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SH-018-01—Slip penyetoran dan slip

You have a savings account at the Bank Rakyat Indonesia (abbreviated BRI) and you
need to make some deposits and withdrawals. The deposit slips (slip penyetoran) and
the withdrawal slips (slip penarikan) require you to state the amounts involved in
words and figures. On each slip you should write the amount involved in words on the
line marked terbilang (which means something like “counted out in full in words”),
and you should write the same amount in figures in the space provided. This space is
indicated with Rp. (rupiah) or jumlah Rp. (total in rupiah). Look for the word nama to
see where you should write your name. Don’t forget to put the date (tanggal) in a short
form at the top and add your signature (tanda tangan) at the bottom. Deposit and
withdraw four different amounts of money in rupiah.


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