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I/ Indicate whether each of the following sentences is simple, compound,

complex or compound-complex.

1/ Before elections, it is every politician’s opinion that taxes must be cut.

2/ Thinking is an activity that requires practice.

3/ An addict needs more and more heroin, and he needs it all the time.

4/ Even though I enjoy pastoral beauty, bugs scare me and flowers make me

5/ What would you do if you found yourself in a bathing suit in a snow storm?

6/ The teacher told the class he was retiring last year, and there was a burst of

7/ Anyone who likes rock music wants to hear it all day long.

8/ Teachers frown on the idea of cramming the night before an exam, but it’s
better than flunking.

9/ He tries to be a sophisticated man of the world, but he does not succeed.

10/ Although Elvis Presley’s heyday seemed to be over, his popularity underwent
a revival.

11/Without entering a tiger’s den, how can you catch its young?

12/ He was lovelorn, so he set himself on fire.

13/ He went out, but his wife stayed home because she came down with the flu.

14/ People say that beauty is only skin deep.

15/ I do not know, nor do I care.

II/Noun Clause Exercise:

A/ Find out the noun clauses in the following sentences and state what purpose
they serve.

1. The king ordered that the traitor should be put to death.

2. He said that he would not go.

3. That he is not interested in the offer is known to us.

4. He said that he was not feeling well.

5. I cannot rely on what he says.

6. I don’t know where he has gone.

7. He asked whether/ if the servant had polished his shoes.

8. The news that he is alive has been confirmed.

9. The belief that the soul is immortal is almost universal.

10. It is certain that we will have to admit defeat.

11. It was fortunate that he was present.

12. The report that only ten persons were killed in the riots is not true.

13/ My wildest dream is that I can marry into rich.

14/ My wonder is why he has been demoted.

B/ Change the questions to a noun clause.

1. What time is it?

I would like to know


2. Why don’t they like going dancing?

__________________________________________________ is a mystery.

3. Who left the door of the car open?

He doesn’t see

4. Who is the lady in the black dress?

I want to know

5. Whose car is this?

Does he know

6. What time did the flight arrive?

She would like to know _______________________________________________.

7. How much did the T-shirt cost?

Tom didn’t ask _________________________.

8. Which one is the capital of India?

_______________________________ was the question that the teacher made.

9. When is Mother’s day?

Melissa doesn’t remember ____________________________________________.

10. Why couldn’t she take the bus on time?

Her mother can understand ___________________________________________.

III/ Adjective clauses Exercise :

A/ Combine each of the following pairs of simple sentences into one complex
sentence containing an adjective clause.

1. The theft was committed last night. The police has caught the man.

2. The French language is different from the Latin language. Latin was once
spoken throughout Europe.

3. You are looking upset. Can you tell me the reason?

4. He had several plans for making money quickly. All of them have failed.

5. The landlord was proud of his strength. He despised the weakness of his

6. This is the village. I was born here.

7. You put the keys somewhere. Show me the place.

8. Paul was an old gentleman. He was my travelling companion.

9. A fox once met a crane. The fox had never seen a crane before.

10. The shop keeper keeps his money in a wooden case. This is the wooden case.


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