
00:00:36.280 - 00:00:40.620

Ganawninta hatikuyan lliwta.

Ganaw-ni-n-ta hati-ku-ya-n lliw-ta
cattle-EUPH-3-ACC grab-REFL-PROG-3 all-ACC
Con su ganado están agarrando todo.
With their cattle, they're grabbing everything,
00:00:40.670 - 00:00:42.550

Manam uywa ... mana ganaw uywaqkunaman chayman partikurun.

Mana-m uywa ... mana ganaw uywa-q-kuna-man chay-man parti-ku-ru-n
no-EVD raise no cattle raise-AG-PL-ALL DEM.D-ALL divide-REFL-URGT-3
Al que no cría ganado para ellos compartió.
They distributed them to people who didn't raise cattle.
00:00:42.895 - 00:00:47.055

Partikuruptinqa mitadta
Parti-ku-ru-pti-n-qa mitad-ta
Cuando partió mitad.
When they distributed half
00:00:48.035 - 00:00:50.625

Qillakunaqa manaya uywakunchu ganawnintapis.

Qilla-kuna-qa mana-ya uywa-ku-n-chu ganaw-ni-n-ta-pis
lazy-PL-TOP no-EMPH raise-REFL-3-NEG cattle-EUPH-3-ACC-ADD
Los osiocos no crían ni su ganado.
The lazy [people] don't raise their cattle.
00:00:50.915 - 00:00:54.615

Chay chay kuntintatr chaykuna kidapa:kun chay ganawninchik ripartiptinqa.

Chay chay kuntinta-tr chay-kuna kida-paku-n chay ganaw-ni-nchik
DEM.D DEM.D content-EVC DEM.D-PL stay-MUTBEN-3 DEM.D cattle-EUPH-1PL
Muy contentos se habrán quedado con nuestro ganado que les repartió.
They must have stayed happy with our cattle that they distributed.
00:00:55.665 - 00:01:01.625

Kushi kushi kushi chaytri kidapa:kun.

riparti-pti-n-qa Kushi kushi kushi chay-tri kida-paku-n
distribute-SUBDS-3-TOP happy happy happy DEM.D-EVC stay-MUTBEN-3
Alegres, alegres, alegres se habrán quedado.
They must have remained happy, happy, happy.
00:01:02.395 - 00:01:04.430

May diyablupatriki hamupakun chay runakunaqa.

May diyablu-pa-tri-ki hamu-paku-n chay runa-kuna-qa
where devil-LOC-EVC-KI come-PL-3 DEM.D person-PL-TOP
¿De dónde diablos habrán venido esas personas?
Where the hell would those people have come from?
00:01:05.450 - 00:01:09.000

Manam kay lawpachu

Mana-m kay-law-pa-chu
no-EVD DEM.P side-loc-NEG
No es de este lado.
Not from around here.
00:01:09.260 - 00:01:15.190

Chaypaq chay ripartiptinñataqqa nan

Chay-paq chay riparti-pti-n-ña-taq-qa na-n
Después cuando repartió este ...
Later when they distributed the umm
00:01:15.790 - 00:01:19.630

Kaypa runakunañataqtriki.
Kay-pa runa-kuna-ña-taq-tri-ki
Gente de acá ya también seguro
People from here, too, for sure
00:01:20.295 - 00:01:22.575

Asiptarura. Malasñataqtrik ubligaykurun.

Asipta-ru-ra Malas-ña-taq-tri-k ubliga-yku-ru-n
accept-URGT-PST bad-DISC-SEQ-EVC-K obligate-EXCEP-URGT-3
Aceptaría. A malas ya también los habrán obligado.
would have accepted. They must have obliged them against their will
00:01:23.485 - 00:01:29.015

Rinkichu manam rinkichu mana riptikiqa wañukishayki nishpam nin ninchush.
Ri-nki-chu mana-m ri-nki-chu mana ri-pti-ki-qa wañu-ku-shayki ni-shpa-m ni-n
go-2-ALT no-EVD go-2-ALT no go-SUBDS-2-TOP die-REFL-1>2 say-SUBIS-EVD say-3
'¿Vas a ir no vas a ir? Si no vas, te mato', dice, dijo.
"Are you going to go or are you not going to go? If you don't go, I'll kill
you," they said, they say.
00:01:29.825 - 00:01:35.415

Manam tutachu hamupakun wakkunaqa

ni-n-chush Mana-m tuta-chu hamu-paku-n wak-kuna-qa
say-3-CHUSH no-EVD night-NEG come-PL-3 DEM.D-PL-TOP
No vnnieron de noche ellos.
They didn't come at night.
00:01:35.485 - 00:01:38.275

Puntraw. Kanan puntraw qutukuykushpa qutunakuykushpa lliw lliw

Puntraw Kanan puntraw qutu-ku-yku-shpa qutu-naku-yku-shpa lliw lliw
day now day gather-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS gather-RECIP-EXCEP-SUBIS all all
Día. Hoy día se juntaron, se juntaron a todos, todos.
Day. Today. They gathered up everyone, everyone they gathered up.
00:01:38.815 - 00:01:44.605

Huknin iskinapa huknin iskinapa kwidakuykushpa

Huk-ni-n iskina-pa huk-ni-n iskina-pa kwida-ku-yku-shpa
one-EUPH-3 corner-LOC one-EUPH-3 corner-LOC care.for-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS
Uno en una esquina, otro en la otra esquina cuidando.
One in one corner, another in the other corner, looking out.
00:01:45.105 - 00:01:47.695

Ripartikuyan runamasinchikwan ganawninta. Wañuchishpam mikukuyan. Vida. Vida ha

sido ese año así.
Riparti-ku-ya-n runa-masi-nchik-wan ganaw-ni-n-ta. Wañu-chi-shpa-m miku-ku-ya-n
distribute-REFL-PROG-3 person-PART-1PL-INSTR cattle-EUPH-3-ACC
Están repartiendo el ganado de nuestros prójimos. Matándolos, los están
They're distributing the cattle of our neighbors. Killing them, they're eating
00:01:48.385 - 00:01:55.275


Lliw lliw istansiyantapis trakrantapis

Lliw lliw istansiya-n-ta-pis trakra-n-ta-pis
all all ranch-3-ACC-ADD field-2-ACC-ADD
Todo, todo -- sus estancias, sus chacras.
Everything, everything -- their ranches, their fields.
00:01:59.885 - 00:02:05.105

Disbandunashpa tutam ripukullanchik.

Disbanduna-sha-m tuta-m ri-pu-ku-lla-nchik
abandon-PRF-3 night-3 go-PL-RSTR-1PL
Abandonando noche nos hecmos corrido.
We abandoned [our town] and left at night.
00:02:05.235 - 00:02:07.635

Ripukunchik tuta mana adiosta ripukullanchik.

Ri-pu-ku-nchik tuta mana adios-ta ri-puku-ya-nchik
go-PL-1PL night no goodbye-ACC say-PL-PROG1PL
Nos fuimos de noche. Nos fuimos sin decir adios.
We left at night. We left without saying goodbye.
00:02:09.830 - 00:02:13.830

Ripukunchik pasaypaq llapa wambrantin.

Ri-pu-ku-nchik pasaypaq llapa wambra-ntin
go-PL-1PL a.lot all child-INCL
Nos hemos corrido total con todos nuestros hijos.
We left completely with all our children.
00:02:14.780 - 00:02:17.320

Ganawnintin tutapis vakapis

Ganaw-ni-ntin tuta-pis vaka-pis
cattle-EUPH-3 night-ADD cow-ADD
Con todo nuestro ganado, de noche, [con nuestras] vacas también.
With our cattlw, at night, [with our] cows, too.
00:02:17.395 - 00:02:19.335

Ayakushtin rikuyan vakapis tuta.

Aya-ku-shtin ri-ku-ya-n vaka-pis tuta
moo-REFL-SUBADV go-REFL-PROG-3 cow-ADD night
Las vacas están yendo de noche bramando.
The cows are going [along] at night, mooing.
00:02:19.835 - 00:02:23.115

Chay tutañataq riptin wakhina naptin kutiramuptinñataqmi nin

Chay tuta-ña-taq ri-pti-n wak-hina na-pti-n kuti-ra-mu-pti-n-ña-taq-mi
Cuando fueron de noche ya también, cuando volvieron ya también dijo.
When they left at night, already, like that and when they when they came back
already, they said
00:02:24.145 - 00:02:30.290


Subraqnin ya kidararura ishkay kimsa runallam kidara chaypa chaypachaqa.

Subra-q-ni-n ya kida-ra-ru-ra ishkay kimsa runa-lla-m kida-ra chay-pa
be.left.over-AG-EUPH-3 EMPH stay-PASSAC-URGT-PST two three person-RSTR-EVD
Los que sobraron no más quedaron -- dos, tres personas no más quedaron en ese
Those who remained stayed -- two or three people no more stayed there, right
00:02:30.880 - 00:02:35.410

00:02:36.180 - 00:02:38.540

00:02:38.960 - 00:02:40.260 00:02:40.855 - 00:02:45.825

Tengo a mis sobrinos pues que había en esa fila que se han entrado, pues.
00:02:46.445 - 00:02:50.395

Piru mutu lunakunaqa manam uyarikunchu, piru.

Mutu luna-kuna-qa mana-m uyari-ku-n-chu piru
VV person-PL-TOP no-EVD hear-REFL-3-NEG but
Las personas sin orejas no nos han escuchado, pero.
The people without ears didn't listen, though.
00:02:50.945 - 00:02:54.305

Trabahakamuy huklawpi niptinchikpis.

Trabaha-ka-mu-y huk law-pi ni-pti-nchik-pis
work- one disc-LOC say-SUBDS-1PL-ADD
'¡Ánda trabajar en otro sitio!' cuando se les dice, también.
When we said, "Go work someplace else!"
00:02:54.345 - 00:02:56.570

No escucharon.
they didn't listen.
00:02:56.685 - 00:02:58.180

Uyarikunchu. Piysa piysa surqurun.

Uyari-ku-n-chu Piysa piysa surqu-ru-n
hear-REFL-3-NEG piece piece remove-URGT-3
No escucharon. Pieza pieza lo sacaron.
They didn't listen. They took them out piece by piece.
00:02:58.660 - 00:03:02.060

Murukuñataq hamushpa
Muruku-ña-taq hamu-shpa
Moroco-DISC-SEQ come-SUBIS
Los morocos, vieniendo,
The Morocos, coming
00:03:02.935 - 00:03:04.815

Moroco. Kiswarkunaman warkuykushpam warkuykushpam rimachiq ninmi.

Moroco Kiswar-kuna-man warku-yku-shpa-m warku-yku-shpa-m rima-chi-q
Moroco. Colgándolos en los árboles quisuar, colgándolos los hacían hablar, dijo.
Morocos. Hanging them in kiswar trees, hanging them, they made them talk.
00:03:05.875 - 00:03:13.785


Subrinullaytam qaparishpa rimachiq karullapaqñam uyarini wak rifuhiyupahina

kaptiymi kaypa kaypahinam trakra kayan.
Subrinu-lla-y-ta-m qapari-shpa rima-chi-q karu-lla-paq-ña-m uyari-ni wak
nephew-RSTR-1-ACC-EVD shout-SUBIS talk-CAUS-AG far-RSTR-ABL-DISC-EVD hear-1 DEM.D
A mi sobrino lo hacía hablar gritándolo. De lejos no más ya escuché como allá
del refugio. Cuando estuve como en aquí esta chacra.
They made my nephew talk, yelling at him. I heard it from afar, like from over
at the Refugio when I was like here in my field.
00:03:14.045 - 00:03:24.305

rifuhiyu-pa-hina ka-pti-y-mi kay-pa kay-pa-hina-m trakra ka-ya-n


llaqta. Kay llaqta kaptinqa wakpahinam trakray kaywan wak trakraypaq

llaqta Kay llaqta ka-pti-n-qa wak-pa-hina-m trakra-y kay-wan wak trakra-y-paq
pueblo. Cuando él estaba en el pueblo como allá está mi chacra. De allí mi
chacra estoy escuchando.
town. When he was in town my field is like there. From my field, I'm hearing it.
00:03:25.005 - 00:03:30.315

field-1-ABL hear-PROG-CISL-1

Planta kisuwa ukaliptukuna kayan ya iskuylapa hawanpiqa
Planta kisuwa ukaliptu-kuna ka-ya-n ya iskuyla-pa qawa-n-pi-qa
tree quesua eucalyptus-PL be-PROG-3 EMPH school-GEN behind.3.LOC-TOP
Arboles quiswar. Hay eucaliptos arriba de la escuela.
Kiswar trees. There are eucalyptus above the school.
00:03:30.545 - 00:03:34.945

Chaymi qapariyallan wambra

Chay-mi qapari-ya-lla-n wambra
DEM.D-EVD shout-PROG-RSTR-3 child
Allí está gritando del joven.
The young man is shouting there.
00:03:35.635 - 00:03:39.245

Mama, mama, mama, mama nishpa qapariyallan.

Mama, mama, mama, mama ni-shpa qapari-ya-lla-n
Mama, mama, mama, mama say-SUBIS shout-PROG-RSTR-3
Mama, mama diciendo está gritando.
"Mother! Mother!" he saying, shouting.
00:03:39.625 - 00:03:45.605

Wawalla dije no más yo también mirando.

Pobre bebé dije yo también mirando.
Poor child, I said, looking, myself, too.
00:03:46.895 - 00:03:49.515

Ima diyablupatr mitikun wakkunaman kuhudusakunanman piru

Ima diyablu-pa-tr miti-ku-n wak-kuna-man kuhudusa-kuna-n-man piru
what devil put-REFL-3 DEM.D-PL-ALL damn-PL-3-ALL piru
¿Para qué diablos se habrá metido en-RSTR, en esas cojudeses, pero?
Why they hell sis he get himself into that, in that crap?
00:03:50.720 - 00:03:54.790

Mihurmi kashun chaypi, mihurmi mikushun nishpash pushan.

Mihur-mi ka-shun chay-pi mihur-mi miku-shun ni-shpa-sh
better-EVD be-1PL.FUT DEM.D-LOC better-EVD eat-1PL.FUT say-SUBIS-EVR
'Mejor vamos a estar en-RSTR, mejor vamos a comer', diciendo lo llevaron.
"We're going to be better [off], we're going to eat better," they said and took
00:03:55.670 - 00:03:59.380

00:04:00.640 - 00:04:02.400

Arribashun. Luchushun patriyanchikta nishpash nipakun.
Luchu-shun patriya-nchik-ta ni-shpa-sh ni-paku-n
fight-1PL.FUT country-1PL-ACC say-SUBIS-EVR say-PL-3
'Vamos a ir arriba. Vamos a luchar por nuestra patria', diciendo dice dijeron.
"We're going to go up. We're going to fight for our country,' they said, they
00:04:02.900 - 00:04:08.260

nishpam nipakun rinman ninmi.

ni-shpa-m ni-paku-n ri-n-man ni-n-mi
say-SUBIS-EVD say-PL-3 go-3-COND say-3-EVD
Diciendo dijeron puede ir dicen.
They said he could go, they say.
00:04:09.310 - 00:04:12.045

Chayshi wañuchiyan. Piysa piysa.

Chay-shi wañu-chi-ya-n Piysa piysa.
DEM.D-EVR die-CAUS-PROG-3 piece piece
Allí, dice, lo mataron. Piesa piesa.
Then they killed him, they say. Piece by piece..
00:04:13.425 - 00:04:18.175

Nudupa nudupam surqurusha puntatam qallunta.

Nudu-pa nudu-pa-m surqu-ru-sha punta-ta-m kallu-n-ta
knot-LOC knot-LOC-EVD remove-URGT-PRF point-ACC-EVD knapsack-3-ACC
Nudo por nudo lo sacaron. Primero su lengua.
They took him out piece by piece. His tongue first.
00:04:18.405 - 00:04:22.935

Triste era esa vida, Dios mío.

00:04:23.035 - 00:04:25.675

Mana atindiyta munanaptinchikqa, ah, eres

Mana atindi-y-ta muna-pti-nchik-qa ah, eres
no attend-INF-ACC want-SUDS-1PL-TOP ah,
Cuando no quería atender, ah, eres
When we didn't want to attend to them, "Ah, you're
00:04:26.430 - 00:04:31.290

Acuerda eres compinche, niwanchikmi.

De acuerdo eres compinche, nos dice,
"Remember, you're an accomplice," they said to us.
00:04:31.520 - 00:04:34.000

Ah, kumpinchimik kanki qamqa chaytrik
Ah kumpinchi-mi-k ka-nki qam-qa chay-tri-k
Ah, accomplice-EVD-K be-2 2-TOP DEM.D-EVC-k
Ah, tú eres compinche, por-RSTR
"Ah, you're an accomplice, so
00:04:34.895 - 00:04:38.255

Kuntradisuwanchik kay partidu-ta kuntradisuwanchik nishpam chaychu manam

mitikuyta munankichu nishpam niq.
Kuntradisu-wanchik kay partidu-ta Kuntradisu-wanchik ni-shpa-m chay-chu mana-m
contradict-1PL.OBJ DEM.D party-ACC contradict-1PL.OBJ say-SUBIS-EVD DEM.D-NEG
'Ah, nos contradice, contradice el partido', dijeron. 'Por eso no quieres
meterte', nos dice.
"Ah, they contradict us, they contradict the party," they said. "That's why you
you don't want to get involved," they said.
00:04:38.345 - 00:04:46.015

miti-ku-y-ta muna-nki-chu ni-shpa-m ni-q

no-EVD put-REFL-INF-ACC want-2-NEG say-SUBIS-EVD say-AG

Chaymi ñuqa rabiyariruni. Mátame nini.

Chay-mi rabiya-ri-ru-ni Mátame nini
DEM.D-EVD rabiya-INCEP-URGT-1 say-1
Por eso yo me molesté. '¡Mátame!' le dije.
So I got angry. "Kill me!" I said.
00:04:46.825 - 00:04:50.165

Mátame, yo con mi política, tú con tu política, le dije yo.

00:04:50.500 - 00:04:54.570

Mátame, le dije. Yo vivo con mi trabajo, con mi fuerza, yo no te pido a ustedes,

yo, le dije.
00:04:55.010 - 00:05:00.430

Entonces contra del partido serás, nos han dicho.

00:05:00.730 - 00:05:04.585

De ahí, qué día que vamos a ser en esa, en esa fila, pero yo no he querido.
00:05:08.065 - 00:05:13.325

No, le dije. Además yo no radico acá, yo me radico en Huancayo, yo le dije.

00:05:15.345 - 00:05:21.235

Rato no más vengo yo a ver mi mamá no más, decía. Mi mamá no más era con mi
ganado ahí abajo.
00:05:21.805 - 00:05:27.135

Mamallaytaq ubliganshiki. Manam atipanichu ninshi.

Mama-lla-y-taq ubliga-n-shi-ki Mana-m atipa-ni-chu ni-n-shi
mother-RSTR-1-SEQ oblige-3-EVR-KI no-EVD say-3-EVR
A mi mamá, dicen, le obligaron. 'No puedo', les dijo, dicen.
They obliged my mothr. "I can't," she said, they say.
00:05:28.765 - 00:05:31.505 00:05:31.925 - 00:05:33.605

Pim kidan vakaywan pim kidan uvihaywan?

Pi-m kida-n vaka-y-wan pi-m kida-n uviha-y-wan
who-EVD stay-3 cow-1-INSTR who-EVD stay-3 sheep-1-INSTR
'¿Quién va a estar con mis vacas? ¿Quién va a estar con mis ovejas?'
"Who's going to stay with my cows? Who's going to stay with my sheep?"
00:05:33.990 - 00:05:36.720

nishpash nin. Chaypaq, vingakuruwanchik, ¿manachu?

ni-shpa-sh ni-n Chay-paq vinga-ku-ru-wanchik ¿mana-chu
say-SUBIS-EVR say-3 DEM.D-ABL avenge-REFL-URGT-1pl.OBJ no-Q
diciendo le dijo. De allí nos han vengado, ¿no ves?
she said, they say. So they took revenge on us. Don't you see?
00:05:37.170 - 00:05:39.980

Todo casa, lo que eran de ese partido que andaban. Todo lo ha quemado.
00:05:40.120 - 00:05:42.970 00:05:43.040 - 00:05:46.920

Bájalo un rato. Voy a hacer bajar vaca.

00:05:47.390 - 00:05:51.385

Rumipis pasaypaq qillum kara. Ladrilluhinam. Kulur ladrillu.

Rumi-pis pasaypaq qillu-m ka-ra Ladrillu-hina-m Kulur ladrillu
stone-ADD a.lot yellow-EVD be-PST brick-SIM-EVD color brick.
La piedra también era totalmente amarilla. Como ladrillo. Color ladrillo.
The rock, too, was completely yellow. Like brick. Brick-colored.
00:05:51.955 - 00:05:56.285

Runapa wasin wakhina wasita kañaykurun.

Runa-pa wasi-n wak-hina wasi-ta kaña-yku-ru-n
person-GEN house-3 DEM.D-SIM house-ACC burn-EXCEP-URGT-3
Las casas de la gente. Como esa casa, las quemaron.
The people's houses. Like that house. They birned them.
00:05:56.635 - 00:05:59.785

Mana chay andariywan runapa wasinta ya.

Mana chay andariy-wan runa-pa wasi-n-ta ya
no DEM.D fellow-traveler person-GEN house-3-ACC EMPH
No las casas de los andariegos ya.
Not the houses of the fellow-travelers. VV
00:06:01.715 - 00:06:05.415

Mana chay puriqkuna Qashqallam wasin tiyayan.

Mana chay puri-q-kuna Qashqa-lla-m wasi-n tiya-ya-n
no DEM.D walk-AG-PL whole-RSTR-EVD house-3 sit-PROG-3
No [de]-RSTRs que andaban. Sus casas están sentados conforme.
Not [of] those who walked. Their houses are sitting in fine condition.
00:06:05.600 - 00:06:07.810 00:06:08.030 - 00:06:10.220

Huk puriqkunapa wasintam kañaykurun

Huk puri-q-kuna-pa wasi-n-ta-m kaña-yku-ru-n
one walk-AG-PL-GEN house-3-ACC-EVD burn-EXCEP-URGT-3
Quemaron a la casa de uno de los que anadaban.
They burned the house of one of the walkers.
00:06:10.660 - 00:06:13.520

Chay huchanpis suwarikushpa suwarikushpatrik rin may diablostapis.

Chay hucha-n-pis suwa-ri-ku-shpa suwari-ku-shpa-tri-k ri-n
Era su culpa robando robando habrán ido donde diablos sea.
[It was] their fault, robbing, robbing, where the hell would they have gone?
00:06:13.840 - 00:06:17.260

may diablos-ta-pis
where devil-ACC-ADD

Churinkunamantri apan warminkunamantri apan chaykunata.

Churi-n-kuna-man-tri apa-n warmi-n-kuna-man-tri apa-n chay-kuna-ta
child-3-PL-ALL-EVC bring-3 woman-3-PL-ALL-EVC bring-3 DEM.D-PL
A sus hijos y a sus mujeres llevarán ésas cosas.
They'd bring those things to their children and to their wives.
00:06:18.055 - 00:06:21.095

Rantishpapis, rantikuntrik chaykuna hakukunantaq.

Ranti-shpa-pis rantiku-n-tri-k chay-kuna haku-kuna-n-ta-qa
buy-SUBIS-ADD sell-3-EVC-K DEM.D-PL coat-PL-3-ACC-TOP
Vendiendo, también. Habrán vendido esas ropa.
Selling the, too. They must have sold those clothes.
00:06:21.155 - 00:06:24.735

Tiyndakunatatr, Dios mío, mirdadiriyakunatatr apan.

Tiynda-kuna-ta-tr Dios miyu mirdadiriya-kuna-ta-tr apa-n
store-PL-ACC-EVC God my merchandise-PL-ACC-EVC bring-3
Tienda y todo, seguro, Dios mío, mercadería y todo, dicen, llevaron,
STore and all, for sure. My God! Merchandise and all, for sure, they must have
00:06:25.800 - 00:06:29.130

Suwari suwarikushpatriki
Suwa-ri suwa-ri-ku-shpa-tri-ki
Robando robando, seguro.
Robbing, robbing, for sure.
00:06:29.860 - 00:06:32.330

Manam, manam, manam. Manam chaytaq uyariranichu. Ñuqaqa manam imatapis, ah,
Mana-m mana-m mana-m Mana-m chay-taq uyari-ra-ni-chu Ñuqa-qa mana-m ima-ta-pis
no-EVD no-EVD no-EVD no-EVD DEM.D-SEQ hear-PST-1-NEG 1-TOP no-EVD what-ACC-ADD
No, no, eso yo no he escuchado. Yo nada de-RSTR, ha.
No, no, no. I haven't heard that. I, nothing, ah
00:06:33.810 - 00:06:39.520


Kapas, kapas, manam como manam manam ñuqayá wakpaq manayá yatranitaqchu.
Kapas kapas mana-m mana-m mana-m ñuqa-yá wak-paq mana-yá yatra-ni-taq-chu
possibly possibly no-EVD no-EVD no-EVD 1-EMPH DEM.D-LOC no-EMPH live-1-SEQ-NEG
Capaz, capaz. No, como no, yo no vivía allí tampoco.
Maybe, maybe. No, as I, no, I didn't live there ...
00:06:39.640 - 00:06:44.450

00:06:45.200 - 00:06:46.230

Kapastrik kapas kashpataqpis kayantriki

Kapas-tri-k kapas ka-shpa-taq-pis ka-ya-n-tri-ki
possibly-EVC-K possibly be-SUBIS-SEQ-ADD be-PROG-3-EVC-KI
Capaz habiendo habrá pues.
Maybe when there is, there'd be ...
00:06:47.420 - 00:06:50.510

Kaypaqtrik apashapis. Aparura wakman. Aparuratriki kaypaq.

Kay-paq-tri-k apa-sha-pis Apa-ru-ra wak-man Apa-ru-ra-tri-ki kay-paq
De acá pues habrán llevado. Lo llevaron para allá. De acá, pues, lo llevarían.
The must have taken it from here. They took it over there. From here, they'd
have taken it,
00:06:58.170 - 00:07:02.390
Suwari suwarikushpash aparura.
Suwa-ri suwa-ri-ku-shpa-sh apa-ru-ra
Robando robando, dice, ha llevado.
Stealing, stealing, they say, they took it.
00:07:03.445 - 00:07:06.615

Chaynatr kapas ruwarapis mana rikaptinchikqa.

Chay-na-tr kapas ruwa-ra-pis mana rika-pti-nchik-qa
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC possibly make-PST-ADD no see-SUBDS-1PL-TOP
Así capaz lo hicieron cuando no lo hemos visto.
Like that, maybe they did it when we weren't looking.
00:07:07.925 - 00:07:11.015

00:07:11.375 - 00:07:15.535

Kapastrik chaynapis ruwarura runaqa. ¿Quién diablos sabe? A ver.

Kapas-tri-k chay-na-pis ruwa-ru-ra runa-qa
possibly-EVC-K DEM.D-VRBZ-ADD make-URGT-PST person-TOP
Capaz, pues, así también haría la gente. ¿Quién diablos sabe? A ver.
Maybe, then, people would have done it like that. Who the hell knows? Let's see.
00:07:17.015 - 00:07:20.965

Armanta rikaykatruwaptinchik. Qalayllapis karullanchikman. ¡Vaka!

Arma-n-ta rika-katru-wa-pti-nchik Qalay-lla-pis ka-ru-lla-nchik-man ¡Vaka!
arms-3-ACC see-FREQ-1.OBJ-SUBDS-1PL naked-RSTR-ADD be-URGT-RSTR-1PL cow
Cuando nos hacieron ver sus armas. Calato también podemos estar.
When they showed us their weapons, We could be naked, too. Cow!
00:07:21.055 - 00:07:23.025 00:07:23.105 - 00:07:25.505

¡Kutiriy! ¡Karamba! ¡Qay! ¡Vaka! ¡Kutiriy! ¡Saya!

Kuti-ri-y Karamba Qay Vaka Kutiriy Saya
return-INCEP-IMP damn hey cow return-INCEP-IMP Stand
Dále vuelta caramba. Oye! Vaca! Dále vuelta! ¡Párate!
Turn around, dammit! hey! Cow! Turn around! Stand still!
00:07:25.770 - 00:07:29.960 00:07:33.070 - 00:07:34.830

Chaynam kara chaykunaqa.

Chay-na-m ka-ra chay-kuna-qa
Así eran éllos.
They were like that.
00:07:37.110 - 00:07:39.260

Tutapis manañam puñuranchikchu. Utrkullapiñam puñuranchik.
Tuta-pis mana-ña-m puñu-ra-nchik-chu Utrku-lla-pi-ña-m puñu-ra-nchik
night-ADD no-DISC-EVD sleep-PST-1PL-NEG cave-RSTR-LOC-DISC-EVD sleep-PST-1PL
No dormíamos noche, tampoco. Dormíamos en cuevas no más ya.
We didn't sleep at night, either. We slept just in caves.
00:07:39.950 - 00:07:43.990

Manañam istansiyanchikpiña puñuranchikchu.

Mana-ña-m istansiya-nchik-pi-ña puñu-ra-nchik-chu
no-DISC-EVD ranch-1PL-LOC-DISC sleep-PST-1PL-NEG
Ya no dormíamos en nuestra estancia.
We didn't sleep at out ranches any more.
00:07:44.715 - 00:07:48.095

Karupiñam, karupiñam puñuranchik.

Karu-pi-ña-m karu-pi-ña-m puñu-ra-nchik
Lejos, lejos ya dormíamos.
We slept far, far away.
00:07:48.255 - 00:07:50.775 00:07:51.640 - 00:07:54.620

Karu utrkukunapi puñurunchik.

Karu utrku-kuna-pi puñu-ru-nchik
far cave-PL-LOC sleep-URGT-1PL
Lejos, en cuevas, dormíamos.
Far away, in caves, we slept.
00:07:55.090 - 00:07:57.840

Ishkay kimsa qutunakuykushpaña chaypaqa ripukun chaypis.

Ishkay kimsa qutu-naku-yku-shpa-ña chay-pa-qa ripu-ku-n chay-pis
Dos, tres. juntándonos. De allí se fugaron ellos también.
two or three, gathering together. Then they left, too.
00:07:59.450 - 00:08:04.020

Vamos a entrar ahí, pues, en ese. En ese partido, pues.

00:08:05.410 - 00:08:10.900

política. Ya ese será el defecto de ellos, ya pues. A malas.

00:08:10.940 - 00:08:15.660

Altakama gringa, gringum hamura. Ana, Paulashiki chay kara.

Alta-kama gringa gringu-m hamu-ra Ana Paula-shi-ki chay ka-ra
tall-LIM gringa gringo-EVD come-PST Ana Paula-EVR-KI DEM.D be-PST
Gringos altos. Gringos venieron. Ana, Paula, dicen, eran ésas.
Tall gringos. Gringos came. Ana and Paula, they say, they were.
00:08:26.785 - 00:08:31.125 00:08:31.705 - 00:08:37.070

Chaymi chay sutiyuq, Ana, Paula, ninmi.

Chay-mi chay suti-yuq Ana Paula ni-n-mi
DEM.D-EVD DEM.D name-POSS Ana Paula say-3-EVD
Así se llamaban, Ana, Paula, dijo.
Ah, those were their names, Ana, Paula, they said.
00:08:37.570 - 00:08:39.730

Chaypaq ima ninmi hukninta.

Chay-paq ima ni-n-mi huk-ni-n-ta
DEM.D-ABL what say-3-EVD one-EUPH-3-ACC
Luego, ¿Cómo se llamaba el otro?
Then, what was the other's name?
00:08:41.335 - 00:08:44.645

Abimael nintri, ¿ima nintri? Abimael. Guzmán.

Abimael ni-n-tri ima ni-n-tri Abimael Guzmán
Abimael say-3-EVC what say-3-EVC Abimael Guzmán
Abimael, dijo. ¿Qué diría? Abimael. Guzmán.
Abimael, they said. What would he be called? Abimael. Guzmán.
00:08:44.715 - 00:08:49.325

Ima mas sutitr karapis? Manam yatranichu.

Ima mas suti-tr ka-ra-pis Mana-m yatra-ni-chu
Ima more name-EVC be-PST-ADD no-EVD know-1-NEG
¿Qué nombres más habrá? No sé.
What other names would there be? I don't know.
00:08:49.575 - 00:08:52.975

Chaynam kara chaykunaqa. Chay pachapaqa ñuqapis ripukurani.

Chay-na-m ka-ra chay-kuna-qa Chay pacha-pa-qa ñuqa-pis ri-pu-ku-ra-ni
Así eran-RSTRs. En ese tiempo yo también me he ido.
Those were like that. At that time, I, too, left.
00:09:07.595 - 00:09:09.795 00:09:10.305 - 00:09:12.765

A Huancayo.
To Huancayo.
00:09:13.340 - 00:09:17.650

Chayna nurmal nisaptiyñam kaylawmanqa kutimuranchik.

Chay-na nurmal ni-sa-pti-y-ña-m kay-law-man-qa
Allí cuando normalizó nos volvimos para este lado.
Then when we called it normal, we returned here.
00:09:18.780 - 00:09:22.810


Satipupim trakray kan. Mayusniymi chaypa kayan.

Satipu-pi-m trakra-y ka-n Mayus-ni-y-mi chay-pa ka-ya-n
Satipupim field-1 be-1 elder.sibling-EUPH-1-EVD DEM.D-LOC be-PRIG-3
En Satipu tengo una chacra. Mi hermano mayor está allí.
I have a field in Sapitu. My older bother is there.
00:09:24.220 - 00:09:28.180

Los siete hectares de terreno tiene mi hermano allá. Hasta ahora.

00:09:28.900 - 00:09:34.070

Ripartinakunanchikpaqmi chay trakrakunaqa kayanraq.

Ripartina-ku-na-nchik-paq-mi chay trakra-kuna-qa ka-ya-n-raq
Esa chacra está para repartirse entre nosotros todavía.
That field is to be divided amongst us still.
00:09:36.540 - 00:09:40.310

Papallay rantishpa
Papa-lla-y ranti-shpa
father-RSTR-1 buy-SUBIS
Mi papá lo compró.
My father bought it.
00:09:40.480 - 00:09:42.440

Chaypam kayan chay mayurniy huknin

Chay-pa-m ka-ya-n chay mayur-ni-y huk-ni-n
DEM.D-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3 DEM.D elder.sibling-EUPH-1 one-EUPH-3
Allí está mi mayor, el otro.
My older [brother], another, is there.
00:09:43.630 - 00:09:46.640

Chay hukllam piru hukkunaqa Cañetepi. Huancayopi.

Chay huk-lla-m piru huk-kuna-qa Cañete-pi Huancayo-pi
DEM.D one-RSTR-EVD but one-PL-TOP Cañete-LOC Huancayo-LOC
Ese, uno no más, pero otros están en Cañete, en Huancayo.
Just that one. But others are in Cañete and Huancayo.
00:09:47.750 - 00:09:51.800

Hongoskunapi. Tanakunapi. Kayan lliw. Wakpi, kaypi disramaw kayan.
Hongos-kuna-pi Tana-kuna-pi Ka-ya-n lliw Wak-pi kay-pi disramaw ka-ya-n
Hongos-PL-LOC Tana-PL-LOC be-PROG-3 all DEM.D-LOC DEM.P-LOC spilled be-PROG-3
En Hongos, en Tana están todos. Allá aquí deramado están.
In Hongos, in Tana. All of them. They're spread out here and there.
00:09:52.300 - 00:09:55.230 00:09:55.490 - 00:09:57.730

Hongosmanqa, Hongosmanpis yaykuraratr siguru chaykunaman.

Hongos-man-qa Hongos-man-pis yayku-ra-ra-tr siguru chay-kuna-qa
A Hongos, a Hongos, también, habrán entrado ellos, seguro.
They must have entered Hongos, Hongos, too, for sure.
00:09:58.690 - 00:10:03.470

Yaykuram ninyá.
Yayku-ra-m ni-n-ya
enter-PST-EVD say-3-EMPH
Entraron, dijo, pues.
They entered, they say, then.
00:10:03.585 - 00:10:04.575

Na, lliw sitiyumantrik purishpaqa purirun.

Na lliw sitiyu-man-tri-k puri-shpa-qa puri-ru-n
DMY all place-ALL-EVC-K walk-SUBIS-TOP walk-URGT-3
Ah, cuando andaron habrán andado a todos los sitios..
Ah, when they walked about they must have walked about everywhere,
00:10:05.565 - 00:10:08.175

They'd have walked about.
00:10:08.385 - 00:10:09.645

Pasaypaq usapa puchukasam purin nin, ¿manachu?

Pasaypaq usa-pa puchuka-sa-m puri-n ni-n mana-chu
a.lot louse-GEN finish-PRF-EVD walk-3 say-3 no-Q
Total terminado de piojo andan, dijo, ¿no ves?
They walk about completely finished off by lice, they say, no?
00:10:10.735 - 00:10:13.835

Hitrkapakushpa hitrkapakushpam puriyan ninchu

Hitrka-pa-ku-shpa hitrka-pa-ku-shpa-m puri-ya-n nin-chu
scratch-PL-SUBIS scratch-PL-SUBIS walk-PROG-3 say-3-NEG
Rascándose rascándose andan, dijo.
They walk about scratching themselves, scratching themselves, they say.
00:10:15.460 - 00:10:18.500

Pulgapa puchukasa Chaynam purira nin ya.

Pulga-pa puchuka-sa Chay-na-m puri-ra ni-n ya
flea-GEN finish-PRF DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD walk-PST say-3 EMPH
Terminados de pulgas. Así andaban, dijo, pues.
Finished off by fleas They walked about like that, they say, then.
00:10:21.090 - 00:10:22.960 00:10:24.500 - 00:10:26.210

Hakun, kay qawan hakunpapis puriyanshi pulgaqa.

Haku-n kay qawa-n haku-n-pa-pis puri-ya-n-shi pulga-qa
coat-3 DEM.P see-3 coat-3-LOC-ADD walk-PROG-3-EVR flea-TOP
Encima de sus sacos también, dicen, están andandos pulgas.
They have fleas walking around on their clothes, they say.
00:10:26.320 - 00:10:30.870

Aa, chaynatriki chaynatriki purira huknin primuy kan ya.

Aa chay-na-tri-ki chay-na-tri-ki puri-ra huk-ni-n primu-y ka-n ya
Aa, DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC-KI DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC-KI walk-PST one-EUPH-3 cousin-1 be-3 EMPH
Ah, así pues, habrá andado uno de mis primos.
Ah, one of my cousins would have walked about like that.
00:10:32.270 - 00:10:38.810

Aa, chay chaypam rikarani.

Aa chay chay-pa-m rika-ra-ni
Ah, lo vi allí.
Ah, I saw it there.
00:10:39.250 - 00:10:42.330

Umanpipis kaypa bahayan pulganqa.

Uma-n-pi-pis kay-pa baha-ya-n pulga-n-qa
head-3-LOC-ADD DEM.P-LOC go.down-PROG-3 flea-3-TOP
De su cabeza también estaban bajando pulgas.
Fleas were coming down in his head.
00:10:42.975 - 00:10:46.465

Yuraqlla bahakuyan. Aa, allqupa pulganhina. ¡Vaka!

Lliw-raq ya baha-ku-ya-n Aa allqu-pa pulga-n-hina Vaka
all-CONT EMPH go.down-REFL-PROG-3 Aa, dog-GEN flea-3-SIM cow
Blanco no más estaban bajando. Ah, como las pulgas de un perro. ¡Vaca!
They were coming down white. Ah, like dog fleas. Cow!
00:10:46.535 - 00:10:49.225 00:10:49.585 - 00:10:54.305

Bahakuyan pulgaqa. Rumitapis rinrinwan hatarushaq vakatataq

Baha-ku-ya-n pulga-qa Rumi-ta-pis rinri-n-wan hata-ru-shaq vaka-ta-taq
go.down-REFL-PROG_3 flea-TOP stone-ACC-ADD ear-3-INSTR lift-URGT-PRF cow-ACC_SEQ
Estaban bajando pulgas. Aunque sea piedra le voy lanzar a la oreja de la vaca.
Fleas were coming down [his head]. I'm goignt to thro a stone, even, at that
cow's ear.
00:10:55.055 - 00:11:00.205

¡Dále vuelta!
Turn around!
00:11:01.035 - 00:11:05.235

Aa, chayqa utakunaqa Cacrapim.

Aa chay-qa uta-kuna-qa Cacra-pi-m
Ah, ese uta es en Cacra.
Ah, that, "uta" is in Cacra
00:11:10.515 - 00:11:13.965

Aa, Cacrapim chay utakunaqa.

Aa Cacra-pi-m chay uta-kuna-qa
Ah, en Cacra es ese uta.
Ah, that "uta" is in Cacra.
00:11:14.735 - 00:11:16.655

Wakhina qaqakunapi allpi kayan.

Wakhina qaqa-kuna-pi allpi ka-ya-n
DEM.D-SIM cliff-PL-LOC dirt be-PROG-3
Así en peña hay tierra.
LIke that, on the cliffs, there's dirt.
00:11:16.800 - 00:11:19.590

Chay utrkuman yaykuptikish uta hapishunki nin.

Chay utrku-man yayku-pti-ki-sh uta hapi-shunki ni-n
DEM.D cave-ALL enter-SUBDS-2-EVR grab-3>2 say-3
Hay cuevas cuando entras te agarra uta, dice.
There are caves, when you go inside "uta" grabs you, they say.
00:11:20.190 - 00:11:23.600

Chayshi karan mikukun

Chay-shi kara-n miku-ku-n
DEM.D-EVR face-3 eat-REFL-3
Allí, dice, comen sus caras.
There, they say, they eat their faces.
00:11:24.190 - 00:11:27.910

Kay karan sila silakama karan kayan.

Kay kara-n sila sila-kama kara-n ka-ya-n
DEM.P face-3 scar scar-LIM face-3 be-PROG-3
Hay cela, cela en sus caras.
They have scars, scars on thier faces.
00:11:28.080 - 00:11:31.810

Cacrinopa manam nurmalchu karan hukkunapatr ichaq nurmal kayan piru chay
Cacrino-pa mana-m nurmal-chu kara-n huk-kuna-pa-tr ichaq nurmal ka-ya-n piru
Cacraite-GEN no-EVD normal-NEG face-3 one-PL-GEN-EVC or normal be-PROG-3 but
No son normales las caras de los Cacrinos. Las de otros capaz serán normales,
The faces of the Cacrinos aren't normal. Other's might be, but, those
00:11:32.130 - 00:11:38.190


Utapa hapisankunaqa pasaypaq kayan karallanqa warmipapis qaripapis.

Uta-pa hapi-sa-n-kuna-qa pasay ka-ya-n kara-lla-n-qa warmi-pa-pis grab-PRF-3-PL-TOP a.lot face be-PROG-3 be-PROG-3
Los que agarra uta total sus caras están ... de los hombres y de las mujeres
The faces of those who caught "uta" are completely ... women's and men's.
00:11:38.280 - 00:11:42.920

face-RSTR-3-TOP woman-GEN-ADD man-GEN-ADD

Sinqallanpis manam nanchu kaypaq. Mikukashahinam sinqan kayan.

Sinqa-lla-n-pis mana-m na-n-chu kay-paq Miku-ka-sha-hina-m sinqa-n ka-ya-n
nose-RSTR-3-ADD no-EVD DMY-3-NEG DEM.P-LOC eat-PASSAC-PRF-SIM nose-3 be-PROG-3
Tampoco no tienen nariz. Parece que sus narices están comidos.
They don't have noses, either, It's like their noses were eaten.
00:11:46.990 - 00:11:49.690 00:11:49.785 - 00:11:52.355

Chayshi utakala ninmi chay uta chaypish kayan uta.

Chay-shi uta-kala ni-n-mi chay uta chay-pi-sh ka-ya-n uta
Allí, dice, hay uta. En allí, dice, hay uta.
So, they say, there's "uta" there, there's "uta" there.
00:11:52.965 - 00:11:56.535

1359 DEM.D-LOC-EVR be-PROG-3

Kaytaqtrik kayan piru manatrik hampichikunchu chayshi

Kay-taq-tri-k ka-ya-n piru mana-tri-k hampi-chi-ku-n-chu chay-shi
Debe haber pero no sabemos curarlo, por-RSTR, dicen
There should be. But we wouldn't know how to cure it. That's why, they say,
00:11:59.345 - 00:12:02.565

Asidush kan. Chay asiduwantri truraykurun chay asidu chayllapa kidarun.

Asidu-sh ka-n Chay asidu-wan-tri trura-yku-ru-n chay asidu chay-lla-pa
Hay ácido, dice.. Ese ácido le habrá puesto. Ese ácido allí no más habrá
There's acid, they say. They must have put acid. That acid stayed right there,
00:12:03.675 - 00:12:08.145


Chayllapi kimarun i chayna kidarun nurmal manaña nurmal karaman kutinñachu

Chay-lla-pi kima-ru-n i chay-na kida-ru-n nurmal mana-ña nurmal kara-man
DEM-DLIM-LOC burn-URGT-3 and DEM.D-VRBZ stay-URGT-3 normal no-DISC normal
Allí no más quemó y allí no más quedó normal. Ah, ya no volvió normal su cara.
It birned just there and stayed normal like that. Their faces didn't go back to
00:12:08.295 - 00:12:13.355

Utrkuña kidarun.
kuti-n-ña-chu Utrku-ña kida-ru-n
face-ALL return-3-DISC-NEG cave-DISC stay-URGT-3
Huequado ya quedó.
They were left with holes.
00:12:13.475 - 00:12:16.180

Utrku kaptinqa karash nanakullan ninshi

Utrku ka-pti-n-qa kara-sh nana-ku-lla-n ni-n-shi
hole be-SUBDS-3-TOP face-EVR hurt-REFL-RSTR-3 say-3-EVR
Cuando la cara está huequeado, duele, dijo.
When the face has holes, it hurts, they say.
00:12:16.470 - 00:12:18.980

Chay igus chay iguspatri kayan.

Chay igus chay igus-pa-tri ka-ya-n
DEM.D figs DEM.D figs-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3
Ah, en esos higos, higos estará, pues.
Ah, there are in figs, figs.
00:12:19.960 - 00:12:23.620

Chay Cacrapa kayan bastanti igus kanan kayan yanallatr kayan igusqa.
Chay Cacra-pa ka-ya-n bastanti igus kanan ka-ya-n yana-lla-tr ka-ya-n
DEM.D Cacra-LOC be-PROG-3 a.lot figs now be-PROG black-RSTR-EVC be-PROG-3
En Cacra hay bastante higos. Ahora allí habrán higos negros no más.
There are a lot of figs in Cacra. Now there would be just black figs.
00:12:24.220 - 00:12:30.650

Kananpis yirbanchik kayan kaypaqa hampinchik

igu-s-qa Kanan-pis yirba-nchik ka-ya-n kay-pa-qa hampi-nchik
figs-TOP now-ADD herb-1PL be-PROG-3 DEM.P-LOC-TOP cure-1PL
Ahora también tenemos hierbas. Aquí curamos.
Now we have herbs, too. We cure here.
00:12:33.310 - 00:12:37.530

Manañam pastillataqa utilisanchu. Manam.

Mana-ña-m pastilla-ta-qa utilisa-n-chu Mana-m
no-DISC-EVD pill-ACC-TOP use-3-NEG no-EVD
Ya no utiliza pastilla. No.
They don't use pills any more. No.
00:12:37.825 - 00:12:40.555

Yirballanchikmi kaypa lliw lliw yirbanchik

Yirba-lla-nchik-mi kay-pa lliw lliw yirba-nchik
herb-RSTR-1PL-EVD DEM.P-LOC all all herb-1PL
Nuestras hierbas no más. Todas nuestras yerbas.
Just our herbs. All our herbs.
00:12:40.695 - 00:12:43.825

Ihimplum, gripi hapirushuptikiqa lliw lliw hatrallanchikta kaypa quturushpaqa.

Ihimplu-m gripi hapi-ru-shpa lliw lliw hatra-lla-nchik-ta kay-pa
example-EVD cold grab-URGT-SUBIS all all herb-RSTR-1PL DEM.P-LOC
Ejemplo, cuando nos agarra gripe, juntamos todos nuestras hierbas
Example -- when we catch colds, we gather up all our herbs
00:12:43.925 - 00:12:50.735


kañarunki sartinpi. Chay kamcharishpa kamcharishpaqa rupasataqa piru yanqa

qarwaykachisa hinalla
kaña-ru-nki sartin-pi Chay kamcha-ri-shpa kamcha-ri-shpa-qa rupa-sa-ta-qa piru
burn-URGT-2 frying.pan-LOC DEM.D toast-INCEP-SUBIS toast-INCEP-SUBIS
vas a quemar en sartén. Quemando quemando lo que está quemado pero no
completamente quemado así.
you're going to burn them in a pan. Toasting them, toasting them, what's burned
but not charred thus
00:12:50.945 - 00:12:59.265

yanqa qarwa-yka-chi-sa hina-lla

burn-PRF-ACC-TOP but lie rust.color-EXCEP-CAUS-PRF SIM-RSTR

Chaypaq asukarllatam winaykuy chaypa chay kimawchata tumaykuy. Ya está.

Chay-paq asukar-lla-ta-m wina-yku-y chay-pa chay kimaw-cha-ta tuma-yku-y
De allí poquito asúcar no más vas a echar. Ese quemadito tómate. Ya está.
Then, you'll throw in just a little sugar. Take that "quemadito". That's it!
00:12:59.535 - 00:13:04.805


Pukatraki ihimplu, kaypi kayan muña, ukaliptu, wak kay ñuñullan kayan wak
Pukatraki ihimplu kay-pi ka-ya-n muña ukaliptu wak kay ñuñu-lla-n ka-ya-n wak
Pukatraki example DEM.P-LOC be-PROG-3 muña eucalyptus DEM.D DEM.P ñuñu-RSTR-3
Puka traki, por ejemplo, aquí hay muña, eucalipto. Hay la parte más tierna de
canta chisaqa.
There's puka traki, for example, muña, eucalyptus. There's the tenderest part
of canta chisaqa
00:13:08.375 - 00:13:15.275

be-PROG-3 DEM.D kantachapa-MULTPOSS

Markupa uhachankuna. Lliw chay urtigapa sisankuna

Marku-pa uha-cha-n-kuna Lliw chay urtiga-pa sisa-n-kuna
Marku-GEN leaf-DIM-3-PL all DEM.D thorn-GEN root-3-PL
Las ojas de marc. Todo-RSTR. Flores deortiga.
Marco leaves. All that. Thorn flowers.
00:13:15.445 - 00:13:21.705

Aa, umaykita watakuykunaykipaq

Aa, uma-yki-ta wata-ku-yku-na-yki-paq
Ah, para que amarres tu cabeza.
Ah, so that you tie up your head.
00:13:23.585 - 00:13:26.705
Wak tumbupa uhallanta matrkaykushpa ya.
Wak tumbu-pa uha-lla-n-ta matrka-yku-shpa ya
Moliendo hojas de tumba.
Grinding tumba leaves,
00:13:26.850 - 00:13:30.490

Uhupa tumbullanta matrkaykuy

Uhu-pa tumbu-lla-n-ta matrka-yku-y
leaf-GEN tumbu-RSTR-3-ACC grind-EXCEP-IMP
Muéle hojas de tumba, no más.
Grind just tumba leaves
00:13:31.230 - 00:13:33.720

Umaykita wataykuy listu kay timpanaykiman i matahaykiman

Uma-yki-ta wata-yku-y listu kay timpana-yki-man i mataha-yki-man
head-2-ACC tie-EXCEP-IMP ready DEM.P temple-2-ALL and neck-2-ALL
Tu cabeza amárate listo. Aquí a tu tímpano, a tu nuca.
Tie up your head. Ready! Here, your temple, your neck.
00:13:34.470 - 00:13:40.280

Kanan puñunaykipaq lliw lliw chaytaq suqurunqa hampiq

Kanan puñu-na-yki-paq lliw lliw chay-taq shuqu-ru-nqa hampi-q
now sleep-NMLZ-2-PURP all all DEM.D-SEQ suck-URGT-3.FUT cure-AG
Ahora para que duermas. Todo todo eso lo va a chupar para sanarse.
Now, so that you can sleep. He's going to suck all that to get better.
00:13:40.500 - 00:13:44.670

Chayllam hampinchik ñuqanchikpaq kayan.

Chay-lla-m hampi-nchik ñuqa-nchik-paq ka-ya-n
Ah,-RSTRs no más son nuestros remedios.
Ah, just those are our medicines.
00:13:47.010 - 00:13:52.300

Animalninchikkunataqa paypaqa inyeksyun piru diyariyakuna hapiptinqa birrus

Animal-ni-nchik-kuna-ta-qa pay-pa-qa piru diyariya-kuna hapi-pti-n-qa birrus
animal-EUPH-1PL-PL-ACC-TOP 3-GEN-TOP but diarrhea-PL grab-SUBDS-2-TOP cress
Para nuestros animales hay inyecciones. Pero cuando les agarra diarhea, también
hay berros.
There are injections for our animals. But when they catch diarrhea, there's
also cress.
00:13:52.930 - 00:14:01.210


Chay birrusta kutarishpa kutarishpa tumaykachiptikiqa asitinwan tumarachiptiki

lliw lliw purgarun.
Chay birrus-ta kutari-shpa kutari-shpa tuma-yka-chi-pti-ki-qa asiti-n-wan
Ese berros moliendo moliendo cuando lo tomas con aceite lo purga todo.
When you grind up that cress and when you take it with oil, when you take it,
it purges everything.
00:14:02.570 - 00:14:09.290

tuma-ra-chi-pti-ki lliw lliw purga-ru-n

oil-3-INSTR take-URGT-CAUS-SUBDS-2 all all purge-URGT-3

Igadupaqpis runapaqa kusaya

Igadu-paq-pis runa-pa-qa kusaya
liver-BEN-ADD person-GEN-TOP love-INTENS
Para el hígado también. Para la gente es bueno.
For the liver, too. It's good for people.
00:14:15.000 - 00:14:17.340

Insalada mikunanchikpaq lichugatahina. Ya ves, chaytam mikunchu

Insalada miku-na-nchik-paq lichuga-ta-hina chay-ta-m miku-n-chu
salad eat-NMLZ-1PL-PURP lettuce-ACC-SIM DEM.D-ACC eat-REFL-3-NEG
Para comer ensalada como lechuga. Ya ves, eso come.
To eat in salad like lettuce. You see? They eat that.
00:14:17.820 - 00:14:21.735 00:14:21.865 - 00:14:23.545

Chitiyapa huguchanta kutaykushpam -- mallaq mallaq

Chitiya-pa hugu-cha-n-ta kuta-yku-shpa-m -- mallaq mallaq
Chitiya-GEN juice-DIM-3-ACC grind-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD -- fast fast
El jugo de chitia. Moliendo -- en ayunas.
Chitia juice. Grinding it -- on an empty stomach.
00:14:24.130 - 00:14:26.040 00:14:26.570 - 00:14:28.980

Chayta tumariptikiqa igadupaq, lliwpaq. u kurtarashunki

Chay-ta tuma-ri-pti-ki-qa igadu-paq lliw-paq u kurta-ra-shunki
DEM.D-ACC take-INCEP-SUBDS-2-TOP liver-BEN all-BEN or cut-PASSAC-3>1
Cuando tomas-RSTR. para hígado, para todo. te va a cortar
WHen you that that for the liver, for everything it's going to coagulate
00:14:29.980 - 00:14:33.500 00:14:33.620 - 00:14:35.080

Chayllam rimidiyunchik kaypaq kay manam hukkunaqa

Chay-lla-m rimidiyu-nchik kay-paq kay mana-m huk-kuna-qa
Éso no más es nuestro remedio aquí, Los otros
Just those are our medicines here. Not any others.
00:14:37.755 - 00:14:41.335

Pastillata tumakuyan pastillata tumakuyan. Aso ma ...

Pastilla-ta tuma-ku-ya-n pastilla-ta tuma-ku-ya-n Aso ma
pill-ACC take-REFL-PROG-3 pill-ACC take-REFL-PROG-3 oh my
Toman pastillas. Toman pastilla. Aso ma ...
They take pills. They take pills. Oh, my!
00:14:41.435 - 00:14:45.785

Piru manam mihuranchu. Piyur piyur diskrunikakuyan, aa, diskrunikakuyan ya.

Piru mana-m mihura-n-chu Piyur piyur diskrunika-ku-ya-n aa diskrunika-ku-ya-n
but no-EVD improve-3-NEG worse worse become.chronic-REFL-PROG-3 aa,
Pero no se mejoran. Peor, peor se están cronicando. Ah, se cronican, ya.
But the don't get better. Worse. Worse, they get chronic. Ah, they get chronic.
00:14:47.265 - 00:14:52.915

Manam alliyanchu pastillawanqa.

ya Mana-m alli-ya-n-chu pastilla-wan-qa
become.chronic-REFL-PROG-3 EMPH no-EVD good-INCH-3-NEG pill-INSTR
No mejoran con pastillas.
They don't get better with pills.
00:14:53.555 - 00:14:55.515

trakinpis nanaptinpis ukaliptuwan qunikachishpa watarunki quniqllawan

traki-n-pis nana-pti-n-pis ukaliptu-wan quni-ka-chi-shpa wata-ru-nki
foot-3-ADD hurt-SUBDS-3-ADD eucalyptus-INSTR warm-REFL-CAUS-SUBIS tie-URGT-2
Cuando te duele el pie, caliénta eucapito y amárralo. Con caliente no más.
When your foot hurts, warm up eucalyptus and tie it up just with warm [leaves].
00:14:57.620 - 00:15:03.140

Wiqawniki nanaruptinqa wakataywan.

quni-q-lla-wan Wiqaw-ni-ki nana-ru-pti-n-qa wakatay-wan
warm-AG-RSTR-INSTR waist-EUPH-2 hurt-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP wakatay-INSTR
Cuando te duele la cintura, [amárralo] con wacatay.
When your lower back hurts, [tie it up] with wacatay.
00:15:04.330 - 00:15:07.350

Wakatayta kamchaykushpa, aa, ninapi.

Wakatay-ta kamcha-yku-shpa aa nina-pi
Wakatay-ACC toast-EXCEP-SUBIS aa, fire-LOC
Tostando wacatay en la candela.
Toast wacatay on the fire.
00:15:08.305 - 00:15:09.965

Pikiñuykushpa uhachallanta kamchakushpa kanan nayakushpa.
Pikiñu-yku-shpa uha-cha-lla-n-ta kamcha-ku-shpa ka-na-n na-ya-ku-shpa
Sacando sólo las hojas, tostando así haciendo.
Removing just the leaves, toasting it like this
00:15:16.385 - 00:15:19.915

Puñunaykipaq piru kay wiqawnikita watarunki.

Puñu-na-yki-paq piru kay wiqaw-ni-ki-ta wata-ru-nki
sleep-NMLZ-2-PURP but DEM.P waist-EUPH-2-ACC tie-URGT-2
Para que duermas pero tu cintura vas a amarrar así.
so that you can sleep. You're going to tie up your lower back.
00:15:19.935 - 00:15:22.525

Aa, wiqawnikita wa
Aa wiqaw-ni-ki-ta wa
Aa, waist-EUPH-2-ACC wa
Ah, tu cintura.
Ah, your lower back.
00:15:22.775 - 00:15:26.145

Aaa, piru kayqa huk puluykipa qawachanman piru

Aaa piru kay-qa huk pulu-yki-pa qawa-cha-n-man piru
Aaa, but DEM.P-TOP one shirt-2-LOC above -DIM-3-ALL but
Ah, pero encima de un polo, pero.
But on top of a t-shirt.
00:15:26.145 - 00:15:30.465

Kwirpu qalaykimunñataq ruparunqa ya

Kwirpu qala-yki-mu-n-ña-taq rupa-ru-nqa ya
body strip-2-CISL-3-DISC-SEQ burn-URGT-3.FUT EMPH
En cuerpo directo va a quemar.
Directly on your body, it's goijng to burn.
00:15:30.475 - 00:15:32.995

Kayna huk tilapa qawachanman quniqllata wataruptiki

Kay-na huk tila-pa qawa-cha-n-man quni-q-lla-ta wata-ru-pti-ki
DEM.P-VRBZ one cloth-LOC above-DIM-3-ALL warm-AG-RSTR-ACC tie-URGT-SUBDS-2
Así encima de tela cuando amarras caliente
Like that, on top of a cloth, tie it up warm
00:15:35.225 - 00:15:40.030

Chayllawan alliyarunqa wiqawnikipis.

Chay-lla-wan alli-ya-ru-nqa wiqaw-ni-ki-pis
Con eso no más sano mi cintura.
With just that I heal my lower back.
00:15:40.260 - 00:15:42.420

Yirballam kaypaq kay ñuqapa rimidiyunchik

Yirba-lla-m kay-paq kay ñuqa-pa rimidiyunchik
herb-RSTR-EVD DEM.P-LOC DEM.P 1-GEN remedy-1PL
Acá, las hierbas no más son nuestro remedio.
Here, just herbs are our medicine.
00:15:44.085 - 00:15:47.065 00:15:49.580 - 00:15:52.645

Aa, chay chiripa pasasan kayan ya.

Aa, chay chiri-pa pasa-sa-n kaya-n ya
Aa, DEM.D cold-GEN pass-PRF-3 be-PROG-3 EMPH
Ah, eso es pasado de frío, pues.
Ah, that's excess of cold.
00:15:52.985 - 00:15:55.125

Aaa, chiripa pasasan kayan chay

Aaa chiri-pa pasa-sa-n ka-ya-n chay
Aaa, cold-GEN pass-PRF-3 be-PROG-3 DEM.D
Ah, eso es pasado de frío.
Ah, that's excess of cold.
00:15:55.320 - 00:15:58.537

Llapa quniq markakuna lliw lliw kamcharikushpatr ñitikunman

Llapa quni-q marka-kuna lliw lliw kamcha-ri-ku-shpa-tr ñiti-ku-n-man
all warm-AG marka-PL all all toast-INCEP-REFL-SUBIS-EVC crush-REFL-3-COND
Todo caliente con marco todo todo tostando debe machucarse.
Everything hot, you have to toast marca and crush it.
00:15:58.667 - 00:16:03.057

Rumatismuhinatr kayan. Kaypitr kayan yaku qillutr kayan

Rumatismu-hina-tr ka-ya-n Kay-pi-tr ka-ya-n yaku qillu-tr ka-ya-n
rheumatism-SIM-EVC be-PROG-3 DEM.P-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3 water yellow-EVC be-PROG-3
Como rehumatismo será. Aquí habrá agua. Amarillo estará.
It would be like rheumatism. There'd be water here. It'd be yellow.
00:16:03.127 - 00:16:05.277 00:16:07.177 - 00:16:11.387

Aa, kaypi yaku qillum kayan Chay nanan, qunqurnin nanan

Aa kay-pi yaku qillu-m ka-ya-n Chay nana-n qunqur-ni-n nana-n
Aa, DEM.P-LOC water yellow-EVD be-PROG-3 DEM.D hurt-3 knee-EUPH-3 hurt-3
Ah, aquí hay agua amarilla. por eso duele su rodilla.
Ah, there's yellow water here. That hurts, her knee hurts.
00:16:11.767 - 00:16:14.067 00:16:14.507 - 00:16:16.707

¡Vaka! ¡Vaka! ¡Saya! ¡Kutiramuy!

Vaka Vaka Saya Kutiramuy
cow cow stand return-URGT-CISL-IMP
¡Vaca! Vaca! Párate! Voltéate!
Cow! Cow! Stand still! Turn around!
00:16:17.202 - 00:16:19.182

Vaka vaka kaypa yaku tumananpaqña lluqsiramunqaña.

Vaka vaka kay-pa yaku tuma-na-n-paq-ña lluqsi-ra-mu-nqa-ña
cow cow DEM:P-LOC water take-NMLZ-3-PURP-DISC exit-PST
Aquí para que tomen agua las vacas van a salir ya.
Here the cows are going to come out so they can drink water.
00:16:19.742 - 00:16:21.972

Chaynam chayqa kayan.

Chay-na-m chay-qa ka-ya-n
Así está-RSTR.
That's like that.
00:16:22.742 - 00:16:24.342 00:16:26.200 - 00:16:29.270

Qapa aparamun llama hatun

Qapa apa-ra-mun llama hatun
llama.variety bring-URGT-CISL-3 llama big
[Especia de llamas grandes] trajó una especia de llamas grandes
They brought big llamas, "qapas"
00:16:39.040 - 00:16:41.780

hatuchachaq kampanan wallqakusa llaman kara taytachaypa

hatuchachaq kampana-n wallqa-ku-sa llama-n ka-ra tayta-cha-pa
enormous bell-3 garland-REFL-PRF llama-3 be-PST father-DIM-GEN
Grandes llamas con campanas colgadas alrededor del cuello. Eran de mi abuelo.
Enormous llamas with bells around their necks. They were my grandfather's.
00:16:42.395 - 00:16:46.825

trayakamullaq kargawan, sara karga

traya-ka-mu-lla-q karga-wan sara karga
arrive-REFL-CISL-RSTR-AG baggage-INSTR corn baggage
Llegaban con carga, carga de maíz.
They arrived with goods, with corn.
00:16:48.985 - 00:16:54.955

Unayqa hatun chankakam kara

Unay-qa hatun chankaka-m ka-ra
before-TOP big chankaka-EVD be-PST
Antes chancaca grande había.
Before there were big [packets of] clayed sugar.
00:16:55.725 - 00:16:58.655

In kambiyu kanan ultimu shullkaykunaqa manañam riqsinñachu ni cariño de mi
in kambiyu kanan ultimu shullka-y-kuna-qa mana-ña-m riqsi-n-ña-chu
in change now last little.sibling-y-PL-TOP no-DISC-EVD know-3-DISC-NEG
En cambio ahora último mi menor no conoce ni cariño de mi mamita.
In contrast, now my youngest sibling has never known the love of my grandmother.
00:20:33.600 - 00:20:38.940

mmm, imaynatr kariñu mamitapaq manam riqsinchu pasaypaq.

mmm imayna-tr kariñu mamita-paq mana-m riqsi-n-chu pasaypaq
mmm, how-EVC affection mommy-ABL no-EVD know-3-NEG a.lot
Mm. ¿Cómo será el cariño de mamita? No lo conoce total.
Mmm. How would grandma's love be? He's never known it.
00:20:39.660 - 00:20:44.945

Papallaypa papallantam riqsiq wak ultimu shullkaykuna.

Papa-lla-y-pa papa-lla-n-ta-m riqsi-q wak ultimu shullka-y-kuna
father-RSTR-1-GEN father-RSTR-3-ACC-EVD know-AG DEM.D last little.sibling-1-PL
Mis últimos hermanos conocían nada más el papá de mi papá.
My last siblings only knew my father's father.
00:20:46.805 - 00:20:52.465

Tiyu niqmi papituytaqa. El no es papito, él

Tiyu ni-q-mi papitu-y-ta-qa
uncle say-AG-EVD daddy-1-ACC-TOP
'Tío' decían a mi papito. 'El no es papito, ¡oye!'
They called my grandfather "uncle." "He isn't grandfather, listen!
00:20:54.205 - 00:20:58.405

Anda, sonsa, ese no es nuestro papito, ese es tío, niqmi.

00:20:58.865 - 00:21:03.050

Awilitu, niqmi. Aa, chaynam niq.

Awilitu, ni-q-mi Aa chay-na-m ni-q
grandfather say-AG-EVD Aa, DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD say-AG
'Abuelito', decía. Ah, así decía.
"Grandfather" he said Ah, said it like that
00:21:03.770 - 00:21:05.550 00:21:06.875 - 00:21:08.685

00:21:09.085 - 00:21:16.025

Ud. dices awilitu. Awilitu está en hueco, niq kani. Hueso.

00:21:16.185 - 00:21:21.325

Awilu utrkukunapi kayan. Awilu nin, ¿manachu?
Awilu utrku-kuna-pi ka-ya-n Awilu ni-n mana-chu
grandfather cave-PL-LOC be-PROG-3 grandfather say-3 no-Q
'Los abuelos están en las cuevas,' decía, '¿no ves?'
"The 'abuelos' are in caves," he said, "Don't you see?"
00:21:24.685 - 00:21:28.005

Está en cueva, nini.

00:21:28.090 - 00:21:30.400

Aa, ese es abuelo en cueva que vive. Abuelo de cueva te está dando de comer,
00:21:30.720 - 00:21:36.330

Aa, sí, ¿no? niqñam. Aa, chaynam rimapakuq shullkaykuna

Aa ni-q-ña-m Aa chay-na-m rima-paku-q shullka-y-kuna
Aa, say-AG-DISC-EVD Aa, DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD talk-PL-AG little.sibling-1-PL
'Ah, así ¿no?' decía. Ah, así hablaban mis menores.
"Ah, like that, no?" they said. Ah, that's the way my younger siblings talked.
00:21:36.640 - 00:21:43.740

Chay hintilkunaqa unayshiki

Chay hintil-kuna-qa unay-shi-ki
DEM.D ancestor-PL-TOP before-EVR-KI
Esos gentiles antes, dice,
Those ancestors before, they say
00:21:48.765 - 00:21:51.485

Girrapish kara. Kaynintish pasara.

Girra-pi-sh ka-ra Kay-ni-nti-sh pasa-ra
Una guerra, dice, era. Por acá dice, han pasado.
It was a war, they say. They came through here, they say
00:21:51.765 - 00:21:54.295

No se, no se, sólo escucho lo que habla no más dicen guerra era.
00:21:59.325 - 00:22:03.335

Era guerra antes, ima ninmi piru wañukun. Chile ninchu.

ima ni-n-mi piru wañu-ku-n Chile ni-n-chu
what say-3-EVD but die-REFL-3 Chile say-3-Q
00:22:05.930 - 00:22:13.180

Huancavelicano, dijo, creo.

00:22:13.240 - 00:22:15.660 00:22:16.150 - 00:22:20.875
00:22:20.985 - 00:22:24.745

Utrkukunaman hatishpashiki dihan wañuptin

Utrku-kuna-man hati-shpa-shi-ki diha-n wañu-pti-n
cave-PL-ALL follow-SUBIS-EVR-KI leave-3 die-SUBDS-3
Arreándolos a las cuevas, los dejaron. Cuando morieron,
Herding them into caves, they left them. When they died,
00:22:24.970 - 00:22:28.810

Warmikunash tritru chay tritrukunash

Warmi-kuna-sh tritru chay tritru-kuna-sh
woman-PL-EVR pregnant DEM.D pregnant-PL-EVR
Mujeres embarazadas, dicen. Esas embarazadas,
Pregnant women, they say. Those Pregnant women,
00:22:29.070 - 00:22:32.150

watrashtin kaminunta riq. Chay wambra bibikunash wañuq wayrawan.

watra-shtin kaminu-n-ta ri-q Chay wambra bibi-kuna-sh wañu-q wayra-wan
give.birth-SUBADV road-3-ACC go-AG DEM.D child baby-PL-EVR die-AG wind-INSTR
pariendo, iban por el camino. Esos niños bebés, dicen, morían con aire.
giving birth, went along the road. Those babies, they say, died with air.
00:22:32.310 - 00:22:34.615 00:22:34.725 - 00:22:37.625

Utrkuman winaykushpash dihaq

Utrku-man wina-yku-shpa-sh diha-q
cave-ALL leave-AG
Metiéndolos en cuevas, dicen, los dejaban.
Putting them in caves, they say, they left them.
00:22:37.760 - 00:22:39.820

Chayshi urqukunapis silinsiyu urqukunapis yatraq

Chay-shi urqu-kuna-pis silinsiyu urqu-kuna-pis yatra-q
DEM.D-EVR hill-PL-ADD silent hill-PL-ADD live-AG
Así, dicen, vivían en silencio en el cerro.
So, they say, they lived in silence in the hills.
00:22:41.390 - 00:22:44.790

Chaytriki tuku pukulluhinam manachu pirqasha kayan wasinkuna chay

Chaytriki tuku pukullu-hina-m mana-chu pirqa-sha ka-ya-n wasi-n-kuna chay
DEM.D-EVC-KI owl VV horn-SIM-EVD no-NEG wall-EVR be-PROG-3 house-3-PL DEM.D
Por eso tendrán como hornos, ¿no ves? Pircado, dice, están sus casas.
That's why, they'd have like horns, no? Their houes are of stone, they say. TK
00:22:44.885 - 00:22:48.735

wak hanay na Quñiy witraypi Chaykunapis yatraq.
wak hanay na Huñiy witray-pi Chay-kuna-pis yatra-q
DEM.D up.hill DMY Huñiy up.hill-LOC DEM.D-PL-ADD live-AG
Allá arriba, arriba de Quñiy. Ellos también vivían.
There above Quñiy, above, They, too, lived.
00:22:48.835 - 00:22:51.785 00:22:53.475 - 00:22:55.205

Chaytrik mikun supatapis mikura mana katriyuqtaqshiki

Chay-tri-k miku-n supa-ta-pis miku-ra mana katri-yuq-taq-shi-ki
DEM.D-EVC-K eat-3 soup-ACC-ADD eat-PST no salt-POSS-SEQ-EVR-KI
Allí, dicen, comían sopa también sin sal.
There, they say, they ate soup without salt.
00:22:56.095 - 00:23:00.295

Manash katriyuqtash mikuq hina hina hina

Mana-sh katri-yuq-ta-sh miku-q hina hina hina
no-EVR salt-POSS-ACC-EVR eat-AG thus thus thus
Sin sal comían, dicen, así, así, así.
They ate without salt, they say, like this, like this, like this.
00:23:01.125 - 00:23:04.975

Nayuqllatash mikun mana katriyuqtash mikura supata.

Na-yuq-lla-ta-sh miku-n mana katri-yuq-ta-sh miku-ra supa-ta
Desabrido no más, dicen, comían sopa sin sal.
Flavorless, they say, without salt they ate their soup.
00:23:05.345 - 00:23:09.045

Piru imayna piru awanti kara a ver.

Piru imayna piru awanti ka-ra
but how but hearty be-PST
A ver, ¿cómo eran fiertes?
But how were they hearty? Let's see.
00:23:10.215 - 00:23:13.695

Kanan katriwan mikuyantriki no mana awantichu kanchik

Kanan katri-wan miku-ya-n-tri-ki mana awanti-chu ka-nchik
now salt-INSTR eat-PROG-3-EVC-KI no hearty-NEG be-1PL
Ahora comemos con sal y no somos fuertes.
Now we eat with salt and we're not hearty.
00:23:14.090 - 00:23:17.580

Mikuykunapaqtrik wañura. Qué cosa a saber.

Miku-yku-na-paq-tri-k wañu-ra
Habrán muerto con hambre.
They would have died of hunger.
00:23:20.680 - 00:23:23.260 00:23:23.645 - 00:23:26.135

Wañuq nin wañun, kawsaq nin kawsan.

Wañu-q ni-n wañu-n kawsa-q ni-n kawsa-n
die-AG say-3 die-3 live-AG say-3 live-3
El que muere muere. Los que viven, viven.
Those who die, die, they say. Those who live, live, they say.
00:23:27.045 - 00:23:29.465

Dihashpash utrkupa utrkukunaman dihashpa rira.

Diha-shpa-sh utrku-pa utrku-kuna-man diha-shpa ri-ra
leave-SUBIS-EVR cave-LOC cave-PL-ALL leave-SUBIS go-PST
Dejándolos en cuevas, dejándolos en cuevas, se fueron, dicen.
Leaving them in caves, leaving them in caves, they went away, they say.
00:23:29.930 - 00:23:32.680

Chaytatr nin rimaqta uyarini.

Chay-ta-tr ni-n rima-q-ta uyari-ni
DEM.D-ACC-EVR say-3 talk-AG-ACC hear-1
Así lo que hablaban, escuché.
That's how I heard what they said.
00:23:34.190 - 00:23:37.080

Chayqa parachinanpaqtriki awilupis kayan pukaqkuna

Chay-qa para-chi-na-n-paq-tri-ki awilu-pis ka-ya-n puka-q-kuna
DEM.D-TOP rain-CAUS-NMLZ-3-PURP-EVC-KI grandfather-ADD be-PROG-3 blow-AG-PL
Ah, para que haga llueva los abuelos estarán soplando.
Ah, the ancestors would be blowers so that it rains.
00:23:50.600 - 00:23:54.480

Usiyay awilu habrá, pues.

Usiyay awilu
clear.up-INF grandfather
Abuelos de verano habrán, pues.
There must be summer ancestors, too.
00:23:55.745 - 00:23:58.145

Chay pukachin parachinanpaq kutikachiptinqa parakuyan.

Chay puka-chi-n para-chi-na-n-paq kuti-ka-chi-pti-n-qa
Así hacen soplar, para que haga llover. Cuando hacen volver, llueve.
They have them blow so that it makes it rain. When they have it return, it
00:24:00.915 - 00:24:05.035


Chaypa chaksam chaksananpaqa kutikayachin utrkuman.

Chay-pa chaksa-m chaksa-na-n-paq-qa kuti-ka-ya-chi-n utrkuman.
Para que seque, lo hacen volver a su hueco.
SO that it dries up, they have it return to the cave.
00:24:05.445 - 00:24:09.640

Pukarun lliw lliw intirunman pukaykurun awiluqa.

Puka-ru-n lliw lliw intiru-n-man puka-yku-ru-n awilu-qa
blow-URGT-3 all all buried.treasure-3-ALL blow-EXCEP-URGT-3 grandfather-TOP
Sopló todo todo a todo entero sopló el abuelo.
The ancestor blew everything, everything, he blew.
00:24:10.760 - 00:24:15.670

Chayllatriki chay pudirsnin kayan

Chay-lla-tri-ki chay pudirs-ni-n ka-ya-n
Así tendrá nada más ese poder.
He would have just that power.
00:24:19.830 - 00:24:22.990

Aa, chay pudirsllanya kayan Chay surquruptinqa

Aa chay pudirs-lla-n-ya ka-ya-n Chay surqu-ru-pti-n-qa
Aa, DEM.D powers-RSTR-3-EMPH be-PROG-3 DEM.D rmove-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
Ah, tiene ese poder no más. Allí cuando lo sacan,
Ah, he has just that power. There, when they take him out
00:24:24.445 - 00:24:26.905 00:24:26.955 - 00:24:32.160

00:24:33.080 - 00:24:35.670

Chay nishpam nin chaytam willakuq.

Chay ni-shpa-m ni-n chay-ta-m willa-ku-q
Así dijo así avisaba.
Like that, they say, they told it.
00:24:35.760 - 00:24:38.460

¿May hurqun intirun? Hinaptitr kayan hintilqa.

May qurqu-n intiru-n Hina-pi-tr ka-ya-n hintil-qa
where remove-3 burried.treasure-3 thus-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3 ancestor-TOP
¿Dónde sacan el entierro? En allí estarán los gentiles.
Where do they take out the buried treasure? The ancestors would be there.
00:24:42.390 - 00:24:45.850 00:24:46.110 - 00:24:48.140

Aa, kayan ya hintilkunaqa intirunpi kayan intiru
Aa ka-ya-n ya hintil-kuna-qa intiru-n-pi ka-ya-n
Aa, be-PROG_3 EMPH ancestor-PL-TOP burried.treasure-LOC be-PROG-3
Ah, hay, pues, gentiles en los intierros. Hay intierros.
Ah, there are, then, ancestors in the busrial sites. There are burial sites.
00:24:48.910 - 00:24:53.180


Ima ninchik chay nasiyunchu mundiyal ninchikchu mana chay chaytri kayan.
Ima ni-nchik chay nasiyun-chu mundiyal ni-nchik-chu mana chay chay-tri ka-ya-n
what say-1PL DEM.D nation-ALT global say-1PL-ALT no DEM.D DEM.D-EVC be-PROG-3
¿Cómo se dice allá -- nación? ¿Mundo, le decimos? No. eso será.
How do they call that -- nation? World do we say? No. It would be that.
00:24:55.060 - 00:25:00.910

Chayqa rupayñataqtrik ruparun.

Chay-qa rupa-y-ña-taq-tri-k rupa-ru-n
Así calor los habrá quemado.
Like that, the heat must have killed them.
00:25:20.730 - 00:25:23.360

Rupayñatatri ruparun chaytaqa.

Rupa-y-ña-ta-tri rupa-ru-n chay-ta-qa.
El calor los habrá quemado a-RSTRs.
The heat would have burned them.
00:25:24.720 - 00:25:26.890

Chay rupaypi rupaptinqa rupaywan wañuyantrik ya.

Chay rupa-y-pi rupa-pti-n-qa rupa-y-wan wañu-ya-n-tri-k ya
En calor, cuando arde, con calor estarán muriendo ya.
In that heat, when it burns, with the heat they'd be dying, then.
00:25:27.450 - 00:25:31.050

Chiripipis qasaruptinqa wañuyantaq yari.

Chiri-pi-pis qasa-ru-pti-n-qa wañu-ya-n-taq y-ari
En el frío, también, cuando hiela, están muriendo, pues.
In cold, too, when it freezes, they're dying, then.
00:25:31.195 - 00:25:34.445

Qasapi, nivadapi hawanpa qasapi
Qasa-pi nivada-pi qawa-n-pa qasa-pi
ice-LOC snow-LOC above-3-LOC ice-LOC
En el hielo, encima de la nevada y el hielo.
In the ice, on top of the snow, in the ice.
00:25:35.155 - 00:25:39.205

Qasapi hawanpa kaptinqa wañuyan ya

Qasa-pi qawa-n-pa ka-pti-n-qa wañu-ya-n ya
ice-LOC above-3-LOC be-SUBDS-3-TOP die-PROG-3 EMPH
Cuando están encima del hielo están muruendo, ya.
When they're on top of the ice, they're dying, then.
00:25:39.525 - 00:25:41.665

Animaltam mikuchinanpaq qasapi pichayanki yakukunawan apayachinki.

Animal-ta-m miku-na-n-paq qasa-pi picha-ya-nki yaku-kuna-wan
Animal-ACC-EVD eat-NMLZ-3-PURP ice-LOC sweep-PROG-2 water-PL-INSTR
Para hacer comer a los animales en el hielo, estás barriendo con agua, estás
haciendo llevar.
To feed the animals in the ice, you're sweeping with water, having it
00:25:41.855 - 00:25:47.075

¿Maypitaq mikunqa?
apa-ya-chi-nki May-pi-taq miku-nqa
bring-PROG-CAUS-2 where-LOC-SEQ eat-3.FUT
¿Dónde va a comer?
Where are they going to eat?
00:25:47.980 - 00:25:49.270

Lashtapi. Lashtapi kakun, lashta kakuyan.

Lashta-pi Lashta-pi ka-ku-n lashta kaku-ya-n
snow-LOC snow-LOC be-PROG-3 snow be-REFL-PROG-3
En nieve. ¿Hay en nieve? ¿Nieve hay?
In snow. Are there in snow? Is there snow?
00:25:49.580 - 00:25:53.880

Chayta yakuwanmi apakayachinki

Chay-ta yaku-wan-mi apa-ka-ya-chi-nki
Ah, estás haciendo llevar con agua.
You're having that brought with water.
00:25:55.130 - 00:25:58.475

apa ... apachiptin chay mikukuyan uvihanchikñataq

apa ... apa-chi-pti-n chay miku-ku-ya-n uviha-nchik-ña-taq
bring ... bring-CAUS-SUBDS-3 chay eat-REFL-PROG-3 sheep-1PL-DISC-SEQ
Cuando lo lleva, nuestras ovejas están comeindo.
When they bring it, our sheep are eating it.
00:25:58.587 - 00:26:01.287

Aa, así. Chaynam ñuqa kaypipis chaynam ruwan pastu pampam hina rinchik.
Ah, así acá también así se hace. Donde hay más pasto se va.
Ah, here, too, they do that like that.
00:26:04.137 - 00:26:08.787

Yakuwan qawachikuyantri pukyu kachkananpaqqa animal

Yaku-wan qawa-chi-ku-ya-n-tri pukyu ka-chka-na-n-paq-qa animal
water-INSTR see-CAUS-REFL-PROG-3-EVC well be-DUR-NMLZ-3-PURP-TOP animal
Estamos botando agua para que haya manantial ... los animales.
We're tossing water on it so that there's a spring ... the animals
00:26:08.947 - 00:26:14.017

¿Maypitaq mikunqa animal?

May-pi-taq miku-nqa animal
where-LOC-SEQ eat-3.FUT animal
¿Dónde van a comer los animales?
Where are the animals going to eat?
00:26:14.117 - 00:26:15.807

Aa, yakuwanmi chaqchukuyanchik apakayachinchik.

Aa yaku-wan-mi chaqchu-ku-ya-nchik apa-ka-ya-chi-nchik
Aa, water-INSTR-EVD sprinkle-REFL-PROG-1PL bring-REFL-PROG-CAUS-1PL
Ah, con agua estamos haciendo rociar estamos haciendo llevar.
Ah, were having it sprinkled with water, we're having it brought.
00:26:15.887 - 00:26:19.937

Chaynatatr ruwani istansiyapi yatrashpa ruwanni.

Chay-na-ta-tr ruwa-ni istansiya-pi yatra-shpa ruwa-ni
DEM.D-VRBZ-ACC-EVR make-1 ranch-LOC live-SUBIS make-1
Así hago cuando vivo en estancia.
I do it like that when I'm living on my ranch. I do that.
00:26:22.017 - 00:26:25.467

Nivada kaptin hawanpa. ¡Vaka!

Nivada ka-pti-n qawa-n-pa Vaka
snow be-SUBDS-3 above-3-LOC cow
Cuando hay nevada en encima, ¡Vaca!
When there's snow on top. Cow!
00:26:26.357 - 00:26:28.657

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2013/Huangascar_VQ_Religion.eaf
Thursday, May 29, 2014 4:06 PM


Ñuqaqa yatrakulla: puchkaytaqa allallitam.

Ñuqa-qa yatra-ku-lla-: puchka-y-ta-qa allalli-ta-m
1-TOP know-REFL-RSTR-1 spin-1-ACC-TOP a.lot-ACC-EVD
Yo sé hilar bastante.
I know how to spin a lot.
00:00:00.540 - 00:00:03.460

Awaykuytapis yatra:, tihiytapis yatra:. Kananmi ichaqa maki:qa kurtarun.

Awa-yku-y-ta-pis yatra-: tihi-y-ta-pis yatra-: Kanan-mi icha-qa maki:-qa
weave-EXCEP-INF-ACC-ADD know-1 weave-INF-ACC-ADD know-1 now-EVD or-TOP
Tejer también, tejer con palitos, también sé. Ahora mi mano se cortó.
I also know how to knit, too, to knit with knitting needles. Now my hand got
00:00:03.710 - 00:00:08.950

hand-1-TOP cut-URGT-3

Yasqash trayanqa sinkwinta añusmanqa chay wambra:kunaqa.

Yasqa-sh traya-nqa sinkwinta añus-man-qa ma chay wambra-:-kuna-qa.
old-EVR arrive.3.FUT sinkwintafifty years-ALL-TOP PHAT DEM.D child-1-PL-TOP
Van a llegar [a ser] ancianos, dice. A cincuenta años esos niños [van a llegar].
They're going to get there, [they'll be] old, they say. Those children [are
going to get to] fifty years [old].
00:00:12.150 - 00:00:16.720

Primuru wiña wiña wiñaqkunaqa ñuqanchikqa trayashunraq.

Primuru wiña wiña wiña-q-kuna-qa ñuqa-nchik-qa traya-shun-raq
first grow grow grow-AG-PL-TOP 1-1PL-TOP arrive-1PL.FUT-CONT
Primero los que hemos crecido nosotros vamos a llegar.
First, those who are already grown, grown, we're going to get there.
00:00:18.590 - 00:00:23.170

Ñuqanchik trayashunraq Nuestro Señor Jesucristo hamuyan.

Ñuqa-nchik traya-shun-raq hamu-ya-n
1-1PL arrive.1PL.FUT-CONT come-PROG-3
Nosotros vamos a llegar. Nuestro Señor JesuCristo está viniendo.
We're going to get there. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is coming.
00:00:23.640 - 00:00:27.200

Iglisiyan apaqsha hamuyan. Chaypa sutinqa El fuicio final.
Iglisiya-n apa-q-sh-a hamu-ya-n Chay-pa suti-n-qa
church-3 bring-AG-EVR-EMPH come-PROG-3 DEM.D-GEN name-3-TOP
Está viniendo a llevar su iglesia. Eso se llama el juicio final.
He's coming bringing his church. That's called the Final Judgement.
00:00:33.820 - 00:00:38.190

Casa. Manam wasiqa ñuqanchikpachu. trakraqa manam ñuqanchikpachu. Ni

Mana-m wasi-qa ñuqa-nchik-pa-chu trakra-qa mana-m ñuqa-nchik-pa-chu Ni
no-EVD house-TOP 1-1PL-GEN-NEG field-TOP no-EVD 1-1PL-GEN-NEG nor
Casa. Las casas no son de nosotros. La chacras no son de nosotros. No están
para pelearse.
House. The houses aren't ours. The fields aren't ours. So we don't fight [over
00:00:45.070 - 00:00:51.100


Manam piliyananchikpaqchu. Naqa taytanchikqa quykamanchik yatrakunanchikpaq.

Mana-m piliya-na-nchik-paq-chu Na-qa tayta-nchik-qa qu-yka-ma-nchik
no-EVD fight-NMLZ-1PL-PURP-NEG DMY-TOP father-1PL-TOP give-EXCEP-1.OBJ-1PL
Para que no peleemos. Nuestro padre nos dio para que vivamos.
So we don't fight. Our Father gave them to us so that we could live.
00:00:52.750 - 00:00:59.330


trakrata quykamanchik mikuykunanchikpaq.

trakra-ta qu-yka-ma-nchik miku-yku-na-nchik-paq
Nos dio chacras para que comamos
HE gave us fields so we could eat.
00:00:59.590 - 00:01:02.510

Manash imapis kanchu. Urinpis ni suwaqpis kanchu. Siylupaqa.

Mana-sh ima-pis ka-n-chu Urin-pis ni suwa-q-pis ka-n-chu Siylu-pa-qa
no-EVR what-ADD be-3-NEG TK-ADD nor steal-AG_ADD be-3-NEG heaven-LOC-TOP
00:01:14.850 - 00:01:20.050

Chaymanshi truakushun kay kay siyraman allpipaqa.

Chay-man-shi trura-ku-shun kay kay siyra-man allpi-pa-qa
00:01:20.200 - 00:01:24.420

Chayshi suwaramachuwan. Asta suwapis di frinti aparunman.

Chay-shi suwa-ra-ma-chuwan Asta suwa-pis apa-ru-n-man
DEM.D-EVR steal-URGT-1OBJ-1PL.COND until steal-ADD bring-URGT-3-COND
00:01:28.210 - 00:01:32.090

Siylupaq manash imapis kanchu manash chaypaq. Nada.

Siylu-paq mana-sh ima-pis ka-n-chu mana-sh chay-paq Nada
heaven-LOC no-EVR what-ADD be-3-NEG no-EVR DEM.D-LOC nothing
00:01:33.100 - 00:01:36.410

Paymi kwidamanchik. Paymi ñuqanchiktaqa aysakatrayamanchik makipa hapishpa.

Pay-mi kwida-ma-nchik Pay-mi ñuqa-nchik-ta-qa aysa-katra-ya-ma-nchik maki-pa
3-EVD care.for-1.OBJ-1PL 2-EVD 1-1PL-ACC-TOP pull-FREQ-1.OBJ-1PL hand-LOC
00:01:42.080 - 00:01:46.650


Witrayman urayman ñuqa puriya:. Yasqa. Chay yasqataq manachu wamaq wamaq
Witray-man uray-man ñuqa puri-ya-: Yasqa Chay yasqa-taq mana-chu wamaq wamaq
up.hill-ALL down.hill-ALL 1 walk-PROG-1 old DEM.D old-SEQ no-NEG a.lot a.lot
00:01:47.850 - 00:01:53.680


Manam kaykunaqa imapis nananchu. Kayllam ñuqataq kay hitakasalla:

Mana-m kay-kuna-qa ima-pis nana-n-chu Kay-lla-m ñuqa-taq kay
00:01:54.140 - 00:01:59.090


trakipis nananchu imapis. Ni kirupis ni tullupis nananchu.

traki-pis nana-n-chu ima-pis Ni kiru-pis ni tullu-pis nana-n-chu
foot-ADD hurt-3-NEG what-ADD nor tooth-ADD nor bone-ADD hurt-3-NEG
00:01:59.310 - 00:02:04.820

Ñuqaqa manam midikumanqa ri:chu nakaramanqa karnirutahinam.

Ñuqa-qa mana-m midiku-man-qa ri-:-chu naka-ra-ma-nqa karniru-ta-hina-m
1-TOP no-EVD doctor-ALL-TOP go-1-NEG butcher-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT ram-ACC-SIM
00:02:17.910 - 00:02:21.760

Piyur wañurachimanqa. Chayta manam ñuqaqa muna:chu. Ñuqataqa.

Piyur wañu-ra-chi-ma-nqa Chay-ta mana-m ñuqa-qa muna-:-chu Ñuqa-ta-qa
worse die-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-3FUT DEM.D-ACC no-EVD 1-TOP want-1-NEG 1-ACC-TOP
00:02:22.040 - 00:02:26.660

Paymi midiku:. Paymi ñuqata hampiman. Tuta puntraw risakuykupti:

Pay-mi midiku-: Pay-mi ñuqa-ta hampi-ma-n Tuta puntraw risa-ku-yku-pti-:
3-EVD doctor-1 3-EVD 1-ACC cure-1.OBJ-1 night day pray-REFL-EXCEP-SUBDS-1
El es mi médico. El me cura. Día y noche rezo.
He's my doctor. He heals me. I pray day and night.
00:02:30.990 - 00:02:34.120 00:02:34.360 - 00:02:37.410

Taytanchik manam imata faltachipamanchu.

Tayta-nchik mana-m ima-ta falta-chi-pa-ma-n-chu
father-1PL no-EVD what-ACC lack-CAUS-BEN-1.OBJ-3-NEG
Nuestro Padre hace que nada me falte.
Our Father makes it so that I lack nothing.
00:02:47.570 - 00:02:50.450

Kisullam hamuyan. Imallanpis hamuyan. Chuqllullanpis hamuyan. Ñuqa tarpu:chu.

Kisu-lla-m hamu-ya-n Ima-lla-n-pis hamu-ya-n Chuqllu-lla-n-pis hamu-ya-n Ñuqa
cheese-RSTR-EVD come-PROG-3 what-RSTR-3-ADD come-PROG-3 corn-RSTR-3-ADD come-PROG-3
Queso no más está viniendo. Cualquier cosita está viniendo. Choclo no más está
viniendo. Yo no siembro.
Cheese comes. Any little thing comes. Corn, too, comes. I don't plant.
00:02:50.580 - 00:02:55.740

rantishpam mikuku:. trayayamun.

tarpu-:-chu ranti-shpa-m miku-ku-: traya-ya-mu-n
1 plant-1-NEG buy-SUBIS-EVD eat-REFL-1 arrive-PROG-CISL-3
Comprando como. Está llegando.
Buying, I eat. It's coming.
00:02:56.050 - 00:02:59.300

trayayamun. Papallankuna imallankuna. Di ripinti papata allashpaqa

traya-ya-mu-n Papa-lla-n-kuna ima-lla-n-kuna papa-ta alla-shpa-qa
arrive-PROG-CISL-3 potato-RSTR-3-PL what-RSTR-3-PL potato-ACC harvest-SUBIS-TOP
Está llegando. Sus papas, lo que sea. De repente cuando cosecha papas, va a
hacer llegar.
It's coming. His potatoes, whatever of his. Maybe when he harvests potatoes,
he's going to have them come.
00:02:59.710 - 00:03:05.560
Ñuqaqa rantiku:. Huancayo kamchata.
trayara-chi-mu-nqa-ña-m Ñuqa-qa ranti-ku-: Huancayo kamcha-ta
arrive-URGT-CAUS-CISL-3.FUT-EVD 1-TOP buy-REFL-1 Huancayo toasted.grain-ACC
Yo vendo. Cancha de Huancayo.
I sell cancha from Huancayo.
00:03:05.910 - 00:03:09.560

Rantiku: makata. Tantata. Karamilu.

Ranti-ku-: maka-ta Tanta-ta Karamilu
buy-REFL-1 maca-ACC bread-ACC candy
Vendo maca, pan, caramelo.
I sell maca, bread, candy.
00:03:09.970 - 00:03:14.260

Maypapis muyumura: ñuqa tukuy llaqtan llaqtan.

May-pa-pis muyu-mu-ra-: ñuqa tukuy llaqta-n llaqta-n
where.-LOC-ADD turn-CISL-PST-1 1 all town-3 town-3
Donde que sea yo he dado la vuelta. De pueblo en pueblo.
I've made the tour everywhere. From town to town.
00:03:22.910 - 00:03:27.000

wambra:kunata watakushpa ima talmi wak kawsan piliyanchu ichu manachu. Diciendo
wambra-:-kuna-ta wata-ku-shpa ima talmi wak kawsa-n pili-ya-n-chu ichu mana-chu
child-1-PL-ACC tie-REFL-SUBIS what such-EVD DEM.D live-3 fight-3-NEG or no-NEG
00:03:27.910 - 00:03:33.390

Chay tukuy hinantinta muyumu: payta qawamushpa pichqa wata wañuqllawan ishkayni:

Chay tukuy hina-ntin-ta muyu-mu-: pay-ta qawa-mu-shpa pichqa wata wañu-q-lla-wan

DEM.D all thus-INCL-ACC turn-CISL-1 3-ACC look-CISL-SUBIS five year
Por eso todo por allí he dado vuelta viendo a ellos. Los cinco años con mi
finado, los dos.
That's why I've toured around visiting them. Five years with my late husband,
both of us.
00:03:39.860 - 00:03:45.430


Ishkayni: kay wasi wak lawpa wasi puerta de fierro

Ishkay-ni-: kay wasi wak law-pa wasi initial
two-EUPH-1 DEM.P house DEM.D side-LOC house first
Los dos. Esta casa de lado de allá con puerta de fierro.
The two of us. This house on the other side with the iron door.
00:03:45.510 - 00:03:49.630

Chaypa kuyu kuyuqtaña saqirun primu:qa. Waqra warmim kara. Wañukullanñam chayqa.
Chay-pa kuyu kuyu-q-ta-ña primu-:-qa waqra warmi wañu-ku-lla-n-ña-m
DEM.D-LOC move move-AG-ACC-DISC cousin-1-TOP horn woman die-REFL-RSTR-3-DISC-EVD
Allí moviendo allá me dejó mi primo. Ella era mujer con cuerno. Ya se murió.
There, my cousin left to the person moving. She was a woman with horns. She
00:03:49.870 - 00:03:56.030


Trankilu kaykunaqa witrqarayan. Pay wak lawta kwidarayan allalli nigusiyuta

ruwashpa a vir.
Trankilu kay-kuna-qa witrqa-ra-ya-n Pay wak law-ta kwida-ra-ya-n allalli
tranquil DEM.P-PL-TOP close-PASS-3 3 DEM.D side-ACC care.for-PASS-3 a.lot
Tranquilo, están encerrados. El en el lado de allá está cuidando haciendo buen
tranquil, they're closed in. Over on that side, he's taking care of it, doing
good business.
00:03:56.230 - 00:04:00.820

Allallitam nigusiyutaq ruwanki, nin

nigusiyu-ta ruwa-shpa Allalli-ta-m nigusiyu-taq ruwa-nki ni-n
business-ACC make-SUBIS a.lot-ACC-EVD business-ACC make-2 say-3
Vas a hacer un buen negocio, dijo.
You're going to make a good business, he said.
00:04:00.850 - 00:04:03.590

Manasiptanñam. Tita yanuyankiñam ya pasahiru tumananpaq nin.

Manasipti-n-ña-m Ti-ta yanu-ya-nki-ña ya pasahiru-paq tuma-na-n-paq
dawn-SUBDA-3-DISC-EVD tea-ACC cook-PROG-2-DISC-EVD EMPH passenger
Cuando manece ya vas a estar haciendo hervir té para que tomen los pasajeros,
When it dawns, you're already going to be making tea so that the travelers can
drink, he said.
00:04:03.790 - 00:04:07.360

drink-NMLZ-3-PURP say-3

Pasahiruqa manachu upyakuyta munakuyan ti también, kumidata.

Pasahiru-qa mana-chu upya-ku-y-ta muna-ku-ya-n kumida-ta
passenger-TOP no-NEG drink-REFL-INF-ACC want-REFL-PROG-3 food-ACC
Los pasajeros quieren tomar té, también, [comer] comida.
The passengers want to drink tea, too, [to eat] food.
00:04:07.540 - 00:04:11.080

Sanu kashpaqa ñuqa imatañapis ruwara:mi Chay rantikuna:paq.

Sanu ka-shpa-qa ñuqa ima-ta-ña-pis ruwa-ra-:-mi Chay
healthy be-SUBIS-TOP 1 what-ACC-DISC-ADD make-PST-1-EVD DEM.D
Yo estando sano hago cualquier cosa. Para vender.
When I'm healthy, I do any little thing. So I can sell.
00:04:14.110 - 00:04:18.580

Allallita rantikullaq ka: kafi, ti.

ranti-ku-na-:-paq Allalli-ta ranti-ku-lla-q ka-: kafi ti.
buy-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP a.lot-ACC buy-REFL-RSTR-AG be-1 coffee tea
Vendía mucho: café, té.
I used to sell a lot: coffee, tea.
00:04:18.950 - 00:04:22.080

Ram ... pagasaykim. Hamuy. Planta:ta rigaramuy! Ñuqañataq yakuta kamamushaq

baldiman. Manam
Ram paga-sayki-m Hamu-y Planta-:-ta riga-ra-mu-y Ñuqa-ña-taq yaku-ta
PHAT pay-1>2 come-IMP tree-1-ACC irrigate-URGT-CISL-IMP 1-DISC-SEQ water-ACC
Te voy a pagar. Ven! Mi planta, riégamelo. Yo voy a tender agua al balde. No
I'm going to pay you. Come! Water my trees! I'm going to fill the bucket with
water. No
00:04:34.850 - 00:04:41.160

kama-mu-shaq baldi-man Mana-m

fit-CISL-1.FUT bucket-ALL no-EVD

Uchu apanayki, ¿aw? Apankim rantikunkim ishkaytapis.

Uchu apa-na-yki aw Apa-nki-m ranti-ku-nki-m ishkay-ta-pis
chile bring-NMLZ-2 yes bring-2-EVD buy-REFL-2-EVD two-ACC-ADD
Llévate ají. Llévate vas a vender aunque sea dos.
Take some chiles! Take some! You'll sell them, even is only two.
00:05:05.860 - 00:05:09.720

Ishkayta pichqa realpaq ishkayta sulpaq ishkay kimsata sulpaq.

Ishkay-ta pichqa real-paq ishkay-ta sul-paq ishkay kimsa-ta sul-paq
two-ACC five real-ABL two-ACC sol-ABL two three-ACC sol-ABL
Dos por cinco real, dos por un sol. Dos tres por un sol.
Two for fives reals, two for one sol. Two, three, for a sol.
00:05:09.790 - 00:05:13.690

Kumbinaw rantikuyta chayta yatra: Piru kaypaq kayan ...

Kumbinaw ranti-ku-y-ta chay-ta yatra-: Piru kay-paq ka-ya-n ...
combined buy-REFL-INF-ACC DEM.D-ACC know-1 but DEM.-LOC be-PROG-3
Combinando yo sé vender-RSTR. Pero acá hay ...
Combined, I know how to sell that. But here there is ...
00:05:16.940 - 00:05:21.070

Nankuna kayanmi. Lunhuanamanmi apara mi sobrino.

Na-n-kuna ka-ya-n-mi Lunhuana-man-mi apa-ra
DMY-3-PL be-PROG-3-EVD Lunhuana-ALL-EVD bring-PST
Estos hay. A Lunahuaná llevó mi sobrino.
There are those. My nephew brought some to Lunahuaná.
00:05:21.190 - 00:05:26.060

Subrinu:mi yatran Lunahuanapi subrina:mi.

Subrinu-:-mi yatra-n Lunahuana-pi subrina-:-mi.
nephew-1-EVD live-3 Lunahuana-LOC niece-1-EVD
Mi sobrino, mi sobrina vive en Lunahuaná.
My nephew and my niece live in Lunahuaná.
00:05:26.210 - 00:05:28.680

Chaymi kutashpa rantiku:. Por cucharas. Kutashpa.

Chay-mi kuta-shpa ranti-ku-: Kuta-shpa
DEM.D-EVD grind-SUBIS buy-REFL-1 grind-SUBIS
Allí vendo moliendo. Por cucharadas. Moliendo.
I grind it and sell it. By the spoonful. Ground.
00:05:28.770 - 00:05:32.370

Chaykunata unay ruwara: lliw lliwtam. Dulsikunatam ruwayta yatrara:.

Chay-kuna-ta unay ruwa-ra-: lliw lliw-ta-m Dulsi-kuna-ta-m ruwa-y-ta
DEM.D-PL-ACC before make-PST-1 all all-ACC-ADD sweet-PL-ACC-EVD make-INF-ACC
Todo eso hacía antes. Sabía hacer dulces y todo.
I did all that before. I knew how to make candy and everything.
00:05:33.380 - 00:05:37.950


Nata mansanata pilaru:. Pilarishpaqa yanuru: allallita. Sumaq sumaq como colaw
Na-ta mansana-ta pila-ru-: Pila-ri-shpa-qa yanu-ru-: allalli-ta Sumaq sumaq
DMY-ACC apple-ACC peal-URGT-1 peal-INCEP-SUBIS-TOP cook-URGT-1 a.lot-ACC pretty
Pelé manzanas. Pelándolas, las sancochaba bien bien. Bonito bonito, como colado.
I peeled apples. I peeled them and cooked them a lot. Really nice, like bean
00:05:38.240 - 00:05:46.200

Vidam pasananpaq manañam ñuqaqa llakiku:chu paykunapaq.
Vida-m pasa-na-n-paq mana-ña-m ñuqa-qa llaki-ku-:-chu pay-kuna-paq
life-EVD pass-NMLZ-3-PURP no-DISC-EVD 1-TOP sorrow-REFL-1-NEG 3-PL-ABL
Para que pasen sus vidas. Yo ya no tengo pena por ellos.
So that they live their lives. I don't worry about them any more.
00:05:56.870 - 00:06:00.020

Paykunaqa yanukuyta, vaka chawayta imapis qalay qalaymi yatran

Pay-kuna-qa yanu-ku-y-ta Vaka chawa-y-ta ima-pis qalay qalay-mi yatra-n
3-PL-TOP cook-EXCEP-ACC cow milk-INF-ACC what-ADD a.lot a.lot know-3
Ellas sabían cocinar y ordeñar vacas, lo que sea, todo todo.
They knew how to cook, how to milk the cows, anything, everything.
00:06:00.330 - 00:06:04.110

Chaynanpam yatrachinchik wambra:ta vidam pasananpaq. Mamanqa taytanqa manam

Chay-na-n-pa-m yatra-chi-nchik wambra-:-ta vida-m pasa-na-n-paq Mama-n-qa
DEM.D-VRBZ-3-LOC-EVD know-CAUS-1PL child-1-ACC life-EVD pass-NMLZ-3-PURP
Así enseñamos a nuestros hijos para que pasen sus vidas. Su madre y su padre no
están libres.
That's how we teach our children to spend their lives. Their mother and their
father aren't free.
00:06:07.460 - 00:06:13.650

tayta-n-qa mana-m libri-chu

mother-3-TOP father-3-TOP no-EVD free-NEG

Wañukuptinchikqa wawallanchik ñakanmi.

Wañukuptinchik-qa wawa-lla-nchik ñaka-n-mi
die-REFL-SUBDS-1PL-TOP baby-RSTR-1PL suffer-3-EVD
Cuando nos morimos nuestros hijos sufren.
When we die, our children suffer.
00:06:14.060 - 00:06:16.590

Uchuklla kidarushpaqa kaynalla kidaranchik dus.

Uchuk-lla kida-ru-shpa-qa kay-na-lla kida-ra-nchik dus
Chiquito quedando. Así no más quedamos dos.
Remaining small. That's how we remained, two.
00:06:16.760 - 00:06:20.070

Ñuqaqa wirfanum kara: de treice años para arriba.

Ñuqa-qa wirfanu-m kara-:
1-TOP orphan-EVD be-PST-1
Yo era huérfana de trece años para arriba.
I was an orphen from the time I was thirteen.
00:06:20.870 - 00:06:24.600

Taytalla:qa wañukura con treinta y tres años, edad de Cristo.

Tayta-lla-:-qa wañu-ku-ra
father-RSTR-1-TOP die-REFL-PST
Mi papá se murió con treinta y tres años, edad de Cristo.
My father died at the age of thirty three, the age of Christ.
00:06:26.300 - 00:06:30.040

Chay tiympu manam kaypa rimidyu karachu.

Chay tiympu mana-m kay-pa rimidyu ka-ra-chu
DEM.D time no-EVD DEM.P-LOC remedy be-PST-NEG
En ese tiempo aquí no había remedio.
At that time, there weren't medicines here.
00:06:32.040 - 00:06:34.690

Unayqa manam imapis karachu. Ni imallaypis karachu. Imapis. Habunpis karachu.

Unay-qa mana-m ima-pis ka-ra-chu ni ima-lla-y-pis TK ka-ra-chu Ima-pis Habun-pis
before-TOP no-EVD what-ADD be-PST-NEG nor what-RSTR-ADD be-PST-NEG what-ADD
Antes no había nada. No tenía nada, ni jabón. Nada.
Before, there wasn't anything. We didn't have anything. Not even soap.
00:06:40.870 - 00:06:45.560

soal-ADD be-PST-NEG

Ni fusfurupis karachu. Ninatapis ratachiranchik limawanmi.

Ni fusfuru-pis kara-chu Nina-ta-pis rata-chi-ra-nchik lima-wan-mi
nor match-ADD be-PST-NEG fire-ACC-ADD light-CAUS-PST-1PL file-INSTR-EVD
Ni fósforo no había. Prendíamos la candela con una lima.
There weren't even matches. We lit the fire with a file.
00:06:45.690 - 00:06:49.820

Algudunta truraykushpa
Algudun-ta trura-yku-shpa
cotton-ACC put-EXCEP-SUBIS
Poniendo algodón.
Putting cotton.
00:06:51.420 - 00:06:52.820

Kanankaman chay lima kayan ñuqapa. Puk! Candela salió. Limatam takanchik.
Kanan-kaman chay lima ka-ya-n ñuqa-pa Puk! Lima-ta-m taka-nchik
now-LIM DEM.D file be-PROG-3 1-GEN Puk! file-ACC-EVD strike-1PL
Hasta ahora tengo lima. Puk! Candela salió. Chancamos lima.
EVen now, I have my file. Puk! The fire came out! We strike the file.
00:06:54.410 - 00:07:00.930

Chaywanmi hurqunchik ¿aw? ninaqa pawaykurun nina chayllapaq algudunwan sindirun

Chay-wan-mi hurqu-nchik aw nina-qa pawa-yku-ru-n nina chay-lla-paq algudun-wan
DEM.D-INSTR-EVD , remove-1PL yes fire-TOP jump-EXCEP-URGT-3 fire
Con eso se saca, ¿no? La candela salta. De allí no más la candela se prende con
algodón. Luego,
We take it out with that. No? The fire leaps. Just from that the fire lights
with cotton. Then
00:07:06.740 - 00:07:14.240

sindi-ru-n hinashpa-qa
DEM.DIST-RSTR-ABL cotton-INSTR light-URGT-3 then-TOP

Chaywan wamaq wamaq rikarirun. Umiyarirun. Runaqa kurrikayamun

Chay-wan wamaq wamaq rikari-ru-n umiya-ri-ru-n runa-qa
DEM.D-INSTR a.lot a.lot appear-URGT-3 smoke-INCEP-URGT-3 person-TOP
Con eso pareció bastante. Empezó a humear. Gente está coriendo.
With that, a lot appeared. It started smoking, people were running.
00:07:20.070 - 00:07:25.610


Ninayki kayanñam. ¡Apakuy! ¡Apakuy! Kaypaq kayanñam.

nina-yki ka-ya-n-ña-m Apa-ku-y Apa-ku-y Kay-paq
fire-2 be-PROG-3-DISC-EVD bring-REFL-IMP bring-REFL-IMP DEM.P-ABL
Ahora ya tienes tu candela. Llévate, llévate aquí hay.
Now you have your fire already. Take it! Take it! Here it is already.
00:07:25.650 - 00:07:29.410


Algunus, ñuqapapis dispuystaqa dimurayanña. ¿Imatatrik ruwayanña? ¿Ninayki

Algunus ñuqa-pa-pis dispuys-ta-qa dimura-ya-n-ña ima-ta-trik ruwa-ya-n Nina-yki
some 1-GEN-ADD after-ACC-TOP be.late-PROG-3-DISC what-ACC-EVC-K make-PROG_3
Algunos, mío también, después ya demoraba. ¿Qué cosa estará haciendo? ¿Tienes
tu candela?
Some people, mine too, then, is taking time. What would it be doing? Do you
have your fire?
00:07:29.790 - 00:07:36.340

fire-2 be-PROG-3-Q

Aw, kayanñam. Manam rupa taqsakunapaqpis karachu unay habun. Nada.

Aw ka-ya-n-ña-m Mana-m rupa taqsa-ku-na-paq-pis TK ka-ra-chu unay habun
yes be-PROG-3-DISC-EVD no-EVD clothes wash-REFL-NMLZ-PURP-ADD be-PST-NEG before
Sí hay. Antes, no había jabón para lavar ropa. Nada.
yes, there is already. Before, there wasn't soap to wash clothes. Nothing.
00:07:36.620 - 00:07:41.760

Chay hatu hatun ankukichkam kayan.

Nada Chay hatu hatun ankukichka-m ka-ya-n
soap nothing DEM.D big big thorn-EVD be-PROG-3
Hay esa espina bien grande.
There is that really big thorn.
00:07:45.840 - 00:07:49.430

Diri dirichuta wiñayan. Chaytam chakiyan kaspihina.

Diri dirichu-ta wiña-ya-n Chay-ta-m chaki-ya-n kaspi-hina
straight straight-ACC grow-PROG-3 DEM.D-ACC-EVD dry-prog-3 stick-SIM
Derecho está creciendo. Está secando como palo.
It grows really straight. It's drying like a stick.
00:07:49.680 - 00:07:55.360

Chayta hurqumushpam kayta utrkuykushpam utrkuykushpa

Chay-ta hurqu-mu-shpa-m kay-ta utrku-yku-shpa utrku-yku-shpa
Eso sacando haciendo hueco aquí, haciendo hueco.
Taking that out, making a hole here, making a hole.
00:07:55.460 - 00:07:58.680

Kamata mashtakuna kara.

Kama-ta mashta-ku-na ka-ra
dig.a.hole-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD bed-ACC spread-REFL-NMLZ be-PST
A tender cama era.
It was to spread out a bed.
00:07:58.880 - 00:08:00.430

Kamata mashtakuykushpa wañurachinchik

Kama-ta mashta-ku-yku-shpa wañu-ra-chi-nchik
Tendiemdo cama se apagaba.
When we spread out the bed, we put it out.
00:08:08.200 - 00:08:11.200

Tutallapaq hatarirunchikña. Swiruwan vakapis swiruwan rupapis taqsana kara

Tuta-lla-paq hatari-ru-nchik-ña .Swiru-wan vaka-pis swiru-wan rupa-pis taqsa-na
night-RSTR-ABL get.up-URGT-1PL-DISC whey-INSTR cow-ADD whey-INSTR clothes-ADD
En oscuridad no más nos levantábamos. Con suero de vaca, con suero se lavaba
We woke up in the dark. We washed clothes with whey, with cow whey.
00:08:11.420 - 00:08:17.020

Rupapis taqsana kara chaywanmi

ka-ra Rupa-pis taqsa-na ka-ra chay-wan-mi
wash-NMLZ be-PST clothes-ADD wash-NMLZ be-PST DEM.D-INSTR
Ropa también era para lavar con-RSTR.
Clothes, too, had to be washed with that.
00:08:18.970 - 00:08:21.360

Uqichkawanmi muntiwanmi umapis taqsana kara. Uqichkam kayan munti chaywanmi

Uqichka-wan-mi munti-wan-mi uma-pis taqsa-na ka-ra Uqichka-m ka-ya-n munti
thorn.variety-INSTR-EVD brush-INSTR-EVD head-ADD wash-NMLZ be-PST
Con espina con monte había que lavar la cabeza. Espina había, monte. Con-RSTR.
Hair, too, had to be washed with thorns and plants. There were thorns, plants.
With those.
00:08:24.170 - 00:08:28.810

thorn.variety-EVD be-PROG-3 brush DEM.D-INSTR-EVD

Allallita chukcha: wiñan. Kanan qalay qalay puchkarun. Wiqawni:kaman chukcha:

Allalli-ta chukcha-: wiña-n Kanan qalay qalay puchka-ru-n Wiqaw-ni-:-kaman
a.lot-ACC hair-1 grow-3 now a.lot a.lot finish-URGT-3 waist-EUPH-LIM hair-1
Mi cabello crecía bien. Ahora todo todo se ha acabado. Hasta mi cintura era mi
My hair grew really well. Now it's all finished off. My hair was down to my
00:08:28.930 - 00:08:34.630

Ñuqa[pa] chukchaqa allallita kanman nishpa llakikuya:

chukcha-: ka-ra Ñuqa chukcha-qa allalli-ta ka-n-man ni-shpa llaki-ku-ya-:
be-PST 1 hair-1-TOP a.lot-ACC be-3-COND say-SUBIS sorrow-REFL-PROG-1
Pensando, mi pelo debe ser bien bien, tengo pena.
My hair should be really good, I think, and I'm sad.
00:08:38.710 - 00:08:42.690

Wasitapis ruwakuyara: tuta puntraw rikchashpa.

Wasi-ta-pis ruwa-ku-ya-ra-: tuta puntraw rikcha-shpa
house-ACC-ADD make-REFL-PROG-PST-1 night day wake.up-SUBIS
Estaba haciendo una casa, también. Noche y día despertando.
I was building a house, too. [Staying] awake night and day
00:08:52.910 - 00:08:56.600

Qusalla:wan, ishkaylla: [inaudible]

Qusa-lla-:-wan ishkay-lla-:
husband-RSTR-1-INSTR two-RSTR-1
Con mi marido los dos.
With my husband, the two of us.
00:08:57.320 - 00:09:02.260

Altupa wakhina kayan. Kaypa wakhina kayhina kayan. Pay kumpañayaman.

Altu-pa wak-hina ka-ya-n Kay-pa wak-hina kay-hina ka-ya-n Pay
Así está en alto. Aquí así, así está. El me está acompañando.
It's like that up high. Here, it's like this, like this. He accompanies me.
00:09:07.370 - 00:09:12.710

Silibraruranchik Cañetepa.
kumpaña-ya-man Silibra-ru-ra-nchik Cañete-pa
accompany-PROG-1.OBJ-3 celebrate-URGT-PST-1PL Cañete-LOC
Hemos celebrado en Cañete.
We celebrated in Cañete.
00:09:21.860 - 00:09:24.740

Midallapis allalli kayan

Midalla-pis allalli ka-ya-n
medal-ADD a.lot be-PROG-3
Hay muchas medallas.
There are a lot of medals.
00:09:26.380 - 00:09:30.670

Pichqa pukyupam chayta silibraru: chay trakra:pi

Pichqa pukyu-pa-m chay-ta silibra-ru-: chay trakra-:-pi
Pichqa Pukyu-LOC-EVD DEM.D-ACC celebrate-1 DEM.D field-1-LOC
En Pichqa Pukyu lo celebraré en mi chacra.
We celebrated in my field in Pichqa Pukyu.
00:09:34.220 - 00:09:36.510

Estamos cosechando. Unayqa kakullara comida suficiente.

Unay-qa ka-ku-lla-ra
Estamos cosechando Antes había comida suficiente.
We're harvesting. Before, there was suffiient food.
00:09:48.260 - 00:09:52.200

Qullqapam truraranchik papata kayhina. Qullqata kayna alturata ruwarushpa.

Qullqa-pa-m trura-ra-nchik papa-ta kay-hina. Qullqa-ta kay-na altura-ta
pile-LOC-EVD store-PST-1PL potato-ACC DEM.P-SIM platform-ACC DEM.P-VRBZ
En montón guardábamos papa así. Un montón a esta altura haciendo.
We stored the pototes in a heap. Making a heap up to this height.
00:09:55.400 - 00:09:59.500

Manam ni uru yaykurachu ni ima yaykurachu.

ruwa-ru-shpa Mana-m ni uru yayku-ra-chu ni ima yayku-ra-chu
heights-ACC make-SUBIS no-EVD nor worm enter-PST-NEG nor what enter-PST-NEG
No entraba ni gusano ni nada.
Not even worms got in. Nothing got in.
00:09:59.710 - 00:10:02.290

Apakunkiman lliwtas plantakurunkiman hardinikipaq.

Apa-ku-nki-man lliw-ta-s planta-ku-ru-nki-man hardi-ni-ki-paq
bring-REFL-2-COND all-ACC-ADD plant-REFL-URGT-2-COND garden-EUPH-2-LOC
Te puedes llevar todo. Puedes plantar en tu jardín.
You can take everything. You can plant it in your garden.
00:10:19.920 - 00:10:23.630

Ñuqatapis achichamanmi pukllasa:pa Pukllaykuru:mi, nin.

Ñuqa-ta-pis achicha-man-mi puklla-sa-:-pa Puklla-yku-ru-:-mi ni-n
1-ACC-ADD burn-1.OBJ-EVD play-PRF-1-LOC play-EXCEP-URGT-1-EVD say-3
A mí también me quema donde he jugado. He jugado, dijo.
It burns me too, where I played. I aplyed, she said.
00:10:44.000 - 00:10:47.000 00:10:47.450 - 00:10:50.560

Unaymi uchukllampaq yatraranchikqa.

Unay-mi uchuk-lla-n-paq yatra-ra-nchik
before-EVD small-RSTR-3-ABL know-PST-1PL
Ah, antes de pequeño sabíamos.
Before, from very young we knew how.
00:10:51.680 - 00:10:53.920

Mamanchikkuna taytanchikkuna mamachanchikuna rimaptin.

Mama-nchik-kuna tayta-nchik-kuna mama-cha-n-chik-kuna rima-pti-n
mother-1PL-PL father-1PL-PL mother-DIM-1PL-PL talk-SUBDS-3
Nuestra mamá, papá abuelita, cuando hablaba,
When our mothers, fathers, grandmothers talked
00:10:54.310 - 00:10:57.530

Llapa animalpam tawa trakin, tawa trakiyuqmi. Kaballupis, mulapis, vakapis,

allqupis. Lliw.
Llapa animal-pa-m tawa traki-n tawa traki-yuq-mi Kaballu-pis mula-pis vaka-pis
all animal-GEN-EVD four foot-3 four foot-POSS-EVD horse-ADD mule-ADD cow-ADD
Todos los animales tienen cuatro patas. Tienen cuatro patas. Caballo, mula,
vaca, perro, también. Todos.
All animals have four feet. They have four feet. Horses, mules, cows. dogs,
too. All [of them].
00:11:12.400 - 00:11:20.240

Manam makinqa kayanchu. Sinu trakillanmi.

allqu-pis Lliw Mana-m maki-n-qa ka-ya-n-chu Sinu traki-lla-n-mi
dog-ADD all no-EVD hand-3-TOP be-PROG-3-NEG rather foot-RSTR-3-EVD
No tienen manos sino pies no más.
They don't have hands, just feet.
00:11:24.100 - 00:11:27.680

Chayman pawan misillanña

Chay-man pawa-n misi-lla-n-ña
DEM.D-ALL jump-3 cat-RSTR-3-DISC
Su gato no más ya salta hacia allá.
Just her cat jumps over there already.
00:11:28.020 - 00:11:31.110

Vakatapis allquqa harkanmi. Uyqatapis harkanmi. Chapum ñuqapa vakata harkara

Vaka-ta-pis allqu-qa harka-n-mi Uyqa-ta-pis harka-n-mi Chapu-m ñuqa-pa vaka-ta
cow-ACC-ADD dog-TOP herd.3.EVD sheep-ACC-ADD herd-3-EVD Chapu-EVD 1-GEN cow-ACC
El perro pastea vacas, también. Pastea ovejas también. Mi chapo pasteaba mis
vacas arriba.
The dog pastures cows, too. He pastures sheep, too. My Chapo pastured my cows
up hill.
00:11:31.460 - 00:11:36.780

Ñuqa qawachiqllam ka: wasipaq.

harka-ra hanay-pi Ñuqa qawa-chi-q-lla-m ka-: wasi-paq
herd-PST up.hill-LOC 1 see-CAUS-AG-RSTR-EVD be-1 house-LOC
Yo le hacía ver de casa no más.
I just showed him from the house.
00:11:37.030 - 00:11:38.970

Kuyanmi. Chapitam qatin.

love-3-EVD Chapi-ta-m qati-n
love-3-EVD Dog' bring-3
Lo quieren. Arean al perro.
They love him. The follow the dog.
00:11:54.710 - 00:11:57.530

"¡De delante haga volver!" ni:.

"¡De delante hága volver!" dice.
"Have them return from in front!" he says.
00:11:57.820 - 00:12:00.500
"¡Dilantipaq kutirichimuy!" ni: chaputaqa
"¡Dilanti-paq kuti-ri-chi-mu-y ni-: chapu-ta-qa
front-ABL return-INCEP-CAUS-CISL-IMP say-1 Dog'
"¡De delante ház volver!" digo al perro.
"Have them return from the front!" I say to the dog.
00:12:00.750 - 00:12:03.090

Kutirichimuy! Dilantinpaq. "¡Aw! ¡Aw! 'Aw! nishpam intiyndin.

Kuti-ri-chi-mu-y Dilanti-n-paq Aw Aw Aw ni-shpa-m intiyndi-n
return-INCEP-CAUS-CISL-IMP front-3-ABL woof woof woof say-SUBIS understand-3
Ház volver desde delante. Ladrando entiende.
"Have them return from in front!" "Aw! Aw! Aw!" he says and he understands.
00:12:03.260 - 00:12:07.320

Chaypaqqa vakatañataq harkan. Allqu pulisiyal.

Chay-paq-qa vaka-ta-ña-taq vaka-ntin harka-n Allqu pulisiyal
DEM.D-ABL-TOP cow-ACC-DISC-SEQ cow-ACMP herd-3 doq police
Después pastea las vacas. Perro policíal.
Then he pastures the cows. A police dog.
00:12:07.790 - 00:12:11.570

Uchukllata kaynallata wambra: aparamusa. Como veinte días no más.

Uchuk-lla-ta kay-na-lla-ta wambra-: apa-ra-mu-sa
Mi hijo lo había traído así pequeñito no más. Como veinte días no más.
My son had brought him just like this, really small. Like twenty days.
00:12:12.010 - 00:12:15.230

Pasaypaq mamanpaq hapiraman ñuqata pasaypaq millqalla:pa wiñarun.

Pasaypaq mama-n-paq hapi-ra-ma-n ñuqa-ta pasaypaq millqa-lla-:-pa wiña-ru-n
a.lot mother-3-BEN grab-URGT-1.OBJ-3 1-ACC a.lot lap-RSTR-1-LOC grow-URGT-3
Total de su mamá me agarró a mí. Total en mi falda no más creció.
Completely, from his mother, he grabbed on to me. Completely, he grew just in
my lap.
00:12:17.910 - 00:12:22.260

Chaypaqa ganawman pusharu: vakamanñataq ratarun.

Chay-paq-qa ganaw-man pusha-ru-: vaka-man-ña-taq rata-ru-n
DEM.D-ABL-TOP cattle-ALL bring.along-URGT-1 cow-ALL-DISC-SEQ light-URGT-3
De allí al ganado ya lo llevé. A la vaca se prendió.
From there, I brought him to the cows. He took to the cows.
00:12:22.620 - 00:12:26.230

Hinaptinqa hatunña kayan, hatun wak allquhina. Ya.

Hinaptin-qa hatun-ña ka-ya-n hatun wak allqu-hina
then-TOP big-DISC be-PROG-3 big DEM.D dog-SIM
Luego ya está grande ya. Grande ya está, como perro, ya.
Then, he's big already. He's big like a dog.
00:12:26.790 - 00:12:30.590

Entonces chaytaq ninchik, "Witrayman mamanta harquy urayman wawanta rakiy!"

chay-taq ni-nchik "Witray-man mama-n-ta harqu-y uray-man wawa-n-ta
DEM.D-SEQ say-1PL up.hill-ALL mother-3-ACC toss-INCEP-IMP down.hill-ALL
Entonces se lo dice, "¡Bóta su madre para arriba! ¡Para abajo sepára su cría!"
So one says to him, "Toss his mother up hill. Separate her young down hill!"
00:12:37.430 - 00:12:42.010

Mana lichita tukuy puntraw shuqunanpaq decía.

raki-y Mana lichi-ta tukuy puntraw shuqu-na-n-paq
baby-3-ACC separate-IMP no milk-ACC all day suck-NMLZ-3-PURP
Para que no chupe su leche todo el día diciendo.
SO that he doesn't suck her milk all day.
00:12:42.270 - 00:12:45.300

Chaymi chay nipti:qa harkayan uñataqa.

Chay-mi chay ni-pti-:-qa harka-ya-n uña-ta-qa
Cuando le decía así, atajaba la cría.
When I told him that, he herded the calf.
00:13:11.150 - 00:13:14.350

Ña ñuqa lichitaqa chawaru:ña.

Ña ñuqa lichi-ta-qa chawa-ru-:-ña
DISC 1 milk-ACC-TOP milk-URGT-1-DISC
Yo ya ordeñé la leche.
I already milked her.
00:13:14.650 - 00:13:17.080

Harkayamun allallita purtillupaq harkayan uñata pasachimunanpaq

Harka-ya-mu-n allalli-ta purtillu-paq harka-ya-n uña-ta
herd-PROG-CISL-3 a.lot-ACC entryway-LOC herd-PROG-3 calf-ACC
Está atajando duro en la puerta para que pase la cría.
He's herding well in the doorway. He's herding the calf to make him pass.
00:13:24.330 - 00:13:28.370


Buta witrayman harquruy vakataqa, mamantaqa

Buta witray-man harqu-ru-y vaka-ta-qa mama-n-ta-qa
toss up.hill-ALL toss-URGT-IMP cow-ACC-TOP mother-3-ACC-TOP
Bóta para arriba, bóta a la vaca, a su madre.
Toos her up hill! Toss the cow, his mother!
00:13:50.230 - 00:13:53.330

Uraymanñataq wawantam mana chichinanpaq, lichi wayananpaq, le digo.

Uray-man-ña-taq wawa-n-ta-m mana chichi-na-n-paq lichi waya-na-n-paq
down.hill-ALL-DISC-SEQ baby-3-ACC-EVD no nurse-NMLZ-3-PURP milk fill-NMLZ-3-PURP
Para abajo su cría para que no mame. Para que empoze leche, le digo.
Her calf down hill so that he doesn't nurse. So that her milk fills up, I say
to him.
00:13:53.450 - 00:13:57.460

Witrqaymanñataqmi mamanta. Qatiparun.

Witrqay-man-ña-taq-mi mama-n-ta Qati-pa-ru-n
up.hill-ALL-DISC-SEQ-EVD mother-3-ACC follow-BEN-URGT-3
Para arriba ya también su mamá. Lo llevó.
His mother up hill already, too, followed him.
00:14:04.250 - 00:14:07.770

Mikukuyan. Mikukuyan trankilu. Yanqañataq pasan

Miku-ku-ya-n Miku-ku-ya-n trankilu Yanqa-ña-taq pasa-n
eat-REFL-PROG-3 eat-REFL-PROG-3 tranquil lie-DISC-SEQ pass-3
Está comiendo. Está comiendo tranquilo. Mentira no se va.
he's eating. He's eating peacefully. It's a lie that he doesn't go.
00:14:08.080 - 00:14:13.290

Chaynam yatrallara: hanay wasi:pa. Pampa, pampam chay.

Chay-na-m yatra-lla-ra-: hanay wasi-:-pa. Pampa pampa-m chay
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD live-RSTR-PST-1 down.hill house-1-LOC plain plain-EVD DEM.D
Así vivía antes en mi casa. Pampa pampa es-RSTR.
That's how we lived in my house up hill. It's flat ground, flat ground.
00:14:18.860 - 00:14:22.590

Azángaropaqmi apayamuni Pichqapukyupaqmi yantata.

Azángaro-paq-mi apa-ya-mu-ni Pichqapukyu-paq-mi yanta-ta
Azángaro-ABL-EVD bring-PROG-CISL-EVD Pichqapukyu-ABL-EVD fire.wood-ACC
De Azángaro, de Pichqa Pukyo, estoy trayendo leña.
I'm bringing firewood from Azángaro, from Michqa Pukyo.
00:14:35.540 - 00:14:40.160

Pasarachishaqñam yantan [undecipherable]

Le voy a hacer pasar ya su leña.
I'm going to have him pass his firewood already.
00:14:40.740 - 00:14:43.800 00:14:44.100 - 00:14:46.850

Wambra: nin qalay qalaytam kayta disukuparushaq hinashpa limpiyashaq sumaq
sumaqta, diciendo
Wambra-: ni-n qalay qalay-ta-m kay-ta disukupa-ru-shaq hinashpa limpiya-shaq
child-1 say-3 all all-ACC-EVD DEM.P-ACC free.up-URGT-1.FUT then clean-1.FUT
Mi hijo dijo, 'Voy a desocupar esto todo, todo. De allí voy a limpiarlo bonito,
bonito', diciendo.
My son said, "I'm going to clear this out. completely Then I'm going to clean
it up really nicely," he said.
00:14:47.440 - 00:14:53.460

Lliw lliw limpiyarushaq.

sumaq sumaq-ta Lliw lliw limpiya-ru-shaq
pretty pretty-ACC all all clean-URGT-1.FUT
Todo todo voy a limpiar.
I'm going to clean everything up.
00:14:57.510 - 00:15:00.960

Mallarushaq qalay qalayñataq pampataqa sumaq sumaq barirushaq, dice.

Malla-ru-shaq qalay qalay-ña-taq pampa-ta-qa sumaq sumaq bari-ru-shaq
clean-URGT-1.FUT all all-DISC-SEQ plain-ACC-TOP pretty pretty sweep-URGT-1.FUT
'Voy a lavar toda toda la pampa, bonito bonito. Voy a barrer', dice.
I'm going to wash the whole pampa really nicely. I'm going to sweep it,' he
00:15:01.080 - 00:15:05.940

Mmm, pichamushaq, dice. Pichamushaq lliw lliw sumaq sumaq, nin.

Mmm, picha-mu-shaq Picha-mu-shaq lliw lliw sumaq sumaq ni-n
Mmm, sweep-CISL-1.FUT sweep-CISL-1.FUT all all pretty pretty say-3
Lo voy a barrer, dice. Lo voy a barrer todo todo bonito bonito, dijo
Mmm, "I'm going to sweep it," he says, "I'm going to sweep it all really
nicely," he says.
00:15:08.080 - 00:15:13.070

Yakulla: paqarinkamam chay duranqa.

Yaku-lla-: paqarin-kama-m chay dura-nqa
water-RSTR-1 tomorrow-RSTR-EVD DEM.D last-3.FUT
Mi agua me va a durar hasta mañana.
My water will last until tomorrow.
00:15:14.620 - 00:15:17.740

Wak baldiman hatun baldiman mamallaqa imaynataq chaskinqa, decía

Wak baldi-man hatun baldi-man mama-lla-qa imayna-taq chaski-nqa
DEM.D bucket-ALL big bucket-ALL mother-RSTR-TOP how-SEQ dry-3.FUT
Mi mamá, ¿cómo va a recibir [agua] en esa balde, en una balde grande?
How will my mother receive [water] in that bucket, in that big bucket?
00:15:17.830 - 00:15:21.220

Qalay qalaymi vaka chawaytapis imatapis yatran.
Qalay qalay-mi vaka chawa-y-ta-pis ima-ta-pis yatra-n
all all-EVD cow milk-INF-ACC-ADD what-ACC-ADD know-3
Saben todo todo -- lechear vacas, cualquier cosa.
They know everything, everything -- [how to] milk cows, [how to do] anything.
00:15:24.170 - 00:15:27.610

¡Mikuykushun, mama!
Miku-yku-shun mama
eat-EXCEP-1PL.FUT mother
'Vamos a comer, mamá'.
"We're going to eat, mom,"
00:15:36.170 - 00:15:38.190

Cinco hombres, una mujer. Warmiqa manam hamuyta atipanchu wawantam kwidan
Warmi-qa mana-m hamu-y-ta atipa-n-chu wawa-n-ta-m kwida-n pay-pis
woman-TOP no-EVD come-INF-ACC baby-3-ACC-EVD care.for-3 3-ADD
Cinco hombres una mujer. La mujer no puede venir. Ella cuida sus hijos, también.
Five men, one woman. The woman can't come. She takes care of her children, too.
00:15:46.510 - 00:15:50.500

Chayshi, chayshi kara alma uriwa mana yatrara:chu hampiyta.

Chay-shi chay-shi ka-ra alma uriwa mana yatra-ra-:-chu hampi-y-ta
DEM.D-EVR DEM.D-EVR be-PST soul sterile no know- PST-1 -NEG cure-INF-ACC
Ah, eso era sacado su imagen del alma [enfermedad producida por exposición ante
un cadáver]. Yo no sabía curar.
Ah, then, they say, that was the imprint of the image of a dead person
[sickness produced by exposure to a corpse].. I didn't know how to heal it.
00:15:50.620 - 00:15:54.500

Chaytash hampinchik runa wañukuyaqtam rikarura: piyur.

Chay-ta-sh hampi-nchik runa wañu-ku-ya-q-ta-m rika-ru-ra-: piyur
DEM.D-ACC-EVR cure-1PL person die-REFL-PROG-AG-ACC-EVD see-URGT-PST-1 worse
Eso se cura, dice. Yo he visto a gente muerto peor.
That can be cured, they say. I've seen dead people worse.
00:15:54.830 - 00:15:59.320

Chayshi uriwawarura. Chay kaypim allalli wira wiram nasira wambralla:.

Chay-shi uriwa-ru-ra Chay kay-pi-m allalli wira wira-m nasi-ra
DEM.D-EVR curse-URGT-PST DEM.D DEM.P-LOC-EVD a.lot fat fat-EVD be.born-PST
Por-RSTR, dice, se enfermó por haber visto un cadáver. Ah, aquí, así bien gordo
ha nacido mi hijo.
That's why, they say, he got sick for having looked at a cadaver. Here, my son
was boen nice and fat.
00:15:59.570 - 00:16:06.660


Chaymi diripintiqa piyurña piyurña watanpa watanpa watanpa.

Chay-mi diripinti-qa piyur-ña piyur-ña wata-n-pa wata-n-pa wata-n-pa
DEM.D-EVD suddenly-TOP worse-DISC worse-DISC year-3-LOC year-3-LOC year-3-LOC
De allí, de repente, [se puso] peor, peor ya de año en año en año en año.
Then, all of a sudden, from year to year to year, [he got] worse and worse.
00:16:09.130 - 00:16:17.020

Wira wirallam kuyallapa wambrallam karapis. Victoriom sutin kara.

Wira wira-lla-m kuya-lla-pa wambra-lla-m ka-ra-pis Victorio-m suti-n ka-ra
fat fat-RSTR-ACC-EVD lovely child-RSTR-1-EVD be-PST-ADD Victorio-EVD name-3 be-PST
Gordito bonito niño era. Victorio era su nombre.
He was a fat, lovely boy. His name was Victorio.
00:16:17.410 - 00:16:21.960

Wambralla: wañukun kimsa watanta chaysha alli alli

Wambra-lla-: wañu-ku-n kimsa wata-n-ta chay-sha alli alli
child-RSTR-1 die-REFL-3 three year-3-ACC DEM.D-EVR-EMPH good good
Mi hija murió a los tres años. Así bueno bueno
My daughter died at three years. So, they say, really good
00:16:33.770 - 00:16:38.040

Chay karnirupa wiksanta ese Chaynam wañukun

Chay karniru-pa wiksa-n-ta
DEM.D ram-GEN stomach-3-ACC
la pansa del carnero Así murió.
a ram's stomach. He died like that.
00:16:38.080 - 00:16:41.280 00:17:07.095 - 00:17:09.355

Kimsa watayuq hukñataqmi wañukun. Wawacha pukllakuyan.

Kimsa wata-yuq huk-ña-taq-mi wañu-ku-n wawa-cha puklla-ku-ya-n
three year-POSS one-DISC-SEQ-EVD die-REFL-3 baby-DIM play-REFL-PROG-3
Con tres años el otro ya se murió. Bebito está jugando.
At three years, the other died already. A little baby was playing
00:17:09.710 - 00:17:12.160 00:17:27.340 - 00:17:30.270

Puklla ... pukllakushpa kaynayamun.

Puklla puklla-ku-shpa kay-na-ya-mu-n
Jugando, jugando está haciendo así.
Playing, playing, going like this
00:17:30.610 - 00:17:33.760

Aa, chaynayamun wak. Sinu Ñuqañataq lliklla: karachu
Aa chay-na-ya-mu-n wak Sinu Ñuqa-ña-taq lliklla-: ka-ra-chu
Aa, DEM.D-VRBZ-PROG-CISL-3 DEM.D . rather 1-DISC-SEQ shawl-1 be-PST-NEG
Ah, así está haciendo él. No tenía mi manta.
Ah, he was going like this. I didn't have my shawl.
00:17:36.610 - 00:17:40.840

Mushuq mushuq lliklla. Sumaq sumaq awasa.

Mushuq mushuq lliklla Sumaq sumaq awa-sa
new new shawl pretty pretty weave-PRF
Nuevo nuevo manta. Bonito bonito tejido.
A brand new shawl. Really nicely woven.
00:17:40.920 - 00:17:45.220

Manam chay sumaq con colores. Tutal

Mana-m chay sumaq
no-EVD DEM.D pretty
No. Era bonito con colores. Total.
No. It was pretty with colors. Completely.
00:17:45.800 - 00:17:48.660

Kanankama lliklla: ñuqapaq kayan

Kanan-kama lliklla-: ñuqa-paq ka-ya-n
now-LIM shawl-1 1-GEN be-PROG-3
Hasta ahora tengo mi manta.
I have my shawl up to today.
00:17:49.830 - 00:17:52.130

Chaykunam kara chaymi chaywanñataqmi mushuq mushuqllanwan wawalla:ta qipikuru:.

Chay-kuna-m ka-ra chay-mi chaywan-ña-taq-mi mushuq mushuq-lla-n-wan
Eso todo había. Por eso, con ése, con el nuevo nuevo cargué a mi hijo.
There were those. So, with that, with a new one, I carried my son.
00:17:57.770 - 00:18:03.160

wawa-lla-:-ta qipi-ku-ru-:
baby-RSTR-1-ACC carry-REFL-URGT-1

¡Vámos! plazueata hamuru: kay law lawman

plazuela-ta hamu-ru-: kay law law-man
town.square-ACC come-URGT-1 DEM.P side side-ALL
¡Vámos! Vine a la plazuela hacia este lado.
Let's go! I came to the town square towards over here.
00:18:08.880 - 00:18:12.290

Chaypa tiynda kara, tiyu:pa tiyndan. Chaypiñataqmi huk primu kasa.

Chay-pa tiynda ka-ra tiyu-:-pa tiynda-n Chay-pi-ña-taq-mi huk primu
DEM.D-LOC store be-PST uncle-1-GEN store-3 DEM.D-LOC-DISC-SEQ-EVD one cousin
Allí había tienda de mi tío. Allí también había un primo.
There was a store there, my uncle's store. There was also a cousin there.
00:18:12.660 - 00:18:16.300

Ñuqa Pichqapukyupa wasi:pa kaya:

ka-sa Ñuqa Pichqapukyu-pa wasi-:-pa ka-ya-:
be-PST 1 Pichqa pukyu-LOC house-1-LOC be-PROG_1
Estaba en mi casa en Pichqa Pukyu.
I was in my house in Pichqa Pukyu.
00:18:43.040 - 00:18:45.200

Di ripinti wawalla: imaynatr yatrarura. Mi hija se llama Esther.

Di ripinti wawa-lla-: imayna-tr yatra-ru-ra
baby-RSTR-1 how-EVC live-URGT-PST
De repente mi hijo ¿cómo habrá llegado a saber? Mi hija se llama Ester.
All of a sudeen, my baby. ¿How would he have come to know? My daughter is
called Esther.
00:18:45.350 - 00:18:50.470

Esp... kartata aparachimusa. ¿Imapaqtaq kay pay Limapam yatran?

karta-ta apa-ra-chi-mu-sa Imapaq-taq kay pay Lima-pa-m yatra-n
letter-ACC bring-URGT-CAUS-CISL-PRF why-SEQ DEM.P 3 Lima-LOC-EVD live-3
De ... habían enviado una carta. ¿Por qué vive él en Lima?
From ... they'd sent a letter. Whay did he live in Lima?
00:18:53.150 - 00:18:56.590

qaparkachayashpash wañukun uspitalpi.

Qapari-katra-ya-shpa-sh wañu-ku-n uspital-pi
shout-REPET-PROG-SUBIS-EVR die-REFL-3 hospital-LOC
Gritando, dice, se ha muerto en el hospital.
Shouting, they say, he died in the hospital.
00:18:59.390 - 00:19:02.450

Natam niyan. Wawqinkunatam niyan.

Na-ta-m ni-ya-n Wawqi-n-kuna-ta-m ni-ya-n
DMY-ACC-AVD say-PROG-3 brother-3-PL-ACC-EVD say-PROG-3
A ése le están diciendo. A sus hermanos les están diciendo.
They're saying to ummm. They're saying to his brothers.
00:19:08.460 - 00:19:11.520

Qillakunaqa. Yanukunan kara. Qamllatatr qawayarashunki, nimanyá.

Qilla-kuna-qa yanu-ku-na-n ka-ra qam-lla-ta-tr qawa-ya-ra-shunki
lazy-PL-TOP cook-REFL-NMLZ-3 be-PST 2-RSTR-ACC-EVC look-PROG-UNINT-3>2
A estos flojos, ¿Hubieron debido cocinar? A usted no más estará mirando, me dice.
Lazy. They should have cooked. He's be looking just at you, he said to me.
00:19:11.630 - 00:19:15.450


file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2013/Huangascar_NS_Terrorists.eaf
Thursday, May 29, 2014 4:05 PM


Na. Ishkay altupaq hamushpaqa Llaqta wasita kitran a pidradas.

Na Ishkay altu-paq hamu-shpa-qa Llaqta wasi-ta kitra-n
DMY two high-ABL come-SUBIS-TOP town house-ACC open-3
Dos veniendo de la altura abrieron las casas del pueblo a pedradas
Two coming from the hills opened the town's doors throwing rocks.
00:00:00.290 - 00:00:05.830 00:00:05.905 - 00:00:08.932

Aquí de Finado Marcel.

Aquí de Finado Marcel.
Here, the late Marcel's.
00:00:09.364 - 00:00:12.013

Riman. Takarun. Vakiran kara. Finaw Marcial Quispepa. En paz descanse.

Taka-ru-n Vakira-n ka-ra Finaw Marcial Quispe-pa
talk-3 punch-URGT-3 cowgirl-3 be-PST late Marcial Quispe-GEN
Hablan. Chancaron. Tenía una vaquera. El finado Marcial Quispe, que en paz
They talk. They punch him. He had a cowgirl. The late Marcel Quispe, may he
rest in peace.
00:00:12.067 - 00:00:20.334

Aquí en plaza no más. Hinaptinqa. Rumiwan takashpaqa kitrarushpaqa

Hinaptin-qa Rumi-wan taka-shpa-qa kitra-ru-shpa-qa
then-TOP stone-INCTR punch-SUBIS-TOP open-URGT-SUBIS
Aquí en la plaza no más. Y después, con piedra chancando, abriendo
Here, right in the plaza. And afterwards, knocking with a stone, opening it,
00:00:20.564 - 00:00:27.104

Hurqun. Arroz. Fideos. Ropa. Manta. Sombrero.

Sacó arros, fideos, ropa, manta, sombrero.
They took out rice, pasta, clothes, shawls, hats.
00:00:27.253 - 00:00:32.562

Achkata imatapis apayan. Hinashpaqa vakirataq nin

Achka-ta ima-ta-pis apa-ya-n Hinashpa-qa vakira-taq ni-n
a.lot-ACC what-ACC-ADD bring-PROG-3 then-TOP cowgirl-ACC say-3
Mucho están llevando. Cualquier cosa. Y depués a la vaquera le dijeron,
Thay're taking a lot, anything. And then they said to the cowgirl,
00:00:33.048 - 00:00:37.859

Qam ispiray kayllapa.

Qam ispira-y kay-lla-pa
Ud. espéra acá no más.
Wait right here.
00:00:38.102 - 00:00:41.629

mas tardiqa qammiki kanki duyñu niyan vakirataqa. Kinrayta vakiraqa ayqikun.
mas tardi-qa qam-mi-ki ka-nki duyñu ni-ya-n vakira-ta-qa. Kinray-ta vakira-qa
more late-TOP 2-EVD-K be-2 owner say-PROG-3 cowgirl-ACC-TOP
Más tarde usted vas a ser dueña. La vaquera se escapó al lado.
Later, you're going to be the owner. The cowgril escaped over to the side.
00:00:42.602 - 00:00:46.493

horizontal.direction-ACC cowgirl-TOP escape-REFL-3

Kural hunta vakayuq wañukun warmi qari.

Kural hunta vaka-yuq wañu-ku-n warmi qari.
corral full cow-POSS die-REFL-3 woman man
Se muerieron marido y mujer, el coral lleno de vacas.
Husband and wife died, the coral full of cows.
00:00:46.926 - 00:00:50.520

Wak kural hunta vaka qayaq kabra uviha laqay hunta,

Wak kural hunta vaka qaya-q kabra uviha laqay hunta
DEM.D corral full cow call-AG goat sheep full
Ese corral lleno de vacas que bramaban, un caserón lleno de cabras y ovejas.
That coral full of cows that mooed, an abandoned house full of goats and sheep.
00:00:51.885 - 00:00:57.060

Piru puchukakun runa. Warmi qari. Ganaw remató.

Piru puchuka-ku-n runa Warmi qari
but finish-REFL-3 person woman man
Pero la gente se terminó. Marido y mujer. Y el ganado se remató.
But the people [were] finished off. Husband and wife. And the cattle were
00:00:57.405 - 00:01:02.404

Kanchu. Tristiña kidarunchik. A gente no mató. Llevó, sí.

Ka-n-chu Tristi-ña kida-ru-nchik
be-3-NEG sad-DISC stay-URGT-1PL
No hay. Tristes ya quedmos.
There aren't any. We were left sad.
00:01:03.460 - 00:01:09.020 00:01:09.520 - 00:01:15.320

Apakun. Ishkay gwardiyata apakun. Gwardiyata. Pulisiyata.

Apa-ku-n Ishkay gwardiya-ta apa-ku-n Gwardiya-ta Pulisiya-ta
bring-REFL-3 2 policeman-ACC bring-REFL-3 policeman-ACC police-ACC
Se llevaron. Se llevaron a dos guardias. A guardias. A policías.
They took them. They took two guards. Two guards. Two policemen.
00:01:15.440 - 00:01:23.760

Pulisiya apakun hinashpa nin. Kay Alanpa allquntam apayanchik nin.

Pulisiya apa-ku-n hinashpa ni-n Kay Alanpa allqu-n-ta-m apa-ya-nchik ni-n
police bring-REFL-3 then say-3 DEM.P Alan-GEN dog-3-ACC-EVD bring-PROG-1PL say-3
Se llevaron a dos policías y después dijo, 'Estamos llevando a los perros de
ese Alan', dijeron.
Tehy took two policement and then said, "We're taking Alan's dogs," they said.
00:01:23.960 - 00:01:29.820

Alanpa allqunta apayanchik hinashpam Viñacpaqa

Alan-pa allqu-n-ta apa-ya-nchik hinashpa-m Viñac-pa-qa
Alan-GEN dog-3-ACC bring-PROG-1PL then-EVD Viñac-LOC-TOP
Estamos llevando los perros de Alan. Luego en Viñac
We're taking Alan's dogs. Later, in Viñac
00:01:29.960 - 00:01:33.260

Katraykaramusa qalallata lliw lliw disnudu disnuduykushpa

Katra-yka-ra-mu-sa qala-lla-ta lliw lliw disnudu disnudu-yku-shpa
release-EXCEP-URGT-CISL-PRF naked-RSTR-ACC all all naked undress-EXCEP-SUBIS
los habían soltado completamente desnudos, calatos. Desnudándolos,
they released them, completely naked, naked. Stripping them down,
00:01:33.370 - 00:01:37.610

trayaramun qalalla runallaqa kayta. Gwariyata.

traya-ra-mu-n qala-lla runa-lla-qa kay-ta Gwardiya-ta
arrive-URGT-CISL-3 naked-RSTR person-RSTR-TOP DEM.P-ACC policeman-ACC
Los pobres hombres llegaron acá calatos. A los guardias,
The poor men arrived here naked. The guards
00:01:37.730 - 00:01:45.290

Chayllatam apakura chay chay tiympu.

Chay-lla-ta-m apa-ku-ra chay chay tiympu
a-RSTRs no más se los llevaron en ese tiempo.
they took only them away at that time.
00:01:45.630 - 00:01:48.710

Kaypa kayaptinña chay kara. Kunsihukunata uuuu. Yangaña kañaykuyan.

Kay-pa ka-ya-pti-n-ña chay ka-ra Kunsihu-kuna-ta uuuu. Yanga-ña
DEM.P-LOC be-PROG-SUBDS-3-DISC DEM.D be-PST town.hall-PL-ACC uuuu. in.vain-DISC
Cuando estuve ya acá eso pasó. Al consejo y todo. Oooo. Por gusto ya lo están
That happned when I was here already. The town hall and everything. They're
burning it for the hell of it.
00:01:49.230 - 00:01:56.330


Wak viyhu kunsihu kara wak kinraypa. Chaytaq yanqaña kañaykuyan, Papilkunata.
Wak viyhu kunsihu ka-ra wak kinray-pa Chay-taq yanqa-ña kaña-yku-ya-n
DEM.D old town.hall be-PST DEM.D transeverse.direction-LOC DEM.D-SEQ
Allá el consejo viejo estaba allá al otro lado. Lo están quemando por gusto ya,
los papeles todo.
There, the old town hall was there on the other side. They're burning it for
the hell of it, the papers and everything.
00:01:56.630 - 00:02:03.550

in.vain-DISC burn-EXCEP-PROG-3 paper-PL-ACC

Achka achkata qatikatrara. Asu machu chay tiympa wambra:pis iskuylapa kayan.
Achka achka-ta qati-katra-ra Asu machu chay tiympu wambra-:-pis iskuyla-pa
a.lot a.lot-ACC follow-REPET-PST oh my DEM.D time child-1-ADD school-LOC
Mucho los siguitiaban. Aso macho, en ese tiempo mis hijos también estaban en la
They chased around a lot. Oh, my! At that time, my children, too, were in
00:02:03.690 - 00:02:10.570


Kayninta pasayan kayna armawan. Arma arma. Armawan yaykuyan. Huk urapaq, huk
Kay-ni-n-ta pasa-ya-n kay-na arma-wan Arma arma Arma-wan yayku-ya-n Huk ura-paq
DEM.P-EUPH-3-ACC pass-PROG-3 DEM.P-VRBZ arm-INSTR arm arm arm-INSTR enter-PROG-3
Por aquí están pasando así con armas. Armas, armas. Con armas están entrando.
Uno desde abajo el otro desde arriba.
They're passing by here with arms. Arms, arms. They're entering with arms. One
from down hill, another from up hill.
00:02:11.290 - 00:02:19.570

huk hana-paq
one up-ABL one down-ABL

Kunsihuman. Karachu kanan wak kunsihuqa. Manam karachu.

Kunsihu-man Ka-ra-chu kanan wak kunsihu-qa Mana-m ka-ra-chu
town.hall-ALL be-PST-NEG now DEM.D town.hall-TOP no-EVD be-PST-NEG
Hacia el consejo. No había [como] ahora ese consejo. No había.
Towards the town hall. There wasn't [then] the current town hall. It wasn't
00:02:20.270 - 00:02:25.730

Qayna watallam waktaq ruwan huk alcaldiña. Kara kunsihu wak uray. Wak kay
hana. Chaylla.
Qayna wata-lla-m wak-taq ruwa-n huk alcaldiña Ka-ra kunsihu wak uray Wak kay
last year-RSTR-EVD DEM.D-SEQ make-3 mayor be-PST town.hall DEM.D down DEM.D DEM.P
Otro alcalde lo hizo el año pasado. Había un consejo allá abajo. [También] acá
arriba. Así.
Another mayor built it last year. There was a town hall there down hill. [Also]
here up hill. Like that.
00:02:26.550 - 00:02:34.470

hana Chay-lla

Manam runata Dispuystam ichaqa runata wañurachin. Wañurachin dispuysta.

Mana-m runa-ta Dispuys-ta-m icha-qa runa-ta wañu-ra-chi-n Wañu-ra-chi-n
no-EVD person-ACC later-ACC-EVD or-TOP person-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-3
No a gente. Después. sí, mató a una persona. Lo mató después.
People, no. Later, yes. They killed a person. They killed him later.
00:02:34.990 - 00:02:40.950

die-URGT-CAUS-3 after-ACC

Finaw Rómulo Sáncheztam wañuchira. Tirrurista. Pallqa uraypa.

Finaw Rómulo Sánchez-ta-m wañu-chi-ra Tirrurista Pallqa uray-pa
late Rómulo Sánchez-ACC-EVD die-CAUS-PST terrorost Pallqa down-LOC
Los terroristas mataron al finado Rómulo Sánchesz. Abajo de Pallqa.
The terrorists hilled the late Rómulo Sánchez. Below Pallqa.
00:02:41.390 - 00:02:48.030
Aa, payllatam wañurachira runa. Viyahi hamullaqtam hapirusa karrupa.
Aa pay-lla-ta-m wañu-ra-chi-ra runa viyahi hamu-lla-q-ta-m hapi-ru-sa
Aa, 3-RSTR-ACC-EVD die-URGT-CAUS-PST person trip come-RSTR-AG-ACC-EVD
A él no más mataron [a otra] persona [no]. [Cuando] venía de viaje, lo habían
agarrado en carro.
They killed only him, [no other] person. They rgabbed him [when] he came [back
from a] trip in the bus.
00:02:48.590 - 00:02:54.830

grab-URGT-PRF car-LOC

Chayllapa kwadrarusa. Hinashpa wañurachillasa kay runam kara chay Rómulo

Chay-lla-pa kwadra-ru-sa Hinashpa wañu-ra-chi-lla-sa kay runa-m ka-ra chay
Allí no más lo habían cuadrado. Y después lo habían matado. De acá era esa
persona. El era Rómulo Sánchez.
Right there they cornered him. And then they killed him. That person was from
here. He was Rómulo Sánchez.
00:02:55.070 - 00:03:01.450

Rómulo Sánchez.
DEM.D Rómulo Sánchez.

Kay runam wakpaq. Primu:mi kara. Chayta wañurachillasa. ¿Imaraykutrki?

Pulitikum kara nimanmá. No sé, pues.
Kay runa-m wak-paq primu-:-mi ka-ra Chay-ta wañu-ra-chi-lla-sa ima-rayku-tri-ki
De acá era él. Mío mi primo era. A él había matado. ¿Por qué será, pues? Me han
dicho que era político. No sé, pues.
He was from here. He was my cousin. They killed him. Why would that be? They
told me he was a politician. I don't know.
00:03:01.920 - 00:03:09.820

pulitiku-m ka-ra ni-ma-n-m-á

what-CAUS-EVC-KI politician-EVD be-PST say-1.OBJ-3-EVD-INTENS

Awturidadkunataqa mana hinam. Chay ishkay warmi uywaqkunatash wañuchinman kara.

Awturidad-kuna-ta-qa mana hina-m Chay ishkay warmi uywa-q-kuna-ta-sh
authority-PL-ACC-TOP no thus-EVD DEM.D two woman raise-AG-PL-ACC-EVR
A las autoridades, parece que no. A los que mantenían a dos mujeres, iban a
The authoities, it seems not. They were going to kill those who maintained two
00:03:09.960 - 00:03:15.770

wañu-chi-n-man ka-ra
die-CAUS-3-COND be-PST

Ishkay warmi uywaqta. Achka kayan chay ishkay warmi uywaqkunaqa piru iskaparun.
Ishkay warmi uywa-q-ta Achka ka-ya-n chay ishkay warmi uywa-q-kuna-qa piru
two woman raise-AG-ACC a.lot be-PROG-3 DEM.D two woman raise-AG-PL-TOP but
A los que mantenían a dos mujeres. Muchos son los que tienen a dos mujeres,
pero se fugaron.
Those who kept two wives. There were a lot who kept two wives. But they escaped.
00:03:16.490 - 00:03:22.330


Algunusta warmin ... Ayqikun. Algunusta warmin nisa viyahipam qari:qa nisa
Algunus-ta warmi-n Ayqi-ku-n Algunus-ta warmi-n ni-sa viyahi-pa-m qari-:-qa
some.people-ACC woman-3 escape-REFL-3 some.people-ACC woman-3 say-PRF
A algunos, sus mujeres ... Escaparon. A algunos, sus esposas habían dicho,
'Está de viaje', les han dicho.
To some, their wives ... They escaped. To some, their wives had said, "He's
[away] on a trip," they'd said.
00:03:22.970 - 00:03:29.270

trip-LOC-EVD man-1-TOP say-PRF

Niptinqa pirsiginñachu. Viñacpañataqshi huk nisa

Ni-pti-n-qa pirsigi-n-ña-chu Viñac-pa-ña-taq-shi huk ni-sa
say-DUBDS-3-TOP chase-3-DISC-NEG Viñac-LOC-DISC-SEQ-EVR one say-PRF
Cuando se les dijeron [éso] ya no los persiguieron. En Viñac ya también dice
había dicho uno.
When they told them that, they didn't persue them any more. In Viñac, too, they
say, one had said,
00:03:29.370 - 00:03:33.730

¿Maymi qariki? Wak istansiya:pam kayan nishpa dirihikurusa.

May-mi qari-ki Wak istansiya-:-pa-m ka-ya-n nishpa dirihi-ku-ru-sa
where-EVD man-2 DEM.D ranch-1-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3 say-SUBIS direct-REFL-URGT-PRF
'¿Dónde está tu esposo?' 'Está en mi estancia', le dijo y le dio la dirección.
"Where is your husband?" "He's at my ranch," she said and gave them directions.
00:03:33.750 - 00:03:38.910

Wañurachillan. Qarinta. Viñac. Madeán, Madeán, Madeán. Mana Viñacpachu.

Wañu-ra-chi-lla-n Qari-n-ta Viñac Madeán Madeán Madeán Mana Viñac-pa-chu
die-URGT-CAUS-RSTR-3 man-3-ACC Viñac. Madeán, Madeán, Madeán. no Viñac-LOC-NEG
Lo mató. A su pobre esposo. Viñac. Madeán. Madeán. Madeán. En Viñac no.
They killed him. Her poor husband. Viñac. Madeán. Madeán, Madeán. In Viñac, no.
00:03:39.110 - 00:03:46.390

Madeánpa. Kay lawpa. Ñaña:pa wawan. Piru manam trayamunchu. Ingratum.

Madeán-pa Kay law-pa Ñaña-:-pa wawa-n Piru mana-m traya-mu-n-chu
Madeán-LOC DEM.P side-LOC sister-1-GEN baby-3 but no-EVD arrive-CISL-3-NEG
En Madeán. A este lado. El hijo de mi hermana. Pero no llega. Es ingrato.
In Madeán. On this side. My sister's son. But he doesn't come. He's ungrateful.
00:03:46.590 - 00:03:52.930


Ñaña:pam kay karpa. Shullka:pa. Cañetepam ish... ñaña: yatrakun.

Ñaña-:-pa-m kay karpa Shullka-:-pa Cañete-pa-m ish... ñaña-:
sister-1-GEN-EVD DEM.P tent younger.sibling-1-GEN Cañete-LOC-EVD PHAT sister-1
Esa carpa es de mi hermana. De mi hermana menor. Vive en Cañete mi hermana.
That tent is my sister's. My younger sister's. My sister lives in Cañete.
00:03:53.110 - 00:03:59.880


Wawan uywakun. Ñuqahina yasqa. Shullka: piru mas yasqa.

Wawa-n uywa-ku-n Ñuqa-hina yasqa Shullka-: piru mas yasqa
baby-3 raise-REFL-3 1-COMP old younger.sibling-1 but more old
Cría a sus hijos. Como yo, anciana. Mi menor, pero más anciana.
She raises her children. [She´s] old, like me. My younger sibling, but older.
00:04:00.360 - 00:04:08.295

Piru ñuqa kanan kay trakiwanñam ushukaru:. Allinñam kayan kwirpu: purina:paq.
Kaymi hudiyamanqa.
Piru ñuqa kanan kay traki-wan-ña-m ushu-ka-ru-: Allin-ña-m ka-ya-n kwirpu-:
but 1 now DEM.P foot-INSTR-DISC-EVD be.lame-PASSACC-URGT-1 good-DISC-EVD
Pero yo ahora ya con mi pie ya estoy coja. Mi cuerpo está bien todavía para
caminar. Este es lo que me está jodeando.
But now with this foot, I limp. My body's still good for walking. [It's] this
[that] is fucking me up.
00:04:13.967 - 00:04:21.551

puri-na-:-paq Kay-mi hudi-ya-ma-nqa

be-PROG-3 body-1 walk-NMLZ-1-PURP DEM.P-EVD fuck-PROG-1.OBJ-3.FUT

Ishkay killa.
Ishkay killa
two month
Dos meses
Two months.
00:04:21.591 - 00:04:26.379

Kayhina hitaraku:, hitaraku:. Kayna hitarushpa imatas ruwaru:ñamá astaw

Kay-hina hita-ra-ku-: hita-ra-ku-: Kay-na hita-ru-shpa ima-ta-s ruwa-ru-n-ña
Así estoy echado echado. Así estando echado cualquier cosa ya hice, hasta harto
I'm here, lying down, lying down. Like this, lying down, I do anything, even a
00:04:26.619 - 00:04:33.305

ima-s astaw achka-ta-ña-m

what-ACC-ADD make-URGT-3-DISC what-ADD until a.lot-ACC-DISC-EVD

Kaypi lliklla:ta markaru:. Kanan kayta ruwaya: . ¡Vé! ¡Vé!

Kay-pi lliklla-:-ta marka-ru-: kanan kay-ta ruwa-ya-:
DEM.P-LOC shawñ-1-ACC embroider-URGT-1 now DEM.P-ACC make-PROG-1
Aquí ya marqué una manta. Ahora estoy haciendo ésto. ¡Vé! ¡Vé!
Here I already embraoidered a shawl. Now I'm making this. Look! Look!
00:04:33.445 - 00:04:38.082

Kayta ruwashpam ñaqalla tiyakura: .

Kay-ta ruwa-shpa-m ñaqalla tiya-ku-ra-: .
DEM.P-ACC make-SUBIS-EVD a.short.time.ago sit-REFL-PST-1
Antes estuve sentada haciendo ésto.
Before, I was sitting making this.
00:04:39.862 - 00:04:45.643

Kulchapaq. Kulchapaq ruwaya:

Kulcha-paq Kulcha-paq ruwa-ya-:
blanket-PURP blanket-PURP make-PROG-1
Para colcha. Para colcha estoy haciendo.
For a blanket. I'm making it for a blanket.
00:04:45.863 - 00:04:52.172

Arí. kay piysa piysamiki kanqa.

Arí kay piysa piysa-mi-ki ka-nqa
yes DEM.P piece piece-EVD-KI be-3.FUT
Sí, pues. Esto tiene que ser por piezas.
Yes, then. This has to be done piece by piece.
00:04:52.392 - 00:04:56.777

Otra pieza otra pieza. Kanan kayllaparaq kayan kay. ¡Vé!

Kanan kay-lla-pa-raq ka-ya-n kay
Otra pieza otra pieza. Ahora aquí no más todavía está, ¡Vé!
Another piece, another piece. Now this is right here still. Look!
00:04:56.977 - 00:05:02.064

Kayna allumaptinqa .Kayllaparaq kayan. Kayllaparaq. ¿Aykaraq faltakuyan? A ver.

Kaynata ruwakushpaña tiyaya:
Kay-na allu-ma-pti-n-qa TK .Kay-lla-pa-raq ka-ya-n Kay-lla-pa-raq Ayka-raq
Así cuando me abriga aquí no más todavía está. ¿Cuánto todavía falta? A ver.
Así haciendo ya estoy sentada.
Like this when it wraps me up. It's right here, still. How much is missing
still? Let's see. Like this, I'm making it, sitting.
00:05:02.624 - 00:05:09.900

falta-ku-ya-n Kay-na-ta ruwa-ku-shpa-ña tiya-ya-:



Kay tiyashpaqa kayna pruvichaya:. Mana usuyusuqa kayta atipa:chu. Maki:qa

ruwayta munayan.
Kay tiya-shpa-qa kay-na pruvicha-ya-: Mana usuyusu-qa kay-ta atipa-:-chu
DEM.P sit-SUBIS-TOP DEM.P-VRBZ take.advantage-PROG-1 no lazy-TOP DEM.P-ACC
Aquí sentada estoy aprovechando así. Osiosa, no puedo [ser]-RSTR. Mi mano quiere
Sitting here like this, I'm taking advantage [of my time]. Not lazy, I can't
[be] that. My hands want to make [something].
00:05:09.900 - 00:05:17.542

Maki-:-qa ruwa-y-ta muna-ya-n hand-1-TOP make-INF-ACC want-PROG-3

kanan imatam yapa sigishun huk kantuta yapa huk kantu.

kanan ima-ta-m sigi-shun yapa huk kantu-ta yapa huk kantu
now what-ACC-EVD follow-1PL.FUT again one song-ACC again one song
Ahora ¿qué vamos a seguir? ¿Una vez, un canto, otra vez, otro canto?
Now, what are we going to follow [up with]? One time, one song, another time,
another song?
00:05:17.902 - 00:05:22.601

manam yuyariyta aptipa:chu. Yatrayanmi. Yatraya:mi unas kwantuta.
mana-m yuyari-y-ta aptipa-:-chu Yatra-ya-n-mi Yatra-ya-:-mi unas
no-EVD remember-INF-ACC know-PROG-3-EVD know-PROG-1-EVD some
No puedo recordarme. Sabe. Sé unos cuantos.
I can't remember. SHe knows. I know a few.
00:05:22.901 - 00:05:29.331

Unas kwantuta yatraya:mi. Ima harawita kashpa

kwantu-ta Unas kwantu-ta yatra-ya-:-mi Ima harawi-ta ka-shpa
few-ACC some few-ACC know-PROG-1-EVD what be-SUBIS
Sé unos cuantos. ¿Qué harawi habiendo?
i know a few. What harawi?
00:05:29.671 - 00:05:35.276

Baylas kashpa. U huk takiytapis.

Baylas ka-shpa U huk taki-y-ta-pis
dance be-SUBIS or one sing-INF-ACC-ADD
Hay bailas. O otra canción, también.
There are dances. Or another song, too.
00:05:35.556 - 00:05:39.533

Manam paraptinqa tardi riya:yari. Wambra:shi hamunmanpis kanan sabaduta

Mana-m para-pti-n-qa tardi ri-ya-:-ya-ri Wambra-:-shi hamu-n-man-pis kanan
no-EVD rain-SUBDS-3-TOP late go-PROG-1-INTENS-EMPH child-1-EVR come-3-COND-ADD
Cuando no llueve en la tarde ando, pues. Mi hijo, dice, puede venir ahora
sábado todavía dijo todavia.
If it doesn't rain in the afternoon, I go, then. My son, they say, could come,
too, this Saturday, he says, still.
00:05:40.673 - 00:05:49.524

sabadu-ta ni-shpa-raq
now Saturday-ACC say-SUBIS-CONT

Uyaka: qawakatraya: Mastaña paraqa TK mastaña, ¡vé! Pero con este pie, pues,
no puedo avanzar.
Uya-ka-: qawa-katra-ya-: Mas-ta-ña para-qa mas-ta-ña
listen-PASSACC-1 see-REPET-PROG-1 more-ACC-DISC rain-TOP more-ACC-DISC
Estoy escuchando, estoy divisando. Más ya la lluvia, más ya. Pero con este pie,
pues, no puede andar.
I'm listening, I'm looking around. More already, [there's] more rain already.
Look! But with this foot, then, I can't go forward.
00:05:49.544 - 00:05:56.218

Ni jalado ya. Uraskapaqña aysaramanña wambra:qa.

Ura-ska-paq-ña aysa-ra-ma-n-ña wambra-:-qa
down-TK-ABL-DISC pull-URGT-1.OBJ-3-DISC child-1-TOP
Ni jalado ya. De más abajo me jaló ya, chico.
not even pulled. My son pulled me already from more down hill.
00:05:56.398 - 00:06:03.181

Qawaramashpaqa kurrimun hinashpa aysaramanña.

Qawa-ra-ma-shpa-qa kurri-mu-n hinashpa aysa-ra-ma-n-ña
see-URGT-1.OBJ-SUBIS-TOP run-CISL-3 then pull-URGT-1.OBJ-3-DISC
Mirándome corrió y después ya me jaló.
Seeing me, he ran and then pulled me already.
00:06:03.321 - 00:06:06.389

Tukuy tuta kama:pa puñuku: nanaraman nanaraman allallita

Tukuy tuta kama-:-pa puñu-ku-: nana-ra-ma-n nana-ra-ma-n allalli-ta
all night bed-1-LOC sleep-REFL-1 hurt-UNINT-1.OBJ-3 hurt-UNINT-1.OBJ-3 a.lot-ACC
Toda la noche dormí en cama me dolió me dolió bastante bastante.
'All night in my bed, I sleep. It hurts and hurts; it hurts and hurts a lot.'
00:06:07.169 - 00:06:13.275

Wiqitam waqakuru: Waqakuru: dulurwan.

Wiqi-ta-m waqa-ku-ru-: Waqa-ku-ru-: dulur-wan
tear-ACC-EVD cry-REFL-URGT-1 cry-REFL-URGT-1 pain-INSTR
Lloré lágrimas. Lloré con dolor.
I cried tears. I cried in pain.
00:06:13.582 - 00:06:19.442

nanaywan waqakuru: imallaraq kay unquy ñuqaman chukaraman.

nana-y-wan waqa-ku-ru-: ima-lla-raq kay unqu-y ñuqa-man
hurt-INF-INSTR cry-REFL-URGT-1 what-RSTR-CONT DEM.P be.sick-INF 1-ALL
Con dolor lloré. ¿Qué será esta enfermedad que me ha chocado?
I cried in pain. What is this sickness that's hit me?
00:06:19.962 - 00:06:26.272


Amatr kaynaqa kachimanmanchu. Diyunavis apakamanman

Ama-tr kay-na-qa ka-chi-ma-n-man-chu Diyunavis
Así no me puede tener. De una vez me puede llevar.
It can't keep me like this. It could take me at once.
00:06:26.712 - 00:06:31.397


Diyunavis hatarirachimanman nishpa waqaku:. Hinaptinqa.
Diyunavis hatari-ra-chi-ma-n-man ni-shpa waqa-ku-: Hinaptin-qa
at.once get.up-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-3-COND say-SUBIS cry-REFL-1 then-TOP
De una vez me puede hacer levantar, dije, y lloré. Luego
At once it could make me get up, I said, and I cried.
00:06:31.597 - 00:06:38.274

Hinata hinata uyara: kama:pa. Uyaykurunñatrik nanasan munasankama nanarushpa

Hina-ta hina-ta uya-ra-: kama-:-pa Uya-yku-ru-n-ña-tri-k nana-sa-n
thus-ACC thus-ACC listen-PST-1 bed-1-LOC listen-EXCEP-URGT-3-DISC-EVC-K
Así, así, estuve escuchado en la cama. Me dolió todo lo que quería.
Like that, I listening in my bed like that. It hurt all it wanted to.
00:06:38.474 - 00:06:44.295

muna-sa-n-kama nana-ru-shpa
hurt-PRF-3 want-PRF-3-LIM hurt-URGT-SUBIS

Uyaykuntriki. Ya, puñuykuru: Hawka chay wawa: mirindachiman

Uya-yku-n-tri-ki Ya puñu-yku-ru-: Hawka chay wawa-:
listen-EXCEP-3-EVC-KI sleep-EXCEP-URGT-1 peaceful DEM.D baby-1
Habrá escuchdo, seguro. Ya me quedé dormido. Tranquilo mi hija me hizo cenar.
It must have heard. Then I fell asleep. Calm, my daughter had me eat dinner.
00:06:44.495 - 00:06:51.104


Ñaqa disayunuchiman. Hinshpam hatipa:man. Kay witrayman kanan

Ñaqa disayunu-chi-ma-n Hinshpa-m hatipa-:-man Kay witray-man
a.short.time.ago eat.breakfast-CAUS-1.ONJ-3 then-EVD order-TK-1.OBJ-3 DEM.P
Antes me hizo tomar desayuno. Y después me envió para acá arriba, ahora,
Just before, she had me eat breakfast. Then she sent me ... here up hill.
00:06:51.304 - 00:06:57.859

Kay wataru:mari. aw, aw. Aa, wataru: chay.

kanan Kay wata-ru-:-m-ari aw aw Aa, wata-ru-: chay
up-ALL now DEM.P tie-URGT-1-EVD-EMPH yes yes Aa, tie-URGT-1 DEM.D
Acá amaré. Sí, sí. Aa, Lo amaré, ése.
I tied it here. Yes, yes. I tied it, that one.
00:06:57.999 - 00:07:04.081

Uhawan. Kay uhata aparamun hinaptinqa Kay wataru: suldiyachinchu imatatrik

Uha-wan Kay uha-ta apa-ra-mu-n hinaptin-qa Kay wata-ru-: sudi-ya-chi-n-chu
leaf-INSTR DEM.P leaf-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-3 then-TOP DEM.P tie-URGT-1
Con ojas. Esas hojas trajo y después, me amaré. ¿Qué estará haciendo. ¿Me
estará haciendo sudar?
With leaves. He brought me these leaves then I tied them. Is it making me
sweat? What would it be doing?
00:07:04.241 - 00:07:11.020

ima-ta-tri-k ruwa-ya-n
sweat-PROG-CAUS-3-Q what-ACC-EVC-K do-PROG-3

Kananshari fwirti fwirti inyiksyunta wawa: mandaramunqa.

Kanan-sh-ari fwirti fwirti inyiksyun-ta wawa-: manda-ra-mu-nqa
now-EVR-EMPH strong strong injection-ACC baby-1 send-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT
Ahora, dice, mi hijo va a mandar un injección bien fuerte.
Now, they say, my son is going to send me a really strong injection.
00:07:11.280 - 00:07:15.770

Chayta huwivistam kanan chay llunchuyni: wawanta

Chay-ta huwivis-ta-m kanan chay llunchuy-ni-: wawa-n-ta
DEM.D-ACC Thursday-ACC-EVD now DEM.D baby-3-ACC
Eso, este jueves mi nuera a su hijo
That, this Thursday my daughter-in-law, her son
00:07:16.750 - 00:07:23.705

namunqa. Apachimunqa. Hinaptin chaywan prubashaq.

na-mu-nqa Apachi-mu-nqa Hinaptin chay-wan pruba-shaq
va a enviar y después con eso voy a probar.
she's going to umm she's going to send it. Then I'll try it with that.
00:07:23.805 - 00:07:29.067

Wak duktur truramanmanchu. Manachu imaynatriki. Kunsultashpa.

Wak duktur trura-ma-n-man-chu Mana-chu imayna-tri-ki Kunsulta-shpa
DEM.D doctor put-1.OBJ-3-COND-Q no-Q how-EVC-KI consult-SUBIS
00:07:29.147 - 00:07:33.956

Chayllataña uniku ispiransa. Mana chay atipamaptinqa

Chayllata-ña uniku ispiransa Mana chay atipa-ma-pti-n-qa TK
DEM.D-RSTR-ACC-DISC only hope no DEM.D
Eso no más [es] la única esperanza. Si eso no me puede ...
Just that [is my] only hope. If that can't
00:07:34.556 - 00:07:41.611

Hasta cuando sufriré con este dolor?

00:07:41.751 - 00:07:46.303

Ya no ya no. Mana swirtipa maskachikupti: manañam nin. Kaprichuykita rikushpaqa

mana swirti-pa maska-chi-ke-pti: mana-ña-m ni-n kaprichu-yki
Ya no ya no. Mana luck-LOC look.for-CAUS-REFL-SUBDS-1 no-DISC-EVD nin.
Ya no ya no. Cuando me hago sortear, me dice ya no. Con tu capricho si te vas.
Not anymore, not anymore. No. When I have my cards read, it says no already.
If you go with your caprices ...
00:07:50.267 - 00:07:57.705

caprice-2-ACC leave-SUBIS-TOP

kutiramunki atawpanñam Amaña riychu. Una unay tiympuñam nanasa

kuti-ra-mu-nki ataw-pa-n-ña-m Ama-ña ri-y-chu Una unay tiympu-ña-m
return-URGT-CISL-2 coffin-LOC-3-DISC-EVD PROH-DISC go-IMP-NEG before before
vas a regresar en cajón ya. Ya no vayas. Hace mucho tiempo ya dolái.
you're going to come back in a coffin. Don't go! A long time ago, it had hurt
00:07:57.925 - 00:08:04.206

Entonces mi familia
time-DISC-EVD hurt-PRF
00:08:04.286 - 00:08:09.945

Su familia del muchacho quería que me case.

00:08:10.095 - 00:08:14.395

Manam uyanchu. Pubri. Pubrim wak maypam uywashunki.

Mana-m uya-n-chu Pubri Pubri-m wak may-pa-m uywa-shunki
no-EVD listen-3-NEG poor poor-EVD DEM.D where-LOC-EVD raise-3>2
No quiere. Pobre. Pobre es ése. ¿Dónde te va a criar?
They didn't want it. That one is poor. Where is he going to maintain you?
00:08:14.555 - 00:08:22.785

Mana trakrayuq. Mana ganawniyuq maypim uywashunki? Ama wakwan kasaraychu!

Mana trakra-yuq Mana ganaw-ni-yuq may-pi-m uywa-shunki Ama wak-wan
no field-POSS no cattle-EUPH-POSS where-LOC-EVD raise-3>2 PROH DEM.D-INSTR
No tiene chacra no tiene animales. ¿Dónde te va a criar? No te cases con ése.
He doesn't have fields; he doesn't have animals. Where is he going to maintain
you? Don't marry that one!
00:08:22.905 - 00:08:27.930


Entonces yo tenía que hacer crecer mi hijo no más ya. Hoy día me vale mi hijo.
00:08:28.210 - 00:08:34.017
Unqushtinpis wañushtinpis kaypa kaya: Chay uma kayhina muyuqtapis. Sanarachi:
Unqu-shtin-pis wañu-shtin-pis kay-pa ka-ya-: Chay uma kay-hina muyu-q-ta-pis
Aunque esté enferma, aunque esté muriendo, acá estoy. También he curado su
cabeza así cuando daba vuelta.
Although I'm sick, although I'm dying, I'm here. I also healed that head when
it was turning.
00:08:34.457 - 00:08:41.413

circle-AG-ACC-ADD heal-URGT-CAUS-1

Kaypa hawkam antraku: Kay antrakuyapti:ñataq huk wambra: willaman

Kaypa hawka-m antra-ku-: Kay antra-ku-ya-pti-:-ña-taq huk wambra-:
DEM.P-LOC peaceful-EVD lie.stretched.out--REFL-1 DEM.P
Tranquilo, me he echado aquí. Cuando estaba echada aquí, mi hija me lo contó.
Peaceful, I'm lying down here. When I was lying here, my daughter told me.
00:08:41.733 - 00:08:47.075

lie.stretched.out--REFL-PROG-SUBDS-1-DISC-SEQ one child-1 tell-1.OBJ-3

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2013/Cacra_IB_Lexicon.eaf
Thursday, May 29, 2014 3:59 PM


Hiwnayayamanmi. Atratraw, dice.

Hiwnaya-ya-ma-n-mi. Atratraw,
Me está dando miedo. ¡Qué feo! dice.
It's scaring me. How ugly!, they say.
00:00:05.410 - 00:00:08.330

Tuki tukilla atralla kuyushayanki, dice.

Tuki tuki-lla atralla kuyushayanki TK
pretty pretty-RSTR EXCL move-PRF-PROG-2
Bonito bonito te habías cambiado, dice.
You changed yourself very nicely, they say.
00:00:18.740 - 00:00:24.330

Tuki tukilla waytakulushanki, dice.

Tuki tuki-lla wayta-ku-lu-shanki TK
pretty pretty-RSTR flower-REFL-URGT-PRF-2
Bonito bonito Te habías puesto un flor.
You put a flower [on your hat] very nicely.
00:00:32.700 - 00:00:35.500

¡Asu machu! Tukiqa kuykayan. ¡Achallaw kayan! dice.

Asu machu Tuki-qa kuy TK ka-ya-n ¡Achallaw ka-ya-n
¡Aso macho! ¡Qué bonito está mi saco! ¡Qué lindo! dicen
My goodness! My coat is pretty! ¡How pretty! they say
00:00:42.210 - 00:00:46.140

Tukilla hakuyki kayan. ¡Achallaw!, dice.

Tuki-lla haku-yki ka-ya-n Achallaw
pretty-RSTR clothes-2 be-PROG-3 EXCL
¡Qué bonito está tu saco! ¡Qué lindo! dicen
Your coat is pretty. ¡How pretty! they say
00:00:52.810 - 00:00:56.400

Wakpaq kaypaq kaypaq kayman midiluy. ¿Imamish aykakta midiyan?

Wak-paq kay-paq kay-paq kay-man midi-lu-y Ima-mish ayka-kta
¡De allá de acá de aquí para acá mídelo! ¿Cómo, cuánto está midiendo?
From there from here, from here, measure it! How, how much is it measuring?
00:00:56.740 - 00:01:04.570


¡Chay mitruwanya trutay! Midiy!

Chay mitru-wan-ya truta-y Midi-y
DEM.D measureing.tape-INSTR-INTENS put-IMP measure-IMP
Con ese metro, ¡Pónlo! ¡Míde!
With that measuring tape already! Put it! Measure it!
00:01:10.160 - 00:01:13.160

¡Chay mitrukta qumay! Midishaq. Huk mitrukta akish. ¡Qumay ya mitrukta!

¡Qumay!, dice.
Chay mitru-kta qu-ma-y Midi-shaq Huk mitru-kta akish ¡Qu-ma-y ya mitru-kta
DEM.D measuring,tape-ACC give-1.OBJ-IMP measure-1.FUT one meter-ACC you'll.see
¡Dáme metro! Yo voy a medir. Verás. Un metro, vas a ver. ¡Dáme ese metro! ¡Dáme
ese metro!
Give me that measuring tape! I'm going to measure it! It's one meter, you'll
see. Give me that measuring tape! Give it to me!
00:01:13.240 - 00:01:18.760

EMPH meter-ACC give-1.OBJ-IMP

Mitru midiyukta midinki, dice. Mitru midiyukta -- ¡waw! Hatun kayan, dice.
Mitru midiyu-kta midi-nki Mitru midiyu-kta waw Hatun ka-ya-n
meter half-ACC measure-2 meter half-ACC wow big be-PROG-3
Metro y medio vas a medir, dicen. Metro y medio -- ¡waw! Es muy grande, dice.
Measure one meter and a half. A meter and a half! Wow! It's big!
00:01:24.490 - 00:01:30.950

Chay allquqa rabiyanayaman. Allikta fastidiyaman. ¡Míra, pues!

Chay allqu-qa rabiya-naya-man Alli-kta fastidi-ya-man
DEM.D dog-TOP anger-DESR-1.OBJ-3 good-ACC bother-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Ese perro me está molestando. Me está fastidiando mucho. ¡Míra, pues!
That dog is making me mad. He's bothering me a lot. Look!
00:01:36.470 - 00:01:40.970

Chay allquqa rabiyachiyamanmi. ¡Maytapis pushay!

Chay allqu-qa rabiya-chi-ya-man-mi ¡May-ta-pis pusha-y
DEM.D dog-TOP anger-CAUS-PROG-1.OBJ-3-EVD where-ACC-ADD take.along-IMP
Ese perro me está molestando. ¿Llévalo donde sea!
That dog is making me mad. Take him [away] anywhere!
00:01:41.110 - 00:01:44.645

Chay allquqa allallikta mikuyan. Rabiyashamanmi. ¡Maytapis wañulachiypis!

Chay allqu-qa allalli-kta miku-ya-n Rabiya-sha-ma-n-mi TK May-ta-pis
DEM.D dog-TOP a.lot-ACC eat-PROG-3 anger-PRF-1.OBJ-3-EVD where-ACC-ADD
Ese perro come mucho. Me está molestando. ¡Mátalo aunque sea donde sea!
That dog eats a lot and made me mad. Kill him any old place!
00:01:59.075 - 00:02:04.685


¡Mátalo aunque sea! ¡Haku iglisiyakta! Virhinchik allichamushun yali.

Haku iglisiya-kta Virhi-nchik alli-cha-mu-shun yali. Ima-na-shun-taq
let's.go church-ACC virgin-1PL good-FACT-CISL-1PL.FUT INTENS-EMPH
¡Mátalo aunque sea! Vamos a la iglesia. Vamos a arreglar a la virgen. ¿Qué
vamos a hacer?
Kill him, even! Let's go to church! We're going to fix up the virgin. What are
we going to do?
00:02:04.775 - 00:02:11.265

¿Imay puntraw allichanqa? Dus di fibriru tardi chay martis. ¿Ima kayan primiru?
Imay puntraw alli-cha-nqa Dus di fibriru tardi chay martis. Ima ka-ya-n
when day good-FACT-3.FUT two of February afternoon DEM.D Tuesday what be.PROG-3
¿Qué día la va a arreglar? Dos de febrero en la tarde este martes. ¿Cuándo es
el primero?
What day will they fix her up? February second in the afternoon this Tuesday.
When is the first?
00:02:17.595 - 00:02:23.605

Kisuntapis virhinchiktaq allichakuyanña.

primiru Kisu-n-ta-pis virhi-nchik-taq alli-cha-ku-ya-n-ña
first cheese-3-ACC-ADD virgin-1PL-SEQ good-FACT-REFL-PROG-3-DISC
Aunque sea queso, ya están arreglando nuestra virgen.
They're already fixing up the virgin, albeit cheese.
00:02:40.715 - 00:02:44.205

Ña mayurdumu liyan. Allichikayamunqañatriki, dice.

Ña mayurdumu li-ya-n Alli-chi-ka-ya-mu-nqa-ña-tri-ki
Ya los el mayordomo está yendo. La van a arreglar ya seguro, dicen
The majordomos are going already. They're going to fix her up already, for
sure, they say.
00:02:47.225 - 00:02:51.155

¡Haku iglisiyakta bilanchikta sindikalamushun! Ala mayurdumuqa allichakunñaya.

Haku iglisiya-kta bila-nchik-ta sindi-ka-la-mu-shun Ala mayurdumu-qa
let's.go church-ACC candle-1PL-ACC light-REFL-URGT-CISL-1PL.FUT now
¡Vamos a la iglesia! Vamos a prender nuestras velas. El mayordomo ya está
Let's go to the church! We should light our candles. The majordomo is already
fixing her up.
00:02:54.295 - 00:03:00.405

majordomo-TOP good-FACT-REFL-3-DISC-INTENS

Paqarin halukuya:mi. Un favor, manachu tiympu kay allichamushun trakla:ta,

Paqarin halu-ku-ya-:-mi Un favor, mana-chu tiympu kay alli-cha-mu-shun
towmorrow plant-REFL-PROG-1-EVD one favor no-Q time DEM.P good-FACT-CISL-1PL.FUT
Mañana estoy sembrando. Un favor -- ¿no hay tiempo? Vamos a arreglar mi chacra,
I'm planting tomorrow. [Do me] a favor -- Isn't there time? -- we'll fix up my
00:03:09.225 - 00:03:17.435


Un favor -- allichal ... allichalamuy yali trakla:ta. Piyun ashiya:, dice.¿ Y

tienes taklladora? Aw, takllador ishkaymi kayan.
Un favor alli-cha-l alli-cha-la-mu-y y-ali trakla-:-ta Piyun ashi-ya-: Aw
Un favor, ¡arréglame mi chacra! Estoy buscando un peón. ¿Y tienes taklladora?
.Sí, tengo dos taklladoras.
[Do me] a favor. Fix up my field! I'm looking for a worker. And do you have a
plower? Yes, I have two plowers.
00:03:18.705 - 00:03:28.045

takllador ishkay-mi ka-ya-n

field-1-ACC worker look.for-PROG-1 yes plower two-EVD be-PROG-3

Allichaq manam kanchu. Ishkayta munaya: allichaq.

Alli-cha-q mana-m ka-n-chu Ishkay-ta muna-ya-: alli-cha-q
good-FACT-AG no-EVD be-3-NEG two-ACC want-PROG-1 good-FACT-AG
No hay nadie que arregle. Quiero dos personas que arreglan,.
There's no one to fix it up. I need two people who fix up.
00:03:28.185 - 00:03:31.505

Ishkay walmikta munaya: allichinanpaq. Chambla chamblatr kidalunqa. "Terron"

decimos "kulpa". "Kulpa" decimos nosotros "terrón".
Ishkay walmi-kta muna-ya-: alli-chi-na-n-paq Chambla chambla-tr kida-lu-nqa
two woman-ACC want-PROG-1 good-FACT-NMLZ-3-PURP gueso -EVC stay-URGT-3.FUT
Quiero a dos mujeres para quelo arreglen. Champa champa se va a quedar. "
Terron" decimos "kulpa". "Kulpa" decimos nosotros "terrón".
I want two women to fix it up. It's going to remain all clumps. Clod, we say,
"kulpa," "kulpa," we say: clod.
00:03:34.725 - 00:03:43.915

"kulpa". "Kulpa"
clod clod

Kulpa kulpa kidalunqa. Uqullakta allichalamunman allichaq kaptinqa. Manam

Kulpa kulpa kida-lu-nqa Uqu-lla-kta alli-cha-la-mu-n-ma-n alli-cha-q ka-pti-n-qa
clod clod stay-URGT-3.FUT wet-RSTR-ACC good-FACT-URGT-CISL-3-COND good-FACT-AG
Terrón terrón seguro va a quedar. Así al mojado no más puede arreglar cuando
hay quien arregle. No quedarán.
It's going to stay all clods. They can fix up the wet [part] if there's someone
to fix it up. They won't stay.
00:03:44.615 - 00:03:56.065

. Mana-m kida-nqa-chu
be-SUBDS-3-TOP no-EVD stay-3.FUT-NEG

Allichalamushun. Un favor, turnu anki kaptinpis paqarin manachu tiympu kanña

allichalamushun traklalla:ta, dice.
Alli-cha-la-mu-shun Un favor, turnu anki ka-pti-n-pis paqarin mana-chu tiympu
good-FACT-URGT-CISL-1PL.FUT one favor turn although be-SUBDS-3-ADD tomorrow no-Q
Vamos a arreglar. Un favor -- aunque sea como en turno, ¿mañana no hay tiempo?
Vamos a arreglarle mi chacra, dice.
We're going to fix it up. A favor -- even if its a turn, isn't there time
tomorrow? Let's fix up my field.
00:03:56.635 - 00:04:05.045

ka-n-ña alli-cha-la-mu-shun trakla-lla-:-ta

time be-3-DISC good-FACT-URGT-CISL-1PL.FUT field-RSTR-1-ACC

Maurdumu iglisiyaman liyan allichik ...

Maurdumu iglisiya-man li-ya-n alli-chi
majordomo church-ALL go-PROG-3 good-FACT
El mayordomo está yendo a la iglesia a arreglar.
The majordomo is going to the churh to fix ...
00:04:14.595 - 00:04:18.185

Allichikuyta tardiñatr liyan. Bilanchik sindilamushun.

Alli-chi-ku-y-ta tardi-ña li-ya-n Bila-nchik sindi-la-mu-shun
good-FACT-REFL-INF-ACC late-DISC go-PROG-3 candle-1PL light-URGT-CISL-1PL.FUT
En la tarde ya está yendo a arreglarla. Vamos a prender nuestras velas.
They're going to fix her up in the afternoon already. We're going to light our
00:04:18.475 - 00:04:22.895

Maytraw talpukuy munayanki? Hana law talpukuya:. Piyunta. Manam allichaq

kanchu, dice.
May-traw talpu-ku-y muna-ya-nki Hana law talpu-ku-ya-: Piyun-ta mana-m
where-LOC plant-REFL-INF want-PROG-2 up side plant-REFL-PROG-1 worker-ACC no-EVD
¿Dónde quieres sembrar? Arriba estoy sembrando. [No encuentro] peón. No hay
quien arregle, dice.
Where do you want to plant? I'm planting up hill. [I can't find a] worker.
There's no person who fixes up.
00:04:23.270 - 00:04:28.880

alli-cha-q ka-n-chu
good-FACT-AG be-3-NEG

Achka chamisa kayan. Chay chamisakta qutuy tullpaman sindinanchikpaq.

Achka chamisa ka-ya-n Chay chamisa-kta qutu-y tullpa-man
a.lot small.firewood be-PROG-3 DEM.D small.firewood-ACC gather-IMP hearth-ALL
Hay bastante leña menuda. Júnta esa leña menuda para prender el fogón.
There's a lot of small firewood. Gather up that small firewood so we can light
the hearth.
00:04:41.550 - 00:04:47.850


Dispasiyullaktam linkim. Kwidaw ulmankiman, dice.

Dispasiyu-lla-kta-m li-nki-m Kwidaw ulma-nki-man
slow-RSTR-ACC go-2-EVD careful fall-2-COND
Vas a ir con cuidado. Cuidado -- puedes caer.
Go slowly. Be careful -- you could fall.
00:04:58.880 - 00:05:03.820

Allinlla linki. Allinlla linki. ¡Allilla linki! dice.

Allin-lla li-nki Allin-lla li-nki Alli-lla li-nki
good-RSTR go-2 good-RSTR go-2 good-RSTR go-2
Con cuidado vas a ir. Con cuidado vas a ir. ¡Váyas con cuidado!, dicen.
Go carefully. Go carefully. Go carefully!, they say
00:05:06.440 - 00:05:09.650 00:05:15.470 - 00:05:17.800

Kwidawlla linki, dice también. Allillam linki.

Kwidaw-lla li-nki Alli-lla-m li-nki
careful-RSTR go-2 good-RSTR-EVD go-2
Vas a ir con cuidado, dicen también. Vá con cuidado.
Go carefully, they say also. Go carefully.
00:05:20.700 - 00:05:24.210

Qaqal palunkimantaq.
Qaqa-l palu-nki-man-taq
Qaqal 2-COND-SEQ
Puedes caer ya también. No vayas a rodar peña
TK you could fall.
00:05:24.310 - 00:05:25.770

¿Manachu muytikulinkiman waklawman pulina:paq?

Mana-chu muyti-ku-li-nki-man wak law-man puli-na-:-paq
no-Q crouch-REFL-INCEP-2-COND DEM.D side-ALL walk-NMLZ-1-PURP
¿No puedes agacharte por allá para que yo pueda ir?
Can't you crouch down over there so I can walk?
00:05:34.940 - 00:05:39.010

¿Pasaypaqchu pasalun? ¿Pasalunkichu?

Pasaypaq-chu pasa-lu-n Pasa-lu-nki-chu
too.much-Q pass-URGT-3 pass-URGT-2-Q
¿De total pasaste? ¿Has pasado?
Did you totally pass? Have you passed?
00:05:43.675 - 00:05:46.320

Mana mas ukukta, ¡muytiy! ¡muytiy!, dice.

Mana mas uku-kta muyti-y ¡muyti-y
no more inside-ACC crouch-IMP crouch-IMP
¡No! ¡Más dentro! ¡Agáchate! ¡Agáchate! se dice.
No! More inside! Crouch down! Crouch down!, they say.
00:05:46.510 - 00:05:50.110

Altu altu kakuyanki. ¡Muytiy ukuman!

Altu altu ka-ku-ya-nki Muyti-y uku-man
high high be-REFL-PROG-2 crouch-IMP inside-ALL
Alto alto estás agáchate para dentro, dice.
You're really tall. Crouch down inside!
00:05:53.375 - 00:05:56.305

Ima qamqa imataq kayanki ima chayqa qipichikallamankichu icha halutayamankichu.

Imataq ñuqaktaqa, así.
Ima qam-qa ima-taq ka-ya-nki ima chay-qa qipi-chi-ki-lla-ma-nki-chu icha
what 2-TOP what-SEQ be-PROG-2 what DEM.D-TOP -RSTR-1.OBJ-2-Q or -1.OBJ-PROG-2-Q
¿Tú que cosa eres? ¿Qué? Me estás haciendo cargar o me estas atropellando? Qué
a mí ... así.
What are you? What? Are you making me carry it or are you running me over? What
to me ... like that.
00:06:02.020 - 00:06:12.740

halutama-ya-ma-nki-chu TK Ima-taq ñuqa-kta-qa

what-SEQ 1-ACC-TOP

Qipichayamanki o halutakayamanki. Igual es.

Qipi-cha-ya-ma-nki o haluta-ka-ya-ma-nki Igual es.
Me estás haciendo cargar o me estás pisoteando. Igual es.
You're making me carry it or are your stepping all over me? It's the same.
00:06:14.530 - 00:06:17.580

¿Manachu vali:ñam?
¿Mana-chu vali-:-ña-m
no-Q be.worth-1-DISC-EVD
¿No valgo yo ya?
Aren't I worth anything any more?
00:06:20.485 - 00:06:22.655

Sin birgwinsa. Qilla. ¿Manachu ñuqakta kasumankimanña? Qilla.
Sin birgwinsa Qilla. Mana-chu ñuqa-kta kasu-ma-nki-man-ña Qilla
without shame lazy no-Q 1-ACC case-1.OBJ-2-COND-DISC lazy
Sin verguenza. Osioso.¿A mí no me puedes a hacer caso? ¡Ocioso!
Shameless. Lazy. Can't you pay attention to me? Lazy.
00:06:28.260 - 00:06:32.930

Ñuqakta halutaytañachu munayamanki.

Ñuqa-kta haluta-y-ta-ña-chu muna-ya-ma-nki
1-ACC step-INF-ACC-DISC-Q want-PROG-1.OBJ-2
¿A mí me quieres pisotear ya?
Do you want to step all over me already?
00:06:33.090 - 00:06:36.100

Voy a ir a bailar dice la hormiga y vas a cuidar a mi bebé, le dice.

Voy a ir a bailar dice la hormiga y vas a cuidar a mi bebé, le dice.
I'm going to go dancing says the ant and you're going to take care of my baby,
she says.
00:06:53.885 - 00:06:58.505

Este, ninay Rosa, ninay Rosa, wawayki likchalun wawayki waqan.

ninay Rosa, ninay Rosa, wawa-yki likcha-lu-n wawa-yki waqa-n
ninay Rosa ninay Rosa baby-2 wake.up-URGT-3 baby-2 cry-3
Ninay Rosa Ninay Rosa, tu hijo despertó, tu hijo está llorando.
Ninay Rosa, Ninay Rosa, your baby woke up, your baby is crying.
00:07:05.920 - 00:07:12.210

Nadie te quiere wawayki waqan, dice. Aa, añanquy

wawa-yki waqa-n Aa, añanquy
baby-2 cry-3 Aa, añanquy
Nadie te quiere tu hijo está llorando. Ah, "añaquy"
No one loves you. Your baby is crying, they say. Ah, !añaquy"
00:07:17.870 - 00:07:20.670 00:07:23.685 - 00:07:25.355

Sinbirgwinsa. Qamqa nimashanki, "Maria te quiere".

Sinbirgwinsa Qam-qa ni-ma-shanki
shameless 2-TOP say-1.OBJ-PRF-2
Sin verguenza. Tú me habías dicho, "María te quiere."
Shameless. You had said to me, "María loves you."
00:07:25.745 - 00:07:30.995

Kananqa, añanquytaq [añapiti] watalushaq wiqawta tipiy tipiy!

Kanan-qa añanquy-taq añapiti wata-lu-shaq wiqaw-ta tipi-y tipi-y
now-TOP añanquy-ACC ant tie-URGT-1.FUT waist-ACC tighten-INF tighten-INF TK
Ahora voy a amarar la cintura de la hormiga bien ajustadito.
Now I'm going to tie the ant's waist really tight.
00:07:31.125 - 00:07:36.905

Añayquyta tipiy tipiy watalun. Chayshi sinturan wiqawninqa tipiy tipiy, dice.
Añayquy-ta tipi-y tipi-y wata-lu-n Chay-shi sintura-n wiqaw-ni-n-qa tipi-y
Añayquy-ACC tighten-INF tighten-INF tie-URGT-3 DEM.D-EVR waist-3
Al añapiti lo amarró bien ajustado ajustado. Por eso dice su cintura es bien
bien delgadito.
He tied the ant really tight. That's why, they say, its waist is really tight.
00:07:40.505 - 00:07:45.855

waist-EUPH.3.TOP tighten-INF tighten-INF

Ushan kala achka. Ya sapa puntraw ya chayshi nin.

Usha-n ka-la achka Ya sapa puntraw ya chay-shi ni-n
sheep-3 be-PST a.lot INTENS every say INTENS DEM.D-EVR say-3
Tenía muchas ovejas. Ya todos los días en eso dice dijo.
She had a lot of sheep. Every day already, so he said, they say.
00:07:51.285 - 00:07:56.535

Wak, chay urqu qipanpa paqarin shamunki. Chaytraw ...

Wak chay urqu qipa-n-pa paqarin shamu-nki Chay-traw
DEM.D DEM.D hill behind-3-LOC tomorrow come-2 DEM.D-LOC
Detrás de ese cerro mañana vas a venir. Allí.
Come tomorrow behind that hill. There ...
00:08:00.585 - 00:08:07.885

Chaytraw karni kayan. Paqarin chayman shamunki. Ñuqa qushayki.

Chay-traw karni ka-ya-n Paqarin chay-man shamu-nki. Ñuqa qu-shayki
DEM.D-LOC meat be-PROG-3 tomorrow DEM.D-ALL come-2 1 give 1>2
Allí hay carne. Mañana vas a venir. Te voy a dar.
There's meat there. Come there tomorrow and I'll give you some.
00:08:07.925 - 00:08:12.025

Shamula:. Kashankichu. ¿Maytaq lilanki? ¿Manachu kashanki? Chay shamusha:

nishaykikta kushlakulanki, dicen.
Shamu-la-: Ka-sha-nki-chu May-taq li-la-nki Mana-chu ka-sha-nki Chay shamu-sha-:
come-PST-1 be-PRF-2-NEG where-SEQ go-PST-2 no.Q be-PRF-2 DEM.D come-PRF-1
He venido. No estabas. ¿A dónde habías ido? ¿No estabas? He venido allí donde
me dijiste. Me engañaste, dicen.
I came. You weren't there. Where had you gone? Weren't you there? I came where
you said. You tricked me, they say.
00:08:18.175 - 00:08:26.195

ni-sha-yki-kta kushla-ku-la-nki
say.PRF-2-ACC trick-REFL-PST-2
Manam chaytraw kala:. Manam shamulankichu qamqa, decían.
Mana-m chay-traw ka-la-: Mana-m shamu-la-nki-chu qam-qa
no-EVD DEM.D-LOC be-PST-1 no-EVD come-PST-2-NEG 2-TOP
No. Estuve allí. No veniste tú, decían.
No. I was there. You didn't come, they said.
00:08:26.285 - 00:08:29.825

Llaqwan yaku. Chay wiksan ñawñakuyan, dice.

Llaqwa-n yaku Chay wiksa-n ñawña-ku-ya-n
lick-3 water DEM.D stomach-3 rumble-REFL-PROG-3
Está lambiendo el agua y su barriga está sonando.
He's licking up water and his stomach is rumbling.
00:08:30.225 - 00:08:34.455

Kurchuwan tapan sikinta.

Kurchu-wan tapa-n siki-n-ta
cork-INSTR cover-3 butt-3-ACC
Con corcho tapó su poto.
He stopped up his butt with a cork.
00:08:34.595 - 00:08:36.495

Añanquy utrkuyan shukshu:ta, dice.

Añanquy utrku-ya-n shukshu-:-ta
Añanquy hole-PROG-3 stick-1-ACC
La hormiga está huequiando mi palo, dice.
The ant is putting a hole in my stick, they say.
00:08:48.245 - 00:08:51.755

Chay lunapa hat hatun shaplan kasha. Millana kayan, dice.

Chay luna-pa hat hatun shapla-n ka-sha Milla-na ka-ya-n
DEM.D person-GEN big big beard-3 be-PRF be.disgusted-NMLZ be-PROG-3
La barba de ese hombre era bien grande. Es feo, dice.
That man's beard is really long. It's ugly, they say.
00:08:56.025 - 00:08:59.045

Chay walmiqa kurkuryanña. ¿Wañukunqatr?, dice

Chay walmi-qa kurkur-ya-n-ña Wañu-ku-nqa-tr
DEM.D woman-TOP hunchback-PROG-3-DISC diw-REFL-3.FUT-EVC
Esa mujer está jorobando ya. ¿Morirá?, dice.
That woman is hunchbacked already. Will she die? they say.
00:09:05.890 - 00:09:09.800

¡Uraykuy! Chay urayman linki, dice.

Uray-ku-y Chay uray-man li-nki
down-REFL-IMP DEM.D down-ALL go-2
¡Bájete! Vas a ir para abajo, dice.
Go down! You're going to go down, the say.
00:09:17.780 - 00:09:22.310 00:09:32.100 - 00:09:33.990

Y cuando llegas al banco dices, ¡Uraykuy raykuy, raykuy! dice

Y cuando llegas al banco dices, "¡Uraykuy raykuy, raykuy!" dice
And when you get to the banks you say, "Uraykuy raykuy raykuy!" they say.
00:09:37.310 - 00:09:40.960

00:09:42.890 - 00:09:48.180

"¡Wikchik wikchik wikchik!" "¡Wikchik wikchik wikchik!" Boto mi vaca. Y cuando

quiero parar, "Say say say saya!" le digo.
"¡Wikchik wikchik wikchik!" "¡Wikchik wikchik wikchik!" Boto mi vaca, Y cuando
quiero parar, "Say say say saya!" le digo.
"Wikchik wikchik wikchik!" "Wikchik wikchik wikchik!" I toss my cows. And when
I want to stop, "Say say say saya!" I say to them.
00:09:50.180 - 00:09:56.370

Tiene su nombre: Nabiucha, Terciopelina, Negra, Piña Wayta. Entonces, "¡Katri,

katri, katri!" le llamo.
Tiene su nombre: Nabiucha, Terciopelina, Negra, Piña Wayta. Entonces, "¡Katri,
katri, katri!" [¡Sal, sal, sal!] le llamo.
They have their names: Nabiucha, Terciopelina, Negra, Piña Wayta. So, "¡Katri,
katri, katri!" [Salt, salt, salt!] I call them.
00:10:01.010 - 00:10:10.320

Española, shamuy! ¡Katrikta, katrikta llaqway!

Española, shamu-y Katri-kta katri-kta llaqwa-y
Española come-IMP salt-ACC salt-ACC lick.IMP
Española, ¡vén! Tu sal, tu sal lámbe!
Española, come! Lick your salt, your salt!
00:10:12.870 - 00:10:17.970

Y cuando TKI "Urikuy, rikuy rikuy! Chiki chiki chiki! Wash wash wash!" decimos
por separar.
Y cuando TKI "Urikuy, rikuy rikuy! Chiki chiki chiki! Wash wash wash!" decimos
por separar.
And when "Urikuy, rikuy rikuy! Chiki chiki chiki! Wash wash wash!" We say to
separate them.
00:10:25.130 - 00:10:29.800

A otros te meten, ¿no? Entonces, "Washi wash wash! Irak rak rak raki! Wah wash
wash! Irak rak raki, " decimos.
A otros te meten, ¿no? Entonces, "Washi wash wash! Irak rak rak raki! Wah wash
wash! Irak rak raki, " decimos.
Others put you, no? So, "Washi wash wash! Irak rak rak raki! Wah wash wash!
Irak rak raki, " we say.
00:10:42.420 - 00:10:47.540

Pero cuando salimos con ternera, "Washi washi washi! Chiku chiku chiku! Washi
washi washi! Washi washi washua!" Separar.
Pero cuando salimos con ternera, "Washi washi washi! Chiku chiku chiku! Washi
washi washi! Washi washi washua!" Separar.
But when we go out with a female calf, "Washi washi washi! Chiku chiku chiku!
Washi washi washi! Washi washi washua!" Separate.
00:10:47.790 - 00:10:55.075

Manamik shamushaqchu. Manam atipa:manchu, dice.

Mana-mi-k shamu-shaq-chu Mana-m atipa-:-man-chu
no-EVD-K come-1.FUT-NEG no-EVD
No voy a venir entonces. No voy a poder, dice.
I'm not going to come, then. I'm not going to be able, they say.
00:11:14.225 - 00:11:15.725 00:11:23.455 - 00:11:26.505

Manam ushachimu:chu. Ashnuykiqa mananchu, dice.

Mana-m ushachi-mu-:-chu Ashnu-yki-qa mana-n-chu
no.EVD donkey-2-TOP want-3-NEG
No puedo. Tu burro no quiere, dice.
I can't. Your mule doesn't want to.
00:11:35.215 - 00:11:38.565

Manam ashnuykiqa ushachimu:chu. Chaymi chayllatraw watalamu:

Mana-m ashnu-yki-qa ushachi-mu-:-chu Chay-mi chay-lla-traw wata-la-mu-:
Tu burro, no puedo. Por eso allí no más lo amarré.
Your donkey, I can't. That's why I tied him up just there.
00:11:42.160 - 00:11:45.845 00:11:46.705 - 00:11:50.345

Manam ashnuykiqa ushachimu:chu. Chay chayllatr watalamu:

Mana-m ashnu-yki-qa ushachi-mu-:-chu Chay chay-lla-tr wata-la-mu-:
no-EVD donkey-2-TOP DEM.D DEM.D-RSTR-EVC tie.URGT-1
Tu burro, no puedo. Allí no más lo amarré.
Your donkey, I can't. I tied it up right there.
00:11:56.540 - 00:12:01.690

Pariqunqa, tunallanpa trutrulalayan.

Pariqu-nqa tuna-lla-n-pa trutru-la-la-ya-n
corner-RSTR-3-LOC save-UNINT-PROG-3
Apero TK. En su rincón no más está guardado.
he's going to. He's put away in his corner.
00:12:01.760 - 00:12:04.530

Manam ashnuykikta ushachimu:chu. Pwinti tunallantraw watalamu: Pariqunqa.
Mana-m ashnu-yki-kta ushachi-mu-:-chu Pwinti tuna-lla-n-traw wata-la-mu-:
no-EVD donkey-2-ACC bridge corner-RSTR-LOC tie-URGT-CISL-1
No puedo [hacer nada con] tu burro. Lo amarré en el puente. Va a TK apero
I can't [do anything with] your donkey. I tied him up on the bridge. He'll
00:12:12.770 - 00:12:19.270

Chay tunallantraw trurayku: haqilamu:.

Pariqu-nqa Chay tuna-lla-n-traw trura-yku-: haqi-la-mu-:
-3.FUT DEM.D corner-RSTR-3-LOC put-EXCEP-1 leave-URGT-1
Allí, en su rincón no más lo guardé y lo dejé.
I put him in his corner and I left him there.
00:12:19.430 - 00:12:23.305

¿Manachu pasay pwintikta pasay munanchu? Manam, ashnuykiqa munanchu

trutapti:pis maqapti:pis.
Mana-chu pasa-y pwinti-kta pasa-y muna-n-chu Mana-m ashnu-yki-qa muna-n-chu
no-Q pass-INF bridge-ACC pass-INF want-3-NEG no-EVD donkey-2-TOP want.3.NEG
¿No quiso pasar el puente de verdad? No. No quiere tu burro aunque lo jale
aunque lo pegue.
He really didn't want to cross the bridge? No. Your donkey doesn't want to even
though I tug him and hit him.
00:12:23.535 - 00:12:29.575

Chaymi chayllapa haqilamu:

truta-pti-:-pis maqa-pti-:-pis Chay-mi chay-lla-pa haqi-la-mu-:
Por eso allí no más lo dejé.
That's why I left him right there.
00:12:33.305 - 00:12:35.075

Wambla: chay lunapa chulinwan kuskalachi:, dice.

Wambla-: chay luna-pa chuli-n-wan kuska-la-chi-:
child-1 DEM.D person-GEN son-3-INSTR together-URGT-CAUS-1
Hice juntar a mi hija con el hijo de esa persona.
I joined up my daughter with that person's son.
00:12:43.240 - 00:12:47.555

Wamblan kayan. Manalaq. Kasarachun, nila

Wambla-n ka-ya-n Mana-laq. Kasara-chun ni-la
child-3 be-PROG-3 no-CONT marry-INJUNC say-PST
¿Tiene hijo? Todavía. ¡Qué se casen primero! dijo
Does she have a child? Not yet. Let them get married [first]! she said.
00:12:48.215 - 00:12:53.055

Wambla: chay lunawan chulin kuskalun. ¿Imanashaqtaq?

Wambla-: chay luna-wan chuli-n kuska-lu-n Ima-na-shaq-taq
child-1 DEM.D person-INSTR son-3 together-URGT-3 what-VRBZ-1.FUT-SEQ
Mi hija se juntó con el hijo de ese hombre. ¿Qué voy a hacer?
My daughter joined up with that person's son. What am I going to do?
00:12:58.450 - 00:13:03.580

Limapti:pis. Uyarinchu. HInalla chaynatr yatranqa.

Lima-pti-:-pis Uyari-n-chu HIna-lla chay-na-tr yatra-nqa
talk-SUBDS-1-ADD hear-3-NEG thus-RSTR DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC live-3.FUT
Cuando le hablo también, no me entiende. Así ya pues, vivirá.
When I talk to her, too, she doesn't listen. She'll live like that then.
00:13:04.390 - 00:13:06.530 00:13:13.360 - 00:13:15.280

Qaynalaq kuskalun.
Qayna-laq kuska-lu-n
before-CONT together-URGT-3
Antes todavía se juntaron.
They got together before still.
00:13:22.690 - 00:13:24.540

Primunchush kasha. Primuwan? Qaqariyatr kanqa.

Primu-n-chush ka-sha Primu-wan Qaqariya-tr ka-nqa
cousin-3-CHUSH be-PRF cousin-INSTR monster-EVC be-3.FUT
Era su primo. ¿Con su primo? Qarqaría será.
It was her cousin. With her cousin? It's going to be a monster.
00:13:29.540 - 00:13:33.300

Chay halakta quqaruy baldiman, dice.

Chay hala-kta quqa-ru-y baldi-man
DEM.D corn-ACC gather-URGT-IMP bucket-ALL
Recóje ese maíz en el balde, dice.
Gather that corn up into the bucket, they say.
00:13:35.550 - 00:13:37.910

¡Apuray! ¡Apuray! quqariy chay halakta hitralunqa wallpaqa.

Apura-y Apura-y quqa-ri-y chay hala-kta hitra-lu-nqa wallpa-qa
hurry-IMP hurry-IMP gather-INCEP-IMP DEM.D corn-ACC spill-URGT-3.FUT chicken-TOP
¡Apúrate! ¡Apúrate! ¡Recoje ese maíz! Lo va a derramar la gallina.
Hurry up! Hurry up! Gather up that corn! The chicken is going to spill it.
00:13:48.960 - 00:13:53.390

Hipo es ichuyan. ¡Muyuriy! Kakiyayanki, dice.

ichu-ya-n Muyu-ri-y Kakiya-ya-nki
sneeze-PROG-3 turn-INCEP-IMP burp-PROG-2
Hipo es "ichuyan" [estornudando]. ¡Dáte la vuelta! Estás eruptando, dice.
Hiccups is "ichuyan" [sneezing]. Turn around! You're burping, they say.
00:14:01.120 - 00:14:03.540 00:14:06.540 - 00:14:09.340
Chay luna kada ratu llapchapayaman. ¿Imanantaq?
Chay luna kada ratu llapcha-pa-ya-man Ima-na-n-taq
DEM.D persom every moment feel-REPET-PROG-1.OBJ-3 what-VRBZ-3-SEQ
A cada rato esa persona me está cariñando. ¿Qué tiene?
That person is feeling me up all the time. What is he doing?, they say
00:14:15.235 - 00:14:18.395

¿Imanayan? Dimandakulushaqtri. ¿Ima chaymishtaq ñuqaktaq qawamanqa?

Ima-na-ya-n Dimanda-ku-lu-shaq-tri Ima chay-mish-taq ñuqa-kta-qa
¿Qué está haciendo? Lo voy a denunciar. ¿Cómo a mí me va a mirar así?
What is he doing? I'm going to denounce him. How is he going to look at me like
00:14:23.725 - 00:14:28.475

Ach achka brasa kayan tullpachaw, dice.

qawa-ma-nqa Ach achka brasa ka-ya-n tullpa-traw
look-1.OBJ-3.FUT a.lot a.lot ember be-PROG-3 hearth-LOC
Hay mucha brasa en el fogón, dice.
There are a lot of embers in the hearth, they say.
00:14:28.965 - 00:14:32.385

Tisun kashachu
Tisun ka-sha-chu
coal be-PRF-Q
¿Hay carbón?
Are there coals?
00:14:33.555 - 00:14:34.885

Llantupayamunmi. Tamyalamunqa paqarin mincha, dice.

Llantu-pa-ya-mu-n-mi Tamya-la-mu-nqa paqarin mincha
shade-REPET-PROG-CISL-3-EVD rain-URGT-CISL-3.FUT tomorrow day.after
Está nublando. Seguro va a llover pasado mañana, dice.
It's clouding up. It's going to rain the day after tomorrow, for sure, they say.
00:14:40.115 - 00:14:44.495

Ahura imanashuntaq? Pukutayanmi. Tukuy puntraw pukutalunqa, dice.

Ahura ima-na-shun-taq Pukuta-ya-n-mi Tukuy puntraw pukuta-lu-nqa
now what-VRBZ-1PL.FUT-SEQ cloud.over-PROG-3-EVD all day cloud.over-URGT-3.FUT
¿Ahora qué vamos a hacer? Está nublando. Todo el día va a haber neblina, dice.
Now what are we going to do? It's clouding over. It's going to be cloudy all
day, they say.
00:14:49.895 - 00:14:56.535

Tukuy puntraw pukutalunqa llaqtakta, dice.

Tukuy puntraw pukuta-lu-nqa llaqta-kta
all day cloud.over-URGT-3.FUT town-ACC
Todo el día la neblina va a cubrir el pueblo.
The fog is going to cover the town all day.
00:14:59.085 - 00:15:01.695

Llantupayamunmi. Paqarin mincha tamyalamunqatr, dice.

Llantu-pa-ya-mu-n-mi Paqarin mincha tamya-la-mu-nqa-tr
shade-REPET-PROG-CISL-3-EVD tomorrow day.after rain-URGT-CISL-3.FUT-EVC
Está nublando. Pasado mañana va a llover, seguro, dice.
It's clouding over. It's going to rain the day after tomorrow, for sure.
00:15:03.855 - 00:15:07.775

Tutayayqa llantulunmi. Kananqa lupayan, decimos.

Tuta-ya-y-qa llantu-lu-n-mi Kanan-qa lupa-ya-n
night-INCH-INF-TOP shade-URGT-3-EVD now-TOP burn-PROG-3
En la noche, ha nublado. Ahora está haciendo calor, decimos.
It was cloudy during the night. Now it's going to be warm, we say.
00:15:09.315 - 00:15:13.795

Tutayayqa llantulun. Kananqa lupayan.

Tuta-ya-y-qa llantu-lu-n Kanan-qa lupa-ya-n
night-INCH-IMP-TOP shade-URGT-3 now-TOP burn-PROG-3
En la noche nubló. Ahora está haciendo calor.
At night it was cloudy. Now it's warm.
00:15:18.115 - 00:15:21.915

Pukutakuyanmi llaqtaqa. Hiwyanakayanmi, dice.

Pukuta-ku-ya-n-mi llaqta-qa Hiwyana-ka-ya-n-mi
cloud.over-REFL-PROG-3-EVD town-TOP scare-PASSACC-PROG-3-EVD
El pueblo está nublado. Da miedo.
The town is cloudy. It's scary.
00:15:25.245 - 00:15:28.785

¡Payni:ta apalamuy!
Payni-:-ta apa-la-mu-y
comb-1-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-IMP
¡Tráeme mi peine!
Bring me my comb!.
00:15:29.485 - 00:15:33.135

¡Oye! ¡Vén! Manam. Qachakuya:mi, decimos.

Mana-m Qacha-ku-ya-:-mi
¡Oye! ¡Vén! No. Me estoy peinando.
Listen! Come! No. I'm combing [my hair].
00:15:35.885 - 00:15:38.955
Chaypaq shamushaq. Qachakuyamuy.
Chay-paq shamu-shaq Qacha-ku-ya-mu-y
De allí vendré. ¡Péinate!.
I'll come from there. Comb [your hair]!
00:15:45.885 - 00:15:50.025

Hala: uqu kayan. Chakina:paq mahakulushaq.

Hala-: uqu ka-ya-n Chaki-na-:-paq maha-ku-lu-shaq
corn-1 wet be-PROG-3 dry-NMLZ-1-PURP spread.out-REFL-URGT-1.FUT
Mi maíz está mojado. Para que seque lo voy a tender.
My corn is wet. I'm going to spread it out so that it dries.
00:15:53.245 - 00:15:56.585

Tuki tukilla lupayan. Haku:ta mahakulushaq chakinanpaq.

Tuki tuki-lla lupa-ya-n Haku-:-ta maha-ku-lu-shaq
pretty pretty-RSTR burn-PROG-3 clothes-1-ACC spread.out-REFL-URGT-1.FUT
Bien bonito bonito está haciendo calor. Mis ropas voy a tender para que seque.
It's nice and sunny. I'm going to hang my clothes out so they dry.
00:15:57.505 - 00:16:01.815

Imay urataq chakinqa?

chaki-na-n-paq Imay ura-taq chaki-nqa
dry-NMLZ-3-PURP when hour-SEQ dry-3.FUT
¿A qué hora va a secar?
What time will they dry?
00:16:01.835 - 00:16:03.435

¡Oye! ¡Vén! Manam. Mahakuya:. ¿Imakta mahakuyanki?

Mana-m Maha-ku-ya-: Ima-kta maha-ku-ya-nki
no-EVD spread.out-REFL-PROG-1 waht-ACC spread.out-REFL-PROG-2
¡Oye! ¡Vén! No. Estoy tendiendo. ¿Qué estás tendiendo?
Listen! Come! No. I'm spreading it out. What are you spreading out?
00:16:11.925 - 00:16:14.155 00:16:30.245 - 00:16:31.585

Haku:ta mahakuya:. ¡Mishi! decimos así.

Haku-:-ta maha-ku-ya-: Mishi
clothes-1-ACC spread.out-REFL-PROG-1 cat
Estoy tendiendo mi ropa. ¡Gato! decimos así.
I'm spreading out my clothes. Cat! We say like that.
00:16:32.395 - 00:16:33.885 00:16:43.985 - 00:16:45.435

¿Qué cosa es? Awqa:mi chayqa. Mishi:mi.

Awqa-:-mi chay-qa Mishi-:-mi
cat-1-EVD DEM.D-TOP cat-1-EVD
¿Qué cosa es? Ese es mi gato. Mi gato.
What is it? That's my cat. My cat.
00:16:48.065 - 00:16:50.605 00:16:50.855 - 00:16:52.225

Chay gatu qarachayan.

Chay gatu qaracha-ya-n
DEM.D cat
Ese gato está en celos.
That cat's in heat.
00:16:52.365 - 00:16:58.505

Shillkichalamay. Un favor, washalla: nanayan qaquy shillkichalamay nanakuyaman.

Shillki-cha-la-ma-y Un favor washa-lla-: nana-ya-n qaqu-y shillki-cha-la-ma-y
crack-FACT-URGT-1.OBJ-IMP one favor back-RSTR-1 hurt-PROG-3 massage-IMP
Dislócamelo! Un favor, mi espalda está doliendo. Sóbamelo y recálcame! Me está
doliendo dislocaría seguro.
Crack it for me. [Do me] a favor -- my back hurts. Massage it! Crack it for me!
It's hurting me. Crack it for me!
00:17:01.925 - 00:17:09.285

nana-ku-ya-ma-n shillki-lu-cha-y

Chay lunaqa trakintash muyulachin. Chayshi chaymish kayan, dice.

Chay luna-qa traki-n-ta-sh muyu-la-chi-n Chay-shi chay-mish ka-ya-n
Esa persona torció su pie, dicen. Así, dice, así está, dice.
That person twisted his foot, they say. Like that, they say. It's like that,
they say.
00:17:11.695 - 00:17:17.875

¿Qué voy a hacer?
What am I going to do?
00:17:18.310 - 00:17:19.530

Ima chay lunaqa manash hatariy atipanchu. ¿Imanaluntaq?

Ima chay luna-qa mana-sh hatari-y atipa-n-chu ¿Ima-na-lu-n-taq
what DEM.D person-TOP no-EVR get.up-INF what-VRBZ-URGT-SEQ
¿Cómo ese gente no puede levantar? ¿Qué paso?
That person cant's get up, they say? What happened?
00:17:26.350 - 00:17:30.270

trakintashali muyulachisha Makinshi pakilusha, dice.
traki-n-ta-sh-ali muyu-la-chi-sha Maki-n-shi paki-lu-sha
foot-3-ACC-EVR-EMPH turn-URGT-CAUS-PRF hand-3-EVR break-URGT-PRF
Su pie, dice, pues, había hecho dar vuelta. Su mano, dice, había quebrado.
He'd twisted his foot, they say, then. His hand broke, they say, they say.
00:17:30.780 - 00:17:32.750 00:17:40.190 - 00:17:41.880

Shillkichalamuy rakalkalachul TK nanakuyanmi washa: qaqul shillkichalamay.

Shillki-cha-la-mu-y rakalkalkul nana-ku-ya-n-mi washa-: qaqu-l
crack-FACT-URGT-1.OBJ-IMP hurt-REFL-PROG-3-EVD back-1 massage-SUBIS
Recálcame, me está doliendo mi espalda. Recálcame sobando.
Crack it for me! My back is hurting. Massage it and crack it for me!
00:17:51.090 - 00:17:56.570

Chay nanalamanqa.
shillki-cha-la-ma-y Chay nana-la-ma-nqa
Me va a doler.
It's going to hurt me.
00:18:15.470 - 00:18:16.490

Chay luna awkishña kasha. Viyhuña kakuyan, dice.

Chay luna awkish-ña ka-sha Viyhu-ña ka-ku-ya-n
DEM.D person be-PRF old-DISC be-REFL-PROG-3
Esa persona es anciano ya. Viejo ya está, dice.
That person is old already. He's already old, they say.
00:18:21.660 - 00:18:25.830

Kulkuyasha chay luna viyhuña kasha.

Kulku-ya-sha chay luna viyhu-ña ka-sha
be.hunchbacked-PROG-PRF DEM.D person old-DISC be-PRF
Se está jorobando ya esa gente. Ya está viejo.
He's hunchbacked. That person is old already.
00:18:27.690 - 00:18:30.840

Chay luna wira wira kallasha. Chay walmiqa ranra ranra.

Chay luna wira wira ka-lla-sha Chay walmi-qa ranra ranra.
DEM.D person fat fat be-RSTR-PRF DEM.D woman-TOP thin thin
Esa gente gordo gordo había sido. Esa mujer bien flaca flaca.
That person is really fat. That woman is really thin.
00:18:30.965 - 00:18:32.850 00:18:35.880 - 00:18:39.440

Tulluyanña kayan, dice.

Tullu-ya-n-ña ka-ya-n
bone-INCH-3-DISC be-PROG-3
Hueso no más ya está.
She's just bones, they say.
00:18:43.035 - 00:18:44.565

Pishikulushaq dice voy a orinar.

Voy a orinar, they say, voy a orinar.
I'm going to make pee-pee, they say. I'm going to urinate.
00:18:49.675 - 00:18:52.225

ishpakulushaq. Kayllaman pishikuluy, dice.

ishpa-ku-lu-shaq Kay-lla-man pishi-ku-lu-y
Voy a orinar. Aquí no más orínate.
I'm going to urinate. Make pee-pee right here, they say.
00:18:53.005 - 00:18:54.895 00:18:59.275 - 00:19:01.465

Chay qarullaman pishikuluy. Lishaq ishpakalamushaq.

Chay qaru-lla-man pishi-ku-lu-y Li-shaq ishpa-ka-la-mu-shaq
Orína en esa tasa no más. Voy a ir. Voy a orinar.
make pee-pee right in this cup. I'm going to go. I'm going to urinate.
00:19:06.835 - 00:19:08.855 00:19:10.465 - 00:19:12.695

Ishpakalamushaq. Ishpakalamushaq, dice.

Ishpa-ka-la-mu-shaq Ishpa-ka-la-mu-shaq
Voy a orinar. Voy a orinar, dicen.
I'm going to urinate. I'm going to urinate, they say.
00:19:13.595 - 00:19:16.805

Vaka:tash hutulachimushaq. Chawalamushaq.

Vaka-:-ta-sh hutu-la-chi-mu-shaq Chawa-la-mu-shaq
Voy a lechear mi vaca, they say. Voy a lechear
I'm going to milk my cow, they say. I'm going to milk.
00:19:24.475 - 00:19:26.955 00:19:28.600 - 00:19:29.680

Aa, vakayta hutulachimunki, decías.

Aa, vaka-y-ta hutu-la-chi-mu-nki
ah cow-1-ACC milk-URGT-CAUS-CISL-2
Ah, Vas a lechear mi vaca, decías.
Ah, you're going to milk my cow, you said.
00:19:50.470 - 00:19:53.110

Chaylla chaylla nishpa lishaq, dice.

Chay-lla chay-lla ni-shpa li-shaq
Allí no más, allí no más, diciendo, voy a ir, dicen.
I'm going to go right there, right there I said, they say.
00:20:35.440 - 00:20:39.290

Tamyakuyan, decimos nosotros.

Está lloviendo, decimos nosotros.
It's raining, we say.
00:21:04.350 - 00:21:05.980

Aa, ¡pobrecita! ¿Maypaq hala shamusha? Alla pubri pashñacha. TKI

Aa, ¿May-paq hala TK hamu-sha pashña-cha.
ah where-ABL come-PRF girl-DIM
Ah, ¡pobrecita! ¿De dónde está viniendo? De alla. pobre niñita.
Oh, poor thing! Where is she coming from? Oh, poor girl!
00:21:39.170 - 00:21:43.240

Ala wambla lachalamusha me abrazan. Allinyachu kayanki, dice.

Alala-wan lapcha-n Allin-ya-chu ka-ya-nki
good-INCH-Q be-PROG-3
¿Cómo estas? dicen
How are you? They say.
00:21:52.920 - 00:21:54.870 00:21:59.550 - 00:22:01.050

Chaymi shal nishpa chaymi shal nin Chaypish nishpa nin.

Chay-mi shal ni-shpa chay-mi shal ni-n Chay-pi-sh ni-shpa ni-n
Así diceindo, así diciendo, dice. Allí diciendo, dijo, dicen.
Saying like that, saying like that. Saying it there, he said, they say.
00:22:08.630 - 00:22:12.450

Chaymi shal kala Ishlla ishlla kayan, dice.

Chay-mi shal ka-la Ishlla ishlla ka-ya-n
DEM.D be-PST little little be-PROG-3
Así, dice, era. Poquito poquito hay, dicen.
It was like that. There's very little.
00:22:14.955 - 00:22:16.235 00:22:16.515 - 00:22:18.295

¿Ishlla ishllachu kayan? Kuskaluy!

Ishlla ishlla-chu ka-ya-n Kuska-lu-y
little little-Q be-PROG-3 together-URGT-IMP
¿Poquito poquito hay? ¡Júntalo!
There's just a little? Put it together!
00:22:24.070 - 00:22:25.570 00:22:29.870 - 00:22:31.160

Piru chaymish tamañu kaychu u chusku kayan?
Piru chay-mish tamañu kay-chu u chusku TK ka-ya-n
but DEM.D-COMP size DEM.P-Q or poor.quality TK be-PROG-3
Pero es así su tamaño o es chusco.
Put is that its size or is it chusco?
00:22:31.290 - 00:22:34.430

Hukyaluy. Hukyaluy.
Huk-ya-lu-y Huk-ya-lu-y
¡Unelo! Unelo!
Unite it! Unite it!
00:22:37.670 - 00:22:40.280

Hukyaluy. Huk bulsallaman huntaluy, dice.

Huk-ya-lu-y Huk bulsa-lla-man hunta-lu-y
one-INCH-URGT-IMP one bag-RSTR-ALL put.together-URGT-IMP
¡Unelo! ¡Unelo en una bolsa! dicen.
Put it together! Put it together in a bag! they say.
00:22:41.240 - 00:22:44.290

Winaluy, dice.
¡Echalo! dicen.
Toss it in! they say.
00:22:45.340 - 00:22:46.950

¿Manachu mas kan? ¡Huntalachiyyali! dice.

Mana-chu mas ka-n ¡Hunta-la-chi-y-y-ali
no-Q more be-3 put.together-URGT-CAUS-IMP-INTENS-EMPH
¿No hay más? ¡Júntale, pues!, dicen
Isn't there any more? Gather it up, then! they say.
00:22:53.600 - 00:22:56.120

Oo, watalpis imanalpis huntalachiy chayman, dice.

Oo wata-l-pis ima-na-l-pis hunta-la-chi-y chay-man
Oo, tie-SUBIS-ADD what-VRBZ-ADD put.together-URGT-CAUS-IMP DEM.D-ALL
Oo, Amarrándole aunque sea, haciendo lo que sea, ¡júntalo allí!, dicen
Oo, tying it up, even, doing that, even, gather it up over there!, they say.
00:23:02.730 - 00:23:05.760

Huklla chulinanpaq TK, dice.

Huk-lla-chu li-na-n-paq
Vamos a unir en uno no más para que ande
Just one so that he goes.
00:23:06.060 - 00:23:07.430

Purungukta apamunki. Mati lulana:paq. Putukuna lulana:paq tukillakta apamunki.

Purungu-kta apa-mu-nki Mati lula-na-:-paq Putukuna lula-na-:-paq tuki-lla-kta
gourd-ACC bring-CISL-3 tea make-NMLZ-1-PURP poto-PL make-NMLZ-1-PURP
Vas a traer poto para hacer mate. Para hacer puto lo vas a traer bonito.
You're going to bring a gourd over here so I can make tea. You're going to
bring it nicely so I can make puto.
00:23:13.190 - 00:23:19.630

pretty-RSTR-ACC bring-CISL-2

¿Imakta luwayanki? ¡Tullpakta latachiy! Yarqanayaman, me dice.

Ima-kta luway-a-nki Tullpa-kta lata-chi-y Yarqa-naya-ma-n
what-ACC do-PROG-2 hearth-ACC light-CAUS-IMP hunger-DESR-1.OBJ-3
¿Qué estás haciendo? ¡Prénde el fogón! Me está dando hambre, me dice.
What are you doing? Light the hearth! I'm starving, he says to me.
00:23:23.660 - 00:23:27.380

¿Manachu fusfuru kan? ¡Ashiyyali! dice.

Mana-chu fusfuru ka-n Ashi-y-y-ali
no-Q match be-3 look.for-IMP-INTENS-EMPH
¿No hay fósforo? ¡Busca, pues!, dicen.
Aren't there matches? Look for it, then!
00:23:30.820 - 00:23:31.900 00:23:35.115 - 00:23:36.635

¿Ñawsachu? me dice ¿Está ciego? ¿Qué cosa es? Chaytraw yatra

Ñawsa-chu Chay-traw yatra
blind-Q DEM.D-LOC live
¿Está ciega? me dice. ¿Está ciega? ¿Qué cosa es? Allí ...
Is she blind? he says to me. Is she blind? What is it? There ...
00:23:39.340 - 00:23:43.410

Misa qawantraw kayan? Chay ya. Ashiyyali ima ñawsachu imataq TK

Misa qawa-n-traw ka-ya-n Chay ya Ashi-y-y-ali ima ñawsa ima
table above-3-LOC be-PROG-3 DEM.D EMPH look.for-INTENS-EMPH what blind what
Está encima de la mesa. ¡Allí, pues! ¡Búsca, pues! Ciega, ¿qué cosa eres?
It's on top of the table. There, then! Look, then! Blind, what are you?
00:23:44.785 - 00:23:45.685 00:23:52.620 - 00:23:55.150

Imamish maki: kay palta kayan

Ima-mish maki-: kay palta ka-ya-n
what-COMP hand-1 DEM.P palm be-PROG-3
¿Cómo qué es la palma de mi mano? ¿Qué cosa está en su mano así? Plancha está.
How is the palm of my hand? TK
00:23:58.520 - 00:24:00.550

Kay chakalkuninchik kay kada ... kala kuruna ninchik, creo

Kay chakalku-ni-nchik TK kay kada ka-la kuruna ni-nchik
DEM.P jaw-EUPH-1PL DEM.P each be-PST crown say-1PL
Esto [es] nuestra mandíbula aquí. Cada ... era corona se dice, creo.
This [is] our jaw here. Each .. it was "crown" you say, I believe.
00:24:03.570 - 00:24:06.220 00:24:06.290 - 00:24:09.560

Qunilachinkichu Ima chay ura kanan lulayanki.

Quni-la-chi-nki-chu Ima chay ura kanan lula-ya-nki
hot-URGT-CAUS-2-Q what DEM.D time now make-PROG-2
¿Lo hiciste calentar? Ahora, ¿qué hora lo vas a hacer?
Did you heat it up? Now, what time are you going to make it?
00:24:22.490 - 00:24:24.830 00:24:32.360 - 00:24:35.000

Cantayanki. Ñuqapa hulqulachu. ¿Imananqash kanan chayta?

Canta-ya-nki Ñuqa-pa hulqu-la-chu Ima-na-nqa-sh kanan chay-ta
sing-PROG-2 1-GEN remove-PST-Q what-VRBZ-3.FUT-EVR now DEM.D-ACC
Estás cantando. ¿Has sacado el mío? ¿Qué le va a hacer ahora?
You're singing. Did you take out mine? What is he going to do to it now?
00:24:36.470 - 00:24:39.100 00:24:41.280 - 00:24:42.890

Likunmanchu kala. ¿Kaytraw manachu pasala?

Li-ku-n-man-chu ka-la Kay-traw mana-chu pasa-la
go-REFL-3-COND-Q be-PST DEM.P-LOC no-Q pass-PST
No hubiera debido ir. ¿Por acá no ha pasado?
She shouln't have gone. Did she pass by here?
00:24:45.450 - 00:24:47.910

Kichuwatraw nilanki, "Urqun kasan pulimu: kay trabahukta ashimu:" niq.

Kichuwa-traw ni-la-nki Urqu-n ka-sa-n puli-mu-: kay trabahu-kta ashi-mu-: ni-q
Quechua-LOC say-PST-2 hill-3 be-PRF-3 walk-CISL-1 DEM.P work-ACC look.for-CISL-1
En quechua dirás, "Caminé donde su cerro. Busqué este trabajo", dice.
In Quechua you'll say, "I walked where the hills are. I searched for this
work," they say.
00:24:56.300 - 00:25:02.610

Sufrimu: alalaytraw.
Sufri-mu-: alalay-traw
say-AG suffer-CISL-1 cold-LOC
He sufrido en frío.
I suffered in the cold.
00:25:04.860 - 00:25:07.660

Kay litrakta apamul nilinkimá
Kay litra-kta apa-mu-l ni-li-nki-m-á
Vas a decir, pues, cuando traes esta letra.
You're going to say when you bring this letter.
00:25:07.710 - 00:25:11.660

Ñuqaqa ñakay talimu:. Kayta alalaykunakta sufrilu:.

Ñuqa-qa ñaka-y tali-mu-: Kay-ta alalay-kuna-kta sufri-lu-:
1-TOP suffer-INF find-CISL-1 DEM.P-ACC cold-PL-ACC suffer.URGT-1
Yo sufriendo encontré esto en frío todo sufrí.
Suffering, I found it. I suffered cold here.
00:25:13.090 - 00:25:18.810

Pasay partilin kay palabrakta apamu: kayman

Pasa-y partilin kay palabra-kta apa-mu-: kay-man
pass-IBF DEM.P word-ACC bring-CISL-1 DEM.P-ALL
De total TK esta palabra he traído para acá.
Completely, I brought this letter here.
00:25:20.800 - 00:25:25.180

Midiyu riyalta rikuykuyta munal, dice.

Midiyu riyal-ta riku-yku-y-ta muna-l
half real-ACC earn-EXCEP-INF-ACC want-SUBIS
Queriendo ganarme medio real, dice
When I wanted to earn a half a real, say!
00:25:25.410 - 00:25:28.840

Plasa San Pedro nishan chaykuna chaytraw ñuqa kayta sufrimu: kay palabrakta
Plasa San Pedro ni-sha-n chay-kuna chay-traw ñuqa kay-ta sufri-mu-: kay
plaza saint Pedro say-PRF-3 DEM.D-PL DEM.D-LOC 1 DEM.P-ACC suffer-CISL-1 DEM.P
Plaza San Pedro que dice en allí todo yo he sufrido. Esta palabla traje esta
Where they call San Pedro Plaza, I suffered there. I brought this letter.
00:25:33.420 - 00:25:41.580

Tutay machakula:
palabra-kta apa-la-mu-: Tutay macha-ku-la-:
word-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-1 night water-REFL-PST-1
Ayer he regado.
I watered yesterday.
00:26:12.230 - 00:26:13.850

'Qanin', dice, antes ayer. Parlapanaku ukupanki

Qannin Parla-pa-naku ukupa-nki
talk-REPET-RECIP- occupy-2
'Qanin', dice, antes ayer. Para conversar vas a ocuparle.
"Qanin" is the day before yesterday. You're going to occupy her in talking.
00:26:21.170 - 00:26:23.110 00:26:23.410 - 00:26:25.700

Papa: qullulusha Mana tapalkul, dice

Papa-: qullu-lu-sha Mana tapal-ku-l TK
potato-1 no cover-REFL-SUBIS
Mis papas habían enverdecido. Cuando no las tapé, dice.
My potatoes turned green. When I didn't cover them, they say.
00:26:26.310 - 00:26:28.570 00:26:28.770 - 00:26:30.655

Papa: qullulusha mana tapalkul kanan qullulachi:.

Papa-: qullu-lu-sha mana tapal-ku-l kanan qullu-la-chi-:
potato-1 no cover-REFL-SUBIS now
Mis papas habían enverdecido. Por no taparle le he hecho enverdecer.
My potatoes turned green. I didn't cover them and now I've made them turn green.
00:26:33.135 - 00:26:37.145

Chay luna qatikulushaq porque manam riqsi:chu, dice.

Chay luna qati-ku-lu-shaq porque mana-m riqsi-:-chu
DEM.D person follow-REFL-URGT-1.FUT because no-EVD know-1-NEG
Voy a seguirle a esa persona porque no lo conozco.
I'm going to follow that person because I don't know them.
00:26:45.525 - 00:26:48.675

Aa, chay lunakta qatikulushaq pun chay kaminukta manam riqsi:chu chay
qipallanta lishaq qali.
Aa, chay luna-kta qati-ku-lu-shaq pun chay kaminu-kta mana-m riqsi-:-chu chay
ah DEM.D person-ACC follow-REFL-URGT-1.FUT DEM.D road-ACC no-EVD know-1-NEG
Ah, a esa persona voy a seguirle ese camino yo no conozco a su atrás yo voy a
irle, pues, yo.
Ah, I'm going to follow that person. I don't know that roas. I'm going to go
behind him.
00:26:52.145 - 00:26:58.325

Manam kanchu imapis taytay.

qipa-lla-n-ta li-shaq qali. Mana-m ka-n-chu ima-pis tayta-y
DEM.D behind-RSTR-3-ACC go-1.FUT TK no-EVD be-3-NEG what-ADD father-1
No hay nada papito.
There's nothing, man.
00:27:29.105 - 00:27:31.905

Kulayan wayrawan bandiraku ...

Kula-ya-n wayra-wan bandira-ku
wave-PROG-3 wind-INSTR flag-
Está flameando con el aire la bandera no más
Our flag is waving in the wind.
00:27:32.400 - 00:27:35.215

flaniyachkan manam kanchu imapis [inaudible]

flaniya-chka-n TK mana-m ka-n-chu ima-pis
wave-DUR-3 no-EVD be-3-NEG what-ADD
Está flameando. No hay nada.
It's waving. There's nothing.
00:27:35.295 - 00:27:39.175 00:27:40.360 - 00:27:42.915

Linli ninñataq kay ninchik kichuwachaw. "Linli" ninchik.

Linli ni-n-ña-taq kay ni-nchik kichuwa-traw. "Linli" ni-nchik
ear say-3-DISC-SEQ DEM.P say-1PL Quechua-LOC ear say-1PL
00:27:42.915 - 00:27:48.125

Chay huvin saywakuyankichu, dice.

Chay huvin saywa-ku-ya-nki-chu dice.
Ese joven... ¿estás limpiando sequia? dice.
That young man ... Are you cleaning the canal? they say.
00:28:12.090 - 00:28:14.650

Yanuy ya hanay law watananpaq.

Yanu-y ya hanay law wata-na-n-paq.
cook-IMP EMPH up side tie-NMLZ-3-PURP
Cocina ya para el lado de arriba para que amarre.
Cook for up hill so he can tie it up.
00:28:29.700 - 00:28:32.100

Lukiyayanña allquqa Watalachu hanatraw akanqam

Luki-ya-ya-n-ña allquqa Wata-la-chu hana-traw aka-nqa-m
crazy-INCH-PROG-3-DISC dog-TOP tie-PST-Q up-LOC defecate-3.FUT-EVD
El perro está loquiando. Amárrale más a arribe -- va a orinar.
The dog is going crazy. Tie him higher up -- he's going to defecate.
00:28:32.840 - 00:28:34.530 00:28:34.810 - 00:28:36.650

Kurriy chay pashñakta pushalamuy, decimons nosotros.

Kurri-y chay pashña-kta pusha-la-mu-y
run-IMP DEM.D girl-ACC bring.along-URGT-CISL-IMP
Anda tráe a esa señorita decimos nosotros.
Run and bring me that girl, we say.
00:28:41.710 - 00:28:45.420

¡Kaytam mallikuy! Kayllakta yanukula: ¡Mallikuy! dice.

¡Kay-ta-m malli-ku-y Kay-lla-kta yanu-ku-la-: ¡Malli-ku-y-!
¡Pruéba ésto! Esto no más he cocinado. ¡Pruéba!
Taste this! I cooked just this. Taste it! they say.
00:28:45.530 - 00:28:47.360 00:28:47.860 - 00:28:50.960

¡Qayalachimuy! ¡Kurriy! ¡Qayalamuy!

¡Qaya-la-chi-mu-y Kurri-y Qaya-la-mu-y
¡Mándele llamar! ¡Anda llámalo!
Have him called! Run! Call her!
00:28:53.485 - 00:28:54.625 00:28:55.945 - 00:28:57.495

¡Chay gringakta kurriy qayalamuy! dice. ¿Imapaq?

Chay gringa-kta kurri-y qaya-la-mu-y Imapaq
DEM.D gringa-ACC run-IMP call-URGT-CISL-IMP why
¡A esa gringa anda llámale! ¿Para qué?
Run and call that gringa! Why?
00:28:58.965 - 00:29:01.115 00:29:04.755 - 00:29:05.945

Mikunanchikpaq yali Imakta qunki?, dice.

Miku-na-nchik-paq y-ali Ima-kta qu-nki
Para comer, pues, dice ¿Qué vas a dar? dice
So we can eat, then! What are you going to give?
00:29:09.915 - 00:29:11.195 00:29:16.735 - 00:29:17.775

Imapaq qaya ... qamqa yatrayta munayanki. Qayalamuy hinalla.

Imapaq qaya qam-qa yatra-y-ta muna-ya-nki Qaya-la-mu-y hina-lla
why call 2-TOP know-INF-ACC want-PROG-2 call-URGT-CISL-IMP thus-RSTR
¿Para qué tú quieres saber? ¡Anda! ¡Llámale no más!
Why call ... do you want to know? Just call her!
00:29:18.050 - 00:29:21.710

¡Chay hakukta allallikta michuy! ¿Ima kutiyachinki?, dice.

Chay haku-kta allalli-kta michu-y Ima kuti-ya-chi-nki dice.
DEM.D clothes-ACC a.lot-ACC spread.out-IMP what return-PROG-CAUS-2
¡Tiende es ropa bien bien! ¿Para que estás haciendo volver?, dicen.
Spread those clothes out really well. Why are you having her come back?, they
00:29:28.690 - 00:29:32.720

¡Michuy allallikta!, dice Qiwiyan

Michu-y allalli-kta Qiwi-ya-n
spread.out-IMP a.lot-ACC twist-PROG-3
¡Tiénda bien bien! dice. Está torciendo.
Spread it our really well. It's twisting.
00:29:34.910 - 00:29:36.330 00:29:37.995 - 00:29:38.955

Halakta michuylamushaq. TK Halakta michuwalamushaq, dice.
Hala-kta michu-yla-mu-shaq Hala-kta michuwa-la-mu-shaq
corn-ACC spread.out-CISL-1.FUT corn-ACC spread.out-URGT-CISL-1.FUT
Voy a tender maíz. Voy a tender el maíz, dice.
I'm going to spread out corn. I'm going to spread out the corn, they say.
00:29:44.735 - 00:29:46.685 00:29:53.645 - 00:29:55.445

!Chay hakukta michuy! ¿Ima hutuyachinki? Uquyan. dice

Chay haku-kta michu-y Ima hutuya-chi-nki Uqu-ya-n
DEM.D clothes-ACC spread.out-IMP what gather-CAUS-2 TK wet-PROG-3 dice
¡Tiende esa ropa! ¿Para qué estás haciendo recoger? Está mojando, dicen.
Spread out those clothes! Whay are you having them gathered up? They're getting
wet, they say.
00:29:58.060 - 00:30:02.010

Pallay, dice. ¡Haku mishkita pallalamushun! dice.

Palla-y Haku mishki-ta palla-la-mu-shun
gather-IMP let's.go sweet-ACC gather-URGT-CISL-1PL.FUT
Recoger, dice. Vamos a cortarle mi fruta, dice.
Gather, you say. Let's pick my fruit, they say
00:30:05.650 - 00:30:09.730

Abasni:ta pallalamushun lantikuyta munaya:, dice.

Abas-ni-:-ta palla-la-mu-shun lantiku-y-ta muna-ya-:
brosd.beans-EUPH-1-ACC gather-URGT-CISL-1PL.FUT sell-INF-ACC want-PROG-1
Vamos a recoger mis habas. Quiero venderlas, dicen.
We're going to pick my broad beans. I want to sell them.
00:30:11.640 - 00:30:15.620

Pallayshilamay, dice.
Pallay-shi-la-ma-y TK
Ayúdame a cortar, dice
Help me pick, they say.
00:30:18.625 - 00:30:20.405

Abasni:ta pallayshilaman kanan puntraw lantikuyta munaya:, dice.

Abas-ni-:-ta palla-y-shi-la-ma-n kanan puntraw lanti-ku-y-ta muna-ya-:
broad.beans-EUPH-1-ACC gather-ACMP-URGT-1.OBJ-IMP now day sell-INF-ACC
Ayúdame a recoger mis habas. Quiero venderlas hoy día, dicen.
Help me harvest mu broad beans. I want to sell them today, they say.
00:30:22.375 - 00:30:27.365

Tita tita kayan chay puchkaykiqa, dice.

Tita tita ka-ya-n chay puchka-yki-qa
want-PROG-1 thick thick be-PROG-3 DEM.D spun.yarn-2-TOP
Tu hilo está muy grueso, dicen.
Your yarn is really thick, they say.
00:30:33.045 - 00:30:36.045

Tita tita kayan puchkaykiqa. Llañullakta puchkanayqa, dice.

Tita tita ka-ya-n puchka-yki-qa Llañu-lla-kta puchka-na-y-qa
Tita tita kayan puchkaykiqa. Llañullakta puchkanayqa, dice.
Tu hilo está muy grueso. Debes hilar más delgado, dice.
Your yarn is really thick. You should spin it thinner, they say.
00:30:38.540 - 00:30:41.970

¿Ima kaytaq lulayashun? Pasa pasay lanishka hina TK

Ima kay-taq lula-ya-shun Pasa pasa-y lani-shka hina
¿Ima kaytaq lulayashun? Pasa pasay lanishka hina
¿Cómo así vamos a hacerlo?Total lana no más está.
How are we going to make it? It's too much like
00:30:42.110 - 00:30:45.490

Mancharisha kayan chay wamblaqa, dice, Likulamanki, dice.

Mancha-ri-sha ka-ya-n chay wambla-qa Li-ku-la-ma-nki
Mancharisha kayan chay wamblaqa, dice, Likulamanki, dice.
Está asustado ese chico. Vas a ir, dicen.
That child is frightened. You're going to go, they say.
00:30:45.600 - 00:30:48.190 00:30:49.430 - 00:30:50.740

Imakta likulamanki, dice

Ima-kta li-ku-la-ma-nki
Imakta likulamanki, dice
00:30:50.850 - 00:30:53.110

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Viñac_EA_BodySearch_C.eaf
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 3:44 PM


Esmeraldapiqa Nakarumi wak kayan.

Esmeralda-pi-qa Nakarumi wak ka-ya-n
Esmeralda-LOC-TOP Nakarumi DEM.D be-PROG-3
En Esmeralda, ya. Ese es Nakarumi.
In Esmeralda already. That's Nakarumi.
00:00:00.264 - 00:00:01.941 00:00:02.691 - 00:00:04.294

Nakarumitapis tumasa. Arayan Hipo.

Nakarumi-ta-pis tuma-sa ara-ya-n Hipo
Nakarumi-ACC_ADD take-PRF plow-PROG-3 Hipo
Había tomado [video] en nakarumi. Hipo está arando.
She'd taken [a video] in Nakarumi. Hipo is plowing.
00:00:04.382 - 00:00:06.558

Turupis karqa. Rikarirqa. Pasarunqash

turu-pis ka-rqa rikari-rqa pasa-ru-nqa-sh
bull-ADD be-PST appear-PST pass-URGT-3.FUT-EVR
También hubo toro. Apareció. Va a pasar.
There was a bull, too. It appeared. It's going to pass.
00:00:07.102 - 00:00:09.294

Hamurqariki tumarayashtintr'i, filmashtintr'i entonces, Aviva?

hamu-rqa ri-ki tuma-ra-ya-shtin-tr'i filma-shtin-tr'i entonces Aviva
come-PST-RI-KI take-UNINT-SUBADV film-SUBADV-EVC therefore Aviva
Vendría Aviva tomando [fotos] y filmando, entonces.
Aviva would have come taking [photos] and filming, then.
00:00:10.404 - 00:00:13.169

Kaminunta chaytr'iki wak kichkakuna kayan

kaminu-n-ta chay-tr'i-ki wak kichka-kuna ka-ya-n
road-3-ACC DEM.D-EVC-KI DEM.D thorn-PL be-PROG-3
Por el camino, por-RSTR, habrán esas espinas.
On the road. That's why, there'd be those thorns.
00:00:13.595 - 00:00:17.034

Aa, kichkakuna kayan wallakuna.

Aa kichka-kuna ka-ya-n walla-kuna
ah thorn-PL be-PROG-3 walla-PL
Espinas y walla hay.
There are thorns and walla.
00:00:17.359 - 00:00:19.770

Doña Dionisapa vakan. Aa, wakhina ya kayan.

Doña Dionisa-pa vaka-n aa wak-hina ya ka-ya-n
Doña Dionisa-GEN cow-3 ah DEM.D-COMP EMPH be-PROG-3
Son las vacas de Doña Dionisia. Ah, son así.
Those are Doña Dionisa's cows. Ah, they're like that.
00:00:20.270 - 00:00:22.432

Wakhinam vakachan kayan.

wak-hina-m vaka-cha-n ka-ya-n
Así son sus vaquitas.
Her cows are like that.
00:00:22.484 - 00:00:24.601

Tr'ayaramun. Nunka tr'ayarqanichu. Puriripa:kuyan.
tr'aya-ra-mu-n nunka tr'aya-rqa-ni-chu. puri-ri-pa:ku-ya-n
arrive-URGT-CISL-3 never arrive-PST-1-NEG walk-INCEP-PL-PROG-3
Llegaron. Nunca no he llegado. Ya están empezando caminar.
They arrived. I've never arrived [there]. They're starting to walk.
00:00:25.449 - 00:00:29.601

Primirutr' qam ripurqanki, ¿aw? Aa, qam ...

primiru-tr' qam ri-pu-rqa-nki aw aa qam
first-EVC 2 go-BEN-PST-2 no ah 2
Usted habrás ido primero, ¿no? Ah, usted ...
You would have gone first, no? Ah, you ...
00:00:29.909 - 00:00:32.954

Manam. Piru, ¿risachu manachu? Kanchu payqa?

mana-m piru ri-sa-chu-ch mana-chu-ch ka-n-chu pay-qa
no-EVD but go-PRF-NEG-TH no-Q be-3.Q 3-TOP
No, pero, ¿había ido o no? No está él.
No, but, had he gone or no? He's not there.
00:00:32.961 - 00:00:35.578

Manayá payqa wambrallantr'i rirqa. Nederllatr'.

mana-yá pay-qa wambra-lla-n-tr'i ri-rqa Neder-lla-tr'
no-INTENS 3-TOP child-LIM-3-EVC go-PST Neder-LIM-EVC
Ah, ella, no. Su hijo no más iría. Neder no más.
Ah, not her. Just his child would have gone. Just Neder.
00:00:35.711 - 00:00:38.490

Ichi ripa:kuyanña. Wakchankunata apakusa kaspichankuna.

Ichi ri-pa:ku-ya-n-ña wakcha-n-kuna-ta apa-ku-sa kaspi-cha-n-kuna
Ichi go-PL-PROG-3-DISC sheep-3-PL-ACC bring-REFL-PRF stick-DIM-3-PL
Ya está empezando a caminar. Llevando sus cositas y sus palos.
They're already starting to walk.
00:00:38.542 - 00:00:39.895 00:00:40.660 - 00:00:43.042

Qaqapitr'iki wak kayan.

qaqa-pi-tr'i-ki wak ka-ya-n
cliff-LOC-EVC-KI DEM.D be-PROG-3
Estará en la peña.
They'd be on the cliff.
00:00:43.484 - 00:00:45.013

¿Aykataq, a ver, risa? Nelipis, ¡ve!, riyan. Wakhina

ayka-taq ri-sa Neli-pis ve ri-ya-n wak-hina
how.many-SEQ go-PRF Neli-ADD look go-PROG-3 DEM.D-COMP
¿Cuántos, a ver, han ido? Neli también, ¡ve!, está yendo. Así.
How many, -- let's see -- went? Neli, too, -- look! -- is going. Like that.
00:00:45.145 - 00:00:49.234

Qaqata riyan. Kipupis riyan.

qaqa-ta ri-ya-n Kipu-pis ri-ya-n
cliff-ACC go-PROG-3 Kipu-ADD go-PROG-3
Están yendo por la peña. Kipu también está yendo.
They're going on the cliff. Kipu, too, is going.
00:00:49.234 - 00:00:51.408

Karu, ¡oy! Qaqa, ruka kayan.

karu oy qaqa ruka ka-ya-n
far listen cliff rock be-PROG-3
Lejos, oy. Es peña, roca.
Far, oy! It's cliffs, rocks.
00:00:51.424 - 00:00:53.910

Sucio. Ay, Dios mío! Ass... Wak ukuta rishpaqa

sucio ay Dios wak uku-ta ri-shpa-qa
dirty ay God DEM.D inside-ACC go-SUBIS-TOP
Sucio, ay, Dios mío, asss. Yendo allí dentro ...
Dirty, ayy. My God! Asss. Going there on the interior ...
00:00:53.939 - 00:00:58.269

Wak achka riyan, ¡ve! [] kayan, ¡ve!

wak achka ri-ya-n ve ka-ya-n ve
DEM.D a.lot go-PROG-3 look be-PROG-3 look
Muchos están yendo. ¡Vé! [] está. ¡Ve!
Many are going. Look! there are []. Look!
00:01:01.077 - 00:01:04.047

Rikarimunña chay wañukusa. Como sanwachisa.

rikari-mu-n-ña chay wañu-ku-sa sanwa-chi-sa
appear-CISL-3-DISC DEM.D die-REFL-PRF lay.down.head-CAUS-PRF
Ya apareció donde ha fallecido. Como puesto una cabezera.
Where he died already appeared. Like put on a pillow.
00:01:04.121 - 00:01:06.974

Hanachaqa chaypish kasa. Kanan wak qawapa:kuyan, tr'utapa:kuyan. ¡ve!

hana-cha-qa chay-pi-sh ka-sa kanan wak qawa-pa:ku-ya-n tr'uta-pa:ku-ya-n ve
uphill-DIM-TOP DEM.D-LOC-EVR be-PRF now DEM.D see-PL-PROG-3 put-PL-PROG-3 look
Más arribita, había sido, dice. Ahora están mirando, están jalando. ¡Ve!
It had been further up, they say. Now they're looking, they're pulling him.
00:01:07.239 - 00:01:10.739

Mayupatr' chayqa. Yakupam tr'akin uqukayasa. Aa, Dimunyu kamanpatr' diharun.
mayu-pa-tr' chay-qa yaku-pa-m tr'aki-n uqu-ka-ya-sa aa dimunyu kama-n-pa-tr'
river-LOC-EVC DEM.D-TOP water-LOC-EVD foot-3 wet-PASSACC-PROG-PRF ah DEvil
Estará en el río. Su pie está mojando en el agua. El Demonio lo dejaría [como]
en su cama.
He would be in the river. His foot is soaking in the water. Ah, the Devil would
have left him in his bed.
00:01:13.635 - 00:01:18.621

bed-3-LOC-EVC leave-URGT-3

Dimunyupaqrik kamanpatr' kayan. Akasu yakupatr' kayan. Ñuqanchikpatr' yakupa

Dimunyu-paq ri-k kama-n-pa-tr' ka-ya-n akasu yaku-pa-tr' ka-ya-n
Devil-GEN-RI-K bed-LOC-EVC be.PROG-3 perhaps water-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3
Estará en la cama del Demonio. Acaso estará en agua. Para nosotros estará en
he would be in the Devil's bed. Maybe he'd be in the water. For us he'd be in
the water.
00:01:18.643 - 00:01:23.731

ñuqa-nchik-pa-tr' yaku-pa ka-ya-n

1-1PL-BEN-EVC water-LOC be-PROG-3

Total peña, ¡Dios mío! ¿Ima plantatr' wak? ¿Imay ..

ima planta-tr' wak imay
what tree-EVC DEM.D when
Total peña. ¡Dios mío! ¿Qué planta será esa? ¿Cuándo ...
Completely cliffs. My God! What [kind of] tree would that be? When ...
00:01:25.084 - 00:01:29.996

¿Imaynataq wakqa baharqa? Itanash wama wamaq kakuyasa chaypaqa.

imayna-taq wak-qa baha-rqa itana-sh wama wamaq ka-ku-ya-sa
how-SEQ DEM.D-TOP go.down-PST nettle-EVR a.lot a.lot be-REFL-PROG-PRF
¿Cómo ha bajado él? Había bastante ortiga allí, dice.
How did he get down? There had been a lot of nettles there, they say.
00:01:29.996 - 00:01:32.951


Kiputapis watr'arun Hipo itanaqa hinashpa pampamanqa usikunta qaqukun.

Kipu-ta-pis watr'a-ru-n Hipo itana-qa hinashpa pampa-man-qa usiku-n-ta qaqu-ku-n
Kipu-ACC-ADD prick-URGT-3 Hipo thistle so ground-ALL-TOP snout-3-ACC rub-REFL-3
A Kipu también, ortiga, dice, le piquó. Después, estaba sobando su osico en el
The thistles pricked Kipu, too. Then he was rubbing his snout on the ground.
00:01:33.085 - 00:01:38.144

Ay, Kipuqa imatapis ruwayantr'i.

ay Kipu-qa ima-ta-pis ruwa-ya-n-tr'i
ay Kipu-TOP what-ACC-ADD make-PROG-3-EVC
Ay, Kipu, ¿qué también estará haciendo?
Ay, what else would Kipu be doing?
00:01:38.174 - 00:01:41.577

Wakhina sumaq sumaq. Runapa umanhina wak ankallarayan wak runa, ¡ve!
wak-hina sumaq sumaq runa-pa uma-n-hina wak anka-lla-raya-n wak runa
DEM.D-COMP pretty pretty person-GEN head-3-COMP DEM.D
Bonito, bonito, así. Como la cabeza de una persona. Esa persona está de tirado
de espalda . ¡Ve!
Really pretty, like that. It's like a person's head. That person is lying down
face up. Look!
00:01:42.577 - 00:01:46.386

lie.down.face.up-LIM-PASS-3 DEM.D person look

¿Qawayankichu wak rumit tiya?

qawa-ya-nki-chu wak rumi-ta tiya
look-IMP DEM.D stone-ACC aunt
¿Estás mirando esa piedra, tía?
Are you looking at that stone, Aunt?
00:01:46.452 - 00:01:47.643

Matr'ayhina kayan wak altuchanpis. Lluqin kasa.

matr'ay-hina ka-ya-n wak altu-cha-n-pis lluqi-n ka-sa
cave-COMP be-PROG-3 DEM.D high-DIM-3-ADD cane-3 be-PRF
Es como cueva allí encima. Tenía su bastón.
It's like a cave up there. He had his cane.
00:01:47.687 - 00:01:50.776

Aa, ¿tarirunchu lluqinta? Tarirunchu lluqinta. Ñuqalla Dábila niwan Uñachikupa.

aa ¿tari-ru-n-chu lluqi-n-ta tari-ru-n-chu lluqi-n-ta ñuqa-lla Dábila ni-wa-n
ah find-URGT-3-Q cane-3-ACC find-URGT-3-Q cane-3-ACC 1-LIM Dábila say-1.OBJ-3
Ah, ¿encontraron su bastón? No encontraron su bastón. Antes Dábila me lo dijo
en Uñachico. ¡Ve!
Ah, did they find his cane? They didn't find his cane. Dábila told me before in
Uñachico. Look!
00:01:50.861 - 00:01:55.113

Uña Chiku-pa ve
Uña Chico-LOC look

Ramónkuna kayan. Muntipatr´kasa. Wak hatariyachin, hatariyachin.

Ramón-kuna ka-ya-n Munti-pa-tr´ ka-sa wak hatari-ya-chi-n
Ramón-PL be-PROG-3 brush-LOC-EVC be-PRF DEM.D get.up-PROG-CAUS-3
Ramón todo está. En monte, dice, había sido. Lo están haciendo levantar, lo
están haciendo levantar.
Ramón and all are there. They had been in brush, they say. They're liftin him
up. They're lifting him up.
00:01:55.634 - 00:02:00.032

Sumbrunqa u hanachaskapitr' karqa

hatari-ya-chi-n sumbru-n-qa u hana-cha-ska-pi-tr' ka-rqa
get.up-PROG-CAUS-3 hat-3-TOP or uphill-DIM-SKA-LOC-EVC be-PST
Su sombrero, seguro, estaría más arriba.
His hat would have been further up. That
00:02:00.090 - 00:02:02.096

Sumbruyachin, ¿aw? Sumbunwan karan tapayan. Arí wakhina tapayan. ¿Ima

Sumbru-ya-chi-n aw sumbu-n-wan kara-n tapa-ya-n ari wak-hina tapa-ya-n
hat-INCH-CAUS-3 yes hat-3-INSTR face-3 cover-PROG-3 yes DEM.D-COMP cover-PROG-3
Le están poniendo su sombrero. Están tapando su cara con su sombrero. Sí, pues,
la están tapando así. ¿Que ...
They're putting his hat on him. They're covering his face with his hat. Yes,
then, they're covering it like that. What ...
00:02:02.772 - 00:02:07.562


Taparushpam lliw lliw qalutunqa. Uqush kayan rupan, pantalun

tapa-ru-shpa-m lliw lliw qalutu-nqa uqu-sh ka-ya-n rupa-n pantalu-n
cover-URGT-SUBIS-EVD all all naked-3.FUT wet-EVR be-PROG-3 clothes-3 pants-3
Tapándolo todo lo van a desnudar. Está mojado su ropa, dice, su pantalón.
Covering everything, they're going to undress him. His clothes, his pants, are
wet, they say.
00:02:07.642 - 00:02:12.752

Wak aysayan, ¡ve! Wak uqutam wak aysayan.

wak aysa-ya-n ve wak uqu-ta-m wak aysa-ya-n
DEM.D pull-PROG-3 look DEM.D wet-ACC-EVD DEM.D pull-PROG-3
Lo están jalando. ¡Ve! A lo mojado, están jalando. ¡Ve!
They're pullinf it. Look! They're pulling what's wet.
00:02:12.840 - 00:02:15.943

Yakupa tr'akillan. Yaku. ¿Ima? Pubrisitu.
yaku-pa tr'aki-lla-n yaku ima pubrisitu
water-LOC foot-LIM-3 water what porr.thing
Sus piecitos [estaban] en el agua. ¿Qué? Pobrecito?
His feet [were] in the water. Water. What? Poor thing!
00:02:16.124 - 00:02:20.351

Wakhinatr' wañuwachuwan runa.

wak-hina-tr' wañu-wa-chuwan runa
DEM.D-COMP-EVC die-1.OBJ-1PL.OBJ person
Así gente se puede morir.
People can die like that.
00:02:20.867 - 00:02:22.791

¿Ay, Diosito lindo! ¿Imatataq Willam chuqayan?

ay ima-ta-taq Willam chuqa-ya-n
ay what-ACC-SEQ Willam throw-PROG-3
Ah, Diosito lindo! ¿Qué cosa está tirando William?
Ah, Sweet Jesus! What is WIlliam pulling?
00:02:24.100 - 00:02:26.806

Sapatuntatr'. Sapatuntatr'. Wak butillachan kasa.

sapatu-n-ta-tr' sapatu-n-ta-tr' wak butilla-cha-n ka-sa
shoe-3-ACC-EVC foot-3-ACC-EVC DEM.D bottle-DIM-3 be-PRF
Sus zapatos. Sus zapatos. Allí tenía su botellita.
His shoes. His shoes. He had his bottle.
00:02:27.042 - 00:02:30.365

Chayshi apakacharqa warminpa rimidiyunta.

chay-shi apa-ka-cha-rqa warmi-n-pa rimidiyu-n-ta
DEM.D-EVR bring-PASSACC-DIM-PST woman-3-GEN remedy-3-ACC
Por-RSTR, dice, llevaba el remedio de su mujer.
That's why, they say, he was carrying his wife's medicine.
00:02:30.968 - 00:02:33.643

Qipikatr'arqa. Wakman tr'utarun.

qipi-katr'a-rqa wak-man tr'uta-ru-n
Lo cargateaba. Lo pusieron allá.
They carried him. They pulled him there.
00:02:33.982 - 00:02:38.041

Wak tr'utarishpam kanan rupanta surqurunqa.

wak tr'uta-ri-shpa-m kanan rupa-n-ta surqu-ru-nqa
DEM.D put-INCEP-SUBIS-EVD now clothes-3-ACC remove-URGT-3.FUT
Jalándolo ahora le van a sacar la ropa.
Pulling him, now they're going to remove his clothes.
00:02:38.275 - 00:02:41.613

Sapatunta tr'urayan.
sapatu-n-ta tr'ura-ya-n
foot-3-ACC put-PROG-3
Están guardando sus zapatos.
They're putting aside his shoes.
00:02:41.886 - 00:02:42.989

Hukninshi kasa yakupish uqusa

huk-ni-n-shi ka-sa yaku-pi-sh uqu-sa
one-EUPH-3-EVR be-PRF water-LOC-EVR wet-PRF
El otro al dentro del agua, dice, había mojado.
The other one, they say, had gotten wet in the water.
00:02:43.187 - 00:02:45.246

Qipichanpis katachanpis wakpi tr'urarayan.

qipi-cha-n-pis kata-cha-n-pis wak-pi tr'ura-raya-n
carry-DIM-3-ADD scarf-DIM-3-ADD DEM.D-LOC put-PASS-3
Su qipi, su mantita, también están guardados allí.
His knapsack, his shawl, are also put aside there.
00:02:47.570 - 00:02:50.282

¡Dios mío! Wakhina ... Pasaypaq

wak-hina pasaypaq
DEM.D-COMP totally
¡Dios mío! Así. Total.
My God! Like that. Completely.
00:02:51.868 - 00:02:55.000

Uqullam kayan. Wakhinalla rishpa sumbrirullanwan karan taparun.

uqu-lla-m ka-ya-n wak-hina-lla ri-shpa sumbriru-lla-n-wan kara-n
wet-LIM-EVD be-PROG-3 DEM.D-COMP-LIM go-SUBIS hat-LIM-3-INSTR face-3
Está mojado. Así yendo con sombrero no más le taparon la cara.
It's wet. Going along like that, they covered his face with his hat.
00:02:55.204 - 00:02:59.882


¿Pitaq chay gwantisninwan yaykurqa? Don Rola gwintisnintin kayan.

pi-taq chay gwantis-ni-n-wan yayku-rqa Don Rola gwintis-ni-ntin
who-SEQ DEM.D gloves-EUPH-3-INSTR ebter-REFL-PST Don Rola gloves-EUPH-INCL
¿Quién ha ido con guantes? Don Rola está con guantes.
Who went with goves? Don Rola has gloves.
00:02:59.985 - 00:03:04.720

Nedernikipis gwantisnintin kayan.

ka-ya-n Neder-ni-ki-pis gwantis-ni-ntin ka-ya-n
be-PROG-3 NEder-EUPH-2-ADD gloves-EUPH-INCL be-PROG-3
Tu Neder también está con guantes.
Your Neder, too, has goves.
00:03:04.807 - 00:03:07.984

Maskayan Willam
maska-ya-n Willam
look.for-PROG-3 Willam
Está buscando William.
William is searching.
00:03:08.410 - 00:03:09.572

Maskayan chay lluqinta ya piru lluqinqa kasa altupash matr'ay qawanpa kichkapis
maska-ya-n chay lluqi-n-ta ya piru lluqi-n-qa ka-sa altu-pa-sh matr'ay qawa-n-pa
look.for-PROG-3 DEM.D cane-3-ACC EMPH but cane-3-TOP be-PRF high-LOC-EVR cave
Está buscando su bastón. Pero su bastón estaba en alto encima de espina.
He's looking for his cane. But his cane was up high, above the thorns.
00:03:09.631 - 00:03:15.740

above-3-LOC thorn-ADD

Sumaq chay. Pusharqa kaminunpis. Diyabluqa sumaqtr'iki

sumaq chay pusha-rqa kaminu-n-pis Diyablu-qa sumaq-tr'i-ki
pretty DEM.D bring-PST road-3-ADD Devil-TOP pretty-EVC-KI
Bonito,-RSTR. Bonito lo habrá llevado el Diablo por el camino.
Pretty, that. The Devil would have brought him along the road nice.
00:03:15.903 - 00:03:19.474

Largu kaminuntatr' Don Rolaqa hamurqa, Don Rola gwantisniyuq, Nedermi kayan
largu kaminun-ta-tr' Don Rola-qa hamu-rqa Don Rola gwantis-ni-yuq Neder-mi
long road-3-ACC-EVC Don Rola-TOP come-PST Don Rola gloves-EUPH-POSS NEder-EVD
Largo camino iría Don Rola, Don Rala no está con guantes. Neder sí está con
He'd have gone along a long road. Ron Rola doen't have gloves. Neder has gloves.
00:03:19.533 - 00:03:23.651

ka-ya-n gwantis-ni-yuq
be-PROG-3 gloves-EUPH-POSS

Rolapis gwantisniyuq kayan. Puchkarushpa surqushpa fumayan sigarruchanta.
Rola-pis gwantis-ni-yuq ka-ya-n puchka-ru-shpa surqu-shpa fuma-ya-n
Rola-ADD gloves-EUPH-POSS be-PROG-3 finish-URGT-SUBIS remove-SUBIS smoke-PROG-3
Rola también estaba con guantes. Terminando, sacando está fumando su cigarrito.
Rola, too, has gloves. Finishing, taking him out, he's smoking a cigarette.
00:03:23.710 - 00:03:27.401


Wak indikayan. Waktatr' saqaykamurqa kanan riyan chamisnintañataq [inaudible]

wak indika-ya-n wak-ta-tr' saqa-yka-mu-rqa kanan ri-ya-n
DEM.D indicate-PROG-3 DEM.D-ACC-EVC go.up-EXCEP-CISL-PST now go-PROG-3
Allí está indicando. Por allá caería. Ahora están yendo [con] sus chamis.
He's pointing it out there. He'd have fallen there. The're going now [with]
their chamis.
00:03:27.438 - 00:03:31.952

Bahanqatr', ¿aw? Risbalashpatr'

chamis-ni-n-ta-ña-taq baha-nqa-tr' aw risbala-shpa-tr'
chamis-EUPH-3-ACC-DISC-SEQ go.down-3.FUT-EVC yes slip-SUBIS-EVC
Bajaría, ¿no? Resbalando.
He would have gone down, no? Slipping.
00:03:32.910 - 00:03:35.143

Pusharqa kaminutr'iki kayqa.

pusha-rqa kaminu-tr'i-ki kay-qa
bring-PST road-EVC-KI DEM.P-TOP
Lo llevaría por el camino.
He would have taken him by the road.
00:03:35.188 - 00:03:37.453

Diyabluqa. Sumaq sumaq kaminuchatam pushashunki. ¿Akasu ...

Diyablu-qa sumaq sumaq kaminu-cha-ta-m pusha-shunki akasu
DEvil-TOP pretty pretty road-DIM-ACC-EVD bring-3>2 perhaps
El Diablo. Te lleva por un camino bonito. Acaso ...
The Devil. He takes you along a pretty road. Perhaps ...
00:03:37.541 - 00:03:41.291

chay wañunayki ura, chay yawarniki shuqu shuqunaykipaqñam. Pasaypaq patara

qaqapi rikarinki.
chay wañu-na-yki ura chay yawar-ni-ki shuqu shuqu-na-yki-paq-ña-m pasaypaq
DEM.D die-NMLZ-2 hour DEM.D blood-EUPH-2 suck suck-NMLZ-1>2-PURP-DISC-EVD
La hora de tu muerte para que te chupe tu sangre ya. Total en peña vas a
The hour of your death so he can suck out your blood. You're going to appear
ompletely on the cliff.
00:03:41.380 - 00:03:47.952

patara qaqa-pi rikari-nki

totally middle cliff-LOC appear-2

Pampapitr'ik dihanman karqa u sinkunmantr'i karqa. ¿Imaynataqpis chay witr'ay

chay waqtakunata imaynataq baharqa? A ver.
pampa-pi-tr'i-k diha-n-man ka-rqa u sinku-n-man-tr'i ka-rqa imayna-taq-pis chay
ground-LOC-EVC-K leave-3-COND be-PST or roll-3-COND-EVC be-PST how-SEQ-ADD DEM.D
Lo hubiera dejado en plano o hubiera rodado. Aver, ¿cómo bajó esa arriba, esa
ladera todo?
He would have left him on flat ground or he would have rolled. Let's see. How
did he come down the heights, the hillside and all.
00:03:50.409 - 00:03:56.688

witr'ay chay waqta-kuna-ta imayna-taq baha-rqa avir

uphill DEM.D side-PL-ACC how-SEQ go.down-PST let's.see

Manam malugrakurqachu. Rasmillasa ima [inaudible]

mana-m malugra-ku-rqa-chu rasmilla-sa ima
no-EVD ruin-REFL--PST-NEG scratch- PRF what
¿Cómo no se ha malogrado, no se ha rasmillado?
How did he not wreck himself, did not scratch himself...
00:03:56.695 - 00:03:59.798

Uray sinqapapis siqakunmantr'i karqa. ¿Imay sumaq kayna kidarun?

uray sinqa-pa-pis siqa-ku-n-man-tr'i ka-rqa imay sumaq kay-na
downhill nose-LOC-ADD go.up-REFL-3-COND-EVC be-PST when pretty DEM.P-VRBZ
Boca abajo también hubiera caido. ¿Cómo quedó bonito así?
He would have fallen face down. How did he stay nice like this?
00:03:59.940 - 00:04:04.033


Witalashpapis pakchanpipis siqaykunmantr'i karqa.

witala-shpa-pis pakcha-n-pi-pis siqa-yku-n-man-tr'i ka-rqa
knock.into-SUBIS-ADD face.down-3-LOC-ADD go.down-3-COND-EVC be-PST
Trompezando hubiera caido de barriga.
Knocking into it, he would have fallen face-down.
00:04:04.077 - 00:04:07.327

Wakhinapaq. ¡Qaway! ¡Ve!

wak-hina-paq qawa-y ve
DEM.D-COMP-ABL look look
De así. ¡Míra! ¡Vé!
From like that. Look ! Look!
00:04:07.570 - 00:04:09.467

Wak runallaqa wañukun Dimuniyupa ubranwan wakhinalla

wak runa-lla-qa wañu-ku-n Dimuniyu-pa ubra-n-wan wak-hina-lla
Esa gente se moriría de Demonio su obra. Lo hizo así.
That person died of the work of the Devil. Just like that.
00:04:09.467 - 00:04:14.144

Wakhina. Wak altupaqtr'i bahayan uray law

wak-hina wak altu-paq-tr'i baha-ya-n uray law
DEM.D-COND DEM.D high-ABL-EVC descend-PROG-3 downhill side
Así. De alto estarán bajado abajo.
Like that. They must be coming down from up high.
00:04:14.952 - 00:04:17.261

katarataman sayarachisa paytaqa.

katarata-man saya-ra-chi-sa pay-ta-qa
waterfall-ALL stand-URGT-CAUS-PRF 3-ACC-TOP
Lo habían hecho parar hacia la catarata, a él.
They had had him stand towards the waterfall, him.
00:04:17.290 - 00:04:20.290

Kayna kaynam wañurusa nishpa ñuqanchikkuna ninanchikpaqtr'i, ¡vé!

kay-na kay-na-m wañu-ru-sa ni-shpa ñuqa-nchik-kuna ni-na-nchik-paq-tr'i ve
Así había muerto, para que lo digamos nosotros ¡Ve!
He had died like that, so we'd say it.
00:04:20.952 - 00:04:26.070

Wak uray law nishpa kayan. Piru wakpa ya kayan , ¡ve!

wak uray law ni-shpa ka-ya-n piru wak-pa ya ka-ya-n ve
Wak uray law nishpa kayan. Piru wakpa ya kayan , ¡ve!
Allá abajo, dice, está. Sí, pues, allí ya está.
It's here below, they say. Yes, then, it's there already.
00:04:27.260 - 00:04:29.098 00:04:29.467 - 00:04:31.188

Paqchahina pawaykuyan. Yakupis suynayan achkam. ¡Ve! Wakpa kayan

Paqcha-hina pawa-yku-ya-n yaku-pis suyna-ya-n achka-m ve wak-pa ka-ya-n
Paqchahina pawaykuyan. Yakupis suynayan achkam. ¡Ve! Wakpa kayan
Como catarata está cayendo. Agua también está sonando harto. ¡Ve! allá está.
It0s falling like a waterfall. The water, too, is making a lot of noise. Look!
There they are.
00:04:31.658 - 00:04:35.761

Yuraq yuraq kayan. Blankum chay runa kara, Ido? Pish qawarqa?
yuraq yuraq ka-ya-n blanku-m chay runa ka-ra Ido pi-sh qawa-rqa
Yuraq yuraq kayan blankum chay runa kara, Ido? Pish qawarqa?
Blanco blanco está! Blanca era esa persona, Ido? ¿Quién ha visto?
It's white, white. White. that person was, Ido? Who saw it?
00:04:36.342 - 00:04:40.165

Sambu karqa. Sambu rikuq ya karqa ¿aw? Wak yakupa kashpatr'iki

rifrihiradurapahina kayarqa.
sambu ka-rqa sambu rikuq ya ka-rqa aw wak yaku-pa ka-shpa-tr'i-ki
Sambu karqa. Sambu rikuqya karqa ¿aw? Wak yakupa kashpatr'iki
Era un poco moreno. Estando en agua, seguro, estaría como en refrigeradora.
He was dark-skinned. [He was of a group with the dark-skinned TK]. Being in the
water, for sure, it was like a refrigerator.
00:04:40.234 - 00:04:45.694

rifrihiradura-pa-hina ka-ya-rqa
rifrihiradurapahina kayarqa.

Lliw lliwtr'ik wakpa yawarnin shuqururqa. [inaudible]

Lliw lliw-tr'i-k wak-pa yawar-ni-n shuqu-ru-rqa mira
Lliw lliwtr'ik wakpa yawarnin shuqururqa. ¡Mira!
Todo todo lo chuparía su sangre de él. ¡Mira!
He would have sucked all, all of his blood. Look!
00:04:46.656 - 00:04:52.729

¿Lliw lliw ima wayku, ima pasarurqa?

lliw lliw ima wayku ima pasa-ru-rqa
¿Lliw lliw ima wayku, ima pasarurqa?
Todo todo wayco de repente ha pasado. TK
Maybe he passed all, all of the crevasse.
00:04:53.986 - 00:04:57.501

Chay parashtin manisirun mana chay miykulis huyvis midyu diyakama chay
yaykururqatr'ik aywanqu.
chay para-shtin manisi-ru-n mana chay miykulis huyvis midyu diya-kama chay
Chay parashtin manisirun mana chay miykulis huyvis midyu diyakama chay
Lloviendo no amaneció miercoles, miercoles, jueves hasta medio día. Allí habrá
entrado agua turbia.
Raining, it disn't dawn that Wedenesday, Thursday, until mid-day. He must have
entered turbid water there.
00:04:57.875 - 00:05:04.449

yayku-ru-rqa-tr'-ik aywanqu
yaykururqatr'ik aywanku.

Chaytr'ik uqi karqa aqukuna tapasa TK. Wama wamaq mitu kakuyan.
chay-tr'i-k uqi ka-rqa aqu-kuna tapa-sa wama wamaq mitu ka-ku-ya-n
Chaytr'ik uqi karqa aqukuna tapasa Wama wamaq mitu kakuyan.
Por eso sería plomo tapado de arena. Hay bastante barro.
That's way he'd be gray and covered with sand. There's a whole lot of mud.
00:05:05.547 - 00:05:11.257

Waktapis yakuwan uqichishpa taqsanqa Lliw kwirpu. Pasaypaq kayan, ¡ve!

wak-ta-pis yaku-wan uqi-chi-shpa taqsa-nqa lliw kwirpu pasaypaq ka-ya-n ve
Waktapis yakuwan uqichishpa taqsanqa Lliw kwirpu. Pasaypaq kayan, ¡ve!
Ese también haciendo mojar en agua va a lavar. Total estaba
That, too, they're going to wet it and wash it. The whole body. It's
completely! Look!
00:05:11.285 - 00:05:15.535

Kanan manam lluchuptin Isadoram taqsanqa akish. Wak mitutam lliw lliw aywiyan
kanan mana-m lluchu-pti-n Isidora-m taqsa-nqa akish wak mitu-ta-m lliw lliw
Kanan manam lluchuptin Isidoram taqsanqa aksh. Wak mitutam lliw lliw aywiyan
Sin sacar[le la ropa] Isadora va a lavar va a ver. Todo ese barro está
agitando, este.
Without removing [his clothes], Isadora is going to wash them, you'll see.
She's rinsing all that mud.
00:05:15.609 - 00:05:23.799

aywi-ya-n este

Pusu yaku riq kayan lliw lliw aywinqa. Sumaqta qawarqani chishikay
pusu yaku riq ka-ya-n lliw lliw aywi-nqa. suma-q-ta qawa-rqa-ni chishikay
Pusu yaku riq kayan lliw lliw aywinqa. Sumaqta qawarqani chishikay
En pozo que está diendo agua todo va a enjuagar. Bonito lo he visto anoche.
There's a pool water goes through. She's going to rinse it all. I saw it nice
last night.
00:05:24.249 - 00:05:27.702

Wakpachu manam kutirishpa muyurishpa purishpa chaytr'ik puntr'aw tarirqachu runa

wak-pa-chu mana-m kuti-ri-shpa muyu-ri-shpa puri-shpa chay-tr'i-k puntr'aw
Wakpachu manam kutirishun muyurishpa purishpa chaytr'ik puntr'aw tarirqachu
Qué, ¿allá dando vuelta y dando vuelta así varios días no ha encontrado gente?
What, there going around, circling, walking like that many days, people didn't
find him?
00:05:32.135 - 00:05:36.914

tari-rqa-chu runa
Manash patarachash kayan, tiya. Chay hanay lawchantash Neder
mana-sh patara-cha-sh ka-ya-n tiya chay hanay law-cha-n-ta-sh Neder
Manash patarachash kayan, tiya. Chay hanay lawchantash Neder
No, dice, tía está peñita. Por arribita, dice, Neder
No, aunt, there's a little cliff, they say. Via the up hill side, Neder
00:05:37.157 - 00:05:41.142

chay huk puntr'aw antis chay Nederkuna pichqa tawa tawa pichqash pasarqa
chay huk puntr'aw antis chay Nede-rkuna pichqa tawa tawa pichqa-sh pasa-rqa
chay huk puntr'aw antis chay Nederkuna pichqa tawa tawa pichqash pasarqa
Un día antes ha pasado Nederasó [hace] cinco cuatro cuatro cinco [días], dice.
One day before Neder [and others] five, four, four, five [days ago] they passed
00:05:41.452 - 00:05:46.713

Chayshi kukachanta chuqashpa kanan Nederqa rin.

chay-shi kuk-acha-n-ta chuqa-shpa kanan Neder-qa ri-n
Chayshi kukachanta chuqashpa kanan Nederqa rin.
Dice Neder ha ido ahora botando su coquita.
00:05:46.800 - 00:05:49.937

Chayshi nin qaqapaña kayanchik uraymanñachuhinam TK pasaruntr'k ñachu hinam.

Piru wañusañam kayan.
chay-shi ni-n qaqa-pa-ña ka-ya-nchik uray-man-ña-chu-hina-m pasa-ru-n-tr'-k
Chayshi nin qaqapaña kayanchik uraymanñachuhinam pasaruntr'k ñachu hinam. Piru
Por eso dice dijo que ya estamos en la peña y ya creo que ya han pasado más
abajo, creo. Pero ya está muerto.
That's why, they said, we're already on the cliff. I believe they've already
passed down hill, I believe. But he's already dead.
00:05:50.328 - 00:05:56.302

ña-chu hina-m piru wañu-sa-ña-m ka-ya-n

wañusañam kayan.

Tú qué sabes, cojudo chamán? Nishpañash niptinshi.

ni-shpa-ña-sh ni-pti-n-shi
Tú qué sabes, cojudo chamán? Nishpañash niptinshi.
¿Tú qué sabes, cojudo chamán? Diciendo ya, dice, cuando dijeron, dice TK
What do you know, damned shaman?' saying already, they say, when they said it,
they say.
00:05:56.598 - 00:06:01.080

Manam kutiramunchu si kutiramushpaqa kapastr'i taripa:kunmanpis karqa.

mana-m kuti-ra-mu-n-chu si kuti-ra-shpa-qa kapas-tr'i tari-pa:ku-n-man-pis
Manam kituramunchu si kutirapshpaqa kapastr'i taripa:kunmanpis
No han dado vuelta. Si dando vuelta tal vez hubieran encontrado.
They didn't return. If ifthey returned, maybe they would have found him.
00:06:01.213 - 00:06:06.301


¿QAmqa imata yatr'anki? Chamanchu kanki imataq nishpash willakun.

qam-qa ima-ta yatr'a-nki chaman-chu ka-nki ima-taq ni-shpa-sh willa-ku-n
¿QAmqa imata yatr'anki? Chamanchu kanki imataq ninshpash willakun.
Tú qué cosa sabes. ¿Eres chamán qué cosa avisando TK dice le dijo.
What do you know? Aren't you a shaman? WHat did he tell [them], they say?
00:06:06.449 - 00:06:10.699

Ñuqapis manachu qayakayamuni limapaqa. Limapaq Magaliwan Marliqa

chuqakayachiwan ya kukataqa.
ñuqa-pis mana-chu qaya-ka-ya-mu-ni lima-pa-qa Lima-paq Magali-wan Marli-qa
Ñuqapis manachu qayakayamuni limapaqa. Limapaq Magaliwan Marliqa chuqakayachiwan
Yo también, ¿no estoy llamando de Lima? En Lima Magali y Marli me están
haciendo botar coca.
Me, too. Aren't I calling [devining] from Lima? En Lima Magali and Marli are
making me toss coca.
00:06:10.772 - 00:06:16.080

chuqa-ka-ya-chi-wa-n ya kuka-ta-qa.
ya kukataqqa.

Pubrim pubri tiyu mama. Chuqay avir kukaykita niwaptinya chuqani.

pubri-m pubri tiyu mama chuqa-y avir kuka-yki-ta ni-wa-pti-n-ya chuqa-ni
Pubrim pubri tiyu mama. Chuqay avir kukaykita niwaptinya chuqarin.
Pobre, pobre, tío mamá. Bota, a ver, tu coca, ¡Míra! Cuando me lo dice, boto.
Poor, poor, uncle, mother. Toss [your cards]! Let's see! When he says that, I
toss them.
00:06:16.271 - 00:06:22.330

Wakhina kayan. ¿Imataq wakqa? ¿Chaqa kwiva, ima?

wak-hina ka-ya-n imataq wak-qa chaqa kwiva ima
Wakhina kayan. ¿Imataq wakqa? ¿Chaqa kwiva, ima?
¿Qué cosa es ése? ¿Peña, cueva, qué?
What is that? Cliff, cave, what?
00:06:22.462 - 00:06:25.683

Ishkaylla chayqa mutr'anakuykayan urachaskampa. Akara kayan wakqa. Clarito, ¡ve!

ishkay-lla chay-qa mutr'a-naku-yka-ya-n ura-cha-ska-n-pa akara ka-ya-n wak-qa
Ishkaylla chayqa mutr'anakuykayan urachaskampa. Akara kayan wakqa. Clarito,
Dos peñas está juntándose más abajito. Allí hay barro, ¡ve! está clarito, ¡ve!
Two cliffs are kissing each other a little below. There's mud there. Look!
00:06:25.724 - 00:06:31.167

clarito ve

Wak asulqa kayan chay kitr'araq. Ambos ladospaq chuqanakuykuyta hina munayan.
wak asul-qa ka-ya-n chay kitr'a-raq ambos lados-paq chuqa-naku-yku-y-ta hina
Wak asulqa kayan chay kitr'araq. Ambos ladospaq chuqanakuykuyta munayan. Qaqa.
Ese azul está lo que abierto. De ambos lados parece que quieren chocarse. Peña.
The blue one is the one that's opened. From both sides it looks like they want
to knock together.
00:06:31.328 - 00:06:36.137

Aa, ishkaynin ... Ak, wak law kayan wak.

muna-ya-n qaqa aa ishkay-ni-n ak wak law ka-ya-n wak
Aa, ishkaynin ... Ak, wak law kayan wak.
Ah, los dos. Aha, ese lado está
Ah, both. Aha, that side is
00:06:36.974 - 00:06:39.680

Tumachapa:kuyan chamischankunata.
Tuma-cha-pa:ku-ya-n chamis-cha-n-kuna-ta
Tumachapa:kuyan chamischankunata.
Están tomando su chamicito todo [juntos].
They're drinking their "chamis" and all [together].
00:06:40.144 - 00:06:42.552

¿Pitaq? Wakkunañataq waqtakuyan itanash kakuyan

pi-taq wak-kuna-ña-taq waqta-ku-ya-n itana-sh ka-ku-ya-n
¿Pitaq? Wakkunañataq waqtakuyan itanash kakuyan
¿Quién? Esos ya están golpendo; hay ortiga, dice.
Who? They're already beating it; there are thorns, they say.
00:06:46.639 - 00:06:49.933

Itanatr' wak kayan. Itanash kayan wak kaspiwan watr'iyarin. Itanapish waytanpaq
pampan diyabluqa.
itana-tr' wak ka-ya-n Itana-sh ka-ya-n wak kaspi-wan wachi-ya-ri-n Itana-pi-sh
Itanatr' wak kayan. Itanash kayan wak kaspiwan wachiyarin. Itanapish waytanpaq
Ortiga está en allá. Ortiga, dice, está. Están picando TK con palo. En ortiga,
dice, planta para su flor el diablo.
There must be thorns there. There are thorns, they say. They're pricking it
with a stick. The Devil, they say, plants for his flowers in thorns.
00:06:49.978 - 00:06:56.411

wayta-n-paq pampa-n diyablu-qa
pampan diyabluqa.

Chay chay santu lluqsiruptinqa ... Chay chaywan pukllayanchik. itanawanmi

pichanchik. Watr'in ya chaywan. Chaywan pukllayantr'i. Samaripa:kuyan.
chay chay santu lluqsi-ru-pti-n-qa chay chay-wan puklla-ya-nchik itana-wan-mi
Chay chay santu lluqsiruptinqa Chay chaywan pukllayanchik itanawanmi pichanchik.
Cuando sale ese santo Con ése estamos jugando. Estamos barriendo con ortiga. Lo
pican con ése. Con ése estaremos jugando. Están descansando.
When a saint, a saint comes out. We're playing with that, we're pricking it
with the thorns. We're pricking it. They must be playing with it. They're
resting [together].
00:06:58.292 - 00:07:07.483

picha-nchik watr'i-n ya chay-wan. chay-wan puklla-ya-n-tr'i sama-ri-pa:ku-ya-n

Wachin ya chaywan. Chaywan pukllayantr'i. Samaripa:kuyan.

Willam afanakuyan kay lawpa. Lliw lliwmi afanakuyan.

Willam afana-ku-ya-n kay law-pa lliw lliw-mi afana-ku-ya-n
Willam afanakuyan kay lawpa. Lliw lliwmi afanakuyan.
Wiliam está afanando en este lado. Todos están afanando.
William is workinf hardover here. All, all are working hard.
00:07:08.608 - 00:07:12.116

Kay law ukupam Willam akish. Piyañakunatam wak . ¿Pitaq wak sayayan?
kay law uku-pa-m Willam akish Piyaña-kuna-ta-m wak pi-taq wak saya-ya-n
Kay law ukupam Willam akish. Piyañakunatam wak . ¿Pitaq wak sayayan?
En este lado adentro, William verás. Es su piyaña. ¿Quién lo está esperando?
On this side inside William, you'll see. It's his monument. Who's waiting for
00:07:12.703 - 00:07:17.748

Aa, Tiru ya. Edwin. Sumaq sumaq wak qaqakuna kayan, ¡ve!
aa Tiru ya. Edwin sumaq sumaq wak qaqa-kuna ka-ya-n ve
Aa, Tiru ya. Edwin. Sumaq sumaq wak qaqakuna kayan, ¡ve!
Ah, Tira, ya. Edwin. Bonito bonito esa peña todo está, ¡vé!
Ah, Tiru already. Edwin. That cliff and all is really pretty. Look!
00:07:18.328 - 00:07:21.990 00:07:22.749 - 00:07:25.431

Imantr'ik Diyablupaq wak kayan idifiysyunchu? ¿Imatr' kayan? Idifisyu. Imantr'i

wak kayan? [inaudible]
ima-nt-r'i-k Diyablu-paq wak ka-ya-n idifiysyu-n-chu ima-tr ka-ya-n Idifisyu
Imantr'ik Diyablupaq wak kayan idifiysyunchu? ¿Imatr' kayan? Idifisyu. Imantr'i
¿Qué cosa para Dibalo será pues ése? ¿Su edificio? ¿Qué será? Edificio. ¿Qué
What of the Devli's would that be? His building? What would it be? A building,
What would that be?
00:07:26.401 - 00:07:32.386

Pulluchanwan qipukusatr'ik purirqa

Ima-n-tr'i wak ka-ya-n pullu-cha-n-wan qipu-ku-sa-tr'i-k puri-rqa
wak kayan? [inaudible] Pulluchanwan qipukusatr'ik purirqa
Con su pullu todo cargado habrá andado.
He would have walked about carrying his shawl.
00:07:33.040 - 00:07:36.246

Paraptin katakunanpatr' apakacharqa. Chay puntr'awqa puyu puyu chaypitr'

apruvicharun wak Dimunyu.
para-pti-n kata-kuna-n-pa-tr' apa-ka-cha-rqa chay puntr'aw-qa puyu puyu
Paraptin katakunanpatr' apakacharqa. Chay puntr'awqa puyu puyu chaypitr'
Cuando llueve para ponerse su manta, lo habrá llevado. Ese día neblina
neblina[había] en-RSTR habrá aprovechado ese Demonio.
When it rains, so that he puts on his shawl, he would have took it. That day
[there was] a lot of fog. With that, the Devil would have taken advantage.
00:07:38.407 - 00:07:45.592

chay-pi-tr' apruvicha-ru-n wak Dimunyu

apruvicharun wak Dimunyu.

Aya, chay chay chay ya chay puyuchirqa, ¿aw? Chaytr'ik chay rimidiyuchan kayan.
Wak ya chay rimidiyu.
aya chay chay chay ya chay puyu-chi-rqa aw chay-tr'i-k chay rimidiyu-cha-n
Aya, chay chay chay ya chay puyuchirqa, ¿aw? Chaytr'ik chay rimidiyuchan kayan.
Eso, pues-RSTR. Hizo tapar con neblina, ¿no? Por-RSTR allí tenía su medicina.
Eso, pues, ese remedio.
That, than, that, that. He made it cloud over, no? That's why he would have had
his medicine. That, then, that medicine.
00:07:45.592 - 00:07:50.674

ka-ya-n wak ya chay rimidiyu

Wak ya chay rimidiyu.

Wak qipikachasa. Chay puntr'awqa tukuy puntr'aw tukuy tuta pararun, Dios mío.
wak qipi-ka-cha-sa chay puntr'aw-qa tukuy puntr'aw tukuy tuta para-ru-n
Wak qipikachasa. Chay puntr'awqa tukuy puntr'aw tukuy tuta pararun, Dios mío.
Cargateaba-RSTR. Ese día todo el día toda la noche llovió. Dios mío.
He had carried that. That day, all day, all night, it rained. My God.
00:07:50.764 - 00:07:56.306

Mas distapawmi qayarirun martis mas distapawmi miykulis tardin pararun.

mas distapaw-mi qaya-ri-ru-n martis mas distapaw-mi miykulis tardi-n para-ru-n
Mas distapawmi qayarirun martis mas distapawmi miykulis tardin pararun.
Martes empezó a despejar. Martes más despejado [estaba]. Miercoles lluvió.
Tuesday it started [to be] clear. Tuesday [it was] more clear. Wednesday it
00:07:56.403 - 00:08:00.212

Manisirun ... Tukuy tuta huyvis midyu diyakaman.

Manisi-ru-n rukuy tuta huyvis midyu diya-kaman
Manisirun ... Tukuy tuta huyvis midyu diyakaman.
Maneció ... Jueves toda la noche hasta medio día.
It dawned ... Thursday all night until mid day.
00:08:00.654 - 00:08:05.373

Chay imaynañataq agwantarqa. Chayqa wañukullarqatr'. Manam mikusaraqtaq,

chay imayna-ña-taq agwanta-rqa chay-qa wañuku-lla-rqa-tr'. mana-m
Chay imaynañataq agwantarqa. Chayqa wañukullarqatr'. Manam
En-RSTR ¿cómo ya vas a resistir? Por-RSTR se habrá muerto ya. Y no estaba comido.
So, how will you resist? That's why he would have died already. He hadn't eaten.
00:08:05.417 - 00:08:10.535


Piru, chay ... ¿Manachu nin chay gindapa wambranshi qawasa nin. Chayqa este.
piru chay mana-chu ni-n chay ginda-pa wambra-n-shi qawa-sa ni-n chay-qa
Piru, chay ... ¿Manachu nin chay gindapa wambranshi qawasa nin. Chayqa este.
Pero allí ¿No dijo que el hijo de Guindo había visto? Por-RSTR este ...
But there ... Didn't he say that Guindo's son had seen him? That's why umm ...
00:08:11.088 - 00:08:19.921

martis tardilla. Chay allin wambra kashpa rikarikunmantr'i karqa hukchu

piynsanqa wambranpis.
martis tardi-lla chay allin wambra ka-shpa rikari-ku-n-man-tr'i ka-rqa huk-chu
martis tardilla. Chay allin wambra kashpa rikarikunmantr'i karqa hukchu
Martes en la tarde. Siendo buen chico lo hubiera conversado pero. ¿Qué hubiera
pensado chico también ése?
Tuesday afternoon. If he were a good boy, he would have made it known. That
child's thought is otherwise.
00:08:19.946 - 00:08:25.603

piynsa-n-qa wambra-n-pis
piynsanqa wambranpis.

'¿Mayta riyanki, Tiyu?' ninmanshi karqa. Kapas takpanman karqa.

'may-ta ri-ya-nki Tiyu ni-n-man-shi ka-rqa kapas takpa-n-man ka-rqa
'¿Mayta riyanki, Tiyu?' ninmanshi karqa. Kapas takpanman karqa.
'¿Dónde estás diendo, Tío?' hubiera dicho, dice. Tal vez lo hubiera hecho
"Where are you going, Uncle?" he should have said, they say. Maybe he would
have interrupted him.
00:08:26.001 - 00:08:29.367

Takparunman karqa chayqa. Takpanman. Piru allqush añakuyarqa.

takpa-ru-n-man ka-rqa chay-qa takpa-n-man piru allqu-sh aña-ku-ya-rqa
Takparunman karqa chayqa. Takpanman. Piru allqush añakuyarqa.
Lo hubiera "takpado". Hubiera takpado. Pero perro, dice, ladraba.
He would have interrupted it. He would interrupt it. But a dog, they say,
00:08:29.617 - 00:08:34.588

Chay allqu anyaptin makin manachu kayna kuyushpash rumichata qapirurqa nishpam.
chay allqu anya-pti-n maki-n mana-chu kay-na kuyu-shpa-sh rumi-cha-ta
Chay allqu anyaptin makin manachu kayna kuyushpash rumichata qapirurqa
Cuando ladraba el perro, su mano, así moviendo, dice, agarró una piedrita.
WHen the dog barked, his hand, moving like this, grabbed a rock.
00:08:34.705 - 00:08:40.446

Katkatashpa maki. Aha, katakatashpa nishpa Victor

qapi-ru-rqa ni-shpa-m katkata-shpa maki aha katakata-shpa ni-shpa Victor
nishpam. Katkatashpa maki. Aha, katakatashpa nishpa Victor
mano temblando. Ah, temblando, diciendo, Victor
hand trembling. Ah, trembling, they say, Victor
00:08:40.458 - 00:08:43.472

Sillularninta na chaymi ñuqa nini maskay chay sanqallapim. 'Manamari kanchu,

tiya, manam'.
Sillularni-n-ta na chay-mi ñuqa ni-ni maska-y chay sanqa-lla-pi-m. 'mana-m-ari
Sillularninta na chaymi ñuqa nini maskay chay sanqallapim. 'Manamari kanchu,
Por su cellular le dije yo, 'Busca en esa ollada no más'. 'No hay, pues, Tía,
no hay'.
I told him on his cell phone, "Look just on that saddle." "There isn't
anything, Aunt, no."
00:08:43.549 - 00:08:48.383

ka-n-chu tiya mana-m'

tiya, manam'.

'Lliw lliwñam maskarunchik. Manamari'. 'Chay sanqapam kayan', nini.

lliw lliw-ña-m maska-ru-nchik. mana-m-ari chay sanqa-pa-m ka-ya-n ni-ni
'Lliw lliwñam maskarunchik. Manamari'. 'Chay sanqapam kayan', nini.
'Todo ya buscamos. No, pues',. 'En esa sanja está', le dije.
"We searched it all already. No, then." "It's in that ravine," I said.
00:08:48.481 - 00:08:52.099

Sinkuruntr'i nini ñuqapis ichash Diyablu aparun ninichu ñuqaqa.
sinku-ru-n-tr'i ni-ni ñuqa-pis icha-sh Diyablu apa-ru-n ni-n- TK ari
Sinkuruntr'i nini ñuqapis ichash Diyablu aparun ninshi ñuqaqa.
'Rodaría', dije yo también. ¿'Crees que que lo llevó el Demonio?' dije, dice,
"He would have rolled," I, too, said. "Did the DEvil take him?" I thought.
00:08:52.290 - 00:08:55.407

Arí. Sinkuruntr'i nishpam pilutahinatr' kayan.

arí sinku-ru-n-t-r'i ni-shpa-m piluta-hina-tr' ka-ya-n
Arí. Sinkuruntr'i nishpam pilutahinatr' kayan.
Sí. Rodaría. Como pelota estará.
Yes. He would have rolled. He'd have been like a ball.
00:08:55.480 - 00:08:58.745

'Chay chay sanqamantr' winakarun pilutahinash runaqa sinkunchik', nishpa

qayamuwan silularninpaqqa.
chay chay sanqa-mantr' wina-ka-ru-n piluta-hina-sh runa-qa sinku-nchik ni-shpa
'Chay chay sanqamantr' winakarun pilutahinash runaqa sinkunchik', nishpa
'Habrá caído de la sanja. Como pelota, dice, se rueda la gente', diciendo me
llamó de su cellular.
'He would have fallen from the ravine. People roll like a ball, they say," he
said to me, calling from his cell phone.
00:08:58.981 - 00:09:04.701

qaya-mu-wa-n silular-ni-n-paq-qa.
qayamuwan silularninpaqqa.

Tr'urarurqatr' chay Diyabluqa hukchu sinkarurqa ... Tiya, sumaq sumaqtr'i

pusharqa payqa.
tr'ura-ru-rqa-tr' chay Diyablu-qa huk-chu sinka-ru-rqa Tiya sumaq sumaq-tr'i
Tr'urarurqatr' chay Diyabluqa hukchu sinkarurqa ... Tiya, sumaq sumaqtr'i
Lo habrá llevado el Diablo. ¿Qué habrá rodado? Bonito bonito, Tía, lo habrá
llevado él.
The Devil would have pulled him. How could he roll? Nicely he would have taken
him, Aunt.
00:09:04.781 - 00:09:09.892

Pruvucharun yawarninkunata lliw lliw aha.

pusha-rqa pay-qa pruvicha-ru-n yawar-ni-n-kuna-ta lliw lliw aha
pusharqa payqa. Pruvucharun yawarninkunata lliw lliw aha.
Le aprovechó todo su sangre. Todo todo. Ah.
He took advantage of all of his blood. Aha
00:09:09.936 - 00:09:12.877

Diharun chayna. Aver tardirunqatr' nishpa. Nishpatr' nirqa.

diha-ru-n chay-na avir tardi-ru-nqa-tr' ni-shpa Ni-shpa-tr' ni-rqa
Diharun chayna. Aver tardirunqatr' nishpa. Nishpatr' nirqa.
Le dejó así. A ver si lo van a encontrar diciendo. Habrá dicho.
He left him like that. Let's see if they're going to find him, he said.
00:09:12.951 - 00:09:16.156

Manaña tariptinñatr'iki chay imachanta kukachankunatas qawachikuptinñatr' chay

mana-ña tari-pti-n-ña-tr'i-ki chay ima-cha-n-ta kuka-cha-n-kuna-ta-s
Manaña tariptinñatr'iki chay imachanta kukachankunatas qawachikuptinñatr'
Cuando todavía no encontraba ya pues, seguro cuando pagaba su coquita cualquier
cosa en-RSTR ya.
When they hadn't found him yet, for sure when they made an offering of his coca
and all, then
00:09:16.665 - 00:09:20.818

mayuman tr'urarushpa diharun Dimunyuqa.

qawa-chi-ku-pti-n-ña-tr' chay mayu-man tr'ura-ru-shpa diha-ru-n Dimunyu-qa
chay mayuman tr'urarushpa diharun Dimunyuqa.
Guardándolo en río, lo dejó el Demonio.
Setting him in the river, the Devil left him.
00:09:21.010 - 00:09:24.113

Hukkuna, hukkunataña hukñataq nin

huk-kuna huk-kuna-ta-ña huk-ña-taq ni-n
Hukkuna, hukkunataña hukñataq nin
Otros, a otros ya, otro ya también dijo.
Others, to others already, another, too, said,
00:09:24.341 - 00:09:26.826

este riyarqatr' chay tr'ayamun ...

ri-ya-rqa-tr' chay tr'aya-mu-n
este riyarqatr' chay tr'ayamun ...
Este ... estaría yendo. Llegó allí.
Umm ... he'd be going. He arrived there
00:09:27.319 - 00:09:30.554

Qawaykurqa ukutatr'. Kwintata qukurushpaqa 'Jesús Credo' nishpatr'.

Qawa-yku-rqa uku-ta-tr' kwinta-ta qu-ku-ru-shpa-qa ni-shpa-tr'
Qawaykurqa ukutatr'. Kwintata qukurushpaqa 'Jesús Credo' nishpatr'.
Vió adentro. Cuando se dió cuenta, 'Jesús Credo' diciendo.
He looked inside. When he realized it, saying, "Jesus Credo,"
00:09:30.657 - 00:09:35.745

Manam. Kawsanmanmi karqa chay 'Jesus credo' niptinqa. Manam wañunmanchu karqa.
mana-m kawsa-n-man-mi ka-rqa chay ni-pti-n-qa mana-m wañu-n-man-chu ka-rqa
Manam. Kawsanmanmi karqa chay 'Jesus Kridu' niptinqa. Manam wañunmanchu karqa.
No. Hubiera vivido si es que decía 'Jesus Credo'. No hubiera muerto.
No. He would have lived if he's said "Jesus Credo." He wouldn't have died,
00:09:38.347 - 00:09:43.906

Siguru alkansarurqa runahina hinashpam haku nishpa pushamurqa.

siguru alkansa-ru-rqa runa-hina hina-shpa-m haku ni-shpa pusha-mu-rqa
Siguru alkansarurqa runahina hinashpam haku nishpa pushamurqa.
Seguro lo alcanzó como una persona. Luego, 'Vamos', dijo y lo llevó.
For sure, he caught up with him like a person. Then, "Let's go," he said and
took him along.
00:09:44.362 - 00:09:48.229

Aa, 'Kutiyanki wasikimanmi'. 'Qam ñuqa pushasayki wasikiman. ¡Haku! ¿Mayta

riyta munanki?'
aa kuti-ya-nki wasi-ki-man-mi qam ñuqa pusha-sayki wasi-ki-man haku may-ta
Aa, 'Kutiyanki wasikimanmi'. 'Qam ñuqa pushasayki wasikiman. ¡Haku! ¿Mayta riyta
Aa, 'Estás volviendo a tu casa'. 'Te voy a llevar a tu casa. ¡Vamos! ¿Dónde
quieres ir?'
Aa, "You're going to your house." "I'm going to take you home. Let's go! Where
do you want to go?"
00:09:48.319 - 00:09:53.523

ri-y-ta muna-nki

'Wasiyman', niptinqa. '¡Haku! Ñuqam pushasayki wasikiman'.

wasi-y-man ni-pti-n-qa '¡Haku!haku ñuqa-m pusha-sa-yki wasi-ki-man
'Wasiyman', niptinqa. '¡Haku! Ñuqam pushasayki wasikiman'.
Cuando dijo 'a mi casa', [el Diablo contestó] '¡Vámos yo te voy a llevar a tu
When he said "to my house," [the Devil responded,] "Let's go! I'm going to take
you to your house."
00:09:53.788 - 00:09:56.229

Hinashpaqa dimunyu ... Makipaq aysashpa pusharqa chay manam ni umbrasan ni

imasan kanchu . Ni malugrakusapis ni ima.
hinashpaqa dimunyu maki-paq aysa-sh-pa pusha-rqa chay mana-m ni umbra-sa-n ni
Hinashpaqa dimunyu ... Makipaq aysashpa pusharqa chay manam ni umbrasan ni
Después, el Demonio ... Jalándolo de la mano lo ha llevado. Por-RSTR no hay nada
ni lo que ha caído ni nada. Ni siquiera lo de que se había malogrado ni nada.
Them the Devil ... Pulling him by the hand, took him along. That's why there
isn't [any sign] that he fell or anything. Not even that he had been harmed or
00:09:56.287 - 00:10:02.905

ima-na-sa-n ka-n-chu ni malugra-ku-sa-pis ni ima

imasan kanchu . Ni malugrakusapis ni ima.

Feo feo peña. Piliyanman karqa piliyaptinqa. Ahí está. Wak Daria taparunña,
¡Qaway! Ve!
feo feo peña piliya-n-man ka-rqa piliya-pti-n-qa wak Daria tapa-ru-n-ña qawa-y
Feo feo peña. Piliyanman karqa piliyaptinqa. Ahí está. Wak Daria taparunña,
Feo feo peña. Hubiera peleado, si es que peleaba. Allí está Daría ya lo tapó.
¡Míra! ¡Ve!
Horrid, horrid cliff. If he had fought, he would have fought. There it is!
Daría overed him already. Look! Look!
00:10:03.421 - 00:10:09.436

¡Qaway! Ve!

¡Ve! Kamawan taparun. Qala lliw lliw .... Kanan lluchunqaña.

ve kama-wan tapa-ru-n qala lliw lliw kanan lluchu-nqa-ña
¡Ve! Kamawan taparun. Qala lliw lliw .... Kanan lluchunqaña.
¡Vé! Lo tapó ya con frazada. Calato todo, todo ... Ahora lo van a sacar, ya.
Look! She covered him with a blanket already. All naked ... Now they're going
to remove it already.
00:10:10.017 - 00:10:14.192

Aa, uqu rupanta nanqa. Chay manash lluchuyta munanchu qarikunapis.

aa uqu rupa-n-ta na-nqa chay mana-sh lluchu-y-ta muna-n-chu qari-kuna-pis
Aa, uqu rupanta nanqa. Chay manas lluchuyta munanchu qarikunapis.
Aa, van a hacer-RSTR asu ropa mojado ya. Los hombres tampoco no quieren sacarla.
Ah, they're going to do that to his wet clothes. The men don't want to remove
them, either.
00:10:14.304 - 00:10:20.103

Chayshi Neli nin. Aa, chay chay Neli rimanqatr'.

chay-shi Neli ni-n aa chay chay Neli rima-nqa-tr'
Chayshi Neli nin. Aa, chay chay Neli rimanqatr'.
En-RSTR dijo Neli. Allá, Neli hablará.
So Neli said. Ah, Neli will talk there.
00:10:20.292 - 00:10:24.571

Rimarirunñachu kanpis? aa, lliw lliw lluchuyanña.

Rima-ri-ru-n-ña-chu ka-n-pis aa lliw lliw lluchu-ya-n-ña
Rimarirunñachu kanpis? aa, lliw lliw lluchuyanña.
¿O ya habrá conversado?. Aa, todo todo ya están sacando.
Did they talk already? Ah, they're removing everything.
00:10:25.822 - 00:10:28.887

Ñachu rimarunñam Neli. Chay lluchurunña, ¡ve!

ña-chu rima-ru-n-ña-m Neli chay lluchu-ru-n-ña ve
Ñachu rimarunñam Neli. Chay lluchurunña, ¡ve!
¿No habló ya Neli? . Ya lo desnudó, ¡Vé!
Didn't neli talk already? They undresed already. Look!
00:10:29.504 - 00:10:32.078

Wakhina uqu kayan wak pantalun.

wak-hina uqu ka-ya-n wak panta-lu-n
Wakhina uqu kayan wak pantalun.
Así está mojado su pantalón.
His pants are wet like that!
00:10:32.394 - 00:10:35.409

Mitu wak kayan. Kasakanpis, pantaluninpis. Chumpam kasa.

mitu wak ka-ya-n kasaka-n-pis pantalu-ni-n-pis chumpa-m ka-sa
Mitu wak kayan. Kasakanpis, pantaluninpis. Chumpam kasa.
Hay barro. Su casaca y su pantalón. Tenía su chompa.
There's mud. His coat and his pants. He had a sweater.
00:10:38.678 - 00:10:44.483

Imay chay huk pantalunllawanchu karqa .

imay chay huk pantalun-lla-wan-chu ka-rqa
Imay chay huk pantalunllawanchu karqa .
¿Cómo con pantalón no más ha estado.
How was he just with his pants?
00:10:46.257 - 00:10:49.732

Banarurqa ... Aa, mana chaypi bañarurqa. ¿Maypi? Esmeraldapañash bañarurqa.

Bana-ru-rqa aa mana chay-pi baña-ru-rqa may-pi Esmeralda-pa-ña-sh baña-ru-rqa
Banarurqa ... Aa, mana chaypi bañarurqa. ¿Maypi? Esmeraldapañash bañarurqa.
Bañaron. Entonces en allí no lo bañaron. ¿Dónde? En Esmeralda lo bañaron, dice.
They bathed him. They didn't bathe him there. Where? They bathed him in
Esmeralda. Esmeralda.
00:10:50.323 - 00:10:56.717

Pitaq wak hukqa yanapayan.

Esmeralda pi-taq wak huk-qa yanapa-ya-n
Esmeralda. Pitaq wak hukqa yanapayan.
¿Quién es ese otro que está ayudando?
Who is the other who is helping?
00:10:59.035 - 00:11:01.241

Yana kachuchayuq. Shulipa qarin ya. Ishimi taqsayan, ¡ve!

yana kachu-cha-yuq Shuli-pa qari-n ya. Ishimi taqsa-ya-n ve
Yana kachuchayuq. Shulipa qarin ya. Ishimi taqsayan, ¡ve!
Con gorrita negra. El esposo de Soledad. Isidora está lavando, ¡vé!
With a black cap. Soledad's husband. Isadora is washing. Look!
00:11:02.137 - 00:11:12.461
Aa, wakpam uqusam mituyuqta inhuwagayan. Yakupa.
aa wak-pa-m uqu-sa-m mitu-yuq-ta inhuwaga-ya-n yaku-pa
Aa, wakpam uqusam mituyuqta inhuwagayan. Yakupa.
Ah, allí están enjuagando lo que está mojado y con barro. En agua.
Ah, they're rinsing what was wet and muddy there. In the water.
00:11:13.373 - 00:11:18.471

Achkam aywiyan ya aywiyan. Uyarishpatr'iki. ¿Imay ..

achka-m aywi-ya-n ya aywi-ya-n Uyari-shpat-r'i-ki Iimay
Achkam aywiyan ya aywiyan. Uyarishpatr'iki. ¿Imay ..
Mucho lo están enjuagando. Está enjuagando. Escuchando, seguro. ¿Cuándo ...
They're rinsing it a lot. They're rinsing it. Listening, for sure. When ...
00:11:18.797 - 00:11:21.837

¿Imaynataq wakhina wak apanqa? Waktaqa liyarunqatr' kaspi ... ishkay kaspi ...
imayna-taq wak-hina wak apa-nqa wak-ta-qa liya-ru-nqa-tr' kaspi ishkay kaspi
¿Imaynataq wakhina wak apanqa? Waktaqa liyarunqatr' kaspi ... ishkay kaspi ...
¿Cómo lo van a llevar así? Lo van a amarrar, seguro, palos, dos palos.
How are they going to bring it like that? They're going to tie it, for sure ...
sticks, two sticks.
00:11:21.906 - 00:11:26.538

Kasaka, kasakatapis aywiyan Ishi, ¡ve! Yakupaqtr'i.

kasaka kasaka-ta-pis aywi-ya-n Ishi ve yaku-paq-tr'i
Kasaka, kasakatapis aywiyan Ishi, ¡ve! Yakupaqtr'i.
Casaca. Casaca también está enjuagando Isadora. ¡ve! Del agua, seguro.
Jacket. Isadora is rinsing a jacket, too. Look! From the water, for sure.
00:11:26.538 - 00:11:31.868

Qipillantaq qawayanchik. ¡Ve! ¡Ve! Pusutr'ik. Waktatr' yaku riyan. Wakpatr'

kayan yaku.
Qip-illa-n-taq qawa-ya-nchik ve ve pusu-tr'i-k wak-ta-tr' yaku ri-ya-n
Qipillantaq qawayanchik. ¡Ve! ¡Ve! Pusutr'ik. Waktatr' yaku riyan. Wakpatr'
Estamos viendo su atrás no más. ¡Ve! ¡Ve! Pozo, seguro. Estará yendo agua por
allá. Por allá habrá agua.
We're seeing just behind her. Look! Look! A well, for sure. Water muste be
running there. There'd be water there.
00:11:32.847 - 00:11:39.456

wak-pa-tr' ka-ya-n yaku

kayan yaku.

Wakpaqmik aysarun witr'ayman. ¡Ve! Wak yaku riyan, ¡ve! Aywiyan, ¡Ve!
wak-paq-mi-k aysa-ru-n witr'ay-man ve wak yaku ri-ya-n ve aywi-ya-n ve
Wakpaqmik aysarun witr'ayman. ¡Ve! Wak water riyan, ¡ve! Aywiyan, ¡Ve!
De allí, pues, trajeron hacia arriba. ¡Ve! Allá está yendo agua. Está
enjuagando. ¡Vé!
From there, then, they brought him uphill. Look! Water is running there. She's
rinsing it. Look!
00:11:39.602 - 00:11:44.544

Imayna TK pudursniyuqraq. Ya ve, Wak qalatu kayan wak, ¡Ve!

imayna-man pudurs-ni-yuq-raq ya ve wak qalatu ka-ya-n wak ve
Imaynaman pudursniyuqraq. Ya ve, Wak qalatu kayan wak, ¡Ve!
¡Cómo tendrá poder todavía! Ya ¡Ve! Está desnudo ya. ¡Ve!
How powerful would he be still! Look! He's naked already. Look!
00:11:54.141 - 00:11:59.214

Blancu kayan. Wak blanku. Yuraq. Akasu. Wakhinachu karankuna wakhina sumaq
gringu kayan.
blancu ka-ya-n wak blanku yuraq akasu wak-hina-chu kara-n-kuna wak-hina sumaq
Blancu kayan. Wak blanku. Yuraq. Akasu. Wakhinachu karankuna wakhina sumaq
Es blanco, Es blanco. Blanco. Acaso su cara era así, así bonito, gringo.
It's white. It's white. White. Maybe his face was like that, like that, pretty,
00:11:59.361 - 00:12:05.354

gringu ka-ya-n
gringu kayan.

Hukchu yawarnin kan. Hukchu. Piru lliw lliw washankuna mituy mituy
huk-chu yawar-ni-n ka-n huk-chu piru lliw lliw washa-n-kuna mitu-y mitu-y
Hukchu yawarnin kan. Hukchu. Piru lliw lliw washankuna mituy mituy
¿Qué va a haber su sangre? ¿Qué va a haber? Toda su espalda está [cubierto de]
barro barro.
How is he going to have blood? But his whole back is muddy, muddy.
00:12:06.353 - 00:12:12.618

Sumbruchanpis pasaypaq kayan ya. Pasaypaq allpipi tapasam wak sumbrupis kayan.
Manam Daria manchikunchu, ¿aw?
Sumbru-cha-n-pis pasaypaq ka-ya-n ya pasaypaq allpi-pi tapa-sa-m wak sumbru-pis
Sumbruchanpis pasaypaq kayan ya. Pasaypaq allpipi tapasam wak sumbrupis kayan.
Su sombrerito ya también total está. Total tapado de tierra está su sombrero
también. Pero Daría no tiene miedo, ¿no?
His hat iis completely, too, His hat is covered with mud, too. Daria isn't
afraid, no?
00:12:13.588 - 00:12:20.744

Allalli valiyintim kasa wak Dariaqa.

ka-ya-n mana-m Daria manchi-ku-n-chu aw allalli valiyinti-m ka-sa wak Daria-qa
Manam Daria manchikunchu, ¿aw? Allalli valiyintim kasa wak Dariaqa.
Bien valiente había sido esa Daría.
That Daria had been very brave.
00:12:21.545 - 00:12:25.162

Hukkunaqa ashuykunchu qay . Daría. Ass ... Fwirsanpis kakuyantr'i aw?

huk-kuna-qa ashu-yku-n-chu qay Daría ass fwirsa-n-pis kaku-ya-n-tr'i aw
Hukkunaqa ashuykunchu qay . Daría. Ass ... Fwirsanpis kakuyantr'i aw?
Otros no le acercan. Oye. Daría no más. Ass. Tiene fuerza también, ¿no?
Others don't get close. Listen! Just Daria. Ass. She's strong, too, no?
00:12:25.258 - 00:12:31.567

Tr'utayan. Qaritaraq ganakuyan. Aa, wak ...

Tt'uta-ya-n qari-ta-raq gana-ku-ya-n aa wak
Tr'utayan. Qaritaraq ganakuyan. Aa, wak ...
Está jalando. A los hombres todavía está ganado.
She's pulling it. She's beating the men, still. Ah, that ...
00:12:32.001 - 00:12:36.162

Gwantisniyuq kasa. ¿Ima ... '¿Watashunchu?' niyantr'ik, ¿aw?

gwantis-ni-yuq ka-sa. ima wata-shun-chu ni-ya-n-tr'i-k aw
Gwantisniyuq kasa. ¿Ima ... '¿Watashunchu?' niyantr'ik, ¿aw?
Había tenido guantes. ¿Qué? ¿Vámos a amarrar?' estará diciendo, ¿no?
He's had gloves. What? "Are we going to tie it?" he's be saying, no?
00:12:36.711 - 00:12:43.205

Percy wak rimayan. ¿Imatatr'? Plastikuwan ayllushun.

Percy wak rima-ya-n ima-ta-tr' plastiku-wan ayllu-shun
Percy wak rimayan. ¿Imatatr'? Plastikuwan ayllushun.
Percy está hablando allí. ¿Qué será? 'Con plástico vamos a envolver'.
Percy is talking there. What would it be? "We're going to wrap him in plastic."
00:12:43.941 - 00:12:47.676

Plastikuwan wak suchkanqatr'iki. Kamawanmi ayllunqa. Ishkay frisadawan

plastiku-wan wak suchka-nqa-tr'i-ki kama-wan-mi ayllu-nqa ishkay frasada-wan
Plastikuwan wak suchkanqatr'iki. Kamawanmi ayllunqa. Ishkay frisadawan
Con plástico resbalará. Lo envolvió con frazadas. Con dos frazadas lo envolvió.
It will slip with plastic. They wrapped him with blankets. They wrapped him
with two blankets.
00:12:47.701 - 00:12:53.806

Gwantisniyuq kapa:kuyan. Sumbrus aywinqa.

qipi-cha-ru-n gwantis-ni-yuq ka-pa:ku-ya-n Sumbru-s aywi-nqa
qipicharun. Gwantisniyuq kapa:kuyan. Sumbrus aywinqa.
Con guantes están. El sombrero también va a enjuagar.
They have gloves. They're going to rinse out the hat, too.
00:12:54.636 - 00:12:59.808

Pasaypaq allpipi tapasan sumbrirunpis kayan. Total tapasa kayan. Lliw lliw
rupankunapis ayy Dios!
pasaypaq allpi-pi tapa-sa-n sumbriru-n-pis ka-ya-n total tapa-sa ka-ya-n lliw
Pasaypaq allpipi tapasan sumbrirunpis kayan. Total tapasa kayan. Lliw lliw
Su sombrero también está totalmente tapado con tierra. Está totalmente tapado.
Todo todo su ropa. Ay, Dios.
His hat, too, is completely covered with earth. It's completely covered. All
his clothes. Ayy, God!
00:13:00.734 - 00:13:08.175

Qipichayan wak , Bahamunanpaqñam, ¡ve!

lliw rupa-n-kuna-pis ayy Dios qipi-cha-ya-n wak baha-mu-na-n-paq-ña-m ve
rupankunapis ayy Dios! Qipichayan wak , Bahamunanpaqñam, ¡ve!
Lo están cargando para que baje ya. ¡Ve!
They're carrying him so he can go down. Look!
00:13:09.249 - 00:13:11.866

Llliw aywirun yakupi hinashpa qipichayan. Hukkunaqa imatataq ruwayan?

llliw aywi-ru-n yaku-pi hinashpa qipi-cha-ya-n huk-kuna-qa ima-ta-taq ruwa-ya-n
Llliw aywirun yakupi hinashpa qipichayan. Hukkunaqa imatataq ruwayan?
Todo todo ya enjuagaron en el agua y después lo están amarrando. Y los otros,
¿qué cosa están haciendo?
They rinsed everything in the water and then they're carrying it. What are the
others doing?
00:13:12.140 - 00:13:18.101

Altullapam qawayan patachaykuyan pasaypaq ... Hukkunaqa ruwayan rumipaqmi

altu-lla-pa-m qawa-ya-n pata-cha-yku-ya-n pasaypaq huk-kuna-qa ruwa-ya-n
Altullapam qawayan patachaykuyan pasaypaq ... Hukkunaqa ruwayan rumipaqmi
De encima no más están mirando. Están pircando. Total. Otros están haciendo su
piyaña de piedra.
They're watching just from up high. They're building with stone. Completely.
Others are making his monument out of stones.
00:13:18.106 - 00:13:22.841

rumi-paq-mi piyaña-n-ta

Chay piyañanta ruwashpam krusninta tr'urashpam, vilanta sindishpam diharamunqa.

chay piyaña-n-ta ruwa-shpa-m krus-ni-n-ta tr'ura-shpa-m vila-n-ta sindi-shpa-m
Chay piyañanta ruwashpam krusninta tr'urashpam, vilanta sindishpam
Haciendo su piyanña, poniendo su cruz, prediendo sus velas, lo van a dejar.
Making his monument, placing his cross, lighting his candles, they're going to
leave it.
00:13:22.893 - 00:13:25.620


Aya. Aya. Chaytam ruwayan [undecipherable] Willam kayan?.

aya ya chay-ta-m ruwa-ya-n Willam ka-ya-n
Aya. Aya. Chaytam ruwayan [undecipherable] Willam kayan?.
Aya aya. Está haciéndolo. William está.
Aya, aya. They're making it. William is there.
00:13:25.752 - 00:13:29.914

Lliw trabahapakuyan. Lliwmi trabahapakuyan.

lliw trabaha-pa-ku-ya-n lliw-mi trabaha-paku-ya-n
Lliw trabahapakuyan. Lliwmi trabahapakuyan.
Todos están trabajando. Todos están trabajando.
All are working. All are working,
00:13:29.922 - 00:13:33.289

Aya. Chaykunaqa piyañatam ruwayan.. Edwinpis ashuykuyan sigarruchanta quyan.

aya chay-kuna-qa piyaña-ta-m ruwa-ya-n Edwin-pis ashu-yku-ya-n sigarru-cha-n-ta
Aya. Chaykunaqa piyañatam ruwayan.. Edwinpis ashuykuyan sigarruchanta
Ellos están haciendo el piyanña. Edwin también está acercando. Le está dando
they're making the monument. Edwin, too, is drawing close. He's giving him a
00:13:33.344 - 00:13:37.877


Wayra ruwawashun niyantr'iki. Hukñachu wayrakuyanña- Almaqa.

wayra ruwa-wa-shun ni-ya-n-tr'i-ki huk-ña-chu wayra-ku-ya-n-ña alma-qa
Wayra ruwashunmi niyantr'iki. Hukñachu wayrakuyanña- Almaqa.
Nos va a dar mal aire, decía. ¿Qué va a dar aire, ya? Ah, alma.
It's going to give us bad air [make us sick]. How is it going to give bad air?
The deceased soul-
00:13:38.129 - 00:13:46.002

Kwidashun. Kwidanakushun. Runaykunaman apawaptinqa, 'Gracias' niyantr'ik.

kwida-shun kwida-naku-shun Runa-y-kuna-man apa-wa-pti-n-qa ni-ya-n-tr'i-k
Kwidashun. Kwidanakushun. Runaykunaman apawaptinqa, 'Gracias' niyantr'ik.
Vamos a cuidar. Vamos a cuidar los unos a los otros. Cuando me llevan a mi
gente, 'Gracias', estará dieciendo.
We're going to care for ... we're going to care for one another. When they take
me to my people, they'll be saying "Thanks."
00:13:46.433 - 00:13:52.758

Aa, wak apayanña namanña. Qam ninkichu. Qay. Almaqa, almanña kanan kanqa.
aa wak apa-ya-n-ña na-man-ña qam ni-nki-chu qay alma-qa alma-n-ña kanan ka-nqa
Aa, wak apayanña namanña. Qam ninkichu. Qay. Almaqa, almanña kanan kanqa.
Ah, allí está trayendo ya a este. ¿Tú dices? El Alma. El alma ahora ya va a ser
Ah, they're bringing it already ummm. Do you say? Hey. The deceased. The
deseased now is going to be already.
00:13:52.796 - 00:14:00.316

Apakuntr'iki. Piru animanin kayantr'iki

Apa-ku-n-tr'i-ki piru anima-ni-n ka-ya-n-tr'i-ki
Apakuntr'iki. Piru animanin kayantr'iki
Se lo habrá llevado seguro. Pero tendrá su espíritu.
He would have taken it, for sure. But he'd have his spirit.
00:14:00.912 - 00:14:05.015

Prisutatr'ik aparun animantaqa.Lliw lliwtañatr' aparun. Kwirpullanñatr' kayan.

prisu-ta-tr'i-k apa-ru-n anima-n-ta-qa lliw lliwta-ña-tr' apa-ru-n
Prisutatr'ik aparun animantaqa.Lliw lliwtañatr' aparun. Kwirpullanñatr'
Preso seguro habrá llevado su espíritu. Todo todo habrá llevado. Su cuerpo no
más ya estará.
He would have taken his spirit captive, for sure. He would have taken
everything. Just his body would be there.
00:14:05.673 - 00:14:11.835

Kwirpu-lla-n-ña-tr' ka-ya-n

Inirtu. Kwirpu inirtu no más ya. ¿Qué va? Piru ... ¿Manachu ... Ispiritunmi
pawakunchu akasu. Iskaparuntr'iki. Hukchu diyabluwanpis.
inirtu kwirpu inirtu piru mana-chu ispiritu-n-mi pawa-ku-n-chu akasu
Inirtu. Kwirpu inirtu no más ya. ¿Qué va? Piru ... ¿Manachu ... Ispiritunmi
Inerto. Cuerpo inerto no más ya. ¿Qué va? ¿No... ? Acaso saltó su espíritu.
Habrá escapado, seguro. No creo, con el Diablo.
Inert. Just an inert body already. What gives? Doesn't ... Maybe his spirit
jumped. It would have escaped, for sure. I don't think so, with the Devil.
00:14:12.166 - 00:14:19.800

Iskapa-ru-n-tr'i-ki huk-chu diyablu-wan-pis

pawakunchu akasu. Iskaparuntr'iki. Hukchu diyabluwanpis.

Ispiritunqa. Kwirpullantatr' munasantaq ruwarun. Iskapan. Aa, ispiritunriki

pushayaptin pawakun ispiritun mancharishpa.
ispiritu-n-qa kwirpu-lla-n-ta-tr' muna-sa-n-taq ruwa-ru-n Iskapa-n aa
Ispiritunqa. Kwirpullantatr' munasantaq ruwarun. Iskapan. Aa, ispiritunriki
Su espíritu. Su cuerpo no más habrá hecho lo que quiso. It escapes. Aa, su
espíritu, pues. Cuando lo estaba llevando, su espiritu, asustándose, habrá
His spirit. Just his body would have done what he wanted. It escapes. Ah, his
spirit, then. When he was taking him, his spirit, getting scared, would have
00:14:19.833 - 00:14:28.667

ispiritu-n-ri-ki pusha-ya-pti-n pawa-ku-n ispiritu-n mancha-ri-shpa

pushayaptin pawakun ispiritun mancharishpa.

Kwirpullantañatr' Diyabluqa munasanta ruwarun. Ispiritun rikuptinqa

kwirpu-lla-n-ta-ña-tr' Diyablu-qa muna-sa-n-ta ruwa-ru-n ispiritu-n
Kwirpullantañatr' Diyabluqa munasanta ruwarun. Ispiritun
EL Diablo habrá hecho lo que quería a su cuerpo no más. Cuando su espíritu se
The Devil would have done what he wanted to his body already. When his spirit
00:14:29.545 - 00:14:33.884


Munasanta. Aa, munasantañatr' ya ruwarun kwirputaq.

muna-sa-n-ta aa muna-sa-n-ta-ña-tr' ya ruwa-ru-n kwirpu-taq
Munasanta. Aa, munasantañatr' ya ruwarun kwirputaq.
Ah, lo que quería. Ah, lo que quería ya habrá hecho a su cuerpo.
Ah, what he wanted. Ah, he's already have done what he wanted to the body.
00:14:34.150 - 00:14:37.678

Ispiritunqa pawashpatr'iki rikullarqa.

Ispiritu-n-qa pawa-shpa-tr'i-ki riku-lla-rqa
Ispiritunqa pawashpatr'iki rikullarqa.
Saltando, su espiritu, seguro, se habrá ido.
His spirit would have jumped and left.
00:14:38.089 - 00:14:40.413

Suynuchirqatr' kanpis warmintaqa warminta u churinkunata.

suynu-chi-rqa-tr' ka-n-pis warmi-n-ta-qa warmi-n-ta u churi-n-kuna-ta
Suynuchirqatr' kanpis warmintaqa warminta u churinkunata.
Habrá hecho soñar a su esposa o a sus hijos.
He would have made his wife or his children dream.
00:14:41.735 - 00:14:44.853

¿Ima puñuchirqa manachutr'? Asu ma ... Chayhina sufrinqa. Wambrankunaqa. Ass.

ima puñu-chi-rqa mana-chu-tr' asu ma chay-hina sufri-nqa Wambra-n-kuna-qa ass
¿Ima puñichirqa manachutr'? Asu ma ... Chayhina sufrinqa. Wambrankunaqa. Ass.
¿No lo habrá hecho dormir? Aso ma... Así va a sufrir. Sus hijos. Ass
Wouldn't he have made him sleep? Oh, my. They're going to suffer like that. His
children. Ass,
00:14:44.884 - 00:14:49.664

¿Qué voy a dormir? ¡Dios mío!

¿Qué voy a dormir? ¡Dios mío!
¿Qué voy a dormir? ¡Dios mío!
How am I going to sleep? My God!
00:14:50.157 - 00:14:52.642

Ñuqa chay tuta qawarishpa manam puñuytapis ushachinichu.

ñuqa chay tuta qawa-ri-shpa mana-m puñu-y-ta-pis usha-chi-ni-chu
Ñuqa chay tuta qawarishpa manam puñuytapis ushachinichu.
Yo esa noche así mirando no puedo ni siquiera dormir.
Seeing it that night, I can't even sleep.
00:14:52.716 - 00:14:56.090

Ridina kaqtam rikurqani. Ñuqa chaymi manam qawayta munanichu. Qawayaqhinallam

kayanchik chayta qawarishpaqa.
Ridina ka-q-ta-m ri-ku-rqa-ni ñuqa chay-mi mana-m qawa-y-ta muna-ni-chu
Ridina kaqtam rikurqani. Ñuqa chaymi manam qawayta munanichu. Qawayaqhinallam
Fuí donde Redina. Yo por-RSTR no quiero ver. Parece que estás mirando.
I went to Redina's place. That's why I don't want to see. It seems we're
watching it.
00:14:56.178 - 00:15:01.724

qawa-ya-q-hina-lla-m ka-ya-nchik chay-ta qawa-ri-shpa-qa

kayanchik chayta qawarishpaqa.

Aa, krusninta tr'urarunñam, ¡ve! Wakta ya tr'uranqa chay piyaña ruwasanman.

aa krus-ni-n-ta tr'ura-ru-n-ña-m ve wak-ta ya tr'ura-nqa chay piyaña
Aa, krusninta tr'urarunñam, ¡ve! Wakta ya tr'uranqa chay piyaña
Ah, ya puso su cruz, ¡ve! Va a guardar-RSTR, pues, donde hizo la piyaña.
Ah, he already placed the cross. Look! He's going to save that where he made
the monument.
00:15:01.874 - 00:15:05.827


Chay vilachanta sindikuyanña nisa. Nisachu wakpa kayan.

chay vila-cha-n-ta sindi-ku-ya-n-ña ni-sa ni-sa-chu wak-pa ka-ya-n
Chay vilachanta sindikuyanña nisa. Nisachu wakpa kayan.
Nisa está prendiendo su velita. A NIsa está en allí.
Nisa is lighting his candle already. Ah, Nisa is there.
00:15:06.571 - 00:15:10.042
Dulupis. Aa, achkam kapa:kuyan. Esmeraldapa achkam baharusa.
Dulu-pis aa achka-m ka-pa:ku-ya-n. Esmeralda-pa achka-m baha-ru-sa
Dulupis. Aa, achkam kapa:kuyan. Esmeraldapa achkam baharusa.
Teódolo también. Ah, muchos están. De Esmeralda harto habían bajado.
Teódolo, too. Ah, many are there. Many had gone down from Esmeralda.
00:15:10.130 - 00:15:13.276 00:15:13.512 - 00:15:15.645

Kaypaqmi ripakun runaqa algunus diriktu. Kaypam rin Avivapis, Nelipis.

kay-paq-mi ri-paku-n runa-qa algunus diriktu kay-pa-m ri-n Aviva-pis Neli-pis
Kaypaqmi ripakun runaqa algunus diriktu. Kaypam rin Avivapis, Nelipis.
De acá pues se fue la gente alguna parte. DIrecto. De acá se fue Aviva y Neli.
Some people from here went directly. Aviva and Neli went from here.
00:15:15.748 - 00:15:21.225

Aa, achkam kumunirukuna ripusa. ¿Maypa ya tinkurqa Oseviowanpis?

aa achka-m kumuniru-kuna ripu-sa may-pa ya tinku-rqa Osevio-wan-pis
Aa, achkam kumunirukuna ripusa. ¿Maypa ya tinkurqa Oseviowanpis?
Ah, muchos comuneros habían ido. ¿Dónde habrán encontrado a Osevio también?
Ah, many community members had gone. Where did they meet up with Osevio, too?
00:15:21.958 - 00:15:26.710

Ceciliaqa altu Esmeraldantatr' muyurqa.

Cecilia-qa altu Esmeralda-n-ta-tr' muyu-rqa
Ceciliaqa altu Esmeraldantatr' muyurqa.
Cecilia habrá dado la vuelta por arriba por Esmeralda.
Cecilia would have circled up hill, around Esmeralda.
00:15:26.967 - 00:15:29.496

Osevio uku Marca kaminullantañam ripun. Aya.

Osevio uku Marca kaminu-lla-n-ta-ña-m ri-pu-n aya
Osevio uku Marca kaminullantañam ripun. Aya.
Osevio se fue por dentro por el camino de Marca no más ya. Aya.
Osevio went via the interior, just by the road to Marca. Aya.
00:15:29.614 - 00:15:33.128

Rubilapis. Aa, paypis. Qarintin

Rubila-pis aa pay-pis qari-ntin
Rubilapis. Aa, paypis. Qarintin
Rubila, también, A, ella también con su esposo.
Rubila, too. Ah, her, too, with her husband.
00:15:33.407 - 00:15:37.929

Wakhina liyapa:kuyanña, pillakapa. Aa, pillakamanña ya.

wak-hina liya-pa:ku-ya-n-ña pillaka-pa aa pillaka-man-ña ya
Wakhina liyapa:kuyanña, pillakapa. Aa, pillakamanña ya.
Ya lo están amarrando ya a la pillaca. Aa, a la pillaca ya.
They're tying him already to the stretcher. Ah, to the stretcher already.
00:15:38.723 - 00:15:42.576

Qipichakapa:kuyanñam. Dario, ¿imachakunata qipiyan?

qipi-cha-ka-pa:ku-ya-n-ña-m Dario ima-cha-ku-na-ta qipi-ya-n
Qipichakapa:kuyanñam. Dario, ¿imachakunata qipiyan?
Ya están ya cargando ya. Dario también, Qué cosita está cargando?
They're carrying it already. What all is Dario carrying?
00:15:50.862 - 00:15:54.759

Imachatataq qipiyan? Kuka. Kukata. Gastutatr' aparqa chaynaptintr'i.

ima-cha-ta-taq qipi-ya-n kuka kuka-ta gastu-ta-tr' apa-rqa chay-na-pti-n-tr'i
Imachatataq qipiyan? Kuka. Kukata. Gastutatr' aparqa chaynaptintr'i.
¿Qué cosita está cargando.? Coca. Coca. Gasto, seguro, estará cargando.
What is he carrying. Coca. Coca. He would be carrying expenses, doing like that.
00:15:54.811 - 00:15:58.708

Kanan wak liyarushpaqa valursninchik qun, kukanta, chamisninta. Aa, kukankunata.

kanan wak liya-ru-shpa-qa valurs-ni-nchik qu-n kuka-n-ta chamis-ni-n-ta aa
Kanan wak liyarushpaqa valursninchik qun, kukanta, chamisninta. Aa,
Ahora después de amarrarle dará su ánimo, su cocs, sus chamis. Aa, su coca todo.
Now, after tying him, they'll give out their liquor, their coca, their chamis.
Ah, their coca and all.
00:15:58.730 - 00:16:03.583


Watutapis apasa. Lidiapis risa, ¡ve! Aa, Lidiapis Nederpis wakpam kayan.
watu-ta-pis apa-sa Lidia-pis ri-sa ve aa Lidia-pis Neder-pis wak-pa-m ka-ya-n
Watutapis apasa. Lidiapis risa, ¡ve! Aa, Lidiapis Nederpis wakpam kayan.
Ah, soga también había llevado. Lidia también había ido, ¡Ve! Ah, Lidia y Neder
están allá.
Ah, they had brought rope, too. Lidia, too, had gone. Lidia and Neder are there.
00:16:04.891 - 00:16:10.451

Esmeraldapa kimsa warmi kayan. Tawa.

Esmeralda-pa kimsa warmi ka-ya-n tawa
Esmeraldapa kimsa warmi kayan. Tawa.
Hay tres mujeres de Esmeralda. Cuatro.
There are three women from Esmeralda. Four.
00:16:10.598 - 00:16:14.348

Silvia. Piru Ceciallaqa alkanzarqa imallañatr'. Alkakansarqa kay Marca urquman

[inaudible] chay chaymanña rikariyan.
Silvia piru Ceciia-lia-qa alkansa-rqa ima-lla-ña-tr' alkasa-rqa kay Marca
Silvia. Piru Cecilia-LIM-TOP alkanzarqa imallañatr'. Alkasarqa kay Marca urquman
SIlvia. Pero Doña Cecilia no más habrá alcanzado, seguro. Alcanzó la lomada de
Marca. De allá ya está apareciendo.
Silvia. But just Doña Cecilia would have reached it, for sure. She caught up
towards Marca Hill. She's appearing from there.
00:16:14.839 - 00:16:21.494

urqu-man chay chay-man-ña rikari-ya-n

chay chaymanña rikariyan.

¿Huwischu ... Almataqa. Hapikusa kayan. ¿Huwischu u gubirnadurchu? ¡ve!

huwis-chu alma-ta-qa hapi-ku-sa ka-ya-n huwis-chu u gubirnadur-chu ve
¿Huwischu ... Almataqa. Hapikusa kayan. ¿Huwischu u gubirnadurchu? ¡ve!
¿El juez ... El alma. Está agarrado. ¿El juez o gobernador? ¡Ve!
The judge ... The deceased. It's grabbed on to. The judge or the governor? Look!
00:16:22.534 - 00:16:26.074

Huwistr'iki rirqa. Huwistr'iki.

Huwis-tr'i-ki ri-rqa Huwis-tr'i-ki
Huwistr'iki rirqa. Huwistr'iki.
El juez habrá ido, seguro. El juez, seguro.
The judge would have gone, for sure. The judge, for sure.
00:16:26.283 - 00:16:28.445

Wak livatimintumanrik huwisqa rirqa. Wakhina ya afanakuyan chay

wak livatimintu-man-ri-k huwis-qa ri-rqa wak-hina ya afana-ku-ya-n chay
Wak livatimintumanrik huwisqa rirqa. Wakhina ya afanakuyan chay
Para ese levantamiento el juez habrá ido. Así pues están afanando allí.
The judge would have gone to the raising, They're working hard like that.
00:16:28.662 - 00:16:33.515

Grabasan tardillam priyukupada ¿mayman saqaykurun nini qawayaruni ñuqa.

graba-sa-n tardi-lla-m priyukupada may-man saqa-yku-ru-n ni-ni qawa-ya-ru-ni
Grabasan tardillam priyukupada ¿mayman saqaykurun nini qawayaruni
Esa tarde que grabó no más [estuve] preocupada. ¿A dónde se cayó? dije. Estoy
mirando yo.
Just the afternoon that they recorded [I was] worried, Where did he fall? I
said. I'm watching.
00:16:33.662 - 00:16:37.838

Ñuqapis qawaruniña. Siyrtu.

ñuqa. ñuqa-pis qawa-ru-ni-ña siyrtu
ñuqa. Ñuqapis qawaruniña. Siyrtu.
Ah, yo tabmién le ví de verdad,
Ah, I, too, watched it. For sure.
00:16:37.986 - 00:16:41.280
Niña tapakunichu pitapis. ¿Imaynataq rirqa? ¿Imaynataq surqumun na lliw
lliwtaña qawaruni ñuqa.
niña tapa-ku-ni-chu pi-ta-pis imayna-taq ri-rqa imayna-taq surqu-mu-n na lliw
Niña tapakunichu pitapis. ¿Imaynataq rirqa? ¿Imaynataq surqumun na lliw lliwtaña
No pregunté a nadie, ¿Cómo se fue? Encontrándolo, ¿cómo lo sacaron? Todo, todo
ví yo.
I didn't ask anyone. How did they go? Finding him, how did they get him out? I
saw it all,
00:16:42.085 - 00:16:47.603

Arí. Qawayanchikña wakpaq. Sumaq sumaqña

lliw-ta-ña qawa-ru-ni ñuqa arí Qawa-ya-nchik-ña wak-paq sumaq sumaq-ña
qawaruni ñuqa. Arí. Qawayanchikña wakpaq. Sumaq sumaqña
Ah, estamos viendo ya. Bonito bonito ya.
Ah, we're going already. Nice, nice already.
00:16:47.712 - 00:16:51.741

Ramon liyaypa mas afanakuyan. Doloqa umbrukuyanña.

Ramon liya-y-pa mas afana-ku-ya-n Dolo-qa umbru-ku-ya-n-ña
Ramon liyaypa mas afanakuyan. Doloqa umbrukuyanña.
Ramón más en amarrar está ocupandose. Dolo ya está cargando en el hombro.
Ramón is more occupied with tying. Dolo is shouldering it already.
00:16:52.029 - 00:16:56.755

Waktapis apakuyan sapallan payqa apuray qipikarunña.

wak-ta-pis apa-ku-ya-n sapa-lla-n pay-qa apura-y qipi-ka-ru-n-ña
Waktapis apakuyan sapallan payqa apuray qipikarunña.
Solito él lo está llevando. El rápido lo cargó ya.
He's bringing it alone. He carried it quickly already.
00:16:56.873 - 00:17:00.976

Oracióntañash quyan lluqsimunanpaq.

Orasyun-ta-ña-sh qu-ya-n lluqsi-mu-na-n-paq
Oracióntañash quyan lluqsimunanpaq.
Está rezando ya para que salga.
They're praying already to be able to leave.
00:17:01.902 - 00:17:06.377

Apurawllam qun hamunanpaq.

apuraw-lla-m qu-n hamu-na-n-paq
Apurawllam qun hamunanpaq.
Está apurándose ya para que venga.
He's hurrying already so that they come.
00:17:07.404 - 00:17:09.772

Huwistr'iki ruwarqa papilta imaynataq tarirurqa. Aa, livantamiyntuta
huwis-tr'i-ki ruwa-rqa papil-ta imayna-taq tari-ru-rqa aa livantamiyntu-ta
Huwistr'iki ruwarqa papilta imaynataq tarirurqa. Aa, livantamiyntuta
Ah. jues habrá hecho sus documentos como lo han encontrado. Sí, pues, el
Ah, the judge would have made the documents how they found him. Ah, the raising.
00:17:09.860 - 00:17:13.866

00:17:13.904 - 00:17:20.132

Dariowanshá. Payshi riqsin kaminutaqa.

Dario-wan-sh-á pay-shi riqsi-n kaminu-ta-qa
Dariowanshá. Payshi riqsin kaminutaqa.
Con Darío, dice, pues. El, dice, conoce ese camino.
With Dario, they say, then. He, they say, knows the road.
00:17:20.307 - 00:17:23.262

Pay ya riqsin. Puntata ya riyan.

pay ya riqsi-n punta-ta ya ri-ya-n
Pay ya riqsin. Puntata ya riyan.
El conoce. El está yendo adelante.
He knows it. He's going in front.
00:17:23.431 - 00:17:29.897

Chay kanan wak almaqa hamuyan. Watuwan liyasa, watuwan suhitasa.

chay kanan wak alma-qa hamu-ya-n watu-wan liya-sa watu-wan suhita-sa
Chay kanan wak almaqa hamuyan. Watuwan liyasa, watuwan suhitasa.
Ahora, el alma está viniendo. Amarado con la soga, sujetado con la soga.,
Now the deceased soul is coming. Tied up with the rope, held down with the rope.
00:17:29.973 - 00:17:33.929

Ishkaylla watutaqa aparti apayamun. Sur ... Sutr'ukarishpa

ishkay-lla watu-ta-qa aparti apaya-mu-n sur sutr'u-ka-ri-shpa
Ishkaylla watutaqa aparti apayamun. Sur ... Sutr'ukarishpa
Dos están trayendo la soga. Y si se resbala ...
Two are bringing the rope. And if they slip?
00:17:34.335 - 00:17:38.634

Qungarun apamuq runaqa.

qunga-ru-n apa-mu-q runa-qa
Qungarun apamuq runaqa.
La qente que traía olvidó.
The people who brought him forgot.
00:17:39.323 - 00:17:42.396

Aa, chay hukqa suhitanqa watuwan hamuq.
aa chay huk-qa suhita-n-qa watu-wan hamu-q
Aa, chay hukqa suhitanqa watuwan hamuq.
Ah, ese uno va a sostener a los que vienen con soga.
Ah, that one is going to maintain those who come with the rope.
00:17:42.426 - 00:17:45.992

Aa, wak piyañanta ruwararusa. Wak piyaña vilachata rumiwan sumaq sumaqta
ruwarun, ¡ve!
aa wak piyaña-n-ta ruwa-ra-ru-sa wak piyaña vila-cha-ta rumi-wan sumaq sumaq-ta
Aa, wak piyañanta ruwararusa. Wak piyaña vilachata rumiwan sumaq sumaqta
Ah, allá había hecho su piyaña. Esa piyaña, lo hicieron bien con piedra, ¡Ve!
Ah, they had made his monument there. That momument, they made it well with
00:17:46.151 - 00:17:51.815

ruwa-ru-n ve
ruwarun, ¡ve!

Aa, vilachanta ... velachanta, kruschanta tr'uraykushpa wak ... Willam chay
aa vila-cha-n-ta vela-cha-n-ta krus-cha-n-ta tr'ura-yku-shpa wak Willam chay
Aa, vilachanta ... velachanta, kruschanta tr'uraykushpa wak ... Willam chay
Ah, su velita ... poniendo su velita su crucita poniendo ése ... William está
Ah, his candle. Placing his candle, his cross, that ... William is lighting
00:17:52.159 - 00:17:56.763

Vilachanta sindikushpam diharamunqa.

vila-ku-ya-n Vila-cha-n-ta sindi-ku-shpa-m diha-ra-mu-nqa
vilakuyan Vilachanta sindikushpam diharamunqa.
Prendiendo su velita, lo va a dejar.
He'll light his candle and leave him.
00:17:57.188 - 00:17:59.616

Fiyrupaqpis ruwarunman karqa kruzta. Diyablu mancharinanpaq.

fiyru-paq-pis ruwa-ru-n-man ka-rqa krus-ta Diyablu mancha-ri-na-n-paq
Fiyrupaqpis ruwarunman karqa kruzta. Diyablu mancharinanpaq.
Aunque sea de fiero hubiera hecho su cruz. Para que se asuste el Diablo.
They should have made the cross out of iron, even. So as to scare the Devil.
00:18:02.314 - 00:18:06.528

Simintuwan u fiyrutawan kanan ruwaramunman.

simintu-wan u fiyru-ta-wan kanan ruwa-ra-mu-n-man
Simintuwan u fiyrutawan kanan ruwaramunman.
Con cemento o fiero ahora pueden hacerlo.
They can make it now with cement or iron.
00:18:06.651 - 00:18:11.042

Kayan sumaq sumaq piyaña. Aa, krusniyuq diharun, ¡ve!

ka-ya-n sumaq sumaq piyaña aa krus-ni-yuq diha-ru-n ve
Kayan sumaq sumaq piyaña. Aa, krusniyuq diharun, ¡ve!
Está bien bonita la piyanña. La dejaron con cruz, ¡ve!
The monument is really pretty. they left it with a cross. Look!
00:18:11.155 - 00:18:14.802

Vilachan rupayan. Sumaq sumaq rumipaq ruwaramusa. Chamischantapis diharamusa

vila-cha-n rupa-ya-n sumaq sumaq rumi-paq ruwa-ra-mu-sa chamis-cha-n-ta-pis
Vilachan rupayan. Sumaq sumaq rumipaq ruwaramusa. Chamischantapis
Su vela está ardiendo. Con piedras bonitas se había hecho. Habían dejado su
Its candle is burning. It was made with pretty stones. They had left chamis.
00:18:15.510 - 00:18:19.831


Vasuchata. Paqapakamun. Wak lluqsiriyanña wak

vasu-cha-ta paqa-pa-ka-mu-n wak lluqsi-ri-ya-n-ña wak
Vasuchata. Paqapakamun. Wak lluqsiriyanña wak
Su vacito. Está lavando. Allá está saliendo, pues.
Itsglass. She's washing. They're coming out there already.
00:18:19.978 - 00:18:25.390

Wakhina hamuyan wak chaqata wakhina na chaqata, ¡ve!

wak-hina hamu-ya-n wak chaqa-ta wak-hina na chaqa-ta ve
Wakhina hamuyan wak chaqata wakhina na chaqata, ¡ve!
Ah, así están veniendo por esa peña, así por esa peña, ¡ve!
Ah, they're coming like that via that clif, like that via the cliff. Look!
00:18:27.008 - 00:18:30.585

Kipu riyan. Dios mío. Kipupis hapichakushpam riyan.

Kipu ri-ya-n Kipu-pis hapi-cha-ku-shpa-m ri-ya-n
Kipu riyan. Dios mío. Kipupis hapichakushpam riyan.
Kipu está yendo. ¡Dios mío! Kipu, también, agarrandose está yendo.
Kipu is going. My God! Kipu, too, grabbing himself, is going.
00:18:30.746 - 00:18:35.966

Aa, siyrtu, watuwan, ¿aw?. Watuwan ya suhitayan

aa siyrtu watu-wan aw watu-wan ya suhita-ya-n
Aa, siyrtu, watuwan, ¿aw?. Watuwan ya suhitayan
Ah, de verdad, con soga, ¿no? Con soga lo están sosteniendo.
Ah, in truth, with rope, no? They're maintaining it with rope.
00:18:36.959 - 00:18:39.680

Risbalará ... Neder kanan apayamun dilantipa.

Neder kanan apa-ya-mu-n dilanti-pa
Risbalará ... Neder kanan apayamun dilantipa.
Ah, resbala[rá]. Neder ya está trayendo ahora delante,
[They could] slip. Neder is bringing it in front now.
00:18:40.329 - 00:18:44.738

Qipataq pitaq kambiyaruntr'i? ¿Ramonchu? ¿Hinallaraqchu Ramón? Kambiyashpa

qipa-taq pi-taq kambiya-ru-n-tr'i Ramon-chu hina-lla-raq-chu Ramón kambiya-shpa
Qipataq pitaq kambiyaruntr'i? ¿Ramonchu? ¿Hinallaraqchu Ramón? Kambiyashpa
Atrás, ¿quién habrá cambiado?¿Ramón? ¿O conforme viene? Cambiando ...
Behind, who would have switched? Ramon? Or is he still like that? Switching ...
00:18:45.194 - 00:18:48.812

Kambiyashpam apapaykamunqa. Hinallaraq Ramon hamuyan

kambiya-shpa-m apa-pa-yka-mu-n-qa hina-lla-raq Ramon hamu-ya-n
Kambiyashpam apapaykamunqa. Hinallaraq Ramon hamuyan
Cambiándose están trayendo. Así no más está veniendo Ramón.
They're bringing it, changing [places]. Just like that still Ramón is coming.
00:18:49.048 - 00:18:52.180

Aa, no. Kambiyaramunña kaminunta. Millwi watuwan suhitayan

aa kambiya-ra-mu-n-ña kaminu-n-ta millwi watu-wan suhita-ya-n
Aa, no. Kambiyaramunña kaminunta. Millwi watuwan suhitayan
Ah, no. Ya cambió el camino. Con soga torcida están sosteniendo.
Ah, no. They already changed roads. They're maintaining it with twisted rope.
00:18:53.865 - 00:18:57.179

Lliw lliwñatr' kambiyarun. Ramonraq. Aa, Ramónraq hamuyan.

lliw lliw-ña-tr' kambiya-ru-n Ramon-raq aa Ramón-raq hamu-ya-n
Lliw lliwñatr' kambiyarun. Ramonraq. Aa, Ramónraq hamuyan.
Todos ya habrán cambiado. Ramón todavía ... Ah, Ramón todavía está veniendo.
All would have already changed. Romón still. Ah, Romón still is coming.
00:18:57.356 - 00:19:01.547

Aa, siyrtu, watuwan suhitayan. Watuwan ishkay qipapaq ishkay dilantipaq

aa siyrtu watu-wan suhita-ya-n watu-wan ishkay qipa-paq ishkay dilanti-paq
Aa, siyrtu, watuwan suhitayan. Watuwan ishkay qipipapaq ishkay dilantipaq
Ah, de verdad, con soga están sosteniendo. Ah, están sosteniendo con soga dos
adelante y dos detrás.
Ah, in truth, they're maintaining it with rope. Ah, they're maintaining with
rope, two behind and two in front.
00:19:04.016 - 00:19:10.879

Qaqatr'ik kayan. Qaqa risbalayantr'iki. Pasaypaq

suhita-ya-n qaqa-tr'i-k ka-ya-n qaqa risbala-ya-n-tr'i-ki pasaypaq
suhitayan. Qaqatr'ik kayan. Qaqa risbalayantr'iki. Pasaypaq
Peña seguro será pues. Y si resbalas de la peña. Total
It'd be cliffs, then. And if you slip on the cliff? Totally ...
00:19:11.212 - 00:19:13.962

Pasaypaq qaqam wak kinray kayan . Kabrapa purisan pasaypam kayan.

pasaypaq qaqa-m wak kinray kayan Kabra-pa puri-sa-n pasaypa-m ka-ya-n
Pasaypaq qaqam wak kinray kayan . Kabrapa purisan pasaypam kayan.
Es peña por ese lado. Es por donde andan las cabras, total. Cuando lo hacen
sostener ...
it's cliffs on that side. It'stotally where the goats walk. When they make it
00:19:13.975 - 00:19:18.579


apamuq i almatr'iki sinkarunqa. In kambiyu hapichakurunqamiki apamuqqa.

apa-mu-q i alma-tr'i-ki sinka-ru-nqa hapi-cha-ku-ru-nqa-mi-ki apa-mu-q-qa
apamuq i almatr'iki sinkarunqa. In kambiyu hapichakurunqamiki apamuqqa.
Los que trae y el difunto también van a rodar. En cambio, él que trae se va
Those who carry it and the deceased, too, are going to roll. In contrast, he
who brings it will grab it.
00:19:18.998 - 00:19:23.322

Watuwan suhitarunqa. Manañam. Risakuykuruptinqa almaqa sumaqllatañam

pushapa:kamunqa manañam saqaykurunqachu.
watu-wan suhita-ru-nqa mana-ña-m risa-ku-yku-ru-pti-n-qa alma-qa
Watuwan suhitarunqa. Manañam. Risakuykuruptinqa almaqa sumaqllatañam
Con soga va a sostener. Ya no. Cuando resa, bien no más ya van a traer el alma.
No se va a caer.
They'll maintain it with rope. No. When they pray, they'll bring the deceased
nicely already. They won't fall.
00:19:23.425 - 00:19:30.159

sumaq-lla-ta-ña-m pusha-pa:ka-mu-nqa mana-ña-m saqa-yku-ru-nqa-chu

pushapa:kamunqa manañam saqaykurunqachu.

Dimuniyutr'ik ayasanman masta. Wakhina. ¿Imataq wak tarpuyan?

Dimuniyu-tr'i-k aya-sa-n-man mas-ta wak-hina ima-taq wak tarpu-ya-n
Dimuniyutr'ik ayasanman masta. Wakhina. ¿Imataq wak tarpuyan?
El Demonio puede jalar más. Así. ¿Qué cosa están sembrando allá?
The Devil could pull more. Like that. What are they planting there?
00:19:30.307 - 00:19:35.279

¿Papa? Mitucancha sikiyam wak kayan. Mayupa lluqsimuq sikiya virdi kayan.
papa Mitu Cancha sikiya-m wak ka-ya-n mayu-pa lluqsi-mu-q sikiya virdi ka-ya-n
¿Papa? Mitucancha sikiyam wak kayan. Mayupa lluqsimuq sikiya virdi kayan.
¿Papas? Es la sequía de Mitucancha. Lo que sale del río, de la sequía, está
Potatoes? It's the Mitucancha canal. What comes out of the river, out of the
canal, is green.
00:19:35.545 - 00:19:39.970

Mmm. Aa, wakpis chaypaq tr'ayaramun Mitucanchamanña. Samariyanña.

mmm aa wak-pis chay-paq tr'aya-ra-mu-n Mitu Cancha-man-ña sama-ri-ya-n-ña
Mmm. Aa, wakpis chaypaq tr'ayaramun Mitucanchamanña. Samariyanña.
Mmm. Ese también llega de allí va a Mitucancha ya. Ya están descansando.
Mmm. That, too, arrives from there to Mitucancha already. They're resting
00:19:40.205 - 00:19:45.617

Aa, Mitucanchaman tr'ayaramunña, ¡ve!. Mitucanchapam samariyan.

aa Mitu Cancha-man tr'aya-ra-mu-n-ña ve Mitu Cancha-pa-m sama-ri-ya.n
Aa, Mitucanchaman tr'ayaramunña, ¡ve!. Mitucanchapam samariyan.
Ah, ya llegarun a Mitucancha. ¡Ve! En Mitucancha ya están descansando.
Ah, they already arrived at Mitucancha. They're resting in Mitucancha.
00:19:45.647 - 00:19:48.235

Arí, wak samaripa:kuyan, ¡ve! Mitucanchaman tr'ayaramun.

arí wak sama-ri-pa:ku-ya-n ve Mitu Cancha-man tr'aya-ra-mu-n
Arí, wak samariypa:kuyan, ¡ve! Mitucanchaman tr'ayaramun.
Sí. están descansando ya. ¡Ve! Llegaron ya a Mitucancha.
Yes, they're resting already. Look! They arrived at Mitucancha.
00:19:48.536 - 00:19:51.389

Ruwasakunañam kayan.
ruwa-sa-kuna-ña-m ka-ya-n
Ruwasakunañam kayan.
Lo que han trabajado todo está.
Its what they made already.
00:19:51.889 - 00:19:54.183

Ushinpis. Siyrtu. Wak sayayan. Wakmanmik alkansarusa.

Ushi-n-pis siyrtu wak saya-ya-n wak-man-mi-k alkansa-ru-sa
Ushinpis. Siyrtu. Wak sayayan. Wakmanmik alkansarusa.
Osevio también. De verdad. Está parado. Los había alcanzado allá.
Osevio, too. It's true. He's standing. He had caught up with them there.
00:19:54.528 - 00:19:58.367

Wakpi samaykarin. Dios mío. ¿Ima nirqatr'?

wak-pi sama-yka-ri-n ima ni-rqa-tr'
Wakpi samaykarin. Dios mío. ¿Ima nirqatr'?
Allá están descandando. ¡Dios mío! ¿Qué dirían?
They're resting there. My God! What would they have said?
00:19:58.614 - 00:20:02.820

Manashá piru pawamunchu lukiyanchu waqanchu chay wambrankunapis tr'ayarachishpa.

mana-sh-á piru pawa-mu-n-chu luki-ya-n-chu waqa-n-chu chay wambra-n-kuna-pis
Manashá piru pawamunchu lukiyanchu waqanchu chay wambrankunapis
Pero no, dice. No saltaron, no se enloqueceron, no lloraron esos hijos cuando
But no, they say, then, When those children arrived, they didn't jump, they
didn't go crazy, they didn't cry.
00:20:04.668 - 00:20:09.844


Aatr'ik kay samakunqa. Valurtañatr' hapiyan. Dariamiki gastuta apayasa.

A-tr'i-k kay sama-ku-nqa valur-ta-ña-tr' hapi-ya-n Daria-mi-ki gastu-ta
Aatr'ik kay samakunqa. Valurtañatr' hapiyan. Dariamiki gastuta
Seguro ya descansarán. Ya estará agarrando valor. Daría había llevado gasto más.
For sure they'll rest. They'd be taking courage already. Daria had brought the
00:20:11.315 - 00:20:17.436


Priparayan. Maskasanpatr'iki waqashpaqa waqakurun pishipanankama.

pripara-ya-n maska-sa-n-pa-tr'i-ki waqa-shpa-qa waqa-ku-ru-n pishipa-na-n-kama
Priparayan. Maskasanpatr'iki waqashpaqa waqakurun pishipanankama.
Están preparándolo. Donde han buscado, seguro. Si es que han llorado habrán
llorado hasta que se canse.
They're preparing it. Where they looked, for sure, If they cried, they cried
until they tired themselves out.
00:20:17.477 - 00:20:22.815

Kada maskasanpa. Payllam Daria qipiyan gastuta.

kada maska-sa-n-pa pay-lla-m Daria qipi-ya-n gastu-ta
Kada maskasanpa. Payllam Daria qipiyan gastuta.
Donde que todo ha buscado. Ella no más. Daría está llevando el gasto.
Where they looked. Just her. Daria is carrying the expense.
00:20:22.964 - 00:20:28.185

Gastuchanta qipichakun kaypis. Mandilnin uquy uquy kayan

gastu-cha-n-ta qipi-cha-ku-n kay-pis mandil-ni-n uqu-y uqu-y ka-ya-n
Gastuchanta qipichakun kaypis. Mandilnin uquy uquy kayan
Su gastito se está cargando ella también. Su mandil está bien mojado, mojado.
she, too, is carrying her expense. Her apron is very wet.
00:20:30.198 - 00:20:34.036

Arí chay yakupa taqsasantr'ik chay na uquy uquy kayan.

arí chay yaku-pa taqsa-sa-n-tr'i-k chay na uqu-y uqu-y ka-ya-n
Arí chay yakupa taqsasantr'ik chay na uquy uquy kayan.
Sí. En esa agua donde ha lavado estará bien mojado.
Yes, in that water where she washed, it'd be very wet.
00:20:34.147 - 00:20:37.427

Mmm. Almata kambiyasantatr'iki uqurullan.

mmm alma-ta kambiya-sa-n-ta-tr'i-ki uquru-lla-n
Mmm. Almata kambiyasantatr'iki uqurullan.
Mmm. Seguro habrá mojado a los que han cambiado al alma.
Mmm. For sure, it would have wet those who changed the deceased.
00:20:37.552 - 00:20:42.861

Mitucancha sumaq kayan. Wak pampachapa. Wakpiya samarirun

Mitu Cancha sumaq ka-ya-n wak pampa-cha-pa wak-pi-ya sama-ri-ru-n
Mitucancha sumaq kayan. Wak pampachapa. Wakpiya samarirun
Mitu Cancha está bonito. En esa pampita. Allá, pues, descansaron.
Mitucancha is nice. That little pampa. They rested there, then.
00:20:43.948 - 00:20:49.493

Wakhinash kay runamasinchik. Piru valurnin kanchu. Chay digrasiyadu Diyablu

apananpaq, ¿aw?
wak-hina-sh kay runa-masi-nchik piru valur-ni-n ka-n-chu chay digrasiyadu
Wakhinash kay runamasinchik. Piru valurnin kanchu. Chay digrasiyadu Diyablu
Ah, sí, a nuestro prójimo puede ser, dice. Tendrá valor ese desgrasiado. Diablo
para que se lo lleve, ¿no?
00:20:50.367 - 00:20:55.092

¿Ima niyantr'i? 'Wak alli alli runam mikuqtr'

Diyablu apa-na-n-paq aw ima ni-ya-n-tr'i wak alli alli runa-m miku-q-tr'
apananpaq, ¿aw? ¿Ima niyantr'i? 'Wak alli alli runam mikuqtr'
¿Qué estará diciendo? ¡El ha sido buena persona'.
What would they be saying? "He was a very good person."
00:20:55.175 - 00:20:57.307

Pudirusutr', ¿aw? Alli runa mikuqña. Varityusñatam chaypa wañurachin. Chaynash
sinkushpa puchukarun.
Pudirusu-tr' aw alli runa miku-q-ña Varityus-ña-ta-m chay-pa wañu-ra-chi-n
Pudirusutr', ¿aw? Alli runa eat-AG-DISC Varityusñatam chaypa wañurachin.
Será poderoso. Buen come-gente. A varios ya ha matado allí. Allí se han acabado
He'd be powerful, no? A good person-eater. He's already killed several there.
They've finished off rolling.
00:20:57.385 - 00:21:02.106

chay-na-sh sinku-shpa puchuka-ru-n

Chaynash sinkushpa puchukarun.

Así dice, ¿no? Warmish huk wiksayuq wañurun chaypi.

warmi-sh huk wiksa-yuq wañu-ru-n chay-pi
Así dice, ¿no? Warmish huk wiksayuq wañurun chaypi.
Así dice, ¿no? Una mujer embarazada, dice, se murió allí.
So they say, no? A pregnant woman does there, they say.
00:21:02.172 - 00:21:07.756

Unayshi huk warmish wiksa huntantin kabrata harkara.

unay-shi huk warmi-sh wiksa hunta-ntin kabra-ta harka-ra
Unayshi huk warmish wiksa huntantin kabrata harkara.
Más antes, dice. una mujer, dice, embarazada pasteba cabras
Before, they say, a pregnant woman, they say, was pasturing goats
00:21:08.009 - 00:21:12.595

Na ya Silvio Barriospa. Aa, napi ya kanan

na ya Silvio Barrios-pa aa na-pi ya kanan
Na ya Silvio Barriospa. Aa, napi ya kanan
De Silvio Barrios. Ahora de ...
Silvio Barrios'. Now, his ...
00:21:12.741 - 00:21:18.976

¿Imataq Marleni? Chay ñañantr'i karqa piru mamanpaqa huk kapa:kurqa. Aa, ¿ya
ima-taq Marleni chay ñaña-n-tr'i ka-rqa piru mama-n-pa-qa huk ka-pa:ku-rqa aa
¿Imataq Marleni? Chay ñañantr'i karqa piru mamanpaqa huk kapa:kurqa. Aa, ¿ya
¿Qué cosa es Marleni? Esa será su hermana, seguro. Pero de mamá otros eran. Ah,
¿ya ves?
What is Marleni? That would have been her sister, for sure. But they had other
mothers. Ah, you see?
00:21:20.549 - 00:21:26.357


Chayshari rikusa chay ukuta. Aa, kabra chukchan. Piru pilu . Chukchankunapis
muntipis kidarurqa.
chay-sh-ari riku-sa chay uku-ta aa kabra chukcha-n piru piru chukcha-n-kuna-pis
Chayshari rikusa chay ukuta. Aa, kabra chukchan. Piru pilu . Chukchankunapis
Por-RSTR dice, se había ido al dentro. Ah, el pelo de la cabra. Pero su pelo. Su
cabello también, dice, se quedó en el monte.
That's why, they say, she'd gone insode. Ah, the goat's hair. But its hair. Its
hair, too, they say, stayed on the brush.
00:21:26.449 - 00:21:32.802

Lliw lliw shullunkunash barahina rikusa.

munti-pis kida-ru-rqa lliw lliw shullu-n-kuna-sh bara-hina riku-sa
muntipis kidarurqa. Lliw lliw shullunkunash barahina rikusa.
Todo su feto se había ido como hilo.
All her fetus had gone like rope.
00:21:32.846 - 00:21:36.861

Fiyu fiyu chaymi mana ñuqa tr'ayanichu chay sityuman. Karullapaq

fiyu fiyu chay-mi mana ñuqa tr'aya-ni-chu chay sityu-man karu-lla-paq
Fiyu fiyu chaymi mana ñuqa tr'ayanichu chay sityuman. Karullapaq
Feo feo. Por-RSTR yo no llego a ese lugar, de lejos no más veo.
Horrid, horrid. That's why I don't get to that place. From afar
00:21:37.139 - 00:21:39.845

Maypataq wak sakun... Wak Kambiyapa:kunñataq, ¿aw?

may-pa-taq wak saku-n wak Kambiya-pa:ku-n-ña-taq aw
Maypataq wak sakun... Wak Kambiyapa:kunñataq, ¿aw?
¿Dónde está su saco? Ya están cambiándole, ¿no?
Where is his coat? They're already changing it, no?
00:21:40.022 - 00:21:43.816

Kay law kay frintinchik urqunman tr'ayaramun.

kay law kay frinti-nchik urqu-n-man tr'aya-ra-mu-n
Kay law kay frintinchik urqunman tr'ayaramun.
Llegaron a este lado, a la lomada frente de nosotros.
They arrived at this side, at the hill in front of us.
00:21:44.066 - 00:21:47.663

Hinashpa Marca urqumanñam kutiramunqa. Yapañataq Ramón kambiyan

hinashpa Marca urqu-man-ña-m kuti-ra-mu-nqa yapa-ña-taq Ramón kambi-ya-n
Hinashpa Marca urqumanñam kutiramunqa. Yapañataq Ramón kambiyan
Después van a volver a la lomada de Marca. De nuevo Ramón cambia.
Then they're going to return to Marca hill. Ramón is changing again.
00:21:47.943 - 00:21:51.517

Hamupa:kuyan maytañataq wak hamuyan

hamu-pa:ku-ya-n may-ta-ña-taq wak hamu-ya-n
Hamupa:kuyan maytañataq wak hamuyan
Están viniendo. ¿A donde están veniendo?
They're coming. Where are they coming to?
00:21:51.839 - 00:21:54.633

Marca urquntaña kutirirun. Manaraq. Apuraw hamukuyan kurri kurii kurri kurri.
Yapataqña kambiyanqa.
Marca urqu-n-ta-ña kuti-ri-ru-n mana-raq apuraw hamu-ku-ya-n kurri kurii kurri
Marca urquntaña kutirirun. Manaraq. Apuraw hamukuyan kurri kurii kurri kurri.
Por la lomada de Marca dió vuelta. No todavía. Rápido están vivniendo. Corre
corre. Otro vez va a cambiar.
The returned via Marca hill. Not yet. They're coming quickly. Running, running,
running, They're going to change again.
00:21:54.867 - 00:22:01.426

Wak ... Wak hukñataq kambiyarun. Kanan kayan.

kurri yapa-taq-ña kambiya-nqa wak ... wak huk-ña-taq kambiya-ru-n kanan ka-ya-n
Tapataqña kambiyanqa. Wak ... Wak hukñataq kambiyarun. Kanan kayan.
Al otro otro ya también cambiaron. Ahora está.
They changed the other already. Now it's there.
00:22:01.631 - 00:22:08.439

Llasakuyantr'i. Kanan chayqa Marca iskinatam, ¡ve!

llasa-ku-ya-n-tr'i kanan chay-qa Marca iskina-ta-m ve
Llasakuyantr'i. Kanan chayqa Marca iskinatam, ¡ve!
Estará pesando. Ahora sí en la esquina de Marca ya, ¡ve!
It must be heavy. now, yes, in the corner of Marca already. Look!
00:22:08.506 - 00:22:11.624

Witr'ayman kutirirun. Aa, chaypaq urquntatr'iki witr'ayta. Ah, urquntaña rinqa.

witr'ay-man kuti-ri-ru-n aa chay-paq urqu-n-ta-tr'i-ki witr'a aa urqu-n-ta-ña
Witr'ayman kutirirun. Aa, chaypaq urquntatr'iki witr'a Ah, urquntaña
Dieron vuelta hacia arriba. Aa, de allí por el cerro, por alto, seguro. Ah,
por el cerro.van a ir.
They returned up hill. Aa, from there via the hill, via up high, for sure. Ah,
they'll go by the hill.
00:22:11.800 - 00:22:15.962


Urqullantam rinqa. Marca, Chisaqakuna, Chaki, Marcakuna kayan.

urqu-lla-n-ta-m ri-nqa Marca Chisaqa-kuna Chaki Marca-kuna ka-ya-n
Urqullantam rinqa. Marca, Chisaqakuna, Chaki, Marcakuna kayan.
Por la ollada van a ir [donde] están Marca y Chisaqa Chak y Marca.
They're going to go [where] Marca and Chisaqa, Chaki and Marca are.
00:22:16.300 - 00:22:20.035
Lliw lliw kambiyapa:kuyan. Aa, lliw chaytr'i apupuraw riyan.
lliw lliw kambiya-pa:ku-ya-n aa lliw chay-tr'i apupuraw ri-ya-n
Lliw lliw kambiyapa:kuyan. Aa, lliw chaytr'i apupuraw riyan.
Todos, todos están cambiando. Por-RSTR estarán yendo rápido.
All, all are changing. That's why they'd be going quickly.
00:22:20.123 - 00:22:24.359

Shishiqa wambrachantin ripusa

Shishi-qa wambra-cha-ntin ri-pu-sa
Shishiqa wambrachantin ripusa
Cecilia con todo su niño había ido.
Cecilia had gone with her son.
00:22:24.547 - 00:22:26.341

Ah, sasamiki waqa tukpantinkuna siqakuyan. Dariom riyan tukpachantin.

aa sasa-mi-ki waqa tukpa-ntin-kuna siqa-ku-ya-n Dario-m ri-ya-n tukpa-cha-ntin
Ah, sasamiki waqa tupantinkuna siqakuyan. Dariom riyan tupachantin.
Difícil es-RSTR, pues. Está subiendo con su bastón todo. Daría está yendo con su
That's hard, then. She's going up with her cane and all. Dario is going with
his cane.
00:22:26.431 - 00:22:31.931

Wak urquntaña riyan, ¡ve! Arí urquntaña riyan.

wak urqu-n-ta-ña ri-ya-n ve arí urqu-n-ta-ña ri-ya-n
Wak urquntaña riyan, ¡ve! Arí urquntaña riyan.
Por esa lomada ya están yendo, ¡ve! Ah, por esa lomada están yendo.
They're going by that hill. Look! Yes, they're going by that hill.
00:22:33.005 - 00:22:35.740

Witr'aypis kaminu fiyum kayan. Munti kayan. Witr'qay witr'qay kaminu. ¿Imaynayá
wakta ripa:kuyan? Wak chaki munticha kayan.
witr'ay-pis kaminu fiyum ka-ya-n munti ka-ya-n Witr'qa-y witr'qa-y kaminu
Witr'aypis kaminu fiyum kayan. Munti kayan. Witr'qay witr'qay kaminu. ¿Imaynayá
Ah, por arriba está feo el camino. Hay monte. ¿Cómo estarán yendo total cerrado
de monte? Monte seco está.
Ah, the road is horrible up hill. There's brush. How would they be going closed
in by brush? It's dry brush.
00:22:35.923 - 00:22:42.092

imayna-y-á wak-ta ri-pa:ku-ya-n wak chaki munti-cha ka-ya-n

wakta ripa:kuyan? Wak chaki munticha kayan.

Qipiqkunatr' sufriyanqa. Aa, chaytr'iki. Chaytr'ik kambiyapa:kuyan kada ratu.

qipi-q-kuna-tr' sufri-ya-nqa aa chay-tr'i-ki chay-tr'i-k kambiya-pa:ku-ya-n kada
Qipiqkunatr' sufriyanqa. Aa, chaytr'iki. Chaytr'ik kambiyapa:kuyan kada
Los que cargan estarán sufirendo. Ah, por-RSTR, pues. Por-RSTR estarán cambiando
cada rato.
Those who are carrying would be suffering. Ah, that's why, then. That's why
they'd be changing all the time.
00:22:42.743 - 00:22:48.670


¿Pi chay? Tr'ayarunña Marcamanña. Arí maqtachantin riyan .

pi chay tr'aya-ru-n-ña Marca-man-ña arí maqta-cha-ntin ri-ya-n
¿Pi chay? Tr'ayarunña Marcamanña. Arí maqtachantin riyan .
¿Quién es-RSTR? Ya están llegando a Marca. Ah, con su hombrecito está yendo.
Who is that? They're arriving at Marca already. Ah, she's going with her little
young man.
00:22:48.737 - 00:22:54.743

Aa, lliwmi tr'ayararisa -- ¡vé! -- ultimutaq. Siyrtumpatr' nin allquqa

aa lliw-mi tr'aya-ra-ri-sa ve ultimu-taq Siyrtu-m-pa-tr' ni-n allqu-qa
Aa, lliwmi tr'ayararisa -- ¡vé! -- ultimutaq. Siyrtumpatr' nin allquqa
Todos habían llegado ¡ve! último. De verdad dirá, el perro....
All had arrived -- look! -- last. In truth they'd say, the dog ...
00:22:55.329 - 00:23:00.142

Pasaypaq ... Allqum nin. Pasarun. Qawayta lachkishpa nin. Samariyan.

pasaypaq allqu-m ni-n pasa-ru-n qawa-y-ta lachki-shpa ni-n sama-ri-ya-n
Pasaypaq ... Allqum nin. Pasarun. Qawayta lachkishpa nin. Samariyan.
Total. Perro es, dijo. Pasó por encima dando paso largo. Están descansando.
Completely. It's a dog, he said. He passed over it with wide steps. They're
00:23:00.342 - 00:23:06.142

Aa, samariyan. Wak Marcamanñam tr'ayaramun. Manatr' Tiya Felicitaqa kayan.

Mana, ¿aw? ...
aa sama-ri-ya-n wak Marca-man-ña-m tr'aya-ra-mu-n mana-tr' Tiya Felicita-qa
Aa, samariyan. Wak Marcamanñam tr'ayaramun. Manatr' Tiya Felicitaqa kayan. Mana,
Ah, están descansando. A Marca ya llegaron. No está la tía Felicita? No, ¿no?
Ah, they're resting already. They arrived at Marca already. Aunt Felicita isn't
there? No, no?
00:23:06.244 - 00:23:11.877

ka-ya-n mana aw
¿aw? ...

Aa, Shutcopash yachay qatipasa. ¿Pitaq wak gasiyusata aparun? Cecilia.

aa Shutco-pa-sh yacha-y qati-pa-sa pi-taq wak gasiyusa-ta apa-ru-n Cecilia
Aa, Shutcopash yachay qatipasa. ¿Pitaq wak gasiyusata aparun? Cecilia.
Ah, a Shutco, dice, la botó a vivir. ¿Quién ha llevada esa gaseosa? Cecilia.
Ah, they'd kicked her out to live in Shutco, they say. Who brought soda?
00:23:12.126 - 00:23:17.815

[inaudible].. Doña Trijidiakunañam wakpaq kayan.

Doña Trijidia-kuna-ña-m wak-paq ka-ya-n
[inaudible].. Doña Trijidiakunañam wakpaq kayan.
Doña Trijidia todo ya están allá.
Doña Trijidia is there already.
00:23:18.006 - 00:23:23.947

Risakapa:kuyan. Mas achka runaña. Mas . Aa, masña riyan. Mas achkaña, ¡ve!
Risa-ka-pa:ku-ya-n mas achka runa-ña mas aa mas-ña ri-ya-n mas achka-ña aa
Risakapa:kuyan. Mas achka runaña. Mas . Aa, masña riyan. Mas achkaña, ¡ve!
Están rezando. Mucho más gente ya. Más. Aa, más ya están yendo.Muchos más ya,
They're praying. A lot more people already. More. Aa, more are going. Many more
already. Look!
00:23:25.108 - 00:23:31.976

Wakchu wak turin? Don ... Aríyá wak kunchuyvinu sumbriruyuq. Wakmi Paulinario
sutin. Wakmi wawqin.
wak-chu wak turi-n Don arí-yá wak kunchuyvinu sumbriru-yuq wak-mi Paulinario
Wakchu wak turin? Don ... Aríyá wak kunchuyvinu sumbriruyuq. Wakmi Paulinario
¿El es su hermano? Don ... Ah, sí, pues, él que está con su sombrero color
chocolate. Su nombre es Pulinario. El es su hermano.
Is he his brother? Don ... Yes, then, the one with the chocolate-colored hat.
His name is Paulinario. He's his brother.
00:23:32.589 - 00:23:41.765

suti-n wak-mi wawqi-n

sutin. Wakmi wawqin.

Hina mamanpaq taytapaq. Aa, manam tantu riqsinichu.

hina mama-n-paq tayta-paq aa mana-m tantu riqsi-ni-chu
Hina mamanpaq taytapaq. Aa, manam tantu riqsinichu.
Ah, así de mamá y de papá? Ah, yo no conozco tanto.
Ah, like that, of mother and father? Ah, I don't know them that much.
00:23:42.230 - 00:23:46.651

00:23:47.479 - 00:23:52.400

Wakllañatr' wawqin kayanpis. Mas kanñachu.
wak-lla-ña-tr' wawqi-n ka-ya-n-pis mas ka-n-ña-chu
Wakllañatr' wawqin kayanpis. Mas kanñachu.
Ese no más ya será su hermano. Más ya no tiene.
Just he would be his brother. There aren't any more.
00:23:52.492 - 00:23:55.676

Aa, no. Kanan Lorenzo kayanraqtr'iki. Ishkaynintr'ik. Lorenzo ishkayninraq.

aa kanan Lorenzo ka-ya-n-raq-tr'i-ki Ishkay-ni-n-tr'i-k Lorenzo ishkay-ni-n-raq
Aa, no. Kanan Lorenzo kayanraqtr'iki. Ishkaynintr'ik. Lorenzo ishkayninraq.
Ah, no. Ahora habrá Lorenzo todavía. Los dos serán. Lorenzo. Los dos todavía.
Es cierto.
Ah, no. Now there'd be Lorenzo, stilll. There'd be the two of them. Lorenzo.
Both of them still. It's true.
00:23:55.808 - 00:24:01.400


Warminpis manachu Doña Euvernariki. Pasaypish Cañetepa.

warmi-n-pis mana-chu Doña Euverna-ri-ki pasaypish Cañete-pa
Warminpis manachu Doña Euvernariki. Pasaypish Cañetepa.
¿No hay una mujer también -- Doña Euverna? Total, dice, está en Cañete.
Isn't there a woman, too -- Doña Euverna? She's totally in Cañete, they say.
00:24:01.400 - 00:24:06.268

Puramintish karan manash riqsikunchu.

puraminti-sh kara-n mana-sh riqsi-ku-n-chu
Puramintish karan manash riqsikunchu.
Total, dice, ya no conocía su cara, dice.
Totally, they say, she didn't recognize her face, they say.
00:24:06.558 - 00:24:09.769

Paykunaqa, ¿imay ... ¿ima irinsiyachu? ¿Imayna chayqa? Tiya Euvernaqa

pay-kuna-qa imay ima irinsiya-chu imayna chay-qa Tiya Euverna-qa
Paykunaqa, ¿imay ... ¿ima irinsiyachu? ¿Imayna chayqa? Tiya Euvernaqa
Ellos, ¿cuándo ... ¿Qué herencia? ¿Cómo es-RSTR? Tía Euverna está amarrado, dice.
They ... What inhertiance? How's that? Aunt Euverna is tied up, they say.
00:24:09.940 - 00:24:17.650

Watasallash kayan Cañetepa. Aa, dios taytacha!

wata-raya-n-shi wata-sa-lla-sh ka-ya-n Cañete-pa aa dios tayta-cha
watarayanshi. Watasallash kayan Cañetepa. Aa, dios taytacha!
Amarrado no más, dice, está en Cañete. Ay, Diocito lindo,
00:24:17.978 - 00:24:22.137

Runakunash rimaq wak ma wakhina kaptin [inaudible] karqa. ¿Imayna ...

runa-kuna-sh rima-q wak ma wak-hina ka-pti-n ka-rqa imayna
Runakunash rimaq wak ma wakhina kaptin [inaudible] karqa. ¿Imayna ...
Cuando a la gente comentaban cuando era muchacha le había dicho le vamos a dar
la primera comunión. Eso dado pobrecitos.
00:24:22.298 - 00:24:28.583

Imayna chayhina runaqa. Chay nishpatr' runakuna riman.

imayna chay-hina runa-qa chay ni-shpa-tr' runa-kuna rima-n
Imayna chayhina runaqa. Chay nishpatr' runakuna riman.
¿Cómo así va a estar esa gente? Así diciendo hablaban la gente.
How are people going to be? Talking like that, people will talk.
00:24:28.835 - 00:24:32.703

Turinqa wakhina wañukun. Ñañañataq Cañetepa watarayan, nin.

turi-n-qa wak-hina wañu-ku-n ñaña-ña-taq Cañete-pa wata-ra-ya-n ni-n
Turinqa wakhina wañukun. Ñañañataq Cañetepa watarayan, nin.
Su hermano así ha muerto. Su hermana ya también está amarrada en Cañete, dijo.
Her brother died like that. Her sister, too, already is tied up in Cañete.
00:24:33.033 - 00:24:38.111

Watasanña. Watarusa kayan. Dios mío.

wata-sa-n-ña wata-ru-sa ka-ya-n
Watasanña. Watarusa kayan. Dios mío.
Amarrado no más. Amarrada está, dice. Ay, Dios mío!
Just tied up. She's tied up. Ay, ¡Dios mío!
00:24:38.388 - 00:24:42.941

Pasapa:kunñatr' kananqa may kanñachu. Sarapis sumaq sumaq paysahi wak kayan.
Aya. Uku qaqapis
Pasa-pa:ku-n-ña-tr' kanan-qa may ka-n-ña-chu sara-pis sumaq sumaq paysahi wak
Pasapa:kunñatr' kananqa may kanñachu. Sarapis sumaq sumaq paysahi wak kayan.
Ya se fueron ya seguro ahora. Ya no hay. El maíz también. El paisaje está
bonito. Aya. Esa peña también adentro.
They alredy left, for sure, now. There aren't anymore. The corn, too. The
lanscape is pretty. Aya. The cliffs, too, inside.
00:24:43.178 - 00:24:49.072

ka-ya-n aya uku qaqa-pis

Aya. Uku qaqapis

Sumaqmi chay paysahi tumarusan kay, ¡ve! Sumaq sumaq ya kayan.

sumaq-mi chay paysahi tuma-ru-sa-n kay ve sumaq sumaq ya ka-ya-n
Sumaqmi chay paysahi tumarusan kay, ¡ve! Sumaq sumaq ya kayan.
Bonito está ese paisaje que ha tomado. ¡Ve! Bonito, bonito está, pues.
The lanscape that she took [a video of] is pretty. Look! It's very pretty, then.
00:24:49.112 - 00:24:53.349

Familiyankunapaq vidiyun hurqunanpaq rikwirdukananpaq.

familiya-n-kuna-paq vidiyu-n hurqu-na-n-paq rikwirdu-ka-na-n-paq
Familiyankunapaq vidiyun hurqunanpaq rikwirdukananpaq.
Para sus familiares para que saque su video para que recuerden.
For his relative, so they can make thier video so they can remember.
00:24:53.494 - 00:24:59.573

'Chaymi ñuqapis nini', Neder nin qipiptin

cChay-mi ñuqa-pis ni-ni Neder ni-n qipi-pti-n
'Chaymi ñuqapis nini', Neder nin qipiptin
'En-RSTR yo también digo', dijo Neder cuando estaban cargando.
"So I, too, say," said Neder when they were carrying him.
00:24:59.744 - 00:25:05.139

Vidiyu sumaq qawananpaq. Arí. Hukchu paykunaqa kwintuta huqurqa ¿Maytaq kanan
wak sayarin samariyan wak kanan wakpa?
vidiyu sumaq qawa-na-n-paq arí huk-chu pay-kuna-qa kwintu-ta huqu-rqa may-taq
Vidiyu sumaq qawananpaq. Arí. Hukchu paykunaqa kwintuta huqurqa ¿Maytaq kanan
Video bonito para que mire. Ahh. Así, pues, ellos, ¿qué se van a dar cuenta?
Dónde está descansando ahora allá?
So they can watch a nice video. Like that, the, them, how are they going to
realize it? Where are they resting now there?
00:25:05.402 - 00:25:13.178

kanan wak saya-ri-n sama-ri-ya-n wak kanan wak-pa

wak sayarin samariyan wak kanan wakpa?

¿Maytaq chay kaspiyuq kakuyan? Maymanñam wak chay . Hanayman ya. Ajo Pachamanña
may-taq chay kaspi-yuq ka-ku-ya-n may-man-ña-m wak chay hanay-man ya
¿Maytaq chay kaspiyuq kakuyan? Maymanñam wak chay . Hanaynaman ya.
¿Dónde está él que está con su palo? ¿A dónde ya-RSTR? Hacia arriba ya pues.
hacia Ajo Pacha ya.
Where is the one with the stick? Towards where already is that? Uphill already,
then. Towards Ajo Pacha already.
00:25:13.716 - 00:25:19.664

Ajo Pacha-man-ña

Ajo Pachamanñam chay. Uchikamaña. Marcallaparaq wak kayan. Aa, Marca.

Marcallaparaqmi wak kayan.
Ajo Pacha-man-ña-m chay. Uchi-kama-ña Marca-lla-pa-raq wak ka-ya-n aa Marca
Ajo Pachamanñam chay. Uchikamaña. Marcallaparaq wak kayan. Aa, Marca.
Hacia Ajo Pacha ya-RSTR. Hacia Uchika ya. En Marca no más todavía están. Ah,
Marca. En Marca no más todavía están.
That's towards Ajo Pacha. Towards Uchika already. They're still just in Marca.
Ah, Marca. They're just still in Marca.
00:25:19.914 - 00:25:27.019

Marca-lla-pa-raq-mi wak ka-ya-n

Marcallaparaqmi wak kayan.

Marca ya. Mana lluqsinraqchu wakpaqqa. Risakuyan lluqsipa:kunqañatr'.

Marca ya. mana lluqsi-n-raq-chu wak-paq-qa risa-ku-ya-n lluqsi-pa:ku-nqa-ña-tr'
Marca ya. Mana lluqsinraqchu wakpaqqa. Risakuyan lluqsipa:kunqañatr'.
Marca, pues. De allí todavía no salen. Están resando ya. Ya van a salir, seguro.
Marca, then. They haven't left from there still. They're praying already.
They're going to leave, for sure.
00:25:27.308 - 00:25:33.519

Arí, arí. ¿Ya ves? Mulli qipanta sayariyan Ricardo.

arí arí Mulli qipa-n-ta saya-ri-ya-n Ricardo
Arí, arí. ¿Ya ves? Mulli qipanta sayariyan Ricardo.
Sí, sí. ¿Ya ves? Ricardo está parado detrás del molle.
Yes, yes. Do you see already? Ricrado is standing behind the molle.
00:25:33.835 - 00:25:38.387

Sudapa:kuyantr'iki lliw lliw chumpatapis lluchukararin. ¿Ya ves?

Suda-pa:ku-ya-n-tr'i-ki lliw lliw chumpa-ta-pis lluchu-ka-ra-ri-n
Sudapa:kuyantr'iki lliw lliw chumpatapis lluchukararin. ¿Ya ves?
Estarán sudando ya seguro. Todos ya sacaron sus chompas.
They would be seating alredy, for sure. All removed theire sweaters already.
Ahh. Do you see already?
00:25:38.598 - 00:25:43.492

Umbrukarariyan. Pasananpaq. Imaynatr' piru?

TK pasa-na-n-paq imayna-tr' piru
Umbrukaykarillan. Pasananpaq. Imaynatr' piru?
Ya se lo pusieron al hombro. Para que pasen. ¿Cómo, pero?
They shouldered it already. In order to leave. How, though?
00:25:43.585 - 00:25:50.058

Abihahina qipinakuyantr'i. Wañukuptinchikqa. Tarirushpashqa wakhinaya

apapa:kullan, mana tarishpa ...
abiha-hina qipi-naku-ya-n-tr'i wañu-ku-pti-nchik-qa tari-ru-shpa-qa wak-hina-ya
Abihahina qipinakuyantr'i. Wañukuptinchikqa. Tarirushpashqa wakhinaya
Estarán cargándose como abejas. Cuando nos morimos ... Encontrándolo así lo
llevan. Si no lo encuentran ...
They'd be carrying each other like bees. When we die ... Finding it, they bring
it like that. If they don't find it ...
00:25:50.376 - 00:25:57.399

apa-pa:ku-lla-n mana tari-shpa

apapa:kullan, mana tarishpa ...

Disayunu listu karqa. Chaymi chay rimay kan turnakuy. ¿Imapaqpis turnakuy?
disayunu listu ka-rqa chay-mi chay rima-y ka-n turna-ku-y imapaq-pis turna-ku-y
Disayunu listu karqa. Chaymi chay rimay kan turnakuy. ¿Imapaqpis turnakuy?
Desayuno era listo. Por esó hay habladuría. Hay que turnarse. ¿Por qué también
Breakfast was ready. That¡s why there's talk. They have to take turns. Why do
they have to take turns?
00:25:57.493 - 00:26:05.019

Turnakun ya siyrtu siyrtu. Turnakushunyari. Imaynataq intunsis qipinakushun.

turna-ku-n ya siyrtu siyrtu Turna-ku-shun-y-ari imayna-taq intunsis
Turnakun ya siyrtu siyrtu. Turnakushunyari. Imaynataq intunsis
Es turno. De verdad también. Hay que turnarnos, pues. Cóno si no nos vamos a
They take turns. It's true. It's true. We have to take turns, then. How
00:26:05.204 - 00:26:09.704


Imaypis manam pasaruwananchik yatr'anchikchu. ¿Imaynapis ... ? ¿Wak pitaq chay

pinsarurqa? ¿Pitaq wakhina kanan ...
imay-pis mana-m pasaruwa-na-nchik yatr'a-nchik-chu imayna-pis wak pi-taq chay
Imaypis manam pasaruwananchik yatr'anchikchu. ¿Imaynapis ... ? ¿Wak pitaq chay
¿Cuando ...? No sabemos qué nos va a pasar. ¿Cómo? ¿Quién pensaba? ¿Quién así
ahora ...
Where? We don't know what is going to happen to us. How ... ? Who thought it?
Who now like that ... ?
00:26:09.967 - 00:26:17.060

pinsa-ru-rqa pi-taq wak-hina kanan

pinsarurqa? ¿Pitaq wakhina kanan ...

Mmm. Pasaypaq pipis piynsapakunchikchu. [inaudible]. Mumuntupaq utru utrutr'iki

pasarullan, akasu?
mmm pasaypaq pi-pis piynsa-paku-nchik-chu mumuntu-paq utru utru-tr'i-ki
Mmm. Pasaypaq pipis piynsapakunchikchu Mumuntupaq utru utrutr'iki pasarullan,
Total, nadie quien pensaba TK ... De un momento a otro le habrá pasado, de
Totaly, no one thought ... From one moment to another, it would have happened
00:26:17.060 - 00:26:25.307

pasa-ru-lla-n akasu

Privinikushpatr' imataq? waknin qipipañam kidapa:kuyanña

privini-ku-shpa-tr' imataq waknin qipi-pa-ña-m kida-pa:ku-ya-n-ña
Privinikushpatr' imataq? waknin qipipañam kidapa:kuyanña
Acaso preveniendo sé qué cosa. Algunos atrás ya están quedando.
Others, behind, are staying already.
00:26:25.402 - 00:26:29.875

Pish riyan matr'aypaq [inaudible] hanaymanña riyan. Rirpanqamanñatr'iki

pi-sh ri-ya-n matr'ay-paq hanay-man-ña ri-ya-n Rirpanqa-man-ña-tr'i-ki
hanaymanña riyan. Rirpanqamanñatr'iki
¿Quién está yendo de la cueva. Arriba ya están yendo. Hacia Rirpanqa ya,
WHo is going out from the cave? They're going up hill already. Towards Rirpanqa
already, for sure.
00:26:29.991 - 00:26:34.359

manachush pero Avivata qawanchikchu Kipullam wakta riyan.

mana-chu-sh piru Aviva-ta qawa-nchik-chu Kipu-lla-m wak-ta ri-ya-n
manachush pero Avivata qawanchikchu Kipullam wakta riyan.
¿Pero, si no se ve a Aviva? Kipu no más está yendo allí.
But if we don't see Aviva? Just Kipu is walking there.
00:26:34.544 - 00:26:37.860

May dilantipatr' payqa tumashtin kustaduntachu¿ ¿Maytatr'?

may dilanti-pa-tr' pay-qa tuma-shtin kustadun-ta-chu may-ta-tr'
May dilantipatr' payqa tumashtin kustaduntachu¿ ¿Maytatr'?
¿Dónde estará?
Where would it be?
00:26:37.965 - 00:26:41.807

Qipanta ... ¿Maypitr' rimayarqam? Mayqinñatr' ninpis '¡Dilantita riy!' '¡Pasa

delante!' nishpa.
qipa-n-ta may-pi-tr' rima-ya-rqa-m mayqin-ña-tr' ni-n-pis dilanti-ta ri-y pasa
Qipanta ... ¿Maypitr' rimayarqam? Mayqinñatr' ninpis '¡Dilantita riy!' '¡Pasa
Atrás de ... ¿Dónde estarán hablando? ¿Cuál de ellos habrá dicho, '¡Anda
delante!' 'Pasa delante!' dijo.
Behind ... Where would they be talking? Which of them would have said, "Go in
front!" "Go in front!" he said.
00:26:42.729 - 00:26:48.623

delante ni-shpa
delante!' nishpa.

Dilantita rinanpaq. Maypaq ya tumayan¿ Papakuna kuyallaypaq sisakuyan.

Dilanti-ta ri-na-n-paq may-paq ya tuma-ya-n papa-kuna kuya-y-lla-y-paq
Dilantita rinanpaq. Maypaq ya tumayan¿ Papakuna kuyallaypaq
Para que vaya primero. Ah, ¿de dónde estará tomando? Las papas están floreando
So that she goes first. Ah. Where would she be taking [fotos] from? The
potatoes are flowering nicely.
00:26:49.610 - 00:26:54.965


Wak Ajo Pachamanñam tr'ayayan. ¡Ve! Wak kaminu ... na.

wak Ajo Pacha-man-ña-m tr'aya-ya-n ve wak kaminu na
Wak Ajo Pachamanñam tr'ayayan. ¡Ve! Wak kaminu ... na.
Ya están llegando a Ajo Pacha. ¡Ve! Ese camino. ¡Este!
They're already arriving at Ajo Pacha. Look! That road. Umm!
00:26:55.228 - 00:26:59.307

Ajopacha uray law patachan. Marinapa alfa kasanman.

Ajo Pacha uray law pata-cha-n Marina-pa alfa ka-sa-n-man
Ajopacha uray law patachan. Marinapa alfa kasanman.
La pampita más abajo [de] Ajo Pacha. A donde está la alfalfa de Marina.
The pampa below Ajo Pacha. Towards where Marina's alfalfa is.
00:26:59.662 - 00:27:03.425

Paqcha Punto wak law. 'Uchica'. 'Uchica wakpa sutin'. Aa.

Paqcha Punto wak law. Uchica Uchica wak-pa suti-n aa
Paqcha Punto wak law. 'Uchica'. 'Uchica wakpa sutin'. Aa.
Más allá de Paqcha Punta. 'Uchica'. 'Uchica' se llama ese lugar.
That side of Paqcha Punto. "Uchica." The name of that place is "Uchica."
00:27:03.675 - 00:27:07.543

Paqchapunto. Paqchapunto kay law frintintr'i Uchika [inaudible] Marinapa alfan.

Paqcha Punto Paqcha Punto kay law frinti-n-tr'i Uchika Marina-pa alfa-n
Paqchapunto. Paqchapunto kay law frintintr'i Uchika [inaudible] Marinapa alfan.
Paqcha Punto. Este lado de Paqcha Punta. Frente de Uchica la alfalfa de Marina.
Paqcha Punto. This side of Paqcha Punto. In front of Uchica Marina's alfalfa.
00:27:07.636 - 00:27:13.004

Wak kayan wak Ajo Pachapaña kayan. Genaropa vakanwanña. Aa, Genaropa vakan
wakpa kayan.
wak ka-ya-n wak Ajo Pacha-pa-ña ka-ya-n Genaro-pa vaka-n-wan-ña. aa Genaro-pa
Wak kayan wak Ajo Pachapaña kayan. Genaropa vakanwanña. Aa, Genaropa vakan wakpa
Ellos ya están en Ajo Pacha. Donde las vacas de Genaro. La vacas de Genaro
están allí.
They're in Ajo Pacha. Where Genaro's cows are. Ah, Genaro's cows are there.
00:27:13.478 - 00:27:18.505

vaka-n wak-pa ka-ya-n


Sumaq, sumaq ... Aa, wak samarirun, ¡ve! Ajo Pacha wasipañam kayan. Doña
Malchipa wasin. Aaa
sumaq sumaq aa wak sama-ri-ru-n ve Ajo Pacha wasi-pa-ña-m ka-ya-n Doña
Sumaq, sumaq ... Aa, wak samarirun, ¡ve! Ajo Pacha wasipañam kayan. Doña
Bonito, bonito. Allá están descansando, ¡ve! Están en la casa de Ajo Pacha. La
casa de Doñs Malci.
Really nice. They're resting there. Look! They're at the Ajo Pacha house. Doña
Malci's house.
00:27:18.702 - 00:27:23.965

Malchi-pa wasi-n aa
Malchipa wasin. Aaa

Sikiya hawachanpi kaminu risanpa qipanlaw waknintam tr'ayarun. Wakkamatr'iki

sikiya qawa-cha-n-pi kaminu ri-sa-n-pa chay-pa waknin-ta-m tr'aya-ru-n
Sikiya qawachanpi kaminu risanpa chaypa waknintam tr'ayarun. Wakkamatr'iki chay
Encima de la sequía por donde va el camino, allí. Por allí llegaron. Hasta
allí, seguro, está.
Above the canal, where the road goes behind. They arrived around there. Up to
there, for sure.
00:27:24.728 - 00:27:30.754

wak-kama-tr'i-ki chay

Wakkamatr' ... Nisa ... Ishkay apara. Kimsa. Wak riyan. Tawa.
wak-kama-tr' ni-sa ishkay apa-ra kimsa wak ri-ya-n tawa
Wakkamatr' ... Nisa ... Ishkay apara. Kimsa. Wak riyan. Tawa.
Hasta allá. Nisa Dos lo están llevando. Tres. Están yendo allí. Cuatro.
Up to there. Nisa. Two are taking it. Three. They're going there. Four.
00:27:30.754 - 00:27:36.425

Chaykaman apurananrayku apupuray rirqa. Chay Ajo Pachapaq pasakamurqanchik.

Aya. Chaypaqtr'iki hamukurqa.
chay-kaman apura-na-n-rayku WW apupu-ra-y ri-rqa chay Ajo Pacha-paq
Chaykaman apurananrayku apupuray rirqa. Chay Ajo Pachapaq pasakamurqaña Aya.
Hasta allí. Rapidito fueron. De Ajo Pachapasamos. Aya. De allá, seguro, se
habrán venido.
Up to there. They went quickly. We left from Ajo Pacha. They would have come
from there, for sure.
00:27:36.425 - 00:27:43.549

pasa-ka-mu-rqa-nchik aya chay-paq-tr'i-ki hamu-ku-rqa

Chaypaqtr'iki hamukurqa.

Pasayachinraq. Aa, pasayachinraq. Aya, ¡ve!

pasa-ya-chi-n-raq aa pasa-ya-chi-n-raq aya ve
Pasayachinraq. Aa, pasayachinraq. Aya, ¡ve!
Lo están haciendo pasar todavía. Ah, ¡lo están haciendo pasar todavía!
They're having him pass still. Ah, they're having him pass still!
00:27:44.286 - 00:27:48.303

Karritirapaq. Karritirakamatr' apanqa chaypaq hamukamunqañatr'. Aa, chay

karritirapaq hamukamurqañatr'
karritira-paq karritira-kama-tr' apa-nqa chay-paq hamu-ka-mu-nqa-ña-tr' aa chay
Karritirapaq. Karritirakamatr' apanqa chaypaq hamukamunqañatr'. Aa, chay
Hasta carretera llevarán. De allí van a venir ya. De esa carretera vendrán ya.
They'll take him up to the road. They'll come from there already. They'll come
from that road already.
00:27:48.487 - 00:27:55.986

karritira-paq hamu-ka-mu-rqa-ña-tr'
karritirapaq hamukamurqañatr'

Lliw. Wak Oseviopis siñalayan. Qaway wakta grabayamun niyantr'iki. Niyantr'iki.

Niyantr'iki, chaymi qawachiyan.
lliw wak Osevio-pis siñala-ya-n qawa-y wak-ta graba-ya-mu-n ni-ya-n-tr'i-ki
Lliw. Wak Oseviopis siñalayan. Qaway wakta grabayamun niyantr'iki. Niyantr'iki.
Don Osevio también está señalando. Ah. ¡¡Mira! Allá está grabando', estará
diciendo. Ah, lo estará diciendo, pues. Lo estará diciendo. Allí está haciendo
Todo. Osevio, too, is signalling. Ah. "Look! She's recording," he must be
saying. Ah, he must be saying it. He must be saying it. He having them look
00:27:56.039 - 00:28:04.039

ni-ya-n-tr'i-ki ni-ya-n-tr'i-ki chay-mi qawa-chi-ya-n

Niyantr'iki, chaymi qawachiyan.

Kuyayllapam piru wak kayan, ¿aw? Wakhina. ¿May chay rikwirdutr' wak kidanqa.
kuya-y-lla-pa-m piru wak ka-ya-n aw wak-hina may chay rikwirdu-tr' wak kida-nqa
Kuyayllapam piru wak kayan, ¿aw? Wakhina. ¿May chay rikwirdutr' wak kidanqa.
Eso está bonito, pero, ¿no? Así. Ese recuerdo quedará. Para siempre.
That's lovely, though, no? Like that. That memory will stay. Eternally, for
00:28:05.949 - 00:28:13.475


Wak apayan wak rupa wak uqu rupan. Ishkay. Ishkay. Llasayantr'iki.
wak apa-ya-n wak rupa wak uqu rupa-n ishkay ishka-y llasa-ya-n-tr'i-ki
Wak apayan wak rupa wak uqu rupan. Ishkay. Ishkay. Llasayantr'iki.
Ah, allí están llevando esa ropa mojado. Dos. Dos. Estará pesando.
Ah, they're taking that wet clothing. Two.Two. It would be heavy.
00:28:13.554 - 00:28:18.712

Nelipis riyan qipanta. Tukpakusa. Rubilapis wak riyanña. Lliw lliw tukpayuq
Neli-pis ri-ya-n qipa-n-ta tukpa-ku-sa Rubila-pis wak ri-ya-n-ña. lliw lliw
Nelipis riyan qipanta. Tukpakusa. Rubilapis wak riyanña. Lliw lliw tukpayuq
Neli también está yendo atrás. Con bastón. Rubila también está yendo. Todos
están yendo con bastón.
Neli, too, is going behind. With a cane. Rubila, too, is going. All are going
with canes.
00:28:19.002 - 00:28:26.317

tukpa-yuq ri-ku-ya-n

Wak uchuk Rodrigochanpis. Aa, Rodrigoninwan Ceciliaqa rirqa.

wak uchuk Rodrigo-cha-n-pis aa Rodrigo-ni-n-wan Cecilia-qa ri-rqa
Wak uchuk Rodrigochanpis. Aa, Rodrigoninwan Ceciliaqa rirqa.
Ah, ese su pequeño Rodrigocito, también. Aa, Cecilia fue con su Rodrigo.
Ah, that little Rodrigo, too. Cecilia went with her Rodrigo.
00:28:26.949 - 00:28:31.975

Altu ... Ankipa wasinmanñatr', ¿aw?

altu Anki-pa wasi-n-man-ña-tr' aw
Altu ... Ankipa wasinmanñatr', ¿aw?
Alto. Será la casa de Anki, ¿no?
Up high. It would be Anki's house, no?
00:28:33.421 - 00:28:37.000

Pitaq umbruyan Walliamwan piñataq chay umbruyan waktaqa ya, Aa, wak ...
pi-taq umbru-ya-n Walliam-wan pi-ña-taq chay umbru-ya-n wak-ta-qa aa wak
Pitaq umbruyan Walliamwan piñataq chay shoulder-PROG-3 DEMD-ACC-TOP Aa, wak ...
Ahora, ¿quién está llevándolo al hombro con William? ¿Quién ya también está
llevándolo al hombro? Ah, ése
Now, who's carrying it on his shoulder with William? Who already is carrying
it on his shoulders? Ah, that ?
00:28:37.106 - 00:28:42.211

Hukkunaqa manañam kasachu. Patuchapis Esmeraldamanña. Tr'ayamunñam.

huk-kuna-qa mana-ña-m ka-sa-chu patu-cha-pis Esmeralda-man-ña tr'aya-mu-n-ña-m
Hukkunaqa manañam kasachu. Patuchapis Esmeraldamanña. Tr'ayamunñam.
Otros ya no habían. Patito también. A Esmeralda ya.Ya llegaron.
There weren't others. Ducks, too. To Esmeralda already. They arrived already.
00:28:42.579 - 00:28:46.448

Pasiyakatr'ariyan Patuchapis, ¡ve! Tr'ayarunñam. Aa, tr'ayamunñachu? Kapilla

pasiya-katr'a-ri-ya-n Patu-cha-pis ve tr'aya-ru-n-ña-m aa tr'aya-mu-n-ña-chu
Pasiyakatr'ariyan Patuchapis, ¡ve! Tr'ayarunñam. Aa, tr'ayamunñachu? Kapilla
Los patitos también están empezando a pasear. ¡Ve! Ya llegaron. Ah, ¿Ya
llegaron? Está la capilla.
The ducks, too, are starting to wander about. Look! They arrived already? Did
they arrive already? The chapel is there.
00:28:46.685 - 00:28:52.316

Mmm. Wak kapillan kayan. Wak siyrtu, tr'ayaramunña.

kapi-lla ka-ya-n mmm wak kapi-lla-n ka-ya-n wak siyrtu tr'aya-ra-mu-n-ña
kayan. Mmm. Wak kapillan kayan. Wak siyrtu, tr'ayaramunña.
Mmm, su capilla está De verdad, ya llegaron.
Mmm, they chapel is there. It's true. They already arrived.
00:28:52.487 - 00:28:58.303

May mayman chay almaqa tr'ayarun? Wakman ya wak kapilla patiyunmanmi

samachinqa, ¡ve!
may may-man chay alma-qa tr'aya-ru-n wak-man ya wak kapi-lla patiyun-man-mi
May mayman chay almaqa tr'ayarun? Wakman ya wak kapilla patiyunmanmi samachinqa,
¿Dónde?¿A dónde va a llegar esa alma? Allá, pues, al patio de la capilla. Allí
van a hacer descansar.
Where? Where is the deceased soul going to arrive? There, then, at the patio of
the Chapel. They're going to have him rest there.
00:28:59.434 - 00:29:05.407

sama-chi-n-qa ve

Salun ukupanñam pasakayan. Aa, dirichu ukumanña dirichu. Aa, altus ninmanshi,
salun uku-pa-n-ña-m pasa-ka-ya-n aa dirichu uku-man-ña dirichu aa altu-s
Salun ukupanñam pasakayan. Aa, dirichu ukumanña dirichu. Aa, altus ninmanshi,
Adentro del salón ya lo están desatando. Directo adentro, derecho. Derecho. Al
segundo piso, dirían, dice.
Inside the hall they're already untyinghim. Straight inside. Straight [inside].
Ah, the top floor, they'd say, they say.
00:29:05.605 - 00:29:11.210

Chay altus nin vilarqa. Chaypam vilapa:kurqa.

ni-n-man-shi aw chay altus ni-n vila-rqa chay-pa-m vila-pa:ku-rqa
¿aw? Chay altus nin vilarqa. Chaypam vilapa:kurqa.
Ah, velaron en el segundo piso. Velaron allí.
Ah, they held vigil on the top floor. They held vigil there.
00:29:11.407 - 00:29:15.565

Tardi tr'ayamushpa rirqaniñam ñuqa. Chay tr'ayarqani wakpañam vilakusa. Aa,

ukuman diriktu tr'ayarachin.
tardi tr'aya-mu-shpa ri-rqa-ni-ña-m ñuqa. chay tr'aya-rqa-ni wak-pa-ña-m
Tardi tr'ayamushpa rirqaniñam ñuqa. Chay tr'ayarqani wakpañam vilakusa. Aa,
Llegando tarde, ya fui yo. Llegué allí, allí velaban ya. Ah, adentro directo
hicieron llegar.
Arriving late, I went already. I arrived there; they were holding vigil
already. They delivered him directly inside.
00:29:15.907 - 00:29:24.825

vila-ku-sa aa uku-man diriktu tr'aya-ra-chi-n

ukuman diriktu tr'ayarachin.

Pishipay pishipaytr'ki tr'ayarun. Pasaypam kanan tiyarunqa. Pukay pukay

pishipa-y pishipa-y-tr'i-ki tr'aya-ru-n pasaypa-m kanan tiya-ru-nqa puka-y
Pishipay pishipaytr'ki tr'ayarun. Pasaypam kanan tiyarunqa. Pukay pukay
Habrán llegado muy cansados. De total ahora se van a sentar. Sus caras [están]
muy rojas, también.
They would have arrived very tired. Totally, now they're going to sit down.
Their faces [are] really red.
00:29:26.287 - 00:29:32.998

puka-y kara-n-pis

Apuraymi aparun akasu ... Mitu Canchapis samaykun; Marcapis samaykun; Ajo
Pachapis samaykun.
apura-y-mi apa-ru-n akasu Mitu Cancha-pis sama-yku-n Marca-pis sama-yku-n Ajo
Apuraymi aparun akasu ... Mitu Canchapis samaykun; Marcapis samaykun; Ajo
Muy rápido lo llevaron. Acaso ... en Mitu Cancha descansaron, en Marca,
también, descansaron; en Ajo Pacha, también, descansaron;
They brought him very quickly. Perhaps .. They rested in Mitu Cancha and they
rested in Marca and they rested in Ajo Pacha.
00:29:33.187 - 00:29:39.550

Pacha-pis sama-yku-n
Pachapis samaykun.

Aa, chay ... Kambiyashpa kambiyashpa variyus kashpa ya. Aya.

aa chay kambi-ya-shpa kambi-ya-shpa variyus ka-shpa ya. aya
Aa, chay ... Kambiyashpa kambiyashpa variyus kashpa ya. Aya.
Cambiando cambiando, siendo varios, pues.
Changing, changing, being many, then.
00:29:39.895 - 00:29:44.500

Ishkallaqa imay urataq tr'aya ... Kay pishipashpa ¿ayka piru ... ¿ayka samashpa
tr'ayachinman kambiyashpa kambiyashpa apupuray tr'ayamun.
ishka-lla-qa imay ura-taq tr'aya kay pishi-pa-shpa ayka piru ayka sama-shpa
Ishkallaqa imay urataq tr'aya ... Kay pishipashpa ¿ayka piru ... ¿ayka samashpa
Dos no más, qué hora lleg ...? Cansándose, ¿cuánto, descando pueden hacerlo
llegar, cambiando, cambiando. Rápido llegaron.
Just two. What time ... Tiring, how many, resting, would be delivering him,
changing, changing, they delivered him quickly.
00:29:44.789 - 00:29:52.695

tr'aya-chi-n-man kambiya-shpa kambiya-shpa apupura-y tr'aya-mu-n

tr'ayachinman kambiyashpa kambiyashpa apupuray tr'ayamun.

Samaripa:kuyanñatr' risakuyanñatr'. Mmm, vilachankuna

Sama-ri-pa:ku-ya-n-ña-tr' risa-ku-ya-n-ña-tr' mmm vila-cha-n-kuna
Samaripa:kuyanñatr' risakuyanñatr'. Mmm, vilachankuna
Allí estarán descansando. Ya estarán rezando. Mmm, sus velitas y todo.
They'd be resting there. They'd be praying already. Mmm, their candles and all.
00:29:55.142 - 00:30:00.458

Allin tr'ayamusanta quyan Doña Lucia. Aa, payshi payshi. Pay suyarusa.
allin tr'aya-mu-sa-n-ta qu-ya-n Doña Lucia aa pay-shi pay-shi pay suya-ru-sa
Allin tr'ayamusanta quyan Doña Lucia. Aa, payshi payshi. Pay suyarusa.
Doña Lucia les está dando su buena llegada. Ah, ella había esperado. Es su
nuegra, pues.
Doña Lucia is giving them a good welcome. Ah, she had waited. She'd be his
00:30:00.853 - 00:30:07.168


Llumchuy nintr'ik. Aa, llumchuy nin ya. Aa, risa risakuyan. Risayachin.
Llumchuy ni-n-tr'i-k aa llumchu-y ni-n ya aa ri-sa risa-ku-ya-n risa-ya-chi-n
Llunchuy nintr'ik. Aa, llunchuy nin ya. Aa, risa risakuyan. Risayachin.
Ah, su nuegra será, dice. Ah, su nuegra, dicen. Están rezando. Ah, está
haciendo rezar.
She'd be his, they say. Ah. his, they said. Ah,
they're pray praying. They're having them pray.
00:30:07.300 - 00:30:12.511

Imayna wañusapis wasinchik punkunpa kutinchikchu llaqtanchikman. Tariruptinña

Iducha simintiryu
imayna wañu-sa-pis wasi-nchik punku-n-pa kuti-nchik-chu llaqta-nchik-man
Imayna wañusapis wasinchik punkunpa kutinchikchu llaqtanchikman. Tariruptinña
¿Cómo ni muerto no vamos a regresar a la puerta de nuestra casa, a nuestro
pueblo? Cuando lo encontró, ya, Eudosia, el cementerio ...
How, even dead, aren't we going to return to the door of our house, to our
town? When they found it, Ido, the cemetery ...
00:30:13.169 - 00:30:21.247

tari-ru-pti-n-ña Idu-cha simintiryu

Iducha simintiryu

¿Imaytapis tarinmantr'i karqa mas tullullantapis?

imay-ta-pis tari-n-man-tr'i ka-rqa mas tullu-lla-n-ta-pis
¿Imaytapis tarinmantr'i karqa mas tullullantapis?
¿Cuándo también hubieron encontrado aunque sea sus huesos?
WHen would they have found even his bones?
00:30:21.536 - 00:30:25.773

Chay ukuman saqaykuruptin manañam qawanmanchu karqa pipis ninshi.

chay uku-man saqa-yku-ru-pti-n mana-ña-m qawa-n-man-chu ka-rqa pi-pis ni-n-shi
Chay ukuman saqaykuruptin manañam qawanmanchu karqa pipis ninshi.
Cuando se cayó allí adentro ya nadie lo hubiera visto, dijeron.
When he fell inside, nobody would have found him, they said.
00:30:26.431 - 00:30:31.563

Altu paqchash ... Fiyu fiyu paqchash. ¿Manachu runkanash

Aatu paqch'a-sh fiyu fiyu paqcha-sh mana-chu run-kana-sh
Altu paqtr'ash ... Fiyu fiyu paqtr'ash. ¿Manachu runkanash
La catarata es alta, dicen. Es muy fea la catarata, dice. ¿La gente, dice, no
The waterfall is high, they say. The waterfall is horrid, they say. Don't the
people, they say, ...
00:30:31.865 - 00:30:36.523

Naranqachankunata Imachankunatapis chuqarin purishpa

naranha-cha-n-kuna-ta ima-cha-n-kuna-ta-pis chuqa-ri-n puri-shpa
Naranqachankunata Imachankunatapis chuqarin purishpa
La gente, andando, botaba naranjas y cualquier cosita?
People, walking about, tossed oranges and whatever little thing?
00:30:36.628 - 00:30:39.443

Chaytr'ik rikarachimurqa. Wak Dimuniyuqa ...

chay-tr'i-k rikara-chi-mu-rqa wak Dimuniyu-qa
Chaytr'ik rikarachimurqa. Wak Dimuniyuqa ...
Por-RSTR lo habrán hecho aparecer. El Demonio ...
That's why they would have made him appear. The Devil ...
00:30:39.496 - 00:30:43.654

Kukakunata. 'Mana imas pagaptinqa, ¿imapaqtaq katr'aykushaq?' nirqatr'.

kuka-kuna-ta mana ima-s paga-pti-n-qa impaq-taq katr'a-yku-shaq ni-rqa-tr'
Kukakunata. 'Mana imas pagaptinqa, ¿imapaqtaq katr'aykushaq?' nirqatr'.
Coca todo. 'Si no pagan nada, ¿por qué lo voy a soltar?' habrá dico. Lo habrá
Coca and all. "When they don't pay anything, why would I release him?" he would
have said. He would have said it.
00:30:43.865 - 00:30:49.786


Chay watankunaqa tr'urarayanmi. Milvinpis kukachantin traguchantin muyuyan.

chay wata-n-kuna-qa tr'ura-ra-ya-n-mi Milvi-n-pis kuka-cha-ntin tragu-cha-ntin
Chay watankunaqa tr'urarayanmi. Milvinpis kukachantin traguchantin
Están guardado su soga y todo. Milvin también está haciendo dar vielta su coca
y su trago.
They're putting away the rope and all. Milvin, too, is circulating his coca and
his drink.
00:30:51.154 - 00:30:57.641

Samaripaykuyan lliw . Aa, samarikuyan.

muyu-ya-n Sama-ri-pa-yku-ya-n lliw aa sama-ri-ku-ya-n
muyuyan. Samaripaykuyan lliw . Aa, samarikuyan.
Están descansando todos. Ah, están descansando.
All are resting. Ah, they're resting.
00:30:58.863 - 00:31:02.810

Llapa runakunapaq ¿Ima ... riyarqa kaypatr' astawan karqa?

llapa runa-kuna-paq ima ri-ya-rqa kay-pa-tr' asta-wan ka-rqa
Llapa runakunapaq ¿Ima ... riyarqa kaypatr' astawan karqa?
De toda la gente ... ¿Qué .... más bien acá estaría.
Everyone's --- What ...
00:31:03.903 - 00:31:10.114

Sinu hukchu rinman karqa. Llantukatr'ayamunraq piru, ¡ve!
si nu huk-chu ri-n-man ka-rqa Llantu-katr'a-ya-mu-n-raq piru ve
Sinu hukchu rinman karqa. Llantukatr'ayamunraq piru, ¡ve!
Si no, ¿qué hubiera ido? Está sombreando todavía pero, ¡ve!
If not, why would they have done it? It's shading over, though. Look!
00:31:10.600 - 00:31:16.777

Puripa:kuyan. Olgakuna wambran qipikusa puriyan. Sirviyan mikuytanña.

puri-pa:ku-ya-n Olga-kuna wambra-n qipi-ku-sa puri-ya-n sirvi-ya-n
Puripa:kuyan. Olgakuna wambran qipikusa puriyan. Sirviyan
Están caminando. Olga está andando cargando su bebé. Está sirviendo comida ya.
They're walking. Olga is walking about carrying her baby. They're serving food
00:31:17.355 - 00:31:26.565


Ariyá. Almursayanñatr'iki. Almursataña tr'ayaruptinqa samakuykushpa,

ariyá almursa-ya-n-ña-tr'i-ki almursa-ta-ña tr'aya-ru-pti-n-qa sama-ku-yku-shpa
Ariyá. Almursayanñatr'iki. Almursataña tr'ayaruptinqa samakuykushpa,
Sí, pues. Estarán almorzando ya. Cuando se cocina el almuerzo, descansando,
haciendo descansar,
Yes indeed. They'd be eating lunch already. When lunch is cooked already,
resting, having them rest ...
00:31:26.750 - 00:31:32.907


qaraykuyan, ¡ve! Aa, Mariaqa manam karqachu. Yanushpatr'iki suyarqa.

qara-yku-ya-n ve aa Maria-qa mana-m ka-rqa-chu yanu-shpat-r'i-ki suya-rqa
qaraykuyan, ¡ve! Aa, Mariaqa manam karqachu. Yanushpatr'iki suyarqa.
Están serviendo. ¡Ve! Ah, María no estaba. Cociando, estaría esperando.
They're serving it. Look! María wasn't there. Cooking, she's have waited.
00:31:33.276 - 00:31:38.197

Maria, Bita, chaykunam kayan. Aa, siyrtu. Esmeraldakunatr'ik. Paykunatr'iki

yanukurqa. Aa, mikuypaqtr'i kayan.
Maria Bita chay-kuna-m ka-ya-n aa siyrtu Esmeralda-kuna-tr'i-k pay-kuna-tr'i-ki
Maria, Bita, chaykunam kayan. Aa, siyrtu. Esmeraldakunatr'ik. Paykunatr'iki
María, Bita, ellas están. Ah, cierto. Todo Esmeralda. Ellas, seguro, habrán
cocinado. Ah, estarán de hambre.
María, Bita, they're there. Ah, true. Esmeralda and all. They wold have cooked,
for sure. Ah, they'd be hungry.
00:31:38.434 - 00:31:48.052
yanu-ku-rqa aa miku-y-paq-tr'i ka-ya-n
yanukurqa. Aa, mikuypaqtr'i kayan.

¿Imanankitaq? Piru wakhina unidu kayan allin ya piru. Wakhina yanapanakushpa

allin yari.
ima-na-nki-taq piru wak-hina unidu ka-ya-n allin ya piru wak-hina
¿Imanankitaq? Piru wakhina unidu kayan allin ya piru. Wakhina yanapanakushpa
¿Qué vas a hacer? Pero, están unidos así -- está bien, pero. Ayudándose así --
es bueno.
What are you going to do? But they're united -- [that] is good. Helping each
other like that -- it's good.
00:31:48.609 - 00:31:55.525

yanapa-naku-shpa allin yari

allin yari.

Wakininchik qawanakuyanchik hukllata ishkayllata. Manayari ima

pasawananchiktapis yatr'anchikchu.
waknin-chik ni TK qawa-naku-ya-nchik huk-lla-ta ishkay-lla-ta mana-y-ari ima
Wakninchik qawanakuyanchik hukllata ishkayllata. Manayari ima pasawananchiktapis
Algunos nos estamos mirando, a uno no más, a dos, no más. Ah, no sabemos qué
nos va a pasar.
Some of us are looking at each other, at just one, at just two. We don't know
what's going to happen to us.
00:31:55.778 - 00:32:02.830

pasa-wa-na-nchik-ta-pis yatr'a-nchik-chu

Turnakushuntr'ik chaymi nini ñuqa. Kaptinqa imallawanpis kachuwan.

turna-ku-shun-tr'i-k chay-mi ni-ni ñuqa ka-pti-n-qa ima-lla-wa-n-pis ka-chuwan
Turnakushuntr'ik chaymi nini ñuqa. Kaptinqa imallawanpis kachuwan.
Vamos a turnarnos, digo. Cuando hay podemos estar con algo.
Let's take turns, I say. When there is [something], we could be with something.
00:32:03.184 - 00:32:07.105

Yanapanakushun. Esmeraldapaq, ¿maypaqtaq wak Avivaqa ...

yanapa-naku-shun Esmeralda-paq may-paq-taq wak Aviva-qa
Yanapanakushun. Esmeraldapaq, ¿maypaqtaq wak Avivaqa ...
Vamos a ayudarnos. De Esmeralda, ¿de dónde esa Aviva ...
We're going to help each other. From Esmeralda, from where did that Aviva ...
00:32:07.223 - 00:32:12.223

Kaylaw chimpapa hamushpa imatr'iki filmara. Wak klaru klaru kakuyan.

kay-law chimpa-pa hamu-shpa ima-tr'i-ki filma-ra wak klaru klaru ka-ku-ya-n
Kaylaw chimpapa hamushpa imatr'iki filmara. Wak klaru klaru kakuyan.
De allá frente viniendo filmaría. Eso está bien claro.
Coming in front of here, she'd film. That's really clear.
00:32:12.461 - 00:32:16.988

Aa, kay law chimpapam wakta filmarqa Wasi kayan.

aa kay law chimpa-pa-m wak-ta filma-rqa wasi ka-ya-n
Aa, kay law chimpapam wakta filmarqa Wasi kayan.
Ah, de allá frente-RSTR habrá filmado. Ah, una casa está allí.
She'd have filmed from in front of here. There's a house.
00:32:17.065 - 00:32:20.223

Wamanikuna rikarikuyan ¡ve! Intirum lluqsisa.

Wamani-kuna rikari-ku-ya-n ve intiru-m lluqsi-sa
Wamanikuna rikarikuyan ¡ve! Intirum lluqsisa.
Wamani todo está apareciendo. Entero había salido.
Wamani and everything is appearing. It came out complete.
00:32:20.433 - 00:32:23.486

na Waylluran wak urquntatr' rillarqa. Wak karritira Waylluran waktatr'

na Wayllura-n wak urqu-n-ta-tr' rilla-rqa wak karritira Wayllura-n wak-ta-tr'
na Waylluran wak urquntatr' rillarqa. Wak karritira Waylluran waktatr'
Ah, por la lomada de Wayllura habrá ido.
Ah, she would have gone on Wayllura hill.
00:32:23.631 - 00:32:29.117

Wak urquchata ... Pampa Rosario urquntatr'ik ripurqa.

wak urqu-cha-ta Pampa Rosario urqu-n-ta-tr'i-k ripu-rqa
Wak urquchata ... Pampa Rosario urquntatr'ik ripurqa.
Por esa lomadita. Por la lomada de Pampa Rosario habrá ido.
Via that little hill. She would have gone via Pampa Rosario hill.
00:32:29.154 - 00:32:32.477

¿Maynintatr'ik rirqa? Tinku Pukyu chay chay pukyu ukupashiki chay wambraqa
qawarqa. Cristian.
may-ni-n-ta-tr'i-k ri-rqa Uku Tinku chay pukyu uku-pa-shi-ki chay wambra-qa
¿Maynintatr'ik rirqa? Uku Tinku chay pukyu ukupatr'iki chay wambraqa qawarqa.
¿Por dónde habrá ido? Abajo donde se unen el pukyo a dentro el niño había
visto. Cristián.
Where would they have gon? Below, inside the well, that chils saw it. Cristián.
00:32:32.477 - 00:32:38.262

qawa-rqa Cristian

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2014/Cacra_MB_LifeHistory.eaf
Sunday, July 27, 2014 4:33 PM


¿Qué cosa voy a contar? ¿Mi vida?

¿Qué cosa voy a contar? ¿Mi vida?
What am I going to tell? My life?
00:00:00.290 - 00:00:03.590

¿Lo que has pasado antes? ¿Cómo ha luchado? ¿Cómo es?

¿Lo que has pasado antes? ¿Cómo ha luchado? ¿Cómo es?
What you went through before? How you fought? How is it?
00:00:03.780 - 00:00:07.470

Aya. Mi vida ha sido triste, pues. Cuando yo ... Yo anda ... ¿En quechua? Ya.
Aya. Mi vida ha sido triste, pues. Cuando yo ... Yo anda ... ¿En quechua? Ya.
Aya. Mi vida ha sido triste, pues. Cuando yo ... I go ... In Quechua? OK.
00:00:07.630 - 00:00:13.890 00:00:14.260 - 00:00:20.480

Kay Warmi Qutrakta likula: kay altu kay ishlla

Kay Warmi Qutra-kta li-ku-la-: kay altu kay ishlla
DEM.P woman lake-ACC go-REFL-PST-1 DEM.P high DEM.P little
Fui a Warmi Qutra, a la altura. Poquito.
I went to Warmi Qutra, up high. A little
00:00:21.370 - 00:00:25.650

Kala bintillam kala usha:.

Ka-la binti-lla-m ka-la usha-:
be-PST twenty-RSTR-EVD be-PST sheep-1
Tenía veinte ovejas, no más.
I had just twenty sheep.
00:00:26.030 - 00:00:29.730

'Chaymi chay ushakta milachimushun',

Chay-mi chay usha-kta mila-chi-mu-shun
'Por eso vamos a hacer aumentar esa oveja',
"That's why we're going to make the sheep multiply,"
00:00:29.920 - 00:00:34.060

niman quha:qa. Chayta nimaptinqa, 'Maytraw?' ni:.

ni-ma-n quha-:-qa chay ni-ma-pti-n-qa May-traw ni-:
say-1.OBJ-3 husband-1-TOP DEM.D say-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3-TOP where-LOC say-1
me dijo mi esposo. Y cuando me lo dijo, dije, '¿Dónde?'
my husband says to me. When he says it, I say, "Where?"
00:00:34.360 - 00:00:38.950

'Warmi Qutra granhaktami.'

Warmi Qutra granha-kta-mi
woman lake farm-ACC-EVD
'La granja de Warmi Qucha.
'The farm TK [at] Warmi Qutra
00:00:39.050 - 00:00:41.615

'Michisha:. ¡Michichiy!' niman.

michi-sha-: michi-chi-y ni-ma-n
herd-PRF-1 herd-CAUS-IMP say-1.OBJ-3
Donde había pasteado, '¡Hazle pastear!' me dice.
Where I had pastured. Have them pasture!' he says to me.
00:00:41.792 - 00:00:44.712

'Nakuna, kumunidadkuna manachu lichuwan'.

Na-kuna kumunidad-kuna mana-chu li-chuwan
DMY-PL community-PL no-NEG go-1PL.COND
'Esos, la comunidad, no podemos ir [todos].
'Those, the community can't [all] go.
00:00:44.812 - 00:00:48.672

'Ushanchikqa mirinuktami muyunqa wawanqa', niman.

Usha-nchik-qa mirinu-kta-mi muyu-nqa wawa-n-qa ni-ma-n
sheep-1PL-TOP merino-ACC-EVD turn-3.FUT baby-3-TOP say-i.OBJ-3
'Nuestras ovejas van a cruzar sus crías con merinos', me dice.
'Our sheep are going to cross their young with merinos," he says to me.
00:00:48.742 - 00:00:52.942

Uyala:. Muna:chu. Kalum. '¿Imaynash lishun chayta?'

Uya-la-: muna-:-chu Kalu-m imayna-sh li-shun chay-ta
concede-PST-1 want-1-NEG far-EVD how-EVR go-1PL.FUT DEM.D-ACC
TK é. No quise. '¿Cómo vamos a ir allí?'
I gave in. I didn't want to. "How are we going to go there?"
00:00:53.482 - 00:00:57.442

Wamblacha: kala uchukchalla. Kay kayqa mas puliyan mas taksachalla.

Wambla-cha-: ka-la uchuk-cha-lla Kay kay-qa mas puli-ya-n
child-DIM-1 be-PST small-DIM-RSTR DEM.P DEM.P-TOP more walk-PROG-3
Tenía hijos chiquititos. Este más chiquito estaba caminando.
I had small children. This smallest one was walking.
00:00:57.522 - 00:01:02.102

mas taksa-cha-l
more small-DIM-RSTR

Huktaña chichila:. Chaymi, ¿Imaynash lishun kanan?

Huk-ta-ña chichi-la-: Chay-mi imayna-sh li-shun kanan
one-ACC-DISC breast.feed-PST-1 DEM.D-EVD how-EVR go-1PL.FUT now
A uno estuve lactando. Por-RSTR, ¿Cómo vamos a ir ahora? [pregunto].
I was nursing another already. So, How are we going to go now? [I ask].
00:01:02.342 - 00:01:07.112

'¡Vamos! Ushanchik mirinuman muyuchimushun.

usha-nchik mirinu-man muyu-chi-mu-shun
sheep-1PL merino-ALL turn-CAUS-CISL-1PL.FUT
'¡Vámos! Vamos a hacer dar vuelta nuestras ovejas hacia los merinos.
'Let's go! We're going to circulate our sheep among the merinos.
00:01:07.312 - 00:01:11.227

Michinki. Michishaq. Ñuqa qamqa wasillatraw kanki.

Michi-nki michi-shaq qam-qa wasi-lla-traw ka-nki
herd-2 herd-1.FUT 2-TOP house-RSTR-LOC be-2
Pastearás. Yo voy a pastear. Tú vas a estar en casa no más.
You'll pasture. I'll pasture. You'll be just in the house.
00:01:11.307 - 00:01:15.689

Ñuqam ganawwan lishaq'. Ese tiempo era pues.

Ñuqa-m ganaw-wan li-shaq
1-EVD cattle-INSTR go-1.FUT
Yo voy a estar con los animales'. Ese tiempo era, pues.
I'm going to be with the animals." It was that time.
00:01:16.049 - 00:01:19.738

Cuatro cientos, tres cientos. Granja de la comunidad.

Cuatro cientos, tres cientos. Granja de la comunidad.
Four hundred, three hundred. The community's farm.
00:01:20.078 - 00:01:25.753

Chaymi, 'Bueno, pues', nila:. Asiptalu:. Kaballucha: kala ishkay.

Chay-mi "Bueno, pues", ni-la-: asipta-lu-: Kaballu-cha-: ka-la ishkay
DEM.D-EVD say-PST-1 accept-URGT-1 horse-DIM-1 be-PST two
Por-RSTR, 'Ya pues', dije y acepté. Tenía dos caballitos.
So, "OK, then," I said and accepted. I had two horses.
00:01:26.093 - 00:01:30.273 00:01:30.435 - 00:01:33.175

Kaballucha:wan kargakul kay alturapaq li: Warmi Qutrakta.

Kaballu-cha-:-wan karga-ku-l kay altura-paq li-: Warmi Qutra-kta
horse-DIM-1-INSTR carry-REFL-SUBIS DEM.P heights-ABL go-1 woman lake-ACC
Cargándo con mi caballito, vamos a la altura, a Warmi Q'ucha.
Carrying [our things] with my horse, we go to the high grounds, to Warmi Qutra.
00:01:33.235 - 00:01:39.425

Granha usha michipakuq.

Granha usha michi-paku-q
farm sheep herd-MUTBEN-AG
[a la] granja, a pastear las ovejas.
[to] the farm, to pasture the sheep.
00:01:39.565 - 00:01:41.950

'Pagamashun. Ushanchik mirinu kanqa.

Paga-ma-shun usha-nchik mirinu ka-nqa
pay-1.OBJ.1PL.FUT sheep-1PL merino be-3.FUT
'Nos van a pagar. Nuestras ovejas van a ser merinos.
"They're going to pay us. Our sheep are going to be merinos.
00:01:42.257 - 00:01:45.657

Muyuchishun mirinuman. Mirinuqa

Muyu-chi-shun mirinu-man Mirinu-qa
turn-CAUS-1PL.FUT merino-ALL merino-TOP
Vamos a hacerles cruzar con merinos. Los merinos
We're going to have them crossed with merinos. Merinos
00:01:45.737 - 00:01:49.017

masmi kwistan. Manam chuskumishchu', me dijo.

mas-mi kwista-n mana-m chusku-mish-chu
more-EVD cost-3 no-3 small-EVD
cuestan más. No son como chuscos', me dice.
cost more. They're not like the little ones," he says to me.
00:01:49.297 - 00:01:53.077

'Alí', nil li:. Kara Qultra naman kay Pampa Kuralman.

Alí ni-l li-: Kara Kulcha na-man kay pampa kuralman
yes say-SUBIS go-1 face lake DMY-ALL DEM.P pampa coral-ALL
'Sí', digo y me voy. Kara Q'ucha, hacia allá, Pampa Corral.
"Yes," I say and go. Kara Q'utra. Towards there, Pampa Corral.
00:01:53.387 - 00:01:55.287 00:01:55.667 - 00:02:01.617

Li: uchu llamachayuq. Sinku paquchayuq.

Li-: uchu llama-cha-yuq Sinku paqu-cha-yuq
go-1 eight llama-DIM-POSS five alpaca-DIM-POSS
Voy con ocho llamitas. Con cinco alpaquitas.
I go with eight llamas. Five alpacas.
00:02:01.857 - 00:02:04.842 00:02:05.129 - 00:02:07.089

Sisinta ushachayuq. Chaymi trayalupti:qa niman,
sisinta usha-cha-yuq Chay-mi traya-lu-pti-:-qa ni-ma-n
sixty sheep-DIM-POSS DEM.D-EVD arrive-URGT-SUBDS-1-TOP say-1,OBJ-3
Con sesenta ovinos. En eso cuando llego me dice.
With sixty sheep. So when I get there, he says to me,
00:02:07.329 - 00:02:10.269 00:02:10.419 - 00:02:16.099

Pampa Kuralpaq li: qayantinqa. 'Wak Warmi Qutraman trayashunmi.

Pampa kural-paq li-: qayantin-qa Wak warmi Qutra-man traya-shun-mi
pampa coral-ABL go-1 DEM.D woman lake-ALL arrive-1PL.FUT-EVD
Me voy de Pampa Corral al día siguente. 'Vamos a llegar a Warmi Q'ucha.
I leave Pampa Corral the next day. "We're going to arrive at Warmi Qutra.
00:02:16.439 - 00:02:20.219 00:02:20.379 - 00:02:23.309

Virdiqtrawmi kanan tinkushun Virdiqtrawshi granha kayan', niman.

Virdiq-traw-mi kanan tinku-shun Virdiq-traw-shi granha ka-ya-n ni-ma-n
Virdiq-LOC-EVD now find-1PL.FUT Virdiq-LOC-EVR farm be-PROG-3 say-1.OBJ-3
En Verdiq ahora vamos a encontrarnos. En Verdiq hay una granja', me dice.
We'll meet in Verdiq. There's a farm in Verdiq," he says to me.
00:02:23.574 - 00:02:26.994 00:02:27.144 - 00:02:29.844

Ali nil li:. Virdad chay pampatraw.

Ali ni-l li-: Verdad chay pampa-traw
yes say-SUBIS go-1 V true DEM.D pampa-LOC
'Sí', digo y me voy. De verdad, [están] en la pampa.
"Yes," I say and go. In truth, it [is] in the pampa.
00:02:30.154 - 00:02:34.994

Nakuna awsiliyarkuna michisha ushaktaqa granhaktaqa pampa

Na-kuna awsiliyar-kuna michi-sha usha-kta-qa granha-kta-qa pampa
DMY-PL auxiliary-PL herd-PRF sheep-ACC-TOP farm-ACC-TOP pampa
Esos, los ausiliares, pasteaban ovejas de la granja en la pampa.
Those, the auxiliares pastured the farm sheep [in] the pampa.
00:02:35.194 - 00:02:41.094

trayalu:. trayalupti:qa,
traya-lu-: traya-lu-pti-:-qa
arrive-URGT-1 arrive-URGT-SUBDS-1-TOP
Llegué. Cuando llegué,
I arrived. When I arrived,
00:02:41.174 - 00:02:43.804

'Bwinu. Paqarinmi kanqa kuntada', niman. Kuntada kan.

"Bwinu. Paqarin-mi ka-nqa kuntada ni-ma-n Kuntada ka-n
good tomorrow-EVD be-3.FUT count say-1.OBJ-3 count be-3
'Mañana va a ser la contada', me dice. 'Hay Contada'.
"Tomorrow there's going to be a count," he says to me. "There's a count."
00:02:44.184 - 00:02:49.329

Qayantin kuntada tris siyntus.

Qayantin kuntada tris siyntus count three hundred
Al día siguente la cuenta [es] tres cientos.
The next day, the count [is] three hundred.
00:02:49.596 - 00:02:52.516

Na. Basiya. ¿Ima? traskilu: ushaktaqa. Michi: pampatraw.

Na Basiya Ima traski-lu-: usha-kta-qa michi-: pampa-traw
DMY mother.sheep what receive-URGT-1 sheep-ACC-TOP herd-1 pampa-LOC
Baseas. Recibí las ovejas. Las pasteo en la pampa.
Mother sheep. I received the sheep. I pasture them on the pampa.
00:02:53.056 - 00:02:59.256

Ushachaqa kaymish Mana mana asirkanchu siparaw likuyan. SIparaw

Usha-cha-qa kay-mish Mana mana asirka-n-chu siparaw liku-ya-n SIparaw
sheep-DIM-TOP DEM.P-COMP no no approach-3-NEG separate go-PROG-3 separate
Como aquí, mis ovejas no se acercan. Andan separados. Separados
Like here, my sheep don't approach [the other sheep]. They're wandering about
separately. Seperately,
00:02:59.456 - 00:03:03.976

mikuyan. Kuska:qa ultimuktaqa piñanaku:ña.

miku-ya-n Kuska-:-qa ultimu-kta-qa piña-naku-:-ña
eat-PROG-3 together-1-TOP last-ACC-TOP anger-RECIP-1-DISC
comen. Al final, juntos, discutimos.
they're eating. At the end, together, we argue already.
00:03:04.196 - 00:03:07.296

Qam kayan may ushanchiktaq ni karnirupis munanchu.

Qam kay mana usha-nchik-taq-mi ni karniru-pis muna-n-chu
2 DEM.P no sheep-1PL nor ram-ADD want-3-NEG
Tú [dices], '¿Dónde [están] nuestras ovejas. Ni siquiera quieren al carnero.'
You [say], "Where [are] our sheep? They don't even want the ram."
00:03:07.426 - 00:03:11.586

'Qishayan. Kanan wak usha tusiyalun. ¿Kanan imanashun?'

Qisha-ya-n kanan wak usha tusi-ya-lu-n kanan ima-na-shun
be.sick-INCH-3 now DEM.D sheep cough-PROG-URGT-3 now what-VRBZ-1PL.FUT
'Se están enfermando. Ahora esas ovejas están toseando. ¿Ahora qué vamos a
"They're getting sick. Now the sheep are caughing. Now what are we going to do?"
00:03:11.806 - 00:03:15.626

No, poco a poco me ha pegado.
No, poco a poco me ha pegado.
No, little by little, he hit me.
00:03:15.816 - 00:03:19.076

'Va a acostumbrar', me dijo mi esposo.

'Va a acostumbrar', me dijo mi esposo.
"You're going to get used to it," my husband said to me.
00:03:19.446 - 00:03:23.286

Así, así, así, así. Ya.

Así, así, así, así. Ya.
Like that, like that, like that, like that. OK.
00:03:23.406 - 00:03:26.126

Midyu añuchaña ka:. Manam mikuy kanchu.

Midyu añu-cha-ña ka-: Mana-m miku-y ka-n-chu
half year-DIM-DISC be-1 no-EVD eat-INF be-3-NEG
Medio año ya estoy. No hay comida.
I'm there for half a year. There isn't any food.'
00:03:26.326 - 00:03:31.346

Naqa. Pastur naqa awsiliyarqa quman

Na-qa Pastur na-qa awsiliyar-qa qu-ma-n
DMY-TOP pastor DMY-TOP auxiliary-TOP give-1.OBJ-3
Eso. Pastor, ése, auxiliar me da
That. A shepherd, umm, an auxiliary gives me
00:03:31.566 - 00:03:35.976

Halachakta kaymishchakta, abaschakta, kaymishchakta.

Hala-cha-kta kay-mish-cha-kta abas-cha-kta Kay-mish-cha-kta
maícito, asicito no más. Habitas, asicito no más.
a little corn, just like this much, broad beans, just like this much.
00:03:36.316 - 00:03:39.971

Sibada kaymishchakta. Duramanchu naqa wak Chongos altukta.

Sibada kay-mish-cha-kta Dura-ma-n-chu na-qa wak Chongos altu-kta
barley DEM.P-COMP-DIM-ACC last-1.OBJ-3-NEG DMY-TOP DEM.D Chongos high-ACC
Cebada asícito no más. Ni siquiera me dure allá [en] Congos Alto.
Barley, just like this much. It doesn't lastthere [in] Chongos Alto.
00:03:40.311 - 00:03:42.423 00:03:42.687 - 00:03:47.667

Huknin llama:ta wañuykachil katra:. ¿Imaktataq mikushun chay urqutraw?

Huk-ni-n llama-:-ta wañu-yka-chi-l katra-: ¿Ima-kta-taq miku-shun chay
one-EUPH-3 llama-1-ACC die-EXCEP-CAUS-SUBIS send-1 what-ACC-SEQ eat-REFL-1PL.FUT
Mato uno de mis llamas matando y lo envío. ¿Qué cosa vamos a comer en esta puna?
I kill one of my llamas and I send it. What are we going to eat in this high
00:03:47.967 - 00:03:55.477

Maytataq lishun Chongos Alto

urqu-traw May-ta-taq li-shun Chongos Alto
DEM.D hill-LOC where-ACC-SEQ go-1PL.FUT Chongos Alto
¿A dónde vamos a ir a Chongos Alto?
Where are we going to go? To Chongos Alto?
00:03:55.557 - 00:03:58.257

Chongos altu kala taytan. 'Taytaykipa llaqtantraw kayan chay.

Chongos altu ka-la tayta-n Tayta-yki-pa llaqta-n-traw ka-ya-n chay
Chongos high be-PST father-3 father-2-GEN town-3-LOC be-PROG-3 DEM.D
Su papá era [de] Chongos Alto. 'En el pueblo de tu papa hay.
His father was [from] Chongos Alto. "There is in your father's town.
00:03:58.442 - 00:04:00.142 00:04:00.402 - 00:04:03.192

¡Kurriy! ¡Albirhakta chay kambiyakamuy

Imamishllapis kay uchuk uchuk wambla:llawan pulishaq.
Kurri-y albirha-kta chay kambiya-ka-mu-y imay ni-shpa-pis
run-IMP pea-ACC DEM.D change-REFL-CISL-IMP kuliy nita when say-SUBIS DEM.P small
¡Corre! Cambia estas alberjas. Como sea yo voy a andar con mis hijos
Run! Exchange these peas for . However [I can] I'm going to walk with my
little, little children.
00:04:03.432 - 00:04:09.717

kay uchuk uchuk wambla-1-lla-wan puli-shaq

small child-1-RSTR-INSTR walk-1.FUT

Usiyay pachatrawqa', ni-l li:. Litamunqa. Lilulqa.

Usiya-y pacha-traw-qa ni-l li-: Li-tamu-nqa Li-lu-l-qa
stop.raining-INF era-LOC say-SUBIS go-1 go-IRREV-3.FUT go-URGT-SUBIS.TOP
Esamos en verano', le digo y me voy. Se va a ir. Se fue
It's summer," I say and go. He's going to go. He went.
00:04:09.997 - 00:04:12.854 00:04:13.234 - 00:04:17.305

Virdad apaytaqa apalamusha ishkay kaballuwan.

Virad apa-y-ta-qa apa-la-mu-sha ishkay kaballu-wan
true bring-INF-ACC-TOP bring-URGT-CISL-PRF two horse-INSTR
De verdad, a traer, lo había traido con dos caballos.
In truth, to bring, he had brought it with two horses.
00:04:17.509 - 00:04:21.209

Albihakta taku taku sibadachantinta llapa lo que hay.
Albiha-kta taku taku sibada-cha-ntin-ta llapa
pea-ACC mixed mixed barley-DIM-INCL-ACC all
Alberqa entreverrado con cebada. Todo lo que había.
Peas mixed with barley. Everything there was.
00:04:21.349 - 00:04:25.739

Regreso Oh, así, así estábamos. Ya cumplió un año ya. Ya.

Regreso. Oh, así, así estábamos. Ya cumplió un año ya. Ya.
I return. Oh, we were like that, like that. Already, one year was completed
already. Already.
00:04:26.219 - 00:04:32.224

Yo no puedo. Mi borrega por allá por acá se murieron.

Yo no puedo. Mi borrega por allá por acá se murieron.
I can't [do it]. Here and there, my rams died.
00:04:32.344 - 00:04:37.121

No lo costumbró.
No lo costumbró.
I didn't accustom them [to it].
00:04:37.272 - 00:04:38.952

Wawa naptinqa 'Mana ñuqaqa michi:manchu. Chay ima kay llamapis kanñachu'.
Wawa na-pti-n-qa mana ñuqa-qa michi-:-man-chu chay ima kay llama-pis ka-n-ña-chu
baby be-SUBDS-3 no 1-TOP herd-1-COND-NEG DEM.D what DEM.P llama-ADD
Cuando mi bebé hizo-RSTR, 'Yo no puedo pastaer. Ya no tengo ni llama'. Se murió.
When my baby did that, "I can't pasture. I don't even have a llama any more."
It died.
00:04:39.392 - 00:04:45.312

be-3-DISC-NEG die-URGT-3

No lo acostumbro. Borrega también no lo acostumbro.

No lo acostumbro. Borrega también no lo acostumbro.
I don't accustom them [to it]. The rams, too, I don't accustom them [to it].
00:04:45.532 - 00:04:48.932

Ni la cría no hay ni de la borrega.

Ni la cría no hay ni de la borrega.
The ram doesn't even have any young.
00:04:48.992 - 00:04:51.552

'Kidalachishaqmi. Kidashaq', nila. '¡Kidakuy! Ñuqaqa kutikushaqmi.
Kida-la-chi-shaq-mi Kida-shaq ni-la kida-ku-y Ñuqa-qa
stay-URGT-CAUS-1,FUT.EVD stay-1.FUT say-PST stay-REFL-IMP 1-TOP
'Voy a hacer quedar. Voy a quedar', dijo. '¡Quédate! Yo voy a volver.'
"I'm going to have them stay. I'm going to stay," he said. "Stay! I'm going to
00:04:52.032 - 00:04:56.652


Wambla: qipikul kutikushaq. Hukninta pushakul likushaq.

Wambla-: qipi-ku-l kuti-ku-shaq huk-ni-n-ta pusha-ku-l li-ku-shaq
child-1 carry-REFL-SUBIS return-REFL-1.FUT one-EUPH-3-ACC bring.along-REFL-SUBIS
Cargando mi hijo, voy a volver. Llevando al otro, me voy a ir.
I'm going to go back carrying my child. Bringing the other, I'm going to go.
00:04:56.822 - 00:05:00.122

Kay kalukta pushamanki. ¿Manachu

Kay kalu-kta pusha-ma-nki mana-chu
go-REFL-1.FUT DEM.P far-ACC bring.along-1.OBJ-2 no-NEG
Tan lejos me traes. ¿No,
You take me this far. ¿Couldn't
00:05:00.442 - 00:05:03.412

Kay ulayman trabahakuptin tralka trabahakuchuwan.

Kay ulay-man trabaha-ku-pti-n tralka trabaha-ku-chuwan
DEM.P down-ALL work-REFL-SUBDS-3 field work-REFL-1PL.COND
allí abajo trabajando, podemos trabajar la chacra?
we work the fields there down hill, working?
00:05:03.567 - 00:05:07.527

¿Imaktataq ganawwan hurqushun? Mana agradamanchu', ni:.

Ima-kta-taq ganaw-wan hurqu-shun Mana agrada-ma-n-chu ni-:
what-ACC-SEQ cattle-INSTR remove-1PL.FUT no please-1.OBJ-3-NEG say-1
¿Qué cosa vamos a sacar con el ganado? No me conviene', digo.
What are we going to gain with the cattle? It doesn't agree with me," I say.
00:05:07.587 - 00:05:11.767

Nipti:qa niman, 'Bwinu

Ni-pti-:-qa ni-ma-n
say-SUBDS-1-TOP say-1.OBJ-3
Cuando se lo digo me dice, 'Bueno,
When I say that to him, he says to me, "OK.
00:05:11.837 - 00:05:15.177

Watanchik hina kumplikulushun. Wata kumpliluptinchikqa,
Wata-nchik hina kumpli-ku-lu-shun wata kumpli-lu-pti-nchik-qa
year-1PL thus complete-REFL-URGT-1PL.FUT year complete-URGT-SUBDS-1PL-TOP
Vamos a cumplir un año. Cuando cumplimos un año,
We're going to complete one year. When we complete a year,
00:05:15.347 - 00:05:19.527

likushunñatriki', me dijo. Entonces, 'Ali', nila:

Li-ku-shun-ña-tri-ki Ali ni-la
nos iremos ya pues', me dijo. Entonces, 'Sí', dije.
we'll go already then," he said to me. So, "Yes," I said.
00:05:19.617 - 00:05:22.377 00:05:22.517 - 00:05:26.157

Wata: kumplidu na kumplidutuñaqa.

Wata-: kumplidu na Kumplidu-tu-ña-qa
year-1 completed DMY completed-DIM-DISC-TOP
El año cumplodo, este, cumplidito, ya,
The year complete, umm, the year all complete.
00:05:26.437 - 00:05:30.777

Wila Puklu nin wak champa champa kaymish

Wila Puklu ni-n wak champa champa kay-mish
Wila Puklu say-3 DEM.D pasture.grass.variety pasture.grass.variety DEM-P-COMP
Wira Pukru le dicen allá donde hay grama.
They call Wila Puklu there [where there is] champa grass like this.
00:05:31.037 - 00:05:34.847

Chay Wila Pukruman haku chay shuramish sibadamish kan.

Chay Wila Pukru-man haku chay shura-mish sibada-mish ka-n
DEM.D Wila Pukru-ALL let's-go DEM.D shura-COMP barley-COMP be-3
Vamos a ese Wira Puklu. Hay como shura, como cebada allí.
Let's go there to Wila Puklu. There's like shura grass and like barley there.
00:05:35.287 - 00:05:39.942

Na. Shura. Ushaqa achka

Na. shura Usha-qa achka
DMY grain.variety sheep-TOP a.lot
Este ... Shura. Oveja harto.
Umm ... Shura grass. Lots of sheep.
00:05:40.022 - 00:05:44.734

tris siyntusyali kakuyan usha:qa.

tris siyntus-ya-li ka-ku-ya-n usha-:-qa
three hundred-INTENS-EMPH be-REFL-PROG-3 sheep-1-TOP
Tengo tres cientos ovejas.
I have three hundred sheep.
00:05:44.774 - 00:05:47.718

Kimsha patrak kakuyan. Hinaptinqa, basiya

Kimsha patrak ka-ku-ya-n Hinaptin-qa basiya
three hundred be-REFL-PROG-3 then-TOP mother.sheep
Tres cientos allí hay. Y después, basea
There are three hundred. Then, the mother sheep
00:05:47.906 - 00:05:54.286

kada simana watrayan kinsi binti ushaqa lakinapaq kayan.

kada simana watra-ya-n kinsi binti usha-qa laki-na-paq
each week give.birth-PROG-3 fifteen twenty sheep-TOP separate-NMLZ-PURP
Cada semana las ovejas dan luz. Hay que separar quince, veinte.
The sheep give birth every week. Fiftenn, twenty have to be separated,
00:05:54.366 - 00:06:00.856


Kabrawan na muquq wakmish urqukta likun.

Kabra-wan na muqu-qa wak-mish urqu-kta li-ku-n
goat-INSTR DMY spring-TOP DEM.D-COMP hill-ACC go-REFL-3
Con las cabras, este, van como allí, al manantial, al cerro.
With the goats, umm, he goes like there, to the spring, to the hills.
00:06:01.056 - 00:06:05.991

Haqilaman abisqa.
Haqi-la-ma-n abis-qa
leave-URGT-1.OBJ-3 sometimes
Me dejaba a veces.
He left be sometimes.
00:06:06.431 - 00:06:08.463

Ispusu: huklawta likun kay ukukunakta shamukun.

Ispusu-: huk-law-ta li-ku-n kay uku-kuna-kta shamu-ku-n
husband-1 one side-ACC go-REFL-3 DEM.P inside-PL-ACC come-REFL-3
Mi esposo se fue a otro sitio; vino a los cerros.
My husband went to another place; he came to the hills.
00:06:08.487 - 00:06:12.787

Mama:ta likulamushaq nila.

Mama-:-ta li-ku-la-mu-shaq ni-la
mother-1-ACC go-REFL-URGT-CISL-1.FUT say-PST
'Voy a ir [donde] mi mamá', dijo.
'I'm going to go to my mother['s]," he said.
00:06:12.817 - 00:06:15.457
Kimsa tawa puntrawtalaq kutikamun. Y ñuqaqa
Kimsa tawa puntraw-ta-laq kuti-ka-mu-n Y ñuqa-qa
three four day-ACC-CONT return-REFL-CISL-3 and 1-TOP
En cuatro o cinco días todavía regresó. Y yo
He returned in four or five days. And I
00:06:15.897 - 00:06:19.337 00:06:19.437 - 00:06:20.937

Hapalla wawantin ñakaya: ushawan ach achka pampa kayan pampa sinduda.
Hapa-lla wawa-ntin ñaka-ya-: usha-wan ach achka pampa ka-ya-n pampa
alone-RSTR baby-INCL suffer-PROG-1 sheep-INSTR a.lot a.lot pampa be-PROG-3 pampa
Solita con mi bebé, estoy sufriendo con las ovejas. Hay muchos [en] la pampa,
[en] la pampa sin duda.
Alone with my baby with the sheep. A lot are [in] the pampa, [in] the pampa, no
00:06:21.227 - 00:06:27.347

Ni yanuna: kanchu.
sinduda Ni yanu-na-: ka-n-chu
without.doubt nor cook-NMLZ-1 be-3-NEG
No había ni para cocinar.
There wasn't even anything to cook.
00:06:27.407 - 00:06:29.087

Llamapa ishquchanwan kaymish

Llama-pa ishqu-cha-n-wan kay-mish
Con caquita de llama, así.
With llama manure, like that
00:06:29.447 - 00:06:32.167

Yarita nin huk champakta Chayllaktawan kalkachaktamish kaymish

Yarita ni-n huk champa-kta Chaylla-kta-wan kalka-cha-kta-wan kay-mish
Yarita say-3 one donde hay bastante humedad-ACC DEM.D-RSTR-ACC-INSTR
'Yareta' dicen a una champita, con esecito y con estericol de vaca, así
[There is a] field they call "Yareta." WIth that and with cow manure, like that,
00:06:32.607 - 00:06:37.807

Pilwachayku: chaywan yanuku:

pircaba con ése no más cocinaba.
I built a stone [hearth]. With just that, I cooked.
00:06:37.887 - 00:06:41.427

Awsiliyar trayalamun. Puntrawña.

Awsiliyar traya-la-mu-n Puntraw-ña
Auxiliary arrive-URGT-CISL-3 day-DISC
El ausiliar lleguó. Día ya.
The auxiliary arrived. Day already.
00:06:42.067 - 00:06:45.477

'Vamos a hacer botar lula:ña las

'Vamos a hacer botar. Ya lo hice. Las
We're going to have them tossed out. I did that already.
00:06:45.657 - 00:06:48.772

cinco. Las cinco, las seis ya.

cinco. Las cinco, las seis ya.
five, the five, the six [of them] already.
00:06:48.974 - 00:06:52.334

Pampachapi mikunantañam munakuyan awsiliyarqa inti intiqa.

Pampa-cha-pi miku-na-n-ta-ña-m muna-ku-ya-n awsiliyar-qa inti inti-qa
pampa-DIM-LOC eat-NMLZ-3-ACC-DISC-EVD want-REFL-PROG-3 auxiliary-TOP sun sun-TOP
El auxiliar quiere su comida ya en sol, sol.
The auxiliary wants to eat his food in the sun, sun.
00:06:52.594 - 00:06:57.194

Hinaptinqa qalqulu: Dimuralamun awsilayarqa.

Hinaptin-qa qalqu-lu-: Dimura-la-mu-n awsilayar-qa
then-TOP toss-URGT-1 tarry-URGT-CISL-3 auxiliary-TOP
Y después lo boté. Se demoró ausiliar.
Then I threw them out. The auxiliary tarried.
00:06:57.534 - 00:07:01.074 00:07:01.154 - 00:07:03.564

'Kutichishun kuralman', niman.

Kuti-chi-shun kural-man ni-ma-n
return-CAUS-1PL.FUT coral-ALL say-1.OBJ-3
'Vamos a hacer regresar al corral', me dice.
"We're going to have them return to the corral," he says to me.
00:07:04.284 - 00:07:07.559

'Yo no hago volver. ¿Imayna ñuqa wabla: pushakul kutishun?

Imayna ñuqa wabla-: pusha-ku-l kuti-shun
how 1 child-1 bring.along-REFL-SUBIS return-1PL.FUT
'Yo no hago volver ¿Como voy a volver yo, jalando mis hijos?
"I'm not going to have them return. How am I going to return bringing my
00:07:07.879 - 00:07:11.781

Timpranu madrugawmunayá.
Timpranu madrugaw-mu-na
early rise.early-CISL-NMLZ-INTENS
En la mañana hay que madrugar.
We have to get up early in the morning.
00:07:12.030 - 00:07:14.170

paranqa, nin. Buynu,

para-nqa ni-n Buynu
rain-3.FUT say-3
'va a llover', dijo. 'Bueno.
It's going to rain," he said. "OK.
00:07:17.050 - 00:07:20.110

Mañana sino paqarin mana kutimurqa mincham kutimushaq, me dijo.

Mañana sino paqarin mana kuti-mu-rqa mincha-m kuti-mu-shaq
tomorrow or.else tomorrow no return-CISL-3.FUT day.after.tomorrow-EVD
Mañana si no regresó mañana, pasado voy a volver', me dijo.
Tomorrow, or, if not, [if] he didn't come back, I'll come back the day after
tomorrow," he said to me.
00:07:20.300 - 00:07:25.260


'Ya', le dije. Nishamish qayantintaq ni kutimunchu qayantinlaq kutilamun.

Ni-sha-mish qayantin-taq ni kuti-mu-n-chu qayantin-laq
say-PRF-COMP nor return-CISL-3-NEG
'Ya', le dije. Como había dicho, al día siguente no regresó. Al otro día
"OK," I said to him. Like he had said, the next day he didn't come back. The
next day still, he came back.
00:07:25.760 - 00:07:32.880

'Kutilamunqa', nin.
kuti-la-mu-n Kuti-la-mu-nqa ni-n
return-URGT-CISL-3 return-URGT-CISL-3.FUT say-3
'Van a regresar', dijo.
They're going to return," he said.
00:07:33.360 - 00:07:36.020

Pampa trayalamun. trayalamurqa

Pampa traya-la-mu-n traya-la-mu-rqa
Pampa arribe-URGT-CISL-3 arrive-URGT-CISL-PST
Llegó [a] la pampa. Llegó.
He arrived [at] the pampa. He arrived.
00:07:36.280 - 00:07:41.770

Yupapa:ku: Faltalun ushaqa. Huk kay kuntadatraw

Yupa-pa:ku-: Falta-lu-n usha-qa Huk kay kuntada-traw
count-JTACC-1 lack-URGT-3 sheep-TOP one DEM.P count-LOC
Contamos. Faltó una oveja, una en la contada.
We counted. A sheep was missing, one in the count.
00:07:41.910 - 00:07:48.145

'Faltanmi numiru. ¿Imanalunki? Mikunkitr, niman '¿Imanash ñuqa mikushaq?'

Falta-n-mi numiru ima-na-lu-nki miku-nki-sh ni-ma-n Imana-sh ñuqa
lack-3-EVD number what-VRBZ-URGT-2 eat-2-EVR say-1.OBJ-3 what-VRBZ-EVR 1
'Falta el número. ¿Qué hiciste? Lo habrás comido', me dijo. '¿Cómo yo voy a
There's one missing. What did you do? You must have eaten one," he says to me.
"How am I going to eat one?"
00:07:48.565 - 00:07:53.507

Maytaq ispusu:qa niman.

miku-shaq May-taq ispusu-:-qa ni-ma-n
eat-1.FUT where-SEQ husband-1-TOP say-1.OBJ-3
¿Dónde está mi esposo? me dijo.
He asked me where my husband was.
00:07:53.616 - 00:07:55.576

Cacraktam likun manam kanchu. Kutimunña

Cacra-kta-m li-ku-n mana-m ka-n-chu Kuti-mu-n-ña
Cacra-ACC go-REFL-3 no-EVD be-3-NEG return-CISL-3-DISC
A Cacra se fue. No está Ya regresará.
"He went to Cacra. He's not here. He'll return already."
00:07:55.796 - 00:08:00.096

Ashimuy murtakta intrigami niman.

Ashi-mu-y murta-kta intrigami ni-ma-n
approach-CISL-IMP carcass-ACC say-1.OBJ-3
Acércate. Etrégame la morta, me dijo.
Come close! Turn over the 'morta' to me!"
00:08:00.606 - 00:08:03.566

Ya, ashil ni tali:chu ushaktaqa. Ishkay killachapaqa

Ya, ashi-l ni tali-:-chu usha-kta-qa Ishkay killa-cha-pa-qa
Ya, approach-SUBIS nor find-1-NEG sheep-ACC-TOP two month-DIM-GEN-TOP
Ya, acercándome ni encontré´ A la oveja. De dos mesecitos
Coming close [to him], I didn't find the sheep. Two months old.
00:08:04.086 - 00:08:07.326 00:08:07.546 - 00:08:11.206

Trabahu:ta diskwintalun huk ushapaq. Ishkay killa mana pagamanchu.

Trabahu-:-ta diskwinta-lu-n huk usha-paq Ishkay killa mana paga-ma-n-chu
work-1-ACC discount-URGT-3 one sheep-ABL two month no pay-1.OBJ-3-NEG
mi trabajo descontó por una oveja. De dos meses no me ha pagado.
He discounted my work for one sheep. He didn't pay me for two months.
00:08:11.226 - 00:08:14.876 00:08:15.036 - 00:08:18.191

Piñanaku: kiki:wan quha:wan piñanaku:

Piña-naku-: kiki-:-wan quha-:-wan piña-naku-:
be.angry-RECIP-1 self-1-INSTR husband-1-INSTR be.angry-RECIP-1
Nos hemos puesto a discutir entre nosotros con mi esposo. Me he discutido.
My husband and I argued together, we argued together.
00:08:18.791 - 00:08:23.273

Qamchu kanki mandamanki ñuqakta maqayta qallaykaman.

Qam-chu ka-nki manda-ma-nki ñuqa-kta maqa-y-ta qalla-yka-man
2-Q be-2 order-1.OBJ-2 1-ACC hit-INF-ACC start-EXCEP-1.OBJ-3
Tú acaso me vas a ordenar, diciendo, me empezó a pegar.
"Are you going to order me around?" He started to beat me.
00:08:23.473 - 00:08:27.132

Ñuqapis kutiri: Piliyaku: ushakta

Ñuqa-pis kuti-ri-: Piliya-ku-: usha-kta
1-ADD return-INCEP-1 fight-REFL-1 sheep-ACC
Yo también le devol vi. Me puse a pelear la oveja.
I also returned it, I fought with the sheep.
00:08:27.412 - 00:08:32.182

Hinalla hinalla wata kumplilun wata ishkay killantaq

Hina-lla hina-lla wata kumpli-lu-n wata ishkay killa-n-taq
thus-RSTR thus-RSTR year complete-URGT-3 year two month-3-SEQ
ASí así no más cumplió el año. Un año dos meses.
Just like that, just like that, a year completed, a year and two months.
00:08:32.802 - 00:08:37.517

Kutimu: kaymanñam piñarilunñam

Kuti-mu-: kay-man-ña-m piña-ri-lu-n-ña-m
Regresé para acá molestandome ya.
I returned here, getting angry already.
00:08:37.657 - 00:08:41.339

Kidakushaq nilqa kidakuy

Kida-ku-shaq ni-l-qa kida-ku-y
Si te vas a quedar, quédate!
"I'm going to stay." He said. "Stay"
00:08:41.999 - 00:08:44.618

Kay ganawta michishaq nilqa michikuy

Kay ganaw-ta michi-shaq ni-l-qa michi-ku-y
DEM.P cattle.ACC herd-1.FUT say-SUBIS-TOP herd-REFL-IMP
A este animal voy a pastear si dices pastéatelo!
I'm going to pasture this cattle," dijo. "Pasture them!
00:08:44.858 - 00:08:47.648

Manam ñuqaqa michi:manchu.

Mana-m ñuqa-qa michi-:-man-chu
no-EVD 1-TOP herd-1-COND-NEG
Yo ya no puedo pastear.
I can't pasture them.
00:08:47.873 - 00:08:50.773

Kutikushaq ñuqa misikurdiyaktachu gusala: imataq

Kuti-ku-shaq ñuqa misikurdiya-kta-chu gusa-la-: ima-taq
return-REFL-1.FUT 1 misery-ACC-Q enjoy-PST-1 what-SEQ
Yo me voy a regresar. Acaso disfruté la miseria , ¿qué cosa?
I'm going to go back. I enjoyed the misery, what?"
00:08:50.803 - 00:08:54.123

Vaka:kunapis vaka: kala kwatrulla

Vaka-:-kuna-pis vaka-: ka-la kwatru-lla
cow-1-PL-ADD cow-1 be-PST four-RSTR
Vaca también mi vaca tenía cuatrito.
I had just four cows.
00:08:54.203 - 00:08:57.863

Vaka:man kutikushaq trakla:cha kan michikushaq lunallapa traklallan.

Vaka-:-man kutiku-shaq trakla-:-cha kan michi-shaq lunallapa
cow-1-ALL return-REFL-1.FUT field-1-DIM be-3 herd-1.FUT person-RSTR-GEN
Voy a volver a las vacas. Tengo chacra. Voy a pastear. Las chacras de otras
I'm going to go back to the cows. I have a field. I'm going to pasture. Other
people's fields.
00:08:57.993 - 00:09:02.413


Mañakul talpukushaq. Si quieres, pásteate tú. Yo no

Maña-ku-l talpu-ku-shaq
Pidiendo siquiera sembraré. Si quieres pastéate tú. Yo no
I'll request it and I'll plant. If you want, pasture yourself! Not me!"
00:09:02.523 - 00:09:07.083

dije. ¿Esa chica qué cosa? De allí dije

dije. ¿Esa chica qué cosa? De allí dije
I said. That girl, what is it? From there, I said
00:09:08.023 - 00:09:11.183 00:09:11.383 - 00:09:16.243

Awsiliar administrador de granqa de aquí subió.

Auxiliar administrador de la granqa de aquí subió.
The auxiliary, the administrator of farm here went up.
00:09:16.743 - 00:09:21.653 00:09:21.753 - 00:09:24.038

Llegó. Kuntadaqa ña pasalunña

Kuntada-qa ña pasa-lu-n-ña
count-TOP DISC pass-URGT-3-DISC
Llegó. La contada ya había pasado.
He arrived. The count had already happened.
00:09:24.175 - 00:09:27.595

Huk wataktawan yali yapaykuy Doña Maximina, me dijo.

Huk wata-kta-wan yali yapa-yku-y Doña Maximina
one year-ACC-INSTR INTENS-EMPH count-EXCEP-IMP Doña Maximina,
'Otro año más, ¡síguele, Doña Maximina!' me dijo.
"Repeat one more year, Doña Maximina," he said to me.
00:09:27.675 - 00:09:32.365

'¡Walmi:ta rugay!' nila ispusu:chaqa nishpa.

Walmi-:-ta ruga-y ni-la ispusu-:-cha-qa ni-shpa
woman-1-ACC beg-IMP say-PST husband-1-DIM-TOP say-SUBIS
¡Ruégale a mi esposa!' le dijo mi esposito.
Plead with my wife," said my husband.
00:09:32.465 - 00:09:36.380

Muna:chu ñuqaqa. 'Michishaq', nilqa. '¡Michikuy qam!'

Muna-:-chu ñuqa-qa Michi-shaq ni-l-qa Michi-ku-y qam
want-1-NEG 1-TOP herd-1.FUT say-SUBIS-TOP herd-REFL-IMP 2
No quise yo. 'Voy a pastear', dijo. 'Pastéate tú.
I didn't want to. I'm going to pasture, he said. You pasture!
00:09:37.220 - 00:09:42.762

Payqa manam ñuqaqa michi:manchu. 'Kidakushaq', nilqa '¡Kidakuy!

Pay-qa mana-m ñuqa-qa michi-:-man-chu kida-ku-shaq ni-l-qa kida-ku-y
3-TOP no-EVD 1-TOP herd-1-COND-NEG stay-REFL-1.FUT say-SUBIS-TOP stay-REFL-IMP
Yo no puedo pastear.' 'Me voy a quedar', diciendo, '¡Quédate!
Him. "I can't pasture. I'm going to stay," I said,. "Stay!
00:09:43.582 - 00:09:48.271

Manam kidaku:manchu. Likushaqmi ñuqaqa.

Mana-m kida-ku-:-man-chu Li-ku-shaq-mi ñuqa-qa
Yo no me puedo quedar. Yo me voy a ir.
I can't stay. I'm going to go.
00:09:48.571 - 00:09:51.506

Llaqtakta. Wambla: pushakulu:'.

Llaqta-kta Wambla-: pusha-ku-lu-:
town-ACC child-1 take.along-REFL-URGT-1
Al pueblo llevando mis hijos¡.
to town." I took my children.
00:09:51.678 - 00:09:53.818

Tiya: kay ula Pampa Kural tiya:lla yatrasa. Finawña. Wañukun.

Tiya-: kay ula Pampa Kural tiya-:-lla yatra-sa finaw-ña wañu-ku-n
aunt DEM.P down pampa kural aunt-1-RSTR live-PRF deceased-DISC die-REFL-3
Mi tía vivía abajo en Pampa Corral. Finada ya es. Murió.
My aunt lived down hill in Pampa Corral. She's deceased already. SHe died.
00:09:54.168 - 00:09:59.768

Chay tiya:lla mancha mancha bwina kala.

Chay tiya:-lla mancha mancha bwina ka-la
DEM.D aunt-RSTR a.lot a.lot good kalabe-PST
Esa mi tía bien buena era.
My aunt was really, really good.
00:09:59.928 - 00:10:02.688

Tiya kaqman trayashaqmi wawi: wallqakupti:qa

tiya ka-q-man traya-shaq-mi wawi-: wallqa-ku-pti-:-qa
aunt be-AG-ALL arrive-1.FUT-EVD baby-1 hang-REFL-SUBDS-1-TOP
Donde mi tía yo voy a llegar aunque sea colgado mis hijos.
I'm going to arrive to my aunts place, even if I hang my children..
00:10:03.048 - 00:10:05.908

nil shamuku:. Piñanaku:

ni-l shamu-ku-: Piña-naku-:
say-SUBIS arrive-REFL-1 be.angry-RECP-1
dije y me vine, me he discutido.
I said and I came. We argued.
00:10:06.188 - 00:10:09.498

'Michikushaq', nilqa, '¡Michikullay! Manam

Michi-ku-shaq ni-l-qa michi-ku-lla-y mana-m
Si es que vas a pastear, Pastéatele. No
"I'm going to pasture," he said, "Pasture! [They are]n't
00:10:10.043 - 00:10:12.923

ganawni:qa chay kayan. Llapanmi numiru'.
ganaw-ni-:-qa chay ka-ya-n Llapa-n-mi numiru
cattle-EUPH-1-TOP DEM.D be-PROG-3 all-3-EVD number
son mis animales. El número está completo.
They are [n't] my animals. The count is complete.
00:10:13.123 - 00:10:16.743

Chay huk Wila Pukllutrawmi

Chay huk Wila Pukllu-traw-mi
DEM.D one Wila Pukllu-LOC-EVD
Ese otro en Wira Pukllo.
That other one in Wila Pukllu,
00:10:16.903 - 00:10:18.973

sinigalusha. chay murktan kay chikichiki.

Siniga-lu-sha chay murkta-n kay chiki-chiki
dry-topped-well-URGT-PRF DEM.D skin-3 DEM.P small-small
había caído en una siniga. Su morta está allí chiquita chiquita.
had fallen in a dry well. It's "morta" [skin] here, small small.
00:10:19.098 - 00:10:23.438

'¿Imanashuntaq? Pasinsiyashun ya, Doña Maximina.

Ima-na-shun-taq pasinsiya-shun ya Doña maximina
what-VRBZ-1PL.FUT-SEQ wait-1PL.FUT EMPH Doña maximina
'¿Qué vamos a hacer? Vamos a maneras, Doña Maximina.
"What are we going to do? Let's be patient, Doña Maximina."
00:10:23.618 - 00:10:27.988

Chaypaq chikuy Diskwintashun

Chay-paq chikuy Diskwinta-shun
DEM.D-ABL discount-1PL.FUT
De allí pues descontaremos.
"Then we'll discount it
00:10:28.128 - 00:10:33.543

Ñuqaqa tan sufridutr ka: pur ultimu kaypa nana:paq.

Ñuqa-qa tan sufridu-tr ka-: pur ultimu kay-pa nana-:-paq
1-TOP so suffered-EVC be-1 for last DEM.P-LOC DMY-NMLZ-1-PURP
Yo tan sufrida sería. Por último para que yo haga eso acá.
I'd be suffering so much at last so that I do that here.
00:10:33.763 - 00:10:39.255

'Kidashaq', nilqa, '¡Kiday qam!' 'Michipakushaq', nilqa, '¡Michipakuy

Kida-shaq ni-l-qa kida qam michi-paku-shaq michi-paku-y
stay-1.FUT say-SUBIS-TOP stay 2 herd-MUTBEN-1.FUT herd-MUTBEN-IMP
'Voy a quedar', dijo. "¡Quédate tú!' 'Voy a pastear', dijo. '¡Pastea!
"I'm going to stay," he said. "Stay!' 'I'm going to pasture," he said. "Pasture!
00:10:39.515 - 00:10:43.009

Manam ñuqa'. Usha:pis limpu limpu

Manam ñuqa Usha-:-pis limpu limpu
no-EVD 1 sheep-1-ADD all all
Yo, no'. Todas mis ovejas, también,
Not me." All my sheep, too
00:10:43.309 - 00:10:46.662

Trinta burrigaman sisintapaq kutilun burriga:. Uchu alpaka.

Trinta burriga-man sisinta-paq kuti-lu-n burriga-: Uchu alpaka.
thirty sheep-ALL sixty-ABL return-URGT-3 sheep-1 eight alpaka.
Treinta ovejitas de sesenta regresaron, mis ovejas. Ocho alpacas.
Thirty of sixty of my rams returned, my rams. Eight alpacas.
00:10:46.842 - 00:10:50.725 00:10:50.785 - 00:10:53.243

Ocho wakaw venía. Semarón. Ni acostumbró. No.

Ocho wakaw venía Semarón. Ni acostumbró. No.
Eight lambs came. Wild. I didn't get them used to it. No.
00:10:53.434 - 00:10:55.834 00:10:55.954 - 00:10:59.234

'Kutikushun'. 'Kidashaq', nilqa. '¡Kidakuy!' nilqa.

Kuti-ku-shun Kida-shaq ni-l-qa Kida-ku-y ni-l-qa
return-REFL-1PL.FUT stay-1.FUT say-SUBIS-TOP stay-REFL-IMP say-SUBIS-TOP
'Vamos a volver'. 'Voy a quedar', dijo. '¡Quédate!' dije.
"Let's go back." "I'm going to stay," he said. "Stay!" I said.
00:10:59.874 - 00:11:02.994

Piñanaku:.' Ya, pues, pasa kiday michiyaqtriki', TK nin administradur.

Piña-naku-: kida-y michi-ya-q-tri-ki ni-n administradur
be.angry-RECIP-1 stay-IMP herd-PROG-AG-RVC-KI say-3 administrator
Me puse a discutir. 'Ya, pues. Quédate a pastear', dijo el administrador.
I argued. "OK, then, stay to pasture," said the administrator.
00:11:03.074 - 00:11:08.834

Ushan qatikul likun,

Usha-n qati-ku-l li-ku-n
sheep-3 bring-REFL-SUBIS go-REFL-3
Llevando sus ovejas, se fue.
Taking his sheep, he left.
00:11:09.214 - 00:11:11.554

Ñuqakunaqa latilamu: ganawni:ta.

Ñuqa-kuna-qa lati-la-mu-: ganaw-ni-:-ta
1-PL-TOP separate-URGT-CISL-1 cattle.EUPH.1.ACC
Nosotros separamos nuestros animales.
WE separated our animals.
00:11:11.624 - 00:11:14.904

Kaballu:man kargakul shamuku:. Kay urayman kutimu:.

Kaballu-:-man karga-ku-l shamu-ku-: Kay uray-man kuti-mu-:
horse-1-ALL carry-REFL-SUBIS come-REFL-1 DEM.P down-ALL return-CISL-1
Cargando con mi caballo, vine. Hacia aquí abajo regresé.
Carrying, I came towards my horse. I returned here down hill.
00:11:15.044 - 00:11:19.724

Kutimu: Anta Kanchatraw.

Kuti-mu-: Anta Kancha-traw
return-CISL-1 Anta Kancha-LOC
Regresé a Anta Cancha.
I returned to Anta Cancha.
00:11:20.044 - 00:11:22.584

Sidra kawhala. Sidra kasha.

Sidra kawha-la sidra ka-sha live-PST be-PRF
Mi suegra vivía. Tenía una suegra.
My was alive. I had a mother-in-law.
00:11:22.664 - 00:11:26.754

Kaytraw nila, "Maytataq qatinki kay ganawta?" niman.

Kay-traw ni-la "May-ta-taq qati-nki kay ganaw ni-ma-n
DE.P-LOC say-PST where-ACC-SEQ bring-2 DEM.P cattle-ACC say-1.OBJ-3
'Acá', dijo. '¿A dónde vas a llevar esos animales?' me dijo.
Here, she said. "Where are you going to take those animals?" she said to me
00:11:27.249 - 00:11:31.629

Trinta burrigayuq. Uchu alpaka.

Trinta burriga-yuq. Uchu alpaka
thirty sheep-POSS eight alpaka.
Treinta ovejitas. Ocho alpacas.
With thirty rams. Eight alpacas.
00:11:31.739 - 00:11:33.679 00:11:33.929 - 00:11:37.309

Kwatru wakadita chaylla qatiku:.

Kwatru wakadita chay-lla qati-ku-:
four female.calf DEM.D-RSTR bring-REFL-1
Cuatro vaquitas. Eso no más traje.
Four little cows. I brought just that.
00:11:38.259 - 00:11:41.079

trayalamu:. ¡Chaytraw kaku:. Yatraku:. Kaymish puliku:'.
traya-la-mu-: chay-traw ka-ku-: yatra-ku-: Kay-mish puli-ku-:
arrive-URGT-CISL-1 DEM.D-LOC be-REFL-1 live-REFL-1 walk-REFL-1
Llegó. 'Aquí vamos a estar, vamos a vivir. Así vamos a caminar'.
She arrived. "We're going to be here. Live here, walk."
00:11:41.479 - 00:11:46.169

Hinallapti: hinallapt: ña ña wambla:kuna puliyanña.

Hina-lla-pti-: hina-lla-pti-: ña-ña wambla-:-kuna puli-ya-n-ña
thus-RSTR-SUBDS-1 thus.LIM-SUBDS-1 DISC-DISC child.1.REFL walk-PROG-3-DISC
Cuando estoy así, cuando estoy así, mis hijos ya están caminando.
When I was like that, when I was like that, my children are walking already.
00:11:46.369 - 00:11:50.244

Ihata sirkawta lantilu:. Huk vaka: kala wawichayuq.

Ihata sirkaw-ta lanti-lu-: Huk vaka-: ka-la wawi-cha-yuq
Ihata buy-URGT-1 one cow-1 be-PST baby-DIM-POSS
Compré [una chacra] cercado en ijata. Tenía una vaquita con su cría.
I bought a walled [field] in Ijata. I had one cow with a baby,
00:11:50.446 - 00:11:53.486 00:11:53.626 - 00:11:56.206

Chay manam traklan paypapis. Ñuqapapis kalachu.

Chay mana-m trakla-n pay-pa-pis Ñuqa-pa-pis ka-la-chu
DEM.D no-EVD field-3 3-GEN-ADD 1-GEN-ADD be-PST-NEG
Allí, él no tenía chacra. Yo tampoco no tenía.
Neither he nor I had a field there.
00:11:56.326 - 00:11:59.696

Lantilu: ihata sirkaw kanan kurriya:mi.

Lanti-lu-: ihata sirkaw kanan kurriya-:-mi
buy-URGT-1 ihata now run-PROG-1-EVD
Compré en Ijata. Cercado. Ahora estoy a cargo.
I bought a walled [field] in Ijata. Now I'm running it.
00:12:00.016 - 00:12:03.811

Chay lantilu:qa talpuku: chaytraw. Talpuy chay traklakta talpu:.

Chay lanti-lu-:-qa talpu-ku-: chay-traw Talpu-y chay trakla-kta talpu-:
DEM.D buy-URGT-1-TOP plant-REFL-1 DEM.D-LOC plant-IMP DEM.D field-ACC plant-1
Allí compré. Cultivo allí. ¡Siembra en esa chacra! Siembro.
I bought there. I plant there. Plant that field! I plant it.
00:12:03.991 - 00:12:06.973 00:12:07.202 - 00:12:09.022

Talpupa:ku: así, así, así. Shamukun, pulikun, trabahaku:.

Talpu-pa:ku-: Shamu-ku-n puli-ku-n trabaha-ku-:
plant-PL-1 come-REFL-3 walk-REFL-3 work-REFL-1
Sembramos así así. Vine. Andé. Trabajé.
We plant like this, like this, like this. I came. I walked. I worked.
00:12:09.172 - 00:12:11.852 00:12:12.192 - 00:12:15.472

Hanantraw ushacha:qa. Wamblaqa kala hatuchan kaymish.

Hanan-traw usha-cha-:-qa wambla-qa ka-la hatu-cha-n kay-mish
up-LOC sheep-DIM-1-TOP child-TOP be-PST big-DIM-3 DEM.P-COMP
Mis ovejitas estaban arriba. Mi hijita era grandecita, así.
My sheep [were] up hill. My child was big like this
00:12:16.272 - 00:12:20.072

Mas fisyuchayuq. Chay fisyuchayuq

Mas fisyu-cha-yuq Chay fisyu-cha-yuq
more fisique-DIM-POSS DEM.D fisique-DIM-POSS
[Era] más habiloso. Ese habiloso
It had a better build. That one with a good build.
00:12:24.572 - 00:12:28.332

kayaptinmi na chaywan Kidakamu:. Ñuqa kay ura shamu:.

kaya-pti-n-mi na chay-wan Kida-ka-mu-: ñuqa kay ura shamu-:
be-PROG-SUBDS-3-EVD DMY DEM.D-INSTR stay-REFL-CISL-1 1 DEM.P hour come-1
Cuando estaba este con ese Me quedé. Yo a esta hora vine.
When he was there, umm, with him I stayed. At this time I came.
00:12:28.492 - 00:12:33.012 00:12:33.492 - 00:12:36.632

Chaytraw yatra:, luwalaku:, trabahaku:.

Chay-traw yatra-: luwa-la-ku-: trabaha-ku-:
DEM.D-LOC live-1 make-UNINT-REFL-1 work-REFL-1
Allí, vivo, hago, trabajo.
There, I live, I make, I work.
00:12:37.192 - 00:12:41.422

Hinallayapti:mi, suwa altunta wak

Hina-lla-ya-pti-:-mi suwa altu-n-ta wak
thus-RSTR-PROG-SUBDS-1-EVD thief high-3-ACC DEM.D
Cuando estuve así, un ratero por encima allá
When I was like that, a thief up hill there
00:12:41.662 - 00:12:46.947

¿Maypaqtrik shamusha? Gente desconocido había llevado

May-paq-tri-k shamu-sha
where-ABL-EVC-K come-PRF
¿De dónde, pues, habrá venido? Gente desconocido había llevado
Where would he have come from? Strangers had taken it
00:12:47.107 - 00:12:53.124

vaca de acá. Cinco. Me calumbió. Por gusto.

una vaca de acá. Cinco. Me calumbió. Por gusto.
a cow from here. Five. They slandered me. In vain.
00:12:53.164 - 00:12:59.735

Yo no he cometido. Yo no he hecho error nada.

Yo no he cometido. Yo no he hecho error nada.
I haven't done anything. I have't made any mistake.
00:13:01.255 - 00:13:04.755

De repente cuando allí llegó policía.

De repente cuando allí llegó policía.
Suddenly, when the police arrived there,
00:13:05.325 - 00:13:09.245

Agarró mi esposo trincando trajo. Quechua. Aa. Chay

Quechua. Aa. Chay
Quechua. Aa. DEM.D
Agarró mi esposo trincando trajo. Quechua. Ah. Ese
They grabbed my husband and tied him up. Quechua, Ah, That
00:13:09.465 - 00:13:12.765 00:13:12.945 - 00:13:18.635

traqnal pushalamun.
traqna-l pusha-la-mu-n
bind-SUBIS bring.along-CISL-3
Trincándolo, lo trajeron.
They tied him and brought him.
00:13:18.935 - 00:13:21.050

traqnal kay pushamun karsiltraw. Kachin kaypa.

traqna-l kay pusha-mu-n karsil-traw ka-chi-n kay-pa
bind-SUBIS DEM.P bring.along-CISL-3 prison-LOC be-CAUS-3 DEM.P-LOC
Trincándolo, lo trajeron al cárcel. Lo detuvieron acá.
Tying him up, they brought him to prison. They held him there.
00:13:21.190 - 00:13:24.172

Yauyosman rimitikta qallaykun. Uchuk uchuklla wawachalla:qa

Yauyos-man rimiti-kta qalla-yku-n Uchuk uchuk-lla wawa-cha-lla-:-qa
Yauyos-ALL remit -ACC begin-EXCEP-3 small small-RSTR baby-DIM-RSTR-1-TOP
Empezaron a remetirlo a Yauyos. Mis hijitos eran chiquititos.
to yauyos. They started to My children [were] very small.
00:13:24.552 - 00:13:27.301 00:13:27.566 - 00:13:30.666

Uchuk uchuk ushalla kaypaq.

Uchuk uchuk usha-lla kay-paq
small small sheep-RSTR DEM.P-ABL
Una ovejita chiquitita de acá.
A very small sheep from here.
00:13:30.666 - 00:13:32.866

Swigraman wamblallakta baliku: chay mayur wambla:wan kidananpaq.

Swigra-man wambla-lla-kta bali-ku-: chay mayur wambla-:-wan
mother-in-law-ALLchild-RSTR-ACC request-REFL-1 DEM.D older child-1-INSTR
A mi suegra le supliqué para que quede con mi hija mayor.
I sollicted my mother-in-law ... my children .. so that my oldest child could
00:13:33.206 - 00:13:38.966


Katramusha. Liku: kay Yauyosman. Liluptinqa li:.

Katra-mu-sha Li-ku-: kay Yauyos-man Li-lu-pti-n-qa li-:
release-CISL-PRF go-REFL-1 DEM.P Yauyos-ALL go-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP go-1
Lo habían enviado. Me fui a Yauyos. Cuando él se fue, me fui.
They had sent him. I went to Yauyos. When he went, I went.
00:13:39.406 - 00:13:44.986

Pwinti Catahuasitraw pustatraw kuskanchik puñaku: quha:wan.

Pwinti Catahuasi-traw pusta-traw kuska-nchik puña-ku-:
bridge Catahuasi-LOC police.station-LOC together-1PL sleep-REFL-1
En el puente de Catahuasi, en el puesto; juntos dormimos [yo] con mi esposo.
In Catahuasi Bridge, in the police station, we slept together, [I] with my
00:13:45.206 - 00:13:51.036

Prisu kayan. Chaypaqqa rimitin kapillukaman.

quha-:-wan Prisu ka-ya-n Chay-paq-qa rimiti-n kapilluka-man
husband-1-INSTR prisoner be-PROG-3 DEM.D-ABL-TOP remit-3 kapilluka-ALL
Está detenido. De allí lo remiten a Capilluca.
He's emprisonned. Then they remit him to Capilluca.
00:13:51.156 - 00:13:56.481

Kapllukatrawpis puñuku: ishkayni:.

kaplluka-traw-pis Puñu-ku-: ishkay-ni-:
kaplluka-LOC-ADD sleep-REFL-1 two-EUPH-1
En Capillucas también nos dormimos los dos.
In Capilluca, too, we slept together.
00:13:56.598 - 00:13:59.598

Wambla: liyan iskala escala por escala está yendo para Yauyos.
Wambla-: li-ya-n iskala
child-1 go-PROG-3 stage
Mi hijo está viniendo escala por escala, está yendo de puesto en puesto a
My child is coming, stage by stage, he's coming from station to station to
00:14:00.318 - 00:14:06.178

Liku: Yauyos trayalu:. Yauyostraw tiyun kala MIguel Paucar.

Li-ku-: Yauyos traya-lu-: Yauyos-traw Tiyu-n ka-la MIguel Paucar
go-REFL-1 Yauyos arrive-URGT-1 Yauyos-LOC uncle-3 be-PST MIguel Paucar.
Me fui. Llegué a Yauyos. Tenía un tío en Yauyos, Miguel Páucar.
I went. I arrived in Yauyos. He had an uncle in Yauyos. Miguel Paucar.
00:14:06.728 - 00:14:12.868

Chayman trayalu: kunsihu-kta mañaku: chaymishmi.

Chay-man traya-lu-: kunsihu-kta maña-ku-: chay-mish-mi
DEM.D-ALL arrive.URGT.1 advice-ACC request-REFL-1 DEM.D-COMP
Allí llegué y después pedí sus consejos. Así
I arrived there and asked for his advice, like that
00:14:13.018 - 00:14:16.598

Kalumniya tralaman Ispusu manam manam kumitilachu.

Kalumniya tra-la-ma-n ispusu mana-m kumiti-la-chu
slander arrive-URGT-1.OBJ-3 husband no-EVD commit-PST-NEG
Calumnia llegó. Mi esposo no lo ha cometido.
Slander arrived. My husband hasn't committed [any crime].
00:14:16.798 - 00:14:21.488

Yanqa yanqa. Falsu kalumniya manam imapis kanchu. ni: ya.

Yanqa yanqa. Falsu kalumniya mana-m ima-pis ka-n-chu ni-: ya
lie lie false slander no-EVD what-ADD be-3-NEG say-1 EMPH
Por gusto por gusto Es falsa calumnia, no es nada, le dije.
For the sake of it, for the sake of it. It's false slander. It's nothing, I
00:14:21.683 - 00:14:26.983

Tistigun kanchu. May maymish pruyba tistiguktalaq mañashun.

Tistigu-n ka-n-chu May may-mish pruyba tistigu-kta-laq maña-shun
witness-3 be-3-NEG where where-COMP proof witness-ACC-CONT request-1PL.FUT
Tiene sus testigos a ver vamos a pedir la prueba al testigo.
He doesn't have any witnesses. Where, like where, we'll ask for proof,
00:14:27.113 - 00:14:31.033

Chaymi prisintakamunqa. Kanan maytaq subrinu:qa linman.

Chay-mi prisinta-ka-mu-nqa Kanan may-taq subrinu-:-qa li-n-man
DEEM.D-EVD present-REFL-CISL-3.FUT now where-SEQ nephew-1-TOP go-3-COND
Allí se va a presentar. Ahora ¿Dónde puede ir mi sobrino?
So he's going to present himself. Now where could my nephew go?
00:14:31.213 - 00:14:35.493

Kidalamun Kapillukatraw. Ñuqaqa puntaktam shamukula:, ni:mi.

Kida-la-mu-n Kapilluka-traw Ñuqa-qa punta-kta-m shamu-ku-la-: ni:mi.
stay-URGT-CISL-3 kapiluka-LOC 1-TOP furst-ACC-EVD come-REFL-PST-1 say-1-EVD
Se quedó en Capillucas. Yo vine primero, le dije.
He stayed in Capilluca. I came first, I said.
00:14:35.573 - 00:14:40.113

Kay nipti:qa, 'Ya', nin. trayalamun.

Kay ni-pti-:-qa ya ni-n traya-la-mu-n
DEM.P say-SUBDS-1-TOP say-3 arrive-URGT-CISL-3
Cuando lo dije, ya me dijo.
When I said that, he said, OK. He arrived.
00:14:40.603 - 00:14:44.983

Tiyu:qa afrintan abugadum nishpa payqa kayan. Payña

Tiyu-:-qa afrinta-n abugadu-m ni-shpa pay-qa ka-ya-n pay-ña
uncle-1-TOP insult-3 lawyer-EVD say-SUBIS 3-TOP be-PROG-3 3-DISC
Mi tío se afronta a los abogados, dijo, ya está él.
My uncle confronted the lawyers, he said. He, already, he is [there]
00:14:45.273 - 00:14:50.613

kunsultayan. Pruybakta tistigukta pushamuy, nin

kunsulta-ya-n Pruyba-kta tistigu-kta pusha-mu-y ni-n
consult-PROG-3 proof-ACC witness-ACC bring.along-CISL-IMP say-3
Está consultando. Tráe tu prueba tu testigo, dijo.
He's consulting. Bring proof, witnesses, he said.
00:14:50.763 - 00:14:52.523 00:14:53.103 - 00:14:56.903

Pruyba, tistigu pushamun, hinalulqa.

Pruyba, tistigu pusha-mu-n hina-lu-l-qa
proof witness bring.alonf-CISL-3 thus-URGT-SUBIS-TOP
Su prueba su testigo trajo, luego
He brought proof, witnesses, then
00:14:56.903 - 00:15:01.103

No hay prueba, pues. No hay.

No hay prueba, pues. No hay.
Thee's no proof, then, There's none.
00:15:01.563 - 00:15:04.983

Vakaqa maytrawñatriki chay kiki: piliyakunakama.

Vaka-qa may-traw-ña-tri-ki chay kiki-: piliya-ku-na-kama
cow-TOP where-LOC-DISC-EVC-KI DEM.D self-1 fight-REFL-NMLZ-RSTR
¿Dónde ya estará la vaca, mientras que nosotros estamos peleando?
Where would the cow be already, while we ourselves fight?
00:15:05.153 - 00:15:09.633

Vakayuq yanqa ñuqaman karguchakayaman. Manam vakanta sigikun.

Vaka-yuq yanqa ñuqa-man kargu-cha-ka-ya-man Mana-m vaka-n-ta sigi-ku-n
cow-POSS lie 1-ALL charge-FACT-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-3 no-EVD cow-3-ACC follow-REFL-3
El dueño de la vaca me está cargando por gusto. No busca su vaca.
The cow's owner is charging me for no good reason. He doesn't follow his cow.
00:15:10.193 - 00:15:15.253

Chay mana munal shamukula: ñuqa.

Chay mana muna-l shamu-ku-la-: ñuqa
DEM.D no want-SUBIS come-REFL-PST-1 1
En eso cuando no quise, vine yo.
So, when I didn't want to, I came.
00:15:15.603 - 00:15:19.363

Ushaktapis paqwalula: lantikulu: yanaktapis paqwala: lantiku: fwisyutraw.

Usha-kta-pis paqwa-lu-la-: lanti-ku-lu-: yana-kta-pis paqwa-la-: lanti-ku-:
sheep-ACC-ADD finish-URGT-PAST-1 buy-REFL-URGT-1 black-ACC-ADD finish-PST-1
Mi ovejas, también, terminé, vendí. Los negros también. Los terminé, los vendí
en fisio.
My sheep, too, I finished off, I sold. The black ones, too, I finished off, I
sold in the trial.
00:15:19.763 - 00:15:25.863


Wawilla: malqakul fisiyutraw puli:.

Wawi-lla-: malqa-ku-l fisiyu-traw puli-:
baby-RSTR-1 carry.with.both.hands-REFL-SUBIS walk-1
Alzado mi bebé estuve andando en fisio.
Carrying my baby, I was wandering about in the trial.
00:15:27.033 - 00:15:30.273

Ma Yauyosta liq ka: yapa. Munalachu.

Ma Yauyos-ta li-q ka-: yapa Muna-la-:-chu
PHAT Yauyos-ACC go-AG be-1 again want-PST-1-NEG
Ma ... iba a Yauyos otra vez. No quise.
Ma ... I would go to Yauyos. Again. I didn't want to.
00:15:30.393 - 00:15:35.173

Kay traklakta lanti: hinalla hinalla.

Kay trakla-kta lanti-: hina-lla hina-lla
DEM.P field-ACC buy-1 thus-RSTR thus-RSTR
Aquí compré chacra así no más.
I bought this field, just like this, just like this.
00:15:35.543 - 00:15:38.503

Intrigakulun quha:qa kriyintiman.

Intriga-ku-lu-n quha-:-qa kriyinti-man husband-1-TOP believe-ALL
Mi esposo se entrgó al evangelio.
My husband delivered himself to the believers.
00:15:38.663 - 00:15:42.803

Bawtisakulu: walmi qali.

Bawtisa-ku-lu-: walmi qali
baptise-REFL-URGT-1 woman man
Nos bautizamos, marido y mujer.
We baptised ourselves, man and wife.
00:15:42.953 - 00:15:45.833

Manam manam intindikunchu. upyayan. Tumachan.

mana-m mana-m intindi-ku-n-chu upya-ya-n Tuma-cha-n
no-EVD no-EVD understand-REFL-3-NEG drink-PROG-3 drink-DIM-3
No entiende nada. Está tomando. Está tomando.
He doesn't understand at all. He's drinking, He's drinking.
00:15:46.093 - 00:15:52.653

Siympri tumachan. Kukakunakta kashtuchkan.

Siympri tuma-cha-n Kuka-kuna-kta kashtu-chka-n
always drink-DIM-3 coca-PL-ACC chew-DUR-3
Siempre toma, está masticando su coca.
He always drinks chewing his coca and all.
00:15:53.093 - 00:15:57.613

¿Imapaqña? Manam kriyintiq. Manañash chaytaq kumitinchikchu. ¿Imayna?

Imapaq-ña mana-m kriyinti-q mana-ña-sh chay-taq kumiti-nchik-chu Imayna
why-DISC no-EVD believe-AG no-DISC-EVR DEM.D-SEQ commit-1PL-NEG how
¿Para qué? Los que no creen ... Eso no se puede cometer, dice. ¿Cómo?
Why? The non-believers ... We don't commit that. Why?
00:15:57.953 - 00:16:03.173

Sirmuytaq sirmullanmmi pasturkuna. Siympri tuman.

Sirmu-y-taq sirmu-lla-n-mi pastur-kuna siympri tuma-n
preach-INF-SEQ preach-RSTR-3-EVD pastor-PL always drink-3
Requintar le requintaba los pastores. Siempre toma.
The pastors lectured a lecture. He always drinks.
00:16:03.403 - 00:16:08.143

¡upyayashunchu! ¡upyayashunchu!
upya-ya-shun-chu upya-ya-shun-chu
No debemos de tomar. No debemos de tomar.
Let's not drink. Let's not drink.
00:16:08.173 - 00:16:11.033

Qaqakta lil wañulun paqwalun. Me dejó.

Qaqa-kta li-l wañu-lu-n paqwa-lu-n
cliff-ACC go-SUBIS die-URGT-3 finish-URGT-3
Yendo a la peña, se murió. Terminó [su vida]. Me dejó.
He died going to a cliff. He finished off. He left me.
00:16:11.523 - 00:16:17.743

Así me pasó. Así es mi novedad.

Así me pasó. Así es mi novedad.
Like that, it happened to me. My news is like that.
00:16:18.380 - 00:16:21.440 00:16:21.790 - 00:16:24.710

Imatr kallanman manam yatranaypaq chiri wayru.

Ima-tr kalla-n-man mana-m yatra-na-y-paq chiri wayru
what-EVC no-EVD know-NMLZ-1-PURP chiri wayra.
¿Qué cosa va a hacer para yo no saber? Chiri wayra.
00:16:29.660 - 00:16:33.680

way way ankatukuyta yatrankimanchu chiri wayru

way way ankatu-ku-y-ta yatra-nki-man-chu chiri wayru
way way ankatukuy-ACC know-2-COND-Q chiri wayru
Way way pasarse de águila podrías saber. Chiri wayru.
Way! Way! You could know how to pass yourself off as an eagle. Chiri Wayru.
00:16:33.830 - 00:16:39.290

Imatr kallanman manam yatranaypaq chiri wayru.

Ima-tr ka-lla-n mana-m yatra-na-y-paq chiri wayru.
what-EVC kallan no-EVD know-NMLZ-1-PURP chiri wayru.
Qué cosa puede ser para yo no saber? Chiri wayru.
00:16:39.460 - 00:16:43.300

Qamñata qamñata. Muyurimish muyurimish. ¡Corre!

Qam-ña-ta qam-ña-ta Muyu-ri-mish muyu-ri-mish
2-DISC-ACC 2-DISC-ACC circle- circle
Tú ya también. Tú ya también. ¡Dále la vuelta! ¡Dále la vuelta! ¡Córre!
You, too, already! You, too, already! Turn around! Turn around! Run!
00:16:43.420 - 00:16:46.640

Ankatukuyta yatrankimanchu chiri wayru

Ankatu-ku-y-ta yatra-nki-man-chu chiri wayru
Ankatukuy-ACC know-2-COND-Q chiri wayru
'Ankatukuy' puedes saber. Chiri wayru.
You could know "ankatuykuy." Chiri wayru.
00:16:46.670 - 00:16:50.870

Imatr kallan manam yatranaypaq chiri wayru

Ima-tr ka-lla-n mana-m yatra-na-y-paq chiri wayru
what-EVC kallan no-EVD know-NMLZ-PURP chiri wayru
¿Qué será para que yo no conozca?
What would be, for me not to know it?
00:16:51.030 - 00:16:54.470

Así. Sapatitutay kurduba kurduba kurduba kurduba kurduba.

kurduba kurduba kurduba kurduba kurduba
Date la vuelta kurduba kurduba kurduba kurduba kurduba
Turn around Códoba, Códoba, Códoba, Códoba, Códoba.
Códoba, Códoba, Códoba, Códoba, Códoba.
00:16:54.610 - 00:17:01.210

Date la vuelta kurduba kurduba kurduba

kurduba kurduba kurduba
Turn around kurduba kurduba kurduba
00:17:01.370 - 00:17:04.510

¿Por qué no llevaste esa carta así?

¿Por qué no llevaste esa carta así?
Why didn't you bring that letter like that?
00:17:04.560 - 00:17:07.180

Así era. Ese es 'sapatituy kurduba'. Así.

sapati-tu-y kurduba así.
Así era. Ese es sapatituy kurduba, así.
Así era. Ese es 'sapatituy kurduba'. Así.
It was like that. That's the "sapatituy kurduba." Like that.
00:17:07.370 - 00:17:10.650

Faja. Redondado era.

Faja. Redondado era.
Sash. It was rounded.
00:17:11.690 - 00:17:14.350

Así. Sapatituytay kurduba kurduba kurduba kurduba

Así. Sapatitu-ta-y kurduba kurduba kurduba kurduba
Así. Sapatitutay kurduba kurduba kurduba kurduba
Así. Sapatitutay Córdoba, Córdoba, Córdoba, Córdoba.
Like that. Sapatitutay Córdoba, Córdoba, Córdoba, Córdoba.
00:17:14.640 - 00:17:19.180

Sapatiyutay kurduba kurduba kurduba damos vuelta.

Sapatiyu-ta-y kurduba kurduba kurduba damos vuelta
Sapatiyutay kurduba kurduba kurduba damos vuelta.
Sapatitutay Córdoba, Córdoba, Córdoba, Córdoba. Damos vuelta.
Sapatitutay Córdoba, Córdoba, Córdoba, Córdoba. We turn around.
00:17:19.250 - 00:17:22.590

Así dejamos atrás de la otro cinta.

Así dejamos atrás de la otro cinta.
Like that, we leave it behind the other ribbon.
00:17:22.660 - 00:17:27.060

Kurriy Kurriy hay que dar vuelta. Así dábamos. Sapata

Kurriy Kurriy Sapata
Kurriy Kurriy Así Sapata
¡Corre! ¡Corre! Hay que dar vuelta. Así dábamos. Zapato
Run! Run! We have to turn around. We gave it like that. Shoe
00:17:27.140 - 00:17:29.720 00:17:29.830 - 00:17:32.710

yki kurduba kurduba kurduba

yki kurduba kurduba kurduba
2 kurduba kurduba kurduba
tuyo. Córdoba, Córdoba, Córdoba
tour. Córdoba, Córdoba, Córdoba.
00:17:32.710 - 00:17:35.830

Kay kartakta imanataq manam aparqankichu ha

Kay karta-kta ima-na-taq mana-m apa-rqa-nki-chu ha
DEM.P letter-ACC what-VRBZ-SEQ no-EVD bring-PST-2-NEG ha
Esta carta, ¿por qué no has llevado, ¿ah?
Why didn't you take this letter?
00:17:36.090 - 00:17:39.250

Imaynataq apan? Maqan kaymish maqan

Imay-na-taq apa-n Maqa-n kay-mish maqa-n
what-VRBZ-SEQ bring-3 hit-3 DEM.P-COMP hit-3
¿Por qué no la has llevado? Lo pegó así lo pegó.
Why does he take it? They hit like this, they hit.
00:17:39.350 - 00:17:43.770

Apashaqñam mamay. Apashaqñam taytay Pimantaq apanki?

Apa-shaq-ña-m mama-y Apa-shaq-ña-m tayta-y Pi-man-taq apa-nki
bring-1.FUT-DISC-EVD mother-1 bring-1.FUT-DISC-EVD father-1 who-ALL-SEQ bring-2
Ya voy a llevarla mamacita. Ya voy a llevarla papacito. ¿A quién la vas a
I'll take it, mother. I'll take it, father. Who should I take it to?
00:17:43.920 - 00:17:48.570

Taytachaykiman. Tiyachaykunaman kay kartakta apay, dice.

Tayta-cha-yki-man Tiya-cha-y-kuna-man kay karta-kta apa-y
father-DIM-2-ALL aunt-DIM-1-PL-ALL DEM.D letter-ACC bring-IMP
A tu abuelito. A mis tías, lleva esta carta, dice
To your grandfather. Take this letter to your aunts, he says.
00:17:48.680 - 00:17:53.120

Así diciendo jugabamos antes.

Así diciendo jugabamos antes.
Talking like that, we used to play.
00:17:53.500 - 00:17:57.140

Akak kakakak kakakak kakakak. Antatukuyta yatrankichu chiri wayru TK

Akak kakakak kakakak kakakak. Antatu-ku-y-ta yatra-nki-chu chiri wayru
Akak kakakak kakakak kakakak. Antatukuy-ACC know-2-Q chiri wayru
Akak kakakak kakakak kakakak
Akak kakakak kakakak kakakak
00:17:57.660 - 00:18:04.440

Imatr kallanman mana yatranaypaq chiri wayru

Ima-tr ka-lla-n-man mana yatra-na-y-paq chiri wayru
what-EVC TK no know-NMLZ-1-PURP chiri wayru
00:18:04.520 - 00:18:08.370

Sapatiyaytaychu yatranki aw Kaymishmi yatrani. Kaymishmi yatrani.

Sapatiya-y-ta-y-chu yatra-nki aw Kay-mish-mi yatra-ni Kay-mish-mi yatra-ni
Sapatiyaytaychu know-2 yes DEM.P-COMP-EVD know-1 DEM.P-COMP-EVD know-1
Conoces 'sapatiyaytaychu', ¿no? Así lo se. Así lo se.
You know "sapatiyaytaychu," no? I know it like this. I know it like this.
00:18:08.550 - 00:18:11.225 00:18:11.345 - 00:18:15.227

trakikikta chuya tushuchinkiman. ¡Aw! ¡Aw! ¡Wash! ¡Wash! Se acabó.

traki-ki-kta chuya tushu-chi-nki-man Aw, aw wash wash!
foot-2-ACC chuya dance.CAUS-2-COND yes yes wash wash!
Puedes hacer bailar tus piecitos. ¡Sí! ¡Sí! ¡Wash! ¡Wash!
You could make your little feet dance. Yes! Yes! Wash! Wash!
00:18:15.387 - 00:18:22.406

Acabó. Wawi: puka traki kananta muna: nin atuqqa.

Wawi-: puka traki ka-na-n-ta muna-: ni-n atuq-qa
baby-1 red foot be-NMLZ-3-ACC want-1 say-1 fox-TOP
Quiero que mis hijos tengan patas rojas, dijo el zorro.
I want my children to have red feet, said the fox.
00:18:22.860 - 00:18:28.780

ya nin. Urnukta lulalulqa, 'Ñam shanaña. ¡Wawikikta apamuy!' nin.

ni-n Urnu-kta lula-lu-l-qa Ña-m shana-ña wawi-ki-kta apa-mu-y
say-3 oven-ACC make-URGT-SUBIS-TOP DISC-EVD warm-DISC baby-1-ACC bring-CISL-IMP
Ya le dijo. Haciendo el horno, le dijo, 'Ya está caliente, ¡trae a tus hijos!'
OK, he said. They heated the oven. It's already hot. Bring your children
already, he said.
00:18:29.320 - 00:18:37.480


atuqtaqa. Atuqqa alí nila apalun pushalun wawinta.

atuq-ta-qa Atuq-qa alí ni-la apa-lu-n pusha-lu-n wawi-n-ta
fox-ACC-TOP fox-TOP yes say-PST bring-URGT-3 bring.along-URGT-3 baby-3-ACC
Al zorro. El zorro dijo sí y trajo, llevó a sus hijos.
to the fox. The fox said yes and brought, took along his children.
00:18:37.660 - 00:18:42.840

Urnuqa ña tapananpaq. Tapayan

Urnu-qa na tapa-na-n-paq Tapa-ya-n
oven-TOP DMY cover-NMLZ-3-PURP cover-PROG-3
El horno ya [está listo] para que lo tape. Lo están tapando.
The oven is already [ready] so you can cover it. They're covering it.
00:18:42.940 - 00:18:47.630

Atuqqa tapaw urnuman hitaykun lukuyayan

Atuq-qa tapaw urnu-man hita-yku-n luku-ya-ya-n
fox-TOP covered oven-ALL throw-EXCEP-3 crazy-INCH-PROG-3
El zorro lo tapó y aventó [a sus hijos] al horno. Está loquiando.
The fox, covered, threw them into the oven. He's going crazy.
00:18:47.750 - 00:18:52.205

Kaylla kaylla kaylla kaylla kaylla puka trakim lluqsimunkim puka traki
Kay-lla kay-lla kay-lla kay-lla kay-lla puka traki-m lluqsi-mu-nki-m puka
Esto no más, Esto no más. Esto no más. Esto no más. Vas a salir con patas
rojas. Vas a salir con pies rojas.
Just that, just that, just that, just that. You're going to come out with red
feet. You're going to come out with red feet.
00:18:52.265 - 00:18:58.397

traki lluqsi-mu-nki-m
come.out-CISL-2-EVD red foot come.out-2-EVD

Atuqqas hatiyan wawinta urnuman. Tapalun. Tapan kamputraw puliyan pasiyapan

Atuq-qa-s hati-ya-n wawi-n-ta urnu-man Tapa-lu-n Tapa-n kampu-traw puli-ya-n
fox-TOP bring-PROG-3 baby-3-ACC oven-ALL cover-URGT-3 cover-3 country.side-LOC
El zorro está llevando a sus hijos al horno. Lo taparon. Lo tapan y están
caminando, están paseando por el campo.
The fox is bringing his children to the oven. They covered it. They cover it
and are walking, strolling in the countryside.
00:18:58.637 - 00:19:07.391

walk-PROG-3 stroll-LOC-EVD

Imay urataq lluqsimunqa? Una ura i midiyaktam lluqsimunqa, nin. Ya, nin.
Imay ura-taq lluqsi-mu-nqa Una ura i midiya-kta-m lluqsi-mu-nqa ni-n Ya
when hour-SEQ come.out-CISL-3.FUT one hour and half-ACC-EVD come.out-CISL-3.FUT
¿A qué hora va a salir? Una hora y media va a salir, le dijo. Ya dijo.
WHat time are they going to come out? They'll come out in an hour and a half,
he said. OK, he said.
00:19:08.096 - 00:19:15.436

say-2 say-3

Ñachu puka traki wawi: lluqsimunanpaq. Imanataq ña kitrashunña hurnukta nin.

Ña-chu puka traki wawi-: lluqsi-mu-na-n-paq Ima-na-taq ña kitra-shun-ña
DISC-Q red foot baby-1 come.out-CISL-NMLZ-3-PURP what-VRBZ-SEQ DISC
Ya seguro para que salga, mis hijos con patitos rojitos. ¿Cómo vamos a abirir
el horno ya? le dijo.
ALready, for sure, so that my children come out with red feet. How are we going
to open the oven already, he said.
00:19:16.361 - 00:19:23.421

Alí nil kitran

hurnu-kta ni-n Alí nil kitra-n
open-1PL.FUT-DISC oven-ACC say-3 yes say-SUBIS open-3
Ya, pues, dice, y lo abre.
He says yes and opens it.
00:19:24.171 - 00:19:26.631

Wawinqa pasa pasaypaq trutrarasha. Había concinado total.

Wawi-n-qa pasa pasaypaq trutra-ra-sha
baby-3-TOP pass a.lot toast-UNINT-PRF
Su hijo total estaba sancochado. Se había cocinado total.
His children had been completely cooked. They had been completely cooked.
00:19:26.981 - 00:19:32.921

Wañulun. Wawiqa.
Wañu-lu-n Wawi-qa
die-URGT-3 baby-TOP
Murieron. Sus hijos.
They died. His children,
00:19:33.301 - 00:19:35.791

Manachu kanan mikushayki maytaq wawi: kanan

Mana-chu kanan miku-sha-yki may-taq wawi-: kanan
no-Q now eat-1>2.FUT where-SEQ baby-1 now
Ahora vas a ver. ¡Te voy a comer! ¿Dónde están mis hijos ahora?
Now you'll see! I'm going to eat you, Where are my children now?
00:19:36.391 - 00:19:39.826

puka traki kanqa nipti:qa. Ingañamalanki.

puka traki ka-nqa ni-pti-:-qa Ingaña-ma-la-nki
red foot be-3.FUT say-SUBDS-1-TOP trick-1.OBJ-PST-2
Cuando yo dije que van a tener patas rojas, me engañaste.
When I said they are going to have red feet, you tricked me.
00:19:39.888 - 00:19:43.728

Ingañamalanki kanan. Imapaqtaq ingañamalanki? Mikushayki dice wachwaktaqa nin

Ingaña-ma-la-nki kanan Imapaq-taq ingaña-ma-la-nki Miku-shayki wachwa-kta-qa
trick-1.OBJ-PST-2 now why-SEQ trick-1.OBJ-PST-2 eat-1>2.FUT wachwa-ACC-TOP
Me engañaste ahora. ¿Para qué me engañaste? ¡Te voy a comer, dice el zorro a la
You tricked me now. Why did you trick me? I'm going to eat you, says the fox to
the wachwa.
00:19:43.888 - 00:19:50.288

Hinaptinqa wachwa hiqakuykun alanpa likul.

ni-n atuq-qa Hinaptin-qa wachwa hiqa-ku-yku-n ala-pa li-ku-l
say-3 fox-TOP then-TOP wachwa leave-REFL-EXCEP-3 wing-LOC go-REFL-SUBIS
Y después la wachwa lo abandonó alzando vuelo.
Then the wachwa abandoned him, going on his wings
00:19:50.828 - 00:19:55.688

qutrachaman Qutratraw altura qutraman. lejos.

qutra-cha-man Qutra-traw altura qutra-man.
lagoon-DIM-ALL lagoon-LOC heights lagoon-ALL
hacia una laguna. En la laguna, hacia una laguna de altura. Lejos.
towards a lake. In the lake, towards a high lake. Far.
00:19:55.908 - 00:20:00.478
Mana kay lawman manachu kay yakukta paqwashaq wak mikuna:paq.
Mana kay law-man mana-chu kay yaku-kta paqwa-shaq wak miku-na-:-paq
no DEM.P side-ALL no-Q DEM.P water-ACC finish-1.FUT DEM.D eat-NMLZ-1-PURP
Dió vuelta hacia este lado. Voy a tomar esta agua para comerlo.
Not towards this side. I'm going to finish this water in order to eat it.
00:20:00.698 - 00:20:05.533

yaq yaq yaq yakukta upyakuyan qutrakta chakichinanpaq atuq.

yaq yaq yaq yaku-kta upya-ku-ya-n qutra-kta chaki-chi-na-n-paq atuq
yaq yaq yaq water-ACC drink-REFL-PROG-3 lagoon-ACC dry-CAUS-NMLZ-3-PURP fox
Yaq yaq yaq, el zorro está tomando el agua para hacer secar la laguna..
Lap lap lap, the fox is drinking the water so he can dry out the lake.
00:20:05.733 - 00:20:12.395

Hinaptinqa, wañulun atuq. Wiksan wiñalun atuq.

Hinaptin-qa wañu-lu-n atuq Wiksa-n wiña-lu-n atuq
then-TOP die-URGT-3 fox stomach-3 grow-URGT-3 fox
Y después murió el zorro. Creció la barriga [d]el zorro,
Then the fox died. The fox's stomach grew.
00:20:12.835 - 00:20:19.944

Qutraqa kunfurmi. Muyukun wachwaqa yaku lagunatraw vuylta vuylta

Qutra-qa kunfurmi Muyu-ku-n wachwa-qa yaku laguna-traw vuylta vuylta
lagoon-TOP conform eat-REFL-3 wachwa-TOP water lagoon-LOC again again
El agua seguía conforme. Daba vuelta la wachwa. Vueltas y vueltas en la laguna.
The lake, as it should be. The wachwa circled the water in the lake again and
00:20:20.044 - 00:20:27.229

Wañulun. Waqal likun atuq kampukta.

Wañu-lu-n Waqa-l li-ku-n atuq kampu-kta
die-URGT-3 cry-SUBIS go-REFL-3 fox country.side-ACC
Se murió. El zorro se fue al campo llorando.
He died. The fox went to the countryside crying.
00:20:27.349 - 00:20:32.776

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Hongos_HS_PersonalHistory.eaf
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 3:33 PM


Michikula: usha:taqa, michikula:.

Michi-ku-la-: usha-:-ta-qa michi-ku-la-:
herd-REFL-PST-1 sheep-1-ACC_TOP herd-REFL-PST-1
Yo pasteaba, mi oveja pasteaba.
I pastured. I pastured my sheep.
00:00:00.180 - 00:00:03.750

Chikurukuna llulluchakunakta qutrapa hurqushpa.

Chikuru-kuna llullucha-kuna-kta qutra-pa hurqu-shpa
chikuru.root-PL llullucha.root-PL-ACC lake-LOC remove-SUBIS
Sacaba chikuro y llullucha de la laguna.
I took "chicuro" and "llulluch" from the lagoon.
00:00:03.910 - 00:00:07.050

Chikuru, warahu, chayta mikukushpa.

Chikuru warahu chay-ta miku-ku-shpa
Chikuru.root warahu.berry DEM.D-ACC eat-REFL-SUBIS
Comiá-RSTRs: chicuro y warajo.
I ate those: "chicura" and "warajo."
00:00:07.590 - 00:00:09.810

Qusa:qa nada nada uywakta munalachu mana manam munalachu.

Qusa-:-qa nada nada uywa-kta muna-la-chu mana mana-m muna-la-chu
husband-1-TOP nothing nothing sheep-ACC want-PST-NEG no no-EVD want-PST-NEG
Mi esposo nada nada no quería criar [animales]. No, no quería.
My husband didn't want to raise [animals] at all. He didn't want to.
00:00:10.430 - 00:00:13.670

Taqsachila burrachu burrachu. Borrachoso, acabado.

Taqsa-chi-la burrachu burrachu.
wash-CAUS-PST drunk drunk
Borracho borracho, [me] hizo lavar. Borrachoso acabado
Drunk, drunk, he made [me] wash. A drunkard. Worn out.
00:00:13.860 - 00:00:15.700 00:00:16.230 - 00:00:18.210

[inaudible] Hapalla: yatraku: hapalla: yatraku:

Hapa-lla-: yatra-ku-: hapa-lla-: yatra-ku-:
alone-RSTR-1 live-REFL-1 alone-RSTR-1 live-REFL-1
Solita no más vivía solita no más vivía.
I lived all alone; I lived all alone.
00:00:18.710 - 00:00:21.020 00:00:21.480 - 00:00:24.560

Manam manam trabahupis kalachu kanan Viyhu pachanpim trabahakuyan

Mana-m mana-m trabahu-pis ka-la-chu kanan Viyhu pacha-n-pi-m trabaha-ku-ya-n
no-EVD no-EVD work-ADD be-PST-NEG now old era-3-LOC-EVD work-REFL-PROG-3
No había no trabajo antes. Ahora de viejo está trabajando
Before, there wasn't any work. Now in his old age, he's working
00:00:25.210 - 00:00:27.240 00:00:27.270 - 00:00:28.910

Manam vakaktapis kuyalachu
Mana-m vaka-kta-pis kuya-la-chu
no-EVD cow-ACC-ADD love-PST-NEG
Vaca tampoco no le gustaba
He didn't like cows, either.
00:00:29.490 - 00:00:31.080

Kuyalachu. Kanan ushapa prisyun kay vaka.

Kuya-la-chu Kanan usha-pa prisyu-n kay vaka
love-PST-NEG now sheep-GEN price-3 DEM.P cow
No le gustaban. El precio de una oveja es esta vaca.
He didn't like them. Now the price of a sheep is a cow.
00:00:31.790 - 00:00:34.460

Usha:qa kala puru nigru, puru churu.

Usha-:-qa ka-la puru nigru puru churu.
sheep-1-TOP be-PST pure black pure small.eared
Mi ovejas eran todas negras, todas de orejas chiquititas.
My sheep were all black, all with small ears.
00:00:35.430 - 00:00:38.210

Siyti klasismi linlin kala llapan likchaq.

Siyti klasis-mi linli-n ka-la llapa-n likchaq
seven class-EVD ear-3 be-PST all-3 class
Sus orejas eran de siete clases, de todas las clases.
Their ears were of seven classes, of all classes.
00:00:38.490 - 00:00:41.700

Kayna chakpalaqpis Kayna qichqanpi linlinnin kala.

Kay-na chakpa-laq-pis Kay-na qichqa-n-pi linlin-ni-n ka-la
DEM.P-VRBZ turn.over-CONT-ADD DEM.P-VRBZ side-3-LOC ear-EUPH-3 be-PST
Así volteado también. Así, de costado también eran sus orejas.
Like that, turned over too Their ears were also like this, sideways.
00:00:41.880 - 00:00:43.260 00:00:43.380 - 00:00:45.370

Payqa kidashpa burrachukuyan. Mana wawi:kunapaqpis

Pay-qa kida-shpa burrachu-ku-ya-n Mana wawi-:-kuna-paq-pis
3-TOP stay-SUBIS drunk-REFL-PROG-3 no baby-1-PL-BEN-ADD
El se quedaba emborrachándose Para mis hijos tampoco.
He stayed here getting drunk. Not for my children, either.
00:00:46.310 - 00:00:47.840 00:00:48.380 - 00:00:50.530

Yanukushpa burrachirapa pulin.

Yanu-ku-shpa burrachira-pa puli-n
cook-REFL-SUBIS drunken.outing-LOC walk-3
[Sin] cosinar andaba en borrachera.
[Without] cooking, he wadered about on drinking sprees.
00:00:50.860 - 00:00:53.200

Chaytam kanan wak silvapapis lima kayan wak churin.

Chay-ta-m kanan wak silva-pa-pis lima ka-ya-n wak churi-n
DEM.D-ACC-EVD now DEM.D rainforest-LOC-ADD Lima be-PROG-3 DEM.D child-3
Ahora en la selva también, in Lima están sus hijos.
Now in the rain forest, too. His children are in Lima.
00:00:53.780 - 00:00:56.620

Mana idukamanpis tayta: burrachirallapa.

Mana iduka-ma-n-pis tayta-: burrachira-lla-pa
no educate-1.OBJ-3-ADD father-1 drunken.outing-RSTR-LOC
No me educó me papá. [Andaba] en borrachera.
My father didn't educate me. [he went about] on drinking binges.
00:00:56.950 - 00:00:58.920

Tuta puntraw pulimushpa kanan limakayaman.

Tuta puntraw puli-mu-shpa kanan lima-ka-ya-ma-n
night day walk-CISL-SUBIS now talk-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Noche y día andando ahora me está hablando.
Wandering about day and night, now he talks to me.
00:00:59.310 - 00:01:01.860

Qanin puntraw Cañetepa kayapti: añanakayaman.

Qanin puntraw Cañete-pa ka-ya-pti-: aña-na-ka-ya-ma-n
previous day Cañete-LOC be-PROG-SUBDS-1 bother-RECIP-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Antes de ayer cuando estaba en Cañete me estaba molestando.
The day before yesterday when I was in Cañete, he was bothering me.
00:01:02.530 - 00:01:04.660

¿Kananqa imapaq trabahayan?

Kanan-qa imapaq trabaha-ya-n
now-TOP why work-PROG-3
¿Ahora por qué está trabajando?
Why is he working now?
00:01:06.300 - 00:01:08.250

Ukuchapaqtri trabahayan. Ukuchacha mikun.

Ukucha-paq-tri trabaha-ya-n Ukucha-cha miku-n
rat-BEN-EVC work-PROG-3 mouse-DIM eat-3
Estará trabajando para los pericotes. Los pericotes lo comen.
He must be working for the mice. The mice eat it.
00:01:08.760 - 00:01:10.640

¿Ima mikun? ¿Ñuqakuna huknin huknin apachi:man mikuyni:ta.

Ima miku-n ñuqa-kuna huk-ni-n huk-ni-n apachi-:-man miku-na-n-paq
what eat-3 1-PL one-EUPH-3 one-EUPH-3 bring-1 eat-NMLZ-3-PURP
¿Qué come? Nosotros acaso podemos hacer llevar nuestra comida.
What do they eat? We two have our food brought [for them to eat].
00:01:11.580 - 00:01:15.000

Wak qusa:pis Istafamala.

Wak qusa-:-pis Istafa-ma-la
DEM.D husband-1-ADD choke-1.OBJ-PST
Ese mi esposo Me estafó
That husband of mine. He choked me.
00:01:16.670 - 00:01:17.430 00:01:17.970 - 00:01:19.480

00:01:19.580 - 00:01:20.720

Pastupaq limanakushpa limanakushpa lantikushpa ñuqaman [inaudible]

Pastu-paq lima-naku-shpa lima-naku-shpa lanti-ku-shpa ñuqa-man
pasture.grass-PURP talk-RECIP-SUBIS talk-RECIP-SUBIS buy-REFL-SUBIS 1-ALL
Conversando con los pastores, vendiendo, a mí ...
Talking with the shepherds, selling them, to me ...
00:01:21.210 - 00:01:25.030

Willamanchu ni kutimanchu. [inaudible]

Willa-ma-n-chu ni kuti-ma-n-chu
tell-1.OBJ-3-NEG nor return-1.OBJ-3-NEG
No me avisa ni siquiera vuelve.
He doesn't tell me nor does he return.
00:01:25.310 - 00:01:26.840 00:01:27.490 - 00:01:29.660

kambiyamula maypaqtri, imapaqtaq qullqikta kambiyalula?

kambiya-mu-la may-paq-tri, imapaq-taq qullqi-kta kambiya-lu-la
exchange-CISL-PST where-ABL-EVC why-SEQ gold-ACC change-URGT-PST
¿Dónde habrá cambiado? ¿Para qué cambió la plata?
Where would he have changed it? Why did he change the money?
00:01:29.730 - 00:01:32.310

Kambiyaptintaq parisilachimun Billiti, sinsillu

Kambiya-pti-n-taq parisi-la-chi-mu-n Billiti sinsillu
exchange-SUBDS-3-SEQ appear-URGT-CAUS-CISL-3 bill change
Cambiándolo ya lo hizo aparecer. En billete en sencillo
Changing it, he made it appear. Bills, change.
00:01:32.880 - 00:01:34.610 00:01:35.080 - 00:01:37.010

parisilachila huñula gwardala.

parisi-la-chi-la huñu-la gwarda-la
appear-URGT-CAUS-PST gather-PST store-PST
Lo hizo aparecer. Lo ha recogido y ha guardado
He made it apppear. He collected it and stored it.
00:01:37.050 - 00:01:39.430

Mana wawi:paq chay lantikunman kala Iskundidu pastur

Mana wawi-:-paq chay lanti-ku-n-man ka-la Iskundidu pastur
no baby-1-BEN DEM.D buy-REFL-3-COND be-PST hidden shepherd
Para mi hijo no sabía comprar Escondía de pastor
He wouldn't have bought [anything] for my children. Hidden from the shepherd.
00:01:39.740 - 00:01:41.720 00:01:41.790 - 00:01:43.740

Pastur lantikushpa trunkanpi trunkanpi.

Pastur lanti-ku-shpa trunka-n-pi trunka-n-pi
shepherd buy-REFL-SUBIS ten-3-LOC ten-3-LOC
De pastor vendia diez por diez.
The shepherd selling them ten by ten.
00:01:44.270 - 00:01:46.790

Ushakta kuyashpa karniru sigun tamañu kakuyan. Achka usha.

Usha-kta kuya-shpa karniru sigun tamañu ka-ku-ya-n Achka usha
sheep-ACC love-SUBIS ram size be-REFL-PROG-3 a.lot sheep
Quería su oveja, su carnero según el tamaño que tenía. Harto oveja
He liked his sheep, his rame according to its size. A lot of sheep.
00:01:47.130 - 00:01:49.760 00:01:49.780 - 00:01:51.660

Tris siyntus burriga. Chaypaqmi paqwalamun.

Tris siyntus burriga Chay-paq-mi paqwa-la-mu-n
three hundred ram DEM.D-ABL-EVD finish-URGT-CISL-3
Tres cientos borrega Ese terminó
Three hundred rams. Then, it ended.
00:01:52.540 - 00:01:54.360 00:01:54.950 - 00:01:56.320

Hukman michichin kumpaniya nishpa kumpaniya nishpa

Huk-man michi-chi-n kumpaniya kumpaniya nishpa
one-ALL herd-CAUS-3 company company say-SUBIS
Para otro hizo pastear compania diciendo, compania diciendo.
He had him herd for another, saying company, saying company.
00:01:56.780 - 00:01:59.740

Chaypaqmi kanan piñanaku: [inaudible] chaytraw

Chay-paq-mi kanan piña-naku-: chay-traw
Por eso ahora discutimos. Aquí.
That's why we fight now. Here.
00:02:00.620 - 00:02:02.440 00:02:04.760 - 00:02:06.510

En borrachera
In a drinking binge
00:02:06.640 - 00:02:08.850

Wawi:qa mana mikusha mikuchinchu istansiyapa kayan.

Wawi-:-qa mana miku-sha miku-chi-n-chu istansiya-pa ka-ya-n
baby-1-TOP no eat-PRF eat-CAUS-3-NEG ranch-LOC be-PROG-3
Mis hijos no comían. No les daba de comer. Estaba en la estancia.
My children didn't eat. He didn't feed them; he was at the ranch.
00:02:08.910 - 00:02:11.560

Tawa. tawa wawi: Chaypaqmi kanan piñanaku:.

Tawa tawa wawi-: Chay-paq-mi kanan piña-naku-:
four four baby-1 DEM.D-ABL-EVD now mad-RECIP-1
Cuatro. Tengo cuatro hijos. Por eso ahora discuto
Four. I have four children. That's why I get mad now.
00:02:11.970 - 00:02:14.330 00:02:15.470 - 00:02:16.820

Hapalla: urqupi yatrakula: Tuta alma waqaptinpis

Hapa-lla-: urqu-pi yatra-ku-ra-: Tuta alma waqa-pti-n-pis
alone-RSTR-1 hill-LOC live-REFL-PST-1 night soul cry-SUBDS-3-ADD
Vivía solita en los cerros. Cuando el alma lloró de noche
I lioved alone in the hills. When the dead souls cried at night
00:02:17.580 - 00:02:18.770 00:02:19.900 - 00:02:21.580

Allalli saqlaq Saqlan cham chamqaku: lumiwan.

Allalli saqlaq Saqlan cham chamqa-ku-la-: lumi-wan
a.lot bang bang toss throw-REFL-PST-1 stone-INSTR
Cuidado saqlaq! Saqlan. Tir ... tiraba con piedra
Really, [noise] [noise] threw ... I threw stones [at it].
00:02:22.040 - 00:02:22.940 00:02:23.520 - 00:02:26.090

Hola hipola hipola Hola hola hola

Hola hipola hipola Hola hola hola
hello hipola hipola hello hello hello
Hola hipola hipola Hola hola
"Hello, Hipola. Hipola." "Hello. Hello"
00:02:26.830 - 00:02:30.710 00:02:31.270 - 00:02:32.960

Alma waqakushpa tardipis silbaman tardipis qayaman

Alma waqa-ku-shpa tardi-pis silba-ma-n tardi-pis qaya-ma-n
soul cry-REFL-SUBIS afternoon-ADD whistle-1.OBJ-3 afternoon-ADD call-1.OBJ-3
EL alma, llorando, la tarde también, me silbó, me llamó.
The soul. crying, in the afternoon, too, whistled at me, called me.
00:02:33.760 - 00:02:36.680

Usha qalquna urapis qayaman alma.

Usha qalqu-na ura-pis qaya-ma-n alma
sheep toss-NMLZ hour-ADD call-1.OBJ-3 soul
A la hora que botaba las ovejas también llamó el alma.
At the time we toss out the sheep, too, the soul cried.
00:02:37.150 - 00:02:39.250

Qayaman alma wiwu Tuqtu gallu chay puntrawtraw

Qaya-ma-n alma Tuqtu gallutri chay puntraq traya-la-mu-n
call-1.OBJ-3 soul yoo-hoo that.crows.a.lot? cock DEM.D day-LOC
Me llamó el alma: ¡Wiwi! Como toqto gallo en ese día.
The soul called me: yoo-hoo! Like a cock that crows on that day
00:02:40.560 - 00:02:43.120 00:02:43.810 - 00:02:45.550

machiti waqtakuyan. Tukaba kurnitikta.

machiti waqta-ku-ya-n Tukaba kurniti-kta
machete beat-REFL-PROG-3 played horn-ACC
Golpeó [con] machete. Tocaba corneta
It hit [with a] machete. It played a horn.
00:02:46.450 - 00:02:48.260 00:02:48.690 - 00:02:50.490

00:02:51.140 - 00:02:53.910

Tocaba cornete tinya todo tocaba

Tocaba cornete tina todo tocaba
It played the horn, a tambourine. It played everything,
00:02:54.490 - 00:02:57.010

Chaynaptin, 'Ukupawmi kaya:', ni: Chaynapti:qa

Chay-na-pti-n ukupaw-mi ka-ya-: ni-: Chaynapti:qa
DEM.D-NMLZ-SUBDS-3 busy be-PROG-1 say-3 DEM.D-NMLZ-1-TOP
Cuando hizo así, dije, 'Estoy ocupada'. Cuando hice así,
When it did that, I said, "I'm busy." When I did that,
00:02:57.110 - 00:02:59.640 00:02:59.720 - 00:03:01.700

Tinyantin kurnitintin grabadurakta prindilun

Tinya-ntin kurniti-ntin grabadura-kta prindi-lu-n
tambourine-INCL horn-INCL recorder-ACC light-URGT-3
Con su tiña y con su cornete, prendió sus grabadora.
With its tambourine and its horn, it turned on its recorder.
00:03:03.890 - 00:03:07.210

lamparinni:kta kirusini:kta sindilun

lamparin-ni-:-kta kirusini-:-kta sindi-lu-n
lamp-EUPH-1-ACC kerosene-1-ACC light-URGT-3
Prendió su lámpara, su kerosene.
They lit their lamp, their kerosene.
00:03:07.680 - 00:03:09.770

Ima miyradam chay witraymanpis uraymanpis pasan

Ima miyrada-m chay witray-man-pis uray-man-pis pasa-n
what shit-EVD DEM.D above-ALL-ADD below-ALL-ADD pass-3
¿Qué mierda era eso? Para arriba para abajo pasó.
What shit was that? It went up and down.
00:03:10.410 - 00:03:13.320

Manchachimanki. Hinashpa allallipaq chamqalu:

Mancha-chi-ma-nki Hinashpa allalli-paq chamqa-lu-:
scare-CAUSE.1.OBJ-2 then a.lot-ABL throw-URGT-1
Me haces asustar Luego les tiré [piedras] mucho.
You scare me. Then I threw [stones at it] a lot.
00:03:13.670 - 00:03:14.620 00:03:14.980 - 00:03:16.830

hipola nishpa alma waqaptinqa. Tardi uskurisiqtapis.

hipola ni-shpa alma waqa-pti-n-qa Tardi uskurisi-q-ta-pis
hipola say-SUBIS soul cry-SUBDS-3-TOP late get.dark-AG-ACC-ADD
'Hipola', dijo el alma cuando lloró. Tarde al oscurecer también
The souls said "Hipola" when they cried. Late, at dusk, too,
00:03:16.830 - 00:03:19.300 00:03:19.360 - 00:03:21.560

00:03:21.780 - 00:03:23.230

Qayantin chay ula luna trayalamun nigusiyanti.

Qayantin chay ula luna traya-la-mu-n nigusiyanti DEM.D hour person arrive-URGT-CISL-3 trader
Al día siguiente a esa hora llegó una persona, un negociante.
The next day at that time, a person came, a trader.
00:03:23.720 - 00:03:27.500

plastikupa rupan
plastiku-pa rupa-n
plastic-LOC clothes-3
Su ropa en plástico.
His clothes in plastic.
00:03:27.990 - 00:03:29.310

Almayki manchachimala tutayTK chay ura trayamula.

Almayki mancha-chi-ma-la tutay chay ura traya-mu-la
soul-2 scare.CAUS-i.OBJ-PST night- DEM.D hour arrive-CISL-PST
Tu alma me ha hecho asustar ayer. Lllegó a esta hora.
Your soul scared me yesterday. It arrived at this time.
00:03:30.520 - 00:03:33.750

manam ñuqa puñuchi:manchu aluhamiyntukta quykimanchu manam ñuqa

mana-m ñuqa puñu-chi-:-man-chu aluhamiyntu-kta qu-yki-man-chu mana-m ñuqa
no-EVD 1 sleep-CAUS-1-COND-NEG housing-ACC give-2-ALL no-EVD 1
Yo no te puedo hacer dormir no te puedo dar alojamiento Yo no te puedo dar ahora
I can't have you sleep, I can't house you. I can't give you anything.
00:03:34.110 - 00:03:36.960

Hana law kuñadu kaqta kurrin Rodrigo kaqta

Hana law kuñadu ka-q-ta kurri-n Rodrigo ka-q-ta
above side be-AG-ACC run-3 Rodrigo be-AG-ACC
Corrió arriba donde mi cuñado arriba donde don rodrigo
He ran up hill to my brother-in-law's place, to Rodrigo's place.
00:03:37.410 - 00:03:40.340

Tirruku tiympu. Yatralankitrik tirruku.

Tirruku tiympu Yatra-la-nki-tri-k tirruku.
Terrorist time know-PST-2-EVC-K terrorist
El tiempo de los terrucos. Sabrías [qué son] los terruco.
The time of the terrorists. You's know [about] the terrorists.
00:03:40.750 - 00:03:43.420 00:03:43.730 - 00:03:45.270

Alli alli tirruku pulila punta punta urquchaw.

Alli alli tirruku puli-la punta punta urquchaw
good good terrorist walk-PST point point hill-LOC
Muchos terrucos andaban por los cerros.
A lot of terrorists wandered about in the hills.
00:03:45.480 - 00:03:48.160

trayalamunqatr Dios miyu. Timpranullam almuyrsakta [inaudible]

traya-la-mu-nqa-tr Dios miyu. Timpranu-lla-m almuyrsa-kta
arrive-URGT-CISL-3.FUT-EVC Dios earlt-RSTR-EVD lunch-ACC
Llegaron, Dios mío. Temprano no más [comía] su almuerzo
They arrived. My God! Early, he [ate] breakfast.
00:03:48.710 - 00:03:50.960 00:03:51.650 - 00:03:54.520

manam miku:chu. Tardikuptinqa mikunchu manam manam tristi.
mana-m miku-:-chu Tardi-ku-pti-n-qa miku-n-chu mana-m mana-m tristi
no-EVD eat-1-NEG late-REFL-SUBDS-TOP eat-3-NEG no-EVD no-EVD sad
No he comido Cuando se hizo tarde, no podía comer. Triste.
I haven't eaten. When it got late, I couldn't eat. Sad.
00:03:54.640 - 00:03:55.620 00:03:56.180 - 00:03:58.670

Tristi tristim kakuya:

Tristi tristi-m ka-ku-ya-:
sad sad be-REFL-PROG-1
Triste triste era
I was really sad.
00:03:58.720 - 00:04:00.490

Imay trayalamunqa tirruku usha:ta qatinqatr

Imay traya-la-mu-nqa tirruku usha-:-ta qati-nqa-tr
when arrive-URGT-CISL-3.FUT terrorist sheep-1-ACC take-3.FUT-EVC
Cuando los terrucas llegarán, van a llevar mis carneros, seguro.
When the terrorists arrive, they're going to take my sheep.
00:04:00.510 - 00:04:03.600

tinyantin kurnitikta tuka: ñuqaqa

tinya-ntin kurniti-kta tuka-: ñuqa-qa
tambourine-INCL horn-ACC play-1 1-TOP
Con [mi] tiña tocaba cornete.
with [my] tambourine. I played the horn.
00:04:04.120 - 00:04:05.340 00:04:05.650 - 00:04:07.000

Chay chaynashtin qipanta lisha

Chay chay-na-shtin qipa-n-ta li-sha
Haciendo así, iba detrás de él.
Going like that, I went behind him.
00:04:07.060 - 00:04:09.400

Ma Imanashpash usha:ta paqwanqa, imanashpa qatinqa nishpa

Ma Ima-na-shpa-sh usha-:-ta paqwa-nqa ima-na-shpa qati-nqa
PHAT what-VRBZ-SUBDS sheep-1-ACC finish-3.FUT what-VRBZ-SUBIS take-3.FUT
A ver. Cuando lo hacen, van a acabar mis ovejas. Cuando lo hacen, los van a
Let's see. When they do it, they'll finish of my sheep. When they do it,
they're going to take them away.
00:04:09.520 - 00:04:13.290

Likaq likaqlla kakuya: Hananpaqchu parisilamunqa.
Lika-q lika-q-lla ka-ku-ya-: Hanan-paq-chu parisi-la-mu-nqa
see-AG see-AG be-REFL-PROG-1 above-ABL-Q appear-URGT-CISL-3.FUT
Estoy para ver, para ver no más. Capaz de encima aparecerán.
I'm here to look, just to look. Maybe they'll appear from up hill.
00:04:14.720 - 00:04:17.490

Ulaypapis parisilamunqatr Hapalla: kaku:

Ulay-pa-pis parisi-la-mu-nqa-tr Hapa-lla-: ka-ku-:
below-LOC-ADD appear-URGT-3.FUT-EVC alone-RSTR-1 be-PROG-1
Abajo también aparecerá capaz Solita no más era
They might appear down hill, too, I was all alone.
00:04:17.970 - 00:04:19.730 00:04:19.890 - 00:04:21.420

Mayta lishaq usha:ta qatishpa silinsiyu.

May-ta li-shaq usha-:-ta qati-shpa silinsiyu
where-ACC go-1.FUT sheep-1-ACC take-SUBIS silence
¿Para dónde voy a ir llevando mis borregas? Silencio.
Where am I going to go bringing my sheep? Silence.
00:04:21.850 - 00:04:24.550

Urqupa kanchu pipis. Limpu limpu kay llaqtaman bahalamun.

Urqu-pa ka-n-chu pi-pis Limpu limpu kay llaqta-man baha-la-mu-n
hill-LOC be-3-NEG who-ADD all all DEM.P town-ALL go.down.URGT-CISL-3
En los cerros, no hay nadie. Todos, todos bajaron a este pueblo.
There isn't any one in the hills. All, all came down to this town.
00:04:24.610 - 00:04:26.430 00:04:26.780 - 00:04:28.370

Ganadun qatilushpa qatilushpa

Ganadu-n qati-lu-shpa qati-lu-shpa
cattle-3 take-URGT-SUBIS take-URGT-SUBIS
Trayendo, trayendo su ganado.
Bringing, bringing their cattle.
00:04:28.850 - 00:04:30.530

Ñuqaqa maytataq hapalla: lishaq? ¿Imaynataq hapalla: imaynapis imas

Ñuqa-qa may-ta-taq hapa-lla-: li-shaq imayna-taq hapa-lla-: ima-na-pis ima-s
1-TOP whre-ACC-SEQ alone-RSTR-1 go-1.FUT how-SEQ alone-RSTR-1 how-ADD what-ADD
¿Dónde voy a ir yo solita? ¿Cómo, sola, cómo nada
Where am I going to go alone? How, alone, how [with?] nothing
00:04:30.530 - 00:04:32.500 00:04:32.530 - 00:04:34.660

Allalli sufridum ñuqa pubriqa ka: Allalli qusa: maqamala.

Allalli sufridu-m ñuqa pubri-qa ka-: Allalli qusa-: maqa-ma-la
a.lot suffered-EVD 1 poor-TOP be-1 a.lot husband-1 beat-1.OBJ-PST
Yo soy bien sufrida. Soy pobre. Ah mi esposo me pegaba
I've suffered a lot. I'm poor. My husband beat me a lot.
00:04:36.430 - 00:04:38.520 00:04:39.200 - 00:04:40.910

kunka:kunakta kayna qiwimala.

kunka-:-kuna-kta kay-na qiwi-ma-la
neck-1-PL-ACC DEM.P-VRBZ twist-1.OBJ-PST
Torcía mi cuello y todo así.
He twisted my neck and all like this.
00:04:41.010 - 00:04:43.480

Shimi:manpis TKmala. Kay maki:pis pakisha

Shimi-:-man-pis -ma-la Kay maki-:-pis paki-sha
mouth-1-ALL-ADD -1.OBJ-PST DEM.P hand-1-ADD break-PRF
A mi boca también me [ ]. Mi mano está quebrado
My mouth, too, he [ ]. My hand, too, is broken.
00:04:43.850 - 00:04:47.260

maki:kuna. Silusu, silusu.

maki-:-kuna Silusu silusu
hand-1-PL jealous jealous
Mi mano todo. Celoso celoso
My hand and all. Jealous, jealous.
00:04:47.950 - 00:04:50.540

Tiyu:tawan. Tuyu:kunakta, primu:kunakta subrinu:kuna, kumpadri:kuna

Tiyu-:-ta-wan Tuyu-:-kuna-kta primu-:-kuna-kta subrinu-:-kuna kumpadri-:-kuna
uncle-1-ACC-INSTR uncle-1-PL-ACC cousin-1-PL-ACC nephew-1-PL compadre-1-PL
Mi tío, mis tíos, mis primos, Mis sobrinos, mis compadres
My uncle and my uncles, my cousins, My nephews, my compadres.
00:04:50.850 - 00:04:55.330 00:04:55.630 - 00:04:57.880

Waynalla:ñam kakuyan. Silakamala pulaminti maqamala.

Wayna-lla-:-ña-m ka-ku-ya-n Sila-ka-ma-la pulaminti maqa-ma-la
Lover-RSTR-DISC-EVD be-REFL-PROG-3 jealous-REFL-1.OBJ-PST a.lot beat-1.OBJ-PST
eran mis amantes. Poniéndose celoso, me pegaba
were my lovers. Getting jealous, he would beat me.
00:04:57.920 - 00:04:59.880 00:05:00.000 - 00:05:02.160

Qaqakunakta walkumala. Usha usha nishpa linki kampukunaman.

Qaqa-kuna-kta walku-ma-la Usha usha ni-shpa li-nki kampu-kuna-man
cliff-PL-ACC hang-1.OBJ-PST sheep sheep say-SUBIS go-2 countryside-PL-EVD
Me colgaba de la peña. "Borrega, borrega", dices y vas al campo
He hanged me on the cliffs. "Ram, ram," you say and go to the countryside.
00:05:03.010 - 00:05:04.420 00:05:04.810 - 00:05:07.870

Waynayki shamunanrayku.
Wayna-yki shamu-na-n-rayku
lover-2 come-NMLZ-3-CAUS
Por la llegada de ti amante.
Because of the arrival of your lover.
00:05:07.980 - 00:05:09.750

waynaykim shamunqa istansiyaman nishpa

wayna-yki-m shamu-nqa istansiya-man ni-shpa
lover-2-EVD come-3.FUT ranch-ALL say-SUBIS
'Tu amante vendrá a la estancia', dijo.
"Your lover will come to the ranch," he said.
00:05:10.320 - 00:05:12.940

Gustu payqa kay chaytraw yatrakula.

Gustu pay-qa kay chay-traw yatra-ku-la
pleasure 3-TOP DEM.P DEM.D-LOC live-REFL-PST
Feliz, él vivía acá.
Happily, he lived here.
00:05:13.250 - 00:05:16.670

Kanan viyhu pachanpim trabahayan.

Kanan viyhu pacha-n-pi-m trabaha-ya-n
now old era-3-LOC-EVD work-PROG-3
Ahora de viejo está trabajando
Now, in his old age, he's working.
00:05:17.070 - 00:05:18.960

Wawi:kuna kada unu vidan pasakuq kayaptin.

Wawi-:-kuna kada unu vida-n pasa-ku-q ka-ya-pti-n
baby-1-PL each one life-3 pass-REFL-AG be-PROG-SUBDS-3
Cada uno de mis hijos pasaba su vida
Each one of my children spent his life
00:05:19.510 - 00:05:21.840

¿Qam kanan imapaqtaq trabahayanki? Chay pachatriki trabahankiman kala.

Qam kanan imapaq-taq trabaha-ya-nki Chay pacha-tri-ki trabaha-nki-man ka-la
2 now why-SEQ work-PROG-2 DEM.D era-EVC-KI work-2 be-PST
¿Ahora por qué estás trabajando? En ese tiempo hubieras debido trabajar.
Now, what are you working for? You should have worked at that time.
00:05:22.160 - 00:05:24.000 00:05:25.220 - 00:05:27.200

Yanga yanqa burrachiratraw kaypa yatran.

Yanga yanqa burrachira-traw kay-pa yacha-n
in.vain in.vain drinking.binge-LOC DEM-LOC live-3
Mentira, mentira. Vive acá en borrachera.
In vain, in vain. He lives here in a drinking binge.
00:05:27.810 - 00:05:30.020

Vida: tristi wakcha pubri kaku:

Vida-: tristi wakcha pubri kaku-:
life-1 sad orphan poor be-REFL-1
Mi vida es triste solita pobre era
My life is sad. I was a poor orphan.
00:05:30.570 - 00:05:33.610

Ñaña: kanchu, tuli: kanchu ñuqapaqa.

Ñaña-: ka-n-chu tuli-: ka-n-chu ñuqa-pa-qa
sister-1 be-3-NEG brother-1 be-3-NEG 1-GEN-TOP
No tenía no hermana ni hermano
I don't have a sister; I don't have a brother.
00:05:33.610 - 00:05:36.480

Mama:, tayta: ni sumaq riqsiku:chu uchuk wakcha

Mama-: tayta-: ni sumaq riqsi-ku-:-chu wakchu
mother-1 father-1 nor pretty know-REFL-1-NEG orphan
No he conocido ni mamá ni papá bien, huérfano chiquito.
I didn't know my mother or my father well, a little orphan.
00:05:37.410 - 00:05:40.170

Abuylitu:, abuylita:llapis wiñakula: puñukula:

Abuylitu-: abuylita-:-lla-pis wiña-ku-la-: puñu-ku-la-:
grandfather-1 grandmother-1LIM-ADD grow-REFL-PST-1 sleep-REFL-PST-1
Con mi abelito con mi abuelita he crecido yo Dormía
I grew up with my grandfather and my grandmother, I slept
00:05:40.370 - 00:05:42.750 00:05:42.760 - 00:05:44.580

Mucho cuidado wawi

Mucho cuidado, bebé.
Be careful, baby.
00:05:44.780 - 00:05:46.290

Wasi:traw kayapti:shi wañukula, mamalla: wañukula.

Wasi-:-traw ka-ya-pti-:-shi wañu-ku-la mama-lla-: wañu-ku-la
hoise-1-LOC be-PROG-SUBDS-1-EVR die-REFL-PST mother-RSTR-1 die-REFL-PST
Cuando estaba en mi casa, dicen, se murió, mi mamá se murió.
When I was in my house, they say, she died, my mother died.
00:05:46.300 - 00:05:49.290

Wakhina misaman ñuqapa watrapakamashanpaq.

Wak-hina misa-man ñuqa-pa watra-paka-ma-sha-n-paq
Así, por lo que me dió luz a mi maldice
Like that, for having given birth to me, they damn me.
00:05:49.300 - 00:05:51.580

Tiyu:kuna, taytacha:kuna aa, nash

Tiyu-:-kuna tayta-cha-:-kuna aa, na-sh
uncle-1-PL father-DIM-1-PL aa DMY-EVR
Mis tíos mi abuelitos todo Aa, dicen.
My uncles, my grandfather and all. Ah, they say.
00:05:51.580 - 00:05:54.120 00:05:54.170 - 00:05:55.360

Asustishpa mama:ta qalakta kasanpi istiralushpa

Asusti-shpa mama-:-ta qala-kta ka-sa-n-pi istira-lu-shpa
beat-SUBIS mother-1-ACC naked-ACC be-PRF-3-LOC stretch-URGT-SUBIS
Pegaron a mi mamá calato [ ] estirándola.
They beat my mother naked [ ], stretching her out.
00:05:55.580 - 00:05:59.170

kalatu trakinkunapis chayna watalushpa

kalatu traki-n-kuna-pis chay-na wata-lu-shpa
naked foot-3-PL-ADD DEM.D-VRBZ tie-URGT-SUBIS
Amarrando así sus pies también, calatos.
Tying her naked feet, too, like this.
00:05:59.390 - 00:06:01.640

Chaymi mama:lla waqakushtin purisha urqupi.

Chay-mi mama-:-lla waqa-ku-shtin puri-sha urqu-pi
DEM.D-EVD mother-1-RSTR cry-REFL-SUBSUBADV walk-PRF hill-LOC
De allí mi mamá andaba llorando por cerro
SO my mother walked about in the hills crying.
00:06:02.340 - 00:06:05.160

Ingañuwan tinkulusha. Urqu burlalulatriki

Ingañu-wan tinku-lu-sha Urqu burla-lu-la-tri-ki
trick-INSTR find-URGT-PRF hill mock-URGT-PST-EVC-KI
Se había encontrado con engaño. El cerró se habrá burlado de ella.
SHe met up with betrayal. The hills would have made fun of her.
00:06:05.160 - 00:06:06.960 00:06:07.030 - 00:06:10.490

Chay puraminti aqchan kayhina

Chay puraminti aqcha-n kay-hina
DEM.D purely hair-3 DEM.P-COMP
Puramente su pelo así
Her hair totally like this
00:06:10.700 - 00:06:13.640

Pampa Rumi chanara chanara uman trayalamula
Pampa rumi chanara chanara uma-n traya-la-mu-la
Pampa rumi uncombed? uncombed head-3 arrive-URGT-CISL-PST
Como la piedra del suelo, sin peinarse, sinpeinarse, había llegado a ser su
ground stone. Her head had gotten uncombed, uncombed.
00:06:13.640 - 00:06:16.370

Kayhinatr kayan aqchan

Kay-hina-tr ka-ya-n aqcha-n
DEM.P-COMP-EVC be-PROG-3 hair-3
Así sería su pelo
Her hair would be like this.
00:06:16.370 - 00:06:18.790

Hipolakta qumay wawi:ta qumay. Kunkantan tipilushaq.

Hipola-kta qu-ma-y wawi-:-ta qu-ma-y Kunka-n-ta-n
Hipola-ACC give-1.OBJ-IMP baby-1-ACC give-1.OBJ-IMP neck-3-ACC-3
¡Dame Hipola! ¡Dame mi hija! Voy a romper su cuello.
Give me Hipola! Give me my baby! I'm going to break his neck.
00:06:18.820 - 00:06:23.440


Wañulachishaq. Ñuqahina sufrichina:paq wawi:ta.

Wañu-la-chi-shaq Ñuqa-hina sufri-chi-na-:-paq wawi-:-ta
die-URGT-CAUS-1.FUT 1-COMP suffer-CAUS-NMLZ-1-PURP baby-1-ACC
Lo voy a matar. Para que lo hago sufrir como yo.
I'm going to kill him. So I can make him suffer like I did.
00:06:23.740 - 00:06:26.760

Kidachinki manam wawi:qa kidanqa niptin

Kida-chi-nki mana-m wawi-:-qa kida-nqa ni-pti-n
stay-CAUS-2 no-EVD baby-1-TOP stay-3.FUT say-SUBDS-3
Vas a hacer quedar. Mi hija no va a quedar, dijo.
You'll make him stay. My baby isn't going to stay, she said.
00:06:26.790 - 00:06:29.100

Achka familiya:kuna tuli:wan mama:wan tayta:wan kitamasha.

Achka familiya-:-kuna tuli-:-wan mama-:-wan tayta-:-wan kita-ma-sha
a.lot family-1-PL brither-1-INSTR mother-1-INSTR father-1-INST remove-1.OBJ-PRF
Mucha familia. Mis hermanos y mi mamá y mi papá me quitaba.
Lots of family. My brother and my mother and my father, took me away.
00:06:29.470 - 00:06:32.970

Pasaypaq ansiyana Suridum ñuqa kaku:
Pasaypaq ansiyana Suridu-m ñuqa ka-ku-:
a.lot old.woman suffered-EVD 1 be-REFL-1
Total anciana Sufrido yo soy
Completely old. I suffer.
00:06:32.990 - 00:06:34.900 00:06:34.960 - 00:06:37.060

Mikuypaqpis, vistidupaqpis, sufridum kaku:

Miku-y-paq-pis vistidu-paq-pis sufridu-m ka-ku-:
eat-INF-ABL-ADD clothes-ABL-ADD suffered-EVD be-REFL-1
De comida también de vestido también sufrido
I suffer for food, for clothing.
00:06:37.290 - 00:06:39.970

alli allikta maqamala tiyu:

alli alli-kta maqa-ma-la tiyu-:
good good-ACC beat-1.OBJ-PST uncle-1
Bien bien me pegaba mi tío
My uncle hit me a lot.
00:06:40.010 - 00:06:42.950

Tiyu Ricardo, tiyu RIcardo, taytacha:.

Tiyu Ricardo, tiyu RIcardo, tayta-cha-:
uncle Ricardo, unle RIcardo, father-DIM-1
Tío Ricardo, Tío Ricardo, mi abuelito
Uncle Ricardo, Uncle Ricardo, my grandfather.
00:06:43.050 - 00:06:46.240

mamacha:llaqa abuylita:qa manam maqamalachu. ¿para qué?

mama-cha-:-lla-qa abuylita-:-qa mana-m maqa-ma-la-chu.
mother-DIM-1-RSTR-TOP grandmother-1-TOP no-EVD beat-1.OBJ-PST-NEG
Mi abuelita no más, mi abuelita no me pegaba. ¿Para qué?
Just my grandmother, my grandmother didn't hit me. What for?
00:06:46.680 - 00:06:49.850

mana maqamalachu. Chay kanan infirmulla kaku:.

mana maqa-ma-la-chu Chay kanan infirmu-lla ka-ku-:
no beat-1.OBJ-PST-NEG DEM.D now sick-RSTR be-REFL-1
No me pegaba Por eso ahora estoy enferma no más
She didn't hit me. So now I'm just sick.
00:06:50.200 - 00:06:51.600 00:06:51.750 - 00:06:54.390

Mikuypaq sufridu kashpa Rupa:paq sufridu kashpa

Miku-y-paq sufridu ka-shpa Rupa-:-paq sufridu ka-shpa
eat-INF-ABL suffered be-SUBIS clothes-1-ABL suffered be-SUBIS
Por comida también sufriendo Por mi ropa también sufriendo
Suffering for food suffering for my clothes, too,
00:06:54.540 - 00:06:56.490 00:06:56.520 - 00:06:58.460

Tutal lachapa lachapa mantakta katakusha:

Tutal lachapa lachapa manta-kta kata-ku-sha-:
total worn worn shawl-ACC shawl-REFL-PRF-1
Me vestía de una mnanta muy gastado.
I dressed in a really worn-out shawl.
00:06:58.920 - 00:07:01.900

Falda:pis puraminti chancha lachapa Parchaditu.

Falda-:-pis puraminti chancha lachapa Parchaditu
skirt-1-ADD purely old worn patched
Mi falda también usado roto. Parchadito.
My skirt, too, old and worn. Patched.
00:07:01.970 - 00:07:05.070 00:07:05.100 - 00:07:06.530

Distintu klasi trapuwan parchakusha.

Distintu klasi trapu-wan parcha-ku-sha
distinct class rag-INSTR patch-REFL-PRF
Parchado con distintas clases de tela.
Patched with different kinds of cloth.
00:07:07.690 - 00:07:10.140

Chaymi kay kanan mana valiq ka:. Manam friyu almamanchu.

Chay-mi kay kanan mana vali-q ka-: Mana-m friyu alma-ma-n-chu
DEM.D-EVD DEM.P now no be.worth-AG be-1 no-EVD cold set.up-1.OBJ-3-NEG
Por eso ahora no valgo para nada Frío no me arma
That's why now, I'm not good for anything. I can't take the cold.
00:07:10.830 - 00:07:13.120 00:07:13.380 - 00:07:15.530

Infirmullam kaku:. Ñuqapa sufrisha:ta manam pipis sufrinchu.

Infirmu-lla-m ka-ku-: Ñuqa-pa sufri-sha-:-ta mana-m pi-pis sufri-n-chu
sick-RSTR-EVD be-REFL-1 1-GEN suffer-PRF-1-ACC no-EVD who-ADD suffer-3-NEG
Enfermo no más soy Lo que yo he sufrido no sufre nadie
I'm just sick. No one suffers what I suffered.
00:07:15.960 - 00:07:17.630 00:07:18.580 - 00:07:20.640

Kunkalla:pis kayhinam qiwikayaman

Kunka-lla-:-pis kay-hina-m qiwi ya.
Me torció el cuello también así.
He twisted my neck, too, like this.
00:07:21.430 - 00:07:23.200

Shimi:pis [inaudible] kaypaq haytaramaptin una unay kaku:

Shimi-:-pis kay-hina hayta-ra-mu-pti-n una unay kaku:
mouth-1-ADD DEM.P-COMP kick-URGT-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3 before before be-REFL-1
Mi boca también [casi ha roto]. Cuando me pateó aquí, tiempo tiempo estoy.
My mouth, too, [almost broke]. When he kicked me here, for a long time, I'm
00:07:23.750 - 00:07:27.610

Burrachu. Ñuqapa usha:chu.

Burrachu. Ñuqa-pa usha-:-chu
drunk 1-GEN sheep-1-NEG
Borracho No es mi borrega
Drunk It isn't my sheep.
00:07:29.650 - 00:07:31.120 00:07:31.650 - 00:07:33.020

[inaudible] Ñuqapal
00:07:33.460 - 00:07:34.290 00:07:34.900 - 00:07:36.060

Mana manam ima hawanpi pantalunniyuqlla hamuq

Mana mana-m ima hawa-n-pi pantalun-ni-yuq-lla hamu-q
no no-EVD what above-3-LOC pants-EUPH-POSS-RSTR come-AG
00:07:36.600 - 00:07:39.360

kamisallawan ashuykamala muchachu.

kamisa-lla-wan ashu-yka-ma-la muchachu
shirt-RSTR-INSTR near-EXCEP-1.OBJ-PST boy
Con camisa no más me acercó un muchacho
With just a shirt, a young man approached me.
00:07:39.430 - 00:07:41.880

Familiyankuna mana munayaptin

Familiya-n-kuna mana muna-ya-pti-n
family-3-PL no want-PROG-SUBDS-3
Su familia cuando no quería
When his family didn't want
00:07:41.930 - 00:07:43.880

Wawqin maqamala, irmanan maqamala.

Wawqi-n maqa-ma-la irmana-n maqa-ma-la
brother-3 beat-1.OBJ-PST sister-3 beat-1.OBJ-PST
Su hermano me pegaba su hermana me pegaba
His brother beat me; his sister beat me.
00:07:43.950 - 00:07:47.250

mana munayaptin ashukaykamala.
mana muna-ya-pti-n ashu-ka-yka-ma-la
Cuando no quería su familia, se me acercó.
WHen his family didn't want it, he approached me.
00:07:47.720 - 00:07:49.690

Ñuqaqa Cañetepaq qulliqiyuq shamula: qullqiyuq.

Ñuqa-qa Cañete-paq qulliqi-yuq shamu-la-: qullqi-yuq
1-TOP Cañete-ABL gold-POSS come-PST-1 gold-POSS
Yo llegué de Cañete con plata, con plata.
I came from Cañete with money, with money.
00:07:49.750 - 00:07:54.420

Kikin ashukaykaman disunra kayan

Kiki-n ashu-ka-yka-ma-n disunra ka-ya-n
self-3 near-REFL-EXCEP-1.OBJ-3 dishonored be-PROG-3
El mismo se me acercó Deshonra era
He himself approached me. I was dishonored.
00:07:55.010 - 00:07:57.820

disunra kayan kallipa shinka hapirakayaman

disunra ka-ya-n kalli-pa shinka hapi-ra-ka-ya-ma-n
dishonored be-PROG-3 street-LOC drunk grab-UNINT-PASSACC-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Deshonra en calle . Borracho me está agarrando.
Dishonored in the street. Drunk, he grabbed me.
00:07:57.990 - 00:08:00.960

Chay aver kasaramushun nishpa

Chay aver kasara-mu-shun ni-shpa
DEM.D let's.see marry-CISL-1PL.FUT say-SUBIS
Eso también vamos a casar
Let's see. Let's get married, he said
00:08:01.870 - 00:08:04.180

Ñuqam ka: qali. Qam walmi: kanki ni: ñuqa

Ñuqa-m ka-: qali Qam walmi-: ka-nki ni-: ñuqa
1-EVD be-1 man 2 woman-1 be-2 say-1 1
Yo soy hombre Ud vas a ser mi mujer, digo yo.
I am a man and you are going to be my wife, I say, he said.
00:08:04.880 - 00:08:08.590

Ñuqam kasaramu: Cacratraw mana pipapis yatrashan kasaramu:.

Ñuqa-m kasara-mu-: Cacra-chaw mana pi-pa-pis yatra-sha-n kasara-mu-:
1-EVD marry-CISL-1 Cacra-LOC no who-GEN-ADD know-PRF-3 marry-CISL-1
Yo me casé en Cacra sin que sepa nadie
I got married in Cacra without anyone knowing it.
00:08:08.690 - 00:08:12.860

Ñuqatr ichaqa maqaykiman porque a mi me cuestas mi plata ni: kananqa.

Ñuqa-tr icha-qa maqa-yki-man ni-: kanan-qa
1-EVC or-TOP beat-1>2-ALL say-1 now-TOP
Yo sí te puedo pegar por que a mi me cuestas mi plata ahora.
I can hit you because you cost me money now.
00:08:15.570 - 00:08:20.000

Chaymi chay familiyaykiwan tukuyta nishpa maqachimalanki.

Chay ni-shpa-m familiya-yki-wan ni-SHPA maqa-chi-ma-la-nki
DEM.D say-SUBIS-EVD family-2-INSTR say-SUBIS beat-CAUS-1.IBJ-PST-2
Entonces con tu familia me has hecho pegar
So with your family you had me hit.
00:08:21.080 - 00:08:24.720

wawqikiwan irmanaykiwan mamaykiwan

wawqi-ki-wan irmana-yki-wan mama-yki-wan
brother-2-INSTR sister-2-INSTR mother-2-INSTR
Con tu hermano con tu hermana con tu mama todo
Your brother and your sister and your mother
00:08:25.050 - 00:08:27.690

Mana munayamaptin mama: munashanta.

Mana muna-ya-ma-pti-n mama-: muna-sha-n-ta
no want-PROG-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3 mother-1 want-PRF-3-ACC
Cuando no me quieren, lo que quiere mi mamá.
When they don't want me. What my mother wants.
00:08:28.960 - 00:08:31.770

Wawqiki munashanta paniki munashanta ashi[] kala.

Wawqi-ki muna-sha-n-ta pani-ki muna-sha-n-ta ashi-? ka-la
brother-2 wnt-PRF-3-ACC sister-2 want-PRF-3-ACC look.for- be-PST
Lo que quería su hermano, lo que quería y su hermana habrías buscado
What your brother wants, what your sister wants, you should have looked for,
00:08:32.030 - 00:08:35.160

walmikitaq. Timpurariyukta idadmasikikta

walmi-ki-taq Timpurariyu-kta idad-masi-ki-kta
walmikitaq.woman-ACC-SEQ contemporary-ACC age-PART-2-ACC
tu mujer A tu temporario tu edad mismo
your wife your contemporary, your age group.
00:08:35.220 - 00:08:36.260 00:08:36.630 - 00:08:38.190

Kanan imakta valin kanan muy tardi kanan imanamanqataq

Kanan ima-kta vali-n kanan muy tardi kanan ima-na-ma-nqa-taq
now what-ACC be.worth-3 now very late now what-VRBZ-1.OBJ-3.FUT-SEQ
Ahora que cosa vale ud? Muy tarde. ¿Ahora qué me vas a hacer?
Now what are you worth? Too late. Now what are you going to do to me?
00:08:38.630 - 00:08:41.950

Ima wañulachimuy niptinqa Agwantamuy ya kananqa

Ima wañu-la-chi-mu-y ni-pti-:-qa agawanta-mu-y ya kanan-qa
¡Máteme entonces! ¡Aguántalo ahora!
So kill me! Bear it now!
00:08:42.390 - 00:08:44.100 00:08:44.550 - 00:08:45.950

00:08:46.360 - 00:08:47.860

Doña Maximinahina kanan piñariku: piñariku:.

kanan piña-ri-ku-: piña-ri-ku-:
Doña Maximina-COMP now mad-INCH-REFL-1 mad-INCH-REFL-1
Como Doña Maximina ahora me enojo, me enojo.
Like Doña Maximina now I get mad, I get mad.
00:08:48.080 - 00:08:51.530

mana manam kashachu.

mana mana-m ka-sha-chu
no no-EVD be-PRF-NEG
no había
There wasn't any.
00:08:52.620 - 00:08:53.760

Hawantraw kamisan kasha pantalun nada mas kashachu.

Hawa-n-traw kamisa qawa-n pantalun mana-m ka-sha-chu
top-3-LOC shirt top-3 pants no-EVD be-PRF-NEG
Encima de él, tenía una camisa, un pantalón, nada más tenía.
He had on him a shirt and a pair of pants, nothing more.
00:08:54.010 - 00:08:56.980

Imanpis kambiyakunanpaq kalachu. kananqa subraw subraw muntun muntun

Ima-n-pis kambiya-ku-na-n-paq ka-la-chu kananqa subraw subraw muntun
what-3-ADD change-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP be-PST-NEG now-TOP left.over left.over a.lot
No tenía nada para que se cambie Ahora es sobrado montón montón
He didn't have anything to change into. Now [he has] piles and piles left over.
00:08:57.650 - 00:09:02.580

ignurantipa wawin Viyhapa wawin

muntun ignuranti-pa wawi-n Viyha-pa wawi-n
a.lot ignorant-GEN baby-3 old.woman-GEN baby-3
EL hijo de un ignorante. De vieja su hija
The child of an ignorant man. The child of an old woman.
00:09:02.600 - 00:09:04.100 00:09:04.140 - 00:09:05.350

Lantin kanan rupanta tirnukusha [inaudible]

Lanti-n kanan rupa-n-ta tirnu-ku-sha
buy-3 now clothes-3-ACC suit-REFL-PRF
Ahora compra su ropa; vestido de un terno
Now he buys his clothes, dressed in a suit
00:09:05.760 - 00:09:09.110

Wawi:kuna lantipun rupanta taytanta ama nin

Wawi-:-kuna lanti-pu-n rupa-n-ta tayta-n-ta ama ni-n
baby-1-PL buy-BEN-3 clothes-3-ACC father-3-ACC PROH say-3
Mis hijos compran la ropa de su papá. No, dicen.
My children buy their father clothes. No, they say,
00:09:09.640 - 00:09:12.600

Ñuqapaqtaq mana [inaudible]

Ñuqa-paq-taq mana
1-BEN-SEQ no
Para mí nada
Nothing for me.
00:09:12.680 - 00:09:13.720 00:09:13.830 - 00:09:14.970

Mana prima:pis ñuqapa kanchu.

Mana prima-:-pis ñuqa-pa ka-n-chu
no cousin-1-ADD 1-GEN be-3-NEG
No tengo primas.
I don't have cousins.
00:09:15.760 - 00:09:17.640 00:09:18.660 - 00:09:21.380

Wañukupti:pis allqu mikumanqa.

Wañu-ku-pti-:-pis allqu miku-ma-nqa
die-REFL-SUBDS-1-ADD dog eat-1.OBJ-3.FUT
Cuando me muero perro me comerá
WHen I die, a dog will eat me.
00:09:21.980 - 00:09:23.960

Pitaq pampamanqa? Viyha munanki kahuntalaqchu

Pi-taq pampa-ma-nqa Viyha muna-nki kahun-ta-laq-chu
who-SEQ bury-1.OBJ-3.FUT old want-2 box-ACC-CONT-Q
Quién me va a enterrar Mi hija mandará mi cajón Vieja puede quere cajón todavía
Who is going to bury me? My daughter will send a coffin. Old, she could still
want a coffin.
00:09:24.690 - 00:09:29.140

Viyha munanki nichuktalaqchu? Pish waqanqa?
Viyha muna-nki nichu-kta-laq-chu Pi-sh waqa-nqa
old want-2 crypt-ACC-CONT-Q who-EVR waqanqa?
Vieja, v¿as a querer nicho todavía? ¿Quién va a llorar?
Old, will you still want a crypt? Who is going to cry?
00:09:29.720 - 00:09:32.100 00:09:32.210 - 00:09:33.930

Pish waqapti:qa pagamanqa wiqi:paq

Pi-sh waqa-pti-:-qa paga-ma-nqa wiqi-:-paq
who-EVR cry-SUBDS-1-TOP pay-1.OBJ-3.FUT cry-1-ABL
Acaso cuando lloro me va a pagar de mi lágrima
WHo is going to pay for my tears when I cry?
00:09:34.770 - 00:09:37.490

manam pipis usiyusuchu viyha pampananpaq.

mana-m pi-pis usiyusu-chu viyha pampa-na-n-paq
no-EVD who-ADD lazy-Q old bury-NMLZ-3-PURP
Nadie. [Son ociosos] para enterrar a una vieja.
No one. [They're too] lazy to bury and old lady.
00:09:38.650 - 00:09:41.790

niman Pitaq pampamanqa? Wasi:pi ismushaq.

ni-ma-n Pi-taq pampa-ma-nqa wasi-:-pi ismu-shaq
say-1.OBJ-3 who-SEQ bury-1.OBJ-3.FUT house-1-LOC rot-1.FUT
Me dice ¿Quién me va a enterrar? En mi casa voy a pudrir.
They say to me. Who is going to bury me? I'm going to rot in my house.
00:09:42.260 - 00:09:46.270

Ulaypam ñuqapa walmipaq wasi. Kaypa kayan huk qali:pa qusa:pa

Ulay-pa-m ñuqa-pa walmi-paq wasi Kay-pa ka-ya-n huk qali-:-pa
below-LOC-EVD 1-GEN woman-BEN house DEM.P-LOC be-PROG-3 one man-1-GEN
Abajo es mi casa de mujer. Aquí hay otro de mi esposo, de mi esposo.
Down hill is my woman's house. My husband, my husnad has another here,
00:09:46.640 - 00:09:50.930


May intiyrasapti:tri kay wasinta luwala manam

May intiyrasa-pti-:-tri kay wasi-n-ta luwa-la mana-m
where interest-SUBDS-1-EVC DEM.P house-3-ACC make-PST no-EVD
00:09:51.510 - 00:09:54.830

Manam wasi lulayta ni trakra lantiyta pinsalachu.

Mana-m wasi lula-y-ta ni trakra lanti-y-ta pinsa-la-chu
no-EVD house make-INF-ACC nor field buy-INF-ACC think-PST-NEG
No pensaba hacer casa ni comprar chacra
He didn't plan on building a house or buying a field.
00:09:54.920 - 00:09:57.740

Chun, ayyy Dios miyu. Imapaqmi ñuqa wasikta nisita:

Imapaq-mi ñuqa wasi-kta nisita-:
why-EVD 1 house-ACC need-1
Chun mayyy Dios mio Para qué yo voy a necesitar casa?
Chun ... mayyyy My God! What am I going to need a house for?
00:09:57.830 - 00:10:00.550 00:10:00.900 - 00:10:02.670

Imanashaqmi ñuqaqa trakraktaqa

Ima-na-shaq-mi ñuqa-qa trakra-kta-qa
what-NMLZ-1.FUT-EVD 1-TOP house-ACC-TOP
¿Qué cosa voy a hacer chacra?
What am I going to do to a field?
00:10:03.190 - 00:10:04.910

Nishpa limakuq karniru:pa prisiyullanmi

Ni-shpa lima-ku-q karniru-:-pa prisiyu-lla-n-mi
say-SUBIS talk-REFL-AG ram-1-GEN price-RSTR-3-EVD
Diciendo hablaba de mi carnero su precio
HE said and would talk about the price of my sheep.
00:10:05.320 - 00:10:08.310

trakla: lantisha: ñuqapa kaq [inaudible]

trakla-: lanti-sha-: ñuqa-pa ka-q
field-1 buy-PRF-1 1-GEN be-AG
Lo que compré mi chacra es
The field that I bought is mine.
00:10:08.670 - 00:10:10.380 00:10:10.830 - 00:10:14.270

Catopis chay lantila:. No me interesa

Cato-pis chay lanti-la-:
Cato-ADD DEM.D buy-PST-1
En cato también ese compré No me interesa
I bought that in Cato, too. It doesn't interest me
00:10:14.310 - 00:10:17.410 00:10:17.510 - 00:10:19.350

alli sufridum ka:

alli sufridu-m ka-:
a.lot suffered-EVD be-1
Bastante sufrido soy
I've suffered a lot.
00:10:20.140 - 00:10:21.570

kaypa haytaramaptin watantin sufrikula:.
kay-pa hayta-ra-ma-pti-n wata-ntin sufri-ku-la-:
DEM.P-LOC kick-URGT-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3 year-INCL suffer-REFL-PST-1
Cuando me pateó sufrí años bastante
When he kicked me I suffered for many years.
00:10:22.390 - 00:10:25.080

inchalun atriki burrachutriki hina [inaudible]

inchalu-n a-tri-ki burrachu-tri-ki hina-
swell-3 A-EVC-KI drunk-EVC-KI thus
Hinchó. Borracho te haría
It swelled up. Drunk, I'd do that to you.
00:10:25.750 - 00:10:28.560

manaraqchu sanu nin

mana-raq-chu sanu-chu ni-n
no-CONT-NEG healthy-NEG say-3
Sano ya no ... dijo.
Not sober any more ... he said-
00:10:29.010 - 00:10:30.490

Imallawanpis mana frutaykamanchu nada nada frutaykamanchu.

Ima-lla-wan-pis mana fruta-yka-ma-n-chu nada nada
what-RSTR-INSTR-ADD no rub-EXCEP-1.OBJ-3-NEG nothing nothing
No me frotaba con. No me frotó nada nada.
He didn't rub it with anything. He didn't rub me at all-
00:10:30.810 - 00:10:34.290


Kaynin hapikusha ni kukuykuyta atipa:chu

Kay-ni-n hapi-ku-sha ni kurku-yku-y-ta atipa-:-chu
Agarrado no podía ni agachar
Grabbed on to, I couldn't even squat down.
00:10:34.360 - 00:10:37.460

Lumi huqaliyta usha:ta chamqana:paq atipa:chu.

Lumi huqa-li-y-ta usha-:-ta chamqa-na-:-paq atipa-:-chu
stone lift-INCEP-INF-ACC sheep-1-ACC toss-NMLZ-1-PURP
No podía ni alzar piedra para tirar hacia las ovejas.
I couldn't lift a stone so I could toss it at my sheep.
00:10:37.510 - 00:10:40.520

Puraminti ñakarikuya:.
Puraminti ñakari-ku-ya-:
purely suffer-REFL-PROG-1
Totalmente estive sufriendo
I was totally suffering.
00:10:41.070 - 00:10:43.470

Asu malu qatikayaman kay witray tuta tuta pacha

Asu malu qatika-ya-ma-n kay witray tuta tuta pacha
follow-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-3 DEM.P above night night era
Aso macho me está siguiendo mi atrás noche
My goodness, he was chasing me at night, at night time.
00:10:44.990 - 00:10:49.030

Altupa wambla qatikayaman. Ushakta h+qaykurushpa qayakatrakayaman.

Altu-pa wambla qati-ka-ya-ma-n Usha-kta qayku-ru-shpa
high-LOC child follow-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-3 sheep-ACC corral- URGT-SUBIS
Parece chico me está siguiendo Borrego echando me está llamatiendo
Up high, a boy is chasing me. Tossing the sheep in the corral, he's calling me
over and over.
00:10:49.280 - 00:10:53.700


apura mama nishpa, apura mama, miriyndanpaq

apura mama ni-shpa apura mama, miriynda-n-paq
quick mother say-SUBIS quick mother supper-3-PURP
Apura mamá apura mamá para su merienda
Hurry, mother, hurry, mother so he can eat supper.
00:10:54.080 - 00:10:56.710

Miriyndanpaq qayakatrakayaman
Miriynda-n-paq qaya-katra-ka-ya-ma-n
supper-3-PURP call-FREQ-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-1
Para que merienda llamateaba
So he could eat supper, he's calling me over and over.
00:10:56.810 - 00:10:59.420

Manchakaman huk kay luna Tiya Hipola nishpa

Mancha-ka-ma-n huk kay luna Tiya Hipola ni-shpa
scare-REFL-1.OBJ-3 one DEM.P person aunt Hipola say-SUBIS
Ahora me dan miedo otra gente Tía Hipola dijo
Now other people scare me. Saying, "Tía Hipola"
00:11:00.510 - 00:11:03.200 00:11:03.200 - 00:11:05.630

Usha qalquna ulapis qayalaman.
Usha qalqu-na ula-pis qaya-la-ma-n
sheep toss-NMLZ hour-ADD shout-URGT-1.OBJ-3
La hora de botar las ovejas también me llamó.
He called me at the time to toss out the sheep, too.
00:11:05.710 - 00:11:08.690

Riqsiya: Don Rosvel.

Riqsi-ya-: Don Rosvel.
recognize-PROG-1 Don Rosvel.
Conocí a Don Rosvel.
I met Don Rosvel.
00:11:09.030 - 00:11:10.670

Doris Don Rosvel kanan ulaytraw qishayan nin

Doris Don Rosvel ulay-traw qisha-ya-n ni-n
Doris DON Rosvel below-LOC be.sick-PROG-3 say-3
Doris [dijo que] ahora Don Rosvel abajo está enfermo.
Doris [said that] Don Rosvel down hill is sick now.
00:11:11.390 - 00:11:15.330

Rosvelpa mashan chayqa pampas Qayalaman tiyaykula:

Rosvel-pa masha-n chay-qa pampas Qaya-la-ma-n tiya-yku-la-:
Rosvel-GEN DEM.D-TOP Pampas call-URGT-1.OBJ-3 sit-EXCEP-PST-1
El yerno de Don Rosvel es de Pampas Me llamó y me senté.
Don Rosvel's son-in-law is from Pampas. He called me and I sat down.
00:11:15.350 - 00:11:17.760 00:11:18.260 - 00:11:20.470

Usha qalquna ura. Hinaptinqa Don nigusiyanti kaq kala.

Usha qalqu-na ura Hinaptin-qa Don nigusiyanti kay-qa ka-la
sheep toss-NMLZ hour then-TOP Don trader DEM.P-TOP be-PST
A la hora de botar las ovejas. Y después negociantes habían
At the time to toss out the sheep. Then There were traders.
00:11:21.550 - 00:11:23.920 00:11:24.210 - 00:11:26.280

usha lantiq shamun u karnirumanchu

usha lanti-q shamu-n u karniru-man-chu
sheep buy-AG come-3 or ram-ALL-Q
Viene a comprar ovejas o carneros
He comes to buy sheep or rams.
00:11:26.610 - 00:11:28.650

nishpa lluqsilu:. kanchu. kasirunkunapa.

ni-shpa lluqsi-lu-: ka-n-chu kasirun-kuna-pa
say-SUBIS go.out-URGT-1 be-3-NEG
Diciendo salí No hay en caserón [o otro lado]
I said and left. There aren't any in the old house [or anywhere].
00:11:29.090 - 00:11:32.510

Kuralkuna qipanta. Rastrukunakta ashukuya:.

Kural-kuna qipa-n-ta Rastru-kuna-kta ashu-ku-ya-:
corral-PL above-3-ACC trace-PL-ACC look.for-REFL-PROG-1
En corral destrás de él. Estaba buscando su rastro.
In the corral behind him. He was looking for their tracks.
00:11:32.920 - 00:11:34.790 00:11:35.130 - 00:11:36.950

¿Imam? Kay ura qalquna ura kaypim timpranu hamushpa madrugamunman kala ni:
Ima-m Kay ura qalqu-na ura kay-pi-m timpranu hamu-shpa madruga-mu-n-man ka-la
what-EVD DEM.P hour toss-NMLZ hour DEM.P-LOC-EVD early come-SUBIS
¿Qué cosa era? A la hora de botar temprano habría madrugado
What? At that time, the time to toss out the sheep, coming here early, he would
have gotten up vey early, I said.
00:11:37.030 - 00:11:42.070

Chayqa almam chayqa. Alma.

ni-: Chay-qa alma-m chay-qa. Alma
get.up.early-CISL-3-COND be-PST say-1 DEM.D-TOP soul-EVD DEM.D-TOP soul
Ese sería una alma. Alma.
That would be a soul. A soul.
00:11:43.050 - 00:11:45.840

Almam qayamasha.
Alma-m qaya-ma-sha
soul-EVD call-1.OBJ-PRF
El alma me llamaba.
The soul called me.
00:11:46.480 - 00:11:49.280

Chay puntraw munti munti uqichka uqitrkatraw

Chay puntraw munti munti uqitrka uqitrka-traw
DEM.D day brush brush plant.variety plant.variety-LOC
Día en monte monte ojechca
That day, in brush, en brush, in ohechka plants.
00:11:49.990 - 00:11:53.170

Wawikulla Wawikulla wawikulla wawikulla

Bebito Bebecito, bebecito, bebecito
Baby Baby, baby, baby.
00:11:53.200 - 00:11:55.300 00:11:55.360 - 00:11:59.310

Hahaha [undecipherable]
00:11:59.360 - 00:12:00.910 00:12:01.750 - 00:12:05.120

[undecipherable] hahaaa hahaaa.

hahaaa hahaaa
hahaaa hahaaa
00:12:05.550 - 00:12:07.730 00:12:07.870 - 00:12:10.660

kansaw kansaw waqan alma. Puntraw munti muntitraw

kansaw kansaw waqa-n alma Puntraw munti munti-traw
tired tired cry-3 soul day brush brush-LOC
Cansado, cansado lloraba el alma. De día en monte monte
The soul cried, tired, tired. Day time in brush, brush
00:12:10.760 - 00:12:13.860 00:12:14.230 - 00:12:16.630

Ama manchachimaychu. Hapalla: yatrakusha:rayku.

Ama mancha-chi-ma-y-chu Hapa-lla-: yatra-ku-sha-:-rayku
No me hagas asustar por lo que yo vivo sola
Don't scare me, because I live alone.
00:12:18.790 - 00:12:21.970

Ama siwichimaychu hapalla: pulikusha:rayku.

Ama siwi-chi-ma-y-chu hapa-lla-: puli-ku-sha-:-rayku
No me hagas asustar por que ando sola.
Don't scare me because I wander about alone.
00:12:21.970 - 00:12:25.460

Wakcha pubri kasha kawsu imataq nishpa

Wakcha pubri ka-sha kawsu ima-taq ni-shpa
orphan poor be-PRF cause what-SEQ say-SUBIS
Porque soy huéfana, pobre, diciendo
Because I'm poor, an orphan, I said.
00:12:25.800 - 00:12:29.060

Chamqakatra: muntikta Maypi chay tiyayan [inaudible]

Chamqakatra: munti-kta May-pi chay tiya-ya-n
throw-FREQ-1 brush-ACC where-LOC DEM.D sit-PROG-3
Estaba tirando hacia el monte Donde está sentado
I was tossing [stones] towards the brush. WHere it was sitting
00:12:30.560 - 00:12:32.550 00:12:33.160 - 00:12:34.850

kanchu. Manam likanchikchu. Ayy Dios miyu

ka-n-chu Mana-m lika-nchik-chu
be-3-NEG no-EVD see-1PL-NEG
No hay No se mira /no ha visto Ayy diosmío
There wasn't [anyone there]. We didn't see it. Oh, my God!
00:12:35.620 - 00:12:38.240 00:12:38.690 - 00:12:40.970

Wawiyuq ya. Madri sultira wawiyuq ya kimsam wawi: kayan

Wawi-yuq ya. madri sultira wawi-yuq ya kimsa-m wawi-: ka-ya-n
baby-POSS EMPH mother alone baby-POSS EMPH five-EVD baby-1 be-PROG-3
Con hijos, ya. Madre soltera, con hijos ya. Tengo tres hijos
With children. A single mother, with childen. I have three children.
00:12:42.080 - 00:12:46.690

Wawi: kayaptin imapaqmi qalipis ashumala muchachu.

Wawi-: ka-ya-pti-n imapaq-mi qali-pis ashu-ma-la muchachu
baby-1 be-PROG-SUBDS-3 why-EVD man-ADD approach-1.OBJ-PST boy
¿Para qué me buscó el hombre, el muchacho cuando yo tenía hijos?
Why did the man, the young man, look for me when I had children?
00:12:47.020 - 00:12:50.210

Muchachu [inaudible] sufrichimananpaq Suwarishpa, suwarishpa.

Muchachu ... sufri-chi-ma-na-n-paq Suwa-ri-shpa suwa-ri-shpa
Joven, para hacerme sufrir. Robando robando
A young man, to make me suffer. Robbing, robbing.
00:12:50.590 - 00:12:52.440 00:12:53.650 - 00:12:55.580

Upallalla pasturwan limanakuykushpa limanakuykushpa.

Upalla-lla pastur-wan lima-naku-yku-shpa lima-naku-yku-shpa
Calladito hablando, hablando con el pastor.
Quietly talking, talking to the shepherd.
00:12:55.620 - 00:12:58.970

Ushal karneru lantikunanpaq fuysiyun kala.

Ushal karnitu lanti-ku-na-n-paq fuysiyu-n ka-la
sheep.variety ram buy-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP trial-3 be-PST
Para vender las ovejas ushal. Era fisio.
To sell the ushal sheep. It was a trial.
00:12:58.970 - 00:13:01.960

No ayudó a cuidarlos.
He didn't help care for them.
00:13:02.430 - 00:13:03.850

Kwidashimanchu. Hapalla: kwidaku: hapalla:.

Kwida-shi-ma-n-chu Hapa-lla-: kwida-ku-: hapa-lla-:
care.for-ACMP-1.OBJ-3-NEG alone-RSTR-1 care.fore-REFL-1 alone-RSTR-1
No me ayudaba a criarlos. Solita cuidaba, solita.
He didn't hep me raise them. All alone I cared for them, all alone.
00:13:04.990 - 00:13:09.040

Ñuqam [inaudible] talimala. Ushayuqta diez y ocho burrigayuqta.

Ñuqa-m tali-ma-la Usha-yuq-ta burriga-yuq-ta
1-EVD find-1.OBJ-PST sheep-POSS-ACC ram-POSS-ACC
A mí me encontró [?]. A una con ovejas, a una con diez y ocho borregas.
He found me. A person with sheep, a person with eighteen rams.
00:13:09.060 - 00:13:10.700 00:13:11.110 - 00:13:13.340

Ashnu kimsa. Kuchi. Kusasniyuq casa lleno

Ashnu kimsa Kuchi Kusas-ni-yuq
donkey three pig things-EUPH-POSS
Tres burros. Un cerdo. Una persona con cosas, una casa llena.
Three donkeys. A pig. A person with things, a full house.
00:13:13.870 - 00:13:16.670 00:13:16.850 - 00:13:18.910

Ña watrapakuqpaq wawiyuqpaq kusasninchik llinu llinuyali

Watra-paku-q-paq wawi-yuq-paq kusas-ni-nchik llinu llinu yali
give.birth-MUTBEN-AG-BEN baby-POSS-ABL things-EUPH-1PL full full EMPH-EMPH
Ya de madre soltera, de una persona con hijos, nuestras cosas, lleno lleno,
Of a single mother, already, a woman with children, our things, full, full,
00:13:19.120 - 00:13:22.320

Kamanchik Platunchik ollanchik cucharranchikkuna

Kama-nchik Platu-nchik olla-nchik cucharra-nchik-kuna
bed-1PL plate-1PL pot-1PL spoom-1PL-PL
Su plato su cucharra su olla
Her plates, her spoons, her pot.
00:13:22.350 - 00:13:25.150

Imanchik listu [inaudible] puystuña.

Ima-nchik listu puystu-ña
what-1PL ready put-DISC
Lo que teníamos, listo, puesto.
What we had, ready, in place.
00:13:25.710 - 00:13:28.560

payqa kwirpu sulu imanpis kanchu.

pay-qa kwirpu sulu ima-n-pis ka-n-chu
3-TOP body only what-3-ADD be-3-NEG
El, su cuerpo solo. No tenía nada
He, his body only. He didn't have anything.
00:13:28.840 - 00:13:31.730

Imanpis kanchu. Nada nada. Nada mas chayllam

Ima-n-pis ka-n-chu Nada nada. Nada mas chay-lla-m
what-3-ADD be-3-NEG nothing nothing nothin more DEM.D-RSTR-EVD
No tenía nada nada nada. Nada más. Eso no más.
He didn't have anything. Nothing, nothing. Nothing more. Just that.
00:13:32.210 - 00:13:36.350

Hawan pantalunllawan hawan kamisallawan ashukaykaman.

Hawa-n Pantalun-lla-wan hawa-n kamisa-lla-wan ashu-ka-yka-ma-n
above-3 pants-RSTR-INSTR above-3 shirt-RSTR-INSTR near-REFL-EXCEP-1.OBJ-3
Con un pantalón encima, con una camisa encima, se me acercó.
With a pair of pants on, with a shirt on, he approached me.
00:13:36.370 - 00:13:40.800

Pinqakuypaq ñuqa lanti:.

Pinqa-ku-y-paq ñuqa lanti-:
shame-REFL-INF-ABL 1 buy-1
De verguenza compré
Out of shame, I bought.
00:13:40.840 - 00:13:42.990

Lanti: lunaqa imakta niyaman nishpa.

Lanti-: luna-qa ima-kta ni-ya-ma-n ni-shpa
buy-1 person.TOP what-ACC say-PROG-1.OBJ-3 say-SUBIS
¿Qué me dirá gente?, diciendo, compré.
"What will people say to me?" I thought, and I bought.
00:13:43.280 - 00:13:46.230

Imatr asipayan? Kambiyakunanpaq mana kaptin lanti:

Ima-tr asi-pa-ya-n Kambiya-ku-na-n-paq mana ka-pti-n lanti-:
what-EVC laugh-REPET-PROG-3 change-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP no be-SUBDS-3 buy-1
Estarán riéndose de mí? Cuando no tenía para que me cambie, compré.
Would they be laughing at me? I bought when I didn't have anything I could
00:13:46.300 - 00:13:50.140

Pis [inaudible] Kananqa tuku tukuytam trataman

Pi-s Kanan-qa tuku tukuy-ta-m trata-ma-n
who-ADD now-TOP all all-ACC-EVD treat-1.OBJ-3
¿Quién ... Ahora de todo de todo me trata
Who ... Now he calls me all sorts of names.
00:13:50.140 - 00:13:52.450 00:13:52.450 - 00:13:55.120

Viyhallapaq viyhallapaq.
Viyha-lla-paq viyha-lla-paq
old.woman-RSTR-ABL old.woman-RSTR-ABL
De vieja de vieja no más.
Just in my old age.
00:13:55.930 - 00:13:58.500

Kanan wañuptiki paqarin wañuptiki.

Kanan wañu-pti-ki paqarin wañu-pti-ki
now die-SUBDS-2 tomorrow die-SUBDS-2
Aunque mueres hoy día aunque mueres mañana
Although you die today; although you die tomorrow.
00:13:58.780 - 00:14:01.250

Manam imapis impurtamanchu niman.

Mana-m ima-pis impurta-ma-n-chu ni-ma-n
no-EVD what-ADD matter-1.OBJ-3-NEG say-1.OBJ-3
No me ineteresa nada me dice.
It doesn't matter to me, he says to me.
00:14:01.410 - 00:14:04.810

Nichukta lulan mitupaq trabahan. Manam lulay munanchu.

Nichu-kta lula-n mitu-paq trabaha-n Mana-m lula-y muna-n-chu
crypt-ACC make-3 mud-ABL work-3 no-EVD make-INF want-3-NEG
Hace un nicho de barro. Trabaja. No quiere hacer lo.
He makes a crypt out of mud. He works. He doesn't want to do it.
00:14:05.250 - 00:14:07.570 00:14:07.670 - 00:14:09.150

Wakcha pubri kayqa diripinti qampaq irmanuyki kanchu

Wakcha pubri kay-qa diripinti qam-paq irmanu-yki ka-n-chu
orphan poor DEM.P-TOP all.of.a.sudden 2-ABL brother-2 be-3-NEG
Ser huerfano es triste ¿Usted tendrá un hermano?
It's sad to be an orphan. Would you have a brother?
00:14:10.900 - 00:14:13.250 00:14:13.300 - 00:14:15.360

Qampaq ñañayki kanchu, ¿aw? Yo pobre nada.

Qam-paq ñaña-yki ka-n-chu aw
2-ABL sister-2 be-3-NEG yes
Usted tendrá una hermana, ¿no? Yo pobre nada
You'd have a sister, no? I, poor, nothing.
00:14:15.750 - 00:14:18.020 00:14:18.860 - 00:14:23.590

Ñuqalla:pa watralamushpa mama:qa wañukun.

Ñuqa-lla-:-pa watra-la-mu-shpa mama-:-qa wañu-ku-n
1-RSTR-1-GEN give.birth-URGT-CISL-SUBIS mother-TOP die-REFL-3
Mi mamá ya dando luz a mí murió.
My mother died giving birth to me.
00:14:25.150 - 00:14:28.480

Ansiyana ansiyana watakamala. Me ha hecho crecer.

Ansiyana ansiyana wata-ka-ma-la
old.woman old.woman raise-REFL-CISL-PST
Una anciana, anciana me crió. Me ha hecho crecer.
An old woman, old woman raised me. She raised me.
00:14:28.960 - 00:14:31.050 00:14:31.560 - 00:14:33.470

Tayta:pis kanchu. Tayta:s mama:s riqsi:chu manam

Tayta-:-pis ka-n-chu Tayta-:-s mama-:-s riqsi-:-chu mana-m
father-1-ADD be-3-NEG father-1-ADD mother-1-ADD know-1-NEG no-EVD
No tengo papá tampoco. No conocí ni a mi papá ni a mi mamá.
I don't have a father, either. I knew neither my mother nor my father.
00:14:34.010 - 00:14:38.300

¿Pitaq iskuylaman truramanqa? Ni iskuylamanpis truramanchu pipis.

Pi-taq iskuyla-man trura-ma-nqa Ni iskuyla-man-pis trura-ma-n-chu pi-pis
who-SEQ school-ALL put-1.OBJ-3.FUT nor school-ALL-NEG put-1.OBJ-3-NEG who-ADD
¿Quién me va a poner en la escuela? Ni a la escuela no me puso nadie.
Who is going to put me in school? Neither did any one put me in school.
00:14:39.150 - 00:14:42.620

Kabraman qalquman kabraman michipakuq tiyu Ricardopa kabranta michiq.

kabra-man qalqu-ma-n kabra-man michi-paku-q tiyu Ricardo-pa kabra-n-ta michi-q
goat-ALL toss-1.OBJ-3 goat-ALL herd-MUTBEN unle Ricardo-GEN goat-3-ACC herd-AG
Me botaba a las cabras, a pastear las cabras de mi tío Ricardo, a pastear sus
They tossed me out to the goats to herd my Uncle Ricardo's goats, to herd his
00:14:44.130 - 00:14:49.130

Chay kabranta lantikushpa wasinkunakta lulan, trakrankunakta lantin.

Chay kabra-n-ta lanti-ku-shpa wasi-n-kuna-kta lula-n trakra-n-kuna-kta lanti-n
DEM.D goat-3-ACC buy-REFL-SUBIS house-3-PL-ACC make-3 field-3-PL.ACC buy-3
Vendiendo sus cabras, hizo su casa y compró su chacra también.
Selling his goats, he biult his house and bought his fields, too.
00:14:49.970 - 00:14:53.180

Ñuqakta manam iskuylaman truramasha Unayqa lliw awkishkuna limala

Ñuqa-kta mana-m iskuyla-man trura-ma-sha Unay-qa lliw awkish-kuna lima-la
1-ACC no-EVD school-ALL put-1.OBJ-PRF before-TOP all old-PL talk-PST
A mi no me puso en la escuela. Antes todos los ancianos hablaban
He didn't put me in school. Before, all the old people spoke
00:14:54.140 - 00:14:56.400 00:14:56.400 - 00:14:58.690

Waynanwan kartanakunanpaqtri
Wayna-n-wan karta-naku-na-n-paq-tri
lover-3-INSTR letter-RECIP-NMLZ-3-PURP-EVC
Para que escriba cartas con su novio.
So she can write letters with her lover.
00:14:58.860 - 00:15:00.920

Iskuylakta munan nishpa Va a pasar vida con

Iskuyla-kta muna-n ni-shpa
school-ACC want-3 say-SUBIS
quiere [ir a la] escuela dijeron. Va pasar vida con
she wants [to go to] school, they said She's going to spend her life with
00:15:00.970 - 00:15:04.300 00:15:06.980 - 00:15:09.600

con su ¿Escuela qué cosa?

con su ¿Escuela qué cosa?
with her School, what's that?
00:15:09.610 - 00:15:11.280 00:15:11.300 - 00:15:13.020

Ese para que mande para carta para su wayna para su querido.
Ese para que mande carta para su wayna para su querido
It's so that she can write letters to her lover, to her beloved.
00:15:13.090 - 00:15:16.260

ese hablaba antes gente. Ahora sí, obligatorio.

ese hablaba antes gente Ahora sí, obligatorio
That's what people used to say. Now, yes, obligatorily
00:15:16.720 - 00:15:18.390 00:15:19.430 - 00:15:22.200

Ahora sí, estudian. Todo.

Ahora sí estudian. Todo.
Now they do study. Everything.
00:15:22.400 - 00:15:25.370 00:15:25.880 - 00:15:28.840

Imakta? Manamali. Yatra:chu nada nada.

Ima-kta Mana-m-ali Yatra-:-chu nada nada.
what-ACC no-EVD-EMPH know-1-NEG
Qué cosa? No, no. No se nada nada
What? Not at all I don't know anything, anything.
00:15:29.640 - 00:15:32.830 00:15:32.880 - 00:15:34.710

Mana iskuylaman truramasha. ¿Pitaq trulamanqa?

Mana iskuyla-man trura-ma-sha pi-taq trula-ma-nqa
no school-ALL put-1.OBJ-PRF who-SEQ put-1.OBJ-3.FUT
No me pusieron en la escuela. ¿Quién me va a poner?
They didn't put me in school. Who is going to put me [there]?
00:15:35.190 - 00:15:38.980

Nada. vaka.
Nada. vaka.
Nada Vacas
Nothing. Cows.
00:15:39.140 - 00:15:40.900 00:15:43.880 - 00:15:45.800

Aa, tardiñatrik chay.

Aa tardi-ña-tri-k chay
aa late-DISC-EVC-K DEM.D
Tarde ya estará.
It must be late already.
00:15:46.180 - 00:15:48.560 00:15:48.620 - 00:15:53.120

Paypa maman piru vakayuqshi kala.

Pay-pa Mama-n piru vaka-yuq-shi ka-la
3-GEN mother-3 but cow-POSS-EVR be-PST
Su mamá pero tenía vacas.
Though her mother had cows.
00:15:53.220 - 00:15:55.620 00:15:55.760 - 00:16:01.060

Chaymi manam traklayki wasiki

Chay-mi mana-m trakla-yki was-iki
DEM.D-EVD no-EVD field-2 house-2
Por-RSTR no tienes ni chacra ni casa.
That's why you don't have fields or a house.
00:16:01.320 - 00:16:03.720

Lantilachu ni lulalachu
Lanti-la-chu ni lula-la-chu
buy-PST-NEG nor make-PST-NEG
No ha comprado, no ha hecho.
She hasn't bought it, she hasn't built it.
00:16:03.990 - 00:16:05.670 00:16:06.430 - 00:16:08.150

Unayqa barratu traklapis wasipis barratu.

Unay-qa barratu trakla-pis wasi-pis barratu.
before-TOP cheap field-ADD house-ADD cheap
Antes, chacras eran barratas. Casas también, barratas
Before. fields were cheap. Houses, too, were cheap.
00:16:08.570 - 00:16:11.630

Manachu lanti:man kala. Wawinpaq trakla, wasi

Mana-chu lanti-:-man ka-la Wawi-n-paq trakla wasi
no-NEG buy-1-COND be-PST baby-3-BEN field house
¿No hubiera debido comprar? Una chacra, una casa para su hijo.
Shouldn't she have bought? A field, a house for her child?
00:16:12.090 - 00:16:14.030 00:16:14.040 - 00:16:17.520

paypa taytanqa kala laraoino Laraoino prufisur shamula.

pay-pa tayta-n-qa ka-la Laraoino Laraoino prufisur shamu-la
3-GEN father-3-TOP be-PST Laraosian Laraosian teacher come-PST
Su papá era de Laraos Un profesor laraoino vino.
His father was from Laraos. A laroasian teacher came.
00:16:17.820 - 00:16:19.510 00:16:20.690 - 00:16:22.390

Prufisur shamula kaytraw Hongina walmiwan kasalalun.

Prufisur shamu-la kay-traw Hongina walmi-wan kasala-lu-n
teacher come-PST DEM.P-LOC Hongos-ian woman-INSTR marry-URGT-3
Un profesor vino acá. Se casó con una mujer hongina.
A professor came here. He married a woman from Hongos.
00:16:22.720 - 00:16:26.810

Hongina walmiwan kasalalun.. Hinaptinqa upiyakuq kala. Burrachu.

Hongina walmi-wan kasa-la-lu-n. Hinaptinqa upya-ku-q ka-la burrachu
Hongos-ian woman-INSTR marry-URGT-3 so drink-REFL-AG be-PST drunk.
Se casó con una mujer de Hongos. Luego era un borracho. Un borracho.
He married a woman from hongos. Then, he was a drunkard. A drunkard.
00:16:28.030 - 00:16:29.610 00:16:29.630 - 00:16:33.330

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2014/Hongos_HS_Stories.eaf
Sunday, July 27, 2014 4:39 PM


Condór, León, Zorro, Batán. Sapo. Ese, pues, chistoso ese cuento.
Condór, León, Zorro, Batán. Sapo. Ese, pues, chistoso ese cuento.
Condor. Lion. Fox. Mortar stone. Frog. That one, then. That story is funny.
00:00:00.530 - 00:00:06.660 00:00:06.830 - 00:00:10.860

Antes cuento, antes. Ya no sabemos, ahora.

Antes cuento, antes. Ya no sabemos, ahora.
Before, stories, before. We don't know now any more.
00:00:10.910 - 00:00:15.020

Kanan tiympuqa manam kay qipa wiñakunaqa yatranñachu.
Kanan tiympu-qa mana-m kay qipa wiña-kuna-qa yatra-n-ña-chu
now time-TOP no-EVD DEM.D behind grow-PL-TOP know-2-DISC-NEG
Hoy en día, esta última generación no sabe.
These days, this last generation doesn't know.
00:00:15.020 - 00:00:18.710

Ah, yatranchu.
Ah, yatra-n-chu
Ah, know-3-NEG
Ah, no sabe.
Ah, they don't know.
00:00:18.770 - 00:00:21.700

Unay ansiyana viyhukunaqa yatrala. Kundur sí hay.

Unay ansiyana viyhu-kuna-qa yatra-la
before old.F old.M-PL-TOP know-PST
Antes, los ancianos, los viejos sabían. Condor sí hay.
Before, the elders, the old people knew. There is the condor.
00:00:21.710 - 00:00:27.790

Atuqwan apustikta lulasha. Apustikta lulasha.

Atuq-wan apusti-kta lula-sha Apusti-kta lula-sha
fox-INSTR bet-ACC make-PRF bet-ACC make-PRF
Hizo una apuesta con el zorro. Hizo una apuesta.
The condor made a abet with the fox, they say. He made a bet.
00:00:28.480 - 00:00:32.710

Wak lawpi kundur kay lawpi suru tiyasha.

Wak law-pi kundur kay law-pi suru tiya-sha
DEM.D side-LOC condor DEM.P side-LOC fox sit-PRF
En este lado estaba sentado el zorro; en el otro lado, el condor.
The fox was sitting over there; over here, the condor.
00:00:33.480 - 00:00:37.500

Nivadirapi. Qasapiyali qasapi, qasapi.

Nivadira-pi Qasa-pi-y-ali qasa-pi qasa-pi
snow-LOC ice-LOC-INTENS-EMPH ice-LOC ice-LOC
En nevada. En hielo, pues, en hielo.
In the snow. In ice, you know, in ice.
00:00:37.520 - 00:00:42.420

Nivadirapi urqupi yatrashpa tarishpa

Nivadira-pi urqu-pi yatra-shpa tari-shpa
snow-LOC hill-LOC live-SUNIS find-SUBIS
Vivía en nevada, en el cerro
He lived on the mountain, in the snow.
00:00:42.430 - 00:00:47.120

¿Qamchu ñuqachu? ¿Mayqinninchik rindilushun, manisishun? Avir.

Qam-chu ñuqa-chu Mayqin-ni-nchik rindi-lu-shun manisi-shun Avir
2-Q 1-Q which-EUPH-1PL wake-1PL.FUT let's see
¿Ud ó yo? ¿Cuál de nosotros? Hay que rendirnos. Hay que manecer. A ver.
You or me? Which one of us? We have to show up. We have to stay awake. Let's
00:00:47.210 - 00:00:52.580

Kumpadri, ¿quni qunichu?

Kumpadri quni quni-chu
compadre warm warm-Q
Compadre, ¿Está ustedcaliente?
Compadre, are you really warm?
00:00:52.750 - 00:00:56.330

Quni qunim ñuqa kaya:, kumadri. ¿Qam imamish kayanki?

Quni quni-m ñuqa ka-ya-: kumadri Qam ima-mish ka-ya-nki
warm warm-EVD 1 be-PROG-1 comadre 2 what-COMP be-PROG-2
Yo estoy caliente, comadre. ¿Cómo estás tú?
I'm really warm, comadre. How are you?
00:00:57.010 - 00:01:00.740

Alalayyamanñam. Dispwisqa. Yapataq tapun. Kumpadri,

Alalay-ya-ma-n-ña-m Dispwis-qa Yapa-taq tapu-n Kumpadri
cold-INCH-1.OBJ-3-DISC-EVD after-TOP again-SEQ ask-3 compadre
Me está haciednno frío ya. Después. Vuelta pregunta, "Compadre,
I'm cold already. Later. He asks again, "Compadre,
00:01:00.880 - 00:01:04.810 00:01:04.970 - 00:01:10.390

Kumpadri Manam allichu ka:. Manam allichu ka:.

Kumpadri Mana-m alli-chu ka-: Mana-m alli-chu ka-:
compadre no-EVD good-NEG be-1 no-EVD good-NEG be-1
Compadre No estoy bien. No estoy bien.
Compadre, I'm not well. I'm not well.
00:01:10.430 - 00:01:14.090 00:01:14.340 - 00:01:18.240

Ñuqaqa quni qunim. Ñuqaqa oooo manisi:man nishash suruqa.

Ñuqa-qa quni quni-m Ñuqa-qa oooo manisi-:-man ni-sha-sh suru-qa
1-TOP warm warm-EVD 1-TOP oooo wake-1-COND say-PRF-EVR fox-TOP
Yo estoy bien caliente. Yo oooo puedo manecer dijo el zorro.
"I'm really warm. I could make it until morning," said the fox.
00:01:18.380 - 00:01:23.950

¿Imaynash manisinqa suruqa? Kikin wañutamun.

Imayna-sh manisi-nqa suru-qa Kiki-n wañu-tamu-n
how.EVR wake-3.FUT fox-TOP self-3 die-IRREV-3
¿Cómo va a manecer el zorro? El mismo murió.
How is the fox going to saty awake?He himself died.
00:01:24.410 - 00:01:27.850

Kundurqa riki alanta mastakuykushpa alan hawanpi qunitrik puñuyan.

Kundur-qa r-iki ala-n-ta masta-ku-yku-shpa ala-n qawa-n-pi quni-tri-k
condor-TOP RI-KI wing-3-ACC spread.out-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS wing-3 above-3-LOC
El condor estará tendiendo sus alas; él estará durmiendo calientito encima de
sus alas.
The condor must be spreading out his wings; he must be sleeping nice and warm
on his wings.
00:01:28.110 - 00:01:32.660

Gustu puñuyan. Piru atuqqa nivadira hawanpiqa

puñu-ya-n Gustu puñu-ya-n Piru atuq-qa nivadira qawa-n-pi-qa
warm-EVC-K sleep-PROG-3 happy sleep-PROG-3 but fox-TOP snow above-3-LOC-TOP
Pero el zorro encima de la nevada.
But the fox on top of the snow.
00:01:32.870 - 00:01:37.140

¿Imamish? Qala pampapatrik allquy WW pila pilatay allqu chay mitukunapa

Ima-mish Qala pampa-pa-tri-k allqu-y pila pilata-y allqu chay
what-COMP naked pampa-LOC-EVC-K dog- lie.face.down lie.face.down-INF dog DEM.D
Cómo desnudo en el suelo, como perro, perro botado, en este barro
Naked on the ground, how, like a dog, lying in the mud
00:01:37.170 - 00:01:41.330


Alalaypi pilatakun chayna pilatayan qasa hawanpi

Alalay-pi pilata-ku-n chay-na pilata-ya-n qasa qawa-n-pi
cold-LOC lie.face.down-REFL-3 DEM.D-VRBZ lie.face-down-PROG-3 ice above-3-LOC
Estaba tirado en el frío, así, está botado en el hielo.
He was lying in the cold, like that, he was lying on the ice.
00:01:41.360 - 00:01:44.820

Oooo, ñuqaqa manisishaqmi ooo manisishaqmi

Oooo, ñuqa-qa manisi-shaq-mi ooo manisi-shaq-mi
Oooo, 1-TOP wake-1.FUT-EVD ooo wake-1.FUT-EVD
Ooo, yo voy a manecer. Yo voy a manecer.
Ooo, I'm going to stay up. I'm going to stay up.
00:01:45.000 - 00:01:48.220

Manam manisinchu. Wañulun. Tiysuy tiysuy manisilun. Kundur trankilu.
Mana-m manisi-n-chu Wañu-lu-n Tiysuy tiysuy manisi-lu-n Kundur trankilu
no-EVD wake-3-NEG die-URGT-3 stiff stiff wake-URGT-3 condor tranquil
No maneció. Se murió. Tieso tieso maneció. El condor tranquilo.
He didn't make it til morning. He died. By morning he was stiff-stiff. The
condor, calm.
00:01:48.260 - 00:01:54.210

Alanta tindikuykushpa alanta tindikuykushpa kundurqa

Ala-n-ta tindi-ku-yku-shpa ala-n-ta tindi-ku-yku-shpa
wing-3-ACC spread.out-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS wing-3-ACC spread.out-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS
Sentado en sus alas, sentado en sus alas, el condor
Sitting on his wongs, sitting on his wings, the condor
00:01:54.210 - 00:01:59.370


Puñuyan "Qaaaasss". Alanpi hawanpi tiyayan. Chay manisilun. Imawanña

Puñu-ya-n "Qaaaasss". Ala-n-pi qawa-n-pi tiya-ya-n Chay manisi-lu-n
sleep-PROG-3 "Qaaaasss". wing-3-LOC above-3-LOC sit-PROG-3 DEM.D wake-URGT-3
Estaba durmiendo "qasssss". Con sus alas estaba sentado a gusto. Maneció. ¿Con
qué ya
He snored. With his wings he was sitting happy. He made it to morning. With what
00:01:59.450 - 00:02:08.100


Ves, atuq wañusham. Sinu may maytri milanman kala.

atuq wañu-sha-m Si-nu may may-tri mila-n-man ka-la
fox die-PRF-EVD if no where where-EVC increase-3-COND be-PST
Se había muerto el zorro? Sino ¿dónde, dónde iba a aumentar?
Had the fox died? Otherwise where would he have reproduced?
00:02:08.170 - 00:02:13.980

Wañun. Chayllawanpis wañun payqa. Imallawanpis wañun. Alalaywanpis.

Wañu-n Chay-lla-wan-pis wañu-n pay-qa Ima-lla-wan-pis wañu-n Alalay-wan-pis
die-3 DEM.D-RSTR-INSTR-ADD die-3 3-TOP what-RSTR-INSTR-ADD die-3 cold-INSTR-ADD
Se murió. Él se murió con ese frío. ¿Con que frío murió? Con frío también.
He died. He died from that cold. From what cold did he die? From cold, too.
00:02:14.190 - 00:02:21.640

Apustikta lulasha atuq. Arañawanpis kala. Ñuqaqa oooo

Alalay-wan-pis Apusti-kta lula-sha atuq Araña-wan-pis ka-la Ñuqa-qa oooo
cold-INSTR-ADD bet-ACC make-PRF fox spider-INSTR-ADD be-PST 1-TOP oooo
El zorro hizo una apuesta. Yo era oooohooo.
The fox made a bet. I was ooooooo
00:02:21.710 - 00:02:29.060

¿Ayka vikuñakta wañuchishaq?

Ayka vikuña-kta wañu-chi-shaq
how.many vicuña-ACC die-CAUS-1.FUT
¿Cuántas vicuñas mataré?
How many vicuñas will I kill?
00:02:29.080 - 00:02:31.490

Ñuqawan atipamuchuwan. Hapiyta ni kurriytash atipa:chu ñuqa

Ñuqa-wan atipa-mu-chuwan Hapiy-ta ni kurri-y-ta-sh atipa-:-chu ñuqa
1-INSTR grab-INF-ACC nor run-INF-ACC-EVR 1
Conmigo no podemos poder. No puedo ni agarrar ni correr.
00:02:31.760 - 00:02:35.710

Allalli vikuñaqa kurrikuyan. ¿Maypis? Ñuqa wañuchi:man ni huktapis

wañuchi:manchu. Manam ninshi arañaqa.
Allalli vikuña-qa kurri-ku-ya-n May-pis Ñuqa wañu-chi-:-man ni huk-ta-pis
a.lot vicuña-TOP run-REFL-PROG-3 where-ADD 1 die-CAUS-1-COND nor one-ACC-ADD
Las vicuñas corren bien. ¿Dónde? Yo no mataré ni una. Yo no puedo matar, dijo
la araña.
Vicuñas run well. Where? I won't kill even one. I can't kill, said the spider.
00:02:35.760 - 00:02:43.110

Atuq, "Oooo,
wañu-chi-:-man-chu Mana-m nin-shi araña-qa Atuq "Oooo,
die-CAUS-1-COND no-EVD say-EVR spider-TOP fox "Oooo,
El zorro: "Oooo,
The fox: "Oooo,
00:02:43.465 - 00:02:44.775

hukta hapishpa wañuchishaq. Hukta hapishpa wañuchishaq" ninshi suruqa.

huk-ta hapi-shpa wañu-chi-shaq. Huk-ta hapi-shpa wañu-chi-shaq nin-shi
one-ACC grab-SUBIS die-CAUS-1.FUT one-ACC grab-SUBIS die-CAUS-1.FUT say-EVR
voy a agarrar uno y matarlo; voy a agarrar otro y matarlo!" dijo el zorro.
I'm going to catch one and kill it; I'm going to catch another and kill it."
00:02:44.920 - 00:02:50.470

Piyur. ¿Upachu? Imataq arañaqa?

suru-qa Piyur Upa-chu Ima-taq araña-qa
fox-TOP worse stupid-Q what-ACC spider-TOP
Peor. Sonso ó qué será la araña?
Worse. Is the spider stupid or what?
00:02:50.730 - 00:02:54.900
Achkam. Mastalla ladiratraw puñukuyaqman
Achka-m Mas-ta-lla ladira-traw puñu-ku-ya-q-man
a.lot-EVD more-ACC-RSTR hillside-LOC sleep-REFL-PROG-AG-ALL
Muchos, más, están durmiendo en la ladera. Hacia los que dormían.
Many, more, are sleeping on the hillside. Towards the ones who were sleeping.
00:02:55.030 - 00:03:00.130

trayalun vikuñamanqa. Hukman hiqan

traya-lu-n vikuña-man-qa Huk-man hiqa-n
arrive-URGT-3 vicuña-ALL-TOP one-ALL go.up-3
Llegó donde las vicuñas. Sube hacia una.
he arrived where the vicuñas were. He goes up to one
00:03:00.210 - 00:03:04.920

Linlinman supikun. Hukman hiqan.

Linli-n-man supi-ku-n Huk-man hiqa-n
ear-3-ALL fart-REFL-3 one-ALL go.up-3
TIra pedo en su oreja. Sube hacia otro.
He farts in its ear. He goes up to another.
00:03:04.920 - 00:03:08.460

Linlinman supikuptinqa sinkukakuyan wañukuyan

Linli-n-man supi-ku-pti-n-qa sinku-ka-ku-ya-n wañu-ku-ya-n
Cuando le tiró pedo al oído revolcando se muere.
When he farted in its ear, it's rolling [on the ground] dying.
00:03:08.460 - 00:03:12.130

Vikuñaqa. Mana sintilla. Atuqqa yanqa yanqa huk

Vikuña-qa Mana sinti-lla Atuq-qa yanqa yanqa huk
vicuña-TOP no feel-RSTR fox-TOP lie lie one
la vicuña sin sentir. El zorro mentira mentira otro
the vicuña without pain.
00:03:12.160 - 00:03:14.780 00:03:14.870 - 00:03:18.000

vikuñallaqa qatikatrayan puraminti

vikuña-lla-qa qati-katra-ya-n puraminti
vicuña-RSTR-TOP chase-FREQ-PROG-3 purely
Totalmente siguitiaba la vicuña
completely chased the vicuña
00:03:18.100 - 00:03:22.640

Qallun aysakusha shawakusha riyan

Qallu-n aysa-ku-sha shawa-ku-sha ri-ya-n
tongue-3 pull-REFL-PRF drag-REFL-PRF go-PROG-3
Su lengua arrastrado, colgado
His tongue hanging out, dragging
00:03:23.370 - 00:03:25.510

Qallun shawakushaña kurrikatrakuyan.

Qallu-n shawa-ku-sha-ña kurri-katra-ku-ya-n
tongue-3 drag-REFL-PRF-DISC run-FREQ-REFL-PROG-3
Su lengua colgada estaba correteando
He was running around with his tongue hanging out
00:03:25.540 - 00:03:28.360

pasa pasayppaq hapiyta atipanchu qalacha paqwaptinpis

pasa pasaypaq hapi-y-ta atipa-n-chu qalacha paqwa-pti-n-pis
pass a.lot grab-INF-ACC mange finish-SUBDS-3-ADD
Totalmente no puede agarrar. Caracha lo habían acabado
He couldn't grab on. Mange had completely finished him off.
00:03:28.440 - 00:03:31.640

Pasay viyhu vikuñakta qatikatrayan.

Pasa-y viyhu vikuña-kta qati-katra-ya-n
pass-INF old.M vicuña-ACC chase-FREQ-PROG-3
Está siguiteanado una vicuña vieja.
He's chasing an old vicuña.
00:03:31.670 - 00:03:34.820

Piru lliw pay lliw pay hukta wañuchin. Hukta wañuchin.

Piru lliw-pay lliw-pay huk-ta wañu-chi-n Huk-ta wañu-chi-n
but all 3 all 3 one-ACC die-CAUS-3 one-ACC die-CAUS-3
Todo agarraba. Mata a uno; mata a otro.
He kills one; he kills another.
00:03:34.920 - 00:03:39.300

Munti munti vicuñaqa wañun. Intichawqa wañukayachin.

Munti munti viñuña-qa wañu-n Inti-traw-qa wañu-ka-ya-chi-n
brush brush vicuña-TOP die-3 sun-LOC-TOP die-REFL-PROG-CAUD-3
Las vicuñas mueren en el monte. Los está matando bajo el sol.
The vicuñas die in the bushes. He's killing them in the sun.
00:03:39.490 - 00:03:41.330 00:03:41.750 - 00:03:44.510

Hukllaktash hapikatramushpam Pasa-pasaypa

Huk-lla-kta-sh hapi-katra-mu-shpa-m Pasa-pasaypa
one-RSTR-ACC-EVR grab-FREQ-CISL-SUBIS-EVD a.lot-a.lot
Uno no más había agarrado. Totalmente
He had grabbed just one. Completely
00:03:44.770 - 00:03:47.850

pasaypaq qaracha qaracha. viyhu. Atuq. Chayna hapikulusha.
pasaypaq qaracha qaracha. viyhu Atuq Chay-na hapi-ku-lu-sha
a.lot mange mange old fox DEM.D-VRBZ grab-REFL-URGT-PRF
Zoro. Agarraba así.
The fox. He grabbed him like that.
00:03:47.890 - 00:03:50.460 00:03:50.490 - 00:03:53.700

Wañutamun kikinpis. Viñuña qalacha vikuñawan

Wañu-tamu-n kiki-n-pis Viñuña qalacha vikuña-wan
die-IRREV-3 self-3-ADD vicuña mange vicuña-INSTR
Él mismo murió. A vicuña carachoso.
He himself died. From vicuñas with
00:03:54.050 - 00:03:56.310 00:03:56.340 - 00:03:58.010

Hapikushash wañutamun suruqa. ¿Imawanñapis suruqa wañula?

Hapi-ku-sha-sh wañu-tamu-n suru-qa Ima-wan-ña-pis suru-qa wañu-la
grab-REFL-PRF-EVR die-IRREV-3 fox-TOP what-INSTR-DISC-ADD fox-TOP die-PST
habiendo agarrado se ha muerto zorro. ¿Con qué también ya murió el zorro?
having grabbed, the fox died. What else did the fox die with?
00:03:58.010 - 00:04:01.210 00:04:01.890 - 00:04:05.350

Manam yanqa limakun payqa. Wañuchishaq.

Mana-m yanqa lima-ku-n pay-qa Wañu-chi-shaq
no-EVD lie talk-REFL-3 3-TOP die-CAUS-1.FUT
Mentira habla él. Voy a matar.
No, he talks in vain. I'm going to kill.
00:04:05.510 - 00:04:08.630 00:04:08.680 - 00:04:09.940

Wañuchishaq nishpa Chaypaqqa

Wañu-chi-shaq ni-shpa Chay-paq-qa
Voy a matar, dice dijo. Después
"I'm going to kill," he said, they say. Then
00:04:10.070 - 00:04:12.570 00:04:12.660 - 00:04:14.940

Huk malayman trayatamusha.

Huk malay-man traya-tamu-sha
one grinding.stone-ALL arrive-IRREV-PRF
Para un batán había llegado.
He arrived where a grainding stone was.
00:04:15.220 - 00:04:18.600

Sibu takashanman wila chankashanman

Sibu taka-sha-n-man wila chanka-sha-n-man
fat grind-PRF-3-ALL fat grind-PRF-3-ALL
Hacia donde cebo, grasa había estado chancado
To where fat, grease had been ground.
00:04:18.600 - 00:04:21.550

Wila chay chankashanman trayalusha. Atuq.

Wila chay chanka-sha-n-man traya-lu-sha Atuq
fat DEM.D grind-PRF-3-ALL arrive-URGT-PRF fox
Llegó donde estaba la grasa molida. El zorro.
He arrived where the fat had been ground. The fox.
00:04:21.860 - 00:04:24.240 00:04:24.310 - 00:04:26.390

Hinashpa laqwasha Malayta tuki lambikatamun.

Hinashpa laqwa-sha Malay-ta tuki lambi-ka-tamu-n
then lick-PRF grinding.stone-ACC pretty lick-REFL-IRREV-3
Después lambía Bonito había lambido batán.
Then he licked He licked the grinding stone nicely.
00:04:26.500 - 00:04:28.720 00:04:28.780 - 00:04:31.030

Tukuy lambikulun. Lambikulushaqa Palta.

Tukuy lambi-ku-lu-n Lambi-ku-lu-sha-qa Palta
pretty lick-REFL-URGT-3 lick-REFL-URGT-PRF-TOP pstle
Bonito lo había lambido. Después de lamber, Palta
He licked it nicely. After licking it, Pestle.
00:04:31.100 - 00:04:33.770 00:04:33.920 - 00:04:35.190

¿Imayna mana qam pulinkichu? Tiyaylla tiyanki tuta puntraw tiyakushpa

Imayna mana qam puli-nki-chu Tiya-y-lla tiya-nki tuta puntraw tiya-ku-shpa
how no 2 walk-3-NEG sit-INF-RSTR sit-2 night day sit-REFL-SUBIS
¿Por qué no andas tú? Está sentado no más día y noche.
Why don't you walk around? Sitting. Sitting day and night.
00:04:35.370 - 00:04:37.430 00:04:37.490 - 00:04:40.140

¿Manachu kansakunki? Hatarinkimantri pu[ntrawñam kayan]

Mana-chu kansa-ku-nki Hatari-nki-man-tri pu[ntraw-ña-m ka-ya-n
no-Q tire-REFL-2 get.up-2-COND-EVC day-DISC-EVD be-PROG-3
¿No te cansas? Levántate.
Don't you get tired? Get up!
00:04:40.170 - 00:04:41.800 00:04:41.870 - 00:04:43.600

¡Haku pulikamushun! ¡Haku pasiyakamushun!

Haku puli-ka-mu-shun Haku pasiya-ka-mu-shun
let's.go walk-REFL-CISL-1PL.FUT let's.go wander.about-REFL-CISL-1PL.FUT
¡Vamos a andar! ¡Vamos a pasear!
Let's go walking! Let's go wander about!
00:04:43.740 - 00:04:46.490

Maytri ñuqa haqilamanki maytrawtri qamqa

May-tri ñuqa haqi-la-ma-nki may-traw-tri qam-qa
where-EVC 1 leave-URGT-1.OBJ-2 where-LOC-EVC 2-TOP
A mí me dejará usted
You're going to leave me.
00:04:46.520 - 00:04:49.890

Manam ñuqa. Kayna Dios Taytanchik urdinamala

Mana-m ñuqa Kay-na Dios Tayta-nchik urdina-ma-la
no-EVD 1 DEM.P-VRBZ God father-1PL order-1.OBJ-PST
Yo no. Hoy Dios Padre me ha ordenado
Not me. God our father has now ordered me
00:04:50.020 - 00:04:53.020

Kayna tiyakuna:paqtri Manam ñuqaqa hatali:manchu.

Kay-na tiya-ku-na-:-paq-tri Mana-m ñuqa-qa hatali-:-man-chu
que me sienta así. Yo no me puedo levantar.
to sit like this. I can't get up.
00:04:53.050 - 00:04:54.440 00:04:54.450 - 00:04:57.360

¡Hataliy! ¡Hataliy! ¡Haku! Dispasyu

Hatali-y Hatali-y Haku Dispasyu
get.up-IMP get.up-IMP let's.go slowly
¡Levántate! ¡Levántate! ¡Vámos! Despacio
Get up! Get up! Let's go! Slowly
00:04:57.720 - 00:05:01.310 00:05:01.320 - 00:05:03.070

Qampa pasuykiwantriki lishaq. Dispasiyu haku! ¡Haku!

Qam-pa pasu-yki-wan-tri-ki li-shaq Dispasiyu haku Haku
2-GEN pace-2-INSTR-EVC-KI go-1.FUT slowly let's.go let's.go
Iré con tu paso. ¡Despacio vamos! ¡Vamos!
I'll go at your pace. Let's go slow! Let's go!
00:05:03.070 - 00:05:04.890 00:05:04.890 - 00:05:07.280

Kay ladirakta lishun.

Kay ladira-kta li-shun
DEM.P hillside-ACC go-1PL.FUT
Iremos a esa ladera.
We'll go to that hillside.
00:05:07.280 - 00:05:09.340

Witraymanpis uraymanpis maymantaq liyta munanki.

Witray-man-pis uray-man-pis may-man-taq li-y-ta muna-nki
up-ALL-ADD down-ALL-ADD where-ALL-ACC go-INF-ACC want-2
Para arriba, para abajo -- ¿Para dónde quieres ir?
Up hill, down hill -- where do you want to go?
00:05:09.400 - 00:05:11.880

Urayman ninshi suruqa. Munayan.
Uray-man ni-n-shi suru-qa Muna-ya-n
down-ALL say-3-EVR fox-TOP want-PROG-3
"Para abajo", dijo el zorro. Quiere.
"Down hill," said the fox. He wants.
00:05:12.060 - 00:05:15.320 00:05:15.710 - 00:05:18.850

Chaypaqqa diripintipaq Naqa. Likaliptinqa

Chay-paq-qa diripinti-paq Na-qa Lika-li-pti-n-qa
DEM.D-ABL-TOP all.of.a.sudden-ABL DMY-TOP look-INCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP
Después, de repente, Este. Cuando miró
Then, all of a sudden, Ummm. When he looked,
00:05:19.410 - 00:05:23.210 00:05:23.850 - 00:05:27.000

Suruqa nin "Apuray, palta! Apuramuy!

Suru-qa ni-n Apura-y palta Apura-mu-y
fox-TOP say-3 hurry-IMP pestle hurry-CISL-IMP
El zorro dijo "¡Rápido, palta! Apúrate!"
The fox said, "Quickly, pestle! Hurry up!"
00:05:27.040 - 00:05:27.610 00:05:27.980 - 00:05:30.480

Karu karupiña kidalunki ñuqa karipiña ukuktaña

Karu karu-pi-ña kida-lu-nki ñuqa karu-pi-ña uku-kta-ña
far far-LOC-DISC remain-URGT-2 1 far-LOC-DISC inside-ACC-DISC
Ya te has quedado muy lejos. Yo
You've stayed far behind. I
00:05:30.590 - 00:05:32.800

huktaña likuyan suruqa

huk-ta-ña li-ku-ya-n suru-qa
dijo el zorro.
said the fox
00:05:32.800 - 00:05:34.020

Batanqa altupi apinas tiklayan

Batan-qa altu-pi apinas tikla-ya-n
grinding.stone-TOP high-LOC barely turn-PROG-3
El batán apenas esta volteandose arriba.
The grinding stone is only just turning around up hill
00:05:34.020 - 00:05:37.900

Tiklayan. Vultiyayan. Chaypa diripintipaq

Tikla-ya-n Vultiya-ya-n Chay-pa diripinti-paq
turn-PROG-3 turn-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC all.of.a.sudden-ABL
Está dando vuelta. Está dando vuelta. Después de repente
He's turning around. He's turning around. Then, all of a sudden,
00:05:38.010 - 00:05:40.650 00:05:40.660 - 00:05:42.450

Yapa likaliptinqa "¡Ay, dios mío!"

Yapa lika-li-pti-n-qa
again look-INCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP
Cuando miró otra vez "¡Ay, dios mío!"
When he looked again "Oh my God!"
00:05:42.450 - 00:05:44.190 00:05:44.190 - 00:05:45.780

00:05:45.780 - 00:05:48.070

Tiklakuyasha, pawarishpa, pawarishpa

Tikla-ku-ya-sha pawa-ri-shpa pawa-ri-shpa
Volteando, saltando, saltando
Turning around, jumping, jumping,
00:05:48.150 - 00:05:50.150

Atuqtaq wañulachinqa. Wañuchishpa haqitamun pasaypaq

Atuq-taq wañu-la-chi-nqa Wañu-chi-shpa haqi-tamu-n pasaypaq
fox-SEQ die-URGT-CAUS-3.FUT die-CAUS-SUBIS leave-IRREV-3 a.lot
Va a matar al zorro. Lo dejó totalmente muerto.
He's going to kill the fox. He left him completely dead
00:05:50.170 - 00:05:52.480 00:05:52.480 - 00:05:54.560

Mulinashaktash haqitamun. Haqitamun.

Mulina-sha-kta-sh haqi-tamu-n Haqi-tamu-n
mill-PRF-ACC-EVR leave-IRREV-3 leave-IRREV-3
Le dejó molido. Lo dejó.
He left him ground up. He left him.
00:05:54.600 - 00:05:56.290 00:05:56.790 - 00:05:58.590

Chaypaq. Imapi. Sinu milanman kala atuqqa.

Chay-paq Ima-pi Sinu mila-n-man ka-la atuq-qa
DEM.D-ABL what-LOC if-no increase-3-COND be-PST fox-TOP
Después, ¿en qué El zorro hubiera aumentado así.
Then, in what The fox would have multiplied like that.
00:05:58.640 - 00:06:01.660 00:06:01.700 - 00:06:04.430

Yanqa yanqam liman chaymi nin. Lunakunakta yanqam

Yanqa yanqa-m lima-n chay-mi ni-n Luna-kuna-kta yanqa-m
lie lie-EVD talk-3 DEM.D-EVD say-3 person-PL-ACC lie-EVD
Mentira mentira hablaba así dijo. A gente mentira
He talked lies. He spoke like this: To people
00:06:04.460 - 00:06:06.310 00:06:06.330 - 00:06:07.620

Mintirusukta yanqa limaqtaq nin, "Aa, surum qamqa kanki".

Mintirusu-kta yanqa lima-q-taq ni-n Aa suru-m qam-qa ka-nki
liar-ACC lie talk-AG-SEQ say-3 "Aa, fox-EVD 2-TOP be-2
dijo, "Ah, tú eres zorro".
He said, "Ah, you're a fox."
00:06:07.670 - 00:06:09.630 00:06:09.630 - 00:06:11.580

"Qam surum kanki", nin chaymi. Chayhina

Qam suru-m ka-nki ni-n chay-mi Chay-hina
2 fox-EVD be-2 say-3 DEM.D-EVD DEM.D-COMP
"Tú eres zorro," le dijo. Así
"You're a fox," he said to him. Like that.
00:06:11.580 - 00:06:13.950 00:06:15.210 - 00:06:16.680

Dispwis Napis. Este.

Dispwis Na-pis
after DMY-ADD
Después, También. Este.
Then, Also. Ummm
00:06:16.770 - 00:06:19.150 00:06:19.360 - 00:06:22.490

Sapupis Sapuwanpis
Sapu-pis Sapu-wan-pis
frog-ADD frog-INSTR-ADD
Un sapo también Con un sapo también
A frog, too, With a frog, too,
00:06:22.490 - 00:06:24.310 00:06:24.420 - 00:06:26.530

Sapupis lulasha apustikta apustikta.

Sapu-pis lula-sha apusti-kta apusti-kta
frog-ADD make-PRF bet-ACC bet-ACC
El sapo también hizo una apuesta.
The frog, too, made a bet.
00:06:29.850 - 00:06:33.930

Kayhina hiqashun witrayta lishun

Kay-hina hiqa-shun witray-ta li-shun
DEM.P-COMP leave-1PL.FUT up-ACC go-1PL.FUT
Hay que subir para arriba así.
We should go up hill like this.
00:06:34.190 - 00:06:36.560
"¿Maytri qam hiqalamanki?" ninshi.
May-tri qam hiqa-la-ma-nki ni-n-shi
where-EVC 2 leave-URGT-1.OBJ-2 sat-3-EVR
"¿Dónde me dejarás usted?" dijo.
"Where are you going to leave me?" he said.
00:06:37.670 - 00:06:40.040

"Dispasyu qampa pasuykiwanmi lishaq" ninshi atuq.

Dispasyu qam-pa pasu-yki-wan-mi li-shaq ni-n-shi atuq
slowly 2-GEN pace-2-INSTR-EVD go-1.FUT say-3-EVR fox
"Despacio con tu paso iré", dijo el zorro.
"I'll go slowly at your pace," said the fox.
00:06:40.380 - 00:06:43.340

"Dispasyu qampawan lishaq pasuykiwan". ¡Ay, Dios mío!

Dispasyu qam-pa-wan li-shaq pasu-yki-wan
slowly 2-GEN-INSTR go-1.FUT pace-2-INSTR
"Iré con el tuyo, tu paso". ¡Ay, Dios mío!
"I'll go at yours, your pace." Oh, my God!
00:06:43.360 - 00:06:45.850 00:06:45.900 - 00:06:48.090

Atuq liyan liyan. Shampatu!

Atuq li-ya-n li-ya-n Shampatu
fox go-PROG-3 go-PROG-3 frog
El zorro está yendo, yendo. ¡Sapo!
The fox is going, going. Frog!
00:06:48.760 - 00:06:51.250 00:06:51.370 - 00:06:53.860

Tuk! Uraypilaq uraytrawlaq. "¡Apuramuy!"

Tuk Uray-pi-laq uray-traw-laq Apura-mu-y
Tuk! down-LOC-CONT down-LOC-CONT hutty-CISL-IMP
Tuk! En abajo todavía, en abajo todavía. "¡Apúrate!"
Tuk! Still down hill, still down hill. "Hurry up!"
00:06:54.390 - 00:06:57.570 00:06:57.730 - 00:06:59.730

Ima kidakuyanki karu karupiñachu imataq?" "Dispasyu itriya:".

Ima kida-ku-ya-nki karu karu-pi-ña-chu ima-taq Dispasyu itri-ya-:
what stay-REFL-PROG-2 far far-LOC-DISC-Q what-SEQ slowly go-PROG-1
¿"Te estás quedando lejos o que?" "Despacio estoy viniendo".
"Are you falling behind or what?" "I'm coming slowly."
00:06:59.750 - 00:07:02.140 00:07:02.170 - 00:07:04.400

"¡Apuray!" "Dispasiyu itri:".

Apura-y Dispasiyu itri-:
hurry-IMP slowly go-1
"¡Apúrate!" "Voy despacio".
"Hurry up!" "I go slow."
00:07:04.450 - 00:07:05.900 00:07:06.880 - 00:07:09.200

"Dispasyu ichi:. Amalaq haqimaychu!" Atuq nin, "Hampatu, ¡apura!"

Dispasyu ichi-: Ama-laq haqi-ma-y-chu Atuq ni-n Hampatu apura
slowly go-1 PROH-CONT leave-1.OBJ-IMP-NEG fox say-3 frog hurry
"Voy despacio. ¡No me dejes!" El zorro dijo, "¡Apura, sapo!"
"I go slow. Don't leave me!" The fox said, "Hurry up, frog!"
00:07:09.200 - 00:07:11.640 00:07:13.260 - 00:07:16.940

"¡Tuk!" nin. "Ulay law" nin. "Ulay law", nin.

Tuk ni-n Ulay law ni-n Ulay law ni-n
"¡Tuk!" say-3 down side say-3 down side say-3
"'Tuk!" dijo. "Abajo" dijo. "Abajo", dijo.
"Tuk!" he said. "Down hill," he said, "Down hill," he said.
00:07:17.670 - 00:07:23.100

"¡Apuramuy! ¡Apuramuy!" nin. "Shamuya:mi. Shamuya:mi".

"Apura-mu-y Apura-mu-y ni-n "Shamu-ya-:-mi Shamu-ya-:-mi
hurry-CISL-IMP hurry-CISL-IMP say-3 come-PROG-1-EVD come-PROG-1-EVD
"¡Apúrate! ¡Apúrate!" "Estoy viniendo. Estoy viniendo".
"Hurry up! Hurry up!" "I'm coming. I'm coming."
00:07:23.120 - 00:07:24.840 00:07:24.840 - 00:07:27.560

"Shamuya: Itriy itriy alkansamusaykim".

Shamu-ya-: Itri-y itri-y alkansa-mu-sayki-m
come-PROG-1 go-INF go-INF reach-CISL-1>2
"Estoy viniendo. Te voy a alcanzar".
"I' coming. I'll catch up with you."
00:07:27.560 - 00:07:30.140

Diripinti upachu mana sapuqa.

Diripinti upa-chu mana sapu-qa
all.of.a.sudden dumb-NEG no frog-TOP
No era sonso el sapo.
The frog was no dummy.
00:07:30.250 - 00:07:33.540

Achka achka huñunakatamusha muntun.

Achka achka huñu-naka-tamu-sha muntun
a.lot a.lot gather-RECIP-IRREV-PRF heap
Muchios, muchos se habían reunido -- un montón
Many, many had gotten together -- a heap.
00:07:33.560 - 00:07:36.610

Kayhina. Hananpa huk, hananpa huk.
Kay-hina Hanan-pa huk hanan-pa huk
DEM.P-COMP up-LOC one up-LOC one
Así. Uno arriba, uno más arriba,
Like this. One up hill, another [further] up hill.
00:07:36.640 - 00:07:39.360

Hananpi huk, hananpi huk. Ima trulanakulusha.

Hanan-pi huk hanan-pi huk Ima trula-naku-lu-sha
up-LOC one up-LOC one what put-RECIP-URGT-PRF
Uno arriba uno más arriba. En cadena se habían puesto.
One up hill, another [further] up hill. They had put themselves in a chain
00:07:39.360 - 00:07:40.480 00:07:40.480 - 00:07:41.960

"¡Hampatu!" "Tuk!" nin dirichunpi.

Hampatu Tuk ni-n dirichu-n-pi
frog "Tuk!" say-3 right-3-LOC
"¡Sapo!" "Tuk!" A su derecha..
"Frog!" "Tuk!" On his right.
00:07:42.000 - 00:07:43.910 00:07:43.910 - 00:07:46.400

"¡Ah carajo!" Ganayamanchu hinam.

Gana-ya-ma-n-chu hina-m
"¡Ah carajo!" Me está ganando, creo.
"Oh damn!" I think he's beating me.
00:07:46.450 - 00:07:47.940 00:07:47.960 - 00:07:49.720

Shampatuqa. Nishpam wayralla kaminan

Shampatu-qa Ni-shpa-m wayra-lla kamina-n
frog-TOP say-SUBIS-EVD wind-RSTR walk-3
El sapo. dijo y caminó rápido.
The frog. He said and walked quickly.
00:07:49.740 - 00:07:51.420 00:07:51.520 - 00:07:54.120

"Karahu. Ganalamanchu Mas hananchawpaq.

Karahu Gana-la-ma-n-chu Mas hanan-traw-paq
damn win-URGT-1.OBJ-3-Q more up-LOC-ABL
"Carajo. Parece que me está ganando". Más arriba.
"Damn. It seems like he's beating me." Further up hill.
00:07:54.520 - 00:07:57.140 00:07:57.140 - 00:07:59.300

"¡Hampatu!" "¡Tuk!" Hanay lawninpiña.

Hampatu Tuk Hanay law-ni-n-pi-ña
frog "¡Tuk!" up side-EUPH-2-LOC-DISC
"¡Sapo!" "¡Tuk!" Arriba de él ya.
"Frog!" "Tuk!" Above him already.
00:07:59.870 - 00:08:01.070 00:08:01.400 - 00:08:03.760

"¡Hampatu!" Mas hananpiña. "¡Ha, Carajo! ¿Qué pasó?"

Hampatu Mas hanan-pi-ña Ha
frog more up-LOC-DISC
"¡Sapo!" Arriba ya. "¡Carajo! ¿Qué pasó?"
"Frog!" Up hill already. "Damn! What happened?"
00:08:04.300 - 00:08:06.870 00:08:06.910 - 00:08:08.580

"¿Qué cosa pasó?" Saltando saltando kurrikuyan.

"¿Qué cosa pasó?" Saltando, saltando, está corriendo.
"What happened?" He's running, jumping and jumping.
00:08:08.720 - 00:08:10.460 00:08:10.510 - 00:08:12.430

chay shampatuqa, "Imataq?" nishpash nin. Sampatuqa. Hananpi

chay shampatu-qa Ima-taq ni-shpa-sh ni-n Sampatu-qa Hanan-pi
DEM.D frog-TOP what-SEQ say-SUBIS-EVR say-3 frog-TOP up-LOC
Ese sapo, "¿Qué?" dijo. El sapo. Arriba
that frog. "What?" he said. The frog. Up hill.
00:08:12.460 - 00:08:15.590 00:08:16.500 - 00:08:19.760

Chay tukuy subidapa kay. Antapam wak sutin. Wakninta kay

Chay tukuy subida-pa kay Antapa-m wak suti-n Wak-ni-n-ta kay
DEM.D all uphill-LOC DEM.P Antapa-EVD DEM.D name-3 DEM.D-EUPH-3-ACC DEM.P
Es todo subida, esto. Se llama Antapa.
This is all up hill. It's called Antapa.
00:08:19.810 - 00:08:21.990 00:08:22.040 - 00:08:24.460

Purfin Villafrancapaq asta Antapa pacha subida kakuyan

Purfin Villafranca-paq asta Antapa pacha subida ka-ku-ya-n
at.last Villafranca-ABL until Antapa pacha uphill be-REFL-PROG-3
Desde villafranca hasta antapa es subida
From Villafranca to Antapa it's up hill.
00:08:24.460 - 00:08:26.740 00:08:26.740 - 00:08:27.840

Chay witray karutaq manam Pishipalun pasaypiñatriki

Chay witray karu-taq mana-m Pishipa-lu-n pasaypi-ña-tri-ki
DEM.D up far-SEQ no-EVD tire-URGT-3 a.lot-DISC-EVC-KI
Se habrá cansado completamente.
He must have gotten totally tired
00:08:27.890 - 00:08:29.490 00:08:29.490 - 00:08:31.290

suruqa. Shampatuqa tukuy balinakulun

suru-qa Shampatu-qa tukuy bali-naku-lu-n
fox-TOP frog-TOP all request-RECIP-URGT-3
el zorro. Los sapos todos se solicitaron
the fox. The frogs all requested each other's help.
00:08:31.300 - 00:08:33.160 00:08:33.170 - 00:08:35.450

Huk tilifunuwan huk imawan yupayan Pashlalun. Imahinatrik

Huk tilifunu-wan huk ima-wan yupa-ya-n Pashla-lu-n Ima-hina-tri-k
one telephone-INSTR one what-INSTR count-PROG-3 talk.URGT-3 what-COMP-EVC-K
Uno con teléfono, otro con qué está contando? Se hablaron. ¿Cómo?
One with a telephone, another with what? The spoke. How?
00:08:35.480 - 00:08:37.900 00:08:37.930 - 00:08:39.640

Pasanakulun vusta. Pasanakulun. Hinaptinqa

Pasa-naku-lu-n vus-ta Pasa-naku-lu-n Hinaptin-qa
pass-RECIP-URGT-3 voice-ACC pass-RECIP-URGT-3 then-TOP
Se pasaron la voz. Se la pasaron. Desués
They let each other know. They told each other. Then
00:08:39.690 - 00:08:42.500 00:08:42.650 - 00:08:44.560

"¡Hampatu!" "¡Hampatu!"
Hampatu Hampatu
frog frog
"¡Sapo!" "¡Sapo!"
"Frog!" "Frog!"
00:08:45.730 - 00:08:48.150 00:08:48.240 - 00:08:49.430

Hananpiña. "Tuk!" nin Ha karahu, ha karahu.

Hanan-pi-ña Tuk ni-n
up-LOC-DISC "Tuk!" say-3
Arriba, "¡Tuk!" Ah, carajo, ah, carajo.
Up hill. "Tuk!" Oh, damn, oh, damn.
00:08:49.840 - 00:08:54.550

Diripintipaq pasaypiña pishipalun. Kansalunña suruqa.

Diripinti-paq pasaypi-ña pishipa-lu-n Kansa-lu-n-ña suru-qa.
all.of.a.sudden-ABL a.lot-DISC tire-URGT-3 tire-URGT-3-DISC fox-TOP
Totalmente se ha cansado. El zorro se cansó ya
He was completely tired out. The fox was tired already.
00:08:54.890 - 00:08:57.510 00:08:57.640 - 00:08:59.310

Piru sampatuqa wi Witraypiña witraypiña kuntustayamun.

Piru sampatu-qa wi Witray-pi-ña witray-pi-ña kuntusta-ya-mu-n
but frog-TOP up-LOC-DISC up-LOC-DISC answer-PROG-CISL-3
pero el sapo dijo estaba contestando más arriba más arriba
But the frog said answered from up high, from up high
00:08:59.720 - 00:09:01.290 00:09:01.410 - 00:09:04.390

Estaba contestando
He was answering.
00:09:05.310 - 00:09:07.460

Purfin. Ña urquman hiqashaq niyashpaqa wañutamun.

Purfin Ña urqu-man hiqa-shaq ni-ya-shpa-qa wañu-tamu-n
at.last DISC hill-ALL leave-1.FUT say-PROG-SUBIS-TOP die-IRREV-3
Por fin llegando al cerro murió.
At last, arriving at the mountain top, he died.
00:09:08.060 - 00:09:12.530

Wañukun likaykuptinqa Qallun aqtakusha grande

Wañu-ku-n lika-yku-pti-n-qa Qallu-n aqta-ku-sha
die-REFL-3 see-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP tongue-3 spit-REFL-PRF
Cuando lo vio, se murió su lengua escupido, grande.
When he saw it, he died. his tongue spit out, big.
00:09:12.560 - 00:09:14.470 00:09:14.570 - 00:09:17.280

Hitarayasha []pi Ura hayta hayta-TK-ya-n trakinta

Hita-raya-sha -pi Ura hayta hayta-TK-ya-n traki-n
toss-PASS-PRF -pi now kick kick-PROG-3 foot-3
Estaba tirado en [el suelo]. Ahora, estaba pataleando sus pies.
He was tossed out on [the floor]. Now, he was kicking his feet.
00:09:17.280 - 00:09:19.980 00:09:19.980 - 00:09:23.600

Hayta haytayashpa ñakariyan wañuywan ñakariyan.

Hayta hayta-ya-shpa ñakari-ya-n wañu-y-wan ñakari-ya-n
Hayta hayta-PROG-SUBIS suffer-PROG-3 die-INF-INSTR suffer-PROG-3
Pataleando, estaba sufriendo con la muerte. Sufriendo.
Kicking, he was suffering with death. He was suffering.
00:09:23.990 - 00:09:27.790

Chaymi kanan atuqhina lunakuna kushlakun

Chay-mi kanan atuq-hina luna-kuna kushla-ku-n
DEM.D-EVD now fox-COMP person-PL lie-REFL-3
Después también el zorro dijo mentiras a la gente
Then, too, the fox was telling people lies
00:09:29.140 - 00:09:32.080

Mintilakta limaptinqa atuqmi qam kanki nin

Mintila-kta lima-pti-n-qa atuq-mi qam ka-nki ni-n
lie-ACC talk-SUBDS-3-TOP fox-EVD 2 be-2 say-3
Cuando el zorro contaba mentiras, Tú eres zorro, dijo
When the fox told lies, they said, "You're a fox,"
00:09:32.080 - 00:09:35.340

Chayllapipis wañun Chayllawanpis wañun.

Chay-lla-pi-pis wañu-n Chay-lla-wan-pis wañu-n
En ese también murió. Con ese también murió.
With that, too, he died. With that, too, he died.
00:09:36.530 - 00:09:40.910

Arañawanpis apustikta lulun.

Araña-wan-pis apusti-kta lulu-n
spider-INSTR-ADD bet-ACC make-3
Hizo una apuesta con una araña, también.
He made a bet with a spider, too.
00:09:40.930 - 00:09:43.850

Sapuwanpis apustikta lulan. Malaywanpis apustikta lulan.

Sapu-wan-pis apusti-kta lula-n Malay-wan-pis apusti-kta lula-n
frog-INSTR-ADD bet-ACC make-3 grinding.stone-INSTR-ADD bet-ACC make-3
Con un sapo, también, hizo una apuesta. Con un batán, también.
With a frog, too, he made a bet. With a grinding stone, too.
00:09:43.920 - 00:09:46.920 00:09:47.290 - 00:09:49.000

malay matrkakunapaq malay pulin wak malaypi ve matrkakunapaq

malay matrka-ku-na-paq malay puli-n wak malay-pi ve matrka-ku-na-paq
mortar toasted.cereal-REFL-NMLZ-PURP mortar walk-n DEM.D grinding.stone-loc look
Batán para moler. El batán anda, ese batán -- ¡ve! -- para moler.
With a mortar for grinding toasted cereal. The mortar walks, that mortar --
look! -- for grinding.
00:09:49.040 - 00:09:53.580

Wakhina ya malay
Wak-hina ya malay
toasted.cereal-REFL-NMLZ-PURP DEM.D-COMP INTENS grinding.stone
Así [es] el batán
That's the grinding stone.
00:09:54.180 - 00:09:55.210

Sibu chankalula lunaqa.

Sibu chanka-lu-la luna-qa
far grind-URGT-PST person-TOP
Una persona estaba chancando cebo.
A person was grinding fat.
00:09:55.610 - 00:09:56.940

Sibu chankashanman kala llaqwakushpa chay
Sibu chanka-sha-n-man ka-la llaqwaku-shpa chay
far grind-PRF-3-ALL be-PST lick-REFL-SUBIS DEM.D
El estaba lambiendo el cebo que chancó.
He was licking the fat that was ground.
00:09:57.260 - 00:09:59.210

Chaywanshi wañula. Imawanñapis suruqa wañula?

Chay-wan-shi wañu-la Ima-wan-ña-pis suru-qa wañu-la
Con eso se murió. ¿ Con qué también ya muere el zorro?
With that, he died. Whith what, too, did the fox die?
00:09:59.620 - 00:10:02.260

Imawanñapis wañula? Aa, chaypaqa, wachwawanpis.

Ima-wan-ña-pis wañu-la Aa, chay-pa-qa wachwa-wan-pis
¿Con qué también ya murió? Después, también, con wachwa.
With what, too, did he die? Then, too, with a wachwa.
00:10:03.320 - 00:10:05.220 00:10:06.350 - 00:10:08.840

Wachwawan tinkulushpa nisha Imanami qampa wawikiqa

Wachwa-wan tinku-lu-shpa ni-sha Imana-mi qam-pa wawi-ki-qa
wachwa-INSTR find-URGT-SUBIS say-PRF how-EVD 2-GEN baby-2-TOP
Encontrándose con un wachwa, le dijo, ¿Cómo es tu hijo
Meeting a wachwa, he said, How is your child
00:10:09.580 - 00:10:12.850 00:10:14.000 - 00:10:16.050

tuki puka trakikama Puka trakikama.

tuki puka traki-kama Puka traki-kama
pretty red foot-LIM red foot-ALL
bonito [con] patitas rojas? [con] patitas rojas.
nice [with] red feet? [with] red feet.
00:10:16.520 - 00:10:18.330 00:10:18.810 - 00:10:19.820

Ñuqapa wawi:qa manam pukachu nilan trakin trakin nin

Ñuqa-pa wawi-:-qa mana-m puka-chu ni-la-n traki-n traki-n ni-n
1-GEN baby-1-TOP no-EVD red-NEG say-PST-3 foot-3 foot-3 say-3
Las de mi hijo no son rojas. dijo. Sus patas, sus patas, dijo
My child's feet aren't red. he said. His feet, his feet, he said,
00:10:20.150 - 00:10:21.870 00:10:21.920 - 00:10:23.820

trakin nin niptinqa. Ñuqapa wawi: wawi:pa trakinqa nasidupaq

traki-n ni-n ni-pti-n-qa Ñuqa-pa wawi-: wawi-:-pa traki-n-qa nasidu-paq
foot-3 say-3 say-SUBDS-3-TOP 1-GEN baby-1 baby-1-GEN foot-3-TOP born-ABL
Sus patas, dijo, diciendo Desde su nacimiento, las patas de mi hijo
His feet, he said, saying Since birth, my child's feet
00:10:24.010 - 00:10:26.580 00:10:27.150 - 00:10:29.990

ñuqa watyapa, pachamankaktam lula: trakinta niptinqa.

ñuqa watya-pa pachamanka-kta-m lula-: traki-n-ta ni-pti-n-qa
1 oven-LOC bake-ACC-EVD make-1 foot-3-ACC say-SUBDS-3-TOP
Lo cociné en horno. Sus pies, diciendo
I baked him in an oven. his feet, he said.
00:10:29.990 - 00:10:32.460 00:10:32.730 - 00:10:34.590

Watyalapamay! Yatrashallaykiqa wawi:llakta.

Watya-la-pa-ma-y Yatra-sha-lla-yki-qa wawi-:-lla-kta
¡Hornéamelo! Lo que sabes para mi hijo.
Bake him for me! What you know, for my child.
00:10:35.170 - 00:10:37.350 00:10:37.380 - 00:10:39.660

niptinqa urnukta shañayachin. ¡Yantakta muntunay!

ni-pti-n-qa urnu-kta shaña-ya-chi-n yanta-kta muntuna-y
say-SUBDS-3-TOP over-ACC heat-PROG-CAUS-3 firewood-ACC pile-IMP
dijo y hizo calentar el horno. ¡Montona leña!
he said and heated the oven. Pile up firewood!
00:10:40.060 - 00:10:42.470 00:10:42.670 - 00:10:44.330

Nishpa nin. ¡Yantakta muntunay! Alli nishpa

Ni-shpa ni-n Yanta-kta muntuna-y alli ni-shpa
say-SUBIS say-3 firewood-ACC pile-IMP good say-SUBIS
Diciendo le dijo ¡Montona leña! Bueno, dijo,
he said. Gather firewood! Good, he said.
00:10:44.640 - 00:10:46.200 00:10:47.250 - 00:10:49.280

Vivuy vivuylla aa, suruqa.

Vivu-y vivu-y-lla aa, suru-qa
live-INF live-INF-RSTR aa, fox-TOP
Vivo vivo El zorro
Live, alive. The fox
00:10:49.590 - 00:10:51.570 00:10:51.940 - 00:10:53.370

Yantakta muntunalun. Hinashpaqa ushnukta pilaqalushpaqa.

Yanta-kta muntuna-lu-n Hinashpa-qa ushnu-kta pilaqa-lu-shpa-qa
firewood-ACC pile-URGT-3 then-TOP oven-ACC build.with,stones-URGT-SUBIS-TOP
montonó leña. Luego, pilcando el horno.
gathered firewood. Then, building the oven,
00:10:53.700 - 00:10:55.860 00:10:56.150 - 00:10:58.260

Kaldiyalachin urnuktaqa ninay ninay.

Kaldi-ya-la-chi-n urnu-kta-qa nina-y nina-y
warm-PROG-URGT-CAUS-3 over-ACC-TOP fire-INF fire-INF
calentaron el horno, fuego, fuego.
they heated the oven, fire, fire.
00:10:58.540 - 00:11:00.820

Ninay ninay kandilay kandilay kakuyan Hinaptinqa nin

Nina-y nina-y kandila-y kandila-y ka-ku-ya-n Hinaptin-qa ni-n
fire-INF fire-INF fire-INF fire-INF be-REFL-PROG-3 then-TOP say-3
Fuego, fuego, candela, candela había Después dijo
There was fire, fire, fire, fire. Luego dijo
00:11:01.120 - 00:11:03.550 00:11:04.180 - 00:11:05.520

¿Ya está listo horno? maymi wawiki nin

may-mi wawi-ki ni-n
where-EVD baby-2 say-3
¿Ya está listo horno? ¿Dónde está tu hijo?
Is the oven ready already? Where is your child?
00:11:05.870 - 00:11:07.320 00:11:07.320 - 00:11:08.310

Kaytraw kay akurdan napish kañalamun

kay-traw kay akurda-n ña-pi-sh kaña-la-mu-n
Aquí está mío también. ¡Quémalo!
00:11:08.760 - 00:11:11.670

Nin. Chayman buynu wak Wak iskinakta hiqaykuptinmi

Ni-n Chay-man buynu wak Wak iskina-kta hiqa-yku-pti-n-mi
say-3 DEM.D-ALL good DEM.D DEM.D corner-ACC go.up-EVCEP-SUBDS-3
dijo. Para allí, bueno ese Cuando subió a esa esquina
he said. There, good, that When he went up to that corner
00:11:12.770 - 00:11:15.720 00:11:15.980 - 00:11:17.940

Puka trakikama wawikiqa kanqa, ninshi

Puka traki-kama wawi-ki-qa ka-nqa nin-shi
red foot-LIM baby-2-TOP be-3.FUT say-3-EVR
Tu hijo va a tener pies rojos, dijo, dicen.
Your child is going to have red feet, he said, they say.
00:11:19.500 - 00:11:21.910

Puka trakikamaña wawikiqa kanqa.

Puka traki-kama-ña wawi-ki-qa ka-nqa
red foot-ALL-DISC baby-2-TOP be-3.FUT
Tu hijo va a tener patas rojas ya.
Your child is going to have red feet already.
00:11:22.630 - 00:11:24.550

Allí iskinakta suru hiqaykuyaptin abrishaq buynu nishpa
Allí iskina-kta suru hiqa-yku-ya-pti-n abri-shaq buynu ni-shpa
good corner-ACC fox go.up-EXCEP-PROG-SUBDS-3 open-1.FUT good say-SUBIS
Cuando el zorro subió allí a la esquina dijo, "Bueno, voy a abrir."
When the fox went up there to the corner, "Good, I'm going to open it," he said.
00:11:25.880 - 00:11:30.260

Kitratamun ushnuktaqa Hinaptin wawinqa lliwchuy lliwchuy trayasha

Kitra-tamu-n ushnu-kta-qa Hinaptin wawi-n-qa lliwchu-y lliwchu-y traya-sha
open-IRREV-3 oven-ACC-TOP then baby-3-TOP cook.-INF cook-INF arrive-PRF
Abrió el horno Después su hijo estaba totalmente cocinado.
He opened the oven. Then, his child was totally cooked.
00:11:30.260 - 00:11:31.920 00:11:32.770 - 00:11:35.560

Kusinadaw kakuyasha. Pachamankahinaña. Pachamankaña.

Kusinadaw ka-ku-ya-sha Pachamanka-hina-ña Pachamanka-ña
cooked be-REFL-PROG-PRF pachamanka-COMP-DISC pachamanka-DISC
Estaba cocinado, como pachamanca ya. Pachamanca ya.
He was cooked, like pachamanca already. Pachamanca already.
00:11:35.800 - 00:11:38.530 00:11:38.950 - 00:11:40.510

Aa, hinaptinqa, ahora sikullay suru Hinaptinmi TK wachwa siñura.

Aa, hinaptinqa ahora siku-lla-y suru hinaptin-mi wachwa siñura
Aa, then-TOP now TK fox then-EVD wachwa señora
Luego, "¡Ahora vas a saber, Zorro!" Después, Señora Wachwa
Then, "Now you're going to get it, fox!" Then, Mrs. Wachwa.
00:11:42.100 - 00:11:47.170 00:11:47.560 - 00:11:51.480

Wachwa siñura mikushaqmi kanan wachwa siñurataq. Mikurushaq alkansarushaq

talishaq maypipis.
Wachwa siñura miku-shaq-mi kanan wachwa siñura-taq Miku-ru-shaq alkansa-ru-shaq
Wachwa señora eat-1.FUT-EVD now wachwa señora-SEQ eat-URGT-1.FUT
Señara Wachwa, ahora voy a comer Señora Wachwa. La voy comer, la voy a
alcanzar, la voy a encontrar donde sea.
Mrs. Wachwa. Now I'm going to eat Mrs. Wachwa. I'm going to eat her, I'm going
to catch up with her, and I'm going to find her wherever.
00:11:51.830 - 00:11:56.670

tali-shaq may-pi-pis
reach-URGT-1.FUT find-1.FUT where-LOC-ADD

Nishpa suruqa kurrikuyan ashiykuyan wachwaktaqa.

Ni-shpa suru-qa kurri-ku-ya-n ashi-yku-ya-n wachwa-kta-qa
say-SUBIS fox-TOP run-REFL-PROG-3 look.for-EXCEP-PROG-3 wachwa-ACC-TOP
dijo el Zorro y estaba corriendo y buscando el Wachwa
said the fox and he was running and looking for the Wachwa.
00:11:57.120 - 00:12:00.010

Qutra patanpi tiyayasha

Qutra pata-n-pi tiya-ya-sha
reservoir bank-3-LOC tiyayashasit-PROG-PRF
Estaba sentado al lado del estanco.
He was sitting at the side of the reservoir.
00:12:00.280 - 00:12:02.410

Qutra patanpash tiyayasha wachwaqa.

Qutra pata-n-pa-sh tiya-ya-sha wachwa-qa
reservoir bank-3-LOC-EVR sit-PROG-PRF wachwa-TOP
El Wachwa estana sentado en la orilla de la laguna.
The Wachwa was sitting on the banks of the lake.
00:12:02.640 - 00:12:05.580

Ahola síkullay, shamuya:mi kanan.

Ahola síku-lla-y shamu-ya-:-mi kanan
now TK come-PROG-1-EVD now
"¡Ahora vas a saber! ¡Ahora estoy viniendo!"
"Now you're going to get it! Now I'm coming!"
00:12:05.880 - 00:12:09.050

Mikushaykim. Imaktam wawi: lulalunki? Pachamankakta.

Miku-shayki-m Ima-kta-m wawi-: lula-lu-nki Pachamanka-kta
eat-1>2-EVD what-ACC-EVD baby-1 make-URGT-2 Pachamanka-ACC
"Te voy a comer. ¿Qué has hecho a mi cría? ¿[Lo has hecho] pachamanca?"
"I'm going to eat you. What did you do to my child? Bake him?
00:12:09.050 - 00:12:13.250

nishpa ña sirkaykuptinqa wachwaqa upachu

ni-shpa ña sirka-yku-pti-n-qa wachwa-qa upa-chu
say-SUBIS DISC approach-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP wachwa-TOP dumb-Q
dijo. Ya cuando el Wachwa estaba cerca -- ¿acaso es sonso el Wachwa?
he said. When the Wachwa was close -- Or is the Wachwa stupid?
00:12:16.050 - 00:12:20.200

Alli Lagunaman qutra alli alli grandim qutraqa kayan

Alli Laguna-man qutra all-alli grandi-m qutra-qa ka-ya-n
good lagoon-ALL lake a.lot big-EVD lagoon-TOP be-PROG-3
Hacia una grande laguna, laguna. Bien grande era la laguna.
Towards a big lake, lake. The lake was really big.
00:12:21.480 - 00:12:25.520

Chayman pawaykatamun wachwaqa.

Chay-man pawa-yka-tamu-n wachwa-qa.
El Wachwa saltó hacia allí.
The Wachwa jumped towards it.
00:12:26.040 - 00:12:28.480

Ahura sikullay yakuktapis paqwashaqmi. Kay

Ahura siku-lla-y yaku-kta-pis paqwa-shaq-mi Kay
now TK water-ACC-ADD finish-1.FUT-EVD DEM.P
Ahora vas a saber, el agua también voy a acabar. Este
Now you're going to get it! The water, too, I'm going to finish off. This
00:12:29.050 - 00:12:32.370 00:12:32.470 - 00:12:34.880

wachwakta kanan mikuna:paq.

wachwa-kta kanan miku-na-:-paq
wachwa-ACC now eat-NMLZ-1-PURP
ahora para poder comer el Wachwa.
now so I can eat the Wachwa.
00:12:34.960 - 00:12:37.440

Hapishaqmi.Takatakatakatak. Wachwaqa muyurkatrakuyan. qiwi katrakuyan Alli

alli wak
Hapi-shaq-mi Takatakatakatak Wachwa-qa muyu-rkatra-ku-ya-n qiwi-katra-ku-ya-n
grab-1.FUT-EVD Wachwa-TOP turn-FREQ-REFL-PROG-3 twist-FREQ-REFL-PROG-3 good
Lo voy a agarrar. Takatakatakatak estaba moviendo el Wachwa, estaba torciéndose
bien bien allí.
I'm going to grab it! Takatakatakatak. The Wachwa was moving around, twisting
himself well there.
00:12:37.540 - 00:12:43.300

Aligri. Aligri Kushikushalla.

Alli alli wak Aligri. Aligri Kushi-ku-sha-lla
good DEM.D happy happy happy-REFL-PRF-RSTR
Alegre, alegre, alegre no más .
Happy, happy, just happy.
00:12:43.350 - 00:12:46.860

Muyurkatrakuyan kayshinash WW muyurkatrakuyan.

Muyu-rkatra-ku-ya-n kay-shina-sh muyu-rkatra-ku-ya-n
Así estaba dando vuelta, dando vuelta.
He was turning round and round like that.
00:12:47.100 - 00:12:49.550

Atuq yakukta upyakun.

Atuq yaku-kta upya-ku-n
fox water-ACC drink-REFL-3
El Zorro estaba tomando agua.
The fox was drinking water.
00:12:50.190 - 00:12:51.600

upyakuyan Sikintapis pasakuyan yakuqa.

upya-ku-ya-n Siki-n-ta-pis pasa-ku-ya-n yaku-qa
drink-REFL-PROG-3 behind-3-ACC-ADD pass.REFL-PROG-3 water-TOP
Estaba tomando. El agua estaba pasando por su poto.
He was drinking. The water was passing through his behind.
00:12:51.700 - 00:12:55.400

Sikintapis pasakuyan. Upachu ima. Kikin wañutamun.

Siki-n-ta-pis pasa-ku-ya-n Upa-chu ima Kiki-n wañu-tamu-n
behind-3-ACC-ADD pass-REFL-PROG-3 dumb-Q what self-3 die-IRREV-3
Estaba pasando por su poto. ¿Es sonso? El mismo murió.
It was passing through his behind. Is he stupid? He himself died.
00:12:55.510 - 00:12:57.080 00:12:58.630 - 00:13:02.440

Yakukta qutraktapis ni mitadta upyanchu

Yaku-kta qutra-kta-pis ni mitad-ta upya-n-chu
water-ACC lake-ACC-ADD nor half-ACC drink-3-NEG
No había tomado ni la mitad del agua de la laguna.
He didn't drink even half the water in the lake.
00:13:02.470 - 00:13:05.170

Yanqam yanqam piru ishllakta upyaykun ishllakta maypaqtaq

Yanqa-m yanqa-m piru ishlla-kta upya-yku-n ishlla-kta may-paq-taq
lie-EVD lie-EVD but little-ACC drink-EXCEP-3 little-ACC where-ABL-SEQ
Mentira. Poquito no más tomaría poquito no más, poquito no más. ¿De dónde
Lies. He'd drunk just a little, just a little. From where
00:13:05.900 - 00:13:10.390

Paqwanqa tantu agwaktaqa.

Paqwa-nqa tantu agwa-kta-qa
finish-3.FUT so.much water-ACC-TOP
va a acabar tanta agua?
is he going to finish so much water?
00:13:10.470 - 00:13:12.680

Yakuqa qatra qatra lagunatraw wayakuyan.

Yaku qatra qatra laguna-traw waya-ku-ya-n
water dirty dirty lake.LOC fill.with.liquid-REFL-PROG-3
El agua en una laguna muy sucia se había empozado
The water had filled up in a dirty, dirty lake.
00:13:13.190 - 00:13:16.140

Chaypapis wañun wak naqa suruqa. Imachawñapis payqa wañulun?

Chay-pa-pis wañu-n wak na-qa suru-qa Ima-traw-ña-pis pay-qa wañu-lu-n
En allí también murió el Zorro. En que cosa también ya murió
The fox died there, too. Where else did the Fox die?
00:13:17.150 - 00:13:21.350 00:13:21.520 - 00:13:23.570

Mana manam wañuchinankaman Chaypaqqa.

Mana mana-m wañu-chi-na-n-kaman Chay-paq-qa
No, hasta que no lo maten. Después
No, until they don't kill him. Then
00:13:24.650 - 00:13:27.890 00:13:28.000 - 00:13:29.380

Ishkay uvihiru. Ishkay uvihiru

Ishkay uvihiru Ishkay uvihiru
two shepherd two shepherd
Dos ovejeras Dos ovejeras
two shepherdesses. Two shepherdesses.
00:13:30.760 - 00:13:33.150 00:13:33.920 - 00:13:35.430

Pashñakuna. Urquchaw, istansiyatraw yatrayan.

Pashña-kuna Urqu-traw istansiya-traw yatra-ya-n
girl-PL hill-LOC ranch-LOC live-PROG-3
Mujeres Vivían en los cerros, en una estancia.
Girls. They lived in the hills, on a ranch.
00:13:35.640 - 00:13:37.290 00:13:37.440 - 00:13:39.960

Istansiyatraw yatrayan.
Istansiya-traw yatra-ya-n
ranch-LOC live-PROG-3
Vivían en una estancia.
They lived on a ranch.
00:13:40.520 - 00:13:41.750

Hinaptinshi, tutalla maqtaqa trayan tukuy tukuy yuraq kamisayuq

Hinaptin-shi tuta-lla maqta-qa traya-n tukuy tukuy yuraq kamisa-yuq
then-EVR night-RSTR arrive-3 white shirt-POSS
Después, llegó un joven de noche, muy guapo con una camisa blanca.
Then, a young man arrived at night, handsome with a white shirt.
00:13:42.080 - 00:13:47.970

Tishnu. Asul intiyru tishnukusha. trawpi tutalla

Tishnu Asul intiyru tishnu-ku-sha trawpi tuta-lla
suit blue complete suit-REFL-PRF middle night-RSTR
Un terno. Llevaba un terno enteramente de azul. Media noche no más
A suit. He was dressed in an entirely bluw suit. Just at midnight
00:13:48.020 - 00:13:51.370 00:13:51.630 - 00:13:53.200
Ña manisiq sirka las tris las kwatru
Ya manisi-q sirka las tris las kwatru
wake.up-AG close the three the four
Ya ha manecido cerca las tres las cuatro ya
It dawned close to three or four o'clock.
00:13:53.310 - 00:13:56.680

Likuyanña likuyanña likuyanña.

Liku-ya-n-ña liku-ya-n-ña liku-ya-n-ña
Ya estaban yendo, yendo ya, yendo.
They were going already, going already, going.
00:13:56.780 - 00:13:58.940

Lluqsikuyanñam. ¿Ima? Chaypaq limanakulun pashñakunaqa.

Lluqsi-ku-ya-n-ña-m Ima Chay-paq lima-naku-lu-n pashña-kuna-qa
go.out-REFL-PROG-3-DISC-EVD what DEM.D-ABL talk-RECIP-URGT-3 girl-PL-TOP
Ya estaban saliendo- ¿Qué? De allí, las chicas se hablaron.
They were already leaving. What? Them the girls were talking to each other.
00:13:58.980 - 00:14:02.420 00:14:02.480 - 00:14:04.220

¿Imayna manam manisinchu?

Imayna mana-m manisi-n-chu
how no-EVD wake.up-3-NEG
¿Por qué no despierta?
Why doesn't it wake up?
00:14:04.620 - 00:14:06.970

Hapilushun. Manisilachishun.
Hapi-lu-shun Manisi-la-chi-shun
grab-URGT-1.FUT wake.up-URGT-CAUS-1PL.FUT
Lo vamos a agarrar. Lo vamos a hacer despertar.
We're going to grab it. We're going to make it wake up.
00:14:07.350 - 00:14:09.830

Manisilachishun ninshi.
Manisi-la-chi-shun ni-n-shi
wake.up-URGT-CAUS-1PL.FUT say-3-EVR
Vamos a hacerlo despertar
We're going to make it wake up.
00:14:10.350 - 00:14:11.830

Manisin. Mayyy kasa chayqa na hintil.

Manisi-n Mayyy ka-sa chay-qa na hintil.
wake.up-3 what be-PRF DEM.D-TOP DMY ancestor
Se despertó. ¿Dónde? Era gentil.
It woke up. Where? It was an ancestor.
00:14:12.320 - 00:14:20.930

Hintil manisichiptinqa shall!

Hintil manisi-chi-pti-n-qa sh-all
ancestor wake.up-CAUS-SUBDS-3-TOP EVR-EMPH
Cuando hicieron despertar el gentil, ¡Shall!
When they woke the ancestor, Shall!
00:14:22.160 - 00:14:26.460

Nishpa shuntukatamun maqtaqa.

Ni-shpa shuntu-ka-tamu-n maqta-qa
say-SUBIS gather-REFL-IRREV-3
Dijo y recogió el joven.
said the young man and gathered it up.
00:14:27.060 - 00:14:30.490

Chayqa. Kañakatamun tulluktaqa kañalun

Chay-qa Kaña-ka-tamu-n tullu-kta-qa kaña-lu-n
DEM.D-TOP burn-REFL-IRREV-3 bone-ACC-TOP burn-URGT-3
Ese. Quemaron los huesos. Los quemaron.
That. They burned the bones. They burned them.
00:14:31.520 - 00:14:35.520

Chaypaqpis, kawsarishash
Chay-paq-pis kawsa-ri-sha-sh
Después, revivió.
Then, it came back to life.
00:14:36.560 - 00:14:40.320

Imapaqmi kañamalanki ñuqa tutaq yapa trayatamun?

Ima-paq-mi kaña-ma-la-nki ñuqa tuta-q yapa traya-tamu-n
why-EVD burn-1.OBJ-PST-2 1 night-TOP again arrive-IRREV-3
¿Por qué me quemaste? Yo anoche vuelta había llegado.
Why did you burn me? Last night I arrived again.
00:14:40.730 - 00:14:43.600

Tutaq trayatamun yapa maqtaqa pashñamanqa.

Tuta-q traya-tamu-n yapa maqta-qa pashña-man-qa
night-TOP arrive-IRREV-3 again girl-ALL-TOP
De noche vuelta había llegado el hombre donde las chicas.
The young man had come again at night to the girls.
00:14:43.740 - 00:14:47.460

Na, ¿kañamalanki imapaqmi? Ñuqam kala:.
Na, kaña-ma-la-nki imapaq-mi ñuqa-m ka-la-:
DMY burn-1,OBJ-PST-2 why-EVD 1-EVD be-PST-1
¿Por qué me quemaste? Era yo.
Why did you burn me? It was me.
00:14:48.800 - 00:14:52.090

Ñuqamik kala: ninshi. Hintil hintil hatalishpa.

Ñuqa-mi-k ka-la-: ni-n-shi Hintil hintil hatali-shpa
1-EVD-K be-PST-1 say-3-EVR ancestor ancestor wake-SUBIS
"Era yo", dijo el gentil, gentil, despertándose.
"It was me," said the ancestor, ancestor, when he woke up.
00:14:52.360 - 00:14:57.890

Manam. Imanapis ingañalun unayqa Dios miyu.

Mana-m Imana-pis ingaña-lu-n unay-qa
no-EVD how-ADD trick-URGT-3 before-TOP
No. Antes engañaban como sea. Dios mío
No. Before, they tricked them any which way. My God.
00:14:58.470 - 00:15:04.400

Asu machu atrqaypis. Pashñamantaq lisha.

Asu machu atrqay-pis Pashña-man-taq li-sha.
Oh my eagle-ADD girl-ALL-SEQ go-PRF
Aso macho. Aguila también. se fue donde una chica.
My goodness. The Eagle, too. went to a girl.
00:15:05.550 - 00:15:08.700 00:15:08.740 - 00:15:10.140

Pashñamanqa lisha tishnukusha. Asul. Tishnu intiyru.

Pashña-man-qa li-sha tishnu-ku-sha Asul Tishnu intiyru
girl-ALL-TOP go-PRF suit-REFL-PRF blue suit complete
Se fue con terno donde la chica. Azul. Un terno entero.
He went in a suit to the girl. Blue. A complete suit,
00:15:10.470 - 00:15:13.870 00:15:14.500 - 00:15:17.220

Tuta trayaykuyan tuta trayaykuyan hinashpash pashñakta nin,

Tuta traya-yku-ya-n tuta traya-yku-ya-n hinashpa-sh pashña-kta ni-n
night arrive-EXCEP-PROG-3 night arrive-EXCEP-PROG-3 then-EVR girl-ACC-TOP say-3
Noche no más llegó. Noche no más llegó. Luego dijo a la chica.
He arrived at night. He arrived at night. Then he said to the girl
00:15:18.070 - 00:15:21.420

Imayna tutalla trayamunki?

Imayna tuta-lla traya-mu-nki
how night-RSTR arrive-CISL-2
¿Por qué vienes noche no más?
Why do you come only at night?
00:15:21.480 - 00:15:23.390

Imayna mana kidanchikchu kidachuwanchu ishkaylla: kayapti:qa nin

Imayna mana kida-nchik-chu kida-chuwan-chu ishkay-lla-: ka-ya-pti-:-qa ni-n
how no stay-1PL-NEG stay-1PL.COND-Q two-RSTR-1 be-PROG-SUBDS-1-TOP say-3
¿Por qué no nos quedamos? Podemos quedarnos cuando estamos los dos no más.
Why don't we stay? We could stay when there's just the two of us.
00:15:23.530 - 00:15:27.050

Ishkaylla: kidachuwantri nin. Manam.

Ishkay-lla-: kida-chuwan-tri ni-n Mana-m
two-RSTR-1 stay-1PL.COND-EVC say-3 no-EVD
'Podríamos quedarnos los dos', dijo. No.
"The two of us could stay," he said. No,
00:15:27.180 - 00:15:30.540

Manam. Millwaktam ñuqa lutupaku: diyariyu.

mana-m Millwa-kta-m ñuqa lutu-paku-: diyariyu
no-EVD wool-ACC-EVD 1 sheer-MUTBEN-1 daily
No. Yo trasquilo lana todos los días.
No. I sheer wool every day.
00:15:31.300 - 00:15:34.090

Puchkakunaykipaq icha hamunki.

Puchka-ku-na-yki-paq icha hamu-nki
spin-REFL-NMLZ-2-PURP or come-2
Vas a venir para que hiles.
Come so that you can spin it.
00:15:34.560 - 00:15:36.800

Puchkakunaykipaq shamunki millwa qushayki.

Puchka-ku-na-yki-paq shamu-nki millwa qu-shayki
spin-REFL-NMLZ-2-PURP come-2 wool give-1>2.FUT
Vas a venir para que hiles. Te voy a dar lana.
Come so that you can spin it. I'm going to give you wool.
00:15:37.430 - 00:15:39.340

Iskundidu ninshi.
Iskundidu ni-n-shi
hidden say-3-EVR
Escondido, dijo.
In secret, he said.
00:15:39.790 - 00:15:41.160

Hinashpa chay puntraw aa, tal partipam kashaq nin

Hinashpa chay puntraw aa, tal parti-pa-m ka-shaq ni-n
then DEM.D day aa, such place-LOC-EVD be-1.FUT say-3
Después, ese día, aa, voy a estar en tal sitio, dijo.
Then, that day, um, I'm going to be in such place.
00:15:41.420 - 00:15:44.670

Urqupa [?]kuptinqa rasun hinaptinshi asirkalun.

Urqu-pa [?]-refl-SUBDS-3-TOP] rasun hinaptin-shi asirka-lu-n
hill-LOC -EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP reason then-EVR approach-URGT-3
Cuando [?] en el cerro, verdad, luego le acercó.
When she [?]ed in the hills, in truth, then, it approached.
00:15:44.760 - 00:15:47.690

trayaptin trayaluptinqa. Atrqay kasha. hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha

traya-pti-n traya-lu-pti-n-qa Atrqay ka-sha
arrive-SUBDS-3 arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP eagle be-PRF
Cuando llegó, cuando llegó, era águila. hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha
When it arrived, when it arrived, it was an eagle. hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha
00:15:48.080 - 00:15:50.930 00:15:51.270 - 00:15:56.050

Nishpa millwaktaqa tishakuyan kayna hitakuyan millwaktaqa

Ni-shpa millwa-kta-qa tisha-ku-ya-n kay-na hita-ku-ya-n millwa-kta-qa
dijo mientras estaba jalando lana así. Estaba botando lana.
he said while he was pulling wool like this, He was tossing the wool
00:15:56.840 - 00:16:00.380

00:16:01.290 - 00:16:02.450

Tishakuyan millwaktaqa wakhina hitakuyan.

tisha-ku-ya-n millwa-kta-qa wak-hina hita-ku-ya-n
Estaba jalando lana así. Estaba botándolo.
He was pulling wool like that. He was tossing it.
00:16:03.150 - 00:16:05.350

Pashña lawman likayan pashñakunakta.

Pashña law-man lika-ya-n pashña-kuna-kta
girl side-ALL look-PROG-3 girl-PL-ACC-
Estaba mirando hacia donde la chica, a las chicas.
He was looking over towards the girls, at the girls.
00:16:05.350 - 00:16:07.490

Chikakunakta likakuyan. Piru chaypa yapa tuta trayalun

Chika-kuna-kta lika-ku-ya-n Piru chay-pa yapa tuta traya-lu-n
girl-PL-ACC look-REFL-PROG-3 but DEM.D-LOC again night arrive-URGT-3
Estaba mirando a las chicas. Pero noche de nuevo llegó
He was looking at the girls. But night again arrived.
00:16:07.980 - 00:16:09.580 00:16:10.510 - 00:16:12.850

Mintirusu, ingañusu, yanqa yanqa pulichimanki.

Mintirusu ingañusu yanqa yanqa puli-chi-ma-nki
liar trickster lie lie walk-CAUS-1.OBJ-2
'¡Mentiroso! ¡Engañoso! Por gusto me haces andar.'
"Liar! Trickster! You make me walk about for the heck of it."
00:16:13.390 - 00:16:16.900

Nishpa nin. ¿Imayna manam asirkamalankichu?

Ni-shpa ni-n Imayna mana-m asirka-ma-la-nki-chu
say-SUBIS say-3 how no-EVD approach-1.OBJ-PST-2-NEG
dijo. "¿Por qué no me acercaste?"
she said. "Why didn't you come near me?"
00:16:17.100 - 00:16:21.120

Chayqa millwaktaqa wikapayamu: yataykiman wikapayaTK

Chay-qa millwa-kta-qa wika-pa-ya-mu-: yata-yki-man wika-pa-ya-
DEM.D-TOP wool-ACC-TOP toss-BEN-PROG-CISL-1 side-2-ALL toss-BEN-PROG-
Estaba botando esa lana. Estaba botando hacia tu lado.
I was tossing that wool. I was tossing it next to you.
00:16:21.440 - 00:16:24.240 00:16:24.240 - 00:16:25.520

¿Imayna manam huñunkichu? ¿Imayna manam kustalnikiman winakunkichu?

Imayna mana-m huñu-nki-chu Imayna mana-m kustal-ni-ki-man wina-ku-nki-chu
how no-EVD gather-2-NEG how no-EVD sack-EUPH-2-ALL
¿Por qué no lo recojiste? Por qué no lo echaste en un costal?
Why didn't you gather it up? Why didn't you toss it into a sack?
00:16:25.810 - 00:16:28.860

Winakunkimantriki ninshi.
Wina-ku-nki-man-tri-ki ni-n-shi say-3-EVR
'Hubieras podido echarlo', dijo, dicen.
'You could fill it," he said, they say.
00:16:30.560 - 00:16:33.290

'¡Mintirusu! Atrqaylla chay pampachawqa'.

Mintirusu Atrqay-lla chay pampa-traw-qa
liar eagle-RSTR DEM.D pampa-LOC-TOP
'¡Mentiroso! Un águila no más [había] en la pampa'.
"Liar! [There was] just an eagle on the floor."
00:16:33.840 - 00:16:36.950
'"¡Haha! ¡Haha!" Millwakta tishasha. Millwakta qala TK tishasha. Millwaktaqa
kayhina hitasha'. Hinashpaqa
Qaqa qaqa millwa-kta tisha-sha Millwa qala tisha-sha Millwa-kta-qa kay-hina
Qaqa qaqa wool-ACC pull-PRF wool qala pull-PRF wool-ACC-TOP DEM.P-COMP toss-PRF
'"¡Haha! ¡Haha!" Jalaba lana. Jalaba lana. Botaba lana así.' Luego,
"'Haha! Haha! It pulled wool. It pulled wool and tossed it like this." Then
00:16:37.110 - 00:16:43.550

'Hitasha kayhina. Tishalushpa hitasha'.

hita-sha hinashpa-qa Hita-sha kay-hina tisha-lu-shpa hita-sha
then-TOP toss-PRF DEM.P-COMP pull-URGT-SUBIS toss-PRF
'Botaba así. Jalando botaba'.
"He tossed it like this. He pulled it and tossed it."
00:16:43.790 - 00:16:46.750

'Aa, ñuqamik chayqa kala:'. 'Ñuqam kala:', ninshi. Gracioso.

Aa, ñuqa-mi-k chay-qa ka-la-: Ñuqa-m ka-la-: ni-n-shi Gracioso
Aa, 1-EVD-K DEM.D-TOP be-PST-1 1-EVD be-PST-1 say-3-EVR funny
'Aa, ése era yo'. 'Era yo', dijo, dicen. Gracioso.
"Aa, that was me." 'It was me," he said, they say. Funny.
00:16:48.620 - 00:16:51.350 00:16:52.350 - 00:16:55.440

Chaypaq hapilushpa Hinaptinshi trayaluptinqa tutaqa nan

Chay-paq hapi-lu-shpa Hinaptin-shi traya-lu-pti-n-qa tuta-qa na-n
DEM.D-ABL grab-URGT-SUBIS then-EVR arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP night-TOP DMY-3
Después, agarrando Luego, cuando llegó noche
Then, grabbing it, Then, when he arrived at night
00:16:55.920 - 00:16:59.120 00:16:59.390 - 00:17:02.500

Atrqayta wañuchinshi.
Atrqay-ta wañu-chi-n-shi
eagle-ACC die-CAUS-3-EVR
mataron el águila.
they killed the eagle.
00:17:03.700 - 00:17:06.490

Wañuy tuta trayaluptin ñuqa kala: nishpa niptinqa.

wañu-y tuta traya-lu-pti-n ñuqa ka-la-: ni-shpa ni-pti-n-qa
die-INF night arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3 1 be-PST-1 say-SUBIS say-SUBDS-3-TOP
Cuando llegó en noche de luna muerta, diciendo, 'Era yo'.
When he arrived a moonless night, saying, "That was me,"
00:17:06.570 - 00:17:09.800

Ingañaw imaynapis
Ingañaw imayna-pis
tricked how-ADD
Engañado como sea.
Tricked any way.
00:17:11.780 - 00:17:14.820

Unayqa ingañum kala. Imaynapis ingañush unayqa kala.

Unay-qa ingañu-m ka-la Imayna-pis ingañu-sh unay-qa ka-la
before-TOP trick-EVD be-PST how-ADD trick-EVR before-TOP be-PST
Antes habían engaños. Como sea antes habían engaños, dicen.
There were tricks before. However, there were tricks before, they say.
00:17:14.910 - 00:17:19.360

Allqupis ingañala pashñakta.

Allqu-pis ingaña-la pashña-kta
dog-ADD trick-PST girl-ACC
El Perro también engañó a una chica.
The Dog, too, tricked a girl.
00:17:20.250 - 00:17:23.410

Allqupis ingañashash pashñakta.

Allqu-pis ingaña-sha-sh pashña-kta
dog-ADD trick-PRF-EVR girl-ACC
El Perro también engañaba a una chica, dicen.
The Dog, too, tricked a girl, they say.
00:17:24.140 - 00:17:26.420

Chay uvihiruman kampupa ushiruqa kampupa imam pashñakunaqa ushirukunaqa yatran.

Chay uvihiru-man kampu-pa ushiru-qa kampu-pa ima-m pashña-kuna-qa ushiru-kuna-qa
DEM.D shepherd-ALL country.side-LOC shepherd-TOP country.side-LOC what-EVD
A una ovejera en el campo, una ovejera. En el campo, ¿qué?, vivían las chicas,
las ovejeras.
A shepherdess in the countryside, a shepherdess. They girls, what, the
shepherdesses lived in the countryside.
00:17:27.250 - 00:17:32.050

girl-PL-TOP shepherd-PL-TOP live-3

¿Mayman chay allqu allquqa tuta trayalun?

May-man chay allqu allqu-qa tuta traya-lu-n
where-ALL DEM.D dog dog-TOP night arrive-URGT-3
¿A donde llegó ese perro, el perro de noche?
Where did that dog, the dog arrive at night?
00:17:33.450 - 00:17:37.730

Luna ya piru trayayan lunal

Luna ya piru traya-ya-n luna
person EMPH but arrive-PROG-3 person
Una persona, ya, pero, llegó. Una persona.
A person, though, arrived. A person.
00:17:38.210 - 00:17:40.400

Ushaykikta muyukachishpam kamputraw dañuchu manamik ka

Usha-yki-kta muyu-ka-chi-shpa-m kampu-traw dañu-chu mana-mi-k ka
sheep-2-ACC turn-REFL-CAUS-SUBIS-EVD country.side-LOC damage-NEG no-EVD-K be
Cuando haces dar vuelta a tus ovejas en el campo, no hay daño.
When you circulate your sheep in the countryside, there's no damage.
00:17:41.470 - 00:17:46.150

kachun kampupi pastu naturalpam puliyan uywaqa

kachu-n kampu-pi pastu natural-pa-m puli-ya-n uywa-qa
country.side-LOC pasture.grass natural-LOC-EVD walk-PROG-3 sheep-TOP
Las ovejas están andando en pasto natural en el campo.
They sheep are walking about in natural pasture grass in the countryside.
00:17:46.310 - 00:17:49.040

They'll wander about.
00:17:49.140 - 00:17:50.200

'Shamunki. Ristawranti ristawrantipim trabaha:', ninshi.

Shamu-nki Ristawranti ristawranti-pi-m trabaha-: ni-n-shi
come-2 restaurant restaurant-LOC-EVD work-1 say-3-EVR
Vas a venir. Yo trabajo en un restaurante, en un retaurante, dijo, dicen.
You'll come. I work in a restaurant, in a restaurant, he said, they say.
00:17:50.240 - 00:17:53.940

'Tantuktam ganaku:. Shamunki. Qushayki chaypa'.

tantu-kta-m gana-ku-: shamu-nki qu-shayki chay-pa
ao.much-ACC-EVD earn-REFL-1 come-2 give-1>2.FUT DEM.D-LOC
'Gano tanto. Vas a venir. Te lo voy a dar allí'.
"I earn so much. You'll come. I'll give you [some] there."
00:17:54.630 - 00:17:58.020

'Buyna prisam qushayki', ninshi.

Buyna prisam qu-shayki ni-n-shi
good portion-EVD give-1>2.FUT say-3-EVR
'Te voy a dar una buena presa', dijo, dicen.
"I'm going to give you a good piece of meat," he said, they say.
00:17:58.440 - 00:18:01.490
Gracioso. Chaywan 'Watrakuykikta apashaq', ninshi.
Gracioso. Chay-wan Watraku-yki-kta apa-shaq ni-n-shi
funny DEM.D-INSTR sash-2-ACC bring-1.FUT say-3-EVR
Gracioso. Con eso 'Voy a llevar tu faja', dijo, dicen.
Funny. With that, "I'm going to take your sash," he said, they say.
00:18:02.020 - 00:18:04.400 00:18:04.590 - 00:18:07.260

allquqa. 'Watrakuykikta apashaq', nin.

allqu-qa Watraku-yki-kta apa-shaq ni-n
dog-TOP sash-2-ACC bring-1.FUT say-3
el Perro. 'Voy a llevar tu faja', dijo.
the Dog. "I'm going to take your sash," he said.
00:18:08.580 - 00:18:10.600

Pashñakunapa watrakuntaqa apatamun.

Pashña-kuna-pa watraku-n-ta-qa apa-tamu-n
girl-PL-GEN sash-3-ACC-TOP bring-IRREV-3
Llevó la faja de la chica.
He took the girl's sash.
00:18:10.890 - 00:18:13.330

Kada unu. Ishkay alqu urqukama ishkay allqu. Ishkay pashñakunallashá

Kada unu Ishkay alqu urqu-kama ishkay allqu. Ishkay pashña-kuna-lla-shá
each one two dog hill-LIM two dog two girl-PL-RSTR-EVR-INTENS
Cada uno. Dos perros machos, dos perros. Dos chicas no más, pues, dicen.
Each one. Two make dogs, two dogs. Just two girls, then, they say.
00:18:13.720 - 00:18:17.790

Watrakukta watraku watraku kaypa sutin watraku kaypam watraku sutin

Watraku-kta watraku watraku kay-pa suti-n watraku kay-pa-m watraku suti-n
sash-ACC sash sash DEM.P-LOC name-3 sash DEM.P-LOC-EVD sash sutin
'Watraku', 'watraku', 'watraku' aquí se llama 'watraku'. 'Watraku' se
"Watraku," 'watraku," "watraku" here it's called 'watraku." "Watraku" it's
00:18:18.280 - 00:18:23.620

Kay wiqawni:pa watarayan. Chay watrakusha.

Kay wiqaw-ni-:-pa wata-raya-n Chay watraku-sha
DEM.D waist-EUPH-1-LOC tie-PASS-3 DEM.D sash-PRF
Está amarrado en mi cintura. Estaba amarrado.
It's tied on my waist. It was tied.
00:18:23.620 - 00:18:25.270 00:18:25.400 - 00:18:26.570

trayatamun ristawrantikta. Ristawrantikta trayaluptinqa

traya-tamu-n ristawranti-kta Ristawranti-kta traya-lu-pti-n-qa
arrive-IRREV-3 restaurant-ACC restaurant-ACC arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
Llegó al restaurante. Cuando llegó al restaurante,
SHe arrived at the restaurant. When she arrived at the restaurant,
00:18:28.650 - 00:18:30.420 00:18:31.580 - 00:18:33.410

kay watrakun
kay watraku-n
DEM.P sash-3
su faja
her sash
00:18:33.850 - 00:18:36.060

Pashñapa watrakun watrkakusha allqu kurrikatrakuyan ukuchaw.

Pashña-pa watraku-n watrkaku-sha allqu kurrikatra-ku-ya-n uku-traw
girl-GEN sash-3 sash-REFL-PRF dog run-FREQ-PROG-3 inside-LOC
la faja de la chica. El Perro estaba con la faja correteando allí adentro.
the girl's sash. The Dog was wearing the sash running wround there inside.
00:18:36.070 - 00:18:39.810

Tullun apakusha. Chay pashña pashñakta likalushpaqa

Tullu-n apa-ku-sha Chay pashña pashña-kta lika-lu-shpa-qa
bone-3 bring-REFL-PRF DEM.D girl girl-ACC see-URGT-SUBIS-TOP
Llevó su hueso. Mirando a la chica
He brought his bone. Looking at the girl,
00:18:40.810 - 00:18:45.030

Chay pashñapa dirichumanshi tullukta apakuyan llapa.

Chay pashña-pa dirichu-man-shi tullu-kta apa-ku-ya-n llapa
DEM.D girl-GEN right-ALL-EVR bone-ACC bring-REFL-PROG-3 all
Estaba llevando el hueso a la derecha de la chica.
He was bringing the bone to the right of the girl.
00:18:45.210 - 00:18:47.810

Mikuqpaq tullunta apakuyanña

Miku-q-paq tullu-n-ta apa-ku-ya-n-ña
eat-AG-ABL bone-3-ACC bring-REFL-PROG-3-DISC
Estaba llevando ya el hueso de su comida.
He was bringing the bone from his food.
00:18:48.000 - 00:18:50.800

Pashñanpa dilantinman muntunayan.

Pashña-n-pa dilanti-n-man muntuna-ya-n
girl-3-GEN front-3-ALL pile.up-PROG-3
Lo estaba montonando delante de la chica.
He was piling it up in front of the girl.
00:18:50.960 - 00:18:53.150
¿Ima diyablutaq kay allquktaqa pasan?
Ima diyablu-taq kay allqu-kta-qa pasa-n
what Devil-SEQ DEM.P dog-ACC-TOP pass-3
¿Qué diablos le pasa a este perro?
What the hell is happening to this dog?
00:18:53.600 - 00:18:55.490

Imam ... ¿mal agwiruchu wikiyachu? ¿Imataq kay allquqa?

Ima-m mal agwiru-chu wikiya-chu ima-taq kay allqu-qa
what-EVD bad omen-Q bad.omen-Q what-SEQ DEM.P dog-TOP
¿Qué? ¿Mal aguero o wikia? ¿Qué es este perro?
What? A bad omen or a bad sign? What is this dog?
00:18:55.840 - 00:18:59.110

Napaq tullukta ashtamunanpaq.

Na-paq tullu-kta ashta-mu-na-n-paq
Para ... para trasladar el hueso.
To ... to move the bone.
00:18:59.430 - 00:19:01.490

¿Allqumasintrik kayanchik imataq ñuqanchikqa?

Allqu-masi-nchik ka-ya-nchik ima-taq ñuqanchik-qa
dog-PART-1PL be-PROG-1PL what-SEQ 1PL-TOP
¿Qué somos nosotros? ¿Somos los prójimos de los perros?
What are we? Are we the fellows of the dogs?
00:19:01.720 - 00:19:03.890

Nishpash pashñakunaqa limanakun.

Ni-shpa-sh pashña-kuna-qa lima-naku-n
say-SUBIS-EVR girl-PL-TOP talk-RECIP-3
dijeron las chicas. Se hablaron.
they said. The girls talked to each other.
00:19:04.090 - 00:19:05.640

Chaypaq trayalun tuta yapa trayalun.

Chay-paq traya-lu-n tuta yapa traya-lu-n
DEM.D-ABL arrive-URGT-3 night again arrive-URGT-3
Después, llegó en la noche. Otra vez llegó.
Then, he arrived at night. He arrived again.
00:19:08.410 - 00:19:12.510

'¿Imayna manam shamulankichu? Buyna prisa

Imayna mana-m shamu-la-nki-chu Buyna prisa
how no-EVD come-PST-2-NEG good piece
'¿Cómo no veniste? Buena presa
"Why didn't you come? A good piece of meat
00:19:13.020 - 00:19:14.470 00:19:14.990 - 00:19:16.630

Ñuqaqa quykiman kala. Apakunaykipaq'.

Ñuqa-qa qu-yki-man ka-la Apa-ku-na-yki-paq
1-TOP give-1>2-COND be-PST bring-REFL-NMLZ-2-PURP
yo te hubiera dado. Para que lo lleves'.
I would have given you. So you could take it."
00:19:16.910 - 00:19:19.700

'Ay, ¡Dios miyu! ¡Sin virgwinsa! Allqumasikiman

Ay, Dios miyu sin virgwinsa. Allqu-masi-ki-man
Ay, God mine without shame dog-PART-2-ALL
'Ay, ¡Dios mío! ¡Sin verguenza! Para tu compadre perro.
"Ay, my God! Shameless! On your fellow dog
00:19:21.810 - 00:19:24.800 00:19:25.050 - 00:19:26.360

Watraku:ta watalulanki. Watraku: watrakukusham'.

watraku-:-ta wata-lu-la-nki watraku-: watraku-ku-sha-m
sash-1-ACC tie-URGT-PST-2 sash-1 sash-REFL-PRF-EVD
Amarraste mi faja Mi faja estaba amarrada
You tied my sash My sash was tied
00:19:26.520 - 00:19:28.030 00:19:28.200 - 00:19:29.960

Allquykiqa kurrikatrayarqa WW ristawrantichaw.

Allqu-yki-qa kurri-katra-ya-rqa ristawranti-traw
dog-2-TOP run-FREQ-PROG-PST restaurant-LOC
Tu perro estaba corriendo en el restaurante.
Your dog was running around in the restaurant.
00:19:30.150 - 00:19:32.970

Tullukuna dilanti:man muntunakayamun.

Tullu-kuna dilanti-:-man muntuna-ka-ya-mu-n
bone-PL front-1-ALL pile.up-REFL-PROG-CISL-3
Huesos estaban montonado delante de mí.
Bones were piling up in front of me.
00:19:33.180 - 00:19:35.620

¿Imapaqmi allqumasikiman watalamulanki?

Imapaq-mi allqu-masi-ki-man wata-la-mu-la-nki
why-EVD dog-PART-2-ALL tie-URGT-CISL-PST-2
¿Por qué lo amarraste a tu compadre perro?
Why did you tie it to your fellow dog?
00:19:36.210 - 00:19:39.000

¿Maymi watraku:? ¡Apuray intrigamay!' ninshi.
May-mi watraku-: Apura-y intriga-ma-y ni-n-shi
where-EVD sash-1 hurry-IMP turn.over-1.OBJ-IMP say-3-EVR
¿Donde está mi faja? ¡Entrégamelo rápido!' dijo, dicen.
Where is my sash? Hand it over to me quickly!" she said, they say.
00:19:39.260 - 00:19:42.080

'¡Shamuylaq tulluman! Naman.

Shamu-y-laq tullu-man na-man
'¡Venga todavía para hueso!
"Come still for a bone!
00:19:42.570 - 00:19:45.830

Prisa apakusha shamuylaq WW chayllam intrigashayki'.

Prisa apa-ku-sha shamu-y-laq chay-lla-m intriga-shayki
piece bring-REFL-PRF come-IMP-CONT DEM.D-RSTR-EVD turn.over-1>2.FUT
Presa trayendo venía en allí te voy a entregar
00:19:45.900 - 00:19:48.750

'¡Apuray! ¡Qumay! ¿Maypitaq chay watrakukta gwardalamunñatriki?'

Apura-y qu-ma-y may-pi-taq chay watraku-kta
hurry-IMP give-1.OBJ-IMP where-LOC-SEQ DEM.D sash-ACC-
'¡Rápido! ¡Dámelo! ¿Dónde habrá guardado ya mi faja?'
"Quickly! Give it to me! Where would he have saved my sash?"
00:19:49.000 - 00:19:52.910


Allquqa gwardala maytrawñatr wasinchawñatr

Allqu-qa gwarda-la may-traw-ña-tr wasi-n-traw-ña-tr
dog-TOP save-PST where-LOC-DISC-EVC house-3-LOC-DISC-EVC
¿El Perro lo habrá guardado dónde? ¿En su casa?
The dog would have saved it where? In his house?
00:19:52.980 - 00:19:55.320

Dwiñumanñachu gwardamun. ¿Imahinatrik chay?

Dwiñu-man-ña-tr gwarda-mu-n ima-hina-tri-k chay
owner-ALL-DISC-EVC save-CISL-3 what-COMP-EVC-K DEM.D
Lo habrá guardado para su dueño ya. ¿Cómo sería?
He would have saved it towards his owner. How would it be?
00:19:55.680 - 00:19:58.260

Chaynam. Dispuys yapapis trayaluntaq yapapis trayalun

Chay-na-m Dispuys yapa-pis traya-lu-n-taq yapa-pis traya-lu-n
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD after again-ADD arrive-URGT-3-SEQ again-ADD arrive-URGT-3
Así. Después, de vuelta llegó, de vuelta llegó.
Like that. Later, he arrived again. He arrived again.
00:19:59.500 - 00:20:03.670

Allquktaqa urkalunshi pashñakunaqa wañulachinyali.

Allqu-kta-qa urka-lu-n-shi pashña-kuna-qa wañu-la-chi-n-y-ali
Las chicas orcaron al Pero. Lo mataron.
The girls drowned the dog. They killed him.
00:20:04.300 - 00:20:09.590

Me voy a poner mi faja.
I'm going to put on my sash.
00:20:11.300 - 00:20:13.870

Watrakun apakushpa chaytam kutilusha, 'Kayqa watrakuyki', nishpa

Watraku-n apa-ku-shpa chay-ta-m kuti-lu-sha kay-qa watraku-yki ni-shpa
sash-3 bring-REFL-SUBIS DEM.D-ACC-EVD return-URGT-PRF DEM.P-TOP sash-2 say-SUBIS
Llevando su faja llegó. 'Acá está tu faja', dijo.
He arrived bringing her sash. "Here's your sash," he said.
00:20:13.870 - 00:20:18.890

'Qamqa allqum kanki intunsis manam lunachu kanki.

Qam-qa allqu-m ka-nki intunsis mana-m luna-chu ka-nki
2-TOP dog-EVD be-2 so no-EVD person-NEG be-2
'Tú eres perro, entonces. No eres hombre.
"So you're a dog. You're not a man."
00:20:19.880 - 00:20:22.410

"Huvin ka:. Lunam ka:" nimalanki ñuqakta', ninshi.

Huvin ka-: Luna-m ka-: ni-ma-la-nki ñuqa-kta ni-n-shi be-1 person-EVD be-1 say-1.OBJ-PST-2 1-ACC say-3-EVR
"Soy joven. Soy hombre." me dijiste a mi', dijo, dicen.
'I'm a young man. I'm a man,' you said to me," she said, they say.
00:20:22.780 - 00:20:24.380 00:20:24.510 - 00:20:26.520

'"Lunam ka:" nimala'. Chayhinam unay lunakunaqa ingañala.

Luna-m ka-: ni-ma-la. Chay-hina-m unay luna-kuna-qa ingaña-la
person-EVD be-1 say-1.OBJ-PST DEM.D-COMP-EVD before person-PL-TOP trick-PST
'"Yo soy hombre", me dijiste'. Así gente de antes engañaba.
"'I'm a man," you said to me." Like that, people before tricked them.
00:20:27.660 - 00:20:29.780 00:20:30.340 - 00:20:34.420

Animal. Sapukuna, atuqkuna, allqukuna ingañala pashñakta.
Animal Sapu-kuna atuq-kuna allqu-kuna ingaña-la pashña-kta
animal frog-PL fox-PL dog-PL trick-PST girl-ACC
Animales -- sapos, zorros, perros -- engañaron a las chicas.
Animals -- frogs, foxes, dogs -- tricked girls.
00:20:34.480 - 00:20:39.700

Chikakta urqutraw ganawwan yatrakuqta.

Chika-kta urqu-traw ganaw-wan yatra-ku-q-ta
girl-ACC hill-LOC cattle-INSTR live-REFL-AG-ACC
A chicas que vivían en los cerros con su ganado
Girls who lived in the hills with their cattle.
00:20:39.740 - 00:20:42.680

Yachakuqta. Dispuys, huk muchachu huvin kasha huvin.

Yacha-ku-q-ta Dispuys huk muchachu huvin ka-sha huvin
live-REFL-AG-ACC later one boy be-PRF
las que vivían. Después, había un muchacho, un joven, joven.
those who lived [there]. Then, there was a boy, a young man, a young man.
00:20:42.940 - 00:20:48.570

Kural kamputraw istansiyatraw pampatraw ganaw puñuyan pampachaw.

Kural kampu-traw istansiya-traw pampa-traw ganaw puñu-ya-n pampa-traw
coral country.side-LOC ranch-LOC pampa-LOC cattle sleep-PROG-3 pampa-LOC
El ganado estaba durmiendo en un corral, en el campo, en una estancia, en la
pampa, en la pampa.
The cattle was sleeping in a corral in the countryside, on a ranch, on the
pampa, on the pampa.
00:20:49.350 - 00:20:54.870

Chayshi chay ushanpi iskinantraw uchuk chusallam kayan uchuk chusallam

Chay-shi chay usha-n-pi iskina-n-traw uchuk chusa-lla-m ka-ya-n uchuk
DEM.D-EVR DEM.D sheep-3-GEN corner-3-LOC small hut-RSTR-EVD be-PROG-3 small
Después, en el lado de sus borregas había una chosa chiquitita, una chosa
Then, near her sheep there was a little hut, a little hut.
00:20:55.580 - 00:21:01.930

Ushakta tapananpaq atuq manam liyunkuna shamunanpaq.

chusa-lla-m Usha-kta tapa-na-n-paq atuq mana-m liyun-kuna shamu-na-n-paq
hut-RSTR-EVD sheep-ACC cover-NMLZ-3-PURP fox no-EVD lion-PL come-NMLZ-3-PURP
Para que tape sus borregas para que no venga zorro o león.
So she could cover her sheep, so foxes or lions wouldn't come.
00:21:02.350 - 00:21:05.060

Hinaptinshi, "¡Shamuy! ¡Disayunuy!" maman qayan.

Hinaptin-shi Shamu-y Disayunu-y mama-n qaya-n
then-EVR come-IMP breakfast-IMP mother-3 shout-3
Después, '¡Ven! ¡Desayuna!' gritó su mamá.
Then, "Come! Have breakfast!" shouted her mother.
00:21:05.550 - 00:21:09.220

Ashuykuyta munanchu. Ullaktam qumay wak chusapa mikukamuna:paq.

Ashu-yku-y-ta muna-n-chu Ulla-kta-m qu-ma-y wak chusa-pa
approach-EXCEP-INF-ACC want-3-NEG pot-ACC-EVD give-1.OBJ-IMP DEM.D hut-LOC
No quería acercarse. '¡Dame la olla para que coma en esa chosa!
She didn't want to come near. "Give me the pot so I can eat in that hut!
00:21:09.510 - 00:21:15.340


Wakpam pilatasha mikuku:. "¿Imamish mikuku:?" ninshi.

Wak-pa-m pilata-sha miku-ku-: Ima-mish miku-ku-: ni-n-shi
DEM.D-LOC-EVD lie.face.down-PRF eat-REFL-1 how-COMP eat-REFL-1 say-3-EVR
Allá tirado comeré. ¿Cómo comeré?'
I'll eat there lying face down. How will I eat?" she said, they say.
00:21:15.450 - 00:21:20.700

Disayunaq liy munanchu. WW

Disayuna-q li-y muna-n-chu
breakfast-AG go-INF want-3-NEG
No quería ir a comer desayuno.
She didn't want to go eat breakfast.
00:21:21.170 - 00:21:23.060

Almuyrsaqpis. "Almuyrsu listuñam. ¡Shamuy apuraw!

Almuyrsa-q-pis Almuyrsu listu-ña-m Shamu-y apuraw
lunch-AG-ADD lunch ready-DISC-EVD come-IMP quickly
Ni almorzar, tampoco. 'El almuero ya está listo. ¡Rápido ven!
Or lunch, either. "Lunch is already ready! Come quickly!
00:21:23.540 - 00:21:26.220

¡Usha halkunaykipaq shamuy! ¡Almuyrsay!'

Usha halku-na-yki-paq shamu-y Almuyrsa-y
sheep herd-NMLZ-2-PURP come-IMP lunch-IMP
¡Rápido ven para que botes las borregas! ¡Almuerza!'
Come quickly so you can toss out the sheep! Eat lunch!"
00:21:26.580 - 00:21:29.920

nishpa almuysaptinpis
ni-shpa almuysa-pti-n-pis
say-SUBIS lunch-SUBDS-3-ADD
dijo. Cuando almorzó
she said. When she ate lunch
00:21:30.170 - 00:21:31.780

'¡Quykamay! ¡Quykamay! Kayllapiña mikukushaq. Ullaktapis kaypapis kayanmi.

Qu-yka-ma-y qu-yka-ma-y kay-lla-pi-ña miku-ku-shaq ulla-kta-pis kay-pa-pis
'¡Dámelo! ¡Dámelo! Acá no más voy a comer. Acá también está la olla'.
"Give it to me! Give it to me! I'm going to eat right here. Here, too, is the
00:21:31.980 - 00:21:35.670


¡Ulla apamuy!' Ah, chay ullitanta apa...

Ulla apa-mu-y Ah chay ullita-n-ta apa-
pot bring-CISL-IMP aa DEM.D little.pot-3-ACC bring-
¡Tráeme la olla!' Trajo la ollita.
Bring me the pot!" She brought the little pot.
00:21:36.090 - 00:21:38.840

Disayunupis, almuyrsupis, miriynda.

Disayunu-pis almuyrsu-pis miriynda
breakfast-ADD lunch-ADD dinner
Desayuno, almuerzo, cena, también.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, too.
00:21:39.140 - 00:21:40.700

Chayllaman likun ushapa iskinanman kuralpa iskinanpa kampupa ukutraw karupa.

Chay-lla-man li-ku-n usha-pa iskina-n-man kural-pa iskina-n-pa kampu-pa
DEM.D-RSTR-ALL go-REFL-3 sheep-GEN corner-3-ALL coral-GEN corner-3-LOC
Se fue allí no más, hacia la esquina de las ovejas, la esquina del coral, en el
campo, lejos.
She went just there, to where the sheep were, to the corral, to the
countryside, far.
00:21:40.710 - 00:21:45.180

uku-traw karu-pa
country.side-LOC inside-LOC far-LOC

Wasinqa takyakasam TK kayan wak law kayan.

Wasi-n-qa takya-ka-sa-m ka-ya-n wak law ka-ya-n
house-3-TOP accustom-PASSACC-PRF-EVD be-PROG-3 DEM.D side be-PROG-3
Su casa estaba acostumbrada (?). Estaba en aquel lado.
Her house was accustomed (?) - It was over there.
00:21:45.530 - 00:21:48.030

Llinu wasin kayan chayshi

Llinu wasi-n ka-ya-n chay-shi
full house-3 be-PROG-3 DEM.D-EVR
Lleno era su casa y después
Her house was full. Later,
00:21:48.780 - 00:21:51.350

'¿Imapaqtaq wawi:qa wak wasillanman apan mikuytaqa?

Imapaq-taq wawi-:-qa wak wasi-lla-n-man apa-n miku-y-ta-qa
why-SEQ baby-1-TOP DEM.D house-RSTR-3-ALL bring-3 eat-INF-ACC-TOP
'¿Por qué lleva mi hijo comida para su casa no más?
"Why does my child bring food to her house?
00:21:52.550 - 00:21:57.240

¿Imahinataq manam yata:traw? Ñuqawanqa mikuyta munanchu.

Ima-hina-taq mana-m yata-:-traw ñuqa-wan-qa miku-y-ta muna-n-chu
what-COMP-SEQ no-EVD side-1-LOC 1-INSTR-TOP eat-INF-ACC want-3-NEG
¿Por qué no come en mi lado? Conmigo no quiere comer.
Why doesn't she eat at my side? SHe doesn't want to eat with me.
00:21:57.730 - 00:22:01.040

Kuskanchik muku:man almuyrsu. Miriynda:man.'

Kuska-nchik muku-:-man almuyrsu miriynda-:-man
together-1PL eat-1-COND lunch dinner-1-COND
Juntos debemos comer almuerzo. Podemos meriendar'.
We should eat lunch together. We could eat dinner."
00:22:01.070 - 00:22:04.740

No importa. Sinantaq hawkatriki apayanman. Almuerzo, desayuno.

sina-n-taq hawka-tri-ki apa-ya-n-man
supper-3-SEQ peaceful-EVC-KI brinf-PROG-3-COND
No importa. Tranquilo podría llevar su cena. Almuerzo, desayuno.
It's not important. Peacefully, she could bring her supper. Breakfast, lunch.
00:22:04.830 - 00:22:08.050

Llapa llapanta wakman kariyakuyan. Yata:trawqa mikuyta munanchu.

Llapa llapa-n-ta wak-man kariya-ku-ya-n yata-:-traw-qa miku-y-ta muna-n-chu
all all-3-ACC DEM.D-ALL bring-REFL-PROG-3 side-1-LOC-TOP eat-INF-ACC want-3-NEG
Todo llevaba no más para allá 'En mi lado no quiere comer.
She brought everything there. 'She doesn't want to eat next to me.
00:22:08.310 - 00:22:10.140 00:22:10.440 - 00:22:11.960

¿Icha imanapis? ¿imapis wawi:man trayalun?' nishpa.

Icha ima-na-pis ima-pis wawi-:-man traya-lu-n ni-shpa
or what-VRBZ-ADD what-ADD baby-1-ALL arrive-URGT-3 say-SUBIS
¿O qué pasa? ¿Qué también ha llegado a mi hija?' dijo.
Or what's happened? What happened to my child?" she said.
00:22:12.150 - 00:22:15.110

Unaytaña unaytaña ishkay kimsa killatañatr lila siguru.

Unay-ta-ña unay-ta-ña ishkay kimsa killa-ta-ña-tr li-la siguru
before-ACC-DISC before-ACC-DISS two three month-ACC-DISC-EVC go-PST for.sure
Antes, ya, antes, ya. dos, tres meses se fue, seguro.
Before, before. she left for two or three months, for sure.
00:22:15.390 - 00:22:17.310 00:22:17.860 - 00:22:20.760

Kamaqa mastarayanshi. ¿Ima diyantripaqmi, na?

Kama-qa masta-raya-n-shi Ima diyantri-paq-mi na
bed-TOP spread-PASS-3-EVR what TK DMY
La cama estaba tendido, dicen.
The bed was spread out, they say.
00:22:23.860 - 00:22:27.090

Mana ... kamantaqa chay maqtaqa

Mana kama-n-ta-qa chay maqta-qa
no bed-3-ACC-TOP DEM.D
'No ... la cama de ese joven.
No ... the young man's bed.
00:22:27.360 - 00:22:29.630

nanchu. ni rikuhinchu. Dublakunmantri kamantaq

na-n-chu ni rikuhi-n-chu Dubla-ku-n-man-tri kama-n-taq
DMY-3-NEG nor collect-3-NEG fold-REFL-3-COND-EVC bed-3-ACC
Ese. Ni recoje. Hubiera podido doblar su cama.
That. Not even picked up. He might have folded his blanket.
00:22:29.800 - 00:22:33.770

Qilla usiyusu maqtaqa. Kaman mashtalayan diya i nuchitr.

Qilla usiyusu maqta-qa Kaman mashta-laya-n diya i nuchi-tr
lazy lazy bed-3 spread-PASS-3 day and night-EVC
Perezoso, osioso, ese joven. Su cama estará tendido día y noche.
Lazy, lazy, that young man. His bed would be spread out day and night.
00:22:34.060 - 00:22:38.240

Hinatr shukullukuypis sapupis

Hina-tr shukullukuy-pis sapu-pis
thus-EVC lizard-ADD frog-ADD
Así lagartija y sapo
Like that, lizards and frogs
00:22:38.480 - 00:22:40.480
watralunman. Kulibrapis ushtulunman kamanman'.
Watra-lu-n-man Kulibra-pis ushtu-lu-n-man kama-n-man
give.birth-IRGT-3-COND snake-ADD enter-URGT-3-COND bed-3-ALL
Habrían parido. Culebras también pueden entrar en su cama'.
would have given birth and snakes would have gotten into his bed.?
00:22:40.900 - 00:22:44.040

Nishpa limashpa limashpa kamakta hunuykuyan tapsikuyan

Ni-shpa lima-shpa lima-shpa kama-kta hunu-yku-ya-n tapsi-ku-ya-n
say-SUBIS talk-SUBIS talk-SUBIS bed-ACC collect-EXCEP-PROG-3 shake-REFL-PROG-3
dijo. Hablando, hablando estaba recogiendo y sacudiendo la cama.
she said. Talking, talking, she was gathering up and shaking out the blanket.
00:22:44.390 - 00:22:48.610

Hinaptinshi Dios miyu achka achka

Hinaptin-shi Dios miyu achka achka
then-EVR God mine a.lot a.lot
Después, ¡Dios mío! muchos muchos
Then -- my God! -- a lot, a lot
00:22:48.940 - 00:22:52.090

Uchuk uchuk wawiyuq pintukama murukama

Uchuk uchuk wawi-yuq pintu-kama muru-kama
small small baby-POSS pintu-LIM three-colored-ALL
Con chiquito cría está pinto y muro
With small, small young, all pinto, all muro.
00:22:52.130 - 00:22:55.400

Murukaman wawin uchuk uchuklla wawillam uqullakusha

Muru-kaman wawi-n uchuk uchuk-lla wawi-lla-m uqu-lla-ku-sha
three-colored-LIM baby-3 small small-RSTR baby-RSTR-EVD wet-RSTR-REFL-PRF
Todos muro -- los chiquito chiquito bebés estaban mojados
All muro. The little, little children were wet.
00:22:55.660 - 00:22:58.550

Kakuyasha Na ... sapu

Ka-ku-ya-sha Na sapu
Había sapo.
There was a frog.
00:22:59.010 - 00:23:03.370

watralun. '¿Ya ves? Sapuña watratamusha wawi:llapa kamanpa

watra-lu-n Sapu-ña watra-tamu-sha wawi-:-lla-pa kama-n-pa
give.birth-URGT-3 frog-DISC give.birth-IRREV-PRF baby-1-RSTR-GEN bed-3-LOC
parió. ¡¿Ya ves? Un sapo parió en la cama de mi hijo.
gave birth. "You see? A frog gave birth in my son's bed.
00:23:04.330 - 00:23:08.200

Diablokuna almashan kuchinadaqa nishpash limpu limpu atakta hapishpa urayta

Diablo-kuna alma-sha-n kuchinada-qa ni-shpa-sh limpu limpu ata-kta hapi-shpa
devil-PL TK filthy.things-TOP say-SUBIS-EVR all all hoof-ACC grab-SUBIS
Demonios, diciendo cuchinadas, total agarrando su pie, hacia abajo
Damn it! swearing, she totally pulled his foot downwards.
00:23:08.200 - 00:23:13.100

Llapa wawintinta ñam wawinkuna yatralaman tukuy urayta.

uray-ta Llapa wawi-ntin-ta ña-m wawi-n-kuna yatra-la-man tukuy uray-ta
down-ACC all baby-INCL-ACC DISC-EVD baby-3-PL TK-ALL all down-ACC
00:23:13.290 - 00:23:18.190

Kural urayman. Hinaptinqa muchachu trayaptinqa.

Kural uray-man Hinaptin-qa muchachu traya-pti-n-qa
coral down-ALL then-TOP boy arrive-SUBDS-3-TOP
abajo del coral. Después cuando llegó el joven
below the corral. Then, when the young man arrived,
00:23:18.660 - 00:23:23.470

kaman tuki tuki dublarayasha. ¿Imapaq kama:ta dublalulanki?

kama-n tuki tuki dubla-raya-sha Imapaq kama-:-ta dubla-lu-la-nki
bed-3 pretty pretty fold-PASS-PRF why bed-1-ACC fold-URGT-PST-2
Su cama estaba doblado bien bonito. '¿Porque doblaste mi cama?'
His bed was folded very nicely. "Why did you fold my blanket?"
00:23:24.300 - 00:23:28.580

Piña piña kutitamun. Diyablukuna TK. ¿Impaqmi manam dublankichu?

Piña piña kuti-tamu-n Diyablu-kuna-masi-n Impaq-mi mana-m dubla-nki-chu
angry angry return-IRREV-3 devil-PL-PART-3 why-EVD no-EVD fold-2-Q
Regresó muy amargo. Diablos, ¿porque no lo doblaste?
He returned very mad. Damn it! Why didn't you make the bed?
00:23:29.710 - 00:23:31.180 00:23:32.060 - 00:23:34.380

Kada timpranu hatarishpa kamaykita dublakunkiman

Kada timpranu hatari-shpa kama-yki-ta dubla-ku-nki-man
every early get.up-SUBIS bed-ACC fold-REFL-2-COND
Todas las mañanas levantando debes doblar tu cama
Every morning when you get up you should fold your blanket.
00:23:34.380 - 00:23:36.610

Sapuñam limpu limpu watratamusha

Sapu-ña-m limpu limpu watra-tamu-sha
frog-DISC-EVD all all give.birth-IRREV-PRF
Un sapo había parido
A frog had given birth
00:23:36.860 - 00:23:38.840

Achka achka wawi sapu sapu uchuk

Achka achka wawi sapu sapu uchuk
a.lot a.lot baby frog frog small
El sapo, el sapo, muchos muchos bebés chicos
The frog, the frog, a lot of little babies
00:23:39.140 - 00:23:42.180

Uchuklla pilkukasha murukama sapuqa kasha

Uchuk-lla pilku-ka-sha muru-kama sapu-qa ka-sha
small-RSTR TK three-colored-LIM frog-TOP be-PRF
Chiquito pilco muro sapo era
00:23:42.180 - 00:23:45.550

Nishpash nin. '¿Imamish sapu kanqa?

Ni-shpa-sh ni-n Ima-mish sapu ka-nqa
say-SUBIS-EVR say-3 what-COMP frog be-3.FUT
dijo. '¿Cómo va a haber sapo?
she said. "How is there going to be a frog?
00:23:46.130 - 00:23:49.490

Ese era mi chica. Mi chica chica era.

Ese era mi chica. Mi chica era.
That was my girlfriend. That was my girlfriend.
00:23:49.780 - 00:23:54.370

Enferma hay. Ha dado luz mi hijo',

Enferma hay. Ha dado luz mi hijo',
She's in labor. She gave birth to my son,"
00:23:54.370 - 00:23:57.650

ninshi. '¿Imam kanqa ihuyki?'

Ni-n-shi Ima-m ka-nqa ihu-yki
say-3-EVR what-EVD be-3.FUT son-2
dijo. '¿Cómo va a ser tu hijo?'
he said. "How is that going to be your son?"
00:23:57.950 - 00:24:00.970

Diyablukuna gastan maqtaktam shukshukta hapishpa wawintaqmi

Diyablu-kuna gasta-n maqta-kta-m shukshu-kta hapi-shpa wawi-n-taq-mi
devil-PL spend-3 stick-ACC grab-SUBIS baby-3-ACC
Demonios, agarrando un palo, pegó a su hijo.
Damn it! Grabbing a stick, she beat her son.
00:24:01.400 - 00:24:04.480

Hinashpa mashtakulushpa puñukun, puñukun.

Hinashpa mashta-ku-lu-shpa puñu-ku-n puñu-ku-n
then spread-REFL-URGT-SUBIS sleep-REFL-3 sleep-REFL-3
Luego, tendiendo [su cama], durmió, durmió.
Then spreading out [his bed], he slept, he slept.
00:24:05.020 - 00:24:07.740

Mancha waqashpa maqtaqa chaypa puñukuptinshi

Mancha waqa-shpa maqta-qa chay-pa puñu-ku-pti-n-shi
a.lot cry-SUBIS DEM.D-LOC sleep-REFL-SUBDS-3-EVR
llorando bastante el joven. Cuando durmió allí
crying a lot. When the young man slept there,
00:24:07.790 - 00:24:11.910

Wawillan qipikusha trayatamun sapuqa. Qipikusha.

Wawi-lla-n qipi-ku-sha traya-tamu-n sapu-qa Qipi-ku-sha
baby-RSTR-3 carry-REFL-PRF arrive-IRREV-3 frog-TOP carry-REFL-PRF
El sapo llegó cargando su cría. Cargándoselo.
The frog arrived carrying her baby. Carrying her,
00:24:12.040 - 00:24:16.620

Mantada kustalwan qipikusha wawin qipikusha trayatamun.

Mantada kustal-wan qipi-ku-sha wawi-n qipi-ku-sha traya-tamu-n
sheet sack-INSTR carry-REFL-PRF baby-3 carry-REFL-PRF arrive-IRREV-3
Llegó cargando su cría, cargándolo con mantada y con costal.
She arrived carrying her baby. Carrying it with a tarp and a sack.
00:24:17.260 - 00:24:20.810

Chatalla chata bahita. Gurdita Añanakushpa añanakushpa

Chata-lla chata
short-RSTR short
Bajita no más, baja, bajita. Gordita. Resondrando resondrando
Short, short, short. Fat. Scolding, scolding
00:24:21.530 - 00:24:26.250 00:24:30.400 - 00:24:32.950

Manachu mamaykiman willayanki ? Mi mujer era con hjo hubieras dicho

A tu mamá no has avisado?
Didn't you tell your mother?
00:24:32.950 - 00:24:36.400 00:24:36.510 - 00:24:38.500

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2014/Hongos_LW_Stories.eaf
Sunday, July 27, 2014 4:42 PM


Unayshi wachwawan atuq Atuqqa kaminupa tinkulusha

Unay-shi wachwa-wan atuq Atuq-qa kaminu-pa tinku-lu-sha
before-EVR wachwa-INSTR fox fox-TOP road-LOC find-URGT-NPST
Once upon a time there was a wachwa and a fox. The fox found along the road
00:00:01.640 - 00:00:05.430 00:00:05.700 - 00:00:10.050

Hinashpañataqshi wachwakta nisha atuq Imapaqmi wawikiqa puka traki?

Hinashpa-ña-taq-shi wachwa-kta ni-sha atuq Imapaq-mi wawi-ki-qa puka traki
so-DISC-SEQ wachwa-ACC say-NPST fox why-EVD child-2-TOP red foot
Then the fox said to the wachwa, "Why are your children's feet red?"
00:00:10.180 - 00:00:13.650 00:00:13.780 - 00:00:17.830

Atuqqa nisha wachwakta. Hinaptin wachwaqa nishpa. Atuq nisha wawi:qa

Atuq-qa ni-sha wachwa-kta Hinaptin wachwa-qa ni-shpa Atuq ni-sha wawi-:-qa
fox-TOP say-NPST wachwa-ACC so wachwa-TOP say-SUBIS fox say-NPST child-1-TOP
The fox said to the wachwa, Then the wachwa Said. The gox said, "My children
00:00:17.880 - 00:00:22.210 00:00:22.400 - 00:00:25.670

Nasham. Watyasham. Watyasham wawi:qa.

Na-sha-m Watya-sha-m Watya-sha-m wawi-:-qa
DMY-NPST-EVD bake-PRF-EVD bake-PRF-EVD child-1-TOP
are baked. My children are baked.
00:00:26.110 - 00:00:32.650

Puka traki kananpaq. Hinaptinñataqshi A ver ma wawi:ta intunsis watyaluy!

Puka traki ka-na-n-paq Hinaptin-ña-taq-shi ma wawi-:-ta intunsis watya-lu-y
red foot be-NMLZ-3-PURP so-DISC-SEQ-EVR child-1-ACC then bake-URGT-IMP
So that they have red feet." Then let's see. Then bake my children!"
00:00:33.080 - 00:00:37.340 00:00:37.410 - 00:00:41.340

nin atuqqa wachwakta. Hinaptinshi wachwaqa naqa atuq atuq nin

ni-n atuq-qa wachwa-kta Hinaptin-shi wachwa-qa na-qa atuq atuq ni-n
say-3 fox-TOP wachwa-ACC so-EVD wachwa-TOP DMY-TOP fox fox say-3
said the fox to the wachwa. Then the wachwa the fox, the fox said,
00:00:41.600 - 00:00:46.440 00:00:46.450 - 00:00:51.470

Ma wawi:ta watyaluy! Hinashpa, "Intunsis yantakta apalamuy!" nin

Ma wawi-:-ta watya-lu-y Hinashpa Intunsis yanta-kta apa-la-mu-y ni-n
child-1-ACC bake-URGT-IMP so then firewood-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-IMP say-3
A ver a mi hijo házle pachamanca. Entonces,"Tráeme leña!"
"Bake my children!" Then "Bring firewood!" he said.
00:00:52.450 - 00:00:55.940

Urnukta pilqashun wawikikta watyananchikpaq.

Urnu-kta pilqa-shun wawi-ki-kta watya-na-nchik-paq
oven-ACC build.with.stones-1PL.FUT child-2-ACC bake-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
"Vamos a pilcar un hornar para poder pachamancarlos".
"We'll build an oven so we can bake them."
00:00:56.080 - 00:00:59.140

Hinaptinqa nin, watyalun wawintaq atuqpakta.

Hinaptin-qa ni-n watya-lu-n wawi-n-taq atuq-pa-kta
so-TOP say-3 bake-URGT-3 child-3-SEQ TK fox-GEN-ACC
Después. dijo, pachamancaron a los hijos del zorro.
Then they baked the fox's chidlren.
00:00:59.180 - 00:01:03.080

Atuqpakta wawinta watyaluptinqa.

Atuq-pa-kta wawi-n-ta watya-lu-pti-n-qa
fox-GEN-ACC child-3-ACC bake-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
Cuando pachamancaron a los del zorro,
When they baked the fox's chidlren
00:01:03.180 - 00:01:05.700

"Wak iskinakta hiqaykupti:mi kitranki ya!"

Wak iskina-kta hiqa-yku-pti-:-mi kitra-nki ya
DEM.D corner-ACC reach-EXCEP-SUBDS-1-EVD open-2 EMPH
"Cuando llego a esa equina, ábrelo ya!"
"When I reach that corner, open it!"
00:01:05.850 - 00:01:09.610

Nin naq wachwaqa atuqta. Hinaptinshi wachwa atuq

Ni-n na-q wachwa-qa atuq-ta. Hinaptin-shi wachwa atuq
say-3 DMY-AG wachwa-TOP fox-ACC so-EVR wachwa fox
Dijo el wachwa al zorro, Después. el wachwa al zorro
said the wachwa to the fox. Then the wachwa to the fox
00:01:09.750 - 00:01:12.390 00:01:12.490 - 00:01:14.690

Ali nishpa wachwaqa likun kaminunta hinashpash likuptinqa

Ali ni-shpa wachwa-qa li-ku-n kaminu-n-ta hinashpa-sh li-ku-pti-n-qa
say-SUBIS wachwa-TOP go-REFL-3 raod-3-ACC so-EVR go-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP
Diciendo el wachwa se fue por el camino. Luego, cuando se fue
said. The wachwa went along his way then, when he left,
00:01:14.710 - 00:01:19.710

Atuq kitran wawinta watyashakta

Atuq kitra-n wawi-n-ta watya-sha-kta
fox open-3 child-3-ACC bake-PRF-ACC
El zorro abrió a sus hijos pachamancados.
The fox opened his baked children.
00:01:19.750 - 00:01:22.970

Kitraluptinqa wawinqa lliwchuy lliwchuy tra'ayalusha

Kitra-lu-pti-n-qa wawi-n-qa lliwchuy lliwchuy tra'aya-lu-sha
open-URGT-3-TOP child-3-TOP TK TK arrive-URGT-NPST
Cuando abrió sus hijos habían resancochado bien.
When he opened it, his children had become overdone,
00:01:23.550 - 00:01:28.170

Pasaypaq trayalusha lliwchuy lliwchuy

Pasaypaq traya-lu-sha lliwchuy lliwchuy
a.lot arrive-URGT-NPST TK
They had become completely overdone.
00:01:28.610 - 00:01:31.170

Ahora vas a saber. Kananqa mikushaqmi chay

Kanan-qa miku-shaq-mi chay
now-TOP eat-1.FUT-EVD DEM.D
Ahora vas a saber. Ahora voy a comer ese
Now you're going to get yours. Now I'm going to eat that
00:01:31.360 - 00:01:34.510

Wachwakta maytrawpis alkansashaqmi. nin niptinshi nishpash

Wachwa-kta may-traw-pis alkansa-shaq-mi ni-n ni-pti-n-shi ni-shpa-sh
Wachwa-ACC where-LOC-ADD reach-1.FUT-EVD say-3 say-SUBDS-3-EVR say-SUBIS-EVR
wachwa. Donde que sea lo alcanzaré. dijo. Cuando lo dijo,
wachwa. Whereever, I'll catch up with him. he said. When he said that,
00:01:34.540 - 00:01:37.610 00:01:37.860 - 00:01:40.590

Wachwaqa likun Iskapakunña. Atuq qipanta liyan.

Wachwa-qa li-ku-n Iskapa-ku-n-ña Atuq qipa-n-ta li-ya-n
Wachwa-TOP go-REFL-3 escape-REFL-3-DISC fox behind-3-ACC go-PROG-3
el wachwa se fue. Se escapó. El zorro se fue a su atrás.
The wachwa left. He escaped. The fox is going behind him.
00:01:40.720 - 00:01:43.290 00:01:43.340 - 00:01:46.760

Kanan mikushaq maytrawpis nishpa

Kanan miku-shaq may-traw-pis ni-shpa
now eat-1.FUT where-LOC-ADD say-SUBDS
"Ahora lo voy a comer donde sea", dijo-
"Now I'll eay him whereever," he said.
00:01:46.880 - 00:01:49.360

Wachwaqa naman qutraman sirkayaptinqa pawaykukun qutra ukuman.
Wachwa-qa na-man qutra-man sirka-ya-pti-n-qa pawa-yku-ku-n qutra
Wachwa-TOP DMY-ALL lagoon-ALL close-PROG-SUBDS-3-TOP jump-EXCEP-REFL-3 lagoon
Cuando el wachwa se acercó al pozo, saltó al dentro del pozo.
When the wachwa got close to the reservoir he jumped in.
00:01:49.990 - 00:01:55.620

Atuq qipanta likun piru atuq alkansanñachu.

uku-man Atuq qipa-n-ta li-ku-n piru atuq alkansa-n-ña-chu
inside-ALL fox behind-3-ACC go-REFL-3 but fox reach-3-DISC-NEG
El zorro fue a su atrás pero el zorro no lo alcanzó.
The fox went behind him, but the fox didn't catch him.
00:01:55.880 - 00:01:59.830

Qutraman trayalushpaqa Wachwaqa nin ... atuqqa nayan

Qutra-man traya-lu-shpa-qa Wachwa-qa ni-n atuq-qa na-ya-n
lagoon-ALL arrive-URGT-SUBIS-TOP Wachwa-TOP say-3 fox-TOP DMY-PROG-3
Cuando llegó a la laguna El wachwa dijo. El zorro está haciendo
When he aarrived at the reservoir, The wachwa said. The fox is doing that
00:02:00.040 - 00:02:01.490 00:02:01.700 - 00:02:05.750

Kanan mikushaqmi nishpa sikinta kuruntawan tapakuykushpa.

Kanan miku-shaq-mi ni-shpa siki-n-ta kurunta-wan tapa-ku-yku-shpa
now eat-1.FUT-EVD say-SUBIS behind-3-ACC TK-INSTR cover-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS
"Ahora me lo voy a comer", dijo tapándose el poto con coronta.
Now I'm going to eat him, he said, and he capped his butt with a coronta-
00:02:05.800 - 00:02:09.440

Yakukta upyakuyan. Wachwakta mikunanpaq.

Yaku-kta upya-ku-ya-n Wachwa-kta miku-na-n-paq
water-ACC drink-REFL-PROG-3 Wachwa-ACC eat-URGT-3-PURP
Está tomando el agua para poder comer el wachwa.
He's drinking the water in order to eat the wachwa.
00:02:09.590 - 00:02:12.670

Wachwaqa iskapalun piyur atuq wañukun.

Wachwa-qa iskapa-lu-n piyur atuq wañu-ku-n
Wachwa-TOP escape-URGT-3 worse fox die-REFL-3
El wachwa se escapó. Peor -- se murió el zorro.
The wachwa escaped. Worse -- the fox died.
00:02:12.740 - 00:02:15.570

Sí, cuando está andando en campo pues. Allí ha encontrado.

Sí, cuando está andando en campo pues. Allí ha encontrado.
Yes, when he was wandering around in the countryside. He found him there.
00:02:18.420 - 00:02:22.510

Unayshi lisha urqukta yantaman huk pashña.
Unay-shi li-sha urqu-kta yanta-man huk pashña
before-EVR go-NPST hill-ACC firewood-ALL one girl
Una vez una chica se fue al cerro por leña.
Once upon a time, a girl went to the hills for firewood.
00:02:29.000 - 00:02:34.360

Hinaptinshi kay Pashñaqa lisha yantaman hinaptinshi

Hinaptin-shi kay Pashña-qa li-sha yanta-man hinaptin-shi
so-EVR DEM.P girl-TOP go-NPST firewood-ALL so-EVR
Después, La chica fue por leña, luego
Then, The girl went for firewood then
00:02:34.360 - 00:02:38.020 00:02:38.300 - 00:02:41.010

Liyunwan tinkulusha. Liyunqa pushalusha

Liyun-wan tinku-lu-sha Liyun-qa pusha-lu-sha
lion-INSTR meet-URGT-EVR lion-TOP bring-URGT-NPST
Se encontró con un león.
She met up with a lion.
00:02:41.050 - 00:02:43.990

Ratu ñawikikta witrqaykuluy nishpa

Ratu ñawi-ki-kta witrqa-yku-lu-y ni-shpa
moment eye-2-ACC close-EXCEP-URGT-IMP say-SUBIS
"Ciérrate los ojos un rato!" dijo
?Close your eyes for a moment!" he said.
00:02:43.990 - 00:02:47.280

Hinaptinshi Liyun qipitamusha qaqaman

Hinaptin-shi Liyun qipi-tamu-sha qaqa-man
so-EVR lion carry-IRREV-NPST cliff-ALL
Luego el león la cargó hacia la peña.
Then the lion carried her to a cliff.
00:02:47.300 - 00:02:51.840

Chay pashñaktaqa. Qaqaman qipilusha hinaptinshi

Chay pashña-kta-qa Qaqa-man qipi-lu-sha hinaptin-shi
DEM.D girl-ACC-TOP cliff-ALL carry-URGT-NPST so-EVD
A la chica. La cargó hacia la peña. Luego,
He carried the girl to the cliff. Then
00:02:51.900 - 00:02:55.380

Nachu qaqatraw watasha

Na-chu qaqa-traw wata-sha
DMY-NEG cliff-LOC tie-NPST
En peña, dice, estaba amarrado.
He had her tied up on the cliff.
00:02:55.450 - 00:02:59.570

Qaqatraw wataptinñataqshi nishpa chaypaq Kundurtaq qayakusha

Qaqa-traw wata-pti-n-ña-taq-shi ni-shpa chay-paq Kundur-taq qaya-ku-sha
Cuando la amarró en la peña, de allí llamó a un cóndor.
When he tied her up on the cliff, from there she called a condor.
00:02:59.570 - 00:03:04.550

"Kundur, qipilamay! Qaqatrawmi kaya: nishpa

Kundur qipi-la-ma-y Qaqa-traw-mi ka-ya-: ni-shpa
condor carry-URGT-1.OBJ-IMP cliff-LOC-EVD be-PROG-1 say-SUBIS
"Condor, ¡Cárgame! Estoy en una peña", dijo.
"Condor, carry me! I'm on a cliff," she said.
00:03:04.680 - 00:03:09.770

"Liyunmi kayman qipilaman", nishpa

Liyun-mi kay-man qipi-la-ma-n ni-shpa
lion-EVD DEM.P-ALL carry-URGT-1.OBJ-3 say-SUBIS
"Un león me cargó hasta acá", dijo.
"A lion carried me here," she said.
00:03:09.770 - 00:03:12.910

Liyun kashnikunakta ashtakuyan. Chay pashñamanqa likuyan tuta

Liyun kashni-kuna-kta ashta-ku-ya-n Chay pashña-man-qa li-ku-ya-n tuta
lion meat-PL-ACC transfer-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D girl-ALL-TOP go-REFL-PROG-3 night
El león trasladó carne todo hacia la chica. Está saliendo enla noche
The lion moved meat and all. to the girl. He's leaving at night
00:03:13.580 - 00:03:16.330 00:03:16.560 - 00:03:19.520

Ushakunakta apamuq kabrakunakta apakayamun.

Usha-kuna-kta apa-mu-q kabra-kuna-kta apa-ka-ya-mu-n
sheep-PL-ACC bring-CISL-AG goat-PL-ACC bring-REFL-PROG-CISL-3
a traer ovejas. Yo puedo traer cabras. Traía borrega cabra también traía
to bring sheep. I can bring goats.
00:03:19.560 - 00:03:23.520

Hinashpa karnikta shuntukuyan Pashñaqa nin, "¿Imaynataq kay karnikta mikushaq?"

Hinashpa karni-kta shuntu-ku-ya-n Pashña-qa ni-n "Imayna-taq kay karni-kta
so meat-ACC gather-REFL-PROG-3 girl-TOP say-3 how-SEQ DEM.P meat-ACC
Después están montanando carne. La chica dijo, "¿Cómo voy a comer esta carne?"
Then they're gathering up meat. The girl said, "How am I going to eat this
00:03:23.550 - 00:03:28.340

"Ñuqa trawa karnikta mikushaq", nishpa. Hinaptinshi
miku-shaq? Ñuqa trawa karni-kta miku-shaq ni-shpa Hinaptin-shi
eat-1.FUT 1 raw meat-ACC eat-1.FUT say-SUBIS so-EVR
"Yo voy a comer carne cruda", dijo. Después.
"I'm going to eat raw meat," she said. Then
00:03:28.340 - 00:03:32.390

Liyunqa kundurqa karnimanqa muyusha

Liyun-qa kundur-qa karni-man-qa muyu-sha
lion-TOP condor-TOP meat-ALL-TOP turn-NPST
El león. El cóndor dio vuelta hacia la carne.
The lion. The condor went around toward the meat.
00:03:33.050 - 00:03:37.050

Karnikta huntalachisha achkaktaña liyunqa.

Karni-kta hunta-la-chi-sha achka-kta-ña liyun-qa
meat-ACC gather-URGT-CAUS-NPST a.lot-ACC-DISC lion-TOP
la carne que había montanado el león.
Toward the meat the lion had piled up.
00:03:37.090 - 00:03:40.350

Hinashpa kundurqa qayakuptinqa

Hinashpa kundur-qa qaya-ku-pti-n-qa
so condor-TOP call-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP
Cuando el cóndor llamó
When the condor called,
00:03:40.380 - 00:03:44.110

Kundurqa muyukuyan. "¡Qipilamay!" niptin

Kundur-qa muyu-ku-ya-n Qipi-la-ma-y ni-pti-n
condor-TOP turn-REFL-PROG-3 carry-URGT-1.OBJ-IMP say-SUBDS-3
El cóndor está dando vueltas. "¡Cárgame!" dijo
The condor is going around. "Carry me!" she said.
00:03:44.140 - 00:03:47.500

Ali nishpa qipitamusha Kundurqa chay pashñakta.

Ali nishpa qipi-tamu-sha Kundur-qa chay pashña-kta
say-SUBIS carry-IRREV-NPST condor-TOP DEM.D girl-ACC
El condor dijo "sí" y cargó a esa chica.
The condor said "yes" and carried the girl.
00:03:47.500 - 00:03:51.360

Naman huk lawmanñataq huk lawmanñataq qipilusha piyur.

Na-man huk law-man-ña-taq huk law-man-ña-taq qipi-lu-sha piyur
DMY-ALL one side-ALL-DISC-SEQ one side-ALL-DISC-SEQ carry-URGT-NPST worse
Hacia otro lado. La cargó hacia otro lado -- peor.
somewhere else. He carried her somewhere else -- worse!
00:03:51.400 - 00:03:55.940

Chaytraw watasha asta watrachinankama

Chay-traw wata-sha asta watra-chi-na-n-kama
DEM.D-LOC tie-NPST until give.birth-CAUS-NMLZ-3-RSTR
Allí la ató, hasta que tuvo hijo.
There, he tied her up, until she gave birth.
00:03:55.990 - 00:03:59.890

Kundur watasha nakta pashñakta. Liyunqa ashikuyan.

Kundur wata-sha na-kta pashña-kta Liyun-qa ashi-ku-ya-n
condor tie-NPST DMY-ACC girl-ACC lion-TOP laugh-REFL-PROG-3
El condor ató a la chica. El león está riéndose.
The condor tied the girl up The lion is laughing.
00:04:00.230 - 00:04:03.220 00:04:03.240 - 00:04:05.190

Mana talinñachu. Liyun ashikuyan kundur watayanñashi pashñakta huk lawtrawña

Mana tali-n-ña-chu Liyun ashi-ku-ya-n kundur wata-ya-n-ña-shi pashña-kta huk
no meet-3-DISC-NEG lion laugh-REFL-PROG-3 condor tie-PROG-3-DISC-EVR girl-ACC
Ya no es bueno ya. El león está riéndose y el cóndor está atando a la chica en
otro lado.
The lion is laughing and the condor is tying the girl up someplace else.
00:04:05.410 - 00:04:10.910

Huk law qaqatrawña. Hinaptinshi

law-traw-ña Huk law qaqa-traw-ña Hinaptin-shi
one side-LOC-DOSC one side cliff-LOC-DISC so-EVR
En otro lugar en la peña. Luego,
Some place else on a cliff. Then
00:04:10.980 - 00:04:14.610

Nan qayakun huk kundur pasaqtapis.

Na-n qaya-ku-n huk kundur pasa-q-ta-pis
DMY-3 call-REFL-3 one condor pass-AG-ACC-ADD
Llama a otro cóndor que pasaba también.
She called to another condor that passed.
00:04:14.960 - 00:04:19.400

Igwalllakta. Huk kundur pasan igwalllakta. Karnirayku kundur huntakuyan.

Igwal-lla-kta Huk kundur pasa-n igwal-lla-kta Karni-rayku kundur
equal-RSTR-ACC one condor pass-3 equal-RSTR-ACC meat-CAUS condor
Igualito. Otro condor pasa igualito. Por la carne el cóndor está montonando.
Just the same. Another condor passed by just the same. Because of the meat, the
condor is piling it up.The condor gathered up meat.
00:04:19.400 - 00:04:24.300


Hinaptinshi "kananqa imanashaqtaq mikunmanqatr kanan nishpa pashñaqa

lukiyarilun. TK
Hinaptin-shi kanan-qa ima-na-shaq-taq miku-n-man-qa-tr kanan ni-shpa pashña-qa
so-EVR now-TOP what-VRBZ-1.FUT-SEQ eat-3-COND-TOP-EVC now say-SUBIS girl-TOP
Luego, "Ahora qué voy a hacer? Ahora me va a comer seguro," dijo la chica. Se
está loquiando
Then, "What am I going to do? He's surely going to eat me now," said the girl.
She's going.
00:04:24.390 - 00:04:29.090


Iskapakushaq. Mihur -- maymanpis. Mihur wañukushaq kay qaqapi nishpa.

Iskapa-ku-shaq Mihur may-man-pis Mihur wañu-ku-shaq kay qaqa-pi
escape-REFL-1.FUT better where-ALL-ADD better die-REFL-1.FUT DEM.P cliff-LOC
"Voy a escapar a donde sea. Aunque sea en esta peña me voy a morir diciendo
"I'm going to escape -- to anywhere. Even on this cliff, I'm going to die,"
she said.
00:04:29.090 - 00:04:34.130

Pawakuykushaq nishpa . Chayshi

ni-shpa Pawa-ku-yku-shaq ni-shpa Chay-shi
Dijo y saltó. Luego,
She said and jumped. Then
00:04:34.150 - 00:04:38.130

Namun. Kanan maymantaq lishaq nin

Na-mu-n Kanan may-man-taq li-shaq ni-n
DMY-CISL-3 now where-ALL-SEQ go-1.FUT say-3
"¿Ahora a dónde me voy a ir?" dijo.
"Now where am I going to go?" she said.
00:04:38.180 - 00:04:42.870

Huk lunaqa pasayasha huk qaqapa likuptin chimpa

Huk luna-qa pasa-ya-sha huk qaqa-pa li-ku-pti-n chimpa
one person-TOP pass-PROG-NPST one cliff-LOC go-REFL-SUBDS-3 front
Una persona pasó. Cuando se fue a una peña al frente
A man passed by. When he went to another cliff in front
00:04:42.940 - 00:04:46.930

Chimpantahina pasayasha kaballuwan.

Chimpa-n-ta-hina pasa-ya-sha kaballu-wan
front-3-ACC-COMP pass-PROG-NPST horse-INSTR
Así pasó con caballo.
He went by like that on horseback.
00:04:46.930 - 00:04:49.990

Hinaptinshi imaynataq wak lunakta qayakushaq nin

Hinaptin-shi imayna-taq wak luna-kta qaya-ku-shaq ni-n
so-EVR how-SEQ DEM.D person-ACC call-REFL-1.FUT say-3
¿Cómo voy a llamar a esta persona? dijo.
How am I going to call that person? she said.
00:04:49.990 - 00:04:53.940

Liyunqa talitamusha kutikamusha liyunqa

Liyun-qa tali-tamu-sha kuti-ka-mu-sha liyun-qa
lion-TOP find-IRREV-NPST return-REFL-CISL-NPST lion-TOP
El león la encontró. EL león regresó.
The lion found her. The lion came back.
00:04:53.940 - 00:04:57.530

Pashñakta talitamusha Hinashpash nin "¿Imaman shamulanki kayta?

Pashña-kta tali-tamu-sha Hinashpa-sh ni-n Ima-man shamu-la-nki kay- ta
girl-ALL find-IRREV-NPST so-EVR say-3 what-ALL come-PST-2 DEM.P-ACC
Encontró a la chica. Luego dijo, "¿Para que has venido acá?"
He found the girl. Then he said, "Why did you come here?"
00:04:57.550 - 00:05:00.970 00:05:00.980 - 00:05:03.060

"¿Imaman shamulanki kayta?"· nishpa nin liyunqa nakta.

Ima-man shamu-la-nki kay-ta ni-shpa ni-n liyun-qa na-kta
what-ALL some-PST-2 DEM.P-ACC say-SUBIS say-3 lion-TOP DMY-ACC
"¿Qué querías viniendo aquí?" dijo el león a esa.
"What did you want coming here?" said the lion to her.
00:05:03.090 - 00:05:06.900

Pashñaktaqa. Pashñaqa waqay waqan.

Pashña-kta-qa pashña-qa waqa-y waqa-n
girl-ACC-TOP girl-TOP cry-INF TK cry-3
a la chica. La chica lloraba y lloraba.
to the girl. The girl cried and cried.
00:05:06.930 - 00:05:10.180

Mukulushayki mikumushayki qamtaqa nin TK

Muku-lu-shayki miku-mu-shayki qam-ta-qa ni-n
eat-URGT-1>2 eat-CISL-1>2 2-ACC-TOP say-3
"Te voy a comer, te vow a comer a tí", dijo.
"I'm going to eat you, I'm going to eat you," he said
00:05:10.180 - 00:05:13.480
Mikushayki mihur qamtaq manam kunfiyansachu kanki
Miku-shayki mihur qam-taq mana-m kunfiyansa-chu ka-nki
eat-1>2 better 2-SEQ no-EVD confidence-NEG be-2
"Más bien te voy a comer a tí! Tú no eres de confianza."
"Better yet, I'm going to eat you! You can't be trusted."
00:05:13.490 - 00:05:17.080

"¿Pim kaymanqa apamushalanki? ¿Imaynam shamulanki!" nishpa.

Pi-m kay-man-qa apa-mu-sha-la-nki Imayna-m shamu-la-nki ni-shpa
who-EVD DEM.P-ALL-TOP bring-CISL-3>2-PST-3>2 how-EVD come-PST-2 say-SUBIS
"¿Quién te trajo para acá? ¿Cómo viniste?" dijo.
"Who brought you here? How did you come?" he said.
00:05:17.080 - 00:05:21.230

Hinaptinshi pashñaqa nin Buynu Mikulamaypis

Hinaptin-shi pashña-qa ni-n Buynu Miku-la-ma-y-pis
Hinaptinshiso-EVR girl-TOP say-3 good eat-URGT-1.OBJ-IMP-ADD
Después, la chica dijo, "¡Entonces, Cómeme pues!"
Then the girl said, "Eat me then!"
00:05:21.230 - 00:05:24.670

Manañam vidatrawchu ka:. Manañam kawsa:manchu

Mana-ña-m vida-traw-chu ka-: Mana-ña-m kawsa-:-man-chu
no-DISC-EVD life-LOC-NEG be-1 no-DISC-EVD live-1-COND-NEG
Ya no estoy en mi vida. Ya no puedo vivir."
I'm no longer in my life. I can't live any more."
00:05:24.680 - 00:05:28.320

Hukniki hukniki inagañamanki.

Huk-ni-ki huk-ni-ki inagaña-ma-nki
one-EUPH-2 one-EUPH-2 trick-1.OBJ-2
El uno y el otro me engaña.
One and the other trick me.
00:05:29.160 - 00:05:32.380

Nishpa liyun pashñaqa nin Naktaqa liyuntaqa.

Ni-shpa liyun pashña-qa ni-n Na-kta-qa liyun-ta-qa
say-SUBIS lion girl-TOP say-3 DMY-ACC-TOP lion-ACC-TOP
Dijo la chica al león.
said the girl to the lion.
00:05:32.590 - 00:05:36.810

Hinaptinshi nin, "Intunsis mikushayki. Haku wakman kutichishayki" nishpa.

Hinaptin-shi ni-n Intunsis miku-shayki Haku wak-man kuti-chi-shayki ni-shpa
so-EVR say-3 then eat-1>2 let's.go DEM.D-ALL return-CAUS-1>2 say-SUBIS
Después dice le dijo, "Entonces te comeré. Vamos para allá -- te voy a hacer
regresar" diciendo
Then, they say, he said, "Then I'll eat you. Let's go over there, I'll have you
go back," he said.
00:05:36.900 - 00:05:41.880

Chay primiru apashan kaqman kutilachin.

Chay primiru apa-sha-n ka-q-man kuti-la-chi-n
DEM.D first bring-PRF-3 be-AG-ALL return-URGT-CAUS-3
Para el primero que ha llevado para allí le hizo volver.
He had her go back to the first he had brought there.
00:05:41.890 - 00:05:44.950

Napi kaq liyunqa. Chayman kutilachin pashñakta.

Na-pi ka-q liyun-qa Chay-man kuti-la-chi-n pashña-kta
DMY-LOC be-AG lion-TOP DEM.D-ALL return-URGT-CAUS-3 girl-ACC
El león hizo regresar hacia allí a la chica.
The lion had the girl return there.
00:05:45.030 - 00:05:49.710

Mikulun. Mikulunña pashñaktaqa.

Miku-lu-n Miku-lu-n-ña pashña-kta-qa
eat-URGT-3 eat-URGT-3-DISC girl-ACC-TOP
La comió. Comió a la chica.
He ate her. He ate the girl.
00:05:49.830 - 00:05:53.590

Manaña nanchu parisinñachu. Mikulushpa haqilun.

Mana-ña na-n-chu Parisi-n-ña-chu TK Miku-lu-shpa haqi-lu-n
no-DISC DMY-3-NEG appear-3-DISC-NEG eat-URGT-SUBIS abandon-URGT-3
Ya no pudo. Comiendo ya lo dejó.
He couldn't any longer. He ate her and left-
00:05:53.630 - 00:05:59.150

Chayqa hukmi. Kay. Hukmi kayan. Yuraq kurbatayuq a washanpi

Chay-qa huk-mi Kay Huk-mi ka-ya-n Yuraq kurbata-yuq washa-n-pi
DEM.D-TOP one-EVD DEM.P one-EVD be-PROG-3 white tie-POSS back-3-LOC
Ese es otro. Hay otro. Con corbata blanca en la espalda.
That's another. That's another. With a white tie on his back
00:06:01.340 - 00:06:07.620

Kundurqa ingañashanqa. Aa, chaypim paqwakun.

Kundur-qa ingaña-sha-n-qa Aa chay-pi-m paqwa-ku-n
condor-TOP trick-PRF-3-TOP Aa DEM.D-LOC-EVD finish-REFL-3
Lo que había engañado el condor. Allí termina.
About a condor that tricked. That's the end.
00:06:07.620 - 00:06:10.960 00:06:10.990 - 00:06:17.030
¿En dónde dormiste? En aquí ya? Kanan imaytaq kutinki?
Kanan imay-taq kuti-nki
now when-SEQ return-2
¿En dónde dormiste? En aquí ya? Ahora cuando vas a volver?
Where did you sleep? Here? Now when will you come back?
00:06:28.110 - 00:06:30.960 00:06:36.240 - 00:06:38.740

Kanan kutimushaq. Kananmi kutishaq.

Kanan kuti-mu-shaq Kanan-mi kuti-shaq
now return-CISL-1.FUT now-EVD return-1.FUT
Ahora voy a volver. Ahora volveré.
Now I'm going to come back. Now I'm going to come back.
00:06:41.110 - 00:06:43.360 00:06:47.020 - 00:06:48.420

Ispirituwanmi Carcaría, ¿así?

Con espíritu. Carcaria, ¿así?
With a spirit? A zombie? Like that?
00:06:58.760 - 00:07:01.550 00:07:06.420 - 00:07:08.370

Ñuqa shamula: wak istansiya:paq. Buenos Airespaq.

Ñuqa shamu-la-: wak istansiya-:-paq Buenos Aires-paq
1 come-PST-1 DEM.D ranch-1-ABL Buenos Aires-ABL
Yo he venido de mi estancia, deBuenos Aires.
I came from my ranch, from Buenos Aires.
00:07:20.150 - 00:07:24.730

Wak Buenos Airesmi sutin wak istansiya:pa. Chaymi shamula: tardi.

Wak Buenos Aires-mi suti-n wak istansiya-:-pa Chay-mi shamu-la-: tardi
DEM.D Buenos Aires-EVD name-3 DEM.D ranch-1-LOC DEM.D-EVD come-PST-1 late
Mi estancia se llama Buenos Aires. Por eso venía en la tarde.
My ranch is called Buenos Aires. So, I came in the afternoon.
00:07:24.980 - 00:07:31.290

Qaspalpuqta. Chaymi karkariya qipa:ta shamusha

Qaspalpuq-ta Chay-mi karkariya qipa-:-ta shamu-sha
nightfall-ACC DEM.D-EVD karkariya behind-1-ACC come-NPST
Al oscurecer. En eso, un carcaría venía detrás de mí.
At nightfall. So a zombie was coming behind me.
00:07:31.440 - 00:07:37.830

"¡Waaaqqq! ¡Waaaqqq!" nishpa qarqariya qipa:ta shamukuyan.

Waaaqqq Waaaqqq ni-shpa qarqariya qipa-:-ta shamu-ku-ya-n
Waaaqqq Waaaqqq say-SUBIS qarqariya behind-1-ACC come-REFL-PROG-3
"¡Waaaqqq! ¡Waaaqqq!" diciendo a mi atrás está veniendo el carcaría.
The zombie was coming behind me saying, "Waaaqqq! Waaaqqq!"
00:07:38.070 - 00:07:45.210

Kurriyta qallakaykamu: kaminunta. Kaminunta kurrikayamu: kayman.

Kurri-y-ta qalla-ka-yka-mu-: kaminu-n-ta Kaminu-n-ta kurri-ka-ya-mu-:
run-INF-ACC begin-REFL-EXCEP-CISL-1 road-3-ACC road-3-ACC run-REFL-PROG-CISL-1
Empecé a correr por el camino. Por el camino estaba corriendo para acá.
I started to run along the raod. I was running along the road towards here.
00:07:45.370 - 00:07:50.880


Hinaptin, "Kanan mikuramanqa." Hinashpa, qipalla:taña qipalla:taña.

Hinaptin Kanan miku-ra-ma-nqa Hinashpa qipa-lla-:-ta-ña qipa-lla-:-ta-ña
so now eat-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT so behind-RSTR-1-ACC-DISC behind-RSTR-1-ACC-DISC
Después, "Ahora me va a comer". A mi atrás, a mi atrás.
Then, "Now he's going to eat me." Right behind me, right behind me.
00:07:50.950 - 00:07:56.630

Qarqariya, "Qaaaarrrr qaaarrr qaaarrr qaaarrr qaaarrr!"

Qarqariya Qaaaarrrr qaaarrr qaaarrr qaaarrr qaaarrr
Qarqariya Qaaaarrrr qaaarrr qaaarrr qaaarrr qaaarrr
El carcaría [gritó], "Qaaaarrrr qaaarrr qaaarrr qaaarrr qaaarrr!"
The zombie [cried], "Qaaaarrrr qaaarrr qaaarrr qaaarrr qaaarrr!"
00:07:56.780 - 00:07:59.810

Nishtin shamukuyan. "¡Dios mío!"

Ni-shtin shamu-ku-ya-n
Diciendo está viniendo. "¡Dios mío!"
He said as he was coming, "My God!"
00:08:00.990 - 00:08:04.830

Kurrikayamun kaminunta. Puntataqa huk luna shamula, awilu:.

Kurri-ka-ya-mu-n kaminu-n-ta Punta-ta-qa huk luna shamu-la awilu-:
run-REFL-PROG-CISL-3 road-3-ACC point-ACC-TOP one person come-PST grandfather-1
Está corriendo por el camino. A mi delante, otra persona venía, mi abuelo.
He's running along the road. Ahead of me, another person was coming, my
00:08:04.930 - 00:08:10.090

Prudencio nisha TK Puntata shamusha karutaña.

Prudencio ni-sha Punta-ta shamu-sha karu-ta-ña
Prudencio say-PRF point-ACC come-NPST far-ACC-DISC
Lo que llamaba Prudencio. A mi delante venía lejos ya.
The one I called Prudencio. He came far in front of me.
00:08:10.240 - 00:08:13.780

Hinaptinqa qayakatraku:, "¡Abuelo Prudencio!"

Hinaptin-qa qaya-katra-ku-:
so-TOP call-FREQ-REFL-1
Después, grité varias veces, "Abuelo Prudencio!"
Then I shouted several times, "Grandfather Prudencio!"
00:08:13.930 - 00:08:18.030

"¡Suyaykamay! Qarqariyam qipa:ta shamukuyan."

Suya-yka-ma-y Qarqariya-m qipa-:-ta shamu-ku-ya-n
wait-EXCEP-1.OBJ-IMP Qarqariya-EVD behind-1-ACC come-REFL-PROG-3
"¡Espérame! Un carcaría está vieniendo a mi atrás."
"Wait for me! A zombie is coming behing me!"
00:08:19.280 - 00:08:23.730

"¡Qarqariyatr mikalamanqa!" nishpa qayakatrakuya:.

Qarqariya-tr mika-la-ma-nqa ni-shpa qaya-katra-ku-ya-:
Qarqariya-EVC eat-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT say-SUBIS call-FREQ-REFL-PROG-1
"Un carcaría seguro me va a comer!" dije gritando.
"A zombie is going to eat me, for sure!" I shouted and shouted.
00:08:23.920 - 00:08:29.440

Qayakatrakayamu:. Chay kuntistalaman antis. Kuntistalaman.

Qaya-katra-ka-ya-mu-: Chay kuntista-la-ma-n antis Kuntista-la-ma-n
call-FREQ-REFL-PROG-CISL-1 DEM.D answer-URGT-1.OBJ-3 before answer-URGT-1.OBJ-3
Estoy gritando. Más bien me contestó. Me contestó.
I'm shouting. He answered me first. He answered me.
00:08:29.600 - 00:08:34.880

Chaypaq alkansalamu: ultimu kwadrupa ultimupiña

Chay-paq alkansa-la-mu-: ultimu kwadru-pa ultimu-pi-ña
DEM.D-ABL reach-URGT-CISL-1 last block-LOC last-LOC-DISC
De allí me alcanzó en la última cuadra, en la última.
Then he caught up with me on the last block, on the last.
00:08:35.040 - 00:08:40.650

Pay qapalkatrakayan lumikunaqa sinkukuyan Qayakatrakaya: "¡Wwaak karahu!"

Pay qapa-lkatra-ka-ya-n TK lumi-kuna-qa sinku-ku-ya-n Qaya-katra-ka-ya-: Wwaak
3 shout-FREQ-PASSACC-PROG-3 stone-PL-TOP roll-REFL-PROG-3
Él está gritando y piedras están rodando. Estoy gritando, "¡Wwaaak carajo!"
He's shouting and stones are rolling. I'm shouting, "Waaakkk, damn it!"
00:08:40.690 - 00:08:46.810

call-FREQ-PASSACC-PROG-1 Wwaak damn

Qqaaak karahu nishpa qaparkachakuyan paypis.

Qqaaak karahu ni-shpa qapa-rkacha-ku-ya-n TK pay-pis
Qqaaak damn say-SUBIS shout-FREQ-REFL-PROG-3 3-ADD
"¡Qqaak carajo!" está gritando él también.
He, too, is shouting, "Qqaak, damn it!"
00:08:46.960 - 00:08:51.890

Chaypaq shamun shamuptinqa iskinapa alkansalamun chaypaq

Chay-paq shamu-n shamu-pti-n-qa iskina-pa alkansa-la-mu-n chay-paq
DEM.D-ABL come-3 come-SUBDS-3-TOP corner-LOC reach-URGT-CISL-3 DEM.D-ABL
De allí vino y cuando vino, en la esquina ya me alcanzó y después,
Then he came and when he came he caught up with me on the corner. Then,
00:08:52.000 - 00:08:57.760

Kuskanchik shamuku:. ¿Imam shamuyan? Qarqariyam qipa:ta waqashtin ...

Kuska-nchik shamu-ku-: Ima-m shamu-ya-n Qarqariya-m qipa-:-ta waqa-shtin
together-1PL come-REFL-1 what-EVD come-PROG-3 Qarqariya-EVD behind-1-ACC
Los dos vinieron. ¿Qué cosa viene? Carcaría está veniendo a mi atrás, está
llorando viniendo.
They came together. "What's coming?" "A zombie is behind me!" he came crying.
00:08:57.880 - 00:09:02.430


Chaypaq kuska shamun kuska shamun krus urayta. Kay uraylaw sirkamanña.
Chay-paq kuska shamu-n kuska shamu-n krus uray-ta Kay uray-law
DEM.D-ABL together come-3 together come-3 cross down-ACC DEM.P down-side
De allí, juntos vinieron, juntos vinieron abajo de la cruz. Para acá abajo
cerquita ya.
Then, they came together, they came together below the cross. Towards near
here below.
00:09:02.500 - 00:09:09.320


Shamuyan qipa:taq Huk luna shamusha kaballeriya.

Shamu-ya-n qipa-:-taq Huk luna shamu-sha kaballeriya
come-PROG-3 behind-1-SEQ one person come-NPST horse
Está viniendo a mi atrás. Venía una persona con caballería.
He was coming behind me. A man came on horseback.
00:09:09.370 - 00:09:13.560

Chayqa nin, "Qam qarkariya kalanki," nin
Chay-qa ni-n Qam qarkariya ka-la-nki ni-n
DEM.D-TOP say-3 2 qarkariya be-PST-2 say-3
Él dijo,·Tú has sido el carcaría."
He said, "You were a zombie."
00:09:13.620 - 00:09:16.630

Abuelo Prudencioqa "Qammi qarqaríya kay wambla mikulamunkimantri kala.

Abuelo Prudencio-qa Qam-mi qarqaríya kay wambla miku-la-mu-nki-man-tri
grandfather Prudencio-TOP 2-EVD qarqaríya DEM.P child eat-URGT-CISL-2-COND-EVC
Abuelo Prudencio dijo, "Tú eres el carcaría. A este chico hubieras comido."
Grandfather Prudencio said, "You are the zombie. You would have eaten this
00:09:16.710 - 00:09:20.880


Mana suyapti:qa nin. "Qammi kalanki qarqariya karahu", nin.

Mana suya-pti-:-qa ni-n Qam-mi ka-la-nki qarqariya karahu ni-n
no wait-SUBDS-1-TOP say-3 2-EVD be-PST-2 qarqariya damn say-3
Cuando no hubiera esperado, "Tú has sido el carcaría, carajo", dijo.
When I wasn't expecting it. "You were the zombie, damn it," he said.
00:09:20.910 - 00:09:25.780

"¿Imayna ñuqa qarqariya kashaq?" Pasalaman kaballeriya.

Imayna ñuqa qarqariya ka-shaq Pasa-la-ma-n kaballeriya
how 1 qarqariya be-1.FUT pass-URGT-1.OBJ-3 horse
"¿Cómo yo voy a ser carcaría?" dijo. Me pasó con su caballería.
"How am I going to be a zombie?" He passed me on his horse.
00:09:25.950 - 00:09:30.660

Kaymanqa trayalamun mamalla: taytalla: kawsalalaqmi.

Kay-man-qa traya-la-mu-n mama-lla-: tayta-lla-: kawsa-la-laq-mi
DEM.P-ALL-TOP arrive-URGT-CISL-3 mother-RSTR-1 father-RSTR-1 live-PST-CONT-EVD
Para acá llegó. Mi mamá y mi papá estaban vivos todavía.
He arrived here. My mother and my father were still alive.
00:09:30.720 - 00:09:35.250

Mama: tayta: kawsala vivum kala. Chaypaq mama:qa kaman mastaku TK tutaktaña
Mama-: tayta-: kawsa-la vivu-m ka-la Chay-paq mama-:-qa kama-n masta-ku-shpa
mother-1 father-1 live-PST alive-EVD be-PST DEM.D-ABL mother-1-TOP bed-3
Mi papá y mi mamá eran vivos todavía. Mi mamá tendío su cama y de noche llegó.
My mother and my father were still alive. Then my mother spread out the bed and
I arrived at night.
00:09:35.280 - 00:09:42.300

tuta-kta-ña traya-la-mu-:
spread-REFL- night-ACC-DISC arrive-URGT-CISL-1

Kaman mastakuyashpa kamanpa tiyakuykushpaqa wañutamushá

Kama-n masta-ku-ya-shpa kama-n-pa tiya-ku-yku-shpa-qa
Tendiendo su cama se sentó en su cama. Se murió, dice.
When she made the bed and sat on it, she died.
00:09:42.380 - 00:09:48.360


Wañulushá Mamalla: qaparkachakushpa lunakta qayakushpa

Wañu-lu-sh-á Mama-lla-: qapa-rkacha-ku-shpa luna-kta qaya-ku-shpa
Se murió, dice, pues. Mi mamá gritando llamando a la gente
He died, then. My mother, shouting, called people
00:09:48.460 - 00:09:55.190

Wawi:mi wañulun nishpa Imam trayalun wawi:man nishpa

Wawi-:-mi wañu-lu-n ni-shpa Ima-m traya-lu-n wawi-:-ma-n ni-shpa
child-1-EVD die-URGT-3 say-SUBIS what-EVD arrive-URGT-3 child-1-ALL say-SUBIS
"Mi hija ha muerto", dijo. "Qué le llegó a mi hija?" dijo.
"My daughter died," she said. "What happened t my daughter?"
00:09:55.260 - 00:09:59.060

Chaypaq achka achka luna huntalamusha. Taytalla:qa kallipa pulikusha ashikayan

Chay-paq achka achka luna hunta-la-mu-sha Tayta-lla-:-qa kalli-pa puli-ku-sha
DEM.D-ABL a.lot a.lot person gather-URGT-CISL-NPST father-RSTR-1-TOP street-LOC
De allí bastamte gente había llenado mientras mi papá estaba en la calle. Le
están bromeando a mi papá
A lot of people had filled up. My father was walking in the street. They were
making fun of my father.
00:09:59.750 - 00:10:06.270

ashi-ka-ya-n tayta-:-taq
walk-REFL-NPST laugh-PASSACC-PROG-3 father-1-SEQ

Chaynam pasalamala.
Chay-na-m pasa-la-ma-la
Así me ha pasado.
That's how it happened to me.
00:10:06.320 - 00:10:11.460

Ese es espíritu maligno. Nos puede comer, dice, pues.

Ese es espíritu maligno. Nos puede comer, dice, pues.
That's an evil spirit. It can eat us.
00:10:17.660 - 00:10:26.880

Si eres valiente, conversas.

Si eres valiente, conversas.
If you're brave, you talk to it.
00:10:26.930 - 00:10:35.960

Conversas. SI eres valiente. SI no eres valiente,

Conversas. SI eres valiente. SI no eres valiente,
You talk to it. If you're brave. If you're not brave,
00:10:36.050 - 00:10:42.990

¿Imaktam pulinki? ¿Ima lunam kanki? ¿Imapaqmi kayhina pulinki?

Ima-kta-m puli-nki Ima luna-m ka-nki Imapaq-mi kay-hina puli-nki
what-ACC-EVD walk-2 what person-EVD be-2 why-EVD DEM.P-COMP walk-2
¿En qué andas qué gente eres? Para qué andas así?
What are you walking about [for]? What person are you? Why are you walking
about like this?
00:10:55.150 - 00:11:02.090

Manam. Chayqa. Nami. Kwirpu:mi kawsu.

Mana-m Chay-qa Na-mi Kwirpu-:-mi kawsu
no-EVD DEM.D-TOP DMY-EVD body-1-EVD cause
No. Eso. Es culpable mi cuerpo.
No. That. Ummm. It's on account of my body.
00:11:02.260 - 00:11:07.880

Kwirpu:mi kanan kanan kwirpu: shamuyan qipa:ta.

Kwirpu-:-mi kanan kanan kwirpu-: shamu-ya-n qipa-:-ta
body-1-EVD now now body-1 come-PROG-3 behind-1-ACC
Mi cuerpo ahora ahorami cuerpo está viniendo a mi atrás.
Now my body is now coming behind me.
00:11:07.930 - 00:11:12.560

¡Ama ñuqaktaqa imanamaypischu! ¡Kwirpu:ta hapiluy!

Ama ñuqa-kta-qa ima-na-ma-y-pis-chu Kwirpu-:-ta hapi-lu-y
A mi no me hagas nada. Agárrala mi cuerpo.
Don't do anything to me! Grab hold of my body!
00:11:12.670 - 00:11:16.760

Kwirpu:ta hapiluy! Kwirpu: yatran imapaq kayna pulisha:tapis.

Kwirpu-:-ta hapi-lu-y Kwirpu-: yatra-n imapaq kay-na puli-sha:-ta-pis
body-1-ACC grab-URGT-IMP body-1 know-3 why DEM.P-VRBZ walk-PRF-1-ACC-ADD
Agárrame el cuerpo. Mi cuerpo sabe. Porque yo ando así.
Grab hold of my body! My body knows why I walk around like this.
00:11:16.910 - 00:11:22.200

Ah, maypaqmi shamunki? Maypaq shamunki? Imakta mushu pulinki?

Ah may-paq-mi shamu-nki May-paq shamu-nki Ima-kta mushu puli-nki
Ah where-ABL-EVD come-2 where-ABL come-2 what-ACC walk-2
Ah. ¿de dónde vienesr? ¿De dónde vienes? ¿En qué andas, joven?
Ah, where do you come from? Where do you come from? What are you wandering
about [for], young man?
00:11:51.750 - 00:11:57.720

Qamqa. Imakta munashpa pulinki? Manam ñuqaqa puliku: kaminuntam.

Qam-qa Ima-kta muna-shpa puli-nki Mana-m ñuqa-qa puli-ku-: kaminu-n-ta-m
2-TOP what-ACC want-SUBIS walk-2 no-EVD 1-TOP walk-REFL-1 road-3-ACC-EVD
Ud. Qué cosa queriendo andas? No. Yo me camino por el camino.
You. What do you want wandering around? No. I'm walking along the road.
00:11:57.770 - 00:12:04.640

Manam ñuqaqa imanashaykipischu Kwirpu:mi hutrayuq.

Mana-m ñuqa-qa ima-na-shayki-pis-chu Kwirpu-:-mi hutra-yuq
no-EVD 1-TOP what-VRBZ-1>2-ADD-NEG body-1-EVD fault-POSS
Yo no te voy a hacer nada. Mi cuerpo es culpable.
I'm not going to do anything to you. My body is guilty.
00:12:04.840 - 00:12:10.080

Kwirpu:mi kulpabli. Kayna pulina:paq. Kwirpu:ta tapuy. Kwirpu:mi yatran.

Kwirpu:-mi kulpabli Kay-na puli-na-:-paq Kwirpu-:-ta tapu-y Kwirpu-:-mi
body-1-EVD guilty DEM.P-VRBZ walk-NMLZ-1-PURP body-1-ACC ask-IMP body-1-EVD
Mi cuerpo es culpable. Así para que yo ande. Pregúnta a mi cuerpo. Mi cuerpo
My body is gilty. For me to wander around like this. Ask my body. My body knows.
00:12:10.250 - 00:12:18.950

Así, con espíritu maligno.

Así, con espíritu maligno.
Like that, with an evil spirit
00:12:20.610 - 00:12:25.960

Buenos no hay. Otras personas, claro.
Buenos no hay. Otras personas, claro.
There aren't good ones. Other people, of course.
00:12:32.310 - 00:12:40.220

Espíritu maligno. Ese es espíritu maligno, pues.

Espíritu maligno. Ese es espíritu maligno, pues.
An evil spirit. That's an evil spirit, then.
00:12:40.300 - 00:12:45.500

Ese era de la peña, pues, del diablo que engaña a la gente.

Ese era de la peña, pues, del diablo que engaña a la gente.
That was of the cliff, then, of the devil who tricks people.
00:13:16.560 - 00:13:22.220

¿Otra cosa se toma? Chamis. Anisado.

00:13:22.220 - 00:13:27.860 00:13:28.110 - 00:13:37.520

¿Y chamis cómo se prepara?

00:13:38.460 - 00:13:41.840

Ah, chamis se prepara -- alcohol, se quema, wamanripa, utkuyripa ....

Ah, chamis se prepara -- alcohol, se quema, wamanripa, utkuyripa ....
Ah, chamis is made -- alcohol, you burn it, wamanripa [herb], utkuyripa [herb]
00:13:42.000 - 00:13:49.300

Salvia, cáscara de naranja. Canela. Todo se prepara, pues.

Salvia, cáscara de naranja. Canela. Todo se prepara, pues.
Aloe, orange peel, cinnamon. Everything is prepared, then.
00:13:49.330 - 00:13:54.900

Se quema un poco con azúcar. Ah, después se echa alcohol.

Se quema un poco con azúcar. Ah, después se echa alcohol.
You burn it a little with sugar. Ah, later you toss in alcohol.
00:13:55.010 - 00:14:03.400

Una vez no más vino, el año pasado. Ahora más bien creo que
Una vez no más vino, el año pasado. Ahora más bien creo que
He came just one time, last year. Now, rather, I believe that
00:14:03.490 - 00:14:08.430

piensa venir. ¿Qué viene ahora? Con los hermanos, conversas.

piensa venir. ¿Qué viene ahora? Con los hermanos, conversas.
he's thinking about coming. What's coming now? With the brothers. You converse.
00:14:08.440 - 00:14:15.530

De ..... Atrqay.
Del ..... águila.
Of ..... The eagle.
00:14:15.870 - 00:14:26.050

Huk pashñash yatrasha kamputraw. Hinaptinshi

Huk pashña-sh yatra-sha kampu-traw Hinaptin-shi
one girl-EVR live-NPST countryside-LOC so-EVR
Una chica, dice, vivía en el campo.
Once upon a time there was a girl who lived in the countryside. Then
00:14:31.760 - 00:14:39.380

Musutukushpa trayalusha. Puñun. Tutaktaña. Hinashpa tuta

Musu-tuku-shpa traya-lu-sha Puñu-n Tuta-kta-ña Hinashpa tuta arrive-URGT-NPST sleep-3 night-ACC-DISC so night
Haciendose de un joven ha llegado. Durmió después en la noche,
He arrived pretending to be a young man. She slept. At night. Then, at night,
00:14:40.840 - 00:14:50.520

¿Kay urachu shamuyanki? nin pashñanqa. Chaylaqmi shamuya:. ¿Imayna mana

Kay ura-chu shamu-ya-nki ni-n pashña-n-qa Chay-laq-mi shamu-ya-: Imayna mana
DEM.P hour-Q come-PROG-2 say-3 girl-3-TOP DEM.D-CONT-EVD come-PROG-1 how no
"¿Estas horas estás viniendo?" Le dijo su enamorada. "Ah, recién estoy
viniendo." "¿Porqué tú no has venido?"
"You're coming at this hour?" said his girlfriend. "Ah, I'm just now coming."
"Why didn't you come?"
00:14:50.590 - 00:15:00.450


"Kanan imakta munashpa shamulanki?" "Apuray kutikuy kutikuy!" nin pashñanqa.

Kanan ima-kta muna-shpa shamu-la-nki Apura-y kuti-ku-y kuti-ku-y ni-n
now what-ACC want-SUBIS come-PST-2 hurry-IMP return-REFL-IMP return-REFL-IMP
"¿Ahora qué queriendo has venido? ¡Apúrate ahorita regrésate!" dijo su
"Now what did you come wanting? Hurry up and go back! Go back!" said his
00:15:02.440 - 00:15:09.650

Paqarinmi shamunki. Naktam.

pashña-n-qa Paqarin-mi shamu-nki Na-kta-m
say-3 girl-3-TOP tomorrow-EVD come-2 DMY-ACC-EVD
Mañana entnces vas a venir.
You'll come tomorow.
00:15:10.070 - 00:15:14.120

Millwaktam lutupakuya:. Talpashtipi nin.

Millwa-kta-m lutu-paku-ya-: Talpashti-pi ni-n
wool-ACC-EVD shear-MUTBEN-PROG-1 Talpashti-LOC say-3
"Estoy trasquilando lana. En Talpashti", le dijo.
I'm carding wool in Talpashti," he said.
00:15:14.150 - 00:15:18.540

Pashñantaqa. Pashña kriyilun. "Rasunpitr TK millwakta lutupakunqa", nin.

Pashña-n-ta-qa Pashña kriyi-lu-n "Rasun-pi-tr millwa-kta lutu-paku-nqa
girl-3-ACC-TOP girl believe-URGT-3 true-LOC-EVC wool-ACC shear-MUTBEN-3.FUT
a su enamorada. La chica lo creó. "De verdad seguro va a esquilar lana", dijo.
to his girlfriend. The girl believed him. "It must be true -- he's going to
card wool," she thought.
00:15:18.580 - 00:15:23.870


Talpashti.Talpashtitrawmi lutupakuya: millwakta chaytam shamunki, nin.

Talpashti. Talpashti-traw-mi lutu-paku-ya-: millwa-kta chay-ta-m shamu-nki
Talpashti Talpashti-LOC-EVD shear-MUTBEN-PROG-1 wool-ACC DEM.D-ACC-EVD come-2
"En Talpashti, en Talpashti. Estoy esquilando lana, allí vas a venir", le dijo.
In Talpashti. In Talpashti. I'm carding wool. Come there," he said.
00:15:23.900 - 00:15:29.490

Pashña qayantintaq lin ushanta qatirikushpa TK

ni-n Pashña qayantin-taq li-n usha-n-ta qati-ri-ku-shpa
say-3 girl go-3 sheep-3-ACC follow-INCEP-REFL-SUBIS
La chica al día siguente se fue llevando su oveja.
The next day, the girl went bringing her sheep.
00:15:29.550 - 00:15:33.270

Ushanta qatirikushpa lilun. Lishaq millwakta lutupakuyaptinqa

Usha-n-ta qati-ri-ku-shpa li-lu-n Li-shaq millwa-kta
sheep-3-ACC follow-INCEP-REFL-SUBIS go-URGT-3 go-1.FUT wool-ACC
Llevando su oveja se fue. Voy a ir si es que está esquiñando lana.
She went bringing her sheep. "I'm going to go if he's carding wool."
00:15:34.630 - 00:15:39.470


"Ganakuyantri qumanqatr puchkakuna:paq", nishpa.

Gana-ku-ya-n-tri qu-ma-nqa-tr puchka-ku-na-:-paq ni-shpa
Estará ganándose me dará para hilarme diciendo.
He must be earning [money]. He'll give me some so I can spin," she said
00:15:39.490 - 00:15:42.910

Pashñaqa lilun. Kanchu pipis.

Pashña-qa li-lu-n Ka-n-chu pi-pis
girl-TOP go-URGT-3 be-3-NEG who-ADD
la chica se fue y no había nadie.
The girl went. There wasn't anyone.
00:15:43.080 - 00:15:47.480

Manam pipis kanchu. Chayshi atrqaylla mancha mancha

Mana-m pi-pis ka-n-chu Chay-shi atrqay-lla mancha mancha
no-EVD who-ADD be-3-NEG DEM.D-EVR eagle-RSTR a.lot a.lot
No había nadie en eso dice, águila grande no más.
There wasn't anyone. Then, just an eagle.
00:15:47.490 - 00:15:51.210

Millwakta tishakuyasha. Huyutr Tishakuyashqa atrqayqa millwakta

Millwa-kta tisha-ku-ya-sha Huyu-tr Tisha-ku-ya-shqa atrqay-qa
wool-ACC card-REFL-PROG-NPST ugly-EVC card-REFL-PROG-SUBIS eagle-TOP
Estaba escarminando lana. Feo será un águila escarminando lana.
He was carding wool. It must be horrid -- an eagle carding wool.
00:15:51.210 - 00:15:56.780

Cómo agíla no más está escarminando lana, dijo?

Imayna atrqayllachush millwaktaqa tishayanman nin. Maytrawtaq chayqa kayan

nishpa pashñaqa nin.
Imayna atrqay-lla-chush millwa-kta-qa tisha-ya-n-man ni-n May-traw-taq chay-qa
how eagle-RSTR-TK wool-ACC-TOP card-PROG-3-COND say-3 where-LOC-SEQ DEM.D-TOP
¿Cómo puede estar escarminando lana un águila no más?" dijo. ¿En dónde está
ese?" dijo la chica.
"How can just an eagle be carding wool?" she said. "Where is that one?" the
girl said.
00:15:56.780 - 00:16:03.130

ka-ya-n ni-shpa pashña-qa ni-n

be-PROG-3 say-SUBIS girl-TOP say-3
Hinaptinshi Kanan imanashaq maytataq lishaq nin chaytraw señalamalachush TK
Allá me ha indicado creo
Hinaptin-shi Kanan ima-na-shaq may-ta-taq li-shaq ni-n chay-traw
so-EVR now what-VRBZ-1.FUT where-ACC-SEQ go-1:FUT say-3 DEM.D-LOC
Después, Ahora qué voy a hacer? A dónde voy a ir? dijo. Allí me estaba
señalando Para que haga conocer qué será
00:16:03.130 - 00:16:09.300


Yanqaya muyushanpaq kutimun atrqay pasakatray pasakatrayan atray qawanta.

Yanqa-ya muyu-sha-n-paq kuti-mu-n atrqay pasa-katra-y pasa-katra-ya-n atray
lie-TOP turn-PRF-3-ABL return-CISL-3 eaglr pass-FREQ-PROG-3 pass-FREQ-PROG-3
Por gusto de tanto estar dando vuelta se regresó el águila dando vueltas y
vueltas por encima.
00:16:09.310 - 00:16:16.010

Millwa kaqtaq TK Millwaktaq tishakuyan kayhina.

qawa-n-ta Millwa ka-q-ta-qa Millwa-kta-qa tisha-ku-ya-n kay-hina
eagle behind-3-ACC wool be-AG-ACC-TOP wool-ACC-TOP card-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.P-COMP
Está llegando donde la lana. Está escarminando la lana así.
I card wool like this.
00:16:16.070 - 00:16:20.870

Maytatrawtaq kayan nishpa. Pashñaqa kutikamun ushanta muyulachishpa kutikamun

May-traw-taq TK ka-ya-n ni-shpa Pashña-qa kuti-ka-mu-n usha-n-ta
where-LOC-SEQ be-PROG-3 say-SUBIS girl-TOP returm-REFL-CISL-3 sheep-3-ACC
Por dóndeya está? diciendo. La chica se regresó haciendo dar vuelta a su oveja
a su estancia-
The girl returned. She wanted her sheep. She returned to her ranch.
00:16:20.920 - 00:16:28.480

muyu-la-chi-shpa kuti-ka-mu-n istansiya-n-man

turn-URGT-CAUS-SUBIS return-REFL-CISL-3 ranch-3-ALL

Chayshi trayalamushpa "¿Imapaqmi yanqa kushlamalanki TK pulichiman nin?

Chay-shi traya-la-mu-shpa Imapaq-mi yanqa kushla-ma-la-nki puli-chi-ma-n ni-n
DEM.D-EVR arrive-URGT-SUBIS why-EVD lie TK-1.OBJ-PST-2 walk-CAIS-1.OBJ-3 say-3
Luego, cuando llegó, "Por qué me hacer caminar en vano?" dijo. Por qué me hacer
caminar me haces como un mendigo?
Then, when she arrived, "Why do you make me walk in vain?" she said.
00:16:28.500 - 00:16:34.940

Niptinqa, nishpaqa
Ni-pti-n-qa ni-shpa-qa
Dijo. Cuando lo dijo,
She said. WHen she said it,
00:16:35.030 - 00:16:38.920

Yanukulushpa mirindashaq puñukulun. Yapa trayatamun.

Yanu-ku-lu-shpa mirinda-shaq puñu-ku-lu-n Yapa traya-tamu-n
cook-REFL-URGT-SUBIS lunch-1.FUT sleep-REFL-URGT-3 again arrive-IRREV-3
"Cocinando, voy a merindar." Se durmió. Otra vez llegó.
"Voy a cocinar y comer." She fell asleep. He arived once more.
00:16:38.970 - 00:16:43.130

Igwal qalin ya iqwal waynan trayatamun

Igwal qali-n ya iqwal wayna-n traya-tamu-n
equal man-3 EMPH equal lover-3 arrive-IRREV-3
Igual el hombre, igual, su enamorado llegó.
Just the same, the man, just the same, her boyfriend, arrived.
00:16:43.190 - 00:16:49.700

"¿Imayna mana shamulankichu? Chaytraw suyarayayki. TK Chaytraw ñuqaqa kaya:.

Millwakta lutuya:", nishpa.
Imayna mana shamu-la-nki-chu Chay-traw suya-ra-ya-yki Chay-traw ñuqa-qa ka-ya-:
how no come-PST-2-NEG DEM.D-LOC wait-UNINT-PROG-2 DEM.D-LOC 1-TOP be-PROG-1
Por qué no viniste? Te esperaba allí. Yo estaba allí. Estaba escarminando
lana," dijo.
"Why didn't you come? I was waiting for you there. I was there. I was carding
wool," he said.
00:16:49.710 - 00:16:56.120

Millwa-kta lutu-ya-: ni-shpa

wool-ACC shear-PROG-1 say-SUBIS

Imanashpa millwakta lutun pish maytraw milwakta lutun? Chay ñuqa TK

Ima-na-shpa millwa-kta lutu-n may-pi-sh may-traw millwa-kta lutu-n chay ñuqa
what-VRBZ-SUBIS wool-ACC shear-3 TK TK where-LOC wool-ACC shear-3 TK DEM.D 1
Qué haciendo has estado esquilando lana? En dónde has estado esquilando lana?
00:16:56.450 - 00:17:01.120

Estoy conversando.
I'm talking.
00:17:10.800 - 00:17:12.360
¡Cóme, pues! ¿Qué conversas? ¡Cóme! Va a enfriar, pues.
Cóme, pues. ¿Qué conversas? Cóme. Va a enfriar, pues.
Eat! What are you talking about? Eat! It's going to get cold.
00:17:12.630 - 00:17:17.500

Yatrayachimanmi. Chaypaqshi yapa Tuta trayalushpaqa nin

Yatra-ya-chi-ma-n-mi Chay-paq-shi yapa Tuta traya-lu-shpa-qa ni-n
know-PROG-CAUS-3-EVD DEM.D-ABL-EVR again night arrive-URGT-SUBIS say-3
Me está enseñando. Otra vez, dice, Llegando en la noche, dijo.
She's teaching me. When she comes at night, she said.
00:17:50.590 - 00:17:55.390 00:18:29.220 - 00:18:32.110

"¿Imayna mana shamulankichu?"

Imayna mana shamu-la-nki-chu
how no come-PST-2-NEG
"¿Por qué no veniste?"
"Why didn't you come?"
00:18:32.160 - 00:18:35.320

Ayka vez shamuy TK nimanki chay lutupakuyapti:

Ayka vez shamu-y ni-ma-nki chay lutu-paku-ya-pti-:
how.many time come-IMP say-1.OBJ-2 DEM.D shear-MUTBEN-PROG-SUBDS-1
Cuántas veces me has dicho de venir cuando tús estás esquilando lana? Cuando
estaba cortando
00:18:36.710 - 00:18:39.970

"Manam. Mali TK atrqayllama kasha. Atrqayllam millwakta tishasha." "¡Ñuqamik

chayqa kala:!"
Mana-m M-ali atrqay-lla-m-a ka-sha Atrqay-lla-m millwa-kta tisha-sha Ñuqa-mi-k
no-EVD TK eagle-RSTR-EVD-INTENS be-NPST eagle-RSTR-EVD wool-ACC card-NPST 1-EVD-K
"No, pues. Había nada más águila. El águila no más en allí esquilaba lana."
"¡Ese era yo!"
No. There was just an eagle. An eagle carded wool." "That was me!"
00:18:40.770 - 00:18:47.550

chay-qa ka-la-:

"¿Chayqa qamchu chay millwakta tishalanki?" . "Ah, ñuqami kala:."

Chay-qa qam-chu chay millwa-kta tisha-la-nki Ah ñuqa-mi ka-la-:
DEM.D-TOP 1-Q DEM.D wool-ACC card-PST-2 . ah 1-EVD be-PST-1
"¿Entonces túa has sido quien esquilaba lanaí?" "Ah, fui yo."
"You carded that wool there?" "Ah, it was I."
00:18:50.180 - 00:18:55.850

Sinvirgwinsa. Qamchu ingañamalanki qalitukushpa.
Sinvirgwinsa Qam-chu ingaña-ma-la-nki qali-tuku-shpa
shameless 2-Q trick-1.OBJ-PST-2 man-SIMUL-SUBIS
"¡Sin vergüenza! ¿Encontces tú me engañaste haciéndote de hombre?"
"Shameless bastard? Then you tricked me making yourself out to be a man?"
00:18:56.120 - 00:19:02.890

Qamtri ingañamalanki intunsis. Walmiqa piñarilushpaqa nalun

Qam-tri ingaña-ma-la-nki intunsis Walmi-qa piña-ri-lu-shpa-qa na-lu-n
2-EVC trick-1.OBJ-PST-2 then woman-TOP mad-INCH-URGT-SUBIS-TOP DMY-URGT-3
"Tú me engañaste entonces", le dijo la mujer enojándose.
"You tricked me then," said the woman, getting angry.
00:19:02.950 - 00:19:10.840

Saludar se enseña. Imam sutiki? ¿Cómo te llamas?

Ima-m suti-ki
what-EVD name-2
Saludar se enseña. ¿Cómo te llamas?
You have to teach greeting. What is your name?
00:19:11.500 - 00:19:14.210 00:19:14.350 - 00:19:19.370

Kanan shamunki mana shamuptikiqa?

Kanan shamu-nki mana shamu-pti-ki-qa
now come-2 no some-SUBDS-2-TOP
Ahora vienes pobre que no vengas!
Are you coming now or
00:19:24.760 - 00:19:28.210

Imadiantrimantri TK shamushaq? Atrqaylla huntayaptin. Atrqaylla muyuyaptin.

Imadiantriman-tri shamu-shaq Atrqay-lla hunta-ya-pti-n Atrqay-lla
-EVC come-1.FUT eagle-RSTR gather-PROG-SUBDS-3 eagle-RSTR turn-PROG-SUBDS-3
Para qué diablos voy a venir? cuando está llenando águila no más, cuando está
dando vuelta águila no más.
An eagle, then, was gathering up. An eagle was going around.
00:19:28.410 - 00:19:33.230

Usiyusachu TK kay ñuqa shamuna:paq

muyu-ya-pti-n Usiyusa-chu kay ñuqa shamu-na-:-paq
lazy-Q DEM.P 1 come-NMLZ-1-PURP
Estoy ociosa qué cosa para que yo venga.
Lazy girl. So that I come.
00:19:33.280 - 00:19:35.640

Nishpa nin niptinshi

Ni-shpa ni-n ni-pti-n-shi
say-SUBIS say-3 say-SUBDS-3-EVR
Dijo. Cuando lo dijo.
He said. When he said it,
00:19:36.770 - 00:19:39.590

nin. "Likuy! Likuy! sinu wañulachiyaykim TK nin atrqaytaqa."

ni-n Li-ku-y Li-ku-y sinu wañu-la-chi-ya-yki-m ni-n atrqay-ta-qa
say-3 go-REFl-IMP Likuy!go-REFL-IMP rather die-URGT-CAUS-1>2 say-3 eagle-ACC-TOP
Dijo, "¡Véte! ¡Véte! sino te voy a matar," dijo al águila.
She said. "Go away! Go away! Otherwise I'll kill you," she said to the eagle.
00:19:41.070 - 00:19:45.860

Likun. "¿Imayna ñuqakta ingañamanki qam?"

Li-ku-n Imayna ñuqa-kta ingaña-ma-nki qam
go-REFL-3 how 1-ACC trick-1.OBJ-2 2
Se fue. "¿Cómo me vas a engañar a mí?"
He left. "How can you trick me?"
00:19:46.170 - 00:19:51.590

Qalitukushpa ñuqakta ingañamanki

Qali-tuku-shpa ñuqa-kta ingaña-ma-nki
man-SIMUL-SUBIS 1-ACC trick-1.OBJ-2
"¡Haciéndote de hombre me engañaste!"
"You tricked me pretending to be a man!"
00:19:51.870 - 00:19:54.840

"Wañulachishaykim. Chay huyutraw wañulachisaykim", TK nin.

"Wañu-la-chi-sayki-m Chay huyu-traw wañu-la-chi-sayki-m ni-n
"Te voy a matar. Te voy a matar en esa ollada te voy a matar" le dijo.
"I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you in this TK" she said.
00:19:55.050 - 00:19:59.150

Hiniptinqa. "Imayna TK wañuchimanki?" Qali alli TK siryu.

Hiniptin-qa Imayna wañu-chi-ma-nki Qali alli siryu
so-TOP how die-CAUS-1.OBJ-2 man good serious
Dijo. "¿Cómo me vas a matar?" El hombre muy serio
She said. "How are you going to kill me?"
00:19:59.200 - 00:20:02.580 00:20:03.130 - 00:20:05.670

Pashñapis siryush limakuyan wañuchishayki nishpa

Pashña-pis siryu-sh lima-ku-ya-n wañu-chi-sayki ni-shpa
girl-ADD serious-EVR talk-REFL-PROG-3 die-CAUS-1>2 say-SUBIS
La chica también está hablando molesta. "Te voy a mater," diciendo.
00:20:06.370 - 00:20:10.380

Chaypaqqa Manalaqpis wañulachipti:. ritirakuy! Likuy!

Chay-paq-qa Mana-laq-pis wañu-la-chi-pti-: ritira-ku-y Li-ku-y
Mientas que no te estoy matando mejor es que te vayas, que te retires. De
allí, "¡Retírate! ¡Vete!"
Después cuando todavía no le mataba Then, "Leave! Go away!"
00:20:10.940 - 00:20:15.390

Maytapis ñuqapis likushaq?

May-ta-pis ñuqa-pis li-ku-shaq
where-ACC-ADD 1-ADD go-REFL-1.FUT
"¿Dónde voy a ir yo también?"
"Where am I going to go?"
00:20:15.590 - 00:20:17.630

Huklaw llaqta huklaw istansiyamanmi ashtakalushaq TK nin.

Huk-law llaqta huk-law istansiya-man-mi ashta-ka-lu-shaq ni-n
one-side town one-side ranch-ALL-EVD transfer-PASSACC-URGT-1.FUT say-3
"Hacia otro lado, otra estancia me voy a trasladar", le dijo.
"To some other place, to some other ranch I'm going to move ," she said.
00:20:17.700 - 00:20:21.040

Nishpam. Likunshali.
Ni-shpa-m Li-ku-n-sh-ali
Dijo. Se fue, dice, pues.
She said. He left, they say, then.
00:20:21.240 - 00:20:23.650

Haqilunshi Pashñapis huk lawman ashtakulun.

Haqi-lu-n-shi Pashña-pis huk law-man ashta-ku-lu-n
leave-URGT-3-EVR girl-ADD one side-ALL transfer-REFL-URGT-3
Le dejó. La chica también se trasladó para otro sitio.
She left him. The girl, too, escaped somewhere else.
00:20:23.680 - 00:20:26.660

Atrqaypis huk lawman likun. Chaytraw paqwan

Atrqay-pis huk law-man li-ku-n Chay-traw paqwa-n
eagle-ADD one side-ALL go-REFL-3 DEM.D-LOC finish-3
El águila también se fue a otro sitio. Allí se acaba.
The eagle, too, went some place else. It ends there.
00:20:27.030 - 00:20:29.130 00:20:31.120 - 00:20:32.680

Chaytraw paqwayan. Chaytraw paqwalun.

Chay-traw paqwa-n Chay-traw paqwa-lu-n
DEM.D-LOC finish-3 DEM.D-LOC paqwalun.
Allí se acaba. Allí se acabó.
It ends there. It finished there.
00:20:33.220 - 00:20:36.060 00:20:41.730 - 00:20:46.410

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2014/Hongos_MT_Herranza_C.eaf
Sunday, July 27, 2014 4:44 PM


Wak kanan puntamakintam munayan.

Wak kanan puntamaki-n-ta-m muna-ya-n
DEM.D now puntamaki-3-ACC-EVD want-PROG-3
Ahora ellos quieren a los primeros validos.
Now they want the "first hands."
00:00:00.490 - 00:00:04.110

Qurinchayan llapa validunta.

Quri-n-cha-ya-n llapa validu-n-ta
Qurin-FACT-PROG-· all validu-3-ACC
Les está curando a todos los validos.
"He's healing all the "first hands."
00:00:04.640 - 00:00:07.400

Sinta ... Puntamakikta dus puntapa kayan.

Sinta ... Punta-maki-kta dus punta ka-ya-n
ribbon ... Puntamaki-ACC two group be-PROG-3
Cinta ... Los validos están en dos grupos.
Ribbon ... The "first hands" are in two groups.
00:00:08.070 - 00:00:11.440

Sintirankuna kayan
Sintira-n-kuna ka-ya-n
ribboners-3-PL be-PROG-3
Están las mujeres que ponen cintas.
There are the women who put the ribbons.
00:00:11.560 - 00:00:13.510

Llapantam makinpi qurichanqa.

Llapa-n-ta-m maki-n-pi-qa richa-nqa
all-3-ACC-EVD hand-3-LOC-TOP TK-3.FUT
Va a poner "qori" en las manos de todos.
He's going to put "quri" on the hands of all of them.
00:00:14.030 - 00:00:16.930

Chay qurinchaptin Ruwamasanchikta hitaykunchik vakaman.

Chay qurin-cha-pti-n ruwa-ma-sa-nchik-ta hita-yku-nchik vaka-man
DEM.D qurin-FACT-SUBDS-3 TK make-1.OBJ-PRF-1PL-ACC throw-EXCEP-1PL cow-ALL
Cuando los cura, Lo que nos da lo aventamos a la vaca.
When he heals them, We toss what he gave us to the cows.
00:00:17.520 - 00:00:19.300 00:00:21.310 - 00:00:23.780

Mana malugramananchikpaq mana pisutiyamananchikpaq

Mana malugra-ma-na-nchik-paq mana pisutiya-ma-na-nchik-paq
no ruin-1.OBJ-NMLZ-1PL.PURP no trample-1.OBJ-NMLZ-1PL-PURP
Para que no nos malogren, para que no nos pesoteen.
So that they don't ruin us, so that they don't step on us.
00:00:24.170 - 00:00:27.750

Wakqa rik qurinchayan. Irransapi.

Wak-qa ri-k TK quri-n-cha-ya-n Irransa-pi
DEM.D-TOP RI-K qurin-FACT-PROG-3 erranza-LOC
Ellos están curando. En la herranza.
They're curing them. In the herranza.
00:00:29.410 - 00:00:32.730

Wamanripa, utkuyripa, i ...

Wamanripa utkuyripa, i ...
Wamanripa utkuyripa and ...
Flores de wamanripa, flores de utkuyripa ...
Wamanripa flowers, utkuyripa flowers and ...
00:00:35.870 - 00:00:40.120

matrka. Maíz molido con su quri.

Machca. Maíz molido con su "quri".
Ground cereal meal. Ground corn with its "quri."
00:00:40.210 - 00:00:43.190

Kansiyadurnin. Kansiyadurninqa wak qurinchaptinqa

Kansiyadur-ni-n Kansiyadur-ni-n-qa wak quri-cha-pti-n-qa
Kansiyadur-EUPH-3 Kasiyadur-EUPH-3-TOP DEM.D quri-FACT-SUBDS-3-TOP
El señor que cura. Cuando señor que cura los cura,
Their healer. When their healer puts the "quri" in their hands,
00:00:43.940 - 00:00:48.720

Animunta quyan. Allí está punta maki wak ... Pirdunayan bandirakta.
Animu-n-ta qu-ya-n ... Pirduna-ya-n bandira-kta
animu-3-ACC give-PROG-3 ... pardon-PROG-3 flag-ACC
les está dando ánimo. Allí están los validos. Están pidiendo perdón a la
it gives them courage. There are the first hands. They're adking forgiveness
from the flag.
00:00:48.890 - 00:00:54.260

Alli trabahananpaq. Llapa vakanta pues lulanpaq.

Alli trabaha-na-n-paq Llapa vaka-n-ta lula-n-paq
good work-NMLZ-3-PURP all cow-3-ACC make-3-PURP
Para que trabajen bien. Para que hagan todas sus vacas.
So that they work well. So that they do all the cows.
00:00:54.580 - 00:00:59.610

¡Vé! Llapanmi na pirdunanqa bandirakta.

Ve, llapa-n-mi na pirduna-q bandira-kta
look all-3-EVD DMY pardon-AG flag-ACC
¡Vé! Todos van a pedir perdón a la bandera.
See! all of them are going to ask forgiveness from the flag.
00:01:00.880 - 00:01:04.400

Manam pirdunaptinqa algun piligrum kurrin.

Mana-m pirduna-pti-n-qa algun piligru-m kurri-n
no-EVD pardon-SUBDS-3-TOP some danger-EVD run-3
Si no perdona, algun peligro corren.
If it doesn't pardon, they run a risk.
00:01:04.640 - 00:01:08.220

Biynmi atakanwan halunqa waqlanwan waqlanqa

Biyn-mi ataka-n-wan halu-n-qa waqla-n-wan waqla-nqa
good-EVD hoof-3-INSTR trample-3-TOP horn-3-INSTR horn-3.FUT
Bien los va pisotear con su pata. Los va a cornear con su cuerno.
Well they're going to trample them with their hoofs; they're going to gore them
with their horns.
00:01:09.380 - 00:01:16.580

U manam puydinqachu tumbayta mana pirdunaptinqa.

U mana-m puydi-nqa-chu tumba-y-ta mana pirduna-pti-n-qa.
or no-EVD knock.down-INF-ACC no pardon-SUBDS-3-TOP
O no van a poder tumbarlos si no perdona.
Or they're not going to be able to knoc over the cows if it doesn't pardon them.
00:01:17.220 - 00:01:20.960

Allí está Senovia Flores Vicente. Wak kayan Justina Wamán Vicente.
Wak ka-ya-n Justina Wamán Vicente.
DEM.D be-PROG-3 Justina Wamán Vicente.
Allí está Senovia Flores Vicente. Allí está Justina Wamán Vicente.
There's Senovia Flores Vicente. There's Justina Wamán Vicente.
00:01:25.360 - 00:01:34.240

Wak kaya: ñuqa. Ñuqa wakpi kayan ñuqapa kumpañira Doris Wamán.
Wak kaya-: ñuqa. Ñuqa wak-pi ka-ya-n ñuqa-pa kumpañira Doris Wamán.
DEM.D be-PROG-1 1 1 house-LOC be-PROG-3 1-GEN friend.F Doris Wamán.
Allí estoy yo. Yo estoy allí [con] mi conpañera Doris Huamán.
There I am. I'm there with my friend Doris Huamán.
00:01:34.720 - 00:01:42.600

Kanan achka achkam Kundur Wamanriki va nakta.

Kanan achka achka-m Kundur Wamanriki va na-kta.
now a.lot a.lot-EVD Kundur Waman-R-KI va DMY-ACC
Ahora muchos Condor Huamán van a este ...
NOw a lot of Condor Huamán go to umm
00:01:44.240 - 00:01:50.620

Vakakta mikunanpaq, aychanta mikunanpaq, ¿manachu?

Vaka-kta miku-na-n-paq aycha-n-ta miku-na-n-paq mana-chu
cow-ACC eat-NMLZ_3-PURP meat-3-ACC eat-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP no-Q
Para que come vacas, para que come su carne, ¿no?
So that they can eat the cows, so that they can eat the meat, no?
00:01:50.640 - 00:01:53.300

Muwirtakta mikun llapan qallakuykun kanan

Muwirta-kta miku-n llapa-n qalla-ku-yku-n kanan
Muwirta-kta miku-n llapa-n qalla-ku-yku-n kanan
Todos comen el muerto. Ahora empieza
Everyone eats the cadaver. Now they begin
00:01:53.440 - 00:01:56.760

Mayurchapaq. Allí está mayorcha. Kanqa kanan waktam kasarachinqa hinashpam

Mayur-cha-paq Kanan-qa kanan wak-ta-m kasa-ra-chi-nqa hina-shpa-m
Mayur-cha-paq. Kanan-qa kanan wak-ta-m kasa-ra-chi-n-qa hinashpa-m
La "mayorcha" [boda]. Allí está "moyorcha." Ahora van a hacer casar, después,
The "mayorcha" [wedding]. There's the mayorcha. Now their going to get them
married, then
00:01:56.920 - 00:02:04.100

Pañalunninwan punchunwan tapanqa. Patrunapa patrunpa hakunwan chaypaqa

Pañalun-ni-n-wan punchu-n-wan tapa-nqa Patruna-pa patrun-pa haku-n-wan
Pañalun-ni-n-wan poncho-3-INSTR cover-3.FUT owner.F-GEN owner.M-GEN caot-3-INSTR
Los van a tapar con su pañalón y con su pocho. Con la ropa de los patrones, de
los patrones allí.
They're cover them with their shawl and their poncho. With the clothes of the
patrons, of the patrons there.
00:02:04.240 - 00:02:11.200

Vinu piskunta upyachinqa wak turitukta vakillakta.
Vinu-pis-kuna upya-chi-nqa wak turitu-kta vakilla-kta
wine-ADD-PL drink-CAUS-3.FUT DEM.D calf.M-ACC calf.F-ACC
Van a hacer tomar vino y pisco al toro y a la vaquilla.
They're going to make the bull and the cow drink pisco and wine.
00:02:11.440 - 00:02:16.320

Hinaptinñataqmi Chaypi katraykushpaqa upyanqa wayta rikunqa llapa hinashpa

nanqa kushkunqamari.
Hinaptin-ña-taq-mi Chay-pi katra-yku-shpa-qa upya-nqa wayta-ri-ku-nqa llapa
Luego, cuando los sueltan allí, todos van a tomar y ponerse flores. Luego van a
este van a bailar, pues.
Then, when they set them loose, everyone is going to drink and put flowers [in
their hats]. Then they'll umm, they'll dance, then.
00:02:16.980 - 00:02:30.080

hinashpa na-nqa kushku-nqa-ma-ri

flower-INCEP-REFL-3.FUT all so DMY-3.FUT dance-3.FUT-EVD-EMPH

Awrik. Tushukuyan urkistawan. Patrunakuna tushukuyan gustu aligri vakanta

siñalaptin, vakanta sintachiptin.
Aw-ri-k tushu-ku-ya-n urkista-wan Patruna-kuna tushu-ku-ya-n gustu aligri
yes-R-K dance-REFL-PROF-3 orchestra-INSTR owner.F-PL dance-REFL-PROG-3 enjoy
Sí, pues. Están bailando con la orquesta. Las patronas están bailando
alegramente cuando señalan sus vacas, cuando ponen cinta a las vacas.
Yes, then. They're dancing with the band. The patrons are dancing happily when
they brand their cows, when they put ribbons in the ears of the cows.
00:02:31.440 - 00:02:40.880

vaka-n-ta siñala-pti-n vaka-n-ta sinta-chi-pti-n

happy cow-3-ACC brand-SUBDS-3 cow-3-ACC ribbon-CAUS-SUBDS-3

Chaynami kustumbri kay Hungospi llaqtapi, kay Peru llaqtapi.

Chay-na-mi kustumbri kay Hungos-pi llaqta-pi kay Peru llaqta-pi
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD custom DEM.P Hungos-LOC town-LOC DEM.P Peru town-LOC
Así es la costumbre aquí en el pueblo de Hongos, aquí en Perú.
Our custom here in the town of Hongos, here in Peru is like that.
00:02:42.780 - 00:02:47.960

rik linlinta kuchulun

rik linli-n-ta kuchu-lu-n
ri-k ear-3-ACC cut-URGT-3
Cortaron su oreja.
They cut its ear.
00:02:48.400 - 00:02:50.120

Nanayan. ¿Imayna manam nanayan? Yawarninpis lluqsikuyan. Waqlanpaqpis,

Nana-ya-n Imayna mana-m nana-ya-n Yawar-ni-n-pis lluqsi-ku-ya-n Waqla-n-paq-pis
hurt-PROG-3 how no-EVD hurt-PROG-3 blood-EUPH-3-ADD exit-REFL-PROG-3
Duele. ¿Cómo no va a doler? Está saliendo sangre. De su cacho, de su oreja
It hurts. How is it not going to hurt? It's blood is coming out, too. From its
horn, from its ear.
00:02:58.300 - 00:03:05.140

horn-3-ABL-ADD ear-3-ABL-ADD

Kananqa pañalunwan tapanqa. Ve. Largu pañulunwan. Hinashpañataq

Kanan-qa pañalun-wan tapa-nqa Ve. Largu pañulun-wan Hinashpa-ña-taq
now-TOP shawl-INSTR cover-3.FUT look long shawl-INSTR so-DISC-SEQ
Ahora lo van a tapar con su pañalón. ¡Vé! con un pañalón largo. Luego,
Now they're going to cover them with her shawl. Look! With a long shawl. Then
00:03:05.400 - 00:03:11.100

Punchuwan hawanpaq. trupantaq manam. trupanta krusaykushpam

Punchu-wan qawa-n-paq trupa-n-taq mana-m trupa-n-ta krusa-yku-shpa-m
poncho-INSTR behind-3-LOC tail-3-SEQ no-EVD tail-3-ACC cross-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD
Con su poncho encima. Su cola, no. Cruzando sus colas,
With his poncho on top. Not its tail. Crossing their tails,
00:03:12.780 - 00:03:20.780

Hapiyan masisukta. Ve. traqni ... traqnikuyan

Hapi-ya-n masisu-kta Ve tr aqni traqni-ku-ya-n
grab-PROG-3 firm-ACC look bind bind-REFL-PROG-3
Están agarrando fuerte. Están amarrando sus pies.
They're grabbing them tightly. Look! They're bind ... they're binding up their
00:03:20.780 - 00:03:27.420

Allí está. Patrunapa pañalunin. hawanpaq. Qalinpa punchun.

Patruna-pa pañalun-ni-n Qawa-n-paq Qali-n-pa punchu-n
owner.F-GEN shawl-EUPH-3 behing-3-LOC man-3-GEN poncho-3
Allí está. El pañalón de la patrona. Encima, el poncho del hombre.
There it is. The patron's shawl. Ton top, the man's poncho.
00:03:27.680 - 00:03:35.440

Mmm. Wallkan kayan napa mayurchapa. Sinqantaqa hapiyanmi.

Mmm. wallka-n ka-ya-n na-pa mayur-cha-pa Sinqa-n-ta-qa hapi-ya-n-mi
Mmm. garland-3 be-PROG-3 DMY-GEN alder-DIM-GEN nose-3-ACC-TOP grab-PROG-3-EVD
Mm. Su collar está de ... de la novia. Está agarrado su nariz.
Mm. The garland is the umm the bride's. He's taking hold of its nose.
00:03:36.280 - 00:03:45.020

Hapiyan kayhina mana aturananpaq. Nam imay sutin. Waktaqa upyachin. Nakta ma.
Vinupis huktam.
Hapi-ya-n kay-hina mana atura-na-n-paq Na-m imay suti-n Wak-ta-qa upya-chi-n
grab-PROG-3 DEM.P-SIM no choke-NMLZ-3-PURP DMY-EVD what name-3 DEM.D-ACC-TOP
Agarran así para que no se atorre. Este, ¿Cómo se llama? Los están haciendo
tomar vino pisco. Este ... Vino también al otro.
They grab on like that so that they don't choke. Umm. What is it called?
They're having them drink pisco. The other one, wine.
00:03:45.160 - 00:03:53.320

Na-kta ma Vinu-pis huk-ta-m

drink-CAUS-3 DMY-ACC TK wine-ADD one-ACC-EVD

Para hembras ... para trinanman vinukta, turunman piskukta upyachin.

... para trina-n-man vinu-kta turu-n-man pisku-kta upya-chi-n
... for female-3-ALL wine-ACC bull-3-ALL pisco-ACC drink-CAUS-3
Para hembras, para las hembras vino; hacen tomar pisco a los toros.
For the females, for the females, wine; they make the males drink pisco.
00:03:55.260 - 00:04:02.600

Wakllam lliwtan kayan. Huk sintiraktam huk riqsiyachin sintanta. Manam

Wak-lla-m lliw-ta-n ka-ya-n Huk sintira-kta-m huk riqsi-ya-chi-n sinta-n-ta
DEM.D-RSTR-EVD all-ACC-3 be-PROG-3 one ribbon.putter-ACC-EVD one know-PROG-CAUS-3
Ese no más está malo. Una está mostrando sus cintas a una cintera. No me gusta.
Just that is bad. One is showing one "cintera" her ribbons. I don't like it.
00:04:02.920 - 00:04:10.200

Mana-m gusta-man-chu
ribbon-3-ACC no-EVD be.pleasing-1.OBJ-3-NEG

Sintira mismam kikinchik akllanchik sintanchiktaqa.

Sintira misma-m kiki-nchik aklla-nchik sinta-nchik-ta-qa
ribbon.putter self-EVD self-1PL choose-1PL ribbon-1PL-ACC
Las cinteras mismas escogemos nuestras cintas.
The "cinteras" themselves, we ourselves choose our ribbons.
00:04:11.660 - 00:04:15.580

Tunamanmi pukakta truranchik. Chaypaqa biyn amarillukta u yuraqta

Tuna-man-mi puka-kta trura-nchik Chay-pa-qa biyn amarillu-kta u yuraq-ta
corner-ALL-EVD red-ACC put-1PL DEM.D-LOC-TOP good yellow-ACC or white-ACC
Ponemos las rojas en el rincón. Despues, bien amarillo o blanco.
We put the red ones in the corner. Then yellow or white.
00:04:16.480 - 00:04:23.940

Chaypaqqa silisti. Silistipaqqa naranhakta. Narahapaqqa truranchik rusawta.

Chay-paq-qa silisti Silisti-paq-qa naranha-kta Naraha-paq-qa trura-nchik
DEM.D-ABL-TOP orange-ACC orange-ABL-TOP put-1PL
Después, celeste. De celeste, anaranjado. De anaranjado se pone rosado.
Then, sky blue. After sky blue, orange. After orange we put the pink ones.
00:04:24.940 - 00:04:33.260

rusaw-ta Virdik-ta
pink-ACC green-ACC
00:04:33.740 - 00:04:37.060

I ultimupaq truranchik kayhinaña ya, ¡ve! Kaymi

I ultimu-paq trura-nchik kay-hina-ña ya ve. Kay-mi
and last-BEN put-1PL DEM.P-SIM-DISC EMPH look DEM.P-EVD
De último, se pone así ya. ¡Vé! Así.
Last, we put them like that. Look! Like that.
00:04:37.420 - 00:04:52.880

Na ... animalninchik awmintananpaq. Este lo lleva adelante. Este sigue. Hay

Na ... animal-ni-nchik awminta-na-n-paq.
DMY ... animal-EUPH-1PL increase-NMLZ-3-PURP
Este .. para que nuestras animales aumenten. Este lo lleva adelante. Este
sigue. Hay otro.
Umm ... so that our animals increase in number.
00:04:53.560 - 00:05:03.080

Tunaman. Tuna rinriman. Kanan wak kushkukuyan. Nashanta. Mayurchashanta.

Tuna-man Tuna rinri-man Kanan wak kushku-ku-ya-n Na-sha-n-ta
corner-ALL corner ear-ALL now wakDEM.D TK-REFL-PROG-3 DMY-PRF-3-ACC
Al rincón. Al rincón de su oído. Ahora están bailando. Lo que han este el hecho
de que han celebrado su boda.
In the corner. In the corner od its ear. Now they're dancing. What they umm,
that they had the wedding.
00:05:03.120 - 00:05:14.660


Bandiranwan purikuyan patrunqa. Uniku manam Ana hapinchu. Duwiñuman hapinchu
tiñanta. Mana takiyta yatranchu.
Bandira-n-wan puri-ku-ya-n patrun-qa Uniku mana-m ana hapi-n-chu Duwiñu-man
flag-3-INSTR walk-REFL-PROG-3 owner.M-TOP only no Ana grab-3-NEG owner.M-ALL
El patrón está caminando con su bandera. Unicamente Ana no está agarrando. No
agarran la tinya del dueño. No sabe cantar.
The patron is going about with his flag. Only Ana isn't grabbing on to it. They
don't grab the owner's tabourine. They don't know how to sing.
00:05:15.620 - 00:05:27.960

hapi-n-chu tiña-n-ta Mana taki-y-ta yatra-n-chu

grab-3-NEG tambourine-3-ACC no sing-INF-ACC know--3-NEG

Wak nanta pungu putuntam truran trawpiman. Aswantawan. Utkuyripawan

Wak na-n-ta pungu putu-n-ta-m trura-n trawpi-man Aswanta-wan Utkuyripa-kta
DEM.D DMY-3-ACC TK bowl-3-ACC-EVD put-3 center-ALL TK-INSTR Utkuyripa-ACC
Ponen sus este su mati en el centro. Con su chicha. Tapando con flores de
They put their umm their gourd in the middle. With their chicha. Covering it
with utkuyripa flowers.
00:05:29.140 - 00:05:36.260


Chaytam duwiñaman duwiñuman haywaykun. Chay al.ganar upyarushpaqa. Chintachin

Chay-ta-m duwiña-man duwiñu-man haywa-yku-n Chay al.ganar upya-ru-shpa-qa.
DEM.D-ACC-EVD owner.F-ALL owner.M-ALL reach-EXCEP-3 DEM.D upon.winning
Ese alcanza al dueño y a la dueña. Tomando al ganar. Hacen TK su polo.
They have that reach the owners. Drinking when they win. They have his t-shirt.
00:05:36.500 - 00:05:43.080

Aswa. Aswam kayan.

Chinta-chi-n pulu-n-ta Aswa Aswa-m ka-ya-n
drink-URGT-SUBIS TK-CAUS- t.shirt-3-ACC chicha chicha-EVD
Chicha. Hay chica.
Chicha. There's chicha.
00:05:43.380 - 00:05:48.460

Kanan wakta qunqa duwiñumanqa. Hinaptin krusanqa. Llapa llapanña upyapakunqa.

Maytraw tinkuptin hitanqataq purunta.
Kanan wak-ta qu-nqa duwiñu-man-qa Hinaptin krusa-nqa Llapa llapan-ña
now DEM.D-ACC give-3.FUT owner.M-ALL then cross-3.FUT all all-3-DISC
Ahora van a dar eso al dueño. Luego lo van a cruzar. Todos, todos ya van a
tomar. Donde se encuentra va a botar su mate.
Now they're going to give that to the owner. Then they're going to cross. All,
all of them are going to drink. Wherever they meet, they'll toss in the gourd.
00:05:50.100 - 00:05:59.180

upya-paku-nqa pagu-nqa May-traw tinku-ku-pti-n hita-nqa-taq puru-n-qa

drink-MUTBEN-3.PL pay-3.FUT where-LOC find-REFL-SUBDS-3 throw.out-3.FUT-SEQ


Va a cruzar ya. Krusanqañam llapanñam chaytaqa upyapakuyan, ve.

Krusa-nqa-ña-m llapa-n-ña-m chay-ta-qa upya-paku-ya-n ve
cross-3.FUT-DISC-EVD all-3-DISC-EVD DEM.D-ACC-SEQ drink-MUTBEN-PROG-3 look
Va a cruzar ya. Va a cruzar ya. Todos ya lo están tomando. ¡Eso, vé!
They're going to cross already. They're going to cross already. All of them are
drinking it. Look!
00:06:04.980 - 00:06:09.380

Wak qarwam wakpa sutin. No es pongo. Punguqa ...

Wak qarwa-m wak-pa suti-n Pungu-qa ...
DEM.D rust.colored-EVD DEM.D-GEN name-3 TK-TOP ...
Eso allí se llama "qarwa" [piedra plomo]. No es pongo. Pongo ...
That there is called "qarwa" [grey stone]. It isn't pongo. Pongo ...
00:06:13.390 - 00:06:18.170

Siparaw na wak misanpitr kayan.

Siparaw na wak misa-n-pi-tr ka-ya-n
separate DMY DEM.D mass-3-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3
Separado este. Estará allá en su mesa.
Separate, umm. It must be there on their table.
00:06:18.680 - 00:06:20.900

Llapa llapa kanan waytakusha.

Llapa llapa kanan wayta-ku-sha
all all now flower-REFL-PRF
Todos todos ahora se han puesto sus flores.
All, all of them now have their flowers on.
00:06:24.190 - 00:06:26.610

Wamaripa, utkuyripa. Wakmi uywa wayta.

Wamaripa utkuyripa. Wak-mi uywa wayta
Wamaripa, utkuyripa. DEM.D-EVD uywa flower
Flores de wamanripa, flores de utkuyripa. Allí flores de uywa. TK
Wamanripa flowers, utkuyripa flowers. Uywa flowers.
00:06:27.320 - 00:06:31.260

Huk umanta hapin. Huk kay liklanta kayna trutan. Hukñata qipa trakinta.
Huk uma-n-ta hapi-n Huk kay likla-n-ta ka-ya-n truta-n Huk-ña-ta qipa
one head-3-ACC grab-3 one DEM.P arm-3-ACC be-PROG-3 pull-3 one-DISC-ACC behind
Otro agarra su cabeza. Otro pone su brazo así.. Otro ya también de su pata
00:06:35.000 - 00:06:41.490

Manam hatarinanpaq. Waqranta kuchuyan.

traki-n-ta Mana-m hatari-na-n-paq Waqra-n-ta kuchu-ya-n
foot-3-ACC no-EVD get.up-NMLZ-3-PURP horn-3-ACC cut-PROG-3
Para que no se levante. Está cortando su cacho.
So that it doesn't get up. He's cutting its horn.
00:06:41.570 - 00:06:47.230

Manam pukaqa allin kayan. Chay yuraqpis amarillupis.

Mana-m puka-qa allin ka-ya-n Chay yuraq-pis amarillu-pis
no-EVD red-TOP good be-PROG-3 DEM.D white-ADD yellow-ADD
Rojo no está bien. Blanco, tampoco, amarillo, tampoco.
Red's no good. White, either, yellow, either.
00:06:48.850 - 00:06:52.640

Chaypa huk kulur kayan virdi, asul, qillu. Manataq kulurninchu chayqa.
Chay-pa huk kulur ka-ya-n virdi asul qillu Mana-taq kulur-ni-n-chu
DEM.D-LOC one color be-PROG-3 green blue yellow no-SEQ color-EUPH-3-NEG
Allí hay otro color -- verde, azul, amarillo. No es su color-RSTR.
There's another color -- green, blue, yellow. That's not her color.
00:06:52.740 - 00:07:01.140

Manam kulur ima imakta. Se pide, pues.

chay-qa Mana-m kulur ima ima-kta
DEM.D-TOP no-EVD color what what-ACC
Cuando no hay color, ¿qué cosa? Se pide pues.
[When there´s] no color. What? They ask for it, then.
00:07:01.180 - 00:07:03.390

Wallqachin kuyashpa
Wallqa-chi-n kuya-shpa
garland-CAUS-3 love-SUBIS
Cariñando le ponen su collar.
Petting it, they put its garland on.
00:07:10.910 - 00:07:13.610

Vakanta kuyashpa, lichin qushanta yuyarishpa

Vaka-n-ta kuya-shpa lichi-n qu-sha-n-ta yuya-ri-shpa
cow-3-ACC love-SUBIS milk-3 give-PRF-3-ACC remember-INCEP-SUBIS
Cariñando su vaca, recordando que le da su leche.
Petting her cow, remembering that she gives her milk.
00:07:13.610 - 00:07:16.260

Kuchilluwan kurtayan sinta, unay sintanta.

Kuchillu-wan kurta-ya-n sinta unay sinta-n-ta
knife-INSTR cut-PROG-3 ribbon long.ago ribbon-3-ACC
Cortan las cintas con cuchillo, sus antiguas cintas.
They cut the ribbons with a knife, their old ribbons.
00:07:24.340 - 00:07:27.890

Mana ... mana ... huk awhayirunman sinta ushtuchina chayqa qayuwaptin
fasilllakta. Pone, pues.
Mana ... mana ... huk awhayiru-n-man sinta-ku-shtin chay-qa qayu-ma-pti-n
no ... no ... one needle-3-ALL ribbon-REFL-SUBADV DEM.D-TOP TK-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3
No. No. Hay que poner la cinta en otro aujarierro. Cuando se lo da, fácilmente
se pone, pues.
No ... No ... You have to put the ribbon in another needle. When they give it
to them, they put it easily, t.hen
00:07:31.270 - 00:07:39.050

fasillla-kta Waqa-ya-n-mi
easy-ACC cry-PROG-3-EVD
Está llorando.
It's crying.
00:07:43.790 - 00:07:45.100

Tapalli TK turupa churinshi chay. Luku.

Tapa turu-pa churi-n-shi chay Luku
cover bull-GEN child-3-EVR DEM.D crazy
Tapalli toro su hijo es ése. Loco.
That's his son. Crazy.
00:07:50.000 - 00:07:53.020

Lluqsikun Doña Deliapa nan. Doña ...

Lluqsi-ku-n Doña Delia-pa na-n Doña ...
exit-REFL-3 Doña Delia-GEN DMY-3 Doña ...
Sale de Doña Delia su ... Doña ...
Doña Delia is coming out. Doña ...
00:07:53.880 - 00:07:57.950

Wakitu mitupi manam ushachimuptin upyakun asta putka yakukta.

Wakitu mitu-pi mana-m usha-chi-n wa-pti-n upya-ku-n asta putka yaku-kta
TK mud-LOC no-EVD dress-CAUS-3 TK-SUBDS-3 drink-REFL-3 even cloudy water-ACC
Allá en el barro. Cuando no pueden, se toma asta agua turbia.
In the mud. When they can't, they even drink turbid water.
00:07:59.970 - 00:08:04.650

Mmm. Pishipashpa. Hukkunaqa qayakuyan. Kutichimun.
Mmm. Pishipa-shpa Huk-kuna-qa qaya-ku-ya-n Kuti-chi-mu-n
Mmm. tire-SUBIS one-PL-TOP see-REFL-PROG-3 return-CAUS-CISL-3
Mmm. Cuando se cansan. Otros están llamando. Hacen volver.
When they get tired, others call. They make them return.
00:08:05.450 - 00:08:10.450 00:08:18.700 - 00:08:20.033

Puntamakim, chayta kutichimunriki. Mana apuraw hatarinanpaq kayna kayna

qiwishpam hinayachinpis. Akasu hinaya imataq
Puntamaki-m chay-ta kuti-chi-mu-n-ri-ki Mana apuraw hatari-na-n-paq kayna kayna
Puntamaki-EVD DEM.D-ACC return-CAUS-CISL-3-R-KI no hurried get.up-NMLZ-3-PURP
Los validos los hacen volver, pues. Para que no se levante rápido, así, así,
torciendo están haciendo así. Acaso así no más ¿qué?
The first hands make them return. So that they don't get up quickly. Like that,
like that, twisting it, they make it do like that. Maybe like that, no more.
00:08:20.999 - 00:08:30.222

qiwi-shpa-m hina-ya-chi-n-pis Akasu hina-ya-taqchu ima-taq



Kaymanmi kay llaqta. Kay lawman wak tuna lawtraw luwayan irransakta. Chillka.
Chillka nishanpi TK. Kulihiyu Kallapunkupa uray lawninpi
Kay-man-mi kay llaqta. Kay law-man wak tuna law-traw luwa-ya-n irransa-kta
DM.P-ALL-EVD DEM.P town DEM.P side-ALL DEM.D corner side-LOC make-PROG-3
Para acá, este pueblo. Para este lado en este rincón hacen su herranza.
"Chillka". Donde se llama "chillka". El colegio. Abajo del "Kalla Punko"
Towards here, this town. Towards over here in that corner they hold the
herranza. Chillka. The place called Chillka. The high school. Below Kalla Punko.
00:08:30.400 - 00:08:41.300

Chillka Chillka ni-sha-n-pi Kulihiyu Kallapunku-pa uray law-ni-n-pi

erranza-ACC Chillka. Chillka say-PRF-3-GEN Kallapunkupa down.hill


Hapallanriki. Qaritukusha. Alaláw chay. Chistoso. Chay huk pukakta, ve.

Hapallan kakuyan.
Hapa-lla-n-ri-ki Qari-tuku-sha Alaláw chay. Chistoso. Chay huk puka-kta ve
alone-RSTR-3-R-KI man-SIMUL-PRF Alaláw DEM.D funny DEM.D one red-ACC look
Solito, pues. Se cree de hombre. Chistoso. A ese colorado también. ¡Vé! Está
All alone, then. He's dressed up as a man. Funny. That colored one. Look! It's
all alone.
00:08:41.300 - 00:08:53.600

Hapa-lla-n ka-ku-ya-n
alone-RSTR-3 be-PROG-3

Imaynataq manachu atipanqa Piyur. Huknin katraykunqa, huknin hapiyanqa. Llapan

puntamaki minganakushpa kayan
Imayna-taq mana-chu atipa-nqa Piyur. Huk-ni-n katray-ku-nqa huk-ni-n
how-SEQ no-NEG worse one-EUPH-3 release-REFL-3.FUT one-EUPH-3
¿Cómo no va a poder? Peor. Otro lo va a soltar; otro lo va a arrear. Todos los
validos están turnándose.
How are they not going to be able? Worse. The other is going to set it loose;
the other is going to grab it. ALl the first hands are taking turns.
00:08:54.400 - 00:09:04.800

hapi-ya-nqa. Llapa-n puntamaki minga-naku-shpa ka-ya-n

grab-PROG-3.FUT all-3 puntamaki take.turns-RECIP-SUBIS be-PROG-3

Qalikamalla, qalikamalla tumbayan walmiqa sintallakta ushtuchinchik. ¿Maypitaq

walmi puwidichuwan tumbayta?
Qali-kama-lla qali-kama-lla tumba-ya-n walmi-qa sinta-lla-kta ushtu-chi-nchik
man-ALL-RSTR man-ALL-RSTR knock.over-PROG-3 woman-TOP ribbon-RSTR-ACC
Los hombres no más, los hombres no más están tumbando. Nosotras las mujeres
estamos poneniendo las cintas. ¿Dónde las mujeres vamos a poder tumbar?
Just the men, just the men knock down [the cows]. The women put on the ribbons.
WHere can women fell cows?
00:09:05.600 - 00:09:14.100

Maypa-taq walmi puwidi-n tumba-y-ta

dress-CAUS-1PL where-LOC-SEQ woman knock.over-INF-ACC

Watuwanmi ichaqa, waqrapa hapikushpa, huk walmi sinqapa hapichun

Watu-wan-mi icha-qa waqra-pa hapi-ku-shpa huk walmi sinqa-pa
rope-INSTR-EVD perhaps-TOP horn-LOC grab-REFL-SUBIS one woman nose-LOC
Quizás con soga, agarrandolo de cacho. ¡Que otra mujer lo agarre en la nariz!
Maybe with a rope, grabbing on to the horn. Let another woman grab it on the
00:09:14.800 - 00:09:21.900


Sultachun ishkay qipa trakipa puntaqa maniyachun kaytrawpi wiqawpaq watuwan

Sulta-chun ishkay hipa-y traki-pa punta-kta maniya-chun kay-traw-pi TK
release-INJUNC two TK-INF foot-LOC point-ACC bind-INJUNC DEM.P-LOC waist-LOC
Que suelte los dos patas de atrás; que amarre el de adelante! Acá de medio de
cintura con soga. TK
Let them release the two hind legs! Let them bind the front. Here in the middle
of the waist with a rope.
00:09:22.000 - 00:09:28.900

wiqaw-paq watu-wan

Wakman kayman trutashpaqa, Claro, se lo tumba. Kimsa wak luwayan. Kimsam

Wak-man kay-man truta-shpa Kimsa wak luwa-ya-n Kimsa-m patrun-mi
DEM.D DEM.P-ALL pull-SUBIS three DEM.D make-PROG-3 three-EVD owner.M-EVD
Se lo tumba jalando para allá y para acá. Tres están haciéndolo. Son tres los
They knock them over pulling them over there and over here. Three are doing
that. There are three owners.
00:09:29.200 - 00:09:36.300

Wak wallqantam hulqatamushpa na manam dublanchu. Katraykuyanñam. Hatarinanpaq.

Katrakuyanñam. Llapanña limanakushpa puntamakikuna katraykuyan.
Wak wallqa-n-ta-m hulqa-tamu-shpa na mana-m dubla-n-chu. Katra-yku-ya-n-ña-m.
DEM.D garland-3-ACC-EVD remove-IRREV-SUBIS DEM.D no-EVD fold-3-NEG
Sacando su collar .... No, no doblan. Está soltando ya para que levante. Está
soltando ya. Todos hablándose los de validos están soltando.
Removing its garland. They don't fold it. They're letting it loose already so
it can get up. They're letting it loose already. Talking to each other all the
first hands are letting it loose.
00:09:36.500 - 00:09:48.500

Hatari-na-n-paq Katra-ku-ya-n-ña-m Llapa-n-ña lima-naku-shpa puntamaki-kuna

release-EXCEP-PROG-3 get.up-NMLZ-3-PURP release-REFL-PROG-3-DISC all-3-DISC

talk-RECIP-SUBIS puntamaki-PL release-EXCEP-PROG-3

Markayan piyirnanpi. Manam duwiñum ikivukakunanpaq. Tukayan hanay lawninpi

waktraw Doña Sofía fiystapim.
Marka-ya-n piyirna-n-pi Mana-m duwiñu-m ikivuka-kuna-n-paq Tuka-ya-n
brand-PROG-3 leg-3-LOC no-EVD owner.M-EVD mistake-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP play-PROG-3
Están marcando en su pierna. Para que no se equivoque de dueño. Están tocándo
más arriba. Allí [es] Doña Sofía. En la fiesta.
They're branding it on the leg. So that they don't mistake the owner. They're
playing [instruments] up hill there. [That's] Doña Sofía. In the festival.
00:09:48.900 - 00:09:57.500

hanay law-ni-n-pi wak-traw fiysta-pi-m
up.hill side-EUPH-3-LOC DEM.D-LOC festivañ-LOC-EVD

Wak saksafunista hapallan tukakun manam urkistawanchu. Hanay napi.

Wak saksafunista hapa-lla-n tuka-ku-n mana-m urkista-wan-chu Hanay
DEM.D saxaphone.player alone-RSTR-3 play-REFL-3 no-EVD orchestra-INSTR-NEG
Ese sacsofonista toca solito, no con orquesta arriba en ...
That sacsophonist is playing all alone, without a band, up hill ...
00:09:58.700 - 00:10:04.600

up.hill DMY-LOC

Sirkupa hanaylawninpi. Manam unayqa urkistas likalanchikchu. Kurnitiwan

tiñallawan, kimsa, tawam tinyayuq.
Sirku-pa hanay law-ni-n-pi Manam unay-qa urkista-kta lika-la-nchik-chu
corral-LOC up.hill side-EUPH-3-LOC no-EVD long.ago-TOP orchestra-ACC
Más arriba del cerco. No antes, las orquestas no se veían. Con cornete y
tamborcito. Habían tres, cuatro con sus tamborcitos.
Further up hill from the enclosure. Before, we didn't see bands. With a horn
and a tambourine -- three, four [women] with tambourines.
00:10:04.850 - 00:10:14.200

Kurniti-wan tiña-lla-wan kimsa tawa-m tinya-yuq

see-URGT-1PL-NEG TK-INSTR tambourine-RSTR-INSTR three four-EVD tambourine-POSS

Takiq kalanchik. Iskinam muyuriqpi. Nalla ... tinyalla waktraw kaytraw.

Taki-q ka-la-nchik Iskina-m muyu-ri-q pues. Na-lla ... tiña-lla wak-traw
sing-AG be-PST-1PL corner-EVD turn-INCEP-AG DMY-RSTR ... tambourine-RSTR
Cantoras éramos. Alrededor de la esquina. Tinya no más allá, acá.
We were singers. Around the corner. Umm ... just tambourines there, here.
00:10:14.200 - 00:10:22.000

DEM.D-LOC kaytraw.

Tinya mas tinya takikuyan. Duwiñupaq. Puntamakipaq, vakapaq. Llapanpaq.

Tinya mas tinya taki-ku-ya-n Duwiñu-paq Puntamaki-paq vaka--paq
tambourine more tambourine sing-REFL-PROG-3 owner.M-BEN Puntamaki-BEN cow-BEN
Tamborcito más tamborcito están cantando. Para los dueños, para los validos,
para las vacas, para todos.
Tambourines, more tambourines they're singing. For the owners, for the first
hands, for the cows. For everyone.
00:10:22.000 - 00:10:29.100


Chay kanan pronto, habrán cuatro, cinco años que está celebrando con orquesta.
Y ya como dice Doña Sofía también ya estamos olvidando ya a tinyir.
Chay kanan
DEM.D now
Ahora pronto, habrán cuatro, cinco años que está celebrando con orquesta. Y ya
como dice Doña Sofía también ya estamos olvidando ya a tinyir.
Now soon there will be four, five years that they've been celebrating with a
band. And as Doña Sofía, too, says already we're already forgetting how to play
the tambourine.
00:10:29.150 - 00:10:40.250

Ah, qunqalunchikñam. TK Manañam uyanchikchu tantu. Apay Linchamiki. Linchina

es. Manachu waqakuyan? Lunapa llaqtanpa, lunapa wasinpi.
Ah, qunqa-lu-nchik-ña-m Mana-ña-m uya-nchik tantu. Apa-y Lincha-mi-ki Mana-chu
Ah, forget-URGT-1PL-DISC-EVD no-DISC-EVD accept-1PL so.much bring-IMP
Ah, nos hemos olvidado ya. Ya no. Ah, ya no nos recordamos tanto. Ah, ella es
de Lincha, pues. Linchina es. ¿No ves? Está llorando." En el pueblo de gente
[desconocida], en la casa de gente [desconocida]..·
Ah, we've forgotten already. No longer. Ah, we don't remember very much any
more. Ah, she's from Lincha. She's a Linchina. Don't you see? "In the town of
[strange] people, in the houses of [strange] people.
00:10:40.600 - 00:10:50.900

waqa-ku-ya-n Luna-pa llaqta-n-pa luna-pa wasi-n-pi

Lincha-EVD-K no-Q cry-REFL-PROG-3 person-GEN town-3-LOC person-GEN house-3-LOC

Nabiyawayta walmipa kawsunmi yatrakala waqashtin manachu niyan?

Nabiyawa-y-ta walmi-pa kawsu-n-mi yatra-ka-la waqa-shtin mana-chu ni-ya-n
cow-1-ACC woman-GEN TK-3-EVD know-PASSACC-PST cry-SUBADV no-Q say-PROG-3
Por causa una vaca me he acostumbrado. ¿Llorando no está diciendo?
On account of a cow I got used to it. Crying, she's saying, no?
00:10:51.150 - 00:10:56.850

Manam. Takitaq TK takikun piru kustumblalunyali manaña llaqtanta kutinchu.

Mana-m Taki-taq taki-ku-n piru kustumbla-lu-n-ya-ri mana-ña llaqta-n-ta
no-EVD sing-ACC sing-REFL-3 but accustom-URGT-3-EMPH-EMPH no-DISC town-3-ACC
No. De cantar, canta, pues, pero. Se ha acostumbrado. Ya no vuelve a su pueblo.
No. She sings songs but she's accustomed [to it here], then. She won't go back
to her town now.
00:10:57.400 - 00:11:04.000


Vakanraykush kustumblalun kaypi. Ese es cornetero Toledo Flores.
Vaka-n-rayku-sh kustumbra-lu-n kay-pi
cow-3-CAUS-EVR accustom-URGT-3 DEM.P-LOC
Por su vaca, dice, se acostumbró aquí. Ese es cornetero Toledo FLores.
On account of her cows, she says, she got accustomed to it here. That's the
horn-player, Toledo FLores.
00:11:04.500 - 00:11:10.400

Pay unay tukaq kala. Chaypaq huk ñuqapa qusa:pis tukalam wak kurnitikta.
Pay unay tuka-q ka-la. Chay-paq huk ñuqa-pa qusa-:-pis tuka-la-m wak
3 long.ago play-AG be-PST DEM.D-ABL one 1-GEN husband-1-ADD play-PST-EVD DEM.D
El era quien tocaba antes. De allí, otro. Mi esposo también tocaba el cornete.
He was the one who played before. Then, another ... My husband, too, played the
00:11:11.050 - 00:11:16.450

Chaytaqa ninchik manam kuniti ninchikchu

kurniti-kta Chay-ta-qa ni-nchik mana-m kuniti ni-nchik-chu
cornet-ACC DEM.D-ACC-TOP say-1PL no-EVD kunitiTK say-1PL-NEG
Y a eso se dice no se dice cornete.
We call it that. We don't say "cornete."
00:11:16.960 - 00:11:19.940

Kutrupa kutrupa, Aquí está mi queso ninchik.

Kutru-pa kutru-pa
corner-LOC corner-LOC
Borde del queso, borde del queso. Aquí está mi queso, se dice.
Cheese rind, cheese rind. Here's my cheese! we say.
00:11:20.290 - 00:11:23.710

Queso. Ya vamos a cantar, cuando dice. Ya, pues, primiru kutrupa. Dispuysta
hay queso, decimos
kutru-pa Dispuys-ta
corner-LOC after-ACC
Queso. Ya vamos a cantar, cuando dice. Ya, pues, el primer borde de queso.
Después, hay queso, decimos
Cheese. We're going to sing already when they say. Already, then, the first
cheese rind. Later, there's cheese, we say.
00:11:23.810 - 00:11:29.780

Aa, chay nishpam ñuqakuna.

Aa chay ni-shpa-m ñuqa-kuna
Ah, así diciendo nosotros.
Ah, saying that, us.
00:11:30.755 - 00:11:33.315

Pay vuluntadña tukakuy irransakta gustashpam tukaq lin. TK
Pay vuluntad-ña tuka-ku-y irransa-kta gusta-shpa-m tuka-q li-n
3 will-DISC play-REFL-INF erranza-ACC want-SUBIS-EVD play-AG go-3
De su voluntad iba a tocar a herranza disfrutándolo.
He played voluntarily. He went to play herranzas with pleasure.
00:11:37.235 - 00:11:44.475

Kurnitiwanpis u saksullawanpis. Tukiy lluqsin. I primiru kayna.

Kurniti-wan-pis u saksu-lla-wan-pis. Tuki-y lluqsi-n I primiru kay-na
cornet-INSTR-ADD or sax-RSTR-INSTR-ADD nice-TK come.out-3 one first DEM.P-VRBZ
Con cornete o saxo no más. Bueno sale. Y primero así.
With a corn or with just a sax. It comes out nicely. First, like this.
00:11:44.935 - 00:11:50.615

¿May chay kaymish? Primiru tinyalla

May chay kay-mish Primiru tinya-lla
where DEM.D DEM.P-COMP first tambourine-PROG-RSTR
¿Donde es eso así. Primero, tinya no más.
Where is that like that? First, just a tambourine.
00:11:50.975 - 00:11:55.335

I kurnitilla. Chaypaqa takishtinñataq litranta, takikta hitayan

I kurniti-lla chay-paq-qa taki-shtin-ña-taq litra-n-ta taki-kta
and cornet-RSTR DEM.D-ABL-TOP play-SUBADV-DISC-SEQ libreto-3-ACC sing-ACC
Y cornete no más. Después, cantando, están botando la letra, la canción.
And just a horn. Then, singing already, they throw out the words, the song.
00:11:55.735 - 00:12:01.315

Kundur bandirakta kitayan napaq duwiñupaq.

hita-ya-n Kundur bandira-kta kita-ya-n na-paq duwiñu-paq
throw.out-PROG-3 condor flag-ACC remove-PROG-3 DMY-ABL owner.M-ABL
El condor está quitando la bandera del dueño.
The condor is taking away the owner's flag.
00:12:01.615 - 00:12:06.125

Paganqam kanan wak katraykunqa. Piru mana yatranchu pay. Altullaktañam

apanman manañam wakhinalla makinwan hapinakushpa tushuyan
Paga-nqa-m kanan wak katra-yku-nqa Piru mana yatra-n-chu pay Altu-lla-kta-ña-m
pay-3.FUT-EVD now DEM.D release-EXCEP-3.FUT but no know-3-NEG 3
Ahora van a pagar y lo va a soltar. Pero él no sabe. Puede llevarlo alto, no
más. Ya no así. Agarrándose de mano están bailando.
Now they're going to pay and he's going to let it loose. But he doesn't know.
He can bring it high up, no more. Not like that any more. They're holding hands
an they're dancing.
00:12:06.125 - 00:12:15.980

apa-n-man mana-ña-m wak-hina-lla maki-n-ta hapi-naku-shpa tushu-ya-n

Aa likalayan wak tukakuqta.

lika-laya-n wak tuka-ku-q-ta.
grab-RECIP-SUBIS dance-PROG-3 see-PASS-3 DEM.D play-REFL-AG-ACC
Ah, están mirando al que toca.
Ah, they're looking at the one who's playing.
00:12:16.100 - 00:12:18.860

Aligri aligri patruna kakuyan.

Aligri aligri patruna ka-ku-ya-n
happy happy owner.F be-REFL-PROG-3
La patrona está bien alegre.
The owner is very happy.
00:12:29.220 - 00:12:32.760

Muyurishpa muyurishpa tushuyan. Ah, wak vakanpi yawarnintam karanta shuñaykun

con masta vakayuq kayananpaq.
Muyu-ri-shpa muyu-ri-shpa tushu-ya-n Ah wak vaka-n-pi yawar-ni-n-ta-m kara-n-ta
turn-INCEP-SUBIS turn-INCEP-SUBIS dance-PROG-3 ah DEM.D cow-3-LOC
Dando vuelta, dando vuelta están bailando. TK
00:12:34.410 - 00:12:43.190

shuña-yku-n con mas-ta vaka-yuq ka-ya-na-n-paq

blood-EUPH-3-ACC-EVD face-3-ACC paint.with.blood-EXCEP-3 with more-ACC cow-POSS


Uy, mi pelo cae. Mi yana suqu uma. ¿Maytraw qam kanan kayanki?
yana suqu uma May-traw qam kanan ka-ya-nki
Uy, black head where-LOC 2 now be-PROG-2
Uy, mi pelo cae. Mi cabeza negra con canas. ¿Dónde estás ahora?
Uy, my hair's falling [out]. My black and grey head. Where are you now?
00:12:52.590 - 00:12:59.570

Tushukuyaptintri hapikuyala kurriy kurriy kaykuyan.

Tushu-ku-ya-pti-n hapi-ku-ya-n kurri-y kurri-y ka-yku-ya-n
dance-REFL-PROG-SUBDS-3 grab-REFL-PROG-3 run.INF run-INF be-EXCEP-PROG-3
00:12:59.620 - 00:13:04.400

Kallapunku. Kulihiyum KT kallapunku sutin.

Kallapunku Kulihiyu-m kallapunku suti-n
Kallapunku. kallapunku name-3
00:13:04.480 - 00:13:07.560
file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2014/Lincha_NF_FrogStory.eaf
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:30 AM


Kumpadri sapu, nin. Quq, nin Kumpadri sapuqa, tantutr kurrinki, dice.
Kumpadri sapu, ni-n Quq ni-n Kumpadri sapu-qa tantu-tr kurri-nki
compadre frog say-3 ribbit say-3 compadre frog-TOP so.much-EVC run-2
¡Compadre Sapo! dice. ¡Kuk! dice. usted, Compadre Sapo, corres bien, dice
Compadre Frog! he says. Kuk! he says. You, Compadre Frog, run well, he says.
00:00:00.160 - 00:00:03.510 00:00:03.730 - 00:00:08.250

Maytañatr saqakurun kumpadri sapuqas

May-ta-ña-tr saqa-ku-ru-n kumpadri sapu-qa-s
where-ACC-DISC-EVC go.up-REFL-URGT-3 compadre frog-TOP
¿A dónde ya subió el Compadre Sapo?
Where did Compadre Frog go up already?
00:00:09.720 - 00:00:12.740

Yapa qayan. Kumpadri sapu, quq, nin, Altupiña.

yapa qaya-n Kumpadri sapu quq ni-n Altupi-ña
again call-3 compadre from ribbit say-3 high-LOC-DISC
De vuelta lo llama. ¡Compadre Sapo! le dice. ¡Kuk! dice, alto ya.
He calls him again. Compadre Sapo! he says. Kuk! he says, up high already.
00:00:13.600 - 00:00:18.990

Ñaq nin. Kurrikuyantriki kumpadri sapuqa.

Ñaq nin Kurri-ku-ya-n-tri-ki kumpadri sapu-qa
ribbit say-3 run-REFL-PROG-EVC-KI compadre frog-TOP
Estará corriendo, pues, el Compadre Sapo, ¿no?
Already, he says. Compadre Sapo must be running already.
00:00:19.567 - 00:00:22.756

Asu, pishiparuniñam ñuqaqa nishpa qalluntash aqturunñam

Asu pishiparu-ni-ña-m ñuqa-qa ni-shpa qallu-n-ta-sh aqtu-ru-n-ña-m
Asu, tire-URGT-1-DISC-EVD 1-TOP say-SUBIS tongue-3-ACC-EVR spit-URGT-3-DISC-EVD
Aso, yo ya me cansé, dice y saca su lengua ya, dicen.
Oh, my! I'm already tired, he said, trailing his tongue.
00:00:23.161 - 00:00:28.039

atuqqa. Qallunta aqturuptinñataqshi

atuq-qa Qallu-n-ta aqtu-ru-pti-n-ña-taq-shi
fox-TOP tongue-3-ACC spit-URGT-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ-EVR
el zorro. Cuando saca su lengua ya, dicen.
the fox. When he trails out his tongue already, they say
00:00:28.492 - 00:00:32.938

Yapa qayan. Kumpadri sapu, quq, nin

yapa qaya-n Kumpadri sapu quq ni-n
again call-3 compadre frog ribbit say-3
De vuelta lo llama, ¡Compadre Sapo! ¡Kuk! dice.
He called him again, Compadre Frog! Kuk? he said.
00:00:33.396 - 00:00:36.977

hanaypiña. Payqa mitadllapiraq kayan sapuqa dilantinpiña quququyakuyan sapuqa

hanay-pi-ña Pay-qa mitad-lla-pi-raq ka-ya-n sapu-qa dilanti-n-pi-ña
up.hill-LOC-DISC 3-TOP half-RSTR-LOC-CONT be-PROG-3 frog-TOP
Arriba ya. El está en mitad no más. Sapo está en su delante. ¡Kuk! ¡Kuk! está
contestando Sapo.
Up high already. He's still just at the middle. Frog is ahead of him. Kuk kuk
kuk Frog is answering.
00:00:37.148 - 00:00:47.133

quququ-ya-ku-ya-n sapu-qa
in.front.of-3-LOC-DISC ribbi-ribbiting frog.TOP

Yapa qayan. Yapa qayaptinñataqshi, quq, nin hanaskapiña paypaq kakuyan sapuqa
Yapa qaya-n Yapa qaya-pti-n-ña-taq-shi quq, ni-n hanaska-pi-ña pay-paq
again call-3 again call-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ-EVR ribbit say-3 way.up.hill-LOC-DISC
De vuelta lo llama. Cuando llama de nuevo, dicen, dice ¡Kuk!. Más arriba de
Sapo ya está.
He calls him again. When he calls him again, they say, he said kuk
00:00:47.206 - 00:00:54.917

ka-ku-ya-n sapu-qa
3-ABL be-REFL-PROG-3 frog-TOP

Kumpadri sapuqa kurriyantr allallita kumpadri sapuqa kumpadri sapu quq nin
Kumpadri sapu-qa kurri-ya-n-tr allalli-ta kumpadri sapu-qa kumpadri sapu quq
compadre fromg-TOP run-PROG-3-EVC good-ACC compadre frog-TOP compadre frog
Compadre Sapo estará corriendo bien Compadre Sapo. Compadre Sapo, ¡Kuk! dice,
más ya.
Compadre Sapo would be running well, Compadre Sapo. Compadre Sapo! Kuk! he says
some more.
00:00:55.145 - 00:01:03.074

ni-n mas-ta-ña
ribbit say-3 more-ACC-DISC

Qaparikuyanña sapuqa hanaypiña. trayariyanñash mitad kumbrimanña.

Qapari-ku-ya-n-ña sapu-qa hanay-pi-ña traya-ri-ya-n-ña-sh mitad
shout-REFL-PROG-3-DISC frog-TOP up.hill-LOC-DISC arrive-INCEP-PROG-3-DISC-EVR
Está gritando ya Sapo arriba ya. Está llegando a mitad cumbre ya, dicen.
Frog is shouting already, up high already. He's arriving half way up the peak
already, they say.
00:01:03.342 - 00:01:09.311

half peak-ALL-DISC

Punta sirrumanña trayaykuyan.

Punta sirru-man-ña traya-yku-ya-n
peak hill-ALL-DISC arrive-EXCEP-PROG-3
Está llegando a la punta del cerro ya.
He's arriving at the peak of the mountain already.
00:01:09.677 - 00:01:12.934

Sapuqa chay sapuqa sirru puntapitr trurarakuyan, sapuqa.

Sapu-qa chay sapu-qa sirru punta-pi-tr trura-ra-ku-ya-n sapu-qa
frog-TOP DEM.D frog-TOP hill peak-LOC-EVC arrive-UNINT-REFL-PROG-3 frog-TOP
Sapo, ese Sapo, estará colocado en la punta del cerro, Sapo.
Frog, that Frog, would be placed on the peak of the mountain, Frog.
00:01:13.137 - 00:01:17.555

Piru chay sapu mayupa kumpitinsiya ruwasanqa

Piru chay sapu mayu-pa kumpitinsiya ruwa-sa-n-qa
but DEM.D frog river-LOC competition make-PRF-3-TOP
Pero ese Sapo va a haber hecho compencia en el río.
But that Frog will have competed in the river.
00:01:17.738 - 00:01:21.387

Chayqa pachallanpi kakuyan. Filallanpa laqarakun sapuqa.

Chay-qa pacha-ya-n-pa ka-ku-ya-n Fila-lla-n-pa laqa-ra-ku-n sapu-qa
Ellos están en fila no más. En fila no más estaban pegados los sapos.
They're all in line. They stuck themselves in a line.
00:01:21.725 - 00:01:25.183

Chay mastaña rin atuqqa. Kurriyanshi witrayta, kurriyanshi.

Chay mas-ta-ña ri-n atuq-qa Kurri-ya-n-shi witray-ta kurri-ya-n-shi
DEM.D more-ACC-DISC go-3 frog-TOP run-PROG-3-EVR up.hill-ACC run-PROG-3-EVR
Mas ya va Zorro. Está corriendo, dicen, para arriba. Está corriendo, dicen.
Fox is running more already. He's running, they say, up hill. He's running,
they say.
00:01:25.603 - 00:01:30.643

Kurriptinqa qayan kumpadri sapu, nin. Quq nin.

Kurri-pti-n-qa qaya-n kumpadri sapu ni-n Quq ni-n
run-SUBDS-3-TOP call-3 compadre frog say-3 ribbit say-3
Corriendo está llamando, ¡Compadre Sapo! dice. ¡Kuk! dice.
Running, he shouts, Compadre Frog! he says. Kuk! he says.
00:01:31.034 - 00:01:34.845

Aya, altu puntapiñam nin. Ahora sí.

Aya altu punta-pi-ña-m ni-n
Aya, high peak-LOC-DISC-EVD say-3
Aya, en punta alta ya, dijo. Ahora sí.
Aya, on the high peak already, he says. Now, yes,
00:01:35.290 - 00:01:40.169

Manachu kumpadri saputaqa hapishpaqa mikurushaq, ninshi.

Mana-chu kumpadri sapu-ta-qa hapi-shpa-qa miku-ru-shaq ni-n-shi
no-NEG compadre frog-ACC_TOP grab-SUBIS-TOP eat-1.FUT say-3-EVR
Agarrando al Compadre Sapo, ¿Acaso no lo voy a comer? dice dijo.
Grabbing Compadre Frog [he says], As if I'm not going to eat [you].
00:01:40.600 - 00:01:44.087

Masta kurriyallan atuqllaqa. Qalluntapis aqtushpaña kurriyallan.

Mas-ta kurri-ya-lla-n atuq-lla-qa Qallu-n-ta-pis aqtu-shpa-ña kurri-ya-lla-n
more-ACC run-PROG-RSTR-3 fox-RSTR-TOP tongue-3-ACC-ADD spit-SUBIS run-PROG-RSTR-3
Más está corriendo pobre zorro. Sacando su lengua está corriendo.
The poor Fox is running more. Trailing his tongue, he's running.
00:01:44.573 - 00:01:49.505

Ma qayan. Yapa qayan. Kumpadri sapu, quq, nin.

Ma qaya-n yapa qaya-n Kumpadri sapu quq ni-n
PHAT call-3 again call-3 compadre frog ribbit say-3
A ver, llama, de vuelta llama. Compadre Sapo, dice, ¡Kuk! dice.
Let's see, he shouts. He shouts again. Compadre Frog! Kuk! he says.
00:01:50.342 - 00:01:55.288

Kumbripiña paypaq faltayanraq mitad trayanan urqu puntaman.

Kumbri-pi-ña pay-paq falta-ya-n-raq mitad traya-na-n urqu punta-man
peak-LOC-DISC 3-ABL lack-PROG-3-CONT half arrive-NMLZ-3 hill peak-ALL
En la cumbre ya. Para él falta todavía la mitad. Tiene que llegar a la punta
del cerro.
On the peak already. Half is still left for him [Fox]. He has to get to the
peak of the mountain.
00:01:55.410 - 00:02:00.707

Chaypaq trayaptinñash puntapi ubikaw kayan sapuqa.
Chay-paq traya-pti-n-ña-sh punta-pi ubikaw ka-ya-n sapu-qa
DEM.D-ABL arrive-SUBDS-3-DISC-EVR peak-LOC located be-PROG-3 frog-TOP
Cuando llega, dicen, a la punta ya está ubicado el sapo.
When he arrives, they say, at the peak of the mountain, Frog is [already]
located there.
00:02:01.058 - 00:02:06.273

Puntaman trayaruptinqa, kumpadri sapu, nin. Quq, nin, yatanpi.

Punta-man traya-ru-pti-n-qa kumpadri sapu ni-n Quq ni-n yata-n-pi
peak-ALL arrive-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP compadre frog say-3 ribbit say-3 side-3-LOC
Cuando llegó a punta, ¡Compadre Sapo! dice. ¡Kuk! dice en su lado.
When he arrived at the peak, Compadre Frog! he says. Kuk! he says, at his side.
00:02:06.894 - 00:02:12.137

Atuqpi yatanpi. ¿Tanto corres compadre sapo?

Atuq-pi yata-n-pi
fox-GEN side-3-LOC and
En el lado de Zorro. ¿Tanto corres, Compadre Sapo?
At Fox's side. Do you run that much, Compadre Frog?
00:02:12.447 - 00:02:16.839

Qamqa pishiparachiwankim kumpadri sapu nin.

Qam-qa pishipa-ra-chi-wa-nki-m kumpadri sapu ni-n
2-TOP tire-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-2-EVD compadre frog say-3
Ud. me has hecho cansar, Compadre Sapo, le dijo.
You've made me tired, Compadre Frog.
00:02:17.271 - 00:02:20.365

Ñuqaqa kurriyani yari. Qamqa imaynataq kurrinkichu, nin. Hatunmi qamqa kanki,
nin. Ñuqaqa uchukm.
Ñuqa-qa kurri-ya-ni yari Qam-qa imayna-taq kurri-nki-chu ni-n Hatun-mi qam-qa
1.TOP run-PROG-1 EMPH-R 2-TOP how-SEQ run-2-NEG say-3 big-EVD 2-TOP be-2 say-3
Yo he estado corriendo, pues. usted por qué no corres? Grande eres usted le dijo.
Yo soy pequeño.
I'm running. Why aren't you running? he says. You're big, he says. I'm little,
he says.
00:02:20.696 - 00:02:27.371

ka-nki ni-n Ñuqa-qa uchuk-mi

1-TOP small-EVD

Pampallapi laqarashpam kurrikuyani nin sapuqa.

Pampa-lla-pi laqa-ra-shpa-m kurri-ku-ya-ni ni-n sapu-qa
ground-RSTR-LOC stick-UNINT-SUBIS-EVD run-REFL-PROG-1 say-3 frog-TOP
Pegado al suelo no más, yo estoy corriendo, dice Sapo.
I'm running stuck to the ground, says Frog.
00:02:27.573 - 00:02:30.667

chaypaq chaytam riman sapuqa. Chay

chay-paq chay-ta-m rima-n sapu-qa Chay
Después a él habla Sapo.
Then Frog talks to him.
00:02:31.174 - 00:02:35.944

Chaypaqñash nin, hitaranshi atuqqa qalluntapis trutashpa.

Chay-paq-ña-sh ni-n hita-ra-n-shi atuq-qa qallu-n-ta-pis truta-shpa
DEM.D-ABL say-3 throw-UNINT-3-EVR fox-TOP tongue-3-ACC-ADD pull-SUBIS
Después ya dice, dicen. Está tirado, dicen, el zorro, sacando su lengua.
Then, already, he says, they say. Foz is thrown down, his tongue trailing.
00:02:35.971 - 00:02:41.565

Hitarayan. Chutarayanshi chaypi. TK

hita-raya-n-shi-k chay-pa
Está tirado. Está estirado en allí.
He's thrown down. He's strethched out there, they say.
00:02:42.309 - 00:02:46.983

Sapuqa wakchaskaman pawashpa rin.

Sapu-qa wakchas-kama-n pawa-shpa ri-n
frog-TOP wakchas-RSTR-3 jump-SUBIS go-3
Sapo, saltando más allá, se va.
Frog, jumping further on, leaves.
00:02:47.969 - 00:02:51.455

Chaypaq atuqqa rikayanshi saputaqa. Rikayanshi. Chay rikariyashanpash

Chay-paq atuq-qa rika-ya-n-shi sapu-ta-qa Rika-ya-n-shi Chay
Después, Zorro le está mirando Sapo, dicen. Le está mirando, dicen. Cuando le
está mirando.
Then, Fox is looking at Frog, they say. He's looking at him, they say. When he
looks at him,
00:02:51.617 - 00:02:56.577

Kurri kurri hapirun saputaqa atuqqa.

rika-ri-ya-sha-n-pa-sh Kurri Kurri hapi-ru-n sapu-ta-qa atuq-qa
see-INCEP-PROG-SUBIS run run grab-URGT.3 frog-ACC-TOP fox-TOP
Corriendo Zorro agarró a Sapo.
Running, Fox grabbed Frog.
00:02:56.921 - 00:02:59.746

Mikunashatriki kara atuq. Mikuypaqpis pasaypaqtrik illaqyasatr kurrin
Miku-na-sha-tri-ki ka-ra atuq Miku-y-paq-pis pasaypaq-tri-k illaqya-sa-tr
eat-NMLZ-PRF-EVC-KI be-PST fox eat-INF-ABL-ADD a.lot-EVC-K faint-RSTR-PRF-EVC
Estaría de hambre, pues, Zorro. Total de hambre también, seguro, almadiado
correrá para arriba.
Fox would be hungry, for sure. Completely hungry, too, for sure, he'd be
running, exhausted, up hill.
00:02:59.786 - 00:03:06.332

Hapishpa mikurun saputa atuqqa.

kurri-n witray-ta. Hapi-shpa miku-ru-n sapu-ta atuq-qa
run-3 up.hill-ACC grab-SUBIS eat-URGT-3 frog-ACC fox-TOP
Agarrando Sapo, Zorro lo comió.
Grabbing Frog, Fox ate him.
00:03:07.696 - 00:03:12.892

trawata mukurun payqa.

trawa-ta muku-ru-n pay-qa
raw-ACC eat-URGT-3 3-TOP
Lo comió crudo, él.
He ate him raw.
00:03:12.892 - 00:03:19.997

Atuq mikun trawata ya uvihatapis trawallata mikun.

Atuq miku-n trawa-ta ya uviha-ta-pis trawa-lla-ta miku-n
fox eat-3 raw-ACC EMPH sheep-ACC-ADD raw-RSTR-ACC eat-3
Zorro come crudo no más, pues. Come crudo no más a las ovejas también.
Fox eats [everything] raw. He eats sheep raw, too.
00:03:20.469 - 00:03:25.023

kaylla. Atuq uvihallatam mikun trawata. Saputaq trawallata mikurun hapishpa.

kay-lla Atuq uviha-lla-ta-m miku-n trawa-ta Sapu-taq trawa-lla-ta miku-ru-n
DEM.P-RSTR fox sheep-RSTR-ACC-EVD eat-3 raw-ACC frog-ACC raw-RSTR-ACC eat-URGT
Así, pues, el zorro crudo no más come a la oveja. A sapo crudo no más lo comió
Like that. Fox eats sheep raw. Grabbing Frog, he ate him raw.
00:03:29.800 - 00:03:35.515

Mikurun. Chaypa puchukarun. Paqwakun.

hapi-shpa Miku-ru-n Chay-pa puchuka-ru-n Paqwa-ku-n
grab-SUBIS- eat-URGT-3 DEM.D-LOC finish-URGT-3 finish-REFL-3
Lo comió. Así se acabó. Se acabó.
He ate him. It ends there. It's finished.
00:03:40.170 - 00:03:43.616

Chinkarun ya. Kanñachu. Paqwakunña ya. Aa, taksallam chayqa.
Chinka-ru-n ya Ka-n-ña-chu Paqwa-ku-n-ña ya Aa taksa-lla-m
lose-URGT-3 EMPH be-3-DISC-NEG finish-REFL-3-DISC EMPH Aa, small-RSTR-EVD
Se perdió ya. Ya no hay. Se acabó ya. Ese es pequeño no más.
He lost already. There's no more. It's finished already. Ah, that one's short.
00:03:44.474 - 00:03:51.053

Huk kwintu. ¿Ima kwintuta mas?

chay-qa Huk kwintu Ima kwintu-ta mas
DEM.D-TOP one-story story what story-ACC more
¿Otro cuento? ¿Qué cuento más?
Another story. What story more?
00:03:51.674 - 00:03:54.579

Sasam yuyariypaq kayan piru. Tardiskama ichaqa yuyariyman.

Sasa-m yuya-ri-y-paq ka-ya-n piru Tardis-kama icha-qa
hard-EVD remember-INCEP-1-PURP be-PROG-3 but late-LIM perhaps-TOP
Es difícil recordar, pero. Para más tarde capaz puedo recordar.
But its hard to remember. Maybe I can remember for later.
00:03:55.085 - 00:04:00.639

Aa, mamachallaymi willawan.

yuya-ri-y-man Aa mamacha-lla-y-mi willa-wan
remember-INCEP-1-COND Aa, mother-DIM-RSTR-1-EVD tell-1.OBJ-3
Ah, mi abuelita me avisaba.
Ah, my grandmother used to tell me.
00:04:00.667 - 00:04:02.532

Chay lluwchuta
Chay lluwchu-ta
DEM.D lluwcho-ACC
Ese venado.
[The one about] the deer.
00:04:05.937 - 00:04:08.477

Chay conejo con zorro. Después, ese sapos. Chayllatam willakuq mamachaykuna.
Chay Chay-lla-ta-m willa-ku-q mama-cha-y-kuna
Ese conejo con zorro. Después ese con sapos. ASí me avisaba mi abuelita.
[The one about] the rabbit and the fox. Then [The one about] the frogs. My
grandmother used to telll me like that.
00:04:10.085 - 00:04:22.003

Chayllatam willaq willakuq.

Chay-lla-ta-m willa-q willa-ku-q
Ese no más me avisaba. El que me avisa.
My grandmother told just those.
00:04:22.449 - 00:04:24.611

Amam qilla kankichu. Atuq mikurushunkimanmi, decía.

Ama-m qilla ka-nki-chu Atuq miku-ru-shunki-man-mi
PROH-EVD lazy be-2-NEG fox eat-URGT-3>2-COND-EVD
¡No vas a ser floja! Zorro te puede comer, decía.
Don't be lazy! A fox could eat you, she said.
00:04:24.814 - 00:04:29.111

Apurawmi purikunchik, qilla wambra miyrkuli pampata utrkushpam puriyanki.

Apuraw-mi puri-ku-nchik qilla wambra miyrkuli pampa-ta utrku-shpa-m
quick-EVD walk-REFL-1PL lazy child sugar ground-ACC dig.a.hole.SUBIS-EVD
Rápido se camina. Chico osioso, miércoles, escarbando el suelo estas andando.
You have to walk quickly. Lazy girl, sugar! You're scraping the ground while
you walk.
00:04:29.543 - 00:04:37.402


Atuqpis mataqapaq kanirushunkimanmi, me decía, pues, me hacía tener miedo.

Atuq-pis mataqa-paq kani-ru-shunki-man-mi
fox-ADD neck-LOC bite-URGT-3>2
Zorro también de nuca te puede morder, me decía pues. Me hacía tener miedo.
A fox could bite you on the neck, she would say to me, then.
00:04:37.469 - 00:04:41.603

De allí también cuando ... Una vez cuando ... imatam chaypa tutaykamantaq
ruwaranki, me dijo.
ima-ta-m chay-pa tuta-y-kaman-taq ruwa-ra-nki
what-ACC-EVD DEM.D-LOC night-INF-LIM-SEQ make-PST-2
De allí también cuando. Una vez cuando ... ¿Qué cosa hacías haste que haga
tarde? me dijo.
Then, too, when ... Once in a while ... What were you doing until it got dark?
she said to me.
00:04:51.305 - 00:04:58.549

Qilla wambray miyrkuli. Pukllashpa qam hamuyanki. Apuraw mana itrishpa

wantiyuqchu karanki, me decía.
Qilla wambra-y miyrkuli Puklla-shpa qam hamu-ya-nki Apuraw mana itri-shpa
lazy child-1 sugar play-SUBOS 2 come-PROG-2 quick no take.steps-SUBIS
Chico osiosa, miércoles. Jugando estás vieniendo no caminando rápido. ¿Estás
con sífalo? me decía.
Lazy girl! Sugar! You're playing while you come, not walking quickly. Do you
have syphilis? she would say to me.
00:05:03.440 - 00:05:11.953
Pukllashtin hamunaykipaq
wanti-yuq-chu ka-ra-nki Puklla-shti-n hamu-na-yki-paq
tumor-POSS-Q be-PASS-UNINT-2 play-SUBADV come-NMLZ-2-PURP
Jugando para que vengas.
Playing so that you come.
00:05:12.074 - 00:05:13.655

Agarrando con su correa de vaca chiquito había, chaywan latigaruwan, chaypaq

manchakuq kani.
chay-wan latiga-ru-wan chay-paq mancha-ku-q ka-ni
DEM.D-INSTR whip-URGT-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D-ABL be.afraid-REFL-AG be-1
Agarrando con su correa de vaca chiquito había. Con eso me castigó. Tenía miedo
Grabbing with her horse whip -- she had a small one. She punished me with that.
I used to be scared of that.
00:05:17.384 - 00:05:24.560

Chaypaq uraylla urayllam chayqa istansiyamanpis iskuylay lluqsishpa kurri kurri

yo iba.
Chay-paq uray-lla uray-lla-m chay-qa istansiya-man-pis iskuyla-y lluqsi-shpa
DEM.D-ABL down.hill-RSTR down.hill-RSTR-EVD DEM.D-TOP ranch-ALL-ADD school-1
De allí de hora en hora a mi estancia también de la escuela saliendo. Corre
corre venía.
Then, coming out of school to the ranch, I went quick, quick.
00:05:25.519 - 00:05:31.469

kurri kurri
exit-SUBIS run run

Ahora, kanan wambraqa kuy sirkallapaq tardansam trayakuyan iskuylaman

kanan wambra-qa kuy TK sirka-lla-paq tardansa-m trayaku-ya-n iskuyla-man
now child-TOP close-RSTR-ABL delay-EVD arrive-REFL-PROG-3 school-ALL
Ahora, los niños de acá cerca tardanza llega a la escuela.
Now, now, children from close arrive at school tardy.
00:05:41.900 - 00:05:47.291

Qillam wambra qay manam mallakunchu ni trakintapis qay.

Qilla-m wambra qay mana-m malla-ku-n-chu ni traki-n-ta-pis qay.
lazy-EVD child hey no-EVD fast-REFL-·-NEG nor foot-3-ACC-ADD hey
Flojo es los niños. No se lava ni siquiera su pie.
Lazy children! They don't even wash their feet!
00:05:48.020 - 00:05:51.615

Mmm, manañam urqutapis riqsinñachu qay.

Mmm, mana-ña-m urqu-ta-pis riqsi-n-ña-chu qay.
Mmm, no-DISC-EVD hill-ACC-ADD know-3-DISC-NEG hey
Mmm, ya no conoce ni mpuna, oye.
mmm, they don't know the hills any more.
00:05:55.763 - 00:05:58.464

Chaynam kay chayqa. Chayllatam willakushayki. ¿Imatam mas willakushayki?

Chay-na-m kay chay-qa Chay-lla-ta-m willa-ku-shayki Ima-ta-m mas
That's like that. I'll tell you just that. What more will I tell you?
00:06:00.261 - 00:06:05.490


file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2014/Lincha_NF_TailTrim_C.eaf
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:33 AM


[laughter] Wakchapa trupanta wak kuchuyan.

wakcha-pl trupa-n-ta wak kuchu-ya-n
sheep-GEN tail-3-ACC DEM.D cut-PROG-3
Está cortando la cola del wacho.
She's cutting the sheep's tail.
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:04.570 00:00:09.760 - 00:00:11.930

Doña Delfina. Ñiti ñiti di pobrecito.

Doña Delfina. Ñiti ñiti
Doña Delfina. crush crush
Doña Delfina Machuca machuca porecito.
Diña DElfina Crush, crush, porr thing!
00:00:13.300 - 00:00:14.860 00:00:15.840 - 00:00:18.170

Wak napa.
Wak na-pa.
Así ya.
That umm
00:00:18.730 - 00:00:23.450

Tuna tunapaq piru kuchuyan trupantaqa uras kayllapam kuchunchik

Tuna tuna-paq piru kuchu-ya-n TK trupa-n-ta-qa uras kay-lla-pa-m
corner tunapaqcorner-LOC but cut-PROG-3 tail-3-ACC hours DEM.P-RSTR-LOC-EVD
De rincón rincón está cortando su cola. De más abajo no más se corta.
She's cutting it's tail in the corner, in the corner. We cut it lower just like
00:00:23.870 - 00:00:28.525

Wak animal Delfina qay. trupanta kuchurun.

kuchu-nchik Wak animal Delfina qay. trupa-n-ta kuchu-ru-n
cut-1PL DEM.D animal Delfina hy tail-3-ACC cut-URGT-3
Ese animal, Delfina, oye! Cortó su rabo [laughter]
That animal! Delfina! Hey! She cut its tail!
00:00:28.960 - 00:00:31.870 00:00:32.110 - 00:00:34.510

Wakchanpata trupasapatr kara.

Wakcha-n-pa-ta trupa-sapa-tr ka-ra
sheep-3-GEN-ACC tail-MULT.POSS be-PST
De su wacho. Rabudo sería.
Her sheep's. He must have had a big tail.
00:00:34.560 - 00:00:36.670 00:00:37.580 - 00:00:40.160

Wak huktapis kuchurunqatr kanan. Yawar shutuyanmi.

Wak huk-ta-pis kuchu-ru-nqa-tr kanan. Yawar shutu-ya-n-mi
DEM.D one-ACC-ADD cut-URGT-3.FUT-EVC now blood drip-PROG-3-EVD
A ese otro también le cortará ahora. Está goteando sangre.
She'll cut the other one now. Blood is dripping.
00:00:41.150 - 00:00:43.620 00:00:43.940 - 00:00:46.180

Agarra, agarra, nin. Vaya. Wira wira wak trupanqa kakuyan.

ni-n Wira wira wak trupa-n-qa ka-ku-ya-n
say-3 fat fat DEM.D tail-3-TOP be-REFL-PROG-3
"¡Agárra! ¡Agárra!" dice. ¡Vaya! Su cola estará muy gorda.
"Grab it! Grab it!" she says. Oh my! His tail must be really fat.
00:00:48.260 - 00:00:51.620 00:00:53.440 - 00:00:56.165

Hildawan ya ruwayan wakta. Hildawanmi.

Hilda-wan ya ruwa-ya-n wak-ta Hilda-wan-mi
Con Hilda está haciendo-RSTR. Con Hilda.
She's doing that with Hilda. With Hilda.
00:00:56.935 - 00:00:59.235 00:00:59.470 - 00:01:01.720

Wak Viñacpatrik ruwayan. trupanta kuchuyan, ¡ve!

Wak Viñac-pa-tri-k ruwa-ya-n trupa-n-ta kuchu-ya-n ve
DEM.D Viñac-LOC-EVC-K make-PROG-3 tail-3-ACC cut-PROG-3 look
Lo estará haciendo allá en Viñac. Está cortando su cola, ¡vé!
They must be doing it in Viñac. She's cutting its tail. Look!
00:01:02.530 - 00:01:06.950 00:01:07.285 - 00:01:08.895

[laughter] Ya pasó ya. Herranza ya nin.

Erranza ya ni-n
Erranza EMPH say-3
Ya pasó ya. Herranza ya dice.
It's already over. "Herranza already," she says.
00:01:10.295 - 00:01:12.625 00:01:13.565 - 00:01:15.915

Kuchurullan trupanta tuna tunapaq pobrecito.

Kutru-ru-lla-n trupa-n-ta tuna tuna-paq
cut-URGT-RSTR-3 tail-3-ACC corner corner-LOC
Le cortó la cola de rincón rincón, ¡pobrecito!
She cut its tail in the corner, poor thing!
00:01:17.275 - 00:01:21.595

Kikinpa trupanta wakhina kuchurunchikman Yawar shutunanpaq.

Kiki-n-pa trupa-n-ta wak-hina kuchu-ru-nchik-man Yawar shutu-na-n-paq
self-3-GEN tail-3-ACC DEM.D-SIM cut-URGT-1PL-COND blood drip-NMLZ-3-PURP TK
Así podemos cortarle la cola a ella. Para que gotee sangre.
We could cut her own tail like that! So that the blood drips.
00:01:22.505 - 00:01:25.200 00:01:25.980 - 00:01:28.570

Hirakuyantriki, ¿aw? ¿Ah, Avivas?

Hira-ku-ya-n-tri-ki aw Ah Avivas
erranza-REFL-3-EVC-KI yes Ah Aviva
Estará haciendo su herranza, ¿no? ¿Ah, Avivas?
SHe must be holding an herranza, no? No, Aviva?
00:01:29.890 - 00:01:33.160 00:01:33.265 - 00:01:36.060

Hirakuyantri. [laughter]
Estará haciendo una herranza.
She must be holding an herranza.
00:01:36.210 - 00:01:37.490 00:01:37.865 - 00:01:40.497

Atakanta kanan watayan. ¿Imapaqtaq kanan watayan wakta?

Ataka-n-ta kanan wata-ya-n Ima-paq-taq kanan wata-ya-n wak-ta
hoof-3-ACC now tie-PROG-3 what-PURP-SEQ now tie-PROG-3 DEM.D-ACC
Ahora sus patas. Está amarrando. ¿Para qué está amarrando ahora-RSTR?
Now its hoofs. she's tying them. Why is she tying them now?
00:01:46.857 - 00:01:51.057 00:01:51.057 - 00:01:54.787

¿Rinrinta kuchunqa?
Rinri-n-ta kuchu-nqa
ear-3-ACC cut-3.FUT
¿Va a cortar su oreja?
Is she going to cut its ear?
00:01:55.917 - 00:01:57.217 00:01:59.417 - 00:02:01.147

Wak watakuyan trakinta. ¿Imapaqtrki traqnayan?

Wak wata-ku-ya-n traki-n-ta ¿Ima-paq-tri-ki traqna-ya-n
DEM.D tie-REFL-PROG-3 foot-3-ACC what-PURP-EVC-KI bind-PROG-3
Allá está amarrando su pata. ¿Para qué los estará amarrando?
She's tying its foot there. Why would she be binding them?
00:02:03.287 - 00:02:05.077 00:02:05.427 - 00:02:09.637

Wañuchinqachu. ¿Imatatriki ruwayan?

Wañu-chi-nqa-chu Imatatri-KI ruwa-ya-n
die-CAUS-3.FUT-Q what-ACC-EVC-KI make-PROG-3
¿Lo matará? ¿O qué cosa estará haciendo?
Is she going to kill it? Or what would she be doing?
00:02:10.957 - 00:02:13.877

Piru kuchilluta kanan hapiyan.

Piru kuchillu-ta kanan hapi-ya-n
but knife-ACC now grab-PROG-3
Pero está agarrando un cuchillo.
But she's grabbing a knife.
00:02:14.462 - 00:02:16.682

Muqunqatriki. Rasun, pues, ¿aw? Wak ...

Muqu-nqat-r'i-ki Rasun, pues, aw Wak ...
slit.throat-3.FUT-EVC-KI reason then yes DEM.D ...
Le cortará el cuello, seguro, razón, pues, ¿no? Ese ...
She'll cut its throat, for sure. RIght, then, no? That ...
00:02:18.402 - 00:02:20.812 00:02:21.002 - 00:02:23.792

trupanta. Ah, wak trupantam kuchayasa.

trupa-n-ta Ah, wak trupa-n-ta-m kucha-ya-sa
tail-3-ACC Ah, DEM.D tail-3-ACC cut-PROG-PRF
Su rabo. Ah, está cortando su rabo.
Its tail. She's cutting its tail.
00:02:26.222 - 00:02:29.452

trupantam kuchuyan mamankunapata.

trupa-n-ta-m kuchu-ya-n mama-n-kuna-pa-ta
tail-3-ACC cut-PROG-3 mother-3-PL-GEN-ACC
Ah, está cortando los rabos de sus madres.
Ah, she's cutting their mothers' tails.
00:02:29.932 - 00:02:33.702 00:02:34.092 - 00:02:36.902

trupanta mana purinanpaq ya.
trupa-n-ta mana puri-na-n-paq ya.
tail-3-ACC no walk-NMLZ-3-PURP EMPH
Ah, su rabo, para que no ande ya.
Ah, their tails, so they don't wander about any more.
00:02:37.302 - 00:02:39.732

trupanwan purikuyan ñuqapapis kanan kuchushaqmi trupanta.

trupa-n-wan puri-ku-ya-n ñuqa-pa-pis kanan kuchu-shaq-mi trupa-n-ta
tail-3-INSTR walk-REFL-PROG-3 1-GEN-ADD now cut-1.FUT-EVD tail-3-ACC
Con su rabo anda. Yo también ahora voy a cortar su cola.
With its tail, it wanders about. I, too, am going to cut their tails now.
00:02:39.752 - 00:02:42.732

Rabiyachiwanñam. trupallanmanmi wirayayan.

Rabiya-chi-wa-n-ña-m trupa-lla-n-man-mi wira-ya-ya-n
be.angry-CAUS-1.OBJ-DISC-EVD tail-RSTR-ALL-3-EVD fat-INCH-PROG-3
Me molesta ya. Ah, su rabo no más está engordando.
It bothers me already. Ah, it's fattening up just the tail.
00:02:43.487 - 00:02:45.087 00:02:48.817 - 00:02:52.987

trupallanman wirayan. Hatun wiñananpaq.

trupa-lla-n-man wira-ya-n Hatun wiña-na-n-paq
tail-RSTR-3-ALL wirayan. big grow-NMLZ-3-PURP
Ah, el rabo no más engorda. Para que crezca grande.
Ah, it's fattening up just the tail. So that they grow big.
00:02:53.107 - 00:02:56.407 00:02:58.087 - 00:03:00.287

trupanwan mas mikukuyan. Wak uuuu hina trupanta qutukuyan.

trupa-n-wan mas miku-ku-ya-n Wak uuuu hina trupa-n-ta qutu-ku-ya-n
tail-3-INSTR more eat-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D uuuu SIM tail-3-ACC TK-REFL-PROG-3
Con su cola más está comiendo. Ese así, juntó sus colas.
It's eating more with its tail. That, thus, she gathered up their tails.
00:03:01.002 - 00:03:03.022 00:03:03.222 - 00:03:05.537

Todavía también a ver nin. trupanta kanan watakuyan.

trupa-n-ta kanan wata-ku-ya-n
tail-3-ACC now tie-REFL-PROG-3
Todavía también a ver nin. Ahora está amarrando sus rabos.
Still, too, let's see, she says. Now she's tying up their tails.
00:03:10.677 - 00:03:12.747 00:03:13.207 - 00:03:15.047

Tía Delfina. Hilda miercoles oy.

Tía Delfina.
aunt Delfina.
Tía Delfina. Hilda miercoles oy.
Aunt Delfina. Hilda, sugar, hey!
00:03:15.837 - 00:03:19.457 00:03:20.492 - 00:03:22.862

Ahora está haciendo su rabo. Está colgando ahora con hilo ahora.
Ahora está haciendo su rabo. Está colgando ahora con hilo ahora.
Now she's doing their tails. She's hanging them with thread now.
00:03:23.332 - 00:03:27.092

Está mirando a tía Delfina en allí.

00:03:28.977 - 00:03:31.017

trupanta hapikuykushpa rikayan. Puchukarun.

trupa-n-ta hapi-ku-yku-shpa rika-ya-n Puchuka-ru-n
tail-3-ACC grab-REFL-EXCEP-SUBIS look-PROG-3 Puchukarun.
Agarrando sus rabos, está mirando. Terminó.
Holding on to their tails, she's looking. It's over.
00:03:33.227 - 00:03:34.987 00:03:36.342 - 00:03:38.362

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Liscay_NF_Sendero.eaf
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 2:23 PM


Aa, ishkay trunka watañam kayan. taytalla:ta wañurachira.

Aa, ishkay trunka wata-ña-m ka-ya-n tayta-lla-:-ta wañu-ra-chi-ra
Aa, two ten year-DISC-EVD be-PROG-3 father-RSTR-1-ACC die-URGT-CAUS-PST
Ah, veinte años ya son Mataron a mi papá
Ah, it's twnety years already. They killed my father.
00:00:13.770 - 00:00:16.680 00:00:17.690 - 00:00:23.650

taytalla:ta chaynam tirruku tra'ayamushpa istansiyanpa wañurachira.

tayta-lla-:-ta chay-na-m tirruku tra'aya-mu-shpa istansiya-n-pa
father-RSTR-1-ACC DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD terrorist arrive-CISL-SUBIS ranch-3-LOC
a mi papá. Así Los Terrucos llegaron a su estancia y lo mataron.
my father. Like that, the Terrorists arrived at his ranch and killed him.
00:00:24.610 - 00:00:28.100


Chaymi kay urayta papa:lla rigaq hamura nan rigaq.

Chay-mi kay uray-ta papa-lla-: riga-q hamu-ra na-n riga-q
DEM.D-EVD DEM.P down-ACC father-RSTR-1 water-AG come-PST DMY-3 water-AG
Aquí abajo mi papá vino a regar, a regar.
My father came here down hill to water, to water.
00:00:28.770 - 00:00:33.420

trakran rigaq. Hinaptinmi kutiptinñataq Mamalla: istansiyanpa kara.

trakra-n riga-q Hinaptin-mi kuti-pti-n-ña-taq Mama-lla-: istansiya-n-pa ka-ra
field-3 water-AG so-EVD return-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ mother-RSTR-1 ranch-3-LOC be-PST
a regar su chacra. Después, cuando volvió, Mi mamá estaba en su estancia.
to water his fields. Then, when he retruned, my mother was at their ranch,
00:00:33.915 - 00:00:37.195 00:00:37.305 - 00:00:39.715

Chay trayamuptin chay tirruku kay mayunta risa kaypaq

Chay traya-mu-pti-n chay tirruku mayu-n-ta ri-sa kay-paq
DEM.D arrive-CISL-SUBDS-3 DEM.D terrorist river-3-ACC go-PRF DEM.P-ABL
Cuando llegó ese Terruco iba por río de acá
Cuando he arrived, the terrorist was going along the river from here
00:00:40.050 - 00:00:43.030

Hinashpa istansiyapaña shuyarun taytalla:ta.

Hinashpa istansiya-pa-ña-sh suya-ru-n tayta-lla-:-ta
so ranch-LOC-DISC-EVR wait-URGT-3 father-RSTR-1-ACC
Después lo esperó en su estancia
Then, he waited for him at his ranch.
00:00:43.210 - 00:00:45.730

Hinashpa diya de la feriya chaypa kaypa huntaruptin taytalla: trayarun.

Hinashpa chay-pa kay-pa hunta-ru-pti-n tayta-lla-: traya-ru-n
so DEM.D-LOC DEM.P-LOC gather.URGT.SUBDS-3 father-RSTR-1 arrive-URGT-3
Después, el diá de la feria cuando [el pueblo] se llenó, llegó mi papá
Then, market day, when [the town] filled up, my father arrived.
00:00:46.040 - 00:00:49.990

trayarushpa lliw imatatrik nira tirruku

traya-ru-shpa lliw ima-ta-tri-k ni-ra tirruku
arrive-URGT-SUBDS all what-ACC-EVC-K say-PST terrorist
Llegando todo ... qué cosa le habrá dicho el Sendero
Arriving, all ... what would the terrorist have said,
00:00:50.740 - 00:00:55.100

Hinshpash pushamun kayman lliw lliw uyqantinta kay llaqtaman.

Hinshpa-sh pusha-mu-n kay-man lliw lliw uyqa-ntin-ta kay llaqta-man
so-EVR bring-URGT-3 DEM.P-ALL all all sheep-INCL-ACC DEM.P town-ALL
Después, lo trajo acá, al pueblo, con sus ojejas.
Then, they brought hi here, to the town, with his sheep.
00:00:55.520 - 00:00:59.300

A este pueblo trajo. Con toda vaca.
A este pueblo trajo. Con toda vaca.
They brought him to this town. With his cows and all.
00:01:00.090 - 00:01:03.870

Chaytam pushaman ñuqa. Aparte yo vivía. Con esposo que ahora estoy
Chay-ta-m pusha-ma-n ñuqa
DEM.D-ACC-EVD bring-1.OBJ-3 1
Me trajeron allí. Aparte vivía con mi esposo que estoy ahora.
They brought me there. I lived a part with muy husband who I now ...
00:01:04.040 - 00:01:09.180

qusa:wan. Qari:wan ya. Yachakura: aparti.

qusa-:-wan Qari-:-wan ya Yacha-ku-ra-: aparti
husband-1-INSTR man-1-INSTR EMPH live-REFL-PST-1 apart
Con mi esposo, con mi esposo, ya. Vivíamos aparte.
With my husband. With my husband. We lived apart.
00:01:09.450 - 00:01:13.370

Ñuqaqa mama:qa aparti. Altu istansiyapa ñuqaqa aparti kay wasipa. Wambra:
iskwilapa kaptin
Ñuqa-qa mama-:-qa aparti Altu istansiya-pa ñuqa-qa aparti kay wasi-pa Wambra-:
1-TOP mother-1-TOP apart high ranch-LOC 1-TOP apart DEM.P house-LOC child-1
Yo, mi mamá aparte. [Ella] alto en estancia, [yo] aparte en esta casa. Cuando
mi chicos estaban en la escuela.
I, my mother, apart, [She] up in the ranch; [I] apart in this house. When my
children were in school.
00:01:13.800 - 00:01:18.810

manañam mama:wan takukurachu kada unu.

iskwila-pa ka-pti-n mana-ña-m mama-:-wan taku-ku-ra-n-chu
school-LOC be-SUBDS-3 no-DISC-EVD mother-1-INSTR mixed-REFL-PST-
Ya no mezclado con mi mamá. Cada uno.
Not mixed with my mother anymore. Each one.
00:01:19.065 - 00:01:20.980

Aa, wak hanayskapa yachakura: chaymi

Aa, wak hanay-ska-pa yacha-ku-ra-: chay-mi
Ah, más arriba vivía, luego
Ah, I lived further up. Then,
00:01:21.590 - 00:01:24.080

Tutakuykun tutaykurunñam shulka: trayaramun tutaykuqtaña puñukura:ña

Tuta-ku-yku-n tuta-yku-ru-n-ña-m shulka-: traya-ra-mu-n tuta-yku-q-ta-ña
Se anocheció. Se anocheció ya y mi hermano menor llegó noche ya. Estaba
durmiendo ya.
Night fell. Night fell already and my younger brother arrived at night already.
I was sleeping already.
00:01:24.655 - 00:01:28.952


istansiya kay hanaskallapi

istansiya kay hana-ska-lla-pi
en la estancia aquí más arriba.
at the ranch further up from here.
00:01:29.032 - 00:01:30.672

Manañam kay llaqtata hamura:ñachu. Kutimupti:qa.

Mana-ña-m kay llaqta-ta hamu-ra-:-ña-chu kuti-mu-pti-:-qa
Ya no venía al pueblo. Cuando volví,
I didn't come to town any more. When I returned,
00:01:30.992 - 00:01:34.112

Wambra:qa niman shulka:qa trayaramun

Wambra-:-qa ni-ma-n shulka-:-qa traya-ra-mu-n
child-1-TOP say-1.OBJ-3 arrive-URGT-CISL-3
Mi hijo me dijo, y mi hermano llegó
My son told me. My younger brother arrived,
00:01:34.402 - 00:01:37.542

waqashpa. Hinashpa niman, mmm, 'Tirrukum papaninchikta pusharamun hinashpa

wañurachin', nin.
waqa-shpa Hina-shpa ni-ma-n mmm tirruku-m papa-ni-nchik-ta pusha-ra-mu-n
cry-SUBIS so say-1.OBJ-3 mmm terrorist-EVD father-EUPH-1PL-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-3
Llorando. Después me dijo, 'Los Terrucos trajeron a nuestro papá y después lo
mataron', dijo.
Crying. Then he said to me, "Terrorists took our father then they killed him,"
he said.
00:01:37.572 - 00:01:44.422

Kaypam kanan uras chutarayan nin, ass

hinashpa wañu-ra-chi-n ni-n Kay-pa-m kanan uras chuta-ra-ya-n ni-n ass
so die-URGT-CAUS-3 say-3 DEM.P-LOC now hour stretch.out-PASS-PROG-3 say-3 ass
'Ahora, acá está estirado', dijo, ass.
"Here, now, he's stretched out," he said, ass.
00:01:45.232 - 00:01:47.047

Chayna kalumniyapahina taytalla:ta wañurachisa hinanshpa pusharasa kayman.
Chay-na kalumniya-pa-hina tayta-lla-:-ta wañu-ra-chi-sa hinashpa pusha-ra-sa
DEM.D-VRBZ slander-GEN-COMP father-RSTR-1-ACC die-URGT.CAUS.PRF so bring-PST-PRF
Así como de calumnia matoron a mi papá. Después lo llevaron acá.
Like that, like from slander, they killed my father and then they brought him
00:02:02.207 - 00:02:05.867

trayamupti:qa taytalla: kay plasapi

kay-man traya-mu-pti-:-qa tayta-lla-: kay plasa-pi
DEM.P-ALL arrive-CISL-SUBDS-1-TOP father-RSTR-1 DEM.P plaza-LOC
Cuando llegué, mi papá, en esta plaza
When I arrived, my father, in this plaza,
00:02:06.047 - 00:02:08.857

Wañukusa. Kays wañukusanña

Wañu-ku-sa Kay-s wañu-ku-sa-n-ña
Muerto. Este también se había muerto.
Dead. He was already dead.
00:02:08.977 - 00:02:13.377

Vakanllaqa [inaudible] kay llaqtaman lliw vaka uyqa

Vaka-n-lla-qa kay llaqta-man lliw vaka uyqa
cow-3-RSTR-TOP DEM.P town-ALL all cow sheep
Sus vacas no más al pueblo, todas sus vacas, sus ovejas,
Just his cowns to town, all [his] cows and sheep,
00:02:13.657 - 00:02:17.317

Hinashpa qatiramushpa wañun

Hinashpa qati-ra-mu-shpa wañu-n
so follow-URGT-CISL-SUBIS die-3
Después, areándolos, murió.
Then, bringing them, he died.
00:02:26.442 - 00:02:28.277

wañurachisa chaypa. Tukuy puntraw TK paqarinnintaq chutarakullan tayta:. chaypa

wañu-ra-chi-sa chay-pa Tukuy puntraw paqarin-ni-n-taq chuta-ra-ku-lla-n
die-URGT-CAUS-PRF DEM.D-LOC all night tomorrow-EUPH-2-SEQ
Lo había matado en allí. Todo el día, un día, como de mañana estaba estirado mi
They had killed him there. All day, a day like tomorrow, my father was
stretched out.
00:02:28.497 - 00:02:33.387

stretch.out-UNINT-REFL-RSTR-3 father-1

Vakata lliw lliw puchukarun. Llapa pubriman partirun.

Vaka-ta lliw lliw puchuka-ru-n Llapa pubri-man parti-ru-n
cow-ACC all all finish-URGT-3 all poor-ALL distribute-URGT-3
Acabaron todas sus vacas. Los repartieron a todos los pobres.
They finished off all his cows. They distributed them to all the poor people.
00:02:33.669 - 00:02:37.099

Tutal kabra vaka uyqa wañurachin wakinninta llapa kumunidad kaypa mikuchin.
Tutal kabra vaka uyqa wañu-ra-chi-n wakin-ni-n-ta llapa kumunidad kay-pa
total goat cow sheep die-URGT-CAUS-3 other-EUPH-ACC all community DEM.P-LOC
Total, mataron sus cabras, vacas, ovejas, a otros y aquí dieron de comer a toda
la comunidad.
Completely, they killed his goats, cows and sheep, and to others, here, they
fed the whole community.
00:02:37.864 - 00:02:42.314


Tutal mikuchin hinaptinqa tukuy puntraw wakinin kidaq animalyaqa

Tutal miku-chi-n hinaptin-qa tukuy puntraw wakin-ni-n kida-q animal-ya-qa
total eat-CAUS-3 so-TOP all day other-EUPH-3 stay-AG animal-INTENS-TOP
Total, les dieron de comer. Luego, todo el día, los animales que quedaron
COmpletely, they fed them to them. Then, all day, the animals that were left,
00:02:43.794 - 00:02:48.334

Estaba cerrado. Todo el día, de hambre. Chaynapa kayan.

Chay-na-pa ka-ya-n
Estaba cerrado todo el día de hambre. Así está.
were closed in. Hungry all day. It's like that.
00:02:48.654 - 00:02:52.254 00:02:52.914 - 00:02:54.204

Chaynam pasarun taytalla:ta chaynam witrqarayan

Chay-na-m pasa-ru-n tayta-lla-:-ta chay-na-m witrqa-raya-n
Así le pasó a mi papá. Así estaba cerrrado.
It happened like that to my father. He was closed in like that.
00:02:55.199 - 00:02:58.334

Pampa chay papanilla:ta vaka witrqarayan uyqa witrqarayan wakinta lliw lliw
Pampa chay papa-ni-lla-:-ta vaka witrqa-ra-ya-n uyqa witrqa-ra-ya-n waknin-ta
ground DEM.D father.EUPH-RSTR-1 cow close-UNINT-PROG-3 sheel close-UNINT-PROG-3
A mi papá hizo enterar sus vacas están encerrados, sus ovejas están encerrados,
algunos, todos, terminaron.
My father. His cows are closed in; his sheeo are closed in. They finsihed off
others, all.
00:02:58.774 - 00:03:03.464

Mikurun. Lliw lliw kay kumunidadpaq.

lliw lliw puchuka-ru-n Miku-ru-n Lliw lliw kay kumunidad-paq
other-ACC all all finish-URGT-3 eat-URGT-3 all all DEM.P community-ABL
Los comieron todos. En esta comunidad.
They ate them all. In this community.
00:03:04.133 - 00:03:06.433

Nada. Kimsa tawallata dihaykun. Chayta qatikushpa mamalla:qa vidata waqakushpa

Nada Kimsa tawa-lla-ta diha-yku-n Chay-ta qati-ku-shpa mama-lla-:-qa bida-ta
nothing three four-RSTR-ACC leave-EXCEP-3 DEM.D-ACC follow-REFL-SUBIS
Nada. Dos, tres no más dejaron. Areándolos, mi mamá regresó total llorando.
Nothing. They left two or three, no more. Bringing them, my mother returned
00:03:07.468 - 00:03:11.618

waqa-ku-shpa kuti-ku-n
mother-RSTR-1-TOP life-ACC cry-REFL-SUBIS return-REFL-3

Finado ya, pues. Mamalla:qa waqakushpa kidan

Mama-lla-:-qa waqa-ku-shpa kida-n
mother-RSTR-1-TOP cry-REFL-SUBIS stay-3
Ya es finada ya, pues. Mi mamá llorando se quedó.
She's deceased already, then, My mother, crying, remained.
00:03:15.888 - 00:03:18.308

Wañuruptin pampaykushpa kutikapa:ku:.

Wañu-ru-pti-n pampa-yku-shpa kuti-ka-pa:ku-:
Cuando murió, regresamos enterrándolo.
When he died, we returned buri¡ying him.
00:03:19.418 - 00:03:22.798

Hanata wasinta istansiyanta ripa:ku:.

Hana-ta wasi-n-ta istansiya-n-ta ri-pa:ku-:
up-ACC house-3-ACC ranch-3-ACC go-PL
Arriba a su casa, a su estancia nos fuimos.
Up hill, to his house, to his ranch, we went.
00:03:23.068 - 00:03:25.638

Chaypaqa. Lamitanllanta qatiku: wañuchin.
Chay-pa-qa Lamitan-lla-n-ta qati-ku-: wañu-chi-n
DEM.D-LOC-TOP half-RSTR-3-ACC follow-REFL-1 die-CAUS-3
Después la mitad no más me llevé. Los mataron.
Then, I brought just half of them. They killed them.
00:03:26.718 - 00:03:30.418

Ispusulla:tañataq pushakatran
Ispusu-lla-:-ta-ña-taq pusha-katra-3
husband-RSTR-1-DISC-SEQ bring-FREQ-3
A mi esposo también llevatea.
00:03:31.128 - 00:03:32.848

'Qampis chayhinam puntraw, ¿imatapis ruwanki?' nishpa.

Qam-pis chay-hina-m puntraw ima-ta-pis ruwa-nki ni-shpa
2-ADD DEM.D-COMP-EVD day what-ACC-ADD do-2 say-SUBIS
'Usted también, así, día, ¿qué cosa también vas a hacer?' dijeron.
"You, too, like that, day, what are you going to do?" they said.
00:03:33.443 - 00:03:36.653

Matraykunaman lliw lliw chay pulvurakunata qipikatrayachin

Matray-kuna-man lliw lliw chay pulvura-kuna-ta qipi-katra-ya-chi-n
cave-PL-ALL all all DEM.D powder-PL-ACC carry-FREQ-PROG-CAUS-3
Hicieron cargar toda es pólvora a las cuevas.
They made them call all that poweder to the caves.
00:03:36.748 - 00:03:40.798

Llapa runata maqallawan

Llapa runa-ta maqa-lla-wan
all person-ACC beat-RSTR-INSTR
A toda la gente con golpes no más.
With just blows, all the people
00:03:41.273 - 00:03:43.403

Chayhina qipikatrayaptin mamalla: manchakushpa pasakun Chinchata.

Chay-hina qipi-katra-ya-pti-n mama-lla-: mancha-ku-shpa pasa-ku-n
DEM.S-COMP carry-FREQ-PROG-SUBDS-3 mother-RSTR-1 scare-REFL-SUBIS pass-REFL-3
Cuando hicieron cargar así, mi mamá se fue a Chincha, teniendo miedo.
When they made them carry it, my mother got scared and went to Chincha.
00:03:44.303 - 00:03:48.953

Vakanta disbandarishpa.
Chincha-ta Vakan-ta disbanda-ri-shpa
Chincha-ACC cow-3-ACC disband-INCEP-SUBIS
Abandonando sus vacas.
abandoning her cows.
00:03:49.368 - 00:03:51.418

Chinchata kutimu: shulkalla:kuna vidata waqakushpa purikun

Chincha-ta kuti-mu-: shulka-lla-:-kuna bida-ta waqa-ku-shpa
Chincha-ACC return-CISL-1 life-ACC cry-REFL-SUBIS
Volviendo a Chincha, mis hermanos menores total llorando andaban.
Returning to Chincha, my younger brothers, walked about crying a lot.
00:03:52.608 - 00:03:56.018


Manchakushpa. 'Ñuqatapis, seguro me va a matar', dijo.

Mancha-ku-shpa Ñuqa-ta-pis
Teniendo miedo. 'A mi también, seguro, me van a matar', dijo.
Being afraid. "They're going to kill me, too, for sure," he said.
00:03:56.143 - 00:03:59.423

Aa, chayhinam purillaq mamalla:

Aa, chay-hina-m puri-lla-q mama-lla-:
Aa, DEM.D-COMP walk-RSTR-AG mother-RSTR-1
Ah, así abdaba mi mamá.
Ah, my mother walked about like that.
00:04:00.593 - 00:04:04.083

Chaynasanpaq Chinchata rikullaq

Chay-na-sa-n-paq Chincha-ta ri-ku-lla-q
Después de hacer-RSTR, TKK iban a Chincha.
Those that were like that would go to Chincha.
00:04:04.288 - 00:04:06.148

Kutiramuq chay runakuna hinashpa kaypa yachakuq kaypa puriq total

Kuti-ra-mu-q chay runa-kuna hina-shpa kay-pa yacha-ku-q kay-pa puri-q
return-URGT-CISL-AG DEM.D person-PL so DEM.P-LOC live-REFL-AG DEM.P-LOC walk-AG
Esas personas regresaban, luego, acá vivían, acá andaban.
Those people would come back, they would live here, they would wander about
00:04:06.268 - 00:04:09.458

Chaynasanpa chaynasanpa TKK Chinchata riptin

Chay-na-sa-n-pa chay-na-sa-n-pa Chincha-ta ri-pti-n
A lo que estaba así, a lo que estaba así, a Chincha se fue.
00:04:10.978 - 00:04:14.228
Kimsam kara huk warmi huk qari.
Kimsa-m ka-ra huk warmi huk qari
three-EVD be-PST one woman one man
Tres eran, una mujer, un hombre.
There were three: one woman and one man.
00:04:14.713 - 00:04:17.023

Kutiramushpa Chinchapaqqa chayshi huk gwardiyatash

Kuti-ra-mu-shpa Chincha-paq-qa chay-shi huk gwardiya-ta-sh
return-URGT-CISL-SUBIS Chincha-ABL-TOP DEM.D-EVR one guard-ACC-EVR
Volviendo de Chincha, luego, dice, a un guardia, dice
Returning from Chincha, then, they say, one guard, they say
00:04:19.433 - 00:04:23.543

Wañurachisa nin Chinchapi Chay kutimushpa watyana:paq hapirusa TKK

Wañu-ra-chi-sa ni-n Chincha-pi Chay kuti-mu-shpa watya-na-:-paq-pis
die-URGT-CAUS-PRF say-3 Chincha-LOC DEM.D return-CISL-SUBIS bake-NMLZ-1-PURP-ADD
lo habían matado en Chincha, dijeron. Volviendo de allí, para hacer pachamanca.
they'd killed him in Chincha, they said. Returning from there, in order to make
00:04:23.643 - 00:04:27.563

hilikuptiru hamushpa chaypa wañurachin [inaudible] wañurachisa.

hilikuptiru hamu-shpa chay-pa wañu-ra-chi-n wañu-ra-chi-sa
helicopter come-SUBIS DEM.D-LOC die-URGT-CAUS-3 die-URGT-CAUS-PRF
Un helicóptero vino y los maté allí.
A helicopter came and killed them there.
00:04:27.918 - 00:04:33.048

pidasus pidasus wañurachisa chaynamari chinkarun. Mmm, tristim pasara: ñuqalla

pidasus pidasus wañu-ra-chi-sa chay-na-m-ari chinka-ru-n Mmm, tristi-m pasa-ra-:
pieces pieces doe-URGT-CAUS-PRF DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD-EMPH lose-URGT-3 Mmm, sad-EVD
Pedasos, dejaros los mataron. Así se perdieron. Mmm, triste lo pasé yo.
They killed them [leaving them] in pieces. Like that, they were lost. Mmm, I've
passed [life] sad,
00:04:33.678 - 00:04:38.563

taytalla: wañukuptin Tutal.

ñuqa-lla tayta-lla-: wañu-ku-pti-n Tutal
pass-PST-1 1-RSTR father-RSTR-1 die-REFL-SUBDS-3 totally
Cuando murió mi papá.
When my father died.
00:04:38.593 - 00:04:40.163 00:04:43.538 - 00:04:48.428

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2014/Liscay_VV_Milking_C.eaf
Wednesday, July 30, 2014 7:42 AM


Lucipis riyan. Carlosnintin. Wakpis riyanmi.

Luci-pis ri-ya-n Carlos-ni-ntin wak-pis ri-ya-n-mi
Luci también está yendo. Con Carlos. Ese también está yendo.
Lucy, too, is going. With Carlos. That one, too, is going.
00:00:01.930 - 00:00:06.590 00:00:07.100 - 00:00:08.350

[laughter] Allquntin riyan.

[laughter] allqu-ntin ri-ya-n
dog-INCL go-PROG-3
Con su perro está yendo.
They're going with their dog.
00:00:08.420 - 00:00:11.030 00:00:12.730 - 00:00:14.970

00:00:24.415 - 00:00:28.155

Kabra, napa, Yovanapa kabranwan sayayan uchuk allqullan kuyallayapis sayayan.

kabra na-pa Yovana-pa kabra-n-wan saya-ya-n uchuk allqu-lla-n kuya-y-lla-pis
goat DMY-GEN Yovana-GEN goat-3-INSTR stand-PROG-3 small dog-RSTR-3
Cabra, de ... Está sentado con las cabras de Yovana. Su chiquito perrito está
sentado bonito.
Her goats. He's sitting with Yovana's goats. Her little dog is sitting nicely.
00:00:33.755 - 00:00:38.955

Arí Elba
saya-ya-n arí Elba
love-INF-RSTR-ADD stand-PROG-3 yes Elba
Sí, pues, Elba.
Yes, then, Elba.
00:00:40.490 - 00:00:44.360

Kabra. Waknintatr karritiranta riyanki, ¿aw?

kabra wak-ni-n-ta-tr karritira-n-ta ri-ya-nki aw
goat DEM.D-EUPH-3-ACC-EVC road-3-ACC go-PROG-2 yes
Cabra. Por allá, por la carretera estarás yendo, ¿no?
Goat. Over there, you'd be going by the road, no?
00:00:47.500 - 00:00:49.080 00:00:51.005 - 00:00:53.165

Istansiyaman. Ahay. ¡Qawariy!

istansiya-man ahay qawa-ri-y
Hacia la estancia. Sí, pues. ¡Mírale!
Towards the ranch. Yes, then. Look at them!
00:00:54.085 - 00:00:55.925 00:00:56.150 - 00:00:57.890

Carlitos. Carlitos tiyakuyallam. Sapallan.

Carlitos Carlitos tiya-ku-ya-lla-m sapa-lla-n
Carlitos Carlitos sit-REFL-PROG-RSTR-EVD alone-RSTR-3
Carlitos. Carlito está sentadito. Solito.
Little Carlos. Carlos is sitting.Alone.
00:01:00.680 - 00:01:04.850

¿Mayñataq wak kayan?

may-ña-taq wak ka-ya-n
where-DISC-SEQ DEM.D be-PROG-3
¿Dónde ya está ese?
Where is that already?
00:01:07.610 - 00:01:09.760

¡Kichuwapa rimay! 'Punta Sananpam kayan' ¡niy!

kichuwa-pa rima-y Punta Sanan-pa-m ka-ya-n ni-y
Quechua-LOC talk-IMP Punta Sanan-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3 say-IMP
¡En quechua habla! 'Están en Punta Sanan' ¡Di!
Talk in Quechua! "They're in Punta Sanan" say!
00:01:19.305 - 00:01:21.750

Hanay wasi punta wasi hanaskan karritira wak sirku kayan, ¡ve!
hanay wasi punta wasi hana-skan karritira wak sirku ka-ya-n ve
up house point house up-SKA-3 raod DEM.D corral be-PROG-3 look
Arriba en esa casa, en esa casa más arribita en la carretera está ese cerco.
The house up hill, the house in the peak, is that corral.
00:01:21.810 - 00:01:25.990

Paninpa trakrañam. Dañurusa.

pani-n-pa trakra-ña-m dañu-ru-sa
sister-3-GEN field-DISC-EVD damage-URGT-PRF
La chacra de su hermana ya. Dañado.
Her sister's fields already. Damaged.
00:01:26.085 - 00:01:27.615 00:01:27.755 - 00:01:29.065

En su chacra pues. ¡Vé!
In her fields, then. Look!
00:01:29.265 - 00:01:32.375

Pakupa wasinña. Pakupa wasinña wakqa.

Paku-pa wasi-n-ña Paku-pa wasi-n-ña wak-qa
Paku-GEN house-3-DISC Paku-GEN house-3-DISC DEM.D-TOP
La casa de Paku ya. Esa es la casa de Paku ya.
Paku's house already. That's Paku's house already.
00:01:32.610 - 00:01:35.795

Pakupa wasin. Doradoña. Kayan runan.

Paku-pa wasi-n Dorado-ña ka-ya-n runa-n
Paku-GEN house-3 Dorado-DISC be-PROG-3 person-3
La casa de Paku. Dorado ya. Tiene su dueño.
Paku's house. Dorado, ya. It has its owner.
00:01:35.985 - 00:01:37.685 00:01:38.417 - 00:01:40.787

Shutun. Shutun. Vintilasyunpaq chayqa. Vintilasyunpaq

shutu-n shutu-n vintilasyun-paq chay-qa vintilasyun-paq
drip-3 drip-3 ventilation-PURP DEM.D-TOP ventilation-PURP
Gotea. Gotea. Para ventilación es-RSTR, Para ventilación.
It drips. It drips. That's for ventilation. For ventilation.
00:01:46.167 - 00:01:47.637 00:01:48.217 - 00:01:50.767

Shutunmi chayninta.
shutu-n-mi chay-ni-n-ta
Gorea por allí.
It drips over there.
00:01:51.347 - 00:01:53.027

Chay uqum chayninta. Sikinpis lliwtri uqurunqa.

chay uqu-m chay-ni-n-ta siki-n-pis lliw-tri uqu-ru-nqa
DEM.D wet-EVD DEM.D-EUPH-3-ACC behind-3-ADD all-EVC wet-URGT-3.FUT
Moja por allí. Su poto tamién todo mojará.
It gets wet around there. His behind is going to get all wet.
00:01:55.702 - 00:01:59.872

Arí. Chimpapa papa kayan.

arí chimpa-pa papa ka-ya-n
yes front-LOC potato be-PROG-3
Sí. Al frente hay papas.
Yes. There are potatoes in front.
00:02:02.452 - 00:02:03.642 00:02:03.802 - 00:02:06.952
Chunchulipa. trakran. Chunchulipa trakranshi kayan.
Chunchuli-pa trakra-n Chunchuli-pa trakra-n-shi ka-ya-n
Chunchuli-GEN field-3 Chunchuli-GEB field-3-EVR be-PROG-3
La chacra de Chunchulí. Es la chacra de Chunchuli.
Chunchuli's fields. It's Chunchuli's field.
00:02:08.322 - 00:02:10.482 00:02:11.067 - 00:02:12.977

Alfan iskinanpam kayan. Achka kaymiki chay papa kayan.

alfa-n iskina-n-pa-m ka-ya-n achka kay-mi-ki chay papa ka-ya-n
alfalfa-3 corner-3-LOC-EVD be-PROG-3 a.lot DEM.P-EVD-KI DEM.D potato be-PROG_3
Está a costado de su alfalfa. Hay muchas papas.
It's near his alfalfa. Those are a lot of potatoes.
00:02:13.037 - 00:02:14.807 00:02:15.202 - 00:02:17.627

Uqa, ulluku. Chaytam mikunchik.

uqa ulluku chay-ta-m miku-nchik
oca ulluco DEM.D-ACC-EVD eat-1PL
Oca, olluco. Eso se come.
Oca, olluco. We eat those.
00:02:17.667 - 00:02:19.407 00:02:24.162 - 00:02:26.522

Asu. Wak pwintiñatr kayan, ¿aw? Aa, pwinti.

asu wak pwinti-ña-tr ka-ya-n aw aa pwinti
oh DEM.D bridge-DISC.EVC be-PROG-3 ¿aw? aa bridge
Aso, ese puente ya será, ¿no? Aa, puente.
Oh, my! That would be the bridge already, no? Ah, the bridge.
00:02:32.197 - 00:02:34.827 00:02:35.377 - 00:02:37.957

Achkam yaku riyan. Mucho. Achka riyan.

achka-m yaku ri-ya-n achka ri-ya-n
a.lot water go-PROG-3 a.lot go-PROG-3
Mucha agua va. Mucho. Mucho va.
A lot of water is running. A lot. A lot is running.
00:02:38.017 - 00:02:39.942 00:02:40.282 - 00:02:42.372

¿Maypitaq wak? Papa kayan. Wak walla kayan. Pwinti.

may-pi-taq wak papa ka-ya-n wak walla ka-ya-n pwinti
where-LOC-SEQ DEM.D potato be-PROG-3 DEM.D walla be-PROG-3 bridge
¿En dónde es ése? Hay papas. Ese es walla. El puente.
Where is that? There are potatoes. That's "walla." The bridge.
00:02:43.512 - 00:02:46.262 00:02:46.862 - 00:02:49.192

Walla pwintita pasayan.

Walla pwinti-ta pasa-ya-n
Walla bridge-ACC pass-PROG-3
Puente Walla están pasando.
They're passing Walla Bridge.
00:02:49.422 - 00:02:51.532

Aa, qaninpalla. Fiystallapaq. ¿Ahora está nuevo, ¿no?

aa qanin-pa-lla fiysta-lla-paq
aa day.before.yesterday-LOC-RSTR festival-RSTR-PURP
00:02:53.632 - 00:02:57.202

Fiystapaq. Fiysta. Fibrirupaq. ¿Wivuta? ¿Imata pusharunqa?

fiysta-paq fiysta fibriru-paq wivu-ta ima-ta pusha-ru-nqa
festival-PURP festival Febriary-PURP egg-ACC what-ACC bring-URGT-3.FUT
¿Huevo? ¿Qué cosa va a llevar?
Egg? What are they going to bring?
00:02:57.422 - 00:02:59.752 00:03:03.077 - 00:03:05.672

¿Para qué caminó? Mana saqaykunanpaq.

mana saqa-yku-na-n-paq
no go.down-EXCEP-NMLZ-3-PURP
¿Para que caminó. Para que no se caiga.
Why did he walk? So he doesn't fall.
00:03:05.942 - 00:03:09.322

Saqanki chayninta hamushayki.

saqa-nki chay-ni-n-ta hamu-sha-yki
go-down-2 DEM.D-EUPH-3-ACC come-PRF-2
Caíste allí donde viniste. Hubieras caido adentro.
You fell around there where you came. You could have fallen in.
00:03:09.577 - 00:03:12.157

Hamunkimanpis trayamunkimanpischu kara. Mana kambiyapti:qa.

hamu-nki-man-pis traya-mu-nki-ma-npis-chu ka-ra mana kambiya-pti-:-qa
come-2-COND-ADD arrive-CISL-2-COND-ADD-NEG be-PST no change-SUBDS-1-TOP
No hubieras venido ni siquiera hubieras llegado si yo no lo hubiera cambiado.
You wouldn't have come; you wouldn't even have arrived if I hadn't changed it.
00:03:13.797 - 00:03:16.767

¿Imaynam pasaramuranki? trawpintatr.

imayna-m pasa-ra-mu-ra-nki trawpi-n-ta-tr
how-EVD pass-URGT-CISL-PST-2 front-3-ACC-EVC
¿Cómo has pasado? Por medio, seguro.
How did you pass? In the middle, for sure.
00:03:20.027 - 00:03:23.967 00:03:24.617 - 00:03:26.247

Almiyantrik. ¿Lluchurishpa?
almi-ya-n-tri-k lluchu-ri-shpa
forge-PROG-3-EVC-K remove-INCEP-SUBIS
Estará pasando por el agua, seguro. Sacando [su zapato].
They'd be forging the water. Taking off [their shoes].
00:03:26.492 - 00:03:27.602 00:03:27.787 - 00:03:28.987

¿Sapatuykita lluchurishpa? Imaynam chay pasaramura

sapatu-yki-ta lluchu-ri-shpa imayna-m chay pasa-ra-mu-ra
shoe-2-ACC remove-INCEP-SUBIS how-EVD DEM.D pass-URGT-CISL-PST
¿Sacando tu zapato? ¿Cómo pasaron?
Taking off your shoes? How did they pass it?
00:03:31.122 - 00:03:32.672 00:03:33.462 - 00:03:35.442

Sapatuntatr ¿Pim kanan kutiramun?

sapatu-n-ta-tr pi-m kanan kuti-ra-mu-n
shoe-3-ACC-EVC who-EVD now return-UEGT-CISL-3
Sus zapatos, seguro. ¿Quién ahora regresó?
Their shoes, for sure. Who returned now?
00:03:35.592 - 00:03:36.672 00:03:37.292 - 00:03:38.702

Yaku rikuyan aa. ¿Kayanchu? ¿Wañushachu?

yaku ri-ku-ya-n aa ka-ya-n-chu wañu-sha-chu
water go-REFL-PROG-3 aa be-PROG-3-NEG die-PRF-NEG
Agua está yendo. ¿Estan? ¿Había muerto?
Water is running. ¿Are they there? Had he died?
00:03:39.302 - 00:03:42.962 00:03:43.532 - 00:03:44.912

Wak hamuyasa. ¿Maynintaq wak kayan?

wak hamu-ya-sa may-ni-n-taq wak ka-ya-n
DEM.D come-PROG-PRF where-EUPH-3-SEQ DEM.D be-PROG-3
Ese estaba vivniendo. ¿Cuál de ellos es?
It was coming. Which of them is it?
00:03:46.537 - 00:03:48.977

Wak wallu altu kayan. Sequia, ¿no?

wak wallu altu ka-ya-n
DEM.D wallu high be-PROG-3 canal
Ese walla está arriba. Sequia, ¿no?
That "wallu" is up hill. The canal, no?
00:03:49.462 - 00:03:51.067 00:03:51.137 - 00:03:52.477

Manam Chachas.
mana-m Chachas
no-EVD Chachas
No. Chachas.
No. Chachas.
00:03:54.139 - 00:03:55.049 00:03:55.679 - 00:03:56.649

Kabran mikunanpaq ya. Kabran. Kabra imatañapis mikun.
kabra-n miku-na-n-paq ya kabra-n kabra ima-ta-ña-pis miku-n
goat-3 eat-NMLZ-3-PURP EMPH goat-3 goat what-ACC-DISC-ADD eat-3
Para que coman sus canbras, pues. La cabra come cualquier cosa.
So that their goats can eat, then. Goats eat anything.
00:03:59.089 - 00:04:01.349 00:04:04.069 - 00:04:06.259

Wak hana kayan wak wakhina.

wak hana ka-ya-n wak wak-hina
Eso está allá arriba. Así.
That's up hill. Like that.
00:04:07.039 - 00:04:09.549

Wak wallaman witrayman rina kayan. Wayrahina hamuyan.

wak walla-man witray-man ri-na ka-ya-n wayra-hina hamu-ya-n
DEM.D walla-ALL up-ALL go-NMLZ be-PROG-3 wing-COMP come-PROG-3
Allá para Walla para arriba está para ir. Rápido está viniendo
You have to go uphill to Walla. They're coming quickly.
00:04:09.849 - 00:04:12.469

Kwistayanñam. Kwistayanña.
kwista-ya-n-ña-m kwista-ya-n-ña
hillside-PROG-3-DISC-EVD hillside-PROG-3-DISC
Está subiendo. Está subiendo.
They're going up hill. They're going up hill.
00:04:15.174 - 00:04:16.244 00:04:16.354 - 00:04:17.194

Kustalnin aysakusa.
kustal-ni-n aysa-ku-sa
sack-EUPH-3 pull-REFL-PRF
Jalando, con su costal.
Pulling, with their sack.
00:04:17.519 - 00:04:19.319

Witrayta ishkayllayki riyanki. ¿Jacinta maypitaq kidaramura?

witray-ta ishkay-lla-yki ri-ya-nki Jacinta may-pi-taq kida-ra-mu-ra
up-ACC two-RSTR-2 go-PROG-2 Jacinta where-LOC-SEQ stay-URGT-CISL-PST
Arriba ustedes dos no más están yendo. ¿Dónde ha quedado Jacinta?
Just the two of you are going up hill. Where did Jacinta stay?
00:04:20.639 - 00:04:24.619

Paysahi lluqsirusa. ¿Kanan wakpaq pagamanki aykatataq?

Paysahi lluqsi-ru-sa kanan wak-paq paga-ma-nki ayka-ta-taq
landscape come.out-URGT-PRF now DEM.D-ABL pay-1.OBJ-2 how.much-ACC-SEQ
El paisaje ha salido. ¿Ahora cuánto me pagarás?
The landscape came out. Now how much are you going to pay me?
00:04:30.969 - 00:04:33.869

Wakqa. Imata hurquyan? Aa. Arinata.

wak-qa ima-ta hurqu-ya-n aa arina-ta
DEM.D-TOP what-ACC take.out-PROG-3 aa sand-ACC
Ese. ¿Qué cosa está sacando? Ah, arena.
That. What is he taking out? Ah, sand.
00:04:35.884 - 00:04:37.964

Wak wakhinallam hurqurusa.

wak wak-hina-lla-m hurqu-ru-sa
Así no más había sacado.
He'd taken it out like that.
00:04:41.254 - 00:04:44.064

Nawan, Edwinwan natriki. Uviha michitr.

na-wan Edwin-wan na-tri-ki uviha michi-tr
Con ése, con Edwin, seguro, [con] el pastor de las ovejas, seguro.
With that, with Edwin, for sure, with the shepherd, for sure.
00:04:46.779 - 00:04:50.504

Uviha michiq wak kayan, ¿aw?

uviha michi-q wak ka-ya-n aw
sheeo herd-AG DEM.D be-PROG-3 yes
Ese es el pastor de las ovejas, ¿no?
That's the shepherd, no?
00:04:51.044 - 00:04:53.104

¿Uviha michiq maypis sayarayan dinantis wawintin?

uviha michi-q may-pis saya-ra-ya-n dinantis wawi-ntin
sheep herd-AG where-ADD stand-UNINT-PROG-3 before baby-INCL
¿Dónde está parado ese pastor de ovejas con su hijo?
Where is that shepherd and his child standing?
00:04:54.808 - 00:04:57.518

Huk trayaramunña. 'Filmayaman', nin.

huk traya-ra-mu-n-ña filma-ya-ma-n ni-n
one arrive-URGT-CISL-3-DISC film-PROG-1.OBJ-3 say-3
Otro ya llegó. 'Me está filmando', dice.
Another arrived already. "She's filming me," he says.
00:04:57.868 - 00:05:00.868

Muytirayan. trawpinpitr kayan

Muyti-ra-ya-n trawpi-n-pi-tr ka-ya-n
crouch-UNINT-PROG-3 front-3-LOC-EVC be-PROG-3
Está agachado. En el medio estará.
He's crouched down. He'd be in the middle.
00:05:03.438 - 00:05:05.978 00:05:08.123 - 00:05:09.353

trawpinpitr kanqa. ¿Huknin maypitaq kayan?

trawpi-n-pi-tr ka-nqa huk-ni-n may-pi-taq ka-ya-n
front-3-LOC-EVC be-3.FUT one-EUPH-3 wgere-LOC-SEQ be-PROG-3
En el medio va a estar. El otro, ¿dónde está?
He's going to be in the middle. Where is the other one?
00:05:09.593 - 00:05:11.043 00:05:12.913 - 00:05:14.023

Chayraqtri hamuyan.
chay-raq-tri hamu-ya-n
Recien estará viniendo.
He'd be coming recently.
00:05:14.523 - 00:05:15.253 00:05:17.603 - 00:05:19.753

Walla. Kusatamiki yatrasaqa.

Walla kusa-ta-mi-ki yatra-sa-qa
Walla. love-ACC-EVD-KI know-PRF-TOP
Walla Bien pues, sabe.
"Walla." It knew it well, then.
00:05:20.138 - 00:05:21.278 00:05:21.883 - 00:05:23.183

Sikiyantam puriyantrik Sikiyantatrik riyan witrayman.

sikiya-n-ta-m puri-ya-n-tri-k sikiya-n-ta-tri-k ri-ya-n witray-man
canal-3-ACC-EVD walk-PROG-3-EVC-K canal-3-ACC-EVC-K go-PROG-3 up-ALL
Estarán caminando por la sequia.
They'd be walking along the canal.
00:05:23.268 - 00:05:24.558 00:05:26.853 - 00:05:29.173

¿Ima kayashunqa? Qam kayiranki ñaqalla ¿Qam saqaykurunkichu?

ima ka-ya-shun-qa qam kayi-ra-nki ñaqa-lla qam saqa-yku-ru-nki-chu
what be-PROG-1PL.FUT 2 fall-PST-2 before-RSTR 2 go.down-EXCEP-URGT-2-Q
¿Cómo vamos a estar? ¿Tú caíste antes? ¿Te caíste?
How are we going to me? Did you fall before? Did you fall?
00:05:31.838 - 00:05:33.478 00:05:34.208 - 00:05:36.898

Sikitam na waqtarunkiman kara saqaykushpa.

siki-ta-m na waqta-ru-nki-man ka-ra saqa-yku-shpa
behind-ACC-EVD DMY hit-URGT-2-COND be-PST go.down-EXCEP-SUBIS
Hubieras golpeasdo tu poto si hubieras caído.
If you had fallen, you would have knocked your butt.
00:05:38.588 - 00:05:40.768
¿Maytam wak? Pukyu, ¿aw? Hatun pukyu, ¿aw?
may-ta-m wak pukyu aw hatun pukyu aw
where-ACC-EVD DEM.D spring yes big spring yes
¿Dónde es ése? ¿Pukyu, no? El pukyu grande, ¿no?
Where is that? The spring, no? The big spring, no?
00:05:46.858 - 00:05:48.788 00:05:50.888 - 00:05:52.138

¿May? Punta wasi. Kañay Pampa.

may punta wasi Kañay Pampa
where Punta wasi Kañay Pampa.
¿Donde? La primera casa. Kañay Pampa.
Where? The first house. Kañay Pampa.
00:05:53.168 - 00:05:54.508 00:05:54.863 - 00:05:56.693

[indecipherable] Kañay pampa Tiene que sembrar. YK

[indecipherable] Kaña-y pampa
Kañay pampa
Kañay Pampa. Tiene que sembrar.
Kañay Pampa. They have to plant.
00:05:56.893 - 00:05:59.603 00:05:59.833 - 00:06:01.523

[undecipherable] Pushashaq nira wakman

[undecipherable] pusha-shaq ni-ra wak-man
bring-1.FUT say-PST DEM.D-ALL
Voy a llevar allí, ha dicho.
I'm going to bring them there, he said.
00:06:03.313 - 00:06:05.243 00:06:05.503 - 00:06:07.203

Niranki. ¡Niyá, piru! ¿'Pushashaq' niranki?

ni-ra-nki ni-y-á piru pusha-shaq ni-ra-nki
say-PST-2 say-IMP-INTENS but bring-1.FUT say-PST-2
Has dicho, Díle, pues! ¿Dijiste 'Lo voy a llevar'?
You said. Say it, then! Did you say "I'm going to bring it"?
00:06:07.268 - 00:06:08.658 00:06:08.728 - 00:06:10.088

No vas a tomar arriba. Hay pasto.

No vas a tomar arriba. Hay pasto.
You're not going to take it up hill. There's pasture grass.
00:06:10.618 - 00:06:12.348

Aa, natrik nira. También.

aa na-tri-k ni-ra
aa DMY-EVC-K say-PST
Ah, él lo habrá dicho. También.
Ah, he would have said it. Also.
00:06:12.848 - 00:06:14.878 00:06:15.588 - 00:06:16.598

Aaa, qipikusa wak witraypiña Carlitos

aa qipi-ku-sa wak witray-pi-ña Carlitos
aa carry-REFL-PRF DEM.D up-LOC-DISC Carlitos
Ah, cargado ya están arriba. Carlitos.
Ah, carrying it, they're up hill already. Carlitos.
00:06:17.238 - 00:06:20.008 00:06:21.798 - 00:06:22.808

Carlospis riyan witrayman. ¿Qamqa manachu samanki? Manachu kanki?

Carlos-pis ri-ya-n witray-man qam-qa mana-chu sama-nki mana-chu ka-nki
Carlos-ADD go-PROG-3 up-ALL 2-TOP no-Q rest-2 no-Q be-2
Carlos también está yendo arriba. ¿Y tú, no descansas? ¿No estás?
Carlos, too, is going uphill. And you don't rest? Aren't you [there]?
00:06:23.148 - 00:06:25.378 00:06:27.498 - 00:06:29.748

Kimsallam riyan. Ishkaynin payqa nin dinantis.

kimsa-lla-m ri-ya-n Ishkay-ni-n pay-qa ni-n dinantis
three-RSTR-EVD be-PROG-3 2-EUPH-3 3-TOP say-3 before
Tres no más están yendo. 'Los dos', ella dijo antes.
Just three are going. "Both," she said before.
00:06:30.498 - 00:06:31.868 00:06:32.258 - 00:06:34.298

Wak yana allquntin kayantri. Wakhinam.

wak yana allqu-ntin ka-ya-n-tri wak-hina-m
Estarán con su perro negro. Así.
Tehy'd be with their black dog. Like that.
00:06:34.483 - 00:06:36.003 00:06:37.428 - 00:06:38.298

Wak kuya kuyayllapaq paysahinchik kayan, oy.

wak kuya kuya-y-lla-paq paysahi-nchik ka-ya-n oy
DEM.D love love-INF-RSTR-ABL landscape-1PL be-PROG-3 hey
Está bonito bonito nuestro paisaje, ¡oye!
Our landscape is lovely, lovely, listen!
00:06:38.478 - 00:06:41.788

Wakhina kayan.
wak-hina ka-ya-n
Así está.
It's like that.
00:06:41.908 - 00:06:42.848

Wama wamaq laqakushpash purin. Bien apegandose apegando anda.Wakhinata

wama wamaq laqa-ku-shpa-sh puri-n wak-hina-ta apa-ru-shpa-qa
a.lot a.lot stick-REFL-SUBIS-EVR walk-3 DEM.D-COMP-ACC bring-URGT-SUBIS-TOP
Bastante bastante Xando, dice, corren, llevándolo así.
Xing a lot, they say, they run, carrying it like that.
00:06:44.278 - 00:06:47.308

Kuyayllapaq kayan. Kuyallapaq kasa. Ariyá.

kuya-y-lla-paq ka-ya-n kuya-y-lla-paq ka-sa ari-yá
Bonito está. Era bonito. Sí, pues.
It's lovely. It was lovely, Yes, indeed.
00:06:48.938 - 00:06:49.908 00:06:51.248 - 00:06:54.588

Wak Chachas wak Chachas kuyayllapaq lluqsirusa, ¡ve!

wak Chachas wak Chachas kuya-y-lla-paq lluqsi-ru-sa
DEM.D Chachas DEM.D Chachas love-INF-RSTR-ABL come.out-UEGT-PRF
Ese Chachas, Ese Chachas había salido bonito. ¡Ve!
Chacas had come out lovely. Look!
00:06:55.413 - 00:06:58.273

Munti munti kasa. Ariyá. Kuyayllapaq kayan, ¡ve!

munti munti ka-sa ari-yá kuya-y-lla-paq ka-ya-n
brush brush be-PRF yes-INTENS love.INF-RSTR-ABL be-PROG-3
Era total monte. Sí, pues. ¡Bonito está! ¡Ve!
It wasl all brush. Yes, indeed. It's lovely! Look!
00:07:00.973 - 00:07:02.513 00:07:02.513 - 00:07:04.023

¿Maytaq wak kayan? Tikankukuna kayan, ¿manachu?

may-taq wak ka-ya-n Tikankukuna ka-ya-n mana-chu
where-SEQ DEM.D be-PROG-3 Tikankukuna be-PROG-3 no-Q
¿Dónde es-RSTR? Es Tikankukuna, ¿o no?
Where is that? It's Tiankukuna, or not?
00:07:05.803 - 00:07:06.903 00:07:08.743 - 00:07:10.213

Rupas. Vaca de Milton

Rupas Vaca de Milton.
Rupas. Milton's cows.
00:07:12.073 - 00:07:12.523 00:07:13.978 - 00:07:15.488

Qawarayashpa. ¡¿Imapaq kay hamuyan?, nintriki.

qawa-ra-ya-shpa imapaq kay hamu-ya-n ni-n-tri-ki
look-UNINT-PROG-SUBIS why DEM.P come-PROG-3 say-3-EVC-KI
Está mirando. '¿Porqué está vieniendo?' estará diciendo, pues.
He's looking. "Why is this coming?" he must be saying.
00:07:16.588 - 00:07:18.338 00:07:18.838 - 00:07:20.448
Mikuyanmi. Mikuyanmi. Pukyupa icha. [undecipherable]. Arriba. Arriba.
miku-ya-n-mi miku-ya-n-mi pukyu-pa icha
eat-PROG-3-EVD eat-PROG-3-EVD spring-LOC or
Está comiendo. Está comeinedo. En el manantial. Arriba. Arriba.
It's eating. It's eating. In the spring. Up hill. Up hill.
00:07:21.648 - 00:07:25.608 00:07:25.878 - 00:07:27.498

¿Maman waktaña riyan?

mama-n wak-ta-ña ri-ya-n
mother-3 DEN.D-ACC-DISC go-PROG-3
¿A dónde va su mamá?
Where is its mother going?
00:07:27.533 - 00:07:29.083

Wakwan chuqayan vakata. Qatiyan alfaman.

wak-wan chuqa-ya-n vaka-ta qati-ya-n alfa-man
DEM.D-INSTR throw-PROG-3 cow-ACC follow-PROG-3 alfalfa-ALL
Está tirando [piedras] a las vacas hacia allá. Están sigiendo al alfalfa.
She's tossing [rocks] at the cows. They're following to the alfalfa.
00:07:29.818 - 00:07:35.068

Yana siki. Aa, wakpiñam vaka kayan.

yana siki aa wak-pi-ña-m vaka ka-ya-n
black behind aa DEM.D-LOC-DISC-EVD cow be-PROG-3
Poto negro. Ah, las vacas están allí.
Black butt. Ah, the cows are there.
00:07:37.388 - 00:07:38.588 00:07:38.653 - 00:07:40.303

Wak manam huntakuykunchu maypapis.

wak mana-m hunta-ku-yku-n-chu may-pa-pis
DEM.D no-EVD gather-REFL-EXCEP-3-NEG where-LOC-ADD
Ese no se junta donde que sea.
That one doesn't join up anywhere.
00:07:43.763 - 00:07:45.703

Wak kutiyamun kañasa. Wak vaka kuyayllapaq lluqsirusa.

wak kuti-ya-mu-n kaña-sa wak vaka kuya-y-lla-paq lluqsi-ru-sa
DEM.D return-PROG-CISL-3 burn-PRF DEM.D cow love-INF-RSTR-ABL come.out-URGT-PRF
Ah, está volviendo quemado. Ese vaca bien bonito había salido.
Ah, it's returning burnt. That cow came out lovely.
00:07:47.943 - 00:07:50.023 00:07:50.500 - 00:07:53.025

Mikuyan wakpa.
miku-ya-n wak-pa
Están comiendo allí.
They're eating there.
00:07:53.115 - 00:07:54.355

Vaka mikuyan. Huk law maypipishina, ¿aw?

vaka miku-ya-n huk law may-pi-pis-hina aw
cow eat-PROG-3 one side where-LOC-ADD-COMP yes
Allá está comiendo. En otro sitio como como donde quiera, ¿no?
They're eating there. In another place, like in anywhere, no?
00:07:55.527 - 00:07:58.597

Ariyá. Kay runatahina.

ari-yá kay runa-ta-hina
Sí, pues. Como gente de acá.
Yes, indeed. Like people from here.
00:07:58.655 - 00:07:59.310 00:07:59.437 - 00:08:00.437

Karu runapahina kayan. Paypam vakanhina.

karu runa-pa-hina ka-ya-n pay-pa-m vaka-n-hina
far person-GEN-COMP be-PROG-3 3-GEN-EBD cow-3-COMP
Como gente extraño está. Como sus vacas.-
It's like people from afar. Like his cows.
00:08:00.510 - 00:08:01.790 00:08:02.987 - 00:08:04.677

Ariyá. Wak vakanhinam sayarirun.

ari-yá wak vaka-n-hina-m saya-ri-ru-n
yes-INTENS DEM.D cow-3-COMP stand-INCEP-URGT-3
Sí, pues, como su vaca se paró.
Yes, indeed. The stood like his cows.
00:08:07.817 - 00:08:09.487

Aa, chu... wak na chullukusa tiyayan. Aa, wak chillakapi.

aa chu wak na chullu-ku-sa tiya-ya-n aa wak chillaka-pi
aa NEG DEM.D DMY cap-REFL-PRF sit-PROG-3 aa DEM.D chillaka-LOC
Con gorra está sentado. Aa, ese chillakapi.
He's sitting with a hat on. Ah, that chillakapi.
00:08:11.702 - 00:08:13.917 00:08:13.944 - 00:08:15.764

Wak pichayñataq kutiyamusa brutinta wakhinaTK.

wak pichay-ña-taq kuti-ya-mu-sa bruti-n-ta wak-hina
DEM.D pichay-DISC-SEQ return-PROG-CISL-PRF sprout-3-ACC DEM.D-COMP
Ese pichay había regresado al brote, así.
That pichay had returned sprout like that.
00:08:15.914 - 00:08:18.669

Kuyallaypaq karusa, oy Aa, kisupapis.
kuya-y-lla-paq ka-ru-sa oy aa kisu-pa-pis
love-INF-RSTR-ABL be-URGT-PRF hey aa cheese-GEN-ADD
Bonito era, oy. Aa, del queso también.
It was lovely, hey! Ah, the cheese's, too.
00:08:19.659 - 00:08:21.359 00:08:22.774 - 00:08:24.564

lluqsirusa. [undecipherable] Ankukichka. Aa, kichka, asu.

lluqsi-ru-sa ankukichka aa kichka asu
come.out-URGT-PRF Ankukichka aa thorn
había salido. Espina anku. Ah, espina.
had come out. Anku thorns. Ah, thorns.
00:08:24.574 - 00:08:27.134 00:08:28.314 - 00:08:31.524

Sikinchikman yaykurushpaqa nanakuyanmi.

siki-nchik-man yayku-ru-shpa-qa nana-ku-ya-n-mi
behind-1PL-ALL enter-URGT.SUBIS-TOP hirt-REFL-PROG-3-EVD
Cuando entra tu poto, duele.
When it gets into your butt, it hurts.
00:08:35.364 - 00:08:36.984

Nanakullan makinchikkuna yaykurun ayvisqa. Vakapamanpis kayninkunaman.

nana-ku-lla-n maki-nchik-kuna yayku-ru-n ayvis-qa vaka-pa-man-pis
hurt-REFL-RSTR-3 hand-1PL-PL enter-URGT-3 sometimes-TOP cow-GEN-ALL-ADD
Cuando entran en nuestras manos a veces duelen. A las de las vacas, también, por
acá todo.
When they get in our hands sometimes, they hurt. The cows', too, all around
00:08:37.269 - 00:08:41.279


Mikuyaptin saqaykurushpa ass lukuyan qaparikatrashpa wak purin.

miku-ya-pti-n saqa-yku-ru-shpa ass luku-ya-n qapa-ri-katra-shpa wak
eat-PROG-SUBDS-3 go.down-EXCEP-SUBIS ass crazy-INCH-3 shout-INCEP-FREQ-SUBIS
Cuando coment, cuando baja, ass, loquea y gritando anda.
When they eat, falling, they go crazy and wander about crying.
00:08:41.694 - 00:08:44.569

Wak kay wak pacha salviyata..

puri-n wak kay wak pacha salviya-ta
DEM.D walk-3 DEM.D DEM.P DEM.D pacha salvia-ACC
Eso, esto a esa pacha salvia.
That, this, to that pacha salvia.
00:08:44.719 - 00:08:47.799

Tutal fiyu vaka lukakuyan wak kichkawan
tutal fiyu vaka luka-ku-ya-n wak kichka-wan
total ugly cow crazy-REFL-INCH-3 DEM.D thorn-INSTR
Total feo loquean las vacas con esas espinas.
The cows go horribly crazy with those thorns.
00:08:48.116 - 00:08:51.334

Yaykurushpa mana lluqsinqachu [undecipherable]

yayku-ru-shpa mana lluqsi-nqa-chu
enter-URGT.SUBIS no come.out-3.FUT-NEG
Si entra, no va a slair.
I it gets in, it won't come out.
00:08:56.206 - 00:08:57.346 00:08:57.546 - 00:08:59.026

00:08:59.046 - 00:08:59.656

Wak vakaqa kuya kuyallapaq karu karupaq hamuyan, hana hanay.

wak vaka-qa kuya kuya-y-lla-paq karu karu-paq hamu-ya-n hana hanay
DEM.D cow-TOP love love-INF-RSTR-ABL far far-ABL come-PROG-3 up up
Esa vaca -- muy bonito. De muy lejos está viniendo, arriba, arriba.
That cow -- really lovely. It's coming from very far, hup high, up high.
00:08:59.961 - 00:09:03.321

Karu kurriy kurriy hamuyan. ¡Rakiy! ¡Rakiy!

karu kurri-y kurri-y hamu-ya-n raki-y raki-y
far run-INF run-INF come-PROG-3 separate-IMP separate-IMP
Lejos, rápido, rápido está viniendo. ¡Separa! ¡Sepára!
[From] far, quickly, quickly, it's coming. Sort it! Sort it!
00:09:05.286 - 00:09:07.106 00:09:07.531 - 00:09:08.521

¡Rakiy! ¡Rakiy! Ese .. ¿imataq wak?

raki-y raki-y ima-taq wak
separate-IMP separate-IMP what-SEQ DEM.D
¡Separa! ¡Separa! Ese .. ¿Qué,-RSTR?
Separate it out! Separate it out! That ... What, that?
00:09:08.601 - 00:09:09.931 00:09:10.481 - 00:09:11.941

Kay huk punta ya kasa. Aa, kurunaykita ruwanaykipaq

kay huk punta ya ka-sa aa kuruna-yki-ta ruwa-na-yki-paq
DEM.P one point EMPH be-PRF aa crown-2-ACC make-NMLZ-2-PURP
Este otra punta había sido. Ah, para que hagues tu corona.
It had been the other peak. Ah, so you can make your crown.
00:09:13.221 - 00:09:14.741 00:09:15.326 - 00:09:17.426

Kurunaykita wañuruptiyki ruwanaykipaq

kuruna-yki-ta wañu-ru-pti-yki ruwa-na-yki-paq
crown-2-ACC diw-URGT-SUBDS-2 make-NMLZ-2-PURP
To corona, cuando mueres, para que hagas.
Your crown, when you die, so you can make it.
00:09:18.841 - 00:09:20.616

¿Wak imataq kayan? ¿Tallataqa? Kuyallaypaq lluqsirusa.

wak ima-taq ka-ya-n talla-ta-qa TK kuya-y-lla-paq lluqsi-ru-sa
DEM.D what-SEQ be-PROG-3 straw-ACC-TOP love.INF-RSTR-ABL come.out-URGT-PRF
¿Ese qué cosa es? ¿Talla también? Bonito había salido.
What is that? Stalks, too? It had come out lovely.
00:09:20.766 - 00:09:22.286 00:09:23.621 - 00:09:25.571

Qaparara. Ichu chawapimpa

qaparara ichu trawpi-n-pa
Qaparara. straw front-3-LOC
Qaparara. En medio del icho.
Qaparara. In the middle of the straw.
00:09:26.551 - 00:09:28.576 00:09:28.866 - 00:09:30.766

Ichu chawapimpa
ichu trawpi-n-pa
straw front-3-LOC
En medio del icho.
In the middle of the straw.
00:09:31.551 - 00:09:33.171

Rupa rupapis lluqsirusatr. Kuya kuya wayta.

rupa rupa-pis lluqsi-ru-sa-tr kuya kuya wayta
birn burn-ADD come.out-URGT-PRF love love flower
Quemado quemado también habrá salido. Bien bonito está la flor.
It would have come out burnt, burnt. Lovely, lovely flower.
00:09:33.856 - 00:09:36.416

¿Wak ruparupash kiru nanaypaq ninchu? ¿Wakpa imanta tumaruchuwan chay

wak ruparupa-sh kiru nana-y-paq ni-n-chu wak-pa ima-n-ta tuma-ru-chuwan chay
DEM-D ruparupa-EVR tooth hurt-INF-PURP say-3-Q DEM.D-GEN what-3-ACC
¿Ese rupa rupa es bueno para dolor de muela, dice? Ah. De ése, ¿cómo se puede
tomar? ¿Se puede echar?
That rupa rupa is good for tooth aches, they say? Ah. Of that, how should we
take it? Shuold we add it in [to water]?
00:09:36.826 - 00:09:41.676

Waktahina winanki napaqpis [indecipherable]

wak-ta-hina wina-nki na-paq-pis
Lo vas a echar para eso también.
Your going to toss it in that like that, too.
00:09:41.776 - 00:09:44.216

Ass huk vaka qawarayamun [undecipherable]

ass huk vaka qawa-ra-ya-mu-n
Ass one cow look-UNINT-PROG-CISL-3
Ass, otra vaca está mirando.
Oh, another cow is looking.
00:09:44.236 - 00:09:46.991 00:09:47.521 - 00:09:48.511

Wak vaka qawarayan. Wakhinam.

wak vaka qawa-ra-ya-n wak-hina-m
Esa vaca está mirando. Así.
That cow is watching. Like that.
00:09:48.631 - 00:09:50.421 00:09:51.261 - 00:09:52.001

Lliwta llaqwayan wakhina. viyhunta

lliw-ta llaqwa-ya-n wak-hina viyhu-n-ta
all-ACC lick-PROG-3 DEM.D-COMP old-3-ACC
Lo está lambiendo todo así.. A su viejo.
It's licking everything like that. her husband.
00:09:53.026 - 00:09:54.576 00:09:54.676 - 00:09:55.526

Vakapis sayarayaptin Vaka sayarayan wakpi.

vaka-pis saya-ra-ya-pti-n vaka saya-ra-ya-n wak-pi
Cuando la vaca está parado. Vaca está parado en allá.
When the cow is standing, The cow is standing there.
00:09:57.116 - 00:09:58.316 00:09:59.916 - 00:10:01.276

Arí wakpamik kayan. Istansiyaña kayan, wak ¿aw?

arí wak-pa-mi-k ka-ya-n Istansiya-ña ka-ya-n wak aw
yes DEM.D-LOC-EVD-K be-PROG-3 ranch-DISC be-PROG-3 DEM.D yes
Sí, pues, en allá está. Estancia ya está allá, ¿no?
Yes. It's there, then. They're already at the ranch, no?
00:10:01.336 - 00:10:03.986 00:10:04.546 - 00:10:07.726

Wira wira vaka kayan. Kuyallaypaq.
wira wira vaka ka-ya-n Kuya-y-lla-paq
fat fat cow be-PROG-3 love-IMF-RSTR-ABL
Gorda gorda está la vaca. Bonito.
The cow is really fat. Lovely.
00:10:12.646 - 00:10:14.396 00:10:14.496 - 00:10:15.276

¿Te puedes quedar?
Can you stay?
00:10:15.801 - 00:10:16.951

Huk runapam sutin .. wak kabra kayan ...alli na kisiru.

huk runa-pa-m suti-n wak kabra ka-ya-n ...alli na kisiru
one person-GEN-EVD name-3 DEM.D goat be-PROG-3 good DMY cheese-maker
A una persona le llaman quesero. Esa cabra está.
They call one person "cheese-maker." That goat is there.
00:10:17.711 - 00:10:20.961

Chaywantri kasarakunki.
chay-wan-tri kasa-ra-ku-nki
Con ése te puedes casar.
You could get married with that one.
00:10:21.381 - 00:10:22.291

Kabrapis wak kayan kuyay. Klaru klaru lluqsirusa.

kabra-pis wak ka-ya-n kuya-y klaru klaru lluqsi-ru-sa
goat-ADD DEM.D be-PROG-3 love-INF clear clear come.out-URGT-PRF
Cabra también allí está. Bonito había salido.
Goats, too, are lovely. It came out lovely.
00:10:22.301 - 00:10:25.871

Manchakayashunkitr Uvihapis
Mancha-ka-ya-shunki-tr uviha-pis
fear-PASSACC-PROG-3>2 sheep-ADD
Te estará teniendo miedo. Ovejas, también.
It would be afraid of you. Sheep, too.
00:10:26.486 - 00:10:27.551 00:10:27.711 - 00:10:28.691

Chivuyki kuyallaypaq kasa. Wira kabrayki kayan.

chivu-yki kuya-y-lla-paq ka-sa wira kabra-yki ka-ya-n
billy.goat-2 love-INF-RSTR-ABL be-PRF fat goat-2 be-PROG-3
Tu chivo había sido bonito. Tu cabra está gorda.
Your billy goat had been lovely. Your goat is fat.
00:10:30.091 - 00:10:34.341 00:10:37.141 - 00:10:42.191

Katraykuyan. Katraykuyan trakinta

katra-yku-ya-n katra-yku-ya-n traki-n-ta
release-EXCEP-PROG-3 release-EXCEP-PROG-3 foot-3-ACC
Lo está soltando. Está soltando ya su pie.
She's letting it loose. She's freeing its foot already.
00:10:42.381 - 00:10:43.531 00:10:44.946 - 00:10:47.931

Watunqa sumaq sumaq. Arí. Allqullanwantriki yatrakun.

watu-n-qa sumaq sumaq. arí allqu-lla-n-wan-tri-ki yatra-ku-n
rope-3-TOP pretty pretty yes dog-RSTR-3-COND-EVC-KI live-REFL-3
Su soga bien bonito. Con su perro no más vivirá.
Really pretty, its rope. She's live just with her dog.
00:10:48.131 - 00:10:50.191 00:10:56.816 - 00:10:58.876

Alli, prisu kayan. Hukpis hamuyan

alli prisu ka-ya-n huk-pis hamu-ya-n
good prisoner be-PROG-3 one-ADD come-PROG-3
Sí, está preso. Otro también está viniendo
Yes, its trapped. Another, too, is coming.
00:11:10.281 - 00:11:12.431 00:11:15.396 - 00:11:16.116

Mama:ta muna:. Apuray nin waqakuyan hukpis.

mama-:-ta muna-: apura-y ni-n waqa-ku-ya-n huk-pis
mother-1-ACC want-1 hurry-INF say-3 cry-REFL-PROG-3 one-ADD
'Quiero a mi mama. ¡Apura!' está llorando.
"I want my mother. Hurry!" he's crying.
00:11:16.116 - 00:11:19.031

Waqayan. Yinapis waqakuyan.

waqa-ya-n Yina-pis waqa-ku-ya-n
cry-PROG-3 Yina-ADD cry-REFL-PROG-3
Está llorando. Gina también está llorando.
It's crying. Gina, too, is crying.
00:11:23.871 - 00:11:25.261 00:11:32.041 - 00:11:33.261

'Manam muna:chu', nin. Wakhinash puriyan.

mana-m muna-:-chu ni-n wak-hina-sh puri-ya-n
no-EVD want-1-NEG say-3 DEM.D-COMP-EVR walk-PROG-3
'No quiero', dijo. Así está andando, dice.
"I don't want it," she said. He's walking like that, they say.
00:11:37.176 - 00:11:38.926 00:11:41.591 - 00:11:43.161

Imapis ...chu [undecipherable] Waqan. Wakhina puriyan.

ima-pis chu waqa-n wak-hina puri-ya-n
what-ADD Q cry-3 DEM.D-COMP walk-PROG-3
Nada ... Está llorando. Así está andando.
Nothing ... He's crying. He walks about like that.
00:11:49.311 - 00:11:51.381 00:11:52.241 - 00:11:55.551

Kabrapa chichinta intirisayan. Arí. ¡Qaway! Hapiyanmantri.

kabra-pa chichi-n-ta intirisa-ya-n arí qawa-y hapi-ya-n-man-tri
goat-GEN teat-3-ACC interest-PROG-3 yes look-IMP grab-PROG-3-COND-EVC
Le está interesando la teta de la cabra. ¡Mira! Puede agarrar.
The goat's teat is interesting him. Look! He could grab it.
00:11:55.831 - 00:11:57.891 00:11:58.211 - 00:12:00.021

Kabrata hapiyta munayan. Hapirunmiki. Hapirayan.

kabra-ta hapi-y-ta muna-ya-n hapi-ru-n-mi-ki hapi-ra-ya-n
goat-ACC grab-INF-ACC want-PROG-3 grab-URGT-3-EVD-KI grab-UNINT-PROG-3
Quiere agarrar la cabra. Lo agarró. Está agarrado.
He wants to grab the goat. He grabbed it. It's grabbed.
00:12:00.751 - 00:12:02.321 00:12:02.611 - 00:12:05.561

Kuralninpis watarayantri. Kabra chichinta hapirayan.

kural-ni-n-pis wata-ra-ya-n-tri kabra chichi-n-ta hapi-ra-ya-n
corral-EUPH-3-ADD tie-UNINT-PROG-3-EVC goat teat-3-ACC grab-UNINT-PROG-3
Su corral también estará amarrado. La teta de la cabra está agarrado.
He'd be tying up his corral, too. The goats teat is grabbed on to.
00:12:07.031 - 00:12:08.991 00:12:12.276 - 00:12:14.276

00:12:17.556 - 00:12:18.646

Yinallapis mas klavarura. Wak, ¿imataq wak?

Yina-lla-pis mas klava-ru-ra wak imataq wak
Yina-RSTR-ADD more nail-URGT-PST DEM.D what-SEQ DEM.D
Yina no más, también, más se pegó. Y-RSTR, ¿qué cosa es-RSTR?
Just Yina, too, stuck [to it] more. That, what is that?
00:12:18.986 - 00:12:21.836

¿Imatataq? Sumbrunkunata sumbrurachisa. Yinata trurarunña.

ima-ta-taq sumbru-n-kuna-ta sumbru-ra-chi-sa Yina-ta trura-ru-n-ña
what-ACC-SEQ hat-3-PL-ACC hat-URGT-CAUS-PRF Yina-ACC put-URGT-3-DISC
¿Qué?Había puesto su sombrero. A Yina lo ha puesto ya.
What? She had put on her hat. She put it on Yina already.
00:12:21.871 - 00:12:24.246 00:12:24.256 - 00:12:25.696

¿Imataq wak wayurun? Saywa.
ima-taq wak wayu-ru-n saywa
what-SEQ DEM.D hang-URGT-3 Saywa.
¿Qué cosa está colgado allí? Saywa.
What is hanging there? Saywa.
00:12:26.293 - 00:12:27.403 00:12:27.463 - 00:12:28.803

Mana katraykunchu, ¿aw? Chayna qampa wambrayki kanman.

mana katra-yku-n-chu aw chay-na qam-pa wambra-yki ka-n-man
no release-EXCEP-3-NEG yes DEM.D-VRBZ 2-GEN child-2 be-3-COND
No le suelta, ¿no? Así puede ser tu hijo.
He doesn't let it go, no? Your child could be like that.
00:12:34.443 - 00:12:36.333 00:12:38.433 - 00:12:40.223

Manam katraykushunkimanchu. Kulumpiyayan.

mana-m katra-yku-shunki-man-chu kulumpiya-ya-n
no-EVD release-EXCEP-3>2 swing-PROG-3
No te puede soltar. Está columpiando.
He can't let you go. He's swinging.
00:12:40.963 - 00:12:42.443 00:12:43.213 - 00:12:44.273

Wayurayan. [undecipherable]
Está colgado.
He's hanging.
00:12:45.723 - 00:12:47.033 00:12:47.813 - 00:12:49.373

Aa, chawayan.
aa chawa-ya-n
aa milk-PROG-3
Ah, está lecheando.
Ah, she's milking.
00:12:50.713 - 00:12:52.268

Asu, wakhina naykiqa , qalaykiqa. Munakuyan chawayta.

asu wak-hina na-yki-qa qala-yki-qa muna-ku-ya-n chawa-y-ta
oh DEM.D-COMP DMY-2-TOP naked-2-TOP want-REFL-PROG-3 milk-INF-ACC
Aso, así tu ése, tu qala. Está queriendo lechear.
Ass, your umm, your naked [dog]. He's wanting to milk.
00:12:53.228 - 00:12:57.068

Qala. Uñata hapirayan chawaptin.

qala uña-ta hapi-ra-ya-n chawa-pti-n
naked calf-ACC grab-UNINT-PROG-3 milk-SUBDS-3
Calato. Está agarrado al becero cuando lechea.
Naked. The calf is grabbed on to while she milks.
00:12:57.243 - 00:12:57.743 00:13:00.153 - 00:13:01.978

'Allintam chawasapis', niy.

allin-ta-m chawa-sa-pis ni-y
good-ACC_EVD milk-PRF-ADD say-IMP
'Muy bien estaba lecheando lecheaba también', ¡di!.
"She's milked well," say!
00:13:02.868 - 00:13:05.168

Manam algunus wambraqa atipanchu. ¿Sí o no? Aa, sapalla:.

mana-m algunus wambra-qa atipa-n-chu aa sapa-lla-:
no-EVD some child-TOP Aa, alone-RSTR-1
Algunos chicos no pueden, ¿sí o no? As, solito.
Some children can't [do it], yes or no? Ah, all alone.
00:13:05.313 - 00:13:07.973 00:13:12.163 - 00:13:14.433

Pasan lliw lliw ripa:kuyan sapalla:llam kashaq.

pasa-n lliw lliw ri-pa:ku-ya-n sapa-lla-:-m TK ka-shaq
pass-3 all all go-PL-PROG-3 alone-RSTR-1-EVD be-1.FUT
Todos se van ya. Solita ya voy a estar.
Everyone is going already. I'm going to be all alone.
00:13:16.963 - 00:13:19.933

Aa, ñakarishpa.
aa ñaka-ri-shpa
aa suffer-INCEP-SUBIS
Aa, sufriendo.
Ah, suffering.
00:13:21.513 - 00:13:23.163

Wakinninñataq lichita tumayta munakuyan.

wakin-ni-n-ña-taq lichi-ta tuma-y-ta muna-ku-ya-n
other-EUPH-3-DISC-SEQ milk-ACC drink-INF-ACC want-REFL-PROG-3
Los otros ya quieren tomar leche.
The others want to drink milk already.
00:13:24.233 - 00:13:26.653

Hapirayan uñata. Qawarayan.

hapi-ra-ya-n uña-ta qawa-ra-ya-n
grab-UNINT-PROG-3 calf-ACC see-UNINT-PROG-3
Está agarrando el becero. está mirando.
He's grabbing on to the calf. He's watching.
00:13:26.818 - 00:13:28.743

Ima vaka hawka hawka sayasa. Vakayki. Ñuqapa asharishpa puchukayan.

ima vaka hawka hawka saya-sa vaka-yki ñuqa-pa asha-ri-shpa puchuka-ya-n
what cow calm calm stand-PRF cow-2 1-GEN open.mouth-INCEP-SUBIS end-PROG-3
¿Que vaca tranquilito paraba. Tu vaca. El mío, abriendo su boca, está
What cow was standing really calmly? Your cow. Mine is finishing, opening its
00:13:29.423 - 00:13:33.183

Kashtushpa sayarayan Hanaypichu mikuyan

kashtu-shpa saya-ra-ya-n hanay-pi-chu miku-ya-n
chew-SUBIS stand-UNINT-PROG-3 above-LOC-TK eat-PROG-3
Rumiando está parado. Arriba está comiendo.
Chewing its cud, it's standing. It's eating up hill.
00:13:37.808 - 00:13:39.958 00:13:40.018 - 00:13:41.168

fwirapa mikun tutantin Chaytrik wak lichin kayan.

fwira-pa miku-n tuta-ntin chay-tri-k wak lichi-n ka-ya-n
outside-LOC eat-3 night-INCL DEM.D-EVC-K DEM.D milk-3 be-PROG-3
Come afuera por la noche. Por eso tendrá leche.
It eats outside at night. That why she'd have milk.
00:13:41.258 - 00:13:42.538 00:13:42.553 - 00:13:44.223

Hukllata. Chawayan krusawllata. Mnnn

huk-lla-ta chawa-ya-n krusaw-lla-ta mnnn
one-RSTR-ACC milk-PROG-3 crossed-RSTR-ACC Mnnn
Uno no más. Está lecheando a la cruzada no más.
Just one. She's milking just the mixed-breed.
00:13:45.843 - 00:13:49.473

Qasqallanta TK diharun.
qasqa-lla-n-ta diha-ru-n
complete-RSTR-3-ACC leave-URGT-3
Conforme parece lo dejó.
SHe left it intact, it seems,
00:13:49.713 - 00:13:51.373

¿Suyasaykichu, manachu? ¿Suyasaykichu manachu? Wak yuraqpis.

suyasa-yki-chu mana-chu suyasa-yki-chu mana-chu wak yuraq-pis
Swiss-2-Q no-Q Swiss-2-Q no-Q DEM.D white-ADD
¿Es tu suisa o no? ¿Es tu suisa o no? Esa blanca también.
Is it your Swiss or not? Is it your Swiss or not? That white one, too.
00:13:51.843 - 00:13:56.553

Paypa wambrapa. Wak kural kayan.

pay-pa wambra-pa wak kural ka-ya-n
3-GEN child-GEN DEM.D corral be-PROG-3
De su hijo. Ese corral está.
Of his child's That corral is there.
00:14:03.523 - 00:14:05.133 00:14:05.803 - 00:14:07.243

¿Huk kuralchu kayan?

huk kural-chu ka-ya-n
one corral-Q be-PROG-3
¿Hay otra corral?.
Is there another corral?
00:14:07.718 - 00:14:09.118

Pampapa kayhinallatr kayan wakpa.

pampa-pa kay-hina-lla-tr ka-ya-n wak-pa
Así no más como en plano estará allá.
It would be just like this in the pampa there.
00:14:09.563 - 00:14:11.403

Wakhinta qawayanqa. Waqan. Tupayta munayan.

wak-hina-ta qawa-ya-nqa waqa-n tupa-y-ta muna-ya-n
DEM.D-COMP-ACC look-PROG-3.FUT cry-3 butt-INF-ACC want-PROG-3
Así está mirando pues. Llora. Quiere cornear.
It's looking like that. He cries. He wants to horn.
00:14:19.753 - 00:14:21.423 00:14:22.083 - 00:14:24.293

Chawachikunchu. Wawan wira wira kayan.

chawa-chi-ku-n-chu wawa-n wira wira ka-ya-n
milk-CAUS-REFL-3-NEG child-3 fat fat be-PROG-3
No se deja de lechar. Su cría está bien gordo.
She doesn't let herself be milked. Her baby is really fat.
00:14:26.413 - 00:14:28.023 00:14:28.463 - 00:14:30.753

Carlos ashurun ¿ima? Yangaña Carlos. ¿Dónde se fue?

Carlos ashu-ru-n ima yanga-ña Carlos.
Carlos withdraw-URGT-3 what in.vain-DISC Carlos.
Carlos se retiró, cómo? Mentira ya Carlos. ¿Dónde se fue?
Carlos withdrew. How? In vain, Carlos. Where did he go?
00:14:35.753 - 00:14:37.303 00:14:42.203 - 00:14:44.933

Le gritaría a su hermano. Qawapa[] kasa.

qawa-pa-[] ka-sa
see-BEN be-PRF
Le gritaría su hermano. Bien está para ver.
His brother would yell at him. It was pretty to see.
00:14:45.193 - 00:14:46.803 00:14:49.623 - 00:14:50.973

[undecipherable] Hapinanpaqtriki
Para que agarre, seguro.
So that she grabs it, for sure.
00:14:51.543 - 00:14:54.043 00:14:56.113 - 00:14:57.083

'¡Apuray!' nin '¡Yanapamay! ¡Yanapamay!' nin

apura-y ni-n yanapa-ma-y yanapa-ma-y ni-n
hurry-INP say-3 help-1.OBJ-IMP help-1.OBJ-IMP say-3
'¡Apúrate!' dice. '¡Ayúdame! ¡Ayúdame!' dijo.
"Hurry up!? he says. "Help me! Help me!" he said.
00:14:57.293 - 00:14:58.443 00:15:04.423 - 00:15:06.893

Yanapanayki kara.
yanapa-na-yki ka-ra
help-NMLZ-2 be-PST
Tú hubieras ayudado.
You should have helped.
00:15:06.943 - 00:15:08.463

Qamqa grabayanki. ¿Imatam ruwayanki chay ura?

qam-qa graba-ya-nki ima-ta-m ruwa-ya-nki chay ura
2-TOP record-PROG-2 what-ACC-EVD make-PROG-2 DEM.D hour
Usted estás grabando. ¿Qué estabas haciendo ese rato?
You're recording. What were you doing at that time?
00:15:08.618 - 00:15:12.028

Malkriyadu munanchu. Kuyachikunmi piru

malkriyadu muna-n-chu kuya-chi-ku-n-mi piru
ill-bred want-3-NEG love-CAUS-REFL-3-EVD but
Malcriado no quiere. Se hace cariñar pero.
Ill-bred. He doesn't want to, She makes herself loved, though.
00:15:12.688 - 00:15:17.528 00:15:17.753 - 00:15:19.863

Ñaqalla wak rumi hawanpi qawarayamura waqashpa

ñaqa-lla wak rumi qawa-n-pi qawa-ra-ya-mu-ra waqa-shpa
before-RSTR DEM.D stone top-3-LOC look-UNINT-PROG-CISL-PST cry-SUBIS
Antes encima de esa piedra estaba mirando llorando.
Before, on top of that rock, he was watching, crying.
00:15:20.733 - 00:15:24.443

Kanan wakpi Achkata.

kanan wak-pi achka-ta
now DEM.D-LOC a.lot-ACC
Ahora en allá. Harto.
Now there. A lot.
00:15:24.713 - 00:15:25.573 00:15:27.143 - 00:15:29.398

Aa, trutarayan. Hapiyan aysayan uñata.
aa truta-ra-ya-n hapi-ya-n aysa-ya-n uña-ta
aa stretch-UNINT-PROG-3 grab-PROG-3 pull-PROG-3 calf-ACC
Aa, está estirado. Está agarrando está jalando el becero.
He's grabbing and pulling the calf.
00:15:30.438 - 00:15:32.358 00:15:35.773 - 00:15:37.943

Manam chichinanpaq.
mana-m chichi-na-n-paq
no-EVD nurse-NMLZ-3-PURP
Para que no mame.
So that he doesn't nurse.
00:15:38.113 - 00:15:39.743

Manam lichita ... si nu manam qumunqachu riki.

mana-m lichi-ta si-nu mana-m qu-mu-nqa-chu r-iki
no-EVD milk-ACC if not no-EVD give-CISL-3.FUT R-IKI
Para que haga leche. Si no, no va a haber.
00:15:40.773 - 00:15:43.563

Kay wambrata qawapayan qawarayan chay wambra pasaypaq

kay wambra-ta qawa-pa-ya-n qawa-ra-ya-n chay wambra pasaypaq
DEM.P child-ACC look-REPET-PROG-3 look-UNINT-PROG-3 DEM.D child a.lot
A este chico está mirando. Está mirando este chico total.
He's looking at that child. He's looking at that child a lot.
00:15:44.373 - 00:15:46.233 00:15:46.723 - 00:15:48.173

Kipuy kipuy uman kasa. ¿Mayqin taytakuqkunahina?

kipu-y kipu-y uma-n ka-sa mayqin tayta-ku-q-kuna-hina
knot-INF knot-INF head-3 be-PRF which father-REFL-AG-PL-COMP
Peinadito está su cabeza. ¿Cuál como los ancianos...
His head was really tied up. Which like the old men ...
00:15:53.273 - 00:15:55.423 00:15:55.723 - 00:15:57.613

Taytapa uman. Ishkay kipu uman kayan. Durutriki kayan wak

tayta-pa uma-n ishkay kipu uma-n ka-ya-n duru-tri-ki ka-ya-n wak
father-GEN head-3 two knot head be-PROG-3 hard-EVC-KI BE_PRG-3 DEM.D
La cabeza del anciano. Su cabeza tiene dos nudos. Duro estará.
Old man's head. His head has two knots. It would be hard.
00:15:59.453 - 00:16:03.048 00:16:04.218 - 00:16:05.798

Mnn, [undecipherable]
00:16:05.863 - 00:16:07.743 00:16:08.853 - 00:16:10.823

Barrusa nin
barrusa ni-n
barrosa say-3
Barrosa, dijo.
He said, "Barroso"
00:16:11.043 - 00:16:12.053

Barrusallapam duru kayan. Wakpaq fasilllam chawanchik facilllam waktaqa.

barrusa-lla-pa-m duru ka-ya-n wak-paq fasil-lla-m chawa-nchik facil-lla-m
barroso-RSTR-GEN-EVD hard be-PROG-3 DEM.D-ABL easy-RSTR-EVD milk-1PL easy-RSTR-EVD
De la barrosa no más es dura. Los demás fácil no más se lechea.
Only the barrosa's are hard. Theirs' are easy. Those are easy.
00:16:12.173 - 00:16:16.483

Vinsirun. Katraykurun
wak-ta-qa vinsi-ru-n katra-yku-ru-n
DEM.D.-ACC-TOP overcome-URGT-3 release-EXCEP-URGT-3
Le ganó. Lo soltó.
SHe won. She let it loose.
00:16:17.098 - 00:16:18.028 00:16:18.518 - 00:16:19.528

Wak kipu pasaypaq qipallayki TIntush tintush

wak kipu pasaypaq qipa-lla-yki tIntu-sh tintu-sh
DEM.D knot a.lot behind-RSTR-2 thin.tail-EVR thin.tail-EVR
Ese Kipu total en tu atrás [está]. Rabito rabito delgado [no vale].
That Kipu [is] completely behind you. Thin, thin tail.
00:16:20.263 - 00:16:22.483 00:16:23.133 - 00:16:24.243

Manapis vakaman pawakuy Tutalmi lluqsirun

mana-pis vaka-man pawa-ku-y tutal-mi lluqsi-ru-n
no-ADD cow-ALL jump-REFL-INF total-EVD go.out-URGT-3
Me parece que no puede saltar hacia la vaca. Total salió.
It seems it can't jump twards the cow. It came out completely.
00:16:24.553 - 00:16:26.683 00:16:27.553 - 00:16:28.918

Ima imapaqtri wak vaka wakhinarun

ima imapaq-tri wak vaka wak-hina-ru-n
what why-EVC DEM.D cow DEM.D-COMP-URGT-3
¿Por qué así se comporatará esa vaca?
Why would the cow behave like that?
00:16:28.918 - 00:16:30.628

Asu, wak wak chika kamchayuq [undecipherable]

asu wak wak chika kamcha-yuq
asu DEM.D DEM.D girl toasted.cereal-POSS
Ass, esa chica tiene cancha.
Ass, that girl has toasted cereal.
00:16:34.508 - 00:16:37.398 00:16:37.868 - 00:16:40.768

Está jalateando.
She's pulling it.
00:16:42.128 - 00:16:43.138

Allquykipis ancharayan. Allquykipis wakhina pasaypaq puñukarun.

allqu-yki-pis ancha-ra-ya-n allqu-yki-pis wak-hina pasaypaq puñu-ka-ru-n
dog-2-ADD lie.down-UNINT-PROG-3 dog-2-ADD DEM.D-COMP a.lot sleep-PASSACC-URGT-3
Tu perro también está echado. Tu perro también así total ya se dormió.
Your dog, too, is lying down. Your dog, too, like that, completely went to
00:16:43.248 - 00:16:47.118

wakhina. [undecipherable]
Like that.
00:16:49.488 - 00:16:51.458 00:16:54.378 - 00:16:57.073

Kipuwan ishkaynin Wakhina fiyu fiyuta puriyan Yina wakpi.

Kipu-wan ishkay-ni-n wak-hina fiyu fiyu-ta puri-ya-n Yina wak-pi
Kipu-INSTR two-EUPH-3 DEM.D-COMP ugly ugly-ACC walk-PROG-3 Yina DEM.D-LOC
Con Kipu los dos. Así feo feo está está caminando Yina allá.
With Kipu, both of them. Yina is walking there like that horribly.
00:16:58.643 - 00:16:59.803 00:17:02.068 - 00:17:05.688

'¿Maytam rikun, Yina?' niyan.

may-ta-m ri-ku-n Yina ni-ya-n
where-ACC-EVD go-REFL-3 Yina say-PROG-3
'¿A dónde se fue Gina?' están diciendo.
"Where did Yina go?" they're saying.
00:17:07.093 - 00:17:09.603

'¿Mayta rikun, Yina? ¿Mayta rikun?' '¿Imam sutiki?' dijo.

may-ta ri-ku-n Yina may-ta ri-ku-n ima-m suti-ki
where-ACC go-REFL-· Yina where-ACC go-REFL-3 what-EVD name-2
'¿A dónde se fue Yina? ¿A dónde se fue?' '¿Cómo te llamas?' dijo.
"Where did Yina go? Where did Yina go? "What is your name?" she said.
00:17:09.788 - 00:17:14.688 00:17:15.093 - 00:17:16.683

¿Imataq ancharayan wakpaq? Aa na, vaka.
ima-taq ancha-ra-ya-n wak-paq aa na vaka
what-SEQ lie.down-UNINT-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC aa DMY cow
¿Qué cosa está tirado allá? Aa, este, vaca.
What's lying down there? Aa, that, a cow.
00:17:18.233 - 00:17:20.123 00:17:21.573 - 00:17:23.533

Yanqa yanqa puriyan. Wambra waqanarashpa. Piña piña ima [undecipherable]

yanqa yanqa puri-ya-n wambra waqa-nara-shpa piña piña ima
in.vain in.vain walk-PROG-3 child cry-DESR-SUBIS angry angry what
Por gusto, por gusto está caminando. El chico quiere llorar. Molesto molesto
In vain, in vain, they're walking. The boy wants to cry. Angry, angry,
00:17:24.913 - 00:17:31.703

[undecipherable] Sintantin wakhina chawan.

sinta-ntin wak-hina chawa-n
ribbon-INCL DEM.D-COMP milk-3
Con su cinta así lechea.
With its ribbon like that, she milks.
00:17:31.904 - 00:17:34.458 00:17:34.681 - 00:17:37.195

Chaynam kayhina na Wak yana ankukatrayan wakpa

chay-na-m kay-hina na wak yana anku-katra-ya-n wak-pa
Así es. Este. Ese negro está levantando su cabeza allí.
It's like that. That. That black one is raising its head there.
00:17:39.640 - 00:17:41.749 00:17:42.843 - 00:17:44.789

Waqanaraqllaña.¿Imatataq maskayan?
waqa-nara-q-lla-ña ima-ta-taq maska-ya-n
cry-DESR-AG-RSTR-DISC look.for-PROG-3
Queriendo llorar ya. ¿Qué cosa está buscando?
One who wants to cray already. What is she looking for?
00:17:44.890 - 00:17:48.066

Aa, mikuyan. Ass. Yatanpa.

aa miku-ya-n ass yata-n-pa
aa eat-PROG-3 Ass. side-3-LOC
Aa, está comiendo. En su lado.
Aa, it's eating. At his side.
00:17:48.329 - 00:17:52.005 00:17:55.329 - 00:17:56.735

Qipallanpa tiyakuyan Mayqintataq chawayan. Rosita.

qipa-lla-n-pa tiya-ku-ya-n mayqin-ta-taq chawa-ya-n Rosita
behind-RSTR-3-LOC sit-REFL-PROG-3 which-ACC-SEQ milk-PROG-3 Rosita
En su atrás no más está sentado. ¿A cuál de ellos está lecheando. Rosita.
She's sitting just behind her. Which is she milking? Rosita.
00:17:57.505 - 00:18:00.167 00:18:00.444 - 00:18:03.336

Mas apurawmi wak chawasa. Paymi mas apurawmi chawan

mas apuraw-mi wak chawa-sa pay-mi mas apuraw-mi chawa-n
more quick-EVD DEM.D milk-PRF 3-EVD more quick-EVD milk-3
Más rápido ese lecheaba. Ella más rápido lechea.
She had milked faster. She milks faster.
00:18:05.517 - 00:18:07.098 00:18:07.274 - 00:18:09.031

Cinthiapaqpis masta, ¿aw? Aa.

Cinthia-paq-pis mas-ta aw aa
Cinthia-ABL-ADD more-ACC yes aa
De Cinthia también, más, ¿no? Aa.
Cinthia's more, no? Aa.
00:18:09.606 - 00:18:11.295 00:18:11.620 - 00:18:12.376

Mas apurawmi chawan.

mas apuraw-mi chawa-n
more quick-EVD milk-3
Más rápido lechea.
She milks faster.
00:18:12.687 - 00:18:14.687

Wak Yina manam imapis valinchu. Yanqa yanqa wak sayarayan.

wak Yina mana-m ima-pis vali-n-chu yanqa yanqa wak
DEM.D Yina no-EVD what-ADD be.worth-3-NEG in.vain in.vain DEM.D
Aa, esa Yina para nada sirve. Por gusto está parada.
Aa, that Yina isn't worth anything. In vain, she's standing there.
00:18:14.863 - 00:18:18.565


Kamchanta mikukuyan mastaqa wambraqa.

kamcha-n-ta miku-ku-ya-n mas-ta-qa wambra-qa
toasted.cereal-3-ACC eat-REFL-PROG-3 more-ACC-TOP child-TOP
Su cancha más está comiendo esa chica.
That girl is eating her toasted cereal more.
00:18:18.930 - 00:18:22.133

Kayna achka bulsawan aysasa riyan.

kay-na achka bulsa-wan aysa-sa ri-ya-n
DEM.P-VRBZ a.lot bag-INSTR pull-PRF go-PROG-3
Así mucho, con bolsa jalada está yendo.
Like that, a lot, she's going, with the bag dragging.
00:18:22.173 - 00:18:23.768

Lliwtamik aparusa
lliw-ta-mi-k apa-ru-sa
all-ACC-EVD-K bring-URGT-PRF
Todo había llevado.
She'd taken it all.
00:18:25.254 - 00:18:26.794

¿Vultayanki? ¿Uraykachinkichu? ¿Witraykachinkichu?

vulta-ya-nki uray-ka-chi-nki-chu witray-ka-chi-nki-chu
turn-PROG-2 up-REFL-CAUS-2-Q up-REFL-CAUS-2-Q
¿Vas voltear? ¿Vas a hacer bajar o vas a hacer subir?
Are you turning around? Are you going to have it go down or are you going to
have it go up?
00:18:27.862 - 00:18:30.294

¡Waqay! ¿Pitaq waqayan? Wakhina lampiyayan. ¿Maypitaq wakqa?

waqa-y pi-taq waqa-ya-n wak-hina lampiya-ya-n may-pi-taq wak-qa
cry-IMP who-SEQ cry-PROG-3 DEM.D-COMP shpvel-PROG-3 where-LOC-SEQ DEM.D-TOP
¡Míra! ¿Quién está llorando? Así está lampeando. ¿Dónde está ése?
Look! Who is crying? He's shoveling like that. Where is that?
00:18:30.375 - 00:18:31.605 00:18:31.632 - 00:18:33.416

¿Imatataq wak kuspayan? Avasta

ima-ta-taq wak kuspa-ya-n Avas-ta
what-ACC-SEQ DEM.D hoe-PROG-3 broad.beans-ACC
¿Qué cosa está cuspando? habas.
What is she hoeing? Broad beans.
00:18:36.733 - 00:18:38.152 00:18:38.193 - 00:18:39.226

¿Wakhina mana pishapashpaya? ¡Imaynamá trabahadura Viñacpa warmikunaqa!

wak-hina mana pishapa-shpa-ya imayna-m-á trabahadura Viñac-pa warmi-kuna-qa
DEM.D-COMP no tire-SUBIS-EMPH how-EVD-EMPH hard.working Viñac-GEN woman-PL-TOP
¿Así que no se cansa? ¡Cómo trabajadoras son las mujeres de Viñac!
Like that without tiring? How hard-working are the women of Viñac!
00:18:41.736 - 00:18:43.966 00:18:44.063 - 00:18:48.628

Kuspàyantrik, ¿aw? ¿Imanayantaq? Sara kayan. trawpimpa.

Kuspà-ya-n-tri-k aw ima-na-ya-n-taq sara ka-ya-n trawpi-m-pa
hoe-PROG-3-EVC-K yes what-VRBZ-PROG-3-SEQ corn be-PROG-3 middle-3-LOC
Estará cuspando, ¿no? O qué está haciendo? Hay maíz en medio.
She'd be hoeing, no? What is she doing? There's corn in the middle.
00:18:50.142 - 00:18:52.615 00:18:54.115 - 00:18:56.304

¿Sarachu kayan? Rika:chu sarataqa

sara-chu ka-ya-n rika-:-chu sara-ta-qa
corn-Q be-PROG-3 see-1-NEG corn-ACC-TOP
¿Hay maíz? No miro yo maíz.
There's corn? I don't see corn.
00:18:56.365 - 00:18:58.256 00:19:00.662 - 00:19:02.918

Avasniyuq kayan, ¡ve!

avas-ni-yuq ka-ya-n ve
broad.beans-EUPH-POSS be-PROG-3 look
Con todo habas está. ¡vé!
She has broad beans. Look!
00:19:03.000 - 00:19:04.459

Ass, kusa kusata ruwasa. Shuku shukutalla. Lampanpis uchuklla kasa.

ass kusa kusa-ta ruwa-sa shuku shuku-ta-lla lampa-n-pis uchuk-lla ka-sa
ass love love-ACC make-PRF small small-ACC-RSTR shovel-3-ADD small-RSTR be-PRF
Aa, bien, bien lo había hecho. Su lampa también había sido chiquita.
Aa, she'd done it well, well. Her shovel, too, had been small.
00:19:09.850 - 00:19:14.755

Kamallam lampanpis kayan.

kama-lla-m lampa-n-pis ka-ya-n
size-RSTR-EVD shovel-3-ADD be-PROG-3
Su media no más está su lampa también.
Her shovel is just to her measure.
00:19:15.985 - 00:19:17.904 00:19:18.188 - 00:19:20.891

Arí, wakhina, ve. Surkutachu livantayan kuspayantri, ¿aw?

arí wak-hina ve surku-ta-chu livanta-ya-n kuspa-ya-n-tri aw
yes DEM.D-COMP look row-ACC-Q lift-PROG-3 hoe-PROG-3-EVC yes
Sí, pues, así, ¡vé! Está levantando surco o estará cuspando, ¿no?
Aa, like that. Look! Is she raising a row or is she hoeing
00:19:21.133 - 00:19:25.039

Aa, kuspayan manachu? ¿Wakpa yatanpitaq kayanki?

aa kuspa-ya-n mana-chu wak-pa yata-n-pi-taq ka-ya-nki
aa hoe-PROG-3 no-Q DEM.D-LOC side-3-LOC-SEQ be-PROG-2
Aa, ¿no está cuspando? ¿En allí en su lado también estás?
Aa, is she not hoeing? You're there at her side?
00:19:25.309 - 00:19:27.012 00:19:28.957 - 00:19:31.038

Upatr qamqa kanki Wak riqsirikuqchu kayan

upa-tr qam-qa ka-nki wak riqsi-ri-ku-q-chu ka-ya-n
dumb-EVC 2-TOP be-2 DEM.D recognize-INCEP-REFL-AG-Q be-PROG-3
Sonsa serás tú. Ese parece que la conozco.
You must be stupid. It seems I know her.
00:19:31.713 - 00:19:34.051 00:19:38.821 - 00:19:40.983
Viñacpa. Aa, waktriki. Chays ...
Viñac-pa aa wak-tri-ki chay-s aa
En Viñac. Aa, ése será, pues. Eso
In Viñac. A, it would be that, then. That ...
00:19:41.253 - 00:19:43.105 00:19:45.085 - 00:19:47.801

Aa, wañukusa. Sinku diyasta

aa wañu-ku-sa sinku diyas-ta
aa die-REFL-PRF five days-ACC
Aa, se había muerto. A los cinco días.
Aa, he had died. Five days ago?
00:19:48.713 - 00:19:53.699

Yakuman saqaykurun. Yakupaqchu wak hurquyan. Tumashpa.

yaku-man saqa-yku-ru-n yaku-paq-chu wak hurqu-ya-n tuma-shpa
water-ALL go.down-EXCEP-URGT-3 water-ABL-Q DEM.D remove-PROG-3 take-SUBIS
¿Se cayó al agua? Ay, lo están sacando del agua? Tomando.
He fell in the water? They're taking him out of the water. Drinking.
00:19:57.681 - 00:20:06.922

Wañurun? Wañukusaña kayan? Wañusamiki kayan TK. Sinku diyasqa.

wañu-ru-n wañu-ku-sa-ña ka-ya-n wañu-sa-mi-ki ka-ya-n sinku diyas-qa
die-URGT-3 die-REFL-PRF-DISC be-PROG-3 die-PRF-EVD-KI be-PROG-3 five days-TOP
¿Murió? ¿Ya está muerto? Está muerto, pues. Cinco días.
He died? He's already dead? He's dead, then. Five days.
00:20:11.147 - 00:20:13.546 00:20:13.762 - 00:20:17.208

Sapatunpis wakhina Llikllan kasa, ¡mira!.

sapatu-n-pis wak-hina lliklla-n ka-sa
shoe-3-ADD DEM.D-COMP shawl-3 be-PRF look
Su zapato también, así, ¡vé! Tenía una manta. ¡Mira!
His shoes, too, like that. Look! He had a shawl. Look!
00:20:17.665 - 00:20:19.555 00:20:20.008 - 00:20:21.184

¿Con manta?
With a shawl?
00:20:21.323 - 00:20:22.728

¿Sugachu? ¿imataq wak? Wakhina aywanqa taparusa na allpa.

suga-chu ima-taq wak wak-hina aywa-nqa tapa-ru-sa na allpa
rope-Q what-SEQ DEM.D DEM.D-COMP leave-3.FUT cover-URGT-PRF DMY dirt
¿Es soga? ¿Qué cosa es ése? Así se va a ir, la tierra lo había tapado.
Is it a rope? What is that? Like that, it's going to leave, the dirt had
covered it.
00:20:23.654 - 00:20:29.221

Se habrá caído.
he must have fallen.
00:20:30.113 - 00:20:31.140

Wakhinallam, ¡ve! ¿Imatataq maskayan?

wak-hina-lla-m ima-ta-taq maska-ya-n
Aa, está haciendo así, ¡ve! ¿Qué cosa está buscando?
Ah, they're doing it like that. Look! What are they looking for?
00:20:31.612 - 00:20:36.518

Aa, bastunniyuq purillasa. ¿Altupaq saqaykurun? Imaytaq chay saqaykurura? Aa,

qaninpalla. Familiyallanshi kayan piru.
aa bastun-ni-yuq puri-lla-sa altu-paq saqa-yku-ru-n imay-taq chay
aa cane-EUPH-POSS walk-RSTR-PRF high-ABL go.down-EXCEP-URGT-3 when-SEQ DEM.D
Aa, con su bastón caminaba. ¿Se cayó de alto? ¿Cuándo se cayó? Aa, la otra vez
no más. Tiene familia, dice, pero.
Ah, he walked with a cane. He fell from up high? When did he fall? Ah,
recently. He has family, though, the say.
00:20:38.207 - 00:20:51.288

saqa-yku-ru-ra aa qanin-pa-lla familiya-lla-n-shi ka-ya-n piru

go.down-EXCEP-URGT-PST aa previous-LOC-RSTR family-RSTR-3-EVR be-PROG-3 but

¡Imay shunqulla! Tristitr wak kayan. Saqaykuruchuwanchu,. Ay, pasachikunña.

imay shunqu-lla tristi-tr wak ka-ya-n Saqa-yku-ru-chuwan-chu ay
when heart-RSTR sad-EVC DEM.D be-PROG-3 go.down-EXCEP-URGT-1PL.COND-Q ay
¡Pobrecito! Triste será-RSTR. Podemos caernos, ayy! Ay, ya se lo llevó ya.
Dear heart! That'd be sad. We could fall. Ay, they took him away already.
00:20:52.613 - 00:21:00.315

Familiyanchik wak apayan, ¿icha?

pasa-chi-ku-n-ña familiya-nchik wak apa-ya-n icha
pass-CAUS-REFL-3-DISC family-1PL DEM.D bring-PROG-3 or
Su famila -- lo están llevando, ¿o no?
His family -- they're carrying him, right?
00:21:00.775 - 00:21:03.005

Llapan familiyan rirun.
llapa-n familiya-n ri-ru-n
all-3 family-3 go-URGT-3
Todos su familias se fueron.
All his family went.
00:21:03.512 - 00:21:05.052

Qaqatatrik saqaykurura. Wak bastuninta apayan. Kikin bastunniyuq runa. Rupanta

apayan, ¿aw? Uqu kashpatr llasakuyan.
qaqa-ta-tri-k saqa-yku-ru-ra wak bastu-ni-n-ta apa-ya-n kiki-n bastun-ni-yuq
cliff-ACC-EVC-K go.down-EXCEP-URGT-PST DEM.D cane-EUPH-3-ACC bring-PROG-3 self-3
Seguro habrá caído a la peña. Está llevando su bastón. La persona misma tenía
bastón. Están llevando su ropa, ¿no? Estando mojado, estará pesando.
He must have fallen from the cliff, for sure. He's bringing his cane. The
person himself had a cane. They're vringing his clothes, no? Being wet, they'd
be heavy.
00:21:09.121 - 00:21:23.471

runa rupa-n-ta apa-ya-n aw uqu ka-shpa-tr llasa-ku-ya-n

cane-EUPH-POSS person clothes-3-ACC bring-PROG-3 yes wet be-SUBIS-EVC

Ass, ¿maymantaq apayanqa?

ass may-man-taq apa-ya-nqa
be.heavy-REFL-PROG-3 ass where-ALL-SEQ bring-PROG.3.FUT
Ass, ¿a dónde lo van a llevar?
Ass, where are they going to take him?
00:21:25.120 - 00:21:27.593

Viñac. ¿Viñacman?
Viñac Viñac-man
Viñac Viñac-ALL
Viñac. ¿A Viñac?
Viñac. To Viñac?
00:21:27.707 - 00:21:28.343 00:21:29.295 - 00:21:30.241

Hukña kambiyakun. Llasayantriki.

huk-ña kambiya-ku-n llasa-ya-n-tri-ki
one-DISC change-REFL-3 be.heavy-PROG-3-EVC-KI
Otro ya cambió. Estará pesando.
Another changed already. It'd be heavy.
00:21:33.052 - 00:21:34.173 00:21:34.693 - 00:21:36.004

Yakutatrik upyarun. Wak Kipuykipis hamuyan. Allallita. Kipuqa.

yaku-ta-tri-k upi-ya-ru-n wak Kipu-yki-pis hamu-ya-n allalli-ta
water-ACC-EVC-K drink-PROG-URGT-3 DEM.D Kipu-2-ADD come-PROG-3 a.lot-ACC
Seguro habrá tomado agua. Ah, tu Kipu también está viniendo. Kipu.
He must have drunk water. Ah, your Kipu is coming, too. Kipu.
00:21:36.524 - 00:21:44.116

Tanqayamun qipapaq.
Kipu-qa tanqa-ya-mu-n qipa-paq
Kipu-TOP push-PROG-CISL-3 behind-LOC
Está empujando de atrás.
He's pushing from behind.
00:21:44.117 - 00:21:45.346

Kurri kurrikun. Ass, hukñataq. Llasakuyantriki.

kurri-y kurri-ku-n ass huk-ña-taq llasa-ku-ya-n-tri-ki
run-INF run-REFL-3 ass one-DISC-SEQ be.heavy-REFL-PROG-3-EVC-KI
Rápido corren. Ass, otro, ya. Estará pesando.
The run quickly. Ass, another already. It must be heavy.
00:21:45.738 - 00:21:54.468

Hukta llasarun.
huk-ta llasa-ru-n
one-ACC be.heavy-URGT-3
Al otro lo pesó.
They weight another.
00:21:54.955 - 00:21:56.686

¿Wakchu wasin? ¿Wakman trayarachin? ¿Iglisiyaman?

wak-chu wasi-n wak-man traya-ra-chi-n iglisiya-man
DEM.D-Q house-3 DEM.D-ALL arrive-URGT-CAUS-3 church-ALL
¿Ese es su casa? ¿Lo hicieron llegar allí? ¿A la iglesia?
That's his hosue? They delivered him there? To the church?
00:22:02.870 - 00:22:09.050

¿Chay kahunman mana truranqachu? Manam sinsillu ya kanchu

chay kahun-man mana trura-nqa-chu mana-m sinsillu ya ka-n-chu
DEM.D coffin-ALL no put-3.FUT-Q no-VED change EMPH be-3-NEG
¿No lo van a poner en ese cajón? No tengo sencillo.
Aren't they going to put him in that casket? I don't have change.
00:22:10.617 - 00:22:15.198 00:22:15.556 - 00:22:17.326

Paqarinña. Paqarinña.
paqarin-ña. paqarin-ña
tomorrow-DISC tomorrow-DISC
Mañana ya,. Mañana ya.
Tomorrow already. Tomorrow already.
00:22:24.927 - 00:22:25.832 00:22:26.055 - 00:22:26.961

Paqarinña sinsilluyachimunki Aaa. Sabinopatr

paqarin-ña sinsillu-ya-chi-mu-nki aa Sabino-pa-tr
tomorrow-DISC change-PROG-CAUS-CISL-2 aa Sabino-GEN-EVC
Mañana ya vas a hacer sencillar. Aa, de Sabino, seguro.
Tomorrow you'll get it changed already. Ah, Sabino's, for sure.
00:22:27.150 - 00:22:29.583 00:22:29.906 - 00:22:31.582

Sabinopatr ¿Aykatataq? ¿Aykatataq qunanpaq?

Sabino-pa-tr ayka-ta-taq ayka-ta-taq qu-na-n-paq
Sabino-GEN-EVC how.much-ACC-SEQ how.much-ACC-SEQ give-NMLZ-3-PURP
De Sabino, seguro. ¿Cuánto? ¿Cuánto para que se lo de?
Sabino's, for sure. How much? How much so they can give it?
00:22:32.115 - 00:22:33.020 00:22:34.163 - 00:22:36.149

Siynninta kambiyaykuy. Sinsillullayki kayanña

Siyn-ni-n-ta kambi-ya-yku-y sinsillu-lla-yki ka-ya-n-ña
hundred-EUPH-3-ACC change-EXCEP-IMP change-RSTR-2 be-PROG-3-DISC
Cámbiale su cien. ¿Tienes sencillo ya?
Change her hundred, You have change already?
00:22:37.203 - 00:22:39.190 00:22:39.560 - 00:22:41.101

Manam kanchu. Kayanmi. ¡Kambiyay! Wasikipi.

mana-m ka-n-chu ka-ya-n-mi kambiya-y wasi-ki-pi
no-EVD be-3-NEG be-PROG-3-EVD change-IMP house-2-LOC
No hay. Allí hay. ¡Cámbia! En tu casa.
There isn't any. There is. Change it! In your house.
00:22:42.412 - 00:22:43.547 00:22:44.708 - 00:22:46.790

00:22:47.318 - 00:22:48.695

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Yauyos_ELAN/ELAN 2014/Vinac_VV_Burial_C.eaf
Monday, August 4, 2014 5:28 AM


Ñuqatr puñurushaq. Kanan tuta puñuruy

ñuqa-tr puñu-ru-shaq kanan tuta puñu-ru-y
1-EVC sleep-URGT-1.FUT now night sleep-URGT-IMP
Yo voy a dormir. ¡Esta noche duérme!
I'm going to sleep. Sleep tonight!
00:00:00.002 - 00:00:00.888 00:00:00.900 - 00:00:01.810

trakikitatr katruruchuwan Tullush nishpa

traki-ki-ta-tr katru-ru-chuwan tullu-sh ni-shpa
foot-2-ACC-EVC bite-URGT-1PL.COND bone-EVR say-SUBIS
¡Cuidado que muerda tu pie! Hueso diciendo.
Be careful he doesn't bite your foot! Thinking it's a bone.
00:00:01.970 - 00:00:03.520 00:00:04.150 - 00:00:07.490

¿Ñachu qallarirun? Dublayan.

ña-chu qallari-ru-n dubla-ya-n
DISC-NEG start-URGT-3 ring-PROG-3
¿Ya empezó? Está doblando
DId it start already? It's ringing.
00:00:07.750 - 00:00:08.990 00:00:09.420 - 00:00:10.600

¿Rimashunñachu? Parlashunñash. Kampanam dublayan.

rima-shun-ña-chu parla-shun-ña-sh kampana-m dubla-ya-n
talk-1PL.FUT-DISC-Q converse-1PL.FUT-DISC-EVR bell-EVD ring-PROG-3
¿Hay que hablar? Hay que conversar, dice. La campana está doblando.
Should we talk. We should talk, she says. The bell is ringing.
00:00:10.790 - 00:00:13.230 00:00:13.879 - 00:00:15.385

Kampana ya dublakuyan. Timpranumik paytaqa trayarachimun. Paytaqriki

madrugawmi trayarachimun, ¿aw?
kampana ya dubla-ku-ya-n timpranu-mi-k pay-ta-qa traya-ra-chi-mu-n tuta-pis
bell EMPH ring-REFL-PROG-3 early-EVD-K 3-ACC-TOP arrive-URGT-CAUS-CISL-3
La campana está doblando, pues. Temprano le ha hecho llegar. La hicieron llegar
en la mañana, ¿no?
The bell is ringing, then. They delivered her early. They delivered her early
in the morning, no?
00:00:15.493 - 00:00:20.392

ka-ya-ra-mi-ki pay-taq-ri-ki madrugaw-mi traya-ra-chi-mu-n aw

night-ADD be-PROG-UNINT-EVD-KI 2-SEQ-RI-KI dawn-EVD arrive-URGT-CAUS-CISL-3 yes

Nuyvi diystahinam. Madrugawmi trayarachimun, ¿aw?.

nuyvi diys-ta-hina-m madrugaw-mi traya-ra-chi-mu-n aw
nine ten-ACC-COMP-EVD dawn-EVD arrive-URGT-CAUS-CISL-3 yes
Como a las nueve de la mañana o a las diez. Hizo llegar en la mañana. Aya.
Like at nine or ten o'clock. They deleivered her early in the morning, no?
00:00:20.693 - 00:00:25.529

Chaytrik kampana dublakuyan. Kallipaña kayan.

Chay-tri-k kampana dubla-ku-ya-n kalli-pa-ña ka-ya-n
DEM.D-EVC-K bell ring-REFL-PROG-3 street-LOC-DISC be-PROG-3
Por eso la campana está doblando. Están ya en la calle.
So the bell is ringing. They're in the street already.
00:00:26.279 - 00:00:30.733

Kallimanña baharun. Kallimanña. Wasinpaq.

kalli-man-ña baha-ru-n kalli-man-ña wasi-n-paq
street-ALL-DISC lower-URGT-3 street-ALL-DISC house-3-ABL
Ya bajaron a la calle. A la calle ya. De su casa.
The already came down to the street. To the street already. From her house.
00:00:30.897 - 00:00:35.531

Hurqu surquramun, ¿no?

Hurqu surqu-ra-mu-n
remove remove-URGT-CISL-3
La sac ... sacaron, ¿no?
They took ... took ker out, no?
00:00:35.618 - 00:00:37.339

Simintiryuman apananpaqña waktaq surquramun.

simintiryu-man apa-na-n-paq-ña wak-taq surqu-ra-mu-n
cemetery-ALL bring-NMLZ-3-PURP-DISC DEM.D-SEQ remove-URGT-CISL-3
Ya la sacaron para llevarla al cementerio.
They took her out already to take her to the cemetery.
00:00:37.339 - 00:00:39.804

Misapaq kutirachimushpaña. Chaypa samachiyan.

misa-paq kuti-ra-chi-mu-shpa-ña chay-pa sama-chi-ya-n
Haciéndola volver de la misa ya, la están haciendo descansar allí.
Bringing her back from mass, they're having her rest there.
00:00:40.832 - 00:00:46.338

Siyrtu krus altu hamuyan. Lunallahina sayayan. Aa, chayñam.

siyrtu krus altu hamu-ya-n lunalla-hina saya-ya-n aa chay-ña-m
certain cross high come-PROG-3 scare.crow-COMP stand-PROG-3 ah DEM.D-DISC-EVD
Es cierto, allí viene la cruz alta. Está parado como espanta-pájaros. Ah, así.
For sure. Here comes the tall cross. It's standing like a scarecrow. Ah, like
00:00:46.706 - 00:00:52.947

Krus altatr kuyuyan yanqa imaynataq laqachishun.

krus alta-tr kuyu-ya-n yanqa imayna-taq laqa-chi-shun
cross high-EVC move-PROG-3 false how-SEQ stick-CAUS-1.FUT
Nuestra cruz alta está moviendo. ¿Cómo haré pegar?
Our tall cross is moving around. How am I going to make it stick?
00:00:54.790 - 00:00:59.218

Wishkurayan ya.
wishku-ra-ya-n ya
be.crooked-UNINT-PROG-3 EMPH
Está chueco ya.
It's crooked, then.
00:00:59.965 - 00:01:01.357
Suldarachin ya. Maypitaq? ¿Lima, Cañete apashpatr suldachimunki, ¿aw?
Sulda-ra-chi-n ya may-pi-taq Lima Cañete apa-shpa-tr sulda-chi-mu-nki
weld-URGT-CAUS-3 URGT where-LOC-SEQ Lima Cañete bring-SUBIS-EVC weld-CAUS-CISL-2
¡Házlo soldar, pues! ¿Dónde? ¿En Lima? ¡Llévalo a Cañete y házlo soldar!
Get it weldedm then! Where? In Lima? Bring it to Cañete and have it welded!
00:01:01.370 - 00:01:07.699


Piru waktaq kwidarashpallatr suldachinki. ¿Qué va, tía? Kayllapi suldarachin,

Romanllawantri qawachishaq.
Piru wak-taq kwida-ra-shpa-lla-tr sulda-chi-nki kay-lla-pi sulda-ra-chi-n
Cuidándolo no más vas a hacer soldar. ¿Qué va, tía? Acá no más se puede hacer
soldar. Con Román no más lo haré ver.
You'll get it welded looking after it carefully. What's up, Aunt? It can be
welded right here. I'll have Román look at it.
00:01:07.954 - 00:01:13.536

Roman-lla-wan-tri qawa-chi-shaq

Limapaq lliwtri kitaruwanqapis. Suwam suwarashunki, este.

Lima-paq lliw-tri kita-ru-wa-nqa-pis suwa-m suwa-ra-shunki
Lima-LOC all-EVC take.away-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT thief-EVD steel-UNINT-3>2
En Lima todo se me quitará. Un ladrón te va a robar.
In Lima they'll take everyting from me. A thief will rob you, um.
00:01:14.667 - 00:01:18.148

Goyollawan suldarachin. Don Hipo apayan krus altata.

Goyo-lla-wan sulda-ra-chi-n Don Hipo apa-ya-n krus alta-ta
Goyo-RSTR-INSTR weld-URGT-CAUS-3 Don Hipo bring-PROG-3 cross high-ACC
Con Goyo no más házlo soldar. Don Hipo está llevando la cruz alta.
Just have Goyo weld it. Don Hipo is bringing the tall cross.
00:01:18.245 - 00:01:20.239 00:01:20.656 - 00:01:23.353

Pay mana sakristan kaptin payña apayan. Wakpis tristi tristim karun, aya.
Pay mana sakristan ka-pti-n pay-ña apa-ya-n wak-pis tristi tristi-m ka-ru-n
3 no sacristan be-SUBDS-3 3-DISC bring-PROG-3 DEM.D-ADD sad sad-EVD be-URGT-3
Cuando no hay sakristán él ya lo lleva. Tristes, tristes estaban.
When there's not sacristan, he brings it. Sad, sad, they were.
00:01:23.454 - 00:01:30.694

Piru allinta piynsakushpaqa piru allin samakuypaña Tiya Cirila samakun. ¿Ayka
watataq sufrirullan?
piru allin-ta piynsa-ku-shpa-qa piru allin sama-ku-y-pa-ña Tiya Cirila sama-ku-n
but good-ACC think-REFL-SUBIS-TOP but good rest-REFL-INF-LOC-DISC Aunt Cirila
Pero pensándolo bien ya, ella descansará en paz. ¿Cuántos años sufrió?
Pero thinking about it well, she'll rrest in peace. How many years did she
00:01:33.662 - 00:01:42.561

ayka wata-ta-taq sufri-ru-lla-n

rest-REFL-3 how.many year-ACC-SEQ suffer-URGT-RSTR-3

Achka wataña kawsallan nishpa.[inaudible]. Ishpachisa diyariyu.

Achka wata-ña kawsa-lla-n ni-shpa ishpa-chi-sa diyariyu
a.lot year-DISC live-RSTR-3 say-SUBIS urinate-CAUS-NPST daily
Varios años ya vivió. Le hacían orinar diariamente.
She lived many years already. They made her urunate daily.
00:01:42.603 - 00:01:48.295

Diyariyu tiyachishpa hapishpa mikuchiq. Mana, duktur ishpayninta hurqun.

diyariyu tiya-chi-shpa hapi-shpa miku-chi-q mana duktur ishpa-y-ni-n-ta
daily sit-CAUS-SUBIS grab-SUBIS eat-CAUS-AG no doctor urinate-INF-EUPH-3-ACC
Diario la hicieron sentar y agarrándola le dieron de comer. No, el doctor
sacaba sus orines.
Every day the had her sit and, grabbing her, they fed her. No, the doctor
removed her urine.
00:01:48.510 - 00:01:52.738

Chaytriki kada kimsa puntraw riq dukturman, ¿aw? Arí.

hurqu-n chay-tri-ki kada kimsa puntraw ri-q duktur-man, aw arí
remove-3 DEM.D-EVC-KI every three day go-AG doctor-ALL yes yes
Por eso iba cada tres días al doctor.
That's why she went to the doctor every three days, no? Yes.
00:01:53.670 - 00:01:57.607

Kada kimsa puntrawshi yawarninta kambiyachiq.

kada kimsa puntraw-shi yawar-ni-n-ta kambiya-chi-q
every three day-EVR blood-EUPH-3-ACC change-CAUS-AG
Cada tres días hace cambiar su sangre.
She had her blood changed every three days.
00:01:57.664 - 00:02:01.145

Diyalisis, diyalisis. Chaywanñatrik kawsarqa.

diyalisis diyalisis chay-wan-ña-tri-k kawsa-rqa
dialisis dialisis DEM.D-INSTR-DISC-EVC-K live-PST
Diálisis, diálisis. Habrá vivido con-RSTR, ya.
Dialysis, dialysis. She would have lived with that already.
00:02:02.233 - 00:02:06.316

Pitaq apayan. Don Ermochu apayan. Fidel Romero. Romero. Quispe.

pi-taq apa-ya-n Don Ermo-chu apa-ya-n Fidel Romero Romero Quispe
who-SEQ bring-PROG-3 Don Ermo-Q bring-PROG-3 Fidel Romero Romero Quispe
¿Quién está llevándolo? ¿Lo está llevando Don Ermo? Fidel Romero. Romero.
Who's bring it? Is DOn ERmo bringing it? Fidel Romero. Romero. Quispe.
00:02:08.135 - 00:02:14.921

Piru llaqtanchikman ya kutiramun purfin, ¿aw? kutiramun.

piru llaqta-nchik-man ya kuti-ra-mu-n purfin aw kuti-ra-mu-n
but town-1PL-ALL EMPH return-URGT-CISL-3 at.last yes return-URGT-CISL-3
Pero por fin volvió a nuestro pueblo, ¿no? Volvió.
But she returned to our town at last, no? She returned.
00:02:18.626 - 00:02:21.597

Piru payqa nirqa llaqtaypim pampaykuwanki. Manam karu llaqtapaq

dihaykuwankichu, nishpam, waqakuq.
piru pay-qa ni-rqa llaqta-y-pi-m pampa-yku-wa-nki mana-m karu llaqta-paq
but 3-TOP say-PST town-1-LOC-EVD bury-EXCEP-1.OBJ-2 no-EVD far town-LOC
Pero ella me dijo, "Me vas a enterrar en mi pueblo". "No me vas a dejar en un
pueblo lejos", decía llorando.
But she said to me, "You're going to bury me in my town." "You're not going to
leave me in a far town," she said, crying.
00:02:22.110 - 00:02:29.161

diha-yku-wa-nki-chu nishpa-m waqa-ku-q


Ñuqa Limapa imatr pampakurunqa nirqani kutirachimun.

ñuqa Lima-pa ima-tr pampa-ku-ru-nqa ni-rqa-ni kuti-ra-chi-mu-n
1 Lima-LOC what-EVC bury-REFL-URGT-3.FUT say-PST-1 return-URGT-CAUS-CISL-3
En Lima de repente la van a enterrar dije. La hicieron volver.
Maybe they'll bury her in Lima, I said. They had her return.
00:02:29.635 - 00:02:32.482

Kutirachimullasa ya. Payqarik pampakurun urkistawan, ¿aw?

kuti-ra-chi-mu-lla-sa ya pay-qa-ri-k pampa-ku-ru-n urkista-wan aw
La hicieron regresar, pues. Ella ya se enterró con orchesta, ¿no?
They had her return, then. She was buried with a band, no?
00:02:32.862 - 00:02:38.406

Ñuqa kayaptiymiki. Mana karqanichu. Viyahipa kayaptiymi.

ñuqa ka-ya-pti-y-mi-ki mana ka-rqa-ni-chu viyahi-pa ka-ya-pti-y-mi
Cuando yo estoy. No estuve. [Era] cuando estaba en viaje.
When I'm there. I wan't there. [It was] when I was traveling.
00:02:38.685 - 00:02:42.636

Ñuqapis manam karqanichu, oy Aa, ñuqapis karqanichu.

ñuqa-pis mana-m ka-rqa-ni-chu oy aa ñuqa-pis ka-rqa-ni-chu
1-ADD no-EVD be-PST-1-NEG oy aa 1-ADD be-PST-1-NEG
Yo tampoco no estuve, oy. Aa, yo tampoco no estuve.
I wasn't there, either, hey. Ah, I wan't there, either.
00:02:42.698 - 00:02:44.496 00:02:44.496 - 00:02:46.279

Bañupi pasaruni ñuqaqa.

bañu-pi pasa-ru-ni ñuqa-qa
bath-LOC pass-URGT-1 1-TOP
Yo pasé al baño [de ovinos].
I went to the [sheep] bath.
00:02:46.311 - 00:02:47.716

Ariyá, bañuman chay. Chay kitakuyan. Istanku ya está diendo.

ari-yá bañu-man chay chay kita-ku-ya-n istanku
yes-EMPH bath-ALL DEM.D DEM.D take.away-REFL-PROG-3 reservoir
Sí, pues, al baño. Ya están yendo por el estanco.
Yes, then, to the bath. They're already going by the reservoir.
00:02:48.096 - 00:02:53.096

Pipis wañukuptin nishpash astawan krus altu baldi astawan diharqankish, ¿aw?
pi-pis wañu-ku-pti-n ni-shpa-sh astawan krus altu baldi astawan diha-rqa-nki-sh
who-ADD die-REFL-SUBDS.3 say-SUBIS-EVR on,the.contrary cross high bucket
De repente alguien va a morir, diciendo, dejaste la cruz alta y el balde, ¿no?
Thinking maybe someone will die, you left the tall cross and the bucket, no?
00:02:53.172 - 00:02:57.260

Ñuqa ya diharqani Hildaman

aw ñuqa ya diha-rqa-ni Hilda-man
on.the.contrary leave-PST-2-EVR yes 1 EMPH leave-PST-1 Hilda-ALL
Yo los dejé con Hilda.
I left them with Hilda.
00:02:57.305 - 00:02:58.912

¿Pipis musyarqatrik ariyari. Chay rirariptikiña nutusiyaqa kayman tra'yaramun

wañukunshi apamunqash, nin.
pi-pis musya-rqa ari-y-ari chay ri-ra-ri-pti-ki-ña nutusiya-qa kay-man
¿Quién lo habrá adivinado? Cuando te fuiste ya la noticia llegó. "Se ha
fallecido; la van a traer", dice que dijo.
Who would have predicted it? When you left, they news arrived. "She's died;
they're going to bring her," they said.
00:02:58.988 - 00:03:06.518

tra'ya-ra-mu-n wañu-ku-n-shi apa-mu-nqa-sh ni-n

DEM.P-ALL arrive-URGT-CISL-3 die-REFL-3-EVR bring-CISL-3.FUT-EVR say-3

Achka achka runa, ¿aw?. Aa, achkam runa karqa. Wak kakuyan achka achka.
achka achka runa aw aa achka-m runa ka-rqa wak ka-ku-ya-n achka
a.lot a.lot person yes aa a.lot-EVD person be-PST DEM.D be-REFL-PROG-3 a.lot
Bastante gente, ¿no? Ah, Había bastante gente. Muchos, muchos estaban.
A lot of people, no? Ah, there were a lot of people. They were many.
00:03:08.327 - 00:03:13.884


Madri ... Madriqa misatatr ruwarqa. Tiyanchikpaq. Iglisiyapa ya misakurqanchik.

Madri Madri-qa misa-ta-tr ruwa-rqa tiya-nchik-paq iglisiya-pa ya
nun nun-TOP mass-ACC-EVC make-PST aunt-1PL-ABL church-LOC EMPH
Madre. La Madre hizo misa, seguro. De nuestra tía. En la iglesia hizo misa.
Mother. The Mother held mass, for sure. For our aunt. She held mass in the
00:03:17.858 - 00:03:24.358


Chay simintiryukama rirqa. Damianta imatr sakristanpaq numbrashun, qay.

Damian. Damián baldintin ¿Maypapis kayan?
chay simintiryu-kama ri-rqa Damian-ta ima-tr sakristan-paq numbra-shun qay
DEM.D cemetery-LIM go-PST Damian-ACC what-EVC sacristan-PURP name-1PL.FUT hey
Se fueron hasta el cementerio. Ah, de repente vamos a nombrar a Damián
sacristán. Damián. Damián con su balde ¿Dónde están?
They went towards the cemetery. Maybe we're going to name Damián sacristan.
Damián. Damián and his bucket. Where are they?
00:03:25.149 - 00:03:32.368

Damian Damián baldi-ntin may-pa-pis ka-ya-n

Damián Damián bucket-INCL where-LOC-ADD be-PROG-3

Kayhina llaqtapa yatraptin ya paytaqa qari mana kaptin payta ubligayan. Payta
imatr siyrtu numbrarushun, oy
kay-hina llaqta-pa yatra-pti-n ya pay-ta-qa qari mana ka-pti-n pay-ta
DEM.P-COMP town-LOC live-SUBDS-3 EMPH 3-ACC-TOP man no be-SUBDS-3 3-ACC
Así cuando viven en el pueblo, pues. Cuando no hay [otro] hombre, a él lo
obligan. A él, seguro, podemos nombrar.
LIke that when they live in town, then. When there no [other] man, they oblige
him. For sure, we could name him.
00:03:32.897 - 00:03:38.393

ubliga-ya-n pay-ta ima-tr siyrtu numbra-ru-shun oy

oblige-PROG-3 3-ACC what-EVC true name-1PL.FUT hey

U tiyu Maniota. Tiyu Manio allin kay, ¿aw? Aa, Tiyu Maniu allin allin kayan,
¿aw?, AA, Tiyu Mañu allin qayna puntraw nini, Qam qam imatr kankiman
sakristan, tiyu nini.
u tiyu Manio-ta Tiyu Manio allin kay aw aa Tiyu Manio allin allin ka-ya-n aw aa
or uncle Maniota. uncle Manio good DEM.P yes aa uncle Manio good good be-PROG-3
O a tío Manuel. Tío Manel está bien, ¿no? Ah, Tío Manuel est'a muy bien, ¿no?
Ayer le he dicho. usted debe ser sacristán, tío, dije.
Or Uncle Manuel. UNcle Manuel is good, no? Ah, Uncle Manuel is very good, no?
Ah, UNcle Manuel is good. Yesterday I said, "You should be sacristan, Uncle," I
00:03:38.533 - 00:03:46.330

Tiyu Mañu allin qayna puntraw ni-ni qam qam ima-tr ka-nki-man sakristan tiyu
yes aa uncle Mañu good previous day say-1 2 2 what-EVC be-2-COND sacristan uncle


Hinata nishun. Kayhina yatraq ya fwirapa yatraq manayá

hina-ta ni-shun kay-hina yatra-q ya fwira-pa yatra-q mana-yá
thus-ACC say-1PL.FUT DEM.P-COMP live-AG EMPH outside-LOC live-AG no-EMPH
Que sea así, hay que decir. Así, él que vive dentro del pueblo, pues; él que
vive afuera, no, pues.
So be it, we should say. Like that, one who lives in town, then; not one who
lives outside, then.
00:03:46.347 - 00:03:51.226

Fwirapi yatraq mana sumaq riqsisa runa mana kunfiyanachu.

fwira-pi yatra-q mana sumaq riqsi-sa runa mana kunfiya-na-chu
outside-LOC live-AG no pretty know-PRF person no trust-NMLZ-NEG
Ell que vive afuera, que no está bien conocido, no es para confiar.
One who lives outside, who isn't well known, isn't to be trusted.
00:03:51.492 - 00:03:57.644

Suwarunmantri qullqi
suwa-ru-n-man-tri qullqi
steel-URGT-3-COND-EVC gold
Puede robar plata.
He could steal money.
00:03:58.171 - 00:04:00.169

Chinkarunmi niwachuwantri. Qullqikunata uywashpa hitarunim, nin. Chayna

runakunaqa manam kunfiyanachu.
chinka-ru-n-mi ni-wa-chuwan-tri qullqi-kuna-ta uywa-shpa hita-ru-ni-m ni-n
lose-URGT-3-EVD say-1.OBJ-1PL.COND gold-PL-ACC raise-SUBIS discard-URGT-1-EVD
"Se perdió", nos puede decir. Esa clase de gente no es para confiar.
"It was lost," they can say to us. People like that aren't to be trusted.
00:04:00.207 - 00:04:05.448

chay-na runa-kuna-qa mana-m kunfiya-na-chu

say-3 DEM.D-VRBZ person-PL-TOP no-EVD trust-NMLZ-NEG

Puru qullqimik kayan krus altapaqa. Krus alta baldi asitri.

puru qullqi-mi-k ka-ya-n krus alta-pa-qa krus alta baldi asitri
pure gold-EVD-K be-PROG-3 cross high-LOC-TOP cross high bucket TK
La cruz alta es plata pura. La cruz alta, el balde asetre.
The tall cross is pure silver. The talll cross, the bucket.
00:04:05.562 - 00:04:09.815

Llasaq kakuyan chay baldi ... yuqpis

llasa-q ka-ku-ya-n chay baldi ... yuq-pis
be.heavy-AG be-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D bucket-POSS-ADD
Pesa ese balde ...
That bucket is heavy.
00:04:09.861 - 00:04:13.304

Chaykunarik kayan hukpa makinpa. Makinpa chaykunaqa kidan.

Chay-kuna-ri-k ka-ya-n huk-pa maki-n-pa chay-kuna-qa kida-n
DEM.D-PL-RI-K be-PROG-3 one-GEN hand-3-LOC DEM.D-PL-TOP remain-3
Eso todo está en la mano de la madre. En su mano quedará-RSTR.
All that is in the MOther's hands. It will stay in her hands.
00:04:13.348 - 00:04:17.816

Lluqsiyanña, ¿aw? Kapillaman lluqsiyan pampakunanpaq ya.

lluqsi-ya-n-ña aw kapilla-man lluqsi-ya-n pampa-ku-na-n-paq ya
exit-PROG-3-DISC yes chapel-ALL exit-PROG-3 bury-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP EMPH
Ya está saliendo, ¿no? A la calle. Están saliendo para que se entierre ya.
They're coming out already, no? To the street. They're coming out so she can be
buried, then.
00:04:20.305 - 00:04:24.690

Wakhina runa, oy. Aam Pirhuayuckunam hamurqa.

wak-hina runa oy. Pirhuayuc-kuna-m hamu-rqa
DEM.D-COMP person hey Pirhuayuc-PL-EVD come-PST
Gente así, oy. Vinieron de Piruhuayuc.
People like that, hey. They came from Piruhuayuc.
00:04:24.981 - 00:04:27.854 00:04:27.886 - 00:04:29.822

Piru chay mayqinniki . Kurunanpis, sumaq sumaq ruwasa kakuyan kay. Aa,
kurunapis wak wakhina kayan.
piru chay mayqin-ni-ki kuruna-n-pis sumaq sumaq ruwa-sa ka-ku-ya-n kay aa
but DEM.D which-EUPH-2 crown-3-ADD pretty pretty make-PRF be-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.P
¿Cuál de ustedes? Su corona también, está muy bien hecho. La corona también es así.
Which of you? Its crown, too is very well made. The crown, too, it's like that.
00:04:33.697 - 00:04:39.443

kuruna-pis wak wak-hina ka-ya-n

aa crown-ADD DEM.D DEM:D-COMP be-PROG-3

Tutalmi wayta. Cañetepaqmi hamurusa.

tutal-mi wayta Cañete-paq-mi hamu-ru-sa
total-EVD flower Cañete-ABL-EVD come-URGT-PRF
Bastante flores. De Cañete ha venido.
It's all flowers. They'd come from Cañete.
00:04:39.583 - 00:04:41.823

Wakhinam Lorenzopaqpis hamusa.

wak-hina-m Lorenzo-paq-pis hamu-sa
Así venía para Lorenzo también.
They had come like that for Lorenzo, too.
00:04:41.849 - 00:04:44.247

Waytan kakullarqa Doña Cirilapaq.

wayta-n ka-ku-lla-rqa Doña Cirila-paq
flower be-REFL-RSTR-PST Doña Cirila-BEN
Habían flores para Doña Cerila.
There were flowers for Doña Cerila.
00:04:44.314 - 00:04:46.263

Oy ñuqaqa yatanpa kayashpa Lorenzo wañukusanta yatrallasanichu.

oy ñuqa-qa yata-n-pa ka-ya-shpa Loranzo wañu-ku-sa-n-ta yatra-lla-sa-ni-chu
hey 1-TOP side-3-LOC be-PROG-SUBIS Lorenzo die-REFL-PRF-3-ACC know-RSTR-PRF-1-NEG
Cuando yo estaba en su lado no sabía que falleció Lorenzo.
When I was at his side, I didn't know Lorenzo had died.
00:04:46.478 - 00:04:49.997

Limapaqtri apamurqa paytaqa .

Lima-paq-tri apa-mu-rqa pay-ta-qa
Lo trajeron de Lima.
They brought him from Lima.
00:04:51.040 - 00:04:53.100

Arí, Tiya Cirilataq Limapaqshi ninya.

arí Tiya Cirila-taq Lima-paq-shi ni-n-ya
yes aunt Cirila-SEQ Lima-ABL-EVR say-3-EMPH
Tía Cerila de Lima, dice, ya.
Aunt Cerila from Lima, they say, then.
00:04:53.430 - 00:04:56.290

Aa, chaypaq ya apamurqa, aa

aa chay-paq ya apa-mu-rqa aa
Ah, la trajeron de allí, pues. Ah.
Ah, they brought her from there, then. Ah.
00:04:56.440 - 00:04:58.174

Chaymik chay una unayña wambranta qawarqanichu. Chay Ramiron pasaypaq

chay-mi-k chay una unay-ña wambra-n-ta qawa-rqa-ni-chu chay Ramiro-n pasaypaq
DEM.D-EVD-K DEM.D before before-DISC child-3-ACC see-PST-1-NEG DEM.D Ramiro-3
Por eso no he visto a su hijo desde hace mucho tiempo. Había deconocido
totalmente a su Ramiro.
That's why I didn't see her child for so long. I totally mistook her [son]
00:04:59.830 - 00:05:06.220

too.much mistake-URGT-1-DISC

Machu machunyatr chayqa karqa. Chayqa wañuq papaniypa ihadunmi.

machu machu-ña-tr chay-qa ka-rqa chay-qa wañu-q papa-ni-y-pa
old old-DISC-EVC DEM.D-TOP be-PST DEM.D-TOP die-AG father-EUPH-1-GEN
Ya estará viejo, viejo. Ese es el hijado de mi finado papá.
He must be very old already. That's my late father's godson.
00:05:06.330 - 00:05:10.410


Kasa huk rilihiyunniyuqmi. [inaudible] Huk kaq rilihiyunpam risarun mamanta

ka-sa huk rilihiyun-ni-yuq-mi huk ka-q rilihiyun-pa-m risa-ru-n
be-PRF one religion-EUPH-POSS-EVD one be-AG religion-GEN-EVD pray-URGT-3
Era de otra religión. Rezó a su mamá en su religión.
He was another religion. He prayed to his mother in [his] religion.
00:05:10.850 - 00:05:18.850


Esteban tiyu Valerianopa ihadunmi mana chay Ermundapa ihadunmi

Esteban tiyu Valeriano-pa ihadu-n-mi mana chay Ermunda-pa ihadu-n-mi
Esteban uncle Valeriano-GEN ihadunmi mana chay Ermundapa ihadunmi
Estéban es el hijado de Tío Valeriano, no el hijado de Ermunda.
Estéban is Tío Valeriano's godson, not Ermund'a godson.
00:05:18.960 - 00:05:22.220

Arí. Chaynatrik paypa rilihiyunninqa kayan. Visinum karqa Pampa Rosariowan

arí chay-na-tri-k pay-pa rilihiyun-ni-n-qa ka-ya-n visinu-m ka-rqa Pampa
yes DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC-K 3-GEN religion-EUPH-3-TOP be-PROG-3 neighbor-EVD be-PST
Así será su religión de él. Tenía vecino en Pampa Rosario y en Qucha.
His religion would be like that. He had a neighbor in Pampa Rosario and in
00:05:22.350 - 00:05:27.650

Rosario-wan Qutra-pi-m
Pampa Rosario-INSTR Qutra-LOC-EVD

yachapakuq, Arí quchapamiki yatrarqa paykunaqa. Chay kanan wasinpa yatrayan

yacha-paku-q arí qucha-pa-mi-ki yatra-rqa pay-kuna-qa chay kanan wasi-n-pa
live-MUTBEN-AG yes qucha-LOC-EVC-KI live-PST 3-PL-TOP DEM.D now house-3-LOC
Sí, pues, vivían en Qucha ellos. Ahora vive en la casa Brígida ya.
Yes, they lived in Qucha. Now he's living in Brígida's house.
00:05:27.670 - 00:05:32.110

yacha-ya-n Brígida-ña-mi-ki
live-PROG-3 Brígida-DISC-EVD-KI

Kanan ... Adrianallama chaypaq qurqukuyan llapanta. Aa, wak Adrian kayan. Llapa
kanan Adriana-lla-m-a chay-paq hurqu-ku-ya-n llapa-n-ta aa wak Adrian ka-ya-n
now Adriana-RSTR-EVD-EMPH DEM.D-ABL remove-REFL-3 all-3-ACC aa DEM.D Adrian
Ahora, Adriana no más está sacando a todos. Ah, Adriana está. Todos sus nietos.
Now. Adriana is removing all of them. Ah, Adriana's there. All her
00:05:32.490 - 00:05:39.650

Llapa willka-n-ta
be-PROG-3 all granchild-3-ACC

Arí, payqa chaypa kayan trurakurun dispidikayachin.

arí pay-qa chay-pa ka-ya-n trura-ku-ru-n dispidi-ka-ya-chi-n
yes 3-TOP DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3 put-REFL-URGT-3 bid.farewell-REFL-PROG-CAUS-3
Sí, pues, ella está allí. La pusieron [allí] y ella se está haciendo despedir.
Yes, she's there. She was put [there]. She's being bid farewell.
00:05:39.870 - 00:05:43.010

Kay lawtri chay Guillermo nin. Chaypa yatrasanpim karqa napaqa wasin.
Brígidapa wak lawpatr
kay law-tri chay Guillermo ni-n chay-pa yatra-sa-n-pi-m ka-rqa na-pa-qa wasi-n
DEM.P side-EVC DEM.D Guillermo say-3 DEM.D-LOC live-PRF-3-LOC-EVD be-PST
Será este lado, dice Guillermo. Allí donde vivía era su casa. De Brígida estará
más allá.
It would be on this side, says Guillermo. Her house was where he lived. It
would be further on from Brígida's.
00:05:47.950 - 00:05:54.230

Brígida-pa wak law-pa-tr

DMY-LOC-TOP house-3 Brígida-GEN DEM.D side-LOC-EVC

Chaypaq kayan napa ya. Tiyanchik Lydiapa wasinraqmiki.

Chay-paq ka-ya-n na-pa ya tiya-nchik Lydia-pa wasi-n-raq-mi-ki
Entonces, de éste es. Es todavía la casa de nuestra Tía Lydia.
So it's what's her name's. It's still our Aunt Brígida's house.
00:05:54.230 - 00:05:57.730

Tiya Cirilapaqa Robertopamik kanan kayan.

Tiya Cirila-pa-qa Roberto-pa-mik kanan ka-ya-n
Aunt Cirila-GEN-TOP Roberto-GEN-EVD-K now be-PROG-3
De la Tía Cerila. Es de Roberto ahora.
Aunt Cerila's. It's Roberto's now.
00:05:57.850 - 00:06:00.290

Aa, chaypam, chaypam Robertopa tiynda. Tiynda ya karqa chaypa

aa chay-pa-m chay-pa-m Roberto-pa tiynda tiynda ya ka-rqa chay-pa
aa DEM.D-LOC-EVD DEM.D-LOC-EVD Roberto-GEN store store EMPH be-PST DEM.D-LOC
Ah, allí, allí es la tienda de Roberto. El tenía tienda.
Ah, there. There is Roberto's store. He had a store.
00:06:00.320 - 00:06:02.980

Piru mamanpa wasinpa wak law kayan. Brígidapa yatrasanmi.

Piru mama-n-pa wasi-n-pa wak law ka-ya-n Brígida-pa yatra-sa-n-mi
but mother-3-GEN house-3-GEN DEM.D side be-PROG-3 Brígida
Pero la casa de su mamá está en ese laso, donde vive Brígida.
But her mother's house is on that side, where Brígida lives.
00:06:03.230 - 00:06:05.960

Tiya Cirila wañuq Tiya Mariakunapa

Tiya Cirila wañu-q Tiya Maria-kuna-pa
aunt Cirila die-AG aunt Maria-PL-GEN
De Tía Cerila, de la finada Tía María.
Tía Cerila's, the late Tía María's.
00:06:05.965 - 00:06:07.445

Aa, tiyanchik paw Napi. Wasinraqmi chay kayan mamanpa wasinraqmi.

aa tiya-nchik paw na-pi wasi-n-raq-mi chay ka-ya-n mama-n-pa
aa aunt-1PL PHAT DMY-GEN house-3-CONT-EVD DEM.D be-PROG-3 mother-3-GEN
Ah, nuestra tía, este, su casa todavía. Es la casa de su mamá todavía.
Ah, our aunt's umm, house still. It's her mother's house still.
00:06:07.605 - 00:06:12.560

Aa, chaykunata rantikururqatriki.

wasi-n-raq-mi aa chay-kuna-ta ranti-ku-ru-rqa-tri-ki
Ah, habrá vendido todo-RSTR, pues.
Ah, she must have sold all that.
00:06:12.922 - 00:06:14.522

Aa, rantikurunmi chaykuna. Chaymi kayan ultimutañam kaylaw tiyndataqa

aa ranti-ku-ru-n-mi chay-kuna chay-mi ka-ya-n ultimu-ta-ña-m kay-law
Sí, vendió-RSTRs. Ultimamente mandó hacer una tienda aquí.
Yes, he sold those. Most recently, he had a store made here.
00:06:14.602 - 00:06:19.402

tiynda-ta-qa ruwa-chi-rqa
store-ACC-TOP make-CAUS-PST

Aa, ultimu. Ultimutañam chaytaq ruwachirqa wak lawpim karqa abuylitaypa wasinqa.
aa ultimu ultimu-ta-ña-m chay-taq ruwa-chi-rqa wak law-pi-m ka-rqa abuelita-y-pa
aa last last-ACC-DISC-EVD DEM.D-SEQ make-CAUS-PST DEM.D side-LOC-EVD be-PST
Ah, últimamente ya mandó hacer ése. Más allá era su casa de mi abuelita
Ah, most recently he had that made. Further away was my grandmother's house.
00:06:19.702 - 00:06:24.422

Lliw lliw dispidikayachin.

wasi-n-qa Lliw lliw dispidi-ka-ya-chi-n
grandmother-1-GEN house-3-TOP all all bid.farewell-REFL-PROG-CAUS-3
Todos están haciendo despedir.
All are having her bid farewell.
00:06:24.882 - 00:06:27.802

Piru ayka puntrawtañatr pampakuyan. Ulurnin ulurniyuqñam karusa.

piru ayka puntraw-ta-ña-tr pampa-ku-ya-n ulur-ni-n ulur-ni-yuq-ña-m
but how.many day-ACC-DISC-EVC bury-REFL-PROG-3 smell-EUPH-3
Pero, ¿a cuántos días se está enterrando? Con olor ya estaba.
But, at how many days is she being buried? It was already really smelly.
00:06:27.902 - 00:06:33.322


Aa. manañam kitranapaq allinchu karqa. ¿Manachu furmulta winamurqa?

aa mana-ña-m kitra-na-paq allin-chu ka-rqa mana-chu furmul-ta wina-,u-rqa
aa no-DISC-EVD open-NMLZ-PURP good-DISC be-PRF no-Q embalming.fluid-ACC
Ya no era bueno para abrir. ¿No le echaron formol?
It was no longer good to be opened. Didn't they throw in embalming fluid?
00:06:33.382 - 00:06:37.422

Hinamurqatr. Sí, seguro. Chaytri aqwantamurqa.

Hina-mu-rqa-tr chay-tri aqwanta-mu-rqa
Lo habrán echado. Sí, seguro. Por eso habrá aguantado.
They must have thrown it in. Yes, for sure. That's why it would have held up.
00:06:37.507 - 00:06:40.507

Aunque sea chaynallapis. Chaymi aqwantarqa. Sinu imaynatr kanman karqa?

chay-na-lla-pis chay-mi aqwanta-rqa sinu imayna-tr ka-n-man ka-rqa
DEM.D-VRBZ-RSTR-ADD DEM.D-EVD withstand-PST rather how-EVC be-3-COND be-PST
Aunque sea así no más. Por eso aguantaría. Sino ¿cómo hubiera estado?
Although it be like that, no more. That's why it would have lasted. If not, how
would it have been?
00:06:40.562 - 00:06:46.332

Elenapaq piru mana ya ni furmul ni ima karqachu.

Elena-paq piru mana ya ni furmul ni ima ka-rqa-chu
Elena-GEN but no EMPH neither embalming.fluid neither what be-PST-NEG
Pero Elena no tenía ni formol ni nada.
But Elena didn't have embalming fluid or anything.
00:06:55.227 - 00:06:57.887

Mana ya. Chayhina ... Wawaykuywanraqtaq. WW Manam. Mas apuraw ya.
Mana ya. chay-hina ... wawa-yku-y-wan-raq-taq mana-m mas apuraw ya
No, pues. Así. Con dar luz todavía, no. Más rápido pues.
No, then. Like that. With giving birth, still, no. Quicker, then.
00:06:57.927 - 00:07:02.887

Iridahinapis mas apuray ulur karqa

irida-hinapis mas apura-y ulur ka-rqa
wound hurry-INF
Más rápido olor había como herida.
There was a smell faster, like a wound.
00:07:03.227 - 00:07:06.067

Wak dispidikuyan una-unaymi

wak dispidi-ku-ya-n una unay-mi
DEM.D bid.farewell-REFL-PROG-3 before before-EVD
Están dispidiendose mucho tiempo.
They're bidding her farewell for a long time.
00:07:07.607 - 00:07:10.227

Lliw lliw runam. ¿May chay Adriana ripun? Paymi... Manam kanan kanchu
lliw lliw runa-m may chay Adriana ripu-n pay-mi mana-m kanan ka-n-chu
all all person-EVD where DEM.D Adriana leave-3 3-EVD no-EVD now be-3-NEG
Toda la gente. ¿Dónde se fue esa Adriana? Ella ... no está ahora.
All the people. Where did that Adriana go? She ... she's not there now.
00:07:10.337 - 00:07:15.297

Lluqsirunñam. Aa, lluqsirunña. Aa, puchukayanña. Chaymi

lluqsi-ru-n-ña-m aa lluqsi-ru-n-ña aa puchuka-ya-n-ña chay-mi
exit-URGT-3-DISC-EVD aa exit-URGT-3-DISC aa finish-PROG-3-DISC DEM.D-EVD
Ya salió. Aa, ya salió. Ah, está terminando. Por eso ...
She already left. Ah, she already left. Ah, it's ending. So
00:07:15.517 - 00:07:19.437

trakipaq umapaq hinarusa primiru.

traki-paq uma-paq hina-ru-sa primiru
foot-ABL head-ABL throw-URGT-NPST first
Primero la habían echado de cabeza.
first they had tossed her [in] head-first.
00:07:19.517 - 00:07:23.737

Ariyá nichuman. Nichuman tapayashpa. Kanan hurqunqa yapa akish qawanki.

ari-yá nichu-man nichu-man tapa-ya-shpa kanan hurqu-nqa yapa akish
yes-EMPH nest-ALL nest-ALL cover-PROG-SUBIS now remove-3.FUT again you'll.see
Sí, pues. Hacia el nicho. Hacia el nicho, tapándolo. Ahora la van a sacar de
nuevo. Vas a ver.
Yes, indeed. To the crypt. To the crypt, vovering it. Now they're going to take
ker out again. You'll see.
00:07:23.877 - 00:07:28.287


Kambiyananpaq surqunqa kitranqa.

kambiya-na-n-paq surqu-nqa kitra-nqa
change-NMLZ-3-PURP remove-3.FUT open-3.FUT
Para poder cambiarlo, la van a sacar, lo van a abrir.
So they can change it, they're going to take her out, they're going to open it.
00:07:28.482 - 00:07:31.022

Manayari, manayari. ¿Cómo va a dentrar? Mana yatranchu Tiyu Manuelpis

mana-y-ari mana-y-ari mana yatra-n-chu Tiyu Manuel-pis pay-kuna-pis
no-EMPH-EMPH no-EMPH-EMPH no know-3-NEG uncle Manuel-ADD 3-PL-ADD
No, pues. No pùes, ¿Cómo va a dentrar?. No sabe ni el Tío Manuel ni ellos.
No, then. No, then. How is it going to go in? Neither Uncle Manuel nor they
00:07:31.112 - 00:07:37.002

Chaypaq rikarirun. trakipaqmiki yaykumun

chay-paq rikari-ru-n traki-paq-mi-ki yayku-mu-n
DEM.D-ABL appear-URGT-3 foot-ABL-EVD-KI enter-URGT-3
De allí pareció. De pie, pues, entra.
It appeared from there. It goes in feet-first.
00:07:37.177 - 00:07:40.057

Yawri hinashpa riklamarun kambiyachin surqurachin laqaruptinña. ¿Muyuyanchu?

yawri hinashpa riklama-ru-n kambiya-chi-n surqu-ra-chi-n laqa-ru-pti-n-ña
yawri so protest-URGT-3 change-CAUS-3 remove-URGT-CAUS-3 stick-URGT-SUBDS-3-DISC
Yawri se lo reclamó y se lo hizo cambiar. Se lo hizo sacar cuando ya se había
pegado. ¿Están dando vuelta?
Yawri called him out on it and made him change it. He made him take it out when
it had already been stuck. They're turning it?
00:07:40.137 - 00:07:47.377


Muyuchiyan ya, umapaq nishpa yaykuchinanpaq.

muyu-chi-ya-n ya uma-paq ni-shpa yayku-chi-na-n-paq
Están haciendo dar vuelta para que hagan entrar de cabeza.
They're turning it around so they can make it go in head-first.
00:07:47.797 - 00:07:51.877

Ma, huktrik mana yatranchu. Kaynam niyan manam. Aa, umanta ya winayan.
m-a huk-tri-k mana yatra-n-chu kay-na-m ni-ya-n mana-m aa uma-n-ta ya
EVD-EMPH one-EVC-K no know-3-NEG DEM.P-VRBZ-EVD say-PROG-3 no-EVD aa head-3-ACC
Otro, pues, no sabrá. Así es está diciendo. Ah, están echando su cabeza, pues.
Another wouldn't know. Like that, he's saying. Ah, they're tossing in her head.
00:07:51.937 - 00:07:56.257


Arí. Puntata trurarun Mana ya chayhinachu. Umanta, ¡ve!

arí punta-ta trura-ru-n mana ya chay-hina-chu uma-n-ta ve
yes point-ACC put-URGT-3 no EMPH DEM.D-COMP-NEG head-3-ACC look
Sí. Le pusieron primero. No es así. A su cabeza, ¡ve!
Yes. They put it first. It's not like that. Her head. Look!
00:07:56.377 - 00:07:59.977

Chaymi tapanqa. Taparushpaqa huk riklamaqshi trayarun piña piña.

chay-mi tapa-nqa tapa-ru-shpa-qa huk riklama-q-shi ka-ru-n piña piña-ru-n
DEM.D-EVD cover-3.FUT cover-URGT-SUBIS-TOP one protest-AG-EVR be-URGT-3 mad
Luego lo van a tapar. Tapándolo, otro llegó enojado para reclamar, dice.
So they're going to cover it. Covering it, another arrived angry to call them
00:08:00.317 - 00:08:04.477

traya-ru-n piña piña

mad-URGT-3 arrive-URGT-3 mad mad

Piru wasiman yaykushpaqa umaykichu puntataq yaykuyan?

piru wasi-man yayku-shpa-qa uma-yki-chu punta-taq yayku-ya-n
but house-ALL enter-SUBIS-TOP head-2-Q point-SEQ enter-PROG-3
Pero cuando entras en una casa, ¿entra primero tu cabeza?
But when you enter a house, your head enters first,?
00:08:04.477 - 00:08:07.897

trakinchikwanmi yaykunchikman.
traki-nchik-wan-mi yayku-ru-nchik-man
Tenemos que entrar con nuestras pies.
We have to enter with our feet.
00:08:07.987 - 00:08:09.907

Chay kanan laqaykushpa yapañataq hurqurunqa.
chay kanan laqa-yku-shpa yapa-ña-taq hurqu-ru-nqa
DEM.D now stick-EXCEP-SUBIS again-DISC-SEQ remove-URGT-3.FUT
Ahora pegándolo de nuevo lo van a sacar.
Now, cementing it again, lo van a sacar.
00:08:10.587 - 00:08:14.567

Aa, wakhina, laqayan. Yapa kitranqa.

aa wak-hina laqa-ya-n yapa kitra-nqa
aa DEM.D-COMP stick-PROG-3 again open-3.FUT
Sí, pues, así están pegándolo. De nuevo lo van a abrir.
Yes, then. They're cementing it like that. They're going to open it again.
00:08:14.797 - 00:08:19.737

Yauri Yauri ya riklamarun. Botas, botas, nin. Aa, chay ... Jesus. Jesus.
¿Maytam Jesus? Botas nin ... No. Don Adrián.
Yauri Yauri ya riklama-ru-n botas botas ni-n aa chay ... Jesús Jesús may-ta-m
Yauri Yauri EMPH protest-URGT-3 Botas, botas, say-3 aa DEM.D Jesús Jesús
No, Yauri reclamó. No, Botas, dice. Jesús. Ah, ese Jesús. ¿Dónde Jesús? Botas,
dice. No, Don Adrián.
No, Yauri complained. No, Botas, they say. Jesús. Ah, that Jesús. Where is
Jesús? Botas, they say. No, Don Adrián.
00:08:28.797 - 00:08:39.357

Jesús botas ni-n ... Don Adrián

where-ACC-EVD Jesús Botas say-3 Don Adrián.

Aa, Adrián. Paymi laqakuyan, pampakuyanña. Umapaq winarun tiyanta.

aa Don Adrián pay-mi laqa-ku-ya-n pampa-ku-ya-n-ña uma-paq wina-ru-n
aa Adrián. 3-EVD stick-REFL-PROG-3 bury-REFL-PROG-3 head-ABL throw-URGT-3
Ah, Don Adrián. El está pegándolo, ya la están enterrando. De cabeza ha echado
a su tía.
Ah, Don Adrián. He's sticking it. They're burying her already. He tossed his
aunt in head-first.
00:08:39.677 - 00:08:45.517

Hinashpa yapa kitrachinqaya.

tiya-n-ta hinashpa yapa kitra-chi-nqa-ya
aunt-3-ACC so again open-CAUS-3.FUT-EMPH
Después, otra vez lo van a hacer abrir, pues.
Later, they're going to have it opened again.
00:08:45.767 - 00:08:48.057

Aa, kitrachinqa yapa. Wakhina vilakuyaqtaña. Aa.

aa kitra-chi-nqa yapa wak-hina vila-ku-ya-q-ta-ña aa
aa open-CAUS-3.FUT again DEM.D-COMP hold.vigil-REFL-PROG-AG-ACC-DISC aa
Ah, van a hacer abrir de vuelta. Así a lo que está velando ya?
Ah, they're going to have it opened again. Like that to the one who is lighting
candles already? Aa.
00:08:48.297 - 00:08:51.277

¿No, Aviva? ¿Chaytachu qawashun? Kambiyaruptinña chay kayan.

Aviva chay-ta-chu qawa-shun Kambiya-ru-pti-n-ña chay ka-ya-n
Aviva DEM.D-ACC-Q see-1PL.FUT change-URGT-SUBDS-3-DISC DEM.D be-PROG-3
¿No, Aviva? ¿Eso vamos a ver? ¿Cuando cambió ya está ése?
No, Aviva? We're going to see that? When they changed it that's it?
00:08:51.492 - 00:08:56.492

Kambiyaruptinñatr prindiyan vilataqa.

kambiyaru-pti-n-ña-tr prindi-ya-n vila-ta-qa
change-SUBDS-3-DISC-EVC light-PROG-3 candle-ACC-TOP
Cuando lo cambiaron ya estarán prendiendo velas.
When they changed it already, they'd be lighting candles.
00:08:56.882 - 00:09:01.952

Chay kitrashpa wakta ashuchinqatr yapa.

chay kitra-shpa wak-ta ashu-chi-nqa-tr yapa
DEM.D open-SUBIS DEM.D-ACC approach-CAUS-3.FUT-EVC again
Abriéndolo lo van a hacer retirar de nuevo, seguro.
Opening it, they're going to remove it again, for sure.
00:09:02.412 - 00:09:05.912

Aver aver, qawashun. Klarutriki kambiyanqa.

qawa-shun klaru-tri-ki kambiya-nqa
see-1PL.FUT clear-EVC-K change-3.FUT
Aver aver. Vamos a ver. Claro lo van a cambiar.
Let's see, let's see. We're going to see. They're going to change it clearly.
00:09:06.122 - 00:09:08.882

Lliw lliwñam piru waktaq vilakuyan, ¡ve!

lliw lliw-ña-m piru wak-taq vila-ku-ya-n ve
all all-DISC-EVD but DEM.D-SEQ hold.vigil-REFL-PROG-3 look
Todos todos ya están velando a esa, ¡ve!
All, all are already lighting candles for that one. Look!
00:09:09.132 - 00:09:12.972

Mas primirutr kara. Mas primirutr kara ñam kanan sigurarunña.

mas primiru-tr ka-ra mas primiru-tr ka-ra ña-m kanan sigura-ru-n-ña
more first-EVC be-PST more first-EVC be-PST DISC-EVD now secure-URGT-3-DISC
Más primero seguro ha sido. Más primero seguro ha sido. Ahora lo seguraron ya.
It was more first. It was more first. Now they've already secured it.
00:09:13.122 - 00:09:17.542

Vultiyarunñatr. Vultiyarun. Isidorakuna wakpa kayan.
vultiya-ru-n-ña-tr vultiya-ru-n Isidora-kuna wak-pa ka-ya-n
turn-URGT-3-DISC-EVC turn-URGT-3 Isidora-PL DEM.D-LOC be-PROG-3
Ya voltearía. Volteraron. Isidora todo está allá.
They'd turn it around already. They turned it around. Isadora and all are there.
00:09:17.692 - 00:09:23.832

Achka achka runaqa ... ¿Wak qipiyuq pim? Isidora ya. Isidora,
achka achka runa-qa wak qipi-yuq pi-m Isidora ya. Isidora
a.lot a.lot person-TOP DEM.D bundle-POSS who-EVD Isidora EMPH Isidora,
Mucha, mucha gente. ¿Quién es con qipi? Isadora ya. Isadora.
A lot, a lot of people. Who is with a qipi? Isadora. Isadora.
00:09:24.072 - 00:09:30.092

¿Imaynatr piru wañuy, ¿aw? ass

imayna-tr piru wañu-y aw ass
how-EVC but die-INF yes ass
¿Cómo será la muerte, ¿no?
How would death be? No?
00:09:33.682 - 00:09:36.502

Ayka unayñatr karqa? Piru Tiya Cirilaqa allin wañukuypañam wañukun.

ayka unay-ña-tr ka-ra piru Tiya Cirila-qa allin wañu-ku-y-pa-ña-m
how.many before-DISC-EVC be-PST but aunt Cirila-TOP good
¿Cuántos años habrá sido ya? Pero Tía Cerila murió en buena muerte.
How many years would it be already? But Aunt Cerila died a good death.
00:09:37.082 - 00:09:40.722

Unay [inaudible]. Unay unayñam.

wañu-ku-n Unay unay unay-ña-m
die-REFL-INF-LOC-DISC-EVD die-REFL-3 before before before-DISC-EVD
Tiempo ya.
A long time already.
00:09:40.762 - 00:09:44.362

¿Imayna ya agwantarqa kanankama?

imayna ya agwanta-rqa kanan-kama
how EMPH withstand-PST now-RSTR
¿Cómo habrá aguantado hasta ahora?
How did she last until now?
00:09:47.142 - 00:09:50.462

Wakhina chay wambran. Pero andaba normal. No hace soñar.

wak-hina chay wambra-n
DEM.D-COMP DEM.D child-3
Así es su hijo. Pero andaba normal.
Her son is like that. But she was walking around normally.
00:09:50.562 - 00:09:54.302

Manam payqa yasqahinachu karqa. Sinu nurmalmi purirqa.

mana-m pay-qa yasqa-hina-chu ka-rqa sinu nurmal-mi puri-rqa
no-EVD 3-TOP old.woman-COMP-NEG be-PST rather normal-EVD walk-PST
Ella no era como ansiana sino normal caminaba.
She wasn't like an old lady. Rather, she walked about normally.
00:09:54.802 - 00:10:01.522

Uniku tumpa kwirpun baharurqa

uniku tumpa kwirpu-n baha-ru-rqa
only a.little body-3 lower-URGT-PST
Unico, un poco bajó su cuerpo.
Only her body declined a little.
00:10:02.022 - 00:10:05.942

Chukchanpis manañamik karachu. Octavapa tinkurqaniraqmi. Octava Curpus qayna

Chukcha-n-pis mana-ña-mi-k ka-ra-chu Octava-pa tinku-rqa-ni-raq-mi Octava Curpus
hair-3-ADD no-DISC-EVD-K be-PST-EVD Octava-GEN meet-PST-1-CONT-EVD Octava Corpus
Ya no tenía pelo, tampoco. Encontré todavía [a] lo de Octava. Octava [estaba
en] Corpus el año pasado
She didn't have hair any more. I found Octava's. Octava [was at] Corpus last
00:10:06.482 - 00:10:12.582

qayna wata
previous year

Ultimuta imamanraqtri hamurqa? Wak Octava Corpuspam qawarqani.

ultimu-ta ima-man-raq-tri hamu-rqa Wak Octava Corpus-pa-m qawa-rqa-ni
last-ACC what-ALL-CONT-EVC come-PST DEM.D Octava Corpus-LOC-EVD see-PST-1
Ultimo para qué vendría? Yo he visto en Octava de Corpus.
Finally, why would she have come? I saw Octava at Corpus.
00:10:12.752 - 00:10:17.372

Aya. Limapa. Chukchan hatun Alli chukchasapam karqa.

aya Lima-pa chukcha-n hatun alli chukcha-sapa-m ka-rqa
Aya. Lima-LOC hair-3 big good hair-MULT.POSS-EVD be-PST
Ah, en Lima. Su pelo era largo. Ella tenía mucho, mucho pelo.
Ah, in Lima. Her hair was long. She had a whole lot of hair.
00:10:17.592 - 00:10:20.772 00:10:20.792 - 00:10:23.712

Puchukarusachu chukchan? Aa, puchukarusam.

puchuka-ru-sa-chu chukcha-n aa puchuka-ru-sa-m
finish-URGT-PRF-Q hair-3 aa finish-URGT-PRF-EVD
¿Había terminado su pelo? Sí, había terminado su pelo.
Her hair had finished off? Yes, her hair had finished off.
00:10:23.782 - 00:10:26.402

Pilarurqatriki. Mucha pastillatriki.

pila-ru-rqa-tri-ki mucha pastilla-tri-ki
peel-URGT-PST-EVC-KI a.lot pill-EVC-KI
Todo pelaría. Mucha pastilla será.
It would have peeled off. It's be a lot of pills.
00:10:26.472 - 00:10:29.492

Pilarun chukchanpis. Aa, pilarura ya Uman. Aa, Eudosia.

pila-ru-n chukcha-n-pis aa pila-ru-ra ya uma-n aa Eudosia
peel-URGT-3 hair-3-ADD aa peel-URGT-PST EMPH head-3 aa Eudosia.
Peló su pelo también. Su cabeza peló ya. Aa. Eudosia.
Her hair peeled, too. Her head pealed, then. Ah. Eudosia.
00:10:29.622 - 00:10:34.722

Ido, kukatash akuykunki.

Ido kuka-ta-sh aku-yku-nki
Ido, coca-ACC-EVR chew-EXCEP-2
Ido, vas a chacchar coca.
Ido, you're going to chew coca.
00:10:38.042 - 00:10:40.002

Manam Ido kuka akuyta munanchu. Mana ñuqalla, tiya, gracias.

mana-m Ido kuka aku-y-ta muna-n-chu mana ñuqa-lla tiya gracias
no-EVD Ido coca chew-INF-ACC want-3-NEG no 1-RSTR aunt
Ido no quiere chachar coca. Yo no más no, tía, gracias.
Ido doesn't want to chew coca. Just me, no, Aunt, thanks.
00:10:40.042 - 00:10:43.602

Kuka imatriki malta rurayan. Pasaypaqmi kayan kwirpu. Disculpaykuwankim, tiya.

kuka ima-tri-ki mal-ta rura-ya-n pasaypaq-mi ka-ya-n kwirpu
coca what-EVC-KI bad-ACC make-PROG-3 too.much-EVD be-PROG-3 body
La coca [le] estará haciendo mal. Mi cuerpo está totalmente [mal]. Me vas a
desculpar, tía.
The coca would be doing [her] harm. My body is totally [wrecked]. You'll excuse
me, Aunt.
00:10:43.682 - 00:10:48.682

disculpa-yku-wa-nki-m tiya
forgive-EXCEP-1.OBJ-2-EVD aunt

Sanaruptinñam akukushun. ¿Piru imanaptin?

sana-ru-pti-n-ña-m aku-ku-shun piru ima-na-pti-n
Cuando sana ya vamos a chacchar. ¿Pero qué pasó?
When it gets well, we'll chew coca. Buy what happened?
00:10:49.042 - 00:10:52.102

Sanu kashpaqa, tiya, kukaytaqa manam dihanichu. Mikuyta puchukarushpapis

sanu ka-shpa-qa tiya kuka-y-ta-qa mana-m diha-ni-chu miku-y-ta
healthy be-SUBIS-TOP aunt coca-1-ACC-TOP no-EVD leave-1-NEG eat-INF-ACC
Estando sana, yo no dejo mi coca. Terminando de comer ya estoy chachando mi
When I'm healthy, I don't leave my coca. When I finish eating, I toss it [in my
00:10:52.102 - 00:10:56.582

puchuka-ru-shpa-pis wina-ya-ni

Gripim hapiruwan, tiya, kunkaymi nanakuyawan.

gripi-m hapi-ru-wa-n tiya kunka-y-mi nana-ku-ya-wa-n
cold-EVD grab-URGT-1.OBJ-3 aunt throat-1-EVD hurt-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Gripe me ha agarrado, tía. Mi cuello me está doliendo,
A cold caught ahold of me, Aunt. My neck is hurting.
00:10:56.682 - 00:10:59.942

Lliwñam vilakuyan. Kambiyarurqañatr kambiyarurqañatr. Wak wakhina vila, oy.

lliw-ña-m vila-ku-ya-n kambiya-ru-rqa-ña-tr kambiya-ru-rqa-ña-tr wak wak-hina
all-DISC-EVD hold.vigil-REFL-PROG-3 change-URGT-PST-EVC change-URGT-PST-DISC-EVC
Todos ya están velando. Ya lo habrán cambiado. Ya lo habrán cambiado. Así [hay]
velas allí. Sí, pues.
All are already lighting candles. They must have changed it already. They must
have changed it already. Candles like that there. Yes, indeed.
00:11:02.122 - 00:11:09.052

Achka achka ya kakuyan vilaqa.

vila oy ari-yá achka achka ya ka-ku-ya-n vila-qa
DEM.D DEM.D-COMP candle hey yes-EMPH a.lot a.lot EMPH be-REFL-PROG-3 candle-TOP
Muchas, muchas velas hay.
There are a lot, a lot of candles.
00:11:11.692 - 00:11:14.652

Wak ... Doña Cirila wañukuptinpis payllanñachu hinam chay familya. Ultimu
kasa, ¿aw?
wak ... Doña Cirila wañu-ku-pti-n-pis pay-lla-n-ña-chu hina-m chay familya
DEM.D Doña Cirila die-REFL-SUBDS-3-ADD 3-RSTR-3-DISC-NEG thus-EVD DEM.D family
Ellos ... Cuando murió Doña Cerila también, ella no más ya así. Era la última
[de] esa familia, ¿no?
That ... When Doña Cerila died, too, only she already thus ... She was the last
[of] that family, no?
00:11:16.092 - 00:11:23.912

ultimu ka-sa aw
last be-PRF yes

Puntataq lliw lliwñam puchukarusa familiyan. Turinkuna, Ñañankuna

punta-taq lliw lliw-ña-m puchuka-ru-sa familiyan turi-n-kuna ñaña-n-kuna
point-SEQ all all-DISC-EVD finish-URGT-PRF family brother-3-PL sister-3-PL
Primero había acabado toda su familia. Sus hermanos, sus hermanas.
First her whole family had finished off. Her brothers, her sisters.
00:11:24.112 - 00:11:28.272

Chaykunaqa manaña ya kanchu. Subrinakunallañam kasa.

chay-kuna-qa mana-ña ya ka-n-chu subrina-kuna-lla-ña-m ka-sa
Ellos ya no hay. Sobrinos ya no más eran.
Those aren't there any more. There were just neices.
00:11:28.312 - 00:11:30.672

Aa, subrinan irmanan manañam kanchu. Manachu ni ñaña ni pipis kasaña. Manaña
aa subrina-n irmana-n mana-ña-m ka-n-chu mana-chu ni ñaña ni pi-pis ka-sa-ña
aa niece-3 sister-3 no-DISC-EVD be-3-NEG no-NEG neither sister neither who-ADD
Ah, no tenía ni sobrina ni hermana ya. No tenía ni hermana ni nadie ya. Ya no
había [nadie].
Ah, she didn't have a niece or a sister any more. He didn't have a sister or
anyone. There wasn't [anyone] any more.
00:11:30.712 - 00:11:37.072

Subrinan. Ñañanpa wawan.

mana ya ka-n-chu subrina-n ñaña-n-pa wawa-n
be-PRF-DISC no EMPH be-3-NEG niece-3 sister-3-GEN baby-3
Su sobrina. La hija de su hermana.
her niece. Her sister's daughter.
00:11:37.322 - 00:11:39.972

Cirilawan yatraq kanan Allallupa trakran papaniy arindaw pastuta rantikuptin

Tiya Cirilawan.
Cirila-wan yatra-q kanan Allallu-pa trakra-n papa-ni-y arindaw pastu-ta
Cirila-INSTR live-AG now Allallu-LOC field-3 father-EUPH-1 rented
Lo que vivía con Cerila, ahora cuando mi papá su pasto vendía.
00:11:40.132 - 00:11:45.672

ranti-ku-pti-n Tiya Cirila-wan
pasture.grass-ACC buy-REFL-SUBDS-3 aunt Cirila-INSTR

Wañuq Fernandowan. Wañuq Kabran kakullarqa ach achka.

wañu-q Fernando-wan wañu-q kabra-n ka-ku-lla-rqa ach achka
die-AG Fernando-INSTR die-AG goat-3 be-REFL-RSTR-PST a.lot a.lot
Con el finado Fernando y el finado ... Tenía muchas cabras.
With the late Fernando and the late ... She had a lot of goats.
00:11:45.802 - 00:11:50.102

Tiyu Anselmo kayna lata huntata tardi chawaq.

Tiyu Anselmo kay-na lata hunta-ta tardi chawa-q
uncle Anselmo DEM.P-VRBZ pot full-ACC late milk-AG
Así lata llena tarde lecheaba Tío Anselmo.
Uncle Anselmo milked in the evening a full pot like this.
00:11:50.192 - 00:11:52.972

Madrugaw huk latata chawaq.

madrugaw huk lata-ta chawa-q
dawn one pot-ACC milk-AG
En la mañana otra lata lecheaba.
In the morning he miled another pot [full].
00:11:53.002 - 00:11:55.042

Kakullarqa kaballun mulan. Chaynam kakullarqa Allallupa.

ka-ku-lla-rqa kaballu-n mula-n chay-na-m ka-ku-lla-rqa Allallu-pa
be-REFL-RSTR-PST horse-3 mule-3 DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD be-REFL-RSTR-PST Allallu-LOC
Tenía caballos, mulas. Así eran en Allallu.
They had horses, mules. They were like that in Allallu.
00:11:55.207 - 00:11:58.642

Aysha papata tarpupakuq kani Chay kanan wak nawan. Guillermowan.

aysha papa-ta tarpu-pa-ku-q ka-ni chay kanan wak na-wan
downpour potato-ACC plant-BEN-REFL-AG be-1 DEM.D now DEM.D DMY-INSTR
Yo sembraba papa aguacera. Ahora con ese Guillermo.
I used to plant potatoes TK. Now with that ... with Guillermo.
00:11:58.902 - 00:12:03.072


guillermopi warmin rikarqa kay Adrianapa mayurninmi.

Guillermo-pi warmi-n rika-rqa kay Adriana-pa mayur-ni-n-mi
guillermo-GEN woman-3 see-PST DEM.P Adriana-GEN elder-EUPH-3-EVD
La mujer de Guillermo era la hermana de Adrinana.
Guillermo's wife was Adriana's sister.
00:12:03.322 - 00:12:07.342

Marina. Marina. Arí, wañukun. Aa, wañukullanmi chay.

Marina Marina. arí wañu-ku-n aa wañu-ku-lla-n-mi chay
marina Marina yes die-REFL-3 aa die-REFL-RSTR-3-EVD DEM.D
Marina. Marina. Sí. Se murió. Aa, se murió [pobrecita].
Marina. Marina. Yes. She died. Ah, she died [poor thing].
00:12:07.452 - 00:12:11.252

Yapakuyninñatr karqa. [inaudible] Yapakuy, yapakuy. Puchukarun.

yapa-ku-y-ni-n-ña-tr ka-rqa yapa-ku-y yapa-ku-y puchuka-ru-n
repeat-REFL-INF-EUPH-3-DISC-EVC be-PST repeat-REFL-INF puchukarun.
Era su segunda mujer ya. SEguna mujer, segunda mujer. Terminó.
It's his second wife already, his second wife. It's finished.
00:12:11.412 - 00:12:15.752

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Villafranca_CW_Various.eaf
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 2:26 PM


Chay alkaldipachu chay dipiyndin

Chay alkaldi-pa-chu chay dipiyndi-n
DEM.D mayor-GEN-DISJ DEM.D depend-3
Eso depende del alcalde.
That depends on the mayor.
00:00:03.880 - 00:00:09.050

Padri di familiyapachu warmi wawayuqkunapachu

Padri di familiya-pa-chu warmi wawa-yuq-kuna-pa-chu
father of family-GEN-DISJ woman baby-POSS-PL-GEN-DISJ
De los padres de familia o de los que tienen hijas.
On the parents, on those who have daughters.
00:00:09.300 - 00:00:12.995

Imaynam trurarungaqa Uchuychalla karrumanqa

Imayna-m trura-ru-nqa-qa Uchuy-cha-lla karru-man-qa
how-EVD put-URGT-3.FUT-TOP small-DIM-RSTR car-ALL-TOP
¿Cómo lo va a guardar? A chiquito carro.
How are they going to save it? To a little car.
00:00:13.535 - 00:00:15.275 00:00:16.957 - 00:00:18.967

Ispisiyaltrik truranman karrutaqa alumnu apananpaq ¿no es cierto?

Ispisiyal-tri-k trura-n-man karru-ta-qa alumnu apa-na-n-paq
special-EVC-K put-3-COND car-ACC_TOP student bring-NMLZ-PURP
Especial debe de poner. a carro para lleve a los alumnos. ¿no es cierto?
They should get a special one. A car to bring the students. Isn't that true?
00:00:19.252 - 00:00:22.192 00:00:22.302 - 00:00:25.252

Tiympu mas antis hurqunman kara chay alumnukuna ganadurkuna lluqsinanpaq

Tiympu mas antis hurqu-n-man ka-ra chay alumnu-kuna ganadur-kuna
time more before remove-3-COND be-PST DEM.D student-PL winner-PL
De tiempo más antes hubiera sacado a esos alumnos para que salguen campiónes.
In previous times they would have taken those students out so they could come
out winners.
00:00:26.822 - 00:00:32.182

nallamanqa ¿cómo se llama ese carro?

lluqsi-na-n-paq na-lla-man-qa
Hacia ese no más ¿Cómo se llama ese carro?
Towards just umm. What is that car called?
00:00:32.402 - 00:00:37.062

Moto taxi, dijo, creo.

Moto taxi,
Motorcycle taxi
Moto taxi dijo, creo.
Motorcycle taxi, they said, I believe.
00:00:37.112 - 00:00:39.502

Chaymanqa siqarunqaqa huk kurralmanhina tan achka runaqa achka alumnuqa.

Chay-man-qa siqa-ru-nqa-qa huk kurral-man-hina tan achka runa-qa achka
DEM.D-ABL-TOP go.up-URGT-3.FUT-TOP one corral-ALL-COMP so.many many person-TOP
Mucha gente, muchos alumnos van a subir hacia allí como hacia un coral.
Lots of people, lots of students are going to go up towards it like towards a
00:00:40.192 - 00:00:45.502

Chaypam puchukakun waknin barrankupa.

alumnu-qa Chay-pa-m puchu-ka-ku-n wak-ni-n barranku-pa
many student-TOP DEM.D-LOC-EVD finish-REFL-3 DEM.D-EUPH-3 cliff-LOC
Terminó allí en otro barranco.
It ended there on another cliff.
00:00:46.347 - 00:00:48.407

Cin ... Pichqata pamparun kaypa.

... Pichqa-ta pampa-ru-n kay-pa
... five-ACC bury-URGT-3 DEM.P-LOC
Sepultaron a cinco aquí.
They buried five here,
00:00:49.057 - 00:00:52.047

Uraypaq saysim kayan siytim kayan ninchu no se. Hiridu.

Uray-paq saysi-m ka-ya-n siyti-m ka-ya-n ni-n-chu Hiridu.
down.hill-LOC six-EVD be-PROG-3 seven-EVD be-PROG-3 say-3-Q injured
Abajo hay seis, hay siete, dicn, no sé. Heridos.
Down hill there are six, there are seven, they say. I don't know. Injured.
00:00:52.167 - 00:00:56.577

Sanaypaq mana sanay yatrakunchu

Sana-y-paq mana sana-y yatra-ku-n-chu
heal-INF-PURP no heal-INF know-REFL-3-NEG
Están por sanar o por no sanar -- no se sabe.
are they to be healed or not healed. We don't know.
00:00:56.852 - 00:00:59.382

Pipis manam kutimunchu.

Pi-pis mana-m kuti-mu-n-chu
who-ADD no-EVD return-CISL-3-NEG
Nadie no vuelve.
No one returns.
00:00:59.512 - 00:01:01.632 00:01:02.412 - 00:01:04.732

Huk siñurallash mihuraypaq hinalla kayan piru

Huk siñura-lla-sh mihura-y-paq hina-lla ka-ya-n piru
one lady-RSTR-EVR improve-INF-PURP thus-RSTR be-PROG-3 but
Hay una señora no más, dice, por mejorar, pero.
There's just one woman, they say, who's to be healed like that, but ...
00:01:04.822 - 00:01:10.222

Hiridu mas gravish Limapa.

Hiridu mas gravi-sh Lima-pa
injured more grave-EVR Lima-LOC
El herido más grave está en Lima.
The most gravely injured is in Lima, they say.
00:01:14.252 - 00:01:16.402

Kimsa ninchu tawa ninchu

Kimsa ni-n-chu tawa ni-n-chu
three say-3-DISJ four say-3-DISJ
Tres, dijo, o cuatro dijo?
Three, did they say or didthey say four?
00:01:17.367 - 00:01:19.907

Umallankuna pakisa piru kawsayan. Ñawillankuna manam qawanchu.

Uma-lla-n-kuna paki-sa piru kawsa-ya-n Ñawi-lla-n-kuna mana-m qawa-n-chu
head-RSTR-3-PL break-PRF but live-PROG-3 eye-RSTR-3 no-EVD see-3-NEG
Su cabeza todo roto pero está vivo. Su ojo todo no ve.
His head and all broken, but he's alive. His eyes don't see.
00:01:20.777 - 00:01:23.157 00:01:23.547 - 00:01:25.387

Mana rimashpa ñawillan qawayan algunus.

Mana rima-shpa ñawi-lla-n qawa-ya-n algunus
no talk-SUBIS eye-RSTR-3 see-PROG-3 some
No habla pero su ojo ve, algunos.
Although they don't speak, their eyes see, some [of them].
00:01:25.557 - 00:01:27.837

Limpu lliw mihur wañukunman kara chay saqaykusanpa.

Limpu lliw mihur wañu-ku-n-man ka-ra chay saqayku-sa-n-pa
all all better die-REFL-3-COND be-PST DEM.D heal-EXCEP-PRF-3-GEN fall-PRF-3-GEN
Todos mejor hubieran debido morir allí donde se cayeron.
Those who fell should have died there, [for the] better.
00:01:28.057 - 00:01:32.267

Manam priyukupasyun kanmanchu kara kanan

Mana-m priyukupasyun ka-n-man-chu ka-ra kanan
no-EVD worry be-3-COND-NEG be-PST now
No hubiera habido preocupación ahora.
There wouldn't have been any worry now.
00:01:32.892 - 00:01:35.342

Taytan maman allí está todos los días viendo.

Tayta-n mama-n
father-3 mother-3
Sus padres y sus madres allí están todos los días viendo.
Their fathers and their mothers are there every day watching.
00:01:35.542 - 00:01:39.492

¿Cuánto cuesta? Kamapis aykapis hukchu gratis napaq.

Kama-pis ayka-pis huk-chu gratis na-paq
bed-ADD how.much-ADD one-NEG free DMY-ABL
¿Cuánto cuesta? Una cama, cuánto sea no es gratis allí.
How much does it cost? A bed, whatever amount. It's not free there.
00:01:40.347 - 00:01:41.717 00:01:42.317 - 00:01:44.782

Uspitalpaq manachu gratis kachimachuwanchu, ¿aw?

Uspital-paq mana-chu gratis ka-chi-ma-chuwan-chu ¿aw?
hospital-ABL no-NEG free be-CAUS-1.OBJ-1PL.COND-Q yes
¿Nada nos va a ser gratis en el hospital, ¿no?
Nothing's going to be free for us in a hospital, right?
00:01:45.682 - 00:01:49.452
Kamapaq kubrayan Midisina tantuta quyan
Kama-paq kubra-ya-n Midisina tantu-ta qu-ya-n
bed-ABL charge-PROG-3 medicine so.much-ACC give-PROG-3
Están cobrando por la cama. Están dando tanto tanta medicina.
They're charging for the bed. They're giving that much medicine.
00:01:49.517 - 00:01:51.287 00:01:51.977 - 00:01:54.687

Mama tayta rantishpa rimidiyananpaq

Mama tayta ranti-shpa rimidiya-na-n-paq
mother father buy-SUBIS remedy-NMLZ-3-PURP
Padre y Madre comprando. para que remedie.
Mother and Father buying. so that they recover.
00:01:54.917 - 00:01:57.757 00:01:58.247 - 00:01:59.657

Chay huk llapa wañukuptinqa pampakurun trankilu ya no hay gasto nada.

Chay huk llapa TK wañu-ku-pti-n-qa pampa-ku-ru-n trankilu
DEM.D one all die-REFL-SUBDS-3-TOP bury-REFL-URGT-3 tranquil
Si hubieran muerto los otros todos allí, hubieran sepultado tranquilamente. Ya
no hay gasto nada.
If the others all had died there, they would have buried them peacefully.
There's no expense or anything any more.
00:02:00.177 - 00:02:05.192

Waqakushpapis pamparuntri llakikuyanpis diya i nuchipis piru ya no gasta.

Waqa-ku-shpa-pis pampa-ru-n-tri llaki-ku-ya-n-pis diya i nuchi-pis piru
cry-REFL-SUBIS-ADD bury-URGT-3-EVC sorrow-REFL-PROG-3-ADD day and night-ADD but
Llorando , tembién, los sepultarían. Tendrían pena día y noche pero ya no
Crying, too, they would bury them. They would mourn night and day, but they
won't spend any more.
00:02:05.412 - 00:02:10.002

Chay uraypaq
Chay uray-paq
DEM.D down.hill-ABL
Allí abajo.
There down hill.
00:02:10.697 - 00:02:12.057

Nakunata pulladakunata Cañetepa ruwayan chay infirmukunapaq dice.

Na-kuna-ta pullada-kuna-ta Cañete-pa ruwa-ya-n chay infirmu-kuna-paq
DMY-PL-ACC chicken.fry-PL-ACC Cañete-LOC make-PROG-3 DEM.D sick-PL-BEN
Están haciendo polladas en Cañete para esos enfermos, dice.
They're selling chicken in Cañete for the sick people, they say.
00:02:12.367 - 00:02:18.417

Kaykunapapis como limosna está buscando.
Aquí también, como limosna está buscando.
Here, too, they're looking for, like, charity.
00:02:19.162 - 00:02:21.752

Diyariyu kama diyariyu imatapis ducturqa mañarikuyantriki

Diyariyu kama diyariyu ima-ta-pis ductur-qa maña-ri-ku-ya-n-tri-ki
daily bed daily what-ACC-ADD doctor-TOP ask.for-INCEP-REFL-PROG-3-EVC-KI
Diario, cama, diario, ¿qué cosa también estará pidiendo el doctor?
Daily, the bed, daily, what else is the dortor requesting?
00:02:23.232 - 00:02:28.122

Chay mas gastuqa mas tristi. I mana alliyanqachu?

Chay mas gastu-qa mas tristi. I mana alli-ya-nqa-chu
DEM.D more expense-TOP more sad and no good-INCH-3.FUT-NEG
Eso es más gasto, más triste. Y no va a sanar.
That's more expense. It's more sad. And they're not going to get better?
00:02:29.032 - 00:02:31.442 00:02:31.752 - 00:02:33.002

Wañukunqa. Tantu gastuta ruwaykushpa.

Wañu-ku-n-qa Tantu gastu-ta ruwa-yku-shpa
die-REFL-3.FUT so.much expense-ACC make-EXCEP-SUBIS
Van a morir. tanto gasto haciendo.
They're going to die, [even though they're] spending so much.
00:02:33.897 - 00:02:36.957

Kahuntaqa ubsikiyarun risidintikunash algunus ninshi.

Kahun-ta-qa ubsikiya-ru-n risidinti-kuna-sh algunus ni-n-shi
coffin-ACC-TOP donate-URGT-3 resident-PL-EVR some say-3-EVR
El ataúd, dice, lo obsequiaron algunos residentes, dijeron algunos, dicen.
The residents [of Cañete] donated the coffin, some say, they say
00:02:37.187 - 00:02:43.907

Chayna nin. Cañete risidintikuna, Chincha, todo por allá, dice.

Chay-na ni-n Cañete risidinti-kuna Chincha
DEM.D-VRBZ say-3 Cañete resident-PL Chincha,
Así dijo. Residentes de Cañete, de Cincha, todo por allá, dijo.
So they said. Residents of Cañete, of Chincha, all over there, they say.
00:02:44.157 - 00:02:48.147

Simanata puchukurunñatrik tantu infirmupaq kayman wakman partiruptinqa. ¿Imata

Simana-ta puchuku-ru-n-ña-tri-k tantu infirmu-paq kay-man wak-man
week-ACC finish-REFL-URGT-3-DISC-EVC-K so.much sick-BEN DEM.P-ALL DEM.D-ALL
Ya terminaría la semana, tantos enfermos que han partido de aquí para allá.
¿Qué cosa va a habe TKr?
They'll have finished the week with so many sick people leaving from here to
there. What's going to be?
00:02:51.967 - 00:02:57.507

parti-ru-pti-n-qa Ima-ta ka-nqa

leave-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP what-ACC be-3.FUT

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014 2:25 PM


Pipatr kara? Sumaqlla rinrin, ¿aw? Rinrisapa. Rinrisapa kabra.

Pi-pa-tr ka-ra Sumaq-lla rinri-n aw Rinri-sapa Rinri-sapa kabra
who-GEN-EVC be-PST pretty-RSTR ear-3 yes ear-MULT.ALL ear-MULT.ALL goat
¿De quién será esto? Bonito es su oreja, ¿sí¿. Orejoncito orejón cabra.
Whose would that be? Pretty ears, no? Big-eared. Big-eared goat.
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:04.256

Fiystaman hamushpa siqaykurusha.

Fiysta-man hamu-shpa siqa-yku-ru-sha
festival-ALL come-SUbIS go.up-EXCEP-URGT-SUBIS
Vieniendo a la fiesta se ha caido.
It fell while coming to the festival.
00:00:19.108 - 00:00:21.472

Hinashpam runaqa tunan sayakachishpa ishpakuq rira.

Hinashpa-m runa-qa saya-ka-chi-shpa ishpa-ku-q ri-ra
thus-SUBIS-EVD person-TOP wait-REFL-CAUD-SUBIS urinate-REFL-AG go-PST
Su dueño, dejándolo parado en un rincón, se fue a orinar.
Its owner, leaving it standing in the corner, went to urinate.
00:00:21.918 - 00:00:26.445

Manaraqpis ishpaykuyaptinshi chayta wakchaskataña [inaudible] fiyu fiyu siqando

siqando parece atrás.
Mana-raq-pis ishpay-ku-ya-pti-n-shi chay-ta wak-cha-ska-ta-ña fiyu fiyu
Cuando no estaba orinando todavía [estaba yendo] más allá feo, feo, cayendo,
cayendo parece atrás
When he still hadn't yet urinated, [he was going] a bit further over there,
ugly, ugly, falling, falling, it seems, backwards.
00:00:26.589 - 00:00:32.986

Dentro para río se cayó. Pampa mayuman ratarun yakuman.

Pampa mayu-man rata-ru-n yaku-man
plain river-ALL land-URGT-3 water-RSTR
Dentró para río se cayó. En la pampa del río se quedó en agua.
It fell and entered the river. In the river plain it landed to the water.
00:00:33.310 - 00:00:37.689

Yaku ukupaqa lliw lliw runa ishkay wañuruptinqa runa achka.

Yaku uku-pa-qa lliw lliw runa ishkay wañu-ru-pti-n-qa runa achka
Water inside-LOC-TOP all all person two dir-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP person many
Dentro del agua todo la gente, cuando se muerieron dos personas, muchos ...
In the water, all the people, when two people died ...
00:00:38.546 - 00:00:42.438

Achka achka hurqumura. Karruwan qipa hamuq karruwan qipata hamusa huk tantu.
Achka achka hurqu-mu-ra Karru-wan qipa hamu-q karru-wan qipa-ta hamu-sa huk
many many extricate-CISL-PST car-INSTR behind come-AG car-INSTR behind-ACC
Bastante bastante sacó. Los que vienen con carro. Detrás otra cantidad.
Lots and lots took them out. They came with a care behind. Another some came
00:00:42.485 - 00:00:47.512

come-PRF one so.many

Chaywan llapan hurqumura achka achka runa ishkay runa wañuruqshata.

Chay-wan llapa-n hurqu-mu-ra achka achka runa ishkay runa wañu-ru-sha-ta
DEM.D-INSTR all-3 take.out-CISL-PST many many person two person
Con-RSTR todos han sacado bastante a-RSTRs dos que han muerto.
With that all took them out. A lot of people, those who had died.
00:00:48.188 - 00:00:52.891

Ishkay. Huk warmi, huk qari. Wañukun chaypa.

Ishkay Huk warmi huk qari Wañu-ku-n chay-pa
die-URGT-AG-PRF-ACC two one woman one man die-REFL-3 DEM.D-LOC
Dos. Un hombre y una mujer murió allí.
Two. One woman and one man died there.
00:00:53.492 - 00:00:56.667

Ishpakuq chufirnin lluqsirushpa wakhina no llegaba manaraq trayarachu

We ishpa-ku-q chufir-ni-n lluqsi-shpa wak-hina mana-raq traya-ra-chu
PHAT urinate-REFL-AG driver-EUPH-3 exit-SUBIS DEM.D-SIM
Orinar había salido su chofér. No ha llegado todavía a orinar.
When its driver got out to urinate like that he didn't arrive ... he didn't yet
manage to urinate
00:01:02.546 - 00:01:09.654

Wakhinata diriptin rirun karru.

ishpay-ku-q-pis Wak-hina-ta riya-pti-lla-n-shi ri-ru-n karru
Así retorcidiendo se fue el carro.
Like that, the car went backwards.
00:01:12.546 - 00:01:15.573

Aa, qaninpatr chayqa kara. Chaypis, este ...

Aa qanin-pa-tr chay-qa ka-ra Chay-pis
Ah, antes no más habrá sido-RSTR.
Ah, that would have been before. That, too, umm
00:01:15.850 - 00:01:20.417 00:01:20.702 - 00:01:25.282

Pampa parece pampa estaba iii. Plantash kara plantapish watakarusha.

Planta-sh planta-pis wata-ka-ru-sha
Pampa parece. Pampa está allí. Había planta, dice, en planta se ató allí paró.
It seems like pampa. There's flat ground there. There was a tree, they say. it
was tied up in the tree, they say.
00:01:25.472 - 00:01:30.539

Qarkarusha planta. Chayshi runa mana malugrakurushachu variyusqa.

Qarka-ru-sha planta Chay-shi runa mana malugra-ku-ru-sha-chu variyus-qa
interrupt-URGT-PRF tree DEM.D-EVR person no ruin-REFL-URGT-PRF-NEG various-TOP
Lo atajó planta, Allí, dice, gente no se malogró varios.
The tree stopped it. So many people weren't hurt.
00:01:30.783 - 00:01:36.688

Wañurachu este nalla kara este ...

Wañu-ra-chu na-lla ka-ra
No murió-RSTR no más había, este ...
They didn't die, umm, just .. that was ...
00:01:36.944 - 00:01:40.228

Iridulla variyus iridulla kayninkuna kayninkuna piyrnankuna pakirusha

Iridu-lla variyus iridu-lla kay-ni-n-kuna kay-ni-n-kuna piyrna-n-kuna
injured-RSTR various injured-RSTR DEM.P-EUPH-3-PL DEM.P-EUPH-3-PL leg-3-PL
Herido no más varios, golpeado du pierna todo quebrado malogrado.
Just injured, many just injured. Thier this, their this, their legs broken,
00:01:41.444 - 00:01:47.620

Umankuna, washankuna, umbrunkuna, makinkuna.

paki-ru-sha malugra-sha Uman-kuna washa-n-kuna umbrun-kuna maki-n-kuna
break-URGT-PRF ruin-PRF head-3-PL back-3-PL shoulder-3-PL hand-3-PL
Su cabeza todo, su hombro, su espalda, su mano todo.
Theire heads, their backs, their shoulders, their hands
00:01:48.120 - 00:01:51.701

Chayllash malugrarusha chaypaq manash tantu wañu wañurachu ishkay chaylla

ninchu icha huklla ninchu? Wañurun
Chay-lla-sh malugra-ru-sha chay-paq mana-sh tantu wañu wañu-ra-chu ishkay
DEM.D-RSTR-EVR ruined-URGT-PRF DEM.D-ABL no-EVR so.much die die-PST-NEG two
ASí no más, dice, era. No había tanto malogrado. Uno o dos muertos. Eso no más,
Just those wrecked. So so many didn't die, they say. Two-or-so, do they say? Or
one, do they say?
00:01:52.646 - 00:01:58.254

chay-lla nin-chu icha huk-lla nin-chu Wañurun

DEM.D-RSTR say-3-Q or one-RSTR say-3-Q die-URGT-3

Chay chayqa chaynam pasan. Kaypaqa. Chaynam karruqa kaminupaqa

Chay chay-qa chay-na-m pasa-n Kay-pa-qa Chay-na-m karru-qa
Así es así le pasó a él. Así es carro en camino.
That, that, happened like that. Here. Like that, the car in the road ...
00:02:01.364 - 00:02:06.254


llutanmi kay. Mana karruwan purinanpaq hinallam.

lliwtan-mi kay Mana karru-wan puri-na-n-paq hina-lla-m
bad-EVD DEM.P no car-INSTR walk-NMLZ-3-PURP thus-RSTR-EVD
malo es. Como para no andar en carro.
It's ugly. Not to go about with a car like that.
00:02:07.073 - 00:02:11.869

¿Imataq chayqa karru?

Ima-taq chay-qa karru
what-SEQ DEM.D-TOP car
¿Qué cosa es-RSTR carro?
What's that, car?
00:02:15.679 - 00:02:17.815

Antinatr kayqa. Hanay law antinatr. Wak antina [undecipehrable]

Antina-tr kay-qa Hanay law antina-tr Wak antina
antena-EVC DEM.P-TOP up side antena-EVC DEM.D antena
Antena será-RSTR. De lado de arriba será antena, ¿no? [Parece?] antena.
That would be the antena. It would be the antena up hill. [ it looks like] that
00:02:18.078 - 00:02:22.348

Total. Chankletata chankuruni. Parece que cuartel está.

Total Chankleta-ta chanku-ru-ni
completely sandal-ACC patch-URGT-1
Total chancleta he parchado. Parece que cuartel está, pues.
Completely, I patched [my] sandal. It looks like its a barracks.
00:02:24.646 - 00:02:28.092

Iglisiyatapis tumaramushanki
Iglisiya-ta-pis tuma-ra-mu-sha-nki
church-ACC-ADD take-URGT-CISL-PRF-2
Ah, de la iglesia también habías tomado.
Ah, you took [photos] of the church, too
00:02:28.416 - 00:02:31.133

Iglisiyatapis wak grabarusankimiki chayna manachu sumaq kayan.

Iglisiya-ta-pis wak graba-ru-sa-nki-mi-ki chay-na mana-chu sumaq ka-ya-n
church-ACC-ADD DEM.D record-URGT-PRF-2-EVD-KI chayna no-Q pretty be-PROG-3
Hubieras debido grabar la iglesia también. Allí está bonito,
You should have recorded the church, too. It's really pretty there,
00:02:31.295 - 00:02:35.199

Ah, sumaq, sumaq. Iglisiyallaqa lliw tunashamá kayan.

Ah sumaq sumaq Iglisiya-lla-qa tuni-sha-m-a ka-ya-n
Ah, pretty pretty church-RSTR-TOP demolish-PRF-EVD-EMPH be-PROG-3
Ah, bonito bonito. La iglesia está completamente derrumbada.
Ah, really pretty. The church is all demolished.
00:02:36.876 - 00:02:40.037

Tunisha. Rahasha lliw lliw ukunkunapis, lliw malugraw.

Tuni-sha Raha-sha lliw lliw uku-n-kuna-pis lliw malugraw
demolish-PRF crack-PRF all all inside-3-PL-ADD all ruined
Desrrumbada. Rajada por dentro también, completamente malograda.
Demolished. Cracked on the inside, too. Completely demolished.
00:02:40.341 - 00:02:44.976

Qawankunapis lliw kampanankunapis pakiyamunñam saqaykarunqatriki.

Qawa-n-kuna-pis lliw kampana-n-kuna-pis paki-ya-mu-n-ña-m
above-3-PL-ADD all bell-2-PL-ADD break-PROG-CISL-3-DISC-EVD
Encima también su campana está rota. ¿Ya se caerá?
On top of it, too. Its bell and everything, too. broke. Will it fall?
00:02:45.801 - 00:02:49.490


Chayninkunapis chayninkunapis rahasha kayan manachu.

Chay-ni-n-kuna-pis chay-ni-n-kuna-pis raha-sha ka-ya-n mana-chu
Todo su aquí todo su aquí está rajado, ¿no?
Its those, its those are cracked. No?
00:02:49.909 - 00:02:53.138

Tirrimutuwanmiki lliw lliw chaywamiki timblurwanmiki wak narun.

Tirrimutu-wan-mi-ki lliw lliw timblur-wan-mi-ki wak na-ru-n
earthquake-INSTR-EVD-KI all all earthquake-INSTR-EVD-KI DEM.D DMY-URGT-3
Aha, con terremotos, con temblores, todo se hizo así.
aha, with earthquakes, with earthquakes that did that.
00:02:55.841 - 00:03:00.231

Hinashpa saqaykunchu antis chayñallas kayanraq.

Hina-shpa saqa-yku-n-chu antis chay-ña-lla-s ka-ya-n-raq
then come.down-EXCEP-3-NEG before DEM.D-DISC-RSTR-ADD be-PROG-3-CONT
Entonces no se caye así no más está de antes
So it doesn't fall down. It's like that still from before.
00:03:01.744 - 00:03:04.582

Manam. Ñuqaqa kasarakura: datariyallapam.

Mana-m Ñuqa-qa kasa-ra-ku-ra-: datariya-lla-pa-m
no-EVD 1-TOP marry-REFL-PST-1 town.hall-RSTR-LOC-EVD
no, no, yo me he casado en municipalidad no más.
No, no. I got married in the town hall.
00:03:08.089 - 00:03:11.871

Datariyash mas valin. Iglesia, no, dice.

Datariya-sh mas vali-n
town.hall-EVR more be.worth-3
La municipalidad, dice, vale más. Iglesia, no, dice.
Town hall, they say, is worth more, they say. Not the church, they say.
00:03:12.871 - 00:03:15.519

Misaman rinchikmiki. Llapanchik iglisiyamanqa.

Misa-man ri-nchik-mi-ki Llapa-nchik iglisiya-man-qa
mass-ALL go-1PL-EVD-KI all-1PL church-ALL-TOP
A misa vamos. Todos vamos a la iglesia.
We go to mass. All of us go to church.
00:03:23.995 - 00:03:27.763

Chay ivanhilistalla manam rinchu. Chaypaq manash kunvininchu.

Chay ivanhilista-lla mana-m ri-n-chu Chay-paq mana-sh kunvini-n-chu
DEM.D evangelical-RSTR no-EVD go-3-NEG DEM.D-BEN no-EVR agree-3-NEG
Esos evangelistas no más no van. A ellos no les conviene, dice.
Only those evangelists don't go. It doesn't benefit them, they say.
00:03:28.521 - 00:03:33.466

Qam manachu ivahilista kanki? Fiystakunapaq tushukunkitr, ¿aw?

Qam mana-chu ivahilista ka-nki Fiysta-kuna-paq tushu-ku-nki-tr aw
2 no-Q evangelical be-2 festival-PL-LOC dance-REFL-2-EVC yes
¿Ud. no eres evangelista? En las fiestas y todo bailas, ¿no?
You're not evangelist? You dance at the festivals and all, no?
00:03:33.831 - 00:03:36.466 00:03:37.081 - 00:03:39.134

Tushukushpa purikunchik. Upiyakushpa sirvisata.

Tushu-ku-shpa puri-ku-nchik Upiya-ku-shpa sirvisa-ta
dance-REFL-SUBIS walk-REFL-1PL drink-REFL-SUBIS beer-ACC
Bailando se anda. Tomando cerveza.
We go about dancing, drinking beer.
00:03:40.255 - 00:03:45.796

Ah, chamistatr munanki? Manatr sirvisata? ¿Imanaptin?

Ah chamis-ta-tr muna-nki Mana-tr sirvisa-ta Ima-na-pti-n
Ah, chamis-ACC-EVC want-2 no-EVC beer-ACC what-VRBZ-SUBDS-3
Chamis estarás queriendo Ud. ¿No cerveza? Ah, por qué?
You'd be wanting chamis. Not beer? Ah, why?
00:03:47.978 - 00:03:51.017 00:03:52.652 - 00:03:54.679

Ñuqakunaqa sivisatam tumapakun.

Ñuqa-kuna-qa sivisa-ta-m tuma-paku-n
1-PL-TOP beer-ACC-EVD take-PL-3
Nosotros tomamos cerveza.
We drink beer.
00:03:57.415 - 00:03:59.739

Fiystapaqa. Sivisatam upiyanchik ñuqanchikkuna.

Fiysta-pa-qa Sivisa-ta-m upiya-nchik ñuqanchik-kuna
festival-LOC-TOP beer-ACC-EVD drink-1PL 1PL-PL
En las fiestas. Cerveza tomamos nosotros.
In the festivals. We drink beer.
00:03:59.917 - 00:04:03.597

Ass, ¿Pipam vakan chayqa? Sumaq vaka, ¿aw?
Ass Pi-pa-m vaka-n chay-qa Sumaq vaka aw
Ass, who-GEN-EVD cow-3 DEM.D-TOP pretty cow yes
Ass, ¿de quién es esa vaca? Bonito vaca, ¿no?
Ass, whose cow is that? Pretty cow, no?
00:04:04.148 - 00:04:05.850 00:04:12.404 - 00:04:13.660

Kuyayllapaqtaq sayarando allí, ¿no? Filapaq pwintipa pasayamun.

Kuya-y-lla-paq-taq saya-ra fila-paq pwinti-pa pasa-ya-mu-n
love-INF-RSTR-ABL-SEQ stand-UNINT- line-ABL bridge-LOC pass-PROG-CISL-3
Bonito parando allí. En fila están pasando el puente.
Lovely, standing there, ¿no? They're passing over the bridge in line.
00:04:14.870 - 00:04:17.437 00:04:18.369 - 00:04:21.342

¿May kabra chaypis? Lichillanpis wayakuyan.

May kabra chay-pis Lichi-lla-n-pis waya-ku-ya-n
where goat DEM.D-ADD milk-RSTR-3-ADD fill.with liquid-REFL-PROG-3
Cabra, ¿dónde ésa? Su lechita, también, está empozando.
Goat, where're they? It's milk, too, must be filling up.
00:04:21.707 - 00:04:25.464

Chawakunanpaq wawallanpis kakuyan.

Chawa-ku-na-n-paq wawa-lla-n-pis ka-ku-ya-n
Está para lechearse. Tiene cría.
It needs to be ,ilked. It has its young, too.
00:04:28.409 - 00:04:30.612

Valeriopa kabran siguru Valeriopa kabran rikuqtaq.

Valerio-pa kabra-n siguru Valerio-pa kabra-n rikuq-taq
Valerio-GEN goat-3 surely Valerio-GEN goat-3 class-SEQ
Las cabras de Valerio, seguro. Parecen ser las cabras de Valerio.
Valerio's goats, for sure. The type of Valerio's goats.
00:04:33.172 - 00:04:35.280 00:04:36.218 - 00:04:37.698

UGELlla kayan chayqa. UGELlla kay karritirapitr chayqa. ¿Maypatr? ¿Mayupachu?

UGEL-lla kaya-n chay-qa UGEL-lla kay karritira-pi-tr chay-qa May-pa-tr
school-RSTR be-PROG-3 DEM.D-TOP school-RSTR DEM.P road-LOC-EVC DEM.D-TOP
UGEL no más-RSTR. UGEL, no más, acá en la carretera, seguro. ¿Dónde? En el río?
That's just the school. It would be the school here in the road. Where? In the
00:04:38.644 - 00:04:45.009

where-LOC-EVC river-LOC-Q

Altu puriqmi. Karritirantri pa nanta unay kaminuta. Aa, rinmi [?]
altu puri-q-mi Karritira-n-tri pa na-n-ta unay kaminu-ta Aa, ri-n-mi.
high walk-AG-EVD road-3-EVC pa DMY-3-ACC before road-ACC yes go-3-EVD
Los que andaba por encima por carretera por camino antiguo. Ah, va [por allí].
Those who walked up hill. The road's umm ... old road. Ah, it goes [there?].
00:04:49.191 - 00:04:54.866

Hardintri chayqa. Hardin wambrakuna rikuqtaq kayan.

Hardin-tri chay-qa Hardin wambra-kuna rikuq-taq ka-ya-n
garden-EVC DEM.D-TOP garden child-PL class-SEQ be-PROG-3
jardín será-RSTR. Parece niños del jardín está.
That would be the kinder garden. They seem like kindergardeners.
00:04:55.730 - 00:05:00.271

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Chocos_JM_Kallwa.eaf
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 2:24 PM


También ruwakuyta munaya: Tilarwan. Este es kallwa.

ruwa-ku-y-ta muna-ya.: tilar-wan
También quiero hacerlo. Con telar. Este es kallwa.
I also want to do it. With a loom. This is a back loom.
00:00:02.460 - 00:00:04.270 00:00:05.360 - 00:00:08.440

Yuyaray llapa hamukuyay. WW

Yuya-ra-y llapa hamu-ku-ya-y
remember-TK-TK all come-REFL-TK-TK
Recordando yo vendría.
Remembering, I'd come.
00:00:08.720 - 00:00:11.930

Hinashpaqa trayamushpaqaqa qallakuykushaq

Hinashpa-qa traya-mu-shpa-qa qalla-ku-yku-shaq
Ah, llegando empezaría
Then, when I arrive, I'll start.
00:00:12.483 - 00:00:16.261

Imamishta kaspin kayan?

Ima-mish-ta kaspi-n ka-ya-n
what-COMP-ACC stick-3 be-PROG-3
¿Qué cosa su palo era?
How are their sticks?
00:00:18.616 - 00:00:20.489

Quiero ver en video siquiera. No me hace ver nadies.

Quiero ver en video siquiera. No me hace ver nadies.
I want to see, even if only in video.
00:00:20.646 - 00:00:23.482

Rikachimunmantriki. Más rápido dice que es. No es como este.

Me pueden hacer ver. Más rápido dice que es. No es como este.
They could show me. They say it's faster. Not like this.
00:00:24.743 - 00:00:26.431 00:00:26.583 - 00:00:29.039

Chukashpallam chaytaqa ruwanchik, dijo. Kaylla rikarishaq

Chuka-shpa-lla-m chay-ta-qa ruwa-nchik Kay-lla rika-ri-shaq
Machicando ya hay que hacerlo, dicen. Voy a ver eso no más.
You have to make crushing, they say. I'm going to see just that.
00:00:31.235 - 00:00:33.333 00:00:33.978 - 00:00:35.662

Manam kaytaqa pisiyachimarachu. Mama:mi awakura.

Mana-m kay-ta-qa pisi-ya-chi-ma-ra-chu Mama-:-mi awa-ku-ra
no-EVD DEM.P-ACC-TOP little-INCH-CAUS-1.OBJ-PST-NEG mother-1 weave-REFL-PST
No me lo menoraron. Mi mamá tejía.
They didn't reduce it for me. My mother wove.
00:00:35.784 - 00:00:38.966

Mi mamá hacía todo. Poncho. Hacía cama.

Mi mamá hacía todo. Ponchos. Hacía frazadas.
My mother made everything. Ponchos. She made blankets.
00:00:40.308 - 00:00:45.308

Hacía manta. Yo así miraba de lejos. ¿Cómo se hará eso?

Hacía mantas. Yo así miraba de lejos. ¿Cómo se hará eso?
She made shawls. I watched like that from afar. How would you do that
00:00:45.440 - 00:00:50.680

Imamishiraq ruwanchik, wak akraytaq, dije. Kay hurquyan hatun hatun

Ima mishi-raq wak ruwa-nchik wak akra-y-taq Kay hurqu-ya-n hatun hatun
what sweet-CONT DEM.D make-1.PL DEM.D choose-INF-SEQ DEM.P extract-PROG-3 big
¿Cómo se hace para escoger? Está sacando estrellas muy grandes.
How do you do it to choose, I said. She's extracting very big stars.
00:00:50.900 - 00:00:58.180

big star-PL-ACC

Hurquyan. Entonces, yo no me antojaba. Manam antuhara:chu. Qungaytaq

Hurqu-ya-n Mana-m antuha-ra-:-chu Qunga-y-taq
extract-PROG-3 no-EVD tempt-PST-1 forget-INF-ACC
Está sacando. Entonces, yo no me antojaba. No me antojaba. Olvidar.
She's extracting them. Then, it didn't appeal to me. It didn't appeal to me.
Forget it.
00:00:58.500 - 00:01:07.100

Achkaña qaytu: kayan. Puchkasha:. Qallakuykusha: diciendo Allukuyta qallakuyku:

Hinashpam awakushpa kayan awaytaq. Ah, fácil.
Achka-ña qaytu-: ka-ya-n Puchka-sha:-. Qalla-ku-yku-sha-: Allu-ku-y-ta
a.lot-DISC thread-1 be-PROG-3 spin-PRF-1 begin-REFL-EXCEP-PRF-1kuykusha:
Tengo bastante hilo ya. Lo que hilé. Voy a empezar diciendo, empezé a urdir.
Ah, así tejiendo ya es fácil tejer.
I have a lot of thread already. What I span. Saying, I'm going to start, I
started to string it. Then, weaving, weaving is easy!
00:01:07.300 - 00:01:22.700

qalla-ku-yku-: Hinashpa awa-ku-shpa ka-ya-n awa-y-taq

weave-REFL-INF-ACC begin-REFL-EXCEP-1 then weave-REFL-SUBIS be-PROG-3


Así palo, así palo. Akray pues pirdió. Pirdirunmari. Chinkarachiman. Wamaqtri
Akra-y Pirdi-ru-n-m-ari Chinka-ra-chi-ma-n Wamaq-tri lluqsi-ru-nqa
weave-INF lose-URGT-3-EVD-EMPH lose-PASSAC-CAUS-1.OBJ-3 a.lot-EVC
Así palo. Así palo. Escoger, pies, perdió. Puede hacer perder. Mucho va a salir.
Like that, stick; like that, stick. Choose, then. It's lost! It's lost, then.
It can make you lose it. Lots is going to come out.
00:01:22.800 - 00:01:37.300


Wamaqtriki richasaramanqatriki runas Ima nimangatriki. Akraykurushaq. Hukta

Wamaq-tri-ki richasa-ra-ma-nqa-tr kanan runa-s Ima ni-ma-nga-tri-ki
a.lot-EVC-KI reject-URGT-1.OBJ-3.FUT now person-ADD what say-1.OBJ-3.FUT-EVC-KI
Mal seguro. Me rechazará gente también. ¿Qué cosa es, me dirá? Voy a escoger,
uno dos, siquiera.
Bad, for sure. People, too, are going to reject it on me. What [is it] they'll
say to me. I'm going to choose. If only just one or two.
00:01:39.050 - 00:01:51.950

Akra-yku-ru-shaq Huk-ta ishkay-lla-ta-pis


Otro, otro, otro, otro. Rishaqmi. ¿Cómo? Aprender telar, no más, pues.
Chayllatañam faltayaman.
Ri-shaq-mi Chay-lla-ta-ña-m falta-ya-ma-n
Otro, otro, otro. Voy a ir. ¿Cómo? Aprender telar, no más, pues. Nada más-RSTR
me falta, ya.
ANother, another, another, another. I'm going to go. How? Just to learn [to
weave on a] loom, then. I'm missing just that.
00:01:56.400 - 00:02:17.700

Tilarwan hukchu kayna ruwan, ¿aw? Chayta munaya: chaynatriki

Tilar-wan huk-chu kay-na ruwa-n aw Chay-ta muna-ya-: chay-na-tri-ki
loom-INSTR one-ALT DEM.P-VRBZ make-3 yes DEM.D-ACC want-PROG-1 DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC-KI
Con telar, qué va a ser así, ¿no? Eso quiero. Así sería.
With a loom, how are you going to do it like this? No? I want that. It would be
like that.
00:02:18.050 - 00:02:36.250

Fututa tumaykushpañapis Apamunkimanmi. Para que me muestras, pues. Kayhinam

kayan altupaq telar, pues. Para que me digas, pues. Eso, pues, yo quiero.
Futu-ta tuma-yku-shpa-ña-pis Apa-mu-nki-man-mi Kay-hina-m ka-ya-n altu-paq
Tomando foto siquiera, me puedes traer. Para que me muestres, pues. Así está en
alto. Telar para que me digas, pues.Eso, pues, yo quiero.
Even just taking a picture, you could bring it to me. So you can show me, then.
That's the way a loom from up hill is, then. So that you tell me, then. That's
what I want, then.
00:02:37.050 - 00:02:53.950

be-PROG-3 high-ABL loom

Bonito hacen, traen manta. Qampas mas mihur. Ese es para manta ... Ese de ...
para cargar, como para pañalunpaq. Llikllakur, pues. Ispaldanchik quninanpaqyari
Qam-pa-s mas mihur pañalun-paq Lliklla-ku-r Ispalda-nchik
you-GEN-ADD more better ... shawl-PURP shawl-REFL-INF back-1.PL
Bonito hacen. Traen mantas. La tuya es mejor. Ese es para manta. Ese de ...
para cargar, como para pañalón. Mantas, pues. Para calentar nuestras espaldas.
They make, they bring pretty shawls. Your's, too, is better. That's for shawls.
It's of ... for carrying. Like for pañalón. To dress in a shawl, then. To warm
our backs, then.
00:02:54.800 - 00:03:14.400


Kayna. Ashuchinamik kayqa kayan. Sumaq sumaq. Apritaditu kananpaq. Tulluwan.

Chumina. Saruna.
Kay-na Ashu-chi-na-mi-k kay-qa ka-ya-n Sumaq sumaq Apritaditu ka-na-n-paq
DEM.P-VRBZ approach-CAUS-NMLZ-EVD-K DEM.P-TOP be-PROG-3 pretty pretty
Así, tenemos que acercar-RSTR. Muy bonito. Apretadito no más para que esté..
Con hueso. Arrimar. Pisar.
Like that. You have to bring them close together. Nice, nice. So that it's nice
and tight. Chumina. Saruna.
00:03:16.100 - 00:03:43.500

Tullu-wan Chumi-na Saru-na

tight be-NMLZ-3-PURP bone-INSTR pass.thead.through.on.stick-NMLZ step-NMLZ

Mmm, millwa rantisha. Uyqapa millwan rantishpam kaytaq ruwanchik. Chaynam

ruwakullay. Yanapis, yuraqpis. Kaylla kachunqa.
Mmm millwi ranti-sha Uyqa-pa millwa-n ranti-shpa-m kay-taq ruwa-nchik Chay-na-m
Mmm, wool buy-PRF sheep-GEN wool-3 buy-SUBIS-EVD DEM.P-SEQ make-1.PL
Mmm, lana comprado. Esto hacemos comprando lana de oveja. Así no más lo que se
hace. Negro, blanco también. Qué sea así.
Mmm, bought yarn. When we buy sheep wool, we make this. What's made is like
that. Black and white. Let it be like that.
00:03:52.500 - 00:04:06.800

ruwa-ku-lla-y Yana-pis yuraq-pis Kay-na ka-chun-qa [?]


Escoje, pues. Sumaq, sumaq. Sí, pues. Porque chinkarushpa mana iskuhiptikiqa Ya
salió falso ya. Sumaqlla kayan durasnupa murunmi kayqa.
chinka-ru-shpa mana iskuhi-pti-ki-qa Sumaq-lla kay dulur kay-qa
lose-URGT-SUBIS no choose-SUBDS-2-TOP pretty-RSTR DEM-P color DEM.P-TOP
Escoje, pues. Bonito, bonito. Sí, pues. Porqué si no escoges, pierde. Y ya
salió falso ya, Bonito no más está. Durazno su pepa es esta.
They coose, then. Nicely. Yes, then. Because when you don't choose, it's lost.
It already came out wrong. It's nice -- this is peach pits.
00:04:11.700 - 00:04:35.650

Sumaq-lla ka-ya-n durasnu-pa murun-mi kay-qa

pretty-RSTR be-PROG-3 peach-GEN brown-EVD DEM.P-TOP

Makilla: mana kamanchu makilla: mana kamanchu. ¿Manachu kanikun?
Maki-lla-: mana ka-ma-n-chu maki-lla-: mana ka-ma-n-chu Mana-chu kani-ku-n
hand-RSTR-1 no be-1.OBJ-3-NEG hand-RSTR-1 no be-1.OBJ-3-NEG no-Q bite-REFL-3
Mi mano pues no alcanza. Mi mano, pues, no alcanza. ¿No muerde?
My hand doesn't reach. My hand doesn't reach. HE doesn't bite?
00:04:37.875 - 00:05:02.275

Tipirun kay qaytuqa. Pulillawtri tri kara. ¿Cómo va a aparecer mal, digo?
Tipiru-n kay qaytu-qa Pulillaw-tri ka-ra
break-3 DEM.P thread-TOP moth-EVC be-PST
Este hilo se rompió. Seguro sería con pulilla. ¿Cómo va a aprecer mal, digo?
This thread broke. It was a moth, for sure. How is going to look bad, I say.
00:05:24.075 - 00:05:36.875

Uchukllaqa difisilmari. Sí demora bastante para hacer pasar. No es como grande.

Uchuk-lla-qa difisil-m-ari Pasa-n-chu
small-RSTR-TOP difficult-EVD-EMPH pass-3-NEG
Los chiquititos son difíciles, pues. Se demora bastante para hacer pasar. No es
como grande. No pasa.
The little small ones are hard, then. You take a long time to make them pass
through. It's not like the big ones. It doesn't pass through.
00:05:40.775 - 00:06:07.675

Pitaq llikllaykitaq ruwara? Quiero ver. Comprando midiendo puedo hacer, pue,
cuando veo. Si no veo, qué cosa voy a hacer, pues. Telar también no conozco,
pues. ¿Qué cosa será ese? ¿Kallwa será ó palo será? ¿Fierro será? Ese telar no
más yo quiero.
Pi-taq lliklla-yki-taq ruwa-ra
who-SEQ shawl-2-ACC make-PST
¿Quién hizo tu manta? Quiero ver. Comprando, midiendo, puedo hacer, pues,
cuando veo. Si no veo, ¿qué cosa voy a hacer, pues? Telar también no conozco,
pues. ¿Qué cosa será ese? ¿Kallwa será ó palo será? ¿Fierro será? Ese telar no
más yo quiero.
Who made your shawl? If I don't see it, what am I going to do? I don't know
looms, either. What would that be? Would it be back loom or stick? Would it be
iron? I just want that loom.
00:06:08.175 - 00:06:32.725

Chaytatrik apamunkimanmi. Rikachimanaykipaq. Chaytaq kanan pachatriki

ñakapakuya:man kara. Wataru:mantri kara.
Chay-ta-tri-k apa-mu-nki-man-mi Rika-chi-ma-na-yki-paq Chay-taq kanan
Ese me puedes traer, pues.. Para que me hagas ver. Con-RSTR pues, ahorita
estaría sufriendo, Lo hubiera amarrado, pues..
You could bring me that. So you can show me. At this date, I could be suffering
that, I might have tied it.
00:06:33.350 - 00:06:48.950

pacha-tri-ki ñaka-paku-ya-:-man ka-ra Wata-ru-:-man-tri ka-ra
era-EVC-KI suffer-MUTBEN-PROG-1-COND be-PST tie-URGT-1-COND be-PST

Kaytas hitarishpatriki. Purikushanman. Wayrapiyachin. Wayrapayachin

Kay-ta-s hita-ri-shpa-tri-ki Puri-ku-sha-n-man
Esto también hubiera botado. Estaría anadando. Me estoy refrescándome con aire.
Estoy tomando aire.
00:06:49.750 - 00:07:04.350

Rachi, rachi rachi. Apamunkimantri kara.

Rachi, rachi rachi. Apa-mu-nki-man-tri ka-ra
Rachi, rachi rachi. bring-CISL-2-COND-EVC be-PST
Rachi, rachi, rachi. Me hubieras traido, pues.
racho, rachi, rachi. You should have brought it to me, then.
00:07:06.350 - 00:07:24.250 00:07:29.200 - 00:07:43.500

Kayhina akrapti:mi wayta lluqsinqa, sino malugrarungamiki. Akrapti:, kayhina

Kay-hina akra-pti-:-mi wayta lluqsi-nqa sino malugra-ru-nga-mi-ki Akra-pti-:
DEM.P-SIM choose-SUBDS-1-EVD flower come.out-3.FUT otherwise
Cuando escojo así, va salir flor. Si no se malogrará, pues. Cuando escojo,
cuando recojo [uno por uno].
When I choose like this, a flower comes out. If not, it's going to be ruined.
When I choose, when I collect them like this.
00:07:58.300 - 00:08:20.850

kay-hina palla-pti-:
ruin-EXCEP-3.FUT-EVD-KI choose-SUBDS-1 DEM.P-SIM collect-SUBDS-1

Pallashaqmik chaytaqa. Pitaq trayamun? Asikurulla:.

Palla-shaq-mi-k chay-ta-qa Pi-taq traya-mu-n Asi-ku-ru-lla-:
collect-1.FUT-EVD-K DEM.D-ACC-TOP who-SEQ arrive-CISL-3 laugh-REFL-URGT-RSTR-1
Voy a recojer, pues,-RSTR. ¿Quién viene? Me he reido.
I'm going to collect those. Who came? I've laughed.
00:08:21.650 - 00:08:45.875

Ve, yaykurunñamiki. Qala siki lluqsirunqa.

Ve yayku-ru-n-ña-mi-ki Qala siki lluqsi-ru-nqa
look enter-URGT-3-DISC-EVD-KI naked rear come.out-URGT-3.FUT
Ve, ya entró. ahora poto calato saldrá.
See, he already enetered, then. Naked-butt is going to come out.
00:08:55.462 - 00:09:05.862

Qala qala vidiyuqa. Qala sikis sikinpis chipliyaptintri

Qala qala vidiyu-qa Qala sikis siki-n-pis chipli-ya-pti-n-tri
naked naked video-TOP naked rear rear-3-ADD sparkle-PROG-SUBDS-3-EVC
Calato calato en video. Siki-Calato. Cuando brilla su poto.
Naked naked [in] the video. Naked-Butt when his butt, too, sparkles.
00:09:06.362 - 00:09:17.762

Lluqsimuptin. Saqakuykushaq trakrakunata. Yantakunaman.

Lluqsi-mu-pti-n Saqa-ku-yku-shaq trakra-kuna-ta Yanta-kuna-man
come.out-CISL-SUBDS-3 descend-REFL-EXCEP-1.FUT field-PL-ACC Yantakunaman.
Cuando termino me voy a ir a chacra. A leña todo.
When I finish, I'm going to go to the fields. [to collect] firewood and all.
00:09:31.862 - 00:09:39.462

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Hongos_HS_Various.eaf
Friday, August 8, 2014 11:42 AM


Hay que sembrar.
We have to plant
00:00:00.570 - 00:00:02.640

Talpukushun. Sibadakta, avasta talpukushun.

talpu-ku-shun sibada-kta avas-ta talpu-ku-shun
plant-REFL-1PL.FUT barley-ACC broad.beans-ACC plant-REFL-1PL.FUT
Hay que sembrar. Hay que sembrar cebada y havas.
We have to plant. We have to plant barley and broad beans.
00:00:02.960 - 00:00:06.920

Los demás lliw limpuña talputamun.

lliw limpu-ña talpu-tamu-n
all all-DISC plant-IRREV-3
Los demás gentes ya ha sembrado todo.
The other people have already planted everything.
00:00:07.430 - 00:00:09.580

Doña Sulterapaq tuki tuki kashallañatr kayan [inaudible]

Doña Sultera-paq tuki tuki ka-sha-lla-ña-tr ka-ya-n
Doña Sultera-GEN pretty pretty be-PRF-RSTR-DISC-EVC be-PROG-3
Lo de Dona Sultera ya será bonito.
Doña Sultera's must already be really nice.
00:00:10.080 - 00:00:12.690

Tuki tuki kashallañatr sibadanqa virdillañatr kayan.

tuki tuki ka-sha-lla-ña-tr sibada-n-qa virdi-lla-ña-tr ka-ya-n
pretty pretty be-PRF-RSTR-DISC-EVC barley-3-TOP green-RSTR-DISC-EVC be-PROG-3
Bonito bonito ya estará -- verde no más.
Her barley must already be nice and green.
00:00:12.690 - 00:00:15.530

Wayrawan pukllayantri ñuqanchikqa chay imaytaq talpushun?

wayra-wan puklla-ya-n-tri ñuqa-nchik-qa chay imay-taq talpu-shun
winf-INSTR play-PROG-3-EVC 1-1PL-TOP DEM.D when-SEQ plant-1PL.FUT
Ya estará jugando con el viento. Y nosotros, ¿cuándo vamos a sembrar?
It must already be playing with the wind. When are we going to plant?
00:00:15.700 - 00:00:18.710

¿Imaytaq talpushun? Sulderallaktatr lutupakushun.

imay-taq talpu-shun Suldera-lla-kta-tr lutu-paku-shun
when-SEQ plant-1PL.FUT Suldera-RSTR-ACC-EVC reap-MUTBEN-1PL.FUT
¿Cuándo hay que sembrar? Vamos a segar lo de Sultera no más.
When do we have to plant? We're going to reap just Sultera's.
00:00:19.390 - 00:00:20.910 00:00:20.950 - 00:00:23.510

Toledollaktatr lutupakunki.
Toledo-lla-kta-tr lutu-paku-nki
Vas a segar lo de Toledo no más.
You're going to reap just Toledo's.
00:00:23.900 - 00:00:26.640

Ñuqa waqtapakushaq ñuqa wayrachipakushaq. Imahinatr kashun?

ñuqa waqta-paku-shaq ñuqa wayra-chi-paku-shaq ima-hina-tr ka-shun
1 beat-MUTBEN-1.FUT 1 wind-CAUS-MUTBEN-1.FUT what-COMP-EVC be-1PL.FUT
Yo voy a golpear; yo voy a ventear. Como también estaremos?
I'm going to hit it; I'm going to winnow it. What will we be like?
00:00:26.670 - 00:00:29.220 00:00:29.800 - 00:00:31.110

Wallpalla paqwakuyan sibadakta.

wallpa-lla paqwa-ku-ya-n sibada-kta
chicken-RSTR finish-REFL-PROG_3 barley-ACC
Gallina no más está acabando cebada
Just a chiken is finishing off the barley.
00:00:31.940 - 00:00:34.070

Wallpalla allqulla paqwakuyan sibadakta

wallpa-lla allqu-lla paqwa-ku-ya-n sibada-kta
chicken-RSTR dog-RSTR finish-REFL-PROG-3 barley-ACC
Gallina y perro está acabando cebada
Just a chicken, just a dog are finishing off the barley.
00:00:34.580 - 00:00:37.620

Ni trakraman kutikunlaqchu.
ni trakra-man kuti-ku-n-laq-chu
nor field-ALL return-REFL-2-CONT-NEG
Para chacra todavía no vuelve
He still hasn't gone back to the field.
00:00:37.640 - 00:00:39.630

¿Imakta mikushun? Arrus, fidiyus manañam kansalu:ñam

ima-kta miku-shun arrus fidiyus mana-ña-m kansa-lu-:-ña-m
what-ACC eat-1PL.FUT rice pasta no-DISC-EVD tire-URGT-1-DISC-EVD
Qué cosa vamos a comer? Arros fideo ya me cansé.
What are we going to eat? Rice, pasta, no. I'm already tired [of them].
00:00:39.900 - 00:00:44.200

Manañam gustamanchu.
mana-ña-m gusta-ma-n-chu
no-DISC-EVD be.pleasing-1OBJ-3-NEG
No me gusta
I don't like them.
00:00:44.500 - 00:00:46.220

Apuray talpumushun ukucha walmiki limpu limpu sibadakta

apuray talpu-mu-shun ukucha walmi-ki limpu limpu sibada-kta
quickly plant-CISL-1PL.FUT mouse woman-2 all all barley-ACC
Vamos a sembrar rápido. Tu mujer pericote todo todo la cebada
We're going to plant quickly. Your mouse wife all the barley
00:00:46.350 - 00:00:49.360

Había acabado
has finished off.
00:00:49.720 - 00:00:50.800

Avastapis salaktapis ukucha waynayki paqwalusha.

avas-ta-pis sala-kta-pis ukucha wayna-yki paqwa-lu-sha
broad.beans-ACC-ADD corn-ACC-ADD mouse lover-2 finish-URGT-PRF
Havas, maíz -- ese pericote tu mujer había acabado
Broad beans, corn -- your mouse wife has finished them off.
00:00:51.010 - 00:00:54.010
Waynayki waynayki nimanki ñuqakta. Manam wayna:qa watranchu.
wayna-yki wayna-yki ni-ma-nki ñuqa-kta mana-m wayna-:-qa watra-n-chu
lover-2 lover-2 say-1.OBJ-2 1-ACC no-EVD lover-1-TOP give.birth-3-NEG
Para mi me dices tu amante tu amante. Mi amante no para.
Your lover, your lover you say to me. My lover doesn't give birth.
00:00:54.420 - 00:00:57.750

Wayna:qa. Qampa waynayki nimanki, Qampam waynaykiqa.

wayna-:-qa qam-pa wayna-yki ni-ma-nki qam-pa-m wayna-yki-qa
lover-1-TOP 2-GEN lover-2 say-1.OBJ-2 2-GEN-EVD lover-2-TOP
Mi amante. Tu amante me dices Es tu amante.
My lover. Your lover you say to me, It's your lover.
00:00:58.320 - 00:01:01.130 00:01:01.130 - 00:01:02.690

Qampam chay chay watrala.

qam-pa-m chay chay watra-la
2-GEN-EVD DEM.D DEM.D give.birth-PST
Ese de Ud. ha parido.
Yours, that one gave birth.
00:01:02.790 - 00:01:05.500

Rupa:pa chawpimpa watralula.

rupa-:-pa chawpim-pa watra-lu-la
clothes-1-LOC center-LOC give.birth-URGT-PST
En medio de mi ropa ha parido.
It gave birth in the middle of my clothes.
00:01:05.500 - 00:01:07.530

Hinashpa qam pubrisita muntunashpa. Qunilachinki.

hina-shpa qam pubrisita muntuna-shpa quni-la-chi-nki
so 2 poor.thing pile.up-SUBIS warm-URGT-CAUS-2
Después, tú, pobrecito, había montonado Habías hecho calentar
Then, you, poor thing, had piled up You heated up
00:01:07.980 - 00:01:10.910 00:01:11.140 - 00:01:12.440

Lachapapa hawanpi. Hinaptin qunirishpaqa.

lachapa-pa hawan-pi hinaptin quni-ri-shpa-qa
Lachapa-GEN above-LOC so warm-INCEP-SUBIS-TOP
Encima de Lachapa. Después cuando calentó
Above Lachapa. Then, when it heated up,
00:01:12.440 - 00:01:13.930 00:01:14.050 - 00:01:15.670

Limpu limpu wakman kaymantri utrkuman ushtulilun,

limpu limpu wak-man kay-man-tri utrku-man ushtu-li-lu-n
all all DEM.D-ALL DEM.P-ALL-EVC hole-ALL
Todo, todo, para allá, para acá se metió en hueco.
All, all, over there, over here, he got into a hole.
00:01:15.740 - 00:01:18.190

Wakman kayman lilun. Diripinti likaliptinqa kashañachu.

wak-man kay-man li-lu-n diripinti lika-li-pti-n-qa ka-sha-ña-chu
Para allá para acá se fue. De repente cuando miró ya no había
It went over there, over here. Suddenly, when he looked, it wasn't there.
00:01:18.230 - 00:01:21.840

Qampa waynayki niman.

qam-pa wayna-yki ni-ma-n
2-GEN lover-2 say-1.OBJ-3
Tu wayna me dices.
Your lover, you say to me.
00:01:24.320 - 00:01:26.580

Mana urquqa urqu ratuqa ukuchaqa watranchu.

mana urqu-qa urqu ratu-qa ukucha-qa watra-n-chu
no hill-TOP hill moment-TOP mouse-TOP give.birth-3-NEG
La rata, el pericote, no pare macho, macho.
The rat, the mouse doesn't give birth to males, males.
00:01:26.580 - 00:01:30.790

Walmilla watrayan. trina. trina ukuchalla watrayan.

walmi-lla watra-ya-n trina. trina ukucha-lla watra-ya-n
woman-RSTR give.birth-PROG-3 female female mouse-RSTR give.birth-PROG-3
Mujer no más para. Hembra. El ratón está pariendo hembras.
It gives birth only to girls. Females. the mouse gives birth to females.
00:01:30.920 - 00:01:34.870

Ñuqaqa qushaq tarpuq mikukuna:paq. Hipolallachu mikunman.

ñuqa-qa qu-shaq tarpu-q miku-ku-na-:-paq Hipola-lla-chu miku-n-man
1-TOP give-1.FUT plant-AG eat-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP Hipola-RSTR-NEG eat-3-COND
Ya voy a dar lo que siembro para poder comer. Hipola no más puede comer TKK
I'm going to give what I plant so I can eat. Just Hipola can eat.
00:01:36.010 - 00:01:38.930 00:01:39.350 - 00:01:41.270

Kuskam mikushaq. Qusa: trabahun ñuqaqa mikukuna:paq.

kuska-m miku-shaq qusa-: trabahu-n ñuqa-qa miku-ku-na-:-paq
together-EVD eat-1.FUT husband-1 work-3 1-TOP eat-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP
Los dos voy a comer Mi esposo trabaja para que yo coma.
We're going to eat together. My husband works so I can eat.
00:01:41.280 - 00:01:43.450 00:01:43.740 - 00:01:46.410

Hipolallam gusan. Dima dimasta kanchakta kachun.
Hipola-lla-m gusa-n dima dimas-ta kancha-kta kachu-n
Hipola-RSTR-EVD enjoy-3 too.much too.much-ACC cancha-ACC chew-3
Hipola no más goza Está mascando cancha demasiado.
Just Hipola enjoys it. It's chewing too much toasted grain.
00:01:47.140 - 00:01:48.990 00:01:49.210 - 00:01:51.830

Avasta pushpukun avas pulikunakta lulan munashanta.

avas-ta pushpu-ku-n avas puli-kuna-kta lula-n
broad.beans-ACC boiled.vegetable-REL-3 broad.beans puree-REFL-ACC make-3
Hace pushpu de havas, hace puré de havas, lo que quiere.
He boils broad beans he makes broad bean purée, what he wants.
00:01:51.970 - 00:01:55.550

¿Ñuqaqa imayna mana mikushaqchu?

muna-sha-n-ta ñuqa-qa imayna mana miku-shaq-chu
want-PRF-3-ACC 1-TOP how no eat-1.FUT-NEG
¿Cómo no voy a comer yo?
How am I not going to eat?
00:01:55.690 - 00:01:57.880

Nishpash traganrik wak Pistiqa. Pisti. Plaga.

ni-shpa-sh traga-n-r-ik wak pisti-qa pisti plaga
say-SUBIS-EVR swallow-3-R-IK DEM.D plague-TOP plague plague
Dice y traga ese. Peste. Peste. Plaga.
He says and swallows that. Plague. Plague. Plague.
00:01:58.270 - 00:02:01.450 00:02:01.630 - 00:02:04.120

Favurisiyan chayqa Eduardoqa.

favurisi-ya-n chay-qa Eduardo-qa
favor-PROG-3 DEM.D-TOP Eduardo-TOP
Ese, Eduardo lo favorece.
That one, Eduardo favors him.
00:02:04.570 - 00:02:08.090

Chaywan intipi qunilushpa lliwta wakta kayta chinkalun.

chay-wan inti-pi quni-lu-shpa lliw-ta wak-ta kay-ta chinka-lu-n
Cuando calentó en el sol para allá para acá se perdió
When it warmed up in the sun, he got lost over there, over here.
00:02:08.710 - 00:02:13.580

Chinkalun. Ah? Paypaq talpun. ¿Imapaqmi akasu?

chinka-lu-n Ah pay-paq talpu-n imapaq-mi akasu
lose-URGT-3 ah 3-BEN plant-3 why-EVD maybe
Se pirdió. ?Ah? Para él siembra. ¿Para qué acaso?
He got lost. Ah? HE plants for him. Why ever?
00:02:13.950 - 00:02:18.580 00:02:18.780 - 00:02:20.650

¿Willka:chu wawi:chu mikuyan? Qusa:pa talpushanta. Manam.

willka-:-chu wawi-:-chu miku-ya-n qusa-:-pa talpu-sha-n-ta mana-m
grandchild-1-Q child-1-Q eat-PROG-3 husband-1-GEN plant-PRF-3-ACC no-EVD
Acaso mi nieto mi hijo está comiendo? Lo que siembra mi esposo. No
Is my grandchild or my child eating? What my husband plants? No.
00:02:20.750 - 00:02:23.230 00:02:23.360 - 00:02:26.030

Maypis wawi:qa kada unu vidan pasakuq likun.

may-pis wawi-:-qa kada unu vida-n pasa-ku-q li-ku-n
where-ADD child-1-TOP each one life-3 pass-REFL-AG go-REFL-3
Cada uno de mis hijos pasa su vida.
Each of my children spends his life.
00:02:27.000 - 00:02:29.500

¿Ukuchachu willka: ukuchachu? ¿Wawi: imapis? Pay mikunanpaq.

ukucha-chu willka-: ukucha-chu wawi-: ima-pis pay miku-na-n-paq
mouse-Q grandchild-1 mouse-Q child-1 what-ADD 3 eat-NMLZ-3-PURP
¿ Acaso la rata es mi nieto? ¿Mi hijo? ¿Qué cosa? Para ella coma.
Maybe the mouse is my grandchild? Or my child? What? So that he eats.
00:02:29.980 - 00:02:32.570 00:02:32.610 - 00:02:35.510

Qusa: talpukuyan. Unayqa talpulachu. Wawi:kuna wiksanpaq.

qusa-: talpu-ku-ya-n unay-qa talpu-la-chu wawi-:-kuna wiksa-n-paq
husband-1 plant-REFL-PROG-3 before-TOP plant-PST-NEG child-1-PL stomach-3-PURP
Mi esposo está sembrando. Antes no sembraba para las barrigas de mis hijos.
My husband is planting. Before he didn't plant for my children's stomachs.
00:02:35.880 - 00:02:38.600 00:02:38.860 - 00:02:42.080

Falta falta kayaptin Talpulachu.

falta falta ka-ya-pti-n talpu-la-chu
lack lack be-PROG-SUBDS-3 plant-PST-NEG
Cuando todo hacía falta. No sembraba
When everything was lacking He didn't plant.
00:02:42.460 - 00:02:44.140 00:02:44.730 - 00:02:45.770

Kada unu likuptinñataq kananqa awkish fichanmi.

kada unu li-ku-pti-n-ña-taq kanan-qa awkish ficha-n-mi
each one go-REFL-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ now-TOP old date-3-EVD
Cuando cada uno se fue, ahora, anciano,
When each one left. Now, in his old age,
00:02:45.900 - 00:02:48.530

Está sembrando
He's planting.
00:02:48.920 - 00:02:51.180

Piru ukucha mikukuyan. Ukucha. Allqu mikuyan.

piru ukucha miku-ku-ya-n ukucha allqu miku-ya-n
but mouse eat-REFL-PROG-3 mouse dog eat-PROG-3
Pero el pericote está comiendo. El pericote y el perro están comeindo.
The mouse is eating it up. The mouse, the dog are eating it up.
00:02:51.630 - 00:02:55.320

Wallpaqa mikuyan. Ukucha waynanqa mikuyan.

wallpa-qa miku-ya-n ukucha wayna-n-qa miku-ya-n
chicken-TOP eat-REFL-PROG-3 mouse lover-3-TOP eat-PROG-3
Las gallinas están comiéndolo. El amante del pericote lo está comiendo
The chickens are eating it up. The mouse's lover is eating it up.
00:02:56.300 - 00:02:57.690 00:02:57.690 - 00:02:59.720

Qampa waynayki [inaudible] ñuqaman.

qam-pa wayna-yki ñuqa-man
2-GEN lover-2 1-ALL
Tu amante, me está diciendo a mí, peor.
Your lover he's saying to me, to me, worse.
00:02:59.730 - 00:03:02.230

Manam. Paypam waynanqa chaymi chulinta watran.

mana-m pay-pa-m wayna-n-qa chay-mi chuli-n-ta watra-n
no-EVD DEM.D-GEN-EVD lover-3-TOP DEM.D-EVD child-3-ACC give.birth-3
No. Su wayno es. Por eso su hijo pare.
No. It's his lover. That's why it gives birth.
00:03:03.140 - 00:03:06.800

Chaymi chay chulinqa qunichiptin chinkalun.

chay-mi chay chuli-n-qa quni-chi-pti-n chinka-lu-n
DEM.D-EVD DEM.D child-3-TOP warm-CAUS-SUBDS-3 lose-URGT-3
Por eso cuando hizo calentar su hijo, se perdió
That's why he got lost when he heated up his child.
00:03:07.240 - 00:03:09.930

Kananqa imay imaylaqmi talpunqa ni talpunpislaqchu?

kanan-qa imay imay-laq-mi talpu-nqa ni talpu-n-pis-laq-chu
now-TOP when when-CONT-EVD plant-3.FUT nor plant-3-ADD-CONT-NEG
Ahora, ¿cuándo todavía va a sembrar? Todavía no siembra.
Now when is he going to plant? He hasn't even planted yet.
00:03:11.880 - 00:03:15.010

Atrasaw kakuyan.
atrasaw ka-ku-ya-n
late be-REFL-PROG-3
Está atrasado
He's late.
00:03:15.280 - 00:03:16.760

Ukucha waynan mikunanpaq. Apurawtrik kanan talpunman.

ukucha wayna-n miku-na-n-paq apuraw-tri-k kanan talpu-n-man
mouse lover-3 eat-NMLZ-3-PURP quick-EVC-K now plant-3-COND
Para que come su wayna pericote. Ahora rápdo debe sembrar.
So that the mouse's lover can eat. He should plant quickly.
00:03:18.620 - 00:03:22.230

Soltera kaqpa lutupakushaq Toledo kaqpa lutupakushaq.

Soltera kaq-pa lutu-paku-shaq Toledo kaq-pa lutu-paku-shaq
Soltera be-AG-LOC reap-MUTBEN-1.FUT Toledo be-AG-LOC reap-MUTBEN-1.FUT
Voy a segar donde Sotera; voy a secar donde Todelo.
I'm going to reap at Soltera's place, I'm going to reap at Toledo's place.
00:03:22.530 - 00:03:25.540

Qamqa wayrachapakunki niyaman.

qam-qa wayra-cha-paku-nki ni-ya-ma-n
2-TOP wind-CAUS-MUTBEN-2 say-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Tú vas a ventear me estás diciendo
You're going to winnow, he's saying to me.
00:03:25.960 - 00:03:27.800

Ass, vas a ventear me está diciendo.

Ass, vas a ventear me está dieciendo
Ass, you're going to winnow, he's saying to me.
00:03:27.800 - 00:03:31.270

Allqupaq wallpapaq pinsyunakuyashaq apinas vidawanpis kaku:

allqu-paq wallpa-paq pinsyuna-ku-ya-shaq apinas vida-wan-pis ka-ku-:
dog-BEN chicken-BEN board-REFL-PROG-1.FUT barely life-INSTR-ADD be-REFL-1
Yo voy a estar dando pensión al perro y a la gallina. Apenas estoy con vida.
I'm going to be boarding the dog and the chicken. I'm barely alive.
00:03:33.090 - 00:03:37.500

Unay tiympu suflila: ñakalila:.

unay tiympu sufli-la-: ñakali-la-:
before time suffer-PST-1 suffer-PST-1
Antes, yo sufrí, yo sufrí.
Previously, I suffered, I suffered.
00:03:37.710 - 00:03:40.300
Pay burrachiratraw puliptin kananqa manañam valurni: kanchu. fwirsa: kanchu.
pay burrachira-traw puli-pti-n kanan-qa mana-ña-m valur-ni-: ka-n-chu fwirsa-:
3 drinking.binge-LOC walk-SUBDS-3 now-TOP no-DISC-EVD value-EUPH-1 be-3-NEG
Cuando él andaba en borrachera. Ahora ya no tengo ni valor ni fuerza. ¿Por qué?
When he went about drinking. Now I'm worthless; I have no strength, Why?
00:03:40.450 - 00:03:45.140

Yanqañam kaku:
ka-n-chu imapaq-pis yanqa-ña-m ka-ku-:
force-1 be-3-NEG why-ADD in.vain-DISC-EVD be-REFL-1
Vivo en vano.
I live in vain.
00:03:46.310 - 00:03:48.170

Waqaqtañatr mikuytapis miku:.

waqa-q-ta-ña-tr miku-y-ta-pis miku-:
A él que llora ya. Comeré comida también.
To the one who cries already. I'll eat food.
00:03:48.480 - 00:03:51.670

Ish ishllañam miku:. Talpuchunya. Ukuchanpaq.

ish ishlla-ña-m miku-: talpu-chun-ya ukucha-n-paq
little little-DISC-EVD eat-1 plant-INJUNC-EMPH mouse-3-BEN
Poquito poquito no más ya como. ¡Que siembre, pues! Para su ratón
I eat very little already. Let him plant! For his mouse.
00:03:52.460 - 00:03:56.660 00:03:57.460 - 00:03:59.220

Allqunpaq. Allqunpaq. [inaudible] Wallpanpaq.

allqu-n-paq allqu-n-paq wallpa-n-paq
dog-3-BEN dog-3-BEN chicken-3-BEN
Para su perro, para su gallina.
For his dog. For his dog, for his chicken.
00:03:59.740 - 00:04:01.970

Watrayta munan. Wallpapis manchay watrayta munan.

watra-y-ta muna-n wallpa-pis manchay watra-y-ta muna-n
give.birth-INF-ACC want-3 chicken-ADD a.lot give.birth-INF-ACC want-3
La gallina no quiere poner bastante.
The chicken wants to give lay a lot.
00:04:02.260 - 00:04:04.570

Allquktapis. ¡Ama! Kumpañiru:mi.

allqu-kta-pis ama kumpañiru-:-mi
dog-ACC-ADD PROH comrad-1-EVD
Al perro también. ¡No! Es mi companero.
The dog, too. No! It's my companion.
00:04:05.920 - 00:04:09.100

Tutam kumpañaman qarqariyam shamun.

tuta-m kumpaña-ma-n qarqariya-m shamu-n
night-EVD accompany-1.OBJ-3 zombie-EVD come-3
Noche me acompaña [si] karkaría viene.
At night he accompanies me [if] a zombie comes.
00:04:09.110 - 00:04:12.140

Qarqariyam almam waqan almam silbaman.

qarqariya-m alma-m waqa-n alma-m silba-ma-n
zombie-EVD soul-EVD cry-3 soul-EVD whistle-1.OBJ-3
Qarqarías, almas lloran. Almas me silban.
Zombies and lost souls cry. Lost souls whistle at me.
00:04:12.430 - 00:04:15.240

Qiruman viyakapti: Madrugapti:

qiru-man viyaka-pti-: Madruga-pti-:
stick-ALL travel-SUBDS-1 wake.early-SUBDS-1
Cuando voy por madera. Cuando madrugo.
When I go for wood. WHen I get up early.
00:04:15.490 - 00:04:18.650 00:04:18.880 - 00:04:20.070

Wamalliman madrugapti:
Wama-lli-man madruga-pti-:
Wamalli-ALL wake.early-SUBDS-1
Cuando madrugo para [ir a] Wamalli
When I get up early to [go to] Wamalli.
00:04:20.100 - 00:04:22.080

Chay allquqa baliman nishpa

chay allqu-qa bali-ma-n ni-shpa
DEM.D dog-TOP be.worth-1.OBJ-3 say-SUBIS
Ese perro me vale, dice.
That dog is worth something to me, he says.
00:04:22.350 - 00:04:24.170

Allqukta malshuchiyan. Almursayachin.

allqu-kta malshu-chi-ya-n almursa-ya-chi-n
dog-ACC breakfast-CAUS-PROG-3 lunch-PROG-CAUS-3
Está haciendo tomar desayuno al perro. Lo está haciendo almorzar.
He's making the dog eat breakfast. He's making it eat lunch.
00:04:24.170 - 00:04:26.070 00:04:26.460 - 00:04:27.890

Las trista lunchichin. Tardi miriynda.
las tris-ta lunchi-chi-n tardi miriynda
the three-ACC lunch-CAUS-3 late supper
A las tres está dando su lonche. Tarde, marienda.
At three he makes him eat lunch. Dinner at night.
00:04:28.110 - 00:04:30.520 00:04:30.710 - 00:04:32.210

Huk wamblakta yupay atiyndin. como si fuera una criatura.

huk wambla-kta yupay atiyndi-n
one child-ACC TK attend-ACC
Lo atiende como a una criatura.
He takes care of him like a child.
00:04:32.410 - 00:04:34.770

Chayna mantiyninanpaq talpuchun.

chay-na mantiyni-na-n-paq talpu-chun
DEM.D-VRBZ maintain-NMLZ-3-PURP plant-INJUNC
Para que lo mantenga, que siembre.
Let him plant so he can support hom.
00:04:35.000 - 00:04:37.440

Ñuqa imapaqñataq talpushaq? Apinas kaku:

ñuqa imapaq-ña-taq talpu-shaq apinas ka-ku-:
1 why-DISC-SEQ plant-1.FUT barely be-REFL-1
¿Para qué ya voy a sembrar yo? Apenas estoy.
Why am I going to plant? I barely exist.
00:04:37.630 - 00:04:40.280

¿Maytaqmi liku: mikuna:ñachu.

may-taq-mi li-ku-: miku-na-:-ña-chu
where-SEQ-EVD go-REFL-1 eat-NMLZ-1-DISC-NEG
¿Dónde voy? No tengo comida.
Where am I going to go? I don't have food.
00:04:40.280 - 00:04:43.410

Apinasñam kaku: valurni: kanñachu.

apinas-ña-m ka-ku-: valur-ni-: ka-n-ña-chu
barely-DISC-EVD be-REFL-1 worth-EUPH-1 be-3-DISC-NEG
Apenas estoy ya. Ya no tengo valor.
I barely exist already. I'm not worth anything anymore.
00:04:44.390 - 00:04:47.010

Imapas. Mancha mancha qaqchakayaman.

Ima-pas mancha mancha qaqcha-ka-ya-man
what-ADD a.lot a.lot scold-REFL-PROG-1.OBJ-3
Nada. Bastante me resondra.
Nothing. He scolds me a lot.
00:04:47.330 - 00:04:50.400

Gustu gustu kayhina hitarayanki. ¡Apuray hatariy!

gustu gustu kayhina hita-raya-nki apuray hatari-y
pleasure pleasure DEM.P-COMP throw-PASS-2 quick get.up-IMP
Bien a gusto estás tirado así. ¡Levántate rápido!
You're happily lounging like that. Get up quickly!
00:04:51.280 - 00:04:53.320 00:04:53.680 - 00:04:54.590

Imay urakamataq hitaranki? Dukturachu kanki,

imay ura-kama-taq hita-ra-nki duktura-chu ka-nki
when hour-RSTR-SEQ throw-UNINT-2 doctor-Q be-2
¿Hasta qué hora vas a estar tirada? ¿Eres doctora?
Until what time are you going to be lounging? Are you a doctor?
00:04:55.020 - 00:04:57.410

Sinuritachu kanki. ¡Apuraw hatariy!

sinurita-chu ka-nki apuraw hatari-y
young.lady-Q be-2 quick get.up-IMP
¿Eres señorita? ¡Levántate rápido!
Are you a young lady? Get up quickly!
00:04:57.410 - 00:04:59.400

Ñuqallaña puliya:. Witrayman, urayman.

ñuqa-lla-ña puli-ya-: witray-man uray-man
1-RSTR-DISC walk-PROG-1 above-ALL below-ALL
Yo no más estoy andando ya. Para arriba, para abajo.
Just I am walking about already. Up hill, down hill.
00:04:59.560 - 00:05:02.110

Ñuqallaña pastukta ashtakayamu:.

ñuqa-lla-ña pastu-kta ashta-ka-ya-mu-:
1-RSTR-DISC pasture.grass-ACC transfer-REFL-PROG-CISL-1
Yo no más estoy trasladando pasto ya.
Just I am carrying pasture grass already.
00:05:02.430 - 00:05:04.500

Ñuqallaña ñuqallaña. Wañulushpaqa lliw chay vakata qatishaqchu nishpa nin.

ñuqa-lla-ña ñuqa-lla-ña wañu-lu-shpa-qa lliw chay vaka-ta qati-shaq-chu nishpa
Yo no más ya. Yo no más ya. Acaso cuando me muero voy a llevar las vacas?
Just me already. Just me already. When I die, am I going to take the cows?, he
00:05:04.780 - 00:05:08.250


Qatishaqchu chay vaka? Qamtri vakayuq kanki. Qamtri imayuqpis kanki.

qati-shaq-chu chay vaka qam-tri vaka-yuq ka-nki qam-tri ima-yuq-pis ka-nki
bring-1.FUT-Q DEM.D cow 2-EVD cow-POSS be-2 2-EVC what-POSS-ADD be-2
¿Acaso voy a llevar las vacas? Tú tendrás vacas. Tú tendrás lo que sea.
Am I going to take along those cows? You must have cows. You must have anything.
00:05:08.500 - 00:05:12.240

Qamtri wawi:ta kitanki. Usha:pa kambiyan.

qam-tri wawi-:-ta kita-nki usha-:-pa kambiya-n
2-EVC child-1-ACC take.away-2 sheep-1-GEN change-3
Tú quitarías mi hijo. El cambio de mi oveja.
You would take my child. The replacement of my sheep.
00:05:12.480 - 00:05:14.410 00:05:14.630 - 00:05:16.060

Usha:pa rimplusunmi Lirio:pa truru:pa.

usha-:-pa rimplusu-n-mi Lirio-:-pa truru-:-pa
sheep-1-GEN replacement-3-EVD Lirio-1-GEN truru-1-GEN
El remplazo de mi oveja, de mi Lirio, de mi VV
The replacement of my sheep, of my Lirio, of my
00:05:16.600 - 00:05:19.280

Rimplasunmi vaka:qa.
rimplasu-n-mi vaka-:-qa.
replacement-3-EVD cow-1-TOP
El remplazo de mi vaca.
The replacement of my cow.
00:05:19.350 - 00:05:20.850

Wawi:manmi qunki. ¿Wawi:wanmi imaktapis talila:?

wawi-:-man-mi qu-nki wawi-:-wan-mi ima-kta-pis tali-la-:
child-1-ALL-EVD give-2 child-1-INSTR-EVD what-ACC-ADD find-PST-1
Lo vas a dar a mi hijo. ¿Qué encontró con mi hijo?
You're going to give it to my child. What else did he dind with my child?
00:05:21.480 - 00:05:24.500

Manam qamwanchu. Wawi:wanmi ñuqa almala imaktapis.

mana-m qam-wan-chu Wawi-:-wan-mi ñuqa alma-la ima-kta-pis
no-EVD 2-INSTR-NEG child-1-INSTR-EVD 1 put.together-PST what-ACC-ADD
Con tú, no. Con mi hija yo armé lo que sea.
Not with you. With my child, I put together whatever.
00:05:24.710 - 00:05:28.330

Qamwanchu manam. Qamqa mas biyn istafamalanki.

qam-wan-chu mana-m qam-qa mas biyn istafa-ma-la-nki
2-INSTR-NEG no-EVD 2-TOP more better suffcate-1.OBJ-PST-2
Como tú, no. Tú más bien me estafaste.
Not like you. You, rather, suffocate me.
00:05:28.680 - 00:05:29.700 00:05:29.750 - 00:05:32.440

Nishpam piñanaku:, nishpam diskutinaku:

ni-shpa-m piña-naku-: ni-shpa-m diskuti-naku-:
say-SUBIS-EVD anger-RECIP-1 say-SUBIS-EVD argue-RECIP-1
Digo y discuto. Digo y discuto.
I say and I argue. I say and I argue.
00:05:33.300 - 00:05:37.850

Kananñam trabahan awkish pachanpiña

kanan-ña-m trabaha-n awkish pacha-n-pi-ña
now-DISC-EVD work-3 old era-3-LOC-DISC
Ahora ya, viejo, trabaja.
Now, in his old age, he works.
00:05:39.320 - 00:05:41.830

Unay chayna trabahanman kala. Alli kanman. Wiksa hunta

unay chay-na trabaha-n-man ka-la alli ka-n-man wiksa hunta
before DEM.D-VRBZ work-3-COND be-PST good be-3-COND stomach full
Antes, así hubiera trabajado, hubiera sido bueno. Barriga llena.
Before, he should have worked like that, it would have been good. Belly full.
00:05:42.250 - 00:05:45.750

Apuripaq arruba trigu qipikusha shamula:

Apuri-paq arruba trigu qipi-ku-sha shamu-la-:
Apuri-ABL eleven.and.a.half.kilos wheat carry-REFL-PRF come-PST-1
Venía de Apurí cargando una aroba de trigo.
I came from Apurí carrying 11 and a half kilos of wheat.
00:05:45.930 - 00:05:49.490

Kuchi: kalgakusha Cañeteman liya: asta Wayampi.

kuchi-: kalga-ku-sha Cañete-man liya-: asta Wayampi
pig1 carry-REFL-PRF Cañete-ALL go-PROG-1 until Wayampi
Cargando mi chancho, estaba yendo hacia Cañete, hasta Wayampi.
Carrying my pig. I was going towards Cañete, up to Wayampi.
00:05:50.350 - 00:05:53.850

Tukuy tuta shamuq ka:, imapis ka:. Kanan puntraw

tukuy tuta shamu-q ka-: ima-pis ka-: kanan puntraw
all night come-AG be-1 what-ADD be-1 now day
Toda la noche venía, lo que sea. Hoy en día,
I used to come all night, used to whatever. These days,
00:05:54.490 - 00:05:57.640
Wawi: almuyrshala ¿Imaktatr mirindala?
wawi-: almuyrsa-la ima-kta-tr mirinda-la
child-1 lunch-PST what-ACC-EVC supper-PST
¿Qué habrá cenado mi hijo? ¿Almorzado?
¿What would my child have eaten for dinner? For lunch?
00:05:57.730 - 00:06:00.220

Hinallatr kayan nishpa tritrukunmi.

hina-lla-tr ka-ya-n ni-shpa tritru-ku-n-mi
thus-RSTR-EVC be-PROG-3 say-SUBIS pregnant-REFL-3-EVD
Así no más estará, dijo, embarazada.
She would be just like that, he said, pregnant.
00:06:00.530 - 00:06:03.020

Qaspa qaspa Tanakta pasakayamun

qaspa qaspa Tana-kta pasa-ka-ya-mu-n
[noise] [noise] Tana-ACC pass-REFL-PROG-CISL-3
"Jass, jass", estaba pasando Tana.
"Scratch, scratch," he was passing Tana.
00:06:03.630 - 00:06:06.170

Tukuy tuta [inaudible] subidakta shamukuya:

tukuy tuta subida-kta shamu-ku-ya-:
all night up.hill-ACC come-REFL-PROG-1
Toda la noche estaba viniendo cuesta arriba descansando.
I was coming all night up hill resting.
00:06:06.380 - 00:06:09.730

Kidakushun niman Tanakunaqa.

kida-ku-shun ni-ma-n Tana-kuna-qa
stay-REFL-1PL.FUT say-1.OBJ-3 Tana-PL-TOP
Vamos a quedar me dijo alrededor de Tana.
We're going to stay, he said to me around Tana.
00:06:10.050 - 00:06:12.300

Kidakushun qalqaliyam shamuyan. Chukllakllapaq Hongospaq

kida-ku-shun qalqaliya-m shamu-ya-n Chukllaklla-paq Hongos-paq
stay-REFL-1PL.FUT xombie-EVD come-PROG-3 Chukllaklla-ABL Hongos-ABL
Vamos a quedarnos. Una karkaría está viniendo de Chukllaklla
We're going to stay. A zombie is coming. From Chukllaklla.
00:06:12.300 - 00:06:16.130

Hinakta shamuku: Imamish qarqariyawan kanan tinkushaq riqsishaq nishpa

hina-kta shamu-ku-: Ima-mish qarqariya-wan kanan tinku-shaq riqsi-shaq ni-shpa
thus-ACC come-REFL-1 what-COMP zombie-INSTR now find-1.FUT know-1.FUT say-SUBIS
Así yo me vine. Con qarqaría ya me encontraré. Ahora voy a conocer, dije.
I came like that. I met up with a zombie. Now I'm going to meet it, I said.
00:06:16.560 - 00:06:20.800

Lu mismu. Ukunta shamushpa Pichalaq chay. Qaqunanta shamushpapis.

Lu mismu uku-n-ta shamu-shpa Pichala-qa chay Qaquna-n-ta shamu-shpa-pis
the same inside-3-ACC come-SUBIS Pichala-TOP DEM.D Qaquna-n-ta come-SUBIS-ADD
Lo mismo. Venía por dentro. Pichala. Por qaquna veniendo también.
The same. Coming inside. Pichala.
00:06:21.140 - 00:06:23.120 00:06:23.430 - 00:06:25.390

Villafrancakta pasa pasa tardiña shamuku: acala.

Villafranca-kta pasa pasa tardi-ña shamu-ku-: acala
Villafranca-ACC pass pass late-DISC come-REFL-1 mud
Villafranca Totalmente tarde ya venía acala (mito)
00:06:25.680 - 00:06:29.770

Wiqawni:kunata shutukuyan akalakunaqa qipikusha.

wiqaw-ni-:-kuna-ta shutu-ku-ya-n akala-kuna-qa qipi-ku-sha
lower.back-EUPH-1-PL-ACC drip-REFL-PROG-3 mud-PL-TOP carry-REFL-PRF
Cintura para abajo goteaba cargado maduro
00:06:29.770 - 00:06:32.660

Akalakunata qipikusha. Alli Kwistakta saqakayamupti:qa.

akala-kuna-ta qipi-ku-sha alli kwista-kta saqa-ka-ya-mu-pti-:-qa.
mud-PL-ACC carry-REFL-PRF good hillside-ACC go.down-REFL-PROG-CISL-SUBDS-1-TOP
Cuando vino cargado mito Alll cuesta estaba subiendo
00:06:33.160 - 00:06:36.860

Timblur katamun. Timblur.

timblur ka-tamu-n timblur
earthquake be-IRREV-3 earthquake
Temblor había temblor.
Earthquake. There was an earthquake.
00:06:37.130 - 00:06:39.600

Wañukushaq kay kaypitr ashnuntin kanan nini.

wañu-ku-shaq kay kay-pi-tr ashnu-ntin kanan ni-ni
die-REFL-1.FUT DEM.P DEM.P-EVC donkey-INCL now say-1
Por acá ahora me moriré con mi burro, dije.
I'm going to die here and now with my donkey, I said.
00:06:39.740 - 00:06:42.580

Aruba trigun qipikushalla.

aruba trigu-n qipi-ku-sha-lla
eleven.and.and.a.half.kilos wheat-3 carry-REFL-PRF-RSTR
Una arroba de su trigo había cargado no más.
I'd just carried an "arroba" of wheat.
00:06:43.900 - 00:06:46.270

Wañukushaqtrk ni:. Mamita, timblur alli alli kakuyan.

Wañu-ku-shaq-tri-k ni-: mamita timblur alli alli ka-ku-ya-n
die-REFL-1.FUT-EVC say-1 mother earthquake good good be-REFL-PROG-3
Me voy a morir, dije. Mamita, habían muchos temblores.
I'm going to die, I said. Mother, there were a lot of earthquakes.
00:06:46.740 - 00:06:51.380

Cacrapi fwista kakuyan. Hinaptin pasakamu:.

Cacra-pi fwista ka-ku-ya-n hinaptin pasa-ka-mu-:
Cacra-LOC festival be-REFL-PROG-3 so pass-REFL-CISL-1
Había una fiesta en Cacra. Después, pasé.
There was a festival in Cacra. So I went.
00:06:51.690 - 00:06:53.210 00:06:53.800 - 00:06:56.430

¿Pitaqmá? Kidakushun, kidakushun. Cacrakunaqa atahamallan halkaya:man TKK me

están atajando.
pi-taq-m-á kida-ku-shun kida-ku-shun Cacra-kuna-qa
¿Quién? Vamos a quedar, vamos a quedar. en Carca le atajaron
Who? We're going to stay. We're going to stay. In Cacra
00:06:56.800 - 00:07:00.480

Kidakushun tutam kakuyan tutam kakuyan

kida-ku-shun tuta-m ka-ku-ya-n tuta-m ka-ku-ya-n
stay-REFL-1PL.FUT night-EVD be-REFL-PROG-3 night-EVD be-REFL-PROG-3
Vamos a quedar. Es noche. Es noche.
We're going to stay. It's night. It's night.
00:07:00.800 - 00:07:02.840

Almam silbakun. Almam waqantaq.

alma-m silba-ku-n alma-m waqa-n-taq
soul-EVD whistle-REFL-3 soul-EVD cry-3-SEQ
Un alma silbaba. Un alma lloraba.
A soul whistled. A soul cried.
00:07:03.200 - 00:07:05.580

Hana law salida chay pantiyun kayan simintiryu.

hana law salida chay pantiyun ka-ya-n simintiryu
above side exit DEM.D cemetery be-PROG-3 cemetery
Arriba en la salida hay panteón, cementerio.
Up hill at the exit, there's a cemetery, a cemetery.
00:07:05.710 - 00:07:08.570

Hanantraw almam [inaudible] atahashunki niman.
hana-n-traw alma-m ataha-shunki ni-ma-n
above-3-LOC soul-EVD herd-3>2 say-1.OBJ-3
Arriba un alma te va a atajar, me dijo.
Up hill, a soul is going to attack you, he said to me.
00:07:08.970 - 00:07:12.230

¿Almaktatr ñuqa dibiku:chu? Pasakushaq ñuqaqa kaminuntam.

alma-kta-tr ñuqa dibi-ku-:-chu pasa-ku-shaq ñuqa-qa kaminu-n-ta-m
soul-ACC-EVC 1 owe-REFL-1-Q pass-REFL-1.FUT 1-TOP road-3-ACC-EVD
¿Acaso yo debo para alma? Yo voy a pasar por camino.
Do I owe anything to a soul? I'm going to pass by the street.
00:07:12.580 - 00:07:14.620 00:07:15.090 - 00:07:16.910

Trankilu almapis wasinpatr kakun. Pasakamu:. Hinaptin

trankilu alma-pis wasi-n-pa-tr ka-ku-n pasa-ka-mu-: hinaptin
tranquil soul-ADD house-3-LOC-EVC be-REFL-3 pass-REFL-CISL-1 so
Alma tranquilo estará en su casa. Pasé. Después
The soul'll rest peacefully in its house. I went by. Then
00:07:17.340 - 00:07:19.420 00:07:19.840 - 00:07:22.350

Tuta tutam shamu:. Chayqa Kay Paluchi riyum. ¿Riqsinkichu Paluchikta?

tuta tuta-m shamu-: chay-qa kay Paluchi riyu-m riqsi-nki-chu Paluchi-kta
night night-EVD come-1 DEM.D-TOP DEM.P Paluchi river-EVD know-2-Q Paluchi-ACC
Noche, noche vine. Luego Este Paluchi es río. ¿Conoces Paluchi?
I came at night, at night. Then Paluchi is a river. Do you know Paluchi?
00:07:22.400 - 00:07:24.580 00:07:24.770 - 00:07:27.460

Riyu wakpaq shamukuyan. Riyu allalli shamukuyan. Wak Villafrancaman trayayan.

riyu wak-paq shamu-ku-ya-n riyu allalli shamu-ku-ya-n wak Villafranca-man
river DEM.D-ABL come-REFL-PROG-3 river a.lot come-REFL-PROG-3 DEM.D
El río viene de allí. El río viene mucho. Llega a Villafranca.
The river comes from there. The river comes a lot. It arrives at Villafranca.
00:07:27.710 - 00:07:32.120

Chaypaqa ashnu kayan. "¡Quu!"

traya-ya-n chay-pa-qa ashnu ka-ya-n quu
Villafranca-ALL arrive-PROG-3 DEM.D-LOC-TOP donkey be-PROG-3 [noise]
Después había un burro. "¡Hoo!"
Then there was a donkey. "Hoo!"
00:07:33.480 - 00:07:37.390

Nishpa linlin saya:. Nishpa witrayta likalin.

ni-shpa linli-n saya-: ni-shpa witra-y-ta lika-li-n
say-SUBIS ear-3 stand-1 say-SUBIS above-ACC see-PRF-3
dijo y paré su oreja. Dijo y miró hacia arriba
he said and I stood his ears up. He said and looked up hill.
00:07:37.870 - 00:07:41.080

Chay, chaynam,
Chay, chaynam,
Allí, así.
There, like that.
00:07:41.550 - 00:07:44.500

Yarikulu: manchalikulu:. Dios miyu. Kala kash...

Yari-ku-lu-: mancha-li-lu-lu-: Dios miyu ka-la ka-sh...
scare-REFL-URGT-1 scare-INCEP-REFL-URGT-1 Dios miyu. be-PST be-SUBIS
Dió miedo. Me asusté. ¡Dios mío! Mi cara era
It's scary. I got scared, My God! My face was
00:07:44.510 - 00:07:48.370

Aqchanpis kayna, '¡Pachach! ¡Pachach!'

aqcha-n-pis kay-na pachach pachach
heair-3-ADD DEM.P-VRBZ [noise] [noise]
Su cabello, así '¡Pachach! ¡Pachach!'
Its hair like this, "Pachach! Pachach!"
00:07:48.620 - 00:07:50.960

Sumbriru:ta kayna huqaliluqhina TK kalun huqali:kulun. recogió.

sumbriru-:-ta kay-na ka-lu-n
hat-1-ACC DEM.P-VRBZ be-URGT-3
Mi sombrero así alzó
My hat
00:07:51.090 - 00:07:53.340

No ves que Llapa mwirtupa llapa

llapa mwirtu-pa llapa
all dead-GEN all
No ves que De todo muerto, todo
Dont you see that Every dead person's, every
00:07:53.640 - 00:07:54.300 00:07:54.590 - 00:07:55.920

Almapa rupantam taqshan Paluchipa kaypaq apan.

alma-pa rupa-n-ta-m taqsha-n paluchi-pa kay-paq apa-n
soul-GEN clothes-3-ACC-EVD wash-3 Paluchi-LOC DEM.P-ABL bring-3
Lavan la ropa de las almas in Paluchi. Lo llevan apa acá.
They wash the clothes of the deas in Paluchi. They bring it here.
00:07:55.940 - 00:07:58.800

Taqshakun. Chaytrik chay chaypi almaqa tiyayan riki

taqsha-ku-n chay-tri-k chay chay-pi alma-qa tiya-ya-n r-iki
Lo lavan. Por-RSTR estaría sentado el alma allí.
They wash it. That's why the soul would be sitting there.
00:07:59.070 - 00:08:02.860

Animalqa, asnuqa likayantriki. Likayantri.

animal-qa asnu-qa lika-ya-n-tri-ki lika-ya-n-tri
animal-TOP donkey-TOP see-PROG-3-EVC-KI see-PROG-3-EVC
Animal, asnu, estará viendo. Estará viendo.
An animal, a donkey would be watching. Would be watching.
00:08:03.050 - 00:08:06.190 00:08:06.410 - 00:08:07.400

Chayllapañam uniku manchalilu: ¿Imaynataq¿ Tuta, tuta.

chay-lla-pa-ña-m uniku mancha-li-lu-: imayna-taq tuta tuta
DEM.D-RSTR-LOC-DISC-EVD only scare-INCEP-URGT-1 how-SEQ night night
En allí no más me asusté. ¿Cómo? Noche, noche.
Only just there did I get scared. How? At night, at night.
00:08:07.450 - 00:08:10.420 00:08:10.580 - 00:08:13.840

Imay uratri manisiqta trayaykamu: ratuskallantam. TK manisiqtalaqchu qué hora

imay ura-tri manisi-q-ta traya-yka-mu-: ratu-ska-lla-n-ta-m
when hour-EVC dawn-AG-ACC arrive-EXCEP-CISL-1 moment-SKA-RSTR-ACC-EVD
¿Qué hora llegaría o manercería
What time
00:08:13.850 - 00:08:16.810

Gallu waqalun. Waqalun [inaudible] ratullantam gallu waqalun.

gallu waqa-lu-n waqa-lu-n ratu-lla-n-ta-m gallu waqa-lu-n
rooster cry-URGT-3 cry-URGT-3 moment-RSTR-3-ACC-EVD rooster cry-URGT-3
Un gallo cantó. Cantó Un rato no más cantó el gallo.
A rooster crowed. Crowed The rooster crowed for just a moment.
00:08:17.130 - 00:08:19.200 00:08:19.220 - 00:08:20.710

Gustu payqa burrachakusha kantina-traw

gustu pay-qa burracha-ku-sha kantina-traw
pleasure 3-TOP get.drunk-REFL-PRF cantina-LOC
Con gusto él estaba tomando en una cantina.
He was happily driking in a bar.
00:08:20.930 - 00:08:23.810

Kanan payqa [inaudible] wasichutr faltan churi: mikunanpaq. Faltan imaynapis.

kanan pay-qa wasi-chutr falta-n churi-: miku-na-n-paq falta-n imayna-pis
now 3-TOP house-CHUtr lack-3 child-1 eat-NMLZ-3-PURP lack-3 how-ADD
Ahora él ... En mi casa faltará para que coman mis hijos. Falta lo que sea.
Now he ... My house lacks for things so my children can eat. Any think is
00:08:24.770 - 00:08:29.330

Talpukushaq yali nada ni imas piynsan.

talpu-ku-shaq yali nada ni ima-s piynsa-n
plant-REFL-1.FUT EMPH-EMPH nothing nor what-ADD think-3
Voy a sembrar. No piensa nada.
I'm going to plant. He doesn't think anything.
00:08:29.550 - 00:08:33.140

Imapis impurtalachu. Dios miyu.

ima-pis impurta-la-chu Dios miyu
what-ADD matter-PST-NEG God mine
No le interesaba nada. ¡Dios mío!
Nothing matters. My God!
00:08:33.520 - 00:08:38.070

Manisikuykun tutakuykun tiyndallapi Qaliqaliqa.

manisi-ku-yku-n tuta-ku-yku-n tiynda-lla-pi Qaliqali-qa
dawn-REFL-EXCEP-3 night-REFL-EXCEP-3 store-RSTR-LOC zombie-TOP
Amanece y oscurece en la tienda no más. Valiente valiente
The sun goes up and down just in the store. Brave, brave.
00:08:38.330 - 00:08:40.790 00:08:40.880 - 00:08:42.710

Wapu wapu kakuyan. Wapu wapu.

wapu wapu ka-ku-ya-n wapu wapu.
Wapu wapu está
00:08:43.120 - 00:08:46.230

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Vinac_DC_SheepBath_C.eaf
Friday, August 8, 2014 1:06 PM


Achka uviqawan trayaramun Genaro Guerrapa, Anselma ...

Achka uviqa-wan traya-ra-mun Genaro Guerra-pa Anselma ...
a.lot sheep-INSTR arrive-URGT-CISL-3 Genaro Guerra-GEN Anselma ...
Genaro Guerra y Anselma llegaron con muchas ovejas.
Genaro Guerra and Anselma arrived with a lot of sheep.
00:00:00.370 - 00:00:05.010

Ay. trayarachimuniñam bañadiru kuralmanñam hatiyamun qaykunqa. Hinashpaqa

Ay traya-ra-chi-mu-ni-ña-m bañadiru kural-man-ña-m hati-ya-mu-n qayku-nqa
Ay. arrive-URGT-CAUS-CISL-1-DISC-EVD bath corral-ALL-DISC follow-PROG-CISL-3
Ya los hicieron llegar al bañadero. Ya los echaron al corral. Los van a echar y
They had them arrive at the bath already. They tossed them in the corral
already. They're going to toss them in. Then
00:00:06.300 - 00:00:13.300

corral-3.FUT then

Hapinqa rantikunanpaq aykrarun rantikunanpaq hinashpaqa bañachiqñam qaykurunqa.

Hapi-nqa ranti-ku-na-n-paq akra-ru-n ranti-ku-na-n-paq hinashpa-qa
catch-3.FUT buy-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP choose-URGT-3 buy-REFL-NMLZ-PURP thus-TOP
Los agarran para poder venderlos. Van a escoger [algunos] para poder venderlos.
Luego van echarlos al corral para bañarlos ya.
They catch them so they can sell them. They're going to select [some] so they
can sell them. Then they're going to toss them in the corral to bathe them
00:00:13.600 - 00:00:20.900

baña-chi-q-ña-m Qayku-ru-nqa
bathe-CAUS-AG-DISC-EVD corral-URGT-3.FUT

Faltanraq rimidyukuna priparanan piru hapiyan rantikunallanpaqraqmi. Manaya

bañanraqchu, qaykunraqchu, ¡ve! Yaykurunñam kuralman.
Falta-n-raq rimidyu-kuna pripara-na-n piru hapi-ya-n
lack-3-CONT remedy-PL prepare-NMLZ-3 but grab-PROG-3
Falta todavía el remedio. Hay que prepararlo. Están agarrando para que vendan
todavía no más. No los bañan todavía, [no] los echan todavía al corral. ¡Ve! Ya
entraron al corral.
The medicines are still missing. They have to prepare them. But they're
grabbing them so they can just sell them still. They haven't bathed them yet,
they have [not] tossed them into the corral yet. They already entered the
00:00:21.100 - 00:00:30.850

ranti-ku-na-lla-n-paq-raq-mi para-q-mi Mana ya baña-n-raq-chu qayku-n-raq-chu

buy-REFL-NMLZ-RSTR-PURP-CONT-EVD rain-AG-EVD no again bathe-3-CONT-NEG

¡ve! Yayku-ru-n-ña-m kural-man

corral-3-CONT-NEG look enter-URGT-3-DISC corral-ALL

Akrayan rantikunanpaq. Rantikunqa ya. Achkataña traqnarun.

Akra-ya-n ranti-ku-na-n-paq Ranti-ku-n-qa ya. Achka-ta-ña
separate-PROG-3 sell-REFL-NMLZ-3-PURP sell-REFL-3-TOP EMPH a.lot-ACC-DISC
Están escogiendo para poder venderlos. Van a vender, pues. Ya trincaron muchos.
They're separating them so they can sell them. They're going to sell them,
then. They tied up a lot already.
00:00:31.775 - 00:00:37.475


Wak traqnayta puchukarunqa hinashpaqa rimidiyu priparaykuptinqa qaykunqañam.

Wak traqna-y-ta puchu-ka-ru-nqa hinashpa-qa rimidiyu pripara-yku-pti-n-qa
DEM.D bind-INF-ACC finish-PASSACC-URGT-3.FUT thus-TOP remedy
Van a terminar de trincar. Después cuando preparan el remedio los van a echar
al corral ya.
They're going to finsh tying them up. Then, when they prepare the medicine
they're going to toss them in the corral.
00:00:38.200 - 00:00:44.500

prepare-EXCEP-SUBDS-3-TOP corral-3.FUT-DISC

Uñachankunata akrayan mana sarunanpaq. Quturunki uñata kimsa, ishkayta.

Wambratahina kuyayan.
Uña-cha-n-kuna-ta akra-ya-n mana saru-na-n-paq Qutu-ru-nki uña-ta kimsa
young-DIM-3-PL-ACC separate-PROG-3 no trample-NMLZ-3-PURP gather-URGT-2
A sus criítas están escogiendo para que no se hagan pisotear. Montonaste a sus
crías, a tres, a dos. Como a niño los está cariñando.
They're separating out the young so they don't get trampled. You gathered up
their young, three, two. He's caressing them like [he would] a child.
00:00:44.800 - 00:00:55.500

ishkay-ta Wambra-ta-hina kuya-ya-n

young-ACC three two-ACC child-ACC-COMP love-PROG-3

Idupis marqayan ishkayta. traqnayan, ya ves, achka achkañam kayan -- ishkay

grupuña kayan rantisa, rantiy uviha.
Idu-pis marqa-ya-n ishkay-ta traqna-ya-n ya ves achka achka-ña-m ka-ya-n --
Idu-ADD carry.with.both.hands-PROG-3 two-ACC bind-PROG-3 a.lot a.lot-DISC-EVD
Ido también está alzando dos. Los está trincando. ¿Ya ves? Ya hay muchos,
muchos. Ya están dos grupos de ovejas para venta.
Ido, too, is carrying two in both hands. She's tying them up. You see? There
are a lot, a lot of them already. There are two groups of sheep for sale
00:00:55.750 - 00:01:07.625

ishkay grupu-ña ka-ya-n ranti-sa ranti-y uviha

be-PROG-3 -- two group-DISC be-PROG-3 buy-PRF buy-INF sheep

Waktaq akrayanrik manaraq bañakusa kayaptinmi. Mana bañakusallataraqmi
nigusyupaq akranchik.
Wak-taq akra-ya-n-ri-k mana-raq baña-ku-sa ka-ya-pti-n-mi Mana
DEM.D-SEQ choose-PROG-3-R-K no-CONT bathe-REFL-PRF be-PROG-SUBDS-3-EVD no
A ése está escogiendo cuando no está bañado todavía. Se escogen nada más los
que todavía no han sido bañado para negocio.
They're choosing those when they haven't been bathes yet. We separate out just
the ones that still haven't been bathed for sale.
00:01:08.243 - 00:01:16.543

baña-ku-sa-lla-ta-raq-mi nigusyu-paq akra-nchik

bathe-REFL-PRF-RSTR-ACC-CONT-EVD business-PURP separate-1PL

Chay bañakurushpaqa manañam balinchu. Rimidiyuñam pasarun karninman. Chay mana

bañachishpam wak akrayan rantiypaq.
Chay baña-ku-ru-shpa-qa mana-ña-m bali-n-chu Rimidiyu-ña-m pasa-ru-n karni-n-man
DEM.D bathe-REFL-URGT-SUBIS-TOP no-DISC-EVD be.worth-3-NEG remedy-DISC-EVD
Cuando se baña ya no vale. El remedio ya pasó para su carne. Sin bañarlos lo
están escogiendo para la venta.
When they're bathed, they're not worth anything anymore. The medicine passes
into their meat already. Without bathing them, they're separating them out for
00:01:16.568 - 00:01:25.968

Chay mana baña-chi-shpa-m wak akra-ya-n ranti-y-paq

pass-URGT-3 flesh-3-ALL DEM.D no bathe-CAUS-SUBIS-EVD DEM.D separate-PROG-3


¿Maytam chay rin? Wak priparayanñam rimidiyuta bañakuq uviha yaykunanpaq.

May-ta-m chay ri-n Wak pripara-ya-n-ña-m rimidiyu-ta baña-ku-q
where-ACC-EVD DEM.D go-3 DEM.D prepare-PROG-3-DISC-EVD remedy-ACC bathe-REFL-AG
¿A dónde va? Está preparando el remedio ya para que las ovejas entren a bañarse.
Where is it going? He's preparing the medicine already so the sheep enter to
bathe themselves.
00:01:26.768 - 00:01:35.368

uviha yayku-na-n-paq
sheep enter-NMLZ-3-PURP

Subri subrim kasa wak rimidiyu. Hitraykuyan yakuman.

Subri subri-m ka-sa wak rimidiyu hitra-yku-ya-n yaku-man
envelope envelope-EVD be-PRF DEM.D remedy empty-EXCEP-PROG-3 water-ALL
Sobre sobre era el remedio. Lo está echando al agua.
The medicine was envelopes, envelopes. He's tossing it in the water.
00:01:36.043 - 00:01:43.568

Asitahina qawchikuyan. Krisu, disinfictanti wak.

Asi-ta-hina qawchi-ku-y Krisu disinfictanti wak
Ace-ACC-SIM scatter-CAUS-REFL-IMP TK disinfectant DEM.D
Como a ace se está esparciando. Creso, desinfectante-RSTR.
It's scattering like Ace [washing powder]. Creso, disinfectant, that.
00:01:43.786 - 00:01:48.486

Chay bañarachiptinchikqa ulurnin kakuyanraq. Kanankaman ulurnin kay uvihaypa.

Chay baña-ra-chi-pti-nchik-qa Ulur-ni-n ka-ku-ya-n-raq kanan-kaman ulurni-n kay
Cuando hacemos bañar tiene olor. Hasta ahora mi oveja tiene olor.
When we have them bathe, they have a smell still. Until now, my sheep have a
00:01:49.736 - 00:01:54.086

Ganchuwan misklayan wak rimidiyuta.

uviha-y-pa Ganchu-wan miskla-ya-n wak rimidiyu-ta
smell-3 DEM.P sheep-1-GEN Hook-INSTR mix-PROG-3 DEM.D remedy-ACC
Está mezclando el remedio con gancho.
He's mixing the medicine with a hook.
00:01:54.830 - 00:01:57.593

Acetawantri taqsakunanchik priparanchik chayna listakuyan. Ass ... Mas ...

Ace-ta-wan-tri taqsa-ku-na-nchik pripara-nchik chay-na lista-ku-ya-n Ass ...
Para que lavemos como con Ace lo están preparando así lo están alistando. Ass.
So we can wash like with Ace [washing powder], they're preparing it. They're
getting it ready like that. Ass. More.
00:01:57.911 - 00:02:04.511

Mas ...
Ass ... more ...

Krisu imatr wak kayanpis, ¡ve! Pasaypaq qillu. Pinturachu ichaTKK

Krisu ima-tr wak ka-ya-n-pis ve Pasaypaq qillu Pintura-chu-tr
TK what-EVC DEM.D be-PROG-3-ADD look a.lot yellow paint-Q-EVC
Parece creso está-RSTR, ¡ve! Total amarillo. ¿O es pintura?
It looks like "creso." Look! Or is it paint?
00:02:05.136 - 00:02:11.736

Ass ... mastaraq. ¿Imatañataq wakta

Ass ... mas-ta-raq .. Ima-ta-ña-taq wak-ta
Ass ... more-ACC-CONT .. what-ACC-DISC-SEQ DEM.D-ACC
Ass, más todavía ... ¿Qué cosa ya?
Ass. More still. What already?
00:02:12.236 - 00:02:18.186

Misklan wak bañakunanpaq achka achka klasi rimidyu.

Miskla-n wak baña-ku-na-n-paq achka achka klasi rimidyu
mix-3 DEM.D bathe-REFL-NMLZ-PURP a.lot a.lot class remedy
Mezclan muchas clases de remedios para que bañen.
They mix many classes of medicine so that they bathe.
00:02:18.436 - 00:02:23.186

Yakupa kulurninpis manañam kanchu. Qillukunañam rikarirun. Qillu, yuraq.

Yaku-pa kulur-ni-n-pis mana-ña-m ka-n-chu Qillu-kuna-ña-m rikari-ru-n Qillu
water-GEN color-EUPH-3-ADD no-DISC-EVD be-3-NEG yellow-PL-DISC-EVD appear-URGT-3
El color del agua tampoco no hay ya. Amarillo todo ya pareció. Amarillo, blanco.
The color of the water isn't any more. It appeared yellow and all. Yellow,
00:02:24.236 - 00:02:30.536

Wak Eudosiapis wak mastaraq.

yuraq Wak Eudosia-pis wak mas-ta-raq.
yellow white DEM.D Eudosia-ADD DEM.D more-ACC-CONT
Ese Eudosia más todavía
Eudosia more still.
00:02:31.111 - 00:02:36.511

Wakhina subrillapihina hamusa antis bidunchapim hamuq.

Wak-hina subri-lla-pi-hina hamu-sa antis bidun-cha-pi-m hamu-q
DEM.D-SIM envelope-RSTR-LOC-SIM come-PRF before TK jug-DIM-LOC come-AG
Así como en sobre no más había venido. Antes venía en bidón.
Like that, it had come like just in envelopes. Before, it used to come in tubs.
00:02:37.211 - 00:02:42.111

¿Ima kaqñatrik rimidiyu? Kanan qallariyanña. Qaykuyanña.

Ima ka-q-ña-tri-k rimidiyu Kanan qallari-ya-n-ña Qayku-ya-n-ña
what be-AG-DISC-EVC-K remedy now begin-PROG-3-DISC corral-PROG-3-DISC
¿Qué clase ya será remedio? Ahora están empezando ya. Ya los están echando.
What type od medicine would they be? Now they're starting already. They're
tossing them in already.
00:02:42.261 - 00:02:46.911

Uvihaqa manama kanan yaykuyta munanqachu, May ... sasatrik wak aysakurun.
Uviha-qa mana-m-a kanan yayku-y-ta muna-nqa-chu May ... sasa-tri-k wak
sheep-TOP no-EVD-EMPH now enter-INF-ACC want-3-CONT-NEG where ... hard-EVC.K
Ahora las ovejas no van a querer entrar. Será difícil. Lo jaló.
Now the sheep aren't going to want to go in. It must be hard. It pulled him.
00:02:47.036 - 00:02:52.236

May munanchu. ¿Imayna? Hina runanqa aysayanña chuqakunanpis ya. Munanchu uviha.
may muna-n-chu Imayna Hina runa-n-qa aysa-ya-n-ña chuqa-ku-na-n-pis ya.
no want-3-NEG how thus person-3-TOP pull-PROG-3-DISC throw-REFL-NMLZ-3-ADD EMPH
No quiere. ¿Cómo? Así su dueño está jalando para que aviente. La oveja no
It doesn't want to. How? Its owner is pulling it so he can throw it like that.
The sheep doesn't want to.
00:02:52.361 - 00:03:03.711

Muna-n-chu uviha
want-3-NEG sheep

Genaropa manam fwirsanpis kanchu. Wak huk imaynataq alayri marqarun. Atipanchu.
Genaro-pa mana-m fwirsa-n-pis ka-n-chu Wak huk-ni-n imayna-taq alayri marqa-ru-n
Genaro-GEN no-EVD strength-3-ADD be-3-NEG DEM.D one-EUPH-3 how-SEQ
Genaro no tiene fuerza. El otro, ¿cómo alaire lo alza? No puede.
Genaro doesn't have any force. The other, how does he easily lidft them with
bith hands? No puede
00:03:04.161 - 00:03:10.361

agile carry.with.both.hands-URGT-1

Aa, siginanpaq wakhina aysayan. Wakhina aysaptin kapastri sigirunwanpis.

Aa, sigi-na-n-paq wak-hina aysa-ya-n Wak-hina aysa-pti-n kapas-tri
Aa, follow-NMLZ-3-PURP DEM.D-SIM pull-PROG-3 DEM.D-SIM pull-SUBDS-3 perhaps-EVC
Aa, para que siga está jalando así. Cuando jala así capaz puede seguir.
Ah, he's pulling it like that so that it follows. When he pulls like that maybe
it'll follow.
00:03:10.561 - 00:03:16.311

Ñakariyan. Ay. Chuqaykuyan.

sigirun-wan-pis ñakari-ya-n Ay. Chuqa-yku-ya-n
follow-URGT-3-1.OBJ-3-ADD suffer-PROG-3 Ay. throw-EXCEP-PROG-3
Está sufriendo. Está aventándolo.
It's suffering. He's throwing it [in].
00:03:17.686 - 00:03:23.686

Hukchu bañakuq yaykuyta munanchu uviha. Mayñataq hukllapa hukllapa aysakuyan.

Mana baña-ku-y-ta yayku-y-ta muna-n-chu uviha may-ña-taq huk-lla-pa huk-lla-pa
no bathe-REFL-INF-ACC enter-INF-ACC want-3-NEG sheep where-DISC-SEQ one-RSTR-LOC
¿Qué va a querer bañarse la oveja? ¿Dónde ya? Está jalando uno por uno.
The sheep doesn't want to enter to bathe? Where already? He's pulling them one
by one.
00:03:25.961 - 00:03:30.561


Iskinapaq kanan umantam ukukuman undirachinman. Ayyy.

Iskina-paq kanan Uma-n-ta-m uk-uku-man undi-ra-chi-n-man Ayyy.
corner-LOC now head-3-ACC-EVD in-inside-ALL submerge-URGT-CAUS-2-COND Ayyy.
De la esquina ahora pueden hacer hundir su cabeza hacia adentro. Ayyy.
From the corner now they can submerge their heads. Ayy.
00:03:30.686 - 00:03:36.536

Hinashpa aysan ganchu

Hinashpa aysa-n ganchu
then pull-3 hook
Después está jalando con gancho.
00:03:38.236 - 00:03:41.986

Hukta, hukta, hukta. Asu. Ukumantaqqa tumbaruntriki wak pues.

Huk-ta huk-ta huk-ta Asu Uku-man-taq-qa tumba-ru-n-tri-ki wak
one-ACC one-ACC one-ACC Asu. inside-ALL-SEQ-TOP knock.down-URGT-3-EVC-KI DEM.D
Otro, otro, otro. ASo. Para dentro también tomaría.
00:03:42.886 - 00:03:51.436

Wakhina mana vininu tumayta munashpatri manam yaykuyta munanchu uvihaqa.

Wak-hina mana vininu tuma-y-ta muna-shpa-tri mana-m yayku-y-ta muna-n-chu
DEM.D-SIM no poison take-INF-ACC want-SUBIS-EVC no-EVD enter-INF-ACC want-3-NEG
ASí, pues, no queriendo tomar veneno, pues, no dentrará la oveja. Está teniendo
00:03:51.761 - 00:03:58.761

uviha-qa Manchi-ku-ya-n
sheep-TOP scare-REFL-PROG-3

Ni kaspiwan tuksisa manam ni ima uyanchu uviha. Ni impufuwasa.

Ni kaspi-wan tuksi-sa mana-m ni ima uya-n-chu uviha Ni impuqa-sa
nor stick-INSTR prick-PRF no-EVD nor what concede-3-NEG sheep now push-PRF
Ni cuando inca con palo. Noda dice no quiere la oveja. Ni empujando.
00:03:59.361 - 00:04:06.261

Wakllam piru wakhina yaykurun dispuys munanchu, ¡ve! Kutiramunqam kanpis.

Wak-lla-m piru wak-hina yayku-ru-n dispuys muna-n-chu ve Kuti-ra-mu-nqa-m
DEM.D-RSTR-EVD but DEM.D-SIM enter-URGT-3 later want-3-NEG look
Esos no más dentró así. Después no quieren. va a volver, también.
00:04:07.186 - 00:04:14.986

Kutimun, ¡ve! Chuqaykuyan.

ka-n-pis Kuti-mu-n ve Chuqa-yku-ya-n
return-URGT-CISL-3.FUT-EVD be-3-ADD returm-URGT-3 look throw-EXCEP-PROG-3
Está volviendo, ves. Allll. Está aventamdo.
00:04:15.011 - 00:04:21.411

Sigidu sigidu yaykurun. Bañaykuyta yatran, ¡ve! Uman siqaykurushpa. Ultimupaq

ukuman undirachiyan
Sigidu sigidu yayku-ru-n Baña-yku-y-ta yatra-n ve Uma-n siqa-yku-ru-shpa
one.after.the.other one.after.the.other enter.URGT-3 bathe-EXCEP-INF-ACC know-3
Ay, seguido, seguido dentró. Saben bañar. Alza su cabeza. Ultimo le hizo hundir
para dentro.
00:04:22.486 - 00:04:33.236

Ultimu-paq uku-man undi-ra-chi-ya-n

look head-3 go.up-EXCEP-URGT-SUBIS last-ABL inside-ALL submerge-URGT-CAUS-PROG-3

Genaropa puntan ninchik chay uviha. Genaropa puntan bañakurun. Kanan huk punta
Genaro-pa punta-n ni-nchik chay uviha Genaro-pa punta-n baña-ku-ru-n Kanan huk
Genaro-GEN herd-3 say-1PL DEM.D sheep Genaro-GEN herd-3 bathe-REFL-URGT-3 now
De Genaro su punta, decimos ese oveja. De Genaro su punta se bañó. Ahora otra
punta va a dentrar.
00:04:39.536 - 00:04:47.786

punta yayka-mu-nqa
one puntaherd enter-CISL-3

Aaa, don Isidro Wamánpa. Huk punta huk punta. Para decir grupo, punta ninchik.
Aaa, don Isidro ruwa-na-n-paq Huk punta huk punta.
Aaa, don Isidro make-NMLZ-3-PURP one herd one herd
Aaa, de Don Isidro Wamán. Un grupo, otro grupo. Para decir grupo, "punta"
00:04:48.261 - 00:04:55.736

Huk puntam yaykurun Genaropa. Huk puntaqa kanan yaykurunqa Don Isidropa.
Huk punta-m yayku-ru-n Genaro-pa. Huk punta-sh kanan yayku-ru-nqa Don
one herd-EVD enter-URGT-3 Genaro-GEN one herd-EVR now enter-URGT-3.FUT Don
Otra punta ya dentró de GEnaro. Otro grupo ya dentró de DOn Isidro.
00:04:56.186 - 00:05:02.486

Wak ultimuta qayaykurun ñuqapa. Mas ach achka
Isidro-pa Wak ultimuta qaya-yku-ru-n ñuqa-pa Mas ach achka
Isidro-GEN DEM.D last-ACC shout-EXCEP-URGT-3 1-GEN more a.lot a.lot
Ultimo va a dentrar de mío. Más arto.
00:05:02.973 - 00:05:07.623

Wak muntikuna kayan virdi. Rumikunam wak uqiqa kayan. Ah, muntikunam. Chay
munti, rumi.
Wak munti-kuna ka-ya-n virdi. Rumi-kuna-m wak uqi-qa ka-ya-n Ah, munti-kuna-m
DEM.D brush-PL be-PROG-3 green rock-PL-EVD DEM.D gray-TOP be-PROG-3 Ah,
Ese es monte está verde. Y las piedras son plomas. Ah, monte, arból, piedra.
00:05:08.373 - 00:05:18.723

Chay munti, rumi.

brush-PL-EVD DEM.D brush rock

Pastuqa kanchu. Wak uchuk uchukchalla pastu. Kuralman qatiyamun. Uvihata

Pastu-qa kan-chu wak uchuk uchuk-cha-lla pastu Kural-man qati-ya-mu-n Uviha-ta
pasture.grass-TOP be-3-NEG DEM.D small small-DIM-RSTR pasture.grass corral-ALL
Pasto no hay. Está chiquititos chiquititos. Para coral ya está echando. Está
areando ya la oveja.
00:05:19.473 - 00:05:28.273


Kurri kurriña hamuyan wakta kuralman yaykunanpaq. Atahayan yaykuyan difisil

Kurri kurri-ña hamu-ya-n wak-ta kural-man yayku-na-n-paq Ataha-ya-n yayku-ya-n
run run-DISC come-PROG-3 DEM.D-ACC corral-ALL enter-NMLZ-3-PURP herd-PROG-3
Corre corre ya viene para que dentra al coral. Está atajando y difícil dentró.
Está viniendocorriendo. A ese. Para que entren en el corral. Están atajándolos
y dificílmente entraron.
00:05:28.423 - 00:05:35.623

difisil yayku-ru-n
enter-PROG-3 difficult enter-URGT-3

Kurriyamunña. Bañutariki kunstruyirqa Huancayopa kaptiymi. Antis karqachu

Kurri-ya-mu-n-ña Bañu-ta-r-iki kunstruyi-rqa Huancayo-pa ka-pti-y-mi Antis
run-PROG-CISL-3 bath-ACC-R-KI construct-PST Huancayo-LOC be-SUBDS-1 before
Están corriendo ya. Contruyeron el baño cuando estuve en Huancayo. Antes no
había en Chununa.
They're running already. They built the bath while I was in Huancayo. Before
there wasn't one in Chununa.
00:05:35.648 - 00:05:42.648

ka-rqa-chu Chununa-paq
be-PST-NEG Chununa-ABL

Bañuqa karqa Waqakuna, Lliwchuychu. Chay kanan kay Chununapaqmi qatina karqa.
Bañu-qa ka-rqa Waqakuna Lliwchuchu Chay kanan kay Chununa-paq-mi qati-na ka-rqa
bath-TOP be-PST Waqakuna, Lliwchuchu. DEM.D now DEM.P Chununa-ABL-EVD
Baños habían en Waqakuna, en Lliwchuchu. Aquel entonces, había que llevar de
Chununa a Lliwchuchu,
There were baths in Waqakuna and in Lliwchuychu. One had to take them from
Chununa to Lliwchuchu.
00:05:42.748 - 00:05:51.223

follow-NMLZ be-PST Lliwchuychu-ALL

¿Kaytaq ima watataq kunstruyirqa? Karqa mmm ...

Kay-taq ima wata-taq kunstruyi-rqa Ka-rqa mmm ...
DEM.P-SEQ what year-SEQ construct-PST be-PST mmm ...
¿Qué año lo construyeron? Era ... mmm
What year did they build it? It was ... mmm ...
00:05:52.023 - 00:05:57.223

Noventa y ocho ... noventa y seis. Chay Eudosiam chayta yatrayan. Paymi
kayllapa karqa.
nuvinta i uchu ... nuvinta i says Chay Eudosia-m chay-ta yatra-ya-n Pay-mi
ninety and eight ... ninety and six DEM.D Eudosia-EVD DEM.D-ACC know-PROG-3
Noventa y ocho noventa y tres. Eudosia sabe-RSTR. Ella estaba acá.
Ninety-eight, ninety-six. Eudosia knows that. She was here.
00:05:58.123 - 00:06:07.673

kay-lla-pa ka-rqa

Paymi yatran ima ficham kunstruyirqa. Ultimutañam chayta kuntruyirqa.

Chununataq. Mas antis hanaymi karqa. Aa, kumunidadlla. Kumunidadmanya.
Pay-mi yatra-n ima ficha-m kunstruyi-rqa Ultimu-ta-ña-m chay-ta kuntruyi-rqa
3-EVD know-3 what date-EVD construct-PST last-ACC-DISC-EVD DEM.D-ACC
Ella sabe que fecha lo construyeron. Ultimo ya contruyeron Chununa. Más antes
era arriba. La comunidad. Hacia la comunidad, pues.
She knows what date they built it. They built Chununa last. Before, it was up
hill. Ah, just the comunity. Towards the comunity.
00:06:09.173 - 00:06:21.223

Chununa-taq Mas antis hanay-mi ka-rqa Aa kumunidad-lla Kumunidad-m-a ya

construct-PST Chununa-SEQ more before up.hill-EVD be-PST Aa, community-RSTR


Aa, chaymi kanqa. Kanan chay sinkwinta sintimus pagasanchikmik kanqa

Aa, chay-mi ka-nqa Kanan chay sinkwinta sintimus paga-sa-nchik-mi-k ka-nqa
Aa, DEM.D-EVD be-3.FUT now DEM.D fifty cents pay-PRF-1PL-EVD-K be-3.FUT
Aa, por-RSTR va a ser. Ahora los cincuenta céntimos que pagamos va a ser
Aa, so it's going to be. Now the fifty cents that we paid will be
00:06:21.423 - 00:06:25.773

Lamitan pasanqa aykawanmi rimidiyuta rantimurqa wak huntakuna. Hunta kumunal.

Lamitan pasa-nqa ayka-wan-mi rimidiyu-ta ranti-mu-rqa wak hunta-kuna Hunta
half pass-3.FUT how.much-INSTR-EVD remedy-ACC buy-CISL-PST DEM.D council-PL
La mitad va a pasar. ¿Con cuánto compraron el remedio esas juntas directivas?
Junta comunal.
Half is going to pass. The committee bought the medicine with how much? The
community committee.
00:06:26.123 - 00:06:32.773

Chaytam kubrakunqa chay rimidiyunpaq.

kumunal Chay-ta-m kubra-ku-nqa chay rimidiyu-n-paq
council community DEM.D-ACC-EVD charge-REFL-3.FUT DEM.D remedy-3-PURP
Eso se va a cobrar por el remedio.
They're going to charge that for the medicine.
00:06:33.273 - 00:06:38.023

Subraqtaqa kaham yaykunanpaq rindanqa kwintata. Asimbliya. Kanan manaraq ya

kanchu asimbliyaqa.
Subra-q-ta-qa kaha-m yayku-na-n-paq rinda-nqa kwinta-ta Asimbliya Kanan mana-raq
be.left.over-AG-ACC-TOP box-EVD enter-NMLZ-3-PURP render-3.FUT account-ACC
Lo que sobra, para que entre en la caja, van a rendir la cuenta. Asamblea.
Ahora no hay todavía asamblea.
What's left over, so that it goes into the coffer, they're going to render
accounts. The assembly. Now there isn't an assembly yet.
00:06:38.223 - 00:06:45.023

ya ka-n-chu asimbliya-qa
assembly now no-CONT EMPH be-3-NEG assembly-TOP

Chayraq kanqa. Ima ya kanqa kanan bañu kwinta rindinanpaq. Chayraqmi kay simana.
Chay-raq ka-nqa Ima ya ka-nqa kanan bañu kwinta rindi-na-n-paq Chay-raq-mi kay
DEM.D-CONT be-3.FUT what EMPH be-3.FUT now bath account render.NMLZ-3-PURP
Va a haber recién. Para que rinda la cuenta recién esta semana.
00:06:45.398 - 00:06:53.273


Cachuy fiysta pasay chayraqtri kayan siguru rindisyun.

Cachuy fiysta pasa-y chay-raq ka-ya-n siguru rindisyun
Cachuy festival pass-INF DEM.D.CONT be-PROG-3 sure rendering
Pasando la fiesta de Cachuy seguro va a haber rendición.
After the Cachuy festival for sure there's going to be a surrender.
00:06:53.273 - 00:06:56.573

Wak uvihataq lliw traqnasam kayan. traqnasa. traqnayan. Nigusiyunta nigusiyu

uvihan wak
Wak uviha-taq lliw traqna-sa-m ka-ya-n traqna-sa traqna-ya-n Nigusiyu-n-ta
DEM.D sheep-SEQ all bind-PRF-EVD be-PROG-PRF bind-PRF bind-PROG-3 business-3-ACC
Esas ovejas están trincados todo. Trincados. Están trincando. Oveja de negocio
Those sheep are all bound up. Bound up. They're binding them up. Sheep for
sale, those.
00:06:56.698 - 00:07:04.598

nigusiyu uviha-n wak

business sheep DEM.D

Fatigayan pubri uviha. Kalur. Wiksankunañam wakhina traqnaruptin punkirunqa

unayña kaptinqa.
Fatiga-ya-n pubri uviha. Kalur. Wiksa-n-kuna-ña-m wak-hina traqna-ru-pti-n
tire-PROG-3 poor sheep heat stomach-3-PL-DISC-EVD DEM.D-SIM bind-URGT-SIBDS-3
Están fatigando las ovejas. Calor. Sus barrigas van a hinchar ya cuando los
trincan cuando era tanto rato.
The sheep are getting tired. Heat. Their stomachs are going to swell when they
bind them up, when it was so long.
00:07:04.873 - 00:07:10.723

punki-ru-nqa unay-ña ka-pti-n-qa

swell-URGT-3.FUT before-DISC be-SUBDS-3-TOP

Chay mana uviha bañaman yaykuptinqa mana manam katrarinchu pubritaqa.

Chay mana uviha baña-man yayku-pti-nqa mana mana-m katra-ri-n-chu
DEM.D no sheep bath-ALL enter-SUBDS-3-TOP no no-EVD release-INCEP-3-NEG
Cuando no entra la oveja al baño, no sueltan al pobre.
When the sheep doesn't go into the bath, they don't release the poor thing.
00:07:13.798 - 00:07:17.948

Aa, antis rimidyukuna huklla karqa kananqa lliw sutin kambiyasaña ya.
Aa, antis rimidyu-kuna huk-lla ka-rqa kanan-qa lliw suti-n kambiya-sa-ña ya.
Aa, before remedy-PL one-RSTR be-PST now-TOP all name-3 change-PRF-DISC EMPH
Antes eran otros los remedios. Ahora todos sus nombres se han cambiado.
Before there were other medicines. Now all the names have changed.
00:07:18.073 - 00:07:24.273

Chaytapis chay Eudosiam ima rimidiyukunata yatran. Paymi rantimun i pay

yatrayan kanan.
Chay-ta-pis chay Eudosia-m ima rimidiyu-kuna-ta yatra-n Paymi ranti-mu-n i pay
DEM.D-ACC-ADD DEM.D Eudosia-EVD what remedy-PL-ACC know-3 3-EVD buy-CISL-3 and 3
Eso también sabe Eudosia -- que clase de remedio es. Ella lo compró. Ahora ella
That, too, Eudosia knows -- what class of medicine it is. She bought it; now
she knows.
00:07:26.098 - 00:07:32.848

Natural naturaltaq bichupaq, kaypaq ñuqa tumachini

yatra-ya-n kanan Natural natural-taq bichu-paq kay-pa ñuqa tuma-chi-ni
know-PROG-3 now Natural natural-SEQ bug-PURP DEM.P-LOC 1 take-CAUS-1
Natural, natural para bicho, aquí yo hago tomar ...
Natural, natural for bugs, here I have them take
00:07:35.448 - 00:07:40.748

Alkachufapa uhanta limunniyuqta mallaqman wakhina watarayaqman

Alkachufa-pa uha-n-ta limun-ni-yuq-ta mallaq-man wak-hina wata-raya-q-man
artichoke-GEN leaf-3-ACC lime-EUPH-POSS-ACC fast-ALL DEM.D-SIM tie-PASS-AG-ALL
Oja de alcachofa con limón. En ayunas así a lo que está amarrado.
Artchoke leaves with lemon. On an empty stomach, like that, to the tied-up
00:07:40.923 - 00:07:48.573

Ishchachallata. Ishkay kimsa millpuychallata chaymi chay alikuyanta wañuchin.

Ishcha-cha-lla-ta Ishkay kimsa millpuy-cha-lla-ta alikuya-n-ta wañu-chi-n
little-DIM-RSTR-ACC two three throat-DIM-RSTR-ACC paracite-3-ACC die-CAUS-3
Poquito no más. Dos, tres bocaradas no más. Luego-RSTR mata su parásito.
Just a little. Just two or three mouthfuls. Then that kills thier paracites.
00:07:48.573 - 00:07:53.823

Wakhina priparayan. Chay primira sunaqa kayanrik qallariyamun napaqmi wak

Wak-hina pripara-ya-n Chay primira suna-qa ka-ya-n-r-ik qallari-ya-mu-n
DEM.D-SIM prepare-PROG-3 DEM.D first zone-TOP be-PROG-3-R-IK begin-PROG-CISL-3
Así están preparándolo. La primera zona está empezando de allá ... Chunchu.
They're preparing it like that. The first zone is starting from umm -- Chunchu.
00:07:54.123 - 00:08:04.423

na-paq-mi wak Chunchu.


Chay tukuy inkwintru Acobambillawanmi kayan Viñacpi.

Chay tukuy inkwintru Acobambilla-wan-mi ka-ya-n Viñac-pi
DEM.D all border Acobambilla-INSTR-EVD be-PROG-3 Viñac-LOC
Es todo el encuentro con Acobambilla y Viñac.
The whole border with Acobombilla and Viñac.
00:08:04.548 - 00:08:10.448

Pastu kumunalnin hinaptinqa chay primira suna, kayantri inkwintru Cacra

Pastu kumunal-ni-n hinaptin-qa chay primira suna ka-ya-n-tri inkwintru
pasture.grass communal-EUPH-3 then-TOP DEM.D first zone be-PROG-3-EVC border
Su pasto comunal. Luego esa primera zona estará en el encuentro con Cacra.
Its communal pasture grass then the first zone would be on the Cacra border.
00:08:11.023 - 00:08:17.423


Akubambilla chay bañuqa kayantri primura sunapaqa Waqakuna. Chay Waqakuna

Primira suna.
Akubambilla chay bañu-qa kaya-n-tri primura suna-pa-qa Waqa-kuna Chay Waqakuna
Akubambilla DEM.D bath.TOP be-PROG-3-EVC first zone-LOC-TOP Waqakuna. DEM.D
Acobambilla. el baño de la primera zona estará en Waqakuna. Esa Waqakuna,
primera zona.
Acobambilla. The first zone's bath would be in Waqakuna. Waqakuna -- first zone.
00:08:17.748 - 00:08:26.198

Primira suna
Waqakuna first zone

Chay sigunda sunaqa kayan kay Santa María Lliwchucho, Paqopa Watranan. Sigunda
suna kayan chay chay bañupa sutin Lliwchucho.
Chay sigunda suna-qa ka-ya-n kay Santa María Lliwchucho Pajowapchanan Sigunda
DEM.D second zone-TOP be.PROG-3 DEM.P Santa María Lliwchucho, Pajowapchanan.
La segunda zona está acá Santa María, Lliwchuchu. Paqopa Watranan [donde da
luz la alpaca]. Es de la segunda zona. El baño se llama Lliwchuchu.
The seond zone is here -- Santa María. Lliwchucho, Paqupa Watranan. It's the
second zone's. The bath's name is lliwchuchu.
00:08:26.898 - 00:08:38.548
suna ka-ya-n chay chay bañu-pa suti-n Lliwchucho.
second zone be-PROG-3 DEM.D DEM.D bath-GEN name-3 Lliwchucho.

Chununaqa tirsira sunañam. Minus minusñam uviha kaypaq chay ishkay primira
sunapi mas uvihata uywan.
Chununa-qa tirsira suna-ña-m Minus minus-ña-m uviha kay-paq chay ishkay primira
Chununa-TOP third zone-DISC-EVD less less-DISC sheep DEM.P-LOC DEM.D two first
Chununa es la tercera zona ya. Hay menos menos ovejas ya de acá. En las dos
primeras zonas crían más ovejas.
Chununa is the third zone already. There are less, less sheep already from
here. In the two first zones, they raise more sheep.
00:08:38.748 - 00:08:47.098

suna-pi mas uviha-ta uywa-n

zone-LOC more sheep-ACC raise-3

Kanan wak uviha manam bañu yaykuyta munashpa ayqiyan mana runantapis
Kanan wak uviha mana-m bañu yayku-y-ta muna-shpa ayqi-ya-n mana runa-n-ta-pis
now DEM.D sheep no-EVD bath enter-INF-ACC want-SUBIS escape-PROG-3 no
Ahora cuando la oveja no quiere bañarse, escapa. A su dueño también está
Now when the sheep doesn't wan to bathe itself, it escapes. It's pulling its
owner, too.
00:08:47.098 - 00:08:53.948

person-3-ACC-ADD pull-FREQ-PROG-3

Alafwirsaña aysashpa hitaykuyan bañachata wak iskinapi umanta undichin

Alafwirsa-ña aysa-shpa hita-yku-ya-n baña-cha-ta wak iskina-pi uman-ta
by.force-DISC pull-SUBIS leave-EXCEP-PROG-3 bath-DIM-ACC DEM.D corner-LOC
A la fuerza ya, arrastrando, está dejando el baño. En esa esquina hacen hundir
su cabeza.
By force, already, pulling, it's leaving the bath. In the corner they submerge
its head.
00:08:54.298 - 00:09:03.498

head-ACC submerge-CAUS-3

Chay kikillan yaykushpaqa kurrikuyanña chay kurrishpa lliw lliw huntarun wak
Chay kiki-lla-n yayku-shpa-qa kurriku-ya-n-ña chay kurri-shpa lliw lliw
DEM.D self-RSTR-3 enter-SUBIS-TOP run-REFL-PROG-3-DISC DEM.D run.SUBIS all all
Ellos mismos entrando, están corriendo ya. Cuando corrieron, todos llenaron esa
They themselves enter and are running already. When they ran, they filled the
00:09:08.323 - 00:09:15.173

hunta-ru-n wak yaku-man

gather-URGT-3 DEM.D water-ALL

Algunusta qawanchu ukuman undirun wañurun. Sumaq sumaqmi yaykun. Wak aysasa
riyan. Marqayan hukllapa hukllapa.
Algunus-ta qawa-n-chu uku-man undi-ru-n wañu-ru-n Sumaq sumaq-mi yayku-n Wak
some-ACC see-3-NEG inside-ALL submerge-URGT-3 die-URGT-3 pretty pretty-EVD
A algunos no los ven. Hundieron para dentro y murieron. Bonito, bonito entran.
Están yendo jalado. Está alzando uno por uno.
They don't see some of them. They sank inside and died. They enter nicely,
nicely. They're going pulled. He's carrying them with both hands one by one.
00:09:15.273 - 00:09:24.723

aysa-sa ri-ya-n Marqa-ya-n huk-lla-pa huk-lla-pa

enter-3 DEM.D pull-PRF go-PROG-3 carry.with.both.hands-INF one-RSTR-LOC

Pawashpa ripukun hinashpa kutiyamun.

Pawa-shpa ri-pu-ku-n hinashpa kuti-ya-mu-n
one-RSTR-LOC jump-SUBIS go-BEN-REFL-3 then return-PROG-CISL-3
Ah, saltando se fue luego está volviendo.
Ah, it left jumping, then it's returning.
00:09:25.448 - 00:09:28.498

Kwintanchu kiputaqa ni agradasikunchu takañu Genaro.

Kwinta-n-chu Kipu-ta-qa ni agradasi-ku-n-chu takañu Genaro
count-3-NEG Kipu-ACC-TOP nor thank-REFL-3-NEG stingy Genaro.
No le hacen caso a Kipu. Ni se lo agradecen. [Cómo es] tacano Genaro.
They don't pay any attention to Kipu. They don't even thank him. Genaro [is so]
00:09:28.623 - 00:09:34.423

Malcriado no quiere bañarse. Chay tapsikuyanmi. Chay uman rinrinkunamanTKK

tapsikuyan yaku apuray wichinanpaq.
Chay tapsi-ku-ya-n-mi Chay uma-n rinri-n-kuna-mi tapsi-ku-ya-n yaku apuray
DEM.D prick-REFL-PROG-3-EVD DEM.D head-3 ear-3-PL-EVD shake-REFL-PROG-3
Malcriado no quiere bañarse. Está sacudiendo. Su cabeza oreja . Está
sacudiendose para que el agua caiga rápido.
Spoiled -- it doesn't want to bathe itself. It's shaking itself out. Its head
ears its shaking so the water scatters quickly.
00:09:42.648 - 00:09:53.748
water quick scatter-NMLZ-3-PURP

Yana Urqu qipantaq huk urquraq kayan Marqanqa. Marqan Yana Urqu. Marqanqa. Ayyy
karuraqtri Yauyos kayan.
Yana urqu qipa-n-taq wak urqu-raq-mi ka-ya-n marqan-qa Marqan yana urqu
black hill behind-3-SEQ DEM.D hill-CONT-EVD be-PROG-3 marqan-TOP Marqan black
Atrás de Yana Urqu, otro cerro todavía es Marqan. Marqan, Yana Urqu, Marqan. Ay
lejos todavía está Yauyos.
Behind Yana Urqu another hill still is Marqanqa. Marqan, Yana Urqu, Marqan.
Ayy, Yauyos is still very far.
00:09:58.648 - 00:10:11.698

Marqan-qa Ayyy karu-raq-tri Yauyos ka-ya-n

hill Marqan-TOP Ayka far-CONT-EVC Yauyos be-PROG-3

Inkwintrunpis sirkachu manam. Karum. Machkahinatam hitraykuyan ninchik.

Pulvutaq. Machkahina.
Inkwintru-n-pis sirka-chu mana-m Karu-m Machka-hina-ta-m hitra-yku-ya-n
border-3-ADD close-EVD no-EVD far-EVD cereal.meal-SIM-ACC-EVD spill-EXCEP-PROG-3
Su encuentro tampoco no es cerca. Es lejos. Lo están derramando como machka,
decimos al polvo. Como machca.
The border isn't close, either. It's far. They're spilling it like machca, we
say to the powder. Like machka.
00:10:12.050 - 00:10:20.000

ni-nchik Pulvu-taq Machka-hina

say-1PL dust-SEQ cereal.meal-SIM

Achka piru uviha kayan, ¡ve! Manam Genaro atipanchu, ¡ve!

Achka piru uviha ka-ya-n ve Mana-m Genaro atipa-n-chu ve
a.lot but sheep be-PROG-3 look no-EVD Genaro look
Hay muchas ovejas. ¡Ve! Genaro no puede. ¡Ve!
There are a lot of sheep. Genaro can't. Look!
00:10:20.500 - 00:10:26.100

Mana fwirsayuq. Takañapaqtri mana mikunchu. Wakhina wañurachiyman

rantikuykuyman. ¿Pipaqtaq uywayan?
Mana fwirsa-yuq Takaña-paq-tri mana miku-n-chu Wak-hina wañu-ra-chi-y-man
no strength-POSS stingy-ABL no eat-3-NEG DEM.D-SIM die-URGT-CAUS-1-COND
No tiene fuerza. Por [ser] tacaño, seguro, no comerá. Así, puedo matar, puedo
vender. ¿Para quién está criando él?
He doesn't have any force. On account of [being] cheap, he must not eat, for
sure. I could kill [a sheep]; I could sell [a sheep] like that. Who is he
raising them for?
00:10:27.475 - 00:10:34.625

ranti-ku-yku-y-man Pi-paq-taq uywa-ya-n

buy-REFL-EXCEP-1-COND who-BEN-SEQ uywayan?

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Liscay_JP_Wife_Adobe.eaf
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 2:20 PM


Umallanya nanara siñurapaqa kay umallan. Chaypaqa kay narisñataq Chaypaqa

uma-lla-n-ya nana-ra siñura-pa-qa kay uma-lla-n chay-pa-qa kay naris-ña-taq
head-RSTR-3-EMPH hurt-PST wife-GEN-TOP DEM.P head-RSTR-3 DEM.D DEM.P nose-DISC-SEQ
La cabeza no más de la señora dolía. De allí, su nariz; después, su ojo.
Just the lady's head hurt. Then, her nose; then her eyes.
00:00:00.000 - 00:00:06.210

chay-paq-qa uhu-ña-taq

Aa chaytam munasa riki. Chay umallan nanaptin kay sinqallan nanara.

aa chay-ta-m muna-sa r-iki chay uma-lla-n nana-pti-n kay sinqa-lla-n
ah DEM-D-ACC-EVD want-PRF R-IKI DEM.D head-RSTR-3 hurt-SUBDS-3 DEM.P nose-RSTR-3
Ah,-RSTR quería, pues. Ah, cuando su cabeza dolía, [cuando] dolía su nariz.
Ah, she wanted that. Ah, when her head hurt, [when] her nose hurt.
00:00:11.200 - 00:00:17.190


Chaylla wata intiru unqura. Chay qasa qasakunallawan umanta samaykuq

chay-lla wata intiru unqu-ra chay qasa qasa-kuna-lla-wan uma-n-ta
DEM.D-RSTR year entire be.sick-PST DEM.D ice ice-PL-RSTR-INSTR head-3-ACC
Así no más el año entero se enfermó. Ah, con hielo, con hielo su cabeza
Just like that she was sick for an entire year. Ah, with ice, her head rested
with ice.
00:00:17.475 - 00:00:24.655

Arí, ariyá taqllaq qasawan allí alli. Chayllas kalmaykuq. Chaymi chayna
pasaruptinqa nanakullaq nanaqshi
arí ari-yá taqlla-q TK qasa-wan allí alli chay-lla-s kalma-y-ku-q. chay-mi
yes yes-EMPH crush-AG ice-INSTR good good DEM.D-RSTR-ADD calm-INF-REFL-AG TK
Sí, pues, con hielo la aplastaba allí no más calmaba. Cuando pasaba-RSTR le
Yes, then, she crushed it with ice and just with that it would calm down. When
that happened, it hurt her.
00:00:25.935 - 00:00:34.435

chay-na pasa-ru-pti-n-qa nana-ku-lla-q nana-q-shi


Manayá hampichira:chu. Ariyá, ariyá, ariyá Diospa

mana-yá hampi-chi-ra-:-chu ari-yá ari-yá ari-yá Dios-pa
no-EMPH heal-CAUS-PST-1-NEG yes-EMPH yes-EMPH yes_EMPH God-GEN
No la hice curar. Sí, pues, sí, pues, sí pues, de Dios.
I didn't have her cured. Yes, then, yes, then, yes, then, God's.
00:00:37.865 - 00:00:43.725

Intrigakura Chinchapa nishpa nira willakura, ¿manachu? Chaynam chay kara.

Intriga-ku-ra Chincha-pa ni-shpa ni-ra willa-ku-ra mana-chu chay-na-m chay Chincha-LOC say-SUBIS say-PST tell-REFL-PST no-NEG
La entrgué en Chincha, [nos] dijo, [nos] avisó. ¿No? Así era-RSTR.
I delivered her in Cheincha, she said, she told us, no? It was like that.
00:00:47.425 - 00:00:52.385

Ñuqas TK ñuqata pushamara Chinchata.

ka-ra ñuqa-s ñuqa-ta pusha-ma-ra Chincha-ta
Yo también. Ella me llevó a Chincha.
Me, too. She took me to Chincha.
00:00:52.925 - 00:00:55.965

Diosninchik intrigarunanchikpaq pay Diosninchik palabran kriyiq chay Paypa

siñuran kara warmi. Paypa warmin hinaptin
Dios-ni-nchik intrigaru-na-nchik-paq pay Dios-ni-nchik palabra-n kriyi-q chay
God-EUPH-1PL 3 God-EUPH-1PL word-3 believe-AG DEM.D 3-GEN
Para entrgarnos a Dios, a los que creen en la palabra de nuestro Dios. Su
señora era mujer. Su mujer. Y después.
TO deliver ourselves to God, to those who believe in the word of our God. His
wife was a woman. His wife. Then
00:00:56.185 - 00:01:02.785

pay-pa siñura-n ka-ra warmi pay-pa warmi-n hinaptin

wife-3 be-PST woman 3-GEN woman-3 then

Chay mana pay munarachu imawan hampichikunanta mana pasaypaq pasaypaq munarachu.
chay mana pay muna-ra-chu ima-wan hampi-chi-ku-na-n-ta mana pasaypaq pasaypaq
DEM.D no 3 want-PST-NEG what-INSTR heal-CAUS-REFL-NMLZ-3-ACC no a.lot a.lot
Por-RSTR ella no quería hacerse curar con nada. Total total no quería.
That's why she didn't want to have herself cured with anything. She didn't want
it at all, at all.
00:01:02.905 - 00:01:07.865


Hinashpam munashpam unqukura DIosninchikta ruygakura mañakura tukuy tuta

alavansankunata takikura hinashpa tiyakuq
hinashpa-m muna-shpa-m unqu-ku-ra DIos-ni-nchikta ruyga-ku-ra maña-ku-ra tukuy
then-EVD want-SUBIS-EVD be.sick-REFL-PST God-EUPH-1PL-ACC beg-REFL-PST
Queriendo se enfermó. Rogaba a nuestro Dio, le pidió. Toda la noche cantando su
alavanza. Depsués sentaba.
Then, wanting it, she got sick. She begged our God, pleaded to him, singing her
"alavanzas" all night. Then she sat.
00:01:08.085 - 00:01:15.925

tuta alavansa-n-kuna-ta taki-ku-ra hinashpa tiya-ku-q

request-REFL-PST all night sung.prayers-3-PL-ACC TK sing-REFL-PST then


Kay wasillanpi. Hinaptinmi Chinchata wawankuna pusharun kampanakunaman

kay wasi-lla-n-pi hinaptin-mi Chincha-ta wawa-n-kuna pusha-ru-n kampana-kuna-man
DEM.P house-RSTR-3-LOC then-EVD Chincha-ACC baby-3-PL bring-URGT-3 bell-PL-ALL
Aquí en su casa, nada más. Después, sus hijos la llevaron a Chincha a la
here, just in her house. Then her children brought her to Chincha, to the
campaign and all.
00:01:16.325 - 00:01:20.825

Chaypaqpis hinalla kutimuq chayshi umallan nanara total. Pasaypa pasaypa

qasakunallawanshi trurachikura pasaypa
chay-paq-pis hina-lla kuti-mu-q chay-shi uma-lla-n nana-ra total. Pasaypa
DEM.D-ABL-ADD thus-RSTR return-CISL-AG DEM.D-EVR head-RSTR-3 hurt-PST total a.lot
De allí también, así no más se regresó y seguía doliéndole la cabaza. Total,
total, con hielo se hacía poner.
From there, too, just like that, she returned and her head continued to hurt
her. COmpletely, completely, she had ice put [on it].
00:01:20.935 - 00:01:27.105
pasaypa qasa-kuna-lla-wan-shi trura-chi-ku-ra pasaypa
a.lot ice-PL-RSTR-INSTR-EVR put-CAUS-REFL-PST a.lot

Chumirakura kay umallanta qasallawan

chumi-ra-ku-ra kay uma-lla-n-ta qasa-lla-wan
crush-TK-REFL-PST kay umallanta qasallawan
Total lo tenía su cabeza aplastado con hielo, con hielo.
Completely, she pressed her head with ice, with ice.
00:01:27.285 - 00:01:30.425

Chay nanarimuptinqa qaparkatrakuq total chay sufrin pay chay warmillantapis

paylla sirvillara
chay nana-ri-mu-pti-n-qa qapa-rkatra-ku-q total chay sufri-n pay chay
DEM.D hurt-INCEP-CISL-SUBDS-TOP shout-FREQ-REFL-AG total DEM.D suffer-3 3 DEM.D
Cuando empezaba a doler gritaba, Total sufría él también. El no más servía a su
When it would start to hurt, she would shout. Completely, he suffered, too.
ONly he served his wife.
00:01:30.840 - 00:01:36.920

warmi-lla-n-ta-pis pay-lla sirvi-lla-ra

woman-RSTR-3-ACC-ADD 3-RSTR serve-RSTR-PST

Wambrankuna lliw Chinchapa kakuptin

wambra-n-kuna lliw Chincha-pa ka-ku-pti-n
child-3-PL all Chincha-LOC be-REFL-SUBDS-3
Cuando todos sus hijos estaban en Chincha.
When all his children were in Chincha.
00:01:37.020 - 00:01:39.740

Wambrankuna kakuptin sirviraq sirvillaq. Hinashpalla atindira.

wambra-n-kuna ka-ku-pti-n sirvi-ra-q TK sirvi-lla-q hinashpa-lla atindi-ra
child-3-PL be-REFL-SUBDS-3 serve-UNINT-AG serve-RSTR-AG then-RSTR
Cuando sus hijos estaban, le servía, le servía. Después, [él no más] atendía a
When his children were there, they served her, they served her. Then [only he]
attended to her.
00:01:39.840 - 00:01:44.840

Ñuqalla atindira:. Siñurata unqukuptin. Huk wata intirun unqura wata wata un
ñuqa-lla atindi-ra-: Siñura-ta unqu-ku-pti-n huk wata intirun unqu-ra wata wata
1-RSTR wife-ACC be.sick-REFL-SUBDS-3 one year entire be.sick-PST
Yo no más atendía a mi señora cuando estaba enferma. Estaba enferma un año
entero. Una año, un año.
Just I attended to my wife when she was sick. She was sick an entire year, One
year. One year.
00:01:45.320 - 00:01:51.680

Kimsa wata yupaytri unqura. Ariyá.

kimsa wata yupay-tri unqu-ra ari-yá
year year three year more.or.less be.sick-PST be-EMPH
Como tres años estaba enferma. Sí, pues.
She was sick for about three years. Yes, indeed
00:01:52.260 - 00:01:55.240

Ima mikuya:chi: ya. Yakukunata tumaya:chi: imapista yanukushpa mikuya:chi:

ima miku-ya:-chi-: ya yaku-kuna-ta tuma-ya:-chi-: ima-pis-ta yanu-ku-shpa
what eat-PROG-CAUS-1-EMPH EMPH water-PL-ACC drink-PROG-CAUS-1 what-ADD-ACC
Qué le hacía comer, pues. Le hacía tomar agua. ¿Ah, qué cosa, también,
cocinando hacía comer?
What I had her eat, then. I had her drink water. What, then, did I cook and
feed her?
00:02:01.270 - 00:02:07.330


Mana mikuyta ultimuta [inaudible] Mikuyta munarachu. Ishllata pukito. Ishllata

pukitullata. Ama kastillanu! Kichuwallapi rimanki. Ah kichuwallapi.
mana miku-y-ta ultimu-ta miku-y-ta muna-ra-chu ishlla-ta pukiyu ishlla-ta
no eat-INF-ACC last-ACC eat-INF-ACC want-PST-NEG little-ACC little little-ACC
Al principio comía; al final no quería comer. Un poco, no más, poquito. En
castellano, no! En quechua no más vas a hablar. Ah, en quechua no más.
At first, she ate; at the end, she didn't want to eat. A little bit, no more, a
little bit. Not in Spanish! Talk just in Quechua! Ah, just in Quechua.
00:02:10.230 - 00:02:17.550

pukitu-lla-ta. ama kastillanu chu? TK kichuwa-lla-pi rima-nki aa kichuwa-lla-pi

little-RSTR-ACC PROH Spanish Quechua-RSTR-LOC talk-2 ah Quechua-RSTR-LOC

Ah mana qa ishllata ishllata mikukura munarachu

aa mana qa ishlla-ta ishlla-ta miku-ku-ra muna-ra-chu
ah no PHAT little-ACC little-ACC eat-REFL-PST want-PST-NEG
Ah, no. Poquito, poquito no más comía. No lo quería.
Ah, no- SHe ate just a little bit, just a little bit. She didn't want it.
00:02:19.350 - 00:02:23.550

Ultimuta pasaypaq nigarun mikuytaqa pasaypaq munanchu. Ariyá chayllata tumakun

chayllata. Yakunta tumaq yakunta kada ratu.
ultimu-ta pasaypaq niga-ru-n miku-y-ta-qa pasaypaq muna-n-chu ari-yá chay-lla-ta
last-ACC a.lot reject-URGT-3 eat-INF-ACC-TOP a.lot want-3-NEG yes-EMPH
Al final, negaba toda la comida. No lo quería. Sí, pues,-RSTR no más tomaba.
Agua no más. Agua tomaba cada rato.
At the end, she didn't want any food. She didn't want it. Yes, then, she drank
just that. Just water. She drank water all the time.
00:02:25.430 - 00:02:34.110

tuma-ku-n chay-lla-ta yaku-n-ta tuma-q yaku-n-ta kada ratu

DEM.D-RSTR-ACC take-REFL-3 DEM.D-RSTR-ACC water-3-ACC drink-AG water-3-ACC each


Chayllawan unqura sanu sanu sanu sanu ya kara. Sanu sanu. Allí vivu vivu ya
kara Edelberta alli vivu.
chay-lla-wan unqu-ra sanu sanu sanu sanu ya ka-ra sanu sanu allí vivu vivu ya
DEM.D-RSTR-INSTR be.sick-PST healthy healthy healthy healthy EMPH be-PST healthy
Con-RSTR no más estaba enferma. Bien bien sana era. Sana, sana. Ah, bien viva
era, Edelberta. Bien viva.
She was sick with just that. She was really healthy. Healthy. Healthy. Ah, she
was really lively. Really lively.
00:02:37.870 - 00:02:48.570

ka-ra Edelberta alli vivu

healthy good alive alive EMPH be-PST Edelberta good alive

vaka qarqusanpami yawarllanña kutikaramun. Kitrkaman saqaykurusa. Chaytriki

hapirura urqum.
vaka qarqu-sa-n-pa-m yawar-lla-n-ña kuti-ka-ra-mu-n kitrka-man saqa-yku-ru-sa
cow toss.out-PRF-3-LOC-EVD blood-RSTR-3-DISC return-REFL-URGT-CISL-3 thorn-ALL
Donde botó las vacas, sangre no más regresó. She había caido a espinas. De
allí, el cerro la agarró.
Blood returned where she tossed out the cows. She had fallen in thorns. From
then, the hill grabbed her.
00:02:48.850 - 00:02:55.750

chay-tri-ki hapi-ru-ra urqu-m


Kriyirachu pasaypaq manayá kriyirachu. Niptinqa kutirachishun nishpa munarachu.

Manam manam. Diosninchikñam hakuwan nishpa
kriyi-ra-chu pasaypaq mana-yá kriyi-ra-chu ni-pti-n-qa kuti-ra-chi-shun ni-shpa
believe-PST-NEG a.lot no-EMPH believe-PST-NEG say-SUBDS-TOP
Ah, no creía. Total no creía. Vamos a hacer volver. Cuando le decía no quería.
No, no. Nuestro Dios dice, '¡vamos!'
Ah, she didn't believe; she didn't believe at all. When they said let's return
it [have a healing ceremony], she didn't want to. No, no. Our God already said
"Let's go!"
00:02:56.790 - 00:03:03.710

muna-ra-chu mana-m mana-m Dios-ni-nchik-ña-m haku-wan ni-shpa

return-URGT-CAUS-1PL.FUT say-SUBIS want-PST-NEG no-EVD no-EVD


Dios taytanchik ñuqapaqa ducturni: nishpa nira. Paymi hampimanqa nishpa. Aa,
paymi hampimanqa nira.
Dios tayta-nchik ñuqa-pa-qa ductur-ni-: ni-shpa ni-ra pay-mi hampi-ma-nqa
GOD father-1PL 1-GEN-TOP doctor-EUPH-1 say-SUBIS say-PST 3-EVD cure-1.OBJ-3.FUT
Nuestro Dios padre es mi doctor, decía. Ah, él me va a curar, decía ella. Ah,
él me va a curar, dijo.
God our father is my doctor, she said. Ah, he's going to cure me, she said. Ah,
he's going to cure me, she said.
00:03:03.870 - 00:03:10.530

ni-shpa ah pay-mi hampi-ma-n-qa ni-ra

say-SUBIS ah 3-EVD cure-1.OBJ-3.FUT say-PST

Liviya liviyanu vivu ya kara vivu vivu. Ganawpaqpis trakrapaqpis vivu vivu
Liviya liviyanu vivu ya ka-ra vivu vivu. ganaw-paq-pis trakra-paq-pis vivu
light light alive EMPH be-PST alive alive cattle-ABL-ADD field-ABL-ADD alive
Bien ágil, viva, viva, era. Del ganado, de la trakra también, viva, viva.
Really agile, really lively. From the cattle, from the fields. Lively, lively.
00:03:21.810 - 00:03:29.170


Manam munarachu qilla [inaudible] sanu. Yantakunata alli aparamuq qipiramuq

winay winay . Vakachawan kisuta ruwaq.
mana-m muna-ra-chu qilla sanu yanta-kuna-ta alli apa-ra-mu-q qipi-ra-mu-q
no-EVD want-PST-NEG lazy healthy firewood-PL-ACC good bring-URGT.CISL-AG
No quería [ser] ociosa. Sano. Cargaba leña y todo. Bien, bien. Hacía queso con
las vacas.
She didn't want [to be] lazy. She would carry firewood. Well, well. She would
make cheese with the cows.
00:03:29.600 - 00:03:37.280

winay TK winay . vaka-cha-wan kisu-ta ruwa-q

carry-URGT-CISL-AG good good . cow-DIM-INSTR cheese-ACC make-AG

Vakapis achkam kara. Aa, ubihapis achkam achkam kara.
vaka-pis achka-m ka-ra aa ubiha-pis achka-m achka-m ka-ra
cow-ADD a.lot-EVD be-PST ah sheep-ADD a.lot-EVD a.lot-EVD be-PST
Tenía muchas vacas. Tenía muchas vacas. Ah, ovejas también, muchas tenía.
She had a lot of cows, too. Ah, Sheep, too [she] had a lot.
00:03:37.380 - 00:03:43.880

Kanan lliw ubihas baharun vakapis baharun. Pukullaña

kanan lliw ubiha-s baha-ru-n vaka-pis baha-ru-n puku-lla-ña
now all sheep-ADD go.down-URGT-3 cow-ADD go.down-URGT-3 little-RSTR-DISC
Ahora todas las ovejas bajaron; las vacas también bajaron. Poco no más.
Now all the sheep went down; the cows, too, went down. Just a little.
00:03:44.550 - 00:03:50.230

Churi:kuna hapirun vaka:ta. Mmm kimsa tawa hapirun

churi-:-kuna hapi-ru-n vaka-:-ta mmm kimsa tawa hapi-ru-n
child-1-PL grab-URGT-3 cow-1-ACC Mmm three four grab-URGT-3
Mis hijos agararon mis vacas. Mmm, dos, tres agarraron.
My children grabbed my cows. Mmm, They grabbed three or four.
00:03:51.190 - 00:03:54.870

Kayhina wasillapa ñuqa kaku:. Mays ri:chu. Aa churi: apamun lliw imas hunta
hunta rantikuna:paq. Chayllawan tiyaku:.
kay-hina wasi-lla-pa ñuqa ka-ku-: may-s ri-:-chu aa churi-: apa-mu-n lliw ima-s
DEM.P-COMP house-RSTR-LOC 1 be-REFL-1 where-ADD go-1-NEG ah child-1 bring-CISL-3
Así en esta casa no más estoy yo. No voy ni a donde. Mis hijos traen de todo.
Cualquier cosa para vender. Lleno, lleno está. COn eso me siento.
Just like, this, I'm just at home. I don't go anywhere. My children bring
everything. Anything to sell. It's full, full. I sit with that.
00:03:57.950 - 00:04:06.190

hunta hunta ranti-ku-na-:-paq chay-lla-wan tiya-ku-:

all what-ADD full full buy-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP DEM.D-RSTR-INSTR sit-REFL-1

Churi:kuna kimsam ganawni:ta hapiyan ishkay huknin ishkaynin kayllapis.

Chayllam aquí sintimos quman chayllataña mikuku:
churi-:-kuna kimsa-m ganaw-ni-:-ta hapi-ya-n ishkay huk-ni-n ishkay-ni-n
child-1-PL three-EVD cattle-EUPH-1-ACC grab-PROG-3 two one-EUPH-3 two-EUPH-3
Mis hijos están agarrando dos, otro su dos. Así no más también. Aquí céntimos
me dan. Eso no más como.
My children grab three, two, another, two. Just like that. They give me just
pennies. I eat just that.
00:04:08.930 - 00:04:17.190

kay-lla-pis chay-lla-m aquí sintimos qu-ma-n chay-lla-ta-ña miku-ku-:


Aa kay tiyndallapim kanan ñuqa nigusiyuku:. Rantikushpa
aa kay tiynda-lla-pi-m kanan ñuqa nigusiyu-ku-: ranti-ku-shpa
ah DEM.D store-RSTR-LOC-EVD now 1 buisiness-REFL-1 buy-REFL-SIBIS
Ah, ahora aquí en la tienda no más estoy haciendo negocio, vendiendo.
Ah, now, I just do buisiness in this store. I sell.
00:04:20.780 - 00:04:24.740

De Chincha Chinchapaq wakta apamun lliwta apamun Chinchapaqmi. Ultimu churi:mi

kan Nora sutiyuq. Chayllam uywaman chayllam.
Chincha Chincha-paq wak-ta apa-mu-n lliw-ta apa-mu-n Chincha-paq-mi. ultimu
Chincha Chincha-paq DEM.D-ACC bring-CISL-3 all-ACC bring-CISL-3 Chincha-ABL-EVD
De Chincha, de Chincha traen-RSTR. Traen todo de Chincha. Tengo mi última hija;
se llama Norma. Esa no más me cría, ella no más.
Chincha, they bring that from Chincha. They bring everything from Chincha. I
have my last child; her name is Nora. Just she raises me, she alone.
00:04:28.580 - 00:04:36.140

churi-:-mi ka-n Nora suti-yuq chay-lla-m uywa-ma-n chay-lla-m

last child-1-EVD be-3 Nora name-POSS DEM.D-RSTR-EVD raise-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D-RSTR-EVD

Mm chaymi apamun lliw lliw llapa frutata nigusiyuta. Hunta huntam kayan.
mm chay-mi apa-mu-n lliw lliw llapa fruta-ta nigusiyu-ta hunta hunta-m
mm DEM.D-EVD bring-CISL-3 all all all fruit-ACC buisiness-ACC full full-EVD
Ah, ella trae todas, todas las frutas to the business. Está lleno, lleno:
Ah, she brings all, all [sorts of] fruit to the buisiness. It's full, full.
00:04:36.840 - 00:04:44.100


Manam manchaku:chu. Manam manchaku:chu. manam manchaku:chu. Manam.

mana-m mancha-ku-:-chu mana-m mancha-ku-:-chu mana-m mancha-ku-:-chu mana-m
no-EVD scare-REFL-1-NEG no-EVD no-EVD no-EVD scare-REFL-1-NEG no-EVD
No tengo miedo. No tengo miedo. No tengo miedo. No.
I'm not scared. I'm not scared. I'm not scared. No.
00:04:44.200 - 00:04:51.060

Manam imapis pasanchu. Manam.

mana-m ima-pis pasa-n-chu mana-m
no-EVD what-ADD happen-3-NEG no-EVD
No, no pasa nada. No.
Nothing happens. No.
00:05:03.980 - 00:05:07.500

Huvin kashpa huvin kashpa. trakra:kunata ruwakuq ka: ganawni:kunata kwidaq

ka:. Imatapis ruwakuq ka: trakra:tapis.
huvin ka-shpa huvin ka-shpa trakra-:-kuna-ta ruwa-ku-q ka-: ganaw-ni-:-kuna-ta be-SUBIS be-SUBIS fiels-1-PL-ACC make-REFL-AG be-1
Cuando era joven, cuando era joven. Hacía mi chacra y todo, cuidaba mi ganado y
todo. Hacía lo que sea, a mi chacra.
When I was a young man. When I was a young man, I made my fields, I cared for
my cattle. I did aything, to my fields.
00:05:11.110 - 00:05:20.250

kwida-q ka:-. ima-ta-pis ruwa-q-ya TK ka-: trakra-:-ta-pis

cattle-EUPH-1-PL-ACC care.for-AG be-1 what-ACC-ADD make-AG-EMPH be-1


Ganawni:yuq. Arí mama: yatrakura: yasqam mama: kara.

ganaw-ni-:-yuq arí mama-: yatra-ku-ra-: yasqa-m mama-: ka-ra
cattle-EUPH-1-POSS TK yes mother-1 live-REFL-PST-1 TK old-EVD mother-1 be-PST
Con mi ganado. Sí, pues, yo vivía. Mi madre era anciana.
With my cattle. Yes, I lived [there]. My mother was old.
00:05:20.330 - 00:05:24.130

Chayta hampira inyiksyunta trurachishpaqa. Vitirinariyuta pushamushpa.

chay-ta hampi-ra inyiksyun-ta trura-chi-shpa-qa vitirinariyu-ta
DEM.D-ACC heeal-PST injection-ACC put-CAUS-SUBIS-TOP veterinarian-ACC
Los curábamos poniéndoles inyecciones, traéndolos a veterinario.
We cured them [by] giving them injections, taking them to the veterinarian.
00:05:31.770 - 00:05:36.990


Tumachira: rimidiyuta. Hampiy hampiy rimidiyukunata. Tunas pinkankunata

suyrukunata tumachira: shipitakunata mashkashpa.
tuma-chi-ra rimidiyu-ta hampi-y hampi-y rimidiyu-kuna-ta tuna-s pinka-n-kuna-ta
take-CAUS-PST remedy-ACC cure-INF cure-INF remedy-PL-ACC tuna-ADD TK TK-3-PL-ACC
Hacíamos tomar remedios. Remedios, remedios. Remedios. Hacíamos tomar pancas de
tuna, suero y shipita, buscándolos.
We had them take remedies. Remedies , remedies. Remedies. We had them take
tuna, whey, and bran, looking for them.
00:05:43.070 - 00:05:50.950

suyru-kuna-ta tuma-chi-ra-: shipita-kuna-ta mashka-shpa

whey-PL-ACC take-CAUS-PST-1 TK-PL-ACC look.for-SUBIS

Katrin katrinkunata mikuchira: mikuchira:.

katri-n katri-n-kuna-ta miku-chi-ra-: miku-chi-ra-:
salt-3 salt-3-PL-ACC eat-CAUS-PST-1 eat-CAUS-PST-1
Les hacíamos tomar sal. Sal y todo les hacíamos tomar.
We had them take salt. Salt and all, we had them take.
00:05:59.570 - 00:06:03.930

Ruwachikura: valikushpaya ruwachikura:.

ruwa-chi-ku-ra-: vali-ku-shpa-ya ruwa-chi-ku-ra-:
Suplicando [trabajadores], lo hice hacer, lo hice hacer.
I solicited workers and had it made. I had it made.
00:06:12.150 - 00:06:14.610

00:06:14.860 - 00:06:19.200

Kayta ruwashpa [inaudible] ñakarishpa munashpa piyunta valikushpa.

Simintupaqyá, aa, simuntupaqyá
kay-ta ruwa-shpa ñaka-ri-shpa muna-shpa piyun-ta vali-ku-shpa simintu-paq-yá aa
DEM.P-ACC make-SUBIS suffer-INCEP-SUBIS want-SUBIS hired.hand-ACC
Haciendo eso, sufriendo, queriendo, suplicando peón. Ah, de cimiento, de
Doing that, suffering, wanting to, soliciting workers. Ah, out of cement, out
of cement.
00:06:19.560 - 00:06:28.270

be.worth-REFL-SUBIS cement-ABL-EMPH ah cement-ABL-EMPH

Arí simuntu kitrashpa ruwachipa:kura:

arí simuntu kitra-shpa TK ruwa-chi-pa:ku-ra-:
yes cement open-SUBIS make-CAUS-JTACC-PST-1
Ah, abriendo cimento hicimos hacer.
Ah, opening [sacks of] cement, we had it made.
00:06:28.710 - 00:06:32.010

Alpata qutushpaya. Sarullan valikuptinchik. Adubiwan ichuwan ichuwan.

alpa-ta qutu-shpa-ya saru-lla-n vali-ku-pti-nchik adubi-wan ichu-wan
dirt-ACC gather-SUBIS-EMPH step.on-RSTR-3 be.worth-REFL-SUBDS-1PL adobe-INSTR
Ah, juntándo tierra lo pisotean cuando suplicamos. Con adobe y icho, con icho.
Ah, gathering earth, they step on it when we solicit them. With adobe and
straw, with straw.
00:06:35.570 - 00:06:41.650

straw-INSTR straw-INSTR

Aa, arí, sumaq. Aa, maystru maystru adubi ruwaqwan. Valikuptinchik, sumaq,
sumata ruwayan. Yatraqtayá valikunchik.
aa arí sumaq aa maystru maystru adubi ruwa-q-wan vali-ku-pti-nchik sumaq suma-ta
ah yes pretty ah master master adobe make-AG-INSTR be.worth.REFL-SUBDS-1PL
Ah. sí, bonito. Ah, un maestro, con un maestro que hace adobe. Cuando
suplicamos, bonito, bonito hacen. Suplicamos a los que saben.
Ah, yes, nice. Ah, a master, with a master who makes adobe. When we solicit
them, the make it really nice. We solicit those who know.
00:06:47.330 - 00:06:54.110

ruwa-ya-n yatra-q-ta-yá vali-ku-nchik

pretty pretty make-PROG-3 know-AG-ACC-EMPH be.worth-REFL-1PL

Valikushpa ariyá. Tichu ruwapa:kuq mm. Aa, wak nawan madirawan, kuchuchishpam.
vali-ku-shpa ari-yá tichu ruwa-pa:ku-q mm Aa wak na-wan madira-wan
be.worth-SUBIS yes-EMPH roof make-JTACC-AG mm ah DEM.D DMY-INSTR wood-INSTR
Suplicando. Sí, pues. El techo se hace, mm, Con-RSTR, con madera, haciéndolo
Soliciting them. Yes, then. Those who make roofs. With that, with wood, having
it cut.
00:06:59.490 - 00:07:08.880


Sakachinchik madirata nishpa. Wak wak ruwachisa:kuna kayan. Sumaqllata ruwan.

Mutusiyrawan hurqun riki.
saka-chi-nchik madira-ta ni-shpa wak wak ruwa-chi-sa-:-kuna ka-ya-n
remove-CAUS-1PL wood-ACC say-SUBIS DEM.D DEM.D make-CAUS-PRF-1-PL be-PROG-3
Hacemos sacar madera. Lo que hice hacer.. Lo hacen bonito. Lo sacan con
We have wood made. That, that which I had made. They work nicely. They make it
with a chain saw.
00:07:09.020 - 00:07:16.520

sumaq-lla-ta ruwa-n mutusiyra-wan hurqu-n r-iki

pretty-RSTR-ACC make-3 chain.saw-INSTR remove-3 R-IKI

Hinaptin chayta. Ukuta ukuta arí ukuman tablayananpaq. Huk kayan tichu
hurqarinanpaqpis. Surqun.
hinaptin chay-ta uku-ta uku-ta arí uku-man tabla-ya-na-n-paq TK huk ka-ya-n
then DEM.D-ACC inside-ACC inside-ACC yes inside-ALL plank-PROG-NMLZ-3-PURP one
Después,-RSTR. Adentro, adentro para que lo tablea. Otro hay para que saquen el
techo. Sacan.
Then that- Inside, inside, yes, inside so they can mill it. There's another to
make the roof. They make it.
00:07:16.550 - 00:07:24.670

tichu hurqa-ri-na-n-paq-pis surqu-n

be-PROG-3 roof remove-INCEP-NMLZ-3-PURP remove-3

Manam kanchu. Sumaq sumaq kay hapirayan. Tihirakuna hapirayan. Sumaq sumaq.
Ariyá. Klavukunawan. Klavu sumaq hapirayan [inaudible] saqaykunqa.
mana-m ka-n-chu sumaq sumaq kay hapi-raya-n tihira-kuna hapi-raya-n sumaq sumaq
no-EVD be-3-NEG pretty pretty DEM.P grab-PASS-3 scissors-PL grab-PASS-3 pretty
No hay. Bonito, bonito está agarrado. Las tijeras están agarrandas. Sí, pues,
con clavos. Los clavos están agarradas bonito. Van a caerse.
There aren't any. It's gabbed really nicely. The scissors are grabbed. Yes,
then, with nails. The nails are grabbed nicely. They will fall.
00:07:28.270 - 00:07:39.570

ari-yá klavu-kuna-wan klavu sumaq hapi-raya-n saqa-yku-nqa

pretty yes-EMPH nail-PL-INSTR nail pretty grab-PASS-3 go.down-EXCEP-3.FUT

Wakhinata rahayan wak hinashpapis. Aríya. Manayá [inaudible] kay wasi manam
rahanchu pasaypaq.
wak-hina-ta raha-ya-n wak hinashpa-pis arí-ya. mana-yá krusi raha-n-chu
DEM.D-COMP-ACC crack-PROG-3 DEM.D then-ADD yes-EMPH no-EMPH crack-3-NEG
Ah, así está rajando. Y después. Sí, pues. Esta casa no se raja mucho.
Ah, it's cracking like that. Then. Yes, then. This house doesn't crack a lot.
00:07:39.610 - 00:07:46.940


Allali ruwasamiki kayan. Huancayino ruwara, Huancayino. Huk lawpaq pushamusha.

Aríyá huk lawpaq pushamun. Aríyá wambra: pushamun. Manam runa karachu.
allali ruwa-sa-mi-ki ka-ya-n huancaíno ruwa-ra Huancaíno huk law-paq
a.lot make-PRF-EVD-KI be-PROG-3 Huancaoan make-PST Hinacaoan one side-ABL
Está bien, bien hecho. Un huancaíno lo hizo. Huancaíno. De otro sitio traía.
Sí, pues, lo trajeron de otro sitio. Sí, mi hijo. Ah, no había gente.
It's really well made. A Huancayoan made it. Huancayoan. Brought from another
place. Yes, then, they brought him from another place. Yes, then, my son
brought them. There weren't people.
00:07:47.020 - 00:07:55.580

pusha-mu-sha TK arí-yá huk law-paq pusha-mu-n arí-yá wambra-: pusha-mu-n mana-m

bring-CISL-PRF yes-EMPH one side-ABL bring-CISL-3 yes-EMPH child-1 bring-CISL-3

runa ka-ra-chu
no-EVD person be-PST-NEG
Mana runaqa karachu. Madeánpaq Huancayopaq Madeánpaq pushamuq. Ispisiyal
kuntrataq rinchik.
mana runa-qa ka-ra-chu Madeán-paq Huancayo-paq Madeán-paq pusha-mu-q ispisiyal
no be-TOP be-PST-NEG Madeán-ABL Huancayo-ABL Madeá-ABL bring-CISL-AG special
No había gente. De Madeán, de Huancayo, de Madeán traíamos. Especial íbamos
para contratarlos.
There weren't people. From Madeán. From Huancayo. From Madeán. We went
specially to contract them.
00:07:56.220 - 00:08:04.200

kuntrata-q ri-nchik
contract-AG go-1PL

Chayllas ariyá. Ispisiyalmi rinchik niyya! Así ispisiyalmi ruwanchik

valikushpam rinchik.
chay-lla-s ari-yá ispisiyal-mi ri-nchik ni-y-ya ispisiyal-mi ruwa-nchik
DEM.D-RSTR-ADD yes-EMPH special-EVD go-1PL say-IMP-EMPH special-EVD make-1PL
Eso no más, Sí, pues. Especial fuimos, ¡dile, pues!. Lo hicimos especial fuimos
Just that. Yes, then. We went speciially, say! We did it specially; we went
soliciting [people].
00:08:04.460 - 00:08:09.940

vali-ku-shpa-m ri-nchik
be.worth-REFL-SUBIS go-1PL

Ruwachinanchikpaqqa. Niyya mm mmm niptinqa chaynallatr lluqsinqa. Qammi

chaytaqa rimanki ñuqa yatrayachikim. Ariyá
Ruwa-chi-na-nchik-paq-qa. ni-y-ya mm mmm ni-pti-n-qa chay-na-lla-tr lluqsi-n-qa
Para que mandemos hacer. 'Di, pues! Diciendo mmm, mmm, mmm, así va a salir.
Usted tienes que hablar. Yo te estoy enseñando. Sí, pues.
Say "So we can get it done"! Saying "mmm, mmm, mmm" it's going to come out like
that. You have to talk. I'm teaching you. Yes, then.
00:08:10.000 - 00:08:15.680

qam-mi chay-ta-qa rima-nki ñuqa yatra-ya-chi-yki-m ari-yá


know-CAUS-1>2-EVD yes-EMPH

Un misis wata yupaymi dimuran. Dispasiyum ruwayan adubitapis primiru

truatarun. Aa, tiympu kasanpi. Ariyá qullqinchik kasanpi qullqinchikta
un misis wata yupay-mi dimura-n dispasiyu-m ruwa-ya-n adubi-ta-pis primiru
one months year more.or.less.EVD last-3 slow-EVD make-PROG-3 adobe-ACC-ADD
Un mes, un año demora. Despacio lo están haciendo. Primero están poniendo el
adobe. Del tiempo que hay, del dinero que tenemos, pagando nuestra plata.
It takes a month, a year. They work slowly. First they put the adobe. Ah, out
of what time there is, out of what money we have, paying our money.
00:08:19.780 - 00:08:28.780

truta-ru-n aa tiympu ka-sa-n-pi ari-yá qullqi-nchik kasa-n-pi qullqi-nchik-ta

first put-URGT-3 ah time be-PRF-3-LOC yes-EMPH gold-1PL-ACC be-PRF-3-TK


Ratu ruwarun ushiyaruptinqa yapa hukta. Samarishpa yapañataq apamun.

ratu ruwa-ru-n ushiya-ru-pti-n-qa yapa huk-ta sama-ri-shpa yapa-ña-taq
moment make-URGT-3 stop.raining-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP again one-ACC rest-INCEP-SUBIS
Lo hacen un rato cuando descampa. De vuelta, otro, descansando. De vuelta traen.
They make it for a while when the rain lets up. Again, another. Resting. Again,
they bring it.
00:08:28.940 - 00:08:33.640

again-DISC-SEQ bring-CISL-3

Listu mil dus mil sigun ya sigun hatun kasanpi hatun kasanpi.
listu mil dus mil sigun ya sigun hatun ka-sa-n-pi hatu-n
ready thousand two thousand EMPH big be-PRF-LOC bog
Listo, mil, dos mil, segun que tan grande es, que tan grande es.
Ready. A thousand, two thousand. Depending on how big it is, on how big it is.
00:08:36.940 - 00:08:44.260

Imata willasayki piru.

ka-sa-n-pi ima-ta willa-sayki piru
be-PRF-3-LOC what-ACC tell-1>2.FUT but
¿Qué te voy a avisar, pero?
What am I going to tell you?
00:08:47.320 - 00:08:54.800

Atuqqa ubihanchiktam hapin. Huk [inaudible] atuqqa hapirunñamiki.

atuq-qa ubiha-nchik-ta-m hapi-n huk atuq-qa hapi-ru-n-ña-mi-ki
fox-TOP sheep-1PL-ACC-EVD grab-3 one fox-TOP grab-URGT-3-DISC-EVD-KI
El zorro agarra nuestras ovejas. El zorro ya lo ha agarrado, pues.
The fox grabs our sheep.The fox has already grabbed them.
00:08:54.920 - 00:09:01.700

Chay llaqta imayna kasantapis. Una unayñam llaqta kayan riki unay unayñam.
chay llaqta imayna ka-sa-n-ta-pis una unay-ña-m llaq-ta ka-ya-n r-iki unay
DEM.D town why be-PRF-3-ACC-ADD before before-DISC-EVD town be-PROG-3 R-IKI
Este pueblo cómo lo que es. Tiempo tiempo ya está este pueblo. Tiempo ya.
How this town is? The town has been [here]] for a long time. A long time
00:09:09.960 - 00:09:16.940

before before-DISC-EVD

Aa kay ñuqakunapam wak tiyrra kara kaykunapis. Lliw kumunidad kitamu: lluwan
Rantirarin TK hinashpam kay llaqtata ruwarun.
Aa kay ñuqa-kuna-pa-m wak tiyrra ka-ra kay-kuna-pis lliw kumunidad kita-ru-:
ah DEM.P 1-PL-GEN-EVD DEM.D ground be-PST DEM.P-PL-ADD all community
Ah, esa tierra era mía, todo esto. Toda la comunidad me lo quitó. Lo compraron
y después aquí hizo el pueblo.
Ah, this land was mine, all this. The whole community took it away. They bought
it then made this town.
00:09:17.100 - 00:09:25.560

ranti-ra:-ri-n hinashpa-m kay llaqta-ta ruwa-ru-n

remove-URGT-1 buy- then-EVD DEM.D town-ACC make-URGT-3

Ah, ¿kay kay kay llaqta? Ah kay wak qipallantam. Kutiyamun kurbanta.
aa kay kay kay llaqta aa kay wak qipa-lla-n-ta-m kuti-ya-mu-n kurba-n-ta.
ah DEM.P DEM.P DEM.P town ah DEM.P DEM.D behind-RSTR-3-ACC return-PROG-CISL-3
Ah, aquí este pueblo? Ah, aquí por atrás está dando vuelta curba.
Ah, here, here, this town? Ah, here via the back. They're returning via the
00:09:27.350 - 00:09:31.790


Hanay lawpa [inaudible] pasayan. Chayllam kayan. Witrayman. Dwiñupañam

hanay law-pa pasa-ya-n chay-lla-m ka-ya-n witray-man dwuyñu-pa-ña-m
above side-LOC pass-PROG-3 DEM.D-RSTR-EVD be-PROG-3 above-ALL
Por el lado de arriba. Están pasando. De su dueño, de su dueño.
By the uphill side. They're passing. It's just there. Up hill. The owner's
already, the owner's already.
00:09:32.570 - 00:09:39.570

owner-GEN-DISC-EVD dwiñupañam.
Arí, San Pedroqa. Arí, San Pedroqa. San Pedro huk llaqta kayan. San Pedro kayan.
arí San Pedro-qa arí San Pedro-qa San Pedro-hina llaqta-m huk llaqta ka-ya-n San
yes San Pedro-TOP yes San Pedro-top San Pedro-COMP town-EVD one town be-PROG-3
Sí, San Pedro, sí, San Perdo. Como San Pedro es el pueblo. San Pedro es otro
Yes, San Pedro. Yes, San Pedro. The town is like San Pedro. San Pedro is
another town.
00:09:45.870 - 00:09:52.270

Pedro ka-ya-n
San Pedro be-PROG-3

[inaudible] ima runakunapis ruwasankuna. Iglisiyakuna kayan. Kunsihu lukalkuna.

ima runa-pis ruwa-sa-n-kuna iglisiya-kuna ka-ya-n kunsihu lukal-kuna
what person-ADD make-PRF-3-PL church-PL be-PROG-3 council room-PL
¿qué gente, lo que hicieron? Iglesia hay, el consejo, los locales.
What people made it? There's the church, the council, the rooms.
00:10:00.270 - 00:10:07.010

Lukal iskwila lukalkuna kayan. Iglisiya nakuna kayan ruwasan. Kay lliw
kumunidad ruwasam.
lukal iskwila lukal-kuna ka-ya-n iglisiya na-kuna ka-ya-n ruwa-sa-n kay lliw
room school room-PL be-PROG-3 church DMY-PL be-PROG-3 make-PRF-3 DEM.P all
Local, escuela, local y todo hay. Hay la iglesia, los-RSTRs, lo que hicieron. Lo
que hizo toda la comunidad.
There's the room, the school, the rooms and all. There's the church, the umm,
what they made. What the community made.
00:10:07.150 - 00:10:14.800

kumunidad ruwa-sa-m
community make-PRF-EVD

¿Pipataq kay santukunapaq? Kananpaqya silibrananpaq.

pi-pa-taq kay santu-kuna kanan-paq silibra-na-n-paq
who-GEN-SEQ DEM.P saint-PL now-ABL celebrate-NMLZ-3-PURP
¿De quién ese santo? Para que esté, para que celebren.
Whose saint is that? So that it be [there], so that they can celebrate.
00:10:14.910 - 00:10:21.930

Trisi di junio kan kandilariyaqa kan. I San Antonio kan. Kimsam kay fiysta
trisi di huniyu ka-n kandilariya-qa ka-n I San Antonio ka-n kimsa-m kay fiysta
thirteen of June be-3 Candelaria-TOP be-3 and San Antonio be-3 three-EVD DEM.P
Hay el trece de junio; hay Candelaria; y hay San Antonio. Son tres las fiestas
There's the thirteenth of June; there's Candelaria; there's San Antonio. There
are three festivals here.
00:10:22.800 - 00:10:32.300

festival DEM.P-LOC

Kanmi. Hamurun. Piru kanan mana hamunchu. Siyrtu hamurun. Kanan hamunñachu.
Unayña hamunchu.
ka-n-mi hamu-ru-n piru kanan mana hamu-n-chu siyrtu hamu-ru-n kanan
be-3-EVD come-URGT-3 but now no certain certain come-URGT-3 now come-3-DISC-NEG
Ah, sí hay. Venía. Pero ahora ya no viene. Cierto, venía. Ahora ya no viene. No
viene desde hace tiempo ya.
Ah, yes, there are. He came, But he doesn't come now. Certainly, he came. Now
he doesn't come any more. He hasn't come for a long time already.
00:10:34.410 - 00:10:42.030

hamu-n-ña-chu unay-ña hamu-n-chu

come-3-NEG come-3-NEG

Hamun Tantarapaq Chupa Marcapaq. Chaypam hamuq. Chinchakunapam hamun kuraqa.

Sigun mayurdumu pushamusanpaq ya.
hamu-n Tantara-paq Chupa Marca-paq chay-pa-m hamu-q Chincha-kuna-pa-m hamu-n
come-3 Tantara-ABL Chupa Marca-ABL DEM.D-LOC-EVD come-AG Chincha-PL-LOC-EVD TK
Venía de Tantará, Chupa Marca. De allí venía, El cura venía de Chincha. Según
el mayordomo, lo que trajo ya.
He would come from Tantará, from Chupa Marca. He would come from there. The
priest would come from Chincha and all. According to the host, to what they
00:10:44.120 - 00:10:52.220

kura-qa sigun mayurdumu pusha-mu-sa-n-paq ya

come-3 priest-TOP lieutenant bring-CISL-PRF-3-ABL EMPH

Ruwayanmi kay pasan kay kallintam pasan. Muyurimun kay intirun kallinta
ruwa-ya-n-mi kay pasa-n kay kalli-n-ta-m pasa-n muyu-ri-mu-n kay intirun
make-PROG-3-EVD DEM.P pass-3 DEM.P street-3-ACC-EVD pass-3 circle-INCEP-CISL-3
Lo están haciendo. Pasan ésto; pasan por esta calle. Dan vuelta por la calle
They're doing it. They pass here; they pass by this road. They circle through
the whole street.
00:10:55.340 - 00:11:02.880

DEM.P entire street-ACC

Aa, santuwan ya. Aa, unayqa sumaq sumaqmi kara. Kananñam ruwanchu. Unayñam
ruwanchu. Kay kallinta muyurimuq. Prusisyunqa.
aa santu-wan ya aa unay-qa sumaq sumaq-mi ka-ra kanan-ña-m ruwa-n-chu unay-ña-m
ah saint-INSTR EMPH ah before-TOP pretty pretty-EVD be-PST now-DISC-EVD
Ah, con el santo ya. Ah, antes era bonito, bonito. Ahora ya no se hace. Desde
hace tiempo ya no se hace. Por esta calle se daba vuelta.
Ah, with the saint already. Ah, before it was really nice. Now they don't do it
any more. They hav't done it in a long time. They would circle through this
street. The procession.
00:11:04.310 - 00:11:16.430

ruwa-n-chu kay kalli-n-ta muyu-ri-mu-q prusisyun-qa

make-3-NEG before-DISC-EVD make-3-NEG DEM.P street-3-ACC circle-INCEP-CISL-AG


Candelaria, San Antonio. Santa Cruz kimsam. Kimsam puriq. Mayurdumukuna kayta
pasan mayurdumukunayá. Kurata pushamuq.
Candelaria San Antonio Santa Cruz kimsa-m kimsa-m puri-q mayurdumu-kuna kay-ta
Candelaria San Antonio Santa Cruz three-EVD three-EVD walk-AG
Candelario, San Antonio, Santa Cruz, Los tres. Tres andaban. Los mayordomos
pasaban por acá. Traían al cura.
Candelaria, San Antonio, Santa Cruz. The three. [During] the three, they would
walk. The hosts would pass here. The hosts would pring the priest.
00:11:16.550 - 00:11:27.890

pasa-n mayurdumu-kuna-yá kura-ta pusha-mu-q

lieutenant-PL-EMPH DEM.P-ACC pass-3 lieutenant-PL-EMPH priest-ACC bring-CISL-AG

Kuraqa dilantita riyan risakushtin.

kura-qa dilanti-ta ri-ya-n risa-ku-shtin
priest-TOP front-ACC go-PROG-3 pray-REFL-SUBADV
El cura andaba adelante resando.
The priest goes in front, praying.
00:11:29.220 - 00:11:32.480

Kanan imanaptinyá narurapis. TK Allin allin qallaykunam kara. Hinashpa diharun.

kanan ima-na-pti-n-yá na-ru-ra-pis allin allin qalla-yku-na-m ka-ra hinashpa
Ah, ahora cuando pasó-RSTR, hicieron-RSTR también. Era muy bien al empiezo.
Después, dejaron [de hacerlo].
Now, when that happened, they did that, too. It was really good at the
beginning. Later, they stopped [doing it].
00:11:38.780 - 00:11:45.340

be-PST then leave-URGT-3

Kaypi inhiniyirum tumarushpam piñanakurusam. Chaytri dismuralisarun.

kay-pi inhiniyiru-m tuma-ru-shpa-m piña-naku-ru-sa-m chay-tri
Aquí, el ingeniero había tomado y había discutido. Por-RSTR se habrán
Here, the engineer had drunk and had argued. That's why they must have gotten
00:11:47.400 - 00:11:54.800


Kanan chayraq risiynmi yapa nayamun. yapa yapa nayamun.

kanan chay-raq risiyn-mi yapa na-ya-mu-n yapa yapa na-ya-mu-n
now DEM.D-CONT recently again DMY-PROG-CISL-3 again again DMY-PROG-CISL-3
Ahora, recientamente, lo están haciendo otra vez. Otra vez, otra vez, lo están
Now, recently, they're doing it again. They're doing it again, again.
00:11:55.600 - 00:11:58.580

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Vinac_EA_Grandmother.eaf
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 2:21 PM


Ñuqa chika kashpa yacharqani mamachaywan Nakarumipa.

ñuqa chika ka-shpa yacha-rqa-ni mama-cha-y-wan Nakarumi-pa
1 girl be-SUBIS live-PST-1 mother-DIM-1-INSTR Nakarumi-LOC
Yo siendo chiquita vivía con mi abuelita en Nakarumi.
When I was little, I lived with my gradmother in Nakarumi
00:00:03.600 - 00:00:08.060

Filipam sutin karqa mamachaypa

Filipa-m suti-n ka-rqa mama-cha-y-pa
Filipa-EVD name-3 be-PST mother-DIM-1-GEN
Felipa se llamaba mi abuelita.
My granmother's name was Felipa.
00:00:08.380 - 00:00:10.680

Chay ñuqakunata willkankunata uywawarqa ishkayta.
chay ñuqa-kuna-ta willka-n-kuna-ta uywa-wa-rqa ishka-y-ta
DEM.D 1-PLACC grandchild-3-PL-ACC raise1.OBJ-TOP two-1-ACC
Ella criaba a nosotras, a sus nietas, a dos.
She raised us, her grandchildren, two.
00:00:11.380 - 00:00:15.320

Ñuqata i Estefata.
ñuqa-ta i Estefa-ta
1-TOP and Estefa-ACC
A mí y a Estefa.
Me and Estefa.
00:00:15.690 - 00:00:17.590

Unay mana ñuqataqa gustawarqachu kusas ahinas hapiyta.

unay mana ñuqa-ta-qa gusta-wa-rqa-chu kusas ahinas hapi-y-ta
before no 1-ACC-TOP be.pleasing-1.OBJ-PST-NEG things foreign grab-INF-ACC
Por-RSTR a mí no me gustaba agarrar cosas ajenas.
That's why I didn't like to grab things that weren't mine.
00:00:18.570 - 00:00:24.800

In kambiyu primaytaq gustaq chay imatapis kusas ahinasta hapiyta.

In kambiyu prima-y-taq gusta-q chay ima-ta-pis kusas ahinas-ta
in change cousin-1-ACC like-AG DEM.D waht-ACC-ADD things foreign-ACC
En cambio a mi prima le gustaba agarrar cosas ajenas.
In contrast, my cousin liked to grab things that weren't hers.
00:00:25.180 - 00:00:31.600

Chay wañuq taytachallayqa mana maqawananchikpaq.

hapi-y-ta chay wañu-q tayta-cha-lla-y-qa mana maqa-wa-na-nchik-paq
grab-INF-ACC DEM.D die-AG father-DIM-RSTR-1-TOP no hot-1.OBJ-NMLZ-1PL
Mi finada abuelita para que no nos pegue.
My late grandmother in order not to hit us
00:00:31.810 - 00:00:35.070

Kastiguta wak kayanchik 'Avir. Kay tullpaman tuqashaq

kastigu-ta wak ka-ya-nchik avir kay tullpa-man tuqa-shaq
punishment-ACC DEM.D be-PROG-1PL let's.see DEM.P hearth-ALL spit-ACC
Castigo no daba. 'A ver, para este fogón voy a escupir
didn't give us punishments. "Let's see, I'm going to spit on the hearth,
00:00:35.330 - 00:00:39.700

Hinaptin qammiki rinki kirusinta tantata rantimunki ñuqa ñuqata.

hinaptin qam-mi-ki ri-nki kirusini-ta tanta-ta ranti-mu-nki ñuqa ñuqa-ta
then 2-EVD-KI go-2 kerosene-ACC bread-ACC buy-CISL-2 1 1-ACC
Tú vas a ir, vas a comprar kirosene y pan', me dijo a mí.
You're going to go, you're going to buy kerosene and bread", [she said] to me.
00:00:39.920 - 00:00:44.815

Estefatañataq niq kukatam qam rantimunki.

Estefata-ña-taq ni-q kuka-ta-m qam ranti-mu-nki
Estefata-DISC-SEQ say-AG coca-ACC-EVD 2 buy-CISL-2
A Estefa también decía, 'Vas a comprar coca'.
She would say to Estefata, too, "You're going to buy coca."
00:00:45.047 - 00:00:48.667

Mayqiniki avir puntataq kutimunki. Avir, niwaptin.

mayqin-iki avir punta-taq kuti-mu-nki avir ni-wa-pti-n
which-2 let's.see first-SEQ return-CISL-2 let's.see say-1.OBJ-SUBDS-3
'A ver, cuál de Uds va a volver primero?' Cuando me lo dijo,
"Let's see. Which of you will return first?" When she said it to me,
00:00:49.177 - 00:00:53.797

Tuqaykuruptinñam ñuqaqa lluqsikamurqani kurri kurri kurri qipayta Estefa hamun

tuqa-yku-ru-pti-n-ña-m ñuqa-qa lluqsi-ka-mu-rqa-ni kurri kurri kurri qipa-y-ta
spit-EXCEP-URGT-SUBDS-3-DISC-EVD 1-TOP exit-REFL-CISL-PST-1 run run run
Cuando escupió no más, yo salía corriendo corriendo y Estefata venía detrás de
When she spit already, I went out running, running, Estefata behind me.
00:00:53.957 - 00:00:59.167

Estefa hamu-n
behind-1-ACC Estefa come-3

'¡Suyaway! ¡Suyaway! ¡Suyaway!' Hinaptin uyariqchu kani ñuqa chakirunqatr

tuqayniy hamukuyani.
suya-wa-y suya-wa-y suya-wa-y hinaptin uyari-q-chu kani ñuqa chaki-ru-nqa-tr
wait-1.OBJ-IMP wait-1.OBJ-IMP wait-1.OBJ-IMP so listen-AG-NEG be-1 1
'¡Espérame! ¡Espérame! ¡Espérame!' Yo no le hacía caso. 'Va a secar mi esputo',
diciendo estoy viniendo.
"Wait for me! Wait for me! Wait for me!" Then I wouldn't wait. "My spit is
going to dry," I [said] and came.
00:00:59.507 - 00:01:06.782

tuqa-y-ni-y hamu-ku-ya-ni.
dry-URGT-3.FUT-EVC spit-INF come-REFL-PROG-1

Mana chakinankama ya kutinaykiqa chay ganakuq kani.

mana chaki-na-n-kama ya kuti-na-yki-qa chay gana-ku-q ka-ni
no dry-NMPZ-3-LIM EMPH return-NMLZ-2-TOP DEM.D win-REFL-AG be-1
Antes de que seque tenías que volver. Yo ganaba.
You had to return before it dried. I woould win.
00:01:07.022 - 00:01:14.142

Hamuq kani apuraw gustani hamuyaptiyqa payqa waqarikuytaña munaq

hamu-q ka-ni apuraw gusta-ni hamu-ya-pti-y-qa pay-qa waqa-ri-ku-y-ta-ña
come-AG be-1 quick like-1 come-PROG-SUBDS-1-TOP 3-TOP
Venía apresurada. Me gusta. Cuando venía [primero], ella ya empezaba a llorar.
I would come quickly. I liked it. When I would come [first] she would start to
00:01:14.482 - 00:01:18.882


Sigiy, kurriy, kurriy ñuqaqa hamukuyani trayamuq kani

sigi-y kurri-y kurri-y ñuqa-qa hamu-ku-ya-ni traya-mu-q ka-ni
follow-IMP run-IMP run-IMP 1-TOP come-REFL-PROG-1 arrive-CISL-AG be-1
¡Siga!,Corriendo, corriendo estoy viniendo. Llegaba
Follow! Running, running, I'm coming. I would arrive,
00:01:18.922 - 00:01:24.022

Tiya wañuq tiya Ponciana kaqta tiyndachan karqa paypa tantata pay ruraq
tiya wañu-q tiya Ponciana ka-q-ta tiynda-cha-n ka-rqa pay-pa tanta-ta pay rura-q
aunt die-AG aunt Ponciana be-AG-ACC store-DIM-3 be-PST 3-GEN bread-ACC 3 make-AG
Donde la finada tía Ponciana. Su tiendita tenía ella. Hacía pan.
where Aunt, the late Aunt Ponciana was. She had a little store. She made bread.
00:01:24.162 - 00:01:29.062

Kay runakunaman parlayaqman trayaq kani ñuqa

kay runa-kuna-man parla-ya-q-man traya-q ka-ni ñuqa
DEM.P person-PL-ALL talk-PROG-AG-ALL arrive-AG be-1 1
Yo llegaba donde esas personas, los que estaban charlando
I would arrive where those people, those who were talking were,
00:01:29.592 - 00:01:33.932

'Tiya, apuray, rantikuway, tiya, apuray kutinaymi kayan, tiya, mana chakirunqa
tuqayqa tiya'.
tiya apura-y ranti-ku-wa-y tiya apura-y kuti-na-y-mi ka-ya-n tiya mana
aunt hurry-IMP buy-REFL-1.OBJ-IMP aunt hurry-IMP return-NMLZ-1-EVD be-PROG-3
'Tía, rápido, véndeme, rápido. Tengo que volver. Va a secar mi saliva'.
"Aunt, quickly, sell me, aunt! I have to go back! My spit is going to dry."
00:01:34.072 - 00:01:40.882

chaki-ru-nqa tuqa-y-qa tiya

aunt no dry-URGT-3.FUT spit-INF-TOP aunt

Asu machu nishpa tantata rantiruwaq hinashpa kirusinita winaruwaq
asu machu ni-shpa tanta-ta ranti-ru-wa-q hinashpa kirusini-ta wina-ru-wa-q
say-SUBIS bread-ACC buy-URGT-1.OBJ-AG so kerosene-ACC add-URGT-1.OBJ-AG
'¡Aso macho!' Pan me vendía luego kerosene me echaba.
"My goodness!" she would say and would sell me bread and toss kerosene in.
00:01:41.072 - 00:01:44.602

Bulsachata winaptinqa. Kurriy! ¡Kurriy! ¡Kurriy! Pulluchaywan qipichakusa kutiq

bulsa-cha-ta wina-pti-n-qa kurri-y kurri-y kurri-y pullu-cha-y-wan
Bulsachatabag-DIM-ACC add-SUBDS-3-TOP run-IMP run-IMP run-IMP shawl-DIM-1-INSTR
A bolsita cuando le echaba corre corre regresaba cargado con su pullo.
in a bag. When she would toss it in, running, running, running, with my little
shawl, carrying I would return.
00:01:44.862 - 00:01:49.322

qipi-cha-ku-sa kuti-q ka-ni

carry-DIM-REFL-PRF return-AG be-1

plasa trayaraq chayraq. Ñuqaqa kutiyaqña kani

plasa traya-ra-q chay-raq ñuqa-qa kuti-ya-q-ña ka-ni
plaza arrive-UNINT-AG DEM.D-CONT 1-TOP return-PROG-AG-DISC be-1
Ella recién estaba llegando a la plaza; yo estaba regresando ya.
She would only recently be arriving at the plaza and I would already be
00:01:49.677 - 00:01:54.417

Kutirishpa kurriy kurriy riq kani

kuti-ri-shpa kurri-y kurri-y ri-q ka-ni
return-INCEP-SUBIS run-INF run-INF go-AG be-1
Regresando corre corre iba.
Returning, I would go running, running.
00:01:54.567 - 00:01:56.897

Ayvis Inkiytawaq. ¿Paltata maypaq ya apamuq? Paltakunata kaminuta rirun.

Imaynaya pakasata imatr uywaq?
ayvis inkiyta-wa-q palta-ta may-paq ya apa-mu-q palta-kuna-ta kaminu-ta ri-ru-n
sometimes worry-1.OBJ-AG avocado-ACC where-ABL EMPH bring-CISL-AG avocado-PL-ACC
a veces me inquietaba. Palta de dónde traería? .
Sometimes I would worry. From where would I bring avocados?
00:01:57.537 - 00:02:03.957

imayna-ya paka-sa-ta ima-tr uywa-q

road-ACC go-URGT-3 how-EMPH hide-PRF-ACC what-EVC raise-AG

Mikushun kay paltata ñuqaqa munaq kani. Rikullaq kani ñuqaqa

miku-shun kay palta-ta ñuqa-qa muna-q ka-ni ri-ku-lla-q ka-ni ñuqa-qa
eat-1PL.FUT DEM.P avocado-ACC 1-TOP want-AG be-1 go-REFL-RSTR-AG be-1 1-TOP
'Vamos a comer esta palta'. Yo no quería. Yo me iba.
"We're going to eat that avocado." I wouldn't want it. I would leave.
00:02:03.977 - 00:02:07.977

trayaq ya kani. trayaruptiy payqa chayraq Apuri Cruzta rikariyamun.

traya-q ya ka-ni traya-ru-pti-y pay-qa chay-raq Apuri Cruz-ta
arrive-AG EMPH be-1 arrive-URGT-SUBDS-1 3-TOP DEM.D-CONT Apuri Cruz-ACC
Llegaba. Cuando llegué ella recién conocía Apuri Cruz.
00:02:08.187 - 00:02:13.107


trayaruptiyqa wañuq taytachayqa wak unaykunaqa tapam kayaq kay tapa chancaca
traya-ru-pti-y-qa wañu-q tayta-cha-y-qa wak unay-kuna-qa tapa-m ka-ya-q kay
arrive-URGT-SUBDS-1-TOP die-AG father-DIM-1-TOP DEM.D before-PL-TOP top-EVD
Cuando llegaba mi finado abuelito ... Antes había tapa, tapa chancaca
When I would arrive my late grandfather ... Before, there were tapas, tapas of
clayed sugar.
00:02:13.827 - 00:02:19.127

tapa chankaka
be-PROG-AG DEM.P top clyed.sugar

Midiya tapatam ganakuq kani ñuqa. Chankakata. Ahora, sí, hija, niwaq.
midiya tapa-ta-m gana-ku-q ka-ni ñuqa chankaka-ta ni-wa-q
half top-ACC-EVD win-REFL-AG be-1 1 clayed.sugar-ACC say-1.OBJ-AG
Media tapa ganaba. 'Ahora sí, hija', me decía.
I would win a half a tapa. Clayed sugar. "Now, yes, daughter," he would say to
00:02:19.487 - 00:02:25.587

Chay vakaman rinaypaqpis. Chay kutiruptiyqa, ganakuq ya kani. Wañuq

taytachallayqa wak unay chankaka karqa tapamuq.
chay vaka-man ri-na-y-paq-pis chay kuti-ru-pti-y-qa gana-ku-q ya ka-ni wañu-q
Para que yo vaya a la vaca, también. Regresando me ganaba. Mi finado abuelito,
antes había chancaca. Lo tapaban.
So that I would go to the cows, too. When I would return, I would win. My late
grandfather ... before there was clayed sugar. They would cover it.
00:02:26.177 - 00:02:35.477

tayta-cha-lla-y-qa wak unay chankaka ka-rqa tapa-mu-q

be-1 die-AG father-DIM-RSTR-1-TOP DEM.D before clayed.sugar be-PST top-CISL-AG
Midiya tapata ganakuq kani. Primay trayamuptinraq quwan.
midiya tapa-ta gana-ku-q ka-ni prima-y traya-mu-pti-n-raq qu-wa-n
half top-ACC win-REFL-AG be-1 cousin-1 arrive-CISL-SUBDS-3-CONT give-1.OBJ-3
Media tapa me ganaba. Cuando mi prima llegaba le daba.
I would win half a tapa. He would give it to me when my cousin would return.
00:02:35.747 - 00:02:40.687

Chaypaqa, este, chayna pagawaq paypa dilantinpa ya pagawaq chay chankakataqa.

chay-paq-qa chay-na paga-wa-q pay-pa dilanti-n-pa ya paga-wa-q chay
Luego, así me pagaba delante de ella. me pagaba esa chancaca.
Then, he would pay me like that in front of her. He would pay me that clayed
00:03:03.827 - 00:03:10.227


Ya ves, ¿imaynataq kay ganakuq. A vir. Qamqa qillam kanki niptin waqan. Payqa
mana ganakuptinchu
imayna-taq kay gana-ku-q qam-qa qilla-m ka-nki ni-pti-n waqa-n pay-qa mana
how-SEQ DEM.P win-REFL-AG 2-TOP lazy-EVD be-2 say-SUBDS.3 cry-3 3-TOP no
'¿Ya ves? Como se gana ella. Tú eres floja', le decía y ella lloraba.
"You see? How she wins? Let's see. You're lazy," he would say and she would cry.
00:03:10.467 - 00:03:16.627


Chayna yachapakuq kani taytachaywan, manachaywan. Nakarumipa.

chay-na yacha-pa-ku-q ka-ni tayta-cha-y-wan mama-cha-y-wan
DEM.D-NMLZ live-BEN-REFL-AG be-1 father-DIM.1.INSTR mother-DIM-1-INSTR
Así vivía con mi abuelita y con mi abuelito. En Nakarumi.
I lived like that with my grandmother and my grandfather. In Nakarumi.
00:03:17.167 - 00:03:22.887


Hinaptin vakakunamanpis kachawaq. Qam wak uñata harkamunki nishpa payta kachaq
ñuqatañataq mamanta.
hinaptin vaka-kuna-man-pis kacha-wa-q qam wak uña-ta harka-mu-nki ni-shpa pay-ta
so cow-PL-ALL-ADD send-1.OBJ-AG 2 DEM.D calf-ACC herd-CISL-2 say-SUBIS 3-ACC
A las vacas y todo me mandaban. 'Vas a atajar la ternera', le decían a ella. A
mi a su mamá.
They wold send me to the cows and all. "You're going to herd the calf," they
would say to her and send her. They would send me to its mother.
00:03:23.087 - 00:03:30.447

kacha-q ñuqa-ta-ña-taq mama-n-ta

send-AG 1-ACC-DISC-SEQ mother-3-ACC

Harka ... Harkachiq vakataqa. Ayvis pukllaq intipaq pukllaykuptiyqa uñaqa

harka harka-chi-q vaka-ta-qa ayvis puklla-q inti-paq puklla-yku-pti-y-qa uña-qa
herd ... herd-CAUS-AG cow-ACC-TOP sometimes play-AG sun-LOC
Me hacía atajar la vaca. a veces jugaba bajo el sol. Cuando jugaba, le ternero
They made me herd cows. Sometimes, I would play in the sun. When I played, the
calf nursed.
00:03:30.947 - 00:03:38.287

play-EXCEP-SUBDS.1.TOP calf-TOP nurse-URGT-3

Tardiqa, gulpiwaq kanchik. Chaypaq, mastaqa munaqñachu kani pukllayta. Vakata

aparti qatakuq kani.
tardi-qa gulpi-wa-q ka-nchik chay-paq mas-ta-qa muna-q-ña-chu ka-ni puklla-y-ta
late-TOP hit-1.OBJ-AG be-1PL DEM.D-ABL more-ACC-TOP want-AG-DISC.NEG be-1
En la tarde me echaba látigo. Más ya no quería jugar. aparte atajaba la vaca.
In the evening they would whip me. I wouldn't want to play any more. I would
herd the cow apart.
00:03:39.067 - 00:03:49.007

vaka-ta aparti qata-ku-q ka-ni

play-INF-ACC cow-ACC apart bring-REFL-AG be-1

Ñuqaqa las dusitam chawaq unayqa vakaman wañuq taytachayqa. Chawaq.

ñuqa-qa las dusi-ta-m chawa-q unay-qa vaka-man wañu-q tayta-cha-y-qa
1-TOP the twelve-ACC-EVD milk-AG before-TOP cow-ALL die-AG father-DIM-1-TOP
Yo ... Antes a las doce lecheaba la vaca mi finado abuelito. Lecheaba.
I ... Before, my late grandfather would milk the cow at twelve o'clock. He
would milk her.
00:03:49.497 - 00:03:56.797


Hinaptinqa qutumuq ya kani mamanta pay uñata. Ayvis uñaqa tukuy Pumapukyu
witrayta rikuq.
Hinaptin-qa qutu-mu-q ya ka-ni mama-n-ta pay uña-ta ayvis uña-qa tukuy Pumapukyu
so-TOP gather-CISL-AG EMPH be-1 mother-3-ACC 3 calf-ACC sometimes calf-TOP all
Yo montonaba su madre y ella, el ternero. a veces los terneros Puma Pukllu para
arriba iban.
Then, I would gather the mother and she, the calf. Sometimes, before, they
would go up hill to Puma Pukllu.
00:03:57.497 - 00:04:04.257

witray-ta ri-ku-q
Puma Pukyu up-ACC go-REFL-AG

Hutumuyta atipaqchu pasaypaq pastu huntaruptin rupanta . Hurqukushpa tiyakun.

hutu-mu-y-ta atipa-q-chu pasa-y pastu hunta-ru-q rupa-n-ta hurqu-ku-shpa
gather-CISL-INF-ACC pass-INF pasture.grass gather-URGT-AG
No podía montonar cuando bastante pasto llenaba a su ropa. Sacándolo, se sentó.
I couldn't gather them up when a lot of pasture gathered on his clothes. Taking
them out, he sat.
00:04:04.337 - 00:04:10.857

clothes-3-ACC remove-REFL-SUBDS sit-REFL-3

Uñaqa trayamunchu. Kabra chawaq ñuqaqa riq. Yaparaq qutumuq kani

chawananchikpaq wañuq mamachay chawaq.
uña-qa traya-mu-n-chu kabra chawa-q ñuqa-qa ri-q yapa-raq qutu-mu-q ka-ni
calf-TOP arrive-CISL-3-NEG goat milk-AG 1-TOP go-AG again-CONT gather-CISL-AG
No llegaba mi ternero. Iba alechear la cabra. De nuevo montonaba para que
lechea mi finada abuelita.
My calf wouldn't arrive. I would go milk the goats. Again, I I would gather
them up so we could milk. My late grandmother would milk them.
00:04:11.377 - 00:04:18.577

chawa-na-nchik-paq wañu-q mama-cha-y chawa-q

be-1 milk-NMLZ-1-PURP die-AG mother-DIM-1 milk-AG

Kisuta ruwashpa mana kisutapis TK-chu paymanqa qilla qilla mana qam
kisu-ta ruwa-shpa mana kisu-ta-pis pay-man-qa qilla qilla mana qam
cheese-ACC make-SUBID no cheese-ACC-ADD TK-NEG 3-ALL-TOP lazy lazy no 2
Queso haciendo tampoco no le daban queso a ella. 'Floja, floja, tú no me
Making cheese, they wouldn't give her cheese. "Lazy, lazy, you don't help me."
00:04:19.796 - 00:04:26.376


Paylla kutirishpa kutirishpa purin kabramanñataq riq kani kabran yuraqkaman

pay-lla kuti-ri-shpa kuti-ri-shpa puri-n kabra-man-ña-taq ri-q ka-ni kabra-n
3-RSTR return-INCEP-SUBIS return-INCEP-SUBIS walk-3 goat-ALL-DISC-SEQ go-AG be-1
Ella no más anadaba volteando volteando. Para cabra también iba. Sus cabras
eran blancas
Just she would wander about, turning, turning. I would also go to the goats
already. They had white goats.
00:04:26.757 - 00:04:32.117

yuraq-kaman ka-rqa
goat-3 white-LIM be-PST

Mamachanchikpa allqun. trunka pichqayuq imatr karqa kabran. Chaykuna hutuq

riq kani.
mama-cha-nchik-pa allqu-n trunka pichqa-yuq ima-tr ka-rqa kabra-n chay-kuna-ta
mother-DIM-1PL-GEN dog-3 ten five-POS what-EVC be-PST goat-3 DEM.D-PL-ACC
El perro de mi abuelita. Quince cabras tenía. Eso todo iba a juntar.
My grandmother's dog. She had fifteen goats. I would go to gather tham up.
00:04:32.677 - 00:04:40.557

hutu-q ri-q ka-ni

gather-AG go-AG be-1

Chaypaq kabrata quturamushpaqa. Lliwta ya chawaq las dusitam kabrantapis chawaq

vakantapis chawaq
chay-paq kabra-ta qutu-ra-mu-shpa-qa lliw-ta ya chawa-q las dusi-ta-m
DEM.D-ABL goat-ACC gather-URGT-CISL-SUBIS-TOP all-ACC EMPH milk-AG the
De allí montonando la cabra. A todos, lecheaba a las doce: lecheaba sus vacas
también, lecheaba sus cabras también.
From there, gathering up the goats, they would milk them all at twelve o'clock.
They would milk their goats; they would milk their cows, too.
00:04:40.957 - 00:04:47.957

kabra-n-ta-pis chawa-q vaka-n-ta-pis chawa-q

twelve-ACC-EVD goat-3-ACC-ADD milk.AG cow-2-ACC-ADD milk-AG

Masta kilutapis ruraq hatun putupam ruraq mantikillata kayna tasunpam karqa.
mas-ta kilu-ta-pis rura-q hatun putu-pa-m rura-q mantikilla-ta kay-na tasun-pa-m
more-ACC kilo-ACC-ADD make-AG big pot-LOC-EVD make-AG butter-ACC DEM.P-VRBZ
Más, un kilo, también, hacían en un poto grande. Hacían mantequilla también así
en envaces de tazones.
They would make more, a kilo, in a big pot. They would make butter, too, like
this, in bowls.
00:04:48.777 - 00:04:55.357

cup-LOC-EVD be-PST

Chay mantikillata mikupa:kuq kanchik rikisuntapis timpuchiq riq kayan mankawan

hatun mankawan mamachay.
chay mantikilla-ta miku-pa:ku-q ka-nchik rikisun-ta-pis timpu-chi-q ri-q ka-ya-n
DEM.D butter-ACC eat-PL-AG be-1PL fresh,cheese-ACC-ADD boil-CAUS-AG go-AG
Comíamos mantequilla. Mi abuelita fallecida hacía hervir riquesón también con
una olla, con una olla grande.
We would eat butter. My late grandmother would boil fresh cheese, too, with a
pot, with a bigbig pot.
00:04:55.547 - 00:05:01.787

manka-wan hatun manka-wan mama-cha-y

be-PROG-3 pot-INSTR big pot-INSTR mother-DIM-1

Kwidadu, yataypaq chayqa pakashpañam quwaq naranhachakunata platatuchakunata.

Mas vivum karqani ñuqaqa.
kwidadu yata-y-paq chay-qa paka-shpa-ña-m qu-wa-q naranha-cha-kuna-ta
careful side-1-LOC DEM.D-TOP hide-SUBIS-DISC give-1.OBJ-AG orange-DIM-PL-ACC
Cuidado, en mi lado, escondido ya me daba naranjitas y platanitos. Más viva era
Careful. Next to me. hiding, he would give me oranges and bananas. I was more
00:05:02.517 - 00:05:09.267

platatu-cha-kuna-ta. mas vivu-m ka-rqa-ni ñuqa-qa

banana-DIM-PL-ACC more live-EVD be-PST-1 1-TOP

Estefataña mana kuyaqchu chaypaqa.

Estefata-ña mana kuya-q-chu chay-pa-qa
Estefatta-DISC no love-AG-NEG DEM.D-LOC-TOP
A Estefa no le cariñaba allí.
They didn't love Estefata there.
00:05:09.587 - 00:05:15.047

Tiya Flora istudiaptin pasaramuwantaq. Tiya Floraman kurriy paywanmi kanki iha.
tiya Flora istudia-pti-n pasa-ra-mu-wa-n-taq Tiya Flora-man kurri-y pay-wan-mi
AUnt Flora study-SUBDS-3 pass-URGT-CISL-1.OBJ-3-SEQ Aunt Flora-ALL run-IMP
Cuando Tía Flora estudiaba me pasaba. '¡Corre! con ella vas a estar'.
When Aunt Flora studied, she would pass me. "Run! You're going to be with her."
00:05:15.402 - 00:05:20.822

ka-nki iha
3-INSTR-EVD be-2 daughter

Tiya Flora pushakamuwan. Huk puntraw ya nishpa.

Tiya Flora pusha-ka-mu-wa-n huk puntraw ya ni-shpa
Tiya Flora bring-REFL-CISL-1.OBJ-3 one day EMPH say-SUBIS
Tía Flora me llevó. Un día no más diciendo.
Aunt Flora took me saying [only for] one day.
00:05:21.222 - 00:05:25.422

Kaypam yachaq kanan kay yachasaypam pwirtan manachu kay lawpa karqa.
kay-pa-m yacha-q kanan kay yacha-sa-y-pa-m pwirta-n mana-chu kay law-pa ka-rqa
DEM.P-EVD live-AG now DEM.P live-PRF-1-LOC-EVD door-3 no-NEG DEM.P side-LOC
Aquí vivía. Acá donde vivo ahora. No tenía puerta en este lado.
I lived here. Where I live now. She didn't have a door on this side.
00:05:25.732 - 00:05:30.352


Chaypam tiyndachanta trurarqa. Tiya Flora. Qarinwan kasarushpa paykunaqa

chay-pa-m tiynda-cha-n-ta trura-rqa Tiya Flora. qari-n-wan kasa-ru-shpa
DEM.D-LOC-EVD store-DIM-3-ACC put-PST Aunt Flora. man-3-INSTR marry-URGT-SUBIS
Puso su tiendita allí. Tia Flora. Cuando se casó con su esposo ellos estudiaban
She put her little store there. Aunt FLora. When she married her husband, they
were studying still.
00:05:30.882 - 00:05:39.002

pay-kuna-qa istudiya-ra-q-raq-mi-ki

Ishkaynin. Wambran kaptinpis chay wambranta qipikatranaypaq pushamuwaq.

ishkay-ni-n wambra-n ka-pti-n-pis chay wambra-n-ta qipi-katra-na-y-paq
two-EUPH-3 child-3 be-SUBDS-3-ADD DEM.D child-3-ACC carry-FREQ-NMLZ-1-PURP
Los dos. Cuando tuvo sus hijos me llevaron para que los cargue.
Both of them. When she had her children, they took me so that I would carry
them around.
00:05:39.142 - 00:05:44.302

Kanan kulihiyullantaraqmi puchukarqa. Paykunaqa.

pusha-mu-wa-q kanan kulihiyu-lla-n-ta-raq-mi puchuka-rqa pay-kuna-qa
bring-CISL-1.OBJ-AG now finish-PST 3-PL-TOP
Ahora acabaron su colegio no más. Ellos.
Now they've finished their high school. Them.
00:05:44.362 - 00:05:50.562
Aa, Aystinta qipikatraq kani.
Aystin-ta qipi-katra-q ka-ni
Aystin-ACC carry-FREQ-AG be-1
A Aystin cargateaba.
I would carry Aystin around.
00:05:50.882 - 00:05:55.082

Chay diharuwarqa este rantichakurqam frutachakunata Nelihina frutachata.

chay diha-ru-wa-rqa este ranti-cha-ku-rqa-m fruta-cha-kuna-ta Neli-hina
Me dejaron. Vendieron frutitas, como Néli, frutitas.
They left me. They sold fruit. Like Neli, fruit.
00:05:55.592 - 00:06:02.222


Huanca ... yaykumuq Ramos. Kamiyun, chaypaq rantishpa rantichakuq.

huanca yayku-mu-q Ramos kamiyun chay-paq ranti-shpa ranti-cha-ku-q
Huanca enter-CISL-AG Ramos. truck DEM.D-ABL buy-SUBIS sell-DIM-REFL-AG
Wanka ... entraba el camión [de] Ramón. De allí comprando compraban
Wanka ... Ramos' truck would come in. From there, buying, they would buy.
00:06:02.402 - 00:06:07.022

Chay ñuqa qullqichanta qutuq kani chaynallaman ya yupashpapis dihawantrik

chay ñuqa qullqi-cha-n-ta qutu-q ka-ni chay-na-lla-man ya yupa-shpa-pis
DEM.D 1 gold-DIM-3-ADD gather-AG be-1 DEM.D-VRBZ-RSTR-ALL EMPH count-SUBIS-ADD
Yo montonaba su platita. Así pues contando de repente me dejará.
I gathered up their money. Like that, counting, I thought, they might leave me.
00:06:07.342 - 00:06:11.782

diha-wa-n-tri-k ni-shpa
leave-1.OBJ-3-EVC-K say-SUBIS

Platanutapis hapichiqchu kani. Dihawaq aparti chay huk platanu naranha.

platanu-ta-pis hapi-chi-q-chu ka-ni diha-wa-q aparti chay huk platanu
banana-ACC-ADD grab-CAUS-AG-NEG be-1 leave-1.OBJ-AG apart DEM.D one banana
Ni un plátano no agarraba. Me dejaba separado un plátano y una naranja.
I wouldn't grab even a banana. They would leave me a banana and an orage apart.
00:06:11.982 - 00:06:17.002

Kaypam mikushpam kabra huk kabran karqa yuraq ñawsa karqa chullan ñawichayuq.
kay-pa-m miku-shpa-m kabra huk kabra-n ka-rqa yuraq ñawsa ka-rqa chulla-n
DEM.P-LOC-EVD eat-SUBIS-EVD goat one goat-3 be-PST white blind bbe-PST odd-3
Aquí, comiendo, tenia una cabra, blanca, era ciega, con un ojo.
Here, eating, she had a goat. White. Blind. With one eye.
00:06:17.162 - 00:06:21.752


Chaypam kanan Qantu chay tra'kran kurrisayki chayman riq kani aysachakusa.
chay-pa-m kanan Qantu chay tra'kra-n kurri-sa-y-mi chay-man ri-q ka-ni
DEM.D-LOC-EVD now Qantu DEM.D field-3 run-PRF-1-EVD DEM.D-ALL go-AG be-1
Allí ahora Qantu, donde has comprado la chakra, iba jalado.
There, now, in Qantu, where you bought her field, I would go, puilled [along].
00:06:22.152 - 00:06:26.737


Chay lichiyuq uywaq kani chay wambrata. Qantupaq Puchu Patapaq. Kabrantin
ukuman wambrantin siqaykurun.
chay lichi-yuq uywa-q ka-ni chay wambra-ta Qantu-paq Puchu Pata-paq Kabra-ntin
DEM.D milk-POS raise-AG be-1 DEM.D child-ACC Qantu-ABL Puchu Pata-ABL goat-INCL
Con leche criaba ese chico. En Qantu del andén con toda la cabra con todo el
bebé me caí adentro.
I raised that child with milk. In Qantu, I fell inside from a terrace with the
goat and with the child.
00:06:26.837 - 00:06:34.784

uku-man wambra-ntin siqa-yku-ru-n

inside-ALL child-INCL go.up-EXCEP-URGT-3

Hatarini wambrataqa qawarini. Kawsayasam wambraqa.

hatari-ni wambra-ta-qa qawa-ri-ni kawsa-ya-sa-m wambra-qa
get.up-1 child-ACC-TOP look-INCEP-1 live-PROG-PRF-EVD child-TOP
Me levanté y miré al chico. Estaba viviendo el chico.
I got up and looked at the child. The child was still alive.
00:06:35.104 - 00:06:40.104

Yapa qipikuruni wañusachu altu [] saqaykuruni kabrantin.

yapa qipiku-ru-ni wañu-sa-chu altu [] saqay-ku-ru-ni kabra-ntin
again carry-REFL-URGT-1 die-PRF-NEG high [TK] go.down-EXCEP-URGT-1 goat-ACMP
De nuevo me cargué el bebé. No había muerto alto había caído con toda la cabra.
Again, I carried [the baby]. It wasn't dead. I fell from up high with the goats,
00:06:40.804 - 00:06:46.764

Wambraqa hawaypaña pasarun kayna chakpakaruni wambrapa hawanpaya

wambra-qa haway-pa-ña pasa-ru-n kay-na chakpa-ka-ru-ni wambra-pa
child-TOP above-LOC-DISC pass-URGT-3 DEM.P-VRBZ fall.backwards-PASSACC-URGT.1
Por encima paso el bebé y yo quedé boca abajo encima de él.
The chiled passed above already like that. I went face-down on top of the child.
00:06:47.024 - 00:06:51.664

child-GEN above-3-LOC-INTENS

Hatarini. Kawsayasa wambraqa. Qipikuruni.

hatari-ni kawsa-ya-sa wambra-qa qipi-ku-ru-ni
get.up-1 live-PROG-PRF child-TOP carry-REFL-URGT-1
Me levanté. El bebé estaba vivo. Lo cargué.
I got up. The child was alive. I carried her.
00:06:51.844 - 00:06:56.304

Manayá manañatr kutishaqñachu nini ya wambra wañuptinqa maypi ayqikushaq nini.

mana-yá mana-ña-tr kuti-shaq-ña-chu ni-ni ya wambra wañu-pti-n-qa may-pi
no-INTENS no-DISC-EVC return-1.FUT-DISC-NEG say-1 EMPH child die-SUBDS-3-TOP
Ya no voy a volver, dije, ya con mi chico. Si muere chico dónde me voy a
I'm not going to return any more, I said, If the child dies, where am I going
to escape?
00:06:56.394 - 00:07:01.214

Chaypaq wataruni kabrataq kutimuni.

ayqi-ku-shaq ni-ni chay-paq wata-ru-ni kabra-taq kuti-mu-ni
where-LOC escape-REFL-1.FUT say-1 DEM.D-ABL tie-URGT-1 goat-SEQ return-CISL-1
De allí amaré a la cabra y regresé.
Then I tied up the goat and returned.
00:07:01.504 - 00:07:04.944

Imanayanaykaman kutiramuptiy Estefa hamurusa. Imanayanaykama chay kartiranta

imana-ya-na-y-kaman kuti-ra-mu-pti-y-mi Estefa hamu-ru-sa Ima-na-ya-na-y-kama
Hasta qué cosa cuando estoy haciendo, cuando volví había venido Estefa. Hasta
que estuve haciéndolo, había echado la carretera. Cuando que estuve haciendo se
ha metido la cartera.
Until I was doing it, when I returned, Estefata had come. Until I was doing it,
she tossed in the wallet.
00:07:05.204 - 00:07:11.284

chay kartira-n-ta wina-ku-ru-rqa-pis

Las dusitaqa ni illasapischu Tiya Floraqa. Las tristahinaña ñuqa

lLas dusi-ta-qa ni illa-sa-pis-chu Tiya Flora-qa las tris-ta-hina-ña ñuqa
the twelve-ACC-TOP nor miss-PRF-ADD-NEG Aunt Flora-TOP the three-ACC-COMP-DISC 1
A las doce no había echado menos todavía mi tía Flora. Como a las tres le dijo
At twelve o'clock, I hadn't missed Aunt Flora. At about three o'clock, I
00:07:12.684 - 00:07:18.184

Maytaq kartirayqa. Kayllapi kayarqa, niwan, Chaypam karqa, Tiya, nini

may-taq kartira-y-qa kay-lla-pi ka-ya-rqa ni-wa-n chay-pa-m ka-rqa Tiya
where-SEQ wallet-1-TOP DEM.P-RSTR-LOC be-PROG-PST say-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D-LOC-EVD
'¿Dónde está mi cartera? Aquí estaba', me dijo.' Allí no más estaba, tía', dije.
"Where is my wallet? It was here," she said to me. "It was right there," I said.
00:07:18.304 - 00:07:24.904

be-PST Aunt say-1

Manam kanchu. Manam kanchu. May ashurachinkitr? Manam, Tiya, ashurachinichu,

mana-m ka-n-chu mana-m ka-n-chu may ashu-ra-chi-nki-tr mana-m Tiya
no-EVD be-3-NEG no-EVD be-3-NEG where retire-URGT-CAUS-2-EVC no-EVD Aunt
'No está. No está, Seguro habrás hecho retirar'. 'No he hecho retirar, tía, no'.
"It's not there. It's not there. You had it removed, for sure." "No, Aunt, I
didn't have it removed. No."
00:07:25.184 - 00:07:29.724

ashu-ra-chi-ni-chu mana-m
retire-URGT-CAUS-1-NEG no-EVD

Pitaq hamurqa? Estefallam hamurqa ñaqa. Ratulla nini.

pi-taq hamu-rqa Estefa-lla-m hamu-rqa ñaqa Ratu-lla ni-ni
who-SEQ come-PST Estefa-RSTR-EVD come-PST recently moment-RSTR say-1
'¿Quién ha venido?' 'Estefana no más a venido denantes. Un ratito', dije.
"Who came?" "Just Estefana a short time ago. A moment," I said.
00:07:29.864 - 00:07:35.094

'¿Imapaqtaq yaykachirqanki? Qam yatranki chay wawa wambrataqa'.

imapaq-taq yayka-chi-rqa-nki qam yatra-nki chay wawa wambra-ta-qa
why-SEQ enter-CAUS-PST-2 2 know-2 DEM.D baby child-ACCTOP
'¿Para qué has hecho entrar? Tú ya sabes de esa chica'.
"Why did you let her in? You know that child."
00:07:35.254 - 00:07:40.199
'Hiniyunta hinashpa qam yaykuchiqankiqa'. 'Ratuchallam kaypi tiyaykururqa',
hiniyun-ta hinashpa qam yayku-chi-rqa-nki-qa ratu-cha-lla-m kay-pi
character-ACC so 2 enter-CAUS-PST-2-TOP moment-DIM-RSTR-EVD DEM.P-LOC
'Su genio y después has hecho entrar todavía'. 'Un ratito no más ha entrado',
"Her character and then you let her in." She sat down for just a moment," I
00:07:40.419 - 00:07:46.146

tiya-yku-ru-rqa ni-ni
sit-EXCEP-URGT-PST say-1

qaya-ka-mu-nki waktaña kurriy kurriy riyasaypaq alkansaramuptinqa. 'Kikiy

rishaq', niwan.
qaya-ka-mu-nki wak-ta-ña kurri-y kurri-y ri-ya-sa-y-paq alkansa-ra-mu-pti-n-qa
'¡Andá, llámale!' Allá donde había ido, corriendo, me alcanzó. 'Yo mismo voy a
ir', me dijo.
"Go call her!" There, where I had gone, running, running, she caught up with
me. "I, myself, will go," she said to me.
00:07:48.586 - 00:07:55.686

kiki-y ri-shaq ni-wa-n

reach-URGT.CISL-SUBDS-3-TOP self-1 go-1.FUT say-1.OBJ-3

'Kikiy rishaq'. Paypa wasiman rishpa, al toque hapishpa pusharamusa.

kiki-y ri-shaq pay-pa wasi-man ri-shpa hapi-shpa pusha-ra-mu-sa
self-1 go-1.FUT 3-GEN house-ALL go-SUBIS grab-SUBIS bring-URGT-CISL-PRF
'Yo mismo voy a ir'. Cuando fue a su casa, al toque agarrándola, la había
"I myself am going to go." When she went to her house, in an instant, grabbing
her, she braught her.
00:07:55.756 - 00:08:02.776

Manam ni ratuchallapis ashuriqta dihasanichu. Hapishpa pusharamusa haku

ratuchalla wasipa nisisitayki nishpa
mana-m ni ratu-cha-lla-pis ashu-ri-q-ta diha-sa-ni-chu hapi-shpa pusha-ra-mu-sa
no-EVD nor moment-DIM-RSTR-ADD escape-AG-ACC leave-PRF-1-NEG grab-SUBIS
Ya no había dejado ni un ratito que se escape. Agarrándola, la había llevado.
'¡Vámonos! Te necesito un ratito en casa'.
I hadn't let her escape for even a moment. Grabbing her, I had brought her.
"Let's go! I need you in the house one moment."
00:08:03.416 - 00:08:11.676

haku ratu-cha-lla wasi-pa nisisita-sayki ni-shpa
bring-URGT.CISL-PRF let's.go moment-DIM-RSTR house-LOC need-1>2 say-SUBIS

Manam imas nishpaña wasikuna yaykurunña witrqarun ukupi ishkayni:ta. Nishpaqa

'¡Manos arriba!' ninyá
mana-m ima-s ni-shpa-ña wasi-kuna yayku-ru-n-ña witrqa-ru-n uku-pi
no-EVD what-ADD say-SUBIS-DISC house-PL enter-URGT-3-DISC close-URGT-3
Sin decir nada ya, entró ya en la casa y encerrró adentro a los dos. Dijo,
'¡Manos arriba!'
Without saying anything, she entered the house already and closed them both in.
"Hands up!" she said.
00:08:12.446 - 00:08:19.986

ishkay-ni-:-ta ni-shpa-qa ni-n-yá

inside-LOC two-EUPH-1-ACC say-SUBIS-TOP say-3-INTENS

¿Pim hapirqa kaypa kartirayta? ¿Mayqinikitaq hapirqanki? Hinashpa hatun

urdinansiyata kaptin [inaudible] Tiya Flora.
pi-m hapi-rqa kay-pa kartira-y-ta mayqin-iki-taq hapi-rqa-nki hinashpa hatun
who-EVD grab-PST DEM.P-LOC wallet-1-ACC which-2-SEQ grab-PST-2 so big
'¿Quién ha agarrado de mi cartera? ¿Cuál de Uds. ha agarrado mi cartera?' dijo.
Luego tenía una ordinancia grande, Tía FLora.
"Who grabbed my wallet? Which of the two of you grabbed my wallet?" said Aunt
Flora and [...] she had a big ordenance.
00:08:21.026 - 00:08:27.286

urdinansiya-ta ka-pti-n Tiya Flora

ordenance-ACC be-SUBDS-3 Aunt Flora.

Chayta hapishpa ñuqaqa katkatashpa niyani, 'Manam hapirqanichu,Tiya', nini ya.

chay-ta hapi-shpa ñuqa-qa katkata-shpa ni-ya-ni mana-m hapi-rqa-ni-chu Tiya
DEM.D-ACC grab-SUBIS 1-TOP tremble-SUBIS say-PROG-1 no-EVD grab-PST-1-NEG say-1
Agarrando-RSTR, temblando yo dije, 'No he agarrado, Tía', dije, pues.
Grabbing that, shaking, I said, "I didn't grab it, Aunt," I said, then.
00:08:27.726 - 00:08:35.606

ni-ni ya

'Chaynam qaqchaq qaqchaqtukusayki qamta. 'Amam sintikunkichu', nishpa niwan.

chay-na-m qaqcha-q qaqcha-q-tuku-sa-yki TKK qam-ta Sinti-ku-nki-chu ni-shpa
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD scold-AG scold-AG-SIMUL-1>2 2-ACC feel-REFL-2-NEG say-SUBIS
'Así yo te voy a resondrar a tí de mentira. ¡No te vas a resentir!' me dijo.
"Like that, I'm going to scold you. You won't resent anything," she said to me.
00:08:35.746 - 00:08:41.946


'¡Manos arriba!' niptinqa ñuqapis quqarikuyani makiyta maskawananpaq. Kayna

maskakuyan tarinchu.
ni-pti-n-qa ñuqa-pis quqari-ku-ya-ni TKK maki-y-ta maska-wa-na-n-paq kay-na
say-SUBDS-3-TOP 1-ADD lift-REFL-PROG-1 hand-1-ACC search-1.OBJ-NMLZ-3-PURP
'¡Manos arriba!' cuando dijo yo también estoy levantando las manos para arriba.
Para que me rebusque me está rebuscando así pero no me encontraron.
When she said, "Hands up!" I, too, was raising my hands so she could search me.
She's searching like this, but she doesn't find anything.
00:08:43.766 - 00:08:51.646

maska-ku-ya-n tari-n-chu
DEM.P-VRBZ search-REFL-PROG-3 find-3-NEG

Estefatañataq kayna makinta nan. Kay qipa wiqawnin qipaman ukuman winarusa.
Estefata-ña-taq kay-na maki-n-ta na-n kay qipa wiqaw-ni-n qipa-man uku-man
Estefata-DISC-SEQ DEM.P-VRBZ hand-3-ACC DMY-3 DEM.P behind waist-EUPH-3
A Estefa así más [le buscó?] las manos. Destrás de su espalda, detrás, adentro,
lo había echado.
She [searched?] Estefata's hand.. Behind her back, behind, inside, she had
tossed it.
00:08:51.966 - 00:08:58.966

behinf-ALL inside-ALL

Waqarun. Na. Aykatr chay qullqiqa cincuenta centavos nira imatriki

waqa-ru-n na ayka-tr chay qullqi-qa cincuenta centavos ni-ra ima-tri-ki
cry-URGT-3 DMY how.much-EVC DEM.D gold-TOP fifty cents say-PST what-EVC-KI
Lloró. ¿Cuánto sería esa plata? Cincuenta centavos.
She cried. How much would that money be? Fifty cents?
00:08:59.546 - 00:09:04.466

Chaypi gastarusanña. Lamitan kasarqa ya.

chay-pi gasta-ru-sa-n-ña lamitan ka-sa-rqa ya
Lo había gastado ya. La mitad había ya.
She had spent it already. There was half already.
00:09:04.726 - 00:09:10.326

Piru gulusa kashpa fruta imatr hapinman karqa.

piru gulusa ka-shpa fruta ima-tr hapi-n-man ka-rqa
but candy be-SUBIS fruit what-EVC grab-3-COND be-PST
Golosa habiendo hubiera debido agarrar fruta así.
There being candy, she should have grabbed fruit.
00:09:10.426 - 00:09:14.006

Achka ya frutaqa kayan. Naranha platanuskuna kayan. Avir qullqitatr hapinman

achka ya fruta-qa ka-ya-n naranha platanus-kuna ka-ya-n avir qullqi-ta-tr
a.lot EMPH fruit-TOP be-PROG-3 orange banaba-PL be-PROG-3 let's.see gold-ACC-EVC
Hay mucha fruta, pues. Naranja, plátano hay. Plata todavía hubiera debido
There's a lot of fruit. There are oranges, bananas. She should have grabbed
money, still.
00:09:14.186 - 00:09:20.676

hapi-n-man ka-rqa
grab-3-COND be-PST

Latigarun ya. ¡'Qipiy!' niwan ya. ¡'Qipi!' niwarqa. Payqa mas wiracham karqa.
latiga-ru-n ya qipi-y ni-wa-n ya qipi-y ni-wa-rqa pay-qa mas wira-cha-m
whip-URGT-3 EMPH carry-IMP say-1.OBJ-3 EMPH carry-IMP say-1.OBJ-PST 3-TOP more
Le echó látigo. '¡Carga!' me dicen. '¡Carga!' me dijeron. Ella era más gordita.
They whipped her, then. "Carry!" they say to me. "Carry!" they siad to me. She
was fatter.
00:09:20.876 - 00:09:26.431

fat-DIM-EVD be-PST

Ñuqa mas aqlachalla karqani. Muyti muytima qipikuyani Ipuhinapis. Ñitishunki.

ñuqa mas aqla-cha-lla ka-rqa-ni muyti muyti-m-a qipi-ku-ya-ni Ipu-hina-pis
1 more thin-DIM-RSTR be-PST carrying carrying-EVD-EMPH carry-REFL-PROG-1
Yo era más flaquita. Te machucó?
I was thinner. Did she crush you?
00:09:26.511 - 00:09:32.153

Ipu-COMP-ADD crush-3>2

Pishipankichu. Pishiparuni qipirakuyani. Laq. Latigakuyan

pishipa-nki-chu pishipa-ru-ni qipi-ra-ku-ya-ni latiga-ku-ya-n
tire-2-2-NEG tire-URGT-1 carry-UNINT-REFL-PROG-1 whip-REFL-PROG-3
Te cansaste? Me cansé -- estoy cargando. Lak. Están pegando.
Did you get tired. I got tired -- I'm carrying. Lak. They're beating.
00:09:32.193 - 00:09:39.132

Nunka mas amam qapinkichu qamqa mayurniytam pinqapaq hurquwaq.
nunka mas ama-m hapi-nki-chu qam-qa mayur-ni-y-ta-m pinqa-paq
never more PROH-EVD grab-2-NEG 2-TOP elder-EUPH-1-ACC-EVD shame-ABL
Nunca más vas a agarrar. Ud puedes sacar de veguenza a mi hermano mayor.
Never again will you grab [things]. You could shame my older brother.
00:09:39.192 - 00:09:45.322


'¿Ima kaqtri qam wambra kanki? Manatr qamqa turiypa churinchu kawaq.
¿Imaynataq kusaskunata hapiwaq'.
ima ka-q-tri qam wambra ka-nki mana-tr qam-qa turi-y-pa churi-n-chu ka-waq
what be-AG-EVC 2 child be-2 no-EVC 2-TOP brother-1-GEN child-3-Q be-2.COND
'¿Qué clase chica serás tú. podrías ser hija de mi hermano. ¿Cómo puedes
agarrar cosas?'
What kind of girl are you? You couldn't be the daughter of my brother. How
could you grab things?"
00:09:45.582 - 00:09:53.097

imayna-taq kusas-kuna-ta hapi-waq

how-SEQ things-PL-ACC grab-2.COND

Prubidu Imaynataq mana payqa hapinchu imatapis. Dihasaytaqa hapin mana

dihasaytaqa manam.
prubidu imayna-taq mana pay-qa hapi-n-chu ima-ta-pis diha-sa-y-ta-qa hapi-n mana
prohibited how-SEQ no 3-TOP grab-3-NEG what-ACC-ADD leave-PRF-1-ACC-TOP grab-3
Prohibo. ¿Cómo ella no ha agarrado nada? Lo que dejo agarra lo no dejo no'.
Prohibited. How is it she didn't grab anything? Grab what I leave; don't grab
what I don't leave.
00:09:53.617 - 00:09:59.237

diha-sa-y-ta-qa mana-m
no leave-PRF-1-ACC-TOP no-EVD

Mala kustumbri. ¿Ima qamta maraykiman kanchu? Chay makiy ya ruwanraq

mala kustumbri ima qam-ta mara-yki-m ka-n-chu chay maki-y ya ruwa-n-raq
bad custom what TK-2-ACC -2-EVD be-3-NEG DEM.D hand-1 EMPH make-3-CONT
SI no a usted le voy a pegar con ordinancia diciendo a mí también me pegó con
00:09:59.427 - 00:10:04.967

'No, Tiya', nishpa katkatayan. Chaynam

urdinansa-wan ni-shpa katkata-ya-n chay-na-m
ordinance-INSTR say-SUBIS tremble-PROG-3 DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD
'No tía', dijo, temblando.
"No aunt," she said trembling.
00:10:05.107 - 00:10:10.677

Tiya Flora. Chayna dihawarqa. Wañuq Tiya Floraqa pampakunapam Flora pampakunapa
Flora wakhina qullqita diharqa.
Tiya Flora. chay-na diha-wa-rqa wañu-q Tiya Flora-qa pampa-kuna-pa-m Flora
AUnt Flora. DEM.D-VRBZ leave-1.OBJ-PST die-AG Aunt Flora-TOP floor-PL-LOC-EVD
La tía Flora. Así me lo dejó. La finada Tía FLora, en el suelo, Flora, en el
suelo dejó el dinero.
Aunt Flora. Así lo dejó. The late Aunt Flora left the money on the ground like
that, on the ground.
00:10:10.737 - 00:10:18.532

wak-hina qullqi-ta diha-rqa

Flora DEM.D-CONP-DIM money-ACC leave-PST

Pichayashpaqa ñuqa huqariruq kani misanman. Kutimuptinqa, 'Tía kayna qullqim

kaypa kasa', nini
picha-ya-shpa-qa ñuqa huqari-ru-q ka-ni misa-n-man kuti-mu-pti-n-qa Tía kay-na
sweep-PROG-SUBIS 1 gather-URGT-AG be-1 table-ALL return-CISL-SUBDS-3-TOP Aunt
Barriendo recogía y guardaba en mesa. Cuando regresaba le dije, 'Tía, aquí está
tu plata, estaba aquí'.
Sweeping the house, I would gather it on the table. Wnen she returned, I said,
"Aunt, here is the money."
00:10:18.612 - 00:10:24.812

qullqi-m kay-pa ka-sa ni-ni

DEM.P-VRBZ gold-EVD DEM.P-LOC be-PRF say-1

Mana imas niwaqchu pero ñuqaqa kwintata qukuq kani yatrananpaq. ¿Imatapis
mana ima-s ni-wa-q-chu pero ñuqa-qa kwinta-ta qu-ku-q ka-ni yatra-na-n-paq
no what-ADD say-1.OBJ-AG-NEG but 1-TOP account-ACC give-REFL-AG be-1
No me decía nada pero yo me daba cuenta. Ella sabrá. ¿Qué cosa también dejaba?
She wouldn't say anything to me, but I realized she would know. What else did
she leave?
00:10:25.232 - 00:10:31.052

ima-ta-pis diha-ru-n
know-NMLZ-3-PURP qhat-ACC-ADD leave-URGT-3

Aritinkunata diharuq pampapi. Chaytapis quqarishpa truraq kani

ariti-n-kuna-ta diha-ru-q pampa-pi chay-ta-pis quqa-ri-shpa trura-q
earring-3-PL-ACC leave-URGT-AG ground-LOC DEM.D-ACC-ADD gather-INCEP-SUBIS
Su arete todo dejaba en el suelo. Eso también recogiendo guardaba.
She would leave her earrings and all on the floor. Gathering up, I would find
that, too.
00:10:31.152 - 00:10:36.342

put-AG be-1

Manchakuq kani hapiytaq imantapis. Chay piru biynniypaq ya karqa chay

mancha-ku-q ka-ni hapi-y-taq ima-n-ta-pis chay piru biyn-ni-y-paq ya ka-rqa
scare-REFL-AG be-1 grab-INF-ACC what-3-ACC-ADD DEM.D but good-EUPH-1-PURP EMPH
Tenía miedo de agarrar cualquier cosa. Pero era para mi bien.
I was afraid to grab anything. But it was for my good.
00:10:36.402 - 00:10:44.027


Imachakunatapis quwaq kuyawashpa Sumbruchakunata rantipuwaq sapatuchaykunataqa

ima-cha-kuna-ta-pis qu-wa-q kuya-wa-shpa sumbru-cha-kuna-ta ranti-pu-wa-q
what-DIM-PL-ACC-ADD give-1.OBJ-AG love-1.OBJ-SUBIS hat-DIM-PL-ACC
Cualquier cosita me daba queriendome. Mi sobrerito todo me compraba me zapato
todo, así me decía mi mamá.
Loving me, she would give me any little thing. She would buy me my hat and my
00:10:44.087 - 00:10:50.734

buy-BEN-1.OBJ-AG shoe-DIM-1-PL-ACC-TOP

Sapatu chaytapis rantirapuwaptinqa mana qatrachananta munaqchu kani kayna

makiyta tuqaykushpa.
sapatu chay-ta-pis ranti-ra-pu-wa-pti-n-qa mana qatra-cha-na-n-ta muna-q-chu
Cuando me compraba mi zapato no quería que se ensicie. Así escupiendo [en] mi
When she would buy me my shoes, I wouldn't want them to get dirty. Spitting
into my hand,
00:10:50.854 - 00:10:56.230

kani kay-na maki-y-ta tuqa-yku-shpa

want-AG-NEG be-1 DEM.P-VRBZ hand-1-ACC spit-EXCEP-SUBDIS

Paqaq kani sapatuchayta. Limpiyuchalla sapatuy. Mushuq mushuqchalla kayan

nishpa qatrachaqchu kani.
paqa-q ka-ni sapatu-cha-y-ta limpiyu-cha-lla sapatu-y mushuq mushuq-cha-lla
wash-AG be-1 shoe-DIM-1-ACC clean-DIM-RSTR shoe-1 new new-DIM-RSTR be-PROG-3
Yo lavaba mi zapatito. Limpiocito no más, mi zapato. Nuevecito está, dije, no
lo voy a ensiuciar.
I washed my shoes. Nice and clean, my shoes. They're new, I thought, I'm not
going to get them dirty.
00:10:56.250 - 00:11:04.462

ka-ya-n ni-shpa qatra-cha-q-chu ka-ni

say-SUBIS dirty-FACT-AG-NEG be-1

Altullatam kanan kay sapatuqa apashunki iha niwaq. Siyrtu nishpa altuchallam
puriq kani.
altu-lla-ta-m kanan kay sapatu-qa apa-shunki ija ni-wa-q siyrtu ni-shpa
high-RSTR-ACC-EVD now DEM.P shoe-TOP bring-3>2.FUT daughter say-1.OBJ-AG true
Alto no más te voy a llevar este zapato, hija. Pisoteaba altito no más.
I'm going to bring you those shoes only [on the high route] now, daughter, she
would say to me. It's true, I would go by the high route only.
00:11:04.642 - 00:11:08.922

altu-cha-lla-m puri-q ka-ni

say-SUBIS high-DIM-RSTR-EVD walk-AG be-1

Chaynam unay mamachanchikkunaqa karqa. Acaso kanan ... Kanan yanqa, ¿Latigutaqa
pitaq kanan qun?
chay-na-m unay mama-cha-nchik-kuna-qa ka-rqa akasu kanan Kanan yanqa
DEm.D-VRBZ-EVD before mother-DIM-1PL-PL-TOP be-PST perhaps now now lie
Así antes eran nuestras abuelita. Acaso ahora. Ahora mentira. ¿Quién echa
látigo? Nadie.
Our grandmothers were like that before. Perhaps now. In vain. Now, who whips
00:11:11.182 - 00:11:17.622

latigu-ta-qa pi-taq kanan qu-n

whip-ACC-TOP who-SEQ now give-3

Latigaptinchik dinunsiyaruwachuwanñatr kananqa Chaynañam laypis kayan kananqa

latiga-pti-nchik dinunsiya-ru-wa-chuwan-ña-tr kanan-qa chay-na-ña-m lay-pis
Cuando se echa látigo ahora se puede denunciar ya. Ahora es la ley así ya.
When you whip [a child] now, you can be demounced already. The law is like that
00:11:17.862 - 00:11:21.782

ka-ya-n kanan-qa
law-ADD be-PROG-3 now-TOP

Manañam kanan wambrakunaqa latiguytaq munanñachu.
mana-ña-m kanan wambra-kuna-qa latigu-y-taq muna-n-ña-chu
no-DISC-EVD now child-PL-TOP whip-INF-ACC want-3-DISC-NEG
Ahora los chicos ya no quieren látigo.
Now children don't want to be whipped any more.
00:11:26.562 - 00:11:33.092

Unaykunaqa latigu latigu

unay-kuna-qa latigu latigu
before-PL-TOP whip whip
Antes, látigo, látigo.
Before, whip, whip.
00:11:33.812 - 00:11:41.352

Piru unayqa latigawaptinchikqa manchakushpaqa mastaya istiduaq kanchik.

piru unay-qa latiga-wa-pti-nchik-qa mancha-ku-shpa-qa mas-ta-ya istidua-q
but before-TOP whip-1.OBJ-SUBDS-1PL-TOP scare-REFL-SUBIS-TOP more-ACC-INTENS
Pero antes, cuando nos daban látigo, teniendo miedo, estudiábamos más.
But before, when they whipped us, being afraid, we would study more.
00:11:56.272 - 00:12:02.452

study-AG be-1PL

Kay wambrakunaqa akasu latigarunki mas ruduchuhinam

kay wambra-kuna-qa akasu latiga-ru-nki mas rudu-chu-hina-m
DEM.P child-PL-TOP perhaps whip-URGT-2 why truculent-NEG-COMP-EVD
Ahora los chicos si les echas látigo, más rudo se ponen, creo.
Now, if you whip children they become more truculent, I think.
00:12:02.542 - 00:12:07.502

Mas inutitchuhinam vuylvikun kanan wambrakunaqa qawayashunkim latigaptikipis.

mas inutil-chu-hina-m vuylvi-ku-n kanan wambra-kuna-qa qawa-ya-shunki-m
more useless-NEG-COMP-EVD turn-REFL-3 now child-PL-TOP see-PROG-3>2EVD
Más inútil más sonso se vuelven. Te mira cuando echas látigo.
They become more useless, more stupid. Now children look at you when you whip
00:12:07.522 - 00:12:13.202


Unaykunaqa latigaruptinchik waqarikushpapis uqanchik

unay-kuna-qa latiga-ru-pti-nchik waqa-ri-ku-shpa-pis uqa-nchik
Antes cuando nos echaba látigo, llorando, nuestros ojos
Before, when they whipped us, crying, we
00:12:13.302 - 00:12:17.982

Pichakushpaqa ñawinchikta istudiyakuyaqña kanchik masta.

picha-ku-shpa-qa ñawi-nchik-ta istudiya-ku-ya-q-ña ka-nchik mas-ta
sweep-REFL-SUBIS-TOP eye-1PL-ACC study-REFL-PROG-AG_DISC be-1PL more-ACC
Nuestras ojos limpiando ya estabamos estudiando more
Sweeping away our tears, we were already studying more.
00:12:18.022 - 00:12:22.782

Sapallanchik ruranchik tariyanchikta ruwakuq kanchik kanan wambrataqa

sapa-lla-nchik rura-nchik tariya-nchik-ta ruwa-ku-q ka-nchik kanan wambra-ta-qa
alone-RSTR-1PL make-1PL homework-1PL-ACC make-REFL-AG be-1PL now child-ACC-TOP
Solitos hacíamos nuestra tarea. Ahora estamos ayudando al chico a hacer la
We did our homework by ourselves. Now we're helping them do their homework.
00:12:22.822 - 00:12:27.082


Papaypis, ñuqapapis ni mamay papayniy tumpalla yatraq piru mana ukupaqchu kanan
sapallay ruraq kani.
ñuqa-pa-pis ni mama-y papa-y-ni-y tumpalla yacha-q piru mana ukupa-q-chu kanan
1-GEN-ADD nor mother-1 father-1-EUPH-1 a.little know-G but no occupy-AG-NEG now
Los míos también. Ni mi mamá ni mi papá pero no se ocupaban. Solita hacía.
Mine, too. Neither my mother nor my father would take care of it. I would do it
00:12:33.217 - 00:12:39.117

sapa-lla-y rura-q ka-ni

alone-RSTR-1 make-AG be-1

Aprindiq kani ñuqaqa prufisurta mana yatrashpaqa tapukuq kani.

aprindi-q ka-ni ñuqa-qa prufisur-ta mana yatra-shpa-qa tapu-ku-q ka-ni
learn-AG be-1 1-TOP teacher-ACC no learn-SUBIS-TOP ask-REFL-AG be-1
Aprendía. Cuando no sabía yo preguntaba al profesor.
I would learn. When I didn't know it, I would ask the professor.
00:12:39.177 - 00:12:43.787

ruraq kani. Chay wambraykunataqa mana ñuqa kulihiyupa istudiyaq kani ¿Imatam
ñuqa yatrachisayki?
rura-q ka-ni chay wambra-y-kuna-ta-qa mana ñuqa kulihiyu-pa istudiya-q ka-ni
make-AG be-1 DEM.D child-1-PL-ACC-TOP no 1 study-AG be-1
yo hacía. A mis hijas también les decía yo no estudié en colegio. ¿Qué les voy
a enseñar?
I would do. I said to my children, too, I didn't study in high school. What
can I teach them?
00:12:43.987 - 00:12:49.802

ima-ta-m ñuqa yatra-chi-sayki

what-ACC-EVD 1 teach-CAUS-1>2

Yatrachachi ... Chaypam kulihiyuman trurayki ñuqaqa prufisur

yatrachinaykipaq. Mana ñuqa kikiy yatrachinaypaq
Yatra-cha-chi ... chay-pa-m kulihiyu-man trura-yki ñuqa-qa prufisur
know-CAUS DEM.D-LOC-EVD put-1>2 1-TOP teacher
Por eso te pongo al colegio para que te enseñe el profesor no para que yo les
That's why I put you in high school. So the teacher can teach you, not so I can
teach you.
00:12:50.062 - 00:12:56.014

yatra-chi-na-yki-paq mana ñuqa kiki-y yatra-chi-na-y-paq

know-CAUS-NMLZ-1>2-PURP no 1 self-1 know-CAUS-NMLZ-1-PURP

Kanan ñuqa manamñam yatrachinchikñachu. Kanan manam ni gulpipis ni imapis

kanan ñuqa mana-m yatra-chi-nchik-ña-chu kanan mana-m ni gulpi-pis ni ima-pis
now 1 no-EVD know-CAUS-1PL-DISC-NEG now no-EVD nor blow-ADD nor what-ADD
Ya no enseñamos nada. Ahora ya no hay ni golpe ni nada ya.
Now we don't teach anymore. Now there aren't blows or anything.
00:12:56.234 - 00:13:03.158


Kanan sillilarkunallawan ... hurqukuyan multiplikasyunkunatapis sumakunatapis

ima ñuqa yatranichu chay sillular
kanan sillilar-kuna-lla-wan hurqu-ku-ya-n multiplikasyun-kuna-ta-pis
now cellular-PL-RSTR-INSTR remove-REFL-PROG-3 multiplication-PL-ACC-ADD
Ahora con cellular no más están sacando sumas, multiplicación también. No
conozco ese cellular todo.
Now they're doing addition and multiplication, too, with cell phones. I don't
know those cell phones.
00:13:26.638 - 00:13:33.618

suma-kuna-ta-pis ima ñuqa yatra-ni-chu chay sillular

sum-PL-ACC-ADD what 1 know-1-NEG DEM.D cellular

Aa, chay ... chayllapaqpis valiwanchik ya chayqa
chay chay-lla-paq-pis vali-wa-nchik ya chay-qa
Para-RSTR siquiera nos vale eso.
For just that that is worth something to us.
00:13:40.858 - 00:13:46.308

Ermundaqa imayna yatran? Vakankunawan payqa purin.

Ermunda-qa imayna yatra-n vaka-n-kuna-wan pay-qa puri-n
Ermunda-TOP how know-3 cow-3-PL-INSTR 3-TOP walk-3
¿Cómo sabrá Ermunda? Con su vaca todo andará.
How would Ermunda know? She walks about with her cows and all.
00:13:46.488 - 00:13:52.788

Kabraykikunawan. Ariyá.
kabra-yki-kuna-wan ari-yá
goat-2-PL-INSTR yes-INTENS
Ah con tus cabras todo. Sí, pues.
Ah, with your goats and all. Yes, then.
00:13:52.923 - 00:13:57.623

Kanan kawpikuyankiraqchu qam? Aa, maypam. Qam

kanan kawpi-ya-nki-raq-chu qam Aa, may-pa-m qam
now spin-PROG-2-CONT-NEG 2 Aa, where-LOC-EVD 2
Ahora hilas todavía, tú? Ah, ¿dónde? Tú.
Do you spin still now? Ah, where? You.
00:13:57.703 - 00:14:05.013

Kananqa rantiy rantiyllatañatr awashunpis manañam ni pinturapis kayan.

kanan-qa ranti-y ranti-y-lla-ta-ña-tr awa-shun-pis mana-ña-m ni pintura-pis
Ahora ya comprado no más hay que tejer. Ya no hay ni pintura.
Now we'd have to weave just bought [yarn]. There isn't even dye.
00:14:18.323 - 00:14:22.463

Chayllatañam kanan rantiyanchik.

ka-ya-n chay-lla-ta-ña-m kanan ranti-ya-nchik
Ahora-RSTR no más ya estamos comprando
Now we're buying just that.
00:14:26.333 - 00:14:31.518

Chaymi Ermundaqa riki ayvis istansiyakunatatr rikun.

chay-mi Ermunda-qa r-IKI ayvis istansiya-kuna-ta-tr ri-ku-n
DEM.D-EVD Ermunda-TOP R-IKI sometimes ranch-PL-ACC-EVC go-REFL-3
Por eso Ermunda a veces a su estancia y todo irá.
So sometimes Ermunda would go to her ranch and all.
00:14:31.625 - 00:14:35.985

Uvihanwantri payqa yachan. Kay runakunaqa uvihanchikkunawan ya. Mana

uvihanchik kaptinqa imawan kayashun avir.
ubiha-n-wan-tri pay-qa yacha-n kay runa-kuna-qa ubviha-nchik-kuna-wan ya mana
sheep-3-INSTR-EVC 3-TOP live-3 DEM.P person-PL-TOP sheep-1PL-PL-INSTR EMPH no
Con su oveja ella vivirá. Este gente de acá con nuestra oveja. Cuando no
tenemos nuestra oveja, ¿con qué pues? Hay que estar.
She must live with her sheep. People from here with our sheep. When we don't
have sheep, with what
00:14:36.285 - 00:14:43.805

ubiha-nchik ka-pti-n-qa ima-wan ka-ya-shun avir

sheep-1PL be-SUBDS-3-TOP what-INSTR be-PROG-1PL.FUT let's.see

Kanan wataqa piru manam qam rutunki manachu?

kanan wata-qa piru mana-m qam rutu-nki mana-chu
now year-TOP but no-EVD 2 sheer-2 no-Q
Este año tú no has cortado, ¿no?
This year you haven't sheered, have you?
00:14:52.345 - 00:14:58.445

Ni huktapis. Ñuqapis manam ruturanichu.

ni huk-ta-pis ñuqa-pis mana-m rutu-ra-ni-chu
nor one-ACC-ADD 1-ADD no-EVD sheer-UNINT-1-NEG
Ni uno. Yo tampoco no he cortado.
Not even one. I haven't sheered, either.
00:14:58.565 - 00:15:03.565

millwatapis pantarushunñatr. Manam rutunichu ishkay wataña.

millwa-ta-pis panta-ru-shun-ña-tr mana-m rutu-ni-chu ishkay wata-ña
wool-ACC-ADD be.wrong-URGT-1PL.FUT-DISC-EVC no-EVD sheer-1-NEG two yeat-DISC
Lana voy a desconocer también ya seguro. Dos años ya no esquilo.
I'm going to mistake wool already for sure. I haven't sheered in two years.
00:15:04.325 - 00:15:08.725

Kanan watapis ish-ishlla karqa ya, Piru mana ya pipis rutuq karqachu. Hinaptin
bañarachin bañarachiptinpis malugrakunqa
kanan wata-pis ish-ishlla ka-rqa ya piru mana ya pi-pis rutu-q ka-rqa-chu
now year-ADD lit-little be-PST EMPH but no EMPH who-ADD sheer-AG be-PST-NEG so
Este año también había poco poco. No había quien corte así le hice bañar.
Cuando se hace bañar ya se malogra.
This year, too, there was very little. But there was no one who sheers. So they
bathed them. When they bathe them, they damage them.
00:15:09.405 - 00:15:16.185

hinaptin baña-ra-chi-n baña-ra-chi-pti-n-pis malugra-ku-nqa

Manaña sumaqñachu puchkananchikpaq

mana-ña sumaq-ña-chu puchka-na-nchik-paq
no-DISC nice-DISC-NEG puchkananchikpaq
00:15:16.245 - 00:15:19.625

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Liscay_NF_Protest.eaf
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 2:24 PM


Kanan kumunidadkuna lliw akurduta kay Liscaypa ruwaranchik.

kanan kumunidad-kuna lliw akurdu-ta kay Liscay-pa ruwa-ra-nchik
now community-PL all accord-ACC DEM.P Liscay¨OC make-PST-1PL
Ahora los comuneros todos hemos hecho nuestro acuerdo aquí en Liscay
Now all the community members came to an accord here in Liscay.
00:00:00.001 - 00:00:05.001

Icata rinanchikpaq riprisanchik riklamaq. trabahananpaq, siginanpaq.

Ica-ta ri-na-nchik-paq riprisa-nchik riklama-q trabaha-na-n-paq sigi-na-n-paq
Ica-ACC go-NMLZ-1PL-PURP dam-1PL demand-AG work-NMLZ-3-PURP continue-NMLZ-3-PURP
Para ir a Ica a reclamar nuestra represa. Para que continue trabajando.
TO go to Ica to demand our dam, so that they work, so that they continue.
00:00:05.289 - 00:00:12.689

Manam kayta paralisamun hinashpam kitamayta munanchu huk lawman pasayta munan.
mana-m kay-ta paralisa-mu-n hina-shpa-m kita-ma-y-ta muna-n-chu huk law-man
no-EVD DEM.P-ACC paralize-CISL-3 so-EVD remove-1.OBJ-INF-ACC want-3-NEG one
No, ahora lo paralizaron luego, Quieren quitar lo; quieren pasarlo a otro sitio.
No, now they've stopped; then they want to pass it over somewhere else.
00:00:13.123 - 00:00:17.983

pasa-y-ta muna-n
side-ALL pass-INF-ACC want-3

Riprisanchikpaq prisupwistunta. Chaymi kumunidadkuna lluqsiyanchik kanan

riprisa-nchik-paq prisupwistu-n-ta chay-mi kumunidad-kuna lluqsi-ya-nchik kanan
dam-1PL-BEN budget-3-ACC DEM.D-EVD community-PL go.out-PROG-1PL now
El presupuesto de nuestra represa. por-RSTR la comunidad estamos sliendo ahora.
The budget ofr our dam. So the community, we are going out now.
00:00:18.023 - 00:00:23.213

Chinachaman i Icaman trayashun riklamaq.

Chinacha-man i Ica-man traya-shun riklama-q
Chincha-ALL nad Ica-ALL arrive-1PL.FUT demand-AG
A Chincha e Ica vamos a llegar a reclamar.
We're going to arrive at Chincha and at Ica to demand it.
00:00:23.453 - 00:00:26.958

Prutistata ruwamushun. Marcha, marcha di sakrifisiyuman rishun.

prutista-ta ruwa-mu-shun marcha marcha di sakrifisiyu-man ri-shun
protest-ACC make-CISL-1PL.FUT march march of sacrifice-ALL go-1PL.FUT
Vamos a hacer protesta, A marcha de sacrificio vamos a ir.
We're going to protest; we're going on a march of sacrifice.
00:00:27.145 - 00:00:31.405

Lliw kumuniru llapanchik rinchik. Kargakunata witray altuman siqayachin

iskaliranta papata.
lliw kumuniru llapa-nchik ri-nchik karga-kuna-ta witray altu-man siqa-ya-chi-n
all community.member all-1PL go-1PL charge-PL-ACC up high-ALL go.up-PROG-CAUS-3
Todos los comuneros. Todos vamos a ir. Están subiendo la carga y todo hacia
arriba por la escalera. Papas.
All the community members. We're all going to go. They're raising the cargo and
everything up high by the ladder. Potatoes.
00:00:31.645 - 00:00:38.795

iskalira-n-ta papa-ta
ladder-3-ACC potato-ACC

Don Miro kargan, ¿aw? Arí. Victorpis. Victorpis aysayan ¡niy!

Don Miro karga-n aw arí Victor-pis Victor-pis aysa-ya-n ni-y
Don Miro carry-3 yes yes Victor-ADD Victor-ADD pull-PROG-3 say-IMP
Ah, Don Miro está cargando. Sí, pues. 'Victor también está jalando' ¡di!
Ah, Don Miro is carrying it. Yes, indeed. "Victor, too, is pulling," say!
00:00:39.015 - 00:00:45.115

Galunkunata Mikru hawanpa watarusa.

Galun-kuna-ta mikru qawa-n-pa wata-ru-sa
gallon-PL-ACC minibus top-3-LOC tie-URGT-PRF
Galón y todo está jalando encima del micro.
They're pulling gallon [containers] on top of the minibus.
00:00:45.225 - 00:00:48.545

Albirha, abasta aysayan kanan iskaliranta Miro. Umbruyan. Huknin trutayan.

albirha abas-ta aysa-ya-n kanan iskalira-n-ta Miro umbru-ya-n huk-ni-n
pea broad.bean-ACC pull-PROG-3 now ladder-3-ACC Miro. shoulder-PROG-3 one-EUPH-3
Están jalando alverjas y habas por la escalera Miro. Al hombro. El otro está
They're pulling peas and broad beans up the ladder. Miro. They're shouldering
it. The other is pulling.
00:00:49.085 - 00:00:56.785


Klaru kanan listakuyanchik riki. Chinchamanñam kanan pasashun riki.

klaru kanan lista-ku-ya-nchik r-iki Chincha-man-ña-m kanan pasa-shun r-iki
clear now ready-REFL-PROG-1PL R-IKI Chincha-ALL-DISC-EVD now pass-1PL.FUT R-IKI
Claro, nos estamos alistando. A Chicha ya vamos a pasar.
Of course. we're getting ready. We're going to go to Chincha.
00:00:57.785 - 00:01:01.425

Lliw kumunirukunaqa lliw siqashun mikruman. Kay karruqa kanan riki apan mas de
ciencuenta pasajeros.
lliw kumuniru-kuna-qa lliw siqa-shun mikru-man kay karru-qa kanan r-iki apa-n
all community.member-PL-TOP all go.up-1PL.FUT minibus-ALL DEM.P car-TOP now
Los comuneros todos ya vamos a subr al micro. Este carro lleva, sí, ahora más
de cincuenta pasajeros.
All the community members, we're going to get on the minibus. That bus carries,
yes, now, more than fifty people.
00:01:01.635 - 00:01:11.275

R-IKI bring-3

Hunta huntam rishun. SI faltaruptinqa ya kamiyun kayan huk chay kamiyunwanraqmi

rinqa los demaskuna.
hunta hunta-m ri-shun si falta-ru-pti-n-qa ya kamiyun ka-ya-n huk chay
full full-EVD go-1PL.FUT if be.lacking-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP EMPH truck be-PROG-3 one
Lleno, lleno vamos a ir. Si falta hay otro camión. Con ese camión van a ir los
We're going to go full, full. If [space] is lacking, there's another bus. The
rest will go with that bus.
00:01:11.895 - 00:01:21.175

kamiyun-wan-raq-mi ri-nqa los demas-kuna

DEM.D truck-INSTR-CONT go-3.FUT the

Malugrasa kamiyun nin kayan nin chay malugra uhalá manam malugranmanchu.
malugra-sa kamiyun ni-n ka-ya-n ni-n chay malugra uhalá mana-m malugra-n-man-chu
ruin-PRF truck say-3 be-PROG-3 say-3 DEM.D ruin I.hope no-EVD ruin-3-COND-NEG
Está malogrado su camión, dijo. Ojalá no se debe de malograr.
The bus is broken down, he said. I hope it won't break down.
00:01:21.455 - 00:01:26.295

Wak kamuyunta .. wak kamiyunta kanan wak aysamuyan chay aysayamun witrayman.
wak kamuyu-n-ta wak kamiyu-n-ta kanan wak aysa-mu-ya-n chay aysa-ya-mu-n
DEM.D truck-ACC .. DEM.D truck-ACC now DEM.D pull-CISL-PROG-3 DEM.D
Ahora están jalando ese camión, ese camión. Lo están jalando hacia arriba.
Now they're pulling that bus, that bus,.They're pulling it up hill.
00:01:26.575 - 00:01:30.135

pull-PROG-CISL-3 up-ALL

Uhala rankarullanman. Hinaptin mas pasahirus rinanpaq karru faltayan. Aysayan

qipaman. Huntarungatriki.
uhala ranka-ru-lla-n-man hinaptin mas pasahirus ri-na-n-paq karru falta-ya-n
I.hope start-URGT-RSTR-3-COND so more passengers go-NMLZ-3-PURP car
Ojalá que arranque. Para que vayan más pasajeros. Un carro falta. Está jalando
hacia atrás. Se va a llenar, seguro.
I hope it starts. So more passengers can go. A bus is lacking. They's pulling
it backwards. It's going to fill up, for sure.
00:01:30.155 - 00:01:37.775

aysa-ya-n qipa-man hunta-ru-nga-tri-ki

be.lacking-PROG-3 pull-PROG-3 behind-ALL fill-URGT-3.FUT-EVC-I

Huntaruptinqa kanan imaynataq rishun? Claro, pues. Imaynataq trayashun

Chinachaman? Kidakushun wakinninchik ¿Imayna trayashun Chinchaman?
hunta-ru-pti-n-qa kanan imayna-taq ri-shun imayna-taq traya-shun Chinacha-man
fill-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP now how-SEQ go-1PL.FUT how-SEQ arrive1PL.FUT Chincha-ALL
Cuando se llena ahora ¿cómo hay que ir? Claro, pues. ¿Cómo hay que llegar a
Chincha? Nos quedaremos. Los demás, ¿cómo vamos a llegar a Chincha?
WHen it fills up now, how should we go? Of course, then. How are we going to
arrive at Chincha? We'll stay. The rest. how are we going to arrive at Chincha?
00:01:38.215 - 00:01:45.935

kida-ku-shun wakin-ni-nchik imayna traya-shun Chincha-man

stay-REFL-1PL.FUT other-EUPH-1PL how arrive-1PL.FUT Chincha-ALL

Karrupa llantanpis pasaypaq kayan nintan WW chay chaypa parcharuptinqa

karru-pa llanta-n-pis pasaypaq ka-ya-n chay chay-pa parcha-ru-pti-n-qa
car-GEN tire-3-ADD a.lot be-PROG-3 DEM.D DEM.D-LOC explode-URGT-SUBDS-3-TOP
La llanta del carro está totalmente [destruido], dijo. Por allí, si revienta
nos joderemos, seguro.
The car's tire is completely [wrecked], he said. There, if it explodes, we'll
be fucked, for sure.
00:01:46.295 - 00:01:51.035


Maypa tiyashun? Aa, maypa tiyashun. Wakhina aysayan yanqa yanqa ima valiqtaq
wak karruta pusharamun. Mana valiqchu. Qamtri mana valiq niyanki. Valinmi
may-pa tiya-shun may-pa tiya-shun wak-hina aysa-ya-n yanqa yanqa ima vali-q-taq
where-LOC sit-1PL.FUT where-LOC sit-1PL.FUT DEM.D-COMP pull-PROG-3 in.vain
¿Dónde vamos a sentar? Ah, ¿dónde sentaremos? Así están jalando. Mentira, ¿para
qué trajo ese carro? No vale. Tú estarás diciendo no vale. El carro sí vale.
Where are we going to sit? Ah, where are we going to sit? They're pulling it
like that. in vain. Why did he bring that car? It's not good for anything.
You'd be saying it's not good for anything. The car is good for something.
00:01:51.155 - 00:02:00.215

wak karru-ta pusha-ra-mu-n mana vali-q-chu qam-tri mana vali-q ni-ya-nki

in.vain what be.worth-AG-SEQ DEM.D car-ACC bring-URGT-CISL-3 no be.worth-AG-NEG

vali-n-mi karru-qa
2-EVC no be.worth-AG say-PROG-2 be.worth-3-EVD car-TOP

Valintri karruqa. Dwiñunpaq valinmiki.

vali-n-tri karru-qa dwiñu-n-paq vali-n-mi-ki
be.worth-3-EVC car-TOP owner-3-GEN be.worth-EVD-KI
El carro valdrá [para algo]. Vale para su dueño, pues.
The car must be worth somthing. It's worth something to its owner, then.
00:02:00.285 - 00:02:03.325

Arí. ¿Wak ima valiq karruqa? Ñuqa muna:chu rantiytapis karrutaqa. Ima valiqtaq?
Wakhinachu aysanman. Aysayan qipaman, Wakhinatr aysanman. Mana valiqtri wak
arí wak ima vali-q karru-qa ñuqa ranti-y-ta-pis muna-:-chu karru-ta-qa ima
yes DEM.D what be.worth-AG car-AG 1 buy-INF-ACC want-1-NEG car-ACC-TOP what
Sí, pues, ¿para qué vale ese carro? Yo no quiero no comprar el carro. ?Qué
vale? Están jalando así. Están jalando para atrás. Estarán jalando así. No
valdrá nada ese carro.
Yes. What is that car worth? I don't want to buy the car. WHat's it worth?
They're pulling it like that. They're pulling it backwards. They'd be pulling
it like that. That car wouldn't be worth anything.
00:02:03.383 - 00:02:09.983

vali-q-taq wak-hina-chu aysa-n-man aysa-ya-n qipa-man wak-hina-tr aysa-n-man

be.worth-SEQ DEM.D-COMP-NEG pull-3-COMP pull-PROG-3 behind-ALL DEM.D-COMP-EVC

mana vali-q-tri wak karru-qa
pull-3-COMP no be.worth-AG-EVC DEM.D car-TOP

Qarikuna tanqayan. ¿May...? Imanaruntaq karrunta chay naqa Saul. Yanqa aysa
karru aysakasa karrun hamunanpaqa. Huk kaq karrum, aw?
qari-kuna tanqa-ya-n may ima-na-ru-n-taq karru-n-ta chay na-qa Saul yanqa aysa
man-PL push-PROG-3 where what-VRBZ-URGT-3-SEQ car-3-ACC DEM.D DMY-TOP Saul.
Los hombres están empujando. ¿Donde? ¿Qué hizo a ese carro Saul? Mentira, jala
.... para que venga jalando el carro? Otro carro es, ¿no?
The men are pushing it. What did Saul do to the car? In vain, pull ... so that
they come pulling the car. It's another car, no?
00:02:10.503 - 00:02:19.183

karru aysa-ka-sa karru-n hamu-na-n-paq-qa huk ka-q karru-m aw

in.vain pull car car-PASSACC-PRF car-3 come-NMLZ-3-PURP-TOP one be-AG car-EVD


Ah, yanqatr piru karrun kikinpa karrun rantikushpa hukta rantirun. Piru wakqa
manam valinqchu wak yanqa aysakatrayan. Chayraqtri. Manapis trayanqatr
ah yanqa-tr piru karru-n kiki-n-pa karru-n ranti-ku-shpa huk-ta ranti-ru-n piru
Ah, in.vain-EVC but car-3 self-3-GEN car-3 buy-REFL-SUBIS one-ACC uy-URGT-3 but
Ah, será mentira, pero. Vendiendo su propio carro, compró otro. Pero-RSTR no
vale. Mira, mentira está jalateando. Recién será. No llegará ni a Chincha.
Ah, but it would be in vain. He sold his own car and bought another. But it's
not worth anything. They're pulling it in vain. It would be recently. It won't
even get to Chincha.
00:02:19.283 - 00:02:27.103

wak-qa mana-m vali-n-chu wak yanqa aysa-katra-ya-n chay-raq-tri mana-pis

DEM.D-TOP no-EVD be.worth-3-NEG DEM.D in.vain pull-FREQ-PROG-3 DEM.D-CONT-EVC

traya-nqa-tr Chincha-man
no-ADD arrive.3.FUT-EVC Chincha-ALL

Kanan. Siympri piru chimpapa karrukuna pachiyarun ninmiki. Chay pasan kanan
Piru wak rankayanñam rankarunqa. Rankaruptinqa pasanqa ya ñuqanchikkunapis
rikushunñam Ya está tarde ya. Las diezña kayan.
kanan siympri piru chimpa-pa karru-kuna pachiya-ru-n ni-n-mi-ki chay pasa-n
now always but front-LOC car-PL explode-URGT-3 say-3-EVD-KI DEM.D pass-3 now but
Ahora. Siempre, al frente el carro se reventó, dijo. Está pasando ahora. Ya
está arrancando. Va a arrancar. Cuando arranca ya va a ir ya, nosotros también
nos iremos. Ya es tarde ya. Son las diez ya.
Now. But in front, the car exploded, they said. That's going now. Now it's
starting. It's going to start. When it starts, they're going to go already.
We, too, are going to go already. It's late already. It's ten o'clock.
00:02:35.943 - 00:02:48.123

kanan piru wak ranka-ya-n-ña-m ranka-ru-nqa ranka-ru-pti-n-qa pasa-nqa ya


ñuqa-nchik-kuna-pis ri-ku-shun-ña-m las diez-ña ka-ya-n

pass-3.FUT EMPH 1-1PL-PL-ADD go-REFL-1PL.FUT-DISC-EVD the ten-DISC be-PROG-3

Imay urata Chinchaman trayashun?

imay ura-ta Chincha-man traya-shun
when hour-ACC Chincha-ALL arrive-1PL.FUT
¿A qué hora llegaremos a Chincha?
What time are we going to arrive at Chincha?
00:02:48.443 - 00:02:50.723

Wakhina llantata ahustayan. Ahustayan. Tiene que asegurar, pues. ¿Hurquyanchu?

wak-hina llanta-ta ahusta-ya-n ahusta-ya-n hurqu-ya-n-chu sigura-nqa-mi-ki
DEM.D-COMP tire-ACC tighten-PROG-3 tighten-PROG-3 take.out-PROG-3-Q
Así están ajustando la llanta. Están ajustándolo. Tiene que asegurar, pues. ¿O
están sacándolo? Lo van a asegurar, pues.
They're tightening the tire like that. They're tightening it. They have to
secure it, then. Or are they taking it off? They're going to secure it, then.
00:02:51.243 - 00:02:57.483


Siguraykuptin rishun si no pueden pawanqapis kapastriki. Quturayanchik

sigura-yku-pti-n ri-shun pawa-nqa-pis kapas-tri-ki qutu-raya-nchik
secure-EXCEP-SUBDS-3 go-1PL.FUT jump-3.FUT-ADD perhaps-EVC-KI gather-PASS-1PL
Cuando lo asegura, vamos a ir. Si no, puede saltar, capaz. Estamos reunidos
When they secure it, we're going to go. If not, it could fly [off]. We're
gathered up.
00:02:57.923 - 00:03:04.563


Pawarungatriki wakqa ma ñuqa aykatamá nira manam

pawa-ru-nga-tri-ki wak-qa ma ñuqa ayka-ta-m-á ni-ra
Va a saltar.-RSTR. Yo, cuánto he dicho, no.
It's going to fly [off]. That. I, how many did I say, no.
00:03:04.723 - 00:03:07.843


Kay karruqa pasaypaq valinchu. Wak alayrihinataq wak llantan kayan nira. Kay
qawasanchikhina TK wakhina.
kay karru-qa pasaypaq vali-n-chu wak alayri-hina-taq wak llanta-n ka-ya-n
DEM.P car-TOP a.lot be.worth-3-NEG DEM.D in.the.air-COMP-SEQ DEM.D tire-3
Este carro no vale total. Está al aire su llanta, dije. Así como lo estamos
mirando está así.
That car is completely worthless. It's tire is in the air, I said. It's like
how we see it.
00:03:08.033 - 00:03:13.093

ni-ra-: kay wak-hina kawsa-nchik si nu wak-hina

be-PROG-3 say-PST-1 DEM.P DEM.D-COMP live-1PL if no DEM.D-COMP

Kanan pachayarunñam kanpis sayarayan kaminupi. Sayakuykun.

kanan pachiya-ru-n-ña-m ka-n-pis saya-ra-ya-n kaminu-pi saya-ku-yku-n
now explode-URGT-3-DISC-EVD be-3-ADD stop-PASS-3 road-LOC stop-REFL-EXCEP-3
Ahora ya reventó. Está parado en el camino. Se paró.
Now it exploded already. It's standing in the road. It's standing.
00:03:13.223 - 00:03:17.243

Kambiyayan llantata. Chayraq wak karruta nayan. Imay uratr Chinachman

trayashun? Tutaykuqtri.
kambiya-ya-n llanta-ta chay-raq wak karru-ta na-ya-n imay ura-tr Chincha-man
change-PROG-3 tire-ACC DEM.D-CONT DEM.D car-ACC DMY-PROG-3 when hour-EVC
Está cambiando la llanta. Recién está [arreglando] el carro. ¿A qué hora
llegaremos a Chincha? Al oscurecer será.
They're changing the tire. They're only just [fixing] the car. What time will
we arrive at Chincha? At nighfall, for sure.
00:03:17.673 - 00:03:25.033

traya-shun tuta-yku-q-tri
Chincha-ALL arrive-1PL.FUT night-EXCEP-AG-EVC

Waytupa kayanchik. Waytupa. Waytuman trayaruntriki, ¿aw?

Waytu-pa ka-ya-nchik Waytu-pa Waytu-man traya-ru-n-tri-ki aw
Waytu-LOC be-PROG-1PL Waytu-LOC Waytu-ALL arrive-URGT-3-EVC-KI yes
Estamos en Waytu. En Waytu. Ya llegamos a Waytu, ¿no?
We're in Waytu. En Waytu. We already arrived in Waytu, no?
00:03:28.313 - 00:03:32.733
Mana tutaykuqta trayashun ninki. Timpranuraq kayan. Almursayanchik.
mana tuta-yku-q-ta traya-shun ni-nki timpranu-raq ka-ya-n almursa-ya-nchik
no night-EXCEP-AG-ACC arrive-1PL.FUT say-2 early-CONT be-PROG-3 lunchPROG-1PL
No, cuando oscurece vamos a llegar dijiste. Es todavía temprano. Estamos
No, we're going to arrive at nightfall, you said. It's still early. We're
having lunch.
00:03:32.763 - 00:03:37.563

Almursu kanan. Imatayá mishki Nolascopis. Wasi ukuta pasakun. ¿Imatatriki

almursu kanan ima-ta-yá mishki Nolasco-pis wasi uku-ta pasa-ku-n ima-ta-tri-ki
lunch now what-ACC-INTENS sweet Nolasco-ADD house inside-ACC pass-REFL-3
Ahora [es] el almuerzo. ¿TK? ¿Rico? Nolasco pasó a dentro de la casa. ¿Qué
Now [it's] lunch. Nolasco went inside the house. What would they be eating?
00:03:37.603 - 00:03:43.163

what-ACC-EVC-KI eat-3

Ukun lawpa ukuparaqtri mikuyta munayan.Ukupa sumaq sumaq tiyaykushparaqtri

mikuyta munayantriki.
uku-n law-pa uku-pa-raq-tri miku-y-ta muna-ya-n uku-pa sumaq sumaq
inside-3 side-LOC inside-LOC-CONT-EVC food-INF-ACC want-PROG-3 pretty pretty
A dentro todavía quedrá comer. Sentándose bonito adentro están comiendo.
They'd want to eat inside. Sitting nicely inside, they're eating.
00:03:43.223 - 00:03:47.983

tiya-yku-shpa-raq-tri miku-y-ta muna-ya-n-tri-ki


Ukuparaq mikuyan. aa, tiyaykuytatriki munayan.

uku-pa-raq miku-ya-n tiya-yku-y-ta-tri-ki muna-ya-n
inside-LOC-CONT eat-PROG-3 sit-EXCEP-INF-ACC-EVC-KI want-PROG-3
Adentro todavía está comiendo. Ah, estará queriendo sentarse.
They're eating inside still. Ah, they'd be wanting to sit down.
00:03:48.043 - 00:03:52.243

Ñuqanchikkuna kaypa mikukushun. Sumaqñachu mikunan kasa Elvira?

ñuqa-nchik-kuna kay-pa miku-ku-shun sumaq-ña-chu miku-na-n ka-sa Elvira
1-1PL-PL DEM.P eat-REFL-1PL.FUT pretty-DISC-Q eat-NMLZ-·3 be-PRF Elvira
Nosotros aquí vamos a comer. ¿Era buena su comida, Elvira?
We're going to eat here. Was the food nice, Elvira?
00:03:52.463 - 00:03:55.003 00:03:56.043 - 00:03:59.073
Mishki mishkim kasa. Wamaq ... Mikuy mikunasa kayaptinchik
mishki mishki-m ka-sa wamaq miku-y miku-na-sa ka-ya-pti-nchik
sweet sweet-EVD be-PRF a.lot eat-INF eat-DESR-PRF be-PROG-SUBDS-1PL
Estaba rico, rico, Demasiado ... Cuando tenemos hambre.
It was delicious, delicious. Too much ... When we're hungry ...
00:03:59.138 - 00:04:03.638

allinhina rikariyamanchik. Mikunasa trayaramunchik tukuy puntraw. Kanan las

dos de la tarde o las tres de la mañanañatr kayan? Arí, chay urañatr kayan
allin-hina rikari-ya-ma-nchik miku-na-sa traya-ra-mu-nchik tukuy puntraw kanan
good-COMP appear-PROG-1.OBJ-1PL eat-DESR-PRF arrive-URGT-CISL-1PL all day now
Nos estará pareciendo bien. De hambre hemos llegado todo el día. Ahora ya son
las dos o a las tres de la mañana? Ah, sí pues. Ya es esa hora.
It would be seeming good to us. We arrived hungry all day. Now is two or three
in the morning? Ah, yes, then. It's that time.
00:04:03.658 - 00:04:11.668

mañana-ña-tr ka-ya-n arí chay ura-ña-tr ka-ya-n

no-DISC-EVD be-PROG-3 yes DEM.D hour-DISC-EVC be-PROG-3

Kanan lukal ukupi kayanchik. Lukal Chinacha. Chincha Club Liscay lukalman
trayaramunchik. Kay gasiyusallas tumakuykushun
kanan lukal uku-pi ka-ya-nchik lukal Chincha Chincha Club Liscay lukal-man
now room inside-LOC be-PROG-1PL room Chincha. Chincha Club Liscay room-ALL
Ahora ya estamos adentro del local. Ah. el local de Chicha. Llegamos al local
del Club Liscay Chincha. Vamos a tomar esta gaseosa no más.
Now we're inside the lot. Ah, the lot in Chinca. We arrived at the lot of the
Liscay Club in Chincha. We're going to drink just soda pop.
00:04:11.748 - 00:04:19.843

traya-ra-mu-nchik kay gasiyusa-lla-s tuma-ku-yku-shun


Tumakuykushun. Gasiyusallanta quykamashun.

tuma-ku-yku-shun gasiyusa-lla-n-ta qu-yka-ma-shun
take-REFL-EXCEP-1PL.FUT soda.pop-RSTR-3-ACC give-EXCEP-1.OBJ-1PL.FUT
Vamos a tomarlo. Nos dieron su gaseosa, no más.
We're going to drink it. They gave us just their soda pop.
00:04:20.263 - 00:04:22.473

Risidintikunaqa kaypa mikuyllas yanukunmantri. Yanukusachu, qay.

risidinti-kuna-qa kay-pa miku-y-lla-s yanu-ku-n-man-tri yanu-ku-sa-chu
Los residentes aquí deben cocinar siquiera comida. No habían cocinado, oy!
The residents here should cook even food. They hadn't cooked. Hey-
00:04:22.638 - 00:04:25.528

cook-REFL-PRF-NEG hey

Pasaypaq mikuypaq trayaramunchik. ¿maypis kanan mikushun? ¿imay urataq?

pasaypaq miku-y-paq traya-ra-mu-nchik may-pis kanan miku-shun imay ura-taq
a.lot eat-INF-ABL arrive-URGT-CISL-1PL where-ADD now eat-1PL.FUT when hour-SEQ
Total de hambre hemos llegado. ¿Donde vamos a comer ahora? ¿A qué hora?
We arrived totally hungry. Where are we going to eat now? At what time?
00:04:25.663 - 00:04:30.323

Wasinchik. Mana wasiyuq mayta riyashunpis?

wasi-nchik mana wasi-yuq may-ta ri-ya-shun-pis
house-1PL no house-POSS where-ACC go-PROG-1PL.FUT-ADD
Nuestra casa. Los que no tienen casa, ¿a dónde vamos a ir?
Our houses. Those who don't have houses, where are we going to go?
00:04:30.893 - 00:04:33.523

Kayllapi puñukushun. Kay tunallam

kay-lla-pi puñu-ku-shun kay tuna-lla-m
Aquí no más nos dormiremos. En este rincón
We'll sleep right here. In this corner,
00:04:33.783 - 00:04:35.723

Kuchihina antrarashun. Qallakuyanña. Riyuniyun qallaykunman. Hay que esperar,

kuchi-hina antra-ra-shun qalla-ku-yan-ña riyuniyun qalla-yku-n-man
pig-COMP be.lying.stretched.out-1PL.FUT begin-REFL-PROG-3-DISC meeting
Como chanchos vamos a estarnos tirados. Ya está empezando. La reunión está
empezando. Hay ...
We're going to be layed out like pigs. It's already starting. The meeting is
00:04:35.743 - 00:04:39.463


Hay que estar atento. Chaypa antrarashun kuchihinash.

chay-pa antra-ra-shun kuchi-hina-sh
DEM.D-LOC be.lying.stretched.out-UNINT-1PL.FUT pig-COMP-EVR
Hay que estar atento. Aquí estaremos tirados como chancos, dice.
We have to pay attention. We're going to be stretched out like pigs, she says.
00:04:39.533 - 00:04:44.213

Atento ya. A la reunión, eh? Va a empezar seguro, ¿no?

Atento ya. A la reunión, ¿eh? Va a empezar seguro, ¿no?
Attentive already. To the meeting, eh? It's going to start, for sure, no?
00:04:44.353 - 00:04:47.393

Manaraq. Rimanraqchu manaraqmi.

mana-raq rima-n-raq-chu mana-raq-mi
Todavía no. No hablan todavía.
Noy yet. They're not talking yet.
00:04:47.673 - 00:04:51.983

Qallaykuyanñam. Arí. Qallaykurunqaña. Ica rinanchikpatr kanan lliw insayashun?

qalla-yku-ya-n-ña-m arí qalla-yku-ru-nqa-ña Ica ri-na-nchik-paq-tr kanan lliw
Está empezando ya. Sí, ya está empezando. ¿Ahora para ir a Ica todos
It's starting already. Yes. It's starting already. Now we're all going to
practice to go to Ica?
00:04:53.168 - 00:04:58.358

go-NMLZ-1PL-PURP-EVC now all rehearse-1PL.FUT

Imatapis yatrachimashun rimananpaqtriki

ima-ta-pis yatra-chi-ma-shun rima-na-n-paq-tri-ki
¿Qué nos enseñarán a decir?
What will they teach us to say?
00:04:58.698 - 00:05:00.978

Ah, na, Lluqsinanchikpaq. Ah kanan Icapiña

na lluqsi-na-nchik-paq kanan Ica-pi-ña
Para que salgamos. Ah, ya, ahora Ica ya.
So we can go out. Ah, now in Ica.
00:05:14.308 - 00:05:16.568

Lluqsinanchikpaq. Ah, Icapaña prutista qallarinqa.

lluqsi-na-nchik-paq Ica-pa-ña prutista qalla-ri-nqa
go.out-NMLZ-1PL-PURP Ica-LOC-DISC protest start-INCEP-3.FUT
Para que salgamos. Ah, en Ica ya. La protesta va a empezar.
So was can go out. Ah, in Ica already. The protest is going to start.
00:05:16.578 - 00:05:18.778

Listakuyanchik. Listakuyanchik kay karupaq hamuq

lista-ku-ya-nchik lista-ku-ya-nchik kay karu-paq hamu-q
ready-PROG-1PL ready-REFL-PROG-1PL DEM.P far-ABL come-AG
Nos estamos alistando. Nos estamos alistando los que hemos venido de lejos.
We're getting ready. Those of us who came from far are getting ready.
00:05:18.908 - 00:05:22.038

Ñuqakunaqa uraytañam pasapa:kushaq. Qamkunaña kidapa:kunki.

ñuqa-kuna-qa uray-ta-ña-m pasa-pa:ku-shaq qam-kuna-ña kida-pa:ku-nki
1-PL-TOP up-ACC-DISC-EVD pass-PL-1PL.FUT 2-PL-DISC stay-PL-2
Nosotros vamos a ir para abajo ya. Ustedes no más van a quedarse.
We're going to go down already. Just you are going to stay.
00:05:22.078 - 00:05:25.683

Aa, ñuqanchik listakuyanchik. Awturudadkuna urayta gubiyirnu rihiyunal ukunman

yaykupa:kunaypaq porque si no
ñuqa-nchik lista-ku-ya-nchik awturudad-kuna uray-ta gubiyirnu rihiyunal
1-1PL ready-REFL-PROG-1PL authority-PL down-ACC government regional
Nosotros nos estamos alistando. Para entrar adentro [donde están] las
autoridades y el gobierno regionar. Por que si no ...
Ah, we're getting ready. To go inside [where] the authorities and the governors
[are]. Because if not,
00:05:25.713 - 00:05:30.733

uku-n-man yayku-pa:ku-na-y-paq
inside-3-ALL arrive-PL-NMLZ-1-PURP

Lliw lluqsin lliw kunhuntu trayaptinchikqa manam ni hukta pasachimashunchu.

lliw lluqsi-n lliw kunhuntu traya-pti-nchik-qa mana-m ni huk-ta
all go.out-3 all ensemble arrive-SUBDS-1PL-TOP no-EVD nor one-ACC
Todos salen, cuando llegamos todos juntos ni a uno no nos va a hacer pasar.
All leave. When we all arrive jointly, they don't have even one pass.
00:05:31.103 - 00:05:34.813

Qamkunaña kidanki.
pasa-chi-ma-shun-chu qam-kuna-ña kida-nki
pass-CAUS-1.OBJ-1PL.FUT-NEG 2-PL-DISC stay-2
Ustedes no más quedan.
Just you will stay.
00:05:35.863 - 00:05:37.613

Hamupa:kunki qipata. Ñuqanchik listakuyanchik. Llikllanchikta

hamu-pa:ku-nki qipa-ta ñuqa-nchik lista-ku-ya-nchik lliklla-nchik-ta
come-PL-2 behind-ACC 1-1PL ready-REFL-PROG-1PL shawl-1PL
Van a venir atrás. Nosotros nos estmos alistando nuestra manta.
You're going to come behind. We're getting our shawls ready.
00:05:37.638 - 00:05:39.688

qipikuyanchik. Manash niyamanchik Llikllaykita qipikuy
qipi-ku-ya-nchik mana-sh ni-ya-ma-nchik lliklla-yki-ta qipi-ku-y
carry-REFL-PROG-1PL no-EVR say-PROG-1.OBJ-1PL shawl-2-ACC carry-REFL-IMP
Nosotras estamos cargando. No ves, nos están diciendo, ¡Cárgate tu manta!
We're carrying them. Don't you see? They're saying to us, "Carry your shawl!"
00:05:39.718 - 00:05:43.563

Mandilninchikkunata watakuyanchik.
mandil-ni-nchik-kuna-ta wata-ku-ya-nchik
Estamos amarrando nuestros mandiles.
We're tying out aprons.
00:05:43.598 - 00:05:47.028

Marcha qallaykunanpaq. Qallakuyananchik.

marcha qalla-yku-na-n-paq qalla-ku-ya-na-nchik
march begin-EXCEP-NMLZ-3-PURP begin-REFL-PROG-NMLZ-1PL
Para que empiece la marcha. Estamos empezando.
So that the march can start. We're starting.
00:05:47.148 - 00:05:48.868

¿Mayqininchik chay papilkunata apashun? Chay nakunata.

mayqin-ni-nchik chay papil-kuna-ta apa-shun chay na-kuna-ta
which-EUPH-1PL DEM.D paper-PL-ACC bring-1PL.FUT DEM.D DMY-PL-ACC
¿Cuáles de nosotros llevaremos los papeles? Esos ...
Which of us will bring the papers? Those ...
00:05:48.933 - 00:05:52.823

Bandirula, chay, ¿ ima chay? Puraminti ishpanasakuna kallipa sayarallayanchik.

Aa, ya, ¿aw?
bandirula chay ima chay puraminti ishpa-na-sa-kuna kalli-pa
banner DEM.D what DEM.D purely urinate-DESR-PRF-PL street-LOC
Ese banderola, ¿qué cosa es? Total con ganas de orinar estamos parados en la
Banner. What is that? We're standing in the street having to urinate. Ah, ya,
00:05:53.788 - 00:05:59.288

saya-ra-lla-ya-nchik aw

Arí, papilkuna imay mana walanchikman tapakushpa ishpakuyanchik?

arí papil-kuna imay mana wala-nchik-man tapa-ku-shpa ishpa-ku-ya-nchik
yes paper-PL when no skirt-1PL-ALL cover-REFL-SUBIS urinate-REFL-PROG-1PL
Sí, tapando nuestras faldas [con] papel, estamos orinando.
Yes, covering our skirts [with] paper, we're urinating.
00:05:59.358 - 00:06:03.178
ishpakullayanchik kallipi. Kallipi ishpakuyanchik
ishpa-ku-lla-ya-nchik kalli-pi kalli-pi ishpa-ku-ya-nchik
urinate-REFL-RSTR-PROG-1PL street-LOC street-LOC urinate-REFL-PROG-1PL
Estamos orinando en la calle. En la calle estamos orinando.
We're urinating on the street. We're urinating on the street.
00:06:03.218 - 00:06:09.338

Arí. Lliw lliw uchuk wambrahina. Yanqa pitukunata listakuyanchik. Wakhina

rupaypa. Wakhinatriki.
arí lliw lliw uchuk wambra-hina yanqa pitu-kuna-ta lista-ku-ya-nchik wak-hina
yes all all small child-COMP in.vain horn-PL-ACC ready-REFL-PROG-1PL DEM.D-COMP
Sí. Como niños pequeños. Pito todo nos estamos alistando. Así en sol. Así será,
Yes, like little children. We're getting our horns ready. In the sun. Like
that, then.
00:06:09.438 - 00:06:15.528

rupa-y-pa wak-hina-tri-ki

Wakhina rupaypamiki qallakuykuyanchik prutistayta ima ¿imanashuntaq?

wak-hina rupa-y-pa-mi-ki qalla-ku-yku-ya-nchik prutista-y-ta ima
Así en sol estamos empezando a protestar. ¿Qué ... ¿Qué vamos a hacer?
We're getting ready to protest like that in the sun. What ... What ae we going
to do?
00:06:15.538 - 00:06:20.298

¡Imaynam rupakuyan! ¡Asu machu!

ima-na-shun-taq imayna-m rupa-ku-ya-n asu machu
what-VRBZ-1PL.FUT-SEQ how-EVD burn-REFL-PROG-3
¡Cómo está haciendo calor! ¡Aso macho!
How hot it is! My goodness!
00:06:20.528 - 00:06:24.448

Wakhinaña qallakuykunchik. Ya no. Ya no está. Ya no vino ya.

wak-hina-ña qalla-ku-yku-nchik
Así ya empezamos. Ya no. Ys no está. Ya no vino ya.
We're tsrating like that already. Not any more. It's not there any more. He
didn't come any more.
00:06:26.228 - 00:06:31.658

Ñuqallanchikña parlashun.
ñuqa-lla-nchik-ña parla-shun
Nosotros no más ya vamos a conversar.
Just we are going to talk already.
00:06:31.823 - 00:06:33.263

Ñuqanchikñam wakpaq allichayanchik bandirulakunata.

ñuqa-nchik-ña-m wak-paq alli-cha-ya-nchik bandirula-kuna-ta
Nosotros ya estamos arreglando las banderolas.
We're already fixing up the banners.
00:06:34.013 - 00:06:36.703

Rinanchikpaq. Qallakuykuyanña. Marcha. Lliw kumunidad Liscay mas primiru.

Dilanti richun niyamanchik
ri-na-nchik-paq qalla-ku-yku-ya-n-ña marcha lliw kumunidad Liscay mas primiru
go-NMLZ-1PL-PURP begin-REFL-EXCEP-PROG-3-DISC march all community Liscay more
Para irnos. Ya empezó. La marcha. ¡Qué la comunidad de Liscay vaya delante! nos
están diciendo.
So we can go. It already started. The march. Let the Liscay community go ahead,
they're saying to us.
00:06:37.033 - 00:06:43.573

dilanti ri-chun ni-ya-ma-nchik

first front go-INJUNC say-PROG-1.OBJ-1PL

Qipa:pañam Ripa:kunqa. Yanak kumuniru. Yanak kumuniru qipataña hamunqa, niyan.

qipa-:-pa-ña-m ri-pa:ku-nqa Yanak kumuniru Yanak kumuniru qipa-ta-ña hamu-nqa
behind-1-LOC-DISC-EVD go-PL-3.FUT Yanak community.members Yanak
Van a ir detrás ya. La comunidad de Yanak. La comunidad de Yanak va a venir
detrás, están diciendo.
They're going to come behind. The Yanak community. The Yanak community is going
to come behind, they're saying.
00:06:43.613 - 00:06:48.533

community.members behind-ACC-DISC come-3.FUT say-PROG-3

Ñuqanchikkuna mas dilantita riyanchik.

ñuqa-nchik-kuna mas dilanti-ta ri-ya-nchik
1-1PL-PL more front-ACC go-PROG-1PL
Nosotros estamos yendo más delante.
We're going more in front.
00:06:49.153 - 00:06:50.963

Kayhina rupaypa lliw lliwtr kankakarushun

kay-hina rupa-y-pa lliw lliw-tr kanka-ka-ru-shun
Así en el calor todos nos asaremos.
Like that, we're all going to roast in the sun.
00:06:52.618 - 00:06:54.738

Arí. ¿Imanashuntaq?
arí imana-shun-taq
yes how-1PL.FUT-SEQ
Sí. ¿Qué vamos a hacer?
Yes. What are we going to do?
00:06:54.918 - 00:06:56.588

Hina kankakashtinpis riyashuntriki ¿Imanashuntaq? Kay bandirulatatr apashun.

hina kanka-ka-shtin-pis ri-ya-shun-tri-ki imana-shun-taq kay bandirula-ta-tr
Así asandonos también iremos. ¿Qué vamos a hacer? Llevaremos esta banderola.
Roasting ourselves like that, we'll go. What are we going to do? We'll bring
the banner.
00:06:56.758 - 00:07:01.858

banner-ACC-EVC bring-1PL.FUT

trayashuntriki maymá mana riqsisanchikta kayta riyanchik awturidadkuna

traya-shun-tri-ki may-m-á mana riqsi-sa-nchik-ta kay-ta ri-ya-nchik
arrive-1PL.FUT-EVC-KI where-EVC-INTENS no recognize-PRF-1PL-ACC DEM.P-ACC
Llegaremos a dónde no conocemos. Estas autoridades nos están trayendo.
We're going to arrive somewhere we don't know. Those authorities are bringing
00:07:02.543 - 00:07:06.073

awturidad-kuna pusha-ya-ma-nchik
go-PROG-1PL-ACC authority-PL bring-PROG-1.OBJ-1PL

Karupis saruramashuntriki nishpa riyanchik.

karu-pis saru-ra-ma-shun-tri-ki ni-shpa ri-ya-nchik
far-ADD trample-URGT-1.OBJ-1PL.FUT say-SUBIS go-PROG-1PL
El carro también nos pisoteará, seguro, dicendo, estamos yendo.
The car, too, is going to trample us, saying, we're going.
00:07:06.093 - 00:07:08.593

Aríyá, karrupis saruramashun. Ah, hinaptin trayaykullashun. TK Ah, imay uraraq?

arí-yá karru-pis saru-ra-ma-shun hinaptin traya-yku-lla-shun imay
yes-INTENS car-ADD trample-URGT-1.OBJ-1PL.FUT so arrive-EXCEP-RSTR-1PL.FUT
Sí, pues. El carro también nos pisoteará. ¿A qué hora?
Yes, then. The car will trample us. At what time?
00:07:08.603 - 00:07:12.923

when hour-CONT

¿Karuraqchutr kayan? ¿Kayllaraqchutr kayan? Manam riqsinchikchu.

karu-raq-chu-tr ka-ya-n kay-lla-raq-chu-tr ka-ya-n mana-m
¿Lejos todavía será o aquí no más será? No conocemos.
Would it be far still or would it be right there? We don't know
00:07:13.683 - 00:07:16.803

Tiyu Jacintoqa, ¿imatataq qipikurun TK hatu hatun?

riqsi-nchik-chu Tiyu Jacinto-qa ¿ima-taq-qa qipi-ku-ru-n hatu hatun
recognize-1PL-NEG Uncle Jacinto-TOP what-SEQ-TOP carry-REFL-URGT-3 big big
¿Qué cargó grande grande el tío Jacinto?
What did uncle Jacinto carry that big?
00:07:16.868 - 00:07:20.483

Ña purirushunña, rishunña.
ña puri-ru-shun-ña ri-shun-ña
Ya vamos a empezar a caminar, vamos a ir.
We're going to start to walk already, we're going to go.
00:07:20.573 - 00:07:23.223

Rikushunña chaymantri pushayamashun dilanti dilanti riyan. Dispasiyu

ri-ku-shun-ña chay-man-tri pusha-ya-ma-shun dilanti dilanti ri-ya-n
go-REFL-1PL.FUT-DISC DEM.D-ALL-EVC bring-PROG-1.OBJ-1PL.OBJ frony frint
Vamos a irnos. Nos llevarán allí. Delante delante despasio, despacio estará
We're going to go. They're going to bring us there. In front, in front, slowly.
00:07:23.613 - 00:07:26.983

Dispasiyullatr rishun. Qipanchikta achka achka

dispasiyu Dispasiyu-lla-tr ri-shun qipa-nchik-ta achka achka
go-PROG-3 slow slow-RSTR-EVC go-1PL.FUT behind-1PL-ACC a.lot a.lot
Despacio no más iremos. Detrás de nosotros, muchas
We'll just go slowly. Behind us a lot
00:07:27.133 - 00:07:29.153

runa hamukuyan. Arí. Maytañataq riyanchik?

runa hamu-ku-ya-n arí may-ta-ña-taq ri-ya-nchik
person come-REFL-PROG-3 yes where-ACC-DISC-SEQ go-PROG-1PL
personas están viniendo. Sí. ¿A dónde ya estamos yendo?
people are coming. Yes. Where are we going already?
00:07:29.375 - 00:07:33.925 00:07:33.963 - 00:07:37.373

Chayraqmi qallaykuyanchik. Chayraq, ¿aw?

chay-raq-mi qalla-yku-ya-nchik chay-raq aw
Recién estamos empezando. Recién, ¿no?
We're only recently starting. Recently, no?
00:07:37.538 - 00:07:40.328

¿Maytataq Florentinoqa rirun?

may-ta-taq Florentino-qa ri-ru-n
where-ACC-SEQ Florentino-TOP go-URGT-3
¿Dónde se fue Florentino?
Where did Florentino go?
00:07:44.788 - 00:07:46.768

Manam. Qipatam hamuyan Florentinoqa.

mana-m qipa-ta-m hamu-ya-n Florentino-qa
no-EVD behind-ACC-EVD come-PROG-3 Florentino-TOP
No. Florentino está viniendo atrás.
No. Florentino is coming behind.
00:07:46.948 - 00:07:49.608

Manatr paytaqa pusharañachu TK ukuta, aw?

mana-tr pay-ta-qa pusha-ra-ña-chu uku-ta-tr aw
no-EVC 3-ACC-TOP bring-PST-DISC-NEG inside-ACC-EVC yes
No, él ya no llevaría adentro, no?
No. wouldn't bring him inside any more, no?
00:07:50.948 - 00:07:52.938

Manaña porque wamaq niraqmi kayan unquyantriki manam rimarinpischu upa upallam
mana-ña porque wamaq niraq-mi ka-ya-n unqu-ya-n-tri-ki mana-m rima-ri-n-pis-chu
no-DISC because ugly class-EVD be-PROG-3 sick-FACT-3-EVC-KI no-EVD
ya no porque está otra forma. Estará enfermo. No quiere hablar. Está calladito.
Not any more, because he's out of sorts. He'd be sick. He doesn't talk. He's
00:07:53.098 - 00:07:59.518

Simanantinmiki tumarun.
upa upa-lla-m ka-ya-n simana-ntin-mi-ki tuma-ru-n
talk-INCEP-3-ADD-NEG dumb dumb-RSTR-EVD be-PROG-3 week-INCL-EVD-KI take-URGT-3
Toda la semana se ha tomado.
He drank all week.
00:07:59.628 - 00:08:01.068

Simanintin tumarushpatriki Puraminti mukuypaq wañusash kasa chaymi
simani-ntin tuma-ru-shpa-tri-ki puraminti muku-y-paq wañu-sa-sh ka-sa
week-INCL take-URGT-SUBIS-EVC-KI purely eat-INF-ABL die-PRF-EVR be-PRF
Toda la semana tomando seguro. Total de hambre se había muerto, dice, por-RSTR,
Drinking all week, for sure ... Completely dead of hunger, they say, so
00:08:01.560 - 00:08:06.880


chaymi panin mikuyachira puraminti bulsallapim mikuy mikuy bulsantintapis

rakrakurunman mikuyta ninmiki.
chay-mi pani-n miku-ya-chi-ra puraminti bulsa-lla-pi-m miku-y miku-y
DEM.D-EVD sister-3 eat-PROG-CAUS-PST purely bag-RSTR-LOC-EVD eay-INF eat-INF
Por eso su hermana le estaba haciendo comer en bolsa no más. TK
So his sister made him eat out of a bag.
00:08:07.040 - 00:08:16.580

bulsa-ntin-ta-pis rakra-ku-ru-n-man miku-y-ta ni-n-mi-ki


Apamusa quykun turillaman tutalmi mikunarullasa chishinpaqtr manam mikusa kara

Apa-mu-sa qu-yku-n turi-lla-man tutal-mi miku-na-ru-lla-sa chishi-n-paq-tr
bring-CISL-PRF give-REFL-3 sister-RSTR-ALL total-EVD eat-DESR-UNINT-RSTR-PRF
Lo que había traido le dio a su hermano. Total le había dado hambre. De la
noche estará sin cenar.
She gave what she brought to her brother. He was totally hungry. He hadn't
eaten from the night before.
00:08:16.780 - 00:08:22.380

mana-m miku-sa ka-ra

previous.night-3-ABL-EVC no-EVC eat-PRF be-PST

Chaytriki mana rimayta atiparachu puraminti wallpayasamiki kayara.

chay-tri-ki mana rima-y-ta atipa-ra-chu puraminti wallpa-ya-sa-mi-ki
DEM.D-EVC-KI no talk-INF-ACC purely chicken-INCH-PRF-EVD-KI
Por-RSTR no podía hablar total como gallina estaba [triste].
that's why he couldn't talk. He was totally like a chicke [sad]n.
00:08:22.420 - 00:08:27.000

Tiyanchik Max hamukuyan Dilantita.

ka-ya-ra tiya-nchik Max hamu-ku-ya-n dilanti-ta
be-PROG-PST aunt-1PL Max come-REFL-PROG-3 front-ACC
Nuestro tío Max estaría viniendo delante.
Our Uncle Max would be coming in front.
00:08:27.060 - 00:08:31.020

Rikuyan pay dilantita nishpam payqa manachu total rimarun

ri-ku-ya-n pay dilanti-ta ni-shpa-m pay-qa mana-chu total rima-ru-n
go-REFL-PROG-3 3 front-ACC say-SUBIS-EVD 3-TOP no-Q totally talk-URGT-3
El está yendo delante. ¿No ves que total habló?
he's going in front. Didn't he totally talk?
00:08:31.380 - 00:08:35.340

Ubrapaqmi imapaqmi chay dimurachin ñuqa yakuta nisita: allallita.

ubra-paq-mi ima-paq-mi chay dimura-chi-n ñuqa yaku-ta nisita-: allalli-ta
work-BEN-EVD what-BEN-EVD DEM.D tarry-CAUS-3 1 water-ACC need-1 a.lot-ACC
¿Para la obra o para qué hace demorar? Yo necesito agua bien bien.
For the job or for what are they delaying it. I really need water.
00:08:35.540 - 00:08:41.380

trakra:kunata chakin kanan papatapis miku:chu. Yakuta manam ruwaptinchik wak

gubiyrnu imapaqmi chay yakuta mitrakun nishpa.
trakra-:-kuna-ta chaki-n kanan papa-ta-pis miku-:-chu yaku-ta mana-m
field-1-PL-ACC dry-3 now potato-ACC-ADD eat-1-NEG water-ACC no-EVD
Mi chacra y todo se seca. Ahora no como ni papas. Cuando no nos da agua, ¿para
qué es ese gobierno? ¿Por qué impide esa agua? dice.
My fields and all are drying up. Now I don't even eat potatoes. When they don't
give us water, what's this government for? Why are they so cheap with water?
they say.
00:08:41.600 - 00:08:49.920

ruwa-pti-nchik wak gubiyrnu imapaq-mi chay yaku-ta mitra-ku-n ni-shpa

make-SUBDS-1PL DEM.D government why-EVD DEM.D water-ACC impede-REFL-3 say-SUBIS

Ñuqatapis manachu tapuman chay piriyudista. ¿Imapaqmi kaypi kayanki? nimaptinqa

ñuqaqa kaypaq kaya:
ñuqa-ta-pis mana-chu tapu-ma-n chay piriyudista imapaq-mi kay-pi ka-ya-nki
1-ACC_ADD no-NEG ask-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D reporter why-EVD DEM.P-LOC be-PROG-2
A mi también no ves que me preguntó el periodista. ¿Para qué estás acá? me
dijo. Yo estoy acá
Didn't the journalist ask me, too? What are you here for? he said to me. I'm
00:08:50.520 - 00:08:58.080

ni-ma-pti-n-qa ñuqa-qa kay-paq ka-ya-:


Mana imapaqmi chay riprisata qallaykurushpa hina diharirunki ruwankimantri.

mana imapaq-mi chay riprisa-ta qalla-yku-ru-shpa hina diha-ri-ru-nki
¿Para qué, empezando esa represa, así lo has dejado? Deberías de hacer.
Why, starting that dam, did you leave it? You should make it.
00:08:58.620 - 00:09:06.040


Nishpa ni: qaqchanchik ñuqanchikqa agrikulturanchikpaqmi yachanchik

ganadiriyapaqmi kanan yaku puraminti chakikun imawanmi ñuqanchikqa yachashun?
ni-shpa ni-: qaqcha-nchik ñuqa-nchik-qa agrikultura-nchik-paq-mi yacha-nchik
say-SUBIS say-1 scold-1PL 1-1PL-TOP agriculture-1PL-ABL-EVD live-1PL
Diciendo nosotros lo resondramos. Vivimos de nuestra agricultura y de
ganadería. Ahora el agua está secando total mente. ¿Con qué vamos a vivir
We scold them. We live from out agriculture and animal husbandry. Now the water
is drying up completely. What are we going to live with?
00:09:06.180 - 00:09:16.420

ganadiriya-paq-mi kanan yaku puraminti chaki-ku-n ima-wan-mi ñuqa-nchik-qa

animal.husbandry-ABL-EVD now water purely dry-REFL-3 what-INSTR-EVD 1-1PL-TOP


Chay sityuqa pubrisapa TK nin nin niptinñataq ñuqanchikqa ñuqanchik pubrim

kayanchik mana yaku imapis kanchu nishpa kuntistayanchik. Aa, ñuqapis
chay sityu-qa pubrisa-paq ni-n ni-n ni-pti-n-ña-taq ñuqa-nchik-qa ñuqa-nchik
DEM.D site-TOP poverty-ABL be-3 say-3 say-3 say-SUBDS-3-DISC-SEQ 1-1PL-TOP 1-1PL
Ese lugar es pobre, dijo dijo. Cuando lo dijo nosotros contestamos que somos
pobres. No hay ni agua ni nada. Ah, a mí también me preguntó.
That place is poor, he said, he said. When he said it, we, we are poor. There
isn't water or anything, we answered. Ah, he asled me, too.
00:09:16.720 - 00:09:27.900

pubri-m ka-ya-nchik mana yaku ima-pis ka-n-chu ni-shpa kuntista-ya-nchik

poor be-PROG-1PL no water what-ADD be-3-NEG say-SUBIS answer-PROG-1PL 1-ADD

ñuqa-pis tapu-ma-n-ri-ki
add-1.OBJ-3 R-IKI

Ñuqapis niya alfa chakin vaka:pis wañun. Nallapaqmi. Mana alfata rigaptinchik
mana yukuta qupakuptin,
ñuqa-pis ni-ya-: alfa chaki-n vaka-:-pis wañu-n ña-lla-paq-mi mana alfa-ta
1-ADD say-PROG-1 alfalfa dry-3 cow-1-ADD die-3 DISC-RSTR-ABL-EVD no alfalfa-ACC
Yo también dije mi alfalfa se seca, mis vacas se mueren. Si no riegan mi
alfalfa, si no dan agua ...
I also said, my alfalfa is drying out, my cows are dying. If they don't water
my alfalfa, if they don't give water ...
00:09:28.260 - 00:09:36.060

riga-pti-nchik mana yaku-ta qu-pa-ku-pti-n

water-SUBDS-1PL no water-ACC give-PL-SUBDS-3

Vaka:pis wañun. Chay gubyirnu impaqmi chay mana ruwayta munanchu? Chaymi
ñuqakuna hamupa:ku: kay prutistata ruwaq nishpam nira:.
vaka-:-pis wañu-n chay gubyirnu imapaq-mi chay mana ruwa-y-ta muna-n-chu chay-mi
cow-1-ADD die-3 DEM.D government why-EVD DEM.D no make-INF-ACC want-3-NEG
Mis vacas también se mueren. Ese gobierno, ¿por qué no quiere hacer [nada]? Por
éso nosotros hemos venido hacer esta protesta, dije.
My cows, too, are dying. Why doesn't this government want to do anything?
That's why we came to make this protest, I said.
00:09:36.460 - 00:09:45.020

ñuqa-kuna hamu-pa:ku-: kay prutista-ta ruwa-q ni-shpa ni-ra-:

DEM.D-EVD 1-PL come-PL-1 DEM.P protest-ACC work-AG say-SUBIS say-PST-1

Nipti: Aya, nishpa chay piriyudista lliw lliw runapaq runapaq tapuyamanchik
chayta willakuyanchik.
ni-pti-: ni-shpa chay piriyudista lliw lliw runa-paq runa-paq tapu-ya-ma-nchik
say-SUBDS-1 say-SUBIS DEM.D reporter all all person-ABL person-ABL
Cuando lo dije, "Aya" dijo ese periodista y a todos uno por uno nos preguntó y
estamos avisando.
WHen I said it, that journalist said "Aya, " and he asked us all one by one and
we were telling him.
00:09:45.460 - 00:09:51.340

chay-ta willa-ku-ya-nchik

Arí. Chaynayá. Nimanchik. Hinaptinqa kanan kinsi diyaspa kidarun mana kinsi
arí chay-na-y-á ni-ma-nchik hinaptin-qa kanan kinsi diyas-pa kida-ru-n mana
yes DEM.D-VRBZ-EMPH say-1.OBJ-1PL so-TOP now fifteen days-GEN stay-URGT-3 no
Sí. Así nos dijo. Para quince días ha quedado. Si a los quince días ...
Yes. They said that to us like that. They left it for fifteen days. [If] not in
fisteen days ...
00:09:52.440 - 00:09:59.800

kinsi diyas-ta
fifteen days-ACC
namuptinqa qallaykamuptinqa yapamiki kutishun chaynamik kidarunchik.
na-mu-pti-n-qa qalla-yka-mu-pti-n-qa yapa-mi-ki kuti-shun chay-na-mi-k
Si no empieza, de vuelta hay que volver. En-RSTR hemos quedado.
If they don't start, we'll return again. We left it like that.
00:09:59.900 - 00:10:05.220


Kinsi diyaspam mas fwirsawanñam rishun Yanak, Liscay, lliw lliw llapa runakuna
Chinchapi Cañetepi llapa risidintikuna llapa llapanchik rishun piru mas
fwirsawanñam chaypa rishun.
kinsi diyas-pa-m mas fwirsa-wan-ña-m ri-shun Yanak Liscay lliw lliw llapa
fifteen days-GEN-EVD more force-INSTR-DISC-EVD go-1PL.FUT Yanak Liscay all all
De quince días con más fuerza vamos a ir. Yanak, Liscay, toda, toda la gente de
Chincha, de Cañete, todos los residentes. Todos con más fuerza vamos a ir.
In fifteen days we're going to go with more force. Yanak, Liscay, all the
people in Chincha, in Cañete, all the residents. All, all of us are going to go
there but with more force.
00:10:05.320 - 00:10:17.060

runa-kuna Chincha-pi Cañete-pi llapa risidinti-kuna llapa llapa-nchik ri-shun

all person-PL Chincha-LOC Cañete-LOC all resident-PL all all-1PL go-1PL.FUT but

piru mas fwirsa-wan-ña-m chay-pa ri-shun

more force-INSTR-DISC DEM.D-LOC go-1PL.FUT

Chaynam kidarunchik. Chaynamiki kidarunchik. Limatañam rishun gubiyirnuman

kungrisumanñam rishun ninchik manachu
chay-na-m kida-ru-nchik chay-na-mi-ki kida-ru-nchik Lima-ta-ña-m ri-shun
Así hemos quedado. Así hemos quedado. A Lima vamos a ir, al congreso, hemos
dicho. ¿No ves?
We left it like that. We left it like that. We're going to go to Lima, to the
Congress, we said. Don't you see?
00:10:17.440 - 00:10:24.060

gubiyirnu-man kungrisu-man-ña-m ri-shun ni-nchik mana-chu

go-1PL.FUT government-ALL congree-ALL-DISC-EVD go-1PL.FUT go-1PL no-Q

Nishpam chayta niramun niptin chay chayta niptinchikmi Chay ubraqa kanan
ruwanqa ruwashun nallata niyan ¿quince días ya tenía?
ni-shpa-m chay-ta ni-ra-mu-n ni-pti-n chay chay-ta ni-pti-nchik-mi chay ubra-qa
Sí, pues, así dijo. Cuando lo dijo, Cuando decimos Esa obra se va a hacer
ahora. Lo vamos a hacer. ¿De quince días ya tenía?
Yes, then, they saud that. WHen they said that, when we said, the job is going
to get done now. We're going to do it. They had fifteen days?
00:10:24.280 - 00:10:33.300

kanan ruwa-nqa ruwa-shun na-lla-ta ni-ya-n

say-SUBDS-1PL-EVD DEM.D work-TOP now make-3.FUT make-1PL.FUT DMY-RSTR-ACC


Arí. Uhalaya chayta ruwarun si no vuyltatriki kutishun dihakunanchik kara

arí uhala-ya chay-ta ruwa-ru-n su no vuylta-tri-ki kuti-shun diha-ku-na-nchik
yes I.hope-INTENS DEM.D-ACC make.URGT-3 if no returm-EVC-KI return-1PL.FUT
Sí. Espero que lo puedan hacer. Si no, de vuelta volveremos TK
Yes. I hope that do it. If not, we'll come back again
00:10:33.520 - 00:10:40.380

leave-REFL-NMLZ-1PL be-PST

Sugishuntriki lucha luchaman. Yapatr kutishun. Kutishun. ¿Imalla nimanchik

diharuptinchik? Arí. ¿Paytaqa imapaqmi dihashun?
sigi-shun-tri-ki lucha lucha-man yapa-tr kuti-shun kuti-shun ima-lla
follow-1PL.FUT-EVC-KI fight fight-ALL again-EVC return-1PL.FUT return-1PL.FUT
Siguiremos a la lucha. De vuelta regresaremos. Regresaremos. ¿Qué no más dirá
cuando nos dejamos? Sí, pues. ¿Para qué lo vamos a dejar?
We'll continue the fight. We'll return again. We'll return. What will they say
to us when we leave it? Yes. Why are we going to leave him?
00:10:40.900 - 00:10:49.540

ni-ma-nchik diha-ru-pti-nchik arí pay-ta-qa imapaq-mi diha-shun

what-RSTR say-1.OBJ-1PL leave-URGT-SUBDS-1PL yes 3-ACC-TOP why-EVC leave-1PL.FUT

Kutishuntriki nishpa riklamamushun yakunchiktaqa riprisanchiktaqa ruwananpaqqa.

kuti-shun-tri-ki ni-shpa riklama-mu-shun yaku-nchik-ta-qa riprisa-nchik-ta-qa
return-1PL.FUT-EVC-KI say-SUBIS demand-CISL-1PL.FUT water-1PL-ACC-TOP
Regresaremos, pues, y de nuevo reclamaremos nuestro agua, nuestra represa para
que lo hagan.
We'll return, we'll demand our water, that they build our dam.
00:10:49.700 - 00:10:53.840

Arí, riprisanchikqa mana chaynaqa kidanmanchu. Abwilunchikkuna
arí riprisa-nchik-qa mana chay-na-qa kida-n-man-chu Abwilu-nchik-kuna
yes dam-1PL-TOP no DEM.D-VRBZ-TOP stay-3-COND-NEG grandfather-1PL-PL
Sí. Nuestra represa no se debe de quedar así. Nuestros abuelos.
Yes. Our dam shouldn't stay like that. Our grandparents ...
00:10:53.880 - 00:11:00.100

Taytachnchik, mamachanchik familiyanchikkuna taytanchikuna, mamanchikkuna

luchasantaqa ruwashuntriki.
Tayta-cha-nchik mama-cha-nchik familiya-nchik-kuna tayta-nchik-kuna
father-DIM-1PL mother-DIM-1PL family.1PL-PL father-1PL-PL mother-1PL-PL
Nuestros abuelos, nuestras abuelas, nuestros familires, nuestros abuelos,
nuestras abuelas, lo que ha luchado. Lo haremos.
Our grandparents, our grandmothers, our relatives, our grandfathers, our
grandmothers, what they fought [for]. We'll do it.
00:11:00.400 - 00:11:07.420

Arí. [indecipherable]
mama-nchik-kuna lucha-sa-n-ta-qa ruwa-shun-tri-ki arí
fight-PRF-3-ACC-TOP make-1PL.FUT-EVC-KI yes
00:11:07.740 - 00:11:12.200

¿Manachu taksi tutal qutukaramun, ¿aw? Arí. Tutal qutukaramuptintri Juliánta

mana-chu taksi tutal qutu-ka-ra-mu-n aw arí tutal qutu-ka-ra-mu-pti-n-tri
what-NEG taxi total gather-REFL-URGTCISL-3 yes yes totally
Los taxis se juntaron, ¿no? Total cuando se juntaron empujaron a Julián.
The taxis gathered up, no? When they gathered up, they pushed Julián.
00:11:12.520 - 00:11:19.400

Julián-ta impuha-ru-n
gather-REFL-URGT-CISL-SUBDS-3-EVC Julián-ACC push-URGT-3

Impuharun hinaptin impuha ... Pampamanshi yaqa yaqa chuqaykyrun Juliánta

taksistallaqa atrupillarun karru.
impuha-ru-n hinaptin impuha ... pampa-man-shi yaqa yaqa chuqa-yku-ru-n Julián-ta
push-URGT-3 so push ground-ALL-EVR again again throw-EXCEP-URGT-3 Julián-ACC
Lo empujó luego lo empujó. El taxista casi casi tiró a Julián a la pampa. El
carro lo atropelló.
He pushed him then he pushed ... The taxi driver almost almost threw Julián to
the ground. The car ran him over.
00:11:19.500 - 00:11:26.680

taksista-lla-qa atrupilla-ru-n karru
taxi.driver-RSTR-TOP run.over-URGT-3 car

Atrupillarun. Hinpatin, ¿Pim kurriramun? nin. Nelvinwan huk gurditum kasa chatu
niraq runa chay
atrupilla-ru-n hinpatin pim kurri-ra-mu-n ni-n Nelvin-wan huk gurditu-m ka-sa
run.over-URGT-3 so who-EVD run-URGT-CISL-3 say-3 Nelvin-INSTR one fat-EVD be-PRF
Lo atropellaron. Luego ¿Quién lo corrió? dijo. Con Nelvin, era otra persona
gordita, chato parece ...
They ran him over. Then, "Who ran him? he said. With Nelvin. With another fat
person, short-like ...
00:11:26.740 - 00:11:33.500

chatu ni-raq runa chay

short class person DEM.D

Ishkay ninshi. Yaqa supayta apachin taksistata. Ah, Chaynarunmiki. Siyrtu.

ishkay ni-n-shi yaqa supa-y-ta apa-chi-n taksista-ta chay-na-ru-n-mi-ki
two say-3-EVR almost kill-INF-ACC bring-CAUS-3 taxi.drivers-ACC
Dos, dice que dijo. Casi lo matan al taxista. Así lo hizo de verdad.
Two, he said, they say. They almost killed the taxi driver. They did that for
00:11:33.540 - 00:11:41.760


Ñuqanchikqa dilantipamiki kayanchik. Kasi imatapis ñuqanchik qawanchikchu

ñuqa-nchik-qa dilanti-pa-mi-ki ka-ya-nchik kasi ima-ta-pis ñuqa-nchik
1-1PL-TOP front-LOC-EVD-KI be-PROG-1PL almost what-ACC-ADD 1-1PL see-1PL-NEG
Nosotros estamos adelante. Nosotros casi no vemos nada. Total.
We're in front. We don't see almost anything. Totally.
00:11:41.920 - 00:11:46.340

qawa-nchik-chu puraminti

Dilantipi kaykuyanchik wakhina rupaypa. Wakhina qaparkatrakuyanchik imatamá

uyarishun qipapa
dilanti-pi ka-yku-ya-nchik wak-hina rupa-y-pa wak-hina qapa-rkatra-ku-ya-nchik
Delante estamos así en ese calor. Total así estamos gritando. ¿Qué vamos a
escuchar de atrás?
We're in front in the heat. We're shouting like that. What are we going to hear
from behind?
00:11:46.580 - 00:11:55.300

ima-ta-m-á uyari-shun qipa-pa

shout-FREQ-REFL-PROG-1PL what-ACC-EVD-INTENS hear-1PL.FUT behind-LOC

Imapis pasaqtaqa. Manañam uyarinchikchu qipapa qawanchikñachu tutal

dilantillata ñuqanchikqa rikuyanchik.
ima-pis pasa-q-ta-qa mana-ña-m uyari-nchik-chu qipa-pa qawa-nchik-ña-chu tutal
what-ADD pass-AG-ACC-TOP no-DISC-EVD hear-1PL-NEG behind-LOC see-1PL-DISC-NEG
Cuando pasa algo ... Atrás no se escucha en atrás, no se ve. Total delante no
más estamos yendo nosotros.
What is happening? Behind, we don't hear any more, we don't see any more. We're
going in front.
00:11:55.440 - 00:12:01.920

dilanti-lla-ta ñuqa-nchik-qa ri-ku-ya-nchik

totally front-RSTR-ACC 1-1PL-TOP go-REFL-1PL

file:/Users/nomdecrayon/Documents/Quechua/Precious/ELAN 2014/Liscay_EH_Abuse_School.eaf
Tuesday, August 12, 2014 2:43 PM


Ñuqaqa kasarakupti:qa qari:qa primiru wataqa ishkay wata kimsa wata alliskam
ñuqa-qa kasara-ku-pti-:-qa qari-:-qa primiru wata-qa ishkay wata kimsa wata
1-TOP marry-REFL-SUBDS-1-TOP man-1-TOP first year-TOP two year three year
Cuando yo me casé con mi marido, los primeros años, dos , tres años eran buenos.
When I married my husband, the first years, two years, three years were good.
00:00:00.150 - 00:00:09.370

alli-ska-m ka-ra
good-SKA-EVD be-PST

Hinashpaqa huk warmiwan tinkurushpam maqayta qallaykamara.

hinashpa-qa huk warmi-wan tinku-ru-shpa-m maqa-y-ta qalla-yka-ma-ra
so-TOP one woman-INSTR find-URGT-SUBIS-EVD hit-INF-ACC begin-EXCEP-1.OBJ-PST
Y después cuando se encontró con otra mujer me empezó a pegar.
Later, when he met another woman, he started to hit me.
00:00:09.690 - 00:00:17.430

Silashpa, "Hukwantri kayanki".
sila-shpa huk-wan-tri ka-ya-nki
jealous-SUBID one-INSTR-EVC be-PROG-2
Poniéndose celoso, [decía], "Estarás con otro"., estás con otro.
Getting jealous, [he would say], "You must be with another [man]."
00:00:18.430 - 00:00:21.060

"Ñuqa imaynataq chay huk warmiwan kaya:. Chay warmiqa huk

ñuqa imayna-taq chay huk warmi-wan kaya-: chay warmi-qa huk
1 how-SEQ DEM.D one woman-INSTR be-PROG-1 DEM.D woman-TOP one
'Yo estoy con otra mujer y esa mujer a otro
"I'm with another woman and that woman another
00:00:21.330 - 00:00:26.130

qarita maskan. Qampis chaynatr kayanki", nishpam vidata maqamara.

qari-ta maska-n qam-pis chay-na-tr ka-ya-nki ni-shpa-m vida-ta
man-ACC look.for-3 2-ADD DEM.D-VRBZ-EVC be-PROG-2 say-SUBIS-EVD life-ACC
Está buscando hombre usted también estarás así, diciendo total me pegaba.
is looking for [another] man. You, too, must be like that," he said and hit me
a lot.
00:00:26.300 - 00:00:31.240

Wambra: uchuklla kayaptin. Sonia:.

maqa-ma-ra wambra-: uchuk-lla ka-ya-pti-n Sonia-:
hit-1.OBJ-PST child-1 small-RSTR be-PROG-SUBDS-3 Sonia-1
Cuando mi hija estaba pequeña. Mi Sonia.
When y daughter was small, my Sonia.
00:00:32.120 - 00:00:35.080

Ñuqa wambra: qipikusa puripti: tukuy tutapis maqamara silashpa shinkakushpa

tragukunata upiyakuykushpa
ñuqa wambra-: qipi-ku-sa puri-pti-: tukuy tuta-pis maqa-ma-ra sila-shpa
1 child-1 carry-REFL-PRF walk-SUBDS-1 all night-ADD hit-1.OBJ-PST jealous-SUBIS
Cuando yo andaba cargando mi hija toda la noche, me pegaba celando,
emborrachándose, trago todo tomando.
When I walked about all night carrying my baby, he hit me, getting jealous,
getting drunk, drinking liquor.
00:00:35.740 - 00:00:44.780

shinka-ku-shpa tragu-kuna-ta upiya-ku-yku-shpa


Hamuq kamakunapaq chuqaykamaq kamakunata kitamaq.

hamu-q kama-kuna-paq chuqa-yka-ma-q kama-kuna-ta kita-ma-q
come-AG bed-PL-LOC throw-EXCEP-1.OBJ-AG bed-PL-ACC remove-1.OBJ-AG
Venía. Aventaba la cama y todo. Me quitaba la cama.
He would come and throw over the bed. He would take the bed away from me.
00:00:45.270 - 00:00:51.200

Mana yatankunapa puñuna:ta munarachu.

mana yata-n-kuna-pa puñu-na-:-ta muna-ra-chu
no side-3-PL-LOC sleep-NMLZ-1-ACC want-PST-NEG
No quería que duerme en su lado.
He didn't want me to sleep at his side.
00:00:51.715 - 00:00:55.575

Vidatam triqnimara. Ñuqa waqakuq ka: vidata

vida-ta-m triqni-ma-ra ñuqa waqa-ku-q ka-: vida-ta
life-ACC-EVD hate-1.OBJ-PST 1 cry-REFL-AG be-1 life-ACC
Total, me odiaba, me odiaba. Yo lloraba total.
He hated me a lot. He hated me. I would cry a lot.
00:00:56.225 - 00:01:02.155

Wambrantin waqakuq ka: ayvis wambra:kunata kitamaq wak altu urqukunata riq
wambra-ntin waqa-ku-q ka-: ayvis wambra-:-kuna-ta kita-ma-q wak altu
child-INCL cry-REFL-AG be-1 sometimes child-1-PL-ACC remove-1.OBJ-AG DEM.D high
Total lloraba con mi hija. a veces me quitaba mi hija y se iba allá encima al
I used to cry with my baby. Sometimes he would take her away from me and go up
that high hill.
00:01:02.305 - 00:01:07.750

urqu-kuna-ta ri-q
hill-PL-ACC go-AG

Wasi:pa bintanankunata pawaykuq qipanman ayqiq.

wasi-:-pa bintana-n-kuna-ta pawa-yku-q qipa-n-man ayqi-q
house-1-GEN window-3-PL-ACC jump-EXCEP-AG behind-3-ALL escape-AG
Saltaba por la ventana de mi casa; detrás de él [yo] escapaba.
He would jump through the window of my house. [I] would follow behind.
00:01:07.850 - 00:01:12.850

Ñuqa ayvis kamapa lluqsishpa qala traki

ñuqa ayvis kama-pa lluqsi-shpa qala traki
1 sometimes bed-LOC go.out-SUBIS naked foot
Yo a veces saliendo de cama descalzo.
Sometimes, getting out of bed barefoot,
00:01:13.360 - 00:01:16.600

riq qipanta ka:. Hapiq iskapaptin hapimura:

ri-q qipa-n-ta ka-: hapi-q iskapa-pti-n hapi-mu-ra-:
go-AG behind-3-ACC be-1 grab-AG escape-SUBDS-3 grab-CISL-PST
iba su atras. Cuando escapaba lo agarraba.
I would go behind him. When he escaped I would grab him. I grabbed him.
00:01:16.650 - 00:01:22.730

Ruygara:, '¡Ama rikuychu!' nishpa vidata waqashpa.

Ruyga-ra-: ama ri-ku-y-chu ni-shpa vida-ta waqa-shpa
Le rogaba, "!Vo te vayas!" dije llorando total.
I begged him, "Don't leave!" I said, crying a lot.
00:01:23.360 - 00:01:27.730

Yanqa yanqa chayta ruwara: nishpa ni: kanan.

yanqa yanqa chay-ta ruwa-ra-: ni-shpa ni-: kanan
lie lie DEM.D-ACC make-PST-1 say-SUBIS say-1 now
En vano hacía-RSTR digo ahora.
I did that in vain, I say now.
00:01:28.280 - 00:01:31.690

Vida:ta vida:ta akabakura: chay runawan.

vida-:-ta vida-:-ta akaba-ku-ra-: chay runa-wan
life-1-ACC life-1-ACC end-REFL-PST-1 DEM.D person-INSTR
Acabé mi vida con esa persona.
I ended my life with that person.
00:01:32.035 - 00:01:35.165

Kada bis ya maqamara kada bis ya huk warmikunawan

Kada bis ya maqa-ma-ra kada bis ya huk warmi-kuna-wan
each time DISC hit-1.OBJ-PST each time DISC one woman-PL-INSTR
Cada vez me pegaba cada vez con otra mujer,
Each tme he hit me, each time with another woman
00:01:36.565 - 00:01:41.340

pirdirushpa wawachiq huk warmi qariyuq warmikunata.

pirdi-ru-shpa wawa-chi-q huk warmi qari-yuq warmi-kuna-ta
lose-URGT-SUBIS baby-CAUS-AG one woman man-POS woman-PL-ACC
perdiendo hacía tener hijo a mujer con marido todo.
getting lost. He got her pregant -- another woman with a husband.
00:01:41.340 - 00:01:45.980

wawachira. Pashñakunawan tinkura Chinachakunapa biyahashpa dimurara ocho días,

nueve días.
wawa-chi-ra pashña-kuna-wan tinku-ra Chinacha-kuna-pa biyaha-shpa dimura-ra ocho
baby-CAUS-PST girl-PL-INSTR find-PST Chinacha-PL-LOC travel-SUBIS tarry-PST
Hacía tener hijo. Se encontró con chicas en Chincha y todo. Viajó y demoró
ocho, nueve días,
He got her pregnant. He met with girls in Chincha and all. He traveled and
tarried eight, nine days.
00:01:46.680 - 00:01:57.410
días, nueve días
eight days nine days

Dimurashpa kutimushpaqa. '¿Imapaqtaq aburriduchu kayanki? ¿Imapaqtaq karayki

ispihuhina chipliyan?'
dimura-shpa kuti-mu-shpa-qa imapaq-taq aburridu-chu ka-ya-nki imapaq-taq
tarry-SUBIS return-CISL-SUBIS-TOP why-SEQ angry-Q be-PROG-2 why-SEQ face-2
Demorando, regresando, "¿Porqué estás aburrida? ¿Porqué está brillando tu cara
como espejo?"
Tarrying, returning [he would say], "Why are you angry? Why is your face
shining like a mirror?"
00:01:57.670 - 00:02:06.270

kara-yki ispihu-hina chipli-ya-n

mirror-COMP shine-PROG-3

'Hukwantri kayanki', nishpa nimara qari: nishpa silakamashpa maqamara.

huk-wan-tri ka-ya-nki ni-shpa ni-ma-ra qari-: ni-shpa sila-ka-ma-shpa
one-INSTR-EVC be-PROG-2 say-SUBIS say-1.OBJ-PST man-1 say-SUBIS
'Con otro estarás', me dijo mi marido y, poniéndose celoso, me pegó.
"You must be with another," my husband said to be and, getting jealous, he hit
00:02:06.360 - 00:02:12.450

Vidata maki:kunata watara

maqa-ma-ra vida-ta maki-:-kuna-ta wata-ra
jealous-REFL-1.OBJ-SUBIS hit-1.OBJ-PST life-ACC hand-1-PL-ACC tie-PST
Total mi mano todo amarró
He totally tied my hands
00:02:12.885 - 00:02:17.225

sugawan. Kunka:kunapa sarumara kara:kunapa tutal wiksa:kunapa saytamara.

suga-wan Kunka-:-kuna-pa saru-ma-ra kara-:-kuna-pa tutal wiksa-:-kuna-pa
rope-INST neck-1-PL-LOC step.on-1.OBJ-PST face-1-PL-LOC totally stomach-1-PL-LOC
con soga. Me pisoteó en el cuello. Me pateó en la cara, en el estómago mucho.
with rope. He stepped on my neck. He kicked me in the face, in the stomach.
00:02:17.455 - 00:02:25.335


Kay wasi: kaypa kay kanan yachaya: kay altupaqqa ukuman chuqaykamara maki:ta
wataykushpa huk vida maqamara
kay wasi-: kay-pa kay kanan yacha-ya-: kay altu-paq-qa uku-man chuqa-yka-ma-ra
DEM.P house-1 DEM.P-LOC DEM.P now live-PROG-1 DEM.P high-ABL-TOP inside-ALL
De acá, de mi casa donde estoy viviendo ahora, de encima me aventaba adentro.
Amarrando mis manos, total me pegaba.
From here, from my house where I live now, from here up high, he threw me
inside. Tying my hands, he hit me a lot.
00:02:25.705 - 00:02:33.145

maki-:-ta wata-yku-shpa huk vida maqa-ma-ra

throw-EXCEP-1.OBJ-PST hand-1-ACC tie-EXCEP-SUBIS one life hit-1.OBJ-PST

Hinashpaqa chaypaqa chaypaqa kwintataña qukuru: mastaña mastaña runakuna

hinashpa-qa chay-paq-qa chay-paq-qa kwinta-ta-ña quku-ru-: mas-ta-ña mas-ta-ña
Y después, después, ya me di cuenta. Más y más me aconsejaba la gente.
Later, later, I realized it. People advised me more and more.
00:02:33.935 - 00:02:41.155

runa-kuna kunsiha-ma-ra
more-ACC-DISC more-ACC-DISC person-PL advise-1.OBJ-PST

Hinashpaqa ñuqa chay kunsihukunataqa uyarishpa

hinashpa-qa ñuqa chay kunsihu-kuna-ta-qa uyari-shpa
so-TOP 1 DEM.D advice-PL-ACC-TOP hear-SUBIS
Y después, escuchando eso consejos, ,
Later, hearing that advice,
00:02:42.505 - 00:02:46.635

disidikurura siparakuyta huk puntrawninpaqa

disidi-ku-ru-ra sipara-ku-y-ta huk puntraw-ni-n-pa-qa
decise-REFL-URGT-PST separate-REFL-INF-ACC one day-EUPH-LOC-TOP
Decidí separarme otro día.
I decided to separate [from him] the other day.
00:02:46.840 - 00:02:50.100

Puraminti yaqa wañurachimara puraminti Latata pustakunaman

puraminti yaqa wañu-ra-chi-ma-ra puraminti lata-ta pusta-kuna-man
purely almost die-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-PST purely lame-ACC clinic-PL-ALL
Total, casi me ha matado total. Coja, a la posta
Completely, he almost killed me. Lame, to the clinic
00:02:50.110 - 00:02:53.380 00:02:53.555 - 00:02:56.165

manaraq traki:tapis puraminti mana puriyta atipipaqta dihariramara chaymi

disidikura siparakuyta.
mana-raq traki-:-ta-pis puraminti mana puri-y-ta atipa-q-ta diha-ri-ra-ma-ra
no-CONT foot-1-ACC-ADD purely no walk-INF-ACC be.bale-AG-ACC
Total mi pie tampoco no podía caminar. [Así] me dejó. Por-RSTR decidí separarme
[de él].
My foot syll couldn't walk. He lift me [like that]. So I decided to separate
[from him].
00:02:56.515 - 00:03:04.465

chay-mi disidi-ku-ra sipara-ku-y-ta


Pustakunaman ri: hampichikuq. Tutalminti latata diharaman. Saytaraman

wiksakunapaq birdi birdita tudu washa:kunata.
pusta-kuna-man ri-: hampi-chi-ku-q tutalminti latata diha-ra-ma-n sayta-ra-ma-n
clinic-PL-ALL go-1 heal-CAUS-REFL-AG totally lame leave-UEGT-1.OBJ-3
Me fui a la posta para hacerme curar. Totalmente coja me dejó. Me pateó en el
estómago. Verde verde toda mi espalda,
I went to the clinic to get myself healed. H left me completely lame. He kicked
me in the stomach. My whole back was bruised, bruised.
00:03:04.825 - 00:03:15.320

wiksa-kuna-paq birdi birdi-ta tudu washa-:-kuna-ta

kick-URGT-1.OBJ-3 stomach-PL-LOC green green-ACC all back-1-PL-ACC

Chaypaqa chayqa disidikurura: siparakuyta

Chay-paq-qa chay-qa disidi-ku-ru-ra-: sipara-ku-y-ta
De allí sí me decidí separar.
So I decided to separate
00:03:16.060 - 00:03:19.310

para siympri paywan piru payqa maskamara nuevamente kutikushun

para siympri pay-wan piru pay-qa maska-ma-ra nuevamente kuti-ku-shun
for always 3-INSTR but 3-TOP look.for-1.OBJ-PST again return-REFL-1PL.FUT
Para siempre con él. Pero él me buscó. 'Nuevamente vamos a regresar'.
forever from him. But he searched for me. "We're going to return again,"
00:03:19.685 - 00:03:24.265

Yapa kutikushun', nishpa maskamara ñuqataqa. Piru ñuqa mana munara:chu.

yapa kuti-ku-shun ni-shpa maska-ma-ra ñuqa-ta-qa piru ñuqa mana
again return-REFL-1PL.FUT say-SUBIS look.for-1.OBJ-PST 1-ACC-TOP but 1 no
De vuelta vamos a regresar', y dijo y me buscó a mi. Pero yo no quería.
We're going to go back again," he said and searched for me. But I didn't want
00:03:24.865 - 00:03:29.405

Qayna watakunaqa. Maskamara maskamaram kananpis. Aybisis tinkupti:qa
kutikamushaq nishpam.
qayna wata-kuna-qa maska-ma-ra maska-ma-ra-m kanan-pis aybisis tinku-pti-:-qa
previous year-PL-TOP look.for-1.OBJ-PST look.for-1.OBJ-PST-3 now-ADD sometimes
El año pasado todo. Me buscó, me buscó ahora también. a veces, cuando me
encuentro [con él], dice, 'Voy a volver'.
Last year and all. He looked for me. He looked for me. Sometimes, when I find
him, he says, "I'm going to come back."
00:03:29.745 - 00:03:37.905

kuti-ka-mu-shaq ni-shpam
find-SUBDS-1-TOP return-REFL-CISL-1.FUT say-SUBIS

niman chay qariqa piru huk warmiwanñam kayan payqa.

ni-ma-n chay qari-qa piru huk warmi-wan-ña-m ka-ya-n pay-qa
say-1.OBJ-3 DEM.D man-TOP but one woman-INSTR-DISC-EVD be-PROG-3 3-TOP
me dice ese hombre pero con otra mujer ya está él.
that man says to me. But he's with another woman already.
00:03:38.380 - 00:03:41.950

Wambrayuqñam. Qari wambranpis kayan Ñuqapaq ña wañu ... ahhhh

wambra-yuq-ña-m. qari wambra-n-pis ka-ya-n ñuqa-paq ña wañu ... ahhhh
child-POS man cild-3-ADD be-PROG-3 1-ABL DISC die ahhhh
Con hijo. Tiene hijo varón. De mi ya muert ....
He has a child. He has a boy. My ... already ... dead
00:03:42.095 - 00:03:45.125 00:03:45.260 - 00:03:48.510

Wañusahinañam paypaqa ñuqa qawa:. Paypaq manañam

Wañu-sa-hina-ña-m pay-paq-qa ñuqa qawa-: pay-paq mana-ña-m
Como si fuera muerto ya yo lo veo él. Para él ya no
I see him as if he were dead. For him no longer
00:03:48.590 - 00:03:54.080

kawsa:chu. Ni ñuqapaqpis payqamanñatr kawsanchu igwal maniramik. Chaynam

disidikushpa siparakurura:.
kawsa-:-chu Ni ñuqa-paq-pis pay-qa-man-ña-tr kawsa-n-chu igwal manira-mi-k
live-1-NEG nor 1-BEN-ADD 3-TOP-ALL-DISC-EVC live-3-NEG equal manner-EVD-K
estoy viva. Para mi ya no está vivo para él ya no estoy viva de igual manera.
Así decidiendo me separé.
am I alive. Neither is he alive for me, in the same way. Deciding like that, I
separated [from him].
00:03:54.595 - 00:04:02.515

chay-na-m disidi-ku-shpa sipara-ku-ru-ra-:


kanankama. Nada. Wambra:pa taytanqa kay wasipaq lluqsishpaqa

kanan-kama nada Wambra-:-pa tayta-n-qa kay wasi-paq lluqsi-shpa-qa
now-LIM nothing child-1-GEN father-3-TOP DEM.P house-ABL go.out-SUBIS-TOP
Hasta ahora. Nada. Cuando el papá de mi hija salió de esta casa,
until now. Nothing. When my daughter's father left this house,
00:04:02.630 - 00:04:11.560

kaytaqa puraminti kay Andamiokunataqa kañaykushpam lluqsira.

kay-ta-qa puraminti kay Andamio-kuna-ta-qa kaña-yku-shpa-m lluqsi-ra
DEM.P-ACC_TOP purely DEM.P Andamio-PL-ACC burn-EXCEP-SUBIS-EVD go.out-PST
Andamio quemó esto y salió.
Andamio burned this and left.
00:04:12.290 - 00:04:17.820

Huk puntraw ñuqaqa ganaw rantiq urquta lluqsikura:

huk puntraw ñuqa-qa ganaw ranti-q urqu-ta lluqsi-ku-ra-:
one day 1-TOP cattle buy-AG hill-ACC go.out-REFL-PST-1
Un día yo salí al cerro a comprar ganado.
One day, I left for the hill to buy cattle.
00:04:18.310 - 00:04:23.000

Kutikamupti:qa fwirapa puraminti misa:kuna banka:kuna

kuti-ka-mu-pti-:-qa fwira-pa puraminti misa-:-kuna banka-:-kuna
return-REFL-CISL-SUBDS-1-TOP outside-LOC purely table-1-PL bench-1-PL
Cuando regresé, Afuera total mi mesa, mi banca,
When I returned, outside, my table and my bench
00:04:23.630 - 00:04:27.910 00:04:28.075 - 00:04:32.655

Andamiokuna vidata kañayasa tutal kañarusa. Kay fwirapa, punkupa.

Andamio-kuna vida-ta kaña-ya-sa tutal kaña-ru-sa kay fwira-pa
Andamio-PL life-ACC burn-PROG-PRF totally burn-URGT-PRF DEM.P outside-LOC
Andamio todo total había quemado aquí afuera en la puerta.
Andamio was burning .. had burned them here outside in the doorway.
00:04:32.715 - 00:04:39.425


Wambra:ñataq tutal waqasa mama:pis waqasa puraminti difindishpa chay

Wambra-:-ña-taq tutal waqa-sa mama-:-pis waqa-sa puraminti difindi-shpa
child-1-DISC-SEQ totally cry-PRF mother-1-ADD cry-PRF purely defend-SUBIS
Mi hija ya también total lloraba. Mi mamá también total lloraba defendiendo[me]
My daughter, too cried. My mother, too, cried, defending [me against] that.
00:04:39.885 - 00:04:45.705


Rupa:kunata tutal ninaman chuqaykurusa puraminti, 'Kaypam Elviratawan

rupa-:-kuna-ta tutal nina-man chuqa-yku-ru-sa puraminti kay-pa-m
clothes-1-PL-ACC totally fire-ALL throw.EXCEP-URGT-PRF purely DEM.P-LOC-EVD
Había tirado mi ropa y todo a la candela. 'Aquí a Elvira
He had thrown my clothes and everything into the fire. "Here, Elvira
00:04:45.905 - 00:04:52.445


Elviratawan wambrantinta kaypam rupayan! ¡Elvira kay kaypam, kaypam Elvira

kayan! ¡Elvirataqa imaynataq kaña:!' nishpa puraminti payñataq tushusa.
Elvira-ta-wan wambra-ntin-ta kay-pa-m rupa-ya-n Elvira kay kay-pa-m kay-pa-m
Elvira con su hija aquí están quemando! ¡Aquí está Elvira! Aquí está Elvira!
¡Cómo estoy quemando a Elvira!' dijo bailando.
Elvira and her child are burning here! here is Alvira! Here is Elvira! How I am
burning Elvira!" he said dancing.
00:04:52.515 - 00:05:03.700

Elvira ka-ya-n Elvira-ta-qa imayna-taq kaña-: ni-shpa puraminti pay-ña-taq

DEM.P-LOC.EVD Elvira be-PROG-3 Elvira-ACC-TOP how-SEQ burn-1 say-SUBIS purely

3-DISC-SEQ dance-PRF

'Ninata huyachishpa Elviratam kañaya:', nishpa. Puraminti ñuqataqa

nina-ta huya-chi-shpa Elvira-ta-m kaña-ya-: ni-shpa puraminti ñuqa-ta-qa
fire-ACC burn-CAUS-SUBIS Elvira-ACC-EVD burn-PROG-1 say-SUBIS purely 1-ACC-TOP
'Haciendo arder la candela, a Elvira estoy quemando', dijo. Total a mi
"Making the fire burn, I'm burning Elvira," he said. Me
00:05:03.860 - 00:05:09.870

Qari:qa dihamara
qari-:-qa diha-ma-ra
man-1-TOP leave-1.OBJ-PST
Mi esposo me dejó.
My husband left me.
00:05:11.020 - 00:05:13.190

mana solniyuqta, manam ñuqapaqa ni un fósforo rantikuna:paq karachu bulsillu:pa
wambra: mikuchina:paq.
mana sol-ni-yuq-ta mana-m ñuqa-pa-qa ni un fósforo ranti-ku-na-:-paq ka-ra-chu
no sol-EUPH-POS-ACC no-EVD 1-GEN-TOP nor one match buy-REFL-NMLZ-1-PURP
Sin ni un sol, no había de mi para comprar ni un fósforo en mi bolsillo ni para
que coma mi hija.
I didn't have a sol in my pocket to buy even one match to feed my daughter.
00:05:13.285 - 00:05:20.820

bulsillu-:-pa wambra-: miku-chi-na-:-paq

be-PST-NEG pocket-LOC child-1 eat-CAUS-NMLZ-PURP

Manam imapis karachu. Tutal qala wasitam dihaykamara.

mana-m ima-pis ka-ra-chu tutal qala wasi-ta-m diha-yka-ma-ra
no-EVD what-ADD be-PST-NEG totally naked house-ACC-EVD leave-EXCEP-1.OBJ-PST
No había nada. Total casa calata me ha dejado.
There wasn't anything. He left me the house completely empty.
00:05:20.820 - 00:05:25.870

Ñuqaqa wambra kashpaqa Ocho, nueve, diez añusniyuqmi

ñuqa-qa wambra ka-shpa-qa ocho nueve diez añus-ni-yuq-mi
1-TOP child be-SUBIS-TOP eight nine ten years-EUPH-POS-EVD
Yo cuando era niña de ocho, nueve, diez años.
When I was a girl, eight, nine or ten years old.
00:12:15.180 - 00:12:18.300 00:12:20.135 - 00:12:24.005

Transisyunman hamura: mama: truramara.

transisyun-man hamu-ra-: mama-: trura-ma-ra come-PST-1 mother-1 put-1.OBJ-PST
Vine a transición. Mi mamá me puso.
I came to middle school. My mother put me [there].
00:12:24.125 - 00:12:27.595

Apinaslla uchuklla kasa: tapa

Apinas-lla uchuk-lla ka-sa-:-ta-pa
barely-RSTR small-RSTR be-PRF-1
Apenas cuando era pequeña.
Barely when I was small
00:12:29.650 - 00:12:32.075

Waywaskapaq hamura: Istansiya:mi Waywaska sutiyuq.

Waywaska-paq hamu-ra-: Istansiya-:-mi Waywaska suti-yuq
Waywaska-ABL come-PST-1 ranch-1-EVD Waywaska name-POS
De Waywaska vine. Mi estancia se llama Waywaska.
I came from waywaska. My ranch is called Waywaska.
00:12:32.165 - 00:12:37.925
Chaypaqmi hamura: uchuklla turi:wan, Edwin.
Chay-paq-mi hamu-ra-: uchuk-lla turi-:-wan Edwin
DEM.D-ABL-EVD come-PST-1 small-RSTR brother-1-INSTR Edwin.
Vine de allí con mi hermano pequeño, Edwin.
I came from there with my little brother, Edwin.
00:12:38.040 - 00:12:41.630

Ishkayni:mi kay Duradupi yachara:.

ishkay-ni-:-mi kay Duradu-pi yacha-ra-:
two-EUPG-1-EVD DEM.P Duradu-LOC live-PST-1
Los dos vivimos aquí en Dorado.
Both of us lived here in Dorado.
00:12:41.720 - 00:12:44.850

Uchuklla. Mama:pis, tayta:wan.

Uchuk-lla Mama-:-pis tayta-:-wan
small-RSTR mother-1-ADD father-1-INSTR
Chiquita no más, mi mamá, mi papá.
Small. My mother and my father,
00:12:45.380 - 00:12:49.250

Mastaq turi:wan yachara: istidiyashpaqa. Uchuklla.

mas-taq turi-:-wan yacha-ra-: istidiya-shpa-qa uchuk-lla
more-ACC brother-1-INSTR live-PST-1 study-SUBIS-TOP small-RSTR
Más viví con mi hermano cuando estudiaba. Pequeña no más.
I lived more with my brother when we studied. Small.
00:12:49.320 - 00:12:55.200

Ñuqataqa mama: uma:kunata llaqchamara. Ñuqa chayta yuyaya:

ñuqa-ta-qa mama-: uma-:-kuna-ta llaqcha-ma-ra ñuqa chay-ta yuya-ya-:
1-ACC-TOP mother-1 head-1-PL-ACC comb-1.OBJ-PST 1 DEM.D-ACC remember-PROG-1
Mi mamá me peinó la cabeza. Eso yo me acuerdo.
My mother combed my hair. I remember that.
00:12:55.700 - 00:13:00.865

Shimpamara. Ishkay shimpayuq iskwilaman

shimpa-ma-ra ishkay shimpa-yuq iskwila-man
braid-1.OBJ-PST two braid-POS scholl-ALL
Me trenzaba. Con dos trenzas a la escuela
She braided me. With two braids to school
00:13:00.905 - 00:13:05.335

risa:ta transisyunman. Transisyun niranchikmi unay

ri-sa-:-ta transisyun-man transisyun ni-ra-nchik-mi unay
go-PRF-1-ACC say-PST-1PL-EVD before
me iba a transición. Transición hemos dicho antes.
I went to middle school. We said "transition" before.
00:13:05.565 - 00:13:10.275

Transisyunman ishkay shimpayuq rira: uchuklla yuyaya:

transisyun-man ishkay shimpa-yuq ri-ra-: uchuk-lla yuya-ya-: two braid-INF-POS go-PST-1 small-RSTR remember-PROG-1
Fui a transición con dos trenzas .Peqieñita, me acuerdo.
I went to middle school with two braids. Small, I remember.
00:13:10.785 - 00:13:15.835

Hinashpa ñuqaqa manam rimayta yatrara:chu prufusurni: nimasanta

hinashpa ñuqa-qa mana-m rima-y-ta yatra-ra-:-chu prufusur-ni-: ni-ma-sa-n-ta
so 1-TOP no-EVD talk-INF-ACC knwo-PST-1-NEG teacher-EUPH-1 say-1.OBJ-PRF-3-ACC
Y así yo no sabía decir lo que me decía mi profesor.
So I didn't know how to say what my teacher said to me.
00:13:16.205 - 00:13:22.295

Chay litra "r"ta manam atipara:chu prununsiyayta

chay litra "r"-ta mana-m atipa-ra-:-chu prununsiya-y-ta
DEM.D letter r-ACC no-EVD pronounce-INF-ACC
La letra rr yo no sabía pronunciar.
I didn't know how to pronounce the letter "r."
00:13:22.385 - 00:13:27.995

"r" nina:tapa "s" nira:mi. Ima shimi:trik manam atipara:chu.

"r" ni-na-:-ta-pa "s" ni-ra-:-mi ima shimi-:-tri-k mana-m atipa-ra-:-chu
r say-NMLZ-1-ACC-EVD s say-PST-EVD what mouth-1-EVC no-EVD
En vez de decir "r" yo decía "s". Seguro mi boca no podiá.
Instead of saying "r", I said "s". For sure, my mouth couldn't.
00:13:28.175 - 00:13:33.745

Mi profesor ya también,
My teacher, too already
00:13:33.775 - 00:13:35.555

'¡"r" niy!' nimara. Mana ñuqa atipara:chu. "s" "s" nishpa nira: uchuklla yuya:
"r" ni-y ni-ma-ra mana ñuqa atipa-ra-:-chu "s" "s" ni-shpa ni-ra-: uchuk-lla
r say-IMO say-1.obj-PST no 1 s s say-SUBIS say-PST-1 small-RSTR
'¡Di "r"!' me decía. Yo no podía. 's', 's' dije. Pequeña, me acuerdo.
"Say 'r'!" he said to me. I couldn't. "s", "s", I said. Small, I remember.
00:13:35.725 - 00:13:44.735

yuya-: ñuqa-qa
rememeber-1 1-TOP

Alli prufusurni: Alejandro kara chay pay kwidamara uchuklla kapti:.

Alli prufusur-ni-: Alejandro ka-ra chay pay kwida-ma-ra uchuk-lla
good teacher-EUPH-1 Alejandro be-PST DEM.D 3 care.for-1.OBJ-PST small-RSTR
Bueno, mi prefesor. Alejandro era. El me cuidaba cuando era pequeña.
My teacher was good. He was Alejandro. He looked after me when I was small.
00:13:44.815 - 00:13:50.805

Hinashpa wiñaya:ña wiñaya:ña mastaña

ka-pti-: hinashpa wiña-ya-:-ña wiña-ya-:-ña mas-ta-ña
be-SUBDS-1 so grow-PROG-1-DISC grow-PROG-1-DISC more-ACC-DISC
Y así estoy creciendo grande grande.
So I was growing, I was growing more already.
00:13:51.445 - 00:13:55.415

Primariyapaña kaya:. Mama:qa ñaqchishpataqmá hatuskañayá kaya:

primariya-pa-ña ka-ya-: mama-:-qa ñaqchi-shpa-taq-m-á hatu-ska-ña-yá be-PROG-1 mother-1-TOP comb-SUBIS-SEQ-EVD-EMPH
En primaria ya estoy. MI mamá peinando ya estoy grande ya.
I was in elementary school already. My mother was combing me; I was big already.
00:13:55.455 - 00:14:03.425


Ñaqchayamantaq shimpayamantaq alli qaqchashpam mama:qa

ñaqcha-ya-ma-n-taq shimpa-ya-ma-n-taq alli qaqcha-shpa-m mama-:-qa
comb-PROG-1.OBJ-3-SEQ braid-PROG-1.OBJ-3-DISC good scold-SUBIS-EVD mother-1-TOP
Me está penando trenzando, resondrando bien, mi mamá
My mother is combing me, braiding me, scolding me a lot.
00:14:03.615 - 00:14:08.355

Kuchuy kuchuyta shimpayaman shimpayni:taqa.

kuchu-y kuchu-y-ta shimpa-ya-ma-n shimpay-ni-:-ta-qa
Duro duro ajustaba ajustaba está trenzando mi trenza.
She's braiding my braids tight, tight.
00:14:08.505 - 00:14:13.035

Kulihiyu, iskwilapaqa shimpayni:taq ñuqaqa paskiya:. Paskishpaqa

kulihiyu iskwila-pa-qa shimpay-ni-:-taq ñuqa-qa paski-ya-: school-LOC-TOP braid-INF-EUPH-1-SEQ 1-TOP untie-PROG-1
En la escuela, yo estoy destatando mis trenzas. Destatándolos,
In school, I'm untying my braids. When I untie them,
00:14:13.435 - 00:14:19.465

uma:kunata puntanta ruturu:

paski-shpa-qa uma-:-kuna-ta punta-n-ta rutu-ru-:
untie-SUBIS-TOP head-1-PL-ACC tip-3-ACC cut-URGT-1
Corté las puntas de mi cabeza.
I cut the ends off my hair.
00:14:19.515 - 00:14:23.265

Rutusaña wasimanqa kutikuya: muyurni:kunataqa qawashpatriki uma:ta rutukuya:.

'¿Ima, ima?' nishpaya. 'Puntankunatamá quruya: uma:pata'.
rutu-sa-ña wasi-man-qa kuti-ku-ya-: muyur-ni-:-kuna-ta-qa qawa-shpa-tri-ki
cut-PRF-DISC house-ALL-TOP return-PL-PROG-1 older-EUPH-1-PL-ACC-TOP
[Con mi cabello] cortado ya estoy regresando a mi casa. Pero cuando mi hermano
mayor, vió mi cabeza [le dije], 'Lo estoy cortando'. ¡¿Qué? ¿Qué?' dijo.
'Estoy cortando las puntas de mi pelo'.
[With my hair] cut, I'm retruning home. When my older brother saw my head, he
said, "What? What?" "I'm cuttung the ends of my hair."
00:14:23.725 - 00:14:34.045

uma-:-ta rutu-ku-ya-: ima ima ni-shpa-ya punta-n-kuna-ta-m-á quru-ya-:

see-SUBOS-EVC-KI head-1-ACC cut-REFL-PROF-1 what what say-SUBIS-INTENS

top-3-PL-ACC-EVD-EMPH cut-PROG-1 head-1-GEN-ACC

Uchuklla. Mama:qa nin, '¿Imanarunkitaq?' Shimpayta shimpay sumaq sumaq

shimpaykamashpam mama:qa
uchuk-lla mama-:-qa ni-n 'imana-ru-nki-taq Shimpa-y-ta shimpa-y sumaq sumaq
small-RSTR mother-1-TOP say-3 what-VRBZ-URGT-2-SEQ braid-INF-ACC braid-INF pretty
Pequeñita. Mi mamá dice, '¿Qué has hecho?' Mi trenza bonito trenzando mi mamá.
Small. My mother said, "What have you done?" braiding my braids really nicely,
my mother,
00:14:34.445 - 00:14:42.845

shimpa-yka-ma-shpa-m mama-:-qa
pretty braid-EXCEP-1.OBJ-SUBIS mother-1-TOP

Iskwilaman mandayaman ñuqaqa katraykusaña

iskwila-man manda-ya-ma-n ñuqa-qa katra-yku-sa-ña
school-ALL send-PROG-1.OBJ-3 1-TOP release-EXCEP-PRF-DISC
A escuela me está enviando. Yo soltada ya
She's sending me to school. I, released already,
00:14:43.145 - 00:14:47.200

wasi:man kutikuya:. Qaqchayaman mama:qa tayta:qa qaqchayaman. Piru manammá
wasi-:-man kuti-ku-ya-: qaqcha-ya-ma-n mama:qa tayta:qa qaqcha-ya-ma-n piru
house-1-ALL return-REFL-PROG_1 scold-PROG-1.OBJ-3 mother-1-TOP father-1-TOP
estoy regresando a mi casa. Me están resondrando mi mamá y mi papá. Pero no me
I'm returning home. My mother and my father are scolding me, but they don't hit
00:14:47.250 - 00:14:54.380

mana-m-á maqa-ma-n-chu
scold-PROG-1.OBJ-3 but no-EVD-EMPH hit-1.OBJ-3-NEG

Hinashpa chayna uchuklla huk huk visisñataqa

hinashpa chay-na uchuk-lla huk huk visis-ña-ta-qa
so DEM.D-VRBZ small-RSTR one one times-DISC-ACC_TOP
Y así, chiquita, otra vez ya también,
Then, like that, small, another time already again,
00:14:55.990 - 00:15:00.940

Primariyapa kapti: sikstu primariyapa kapti:ñataq sikstuchu kintuchu kara piru

chay chaypa kapti:mi.
primariya-pa ka-pti-: sikstu primariya-pa ka-pti-:-ña-taq sikstu-chu kintu-chu be-SUBDS-1 sixth be-SUBDS-1-DISC
Estuve en primaria. Cuando estuve en sexto primaria -- ¿en sexto o quinto era?
Pero cuando estuve por allí.
I was in elementary school- When I was in sixth grade -- was it sixth or fifth?
But when I was there,
00:15:01.110 - 00:15:07.920

ka-ra piru chay chay-pa ka-pti-:-mi

sixth-Q fifth-Q be-PST but DEM.D DEM.D-LOC be-SUBDS-1-EVD

Ñuqaqa amiga:wan altuta rikusa: huk wasipa tutapakurusa: istansiya:ta mana

ñuqa-qa amiga-:-wan altu-ta ri-ku-sa-: huk wasi-pa tuta-paku-ru-sa-:
1-TOP friend-1-INSTR high-ACC go-REFL-PRF-1 one house-LOC night-MUTBEN-PRF-1
Con me amiga he ido alto a otra casa. Me oscureció y no fui a mi estancia.
I went up hill with my fried to another house. It had got dark and I didn't go
to my ranch.
00:15:08.460 - 00:15:16.870

istansiya-:-ta mana ri-ra-:-chu

ranch-1-ACC no go-PST-1-NEG

Mama:qa hanapa istansiyapa sapallan kara. Mana trayachi: ñuqaqa amiga:wan ri:.
mama-:-qa hana-pa istansiya-pa sapa-lla-n ka-ra mana traya-chi-: ñuqa-qa
mother-1-TOP up-LOC ranch-LOC alone-RSTR-3 be-PST no arrive-CAUS-1 1-TOP
Mi mamá arriba en la estancia estaba sola. Yo no llegué. Fui con mi amiga.
My mother was up at the ranch alone. I didn't arrive. I went with my friend.
00:15:17.520 - 00:15:23.530

wasinta chaypa puñupaku:.

amiga-:-wan ri-: wasi-n-ta chay-pa puñu-paku-:
friend-1-INSTR go-1 house-3-ACC DEM.D-LOC sleep-MUTBEN-1
a su casa. Allí me alojé.
to her house. I fell asleep there.
00:15:23.740 - 00:15:26.510

Hinashpaqa siginti tutapaqa kulihiyu iskwilaman runapa wasillam qurpachakusa:pa

riya: iskwilaman.
hinashpa-qa siginti tuta-pa-qa kulihiyu iskwila-man runa-pa wasi-lla-m
so-TOP next night-LOC-TOP school-ALL person-GEN house-RSTR-EVD
Y así al siguente día, de la casa de la gente donde me alojé, fui a la escuela,
al colegio.
So, the next day, I went to school, to the high school from the house of the
people where I had lodged.
00:15:26.950 - 00:15:36.570

qurpacha-ku-sa-:-pa ri-ya-: iskwila-man

lodge-REFL-PRF-1-LOC go-PROG-1 school-ALL

I mama:qa shuyaraman iskwilapa

I mama-:-qa shuya-ra-ma-n iskwila-pa
and mother-1-TOP wait-PST-1.OBJ-3 school-LOC
Y mi mamá me esperó en la escuela.
And my mother waited for me at school.
00:15:36.800 - 00:15:40.480

Dios miyu mama: shuyaraman prufisurni:wan parlarusaña.

Dios miyu mama-: shuya-ra-ma-n prufisur-ni-:-wan parla-ru-sa-ña
God mine mother-1 wait-PST-1.OBJ-3 teacher-EUPH-1 talk-URST-PRF-3-DISC
¡Dios mío! Mi mamá me esperó. Con mi profesor había conversado ya.
My God! My mother waited for me. She had already talked with my teacher.
00:15:40.705 - 00:15:45.165

Chaypamá kastigachiman. 'Kay wambraqa manam wasiman hamurachu'.

chay-pa-m-á kastiga-chi-ma-n kay wambra-qa mana-m wasi-man
DEM.D-LOC-EVD-EMPH punish-CAUS-1.OBJ-3 DEM.P child-TOP no-EVD house-ALL
Allí me hizo castigar. 'Esta niña no vino a mi casa'.
I got myself punished there. "This girl didn't come home."
00:15:45.620 - 00:15:50.280

Chishikay chay amiganwan chay witrayta rikusa.

Chishikay chay amiga-n-wan chay witray-ta ri-ku-sa
last.night DEM.D friend-3-INSTR DEM.D up-ACC go.REFL-PRF
Anoche con su amiga se había ido allí arriba.
Last night, she went with her friend up hill.
00:15:50.280 - 00:15:53.260

nishpa. Tiyu: kara prufisur chay wataqa tiyu: Luis.

ni-shpa Tiyu-: ka-ra prufisur chay wata-qa tiyu-: Luis
say-SUBIS uncle-1 be-PST teacher DEM.D year-TOP uncle-1 Luis
diciendo. Mi tío era profesor ese año, mi tío Luis.
she said. My uncle was the teacher that year, my Uncle Luis.
00:15:53.460 - 00:15:58.280

sutin kara prufisur. Allalla riktu prufisur kara. ¿Imanaraq mama:qa? Huk
kumpañiruwan qipirkatramashpam kastigachiman.
suti-n ka-ra prufisur allalla riktu prufisur ka-ra imana-raq mama-:-qa huk
name-3 be-PST teacher really strict teacher be-PST what-VRBZ-CONT mother-1-TOP
su nombre era. Bien bien recto era profesor. ¿Qué hizo mi mamá¿ Con otro
compañero haciéndo me cargar. me hizo castigar.
was the teacher's name. The teacher was very strict. What did my mother do? SHe
carried me with another companion and had me punished.
00:15:58.395 - 00:16:08.975

kumpañiru-wan qipi-rkatra-ma-shpa-m kastiga-chi-ma-n

one companion-INSTR carry-FREQ-1.OBJ-SUBIS-EVD punish-CAUS-1.OBJ-3

'¡Amam nunka mas kayta ruwankichu!' nishpa chaypaq wanakurura: riyta huk
ama-m nunka mas kay-ta ruwa-nki-chu ni-shpa chay-paq wana-ku-ru-ra ri-y-ta huk
PROH never more DEM.PACC make-2-NEG say-SUBIS DEM.D-ABL fear-REFL-URGT-PST
'¡Nunca más vas a hacer ésto!' dijo. De allí tenía miedo de ir con otra amiga.
"Never do that again!" she said. Then I was afraid to go with another friend.
00:16:09.335 - 00:16:15.675

go-INF-ACC one friend-INSTR

Allalla amiga:wanqa asukarta kankara:, chankakata ruwara:.

allalla amiga-:-wan-qa asukar-ta kanka-ra-: chankaka-ta ruwa-ra-:
a.lot friend-1-INSTR-TOP sugar-ACC burn-PST-1 clayed.sugar-ACC make-PST-1
Bien bien con mi amiga quemé azúcar e hice chancaca.
With my friend, I burnt sugar and made clayed sugar.
00:16:15.855 - 00:16:21.595

Hatun platuwan chankakata apashpa kulihiyuman riyanchik.

hatun platu-wan chankaka-ta apa-shpa kulihiyu-man ri-ya-nchik
big plate-INSTR clayed.sugar-ACC bring-SUBIS go-PROG-1PL
Llevando un plato grande de chancaca fuimos al colegio.
Bringing a big plate of clayed sugar, we went to school.
00:16:21.995 - 00:16:26.735

Maqara maqarachiman kastigarachiman mama:qa. Tytakunawan willarun.

Maqa-ra maqa-ra-chi-ma-n kastiga-ra-chi-ma-n mama-:-qa tayta-kuna-wan willa-ru-n
hit-PST hit-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-3 punish-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-3 mother-1-TOP
Me hizo pegar, mi hizo castigar mi mamá. A mi papá todo avizó. Me hizo castigar.
My mother had me punished, she had me hit. She told my father and all. She had
me punished.
00:16:27.535 - 00:16:34.795

father-PL-INSTR tell-URGT-3 punish-PST-CAUS-1.OBJ-3

Unayqa prifisurkunaqa maystrukunaqa

unay-qa prifisur-kuna-qa maystru-kuna-qa
before-TOP teacher-PL-TOP teacher-PL-TOP
Antes, los profesores y los maestros
Before, the teachers, the teachers,
00:16:35.655 - 00:16:41.095

kara allalla riktu. Manam kananhinachu. Unayqa manam yatraptinchikqa

ka-ra allalla riktu mana-m kanan-hina-chu unay-qa mana-m yatra-pti-nchik-qa
be-PST a.lot strict no-EVD now-COMP-NEG before-TOP no-EVD know-SUBDS-1PL
eran bien rectos. No es como ahora. Antes cuando no sabíamos,
were very strict. It's not like now. When we didn't know
00:16:41.145 - 00:16:48.565

kastigamaranchik I chay chapa di sirbisa chaypam rudillarachimanchik.

kastiga-ma-ra-nchik I chay chapa di sirbisa chay-pa-m
punish-1.OBJ-PST-1PL and DEM.D cap of beer DEM.D-LOC-EVD
nos castigaban. En esas chapas de cerveza nos hacían arodillar.
they punished us. They made us kneel on beer bottle caps.
00:16:48.685 - 00:16:56.485

Uchuk uchuk rumikunallata achka achkata huñurishpam muqunchik
uchuk uchuk rumi-kuna-lla-ta achka achka-ta huñu-ri-shpa-m muqu-nchik
small small stone-PL-RSTR-ACC a.lot a.lot-ACC collect-INCEP-SUBIS-EVD knee-1PL
Juntando muchas pequeñas piedritas, [en] nuestras rodillas
Gathering up a lot of small stones, on our knees,
00:16:56.875 - 00:17:02.695

Tutal nananankama rudillarachimanchik. Makinchikkunapa hatu hatun rumita pisuta

tutal nana-na-n-kama rudilla-ra-chi-ma-nchik maki-nchik-kuna-pa hatu hatun
totally hurt-NMLZ-3-LIM knee-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-1PL hand-1PL-PL-LOC big big
total hasta que dolía nos hacían arrodillar. En nuestras manos, grande grande
piedra peso,
they made us kneel until it hurt. Big, big weight in our hands
00:17:02.855 - 00:17:10.415

rumi-ta pisu-ta
stome-ACC weight-ACC

hapishpam altuman qawarachimaranchik unayqa huk bida kastiga riktum kara

hapi-shpa-m altu-man qawa-ra-chi-ma-ra-nchik unay-qa huk bida kastiga riktu-m
grab-SUBIS-EVD high-ALL see-URGT-CAUS-1.OBJ-PST-1PL before-TOP one life punish
agarrando nos hacía mirar hacia alto antes. Total recto era el profesor.
grabbing, they made us look up. Before, the teachers were really strict.
00:17:11.005 - 00:17:18.045

ka-ra prufisur
strict-EVD be-PST teacher

Prufisurninchikqa kananqa manam chaynachu. Allalli siriyum kara prufisur alla

prufisur-ni-nchik-qa kanan-qa mana-m chay-na-chu allalli siriyu-m ka-ra prufisur
teacher-EUPH-1PL-TOP now-TOP no-EVD DEM.D-VRBZ-NEG a.lot serious-EVD be-PST
Nuestros profesores ahora ya no son así. Bien serios eran esos profesores.
Our teachers aren't like that now. Thos teachers were really serious.
00:17:18.305 - 00:17:26.725

alla chay
teacher good DEM.D

pinu pinu chay plantawanmi tutal kastigamaranchik makipaqa. Makinchikta misaman

kwadirnunchik qawanman truraykushpam,
pinu pinu chay planta-wan-mi tutal kastiga-ma-ra-nchik maki-pa-qa maki-nchik-ta
pine pine DEM.D tree-INSTR-EV totally punish-1.OBJ-PST-1PL hand-LOC-TOP
[Con ramas de] árboles de pino, pino nos castigaba total en las manos, poniendo
nuestros manosencima de nuetros cuadornos en la mesa.
They punished us on our hands with [branches from] pine, pine trees, putting
our hands on our notebooks on our desks.
00:17:26.865 - 00:17:36.845

misa-man kwadirnu-nchik qawa-n-man trura-yku-shpa-m

hand-1PL-ACC table-ALL notebook-1PL above-3-ALL put-EXCEP-SUBIS

Vidata chaywan ishkay kimsata chikutiyamaranchik makinchikwan chay sipriswan.

vida-ta chay-wan ishkay kimsa-ta chikuti-ya-ma-ra-nchik maki-nchik-wan chay
life-ACC DEM.D-INSTR dos three-ACC whip-PROG1.OBJ-PST-1PL hand-1PL-INSTR DEM.D
Total con-RSTR dos tres nos chicoteaba en nuestra mano con ese cipres.
Completely, with that, with that cyprus they whipped us two, three [times] on
our hands.
00:17:37.185 - 00:17:43.565


Chay kaspiwan vidata maqamaranchik makinchikpa chaymi

chay kaspi-wan vida-ta maqa-ma-ra-nchik maki-nchik-pa chay-mi
DEM.D stick-INSTR life-ACC hit-1.OBJ-PST-1PL hand-1PL-LOC DEM.D-EVD
Nos pagaron total en nuestras manos con ese palo.
They really hit us on our hands with that stick.
00:17:43.725 - 00:17:49.185

Manchakuna unayqa kara. Ñuqa machakura:mi bidatam. Prufisurni:taqa tayta: mama:

mancha-ku-na unay-qa ka-ra nuqa macha-ku-ra-:-mi vida-ta-m prufisurni-:-ta-qa
scare-REFL-NMLZ before-TOP be-PST 1 scare-REFL-PST-1EVD life-ACC
Antes era para tener miedo. Yo tenía miedo total. A mi profesor, mi papá y mi
mamá me dijeron,
Antes, you had to be scared. I was totally scared. My mother and my father told
me mi teacher
00:17:49.305 - 00:17:55.365

tayta-: mama-: ni-ma-ra

teacher-EUPH-1-ACC-TOP father-1 mother-1 say-1.OBJ-PST

Prufisurnikiqa sigundu padrihinam. Paytaqa rispitanki. Manchakunkim.

prufisurn-iki-qa sigundu padri-hina-m pay-ta-qa rispita-nki mancha-ku-nki-m
teacher-2-TOP second father-COMP-EVD 3-ACC-TOP respect-2 scare-REFL-2-EVD
Tu profesor es como tu segundo padre. Lo vas a respetar. Le. vas a tener miedo.
Your teacher is like a second father. Your going to respect him. Your going to
be afraid of him.
00:17:55.705 - 00:18:01.605 nimara mama:qa nimara wasi:paq lluqsipti:qa.

tayta-:-qa ni-ma-ra mama-:-qa ni-ma-ra wasi-:-paq
father-1-TOP say-1.OBJ-PST mother-1-TOP say-1.OBJ-PST house-1-ABL
Mi papá y mi mamá me dijeron cuando salí de mi casa.
Mt father and mother said to me when I left my house.
00:18:02.065 - 00:18:07.265


Mayur runakunataqa sumbriruykita hurqushpam saludanki.

mayur runa-kuna-ta-qa sumbriru-yki-ta hurqu-shpa-m saluda-nki
elder person-PL-ACC-TOP hat-2-ACC take.out-SUBIS-EVD greet-2
Vas a saludar a personas mayores, sacándote el sombrero.
Taking off your hat, you're going to greet your elders.
00:18:07.485 - 00:18:15.595

Makikiwanmi yasqakunataqa makikita altuman huqarishpam

Maki-ki-wan-mi yasqa-kuna-ta-qa maki-ki-ta altu-man huqari-shpa-m
hand-2-INSTR-EVD old-PL-ACC-TOP hand-2-ACC high-ALL raise-SUBIS-EVD
tus mayores con to mano, levantando tu mano alto.
with your hand to your elders, rasing your hand high.
00:18:15.715 - 00:18:21.795

saludanki, nimara mama: tayta:. Yatrachimara allalla dirichu puriyta, manam

saluda-nki ni-ma-ra mama-: tayta-: yatra-chi-ma-ra allalla dirichu puri-y-ta
greet-2 say-1.OBJ-PST mother-1 father-1 know-CAUS1.OBJ-PST a.lot straight
vas a saludar me decía mi mamá, mi papá. Me enseñaba a andar bien derecho ni en
you're going to greet them, my mother and my father said to me. They tought me
to walk really straight. In town, not
00:18:22.265 - 00:18:29.825

mana-m llaqta-kuna-pa
walk-INF-ACC no-EVD town-PL-LOC

pukllanapaqa munarachu manam iskinakunapa amigaykikunawan kumpañiruykikunawan

manam purinachu kara.
puklla-na-paq-qa muna-ra-chu mana-m iskina-kuna-pa amiga-yki-kuna-wan
play-NMLZ-PURP want-PST-NEG no-EVD corner-PL-LOC friend-2-PL_INSTR
No querían que juegues. No te permitía andar en la esquina con tus amigas, con
tus compañeros.
They didn't want you to play. They didn't permit you to walk about on the
corner with your friends, with your companions.
00:18:30.105 - 00:18:37.405

kumpañiru-yki-kuna-wan mana-m puri-na-chu ka-ra

companion-2-PL-INSTR no-EVD walk-NMLZ-NEG be-PST

Diriktaminti dirichulla purinam altullantam rira: ñuqa wasi:man.

diriktaminti dirichu-lla puri-na-m altu-lla-n-ta-m ri-ra-: ñuqa wasi-:-man
directly straight-ACC walk-NMLZ-EVD high-RSTR-3-ACC-EVD go-PST-1 1 house-ALL
Directo para encima no más tenía que ir a mi casa, yo.
I had to go home directly up hill.
00:18:37.525 - 00:18:44.165

Altullantam manam llaqtaman trayakuyta munara:chu.

altu-lla-n-ta-m mana-m llaqta-man traya-ku-y-ta munara:chu.
high-RSTR-3-ACC no-EVD house-ALL arrive-REFL-INF-ACC house-PST-1-NEG
Por encima no más. No querían que llegue al pueblo.
Just via the hill. The didn't want me to arrive in town.
00:18:44.345 - 00:18:48.265

Huk kuti vulita pukllashpa amiga:kunawan kulihiyala

Huk kuti vuli-ta puklla-shpa amiga-:-kuna-wan kulihiyu-la
volleyball-ACC play-SUBIS friend-PL-INSTR
Una vez cuando estaba jugando voli con mis amigas en el colegio
One time when I was playing volleyball with my friends at school.
00:18:48.435 - 00:18:53.315

Masikunawan pukllashpa dimuraykurura: cinco y mediata seistaña trayaru: wasiman

masi-kuna-wan puklla-shpa dimura-yku-ru-ra-: sinku i mediata seis-ta-ña
ACMP-PL-INSTR play-SUBIS tarry-EXCEP-REFL-URGT-PST-1 five and middle-ACC
Jugando con mis amigas, demoré. Llegué a mi casa a las cinco y media, seis.
playing with my friends, I tarried. I arrived at my house at five-thirty, six
00:18:53.355 - 00:19:00.205

traya-ru-: wasi-man
six-ACC-DISC arrive-URGT-1 house-ALL

Tayta:, tayta:qa hinashpaqa tutapaqa

tayta-: tayta-:-qa hinashpa-qa tuta-pa-qa
father-1 father-1-TOP so-TOP night-LOC-TOP
Mi papá, mi papá después en la mañana,
My father, my father, then, in the morning,
00:19:00.485 - 00:19:07.625

tuta tuta rishpa prufisurta nin, '¿Imapaqmi wambra: ... ? ¿Imay uram lluqsira?'
tuta tuta ri-shpa prufisur-ta ni-n imapaq-mi wambra-: imay ura-m lluqsi-ra
night night go-SUBIS teacher-ACC say-3 why-EVD child-1 when hour-EVD leave-PST
Noche, noche, dijo al profesor, ¿Por qué a mi hija ... ¿A qué hora salió?
AT night, at night, he said to my teacher, "Why did my daughter ... ?What time
did she leave?'
00:19:07.825 - 00:19:13.265

'¿Siyrtuchu tardi lluqsirura?' nishpa tapun prufisurtaqa. Kastigachimanyá.

siyrtu-chu tardi lluqsi-ru-ra ni-shpa tapu-n prufisur-ta-qa
true-Q late leave-URGT-PST say-SUBIS ask-3 teacher-ACC-TOP
'¿De verdad salió muy tarde?' preguntó al profesor. Me hizo castigar, pues.
"In truth, did she leave late?" my father asked my teacher. He got me punished,
00:19:13.285 - 00:19:18.635


Manayá kasi manam upallanchu. Kastigachiman allalliyá.

Mana-yá kasi mana-m upa-lla-n-chu. kastiga-chi-ma-n allalli-yá
no-INTENS almost no-EVD dumb-RSTR-3-NEG punish-CAUS-1.OBJ-2 a.lot-INTENS
No, pues, no se callaba, Me hizo castigar bien bien.
No, then, he didn't keep quiet. He had me punished really well.
00:19:18.715 - 00:19:24.855

'¿Maypam pukllara? ¿Pim urdinara?' nishpa prufisurtapis allalli qaqcharin

maypa-m puklla-ra pi-m urdina-ra ni-shpa prufisur-ta-pis allalli qaqcha-ri-n
where-LOC-EVD play-PST who.EVD order-PST say-SUBIS teacher-ACC-ADD a.lot
¿Dónde jugó? Quién lo ordenó? dijo a mi profesor. Y lo resondró bien bien mi
"Where did she play? Who ordered it?" he said to the teacher and he scolded him
really well.
00:19:24.895 - 00:19:30.395

scold-INCEP-3 father-1-TOP

Chaynam unayqa kara wambra kapti:. Chayta willakuya:.

chay-na-m unay-qa ka-ra wambra ka-pti-: chay-ta willa-ku-ya-:
DEM.D-VRBZ-EVD before-TOP be-PST child be-SUBDS-1 DEM.D-ACC tell-REFL-PROG-1
Así era antes cuando era niña. Eso estoy avisándolo.
That's the way it was before when I was girl. That's what I'm telling.
00:19:30.735 - 00:19:35.755


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