HO Beginner 5 PH Training 18R1

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pH Training

Presentation 90 min

Training Team FOXBORO Field Devices, 2017

Presented by: Oliver Niederheiser, Global Trainer

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pH Training subjects

• Measurements
• pH Basics
• Technology
• Loop selection Guide
• SMART Technology
• SMART loop selection Guide
• Conclusion
• Q&A

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pH Measurements
Process Measuring Points

Static housing:
• Side
• Top
• Direct (3/4” NPT)
• Flow-through
• Immersion
• (Bottom-up/Upside-Down)

Retractable housing:
• Side
• Flow-through

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pH Basics
pH Basics

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pH Basics

pH is defined as:

The negative, decimal logarithm of the

hydrogen ion activity in a (aqueous) solution.
Sørensen 1909

pH = −𝑙𝑜𝑔10 𝑎(𝐻 )

Søren Peder Lauritz Sørensen

(9 January 1868 – 12 February 1939) was a
Danish chemist and head of the prestigious
Carlsberg Laboratory.

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pH Basics

pH is defined as:

The negative, decimal logarithm of the

hydrogen ion activity in a (aqueous) solution.

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pH Basics
What is pH?
1. aqueous solution

pH is a number that describes the degree of

acidity or alkalinity of an aqueous solution.
(e.g. DIN19260)

pH 0 pH 7 pH 14
acidic neutral alkaline

No Water, No pH-measurement !
(min. ~20-30% Water)

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pH Basics
Acids and Bases 2. hydrogen ion activity

The pH scale is determined by the dissociation of water:

H 20  H+ (hydrogen ion) + OH- (hydroxide ion)
Ion product water: I25°C = (aH+) * (aOH-) = 10 -14

Acids dissolves in water and provide H+ ions: pH 0

HCl H+ + Cl-
HNO3 H+ + NO3-
HF H+ + F-
Bases dissolves in water and provide OH- ions:
H+ O2
NaOH Na+ + OH- Na+ Cl- OH-
KOH K+ + OH- -
NH4OH NH4+ + OH-
Example: If you combine 3x NaOH + 2x HCl …
you’ll get a base: 3 OH- + 2 H+ => 2 H2O + 1 OH- pH 14
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pH Basics
Logarithmic function 3. decimal logarithm

Rule of thumb:
A difference of 1 pH-value,
make the acid/base 10x stronger.
(10ΔpH = 101 = 10)

The difference between an acid with

pH 1 and pH 5 is a factor of 10000!
(104 = 10000)

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pH Basics
Conclusion pH definition

- pH measurement only in aqueous solutions (min. ~20-30% water)

- H+ + OH- <=> H2O water
- >H + => acid
- > OH - => base
- Difference of 1 pH => 10x stronger

lemon tea pure water

juice beer milk egg white
10000 1000 100 10

0 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

0,6% acetic acid 0,8% sodium bicarbonate 1,7% NH4OH 4% NaOH

0,02% NH4OH lime
0,4% HCl 0,3% HCN
1% potassium acetate
5% H2SO4
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Nernst equation
why temperature matters

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pH Basics
Nernst equation

𝑅𝑇 Temperature dependence:
E = Eo + 2.3 log aH+
𝐹 0°C (32°F) = 54,20 mV
𝑅𝑇 25°C (77°F) = 59,16 mV
where 2.3 =
𝐹 50°C (122°F) = 64,12 mV
0.1985 * TKelvin = 90°C (194°F) = 72,06 mV

Slope for 1 pH-value @ 25°C (77°F) = 59,16 mV

Walther Nernst
(25 June 1864 – 18 November 1941)
was a German physicist, which won
the 1920 Nobel Prize in chemistry.

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pH Basics
How big is the possible error without temperature compensation?

Temperature error table for pH signal

°C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5 0,30 0,24 0,18 0,12 0,06 0 0,06 0,12 0,18 0,24 0,30
15 0,15 0,12 0,09 0,06 0,03 0 0,03 0,06 0,09 0,12 0,15
25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
35 0,15 0,12 0,09 0,06 0,03 0 0,03 0,06 0,09 0,12 0,15
45 0,30 0,24 0,18 0,12 0,06 0 0,06 0,12 0,18 0,24 0,30
55 0,45 0,36 0,27 0,18 0,09 0 0,09 0,18 0,27 0,36 0,45
65 0,60 0,48 0,36 0,24 0,12 0 0,12 0,24 0,35 0,48 0,60
75 0,75 0,60 0,45 0,30 0,15 0 0,15 0,30 0,45 0,60 0,75
85 0,90 0,72 0,54 0,36 0,18 0 0,18 0,36 0,54 0,72 0,90

No temperature error
Temperature error < 0.1 pH units
Temperature error > 0.1 but < 0.3 pH units
Temperature error = or > 0.3 pH units
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pH Technology
Combined pH Electrode

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pH Technology
pH electrode principle

> 1012 Ohm

High impedance volt meter U (mV) = UMeas. - URef.
Measuring Reference
~ 20 MOhm

H+ Na+ H+ O2

NO3- Cl-
OH- OH- Ca++

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pH Technology
pH electrode principle High impedance volt meter
Measuring Reference
pH sensitive Glass
(Glass Membrane)
0.0001 mm


Internal Inner Junction

H+ OH-
H+ Charge OH-
H+ OH-
H+ OH-
Outer Junction
Acidic Alkaline
The surface layer of the glass membrane is the The reference system is the “span of life”
“key performer” in each pH measurement! in each pH measurement.
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pH Technology
pH electrode

pH electrodes can technically distinguish:

• Membrane glass type

• Membrane form

• Reference system

• Reference Junction
• Diameter

• Connector

• Integrated temperature sensor

• Solution Ground
• Smart Technology
• …
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pH Technology
Death of an electrode

1. Damage wiring
80% of all electrode issues
2. Destroy glass membrane are failure of the
• Breakage of glass reference system
• Chemical attack (e.g. Hydrofluoric acid)
• Physical attack (Glass abrasion e.g. sand with high flow speed)
3. Destroy reference
• Reference poisoning (mostly anions like: bromide-, iodide- and sulphite-)
• Reducing agents (mostly bisulfide- and ammonia)
• Clogged reference junction
4. Extreme conditions (high temperature in combination with high pH values)

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pH Technology
Foxboro Dolphin

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pH Technology
Manufacturing Components

pH10 pH12
Glass membrane shapes: PG13,5 Process VarioPin Connector
VarioPin Connector or fixed cable
wear proof
0 - 14 pH
Nafion Reference

Flat RTD and

Abrasive media ¾” NPT Process Solution Ground 12 mm PEEK-Body
Up to pH 12 Connection

Protective Guard Nafion Reference

Optional (only for HF applications): Glass membrane
DolpHin antimony pH electrode
Glass membrane Reference Junction
Reference Junction

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pH Technology
Death of an electrode

1. Damage wiring Flat membrane Protective Guard

2. Destroy glass membrane

• Breakage of glass Reduced with our Protective Guard
• Solved
Chemical attack (e.g. with DolpHin
Hydrofluoric acid) antimony pH electrode
• Reduced
Physical attack (Glass with DolpHin
abrasion e.g. sandflat membrane
with high flowglass
3. Destroy reference
• Reference poisoning (mostly anions like: bromide-, iodide- and sulphite-)
• Reducing agents (mostly bisulfide- and ammonia)
• Clogged reference junction
4. Extreme conditions (high temperature in combination with high pH values)

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pH Technology
Reference & Foxboro NAFION

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pH Technology
Junction, Poisoning and inner reference?

A reference system (therefore the whole measurement) fails, as soon as:

the inner reference is destroyed or

Junction Inner Reference

the inner reference is block towards the process.

A reference junction could be blocked from the outside by particle from the media
or from the inside by chemical reactions and coagulation between media and inner reference.
In both cases, as soon as the inner reference is blocked from the reference, the measurement fails.

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pH Technology
Poisoning and junctions

A reference system could be poisoned by different ions, e.g.: bromide, iodide and sulphite,
mainly known as electrode poisons.

Junction Electrolyte Inner Reference

As soon as the poisons reach the inner reference, they start to destroy the inner reference.

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pH Technology
Poisoning and junctions

There are different solutions to increase the lifetime of a reference system (thus the whole electrode).
Adding junctions (typically one or two additional), to make it more difficult for the ions to pass.

Junction Electrolyte Inner Junction Inner Reference

But again, as soon as the poisons reach the inner reference, they start to destroy the inner reference.

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pH Technology
Poisoning and junctions

A different solutions to increase the lifetime of a reference system by increasing

the length of the ion path (in combination with additional junctions).

Inner Junction
Junction Electrolyte Inner Junction Inner Reference

But again, as soon as the poisons reach the inner reference, they start to destroy the inner reference.

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pH Technology
Poisoning and junctions

There are different solutions to increase the lifetime of a reference system (thus the whole electrode).
Adding junctions, to make it more difficult for the ions to pass or Increasing the viscosity of the electrolyte
to slow down the ions or increasing the length of the ion path.

Junction Electrolyte Inner Junction Inner Reference

But again, as soon as the poisons reach the inner reference, they start to destroy the inner reference.

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pH Technology
What is Nafion?
Unique Selling Point
Nafion is a sulfonated PTFE (Teflon) discovered in the late 1960s by DuPont. It’s the
first of a class of synthetic polymers with ionic properties, which are called ionomers.
Nafion allow movement of cations+ but the membrane stops all kind of anions-.
Most electrode “poisons” are anions like bromide-, iodide- and sulphide- ions
or reducing agents like bisulfide-.
These are the most dangerous ions for the span of life of your electrode.

This is a unique material to protect our pH reference system from mostly

electrode poisons or other substances which reduce the electrode life span dramatically.
You want to know more: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nafion
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pH Technology
Nafion Reference
Unique Selling Point

Tell your customer:

If the electrode fails because of the reference system,
we have the solution!
Customer say:
• “DolpHin lasted 3 times longer than other sensors we tried in a very tough chlorine dioxide application.”
Boise Cascade
• “We were replacing Honeywell sensors every 2 weeks, DolpHin lasted 6 months.”
Texas Eastman
• “My DolpHin failed in 3 weeks. But that’s 3 times longer than the ABB sensor we use.”
El Dorado Chemical
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pH Technology
Death of an electrode

1. Damage wiring
2. Destroy glass membrane
• Breakage of glass Reduced with our Protective Guard
• Solved
Chemical attack (e.g. with DolpHin
Hydrofluoric acid) antimony pH electrode Nafion Reference
• Reduced
Physical attack (Glass with DolpHin
abrasion e.g. sandflat membrane
with high flowglass
3. Destroy reference
• Reference poisoning (mostly anions like:
Solved bromide
with -, iodide- and sulphite-)
NAFION reference 12 mm Body

• Reducing agents (mostly bisulfide- andNAFION

Solved with ammonia)
• Clogged reference junction Reduced with NAFION reference
4. Extreme conditions (high temperature in combination with high pH)

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pH Technology
Degradation because of extreme conditions

Slope degradation Measurement system degradation

% Slope degradation over time pH response time after exposure to high
120 temperature cycles
100 300
DolpHin C
80 250
60 200 TBI
DolpHin C

40 RM 150
0 6 12 16 22 25 0
# of days @ 100 C 0 6 12 16 22 25
# of days @ 100 C

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pH Technology
Death of an electrode

1. Damage wiring
2. Destroy glass membrane
• Breakage of glass Reduced with our Protective Guard
• Solved
Chemical attack (e.g. with DolpHin
Hydrofluoric acid) antimony pH electrode
• Reduced
Physical attack (Glass with DolpHin
abrasion e.g. sandflat membrane
with high flowglass
3. Destroy reference
• Reference poisoning (mostly anions like:
Solved bromide
with -, iodide- and sulphite-)
NAFION reference
• Reducing agents (mostly bisulfide- andNAFION
Solved with ammonia)
• Clogged reference junction Reduced with NAFION reference
4. Extreme conditions (high temperature in with
Reduced combination with high pH values)
DolpHin technology

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Loop selection guide
Sensor, cable, transmitter & accessories

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Loop selection guide
DolpHin pH10 Sensor choice

• Domed and flat glass pH electrodes

• With or without integral protective guard
• Always integrated temperature sensor
Flat Dom Dom
• Always integrated conductive PVDF (Kynar) solution ground
• Ceramic reference junction with NAFION reference
• Fixed cable or VarioPin connector
Solution ground
• PVDF body with no metallic wetted parts with RTD
• Domed: 121°C (250°F), 7 bar (100 psi), 0 to 14 pH
• Flat: 85°C (185°F), 7 bar (100 psi), 2 to 12 pH
• FM, CSA, ATEX, IECEx, NEPSI Certification
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Loop selection guide
DolpHin pH12 Sensor choice

• PEEK non glass body or standard glass body

• Domed (high & std. temperature) and flat glass pH electrodes
• pH or pH/ORP combination
• Standard length for pH12 sensor from 120 to 425 mm
• Always integrated temperature sensor
• Standard conductive PVDF (Kynar) solution ground
• Ceramic reference junction with NAFION reference
• VarioPin connector
• Domed glass: up to 140°C (284°F), 10 bar (145 psi), 0 to 14 pH
• Flat glass: -25° C to +125°C (257°F), 10 bar (145 psi), 0 to 12 pH
• FM, CSA, ATEX, IECEx, NEPSI, biocompatible Certification and 3-A compliant
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Loop selection guide
EP462A pH Sensor choice

• Pure Water, low conductivity applications with less than 20 µS/cm

• Recommended mounting
• Available as EP463E:
• 0051180 flow chamber
• EP463C twist-lock bushing
• Optional: EP464A locking cap
• Low and constant flow, about 100 mL/min
• Install downstream of conductivity cell

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Loop selection guide
VarioPin cable

• The VarioPin (VP) cable provides up to 8 poles

and allows simultaneous e.g.:
• pH (meas. / ref.)
• 2- or 3-wire integrated temperature sensor (RTD)
• Solution Ground (SG)
• Redox (ORP)
• Cable shield

• VP plug is completely watertight (IP68) in (un-) connected condition and

ensures a dustproof, watertight connection, even in harsh environments.
• High temperature resistance through the use of
PEEK material and is steam sterilisable and autoclavable.
• Used by Foxboro, Yokogawa, Mettler-Toledo, Hamilton, Krohne, Knick,
Broadley-James, Emerson, Rosemount, Honeywell, …
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Loop selection guide
Transmitter overview

875PH Line Powered Transmitters 876PH Loop Powered Transmitters

• 24 or 100 or 120 or 220 or 240V AC version • 13 to 42 V DC with 4-20 mA and HART
• Dual 4-20 mA outputs and dual alarm • 4-20 mA HART, HART AMS and DTM
• HART communications and DTM • Diagnostics for sensor and transmitter
• Diagnostics for sensor and transmitter • 100 event logbook
• 100 event logbook • Intrinsically safe
• Panel, surface or pipe mounting • Enclosure meets IP66 and NEMA 4X
• CSA, IECEx, FM, UL or ATEX • Conventional (-T) or SMART (-S) version
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• Panel, surface or pipe mounting
Loop selection guide
FIT12 static mounting

• Guarded and unguarded static mountings & Retractable

• NPT fittings, ¾” and 1”

• Sanitary DN25 and Tri-clamp style

• NPT pipe adaptors, ¾” and 1”

• ANSI flanges, ¾” to 4”

• 316ss, CPVC, Kynar, Titanium materials

• Viton, EPDM, Chemraz, Kalrez, FFPM O-rings

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Loop selection guide
Ball valve retractable assembly for pH10

• 1.25 inch, 316 ss ball valve retractable

• Purgeable chamber

• Redundant sensor seal

• Assembly for user-supplied ball valve

• Field adjustable insertion depth

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Conclusion analog sensors
Foxboro DolpHin conclusion

Benefits of DolpHin technology:

High Temperature
Reference Gel • Longer Lifetime in challenging applications,
because of our unique NAFION reference
• High temperature gel delivers long life in
Nafion Tube with high temperature and temperature cycling
Internal Reference applications.
• Fast response to pH changes with our glass
Glass pH electrode.
e.g. DolpHin pH10
RTD and
Solution Ground

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SMART Technology
Analog or non-SMART Electrodes

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Smart or digital pH Sensor
A smart or digital pH sensor,
is a pH sensor with digital signal handling
• Market has been trending from analog to digital sensors and the possibility to store digital information
• 15 years ago there were no digital sensors in the sensor.
• Now the market (depending on the industry) is ~40% digital

• Customers see the value in digital sensors and in some cases, demand this technology
• Digital sensors are not interchangeable, customer is limited to one supplier

• Competitors offer Smart pH products

• First was Endress+Hauser (E+H) with MemoSens
• Followed by Mettler-Toledo with ISM
• Yokogawa with SENSCOM
• Emerson’s PERpH-X is no real digital sensor, it combines analog & digital

• Digital sensors are the cornerstone of the movement toward “smart, connected products”
• But be aware there is no big difference if a digital or analog sensor fails in the customer application
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Analog pH-electrodes
Sensor maintenance

To Do List:
• Change old pH Electrode incl. wiring
• Prepare new pH electrode
• Perform a calibration
• Documentation

No difference in work between

analog and digital sensors.
Here the analog example …

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Analog pH-electrodes
Prepare new pH electrode

• Remove Sensor protection cap

• Clean sensor with water to remove KCl crystals/layer
• Check glass membrane for air bubbles
• Check glass membrane for breakage of glass (hair crack)
• Check reference junction for fouling (biofilm)
• Check cable for dry connection
• In case of sensor slow response from long stock period, please use a reconditioning solution
• If you need to store the electrode, always keep the membrane glass wet
(store in KCl (internal electrolyte) e.g. within protection cap)
• NEVER store a pH-electrode in pure water !!!
• Check Buffer solutions for calibration
• Check tools for wiring, cable, transmitter
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Analog pH-electrodes
Perform a calibration

1. Step: Determine Zero Point 2. Step: Determine the Slope

For a zero point calibration you need For a slope calibration you need a
a pH 7.00 buffer solution. buffer solution (other than pH 7, to
cover your expected pH value,
for example pH 4.00)
[mV] [mV]
200 200

pH pH
7 7 4
-200 -200 Calibration “curve”

pH Buffer 7.00 pH Buffer 4.00

3. Step: Repeat step 2 with different buffer if required
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Analog pH-electrodes
Is there no better way?

Maintenance time &

interval depend on the
application and
what needs to be done:
• Remove sensor
• Cleaning
• Visual inspection
• Calibration
• 2 point
• 3 or more points
• Reinstallation

In total (for a proper work) Largest source of error in pH measurements comes from an imperfect field calibration
30-60 min per • Lack of knowledge, good working conditions, working space, …
measurement point. • Not allowing readings to stabilize
• Performing single point verification, when a two point calibration is called for
• Calibrating with a sensor which is approaching end of life
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• …
SMART Technology
Using DolpHin Smart Interface

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SMART Technology
Foxboro Smart pH

• USB patch cord connects sensor to PC

• Sensor can be calibrated and Indicator light
its history log read and saved to a file
• Simplifies sensor calibration and
diagnostic checking

DolpHin pH10 or pH12 with new sensor connector

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SMART Technology
Sensor overview

• Sensor Information (e.g.)

• Measurement type
• Temperature type
• Sensor electrode type
• Manufacture date
• Sensor in Service
• Temperature resistance

• Process Variables
• pH
• Absolute voltage
• Temperature
• Glass impedance
• Reference impedance

• Calibration
• Log’s & Reference

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SMART Technology
Sensor Calibration Overview


• Serialnumber, Type of Sensor, Model Code

• Date, Calibration done by …
• Buffer
• Slope, Zeropoint, Response time
• Status of the sensor
• Sensor time in service

A sensor that is trending toward end of life can be decommissioned

in the instrument shop before reinstalling it in the process
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SMART Technology
Foxboro Smart pH Family

New Smart pH Sensor

• Based on field proven pH10 and pH12 DolpHin design

• Sensor has electronics which converts signals to digital and provides memory

• Signal transfer is fully digital and very robust

New pH Transmitter 876PH-S
• Based on field proven 876PH design
• 876PH-S Smart Transmitter user interface
update and DTM with 8 additional languages.
• Analyzing sensor history log data and
predicting future performance, the
876PH-S service prediction feature
• Coming soon: 876PH-S Display Upgrade
with LED backlighting
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SMART Technology
Adding SMART

• Digital signal from sensor less prone to interferences than analog signal
– Longer cable or less problem with signal handling because no high impedance signal

• Sensor can be connected directly to a PC

– Cleaning & maintenance or off-site calibrations in a safe area (dual use principle)

– Smart Sensor stores its calibration parameters in an on-board memory chip

– Smart Sensor’s calibration gets uploaded to the field transmitter upon connection

• A sensor that is trending toward end of life can be decommissioned in the instrument shop before
reinstalling it in the process

– Less sensor failure while process is running, so less downtime

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SMART Technology
Adding SMART

• A sensor that is healthy does not have to be serviced unnecessarily

– Saving time and money by servicing when needed and not over-servicing

• Less time is spent in the process areas

– No liquid handling in difficult areas, so a safer solution

• Enhanced Smart diagnostics reduce the amount of time required to assess sensor health

– Easy to use and to interpret the (raw-) values like glass- or junction-impedance
and compare them to the sensor history.

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SMART Loop selection guide
Sensor, cable, transmitter & accessories

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SMART Loop selection guide
DolpHin SMART pH10 Sensor choice

• Domed and flat glass pH electrodes

• With or without integral protective guard
• Always integrated temperature sensor
• Always integrated conductive PVDF (Kynar) solution ground
• Ceramic reference junction with NAFION reference
• PVDF body with no metallic wetted parts
Solution ground
• Domed glass: 121°C, 7 bar, 0 to 14 pH with RTD
• Flat glass: 85°C, 7 bar, 2 to 12 pH
• FM, CSA, ATEX, IECEx, NEPSI Certification
• New SMART sensor connector and new patch cord
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SMART Loop selection guide
DolpHin pH12 Smart Sensor choice

• PEEK non glass body or standard glass body

• Domed (high & std. temperature) and flat glass pH electrodes
• pH or pH/ORP combination
• Standard length for pH12 sensor from 120 to 425 mm
• Always integrated temperature sensor
• Standard conductive PVDF (Kynar) solution ground
• Ceramic reference junction with NAFION reference
• VarioPin connector
• Domed glass: up to 140°C (284°F), 10 bar (145 psi), 0 to 14 pH
• Flat glass: -25° C to +125°C (257°F), 10 bar (145 psi), 0 to 12 pH
• FM, CSA, ATEX, IECEx, NEPSI, biocompatible Certification and 3-A compliant
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SMART Loop selection guide
Transmitter overview

876PH-S Loop Powered SMART Transmitters

• 13 to 42 V DC with 4-20 mA and HART
• 4-20 mA HART, HART AMS and DTM
• Diagnostics for sensor and transmitter
• 100 event logbook
• Intrinsically safe
Foxboro Smart Interface for SMART DolpHin
• Enclosure meets IP66 and NEMA 4X
• SMART (-S) version
• Panel, surface or pipe mounting
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pH Technology
Death of an electrode

1. Damage wiring Reduced with DolpHin SMART technology

2. Destroy glass membrane

• Breakage of glass Reduced with protected membrane glass
• Solved
Chemical attack (e.g. with DolpHin
Hydrofluoric acid) antimony pH electrode
• Reduced
Physical attack (Glass with DolpHin
abrasion e.g. sandflat membrane
with high flowglass
3. Destroy reference
• Reference poisoning (mostly anions like:
Solved bromide
with -, iodide- and sulphite-)
NAFION reference
• Reducing agents (mostly bisulfide- andNAFION
Solved with ammonia)
• Clogged reference junction Reduced with NAFION reference
4. Extreme conditions (high Reduced
temperature in combination
with DolpHin with high
glass & NAFION pH values)

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SMART Conclusion
Foxboro SMART DolpHin conclusion

Benefits of DolpHin SMART technology:

• Longer Lifetime in challenging applications, because of our

High Temperature
Reference Gel unique NAFION reference system

• High temperature gel delivers long life in high temperature

Nafion Tube with and temperature cycling applications

Internal Reference
• No liquid handling in difficult areas, so a safer solution

• Precalibration in the instrumentshop with perfect

working conditions, equipment, … for better calibrations

• Software assist worker with SMART Diagnostics and

knowledge base … focused knowledge.

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Please remember:
There are many competitors within wet analytical … ,
but we are the only who can provide the innovative pH reference system.
NAFION can extend your electrode life dramatically.

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pH Q&A

What will be the measurement accuracy

or on what does the accuracy of pH measurement depend?
• Calibration (handling, stirring) ± 0,01 - 0,5 pH Realistic high accuracy
• Temperature compensation ± 0,01 - 1 pH
• Laboratory ± 0.02 pH
• pH Range (depend on glass, e.g. acid/alkali error) ± 0,01 - 0,4 pH • Process ± 0.1 pH
• Electrode (hours of use and slope/reference) ± 0,01 - 1 pH
• Buffer solution accuracy ± 0,005 - 0,05 pH Depends mainly on sensor,
training and application
• Media / Solutions (e.g. low conductivity <100µS/cm) ± 0,01 - 0,8 pH
• Assembly (proper position for measurement) ± 0,01 - 0,5 pH
• Cleaning ± 0,01 - 0,2 pH
So what do YOU answer?

Confidential Property of Schneider Electric │ Field Devices │Training Page 63

pH Q&A
Lifetime of a pH-Electrode

Electrode aging is considerable accelerated by: Indirect ageing:

• Incorrect handling of the pH sensor when not in use. • Earth leakage
• Measuring strong alkaline solutions attack the pH sensitive glass membrane. • Oxidation or reduction
• Using in high-temperature environments (> 60°C or 140°F). • Ingress of process medium
• Electrode poisoning from bromide, iodide, sulphide ions, bisulfide or ammonia • Coated glass membrane
• …
• Application at room temperature 1 - 3 years Rule of thumb:
• Application at 60-80°C (140-176°F): several months A temperature increase of
• Application at 80-100°C (176-212°F): several weeks 10°C (20°F) halved the life
of the pH electrode.
• High temperature (>80°C) and high pH value
(>pH 10) will extremely reduce the lifetime several days
• Measuring HF solutions (with wrong electrode) several hours
So what do YOU answer?
Confidential Property of Schneider Electric │ Field Devices │Training Page 64
Foxboro DolpHin
Success calculator

2018 (just as an example):

• You visit 40 customer (in harsh applications) and talk about DolpHin technology for pH and NAFION

• 50% may be interested in a test: 20 customer request a trial sensor (for free)

• 50% have issues within their application and here NAFION is a solution: 10 customers

• These 10 customer use the electrode at ~10 measurement points with an average lifetime of 1 month

2019 (just selling spare electrodes):

• EUR: 10 customers * 10 measurement points * 12 sensors/yr. * 270 € (LP) = up to 324.000 €

(~288x IDP10S)

• US: 10 customers * 10 measurement points * 12 sensors/yr. * 500 $ (LP) = up to 600.000 $

(~470x IDP10S)

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Who do you call?
Foxboro Assistance Center

Center of Excellence
Where to go for help?

Schneider Electric
Field Devices
Technical Assistance Center (TAC)
at Foxboro, MA, USA

By phone: +1 508-549-2424 (UTC -5h) Foxboro TAC

By fax: +1 508-549-4999

By email: fielddevices-support@schneider-electric.com

MENA support center

EMEA support center

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Thank you

For questions or recommendations

please contact


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