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jasmine becomes a slave by Mistress Lisa

Story Codes: M/f F+/f modification spanking Tit

Torture B/D S/M slavery bondage chastity belt real reluctant Heavy
Synopsis: domme loses a bet and becomes the slave of another domme
for a month or maybe more?

Chapter 1 The bet

Racheal was going to the B&D party at Shelia’s that Monday night and
was picking out her outfit. She selected the black leather cat suit that
hugged her body and while it covered her, it allowed everyone to know
she had a hot body. Shelia was a fellow Domme and was the area’s
leading supplier of fetish gear, from clothes to dungeon items and all of
her parties were events not to be missed as she loved to demonstrate
new items on her slaves. As Racheal entered the large warehouse, which
was Shelia’s factory and in the rear her home, she saw a group of
Domme's at the bar chatting away. As she approached she heard one say
�I love to bet on football with the loser becoming the slave of the winner
since I never lose�. Racheal took note that the mouthy Domme was
African American and very lovely, but also arrogant. She was dressed in
a white vinyl dress that showed off her larges breasts, and 6� heels.
Racheal noticed her close friend Lana standing at the bar and joined her
and ordered a white wine. The black Domme walked over and said �Hi, I
am Jasmine� Racheal responded �I am Racheal�. �Nice to meet you�
Jasmine said, �you are very lovely, have you ever been submissive as I
would love to own you�. The Dommes at the bar turned around to see
what was going on. Racheal, with a forceful voice said �Jasmine, I don’t
serve anyone I own slaves�. Jasmine laughed and said �I’ll bet you on
the football game tonight, winner gets the loser for a week, and I just
can’t wait to have you as my slave. I will even give you the choice
between the Lions and Packer and use the point spread from today’s
paper if you have the guts to play�. Racheal said, �Lets make it a
month of slavery the loser serves, and I will take the Packers�. Racheal
was grinning inside as she had heard on her radio, just before arriving the
four offensive starters for the Lions had been suspended, and knew the
morning line in the paper would not reflect it. Jasmine opening the paper
said �WOW, the line is Lions getting 10. I will take that bet, sucker and
look forward having you in chains� Shelia appeared behind the bar and
said, �Girls lets do this right and get a signed contract between the two
of you� as she winked at Racheal. Jasmine hesitated until Racheal said
�afraid of losing the bet you wanted slave girl�. This pissed off Jasmine
who grabbed the contract signed it without looking and said �you are
mine now slut� Racheal signed the contract and Shelia took it and signed
as the witness.

Chapter 2 The winner

Everyone was shocked at what had happened and suddenly all they
wanted was to see the game and who would go home as the slave. As
the announcer on TV said that besides the four offensive starters, the
Lions had suspended five defensive starters for also betting on games.
Hearing this Jasmine shouted �All bets off�! and turned to Racheal and
yelled � you cheated bitch�. Shelia told her �You signed the contract
and you will honor it, whether you like it or not� Then Shelia turned to
Nate the bouncer and said �neither of these two, pointing to Jasmine and
Racheal can leave before the game is over�. Jasmine screamed �You
bitches fixed the bet�. Shelia told here you were bragging how by
betting football games you enslaved other domme’s and then you made
the challenged Racheal to the bet and you even let her pick what team
she wanted, so the bet is official and you WILL honor the contract.
Jasmine realized that she might end uo as a slave as she looked at the
big screen TV and saw the score was Packers 41 Lions 3. She screamed
this is unfair I never lose, and the bet was rigged hoping by a miracle
somehow the bet would be cancelled. Everyone present told her to shut
up and honor the bet or suffer even worse. When the game ended and
the score was Packers 55 Lions 3, Shelia claimed Racheal the winner and
Jasmine was awarded to her as her slave for the next month. Racheal
said let take her in the back and get her in a more appropriate slave
outfit. Jasmine resisted as the dragged her to the back room. Jasmine
now realized her worst nightmare, payback for all the slaves she had
beaten in bets and now was the slave. She wondered how she would
survive a month.

Once in the back, Racheal took jasmine purse and handed Shelia her
credit card and said charge her for the items I am getting. Jasmine
protested, but as Racheal told her, �if you read the contract, you would
have seen it stated all you have on you at the time of the bet belongs to
the winner, so that includes your credit card�.�. Upon hearing that
jasmine tried to escape but was grabbed by the bouncer. Shelia
measured jasmines neck and Racheal found a 2� wide steel control collar
of that size and quickly locked it on the shocked jasmine. Racheal then
told jasmine to strip. But jasmine protested and said �no way bitch�.
Racheal laughed and pressed the button on the controller for the collar
and jasmine screamed as the collar shocked her. �Strip slave or I will let
Nate rip off your outfit and the fuck you for his effort. Jasmine, to avoid
any more pain, slowly removed her white vinyl dress and heels and stood
in the thin black thong hands covering her breasts. Racheal quickly
cuffed her wrists behind her back and with Shelia’s help jasmine was
dragged out to the main room into the play area. jasmine protested as
she was cuffed to hanging chains and her ankles to floor rings 3’ apart
and she was stretched taunt. Jasmine was terrified as she was for the first
time in her life totally helpless and not in control. �Well slave you will
learn in the next month how to become a no limit slave�. jasmine
protested that she never agreed to that, but Shelia showed her the signed
contract she hadn’t read. jasmine realized she was in deep trouble and
cried. The crowd cheered as they saw jasmine chained spread-eagled in
the stage. As Racheal ripped off her thong, jasmine tried but of course the
restraints prevented her from keeping her legs together. Racheal and
asked for a volunteer to shave the slave. As jasmine tried to protest a
large ball gag was stuffed in her mouth and the strap pulled tight so all
they could hear was the muffled protest. Several of the Dommes from
the crowd, started to pluck out her pubic hair before she was shaved
which took over 20 minutes during which constant screams were heard
from the gagged slave and then they used a depilatory cream that would
prevent the hair from growing back for at least several months. Jasmine
realized now how all the slaves she won had felt and could not believe she
was now a slave. As she was spread-eagled it allowed Shelia to take full
body measurements as she said for all the nice toys Racheal ordered on
jasmine’s credit card. Shelia inserted a finger into jasmine’s cunt and
found to her surprise as well as jasmines it was wet. Shelia told Racheal
the ultimate control belt will be ready in about 3 days. A straight jacket
was brought out and after jasmine was released from the chains they
forced her into it and tightened all the straps as tight as possible. But
before the crotch strap was closed Racheal inserted, with no resistance, a
7� rubber vibrating penis. Racheal attached a leash to the collar and
thanks everyone for their help. �Let go home now slave� as she pulled
jasmine out of the club into her van, secured her to the rear seat and
then drove off leaving jasmine to wonder what hell she had gotten herself
in and would she survive.

Chapter 3 Learning about Racheal

( some parts are slow but background is needed)

The van passed through an electronic gate and the drove up the long
driveway and stopped in from of a huge mansion. �We are home now
slave� Racheal told jasmine. As jasmine looked at the house she could
not believe how rich Racheal was and what horror was in store for her in
there. Dragging jasmine by the leash Racheal entered the house and
went directly to the elevator and down to the basement. When the doors
opened, jasmine realized just how bad her position was when she saw the
most equipped dungeon she had ever seen. jasmine was dragged to a
wood straight back chair and forced into it and the leather restraints at
her ankles, knees, waist, above and below her breasts and arms were
used to secure her.
�Look around slave, at some point you will experience everything
here�. Racheal removed the ball gag from jasmine’s mouth and offered
her some water to drink.
After drinking jasmine asked her what she was going to do to her.
Racheal laughed and said �train you to become a slave�. �Before we
start I am going to tell you about me so you have an understanding as to
what I know and will expect�. I am 30 years old and until 2 weeks ago, I
had a 24/7 slave living with me, but she had to leave to care for her sick
mother. I grew up with two older brothers that always played cowboys
and Indians and I was always the Indian maiden they captured and tied
up. I really got to enjoy bondage and later explored the internet to learn
all I could about B&D. I went to Florida State, and majored in business
management and got a Masters Degree. During my stay there I learned
of several B&D clubs and visited one near the college. While there I
meet an older man, who was with his wife, who was in heavy bondage. I
could not stop staring so he asked what I was interested in. I told him
bondage and some discipline.
After talking for a few hours he offered me to stay in their home and then
learn how to become a slave while attending classes. He said at all times
in his home I would be in some form of bondage, but still would be able
to study as I learned about the lifestyle. For the next 2 years while with
them I was used as a slave to clean, cook, and of course as a toy in their
dungeon. Master was very fair and realized that besides being
submissive, I had qualities that would make me a good Domme. So he
also trained me on how to treat a slave and how to use the things in the
dungeon on his wife who became my lover and slave also. Upon
graduating I left their home to work for a large firm. The biggest break in
my life was when I won a 365 million dollar powerball lottery. This
allowed me to quit my job and explore the world of B&D fully. I formed a
corporation with my brothers, who now run it and while they are vanilla
they know I am a Dominatrix. With their help I have increased my
wealth. My dear friend and mentor, told me of this home that was owned
by a friend of his that died and his family was shocked at what they found
here as he had been into B&D deeply.
I made them a very reasonable offer for the house as it was with
everything here including all the B&D equipment and items. Down here
besides the main room are several padded cells for slaves. I know what a
slave thinks and also what makes you tick as I have experienced it totally
and once a year I submit to my master for a week to remember what I
was. And just for your information, I am very aggressive and very
completive. I belong to a fantasy football league with my brothers and
other friends and the cost is high and I hate to lose, which is why I know
about football and listen to fantasy radio stations to get an edge, I also
have Aaron Rodgers as my team quarterback, so I know how good he is
and on the radio I heard about the suspensions. Now understand it was
you that insulted me and pushed the bet, so I just used my knowledge to
win you and knowing one week would not have been enough time to
teach you a lesson, I pushed for the month. And from how wet you got in
the club, I think you are a closet slave. �you bitch� jasmine shouted
�you set me up, so just let me go and we can be even�. Racheal
laughed and grabbed jasmines chin and told her �slave you WILL address
me as MISTRESS at all times or suffer beyond you wildest ideas.
Understand you will earn a minute in hell for all future failures�. Now I
am placing you in a cell for the night as your training starts in the
morning. jasmine spit at her and said �do your best bitch, I will never
submit�. �We shall see slave and you earned your two minutes of
hell�, as she pushed jasmine into a padded cell and locked the door
leaving her in the dark.

Chapter 4 slavery starts

As jasmine fell on her back in the padded cell a light in the ceiling came
on. She saw a 6’x9’ cell with padded walls and a cot bolted to one wall.
In the corner she saw a toilet and sink and water fountain. From what she
learned about Racheal, jas knew Racheal was not only an experienced
Domme, but also well educated in B&D and this scared her beyond belief.
Suddenly a voice came through a speaker, �slave you can pee and use
the bidet even with the dildo in you and you can drink from the fountain
using the foot peddles since you can’t use your hands. Sleep tight
tomorrow starts your new life�. Jasmine realized she made a fatal
mistake challenging Racheal without finding information on her. She had
under estimated Racheal and now was going to pay for it. She peed and
then drank some water to remove the taste of the gag. Lying down on
her belly on the cot she felt the dildo move in her and then started to
hump the mattress until she had an intense orgasm. After recovering
she took stock of the last few hours and wondered why she came so
quickly with such intensity. Was her body responding to the bondage?
Was she going to obey or was she going to fight the slavery? She hadn’t
made up her mind as she fell asleep. Racheal watching jasmine on closed
circuit TV and just smiled when she saw jasmine orgasm, and was looking
forward to tomorrow.

The door of her cell opened and jasmine saw Racheal, who was wearing a
black leather bikini and 6� heeled boots, and a whip coiled in her belt.
�Get up slave time to feed you before the training. �Please can you
undo the strap on the straight jacket so I can poop?� said jasmine.
�Another minute added stupid slave. Learn that you MUST address me as
your Mistress first�. �Please Mistress can you undo the strap on the
straight jacket so I can poop� Racheal smiled at the response and pulled
jasmine to her feet and undid the crotch strap. The wet dildo dropped out
of jasmine’s wet cunt as she ran to the toilet to poop. When done she
used the bidet to clean her ass. Racheal picked up the dildo, �Clean it
slave with your mouth�. Jasmine looked at the dildo and then Racheal
and said �no fucking way�. Racheal removed the whip from her belt and
struck jasmine between her legs with the tip hitting her clit. Jasmine fell
to the floor writhing in pain from the whip. Now slave clean the dildo with
your mouth. As she lie on the floor in pain jasmine decided that to avoid
more punishment she had to be very careful so she crawled over to her
and started sucking the dildo clean. �Good slave you are learning, but
that outburst earned you another minute�. From a cart Racheal took out
a dog bowl of food and put it on the floor. �Breakfast slave eat up�.
Jasmine was hungry and also realized if she didn’t eat her ass would be
whipped and not wanting that she crawled to the bowl and ate the food,
which was actually tasty. She was informed it was a version of food used
to feed astronauts so you will get plenty of nourishment. Racheal
attached a leash to jasmine’s collar and walked her out into the dungeon’s
shower section. �Understand one false move and the collar will shock
you and you will earn more minutes�. Jasmine had not figured out the
minutes thing, but assumed it was part of a major punishment. Racheal
removed the straightjacket from jasmine and told her to clean up.
Jasmine enjoyed the hot shower stretching to get the kinks out of her
body and washing her hair, but as she washed her cunt she realized just
have sensitive it was now that it was hairless. When she was done
Racheal tossed her a towel and she quickly dried her body. Attaching the
leash to the collar Racheal pulled her out to a large bondage table and
pushed her on it. �On you back slave� as Racheal smacked jasmine’s
ass with a riding crop. Jasmine yelped and quickly turned over and lied
down on her back to avoid further pain. Racheal spread her legs apart
and cuffed them to the table’s corner. The grabbed her wrists and cuffed
then to the other end of the table stretching her to her limits. �Now
slave every morning the minutes you earn for disobeying the rules will be
paid back. If you earn any minutes the base of 5 minutes is added, with
an extra 5 for every 5 you earn. Since you earned 4 yesterday you will
suffer hell for 9 minutes.� Racheal picked up a bottle from the table and
told jasmine this is hell and that the contents were extreme hot pepper
juice mixed with extra strength itching powder, hot sauce and icyhot.
Jasmine’s eyes went wide with fear of where this was to be placed and
the pain it would cause. For now one drop on each nipple and one drop
on your clit, so slave it would behoove you to learn fast. Racheal gagged
jasmine so she wouldn’t have to hear the screams and then place the 3
drops on jasmine’s most sensitive areas as describe. As jasmine looked
up while totally helpless on the table, as the first drop hit her left nipple.
The pain from the drop on her nipple was unlike anything she had ever
felt or could imagine. As the second drop quickly followed the first drop
she screamed into the gag from the extreme pain and then struggled to
avoid the next drop on her clit. As the drop hit her clit, it felt like it was
burning through her cunt and prayed she would pass out to stop the pain
flowing from her most sensitive places. After the 9 minutes Racheal used
an ointment on the areas which stopped the pain. Jasmine body
continued to shake from the pain and in her mind she realized she needed
to do whatever was needed or this hell would never stop. Racheal
released her from the table and dragged her to a steel framed chair and
strapped her in it so jasmine could not move any part of her body.
Racheal pulled a lever and jasmine’s legs were spread as wide apart as
possible. Now slave, you are going to be here for the next month so to
make sure your life is not screwed up, sign this card so your mail comes
here. I will not open anything unless you see it. Also later you will call
your employer and explain you need a family leave. Jasmine told her she
was self employed so that is not a problem. Does you house have a
security system and if so give me the code, as I am going there to get
some of your clothing and toys as I decide. �No fucking way bitch am I
letting you in my home�. Racheal smiled and just said �That is 2
minutes earned, one for cursing at me and one for failure to call me
Mistress�. �It will be a cold day in hell before I do that� replied
jasmine. �That is another 2 minutes added�. Jasmine now understood
what was happening and realized what action was best to save her body
from that serious pain. �I am sorry Mistress, the code is 38-23-36 my
measurements�. Racheal laughed and said �was that so hard slave�.
Getting a round ball with what appeared to be two tails from the bench
Racheal walked over to jasmine and said � While I am out I think you
need something to remind you I control you and your body�. Carefully
inserting the ball with longer tail first into jasmine’s cunt (which to her
surprise was dripping wet), jas realized the long tail hit her �G� spot and
the short one pressed against her clit. Several belts held the device
inside her. Using a remote Racheal turned on the very strong vibrator.
Jasmine felt her body respond to the vibrator and moaned loudly. �Don’t
worry slave, those batteries should wear out in about 2-3 hours�, as
Racheal left the dungeon and the door locked behind her. In the dark
jasmine tried to take control of her body, but it was responding to the
vibrator that was affecting the pleasure zones in her cunt and she quickly
had an enormous orgasm, only to find her body continuing to respond.
jasmine wondered why her body was reacting to the pain and pleasure
like a slave would. But after several hours and quite a few strong
orgasms, her cunt started to hurt from cumming so many times, but even
so she fought to stop her body from enjoying the pain and pleasure
without any success.

Chapter 5 training gets serious

After what felt like many hours and after having more orgasms, the door
opened and Racheal walked in. First thing she noticed was the huge
puddle of cunt juice under jasmine. �So slave I see you had fun, but
now let’s get you cleaned up before I get serious in your training.
Released from the steel chair, jasmine was shoved to the shower to get
cleaned up. Again as she washed her hair and body allowing the warm
water to pour over her body, she wondered why she was getting excited
when she should be fighting the feelings. Once dried, she saw a bowl of
food and water on the floor and was told to eat. Jasmine hesitated for a
minute, but knowing the results of disobeying she got down on her hands
and knees and ate all the food and drank some water. Racheal attached
a leash to her collar and pulled her back to the steel chair and strapped
her onto it again making sure that she could not move a muscle. We will
have two visitors in a few minutes to have fun with you. The first will
place a tattoo on you and the second will pierce you.
Jasmine’s eyes went wide with fear and she screamed �no way, that was
not agreed to bitch�. Laughing Racheal told her she should have read
the contract she signed and it allows anything but dismemberment and
death and also you earned another 2 minutes for calling me a bitch and
not Mistress. Racheal left and returned with small man wearing glasses
and carrying a large bag. �Lovely slave you have, Racheal, what and
where do you want the tattoos�. �Tony, on her belly above her hairless
cunt, I want a picture of a coiled whip and inside the coil it should say
Racheal’s slave, the whip in black ink the rest in pink. And when you are
done you can fuck the slut’.
That’s fine, I won’t pass that offer up, you might want to gag her unless
you like to hear her scream as that area is very sensitive and this will be
very painful. Jasmine listening screamed �Please don’t, I did not agree
to what that bitch wants�. Tony told her, forget it, I am paid good
money to do it and then I get to fuck you. Racheal got a 6� dildo gag
from a drawer, walked over and shoved it into jasmine’s cunt to get it
covered in her juices and then pinching jasmine’s nose shoved it in her
mouth when she opened it and strapped it tight around her head and
whispered in her ear, that was another minute. It took Tony over two
hours to finish the tattoo. Jasmine cried from the pain that flowed
through her belly and cunt throughout the whole process. It had felt like a
hundred bees were stinging her as Tony slowly placed the tattoo on her
belly and she cried the hold time, while sucking her own juices from the
dildo. Racheal was very pleased with how it looked, and told Tony to take
his pleasure. Jasmine watched as Tony took off his pants and his cock
sprang up. As he inserted it into jasmine he also was surprised how wet
the cunt was and told Racheal. A natural pain slut if I ever saw one was
her response. Jasmine could not believe how her body was betraying her
by its reaction to the tattoo and the fucking as she came several times
before Tony shot his load in her. When done Tony said, �nice fuck slut.
Understand I used a deep injection method so the tattoo is very hard to
remove even with a laser, so enjoy it for the rest of your life�. After he
left Racheal then told her, that her septum, nipples, clit hood, and labia
were to be pierced. And a new technique would be used by inserting a
plastic grommet in the hole which was coated with medication for quick
healing and would allow the rings to move easily through the holes. Also
the rings were a new high density plastic that was stronger than hardened
steel and once glue together they were basically permanent, but you
should be happy that the plastic won’t set off metal detectors.
�Mnnfgtght� Screamed jasmine into the gag while shaking her head no
as much as possible. Racheal played with jasmines nipples making the
hard, and saying that pink rings would look nice here, and as she fingered
her clit, a green one here and blue in your labia. I think a brown ring in
your septum, will blend in so nice with your skin color. Jasmine could not
believe how Racheal was going to modify her lovely body and that the
rings could not be removed and how she could ever have any slave
respect her.

A young Asian male entered the dungeon and looked at jasmine saying
�is this the slave you want pierced?� She informed him that she was
and how the slave was to be pierced. Jin started by numbing her nose
and inserted the piercing tool. Jasmine heard the crunch as her septum
was pierced and watched as the ring was inserted and the two halves seal
together. Once done she felt the ring droop on her upper lip. Her nipples
were pierced next and last her clit and labia. When offered the use of
jasmine, he declined, saying he was happily married. Racheal paid him
and he left. Before releasing jasmine from the chair, Racheal locked cuffs
around each of her wrists and ankles. As she release jasmine’s hands
Racheal locked the cuffs together behind her back. Pulling jasmine to a
mirror, Racheal forced her to look at her now modified body. Staring at
her tattoo and piercings jasmine was horrified by how body now looked.

Racheal took the leash and lead jasmine up the stairs to her bedroom. I
am sure slave that you have experience in pleasing a female, so do not
disappoint me tonight or you will pay dearly for it tomorrow. As Racheal
removed all her clothing, jasmine stared at her beautiful body. Racheal
lied down on her bed and told jasmine to give her a full body tongue bath
and make sure every inch was cleaned or more minutes would be
added. Starting with her feet jasmine sucked and cleaned Racheal’s
body lingering around her pussy which she spent enjoying the taste. As
Racheal told her she was doing a wonderful job, jasmine felt proud that
she was pleasing her Mistress and then wondered why she thought of
Racheal as her mistress. Turning over Racheal told jasmine to clean her
asshole. Jasmine hesitated for a minute and Racheal said �that is
another minute slave and you have disappointed me� and press the
button on the remote that sent a shock through the collar around
jasmine’s neck. After recovering from the shock Jasmine put her head
down between the Racheal’s ass cheeks and started licking her asshole.
�Get that tongue in ME �shouted Racheal and jasmine inserted her
tongue into her ass and for the first time tasted shit, and started to gag.
�Get use to it slave as I will want a daily bath from your tongue�.
Jasmine forced herself to clean Racheal’s ass and not vomit as she knew
this would cause a major punishment. When done tongue bathing
Racheal, jasmine was told her reward for the lovely bath was she was
allowed to pleasure her Mistress’s cunt until she came. Jasmine put her
tongue into Racheal’s pussy and slowly brought her to orgasm drinking all
her tasty juices. Finally Racheal told her to kneel on the floor, and then
her hands were cuffed behind her back and Racheal took jasmine back to
the dungeon and to her cell and locked her in for the night. As jasmine
sat on the cot she tried to sort out her feelings and what was happening
to her. In two days she had gone from being what she thought was a
nasty Domme to a pierced tattooed slave. She had experienced extreme
pain and also some of the most powerful orgasms she ever had. She had
tasted the juices of one of the most beautiful, terrifying woman that she
had ever seen. She could not in her mind understand how her body was
betraying her, but she promised herself to fight these feelings. Upstairs in
her bedroom Racheal was planning the next days training knowing that
jasmine was responding to the pain and pleasure forced on her just as
she had planed.

Chapter 6
As the light came on in the windowless cell, jasmine opened her eyes and
saw Racheal standing there and tried to crawl to a corner. �Potty time
slave�. Jasmine went to the toilet and peed and pooped, still
embarrassed to be performing these functions in from of someone. Once
done, jasmine was dragged back to the steel chair and was secured as
before totally helpless. �Time for hell slave, I have you at 9 minutes with
a new base of 10 so that is 19 minutes and since you went to a new base
I am adding your asshole as a fourth place. Upon hearing this jasmine
fought to get free with no avail and tried to move her body to avoid the
drops but the straps held her totally helpless and unable to move.
Jasmine then felt a sharp prick in her left arm. Just a little drug so you
won’t pass out she was told. Getting the dildo gag from the previous day
Racheal again inserted it into jasmine’s cunt and used it to almost bring
her to a climax. Jasmine used her eyes to plead for a climax, but was
denied as the dildo was removed from her pulsing cunt. Racheal then
strapped the gag in jasmine’s mouth. Jasmine’s eyes went wide with fear
as she saw and felt the drops land on each of her nipples, each causing
the extreme pain again and then on her clit the pain was even worse
because of the piercing. And as a gloved finger covered with the solution
entered her ass she screamed into the gag as the pain was more than
anything she had ever felt and never thought was possible. Jasmine
could not believe the degree of pain from the solution in her ass and
prayed she would pass out only to remember the drug that would not let
The pain flowed through her body, and she tried to block the pain out in
her head even though she felt her body responding to the pain. She
fought hard to stop her body, but the pain was so intense it blocked out
all thoughts. After the 19 minutes Racheal applied the neutralizing cream
and jasmine relaxed, vowing to do what it took to avoid �hell� while
trying to resist Racheal.
Chapter 7

Racheal allowed jasmine about 10 minutes to regain from the pain of

hell. Now slave I am going to ask you questions and you will respond
quickly and truthfully, for if you don’t more minutes in hell will be added.
Now slave how long were you a Domme? Jasmine responded 4 yrs
Mistress. Have you had sex with a male before today? Yes Mistress.
Have you had anal sex?
No Mistress. Are you a lesbian? Yes Mistress. Are you enjoying being a
slave? No. Very good slave, I believe the answers. Once released from
the chair, jasmine was uncuffed and told to potty and then shower.
Staggering to the shower jasmine allowed the water to revive her. Once
done she left the shower and faced Racheal. On your knees slave with
head down Racheal told her. Jasmine dropped to her knees and lowered
her head. A bowl of food and a bowl of water were placed in front of her.
Jasmine was hungry and ate all the food and drank most of the water.
Very good slave, you are starting to learn. In a few minutes we will have
a guest that is to be punished and you can watch. Jasmine’s hands were
cuffed behind her back, gagged her with a large ball gag and then she
was lead back to the dungeon, over to a beam of wood placed on legs at
each end. She noticed that the beam of would was triangle shaped with
the point facing up, and realized this was a version of the �horse� a
torture device, which she had used on slaves so she knew how painful it
could be. From the middle of the beam was a large fat dildo vibrator.
She also saw hanging chains about 5’ in front of the �horse�. Racheal
told her this was her seat to watch as she disciplined a slave that was
arriving shortly and she would be riding the horse for the next 5 hrs.
Upon hearing 5 hours jasmine could not believe anyone could take that.
Using a stool, jasmine mounted the beam carefully sliding the dildo into
her cunt. As she lowered her weight on to the beam and as the sharp
point cut into her swollen cunt she screamed into the gag. Rachel pulled
jasmine’s legs back to the rear and cuff them placing even more weight
directly on jasmine’s cunt. The she spread jasmine cunt lips apart and
pulled the labia rings over small hooks in the sides of the beam, so that
all of jasmine weight was directly on her wide open cunt. �Enjoy the
show slave, it will show you what is in store for you. Racheal left and
shortly returned with a male being pulling by a leash. He was cuffed to
the hanging chains and then his ankles were cuffed to floor rings 3’ apart
spread-eagling him. The chains were pulled until he was stretched taunt
and jasmine knew this was painful. Racheal cut off the male slave’s
clothes leaving him naked in front of her, and as he looked at the naked
jasmine his cock became hard. Racheal slapped the hard cock, and said
�Your Mistress said you couldn’t control your cock, and sent a box earlier
with instructions. From the box she removed a kali bracelet and a ball
crusher. The ball crusher was two pieces the top part opened and went
around the top of his balls and closed. The bottom of what looked like a
box was attached to the top with screws. There were four holes in the
box that was locked around the balls. Racheal retrieved four bolts. The
bolts were screwed into the box slowly crushing his balls as they went
into the box. Racheal then took the kali bracelet, and showed the slave
the sharp spikes that lined the inside of it as she locked it around his
cock. As the bracelet closed the slave screamed in pain. He was
informed that his owner had requested he be whipped with 10 strokes on
he back, ass, chest and legs. He pleaded for mercy, but was denied.
Your reward is you can watch my new slave on the horse as she cums
from the vib in her. Isn’t she lovely and so hot looking with the nipple
and cunt rings? Racheal said as she played with the nipple rings and as
a reward for jasmine being so honest your ass will receive the 10 strokes
with a rattan cane by jasmine. Racheal turned to her and told her if the
strokes were not as severe as she could deliver, then jasmine would
suffer even worse than the male slave.
Racheal took a bull whip and proceeded to apply slowly the 10 strokes to
his back. He cried in pain screaming with each stroke and when she was
done the slaves back was a bloody mess. She then used a flogger on the
slave’s legs and chest. Jasmine was released from the horse, her hands
released and she was handed the cane. Jasmine noticed Racheal’s hand
on the shock collar’s remote, so that any thought of rebellion and attack
on Racheal was useless. Jasmine told the slave to get ready for the
worse caning he ever had. Racheal watched as jasmine place all her
weight behind each stroke and when done there were ten perfect parallel
stripes across he ass and most were bleeding. Racheal told jasmine she
did very well, and while a slave; her experience would still be used.
She then was taken back to the horse for the remainder of the 5 hours.
The male slave was released from the chains and lead out of the
dungeon. At the end of the five hours Jasmine was helped off the horse
with a very swollen cunt and she could not walk normally as she was
taken back to her cell and locked in for the night, but not before Racheal
praised her for not earning any minutes of hell.

As the door locked jasmine sat on the cot and realized this was the first
time she was in the cell with her hands free. Going over in her mind the
events of the last three days and trying to make sense of what was
happening to her. Why her body was responding to the pain and how she
was obeying commands without protest. She remembered something a
Domme told her shortly after becoming a Domme, that the hardest thing
for a Domme was to always be in control as to prevent really hurting a
sub/slave, but the sub/slave enjoyed the freedom of just obeying without
any responsibility. She then realized it was the freedom of being in
control of her actions and reactions that she was enjoying. She also
enjoyed caning the male slave, but knew Racheal was in control not her.
She looked at her new body with its piercings, hairless cunt and tattoo
and could not think how any slave would now obey her. Also she
wondered why did not mind wearing the collar. With that she stretched
out on the cot and masturbated several times before she fell asleep with a
smile on her face.

In the morning when the cell door opened, Jasmine said �Mistress
Racheal, can we please talk for a few minutes�. Racheal nodded ok and
then jasmine said �I don’t understand what is happening to me.�
Racheal said �Let me tell you something a Domme told me that the
hardest thing for a Domme was to always be in control as to prevent
really hurting a sub/slave, but the sub/slave get to enjoy the freedom of
just obeying without any responsibility. It is the freedom from being in
control that slaves love and enjoy. Just as I have seen with you getting
wet from the treatment you have been receiving, you body is enjoying
not being in control. Jasmine said �bullshit bitch, I am a Domme not one
of your fucking slave toys that you abuse�. Racheal smiled and said �I
am so glad you still have some spunk despite what your body feels and
the conflict in you mind. Also that is 2 minutes your earned in hell, and I
have a new stronger hell for you� jasmine’s eyes went wide hearing
about a new stronger liquid and could not imagine anything stronger.
�There are still 28 days left on your contract slave, so we will find out if
your mind is stronger than the feelings your body has. Time will tell slave
slut�. Jasmine was taken to the shower room and allowed to clean
herself and wash her hair. She carefully washed her swollen sore cunt
and the rest of her body and felt better as the warm water flowed over
her body. Once done and dried off a bowl of the food and a bowl of
yellow liquid were placed in front of her and she was instructed to eat and
drink. After eating she started drinking the liquid and spit it out upon
tasting it and threw the bowl across the room yelling �I don’t drink piss
bitch� and went toward the sink and to drink from that. As Racheal
pressed the button on the collar remote control, jasmine’s body went into
spasms as she collapsed and passed out.

Chapter 8
As jasmine woke up she found herself in the dungeon stretched taunt in
the chains as the male slave was the day before. A gag completely filled
her mouth and she felt a tube down her throat and saw a tube going out
of the gag. Racheal was sitting in a chair in front of her wearing a black
leather bikini with 6� heeled matching boots and a whip coiled in her
belt. �So you don’t like my golden nectar slave, you had better get use
to it as it is now the only thing you will have to drink from now on�. As
Racheal pulled the chains even tighter said� See you in about an hour�.
As jasmine hung in the chains she could only imagine what was going to
happen to her. Racheal returned accompanied by Shelia (the Domme
from the party) and Shelia looked at jasmine. Nice rings on the slave I
like the colors, and I see you are using the feeding gag harness I
designed. Jasmine realized the tube down her throat was a feeding tube
and could only wonder what was to be forced through it. Shelia place a
box down saying inside was the new control chastity belt design that
would drive this bitch crazy. �So Racheal what do you have planned for
jasmine today�. Well since she didn’t enjoy my gold wine, I think she
might enjoy her brown soup� Racheal said laughing. �Now that is
something I would love to see. By the way several Dommes that have
lost bets to her have asked you show her no mercy as she never did�
Shelia said. From a table Racheal took a butt plug that was 9� long and
4� wide at the bung with a long tube passing through the plug. Jasmine
shook her head no as she saw what was in Racheal’s hand. �Just the
right size for your virgin ass slave, next time you won’t piss me off and
will obey and that stunt of throwing the bowl earned you 20 minutes of
hell�. Jasmine could not comprehend that a plug of that size could fit in
her ass and how she could survive that much time with the
�hell’ solution. Racheal lubed the tube in the front of the plug and slowly
worked it into jasmine’s tight ass until the tip of the plug touched the
hole. Clenching her ass checks and trying to prevent the plug from
entering her was all she could think of doing to stop it. With one very
hard shove Racheal rammed the plug deep into jasmine’s virgin asshole
filling it totally. Jasmine screamed into the gag as the plug invaded her
ass and felt as it she had been ripped open and she cried from the pain.
Racheal inflated the butt plug sealing her ass shut. Racheal left the room
and returned shortly carrying a 4qt enema bag full of very hot water.
Jasmine now realized what the brown soup was going to be and also knew
there was nothing she could do to prevent it. The bag was hung next to
her stretched taunt body and the butt plug tube was connected to the
enema bag. �You will retain it until I am done whipping your body for
that outburst�. Racheal opened the valve and jasmine felt the hot water
flow into her burning her insides as it filled her. As she looked down
jasmine could see her belly slowing begin to swell as the water filled her.
Once the bag emptied Racheal closed the valve and removed the bag.
After a few minutes jasmine started feeling cramps in her belly and the
pain from them was increasing. Her eyes pleaded with Racheal to release
the water. All Racheal did was pick up from the table a cane and she
walked behind jasmine. �Ten strokes on the ass slave� Racheal told
her. As each stroke tore into her ass cheeks jasmine screamed into the
gag and she now knew how every slave she had ever caned felt and the
extreme pain of being caned by someone who was experienced in causing
the most pain. Her ass after the ten strokes bore ten bloody welts that
spread from the top of the cheeks to the crease at the bottom. Shelia
walked up and fingered the welts on jasmine’s ass saying �nice close
even grouping�. As Racheal put down the cane she suddenly slapped
jasmine’s belly with a leather paddle. Jasmine shook in the chains as the
slap increased the cramps and pain in her very swollen belly. Racheal
stood in front of her and ask �slave do you want the water released? If
so nod your head�. Jasmine shook her head no not wanting to swallow
her own shit. Racheal asked Shelia �what about another 4 quarts for the
slut�. Jasmine nodded quickly not wanting any more in her belly and
wanting the pressure and pain relieved as soon as possible even if it
meant she had to swallow it. She watched Racheal take the tube from the
plug and attach� it to the tube going trough the gag. �I am sure you
will learn that MY golden nectar is far better tasting than your brown soup
and next time you will drink it�. With that she opened the valve and
jasmine watched as the brown fluid flowed from her ass toward her
mouth and there was nothing she could do to stop it from going down her
throat. Once she started tasting the shit as it flowed down her throat,
jasmine decided at that point she would drink all the pee Racheal gave
her rather than drink the shit again. After the brown fluid stopped flowing
the tube from her ass was removed from the gag. While the cramps
stopped her belly now was full of her shit which made her sick just from
the thought and the taste. Shelia smiled as she asked for a copy of the
tape for everyone to see jasmine drinking her own shit. Jasmine could
not believe how sadistic Racheal was, and deeply regretted ever making
that bet. �Now to continue your caning with your breasts next�. A
board was strapped under her 38D breasts supporting them for the cane.
Quickly six strokes of the cane went across both breasts leaving bloody
stripes. At this point jasmine passed out from the pain.

Chapter 9
Jasmine woke up lying in the shower with brown vomit all over the floor
and her body. As she looked down at her breasts which were extremely
painful and saw bloody stripes across both of them and wondered if this
would cause scars on what was her perfect 38D set. She could not
believe what Racheal had done to her and as she thought she was a nasty
Domme, but she wasn’t even in the same class as Racheal. A chain from
her collar was attached to a floor ring so she could move if needed. As
she tried to move pain shot out from her breasts and ass and she
collapsed back on the floor. She had never experienced anything as
horrible as what she had experienced in the dungeon and her spirit was
just about broken and she realized she need to submit completely to save
her life. A hose shot cold water all over her body washing off the vomit.
She crawled into the corner to avoid the water. Racheal and Shelia just
laughed at how she looked. �Slave are you going to obey or do you want
even more pain� jasmine said �no Mistress I will obey�. A towel was
tossed at her and she dried off. She was taken back to the dungeon and
again was stretched taunt in the chains. Shelia opened the box she
brought and pulled out a chastity belt made of plastic and metal. She
attached a very large dildo and butt plug to the crotch strap and wires
went to a control box on the waist band. The waist band was locked
around jasmine’s waist and the plug and dildo were lubed and inserted in
her and the crotch strap locked shut. Another band was strapped on her
right wrist. The dildo in the belt started to vibrate and slowly jasmine’s
body started to react to the it and she began to get excited. The dildo
was turned to high speed and quickly it lead to jasmine having an
orgasm. The belt was shut off, and Shelia explained that jasmine’s pulse
and heart rate at the time of orgasm were now stored in the small
microprocessor in the belt. It can be set so the belt will shock her just
before she cums and will then go back to vibration. As jasmine heard this
she realized what her next torture this would be. �Cool� said Racheal,
�set it for a one hour period and let’s watch jasmine suffer�. Jasmine
felt the belt turn on and again her body reacted to the vibrators in her as
she move to an orgasm, but every time she was just about to cum, the
belt sent a powerful electric shock from the anal plug through the dildo
and stopped the climax. After about 30 minutes jasmine was pleading to
be allowed to cum but was told only good slaves get to cum and
rebellious slaves suffer. Jasmine had never felt so excited and frustrated
as she could not cum. The belt device was a torture just as she was told
and the more she was denied the more her body wanted to cum. After
about another 20 minutes, jasmine crying shouted �please Mistress I will
do anything you want, but please let me cum�. �So slave you will
serve as MY full complete toilet slave swallowing everything I produce�
Racheal asked. As another shock went through her stopping her body
from cumming jasmine screamed �yes Mistress I will be your toilet,
please let me cum�. Racheal just watched as jasmine went through 3
more cycles of shocks before allowing jasmine to cum. Jasmine’s body
erupted in the hardest longest orgasm she every had in her life and then
she collapsed in the chains. Racheal and Shelia smiled knowing this was
the first step in making jasmine a pure total slave for life.

Chapter 10

Racheal and Shelia dragged jasmine up to Racheal’s bedroom and chained

her to ceiling rings facing the bed. Racheal and Shelia stripped and went
to the bed and started making passionate love with each other. Racheal
reached over and set the control belt on jasmine to tease mode and
laughed and told jasmine enjoy the sight and pray I let you cum at some
point. Jasmine watched them having sex while the control belt shocked
her every time she was close to cumming. Racheal asked jasmine if she
wanted to cum again. Jasmine said �yes Mistress if you would allow�.
Racheal tossed Shelia both the collar and belt remotes and said�
jasmine, you have to earn that by using your mouth and tongue to give
me an orgasm. If you do it real good I will allow you to cum again, but
do a poor job and the belt will send shocks for a minute� �yes Mistress
I understand and would love to pleasure you�. Jasmine was released
from the chains and crawled to Racheal’s bed and climbed on it moving
between the spread legs in front of her. Jasmine slowly moved up each
leg using her tongue to tease and as she found Racheal’s wet cunt she
slide her tongue in it and started licking and driving it deep, She could tell
Racheal’s body was responding and moved her tongue faster to please
her Mistress and drink her tasty juices. After about 20 minutes Racheal
wrapped her legs around jasmine’s head and pulled her face right into her
cunt as she came squirting her juices into jasmine’s mouth and on her
face. Jasmine quickly swallowed her juices enjoying the taste. �Very
good slave you have potential. Shelia turn the vibrators on extreme and
let her cum for a few minutes� said Racheal. As the vibrators went to
extreme jasmine body shook as she had another immense orgasm.
Shelia asked Racheal if jasmine knew what she did for a living now.
Racheal said �she knows I am rich and own a few businesses. �So she
doesn’t know that in the B&D community you are known as the trainer�
said Shelia. Upon hearing this jasmine’s eyes went wild with fear as she
had always thought the �trainer� was a fictional person that took new
potential slaves and trained them to the owner’s extreme requirements,
and now she was the property of Racheal for another 27 days. �No, she
didn’t but it should be an interesting 27 days� said Racheal. jasmine said
�I want to be a Domme again when the contract ends�. �We shall see
slave we shall see� said Racheal as she took the belt remote and change
the settings to full shock and vibration. Jasmine’s body shook from the
pain of the shocks and from the pleasure of the vibrator on high and had
still another very intense orgasm. They released jasmine from the chains,
handcuffed her hands behind her back and took her back to her cell for
the night.

Chapter 11

They pushed jasmine into her cell and locked the door. As she sat on the
cot she had a chance to take note of her condition. She was handcuffed
and wearing the control chastity belt so there was no way to pleasure
herself. She now knew she was a slave to Racheal who was known as
one of the cruelest Dominatrix in the area. Her resolve to fight Racheal
was at an all time low from the pain and torture and of being held on the
edge of orgasm for so long. Although the orgasm she had at the end of
the day was the best she ever had, and while she was watching Racheal
and Shelia, she wanted so deeply to please her Mistress.
In the morning Racheal entered the cell and took her back to the
dungeon. The handcuffs and control belt wear removed and once again
she was restrained in the chair totally helpless. Before we get started
today, I want to have another talk with you and require you be honest
with your answers. Ok Mistress, jasmine replied. Before this did you
ever serve as a sub or slave to anyone? No Mistress I never served
anyone. When you arrived here and I took off the straightjacket I noticed
the crotch was wet with your juices, did you also notice this? Yes Mistress
I did. Do you know what a switch is slave asked Racheal? Yes it is
someone that enjoys being a top and also a bottom. Do you understand
why your body is responding as it is to you being a slave? No Mistress I
do not know and it bothers me. I think you are a switch, so what you
need to figure out is which side of the fence you want to be on most of
the time. I don’t know Mistress, I loved being a Domme, but right now
my body is telling me different. Well we have 27 days for you to decide.
What is your favorite song? Thriller by Michael Jackson is my favorite.
�Yesterday you earned 26 minutes which also adds the bonus of 25
minutes for a total of 51 minutes in HELL, or if you choose you can suffer
only 10 minutes with the stronger HELL solution. You have 5 minutes to
decide� Racheal told her. Jasmine said �Ten minutes Mistress
Racheal�. Racheal left the room and returned with an ipod. Racheal
blindfolded jasmine and inserted an inflation gag, which was pumped to
fill her mouth completely and before she put in the earphones she told
jasmine� while you are experiencing hell listen to the music and go with
the flow of pain. Racheal injected her with the drug that would make sure
she didn’t pass out. Then Racheal put on a pair of gloves and then
covered both breasts with the hell solution. She inserted a finger covered
with the solution into jasmines cunt and ass. Jasmine felt the solution on
her first on her breasts as it burned every inch, but when the finger
entered her cunt she bucked in the chair and screamed into the gag. I
was even worse when the finger entered her asshole. As she listened to
the music her body responded to the pain and music in a new way. While
the pain was extreme she actually started enjoying it. And this scared her
very much. Finally the solution was neutralized and the pain stopped.
Jasmine was then taken to the shower area and she bathed her body and
washed her hair. A very subdued jasmine crawls to the bowls and eats
the food and drinks Racheal’s piss. �Thank you Mistress for the meal and
drink� jasmine said and then added without thinking �I love you�.

Chapter 12

Jasmine was again taken to the dungeon and placed in a set of stocks
that had holes for feet and head and arms. Her breasts were hanging
down and her ass was pushed out. Racheal played with jasmines nipples
teasing them until they were hard nubs. A light flashed above the door of
the dungeon and Racheal said� I see the maid is here� and left. Racheal
returned with a blonde in a maids out being lead on a leash. The blonde
looked about 22yrs old had large breasts and shapely body. �This is
Victoria, who is learning maid service and spend on day a week here�
said Racheal. �Victoria, I see from your master’s note you have been
very bad and you were caught masturbating without permission and He
has requested you be punished for this in the harshest way. So bitch
Knowing not to mess with Racheal Victoria quickly removed all her clothes
and stood before Racheal totally naked. Racheal pulled her to the chair
that jasmine had spent painful times in. Quickly Victoria was secured so
she could not move a muscle. As Racheal took from a shelf a bottle and
rubber gloves, jasmine know that Victoria was in for hell. After gagging
Victoria Racheal told her what was in the bottle and where the solution
was going to be placed for her masturbating without permission. �I think
20 minutes will remind you to obey�.
Racheal injected her with the drug that prevented her from passing out.
She then applied the solution to the both breasts and nipples, inserted her
finger deep into the slaves cunt and then her asshole. Jasmine watched
as Victoria writhed in pain on the chair knowing how painful the solution
was. Victoria’s screams could be heard through the gag as the hell
solution did its thing. As Victoria suffered Racheal was behind jasmine
and slowly spanked her ass cheeks, massaging them in between smacks.
Jasmine responded to the spanking by moaning each time a hand hit one
of her cheeks, and Racheal noticed her juices start to flow down her legs.
Racheal said� I love your nice red ass and I see you are also enjoying
it�. �Yes Mistress, I love the feel of you hand spanking my slave ass�
jasmine replied. Racheal noticed how jasmine was more submissive and
her plan to make jasmine her slave was progressing nicely. After the
twenty minutes, Racheal neutralized the hell solution on Victoria and
released her. �You are about the same size as jasmine from the waist
down, so you can wear her control belt while you clean the house�.
Racheal attached the belt to Victoria, inserting both large vibrators and
the wrist band. She then started the vibrators on a high speed, which
Victoria responded to and quickly reached an orgasm.
Laughing Racheal shut off the belt and Victoria groaned as it stopped.
The functions of the belt were explained to Victoria and upon hearing
them she pleaded for Racheal not to do it. �To late slave, next time you
will obey your Master, and if I find you have not cleaned my home as I
expect you will suffer more�. Racheal turned the control belt on in the
tease mode and told Victoria to get busy. As Victoria was leaving the
dungeon jasmine saw her react to a shock from the belt and felt bad for
her as she knew what it felt like to not be able to cum.

Racheal went back to jasmine and took a leather paddle from a table.
�slave count the strokes and don’t miss any�. WHACK, �one Mistress
may I have another�. Whack, �two Mistress may I have another�. This
continued until jasmine received 50 hard whacks and her ass was blazing
red and tears could be seen in her eyes, but never did she miss the
count. Also Racheal could see her swollen cunt and the juices pouring out
of it. During the paddling jasmine felt the paddle and as the pain grew,
she felt her body respond by getting excited and she was actually
enjoying the severe paddling. �Now slut jasmine I will give you a reward
for being a good slave during the paddling� said Racheal. Racheal
removed her cat suit and from a drawer remove a double dildo strapon
which had 8� dildo’s attached to the harness. She slide one into her wet
cunt and tightened the harness so she it looked as if she had a big 8�
cock attached. Racheal went behind the bent over jasmine (still in the
stocks) and inserted the dildo and proceeded to fuck her with long hard
strokes. Both Racheal and jasmine both reached orgasm at the same
time. �Thank you Mistress that was wonderful� said jasmine.

�I think it is time for some art work slave and your body will be the
canvas� Racheal told jasmine as she released her from the stocks and
put her back chained spread-eagled and stretched taunt. Rachel found a
box and shows it to jasmine. Jasmine looked in the box and saw over one
hundred clothespins and realizes that her body is the canvas. Slowly over
the next hour Racheal places the clothespins all over jasmine’s body
paying attention to her breasts, nipples cunt, labia, belly and thighs. As
Racheal pulls a mirror in front of jasmine she sees her body full of
multicolored clothespins in circles and loops over her body. Her body
becomes numb from the pain. Racheal leaves the room and tells her she
will be back in an hour so don’t go anywhere. Jasmine tries to stay still
as movements cause the clothespins to hurt again.

Chapter 13

Racheal returned dragging Victoria behind her on a leash. Racheal

shoved Victoria to the stocks and locked her in them. �You stupid maid,
I found 5 areas not cleaned properly and one broken dish� said Racheal.
�Sorry Mistress, but with the belt on I could not concentrate properly�
Victoria answered. �No excuses slave, 2 strokes with a cane on your ass
for each area missed and 5 across the top of your breasts for the broken
dish� Racheal told her. �Mercy, Mistress please have mercy’ pleaded
Victoria. Racheal had a brilliant idea which while punishing the maid
would bring jasmine closer to becoming her slave. �I will give you an
option slut maid, you can take the caning from me or from the slave over
there stretched in the chains� Racheal told Victoria. �Oh, Mistress
please from your worthless slave� said Victoria thinking the slave could
not be as vicious as Racheal. �Jasmine would you like to cane the maid
for me� Racheal asked. �I will do whatever you desire Mistress�
jasmine responded. �While I remove the clothespins so you can move
freely, I think the extreme mode of the belt should keep the slut maid
from falling asleep� laughed Racheal as she presses a button on the
remote. Victoria felt the shocks shooting from one plug to another
alternating from front to rear and screamed in pain �Please Mistress, I
will be a good maid turn the belt off�. Racheal laughed and just turned
the shocks even stronger. Racheal the spent the next 10 minutes slowly
removing all the clothespins and finally releasing jasmine from the
chains. Jasmine looked at the marks on her body and smiled wearing
them proudly. Together the moved Victoria from the stocks to the
hanging chains and quickly she was stretched taunt. The board was
strapped under Victoria’s breast forcing them up and exposed for the
caning. Jasmine stretched her body getting the kinks out of it so she
could use all her power to cane the maid. Racheal told Victoria to ask
jasmine to cane her for being a bad maid. Victoria said� slave jasmine
will you please cane me as directed by Mistress Racheal�. Racheal could
see jasmine was pissed at how the maid was talking to her. �I will gladly
cane your worthless body Victoria� jasmine told her. Racheal told
jasmine which drawer in the cabinet she could find the selection of canes.
Jasmine picked out a very harsh rattan cane and swished it back and
forth to get a feel of it. Victoria saw the cane jasmine picked and knew it
was going to be painful, but at least the slave was caning her. Racheal
asked jasmine �when was the last time you caned someone�. �The day
before I lost the bet and became your slave� jasmine replied. �Make
sure the maid learns a lesson or you will replace her� Racheal said. No
problem Mistress I will make her suffer� responded jasmine.

Jasmine walked behind the maid and measured the distance for maximum
effect from the cane. SWISH want the cane as it struck the maid’s ass
just at the crease between the cheek s and her legs. Victoria screamed
as the cane hit her ass and she felt the pain go right through her.
�Mercy, Please Mercy� screamed Victoria. Racheal said no mercy for a
sloppy slave, continue jasmine. Slowly jasmine applied the cane and
when done Victoria’s ass had ten parallel welts and some were bleeding.
Victoria slumped in the chains crying and screaming as her ass was a
mass of pain. �Now the breasts jasmine just as I did you’re the other
day� said Racheal. �Yes Mistress I won’t disappoint you and this is fun�
replied jasmine. Jasmine moved to the side of Victoria to get a proper
position. The rattan cane flashed five times and Victoria’s breasts
bounced on the board each time the cane hit them and five bloody stripes
graced her now painful swollen breasts. �Thank jasmine, slut maid�
Racheal said. �Thank you slave jasmine for caning me� said Victoria.
Racheal said �another 2 stokes on her breasts and hit the nipples this
time, and slut maid you will address her as Ms Jasmine�. The cane flew
through the air and hit Victoria’s nipples twice as blood squirted from
them. �Thank you Ms Jasmine for the proper caning of this worthless
maid� Victoria said hoping the punishment would stop. �Jasmine release
her and remove the control belt give the maid back her clothes� said
Racheal �and then slut you can leave but be advised your Master will
learn of how bad you were�.

Racheal went upstairs with jasmine in tow and made dinner which was
dropped into a bowl for jasmine to eat and pissed in a second bowl for her
to drink. After dinner jasmine cleaned the dishes and the kitchen under
the supervision of Racheal. They then went upstairs and Racheal stripped
and jasmine bathed her completely, before they went to bed where
jasmine worshipped her body and made love to Racheal and the fell
asleep at the foot of her bed. Racheal just smiled as her plans for
jasmine were on schedule.

Chapter 14

The next morning jasmine was taken so she could potty and then was
taken to shower and then feed from the bowls of food and Racheal’s piss.
Then they went to Racheal’s bathroom where jasmine bathed her. After
the bath, Racheal told jasmine she was going to be the maid today. The
control belt was locked on jasmine and she was handed a rubber bra the
was lined on the inside with rubber nubs that would stimulate the breast,
Over this jasmine put on a rubber dress and 5� heels were locked on her
feet. �You have 30 minutes to clean the bathroom and the same rules
apply as were used for Victoria� Racheal said, and the turned the control
belt to tease mode. Jasmine started cleaning the bathroom, but between
the control belt and bra she was constantly on the verge of cumming only
the shocks stopped her. She managed to finish the bathroom with one
minute to spare. Racheal examined the bathroom and found dirt under
the toilet tank. She showed it to jasmine and said �this will cost you 2
�That’s not fair, that is old dirt and the last maid should have been
punished for that� cried jasmine. �Dirt is dirt slave and that outburst
will cost you 4 minutes in hell tomorrow� replied Racheal. Jasmine was
then instructed to clean the bedroom and make the bed. Racheal found
the bed sheets not properly tight and awarded jasmine another 2
strokes. From there they went to the guest bathroom where jasmine
cleaned that and made sure no dirt was under the toilet tank. This
continued for the rest of the day as jasmine cleaned the whole upstairs.
�Slave, do you know how to cook� asked Racheal. �Only how to
microwave food and order in� replied jasmine. They went to the kitchen
where Racheal showed jasmine how to make a roast and vegetables.
Racheal sat at the table as jasmine served her and jasmine was told to
kneel on the floor. Chucks of food were tossed to jasmine by Racheal and
she ate them from the floor. A bowl of piss was placed on the floor for
jasmine to drink from. When done Racheal told her to clean the dishes
and the rest of the kitchen. As jasmine went to clean she felt the control
belt move to a higher tease mode and almost dropped a dish. Jasmine
moved very slowly and carefully not wanting her breasts caned. When
the kitchen was cleaned, jasmine was told to bend and touch her toes and
not move from that position. Racheal applied the four strokes jasmine
earned across the bare ass cheeks leaving dark welts. Jasmine was then
taken to her cell and stripped of the dress and bra, and her hands were
cuffed behind her back. �If you hadn’t complained, you would be back in
my bedroom, but that privilege is earned, so you spend the night here�
Racheal told her. The cell door closed and she crawled onto the cot.
Jasmine was very confused between what her body apparently desired,
and what her mind thought about the situation. Jasmine was realizing
what the slaves she had abused had felt and why they continued to see
her. But she also desired being a Domme and the conflict was what role
did she want to become Domme or slave? And then there were these
feelings of love for Racheal which she had never felt for anyone before.
Jasmine went to sleep crying as she so wanted to be with Racheal.

The next morning jasmine was taken to the dungeon and the control belt
removed and she was strapped into the chair. �Do you want to be
gagged as screaming will earn you more pain� asked Racheal. �Yes,
Mistress please gag me. Racheal found a large dildo gag and inserted it
into her own ass, then pulled it out and jasmine saw it was covered in
shit. �Open slave� jasmine was told and she opened her mouth as the
dildo was pushed in and secured. Jasmine gagged slightly on the shit
taste but somehow managed to calm down. �Nine minutes in hell
today� Racheal said as she placed the solution on jasmine’s breasts and
clit. The pain flowed through her body as it burned until the time was up
and the neutralizing cream was applied. Jasmine was then allowed to
shower. When she was done, Racheal said �let’s talk again. Did you
enjoy caning Victoria the other day?� Yes Mistress, it was fun and I was
surprised you allowed me� replied jasmine. And have you enjoyed being
my slave and serving me? Yes, Mistress I have learned so much about
being a slave and I love pleasing you and suffering for your pleasure.
Racheal just smiled. �You have great potential as a slave and also as a
Domme, and I also enjoy your pleasuring me�. Jasmine blushed and
said �I want to as I am falling in love with you�. Racheal then told her
�I have an offer for you? You can finish your time as a slave and leave
or, you can remain my slave, and assist me in training slaves, as I have
seen you are enjoying being a slave, but it would be a waste for you not
to use your Domme skills� �you mean I can be your slave and Domme
other slaves� asked jasmine. Yes the best of both worlds she told
jasmine. Jasmine spent several minutes thinking about the offer. Over
these last days, she had discovered she enjoy being a slave to Racheal
whom she was falling deeply in love with and to stay with her and still be
a Domme was like a dream come true.
� I would love that Mistress, it gives me the best of both worlds and I will
be in your control at all times, but still have the opportunity to be a
Domme when allowed� replied jasmine. �How would this work Mistress,
what would happen to my home and things� asked jasmine. �You
Domme things will be brought here for you to wear when I allow you to
Domme and your house will be rented with the funds place in an account
for you. Also a new contract will be signed with a one year term and
automatically renewed unless I decide to cancel it�. �So basically I am
yours for as long as you want me� asked jasmine. �That is correct, and
I don’t foresee letting you go� said Racheal, �as I also have deep
feelings for you I have not had with any other slave� After thinking for
another few minute, jasmine replied, �Can we make just the first year
that either can cancel and if not then only by you, if so then YES Mistress,
I would love to become your slave�
�Deal slave� Racheal told her. From a box Racheal took out a gold
collar engraved �Racheal’s slave�, unlocked the shock collar and locked
this around jasmine’s neck. �I have had this for several years waiting for
the right slave to place it on� Racheal said. Jasmine blushed as she
admired the collar. �I love it Mistress and I am so honored to be the one
to wear it�. � You will be trained to cook and keep the house and
dungeon in order� Racheal told her as she unlocked the control belt and
said � lets go to bed and celebrate� They spent the rest of the day and
night making passionate love.

The following morning Racheal smacked jasmine’s ass and told her
�slave get my bath ready and don’t expect me to be soft on you just
because of last night. Your real training is just starting and now I will
expect even more from you� �Yes Mistress I understand� replied
jasmine as she ran to get Racheal’s bath ready.

Chapter 15

After her bath Racheal took jasmine down to her office where she printed
out a new slave contract. Jasmine read the contract and asked about the
lease section. �Since slave contracts are not really legal, this is a
contract to lease a cell in the dungeon in return for services to be
rendered, namely you serving me as a no limit slave. Notice the penalty
for breaking the lease is $100,000, but I don’t foresee you breaking it,
but just in case it is in there� said Racheal. �Ok �said jasmine as she
signed the contract/lease. Racheal put the papers in her safe. Then she
told jasmine to go potty. Upon her return jasmine was handed the
control belt which she locked on herself. �Get use to the belt, for except
in the morning when you potty and shower or are in the dungeon it is on
24/7 for the next two weeks� Racheal told her. �Mistress, you mean I
won’t cum for 2 weeks� asked jasmine. �Correct slave, I told you the
training was going to get harder now that you are also being trained as
my assistant� Racheal told her. Jasmine was told that besides being the
maid, it was arranged for her to be taught how to be a chef and she was
to obey all lessons and commands from Sophia, who was the head chef
and owner of the town’s best restaurant and also a Domme. Also the
following weekend at Shelia’s place jasmine was to model the control belt
and also wear a control bra that would be delivered tomorrow. Since it is
a brand new design everyone will get to try it out on her. �Please
Mistress, not in front of all the other domme’s� jasmine begged. Racheal
laughed, �Everyone will know your are my slave and new assistant so
live with it. Now get dressed in your maids outfit and start cleaning. I
expect the dungeon to be in order before Sophia arrives or you will
suffer�. Jasmine ran back to the dungeon and dressed in the outfit she
wore the previous day and started cleaning the dungeon. Jasmine
worked quickly cleaning the equipment only stopping when she was
shocked by the belt since it was on tease mode and the nubs in the bra
were also getting her excited. Whips were placed in the proper drawer as
were clamps and dildos. It took her nearly 3 hrs to get it where she
hoped Mistress Racheal would be happy. Racheal nodded with approval
of the cleaning job and then lead her on a leash to the kitchen where she
met Ms Sophia, who was about 44yrs old, 5’8� tall and about 140lb with
medium length black hair. Racheal introduced jasmine to Sophia and told
jasmine to obey all of her commands and to learn how to be a good chef.
Once Racheal left the kitchen, Sophia told jasmine to relax and just learn,
as she was not here to Domme her but to teach her. She also explained
she was doing this in exchange for Racheal to train the next slave she
found, as with her restaurant she did not have the proper time. Sophia
grabbed jasmines breasts and asked, �Are the real or supplemented?�
Jasmine told her that they were natural 38D cups. As Sophia played with
the breasts, she saw jasmine respond as jasmine explained what was in
the bra, and then suddenly shock from a shock and explained the control
belt. Sophia demanded she show her the belt so jasmine lifted the skirt
of the dress and showed Sophia the belt. �Sophia, said, I have to ask
Racheal where she got it�. Jasmine explained it was a prototype
designed by Shelia. Even better, I can exchange dinners for it. Now lets
get down to work, today you will learn to make lasagna as Racheal loves
it and then we will go over other dishes each day for the next few weeks.
For the next two hours jasmine learned the finer points on cooking
lasagna and was amazed as to how much work cooking could be, but in
the end, the results were perfect and Sophia praised her. As Sophia was
leaving to go to her restaurant, Shelia arrived, with a box that jasmine
assumed held the control bra or as she thought the punishment bra.
When Shelia saw the collar around jasmine’ throat, she said,� Is that a
new slave collar jasmine?� Yes Ms Shelia, responded jasmine,
i signed a new slave contract this morning�. �Oh shit said Shelia, I
didn’t think she could do it in a month yet alone a week?� As Racheal
entered the room smiling, she said� I see you are admiring jasmine’s
new collar. You know what that means Shelia don’t you.� �Yes I do
Racheal, Shelia responded, it means I get to spend a week here as a
slave in the future, but with the restrictions we discussed� (but this is
another story). Jasmine’s jaw dropped as she realized they had bet on
whether Racheal could make her a real slave? �Mistress, will I get to
assist you when Ms Shelia is here�, asked jasmine. �Perhaps slave, but
she is all mine as I have waited for a long time to get revenge for when I
served her a few years ago, replied Racheal, now let’s see the bra�.
From the box a bra was removed. It had plastic cups with a thin layer of
padding on the inside and holes in the cups for nipples to poke through.
�Inside the padding is a mild vibration system. Once on these metal
nipple cups are attached to the bra clamping them inside as you tighten
these screws. The metal bar attaches to each of the nipple cups� said
Shelia. �Does it shock like the control belt� asked Racheal. �Yes it
does right across the nipples and signal sent from the belt to the bra sets
it off� Shelia explained. Jasmine was told to remove her dress and bra,
so they could fit the bra on her. �I need to adjust the voltage for the
bra, so jasmine when I send a shock, let me know how strong it is� said
Shelia. As she pressed the control jasmine screamed, �It feels like my
nipples were burning�. Shelia adjusted the control and tried it again.
�It is painful, but not to extreme� responded jasmine. It’s a shame,
your breasts are not as large as jasmine’s or you would be wearing the
bra Shelia, Racheal said but this bra won’t be usable on jasmine next
month as she will have 42DD breasts after the augmentation�. Jasmine
was shocked to hear her breasts would be even bigger, but she did sign
the contract, and then again bigger is better. Shelia said �see you next
weekend� as she left.

Chapter 16

For the next week, jasmine cleaned the house and learned how to cook
like a professional chef. Each evening she was taken to the dungeon by
Racheal and was used in bondage on various pieces of equipment. The
control belt was removed during these sessions, and Racheal would
spank, cane, paddle, flog and whip her. Also use clamps and other items
of pain. Racheal told jasmine this training was to teach her to cum from
pain. As she was abused, she heard Racheal’s voice telling her �pain is
pleasure and pleasure comes from pain, relax and go with the feelings in
you body�. �I know your body enjoys the pain as your cunt was always
wet after a punishment, so it is just training your mind. Jasmine fought
the pain at first but as her body kept reacting to it, she relaxed and by
the end of the week, she was cumming just from the application of pain.
After the dungeon sessions she bathed Racheal every night and then was
allowed to bring her Mistress to an orgasm, after which she slept on the
floor at the foot of Racheal’s bed locked in the control belt. It was a very
trying week, as she was constantly on the verge of cumming, but the belt
kept shocking her before that happened and her only release was in the
dungeon from pain. On Friday jasmine over cooked the roast and was
dragged to the dungeon, but the control belt was left on and set at a high
setting. She was stretched taunt between chains and Racheal whipped
every part of her body, but carefully never allowed her to cum from the
pain as the belt shock told her that jasmine was close. This punishment
lasted for several hours and jasmine’s body was covered in dark red
welts. When Racheal finished the punishment jasmine was locked in her
cell for the night. As the lights went out, Racheal said �I am sure
everyone will love to see your abused body tomorrow�. Jasmine
remembered the next day she was going to Shelia’s demo party, and
would be seen by several Domme’s she had abused, and could only
imagine how they would treat her.

Chapter 17

In the morning jasmine woke up, the belt was removed and she peed and
pooped, then showered. She was shocked when she saw her welted body
in the mirror, and then admired how well she took the punishment. She
so wanted to masturbate, but knowing about the camera system she did
not dare. Her control belt was locked on and then she went to make
breakfast being told not to wear her maids outfit. After breakfast, they
went to Racheal’s bedroom where jasmine bathed and then powdered her
Mistress’s beautiful body with perfumed talc. She then helped Racheal
into a black leather cat suit with a built-in bra and boots with 6� heels
that had a spur in the heel. Jasmine then combed her Mistress’s long red
hair and polished her finger nails. �Now let’s get you ready for tonight,
jasmine� said Racheal. The control bra was placed on her securing her
breast tightly. Jasmine was instructed to place her hands behind her back
with them on the opposite elbow. A red leather pouch was slipped over
the arms, and straps were passed over her shoulders and belted so her
arms were parallel to the floor and totally helpless. Red 6� heels were
locked on her feet with an 18� chain between the shoes. Jasmine was
told to open her mouth and a mouth piece was inserted and as she bit
down, screws on the upper and lower sections of the mouth piece were
tightened keeping her mouth shut. �This is a snaffle gag, Racheal told
her. Notice it looks as if you are smiling.� A small hole was in the
middle for a straw to give her water through the night as needed. A cloak
was placed over her shoulders covering the bra and control belt. Racheal
attached a leash to jasmine’s collar and lead her to the car and off they
went to Shelia’s place. When they arrived Shelia greeted them and they
took jasmine to the display area where jasmine would be showing off the
control bra and belt. As the cloak was removed Shelia whistled at the
striped body and said, �I am sure everyone will admire your work
Racheal.� A chain from the ceiling was locked to the ring on the back of
jasmine’s collar. A stool was brought over so jasmine could sit down until
the show started. Shelia took the remote and put it on the table next to
jasmine. �There is a couple in my office that would like to arrange for
training of some slaves� said Shelia and they walked away they pulled a
curtain to close off the area leaving jasmine helpless.

Chapter 18
Jasmine could here people entering the bar and store and walking
around. Sitting alone she hoped no one would peek in and see her.
Shortly thereafter Racheal entered the display area and whispered to
jasmine �Showtime, enjoy it as you are going to be the main attraction.
Also I just took on a new training contract to start in a month and you will
be helping�. Over a microphone jasmine heard Shelia welcoming
everyone to the fall showing of her new items and everything else. She
said we also have a new training tool called �hell�. Everyone laughed
except jasmine, who was waiting to find out she would be �hells�
victim. It was developed by Mistress Racheal and here is Edward, who is
Victoria’s master to give it an endorsement. Edward stood up and said,
�After coming back from Racheal’s where she was cleaning as a favor, I
noticed how she shook and was extremely submissive. Racheal explained
how Victoria had broken a dish and was subjected to the �hell� solution,
after which Victoria promised to anything Racheal wanted if the pain
would be stopped. If she gets out of line all I do is mention �hell�
solution and she begs anything but that. Now she was really bad today
and grumpy about coming here tonight so I volunteered her to demo the
solution later. Victoria screamed �Please Master anything but that�.
Laughing Edward gagged Victoria and said �that will shut her up, and we
don’t need to hear her screams.� Hearing this jasmine was relieved that
she would not have to experience the hell solution. As people walked
around some played with the remote for the belt and bra to see how far
they could push jasmine. Then jasmine recognized Wanda, who was a
Domme that had lost a bet to jasmine and suffered for it. Smiling Wanda
said �MY turn slut, I still can feel the catheter in me and how you sewed
my cunt shut and the feed me a gallon of water and secured the catheter
hose in my mouth and as you whipped me that night as I drank my pee.
Well now I get revenge�. Jasmine struggled but the chains held her fast,
as Wanda picked up the remote and showed jasmine that she set it to
extreme shock. Jasmine’s eyes went wide with fear and tried to scream
but being gagged it was useless. As Wanda pressed the remote jasmine’s
body shock in the chains as the current flowed through her breasts and
crotch. Wanda just kept pushing the button making jasmine suffer.
Shelia seeing what was happening rushed over and grabbed the remote.
�What the hell are you doing, you could have killed her� said Shelia.
�After what she did to me she deserves to suffer pain� replied Wanda.
A crowd gathered around watching the argument, and Shelia called over
the bouncers and told them to put Wanda in restraints. Wanda was taken
away cursing everyone out. Jasmine was let down and the crowd was
told the demo as over, but could look at jasmine in the belt and bra, but
could not use the remote. Racheal was informed of what happened and
was livid. Shelia gathered a jury of Master/ Mistress for an inquest to
determine what punishment should be given to Wanda. Found guilty of
abusing a slave Wanda was place I a demo area. Racheal suggested that
Shelia demo the hell solution on her. Racheal clipped a leash to
jasmine’s collar and they walked around chatting to friends and other
people there. As the evening was winding down the Shelia strapped
Wanda to a table spread-eagled. As everyone watched he applied a drop
of the �hell� solution on her nipples and clit. Everyone was amazed as
she screamed through the gag, and struggled to get free. After about 10
minutes Shelia applied the neutralizing cream and Wanda relaxed. After
being released Wanda apologized to Racheal for abusing her slave.
Everyone was very impress with the solution and it was a big seller.

Racheal took jasmine home, and removed the gag, control bra and belt
and then Racheal stripped and both went to the hot tub to relax. �I am
very proud of how you acted tonight, and tonight you will sleep in my bed
after we make love to each other�, said Racheal. Jasmine smiled and
said� thank you Mistress� and kissed her. They spent the rest of the
night making passionate love and both had many orgasms.
In the morning, Racheal asked jasmine if she was happy and jasmine told
her �the happiest I have ever been.� �Good because I an extending
your slave contract to five years� said Racheal. Jasmine smiled and said
�yes Mistress for as long as you desire� and then went down between
Racheal legs and brought her to another orgasm. After Racheal came,
she slapped jasmine’s ass and told her, the training was over and she was
besides her slave now her assistant and a new contract to train triplets
was signed and they needed to make plans for them.

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