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Vocabulary journal

• How I fell in love with Alexander Whelan

Forbearance : Patient self-control; restraint and tolerance
Grin : smile broadly
Wheeze : breathe with a whistling or rattling sound in the chest, as a result of obstruction in the air passages
Linger : stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave
Unapologetically: in a manner that does not acknowledge or express regret
Rootless : having no settled home or social or family ties
Gig : 1.a live performance by a musician or group playing popular or jazz music
2. a job, especially one that is temporary or freelance and performed on an informal or on-demand basis.
Philanderer: a man who readily or frequently enters into casual sexual relationships with women; a
Bellow : (of a person or animal) emit a deep loud roar, typically in pain or anger.
Delightful : causing delight; charming.
Subtly: 1. in a manner that is so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyse or describe. 2. in a clever and
indirect way, in order to achieve something.

• Howl : make a howling sound.
• Swiftly : something that you do suddenly, without giving any warning that you are going to do it.
• Eyeball: look or stare at closely.
• Cutlery : knives, forks, and spoons used for eating or serving food.
• Warden: a person responsible for the supervision of a particular place or activity or for enforcing the
regulations associated with it.
• Intimidating: having a frightening, overawing, or threatening effect.
• Pebble : a small stone made smooth and round by the action of water or sand.
• Endearment : a word or phrase expressing love or affection. Love or affection.
• Skimpy : (of clothes) short and revealing.
• Bulging : swelling outwards; protruding. Full or distended.
• Sway : move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backwards and forwards or from side to side. Control or
influence (a person or course of action).
• Extent : the area covered by something. the particular degree to which something is or is believed to be the
• Mope : feel dejected and apathetic.
• Frame : a rigid structure that surrounds something such as a picture, door, or windowpane. a person's body
with reference to its size or build.
• Furrow : make a rut, groove, or trail in (the ground or the surface of something). (with reference to the
forehead or face) mark or be marked with lines or wrinkles caused by.
• Blithely: happily and without feeling or showing any worry, especially when there is a reason to be worried.
• Inept : having or showing no skill; clumsy.
• Adamant : refusing to be persuaded or to change one's mind.
• Sprout : (of a plant) put out shoots.
• Archness : a quality of being cheeky or playful in a way that's almost rude.
• Slapdash : done too hurriedly and carelessly.
• Galvanise : shock or excite (someone) into taking action.
• Malapropism : the mistaken use of a word in place of a similar-sounding one, often with an amusing effect
(e.g. ‘dance a flamingo ’ instead of flamenco ).
• Stance : the way in which someone stands, especially when deliberately adopted (as in cricket, golf, and other
sports); a person's posture.
• Vet : make a careful and critical examination of (something).
• Minced : (of food, especially meat) cut up or ground into very small pieces.
• Lilt : speak, sing, or sound with a lilt.
• Morsel: a small piece or amount of food; a mouthful. a small piece or amount.
• Girth : The girth of an object is its width or thickness, considered as the measurement around its
• Wilfully: with the intention of causing harm; deliberately. with a stubborn and determined intention to do as
one wants, regardless of the consequences.
• Forlorn: pitifully sad and abandoned or lonely. (of an aim or endeavour) unlikely to succeed or be fulfilled.
• Behalf : in the interests of (a person, group, or principle). as a representative of.
• Unbeknown : without the knowledge of (someone).

• Huff: blow out air loudly on account of exertion.
• Scrape : drag or pull a hard or sharp implement across (a surface or object) so as to remove dirt or other
matter. rub or cause to rub by accident against a rough or hard surface, causing damage or injury.
• Burrow : (of an animal) make a hole or tunnel, typically for use as a dwelling.
• Clank : make or cause to make a clank. a loud, sharp sound or series of sounds, as made by pieces of metal
being struck together.
• Shrug : raise (one's shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference.
• Limb : an arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal, or a bird's wing. a large branch of a tree.
• Gown : a long elegant dress worn on formal occasions.
• Wail : utter a wail. a prolonged high-pitched cry of pain, grief, or anger.
• Nuzzle : rub or push against gently with the nose and mouth. snuggle up to.
• Squeaky: having or making a high-pitched sound or cry.
• Pishmire : a particularly spiteful or unruly person.
• Creep: move slowly and carefully in order to avoid being heard or noticed.
• Goodie : a good or favoured person, especially a hero in a book, film, etc. something attractive or desirable,

The Lexicon of Babies

• Outrage : arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation in (someone). flagrantly violate or infringe (a principle,
law, etc.).
• Splutter : make a series of short explosive spitting or choking sounds.
• Bliss: perfect happiness; great joy.
• Progeny : a descendant or the descendants of a person, animal, or plant; offspring.
• Obstreperous : noisy and difficult to control.
• Cluster : a group of similar things or people positioned or occurring closely together.
• Brag : say something in a boastful manner.
• Sage : an aromatic plant whose greyish-green leaves are used as a culinary herb, native to southern Europe
and the Mediterranean. either of two bushy North American plants with silvery-grey leaves.
• Couple : linked or connected in a pair or pairs.
• Offspring: a person's child or children.
• Lordly : of, characteristic of, or suitable for a lord.
• Buggy : a light folding chair on wheels, in which a baby or young child can be pushed along.
• Bulb : a rounded underground storage organ present in some plants, notably those of the lily family,
consisting of a short stem surrounded by fleshy scale leaves or leaf bases, lying dormant over winter. ( in the
story “bulbs of tiny teeth”)
• Roundabout : a large revolving device in a playground, for children to ride on. a road junction at which traffic
moves in one direction round a central island to reach one of the roads converging on it.
• Pram: a four-wheeled carriage for a baby, pushed by a person on foot.
• Scheme : arrange according to a colour scheme. a plan or program of action.
• Bastion : a projecting part of a fortification built at an angle to the line of a wall, so as to allow defensive fire in
several directions.
• Hiccup : have an attack of hiccups or a single hiccup.
• Hunch : raise (one's shoulders) and bend the top of one's body forward. sit or stand with one's shoulders
raised and the top of one's body bent forward.
• Prone : likely or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something unpleasant or regrettable.
• Pounding : repeated and heavy striking or hitting of someone or something. rhythmical beating or throbbing.
• Fiddle : touch or fidget with something in a restless or nervous way.
• Taunt : provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks. reproach (someone) with something in a
contemptuous way.
• Broadband: Broadband is the transmission of wide bandwidth data over a high-speed internet connection.
• Linger : stay in a place longer than necessary because of a reluctance to leave.
• Leap : jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. move quickly and suddenly.
• Stencilled : produced or decorated with a stencil. A stencil is a thin sheet of card, plastic, or metal with a
pattern or letters cut out of it, used to produce the cut design on the surface below by the application of ink
or paint through the holes.
• Vigorously : in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy; strenuously.
• Acquiescence: the reluctant acceptance of something without protest.
• Unclasp: unfasten (something fastened with a clasp or similar device). release the grip of.

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• Drag : pull (someone or something) along forcefully, roughly, or with difficulty. (of time) pass slowly and
• Connoisseur: expert. especially : one who understands the details, technique, or principles of an art and is
competent to act as a critical judge.
• Deftest : neatly skilful and quick in one's movements. demonstrating skill and cleverness.
• Delectation : pleasure and delight.
• Moth : an insect with two pairs of broad wings covered in microscopic scales.
• Reminisce : indulge in enjoyable recollection of past events.
• Relish : great enjoyment.
• Stepladder: a short folding ladder with flat steps and a small platform.
• Grin : a broad smile. smile broadly.
• Stride out : to walk somewhere quickly with long steps.
• Blend : a mixture of different substances or other things.
• Awe : a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder.
• Tang : a strong taste, flavour, or smell.
• Woe : great sorrow or distress (often used hyperbolically). things that cause sorrow or distress; troubles.
• Fathoms : a unit of length equal to 1.8 metres, chiefly used in reference to the depth of water.
• Hover : remain in one place in the air.
• Corps : a main subdivision of an army in the field, consisting of two or more divisions. a body of people
engaged in a particular activity.
• Morbidity : in a way that is unusual and is regarded as disturbing or unhealthy.
• Fuzzy: difficult to perceive; indistinct or vague.
• Blurred : unable to see or be seen clearly.
• Subsequent: coming after something in time; following.

• Trace : find or discover by investigation. copy (a drawing, map, or design) by drawing over its lines on a
superimposed piece of transparent paper.
• Diligently : in a way that shows care and conscientiousness in one's work or duties.
• Snap up : quickly and eagerly buy or secure something that is in short supply or being sold cheaply.
• Wage : a fixed regular payment earned for work or services, typically paid on a daily or weekly basis.
• Squalor: the state of being extremely dirty and unpleasant, especially as a result of poverty or neglect.
• Flooring : the boards or other material of which a floor is made.
• Sharp : (of an object) having an edge or point that is able to cut or pierce something. producing a sudden,
piercing physical sensation or effect.
• Slump : sit, lean, or fall heavily and limply. undergo a sudden severe or prolonged fall in price, value, or
• Placemat : a small mat underneath a person's dining plate, used to protect the table from the heat of the
plate and food.
• Clatter : a continuous rattling sound as of hard objects falling or striking each other.
• Jolt : push or shake (someone or something) abruptly and roughly.
• Blatant : (of bad behaviour) done openly and unashamedly. completely lacking in subtlety; very obvious.
• Parade : a public procession, especially one celebrating a special day or event.
• Crawl : move forward on the hands and knees or by dragging the body close to the ground. behave
obsequiously or ingratiatingly in the hope of gaining someone's favour.
• Smirk : smile in an irritatingly smug, conceited, or silly way.
• Utterly : completely and without qualification; absolutely.
• Filthy : disgustingly dirty. concerned with sex in an obscene or very graphic way.
• Frown: furrow one's brows in an expression indicating disapproval, displeasure, or concentration.
• Nefarious : (typically of an action or activity) wicked or criminal.
• Wisp : a small thin or twisted bunch, piece, or amount of something.
• Perilously : in a way that is full of danger or risk.
• Unerring : always right or accurate.
• Eviscerate : deprive (something) of its essential content.
• Nostril : either of two external openings of the nasal cavity in vertebrates that admit air to the lungs and
smells to the olfactory nerves.
• Dishevelled : (of a person's hair, clothes, or appearance) untidy; disordered.
• Exertion : physical or mental effort. the application of a force, influence, or quality.
• Glee: great delight, especially from one's own good fortune or another's misfortune.
• Giddy : having a sensation of whirling and a tendency to fall or stagger; dizzy.
• Grimy : covered with or characterized by grime.
• Wobble : move or cause to move unsteadily from side to side.
• Nudg : prod (someone) gently with one's elbow in order to attract attention.

Mikey Mulholland
• Lough : Irish form of loch. ( a lake.)
• Bubbly : (of a person) full of cheerful high spirits.
• Almighty : having complete power; omnipotent.
• Dome : a rounded vault forming the roof of a building or structure, typically with a circular base.
• Tubby : short and rather fat.
• Kit out : to give (someone or something) the clothing or equipment needed for a particular activity.
• Bloke : British and Australian an informal word for man.
• Beam : a long, sturdy piece of squared timber or metal used to support the roof or floor of a building.
• Lease : a contract by which one party conveys land, property, services, etc. to another for a specified time,
usually in return for a periodic payment.
• Fissle : to rustle; make a crackling noise.
• Dutiful : conscientiously or obediently fulfilling one's duty. motivated by duty rather than desire or
• Impasse: a situation in which no progress is possible, especially because of disagreement; a deadlock.
• Slab: a large, thick, flat piece of stone or concrete, typically square or rectangular in shape. a large, thick slice
or piece of cake, bread, chocolate, etc.
• Conk out : to go to sleep very quickly, or to suddenly become unconscious.

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