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Assignment after 1st phase of Leadership training of the Principals/HMs:

Developing School Vision:

1.A meeting with all the stakeholders to develop a shared vision.

a. Documents need to submit–
i) Copy of Proceeding with attendance of all the participants
ii) Vision Statement

Developing Self:

2. Analysis self in context of school with the help of Johari Windows.

a. Documents need to submit –
i. Self-Perspective
ii. Other (minimum 5 teachers) prospective about you (should be authenticate
with signature).

Circle of Concern and Circle of Influence

3. List of circles of concerned and circle of influence.

a. Documents need to submit –
i. Drawing of circles marking with circles of concern and circle of influence
(Should be listed with the help of teachers. Need to attached the participants signature)

Professional Learning Community:

4. Constitute minimum three PLCs and against each PLC identify focussed areas with solution
and chart of action plan should be submitted with SMART goal (should be authenticate by
the signatures of the participants)

Professional Development of Teachers

5. PDT, list of Academic & Professional qualification of your school teachers including
yourself and year wise list of course /training attained for last five years till date. Please
mention the current status and future plan of action in this regard.

Prioritising Work:

6. List of issues of your school shortlisted them in time grid and the list of entrusted teachers
for each task.
7. Prepare a comprehensiv school development plan (SDP) by incorporating all the elements
discussed in the last 6 days training Programe held recently. The SDP must reflect the vision
of the concerned school, and should be based on existing situation of the school.
Concerned stakeholders must be involved while preparing SDP.

Copy of SDP to be submitted along with a copy of the proceeding and photographs.

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