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Content content overhaul :)

First of all, this is an overhaul, this means that it should OVERHAUL the previous
content, not add to it (an idea for 1.21 onward)

The changes could be something like this


PvP has been majorly left out of the game since 1.8.9, with few playing it with the
new system, this doesn’t looks to fix it, but rather pull the 1.8.9 players to
1.21, since it has… well… better things overall
⁃ add new and interesting mechanics to using potions, new ways to tip and
tap the players in annoying and fun little ways (this one is actually really well
thought out in the actual game), and a milk splash potion to mitigate those effects
to those prepared.
⁃ Add an option to use legacy PvP attack.
⁃ Have a way to make your attacks go faster, a good option would be the
untameable enchantment, it would have 5 levels and each level would grant 0.1 more
of speed and attack speed when using the weapon of choice (could be a replacement
for sharpness for those who want to be quick and agile instead of giving the player
more damage).
⁃ Unlock sword enchantments for axes.
⁃ Make more types of weapons in the vanilla style (a good example would
be the mod Alex’s armoury).
⁃ Make new enchantments for hoes and fishing rods to make them more
appealing for PvP (reaping effect (regens a tiny bit of your health while damaging
the opponent) and grappling (the same one from the enchancement mod)).
⁃ Make it possible to use the elytra and a chestplate at the same time by
combining the two plus a upgrade stone (just like a netherite upgrade template) on
a smithing table.
⁃ End game related stuff content: tipped arrows, elytra.


Redstone is actually well thought out and has good rules as of now, but it can
actually be better, with reasons to get mumbo jumbo, Ethoslab and the whole crew to
the end of the game and have things to do in there
⁃ new types of ways to generate energy, but from the endgame side of
things (for example, a dragon’s breath skulk signaler, it would be the opposite as
the skulk that we already have ingame, always giving a redstone signal equal to a
player’s footstep until it receives vibration nearby, making the signal stop for 3
seconds roughly; the ender generator: making easier to get around the world, it
would be crafted with droppers and ender eyes to make basically a tp port, it can
be painted to teleport to other ender generators with the same colour in the same
dimension. It needs redstone signals from three sides to make it work;)
⁃ Vertical redstone.
⁃ Placing down quartz (like a dripstone for example) will make the skulk
signal reflect to the side that the player was looking when placing down the block,
making it easier to work with it.
⁃ End game related stuff: dragon’s breath skulk signaler.


Building is actually one of the best things in the game right now, but it always
can be better.
⁃ basically add all of the chipped mod into the game.
⁃ Also vertical slabs.
⁃ Also vertically horizontal stairs (stairs with their bottom facing the
⁃ End related trees (biomes) (no, I won’t count the usless berry as a
⁃ Other blocks in the end that resemble the void (like the skulk,
something in that vibe but purple).
⁃ End game related stuff: blocks… duh?


… oh boy… this one NEEDS to change, you see, the game is getting bigger and better,
but it never makes you explore this bigger and better part of the world.
⁃ END REMASTERED MOD. Making the player go all around the world looking
for most of the amazing structures and fighting the game’s bosses so they can make
new eyes required to get to the end. The whither and deep dark eyes are obligatory
⁃ New enemy variety that comes up while you’re levelling (for example,
making upgrades to zombies and skeletons when players get diamonds and another ones
when they get netherite, or even spawning new enemies when this happens).
⁃ New bosses. New OBLIGATORY bosses, for example, bosses in the
⁃ Better structures with better everything. A good thing would be to look
at yung’s better everything, since these are amazing. Also, invocable bosses from
these like The whither
⁃ Making new biomes.
⁃ Making the structures slightly less rare.
⁃ Making the biomes slightly less rare.
⁃ Making some new items only available while exploring (for example: the
pharaoh’s book: it makes enchanting things like anvils for breaking items apart or
enchanting enchanting tables for better enchantments possible; the shaman’s handle:
allows you to make new weapons that have poison 1 integrated to it.)
⁃ Keep in mind that these are examples and they stray very much away from
⁃ End game stuff: biomes and structures that add more things (maybe a new
ore?) for the end, like better end!

Aesthetic gamers (breeders and farmers)

These are well thought out, just in need of more use.

⁃ Basically Alex’s mobs + farmer’s delight. Add new animals WITH USES,
not an animal that doesn’t drop anything and doesn’t have a use except being cute
(ahem pandas). Also new mounts.
⁃ More placable foods and food related effects like nourishment in
farmer’s delight for example.
⁃ Make the animals cute and make the RESPAWNABLE (at least the tamed
⁃ Coffee.
⁃ End related stuff: new fruits and animals and cute decorative things

Modding community

Oh boy…
⁃ Make an licensed free modloader.
⁃ Hire the forge and quilt and fabric developers to make it work with all
other mods with minimal need of change for the modders. Yes, I am proposing
fabric+quilt+forge integration.
⁃ Hire the guys from sodium, iris and optifine to help making the game
better performing and having vanilla shader integration. I MEAN WTF BEDROCK MC HAS
⁃ That’s it. It’s not really an easy task, but it should happen already
like wtf?

Cave dwellers:

This is good for now :)

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