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ulia Tourist to Slave, her descent

Part 1

Title: Julia, tourist to slave whore, her descent Introduction: Julia

gets mugged and loses everything Genre: Fiction Themes:

BDSM, Bondage and restriction, Domination/submission,

Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Males / Female, Prostitution, Rape,

Reluctance, Young, Your story: On the coast in Italy July 2013

Julia was bored, a typical American tourist wearing a floral print

skirt and a tight red blouse which emphasised her ample D cup

breasts she strolled along in the sunshine. One of the horde of

foreign tourists thronging this ancient metropolis she had really

wanted to spend the summer in California but her mother insisted

they took a tour of the Mediterranean instead,

Seven cites in two weeks with the long days filled with short flights

and long bus rides and now inn the late afternoon Julia was

desperate for some peace and tranquility. She strolled idly towards

the headland with its cliff top park and stunning views of the
Mediterranean sea and the legendary golden sunset as the sun set

behind the far horizon.

The cliff top park came alive each evening at sunset as the sun

setting was the cue for an open air party which spontaneously

erupted in the park, a large almost triangular grassy open space

between the town and the cliff edge, a swathe of grass with plentiful

picnic tables and benches with the headland's cliff edges on two

sides. A curving row of shop fronts pierced by narrow streets

leading through the old town formed the third side of the triangle.

The old town, unchanged for thousands of years, narrow streets

with stone sets for pavement, too narrow for cars or trucks so

everything was carried on hand carts since even donkey carts were

too wide and even two hand carts struggled to pass in places.

Traditional Mediterranean low rise buildings provided the shop

fronts, seemingly hundreds of years old all painted white against the

glare of the sun and each with gaily painted shutters, and all closed

during the heat of the afternoon as they awaited the sunset and the

cool of the evening, the time when the old town came alive.
"Don't go anywhere alone," the tour guide advised, "There are pick

pockets and worse and when you get away from the main part of

the town, the old town is known for drugs and prostitution and the

Mafioso is very active so please do not rely on the police and be


Julia ignored the advice if she ever heard it, she just strolled along

in the sunshine, past the stunted trees bent into the prevailing wind,

towards the obelisk marked which marked the point of the

promontory and occasionally stopped to hold the stout handrail

along the actual cliff edge.

She saw no drug dealers or prostitutes or even gangsters, and after

her stroll in the sunlight as she gripped the cliff edge handrail and

gazed at the ocean she didn't even realise she was in danger.

She didn't even realise someone was behind her until she felt the

strap of her handbag suddenly snap.

She grabbed at the bag but a teenage boy was already ten yards
away running like the wind with her handbag in his left hand and

the blade of the knife he held in his right hand flashing in the

summer sun.

She opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out, shocked,

she grasped the cliff edge handrail and in panic she looked for help.

Two uniformed police standing by the shops in the distance so she

gathered her wits together and shakily made her way towards them.

"I was robbed," she explained as she met them.

"Robbed," said the policeman, and launched into a tirade in a

language Julia could not understand.

"English, por favor?" Julia tried hopefully.

"You is robbed, what is robbed?" the second policeman asked.

"My money, my phone everything!" Julia explained.

The police conferred.

"You have papers?" the second policeman asked.

"No, they are." Julia explained.

"No?" the first policeman queried and he again patiently explained

something in a language Julia could not even begin to comprehend.

"Must have papers," the second policeman explained, "Is law."

"But my bag," Julia protested and the first policeman again began to


A couple approached, he in a smart suit with open neck shirt, she in

a black dress reaching to her knee, the woman smiled, "Are you

having trouble?" she asked.

"My bag," Julia explained, "Someone stole my bag!"

"Ah, no papers?" the woman agreed, "I am Carla and this is Giorgio,

yes, you need papers or ID in the old town, you have no ID?"
"No," said Julia.

Carla smiled, "Lots of girls come here from all over Europe, it is

famous so the police crack down," she explained, "Shall I tell him

you are with us?"

"Please," said Julia.

Carla spoke to the policemen, they agreed, "I have told them you

work for us," she said and she reached in her bag and extracted a

dog collar and leash, "Put this around your neck," she suggested.

"What no way," Julia protested.

"Or they will arrest you," Carla explained, "They think you are an

unlicensed prostitute who didn't get her money."

"No, he stole my handbag," Julia protested.

"We do this all the time," Carla explained, "We rescue tourists and

working girls, look either you play the game, pretend that you are

with us and pay our rescue fee, or you will spend at least a night in
the cells and maybe get a six month prison sentence."

"No, that can't be," Julia shook visibly with emotion.

"It will be fine," Giorgio explained, "Wear the collar which shows you

are ours and we pay the bribe and you pay us back, five hundred

dollar fee plus the bribe."

"That's outrageous!" Julia protested.

"It's what we do," Carla explained, "Do you want our help or not?"

"Ok," Julia said reluctantly and she took the collar and tried to

fasten it, it was too short.

"Oh, try this," Carla sighed and she pulled a heavy metal slave

collar with a chain from her bag

and handed it to Giorgio.

"Look!" Julia protested but Giorgio gently lifted her long blonde hair

and pried the springy collar apart to slide it around her neck, but

she realised to refuse would probably mean she was arrested so she
just let him ease the heavy collar around her neck and fasten it with

a padlock .

Carla handed each policeman an American hundred dollar bill and

they saluted and walked away smiling.

"They've gone," Julia said, "Can we lose the thing?"

"When you pay us," Carla said, "Until then you are our slave


"What!" Julia protested.

"Look, if you have no ID you have to be collared and chained it is

the law," Carla explained,

"The city law, the town law from the days of Julius Caesar. It was

for the protection of the slave girls originally but has remained in


"Ok," Julia agreed, "Look get me out of here."

"You should have handcuffs," Giorgio explained, "To look authentic."

"Right," Julia agreed, "In your dreams."

"No," he said as he gently took Julia's hands and pushed them

behind her back.

She felt the cold steel and heard the click as Carla fastened the

hand cuffs around her wrists.

"Look, ok this is weird," Julia protested.

"But we will all get arrested if we are found out," Carla explained,

"We will wait until it gets busy and sneak you away."

"Why not now?" Julia asked.

"No, we need darkness," Giorgio explained.

"Let me phone my dad," Julia demanded.

"And where is he?" Carla asked.

"Down town someplace I guess," Julia explained, "We are on

vacation, we fly back to JFK on Thursday."

"American? There is no cell phone reception in the old town, and it

is probably best not to involve him yet otherwise you could be

arrested again." Carla explained.

"Why exactly?" Julia enquired.

"Believe me they don't need a reason, but a rich Americans are

expected to pay big bribes," Carla smiled, "But don't worry."

Julia shivered, she felt cold despite the afternoon heat, her thin

white skirt and stretchy red top had seemed more than enough

when she left the hotel, but now suddenly she had goose bumps.

"Lets sit down and talk," Carla suggested.

"OK," Julia agreed so they went across to a picnic table with a bench

and Julia carefully sat down.

"It's odd how traditions persist," Carla explained, "It was in Roman
times, you see the slaves were being abducted so for their own

protection they brought in the collar and chain."

"Before that the slave girls would be raped and robbed but with the

chain their minder had to stand there while they did what they did,

and the minder took the money and protected them."

Julia nodded, "But that was a thousand years ago?"

"It's the same today, girls form Romania, Lithuania, Iran, Iraq

everywhere come her to make a few dollars," Carla explained,"

Without laws we would be over run with foreign whores, but this

way only the prettiest can trade and that way we keep the prices


"I don't understand." Julia protested.

"Soon as the sun touches the sea you can open up for business,"

Giorgio said helpfully as the sun cast golden rays across the ocean

as it slowly descended, "Seven hundred dollars, sixty dollars a John,

two evenings, but then there's rent for the collar and room, you

better hope you do it in one because otherwise you could be here

for a very long time."

"All summer maybe, in a little back room, because you won't stay

pretty enough for the park for very long." Carla added.

"No you can't be serious!" Julia protested.

"Sure we are," Giorgio suggested, "Now just slip off your panties

and we can get started."

"No way help!" Julia cried but no one paid any attention.

"Hush!" Carla said, "Or we'll gag you as well."

"No!" Julia gasped.

Giorgio produced a small but wickedly sharp pen knife, "Hold still,"

he said as he eased it down the waistband of Julia's skirt and cut

easily through the sides and elastic waistband of her panties, first

the left and then the right.

Next he cut through her bra straps before undoing the clasp and
pulling the bra out from under her top.

"I'll get the rest of the stuff," Carla said, "Give me her shoes."

"No!" Julia protested but Giorgio grabbed Julia's plastic flip flops and

handed them to Carla.

"Watch the sea, chill," he suggested.

Julia looked around desperately for a means of escape, there was no

one close who looked American, she could not trust the police, it

seemed hopeless and then Carla returned.

"Your size?" she queried as she produced some very worn black

strap shoes with maybe four or five inch heels, she jammed them

on Julia's feet and clicked them in place with a padlock through the

ankle strap.

"I can't walk in heels," Julia protested.

"Sure you can," Carla laughed, now a couple of final touches, she

said as she took stout leather cuffs from her bag and fastened one
around Julia's left ankle fastening three straps and then the right

before attaching a short chain between them.

Next Giorgio held Julia's arms while Carla fitted similar cuffs around

Juila's wrists instead of the handcuffs, leather cuffs with a

connecting chain, and then she put the shiny handcuffs away.

A crowd was gathering, spilling out from the old town and

approaching along the cliff path, almost exclusively young men, "It

is nearly time," Carla announced, "Look the sun!"

Julia looked, "You see Arab whores could not come out in the sun or

they burn brown like negroes so after the fall of Egypt Caesar

pronounced no whore should be abroad before sun down."

Someone chanted, "Ten," then someone elase joined, "Nine,"

"Eight" the cry grew louder."

"One last thing," Giorgio declared, "You must show your tits so the

men can see you are aroused," and he pulled Julia's red top down

over her breasts.

"Oh god, you are aren't you?" Carla asked, "Aroused?".

Julia nodded sadly.

"What shall the men call you?" Carla asked.

"Julia," Julia replied.

"It suits you," Giorgio replied as he lifted Julia's skirt and placed an

exploratory finger on her belly where the soft down of her pubes

commenced and moved down towards her clit and beyond.

"No!" Julia moaned yet again but it was hopeless and soon Giorgio's

fingers were on the hot moist spot that began to spread as his

fingers began to ease within her.

Julia gasped, "Oh god." and the chanting reached One.

A great cheer rose up as quite suddenly all the shutters on the shop

fronts opened revealing bright red lights illuminating the near naked

women within.
"Seven hundred dollars, time to go to work!" Giorgio whispered as

he wormed a third finger into Julia's sopping vagina.

Carla gently squeezed Julia's nipples, and then took a jar from her

bag and removed the lid before holding it for Giorgio..

He dipped his thumb into it, and showed Julia, "A special blend of

herbs and spices to ward off evil spirits."

"Like KFC?" Juila asked.

"Maybe," Carla laughed, "But I never caught anything when I used

it," and Giorgio eased his spice covered thumb deep inside Julia's

increasingly moist sex.

The crowd was moving towards her Julia noticed and she became

aware of a line of near naked girls approaching, all bare breasted

and collared and chained as she was and attended by a minder,

"Twelve," Carla explained, "One for each table, but you get the best

table, fresh meat fresh today."

"Prime cunt," Giorgio agreed, "We'll see if they will pay a hundred
dollars, maybe give a discount later."

"And if I dont make the money?" Julia asked hopelessly.

Carla shrugged, "Maybe someone will buy you, otherwise we take

you home and try again tomorrow!"

"Please," Julia pleaded, "Daddy will pay!"

"Si Signor, One hundred dollars American," Giorgio explained.

"Looks dog rough," a tall bronzed young Australian explained,

"How's about fifty."

"Seventy five?" Julia suggested as she stared at his broad shoulders

and rugged weatherbeaten face.

"Fifty," he repeated.

"Fifty," Giorgio replied, "For a blow job."

"Nah I need a fuck mate, hows about sixty five?" the Australian

"OK," Giorgio says.

"Great," he agreed, "I reckon its best to fuck al fresco, don't need t

change the sheets," he laughed as he handed over the ten dollar


Carla gave him five dollars change, "Open up then doll, lets see the

fuck hole," the Australian quipped as he dropped his pants to reveal

the biggest penis and testicles Julia had ever seen.

"Oh my god!" she wailed.

"Yeah, satisfaction guaranteed!" he said, "I'm Mike by the way."

"Julia," Julia explained, "Look!" but Giorgio had swung her onto the

table top.

"Nah doggy," Mike suggested so Giorgio pulled Julia back to have

her bend over the table end.

Giorgio showed Mike how wet she was by thrusting three fingers

deep inside her and then Mike's cock was pressing against her soft

pink cunt lips.

They spread easily and his cock slowly eased into her slippery and

spiced cavern, "She uses that gook stuff right?" he asked as he

eased in.

"Naturally, and she has regular health checks," Carla lied.

"Ohhh it's too big!" Julia gasped, "Oh Jesus, its too big! it hurts oh

god it hurts."

"Pipe down," Mike hissed, "Its not half in yet," he said and he thrust

real hard against her.

"Agggghhh!" she squealed, but he was right inside her now and the

pain filled her whole body for a fleeting moment before it dissolved

into a warm feeling of pure ecstasy. She was floating on a cloud,

looking down at her own body from heaven as waves of illicit

pleasure coursed through her whole being.

"Ohhh," she gasped, "Oh that's soooo good."

"Gee that's some randy Sheila," Mike said, "You sure she's a pro

and not some amateur?"

"Yes," Carla agreed, "Enjoy!"

"Gee," Mike agreed, "Oh fucking hell I'm cumming!"

Perspiration dripped from Mike's forehead as he let fly within Julia's

over filled cunt. Her mind exploded in a series of flashing white

lights as his cum forced its way into her furthest most secret parts.

"Gee," Mike said inadequately as he pulled out and pulled his pants

up, "That Sheila puts a hell of a squeeze on, I haven't cum that

quick since high school!"

"You finished?" a tall Australian asked.

"Sure, cum too bloody quick, Johnno," Mike admitted, "Reckon we

should stick to ugly Shielas."

"More like you should lay off the booze!" the second Australian

quipped, "How much."

"Charged me sixty five mate," Mike admitted.

"Sixty five?" he asked.

"Sure," Carla agreed, "For a short time!"

"Here you go," he replied, as he handed Carla the cash, "Got a


"If you like," Carla replied and she fished a Durex from the bag,

"But the local."

"Better safe than sorry," he said as he pushed down his khaki shorts

and slid the rubber over his cock, "You ready Sheila, I'm Bruce by

the way!" he laughed and he quickly took up position behind Julia

and rammed his cock right into her with a singe thrust.

"Fucking hell she's slippery, like a Haddock!" he gasped, "So

squeeze me, do something, I'm like a mop in a bucket here."

Julia twisted round to look at her assailant.

"Oh fuck that's so good," Johnno wailed as she twisted his cock by

moving, "Shit Mike I'm cumming already!" he wailed and he shot his

load without humping her more than a dozen times.

"Told you mate," Mike laughed, "Stick to the uglies OK," he

suggested as Johnno pulled out.

"What's she like mat?" a third Australian asked.

"Like a Ferrari mate, massive rush and its all over," Mike said,

"Guess I'd rather have a nice slow fuck with ugly Sheila if I had my

time again."

"Fair do," said the third Aussie, "I'll give it a miss they hey?"

Julia flopped back onto the table, "You're doing well, a hundred and

thirty in fifteen minutes!" Carla chuckled.

"I need a drink," Julia replied, "Gee my puss is on fire."

"So do I," Carla agreed, "But we have a queue, it will have to wait."

"A hundred, senor," Julia confirmed to a waiting Spaniard,

"American Dollars, or Euros!"

"Si," he agreed and handed over the cash.

The sunset was spectacular, great spears of golden flame lighting up

the ocean as the Spaniard eased his throbbing erection into Julia's

fiery pussy.

He thrust briefly and grunted and all too soon Julia felt her insides

showered by pints of sticky cum, her whole body shook with

frustration, and the waiting men muttered among themselves.

"Make it last more than two minutes and get a refund!" Giorgio

taunted, "Roll up Roll up, one hundred dollars."

By now all the tables were occupied and hundreds or maybe

thousands of young men wandered around the park looking for sex,

the safe unprotected sex that they naively believed the ancient
recipe of lubricant provided.

"Two minutes right?" an English lad enquired, "No probs!" and he

handed his cash to Carla.

He undid his zipper and pulled out six inches of pink muscle, Carla

stifled a giggle, and watched as he fumbled as he tried to guide it

into Julia's waiting cunt.

"Fuck she's hot," he admitted.

Julia was desperate now, she needed to cum, she gripped his cock

as best she could but he was barely half as far into her as the

Australians, "On blimy, this is bloody fantastic, is it two minutes

yet?" he asked.

Carla shook her head, "Not yet," it was actually twenty seven


"Can't hold out much longer, Ohhhhh!" he exclaimed.

He collapsed across Julia's back, "Not quite was it?" he asked.

"No," Carla replied, "Not quite."

"Bollocks," he replied.

"Drink," Julia pleaded

Carla saw the group of men move away, obviously Julia was not

providing what they wanted, she spoke to Giorgio.

"Have a word with Marco, maybe a swap?" she suggested.

Giorgio handed Julia's chain to Carla and went to find Marco who he

saw some way away.

A slim French boy approached, "Bon nuit!" he said awkwardly.

"Fifty dollars American for you," Carla smiled, "One fifty for big


"Oui!" he agreed and paid Carla with a fifty dollar bill, "Is there

somewhere private?"
"And miss the sunset, no, the experience is the experience of

lifetime, enjoy!" Carla replied.

The French boy dropped his denim jeans and boxers and his penis

hung limp and lifeless.

"Julia, suck him OK," Carla ordered.

"Drink," Julia replied.

"Ok, one moment," Carla replied, she took a bottle of Perrier water

from her bag, took a swig and knelt down before the frenchman,

"Allow me," she said as she grasped his shaft and kissed it.

It stiffened instantly, she licked it and finally opened her mouth to

take the tip between her teeth.

"Ready," Carla laughed, "You see I still have it!"

"Oui!" he agreed and Carla guided his cock into Julia's waiting cunt.
"Ohhhh," he exclaimed, "Is good!"

"So do something with her tits, give her a good time too," Carla


"Oui, Jean - Jaques, go for it!" his friend said as he walked up

beside them.

"Merde! Phillipe, where have you been." he asked.

"Fucking in the brothel bar of course," he laughed, "Nice and warm

and private!"

"Ohhhh," Juila gasped as Jean-Jaques twisted her nipples and

humped against her, "Thats so good!"

Jean-Jacques suddenly grunted his hips spasmed and he started to

shudder as he started to shoot his load, "Ohhh," he cried.

"Oh shit!" Julia cried in frustration as her whole being craved

orgasm, oblivious now to the crowd of onlookers surrounding her as

he fucked into her.

Giorgio|they returned Jean-Jacques was zippering up his pants as

he was leaving.

"She OK?" Marco asked, "Good ride?"

"Oui," he replied simply.

"Francais," Giorio explained, "But what you think."

"Nice ass," Marco said, "Can I try?"

"Sure, hold her down Carla," Giorgio ordered.

Julia was exhausted, she didn't need Julia's hand to hold her, she

just lay over the bench with her bottom raised.

"She take it up the ass?" Marco asked.

"Not yet," Giorgio admitted as he watched Marco slip a condom onto

his short fat cock and move around behind Julia ready to fuck her.
"Freebie right?" he asked.

"Taster," Carla agreed, "You like her then she's one thousand dollars


"OK," Marco agreed as he pushed the tip of his cock past Julia's now

slightly swollen cunt lips and into her sopping wet vagina.

"Good, very good," Marco agreed and he slid back out of her again.

"Let us have a drink, I get Sabrina to fill in here, one moment."

Marco agreed, he wiped his still rigid cock and forced it back in his


Marco returned before Carla had finished arguing with a couple of

young men who were trying to negotiate a discount.

"This is Sabrina, and Franco," Marco explained.

Sabrina was completely naked except for leather wrist, ankle and

collar restraints identical to those Julia word, the dying rays of

sunlight shone on her ebony skin, "She usually works in the bar, the

fresh air will be good!"

Carla helped Julia up, her puss throbbed and her knees buckled as

she tried to walk but Giorgio and Carla supported her as they helped

her to walk the hundred yards or so to the shops.

The shops were identical low rise Mediterranean style whitewashed

against the sun, each narrow frontage had a narrow door and a

wide window in which a girl posed provocatively or against which

the curtains were drawn as she entertained.

Each shop had one girl, only one girl and one customer was allowed

by tradition and local law, and only after sunset until before sunrise.

Julia stared, was this to be her future.

Bars and clubs lined the narrow streets leading to the old town, too

narrow even for donkey carts people jostled to move around.

Julia saw a line of uniformed officers blocking the street, hope flared

briefly and died as she saw they were preventing unlicensed women

passing a line of bollards, which separated the brothel bars from the

rest of the street, "You should have read the notices," Carla said,
"No unlicensed whores after 5pm."

"It wasn't," she said, "I don't understand the language!"

A young woman peered at them through the window beside the

entrance door, she looked bored.

The admission charge was one hundred dollars but the doorman

ushered them in on Marco's instruction.

A barman looked on, swarthy, Spanish maybe, medium height and

dressed only in rubber shorts and a bow tie he stood grinning from

behind the bar.

Several middle aged men sat at tables in the small room.

"Fresh meat," Marco laughed, "Feel it!"

Julia froze as a fat middle aged man lifted her skirt, his fingers

touched her sex sending shivers of anticipation and longing coursing

through her veins.

"She suck?" his friend asked.

"Fifty," Marco chuckled, "On your knees bitch!" he said.

Julia flared angrily, but Carla reassured her, "He calls all the girls

bitch, don't worry," she said.

"But!" Julia pleaded.

"He is a good man, he understands girls," Carla said reassuringly,

"We caught almost all his girls didn't we Marco?"

"Yes, you know what I likes," Marco agreed, "Not too fat, nice tits,

sexy, you know juice up real fast."

"But!" Julia pleaded, "You can't, not sell me!"

"Oh no, just hire," Carla said, "A week maybe, after that you can

decide whether to stay on or not, that's if he likes you."

"Oh god!" Julia exclaimed.

"So show me how you suck cock," Marco demanded as the man paid

his fifty dollars.

"No!" Julia protested but Carla pushed her face into the man's


"Suck!" Carl ordered.

Julia tried to resist but Carla pried her mouth open and the swarthy

middle aged man began to fuck her face.

"Is good," he said , "Is very good, she suck, Agghh she bite, she

bite," he screamed ad they dragged Julia off him with the chain

attached to her collar.

"She no good," Marco explained, "For brothel whore, put her in the


"Ok," Carla agreed, "Why?"

"I want to fuck her tight ass," Marco explained, "Nice virgin

Carla went towards the entrance door, just to one side was another

door which she opened to reveal the buttocks of a young woman

with the number 299 tattooed on her left cheek

"Hanna," Carla said softly, "Break time," and she lifted a wooden

screen to reveal the naked

woman's top half and the street scene beyond the window.

"Good, I get cramp," the woman replied as she stepped backwards

to pass Carla, "I do blow jobs yes?"

"Yes," Marco agreed, "Get the bitch naked."

Julia's skirt came down easily but then had to release her hands to

remove her blouse, "One false move and we cut it off, Giorgio

cautioned and then Julia was naked.

They manhandled her into the cubicle, ot was as big as a lavatory

cubicle but the window was set in a thick wall and there was a stone

shelf with half round cups in it where generations of whores had

been bent while men had used them.

A convenient hook secured Julia's collar and as Carla eased her tits

into the stone cups so she stared out of the tiny window at the

people passing by as Carla secured her hands and feet to iron rings

and finally brought down the screen against her lower back.

Marco was first up, but after five minutes of trying to force his fat

cock up Julia's tight ass he gave up and rammed it brutally into

Julia's eager pussy.

"Ohhhh," Julia wailed.

"See, natural born whore," Giorgio exclaimed.

Julia's mind was exploding again, she hallucinated, she thought she

saw her dad.

She saw her dad, with a chained naked whore, in the street outside

her window trying to do a deal.

"Dad!" she screamed, "In here!"

He looked at her, "Sure honey!" he said, "Why you're the spit if my

girl Julia!"

He went inside, "Hey how much for the whore in the window?"

"One hundred dollars American," Giorgio explained, "She is new Mr

Marchesso is trying her out him self."

"Right, so how much to fuck you darlin?"he asked Carla.

"One thousand euros and you use a condom," she said looking him

straight in the eye.

"How about fifty?" he asked.

"How about you lose fifty pounds and take a bath?" Carla replied.

"Hey, no need to be personal," he replied, "I'll wait."

Marco finished up, and opened the small dark boarded door, "Five

hundred maybe?" he suggested.

"Say you finished, I got some serious business with that whore!"

Julia's father insisted, "She reminds me of my little Julia!"

Carla smiled, maybe just maybe a big paycheck was waiting.

He stepped inside the cubicle and dropped his pants, Julia's torso

disappeared above the waist hidden by the screen but her ass was

very muck available.

"Virgin ass," he commented.

"You paid to fuck her pussy not her ass!" Marco explained.

Julia tried to hear what was being said, she seemed completely

divorced from her sex as she struggled to work out if it actually was

her faather in the cubicle with her.

"Dad?" she said.

"Oh lordy she even sounds like Julia," he said and he rammed his

condom clad nine inch dick deep into her now bruised pussy.
"Dad its me Julia!" Julia cried.

"Good, keep on, make like I'm fucking my Julia," he said, "Like old

Hank Myers is screwing his little girl."

"It's me daddy!" Julia pleaded.

"Fuckkkkk!" he pleaded as he filled the condom with scuzzy grey

slime, "Oh fuck that was my all time fantasy."

"Myers?" Marco queried, "Is that not her name?"

"Ah," Carla blustered anxious that Julia should never realise that the

boy who stole her bag worked for them, not just them obviously,

freelance but he had still sold Julia's ID to Giorgio,and her cell

phone and other stuff to some other traders earlier.

"That's one hell of a piece of ass!" Hank Myers agreed.

"Congratulations," Carla said sarcastically.

"What?" Hank replied.

"On breeding one hell of a piece of ass, she is your daughter Mt

Myers." Carla said brutally.

Hank wobbled and sat down, "Gee I'll go to hell for this," he gasped.

"Jail more likely," Marco suggested, "Twenty five years for incest."

"Gee, who'll know?" he asked.

"No one," Marco agreed, "Ten thousand American says no one."

"Gee boy," Hank admitted, "I'm just a small town auto trader, I ain't

got that sort of cash."

"No cash, no promises," Marco replied.

"Look, you keep the girl," Hank suggested, "We don't report her

missing nor nothing, not for a month, how's that?"

"Ah?" Marco replied, "What do you think?"

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