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School Name : MTs Al-Khairaat Paguyaman

Class :VII-1
Teacher's Name :Rivaldo R. Tina
Time Allocation : 65 Minutes

A. Learning Materials

1. Story Introduction: (25 Minutes)

Cinderella story
- Show a short video about Cinderella: background, main characters, and the challenges
she faces.
- Simple retelling to help children understand the characters and plot of the story.

2. Story Exploration: (25 Minutes)

Discussion and Role Play
- Discuss the characters in the story: Cinderella, stepmother, stepsisters, fairies, and
- Ask questions that engage children in thinking about how each character acts and
responds to the events in the story.
- Play simple role plays where children can act out the main characters in the story to
understand their point of view.
3. Creative Activities: (10 Minutes)
Arts and Crafts Activities
- Ask the children to make pictures or dioramas of their favorite scenes from the
Cinderella story.
4. Discussion of Moral Messages: (5 Minutes)
Discussion and Short Stories
- Discuss the moral messages that can be learned from the story, such as kindness,
fortitude, and honesty.
- Let children share short stories or writings about how they can apply this moral
message in their daily lives.

B. Learning Media and Sources

 Media :(Video)
 Learning Resources :
 Indonesia )
1. Cinderella by Charles Perrault - The classic version of this story in book form.
2. Cinderella (1950) - Disney Movie - Disney animated film that presents this story with
attractive visuals.
3. Cinderella Picture Books - Picture books with simpler narratives for children.

C. Learning Objectives
Learning objectives:
- Understand the storyline and main characters in Cinderella.
- Identify the moral message contained in the story.
- Develop creativity through story-related activities.

D. Learning Steps

Introduction (10 minutes)

1) The teacher gives greetings;

2) Teachers check student attendance;
3) Teachers prepare students psychologically and physically to participate in the learning process;
4) The teacher asks about the connection between previous knowledge and the material to be studied;
5) The teacher explains the learning objectives or basic competencies to be achieved;
6) The teacher conveys the material coverage and activity descriptions according to the syllabus.

Main activities (60 minutes)


1) Students watch a video about Cinderella (activity 1).

2) Students listen to the teacher explaining the Cinderella story again (activity 2).
3) Students discuss the characters in the Cinderella story (activity 3).


1) Students ask questions about the content of the text,

2) Students ask questions about various characters,
3) Students play roles in the Cinderella story (activity 4),
4) Students draw characters they like in the Cinderella story (activity 5).

Closing (10 minutes)

1) Students and teachers reflect on learning activities and their benefits.

2) Students and teachers provide feedback on the learning process and outcomes.
3) The teacher gives an assignment in the form of an independent task to write and retell the
Cinderella story that they have learned.
4) Students pay attention to information about planned learning activities for the next meeting.
5) Students and teachers say goodbye.

E. Evaluation

- Formative Assessment
Teacher assessment of students during the learning process. The things that are assessed are
students' participation during class to see their mastery of the material that has been taught.

- Summative Assessment
Teacher assessment of students at the end of learning. This assessment is divided into two,
namely knowledge assessment and skills assessment.

a. Knowledge Assessmentin the form of multiple choice written tests & written descriptions,
oral tests / observations of question and answer discussions and conversations as well as
b. Skills Assessmentin the form of performance/practice assessments (speaking, listening,
writing, or reading), project assessments, product assessments and portfolio assessments

Gorontalo, 21 November 2023


Powerful Lecturer Subject teachers

Prof. Dr. Moon Hidayati Otoluwa, M. Hum Rivaldo R. Tina

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