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Applied Ergonomics 99 (2022) 103609

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Discriminating between simultaneous audible alarms is easier with

auditory icons
Judy Reed Edworthy *, Cassie J. Parker, Emily V. Martin
School of Psychology, University of Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA, UK


Keywords: When more than one audible alarm is heard simultaneously, discrimination may be compromised. This exper­
Clinical alarms iment compares near-simultaneous clinical alarms in two styles, the first are the tonal ‘melodies’ from the 2012/
Audible alarms 2006 version of a global medical device safety standard (IEC 60601-1-8) and the second are the auditory-icon-
Alarm design
style recommended in the 2020 version of the same standard. Sixty-six participants were required to identify the
Auditory cognition
Auditory perception
meaning and priority of four different clinical alarms for one of the two styles of alarm (between-subjects).
Auditory alarms Alarms sounded both singly and in pairs (within-subjects). Results showed that the auditory icon alarms out­
performed the tonal alarms on all measures except one, both for overall accuracy (recognizing both priority and
function) and for partial accuracy (recognizing priority or function but not both). The results add to the growing
body of evidence supporting the use of auditory icon alarms in clinical environments.

1. Introduction nature, making it easier for listeners to link the sound and the function
that it represents (Belz et al., 1999; Graham, 1999; Keller and Stevens,
For many years it has been recognized that the audible alarms 2004; Perry et al., 2007; Petocz et al., 2008; Stephan et al., 2006), and
associated with the global medical device safety standard IEC 60601-1-8 because they are more varied as a group than a traditional set of tonal
(IEC 2006; 2012; 2020) are less than optimal. These alarms have been alarms (McDougall et al., 2020; Edworthy et al., 2011). They are easier
shown to be difficult to learn (Edworthy et al., 2014, 2017; Sanderson to localize because they are harmonically richer than typical alarm
et al., 2006; Wee and Sanderson, 2008) and exceedingly difficult to sounds, and are more like real sounds (Edworthy et al., 2017, 2018).
distinguish between when more than one is heard at a time (Lacherez These features make them more likely to function as discernible auditory
et al., 2007). More recently, model-checking approaches to the predic­ objects able to form separate auditory streams and therefore have the
tion of masking between IEC alarms demonstrates that masking between potential to be processed simultaneously, or almost simultaneously
alarms sounding simultaneously is also theoretically possible (Bolton (Bregman, 1990; Carlyon et al., 2003). There a rich and complex liter­
et al. 2018, 2019, 2020a, 2020b Hasanain et al., 2017). ature on auditory objects and auditory streaming which is central not
A series of studies have been carried out which have developed and just to how alarms are potentially discriminated from one another, but
tested a set of auditory icons in support of the updated version of the how all sounds in an environment can be thus discriminated through
standard, published in 2020 (IEC, 2020). This series of studies demon­ interactions and interconnectedness of auditory inputs in terms of
strates that auditory icon alarms outperform the current IEC alarms, spectral and temporal attributes. One of the key concepts in the auditory
which are tonal in nature, on almost all criteria from learnability streaming literature is the idea of sounds as auditory objects, with sets of
(Edworthy et al., 2014, 2017), localizability (Edworthy et al. 2017, properties and commonalities that make it possible to group a set of
2018), performance in simulation (McNeer et al., 2018; Bennett et al., sound parameters as one or more objects (van Noorden, 1975; Rankin
2019) to tasks requiring visual identification of the source of the prob­ et al., 2017; Chakrabarty and Elhilali, 2019). What we know about
lem (McDougall et al., 2020). auditory objects and streaming makes it much more likely that
The superior performance of auditory icons can be attributed to a simultaneously-sounding auditory icons should be easier to identify
number of reasons. They are easier to learn because they are metaphors individually than simultaneously-sounding tonal alarms. This is because
for the problems that they represent, rather than being abstract in each of the spectral elements of an auditory icon will show similar

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.R. Edworthy).
Received 16 February 2021; Received in revised form 3 September 2021; Accepted 11 October 2021
Available online 23 October 2021
0003-6870/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
J.R. Edworthy et al. Applied Ergonomics 99 (2022) 103609

characteristics and change along with other characteristics in a pre­ Table 1

dictable manner, and will be greatly different from those belonging to a Details of ‘old’ IEC alarms tested.
different icon. The old IEC alarms, on the other hand, because they all Function Medium Priority High Priority (repeated x 1)
have the same temporal pattern and spectrum, will be harder to separate
Cardiovascular ceg ceg-gC
into different streams and it should therefore be less easy to form Ventilation caf caf-af
simultaneous alarms into separate auditory objects. Oxygen Cba Cba-gf
Lacherez et al.’s finding that simultaneous old-version (tonal) IEC Drug administration Cdg Cdg-Cd
alarms are almost indistinguishable when heard simultaneously is con­ NOTE 1: The characters c, d, e, f, g, a, b, C refer to relative musical pitches and C
cerning, as auditory alarms often sound simultaneously in real clinical is one octave above c.
environments, rather than in a single, orderly fashion. One of the ex­ NOTE 2: A high priority alarm signal is generated with the five pulses shown,
pectations of the updated auditory icon alarms is that they will be repeated once, for a total of ten pulses.
identifiable when heard simultaneously, much as the sound of one event
can be discerned from another even when the sounds of those events are the longer pulses with slightly longer intervals between the pulses, the
simultaneous. In this paper we compare a subset of the ‘new’ auditory entire stimulus lasting just under 1 s. The tonal patterns of the alarms are
icon IEC alarms with a subset of the ‘old’ tonal alarms, where alarms are seen in Table 1.
heard either singly or in pairs. We asked participants to tell us both the ‘New ’IEC alarms: High- and medium-priority alarms for the same
meaning of the alarm and its priority (high or medium). four functions (cardiovascular, ventilation, drug administration,
oxygenation) were tested. According to IEC 60601-1-8 (2020), each
2. Method function is indicated by an auditory icon (a sound which acts as a
metaphor for the condition), plus a ‘pointer’ indicating the priority.
2.1. Experimental design Thus the two alarms for each function differ only by pointer. The
auditory icons are described in Table 2. The icons are either real-world
The experiment was a mixed design. Participants listened to a set of sounds or stylized real-world sounds and each has a complex rhythm and
four high- and four medium-priority ‘old’ IEC 60601-1-8 (2012, 2006) harmonic structure, very different from one another. They vary from just
alarms, or a set of four ‘new’ alarms (IEC, 2020) with ‘alarm style’ as a under 2 s to nearly 3 s depending on the time taken to complete the
between-subjects variable. The four functions associated with the alarms sound, as different sounds necessarily take different amounts of time to
were Cardiovascular, Ventilation, Oxygenation, and Drug administra­ complete. The pointer used is an abstract sound in each case: a 10-pulse
tion for both styles of alarm (all categories of alarm specified in all (2 x 5 pulse) high-priority pointer and a 3-pulse medium-priority
versions of IEC 60601-1-8). The within-subjects variable was ‘single’ or pointer. The pointers are similar to the General sound in Table 1, but
‘paired’, where participants were required to identify a single alarm, or much faster (the pulses are 0.05 s in length in the high-priority version)
two alarms heard together. In the ‘single’ condition they were required and are harmonically slightly richer than the old alarms. The alarms are
to identify the name and priority of the alarm after hearing one of the downloadable here:
eight alarms played singly. In the ‘paired’ condition participants always jId=20885884&objAction=browse&viewType=1. The pointers are
heard one of the four high-priority alarms followed by one of the four embedded within the icon, and appear at the beginning of those sounds
medium-priority alarms (never the same alarm), and were required to for both high- and medium-priority alarms.
identify the meaning of both alarms. Stimuli were constructed from the individual alarms indicated in
Tables 1 and 2 into ‘single’ and ‘paired’ alarms. For ‘single’ alarms, the
2.2. Participants alarms as indicated above were used in the indicated form. For the
‘paired’ alarms, the high-priority version of the alarm always began first,
Sixty-six participants (60 female, 6 male, Mage = 20.86, age range: followed by a medium-priority alarm after 1.2 s 1.2 s was selected on the
18–49 years) from the University of Plymouth took part in this study. All basis of pilot testing which suggested that performance for the old
participants were recruited from the University’s Psychology Partici­ alarms was at floor level until the separation between the first and
pation Pool. Participants were required to have normal or corrected-to- second alarms reached 1.2 s.
normal hearing in order to complete the study. Ethical approval was Because participants heard only eight different pairings, not all
granted by the University of Plymouth Faculty of Health and Human possible high- and medium-alarm pairings were used. A specific alarm
Sciences ethics committee. was never paired with another with the same meaning (for example a
high-priority cardiovascular alarm followed by a medium-priority
2.3. Materials

The experiments were conducted on a desktop computer with a pair Table 2

of circumaural headphones attached. Listening level was set at a Details of ‘new’ IEC 60601-1-8 alarms tested.
comfortable level of approximately 75 dB(A) for all participants. Category of the source Auditory Icon Auditory Icon description
of the alarm condition metaphor
2.4. Alarms Cardiovascular ‘Lup-dup’; A stylized, square/triangle wave-
heartbeat sound based ’heartbeat’ sound with no
‘Old’ IEC alarms: The high- and medium-priority tonal alarms from discernible frequency. Six pulses
formed from three 2-pulse ’lup-
previous versions of IEC 60601-1-8 (IEC 2006, 2012) for the four dup’ sequences
functions Cardiovascular, Ventilation, Oxygenation, and Drug adminis­ Ventilation A single inhale A 1s inhaling sound (like white
tration were used. The alarms were constructed according to the guid­ followed by an noise), followed by a 0.5s gap,
ance provided in the standard. Each alarm was constructed from a pulse exhale followed by a slow exhale with a
long tail
of sound lasting 0.15 s (high priority) or 0.2 s (medium priority). Each
Oxygenation Irregular, stylized Stylized irregular temporal pattern
pulse consisted of a fundamental frequency as in Table 1, with four dripping/ with some discernible pitch; a two-
additional harmonics which were integer multiples of the fundamental. saturation tone sequence superimposed on the
The high-priority alarm consisted of a 2 x 5 pulse burst in the 3 + 2 six-tone pattern
rhythm specified for these alarms, with the entire stimulus lasting Drug Administration Shaking pill Two 0.8s sequences of a 4-rattle
bottle shaking sound
approximately 3.5 s. The medium-priority alarm consisted of three of

J.R. Edworthy et al. Applied Ergonomics 99 (2022) 103609

cardiovascular alarm), and the Ventilation medium-priority alarm was Throughout the study, data for the single and paired sounding alarms
not used. The Cardiovascular high-priority alarm was combined with the was collected for both correct/incorrect priority identification and
Oxygenation and Drug administration medium-priority alarms; Venti­ correct/incorrect function identification. After completion, participants
lation high-priority was combined with Oxygenation and Cardiovascu­ were given a debrief and given contact details should they wish to
lar medium-priority alarms; high-priority Drug administration was withdraw their data.
combined with Oxygenation and Cardiovascular medium-priority
alarms; and high-priority Ventilation was combined with medium- 3. Results
priority Oxygenation and Cardiovascular alarms. Figs. 1 and 2 show
the waveforms for the paired alarms for High Priority Cardiovascular For each alarm, it was possible for participants to correctly identify
and Medium priority Drug administration. both the priority and the function of the alarm, or one of these, or neither
(except for the priority only of the paired alarm conditions, which is
discussed later in this section). We first consider completely correct re­
2.5. Procedure
sponses, followed by partially correct responses (either function or pri­
ority, but not both).
Participants were randomly allocated to either the old or new con­
Table 3 shows the means, sds and 95% CIs for all conditions and for
dition and were seated in front of the computer monitor at a comfortable
both completely correct (both function and priority identified correctly)
viewing distance, the headphones having been pre-set to a level of
and partially correct (either function or priority identified correctly, but
approximately 75 dB(A). Instructions for the study were visible on the
not both) responses.
monitor for the participant to read. Participants were told the following:
FOUR ANOVAs were carried out on the data, one two-way ANOVA
‘In this experiment we will measure your ability to accurately identify
on the completely correct responses and three 1-way ANOVAs on the
the priority and the meanings of clinical alarms. First, you are given 10
function-only data and the priority-only correct data (in the latter case
min where you will hear eight different alarms, four of which are high-
for the single alarm conditions only). We selected Analysis of Variance
priority and four of which are the medium-priority versions of those
as an appropriate method of analysis because we were interested not
same alarms. You will hear each alarm three times. After this training,
only in the effects of each of the variables of stimulus style and pairing,
you will hear those same alarms either singly or in pairs, and your task is
but in any possible interaction between the two. The presence of an
to identify the priority (high- or -medium-) and the meaning of the
interaction between the two variables would address the issue of ben­
alarm. The meanings of the alarms will be explained in the following
efits to one or other type of alarm beyond mere superiority in detect­
segment’. After reading the brief and completing their informed consent,
ability and/or learning. Separate one-way ANOVAs were carried out on
participants were instructed to put on their headphones and begin the
single and paired data for function-only because the context in which the
study. Exposure to the sounds was identical for all participants. They
alarms were presented were different for single and paired alarms. In the
heard each of the eight alarms on which they were to be tested three
single alarm condition the selection of priority and function were two
times before proceeding with the experiment proper. They were not
separate tasks, but for the paired alarms a ‘function-only’ correct answer
asked to identify the alarms during this training, but were simply
would be due to a mismatch between function and priority (see Fig. 3).
exposed to each of them, there was no criterion on which the partici­
For example, participants might select ‘Cardiovascular’ for the high
pants’ understanding of or memory for the sounds was judged.
priority alarm whereas that selection was in fact correct for the Medium
Participants allocated to the ‘old’ condition heard the alarms in
Priority alarm, or vice versa. Here, the participant has selected the
Table 1, whereas participants in the ‘new’ condition heard those in
correct function but the wrong priority. The ‘priority-only’ measure is
Table 2. Participants first completed the training phase, and were then
only meaningful for the singly-presented alarms, as participants were
given four practice alarms where they were presented with two single
required to select this separately from function. There is no comparable
and two paired alarms in order to familiarize themselves with the task.
response for the paired stimuli. All data was normally distributed.
In the single alarm trials participants were asked to first select the
Completely correct identification: A two-way alarm style (old, new) x
priority of the alarm (Fig. 3), and then to identify the alarm function
pairing (single, paired) analysis of variance showed that the effect of
(Fig. 4).
alarm style was significant, (F(1, 2108) = 375.78, p < .001, dCohen =
For the paired alarms, participants saw a screen with two response
0.817), with mean accuracy of 0.3 for old alarms (SD= .46, CI = 0.18)
boxes. The first asked the participant to identify the function of the high-
and 0.68 for new alarms (SD= .47, CI = 0.21). Pairing also had a sig­
priority alarm. The high-priority alarm was always heard first and then
nificant effect (F(1, 2108) = 108.49, p < .001, dCohen = 0.20), with
followed by the medium-priority alarm, though participants were not
means of 0.6 for single alarms (SD= .49, CI = 0.22) and 0.39 for paired
told this (Fig. 5)
alarms (SD= .49, CI = 0.20). The interaction effect was not significant F
The test phase consisted of thirty-two trials, which consisted of
(1, 2108) = .46, p = .50. Means for the four conditions can be seen in the
sixteen single alarm trials and sixteen paired alarm trials randomly
first column of Table 3.
presented. Trials occurred every 30 s +/- 10 s, thus the whole study took
Correct priority or function identification only: Participants frequently
approximately 30 min. Participants did not complete any other tasks,
identified either the priority or the function of the alarm correctly, but
such as a secondary task as pilot testing suggested that the alarm task
not both. The following one-way ANOVAs consider these responses,
along was sufficiently demanding for participants.

Fig. 1. Old alarm combination: For 1.2 s the HP alarm sounds alone; before it is finished the MP Drug alarm sounds and ends at around 2.2. Seconds; the Car­
diovascular alarm completes its 10-pulse cycle at around 3.4 s.

J.R. Edworthy et al. Applied Ergonomics 99 (2022) 103609

Fig. 2. New alarm combination: The HP Cardiovascular auditory icon and pointer begin at 0.0 s; the first iteration of the pointer finishes just before 0.5 s; the second
iteration finishes at 1.1. Seconds; the Cardiovascular icon ends at approximately 1.4 s; the MP pointer begins at 1.2 s and ends at about 1.5 s; the MP icon (Drugs)
begins at around 1.4 s and ends at 2.8 s.

1054) = 48.51, p < .001, dCohen = 0.41). A priority-only correct iden­

tification was not possible in the paired conditions.
Function Identification: Here, we considered responses correct if par­
ticipants identified only the function correctly, necessarily including the
completely correct responses considered above. Data for both old and
new alarms is considered together but we consider the single and the
Fig. 3. First response screen for the single alarm trials. paired alarm data separately for the reasons stated earlier. A significant
difference was found between the number of correctly identified alarm
functions of single alarms in the old alarm condition (M= .43, SD= .50,
CI = 0.18) and new alarm condition (M= .91, SD= .28, CI = 0.14), (F
(1,1054) = 385.27, p < .001, dCohen = 1.19).
A significant difference was also found for the number of correctly
identified alarm functions of paired alarms in the old alarm condition
(M= .37, SD= .48, CI = 0.20) and new alarm condition (M= .69, SD=
.47, CI = 0.20) (F(1,1054) = 120.66, p < .001, dCohen = 0.68).

Table 3
Means (maximum score = 1), standard deviations (1) and Confidence intervals
(2) for each condition for fully correct answers (both function and priority
identified correctly), function only identified correctly and priority only iden­
tified correctly.
Fig. 4. Second screen for single alarm responses. Fully correct Function only Priority only

Single old 0.41 0.43 0.96

which necessarily include the completely correct responses considered (0.491, 0.172) (0.51, 0.182) (0.191, 0.092)
above. Single new 0.78 0.91 0.84
Priority Identification: Here, participants correctly identified the pri­ (0.411, 0.22) (0.281, 0.142) (0.371, 0.182)
Paired old 0.20 0.37 N/A
ority but not the function of the alarm. A one-way ANOVA for the single
(0.401, 0.152) (0.481, 0.202)
alarm conditions gave a significant difference between the number of Paired new 0.59 0.69 N/A
correctly identified priorities in single old alarms (M= .96, SD= .19, CI (0.491, 0.222) (0.471, 0.202)
= 0.09) versus single new alarms (M= .84, SD= .37, CI = 0.18), (F(1,

Fig. 5. Screen for paired alarm responses.

J.R. Edworthy et al. Applied Ergonomics 99 (2022) 103609

4. Discussion simultaneous auditory icon alarms are likely to be easier to discriminate

between, as we have shown here, there may be concern that these alarms
The results show very clearly, with one exception, that the auditory could become confused with other auditory objects that are not alarms
icon alarms were identified correctly more frequently than were the old at all, because the auditory icons are real, or close to real, sounds. One
tonal alarms. This is in line with our expectations. In the simplest terms, solution to this is to ‘stylize’ the auditory icons so that they are not
responses to the new alarms were correct in the majority, but for the old exactly real-world sounds, but are somewhat modified so that they are
alarms correct responses were in the minority. For the paired alarms digital versions retaining the identity of those sounds. For example, in
completely correct performance (both function and priority identified the standard itself the ‘Cardiovsacular’ alarm is a stylized square-wave
correctly) dropped from just under 80% to just under 60% for the icon sound which would not be confused with a real heartbeat sound, but
alarms, but started at 40% for the old alarms heard singly to a very low because it retains many of the features of a heartbeat sound, particularly
20% in the paired condition. Thus we can conclude that icon alarms are the rhythm, then it is unmistakeable. The standard allows manufacturers
more resilient to being heard simultaneously than are the old tonal to develop their own versions of these auditory icons should they so wish
alarms. Lacherez et al. (2007) comment that because of the poor per­ if any problems of this type develop.
formance of the old IEC alarms found in their study, mirrored here, In our experiment all alarms emanated from the same spatial loca­
either directives should be provided about the sequencing of the alarms, tion (the speaker attached to the computer), which will be true for
or new alarms more able to promote auditory segregation should be clinical situations where alarms are coming from a central, integrated
designed. The auditory icons tested here present one version of those panel. They were also presented at the same level. This set of conditions
better designs that are possible. We assume that this can be attributed to maximises the difficulty of differentiating between more than one
better stimulus segregation although our experiment did not specifically auditory object at once. In real clinical environments, the sounds may
address this issue. come from different pieces of equipment, or even from different patient
The superior performance of the icon alarms is also demonstrated in beds located elsewhere in a ward and we would expect this to improve
most of the findings for the more liberal measure of correctness, where identification of individual alarm signals. Other factors such as differ­
we considered an answer correct if participants identified either the ences in level can also help with the differentiation of simultaneously
priority or the function of the alarm, but not both. This is meaningful in auditory signals (Andeol et al., 2017; Dehais Andeol et al., 2020; Wan,
real clinical care as the ability to identify the priority but not the 2019) and is also worthy of further investigation.
meaning, or the meaning but not the priority, of an alarm is still a useful We made some compromises in terms of our study in order to ensure
cue to solving the problem. The data again mostly show that correct that the experiment was not too onerous on the participants, who were
responses are in the majority for the icon alarm, but in the minority for exposed to approximately 30 min of regular responses to alarm sounds
the old tonal alarms. The anomaly is the finding for the priority iden­ even with our rather truncated design. These compromises will have had
tification for the single alarms. This was high for the icon alarm (84%) impacts on the scope of our findings. One of the compromises was that
but at ceiling level (96%) for the old tonal alarms. Participants were very we tested only four of the eight alarms presented in the standard; the
good at identifying the priority of the old IEC alarms if they were heard second was that in the paired condition we always presented the high
singly, but they were poor at identifying the meaning as performance priority alarm first; the third was that we tested only one fixed time
was low for completely correct responses. This does not surprise us as interval between the first and the second alarm (1.2 s).
the difference between a medium and high priority alarm with the old On the issue of testing only four of the old and new IEC alarms not the
alarms is the difference between a 10-pulse and a 3-pulse alarm, or full set of eight, it is important to note that one of the alarms not tested is
between stimuli lasting either approximately 3.5 s or 1.1. seconds, an the ‘General’ alarm which has been demonstrated to be the most
easy discrimination to make. How useful this is in practice, when the discriminable of the old alarms, probably because of its octave leap
clinician may not know that a 10-pulse signal is a high- and a 3-pulse (Sanderson et al., 2006; Wee and Sanderson, 2008). We did not include
signal is a medium -priority (our participants were well aware of this), it because the new set of alarms does not have an auditory icon for the
is a topic of practical concern. general alarm, it consists only of the pointer. As the comparison between
There are two likely reasons for the finding that the auditory icon old and new alarms is fundamentally concerned with the use of tonal
alarms were more easily recognized in this study than the old, tonal IEC alarms and auditory icons, we felt that including the general alarm
alarms both singly and in pairs. It is well established that the new icon would not be the most informative comparison to have made.
alarms are much easier to learn than the old alarms (Edworthy et al. In the paired condition, the high priority alarm was always presented
2014, 2017; McNeer et al., 2018; Bennett et al., 2019). The tonal alarms first. This was a compromise we made on the basis of wanting to keep the
are very similar to one another, and so it is quite likely that listeners experiment manageable for participants and not wishing to fatigue them
would find it difficult to segregate one auditory stream from another, unnecessarily. Had we included this as a further variable it would have
and to be unable to identify whether a pulse belonged to one or other of increased the size of the experiment substantially. However, a future
the alarms when heard together. For the icon alarms, there is very little experiment could include this variable relatively easily as a counter­
possibility that an auditory stream of, for example, a rattling pill box will balancing measure and also as a variable of potential interest. We felt
somehow be integrated into a separate auditory stream of a stylized that presenting the high priority alarm first in a sequence of more than
heartbeat sound, thus rendering the listener unable to separate the one alarm is more representative of an intelligent alarm system, which
streams. As for the pointers, we believe also by making them short they might to some extent prioritise presentations of alarms this way. Our
are more likely to be successfully segregated as they are completely participants were not told that the high priority alarm was always pre­
embedded at the start of the icons, making it easy to differentiate be­ sented first, though they may have worked this out during the experi­
tween the pointers. ment. This constraint meant that we could not completely measure
Auditory streaming and auditory object identification is as important partially-correct paired responses.
in the wider acoustic environment as it is in any clinical situation such as We selected the 1.2 s gap between first and second alarm on the basis
the ICU and OR. It is important to be able to discriminate between the of pilot testing, where closer intervals were tested. We did not consider
alarms and other sounds in that environment. Because many alarms in presenting the alarms completely simultaneously because it is already
those environments are tonal (beyond those in the standard but devel­ known that it is almost impossible to identify more than one of the old
oped by individual manufacturers) then there is the prospect of confu­ alarms when played simultaneously possibly because it is difficult to tell
sion and inability to identify distinct alarms when tonal alarms sound which tone belongs to which alarm (Lacherez et al., 2007), an auditory
simultaneously. There is less concern that alarms of this type will be streaming issue, and because if the old alarms are completely simulta­
confused with other, everyday, sounds that are not alarms. While neous there is a risk of masking (Bolton et al., 2018, 2020a, 2020b;

J.R. Edworthy et al. Applied Ergonomics 99 (2022) 103609

Hasanain et al., 2017; Pereira et al., 2020).We would expect the new 2 Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual
alarms to be more discriminable when played simultaneously because it content; AND
is much clearer that two separate auditory objects are being presented, 3 Final approval of the version to be published; AND
which are unlikely to fuse into a single stream. Further experimentation 4 Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring
would help to establish how close to simultaneous the new alarms can be that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the
presented and still be discriminated. work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
In this study we found no interaction between alarm style and
pairing, which is somewhat surprising as the greater probability of the FORMCHECKBOX All listed authors meet the ICMJE criteria.
auditory icons being perceived as individual auditory objects might have We attest that all authors contributed significantly to the creation of this
predicted that this would be the case. We suggest that interactions may manuscript, each having fulfilled criteria as established by the ICMJE.
appear when a range of time intervals are investigated. The easier FORMCHECKBOX We confirm that the manuscript has been read and
learnability of the icons probably accounts for the superior performance approved by all named authors.
of the icons overall. However, it is very clear from the results that par­ FORMCHECKBOX We confirm that the order of authors listed in the
ticipants found it easier to process one alarm than two, which can be manuscript has been approved by all named authors.
interpreted from a number of perspectives such as shared processing and
workload (Wickens, 2008), inattentional deafness (Dehais et al., 2014), Contact with the editorial office
working memory constraints (Beaman, 2004; Lacherez et al., 2007).
Again, this should be a topic of future investigation. FORMCHECKBOX This author submitted this manuscript using his/
All of the old alarms were the same length (approximately 3.5 s for her account in EVISE.
high priority and 1.1 s for medium priority) whereas the new alarms FORMCHECKBOX We understand that this Corresponding Author is
varied somewhat in length – or at least the icon part of the alarm varied the sole contact for the Editorial process (including EVISE and direct
between 2 and 3 s. The pointer was a fixed length, either 1.1 s for the communications with the office). He/she is responsible for communi­
high priority or 0.6 s for the medium priority alarm. Given that per­ cating with the other authors about progress, submissions of revisions
formance was worse for the old alarms we do not think that stimulus and final approval of proofs.
length and variation in the length of the auditory icons would had much FORMCHECKBOX We confirm that the email address shown below is
overall effect on performance, aside from stimulus length being a very accessible by the Corresponding Author, is the address to which Corre­
obvious cue in distinguishing between the old high- and medium- sponding Author’s EVISE account is linked, and has been configured to
priority alarms, where performance was at 96%. accept email from the editorial office of American Journal of Ophthal­
We are aware that our study used student participants rather than mology Case Reports:
clinically-trained staff, and that the task set to participants, which was to
listen out for alarms and to report their meaning, is less complex than Declaration of competing interest
those encountered in a real clinical environment. However, our study is
the first to explore near-simultaneous new IEC alarms (and one of only a The authors declare the following financial interests/personal re­
few to explore this same question for the old IEC alarms). Our findings lationships which may be considered as potential competing interests:
can be used to develop more complex and realistic experimental para­
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