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Name: Shande Palacios

 It has to have the vocabulary of each unit with a sentence for each
Unit 1
- Interaction: Continued fights with our company and employees may
affect interaction with our site or another.
- Flexible: The design of the new Samsung cell phone is flexible and
elegant; it has all the colors and you can carry it in your smallest purse.
- Disabled: A disabled person suffers from an illness or injury that may
restrict his or her way of life, especially making it difficult for him or her to
go places he or she wants to go.
- Savants: I have friends who are math savants and I think they will study
. - Estimate: It is estimated that 70% of the votes in the presidential
elections were in favor of Pedro Castillo and 30% in favor of Keiko
- Retain: Kim Kyu Wook has retained control of KQ Entertainment from
what it was before.
- Benefits: Being part of this campaign has brought benefits to all the
people who needed work.
- Predictable: The movie A Girl of the 20th Century had a very predictable
- Anxious: My aunt is very anxious when it comes to an important event
and it can affect her health.
- Image: You must take care of your image so that you can get a job in the
. - Sum: When I presented my ideas for the project, I said, "and that's the
sum of my knowledge on the subject" and they raised my salary.
Unit 2
- Abandonment: Marilyn Monroe was an American actress, singer and
model who was abandonment by her father before she was born.
- Meager: The secret is to have extra time in the preparation and
selection of ingredients makes a meager meal magnificent.
- Misery: Amber Heard was left in misery after losing to Johnny Depp in
- Yearned for: In every family, grandchildren are yearned for and loved by
- Tormented: Schizophrenic people are always on medication because
they are tormented by voices in their head.
- Dilapidated: The grandmother is surrounded by a dilapidated house
made of bricks and sticks
- Poverty: Burundi, the poverty country in the world. Try to stand out
from this economic crisis.
- Hopelessness: Many times, I have cried aloud at the hopelessness of life,
of my life.
- Shame: What a shame that the state does not contribute anything for
the growth of Perú.
- Sordid: He was young; but his sordid little secret was never revealed.
- Defeated: Marcos and Juan played volleyball but were defeated by the
opposing team.
Unit 3
- Interpreting: Sam was interpreting Amy Winehouse in the main hall of
the school.
- Impact: Michael Jackson makes an impact on new generations with his
music and dancing.
- Reliable: There is no reliable data on if dinosaurs were converted to
- Revolutionized: The original Apple iPhone revolutionized the
international commercial industry.
- Linked: The Church of San Francisco is linked by canals and carved
tunnels that lead to the catacombs of Lima.
- Environment: Green building products and designs not only help the
global environment, but also help you live in a cleaner environment.
- Potential: All people have the potential to achieve their dreams but do
not know how to apply it.
- Interaction: Post-pandemic deficits in social interaction skills are rare.
- Risk factor: Obesity is very important because it is a risk factor in
- Consensus: Speeches can be theoretical, practical, but they always end
with a consensus.
- Aspects: Once we have thought about the previous aspects, we can start
Step 1:
Answer 1: Henriett Seth-F
Answer 1: Henriett Seth-F was born on October 27, 1980 in the country of
Answer 2: Her special skills are in the areas of painting, poetry, writing,
math and music.
Answer 3: In 1995, he began to study at the art school of Geza Gardonyi
Cistercitan, where his skills developed further. She had an IQ of 140.
Answer 4: She suffers from a multitude of illnesses associated with her
condition, including heart disease and cancer. Her delicate health
condition has forced her to stop writing.
Answer 1: 50 cent
Answer 1: Born on July 6, 1975, and lives in South Jamaica (Queens), New
York, United States
Answer 2: Because he is an American singer, songwriter and actor
Answer 3: He achieved worldwide fame with the release of his albums Get
Rich or Die Tryin' (2003) and The Massacre (2005), both of them achieving
multi-platinum success.
Answer 4: He had absent parents, lived in dangerous neighborhoods and
came close to death because he was shot nine times, one of them in the
face, but at the age of 12 he started rapping, but his big artistic break
came in 2002, when Eminem recognized his talent.
Answer 5: That in the end, you can make it on your own, with your talent
or ability you can grow.

Genius Einstein

Albert Einstein was born into a Jewish family in 1879. He was the firstborn son of Hermann
Einstein and Pauline Koch. Einstein was a solitary child who devoted himself to studying and
reading with concentration and patience. He did not begin to speak until he was three years
old and that, together with his character, even made his parents wonder if that child suffered
from intellectual development. High school was more challenging for him, but at 17 years, he
finally entered the Zurich Polytechnic to study physics. He graduated in 1990 and obtained the
title of professor of Mathematics and Physics.


Albert Einstein is considered a genius who with their skills inspired many of today's physicists.
Since his youth, Einstein had the habit of spending a lot of time away from his friends, family
and work, to do nothing but think. He regularly went for long walks, wandered in the
mountains, played the violin or sailed the sea with his wooden boat to find serenity. It was
during these moments of solitude that Einstein discovered ingenious solutions to difficult
problems. He made use of what he defined as mental experiments. He spent much of his time
imagining various aspects of his theories; he used to visualize, for example, a man traveling
through space inside an elevator. Albert Einstein is the scientist best known worldwide for the
development of the Theory of Relativity that revolutionized known science until the 20th


Fighter and Inspiring Woman

My grandmother a person who in different situations learned and knew how to get out with
the help of those who love her. Lucina was always with her family and me, we went
everywhere, and she was very good at communicating with others in every place she went.
Luciana was born in 1958, when she was 7 years old her mother died and she stayed living
with her sisters and father, all day she was with her animals and she liked to learn more about
everything. When she grew up at the age of 16, she decided to travel to Lima and live with her
cousins, but the challenges were worse, she was discriminated against, but she always refuses
to be intimidated. One day she met my grandfather; they got married and had three
daughters. When the little ones grew up, they had no money, they worked with whatever they
could find, until one day there was a landslide and it took away their thing, but little by little
they got ahead, Luciana at the age of 30 years old suffers from bone pain, she decides to go
but they tell her that she must go for treatment but even so she continues to work with her
husband. My grandmother continues with her treatment and saw her granddaughter’s
becoming mothers and a granddaughter who still studying to become someone. Luciana at 61
years old passed away without complications. She is the inspiration to follow and not give up
despite the difficulties either alone or with someone to support you at all times.

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