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Virtual and augmented reality: potential applications in radiology

Article in Acta Radiologica · January 2020

DOI: 10.1177/0284185119897362


42 1,940

11 authors, including:

Mohammad Elsayed Nadja Kadom

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Emory University


Comeron Ghobadi Omran Al Dandan

The University of Chicago Medical Center Imam Abdul Rahman bin Faisal University


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Review Article

Acta Radiologica
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Virtual and augmented reality: ! The Foundation Acta Radiologica
potential applications in radiology Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0284185119897362

Mohammad Elsayed1 , Nadja Kadom1, Comeron Ghobadi2,

Benjamin Strauss2, Omran Al Dandan3 ,
Abhimanyu Aggarwal4, Yoshimi Anzai5, Brent Griffith6,
Frances Lazarow4, Christopher M Straus2 and Nabile M Safdar1

The modern-day radiologist must be adept at image interpretation, and the one who most successfully leverages new
technologies may provide the highest value to patients, clinicians, and trainees. Applications of virtual reality (VR) and
augmented reality (AR) have the potential to revolutionize how imaging information is applied in clinical practice and
how radiologists practice. This review provides an overview of VR and AR, highlights current applications, future
developments, and limitations hindering adoption.

Computer applications, virtual imaging, image manipulation/reconstruction, interventional, education
Date received: 7 October 2019; accepted: 2 December 2019

(3). AR differs from VR in that the real world is not
Applications of virtual reality (VR) and augmented eliminated from the user’s view. Instead, virtual objects
reality (AR) have the potential to revolutionize how are superimposed onto the real world through a HMD
imaging information is applied in clinical practice and or other display system, so that the user is able to inter-
how radiologists practice (1,2). In this review, we per- act simultaneously with the real world as well as with
formed a targeted literature search (PubMed, Google virtual objects (3–5). Users may interact with graphics
Scholar) related to use of AR and VR in medicine, and virtual objects through the use of voice commands,
medical education, and radiology. References within hand gestures, or with a controller (3,6).
manuscripts including other manuscripts and news
media are included. Articles containing specific inter-
ventions were prioritized by study quality and publica- 1
Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, Emory University
tion date. This review provides an overview of VR and School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA
AR, highlights current applications, future develop- 2
Department of Radiology, The University of Chicago Pritzker School of
ments, and limitations hindering adoption. Medicine, IL, USA
Department of Radiology, Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University
College of Medicine, Dammam, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia
Definition of VR and AR 4
Department of Radiology, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA,
Both VR and AR, although distinct from each other, USA
Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences, University of Utah
refer to simulations in which virtual elements are used School of Medicine, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
to replace or supplement native sensory input. VR is an 6
Department of Radiology, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, USA
immersive simulation which creates the perception of
being present within a non-physical virtual world. Corresponding author:
Mohammad Elsayed, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences,
This is typically accomplished with a head-mounted Emory University School of Medicine, 1364 Clifton Road NE, Suite BG03,
display (HMD) in which a user receives sensory input Atlanta, GA 303022, USA.
from the display rather than their native surroundings Email:
2 Acta Radiologica 0(0)

Technology development printed into models that can be interactively explored

(13,14). Use of 3D-printed models has improved pro-
VR and AR concepts have existed for several decades.
cedural planning (15–32), medical research, and medi-
Perhaps the earliest application of virtual reality was
cal education (26,33–37). Despite the benefits of 3D
pioneered by cinematographer Morton Heilig, who in
printing, there are several limitations which hinder its
1962 designed and patented a “sensorama,” a wide-
angled video booth in which viewers were able to widespread adoption, including cost, turnaround time,
watch a film while having their sensory systems and size constraints of printed models (14). VR and AR
engaged through the use of fans, odor-emitters, stereo- technologies provide several advantages over 3D print-
scopic sound, and motional chairs (7). An early version ing (Table 1). Reconstructions can be generated at
of the HMD, attached to large sensors and a mechan- comparatively low costs and turnaround times.
ical arm suspended from the ceiling, was later devel- Specialized software allows models to be viewed at dif-
oped by Ivan Sutherland in 1968 (8). ferent sizes and manipulated in dynamic ways that
VR and AR applications were initially costly and may improve an understanding of complex anatomy
had limited capabilities (9). However, advances in tech- (Fig. 1). The ease of use, lower cost, shorter turnaround
nology, such as decreased costs of smartphone display time, and customizability are appealing features of VR
technology, graphics processing, and motion tracking and AR that can supplement or substitute 3D printing
(3), have led to a boom of VR and AR gaming appli- in specific applications (38). While controlled data com-
cations and a renewed interest in medical imaging paring the two modalities are limited, some studies
applications. The “miniaturization” of technology has report advantages over 3D printing. For example,
resulted in the development of high-performance wire- when evaluating cerebrovascular anatomy for neurosur-
less HMDs (10). Immersive reality has been further pop- gical training, users reported greater resolution and edu-
ularized by increased web connectivity and open source cational potential with VR over 3D printing (39).
software, which has facilitated exploration, collabora-
tion, and development of VR and AR applications. Diagnosis and surgical planning
Such advances have enabled innumerable applications
VR and AR can aid in the understanding of complex
within medicine, including in medical education, proce-
anatomical relationships. For example, AR models of
dural planning, and therapeutic intervention. Total
kidneys have been generated for surgical planning and
spending in VR and AR is expected to rise dramatically,
decision-making before robotic-assisted partial nephrec-
from $11.4 billion in 2017 to nearly $215 billion in 2021,
with spending in healthcare applications projected to tomy (40). In the setting of camera-assisted surgery in
reach $5.1 billion in 2025 (11,12). which the operator is limited by the endoscope’s internal
field of view, AR applications can transpose the endo-
scopic view onto the patient, aiding the surgeon’s ability
Current and future applications to navigate (41). Successful use of this technology has
been described for nephrectomy, nephrolithotomy, adre-
Alternative to 3D printing nalectomy, brain tumor resection, cerebral aneurysm
In the last decade, physicians have increasingly utilized clipping, splenectomy, and abdominal tumor resection
3D-printing technology, in which reconstructions are (42–53). In mammography, viewing images of the breast

Table 1. Comparison between 3D printing to VR and AR.*

3D printing VR and AR

Interactivity Haptic experience Visual simulation

Render customizability (e.g. resizing, Before printing Before and in real time
coloring, morphing)
Associated costs Software Software
Access to 3D printer HMD
Printing material
Turnaround time Hours to weeks (depending on how Minutes to hours
models are printed)
Ease of use for end-user Easy Easy to difficult, depending on
complexity of the platform
Potential side effects for end-user None Cyber sickness
*Table based on the authors’ experience.
AR, augmented reality; HMD, head-mounted display; VR, virtual reality.
Elsayed et al. 3

Fig. 1. 3D-printed model and virtual reconstruction of conjoined twins for surgical planning.

in AR allows for stereoscopic depth perception, 3D (such as “road-mapping with fluoroscopy”) are limited
cursor use, and joystick navigation (54,55). Joystick nav- and will require more robust research than “proof-
igation involves the use of a handheld controller, which of-concept” demonstrations to validate clinical utility.
can be used to “fly” throughout an image to better visu-
alize target areas. These tools may ultimately improve The reading room
detection and localization of abnormal microcalcifica-
Attempts are underway to redesign the conventional
tions and tumors (54,55). VR reconstructions of the
reading room with virtual reality. Typical reading
breast have also been introduced for the assessment of
rooms require highly specialized equipment and specific
tumor response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and for
aiding in surgical planning (55,56). lighting conditions to ensure accurate image interpre-
tation. A novel virtual reality reading room has been
introduced, where images can be interpreted using a
Interventional radiology
commercially available HMD (61). Optimal image con-
VR and AR have the potential to revolutionize image- ditions can be reconstructed in a virtual environment,
guided interventions and improve patient outcomes. precluding the need for controlled external lighting
Real-time AR reconstructions superimposed onto conditions and specialized monitors (61). In this spe-
patients for percutaneous and endovascular interven- cific application, image navigation is performed with
tions may provide benefits over conventional localiza- the use of hand gestures, which allows for dynamic
tion techniques. A pilot study showed that viewing VR visualization, such as real-time object rotation and
reconstructions of splenic artery aneurysms before tilting. Users found the platform to have sufficient
endovascular embolization improved operator confi- ease of use and interpretability without reporting any
dence (57). In one model, AR reconstructions of the discomfort (61). Use of VR reading rooms could cut
aorta and its major branches were transposed onto a equipment and maintenance costs, and by eliminating
phantom and, with the use of electromagnetic markers, effects of ambient lighting conditions could potentially
an endovascular catheter was tracked within the virtu- improve diagnostic accuracy.
ally generated vascular tree (58). This type of applica-
tion could theoretically reduce procedure time and
Relaxation/Distraction therapy
radiation exposure (58). AR also has growing promise
in percutaneous interventions, such as biopsies and Distraction or relaxation therapies aim to reduce
ablations (59). Although there are challenges associated patient pain and anxiety by using sensory stimuli in
with patient movement and image mismatch when lieu of pharmacological substances. Common distrac-
using AR, advances in image reconstruction have sig- tion methods include listening to music or viewing
nificantly improved accurate lesion localization with scenes on a standard digital screen (62–64). A distinct
AR, achieving a difference of <5 mm between virtual benefit of using VR for distraction/relaxation therapy
and real distances (60). Currently, however, studies is due to its completely immersive nature. Multiple
evaluating objective benefits of AR over conventional studies have shown that VR can help reduce the use
localization techniques in interventional radiology of sedation during MR imaging (65–67). VR has also
4 Acta Radiologica 0(0)

benefited pediatric patients aged 4–6 years by decreas- procedures, time constraints in busy clinical services
ing pain and anxiety during dental procedures (68), have made it challenging to provide standardized
intravenous line placement (69), and other procedural teaching for trainees. Trainees and faculty would
interventions (70). In adult burn victims, the use of VR favor implementation of standardized procedural train-
distraction therapy during dressing changes reduced ing during radiology residency (83), and VR lends itself
pain, anxiety, and length of hospitalization (71). to creating such curricula. Current simulations based
Reductions in pain were more notable with higher on phantoms do not provide an experience that accu-
quality headsets that covered a wider field of view, rately portrays a live situation, while VR simulations,
suggesting that more immersive VR experiences are such as for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, can provide
more effective (72). In a separate pilot study, VR relax- an extremely high fidelity and customizable experience
ation therapy was safely used during orthopedic sur- (84). VR and AR simulations may also be used to more
gery under regional anesthesia (73). Distraction accurately assess trainee performance, such as knowl-
therapy also decreased intravenous sedation and pro- edge and skill levels in neurosurgery (1).
cedure related pain during preoperative adductor canal Patients may also prefer that trainees undergo pro-
catheter placement before total knee arthroplasty (74). cedural training in a simulated environment before per-
The efficacy of VR relaxation therapy has been validat- forming procedures on patients. By using VR, trainees
ed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) can be transported into a procedure room where they
(75). Users exposed to painful thermal stimuli during may observe and even participate in virtual procedures
fMRI scans reported less subjective pain and had sta- before performing them on patients. This allows edu-
tistically significant reductions in pain-related brain cators to provide standardized and curated educational
activity while using VR relaxation therapy (75). The training material to all trainees. In a pilot program
reported successes of using VR for distraction therapy, implemented by McCarthy et al. (10), radiology faculty
and trainees were able to watch interventional radiolo-
during invasive surgical procedures warrants adoption
gy tutorials in VR. This program allowed trainees to
in interventional radiology as well. Patients prone to
experience the process of learning with an instructor in
anxiety, claustrophobia, or high analgesic requirements
a procedure room. The majority of pilot participants
during interventional radiology procedures may find
reported that the module they watched was excellent or
this therapy especially beneficial.
good and had the potential to contribute to the future
of interventional radiology training (10). VR can also
Informed consent process fill gaps in procedural experience by providing simula-
Informed consent, generally speaking, is a process of tions of procedures that a trainee rarely encounters
communicating the purposes, risks, and benefits of pro- during their graduate medical training (85,86).
cedures between a patient and provider (76). There has Teaching challenging anatomical concepts can be
been a shift toward a more patient-centered model in made simpler with VR and AR. 3D reconstructions
which visual aids are used in an effort to overcome of images and post-processing software can be used
lower levels of patient health literacy and ultimately to generate high quality interactive VR and AR simu-
achieve a greater sense of autonomy in patients (77). lations. Such simulations will enable the user to manip-
Improving the informed consent process can result in ulate and edit objects in ways that are not possible
decreased anxiety, higher patient satisfaction, and an using other modalities, such as 3D printing (3). For
improved understanding of procedures (78–80). Part of example, virtual reality has been used to teach anatomy
the consent process is an explanation of the procedure, to medical students with “virtual dissections” (87).
which could be accomplished by using VR. For exam- Advances in HMDs and decreasing costs have
ple, patients who were primed with what to experience enabled the “VR classroom.” For example, teaching
during the recovery process also experienced lower modules recorded with specialized 360 cameras can
postoperative pain, a shorter length of stay, and less be viewed in VR, which may provide more engagement
negative affect (81,82). Based on such positive effects, than conventional teaching methods. Certain applica-
the use of VR to enhance patient education and tions also enable users to convene in a virtual location
consent for radiology procedures should be further (88). This technology can be used to enhance radiology
explored. collaboration and education, including in underserved
locations. As commercial medical virtual reality appli-
cations continue to emerge, new interactive methods to
Education and training teach radiology will be developed (3).
Advances in diagnostic and interventional radiology Overall, the advent of VR simulations in medical
have increased the scope of procedures performed by education can increase opportunities for providing
radiologists. Despite the growing breadth of radiology high-quality standardized educational simulations and
Elsayed et al. 5

assessments at scale, while minimizing the need for ded- Caution should be taken when implementing this
icated physical space, costly simulation manikins, or technology in medicine. Numerous VR and AR appli-
need for human cadavers. cations have already been cleared by the FDA using the
510(k) pathway, where safety and effectiveness are
Limitations and ethical considerations in demonstrated by showing “substantial equivalence”
to pre-existing 3D modeling software (96,97).
VR and AR
However, more research is required to ensure that the
One of the most notable side effects of immersive real- introduction of this technology in specific use-cases
ity is “cyber sickness.” In essence, this describes sensa- confers a benefit to the radiologist workflow and
tions of discomfort including nausea, headache, and patient care.
dizziness when using VR and AR applications (89– Ethical concerns have been raised regarding any
91). It is posited that cyber sickness is due to vestibular unintended consequences when VR and AR supple-
mismatch, in which there is the visual perception of ment or replace existing methods (98). For example,
motion in a simulation without matching input from inaccuracies in simulations may contribute to improper
the vestibular system (3). Multiple strategies aimed at training. An analogy to this is flight training of military
reducing cyber sickness have been explored, such as pilots, where a virtual simulation may not accurately
developing VR simulations which only shows move- replicate certain scenarios, leading to a distorted per-
ment when there is actual movement of the user’s ception of real-time flight (98). In addition, trainees
head (3). Advanced VR HMDs can track nuanced may not receive the same level of scrutiny as they
head movements to reduce vestibular mismatch (3). would during live interventions, potentially fostering
Eye strain may also contribute to discomfort with the development of flawed techniques.
VR, which can be caused by low frame-rates and As VR and AR technology evolves, thorough con-
HMDs which do not properly accommodate the sideration should be given on how it is introduced into
user’s eyes (3,91). Developers must anticipate potential medicine. Special attention should be placed on major
discomfort with VR and find ways to mitigate participants and their motivations in this arena.
unwanted side effects when creating applications. Oversight from a combination of professions including
AR must overcome several limitations to become radiologist and non-radiologist physicians, informatics
useful during image-guided procedures. For example, specialists, developers, artists, and other industry pro-
when virtually reconstructed anatomy is transposed
fessionals are required to adequately test, facilitate, and
over a patient in real time with AR HMDs, the
record changes in this field. Cautious introduction of
image location must be accurate. Inaccurate localiza-
VR and AR will ensure that it is incorporated in a safe
tion may result in a less efficient procedure or unnec-
and effective manner.
essary patient harm. Techniques are being developed to
optimize AR image reconstruction, including overcom-
ing respiratory motion and organ deformation Conclusion
(60,92–94). In addition to accurate image localization, Advances in VR and AR have enabled novel
the device must feel like a “natural extension” of the applications in education, training, and patient care
operator’s senses (95). The image must move smoothly in radiology. We are currently exploring the utility of
and accurately while the operator’s head position VR for visualization of complex anatomy and proce-
changes. The HMD must also be light, comfortable, dural training in interventional radiology. We believe
and mobile enough for the operator to use during that further exploration and thorough research is war-
potentially long image-guided interventions (95). ranted to better understand how to best utilize this
VR and AR technology are still limited with regards technology to optimize radiology training and improve
to accurately portraying reality. Creating a realistic vir-
patient care.
tual experience, while feasible using current technolo-
gy, can require significant time, financial resources, and Declaration of conflicting interests
expertise. Therefore, developing simulations that do
not require high levels of accuracy, such as those sim- The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with
ulating the performance of simple tasks may provide respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
the highest initial value (86). In addition, more high- article.
quality research is necessary to understand whether VR
and AR educational and training applications in radi- Funding
ology provide a significant advantage over convention- The authors received no financial support for the research,
al methods to justify costs. authorship, and/or publication of this article.
6 Acta Radiologica 0(0)

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