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“Learning languages: Why bilingual kids are smarter” Summary

There was a belief that bilingual children had academic problems. However recent studies show that a
bilingual brain gives more skills in many areas. Despite this, parents of bilingual children, who are
immigrants, do not know how to approach their children’s bilingualism; they wonder whether it is okay to
mix languages and worry about their children’s proficiency. Irish speakers have a similar situation: they are
both trying to preserve their language, also because there are not languages initiatives for primary schools.
Therefore, Dr La Morgia launched a programme where children are encouraged to use their language. For
some parents transmit their language is essential because they do not know English and their children can
translate for them; an example is Diana Megherea, who speaks Romanian to her sons whom, however,
answer in English. Fortunately since she allowed her kids to respond in whatever way they prefer things
have changed.

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