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Common issues faced by youth:

● Mental Health Issues

● Academic Pressure
● Social Media Influence
● Relationship Struggles
● Substance Abuse
● Family Issues

Strategies to improve lifestyle:

● Physical Activity
● Healthy Nutrition
● Adequate Sleep
● Stress Management
● Social Connections
● Screen Time Management
● Substance Avoidance
● Purpose and Meaning
● Family Support

Holistic Well-Being:

● It's not just about treating illness but promoting a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Prevention over Cure:

● By adopting healthy habits early on, students can reduce the risk of developing chronic
conditions and enhance their long-term health.

Academic Performance:

● Connect lifestyle practices to academic success. Proper nutrition, sufficient sleep, and
regular exercise positively impact cognitive function, concentration, and memory,
ultimately enhancing academic performance.

Stress Management:

● Teaching stress reduction techniques as an integral part of lifestyle medicine. Managing

stress through practices like mindfulness can improve mental health and resilience.
Long-Term Health:

● Educate students about the long-term benefits of maintaining a healthy lifestyle

throughout their lives.


● Empower students by highlighting that they have control over many aspects of their
health. Making informed choices about nutrition, physical activity, and stress
management puts them in charge of their well-being.

Quality of Life:

● Feeling good physically and mentally positively influences relationships, career, and
overall life satisfaction.

Peer Influence:

● When students embrace healthy habits together, it creates a supportive environment,

making it easier for everyone to adopt and maintain lifestyle changes.

Life Skills:

● Place lifestyle medicine practices as essential life skills. Habits such as time
management and effective communication, contribute to success in various aspects of

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