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1. Hurry up or the train________ before you catch it.

a. will leave b. leaves c. will have left d. has left
2. Now my sister________ a bicycle of her own.
a. is having b. are having c. has d. had
3. A football team________ chiefly of 12 players.
a. composed b. composes c. comprised d. comprises
4. This is the first time I ________ here.
a. am b. have been c. was d. be
5. Last week, my professor promised that he________ today.
a. would come b. will come c. comes d. coming
6. My girlfriend arrived after I ________ for her about half an hour.
a. was waiting b. had been waiting c. has been waiting d. have waited
7. Did she say she________ him tomorrow?
a. has visited b. will visit c. would visit d. is going to visit
8. ________ to rain before you woke up this morning?
a. Did it begin b. has it begun c. Had it begun d. Would it begin
9. My daughter saw an elephant this morning but she________ one before.
a. had never seen b. has never seen c. never seen d. never had seen
10. The weather____ fine so far this week.
a. is b. has been c. was d. had been
11. By the time I came here, all the better jobs _______ taken.
a. have been b. were c. are d. had been
12. Films of violence ________ on television until after 9.30 at night, the time when the majority of
children ______ to bed.
a. cannot be shown – went b. aren’t being shown – had gone
c. shouldn’t be shown – go d. needn’t be shown – have gone
13. One thing seems rather certain. The advertising campaign _______ in a proper way.
a. hasn’t run b. wasn’t run c. hadn’t run d. wouldn’t run
14. The people ____ for the bus in the rain are getting well.
a. waiting b. to wait c. waited d. wait
15. He is the boy _______ is my best friend.
a. that b. whom c. who d. A & C are correct
16. I live in a pleasant room ____________ the garden.
a. to overlook b. overlooking c. overlooked d. which overlooking
17. Melanie was the only person _____ a letter of thanks.
a. wrote b. written c. to write d. writing
18. I met a lot of new people at the party ________ names I can’t remember.
a. whose b. which c. who d. whom
19. I’ll see you near the post office ___________ we met the other day.
a. which b. where c. when d. why
20. My older brother, ________was twenty-two last month, has gone to work in India.
a. who b. that c. whom d. A & B are correct

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