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--------- beginning of crash

05-13 15:38:06.977 856 856 F linker : CANNOT LINK EXECUTABLE

"/system_ext/bin/sprd_networkcontrol": library "" not found:
needed by main executable
--------- beginning of system
05-14 01:10:42.199 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10076. pid: 23239
05-14 01:10:42.252 1097 4114 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #25
05-14 01:10:42.253 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 19431 for 12
05-14 01:10:42.256 1097 4114 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10223. pid: 23224
05-14 01:10:42.262 1097 4106 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.whatsapp/'s state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.whatsapp:10223
05-14 01:10:42.273 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.283 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10153. pid: 23246
05-14 01:10:42.289 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.310 1097 3483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.326 1097 3333 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e3ab527
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:10:42.339 1097 3483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.340 1097 3483 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{9137cc3} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:10:42.342 1097 3483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.342 1097 3483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.361 1097 1202 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
e3f3e53 #u0a223/16305
05-14 01:10:42.365 1097 3333 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{99d3a04
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:10:42.367 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.368 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.369 1097 1202 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2056f2b} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:10:42.391 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10145. pid: 23276
05-14 01:10:42.425 1097 3483 D PackageManager: Considering set
eiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:10:42.430 1097 3333 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{70a51d7} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:10:42.449 1097 4106 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #83575} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (42 skipped)
05-14 01:10:42.454 1097 1479 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5fdc1de
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:10:42.494 1097 1556 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:10:42.494 1097 1556 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:10:42.494 1097 1556 D PackageManager: Considering set
eiver's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:10:42.561 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.562 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.565 1097 1202 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8cdb89b} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:10:42.658 1097 4106 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
899e3df #u0a153/11503
05-14 01:10:42.672 1097 1556 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
ef66fd7 #u0a153/11504
05-14 01:10:42.695 1097 1556 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945): empty #25
05-14 01:10:42.696 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22498 for 12
05-14 01:10:42.709 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{eb928e5
05-14 01:10:42.710 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 99076; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:42.710 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 99076; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:42.710 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 99076; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:42.710 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 99076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.711 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.742 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i76 for
05-14 01:10:42.746 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10133
05-14 01:10:42.755 1097 3333 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore: 678899
05-14 01:10:42.785 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 99076. pid: 23494
05-14 01:10:42.832 1097 1202 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:10:42.833 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{4bb76e6}
05-14 01:10:42.834 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:42.834 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:42.834 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:42.834 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.835 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.850 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:10:42.869 1097 4107 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed:
service Intent { act=com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService.START
cmp=com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService } to
com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService from pid=23224 uid=10223 pkg=com.whatsapp
05-14 01:10:42.873 1097 4107 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:42.874 1097 4107 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:42.875 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.875 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 226439802; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.878 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.879 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.880 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{5456596:
PendingIntentRecord{bee1f74 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=34377564 win=11249 tElapsed=34377564 maxElapsed=34388813 interval=0
05-14 01:10:42.880 1097 1202 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{b842517:
PendingIntentRecord{5709bca com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=34962559 win=0 tElapsed=34962559 maxElapsed=34962559 interval=0
05-14 01:10:42.881 1097 3483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.933 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10144. pid: 23527
05-14 01:10:42.945 1097 4107 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{51b37a3:
PendingIntentRecord{15e45e0 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=0 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=1715632204000 win=0 tElapsed=37323684 maxElapsed=37323684 interval=0
05-14 01:10:42.947 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:42.952 1097 4107 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{59faaff:
PendingIntentRecord{1f9e47 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=2407199940 win=0 tElapsed=2407199940 maxElapsed=2407199940 interval=0
05-14 01:10:42.956 1097 4107 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{fcdf81b:
PendingIntentRecord{14f7f5e com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=102134428 win=0 tElapsed=102134428 maxElapsed=102134428 interval=0
05-14 01:10:42.962 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{c2d0db8:
PendingIntentRecord{18f744f com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=77562647 win=32400000 tElapsed=77562647 maxElapsed=109962647
interval=43200000 flags=0x0
05-14 01:10:42.989 1097 3483 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{b0766f6:
PendingIntentRecord{97abc26 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=0 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=1715711410000 win=0 tElapsed=116529685 maxElapsed=116529685
interval=0 flags=0x5
05-14 01:10:43.009 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945): empty #25
05-14 01:10:43.010 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22513 for 12
05-14 01:10:43.017 1097 3483 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 250): empty #25
05-14 01:10:43.018 1097 3483 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 955): empty #26
05-14 01:10:43.019 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22545 for 12
05-14 01:10:43.035 1097 3333 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:10:43.035 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{bbafc82 0:android.process.acore/u0a52}
05-14 01:10:43.036 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:43.036 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:43.036 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:43.036 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:43.037 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:43.045 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10058
05-14 01:10:43.049 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
23578:android.process.acore/u0a52 for content provider
05-14 01:10:43.062 1097 3483 D TextToSpeechManagerPerUserService: Unbinding TTS
engine: Reason: client process death is reported
05-14 01:10:43.063 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10123
05-14 01:10:43.065 1097 3483 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.speech.tts.TTS_QUEUE_PROCESSING_COMPLETED
flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:10:43.067 1097 1097 W TextToSpeechManagerPerUserService: Disconnected
from TTS engine
05-14 01:10:43.069 1097 1097 I TextToSpeechManagerPerUserService: Failed running
callback method: android.os.DeadObjectException
05-14 01:10:43.081 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10231
05-14 01:10:43.103 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:43.103 1097 4119 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.whatsapp/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.whatsapp:10223
05-14 01:10:43.103 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:43.112 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:43.116 1097 4119 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.whatsapp/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.whatsapp:10223
05-14 01:10:43.122 1097 4107 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 157233955; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:43.158 1097 1202 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{a434bf5:
PendingIntentRecord{5709bca com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=34962841 win=0 tElapsed=34962841 maxElapsed=34962841 interval=0
05-14 01:10:43.169 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:10:43.170 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22714 for 12
05-14 01:10:43.172 1097 1202 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b01c818
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:10:43.177 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:43.178 1097 4107 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{549b271
com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE/u0} from uid 10069 pid 5638 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:10:43.189 1097 4107 D PackageManager: Considering set
stReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:10:43.213 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10131
05-14 01:10:43.216 1097 4119 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:10:43.216 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22748 for 12
05-14 01:10:43.230 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10052. pid: 23578
05-14 01:10:43.289 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10107
05-14 01:10:43.312 1097 1202 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{add760} from uid 10125
pid 28718 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:10:43.316 1097 1202 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{8fbe34
10125/u0 ReceiverList{45b6d07 28718
remote:dae1746}} finished with BroadcastRecord{add760} took 2ms
05-14 01:10:43.328 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 201794303; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:43.329 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 207133734; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:43.432 1097 1181 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5e738ea
android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 78 receivers
05-14 01:10:43.436 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:43.436 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:43.478 1097 1333 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21388 for 6
05-14 01:10:43.523 1097 1145 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x24000010
05-14 01:10:43.946 1097 1202 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{957683a:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315394363630
win=3600000 tElapsed=315394363630 maxElapsed=315397963630 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:10:44.373 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 20334 for 6
05-14 01:10:44.374 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21251 for 6
05-14 01:10:44.375 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21218 for 6
05-14 01:10:44.509 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{dd454af
05-14 01:10:44.510 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:44.511 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:44.512 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 207557677; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:44.563 1097 3483 D MediaMetricsManagerService: failed to get
player_metrics_app_blocklist from DeviceConfig
05-14 01:10:44.563 1097 3483 V MediaMetricsManagerService: Logging level blocked:
05-14 01:10:44.619 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 110ms so far, now
at startProcess: returned from zygote!
05-14 01:10:44.620 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 111ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
05-14 01:10:44.620 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 111ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
05-14 01:10:44.620 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:3/u0ai0 for
05-14 01:10:44.620 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 111ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
05-14 01:10:44.621 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 112ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
05-14 01:10:44.636 1097 3483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:44.636 1097 3483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:10:44.683 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 90000. pid: 23656
05-14 01:10:44.905 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{92f66a1
05-14 01:10:44.906 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:44.919 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:4/u0ai1 for
05-14 01:10:44.972 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 90001. pid: 23683
05-14 01:10:45.047 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935): empty #25
05-14 01:10:45.048 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22803 for 12
05-14 01:10:45.052 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:4/u0a136i-8999 (adj 0): isolated not needed
05-14 01:10:45.060 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{fad054c
05-14 01:10:45.060 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:45.069 1097 4107 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183164979; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:45.073 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:5/u0ai2 for
05-14 01:10:45.074 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 90001
05-14 01:10:45.081 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10124
05-14 01:10:45.115 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 90002. pid: 23704
05-14 01:10:45.176 1097 1115 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:5/u0a136i-8998 (adj 0): isolated not needed
05-14 01:10:45.201 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 90002
05-14 01:10:45.485 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{7c5c86f
05-14 01:10:45.486 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:45.502 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:6/u0ai3 for
05-14 01:10:45.561 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 90003. pid: 23726
05-14 01:10:45.645 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:6/u0a136i-8997 (adj 0): isolated not needed
05-14 01:10:45.655 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{ca7e2b2
05-14 01:10:45.656 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:45.670 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:7/u0ai4 for
05-14 01:10:45.673 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 90003
05-14 01:10:45.717 1097 1115 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 90004. pid: 23747
05-14 01:10:45.778 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:7/u0a136i-8996 (adj 0): isolated not needed
05-14 01:10:45.801 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 90004
05-14 01:10:46.169 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:46.174 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:46.175 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d5e0f2d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 01:10:46.176 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:46.178 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:46.178 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:10:46.178 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:10:46.179 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 385,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:10:48.923 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:48.925 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:51.880 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:34371565 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:10:52.050 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:52.053 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:52.055 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:52.057 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:52.130 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23276
05-14 01:10:52.610 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:52.610 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:52.611 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:52.982 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23527
05-14 01:10:53.087 449 23477 I keystore2:
system/security/keystore2/src/ - Watchdog thread idle ->
terminating. Have a great day.
05-14 01:10:53.105 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23578
05-14 01:10:53.173 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #83749} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (29 skipped)
05-14 01:10:53.174 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{138d5d3
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:10:53.276 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 5298
05-14 01:10:53.949 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23239
05-14 01:10:53.952 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23494
05-14 01:10:54.482 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 20334
05-14 01:10:54.484 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21251
05-14 01:10:54.485 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21218
05-14 01:10:54.715 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23246
05-14 01:10:54.718 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23656
05-14 01:10:57.169 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:57.171 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:57.171 1097 4139 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10145; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:10:57.173 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:57.175 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:10:57.565 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:11:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715629260000, elapsedRealtime=34379685
05-14 01:11:03.058 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:03.060 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:03.062 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:03.065 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:03.190 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23224 com.whatsapp
05-14 01:11:03.590 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21388
05-14 01:11:08.178 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:08.182 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:08.182 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{72a526c
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 01:11:08.183 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:08.186 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:11:08.187 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:08.187 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:11:08.187 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 384,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:11:09.128 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715629269128, elapsedRealtime=34388813
05-14 01:11:14.065 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:14.068 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:14.070 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:14.072 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:15.163 1097 1115 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{5b771b6 Top #83759} whose proc state
1 is better than process ProcessState{97806bf} proc state 3 (1
05-14 01:11:19.188 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:19.190 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:19.191 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:19.193 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:25.074 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:25.076 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:25.078 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:25.081 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:30.193 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:30.196 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:30.198 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:30.200 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:34.414 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715629294414, elapsedRealtime=34414099
05-14 01:11:36.086 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:36.088 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:36.091 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:36.094 1097 1115 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:41.201 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:41.204 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:41.206 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:41.208 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:46.265 1097 1181 W PackageManager: Not removing package hosting lib
version 636712333 used by [VersionedPackage[]]
for user 0
05-14 01:11:47.089 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:47.092 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:47.094 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:47.098 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:48.923 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:48.926 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:49.834 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:11:49.835 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:11:49.836 1097 1114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{269c33a:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=35319517 win=0
tElapsed=35319517 maxElapsed=35319517 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:11:49.871 1097 1114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{6a0d906:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=34549552 win=0
tElapsed=34549552 maxElapsed=34549552 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:11:49.873 1097 1114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{2eb5f4:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=35319557 win=0
tElapsed=35319557 maxElapsed=35319557 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:11:49.876 1097 1114 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e0c011d} from uid 10125 pid 1750 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:11:49.877 1097 1147 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:11:49.877 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{dcdfd63 0:com.thegosa.miuithemes/u0a53}
05-14 01:11:49.878 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10053; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:11:49.878 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10053; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:11:49.878 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10053; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:11:49.878 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:11:49.879 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:11:49.892 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
23792:com.thegosa.miuithemes/u0a53 for broadcast
05-14 01:11:49.927 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10053; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:11:49.927 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10053; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:11:49.935 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:11:49.938 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:11:50.234 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:34429919 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:11:50.235 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 6
05-14 01:11:50.237 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:11:50.345 1097 1115 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:11:50.582 1097 1115 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10053. pid: 23792
05-14 01:11:50.688 1097 1114 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{589107f
m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}} finished with BroadcastRecord{e0c011d} took 755ms
05-14 01:11:50.862 1097 1114 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:11:50.862 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{3517905 0:com.thegosa.miuithemes:AppMetrica/u0a53}
05-14 01:11:50.862 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10053; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:11:50.863 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10053; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:11:50.863 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10053; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:11:50.863 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:11:50.863 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:11:50.880 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
23884:com.thegosa.miuithemes:AppMetrica/u0a53 for service
05-14 01:11:50.897 1097 1097 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for
locked/gone/disabled user 0
05-14 01:11:51.121 1097 1114 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10053. pid: 23884
05-14 01:11:51.133 1097 1115 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e3562fe
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:11:51.193 1097 1114 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 915): empty #25
05-14 01:11:51.194 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22839 for 12
05-14 01:11:51.230 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10106
05-14 01:11:51.234 1097 1115 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:11:51.235 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22627 for 12
05-14 01:11:51.237 1097 1115 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #83826} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (0 skipped)
05-14 01:11:51.356 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10101
05-14 01:11:52.214 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:52.216 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:52.218 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:52.221 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:56.490 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:11:58.098 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:58.099 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:58.102 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:11:58.104 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:00.692 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23792
05-14 01:12:01.210 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23884
05-14 01:12:01.345 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 18367
05-14 01:12:01.365 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:12:03.220 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:03.222 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:03.224 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:03.226 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:09.106 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:09.111 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:09.115 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:09.117 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:11.849 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:12:14.226 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:14.230 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:14.231 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{be517e6
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:12:14.232 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:14.234 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:14.236 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:12:14.236 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:12:14.236 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 383,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:12:20.113 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:20.115 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:20.119 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:20.121 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:26.257 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:26.260 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:26.263 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:26.265 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:29.710 1097 1275 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x10 (has
extras) }
05-14 01:12:30.663 1097 1275 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x10 (has
extras) }
05-14 01:12:32.149 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:32.152 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:32.154 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:32.157 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:38.037 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:38.040 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:38.042 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:38.045 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:43.153 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:43.156 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:43.159 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:43.161 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:45.129 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:12:48.923 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:48.925 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:49.042 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:49.044 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:49.047 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:49.050 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:54.161 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:54.164 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:54.165 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d96db0b
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:12:54.166 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:54.168 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:12:54.168 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:12:54.169 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 382,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:12:54.169 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:12:58.981 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:13:00.049 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:00.052 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:00.055 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:00.057 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:05.170 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:05.173 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:05.175 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:05.177 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:11.058 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:11.061 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:11.062 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d9ea3a9
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:13:11.063 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:11.065 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:13:11.066 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:13:11.066 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 383,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:13:11.067 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:16.178 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:16.182 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:16.183 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8541ac7
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:13:16.184 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:16.185 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:16.188 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:13:16.188 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:13:16.188 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 382,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:13:22.068 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:22.070 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:22.071 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:22.074 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:27.188 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:27.189 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:27.190 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:27.190 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:33.074 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:33.076 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:33.079 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:33.081 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:38.194 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:38.196 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:38.199 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:38.202 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:44.082 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:44.084 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:44.086 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:44.088 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:48.923 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:48.926 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:49.202 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:49.204 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:49.206 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:49.209 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:55.089 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:55.093 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:55.095 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:55.098 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:13:56.809 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:14:00.210 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:00.212 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:00.214 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:00.217 1097 1203 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:06.097 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:06.100 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:06.102 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:06.104 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:11.217 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:11.219 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:11.222 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:11.224 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:12.170 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:14:17.105 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:17.108 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:17.111 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:17.113 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:18.186 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:14:19.189 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:14:22.228 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:22.230 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:22.232 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:22.236 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:28.113 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:28.116 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:28.118 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:28.120 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:33.233 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:33.236 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:33.238 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:33.241 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:39.121 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:39.124 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:39.126 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:39.129 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:45.009 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:45.012 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:45.014 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:45.017 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:48.923 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:48.925 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:50.129 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:50.132 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:50.134 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:50.137 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:55.690 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:14:56.021 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:56.024 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:56.026 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:14:56.029 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:00.222 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715629500222, elapsedRealtime=34619907
05-14 01:15:00.223 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 01:15:00.224 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=34679685 win=0 tElapsed=34679685 maxElapsed=34679685 interval=0
05-14 01:15:00.225 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{578c27a
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 01:15:00.229 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{4082a2b type 3 origWhen 34379685 whenElapsed 34379685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 01:15:00.229 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{c953e88 type 3 origWhen 34391608 whenElapsed 34391608 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d, listenerTag=*job.delay*,
05-14 01:15:00.236 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =
oppo.intent.action.RUS_KILL_SELF_WHEN_IDLE, alarm = Alarm{9c94021 type 0 origWhen
1715629500222 whenElapsed 34619907 com.nearme.romupdate}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{8de0a9c: PendingIntentRecord{6fc06b1 com.nearme.romupdate
startService}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:15:00.238 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6c08c46
com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC/u0} from uid 10223 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:15:00.238 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC, alarm = Alarm{edd3e07 type 3 origWhen
34377564 whenElapsed 34377564 com.whatsapp}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{5456596: PendingIntentRecord{bee1f74 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:15:00.240 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23224 com.whatsapp
for 3
05-14 01:15:00.243 1097 1203 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{258bd5d:
PendingIntentRecord{8d428aa com.nearme.romupdate broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.nearme.romupdate
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=1715678759234 win=3600000 tElapsed=83878919
maxElapsed=87478919 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 01:15:00.246 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{1000 android} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=34713494 win=70172 tElapsed=34713494 maxElapsed=34783666 interval=0
05-14 01:15:00.251 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 175319604; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.253 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:15:00.253 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 195579280; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.256 1097 1203 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:15:00.257 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10145; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.261 1097 1203 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:15:00.283 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.290 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23239
com.glance.lockscreenRealme for 6
05-14 01:15:00.292 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23494
cessService0:0 for 6
05-14 01:15:00.293 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 6
05-14 01:15:00.298 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.304 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.307 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23246 for 6
05-14 01:15:00.309 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 20334 for 6
05-14 01:15:00.313 1097 4114 I ActivityManager: Process com.nearme.romupdate (pid
18165) has died: fg SVC
05-14 01:15:00.314 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21251 for 12
05-14 01:15:00.314 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21218 for 12
05-14 01:15:00.315 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23656
ice0:3 for 12
05-14 01:15:00.316 1097 4114 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #83861} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (3 skipped)
05-14 01:15:00.321 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.330 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10145; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.335 1097 4090 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{27f6cb1
10223/u0 ReceiverList{b6d0358 23224 com.whatsapp/10223/u0 remote:b23c03b}} finished
with BroadcastRecord{6c08c46 com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC/u0} took 92ms
05-14 01:15:00.341 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23276 for 6
05-14 01:15:00.345 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:15:00.346 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:15:00.346 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:15:00.346 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:15:00.346 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:15:00.346 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:15:00.347 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:15:00.347 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:15:00.349 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10145; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.349 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10145; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.354 1097 3427 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
35ddd3a #u0a145/-1971024830
05-14 01:15:00.367 1097 3427 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [24, 33, 41, 64, 73, 118, 152, 182, 183, 186, 195, 228, 231, 232, 234,
235, 255, 256, 262, 264, 270, 273, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 291]
05-14 01:15:00.387 1097 4094 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
57e2c65 #u0a145/-1802807665
05-14 01:15:00.510 1097 4114 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
3ff51ef #u0a223/16308
05-14 01:15:00.515 23276 23953 I ActivityThread: Removing dead content
05-14 01:15:00.515 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 18367) early provider death
05-14 01:15:00.516 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 18367) has died: cch+25 CEM
05-14 01:15:00.522 1097 4106 W ActivityManager: ProcessRecord{f320bfd} is attached to a previous process 18367
05-14 01:15:00.523 1097 4106 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:15:00.523 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{4060a24}
05-14 01:15:00.523 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:15:00.524 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:15:00.524 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:15:00.524 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.548 1097 4114 V ActivityManager: Got obituary of
05-14 01:15:00.549 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.562 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
05-14 01:15:00.581 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:15:00.581 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:15:00.590 1097 1203 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:15:00.645 1097 4139 W ActivityManager: Unable to start service Intent
{ } U=0: not
05-14 01:15:00.646 1097 4139 W ActivityManager: Unbind failed: could not find
connection for android.os.BinderProxy@3249cb
05-14 01:15:00.673 1097 4139 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10125. pid: 23963
05-14 01:15:00.709 1097 4139 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed:
service Intent { act=com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService.START
cmp=com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService } to
com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService from pid=23224 uid=10223 pkg=com.whatsapp
05-14 01:15:00.715 1097 4112 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{590dffd:
PendingIntentRecord{d9ca4f2 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=34635399 win=11249 tElapsed=34635399 maxElapsed=34646648 interval=0
05-14 01:15:00.716 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{b202743:
PendingIntentRecord{97951c0 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=35220399 win=0 tElapsed=35220399 maxElapsed=35220399 interval=0
05-14 01:15:00.990 1097 4139 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2796a84
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:15:00.994 1097 4139 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{23ec26d
com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE/u0} from uid 10069 pid 5638 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:15:01.004 1097 4106 D PackageManager: Considering set
stReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:15:01.010 1097 4112 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{1442ea2:
PendingIntentRecord{97951c0 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=35220694 win=0 tElapsed=35220694 maxElapsed=35220694 interval=0
05-14 01:15:01.131 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:01.132 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:01.133 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:01.134 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:07.029 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:07.031 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:07.032 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:07.034 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:10.493 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23276
05-14 01:15:10.618 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23239
05-14 01:15:10.620 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23494
05-14 01:15:10.621 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 01:15:10.621 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23246
05-14 01:15:10.998 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #83917} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (5 skipped)
05-14 01:15:10.999 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{fed8e95
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:15:11.054 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 20334
05-14 01:15:11.056 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:15:11.058 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21251
05-14 01:15:11.059 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21218
05-14 01:15:11.060 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23656
05-14 01:15:12.145 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:12.147 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:12.148 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:12.150 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:18.033 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:18.035 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:18.037 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:18.039 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:21.042 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23224 com.whatsapp
05-14 01:15:22.570 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:15:23.153 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:23.156 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:23.158 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:23.159 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:23.572 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:15:26.963 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715629526963, elapsedRealtime=34646648
05-14 01:15:29.041 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:29.044 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:29.046 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:29.048 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:34.089 1097 4112 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:15:34.161 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:34.164 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:34.165 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:34.167 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:40.049 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:40.051 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:40.053 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:40.056 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:45.169 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:45.171 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:45.174 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:45.176 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:48.923 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:48.925 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:51.057 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:51.059 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:51.062 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:51.064 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:56.177 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:56.179 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:56.181 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:15:56.183 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715629560000, elapsedRealtime=34679685
05-14 01:16:00.298 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:16:00.331 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:16:00.333 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:16:00.334 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:16:00.334 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:16:02.066 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:02.069 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:02.072 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:02.074 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:07.186 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:07.189 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:07.191 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:07.193 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:12.489 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:16:13.074 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:13.078 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:13.080 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:13.082 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:14.494 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:16:15.497 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:16:18.198 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:18.201 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:18.203 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:18.205 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:18.888 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:16:22.032 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161252188; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:16:24.085 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:24.088 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:24.090 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:24.092 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:29.202 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:29.205 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:29.207 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{41673e8
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:16:29.207 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:29.211 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:16:29.211 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:16:29.211 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 381,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:16:29.212 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:35.090 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:35.094 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:35.094 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{1b9de83
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:16:35.096 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:35.100 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:16:35.100 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:16:35.100 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 382,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:16:35.101 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:38.089 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:16:39.092 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:16:40.212 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:40.217 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:40.217 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2c2a718
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:16:40.220 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:40.223 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:40.223 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:16:40.223 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:16:40.223 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 381,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:16:46.097 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:46.100 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:46.104 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:46.107 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:48.923 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:48.925 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:51.221 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:51.224 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:51.226 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:51.229 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:57.109 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:57.112 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:57.115 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:16:57.117 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:02.225 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:02.229 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:02.229 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{812008d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:17:02.231 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:02.234 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:17:02.234 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:17:02.235 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 380,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:17:02.236 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:06.448 1097 1215 I JobServiceContext: Client timed out while
executing (no jobFinished received). Sending onStop: 1be2792 #u0a244/1331
05-14 01:17:06.467 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:17:06.488 1097 4112 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10128} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=34780679 win=25879 tElapsed=34780679
maxElapsed=34806558 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:17:06.495 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.500 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:17:06.500 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10155; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:06.500 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10155; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:06.500 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.501 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.515 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:17:06.526 1097 1097 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
05-14 01:17:06.526 1097 1097 V BackupManagerConstants:
getKeyValueBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 14400000
05-14 01:17:06.526 1097 1097 I BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Beginning
scheduled full backup operation
05-14 01:17:06.528 1097 1097 D PFTBT : backupmanager pftbt token=1d387a11
05-14 01:17:06.531 1097 1097 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Acquired
05-14 01:17:06.561 1097 23994 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 6
05-14 01:17:06.562 1097 23994 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{9547b4a ImpFg #83927} whose proc state 5
is better than process ProcessState{bc53abb (sub)} proc state 6 (1 skipped)
05-14 01:17:06.565 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:34746250 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:17:06.570 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:1,
minute:7, seconds:6
05-14 01:17:06.570 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:1,
minute:17, seconds:6
05-14 01:17:06.581 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10155; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:06.582 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10155; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:06.589 1097 4139 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.589 1097 4139 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a6b8f69} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:17:06.589 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.590 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.602 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent
{ flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:17:06.608 1097 1097 I TransportConnection: BackupTransportService#432:
Notifying [] transport = BackupTransportClient
05-14 01:17:06.611 1097 23994 I PFTBT : Initiating full-data transport backup of token: 490240529
05-14 01:17:06.612 1097 4090 D BackupTransportManager: [UserID:0] Transport updated its attributes
05-14 01:17:06.620 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 22514 for 7
05-14 01:17:06.639 1097 4090 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{914ffb4} from uid 10125 pid
28718 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:17:06.653 1097 4112 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{bca24d9:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315394746338
win=3600000 tElapsed=315394746338 maxElapsed=315398346338 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:17:06.663 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.664 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.665 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.686 1097 4090 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{e662102:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=34747363 win=0
tElapsed=34751371 maxElapsed=34751371 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:17:06.710 1097 23994 I PFTBT : Transport rejected backup of, skipping
05-14 01:17:06.710 1097 23994 I PFTBT : Unbinding agent in
05-14 01:17:06.711 1097 4138 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.712 1097 23994 W ActivityManager: Unbinding backup agent with no
active backup
05-14 01:17:06.712 1097 23994 I PFTBT : Full backup completed with status: 0
05-14 01:17:06.715 1097 23994 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupIntervalMilliseconds(...) returns 86400000
05-14 01:17:06.715 1097 23994 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequiredNetworkType(...) returns 2
05-14 01:17:06.715 1097 23994 V BackupManagerConstants:
getFullBackupRequireCharging(...) returns true
05-14 01:17:06.716 1097 23994 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:06.716 1097 23994 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.717 1097 23994 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.719 1097 23994 I PFTBT : Full data backup pass finished.
05-14 01:17:06.720 1097 23994 V BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] Released
05-14 01:17:06.725 1097 4139 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{93c2581:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=35096420
win=262507 tElapsed=35096420 maxElapsed=35358927 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:17:06.740 1097 4139 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10155. pid: 23993
05-14 01:17:06.745 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:06.802 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 01:17:06.814 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:34746498 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:17:06.871 1097 4106 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{79b651a} from uid 10155 pid 23993
for 2 receivers
05-14 01:17:06.886 1097 4090 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6fb1e40} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:17:07.012 1097 4090 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:17:07.013 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10155; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:07.013 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10155; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:07.013 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:07.014 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:07.039 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:17:07.282 1097 4114 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10155. pid: 24070
05-14 01:17:07.332 1097 1203 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a69bfbc} from uid 10155 pid 24070
for 2 receivers
05-14 01:17:07.454 1097 4138 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e0d164a} from uid 10155 pid 24070
for 2 receivers
05-14 01:17:07.522 1097 4138 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4972533:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=35519773
win=579424 tElapsed=35519773 maxElapsed=36099197 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:17:07.575 1097 4112 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:17:07.575 1097 4112 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{46cdc95}
05-14 01:17:07.575 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:07.575 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:07.575 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:07.576 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:07.576 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:07.599 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:17:07.623 1097 4139 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:07.623 1097 4139 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:17:07.881 1097 1203 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10125. pid: 24117
05-14 01:17:07.934 1097 4139 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{54d103f} from uid 10125 pid 1750 for 1
05-14 01:17:08.111 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:08.113 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:08.115 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:08.116 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:08.730 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:08.730 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:17:08.736 1097 4139 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
96fb4f1 #u0a155/1894246278
05-14 01:17:08.740 1097 4139 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945): empty #25
05-14 01:17:08.742 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22974 for 12
05-14 01:17:08.768 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10130
05-14 01:17:13.233 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:13.235 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:13.238 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:13.240 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:18.294 449 24018 I keystore2:
system/security/keystore2/src/ - Watchdog thread idle ->
terminating. Have a great day.
05-14 01:17:18.747 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24070
05-14 01:17:18.749 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23993
05-14 01:17:19.115 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:19.117 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:19.118 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:19.119 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:23.300 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24117
05-14 01:17:25.010 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:25.012 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:25.014 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:25.016 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:30.129 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:30.131 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:30.133 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:30.136 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:33.260 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:17:36.019 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:36.021 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:36.024 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:36.026 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:41.141 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:41.144 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:41.146 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:41.148 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:47.026 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:47.028 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:47.030 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:47.033 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:48.923 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:48.925 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:52.145 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:52.147 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:52.148 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:52.151 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:58.033 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:58.037 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:58.038 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{250ac48
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:17:58.039 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:58.040 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:17:58.045 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:17:58.045 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:17:58.045 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 381,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:18:03.153 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:03.156 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:03.158 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:03.162 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:06.778 1097 4094 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.780 1097 4094 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.782 1097 4094 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.783 1097 4094 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.785 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.786 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.787 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.788 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: com.oppo.quicksearchbox and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.789 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.790 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.792 1097 4139 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: com.rapido.passenger and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.794 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.797 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: com.myairtelapp and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.798 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.800 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.801 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.803 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.804 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.805 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.807 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.811 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.813 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.814 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.815 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.816 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.817 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.819 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId:
05-14 01:18:06.820 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.821 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.822 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.823 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.827 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.829 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.830 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.831 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: org.telegram.messenger and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.832 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.833 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: com.truecaller and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.834 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.835 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.836 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: com.heytap.browser and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.837 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.838 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.839 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.840 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.840 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.841 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.842 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: com.thegosa.miuithemes and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.842 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.846 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.847 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.848 1097 4090 W PackageConfigPersister: App-specific configuration
not found for packageName: and userId: 0
05-14 01:18:06.873 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715629686873, elapsedRealtime=34806558
05-14 01:18:07.604 1097 4094 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{95be053 ImpBg #84249} whose proc state 6 is
better than process ProcessState{da9fd90 (sub)} proc state 14 (618 skipped)
05-14 01:18:07.694 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
dat=package: flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:18:07.702 1097 4094 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [24, 33, 41, 64, 73, 118, 152, 182, 183, 186, 195, 228, 231, 232, 234,
235, 255, 256, 262, 264, 270, 273, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 291]
05-14 01:18:07.712 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
dat=package: flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:18:07.726 1097 4090 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [24, 33, 41, 64, 73, 118, 152, 182, 183, 186, 195, 228, 231, 232, 234,
235, 255, 256, 262, 264, 270, 273, 277, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 284, 291]
05-14 01:18:07.837 1097 4094 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{1000 android} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=34821704 win=10636 tElapsed=34821704 maxElapsed=34832340 interval=0
05-14 01:18:07.936 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
dat=package: flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:18:07.953 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.953 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:07.954 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.004 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.290 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
dat=package: flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:18:08.305 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
dat=package: flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:18:08.367 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
dat=package: flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:18:08.393 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
dat=package: flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:18:08.397 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.397 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.397 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.397 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.397 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.397 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.397 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.397 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.397 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.398 1097 4090 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.424 1097 4094 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:18:08.693 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
dat=package: flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:18:08.706 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
dat=package: flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:18:08.767 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
dat=package: flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:18:09.042 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:09.046 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:09.048 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:09.049 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:14.164 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:14.167 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:14.170 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3a0574c
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:18:14.172 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:14.175 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:18:14.175 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:18:14.175 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 380,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:18:14.176 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:20.052 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:20.056 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:20.057 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2071702
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:18:20.058 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:20.061 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:20.062 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:18:20.062 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:18:20.062 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 381,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:18:25.172 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:25.175 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:25.176 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a03f68b
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:18:25.178 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:25.180 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:25.182 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:18:25.182 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:18:25.182 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 380,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:18:31.059 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:31.062 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:31.065 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:31.067 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:32.655 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715629712655, elapsedRealtime=34832340
05-14 01:18:36.179 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:36.183 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:36.185 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:36.188 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:41.930 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715629721930, elapsedRealtime=34841615
05-14 01:18:41.932 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e64392d} from uid 1000 pid -1 for 1
05-14 01:18:41.935 1097 1097 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{ba0a8d6
1000/u0 ReceiverList{47cb4f1 1097 system/1000/u0 local:bed4498}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{e64392d} took
05-14 01:18:41.935 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{fe63e62 type 3
origWhen 34499526 whenElapsed 34499526 android}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{4b732dd: PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:18:41.936 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 01:18:41.936 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=34859685 win=0 tElapsed=34859685 maxElapsed=34859685 interval=0
05-14 01:18:41.937 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{dd69bf3 type 3 origWhen 34679685 whenElapsed 34679685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 01:18:41.937 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{8d6a0b0 type 3 origWhen 34821704 whenElapsed 34821704 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d, listenerTag=*job.delay*,
workSource=WorkSource{1000 android}
05-14 01:18:41.939 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{783b29} from uid 10069 pid -1
for 1 receivers
05-14 01:18:41.942 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =, alarm = Alarm{feddeae
type 2 origWhen 34841615 whenElapsed 34841615}, cn = null,
operation = PendingIntent{e8f2666: PendingIntentRecord{85eea82 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null,
05-14 01:18:41.943 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ab5044f
com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC/u0} from uid 10223 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:18:41.943 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC, alarm = Alarm{a7d17dc type 3 origWhen
34635399 whenElapsed 34635399 com.whatsapp}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{590dffd: PendingIntentRecord{d9ca4f2 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:18:41.944 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=35141620 win=225000 tElapsed=35141620 maxElapsed=35366620 interval=0
05-14 01:18:41.946 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23224 com.whatsapp
for 3
05-14 01:18:41.949 1097 4094 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b060e5:
PendingIntentRecord{85eea82 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=35321626 win=0 tElapsed=35321626 maxElapsed=35321626
interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:18:41.950 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2bd37ba
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 01:18:41.958 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10076 com.glance.lockscreenRealme} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=34871637 win=22495 tElapsed=34871637
maxElapsed=34894132 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:18:41.959 1097 4094 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{567966b:
PendingIntentRecord{c1fc873 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=34900643 win=0 tElapsed=34900643 maxElapsed=34900643
interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:18:41.962 1097 4139 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{8cd9220
10069/u0 ReceiverList{3d5ad23 5638 remote:dff1652}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{783b29} took 21ms
05-14 01:18:41.967 1097 4139 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{124454
10223/u0 ReceiverList{119b7a7 23224 com.whatsapp/10223/u0 remote:e26866}} finished
with BroadcastRecord{ab5044f com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC/u0} took 20ms
05-14 01:18:41.979 1097 4090 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{cf2c79d:
PendingIntentRecord{c9f0412 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=34873662 win=0 tElapsed=34873662 maxElapsed=34873662 interval=0
05-14 01:18:41.979 1097 4139 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:18:41.982 1097 4094 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:18:42.072 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:42.073 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:42.076 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:42.078 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:42.194 1097 4094 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{56a40f8
com.facebook.rti.mqtt.ACTION_MQTT_CONFIG_CHANGED/u0} from uid 10069 pid 5638 for 1
05-14 01:18:42.312 1097 4094 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed:
service Intent { act=com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService.START
cmp=com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService } to
com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService from pid=23224 uid=10223 pkg=com.whatsapp
05-14 01:18:42.316 1097 4139 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{5d969d1:
PendingIntentRecord{475ec36 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=35442000 win=0 tElapsed=35442000 maxElapsed=35442000 interval=0
05-14 01:18:42.318 1097 4139 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{fac95c2:
PendingIntentRecord{8290fd3 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=34857003 win=11250 tElapsed=34857003 maxElapsed=34868253 interval=0
05-14 01:18:42.497 1097 4139 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{8ead62f:
PendingIntentRecord{475ec36 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=35442181 win=0 tElapsed=35442181 maxElapsed=35442181 interval=0
05-14 01:18:42.617 1097 4094 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84282} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (34 skipped)
05-14 01:18:42.617 1097 4094 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{26bd828
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:18:42.621 1097 4094 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ab76941
com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE/u0} from uid 10069 pid 5638 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:18:42.625 1097 4094 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{b6fcee6:
PendingIntentRecord{475ec36 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=35442309 win=0 tElapsed=35442309 maxElapsed=35442309 interval=0
05-14 01:18:42.633 1097 4112 D PackageManager: Considering set
stReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:18:47.049 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.050 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.051 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10135; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.051 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10135; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.054 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10150; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.054 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10150; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.091 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:18:47.091 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{dd9f372 0:com.truecaller/u0a31}
05-14 01:18:47.092 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:18:47.092 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:18:47.092 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:18:47.092 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.093 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.111 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
24247:com.truecaller/u0a31 for service
05-14 01:18:47.166 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:18:47.166 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:18:47.174 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.179 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.186 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:47.189 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:47.190 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:47.192 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:47.478 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.712 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.714 1097 4090 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945): empty #25
05-14 01:18:47.718 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23016 for 12
05-14 01:18:47.723 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state as
1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 01:18:47.767 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 4
05-14 01:18:47.772 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10070
05-14 01:18:47.791 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.791 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.792 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:18:47.801 1097 4090 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10031. pid: 24247
05-14 01:18:47.875 1097 4094 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
7578d11 #u0a31/26706
05-14 01:18:47.877 1097 4094 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945): empty #25
05-14 01:18:47.877 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23049 for 12
05-14 01:18:47.933 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10139
05-14 01:18:47.948 1097 4107 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 01:18:47.962 1097 4107 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 01:18:47.993 1097 4107 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 01:18:48.923 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:48.925 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:52.620 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84316} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (22 skipped)
05-14 01:18:52.622 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d0484de
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:18:52.638 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 01:18:52.640 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 22514
05-14 01:18:53.075 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:53.077 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:53.078 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:53.079 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:55.802 1097 4107 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{f2a6eb7:
PendingIntentRecord{80faf4a com.truecaller broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.truecaller
callingUid=10031 triggerAtTime=1716839335801 win=3600000 tElapsed=1244455486
maxElapsed=1248055486 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:18:55.804 1097 4107 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{b571624:
PendingIntentRecord{5f76f31 com.truecaller broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.truecaller
callingUid=10031 triggerAtTime=1716493735803 win=3600000 tElapsed=898855488
maxElapsed=902455488 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:18:58.186 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24247 com.truecaller
05-14 01:18:58.188 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:18:58.192 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:58.196 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:58.197 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:18:58.198 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715629740000, elapsedRealtime=34859685
05-14 01:19:02.635 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23224 com.whatsapp
05-14 01:19:04.087 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:04.089 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:04.091 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:04.093 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:08.568 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715629748568, elapsedRealtime=34868253
05-14 01:19:09.203 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:09.205 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:09.208 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:09.210 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:12.892 1097 4112 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:19:12.893 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23108 for 12
05-14 01:19:12.919 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10164
05-14 01:19:12.922 1097 4107 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84322} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (3 skipped)
05-14 01:19:15.089 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:15.091 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:15.093 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:15.095 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:15.169 1097 1214 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to
05-14 01:19:20.210 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:20.212 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:20.213 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:20.216 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:26.098 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:26.100 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:26.102 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:26.104 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:31.217 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:31.220 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:31.222 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:31.225 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:34.447 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715629774447, elapsedRealtime=34894132
05-14 01:19:37.105 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:37.108 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:37.111 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:37.113 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:42.225 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:42.228 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:42.230 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:42.233 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:48.114 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:48.116 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:48.119 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:48.122 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:48.923 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:48.926 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:53.233 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:53.236 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:53.239 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:53.242 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:59.121 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:59.124 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:59.126 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:19:59.129 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:05.009 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:05.014 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:05.014 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{f14f61a
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:20:05.016 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:05.017 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:20:05.017 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:20:05.018 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 379,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:20:05.019 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:10.132 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:10.134 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:10.136 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:10.138 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:16.017 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:16.022 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:16.025 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:16.028 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:21.137 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:21.140 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:21.144 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:21.146 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:27.026 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:27.028 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:27.031 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:27.033 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:32.145 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:32.148 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:32.151 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:32.154 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:36.826 1097 4112 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10171 com.applovin.array.apphub.vincere}
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=35094408 win=103422
tElapsed=35094408 maxElapsed=35197830 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:20:36.882 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23239
com.glance.lockscreenRealme for 6
05-14 01:20:36.884 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23494
cessService0:0 for 6
05-14 01:20:38.033 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:38.036 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:38.039 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:38.041 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:43.156 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:43.158 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:43.159 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:43.160 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:47.099 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23239
05-14 01:20:47.101 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23494
05-14 01:20:48.923 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:48.925 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:49.048 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:49.050 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:49.052 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:49.053 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:51.881 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:34971566 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:20:54.161 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:54.163 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:54.165 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:20:54.167 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:00.049 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:00.051 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:00.054 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:00.056 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:05.169 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:05.174 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b75663
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:21:05.176 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:05.178 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:21:05.178 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:21:05.178 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 380,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:21:05.178 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:05.179 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:11.057 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:11.061 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:11.066 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:11.070 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:16.177 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:16.179 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:16.181 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:16.184 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:22.066 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:22.070 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:22.072 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:22.074 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:27.189 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:27.191 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:27.193 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:27.196 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:33.073 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:33.077 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:33.078 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{91dc233
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:21:33.079 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:33.080 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:33.083 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:21:33.083 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:21:33.083 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 379,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:21:38.192 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:38.195 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:38.197 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:38.200 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:44.009 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:21:44.084 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:44.086 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:44.089 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:44.091 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:46.014 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:21:47.017 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:21:48.020 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:21:48.923 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:48.926 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:49.202 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:49.205 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:49.209 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:49.212 1097 4090 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:55.089 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:55.091 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:55.094 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:55.096 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:21:58.088 1097 4112 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:21:59.381 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:21:59.382 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:21:59.382 1097 4112 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{3faea03:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=35929065 win=0
tElapsed=35929065 maxElapsed=35929065 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:21:59.408 1097 4112 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ebccffe} from uid 10125 pid 1750 for 3 receivers
05-14 01:21:59.411 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 18446
cessService0:0 for 3
05-14 01:21:59.413 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 15294 for 3
05-14 01:21:59.479 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 01:21:59.566 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:35039250 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:21:59.856 1097 4112 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{d715ddc:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=1 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10129
triggerAtTime=1715640719000 win=3600000 tElapsed=45838685 maxElapsed=49438685
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:21:59.879 1097 4112 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{709edba
platform.entrypoints.push.PushReceiver p=99 m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{ebccffe}
took 464ms
05-14 01:21:59.887 1097 4112 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{d85146b
tReceiver m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{ebccffe} took 7ms
05-14 01:21:59.897 1097 4112 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{3a47bc8
BroadcastReceiver_Receiver m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{ebccffe} took 9ms
05-14 01:22:00.069 1097 1097 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for
locked/gone/disabled user 0
05-14 01:22:00.213 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:00.216 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:00.220 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:00.223 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:06.097 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:06.101 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:06.104 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:06.107 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:09.459 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 18446
05-14 01:22:11.217 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:11.221 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:11.222 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2871d10
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:22:11.222 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:11.224 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:11.224 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:22:11.224 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:22:11.225 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 378,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:22:17.105 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:17.107 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:17.110 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:17.112 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:18.569 1097 4112 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:22:19.930 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 15294
05-14 01:22:22.225 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:22.228 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:22.229 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:22.232 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:28.113 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:28.116 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:28.117 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:28.120 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:32.648 1097 4112 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:22:33.237 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:33.242 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:33.246 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:33.249 1097 4112 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:37.661 1097 1601 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:22:38.664 1097 1601 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:22:39.121 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:39.124 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:39.128 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:39.131 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:45.013 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:45.017 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:45.020 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:45.023 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:48.923 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:48.926 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:50.130 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:50.133 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:50.136 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:50.138 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:56.018 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:56.021 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:56.024 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:22:56.026 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:01.138 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:01.141 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:01.144 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:01.146 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:04.648 1097 1601 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:23:07.025 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:07.028 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:07.031 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:07.033 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:12.145 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:12.147 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:12.150 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:12.153 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:18.033 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:18.035 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:18.038 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:18.041 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:23.156 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:23.159 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:23.161 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:23.163 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:23.847 1097 1601 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:23:29.042 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:29.044 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:29.046 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:29.049 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:34.088 1097 1601 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:23:34.161 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:34.164 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:34.166 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:34.169 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:40.049 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:40.051 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:40.054 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:40.056 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:45.170 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:45.172 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:45.175 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:45.178 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:46.887 1097 1601 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:23:48.923 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:48.926 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:51.060 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:51.063 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:51.066 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:51.068 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:56.181 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:56.182 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:56.183 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:56.184 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:23:57.128 1097 1601 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:02.068 1097 1601 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:02.072 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8b63d23
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:24:02.075 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:02.077 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:24:02.077 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:24:02.077 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 377,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:24:02.078 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:02.081 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:07.187 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:07.189 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:07.192 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:07.194 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:08.597 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x24000010
(has extras) }
05-14 01:24:08.607 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x24000010
(has extras) }
05-14 01:24:08.621 1097 1601 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:24:08.621 1097 1601 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10127; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:08.621 1097 1601 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10127; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:08.622 1097 1601 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10127; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:08.622 1097 1601 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:08.623 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:08.634 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
05-14 01:24:08.668 1097 1601 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10127; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:08.669 1097 1601 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10127; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:08.679 1097 1601 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:08.820 1097 1601 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:08.832 1097 1601 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10127. pid: 24388
05-14 01:24:09.099 1097 4112 D PackageManager: Considering set
ce's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:09.125 1097 4112 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:24:09.125 1097 4112 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:24:09.125 1097 4112 D PackageManager: Considering set
emplateScreenServiceModule's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:09.128 1097 4112 D PackageManager: Considering set
tion.LighterEntryPointActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:09.139 1097 1601 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=rcs.intent.action.provisioningEvent flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:09.162 1097 4119 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.162 1097 4119 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.168 1097 4119 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10122} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=35199867 win=23260 tElapsed=35199867
maxElapsed=35223127 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:24:09.174 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.175 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.177 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:24:09.178 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{f4ccd0e 0:com.applovin.array.apphub.vincere/u0a171}
05-14 01:24:09.178 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10171; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:09.178 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10171; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:09.178 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10171; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:09.178 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.180 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.221 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 20334 for 6
05-14 01:24:09.224 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21251 for 6
05-14 01:24:09.226 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21218 for 6
05-14 01:24:09.231 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 6
05-14 01:24:09.237 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{f8eee41 ImpBg #84383} whose proc state 6 is
better than process ProcessState{11188f} proc state 14
(1 skipped)
05-14 01:24:09.248 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.250 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 73ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
05-14 01:24:09.250 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 73ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
05-14 01:24:09.250 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
24442:com.applovin.array.apphub.vincere/u0a171 for service
05-14 01:24:09.250 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 74ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
05-14 01:24:09.251 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 74ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
05-14 01:24:09.254 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10171; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:09.254 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10171; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:09.262 1097 4138 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.267 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.297 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.298 1097 4107 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{c0850f} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:24:09.311 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.312 1097 4112 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.342 1097 4112 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
249b653 #u0a136/54
05-14 01:24:09.417 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.553 1097 4138 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.558 1097 4138 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.558 1097 4138 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.572 1097 4138 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{276a873:
PendingIntentRecord{fcaf330 com.applovin.array.apphub.vincere broadcastIntent}}) :
type=0 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingPackage=com.applovin.array.apphub.vincere callingUid=10171
triggerAtTime=1715726205571 win=3600000 tElapsed=131325256 maxElapsed=134925256
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:24:09.588 1097 1114 D PackageManager: Considering set
Service's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:09.615 1097 4090 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10171. pid: 24442
05-14 01:24:09.632 1097 4090 D PackageManager: Considering set
uleReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:09.640 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{9beca8c
05-14 01:24:09.641 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 99077; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:09.641 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 99077; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:09.641 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 99077; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:24:09.641 1097 4090 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 99077; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.643 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:24:09.657 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i77 for
05-14 01:24:09.697 1097 4138 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 99077. pid: 24537
05-14 01:24:09.776 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23527 for 6
05-14 01:24:09.804 1097 4090 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
7c9943a #u0a171/894
05-14 01:24:09.824 1097 3427 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
7da9463 #u0a171/895
05-14 01:24:09.829 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945): empty #25
05-14 01:24:09.830 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22403 for 12
05-14 01:24:09.855 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10114
05-14 01:24:13.074 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:13.077 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:13.079 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:13.081 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:15.048 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:18.193 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:18.197 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:18.198 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{f651f95
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:24:18.199 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:18.201 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:18.204 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:24:18.205 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:24:18.205 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 378,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:24:19.405 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 20334
05-14 01:24:19.407 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21251
05-14 01:24:19.408 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21218
05-14 01:24:19.828 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23527
05-14 01:24:19.829 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24442
05-14 01:24:19.831 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24537
05-14 01:24:20.059 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:24:23.855 1097 4107 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:24:23.855 1097 4107 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:24:23.855 1097 4107 D PackageManager: Considering set
.SmsReceiver's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:23.856 1097 4107 D PackageManager: Considering set
.TelephonyChangeReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:23.857 1097 4107 D PackageManager: Considering set
.DefaultSmsPackageChangedReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:23.857 1097 4107 D PackageManager: Considering set
.RestoreReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:23.858 1097 4107 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:24:23.858 1097 4107 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:24:23.858 1097 4107 D PackageManager: Considering set
.SmsRejectedReceiver's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:23.859 1097 4107 D PackageManager: Considering set
list.VideoShareIntentActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:23.865 1097 4107 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6d90302} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:24:23.872 1097 4114 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{24e1805
android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:24:23.876 1097 4107 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{19d2f81
android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:24:23.885 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=rcs.intent.action.provisioningEvent flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:23.994 1097 1114 D PackageManager: Considering set
.BugleFirebaseMessagingService's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:24.031 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 4
05-14 01:24:24.072 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:24:24.077 1097 1114 D PackageManager: Considering set
ce's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:24.079 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:24.082 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:24.085 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:24.086 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:24.132 1097 3483 D PackageManager: Considering set
ce's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:24.146 1097 3483 D PackageManager: Considering set
tion.LighterEntryPointActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:24.147 1097 3483 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:24:24.147 1097 3483 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:24:24.147 1097 3483 D PackageManager: Considering set
emplateScreenServiceModule's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:24:24.168 1097 1892 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=rcs.intent.action.provisioningEvent flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:24.206 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:35183891 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:24:24.206 1097 4107 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{9547b4a BFgs #84471} whose proc state 4 is
better than process ProcessState{bc53abb (sub)} proc state 6 (7 skipped)
05-14 01:24:26.568 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:27.571 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:28.574 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:29.202 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:29.205 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:29.207 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:29.209 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:29.576 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:30.579 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:31.582 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:32.585 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:33.588 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:35.090 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:35.094 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:35.099 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:35.102 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:39.368 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:40.210 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:40.213 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:40.217 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:40.220 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:46.098 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:46.100 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:46.107 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:46.109 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:48.923 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:48.925 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:49.162 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:24:51.218 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:51.221 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:51.223 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:51.228 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:53.448 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:56.007 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:24:57.110 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:57.114 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:57.116 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:24:57.118 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:01.127 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:25:02.226 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:02.228 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:02.230 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:02.233 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:03.442 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715630103442, elapsedRealtime=35223127
05-14 01:25:06.247 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:25:08.113 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:08.117 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:08.118 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d07fda6
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:25:08.121 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:25:08.121 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:25:08.121 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 379,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:25:08.122 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:08.125 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:13.233 1097 1892 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:13.235 1097 1892 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:13.239 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:13.241 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:19.124 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:19.126 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:19.128 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:19.129 1097 4107 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:23.931 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 01:25:23.932 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 21434 for 12
05-14 01:25:24.006 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10156
05-14 01:25:24.008 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 01:25:24.008 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 5298 for 12
05-14 01:25:24.009 1097 4107 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84502} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (71 skipped)
05-14 01:25:24.088 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10143
05-14 01:25:25.010 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:25.012 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:25.015 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:25.018 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:30.133 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:30.136 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:30.138 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:30.141 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:33.933 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24388
05-14 01:25:34.270 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 01:25:36.021 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:36.024 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:36.026 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:36.029 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:40.809 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:25:41.137 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:41.139 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:41.142 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:41.144 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:47.025 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:47.028 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:47.031 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:47.033 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:47.208 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:25:48.210 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:25:48.923 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:48.925 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:49.213 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:25:50.216 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:25:51.218 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:25:52.145 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:52.150 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{df60f16
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:25:52.150 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:52.153 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:52.153 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:25:52.154 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:25:52.154 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 378,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:25:52.156 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:58.033 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:58.036 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:58.039 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:25:58.041 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:03.154 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:03.156 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:03.160 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:03.163 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:09.042 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:09.044 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:09.048 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:09.051 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:14.162 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:14.164 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:14.166 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:14.168 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:15.015 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715630175015, elapsedRealtime=35294700
05-14 01:26:15.016 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{ad373ed:
PendingIntentRecord{fa8c222 com.heytap.pictorial startService}}) : type=0
workSource=null nextElapsed=36119685 orginAlarm=Alarm{89a2d6f type 0 origWhen
1715628527248 whenElapsed 34319685 com.heytap.pictorial}
05-14 01:26:15.018 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 01:26:15.018 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=35339685 win=0 tElapsed=35339685 maxElapsed=35339685 interval=0
05-14 01:26:15.019 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6575a7c
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 01:26:15.022 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{8ab7f05 type 3 origWhen 34859685 whenElapsed 34859685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 01:26:15.023 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{496cb5a} from uid 1000 pid -1 for 1
05-14 01:26:15.024 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{7c6318b type 3
origWhen 35141620 whenElapsed 35141620 android}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{4b732dd: PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:26:15.024 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{efda268 type 3 origWhen 35199867 whenElapsed 35199867 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d, listenerTag=*job.delay*,
05-14 01:26:15.033 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{89a2d6f type 0 origWhen 1715628527248 whenElapsed 34319685
com.heytap.pictorial}, cn =
operation = PendingIntent{ad373ed: PendingIntentRecord{fa8c222 com.heytap.pictorial
startService}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:26:15.036 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3664326} from uid 10069 pid -
1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:26:15.038 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =, alarm = Alarm{645b67
type 2 origWhen 34619701 whenElapsed 34841628}, cn = null,
operation = PendingIntent{159c60e: PendingIntentRecord{5bd3b85 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null,
05-14 01:26:15.042 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{73e7d14
com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC/u0} from uid 10223 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:26:15.043 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC, alarm = Alarm{12f89bd type 3 origWhen
34857003 whenElapsed 34857003 com.whatsapp}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{fac95c2: PendingIntentRecord{8290fd3 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:26:15.045 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23224 com.whatsapp
for 3
05-14 01:26:15.045 1097 4114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{2636bb2:
PendingIntentRecord{5bd3b85 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=36194724 win=675000 tElapsed=36194724
maxElapsed=36869724 interval=0 flags=0x20
05-14 01:26:15.054 1097 4139 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:26:15.054 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=35324730 win=22493
tElapsed=35324730 maxElapsed=35347223 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:26:15.055 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=35594740 win=225000 tElapsed=35594740 maxElapsed=35819740 interval=0
05-14 01:26:15.056 1097 4139 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{cd14703:
PendingIntentRecord{c1fc873 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=35353738 win=0 tElapsed=35353738 maxElapsed=35353738
interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:26:15.056 1097 1097 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{ba0a8d6
1000/u0 ReceiverList{47cb4f1 1097 system/1000/u0 local:bed4498}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{496cb5a} took
05-14 01:26:15.056 1097 4114 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:26:15.058 1097 1114 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{14bf87f
10069/u0 ReceiverList{254459e 5638 remote:6cd27d9}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{3664326} took 19ms
05-14 01:26:15.064 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:26:15.064 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{697505f}
05-14 01:26:15.065 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:15.065 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:15.065 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:15.065 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.066 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.078 1097 4139 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{e39d20d
10223/u0 ReceiverList{e7e74a4 23224 com.whatsapp/10223/u0 remote:bf23737}} finished
with BroadcastRecord{73e7d14 com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC/u0} took 31ms
05-14 01:26:15.082 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:26:15.084 1097 1114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{75bc1d6:
PendingIntentRecord{8a4ec57 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=35326765 win=0 tElapsed=35326765 maxElapsed=35326765 interval=0
05-14 01:26:15.133 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23276 for 6
05-14 01:26:15.142 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:15.142 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:15.150 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.150 1097 4114 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
4f44113 #u0a145/-1310507087
05-14 01:26:15.151 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.161 1097 1114 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
5b1f138 #u0a145/-1803373694
05-14 01:26:15.261 1097 1114 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10122. pid: 24655
05-14 01:26:15.270 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:15.306 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:15.402 1097 1202 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{5b771b6 Top #84533} whose proc state
1 is better than process ProcessState{97806bf} proc state 3 (3
05-14 01:26:15.422 1097 4114 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed:
service Intent { act=com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService.START
cmp=com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService } to
com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService from pid=23224 uid=10223 pkg=com.whatsapp
05-14 01:26:15.429 1097 4114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{7f61acc:
PendingIntentRecord{5bbc115 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=35310113 win=11250 tElapsed=35310113 maxElapsed=35321363 interval=0
05-14 01:26:15.429 1097 1202 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{103cc2a:
PendingIntentRecord{94eea1b com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=35895110 win=0 tElapsed=35895110 maxElapsed=35895110 interval=0
05-14 01:26:15.506 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.506 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.507 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.507 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.509 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.509 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.509 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.510 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10231; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.510 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10231; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.510 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.510 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.512 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10196; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.512 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10196; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.513 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.513 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.513 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10133; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.514 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10133; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.514 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.514 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.515 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10131; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.515 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10131; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.516 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.516 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.517 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.517 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.518 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10202; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.519 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10101; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.519 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10101; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.519 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10002; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.519 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:15.520 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10206; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.520 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10206; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:15.558 1097 4114 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 01:26:15.566 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:15.566 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:15.572 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:3/u0a136i-9000 (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 01:26:15.574 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23656 for 12
05-14 01:26:15.612 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: scheduleServiceRestartLocked N
0 now 35242508 r ServiceRecord{4e6ca33 u0} minDuration
05-14 01:26:15.613 1097 1202 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed
service in
1000ms for connection
05-14 01:26:15.614 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 90000
05-14 01:26:15.616 1097 4114 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.whatsapp/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.whatsapp:10223
05-14 01:26:15.656 1097 1114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{a501985:
PendingIntentRecord{94eea1b com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=35895327 win=0 tElapsed=35895327 maxElapsed=35895327 interval=0
05-14 01:26:15.682 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
27 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 8 ,opCapability: 4
05-14 01:26:15.683 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
26 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 8 ,opCapability: 2
05-14 01:26:15.683 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 8 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:26:15.739 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x10 (has
extras) }
05-14 01:26:15.750 1097 1202 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{682a300:
PendingIntentRecord{94eea1b com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=35895435 win=0 tElapsed=35895435 maxElapsed=35895435 interval=0
05-14 01:26:15.762 1097 4114 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5499739
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:26:15.766 1097 1114 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b7ef17e
com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE/u0} from uid 10069 pid 5638 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:26:15.776 1097 1202 D PackageManager: Considering set
stReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:26:16.615 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{5eeef2c
05-14 01:26:16.617 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:16.633 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:3/u0ai5 for
05-14 01:26:16.658 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:16.658 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:16.686 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 90005. pid: 24704
05-14 01:26:20.050 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:20.053 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:20.054 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3df7c4
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:26:20.055 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:20.056 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:20.058 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:26:20.058 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:26:20.058 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 379,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:26:20.156 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10155; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:20.157 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:20.157 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:20.158 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:26:22.053 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161252188; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:26:25.156 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23276
05-14 01:26:25.169 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:25.172 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:25.174 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:25.176 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:25.573 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24655
05-14 01:26:25.574 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 01:26:25.772 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84556} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (9 skipped)
05-14 01:26:25.773 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{1ef08b7
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:26:26.693 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24704
05-14 01:26:31.057 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:31.060 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:31.061 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2e17953
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:26:31.061 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:31.063 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:31.064 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:26:31.064 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:26:31.064 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 378,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:26:36.177 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:36.179 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:36.181 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:36.183 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:41.678 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715630201678, elapsedRealtime=35321363
05-14 01:26:42.066 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:42.068 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:42.070 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:42.072 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:45.713 1097 1202 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.whatsapp/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.whatsapp:10223
05-14 01:26:47.189 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:47.191 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:47.193 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:47.195 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:48.923 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:48.925 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:53.073 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:53.075 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:53.079 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:53.081 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:58.193 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:58.198 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:58.200 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:26:58.203 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715630220000, elapsedRealtime=35339685
05-14 01:27:04.081 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:04.084 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:04.087 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:04.089 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:06.535 1097 1215 I JobServiceContext: Client timed out while
executing (no jobFinished received). Sending onStop: fe8e6a7 #u0a244/1332
05-14 01:27:06.550 1097 4114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:27:06.577 1097 4114 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10128} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=35385070 win=29106 tElapsed=35385070
maxElapsed=35414176 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:27:06.588 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:27:06.621 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21251 for 6
05-14 01:27:06.624 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:27:06.641 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:27:06.653 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:27:06.717 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:27:06.717 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:27:09.201 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:09.204 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:09.207 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:09.209 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:15.089 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:15.090 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:15.092 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:15.094 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:16.820 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21251
05-14 01:27:20.209 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:20.211 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:20.212 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:20.215 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:26.097 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:26.099 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:26.101 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:26.103 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:30.761 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
27 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 4
05-14 01:27:30.762 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
26 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 2
05-14 01:27:30.762 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:27:31.218 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:31.220 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:31.221 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:31.224 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:37.105 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:37.108 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:37.109 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:37.111 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:40.810 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23224 com.whatsapp
05-14 01:27:42.225 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:42.228 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:42.230 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:42.232 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:48.117 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:48.122 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:48.124 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{147fdc7
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:27:48.125 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:48.128 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:48.128 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:27:48.129 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:27:48.129 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 377,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:27:48.923 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:48.925 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:54.257 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:54.260 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:54.263 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:27:54.266 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:00.145 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:00.147 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:00.149 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:00.151 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:06.033 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:06.036 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:06.038 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:06.041 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:11.153 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:11.156 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:11.158 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:11.160 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:14.491 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715630294491, elapsedRealtime=35414176
05-14 01:28:17.042 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:17.045 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:17.047 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:17.049 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:22.166 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:22.168 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:22.170 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:22.174 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:28.056 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:28.061 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:28.064 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:28.067 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:33.173 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:33.175 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:33.178 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:33.181 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:39.058 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:39.060 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:39.062 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:39.065 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:44.178 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:44.181 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:44.183 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:44.186 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:48.923 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:48.925 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:50.066 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:50.070 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:50.070 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2e51767
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:28:50.071 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:50.074 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:28:50.075 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:28:50.075 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 378,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:28:50.078 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:55.189 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:55.192 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:55.195 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:28:55.198 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:01.074 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:01.077 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:01.078 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{eb85f44
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:29:01.082 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:01.086 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:01.086 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:29:01.086 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:29:01.086 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 377,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:29:06.193 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:06.195 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b47fe5
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:29:06.196 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:06.198 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:06.199 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:29:06.200 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:29:06.200 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 378,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:29:06.200 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:12.084 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:12.086 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:12.089 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:12.092 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:17.203 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:17.206 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:17.211 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:17.214 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:23.090 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:23.092 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:23.095 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:23.098 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:28.210 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:28.212 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:28.213 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:28.216 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:34.097 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:34.102 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:34.102 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{f00f004
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:29:34.103 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:34.107 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:34.107 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:29:34.108 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:29:34.108 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 377,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:29:39.217 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:39.220 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:39.223 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:39.226 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:45.105 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:45.108 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:45.111 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:45.114 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:48.923 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:48.926 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:50.225 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:50.228 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:50.231 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:50.234 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:55.528 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:29:56.114 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:56.116 1097 4114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:56.118 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:29:56.122 1097 1114 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715630400000, elapsedRealtime=35519685
05-14 01:30:00.001 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 01:30:00.001 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=35579685 win=0 tElapsed=35579685 maxElapsed=35579685 interval=0
05-14 01:30:00.002 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b504d0b
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 01:30:00.005 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{a2c57e8 type 3 origWhen 35339685 whenElapsed 35339685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 01:30:00.006 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{d1a4e01 type 3 origWhen 35385070 whenElapsed 35385070 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d, listenerTag=*job.delay*,
05-14 01:30:00.007 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{dbdb4a6} from uid 1000 pid -1
for 1 receivers
05-14 01:30:00.008 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =, alarm = Alarm{534aee7 type
0 origWhen 1715630400000 whenElapsed 35519685}, cn =
odicJobReceiver}, operation = PendingIntent{e0da40: PendingIntentRecord{fbc9d79 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null,
05-14 01:30:00.008 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 2895 for 3
05-14 01:30:00.011 1097 1147 I ActivityManager: Killing
23578:android.process.acore/u0a52 (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 01:30:00.016 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10153} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=35549694 win=22494 tElapsed=35549694
maxElapsed=35572188 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:30:00.034 1097 1892 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:30:00.037 1097 1892 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:30:00.051 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 6872 com.oplus.lfeh
for 10
05-14 01:30:00.052 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23578 for 12
05-14 01:30:00.053 1097 1147 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84589} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (4 skipped)
05-14 01:30:00.054 1097 1137 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2630a94
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:30:00.059 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:30:00.060 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:00.060 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:00.060 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{3dcc93d:
PendingIntentRecord{c807532 broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=1715634000000 win=0 tElapsed=39119685
maxElapsed=39119685 interval=0 flags=0x9
05-14 01:30:00.062 1097 1215 I ActivityManager: is exempt
from freezer
05-14 01:30:00.062 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:30:00.062 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{d51bc39}
05-14 01:30:00.062 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:30:00.063 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:30:00.063 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:30:00.063 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:00.064 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:00.071 1097 1892 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{3cb27e m=0x0
userHandle=null} finished with BroadcastRecord{dbdb4a6} took 17ms
05-14 01:30:00.071 1097 1892 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 01:30:00.072 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 21388 for 12
05-14 01:30:00.078 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:30:00.083 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10052
05-14 01:30:00.104 1097 1154 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was
reset, new WiFi energy data is
WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ mTimeSinceBootMillis=35519754 mStackState=3
mControllerTxDurationMillis=0 mControllerRxDurationMillis=0
mControllerScanDurationMillis=0 mControllerIdleDurationMillis=0
mControllerEnergyUsedMicroJoules=0 }
05-14 01:30:00.107 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23239
com.glance.lockscreenRealme for 6
05-14 01:30:00.109 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23494
cessService0:0 for 6
05-14 01:30:00.113 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:30:00.113 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:30:00.117 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10196
05-14 01:30:00.119 1097 4114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:00.147 1097 4139 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23276 for 6
05-14 01:30:00.185 1097 4105 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10128. pid: 24740
05-14 01:30:00.224 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 01:30:00.272 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:00.272 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:00.297 1097 4105 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10114} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37146074 win=1219569 tElapsed=37146074 maxElapsed=38365643 interval=0
05-14 01:30:00.316 1097 4105 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
28145aa #u0a128/165064389
05-14 01:30:00.397 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:35520082 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:30:00.398 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 24117 for 6
05-14 01:30:00.402 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:1,
minute:17, seconds:6
05-14 01:30:00.402 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:1,
minute:30, seconds:0
05-14 01:30:00.541 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:00.906 1097 4139 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:30:00.906 1097 4139 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:01.231 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:01.233 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:01.234 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:01.235 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:02.850 1097 4105 I ActivityManager: Killing
23792:com.thegosa.miuithemes/u0a53 (adj 955): empty #25
05-14 01:30:02.851 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23792 for 12
05-14 01:30:02.857 1097 4105 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
dc71e4e #u0a145/-987264619
05-14 01:30:02.909 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:02.912 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 5
05-14 01:30:02.913 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23884
com.thegosa.miuithemes:AppMetrica for 5
05-14 01:30:02.914 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10053; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:07.124 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:07.126 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:07.128 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:07.130 1097 4139 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:07.948 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:07.949 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935): empty #25
05-14 01:30:07.950 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23246 for 12
05-14 01:30:08.054 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21251 for 5
05-14 01:30:08.055 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 20334 for 5
05-14 01:30:08.057 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21218 for 5
05-14 01:30:08.059 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:30:08.061 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10153
05-14 01:30:08.064 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 24704
ice0:3 for 12
05-14 01:30:08.069 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:3/u0a136i-8995 (adj 0): isolated not needed
05-14 01:30:08.098 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 90005
05-14 01:30:10.059 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84675} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (19 skipped)
05-14 01:30:10.060 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{4a25212
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:30:10.300 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23239
05-14 01:30:10.302 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23494
05-14 01:30:12.856 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23276
05-14 01:30:12.857 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 01:30:13.003 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:13.004 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:13.006 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:13.007 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:13.078 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23884
05-14 01:30:13.446 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:30:14.449 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:30:16.983 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24117
05-14 01:30:18.121 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 20334
05-14 01:30:18.123 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21251
05-14 01:30:18.125 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21218
05-14 01:30:18.129 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:18.134 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:18.135 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:18.135 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:20.062 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:30:20.064 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 2895
05-14 01:30:20.065 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 6872 com.oplus.lfeh
05-14 01:30:21.126 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:30:24.017 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:24.019 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:24.022 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:24.024 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:29.137 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:29.139 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:29.141 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:29.143 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:35.025 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:35.028 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:35.030 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:35.032 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:40.145 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:40.148 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:40.150 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:40.152 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:40.328 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:30:46.033 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:46.036 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:46.038 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:46.040 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:48.923 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:48.926 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:51.158 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:51.160 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:51.161 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:51.164 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:52.503 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715630452503, elapsedRealtime=35572188
05-14 01:30:57.041 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:57.046 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:57.048 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:57.050 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:30:58.248 1097 4105 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:30:59.250 1097 4105 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:31:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715630460000, elapsedRealtime=35579685
05-14 01:31:00.105 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:31:02.161 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:02.163 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:02.165 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:02.167 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:05.581 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:35585266 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:31:05.927 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:31:08.049 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:08.051 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:08.052 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:08.054 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:13.173 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:13.175 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:13.178 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:13.180 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:19.058 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:19.060 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:19.062 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:19.065 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:24.177 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:24.182 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:24.185 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:24.187 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:30.067 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:30.072 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:30.075 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:30.077 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:35.186 1097 4105 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:35.188 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:35.191 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:35.193 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:41.073 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:41.075 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:41.078 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:41.081 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:45.606 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:31:46.193 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:46.198 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:46.202 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:46.205 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:48.923 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:48.925 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:52.081 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:52.083 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:52.084 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:52.086 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:57.203 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:57.205 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:57.206 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:57.207 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:31:59.687 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:03.089 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:03.090 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:03.092 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:03.093 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:08.209 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:08.211 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:08.213 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:08.215 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:12.487 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:14.096 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:14.098 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:14.101 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:14.103 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:19.218 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:19.220 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:19.222 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:19.224 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:20.167 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:21.170 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:22.173 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:23.175 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:24.178 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:25.108 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:25.111 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:25.112 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:25.114 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:25.181 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:30.225 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:30.227 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:30.230 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:30.233 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:36.113 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:36.115 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:36.118 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:36.121 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:42.257 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:42.259 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:42.262 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:42.264 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:43.206 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:45.209 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:46.212 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:48.147 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:48.149 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:48.151 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:48.152 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:48.923 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:48.925 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:54.033 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:54.036 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:54.038 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:54.041 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:58.567 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:32:59.153 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:59.155 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:59.156 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:59.158 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:32:59.570 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:33:02.407 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:33:05.041 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:05.043 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:05.045 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:05.047 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:10.161 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:10.163 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:10.165 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:10.168 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:12.647 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:33:16.049 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:16.054 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:16.058 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:16.061 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:21.175 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:21.178 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:21.180 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:21.183 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:21.606 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:33:22.609 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:33:27.057 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:27.060 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:27.063 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:27.066 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:32.177 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:32.180 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:32.183 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:32.186 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:38.067 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:38.071 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:38.072 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b68fce
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:33:38.074 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:38.076 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:33:38.077 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:33:38.077 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 376,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:33:38.078 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:40.807 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:33:43.188 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:43.191 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:43.193 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2c0caa6
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:33:43.194 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:43.197 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:33:43.198 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:33:43.198 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 377,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:33:43.201 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:45.927 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:33:48.923 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:48.926 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:49.076 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:49.079 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:49.081 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:49.083 1097 4106 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:54.196 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:54.199 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:54.200 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{7b5a073
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:33:54.201 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:33:54.204 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:33:54.204 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:33:54.204 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 376,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:33:54.205 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:00.081 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:00.083 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:00.086 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:00.088 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:02.567 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:05.201 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:05.203 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:05.206 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:05.209 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:07.686 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:09.689 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:10.692 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:11.090 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:11.093 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:11.096 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:11.098 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:11.695 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:12.698 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:13.700 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:16.212 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:16.216 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:16.218 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:16.219 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:17.927 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:21.767 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:22.096 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:22.099 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:22.100 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:22.102 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:25.606 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:27.216 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:27.218 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:27.219 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:27.222 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:32.006 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:33.103 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:33.106 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:33.109 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:33.111 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:37.126 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:38.224 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:38.227 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:38.230 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:38.232 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:43.526 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:44.112 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:44.113 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:44.114 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:44.114 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:48.923 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:48.925 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:49.231 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:49.233 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:49.236 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:49.238 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:49.926 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:52.935 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:53.938 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:34:55.120 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:55.124 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:55.126 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:55.128 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:34:58.886 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:35:00.055 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715630700055, elapsedRealtime=35819740
05-14 01:35:01.008 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:01.010 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:01.012 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:01.014 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:06.132 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:06.134 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:06.135 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:06.136 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:12.016 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:12.018 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:12.019 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:12.021 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:17.136 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:17.138 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:17.140 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:17.141 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:23.025 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:23.028 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:23.030 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:23.033 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:28.150 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:28.152 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:28.155 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:28.157 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:34.037 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:34.040 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:34.042 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:34.044 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:35.327 1097 4094 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{50f9027
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:35:35.333 1097 4094 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ab672d4
com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE/u0} from uid 10069 pid 5638 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:35:35.335 1097 1147 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:35:35.335 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{becb772}
05-14 01:35:35.335 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10270; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:35:35.335 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10270; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:35:35.335 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10270; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:35:35.335 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:35:35.336 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:35:35.351 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
05-14 01:35:35.384 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10270; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:35:35.384 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10270; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:35:35.392 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:35:35.395 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:35:36.105 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:35:36.149 1097 4094 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{71eb021
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:35:36.266 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183164979; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:35:36.376 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.377 1097 4094 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:35:36.377 1097 4094 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:35:36.377 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set
pleFeedAlias's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.612 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set's state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.613 1097 1202 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.613 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.614 1097 1202 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:35:36.614 1097 1202 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:35:36.614 1097 1202 D PackageManager: Considering set
's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.614 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set
Interop's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.615 1097 4094 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:35:36.615 1097 4094 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:35:36.615 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set
tivityPhoto's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.616 1097 1202 D PackageManager: Considering set
tivityPhotoInterop's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.617 1097 4094 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:35:36.617 1097 4094 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:35:36.617 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set
tivityVideo's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.619 1097 1202 D PackageManager: Considering set
tivityVideoInterop's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.619 1097 1202 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:35:36.619 1097 1202 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:35:36.619 1097 1202 D PackageManager: Considering set
aShareActivity's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.621 1097 1202 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:35:36.621 1097 1202 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:35:36.621 1097 1202 D PackageManager: Considering set
aShareActivityInterop's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.746 1097 4094 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10270. pid: 24863
05-14 01:35:36.776 1097 4094 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{42573c9} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:35:36.777 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:36.796 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:35:36.962 1097 4094 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8e6737e
com.facebook.rti.intent.ACTION_NOTIFICATION_ACK/u0} from uid 10270 pid 24863 for 1
05-14 01:35:37.009 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{2c3c0df:
PendingIntentRecord{d97412c broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10270 triggerAtTime=36156693 win=224999 tElapsed=36156693
maxElapsed=36381692 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:35:37.010 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:35:37.011 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:35:37.012 1097 1202 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{34a57f5:
PendingIntentRecord{9f2498a startService}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10270 triggerAtTime=36156697 win=225000 tElapsed=36156697
maxElapsed=36381697 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:35:37.018 1097 1202 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{94d8bfb:
PendingIntentRecord{9f2498a startService}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10270 triggerAtTime=36156703 win=225000 tElapsed=36156703
maxElapsed=36381703 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:35:37.174 1097 3333 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a4f3b36} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:35:39.153 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:39.157 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:39.158 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d867b0e
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 01:35:39.159 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:39.159 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:39.161 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:35:39.161 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:35:39.161 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 377,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:35:43.687 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:35:45.041 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:45.043 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:45.044 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:45.047 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:45.340 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84707} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (1 skipped)
05-14 01:35:45.341 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{14026c3
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:35:45.823 1097 1202 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:35:47.106 449 24938 I keystore2:
system/security/keystore2/src/ - Watchdog thread idle ->
terminating. Have a great day.
05-14 01:35:47.527 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:35:48.529 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:35:48.923 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:48.926 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:50.161 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:50.163 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:50.164 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:50.165 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:55.810 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24863
05-14 01:35:56.043 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:56.044 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:56.045 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:35:56.046 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:01.169 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:01.171 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:01.172 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:01.174 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:04.154 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:36:07.057 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:07.059 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:07.062 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:07.064 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:12.177 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:12.181 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:12.182 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6ce0df6
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 01:36:12.183 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:12.184 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:36:12.184 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:36:12.184 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 376,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:36:12.184 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:15.686 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:36:18.065 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:18.067 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:18.069 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:18.072 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:19.526 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:36:21.531 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:36:22.534 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:36:23.190 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:23.193 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:23.194 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:23.196 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:29.074 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:29.076 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:29.078 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:29.081 1097 4094 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:34.194 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:34.196 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:34.198 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:34.201 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:40.081 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:40.084 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:40.086 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:40.088 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:41.287 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:36:42.289 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:36:43.292 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:36:45.202 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:45.205 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:45.206 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:45.209 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:48.923 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:48.925 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:49.380 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715630809380, elapsedRealtime=35929065
05-14 01:36:49.383 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{4404cbc type 3 origWhen 35549694 whenElapsed 35549694 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d, listenerTag=*job.delay*,
05-14 01:36:49.383 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 01:36:49.383 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=35939685 win=0 tElapsed=35939685 maxElapsed=35939685 interval=0
05-14 01:36:49.385 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{c2a2445 type 3 origWhen 35579685 whenElapsed 35579685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 01:36:49.386 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{75ca79a} from uid 1000 pid -1 for 1
05-14 01:36:49.387 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{8a078cb type 3
origWhen 35594740 whenElapsed 35594740 android}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{4b732dd: PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:36:49.388 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{92378a8} from uid 10125 pid -1 for 1
05-14 01:36:49.389 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{ccdbfc1 type 3
origWhen 35519773 whenElapsed 35519773}, cn =
alReceiver}, operation = PendingIntent{4972533: PendingIntentRecord{186e88b broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=WorkSource{10125}
05-14 01:36:49.392 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{44da366} from uid 10125 pid -1 for 1
05-14 01:36:49.393 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =, alarm = Alarm{3bbd6a7 type 2 origWhen
35929065 whenElapsed 35929065}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{3faea03: PendingIntentRecord{7465884 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null,
listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:36:49.394 1097 3333 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{e8b7754 m=0x0 userHandle=null}
finished with BroadcastRecord{92378a8} took 4ms
05-14 01:36:49.395 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10123} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=36019794 win=68038 tElapsed=36019794
maxElapsed=36087832 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:36:49.396 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{eb596fd
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 01:36:49.398 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=36229082 win=224999 tElapsed=36229082 maxElapsed=36454081 interval=0
05-14 01:36:49.400 1097 1097 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{ba0a8d6
1000/u0 ReceiverList{47cb4f1 1097 system/1000/u0 local:bed4498}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{75ca79a} took
05-14 01:36:49.401 1097 1202 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{ac64764
10125/u0 ReceiverList{40150f6 1750
remote:c146991}} finished with BroadcastRecord{44da366} took 7ms
05-14 01:36:49.407 1097 4094 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{c008ff2:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=35989091 win=0
tElapsed=35989091 maxElapsed=35989091 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:36:49.409 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:36:49.409 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{649a5f9}
05-14 01:36:49.409 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10156; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.409 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10156; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.410 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10156; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.410 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.411 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.416 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.419 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:36:49.420 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{c75a8b5}
05-14 01:36:49.420 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.420 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.420 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.421 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.421 1097 3333 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:36:49.424 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:36:49.425 1097 1202 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:36:49.425 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.427 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:36:49.428 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{dfbb216}
05-14 01:36:49.428 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10153; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.428 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10153; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.429 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10153; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.429 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.437 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:36:49.438 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.440 1097 4094 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:36:49.449 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10156; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.450 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10156; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.454 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:36:49.457 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.459 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.466 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{29ffafa:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=36819151 win=0
tElapsed=36819151 maxElapsed=36819151 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:36:49.471 1097 1202 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{e62ccc6:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=36085946
win=117594 tElapsed=36085946 maxElapsed=36203540 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:36:49.479 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.479 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.485 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23276 for 6
05-14 01:36:49.486 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.491 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.501 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10153; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.501 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10153; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.507 1097 3333 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
a7259c4 #u0a145/-1802807665
05-14 01:36:49.512 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.514 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.519 1097 4106 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
40ec456 #u0a145/-1971024830
05-14 01:36:49.579 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 6
05-14 01:36:49.583 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.592 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:36:49.596 1097 1202 D PackageManager: Considering set
ctedService's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:36:49.606 1097 4105 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{61ff46f:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=2699905 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=42229070 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:36:49.625 1097 4105 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{fa99581:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315395929309
win=3600000 tElapsed=315395929309 maxElapsed=315399529309 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:36:49.642 1097 4105 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10156. pid: 25065
05-14 01:36:49.650 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.669 1097 1202 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{9dabd29} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:36:49.671 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 154726397; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.683 1097 4105 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:36:49.683 1097 4105 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{e9b01dc}
05-14 01:36:49.683 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.683 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.683 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.683 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.684 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.691 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.698 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.701 1097 4139 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10153. pid: 25092
05-14 01:36:49.703 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.708 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:35929393 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:36:49.710 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:36:49.719 1097 4105 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e6368e6} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:36:49.720 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161252188; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.721 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{22dee27:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=36079400
win=112495 tElapsed=36079400 maxElapsed=36191895 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:36:49.735 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.743 1097 3333 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:36:49.743 1097 3333 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:36:49.743 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 2
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:36:49.745 1097 4105 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:36:49.745 1097 4105 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:36:49.745 1097 4105 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:36:49.747 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.747 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.756 1097 4139 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.762 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10216. pid: 25066
05-14 01:36:49.777 1097 4112 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:36:49.779 25066 25066 W Looper : Loop again would have the queued
messages be executed before this one completed.
05-14 01:36:49.788 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 01:36:49.809 1097 4105 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{9ab84f7} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:36:49.850 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.850 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.853 1097 3333 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d6761c9
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:36:49.877 1097 4105 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
804cb83 #u0a216/6554
05-14 01:36:49.913 1097 4139 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5dddedf} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:36:49.962 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161252188; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.967 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:36:49.968 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 22514 for 12
05-14 01:36:49.987 1097 4094 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:36:49.987 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{a973751}
05-14 01:36:49.988 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.988 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.988 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:49.988 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:49.989 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:50.003 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:36:50.020 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:50.020 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:50.049 1097 4112 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84803} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (1 skipped)
05-14 01:36:50.078 1097 4112 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10216. pid: 25311
05-14 01:36:50.082 25311 25311 W Looper : Loop again would have the queued
messages be executed before this one completed.
05-14 01:36:50.105 1097 4112 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
d6d6cb2 #u0a153/11496
05-14 01:36:50.128 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10125. pid: 25199
05-14 01:36:50.131 1097 4094 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 925): empty #25
05-14 01:36:50.133 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 24070 for 12
05-14 01:36:50.140 1097 4112 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 925): empty #25
05-14 01:36:50.146 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23993 for 12
05-14 01:36:50.168 1097 4112 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{a31d18f:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315395929852
win=3600000 tElapsed=315395929852 maxElapsed=315399529852 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:36:50.259 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10155
05-14 01:36:50.260 1097 3427 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{574aa52:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=2699415 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=42228580 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:36:51.094 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:51.097 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:51.099 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:51.101 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:51.782 1097 1605 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10153} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=35991456 win=44991 tElapsed=35991456
maxElapsed=36036447 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:36:51.816 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 20334 for 6
05-14 01:36:51.818 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21251 for 6
05-14 01:36:51.819 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21218 for 6
05-14 01:36:51.893 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{74e6c81
05-14 01:36:51.894 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:51.897 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:51.897 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 207557677; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:51.970 1097 1605 D MediaMetricsManagerService: failed to get
player_metrics_app_blocklist from DeviceConfig
05-14 01:36:51.970 1097 1605 V MediaMetricsManagerService: Logging level blocked:
05-14 01:36:52.011 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 118ms so far, now
at startProcess: returned from zygote!
05-14 01:36:52.012 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 119ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
05-14 01:36:52.012 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 119ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
05-14 01:36:52.012 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:8/u0ai0 for
05-14 01:36:52.012 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 119ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
05-14 01:36:52.012 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 119ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
05-14 01:36:52.029 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:52.030 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:52.060 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 90000. pid: 25423
05-14 01:36:52.076 1097 1605 I ActivityManager: Killing
24247:com.truecaller/u0a31 (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:36:52.077 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 24247 for 12
05-14 01:36:52.186 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10031
05-14 01:36:52.460 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183164979; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:54.087 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:36:56.210 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:56.212 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:56.214 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:56.216 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:36:57.241 1097 1605 I ActivityManager: Killing
xedProcessService0:0/u0a171i77 (adj 975): empty #25
05-14 01:36:57.243 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 24537 for 12
05-14 01:36:57.271 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: scheduleServiceRestartLocked N
0 now 35884167 r ServiceRecord{5ba199a u0
:0} minDuration 1000
05-14 01:36:57.272 1097 1605 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed
:0 in 1000ms for connection
05-14 01:36:57.273 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 99077
05-14 01:36:57.290 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:36:57.291 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:36:58.274 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{76db837
05-14 01:36:58.275 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 99078; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:58.275 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 99078; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:58.275 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 99078; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:58.276 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 99078; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:58.277 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10171; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:36:58.305 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i78 for
05-14 01:36:58.327 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10171; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:58.328 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10171; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:36:58.352 1097 2725 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 99078. pid: 25451
05-14 01:36:59.521 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23276
05-14 01:36:59.905 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25065
05-14 01:37:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715630820000, elapsedRealtime=35939685
05-14 01:37:00.152 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25066
05-14 01:37:00.154 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25311
05-14 01:37:01.863 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 20334
05-14 01:37:01.865 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21251
05-14 01:37:01.866 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21218
05-14 01:37:02.023 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25092
05-14 01:37:02.103 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:02.105 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:02.105 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:02.106 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:02.413 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25423
05-14 01:37:04.327 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:04.580 1097 3427 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:37:04.581 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23527 for 12
05-14 01:37:04.626 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10144
05-14 01:37:04.629 1097 3427 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84872} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (13 skipped)
05-14 01:37:06.664 1097 1215 I JobServiceContext: Client timed out while
executing (no jobFinished received). Sending onStop: 4dd4868 #u0a244/1333
05-14 01:37:06.678 1097 2725 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:37:06.679 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:37:06.885 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:07.217 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:07.220 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:07.221 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:07.224 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:07.242 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25199
05-14 01:37:07.889 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:08.369 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25451
05-14 01:37:13.105 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:13.109 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:13.109 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5d78204
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:37:13.110 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:13.110 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:13.112 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:37:13.113 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:37:13.113 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 377,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:37:18.225 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:18.229 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:18.229 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{19b0d9c
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:37:18.233 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:18.234 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:37:18.234 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:37:18.234 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 376,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:37:18.237 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:24.113 1097 3427 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:24.117 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b85e759
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:37:24.118 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:24.119 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:24.120 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:37:24.120 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:37:24.120 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 377,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:37:24.120 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:24.805 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:26.809 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:29.237 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:29.239 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:29.240 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:29.242 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:29.926 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:33.765 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:35.126 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:35.128 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:35.130 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:35.133 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:36.774 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:41.013 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:41.016 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:41.017 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{f91c8e7
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:37:41.018 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:41.022 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:41.023 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:37:41.023 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:37:41.023 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 376,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:37:41.447 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:46.132 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:46.135 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:46.137 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:46.138 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:46.568 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:48.923 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:48.925 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:50.579 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:51.581 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:52.018 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:52.021 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:52.023 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:52.025 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:52.585 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:53.588 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:37:55.461 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Process (pid
18949) has died: cch+35 CEM
05-14 01:37:55.464 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: scheduleServiceRestartLocked N
0 now 35942359 r ServiceRecord{24e020a u0
ssEndpointService} minDuration 1000
05-14 01:37:55.464 1097 1400 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed
ssEndpointService in 1000ms for connection
05-14 01:37:55.468 1097 1400 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #84884} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (1 skipped)
05-14 01:37:57.137 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:57.140 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:57.143 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:37:57.145 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:03.029 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:03.031 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:03.035 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:03.037 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:05.516 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 01:38:05.781 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715630885781, elapsedRealtime=36005466
05-14 01:38:08.146 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:08.151 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:08.153 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:08.155 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:14.040 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:14.043 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:14.045 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:14.047 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:17.286 1097 1576 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:38:19.153 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:19.156 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:19.159 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:19.161 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:25.042 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:25.045 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:25.046 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:25.049 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:28.806 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:38:30.162 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:30.165 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:30.167 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:30.169 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:36.053 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:36.056 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:36.058 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:36.061 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:36.762 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715630916762, elapsedRealtime=36036447
05-14 01:38:36.762 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{9bcf9d3:
PendingIntentRecord{5c6d910 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 workSource=null
nextElapsed=37821205 orginAlarm=Alarm{f71b6ab type 3 origWhen 36021205 whenElapsed
36021205 android}
05-14 01:38:37.766 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:38:41.169 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:41.172 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:41.175 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:41.177 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:46.728 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:38:47.057 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:47.060 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:47.063 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:47.065 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:47.731 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:38:48.923 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:48.925 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:52.181 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:52.184 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:52.186 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:52.189 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:53.318 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:38:58.065 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:58.068 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:58.070 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:38:58.073 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:03.185 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:03.188 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:03.190 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:03.192 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:09.073 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:09.076 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:09.078 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:09.081 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:11.986 1097 8848 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [300, 333, 427, 452, 480, 489, 496, 509, 510, 511, 532, 577, 605, 620,
621, 622, 625, 637, 638, 639]
05-14 01:39:11.999 1097 8848 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [427, 496, 620, 637, 639, 641]
05-14 01:39:12.009 1097 8848 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [427, 496, 577, 620, 637, 641, 671, 672]
05-14 01:39:12.018 1097 8848 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [641, 672, 673, 674]
05-14 01:39:12.033 1097 8848 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [577, 620, 637, 641, 671, 672, 673, 674]
05-14 01:39:12.044 1097 8848 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [620, 641, 672, 673, 705]
05-14 01:39:12.056 1097 8848 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [620, 641, 672, 673, 674]
05-14 01:39:12.069 1097 8848 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [672, 673]
05-14 01:39:12.083 1097 8848 D IntervalStats: Unable to parse usage stats
packages: [672, 673]
05-14 01:39:14.194 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:14.197 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:14.198 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{1d87ee6
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:39:14.199 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:14.202 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:14.202 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:39:14.202 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:39:14.202 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 377,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:39:15.265 1097 1214 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to
05-14 01:39:20.081 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:20.084 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:20.085 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:20.087 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:22.567 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:24.572 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:25.206 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:25.209 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:25.210 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{beb162b
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:39:25.212 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:25.214 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:39:25.214 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:39:25.214 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 376,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:39:25.218 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:25.575 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:26.578 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:27.581 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:29.584 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:31.088 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:31.089 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:31.090 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:31.091 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:36.209 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:36.212 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:36.213 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:36.215 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:36.646 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:37.649 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:40.486 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:42.097 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:42.100 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:42.102 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:42.104 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:42.492 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:44.495 1097 1576 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:46.814 1097 1576 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 24388 for 7
05-14 01:39:46.816 1097 1576 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{ede1f85 BFgs #84890} whose
proc state 4 is better than process ProcessState{4900395} proc
state 13 (1 skipped)
05-14 01:39:46.886 1097 1576 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:39:46.977 1097 1576 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:39:46.977 1097 1576 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{b1a81a6 0:android.process.acore/u0a52}
05-14 01:39:46.977 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:39:46.977 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:39:46.977 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:39:46.977 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:39:46.978 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:39:46.995 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
25484:android.process.acore/u0a52 for content provider
05-14 01:39:47.032 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:39:47.033 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:39:47.042 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:39:47.045 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:39:47.104 1097 2725 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:39:47.149 1097 2725 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10052. pid: 25484
05-14 01:39:47.217 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:47.220 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:47.222 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:47.225 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:47.245 1097 2725 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 201794303; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:39:47.247 1097 2725 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 207133734; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:39:47.304 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 157233955; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:39:48.923 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:48.925 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:49.698 1097 1576 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 01:39:53.105 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:53.108 1097 1576 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:53.111 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:53.114 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:58.230 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:58.232 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:58.235 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:39:58.237 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:03.388 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25484
05-14 01:40:04.113 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:04.115 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:04.118 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:04.121 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:04.806 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:05.808 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:07.812 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:09.233 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:09.235 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:09.236 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:09.237 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:13.766 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:14.769 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:15.121 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:15.123 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:15.124 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:15.125 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:21.009 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:21.012 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:21.013 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2f767aa
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:40:21.013 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:21.015 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:40:21.015 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:40:21.015 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 377,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:40:21.016 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:26.132 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:26.134 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:26.137 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:26.140 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:26.566 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:30.406 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:31.866 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24388
05-14 01:40:32.022 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:32.025 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:32.025 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{c8b8668
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:40:32.026 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:32.027 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:32.027 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:40:32.027 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:40:32.027 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 376,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:40:32.412 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:33.415 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:34.417 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:37.137 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:37.139 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:37.141 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:37.144 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:39.366 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:40.369 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:43.025 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:43.027 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:43.030 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:43.032 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:45.766 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:46.485 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:40:46.978 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:40:48.145 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:48.147 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:48.149 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:48.151 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:48.923 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:48.926 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:50.577 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:40:54.036 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:54.038 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:54.040 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:54.041 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:57.286 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:40:59.157 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:59.160 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:59.162 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:40:59.165 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:02.406 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:41:04.967 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:41:05.047 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:05.051 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:05.052 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{fe1db28
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:41:05.053 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:05.054 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:05.056 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:41:05.056 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:41:05.056 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 375,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:41:06.928 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:36186612 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:41:10.160 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:10.161 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:10.162 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:10.162 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:13.926 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:41:15.651 1097 1400 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{5b771b6 Top #84921} whose proc state
1 is better than process ProcessState{97806bf} proc state 3 (7
05-14 01:41:16.049 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:16.051 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:16.053 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:16.056 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:16.486 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:41:17.488 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:41:18.491 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:41:19.494 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:41:21.172 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:21.174 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:21.176 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:21.178 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:22.497 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:41:27.057 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:27.060 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:27.062 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:27.064 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:32.178 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:32.181 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:32.183 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:32.185 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:38.065 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:38.067 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:38.070 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:38.072 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:39.526 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:41:40.529 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:41:43.185 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:43.189 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:43.193 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:43.196 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:48.923 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:48.927 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:49.076 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:49.079 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:49.081 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:49.084 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:54.194 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:54.197 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:54.198 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:41:54.201 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:00.081 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:00.084 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:00.087 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:00.090 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:05.201 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:05.204 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:05.207 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:05.210 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:06.405 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:42:11.089 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:11.092 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:11.095 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:11.098 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:14.086 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:42:15.089 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:42:16.210 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:16.213 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:16.214 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{9ca6489
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:42:16.215 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:16.217 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:42:16.217 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:42:16.217 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 376,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:42:16.219 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:22.097 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:22.100 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:22.103 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:22.106 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:26.887 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:42:27.217 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:27.220 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:27.222 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:27.225 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:33.106 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:33.109 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:33.111 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:33.114 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:38.226 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:38.229 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:38.231 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:38.233 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:38.406 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:42:40.412 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:42:42.417 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:42:44.113 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:44.116 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:44.117 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3fc7087
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:42:44.119 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:44.121 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:42:44.121 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:42:44.121 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 375,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:42:44.123 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:44.424 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:42:45.426 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:42:48.925 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:48.928 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:49.236 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:49.238 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:49.241 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:49.243 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:55.121 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:55.124 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:55.126 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:42:55.129 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:01.009 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:01.012 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:01.014 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:01.017 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:06.129 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:06.133 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:06.135 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:06.138 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:09.976 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:43:12.020 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:12.022 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:12.024 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:12.025 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:15.526 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:17.142 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:17.146 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:17.149 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:17.151 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:20.646 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:21.648 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:23.032 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:23.036 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:23.038 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:23.040 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:28.145 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:28.148 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:28.150 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:28.153 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:34.033 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:34.036 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:34.040 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:34.043 1097 1605 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:39.153 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:39.156 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:39.158 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:39.162 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:39.846 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:40.849 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:41.851 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:42.854 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:43.857 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:44.860 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:45.046 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:45.048 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:45.050 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:45.053 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:45.862 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:48.923 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:48.926 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:50.085 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:43:50.162 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:50.164 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:50.167 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:50.169 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:56.049 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:56.051 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:56.054 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:43:56.057 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:01.169 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:01.172 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:01.175 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:01.178 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:07.060 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:07.062 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:07.064 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:07.066 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:12.177 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:12.180 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:12.182 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:12.186 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:16.966 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:44:18.065 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:18.068 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:18.071 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:18.074 1097 2725 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:22.007 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715631262007, elapsedRealtime=36381692
05-14 01:44:22.008 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{ad373ed:
PendingIntentRecord{fa8c222 com.heytap.pictorial startService}}) : type=0
workSource=null nextElapsed=37919685 orginAlarm=Alarm{3f9840b type 0 origWhen
1715630327248 whenElapsed 36119685 com.heytap.pictorial}
05-14 01:44:22.009 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{607d449:
PendingIntentRecord{d79d14e com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=3
workSource=null nextElapsed=39716562 orginAlarm=Alarm{2fac2e8 type 3 origWhen
36116562 whenElapsed 36116562 com.whatsapp}
05-14 01:44:22.011 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 01:44:22.011 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=36419685 win=0 tElapsed=36419685 maxElapsed=36419685 interval=0
05-14 01:44:22.012 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{397dd01
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 01:44:22.015 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{cc597a6 type 3 origWhen 35939685 whenElapsed 35939685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 01:44:22.015 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{4ba55e7 type 3 origWhen 35991456 whenElapsed 35991456 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d, listenerTag=*job.delay*,
05-14 01:44:22.016 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{12d2594 type 3 origWhen 36005466 whenElapsed 36005466 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@47330c4,
listenerTag=StatsCompanionService.pull, workSource=null
05-14 01:44:22.018 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{624483d} from uid 1000 pid -1 for 1
05-14 01:44:22.018 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{f71b6ab type 3 origWhen
36021205 whenElapsed 36021205 android}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{9bcf9d3: PendingIntentRecord{5c6d910 android broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:44:22.019 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{7a38832} from uid 1000 pid -1 for 1
05-14 01:44:22.020 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{ccc6983 type 3
origWhen 36229082 whenElapsed 36229082 android}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{4b732dd: PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:44:22.030 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{3f9840b type 0 origWhen 1715630327248 whenElapsed 36119685
com.heytap.pictorial}, cn =
operation = PendingIntent{ad373ed: PendingIntentRecord{fa8c222 com.heytap.pictorial
startService}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:44:22.032 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6122b39
action_batch_upload/u0} from uid 10270 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:44:22.034 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 24863 for 3
05-14 01:44:22.036 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =
action_batch_upload, alarm = Alarm{5fdf57e type 2 origWhen 36156693 whenElapsed
36156693}, cn =
csUploadAlarmReceiver}, operation = PendingIntent{2c3c0df:
PendingIntentRecord{d97412c broadcastIntent}}, listener=null,
listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:44:22.040 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b621adf} from uid 10069 pid -
1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:44:22.041 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =, alarm = Alarm{46f932c
type 2 origWhen 36194724 whenElapsed 36194724}, cn = null,
operation = PendingIntent{2636bb2: PendingIntentRecord{5bd3b85 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null,
05-14 01:44:22.043 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{26141f5
com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON/u0} from uid 10223 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:44:22.044 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON, alarm = Alarm{2fac2e8 type 3 origWhen 36116562
whenElapsed 36116562 com.whatsapp}, cn =
ComponentInfo{com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.AlarmBroadcastReceiver}, operation =
PendingIntent{607d449: PendingIntentRecord{d79d14e com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:44:22.045 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23224 com.whatsapp
for 3
05-14 01:44:22.048 1097 1576 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{dffeb8a:
PendingIntentRecord{5bd3b85 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=37281727 win=675000 tElapsed=37281727
maxElapsed=37956727 interval=0 flags=0x20
05-14 01:44:22.048 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=null Max running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is
05-14 01:44:22.049 1097 1400 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:44:22.050 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10076 com.glance.lockscreenRealme} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=36479972 win=73678 tElapsed=36479972
maxElapsed=36553650 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:44:22.052 1097 1605 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:44:22.063 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=null Max running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is
05-14 01:44:22.066 1097 1576 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{1af1bc4:
PendingIntentRecord{c1fc873 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=36440749 win=0 tElapsed=36440749 maxElapsed=36440749
interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:44:22.067 1097 1576 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{14bf87f
10069/u0 ReceiverList{254459e 5638 remote:6cd27d9}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{b621adf} took 26ms
05-14 01:44:22.072 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:44:22.072 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{643030}
05-14 01:44:22.073 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.073 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.073 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.073 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.074 1097 1261 D BroadcastQueue: Finished with ordered
BroadcastRecord{624483d} took 56ms
manifest receiver:0 manifest skipped: 0 total receiver:1
05-14 01:44:22.074 1097 1261 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{7f1415e
1000/u0 ReceiverList{695ba99 1097 system/1000/u0 local:e65b7e0}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{624483d} took 56ms
05-14 01:44:22.075 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.076 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=36681760 win=225000 tElapsed=36681760 maxElapsed=36906760 interval=0
05-14 01:44:22.081 1097 1261 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x40000010 }
05-14 01:44:22.082 1097 1097 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{ba0a8d6
1000/u0 ReceiverList{47cb4f1 1097 system/1000/u0 local:bed4498}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{7a38832} took
05-14 01:44:22.085 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 15294 for 6
05-14 01:44:22.105 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 18446
cessService0:0 for 6
05-14 01:44:22.108 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{c569a74 ImpBg
#84932} whose proc state 6 is better than process ProcessState{9329c8
cessService0:0/10129} proc state 8 (0
05-14 01:44:22.111 1097 1576 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:44:22.117 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@47330c4
listenerTag=StatsCompanionService.pull workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=39605466 win=0 tElapsed=39605466 maxElapsed=39605466
interval=0 flags=0x9
05-14 01:44:22.121 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21251 for 6
05-14 01:44:22.124 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 52ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
05-14 01:44:22.125 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 53ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
05-14 01:44:22.125 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:44:22.125 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 53ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
05-14 01:44:22.125 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 53ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
05-14 01:44:22.128 1097 2725 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.128 1097 2725 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.138 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.154 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.158 1097 1605 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{5e92078
com.whatsapp/.AlarmBroadcastReceiver m=0x0 userHandle=null} finished with
BroadcastRecord{26141f5 com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON/u0} took 113ms
05-14 01:44:22.189 1097 2725 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 24388 for 6
05-14 01:44:22.197 1097 2725 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.202 1097 2725 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10122. pid: 25552
05-14 01:44:22.202 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.207 1097 1097 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:44:22.207 1097 1097 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{52bc1a7}
05-14 01:44:22.208 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10058; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.208 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10058; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.208 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10058; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.208 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.209 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.224 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:44:22.249 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10058; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.249 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10058; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.257 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.260 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:36381944 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:44:22.260 1097 1400 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:44:22.260 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{15d8cf0 0:com.truecaller/u0a31}
05-14 01:44:22.260 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.260 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.260 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.260 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.261 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.265 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.267 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:1,
minute:30, seconds:0
05-14 01:44:22.267 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:1,
minute:44, seconds:22
05-14 01:44:22.272 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
25616:com.truecaller/u0a31 for service
05-14 01:44:22.299 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.300 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.303 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.315 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.342 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10058. pid: 25595
05-14 01:44:22.351 1097 3427 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.356 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.394 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 4
05-14 01:44:22.406 1097 4094 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{508dc8f} from uid 10058 pid 25595
for 2 receivers
05-14 01:44:22.415 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.489 1097 1400 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{319fe32:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315396382172
win=3600000 tElapsed=315396382172 maxElapsed=315399982172 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:44:22.500 1097 3427 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23276 for 6
05-14 01:44:22.538 1097 3427 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.549 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state as
1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 01:44:22.587 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 24117 for 6
05-14 01:44:22.597 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.597 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.605 1097 4094 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:44:22.605 1097 4094 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{6362cea}
05-14 01:44:22.605 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10058; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.605 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10058; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.605 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10058; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:22.605 1097 4094 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.606 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.620 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:44:22.652 1097 2725 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10031. pid: 25616
05-14 01:44:22.736 1097 1400 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
bce6a71 #u0a31/26713
05-14 01:44:22.756 1097 1400 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
f89c6dc #u0a145/-1803373694
05-14 01:44:22.759 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:22.770 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10058. pid: 25760
05-14 01:44:22.800 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 25092 for 6
05-14 01:44:22.802 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 20334 for 6
05-14 01:44:22.816 1097 1576 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
45b0f4f #u0a145/-1310507087
05-14 01:44:22.910 1097 1400 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 01:44:22.938 1097 4094 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 01:44:22.954 1097 1576 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 01:44:22.959 1097 1400 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6977681} from uid 10058 pid 25760
for 2 receivers
05-14 01:44:22.986 1097 3427 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.084 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:44:23.155 1097 1576 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{f9caeba} from uid 10058 pid 25760
for 2 receivers
05-14 01:44:23.182 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.184 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:23.185 1097 1400 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:44:23.185 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:23.186 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10123; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:23.186 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10123; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:23.186 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10123; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:23.186 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.186 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:23.187 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.187 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:23.198 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:44:23.224 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10123; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:23.225 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10123; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:23.230 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.235 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.308 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.336 1097 3427 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183407956; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.359 1097 3427 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10123. pid: 25826
05-14 01:44:23.361 1097 3333 D TextToSpeechManagerPerUserService: Trying to start
connection to TTS engine:
05-14 01:44:23.364 1097 1097 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:44:23.364 1097 1097 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{d5dd867}
05-14 01:44:23.365 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10143; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:23.365 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10143; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:23.365 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10143; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:23.365 1097 1097 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10143; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.366 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10143; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.381 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.384 1097 4094 W BackupManagerService: [UserID:0] dataChanged but
no participant pkg='com.truecaller' uid=10031
05-14 01:44:23.405 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:44:23.427 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10143; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:23.428 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10143; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:23.433 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10143; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.435 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10143; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.589 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10143; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.599 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10143. pid: 25872
05-14 01:44:23.605 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10143; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:23.683 1097 1576 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{27a31a} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:44:23.743 1097 1097 D TextToSpeechManagerPerUserService: Connected
successfully to TTS engine:
05-14 01:44:23.824 1097 1576 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.speech.tts.TTS_QUEUE_PROCESSING_COMPLETED
flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:44:24.110 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:24.110 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:24.185 1097 1576 D MediaMetricsManagerService: failed to get
player_metrics_app_blocklist from DeviceConfig
05-14 01:44:24.185 1097 1576 V MediaMetricsManagerService: Logging level blocked:
05-14 01:44:24.186 1097 1576 D MediaMetricsManagerService: failed to get
player_metrics_app_blocklist from DeviceConfig
05-14 01:44:24.186 1097 1576 V MediaMetricsManagerService: Logging level blocked:
05-14 01:44:24.332 1097 1576 I ActivityManager: Killing
24442:com.applovin.array.apphub.vincere/u0a171 (adj 935): empty #25
05-14 01:44:24.333 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 24442 for 12
05-14 01:44:24.342 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:24.343 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:24.349 1097 1400 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
6818da4 #u0a58/511152388
05-14 01:44:24.353 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935): empty #25
05-14 01:44:24.354 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 24655 for 12
05-14 01:44:24.393 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 25451
cessService0:0 for 5
05-14 01:44:24.394 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Killing
xedProcessService0:0/u0a171i78 (adj 0): isolated not needed
05-14 01:44:24.397 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10171
05-14 01:44:24.417 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 99078
05-14 01:44:24.431 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:44:26.096 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.speech.tts.TTS_QUEUE_PROCESSING_COMPLETED
flg=0x10 }
05-14 01:44:27.206 1097 1202 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:44:29.075 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:29.078 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:29.081 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:29.082 1097 1202 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:30.639 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{917ffb:
PendingIntentRecord{80faf4a com.truecaller broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.truecaller
callingUid=10031 triggerAtTime=1716840870638 win=3600000 tElapsed=1245990323
maxElapsed=1249590323 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:44:30.641 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{a142818:
PendingIntentRecord{5f76f31 com.truecaller broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.truecaller
callingUid=10031 triggerAtTime=1716495270641 win=3600000 tElapsed=900390326
maxElapsed=903990326 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:44:31.140 1097 3333 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{95c9271
eceiver m=0x0 userHandle=null} finished with BroadcastRecord{6122b39
action_batch_upload/u0} took 9104ms
05-14 01:44:31.142 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Killing
xedProcessService0:0/u0a76i76 (adj 975): empty #25
05-14 01:44:31.143 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23494 for 12
05-14 01:44:31.182 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: scheduleServiceRestartLocked N
0 now 36338078 r ServiceRecord{ffa2b6a u0
minDuration 1000
05-14 01:44:31.182 1097 3333 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed
com.glance.lockscreenRealme/ in
1000ms for connection
05-14 01:44:31.183 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 99076
05-14 01:44:32.185 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{ed6e4ad
05-14 01:44:32.186 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 99079; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:32.186 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 99079; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:32.186 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 99079; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:32.186 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 99079; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:32.188 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:44:32.211 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i79 for
05-14 01:44:32.230 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 15294
05-14 01:44:32.238 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10076; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:32.238 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10076; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:44:32.245 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 18446
05-14 01:44:32.265 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 99079. pid: 25961
05-14 01:44:32.808 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23276
05-14 01:44:33.009 1097 4138 I ActivityManager: Killing
23239:com.glance.lockscreenRealme/u0a76 (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:44:33.011 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23239 for 12
05-14 01:44:33.094 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Killing
xedProcessService0:0/u0a76i79 (adj 0): isolated not needed
05-14 01:44:33.097 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10076
05-14 01:44:33.099 1097 3333 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #85171} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (9 skipped)
05-14 01:44:33.128 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 99079
05-14 01:44:33.142 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23224 com.whatsapp
05-14 01:44:33.264 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25616 com.truecaller
05-14 01:44:34.181 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25092
05-14 01:44:34.183 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 20334
05-14 01:44:34.185 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21251
05-14 01:44:34.185 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25552
05-14 01:44:34.208 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:34.209 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:34.210 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:34.211 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:34.713 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25760
05-14 01:44:34.714 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25595
05-14 01:44:34.715 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24388
05-14 01:44:34.885 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:44:35.889 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:44:36.891 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:44:38.894 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:44:39.415 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24117
05-14 01:44:40.081 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:40.083 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:40.084 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:40.085 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:41.145 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24863
05-14 01:44:43.019 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:44:45.204 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:45.207 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:45.208 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:45.210 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:48.923 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:48.925 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:51.092 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:51.094 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:51.096 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:51.099 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:56.211 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:56.214 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:56.216 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:44:56.218 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715631300000, elapsedRealtime=36419685
05-14 01:45:00.563 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:45:02.100 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:02.103 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:02.106 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:02.108 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:06.887 1097 3483 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:07.222 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:07.226 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:07.229 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:07.232 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:07.889 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:08.891 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:09.894 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:13.112 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:13.114 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:13.116 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:13.118 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:18.226 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:18.228 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:18.231 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:18.234 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:24.114 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:24.116 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:24.119 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:24.122 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:26.085 1097 3483 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:29.233 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:29.239 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:29.242 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:29.245 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:31.205 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:32.208 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:35.121 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:35.123 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:35.126 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:35.129 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:37.606 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:39.608 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:40.611 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:41.010 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:41.013 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:41.016 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:41.019 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:41.614 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:42.616 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:46.133 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:46.136 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:46.141 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:46.143 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:48.923 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:48.926 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:52.017 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:52.019 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:52.022 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:52.024 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:54.246 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:45:57.140 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:57.142 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:57.144 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:45:57.146 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:03.025 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:03.032 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:03.034 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:03.035 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:08.149 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:08.151 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:08.155 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:08.158 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:10.885 1097 3483 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:14.034 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:14.038 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:14.041 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:14.043 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:16.005 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:17.008 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:19.154 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:19.157 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:19.159 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:19.162 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:19.845 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:23.685 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:25.041 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:25.043 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:25.046 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:25.049 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:30.161 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:30.164 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:30.166 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:30.169 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:32.645 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:35.206 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:36.049 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:36.052 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:36.055 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:36.059 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:39.045 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:40.048 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:41.173 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:41.176 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:41.178 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:41.181 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:47.060 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:47.062 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:47.064 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:47.066 1097 3483 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:48.923 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:48.925 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:52.178 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:52.180 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:52.182 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:52.184 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:54.406 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:55.409 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:46:58.066 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:58.069 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:58.071 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:58.073 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:46:59.525 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:47:02.560 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:47:03.188 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:03.190 1097 3931 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:03.192 1097 3931 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:03.196 1097 3931 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:04.646 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:47:06.707 1097 1215 I JobServiceContext: Client timed out while
executing (no jobFinished received). Sending onStop: 1050241 #u0a244/1334
05-14 01:47:06.721 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:47:06.747 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10269} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=36602018 win=41689 tElapsed=36602018 maxElapsed=36643707 interval=0
05-14 01:47:06.755 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:06.763 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:47:06.763 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{2081a1d 0:com.glance.lockscreenRealme/u0a76}
05-14 01:47:06.764 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10076; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:06.764 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10076; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:06.765 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10076; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:06.765 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:06.767 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:06.803 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
25987:com.glance.lockscreenRealme/u0a76 for service
05-14 01:47:06.842 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:06.844 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:06.911 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:06.915 1097 1400 D PackageManager: Considering set
e's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.glance.lockscreenRealme:10076
05-14 01:47:06.930 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10076. pid: 25987
05-14 01:47:07.025 1097 3931 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{84518c0
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:47:07.055 1097 3931 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:07.055 1097 3931 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:07.064 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 6
05-14 01:47:07.121 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
eiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:47:07.161 1097 3333 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:47:07.161 1097 3333 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:47:07.161 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
eiver's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:47:07.169 1097 1400 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:47:07.169 1097 1400 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:47:07.169 1097 1400 D PackageManager: Considering set
eiver's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:47:07.203 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:47:07.214 1097 3931 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{5df7776
05-14 01:47:07.214 1097 3931 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 99080; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:07.214 1097 3931 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 99080; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:07.214 1097 3931 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 99080; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:07.214 1097 3931 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 99080; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:07.215 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:07.228 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i80 for
05-14 01:47:07.266 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 99080. pid: 26068
05-14 01:47:07.339 1097 1400 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:47:07.339 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{560f4f1}
05-14 01:47:07.339 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:07.340 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:07.340 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:07.340 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:07.341 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:07.354 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:47:07.381 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:07.381 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:07.386 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:07.387 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:07.448 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10144. pid: 26101
05-14 01:47:07.464 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:07.538 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:47:07.540 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #26
05-14 01:47:07.583 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Killing
23884:com.thegosa.miuithemes:AppMetrica/u0a53 (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 01:47:07.583 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23884 for 12
05-14 01:47:07.615 1097 1400 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #85235} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (3 skipped)
05-14 01:47:07.618 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10128
05-14 01:47:07.667 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10053
05-14 01:47:08.129 1097 1181 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8fdc3e0
android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 80 receivers
05-14 01:47:08.135 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:08.136 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:08.152 1097 1333 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:47:08.152 1097 1333 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{fb39e3b}
05-14 01:47:08.152 1097 1333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10196; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:08.152 1097 1333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10196; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:08.153 1097 1333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10196; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:08.153 1097 1333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10196; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:08.154 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10196; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:08.170 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:47:08.202 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10196; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:08.202 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10196; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:47:08.207 1097 1145 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x24000010
05-14 01:47:08.208 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10196; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:08.209 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:47:08.213 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10196; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:08.258 1097 1400 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:47:08.259 1097 1400 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:47:08.259 1097 1400 D PackageManager: Considering set
ecialAppAccessListActivity's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:47:08.278 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10196. pid: 26133
05-14 01:47:08.364 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10196; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:47:08.649 1097 4103 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{47f96c8:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315396548333
win=3600000 tElapsed=315396548333 maxElapsed=315400148333 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:47:09.077 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:09.080 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:09.080 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a56bd12
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:47:09.081 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:09.084 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:09.084 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:47:09.085 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:47:09.085 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 374,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:47:10.211 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:47:14.193 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:14.197 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:14.200 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:14.202 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:17.510 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26101
05-14 01:47:17.582 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 01:47:18.282 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25987
05-14 01:47:18.284 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26068
05-14 01:47:18.725 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:47:20.082 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:20.084 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:20.087 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:20.089 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:25.201 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:25.204 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:25.206 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:25.208 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:27.212 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:47:27.685 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:47:28.399 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26133
05-14 01:47:30.245 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:47:31.089 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:31.091 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:31.094 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:31.097 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:31.248 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:47:32.250 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:47:36.212 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:36.214 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:36.215 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:36.217 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:42.097 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:42.100 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:42.102 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:42.104 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:47.217 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:47.220 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:47.222 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:47.225 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:48.923 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:48.926 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:53.105 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:53.108 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:53.110 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:53.113 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:58.233 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:58.236 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:58.238 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:47:58.240 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:02.197 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:48:02.708 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:48:04.118 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:04.121 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:04.123 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:04.125 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:06.722 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:48:10.258 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:10.261 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:10.262 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:10.265 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:13.765 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:48:16.145 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:16.148 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:16.151 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:16.153 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:20.165 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:48:22.033 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:22.036 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:22.038 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:22.041 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:27.157 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:27.160 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:27.162 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:27.165 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:33.045 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:33.048 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:33.050 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:33.053 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:38.162 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:38.166 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:38.167 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{420a89
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:48:38.168 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:38.170 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:38.172 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:48:38.172 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:48:38.173 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 375,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:48:43.204 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:48:44.022 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715631524022, elapsedRealtime=36643707
05-14 01:48:44.049 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:44.051 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:44.054 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:44.057 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:48.325 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:48:48.923 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:48.927 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:49.170 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:49.173 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:49.176 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:49.179 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:55.058 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:55.061 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:55.062 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{56a93a2
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:48:55.063 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:55.067 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:48:55.067 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:48:55.068 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:48:55.068 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 374,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:49:00.178 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:00.180 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:00.183 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:00.186 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:06.065 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:06.067 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:06.069 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:06.072 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:07.526 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:11.185 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:11.188 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:11.191 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:11.194 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:17.076 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:17.079 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:17.081 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:17.084 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:19.045 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:21.051 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:22.053 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:22.194 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:22.197 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:22.199 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:22.202 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:23.056 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:24.059 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:25.062 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:28.084 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:28.086 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:28.088 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:28.089 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:33.201 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:33.204 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:33.208 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:33.210 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:39.093 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:39.097 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:39.097 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5374499
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:49:39.098 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:39.102 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:49:39.102 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:49:39.102 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 375,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:49:39.102 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:44.209 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:44.212 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:44.215 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:44.217 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:48.923 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:48.927 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:50.096 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:50.100 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:50.102 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:50.105 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:54.886 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:55.216 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:55.217 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:55.218 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:55.219 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:49:56.891 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:57.896 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:58.897 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:49:59.899 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:00.902 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:01.108 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:01.110 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:01.112 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:01.114 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:02.905 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:03.908 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:06.224 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:06.226 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:06.228 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:06.230 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:12.116 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:12.120 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{f400a2b
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:50:12.123 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:12.124 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:50:12.124 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:50:12.124 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 374,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:50:12.125 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:12.126 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:18.256 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:18.258 1097 4103 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:18.260 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:18.263 1097 1400 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:21.813 1097 1556 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 945): empty #25
05-14 01:50:21.814 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 25065 for 12
05-14 01:50:21.826 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:21.827 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:21.827 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:21.877 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 6
05-14 01:50:21.878 1097 1400 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{e5f3b3e BFgs #85263} whose proc
state 4 is better than process ProcessState{f25f237} proc state 6 (5 skipped)
05-14 01:50:21.880 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:36741565 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:21.881 1097 1556 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:21.883 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:21.883 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:21.885 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10156
05-14 01:50:21.927 1097 1400 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10132 pkg code 79 startTime of in progress
05-14 01:50:22.020 1097 1556 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10132 pkg code 79 startTime of in progress
05-14 01:50:22.119 1097 3333 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10132 pkg code 79 startTime of in progress
05-14 01:50:23.045 1097 1556 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:24.144 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:24.147 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:24.149 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:24.152 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:25.048 1097 1556 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:27.051 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:28.054 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:30.033 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:30.035 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:30.038 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:30.041 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:33.285 1097 1556 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:35.156 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:35.158 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:35.160 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:35.161 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:37.013 1097 3333 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{e5f3b3e BFgs #85285} whose proc
state 4 is better than process ProcessState{f25f237} proc state 6 (23 skipped)
05-14 01:50:41.041 1097 3931 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:41.045 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:41.046 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{adb1348
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:50:41.046 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:41.050 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:41.051 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:50:41.051 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:50:41.051 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 1, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 373,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:50:46.161 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:46.163 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:46.166 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:46.168 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:47.150 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:50:48.645 1097 1556 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:48.923 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:48.925 1097 1556 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:50.648 1097 1556 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:51.650 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:52.049 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:52.051 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:52.054 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:52.056 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: fastChargeCheckAndResume
charging anim is on,do not check this time
05-14 01:50:52.653 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:53.968 1097 3333 V OplusBatteryStatus: isBroadcastExist = true
05-14 01:50:53.969 1097 3333 D OplusBatteryStatus: isVbusOv = false isLowTemp =
false ; isBatId = false ; isBatOv =false isBatTimeout= false ; isTempHigh =false
05-14 01:50:53.970 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:50:53.973 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a72a454
android.intent.action.ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 24
05-14 01:50:53.974 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{dd9bffd
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:50:53.988 1097 1173 D PowerManagerServiceEx: unblockScreenOnLocked
05-14 01:50:53.989 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{7c40743
android.intent.action.BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2
05-14 01:50:53.989 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService:
setHeartBeatAdjustEnable() enable = true, updated = false
05-14 01:50:53.989 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService: rebatchAllAlarms
05-14 01:50:53.989 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:50:53.991 1097 1173 I PowerGroup: Waking up power group from Dozing
(groupId=0, uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_PLUGGED_IN,
05-14 01:50:53.991 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService:
05-14 01:50:53.991 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 2895 for 3
05-14 01:50:53.992 1097 1173 I PowerManagerService: Waking up from Dozing
(uid=1000, reason=WAKE_REASON_PLUGGED_IN,
05-14 01:50:53.993 1097 1147 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:50:53.993 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{b8e29ec}
05-14 01:50:53.993 1097 1250 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 156215187; UID 10145; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:53.993 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:53.993 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:53.993 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:53.994 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:53.994 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:50:53.994 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 379, current batteryTemperature = 373,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:50:53.995 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:53.997 1097 1173 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: Blocking screen on
until initial contents have been drawn.
05-14 01:50:53.998 1097 1556 I UsbPortManager: AIDL UsbDataStatus:1
05-14 01:50:53.998 1097 1556 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback AIDL V1: port1
05-14 01:50:53.998 1097 1556 I UsbPortManager: AIDL UsbDataStatus:1
05-14 01:50:53.998 1097 1556 I UsbPortManager: ClientCallback AIDL V1: port0
05-14 01:50:53.999 1097 1136 I UsbPortManager: USB port changed:
port=UsbPort{id=port0, supportedModes=dual, supportedContaminantProtectionModes=0,
supportsEnableContaminantPresenceDetection=false, supportsComplianceWarnings=false,
status=UsbPortStatus{connected=false, currentMode=none, currentPowerRole=no-power,
currentDataRole=no-data, supportedRoleCombinations=[no-power:no-data],
contaminantDetectionStatus=0, contaminantProtectionStatus=0, usbDataStatus=enabled,
isPowerTransferLimited=false, powerBrickConnectionStatus=unknown,
complianceWarnings=[], plugState=0, displayPortAltModeInfo=null},
canChangeMode=true, canChangePowerRole=false, canChangeDataRole=false,
connectedAtMillis=0, lastConnectDurationMillis=10154281
05-14 01:50:53.999 1097 1136 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d238ea2
android.hardware.usb.action.USB_PORT_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 1
05-14 01:50:54.000 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=36778685 win=0 tElapsed=36778685 maxElapsed=36778685 interval=0
05-14 01:50:54.001 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:23576152 mLastLaunchTime:0
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_BOUND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE mLastTimeProcStateChanged:104000
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998 mLastBgTime:0
mFgDuration:0 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:54.001 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:36741565 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:54.003 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@1c30af0
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.deep workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38573688 win=60000 tElapsed=38573688
maxElapsed=38633688 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 01:50:54.004 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@300f869
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37013689 win=60000 tElapsed=37013689
maxElapsed=37073689 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 01:50:54.011 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
05-14 01:50:54.013 1097 1173 I DisplayBrightnessStrategySelector: Changing the
DisplayBrightnessStrategy from ScreenOffBrightnessStrategy
toInvalidBrightnessStrategy for display 0
05-14 01:50:54.022 1097 1556 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.024 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:50:54.024 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{7cc4ffa}
05-14 01:50:54.024 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.024 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.024 1097 1173 V DisplayPowerController2[0]: Brightness
[0.08720681] reason changing to: 'manual', previous reason: 'screen_off'.
05-14 01:50:54.024 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.024 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10269; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.025 1097 1173 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent:
disp=0, physDisp=local:4619827259835644672, brt=0.08720681, initBrt=0.0,
rcmdBrt=NaN, preBrt=NaN, lux=NaN, preLux=NaN, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off,
rbcStrength=70, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=0.7, wasShortTermModelActive=false,
flags=invalid_lux , reason=manual, autoBrightness=true,
05-14 01:50:54.027 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10269; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.028 1097 3931 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:50:54.029 1097 1173 V DisplayPowerController2[0]: Brightness
[0.08720681] reason changing to: 'automatic', previous reason: 'manual'.
05-14 01:50:54.029 1097 1173 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent:
disp=0, physDisp=local:4619827259835644672, brt=0.08720681, initBrt=0.08720681,
rcmdBrt=0.08720681, preBrt=NaN, lux=0.0, preLux=NaN, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off,
rbcStrength=70, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=0.7, wasShortTermModelActive=false,
flags=, reason=automatic, autoBrightness=true, strategy=InvalidBrightnessStrategy
05-14 01:50:54.030 1097 3333 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.030 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.032 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 25066 for 12
05-14 01:50:54.032 1097 1140 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 197654537; UID 10166; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.039 1097 1139 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed
state: "Built-in Screen", ON
05-14 01:50:54.040 1097 1556 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.041 1097 1556 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.051 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.055 1097 1140 I DisplayDevice: [0] Layerstack set to 0 for
05-14 01:50:54.067 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.068 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37073753 win=225000 tElapsed=37073753 maxElapsed=37298753 interval=0
05-14 01:50:54.068 1097 1097 E ActivityManager: Cancel pending or running
compactions as system is awake
05-14 01:50:54.070 1097 1097 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #85298} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (3 skipped)
05-14 01:50:54.081 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.081 1097 1139 D AOSP_SafeCenter OplusAccessControlManagerService:
onAwakeStateChanged : true
05-14 01:50:54.088 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 65ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
05-14 01:50:54.088 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 65ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
05-14 01:50:54.088 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:50:54.088 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 65ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
05-14 01:50:54.088 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 65ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
05-14 01:50:54.089 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@d8e6323
listenerTag=PowerController.BgClean workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=36833677 win=44927 tElapsed=36833677
maxElapsed=36878604 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 01:50:54.093 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.093 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.094 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.098 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{594f39e
android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 60 receivers
05-14 01:50:54.099 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:227323
05-14 01:50:54.099 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:Doze:KeyguardIndication from duration:98
05-14 01:50:54.099 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
#99 from android(1000) duration:80
05-14 01:50:54.100 1097 1577 D NetworkPolicy: App: com.facebook.katana is
05-14 01:50:54.101 1097 1577 D NetworkPolicy: onAppIdleStateChanged:
com.facebook.katana is idle:true
05-14 01:50:54.102 1097 1173 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: Unblocked screen on
after 106 ms
05-14 01:50:54.108 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37073793 win=225000 tElapsed=37073793 maxElapsed=37298793 interval=0
05-14 01:50:54.109 1097 1202 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10269; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.111 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:227336
05-14 01:50:54.111 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:Doze:KeyguardIndication from duration:111
05-14 01:50:54.111 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
#99 from android(1000) duration:93
05-14 01:50:54.117 1097 1892 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.119 1097 1139 D AOSP_SafeCenter OplusAccessControlManagerService:
onKeyguardStateChanged : true
05-14 01:50:54.119 1097 1202 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.132 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37073816 win=225000 tElapsed=37073816 maxElapsed=37298816 interval=0
05-14 01:50:54.132 1097 1139 W AOSP_SafeCenter OplusAccessControlManagerService:
removeAccessControlPassAsUser :$1.onKeyguardStateChanged:325$setLockScreenShown$4:3021
android.os.Handler.handleCallback:958 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:99
android.os.Looper.loopOnce:205 android.os.Looper.loop:294 <bottom of
call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
<bottom of call stack>
05-14 01:50:54.133 1097 4106 V ALSProbe: Enable ALS: 79631036
05-14 01:50:54.133 1097 1202 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.134 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:227359
05-14 01:50:54.135 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:Doze:KeyguardIndication from duration:134
05-14 01:50:54.135 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
#99 from android(1000) duration:116
05-14 01:50:54.142 1097 1556 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 25987
com.glance.lockscreenRealme for 7
05-14 01:50:54.147 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37073832 win=225000 tElapsed=37073832 maxElapsed=37298832 interval=0
05-14 01:50:54.149 1097 1556 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26068
cessService0:0 for 7
05-14 01:50:54.152 1097 1556 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 7
05-14 01:50:54.157 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.164 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService:
setHeartBeatAdjustEnable() enable = false, updated = false
05-14 01:50:54.164 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService: rebatchAllAlarms
05-14 01:50:54.165 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService:
05-14 01:50:54.165 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 01:50:54.165 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=36779685 win=0 tElapsed=36779685 maxElapsed=36779685 interval=0
05-14 01:50:54.168 1097 1097 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{9c2db4d type 3 origWhen 36419685 whenElapsed 36419685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 01:50:54.169 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:227394
05-14 01:50:54.169 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:Doze:KeyguardIndication from duration:169
05-14 01:50:54.169 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
#99 from android(1000) duration:151
05-14 01:50:54.169 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:13
05-14 01:50:54.169 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:11
05-14 01:50:54.169 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*alarm* from android(1000) duration:1
05-14 01:50:54.170 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d6e5b13
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 01:50:54.170 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:36773854 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:26627998
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:54.170 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37073855 win=225000 tElapsed=37073855 maxElapsed=37298855 interval=0
05-14 01:50:54.176 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.179 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.181 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{286a27c
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 01:50:54.182 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:227407
05-14 01:50:54.182 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:Doze:KeyguardIndication from duration:182
05-14 01:50:54.182 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
#99 from android(1000) duration:164
05-14 01:50:54.182 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:24
05-14 01:50:54.212 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:50:54.213 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:50:54.213 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 01:50:54.214 1097 1154 I BatteryStatsImpl: Resetting battery stats:
level=100 status=5 dischargeLevel=80 lowAmount=84 highAmount=86
05-14 01:50:54.227 1097 1202 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.228 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.235 1097 1139 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.239 1097 1577 D NetworkPolicy: App: com.facebook.katana is
05-14 01:50:54.240 1097 1577 D NetworkPolicy: onAppIdleStateChanged:
com.facebook.katana is idle:false
05-14 01:50:54.240 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10202 com.facebook.katana} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=43664415 win=3600000 tElapsed=43664415
maxElapsed=47264415 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:50:54.241 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:23576152 mLastLaunchTime:0
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_BOUND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE mLastTimeProcStateChanged:104000
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:true mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36773926 mLastBgTime:0
mFgDuration:0 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:54.241 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:36773854 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:true mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36773926
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:54.245 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10122. pid: 26182
05-14 01:50:54.262 1097 3333 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.264 1097 1097 D UnisocDeviceStorageMonitorServiceImpl:
05-14 01:50:54.270 1097 1115 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.271 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38007280 win=924993
tElapsed=38007280 maxElapsed=38932273 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:50:54.277 1097 1556 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.285 1097 1202 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.301 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:625440 mLastLaunchTime:0
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:true mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36773926 mLastBgTime:0
mFgDuration:0 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:54.304 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{7404faf} Max running
broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:54.313 1097 1097 E TemperatureManagerService: uncharge and screen off
interval time more than 10 minutes, interval time = 11170687, set
mEnvironmentTemperature is 373
05-14 01:50:54.314 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{ce0212 25987:com.glance.lockscreenRealme/u0a76}
Max running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:54.334 1097 1139 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed
state: "Built-in Screen", ON
05-14 01:50:54.334 1097 1556 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.337 1097 1202 W PowerManagerService: Screen on took 349 ms
05-14 01:50:54.342 1097 1173 I DreamManagerService: Gently waking up from dream.
05-14 01:50:54.360 1097 1583 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 197654537; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.362 1097 1479 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 15294 for 6
05-14 01:50:54.371 1097 1479 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 18446
cessService0:0 for 6
05-14 01:50:54.371 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:50:54.404 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.405 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$Stub$Proxy@395aafa
listenerTag=NetworkLocationLocator workSource=WorkSource{1001} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=36779049 win=0
tElapsed=36779089 maxElapsed=36779089 interval=0 flags=0x1
05-14 01:50:54.405 1097 3931 I DreamManagerService: Leaving dreamland.
05-14 01:50:54.408 1097 1136 I DreamController: Stopping dream:
isPreviewMode=false, canDoze=true, userId=0, reason='finished self'(from 'power
manager request')
05-14 01:50:54.412 1097 1139 D DisplayManagerService: Ignore redundant display
event 0/2 to 10136/20334
05-14 01:50:54.422 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.433 1097 1556 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.433 1097 2725 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.469 1097 4090 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 01:50:54.473 1097 1136 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6615861
android.intent.action.DREAMING_STOPPED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 5 receivers
05-14 01:50:54.501 1097 4090 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.503 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:36774188 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:true mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36773926
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:54.516 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.517 1097 4090 E PowerControllerImpl: isUltraPowerSaveMode,
isUltraPowerSave: false
05-14 01:50:54.519 1097 1202 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$Stub$Proxy@e347af8
listenerTag=NetworkLocationSCollector workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125
triggerAtTime=55323167 win=0 tElapsed=55323167 maxElapsed=55323167 interval=0
05-14 01:50:54.524 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{c144dde} Max
running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:54.526 1097 1145 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2b24ea4
android.os.action.DISCHARGING/u-1} from uid 1000 pid -1 for 7 receivers
05-14 01:50:54.532 1097 3932 E PowerControllerImpl: isUltraPowerSaveMode,
isUltraPowerSave: false
05-14 01:50:54.542 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{98574b7} Max
running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:54.543 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{98574b7} Max
running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:54.544 1097 1202 E PowerControllerImpl: isUltraPowerSaveMode,
isUltraPowerSave: false
05-14 01:50:54.544 1097 1202 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10269. pid: 26203
05-14 01:50:54.550 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{82ece3c:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315396774235
win=3600000 tElapsed=315396774235 maxElapsed=315400374235 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:50:54.554 1097 1115 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as
1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:54.560 1097 1892 E PowerControllerImpl: isUltraPowerSaveMode,
isUltraPowerSave: false
05-14 01:50:54.567 1097 3931 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.568 1097 1139 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed:
DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:4619827259835644672", 720 x
1600, modeId 2, renderFrameRate 90.0, defaultModeId 2, supportedModes [{id=1,
width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0, alternativeRefreshRates=[90.0],
supportedHdrTypes=[]}, {id=2, width=720, height=1600, fps=90.0,
alternativeRefreshRates=[60.0], supportedHdrTypes=[]}], colorMode 0,
supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[],
mMaxLuminance=500.0, mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, allmSupported
false, gameContentTypeSupported false, density 320, 257.577 x 260.512 dpi,
appVsyncOff -4000000, presDeadline 15111111, cutout DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 64
- 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0}
boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(322, 0 - 398, 64), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0),
Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]} cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720
displayHeight=1600 physicalDisplayWidth=720 physicalDisplayHeight=1600
density={2.0} cutoutSpec={M -38,0 L -38,64 L 38,64 L 38,0 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}}, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0,
type INTERNAL, address {port=0, model=0x401cec6a7a2b7b}, deviceProductInfo
DeviceProductInfo{name=EMU_display_0, manufacturerPnpId=GGL, productId=1,
modelYear=null, manufactureDate=ManufactureDate{week=27, year=2006},
connectionToSinkType=0}, state ON, committedState ON, frameRateOverride ,
brightnessMinimum 0.0, brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.3167565,
displayShape DisplayShape{ spec=2134893525 displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0 scale=1.0}}
05-14 01:50:54.578 1097 1892 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.584 1097 1139 D DisplayManagerService: Ignore redundant display
event 0/2 to 10136/20334
05-14 01:50:54.597 1097 1115 E PowerControllerImpl: isUltraPowerSaveMode,
isUltraPowerSave: false
05-14 01:50:54.619 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{6496b1f:
PendingIntentRecord{ccd3209 broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10269 triggerAtTime=0 win=5400000 tElapsed=36779304 maxElapsed=42179304
interval=7200000 flags=0x0
05-14 01:50:54.625 1097 4090 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.627 1097 3931 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.629 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.630 1097 4090 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.633 1097 1115 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.634 1097 4106 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.635 1097 4107 E PowerControllerImpl: isUltraPowerSaveMode,
isUltraPowerSave: false
05-14 01:50:54.639 1097 1400 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.642 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.642 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.643 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10092; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.647 1097 4106 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.649 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10092; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.652 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.653 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.654 1097 1400 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.654 1097 1556 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.655 1097 1115 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.656 1097 1400 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.657 1097 3333 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.658 1097 1400 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.659 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x4000010 (has extras)
05-14 01:50:54.661 1097 1400 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.662 1097 3333 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.663 1097 3333 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.666 1097 1556 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:54.668 1097 1115 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.671 1097 3333 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.672 1097 1271 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@3d0f770
listenerTag=WificondScannerImpl Scan Timeout workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=36789357 win=11250 tElapsed=36789357
maxElapsed=36800607 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 01:50:54.674 1097 3333 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.682 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10106; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.682 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10106; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.685 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10107; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.685 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10107; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.687 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10115; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.697 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10115; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.701 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.702 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
[Added] {[295], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=191, userId=0}, new queue size: 1
05-14 01:50:54.702 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
[Polled] {[295], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=191, userId=0}, State: 0
05-14 01:50:54.702 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.703 1097 1097 V ALSProbe: Enable ALS: 159190181
05-14 01:50:54.703 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
[Started] {[295], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=191, userId=0}
05-14 01:50:54.703 1097 1097 D Biometrics/AuthenticationClient: Requesting auth
05-14 01:50:54.704 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10145; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.704 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10145; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.704 1097 3931 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.706 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.706 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10156; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.707 1097 4090 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.707 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10185; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.707 1097 3932 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 24388 for 7
05-14 01:50:54.707 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10185; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.716 1097 1097 V BiometricSchedulerOperation: started: {[295], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=191, userId=0}, State: 2
05-14 01:50:54.718 1097 3931 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.725 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.731 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10228; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.731 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10228; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.735 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.752 1097 4090 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.770 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.771 15294 26284 I ActivityThread: Removing dead content
05-14 01:50:54.771 15294 26284 I ActivityThread: Removing dead content
05-14 01:50:54.774 1097 1556 I ActivityManager: Process android.process.acore
(pid 25484) early provider death
05-14 01:50:54.777 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 25484 for 12
05-14 01:50:54.778 1097 1556 I ActivityManager: Process android.process.acore
(pid 25484) has died: cch+75 SVC
05-14 01:50:54.780 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10052
05-14 01:50:54.788 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.791 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.792 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.793 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.795 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.798 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10216} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37343452 win=426727 tElapsed=37343452
maxElapsed=37770179 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:50:54.799 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10216} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37145887 win=278552 tElapsed=37145887
maxElapsed=37424439 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:50:54.800 1097 4090 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.801 1097 4090 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.802 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10076 com.glance.lockscreenRealme} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37014130 win=179732 tElapsed=37014130
maxElapsed=37193862 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:50:54.807 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10166; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.827 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.830 1097 3931 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.837 1097 4090 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.844 1097 1556 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.846 1097 3932 E AppOps : package<821> not found, can't
check for attributionTag null
05-14 01:50:54.846 1097 3932 E AppOps : Bad call made by uid 1047. Package
"<821>" does not belong to uid 1000.
05-14 01:50:54.848 1097 4090 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : Cannot checkOperation
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException: Specified
package "<821>" under uid 1000 but it is not
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher.
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher$
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher.checkOperation(Ap
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$PermissionCheckerService.
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$PermissionCheckerService.
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$PermissionCheckerService.
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$PermissionCheckerService.
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.849 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:54.854 1097 1556 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.866 1097 1556 D PowerManagerService:
setSunLightProtectTemporayDisabledInternal :true mSystemReady true
05-14 01:50:54.868 1097 1556 V ActivityManager: Got obituary of
05-14 01:50:54.890 1097 1576 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.892 1097 3483 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.893 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.894 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.894 1097 3483 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.895 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.896 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.897 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.898 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.899 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.900 1097 3483 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.901 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.904 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10269; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.920 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:54.921 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10269; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:54.940 1097 1605 D CoreBackPreview: Window{c5c35c u0
MiniCapsuleView}, [type=2036]*noSurface: Setting back callback
y@23ad7eb, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false}
05-14 01:50:54.942 1097 1605 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.952 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:54.967 1097 1576 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.967 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.968 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.972 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.974 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.974 1097 1576 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:54.975 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.979 1097 3932 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 01:50:54.997 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:36774682 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:true mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36773926
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:55.023 1097 1576 I ActivityManager: is exempt
from freezer
05-14 01:50:55.023 1097 1576 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:50:55.023 1097 1576 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{4070ede}
05-14 01:50:55.023 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.024 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.024 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.024 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.025 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.038 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:50:55.069 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.069 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.073 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.077 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.148 1097 1576 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:50:55.148 1097 1576 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:50:55.148 1097 1576 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as
2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.154 1097 1576 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.156 1097 1576 D PackageManager: Considering set
BuyIntentRegistrationActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.169 1097 1576 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.170 1097 1576 D PackageManager: Considering set
BuyIntentRegistrationActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.178 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.179 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
BuyIntentRegistrationActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.187 1097 3932 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{c7df29f
05-14 01:50:55.187 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 99081; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.187 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 99081; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.187 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 99081; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.188 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 99081; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.188 1097 1605 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.189 1097 1605 D PackageManager: Considering set
BuyIntentRegistrationActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.190 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10269; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.198 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.199 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
BuyIntentRegistrationActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.207 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i81 for
05-14 01:50:55.231 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.231 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.265 1097 1556 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 99081. pid: 26508
05-14 01:50:55.278 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:50:55.278 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:50:55.345 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:55.355 1097 1556 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26101 for 6
05-14 01:50:55.381 1370 1496 D ShellBackPreview: initAnimation
05-14 01:50:55.383 1097 1605 D CoreBackPreview: Focused window found using
05-14 01:50:55.383 1097 1605 D CoreBackPreview: startBackNavigation
currentTask=null, topRunningActivity=null,
ack$Stub$Proxy@de27835, mPriority=0, mIsAnimationCallback=false},
currentFocus=Window{8fdfa10 u0 NotificationShade}, [type=2040]-
[Surface(name=*Title#7965)/@0x3c9fbdf, shown=false, alpha=0.0, windowType=2040]
05-14 01:50:55.386 1370 1496 D ShellBackPreview: Received
backNavigationInfo:BackNavigationInfo{mType=TYPE_CALLBACK (4),
llbackWrapper@a608fce, mPrepareRemoteAnimation=false, mAnimationCallback=false,
05-14 01:50:55.395 1097 1605 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:55.403 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:55.425 1097 1556 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.527 1097 1556 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10128. pid: 26408
05-14 01:50:55.558 1370 1496 D ShellBackPreview: Finishing gesture with event
action: 1
05-14 01:50:55.558 1370 1496 D ShellBackPreview: onGestureFinished() mTriggerBack
== true
05-14 01:50:55.558 1370 1496 D ShellBackPreview: BackAnimationController:
05-14 01:50:55.559 1097 1576 D CoreBackPreview: onBackNavigationDone backType=4,
05-14 01:50:55.621 1097 1576 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1 with
userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.630 1370 1370 D FaceManager: Cancel face authentication requested
for: 191
05-14 01:50:55.633 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
cancelAuthenticationOrDetection, requestId: 191
05-14 01:50:55.633 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
Cancelling auth/detect op: {[295], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=191, userId=0}, State: 2
05-14 01:50:55.633 1097 1097 D BiometricSchedulerOperation: [Cancelling] Current
client: {[295], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=191, userId=0}
05-14 01:50:55.642 1097 1556 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:55.656 1097 1576 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:50:55.656 1097 1576 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:50:55.656 1097 1576 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 2
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.657 1097 3932 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.SIG_STR flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 01:50:55.665 1097 3932 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:50:55.665 1097 3932 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{33d445e}
05-14 01:50:55.666 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.666 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.666 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.666 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.667 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.690 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
05-14 01:50:55.692 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 0 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.701 1097 1605 D PackageManager: Considering set
vity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.704 1097 1576 D PackageManager: Considering set'
s state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.706 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
ComponentUpdateActivity's state as 0 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:50:55.713 1097 1576 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:55.722 1097 1097 D UnisocSensorImpl: onAcquiredtoWakeupScreen
05-14 01:50:55.722 1097 1097 D UnisocSensorImpl:
onAcquiredtoWakeupScreen: ,vendorCode 0,mWakeupEarly true
05-14 01:50:55.725 1097 1097 V Biometrics/AcquisitionClient: Acquired: 0 0,
shouldSend: true
05-14 01:50:55.726 1097 4107 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:55.728 1097 3931 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:55.731 1097 4107 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:55.758 1097 3931 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.758 1097 3931 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.769 1097 3931 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.850 1097 3483 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{34dc893} from uid 10128 pid
26408 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:50:55.864 1097 3483 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:55.885 1097 1556 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:55.887 1097 4107 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.918 1097 1556 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:55.951 1097 1556 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:55.967 1097 1097 D FaceProvider/default/4: onError, client:
FaceAuthenticationClient, error: 5, vendorCode: 0
05-14 01:50:55.967 1097 1097 D Biometrics/AcquisitionClient: onErrorInternal
code: 5, finish: true
05-14 01:50:55.967 1097 1097 V BiometricLogger: Error latency: -1
05-14 01:50:55.967 1097 1097 W BiometricFrameworkStatsLogger: found a negative
latency : -1
05-14 01:50:55.968 1097 1097 D BiometricSchedulerOperation: [Finished / destroy]:
proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=191, userId=0}
05-14 01:50:55.969 1097 1097 V ALSProbe: Disable ALS: 159190181
05-14 01:50:55.969 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
[Finishing] {[295], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=191, userId=0}, success: false
05-14 01:50:55.969 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4: No
operations, returning to idle
05-14 01:50:55.973 1097 3483 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:55.981 1097 1243 D UnisocGestureLauncherService: isOkToCall
05-14 01:50:55.982 1097 1243 D UnisocGestureLauncherService: isOkToCall
05-14 01:50:55.983 1097 4107 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:55.985 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10125. pid: 26657
05-14 01:50:55.987 1097 1243 D WindowManager: Receive Power Key, Action Down
05-14 01:50:55.988 1097 1605 I ActivityManager: is exempt
from freezer
05-14 01:50:55.988 1097 1605 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:50:55.988 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{876095c}
05-14 01:50:55.988 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.988 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.988 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:50:55.988 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.989 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:55.990 1097 1137 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 173031413; UID 1000; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:56.002 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
[Added] {[296], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=192, userId=0}, new queue size: 1
05-14 01:50:56.002 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
[Polled] {[296], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=192, userId=0}, State: 0
05-14 01:50:56.002 1097 1097 V ALSProbe: Enable ALS: 34629063
05-14 01:50:56.002 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
[Started] {[296], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=192, userId=0}
05-14 01:50:56.002 1097 1097 D Biometrics/AuthenticationClient: Requesting auth
05-14 01:50:56.004 1097 3931 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.005 1097 1097 V BiometricSchedulerOperation: started: {[296], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=192, userId=0}, State: 2
05-14 01:50:56.009 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:50:56.010 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.028 1097 3483 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.049 1097 3931 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.057 1097 3483 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.083 1097 3483 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.109 1097 3483 D PowerManagerService:
setSunLightProtectTemporayDisabledInternal :false mSystemReady true
05-14 01:50:56.116 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:50:56.116 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:50:56.150 1097 1243 D WindowManager: Receive Power Key, Action Up
05-14 01:50:56.152 1097 1137 I FingerprintManager: onPowerPressed
05-14 01:50:56.152 1097 1137 D WindowManager: powerPress: eventTime=36722876
interactive=true count=1 beganFromNonInteractive=false mShortPressOnPowerBehavior=1
05-14 01:50:56.152 1097 1137 I PowerGroup: Powering off display group due to
power_button (groupId= 0, uid= 1000, millisSinceLastUserActivity=-169,
05-14 01:50:56.152 1097 1137 I PowerManagerService: Going to sleep due to
power_button (uid 1000, screenOffTimeout=60000, activityTimeoutWM=10000,
maxDimRatio=0.20000005, maxDimDur=7000)...
05-14 01:50:56.156 1097 1139 D AOSP_SafeCenter OplusAccessControlManagerService:
onAwakeStateChanged : false
05-14 01:50:56.156 1097 1139 W AOSP_SafeCenter OplusAccessControlManagerService:
removeAccessControlPassAsUser :$1.onAwakeStateChanged:316$onScreenAwakeChanged$5:3050
android.os.Handler.handleCallback:958 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:99
android.os.Looper.loopOnce:205 android.os.Looper.loop:294 <bottom of
call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
<bottom of call stack>
05-14 01:50:56.175 1097 3483 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{88fb1b6} from uid 10125
pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 01:50:56.181 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 24117 for 10
05-14 01:50:56.182 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 25199 for 10
05-14 01:50:56.184 1097 1137 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{7591f53
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:50:56.188 1370 1370 D FaceManager: Cancel face authentication requested
for: 192
05-14 01:50:56.190 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
cancelAuthenticationOrDetection, requestId: 192
05-14 01:50:56.190 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
Cancelling auth/detect op: {[296], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=192, userId=0}, State: 2
05-14 01:50:56.190 1097 1097 D BiometricSchedulerOperation: [Cancelling] Current
client: {[296], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=192, userId=0}
05-14 01:50:56.195 1097 3483 V ALSProbe: Disable ALS: 79631036
05-14 01:50:56.240 1097 4107 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{a9a3ac4
10125/u0 ReceiverList{ee6c1d7 1750
remote:7d17d56}} finished with BroadcastRecord{88fb1b6} took 54ms
05-14 01:50:56.246 1097 1576 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:56.246 1097 1576 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$Stub$Proxy@5c7c945
listenerTag=NetworkLocationLocator workSource=WorkSource{1001} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=36954049 win=0
tElapsed=36954049 maxElapsed=36954049 interval=0 flags=0x1
05-14 01:50:56.261 1097 1173 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: Blocking screen off
05-14 01:50:56.261 1097 1173 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: Unblocked screen off
after 1 ms
05-14 01:50:56.274 1097 1173 I DisplayBrightnessStrategySelector: Changing the
DisplayBrightnessStrategy from InvalidBrightnessStrategy
toScreenOffBrightnessStrategy for display 0
05-14 01:50:56.293 1097 1173 V DisplayPowerController2[0]: Brightness [0.0]
reason changing to: 'screen_off', previous reason: 'automatic'.
05-14 01:50:56.294 1097 1173 I DisplayPowerController2[0]: BrightnessEvent:
disp=0, physDisp=local:4619827259835644672, brt=0.0, initBrt=0.08720681,
rcmdBrt=NaN, preBrt=NaN, lux=0.0, preLux=0.0, hbmMax=1.0, hbmMode=off,
rbcStrength=70, thrmMax=1.0, powerFactor=0.7, wasShortTermModelActive=false,
flags=, reason=screen_off, autoBrightness=true,
05-14 01:50:56.296 1097 1139 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed
state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
05-14 01:50:56.302 1097 3932 E AppOps : package<821> not found, can't
check for attributionTag null
05-14 01:50:56.302 1097 3932 E AppOps : Bad call made by uid 1047. Package
"<821>" does not belong to uid 1000.
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : Cannot checkOperation
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : java.lang.SecurityException: Specified
package "<821>" under uid 1000 but it is not
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher.
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher$
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$CheckOpsDelegateDispatcher.checkOperation(Ap
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$PermissionCheckerService.
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$PermissionCheckerService.
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$PermissionCheckerService.
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at$PermissionCheckerService.
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.303 1097 3932 E AppOps : at
05-14 01:50:56.307 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.307 1097 1140 I DisplayDevice: [0] Layerstack set to -1 for
05-14 01:50:56.313 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.319 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.328 1097 1605 D PowerManagerService:
setSunLightProtectTemporayDisabledInternal :true mSystemReady true
05-14 01:50:56.344 1097 1115 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 181658987; UID 10270; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:56.396 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:50:56.445 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:50:56.445 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:50:56.475 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.485 1097 1173 I DreamManagerService: Entering dreamland.
05-14 01:50:56.486 1097 1577 D PowerController.BgClean: updateVisibleActivities
05-14 01:50:56.493 1097 1173 I PowerManagerService: Dozing...
05-14 01:50:56.493 1097 1139 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed
state: "Built-in Screen", OFF
05-14 01:50:56.494 1097 1136 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e1a7fc7
android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 9
05-14 01:50:56.494 1097 1136 I DreamController: Starting dream:
isPreviewMode=false, canDoze=true, userId=0, reason='power manager request'
05-14 01:50:56.496 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.496 1097 1139 D DisplayManagerService: Ignore redundant display
event 0/2 to 10136/20334
05-14 01:50:56.496 1097 1139 D DisplayManagerService: Ignore redundant display
event 0/2 to 10269/26203
05-14 01:50:56.499 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.502 1097 1139 I DisplayDeviceRepository: Display device changed:
DisplayDeviceInfo{"Built-in Screen": uniqueId="local:4619827259835644672", 720 x
1600, modeId 1, renderFrameRate 60.0, defaultModeId 2, supportedModes [{id=1,
width=720, height=1600, fps=60.0, alternativeRefreshRates=[90.0],
supportedHdrTypes=[]}, {id=2, width=720, height=1600, fps=90.0,
alternativeRefreshRates=[60.0], supportedHdrTypes=[]}], colorMode 0,
supportedColorModes [0], hdrCapabilities HdrCapabilities{mSupportedHdrTypes=[],
mMaxLuminance=500.0, mMaxAverageLuminance=500.0, mMinLuminance=0.0}, allmSupported
false, gameContentTypeSupported false, density 320, 257.577 x 260.512 dpi,
appVsyncOff 1000000, presDeadline 16666667, cutout DisplayCutout{insets=Rect(0, 64
- 0, 0) waterfall=Insets{left=0, top=0, right=0, bottom=0}
boundingRect={Bounds=[Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0), Rect(322, 0 - 398, 64), Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0),
Rect(0, 0 - 0, 0)]} cutoutPathParserInfo={CutoutPathParserInfo{displayWidth=720
displayHeight=1600 physicalDisplayWidth=720 physicalDisplayHeight=1600
density={2.0} cutoutSpec={M -38,0 L -38,64 L 38,64 L 38,0 Z} rotation={0}
scale={1.0} physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio={1.0}}}}, touch INTERNAL, rotation 0,
type INTERNAL, address {port=0, model=0x401cec6a7a2b7b}, deviceProductInfo
DeviceProductInfo{name=EMU_display_0, manufacturerPnpId=GGL, productId=1,
modelYear=null, manufactureDate=ManufactureDate{week=27, year=2006},
connectionToSinkType=0}, state OFF, committedState OFF, frameRateOverride ,
brightnessMinimum 0.0, brightnessMaximum 1.0, brightnessDefault 0.3167565,
displayShape DisplayShape{ spec=2134893525 displayWidth=720 displayHeight=1600
physicalPixelDisplaySizeRatio=1.0 rotation=0 offsetX=0 offsetY=0 scale=1.0}}
05-14 01:50:56.505 1097 1139 D DisplayManagerService: Ignore redundant display
event 0/2 to 10136/20334
05-14 01:50:56.505 1097 1139 D DisplayManagerService: Ignore redundant display
event 0/2 to 10269/26203
05-14 01:50:56.512 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.520 1097 1136 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{dd266de
android.intent.action.DREAMING_STARTED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 5 receivers
05-14 01:50:56.522 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@ba1a0bf listenerTag=JS idleness
workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38636206
win=300000 tElapsed=38636206 maxElapsed=38936206 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 01:50:56.526 1097 1115 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.529 1097 1139 D AOSP_SafeCenter OplusAccessControlManagerService:
onKeyguardStateChanged : true
05-14 01:50:56.529 1097 1605 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.529 1097 1139 W AOSP_SafeCenter OplusAccessControlManagerService:
removeAccessControlPassAsUser :$1.onKeyguardStateChanged:325$setLockScreenShown$4:3021
android.os.Handler.handleCallback:958 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:99
android.os.Looper.loopOnce:205 android.os.Looper.loop:294 <bottom of
call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
<bottom of call stack>
05-14 01:50:56.536 1097 1605 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.548 1097 1115 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.549 1097 1139 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.552 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.560 1097 1115 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10128. pid: 26716
05-14 01:50:56.568 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e54438e
android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 73 receivers
05-14 01:50:56.569 1097 1605 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.570 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService:
setHeartBeatAdjustEnable() enable = true, updated = false
05-14 01:50:56.570 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService: rebatchAllAlarms
05-14 01:50:56.570 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService:
05-14 01:50:56.576 1097 3483 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{44a37af:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=37676260
win=675000 tElapsed=37676260 maxElapsed=38351260 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:50:56.578 1097 1605 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.579 1097 1605 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.589 1097 1097 I PowerManagerService: onFlip(): Face up.
05-14 01:50:56.591 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@9c90edb
workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=51176275 win=0
tElapsed=51176275 maxElapsed=51176275 interval=0 flags=0x9
05-14 01:50:56.597 1097 1605 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.604 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=36781289 win=0 tElapsed=36781289 maxElapsed=36781289 interval=0
05-14 01:50:56.608 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:23576152 mLastLaunchTime:0
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_BOUND_FOREGROUND_SERVICE mLastTimeProcStateChanged:104000
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292 mLastBgTime:0
mFgDuration:0 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:56.608 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:36774682 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:56.608 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:625440 mLastLaunchTime:0
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292 mLastBgTime:0
mFgDuration:0 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:56.609 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{1711142 1497:com.spreadtrum.ims/1001} Max
running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.609 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{1711142 1497:com.spreadtrum.ims/1001} Max
running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.609 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{1711142 1497:com.spreadtrum.ims/1001} Max
running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.613 1097 4106 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.615 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@ba1a0bf listenerTag=JS idleness
workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38636300
win=300000 tElapsed=38636300 maxElapsed=38936300 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 01:50:56.618 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{1711142 1497:com.spreadtrum.ims/1001} Max
running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.620 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{c144dde} Max
running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.623 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{6225e19} Max running broadcast queue size
is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.630 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{ceef4c 3986:com.oplus.silentreboot/1000} Max
running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.650 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{5afd090} Max running broadcast queue size is 5
current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.653 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$Stub$Proxy@d1213a8
listenerTag=NetworkLocationLocator workSource=WorkSource{10118} callingUid=10125
triggerAtTime=58374438 win=3212715 tElapsed=58374438 maxElapsed=61587153 interval=0
05-14 01:50:56.658 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{5afd090} Max running broadcast queue size is 5
current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.659 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{5afd090} Max running broadcast queue size is 5
current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.669 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{cc7dd89} Max running broadcast queue size is 5
current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 01:50:56.681 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=null Max running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is
05-14 01:50:56.682 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=null Max running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is
05-14 01:50:56.683 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=null Max running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is
05-14 01:50:56.707 1097 3483 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10132 pkg code 79 startTime of in progress
05-14 01:50:56.716 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37076401 win=225000 tElapsed=37076401 maxElapsed=37301401 interval=0
05-14 01:50:56.716 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:36776401 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:50:56.729 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$Stub$Proxy@87e6a9f
listenerTag=NetworkLocationSCollector workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125
triggerAtTime=55327198 win=0 tElapsed=55327198 maxElapsed=55327198 interval=0
05-14 01:50:56.729 1097 1605 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:56.732 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@d8e6323
listenerTag=PowerController.BgClean workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=36836277 win=44897 tElapsed=36836277
maxElapsed=36881174 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 01:50:56.736 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:229961
05-14 01:50:56.736 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:Doze:KeyguardIndication from duration:192
05-14 01:50:56.736 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:CallbackRunner from duration:30
05-14 01:50:56.737 1097 1577 D NetworkPolicy: App: com.facebook.katana is
05-14 01:50:56.739 1097 1577 D NetworkPolicy: onAppIdleStateChanged:
com.facebook.katana is idle:true
05-14 01:50:56.739 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37076424 win=225000 tElapsed=37076424 maxElapsed=37301424 interval=0
05-14 01:50:56.742 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:229967
05-14 01:50:56.742 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:Doze:KeyguardIndication from duration:198
05-14 01:50:56.742 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:CallbackRunner from duration:36
05-14 01:50:56.773 1097 1097 D FaceProvider/default/4: onError, client:
FaceAuthenticationClient, error: 5, vendorCode: 0
05-14 01:50:56.773 1097 1097 D Biometrics/AcquisitionClient: onErrorInternal
code: 5, finish: true
05-14 01:50:56.773 1097 1097 V BiometricLogger: Error latency: -1
05-14 01:50:56.773 1097 1097 W BiometricFrameworkStatsLogger: found a negative
latency : -1
05-14 01:50:56.774 1097 1097 D BiometricSchedulerOperation: [Finished / destroy]:
proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=192, userId=0}
05-14 01:50:56.775 1097 1097 V ALSProbe: Disable ALS: 34629063
05-14 01:50:56.775 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4:
[Finishing] {[296], proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=192, userId=0}, success: false
05-14 01:50:56.775 1097 1097 D UaBiometricScheduler/FaceProvider/default/4: No
operations, returning to idle
05-14 01:50:56.782 1097 1140 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:50:56.817 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.818 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.833 1097 4106 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10132 pkg code 79 startTime of in progress
05-14 01:50:56.834 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.835 1097 3483 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.866 1097 4106 D PowerManagerService:
setSunLightProtectTemporayDisabledInternal :false mSystemReady true
05-14 01:50:56.868 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:50:56.868 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:50:56.875 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10076 com.glance.lockscreenRealme} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37014130 win=178177 tElapsed=37014130
maxElapsed=37192307 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.884 1097 4106 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.885 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.885 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.885 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.885 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.885 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.885 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.886 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.888 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.889 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.889 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.889 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.889 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.889 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.889 1097 1115 W PackageInstallerSession: Calling uid 10128 does
not granted permission android.permission.READ_INSTALLED_SESSION_PATHS
05-14 01:50:56.951 1097 1097 D UnisocSensorImpl: onAcquiredtoWakeupScreen
05-14 01:50:56.951 1097 1097 D UnisocSensorImpl:
onAcquiredtoWakeupScreen: ,vendorCode 0,mWakeupEarly true
05-14 01:50:56.952 1097 1097 V Biometrics/AcquisitionClient: Acquired: 0 0,
shouldSend: true
05-14 01:50:56.952 1097 1097 D UnisocSensorImpl:
05-14 01:50:56.952 1097 1097 V BiometricLogger: Authentication latency: -1
05-14 01:50:56.954 1097 1097 V ALSProbe: Enable ALS: 79631036
05-14 01:50:56.954 1097 1097 V Biometrics/AuthenticationClient:
onAuthenticated(false), ID:0, Owner:, isBP: false, listener:,
requireConfirmation: false, user: 0, clientMonitor: {[292]
ent, proto=3,, cookie=0, requestId=54, userId=0}
05-14 01:50:56.954 1097 1097 W Biometrics/AuthenticationClient: Allowing
background authentication, this is allowed only for platform or test invocations
05-14 01:50:56.968 1097 26904 W CameraService_proxy: Unknown extension type: -1
05-14 01:50:56.971 1097 3483 W AppOps : Noting op not finished: uid 10132 pkg code 79 startTime of in progress
05-14 01:50:57.071 1097 1115 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:50:57.170 1097 26904 W CameraService_proxy: Unknown extension type: -1
05-14 01:50:57.216 1097 1097 V ALSProbe: Finishing next consumer
05-14 01:50:57.218 1097 1097 V ALSProbe: Disable ALS: 79631036
05-14 01:50:57.218 1097 1097 W BiometricFrameworkStatsLogger: found a negative
latency : -1
05-14 01:50:57.471 1097 26904 W CameraService_proxy: Unknown extension type: -1
05-14 01:50:57.572 1097 26904 W CameraService_proxy: Unknown extension type: -1
05-14 01:50:57.873 1097 26904 W CameraService_proxy: Unknown extension type: -1
05-14 01:50:57.974 1097 26904 W CameraService_proxy: Unknown extension type: -1
05-14 01:50:58.375 1097 26904 W CameraService_proxy: Unknown extension type: -1
05-14 01:50:58.960 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37078644 win=225000 tElapsed=37078644 maxElapsed=37303644 interval=0
05-14 01:50:58.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:232190
05-14 01:51:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715631660000, elapsedRealtime=36779685
05-14 01:51:00.243 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37079928 win=225000 tElapsed=37079928 maxElapsed=37304928 interval=0
05-14 01:51:00.250 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:233474
05-14 01:51:02.004 1097 1115 D CoreBackPreview: Window{c5c35c u0
MiniCapsuleView}, [type=2036]-[Surface(name=*Title#7985)/@0xb99b948, shown=false,
alpha=0.0, windowType=2036]: Setting back callback null
05-14 01:51:02.010 1097 1115 D WindowManager: isSupportDynamicNavbar user0,
navBarMode = 2, is3buttonModeNavbar = false
05-14 01:51:02.039 1097 3483 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:51:02.268 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37081952 win=224999 tElapsed=37081952 maxElapsed=37306951 interval=0
05-14 01:51:02.273 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:235498
05-14 01:51:02.420 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37082104 win=225000 tElapsed=37082104 maxElapsed=37307104 interval=0
05-14 01:51:02.425 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:235650
05-14 01:51:02.855 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37082540 win=225000 tElapsed=37082540 maxElapsed=37307540 interval=0
05-14 01:51:02.862 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:236087
05-14 01:51:03.265 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37082949 win=225000 tElapsed=37082949 maxElapsed=37307949 interval=0
05-14 01:51:03.271 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:236496
05-14 01:51:03.272 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37082957 win=225000 tElapsed=37082957 maxElapsed=37307957 interval=0
05-14 01:51:03.279 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:236504
05-14 01:51:04.066 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 2895
05-14 01:51:04.254 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26182
05-14 01:51:04.626 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 15294
05-14 01:51:04.629 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 18446
05-14 01:51:05.147 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26203
05-14 01:51:05.479 449 26281 I keystore2:
system/security/keystore2/src/ - Watchdog thread idle ->
terminating. Have a great day.
05-14 01:51:05.628 1097 4106 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{e5f3b3e BFgs #85541} whose proc
state 4 is better than process ProcessState{f25f237} proc state 6 (605 skipped)
05-14 01:51:05.645 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37085330 win=225000 tElapsed=37085330 maxElapsed=37310330 interval=0
05-14 01:51:05.653 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:238878
05-14 01:51:05.826 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26508
05-14 01:51:05.828 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26101
05-14 01:51:05.834 1097 4106 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:51:05.834 1097 4106 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:51:05.834 1097 4106 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:51:05.835 1097 4106 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 01:51:05.835 1097 4106 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 01:51:05.835 1097 4106 D PackageManager: Considering set
's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:51:11.988 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37091673 win=225000 tElapsed=37091673 maxElapsed=37316673 interval=0
05-14 01:51:11.997 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:245222
05-14 01:51:13.948 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{7e38ab8
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:51:13.952 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:51:13.952 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:51:13.952 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 374,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:51:16.193 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #85564} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (60 skipped)
05-14 01:51:16.194 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{9c5bf7
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 01:51:16.195 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37095880 win=225000 tElapsed=37095880 maxElapsed=37320880 interval=0
05-14 01:51:16.201 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:249426
05-14 01:51:19.071 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{20f8d0
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:51:19.076 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:51:19.076 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:51:19.076 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 373,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:51:24.081 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37103765 win=224999 tElapsed=37103765 maxElapsed=37328764 interval=0
05-14 01:51:24.089 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:257313
05-14 01:51:26.196 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 01:51:26.198 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25199
05-14 01:51:26.200 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24117
05-14 01:51:29.053 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{f5f1b3d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:51:29.057 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:51:29.057 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:51:29.057 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 374,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:51:30.879 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 24388
05-14 01:51:34.062 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37113747 win=225000 tElapsed=37113747 maxElapsed=37338747 interval=0
05-14 01:51:34.071 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:267296
05-14 01:51:39.466 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715631699466, elapsedRealtime=36819151
05-14 01:51:39.467 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 01:51:39.467 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=36839685 win=0 tElapsed=36839685 maxElapsed=36839685 interval=0
05-14 01:51:39.468 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2231ac4
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 01:51:39.471 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{a63f8e2 type 3 origWhen 36779685 whenElapsed 36779685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 01:51:39.472 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3320473} from uid 10125 pid -1 for 1
05-14 01:51:39.473 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =, alarm = Alarm{d317a9 type 2 origWhen
36819151 whenElapsed 36819151}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{29ffafa: PendingIntentRecord{7465884 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null,
listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 01:51:39.478 1097 3483 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{ac64764
10125/u0 ReceiverList{40150f6 1750
remote:c146991}} finished with BroadcastRecord{3320473} took 5ms
05-14 01:51:39.485 1097 1115 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:51:39.485 1097 1115 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{f28fe5c:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=36879168 win=0
tElapsed=36879168 maxElapsed=36879168 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:51:39.500 1097 1115 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:51:39.546 1097 3483 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{2e7c23a:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=37709230 win=0
tElapsed=37709230 maxElapsed=37709230 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 01:51:43.900 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a7fc806
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:51:43.906 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:51:43.906 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:51:43.906 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 373,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:51:48.910 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37128595 win=225000 tElapsed=37128595 maxElapsed=37353595 interval=0
05-14 01:51:48.919 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:282144
05-14 01:51:51.575 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:51:54.142 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8b77651
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:51:54.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:51:54.146 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:51:54.146 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 372,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:51:54.700 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 01:51:59.148 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37138832 win=225000 tElapsed=37138832 maxElapsed=37363832 interval=0
05-14 01:51:59.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:292385
05-14 01:52:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715631720000, elapsedRealtime=36839685
05-14 01:52:10.014 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{153c6b7
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:52:10.017 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:52:10.017 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:52:10.017 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 371,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:52:10.515 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:52:15.022 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37154707 win=225000 tElapsed=37154707 maxElapsed=37379707 interval=0
05-14 01:52:15.033 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:308258
05-14 01:52:21.021 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a2dcba7
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:52:21.025 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:52:21.026 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:52:21.026 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 370,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:52:26.026 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37165711 win=225000 tElapsed=37165711 maxElapsed=37390711 interval=0
05-14 01:52:26.039 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:319264
05-14 01:52:26.141 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3617b43
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:52:26.147 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:52:26.147 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:52:26.149 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 369,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:52:31.150 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37170835 win=225000 tElapsed=37170835 maxElapsed=37395835 interval=0
05-14 01:52:31.164 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:324389
05-14 01:52:36.892 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a46ee84
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:52:36.896 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:52:36.896 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:52:36.896 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 368,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:52:41.489 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715631761489, elapsedRealtime=36881174
05-14 01:52:41.489 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{548a8f7:
startService}}) : type=3 workSource=WorkSource{10125}
nextElapsed=44006191 orginAlarm=Alarm{df752a2 type 3 origWhen 36806191 whenElapsed
05-14 01:52:41.902 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37181586 win=225000 tElapsed=37181586 maxElapsed=37406586 interval=0
05-14 01:52:41.916 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:335141
05-14 01:52:58.141 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{24261d9
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:52:58.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:52:58.145 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:52:58.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 367,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:53:03.150 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37202835 win=225000 tElapsed=37202835 maxElapsed=37427835 interval=0
05-14 01:53:03.170 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:356395
05-14 01:53:11.568 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:53:25.023 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a25a303
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:53:25.028 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:53:25.028 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:53:25.028 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 366,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:53:30.032 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37229716 win=225000 tElapsed=37229716 maxElapsed=37454716 interval=0
05-14 01:53:30.052 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:383277
05-14 01:53:36.030 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{22dcdf1
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:53:36.036 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:53:36.036 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:53:36.036 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 365,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:53:41.041 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37240726 win=225000 tElapsed=37240726 maxElapsed=37465726 interval=0
05-14 01:53:41.057 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:394282
05-14 01:53:46.015 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{1962d6b
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:53:46.021 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:53:46.022 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:53:46.022 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 364,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:53:51.026 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37250711 win=225000 tElapsed=37250711 maxElapsed=37475711 interval=0
05-14 01:53:51.042 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:404267
05-14 01:53:57.021 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d68dee3
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:53:57.026 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:53:57.026 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:53:57.026 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 363,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:54:02.031 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37261716 win=225000 tElapsed=37261716 maxElapsed=37486716 interval=0
05-14 01:54:02.047 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:415272
05-14 01:54:02.142 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{96b4bf8
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:54:02.147 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:54:02.147 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:54:02.147 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 362,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:54:07.152 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37266837 win=225000 tElapsed=37266837 maxElapsed=37491837 interval=0
05-14 01:54:07.168 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:420393
05-14 01:54:12.893 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{84b2f0e
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:54:12.896 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:54:12.896 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:54:12.896 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 361,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:54:17.902 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37277586 win=225000 tElapsed=37277586 maxElapsed=37502586 interval=0
05-14 01:54:17.918 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:431143
05-14 01:54:34.141 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3f4c6e
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 27 receivers
05-14 01:54:34.144 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:54:34.144 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:54:34.144 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 360,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:54:39.149 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37298834 win=225000 tElapsed=37298834 maxElapsed=37523834 interval=0
05-14 01:54:39.165 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:452390
05-14 01:55:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715631900000, elapsedRealtime=37019685
05-14 01:55:00.004 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{4c9b0b8 type 3 origWhen 36836277 whenElapsed 36836277 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@d8e6323,
listenerTag=PowerController.BgClean, workSource=null
05-14 01:55:00.004 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 01:55:00.004 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37079685 win=0 tElapsed=37079685 maxElapsed=37079685 interval=0
05-14 01:55:00.005 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{4087e91
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 01:55:00.006 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{35441f6 type 3 origWhen 36839685 whenElapsed 36839685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 01:55:00.007 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{13d39f7 type 3 origWhen 37013689 whenElapsed 37013689 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@300f869,
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light, workSource=null
05-14 01:55:00.007 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{ac52064 type 3 origWhen 37014130 whenElapsed 37014130 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d, listenerTag=*job.delay*,
workSource=WorkSource{10076 com.glance.lockscreenRealme}
05-14 01:55:00.018 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm =
Alarm{df752a2 type 3 origWhen 36806191 whenElapsed 36819159}, cn =
tOperationService}, operation = PendingIntent{548a8f7: PendingIntentRecord{8378f3 startService}}, listener=null,
listenerTag=null, workSource=WorkSource{10125}
05-14 01:55:00.022 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@300f869
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37319692 win=60000 tElapsed=37319692
maxElapsed=37379692 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 01:55:00.024 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37319706 win=225000 tElapsed=37319706 maxElapsed=37544706 interval=0
05-14 01:55:00.027 1097 1556 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{9017e93:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315397019708
win=3600000 tElapsed=315397019708 maxElapsed=315400619708 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:55:00.028 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10216} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37145887 win=94631 tElapsed=37145887
maxElapsed=37240518 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 01:55:00.037 1097 1556 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:55:00.042 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:473267
05-14 01:55:00.042 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_going_idle from android(1000) duration:14
05-14 01:55:00.042 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:9
05-14 01:55:00.043 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37319727 win=225000 tElapsed=37319727 maxElapsed=37544727 interval=0
05-14 01:55:00.043 1097 1556 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:55:00.052 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:473277
05-14 01:55:00.052 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_going_idle from android(1000) duration:24
05-14 01:55:00.052 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:19
05-14 01:55:00.077 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10130; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:55:00.077 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10130; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:55:00.087 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{366b7e8
android.os.action.LIGHT_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 4
05-14 01:55:00.092 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:55:00.093 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:55:00.106 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37319791 win=225000 tElapsed=37319791 maxElapsed=37544791 interval=0
05-14 01:55:00.111 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:8/u0a136i-9000 (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 01:55:00.112 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #26
05-14 01:55:00.112 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:473337
05-14 01:55:00.114 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 25423 for 12
05-14 01:55:00.115 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 25311 for 12
05-14 01:55:00.132 1097 4106 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 01:55:00.138 1097 4107 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{ce7d532:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125
triggerAtTime=44006190 win=5400000 tElapsed=44006190 maxElapsed=49406190
interval=7200000 flags=0x0
05-14 01:55:00.145 1097 4107 D ActivityManager: scheduleServiceRestartLocked N
0 now 36967041 r ServiceRecord{c5b254f u0} minDuration
05-14 01:55:00.145 1097 4107 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed
service in
1000ms for connection
05-14 01:55:00.146 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 90000
05-14 01:55:00.152 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 01:55:00.152 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 23276 for 12
05-14 01:55:00.153 1097 4107 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #26
05-14 01:55:00.153 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 24863 for 12
05-14 01:55:00.155 1097 4107 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #85591} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (1 skipped)
05-14 01:55:00.157 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10216
05-14 01:55:00.158 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37319843 win=225000 tElapsed=37319843 maxElapsed=37544843 interval=0
05-14 01:55:00.168 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:473393
05-14 01:55:00.169 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37319853 win=225000 tElapsed=37319853 maxElapsed=37544853 interval=0
05-14 01:55:00.177 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:473402
05-14 01:55:00.296 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10270
05-14 01:55:00.297 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37319982 win=225000 tElapsed=37319982 maxElapsed=37544982 interval=0
05-14 01:55:00.304 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:473528
05-14 01:55:01.147 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{600a0c4
05-14 01:55:01.149 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:55:01.168 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
ssService0:8/u0ai1 for
05-14 01:55:01.211 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:55:01.212 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:55:01.258 1097 4122 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 90001. pid: 26954
05-14 01:55:06.142 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e801a60
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 01:55:06.144 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:55:06.144 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:55:06.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 359,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:55:07.151 1097 4122 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 01:55:07.153 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 21218 for 12
05-14 01:55:07.254 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: scheduleServiceRestartLocked N
0 now 36974149 r ServiceRecord{eeac7fc u0} minDuration
05-14 01:55:07.254 1097 1605 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed
service in
1000ms for connection
05-14 01:55:08.256 1097 1147 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:55:08.256 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{bd54dbf}
05-14 01:55:08.256 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:55:08.257 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:55:08.275 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:55:08.313 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:55:08.314 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37327998 win=225000 tElapsed=37327998 maxElapsed=37552998 interval=0
05-14 01:55:08.319 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:55:08.322 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:481546
05-14 01:55:08.380 1097 1605 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10136. pid: 26969
05-14 01:55:10.120 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25987
05-14 01:55:10.122 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26068
05-14 01:55:10.291 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 01:55:10.294 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26657
05-14 01:55:11.285 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26954
05-14 01:55:12.781 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:55:12.864 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:55:15.178 1097 1605 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935): empty #25
05-14 01:55:15.180 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 20334 for 12
05-14 01:55:15.274 1097 4122 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 21251 for 5
05-14 01:55:15.276 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37334961 win=225000 tElapsed=37334961 maxElapsed=37559961 interval=0
05-14 01:55:15.276 1097 4122 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26954
ice0:8 for 5
05-14 01:55:15.278 1097 4122 I ActivityManager: Killing
ssService0:8/u0a136i-8999 (adj 0): isolated not needed
05-14 01:55:15.280 1097 4122 D ActivityManager: scheduleServiceRestartLocked N
0 now 36982176 r ServiceRecord{54d2913 u0
ce} minDuration 1000
05-14 01:55:15.281 1097 4122 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed
ce in 1000ms for connection
05-14 01:55:15.284 1097 4122 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #85614} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (9 skipped)
05-14 01:55:15.293 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:488518
05-14 01:55:15.294 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37334978 win=225000 tElapsed=37334978 maxElapsed=37559978 interval=0
05-14 01:55:15.303 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:488528
05-14 01:55:15.304 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 90001
05-14 01:55:15.307 1097 4103 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 26969) has died: fg SVC
05-14 01:55:15.309 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10136
05-14 01:55:15.311 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37334995 win=224999 tElapsed=37334995 maxElapsed=37559994 interval=0
05-14 01:55:15.320 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:488545
05-14 01:55:16.284 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37335968 win=224999 tElapsed=37335968 maxElapsed=37560967 interval=0
05-14 01:55:16.285 1097 1147 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 01:55:16.285 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{71e20bc}
05-14 01:55:16.285 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10136; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:55:16.287 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:55:16.291 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:1,
minute:44, seconds:22
05-14 01:55:16.292 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:1,
minute:55, seconds:16
05-14 01:55:16.296 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:489521
05-14 01:55:16.300 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 01:55:16.337 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37336022 win=225000 tElapsed=37336022 maxElapsed=37561022 interval=0
05-14 01:55:16.344 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:489568
05-14 01:55:16.435 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 01:55:16.445 1097 4103 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10136. pid: 26992
05-14 01:55:16.571 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:37036256 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 01:55:16.572 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37336257 win=225000 tElapsed=37336257 maxElapsed=37561257 interval=0
05-14 01:55:16.586 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:489811
05-14 01:55:22.016 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5df2e13
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:55:22.021 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:55:22.021 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:55:22.021 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 358,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:55:25.353 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 21251
05-14 01:55:26.461 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26992
05-14 01:55:27.021 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37346706 win=225000 tElapsed=37346706 maxElapsed=37571706 interval=0
05-14 01:55:27.031 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:500256
05-14 01:55:27.132 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b6c4c8b
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:55:27.136 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:55:27.136 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:55:27.136 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 357,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:55:32.141 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37351825 win=224999 tElapsed=37351825 maxElapsed=37576824 interval=0
05-14 01:55:32.151 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:505376
05-14 01:55:38.140 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{58987fe
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:55:38.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:55:38.145 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:55:38.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 356,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:55:43.150 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37362835 win=225000 tElapsed=37362835 maxElapsed=37587835 interval=0
05-14 01:55:43.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:516385
05-14 01:55:44.032 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e6d6e7b
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:55:44.037 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:55:44.038 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:55:44.038 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 355,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:55:49.042 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37368726 win=224999 tElapsed=37368726 maxElapsed=37593725 interval=0
05-14 01:55:49.053 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:522277
05-14 01:55:59.133 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6f973c8
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:55:59.137 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:55:59.137 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:55:59.137 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 354,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:56:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715631960000, elapsedRealtime=37079685
05-14 01:56:04.142 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37383827 win=225000 tElapsed=37383827 maxElapsed=37608827 interval=0
05-14 01:56:04.154 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:537378
05-14 01:56:05.814 1097 3487 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{5b771b6 Top #85647} whose proc state
1 is better than process ProcessState{97806bf} proc state 3 (5
05-14 01:56:20.797 1097 4103 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{5b771b6 Top #85660} whose proc state
1 is better than process ProcessState{97806bf} proc state 3 (5
05-14 01:56:22.146 1097 1605 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 01:56:22.152 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161252188; UID 10125; state: DISABLED
05-14 01:56:26.012 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{55206cc
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:56:26.018 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:56:26.018 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:56:26.019 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 353,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:56:31.022 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37410707 win=225000 tElapsed=37410707 maxElapsed=37635707 interval=0
05-14 01:56:31.033 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:564258
05-14 01:56:42.140 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{c329585
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:56:42.146 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:56:42.146 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:56:42.147 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 352,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:56:47.151 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37426835 win=224999 tElapsed=37426835 maxElapsed=37651834 interval=0
05-14 01:56:47.163 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1335 from android(1000) duration:580388
05-14 01:57:01.860 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 01:57:03.135 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{4848f92
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:57:03.138 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:57:03.139 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:57:03.139 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 351,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:57:06.779 1097 1215 I JobServiceContext: Client timed out while
executing (no jobFinished received). Sending onStop: 4d62492 #u0a244/1335
05-14 01:57:06.790 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37446475 win=225000 tElapsed=37446475 maxElapsed=37671475 interval=0
05-14 01:57:06.795 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:57:06.982 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:57:06.988 1097 1605 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:57:07.018 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:57:16.795 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 22845
05-14 01:57:16.797 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 01:57:17.031 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 01:57:19.761 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:57:24.895 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d4ce54
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:57:24.900 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:57:24.900 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:57:24.900 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 350,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:57:24.904 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 01:57:29.903 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37469588 win=225000 tElapsed=37469588 maxElapsed=37694588 interval=0
05-14 01:57:34.936 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 01:57:41.020 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{9d4046d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:57:41.024 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:57:41.024 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:57:41.024 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 349,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:57:41.028 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 01:57:46.029 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37485714 win=225000 tElapsed=37485714 maxElapsed=37710714 interval=0
05-14 01:57:51.044 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 01:57:54.582 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:58:07.132 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a722db2
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:58:07.138 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:58:07.139 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:58:07.139 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 348,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:58:07.148 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 01:58:12.143 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37511827 win=224999 tElapsed=37511827 maxElapsed=37736826 interval=0
05-14 01:58:17.164 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 01:58:19.158 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 01:58:34.013 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d2bab6b
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:58:34.019 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:58:34.019 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:58:34.019 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 347,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:58:34.027 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 01:58:39.027 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37538711 win=225000 tElapsed=37538711 maxElapsed=37763711 interval=0
05-14 01:58:44.076 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 01:59:11.134 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{466457d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:59:11.140 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:59:11.140 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:59:11.140 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 346,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:59:11.149 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 01:59:15.441 1097 1214 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to
05-14 01:59:15.535 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37575220 win=225000 tElapsed=37575220 maxElapsed=37800220 interval=0
05-14 01:59:21.156 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 01:59:54.142 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ef5dfc
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 01:59:54.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 01:59:54.145 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 01:59:54.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 345,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 01:59:54.146 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 01:59:59.146 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37618830 win=225000 tElapsed=37618830 maxElapsed=37843830 interval=0
05-14 02:00:03.604 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 02:00:03.999 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715632203999, elapsedRealtime=37323684
05-14 02:00:04.000 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 02:00:04.001 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37379684 win=0 tElapsed=37379684 maxElapsed=37379684 interval=0
05-14 02:00:04.001 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5437083
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 02:00:04.006 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{2510200 type 3 origWhen 37079685 whenElapsed 37079685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 02:00:04.008 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{71a0a39
com.whatsapp.action.BACKUP_MESSAGES/u0} from uid 10223 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:00:04.010 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23224 com.whatsapp
for 3
05-14 02:00:04.012 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =
com.whatsapp.action.BACKUP_MESSAGES, alarm = Alarm{9c43e2c type 0 origWhen
1715632204000 whenElapsed 37323684 com.whatsapp}, cn =
ComponentInfo{com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.AlarmBroadcastReceiver}, operation =
PendingIntent{51b37a3: PendingIntentRecord{15e45e0 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:00:04.012 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:04.014 1097 1147 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #85685} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (0 skipped)
05-14 02:00:04.015 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37623700 win=225000 tElapsed=37623700 maxElapsed=37848700 interval=0
05-14 02:00:04.016 1097 1137 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2980e8a
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 02:00:04.024 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*alarm* from android(1000) duration:19
05-14 02:00:04.033 1097 1605 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:00:04.037 1097 4103 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:00:04.045 1097 1605 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{44d1118
com.whatsapp/.AlarmBroadcastReceiver m=0x0 userHandle=null} finished with
BroadcastRecord{71a0a39 com.whatsapp.action.BACKUP_MESSAGES/u0} took 30ms
05-14 02:00:04.047 1097 1605 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:04.147 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:00:14.029 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:14.031 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #85687} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (1 skipped)
05-14 02:00:14.032 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ff6d2e
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 02:00:14.057 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 02:00:21.019 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8966ee1
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:00:21.022 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:00:21.022 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:00:21.022 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 344,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:00:21.023 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:00:21.813 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:21.820 1097 1605 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:21.934 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:22.831 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:24.044 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23224 com.whatsapp
05-14 02:00:24.082 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 02:00:26.027 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37645712 win=225000 tElapsed=37645712 maxElapsed=37870712 interval=0
05-14 02:00:31.053 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:00:36.995 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:37.846 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:50.553 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:51.861 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:55.913 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:55.931 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:55.996 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:00:59.999 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715632259999, elapsedRealtime=37379684
05-14 02:01:00.007 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715632260007, elapsedRealtime=37379692
05-14 02:01:04.026 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 02:01:04.027 1097 1154 D KernelCpuUidUserSysTimeReader: Removing uids
05-14 02:01:05.602 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:01:06.930 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:01:10.976 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:01:10.977 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:37390662 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 02:01:10.977 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37690662 win=225000 tElapsed=37690662 maxElapsed=37915662 interval=0
05-14 02:01:36.028 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2a50844
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:01:36.032 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:01:36.033 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:01:36.033 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 343,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:01:36.036 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:01:41.039 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37720723 win=225000 tElapsed=37720723 maxElapsed=37945723 interval=0
05-14 02:01:46.044 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:01:50.554 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:02:05.606 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:02:08.028 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{774d036
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:02:08.033 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:02:08.033 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:02:08.033 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 342,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:02:08.040 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:02:09.972 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 02:02:13.038 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37752723 win=225000 tElapsed=37752723 maxElapsed=37977723 interval=0
05-14 02:02:18.011 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{1785d41
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:02:18.017 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:02:18.017 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:02:18.017 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 341,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:02:23.018 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37762702 win=224999 tElapsed=37762702 maxElapsed=37987701 interval=0
05-14 02:02:26.964 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 02:02:28.027 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:02:50.012 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{af9d27a
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:02:50.018 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:02:50.019 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:02:50.019 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 340,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:02:50.026 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:02:55.027 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37794712 win=225000 tElapsed=37794712 maxElapsed=38019712 interval=0
05-14 02:03:00.064 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:03:54.015 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3ad49eb
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:03:54.021 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:03:54.021 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:03:54.021 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 339,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:03:54.029 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:03:59.022 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37858706 win=225000 tElapsed=37858706 maxElapsed=38083706 interval=0
05-14 02:04:04.058 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:04:16.031 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{efac98d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:04:16.038 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:04:16.038 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:04:16.038 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 338,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:04:16.046 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:04:21.042 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37880727 win=225000 tElapsed=37880727 maxElapsed=38105727 interval=0
05-14 02:04:26.052 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:05:24.889 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ce2a1bd
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:05:24.891 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:05:24.891 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:05:24.891 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 337,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:05:24.891 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:05:29.894 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37949579 win=225000 tElapsed=37949579 maxElapsed=38174579 interval=0
05-14 02:05:34.931 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:05:35.130 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3e8f70a
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:05:35.134 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:05:35.135 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:05:35.135 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:05:35.135 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 336,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:05:40.139 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37959824 win=225000 tElapsed=37959824 maxElapsed=38184824 interval=0
05-14 02:05:45.173 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:05:56.901 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5b6f147
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:05:56.904 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:05:56.904 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:05:56.904 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 335,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:05:56.905 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:06:01.909 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37981593 win=225000 tElapsed=37981593 maxElapsed=38206593 interval=0
05-14 02:06:06.924 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:06:29.545 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715632589545, elapsedRealtime=37709230
05-14 02:06:29.550 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{37c3c22 type 3 origWhen 37319692 whenElapsed 37319692 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@300f869,
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light, workSource=null
05-14 02:06:29.550 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 02:06:29.550 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37739685 win=0 tElapsed=37739685 maxElapsed=37739685 interval=0
05-14 02:06:29.552 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{f813470 type 3 origWhen 37379684 whenElapsed 37379684 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 02:06:29.554 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{69da3e9 type 3 origWhen 37319742 whenElapsed 37319742}, cn = null, operation = null,$Stub$Proxy@944e730,
listenerTag=NetworkLocationSensorUploader, workSource=null
05-14 02:06:29.556 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{845f86e} from uid 10125 pid -1 for 1
05-14 02:06:29.557 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =, alarm = Alarm{a907b0f type 2 origWhen
37709230 whenElapsed 37709230}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{2e7c23a: PendingIntentRecord{7465884 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null,
listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:06:29.558 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:29.558 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@300f869
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37769238 win=60000 tElapsed=37769238
maxElapsed=37829238 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 02:06:29.561 1097 1892 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{ac64764
10125/u0 ReceiverList{40150f6 1750
remote:c146991}} finished with BroadcastRecord{845f86e} took 3ms
05-14 02:06:29.562 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38009247 win=225000 tElapsed=38009247 maxElapsed=38234247 interval=0
05-14 02:06:29.562 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:29.563 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{19d279c
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 02:06:29.566 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a395a5
android.os.action.LIGHT_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 4
05-14 02:06:29.567 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:29.569 1097 1605 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{fdd2d7a:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=37769252 win=0
tElapsed=37769252 maxElapsed=37769252 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:06:29.571 1097 4103 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$Stub$Proxy@b63b92b
listenerTag=NetworkLocationSensorUploader workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=44909246
win=3600000 tElapsed=44909246 maxElapsed=48509246 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:29.577 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:29.587 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10197} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=518522192 win=3600000 tElapsed=518522192 maxElapsed=522122192
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:29.588 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:35
05-14 02:06:29.588 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{5ce721:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1364919 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40894084 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:29.588 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:12
05-14 02:06:29.589 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=27778488155 win=3600000
tElapsed=27778488155 maxElapsed=27782088155 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:29.589 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10197} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=172922184 win=3600000 tElapsed=172922184 maxElapsed=176522184
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:29.591 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10166} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=54774557 win=3600000 tElapsed=54774557
maxElapsed=58374557 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:29.592 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10166} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=54774544 win=3600000 tElapsed=54774544
maxElapsed=58374544 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:29.592 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10166} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=43146012 win=3600000 tElapsed=43146012
maxElapsed=46746012 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:29.594 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38007280 win=223501
tElapsed=38007280 maxElapsed=38230781 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:29.595 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10129} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=50419794 win=3600000 tElapsed=50419794 maxElapsed=54019794 interval=0
05-14 02:06:29.598 1097 1892 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:06:29.601 1097 1892 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:06:29.623 1097 1892 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 02:06:29.638 1097 1892 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x10 (has
extras) }
05-14 02:06:29.777 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{1e2bd07:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=38599461 win=0
tElapsed=38599461 maxElapsed=38599461 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:06:29.836 1097 1605 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{d8cce34:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=38599520 win=0
tElapsed=38599520 maxElapsed=38599520 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:06:29.839 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 02:06:29.841 1097 1605 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{bffd45d:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=38599526 win=0
tElapsed=38599526 maxElapsed=38599526 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:06:29.844 1097 1605 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{b8ff1d2:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=38599528 win=0
tElapsed=38599528 maxElapsed=38599528 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:06:29.857 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:29.860 1097 1605 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ad7591e} from uid 10125 pid 1750 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:06:29.861 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 18446
cessService0:0 for 3
05-14 02:06:29.862 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 15294 for 3
05-14 02:06:29.864 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:29.869 1097 1605 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{60c45ff:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=38599553 win=0
tElapsed=38599553 maxElapsed=38599553 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:06:29.932 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37774097 win=48360
tElapsed=37774097 maxElapsed=37822457 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:29.942 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:37709627 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 02:06:29.942 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38009627 win=225000 tElapsed=38009627 maxElapsed=38234627 interval=0
05-14 02:06:29.947 1097 1892 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:29.948 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:1,
minute:55, seconds:16
05-14 02:06:29.948 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:2,
minute:6, seconds:29
05-14 02:06:29.956 1097 1605 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:29.957 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:403
05-14 02:06:29.957 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GOOGLE_C2DM from duration:108
05-14 02:06:29.957 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GnpBroadcastReceiver from
05-14 02:06:30.123 1097 4103 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{1474ac9:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=1 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10129
triggerAtTime=1715642880000 win=3600000 tElapsed=47999685 maxElapsed=51599685
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:30.164 1097 4103 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38007280 win=223073
tElapsed=38007280 maxElapsed=38230353 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:30.171 1097 4103 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{49a45ce
platform.entrypoints.push.PushReceiver p=99 m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{ad7591e}
took 308ms
05-14 02:06:30.178 1097 4103 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{248acef
tReceiver m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{ad7591e} took 5ms
05-14 02:06:30.186 1097 4103 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{d7ca3fc
BroadcastReceiver_Receiver m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{ad7591e} took 6ms
05-14 02:06:30.188 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:32.593 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10186} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=42509100 win=3597616 tElapsed=42509100 maxElapsed=46106716 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.595 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10186} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=42509072 win=3597594 tElapsed=42509072 maxElapsed=46106666 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.600 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{1000 com.nearme.statistics.rom}
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=42398740 win=3514841
tElapsed=42398740 maxElapsed=45913581 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:32.611 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:06:32.612 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{ca540a6}
05-14 02:06:32.612 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10114; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.613 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10114; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.613 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10114; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.613 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10114; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.614 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10114; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.621 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012306 win=225000 tElapsed=38012306 maxElapsed=38237306 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.670 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 25595 for 6
05-14 02:06:32.671 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:32.673 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 62ms so far, now
at startProcess: returned from zygote!
05-14 02:06:32.673 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:32.674 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 63ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating battery stats
05-14 02:06:32.674 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 63ms so far, now
at startProcess: building log message
05-14 02:06:32.674 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 02:06:32.674 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 63ms so far, now
at startProcess: starting to update pids map
05-14 02:06:32.674 1097 1148 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 64ms so far, now
at startProcess: done updating pids map
05-14 02:06:32.679 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:06:32.679 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{4cbacc4}
05-14 02:06:32.679 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.679 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.679 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.679 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.680 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.682 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.682 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3129
05-14 02:06:32.682 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:75
05-14 02:06:32.682 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ob.SystemJobService#767 from android(1000) duration:64
05-14 02:06:32.682 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:6
05-14 02:06:32.682 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:1
05-14 02:06:32.682 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:32.688 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:32.692 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 02:06:32.696 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 25987
com.glance.lockscreenRealme for 6
05-14 02:06:32.697 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012381 win=224999 tElapsed=38012381 maxElapsed=38237380 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.697 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26068
cessService0:0 for 6
05-14 02:06:32.697 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:32.699 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:32.700 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:06:32.703 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10114; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.704 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10114; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.711 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10114; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.712 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 22845
com.coloros.lockassistant for 6
05-14 02:06:32.716 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3163
05-14 02:06:32.716 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:109
05-14 02:06:32.716 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ob.SystemJobService#767 from android(1000) duration:98
05-14 02:06:32.716 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:40
05-14 02:06:32.716 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:33
05-14 02:06:32.716 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
7039804 from android(1000) duration:28
05-14 02:06:32.716 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:23
05-14 02:06:32.716 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:12
05-14 02:06:32.716 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:0
05-14 02:06:32.717 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012401 win=224999 tElapsed=38012401 maxElapsed=38237400 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.721 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23224 com.whatsapp
for 6
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3170
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:116
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ob.SystemJobService#767 from android(1000) duration:105
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:47
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:40
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
7039804 from android(1000) duration:35
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:30
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:19
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:7
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:6
05-14 02:06:32.723 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012408 win=225000 tElapsed=38012408 maxElapsed=38237408 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.726 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10058; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.727 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10114; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.729 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3176
05-14 02:06:32.729 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:122
05-14 02:06:32.729 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ob.SystemJobService#767 from android(1000) duration:111
05-14 02:06:32.729 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:53
05-14 02:06:32.729 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:46
05-14 02:06:32.729 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
7039804 from android(1000) duration:41
05-14 02:06:32.729 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:36
05-14 02:06:32.729 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:25
05-14 02:06:32.729 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:12
05-14 02:06:32.735 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.735 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.739 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.739 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012424 win=225000 tElapsed=38012424 maxElapsed=38237424 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.745 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.745 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3192
05-14 02:06:32.745 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:138
05-14 02:06:32.745 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ob.SystemJobService#767 from android(1000) duration:127
05-14 02:06:32.745 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:69
05-14 02:06:32.745 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:62
05-14 02:06:32.745 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:52
05-14 02:06:32.745 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:41
05-14 02:06:32.745 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:28
05-14 02:06:32.762 1097 4103 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{7c89fc1:
PendingIntentRecord{15e45e0 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=0 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=1715718600000 win=0 tElapsed=123719685 maxElapsed=123719685
interval=0 flags=0x5
05-14 02:06:32.767 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10114; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.767 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10114; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.768 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10114} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37712552 win=0 tElapsed=37712552 maxElapsed=37712552 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.769 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10114} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37712552 win=0 tElapsed=37712552 maxElapsed=37712552
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:32.771 1097 1892 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10114. pid: 27120
05-14 02:06:32.810 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.818 1097 4122 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:06:32.819 1097 4122 D PackageManager: Considering set
ctedService's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:06:32.834 1097 4103 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:06:32.834 1097 4103 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:06:32.834 1097 4103 D PackageManager: Considering set
MigrationInfo's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:06:32.851 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012536 win=225000 tElapsed=38012536 maxElapsed=38237536 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.857 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3304
05-14 02:06:32.857 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:250
05-14 02:06:32.857 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:181
05-14 02:06:32.857 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:174
05-14 02:06:32.857 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:164
05-14 02:06:32.857 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:153
05-14 02:06:32.857 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:140
05-14 02:06:32.857 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:BackupMessagesAction#backupMessages#mediaCleanup from
com.whatsapp(10223) duration:100
05-14 02:06:32.857 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:53
05-14 02:06:32.857 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:28
05-14 02:06:32.867 1097 4103 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
a033394 #u0a114/4096
05-14 02:06:32.868 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012553 win=225000 tElapsed=38012553 maxElapsed=38237553 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.868 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715632592868, elapsedRealtime=37712553
05-14 02:06:32.869 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{6496b1f:
PendingIntentRecord{ccd3209 broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
workSource=null nextElapsed=43979304 orginAlarm=Alarm{cac8d7f type 0 origWhen 0
whenElapsed 36779304}
05-14 02:06:32.872 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{fe3ce17:
PendingIntentRecord{993f204 com.heytap.pictorial startService}}) : type=0
workSource=null nextElapsed=58319685 orginAlarm=Alarm{bf076aa type 0 origWhen
1715631600057 whenElapsed 36774323 com.heytap.pictorial}
05-14 02:06:32.874 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3321
05-14 02:06:32.874 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:198
05-14 02:06:32.874 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:191
05-14 02:06:32.874 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:170
05-14 02:06:32.874 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:157
05-14 02:06:32.874 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:BackupMessagesAction#backupMessages#mediaCleanup from
com.whatsapp(10223) duration:117
05-14 02:06:32.874 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:70
05-14 02:06:32.874 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:45
05-14 02:06:32.874 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*/ from duration:14
05-14 02:06:32.882 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{bf076aa type 0 origWhen 1715631600057 whenElapsed 36774323
com.heytap.pictorial}, cn =
operation = PendingIntent{fe3ce17: PendingIntentRecord{993f204 com.heytap.pictorial
startService}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:06:32.886 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ad24d
Intent { flg=0x10
iver }/u0} from uid 10269 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:32.888 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{cac8d7f type 0 origWhen 0 whenElapsed 36779304}, cn =
cAlarmReceiver}, operation = PendingIntent{6496b1f: PendingIntentRecord{ccd3209 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:06:32.896 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 3
05-14 02:06:32.897 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26508
cessService0:0 for 3
05-14 02:06:32.901 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26203 for 3
05-14 02:06:32.906 1097 1115 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 154726397; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.923 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b46450} from uid 10069 pid -
1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:32.924 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =, alarm = Alarm{93f4649
type 2 origWhen 37281727 whenElapsed 37281727}, cn = null,
operation = PendingIntent{dffeb8a: PendingIntentRecord{5bd3b85 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null,
05-14 02:06:32.924 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{cd15b4e type 3 origWhen 37712552 whenElapsed 37712552 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d, listenerTag=*job.delay*,
05-14 02:06:32.924 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{b49d46f type 2 origWhen 37712552 whenElapsed 37712552 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@2231e61,
listenerTag=*job.deadline*, workSource=WorkSource{10114}
05-14 02:06:32.936 1097 4122 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{fe953b9} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:32.939 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{7f133fe} from uid 10125 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:32.939 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{3feb75f type 3 origWhen
37676260 whenElapsed 37709243}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{44a37af: PendingIntentRecord{eb37bc broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=WorkSource{10125}
05-14 02:06:32.940 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012625 win=225000 tElapsed=38012625 maxElapsed=38237625 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.942 1097 4122 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{fd84178
10125/u0 ReceiverList{9aa2db 1750
remote:73befea}} finished with BroadcastRecord{7f133fe} took 1ms
05-14 02:06:32.945 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{9c27275:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1362441 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40891606 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:32.948 1097 3487 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{228920a:
PendingIntentRecord{5bd3b85 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=38612621 win=674999 tElapsed=38612621
maxElapsed=39287620 interval=0 flags=0x20
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38007280 win=220980
tElapsed=38007280 maxElapsed=38228260 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3402
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:279
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:272
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:251
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:238
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:BackupMessagesAction#backupMessages#mediaCleanup from
com.whatsapp(10223) duration:198
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:151
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*/ from duration:95
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*alarm* from android(1000) duration:74
05-14 02:06:32.955 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{1000 android}
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=39621704 win=1431798
tElapsed=39621704 maxElapsed=41053502 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:32.956 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012641 win=225000 tElapsed=38012641 maxElapsed=38237641 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.957 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10269; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:32.960 1097 1892 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{4315862} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3412
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:289
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:282
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:261
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:248
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:BackupMessagesAction#backupMessages#mediaCleanup from
com.whatsapp(10223) duration:208
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:161
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*/ from duration:105
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*alarm* from android(1000) duration:84
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:4
05-14 02:06:32.965 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:1
05-14 02:06:32.968 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{d484ab0:
PendingIntentRecord{c1fc873 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=37771645 win=0 tElapsed=37771645 maxElapsed=37771645
interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:06:32.974 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161252188; UID 10128; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:32.986 1097 1892 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{14bf87f
10069/u0 ReceiverList{254459e 5638 remote:6cd27d9}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{b46450} took 52ms
05-14 02:06:32.988 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012673 win=225000 tElapsed=38012673 maxElapsed=38237673 interval=0
05-14 02:06:32.994 1097 1115 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10269; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.004 1097 1115 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.006 1097 1115 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{c6899d ImpBg #85773} whose proc state 6 is
better than process ProcessState{bc53abb (sub)} proc state 8 (1 skipped)
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3453
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:330
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:323
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:302
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:289
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:BackupMessagesAction#backupMessages#mediaCleanup from
com.whatsapp(10223) duration:249
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:202
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*/ from duration:146
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*alarm* from android(1000) duration:125
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:42
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1115 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.007 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012692 win=225000 tElapsed=38012692 maxElapsed=38237692 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.019 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3466
05-14 02:06:33.019 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:343
05-14 02:06:33.019 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:336
05-14 02:06:33.019 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:315
05-14 02:06:33.019 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:302
05-14 02:06:33.019 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:BackupMessagesAction#backupMessages#mediaCleanup from
com.whatsapp(10223) duration:262
05-14 02:06:33.019 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:215
05-14 02:06:33.019 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*/ from duration:159
05-14 02:06:33.019 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*alarm* from android(1000) duration:138
05-14 02:06:33.019 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:55
05-14 02:06:33.020 1097 1114 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10216. pid: 27133
05-14 02:06:33.020 1097 1114 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:06:33.021 1097 1114 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:06:33.021 1097 1114 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 2
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:06:33.021 1097 1114 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:06:33.021 1097 1114 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:06:33.021 1097 1114 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:06:33.031 1097 3487 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:06:33.035 27133 27133 W Looper : Loop again would have the queued
messages be executed before this one completed.
05-14 02:06:33.043 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10114; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.055 1097 3487 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.055 1097 3487 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e967ea4} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:33.075 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{668fe3c:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1362303 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40891468 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:33.096 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012781 win=225000 tElapsed=38012781 maxElapsed=38237781 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.102 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.102 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.102 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.102 1097 3487 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{7d4751a
m=0x0 userHandle=null} finished with BroadcastRecord{ad24d Intent { flg=0x10
iver }/u0} took 196ms
05-14 02:06:33.105 1097 1115 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.108 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.108 1097 1892 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.109 1097 1892 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.112 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.112 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.114 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3561
05-14 02:06:33.114 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:438
05-14 02:06:33.114 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:431
05-14 02:06:33.114 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:410
05-14 02:06:33.114 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:397
05-14 02:06:33.114 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:BackupMessagesAction#backupMessages#mediaCleanup from
com.whatsapp(10223) duration:357
05-14 02:06:33.114 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:310
05-14 02:06:33.114 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:150
05-14 02:06:33.114 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:20
05-14 02:06:33.115 1097 4122 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{96525c3} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:33.116 1097 1115 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10114} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37712901 win=0 tElapsed=37712901 maxElapsed=37712901 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.117 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.117 1097 1115 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10114} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=37742638 win=22377 tElapsed=37742638
maxElapsed=37765015 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:33.118 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.120 1097 3487 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.121 1097 3487 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.125 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.126 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012811 win=225000 tElapsed=38012811 maxElapsed=38237811 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.135 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3582
05-14 02:06:33.135 1097 1605 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
80376e8 #u0a216/6558
05-14 02:06:33.136 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6559 from android(1000) duration:452
05-14 02:06:33.136 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:431
05-14 02:06:33.136 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:418
05-14 02:06:33.136 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:331
05-14 02:06:33.136 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:41
05-14 02:06:33.136 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
Service#6558 from android(1000) duration:5
05-14 02:06:33.143 1097 4122 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore: d1994
05-14 02:06:33.145 1097 1115 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{d5e1f04:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1362251 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40891416 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:33.152 1097 1115 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{6a73722:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1362246 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40891411 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:33.182 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012866 win=224999 tElapsed=38012866 maxElapsed=38237865 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.189 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3636
05-14 02:06:33.189 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:485
05-14 02:06:33.189 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:472
05-14 02:06:33.189 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:385
05-14 02:06:33.194 1097 1115 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 0
with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:06:33.198 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { dat=package:
flg=0x10 }
05-14 02:06:33.212 1097 1114 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:06:33.212 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{120c1a3}
05-14 02:06:33.213 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10224; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.213 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10224; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.213 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10224; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.213 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.214 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.216 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715632593216, elapsedRealtime=37712901
05-14 02:06:33.221 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{dddd915 type 2 origWhen 37712901 whenElapsed 37712901 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@2231e61,
listenerTag=*job.deadline*, workSource=WorkSource{10114}
05-14 02:06:33.222 1097 1097 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{1000 android}
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=39621704 win=1431601
tElapsed=39621704 maxElapsed=41053305 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:33.224 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 02:06:33.230 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012915 win=225000 tElapsed=38012915 maxElapsed=38237915 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.242 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3689
05-14 02:06:33.242 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:538
05-14 02:06:33.242 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:525
05-14 02:06:33.242 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:438
05-14 02:06:33.242 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:16
05-14 02:06:33.242 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:7
05-14 02:06:33.263 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012948 win=225000 tElapsed=38012948 maxElapsed=38237948 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.266 1097 4122 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26101 for 6
05-14 02:06:33.274 1097 1115 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10224; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.274 1097 1115 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10224; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.278 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3725
05-14 02:06:33.278 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:574
05-14 02:06:33.278 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:561
05-14 02:06:33.278 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:474
05-14 02:06:33.278 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:52
05-14 02:06:33.278 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:43
05-14 02:06:33.278 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*/ from duration:6
05-14 02:06:33.278 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012963 win=225000 tElapsed=38012963 maxElapsed=38237963 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.281 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.288 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3735
05-14 02:06:33.288 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:584
05-14 02:06:33.288 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:571
05-14 02:06:33.288 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:484
05-14 02:06:33.288 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:62
05-14 02:06:33.288 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:53
05-14 02:06:33.288 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*/ from duration:16
05-14 02:06:33.288 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.288 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012973 win=225000 tElapsed=38012973 maxElapsed=38237973 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3741
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:590
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:577
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:490
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:68
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:59
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*/ from duration:22
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1605 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{edcaad7
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 99082; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 99082; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 99082; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.294 1097 1605 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 99082; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.295 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10243; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.298 1097 4103 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{179d5e2:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1362136 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40891301 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:33.300 1097 1892 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26657 for 7
05-14 02:06:33.306 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38012990 win=225000 tElapsed=38012990 maxElapsed=38237990 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.315 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i82 for
05-14 02:06:33.320 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3766
05-14 02:06:33.320 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:615
05-14 02:06:33.320 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:602
05-14 02:06:33.320 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:515
05-14 02:06:33.320 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:93
05-14 02:06:33.320 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*/ from duration:47
05-14 02:06:33.320 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:0
05-14 02:06:33.320 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:37713005 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 02:06:33.320 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013005 win=225000 tElapsed=38013005 maxElapsed=38238005 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.326 1097 1114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{61f1506:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1362115 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40891280 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:33.327 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3774
05-14 02:06:33.327 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:623
05-14 02:06:33.327 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:610
05-14 02:06:33.327 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:523
05-14 02:06:33.327 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:101
05-14 02:06:33.327 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*/ from duration:55
05-14 02:06:33.327 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:8
05-14 02:06:33.337 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{68d81db:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1362107 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40891272 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:33.342 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10243; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.342 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10243; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.364 1097 1114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{1be76c1:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1362087 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40891252 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:33.368 1097 1114 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 99082. pid: 27312
05-14 02:06:33.394 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013079 win=225000 tElapsed=38013079 maxElapsed=38238079 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.405 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.405 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.405 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.405 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3852
05-14 02:06:33.405 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:701
05-14 02:06:33.405 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:688
05-14 02:06:33.405 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:601
05-14 02:06:33.405 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:179
05-14 02:06:33.409 1097 1892 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:06:33.410 1097 1892 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{5fbd7ab}
05-14 02:06:33.410 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.410 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.410 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.410 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.410 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.421 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 02:06:33.445 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.445 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10144; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:33.451 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013136 win=225000 tElapsed=38013136 maxElapsed=38238136 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.455 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10144; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3905
05-14 02:06:33.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:754
05-14 02:06:33.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:741
05-14 02:06:33.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:654
05-14 02:06:33.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/ from
android(1000) duration:232
05-14 02:06:33.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
mponentUpdateService#110 from android(1000) duration:51
05-14 02:06:33.475 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.476 1097 1115 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ea6878b} from uid 10114 pid
27120 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:33.476 1097 1892 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.476 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.478 1097 1892 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.478 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.478 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26992 for 3
05-14 02:06:33.479 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.480 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.481 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013165 win=225000 tElapsed=38013165 maxElapsed=38238165 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.481 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.482 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.485 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.486 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.486 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.489 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.493 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3940
05-14 02:06:33.493 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:789
05-14 02:06:33.493 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:776
05-14 02:06:33.493 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:689
05-14 02:06:33.493 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
mponentUpdateService#110 from android(1000) duration:86
05-14 02:06:33.494 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013178 win=224999 tElapsed=38013178 maxElapsed=38238177 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.494 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.496 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.497 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.499 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.500 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3948
05-14 02:06:33.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:797
05-14 02:06:33.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:784
05-14 02:06:33.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:697
05-14 02:06:33.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
mponentUpdateService#110 from android(1000) duration:94
05-14 02:06:33.501 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.550 1097 1605 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10144. pid: 27356
05-14 02:06:33.569 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.605 1097 4103 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.606 1097 4103 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.609 1097 4103 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.610 1097 4103 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.612 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.614 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.674 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.675 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.677 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.678 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.681 1097 1892 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.682 1097 1892 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.683 1097 1892 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.685 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.686 1097 1605 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.688 1097 1892 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.689 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:33.689 1097 1892 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.690 1097 1892 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.693 1097 4103 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.695 1097 4103 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.696 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.698 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.700 1097 4103 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.701 1097 4103 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.720 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.721 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.723 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.725 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.727 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.729 1097 1114 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10269 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:06:33.844 27287 27287 W ActivityThread: ClassLoader.loadClass: The class
loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
05-14 02:06:33.918 1097 1605 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10224. pid: 27287
05-14 02:06:33.924 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:37713608 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 02:06:33.924 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013609 win=225000 tElapsed=38013609 maxElapsed=38238609 interval=0
05-14 02:06:33.935 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:4381
05-14 02:06:33.935 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:1230
05-14 02:06:33.935 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:1217
05-14 02:06:33.935 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:1130
05-14 02:06:33.935 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
mponentUpdateService#110 from android(1000) duration:527
05-14 02:06:34.002 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013687 win=225000 tElapsed=38013687 maxElapsed=38238687 interval=0
05-14 02:06:34.006 1097 4103 I ActivityManager: Killing
25616:com.truecaller/u0a31 (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 02:06:34.009 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 25616 for 12
05-14 02:06:34.010 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:4457
05-14 02:06:34.010 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:1306
05-14 02:06:34.010 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:1293
05-14 02:06:34.010 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:1206
05-14 02:06:34.013 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{411509d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:06:34.018 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:06:34.018 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:06:34.018 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 334,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:06:34.031 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:06:34.041 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 154726397; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:34.081 1097 1114 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{af4db09} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:34.081 1097 1114 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6f4310e} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:34.083 1097 1892 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{4569528
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:06:34.145 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10031
05-14 02:06:34.146 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013831 win=225000 tElapsed=38013831 maxElapsed=38238831 interval=0
05-14 02:06:34.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:4607
05-14 02:06:34.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:1456
05-14 02:06:34.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:1443
05-14 02:06:34.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:1356
05-14 02:06:34.190 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013875 win=225000 tElapsed=38013875 maxElapsed=38238875 interval=0
05-14 02:06:34.198 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:4645
05-14 02:06:34.199 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:1494
05-14 02:06:34.199 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:1481
05-14 02:06:34.199 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:1394
05-14 02:06:34.199 1097 1181 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{499533d
android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 81 receivers
05-14 02:06:34.202 1097 1576 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38007280 win=220044
tElapsed=38007280 maxElapsed=38227324 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:34.205 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:34.207 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10216; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:06:34.207 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171306433; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:34.207 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 226439802; UID 10216; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:34.218 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013903 win=225000 tElapsed=38013903 maxElapsed=38238903 interval=0
05-14 02:06:34.244 1097 1333 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26133 for 6
05-14 02:06:34.269 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:4716
05-14 02:06:34.269 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:1565
05-14 02:06:34.269 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:1552
05-14 02:06:34.269 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:1465
05-14 02:06:34.272 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38013957 win=225000 tElapsed=38013957 maxElapsed=38238957 interval=0
05-14 02:06:34.298 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:4745
05-14 02:06:34.298 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:1594
05-14 02:06:34.298 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:1581
05-14 02:06:34.298 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:1494
05-14 02:06:34.301 1097 1145 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x24000010
05-14 02:06:34.303 1097 1145 D AppWidgetServiceImpl: Provider info from
iveCallWidgetProvider} won't be persisted.
05-14 02:06:34.712 1097 1605 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{d0e70d5:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315397714397
win=3600000 tElapsed=315397714397 maxElapsed=315401314397 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:38.053 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38017738 win=225000 tElapsed=38017738 maxElapsed=38242738 interval=0
05-14 02:06:38.054 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10128; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:38.060 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:5355
05-14 02:06:38.060 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:5342
05-14 02:06:38.060 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:5255
05-14 02:06:39.772 1097 3483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10114; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:39.880 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 18446
05-14 02:06:41.394 1097 1576 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{5cdc713:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1356064 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40885229 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:41.412 1097 3483 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{343c16f:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1356051 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40885216 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:41.421 1097 3483 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{3a35e7c:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1356044 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40885209 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:41.454 1097 3483 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{5d1a80:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1356019 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40885184 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:41.573 1097 1576 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{fcf4fe:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1355931 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40885096 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:41.592 1097 1576 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{6af630a:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1355916 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40885081 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:41.602 1097 3483 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{c96677b:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1355909 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40885074 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:41.622 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{7f6d744:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1355893 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40885058 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:41.784 1097 1576 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{6a14962:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1355772 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40884937 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:41.797 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{ece99ae:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1355763 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40884928 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:41.825 1097 3932 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{8c256b:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1355741 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40884906 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:42.860 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25595
05-14 02:06:42.980 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25987
05-14 02:06:42.982 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26068
05-14 02:06:42.983 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26508
05-14 02:06:43.165 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 5638
05-14 02:06:43.167 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26203
05-14 02:06:43.672 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27133
05-14 02:06:43.674 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27120
05-14 02:06:43.675 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26657
05-14 02:06:43.676 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26992
05-14 02:06:44.006 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27356
05-14 02:06:44.007 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26101
05-14 02:06:44.193 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27287
05-14 02:06:44.688 449 27476 I keystore2:
system/security/keystore2/src/ - Watchdog thread idle ->
terminating. Have a great day.
05-14 02:06:44.987 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10243; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:06:44.989 1097 3932 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{9b2cf12 com.heytap.pictorial/10243 BFgs #85901} whose proc state 4 is
better than process ProcessState{f25f237} proc state 6 (56 skipped)
05-14 02:06:49.920 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38029605 win=225000 tElapsed=38029605 maxElapsed=38254605 interval=0
05-14 02:06:49.929 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:17225
05-14 02:06:49.929 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:17212
05-14 02:06:49.929 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:17125
05-14 02:06:50.141 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{863ecc5
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 02:06:50.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:06:50.145 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:06:50.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 335,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:06:50.151 1097 1147 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 02:06:50.152 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 25092 for 12
05-14 02:06:50.201 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 15294
05-14 02:06:50.253 1097 1892 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26992 for 5
05-14 02:06:50.255 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10153
05-14 02:06:50.255 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38029940 win=225000 tElapsed=38029940 maxElapsed=38254940 interval=0
05-14 02:06:50.264 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:17560
05-14 02:06:50.264 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:17547
05-14 02:06:50.264 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:17460
05-14 02:06:50.265 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38029950 win=225000 tElapsed=38029950 maxElapsed=38254950 interval=0
05-14 02:06:50.275 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:17571
05-14 02:06:50.275 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:17558
05-14 02:06:50.275 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:com.whatsapp:backupdb from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:17471
05-14 02:06:58.047 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{a2de1d4:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1343574 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40872739 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:58.099 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{1a31896:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1343535 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40872700 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:06:59.920 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26133
05-14 02:07:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715632620000, elapsedRealtime=37739685
05-14 02:07:00.262 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26992
05-14 02:07:03.007 1097 1114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{e37fe9:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315397742691
win=3600000 tElapsed=315397742691 maxElapsed=315401342691 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:07:03.024 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 182734110; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:07:03.335 1097 1114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{71ab52b:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1339608 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40868773 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:07:03.381 1097 1892 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{67e9ea3:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1339574 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40868739 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:07:03.546 1097 1400 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{25f3559:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1339450 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40868615 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:07:03.555 1097 1400 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{844ce15:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1339443 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40868608 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:07:03.566 1097 1892 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.whatsapp/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.whatsapp:10223
05-14 02:07:03.581 1097 3932 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{820b1f7:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=1339424 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40868589 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:07:03.889 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=com.spreadtrum.ims.VOLTE_REGISTED flg=0x30 (has extras) }
05-14 02:07:03.956 1097 1114 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
05-14 02:07:03.958 1097 1114 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a1aacd
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:07:03.960 1097 1114 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:07:03.961 1097 1114 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e6e5f82
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:07:03.963 1097 1114 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:07:03.964 1097 1114 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6a47693
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:07:03.966 1097 1114 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:07:03.968 1097 1114 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8d976d0
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:07:03.969 1097 1400 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=com.spreadtrum.ims.VOLTE_REGISTED flg=0x30 (has extras) }
05-14 02:07:03.970 1097 1147 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:07:03.970 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{626f1ce}
05-14 02:07:03.971 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10193; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:07:03.971 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10193; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:07:03.971 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10193; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:07:03.971 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10193; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:07:03.972 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10193; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:07:03.985 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
05-14 02:07:03.990 1097 1400 I Telecom : : isInEmergencyCall: false: TSI.iIEC@Dic
05-14 02:07:04.009 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10193; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:07:04.009 1097 1892 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10193; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:07:04.014 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10193; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:07:04.014 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38043699 win=225000 tElapsed=38043699 maxElapsed=38268699 interval=0
05-14 02:07:04.017 1097 1400 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10193; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:07:04.020 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:31316
05-14 02:07:04.020 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:31303
05-14 02:07:04.060 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10193. pid: 27531
05-14 02:07:04.075 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 250): empty #25
05-14 02:07:04.115 1097 1114 D TextToSpeechManagerPerUserService: Unbinding TTS
engine: Reason: client process death is reported
05-14 02:07:04.118 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10123
05-14 02:07:04.119 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38043804 win=225000 tElapsed=38043804 maxElapsed=38268804 interval=0
05-14 02:07:04.121 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 02:07:04.122 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 25552 for 12
05-14 02:07:04.123 1097 1400 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #85942} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (4 skipped)
05-14 02:07:04.124 1097 1097 W TextToSpeechManagerPerUserService: Disconnected
from TTS engine
05-14 02:07:04.124 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.speech.tts.TTS_QUEUE_PROCESSING_COMPLETED
flg=0x10 }
05-14 02:07:04.125 1097 1097 I TextToSpeechManagerPerUserService: Failed running
callback method: android.os.DeadObjectException
05-14 02:07:04.132 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:31428
05-14 02:07:04.132 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:31415
05-14 02:07:04.132 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38043817 win=225000 tElapsed=38043817 maxElapsed=38268817 interval=0
05-14 02:07:04.139 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:31435
05-14 02:07:04.139 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:31422
05-14 02:07:04.425 1097 1400 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 02:07:04.426 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 25760 for 12
05-14 02:07:04.428 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38044112 win=225000 tElapsed=38044112 maxElapsed=38269112 interval=0
05-14 02:07:04.437 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:31733
05-14 02:07:11.134 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{1ee77d7
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:07:11.137 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:07:11.137 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:07:11.138 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 336,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:07:14.125 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27531
05-14 02:07:14.126 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 02:07:14.221 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25872
05-14 02:07:14.581 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23224 com.whatsapp
05-14 02:07:16.142 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38055827 win=225000 tElapsed=38055827 maxElapsed=38280827 interval=0
05-14 02:07:16.152 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:43447
05-14 02:07:20.052 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 02:07:28.028 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{c52663
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:07:28.031 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:07:28.031 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:07:28.031 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 337,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:07:31.960 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715632651960, elapsedRealtime=37771645
05-14 02:07:31.961 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 02:07:31.961 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=37799685 win=0 tElapsed=37799685 maxElapsed=37799685 interval=0
05-14 02:07:31.962 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a8ac1ac
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:07:31.965 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{b1f0e75 type 3 origWhen 37739685 whenElapsed 37739685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 02:07:31.966 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{61efe0a
u0} from uid 10069 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:07:31.967 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =,
alarm = Alarm{1b84c98 type 2 origWhen 37771645 whenElapsed 37771645}, cn = null, operation = PendingIntent{d484ab0:
PendingIntentRecord{c1fc873 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null,
listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:07:31.968 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 5638 for 3
05-14 02:07:31.986 1097 4122 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{8abb030
10069/u0 ReceiverList{5a03973 5638 remote:785e1e2}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{61efe0a
u0} took 17ms
05-14 02:07:32.004 1097 1400 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:07:33.036 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38072721 win=225000 tElapsed=38072721 maxElapsed=38297721 interval=0
05-14 02:07:33.045 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:60341
05-14 02:07:42.036 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 5638
05-14 02:07:42.585 449 27557 I keystore2:
system/security/keystore2/src/ - Watchdog thread idle ->
terminating. Have a great day.
05-14 02:07:49.020 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8a40bc8
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:07:49.024 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:07:49.024 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:07:49.024 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 336,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:07:54.034 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38093719 win=225000 tElapsed=38093719 maxElapsed=38318719 interval=0
05-14 02:07:54.045 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:81340
05-14 02:08:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715632680000, elapsedRealtime=37799685
05-14 02:08:15.132 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5b10e28
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:08:15.135 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:08:15.136 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:08:15.136 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 335,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:08:20.141 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38119825 win=225000 tElapsed=38119825 maxElapsed=38344825 interval=0
05-14 02:08:20.151 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:107447
05-14 02:08:26.142 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{901a1c3
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:08:26.146 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:08:26.146 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:08:26.146 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 334,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:08:29.553 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715632709553, elapsedRealtime=37829238
05-14 02:08:29.553 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{9bcf9d3:
PendingIntentRecord{5c6d910 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 workSource=null
nextElapsed=39621205 orginAlarm=Alarm{42dbabe type 3 origWhen 37821205 whenElapsed
37821205 android}
05-14 02:08:31.150 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38130835 win=225000 tElapsed=38130835 maxElapsed=38355835 interval=0
05-14 02:08:31.161 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:118457
05-14 02:08:47.132 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{9c1f47a
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:08:47.136 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:08:47.136 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:08:47.136 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 335,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:08:52.141 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38151826 win=225000 tElapsed=38151826 maxElapsed=38376826 interval=0
05-14 02:08:52.152 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:139448
05-14 02:08:53.022 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{b6ade46
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:08:53.026 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:08:53.026 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:08:53.026 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 334,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:08:53.311 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 02:08:53.373 1097 1154 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was
reset, new WiFi energy data is
WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ mTimeSinceBootMillis=37853009 mStackState=3
mControllerTxDurationMillis=0 mControllerRxDurationMillis=0
mControllerScanDurationMillis=0 mControllerIdleDurationMillis=0
mControllerEnergyUsedMicroJoules=0 }
05-14 02:08:58.028 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38157713 win=225000 tElapsed=38157713 maxElapsed=38382713 interval=0
05-14 02:08:58.039 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:145335
05-14 02:09:19.133 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3aecfe1
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:09:19.139 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:09:19.139 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:09:19.139 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 333,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:09:24.143 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38183828 win=225000 tElapsed=38183828 maxElapsed=38408828 interval=0
05-14 02:09:24.155 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:171451
05-14 02:10:02.150 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5e105bb
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:10:02.153 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:10:02.154 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:10:02.154 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 332,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:10:07.159 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38226843 win=225000 tElapsed=38226843 maxElapsed=38451843 interval=0
05-14 02:10:07.171 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
JobService#1336 from android(1000) duration:214467
05-14 02:10:20.612 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@70d8356
listenerTag=*job.quota_check* workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=44004386 win=30000 tElapsed=44004386
maxElapsed=44034386 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 02:10:20.623 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38240308 win=225000 tElapsed=38240308 maxElapsed=38465308 interval=0
05-14 02:10:20.625 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:10:20.627 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@300f869
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38540308 win=120000 tElapsed=38540308
maxElapsed=38660308 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 02:10:20.632 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@70d8356
listenerTag=*job.quota_check* workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=44004396 win=30000 tElapsed=44004396
maxElapsed=44034396 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 02:10:20.638 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_going_idle from android(1000) duration:6
05-14 02:10:20.680 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:10:20.681 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:10:20.685 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{9da1add
android.os.action.LIGHT_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 4
05-14 02:10:21.815 1097 1400 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:10:21.820 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:10:22.830 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:10:30.675 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 22845
05-14 02:10:30.677 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:10:37.882 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:10:50.554 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:10:51.868 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:11:05.617 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:11:06.909 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:11:16.893 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5d63d5b
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:11:16.896 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:11:16.897 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:11:16.897 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 331,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:11:16.898 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:11:20.641 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 02:11:21.902 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38301586 win=224999 tElapsed=38301586 maxElapsed=38526585 interval=0
05-14 02:11:26.924 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:11:27.741 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:11:27.742 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:38007427 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 02:11:27.742 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38307427 win=225000 tElapsed=38307427 maxElapsed=38532427 interval=0
05-14 02:11:27.751 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 02:11:33.024 1097 1154 D PowerController.BattStats: now:38012708,
elapsedRealtime:38012707, numStepLevels:1, mLastLevelStepTime:-1
05-14 02:11:33.024 1097 1154 D PowerController.BattStats: addLevelSteps: first
level update: for mode:1, mNumStepDurations:0, timePerLevel:-1
05-14 02:11:33.024 1097 1154 D PowerController.BattStats:
timePerLevel for mLowModeDischargeStepTracker: -1,
mNormalModeDischargeStepTracker.mNumStepDurations:0 timePerLevel for
mNormalModeDischargeStepTracker: -1,
mUltraModeDischargeStepTracker.mNumStepDurations:0 timePerLevel for
mUltraModeDischargeStepTracker: -1
05-14 02:11:33.025 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a085d6c
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:11:33.031 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{27d3a17
android.intent.action.BATTERY_LEVEL_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2
05-14 02:11:33.032 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:11:33.032 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:11:33.033 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 331,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:11:33.034 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:11:33.036 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 2895 for 3
05-14 02:11:33.038 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26182 for 3
05-14 02:11:33.039 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:11:33.041 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38312726 win=225000 tElapsed=38312726 maxElapsed=38537726 interval=0
05-14 02:11:33.055 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:11:33.059 1097 4112 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:11:33.059 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:11:33.061 1097 1114 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:11:33.270 1097 4112 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:11:38.057 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:11:38.060 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:11:42.771 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:11:43.048 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:11:43.055 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26182
05-14 02:11:43.116 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 2895
05-14 02:11:50.555 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:12:05.619 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:12:42.141 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8d028cf
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:12:42.144 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:12:42.144 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:12:42.144 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 330,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:12:42.147 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:12:47.149 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38386834 win=225000 tElapsed=38386834 maxElapsed=38611834 interval=0
05-14 02:12:52.177 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:13:23.015 1097 1400 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{50551f2:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39012699 win=0
tElapsed=39012699 maxElapsed=39012699 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:13:23.034 1097 1400 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:13:38.097 1097 1400 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:13:41.020 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{83892ab
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:13:41.024 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:13:41.025 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:13:41.025 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 329,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:13:41.032 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:13:46.030 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38445714 win=224999 tElapsed=38445714 maxElapsed=38670713 interval=0
05-14 02:13:46.141 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6caac23
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:13:46.146 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:13:46.146 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:13:46.146 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 330,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:13:51.151 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38450835 win=225000 tElapsed=38450835 maxElapsed=38675835 interval=0
05-14 02:13:56.197 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:14:02.013 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{853fc4d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:14:02.020 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:14:02.020 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:14:02.020 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 329,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:14:02.028 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:14:07.025 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38466709 win=225000 tElapsed=38466709 maxElapsed=38691709 interval=0
05-14 02:14:12.080 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:14:39.133 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ab6ba47
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:14:39.140 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:14:39.140 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:14:39.140 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 328,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:14:39.148 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:14:44.143 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38503828 win=225000 tElapsed=38503828 maxElapsed=38728828 interval=0
05-14 02:14:49.181 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:15:00.880 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 02:16:32.030 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2d5171d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:16:32.033 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:16:32.033 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:16:32.034 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 327,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:16:32.037 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:16:37.039 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38616724 win=225000 tElapsed=38616724 maxElapsed=38841724 interval=0
05-14 02:16:37.601 1097 1114 I Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount: account=[[ ]
ervice}, 1, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@Dig
05-14 02:16:37.603 1097 1114 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account:
*******: TSI.rPA(cap)@Dig
05-14 02:16:37.606 1097 1114 I Telecom : CallsManager: handlePhoneAccountChanged:
phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, 1, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@Dig
05-14 02:16:37.613 1097 1114 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
05-14 02:16:37.613 1097 1114 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Notifying
telephony of voice service override change for 1 SIMs, hasService = false:
05-14 02:16:37.641 1097 1114 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:16:37.643 1097 1114 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:16:37.665 1097 3476 I Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount: account=[[ ]
ervice}, 1, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg
SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@Dik
05-14 02:16:37.668 1097 3476 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account:
*******: TSI.rPA(cap)@Dik
05-14 02:16:37.672 1097 3476 I Telecom : CallsManager: handlePhoneAccountChanged:
phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, 1, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg
SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@Dik
05-14 02:16:37.676 1097 3476 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
05-14 02:16:37.677 1097 3476 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Notifying
telephony of voice service override change for 1 SIMs, hasService = false:
05-14 02:16:37.716 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
05-14 02:16:37.717 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{f4cfab7
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:37.718 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:16:37.720 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8b4b224
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:37.722 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:16:37.722 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{f0f018d
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:37.723 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:16:37.725 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{beacf42
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:37.727 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 27531 for 3
05-14 02:16:37.729 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:16:37.731 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38617416 win=225000 tElapsed=38617416 maxElapsed=38842416 interval=0
05-14 02:16:37.737 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:16:38.394 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
05-14 02:16:38.395 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d2c8b53
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:38.399 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:16:38.399 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{39ccc90
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:38.402 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:16:38.403 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{7772989
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:38.404 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:16:38.406 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{55a9d8e
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:38.408 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:16:38.411 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:16:38.413 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38618096 win=224999 tElapsed=38618096 maxElapsed=38843095 interval=0
05-14 02:16:38.423 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*telephony-radio* from duration:43
05-14 02:16:38.465 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
05-14 02:16:38.466 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a1fd545
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:38.467 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:16:38.469 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ae7049a
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:38.471 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:16:38.472 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e011cb
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:38.473 1097 3476 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:$Stub.onTransact:534
05-14 02:16:38.474 1097 3476 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2d59da8
android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:16:38.477 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:16:38.479 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38618164 win=225000 tElapsed=38618164 maxElapsed=38843164 interval=0
05-14 02:16:38.480 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:16:38.494 1097 1400 I Telecom : : isInEmergencyCall: false: TSI.iIEC@Dio
05-14 02:16:39.526 1097 1261 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x40000010 }
05-14 02:16:40.488 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=com.spreadtrum.ims.VOLTE_REGISTED flg=0x30 (has extras) }
05-14 02:16:40.533 1097 3476 I Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount: account=[[ ]
ervice}, 1, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg
SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@Dis
05-14 02:16:40.535 1097 3476 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account:
*******: TSI.rPA(cap)@Dis
05-14 02:16:40.539 1097 3476 I Telecom : CallsManager: handlePhoneAccountChanged:
phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, 1, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo CallProvider MultiUser PlaceEmerg
SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@Dis
05-14 02:16:40.542 1097 3476 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
05-14 02:16:40.543 1097 3476 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Notifying
telephony of voice service override change for 1 SIMs, hasService = false:
05-14 02:16:40.562 1097 3476 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:16:40.570 1097 3476 I Telecom : : registerPhoneAccount: account=[[ ]
ervice}, 1, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@Diw
05-14 02:16:40.572 1097 3476 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Modify account:
*******: TSI.rPA(cap)@Diw
05-14 02:16:40.575 1097 3476 I Telecom : CallsManager: handlePhoneAccountChanged:
phoneAccount=[[X] PhoneAccount:
ervice}, 1, UserHandle{0} Capabilities: SuppVideo Video CallProvider MultiUser
PlaceEmerg SimSub Audio Routes: BESW Schemes: tel voicemail Extras:
android.telecom.extra.SORT_ORDER=0}] GroupId: ***]: TSI.rPA(cap)@Diw
05-14 02:16:40.579 1097 3476 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar:
getSimCallManager: SimCallManager for subId 1 queried, returning: null:
05-14 02:16:40.579 1097 3476 I Telecom : PhoneAccountRegistrar: Notifying
telephony of voice service override change for 1 SIMs, hasService = false:
05-14 02:16:42.059 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:16:48.508 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27531
05-14 02:17:37.732 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 02:18:44.893 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{9bcfec3
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:18:44.898 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:18:44.898 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:18:44.898 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 326,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:18:44.902 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:18:49.903 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38749587 win=225000 tElapsed=38749587 maxElapsed=38974587 interval=0
05-14 02:18:54.953 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:19:15.539 1097 1214 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to
05-14 02:19:15.626 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38775311 win=225000 tElapsed=38775311 maxElapsed=39000311 interval=0
05-14 02:19:33.021 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8a4c2e7
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:19:33.026 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:19:33.026 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:19:33.026 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:19:33.026 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 325,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:19:38.031 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38797715 win=225000 tElapsed=38797715 maxElapsed=39022715 interval=0
05-14 02:19:43.076 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:20:05.022 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e942e48
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:20:05.024 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:20:05.025 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:20:05.025 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 326,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:20:05.025 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:20:10.032 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38829717 win=225000 tElapsed=38829717 maxElapsed=39054717 interval=0
05-14 02:20:15.076 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:20:20.893 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e3558b6
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:20:20.896 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:20:20.896 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:20:20.896 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 325,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:20:20.897 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:20:21.819 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:20:21.822 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38841507 win=225000 tElapsed=38841507 maxElapsed=39066507 interval=0
05-14 02:20:21.825 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:20:21.835 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:UlrDispSvcFastWL from duration:5
05-14 02:20:21.933 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:20:22.831 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:20:30.937 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:20:37.001 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:20:37.846 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:20:50.554 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:20:51.861 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:05.577 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:06.925 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:50.556 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.003 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715633514003, elapsedRealtime=38633688
05-14 02:21:54.004 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{ad373ed:
PendingIntentRecord{fa8c222 com.heytap.pictorial startService}}) : type=0
workSource=null nextElapsed=39719685 orginAlarm=Alarm{805e15e type 0 origWhen
1715632127248 whenElapsed 37919685 com.heytap.pictorial}
05-14 02:21:54.005 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{9d8cd05:
PendingIntentRecord{24c20c9 startService}})
: type=3 workSource=WorkSource{10125} nextElapsed=41473908
orginAlarm=Alarm{1dfc93f type 3 origWhen 37873908 whenElapsed 37873908}
05-14 02:21:54.006 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 02:21:54.007 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{154120c
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:21:54.008 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38639685 win=0 tElapsed=38639685 maxElapsed=38639685 interval=0
05-14 02:21:54.011 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{f938755 type 3 origWhen 37799685 whenElapsed 37799685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 02:21:54.012 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5cab56a} from uid 1000 pid -1 for 1
05-14 02:21:54.013 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{42dbabe type 3 origWhen
37821205 whenElapsed 37821205 android}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{9bcf9d3: PendingIntentRecord{5c6d910 android broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:21:54.013 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{491ba5b type 3 origWhen 38540308 whenElapsed 38540308 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@300f869,
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light, workSource=null
05-14 02:21:54.014 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{15243d1 type 2 origWhen 38573688 whenElapsed 38573688 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@1c30af0,
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.deep, workSource=null
05-14 02:21:54.024 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{805e15e type 0 origWhen 1715632127248 whenElapsed 37919685
com.heytap.pictorial}, cn =
operation = PendingIntent{ad373ed: PendingIntentRecord{fa8c222 com.heytap.pictorial
startService}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:21:54.025 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{1664c0d} from uid 10069 pid -
1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:21:54.026 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =, alarm = Alarm{2c887c2
type 2 origWhen 38612621 whenElapsed 38612621}, cn = null,
operation = PendingIntent{228920a: PendingIntentRecord{5bd3b85 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null,
05-14 02:21:54.027 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 5638 for 3
05-14 02:21:54.029 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.031 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.034 1097 1232 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.036 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{1dfc93f
type 3 origWhen 37873908 whenElapsed 37873908}, cn =
DispatchingService}, operation = PendingIntent{9d8cd05: PendingIntentRecord{24c20c9 startService}}, listener=null,
listenerTag=null, workSource=WorkSource{10125}
05-14 02:21:54.037 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@300f869
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38693699 win=60000 tElapsed=38693699
maxElapsed=38753699 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 02:21:54.037 1097 4122 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{acb19d3:
PendingIntentRecord{5bd3b85 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=39533714 win=675000 tElapsed=39533714
maxElapsed=40208714 interval=0 flags=0x20
05-14 02:21:54.038 1097 3476 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:21:54.039 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@1c30af0
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.deep workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=40433723 win=60000 tElapsed=40433723
maxElapsed=40493723 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 02:21:54.040 1097 1261 D BroadcastQueue: Finished with ordered
BroadcastRecord{5cab56a} took 26ms
manifest receiver:0 manifest skipped: 0 total receiver:1
05-14 02:21:54.040 1097 1261 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{7f1415e
1000/u0 ReceiverList{695ba99 1097 system/1000/u0 local:e65b7e0}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{5cab56a} took 25ms
05-14 02:21:54.040 1097 1261 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x40000010 }
05-14 02:21:54.041 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{c389c09
android.os.action.LIGHT_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 4
05-14 02:21:54.041 1097 3476 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:21:54.042 1097 1400 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{b9b5e0e:
PendingIntentRecord{c1fc873 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=38692725 win=0 tElapsed=38692725 maxElapsed=38692725
interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:21:54.043 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.046 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10197} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=518522192 win=3600000 tElapsed=518522192 maxElapsed=522122192
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:54.046 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=27778488155 win=3600000
tElapsed=27778488155 maxElapsed=27782088155 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:54.046 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10197} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=172922184 win=3600000 tElapsed=172922184 maxElapsed=176522184
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:54.047 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10166} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=54774557 win=3600000 tElapsed=54774557
maxElapsed=58374557 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:54.047 1097 1400 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{14bf87f
10069/u0 ReceiverList{254459e 5638 remote:6cd27d9}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{1664c0d} took 18ms
05-14 02:21:54.047 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10166} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=54774544 win=3600000 tElapsed=54774544
maxElapsed=58374544 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:54.048 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10166} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=43146012 win=3384209 tElapsed=43146012
maxElapsed=46530221 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:54.052 1097 1400 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.053 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10129} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=50419794 win=3600000 tElapsed=50419794 maxElapsed=54019794 interval=0
05-14 02:21:54.054 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=40616678 win=1487204
tElapsed=40616678 maxElapsed=42103882 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:54.058 1097 1400 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.060 1097 4122 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{4a3802f} from uid 10125 pid 1750 for 2 receivers
05-14 02:21:54.061 1097 1147 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:21:54.062 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{1c5efc5 0:com.rapido.passenger/u0a2}
05-14 02:21:54.062 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:54.066 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:54.066 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:54.066 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10002; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:54.069 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10002; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:54.071 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.073 1097 1400 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{f10f0d4:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39529165
win=671556 tElapsed=39529165 maxElapsed=40200721 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:54.078 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 201794303; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:54.079 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
27652:com.rapido.passenger/u0a2 for broadcast
05-14 02:21:54.079 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 207133734; UID 10125; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:54.105 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:54.106 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:54.108 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.110 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10002; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:54.111 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38933796 win=225000 tElapsed=38933796 maxElapsed=39158796 interval=0
05-14 02:21:54.113 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10002; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:54.123 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:109
05-14 02:21:54.123 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GOOGLE_C2DM from duration:70
05-14 02:21:54.254 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:54.273 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.274 1097 4122 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:54.275 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.294 1097 4122 D PackageManager: Considering set
state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.rapido.passenger:10002
05-14 02:21:54.326 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:54.326 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:54.327 1097 1114 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10002; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:54.373 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.433 1097 1114 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 6
05-14 02:21:54.434 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.434 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38934119 win=225000 tElapsed=38934119 maxElapsed=39159119 interval=0
05-14 02:21:54.435 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:38634119 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 02:21:54.436 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.438 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:2,
minute:6, seconds:29
05-14 02:21:54.439 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:2,
minute:21, seconds:54
05-14 02:21:54.450 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.456 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:442
05-14 02:21:54.456 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GOOGLE_C2DM from duration:403
05-14 02:21:54.462 1097 1114 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{264c8ce:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315398634146
win=3600000 tElapsed=315398634146 maxElapsed=315402234146 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:54.500 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.503 1097 4122 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10002. pid: 27652
05-14 02:21:54.505 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.512 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.529 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.537 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.539 1097 1114 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.550 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.561 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.563 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.564 1097 4112 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{a298148
com.rapido.passenger/ m=0x108000
userHandle=UserHandle{0}} finished with BroadcastRecord{4a3802f} took 455ms
05-14 02:21:54.567 1097 4122 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ec02be1} from uid 10125 pid 1750 for 1
05-14 02:21:54.567 1097 4112 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{6376d06
gingReceiver p=-1 m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{4a3802f} took 3ms
05-14 02:21:54.568 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.568 1097 4112 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 02:21:54.570 1097 4112 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 925): empty #26
05-14 02:21:54.572 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.573 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 24117 for 12
05-14 02:21:54.573 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 24388 for 12
05-14 02:21:54.574 1097 4122 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.575 1097 4112 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.651 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:54.654 1097 3476 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #86054} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (5 skipped)
05-14 02:21:54.670 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.052 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10186} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=42509100 win=2904272 tElapsed=42509100 maxElapsed=45413372 interval=0
05-14 02:21:57.053 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38909100 win=204271
tElapsed=38909100 maxElapsed=39113371 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:57.055 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10186} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=42509072 win=2904249 tElapsed=42509072 maxElapsed=45413321 interval=0
05-14 02:21:57.055 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38909072 win=204249
tElapsed=38909072 maxElapsed=39113321 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:57.057 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10114} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=41312543 win=2006850 tElapsed=41312543 maxElapsed=43319393 interval=0
05-14 02:21:57.060 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10273} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38695151 win=43804 tElapsed=38695151
maxElapsed=38738955 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:57.062 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10076 com.glance.lockscreenRealme} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=38672559 win=26859 tElapsed=38672559
maxElapsed=38699418 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:57.073 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38936758 win=225000 tElapsed=38936758 maxElapsed=39161758 interval=0
05-14 02:21:57.105 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 25595 for 6
05-14 02:21:57.106 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.108 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.114 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:21:57.114 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{9ec0f8d 0:com.truecaller/u0a31}
05-14 02:21:57.114 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:57.114 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:57.114 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:57.114 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:57.115 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:57.117 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:57.120 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3105
05-14 02:21:57.120 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ob.SystemJobService#766 from android(1000) duration:51
05-14 02:21:57.120 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
26676 from android(1000) duration:8
05-14 02:21:57.120 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
26724 from android(1000) duration:2
05-14 02:21:57.120 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
26724 from android(1000) duration:1
05-14 02:21:57.128 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
27773:com.truecaller/u0a31 for service
05-14 02:21:57.161 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:57.162 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10031; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:57.167 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:57.168 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38936853 win=225000 tElapsed=38936853 maxElapsed=39161853 interval=0
05-14 02:21:57.170 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:57.178 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3164
05-14 02:21:57.178 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ob.SystemJobService#766 from android(1000) duration:110
05-14 02:21:57.178 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
26676 from android(1000) duration:67
05-14 02:21:57.178 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
26724 from android(1000) duration:60
05-14 02:21:57.189 1097 4103 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:21:57.190 1097 4103 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:21:57.190 1097 4103 D PackageManager: Considering set
MigrationInfo's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:21:57.197 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.199 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38936884 win=225000 tElapsed=38936884 maxElapsed=39161884 interval=0
05-14 02:21:57.202 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.204 1097 3932 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{1000 android}
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=40821704 win=1638611
tElapsed=40821704 maxElapsed=42460315 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:21:57.209 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3195
05-14 02:21:57.210 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
26676 from android(1000) duration:98
05-14 02:21:57.210 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
26724 from android(1000) duration:91
05-14 02:21:57.275 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:57.354 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:57.354 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state as
1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 02:21:57.355 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.386 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10031. pid: 27773
05-14 02:21:57.407 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:57.407 1097 4103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:57.459 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.477 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.480 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.480 1097 4103 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
1abb6a2 #u0a31/26676
05-14 02:21:57.490 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.493 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.493 1097 3932 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
4df9647 #u0a31/26724
05-14 02:21:57.500 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.510 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.526 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 02:21:57.538 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 02:21:57.553 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.561 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.truecaller/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.truecaller:10031
05-14 02:21:57.574 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.592 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.597 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.687 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.698 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.701 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38937385 win=225000 tElapsed=38937385 maxElapsed=39162385 interval=0
05-14 02:21:57.701 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:57.701 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 02:21:57.702 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 25199 for 12
05-14 02:21:57.714 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3700
05-14 02:21:57.753 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:21:59.059 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@300f869
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=39538743 win=240000 tElapsed=39538743
maxElapsed=39778743 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 02:21:59.112 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10002; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:21:59.112 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10002; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:21:59.114 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{81c583f
android.os.action.LIGHT_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 4
05-14 02:22:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715633520000, elapsedRealtime=38639685
05-14 02:22:01.482 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:22:01.488 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:22:02.122 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:22:04.070 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 5638
05-14 02:22:04.571 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 02:22:04.572 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27652
05-14 02:22:05.390 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{9dc55f8:
PendingIntentRecord{80faf4a com.truecaller broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.truecaller
callingUid=10031 triggerAtTime=1716843125390 win=3600000 tElapsed=1248245075
maxElapsed=1251845075 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:22:05.393 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{ad25ad1:
PendingIntentRecord{5f76f31 com.truecaller broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.truecaller
callingUid=10031 triggerAtTime=1716497525392 win=3600000 tElapsed=902645077
maxElapsed=906245077 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:22:05.624 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:22:07.209 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25595
05-14 02:22:07.533 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:22:07.702 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27773 com.truecaller
05-14 02:22:09.570 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:22:11.501 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 02:22:59.733 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715633579733, elapsedRealtime=38699418
05-14 02:23:38.634 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x24000010
(has extras) }
05-14 02:23:38.640 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x24000010
(has extras) }
05-14 02:23:38.653 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:38.657 1097 3333 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:23:38.658 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10127; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:23:38.659 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10127; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:23:38.659 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10127; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:23:38.659 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:23:38.661 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:23:38.672 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for content provider
05-14 02:23:38.706 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10127; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:23:38.706 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10127; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:23:38.716 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:23:38.811 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:23:38.824 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10127. pid: 27915
05-14 02:23:38.860 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:38.882 1097 3932 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 02:23:38.901 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:38.942 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.095 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
ce's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:39.109 1097 3932 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:23:39.109 1097 3932 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:23:39.109 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
emplateScreenServiceModule's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:39.139 1097 4138 D PackageManager: Considering set
tion.LighterEntryPointActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:39.145 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:23:39.145 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:23:39.151 1097 3932 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=rcs.intent.action.provisioningEvent flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 02:23:39.153 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:23:39.155 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.158 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.177 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.180 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.186 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.190 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.194 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.198 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.199 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.201 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.204 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.212 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.220 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.230 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.231 1097 3932 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{86fbe98} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:23:39.238 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.263 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.271 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.312 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:39.314 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:44.921 1097 1145 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:45.182 1097 1145 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:45.216 1097 1145 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:45.294 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:53.854 1097 4103 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:23:53.855 1097 4103 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:23:53.855 1097 4103 D PackageManager: Considering set
.SmsReceiver's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:53.855 1097 4103 D PackageManager: Considering set
.TelephonyChangeReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:53.856 1097 4103 D PackageManager: Considering set
.DefaultSmsPackageChangedReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:53.857 1097 4103 D PackageManager: Considering set
.RestoreReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:53.857 1097 4103 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:23:53.858 1097 4103 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:23:53.858 1097 4103 D PackageManager: Considering set
.SmsRejectedReceiver's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:53.859 1097 4103 D PackageManager: Considering set
list.VideoShareIntentActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:53.865 1097 3932 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d215f10} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:23:53.867 1097 4106 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{766e4b
android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:23:53.873 1097 4106 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ebba427
android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:23:53.882 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=rcs.intent.action.provisioningEvent flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 02:23:53.931 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.003 1097 4106 D PackageManager: Considering set
.BugleFirebaseMessagingService's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:54.033 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 4
05-14 02:23:54.034 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.047 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.066 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.070 1097 3932 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x10 }
05-14 02:23:54.073 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
ce's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:54.125 1097 1275 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x10 (has
extras) }
05-14 02:23:54.143 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.147 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.150 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.151 1097 4138 D PackageManager: Considering set
ce's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:54.152 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.158 1097 4106 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:23:54.158 1097 4106 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:23:54.159 1097 4106 D PackageManager: Considering set
emplateScreenServiceModule's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:54.159 1097 4106 D PackageManager: Considering set
tion.LighterEntryPointActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:23:54.166 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.167 1097 4103 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=rcs.intent.action.provisioningEvent flg=0x10 (has extras) }
05-14 02:23:54.173 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.181 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.181 1097 4103 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{9934c6e BFgs #86165} whose proc
state 4 is better than process ProcessState{135d964} proc state 13 (5
05-14 02:23:54.182 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:SYSTEM_INTERACTION
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:38753867 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 02:23:54.182 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39053867 win=225000 tElapsed=39053867 maxElapsed=39278867 interval=0
05-14 02:23:54.191 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:StartupHandlerImpl App Interactive Delay Timer Fired ->
StartupHandlerImpl#onAppInteractiveInternal -> WearableSyncStartupTask ->
WorkQueueBatchingImpl#queueWorkItem -> WorkQueueBatchingImpl#queueWorkItems ->
WorkQueueBatchingImpl#schedulingDeferred from duration:124
05-14 02:23:54.255 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.589 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.594 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.604 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.606 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.640 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:54.642 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:55.634 1097 1275 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x10 (has
extras) }
05-14 02:23:59.120 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:59.123 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:59.871 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:59.885 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:59.925 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:59.927 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:59.966 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:59.979 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:59.987 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:23:59.989 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:00.078 1097 1145 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:00.174 1097 1145 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:00.213 1097 1145 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:09.052 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:09.071 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:09.110 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:09.113 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:09.212 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:10.631 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:19.149 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
--------- beginning of main
05-14 02:24:44.154 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:44.154 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:44.654 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:44.654 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:44.654 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:45.155 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:45.155 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:45.155 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:45.655 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:45.655 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:45.655 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:46.155 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:46.155 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:46.155 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:46.656 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:46.656 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:46.656 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:47.156 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:47.156 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:47.156 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:47.656 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:47.656 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:47.656 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:48.157 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:48.157 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:48.157 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:48.657 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:48.657 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:48.657 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:49.157 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:49.157 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:49.157 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:49.658 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:49.658 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:49.658 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:50.158 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:50.158 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:50.158 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:50.601 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:24:50.658 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:50.658 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:50.658 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:51.158 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:51.159 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:51.159 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:51.659 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:51.659 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:51.659 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:52.159 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:52.159 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:52.159 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:52.660 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:52.660 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:52.660 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:53.160 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:53.160 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:53.160 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:53.660 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:53.660 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:53.660 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:53.979 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:24:53.989 27915 27934 I appj : reclaimMemory: Clearing CloudSyncCache
05-14 02:24:53.991 27915 27934 W Bugle : TextClassifierLibManagerImpl: Reclaiming
memory at level: 40
05-14 02:24:54.161 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:54.161 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:54.161 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:54.661 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:54.661 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:54.661 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:55.161 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:55.161 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:55.161 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:55.662 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:55.662 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:55.662 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:56.162 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:56.162 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:56.162 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:56.662 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:56.662 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:56.662 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:57.163 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:57.163 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:57.163 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:57.663 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:57.663 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:57.663 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:58.163 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:58.163 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:58.163 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:58.664 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:58.664 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:58.664 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:59.164 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:59.164 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:59.164 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:24:59.664 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:24:59.664 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:24:59.664 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:00.165 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:00.165 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:00.165 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:00.665 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:00.665 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:00.665 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:01.165 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:01.165 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:01.166 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:01.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:01.666 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:01.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:02.166 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:02.166 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:02.166 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:02.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:02.666 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:02.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:03.167 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:03.167 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:03.167 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:03.667 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:03.667 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:03.667 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:04.018 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27915
05-14 02:25:04.020 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 02:25:04.167 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:04.167 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:04.167 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:04.668 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:04.668 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:04.668 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:05.168 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:05.168 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:05.168 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:05.668 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:05.668 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:05.668 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:06.169 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:06.169 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:06.169 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:06.669 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:06.669 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:06.669 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:07.169 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:07.169 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:07.169 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:07.670 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:07.670 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:07.670 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:08.170 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:08.170 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:08.170 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:08.670 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:08.670 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:08.671 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:09.171 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:09.171 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:09.171 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:09.671 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:09.671 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:09.671 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:10.171 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:10.172 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:10.172 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:10.672 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:10.672 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:10.672 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:11.172 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:11.172 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:11.172 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:11.672 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:11.673 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:11.673 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:12.173 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:12.173 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:12.173 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:12.384 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:25:12.673 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:12.673 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:12.673 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:13.173 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:13.173 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:13.174 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:13.603 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:25:13.604 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:25:13.674 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:13.674 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:13.674 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:14.174 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:14.174 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:14.174 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:14.674 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:14.675 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:14.675 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:15.175 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:15.175 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:15.175 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:15.675 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:15.675 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:15.675 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:16.175 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:16.176 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:16.176 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:16.676 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:16.676 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:16.676 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:17.176 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:17.176 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:17.176 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:17.676 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:17.677 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:17.677 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:18.177 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:18.177 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:18.177 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:18.677 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:18.677 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:18.677 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:19.135 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{818666d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:25:19.139 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:25:19.140 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:25:19.140 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:25:19.141 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 324,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:25:19.141 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:25:19.141 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:25:19.142 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:25:19.178 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:19.178 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:19.178 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:19.678 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:19.678 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:19.678 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:20.178 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:20.178 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:20.178 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:20.679 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:20.679 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:20.679 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:21.179 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:21.179 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:21.179 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:21.679 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:21.679 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:21.679 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:22.180 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:22.180 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:22.180 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:22.680 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:22.680 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:22.680 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:23.180 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:23.180 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:23.180 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:23.681 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:23.681 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:23.681 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:24.146 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39143831 win=225000 tElapsed=39143831 maxElapsed=39368831 interval=0
05-14 02:25:24.147 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
38936.300000000, type=2
05-14 02:25:24.147 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44039.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:25:24.147 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
38936.300000000, type=2
05-14 02:25:24.147 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44039.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:25:24.181 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:24.181 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:24.181 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:24.681 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:24.681 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:24.681 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:25.182 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:25.182 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:25.182 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:25.682 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:25.682 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:25.682 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:26.182 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:26.182 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:26.182 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:26.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:26.683 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:26.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:27.183 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:27.183 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:27.183 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:27.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:27.683 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:27.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:28.184 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:28.184 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:28.184 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:28.684 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:28.684 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:28.684 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:29.184 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:29.185 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:29.185 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:29.185 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:25:29.685 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:29.685 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:29.685 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:30.185 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:30.185 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:30.185 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:30.685 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:30.686 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:30.686 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:31.186 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:31.186 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:31.186 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:31.686 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:31.686 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:31.686 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:32.187 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:32.187 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:32.187 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:32.687 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:32.687 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:32.687 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:33.187 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:33.187 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:33.187 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:33.688 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:33.688 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:33.688 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:34.188 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:34.188 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:34.188 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:34.688 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:34.688 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:34.688 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:35.189 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:35.189 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:35.189 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:35.689 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:35.689 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:35.689 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:36.189 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:36.189 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:36.189 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:36.690 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:36.690 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:36.690 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:37.190 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:37.190 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:37.190 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:37.690 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:37.690 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:37.690 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:38.191 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:38.191 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:38.191 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:38.691 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:38.691 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:38.691 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:39.191 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:39.191 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:39.192 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:39.692 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:39.692 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:39.692 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:40.192 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:40.192 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:40.192 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:40.692 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:40.693 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:40.693 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:41.193 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:41.193 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:41.193 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:41.693 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:41.693 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:41.693 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:42.193 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:42.194 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:42.194 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:42.694 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:42.694 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:42.694 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:43.194 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:43.194 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:43.194 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:43.611 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:25:43.611 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:25:43.694 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:43.694 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:43.695 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:44.195 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:44.195 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:44.195 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:44.695 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:44.695 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:44.695 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:45.195 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:45.195 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:45.195 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:45.696 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:45.696 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:45.696 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:46.196 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:46.196 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:46.196 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:46.696 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:46.696 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:46.697 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:47.197 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:47.197 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:47.197 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:47.697 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:47.697 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:47.697 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:48.197 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:48.197 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:48.197 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:48.698 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:48.698 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:48.698 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:49.198 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:49.198 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:49.198 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:49.698 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:49.699 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:49.699 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:50.199 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:50.199 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:50.199 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:25:50.699 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:50.699 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:50.699 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:51.199 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:51.200 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:51.200 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:51.700 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:51.700 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:51.700 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:52.200 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:52.200 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:52.200 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:52.700 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:52.701 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:52.701 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:53.201 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:53.201 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:53.201 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:53.701 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:53.701 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:53.701 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:54.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:54.202 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:54.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:54.702 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:54.702 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:54.702 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:55.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:55.202 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:55.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:55.703 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:55.703 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:55.703 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:56.203 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:56.203 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:56.203 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:56.390 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(30): Preparing logs for
05-14 02:25:56.392 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(191): Connecting to
server for timestamp:
05-14 02:25:56.397 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(221): Failed to connect
to server for server timestamp: Unable to resolve
host "": No address associated with hostname
05-14 02:25:56.402 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(256): Connecting to
05-14 02:25:56.403 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(357): Failed to connect
to server for log upload.
05-14 02:25:56.703 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:56.703 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:56.703 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:57.204 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:57.204 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:57.204 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:57.704 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:57.704 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:57.704 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:58.204 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:58.204 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:58.204 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:58.705 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:58.705 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:58.705 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:59.205 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:59.205 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:59.205 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:25:59.705 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:25:59.705 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:25:59.705 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:00.206 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:00.206 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:00.206 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:00.706 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:00.706 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:00.706 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:01.206 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:01.206 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:01.207 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:01.707 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:01.707 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:01.707 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:02.207 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:02.207 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:02.207 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:02.707 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:02.707 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:02.708 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:03.208 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:03.208 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:03.208 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:03.708 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:03.708 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:03.708 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:04.208 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:04.209 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:04.209 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:04.709 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:04.709 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:04.709 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:05.209 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:05.209 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:05.209 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:05.709 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:05.710 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:05.710 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:06.162 14528 28006 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:26:06.162 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:26:06.162 14528 28008 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:26:06.162 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:26:06.162 14528 28008 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:26:06.162 14528 28009 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:26:06.162 14528 28009 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:26:06.162 14528 28006 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:26:06.163 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87fd50: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:26:06.163 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a3950: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:26:06.163 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a3950: Content-Type=
05-14 02:26:06.163 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a3950: (no
response body)
05-14 02:26:06.163 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a03b0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:26:06.163 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a03b0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:26:06.163 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a03b0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:26:06.163 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:26:06.164 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:26:06.164 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e86e0b0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:26:06.164 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e86e0b0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:26:06.164 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87fd50: Content-Type=
05-14 02:26:06.164 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e86e0b0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:26:06.164 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87fd50: (no
response body)
05-14 02:26:06.164 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:26:06.165 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:26:06.165 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:26:06.165 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:26:06.165 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:26:06.165 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:26:06.167 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:26:06.168 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:26:06.168 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87d6d0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:26:06.168 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87d6d0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:26:06.169 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87d6d0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:26:06.169 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:26:06.169 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:26:06.210 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:06.210 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:06.210 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:06.710 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:06.710 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:06.710 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:07.210 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:07.211 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:07.211 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:07.711 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:07.711 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:07.711 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:08.211 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:08.211 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:08.211 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:08.712 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:08.712 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:08.712 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:09.212 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:09.212 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:09.212 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:09.712 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:09.712 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:09.712 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:10.213 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:10.213 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:10.213 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:10.713 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:10.713 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:10.713 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:11.213 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:11.213 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:11.213 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:11.714 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:11.714 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:11.714 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:12.214 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:12.214 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:12.214 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:12.388 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:26:12.714 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:12.714 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:12.714 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:13.215 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:13.215 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:13.215 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:13.618 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:26:13.618 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:26:13.715 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:13.715 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:13.715 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:14.215 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:14.215 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:14.215 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:14.716 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:14.716 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:14.716 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:15.216 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:15.216 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:15.216 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:15.716 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:15.717 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:15.717 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:16.217 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:16.217 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:16.217 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:16.717 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:16.717 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:16.717 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:17.217 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:17.218 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:17.218 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:17.718 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:17.718 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:17.718 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:18.218 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:18.218 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:18.218 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:18.718 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:18.719 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:18.719 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:19.219 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:19.219 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:19.219 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:19.719 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:19.719 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:19.719 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:20.219 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:20.220 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:20.220 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:20.720 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:20.720 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:20.720 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:21.220 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:21.220 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:21.220 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:21.720 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:21.721 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:21.721 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:22.221 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:22.221 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:22.221 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:22.721 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:22.721 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:22.721 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:23.222 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:23.222 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:23.222 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:23.722 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:23.722 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:23.722 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:24.222 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:24.222 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:24.222 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:24.723 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:24.723 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:24.723 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:25.223 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:25.223 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:25.223 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:25.723 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:25.723 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:25.723 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:26.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:26.224 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:26.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:26.724 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:26.724 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:26.724 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:27.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:27.224 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:27.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:27.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:27.725 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:27.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:28.225 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:28.225 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:28.225 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:28.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:28.725 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:28.726 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:29.226 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:29.226 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:29.226 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:29.726 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:29.726 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:29.726 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:30.226 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:30.226 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:30.227 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:30.727 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:30.727 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:30.727 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:31.227 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:31.227 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:31.227 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:31.727 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:31.728 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:31.728 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:32.228 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:32.228 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:32.228 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:32.728 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:32.728 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:32.728 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:33.228 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:33.229 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:33.229 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:33.729 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:33.729 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:33.729 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:34.229 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:34.229 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:34.229 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:34.730 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:34.730 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:34.730 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:35.230 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:35.230 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:35.230 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:35.730 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:35.730 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:35.730 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:36.231 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:36.231 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:36.231 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:36.731 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:36.731 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:36.731 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:37.231 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:37.231 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:37.231 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:37.732 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:37.732 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:37.732 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:38.232 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:38.232 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:38.232 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:38.732 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:38.732 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:38.733 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:39.233 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:39.233 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:39.233 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:39.733 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:39.733 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:39.733 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:40.233 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:40.233 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:40.234 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:40.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:40.734 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:40.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:41.234 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:41.234 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:41.234 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:41.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:41.734 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:41.735 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:42.235 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:42.235 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:42.235 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:42.735 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:42.735 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:42.735 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:43.236 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:43.236 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:43.236 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:43.625 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:26:43.625 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:26:43.736 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:43.736 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:43.736 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:44.236 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:44.236 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:44.236 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:44.737 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:44.737 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:44.737 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:45.237 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:45.237 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:45.237 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:45.737 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:45.737 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:45.737 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:46.238 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:46.238 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:46.238 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:46.738 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:46.738 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:46.738 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:47.238 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:47.238 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:47.238 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:47.739 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:47.739 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:47.739 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:48.239 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:48.239 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:48.239 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:48.739 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:48.740 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:48.740 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:49.240 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:49.240 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:49.240 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:49.740 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:49.740 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:49.740 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:50.241 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:50.241 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:50.241 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:50.601 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:26:50.741 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:50.741 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:50.741 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:51.241 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:51.241 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:51.241 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:51.742 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:51.742 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:51.742 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:52.242 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:52.242 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:52.242 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:52.742 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:52.742 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:52.742 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:53.243 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:53.243 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:53.243 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:53.743 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:53.743 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:53.743 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:54.243 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:54.243 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:54.243 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:54.744 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:54.744 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:54.744 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:55.244 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:55.244 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:55.244 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:55.744 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:55.745 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:55.745 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:56.245 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:56.245 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:56.245 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:56.615 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715633816615, elapsedRealtime=38936300
05-14 02:26:56.620 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{322df40 type 2 origWhen 38636300 whenElapsed 38636300 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@ba1a0bf, listenerTag=JS idleness,
05-14 02:26:56.620 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 02:26:56.620 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=38939685 win=0 tElapsed=38939685 maxElapsed=38939685 interval=0
05-14 02:26:56.621 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{df627be
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:26:56.621 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39012.699000000, type=2
05-14 02:26:56.621 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
38939.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:26:56.622 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{cdf001f type 3 origWhen 38639685 whenElapsed 38639685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 02:26:56.622 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39012.699000000, type=2
05-14 02:26:56.622 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
38939.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:26:56.645 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:26:56.646 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:26:56.646 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils--
>getInitialDisplayDensity density=0
05-14 02:26:56.649 1097 3476 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:26:56.649 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils-->fail to read
this property, get density form windowManagerService : 320
05-14 02:26:56.650 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:26:56.651 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:26:56.651 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils--
>getInitialDisplayDensity density=0
05-14 02:26:56.653 1097 3476 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:26:56.653 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils-->fail to read
this property, get density form windowManagerService : 320
05-14 02:26:56.665 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:26:56.666 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:26:56.666 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils--
>getInitialDisplayDensity density=0
05-14 02:26:56.668 1097 3476 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:26:56.669 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils-->fail to read
this property, get density form windowManagerService : 320
05-14 02:26:56.745 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:56.745 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:56.745 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:57.245 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:57.246 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:57.246 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:57.746 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:57.746 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:57.746 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:58.246 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:58.246 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:58.246 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:58.746 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:58.747 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:58.747 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:59.247 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:59.247 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:59.247 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:26:59.747 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:26:59.747 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:26:59.747 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715633820000, elapsedRealtime=38939685
05-14 02:27:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39012.699000000, type=2
05-14 02:27:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44339.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:27:00.248 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:00.248 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:00.248 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:00.748 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:00.748 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:00.748 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:01.248 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:01.248 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:01.248 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:01.749 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:01.749 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:01.749 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:02.249 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:02.249 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:02.249 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:02.749 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:02.749 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:02.749 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:03.250 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:03.250 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:03.250 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:03.750 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:03.750 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:03.750 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:04.250 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:04.250 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:04.250 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:04.751 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:04.751 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:04.751 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:05.251 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:05.251 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:05.251 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:05.751 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:05.751 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:05.752 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:06.252 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:06.252 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:06.252 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:06.752 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:06.752 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:06.752 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:07.252 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:07.253 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:07.253 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:07.753 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:07.753 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:07.753 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:08.253 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:08.253 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:08.253 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:08.753 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:08.754 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:08.754 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:09.254 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:09.254 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:09.254 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:09.754 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:09.754 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:09.754 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:10.254 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:10.255 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:10.255 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:10.755 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:10.755 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:10.755 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:11.255 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:11.255 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:11.255 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:11.756 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:11.756 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:11.756 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:12.256 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:12.256 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:12.256 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:12.389 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:27:12.756 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:12.756 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:12.756 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:13.257 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:13.257 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:13.257 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:13.632 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:27:13.632 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:27:13.757 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:13.757 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:13.757 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:14.257 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:14.257 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:14.257 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:14.758 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:14.758 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:14.758 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:15.258 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:15.258 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:15.258 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:15.503 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39119.685000000, type=2
05-14 02:27:15.503 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44339.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:27:15.504 1750 27650 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 39845189]
05-14 02:27:15.505 1097 3476 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{c3a69a5:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39845189 win=0
tElapsed=39845189 maxElapsed=39845189 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:27:15.506 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39119.685000000, type=2
05-14 02:27:15.507 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44339.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:27:15.507 1750 27650 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on
05-14 02:27:15.507 1750 27650 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on
05-14 02:27:15.508 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39119.685000000, type=2
05-14 02:27:15.508 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44339.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:27:15.508 1750 27650 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 39845193]
05-14 02:27:15.509 1097 3476 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{bad717a:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=39845193 win=0
tElapsed=39845193 maxElapsed=39845193 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:27:15.510 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39119.685000000, type=2
05-14 02:27:15.510 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44339.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:27:15.758 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:15.759 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:15.759 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:16.259 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:16.259 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:16.259 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:16.759 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:16.759 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:16.759 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:17.259 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:17.260 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:17.260 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:17.760 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:17.760 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:17.760 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:18.260 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:18.260 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:18.260 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:18.760 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:18.761 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:18.761 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:19.261 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:19.261 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:19.261 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:19.761 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:19.761 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:19.761 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:20.261 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:20.262 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:20.262 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:20.762 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:20.762 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:20.762 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:21.262 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:21.262 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:21.262 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:21.762 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:21.763 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:21.763 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:22.263 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:22.263 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:22.263 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:22.763 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:22.763 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:22.763 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:23.264 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:23.264 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:23.264 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:23.764 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:23.764 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:23.764 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:24.264 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:24.264 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:24.264 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:24.765 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:24.765 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:24.765 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:25.265 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:25.265 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:25.265 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:25.765 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:25.765 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:25.765 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:26.266 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:26.266 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:26.266 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:26.766 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:26.766 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:26.766 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:27.266 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:27.266 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:27.266 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:27.766 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:27.767 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:27.767 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:28.267 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:28.267 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:28.267 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:28.767 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:28.767 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:28.767 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:29.268 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:29.268 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:29.268 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:29.768 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:29.768 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:29.768 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:30.268 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:30.268 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:30.268 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:30.769 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:30.769 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:30.769 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:31.269 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:31.269 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:31.269 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:31.769 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:31.769 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:31.769 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:32.270 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:32.270 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:32.270 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:32.770 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:32.770 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:32.770 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:33.270 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:33.270 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:33.271 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:33.771 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:33.771 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:33.771 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:34.271 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:34.271 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:34.271 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:34.772 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:34.772 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:34.772 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:35.272 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:35.272 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:35.272 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:35.772 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:35.772 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:35.772 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:36.180 14528 28005 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:27:36.180 14528 28005 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:27:36.181 14528 28019 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:27:36.181 14528 28019 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:27:36.181 14528 28006 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:27:36.181 14528 28006 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:27:36.182 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:27:36.182 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:27:36.182 14528 28009 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:27:36.183 14528 28009 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:27:36.183 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8ab510: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:27:36.183 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8ab510: Content-Type=
05-14 02:27:36.183 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8ab510: (no
response body)
05-14 02:27:36.183 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8848f0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:27:36.183 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8777f0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:27:36.184 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8777f0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:27:36.184 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8777f0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:27:36.184 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8848f0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:27:36.184 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:27:36.184 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8848f0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:27:36.184 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a80d0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:27:36.184 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a80d0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:27:36.184 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a80d0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:27:36.184 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:27:36.184 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8ae110: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:27:36.185 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8ae110: Content-Type=
05-14 02:27:36.185 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:27:36.185 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8ae110: (no
response body)
05-14 02:27:36.185 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:27:36.185 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:27:36.185 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:27:36.185 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:27:36.185 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:27:36.185 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:27:36.185 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:27:36.273 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:36.273 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:36.273 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:36.773 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:36.773 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:36.773 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:37.273 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:37.273 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:37.273 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:37.774 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:37.774 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:37.774 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:38.274 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:38.274 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:38.274 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:38.774 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:38.774 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:38.774 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:39.275 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:39.275 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:39.275 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:39.775 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:39.775 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:39.775 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:40.275 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:40.275 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:40.275 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:40.776 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:40.776 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:40.776 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:41.276 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:41.276 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:41.276 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:41.776 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:41.776 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:41.777 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:42.277 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:42.277 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:42.277 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:42.777 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:42.777 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:42.777 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:43.277 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:43.278 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:43.278 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:43.639 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:27:43.639 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:27:43.778 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:43.778 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:43.778 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:44.278 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:44.278 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:44.278 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:44.778 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:44.779 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:44.779 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:45.279 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:45.279 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:45.279 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:45.779 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:45.779 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:45.779 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:46.279 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:46.280 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:46.280 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:46.780 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:46.780 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:46.780 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:47.280 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:47.280 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:47.280 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:47.780 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:47.781 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:47.781 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:48.281 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:48.281 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:48.281 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:48.781 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:48.781 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:48.781 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:49.282 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:49.282 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:49.282 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:49.782 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:49.782 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:49.782 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:50.282 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:50.282 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:50.282 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:50.601 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:27:50.783 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:50.783 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:50.783 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:51.283 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:51.283 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:51.283 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:51.783 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:51.783 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:51.783 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:52.284 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:52.284 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:52.284 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:52.784 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:52.784 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:52.784 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:53.284 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:53.284 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:53.284 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:53.785 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:53.785 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:53.785 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:54.285 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:54.285 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:54.285 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:54.785 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:54.785 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:54.785 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:55.286 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:55.286 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:55.286 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:55.786 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:55.786 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:55.786 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:56.286 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:56.286 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:56.286 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:56.787 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:56.787 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:56.787 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:57.287 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:57.287 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:57.287 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:57.787 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:57.787 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:57.788 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:58.288 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:58.288 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:58.288 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:58.788 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:58.788 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:58.788 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:59.288 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:59.288 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:59.289 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:27:59.789 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:27:59.789 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:27:59.789 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:00.289 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:00.289 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:00.289 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:00.789 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:00.789 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:00.790 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:01.290 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:01.290 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:01.290 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:01.790 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:01.790 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:01.790 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:02.290 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:02.290 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:02.291 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:02.791 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:02.791 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:02.791 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:03.291 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:03.291 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:03.291 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:03.791 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:03.792 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:03.792 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:04.292 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:04.292 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:04.292 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:04.792 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:04.792 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:04.792 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:05.292 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:05.293 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:05.293 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:05.793 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:05.793 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:05.793 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:06.293 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:06.293 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:06.293 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:06.793 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:06.794 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:06.794 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:07.294 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:07.294 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:07.294 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:07.794 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:07.794 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:07.794 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:08.295 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:08.295 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:08.295 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:08.795 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:08.795 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:08.795 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:09.295 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:09.295 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:09.295 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:09.796 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:09.796 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:09.796 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:10.296 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:10.296 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:10.296 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:10.796 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:10.796 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:10.796 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:11.297 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:11.297 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:11.297 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:11.797 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:11.797 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:11.797 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:12.297 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:12.297 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:12.298 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:12.392 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:28:12.798 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:12.798 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:12.798 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:13.298 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:13.298 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:13.298 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:13.646 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:28:13.647 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:28:13.798 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:13.798 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:13.799 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:14.299 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:14.299 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:14.299 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:14.799 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:14.799 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:14.799 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:15.299 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:15.300 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:15.300 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:15.800 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:15.800 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:15.800 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:16.300 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:16.300 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:16.300 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:16.800 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:16.801 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:16.801 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:17.301 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:17.301 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:17.301 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:17.801 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:17.801 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:17.801 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:18.301 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:18.302 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:18.302 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:18.802 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:18.802 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:18.802 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:19.302 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:19.302 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:19.302 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:19.803 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:19.803 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:19.803 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:20.303 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:20.303 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:20.303 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:20.803 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:20.803 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:20.803 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:21.304 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:21.304 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:21.304 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:21.804 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:21.804 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:21.804 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:22.304 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:22.304 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:22.304 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:22.805 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:22.805 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:22.805 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:23.305 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:23.305 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:23.305 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:23.805 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:23.805 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:23.805 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:24.306 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:24.306 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:24.306 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:24.806 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:24.806 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:24.806 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:25.306 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:25.306 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:25.306 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:25.807 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:25.807 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:25.807 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:26.307 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:26.307 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:26.307 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:26.807 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:26.807 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:26.808 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:27.308 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:27.308 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:27.308 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:27.808 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:27.808 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:27.808 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:28.308 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:28.308 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:28.308 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:28.809 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:28.809 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:28.809 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:29.309 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:29.309 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:29.309 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:29.809 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:29.810 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:29.810 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:30.310 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:30.310 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:30.310 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:30.810 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:30.810 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:30.810 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:31.310 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:31.311 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:31.311 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:31.811 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:31.811 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:31.811 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:32.311 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:32.311 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:32.311 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:32.812 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:32.812 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:32.812 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:33.312 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:33.312 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:33.312 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:33.812 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:33.812 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:33.812 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:34.313 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:34.313 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:34.313 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:34.813 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:34.813 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:34.813 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:35.313 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:35.313 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:35.313 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:35.814 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:35.814 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:35.814 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:36.314 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:36.314 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:36.314 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:36.814 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:36.814 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:36.814 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:37.315 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:37.315 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:37.315 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:37.815 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:37.815 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:37.815 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:38.315 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:38.316 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:38.316 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:38.816 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:38.816 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:38.816 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:39.316 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:39.316 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:39.316 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:39.816 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:39.817 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:39.817 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:40.317 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:40.317 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:40.317 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:40.817 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:40.817 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:40.817 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:41.318 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:41.318 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:41.318 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:41.818 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:41.818 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:41.818 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:42.139 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{efb748e
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:28:42.142 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:28:42.142 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:28:42.142 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 323,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:28:42.143 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:28:42.318 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:42.318 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:42.318 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:42.819 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:42.819 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:42.819 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:43.319 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:43.319 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:43.319 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:43.653 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:28:43.654 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:28:43.819 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:43.819 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:43.820 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:44.320 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:44.320 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:44.320 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:44.820 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:44.820 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:44.820 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:45.320 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:45.320 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:45.321 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:45.821 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:45.821 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:45.821 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:46.321 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:46.321 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:46.321 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:46.821 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:46.821 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:46.822 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:47.147 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39346831 win=224999 tElapsed=39346831 maxElapsed=39571830 interval=0
05-14 02:28:47.148 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39119.685000000, type=2
05-14 02:28:47.148 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44339.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:28:47.148 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39119.685000000, type=2
05-14 02:28:47.148 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44339.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:28:47.322 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:47.322 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:47.322 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:47.822 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:47.822 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:47.822 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:48.322 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:48.322 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:48.323 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:48.823 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:48.823 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:48.823 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:49.323 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:49.323 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:49.323 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:49.823 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:49.824 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:49.824 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:50.324 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:50.324 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:50.324 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:28:50.824 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:50.824 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:50.824 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:51.325 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:51.325 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:51.325 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:51.825 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:51.825 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:51.825 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:52.173 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:28:52.325 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:52.325 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:52.325 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:52.826 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:52.826 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:52.826 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:53.326 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:53.326 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:53.326 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:53.826 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:53.826 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:53.826 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:54.327 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:54.327 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:54.327 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:54.827 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:54.827 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:54.827 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:55.328 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:55.328 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:55.328 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:55.828 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:55.828 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:55.828 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:56.328 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:56.328 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:56.328 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:56.829 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:56.829 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:56.829 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:57.329 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:57.329 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:57.329 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:57.829 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:57.829 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:57.829 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:58.330 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:58.330 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:58.330 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:58.830 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:58.830 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:58.830 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:59.330 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:59.330 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:59.330 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:28:59.831 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:28:59.831 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:28:59.831 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:00.331 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:00.331 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:00.331 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:00.831 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:00.831 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:00.832 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:01.332 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:01.332 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:01.332 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:01.832 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:01.832 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:01.832 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:02.332 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:02.333 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:02.333 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:02.833 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:02.833 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:02.833 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:03.333 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:03.333 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:03.333 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:03.833 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:03.834 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:03.834 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:04.334 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:04.334 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:04.334 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:04.834 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:04.834 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:04.834 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:05.334 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:05.335 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:05.335 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:05.835 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:05.835 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:05.835 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:06.201 14528 28028 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:29:06.201 14528 28028 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:29:06.201 14528 28006 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:29:06.201 14528 28006 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:29:06.201 14528 28030 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:29:06.201 14528 28030 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:29:06.202 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a1c70: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:29:06.202 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a2a30: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:29:06.202 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a2a30: Content-Type=
05-14 02:29:06.202 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a2a30: (no
response body)
05-14 02:29:06.202 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a1c70: Content-Type=
05-14 02:29:06.203 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a1c70: (no
response body)
05-14 02:29:06.203 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e89abb0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:29:06.203 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e89abb0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:29:06.203 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e89abb0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:29:06.203 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:29:06.203 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:29:06.204 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:29:06.204 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:29:06.204 14528 28031 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:29:06.204 14528 28031 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:29:06.204 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:29:06.204 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:29:06.205 14528 28020 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:29:06.205 14528 28020 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:29:06.205 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e896f30: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:29:06.206 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e88bc70: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:29:06.206 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e896f30: Content-Type=
05-14 02:29:06.206 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e88bc70: Content-Type=
05-14 02:29:06.206 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e896f30: (no
response body)
05-14 02:29:06.206 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e88bc70: (no
response body)
05-14 02:29:06.206 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:29:06.206 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:29:06.206 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:29:06.206 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:29:06.335 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:06.335 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:06.335 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:06.836 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:06.836 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:06.836 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:07.336 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:07.336 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:07.336 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:07.836 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:07.836 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:07.836 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:08.337 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:08.337 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:08.337 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:08.837 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:08.837 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:08.837 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:09.337 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:09.337 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:09.337 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:09.838 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:09.838 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:09.838 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:10.338 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:10.338 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:10.338 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:10.838 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:10.838 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:10.838 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:11.339 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:11.339 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:11.339 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:11.839 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:11.839 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:11.839 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:12.339 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:12.339 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:12.340 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:12.396 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:29:12.840 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:12.840 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:12.840 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:13.340 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:13.340 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:13.340 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:13.661 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:29:13.661 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:29:13.840 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:13.841 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:13.841 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:14.341 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:14.341 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:14.341 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:14.841 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:14.841 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:14.841 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:15.342 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:15.342 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:15.342 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:15.842 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:15.842 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:15.842 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:16.342 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:16.342 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:16.342 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:16.843 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:16.843 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:16.843 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:17.343 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:17.343 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:17.343 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:17.843 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:17.843 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:17.843 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:18.344 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:18.344 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:18.344 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:18.844 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:18.844 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:18.844 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:19.344 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:19.344 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:19.344 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:19.845 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:19.845 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:19.845 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:20.345 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:20.345 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:20.345 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:20.845 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:20.845 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:20.845 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:21.346 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:21.346 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:21.346 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:21.846 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:21.846 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:21.846 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:22.346 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:22.346 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:22.347 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:22.847 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:22.847 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:22.847 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:23.347 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:23.347 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:23.347 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:23.847 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:23.848 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:23.848 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:24.348 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:24.348 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:24.348 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:24.848 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:24.848 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:24.848 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:25.348 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:25.349 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:25.349 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:25.849 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:25.849 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:25.849 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:26.349 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:26.349 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:26.349 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:26.850 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:26.850 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:26.850 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:27.350 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:27.350 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:27.350 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:27.850 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:27.850 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:27.850 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:28.351 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:28.351 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:28.351 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:28.851 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:28.851 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:28.851 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:29.351 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:29.351 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:29.351 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:29.852 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:29.852 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:29.852 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:30.352 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:30.352 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:30.352 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:30.852 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:30.852 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:30.852 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:31.353 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:31.353 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:31.353 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:31.853 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:31.853 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:31.853 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:32.353 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:32.353 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:32.354 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:32.854 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:32.854 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:32.854 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:33.354 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:33.354 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:33.354 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:33.854 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:33.854 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:33.855 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:34.355 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:34.355 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:34.355 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:34.855 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:34.855 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:34.855 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:35.355 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:35.356 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:35.356 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:35.856 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:35.856 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:35.856 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:36.356 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:36.356 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:36.356 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:36.856 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:36.857 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:36.857 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:37.357 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:37.357 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:37.357 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:37.857 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:37.857 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:37.857 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:38.358 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:38.358 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:38.358 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:38.858 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:38.858 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:38.858 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:39.358 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:39.358 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:39.358 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:39.859 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:39.859 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:39.859 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:40.359 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:40.359 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:40.359 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:40.859 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:40.859 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:40.859 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:41.360 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:41.360 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:41.360 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:41.860 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:41.860 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:41.860 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:42.360 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:42.360 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:42.360 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:42.861 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:42.861 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:42.861 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:43.361 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:43.361 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:43.361 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:43.667 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:29:43.668 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:29:43.861 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:43.861 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:43.861 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:44.362 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:44.362 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:44.362 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:44.862 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:44.862 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:44.862 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:45.362 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:45.362 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:45.362 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:45.863 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:45.863 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:45.863 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:46.363 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:46.363 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:46.363 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:46.863 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:46.863 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:46.863 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:47.364 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:47.364 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:47.364 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:47.864 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:47.864 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:47.864 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:48.364 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:48.364 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:48.364 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:48.865 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:48.865 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:48.865 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:49.365 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:49.365 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:49.365 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:49.865 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:49.865 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:49.866 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:50.366 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:50.366 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:50.366 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:50.600 2652 3895 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:29:50.866 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:50.866 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:50.866 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:51.366 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:51.366 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:51.366 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:51.867 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:51.867 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:51.867 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:52.028 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8640a26
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:29:52.031 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:29:52.031 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:29:52.031 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 322,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:29:52.032 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:29:52.367 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:52.367 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:52.367 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:52.867 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:52.868 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:52.868 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:53.368 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:53.368 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:53.368 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:53.868 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:53.868 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:53.868 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:54.368 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:54.369 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:54.369 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:54.869 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:54.869 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:54.869 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:55.369 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:55.369 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:55.369 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:55.869 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:55.870 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:55.870 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:56.370 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:56.370 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:56.370 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:56.870 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:56.870 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:56.870 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:57.036 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39416721 win=225000 tElapsed=39416721 maxElapsed=39641721 interval=0
05-14 02:29:57.037 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39119.685000000, type=2
05-14 02:29:57.037 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44339.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:29:57.037 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39119.685000000, type=2
05-14 02:29:57.037 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44339.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:29:57.370 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:57.371 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:57.371 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:57.871 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:57.871 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:57.871 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:58.371 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:58.371 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:58.371 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:58.872 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:58.872 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:58.872 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:59.372 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:59.372 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:59.372 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:29:59.872 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:29:59.872 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:29:59.872 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715634000000, elapsedRealtime=39119685
05-14 02:30:00.001 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 02:30:00.001 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39179685 win=0 tElapsed=39179685 maxElapsed=39179685 interval=0
05-14 02:30:00.001 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{3c9e7b9
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:30:00.002 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39845.193000000, type=2
05-14 02:30:00.002 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39179.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:30:00.006 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{3a837fe type 3 origWhen 38939685 whenElapsed 38939685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 02:30:00.007 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{c236b5f} from uid 1000 pid -1
for 1 receivers
05-14 02:30:00.009 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 2895 for 3
05-14 02:30:00.009 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =, alarm = Alarm{c4bd60a type
0 origWhen 1715634000000 whenElapsed 39119685}, cn =
odicJobReceiver}, operation = PendingIntent{3dcc93d: PendingIntentRecord{c807532 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null,
05-14 02:30:00.009 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39845.193000000, type=2
05-14 02:30:00.009 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39179.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:30:00.010 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:00.011 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 6872 com.oplus.lfeh
for 10
05-14 02:30:00.011 1097 1147 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #86196} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (55 skipped)
05-14 02:30:00.013 1097 1137 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d3d5e7b
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 02:30:00.013 2895 6342 D BatteryUsageDataLoader: loadUsageDataSafely() in
the AsyncTask
05-14 02:30:00.013 2895 2895 D PeriodicJobReceiver: refresh periodic job from
05-14 02:30:00.014 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 02:30:00.017 1097 3476 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{40ce498:
PendingIntentRecord{cb3d4f1 broadcastIntent}}) : type=0
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=1715637600000 win=0 tElapsed=42719685
maxElapsed=42719685 interval=0 flags=0x9
05-14 02:30:00.019 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39845.193000000, type=2
05-14 02:30:00.019 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39179.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:30:00.020 2895 2895 D PeriodicJobManager: schedule next alarm job at May
14, 2024, 03:30:00
05-14 02:30:00.021 1097 3476 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{6d948d6 m=0x0
userHandle=null} finished with BroadcastRecord{c236b5f} took 9ms
05-14 02:30:00.022 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:00.022 1097 3476 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 02:30:00.023 1097 3333 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo:
Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=39119707 mSleepTimeMs=0
22532596, 18115505, 41032520, 58075159, 82518587],mRxTimeMs=1777674625}]}
05-14 02:30:00.029 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:30:00.029 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:30:00.029 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils--
>getInitialDisplayDensity density=0
05-14 02:30:00.030 1097 4103 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:30:00.031 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils-->fail to read
this property, get density form windowManagerService : 320
05-14 02:30:00.032 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:30:00.032 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:30:00.032 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils--
>getInitialDisplayDensity density=0
05-14 02:30:00.033 1097 1149 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10128 pid 26716 in 6ms
05-14 02:30:00.033 1097 4103 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:30:00.034 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils-->fail to read
this property, get density form windowManagerService : 320
05-14 02:30:00.071 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest
Uid: 10128 RequestorUid: 10128 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] (release request)
05-14 02:30:00.071 1097 3333 D AppStartupManager: wl is close,just return
05-14 02:30:00.071 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest
Uid: 10128 RequestorUid: 10128 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] (release request)
05-14 02:30:00.072 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest
Uid: 10128 RequestorUid: 10128 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] (release request)
05-14 02:30:00.072 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:00.072 668 668 I Zygote : Process 26716 exited due to signal 9
05-14 02:30:00.073 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:00.074 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39845.193000000, type=2
05-14 02:30:00.074 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39179.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:30:00.074 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39419759 win=225000 tElapsed=39419759 maxElapsed=39644759 interval=0
05-14 02:30:00.074 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:30:00.075 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:00.077 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39845.193000000, type=2
05-14 02:30:00.077 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39179.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:30:00.182 2895 6342 D BatteryEntry: PackageManager failed to retrieve
ApplicationInfo for:
05-14 02:30:00.202 2895 6342 D BatteryEntry: PackageManager failed to retrieve
ApplicationInfo for: mediaserver
05-14 02:30:00.204 2895 6342 D BatteryEntry: PackageManager failed to retrieve
ApplicationInfo for: shub_rd_nwu
05-14 02:30:00.206 2895 6342 W BatteryEntry: unknown attribute:AUDIO
05-14 02:30:00.206 2895 6342 W BatteryEntry: unknown attribute:VIDEO
05-14 02:30:00.206 2895 6342 W BatteryEntry: unknown attribute:SYSTEM_SERVICES
05-14 02:30:00.206 2895 6342 W BatteryEntry: unknown attribute:SENSORS
05-14 02:30:00.207 2895 6342 W BatteryEntry: unknown attribute:WAKELOCK
05-14 02:30:00.207 2895 6342 W BatteryEntry: unknown attribute:MEMORY
05-14 02:30:00.207 2895 6342 W BatteryEntry: unknown attribute:IDLE
05-14 02:30:00.207 2895 6342 W BatteryEntry: unknown
05-14 02:30:00.208 2895 6342 D BatteryUsageDataLoader: getBatteryUsageStats() in
05-14 02:30:00.214 2895 6342 W DatabaseUtils: no consumed power but has running
time for time=2346139|0
05-14 02:30:00.260 2895 6342 D DatabaseUtils: insert() battery states data into
database with isFullChargeStart:false
05-14 02:30:00.262 2895 6342 D DatabaseUtils: sendBatteryEntryData() size=52 in
05-14 02:30:00.264 2895 28042 D AppUsageDataLoader: loadAppUsageDataSafely() in
the AsyncTask
05-14 02:30:00.265 2895 28042 D BatteryUsageContentProvider: getQueryUserId from
uri: content://
05-14 02:30:00.267 2895 28042 D BatteryUsageContentProvider: query app usage
latest timestamp 1715634000265 for user 0 in 1/ms
05-14 02:30:00.283 2895 28042 D DatabaseUtils: getAppUsageStartTimestampOfUser()
userId=0 latestTimestamp=May 13, 2024, 23:38:56 in 18/ms
05-14 02:30:00.286 2895 28042 D DataProcessor: getAppUsageEventsForUser(): 0 from
1715623736998 to 1715634000265 in 3/ms
05-14 02:30:00.286 2895 28042 D DataProcessor: getAppUsageEvents() for all
unlocked users in 22/ms
05-14 02:30:00.286 2895 28042 W DataProcessor: Read 0 relevant events (63 total)
from UsageStatsManager
05-14 02:30:00.286 2895 28042 W AppUsageDataLoader: loadAppUsageData() returns
null or empty content
05-14 02:30:00.373 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:00.373 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:00.373 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:00.873 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:00.873 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:00.873 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:01.373 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:01.373 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:01.373 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:01.874 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:01.874 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:01.874 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:02.042 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:30:02.374 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:02.374 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:02.374 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:02.874 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:02.874 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:02.874 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:03.375 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:03.375 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:03.375 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:03.875 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:03.875 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:03.875 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:04.375 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:04.375 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:04.375 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:04.876 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:04.876 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:04.876 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:05.376 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:05.376 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:05.376 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:05.876 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:05.876 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:05.876 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:06.377 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:06.377 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:06.377 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:06.877 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:06.877 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:06.877 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:07.377 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:07.377 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:07.377 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:07.878 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:07.878 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:07.878 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:08.378 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:08.378 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:08.378 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:08.878 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:08.878 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:08.878 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:09.379 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:09.379 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:09.379 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:09.879 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:09.879 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:09.879 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:10.025 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:10.026 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #86202} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (3 skipped)
05-14 02:30:10.027 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a8e3474
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 02:30:10.379 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:10.380 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:10.380 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:10.880 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:10.880 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:10.880 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:11.380 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:11.380 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:11.380 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:11.881 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:11.881 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:11.881 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:12.381 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:12.381 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:12.381 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:12.400 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:30:12.881 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:12.881 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:12.881 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:13.382 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:13.382 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:13.382 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:13.675 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:30:13.675 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:30:13.882 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:13.882 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:13.882 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:14.382 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:14.382 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:14.382 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:14.883 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:14.883 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:14.883 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:15.383 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:15.383 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:15.383 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:15.883 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:15.883 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:15.883 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:16.384 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:16.384 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:16.384 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:16.884 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:16.884 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:16.884 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:17.384 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:17.384 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:17.384 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:17.885 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:17.885 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:17.885 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:18.385 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:18.385 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:18.385 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:18.885 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:18.885 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:18.886 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:19.386 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:19.386 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:19.386 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:19.886 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:19.886 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:19.886 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:20.074 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 2895
05-14 02:30:20.076 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 6872 com.oplus.lfeh
05-14 02:30:20.386 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:20.386 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:20.387 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:20.887 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:20.887 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:20.887 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:21.387 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:21.387 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:21.387 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:21.799 1750 24776 I FusedLocation: (REDACTED) location delivery to %s
blocked - too close
05-14 02:30:21.812 1097 4103 I LocationManagerService: incoming location:
locationResult [[Location[fused 13****** , 77****** hAcc=100.0 et=+10h52m21s483ms
alt=816.300048828125 vAcc=100.0]]]
05-14 02:30:21.812 1097 4103 I LocationManagerService: incoming location:
locationResult [[Location[fused 13****** , 77****** hAcc=100.0 et=+10h52m21s483ms
alt=816.300048828125 vAcc=100.0]]]
05-14 02:30:21.813 1097 4103 D LocationManagerService: passive provider location
send to 10125/[fused_location_provider]/D67BF52E
05-14 02:30:21.814 1097 4103 D LocationManagerService: passive provider location
send to 10125/[network_location_provider]/A1C25AEA
05-14 02:30:21.819 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:21.825 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:21.854 1750 26952 I GCoreUlr: Successfully inserted 1 locations
05-14 02:30:21.858 1750 27650 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:30:21.876 1750 27650 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:30:21.887 1750 27650 I SemanticLocation: (REDACTED) [Inferrer] %s%s
05-14 02:30:21.887 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:21.887 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:21.888 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:21.959 1750 27650 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:30:21.976 1750 27650 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:30:21.986 1750 27650 I SemanticLocation: (REDACTED) [Inferrer] %s%s
05-14 02:30:22.056 1750 27650 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:30:22.073 1750 27650 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:30:22.084 1750 27650 I SemanticLocation: (REDACTED) [Inferrer] %s%s
05-14 02:30:22.388 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:22.388 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:22.388 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:22.831 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:22.888 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:22.888 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:22.888 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:23.388 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:23.389 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:23.389 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:23.889 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:23.889 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:23.889 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:23.910 1097 4103 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:30:23.910 1097 4103 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39179.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:30:23.910 1750 27998 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 40033595]
05-14 02:30:23.911 1097 4103 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{9cdea36:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=40033595 win=0
tElapsed=40033595 maxElapsed=40033595 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:30:23.912 1097 4103 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.595000000, type=2
05-14 02:30:23.913 1097 4103 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39179.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:30:23.923 1750 27998 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on
05-14 02:30:23.928 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:23.930 1750 27998 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on
05-14 02:30:23.931 1097 4103 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:30:23.931 1097 4103 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39179.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:30:23.931 1750 27998 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 40033616]
05-14 02:30:23.932 1097 4103 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{b9095d3:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=40033616 win=0
tElapsed=40033616 maxElapsed=40033616 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:30:23.933 1097 4103 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.616000000, type=2
05-14 02:30:23.933 1097 4103 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39179.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:30:24.389 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:24.389 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:24.389 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:24.889 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:24.890 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:24.890 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:25.390 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:25.390 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:25.390 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:25.890 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:25.890 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:25.890 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:26.391 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:26.391 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:26.391 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:26.891 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:26.891 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:26.891 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:27.391 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:27.391 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:27.391 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:27.892 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:27.892 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:27.892 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:28.392 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:28.392 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:28.392 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:28.892 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:28.892 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:28.892 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:29.393 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:29.393 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:29.393 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:29.893 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:29.893 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:29.893 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:30.393 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:30.394 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:30.394 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:30.894 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:30.894 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:30.894 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:31.394 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:31.394 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:31.394 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:31.894 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:31.895 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:31.895 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:32.395 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:32.395 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:32.395 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:32.895 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:32.895 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:32.895 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:33.396 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:33.396 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:33.396 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:33.896 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:33.896 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:33.896 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:34.396 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:34.396 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:34.396 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:34.897 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:34.897 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:34.897 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:35.397 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:35.397 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:35.397 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:35.897 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:35.897 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:35.898 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:36.220 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:30:36.220 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:30:36.220 14528 28006 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:30:36.220 14528 28006 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:30:36.221 14528 28028 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:30:36.221 14528 28028 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:30:36.221 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8baf50: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:30:36.221 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8baf50: Content-Type=
05-14 02:30:36.221 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8baf50: (no
response body)
05-14 02:30:36.221 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:30:36.221 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8afb30: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:30:36.222 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:30:36.222 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8afb30: Content-Type=
05-14 02:30:36.222 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8afb30: (no
response body)
05-14 02:30:36.222 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8c4950: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:30:36.222 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:30:36.222 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8c4950: Content-Type=
05-14 02:30:36.222 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8c4950: (no
response body)
05-14 02:30:36.222 14528 28020 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:30:36.223 14528 28020 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:30:36.223 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:30:36.223 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a37f0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:30:36.223 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a37f0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:30:36.223 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a37f0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:30:36.224 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:30:36.224 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:30:36.224 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:30:36.224 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:30:36.225 14528 28031 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:30:36.225 14528 28031 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:30:36.226 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b5b70: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:30:36.226 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b5b70: Content-Type=
05-14 02:30:36.226 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b5b70: (no
response body)
05-14 02:30:36.226 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:30:36.226 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:30:36.398 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:36.398 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:36.398 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:36.898 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:36.898 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:36.898 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:37.398 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:37.398 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:37.399 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:37.899 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:37.899 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:37.899 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:37.902 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:38.399 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:38.399 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:38.399 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:38.899 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:38.900 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:38.900 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:38.942 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:39.400 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:39.400 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:39.400 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:39.900 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:39.900 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:39.900 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:40.401 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:40.401 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:40.401 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:40.901 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:40.901 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:40.901 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:41.401 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:41.401 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:41.401 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:41.901 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:41.902 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:41.902 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:42.402 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:42.402 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:42.402 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:42.902 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:42.902 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:42.902 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:43.403 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:43.403 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:43.403 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:43.682 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:30:43.682 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:30:43.903 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:43.903 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:43.903 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:44.235 1454 1477 W rkstack.process: Reducing the number of considered
missed Gc histogram windows from 134 to 100
05-14 02:30:44.403 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:44.403 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:44.403 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:44.904 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:44.904 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:44.904 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:45.404 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:45.404 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:45.404 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:45.904 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:45.904 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:45.904 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:46.405 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:46.405 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:46.405 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:46.905 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:46.905 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:46.905 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:47.405 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:47.405 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:47.405 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:47.906 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:47.906 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:47.906 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:48.406 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:48.406 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:48.406 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:48.906 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:48.906 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:48.906 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:49.407 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:49.407 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:49.407 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:49.907 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:49.907 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:49.907 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:50.407 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:50.407 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:50.407 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:50.553 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:30:50.908 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:50.908 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:50.908 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:51.408 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:51.408 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:51.408 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:51.868 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:30:51.908 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:51.908 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:51.909 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:52.409 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:52.409 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:52.409 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:52.909 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:52.909 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:52.909 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:53.409 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:53.409 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:53.410 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:53.910 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:53.910 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:53.910 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:54.410 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:54.410 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:54.410 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:54.910 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:54.911 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:54.911 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:55.411 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:55.411 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:55.411 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:55.911 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:55.911 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:55.911 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:56.041 1370 1370 D WifiSignalController:
05-14 02:30:56.041 1370 1370 D Tile.WifiTile: onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true
05-14 02:30:56.052 1370 1624 D QSVoWifiTile: handleUpdateState: available = true
state.value = false,phoneId:0
05-14 02:30:56.053 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState arg=null
05-14 02:30:56.053 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState CallbackInfo
,activityIn=true,activityOut=false,wifiSignalContentDescription=Wifi signal
05-14 02:30:56.053 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState arg=null
05-14 02:30:56.053 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState CallbackInfo
,activityIn=true,activityOut=false,wifiSignalContentDescription=Wifi signal
05-14 02:30:56.056 1370 1370 D WifiSignalController:
05-14 02:30:56.412 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:56.412 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:56.412 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:56.453 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(30): Preparing logs for
05-14 02:30:56.455 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(191): Connecting to
server for timestamp:
05-14 02:30:56.459 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(221): Failed to connect
to server for server timestamp: Unable to resolve
host "": No address associated with hostname
05-14 02:30:56.466 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(256): Connecting to
05-14 02:30:56.469 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(357): Failed to connect
to server for log upload.
05-14 02:30:56.912 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:56.912 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:56.912 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:57.412 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:57.412 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:57.412 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:57.913 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:57.913 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:57.913 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:58.413 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:58.413 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:58.413 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:58.913 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:58.913 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:58.913 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:59.414 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:59.414 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:59.414 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:30:59.914 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:30:59.914 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:30:59.914 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715634060000, elapsedRealtime=39179685
05-14 02:31:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.616000000, type=2
05-14 02:31:00.001 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:31:00.076 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 02:31:00.414 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:00.414 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:00.415 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:00.893 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{c13bcf6
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:31:00.896 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:31:00.896 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:31:00.896 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 323,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:31:00.898 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:31:00.915 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:00.915 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:00.915 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:01.415 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:01.415 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:01.415 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:01.915 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:01.915 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:01.916 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:02.416 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:02.416 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:02.416 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:02.916 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:02.916 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:02.916 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:03.416 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:03.417 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:03.417 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:03.917 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:03.917 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:03.917 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:04.417 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:04.417 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:04.417 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:04.917 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:04.918 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:04.918 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:05.418 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:05.418 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:05.418 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:05.618 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:31:05.901 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39485586 win=225000 tElapsed=39485586 maxElapsed=39710586 interval=0
05-14 02:31:05.902 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.616000000, type=2
05-14 02:31:05.902 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:31:05.902 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.616000000, type=2
05-14 02:31:05.902 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:31:05.918 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:05.918 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:05.918 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:06.419 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:06.419 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:06.419 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:06.908 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:31:06.919 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:06.919 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:06.919 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:07.419 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:07.419 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:07.419 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:07.920 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:07.920 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:07.920 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:08.420 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:08.420 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:08.420 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:08.920 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:08.920 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:08.920 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:09.421 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:09.421 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:09.421 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:09.921 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:09.921 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:09.921 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:10.421 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:10.421 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:10.422 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:10.922 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:10.922 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:10.922 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:10.949 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:31:11.422 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:11.422 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:11.422 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:11.922 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:11.922 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:11.923 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:12.402 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:31:12.423 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:12.423 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:12.423 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:12.923 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:12.923 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:12.923 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:13.424 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:13.424 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:13.424 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:13.688 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:31:13.689 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:31:13.924 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:13.924 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:13.924 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:14.424 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:14.424 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:14.424 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:14.925 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:14.925 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:14.925 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:15.425 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:15.425 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:15.425 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:15.925 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:15.925 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:15.925 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:16.426 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:16.426 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:16.426 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:16.926 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:16.926 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:16.926 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:17.426 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:17.426 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:17.426 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:17.927 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:17.927 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:17.927 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:18.427 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:18.427 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:18.427 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:18.927 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:18.927 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:18.927 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:19.428 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:19.428 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:19.428 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:19.928 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:19.928 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:19.928 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:20.428 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:20.428 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:20.428 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:20.929 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:20.929 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:20.929 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:21.429 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:21.429 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:21.429 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:21.929 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:21.929 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:21.929 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:22.430 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:22.430 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:22.430 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:22.930 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:22.930 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:22.930 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:23.431 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:23.431 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:23.431 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:23.931 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:23.931 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:23.931 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:24.431 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:24.431 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:24.431 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:24.932 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:24.932 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:24.932 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:25.432 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:25.432 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:25.432 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:25.932 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:25.932 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:25.932 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:26.433 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:26.433 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:26.433 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:26.933 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:26.933 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:26.933 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:27.433 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:27.433 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:27.433 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:27.933 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:27.934 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:27.934 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:28.434 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:28.434 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:28.434 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:28.934 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:28.934 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:28.934 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:29.434 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:29.435 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:29.435 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:29.935 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:29.935 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:29.935 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:30.435 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:30.435 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:30.435 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:30.936 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:30.936 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:30.936 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:31.436 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:31.436 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:31.436 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:31.936 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:31.936 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:31.936 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:32.437 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:32.437 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:32.437 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:32.937 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:32.937 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:32.937 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:33.437 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:33.437 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:33.437 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:33.938 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:33.938 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:33.938 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:34.438 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:34.438 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:34.438 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:34.938 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:34.938 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:34.938 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:35.439 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:35.439 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:35.439 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:35.939 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:35.939 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:35.939 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:36.439 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:36.439 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:36.439 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:36.940 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:36.940 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:36.940 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:37.440 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:37.440 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:37.440 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:37.940 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:37.940 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:37.940 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:38.441 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:38.441 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:38.441 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:38.941 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:38.941 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:38.941 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:39.441 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:39.441 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:39.442 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:39.942 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:39.942 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:39.942 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:40.442 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:40.442 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:40.442 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:40.942 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:40.942 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:40.943 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:41.443 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:41.443 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:41.443 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:41.943 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:41.943 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:41.943 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:42.443 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:42.444 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:42.444 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:42.944 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:42.944 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:42.944 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:43.444 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:43.444 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:43.444 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:43.696 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:31:43.696 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:31:43.944 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:43.945 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:43.945 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:44.445 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:44.445 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:44.445 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:44.945 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:44.945 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:44.945 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:45.445 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:45.446 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:45.446 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:45.946 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:45.946 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:45.946 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:46.446 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:46.446 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:46.446 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:46.946 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:46.947 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:46.947 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:47.447 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:47.447 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:47.447 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:47.947 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:47.947 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:47.947 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:48.448 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:48.448 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:48.448 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:48.948 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:48.948 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:48.948 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:49.448 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:49.448 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:49.448 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:49.949 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:49.949 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:49.949 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:50.449 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:50.449 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:50.449 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:50.555 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:31:50.601 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:31:50.949 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:50.949 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:50.949 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:51.450 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:51.450 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:51.450 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:51.950 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:51.950 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:51.950 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:52.450 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:52.450 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:52.451 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:52.951 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:52.951 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:52.951 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:53.451 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:53.451 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:53.451 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:53.951 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:53.952 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:53.952 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:54.452 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:54.452 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:54.452 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:54.952 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:54.952 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:54.952 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:55.235 26408 26523 I Finsky : [216] Stats for Executor:
BlockingExecutor pmi@2299afd[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued
tasks = 0, completed tasks = 26]
05-14 02:31:55.235 26408 26523 I Finsky : [216] Stats for Executor:
LightweightExecutor pmi@59e43f2[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued
tasks = 0, completed tasks = 132]
05-14 02:31:55.326 26408 26523 I Finsky : [216] Stats for Executor:
bgExecutor pmi@c42da43[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks =
0, completed tasks = 123]
05-14 02:31:55.453 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:55.453 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:55.453 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:55.953 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:55.953 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:55.953 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:56.453 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:56.453 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:56.453 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:56.954 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:56.954 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:56.954 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:57.454 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:57.454 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:57.454 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:57.954 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:57.954 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:57.954 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:58.455 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:58.455 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:58.455 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:58.955 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:58.955 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:58.955 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:59.455 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:59.455 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:59.455 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:31:59.956 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:31:59.956 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:31:59.956 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:00.456 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:00.456 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:00.456 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:00.956 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:00.956 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:00.957 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:01.457 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:01.457 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:01.457 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:01.957 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:01.957 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:01.957 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:02.457 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:02.457 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:02.458 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:02.958 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:02.958 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:02.958 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:03.458 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:03.458 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:03.458 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:03.958 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:03.958 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:03.959 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:04.459 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:04.459 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:04.459 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:04.891 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{9762b8d
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:32:04.894 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:32:04.895 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:32:04.895 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 322,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:32:04.897 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:32:04.959 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:04.959 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:04.959 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:05.459 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:05.460 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:05.460 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:05.605 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:32:05.960 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:05.960 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:05.960 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:06.238 14528 28031 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:32:06.238 14528 28031 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:32:06.239 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87d990: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:32:06.239 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87d990: Content-Type=
05-14 02:32:06.239 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:32:06.239 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87d990: (no
response body)
05-14 02:32:06.239 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:32:06.239 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:32:06.239 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:32:06.240 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:32:06.240 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:32:06.240 14528 28048 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:32:06.240 14528 28048 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:32:06.241 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b2310: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:32:06.241 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b2310: Content-Type=
05-14 02:32:06.241 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b2310: (no
response body)
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 28020 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e877c10: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 28020 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e877c10: Content-Type=
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e877c10: (no
response body)
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a00f0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a00f0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a00f0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:32:06.242 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:32:06.243 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b2f70: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:32:06.243 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b2f70: Content-Type=
05-14 02:32:06.243 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b2f70: (no
response body)
05-14 02:32:06.243 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:32:06.243 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:32:06.460 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:06.460 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:06.460 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:06.961 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:06.961 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:06.961 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:07.461 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:07.461 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:07.461 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:07.961 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:07.961 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:07.961 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:08.462 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:08.462 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:08.462 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:08.962 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:08.962 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:08.962 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:09.462 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:09.462 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:09.463 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:09.899 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39549583 win=224999 tElapsed=39549583 maxElapsed=39774582 interval=0
05-14 02:32:09.900 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.616000000, type=2
05-14 02:32:09.900 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:32:09.900 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.616000000, type=2
05-14 02:32:09.900 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:32:09.963 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:09.963 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:09.963 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:10.463 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:10.463 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:10.463 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:10.963 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:10.964 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:10.964 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:11.464 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:11.464 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:11.464 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:11.964 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:11.964 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:11.964 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:12.404 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:32:12.464 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:12.464 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:12.465 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:12.965 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:12.965 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:12.965 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:13.465 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:13.465 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:13.465 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:13.703 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:32:13.703 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:32:13.965 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:13.965 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:13.966 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:14.466 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:14.466 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:14.466 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:14.948 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:32:14.966 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:14.966 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:14.966 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:15.466 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:15.467 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:15.467 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:15.967 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:15.967 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:15.967 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:16.467 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:16.467 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:16.467 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:16.967 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:16.968 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:16.968 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:17.468 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:17.468 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:17.468 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:17.968 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:17.968 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:17.968 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:18.469 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:18.469 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:18.469 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:18.969 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:18.969 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:18.969 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:19.469 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:19.469 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:19.469 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:19.970 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:19.970 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:19.970 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:20.470 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:20.470 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:20.470 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:20.970 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:20.970 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:20.970 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:21.471 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:21.471 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:21.471 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:21.971 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:21.971 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:21.971 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:22.471 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:22.471 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:22.471 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:22.972 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:22.972 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:22.972 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:23.472 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:23.472 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:23.472 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:23.972 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:23.972 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:23.972 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:24.473 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:24.473 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:24.473 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:24.973 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:24.973 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:24.973 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:25.473 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:25.473 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:25.473 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:25.974 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:25.974 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:25.974 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:26.474 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:26.474 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:26.474 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:26.974 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:26.974 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:26.974 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:27.475 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:27.475 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:27.475 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:27.975 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:27.975 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:27.975 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:28.475 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:28.476 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:28.476 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:28.976 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:28.976 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:28.976 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:29.476 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:29.476 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:29.476 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:29.977 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:29.977 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:29.977 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:30.477 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:30.477 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:30.477 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:30.977 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:30.977 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:30.977 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:31.478 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:31.478 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:31.478 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:31.978 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:31.978 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:31.978 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:32.478 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:32.478 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:32.478 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:32.979 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:32.979 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:32.979 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:33.479 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:33.479 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:33.479 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:33.979 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:33.979 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:33.980 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:34.480 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:34.480 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:34.480 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:34.980 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:34.980 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:34.980 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:35.480 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:35.481 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:35.481 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:35.981 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:35.981 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:35.981 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:36.481 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:36.481 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:36.481 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:36.981 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:36.982 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:36.982 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:37.482 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:37.482 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:37.482 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:37.982 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:37.982 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:37.982 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:38.482 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:38.483 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:38.483 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:38.983 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:38.983 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:38.983 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:39.483 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:39.483 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:39.483 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:39.983 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:39.984 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:39.984 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:40.484 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:40.484 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:40.484 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:40.984 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:40.984 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:40.984 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:41.485 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:41.485 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:41.485 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:41.985 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:41.985 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:41.985 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:42.485 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:42.485 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:42.485 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:42.986 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:42.986 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:42.986 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:43.486 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:43.486 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:43.486 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:43.710 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:32:43.710 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:32:43.986 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:43.986 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:43.986 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:44.487 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:44.487 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:44.487 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:44.987 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:44.987 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:44.987 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:45.487 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:45.487 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:45.487 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:45.988 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:45.988 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:45.988 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:46.488 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:46.488 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:46.488 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:46.988 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:46.988 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:46.988 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:47.489 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:47.489 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:47.489 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:47.989 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:47.989 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:47.989 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:48.489 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:48.489 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:48.489 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:48.990 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:48.990 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:48.990 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:49.490 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:49.490 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:49.490 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:49.990 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:49.990 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:49.990 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:50.491 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:50.491 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:50.491 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:32:50.991 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:50.991 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:50.991 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:51.491 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:51.491 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:51.491 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:51.992 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:51.992 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:51.992 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:52.492 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:52.492 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:52.492 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:52.992 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:52.992 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:52.993 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:53.493 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:53.493 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:53.493 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:53.993 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:53.993 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:53.993 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:54.493 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:54.494 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:54.494 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:54.994 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:54.994 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:54.994 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:55.494 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:55.494 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:55.494 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:55.994 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:55.995 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:55.995 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:56.495 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:56.495 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:56.495 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:56.995 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:56.995 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:56.995 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:57.496 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:57.496 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:57.496 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:57.996 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:57.996 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:57.996 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:58.496 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:58.496 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:58.496 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:58.997 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:58.997 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:58.997 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:59.497 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:59.497 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:59.497 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:32:59.997 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:32:59.997 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:32:59.997 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:00.498 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:00.498 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:00.498 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:00.998 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:00.998 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:00.998 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:01.498 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:01.498 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:01.498 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:01.999 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:01.999 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:01.999 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:02.499 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:02.499 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:02.499 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:02.999 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:02.999 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:02.999 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:03.500 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:03.500 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:03.500 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:04.000 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:04.000 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:04.000 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:04.500 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:04.500 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:04.500 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:05.001 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:05.001 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:05.001 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:05.501 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:05.501 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:05.501 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:06.001 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:06.001 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:06.002 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:06.502 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:06.502 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:06.502 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:07.002 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:07.002 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:07.002 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:07.502 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:07.502 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:07.502 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:08.003 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:08.003 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:08.003 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:08.503 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:08.503 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:08.503 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:09.004 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:09.004 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:09.004 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:09.040 14528 14537 I Background concurrent mark
compact GC freed 752045(23MB) AllocSpace objects, 40(800KB) LOS objects, 78% free,
6593KB/30MB, paused 1.950ms,5.198ms total 115.294ms
05-14 02:33:09.040 14528 14537 W Reducing the number of considered
missed Gc histogram windows from 225 to 100
05-14 02:33:09.504 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:09.504 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:09.504 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:10.004 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:10.004 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:10.004 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:10.505 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:10.505 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:10.505 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:11.005 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:11.005 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:11.005 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:11.505 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:11.505 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:11.505 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:12.006 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:12.006 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:12.006 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:12.407 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:33:12.506 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:12.506 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:12.506 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:13.006 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:13.006 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:13.006 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:13.507 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:13.507 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:13.507 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:13.717 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:33:13.717 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:33:14.007 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:14.008 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:14.008 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:14.508 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:14.508 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:14.508 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:15.008 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:15.008 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:15.008 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:15.509 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:15.509 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:15.509 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:16.009 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:16.009 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:16.009 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:16.509 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:16.509 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:16.510 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:17.010 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:17.010 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:17.010 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:17.510 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:17.510 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:17.510 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:18.010 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:18.011 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:18.011 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:18.511 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:18.511 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:18.511 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:19.011 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:19.011 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:19.011 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:19.512 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:19.512 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:19.512 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:20.012 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:20.012 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:20.012 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:20.512 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:20.512 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:20.512 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:21.013 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:21.013 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:21.013 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:21.513 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:21.513 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:21.513 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:22.013 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:22.013 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:22.013 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:22.514 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:22.514 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:22.514 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:23.014 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:23.014 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:23.014 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:23.514 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:23.514 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:23.515 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:24.015 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:24.015 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:24.015 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:24.515 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:24.515 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:24.515 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:25.016 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:25.016 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:25.016 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:25.020 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{a051880
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:33:25.024 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:33:25.024 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:33:25.025 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 323,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:33:25.027 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:33:25.516 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:25.516 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:25.517 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:26.017 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:26.017 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:26.017 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:26.517 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:26.517 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:26.517 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:27.017 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:27.017 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:27.018 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:27.518 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:27.518 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:27.518 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:28.018 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:28.018 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:28.018 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:28.518 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:28.518 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:28.518 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:29.019 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:29.019 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:29.019 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:29.519 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:29.519 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:29.519 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:30.019 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:30.019 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:30.019 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:30.027 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39629711 win=224999 tElapsed=39629711 maxElapsed=39854710 interval=0
05-14 02:33:30.028 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.616000000, type=2
05-14 02:33:30.028 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:33:30.028 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.616000000, type=2
05-14 02:33:30.029 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:33:30.141 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8456d75
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:33:30.144 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:33:30.145 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:33:30.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 322,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:33:30.520 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:30.520 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:30.520 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:31.020 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:31.020 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:31.020 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:31.520 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:31.521 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:31.521 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:32.021 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:32.021 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:32.021 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:32.521 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:32.521 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:32.521 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:33.021 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:33.021 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:33.022 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:33.522 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:33.522 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:33.522 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:34.022 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:34.022 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:34.022 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:34.522 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:34.522 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:34.523 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:35.023 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:35.023 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:35.023 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:35.150 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39634834 win=225000 tElapsed=39634834 maxElapsed=39859834 interval=0
05-14 02:33:35.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.616000000, type=2
05-14 02:33:35.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:33:35.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40033.616000000, type=2
05-14 02:33:35.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:33:35.523 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:35.523 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:35.523 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:36.023 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:36.024 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:36.024 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:36.261 14528 28020 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:33:36.261 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:33:36.261 14528 28020 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 28046 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 28046 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87b5d0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87b5d0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87b5d0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87c7b0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87c7b0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:33:36.262 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87c7b0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:33:36.263 14528 28048 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:33:36.263 14528 28048 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:33:36.263 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a87b0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e89fcd0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e89fcd0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e89fcd0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a87b0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a87b0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b60f0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b60f0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:33:36.264 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:33:36.265 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:33:36.265 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:33:36.265 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:33:36.265 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b60f0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:33:36.265 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:33:36.266 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:33:36.524 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:36.524 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:36.524 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:37.024 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:37.024 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:37.024 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:37.524 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:37.525 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:37.525 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:38.025 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:38.025 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:38.025 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:38.525 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:38.525 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:38.526 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:39.026 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:39.026 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:39.026 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:39.526 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:39.526 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:39.526 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:40.026 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:40.026 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:40.027 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:40.172 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:33:40.527 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:40.527 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:40.527 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:41.027 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:41.027 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:41.027 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:41.527 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:41.528 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:41.528 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:42.028 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:42.028 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:42.028 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:42.528 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:42.528 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:42.528 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:43.029 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:43.029 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:43.029 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:43.529 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:43.529 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:43.529 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:43.724 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:33:43.724 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:33:44.029 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:44.029 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:44.029 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:44.530 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:44.530 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:44.530 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:45.030 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:45.030 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:45.030 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:45.530 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:45.530 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:45.530 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:46.031 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:46.031 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:46.031 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:46.531 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:46.531 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:46.531 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:47.031 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:47.031 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:47.031 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:47.532 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:47.532 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:47.532 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:48.032 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:48.032 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:48.032 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:48.532 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:48.532 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:48.532 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:49.033 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:49.033 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:49.033 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:49.533 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:49.533 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:49.533 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:50.033 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:50.033 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:50.033 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:50.534 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:50.534 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:50.534 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:33:51.034 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:51.034 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:51.034 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:51.534 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:51.535 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:51.535 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:52.035 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:52.035 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:52.035 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:52.535 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:52.535 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:52.535 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:53.035 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:53.036 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:53.036 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:53.536 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:53.536 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:53.536 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:54.036 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:54.036 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:54.036 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:54.536 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:54.537 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:54.537 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:55.037 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:55.037 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:55.037 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:55.537 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:55.537 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:55.537 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:56.037 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:56.038 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:56.038 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:56.538 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:56.538 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:56.538 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:57.038 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:57.038 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:57.038 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:57.539 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:57.539 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:57.539 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:58.039 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:58.039 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:58.039 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:58.539 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:58.539 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:58.539 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:59.040 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:59.040 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:59.040 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:33:59.540 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:33:59.540 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:33:59.540 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:00.040 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:00.040 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:00.041 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:00.276 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:34:00.276 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:34:00.277 1750 27998 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 40249962]
05-14 02:34:00.278 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{f26943f:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=40249962 win=0
tElapsed=40249962 maxElapsed=40249962 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:34:00.279 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:34:00.279 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:34:00.291 1750 27998 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on
05-14 02:34:00.297 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:34:00.541 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:00.541 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:00.541 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:01.041 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:01.041 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:01.041 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:01.541 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:01.542 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:01.542 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:02.042 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:02.042 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:02.042 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:02.142 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e2ab6d1
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:34:02.147 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:34:02.147 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:34:02.147 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 321,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:34:02.152 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:34:02.542 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:02.542 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:02.542 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:03.043 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:03.043 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:03.043 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:03.543 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:03.543 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:03.543 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:04.043 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:04.043 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:04.043 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:04.544 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:04.544 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:04.544 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:05.044 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:05.044 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:05.044 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:05.544 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:05.544 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:05.544 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:06.045 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:06.045 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:06.045 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:06.545 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:06.545 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:06.545 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:07.045 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:07.045 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:07.045 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:07.148 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39666833 win=225000 tElapsed=39666833 maxElapsed=39891833 interval=0
05-14 02:34:07.149 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:34:07.149 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:34:07.150 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:34:07.150 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:34:07.546 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:07.546 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:07.546 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:08.046 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:08.046 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:08.046 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:08.546 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:08.547 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:08.547 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:09.047 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:09.047 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:09.047 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:09.547 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:09.547 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:09.547 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:10.047 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:10.048 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:10.048 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:10.548 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:10.548 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:10.548 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:11.048 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:11.048 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:11.048 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:11.549 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:11.549 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:11.549 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:12.049 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:12.049 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:12.049 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:12.189 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:34:12.411 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:34:12.549 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:12.549 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:12.549 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:13.050 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:13.050 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:13.050 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:13.550 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:13.550 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:13.550 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:13.731 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:34:13.731 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:34:14.050 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:14.050 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:14.050 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:14.551 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:14.551 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:14.551 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:15.051 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:15.051 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:15.051 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:15.327 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:34:15.551 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:15.552 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:15.552 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:16.052 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:16.052 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:16.052 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:16.552 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:16.552 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:16.552 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:17.053 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:17.053 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:17.053 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:17.553 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:17.553 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:17.553 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:18.053 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:18.053 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:18.053 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:18.554 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:18.554 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:18.554 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:19.054 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:19.054 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:19.054 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:19.554 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:19.554 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:19.554 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:20.055 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:20.055 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:20.055 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:20.555 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:20.555 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:20.555 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:21.055 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:21.055 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:21.055 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:21.556 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:21.556 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:21.556 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:22.056 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:22.056 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:22.056 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:22.556 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:22.556 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:22.556 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:23.057 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:23.057 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:23.057 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:23.557 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:23.557 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:23.557 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:24.057 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:24.057 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:24.058 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:24.558 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:24.558 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:24.558 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:25.058 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:25.058 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:25.058 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:25.558 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:25.558 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:25.558 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:26.059 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:26.059 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:26.059 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:26.559 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:26.559 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:26.559 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:27.059 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:27.059 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:27.060 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:27.560 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:27.560 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:27.560 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:28.060 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:28.060 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:28.060 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:28.560 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:28.561 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:28.561 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:29.061 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:29.061 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:29.061 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:29.561 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:29.561 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:29.561 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:30.061 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:30.062 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:30.062 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:30.562 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:30.562 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:30.562 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:31.062 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:31.062 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:31.062 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:31.563 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:31.563 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:31.563 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:32.063 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:32.063 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:32.063 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:32.563 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:32.563 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:32.563 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:33.064 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:33.064 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:33.064 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:33.564 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:33.564 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:33.564 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:34.064 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:34.064 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:34.064 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:34.565 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:34.565 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:34.565 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:35.065 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:35.065 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:35.065 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:35.565 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:35.565 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:35.565 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:36.066 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:36.066 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:36.066 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:36.566 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:36.566 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:36.566 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:37.066 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:37.066 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:37.066 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:37.567 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:37.567 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:37.567 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:38.067 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:38.067 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:38.067 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:38.567 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:38.567 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:38.567 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:39.068 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:39.068 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:39.068 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:39.450 1454 2442 D IpClient/wlan0: routeUpdated:
2406:7400:9d:b0a7::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0
05-14 02:34:39.451 1454 2442 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated:
2406:7400:9d:b0a7:7af1:a296:8058:f769/64 on ifindex 29 flags 0x00000944 scope 0
05-14 02:34:39.452 1454 2442 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated:
2406:7400:9d:b0a7:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f/64 on ifindex 29 flags 0x00000045 scope 0
05-14 02:34:39.520 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 02:34:39.525 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi onLinkPropertiesChanged
network: 108
05-14 02:34:39.525 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi onLinkPropertiesChanged
to get roaming ip
05-14 02:34:39.525 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming ipv4Address
05-14 02:34:39.525 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming
05-14 02:34:39.525 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming
05-14 02:34:39.525 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming
05-14 02:34:39.525 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming
05-14 02:34:39.526 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:34:39.526 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:34:39.526 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add>
p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:34:39.527 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:34:39.527 1497 1522 D [N3AM]PhoneStateMonitor: onWifiIPStateChange,
isWifiConnected:true isWifiIPAvailable:true mIsPendingNotifyWifiState:false
05-14 02:34:39.527 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:34:39.527 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:34:39.528 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:34:39.528 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add
2406:7400:9d:5521:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f-0->::-0 p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:34:39.528 1497 2400 D [N3AM]PhoneStateMonitor: onLinkPropertiesChanged
network: 108
05-14 02:34:39.528 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:34:39.528 1497 2400 I [N3AM]PhoneStateMonitor: New wifi link properties
is updated.
05-14 02:34:39.528 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:34:39.528 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:34:39.530 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:34:39.531 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add
2406:7400:9d:5521:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f-0->::-0 p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:34:39.531 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:34:39.533 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:34:39.533 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:34:39.533 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:34:39.533 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add
2406:7400:9d:5521:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f-0->::-0 p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:34:39.534 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:34:39.534 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:34:39.534 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:34:39.534 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:34:39.534 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add
2406:7400:9d:5521:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f-0->::-0 p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:34:39.535 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:34:39.535 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:34:39.568 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:39.568 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:39.568 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:40.068 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:40.068 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:40.069 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:40.205 1454 2442 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated:
2406:7400:9d:b0a7:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f/64 on ifindex 29 flags 0x00000001 scope 0
05-14 02:34:40.207 1454 2442 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated:
2406:7400:9d:b0a7:7af1:a296:8058:f769/64 on ifindex 29 flags 0x00000900 scope 0
05-14 02:34:40.569 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:40.569 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:40.569 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:41.069 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:41.069 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:41.069 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:41.569 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:41.570 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:41.570 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:42.070 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:42.070 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:42.070 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:42.570 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:42.570 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:42.570 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:43.070 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:43.071 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:43.071 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:43.571 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:43.571 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:43.571 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:43.738 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:34:43.738 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:34:44.071 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:44.071 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:44.071 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:44.572 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:44.572 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:44.572 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:45.072 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:45.072 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:45.072 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:45.572 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:45.572 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:45.572 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:46.073 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:46.073 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:46.073 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:46.573 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:46.573 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:46.573 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:47.073 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:47.073 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:47.073 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:47.574 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:47.574 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:47.574 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:48.074 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:48.074 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:48.074 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:48.574 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:48.574 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:48.574 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:49.074 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:49.075 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:49.075 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:49.575 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:49.575 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:49.575 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:50.075 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:50.075 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:50.075 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:50.576 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:50.576 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:50.576 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:50.601 2652 3895 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:34:51.076 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:51.076 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:51.076 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:51.576 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:51.576 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:51.576 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:52.077 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:52.077 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:52.077 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:52.577 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:52.577 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:52.577 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:53.077 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:53.077 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:53.077 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:53.578 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:53.578 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:53.578 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:54.078 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:54.078 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:54.078 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:54.578 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:54.578 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:54.578 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:55.079 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:55.079 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:55.079 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:55.579 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:55.579 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:55.579 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:56.079 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:56.080 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:56.080 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:56.580 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:56.580 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:56.580 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:57.080 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:57.080 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:57.080 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:57.581 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:57.581 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:57.581 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:58.081 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:58.081 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:58.081 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:58.581 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:58.581 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:58.581 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:59.082 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:59.082 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:59.082 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:34:59.582 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:34:59.582 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:34:59.582 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:00.082 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:00.082 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:00.082 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:00.582 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:00.583 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:00.583 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:01.083 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:01.083 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:01.083 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:01.583 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:01.583 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:01.583 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:02.084 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:02.084 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:02.084 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:02.584 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:02.584 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:02.584 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:03.084 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:03.084 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:03.084 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:03.585 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:03.585 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:03.585 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:04.085 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:04.085 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:04.085 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:04.585 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:04.585 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:04.585 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:05.086 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:05.086 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:05.086 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:05.586 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:05.586 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:05.586 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:06.086 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:06.086 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:06.086 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:06.280 14528 28062 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:35:06.280 14528 28062 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:35:06.281 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:35:06.281 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:35:06.281 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:35:06.281 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:35:06.281 14528 28020 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:35:06.281 14528 28020 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8bc130: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 28048 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b4570: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b4990: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 28048 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b4990: Content-Type=
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b4570: Content-Type=
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b4990: (no
response body)
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b4570: (no
response body)
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8bc130: Content-Type=
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8bc130: (no
response body)
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b3650: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b3650: Content-Type=
05-14 02:35:06.282 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b3650: (no
response body)
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8802d0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8802d0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8802d0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:35:06.283 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:35:06.284 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:35:06.587 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:06.587 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:06.587 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:07.087 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:07.087 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:07.087 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:07.587 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:07.587 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:07.587 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:08.088 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:08.088 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:08.088 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:08.588 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:08.588 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:08.588 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:09.088 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:09.088 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:09.088 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:09.589 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:09.589 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:09.589 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:10.089 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:10.089 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:10.089 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:10.589 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:10.589 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:10.589 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:11.090 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:11.090 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:11.090 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:11.590 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:11.590 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:11.590 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:12.090 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:12.090 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:12.090 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:12.412 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:35:12.591 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:12.591 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:12.591 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:13.091 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:13.091 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:13.091 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:13.591 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:13.591 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:13.591 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:13.745 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:35:13.746 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:35:14.092 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:14.092 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:14.092 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:14.592 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:14.592 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:14.592 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:15.092 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:15.092 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:15.092 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:15.593 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:15.593 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:15.593 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:16.093 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:16.093 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:16.093 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:16.593 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:16.593 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:16.593 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:17.094 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:17.094 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:17.094 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:17.594 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:17.594 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:17.594 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:18.094 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:18.094 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:18.094 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:18.595 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:18.595 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:18.595 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:19.095 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:19.095 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:19.095 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:19.595 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:19.596 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:19.596 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:20.096 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:20.096 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:20.096 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:20.596 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:20.596 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:20.596 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:21.096 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:21.097 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:21.097 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:21.597 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:21.597 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:21.597 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:22.015 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e23a094
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:35:22.018 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:35:22.018 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:35:22.018 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 322,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:35:22.019 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:35:22.097 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:22.097 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:22.097 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:22.598 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:22.598 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:22.598 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:23.098 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:23.098 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:23.098 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:23.598 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:23.598 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:23.598 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:24.099 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:24.099 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:24.099 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:24.599 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:24.599 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:24.599 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:25.099 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:25.099 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:25.099 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:25.600 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:25.600 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:25.600 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:26.100 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:26.100 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:26.100 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:26.600 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:26.600 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:26.600 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:27.025 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39746710 win=225000 tElapsed=39746710 maxElapsed=39971710 interval=0
05-14 02:35:27.026 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:35:27.027 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:35:27.027 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:35:27.027 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:35:27.101 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:27.101 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:27.101 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:27.601 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:27.601 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:27.601 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:28.101 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:28.102 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:28.102 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:28.602 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:28.602 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:28.602 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:29.102 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:29.102 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:29.102 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:29.603 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:29.603 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:29.603 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:30.103 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:30.103 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:30.103 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:30.603 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:30.603 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:30.603 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:31.104 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:31.104 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:31.104 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:31.604 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:31.604 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:31.604 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:32.070 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:35:32.104 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:32.104 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:32.104 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:32.605 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:32.605 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:32.605 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:33.105 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:33.105 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:33.105 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:33.605 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:33.605 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:33.605 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:34.106 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:34.106 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:34.106 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:34.606 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:34.606 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:34.606 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:35.106 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:35.106 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:35.106 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:35.607 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:35.607 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:35.607 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:36.107 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:36.107 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:36.107 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:36.607 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:36.607 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:36.608 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:37.108 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:37.108 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:37.108 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:37.608 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:37.608 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:37.608 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:38.108 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:38.109 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:38.109 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:38.609 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:38.609 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:38.609 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:39.109 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:39.109 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:39.109 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:39.610 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:39.610 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:39.610 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:40.110 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:40.110 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:40.110 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:40.610 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:40.610 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:40.610 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:41.111 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:41.111 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:41.111 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:41.611 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:41.611 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:41.611 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:42.111 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:42.111 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:42.111 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:42.612 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:42.612 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:42.612 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:43.112 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:43.112 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:43.112 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:43.612 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:43.612 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:43.612 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:43.752 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:35:43.753 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:35:44.113 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:44.113 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:44.113 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:44.613 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:44.613 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:44.613 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:45.113 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:45.113 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:45.113 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:45.614 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:45.614 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:45.614 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:46.114 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:46.114 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:46.114 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:46.614 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:46.614 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:46.615 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:47.115 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:47.115 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:47.115 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:47.615 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:47.615 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:47.615 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:48.115 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:48.116 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:48.116 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:48.616 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:48.616 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:48.616 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:49.116 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:49.116 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:49.116 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:49.616 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:49.617 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:49.617 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:50.117 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:50.117 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:50.117 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:50.600 2652 3895 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:35:50.617 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:50.617 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:50.617 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:51.117 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:51.118 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:51.118 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:51.618 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:51.618 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:51.618 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:52.118 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:52.118 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:52.118 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:52.619 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:52.619 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:52.619 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:53.119 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:53.119 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:53.119 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:53.619 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:53.619 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:53.619 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:54.120 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:54.120 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:54.120 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:54.620 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:54.620 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:54.620 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:55.120 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:55.120 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:55.120 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:55.621 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:55.621 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:55.621 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:56.121 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:56.121 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:56.121 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:56.571 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(30): Preparing logs for
05-14 02:35:56.573 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(191): Connecting to
server for timestamp:
05-14 02:35:56.578 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(221): Failed to connect
to server for server timestamp: Unable to resolve
host "": No address associated with hostname
05-14 02:35:56.583 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(256): Connecting to
05-14 02:35:56.585 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(357): Failed to connect
to server for log upload.
05-14 02:35:56.621 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:56.621 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:56.621 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:57.122 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:57.122 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:57.122 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:57.622 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:57.622 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:57.622 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:58.122 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:58.122 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:58.122 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:58.623 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:58.623 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:58.623 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:59.123 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:59.123 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:59.123 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:35:59.623 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:35:59.623 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:35:59.624 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:00.124 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:00.124 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:00.124 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:00.624 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:00.624 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:00.624 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:01.124 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:01.124 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:01.124 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:01.625 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:01.625 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:01.625 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:02.125 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:02.125 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:02.125 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:02.625 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:02.625 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:02.626 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:03.126 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:03.126 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:03.126 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:03.626 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:03.626 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:03.626 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:04.126 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:04.126 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:04.127 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:04.627 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:04.627 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:04.627 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:05.127 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:05.127 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:05.127 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:05.627 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:05.628 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:05.628 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:06.128 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:06.128 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:06.128 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:06.628 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:06.628 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:06.628 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:07.128 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:07.129 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:07.129 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:07.629 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:07.629 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:07.629 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:08.129 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:08.129 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:08.129 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:08.629 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:08.629 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:08.630 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:09.130 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:09.130 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:09.130 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:09.630 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:09.630 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:09.630 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:10.130 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:10.130 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:10.131 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:10.141 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6108724
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:36:10.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:36:10.145 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:36:10.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 321,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:36:10.145 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:36:10.631 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:10.631 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:10.631 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:11.131 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:11.131 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:11.131 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:11.631 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:11.632 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:11.632 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:12.132 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:12.132 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:12.132 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:12.415 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:36:12.632 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:12.632 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:12.632 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:13.133 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:13.133 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:13.133 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:13.633 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:13.633 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:13.633 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:13.760 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:36:13.760 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:36:14.133 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:14.133 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:14.133 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:14.634 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:14.634 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:14.634 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:15.134 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:15.134 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:15.134 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:15.150 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39794835 win=225000 tElapsed=39794835 maxElapsed=40019835 interval=0
05-14 02:36:15.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:36:15.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:36:15.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:36:15.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39605.466000000, type=3
05-14 02:36:15.634 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:15.634 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:15.634 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:16.135 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:16.135 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:16.135 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:16.635 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:16.635 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:16.635 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:17.135 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:17.135 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:17.135 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:17.636 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:17.636 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:17.636 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:18.136 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:18.136 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:18.136 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:18.636 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:18.636 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:18.636 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:19.137 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:19.137 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:19.137 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:19.637 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:19.637 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:19.637 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:20.137 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:20.137 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:20.137 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:20.196 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:36:20.638 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:20.638 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:20.638 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:21.138 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:21.138 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:21.138 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:21.638 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:21.638 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:21.639 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:22.139 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:22.139 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:22.139 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:22.639 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:22.639 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:22.639 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:23.139 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:23.140 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:23.140 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:23.640 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:23.640 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:23.640 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:24.140 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:24.140 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:24.140 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:24.640 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:24.641 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:24.641 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:25.141 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:25.141 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:25.141 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:25.641 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:25.641 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:25.641 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:26.141 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:26.142 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:26.142 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:26.642 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:26.642 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:26.642 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:27.142 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:27.142 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:27.142 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:27.149 1454 2442 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated:
2406:7400:9d:5521:2ba4:5534:7607:984/64 on ifindex 29 flags 0x00000920 scope 0
05-14 02:36:27.149 1454 2442 D IpClient/wlan0: addressUpdated:
2406:7400:9d:5521:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f/64 on ifindex 29 flags 0x00000021 scope 0
05-14 02:36:27.642 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:27.643 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:27.643 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:28.143 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:28.143 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:28.143 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:28.643 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:28.643 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:28.643 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:29.143 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:29.144 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:29.144 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:29.644 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:29.644 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:29.644 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:30.144 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:30.144 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:30.144 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:30.645 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:30.645 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:30.645 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:31.145 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:31.145 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:31.145 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:31.645 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:31.645 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:31.645 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:32.146 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:32.146 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:32.146 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:32.646 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:32.646 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:32.646 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:33.146 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:33.146 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:33.146 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:33.647 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:33.647 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:33.647 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:34.147 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:34.147 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:34.147 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:34.647 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:34.647 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:34.648 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:35.148 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:35.148 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:35.148 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:35.648 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:35.648 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:35.648 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:36.149 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:36.149 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:36.150 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:36.298 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:36:36.298 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:36:36.298 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:36:36.298 14528 28081 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:36:36.298 14528 28081 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:36:36.298 14528 28080 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:36:36.298 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8ad610: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:36:36.299 14528 28080 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:36:36.299 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8ad610: Content-Type=
05-14 02:36:36.299 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8ad610: (no
response body)
05-14 02:36:36.299 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:36:36.299 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8c4110: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:36:36.300 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8c4110: Content-Type=
05-14 02:36:36.300 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8c4110: (no
response body)
05-14 02:36:36.300 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:36:36.300 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:36:36.300 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:36:36.300 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:36:36.301 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87aef0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:36:36.301 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87aef0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:36:36.301 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87aef0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:36:36.302 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b5750: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:36:36.302 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b5750: Content-Type=
05-14 02:36:36.302 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b5750: (no
response body)
05-14 02:36:36.302 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:36:36.303 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:36:36.304 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:36:36.304 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:36:36.306 14528 28080 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:36:36.306 14528 28080 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:36:36.307 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e86e0b0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:36:36.307 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e86e0b0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:36:36.307 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e86e0b0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:36:36.307 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:36:36.308 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:36:36.650 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:36.650 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:36.650 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:37.150 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:37.150 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:37.150 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:37.650 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:37.651 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:37.651 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:38.151 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:38.151 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:38.151 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:38.651 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:38.651 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:38.651 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:39.152 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:39.152 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:39.152 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:39.652 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:39.652 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:39.652 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:40.152 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:40.152 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:40.152 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:40.653 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:40.653 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:40.653 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:41.153 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:41.153 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:41.153 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:41.653 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:41.653 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:41.653 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:42.154 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:42.154 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:42.154 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:42.654 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:42.654 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:42.654 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:43.154 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:43.154 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:43.154 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:43.655 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:43.655 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:43.655 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:43.767 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:36:43.767 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:36:44.155 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:44.155 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:44.155 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:44.655 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:44.655 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:44.655 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:45.156 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:45.156 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:45.156 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:45.656 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:45.656 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:45.656 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:46.156 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:46.156 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:46.156 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:46.657 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:46.657 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:46.657 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:47.157 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:47.157 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:47.157 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:47.657 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:47.657 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:47.657 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:48.158 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:48.158 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:48.158 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:48.658 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:48.658 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:48.658 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:49.158 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:49.158 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:49.159 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:49.659 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:49.659 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:49.659 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:50.159 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:50.159 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:50.159 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:36:50.659 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:50.660 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:50.660 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:51.160 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:51.160 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:51.160 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:51.660 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:51.660 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:51.660 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:52.160 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:52.161 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:52.161 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:52.661 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:52.661 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:52.661 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:53.161 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:53.161 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:53.161 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:53.661 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:53.662 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:53.662 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:54.162 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:54.162 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:54.162 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:54.662 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:54.662 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:54.662 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:55.162 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:55.163 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:55.163 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:55.663 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:55.663 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:55.663 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:56.163 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:56.163 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:56.163 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:56.663 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:56.663 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:56.664 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:57.164 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:57.164 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:57.164 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:57.664 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:57.664 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:57.664 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:58.164 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:58.164 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:58.165 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:58.665 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:58.665 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:58.665 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:59.165 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:59.165 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:59.165 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:36:59.665 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:36:59.665 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:36:59.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:00.166 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:00.166 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:00.166 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:00.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:00.666 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:00.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:01.166 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:01.166 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:01.166 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:01.667 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:01.667 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:01.667 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:02.167 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:02.167 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:02.167 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:02.667 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:02.667 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:02.668 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:03.168 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:03.168 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:03.168 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:03.668 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:03.668 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:03.668 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:04.168 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:04.169 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:04.169 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:04.669 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:04.669 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:04.669 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:05.169 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:05.169 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:05.169 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:05.669 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:05.670 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:05.670 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:06.170 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:06.170 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:06.170 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:06.670 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:06.670 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:06.670 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:07.170 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:07.170 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:07.171 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:07.671 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:07.671 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:07.671 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:08.171 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:08.171 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:08.171 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:08.672 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:08.672 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:08.672 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:09.172 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:09.172 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:09.172 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:09.672 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:09.672 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:09.672 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:10.173 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:10.173 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:10.173 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:10.673 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:10.673 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:10.673 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:11.173 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:11.173 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:11.173 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:11.674 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:11.674 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:11.674 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:12.174 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:12.174 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:12.174 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:12.418 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:37:12.674 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:12.674 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:12.674 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:13.175 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:13.175 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:13.175 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:13.675 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:13.675 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:13.675 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:13.774 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:37:13.774 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:37:14.175 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:14.175 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:14.175 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:14.676 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:14.676 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:14.676 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:15.176 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:15.176 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:15.176 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:15.676 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:15.676 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:15.676 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:16.177 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:16.177 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:16.177 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:16.677 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:16.677 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:16.677 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:17.177 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:17.177 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:17.177 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:17.678 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:17.678 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:17.678 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:18.178 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:18.178 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:18.178 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:18.678 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:18.678 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:18.678 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:19.179 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:19.179 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:19.179 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:19.679 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:19.679 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:19.679 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:20.179 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:20.179 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:20.179 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:20.680 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:20.680 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:20.680 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:21.180 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:21.180 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:21.180 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:21.680 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:21.680 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:21.680 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:22.180 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:22.181 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:22.181 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:22.681 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:22.681 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:22.681 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:23.181 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:23.181 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:23.181 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:23.681 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:23.681 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:23.682 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:24.182 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:24.182 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:24.182 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:24.682 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:24.682 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:24.682 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:25.182 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:25.183 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:25.183 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:25.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:25.683 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:25.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:26.183 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:26.183 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:26.183 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:26.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:26.684 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:26.684 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:27.184 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:27.184 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:27.184 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:27.684 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:27.684 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:27.684 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:28.184 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:28.185 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:28.185 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:28.685 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:28.685 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:28.685 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:29.185 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:29.185 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:29.185 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:29.685 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:29.685 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:29.686 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:30.186 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:30.186 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:30.186 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:30.686 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:30.686 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:30.686 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:31.186 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:31.186 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:31.187 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:31.687 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:31.687 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:31.687 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:32.187 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:32.187 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:32.187 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:32.687 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:32.687 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:32.688 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:33.188 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:33.188 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:33.188 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:33.688 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:33.688 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:33.688 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:34.188 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:34.188 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:34.189 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:34.689 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:34.689 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:34.689 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:35.189 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:35.189 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:35.189 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:35.689 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:35.689 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:35.689 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:36.190 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:36.190 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:36.190 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:36.690 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:36.690 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:36.690 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:37.190 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:37.190 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:37.190 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:37.691 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:37.691 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:37.691 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:38.191 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:38.191 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:38.191 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:38.691 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:38.691 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:38.691 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:39.192 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:39.192 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:39.192 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:39.692 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:39.692 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:39.692 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:40.192 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:40.192 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:40.192 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:40.693 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:40.693 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:40.693 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:41.193 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:41.193 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:41.193 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:41.693 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:41.693 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:41.693 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:42.194 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:42.194 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:42.194 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:42.694 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:42.694 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:42.694 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:43.194 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:43.194 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:43.195 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:43.695 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:43.695 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:43.695 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:43.781 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:37:43.781 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:37:44.195 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:44.195 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:44.195 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:44.695 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:44.696 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:44.696 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:45.196 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:45.196 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:45.196 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:45.696 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:45.696 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:45.696 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:46.196 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:46.196 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:46.196 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:46.697 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:46.697 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:46.697 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:47.197 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:47.197 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:47.197 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:47.697 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:47.697 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:47.697 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:48.198 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:48.198 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:48.198 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:48.698 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:48.698 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:48.698 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:49.198 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:49.199 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:49.199 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:49.699 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:49.699 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:49.699 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:50.199 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:50.199 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:50.199 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:50.601 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:37:50.699 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:50.700 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:50.700 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:51.200 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:51.200 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:51.200 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:51.700 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:51.700 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:51.700 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:52.200 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:52.200 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:52.201 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:52.701 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:52.701 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:52.701 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:53.201 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:53.201 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:53.201 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:53.701 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:53.701 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:53.701 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:54.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:54.202 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:54.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:54.702 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:54.702 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:54.702 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:55.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:55.202 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:55.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:55.703 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:55.703 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:55.703 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:56.203 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:56.203 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:56.203 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:56.703 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:56.703 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:56.704 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:57.204 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:57.204 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:57.204 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:57.704 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:57.704 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:57.704 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:58.204 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:58.205 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:58.205 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:58.705 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:58.705 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:58.705 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:59.205 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:59.205 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:59.205 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:37:59.705 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:37:59.706 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:37:59.706 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:00.206 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:00.206 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:00.206 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:00.706 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:00.706 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:00.706 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:01.206 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:01.206 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:01.207 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:01.707 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:01.707 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:01.707 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:02.207 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:02.207 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:02.207 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:02.707 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:02.708 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:02.708 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:03.208 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:03.208 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:03.208 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:03.708 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:03.708 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:03.708 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:04.208 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:04.208 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:04.208 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:04.709 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:04.709 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:04.709 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:05.209 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:05.209 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:05.209 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:05.709 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:05.709 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:05.709 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:05.781 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715634485781, elapsedRealtime=39605466
05-14 02:38:05.781 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:38:05.781 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:38:06.210 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:06.210 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:06.210 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:06.315 14528 28081 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:38:06.315 14528 28081 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:38:06.315 14528 28077 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:38:06.315 14528 28077 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:38:06.316 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:38:06.316 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:38:06.317 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b4db0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:38:06.317 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b4db0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:38:06.317 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b4db0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:38:06.317 14528 28080 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:38:06.317 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:38:06.317 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:38:06.318 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:38:06.318 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:38:06.318 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e86e0b0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:38:06.318 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e86e0b0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:38:06.318 14528 28080 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:38:06.318 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e86e0b0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:38:06.319 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:38:06.319 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8ae110: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:38:06.319 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8ade50: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8ade50: Content-Type=
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8ade50: (no
response body)
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e879210: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e879210: Content-Type=
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e879210: (no
response body)
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8ae110: Content-Type=
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8ae110: (no
response body)
05-14 02:38:06.320 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:38:06.321 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:38:06.710 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:06.710 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:06.710 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:07.210 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:07.210 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:07.210 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:07.711 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:07.711 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:07.711 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:08.211 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:08.211 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:08.211 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:08.711 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:08.711 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:08.711 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:09.212 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:09.212 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:09.212 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:09.562 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 1
05-14 02:38:09.562 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read: wake lock bEnable = 1!
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket start read 1044 size 1024
grp 70 sub 0
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=0,start=350720,
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size
1024 grp 70 sub 1
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=0,start=351704,
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.563 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.564 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.564 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.564 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size
1024 grp 70 sub 2
05-14 02:38:09.564 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=0,start=352728,
05-14 02:38:09.564 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.564 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.565 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.565 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.565 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size
1024 grp 70 sub 3
05-14 02:38:09.565 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=0,start=353752,
05-14 02:38:09.565 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.565 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.566 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.566 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.566 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size 572
grp 70 sub 4
05-14 02:38:09.566 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=0,start=354776,
05-14 02:38:09.566 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.566 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : sync _syncGetTail success
05-14 02:38:09.566 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : backupData
05-14 02:38:09.566 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : saveToDisk
05-14 02:38:09.566 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : has dirty data,do write
05-14 02:38:09.566 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : partId1:checksum_64=1
05-14 02:38:09.581 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : write backup header
05-14 02:38:09.583 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : partId1:backup image write finished 1!
05-14 02:38:09.584 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : write origin header
05-14 02:38:09.586 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : partId1:origin image write finished 1!
05-14 02:38:09.586 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _syncReset: wake lock bEnable = 0!
05-14 02:38:09.586 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : release wake lock
05-14 02:38:09.586 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.587 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 1
05-14 02:38:09.587 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read: wake lock bEnable = 1!
05-14 02:38:09.587 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.587 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket start read 1044 size 40 grp
71 sub 0
05-14 02:38:09.587 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : sync _syncGetTail success
05-14 02:38:09.587 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : backupData
05-14 02:38:09.587 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : saveToDisk
05-14 02:38:09.587 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _syncReset: wake lock bEnable = 0!
05-14 02:38:09.587 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : release wake lock
05-14 02:38:09.587 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.588 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 1
05-14 02:38:09.588 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read: wake lock bEnable = 1!
05-14 02:38:09.588 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.588 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket start read 1044 size 1024
grp 72 sub 0
05-14 02:38:09.588 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=34304,
05-14 02:38:09.588 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.588 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=41472,
05-14 02:38:09.588 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.588 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.589 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.589 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.589 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size
1024 grp 72 sub 1
05-14 02:38:09.589 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=41924,
05-14 02:38:09.589 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.589 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=98816,
05-14 02:38:09.589 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.589 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=105984,
05-14 02:38:09.589 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.589 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size
1024 grp 72 sub 2
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=106396,
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=293888,
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=480768,
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size
1024 grp 72 sub 3
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=481140,
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.590 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.591 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.591 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.591 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size
1024 grp 72 sub 4
05-14 02:38:09.591 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=482164,
05-14 02:38:09.591 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.591 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.592 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.592 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.592 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size
1024 grp 72 sub 5
05-14 02:38:09.592 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=483188,
05-14 02:38:09.592 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.592 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.593 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.593 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.593 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size
1024 grp 72 sub 6
05-14 02:38:09.593 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=484212,
05-14 02:38:09.593 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.593 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.593 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 0
05-14 02:38:09.594 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.594 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket continue read 1044 size 160
grp 72 sub 7
05-14 02:38:09.594 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : writeData:id=1,start=485236,
05-14 02:38:09.594 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : memcpy packet buf to fromChannel
05-14 02:38:09.594 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : sync _syncGetTail success
05-14 02:38:09.594 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : backupData
05-14 02:38:09.594 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : saveToDisk
05-14 02:38:09.594 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : has dirty data,do write
05-14 02:38:09.594 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : partId2:checksum_64=1
05-14 02:38:09.596 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : write backup header
05-14 02:38:09.604 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : partId2:backup image write finished 1!
05-14 02:38:09.605 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : write origin header
05-14 02:38:09.613 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : partId2:origin image write finished 1!
05-14 02:38:09.613 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _syncReset: wake lock bEnable = 0!
05-14 02:38:09.613 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : release wake lock
05-14 02:38:09.613 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.614 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 1
05-14 02:38:09.614 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read: wake lock bEnable = 1!
05-14 02:38:09.614 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:09.615 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket start read 1044 size 40 grp
73 sub 0
05-14 02:38:09.615 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : sync _syncGetTail success
05-14 02:38:09.615 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : backupData
05-14 02:38:09.615 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : saveToDisk
05-14 02:38:09.615 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _syncReset: wake lock bEnable = 0!
05-14 02:38:09.615 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : release wake lock
05-14 02:38:09.616 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:09.712 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:09.712 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:09.712 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:10.212 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:10.212 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:10.212 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:10.713 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:10.713 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:10.713 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:11.213 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:11.213 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:11.213 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:11.713 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:11.713 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:11.713 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:12.214 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:12.214 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:12.214 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:12.421 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:38:12.714 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:12.714 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:12.714 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:13.214 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:13.214 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:13.214 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:13.715 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:13.715 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:13.715 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:13.788 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:38:13.788 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:38:14.215 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:14.215 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:14.215 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:14.715 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:14.715 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:14.715 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:15.216 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:15.216 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:15.216 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:15.716 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:15.716 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:15.716 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:16.216 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:16.216 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:16.216 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:16.716 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:16.717 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:16.717 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:17.217 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:17.217 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:17.217 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:17.717 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:17.717 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:17.717 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:18.217 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:18.218 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:18.218 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:18.718 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:18.718 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:18.718 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:19.218 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:19.218 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:19.218 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:19.387 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : get wake_lock 1
05-14 02:38:19.387 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read: wake lock bEnable = 1!
05-14 02:38:19.387 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : channel_read success
05-14 02:38:19.387 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket start read 1044 size 40 grp
74 sub 0
05-14 02:38:19.387 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : sync _syncGetTail success
05-14 02:38:19.387 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : backupData
05-14 02:38:19.387 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : saveToDisk
05-14 02:38:19.387 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _syncReset: wake lock bEnable = 0!
05-14 02:38:19.387 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : release wake lock
05-14 02:38:19.387 1075 1075 D NVITEM : : _getPacket
05-14 02:38:19.718 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:19.718 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:19.719 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:20.219 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:20.219 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:20.219 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:20.719 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:20.719 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:20.719 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:21.219 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:21.219 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:21.219 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:21.720 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:21.720 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:21.720 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:22.220 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:22.220 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:22.220 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:22.720 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:22.720 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:22.720 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:23.221 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:23.221 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:23.221 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:23.721 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:23.721 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:23.721 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:24.221 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:24.221 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:24.221 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:24.722 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:24.722 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:24.722 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:25.222 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:25.222 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:25.222 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:25.722 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:25.722 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:25.722 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:26.222 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:26.223 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:26.223 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:26.723 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:26.723 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:26.723 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:27.223 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:27.223 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:27.223 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:27.723 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:27.723 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:27.723 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:28.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:28.224 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:28.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:28.724 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:28.724 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:28.724 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:29.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:29.224 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:29.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:29.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:29.725 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:29.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:30.225 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:30.225 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:30.225 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:30.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:30.725 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:30.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:31.225 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:31.226 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:31.226 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:31.726 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:31.726 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:31.726 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:32.226 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:32.226 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:32.226 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:32.726 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:32.727 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:32.727 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:33.227 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:33.227 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:33.227 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:33.727 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:33.727 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:33.727 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:34.227 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:34.228 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:34.228 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:34.728 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:34.728 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:34.728 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:35.228 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:35.228 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:35.228 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:35.728 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:35.729 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:35.729 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:36.229 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:36.229 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:36.229 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:36.729 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:36.729 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:36.729 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:37.229 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:37.230 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:37.230 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:37.730 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:37.730 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:37.730 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:38.230 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:38.230 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:38.230 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:38.730 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:38.730 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:38.730 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:39.231 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:39.231 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:39.231 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:39.731 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:39.731 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:39.731 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:40.231 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:40.231 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:40.231 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:40.732 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:40.732 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:40.732 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:41.232 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:41.232 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:41.232 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:41.732 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:41.732 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:41.732 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:42.233 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:42.233 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:42.233 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:42.733 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:42.733 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:42.733 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:43.233 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:43.233 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:43.233 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:43.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:43.734 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:43.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:43.795 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:38:43.795 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:38:44.234 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:44.234 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:44.234 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:44.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:44.734 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:44.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:45.235 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:45.235 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:45.235 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:45.735 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:45.735 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:45.735 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:46.235 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:46.236 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:46.236 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:46.736 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:46.736 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:46.736 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:47.236 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:47.236 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:47.236 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:47.736 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:47.736 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:47.737 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:48.237 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:48.237 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:48.237 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:48.737 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:48.737 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:48.737 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:49.237 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:49.237 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:49.238 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:49.738 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:49.738 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:49.738 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:50.238 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:50.238 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:50.238 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:38:50.738 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:50.739 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:50.739 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:51.239 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:51.239 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:51.239 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:51.739 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:51.739 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:51.739 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:52.239 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:52.240 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:52.240 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:52.740 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:52.740 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:52.740 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:53.240 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:53.240 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:53.240 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:53.313 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 02:38:53.329 1097 3333 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo:
Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=39653012 mSleepTimeMs=0
22580605, 18152575, 41113138, 58186226, 82720339],mRxTimeMs=1782112885}]}
05-14 02:38:53.332 664 672 W statsd : Failed to enforce ttl: no such table:
05-14 02:38:53.332 664 672 W statsd : Failed to enforce ttl: no such table:
05-14 02:38:53.368 1097 1154 V BatteryExternalStatsWorker: WiFi energy data was
reset, new WiFi energy data is
WifiActivityEnergyInfo{ mTimeSinceBootMillis=39653012 mStackState=3
mControllerTxDurationMillis=0 mControllerRxDurationMillis=0
mControllerScanDurationMillis=0 mControllerIdleDurationMillis=0
mControllerEnergyUsedMicroJoules=0 }
05-14 02:38:53.740 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:53.741 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:53.741 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:54.241 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:54.241 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:54.241 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:54.741 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:54.741 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:54.741 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:55.241 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:55.242 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:55.242 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:55.742 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:55.742 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:55.742 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:56.242 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:56.242 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:56.242 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:56.743 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:56.743 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:56.743 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:57.243 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:57.243 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:57.243 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:57.743 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:57.743 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:57.743 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:58.244 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:58.244 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:58.244 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:58.744 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:58.744 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:58.744 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:59.244 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:59.244 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:59.244 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:38:59.745 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:38:59.745 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:38:59.745 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:00.245 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:00.245 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:00.245 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:00.745 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:00.745 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:00.745 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:01.246 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:01.246 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:01.246 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:01.746 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:01.746 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:01.746 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:02.246 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:02.246 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:02.246 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:02.747 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:02.747 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:02.747 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:03.247 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:03.247 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:03.247 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:03.747 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:03.747 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:03.747 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:04.248 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:04.248 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:04.248 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:04.748 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:04.748 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:04.748 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:05.248 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:05.248 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:05.248 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:05.749 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:05.749 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:05.749 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:06.249 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:06.249 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:06.249 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:06.749 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:06.749 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:06.749 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:07.250 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:07.250 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:07.250 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:07.750 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:07.750 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:07.750 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:08.250 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:08.250 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:08.250 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:08.751 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:08.751 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:08.751 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:09.251 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:09.251 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:09.251 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:09.751 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:09.752 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:09.752 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:10.252 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:10.252 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:10.252 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:10.752 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:10.752 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:10.752 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:11.252 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:11.253 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:11.253 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:11.753 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:11.753 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:11.753 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:12.253 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:12.253 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:12.253 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:12.423 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:39:12.754 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:12.754 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:12.754 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:13.254 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:13.254 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:13.254 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:13.754 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:13.754 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:13.754 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:13.802 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:39:13.802 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:39:14.255 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:14.255 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:14.255 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:14.755 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:14.755 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:14.755 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:15.255 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:15.255 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:15.255 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:15.725 1097 1214 I UsageStatsService: User[0] Flushing usage stats to
05-14 02:39:15.755 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:15.756 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:15.756 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:15.798 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:39:15.798 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:39:15.798 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=39975483 win=225000 tElapsed=39975483 maxElapsed=40200483 interval=0
05-14 02:39:15.798 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:39:15.798 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:39:16.256 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:16.256 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:16.256 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:16.756 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:16.756 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:16.756 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:17.256 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:17.257 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:17.257 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:17.757 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:17.757 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:17.757 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:18.257 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:18.257 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:18.257 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:18.757 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:18.758 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:18.758 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:19.258 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:19.258 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:19.258 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:19.758 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:19.758 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:19.758 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:20.259 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:20.259 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:20.259 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:20.759 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:20.759 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:20.759 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:21.259 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:21.259 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:21.259 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:21.759 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:21.760 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:21.760 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:22.260 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:22.260 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:22.260 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:22.760 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:22.760 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:22.760 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:23.260 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:23.261 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:23.261 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:23.761 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:23.761 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:23.761 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:24.261 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:24.261 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:24.261 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:24.762 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:24.762 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:24.762 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:25.262 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:25.262 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:25.262 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:25.762 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:25.762 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:25.762 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:26.262 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:26.263 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:26.263 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:26.763 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:26.763 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:26.763 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:27.263 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:27.263 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:27.263 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:27.501 1454 2442 D IpClient/wlan0: addressRemoved:
2406:7400:9d:5521:2ba4:5534:7607:984/64 on ifindex 29 flags 0x00000920 scope 0
05-14 02:39:27.502 1454 2442 D IpClient/wlan0: addressRemoved:
2406:7400:9d:5521:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f/64 on ifindex 29 flags 0x00000021 scope 0
05-14 02:39:27.504 665 732 E Netd : NetlinkHandler destroysockets for
interface: wlan0, address:******
05-14 02:39:27.509 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 02:39:27.509 665 732 E Netd : NetlinkHandler destroysockets for
interface: wlan0, address:******
05-14 02:39:27.513 1497 2400 D [N3AM]PhoneStateMonitor: onLinkPropertiesChanged
network: 108
05-14 02:39:27.514 1497 2400 I [N3AM]PhoneStateMonitor: New wifi link properties
is updated.
05-14 02:39:27.516 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi onLinkPropertiesChanged
network: 108
05-14 02:39:27.517 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi onLinkPropertiesChanged
to get roaming ip
05-14 02:39:27.517 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming ipv4Address
05-14 02:39:27.517 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming
05-14 02:39:27.517 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming
05-14 02:39:27.517 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:39:27.517 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:39:27.517 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add>
p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:39:27.518 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:39:27.518 1497 1522 D [N3AM]PhoneStateMonitor: onWifiIPStateChange,
isWifiConnected:true isWifiIPAvailable:true mIsPendingNotifyWifiState:false
05-14 02:39:27.518 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:39:27.519 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:39:27.519 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add
2406:7400:9d:b0a7:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f-0->::-0 p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:39:27.519 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:39:27.519 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:39:27.520 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:39:27.520 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add
2406:7400:9d:b0a7:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f-0->::-0 p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:39:27.520 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:39:27.521 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:39:27.521 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:39:27.521 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:39:27.764 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:27.764 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:27.764 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:28.264 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:28.264 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:28.264 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:28.764 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:28.764 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:28.764 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:29.265 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:29.265 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:29.265 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:29.765 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:29.765 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:29.765 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:30.265 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:30.265 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:30.266 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:30.766 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:30.766 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:30.766 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:31.266 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:31.266 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:31.266 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:31.766 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:31.766 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:31.766 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:32.267 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:32.267 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:32.267 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:32.767 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:32.767 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:32.767 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:33.267 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:33.267 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:33.267 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:33.768 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:33.768 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:33.768 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:34.268 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:34.268 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:34.268 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:34.768 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:34.768 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:34.768 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:35.269 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:35.269 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:35.269 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:35.769 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:35.769 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:35.769 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:36.269 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:36.269 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:36.269 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:36.335 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:39:36.335 14528 28007 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:39:36.335 14528 28090 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:39:36.335 14528 28090 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:39:36.336 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e872f10: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:39:36.336 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e872f10: Content-Type=
05-14 02:39:36.336 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e872f10: (no
response body)
05-14 02:39:36.336 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:39:36.336 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:39:36.337 14528 28080 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:39:36.337 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e879fd0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:39:36.337 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e879fd0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:39:36.337 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e879fd0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:39:36.338 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:39:36.338 14528 28091 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:39:36.338 14528 28091 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:39:36.338 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:39:36.338 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87cbd0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:39:36.338 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87e1d0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:39:36.338 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87cbd0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:39:36.339 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:39:36.339 14528 28080 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:39:36.339 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87e1d0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:39:36.339 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87e1d0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:39:36.339 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:39:36.339 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87cbd0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:39:36.339 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:39:36.339 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a4b30: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:39:36.339 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a4b30: Content-Type=
05-14 02:39:36.339 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a4b30: (no
response body)
05-14 02:39:36.340 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:39:36.340 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:39:36.340 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:39:36.340 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:39:36.340 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:39:36.770 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:36.770 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:36.770 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:37.270 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:37.270 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:37.270 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:37.770 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:37.770 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:37.770 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:38.270 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:38.271 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:38.271 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:38.771 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:38.771 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:38.771 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:39.271 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:39.271 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:39.271 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:39.772 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:39.772 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:39.772 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:40.272 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:40.272 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:40.272 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:40.772 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:40.772 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:40.772 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:41.273 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:41.273 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:41.273 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:41.773 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:41.773 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:41.773 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:42.273 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:42.273 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:42.273 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:42.774 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:42.774 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:42.774 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:43.274 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:43.274 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:43.274 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:43.774 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:43.774 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:43.774 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:43.809 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:39:43.810 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:39:44.275 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:44.275 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:44.275 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:44.775 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:44.775 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:44.775 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:45.275 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:45.275 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:45.275 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:45.776 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:45.776 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:45.776 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:46.276 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:46.276 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:46.276 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:46.776 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:46.776 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:46.776 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:46.794 1097 3932 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 27915 for 7
05-14 02:39:46.796 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:46.797 1097 3932 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{ede1f85 BFgs #86219} whose
proc state 4 is better than process ProcessState{4900395} proc
state 13 (1 skipped)
05-14 02:39:46.803 27915 27915 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl: Starting
05-14 02:39:46.803 27915 27975 I BugleRcsEngine: delay time out, reset attempts 1
and process SIM event [CONTEXT thread_id=255 ]
05-14 02:39:46.809 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:46.812 27915 27975 W BugleRcsEngine: process intent:
android.intent.action.SIM_STATE_CHANGED [CONTEXT log_prefix="(Sim)" thread_id=255 ]
05-14 02:39:46.817 27915 27915 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl:
05-14 02:39:46.818 27915 28102 I BugleDataModel: ExecuteActionRunnable: running
action CountryCodeDetectorAction
05-14 02:39:46.818 27915 27915 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl:
05-14 02:39:46.819 27915 28102 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl:
05-14 02:39:46.819 2668 28100 I BugleRcsEngine: Using config server URL from cgmz
[CONTEXT log_prefix="ProvisioningServerUtil" thread_id=98 ]
05-14 02:39:46.820 27915 28102 I BugleDataModel: ExecuteActionRunnable: running
action SelfParticipantsRefreshAction
05-14 02:39:46.821 27915 28102 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl:
05-14 02:39:46.823 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:46.824 27915 27975 I BugleRcsEngine: Processing an intent [CONTEXT
log_prefix="(Sim)" thread_id=255 ]
05-14 02:39:46.825 27915 27975 I BugleRcsEngine: Ignoring duplicate SIM state:
LOADED [CONTEXT log_prefix="(Sim)" thread_id=255 ]
05-14 02:39:46.828 27915 28101 I Bugle : CountryCodeDetector:
updateSmsNetworkCountry from default subscription network country. detected
country: in
05-14 02:39:46.828 27915 28101 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl:
05-14 02:39:46.833 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:46.837 27915 28101 I BugleDataModel: ParticipantRefresh:
ContactContentObserver created
05-14 02:39:46.847 27915 28101 I BugleDataModel: ParticipantFullRefresh: Start
participant refresh. refreshMode: SELF_ONLY
05-14 02:39:46.857 27915 28101 I BugleDataModel:
05-14 02:39:46.886 27915 28101 I Bugle : getRawTelephonyPhoneNumber redacted-
pii[0-chars] [CONTEXT sub_id=1 ]
05-14 02:39:46.898 27915 28101 I Bugle : getRawTelephonyPhoneNumber redacted-
pii[0-chars] [CONTEXT sub_id=1 ]
05-14 02:39:46.905 27915 28101 W BugleDataModel: SubscriptionsTracker: Failed to
update self participants' subscription info for, subId: -1, updateCount: 0
05-14 02:39:46.916 27915 28101 I Bugle : getRawTelephonyPhoneNumber redacted-
pii[0-chars] [CONTEXT sub_id=1 ]
05-14 02:39:46.924 27915 28101 I Bugle : getRawTelephonyPhoneNumber redacted-
pii[0-chars] [CONTEXT sub_id=1 ]
05-14 02:39:46.929 27915 28101 W BugleDataModel: SubscriptionsTracker: Failed to
update self participants' subscription info for, subId: 1, updateCount: 0
05-14 02:39:46.942 27915 28101 I BugleDataModel: SubscriptionsTracker
bindToTrackingMap bound participants: [ParticipantId=1 subId=-1, ParticipantId=2
subId=1, ParticipantId=112 subId=2]
05-14 02:39:46.952 27915 28101 I Bugle : getRawTelephonyPhoneNumber redacted-
pii[0-chars] [CONTEXT sub_id=1 ]
05-14 02:39:46.964 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:39:46.964 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:39:46.965 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40006649 win=225000 tElapsed=40006649 maxElapsed=40231649 interval=0
05-14 02:39:46.965 1097 3932 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:39:46.965 1097 3932 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{c0872b7 0:android.process.acore/u0a52}
05-14 02:39:46.965 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:39:46.966 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:39:46.966 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:39:46.966 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:46.966 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:46.967 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:39:46.967 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:39:46.969 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:2,
minute:21, seconds:54
05-14 02:39:46.969 1097 1324 D SSense.TimeUtil: getMillis() Current hour:2,
minute:39, seconds:46
05-14 02:39:46.976 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:bugle_datamodel_executor_wakelock from duration:162
05-14 02:39:46.976 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake lock:class
tion-SelfParticipantsRefreshAction:38738935012 from duration:145
05-14 02:39:46.977 668 668 D Zygote : Forked child process 28103
05-14 02:39:46.978 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
28103:android.process.acore/u0a52 for content provider
05-14 02:39:46.992 28103 28103 I d.process.acore: Using CollectorTypeCMC GC.
05-14 02:39:46.997 28103 28103 E d.process.acore: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-14 02:39:47.010 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:39:47.010 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10052; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:39:47.015 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:47.017 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:39:47.017 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:39:47.017 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40006702 win=225000 tElapsed=40006702 maxElapsed=40231702 interval=0
05-14 02:39:47.018 28103 28103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:47.018 28103 28103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 242716250; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:47.018 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:39:47.018 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:39:47.019 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:47.020 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:47.029 28103 28103 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other
apk /system_ext/framework/com.unisoc.sdk.common.jar. target_sdk_version=34,
05-14 02:39:47.030 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:bugle_datamodel_executor_wakelock from duration:216
05-14 02:39:47.030 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake lock:class
tion-SelfParticipantsRefreshAction:38738935012 from duration:199
05-14 02:39:47.031 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:39:47.031 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:39:47.031 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40006716 win=225000 tElapsed=40006716 maxElapsed=40231716 interval=0
05-14 02:39:47.032 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:39:47.032 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:39:47.032 28103 28103 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-5 for other
apk /system_ext/priv-app/SprdContactsProvider/SprdContactsProvider.apk.
target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=,
05-14 02:39:47.041 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:bugle_datamodel_executor_wakelock from duration:227
05-14 02:39:47.041 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake lock:class
tion-SelfParticipantsRefreshAction:38738935012 from duration:210
05-14 02:39:47.042 28103 28103 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for:
05-14 02:39:47.042 28103 28103 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:39:47.042 28103 28103 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:39:47.043 28103 28103 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for false
05-14 02:39:47.043 28103 28103 V GraphicsEnvironment: is not listed in per-application setting
05-14 02:39:47.043 28103 28103 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
05-14 02:39:47.054 28103 28103 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-6 for other
apk /system/priv-app/UserDictionaryProvider/UserDictionaryProvider.apk.
target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=,
05-14 02:39:47.066 28103 28103 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-7 for other
apk /system/priv-app/BlockedNumberProvider/BlockedNumberProvider.apk.
target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=,
05-14 02:39:47.069 28103 28103 I ContactsPerf: VoicemailContentProvider.onCreate
05-14 02:39:47.074 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:47.076 28103 28103 I ContactsPerf: VoicemailContentProvider.onCreate
05-14 02:39:47.093 28103 28121 I
updatePhoneAccountHandleMigrationPendingStatus true
05-14 02:39:47.096 28103 28121 I CallLogProvider: performBackgroundTask for pending
PhoneAccountHandle migration
05-14 02:39:47.100 28103 28125 I
updatePhoneAccountHandleMigrationPendingStatus false
05-14 02:39:47.103 28103 28103 D ContactsProvider: initialize
05-14 02:39:47.103 28103 28103 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 3400644; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:47.103 28103 28121 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183155436; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:47.114 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:47.116 1097 3932 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10052. pid: 28103
05-14 02:39:47.117 28103 28121 I CallLogProvider: Syncing call composer pics --
source user=0, isShadow=true, forAllUser=false
05-14 02:39:47.117 28103 28121 I CallLogProvider: Fetching list of Uris to sync
05-14 02:39:47.118 28103 28121 I CallLogProvider: Will sync following Uris:[]
05-14 02:39:47.118 28103 28121 I CallLogProvider: Syncing call composer pics -- got
05-14 02:39:47.122 28103 28127 D ContactsDatabaseHelper: WAL enabled for
contacts2.db: true
05-14 02:39:47.127 28103 28127 I
updatePhoneAccountHandleMigrationPendingStatus false
05-14 02:39:47.137 28103 28127 I ContactLocale: AddressBook Labels [[en_IN,en_US]]:
[…, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z,
Α, Β, Γ, Δ, Ε, Ζ, Η, Θ, Ι, Κ, Λ, Μ, Ν, Ξ, Ο, Π, Ρ, Σ, Τ, Υ, Φ, Χ, Ψ, Ω, …, А, Б, В,
Г, Д, Ђ, Е, Є, Ж, З, И, І, Й, Ј, К, Л, Љ, М, Н, Њ, О, П, Р, С, Т, Ћ, У, Ф, Х, Ц, Ч,
Џ, Ш, Щ, Ю, Я, …, ,‫ ת‬,‫ ש‬,‫ ר‬,‫ ק‬,‫ צ‬,‫ פ‬,‫ ע‬,‫ ס‬,‫ נ‬,‫ מ‬,‫ ל‬,‫ כ‬,‫ י‬,‫ ט‬,‫ ח‬,‫ ז‬,‫ ו‬,‫ ה‬,‫ ד‬,‫ ג‬,‫ ב‬,‫א‬
,‫ و‬,‫ ه‬,‫ ن‬,‫ م‬,‫ ل‬,‫ ك‬,‫ ق‬,‫ ف‬,‫ غ‬,‫ ع‬,‫ ظ‬,‫ ط‬,‫ ض‬,‫ ص‬,‫ ش‬,‫ س‬,‫ ز‬,‫ ر‬,‫ ذ‬,‫ د‬,‫ خ‬,‫ ح‬,‫ ج‬,‫ ث‬,‫ ت‬,‫ ب‬,‫ ا‬,…
‫ي‬, …, ก, ข, ฃ, ค, ฅ, ฆ, ง, จ, ฉ, ช, ซ, ฌ, ญ, ฎ, ฏ, ฐ, ฑ, ฒ, ณ, ด, ต, ถ, ท, ธ, น, บ,
ป, ผ, ฝ, พ, ฟ, ภ, ม, ย, ร, ฤ, ล, ฦ, ว, ศ, ษ, ส, ห, ฬ, อ, ฮ, …, ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ,
ㅅ, ㅇ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ, ㅎ, …, あ, か, さ, た, な, は, ま, や, ら, わ, #, …]
05-14 02:39:47.154 28103 28127 D ContactsDatabaseHelper: WAL enabled for
profile.db: true
05-14 02:39:47.179 27915 28101 I Bugle : getRawTelephonyPhoneNumber redacted-
pii[0-chars] [CONTEXT sub_id=1 ]
05-14 02:39:47.193 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 201794303; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:47.195 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 207133734; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:47.201 27915 28101 I Bugle : TelephonyManagerFactory: Returning per-
subscription TelephonyManager (>= N) subscription{id:2}
05-14 02:39:47.202 27915 28101 I BugleBackup: Registering preference change
listener for "buglesub_2".
05-14 02:39:47.204 27915 28101 I Bugle : getRawTelephonyPhoneNumber redacted-
pii[0-chars] [CONTEXT sub_id=2 ]
05-14 02:39:47.205 27915 28101 I Bugle : SubscriptionUtilsAsOfLMR1:
getActiveSubscriptionInfo(): empty sub info for subscription{id:2}
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : Active sub has invalid slotIndex:
slotIndex=-1 [CONTEXT sub_id=2 ]
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : dlgf: FULL
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at btag.d(PG:56)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at bcik.d(PG:280)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at bchz.e(PG:234)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at bchz.c(PG:2)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at doup.a(PG:3)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at doru.execute(PG:1)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at dosx.l(PG:6)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at diwc.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at divz.f(PG:1)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at asna.a(PG:10)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at asoo.b(PG:50)
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.208 27915 28101 W Bugle : at
05-14 02:39:47.229 28103 28127 D ContactsProvider: background task update accounts
accountsChanged:false accounts:[Landroid.accounts.Account;@cb77969
05-14 02:39:47.233 28103 28127 E ContactsFTS: Delete invalid contacts search index
in 1ms.
05-14 02:39:47.238 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 157233955; UID 10052; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:39:47.246 28103 28115 D ContactsDatabaseHelper: getSimContactMatch match=
05-14 02:39:47.246 28103 28115 D ContactsDatabaseHelper: appendPhoneLookupTables
minMatchValue: min_match1 minMatch: 1178249
05-14 02:39:47.277 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:47.277 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:47.277 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:47.281 27915 28101 I BugleDataModel: ParticipantFullRefresh: Number of
participants refreshed: 0
05-14 02:39:47.283 27915 28101 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl:
05-14 02:39:47.286 27915 28130 I BugleDataModel: ActionExecutorImpl: Stopping
05-14 02:39:47.288 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:47.290 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:47.291 27915 28131 I Bugle : getRawTelephonyPhoneNumber redacted-
pii[0-chars] [CONTEXT sub_id=1 ]
05-14 02:39:47.298 27915 28131 I BugleSelfIdentity: Nothing changed in MyIdentity
due to empty phone number [CONTEXT sub_id=1 ]
05-14 02:39:47.777 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:47.777 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:47.777 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:48.157 28103 28127 V ContactsProvider: 0 Dangling Contacts have been
cleaned up.
05-14 02:39:48.157 28103 28127 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal:
"Phone Account"
05-14 02:39:48.159 28103 28127 D ContactsProvider: importSimContacts-phoneid:0
05-14 02:39:48.277 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:48.277 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:48.278 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:48.778 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:48.778 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:48.778 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:49.278 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:49.278 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:49.278 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:49.778 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:49.779 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:49.779 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:49.783 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:50.279 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:50.279 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:50.279 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:50.600 2652 3669 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:39:50.779 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:50.779 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:50.779 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:51.280 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:51.280 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:51.280 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:51.780 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:51.780 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:51.780 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:52.280 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:52.280 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:52.280 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:52.781 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:52.781 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:52.781 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:52.854 1097 1145 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:52.857 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:39:52.857 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:39:52.857 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40012542 win=225000 tElapsed=40012542 maxElapsed=40237542 interval=0
05-14 02:39:52.858 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:39:52.858 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:39:53.281 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:53.281 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:53.281 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:53.781 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:53.782 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:53.782 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:54.282 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:54.282 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:54.282 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:54.782 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:54.782 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:54.782 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:55.283 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:55.283 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:55.283 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:55.783 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:55.783 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:55.783 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:56.082 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:39:56.110 2652 8702 V ClearcutMetricXmitter: Transmission is done.
05-14 02:39:56.283 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:56.283 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:56.284 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:56.784 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:56.784 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:56.784 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:57.284 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:57.284 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:57.284 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:57.709 1454 2442 D IpClient/wlan0: routeRemoved:
2406:7400:9d:5521::/64 -> :: wlan0 mtu 0
05-14 02:39:57.714 1097 1264 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x4000010 }
05-14 02:39:57.719 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi onLinkPropertiesChanged
network: 108
05-14 02:39:57.719 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi onLinkPropertiesChanged
to get roaming ip
05-14 02:39:57.720 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming ipv4Address
05-14 02:39:57.720 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming
05-14 02:39:57.720 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:39:57.721 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:39:57.721 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add>
p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:39:57.721 1097 1300 D NetworkAdapter: cp vowifi get roaming
05-14 02:39:57.721 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:39:57.721 1497 2400 D [N3AM]PhoneStateMonitor: onLinkPropertiesChanged
network: 108
05-14 02:39:57.721 1497 2400 I [N3AM]PhoneStateMonitor: New wifi link properties
is updated.
05-14 02:39:57.722 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:39:57.722 1497 1522 D [N3AM]PhoneStateMonitor: onWifiIPStateChange,
isWifiConnected:true isWifiIPAvailable:true mIsPendingNotifyWifiState:false
05-14 02:39:57.722 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:39:57.723 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:39:57.723 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add
2406:7400:9d:b0a7:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f-0->::-0 p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:39:57.723 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:39:57.723 841 1188 D hidl_net_ext_data: The first char is 101
05-14 02:39:57.723 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:39:57.723 841 1188 D imsbr : sim_save: set sim1
05-14 02:39:57.723 841 1188 D imsbr : aptuple-add
2406:7400:9d:b0a7:31ec:9944:4d0c:d17f-0->::-0 p=0 sim1 ike:apln@apsk
05-14 02:39:57.724 846 846 D imsbr : now process addtuple from pid-841
05-14 02:39:57.724 1097 1715 D NetworkAdapter: DaemonReceiver: resultReceived =
05-14 02:39:57.784 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:57.784 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:57.785 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:58.285 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:58.285 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:58.285 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:58.785 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:58.785 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:58.785 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:59.285 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:59.286 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:59.286 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:39:59.786 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:39:59.786 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:39:59.786 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:00.286 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:00.286 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:00.286 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:00.786 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:00.787 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:00.787 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:01.287 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:01.287 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:01.287 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:01.787 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:01.787 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:01.787 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:01.884 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:02.288 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:02.288 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:02.288 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:02.788 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:02.788 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:02.788 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:03.288 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:03.288 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:03.288 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:03.306 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:03.334 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28103
05-14 02:40:03.789 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:03.789 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:03.789 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:04.289 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:04.289 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:04.289 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:04.789 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:04.789 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:04.789 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:05.290 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:05.290 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:05.290 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:05.790 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:05.790 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:05.790 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:06.290 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:06.290 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:06.290 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:06.791 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:06.791 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:06.791 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:07.291 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:07.291 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:07.291 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:07.791 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:07.791 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:07.792 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:08.292 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:08.292 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:08.292 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:08.792 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:08.792 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:08.792 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:09.292 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:09.293 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:09.293 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:09.793 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:09.793 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:09.793 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:10.293 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:10.293 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:10.293 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:10.793 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:10.794 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:10.794 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:11.147 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:11.294 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:11.294 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:11.294 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:11.794 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:11.794 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:11.794 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:12.294 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:12.295 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:12.295 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:12.425 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:40:12.795 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:12.795 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:12.795 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:13.295 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:13.295 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:13.295 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:13.796 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:13.796 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:13.796 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:13.816 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:40:13.817 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:40:14.296 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:14.296 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:14.296 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:14.796 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:14.796 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:14.796 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:15.297 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:15.297 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:15.297 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:15.797 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:15.797 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:15.797 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:16.297 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:16.297 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:16.297 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:16.798 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:16.798 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:16.798 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:17.298 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:17.298 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:17.298 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:17.798 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:17.798 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:17.799 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:18.299 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:18.299 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:18.299 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:18.799 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:18.799 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:18.799 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:19.299 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:19.299 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:19.299 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:19.800 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:19.800 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:19.800 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:20.300 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:20.300 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:20.300 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:20.800 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:20.800 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:20.800 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:21.301 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:21.301 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:21.301 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:21.800 1750 27036 I FusedLocation: (REDACTED) location delivery to %s
blocked - too close
05-14 02:40:21.801 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:21.801 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:21.801 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:21.807 1097 3932 I LocationManagerService: incoming location:
locationResult [[Location[fused 13****** , 77****** hAcc=100.0 et=+11h2m21s483ms
alt=816.300048828125 vAcc=100.0]]]
05-14 02:40:21.807 1097 3932 I LocationManagerService: incoming location:
locationResult [[Location[fused 13****** , 77****** hAcc=100.0 et=+11h2m21s483ms
alt=816.300048828125 vAcc=100.0]]]
05-14 02:40:21.808 1097 3932 D LocationManagerService: passive provider location
send to 10125/[fused_location_provider]/D67BF52E
05-14 02:40:21.808 1097 3932 D LocationManagerService: passive provider location
send to 10125/[network_location_provider]/A1C25AEA
05-14 02:40:21.814 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:21.815 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 02:40:21.815 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 21251 for 12
05-14 02:40:21.819 27915 27935 I appj : reclaimMemory: Clearing CloudSyncCache
05-14 02:40:21.821 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:21.822 1097 1149 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10186 pid 21251 in 6ms
05-14 02:40:21.823 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:40:21.823 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:40:21.823 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40041508 win=225000 tElapsed=40041508 maxElapsed=40266508 interval=0
05-14 02:40:21.824 27915 27935 W Bugle : TextClassifierLibManagerImpl: Reclaiming
memory at level: 40
05-14 02:40:21.849 1750 28043 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:40:21.852 668 668 I Zygote : Process 21251 exited due to signal 9
05-14 02:40:21.865 1750 28043 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:40:21.874 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 6
05-14 02:40:21.874 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:21.875 1750 28043 I SemanticLocation: (REDACTED) [Inferrer] %s%s
05-14 02:40:21.875 1097 3333 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{e5f3b3e BFgs #86239} whose proc
state 4 is better than process ProcessState{f25f237} proc state 6 (8 skipped)
05-14 02:40:21.877 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:21.878 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:21.879 1097 3476 D AppStartupManager: wl is close,just return
05-14 02:40:21.880 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10186
05-14 02:40:21.883 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:21.888 1750 27998 I GCoreUlr: Successfully inserted 1 locations
05-14 02:40:21.892 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:40:21.892 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:40:21.894 28718 28718 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent
dat=chimera-action:/... }
05-14 02:40:21.894 28718 28718 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent:
Intent {
dat=chimera-action:/... }
05-14 02:40:21.897 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:40:21.897 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:40:21.897 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40041582 win=225000 tElapsed=40041582 maxElapsed=40266582 interval=0
05-14 02:40:21.898 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:40:21.898 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
39778.743000000, type=3
05-14 02:40:21.899 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:21.911 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:21.914 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:21.923 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:21.949 1750 28043 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:40:21.972 1750 28043 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:40:21.983 1750 28043 I SemanticLocation: (REDACTED) [Inferrer] %s%s
05-14 02:40:22.053 1750 28043 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:40:22.071 1750 28043 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:40:22.080 1750 28043 I SemanticLocation: (REDACTED) [Inferrer] %s%s
05-14 02:40:22.301 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:22.301 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:22.301 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:22.802 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:22.802 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:22.802 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:22.826 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:23.302 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:23.302 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:23.302 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:23.802 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:23.802 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:23.803 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:24.303 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:24.303 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:24.303 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:24.803 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:24.803 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:24.803 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:25.303 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:25.303 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:25.304 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:25.804 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:25.804 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:25.804 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:26.304 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:26.304 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:26.304 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:26.804 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:26.805 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:26.805 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:27.305 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:27.305 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:27.305 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:27.805 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:27.805 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:27.805 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:28.305 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:28.306 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:28.306 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:28.806 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:28.806 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:28.806 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:29.306 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:29.306 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:29.306 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:29.806 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:29.807 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:29.807 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:30.307 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:30.307 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:30.307 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:30.807 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:30.807 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:30.807 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:31.308 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:31.308 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:31.308 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:31.808 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:31.808 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:31.808 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:31.864 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27915
05-14 02:40:32.308 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:32.308 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:32.308 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:32.809 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:32.809 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:32.809 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:33.309 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:33.309 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:33.309 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:33.809 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:33.809 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:33.809 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:34.310 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:34.310 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:34.310 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:34.810 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:34.810 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:34.810 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:35.310 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:35.310 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:35.310 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:35.811 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:35.811 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:35.811 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:36.311 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:36.311 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:36.311 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:36.811 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:36.811 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:36.812 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:36.982 28718 28718 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent
dat=chimera-action:/... }
05-14 02:40:36.984 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:36.987 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:36.988 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:37.312 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:37.312 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:37.312 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:37.812 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:37.812 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:37.812 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:37.842 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:38.312 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:38.313 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:38.313 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:38.813 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:38.813 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:38.813 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:39.313 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:39.313 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:39.313 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:39.813 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:39.814 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:39.814 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:40.314 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:40.314 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:40.314 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:40.814 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:40.814 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:40.814 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:41.314 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:41.315 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:41.315 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:41.815 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:41.815 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:41.815 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:42.315 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:42.315 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:42.315 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:42.815 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:42.816 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:42.816 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:43.316 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:43.316 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:43.316 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:43.816 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:43.816 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:43.816 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:43.823 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:40:43.824 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:40:44.316 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:44.317 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:44.317 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:44.817 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:44.817 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:44.817 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:45.317 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:45.317 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:45.317 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:45.817 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:45.818 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:45.818 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:46.318 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:46.318 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:46.318 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:46.818 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:46.818 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:46.818 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:46.966 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 02:40:47.038 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 02:40:47.319 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:47.319 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:47.319 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:47.819 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:47.819 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:47.819 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:48.319 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:48.319 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:48.319 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:48.820 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:48.820 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:48.820 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:49.320 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:49.320 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:49.320 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:49.820 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:49.820 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:49.820 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:50.321 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:50.321 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:50.321 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:50.555 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:40:50.821 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:50.821 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:50.821 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:51.321 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:51.322 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:51.322 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:51.822 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:51.822 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:51.822 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:51.859 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:40:52.322 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:52.322 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:52.322 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:52.822 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:52.823 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:52.823 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:53.323 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:53.323 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:53.323 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:53.823 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:53.823 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:53.823 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:54.324 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:54.324 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:54.324 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:54.824 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:54.824 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:54.824 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:55.324 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:55.324 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:55.324 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:55.825 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:55.825 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:55.825 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:56.121 1370 1370 D WifiSignalController:
05-14 02:40:56.121 1370 1370 D Tile.WifiTile: onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true
05-14 02:40:56.127 1370 1370 D WifiSignalController:
05-14 02:40:56.134 1370 1624 D QSVoWifiTile: handleUpdateState: available = true
state.value = false,phoneId:0
05-14 02:40:56.134 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState arg=null
05-14 02:40:56.134 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState CallbackInfo
,activityIn=true,activityOut=false,wifiSignalContentDescription=Wifi signal
05-14 02:40:56.134 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState arg=null
05-14 02:40:56.135 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState CallbackInfo
,activityIn=true,activityOut=false,wifiSignalContentDescription=Wifi signal
05-14 02:40:56.325 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:56.325 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:56.325 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:56.687 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(30): Preparing logs for
05-14 02:40:56.689 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(191): Connecting to
server for timestamp:
05-14 02:40:56.693 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(221): Failed to connect
to server for server timestamp: Unable to resolve
host "": No address associated with hostname
05-14 02:40:56.701 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(256): Connecting to
05-14 02:40:56.703 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(357): Failed to connect
to server for log upload.
05-14 02:40:56.825 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:56.825 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:56.826 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:57.326 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:57.326 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:57.326 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:57.826 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:57.826 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:57.826 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:58.326 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:58.326 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:58.326 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:58.827 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:58.827 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:58.827 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:59.058 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715634659058, elapsedRealtime=39778743
05-14 02:40:59.059 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{607d449:
PendingIntentRecord{d79d14e com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=3
workSource=null nextElapsed=43316562 orginAlarm=Alarm{db03b6c type 3 origWhen
39716562 whenElapsed 39716562 com.whatsapp}
05-14 02:40:59.059 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:40:59.060 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44579.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:40:59.061 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{9bcf9d3:
PendingIntentRecord{5c6d910 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 workSource=null
nextElapsed=41421205 orginAlarm=Alarm{7ac6535 type 3 origWhen 39621205 whenElapsed
39621205 android}
05-14 02:40:59.062 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:40:59.062 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44579.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:40:59.063 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:40:59.063 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44579.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:40:59.327 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:59.327 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:59.327 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:40:59.827 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:40:59.828 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:40:59.828 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:00.328 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:00.328 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:00.328 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:00.828 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:00.828 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:00.828 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:01.328 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:01.328 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:01.329 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:01.829 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:01.829 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:01.829 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:02.329 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:02.329 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:02.329 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:02.829 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:02.829 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:02.830 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:03.330 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:03.330 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:03.330 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:03.830 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:03.830 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:03.830 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:04.330 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:04.331 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:04.331 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:04.831 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:04.831 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:04.831 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:05.331 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:05.331 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:05.331 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:05.831 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:05.831 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:05.832 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:06.332 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:06.332 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:06.332 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:06.358 14528 28090 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:41:06.358 14528 28141 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:41:06.358 14528 28141 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:41:06.358 14528 28090 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:41:06.358 14528 28092 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:41:06.358 14528 28092 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e899f50: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e899f50: Content-Type=
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 28047 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 28080 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e899f50: (no
response body)
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 28080 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8adcf0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8adcf0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:41:06.359 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8adcf0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:41:06.360 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:41:06.360 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:41:06.360 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:41:06.361 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e879fd0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:41:06.361 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e879fd0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:41:06.361 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e879fd0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:41:06.361 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e876350: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:41:06.362 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e876350: Content-Type=
05-14 02:41:06.362 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e876350: (no
response body)
05-14 02:41:06.362 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:41:06.362 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:41:06.362 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:41:06.362 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e873f90: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:41:06.362 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e873f90: Content-Type=
05-14 02:41:06.362 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e873f90: (no
response body)
05-14 02:41:06.362 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:41:06.363 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:41:06.363 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:41:06.832 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:06.832 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:06.832 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:06.925 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:41:07.332 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:07.333 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:07.333 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:07.833 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:07.833 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:07.833 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:08.333 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:08.333 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:08.333 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:08.833 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:08.834 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:08.834 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:09.334 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:09.334 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:09.334 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:09.834 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:09.834 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:09.834 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:10.334 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:10.335 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:10.335 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:10.835 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:10.835 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:10.835 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:11.132 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:41:11.335 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:11.335 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:11.335 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:11.836 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:11.836 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:11.836 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:12.336 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:12.336 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:12.336 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:12.429 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:41:12.836 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:12.836 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:12.836 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:13.337 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:13.337 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:13.337 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:13.830 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:41:13.831 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:41:13.837 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:13.837 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:13.837 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:14.337 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:14.337 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:14.337 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:14.838 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:14.838 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:14.838 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:15.338 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:15.338 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:15.338 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:15.838 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:15.838 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:15.839 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:16.339 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:16.339 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:16.339 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:16.839 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:16.839 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:16.839 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:17.339 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:17.339 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:17.339 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:17.840 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:17.840 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:17.840 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:18.340 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:18.340 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:18.340 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:18.840 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:18.840 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:18.840 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:19.341 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:19.341 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:19.341 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:19.841 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:19.841 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:19.841 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:20.341 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:20.341 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:20.342 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:20.842 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:20.842 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:20.842 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:21.342 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:21.342 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:21.342 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:21.842 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:21.843 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:21.843 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:22.343 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:22.343 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:22.343 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:22.843 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:22.843 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:22.843 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:23.343 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:23.344 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:23.344 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:23.844 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:23.844 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:23.844 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:24.344 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:24.344 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:24.344 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:24.844 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:24.845 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:24.845 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:25.345 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:25.345 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:25.345 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:25.845 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:25.845 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:25.845 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:26.345 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:26.346 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:26.346 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:26.846 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:26.846 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:26.846 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:27.346 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:27.346 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:27.346 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:27.846 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:27.847 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:27.847 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:28.347 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:28.347 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:28.347 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:28.847 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:28.847 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:28.847 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:29.348 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:29.348 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:29.348 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:29.848 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:29.848 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:29.848 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:30.348 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:30.348 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:30.348 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:30.849 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:30.849 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:30.849 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:31.349 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:31.349 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:31.349 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:31.849 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:31.849 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:31.849 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:32.350 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:32.350 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:32.350 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:32.850 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:32.850 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:32.850 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:33.350 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:33.350 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:33.350 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:33.851 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:33.851 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:33.851 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:34.351 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:34.351 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:34.351 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:34.851 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:34.851 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:34.851 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:35.352 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:35.352 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:35.352 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:35.852 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:35.852 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:35.852 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:36.352 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:36.352 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:36.352 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:36.853 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:36.853 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:36.853 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:37.353 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:37.353 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:37.353 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:37.853 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:37.853 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:37.853 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:38.354 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:38.354 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:38.354 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:38.854 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:38.854 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:38.854 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:39.354 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:39.354 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:39.354 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:39.855 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:39.855 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:39.855 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:40.355 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:40.355 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:40.355 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:40.855 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:40.856 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:40.856 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:41.356 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:41.356 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:41.356 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:41.856 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:41.856 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:41.856 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:42.356 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:42.357 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:42.357 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:42.857 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:42.857 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:42.857 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:43.357 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:43.357 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:43.357 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:43.837 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:41:43.838 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:41:43.858 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:43.858 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:43.858 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:44.358 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:44.358 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:44.358 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:44.858 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:44.858 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:44.858 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:45.359 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:45.359 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:45.359 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:45.859 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:45.859 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:45.859 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:46.359 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:46.359 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:46.359 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:46.860 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:46.860 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:46.860 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:47.360 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:47.360 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:47.360 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:47.860 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:47.860 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:47.860 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:48.361 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:48.361 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:48.361 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:48.861 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:48.861 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:48.861 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:49.361 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:49.361 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:49.361 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:49.862 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:49.862 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:49.862 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:50.362 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:50.362 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:50.362 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:50.601 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:41:50.862 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:50.862 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:50.862 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:51.363 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:51.363 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:51.363 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:51.863 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:51.863 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:51.863 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:52.363 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:52.363 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:52.364 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:52.864 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:52.864 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:52.864 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:53.364 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:53.364 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:53.364 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:53.864 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:53.865 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:53.865 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:54.365 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:54.365 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:54.365 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:54.865 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:54.865 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:54.865 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:55.236 26408 26523 I Finsky : [216] Stats for Executor:
BlockingExecutor pmi@2299afd[Running, pool size = 0, active threads = 0, queued
tasks = 0, completed tasks = 26]
05-14 02:41:55.236 26408 26523 I Finsky : [216] Stats for Executor:
LightweightExecutor pmi@59e43f2[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued
tasks = 0, completed tasks = 132]
05-14 02:41:55.327 26408 26523 I Finsky : [216] Stats for Executor:
bgExecutor pmi@c42da43[Running, pool size = 4, active threads = 0, queued tasks =
0, completed tasks = 123]
05-14 02:41:55.366 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:55.366 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:55.366 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:55.866 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:55.866 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:55.866 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:56.366 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:56.366 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:56.366 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:56.866 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:56.866 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:56.867 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:57.367 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:57.367 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:57.367 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:57.867 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:57.867 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:57.867 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:58.367 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:58.368 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:58.368 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:58.868 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:58.868 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:58.868 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:59.368 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:59.368 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:59.368 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:41:59.869 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:41:59.869 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:41:59.869 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:00.369 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:00.369 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:00.369 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:00.869 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:00.869 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:00.869 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:01.370 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:01.370 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:01.370 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:01.870 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:01.870 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:01.870 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:02.370 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:02.370 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:02.370 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:02.870 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:02.871 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:02.871 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:03.371 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:03.371 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:03.371 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:03.871 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:03.871 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:03.871 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:04.371 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:04.372 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:04.372 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:04.872 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:04.872 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:04.872 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:05.372 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:05.372 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:05.372 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:05.872 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:05.873 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:05.873 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:06.373 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:06.373 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:06.373 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:06.873 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:06.873 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:06.873 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:07.373 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:07.373 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:07.374 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:07.874 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:07.874 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:07.874 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:08.374 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:08.374 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:08.374 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:08.874 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:08.874 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:08.874 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:09.375 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:09.375 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:09.375 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:09.875 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:09.875 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:09.875 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:10.375 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:10.375 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:10.376 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:10.876 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:10.876 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:10.876 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:11.376 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:11.376 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:11.376 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:11.876 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:11.877 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:11.877 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:12.377 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:12.377 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:12.377 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:12.431 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:42:12.877 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:12.877 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:12.877 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:13.377 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:13.378 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:13.378 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:13.844 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:42:13.844 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:42:13.878 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:13.878 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:13.878 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:14.378 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:14.378 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:14.378 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:14.878 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:14.879 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:14.879 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:15.379 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:15.379 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:15.379 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:15.879 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:15.879 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:15.879 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:16.379 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:16.379 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:16.380 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:16.880 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:16.880 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:16.880 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:17.380 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:17.380 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:17.380 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:17.880 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:17.881 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:17.881 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:18.381 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:18.381 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:18.381 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:18.881 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:18.881 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:18.881 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:19.381 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:19.381 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:19.382 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:19.882 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:19.882 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:19.882 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:20.382 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:20.382 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:20.382 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:20.882 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:20.882 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:20.882 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:21.383 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:21.383 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:21.383 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:21.883 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:21.883 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:21.883 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:22.383 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:22.383 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:22.383 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:22.884 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:22.884 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:22.884 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:23.384 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:23.384 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:23.384 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:23.884 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:23.884 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:23.884 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:24.385 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:24.385 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:24.385 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:24.885 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:24.885 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:24.885 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:25.385 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:25.385 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:25.385 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:25.885 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:25.886 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:25.886 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:26.386 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:26.386 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:26.386 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:26.886 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:26.886 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:26.886 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:27.386 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:27.386 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:27.386 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:27.887 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:27.887 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:27.887 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:28.387 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:28.387 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:28.387 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:28.887 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:28.887 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:28.887 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:29.388 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:29.388 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:29.388 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:29.888 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:29.888 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:29.888 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:30.388 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:30.388 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:30.388 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:30.889 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:30.889 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:30.889 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:31.389 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:31.389 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:31.389 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:31.889 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:31.889 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:31.889 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:32.390 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:32.390 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:32.390 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:32.890 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:32.890 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:32.890 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:33.390 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:33.390 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:33.390 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:33.890 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:33.891 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:33.891 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:34.391 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:34.391 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:34.391 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:34.891 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:34.891 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:34.891 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:35.391 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:35.392 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:35.392 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:35.892 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:35.892 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:35.892 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:36.374 14528 28157 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:42:36.374 14528 28157 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:42:36.375 14528 28156 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:42:36.375 14528 28156 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:42:36.376 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e875dd0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:42:36.376 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87ad90: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:42:36.376 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e875dd0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:42:36.376 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87ad90: Content-Type=
05-14 02:42:36.376 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e875dd0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:42:36.376 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87ad90: (no
response body)
05-14 02:42:36.377 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:42:36.377 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:42:36.377 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:42:36.377 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:42:36.378 14528 28160 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:42:36.378 14528 28160 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:42:36.379 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a1590: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:42:36.379 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a1590: Content-Type=
05-14 02:42:36.379 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a1590: (no
response body)
05-14 02:42:36.380 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:42:36.380 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:42:36.381 14528 28141 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:42:36.381 14528 28141 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:42:36.382 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8802d0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:42:36.382 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8802d0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:42:36.382 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8802d0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:42:36.382 14528 28160 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:42:36.382 14528 28160 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:42:36.382 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:42:36.382 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:42:36.382 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8c3b90: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:42:36.382 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8c3b90: Content-Type=
05-14 02:42:36.382 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8c3b90: (no
response body)
05-14 02:42:36.383 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:42:36.383 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:42:36.392 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:36.392 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:36.392 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:36.892 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:36.892 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:36.892 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:37.393 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:37.393 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:37.393 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:37.893 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:37.893 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:37.893 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:38.393 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:38.393 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:38.393 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:38.894 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:38.894 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:38.894 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:39.394 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:39.394 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:39.394 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:39.894 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:39.894 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:39.894 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:40.395 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:40.395 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:40.395 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:40.895 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:40.895 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:40.895 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:41.395 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:41.395 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:41.395 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:41.896 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:41.896 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:41.896 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:42.396 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:42.396 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:42.396 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:42.896 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:42.896 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:42.896 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:43.396 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:43.397 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:43.397 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:43.851 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:42:43.851 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:42:43.897 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:43.897 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:43.897 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:44.397 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:44.397 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:44.397 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:44.897 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:44.898 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:44.898 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:45.398 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:45.398 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:45.398 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:45.898 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:45.898 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:45.898 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:46.398 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:46.399 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:46.399 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:46.899 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:46.899 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:46.899 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:47.399 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:47.399 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:47.399 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:47.899 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:47.899 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:47.900 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:48.400 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:48.400 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:48.400 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:48.900 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:48.900 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:48.900 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:49.400 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:49.400 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:49.400 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:49.901 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:49.901 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:49.901 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:50.401 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:50.401 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:50.401 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:42:50.901 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:50.901 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:50.901 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:51.402 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:51.402 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:51.402 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:51.902 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:51.902 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:51.902 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:52.402 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:52.402 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:52.402 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:52.903 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:52.903 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:52.903 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:53.403 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:53.403 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:53.403 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:53.903 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:53.903 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:53.903 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:54.404 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:54.404 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:54.404 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:54.904 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:54.904 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:54.904 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:55.404 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:55.404 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:55.404 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:55.905 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:55.905 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:55.905 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:56.405 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:56.405 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:56.405 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:56.905 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:56.905 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:56.905 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:57.406 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:57.406 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:57.406 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:57.906 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:57.906 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:57.906 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:58.406 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:58.406 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:58.406 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:58.906 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:58.907 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:58.907 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:59.407 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:59.407 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:59.407 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:42:59.907 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:42:59.907 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:42:59.907 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:00.407 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:00.407 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:00.407 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:00.908 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:00.908 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:00.908 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:01.408 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:01.408 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:01.408 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:01.908 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:01.908 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:01.908 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:02.409 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:02.409 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:02.409 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:02.909 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:02.909 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:02.909 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:03.409 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:03.409 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:03.409 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:03.910 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:03.910 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:03.910 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:04.410 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:04.410 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:04.410 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:04.910 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:04.910 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:04.910 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:05.411 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:05.411 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:05.411 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:05.911 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:05.911 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:05.911 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:06.411 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:06.411 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:06.411 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:06.911 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:06.912 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:06.912 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:07.412 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:07.412 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:07.412 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:07.912 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:07.912 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:07.912 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:08.412 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:08.412 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:08.413 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:08.913 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:08.913 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:08.913 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:09.413 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:09.413 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:09.413 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:09.913 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:09.913 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:09.913 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:10.414 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:10.414 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:10.414 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:10.914 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:10.914 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:10.914 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:11.414 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:11.414 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:11.415 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:11.915 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:11.915 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:11.915 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:12.415 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:12.415 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:12.415 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:12.433 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:43:12.915 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:12.916 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:12.916 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:13.416 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:13.416 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:13.416 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:13.858 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:43:13.858 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:43:13.916 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:13.916 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:13.916 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:14.417 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:14.417 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:14.417 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:14.917 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:14.917 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:14.917 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:15.417 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:15.417 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:15.417 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:15.917 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:15.918 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:15.918 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:16.418 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:16.418 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:16.418 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:16.918 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:16.918 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:16.918 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:17.418 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:17.418 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:17.419 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:17.919 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:17.919 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:17.919 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:18.419 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:18.419 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:18.419 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:18.919 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:18.920 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:18.920 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:19.420 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:19.420 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:19.420 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:19.920 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:19.920 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:19.920 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:20.420 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:20.421 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:20.421 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:20.921 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:20.921 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:20.921 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:21.421 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:21.421 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:21.421 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:21.921 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:21.921 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:21.921 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:22.422 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:22.422 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:22.422 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:22.922 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:22.922 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:22.922 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:23.422 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:23.422 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:23.422 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:23.923 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:23.923 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:23.923 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:24.423 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:24.423 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:24.423 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:24.923 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:24.923 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:24.923 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:25.424 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:25.424 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:25.424 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:25.924 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:25.924 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:25.924 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:26.424 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:26.424 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:26.424 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:26.925 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:26.925 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:26.925 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:27.425 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:27.425 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:27.425 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:27.925 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:27.925 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:27.925 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:28.426 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:28.426 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:28.426 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:28.926 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:28.926 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:28.926 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:29.426 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:29.426 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:29.426 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:29.927 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:29.927 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:29.927 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:30.427 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:30.427 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:30.427 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:30.927 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:30.927 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:30.927 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:31.428 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:31.428 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:31.428 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:31.928 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:31.928 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:31.928 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:32.428 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:32.428 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:32.428 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:32.928 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:32.928 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:32.929 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:33.429 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:33.429 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:33.429 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:33.929 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:33.929 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:33.929 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:34.429 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:34.430 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:34.430 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:34.930 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:34.930 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:34.930 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:35.430 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:35.430 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:35.430 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:35.931 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:35.931 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:35.931 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:36.431 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:36.431 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:36.431 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:36.931 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:36.931 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:36.931 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:37.432 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:37.432 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:37.432 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:37.932 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:37.932 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:37.932 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:38.432 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:38.432 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:38.432 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:38.933 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:38.933 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:38.933 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:39.433 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:39.433 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:39.433 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:39.933 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:39.933 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:39.933 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:40.434 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:40.434 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:40.434 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:40.934 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:40.934 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:40.934 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:41.434 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:41.435 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:41.435 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:41.935 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:41.935 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:41.935 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:42.435 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:42.435 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:42.435 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:42.935 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:42.936 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:42.936 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:43.436 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:43.436 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:43.436 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:43.865 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:43:43.865 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:43:43.936 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:43.936 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:43.936 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:44.030 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{fa27de4
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:43:44.034 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:43:44.034 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:43:44.035 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 322,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:43:44.038 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:43:44.039 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:43:44.436 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:44.437 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:44.437 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:44.937 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:44.937 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:44.937 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:45.437 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:45.437 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:45.437 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:45.938 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:45.938 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:45.938 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:46.438 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:46.438 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:46.438 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:46.938 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:46.938 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:46.938 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:47.439 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:47.439 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:47.439 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:47.939 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:47.939 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:47.939 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:48.439 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:48.439 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:48.439 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:48.940 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:48.940 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:48.940 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:49.038 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40248723 win=225000 tElapsed=40248723 maxElapsed=40473723 interval=0
05-14 02:43:49.039 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:43:49.039 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44579.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:43:49.040 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:43:49.040 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44579.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:43:49.440 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:49.440 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:49.440 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:49.940 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:49.940 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:49.940 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:50.441 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:50.441 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:50.441 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:43:50.941 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:50.941 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:50.941 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:51.441 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:51.441 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:51.441 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:51.942 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:51.942 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:51.942 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:52.442 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:52.442 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:52.442 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:52.942 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:52.942 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:52.942 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:53.442 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:53.443 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:53.443 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:53.943 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:53.943 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:53.943 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:54.060 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:43:54.443 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:54.443 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:54.443 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:54.943 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:54.944 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:54.944 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:55.444 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:55.444 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:55.444 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:55.944 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:55.944 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:55.944 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:56.444 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:56.445 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:56.445 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:56.945 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:56.945 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:56.945 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:57.445 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:57.445 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:57.445 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:57.945 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:57.946 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:57.946 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:58.446 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:58.446 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:58.446 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:58.946 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:58.946 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:58.946 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:59.133 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{5658bd
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:43:59.136 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:43:59.136 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:43:59.137 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 321,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:43:59.138 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:43:59.446 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:59.447 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:59.447 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:43:59.947 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:43:59.947 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:43:59.947 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:00.447 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:00.447 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:00.447 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:00.947 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:00.948 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:00.948 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:01.448 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:01.448 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:01.448 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:01.948 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:01.948 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:01.948 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:02.448 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:02.449 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:02.449 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:02.949 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:02.949 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:02.949 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:03.449 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:03.449 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:03.449 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:03.949 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:03.950 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:03.950 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:04.142 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40263826 win=225000 tElapsed=40263826 maxElapsed=40488826 interval=0
05-14 02:44:04.142 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:44:04.142 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44579.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:44:04.143 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40208.714000000, type=2
05-14 02:44:04.143 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44579.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:44:04.450 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:04.450 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:04.450 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:04.950 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:04.950 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:04.950 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:05.450 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:05.451 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:05.451 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:05.951 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:05.951 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:05.951 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:06.392 14528 28152 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:44:06.392 14528 28152 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:44:06.393 14528 28163 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:44:06.393 14528 28163 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:44:06.393 14528 28160 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:44:06.394 14528 28160 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:44:06.395 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e873750: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:44:06.395 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e873750: Content-Type=
05-14 02:44:06.395 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e873750: (no
response body)
05-14 02:44:06.395 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:44:06.395 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:44:06.396 14528 28157 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 28157 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87b310: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87b310: Content-Type=
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87b310: (no
response body)
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87cff0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87cff0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87cff0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8c5c90: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8c5c90: Content-Type=
05-14 02:44:06.397 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:44:06.398 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:44:06.398 14528 28164 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:44:06.398 14528 28164 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:44:06.398 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e88c090: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:44:06.398 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e88c090: Content-Type=
05-14 02:44:06.398 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e88c090: (no
response body)
05-14 02:44:06.399 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:44:06.399 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8c5c90: (no
response body)
05-14 02:44:06.399 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:44:06.399 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:44:06.399 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:44:06.451 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:06.451 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:06.451 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:06.952 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:06.952 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:06.952 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:07.452 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:07.452 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:07.452 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:07.952 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:07.952 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:07.952 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:08.453 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:08.453 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:08.453 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:08.953 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:08.953 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:08.953 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:09.187 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:44:09.453 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:09.453 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:09.453 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:09.954 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:09.954 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:09.954 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:10.454 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:10.454 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:10.454 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:10.954 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:10.954 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:10.954 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:11.455 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:11.455 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:11.455 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:11.955 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:11.955 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:11.955 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:12.436 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:44:12.455 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:12.455 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:12.455 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:12.956 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:12.956 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:12.956 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:13.456 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:13.456 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:13.456 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:13.872 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:44:13.872 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:44:13.956 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:13.956 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:13.956 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:14.457 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:14.457 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:14.457 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:14.957 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:14.957 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:14.957 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:15.457 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:15.457 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:15.457 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:15.958 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:15.958 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:15.958 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:16.458 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:16.458 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:16.458 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:16.958 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:16.958 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:16.959 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:17.459 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:17.459 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:17.459 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:17.959 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:17.959 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:17.959 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:18.459 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:18.459 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:18.460 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:18.960 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:18.960 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:18.960 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:19.460 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:19.460 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:19.460 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:19.960 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:19.961 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:19.961 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:20.461 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:20.461 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:20.461 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:20.961 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:20.961 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:20.961 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:21.461 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:21.462 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:21.462 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:21.962 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:21.962 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:21.962 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:22.462 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:22.462 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:22.462 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:22.962 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:22.962 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:22.963 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:23.463 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:23.463 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:23.463 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:23.963 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:23.963 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:23.963 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:24.463 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:24.464 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:24.464 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:24.964 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:24.964 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:24.964 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:25.464 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:25.464 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:25.464 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:25.964 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:25.965 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:25.965 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:26.465 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:26.465 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:26.465 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:26.965 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:26.965 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:26.965 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:27.466 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:27.466 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:27.466 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:27.966 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:27.966 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:27.966 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:28.466 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:28.466 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:28.466 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:28.967 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:28.967 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:28.967 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:29.467 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:29.467 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:29.467 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:29.967 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:29.967 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:29.967 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:30.468 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:30.468 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:30.468 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:30.968 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:30.968 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:30.968 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:31.468 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:31.468 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:31.468 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:31.969 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:31.969 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:31.969 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:32.469 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:32.469 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:32.469 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:32.969 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:32.969 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:32.969 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:33.470 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:33.470 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:33.470 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:33.970 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:33.970 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:33.970 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:34.470 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:34.471 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:34.471 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:34.971 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:34.971 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:34.971 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:35.471 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:35.471 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:35.471 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:35.971 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:35.972 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:35.972 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:36.472 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:36.472 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:36.472 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:36.972 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:36.972 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:36.972 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:37.473 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:37.473 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:37.473 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:37.973 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:37.973 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:37.973 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:38.473 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:38.473 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:38.473 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:38.974 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:38.974 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:38.974 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:39.474 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:39.474 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:39.474 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:39.974 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:39.974 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:39.974 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:40.475 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:40.475 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:40.475 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:40.975 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:40.975 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:40.975 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:41.475 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:41.475 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:41.475 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:41.976 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:41.976 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:41.976 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:42.476 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:42.476 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:42.476 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:42.976 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:42.976 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:42.976 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:43.477 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:43.477 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:43.477 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:43.879 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:44:43.879 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:44:43.977 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:43.977 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:43.977 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:44.477 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:44.477 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:44.477 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:44.978 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:44.978 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:44.978 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:45.478 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:45.478 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:45.478 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:45.978 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:45.978 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:45.978 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:46.479 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:46.479 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:46.479 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:46.979 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:46.979 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:46.979 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:47.479 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:47.479 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:47.479 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:47.980 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:47.980 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:47.980 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:48.480 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:48.480 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:48.480 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:48.980 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:48.980 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:48.980 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:49.481 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:49.481 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:49.481 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:49.981 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:49.981 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:49.981 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:50.481 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:50.481 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:50.481 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:50.601 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:44:50.982 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:50.982 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:50.982 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:51.482 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:51.482 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:51.482 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:51.982 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:51.982 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:51.982 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:52.483 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:52.483 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:52.483 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:52.983 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:52.983 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:52.983 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:53.483 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:53.483 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:53.484 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:53.984 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:53.984 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:53.984 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:54.484 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:54.484 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:54.484 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:54.984 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:54.984 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:54.985 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:55.485 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:55.485 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:55.485 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:55.985 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:55.985 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:55.985 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:56.485 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:56.485 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:56.486 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:56.986 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:56.986 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:56.986 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:57.486 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:57.486 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:57.486 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:57.986 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:57.987 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:57.987 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:58.487 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:58.487 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:58.487 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:58.987 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:58.987 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:58.987 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:59.487 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:59.488 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:59.488 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:44:59.988 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:44:59.988 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:44:59.988 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:00.488 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:00.488 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:00.488 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:00.988 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:00.989 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:00.989 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:01.176 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 02:45:01.191 1097 4106 D TelephonyManager: requestModemActivityInfo:
Sending result to app: ModemActivityInfo{ mTimestamp=40020874 mSleepTimeMs=0
22628614, 18189645, 41193756, 58297293, 82922091],mRxTimeMs=1786552349}]}
05-14 02:45:01.489 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:01.489 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:01.489 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:01.989 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:01.989 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:01.989 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:02.489 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:02.490 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:02.490 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:02.990 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:02.990 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:02.990 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:03.490 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:03.490 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:03.490 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:03.991 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:03.991 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:03.991 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:04.491 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:04.491 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:04.491 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:04.991 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:04.991 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:04.991 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:05.492 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:05.492 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:05.492 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:05.992 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:05.992 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:05.992 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:06.492 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:06.492 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:06.492 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:06.993 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:06.993 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:06.993 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:07.493 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:07.493 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:07.493 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:07.993 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:07.993 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:07.994 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:08.494 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:08.494 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:08.494 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:08.994 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:08.994 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:08.994 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:09.494 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:09.495 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:09.495 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:09.995 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:09.995 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:09.995 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:10.495 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:10.495 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:10.495 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:10.996 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:10.996 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:10.996 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:11.496 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:11.496 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:11.496 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:11.996 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:11.996 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:11.996 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:12.439 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:45:12.497 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:12.497 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:12.497 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:12.997 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:12.997 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:12.997 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:13.497 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:13.497 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:13.497 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:13.885 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:45:13.886 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:45:13.998 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:13.998 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:13.998 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:14.498 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:14.498 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:14.498 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:14.998 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:14.998 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:14.998 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:15.499 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:15.499 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:15.499 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:15.999 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:15.999 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:15.999 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:16.499 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:16.499 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:16.499 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:17.000 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:17.000 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:17.000 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:17.500 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:17.500 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:17.500 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:18.000 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:18.000 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:18.000 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:18.501 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:18.501 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:18.501 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:19.001 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:19.001 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:19.001 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:19.501 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:19.501 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:19.502 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:20.002 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:20.002 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:20.002 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:20.502 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:20.502 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:20.502 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:21.002 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:21.003 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:21.003 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:21.503 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:21.503 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:21.503 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:22.003 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:22.003 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:22.003 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:22.504 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:22.504 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:22.504 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:23.004 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:23.004 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:23.004 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:23.504 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:23.504 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:23.504 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:24.004 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:24.005 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:24.005 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:24.505 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:24.505 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:24.505 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:25.005 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:25.005 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:25.005 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:25.505 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:25.506 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:25.506 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:26.006 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:26.006 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:26.006 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:26.506 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:26.506 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:26.506 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:27.006 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:27.007 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:27.007 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:27.507 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:27.507 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:27.507 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:28.007 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:28.007 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:28.007 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:28.507 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:28.508 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:28.508 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:29.008 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:29.008 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:29.008 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:29.508 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:29.508 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:29.508 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:30.009 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:30.009 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:30.009 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:30.509 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:30.509 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:30.509 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:31.009 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:31.009 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:31.009 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:31.510 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:31.510 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:31.510 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:32.010 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:32.010 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:32.010 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:32.510 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:32.510 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:32.510 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:33.011 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:33.011 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:33.011 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:33.511 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:33.511 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:33.511 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:34.011 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:34.011 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:34.011 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:34.512 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:34.512 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:34.512 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:35.012 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:35.012 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:35.012 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:35.512 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:35.512 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:35.512 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:36.013 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:36.013 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:36.013 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:36.410 14528 28164 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:45:36.411 14528 28152 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:45:36.411 14528 28152 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:45:36.411 14528 28164 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:45:36.412 14528 28160 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:45:36.412 14528 28160 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:45:36.413 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87a810: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:45:36.413 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87a810: Content-Type=
05-14 02:45:36.413 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87a810: (no
response body)
05-14 02:45:36.413 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:45:36.414 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:45:36.414 14528 28171 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:45:36.414 14528 28171 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:45:36.415 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e878190: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:45:36.416 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e878190: Content-Type=
05-14 02:45:36.416 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e878190: (no
response body)
05-14 02:45:36.416 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8c4110: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:45:36.416 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8c4110: Content-Type=
05-14 02:45:36.416 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8c4110: (no
response body)
05-14 02:45:36.416 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:45:36.416 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e89f750: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:45:36.417 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e89f750: Content-Type=
05-14 02:45:36.417 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:45:36.417 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:45:36.417 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:45:36.418 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e89f750: (no
response body)
05-14 02:45:36.418 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:45:36.418 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:45:36.419 14528 28157 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:45:36.419 14528 28157 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:45:36.420 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e872f10: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:45:36.420 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e872f10: Content-Type=
05-14 02:45:36.420 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e872f10: (no
response body)
05-14 02:45:36.420 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:45:36.420 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:45:36.513 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:36.513 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:36.513 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:37.013 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:37.013 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:37.013 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:37.514 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:37.514 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:37.514 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:38.014 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:38.014 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:38.014 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:38.514 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:38.514 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:38.514 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:39.015 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:39.015 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:39.015 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:39.515 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:39.515 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:39.515 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:40.015 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:40.015 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:40.015 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:40.516 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:40.516 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:40.516 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:41.016 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:41.017 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:41.017 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:41.517 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:41.517 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:41.517 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:42.018 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:42.018 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:42.018 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:42.518 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:42.518 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:42.518 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:43.018 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:43.018 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:43.018 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:43.519 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:43.519 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:43.519 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:43.892 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:45:43.893 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:45:44.019 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:44.019 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:44.019 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:44.519 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:44.519 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:44.520 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:45.020 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:45.020 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:45.020 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:45.520 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:45.520 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:45.520 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:46.020 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:46.020 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:46.021 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:46.521 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:46.521 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:46.521 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:47.021 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:47.021 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:47.021 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:47.521 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:47.522 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:47.522 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:48.022 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:48.022 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:48.022 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:48.522 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:48.522 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:48.522 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:49.022 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:49.023 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:49.023 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:49.523 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:49.523 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:49.523 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:50.023 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:50.023 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:50.023 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:50.523 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:50.524 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:50.524 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:45:51.024 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:51.024 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:51.024 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:51.524 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:51.524 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:51.524 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:52.025 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:52.025 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:52.025 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:52.525 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:52.525 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:52.525 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:53.025 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:53.025 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:53.026 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:53.526 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:53.526 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:53.526 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:54.026 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:54.026 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:54.026 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:54.526 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:54.527 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:54.527 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:55.027 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:55.027 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:55.027 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:55.527 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:55.527 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:55.527 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:56.027 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:56.028 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:56.028 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:56.528 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:56.528 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:56.528 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:56.750 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(30): Preparing logs for
05-14 02:45:56.752 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(191): Connecting to
server for timestamp:
05-14 02:45:56.757 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(221): Failed to connect
to server for server timestamp: Unable to resolve
host "": No address associated with hostname
05-14 02:45:56.762 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(256): Connecting to
05-14 02:45:56.763 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(357): Failed to connect
to server for log upload.
05-14 02:45:57.028 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:57.028 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:57.028 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:57.528 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:57.529 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:57.529 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:58.029 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:58.029 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:58.029 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:58.529 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:58.529 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:58.529 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:59.029 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:59.030 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:59.030 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:45:59.530 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:45:59.530 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:45:59.530 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:00.030 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:00.030 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:00.030 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:00.530 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:00.531 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:00.531 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:01.031 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:01.031 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:01.031 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:01.531 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:01.531 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:01.531 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:02.031 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:02.032 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:02.032 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:02.532 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:02.532 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:02.532 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:03.032 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:03.032 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:03.032 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:03.533 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:03.533 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:03.533 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:04.033 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:04.033 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:04.033 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:04.533 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:04.533 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:04.533 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:05.034 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:05.034 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:05.034 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:05.534 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:05.534 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:05.534 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:06.034 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:06.034 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:06.034 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:06.535 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:06.535 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:06.535 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:07.035 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:07.035 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:07.035 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:07.535 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:07.535 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:07.536 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:08.036 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:08.036 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:08.036 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:08.536 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:08.536 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:08.536 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:09.036 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:09.037 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:09.037 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:09.537 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:09.537 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:09.537 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:10.037 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:10.037 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:10.037 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:10.537 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:10.538 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:10.538 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:11.038 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:11.038 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:11.038 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:11.538 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:11.538 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:11.538 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:12.039 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:12.039 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:12.039 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:12.442 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:46:12.539 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:12.539 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:12.539 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:13.039 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:13.039 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:13.039 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:13.540 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:13.540 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:13.540 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:13.899 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:46:13.900 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:46:14.040 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:14.040 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:14.040 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:14.540 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:14.540 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:14.540 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:15.041 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:15.041 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:15.041 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:15.541 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:15.541 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:15.541 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:16.041 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:16.041 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:16.041 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:16.542 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:16.542 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:16.542 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:17.042 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:17.042 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:17.042 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:17.542 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:17.543 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:17.543 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:18.043 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:18.043 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:18.043 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:18.543 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:18.543 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:18.543 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:19.043 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:19.044 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:19.044 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:19.544 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:19.544 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:19.544 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:20.044 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:20.044 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:20.044 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:20.544 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:20.544 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:20.545 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:21.045 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:21.045 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:21.045 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:21.545 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:21.545 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:21.545 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:22.045 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:22.045 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:22.046 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:22.546 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:22.546 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:22.546 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:23.046 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:23.046 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:23.046 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:23.546 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:23.547 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:23.547 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:24.047 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:24.047 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:24.047 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:24.547 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:24.547 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:24.547 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:25.047 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:25.048 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:25.048 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:25.548 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:25.548 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:25.548 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:26.048 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:26.048 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:26.048 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:26.548 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:26.549 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:26.549 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:27.049 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:27.049 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:27.049 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:27.549 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:27.549 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:27.549 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:28.049 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:28.050 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:28.050 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:28.550 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:28.550 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:28.550 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:29.050 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:29.050 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:29.050 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:29.550 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:29.551 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:29.551 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:30.051 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:30.051 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:30.051 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:30.551 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:30.551 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:30.551 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:31.052 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:31.052 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:31.052 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:31.552 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:31.552 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:31.552 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:32.052 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:32.052 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:32.052 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:32.553 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:32.553 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:32.553 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:33.053 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:33.053 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:33.053 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:33.553 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:33.553 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:33.553 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:34.054 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:34.054 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:34.054 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:34.554 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:34.554 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:34.554 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:35.054 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:35.054 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:35.054 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:35.555 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:35.555 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:35.555 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:36.055 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:36.055 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:36.055 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:36.555 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:36.555 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:36.555 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:37.056 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:37.056 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:37.056 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:37.556 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:37.556 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:37.556 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:38.056 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:38.056 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:38.056 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:38.557 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:38.557 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:38.557 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:39.057 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:39.057 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:39.057 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:39.557 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:39.557 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:39.558 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:40.058 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:40.058 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:40.058 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:40.558 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:40.558 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:40.558 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:41.058 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:41.059 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:41.059 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:41.559 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:41.559 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:41.559 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:42.059 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:42.059 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:42.059 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:42.559 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:42.560 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:42.560 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:43.060 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:43.060 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:43.060 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:43.560 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:43.560 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:43.560 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:43.906 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:46:43.907 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:46:44.060 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:44.061 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:44.061 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:44.561 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:44.561 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:44.561 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:45.061 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:45.061 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:45.061 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:45.562 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:45.562 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:45.562 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:46.062 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:46.062 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:46.062 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:46.562 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:46.562 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:46.562 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:47.063 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:47.063 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:47.063 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:47.563 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:47.563 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:47.563 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:48.063 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:48.063 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:48.063 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:48.564 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:48.564 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:48.564 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:49.064 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:49.064 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:49.064 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:49.564 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:49.564 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:49.564 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:50.065 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:50.065 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:50.065 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:50.565 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:50.565 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:50.565 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:50.601 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:46:51.065 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:51.065 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:51.065 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:51.566 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:51.566 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:51.566 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:52.066 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:52.066 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:52.066 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:52.566 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:52.566 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:52.566 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:53.067 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:53.067 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:53.067 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:53.567 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:53.567 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:53.567 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:54.067 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:54.067 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:54.067 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:54.568 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:54.568 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:54.568 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:55.068 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:55.068 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:55.068 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:55.568 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:55.568 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:55.568 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:56.069 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:56.069 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:56.069 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:56.569 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:56.569 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:56.569 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:57.069 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:57.069 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:57.069 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:57.570 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:57.570 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:57.570 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:58.070 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:58.070 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:58.070 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:58.570 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:58.570 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:58.571 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:59.071 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:59.071 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:59.071 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:46:59.571 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:46:59.571 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:46:59.571 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:00.071 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:00.072 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:00.072 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:00.572 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:00.572 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:00.572 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:01.072 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:01.072 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:01.072 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:01.572 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:01.573 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:01.573 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:02.073 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:02.073 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:02.073 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:02.573 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:02.573 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:02.573 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:03.073 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:03.073 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:03.074 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:03.574 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:03.574 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:03.574 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:04.074 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:04.074 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:04.074 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:04.575 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:04.575 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:04.575 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:05.075 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:05.075 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:05.075 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:05.575 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:05.575 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:05.575 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:06.076 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:06.076 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:06.076 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:06.430 14528 28163 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:47:06.430 14528 28163 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:47:06.432 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a8650: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:47:06.432 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a8650: Content-Type=
05-14 02:47:06.433 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a8650: (no
response body)
05-14 02:47:06.433 14528 28167 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:47:06.433 14528 28167 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:47:06.434 14528 28164 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:47:06.434 14528 28164 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:47:06.434 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8c4110: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:47:06.434 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8c4110: Content-Type=
05-14 02:47:06.434 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8c4110: (no
response body)
05-14 02:47:06.435 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:47:06.435 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:47:06.435 14528 28186 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:47:06.435 14528 28186 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:47:06.435 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a4b30: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a4b30: Content-Type=
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a4b30: (no
response body)
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8bd5d0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8bd5d0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8bd5d0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 28152 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 28152 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:47:06.436 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b2f70: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:47:06.437 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b2f70: Content-Type=
05-14 02:47:06.437 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b2f70: (no
response body)
05-14 02:47:06.437 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:47:06.437 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:47:06.437 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:47:06.437 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:47:06.576 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:06.576 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:06.576 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:07.076 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:07.076 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:07.076 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:07.577 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:07.577 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:07.577 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:08.077 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:08.077 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:08.077 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:08.577 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:08.577 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:08.577 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:09.078 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:09.078 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:09.078 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:09.578 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:09.578 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:09.578 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:10.078 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:10.078 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:10.078 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:10.579 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:10.579 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:10.579 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:11.079 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:11.079 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:11.079 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:11.579 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:11.579 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:11.579 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:12.080 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:12.080 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:12.080 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:12.444 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:47:12.580 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:12.580 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:12.580 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:13.080 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:13.080 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:13.080 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:13.581 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:13.581 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:13.581 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:13.913 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:47:13.914 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:47:14.081 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:14.081 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:14.081 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:14.581 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:14.581 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:14.581 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:15.082 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:15.082 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:15.082 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:15.582 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:15.582 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:15.582 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:16.082 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:16.082 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:16.082 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:16.583 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:16.583 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:16.583 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:17.083 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:17.083 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:17.083 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:17.583 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:17.583 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:17.583 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:18.084 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:18.084 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:18.084 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:18.584 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:18.584 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:18.584 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:19.084 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:19.084 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:19.084 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:19.585 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:19.585 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:19.585 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:20.085 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:20.085 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:20.085 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:20.585 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:20.585 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:20.586 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:21.086 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:21.086 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:21.086 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:21.586 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:21.586 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:21.586 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:22.086 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:22.086 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:22.086 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:22.587 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:22.587 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:22.587 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:23.087 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:23.087 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:23.087 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:23.587 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:23.588 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:23.588 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:24.088 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:24.088 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:24.088 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:24.588 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:24.588 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:24.588 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:25.088 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:25.089 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:25.089 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:25.589 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:25.589 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:25.589 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:26.089 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:26.089 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:26.089 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:26.589 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:26.589 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:26.590 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:27.090 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:27.090 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:27.090 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:27.590 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:27.590 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:27.590 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:28.090 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:28.090 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:28.091 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:28.591 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:28.591 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:28.591 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:29.091 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:29.091 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:29.091 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:29.591 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:29.592 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:29.592 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:30.092 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:30.092 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:30.092 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:30.592 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:30.592 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:30.592 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:31.092 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:31.093 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:31.093 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:31.593 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:31.593 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:31.593 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:32.093 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:32.093 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:32.093 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:32.593 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:32.594 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:32.594 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:33.094 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:33.094 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:33.094 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:33.594 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:33.594 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:33.594 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:34.094 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:34.095 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:34.095 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:34.595 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:34.595 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:34.595 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:35.095 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:35.095 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:35.095 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:35.596 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:35.596 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:35.596 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:36.096 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:36.096 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:36.096 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:36.596 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:36.596 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:36.596 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:37.097 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:37.097 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:37.097 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:37.597 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:37.597 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:37.597 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:38.097 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:38.097 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:38.097 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:38.598 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:38.598 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:38.598 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:39.098 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:39.098 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:39.098 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:39.598 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:39.598 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:39.598 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:40.099 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:40.099 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:40.099 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:40.599 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:40.599 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:40.599 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:41.099 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:41.099 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:41.099 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:41.600 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:41.600 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:41.600 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:42.100 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:42.100 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:42.100 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:42.600 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:42.600 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:42.600 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:43.101 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:43.101 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:43.101 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:43.601 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:43.601 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:43.601 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:43.920 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:47:43.921 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:47:44.101 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:44.101 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:44.101 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:44.602 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:44.602 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:44.602 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:45.102 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:45.102 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:45.102 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:45.602 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:45.602 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:45.602 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:46.103 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:46.103 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:46.103 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:46.603 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:46.603 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:46.603 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:47.103 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:47.103 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:47.103 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:47.604 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:47.604 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:47.604 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:48.104 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:48.104 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:48.104 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:48.604 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:48.604 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:48.604 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:49.105 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:49.105 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:49.105 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:49.605 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:49.605 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:49.605 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:50.105 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:50.105 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:50.105 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:50.601 2652 3669 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:47:50.606 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:50.606 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:50.606 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:51.106 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:51.106 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:51.106 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:51.606 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:51.606 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:51.606 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:52.107 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:52.107 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:52.107 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:52.607 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:52.607 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:52.607 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:53.107 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:53.107 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:53.107 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:53.608 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:53.608 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:53.608 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:54.108 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:54.108 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:54.108 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:54.608 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:54.608 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:54.608 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:55.109 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:55.109 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:55.109 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:55.609 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:55.609 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:55.609 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:56.109 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:56.109 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:56.109 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:56.610 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:56.610 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:56.610 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:57.110 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:57.110 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:57.110 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:57.610 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:57.610 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:57.610 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:58.111 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:58.111 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:58.111 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:58.611 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:58.611 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:58.611 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:59.111 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:59.111 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:59.111 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:47:59.612 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:47:59.612 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:47:59.612 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:00.112 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:00.112 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:00.112 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:00.612 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:00.612 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:00.612 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:01.113 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:01.113 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:01.113 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:01.613 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:01.613 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:01.613 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:02.113 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:02.113 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:02.113 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:02.614 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:02.614 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:02.614 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:03.114 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:03.114 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:03.114 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:03.614 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:03.614 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:03.614 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:04.115 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:04.115 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:04.115 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:04.615 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:04.615 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:04.615 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:05.115 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:05.115 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:05.115 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:05.616 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:05.616 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:05.616 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:06.116 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:06.116 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:06.116 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:06.616 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:06.616 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:06.616 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:07.117 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:07.117 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:07.117 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:07.617 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:07.617 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:07.617 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:08.117 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:08.117 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:08.117 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:08.618 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:08.618 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:08.618 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:09.029 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715635089029, elapsedRealtime=40208714
05-14 02:48:09.029 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{ad373ed:
PendingIntentRecord{fa8c222 com.heytap.pictorial startService}}) : type=0
workSource=null nextElapsed=41519685 orginAlarm=Alarm{4867cf3 type 0 origWhen
1715633927248 whenElapsed 39719685 com.heytap.pictorial}
05-14 02:48:09.030 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.030 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44579.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:09.031 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: setRepeat(PendingIntent{3e8cbb7:
PendingIntentRecord{3cafd3b broadcastIntent}}) :
type=0 workSource=null nextElapsed=125727597 orginAlarm=Alarm{e476db0 type 0
origWhen 1715634207912 whenElapsed 39327597}
05-14 02:48:09.033 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.033 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
44579.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:09.035 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 02:48:09.035 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40259685 win=0 tElapsed=40259685 maxElapsed=40259685 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.036 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{df58429
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:48:09.036 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.040 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{83f3ae type 3 origWhen 39179685 whenElapsed 39179685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 02:48:09.040 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{301f54f type 3 origWhen 39538743 whenElapsed 39538743 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@300f869,
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light, workSource=null
05-14 02:48:09.041 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{aadb4dc type 3 origWhen 39605466 whenElapsed 39605466 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$ListenerWrapper@47330c4,
listenerTag=StatsCompanionService.pull, workSource=null
05-14 02:48:09.042 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{73939e5} from uid 1000 pid -1 for 1
05-14 02:48:09.042 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{7ac6535 type 3 origWhen
39621205 whenElapsed 39621205 android}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{9bcf9d3: PendingIntentRecord{5c6d910 android broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:48:09.043 1097 1232 E AlarmManager: Attempt to decrement existing alarm
count 0 by 1 for uid 1000
05-14 02:48:09.045 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{dcf42c8} from uid 10224 pid -1 for 1
05-14 02:48:09.046 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 27287 for 3
05-14 02:48:09.047 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.048 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =, alarm = Alarm{e476db0 type 0
origWhen 1715634207912 whenElapsed 39327597}, cn
Host.SystemBroadcastReceiver}, operation = PendingIntent{3e8cbb7:
PendingIntentRecord{3cafd3b broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:48:09.048 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e9aca86} from uid 10069 pid -
1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:48:09.049 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =, alarm = Alarm{b413f47
type 2 origWhen 39533714 whenElapsed 39533714}, cn = null,
operation = PendingIntent{acb19d3: PendingIntentRecord{5bd3b85 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null,
05-14 02:48:09.049 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 5638 for 3
05-14 02:48:09.050 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.053 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 0, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{4867cf3 type 0 origWhen 1715633927248 whenElapsed 39719685
com.heytap.pictorial}, cn =
operation = PendingIntent{ad373ed: PendingIntentRecord{fa8c222 com.heytap.pictorial
startService}}, listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:48:09.054 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{c490912} from uid 10125 pid -1 for 1
05-14 02:48:09.054 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =, alarm = Alarm{1c888e3 type 3
origWhen 39529165 whenElapsed 39529165}, cn =
alReceiver}, operation = PendingIntent{f10f0d4: PendingIntentRecord{186e88b broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=WorkSource{10125}
05-14 02:48:09.055 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.056 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{ea9a2e0
com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON/u0} from uid 10223 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:48:09.057 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON, alarm = Alarm{db03b6c type 3 origWhen 39716562
whenElapsed 39716562 com.whatsapp}, cn =
ComponentInfo{com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.AlarmBroadcastReceiver}, operation =
PendingIntent{607d449: PendingIntentRecord{d79d14e com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:48:09.057 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{3e28207 23224:com.whatsapp/u0a223} Max running
broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 02:48:09.058 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.058 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.060 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{3e28207 23224:com.whatsapp/u0a223} Max running
broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 02:48:09.060 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@300f869
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=40323683 win=60000 tElapsed=40323683
maxElapsed=40383683 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 02:48:09.060 1097 4103 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{71ac999 m=0x0 userHandle=null}
finished with BroadcastRecord{c490912} took 6ms
05-14 02:48:09.061 1097 4103 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.062 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23224 com.whatsapp
for 3
05-14 02:48:09.062 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.062 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.063 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.063 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40508748 win=225000 tElapsed=40508748 maxElapsed=40733748 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.063 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=null Max running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is
05-14 02:48:09.063 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.066 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{52aa45e
android.os.action.LIGHT_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 4
05-14 02:48:09.068 1097 3932 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{ff0d03f:
PendingIntentRecord{5bd3b85 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=41108736 win=674999 tElapsed=41108736
maxElapsed=41783735 interval=0 flags=0x20
05-14 02:48:09.068 23224 23224 D WM-DelayedWorkTracker: Scheduling work eef5af05-
05-14 02:48:09.069 23224 23224 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Starting tracking for
05-14 02:48:09.071 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{e5c7fc9} Max running broadcast queue size is
5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 02:48:09.071 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{e5c7fc9} Max running broadcast queue size is
5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 02:48:09.071 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.074 27287 27287 E AppHost.Android: Low memory. Level : 40. App part
of LRU list. Likely to be killed anytime
05-14 02:48:09.079 1097 3932 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{8b60d0c:
PendingIntentRecord{c1fc873 broadcastIntent}}) : type=2
listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null
callingUid=10069 triggerAtTime=40267763 win=0 tElapsed=40267763 maxElapsed=40267763
interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:48:09.079 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:09.080 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:09.080 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils--
>getInitialDisplayDensity density=0
05-14 02:48:09.081 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*alarm* from android(1000) duration:40
05-14 02:48:09.081 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:38
05-14 02:48:09.081 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake$PullingAlarmListener from
android(1000) duration:36
05-14 02:48:09.081 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:NetworkStats from android(1000) duration:34
05-14 02:48:09.081 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:21
05-14 02:48:09.081 1097 3476 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:48:09.081 23224 23224 D WM-ConstraintTracker: 7rR: initial state = true
05-14 02:48:09.081 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils-->fail to read
this property, get density form windowManagerService : 320
05-14 02:48:09.082 23224 23224 D WM-BrdcstRcvrCnstrntTrc: 7rR: registering receiver
05-14 02:48:09.082 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:09.082 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:09.082 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils--
>getInitialDisplayDensity density=0
05-14 02:48:09.083 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=BroadcastProcessQueue{e5c7fc9} Max running broadcast queue size is
5 current is 4 usedExtra is 1
05-14 02:48:09.083 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.083 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.083 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40508768 win=225000 tElapsed=40508768 maxElapsed=40733768 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.084 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.084 27287 27287 E AppHost.Android: Low memory. Level : 40. App part
of LRU list. Likely to be killed anytime
05-14 02:48:09.085 5638 5638 W fbservices:InitStatus: Not blocking Service
05-14 02:48:09.086 5638 5638 W fbservices:InitStatus: Not blocking Service
05-14 02:48:09.087 1097 3333 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{14bf87f
10069/u0 ReceiverList{254459e 5638 remote:6cd27d9}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{e9aca86} took 38ms
05-14 02:48:09.088 1097 3476 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:48:09.088 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils-->fail to read
this property, get density form windowManagerService : 320
05-14 02:48:09.089 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.090 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*alarm* from android(1000) duration:49
05-14 02:48:09.090 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:47
05-14 02:48:09.090 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake$PullingAlarmListener from
android(1000) duration:45
05-14 02:48:09.090 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:30
05-14 02:48:09.091 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.091 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkEnabledNL: dayLimitON
= 0,dayLimitBytes = -1
05-14 02:48:09.091 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkEnabledNL: dayLimitON
= 0,dayLimitBytes = -1
05-14 02:48:09.091 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=null Max running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is
05-14 02:48:09.091 23224 23224 D WM-ConstraintTracker: 7rV: initial state =
NetworkState(isConnected=true, isValidated=true, isMetered=false,
05-14 02:48:09.091 23224 23224 D WM-NetworkStateTracker: Registering network
05-14 02:48:09.094 1097 3476 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10223/23224 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 2063 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10223 RequestorUid: 10223 RequestorPkg: com.whatsapp UnderlyingNetworks: Null]
]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
05-14 02:48:09.095 23224 23224 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e}
05-14 02:48:09.096 1097 1264 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10223 RequestorUid: 10223 RequestorPkg: com.whatsapp UnderlyingNetworks: Null]
05-14 02:48:09.096 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [2064 : null →
108] [c 0] [a 1] [i 1]
05-14 02:48:09.096 1097 1264 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2064, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.whatsapp UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.096 23224 23224 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Constraints met: Scheduling
work ID WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e,
05-14 02:48:09.096 1097 1264 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2064, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.whatsapp UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.096 1097 1264 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2064, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: com.whatsapp UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.096 1097 1261 D BroadcastQueue: Finished with ordered
BroadcastRecord{73939e5} took 54ms
manifest receiver:0 manifest skipped: 0 total receiver:1
05-14 02:48:09.096 1097 1261 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{7f1415e
1000/u0 ReceiverList{695ba99 1097 system/1000/u0 local:e65b7e0}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{73939e5} took 54ms
05-14 02:48:09.097 1097 1261 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x40000010 }
05-14 02:48:09.097 1097 1147 D BroadcastQueue: Skip update running list,
mRunnableHead=null Max running broadcast queue size is 5 current is 4 usedExtra is
05-14 02:48:09.099 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: subId = 1,dayLimitON =
0,dayLimitBytes = -1,isDayLimitNotify = 0
05-14 02:48:09.100 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy:
05-14 02:48:09.100 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.101 1750 28043 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
FcmRetry type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 40328781]
05-14 02:48:09.101 23224 23224 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e}
05-14 02:48:09.103 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10197} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=518522192 win=3600000 tElapsed=518522192 maxElapsed=522122192
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.103 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.103 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=27778488155 win=3600000
tElapsed=27778488155 maxElapsed=27782088155 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.103 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.104 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10197} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=172922184 win=3600000 tElapsed=172922184 maxElapsed=176522184
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.104 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.104 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.104 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10166} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=54774557 win=3600000 tElapsed=54774557
maxElapsed=58374557 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.104 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.104 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.105 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10166} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=54774544 win=3600000 tElapsed=54774544
maxElapsed=58374544 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.105 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.105 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.105 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10166} callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=43146012 win=2202916 tElapsed=43146012
maxElapsed=45348928 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.105 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.105 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.105 23224 23366 D WM-Processor: 9tB: processing
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e, generation=0)
05-14 02:48:09.106 1097 3476 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{d150b0d:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=40328781 win=0
tElapsed=40328781 maxElapsed=40328781 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:48:09.107 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.109 23224 23418 D WM-NetworkStateTracker: Network capabilities
changed: [ Transports: WIFI Capabilities:
LinkDnBandwidth>=30989Kbps TransportInfo: <SSID: <unknown ssid>, BSSID:
02:00:00:00:00:00, MAC: 02:00:00:00:00:00, IP: /, Security type: 2,
Supplicant state: COMPLETED, Wi-Fi standard: 4, RSSI: -65, Link speed: 72Mbps, Tx
Link speed: 72Mbps, Max Supported Tx Link speed: 72Mbps, Rx Link speed: 72Mbps, Max
Supported Rx Link speed: 72Mbps, Frequency: 2417MHz, Net ID: -1, Metered hint:
false, score: 60, isUsable: true, CarrierMerged: false, SubscriptionId: -1,
IsPrimary: -1, Trusted: true, Restricted: false, Ephemeral: false, OEM paid: false,
OEM private: false, OSU AP: false, FQDN: <none>, Provider friendly name: <none>,
Requesting package name: <none><none>MLO Information: , Is TID-To-Link negotiation
supported by the AP: false, AP MLD Address: <none>, AP MLO Link Id: <none>, AP MLO
Affiliated links: <none>> SignalStrength: -65 UnderlyingNetworks: Null]
05-14 02:48:09.111 1097 3476 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.112 1097 3476 D PackageManager: Considering set
Service's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.114 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10129} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=50419794 win=3600000 tElapsed=50419794 maxElapsed=54019794 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.114 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.114 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.114 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=40616678 win=305909
tElapsed=40616678 maxElapsed=40922587 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.115 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.115 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.116 5638 5638 W fbservices:InitStatus: Not blocking Service
05-14 02:48:09.117 1097 3333 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8f6e10e} from uid 10125 pid 1750 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:48:09.118 1097 1147 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:48:09.118 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:09.118 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:09.118 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:09.120 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10152; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:09.120 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10152; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:09.120 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.120 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.122 1097 3333 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{e1203e6} from uid 10125 pid 1750 for 3 receivers
05-14 02:48:09.124 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 18446
cessService0:0 for 3
05-14 02:48:09.128 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 15294 for 3
05-14 02:48:09.129 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.130 668 668 D Zygote : Forked child process 28198
05-14 02:48:09.138 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.139 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40508824 win=225000 tElapsed=40508824 maxElapsed=40733824 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.139 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.140 28198 28198 I Using CollectorTypeCMC GC.
05-14 02:48:09.143 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.144 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for broadcast
05-14 02:48:09.144 1097 3476 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{d15016c
com.whatsapp/.AlarmBroadcastReceiver m=0x0 userHandle=null} finished with
BroadcastRecord{ea9a2e0 com.whatsapp.action.HOURLY_CRON/u0} took 82ms
05-14 02:48:09.145 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.146 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.150 1750 27650 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s
started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
05-14 02:48:09.151 23224 23224 D WM-WorkerWrapper: Starting work for
05-14 02:48:09.152 1097 3476 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{de8b335
adcastReceiver m=0x0 userHandle=null} finished with BroadcastRecord{dcf42c8} took 105ms
05-14 02:48:09.152 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.153 27287 27287 E AppHost.Android: Low memory. Level : 40. App part
of LRU list. Likely to be killed anytime
05-14 02:48:09.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:118
05-14 02:48:09.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake$PullingAlarmListener from
android(1000) duration:116
05-14 02:48:09.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:101
05-14 02:48:09.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
rvice from duration:50
05-14 02:48:09.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GOOGLE_C2DM from duration:48
05-14 02:48:09.160 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:29
05-14 02:48:09.161 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10152; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:09.161 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10152; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:09.163 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.165 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.166 28198 28198 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.166 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.166 28198 28198 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 242716250; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.167 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40508851 win=225000 tElapsed=40508851 maxElapsed=40733851 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.167 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.168 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{ee86e17:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=41016359
win=605629 tElapsed=41016359 maxElapsed=41621988 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.169 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.169 1750 1750 D BoundBrokerSvc: onRebind: Intent
e.ACTION_TASK_READY dat=chimera-action:/... }
05-14 02:48:09.171 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.171 1750 27998 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s
started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
05-14 02:48:09.171 23224 23366 I WM-Processor: Moving WorkSpec (eef5af05-000f-4d58-
bd3b-40f3621ace4e) to the foreground
05-14 02:48:09.175 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:133
05-14 02:48:09.175 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake$PullingAlarmListener from
android(1000) duration:131
05-14 02:48:09.175 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
rvice from duration:65
05-14 02:48:09.175 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GOOGLE_C2DM from duration:63
05-14 02:48:09.175 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*job*/com.whatsapp/.AlarmService#3 from android(1000) duration:44
05-14 02:48:09.175 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ce.ContextManagerLogsUploadBoundService from
05-14 02:48:09.175 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:CMWakeLock from duration:3
05-14 02:48:09.175 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:2
05-14 02:48:09.176 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.177 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.177 23224 23549 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "20"
05-14 02:48:09.177 23224 23549 W SQLiteLog: (28) double-quoted string literal: "40"
05-14 02:48:09.179 1097 3932 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{bf913ed:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=41016359
win=605622 tElapsed=41016359 maxElapsed=41621981 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.179 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.183 1097 3333 W ActivityManager: Background started FGS:
Disallowed [callingPackage: com.whatsapp; callingUid: 10223; uidState: TRNB;
uidBFSL: n/a; intent: Intent { act=ACTION_START_FOREGROUND
cmp=com.whatsapp/ (has extras)
}; code:DENIED; tempAllowListReason:<null>; targetSdkVersion:34;
callerTargetSdkVersion:34; startForegroundCount:0; bindFromPackage:null:
05-14 02:48:09.183 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170668199; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.184 1097 3333 W ActivityManager: startForegroundService() not
allowed due to mAllowStartForeground false: service
05-14 02:48:09.184 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 174041399; UID 10223; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.186 1750 27998 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s
finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s
exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
05-14 02:48:09.186 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.188 1097 4105 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.189 28198 28198 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk
/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34,
05-14 02:48:09.190 1097 4106 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{6001e9} from uid 10125 pid 1750 for 1
05-14 02:48:09.192 1750 1750 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent
e.ACTION_TASK_READY dat=chimera-action:/... }
05-14 02:48:09.192 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.194 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@47330c4
listenerTag=StatsCompanionService.pull workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=43205466 win=0 tElapsed=43205466 maxElapsed=43205466
interval=0 flags=0x9
05-14 02:48:09.195 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.196 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.199 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.200 15294 15294 I GnpSdk : (REDACTED) Intent received for action
[%s] package [%s].
05-14 02:48:09.201 15294 15294 I GnpSdk : Phenotype initialized.
05-14 02:48:09.202 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.203 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.203 15294 15294 I GnpSdk : (REDACTED) Validation OK for action
05-14 02:48:09.203 1750 27998 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s
finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s
exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
05-14 02:48:09.203 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40508888 win=225000 tElapsed=40508888 maxElapsed=40733888 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.203 15294 15294 I GnpSdk : (REDACTED) Submitting Broadcast
execution [%d] to tiktok executor.
05-14 02:48:09.205 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.206 15294 28216 I GnpSdk : (REDACTED) Executing action in
BroadcastReceiver [%s].
05-14 02:48:09.207 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.215 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:173
05-14 02:48:09.215 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GOOGLE_C2DM from duration:103
05-14 02:48:09.215 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:37
05-14 02:48:09.215 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:13
05-14 02:48:09.215 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GnpBroadcastReceiver from
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : Account Worker did not pass Account
requirements and will be skipped.
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A :
Account was no longer valid when task executed.
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : Caused by: Selected account doesn't match the
primary search account
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : ... 5 more
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : Caused by: Selected account doesn't match the
primary search account
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : ... 5 more
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : Caused by: Selected account doesn't match the
primary search account
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : at
05-14 02:48:09.219 15294 15369 W A : ... 8 more
05-14 02:48:09.223 15294 15351 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result FAILURE for Work [
efixWorker,tiktok_account_work,account_id_3 } ]
05-14 02:48:09.228 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=40273389 win=48357
tElapsed=40273389 maxElapsed=40321746 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.228 23224 28213 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(104) with statsTag=0x3,
05-14 02:48:09.228 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.228 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.236 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.236 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40508921 win=225000 tElapsed=40508921 maxElapsed=40733921 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.237 1097 1578 D PowerController.RecogA: mFgEvent:APP_COMPONENT_USED
mLastTimeFgEventChanged:40208921 mLastLaunchTime:529521
mProcState:PROCESS_STATE_CACHED_EMPTY mLastTimeProcStateChanged:0
mNotificationState:0 mLastTimeNotificationStateChanged:0 mAudioState:0
mLastTimeAudioStateChanged:0 mRequestGps:true mAvoidConstraintGps:false
mBehaviorType:0 mScreenOn:false mLastTimeScreenStateChanged:36776292
mLastBgTime:531067 mFgDuration:9177 mAudioDuration:0 mBgAudioDuration:0
05-14 02:48:09.239 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.240 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.247 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:205
05-14 02:48:09.247 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GOOGLE_C2DM from duration:135
05-14 02:48:09.247 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:69
05-14 02:48:09.247 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:*gms_scheduler*:internal from duration:45
05-14 02:48:09.247 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GnpBroadcastReceiver from
05-14 02:48:09.247 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:13
05-14 02:48:09.253 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.257 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
uleReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.259 28198 28198 W ziparchive: Unable to open
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.259 28198 28198 W ziparchive: Unable to open
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.260 28198 28198 W Entry not found
05-14 02:48:09.260 1097 4099 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{d2350a3:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=41016359
win=605560 tElapsed=41016359 maxElapsed=41621919 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.261 28198 28198 W ziparchive: Unable to open
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.261 28198 28198 W ziparchive: Unable to open
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.262 28198 28198 W Entry not found
05-14 02:48:09.263 28198 28198 W ziparchive: Unable to open
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.263 28198 28198 W ziparchive: Unable to open
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.264 28198 28198 W Entry not found
05-14 02:48:09.264 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.264 15294 19135 V ClearcutMetricXmitter: Transmission is done.
05-14 02:48:09.265 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.267 28198 28198 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/split_config.xhdpi.apk. target_sdk_version=34,,
05-14 02:48:09.269 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.270 27287 28224 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.270 27287 28224 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.271 1097 3476 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.271 1097 3476 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.271 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{ef3f015:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=41016359
win=605552 tElapsed=41016359 maxElapsed=41621911 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.272 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.275 1750 27998 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s
started execution. cause:%s exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
05-14 02:48:09.278 1097 4099 I WifiService: acquireWifiLock uid=10223 lockMode=1
05-14 02:48:09.284 28198 28198 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for:
05-14 02:48:09.284 28198 28198 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:09.284 28198 28198 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:09.285 28198 28198 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for false
05-14 02:48:09.285 28198 28198 V GraphicsEnvironment: is not
listed in per-application setting
05-14 02:48:09.285 28198 28198 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
05-14 02:48:09.287 27287 28231 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 263076149; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.295 1097 3333 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:48:09.295 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{d9a893}
05-14 02:48:09.295 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10224; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:09.296 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10224; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:09.296 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10224; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:09.296 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.298 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.304 28198 28234 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183155436; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.307 1097 3333 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2bbc0d0} from uid 10152 pid 28198
for 1 receivers
05-14 02:48:09.310 23224 23425 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(177) with statsTag=0x1,
05-14 02:48:09.313 668 668 D Zygote : Forked child process 28238
05-14 02:48:09.313 15294 28222 I A : Chime Filter is invoked.
05-14 02:48:09.314 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 02:48:09.321 1097 3333 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{cec3aef} from uid 10152 pid 28198 for 1
05-14 02:48:09.324 28238 28238 I cehubrow:remote: Using CollectorTypeCMC GC.
05-14 02:48:09.327 28238 28238 E cehubrow:remote: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-14 02:48:09.337 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10224; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:09.338 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10224; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:09.340 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.341 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40509026 win=225000 tElapsed=40509026 maxElapsed=40734026 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.342 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.342 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.342 28238 28238 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.343 28238 28238 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 242716250; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.345 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.347 15294 15371 I A : Notification was not filtered.
05-14 02:48:09.347 28238 28238 D ApplicationLoaders: Returning zygote-cached class
loader: /system/framework/android.test.base.jar
05-14 02:48:09.350 28238 28238 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk
/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34,
05-14 02:48:09.351 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:308
05-14 02:48:09.351 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GOOGLE_C2DM from duration:238
05-14 02:48:09.351 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:172
05-14 02:48:09.351 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GnpBroadcastReceiver from
05-14 02:48:09.351 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:116
05-14 02:48:09.359 28198 28198 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 3400644; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.362 15294 28222 I GnpSdk : (REDACTED) Setting channel Id: '%s'
05-14 02:48:09.370 28238 28238 W ziparchive: Unable to open
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.370 28238 28238 W ziparchive: Unable to open
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.371 28238 28238 W cehubrow:remote: Entry not found
05-14 02:48:09.371 28238 28238 W ziparchive: Unable to open
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.371 28238 28238 W ziparchive: Unable to open
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.372 28238 28238 W cehubrow:remote: Entry not found
05-14 02:48:09.372 28238 28238 W ziparchive: Unable to open
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.372 28238 28238 W ziparchive: Unable to open
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.373 28238 28238 W cehubrow:remote: Entry not found
05-14 02:48:09.374 28238 28238 W ziparchive: Unable to open
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.374 28238 28238 W ziparchive: Unable to open
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:09.374 28238 28238 W cehubrow:remote: Entry not found
05-14 02:48:09.376 28238 28238 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/split_mainassetpack.apk. target_sdk_version=34,
05-14 02:48:09.388 1750 11542 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(201) with
statsTag=0x1065fff, statsUid=-1
05-14 02:48:09.397 15294 28222 I GnpSdk : (REDACTED) Setting channel Id: '%s'
05-14 02:48:09.399 27287 27300 W ce.officehubrow: Reducing the number of considered
missed Gc histogram windows from 249 to 100
05-14 02:48:09.401 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.402 28238 28238 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for:
05-14 02:48:09.402 28238 28238 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:09.402 28238 28238 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:09.402 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.403 28238 28238 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for false
05-14 02:48:09.403 28238 28238 V GraphicsEnvironment: is not listed in per-application setting
05-14 02:48:09.403 28238 28238 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
05-14 02:48:09.404 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.405 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.411 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.413 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.415 28238 28238 I MAMInfo : MAMInfo initialized. Debug=false,
Agent=PRODUCTION, ManagedDialogDisabled=false, PolicyRequired=false,
MultiIdentityEnabled=true, FullBackupContent=true, DataExtractionRules=true,
UseDefaultEnrollment=false, ExceptionOnInit=false, Debuggable=false,
05-14 02:48:09.421 1097 3932 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 4
05-14 02:48:09.422 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.423 1097 3333 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:48:09.423 1097 3333 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:48:09.423 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
ents.LivestreamHandlerActivity's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.423 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.428 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.432 28238 28238 D ApplicationUtils: Primary process for app =
05-14 02:48:09.433 28238 28238 I ApplicationUtils: Application process name
05-14 02:48:09.433 1097 3333 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{7c1dccf:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=1 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10129
triggerAtTime=1715645040000 win=3600000 tElapsed=50159685 maxElapsed=53759685
interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.434 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.434 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.435 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.438 28238 28238 I TelemetryManager: Initalizing Android early
05-14 02:48:09.440 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.450 1097 3932 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
callingPackage=android callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=40616678 win=305658
tElapsed=40616678 maxElapsed=40922336 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:09.450 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.450 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.452 28238 28290 I FirebaseInitializer: Firebase initialization start
05-14 02:48:09.453 28238 28290 I FirebaseInitializer: Not initializing from non
primary process
05-14 02:48:09.456 15294 28216 I GnpSdk : (REDACTED) Finished Broadcast execution
05-14 02:48:09.458 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.459 28238 28289 I OfficeApplication: Initializing registry
05-14 02:48:09.459 28238 28289 I Registry: init - START
05-14 02:48:09.459 28238 28289 I Registry: initDatabase - START
05-14 02:48:09.459 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager:
isOptimizedReloadOnUpdatesEnabled : true
05-14 02:48:09.461 28198 28274 I org.webrtc.Logging: CrashStartupListener: Checking
conference crashes for 5 account(s).
05-14 02:48:09.462 1097 3333 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{e3997bf
platform.entrypoints.push.PushReceiver p=99 m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{e1203e6}
took 334ms
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at$AndroidOs.access(
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at kdj.<init>(PG:49)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at iwh.<init>(PG:13)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at iwh.l(PG:16)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at qph.a(PG:32)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at rpe.b(PG:9)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at adrh.g(PG:100)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at adrh.c(PG:7)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at ykd.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at wvw.a(PG:536)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at bbtp.a(PG:57)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at bbta.c(PG:3)
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.466 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at kdj.<init>(PG:55)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at iwh.<init>(PG:13)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at iwh.l(PG:16)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at qph.a(PG:32)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at rpe.b(PG:9)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at adrh.g(PG:100)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at adrh.c(PG:7)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at ykd.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at wvw.a(PG:536)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at bbtp.a(PG:57)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at bbta.c(PG:3)
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.467 28198 28300 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.468 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.468 1097 4099 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{96fb5ea Service #86315}
whose proc state 8 is better than process ProcessState{f895134} proc
state 14 (10 skipped)
05-14 02:48:09.469 1097 4119 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{18b46b6
tReceiver m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{e1203e6} took 6ms
05-14 02:48:09.471 28238 28238 I Copilot : BingExperienceAuthenticationManager:
Initialized called
05-14 02:48:09.476 28238 28238 I Copilot : BingExperienceAuthenticationManager: bce
eligibility Status false
05-14 02:48:09.477 28238 28238 I Copilot : BingExperienceAuthenticationManager: bcb
eligibility Status false
05-14 02:48:09.477 28238 28238 I Copilot : BingExperienceAuthenticationManager:
proStatus false
05-14 02:48:09.477 15294 15294 I TngGcmBroadcastReceiver: #onReceive: Received GNP
payload, returning.
05-14 02:48:09.477 28238 28238 I Copilot : BingExperienceAuthenticationManager:
eligibilityStatus true
05-14 02:48:09.479 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.481 1097 4099 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{2264245
BroadcastReceiver_Receiver m=0x108000 userHandle=UserHandle{0}} finished with
BroadcastRecord{e1203e6} took 10ms
05-14 02:48:09.481 1750 1750 W GCM : broadcast intent callback:
result=CANCELLED forIntent { (has extras) }
05-14 02:48:09.481 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.486 28198 28293 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
05-14 02:48:09.486 28198 28293 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-6 for other apk .
target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=,
05-14 02:48:09.488 28718 28718 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action:/... }
05-14 02:48:09.488 28718 28718 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent:
Intent { dat=chimera-action:/... }
05-14 02:48:09.493 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - START
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at$AndroidOs.access(
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at kdj.<init>(PG:49)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at iwh.<init>(PG:13)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at iwh.l(PG:16)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at qph.a(PG:32)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at rpe.b(PG:9)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at adrh.g(PG:100)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at adrh.c(PG:7)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at ykd.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at wvw.a(PG:536)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at bbtp.a(PG:57)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at bbta.c(PG:3)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28238 28238 I Copilot : BingExperienceAuthenticationManager:
isPremiumMsa false
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at kdj.<init>(PG:55)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at iwh.<init>(PG:13)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at iwh.l(PG:16)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at qph.a(PG:32)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at rpe.b(PG:9)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at adrh.g(PG:100)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at adrh.c(PG:7)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at ykd.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at wvw.a(PG:536)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at bbtp.a(PG:57)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at bbta.c(PG:3)
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.497 28198 28303 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.499 28238 28309 I Copilot : ChatAuthenticator:
warmUpTokenForInActiveAccounts called
05-14 02:48:09.499 28198 28293 W ClassLoaderContext type mismatch.
expected=PCL, found=DLC (PCL[] |
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at$AndroidOs.access(
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at kdj.<init>(PG:49)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at iwh.<init>(PG:13)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at iwh.l(PG:16)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at qph.a(PG:32)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at rpe.b(PG:9)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at adrh.g(PG:100)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at adrh.c(PG:7)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at ykd.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at wvw.a(PG:536)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at bbtp.a(PG:57)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at bbta.c(PG:3)
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.501 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at kdj.<init>(PG:55)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at iwh.<init>(PG:13)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at iwh.l(PG:16)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at qph.a(PG:32)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at rpe.b(PG:9)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at adrh.g(PG:100)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at adrh.c(PG:7)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at ykd.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at wvw.a(PG:536)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at bbtp.a(PG:57)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at bbta.c(PG:3)
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.502 28198 28299 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at$AndroidOs.access(
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at kdj.<init>(PG:49)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at iwh.<init>(PG:13)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at iwh.l(PG:16)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at qph.a(PG:32)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at rpe.b(PG:9)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at adrh.g(PG:100)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at adrh.c(PG:7)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at ykd.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at wvw.a(PG:536)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at bbtp.a(PG:57)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at bbta.c(PG:3)
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.505 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at kdj.<init>(PG:55)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at iwh.<init>(PG:13)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at iwh.l(PG:16)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at qph.a(PG:32)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at rpe.b(PG:9)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at adrh.g(PG:100)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at adrh.c(PG:7)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at ykd.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at wvw.a(PG:536)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at bbtp.a(PG:57)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at bbta.c(PG:3)
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.506 28198 28294 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at$AndroidOs.access(
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at kdj.<init>(PG:49)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at iwh.<init>(PG:13)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at iwh.l(PG:16)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at qph.a(PG:32)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at rpe.b(PG:9)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at adrh.g(PG:100)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at adrh.c(PG:7)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at ykd.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at wvw.a(PG:536)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at bbtp.a(PG:57)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at bbta.c(PG:3)
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.509 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: Loading keys page from id 0
05-14 02:48:09.509 1097 3476 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10152/28198 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 2065 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10152 RequestorUid: 10152 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: StrictMode policy violation:
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at kdj.<init>(PG:55)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at iwh.<init>(PG:13)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at iwh.l(PG:16)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at qph.a(PG:32)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at rpe.b(PG:9)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at adrh.g(PG:100)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at adrh.c(PG:7)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at ykd.g(PG:5)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at wvw.a(PG:536)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at bbtp.a(PG:57)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at bbta.c(PG:3)
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.510 28198 28302 D StrictMode: at
05-14 02:48:09.510 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.513 1097 1264 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10152 RequestorUid: 10152 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.513 1097 1264 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2066, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.513 1097 1264 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2066, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.513 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [2066 : null →
108] [c 0] [a 1] [i 2]
05-14 02:48:09.514 1097 1264 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2066, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.514 28238 28238 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 160794467; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.518 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: Loading keys page from id 8949
05-14 02:48:09.521 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.524 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: Loading keys page from id 9449
05-14 02:48:09.526 28238 28238 W ActivityThread: ClassLoader.loadClass: The class
loader returned by Thread.getContextClassLoader() may fail for processes that host
multiple applications. You should explicitly specify a context class loader. For
example: Thread.setContextClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader());
05-14 02:48:09.528 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id 0
05-14 02:48:09.534 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10152. pid: 28198
05-14 02:48:09.536 28198 28198 W CheckTime: App running slow: Executing scheduleReceive took 371ms
05-14 02:48:09.540 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.541 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.545 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.550 28198 28275 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 160794467; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.554 28238 28238 I OfficeApplication: shouldLoadLibsInBGThread
returned false
05-14 02:48:09.555 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.555 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.562 28238 28238 W TokenSharingManager_v1.6.12: Library works in
debug mode
05-14 02:48:09.564 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10224. pid: 28238
05-14 02:48:09.565 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:09.571 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
Service's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.573 1097 3476 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 23963 for 7
05-14 02:48:09.574 28238 28238 I WM-RemoteWorkerService: Binding to
05-14 02:48:09.576 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.576 27287 27287 E AppHost.Android: Low memory. Level : 40. App part
of LRU list. Likely to be killed anytime
05-14 02:48:09.579 28238 28238 E AppHost.Android: Low memory. Level : 40. App part
of LRU list. Likely to be killed anytime
05-14 02:48:09.581 28238 28254 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 263076149; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.585 28238 28254 D BackgroundTaskWorker: BackgroundTaskHost worker
05-14 02:48:09.586 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.589 28238 28352 E cehubrow:remote: No implementation found for void, long,
int, java.lang.String) (tried
Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_DiagnosticsAccumulator_logEvent and
a_lang_String_2) - is the library loaded, e.g. System.loadLibrary?
05-14 02:48:09.589 28238 28352 W 509110025: TSL Info:
{ name:FetchRemoteConfigurations, resultType:Success, resultCode:None,
duration:24ms }
05-14 02:48:09.589 28238 28352 E cehubrow:remote: No implementation found for int (tried
Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_Logging_nativeGetLoggingThreadId and
Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_Logging_nativeGetLoggingThreadId__) - is
the library loaded, e.g. System.loadLibrary?
05-14 02:48:09.589 28238 28352 E cehubrow:remote: No implementation found for
(tried Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_SharedUtil_tagToString and
Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_SharedUtil_tagToString__I) - is the
library loaded, e.g. System.loadLibrary?
05-14 02:48:09.590 28238 28352 W 509110025: TSL Info:
{ name:FetchRemoteConfigurations, resultType:Success, resultCode:None,
duration:24ms }
05-14 02:48:09.590 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.593 28238 28352 E cehubrow:remote: No implementation found for void, long,
int, java.lang.String) (tried
Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_DiagnosticsAccumulator_logEvent and
a_lang_String_2) - is the library loaded, e.g. System.loadLibrary?
05-14 02:48:09.593 28238 28352 W 509110025: TSL Info:
{ name:GetRemoteConfigurations, resultType:Success, resultCode:None, duration:0ms }
05-14 02:48:09.593 28238 28352 E cehubrow:remote: No implementation found for
(tried Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_SharedUtil_tagToString and
Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_SharedUtil_tagToString__I) - is the
library loaded, e.g. System.loadLibrary?
05-14 02:48:09.593 28238 28352 W 509110025: TSL Info:
{ name:GetRemoteConfigurations, resultType:Success, resultCode:None, duration:0ms }
05-14 02:48:09.598 28238 28238 D BackgroundTaskWorker: BackGround Service execution
05-14 02:48:09.599 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.601 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:09.607 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.608 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: succeeded to send cmd (4) to with rc(1529). errno: Success
05-14 02:48:09.609 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: Getting response size (28)
05-14 02:48:09.612 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: succeeded to send cmd (8) to with rc(284). errno: Success
05-14 02:48:09.612 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: Getting response size (28)
05-14 02:48:09.613 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: succeeded to send cmd (12) to with rc(32). errno: Success
05-14 02:48:09.616 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:09.618 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:09.618 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:09.618 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:09.620 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.622 28198 28344 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.622 28198 28344 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.623 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.623 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.623 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.624 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:09.625 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.625 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - Timetaken
to read from database (ms): 132 for 1040 keys and 3725 values.
05-14 02:48:09.627 28238 28238 I CXA_THROW: RegisterTerminateHandler: Try to
register TerminateHandler.
05-14 02:48:09.627 28238 28238 I CXA_THROW: RegisterTerminateHandler: Complete
registration of TerminateHandler.
05-14 02:48:09.633 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.634 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - Timetaken
to Populate Cache(ms): 141 for 1040 keys and 3725 values
05-14 02:48:09.634 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - Keys to be
deleted = 0 Values to be deleted = 0
05-14 02:48:09.634 28238 28289 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - END
05-14 02:48:09.635 28238 28289 I Registry: initDatabase - END
05-14 02:48:09.635 28238 28289 I Registry: Is DB Population completed : true
05-14 02:48:09.635 28238 28289 I Registry: init - END
05-14 02:48:09.636 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:09.639 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:09.642 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: Getting response size (56)
05-14 02:48:09.643 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: succeeded to send cmd (4) to with rc(1529). errno: Success
05-14 02:48:09.643 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: Getting response size (28)
05-14 02:48:09.644 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.646 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: succeeded to send cmd (8) to with rc(284). errno: Success
05-14 02:48:09.646 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: Getting response size (28)
05-14 02:48:09.647 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: succeeded to send cmd (12) to with rc(32). errno: Success
05-14 02:48:09.653 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.655 1097 3932 W ActivityManager: Background start not allowed:
service Intent { act=com.whatsapp.messaging.MessageService.START
cmp=com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService } to
com.whatsapp/.messaging.MessageService from pid=23224 uid=10223 pkg=com.whatsapp
05-14 02:48:09.657 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.661 28718 5861 I MdiSyncModule: (REDACTED) Receiving API connection
from package '%s'...
05-14 02:48:09.664 28718 5861 I MdiSyncModule: API connection successful!
05-14 02:48:09.664 1097 3932 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{45eb05b:
PendingIntentRecord{76f00f8 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=40224349 win=11250 tElapsed=40224349 maxElapsed=40235599 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.665 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.665 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:09.668 1097 3932 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{c0f34a4:
PendingIntentRecord{f5b920d com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=40809349 win=0 tElapsed=40809349 maxElapsed=40809349 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.668 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.668 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:09.669 28718 5862 I MdiSyncModule: (REDACTED) Receiving API connection
from package '%s'...
05-14 02:48:09.670 28718 5862 I MdiSyncModule: API connection successful!
05-14 02:48:09.673 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.674 28718 5862 I MdiSyncModule: (REDACTED) Receiving API connection
from package '%s'...
05-14 02:48:09.675 28718 5862 I MdiSyncModule: API connection successful!
05-14 02:48:09.678 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: Getting response size (56)
05-14 02:48:09.681 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.682 28718 5862 I MdiSyncModule: (REDACTED) Receiving API connection
from package '%s'...
05-14 02:48:09.685 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.688 28718 5862 I MdiSyncModule: API connection successful!
05-14 02:48:09.689 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 154726397; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.691 28718 5861 I MdiSyncModule: (REDACTED) Receiving API connection
from package '%s'...
05-14 02:48:09.692 28238 28347 E cehubrow:remote: No implementation found for void, long,
int, java.lang.String) (tried
Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_DiagnosticsAccumulator_logEvent and
a_lang_String_2) - is the library loaded, e.g. System.loadLibrary?
05-14 02:48:09.693 28238 28347 W 522725027: Couldn't initialize broker: (pii)
05-14 02:48:09.693 28238 28347 E cehubrow:remote: No implementation found for int (tried
Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_Logging_nativeGetLoggingThreadId and
Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_Logging_nativeGetLoggingThreadId__) - is
the library loaded, e.g. System.loadLibrary?
05-14 02:48:09.695 28718 5861 I MdiSyncModule: API connection successful!
05-14 02:48:09.696 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.698 28238 28347 E cehubrow:remote: No implementation found for
(tried Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_SharedUtil_tagToString and
Java_com_microsoft_authentication_internal_SharedUtil_tagToString__I) - is the
library loaded, e.g. System.loadLibrary?
05-14 02:48:09.698 28238 28347 W 522725027: Couldn't initialize broker: (pii)
05-14 02:48:09.699 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.710 1097 3932 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:48:09.710 1097 3932 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:48:09.710 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.710 1097 3932 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:48:09.710 1097 3932 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:48:09.710 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
leActivity's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.711 1097 3932 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:48:09.711 1097 3932 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:48:09.711 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
sActivity's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.712 1097 3932 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:48:09.712 1097 3932 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:48:09.712 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
cationService's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.712 1097 3932 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:48:09.712 1097 3932 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:48:09.712 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
icationBackgroundSyncJobService's state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.713 1097 3932 W PackageManager: try to disable
05-14 02:48:09.713 1097 3932 W PackageManager: OPERATOR_CODENULL
05-14 02:48:09.713 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 2 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.713 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set
lui.SingleCallActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.714 1097 3932 D PackageManager: Considering set's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.714 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
enroom.GreenroomActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.715 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
gescreen.HomeActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.716 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
ents.ConferenceUrlHandlerActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.716 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
ents.TransferCallHandlerActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.717 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
ents.ConferenceGatewayActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.717 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
ents.AssistantNewUrlHandlerActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.718 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
tings.SettingsActivity's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.742 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.754 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.773 28198 28342 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 247079863; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.802 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.802 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:09.802 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40509487 win=225000 tElapsed=40509487 maxElapsed=40734487 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.802 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.802 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:09.810 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:767
05-14 02:48:09.810 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GOOGLE_C2DM from duration:697
05-14 02:48:09.810 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:631
05-14 02:48:09.810 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:575
05-14 02:48:09.812 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.whatsapp/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.whatsapp:10223
05-14 02:48:09.813 23224 23428 D WM-PackageManagerHelper: enabled
05-14 02:48:09.815 1097 4119 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10152/28198 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 2067 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10152 RequestorUid: 10152 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
05-14 02:48:09.818 1097 1264 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10152 RequestorUid: 10152 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.818 1097 1264 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2068, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.818 1097 1264 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2068, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.818 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [2068 : null →
108] [c 0] [a 0] [i 2]
05-14 02:48:09.818 1097 1264 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2068, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:09.821 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 201794303; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.821 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 207133734; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:09.826 23224 23428 D WM-SystemJobScheduler: Scheduling work ID
5149bfd1-64fc-4915-b11a-7346e6937f1bJob ID 16313
05-14 02:48:09.828 1097 4106 D DeviceIdleControllerEx: packageName: com.whatsapp
uid: 10223 is in preset white app list
05-14 02:48:09.839 1097 4106 D PowerManagerService: wake lock:WorkManager:
ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) is disabled: false
05-14 02:48:09.839 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.839 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:09.839 1097 4106 D PowerManagerService: call
notifyWakeLockAcquiredLocked > 1, wake lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck
from com.whatsapp(10223)
05-14 02:48:09.839 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40509524 win=225000 tElapsed=40509524 maxElapsed=40734524 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.841 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
27 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 8 ,opCapability: 4
05-14 02:48:09.841 2652 8702 I HDM.SodaTrigFrontend: (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s
05-14 02:48:09.841 2652 8702 I HDM.SodaTrigFrontend: (REDACTED) Ignoring
irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
05-14 02:48:09.841 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:09.841 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:09.841 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:09.841 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:09.841 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:09.841 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:09.841 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:09.842 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.842 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
26 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 8 ,opCapability: 2
05-14 02:48:09.842 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 8 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:48:09.843 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:09.843 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:09.843 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:09.843 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:09.843 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:09.843 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:09.843 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:09.844 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.845 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.845 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:09.848 23224 23428 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Starting tracking for
05-14 02:48:09.848 23224 23428 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e}
05-14 02:48:09.848 23224 23428 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: 5149bfd1-64fc-4915-b11a-7346e6937f1b}
05-14 02:48:09.848 23224 23428 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Constraints met: Scheduling
work ID WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=5149bfd1-64fc-4915-b11a-7346e6937f1b,
05-14 02:48:09.848 23224 23428 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e}
05-14 02:48:09.850 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:808
05-14 02:48:09.850 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:GOOGLE_C2DM from duration:738
05-14 02:48:09.850 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:672
05-14 02:48:09.850 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:616
05-14 02:48:09.850 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:16
05-14 02:48:09.852 23224 23224 D WM-SystemJobService: onStartJob for
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=5149bfd1-64fc-4915-b11a-7346e6937f1b, generation=0)
05-14 02:48:09.853 23224 23433 D WM-Processor: 9tB: processing
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=5149bfd1-64fc-4915-b11a-7346e6937f1b, generation=0)
05-14 02:48:09.854 23224 23434 D WM-Processor: Work
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=5149bfd1-64fc-4915-b11a-7346e6937f1b, generation=0)
is already enqueued for processing
05-14 02:48:09.857 28238 28238 I ExceptionHandler: JNI_OnLoad()
05-14 02:48:09.859 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.860 1097 3333 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver ResolveInfo{99d74d m=0x108000
userHandle=UserHandle{0}} finished with BroadcastRecord{8f6e10e} took 696ms
05-14 02:48:09.866 23224 23224 D WM-WorkerWrapper: Starting work for
05-14 02:48:09.872 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003dfa,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:09.872 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003dfa,
05-14 02:48:09.872 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.878 28238 28238 E AppCenter: Initializing Appcenter, isEarlyLoad:
05-14 02:48:09.879 1750 11542 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(129) with statsTag=0x401,
05-14 02:48:09.880 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003dfb,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:09.881 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003dfb,
05-14 02:48:09.884 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.885 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Killing
xedProcessService0:0/u0a76i80 (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 02:48:09.887 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 26068 for 12
05-14 02:48:09.889 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003dfc,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:09.889 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003dfc,
05-14 02:48:09.892 1097 1149 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 99080 pid 26068 in 6ms
05-14 02:48:09.892 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.898 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.899 5638 5638 W fbservices:InitStatus: Not blocking Service
05-14 02:48:09.904 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes] [c
0] [a 1] [i 3]
05-14 02:48:09.910 28238 28238 I CodeMarkerSupport: AreCodeMarkersActive init
value: 0.
05-14 02:48:09.925 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.926 28238 28238 W K2_ULS 9x5g2 Experiment Liblet: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:09.928 1097 3333 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{c5ba4fe
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 02:48:09.931 28238 28401 I AriaNotificationsManager: Aria
NotificationsListener already unregistered
05-14 02:48:09.934 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.934 28238 28238 I MSO-UTel_MsoTelemetryService: Callback
OnNativeLibraryInitializationComplete is called
05-14 02:48:09.934 1097 4099 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{149130a
com.facebook.rti.fbns.intent.RECEIVE/u0} from uid 10069 pid 5638 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:48:09.935 23224 23224 D WM-SystemJobService: onStartJob for
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e, generation=0)
05-14 02:48:09.936 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.944 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.951 1097 4106 D AppStartupManager: wl is close,just return
05-14 02:48:09.952 1523 1523 I Zygote : Process 26068 exited due to signal 9
05-14 02:48:09.953 1097 4106 D ActivityManager: scheduleServiceRestartLocked N
0 now 40156849 r ServiceRecord{2d9ff4e u0
minDuration 1000
05-14 02:48:09.953 1097 4106 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed
com.glance.lockscreenRealme/ in
1000ms for connection
05-14 02:48:09.953 28238 28398 I RegistryDBManager: deleteSubTreeNodesFromDB -
deleted 3 keys out of 3 And 4 values out of 4
05-14 02:48:09.954 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 99080
05-14 02:48:09.956 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.957 1097 4106 D PackageManager: Considering set
stReceiver's state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:09.959 28238 28398 I RegistryDBManager: deleteSubTreeNodesFromDB -
deleted 1 keys out of 1 And 0 values out of 0
05-14 02:48:09.960 23224 23366 D WM-Processor: Work
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e, generation=0)
is already enqueued for processing
05-14 02:48:09.964 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{53308e0:
PendingIntentRecord{f5b920d com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=40809647 win=0 tElapsed=40809647 maxElapsed=40809647 interval=0
05-14 02:48:09.964 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.964 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:09.964 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:09.964 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:09.966 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:09.989 28238 28238 E
0:480528983288: :platstubs.cpp,Line#542:FreeLibrary NOTIMPL
05-14 02:48:10.002 1097 4099 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.intent.action.BADGE_COUNT_UPDATE flg=0x10 (has
extras) }
05-14 02:48:10.002 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{aed2f5b:
PendingIntentRecord{f5b920d com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=40809686 win=0 tElapsed=40809686 maxElapsed=40809686 interval=0
05-14 02:48:10.002 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:10.002 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:10.003 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:10.003 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:10.007 28238 28398 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.007 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{280d0c2
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 25 receivers
05-14 02:48:10.012 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:48:10.012 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:48:10.012 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 320,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:48:10.013 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:48:10.013 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:48:10.015 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:10.014 28238 28348 I OfficeMobile: EarlyBootDiagnosticTrace: 0x1e555812
05-14 02:48:10.020 28238 28398 W K2_ULS bx8n0 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.022 28238 28348 I OfficeMobile: EarlyBootDiagnosticTrace: 0x1e555817
05-14 02:48:10.028 28238 28398 W K2_ULS 6ikpw Identity Http Client: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.029 1750 3360 I Auth : (REDACTED) [GetTokenResponse] Decryption
key=%s success, service=%s
05-14 02:48:10.032 28238 28238 I OneAuthLog: [OneAuth:0001:Info:4wg2j:00000000] TSL
Info: { name:GetSharedDeviceId, resultType:Success, resultCode:None, duration:6ms }
05-14 02:48:10.034 28238 28238 W OneAuthLog: [OneAuth:0001:Warning:4rscl:00000000]
MATS not initialized
05-14 02:48:10.042 28238 28348 E SharedDeviceModeInitSynchronizer: Exception while
detecting authenticator app is installed or not.
05-14 02:48:10.043 28238 28348 E SharedDeviceModeInitSynchronizer: Exception while
detecting intune app is installed or not.
05-14 02:48:10.045 28238 28404 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
05-14 02:48:10.045 28238 28404 W CtaPermFactory: CtaPermFactory not found
05-14 02:48:10.047 1097 3333 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.xfamily.groups.ui.LinkExistingGroupActivity's state as 1
with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.whatsapp:10223
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: {RequestId = 1}
HttpHelper.sendRequest(), IOException
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at Source:37)
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at Source:301)
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at Method)
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at Source:20)
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: Caused By:
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at Method)
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at Source:37)
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at Source:301)
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at Method)
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at Source:20)
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 E LibletHttpHelper: at
05-14 02:48:10.053 28238 28404 W K2_ULS bbu2a Identity Http Client: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.054 28238 28401 W K2_ULS axicl Identity Http Client: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.054 28238 28398 W K2_ULS axicd Identity Http Client: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.055 28238 28398 W K2_ULS a2ou5 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.056 28238 28398 W K2_ULS 4wroc WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.056 28238 28398 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.056 28238 28398 W K2_ULS c5tdh IdentityADALClient: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.057 28238 28398 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.057 28238 28398 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.057 28238 28398 W K2_ULS c5tdi IdentityADALClient: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.057 28238 28238 W K2_ULS 85k26 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.058 28238 28398 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.058 28238 28398 W K2_ULS baud8 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.059 28238 28398 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.060 28238 28398 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.062 28238 28401 W K2_ULS bx8n0 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.063 28238 28238 W K2_ULS bx8n0 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.063 28238 28401 W K2_ULS bx8n0 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.064 28238 28398 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.064 28238 28398 W K2_ULS 7m48i Identity LiveOAuth Client:
05-14 02:48:10.065 28238 28238 W K2_ULS bx8n0 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.065 28238 28238 W K2_ULS bx8n0 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.065 28238 28398 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.065 28238 28238 W K2_ULS bx8n0 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.065 28238 28238 W K2_ULS bx8n0 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.065 28238 28398 W K2_ULS baud8 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.065 28238 28238 W K2_ULS bx8n0 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.066 28238 28398 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.066 28238 28398 W K2_ULS 6jmea Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.066 28238 28401 W K2_ULS bx8n0 Identity Authentication Client:
05-14 02:48:10.067 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.067 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.067 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.067 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.067 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.067 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.067 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.067 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.067 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.067 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 28238 28401 W K2_ULS c2qqn Roaming: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:10.068 1097 4106 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{514173c} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:48:10.104 1750 11542 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(128) with
statsTag=0x1065fff, statsUid=10155
05-14 02:48:10.116 23224 28213 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(189) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:10.118 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:10.118 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:10.118 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:10.127 28238 28238 I ExceptionHandler: Breakpad library has been set
05-14 02:48:10.162 28238 28451 I SharedPrefBackgroundServiceFGVal:
Microsoft.Office.Android.EnableBackgroundSharedPrefService - false
05-14 02:48:10.173 28238 28451 I OfficeMobile: EarlyBootDiagnosticTrace: 0x310d357
05-14 02:48:10.176 28238 28451 I OfficeMobile: EarlyBootDiagnosticTrace: 0x310d357
05-14 02:48:10.210 28238 28451 W OneAuthLog: [OneAuth:0002:Warning:8s4vn:38fdb1fd]
Couldn't initialize broker: (pii)
05-14 02:48:10.225 28238 28451 E ContextConnectorV2: Both main and child activity
context are invalid
05-14 02:48:10.226 28238 28451 E OfficeMobile: EarlyBootDiagnosticTrace: 0x1e51361a
05-14 02:48:10.228 28238 28451 I OfficeMobile: EarlyBootDiagnosticTrace: 0x1f88d8d5
05-14 02:48:10.232 28238 28451 I OfficeMobile: EarlyBootDiagnosticTrace: 0x2034864f
05-14 02:48:10.259 1097 1181 V PackageManager: Sending package changed:
05-14 02:48:10.260 1097 1181 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{21f19e6
android.intent.action.PACKAGE_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 80 receivers
05-14 02:48:10.266 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:10.266 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10224; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:10.274 1339 1339 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: onPackageModified:
05-14 02:48:10.275 1339 1339 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0
05-14 02:48:10.275 1339 1339 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1
05-14 02:48:10.282 1370 1370 D ControlsListingControllerImpl: ServiceConfig
reloaded, count: 1
05-14 02:48:10.282 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:10.282 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:10.283 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40509967 win=225000 tElapsed=40509967 maxElapsed=40734967 interval=0
05-14 02:48:10.283 1097 1227 I RoleService: Granting default roles...
05-14 02:48:10.287 1097 1243 I InputReader: Reconfiguring input devices,
05-14 02:48:10.287 1097 1313 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for resource
ID 0x7f081063.
05-14 02:48:10.287 1097 1313 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for resource
ID 0x7f1309bd.
05-14 02:48:10.288 1097 1313 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for resource
ID 0x7f080d4d.
05-14 02:48:10.288 1097 1313 E system_server: No package ID 7f found for resource
ID 0x7f130749.
05-14 02:48:10.304 1097 1333 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 26133 for 6
05-14 02:48:10.305 1097 1333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:10.306 708 11354 D AF::TrackHandle: checkPlayAudioForUsage:
OpPlayAudio begin
05-14 02:48:10.307 708 11354 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:55 usage:3 not
05-14 02:48:10.307 708 11354 D AF::TrackHandle: checkPlayAudioForUsage:
OpPlayAudio begin
05-14 02:48:10.307 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:10.307 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:10.307 708 11354 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:55 usage:3 not
05-14 02:48:10.308 708 11354 D AF::TrackHandle: checkPlayAudioForUsage:
OpPlayAudio begin
05-14 02:48:10.308 708 11354 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:55 usage:3 not
05-14 02:48:10.308 708 11354 D AF::TrackHandle: checkPlayAudioForUsage:
OpPlayAudio begin
05-14 02:48:10.309 1097 1227 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:10.310 708 11354 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:55 usage:3 not
05-14 02:48:10.310 708 11354 D AF::TrackHandle: checkPlayAudioForUsage:
OpPlayAudio begin
05-14 02:48:10.310 1097 1097 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for
locked/gone/disabled user 0
05-14 02:48:10.310 708 11354 D AF::TrackHandle: OpPlayAudio: track:55 usage:3 not
05-14 02:48:10.313 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:10.315 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:10.315 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:10.315 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:10.315 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:10.315 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:10.315 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:10.315 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:10.317 1339 1339 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: onPackageModified:
05-14 02:48:10.318 1339 1720 D ImsResolver: maybeAddedImsService, packageName:
05-14 02:48:10.319 1339 1339 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 0
05-14 02:48:10.320 1339 1339 D CarrierSvcBindHelper: No carrier app for: 1
05-14 02:48:10.326 26133 26147 I PermissionControllerServiceImpl: Updating user
sensitive for uid 10224
05-14 02:48:10.334 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:1292
05-14 02:48:10.334 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:1156
05-14 02:48:10.334 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:1100
05-14 02:48:10.334 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:500
05-14 02:48:10.334 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:403
05-14 02:48:10.334 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:10.334 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:10.336 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40510020 win=225000 tElapsed=40510020 maxElapsed=40735020 interval=0
05-14 02:48:10.337 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:10.337 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:10.346 1097 1145 W Searchables: No web search activity found
05-14 02:48:10.347 1097 1145 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { flg=0x24000010
05-14 02:48:10.356 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003dfd,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:10.356 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003dfd,
05-14 02:48:10.358 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:1316
05-14 02:48:10.358 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:1180
05-14 02:48:10.358 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:1124
05-14 02:48:10.358 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:524
05-14 02:48:10.358 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:427
05-14 02:48:10.364 26133 28454 E RoleControllerServiceImpl: Default/fallback role
holder package doesn't qualify for the role, package:, role:
05-14 02:48:10.371 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003dfe,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:10.372 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003dfe,
05-14 02:48:10.387 26133 28454 W Role : Default holder doesn't have required
signing certificate:
05-14 02:48:10.584 1750 11542 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(167) with
statsTag=0x1065fff, statsUid=10156
05-14 02:48:10.618 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:10.619 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:10.619 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:10.697 23224 28213 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(202) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:10.775 1097 3932 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{8491807:
startService}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=315400210459
win=3600000 tElapsed=315400210459 maxElapsed=315403810459 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:10.776 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:10.776 1097 3932 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:10.778 1750 11542 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(241) with
statsTag=0x1065fff, statsUid=10152
05-14 02:48:10.920 27287 27287 I RegistryDBManager: observeForUpdates - run
05-14 02:48:10.921 27287 28459 I Registry: reLoadRegistryForRemoteUpdate
05-14 02:48:10.921 27287 28459 I Registry: init - START
05-14 02:48:10.921 27287 28459 I Registry: initDatabase - START
05-14 02:48:10.921 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - START
05-14 02:48:10.923 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading keys page from id 0
05-14 02:48:10.933 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading keys page from id 8949
05-14 02:48:10.934 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading keys page from id 9453
05-14 02:48:10.935 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id 0
05-14 02:48:10.955 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{26427ef
05-14 02:48:10.955 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 99083; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:10.956 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 99083; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:10.956 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 99083; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:10.956 1097 1147 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 99083; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:10.957 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:10.974 1523 1523 D Zygote : Forked child process 28460
05-14 02:48:10.978 28460 28460 E libc : SetHeapTaggingLevel: re-enabling tagging
after it was disabled is not supported
05-14 02:48:10.978 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc
xedProcessService0:0/u0i83 for
05-14 02:48:10.980 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:10.983 28460 28460 I ocessService0:0: Using CollectorTypeCMC GC.
05-14 02:48:10.987 28460 28460 E ocessService0:0: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-14 02:48:10.996 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10076; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:10.996 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10076; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:10.997 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:10.999 28460 28460 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 99083; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:10.999 28460 28460 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 242716250; UID 99083; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:11.008 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:11.010 28460 28460 I LoadedApk: No resource references to update in
05-14 02:48:11.012 28460 28460 I cr_WebViewApkApp: Launched version=124.0.6367.123
minSdkVersion=29 isBundle=true
05-14 02:48:11.013 1097 4119 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 99083. pid: 28460
05-14 02:48:11.016 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:11.017 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - Timetaken
to read from database (ms): 96 for 1040 keys and 3725 values.
05-14 02:48:11.023 28460 28460 W SystemServiceRegistry: No service published for:
05-14 02:48:11.024 28460 28460 I cr_ChildProcessService: Creating new
ChildProcessService pid=28460
05-14 02:48:11.027 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - Timetaken
to Populate Cache(ms): 106 for 1040 keys and 3725 values
05-14 02:48:11.027 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - Keys to be
deleted = 0 Values to be deleted = 0
05-14 02:48:11.027 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - END
05-14 02:48:11.028 27287 28459 I Registry: initDatabase - END
05-14 02:48:11.028 27287 28459 I Registry: Is DB Population completed : true
05-14 02:48:11.028 27287 28459 I Registry: init - END
05-14 02:48:11.089 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:11.119 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:11.119 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:11.119 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:11.430 23224 28213 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(205) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:11.514 1750 11542 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(101) with
statsTag=0x1065fff, statsUid=10127
05-14 02:48:11.619 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:11.620 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:11.620 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:11.791 1750 11542 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(118) with
statsTag=0x1065fff, statsUid=10129
05-14 02:48:12.108 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10031 com.truecaller} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40571237 win=269583 tElapsed=40571237 maxElapsed=40840820 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.110 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.110 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.110 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.110 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.111 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@2526a5d listenerTag=*job.delay*
workSource=WorkSource{10031 com.truecaller} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40553899 win=256577 tElapsed=40553899 maxElapsed=40810476 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.112 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.112 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.112 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.112 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.114 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=2$ListenerWrapper@2231e61
listenerTag=*job.deadline* workSource=WorkSource{10114} callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=41312543 win=825558 tElapsed=41312543 maxElapsed=42138101 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.115 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.115 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.115 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.115 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.120 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:12.120 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:12.120 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:12.128 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:48:12.128 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{f2cfb8a}
05-14 02:48:12.128 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.129 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.129 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.129 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10273; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.130 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10273; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.135 1750 11542 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(159) with
statsTag=0x1065fff, statsUid=10228
05-14 02:48:12.137 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.143 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:48:12.144 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{6743fe1}
05-14 02:48:12.144 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.144 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.144 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.144 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.149 1097 1215 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:48:12.149 1097 1215 D ActivityManager: PROFILE_FROM_SHELL is disabled
for ProcessRecord{d61792}
05-14 02:48:12.149 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10186; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.149 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10186; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.149 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10186; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.149 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.156 668 668 D Zygote : Forked child process 28483
05-14 02:48:12.157 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 02:48:12.158 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.162 12157 12206 I [0]DCS-ServiceMsgHandler: onStartJob uploadData
05-14 02:48:12.164 12157 12206 W [0]DCS : sendInitPeriodBroadcast.
05-14 02:48:12.164 12157 12206 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:509 com.nearme.statistics.rom.b.f.d:113
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
oplus.intent.action.DCS_INIT_PERIOD_STATIC_DATA from system
12157:com.nearme.statistics.rom/1000 pkg com.nearme.statistics.rom
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 E ActivityManager: at
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 E ActivityManager: at
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 E ActivityManager: at
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 E ActivityManager: at
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 E ActivityManager: at$Stub.onTransact(
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 E ActivityManager: at
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 E ActivityManager: at
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 E ActivityManager: at
05-14 02:48:12.165 1097 4119 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=oplus.intent.action.DCS_INIT_PERIOD_STATIC_DATA
flg=0x1000030 }
05-14 02:48:12.166 12157 12206 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:509 com.nearme.statistics.rom.f.e.a:38
com.nearme.statistics.rom.f.e.a:19 com.nearme.statistics.rom.b.f.e:133
05-14 02:48:12.167 1097 4119 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=oplus.intent.action.DEEP_SLEEP_ESPECIAL_TRAFFIC_REQ
flg=0x10 pkg=com.oplus.battery (has extras) }
05-14 02:48:12.168 668 668 D Zygote : Forked child process 28485
05-14 02:48:12.169 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 02:48:12.170 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.172 12157 28486 E OpenIDHelper: NOT Supported
05-14 02:48:12.173 12157 28486 I OpenID : getOpenid NotificationManager service =$Stub$Proxy@22d7e09
05-14 02:48:12.173 1097 4099 I OpenID : NotificationManagerService getOpenid pkg
= com.nearme.statistics.rom uid = 1000 type = DUID
05-14 02:48:12.173 1097 4099 I OpenID : NotificationManagerService
05-14 02:48:12.173 1097 4099 I OpenID : NotificationManagerHelper getOpenid =
05-14 02:48:12.175 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.179 28485 28485 I .apps.turbo:aab: Using CollectorTypeCMC GC.
05-14 02:48:12.179 668 668 D Zygote : Forked child process 28488
05-14 02:48:12.181 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 02:48:12.183 28485 28485 E .apps.turbo:aab: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-14 02:48:12.186 28483 28483 I Using CollectorTypeCMC GC.
05-14 02:48:12.186 12157 28486 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(103) with
statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
05-14 02:48:12.188 28488 28488 I .adservices.api: Using CollectorTypeCMC GC.
05-14 02:48:12.189 28483 28483 E Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-14 02:48:12.194 28488 28488 E .adservices.api: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
05-14 02:48:12.197 1097 4119 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.197 1097 4119 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.197 12157 12639 W [0]DCS-MobileHelper: getContryCode
05-14 02:48:12.197 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-StrategyManager: isNeedUpload: true, type:
2010, appID: 0, logTag: , eventID:
05-14 02:48:12.197 12157 12639 W [0]DCS-MobileHelper: getContryCode
05-14 02:48:12.197 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-StrategyManager: isNeedUpload: true, type:
2011, appID: 0, logTag: , eventID:
05-14 02:48:12.199 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.200 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.200 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.200 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40511885 win=225000 tElapsed=40511885 maxElapsed=40736885 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.200 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.200 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.201 12157 12639 D TAG : blocksize is : 4096availbleBlocks is :
05-14 02:48:12.202 1097 4119 I StorageManagerService: readStringFromFile
path:/sys/block/mmcblk0/device/name, result:Y2P128
05-14 02:48:12.202 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.203 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.205 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3163
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:3027
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:2971
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:2371
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:2274
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:82
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
appusage.library.InferAppBucketsJob#106 from android(1000) duration:63
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.VerboseDebugReportingFallbackJobService#24 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.attribution.AttributionFallbackJobService#21 from android(1000) duration:54
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.DebugReportingFallbackJobService#25 from android(1000) duration:51
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.EventFallbackReportingJobService#6 from android(1000) duration:48
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.AggregateFallbackReportingJobService#8 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.registration.AsyncRegistrationFallbackJobService#19 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.206 28485 28485 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.206 28485 28485 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 242716250; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: LOAD BRAND : Y2P128
05-14 02:48:12.206 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: read from dir :
05-14 02:48:12.207 1097 4119 I StorageManagerService: readStringFromFile
path:proc/mmchealth/Read_reclaim_SLC_block_count, result:0x0
05-14 02:48:12.207 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10273; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.207 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: healthinfo tag is :
readReclaim,reslut is : 0
05-14 02:48:12.207 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: read from dir :
05-14 02:48:12.207 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.207 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.207 28483 28483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10273; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.207 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40511892 win=225000 tElapsed=40511892 maxElapsed=40736892 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.207 28483 28483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 242716250; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.207 1097 4119 I StorageManagerService: readStringFromFile
path:proc/mmchealth/Total_byte_write(MB), result:0x37e52b
05-14 02:48:12.207 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: healthinfo tag is :
TBW,reslut is : 3663147
05-14 02:48:12.207 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: read from dir :
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4119 I StorageManagerService: readStringFromFile
path:proc/mmchealth/Ave_EC_Num_TLC, result:0x58
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: healthinfo tag is :
eraseXLCCntAvg,reslut is : 88
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: read from dir :
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4119 I StorageManagerService: readStringFromFile
path:proc/mmchealth/Run_time_bad_block_count_TLC, result:0x0
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: healthinfo tag is :
badBlock_runtim,reslut is : 0
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: read from dir :
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4119 I StorageManagerService: readStringFromFile
path:proc/mmchealth/Ave_EC_Num_SLC, result:0x3a8
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: healthinfo tag is :
eraseCacheCntAvg,reslut is : 936
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10186; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: read from dir :
05-14 02:48:12.208 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10186; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.209 1097 4119 I StorageManagerService: readStringFromFile
path:proc/mmchealth/FFU_fail_count, result:0x0
05-14 02:48:12.209 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: healthinfo tag is :
FailCount,reslut is : 0
05-14 02:48:12.209 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: read from dir :
05-14 02:48:12.209 1097 4119 I StorageManagerService: readStringFromFile
path:proc/mmchealth/Total_byte_read(MB), result:0x56136d
05-14 02:48:12.209 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: healthinfo tag is :
TBR,reslut is : 5641069
05-14 02:48:12.209 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: read from dir :
05-14 02:48:12.209 1097 4119 I StorageManagerService: readStringFromFile
path:proc/mmchealth/UECC_Count, result:0x0
05-14 02:48:12.209 1097 4119 D StorageManagerService: healthinfo tag is :
UC,reslut is : 0
05-14 02:48:12.210 12157 12639 D EmmcInfoHelper: logMap is : {readReclaim=0,
MarketName=realme narzo N53, RecordTime=2024-05-14 02:48:12, TBR=5641069,
FailCount=0, TBW=3663147, StorageSize= 128 G, AvailableSize= 79 G,
eraseXLCCntAvg=88, badBlock_runtim=0, eraseCacheCntAvg=936, UC=0}
05-14 02:48:12.209 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10273; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.211 12157 12206 W [0]DCS-MobileHelper: getContryCode
05-14 02:48:12.212 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.212 12157 12206 I [0]DCS-StrategyManager: isNeedUpload: true, type:
2006, appID: 20120, logTag: EmmcInfo, eventID: EmmcInfoID
05-14 02:48:12.215 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.215 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.216 28488 28488 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.216 28488 28488 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 242716250; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.217 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.220 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3179
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:3043
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:2987
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:2387
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:2290
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:98
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
appusage.library.InferAppBucketsJob#106 from android(1000) duration:79
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.VerboseDebugReportingFallbackJobService#24 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.attribution.AttributionFallbackJobService#21 from android(1000) duration:70
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.DebugReportingFallbackJobService#25 from android(1000) duration:67
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.EventFallbackReportingJobService#6 from android(1000) duration:64
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.AggregateFallbackReportingJobService#8 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.registration.AsyncRegistrationFallbackJobService#19 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40511906 win=225000 tElapsed=40511906 maxElapsed=40736906 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.221 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.222 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-UploadAgent: uploadDataAll begin
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3185
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:3049
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:2993
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:2393
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:2296
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:104
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
appusage.library.InferAppBucketsJob#106 from android(1000) duration:85
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.VerboseDebugReportingFallbackJobService#24 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.attribution.AttributionFallbackJobService#21 from android(1000) duration:76
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.DebugReportingFallbackJobService#25 from android(1000) duration:73
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.EventFallbackReportingJobService#6 from android(1000) duration:70
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.AggregateFallbackReportingJobService#8 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.227 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.registration.AsyncRegistrationFallbackJobService#19 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.231 28485 28485 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk
/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=33,
uses_libraries=ALL, library_path=/product/priv-app/Turbo/lib/arm64:/product/priv-
05-14 02:48:12.231 28488 28488 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-shared-4 for other
apk /apex/
AdServicesApkGoogle.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=,
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader: InitApexLibraries:
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader: com_android_adservices:
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader: com_android_appsearch:
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader: com_android_art:
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader: com_android_btservices:
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader: com_android_conscrypt:
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader:
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader: com_android_os_statsd:
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader: com_android_tethering:
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader: com_android_uwb:
05-14 02:48:12.232 28488 28488 D nativeloader: com_android_virt:
05-14 02:48:12.238 28485 28485 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct:
05-14 02:48:12.238 28485 28485 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-5 for
unbundled product apk /product/priv-app/Turbo/Turbo.apk. target_sdk_version=33,
05-14 02:48:12.239 28485 28485 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct:
05-14 02:48:12.241 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-NetHelper: isCtaUpdateServiceOn val:true
05-14 02:48:12.242 12157 12639 W [0]DCS-MobileHelper: getContryCode
05-14 02:48:12.242 12157 12639 W [0]DCS-MobileHelper: getContryCode
05-14 02:48:12.243 28488 28488 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for:
05-14 02:48:12.244 28488 28488 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:12.244 28488 28488 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:12.244 28488 28488 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for false
05-14 02:48:12.244 28488 28488 V GraphicsEnvironment: is not listed in per-application setting
05-14 02:48:12.244 28488 28488 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
05-14 02:48:12.245 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-UploadThread: uploadCommonInfo failed.
eventType=common#20120#0, isRealtime=false
05-14 02:48:12.249 28485 28485 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for:
05-14 02:48:12.249 28485 28485 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:12.249 28485 28485 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:12.250 28488 28488 I AppContextSingleton: Set singleton context as
05-14 02:48:12.251 28485 28485 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for false
05-14 02:48:12.251 28485 28485 V GraphicsEnvironment:
is not listed in per-application setting
05-14 02:48:12.251 28485 28485 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
05-14 02:48:12.252 12157 12639 D TelephonyManager: getMeid: return null because
MEID is not available
05-14 02:48:12.256 12157 12639 D TelephonyManager: getMeid: return null because
MEID is not available
05-14 02:48:12.256 12157 12639 I OpenID : getOpenid NotificationManager service =$Stub$Proxy@22d7e09
05-14 02:48:12.256 1097 3932 I OpenID : NotificationManagerService getOpenid pkg
= com.nearme.statistics.rom uid = 1000 type = DUID
05-14 02:48:12.256 1097 3932 I OpenID : NotificationManagerService
05-14 02:48:12.256 1097 3932 I OpenID : NotificationManagerHelper getOpenid =
05-14 02:48:12.257 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10186. pid: 28488
05-14 02:48:12.257 12157 12639 E OpenIDHelper: NOT Supported
05-14 02:48:12.257 12157 12639 E OpenIDHelper: NOT Supported
05-14 02:48:12.257 12157 12639 E OpenIDHelper: NOT Supported
05-14 02:48:12.258 28488 28488 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 3400644; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.258 12157 12639 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
android.content.ContextWrapper.bindService:861 com.nearme.statistics.rom.f.c.b:62
05-14 02:48:12.259 28485 28485 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183155436; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.263 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.264 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 1000; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.266 1097 3932 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.273 28485 28485 W Turbo.TurboApplication: Going to the application!
05-14 02:48:12.274 28483 28483 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~dIZjML62-
No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:12.274 28483 28483 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~dIZjML62-
No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:12.275 28483 28483 W Entry not found
05-14 02:48:12.276 28483 28483 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~dIZjML62-
qmES8l1c_ub_g==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:12.276 28483 28483 W ziparchive: Unable to open '/data/app/~~dIZjML62-
qmES8l1c_ub_g==/': No such file or directory
05-14 02:48:12.277 28483 28483 W Entry not found
05-14 02:48:12.278 28483 28483 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-4 for other apk
target_sdk_version=33, uses_libraries=, library_path=/data/app/~~dIZjML62-
05-14 02:48:12.279 1097 4119 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10122. pid: 28485
05-14 02:48:12.284 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.291 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:12.293 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:12.293 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:12.293 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:12.293 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:12.293 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:12.293 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:12.293 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:12.321 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003dff,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:12.321 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003dff,
05-14 02:48:12.325 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e00,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:12.326 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e00,
05-14 02:48:12.336 28483 28483 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for:
05-14 02:48:12.336 28483 28483 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:12.336 28483 28483 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:12.336 28483 28483 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for false
05-14 02:48:12.336 28483 28483 V GraphicsEnvironment: is not
listed in per-application setting
05-14 02:48:12.336 28483 28483 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
05-14 02:48:12.347 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.355 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.361 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.361 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.361 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40512046 win=225000 tElapsed=40512046 maxElapsed=40737046 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.381 1097 4099 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 25987
com.glance.lockscreenRealme for 6
05-14 02:48:12.382 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.385 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.388 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.388 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.389 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.389 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.390 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.390 12157 28486 E OpenIDHelper: NOT Supported
05-14 02:48:12.390 12157 28486 I OpenID : getOpenid NotificationManager service =$Stub$Proxy@22d7e09
05-14 02:48:12.390 1097 4106 I OpenID : NotificationManagerService getOpenid pkg
= com.nearme.statistics.rom uid = 1000 type = DUID
05-14 02:48:12.390 1097 4106 I OpenID : NotificationManagerService
05-14 02:48:12.390 1097 4106 I OpenID : NotificationManagerHelper getOpenid =
05-14 02:48:12.390 28488 28552 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.391 28488 28552 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.393 1097 4119 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.394 1097 4119 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10186; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.394 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 271850009; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3353
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:3217
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:3161
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:2561
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:2464
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:272
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
appusage.library.InferAppBucketsJob#106 from android(1000) duration:253
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.attribution.AttributionFallbackJobService#21 from android(1000) duration:244
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.DebugReportingFallbackJobService#25 from android(1000) duration:241
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.AggregateFallbackReportingJobService#8 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.registration.AsyncRegistrationFallbackJobService#19 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:38
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
0 from android(1000) duration:1
05-14 02:48:12.396 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
0 from android(1000) duration:0
05-14 02:48:12.398 1097 4099 W ActivityManager: isBackupRestore ret = falseuid =
05-14 02:48:12.398 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135634846; UID 10123; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.398 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 177438394; UID 10123; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.398 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135772972; UID 10123; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.398 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 135754954; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.399 1097 1148 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 143937733; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.402 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.408 1097 4105 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.408 668 668 D Zygote : Forked child process 28563
05-14 02:48:12.409 1097 1148 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
05-14 02:48:12.411 25987 26066 W cr_ChildProcessConn: onServiceDisconnected (crash
or killed by oom): pid=0 bindings:WV
05-14 02:48:12.412 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.414 28460 28460 I cr_ChildProcessService: Destroying
ChildProcessService pid=28460
05-14 02:48:12.415 1097 4119 I ActivityManager: Killing
xedProcessService0:0/u0a76i83 (adj 0): isolated not needed
05-14 02:48:12.416 1097 4119 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.422 1097 1149 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 99083 pid 28460 in 5ms
05-14 02:48:12.424 28563 28563 I .android.dialer: Using CollectorTypeCMC GC.
05-14 02:48:12.426 28483 28483 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
05-14 02:48:12.426 28483 28483 I MultiDex: Installing application
05-14 02:48:12.427 28483 28483 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
05-14 02:48:12.427 1097 4105 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.429 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=1, no file need
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=5, no file need
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=7, no file need
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=8, no file need
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=9, no file need
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=12, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=19, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=20, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=21, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=22, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=23, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=24, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=25, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=26, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=27, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=28, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=29, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=31, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=32, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=33, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=34, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=35, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=36, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=38, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=39, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=53, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=54, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=55, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=56, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=57, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=58, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=59, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=60, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=61, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=62, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=65, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.431 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=67, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=68, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=69, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=70, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=71, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=73, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=74, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=75, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=78, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=79, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=80, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=81, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=82, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=83, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=84, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=85, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=86, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=87, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=88, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=89, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=90, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=91, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=92, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=93, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=94, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=95, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=97, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=98, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=101, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=102, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=103, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=104, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=105, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=106, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=107, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=108, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=109, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=110, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=111, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=112, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=113, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=114, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=115, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=116, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=117, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=118, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=119, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=120, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=123, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=128, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=159, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=188, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=320, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=404, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=412, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=824, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.432 12157 28486 I [0]DCS-FeedbackUploadFileBean: bid=888, no file
need upload
05-14 02:48:12.433 12157 28486 W [0]DCS-LogUploadClient: SamplingUpload failed.
errCode=4000, errMsg=upload file failed: array of file is empty.. time=263ms
05-14 02:48:12.433 12157 28486 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system
process without a qualified user:
android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:509 com.nearme.statistics.rom.f.e.a:38
com.nearme.statistics.rom.f.e.b:23 com.nearme.statistics.rom.b.f.f:139
05-14 02:48:12.434 1097 4105 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=oplus.intent.action.DEEP_SLEEP_ESPECIAL_TRAFFIC_REQ
flg=0x10 pkg=com.oplus.battery (has extras) }
05-14 02:48:12.436 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.437 12157 28486 W [0]DCS-LogUploadClient: CustomUpload failed.
errCode=2008, errMsg=CFL no file need upload. time=2ms
05-14 02:48:12.438 12157 28486 W [0]DCS-LogUploadClient: NetDiskUpload failed.
errCode=2008, errMsg=CFL no file need upload. time=1ms
05-14 02:48:12.445 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 168419799; UID 10123; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.445 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 273564678; UID 10123; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.446 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:48:12.446 1523 1523 I Zygote : Process 28460 exited due to signal 9
05-14 02:48:12.447 1097 1215 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 265195908; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.447 1097 4106 D AppStartupManager: wl is close,just return
05-14 02:48:12.448 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 99083
05-14 02:48:12.449 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.450 25987 26134 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(5) with
statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
05-14 02:48:12.450 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.450 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.450 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40512135 win=225000 tElapsed=40512135 maxElapsed=40737135 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.452 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.452 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.454 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.457 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3415
05-14 02:48:12.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:3279
05-14 02:48:12.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:3223
05-14 02:48:12.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:2623
05-14 02:48:12.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:2526
05-14 02:48:12.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:334
05-14 02:48:12.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
appusage.library.InferAppBucketsJob#106 from android(1000) duration:315
05-14 02:48:12.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.registration.AsyncRegistrationFallbackJobService#19 from android(1000)
05-14 02:48:12.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:100
05-14 02:48:12.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
0 from android(1000) duration:62
05-14 02:48:12.458 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
ment.reporting.DebugReportingJobService#17 from android(1000) duration:36
05-14 02:48:12.459 28718 5862 W AdvertisingIdSettings: Package failed Ad Id permission check. Apps that target
Android SDK 33 or higher should declare in
the app manifest to access Ad Id.
05-14 02:48:12.459 28485 28546 W Turbo.InferAppBucketsJob: Models given by config:
05-14 02:48:12.461 28563 28563 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171979766; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.461 28563 28563 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 242716250; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.462 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.463 1097 4105 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 170503758; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.464 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.466 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.467 28563 28563 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/product/framework/': No such file or
05-14 02:48:12.467 28563 28563 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/product/framework/': No such file or
05-14 02:48:12.468 28563 28563 D nativeloader: InitLlndkLibrariesProduct:
05-14 02:48:12.468 28563 28563 D nativeloader: Configuring product-clns-4 for
unbundled product apk /product/framework/
target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=ALL,
05-14 02:48:12.468 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.469 28563 28563 D nativeloader: InitVndkspLibrariesProduct:
05-14 02:48:12.472 28563 28563 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk
/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34,
05-14 02:48:12.478 12157 12639 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(104) with
statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
05-14 02:48:12.493 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.494 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.494 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.495 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40512179 win=225000 tElapsed=40512179 maxElapsed=40737179 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.495 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.495 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.497 28563 28563 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-6 for other apk
csvARIlsYR0Y0nDd78iXrQ==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=,
05-14 02:48:12.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3459
05-14 02:48:12.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:3323
05-14 02:48:12.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:3267
05-14 02:48:12.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:2667
05-14 02:48:12.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:2570
05-14 02:48:12.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:378
05-14 02:48:12.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
appusage.library.InferAppBucketsJob#106 from android(1000) duration:359
05-14 02:48:12.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:144
05-14 02:48:12.501 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
0 from android(1000) duration:106
05-14 02:48:12.507 28563 28563 V GraphicsEnvironment: Currently set values for:
05-14 02:48:12.507 28563 28563 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:12.507 28563 28563 V GraphicsEnvironment:
05-14 02:48:12.507 28563 28563 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE GameManagerService for false
05-14 02:48:12.507 28563 28563 V GraphicsEnvironment: is
not listed in per-application setting
05-14 02:48:12.507 28563 28563 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production
driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
05-14 02:48:12.512 28563 28563 I MultiDex: Installing application
05-14 02:48:12.512 28563 28563 I MultiDex: VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex
05-14 02:48:12.512 28563 28563 I MultiDex: VM has multidex support, MultiDex
support library is disabled.
05-14 02:48:12.529 28563 28563 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 3400644; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.541 28485 28546 I emn : Loaded native library:
05-14 02:48:12.542 28485 28546 I emn : Didn't load native library:
05-14 02:48:12.543 28485 28546 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
05-14 02:48:12.544 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.545 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.551 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.551 28485 28546 W libc : Access denied finding property
05-14 02:48:12.555 28563 28563 I DialerAtlasPixelTipsContentProvider:
er.onCreate:40 enter
05-14 02:48:12.555 28563 28563 I DialerRevelioTipsContentProvider: enter
05-14 02:48:12.555 28563 28563 I DialerTidepodsRevelioTipsContentProvider:
Create:43 enter
05-14 02:48:12.555 28563 28563 I DialerDialerBaseApplication: onCreate
05-14 02:48:12.557 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.560 28563 28563 I sok : SslGuard completed installation.
05-14 02:48:12.560 28483 28483 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183155436; UID 10273; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.563 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.564 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10153; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.564 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.564 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10031; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.565 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10243; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.565 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10243; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.566 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10269; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.566 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10269; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.568 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.568 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.569 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10273; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.569 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.569 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183407956; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.570 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.570 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10076; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.571 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.571 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10152; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.572 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10196; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.572 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10196; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.573 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.573 28563 28563 I DialerInternalSemanticEventLoggerImpl: CUI
event: APP_ON_CREATE; uniqueCallId: null
05-14 02:48:12.573 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.574 28563 28605 I DialerGmsFlagCommitter:$commit$1:52 flags committing
05-14 02:48:12.577 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 218533173; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.577 28563 28604 I DialerLocaleProvider:
ryMatchesSimCountryInternal:192 NetworkCountryCode: IN, SimCountryIso: IN
05-14 02:48:12.578 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 262645982; UID 10136; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.580 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-UploadThread: upload data isSuccess=true
eventType=common#20120#0 count=1, isAnonymous=false, isRealtime=false
05-14 02:48:12.580 28563 28604 I DialerLegacyCountryDetector:
returning Redacted-2-chars
05-14 02:48:12.581 28563 28604 I DialerLocaleProvider:
aleFromCountryCode:203 checking whether country IN is supported by builtInAudio for
start/end audio
05-14 02:48:12.581 28563 28604 I DialerLocaleProvider:
aleFromCountryCode:214 country IN not supported by builtInAudio
05-14 02:48:12.581 28485 28546 W Turbo.AppStandbyBucketManager: Successfully pushed
app buckets to the platform using model 9
05-14 02:48:12.582 28563 28604 I DialerLegacyCountryDetector:
returning Redacted-2-chars
05-14 02:48:12.583 28563 28604 I DialerTtsLocaleProvider:$Companion.g
etSupportedLocaleFromCountryCode:78 checking whether country IN is supported by TTS
for start/end audio
05-14 02:48:12.583 28563 28604 I DialerTtsLocaleProvider:$Companion.g
etSupportedLocaleFromCountryCode:111 country IN start/end audio supported by TTS
05-14 02:48:12.584 28563 28604 I DialerCanRecord:
136 Device RE58C6 matches ForceEnableDeviceModels false
05-14 02:48:12.585 28563 28604 I DialerCanRecord: Call
recording is enabled by call_recording_audio system feature
05-14 02:48:12.586 28563 28604 I DialerCallRecordingStartupListener:$onAppl
icationStartup$0:68 prewarming TTS
05-14 02:48:12.586 28563 28604 I DialerLocaleProvider:
eForBuiltInAudioFile:165 checking built in audio file locale
05-14 02:48:12.587 28563 28604 I DialerLegacyCountryDetector:
returning Redacted-2-chars
05-14 02:48:12.588 28563 28604 I DialerLocaleProvider:
aleFromCountryCode:203 checking whether country IN is supported by builtInAudio for
start/end audio
05-14 02:48:12.588 28563 28604 I DialerLocaleProvider:
aleFromCountryCode:214 country IN not supported by builtInAudio
05-14 02:48:12.589 28563 28563 I DialerHadesProtectedDenylistEnabledFn:
disabled by flag [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="1 MINUTES" ]
05-14 02:48:12.589 28563 28563 I DialerShortcutsJobScheduler: schedule
05-14 02:48:12.590 28563 28607 I DialerTelephonyManagerCache:$setUpNetwork
Memoize$0:97 getNetworkOperatorName
05-14 02:48:12.590 28563 28607 I DialerTelephonyManagerCache:$setUpNetwork
Memoize$1:106 getNetworkCountryIso
05-14 02:48:12.590 28563 28607 I DialerTelephonyManagerCache:$setUpNetwork
Memoize$2:115 getNetworkOperator
05-14 02:48:12.591 12157 12639 D TelephonyManager: getMeid: return null because
MEID is not available
05-14 02:48:12.591 28563 28563 I DialerShortcutsJobScheduler: job already
05-14 02:48:12.592 1097 3932 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10123. pid: 28563
05-14 02:48:12.593 28563 28613 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.593 28563 28613 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.594 28563 28607 I DialerTelephonyManagerCache:$setUpNetwork
Memoize$5:148 getSimCountryIso
05-14 02:48:12.595 28563 28613 I DialerSpamJobScheduler: job with id
SPAM_JOB_WIFI is already scheduled
05-14 02:48:12.595 12157 12639 D TelephonyManager: getMeid: return null because
MEID is not available
05-14 02:48:12.595 12157 12639 I OpenID : getOpenid NotificationManager service =$Stub$Proxy@22d7e09
05-14 02:48:12.595 1097 4099 I OpenID : NotificationManagerService getOpenid pkg
= com.nearme.statistics.rom uid = 1000 type = DUID
05-14 02:48:12.595 1097 4099 I OpenID : NotificationManagerService
05-14 02:48:12.596 1097 4099 I OpenID : NotificationManagerHelper getOpenid =
05-14 02:48:12.596 28563 28611 I DialerLogcatLoggingBindings:
Impression: APP_LAUNCHED
05-14 02:48:12.596 12157 12639 E OpenIDHelper: NOT Supported
05-14 02:48:12.596 12157 12639 E OpenIDHelper: NOT Supported
05-14 02:48:12.596 1097 3476 D TextToSpeechManagerPerUserService: Trying to start
connection to TTS engine:
05-14 02:48:12.596 28563 28613 I DialerSpamJobScheduler: job with id
SPAM_JOB_ANY_NETWORK is already scheduled
05-14 02:48:12.596 28563 28604 I TextToSpeech: Sucessfully bound to
05-14 02:48:12.597 28563 28607 I DialerLogcatLoggingBindings:
05-14 02:48:12.597 12157 12639 E OpenIDHelper: NOT Supported
05-14 02:48:12.599 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.599 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.600 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40512285 win=225000 tElapsed=40512285 maxElapsed=40737285 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.600 1097 1097 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 25872 for 6
05-14 02:48:12.601 1097 1097 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.603 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.603 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.605 28563 28563 I DialerMainActivityStartupMonitor:
tionCreated$lambda$0:32 mainActivityCreated: false
05-14 02:48:12.606 28563 28563 I DialerInternalSemanticEventLoggerImpl: CUI
05-14 02:48:12.610 28563 28563 I DialerSingletonScopedExternalsLogging:
ecordCallMethodInvocation:75 event: JOB_SERVICE_ON_START_JOB, function parameters:
[50], return value: <empty>
05-14 02:48:12.610 28563 28607 I DialerInternalSemanticEventLoggerImpl:
vent:247 Cancelled logging CUI AppStartToMainActivity to GIL due to cancelEvent
05-14 02:48:12.612 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.612 28563 28563 I DialerSpamJobScheduler: job with id
SPAM_JOB_WIFI is already scheduled
05-14 02:48:12.612 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3570
05-14 02:48:12.612 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:3434
05-14 02:48:12.612 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:3378
05-14 02:48:12.612 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:2778
05-14 02:48:12.612 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:2681
05-14 02:48:12.612 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:489
05-14 02:48:12.612 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
appusage.library.InferAppBucketsJob#106 from android(1000) duration:470
05-14 02:48:12.612 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:255
05-14 02:48:12.612 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
0 from android(1000) duration:217
05-14 02:48:12.613 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.613 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.613 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40512298 win=225000 tElapsed=40512298 maxElapsed=40737298 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.613 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.613 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.616 25872 25872 I GoogleTtsServicePeer: Creating Google TTS service,
05-14 02:48:12.617 25872 25872 I ExoPlayerImpl: Init a5428a6 [AndroidXMedia3/1.4.0-
alpha01] [RE58C6, RMX3761, realme, 34]
05-14 02:48:12.617 28483 28483 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all
Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
05-14 02:48:12.620 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:12.620 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:12.620 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:12.620 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3578
05-14 02:48:12.620 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:3442
05-14 02:48:12.620 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:3386
05-14 02:48:12.620 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:2786
05-14 02:48:12.620 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:2689
05-14 02:48:12.620 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:497
05-14 02:48:12.620 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
appusage.library.InferAppBucketsJob#106 from android(1000) duration:478
05-14 02:48:12.620 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:263
05-14 02:48:12.620 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
0 from android(1000) duration:225
05-14 02:48:12.623 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:48:12.624 1097 1152 E libprocessgroup: AddTidToCgroup failed to write
'28563'; fd=506: Invalid argument
05-14 02:48:12.624 28485 28546 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.624 1097 1152 E libprocessgroup: Failed to add task into cgroup
05-14 02:48:12.624 28485 28546 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.624 25872 25872 I ExoPlayerImpl: Init 9c12e7 [AndroidXMedia3/1.4.0-
alpha01] [RE58C6, RMX3761, realme, 34]
05-14 02:48:12.625 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.625 1097 3333 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10122; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.625 1097 4106 D MediaMetricsManagerService: failed to get
player_metrics_app_blocklist from DeviceConfig
05-14 02:48:12.625 1097 4106 V MediaMetricsManagerService: Logging level blocked:
05-14 02:48:12.628 1097 4105 D MediaMetricsManagerService: failed to get
player_metrics_app_blocklist from DeviceConfig
05-14 02:48:12.628 1097 4105 V MediaMetricsManagerService: Logging level blocked:
05-14 02:48:12.630 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.632 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.632 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.632 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40512317 win=225000 tElapsed=40512317 maxElapsed=40737317 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.632 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.632 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.634 28483 28483 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Firebase
Crashlytics 18.3.5 for
05-14 02:48:12.637 28563 28617 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 247079863; UID 10123; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:12.638 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3595
05-14 02:48:12.638 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:3459
05-14 02:48:12.638 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:3403
05-14 02:48:12.638 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:2803
05-14 02:48:12.638 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:2706
05-14 02:48:12.638 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:514
05-14 02:48:12.638 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#55334567 from android(1000) duration:280
05-14 02:48:12.638 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
0 from android(1000) duration:242
05-14 02:48:12.650 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.651 28563 28617 I DialerSpamAsyncTaskUtil:
request: # vpk@48c9eea8
05-14 02:48:12.651 25872 25872 I PipelineReaderImpl: Initializing en-in-x-enc-
seanet-embedded from disk
05-14 02:48:12.683 28563 28634 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(101) with
statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
05-14 02:48:12.716 28483 28635 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
05-14 02:48:12.717 28483 28635 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 109
05-14 02:48:12.717 28483 28635 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2,
using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
05-14 02:48:12.723 1097 3932 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 161145287; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.726 28563 28563 I DialerFlags:$registerDialerMendelConfigPackage$0:132
phenotype register status: true
05-14 02:48:12.732 28483 28635 W System : ClassLoader referenced unknown path:
05-14 02:48:12.732 28483 28635 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-5 for other apk .
target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=,
05-14 02:48:12.738 25872 25872 E tflite :
third_party/tensorflow/lite/core/ != nullptr was
not true.
05-14 02:48:12.745 28483 28635 W ClassLoaderContext classpath size
mismatch. expected=12, found=6 (DLC[];PCL[base.apk*2131690175:base.apk!
org.apache.http.legacy.jar*3284119652]} | DLC[];PCL[/data/app/~~dIZjML62-
05-14 02:48:12.756 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.759 28563 28605 I DialerFlags:$1.onSuccess:113 finished with result: true
05-14 02:48:12.761 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.761 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.761 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40512446 win=225000 tElapsed=40512446 maxElapsed=40737446 interval=0
05-14 02:48:12.762 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:12.762 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:12.768 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:3726
05-14 02:48:12.768 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:3590
05-14 02:48:12.768 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:3534
05-14 02:48:12.768 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:2934
05-14 02:48:12.768 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:2837
05-14 02:48:12.768 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:645
05-14 02:48:12.768 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
0 from android(1000) duration:373
05-14 02:48:12.770 28483 28483 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
05-14 02:48:12.798 28483 28654 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-6 for other apk
/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.jar. target_sdk_version=34,
05-14 02:48:12.800 28483 28646 E No package ID 79 found for
resource ID 0x790b0007.
05-14 02:48:12.800 28483 28646 E No package ID 79 found for
resource ID 0x790b0007.
05-14 02:48:12.801 28483 28646 I FA : App measurement initialized, version:
05-14 02:48:12.801 28483 28646 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
05-14 02:48:12.802 28483 28646 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
05-14 02:48:12.802 28483 28646 I FA : adb shell setprop
05-14 02:48:12.802 28483 28654 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-7 for other apk
/system/framework/ target_sdk_version=34,
05-14 02:48:12.829 28483 28654 W Suspending all threads took:
05-14 02:48:12.831 28483 28654 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-8 for other apk
/system/framework/ target_sdk_version=34,
05-14 02:48:12.845 28483 28654 D nativeloader: Configuring clns-9 for other apk
kIEi8zgrg==/base.apk. target_sdk_version=34, uses_libraries=,
05-14 02:48:12.861 28483 28483 I AppStateListener: OnCreate FreshchatInitProvider
05-14 02:48:12.870 28483 28654 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module
05-14 02:48:12.870 28483 28654 I DynamiteModule: Selected remote version of, version >= 241199801
05-14 02:48:12.870 28483 28654 V DynamiteModule: Dynamite loader version >= 2,
using loadModule2NoCrashUtils
05-14 02:48:12.874 28483 28654 W ClassLoaderContext type mismatch.
expected=PCL, found=DLC (PCL[] |
05-14 02:48:12.878 1097 3476 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:12.881 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:12.884 28563 28618 I DialerSpamAsyncTaskUtil:$1.onNext:186 gRPC data received
from server
05-14 02:48:12.885 28563 28618 I DialerSpamAsyncTaskUtil:$1.onNext:196 updated spam list for
countryIso: in denylist version: 1715630779286
05-14 02:48:12.898 28483 28483 W CheckTime: App running slow: Executing
handleBindApplication : installContentProviders took 471ms
05-14 02:48:12.914 28563 28618 I DialerSpamDatabaseHelper:
inserted 66 numbers into the server spam list.
05-14 02:48:12.998 28483 28662 D FBAudienceNetwork: SDK dex loading time: 130
05-14 02:48:13.049 28563 28618 I DialerSpamDatabaseHelper:
05 removed 66 numbers from the server spam list.
05-14 02:48:13.120 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:13.120 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:13.121 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:13.212 28483 28483 E Invalid resource ID 0x00000000.
05-14 02:48:13.238 28483 28483 W CheckTime: App running slow: Executing
handleBindApplication : callApplicationOnCreate took 340ms
05-14 02:48:13.239 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Flag disabled. Ignoring
finishAttachApplication from uid: 10273. pid: 28483
05-14 02:48:13.257 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:13.258 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:13.258 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:13.258 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:13.258 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:13.258 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:13.258 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:13.258 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:13.271 1097 3476 D PackageManager: Considering set's
state as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage =
05-14 02:48:13.283 28483 28483 I Choreographer: Skipped 36 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
05-14 02:48:13.286 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e01,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:13.287 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e01,
05-14 02:48:13.290 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e02,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:13.290 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e02,
05-14 02:48:13.317 28563 28618 I DialerLogcatLoggingBindings:
05-14 02:48:13.317 28563 28618 I DialerSpamAsyncTaskUtil:$1.onNext:225 updated spam list with
difference list to denylist version: 1715630779286
05-14 02:48:13.317 28563 28618 I DialerSpamAsyncTaskUtil:$1.onCompleted:253 gRPC blocked list
fetching completed.
05-14 02:48:13.321 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:13.324 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:13.324 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:13.324 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40513009 win=225000 tElapsed=40513009 maxElapsed=40738009 interval=0
05-14 02:48:13.325 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:13.325 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:13.331 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:deviceidle_maint from android(1000) duration:4289
05-14 02:48:13.331 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:4153
05-14 02:48:13.331 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
from duration:4097
05-14 02:48:13.331 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:3497
05-14 02:48:13.331 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:3400
05-14 02:48:13.331 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
vice#32 from android(1000) duration:1208
05-14 02:48:13.358 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:13.372 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:13.387 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:13.387 1097 4099 I ActivityManager: Killing
xedProcessService0:0/u0a269i81 (adj 985): empty #25
05-14 02:48:13.388 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 26508 for 12
05-14 02:48:13.394 1097 1149 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 99081 pid 26508 in 6ms
05-14 02:48:13.428 1097 4099 D AppStartupManager: wl is close,just return
05-14 02:48:13.428 1523 1523 I Zygote : Process 26508 exited due to signal 9
05-14 02:48:13.429 1097 4099 D ActivityManager: scheduleServiceRestartLocked N
0 now 40160324 r ServiceRecord{3f59697 u0} minDuration
05-14 02:48:13.429 1097 4099 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed
service in
1000ms for connection
05-14 02:48:13.430 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:13.431 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 99081
05-14 02:48:13.433 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:48:13.437 28483 28688 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 160794467; UID 10273; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:13.462 28483 28698 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 263076149; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:13.474 1097 4099 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10273/28483 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 2070 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10273 RequestorUid: 10273 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
05-14 02:48:13.478 1097 1264 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10273 RequestorUid: 10273 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:13.479 1097 1264 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2071, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:13.479 1097 1264 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2071, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:13.480 1097 1264 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2071, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:13.481 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [2071 : null →
108] [c 0] [a 1] [i 5]
05-14 02:48:13.621 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:13.621 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:13.621 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:13.644 28483 28675 V Event added: DbCleanWorker trace started
05-14 02:48:13.735 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:13.736 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:13.736 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:13.736 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:13.736 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:13.736 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:13.736 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:13.736 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:13.765 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e03,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:13.766 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e03,
05-14 02:48:13.768 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e04,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:13.769 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e04,
05-14 02:48:13.799 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10122; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:13.800 1097 4106 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 261072174; UID 10127; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:13.801 1750 27998 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: (REDACTED) Task %s/%s
finished executing. cause:%s result: %s elapsed_millis: %s uptime_millis: %s
exec_start_elapsed_seconds: %s
05-14 02:48:13.802 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:13.815 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:13.815 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:13.817 1097 4099 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{8cb132a:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=41016359
win=602142 tElapsed=41016359 maxElapsed=41618501 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:13.818 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:13.818 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:13.927 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:48:13.927 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:48:13.992 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:13.994 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:13.994 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:13.994 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:13.994 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:13.994 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:13.994 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:13.994 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:14.020 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e05,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:14.020 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e05,
05-14 02:48:14.022 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e06,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:14.022 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e06,
05-14 02:48:14.100 28483 28646 I FA : Tag Manager is not found and thus will
not be used
05-14 02:48:14.121 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:14.121 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:14.121 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:14.132 28483 28674 D Event added: DbCleanWorker completed in 0.48 s |
Attributes: {} | Metrics: {entries_threshold=100, total_content_count=428,
deleted_entries_count=0, execution_time=297}
05-14 02:48:14.139 28483 28696 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
non_recent_cleaner_job } ]
05-14 02:48:14.148 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.149 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:14.149 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:14.149 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40513834 win=225000 tElapsed=40513834 maxElapsed=40738834 interval=0
05-14 02:48:14.149 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:14.149 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:14.154 28483 28696 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10273; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:14.154 28483 28696 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:14.154 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:4976
05-14 02:48:14.155 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:4320
05-14 02:48:14.155 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:4223
05-14 02:48:14.155 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 253665015; UID 10273; state: DISABLED
05-14 02:48:14.155 1097 4099 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 194532703; UID 10273; state: ENABLED
05-14 02:48:14.163 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.163 1097 4099 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 935): empty #25
05-14 02:48:14.166 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 26203 for 12
05-14 02:48:14.182 28483 28483 W Glide : Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule.
You should include an annotationProcessor compile dependency on
com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler in your application and a @GlideModule annotated
AppGlideModule implementation or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored
05-14 02:48:14.187 1097 1149 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10269 pid 26203 in 21ms
05-14 02:48:14.192 1097 4099 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10273/28483 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 2072 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10273 RequestorUid: 10273 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
05-14 02:48:14.196 1097 1264 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10273 RequestorUid: 10273 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:14.196 1097 1264 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2073, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:14.197 1097 1264 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2073, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:14.198 1097 1264 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2073, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:14.198 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [2073 : null →
108] [c 0] [a 1] [i 5]
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201384 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: an
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201520 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: and
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201539 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: a_determiner
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201550 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: are
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201558 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: as
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201565 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: at
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201574 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: what
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201581 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: when
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201589 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: which
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201598 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: was
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201606 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: were
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201613 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: with
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201620 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: had
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201627 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: has
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201634 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: have
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201641 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: her
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201649 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: him
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201658 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: than
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201666 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: that
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201673 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: the
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201681 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: them
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201690 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: this
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201697 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: of
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201705 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: or
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201713 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: other
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201722 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: been
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201729 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: but
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201736 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: for
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201744 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: from
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201751 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: me
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201757 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: my
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201765 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: you
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201772 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: your
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201869 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: can_vrb
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201882 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: did
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201890 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: is
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201898 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: just
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201906 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: per
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201914 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: some
05-14 02:48:14.201 25872 25872 E native : E0000 00:00:1715635094.201921 25872] Word in model does not exist in the lexicon: up
05-14 02:48:14.223 25872 25872 I ComposerWrapperImpl: Done initializing en-in-x-
05-14 02:48:14.225 1097 1097 D TextToSpeechManagerPerUserService: Connected
successfully to TTS engine:
05-14 02:48:14.227 28563 28579 I TextToSpeech: Connected to TTS engine
05-14 02:48:14.228 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.258 25872 25887 W RankedDispatcher: The requested voice is not
available for this app identifier
05-14 02:48:14.259 25872 25887 I GoogleTTSServiceImpl: currentLocale = en-IN
05-14 02:48:14.273 25872 25887 W RankedDispatcher: The requested voice is not
available for this app identifier
05-14 02:48:14.274 25872 25887 I GoogleTTSServiceImpl: For default lang en-in is
name en-IN-language (en-in-x-enc-server)
05-14 02:48:14.275 28563 28742 I TextToSpeech: Setting up the connection to TTS
05-14 02:48:14.276 28563 28617 I DialerLocaleProvider:
eOrDefaultForTts:156 checking TTS locale
05-14 02:48:14.277 28563 28617 I DialerLegacyCountryDetector:
returning Redacted-2-chars
05-14 02:48:14.278 28563 28617 I DialerTtsLocaleProvider:$Companion.g
etSupportedLocaleFromCountryCode:78 checking whether country IN is supported by TTS
for start/end audio
05-14 02:48:14.278 28563 28617 I DialerTtsLocaleProvider:$Companion.g
etSupportedLocaleFromCountryCode:111 country IN start/end audio supported by TTS
05-14 02:48:14.278 28563 28617 I DialerTtsPreWarm:
initializing TTS with en_US locale
05-14 02:48:14.279 25872 25887 W RankedDispatcher: The requested voice is not
available for this app identifier
05-14 02:48:14.280 25872 25887 I GoogleTTSServiceImpl: currentLocale = en-US
05-14 02:48:14.281 25872 25887 W RankedDispatcher: The requested voice is not
available for this app identifier
05-14 02:48:14.282 25872 25887 I GoogleTTSServiceImpl: currentLocale = en-US
05-14 02:48:14.283 25872 25887 W RankedDispatcher: The requested voice is not
available for this app identifier
05-14 02:48:14.284 25872 25887 I GoogleTTSServiceImpl: For default lang en-us is
name en-US-language (en-us-x-iog-server)
05-14 02:48:14.285 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest
Uid: 10269 RequestorUid: 10269 RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks:
Null] ] (release request)
05-14 02:48:14.285 1097 3333 D AppStartupManager: wl is close,just return
05-14 02:48:14.286 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest
Uid: 10269 RequestorUid: 10269 RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks:
Null] ] (release request)
05-14 02:48:14.286 25872 25887 W RankedDispatcher: The requested voice is not
available for this app identifier
05-14 02:48:14.287 668 668 I Zygote : Process 26203 exited due to signal 9
05-14 02:48:14.287 25872 25887 I GoogleTTSServiceImpl: currentLocale = en-US
05-14 02:48:14.287 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.288 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:48:14.288 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10269
05-14 02:48:14.290 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:14.290 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:14.290 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40513975 win=225000 tElapsed=40513975 maxElapsed=40738975 interval=0
05-14 02:48:14.290 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:14.290 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:14.290 28718 28718 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent
{ }
05-14 02:48:14.293 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.296 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.296 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:5118
05-14 02:48:14.296 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:4462
05-14 02:48:14.296 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:4365
05-14 02:48:14.312 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.312 25872 28621 I PipelineReaderImpl: Initializing en-us-x-hol-
seanet-embedded from disk
05-14 02:48:14.322 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.330 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.345 28563 28604 I DialerTtsPreWarm:$1.onSuccess:86
prewarming TTS succeeded
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting flex_time=14000
job_id=-1 period=30000 source=16 requires_charging=0 preferred_network_type=1
tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG task_type=0
required_idleness_state=0 service_kind=0 source_version=241616000
persistence_level=1 preferred_charging_state=1 required_network_type=0
runtime=1715635094347 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":
last_runtime=0 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler:
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed:
pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package,
pending_ops.user_id (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
cyix.d( (190400-629452829):735)
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
cygp.n( (190400-629452829):29)
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
cygp.u( (190400-629452829):360)
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
cygp.h( (190400-629452829):51)
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at (190400-629452829):72)
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
amic.c( (190400-629452829):50)
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at (190400-629452829):76)
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at (190400-629452829):8)
05-14 02:48:14.349 1750 28194 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:14.350 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{1a2dc85:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=40244032
win=22498 tElapsed=40244032 maxElapsed=40266530 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:14.350 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:14.350 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:14.350 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:14.350 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:14.621 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:14.621 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:14.621 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:14.667 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.772 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:14.795 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:14.797 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:14.797 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:14.797 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:14.797 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:14.797 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:14.797 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:14.797 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:14.823 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e07,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:14.823 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e07,
05-14 02:48:14.827 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e08,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:14.827 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e08,
05-14 02:48:14.931 28238 28401 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:14.931 28238 28401 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:14.933 28238 28401 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:14.933 28238 28401 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:14.950 1370 1380 I ndroid.systemui: Background concurrent mark
compact GC freed 678539(33MB) AllocSpace objects, 333(6728KB) LOS objects, 75%
free, 15MB/61MB, paused 532us,2.899ms total 124.745ms
05-14 02:48:14.950 1370 1380 W ndroid.systemui: Reducing the number of considered
missed Gc histogram windows from 599 to 100
05-14 02:48:14.957 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003dc3,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.957 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003dc4,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.957 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003dc5,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.961 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003df7,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.962 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003df8,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.962 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003df9,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.962 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003dfd,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.962 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003dfe,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.962 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003dff,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.962 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003e00,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.962 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003e01,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.962 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003e02,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.962 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003e03,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.963 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003e04,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.963 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003e05,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.963 1370 1381 I mali_gralloc: unregister: id=0x2a900003e06,
base=0x0, importpid=1370
05-14 02:48:14.966 1370 1382 W ndroid.systemui: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /system/priv-app/realme/HeyTapPictorial/HeyTapPictorial.apk'
with 1 weak references
05-14 02:48:15.004 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:15.005 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:15.005 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:15.005 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:15.005 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:15.005 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:15.005 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:15.005 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:15.019 25872 28621 E tflite :
third_party/tensorflow/lite/core/ != nullptr was
not true.
05-14 02:48:15.032 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e09,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:15.032 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e09,
05-14 02:48:15.035 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e0a,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:15.035 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e0a,
05-14 02:48:15.096 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:15.122 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:15.122 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:15.122 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:15.126 28238 28311 I BackgroundTaskWorker: Service Worker. Action:
05-14 02:48:15.129 28238 28311 D BackgroundTaskWorker: BG service Crash count
incremented to: 1
05-14 02:48:15.132 28238 28311 D BackgroundTaskWorker: Begin execution of
05-14 02:48:15.226 28238 28746 I CompArchiveExtraction:
.txt_1.tmp =>
file exists true
05-14 02:48:15.229 28238 28311 I BackgroundTaskWorker: Completed execution of
UIRaaSBackgroundTask in 97ms.
05-14 02:48:15.231 28238 28311 D BackgroundTaskWorker: Begin execution of
05-14 02:48:15.247 28238 28311 I BackgroundTaskWorker: Completed execution of
PrepopulateEarlyAccessFGTask in 16ms.
05-14 02:48:15.249 28238 28311 D BackgroundTaskWorker: Skipping execution of
IrisRegistrationBackgroundTask Reason: Pre-Conditions check failed
05-14 02:48:15.254 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.254 28238 28311 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.256 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.256 28238 28311 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.257 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.257 28238 28311 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.257 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:15.258 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.258 28238 28311 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.258 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:15.259 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:15.259 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:15.259 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:15.259 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:15.259 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:15.259 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:15.259 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.260 28238 28311 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.260 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.261 28238 28311 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.262 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.264 28238 28311 W K2_ULS axd31 Telemetry Rules Engine: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.264 28238 28311 W K2_ULS 5skdj Telemetry Rules Engine: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.284 28238 28311 I RegistryDBManager: deleteSubTreeNodesFromDB -
deleted 3 keys out of 3 And 4 values out of 4
05-14 02:48:15.285 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e0b,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:15.286 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e0b,
05-14 02:48:15.288 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e0c,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:15.288 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e0c,
05-14 02:48:15.305 28238 28311 I RegistryDBManager: deleteSubTreeNodesFromDB -
deleted 1 keys out of 1 And 0 values out of 0
05-14 02:48:15.330 25872 28621 I ComposerWrapperImpl: Done initializing en-us-x-
05-14 02:48:15.330 25872 28621 I GoogleTTSServiceImpl: Synthesis request for locale
eng-USA and name en-US-language
05-14 02:48:15.344 25872 28621 I GoogleTTSServiceImpl: TTS dispatch: en-us-x-iog-
05-14 02:48:15.345 25872 28621 I GoogleTTSServiceImpl: Did not cache synthesis
05-14 02:48:15.346 1097 4099 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent { act=android.speech.tts.TTS_QUEUE_PROCESSING_COMPLETED
flg=0x10 }
05-14 02:48:15.476 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.476 28238 28311 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.478 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.485 1097 4099 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for
uid/pid:10224/28238 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 2074 [NetworkRequest
Uid: 10224 RequestorUid: 10224 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
05-14 02:48:15.488 1097 4099 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{46471df
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid -1 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:48:15.490 1097 1264 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest
Uid: 10224 RequestorUid: 10224 RequestorPkg:
UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:15.490 1097 1264 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2075, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:15.490 1097 1264 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2075, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:15.490 1097 1264 D MultiInternetWifiNetworkFactory: got request
NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=2075, [ Capabilities:
RequestorPkg: UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
05-14 02:48:15.491 1097 1275 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [2075 : null →
108] [c 1] [a 1] [i 3]
05-14 02:48:15.544 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.544 28238 28311 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.547 28238 28311 W K2_ULS a9ief WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.547 28238 28311 W K2_ULS ibv02 WebServiceApi: __Scrubbed__
05-14 02:48:15.622 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:15.622 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:15.622 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:15.792 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:15.794 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:15.794 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:15.794 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:15.794 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:15.794 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:15.794 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:15.794 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:15.823 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e0d,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:15.824 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e0d,
05-14 02:48:15.827 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e0e,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:15.827 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e0e,
05-14 02:48:16.122 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:16.122 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:16.123 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:16.238 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:16.239 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:16.239 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:16.239 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:16.239 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:16.239 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:16.239 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:16.239 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:16.267 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e0f,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:16.268 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e0f,
05-14 02:48:16.271 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e10,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:16.271 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e10,
05-14 02:48:16.293 27287 27287 I RegistryDBManager: observeForUpdates - run
05-14 02:48:16.294 27287 28459 I Registry: reLoadRegistryForRemoteUpdate
05-14 02:48:16.294 27287 28459 I Registry: init - START
05-14 02:48:16.294 27287 28459 I Registry: initDatabase - START
05-14 02:48:16.294 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - START
05-14 02:48:16.296 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading keys page from id 0
05-14 02:48:16.302 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading keys page from id 8949
05-14 02:48:16.304 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading keys page from id 9457
05-14 02:48:16.304 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id 0
05-14 02:48:16.340 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:16.354 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:16.364 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:16.372 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: Loading values page from id
05-14 02:48:16.373 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - Timetaken
to read from database (ms): 79 for 1040 keys and 3725 values.
05-14 02:48:16.383 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - Timetaken
to Populate Cache(ms): 89 for 1040 keys and 3725 values
05-14 02:48:16.383 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - Keys to be
deleted = 0 Values to be deleted = 0
05-14 02:48:16.383 27287 28459 I RegistryDBManager: loadRegistryFromDB - END
05-14 02:48:16.384 27287 28459 I Registry: initDatabase - END
05-14 02:48:16.384 27287 28459 I Registry: Is DB Population completed : true
05-14 02:48:16.384 27287 28459 I Registry: init - END
05-14 02:48:16.473 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:16.474 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:16.475 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:16.475 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:16.475 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:16.475 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:16.475 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:16.475 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:16.503 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e11,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:16.504 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e11,
05-14 02:48:16.507 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e12,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:16.507 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e12,
05-14 02:48:16.623 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:16.623 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:16.623 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:16.721 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:16.723 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:16.723 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:16.723 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:16.723 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:16.723 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:16.723 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:16.723 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:16.751 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e13,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:16.752 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e13,
05-14 02:48:16.755 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e14,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:16.755 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e14,
05-14 02:48:17.123 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:17.123 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:17.123 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:17.190 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:17.191 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:17.191 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:17.191 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:17.191 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:17.192 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:17.192 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:17.192 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:17.216 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e15,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:17.217 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e15,
05-14 02:48:17.220 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e16,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:17.221 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e16,
05-14 02:48:17.467 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:17.469 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:17.469 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:17.469 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:17.469 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:17.469 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:17.469 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:17.469 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:17.498 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e17,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:17.499 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e17,
05-14 02:48:17.502 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e18,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:17.503 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e18,
05-14 02:48:17.623 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:17.623 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:17.623 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:17.768 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:17.769 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:17.769 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:17.770 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:17.770 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:17.770 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:17.770 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:17.770 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:17.791 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:17.793 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:17.793 1097 3333 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:17.800 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e19,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:17.801 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e19,
05-14 02:48:17.804 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e1a,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:17.805 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e1a,
05-14 02:48:18.075 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:18.077 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:18.077 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:18.077 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:18.077 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:18.077 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:18.077 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:18.077 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:18.106 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e1b,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:18.107 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e1b,
05-14 02:48:18.111 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e1c,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:18.111 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e1c,
05-14 02:48:18.124 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:18.124 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:18.124 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:18.315 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:18.316 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:18.316 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:18.316 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:18.316 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:18.316 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:18.316 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:18.316 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:18.344 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e1d,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:18.345 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e1d,
05-14 02:48:18.348 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e1e,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:18.349 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e1e,
05-14 02:48:18.624 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:18.624 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:18.624 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:18.675 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:18.676 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:18.676 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:18.676 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:18.676 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:18.676 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:18.676 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:18.676 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:18.707 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e1f,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:18.708 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e1f,
05-14 02:48:18.713 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e20,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:18.714 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e20,
05-14 02:48:18.779 28483 28755 D ProfileInstaller: Installing profile for
05-14 02:48:18.895 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:18.897 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:18.897 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:18.897 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:18.897 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:18.897 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:18.897 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:18.897 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:18.926 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e21,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:18.927 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e21,
05-14 02:48:18.930 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e22,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:18.931 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e22,
05-14 02:48:19.110 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:19.111 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:19.111 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:19.111 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:19.111 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:19.111 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:19.111 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:19.111 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:19.125 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:19.125 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:19.125 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:19.140 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e23,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:19.141 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e23,
05-14 02:48:19.145 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e24,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:19.145 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e24,
05-14 02:48:19.149 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 18446
05-14 02:48:19.334 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:19.336 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:19.336 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:19.336 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:19.336 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:19.336 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:19.336 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:19.336 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:19.366 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e25,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:19.367 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e25,
05-14 02:48:19.371 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e26,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:19.372 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e26,
05-14 02:48:19.578 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28238
05-14 02:48:19.580 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 27287
05-14 02:48:19.584 28563 28579 V ClearcutMetricXmitter: Transmission is done.
05-14 02:48:19.584 28563 28579 V ClearcutMetricXmitter: Transmission is done.
05-14 02:48:19.625 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:19.625 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:19.625 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:19.643 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:19.644 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:19.644 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:19.644 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:19.644 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:19.644 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:19.644 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:19.644 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:19.673 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e27,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:19.673 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e27,
05-14 02:48:19.678 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e28,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:19.678 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e28,
05-14 02:48:19.930 1097 1215 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:19.930 1097 1215 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #86530} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (13 skipped)
05-14 02:48:19.931 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{fe686c4
android.os.action.POWER_SAVE_TEMP_WHITELIST_CHANGED/u0} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for
1 receivers
05-14 02:48:19.993 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:19.994 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:19.994 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:19.994 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:19.994 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:19.995 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:19.995 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:19.995 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:20.021 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e29,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:20.022 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e29,
05-14 02:48:20.025 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e2a,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:20.026 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e2a,
05-14 02:48:20.125 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:20.125 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:20.125 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:20.348 1097 1333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:20.625 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:20.626 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:20.626 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:20.703 449 28361 I keystore2:
system/security/keystore2/src/ - Watchdog thread idle ->
terminating. Have a great day.
05-14 02:48:21.126 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:21.126 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:21.126 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:21.375 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:21.376 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:21.376 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:21.376 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:21.376 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:21.376 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:21.376 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:21.376 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:21.405 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e2b,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:21.405 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e2b,
05-14 02:48:21.409 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e2c,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:21.410 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e2c,
05-14 02:48:21.589 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:21.590 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:21.590 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:21.590 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:21.590 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:21.591 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:21.591 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:21.591 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:21.619 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e2d,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:21.619 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e2d,
05-14 02:48:21.622 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e2e,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:21.623 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e2e,
05-14 02:48:21.626 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:21.626 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:21.626 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:21.815 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:21.816 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:21.817 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:21.817 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:21.817 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:21.817 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:21.817 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:21.817 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:21.844 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e2f,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:21.844 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e2f,
05-14 02:48:21.849 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e30,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:21.849 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e30,
05-14 02:48:22.028 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:22.029 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:22.029 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:22.029 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:22.029 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:22.029 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:22.029 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:22.029 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:22.058 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e31,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:22.058 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e31,
05-14 02:48:22.062 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e32,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:22.063 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e32,
05-14 02:48:22.126 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:22.126 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:22.126 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:22.464 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:48:22.614 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28488
05-14 02:48:22.627 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:22.627 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:22.627 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:22.701 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28485
05-14 02:48:22.799 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 25987
05-14 02:48:23.127 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:23.127 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:23.127 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:23.390 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23963
05-14 02:48:23.627 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:23.627 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:23.627 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:24.128 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:24.128 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:24.128 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:24.165 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28483
05-14 02:48:24.263 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:24.490 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:24.587 23224 23233 I com.whatsapp: Background concurrent mark compact
GC freed 283520(21MB) AllocSpace objects, 118(5796KB) LOS objects, 75% free,
10MB/42MB, paused 1.253ms,9.534ms total 217.804ms
05-14 02:48:24.588 23224 23233 W com.whatsapp: Reducing the number of considered
missed Gc histogram windows from 248 to 100
05-14 02:48:24.628 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:24.628 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:24.628 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:24.631 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:24.683 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 02:48:24.738 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:24.764 1097 3333 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 28718 for 5
05-14 02:48:24.764 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:24.770 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:24.772 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:24.775 28718 28718 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent
{ dat=chimera-action:/... }
05-14 02:48:24.777 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:24.844 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:25.128 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:25.128 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:25.128 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:25.629 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:25.629 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:25.629 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:25.858 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:25.860 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:25.860 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:25.860 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:25.860 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:25.860 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:25.861 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:25.861 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:25.892 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e33,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:25.893 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e33,
05-14 02:48:25.898 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e34,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:25.899 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e34,
05-14 02:48:25.910 1097 1227 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:25.912 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:25.913 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:25.913 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40525598 win=225000 tElapsed=40525598 maxElapsed=40750598 interval=0
05-14 02:48:25.913 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:25.913 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:25.923 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:16745
05-14 02:48:25.923 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:16089
05-14 02:48:25.923 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:15992
05-14 02:48:26.111 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:26.112 1097 4106 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 02:48:26.114 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 27133 for 12
05-14 02:48:26.122 1097 1149 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10216 pid 27133 in 6ms
05-14 02:48:26.129 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:26.129 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:26.129 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:26.171 1097 4106 D AppStartupManager: wl is close,just return
05-14 02:48:26.171 668 668 I Zygote : Process 27133 exited due to signal 9
05-14 02:48:26.173 1097 1137 D DisplayManagerService: Drop pending events for
gone uid 10216
05-14 02:48:26.174 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:26.174 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:26.174 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40525859 win=225000 tElapsed=40525859 maxElapsed=40750859 interval=0
05-14 02:48:26.175 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:26.176 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:26.176 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:26.187 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:17008
05-14 02:48:26.187 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:16352
05-14 02:48:26.187 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:16255
05-14 02:48:26.629 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:26.630 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:26.630 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:27.130 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:27.130 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:27.130 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:27.630 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:27.630 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:27.630 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:27.763 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:27.949 23224 28213 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(208) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:28.131 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:28.131 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:28.131 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:28.465 23224 28782 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(211) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:28.466 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(212) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:28.631 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:28.631 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:28.631 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:28.668 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:28.669 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:28.669 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:28.669 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:28.669 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:28.669 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:28.669 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:28.669 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:28.698 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e35,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:28.699 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e35,
05-14 02:48:28.703 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e36,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:28.704 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e36,
05-14 02:48:28.809 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:29.131 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:29.131 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:29.132 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:29.135 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:29.135 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:29.138 1097 4106 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{7c26aeb:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null listenerTag=null
workSource=WorkSource{10125} callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=41016359
win=590652 tElapsed=41016359 maxElapsed=41607011 interval=0 flags=0x0
05-14 02:48:29.138 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:29.139 1097 4106 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40235.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:29.170 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28198
05-14 02:48:29.172 23224 28782 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(217) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:29.180 28718 28783 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(136) with statsTag=0x3300,
05-14 02:48:29.184 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(190) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:29.397 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:29.399 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:29.471 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 15294
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting
flex_time=3599000 job_id=-1 period=7200000 source=16 requires_charging=0
tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG task_type=0
required_idleness_state=0 service_kind=0 source_version=241616000
persistence_level=1 preferred_charging_state=1 required_network_type=0
runtime=1715635109527 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":
last_runtime=0 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler:
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed:
pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package,
pending_ops.user_id (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
cyix.d( (190400-629452829):735)
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
cygp.n( (190400-629452829):29)
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
cygp.u( (190400-629452829):360)
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
cygp.h( (190400-629452829):51)
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at (190400-629452829):72)
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
amic.c( (190400-629452829):50)
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at (190400-629452829):76)
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at (190400-629452829):8)
05-14 02:48:29.531 1750 27998 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.632 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:29.632 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:29.632 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:29.671 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:29.673 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:29.673 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:29.673 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:29.673 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:29.673 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:29.673 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:29.673 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:29.701 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e37,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:29.701 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e37,
05-14 02:48:29.705 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e38,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:29.705 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e38,
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: Error inserting
flex_time=3599000 job_id=-1 period=7200000 source=16 requires_charging=0
tag=Measurement.PackageMeasurementTaskService.UPLOAD_TASK_TAG task_type=0
required_idleness_state=0 service_kind=0 source_version=241616000
persistence_level=1 preferred_charging_state=1 required_network_type=0
runtime=1715635109782 retry_strategy={"maximum_backoff_seconds":
last_runtime=0 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler:
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteConstraintException: UNIQUE constraint failed:
pending_ops.tag, pending_ops.target_class, pending_ops.target_package,
pending_ops.user_id (code 2067 SQLITE_CONSTRAINT_UNIQUE)
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
cyix.d( (190400-629452829):735)
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
cygp.n( (190400-629452829):29)
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
cygp.u( (190400-629452829):360)
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
cygp.h( (190400-629452829):51)
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at (190400-629452829):72)
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
amic.c( (190400-629452829):50)
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at (190400-629452829):76)
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at (190400-629452829):8)
05-14 02:48:29.783 1750 28226 W NetworkScheduler: at
05-14 02:48:29.932 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:29.933 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:29.934 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:29.934 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:29.934 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:29.934 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:29.934 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:29.934 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:29.963 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e39,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:29.964 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e39,
05-14 02:48:29.968 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e3a,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:29.968 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e3a,
05-14 02:48:30.132 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:30.132 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:30.132 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:30.158 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:30.160 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:30.160 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:30.160 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:30.161 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:30.161 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:30.161 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:30.161 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:30.189 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e3b,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:30.190 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e3b,
05-14 02:48:30.194 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e3c,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:30.194 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e3c,
05-14 02:48:30.204 23224 28782 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(104) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:30.404 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:30.412 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:30.413 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:30.413 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:30.413 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:30.413 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:30.413 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:30.413 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:30.413 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:30.442 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e3d,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:30.443 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e3d,
05-14 02:48:30.448 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e3e,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:30.448 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e3e,
05-14 02:48:30.633 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:30.633 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:30.633 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:30.686 1097 1261 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x40000010 }
05-14 02:48:30.710 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:30.712 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:30.712 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:30.712 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:30.712 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:30.712 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:30.713 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:30.713 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:30.743 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e3f,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:30.744 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e3f,
05-14 02:48:30.748 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e40,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:30.749 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e40,
05-14 02:48:30.922 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:30.924 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:30.925 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:30.925 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:30.925 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:30.926 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:30.926 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:30.926 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:30.955 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e41,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:30.956 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e41,
05-14 02:48:30.960 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e42,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:30.961 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e42,
05-14 02:48:31.109 23224 28782 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(205) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:31.133 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:31.133 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:31.133 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:31.418 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:31.420 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:31.420 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:31.420 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:31.420 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:31.420 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:31.420 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:31.420 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:31.451 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e43,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:31.452 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e43,
05-14 02:48:31.455 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e44,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:31.456 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e44,
05-14 02:48:31.633 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:31.634 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:31.634 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:31.669 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:31.670 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:31.670 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:31.670 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:31.670 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:31.670 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:31.670 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:31.670 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:31.700 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e45,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:31.701 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e45,
05-14 02:48:31.706 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e46,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:31.706 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e46,
05-14 02:48:31.925 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:31.926 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:31.927 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:31.927 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:31.927 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:31.927 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:31.927 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:31.927 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:31.957 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e47,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:31.958 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e47,
05-14 02:48:31.963 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e48,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:31.964 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e48,
05-14 02:48:31.987 23224 28782 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(204) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:32.031 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{bdb28f4
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 02:48:32.040 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:48:32.041 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:48:32.042 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 321,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:48:32.045 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:48:32.047 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:32.053 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:48:32.134 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:32.134 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:32.134 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:32.142 1097 1261 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x40000010 }
05-14 02:48:32.144 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkEnabledNL: dayLimitON
= 0,dayLimitBytes = -1
05-14 02:48:32.144 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkEnabledNL: dayLimitON
= 0,dayLimitBytes = -1
05-14 02:48:32.148 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: subId = 1,dayLimitON =
0,dayLimitBytes = -1,isDayLimitNotify = 0
05-14 02:48:32.200 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:32.201 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:32.201 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:32.201 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:32.201 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:32.201 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:32.201 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:32.201 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:32.204 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy:
05-14 02:48:32.233 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e49,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:32.234 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e49,
05-14 02:48:32.238 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e4a,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:32.239 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e4a,
05-14 02:48:32.461 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:32.462 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:32.462 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:32.462 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:32.462 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:32.462 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:32.462 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:32.462 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:32.493 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e4b,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:32.494 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e4b,
05-14 02:48:32.499 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e4c,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:32.500 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e4c,
05-14 02:48:32.634 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:32.634 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:32.634 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:32.782 23224 28782 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(210) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:33.135 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:33.135 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:33.135 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:33.464 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(189) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:33.513 1097 1261 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x40000010 }
05-14 02:48:33.600 23224 28782 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(215) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:33.635 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:33.635 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:33.635 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:33.675 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:33.676 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:33.676 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:33.676 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:33.676 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:33.676 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:33.676 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:33.676 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:33.706 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e4d,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:33.707 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e4d,
05-14 02:48:33.712 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e4e,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:33.712 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e4e,
05-14 02:48:34.135 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:34.135 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:34.135 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:34.157 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(202) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:34.293 23224 28782 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(205) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:34.598 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:34.636 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:34.636 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:34.636 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:34.791 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 28718
05-14 02:48:34.945 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(104) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:35.059 23224 28782 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(190) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:35.136 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:35.136 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:35.136 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:35.636 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:35.636 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:35.636 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:35.654 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(211) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:35.760 23224 28782 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(210) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:35.913 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 26133
05-14 02:48:35.914 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715635115914, elapsedRealtime=40235599
05-14 02:48:35.914 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:35.914 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
45635.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:36.137 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:36.137 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:36.137 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:36.147 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:36.149 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:36.149 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:36.149 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:36.149 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:36.149 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:36.149 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:36.149 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:36.178 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e4f,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:36.179 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e4f,
05-14 02:48:36.184 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e50,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:36.185 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e50,
05-14 02:48:36.355 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:36.357 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:36.357 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:36.357 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:36.357 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:36.357 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:36.357 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:36.357 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:36.387 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e51,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:36.388 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e51,
05-14 02:48:36.391 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e52,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:36.392 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e52,
05-14 02:48:36.450 14528 28171 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:48:36.450 14528 28171 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:48:36.450 14528 28157 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:48:36.450 14528 28157 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:48:36.451 14528 28186 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:48:36.451 14528 28186 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:48:36.451 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b4af0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:48:36.451 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b4af0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:48:36.451 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e876fb0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:48:36.451 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b4af0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:48:36.451 14528 28187 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:48:36.452 14528 28187 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:48:36.452 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e876fb0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:48:36.452 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e876fb0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:48:36.452 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:48:36.452 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:48:36.453 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:48:36.453 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:48:36.453 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8c08b0: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:48:36.454 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8c08b0: Content-Type=
05-14 02:48:36.454 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8c08b0: (no
response body)
05-14 02:48:36.454 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:48:36.454 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8bdf70: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:48:36.454 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:48:36.454 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8bdf70: Content-Type=
05-14 02:48:36.454 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8bdf70: (no
response body)
05-14 02:48:36.454 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:48:36.455 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:48:36.457 14528 28799 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:48:36.458 14528 28799 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:48:36.458 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a1f30: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:48:36.458 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a1f30: Content-Type=
05-14 02:48:36.458 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a1f30: (no
response body)
05-14 02:48:36.459 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:48:36.459 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:48:36.564 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(215) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:36.603 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:36.604 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:36.605 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:36.605 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:36.605 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:36.605 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:36.605 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:36.605 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:36.637 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e53,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:36.639 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:36.639 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:36.639 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:36.639 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e53,
05-14 02:48:36.643 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e54,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:36.644 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e54,
05-14 02:48:36.863 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:36.864 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:36.864 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:36.864 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:36.864 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:36.864 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:36.864 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:36.864 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:36.894 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e55,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:36.895 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e55,
05-14 02:48:36.899 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e56,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:36.900 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e56,
05-14 02:48:37.040 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40536725 win=225000 tElapsed=40536725 maxElapsed=40761725 interval=0
05-14 02:48:37.041 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:37.041 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
45635.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:37.042 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40249.962000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:37.042 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
45635.599000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:37.052 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
lock:WorkManager: ProcessorForegroundLck from com.whatsapp(10223) duration:27874
05-14 02:48:37.053 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
313 from android(1000) duration:27218
05-14 02:48:37.053 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
312 from android(1000) duration:27121
05-14 02:48:37.112 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:37.115 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:37.115 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:37.115 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:37.115 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:37.115 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:37.115 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:37.115 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:37.139 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:37.139 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:37.139 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:37.145 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e57,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:37.146 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e57,
05-14 02:48:37.151 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e58,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:37.151 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e58,
05-14 02:48:37.276 1097 1261 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x40000010 }
05-14 02:48:37.279 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkEnabledNL: dayLimitON
= 0,dayLimitBytes = -1
05-14 02:48:37.279 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkEnabledNL: dayLimitON
= 0,dayLimitBytes = -1
05-14 02:48:37.283 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: subId = 1,dayLimitON =
0,dayLimitBytes = -1,isDayLimitNotify = 0
05-14 02:48:37.328 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy:
05-14 02:48:37.379 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:37.380 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:37.380 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:37.380 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:37.380 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:37.380 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:37.381 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:37.381 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:37.397 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(203) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:37.411 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e59,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:37.412 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e59,
05-14 02:48:37.418 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e5a,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:37.418 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e5a,
05-14 02:48:37.639 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:37.639 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:37.639 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:37.667 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:37.669 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:37.669 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:37.670 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:37.670 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:37.670 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:37.670 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:37.670 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:37.701 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e5b,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:37.702 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e5b,
05-14 02:48:37.707 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e5c,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:37.708 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e5c,
05-14 02:48:37.863 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:37.865 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:37.865 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:37.865 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:37.865 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:37.865 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:37.865 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:37.865 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:37.894 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e5d,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:37.895 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e5d,
05-14 02:48:37.900 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e5e,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:37.901 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e5e,
05-14 02:48:38.064 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:38.066 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:38.067 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:38.067 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:38.067 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:38.067 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:38.067 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:38.067 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:38.096 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e5f,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:38.096 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e5f,
05-14 02:48:38.101 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e60,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:38.102 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e60,
05-14 02:48:38.140 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:38.140 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:38.140 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:38.278 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:38.280 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:38.280 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:38.280 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:38.280 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:38.280 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:38.280 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:38.280 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:38.309 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e61,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:38.310 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e61,
05-14 02:48:38.317 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e62,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:38.317 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e62,
05-14 02:48:38.466 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(202) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:38.532 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:38.534 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:38.534 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:38.534 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:38.534 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:38.534 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:38.534 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:38.534 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:38.564 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e63,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:38.565 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e63,
05-14 02:48:38.568 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e64,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:38.569 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e64,
05-14 02:48:38.640 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:38.640 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:38.640 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:38.649 1097 1261 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x40000010 }
05-14 02:48:38.798 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:38.800 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:38.800 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:38.800 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:38.800 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:38.800 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:38.800 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:38.800 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:38.831 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e65,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:38.832 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e65,
05-14 02:48:38.837 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e66,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:38.837 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e66,
05-14 02:48:39.061 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:39.063 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:39.063 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:39.063 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:39.063 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:39.063 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:39.063 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:39.063 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:39.091 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e67,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:39.091 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e67,
05-14 02:48:39.096 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e68,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:39.096 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e68,
05-14 02:48:39.141 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:39.141 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:39.141 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:39.300 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:39.302 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:39.302 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:39.302 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:39.302 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:39.302 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:39.302 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:39.302 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:39.332 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e69,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:39.332 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e69,
05-14 02:48:39.337 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e6a,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:39.338 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e6a,
05-14 02:48:39.410 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(189) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:39.565 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:39.566 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:39.566 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:39.566 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:39.566 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:39.566 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:39.566 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:39.566 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:39.596 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e6b,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:39.597 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e6b,
05-14 02:48:39.602 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e6c,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:39.603 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e6c,
05-14 02:48:39.641 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:39.641 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:39.641 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:39.879 1097 4099 D PackageManager: Considering set
com.whatsapp/'s state
as 1 with userId = 0, callingPackage = com.whatsapp:10223
05-14 02:48:39.879 23224 23433 D WM-PackageManagerHelper: enabled
05-14 02:48:39.886 23224 23433 D WM-SystemJobScheduler: Scheduling work ID
bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-ca9a79d23273Job ID 16314
05-14 02:48:39.901 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:39.906 23224 23433 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Starting tracking for
05-14 02:48:39.906 23224 23224 D WM-SystemJobService: onStartJob for
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-ca9a79d23273, generation=0)
05-14 02:48:39.906 23224 23433 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e}
05-14 02:48:39.906 23224 23433 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-ca9a79d23273}
05-14 02:48:39.906 23224 23433 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: 5149bfd1-64fc-4915-b11a-7346e6937f1b}
05-14 02:48:39.906 23224 23433 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Constraints met: Scheduling
work ID WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-ca9a79d23273,
05-14 02:48:39.906 23224 23433 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e}
05-14 02:48:39.906 23224 23433 D WM-WorkerWrapper:
com.whatsapp.messaging.xmpp.XmppLifecycleWorker returned a Success
{mOutputData=Data {}}.
05-14 02:48:39.908 23224 23433 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.whatsapp.messaging.xmpp.XmppLifecycleWorker } ]
05-14 02:48:39.910 23224 23224 D WM-Processor: 9tB 5149bfd1-64fc-4915-b11a-
7346e6937f1b executed; reschedule = false
05-14 02:48:39.910 23224 23224 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Stopping tracking for
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=5149bfd1-64fc-4915-b11a-7346e6937f1b, generation=0)
05-14 02:48:39.910 23224 23224 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e}
05-14 02:48:39.910 23224 23224 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-ca9a79d23273}
05-14 02:48:39.910 23224 23224 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e}
05-14 02:48:39.911 23224 23224 D WM-SystemJobService: 5149bfd1-64fc-4915-b11a-
7346e6937f1b executed on JobScheduler
05-14 02:48:39.915 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:39.917 23224 23433 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Cancelling work ID 5149bfd1-
05-14 02:48:39.921 23224 23433 D WM-Processor: 9tB: processing
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-ca9a79d23273, generation=0)
05-14 02:48:39.923 23224 23433 D WM-Processor: Work
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-ca9a79d23273, generation=0)
is already enqueued for processing
05-14 02:48:39.928 23224 23224 D WM-WorkerWrapper: Starting work for
05-14 02:48:40.034 1097 1261 D ActivityManager: Skip enqueue broadcast because no
receiver with Intent {
flg=0x40000010 }
05-14 02:48:40.035 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkEnabledNL: dayLimitON
= 0,dayLimitBytes = -1
05-14 02:48:40.035 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: updateNetworkEnabledNL: dayLimitON
= 0,dayLimitBytes = -1
05-14 02:48:40.038 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy: subId = 1,dayLimitON =
0,dayLimitBytes = -1,isDayLimitNotify = 0
05-14 02:48:40.081 1097 1262 D NetworkPolicy:
05-14 02:48:40.141 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:40.141 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:40.141 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:40.386 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(104) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:40.592 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:40.594 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:40.594 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:40.594 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:40.594 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:40.594 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:40.594 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:40.594 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:40.623 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e6d,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:40.624 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e6d,
05-14 02:48:40.629 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e6e,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:40.630 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e6e,
05-14 02:48:40.642 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:40.642 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:40.642 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:41.081 23224 28781 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(209) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:41.142 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:41.142 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:41.142 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:41.430 28563 28577 W .android.dialer: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~S-ReY0xQb20_3owGAEU6SQ==/
jRixxO9hIegfGm0wg3L_yg==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:48:41.642 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:41.643 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:41.643 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:42.072 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:48:42.143 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:42.143 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:42.143 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:42.270 1370 1370 D NotificationListenerEx:
judgeHideNotification:::userId = 0
05-14 02:48:42.272 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:48:42.272 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:42.272 1370 1370 D NotificationMediaManager:
05-14 02:48:42.272 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: ColorLockScreenWallpaper--
>loadBitmap drawable true, 0
05-14 02:48:42.272 1370 1370 D KeyguardWallpaperContainer: mWallpaperObserver
05-14 02:48:42.272 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange isSameWallpaperInfo
05-14 02:48:42.272 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: PictorialFunctionContainer--
>onWallpaperChange info is null or local or engine
05-14 02:48:42.303 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e6f,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:42.304 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e6f,
05-14 02:48:42.309 681 798 I mali_gralloc: allocate: id=2a900003e70,
hal_format=RGBA8888, mali_format=RGBA8888, afbc=false, usage=GPU_R,
size=48x48(9216), stride=48, name=AHardwareBuffer pid [1370]
05-14 02:48:42.309 1370 1624 I mali_gralloc: register: id=0x2a900003e70,
05-14 02:48:42.411 23224 28213 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(203) with statsTag=0xd,
05-14 02:48:42.643 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:42.643 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:42.643 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:43.068 1097 4106 I WifiService: releaseWifiLock uid=10223
05-14 02:48:43.080 23224 23366 D WM-WorkerWrapper: returned a Success
{mOutputData=Data {}}.
05-14 02:48:43.082 23224 23366 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ } ]
05-14 02:48:43.096 23224 23224 I WM-SystemFgDispatcher: Stopping foreground service
05-14 02:48:43.097 23224 23224 D WM-SystemFgService: All commands completed.
05-14 02:48:43.099 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:43.100 23224 23366 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Cancelling work ID eef5af05-
05-14 02:48:43.100 23224 23224 D WM-Processor: 9tB eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-
40f3621ace4e executed; reschedule = false
05-14 02:48:43.101 23224 23224 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Stopping tracking for
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e, generation=0)
05-14 02:48:43.101 23224 23224 D WM-BrdcstRcvrCnstrntTrc: 7rR: unregistering
05-14 02:48:43.101 23224 23224 D WM-WorkConstraintsTrack: Constraints met for
{WorkSpec: bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-ca9a79d23273}
05-14 02:48:43.101 23224 23224 D WM-SystemJobService: eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-
40f3621ace4e executed on JobScheduler
05-14 02:48:43.101 23224 23224 D WM-SystemJobService: onStopJob for
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e, generation=0)
05-14 02:48:43.103 23224 23366 D WM-Processor: WorkerWrapper could not be found for
05-14 02:48:43.103 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:43.103 23224 23366 D WM-StopWorkRunnable: StopWorkRunnable for
eef5af05-000f-4d58-bd3b-40f3621ace4e; Processor.stopWork = false
05-14 02:48:43.104 1097 4138 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
23a99f6 #u0a223/16312
05-14 02:48:43.144 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:43.144 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:43.144 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:43.281 1097 1097 I NotificationService: Cannot find enqueued record
for key: 0|com.whatsapp|5|null|10223
05-14 02:48:43.644 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:43.644 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:43.644 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:43.934 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:48:43.934 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:48:44.144 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:44.144 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:44.144 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:44.645 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:44.645 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:44.645 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:45.145 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:45.145 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:45.145 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:45.645 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:45.645 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:45.645 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:46.146 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:46.146 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:46.146 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:46.646 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:46.646 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:46.646 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:47.146 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:47.146 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:47.146 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:47.647 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:47.647 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:47.647 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:48.147 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:48.147 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:48.147 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:48.647 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:48.648 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:48.648 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:49.148 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:49.148 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:49.148 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:49.648 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:49.648 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:49.649 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:50.149 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:50.149 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:50.149 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:50.277 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715635130277, elapsedRealtime=40249962
05-14 02:48:50.280 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2f257ee} from uid 10125 pid -1 for 1
05-14 02:48:50.283 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =, alarm = Alarm{80e248f type 2 origWhen
40249962 whenElapsed 40249962}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{f26943f: PendingIntentRecord{7465884 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null,
listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:48:50.284 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:50.286 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{2c3531c
com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC/u0} from uid 10223 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:48:50.286 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC, alarm = Alarm{4251b25 type 3 origWhen
40224349 whenElapsed 40224349 com.whatsapp}, cn = null, operation =
PendingIntent{45eb05b: PendingIntentRecord{76f00f8 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}},
listener=null, listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:48:50.287 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40267.763000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:50.287 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40259.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:50.288 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:50.289 1097 4138 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{ac64764
10125/u0 ReceiverList{40150f6 1750
remote:c146991}} finished with BroadcastRecord{2f257ee} took 7ms
05-14 02:48:50.290 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:50.292 1097 4138 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{fdcf00c
10223/u0 ReceiverList{fa95f3f 23224 com.whatsapp/10223/u0 remote:b400f5e}} finished
with BroadcastRecord{2c3531c com.whatsapp.alarm.CLIENT_PING_PERIODIC/u0} took 4ms
05-14 02:48:50.293 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:50.294 1750 28226 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 40309978]
05-14 02:48:50.294 1097 4138 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{5b004fa:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=40309978 win=0
tElapsed=40309978 maxElapsed=40309978 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:48:50.295 1097 4138 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40267.763000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:50.295 1097 4138 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40259.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:50.295 1097 4099 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{d27aab:
PendingIntentRecord{6408508 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=40281978 win=0 tElapsed=40281978 maxElapsed=40281978 interval=0
05-14 02:48:50.296 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40267.763000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:50.296 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40259.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:50.296 1750 28226 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on
05-14 02:48:50.297 1750 28226 E WakeLock: GCM_HB_ALARM release without a matched
05-14 02:48:50.353 1097 4138 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40267.763000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:50.353 1097 4138 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40259.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:50.354 1750 28226 I AlarmManager: setExactAndAllowWhileIdle [name:
GCM_HB_ALARM type: 2 triggerAtMillis: 41140038]
05-14 02:48:50.354 1097 4138 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{e3144a1:
broadcastIntent}}) : type=2 listener=null listenerTag=null workSource=null callingUid=10125 triggerAtTime=41140038 win=0
tElapsed=41140038 maxElapsed=41140038 interval=0 flags=0x21
05-14 02:48:50.355 1097 4138 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40267.763000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:50.355 1097 4138 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40259.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:50.356 1750 28226 E GmsTaskScheduler: sendWakeUpEvent called on
05-14 02:48:50.573 1097 4138 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40267.763000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:50.574 1097 4138 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40259.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:50.576 1097 4138 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{36976c6:
PendingIntentRecord{93c1687 com.whatsapp broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=com.whatsapp callingUid=10223
triggerAtTime=40490260 win=179999 tElapsed=40490260 maxElapsed=40670259 interval=0
05-14 02:48:50.577 1097 4138 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40267.763000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:50.577 1097 4138 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40259.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:50.600 2652 3898 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:48:50.649 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:50.649 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:50.649 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:51.149 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:51.150 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:51.150 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:51.650 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:51.650 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:51.650 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:52.150 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:52.150 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:52.150 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:52.650 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:52.651 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:52.651 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:53.021 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{bb99423
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 02:48:53.024 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:48:53.024 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:48:53.024 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 322,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:48:53.026 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:48:53.029 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:48:53.151 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:53.151 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:53.151 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:53.651 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:53.651 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:53.651 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:54.152 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:54.152 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:54.152 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:54.652 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:54.652 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:54.652 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:55.152 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:55.152 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:55.153 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:55.653 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:55.653 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:55.653 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:56.153 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:56.153 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:56.153 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:56.653 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:56.653 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:56.654 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:57.154 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:57.154 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:57.154 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:57.654 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:57.654 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:57.654 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:58.028 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40557713 win=225000 tElapsed=40557713 maxElapsed=40782713 interval=0
05-14 02:48:58.029 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40267.763000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:58.029 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40259.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:58.029 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40267.763000000, type=2
05-14 02:48:58.029 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40259.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:48:58.045 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
314 from android(1000) duration:18148
05-14 02:48:58.154 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:58.155 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:58.155 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:58.655 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:58.655 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:58.655 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:59.155 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:59.155 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:59.155 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:48:59.655 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:48:59.656 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:48:59.656 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715635140000, elapsedRealtime=40259685
05-14 02:49:00.001 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40267.763000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:00.001 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
45659.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:00.156 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:00.156 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:00.156 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:00.656 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:00.656 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:00.656 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:01.157 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:01.157 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:01.157 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:01.657 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:01.657 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:01.657 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:02.158 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:02.158 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:02.158 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:02.658 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:02.658 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:02.658 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:03.077 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:49:03.159 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:03.159 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:03.159 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:03.659 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:03.659 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:03.659 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:04.028 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d6827e4
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 02:49:04.031 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:49:04.031 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:49:04.031 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 323,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:49:04.035 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:49:04.037 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:49:04.159 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:04.160 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:04.160 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:04.660 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:04.660 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:04.660 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:05.160 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:05.160 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:05.160 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:05.661 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:05.661 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:05.661 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:06.161 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:06.161 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:06.161 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:06.661 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:06.661 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:06.661 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:07.162 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:07.162 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:07.162 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:07.662 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:07.662 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:07.662 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:08.078 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:4currentTime=1715635148078, elapsedRealtime=40267763
05-14 02:49:08.079 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: Received TIME_TICK alarm;
05-14 02:49:08.079 1097 1232 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$3@5bb1c6d
listenerTag=TIME_TICK workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40319685 win=0 tElapsed=40319685 maxElapsed=40319685 interval=0
05-14 02:49:08.080 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:08.080 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40319.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:08.080 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{1db9b02
android.intent.action.TIME_TICK/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 2 receivers
05-14 02:49:08.082 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 3, action =
null, alarm = Alarm{947cc13 type 3 origWhen 40259685 whenElapsed 40259685 android},
cn = null, operation = null,$3@5bb1c6d,
listenerTag=TIME_TICK, workSource=null
05-14 02:49:08.083 1097 1232 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{d71de50
u0} from uid 10069 pid -1 for 1 receivers
05-14 02:49:08.084 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: sending alarm.type = 2, action =,
alarm = Alarm{d183849 type 2 origWhen 40267763 whenElapsed 40267763}, cn = null, operation = PendingIntent{8b60d0c:
PendingIntentRecord{c1fc873 broadcastIntent}}, listener=null,
listenerTag=null, workSource=null
05-14 02:49:08.084 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:08.085 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40319.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:08.085 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:49:08.090 5638 6002 W fbservices:MqttClient: connection/disconnecting;
reason=OPERATION_TIMEOUT, operation=PING
05-14 02:49:08.091 1097 4106 D BroadcastQueue: Receiver BroadcastFilter{8abb030
10069/u0 ReceiverList{5a03973 5638 remote:785e1e2}}
finished with BroadcastRecord{d71de50
u0} took 6ms
05-14 02:49:08.091 5638 6002 W System.err: DEBUG: : Sending Alert : type : WARNING
description : close_notify(0) exception :
05-14 02:49:08.092 1097 4106 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:49:08.112 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:49:08.112 1370 1370 D Glance_Realme: Getting Glance Enabled
05-14 02:49:08.113 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils--
>getInitialDisplayDensity density=0
05-14 02:49:08.113 5638 28817 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(102) with
statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
05-14 02:49:08.114 1097 4106 D UnisocWindowManagerService: get resolution =
05-14 02:49:08.115 1370 1370 D SystemUi--Keyguard: KeyguardUtils-->fail to read
this property, get density form windowManagerService : 320
05-14 02:49:08.136 5638 28817 W System.err: INFO: : Start handshake.
05-14 02:49:08.162 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:08.162 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:08.162 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:08.179 5638 28817 W System.err: INFO: : Handshake complete : session_resumed
true early_data_sent false early_data_accepted false client_cert_requested false
time_ms 42
05-14 02:49:08.186 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: succeeded to send cmd (4) to with rc(351). errno: Success
05-14 02:49:08.189 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: Getting response size (28)
05-14 02:49:08.190 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: succeeded to send cmd (12) to with rc(66). errno: Success
05-14 02:49:08.194 450 450 E TrustyKeymaster: Getting response size (95)
05-14 02:49:08.663 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:08.663 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:08.663 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:08.892 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{8a31005
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 02:49:08.897 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:49:08.897 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:49:08.897 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 324,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:49:08.903 1097 1147 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:49:09.052 1097 1154 W BatteryExternalStatsWorker: error reading
Bluetooth stats: 9
05-14 02:49:09.163 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:09.163 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:09.163 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:09.663 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:09.664 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:09.664 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:10.164 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:10.164 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:10.164 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:10.664 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:10.664 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:10.664 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:11.165 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:11.165 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:11.165 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:11.665 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:11.665 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:11.665 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:12.165 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:12.165 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:12.165 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:12.448 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:49:12.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:12.666 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:12.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:13.166 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:13.166 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:13.166 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:13.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:13.666 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:13.666 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:13.900 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40573585 win=225000 tElapsed=40573585 maxElapsed=40798585 interval=0
05-14 02:49:13.901 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:13.901 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40319.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:13.902 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:13.902 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40319.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:13.917 1097 1577 D PowerManagerService: checkWakeLock wake
314 from android(1000) duration:34020
05-14 02:49:13.941 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:49:13.941 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:49:14.167 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:14.167 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:14.167 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:14.667 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:14.667 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:14.667 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:15.167 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:15.167 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:15.168 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:15.668 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:15.668 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:15.668 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:16.168 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:16.168 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:16.168 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:16.668 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:16.669 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:16.669 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:17.169 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:17.169 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:17.169 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:17.669 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:17.669 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:17.669 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:18.169 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:18.170 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:18.170 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:18.670 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:18.670 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:18.670 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:18.695 449 28820 I keystore2:
system/security/keystore2/src/ - Watchdog thread idle ->
terminating. Have a great day.
05-14 02:49:18.908 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:49:19.170 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:19.170 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:19.170 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:19.671 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:19.671 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:19.671 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:19.933 1097 1215 V AlarmManager: set(null) : type=3$ListenerWrapper@300f869
listenerTag=DeviceIdleController.light workSource=null callingPackage=android
callingUid=1000 triggerAtTime=41179618 win=480000 tElapsed=41179618
maxElapsed=41659618 interval=0 flags=0x8
05-14 02:49:19.934 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:19.934 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40319.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:19.934 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:19.934 1097 1215 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40319.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:19.965 1097 1215 D InetDiagMessage: Destroyed 0 sockets,
proto=IPPROTO_TCP, family=AF_INET, states=14
05-14 02:49:19.966 1097 1215 D InetDiagMessage: Destroyed 1 sockets,
proto=IPPROTO_TCP, family=AF_INET6, states=14
05-14 02:49:19.967 1097 1215 D InetDiagMessage: Destroyed live tcp sockets for
uids={[10000, 2147483647]} exemptUids={1000, 1068, 1073, 2000, 10056, 10057, 10069,
10085, 10116, 10118, 10124, 10125, 10127, 10129, 10162, 10164, 10166, 10171, 10173,
10190, 10193, 10197, 10223, 10243, 20056, 20057, 20069, 20085, 20116, 20118, 20124,
20125, 20127, 20129, 20162, 20164, 20166, 20171, 20173, 20190, 20193, 20197, 20223,
20243, 99082} in 3ms
05-14 02:49:19.973 1097 1215 D DeviceIdleControllerEx: packageName: uid: 10270 is in preset white app list
05-14 02:49:19.976 1097 1215 D DeviceIdleControllerEx: packageName:
com.facebook.katana uid: 10202 is in preset white app list
05-14 02:49:19.981 1097 1215 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{4524aa9
android.os.action.LIGHT_DEVICE_IDLE_MODE_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 5
05-14 02:49:20.171 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:20.171 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:20.171 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:20.671 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:20.671 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:20.671 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:21.172 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:21.172 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:21.172 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:21.672 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:21.672 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:21.672 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:22.172 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:22.172 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:22.172 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:22.673 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:22.673 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:22.673 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:23.173 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:23.173 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:23.173 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:23.673 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:23.673 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:23.673 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:24.174 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:24.174 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:24.174 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:24.674 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:24.674 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:24.674 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:24.930 23224 23428 D WM-WorkerWrapper:
com.whatsapp.messaging.xmpp.XmppLogoutWorker returned a Success {mOutputData=Data
05-14 02:49:24.932 23224 23428 I WM-WorkerWrapper: Worker result SUCCESS for Work [
tags={ com.whatsapp.messaging.xmpp.XmppLogoutWorker } ]
05-14 02:49:24.934 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:24.934 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40319.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:24.935 23224 23224 D WM-Processor: 9tB bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-
ca9a79d23273 executed; reschedule = false
05-14 02:49:24.935 23224 23224 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Stopping tracking for
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-ca9a79d23273, generation=0)
05-14 02:49:24.935 23224 23224 D WM-NetworkStateTracker: Unregistering network
05-14 02:49:24.936 23224 23224 D WM-SystemJobService: bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-
ca9a79d23273 executed on JobScheduler
05-14 02:49:24.940 23224 23428 D WM-GreedyScheduler: Cancelling work ID bb7815c3-
05-14 02:49:24.947 1097 4099 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:49:24.948 1097 1263 D DeviceIdleControllerEx: packageName: com.whatsapp
uid: 10223 is in preset white app list
05-14 02:49:24.949 1097 4099 W JobScheduler: Job didn't exist in JobStore:
c0bd1c1 #u0a223/16314
05-14 02:49:24.949 1097 1263 D DeviceIdleControllerEx: packageName: com.whatsapp
uid: 10223 is in preset white app list
05-14 02:49:24.949 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:24.949 23224 23224 D WM-SystemJobService: onStopJob for
WorkGenerationalId(workSpecId=bb7815c3-3d63-4a0e-a2df-ca9a79d23273, generation=0)
05-14 02:49:24.949 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40319.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:24.949 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
27 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 4
05-14 02:49:24.950 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40584634 win=225000 tElapsed=40584634 maxElapsed=40809634 interval=0
05-14 02:49:24.950 2652 8702 I HDM.SodaTrigFrontend: (REDACTED) appOpsListener %s
05-14 02:49:24.950 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
26 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 2
05-14 02:49:24.951 2652 8702 I HDM.SodaTrigFrontend: (REDACTED) Ignoring
irrelevant audio permission changes for package %s
05-14 02:49:24.951 1097 1160 D AppOps : evalModeInternal-uid:10223 ,code:
1 ,uidState: 600 ,uidCapability: 0 ,opCapability: 1
05-14 02:49:24.953 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:24.953 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40319.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:25.174 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:25.174 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:25.174 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:25.296 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:49:25.296 1097 4099 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40319.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:49:25.675 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:25.675 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:25.675 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:26.175 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:26.175 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:26.175 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:26.675 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:26.676 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:26.676 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:27.176 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:27.176 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:27.176 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:27.676 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:27.676 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:27.676 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:28.176 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:28.177 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:28.177 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:28.677 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:28.677 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:28.677 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:29.177 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:29.177 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:29.177 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:29.678 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:29.678 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:29.678 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:30.178 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:30.178 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:30.178 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:30.678 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:30.678 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:30.679 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:31.179 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:31.179 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:31.179 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:31.679 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:31.679 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:31.679 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:32.179 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:32.180 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:32.180 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:32.680 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:32.680 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:32.680 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:33.180 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:33.180 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:33.180 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:33.680 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:33.681 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:33.681 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:34.181 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:34.181 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:34.181 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:34.681 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:34.681 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:34.681 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:35.002 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 23224 com.whatsapp
05-14 02:49:35.181 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:35.182 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:35.182 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:35.682 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:35.682 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:35.682 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:36.182 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:36.182 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:36.182 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:36.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:36.683 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:36.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:37.183 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:37.183 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:37.183 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:37.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:37.683 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:37.683 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:38.184 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:38.184 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:38.184 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:38.684 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:38.684 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:38.684 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:39.184 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:39.184 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:39.184 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:39.685 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:39.685 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:39.685 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:40.185 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:40.185 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:40.185 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:40.685 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:40.685 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:40.685 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:41.186 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:41.186 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:41.186 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:41.360 1097 1110 I system_server: Background concurrent mark compact
GC freed 1766678(92MB) AllocSpace objects, 153(7960KB) LOS objects, 64% free,
51MB/147MB, paused 2.059ms,8.486ms total 468.902ms
05-14 02:49:41.360 1097 1110 W system_server: Reducing the number of considered
missed Gc histogram windows from 166 to 100
05-14 02:49:41.376 1097 1112 W System : A resource failed to call close.
05-14 02:49:41.377 1097 1112 W System : A resource failed to call
05-14 02:49:41.378 1097 1112 W System : A resource failed to call
05-14 02:49:41.378 1097 1112 W System : A resource failed to call close.
05-14 02:49:41.378 1097 1112 W System : A resource failed to call close.
05-14 02:49:41.378 1097 1112 W System : A resource failed to call
05-14 02:49:41.378 1097 1112 W System : A resource failed to call
05-14 02:49:41.379 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~hNQFKAVr46uQvbOy1hsbqw==/
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.379 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~hNQFKAVr46uQvbOy1hsbqw==/
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.379 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~hNQFKAVr46uQvbOy1hsbqw==/
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.379 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~hNQFKAVr46uQvbOy1hsbqw==/
EWPi2LiAHwSWxRwQG7Pqvw==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.380 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
/system_ext/priv-app/SprdContactsProvider/SprdContactsProvider.apk' with 1 weak
05-14 02:49:41.380 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /system/priv-app/realme/VideoGalleryPU/VideoGalleryPU.apk' with
1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.380 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
BsCW0iOZmPY7UOpyhA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.381 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.381 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
BsCW0iOZmPY7UOpyhA==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.381 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
BsCW0iOZmPY7UOpyhA==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.381 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
BsCW0iOZmPY7UOpyhA==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.382 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /system/priv-app/InputDevices/InputDevices.apk' with 1 weak
05-14 02:49:41.382 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
0YPAPDSnvlMCiaMg==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.382 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
0YPAPDSnvlMCiaMg==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.382 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
0YPAPDSnvlMCiaMg==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.382 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
7HpHu-goIHcLQ==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.383 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
7HpHu-goIHcLQ==/split_brella_feature_split.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.383 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
7HpHu-goIHcLQ==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.384 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~qjw8FywkxITrofrEAM1JkA==/
WWBELxjUmlsBxDqt7S6AAA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.384 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
dNugCWwuXZEmT2O29FCiqw==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.384 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
7HpHu-goIHcLQ==/split_tenoranimation_feature_split.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.384 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.384 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
dNugCWwuXZEmT2O29FCiqw==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.384 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.384 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
dNugCWwuXZEmT2O29FCiqw==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.385 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
dNugCWwuXZEmT2O29FCiqw==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.385 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/split_lenssampledoc.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.385 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~qjw8FywkxITrofrEAM1JkA==/
WWBELxjUmlsBxDqt7S6AAA==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.385 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
Z_ovEHxrOjzEGh5cwH2iWg==/split_mainassetpack.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.385 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~qjw8FywkxITrofrEAM1JkA==/
WWBELxjUmlsBxDqt7S6AAA==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.385 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~qjw8FywkxITrofrEAM1JkA==/
WWBELxjUmlsBxDqt7S6AAA==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.385 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~qjw8FywkxITrofrEAM1JkA==/
WWBELxjUmlsBxDqt7S6AAA==/split_lib_business_share_resource.apk' with 1 weak
05-14 02:49:41.385 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~qjw8FywkxITrofrEAM1JkA==/
WWBELxjUmlsBxDqt7S6AAA==/split_lib_business_share_resource.config.xhdpi.apk' with 1
weak references
05-14 02:49:41.385 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_cgnativeplayer.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_cgwebrtc.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_heliumiab.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_instantgames.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_instantgamesads.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_papaya.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_papayaanalyticstorch.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_papayatorch.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_pytorch.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_s_cgwebrtc_horizon.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch.apk' with 1 weak
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
split_s_papayaanalyticstorch_papayatorch_torchedlooper.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~DSC8Cu0AjnwiDWctIt2gZQ==/com.facebook.katana-
y1luujH6GZnqHVKj7skDTQ==/split_s_papayatorch_torchedlooper.apk' with 1 weak
05-14 02:49:41.386 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~VK1s55Sd3JVN5pPze_ZZYQ==/
2RrGVv3I8dG8iAUV1NFd4w==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.387 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~VK1s55Sd3JVN5pPze_ZZYQ==/
2RrGVv3I8dG8iAUV1NFd4w==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.387 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~VK1s55Sd3JVN5pPze_ZZYQ==/
2RrGVv3I8dG8iAUV1NFd4w==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.387 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~VK1s55Sd3JVN5pPze_ZZYQ==/
2RrGVv3I8dG8iAUV1NFd4w==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.387 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ncJ3zIW1P5xUu3Gb-1HKnA==/com.myairtelapp-
iIRk2B58sqnAsB0kcycSaA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.387 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ncJ3zIW1P5xUu3Gb-1HKnA==/com.myairtelapp-
iIRk2B58sqnAsB0kcycSaA==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.387 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ncJ3zIW1P5xUu3Gb-1HKnA==/com.myairtelapp-
iIRk2B58sqnAsB0kcycSaA==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.387 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ncJ3zIW1P5xUu3Gb-1HKnA==/com.myairtelapp-
iIRk2B58sqnAsB0kcycSaA==/split_googleml.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.387 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~ncJ3zIW1P5xUu3Gb-1HKnA==/com.myairtelapp-
iIRk2B58sqnAsB0kcycSaA==/split_googleml.config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.388 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~IjiS1Py-hGTZCvsqJ-AJWA==/
CnKhuFCznfjYAQD44LniUA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.388 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~E9D4rzLv846eRTo7QNclNw==/com.heytap.browser-cdv-
iPGng1zkbcJo_KH14Q==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.388 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~IjiS1Py-hGTZCvsqJ-AJWA==/
CnKhuFCznfjYAQD44LniUA==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.388 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~IjiS1Py-hGTZCvsqJ-AJWA==/
CnKhuFCznfjYAQD44LniUA==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.388 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~IjiS1Py-hGTZCvsqJ-AJWA==/
CnKhuFCznfjYAQD44LniUA==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.389 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~E9D4rzLv846eRTo7QNclNw==/com.heytap.browser-cdv-
iPGng1zkbcJo_KH14Q==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.389 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~E9D4rzLv846eRTo7QNclNw==/com.heytap.browser-cdv-
iPGng1zkbcJo_KH14Q==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.389 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~E9D4rzLv846eRTo7QNclNw==/com.heytap.browser-cdv-
iPGng1zkbcJo_KH14Q==/split_feature_account.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.389 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~E9D4rzLv846eRTo7QNclNw==/com.heytap.browser-cdv-
iPGng1zkbcJo_KH14Q==/split_feature_cloudkit.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.389 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~E9D4rzLv846eRTo7QNclNw==/com.heytap.browser-cdv-
iPGng1zkbcJo_KH14Q==/split_feature_exptools.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.389 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~E9D4rzLv846eRTo7QNclNw==/com.heytap.browser-cdv-
iPGng1zkbcJo_KH14Q==/split_feature_feedback.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.389 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~LURkv5pqfwjPQO1A-ROWxA==/com.truecaller-
8Z9QuIF3hyt7Td1S_DpK8g==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.390 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~E9D4rzLv846eRTo7QNclNw==/com.heytap.browser-cdv-
iPGng1zkbcJo_KH14Q==/split_feature_feedback.config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.390 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~Z4RQeJe6Gw0db0YGxNKMRw==/com.whatsapp-
9bMqXuy1P1nZt6GSxSKmEA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.390 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~LURkv5pqfwjPQO1A-ROWxA==/com.truecaller-
8Z9QuIF3hyt7Td1S_DpK8g==/split_callhero_assistant.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.391 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~LURkv5pqfwjPQO1A-ROWxA==/com.truecaller-
8Z9QuIF3hyt7Td1S_DpK8g==/split_callhero_assistant.config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak
05-14 02:49:41.391 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~LURkv5pqfwjPQO1A-ROWxA==/com.truecaller-
8Z9QuIF3hyt7Td1S_DpK8g==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.391 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~LURkv5pqfwjPQO1A-ROWxA==/com.truecaller-
8Z9QuIF3hyt7Td1S_DpK8g==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.391 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~LURkv5pqfwjPQO1A-ROWxA==/com.truecaller-
8Z9QuIF3hyt7Td1S_DpK8g==/split_insights_category_model.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.391 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~LURkv5pqfwjPQO1A-ROWxA==/com.truecaller-
8Z9QuIF3hyt7Td1S_DpK8g==/split_insights_category_model.config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1
weak references
05-14 02:49:41.391 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~YK1Q7_s2pYjnVfxgukw6Wg==/org.telegram.messenger-
EfdK0TUIqgx3np-3UP5C8g==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.391 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
tuYATDw5_pLU49_8ThljXQ==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.392 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
tuYATDw5_pLU49_8ThljXQ==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.392 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~YK1Q7_s2pYjnVfxgukw6Wg==/org.telegram.messenger-
EfdK0TUIqgx3np-3UP5C8g==/split_config.arm64_v8a.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.392 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
tuYATDw5_pLU49_8ThljXQ==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.392 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~YK1Q7_s2pYjnVfxgukw6Wg==/org.telegram.messenger-
EfdK0TUIqgx3np-3UP5C8g==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.392 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
tuYATDw5_pLU49_8ThljXQ==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.392 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~YK1Q7_s2pYjnVfxgukw6Wg==/org.telegram.messenger-
EfdK0TUIqgx3np-3UP5C8g==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/base.apk' with 2 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/split_auxiliary_search.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/split_cablev2_authenticator.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/split_chrome.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/split_config.en.apk' with 2 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/split_dev_ui.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/split_feedv2.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/split_read_aloud_playback.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/split_stack_unwinder.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/split_survey.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~QTKmlSPk06MoyDc9Ldr4CQ==/
PCIfzVZKQyGWIMYsdaSRRQ==/split_test_dummy.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.393 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
qAkY6HnT4d2ChQWQCoQBjQ==/base.apk' with 2 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.394 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /system/app/realme/AospGallery2/AospGallery2.apk' with 1 weak
05-14 02:49:41.395 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~xywlM0vbENeUzIiQj6XdVw==/
FRI8cGXEp-J5NU_YDZHztg==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.395 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
RJQM11YuoRzf7GenFiTIqQ==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.397 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /system_ext/priv-app/UniTelephony/UniTelephony.apk' with 1 weak
05-14 02:49:41.397 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and
RJQM11YuoRzf7GenFiTIqQ==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.398 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~dIZjML62-qmES8l1c_ub_g==/
aBpjrT-wH9AqVmEtow7zKA==/base.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.398 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~dIZjML62-qmES8l1c_ub_g==/
aBpjrT-wH9AqVmEtow7zKA==/split_config.en.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.398 1097 1112 W system_server: ApkAssets: Deleting an ApkAssets
object '<empty> and /data/app/~~dIZjML62-qmES8l1c_ub_g==/
aBpjrT-wH9AqVmEtow7zKA==/split_config.xhdpi.apk' with 1 weak references
05-14 02:49:41.686 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:41.686 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:41.686 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:42.186 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:42.186 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:42.186 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:42.687 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:42.687 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:42.687 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:43.187 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:43.187 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:43.187 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:43.687 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:43.687 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:43.688 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:43.948 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:49:43.949 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:49:44.188 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:44.188 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:44.188 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:44.688 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:44.688 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:44.688 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:45.188 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:45.189 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:45.189 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:45.689 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:45.689 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:45.689 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:46.189 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:46.189 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:46.189 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:46.689 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:46.690 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:46.690 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:47.190 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:47.190 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:47.190 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:47.690 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:47.690 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:47.690 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:48.190 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:48.191 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:48.191 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:48.691 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:48.691 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:48.691 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:49.191 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:49.191 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:49.191 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:49.692 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:49.692 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:49.692 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:50.192 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:50.192 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:50.192 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:50.600 2652 3895 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:49:50.692 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:50.692 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:50.692 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:51.193 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:51.193 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:51.193 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:51.693 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:51.693 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:51.693 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:52.193 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:52.193 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:52.193 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:52.694 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:52.694 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:52.694 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:53.194 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:53.194 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:53.194 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:53.694 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:53.694 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:53.694 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:54.195 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:54.195 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:54.195 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:54.695 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:54.695 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:54.695 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:55.195 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:55.196 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:55.196 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:55.696 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:55.696 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:55.696 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:56.196 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:56.196 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:56.196 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:56.696 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:56.697 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:56.697 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:57.197 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:57.197 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:57.197 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:57.697 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:57.697 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:57.697 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:58.198 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:58.198 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:58.198 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:58.698 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:58.698 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:58.698 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:59.198 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:59.198 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:59.198 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:49:59.699 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:49:59.699 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:49:59.699 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:00.000 1097 1232 D AlarmManager: waitForAlarm
result:8currentTime=1715635200000, elapsedRealtime=40319685
05-14 02:50:00.001 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:50:00.002 1097 1232 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
45719.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:50:00.199 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:00.199 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:00.199 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:00.699 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:00.699 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:00.699 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:01.200 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:01.200 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:01.200 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:01.700 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:01.700 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:01.700 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:02.141 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{37867a7
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 02:50:02.144 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:50:02.144 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:50:02.145 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:50:02.145 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 323,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:50:02.200 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:02.200 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:02.201 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:02.701 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:02.701 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:02.701 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:03.201 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:03.201 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:03.201 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:03.701 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:03.702 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:03.702 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:04.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:04.202 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:04.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:04.702 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:04.702 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:04.702 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:05.202 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:05.203 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:05.203 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:05.703 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:05.703 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:05.703 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:06.203 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:06.203 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:06.203 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:06.468 14528 28186 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:50:06.468 14528 28186 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:50:06.468 14528 28799 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:50:06.468 14528 28799 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:50:06.469 14528 28798 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:50:06.469 14528 28798 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:50:06.469 14528 28187 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:50:06.469 14528 28187 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:50:06.469 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8b4570: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:50:06.470 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8ba870: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:50:06.470 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8b4570: Content-Type=
05-14 02:50:06.470 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8ba870: Content-Type=
05-14 02:50:06.470 14528 14695 E Cello : [14695:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8b4570: (no
response body)
05-14 02:50:06.470 14528 14685 E Cello : [14685:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8ba870: (no
response body)
05-14 02:50:06.470 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e8a2610: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:50:06.470 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e8a2610: Content-Type=
05-14 02:50:06.470 14528 14705 E Cello : [14705:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e8a2610: (no
response body)
05-14 02:50:06.470 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e877950: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:50:06.470 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e877950: Content-Type=
05-14 02:50:06.471 14528 14732 E Cello : [14732:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e877950: (no
response body)
05-14 02:50:06.471 14528 14689 E Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:50:06.471 14528 14689 I Cello : [14689:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:50:06.472 14528 14699 E Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:50:06.472 14528 14709 E Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:50:06.472 14528 14709 I Cello : [14709:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:50:06.472 14528 14737 E Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:50:06.473 14528 14737 I Cello : [14737:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:50:06.473 14528 14699 I Cello : [14699:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:50:06.474 14528 28171 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:50:06.474 14528 28171 W HttpCallTransport: Fail read Http response and
forward to Cello
05-14 02:50:06.475 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Request 0xb400006d8e87c910: 0 transport:
drive::ds::Status::UNAVAILABLE_WHILE_OFFLINE reader: drive::ds::Status::SUCCESS
05-14 02:50:06.475 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] req.hdr 0xb400006d8e87c910: Content-Type=
05-14 02:50:06.475 14528 14662 E Cello : [14662:NonCelloThread] Response body 0xb400006d8e87c910: (no
response body)
05-14 02:50:06.475 14528 14666 E Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Request failed:
05-14 02:50:06.476 14528 14666 I Cello : [14666:MetricsTransportThread] Metrics failed to send,
05-14 02:50:06.704 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:06.704 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:06.704 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:07.149 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40626834 win=225000 tElapsed=40626834 maxElapsed=40851834 interval=0
05-14 02:50:07.150 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:50:07.150 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
45719.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:50:07.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:50:07.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
45719.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:50:07.204 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:07.204 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:07.204 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:07.704 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:07.704 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:07.704 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:08.205 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:08.205 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:08.205 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:08.705 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:08.705 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:08.705 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:09.205 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:09.205 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:09.205 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:09.706 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:09.706 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:09.706 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:10.206 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:10.206 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:10.206 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:10.706 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:10.706 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:10.706 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:11.207 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:11.207 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:11.207 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:11.707 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:11.707 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:11.707 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:12.173 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:50:12.207 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:12.208 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:12.208 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:12.452 854 911 E SLOGCP : data_rate_stat: agdsp rate: total
size(MB)=0.000000; per second(bytes)=0.000000, drop_cnt_=0, drop_data_size_=0,
pollin event times=0.
05-14 02:50:12.708 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:12.708 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:12.708 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:13.208 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:13.208 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:13.208 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:13.708 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:13.709 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:13.709 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:13.955 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:50:13.956 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:50:14.209 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:14.209 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:14.209 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:14.709 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:14.709 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:14.709 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:15.209 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:15.210 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:15.210 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:15.710 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:15.710 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:15.710 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:16.210 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:16.210 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:16.211 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:16.711 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:16.711 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:16.711 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:17.211 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:17.211 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:17.211 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:17.711 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:17.712 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:17.712 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:18.212 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:18.212 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:18.212 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:18.712 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:18.712 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:18.712 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:19.212 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:19.213 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:19.213 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:19.713 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:19.713 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:19.713 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:20.213 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:20.213 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:20.213 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:20.714 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:20.714 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:20.714 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:21.214 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:21.214 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:21.214 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:21.714 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:21.714 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:21.714 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:21.800 1750 24776 I FusedLocation: (REDACTED) location delivery to %s
blocked - too close
05-14 02:50:21.808 1097 3333 I LocationManagerService: incoming location:
locationResult [[Location[fused 13****** , 77****** hAcc=100.0 et=+11h12m21s483ms
alt=816.300048828125 vAcc=100.0]]]
05-14 02:50:21.809 1097 3333 I LocationManagerService: incoming location:
locationResult [[Location[fused 13****** , 77****** hAcc=100.0 et=+11h12m21s483ms
alt=816.300048828125 vAcc=100.0]]]
05-14 02:50:21.811 1097 3333 D LocationManagerService: passive provider location
send to 10125/[fused_location_provider]/D67BF52E
05-14 02:50:21.811 1097 3333 D LocationManagerService: passive provider location
send to 10125/[network_location_provider]/A1C25AEA
05-14 02:50:21.817 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:50:21.817 1097 3333 I ActivityManager: Killing (adj 995): empty #25
05-14 02:50:21.819 1097 1150 D ActivityManager: quick sync unfreeze 26657 for 12
05-14 02:50:21.820 1097 1149 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process
cgroup uid 10125 pid 26657 in 0ms
05-14 02:50:21.823 1097 3476 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:50:21.841 1097 4139 D AppStartupManager: wl is close,just return
05-14 02:50:21.842 668 668 I Zygote : Process 26657 exited due to signal 9
05-14 02:50:21.844 1097 4139 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:50:21.844 1097 4139 W ProcessStats: Tracking association
SourceState{2a6eb07 Persist #86576} whose proc state 0 is
better than process ProcessState{ec3c517 com.spreadtrum.ims/1001
pkg=com.spreadtrum.ims} proc state 5 (3 skipped)
05-14 02:50:21.845 1750 28194 I GCoreUlr: Successfully inserted 1 locations
05-14 02:50:21.858 1750 28821 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:50:21.874 1750 28821 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:50:21.884 1750 28821 I SemanticLocation: (REDACTED) [Inferrer] %s%s
05-14 02:50:21.952 1750 28821 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:50:21.969 1750 28821 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:50:21.978 1750 28821 I SemanticLocation: (REDACTED) [Inferrer] %s%s
05-14 02:50:22.049 1750 28821 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:50:22.065 1750 28821 I TFLite-in-PlayServices: Created interpreter.
05-14 02:50:22.076 1750 28821 I SemanticLocation: (REDACTED) [Inferrer] %s%s
05-14 02:50:22.215 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:22.215 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:22.215 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:22.715 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:22.715 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:22.715 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:22.829 1097 4139 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:50:23.215 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:23.216 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:23.216 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:23.716 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:23.716 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:23.716 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:24.216 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:24.216 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:24.216 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:24.717 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:24.717 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:24.717 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:25.217 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:25.217 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:25.217 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:25.717 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:25.717 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:25.717 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:26.218 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:26.218 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:26.218 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:26.718 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:26.718 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:26.718 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:27.218 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:27.218 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:27.218 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:27.719 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:27.719 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:27.719 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:28.219 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:28.219 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:28.219 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:28.719 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:28.719 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:28.719 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:29.220 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:29.220 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:29.220 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:29.720 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:29.720 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:29.720 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:30.220 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:30.221 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:30.221 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:30.721 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:30.721 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:30.721 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:31.221 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:31.221 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:31.221 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:31.721 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:31.722 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:31.722 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:32.222 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:32.222 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:32.222 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:32.722 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:32.722 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:32.722 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:33.223 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:33.223 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:33.223 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:33.723 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:33.723 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:33.723 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:34.141 1097 1097 V BroadcastQueue: Enqueuing BroadcastRecord{4f76cb4
android.intent.action.BATTERY_CHANGED/u-1} from uid 1000 pid 1097 for 26 receivers
05-14 02:50:34.144 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: runinAppStartFlag: 0
05-14 02:50:34.144 1097 1097 D TAG : Country is Empty, set Countrys is
05-14 02:50:34.144 1097 1097 D TemperatureManagerService: current area is IN,
mPlugType = 0, mEnvironmentTemperature = 373, current batteryTemperature = 322,
switch from 25 newRegulationsRules to 35 oldRegulationsRules
05-14 02:50:34.146 1097 1147 D ActivityManager: sync unfroze 12157
com.nearme.statistics.rom for 3
05-14 02:50:34.147 12157 12639 I [0]DCS-BackgroundAppData: sendAppBgEvent: has no
05-14 02:50:34.223 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:34.224 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:34.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:34.724 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:34.724 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:34.724 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:35.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:35.224 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:35.224 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:35.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:35.725 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:35.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:36.225 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:36.225 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:36.225 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:36.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:36.725 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:36.725 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:37.226 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:37.226 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:37.226 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:37.726 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:37.726 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:37.726 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:37.847 1097 3333 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:50:38.226 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:38.226 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:38.226 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:38.727 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:38.727 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:38.727 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:39.149 1097 1577 V AlarmManager: set(PendingIntent{4b732dd:
PendingIntentRecord{76e2e52 android broadcastIntent}}) : type=3 listener=null
listenerTag=null workSource=null callingPackage=android callingUid=1000
triggerAtTime=40658834 win=225000 tElapsed=40658834 maxElapsed=40883834 interval=0
05-14 02:50:39.150 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:50:39.150 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
45719.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:50:39.150 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:50:39.151 1097 1577 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
45719.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:50:39.227 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:39.227 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:39.227 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:39.727 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:39.727 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:39.727 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:40.228 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:40.228 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:40.228 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:40.728 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:40.728 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:40.728 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:41.228 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:41.228 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:41.228 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:41.729 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:41.729 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:41.729 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:42.229 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:42.229 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:42.229 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:42.729 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:42.729 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:42.729 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:43.230 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:43.230 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:43.230 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:43.730 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:43.730 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:43.730 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:43.962 1097 1142 E UnisocWatchdog: UnisocWatchdogImpl sendMessage:0
05-14 02:50:43.963 1097 1204 E UnisocWatchdog: UNISOCWATCHDOG_MESSAGE_TIMER30
05-14 02:50:44.196 1097 1226 D ActivityManager: freezing 12157
05-14 02:50:44.230 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:44.230 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:44.230 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:44.731 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:44.731 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:44.731 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:45.231 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:45.231 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:45.231 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:45.731 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:45.731 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:45.732 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:46.232 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:46.232 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:46.232 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:46.732 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:46.732 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:46.732 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:47.232 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:47.232 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:47.233 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:47.733 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:47.733 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:47.733 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:48.233 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:48.233 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:48.233 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:48.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:48.734 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:48.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:49.234 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:49.234 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:49.234 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:49.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:49.734 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:49.734 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:50.235 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:50.235 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:50.235 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:50.554 1097 4138 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:50:50.600 2652 3669 I BistoHotwordHelper: (REDACTED)
getHotwordActive::active query: %s, watch: %s, devices connected: %s
05-14 02:50:50.735 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:50.735 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:50.735 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:51.235 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:51.235 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:51.235 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:51.736 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:51.736 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:51.736 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:51.867 1097 4139 V OomAdjuster: isIgoreCacheOrEmptyProcess app =
05-14 02:50:52.236 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:52.236 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:52.236 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:52.736 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:52.736 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:52.736 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:53.237 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:53.237 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:53.237 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:53.737 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:53.737 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:53.737 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:54.237 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:54.237 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:54.237 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:54.738 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:54.738 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:54.738 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:55.238 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:55.238 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:55.238 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:55.738 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:55.739 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:55.739 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:56.210 1370 1370 D WifiSignalController:
05-14 02:50:56.210 1370 1370 D Tile.WifiTile: onWifiSignalChanged enabled=true
05-14 02:50:56.216 1370 1370 D WifiSignalController:
05-14 02:50:56.224 1370 1624 D QSVoWifiTile: handleUpdateState: available = true
state.value = false,phoneId:0
05-14 02:50:56.226 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState arg=null
05-14 02:50:56.227 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState CallbackInfo
,activityIn=true,activityOut=false,wifiSignalContentDescription=Wifi signal
05-14 02:50:56.227 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState arg=null
05-14 02:50:56.227 1370 1624 D Tile.WifiTile: handleUpdateState CallbackInfo
,activityIn=true,activityOut=false,wifiSignalContentDescription=Wifi signal
05-14 02:50:56.239 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:56.239 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:56.239 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:56.623 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService: setAlignLength()
oldLength=5, newLength=10
05-14 02:50:56.623 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService: rebatchAllAlarms
05-14 02:50:56.626 1097 1230 D UnisocAlarmManagerService:
05-14 02:50:56.626 1097 1230 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
40493.723000000, type=2
05-14 02:50:56.627 1097 1230 D AlarmManagerService: set alarm to kernel:
45719.685000000, type=3
05-14 02:50:56.740 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: sem_timedwait ret:-1
05-14 02:50:56.740 876 1570 E GNSSMGT : WaitEvent: wait timeout
05-14 02:50:56.740 876 1570 D GNSSMGT : compute_abs_timeout: enter, ms[500]
05-14 02:50:56.867 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(30): Preparing logs for
05-14 02:50:56.870 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(191): Connecting to
server for timestamp:
05-14 02:50:56.875 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(221): Failed to connect
to server for server timestamp: Unable to resolve
host "": No address associated with hostname
05-14 02:50:56.880 26408 26654 I PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(256): Connecting to
05-14 02:50:56.882 26408 26654 E PlayCommon: [242] arho.j(357): Failed to connect
to server for log upload.

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