Dopa - 2.0 - 37

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Tarun Sir

Time- 10 min
Animal Kingdom

NCERT based Fill in the blanks

1.Triploblastic kingdom which show radial symmetry is………………..
2. Triploblastic with Acoelomate condition is ………..
3.Sponges reproduce asexually by ……………
4. Gamete of sponges move out through …………
5. Cnidarians have a central with a single opening, mouth on hypostome.
6.Digestion in comb jellies is ……………
7. Roundworms have ……….level of body organisation.
8. Neural system of annelids consists of paired ganglia connected by ………… to a
double ventral nerve cord.
9. In arthropods Sensory organs like antennae, eyes (compound and simple),
statocysts are present with role ………….
10. gills are present in Mollusca in …………..
11. Digestive system in Echinodermata is complete with mouth on the…………..
side and anus on the ……………. side
12. Subphyla Urochordata and Cephalochordata are often referred to as ………….
13.Cyclostomes have ……….. type of sclales
14.Stomochord is located in ………. Region in hemichordata
15. Teeth are modified placoid scales which are backwardly directed in ……fish
16. Bony fish have ………. Pair of gills
17. Gills are covered by ………. Structure in Rohu
18. The digestive tract of birds has additional chambers…….. and ………….
19.Scientific name of penguin is ……..
20.Delphinius have ……… number of chamber in heart
1. Answer key of DOPA- 2.0 will be available along with

2. Syllabus of each DOPA is mentioned on top of each


3. DOPA is a random check to give insight of your

preparation level

4. Every DOPA carry new questions based on ncert


Answer Key
1. Echinodermata
2. Platyhelminthes
3. fragmentation
5. gastro-vascular cavity
6. Digestion is both extracellular and intracellular.
7.Organ system
8. lateral nerves
9.Balancing organ
10.Mantel cavity
11. Ventral and dorsal
12. Protochordates
13. Scales absent
14. Collar region
15. Cartilagenous fish
16. four
17. Operculum
18. Crop and gizzard
19. Aptenodytes

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