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The State of Grace by Master_Hawk1223

Codes: M+/f+ exhibition modification spanking toys voyeurism D/s B/
D S/M BDSM hair slavery bondage chastity
belt ScFi Fantasy reluctant humiliation blackmail nc Extreme Heavy Se
Synopsis: After the second civil war of the US, the country is divided. A
young girl gets in trouble with the law and is sentenced to 6 years at a
prison camp but is offered a way to shorten her sentence.


����������� The State of Grace was a new colony, formed

after the second civil war of the United States had almost destroyed
everything.� The State was lenient as far as laws go.� Many of the more
frivolous laws were removed from the books, especially ones that were
based in the theocratic form of government that eventually led to the
war.� Prostitution was legal but heavily regulated and as long as all of
the adults involved were consenting, they could do just about anything in
the area of love making.� The laws that The State did have, were
enforced with harsh punishment.� Prison was no longer a place where
inmates simply hung around exercising, watching TV, or reading.� Prison
was a work camp, pure and simple.� All of the jobs that people hated to
do were sent to the prison system.� The work was hard, tedious, and it
was fairly common for inmates to receive some very serious injuries from
the work. It was not unheard of for inmates to die while working.� Prison
was only the first part.� After their release, it was next to impossible for
a former inmate to meld back into normal society, instead they lived on
the fringe of the civilized world.� Convicts lost all of their rights.


����������� Sarah was strangely excited as the police car

came to a stop at the processing center.� She had never been in trouble
before.� The last 5 months had been a blur, ever since she tried
MIX.� MIX was a powerful drug that made her feel like she was on top of
the world.� Every sensation was so intense and pleasurable.� She even
found that hunger was enjoyable when she was high.�
Sarah had been working as an exotic dancer for 2 years before her
friend, Meghan, got her to try MIX.� Sarah had a body that made the
other dancers jealous.� Her face had the softened oriental features that
came from being of a mixed racial heritage and straight waist length silky
dark brown hair.� All it took was that one time and she was
hooked.� Suddenly she existed for no reason other than to get
high.� Meghan�s dealer, Race, was nice and gave her a couple of days
worth of MIX, to make sure that she was hooked.� Then the free supply
ended and Sarah was willing to pay the price, no matter how expensive.�
����������� Then Sarah�s downward spiral began.� Her
savings dwindled, and before Sarah realized what had happened, she was
broke and almost out of MIX.� Sarah asked Race, for a little bit until she
was paid.� Race said he could not give her some, but he would trade her
a few days worth in exchange for oral sex.� Sarah did not think twice
about it.� It did not take long before she had her next hit of MIX.� That
was when Sarah made the career change and became a prostitute.� She
went to the licensing office to apply for the license.� As she filled out the
application, she was disappointed to see �all applicants for licensing are
required to take a drug test� printed on the bottom of the
application.� There was no way she could pass a drug test.� Sarah
walked out of the office disappointed, but still resolved to change her
����������� The next night after Sarah�s shift at the club
ended, Sarah took a hit of MIX and then she hit the street.� What she did
not know was that her first �customer� was a police officer.
����������� �Hey there, looking for a good time?� Sarah
����������� �What did you have in mind?� the man asked.
����������� �Anything you want, for the right price.� Sex,
a blow, anything you want for the right price.�
����������� �Can I see you license?�
����������� �I try to save my customer�s money by
cutting out some of the expenses, like licensing fees.�
����������� �How do you feel about handcuffs?�
����������� �Ooh, aren�t you the kinky one?�
����������� The man pulled out his cuffs.� �Not here in the
middle of the street!� Sarah protested.
����������� �You have the right to remain silent, anything
you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.� You have the
right to have an attorney present during questioning, if you cannot afford
an attorney, one will be appointed by the court.� If you are convicted in
a court of law, all of your rights regarding privacy will be revoked even
after your release from your incarceration.� Do you understand these
rights as I have explained them to you?�
����������� �Ooh, so you want to play police and the
naughty girl?�
����������� The officer showed her his badge and that was
when Sarah knew that the game was over.� After a brief search, the
officer pulled out her baggie.� �What have we here?�� After a short
test, the officer explained that she was under arrest for possession of a
controlled substance and prostitution.� Sarah was then loaded into a
police cruiser.
����������� The next several hours were nothing but a
blur.� At the processing center, she was strip-searched, given her prison
uniform, and sent to a cell.� During the night, the withdrawal symptoms
started.� While on MIX every sensation was transformed into pleasure,
however the withdrawal was very different.� Every sensation was now
starting pain, becoming gradually worse and more intense.� By the
morning, Sarah was nothing more than a quivering mass on her
bunk.� She felt nauseous and whenever she opened her eyes, it felt as
though someone was stabbing them with an ice pick. �Sarah could also
feel every square inch of her skin and it felt like she was freezing cold and
burning hot at the same time.� What little sleep she managed in this
state were plagued by fever induced dreams.
����������� Sarah dreamt of her childhood.� Growing up
the only daughter of an Irish mother and Japanese father, Sarah was
never accepted by either side of her heritage.� Sarah spent many hours
playing alone when she was not in school or doing the numerous
household chores that her father required of her.� She dreamt of
Angela.� She had met Angela when she was nine and they quickly
became best friends.� Sarah was shy while Angela was outgoing.� They
were inseparable from the first day.�
����������� When the girls became teenagers, they became
closer, talking about boys, dating, and make-up.� Sarah�s first date was
a double date that Angela had set up with her boyfriend�s best
friend.� The date went well, but Sarah did not feel at ease.� Sarah never
heard from the boy after that night.�
When the girls entered high school, Sarah began to come out of her
shell and quickly became one of the wild girls.� Angela did not like the
change and tried her best to keep Sarah out of any major trouble.�
When she was fifteen years old, Sarah started hanging out with a
group of students that were known trouble-makers.� The head of the
group, Eric, took an interest in Sarah.� They started dating very
quickly.� Angela went with Sarah to a party at Eric�s house.� Sarah
was drinking that night.� Angela tried her best to keep an eye on Sarah,
but lost her at one point in the crowd.� Frantically she searched the
house looking for Sarah.� Someone told her that Sarah was in Eric�s
room.� Angela walked into the room to see Sarah naked on her hands
and knees.� Eric was behind her making love to her while Sarah was
performing oral sex on a girl lying on the bed.� Angela left the room.
The next Monday at school, Angela asked Sarah about it.� Sarah
told Angela that she had lost her virginity that night and was deeply in
love with Eric.� Sarah and Eric continued dating and having some very
wild sexual escapades until Sarah�s father found them in Sarah�s room
making love.� Sarah�s father was enraged.� He grabbed Eric and threw
him out of the house without even giving him his clothes.� He then went
into Sarah�s room.� Sarah was crying on her bed, embarrassed and
furious.� When her father came in, Sarah grabbed her bedside lamp and
threw it at him.� The lamp missed her father crashing into the wall.� Her
father charged her and slapped her across her face.� The strike was so
hard that it knocked her off the bed.� Sarah heard a loud pop from her
arm when she hit the floor.� Her father pinned her naked body to the
floor and slapped her three more times.�
�What is the meaning of this?� I find you having sex with a boy in
my house and then you throw the lamp at me!�
Sarah was crying and her arm hurt.� She did not answer.� Her
father slapped her once more and left the room.� Sarah curled up into a
ball and cried for several hours.� The next morning Sarah went
downstairs.� Her face was black and blue and her right forearm was very
swollen.� Her mother took her to the doctor and told the doctor that she
had been beaten and raped.� When Sarah protested that Eric did not do
this, her mother told her to be quiet.� The doctor checked Sarah and x-
rayed her arm.� Sarah�s arm was broken and the doctor put it into a
Sarah did not go to school for the next couple of days.� Angela
came by to visit Sarah.� She informed Sarah that Eric was arrested for
raping her and asked if she was alright.� Sarah told Angela what had
happened breaking down and crying on Angela�s shoulder.� Sarah�s
father came home and called for Sarah to come downstairs.� Angela
went with her.�
�Angela, Sarah�s mother and I need to speak to her in
private.�� Sarah�s father said.
�Okay Mr. Tokawa.� Sarah call me if you need
anything.�� Angela left reluctantly.
Mr. Tokawa continued.� �Your mother and I have decided to send
you to a private school for girls.� You will be leaving tomorrow
�But what about my friends?� I don�t want to leave!�� Sarah
said as her tears began to flow.
�This is not up for discussion.� The decision has been made and
you are going.�
Sarah ran up to her room without another word.� She called
Angela and told her about the announcement.� Angela did not know what
to say.� Sarah just cried.� Angela tried her best to console her, but was
able to do little to help.� Sarah eventually said good-bye that her father
was coming.
The next morning, Sarah�s mother came in and packed a few
belongings into a bag without a word and Sarah�s father came to get
Sarah.� The drive to the school was completely silent.�
Sarah hated the new school.� The rules were very strict and the
other girls were very mean towards her.� On her fourth day of school,
the second civil war had begun.� Everyone was nervous, the attacks
were occurring all around them.� For the next two days, the war was all
anyone could talk about.� Then the news came over the loud
speaker.� Sarah�s hometown was bombed.� Sarah froze in panic.� She
asked the teacher if she could call home to make sure her family was
alright.� The teacher nodded.� Sarah raced to the office.� When she
called, there was no answer.� She tried calling Angela�s
house.� Angela�s mother answered the phone and informed Sarah that
the school was hit and Sarah�s house was as well.� Angela was at the
hospital, but the doctors did not know if she would survive.� Sarah was
devastated.� Her family was gone and her best friend was at death�s
����������� Sarah awoke.� The guard came by to do the
morning count.� She was a tall and muscular woman with a harsh ring in
her voice.� The guard rapped on the bars of the cell and told Sarah to
get up.� Sarah reluctantly got out of her bunk and was barely able to
stand.� The guard, seeing Sarah�s condition, radioed for some guards to
take her to the infirmary.� Two guards came to her cell with a
gurney.� �Get on!� ordered one of the guards.� Sarah complied
without a word.� The guards buckled three straps:� one across Sarah�s
shins, one across her waist, and one across her shoulders.� Sarah winced
each time they passed under the harsh lights.� Even with her eyes closed
the light was able to penetrate and cause the stabbing pain.� Sarah was
happy when the gurney stopped and the doctor appeared standing over
����������� The doctor in the infirmary checked her and saw
that she was emaciated, pale, and shivering, the typical condition for a
MIX addict going through withdrawals.� After starting the IV of fluid, the
doctor called the warden to let him know that he had another MIX junky
that just arrived and that he would be keeping her in the infirmary for the
next couple of days.�
Sarah drifted in and out of sleep during her time in the
infirmary.� Her dreams continued.� Sarah received the call confirming
her parent�s death and also was told that Angela in a coma.� Angela�s
mother offered to take care of Sarah as she did not know any of her
family members.� Her parents had enough money that she could stay at
the school.� She would go to Angela�s house during her breaks.� Sarah
spent her time on her breaks at Angela�s side in the hospital.�
The war was over quickly and the western half of the United
States formed The State of Grace.� After she graduated, Sarah decided
to go to New Sacramento, the capital of The State.� She found an
apartment and knew that she had to find a job.� Work was scarce after
the war.� She saw a sign at a night club saying that they were hiring for
waitresses.� Sarah applied and was hired.
Sarah reported for her first day of work and was surprised to find
that the night club was a topless club.� Sarah had a uniform that did not
cover much, but the waitresses were not topless.� Sarah was
complaining one night that she was not making enough.� That was when
she met Meghan.� Meghan was a dancer and told Sarah that was where
the money was.� Meghan began to work with Sarah teaching her some
moves on their days off.� Sarah got an audition and became a
dancer.� At first she was very embarrassed about being topless in front
of the crowd, but after sometime, she became used to it.� Sarah�s
demure nature, beautiful face, and wonderful body quickly made her one
of the favorite dancers at the club.
After 2 days in the infirmary her body strapped to the gurney and
her mind trapped in the painful haze of withdrawal and memory, Sarah
started to immerge from the fog.�
����������� Her court-appointed attorney, Mr. Ferguson,
visited her in the infirmary.� After hearing Sarah�s story, the attorney
recommended that she plead guilty to the charges and he would see if he
could get her a reduced sentence.� She had no hope of winning the
����������� The laws were very strict and harsh when it
came to MIX.� This drug made anything before it look like candy.� The
normal punishment for a first time offender for possession of MIX was up
to ten years at hard labor.� With the added prostitution charges to the
drug charges, if she went to trial she could face as many as twelve years
at hard labor.� Mr. Ferguson told her that he would be back in a couple
of days to let her know what the district attorney said.�
����������� After a week in the infirmary, Sarah� drug
induced mental fog finally lifted when the realization of what had
happened hit her.� Mr. Ferguson came by on the day that she was
released from the infirmary and told her that the D.A. would reduce the
charges but she was still looking at six years at hard labor if she pled
guilty.� Sarah thought about this until her arraignment two days later.
����������� Two guards came to her cell and told her to step
out.� They wrapped a chain around her waist and placed a lock through
one end of the chain.� The other end of the chain was on the
floor.� They ran a pair of handcuffs through the chain around her waist
and locked a cuff around each wrist.� Then one of the guards knelt down
and placed a second set of cuffs around her ankles locking the end of the
chain that was on the floor to the middle of the chain connecting her
ankles with another lock.
����������� Sarah was led into the court room and was
seated in a holding cell inside the court room with 15 other inmates.� All
of the inmates were in the same restraints as she.� Sarah was doing
alright until the court room opened and started to fill with people.� Her
embarrassment was unbelievable.� What do these people think of me?
� Caged and chained.� Sarah thought as she tried to hide her face.
����������� �All rise.� This arraignment court is now in
session, the Honorable Judge White presiding.�� The Bailiff cried
out.� Everyone in the court room rose and as the judge entered, Sarah
felt the icy hand of fear grip her.� One by one, the inmates were
called.� As they were called, they were removed from the cage and
brought before the judge.� Sarah sat in the cell for over two hours before
her case was called.� All the time her fear and embarrassment never
����������� The charges of Drug possession and unlicensed
prostitution were read.� When asked how what plea she would like to
enter, Sarah answered �Guilty, your honor.�� The D.A. then explained
that she was pleading guilty in order to save The State the time and
trouble of a trial and in exchange requested that she be given a reduced
sentence of six years at hard labor.� The judge considered this and the
sentence was given and was to start immediately.
����������� Sarah was taken from the court room and
placed in another holding cell.� She waited several more hours in the
uncomfortable restraints until she heard a bus arrive. She and the other 8
prisoners were loaded on to the bus, each one having their restraints
locked to rings bolted on the floor.
����������� Sarah was in tears by the time bus arrived at
the prison camp.� She could see the other inmates wearing their security
collars.� There were men and women working in the fields.� There was
not a separate camp for men and women, just different housing
facilities.� Sarah was processed and had the regulations explained to
her.� The punishment for violating the regulations was additional time.�
Sarah was stripped, scrubbed and hosed down.� She then put her
hair into the required braid.� Then the security collar was placed around
her neck and locked into place.� The collars were designed so that there
was no way to remove them without the key.� Any attempt would send a
GPS signal and would deliver a non-lethal electrical shock to disable the
inmate.� In addition, the lock could not be picked.� In order to cut the
hardened metal, a torch would be needed and the inmate would not be
able to survive the cutting.
����������� The work was grueling.� Sarah was assigned to
kitchens where she was to wash the dishes.� There was no dishwasher
so all of the dishes had to be washed by hand.� The kitchens were hot
and smelly.� After her second day, Sarah debated whether she could
take six years of this.� When Sarah laid down that night, she was
Her bunkmate, Lisa, heard the soft sobbing.� �What�s wrong with
you?� she inquired with an honest concern in her voice.
�I don�t think I can take six years of this.� The kitchens are
�Hey now, you have to be strong.� A six year sentence is
nothing.� I have been here for five years with another 10 to go.� The
kitchen is one of the cushier jobs here.� I work in the stone quarry.� The
work is harder but you are out in the fresh air.�
�What did you do to get 15 years?
�I robbed a store.� I was on that MIX stuff and needed the money
to buy my next fix.� I was lucky that I did not have any one
me.� Otherwise my sentence could be a lot longer.� Look, let me see
what I can do to get you moved to the quarry.� The work is a little
harder, but you will have someone to watch your back.�
Lisa was about average height, but she looked very muscular.� Her
braid of red hair fell to a few inches below her shoulder blades.� Her
body was lean and muscular from the work that she had done over the
last five years.
Sarah smiled to herself.� �You would do that?�
�Yeah, I know some people that can arrange it.� It might make
things a little easier on you to be out in the fresh air.� Besides, things
can get worse if you cross the wrong person.� I have seen people beaten
and raped and that was by the guards.� Once I saw two girls start to
fight and the guards just stood there and watched.� They did not stop
the fight until one of the girls was lying dead on the ground.�
Sarah gasped, �That is horrible.� Did anyone get in trouble for it?

�Yeah, the other girl in the fight spent 3 weeks in the hole and had
her sentence extended by 3 years.�
As Sarah drifted off into an uneasy sleep, she whispered, �If you
can get me transferred, please do.�
����������� Sarah was on her way to the kitchen on the fifth
morning when she saw the flyer offering sentence reductions.
����������� �Reduce your sentence to 1/3 of what you have
left.� Ministry of Justice is seeking volunteers for an experimental
rehabilitation program.� There is currently one opening for a female
volunteer.� If you are interested, inform one of the guards.�
Sarah informed the first guard she saw that she was interested in
the sentence-reducing program.� After her fourth 16-hour day working in
the kitchens, Sarah was ready to do anything that could make her time
����������� After her lunch break, a guard approached
Sarah and told her to follow him.� Sarah was led into a conference room
used by attorneys meeting with clients.� Sarah sat down in the chair that
the guard indicated.� Her arms were secured to the chair and the guard
left the room.� After what seemed like an eternity, a man walked into the
room.� He was attractive, but not overly handsome.� He was about six
feet tall and well muscled with his shoulder-length hair pulled back into a
ponytail.� Unbuttoning the jacket of his suit, he sat down across the
table from Sarah and studied her for a few moments.
����������� �So you are interested in reducing your
sentence?� he asked in a voice like a song.
����������� �Yes, sir, I would like to find out about the
program.�� Sarah was nervous.� She wanted to get into this
����������� �Well, the program is very simple.� How long
is your sentence?�
����������� �Six years�, Sarah answered demurely.
����������� �If you were to join my program, your
sentence would be reduced to 2 years AND if you do well, you will have a
job after your sentence in completed.� I am sure you are fully aware of
the difficulty that inmates have in finding jobs after their release.�
����������� Sarah nodded.
����������� �Now I ask you, what would you be willing to
do or sacrifice in order to reduce your sentence to two years and have a
job possibly waiting for you after your incarceration?�
����������� After a moment of thought, Sarah replied, �I
believe that I would be willing to do just about anything, sir.�
����������� �Before I tell you about the program, I have to
ask you some questions.� What crime did you commit?�
����������� �I was caught with MIX and prostitution
without a license.�
����������� �I assume that you are off of the drugs now?�
����������� Sarah nodded.�
He continued, �How is your health now that you are off of that awful
����������� �I am feeling much better.� My head is clear
again and I have recovered from the side-effects.�
����������� �What did you do for a living before your
����������� Sarah blushed slightly, �I was an exotic dancer
for two years.�
����������� �Do you have any family?�
����������� �My parents were killed during the war.� I
have been on my own since I was 16.� I do not have any other relatives
that I know of.�
����������� �Very well, the program that I am a part of is
an experimental program designed by the Ministry of Justice.� I am one
of eight people who are a part of this program.� Let me be honest with
you.� I have interviews with thirteen inmates that have expressed an
interest in my program that meet the initial qualifications.� I will be
conducting the interviews today, and will explain how the program
works.� You will have two days to think about the program and decide if
you are still interested.� On the morning of the second day, you are to
inform the guard if you are still interested.� I will receive a list of the
candidates that are still interested and make my decision from that
list.� Do you understand?�
Sarah nodded.� He continued, �Very well, this is how the program
works.� You would be released into my custody.� Before your release,
you will have to sign a statement in which you agree to the terms.� For a
period of two years in your case, you will be my slave.� You will be my
property to do with as I see fit.� You will have no rights during this
period and refusal of any kind can result in punishments ranging from
extension of your time, to corporal punishments, and even humiliating
acts.� You will live at my Manor.� You will not be forced to wear that
security collar, but instead will be implanted with a security chip that
allows me to monitor your location and your vital signs.� Now, in addition
to the benefit of a reduced sentence, after your time is completed and if
you do well, you will be offered a position as an assistant for the next
inmate that I am to rehabilitate.� Do you have any questions?�
Sarah nervously replied, �Yes.� What kinds of duties would I be
expected to perform?�
The man chuckled.� �You will do whatever I ask of you, and I can
ask you to do anything.� This includes duties of a sexual nature.� Sarah
was visibly blushing by this time.� The man reminded her that she had
two days to decide, and left the room.� After a few moments, a guard
came in, released her, and escorted her back to the kitchens.� For the
rest of the day, Sarah thought about the proposal.�
That night, she had trouble sleeping.� Lisa heard Sarah tossing and
�Do you mind settling down?� I am trying to sleep up
here.�� Lisa said jokingly.
�Sorry, I have a lot on my mind.�� Sarah whispered back.
�Want to get it off your chest?� Sometimes it can help.�
�Have you ever seen those flyers for the sentence reduction
�Yeah, one of the girls in my crew had an appointment.� She told
us about the program.� It sounds to me like some wrinkled old raisin of a
man trying to get his jollies.�
Sarah started to giggle as the guards called for lights out.� After a
few more moments of thought, Sarah finally drifted off to sleep.
The next morning, Sarah started towards the kitchens when a guard
came up said, �Aren�t you the lucky one missy.� You get to go to the
quarry.� Of course if you wanted to stay in the kitchen, I could arrange
something for the right price.�� The guard moved uncomfortably close
and placed his hand on Sarah�s shoulder.���
Sarah answered, �The quarry is fine, thank you.�� She hurried off
towards the quarry in case the guard had any ideas of taking advantage
of her.
When Sarah arrived at the quarry, Lisa came up and introduced
Sarah to the other members of her crew.� Lisa pointed out that Sandy,
an amazon of a blonde, was the one that she had spoken of the previous
night.� Sandy looked at Sarah and glared at her.
The work in the quarry was worse than kitchen.� The heat was
worse, the work was harder, but Sarah did look at the bright side, it did
not smell nearly as bad.�
Lisa was the unofficial supervisor of the crew.� She had learned
how to work with stone as a sculptor before her arrest.� She gave Sarah
a relatively easy job.� All Sarah had to do all day was go back and forth
to the well and bring buckets of water to keep the stone cutting wheel
Sandy came up to Sarah during one of their water breaks and told
her, �If you know what is good for you, you�ll drop out of the running
for the sentence reduction program.� That spot is mine and I will stomp
any girl that gets in my way.� I got another 21 years on my sentence
and I am not going to stay here that long.�� Sarah did not think much
about what Sandy said.� Instead she concentrated on learning her new
Later that afternoon, Sandy asked Sarah if she was still considering
the proposal.� Sarah was hesititant to answer, but said that she
was.� Sandy turned to walk away and before Sarah could react, turned
back around and hit Sarah across jaw sending her to the ground.� Before
Sarah realized what had happened, Sandy was on top of her pounding her
fists into Sarah.� Sarah tried her best to block the onslaught of blows
that Sandy was delivering.� It was not long though before Sandy was
knocked off of Sarah.� When Sarah looked up, Lisa was standing
between her and Sandy.� Sandy charged at Lisa, but Lisa was quick and
dodged the charge and sent Sandy face first into the dirt.� Lisa jumped
on Sandy�s back and grabbed a handful of blond hair and began to
repeatedly ram her face into the dirt.
Two guards were at the scene very quickly and activated all three of
the girls� security collars, shocking and stunning them long enough for
the guards to restrain them.�
The girls were taken to the warden.� They were placed in chairs
with their wrists bound.� The warden came in after a few
moments.� �Alright, what do we have here?�
One of the guards stepped forward.� �These three girls were
fighting sir.�
�Well this is going to be easy to handle, the three of you will have
three months added to your sentences and will spend a week in the
hole.� That should cool those tempers.�
����������� Sarah spoke, �Sir, Sandy attacked me without
provocation and Lisa came to my aid.� Sandy is the one who started it.�
����������� The warden stood up and moved to the front of
his desk.� Leaning on the edge of his desk, he looked into Sarah�s
eyes.� �I do not give a rat�s ass who started the fight, what it was
about, or why anyone else joined in.� The three of you were involved in a
fight in MY camp and the three of you will suffer the consequences.�
����������� Sandy spoke up at this time.� �Sir, I was
interviewed yesterday for the sentence reduction program.� I am letting
you know that I am still interested in joining.�
����������� Sarah said, �I am also still interested, sir�
����������� Chuckling, the warden answered.� �If you
think that by becoming part of the ministry�s pet project, you will be
getting out of the hole earlier, think again. �I run this prison and my
word is law.� Take them to the hole.�
����������� As the guards released the bindings on the
ladies, Sarah asked the warden a favor.� �Sir, since Lisa was trying to
protect me, if it is possible, I will spend an extra week in the hole so that
she does not have to.�
����������� Lisa was in shock.� �Girl, don�t do that, you
can not survive two weeks in the hole.� Just let me take my week, and
be done with it.�
����������� The warden smiled, �Very well little
lady.�� Pointing at Lisa said, �Send her back to her work
sight.�� Pointing at Sarah said, �Two weeks in the hole.�
The hole was nothing more than a box barely large enough for
Sarah to sit up.� Both girls were stripped bare of everything except their
security collars and placed in the boxes.� As the doors of the boxes were
closed, one of the guards explained that they would get one meal a day,
one mug of water a day, and there was to be no talking.� If they heard
either girl speak, it would be an extra day in the hole for each
time.� During the day, the box was extremely hot, and during the night,
it was cold.� The hole was nothing but torture.� On the fourth morning,
however, Sarah�s box was opened and the guard took her out.� As the
guard led Sarah away from the box, Sarah could hear Sandy screaming
that she would kill Sarah the first chance she got.� The guard at the hole
slammed his night stick onto the bars of Sandy�s cage and informed her
that she had just won an extra day in the hole.
She was taken to the cleaning room where she was scrubbed and
hosed down again and then was given a new uniform to put on.� After
she was dressed, she was taken to the conference room again but this
time, she was not restrained.
The guard left the room.� After what seemed like another eternity,
the man walked in with her attorney, Mr. Ferguson.� The man sat down
across the table from Sarah and the attorney sat beside Sarah.
Mr. Ferguson spoke first.� �Mr. Hawk has asked me to accompany
him today to advise you and answer any legal questions that you might
Mr. Hawk placed some papers on the table and slid them across to
Sarah.� �This is the agreement.� I have made my decision and if you
agree to all the terms in the contract, we will begin the process.� I will
leave you two alone to look over the agreement.�� Mr. Hawk stepped
out of the room.
Sarah looked over the contract and asked, �are there were any
limits as to what he could do or order me to do.�
Mr. Ferguson looked at Sarah.� �According to the agreement, you
would become his property and would have no legal rights at all.�
�If I sign the contract, is there a way for me to get out of it if I
change my mind.�
�Once the contract is signed, the only way it could be broken is by
Mr. Hawk but only with a good and valid reason and if he ended the
agreement, you would be returned to the prison camp and would have to
serve the six years that you were originally sentenced too.�
Sarah thought about it for some time.� �So he could kill me and
get away with it?�
�No.� He can not kill or intentionally disfigure you.� He could cut
you, have you tattooed, or even have parts of your body pierced.� He
can do pretty much anything that he wants up to cutting off parts of your
body or killing you.�
After some more thought, she asked for a pen, and signed the
contract.� Mr. Hawk returned shortly after she signed.� Smiled and
explained that he would return to pick her up in four days.� During that
time, she would undergo the necessary tests and preparations.� Mr.
Hawk and the attorney left without another word.�
Sarah was taken to the infirmary.� The doctor came in.� During
the next four days, she was tested for every disease that Sarah could
think of and some that she had never heard of all of which came back
negative..� She was given an endurance test in which she walked on a
treadmill for several hours while the doctor monitored her heart rate,
breathing and blood pressure.� She was given an I.Q. test and a memory
test which she did very well on.� On the morning of the fourth day, the
doctor came in with two syringes and told her to lie down. �Sarah lay
down on the table. The doctor took the smaller syringe, injected it into
her arm, and explained that it was a birth control medication.� The side
effects were minimal, if any, and that one added benefit to the shot was
that she would not have a period for six months and then she would need
to have her next dose. The larger of the two syringes was huge.� The
doctor said that it had to be so large so that he could implant the security
chip.� Sarah gripped the sides of the examination table and the doctor
inserted the needle her neck.� The pain was intense, but short and then
the security collar was removed.� As she was recovering from the
shot, Sandy was brought into the infirmary.� Sandy was so weak that
she could barely walk.� Sarah smiled at the thought that everything that
she went through over the last couple of days was nothing compared to
what Sandy went through.
A guard took Sarah to the washroom once more to be scrubbed and
hosed off, but this time she was instructed to leave her hair loose, given a
clean uniform, and then she was led to a waiting room near the entrance
to the prison camp.� She sat and waited there for what seemed like
hours.� Finally, the door opened and there was Mr. Hawk.�

�Follow me� was all that he said as he turned and walked out of
the prison camp.� Sarah followed him, happy to say farewell to the
camp.� Mr. Hawk stopped next to the door of a limo and looked at her
pointedly.� Sarah hesitantly reached out and opened the door to the
limo.� Mr. Hawk climbed in and told her to get inside the limo.� Sarah
climbed into the limo, shut the door and began to sit down in one of the
plush seats.� Before her bottom reached the seat, Mr. Hawk pushed her
down onto the floor.
�Sitting on furniture and on the seats of my limo are privileges that
you have not yet earned.� If you are instructed to sit, you will kneel on
the ground where I have pointed.� Understand?�� Sarah flushed as she
Sarah started to ask if there was anything he would like her to do,
but before she could even begin to utter the second word, Mr. Hawk cut
her off.� �You will speak when spoken to.� You will answer all questions
verbally unless you are gagged or have been ordered silent.� You are to
refer to me as either �master� or �sir�.� Do you understand?�
Sarah replied, �Yes, sir.�� Then she thought what have I gotten
myself into?
Mr. Hawk told her to remove the uniform.� When Sarah hesitated,
he pulled out a short whip-like instrument that looked like it had at least
30 strands coming off of the handle.� �This is a flogger.� When I give
you an order, you are to do it immediately.� Any hesitation and I will use
this.�� He swung the flogger down and struck Sarah on her back.� Even
through the uniform and her hair, the flogger felt like she just got stung
by 100 bees.� �Now, take the uniform off.� His voice was calm, but
Sarah quickly removed the uniform exposing her body completely to this
man she hardly knew.� Sarah could feel her body start to flush as the
warmth of the blood rose in her until she felt like her entire body was on
fire.� Sarah moved her hands to cover her chest but Mr. Hawk was quick
to instruct her, �You are not allowed to cover yourself, keep your hands
at your sides or clasped behind your back.�
For the two hour ride, Mr. Hawk said nothing.� Instead, he simply
watched Sarah as she sat on the floor of the limo.� Sarah felt very
uncomfortable under his watchful gaze.� As she glanced out of the
windows from time to time, she saw that the limo was going deeper into
the country.� Mr. Hawk then instructed her to remove his shoes and
massage his feet.� Sarah complied with the request quickly, going up to
her knees to get a good position.� She massaged his feet for about thirty
minutes.� He then instructed her to replace his shoes.� As soon as she
replaced his shoes, the limo stopped, and Mr. Hawk pointed at the door of
the limo.� Sarah opened the door and started to climb out when Mr.
Hawk grabbed her hair and pulled her back into the limo.� The pain was
sharp, unexpected, and caused Sarah to let out a little yelp.
�You will open doors for me and then follow me through.�� Mr.
Hawk said in a stern voice then he got out of the limo.� Sarah followed
A lovely lady wearing a black skirt, vest, and high heels with long
blond hair came out to meet them.� As she bowed, this beautiful woman
said, �Greetings, my Lord.�� Then her attention moved to Sarah, who
felt her uneasiness increase.� Sarah noticed that this lady had a single
lock of hair that was bright red.� �I am Brittany.� I help Mr. Hawk with
training you little wenches to behave.�
Mr. Hawk looked wearily at Sarah.� �You are to refer
to Brittany as Madame.�� Changing his stance to face Brittany, he
continued.� �I want you to take Sarah here and show her around the
Manor and explain her daily duties to her.� Make sure that you explain
how she is to move around the house.� I am going to go in and rest.� It
has been a long day.�
�Brittany told Sarah to follow her as she turned to go towards the
large manor house.� Once inside the house, Brittany ordered Sarah onto
her hands and knees, then instructed her to follow her in that position.�
�Why do I have to crawl?� Sarah asked almost in tears from the
humiliation of her situation.
Brittany did not answer immediately.� Instead, she took one of the
floggers from a table and quickly gave her a single strike across her back
causing Sarah to yelp and jump a little.� �I know that the Master has
instructed you not to speak unless spoken to.� You are not to question
orders.� You are expected to follow them.� The reason that you are to
crawl is to remember your lowly place in this house.� As you progress,
you will move up in station, and be allowed to walk.� The first strike was
speaking out of turn.� This is for failing to refer to me with the respect
for my station in the house.�� With that, Brittany brought the flogger
down for a second strike that was harder than the first.� �Do you
A single tear ran down Sarah�s cheek as she felt the welts begin to
sting.� �Yes Madame, I understand.�� As Brittany left the room, Sarah
followed her crawling on her hands and knees and trying desperately not
to trip on her hair that was now dragging the floor.� Brittany took her to
the greeting room, living room, and dining room.� In each room, she
would explain what Sarah was to do each day in these
rooms.� Vacuuming, dusting, and polishing the furniture were the orders
she received.� Brittany also informed her that if the chores were not
done to the Master�s satisfaction, she would be punished.�
Brittany then walked into the kitchen.� The tile floor was cold and
hard on Sarah�s knees.� Brittany explained that Sarah would be
responsible for preparing meals as well as keeping the kitchen
clean.� Then they moved into the area of the house where the bedrooms
were.� There were dozens of bedrooms.� �These bedrooms will only
have to be dealt with if the Master is having company.� Then the room or
rooms will be prepared for the guests, and you will need to clean the
room daily.�� Then she was taken to the Master�s chambers.� His
bedroom alone was larger than the apartment that she had before she
was arrested.� �This room, you will clean daily as well as the
bathroom.� It is best to clean these two rooms while the Master is at
Next, they went into the laundry room.� Brittany told Sarah that
when the baskets got full, she was to wash, dry, fold, and put away the
clothes.� �Now let�s take you to your chambers.�� As they went into
another area of the house, they passed a heavy door.� �This is the
Punishment Room.� Pray you never do anything bad enough to warrant
the Master sending you there.�
Brittany pointed to one room and explained that this was her
room.� If Sarah had time after completing her other duties, then Sarah
was to clean her room, but only after all of her duties were
completed.� The next room was a bathroom, and then Brittany walked
into a room that had no furniture.� There were some large pillows in one
corner of the room.� On the wall above the pillows, there were several
rings bolted into the wall.� There was a closet on the far side of the
�Unless the Master is present in this room with you, you are free to
stand, move as you please, and can talk.�
Sarah did not wait to stand up and rub her sore knees.� The carpet
throughout the house was soft, but the crawling was not easy.�
Sarah looked at Brittany.� �So I am allowed to talk without being
spoken to first here, Madame?�
Brittany smiled and said, �Yes, and you can call me Brittany in our
chambers only.� In this area of the house, we are free of our submission
as long as the Master is not present.�
Sarah went to the closet and saw that it was full of clothes.� She
took a robe off of its hanger and put it on.� Then she went and plopped
down on the pillows and began to cry.� This day had been harder than
any that she spent at the prison camp.� Never had she felt such
humiliation.� Brittany sat down next to Sarah and started to comfort
her.� �It is very hard at first, but it gets easier.� As you progress, you
will get more privileges as you go.� I was a slave here as well.� I was
arrested two years ago for the same mistake you made.� I was Mr.
Hawk�s first experiment in rehabilitation.
�I was head strong and rebellious.� Paid for it too, my first three
days were spent in the Punishment Room.� But eventually I learned to
do as I was told, and I moved up from slave to assistant and given the
badge of my office.� As she said that, she touched the bright red lock of
hair.� �Now I have a bed that to sleep in, I can wear what I want, and
do not have to do any of the chores.� I will tell you that I am not here to
be your friend.� I have a job to do.� But I am allowed to help you while
we are alone in our chambers.� Do you have any questions?�
Sarah thought for a moment as her tears subsided.� �Not right
now.� I might later if that is alright.�
�That is fine.�� Brittany replied.� �Now let me tell you about the
rules.� 1. Unless otherwise stated, you are not allowed to wear clothing
outside of our chambers until you are given that privilege.� 2. Unless
otherwise stated, you are to leave your hair down and loose.� This rule
even applies while you are doing your chores and in our chambers.� 3. If
the Master comes into our chambers and you are standing and/or
dressed, you are to undress and go down to the position that you would
use outside of our chambers.� 4. The first thing that you are to do every
morning is to shower.� While in the shower, wash and condition your hair
and wash your body all over.�
�Do I have to stay on my hands and knees while I am doing my
chores?�� Sarah asked.
�Yes, unless you can not complete the chore in that position.� You
may stand up to do the dishes and polish some of the higher
furniture.� But if the Master comes into the room, you must stop what
you are doing and go into the position you are supposed to be in.� The
Master is kind, but strict.� He can also be very creative when it comes to
punishments.� Well, it is time for us to go to bed.�� Brittany walked
into the closet and came out with several lengths of chains with leather
bands at one end.� She told Sarah to sit up.� A collar was placed around
her neck and a shackle around both of her wrists.� The chain that was
connected to the leather bands was then locked to the rings that were
bolted to the wall.�
�If I am free in this room, then why am I being chained to the
wall?�� Sarah asked.
�This is to keep you from wandering around the house at night and
to teach you control over your body.�
�But what if I have to go to the restroom?�
�You wait until the morning.� That is part of the control that you
have to learn.�� Brittany leaned down and gave Sarah a kiss on her
forehead.� �Good night.� I will be back in the morning.�
Sarah did not sleep at all that first night.� Instead she lay on her
pillow bed and cried.� Just when Sarah felt sleep starting to drift over
her, Brittany came in and turned on the light.� Without a word, she
unlocked the chains and removed the leather bands then walked out.
Sarah got up and went into the shower.� She washed and
conditioned her hair and washed her body as instructed.� She dried off,
brushed her hair and went out to start her daily chores.�
Crawling she left her room and went into the kitchen.� She thought
that fixing breakfast would be best to do first.� There was a menu for the
day on the counter.� She prepared the fruit and fixed three bowls as
instructed and then set the table.� Sarah placed the three bowls in the
refrigerator, thinking that the Master would not want her to eat before
she was instructed to do so.�
She walked into the greeting room and started to clean.� She had
finished the greeting room when she heard the Master call for her in the
kitchen.� She came running into the room so as not to keep the Master
waiting.� The look on his face concerned her.� She realized that she was
not on her hands and knees as she was supposed to be.� Sarah felt
herself flush and quickly dropped to her hands and knees.� Brittany and
Mr. Hawk were sitting at the table.� Sarah crawled over to the
refrigerator and retrieved two of the bowls and moved over to the table
still on her knees and gently placed the two bowls on the table.� She
returned to the refrigerator and retrieved the third bowl and started to
place it on the table.� Brittany shook her head and pointed to a mat on
the other side of the room.� Sarah moved over to the mat and set the
bowl down.� Mr. Hawk began eating as did Brittany.� Sarah sat down
and picked up a piece of fruit from the bowl.�
Mr. Hawk mused, �Brittany, did you give her permission to use her
hands to eat?�
�No My Lord, I would not give her a privilege without your
Sarah wondered how am I supposed to eat without my hands?
� But the answer came very quickly.� She set the piece of fruit back into
the bowl.� Sighing and moving her hair over one shoulder, she put her
hands on the floor and leaned into her bowl.� As she ate, Sarah could
feel her skin redden with the blush to which she was becoming
accustomed.� She ate very slowly.� It was not easy to degrade herself
in this manner, but she was very hungry.
Sarah managed to get only a couple of bites before Mr. Hawk
announced that he was finished.� Sarah kept trying to eat when she felt
the flogger across her back.� The strike stung a lot more when her skin
was bare.� Brittany said, �When the Master is done eating, you are
done.� Clear the table and take care of the dishes.�� Sarah picked up
her bowl and put it in the sink and cleared the table.� Before she had the
dishes washed, Mr. Hawk came into the kitchen wearing a suit.� Sarah
quickly stopped and went down to her hands and knees.�
�I am going to the office.� Mr. Hawk announced.� �Brittany,
make sure that she follows all of the rules and does her chores.� For her
disobedience concerning her position in this house, make her use the
special brushes for cleaning the bathroom and kitchen.�� Sarah did not
like the tone that he used when referring to the �special
brushes�.� While working on the dishes, Sarah picked up a piece of fruit
and started to place it in her mouth when she felt a sharp smack on her
�Breakfast is over, wench.� That means you are done
eating.�� Brittany said sternly as she grabbed a handful of Sarah�s hair
and pulled her mouth away from the fruit.� �I will be watching you while
you work to make sure that you do not break any of the rules.
�Yes, Madame,� replied Sarah putting the remaining fruit into the
garbage disposal and then she finished the dishes.� Sarah went to the
living room and dining room and did the prescribed cleaning always under
the watchful gaze of Brittany.� Brittany would lounge on the couch or a
chair watching Sarah work.� Sarah then began work on the Master�s
Once the bedroom was complete, Sarah went into the
bathroom.� Brittany smiled at this point.� �First vacuum the floor and
then I will give you the special brushes for the toilet and
shower.�� Brittany said with almost a smile in her voice.� Sarah did as
she was instructed, and after finishing the floor, she crawled over
to Brittany and waited.� Brittany reached into a box on the counter and
pulled out what at first glance looked like a toilet brush, but then Sarah
noticed the straps and what looked like a mouth piece.�
�Open you mouth!� Brittany commanded.� Sarah did as she was
ordered.� The mouthpiece was placed in her mouth and Brittany then
buckled the straps behind Sarah�s head.�
Sarah was mortified.� It was one thing to be forced to crawl on her
hands and knees like a dog while completely naked, but to be turned into
essentially a human toilet brush was something else.� Sarah balked and
tears started to run down her cheek.� Brittany saw this and said, �Oh, I
am sorry, is this too difficult for you?� stroking Sarah�s cheek
gently.� Sarah nodded.� �Well that is too bad.� Now clean the toilet!
As Brittany finished the command, she struck Sarah with the flogger
hard on her bottom.� Sarah jumped and went to the toilet and started to
scrub it as best she could and tried to keep her hair out of the
water.� Once she was finished, she rushed over to Brittany to have her
remove the wretched brush.� Brittany inspected the toilet and removed
the toilet brush from Sarah�s mouth.� Sarah was glad for that to be
over until she saw Brittany pull another brush out of the box.� This one
was a deck brush like you would use on the floor.� �Now it is time for
you to clean the shower.�� Sarah reluctantly opened her mouth and the
mouthpiece was inserted and the straps buckled.� Sarah carefully
crawled over to the shower and scrubbed the floor.� This time it was
impossible for her to keep her hair out of the way.� After Sarah finished
the bathroom, Brittany took the deck brush out of Sarah�s mouth
Brittany took her into the kitchen, and inserted a different brush
into Sarah�s mouth.� Sarah noticed that the mouthpiece on this one
was softer.� Sarah prepared the bucket of soapy water to clean the
kitchen floor.� She set the bucket on the floor, got down on her hands
and knees, and when she dipped the brush carefully into the soapy water,
the taste of the soap came through the mouthpiece of the brush.� Sarah
tried to spit the brush out, but the straps held it in place.� Brittany struck
her with the flogger and ordered her to clean the floor.� Sarah wept the
entire time she scrubbed the kitchen floor.� Brittany threw a towel onto
the floor so that Sarah could dry the floor.� After
finishing, Brittany removed the brush, and told her to clean her room, to
clean their bathroom and then take another shower.
Sarah began to clean Brittany�s room.� Lazy bitch does not even
help with the cleaning.� Do this, do that, clean my room.� She can
clean her own damn room, Sarah muttered under her breath while she
cleaned Brittany�s room. �Once Sarah had finished in the
bedroom, Brittany placed the toilet brush into Sarah�s mouth again so
that she could clean their toilet.� Sarah was getting angry at this
treatment.� After the toilet was finished, Sarah waited for the deck brush
for the shower glaring at Brittany the entire time she waited.� After
cleaning the shower, Sarah was happy to be rid of the brushes and
happily took her shower and spent extra time brushing her teeth to get
the taste of the soap out of her mouth.� Brittany came in and told her
that she was allowed to rest once she finished her chores if she got them
done before the Master got home.� But 15 minutes before the Master
arrived, she needed to crawl to the front door and await his
return.� Once he returned from work, she needed to stay by his side
unless she was ordered to do something or dismissed.� Sarah prepared
lunch for herself and Brittany.� Placing her bowl on the floor, she ate
quickly.� After lunch, Sarah washed the dishes and cleaned up from the
Sarah was exhausted by this time.� She had a couple of hours
before the Master was supposed to be home, so Sarah decided to take a
nap.� She crawled to her pillow pile and sank into their softness.�
Sarah was abruptly awakened by Mr. Hawk calling for her.� She
opened her eyes just as Brittany was running into her
room.� Brittany had an urgent tone in her voice, �Get out there now!
� The Master is VERY upset!�� Sarah struggled out of her cozy pile and
crawled as fast as she could to the front door where Mr. Hawk was
standing there awaiting her arrival.
Sarah crawled up to him and sat there with her head bowed.� She
tried to exude regret and sorrow through her very posture.� Mr. Hawk
looked pointedly down at her and then walked into the living
room.� Sarah followed closely behind him.� Mr. Hawk ordered Sarah to
fix him a drink.� Sarah crawled over to the bar and stood up only long
enough to pour the ingredients for the drink he had ordered.� Then she
returned to her already sore knees and crawled over to Mr.
Hawk.� Bowing her head, she extended her hands to present the drink to
him.� Mr. Hawk took a sip of the drink and then placed it in the middle of
Sarah�s back.� The cold of the glass startled Sarah, but she managed
not to wiggle so the drink did not spill.� Mr. Hawk began to read the
newspaper, periodically taking a sip from the glass, but always replaced it
on Sarah�s back.� Once he finished the drink and the newspaper, he
instructed Sarah to take care of the glass and return.� Sarah carefully
reached behind her and grabbed the glass.� Crawling to the kitchen as
quickly as she could, she stumbled in her haste.� The glass hit the hard
tile of the kitchen and shattered.� Sarah was mortified.� She got the
broom and dustpan and swept the broken glass up and threw it
away.� Her first instincts told her to run, but she knew better and slowly
returned to the Master�s side.�
�Why did you break the glass?� He said in a calm tone.
�I did not mean too, sir, it was an accident.�� She replied on the
verge of tears.
�You were told to take care of the glass, and now the glass is
broken.� The accident was caused by your carelessness.� Therefore, it is
your fault.�� With that, the Master got up and left the room.� Sarah
followed him quickly and as she turned the corner to the slave�s
quarters, she looked in horror as he led her into the Punishment Room.
Sarah sat there for a moment staring in disbelief.� It was an
accident, she told herself.� Surely he could not punish me for an
�I am waiting, wench.�� The Master said from inside the
Punishment Room.� Sarah slowly followed Mr. Hawk into the Punishment
Room.� The walls were covered in black leather were lined with
numerous contraptions. �Brittany came into the room and Mr. Hawk
whispered something in her ear.� Brittany nodded and moved what
looked like a saw horse into the middle of the room.� Mr. Hawk ordered
Sarah to stand in front of the saw horse.� Sarah got up slowly and was
shaking as she moved to the ordered place.� Brittany knelt down by
Sarah�s ankles and buckled two straps to her ankles spreading her legs a
couple of feet apart.� Brittany then stood up and grabbed a handful of
Sarah�s hair and forced her down so that she was bent over the
sawhorse.� Brittany then buckled two straps around Sarah�s wrists and
secured the ends to the other side of the sawhorse.��� A final strap was
secured over Sarah�s waist and the other straps were pulled tight so that
the only part of her body that she could move was her head.�
Sarah could see Mr. Hawk walking around her.� �You are to count
each strike,� showing her a heavy looking wooden paddle.� With that,
Mr. Hawk began to strike Sarah repeatedly with the paddle on her
bottom.� Sarah counted each one aloud and remembered to use �Sir�
after each one.� After twenty, the Master stopped and asked, �Whose
fault was it that the glass broke?�
�It was an accident, sir, I promise.�� Sarah replied through the
tears that were building up behind her eyes.
�That is the wrong answer, begin counting again.�� Mr. Hawk
began to strike again.� Each strike began to feel as if it left fire where it
landed.� Sarah counted and after another 20 strikes Mr. Hawk stopped.�
�Whose fault was it that the glass broke?�� He asked again
�It was mine sir; I was clumsy and dropped it.�� Sarah said.�
�That is much better.� Now that you have learned to take
responsibility for your actions, we can begin your punishment.�� Sarah
felt her heart sink at those words.� Didn�t she just receive punishment?
� She thought.� The straps were released from her body
and Brittany stood Sarah up by pulling another handful of
hair.� Brittany did not release Sarah�s hair and dragged her over to one
of the walls.� Sarah was turned to face the wall and was then chained to
the wall so that her arms and legs were held apart in a spread eagle
position.� Brittany then took Sarah�s hair and moved it over her
shoulder so that her back was completely exposed.� Sarah felt the
flogger strike her back over and over again.� She was not ordered to
count so she did not.� It did not take long before Sarah�s tears were
flowing freely down her cheeks.� Each strike would raise welts on her
back.� She swore that some of her welts had to have welts.
The flogging continued.� Sarah had lost count of how many times
the flogger had struck her.� She was getting lost in the sensation of the
pain.� Her knees buckled but she was kept upright by the chains around
her wrists.� The chains started to dig into her wrists and Sarah thought
that she was going to pass out.� The flogging stopped.� After a moment,
Sarah was able to stand up again and the chains were released.� Sarah
crumpled into a heap on the floor.�
�I will expect better of you tomorrow.� You will meet me
tomorrow when I get home from work holding a flogger in your
mouth.� You will then be flogged for not meeting me there
today.� Hopefully that will help you remember.� Now get out of my
sight, wench.�� Mr. Hawk left the room.� Brittany came over and
helped Sarah up to her hands and knees and guided her into her
room.� She was secured to the wall again and then Brittany left the
room.� Sarah cried until exhaustion overcame her and she drifted off into
a fitful slumber.
The next morning Brittany came in and unlocked Sarah.� Sarah
was sore, but she got up and showered and prepared breakfast and
started on her cleaning until she was called.� She served breakfast and
ate hers on the floor as was expected.� Sarah finished her cleaning
duties and prepared lunch.� After lunch, Sarah decided to work on some
of the laundry that had accumulated carefully keeping an eye on the
����������� When Mr. Hawk walked through the door, Sarah
was on her hands and knees by the door holding a flogger in her
mouth.� Mr. Hawk smiled as he said, �Good girl.�� He took the flogger
and took his seat in the living room.� Sarah followed him and positioned
herself so that her back was facing him and braced herself for the
flogging.� As promised, Mr. Hawk gave her ten quick and hard strikes
and then set the flogger down.
����������� Sarah prepared and served dinner once she was
told to do so.� After dinner she cleared the dishes and Mr. Hawk ordered
her to follow him.� He went into his bedroom where he removed his
clothes and laid down on his large bed.� Sarah was nervous until Mr.
Hawk ordered her to give him a massage.� Relief washed over Sarah as
she climbed up onto the bed and began to work the tension out of his
shoulders and back.� Once his back was good and relaxed, she started
on his legs.� After his legs and feet were relaxed, he turned over and she
started on his chest.� Mr. Hawk was fairly well muscled, so it took some
time to work through the tension.� At the end of the massage, Sarah
realized that Mr. Hawk was erect.� She felt herself blush.� Mr. Hawk
smiled and told her to massage him there as well.� He wanted her to get
rid of all of the tension in his body.� Sarah was reluctant but the welts on
her back and bottom reminded her that she needed to comply.� She
wrapped her hand around his member and started to slowly pump up and
down.� After a little while, she changed positions and her long soft hair
gently brushed against Mr. Hawk.� He let out a quiet moan of pleasure.�
����������� Hearing his pleasure from the contact with her
hair, she removed her hand long enough to wrap his manhood in her hair
and the clasped her hand around him again and started caressing.� �Oh,
that is a good girl.� He moaned softly.� Mr. Hawk started to writhe a
little under her touch and she looked around quickly for a towel to catch
his semen but there was not one around.� The last thing that she wanted
to do was make a mess in his bed, so when he began to orgasm, she
covered the tip of his member with her mouth and sucked all of the fluid
into her mouth and swallowed it.� After his climax, Mr. Hawk laid there
without moving for several minutes enjoying the relaxation that
accompanied his climax.� Finally he stood up and told her to turn down
his covers.� She complied and he climbed in and she covered
him.� �You are dismissed.�� The statement came so casually that it
almost seemed like she had not just pleasured him.�
����������� Sarah crawled out of his room and down the hall
to her chambers.� She was angry.� He did not even thank her for her
attentions.� Brittany came in and as she was locking her to the wall,
Sarah asked, �Does that man ever thank his slaves?� I just gave him
what I thought was a pretty good hand job and let him finish in my
mouth, and not even a �thank you� or �that was nice�.� NOTHING!�
����������� Brittany smiled, �He expects you to perform
your duties.� Remember, he is doing you a huge favor by taking you out
of the prison camp, giving you a much more comfortable place to live,
and reducing your sentence.� I would say that you owe him your
gratitude.� As harsh as he can be, the prison camp is MUCH worse.� I
was there for over a year before I was rescued.� If you were only there
for a week or two, be thankful that none of the guards took an interest in
you.� In the year that I was there, I was beaten, raped, and tortured by
the guards more times than I care to remember.� The treatment I
received under the Master�s hand was nothing by comparison.�
����������� Sarah looked a little embarrassed.� �I did not
think about it that way.�� Brittany had finished securing her to the wall
and left.� Sarah went to sleep a little easier that night.
����������� The rest of the week, Sarah�s days were
almost identical.� She did her chores, kept up with the laundry and
prepared meals, all under the watchful eye of Brittany.�
Sarah viewed Brittany as two different people.� There was her
friend Brittany when they were in their chambers.� They would laugh,
joke, and Brittany would comfort Sarah when she needed it.� But then
there was Brittany the Madame.� When they were outside of their
chambers, Brittany was a harsh and demanding Mistress.� Sarah got
used to it and enjoyed the time in their chambers.
One night during their down time, Sarah started to ask some
questions.� �So how does a slave here get more privileges?�
Brittany smiled.� �As you service to the Master gets better, he will
reward you by giving you more privileges.� Of all the privileges that I
had received, my favorite had to be when I was given my bed.� It is very
comfortable.� The bed was one of the last privileges I received.� The
first one was that I was allowed to walk instead of crawl.� Then I was
allowed to choose to wear clothes if I wanted to.� The selection was
small but the clothes were nice.� Another privilege that I really enjoyed
was being able to eat at the table.� You do not know how much you will
look forward to being able to do that again.�
�Once you get a privilege, can they be taken away?�
�Yes.� The Master will only take away a privilege if it is being
abused.� If you misbehave, then he will punish you.�
�So what happens after my time as a slave is done?�
�Well, after your reduced sentence is completed, you will probably
be offered a position as an assistant like me.� You would still be under
the control of the Master, but you get to wear clothing of your own
choosing and have some say in how you wear your hair.� I will be an
assistant for one year.� If I do well, I could be offered a position as a
rehabilitationist.� I would move over to the guest wing and be able to
choose a slave of my own.�
�That sounds like it could be fun.��
�Good night Sarah, get some sleep.�� Sarah was chained to the
wall and sleep found her quickly.
����������� Her evenings were spent with the Master
entertaining him in any way that he wished.� One night she did a lap
dance for him and another night she and Brittany kissed and touched
each other while he watched.� It was strange to her, but she accepted
her position with a strange sense of joy.


����������� The weekend came.� Mr. Hawk did not go to

work after breakfast.� Instead, he called for Brittany and Sarah to come
into his chambers.� Brittany walked in and Sarah crawled.� Mr. Hawk
was sitting on the couch in the sitting area, Brittany took a seat in the
chair, and Sarah knelt down in front of Mr. Hawk.�
����������� Mr. Hawk began, �We are going out this
evening.� The Rehabilitation Group is meeting at one of the other
manors.� Brittany, you are to wear your best dress.� Sarah, you will
wear a robe when we leave, but upon our arrival you are to undress and
go down to your hands and knees.�
����������� Brittany seemed excited, �So I will be going
with you?�
����������� �Yes, you are my assistant now and will be
attending me in that capacity at the meeting tonight.� Sarah will be
there as one of the subjects.� I do expect for both of you to be on your
best behaviors.� Now the two of you need to get ready.� Brittany,
before you go, I need to speak with you alone.� �Sarah nodded and
crawled out of the room.�
����������� ��Now that we are alone, I would like for you
to have your hair braided in such a way that your badge of position,�
touching her bright red lock, �is displayed.� Remember that you are still
under me and so you still need to show the other specialists the respect
that you show me.� However, you do not have to follow any orders other
than mine.�
����������� Brittany nodded, �Of course Sir.� I hope I do
not let you down.�
����������� Sarah reached her chambers.� She was
nervous.� She had become accustomed to being naked in front of
Brittany and the Master.� But tonight, there would be many others
there.� Brittany got into the shower.� After washing herself, shaving her
legs, and taking care of her hair, she got out and dried herself off
as Brittany was getting into the shower.
����������� Sarah went into her room and picked out a
beautiful silk robe.� When she put the robe on, it almost felt strange to
her to be wearing any clothing at all.� She brushed out her hair, noting
that the ends were looking a little ragged and felt that she needed to get
her hair trimmed.� When Brittany got out of her shower, Sarah went into
the bathroom and asked her about the hair trimming.�
����������� �Oh, the Master will notice very soon and will
make arrangements to deal with it.� What ever you do, do not cut it
yourself.� That will really piss him off.�� Brittany removed the towel
that she had her hair wrapped in.� Her hair came down to just below her
shoulder blades.� �My hair was as long as yours when I first arrived, but
I took it upon myself to trim my hair.� The Master had a stylist come in
and he had my hair cut to my jaw line.� What was even worse was the
next time I was punished he had the length of my hair made into a
flogger.� Let me tell you, that punishment stung physically and was
extremely humiliating.�
����������� Sarah acknowledged what she had been told
and finished getting ready.� While she was waiting to be summoned, she
heard Brittany get upset in her chambers.� Sarah went through the
bathroom that connected their bedrooms and poked her head
into Brittany�s room.
����������� �Are you okay?� Sarah asked.
����������� �The Master wants me to braid my hair so that
my red lock is displayed and I can not get my hair do it.� Are you any
good at braiding hair?�
����������� �Let me see what I can do.�� Sarah
commented starting to brush Brittany�s soft blond hair. �What is so
special about that red streak anyway?�
����������� Brittany smiled.� �That was a gift from the
Master when I finished my time as a slave and became his assistant.� It
hurt a lot when it was done because it was a permanent change.� I never
have to worry about roots showing.� Apparently it is a new medical
procedure where they can permanently change the color of your hair from
the roots.� I suspect that because it hurts so much, it has not caught on
for people who normally get their hair dyed.�
After a couple of attempts to braid Brittany�s hair, Sarah finally
managed to French braid with the lock of bright red hair could be seen
throughout the braid.� �That looks great, thank you,
sweetie.�� Brittany said giving Sarah a kiss on the cheek.� Sarah
turned and saw the beautiful black floor length dress that Brittany had
picked out for the meeting.� The dress showed off every curve
of Brittany�s curvaceous body.� Brittany had chosen a pair of three inch
high heels with straps that wrapped up her ankle.� Sarah
helped Brittany get dressed and they were checking each other when the
Master summoned them.
����������� Brittany and Sarah went to the
door, Brittany was walking and Sarah was doing her best to crawl in the
robe.� Sarah was astonished at how the Master looked.� She had seen
him in suits almost every time she had seen him, but the tuxedo he wore
looked even better on him.� Sarah opened the door and waited for the
Master and Brittany to go through before going through herself.� The
Master informed Sarah that she could walk when they were outside
because he did not want her knees getting scraped on the
pavement.� Sarah went to the limo and opened the door.� The Master
climbed in followed by Brittany, getting a little help from Sarah.� Sarah
then entered the limo, closing the door behind her, and took her place on
the floor.�
����������� The ride lasted for about an hour.� When the
limo stopped and Sarah opened the door, she was looking at another
manor house, just as extravagant as the Master�s but different in
style.� Sarah waited for the other two to exit and then got out of the limo
and closed the door.� Running ahead of the other two, Sarah rang the
doorbell and stepped to one side to make room for her Master and
����������� A man dressed in a tuxedo opened the door,
bowed his head and bid them to enter.� Once inside the door, Sarah
quickly removed the robe that she was allowed to wear outside and went
down to her hands and knees and crawled following her Master and
Brittany.� They went into a huge dining room.� Sarah saw that there
were twelve chairs surrounding the table.� Eight of the chairs had mats a
few feet behind them.� There were other guests in the room as well as
other slaves.� There were men and women alike on their hands and
knees.� Sarah followed her Master closely as she did not want to lose
him in the small crowd and possibly make him look bad.� Most of the
slaves had collars and leashes that their Masters or Mistresses held, but
Sarah was one of two slaves that were not leashed.� Her Master began
to talk to one of the Mistresses who had a buff looking male slave on a
leash.� He asked her how her new slave was behaving.�
����������� �I swear I do not know what to do with
him.� He is headstrong and refuses to submit.� I have to punish him
daily.� Either he is stupid and forgets even the simplest list of chores or
likes the punishment.� If he does not straighten up soon� she glared
down at him giving the leash a sharp tug �I will have no choice but to
return him to the prison camp.�� Sarah saw her slaves eyes widen at
the final comment.� �So I see that Brittany has graduated to
assistant.� Congratulations.�
����������� �Thank you Madame.� I am honored for the
chance to help my Master as much as he has helped me.�� Brittany said
smiling at the Mistress.
����������� The door to the room once again opened and a
man with a red-headed female slave on a leash entered.� The Mistress
that her Master had been speaking with requested that everyone take a
seat at their places at the table.� Her Master found his seat
and Brittany sat next to him.� Sarah took her place behind her Master at
the mat.� The slaves that were on leashes had their leashes secured to
rings bolted into the wall.� Sarah felt a little bit of pride in the fact that
she was not leashed.� The only other slave that was not leashed was
apparently close to becoming an assistant as he was not on his hands and
knees and was allowed to sit at the table, although he was only allowed to
wear pants.�
����������� There was a long discussion at the table
concerning punishment methods, training techniques, and what privileges
should be given when.� Then each of the Masters or Mistresses took a
turn to tell the room a little about their slaves, including what each was
arrested for, how long they were sentenced, and how the slave was
doing.� Sarah did not care much to hear about the other slaves� pasts,
but she listened intently and tried to remember their names and how they
well they were doing.� When her Master spoke, she listened intently to
all he said.
����������� �Sarah was arrested for drug possession and
prostitution and was sentenced to six years at hard labor.� She was at
the prison for about a week when she got into a fight with another inmate
and had an extra three months added to her sentence.� She has had a
little bit of a rough start, but I have only had to punish her twice in her
first week.� I remember that I had to spend the first three evenings
with Brittany in the punishment room, so I would say she is doing
great.� �Sarah felt herself flush with embarrassment.�
����������� Eventually, several carts were brought into the
room.� There was one placed in front of each of the slaves.� Those who
were leashed to the walls had their leashes removed from their
collars.� Once all of the slaves were un-tethered and all of the carts were
in place, the slaves were told to present their Masters or Mistresses with
their dinners.� Sarah went quickly to the cart and found the two plates
for her Master and Brittany.� Moving quickly but carefully, Sarah placed
the two plates in front of their intended recipients.� Then moving back
towards the cart, she saw the bowl with food for her.� She took it back to
her mat and began to eat while watching her Master
and Brittany carefully in case they needed a drink refilled or needed
anything else.�
����������� Sarah finished her dinner as quickly as she
could in between refilling the small goblets for her Master and
Brittany.� Once she was finished, she placed her bowl on the cart and
waited on the other two.� The Master and Brittany were taking their
time.� Once they finished, Sarah crawled over to the table and took their
plates back to the cart.� As soon as everyone had finished their dinners
and the plates were back on the carts, everyone that was at the table
picked up their goblets and moved to the sitting room.�
The conversations seemed to take on a lighter tone in the sitting
room.� The business portion of the meeting had been completed in the
dining room.� The Masters and Mistresses sat for several hours
discussing everything from the weather to the state of The State.� Sarah
and the other slaves were kneeling on the floor refilling the drinks as
requested.� It was during one of these refills that a male slave knocked
over the goblet of his Mistress right into her lap.� Her beautiful dress was
stained with the red wine from the goblet.� Then her slave made a larger
mistake, he started to laugh uncontrollably.� The Mistress, furious, began
to yell at her slave.� �What in the hell do you think you are laughing at
you clumsy oaf?!?� You are going to be punished worse than you can
imagine.�� The slave stopped laughing quickly and dropped down to his
hands and knees, but Sarah could still see him heaving with
laughter.� She clapped her hands twice and two very muscular men
came into the room.� �May I borrow your enforcers Mrs. Python?
�� The lady asked of the hostess.
�By all means, Mrs. Tiger, you know you do not need to ask.�
�Pin him down on his back boys.� We are going to have a little
The two muscular men grabbed the laughing slave and forced him
down to the ground face up, one holding his arms and the others holding
his legs.
Brittany leaned down to Sarah and whispered, �The Mistresses
have enforcers to help them deal with their male slaves.� Otherwise the
slaves could easily overpower their Mistresses.�� Sarah just nodded and
Mr. Hawk spoke up at this time.� �Ladies, I have a wonderful idea
for a punishment for your slave if I may be so bold.�
Mrs. Tiger looked at Mr. Hawk and simply raised an eyebrow to
�Why don�t we let my little Sarah here tease him to the edge of
climax repeatedly but not allow him to orgasm.� She is very talented
with her hands and mouth.�
Sarah blanched at her Master�s suggestion.� Mrs. Tiger�s face
turned into the wickedest smile that Sarah had ever seen.� �I like the
way you think Mr. Hawk.� My little Robert here has a very difficult time
climaxing if he has been teased too much and further attention becomes
very painful for him at that point.� You do not mind letting me borrow
your little Sarah do you?�
�I would not have offered the suggestion if I minded.� By all
means, Sarah, I want you to tease that little bastard.� Do not let him
climax or you will be punished.�
Sarah looked at her Master and answered, �As you wish
Sir.�� She crawled over to the pinned man and sat next to him.� Gently
wrapping her fingers around his already erect member, she slowly and
rhythmically she began to move her hand up and down, pumping him
�Harder Sarah, I want you to go harder!� cried Mrs. Tiger.
�Please be patient Mrs. Tiger� sang the voice of her
Master.� �She knows what she is doing and believe me, Robert may be
enjoying it now, but she knows exactly when to stop.� Do continue
Sarah.�� Sarah smiled remembering her training as an exotic
dancer.� She learned how to read a man�s reaction so that she could
give him a lap dance and be able to stop the grinding right as he was on
the edge.��
Sarah continued stroking slowly and gently watching Robert�s face
the entire time. Robert started to writhe under the pumping and just
when one more downward pump would send him over the edge, Sarah
removed her hand.� Robert struggled against his building
frustration.� Sarah leaned down and gave Robert a deep long kiss while
his body calmed down.�
�After giving Robert a few moments to relax, Sarah wrapped her
hair around his member and began to stroke him again. This time the
stroking was a little harder and a little faster.� It did not take long before
Robert was writhing under her attentions again and with her perfect
timing Sarah stopped and removed her hair just before sending Robert
over the edge into a state of bliss.� Robert arched his back this time and
let out a slight moan.
What surprised Sarah was that she found she was getting excited
herself at giving this other slave his punishment.� Sarah ran her soft
hands up Robert�s member a couple of times giving just a moment�s
rest in between strokes.� Sarah then leaned over Robert�s member,
flicked the tip with her tongue and then slowly moved so that the length
of her hair brushed against Robert�s throbbing member.� Robert
displayed his enjoyment, releasing a soft moan.� Sarah repeated the
action, this time paying a little attention to one of his erect nipples while
her hair was still entwined around his member.�
Sarah moved quickly and with her hair still around Robert�s base,
she opened her mouth and took in his entire length.� Robert gasped at
the sudden intensity of the sensation.� Sarah did not move her head, but
instead began to run her tongue up and down his length.� Robert was on
the edge once again and tried not to show any signs, but just as he
thought he would climax, Sarah once again stopped.
�You bitch!�� Robert cried out to the gasping horror of the others
in the room.
�Gag him!�� Mrs. Tiger commanded pointing to two of the other
female slaves in the room.� One of the two slaves was handed a silken
scarf.� They both Knelt by Robert�s head and placed the scarf over his
mouth.� With a little effort, they were able to force him to open his
mouth and then the two ladies held the scarf in place by pinning it to the
floor with their hands.
Sarah looked up at Mr. Hawk with pleading eyes.
�Do you wish something my little Sarah?�� He said in response to
her plea.
�Sir, may I give him a dance?� I believe that will be very teasing
for him and I hope it will also please the others in the room.� I ask only
because I will need to rise from my place in order to do it.�
Mr. Hawk scanned the room and received a very positive reaction
from her request.� �Yes you may. �But make sure it is a good one.� If
you would be so kind as to provide us with some music, Mrs. Python,
something energetic?�� The music began to play.� �You may begin
Upon hearing the music, Sarah began to slowly rise with the
beat.� Moving her body almost as a belly dancer would.� Her hips
swayed with the beat of the music while her hands and head moved to
the melody.� She moved so that she was standing over Robert.� She
bent down quickly and with a careful rotation of her neck, brought her
hair down in a lashing stroke across his chest and then stood straight
again.� Slowly lowering her body so that she was almost sitting on his
stomach, Sarah let her fingernails glide down his muscular chest.� She
leaned forward as if to kiss him, but stopped just short of his mouth and
then slid her entire body down a few inches.� Robert moaned as her
weight forced his member to point toward his feet.� Sarah began to
move her hips up and down as if she was making love to him, but he was
not inside of her.� When Sarah was a dancer, this move did not do much
to excite her due to her panties, but completely naked, her clitoris was
rubbing up and down Robert�s member.�
She continued this torture for some time.� Robert went from
moans of enjoyment to signs of discomfort.� Sarah had managed in a
very short time to achieve Mrs. Tiger�s goal of getting Robert so excited
that he would be unable to orgasm and the teasing was now beginning to
hurt.� By this time, Sarah felt like she was on the edge of her own
�Stop!� The command came from Mr. Hawk.� �Mrs. Tiger, do
you feel like your little Robert has had enough?� I fear my little Sarah
might climax if she continues.� If you do not feel that Robert has had
enough, then I would suggest we give Sarah a little reward by letting her
climax while fully riding your little Robert.�� Robert�s eyes went wide,
and he was trying his best to plead with Mrs. Tiger through the
gag.� Sarah was a little nervous about the suggestion.� The teasing and
dancing were one thing, she used to be an exotic dancer, but to make
love to someone while all of these people watched was almost too much.
Mrs. Tiger thought for a moment and then smiled.� �I think that
Sarah does deserve a reward.� Sarah I want you to make love to Robert
until you are fully satisfied.� Remove the gag.� I want to hear his
moaning and begging.�
Sarah looked at Mr. Hawk.� All he did was nod to her.� Sarah
lifted herself up enough and slid down Roberts throbbing manhood.� She
was so excited from the dance that just taking him inside of her almost
pushed her over the edge.� She began to move her hips up and down
enjoying the sensations of pleasure she was feeling.� After a few
moments, Sarah began to climax.� As her climax began Robert let out a
moan of pain due to the Sarah�s muscles tightening around his
member.� Sarah let out a scream of pleasure as she climaxed riding
Robert hard and faster.� Sarah did not stop though, she wanted
more.� She said fully satisfied, Sarah reminded herself.�
Sarah kept on riding poor Robert who was now struggling in pain
against the enforcers.� Sarah felt her second climax building
quickly.� Without warning the wave of pleasure that had been building
crashed over her sending her into throws of passion.� Her second climax
seemed to last for an hour and as she was coming down from her
ecstasy, she could hear Robert begging his Mistress to forgive him.�
Slowing down, Sarah looked at Mrs. Tiger.� �Are you fully satisfied
my dear?� She asked Sarah.
�If it would please Madame, I would like to have one more.� This
feels wonderful.�
Mrs. Tiger smiled, �Very well then, one more.�
Sarah began to speed up again much to Robert�s protests.� As
she began to feel her third climax build up, she heard Mrs. Tiger
speak.� �Now then Robert, how does this feel?�
�It hurts, Madame.� It hurts a lot.� Please tell her to
stop.�� Robert answered with a whining tone in his voice.� Sarah
started to feel a little guilty.� She did not realize that Robert was in as
much pain as he was.
�And what have we learned from this experience?�
�That I need to be more careful in the future Madame and that if I
make a clumsy mistake, I need to do everything I can to fix it.�
�Is that all you learned?�
�I also learned that I should never laugh at the mistakes I make,
especially if my clumsiness affected you Madame.�
�Sarah is going to have her last orgasm and then she is going to
stop.� I hope that you will do better in the future.�
�I will, Madame, I promise.�
Sarah was on the edge when their conversation had finished.� Part
of her felt guilty for putting Robert in so much pain, but there was
another part of her that was very pleased at the fact that Mrs. Tiger and
Mr. Hawk were satisfied at the job she was doing.� She decided to hold
her last climax off for as long as she could.� When she could no longer
hold her release, the flood gate of pleasure was opened and Sarah had
another screaming orgasm.�
With her third orgasm coming to an end, Sarah climbed off of
Robert and crawled over to Mr. Hawk who greeted her with a smile and a
nod.� �Well done, my little Sarah.� Well done.�
Sarah spent the rest of the time in the sitting room in a relaxed
state of bliss.� It was some time later that Mr. Hawk and Brittany got up
to leave.� The three went to the door and Sarah was given her
robe.� Sarah put the robe on and opened the door.� After the Mr. Hawk
and Brittany went through the door, Sarah followed.� Opening the limo
door and following the other two in.� During the ride back to Mr. Hawk�s
manor house, Sarah almost dozed off several times.� When they finally
arrived, Sarah groggily opened the doors and followed the Master and
Brittany into the manor.� Sarah removed her robe just inside the front
door and crawled to her pillow pile and fell asleep almost
immediately.� Brittany came into Sarah�s room shortly after Sarah had
fallen asleep.� Brittany decided to be nice and did her best to chain
Sarah to the wall without waking her.


����������� Brittany woke up early the morning after the

dinner and was unable to go back to sleep.� She decided to be nice and
fix breakfast and let Sarah sleep in.� She knew that the Master would not
wake for some time.� After breakfast was ready and in the
refrigerator, Brittany took her morning shower and got dressed.
����������� Brittany woke Sarah gently, even though she
was tempted to tickle the sleeping and bound beauty on the pillow
pile.� Sarah was very reluctant to wake up as she was still under the
effects of her multiple climaxes the night before.� Sarah sat up and
when Brittany had finished unchaining her from the wall, Sarah noticed
the time and panicked.�
����������� �Oh no, I have to get breakfast ready before
the Master awakens!�� Sarah exclaimed with panic in her voice.
�Don�t worry sweetie, I have been awake for a little while and
made breakfast so that you could sleep in.�� Brittany said trying to calm
Sarah�s fears by stroking her long hair.� Sarah relaxed quickly and
thanked Brittany for helping her.
�Well, I need to take my shower and get ready.�� Sarah
stretched and rose leaving the serenity of her pillow pile for the
day. �After Sarah was showered and ready for the day, she began her
cleaning regiment.
Sarah had finished the greeting room, dining room, and living room
before the Master emerged from his chambers.� He summoned Sarah to
the kitchen.� Sarah crawled into the kitchen and went to the refrigerator
to retrieve the breakfast that Brittany had prepared.� Sarah served
breakfast to the Master and Brittany then began to eat hers.� After the
Master had finished, Sarah took the dishes to the sink and washed
them.� As she finished the final bowl, the doorbell rang.
Mr. Hawk told Sarah to answer the door.� Sarah had become used
to her position and lack of clothing that she was no longer embarrassed
when at the manor house.� However her unease returned as she crawled
towards the door.� Sarah knelt by the door and opened it to see a
strange man with a large bag standing at the door.� Without a word, he
walked in.� Sarah closed the door behind the man.� Sarah bowed her
head as she could not bring herself to look at this strange man.�
�Take me to your Master, girl.�� His voice sounded almost like a
�Yes sir.�� Sarah replied and began to crawl to the kitchen where
her master was waiting.�
Upon entering the room, Mr. Hawk stood up and extended his
hand.� �Thank you Sam for coming on such short notice.� Brittany and
that one,� pointing at Sarah, �both need to get their hair trimmed.�
�You know all you have to do is call, Mr. Hawk.� I am always
happy to help you.�� Turning his attention to Brittany, Sam said �so
how are you my lovely?�
�I am well, Sam.� Thank you for asking.�
�So what are we doing with your lovely hair today?�
Brittany did not answer instead casting a glance at the Master.� Mr.
Hawk simply shrugged his shoulders and said, �What would you like Sam
to do with your hair?�
Brittany thought for a moment.� �I think just a trim will do.� I am
trying to grow my hair long like it used to be.�
Sam told Sarah to pull one of the chairs to the middle of the kitchen
and to kneel behind it.� Sarah did as she was instructed.� Sam opened
his bag and removed a comb, a brush, a pair of scissors, and a spray
bottle.� �Hold out your hands, girl.� Sarah raised herself up a little and
held her hands flat with her palms up.� Sam placed the items onto her
hands and then reached in the bag and removed an apron, then motioned
for Brittany to sit in the chair.� Brittany did as was requested.� Sam
wrapped the apron around Brittany and took the spray bottle and began
to wet her hair.� Then taking the comb and scissors, began to
trim Brittany�s lovely locks.� It did not take long for Sam to
trim Brittany�s hair.� Sam ran the brush through Brittany�s hair and
then removed the apron.� Brittany got out of the chair.�
Sam then removed the items from Sarah�s hands and told her to
sit in the chair.� Sarah glanced over to Mr. Hawk who simply
nodded.� �So what are we doing with this mop?
Sarah was appalled.� �Just a trim sir, thank you.� She answered
but her tone was very indignant.�
�I wasn�t talking to you, girl.� Mr. Hawk, what are we doing with
this mop?�
Mr. Hawk thought for a moment.� �Keep as much of the length as
you can, but other than that, have fun.�� Mr. Hawk changed his
attentions to Sarah.� �I will deal with your impudence later.�
Sarah bowed her head and felt the blood rush to her skin in the
blush that she was becoming accustomed wearing.� Sam took the spray
bottle and proceeded to completely wet Sarah�s hair.� Sam seemed to
be very careful while working on Br.� He was not so gentle with Sarah
pulling her hair several times.� Sam began cutting.� Sarah was told to
look bend her hair forward, and in doing so saw some very long strands of
her hair on the floor.� After a few minutes, Sam stood in front of Sarah
and admired his work for a moment and then turned to Mr. Hawk
removing the apron.
�So what do you think Mr. Hawk?� Is it to your liking?�
Mr. Hawk circled Sarah several times before he smiled and
replied.� �It is very nice as usual Sam.� You are a true artist.�
�You flatter me Mr. Hawk.�
�How much do I owe you?�
�The usual for Brittany and nothing for that mop there.�� Sam
said pointing at Sarah.� �That was a fashion emergency.�
�I will call Mrs. Python and make the necessary arrangements
then.� Thank you again for coming on such short notice.�
�Well, I need to go.� I have a date with a truly scrumptious morsel
that I need to get ready for.�
�Very well, Sam, have a good time.� Sarah, see my friend out.�
Sarah slid from the chair onto the floor and noticed how much of
her hair was on the floor.� She could feel the anger starting to rise.
�I am waiting, girl.�� Sam announced.
Sarah crawled to the door and opened for Sam.� She had never
been happier to see someone leave.� Sarah always had always taken
pride beautiful hair and for this bastard to insult her as he did filled her
with a rage she had never felt before.� His words hurt her badly.� Sam
bid Mr. Hawk farewell again and left.�
Sarah quickly closed the door and then saw her reflection in the
mirror behind the door.� She had never been a fan of layered hair styles
however; she had to admit that the style that Sam had given her really
complimented her facial features and looked really good.� With that
realization, her anger quickly subsided and was replaced by guilt for the
way she had treated him.�
Sarah crawled back into the kitchen and began to sweep the hair
up.� The only thoughts that ran through her mind were about the way
she had treated Sam and what the punishment would be for her
attitude.� There was no hope that had not noticed her attitude.� Her
only choice was to accept whatever punishment that he saw fit to give
As Sarah finished sweeping the hair on the kitchen floor, she could
hear that the Master and Brittany were talking.� As hard as she tried to
fight the urge to listen, her curiosity overpowered her.
�I mean no disrespect sir, but Sam was very harsh in the way that
he treated Sarah.� I feel that her attitude was justified.�� Brittany�s
voice was filled with an honest concern.� �I really do not think that her
attitude with Sam justifies such a harsh punishment.�
�I do hear what you are saying Brittany, but Sarah disrespected a
friend of mine and a guest in my manor.� It is for this reason that I have
chosen such an extreme punishment.� Now remember your place.� I will
ask for your opinion, but if I give you an order, you are expected to follow
it.� You are only an assistant and therefore still subject to be punished.�
�Yes sir, I understand.� I will go and prepare the items you
requested in the punishment room.�
Sarah crawled away from the door as quickly as she could.� She
managed to reach the dustpan by the trash can before Brittany opened
the door to the Master�s chambers.� Brittany walked out with a grim
look on her face and walked past Sarah, without even looking at her, and
went into the Punishment Room.
The Master entered the kitchen as Brittany was leaving Sarah�s
sight.� He snapped his fingers.� With a large sigh of resignation, Sarah
crawled with her head low over to the Master�s side.� His voice boomed
like thunder in Sarah�s ears.� �Are you ready to have the little attitude
of yours adjusted?�
�Yes sir.� I regret speaking to your friend in the harsh manner
that I used.� I will not ask for forgiveness or mercy and willingly accept
whatever punishment you see fit to give me.�
The Master almost seemed shocked by her words but did not let it
show.� Sarah crawled, with her head still bowed, following the Master as
he walked into the Punishment Room.� Sarah did not raise her head
when he stopped.� She remained motionless even though she was
terrified.� She was determined to accept the punishment that the Master
saw fit to give her hoping that it would help to alleviate the guilt that was
haunting her as her words played over in her head.
Sarah was ordered to stand.� She slowly allowed herself to rise
from the floor, never raising her head, until she was standing in the
middle of the Punishment Room.� Sarah�s hands were bound by heavy
leather shackles in front of her.� There were three heavy chain links
between the shackles with a clip of some kind attached to the middle
link.� The Master then ordered Sarah to stand near the wall
by Brittany.� Sarah looked up only long enough to find
where Brittany was standing, then lowered her head again and carefully
walked over to stand next to Brittany.� Brittany whispered, �I am
sorry.�� Sarah simply shook her head.
The Master connected the clip from her wrist bindings to a cable
that descended from the ceiling.� Sarah heard a strange sound as the
electric motor of the wench started to wind the cable causing Sarah�s
wrists to begin to rise.� Her wrists continued to rise until she was
standing on her toes with her arms stretched high above her.� Sarah was
happy that her hair was covering her face so that she did not see what
was going to happen to her.� The motor kept running and Sarah�s feet
were lifted off of the floor.� Her shoulders began to hurt almost
immediately.� Sarah could see that she was suspended about three feet
off of the floor.� Brittany strapped some heavy shackles around Sarah�s
ankles.� These were not connected by a chain, but instead had clips
attached and the shackles were applied so that the clips were on the
inside of her legs.� The Master came into Sarah�s view and was holding
a metal bar about three feet in length.� He attached one end of the bar
to each ankle forcing Sarah�s legs to separate mercilessly.� Sarah could
see that there was another clip in the middle of the bar.
The Master connected a second cable to the clip in the middle of the
bar and then started a second wench began to run and started to raise
her legs.� As her legs were being raised, her arms were lowered a few
feet.� When the wenches stopped, Sarah was suspended from her wrists
and the bar between her ankles like a hammock.� Sarah was very
uncomfortable in this new position.� The fact that the shield of hair she
was using to keep her from seeing what was going on around her had
fallen down cascading loose behind her did not help.�
Brittany began to run her fingers through Sarah�s hair for a few
moments before securing Sarah�s hair in a tight
bun.� As Brittany finished with Sarah�s hair, the Master stood over
Sarah.� Sarah could fell him standing there even though she held her
eyes tightly closed, but through her closed eyelids, she could see a
flickering light.� Sarah decided to open her eyes and just when she saw
the candle that the Master was holding, he turned it sideways allowing the
melted wax to splash onto Sarah�s stomach.� The wax was hot and it
splattered when it touched her skin leaving a burning sensation across a
wide area.� Sarah held back the sound of pain and surprise that was
trying to escape her lips.� I am going to take this without a
sound.� Sarah thought to herself as the wax from a second candle was
poured higher on her stomach.� Some of the wax splashed onto the
bottom of Sarah�s breasts.� Sarah gasped and bit her lip as the wax
burned her again.
Sarah�s skin was not the only part of her body growing
warm.� She began to feel the warmth of excitement between her
mercilessly stretched legs.� The wax continued to be poured across
Sarah�s exposed torso.� Sarah was unable to move to avoid the wax
instead could brace herself before each candle.� The wax eventually
covered Sarah�s entire stomach and the new wax no longer burned as it
was poured on over the existing wax.�
�How does it feel wench?�� The Master�s voice rang out piercing
the pain that was beginning to haze Sarah�s mind.
�It hurts Sir.� My skin feels like it is on fire.�� Sarah replied
Sarah had no sooner replied when the Master poured more wax on
the mostly exposed skin of her breasts.� The only wax that was on her
breasts up to that point had been the small spots that had splashed from
her stomach.� Sarah�s control faded at the intensity of the burning on
the sensitive skin of her breasts.� Sarah let out a quiet gasp and a tear
began to run down her cheek.� More wax was applied to her breasts
covering them like her stomach.� Sarah�s breathing at this point
became erratic, somewhere between panting and gasping.� She was
covered in wax completely from her neck to her waist and the covered
skin was on fire from the light burns the hot wax had caused.� Sarah�s
mind was lost in the intensity of the pain.
Suddenly there was a new sensation as pleasure began to radiate
from between her outstretched legs.� Brittany was gently running her
tongue up Sarah�s sex in long slow strokes.� Sarah tried to writhe with
the pleasure but was still unable to move due to her bindings.� The
pleasure was not cutting through the pain, but instead was beginning to
mix with the pain.� Mixing the two sensations caused both the pain and
pleasure to intensify.� Sarah was standing on the edge of blissful release
when Brittany stopped.
The Master began to carefully remove the now cool wax.� His
fingers peeling the wax off Sarah�s tender flesh caused ripples of pain
and pleasure that kept Sarah at the edge that Brittany had taken her
to.� By the time the Master had removed the wax shell, Sarah was
blinded by her desires for a release.� Sarah mind was so wrapped up in
the pain and pleasure that she did not notice that the wenches began to
run again bringing her upright and suspended again.
Sarah felt the soft strands of Brittany�s hair rubbing on her
back.� Sarah let out a soft moan of pleasure at the gentle caress of the
silky locks.� The strands were removed and before Sarah could utter a
disappointed moan, she was struck hard by those strands of blond
silk.� Again and again the hair whipped her back.� The sensation was
different than the hard leather of the flogger.� Instead of stinging like the
flogger, these were softer but each strike of the hair felt like it would cut
through Sarah�s skin.� The pain began to overtake the pleasure again
but the whipping continued.
�Have you had enough wench?�� The Master asked.
�It is not enough Sir until you feel it is enough.�� Sarah
replied.� Sarah had no sooner finished her answer when she felt
Brittany�s tongue begin to tease her again raising the level of pleasure to
where it was even with the pain.�
The Master began to whip Sarah again with the soft hair
while Brittany continued her tongue ministrations.� Sarah quickly
became lost in the confusing dichotomy of the physical sensations.� Part
of her wanted the torture to be over while another part of her was
enjoying intensity and the passion that she was feeling.� With each lash
of Brittany�s tongue and hair, Sarah felt her pleasure begin to rise and
�Do you want us to stop?�� The Master asked between two
�Please� No� Sir�.�� Sarah answered with a lot of
difficulty.� Her mind lost.� She could not think but only feel.� Pain and
pleasure had become one.� Sarah could feel herself reaching out for that
climax riding the wave of pleasure not knowing whether the Brittany�s
tongue or the Master whipping her with Brittany�s hair was going to
finally cause the tidal wave to crash and wash over her.
The wave was starting to crash when both sensations
stopped.� Sarah began to convulse as her body wanting to release the
tension fought to do so without the sensations that were causing
it.� Sarah began to beg, �Please Sir.� I need more, please do not
stop.� I am almost there.�� The bun of Sarah�s hair was released
cascading down her back and kept her at the point that they left her when
their attentions stopped.�
There was a loud clap as the door of the Punishment room closed
and when Sarah looked around, the room was empty except for
her.� Brittany and the Master left her in the room by herself dangling
from the ceiling with her legs spread apart.� Sarah had never
experienced the level of desire that was pounding at the door of her
sanity.� She wanted, no, needed to have a release.� The sensation of
her hair brushing the tender skin of her back and breasts was enough to
keep her on that edge, but not enough to allow her to finish her
pleasure.� All of the lights in the room were then turned off.� This room
was completely dark.� There was no light at all coming from even the
tiniest of sources.� Sarah lost all sense of time between the dark and the
torture of her condition.
Sarah had no way of telling how long she was hanging there in her
torment of pleasure and pain.� The complete darkness of the room
forced her mind to turn in on itself.� She could not focus on anything but
the sensations coming from her tender and excited body.� The entire
time she dangled from the ceiling her body stayed in that excited state
where one more lash of the whip or caress of Brittany�s tongue would
send her into a final release.� Sarah began to thrash her head trying to
whip herself with her own hair in order to send her over that
edge.� Unfortunately the thrashing was not enough to increase the
sensations to a level that would push her over the edge instead it
increased her frustration.� This did not deter Sarah from continuing to
thrash.� The feeling of her own hair gently hitting the tender skin of back
and breasts felt good and was increasing the sensations.� Sarah
continued to thrash about adding to her frustration until she was
exhausted and could no longer move.�
Once she had completely exhausted herself, the door opened
again.� Sarah could see that the sun had gone down.� She had been in
that hellish torment for several hours and her body was still on the edge
of a climax.� The Master and Brittany walked into the room.� The light
streaming into the room pierced Sarah�s eyes adding another sensation
of pain to her already confused mind.� The wench was lowered and when
Sarah�s feet were on the floor still held apart by the bar, her knees
lacked the strength to support her.� The wench continued to lower Sarah
allowing her to completely crumple to the floor in slow motion.� As the
cool leather floor touched the abused skin of her back, waves of pleasure
took her frustration higher.� The relief of pressure on her shoulders
added to frustration as well when they began throbbing in waves of
gratitude.� The Master removed the bar from Sarah�s ankles and Sarah
curled her body up into a fetal position still panting with the frustration of
�Get on your hands and knees!�� The order came forcing Sarah
to move her aching body causing her hair to once again stimulate her
along the tender skin.� �How do you feel now?�
How do you think I feel? �Sarah thought to herself.� She wanted
to say it but the words got lost between her mind and her
mouth.� Instead what she simply replied, �Broken�on
edge�sore�punished�Sir,� Through her panting, uneasy, and unsteady
�Would my little wench like to have a release?�
�Yes� Sir.�
�What are you willing to do in order to have that climax?�
�Anything�Sir�whatever� you� ask of me.�� Sarah could feel
her body still trembling.
The Master held his palm out and Sarah could see two vicious
looking clips connected by a short chain.� The clips reminded Sarah of
alligator clips that her father used in his robotics work.� �I want you to
put these on your nipples and then tighten them by turning this dial until
you can not stand for them to be any tighter.�� The Master commanded.
Sarah�s quivering hand reached out and took the clips and sat on
her ankles so that her back was straight up.� Sarah moved her hair so
that it was all flowing down her back sending waves of pleasure and
pain.� Slowly she opened the first clip and placed it onto her
nipple.� The teeth of the clip dug into her skin.� The sensation was very
intense and stimulating, but also enjoyable in a way.� She began to turn
the dial increasing the pain until she could not force herself to turn it any
further as the pain would become greater than the pleasure.�
Sarah wanted to remove the clip and refuse to put the other
on.� The thought of displeasing the Master caused her to turn the dial
another half turn causing her to wince as the teeth broke into the tender
skin of her nipple.� The Master smiled as he watched he nipple begin to
swell slightly.�
Sarah took the second clip and placed it on her other nipple.� The
pleasure struck her hard as she released her hold.� Again she tightened
it until the pain was about to overtake the pleasure.� She remembered
the Master�s pleasure at the final half turn of the other clamp.� She
steeled herself and gave the clip a full turn causing another wince and a
whimper.� Before she could recover fully, Sarah tightened the first clip
an additional half turn so that both of the clips were equally tight.� The
teeth of the clips were digging into Sarah�s swelling nipples. �In the
short time that the clips were on before the Master acted, the swelling of
her nipples caused the clips to tighten. The Master walked over and gave
the chain a light tug sending waves of pain through Sarah�s
body.� Much to her surprise, Sarah was closer now to a climax than she
has ever been in her life.�� �Get the weights Brittany.�� The Master
Brittany walked over to the table picked up a small tray and carried
it over to Mr. Hawk who nodded.� Brittany set the tray in front of
Sarah.� Sarah saw five small weights with hooks.� �You are going to
put the weights onto the chain.� You will also need to make sure that the
clips do not come off of your nipples.� If they start to slip, tighten them
because if a clip falls off, you will have to begin again.�� The Master
Sarah nodded and took the first weight and carefully put it on the
chain.� The pain in her nipples increased as the clips pulled her nipples
down.� The second weight was added and again the pain
increased.� Once the third weight was added, Sarah felt the clips begin
to move.� Sarah braced herself and tightened each clip with a full turn of
the dial causing her to gasp after each was tightened.� Sarah hesitated
earning her a strike on her back from a flogger.� The lash caused the
weighted chain to swing increasing the pain.� Sarah quickly took the
fourth and fifth weight and added them to the chain.� The pain was
extremely intense as the clips dug into her skin and pulled on her nipples.
The Master ordered Sarah onto her hands and knees.� Sarah
carefully moved and was disappointed when the chain and weights did not
reach the floor.� Sarah could no longer think.� She could only
act.� Brittany pulled Sarah�s hair into a ponytail held tightly
in Brittany�s grasp.� The Master moved behind Sarah and spread her
legs apart.� Sarah was vaguely aware that he had knelt behind her and
opened his pants.� Upon insertion, Sarah thought that she was going to
loose what little control she had over the climax that was now pounding
on the door of her sanity.
The Master moved painfully slow several times in and out of
Sarah�s throbbing and hungry sex each time he pushed against her body
causing the chain to swing slightly.� This act was more torture than
pleasure.� Sarah needed more.� Without warning Mr. Hawk began to
thrust hard and fast, pumping into Sarah with every bit of strength he
had.� After the second stroke, the dam of Sarah�s passion broke and
she began to have the most powerful orgasm.� The Master continued
showing no mercy on Sarah.� For the entire time that the Master made
love to Sarah�s broken body, Sarah�s orgasm continued.� There was
no break from the intensity of the Master�s onslaught.� The pounding
continued, as well as Sarah�s orgasm until she felt the Master�s rhythm
falter and he let out a sigh of passion.� Sarah could feel his hot semen
enter her and sent her into the final throws of passion.
Sarah collapsed, her head still raised by Brittany�s hold on her
hair.� Sarah�s mind could not process anything more than the basic
necessities of breathing, and that was even a strain as she panted trying
to catch her breath.� Mr. Hawk then reached down and slowly removed
the clips from Sarah�s nipples.� Sarah�s nipples began to pulse with
each beat of her pounding heart.� The Master simply stood back up and
left the room.� Brittany then gently lowered Sarah�s head to the floor
before releasing the grip on her hair, stood up and left the room herself.
It was some time before Sarah again had the strength or will to
move.� She was alone in the Punishment Room.� She attempted to get
up to her hands and knees.� Lacking the strength she fell over.� Sarah
tried again forcing her arms to support her as she slowly raised her
tender body off of the ground.� She stayed motionless on her hands and
knees giving her arms a chance to remember how to support her weight
in this position.� Eventually, Sarah began to crawl slowly out of the
Punishment Room and found the Master and Brittany lounging in the
living room.� Sarah crawled over to the couch that the Master was
reclined on and sat at his feet with her hands still on the floor to keep her
from falling over again.
�What do you have to say for yourself, my little Sarah?�� He
asked calmly.
�Thank you Sir.� I was wrong in the way that I had treated
Sam.� I know that I deserved the treatment that I received.� In
addition, Sir, I would like to thank you for the release that you allowed
me.� Is there anything that you wish me to do?�
Sarah could hear the smile in his voice.� �Brittany, I want you to
take Sarah to your chambers and put her to bed.� I think she has gone
through enough today.�
Brittany began to rise from her seat as she said, �As you wish, my
Lord.�� Sarah moved to Brittany�s side slowly.� Brittany walked slowly
allowing Sarah to keep up with her pace.� Upon entering her chambers,
Sarah continued to crawl until she was on her pillows before allowing
herself to collapse again.� Brittany went into her room briefly returning
with a jar.� She knelt by Sarah and began to rub some kind of sweet
smelling salve on Sarah�s back.� Rolling Sarah over
gently, Brittany continued to rub the salve on Sarah�s stomach and
�This will help your skin to stay soft after a harsh whipping.� It will
also prevent any cuts or scrapes from getting infected.�� Brittany then
put the salve on heavily on Sarah�s very tender nipples.
�I heard you asking the Master to be easy on me.�
�I did not know if you would be able to handle the level of
punishment that he gave you.� Apparently I was wrong, but it does not
mean that I enjoyed helping with your torture.�
�I deserved the treatment that I received.� After I saw how Sam
had styled my hair, I felt guilty about the way that I had spoken to
him.� I was happy to be punished as severely as I was.� The guilt is
gone now.� I am pretty sure that Sam will be told about my treatment
and will feel that the insult that I gave him was avenged.�
Brittany began to chain Sarah to the wall.� �He will be told of the
treatment.� That is going to be one of my duties
tomorrow.�� Brittany said with a frown.
Sarah asked Brittany to come closer.� As Brittany approached,
Sarah wrapped her arms tightly around Brittany and gave her a kiss on
her cheek.� �I am so sorry that you had to witness that.� I know it was
not easy to see that flogger made of your hair again.� Tomorrow while
the Master is at his office, I would like for you to punish me in a way that
you find enjoyable.� To make up for the emotional pain you endured
today.� I will be willing to accept any punishment you see fit and do
anything for you.�
Brittany smiled and caressed Sarah�s face.� �I will think about it
tonight.� Now, you need to go to sleep.�� Then she walked out of the
room, turning to smile at Sarah before turning off the light.
Sarah lay in the sanctuary of her pillow pile thinking about the
orgasm that she was certain almost killed her.� But if you have to die,
that would be a wonderful way to go.� Her thoughts then turned to her
Master.� It was disconcerting the way that the Master seemed to be able
to play her body like a fine tuned violin, plucking and stroking her body to
produce a lovely symphony of sensations that mix and play with her mind
with all of the subtly of a gentle breeze and all the force of a hurricane.�
Sleep hit Sarah fast and hard.� As soon as she closed her eyes, she
was dreaming the sweet dreams of someone still wrapped in the afterglow
of the most intense orgasm of their life.
Brittany left Sarah to her slumber.� Sarah�s request was still fresh
in her mind and she was not sure what to do.� Brittany decided to
consult Mr. Hawk on the matter.� If anyone would know what to do, it
would be Mr. Hawk.� Brittany thought as she made her way to the door
of his chambers.� Brittany gently knocked so as not to wake him if he
were sleeping but loud enough so that he would hear it if awake.
�Enter!�� His voice rang out.
Brittany slowly opened the door and slid into the room.� �I am
sorry to disturb you, my Lord, but I needed to ask you about a
situation.�� Brittany nervously said as she moved toward his sitting
Mr. Hawk looked up from his book and motioned for her to sit in the
chair near him.� �What is bothering you?�
�As I was securing Sarah tonight, she said she felt guilty about
making me uncomfortable during her punishment today and asked me to
punish her tomorrow in a way that I would find pleasing.� You have
given me permission to take care of punishments for certain
misbehaviors, but you had not discussed this with me and I wanted to
make sure that I did not over-step my boundaries.�
Mr. Hawk smiled.� Sarah was broken and it happened much sooner
than he had expected.� The fact that she felt that she could get
absolution for her misdeeds and deal with her guilt through being
punished was a major breakthrough.� Now he could begin molding
her.� �I could solve this for you very easily or I could make it
difficult.� On the one hand, Sarah has learned that her feelings of guilt
can be dealt with by allowing herself to be punished, so if I make this
easy give you the permission you seek, it will make it easier on Sarah as
well.� On the other hand, I can be harder on Sarah by NOT giving you
the permission you seek, thus forcing her to live with her guilt until I
decide to release her from it.�
Brittany knew that the Master was incredibly adept at reading
people and getting into their minds.� But the fact that he was able to do
this as efficiently as he was and then twist the person�s will to suit
whatever dark plans he had for them was even more astonishing.� �I
will let you think about this my Lord.� I will await your answer in the
morning if that is alright?�
�That is fine my sweet.� I will let you know one way or the
other.� Now go and get some rest.�
Brittany stood up and leaned down to give the Master a kiss on the
cheek.� �Thank you my Lord.� Good night.�� With the weight off of
her shoulders, Brittany retired to her chambers where slumber was
waiting for her with open arms.


The following morning, Sarah was awake by the time

that Brittany had come in to unchain her from the wall.� Sarah was sore
from her punishment the day before but was not going to let it keep her
from her chores.� Sarah took her shower as she was instructed and went
to prepare breakfast.� Brittany sat at the table while Sarah stood at the
sink cutting the fruit.� The Master suddenly walked into the
kitchen.� Sarah quickly set the knife down and dropped to her hands and
knees.� Brittany smiled and said, �Good morning, my Lord.� I trust you
slept well?�
�Very well, thank you.� I have some urgent business at the
office.� Brittany, I want you to work with Sarah today.� She is excused
from her normal cleaning duties.�
Brittany smiled uneasily.� That was not the answer I was hoping
for.� �I will, my Lord.� Have a good day.�� Brittany was barely able to
say her farewell before the Master was gone.�
Sarah returned to her feet and continued with the breakfast
preparations.� Brittany�s mind was racing.� What am I going to do with
her today?� I know she wants to be punished but she wants me to
punish her in a way that I enjoy.� Brittany recalled Sarah�s request
from the night before.� She is willing to accept any punishment that I
see fit to give her and she is willing to do anything for me.� I have not
had a day of pampering since before my incarceration.� I know what she
can do for me.
Sarah crawled over to the table with the two bowls of fruit in her
hands.� After placing Brittany�s on the table in front of her, Sarah
moved over to her mat where she began eating.� Sarah noticed
that Brittany was not eating her breakfast.� Sarah stopped and looked at
her inquisitively.� Brittany was still deep in thought but after a moment,
she noticed Sarah�s stare and acknowledged her.� �Is there something
that you wish?�
�Is the breakfast not to your liking Madame?�
�It is fine, Sarah.� I want you to finish your breakfast and then I
will begin working with you.�� Brittany then rose from the table and
walked towards the door to the hallway.� �Once you have finished, I
want you to get my breakfast and bring it to me in the living
room.�� Without another word, Brittany left.
Sarah finished her breakfast.� Crawling, she took her bowl to the
sink, rising only long enough to set it gently there, then
fetched Brittany�s breakfast and made her way to the living
room.� Brittany was lying on the large fluffy couch.� Sarah brought the
bowl to Brittany and waited.�
�I want you to feed me my breakfast.�� Brittany ordered.� Sarah
set the bowl on the floor by the couch and picked up one of the
grapes.� �I do not remember giving you permission to use your
Sarah set the grape back into the bowl.� Then she leaned down
and picked the grape up again with her mouth holding it between her
lips.� Slowly and carefully, Sarah moved so that the grape was
over Brittany�s mouth.� Brittany opened her mouth for the grape and
Sarah moved in close to gently place the grape into Brittany�s mouth
instead of dropping it.� The result of this exchange was light
kiss.� Brittany smiled and while she was chewing the grape, Sarah
retrieved the next piece.� Sarah fed the entire bowl of fruit
to Brittany without using her hands, each delivery rewarded by a gentle
�Put the bowl in the sink and meet me in the Master�s
bathroom.�� Brittany said calmly as she rose from the couch and left the
room.� Sarah did as she was ordered, taking the bowl into the kitchen
and rising only to place the bowl in the sink.� She then turned and
crawled into the Master�s bathroom where Brittany was sitting on the
bench completely undressed.� �Now draw me a bath.�
Sarah crawled over tot the large bathtub and began running the
water.� Not knowing how hot Br liked her baths, Sarah settled on a
temperature that would be comfortable for her.� Once the bath was
drawn, Brittany walked over and placed her hand on Sarah�s head to
help steady her as she climbed into the bath and let the warm waters
envelope her.
�Wash me.�� Brittany commanded.� Sarah began to wash Br�s
hair first, carefully pouring the water over her hair trying not to get any
on her face.� She massaged the shampoo into Brittany�s hair and also
massaged her scalp.� After rinsing her hair with as much care as she had
wet it, she repeated the process with the conditioner.�
Sarah then picked up a sponge and poured some of the liquid soap
into it.� Working the sponge into lather, Sarah began to wash Brittany�s
arms.� After washing her arms, Sarah took a few minutes to massage
them, trying her best to work out some of the tightness and
tension.� Next was Brittany�s back and again after washing she
massaged.� Sarah continued this pattern on Brittany�s legs and then
her stomach.� She then took great care to make sure that Brittany�s
breasts were clean and massaged.
Brittany enjoyed the bath and massage.� Sarah was really working
hard to make sure that the bath was a pleasant
experience.� Brittany decided to lounge in the bath for a while after
Sarah had finished washing her.� Whenever the water got too cold
for Brittany�s enjoyment, she would order Sarah, who was waiting on
her patiently, to warm the water for her.� Sarah happily
complied.� Brittany relaxed for a long time while Sarah waited on her
hands and knees.
Brittany finally decided to get out of the haven of
relaxation.� Standing she ordered Sarah, �Fetch a towel, but I want you
to do it without your hands.�� Sarah crawled over to the cabinet where
the towels were stored.� She took the knob in her mouth and managed
to get the cabinet open on her second attempt.� Sarah gently grabbed
the top towel in her teeth.� After crawling back to the tub, she placed her
hands on the edge of the tub so that Brittany would not have to reach
down as far to get the towel.� Brittany took the towel and wrapped it
around her.� As she stepped out of the tub, she said, �Pull the plug, but
again you are not to use your hands.�
Sarah climbed into the tub, took a deep breath and plunged her
head into the water.� She opened her mouth to grab the plug with her
teeth when her mouth filled with the soapy water.� Sarah gagged and
pulled her head out of the water quickly to take catch her breath.
�I do not see the plug.� Are you refusing my order?
�� Brittany said with an edge in her tone.
�No Madame.� I will get it.��� Sarah plunged her head into the
water again.� After finding the plug, she opened her mouth and gripped
the plug and pulled hard.� The plug put up little resistance.� Sarah came
up with the plug in her mouth and her mouth was full of the soapy bath
water.� Brittany ordered Sarah to put the plug on the side of the
tub.� Sarah complied placing the plug gently on the side of the tub and
then returned with the water still in her mouth.� Brittany dried herself off
while the water emptied from the tub.� Sarah patiently waited for her
next order the taste of the water filling her mouth.�
The tub was empty except for the dripping body of
Sarah.� �Swallow� was the next order.� Sarah swallowed the mouthful
of water and nearly vomited.� Brittany then told Sarah to get out of the
tub.� Sarah crawled out of the tub onto the surrounding tiles.� The
water dripped off of Sarah�s body onto the tiles.�
�Look at the mess you have made on the floor.� I want you to lick
up all of the water that you have dripped onto the Master�s
floor.�� Sarah winced at this order but slowly lowered her head and
began to lick up the drops of water.� This took some time due to the fact
that as she licked up the water, more would drip off of her naked body
and from her soaked hair.� Eventually she was mostly dry and was able
to get all of the water off of the floor.�
Brittany sat in the vanity chair waiting for Sarah to finish.� Once
she was satisfied that all of the water was removed, she spoke.� �Come
here and brush my hair carefully.� You will be punished each time you
pull my hair.� Oh, and you are to do so with your hands behind your
back.� Sarah stood up and clasped her hands behind her back.� Sarah
winced as her shoulders reminded her of the torture they had received
the day before.� She walked over to the counter and bent over to grab
the brush with her teeth.� Fortunately, the brush was the type that one
would hold in the palm of the hand with a two small clips that fit over the
fingers.� Sarah knelt behind Brittany and began to gently brush her hair
starting at the ends and working her way up.� It was not long before she
pulled on Brittany�s hair.�
�That is one.�� Brittany said with a hint of glee in her
voice.� Sarah winced but continued.� She moved steadily up brushing
more and more of Brittany�s hair with each stroke.� As hard as Sarah
was trying the counting continued with each pull.� Sarah eventually had
to stand up to reach the section of hair that was next.� It was an
awkward height, too high to reach while kneeling but to low to reach
while standing straight up.� Sarah bent herself over and continued
Sarah finished her duty with Brittany�s hair with a total of
sixteen.� Sarah returned the brush to the counter and knelt again on the
floor placing her hands in front of her.� Brittany ran her fingers through
her own hair to check the quality of Sarah�s work.� She was very
impressed with the outcome, but no compliment came from her lips.
Brittany picked up one of the brushes and ordered Sarah to follow
her.� Sarah obeyed, following the Madame into the living
room.� Brittany sat on the plush chair and pointed to the floor in front of
her.� �Sit here and face away from
me.�� Brittany commanded.� Sarah slowly crawled to the designated
space on the floor and turned and lowered bent her legs so that she was
sitting on her ankles.�
Sarah�s hair had gotten soaked when she pulled the plug of the
bathtub and was desperately in need of brushing.� �Look at your
hair.� It is such a mess.� Didn�t the Master tell you that you were to
keep your appearance up at all times?�
����������� �Yes Madame.� I forgot to take care of my hair as
�Well then, we will just have to punish you for that as well.� You
have managed to rack up quite a few punishments, haven�t you?�
�Yes Madame.� I am at your mercy.�
Brittany began to brush Sarah�s hair without the care that Sarah
had used on hers.� After each long stroke through her hair, Sarah would
smack the brush soundly on Sarah�s bottom.� Sarah jumped after the
first strike, but then began to brace herself.� Brittany took her time
brushing the long dark locks and probably brushed Sarah�s hair several
times more than were actually needed.� The strikes on Sarah�s bottom
left the skin feeling warm and tender.� Sarah smiled as some of her guilt
melted away in the pain.
�I think I know what we are going to do for your
punishments.� Before we begin those punishments, however, you are
going to prepare lunch and serve me as you did this morning.�
Sarah nodded her acknowledgement and crawled off to the
kitchens.� Sarah decided to cheat and while she prepared Brittany�s
lunch, she ate her own.� Sarah returned shortly with Brittany�s lunch
and set it on the floor near the couch where the Madame was lounging.�
�Have you eaten?�� Brittany asked.
�Yes Madame.� While I prepared your lunch, I ate my
own.�� Sarah replied cringing at the honesty that was going to add to
her punishment.
�Well, you just made things worse for yourself.� Now feed
me.�� Sarah fought back her fear and began to place food
into Brittany�s expecting lips with her own.� Again she was rewarded for
each bite with a light kiss.� When Brittany had eaten her fill, she ordered
Sarah to take care of the dishes and meet her in the Punishment Room.
I wonder.� Sarah thought and instead of picking up the plate with
her hand, she knelt down and managed to get a good grip on the plate
with her teeth.� Carefully holding the plate, Sarah crawled on her hands
and knees to the kitchen.� She stood and placed it in the sink.� After
washing the lunch dishes, she crawled to the Punishment Room where the
strangest contraption she had ever seen awaited her.� Sarah was unable
to control her fear and her face showed her apprehension.
Brittany smiled at Sarah�s discomfort.� �Up here.� Hands here,
knees here, and your legs spread apart.�� Brittany said as she pointed
to the locations.� Sarah climbed up onto the strange platform and
positioned her hands and knees accordingly.� Brittany began strapping
Sarah�s ankles to poles next to each limb.� She moved up a little and
secured her knees, and then her waist.� Sarah�s shoulders were
strapped and Brittany moved Sarah�s hands behind her back so that the
lengths of her forearms could be tied together.� Another strap was
placed over her bound forearms.� Sarah�s chin was set on a small stand
and a strap was placed over the back of her neck.�
Sarah tested her bonds.� The only parts of her body that she was
able to move were her fingers and toes.� Sarah then felt a large phallus
shaped object penetrate her.� As she moaned, she felt another penetrate
her bottom.� As the second phallus penetrated her, she
gasped.� Brittany appeared in Sarah�s field of vision.�
�Are you comfortable?�� She asked in a voice dripping with
�I believe I am as comfortable as you see me fit to be Madame.�
Brittany held up the rectangular object.� It reminded Sarah of a
remote control.� Brittany walked over and showed Sarah that it
was.� Brittany continued.� �This button makes the toys
vibrate.�� Pushing the button she demonstrated.� �These two buttons
cause each of the toys to start pumping and these two dials control the
speed.� I think that fifteen minutes per instance of pulling my hair should
be sufficient.� With sixteen instances, that makes four hours.�
Sarah�s eyes went wide in horror when she heard those
words.� Four hours in this position will be bad enough, but with her
playing with those toys, I will go out of my mind.� Brittany started the
toys pumping and vibrating.� She increased the speed slowly until the
two were moving in opposite directions.� Sarah struggled to move in vain
as her torture began. It did not take long for Sarah to approach her first
climax but Brittany slowed the pumping down and turned the vibrations
off.� Sarah was painfully aware that she could climax at any moment.
�You are NOT to climax under any circumstances.� If you do, I will
be forced to punish you severely.� Do you understand?�� Brittany said
in the harsh tones that Sarah had become accustomed to in this room.
�Yes�Madame.�� Sarah began to fight and was able to hold off
her climax.� Standing in Sarah�s field of vision, Brittany undressed and
then sat in front of Sarah.� She moved closer so that Sarah�s face was
between her legs.
�Now you are going to pleasure me.�� Sarah began to run her
tongue up and down the length of Brittany�s sex.� She worked as hard
as she could to vary the strokes considering her confinement.� Before
long Brittany started to climax and Sarah increased her speed and
intensity as Brittany started to writhe.� Brittany had her final release in a
screaming rush of pleasure and moved back away from Sarah�s mouth.
�I feel better.� I can see that you have three and a half hours to
go.� I will be watching and listening.� If you have a release, I will
know.� I will also be playing with the remote from time to time.� I do
not want things to get boring.� I am going to set this timer for you so
that you know how much time you have left.�
The position was not stressful on Sarah�s body.� The padded
bench that ran the length of her body gave her support.� The torture
came from the phalluses moving in and out of her in opposing directions
and the timer that was set in front of her.� Time seemed to slow to a
crawl.� Sarah tried to focus on the timer to help her fight her
climax.� Audibly ticking, the timer seemed to mark the movements of
the toys.� Sarah was soon very aware that every two ticks, one of the
toys would thrust alternating pain from her bottom and pleasure from her
The speed did not change for the first two hours.� Sarah was
extremely aware of her frustration and found it very difficult to hold her
release, but she was determined to do as she was ordered.� Then Sarah
noticed that the toys� pumping began to speed up.� They were now
both thrusting every 3 ticks.� Sarah clenched her fists to hold back the
climax.� Without warning, the toys started vibrating and sped up
again.� Each torturous sound of the timer signified a thrust.� Sarah
fought with every ounce of her will to deny her the pleasure that her body
seemed to be running toward.� The harder she fought the sensations,
the more intense they became until she could not hold the floodgate any
Nothing.� The toys stopped vibrating and stopped
moving.� Sarah�s bound muscles fought her restraints as they tried to
convulse with the frustration.� Sarah�s brief rest lasted only a few
seconds and the machine started again.� Brittany is having way too
much fun with the remote.� Sarah thought as the machine would run
hard for a few seconds and then stop.� This hellish treatment lasted for
thirty minutes.� Sarah was about to go completely out of her mind.�
Brittany watched the torture from a monitor in the Master�s
chambers.� The camera was focused on Sarah�s twisting
face.� Brittany smiled and turned the remote on for the last time.� Full
speed and with maximum vibration, Brittany watched as Sarah fought for
control but lost to the intensity of the onslaught.�
Sarah screamed and begged for mercy.� �Please Madame, I can
not hold back and longer.� I do not want to climax.� PLEASE!!!��
Brittany smiled with sadistic glee as Sarah succumbed to the
pounding.� She watched the bound body of Sarah tense and fought the
throws of pleasure that she could control with the touch of a
button.� Brittany waited for Sarah�s flood to finish and was about to
turn the machine down, but then she simply set the remote down and
watched the monitor.� Two, three, four, the climaxes continued.� Over
the last hour of Sarah�s torment, Brittany watched and counted.� Five,
six, seven and finally eight when the timer rang its merciful bell
and Brittany turned the machine off.
Brittany came into the room and examined Sarah�s glistening
flesh.� Her hair was wet with the sweat of the orgasms.� She walked
around the structure of Sarah�s torment circling her like wolf circles its
wounded prey.� �So, were you able to accept the punishment as I
instructed?� Were you able to control yourself so that you did not
climax?�� Brittany asked already knowing the answer.�
�No Madame, I was not.� It was too much for me to control.� I
beg your forgiveness.�
�My forgiveness will be granted only after you are punished for
your inability to follow my simple directions.�� Brittany stopped in front
of Sarah.� �I have one major difference from the Master.� The Master
does not mind blood letting, but it does nothing for him.� I, on the other
hand, become highly aroused at the feel of cutting someone, the sight of
the blood slowly forming and dripping from the wound, and from tasting
it.� I was watching you when you began your disobedience.� I counted
eight climaxes.� Is that correct?�
�Nine, Madame.� I had nine.�
�Very well then,� Brittany drew a knife from its sheath, �Nine it
is.�� Brittany walked around to Sarah�s exposed back and set the cool
steel on Sarah�s skin.� Gently, Brittany began to draw the knife about
three inches straight down Sarah�s back along the outer edge of her
shoulder blade.� Sarah gasped as the knife cut her
skin.� Brittany moved the knife to the outer edge of Sarah�s other
shoulder and gave her a matching cut there.� Another cut was made
down the center of her back.� Sarah gasped each time the cold, sharp
steel cut through her tender flesh.� Brittany then made three more cuts
in between the center and outer cuts on each side.� The result was nine
cuts, three inches in length, evenly spaced across the top of Sarah�s
Brittany then watched as the blood started to form and slowly move
down Sarah�s side or pool over the incision.� Brittany leaned over and
began running her tongue along each of the nine incisions.� Her
tongue�s touch caused each of the stripes to burn and sting.� Sarah
heard Brittany�s breath begin to quicken as the taste of Sarah�s blood
excited Brittany.� Brittany ingested Sarah�s blood until the wounds
stopped bleeding.� She climbed up onto the platform in front of
Sarah.� �Pleasure me again!�� Brittany�s voice had a lustful tone that
Sarah had never heard from Brittany.� Sarah quickly began to run her
tongue in long strokes once again and after three, Brittany had her
release.� Sarah continued until Brittany pulled herself away.�
Brittany removed the toys and untied Sarah.� After a few minutes,
Sarah was ordered to begin preparing dinner.� It was while Sarah was
preparing dinner that the Master returned.�
Brittany was in the living room lounging on the couch when the
Master entered visibly angry.� �I gave you permission to punish Sarah,
but I did NOT give you permission to use my bathroom!� What were you
Sarah stopped what she was doing and immediately dropped to her
hands and knees and stayed in the kitchen.� Even though the Master was
not angry with her, she did not want to change that fact.�
Brittany stammered.� �I did not think it was a problem My
Lord.� I made certain that we did not leave a mess.� What did I do
�You know that I do not like others using MY bathroom.� I am
seriously considering punishing you for your violation of the rules of the
�Please My Lord, I did not mean any offense.� We did nothing
sexual in your chambers at all, I promise.�
�I know exactly what you did all day long, or do I need to remind
you of the cameras that I can access from my office?�
�No, My Lord, I remember them.� I forgot about the rules
concerning your bathroom.� Please forgive me and I will not disobey
�I will think about this.� Until my decision is made, you will serve
as a slave like Sarah.� From this point until I say otherwise, you loose all
of the privileges you have gained thus far.�
Without another word, Brittany went into her chambers and after a
short time, crawled out completely naked and joined Sarah in preparing
dinner.� Sarah felt bad for Brittany, but she did not feel guilty.� The rule
concerning the Master�s bathroom was one that Sarah did not even
know about.� Sarah and Brittany finished preparing dinner together in
silence.� Once the Master sat down, Sarah served him dinner and moved
her bowl to the mat on the floor where Brittany was already waiting with
her plate.� The Master began to eat and the girls followed
suit.� Brittany could not look Sarah in the eyes while they ate.�
After Dinner, the Master commanded.� �Brittany, you are to take
care of the dishes.� Sarah you are to attend me in the living
room.�� Once his orders were given, the Master left the room.� Sarah
crawled after him while Brittany remained to take care of the
dishes.� Even after completing the dishes Brittany waited in the kitchen
until she was summoned.
Once in the living room, the Master gave Sarah to speak freely for a
few moments.
�Brittany�s treatment of you today was very harsh, wasn�t it?
�� The Master inquired.
�It was not more than I could take, Sir.� I did ask her to punish
me in any way she saw fit and to use me in any way that she desired.�
�I did not ask if you were able to take it.� I asked if it was
�To be honest, Sir, yes it was harsh but enjoyable at the same
time.� Most of it was enjoyable anyway.�
The Master lightly touched the wounds on Sarah�s back.� �I could
tell that you did not enjoy these.� I do not believe you enjoyed emptying
the tub either.�
Sarah made a face at the memory of having to swallow the soapy
water and shook her head.� After a moment she remembered that she
needed to answer all questions verbally.� �No, Sir, I did not enjoy that
�Were you aware that Brittany broke one of my rules by using my
�No, Sir.� I was not aware until you came home and began to yell
at her.� If I may ask, how long will she be a slave?�
�She will remain a slave until she has satisfied my anger with her
through punishment.� It will be at least a day.� Now here is where the
situation is going to take an interesting turn.� Since she disobeyed one of
my orders while she was torturing you rather harshly and some of it was
not deserved, I have decided that from this point until I say
otherwise.� You will be switching places with her.�
�I do not know if I am ready for that, Sir.�
�I did not ask if you were.� The two of you will switch
rooms.� You will chain her to the wall tonight.� Tomorrow, you will wake
up in time for her to fix breakfast for us before I rise and release
her.� While I am at work, you will monitor her chores and if she breaks
any of the rules that you have been under, I will expect you to punish
her.� For minor violations, such as speaking or forgetting her place, a
flogging will suffice.� If the disobiedience requires more than a flogging, I
will deal with it when I return.�
�As you wish� My Lord?�
�Yes, and you are to refer to me as My Lord and she is to refer to
you as Madame.� You can refer to her as anything you like.�� The
Master smiled and patted the seat next to him.� �Take your seat here
while we wait for Brittany to get in here.�� Sarah nervously rose and
took the seat.� It somehow seemed unnatural for her to be sitting on the
couch.� The Master raised his voice, �Brittany, get in here!��
Brittany crawled into the living room with great haste.� When she
turned the corner into the room, she froze at the sight of Sarah on the
couch.� She began moving again and took her place at the Master�s
�I have decided that until further notice, you and Sarah are to
switch positions.� You are going to be the slave and she is going to be
my assistant.� This will remain for at least one day but will not go
beyond Friday as the show is on Saturday.� You have already spent your
time at the show and I will not subject you to it again unless you anger
me greatly during this exercise.� You will stay in Sarah�s room and
Sarah will stay in yours.� Do you have any questions?�
�No Sir.� I understand.�� Brittany replied on the verge of tears.
�Very well then, I am going to retire for the evening.� I want the
two of you to go to bed and no talking tonight.�� The Master did not
wait for a response and simply stood and left the room.�
Sarah looked down at Brittany for the first time since her arrival and
smiled.� Sarah stood up and began walking to their
chambers.� Brittany followed on her hands and knees and went into
Sarah�s room and waited on the pillow pile.� Sarah walked after a
moment wearing one of Brittany�s silken robes.� Sarah fumbled with
the chains but finally got them attached.� Sarah kissed Brittany on the
forehead and left.� The bed was soft and Sarah sank its comfort with
hesitation.� Sarah drifted off into slumber in the almost forgotten warmth
and softness that a real bed can provide.

The alarm clock began to ring rousing Sarah from the warm comfort
of Morpheus� embrace.� Sarah turned the alarm off and reluctantly left
the warm comfort of Brittany�s bed.� She went into the chambers that
she was very familiar with and woke the sleeping blond
beauty.� Brittany sat up without saying a word and held her arms up to
make it easier for Sarah to unchain her.� Sarah unfastened the locks and
watched as Brittany went into the bathroom for her shower.� Sarah
thought for a moment and decided that she was going to take advantage
of the privileges that she was given if only for a short time.� She chose
one of the silk robes and donned it.
Sarah moved to the kitchen where she waited for Brittany to
emerge.� After sometime, Brittany emerged from their chambers, her
hair still damp from her shower, and crawled into the kitchen completely
exposed.� Brittany prepared breakfast while Sarah took her
shower.� Sarah returned to the kitchen and took a seat at the table, but
felt somewhat uneasy about being there.� The Master entered taking his
seat and Brittany served the breakfast as Sarah had done for the prior
week.� The Master began to eat and Sarah followed his lead.� Sarah felt
a strange desire as she watched Brittany eat on the floor.� She was
excited at watching her in that humiliating position, but was
jealous.� Sarah realized that she enjoyed the humiliation as much as she
hated it.
After the Master finished his breakfast, he asked Sarah to
accompany him into the living room while Brittany cleaned the
dishes.� Sarah followed him and he offered her a small device.� �This is
a small radio device.� It will allow me to give you instructions throughout
the day.� Place it in your ear.�� Sarah took the small device and placed
it in her ear.� She heard nothing until the Master spoke again.� �Is it
working?�� Sarah heard his voice through the device and with her other
ear.� The two voices were slightly out of synch, but Sarah could tell that
it was working so she nodded.� �I will be checking on the two of you
from time to time during the day.� If she misbehaves, I expect you to
punish her.� You will not be able to talk to me through the earpiece, but
I will be able to give you instructions.�
�Do you have any special requests, My Lord?�
�Yes, I wish for Brittany to use the special brushes for the
bathroom and kitchen.� Once she has finished her chores, you may have
her serve you.� I think it is only fitting.�
�Yes My Lord.�� Sarah replied remembering the horrible brushes.
�There is one more thing, Sarah.� If you do not punish her for
misbehaving and I am aware of this fact, you will be punished by me.�
Sarah nodded.� The Master bid her farewell and Sarah turned to go
into the kitchen to deal with the waiting slave.� �Get started on your
chores.� Leave the kitchen and the Master�s chambers for last.�
Brittany did not answer and instead crawled into the living
room.� Sarah watched as Brittany crawled her way through all of the
menial tasks that Sarah had become familiar with.� Once Brittany had
finished with the main portion of the manor, she started on the Master�s
chambers.� Sarah waited until Brittany started on the bathroom before
mentioning the special brushes.�
Sitting on the vanity chair, Sarah said, �Come to me
Brittany.�� Brittany crawled over to where Sarah was seated and
waited.� �The Master decreed that you are to clean the bathroom and
the kitchen with the special brushes.� I do not know where these are
kept, so I want you to fetch them for me.�� Brittany visibly shuddered
and she crawled to one of the cabinets in the
bathroom.� Brittany removed the box and carried it over to Sarah and
set it on the counter.� Brittany returned to her hands and knees with her
mouth open.� Sarah withdrew the toilet brush and placed it in Brittany�s
mouth securing the strap behind Brittany�s head.�
Brittany crawled over to the toilet and began cleaning.� Sarah felt
a sudden wave of humiliation as she watched Brittany.� The position was
considerably more humiliating than Sarah had remembered.� Sarah felt
her excitement rise as she watched Brittany in this degrading position but
also from her memory of being the humiliated one.�
Sarah switched the brushes and watched Brittany finish the
bathroom.� During this time, her excitement continued to rise.� The
Kitchen floor was last.� Sarah remembered the sponge mouthpiece of
this brush with particular disgust.� Sarah placed the brush
into Brittany�s mouth but did not secure the straps.� Brittany dipped the
brush into the bucket of soapy water and quickly spit it out as she had
forgotten about the sponge mouthpiece.� Sarah tried to replace the
brush, but Brittany refused to open her mouth.�
Sarah shrugged and went into the Punishment Room to fetch one of
the floggers that lined the walls.� She chose a flogger that looked like
braided hair with small metal beads at the end of each braid.� Without a
word, Sarah returned to the kitchen and struck Brittany on the bottom
with the flogger while holding the brush in front of Brittany�s
mouth.� Brittany did not open her mouth.� Sarah struck again and still
no reaction from Brittany.� Sarah began to strike repeatedly
until Brittany finally opened her mouth for the brush.� Sarah struck once
�I offered to place it in your mouth, but you decided that you did
not want me to put it there.�� Sarah dropped the brush into the
bucket.� �Fetch it yourself and after you have it in your mouth, I want
you to strap it yourself.�� Brittany did not move until Sarah gave her a
final hard strike from the flogger.� As Brittany placed her head into the
bucket to retrieve the brush, Sarah noticed that the final sting of the
flogger caused a small drop of blood to form on one of the angry
welts.� Brittany lifted her head, dripping with the soapy water, and had
the brush in her mouth.� She reached up and buckled the straps behind
her head and began to scrub the kitchen floor.� After the floor was
scrubbed to Sarah�s satisfaction, she removed the brush much
to Brittany�s relief.�
Sarah decided that it was time for lunch and placed the flogger on
the table.� Brittany prepared the meal and served Sarah at the table and
took her plate to the mat on the floor.� Sarah began eating and
watched Brittany eat off of her plate on the floor.� Sarah ate slowly
relishing in the time that she had but also with a strange longing to
join Brittany on the floor.�
Once lunch was complete, Sara watched Brittany wash the dishes
and then retired to the living room with Brittany following her like a
puppy.� Sarah sat on the soft comfortable couch and allowed herself to
lounge on the cushions.� �Come here.�� She said as she pointed to the
floor next to the couch.� Sarah turned on her side so that Brittany was in
front of her.� Brittany sat facing Sarah with her still damp hair hanging
over her shoulders.� �Fetch me a brush using your mouth and then
return here facing that way.�� Sarah pointed to one of the walls so that
the result would be Brittany on her hands and knees with her body
pointing in the same direction as Sarah�s along the
couch.� Brittany crawled out of the room and returned shortly with the
brush held between her teeth.� Brittany then moved into the appointed
position in front of the couch.
Sarah took the brush and began to stroke Brittany�s hair taking
small delights in pulling at each knot she found.� The Master�s voice
interrupted the tranquil scene.� �After she left the room, she stood up
and walked into your bathroom.� She did not return to her hands and
knees until she was about to enter the room again.�
Sarah acknowledged the information by giving a simple nod.� What
I am supposed to do now?� She thought as she continued to brush the
blond locks dry.� �Why did you stand up after leaving the room
�I never stood up, Madame.� I crawled as my station dictates.�
Sarah smacked Brittany�s bottom with the flat side of the
brush.� �Do you take me for a fool?� I know that you did not crawl as
you are supposed to do.�
�I promise Madame, I did not.�
�She is lying.�� The Master�s voice rang in her ear.
�I believe you are lying.� Do not move, I will return in a
moment.�� Sarah again went into the punishment room and looked at
the assortment of gags following the Master�s voice to their
location.� Sarah saw simple straps, ball gags, and gags that had
attached to them.� There was the gag that Sarah liked.� It had a
mouthpiece much like the brushes but a little larger.� Brittany would
have to strain to open her mouth wide enough to accept the
mouthpiece.� But the interesting portion of this gag was on the other
side of the mouthpiece.� There was a phallus.� Sarah smiled, held up
the gag and waited.
�Yes, you may use that gag, and you may have her pleasure you
with it.� Now pick out a flogger as she deserves to be beaten for her
insolence.�� Sarah did as she was instructed by the Master�s
voice.� She picked out a flogger with lashes that were made of braided
leather.� These would sting more across their length then the previous
flogger, but was less likely to break Brittany�s fair skin.� As Sarah was
leaving, she grabbed two pairs of shackles each with a clip attached.
Sarah returned to the living room.� Brittany had not moved from
her position.� Sarah returned to the couch.� �Sit up and face me!
�� Sarah commanded and Brittany complied, her eyes widening at the
sight of the gag.� �Open your mouth as wide as you
can.�� Brittany opened her mouth.� Sarah began to place the
mouthpiece of the gag into Brittany�s mouth forcing her mouth to open
painfully wide.� Brittany winced as the last of the enormous mouthpiece
was forced into place.� Sarah took the straps and buckled them
behind Brittany�s after moving her hair out of the way.
Sarah asked for Brittany�s wrists.� One at a time, Brittany held up
a wrist and was rewarded by a shackle on each.� Sarah knelt on the floor
behind Brittany and placed a shackle on each of her ankles.� The
shackles around Brittany�s ankles were then clipped together as were
her wrists.� Sarah forced Brittany�s wrists down to her ankles and
clipped all four of the shackles together.� Sarah found the resulting
position demeaning and exciting at the same time.� I wonder if I could
request such a treatment from the Master.� Sarah thought to herself as
she shifted so that the phallus was poised to enter her.�
Sarah picked up the flogger and spoke.� �You are to pleasure
me.� If you begin to slow, I will strike you with this.�� Sarah held up
the flogger.� �You are not to stop until I tell you.� If I want you to
speed up, I will give you a lash, if I want you to slow down, I will use your
hair as a brake.� Do you understand?�
Brittany nodded causing the phallus to brush Sarah between her
legs.� �Begin!�� Sarah said with a lash of the flogger.� Brittany tried
her best to begin pumping in the awkward position, after two attempts,
she managed to get the phallus to enter Sarah.� Sarah moaned as the
toy penetrated her excited sex.� Brittany began to move the toy very
quickly trying to bring Sarah as much pleasure as she could.� Sarah
grabbed Brittany�s hair and gave a sharp tug causing Brittany to slow
Brittany fell into a slow pattern allowing her body to rock back and
forth to add some force behind the pumping.� Periodically, Sarah would
strike Brittany with the flogger and Brittany would respond by increasing
her speed slightly.� After many lashings, Brittany was thrusting as
quickly as she could.� Sarah brought the leather flogger down onto the
reddened skin of Brittany�s back.� Brittany tried to speed up, but was
unable to.� Another strike landed as Brittany continued her motion
unable to comply with the order it signified.�
�Faster!!�� Sarah said somewhere between a growl and a scream
and brought the flogger down as hard as she could.� Brittany buckled
under the strain of her arms and the force of the blow tumbling to the
floor.� Sarah got up and rolled Brittany onto her back.� �I am so close I
can not stand it and you stop!� I am going to make sure that you do not
make the same mistake again.�� Brittany was on the floor with her
hands and feet high in the air when Sarah straddled her face and lowered
herself onto the phallus.� Sarah began to ride the phallus mounted
on Brittany�s face as she had ridden Robert.� It did not take Sarah long
before the wave of her orgasm began to crash.� Sarah started to thrust
herself down onto the phallus harder and harder until she fell over the
edge into the chasm of pleasure.� Sarah continued to ride Brittany�s
face until she had finished.�
Sarah slowly climbed off of the phallus and returned to the
couch.� She gazed down at Brittany to see the tears streaming down her
face.� Sarah quickly released the bindings and removed the gag as
carefully as she could.� After the gag was removed, Brittany curled up
into a ball and was sobbing loudly.� Sarah saw blood on the gag and
knelt next to Brittany.� She forced Brittany to face her as she examined
her mouth.� Brittany�s mouth was bleeding on the inside of her
lips.� Sarah ran into the kitchen to get some water for Brittany.� I must
have ridden her too hard during my climax without realizing it.� Sarah
thought to herself as a pang of guilt formed in the pit of her stomach.�
�Do not bring her the water.� She deserved the treatment that
she received.� You are NOT to care for her.�� The Master
commanded.� Sarah ignored the voice and brought the water
to Brittany.� Brittany�s sobbing had subsided but the tears were still
present.� �I am not going to tell you again.� Take the water from her
or else it will be you on the punishment block tonight.�� Sarah�s mind
reeled.� She was torn between taking care of the closest person she had
to a friend and not risking the Master�s wrath.� �In fact, I want you to
order her to her hands and knees and give her ten lashings.�
Sarah took the glass away from Brittany.� �Get up onto your
hands and knees.�� Sara commanded.� Brittany slowly moved into the
required position.� Sarah picked up the flogger and raised it high
above Brittany.� She closed her eyes and brought the flogger down
putting no force behind it at all.� The lashes fell limply upon Brittany�s
�I know you can do better than that.� I want you to deliver ten
lashes as hard as you can!�� Sarah gulped and raised the flogger high
again.� The flogger fell limply onto Brittany�s back.� Sarah began to
cry.� She could not give Brittany the whipping that the Master was
commanding after what she had already done to Brittany.
�Better do as he commands Madame.� I know he is talking to you
and is ordering this.�� Brittany whispered softly amidst her soft
Brittany�s words steeled Sarah�s resolve.� Sarah raised the
flogger high above her for the third time and brought it down with all of
the force she could muster.� Brittany yelped as her already tender flesh
received the force of the blow spread out through the braided leather
whips.� Sarah raised the flogger again and again forcing herself to
complete the ten lashings that the Master had ordered and then fell onto
the couch, her own tears flowing now.�
�That is a good girl.� I will see you when I return to the
Manor.�� The Master spoke with a cold calm that worried
Sarah.� Brittany moved over to Sarah and placed her head on Sarah�s
lap in an effort to comfort her.� Sarah sat there for some time
with Brittany�s head in her lap, both girls crying; Brittany due to the pain
that was radiating from the skin of her back and Sarah from the guilt that
she was feeling.� Sarah gently stroked Brittany�s hair trying to provide
what little comfort she could.�
Once both of the girls had calmed down, Sarah ordered Brittany,
�Replace all of the items she had removed from Punishment Room and
then you are dismissed.� I am going to take a nap. �Make sure I am
awake before the Master returns home.�
Sarah went into Brittany�s room and climbed into the soft bed
hoping that sleep would lessen the guilt that resided as a rock in her
stomach.� She removed the earpiece and lay down in the warm
sanctuary of the bed.
� Brittany returned all of the items and then took a shower to wash
her head and remove the blood from her mouth.� After getting herself
cleaned, Brittany started to prepare the evening meal.�
Brittany woke Sarah up a few minutes before the Master was due to
arrive and then took her position by the door.� Sarah got out of the bed
and went into the closet.� She picked out a nice simple dress and put it
on for dinner and replaced the earpiece.�
�It is about time you replaced the earpiece.� I do not remember
giving you permission to remove it.� We will deal with that later
tonight.� I will be home shortly.�� The Master did not sound very upset
but Sarah was still nervous.� Sarah took her seat at the dining table and
awaited the Master�s return.
The door was opened and the Master entered with one of the ladies
from the Banquet and her slave.� Sarah remembered her as Mrs.
Peregrine.� Mrs. Peregrine was the youngest and, in Sarah�s opinion,
the prettiest of the lady Specialists.� She had black curly hair that fell a
few inches below her shoulders and an angular face.� As they entered,
Mrs. Peregrine looked down at Brittany, shook her head, and
commented.� �She had been doing so well.�� Brittany�s entire body
instantly reddened at the embarrassment of Mrs. Peregrine seeing her in
this position again.
The two specialists entered the kitchen followed by their two slaves
crawling.� They took a seat on either side of Sarah while the two
crawling slaves retrieved the dinner plates and served the three at the
table.� The slaves then retrieved their own plates and placed them on
the mat.� Everyone began eating except Sarah, whose guilt and nerves
caused a knot to form in her stomach preventing her.� After dinner, Mr.
Hawk and Mrs. Peregrine retired to the living room with Sarah while the
slaves were to clean the kitchen.
�Sarah, I have asked Mrs. Peregrine to come over tonight to assist
me in some punishing and to give us a chance to work on the show that
you and Aaron are to perform this weekend.�
Sarah smiled nervously wondering what the Master had meant by
�the show�.
�I think that for their performance, Sarah should tease Aaron and
dance for him like she did for Robert, although Aaron would be allowed to
climax once given leave to.�� Mrs. Peregrine�s voice sounded like a
summer breeze gently blowing through the trees.
�I had a very similar thought, although I believe if we were to
add Brittany into the performance in some capacity, it would greatly
improve our chances of winning.� Wouldn�t you agree?�
�I would have to agree.� What did you have in mind?�
�I thought that having Brittany on the stage with the other two
acting as a sort of puppeteer controlling and steering their every action
would definitely add to tension of the show as well as increase the teasing
that Aaron is to experience.�
�And how pray tell is Brittany going to be controlling the action?�
�That is a detail I have yet to work out.� There are several
possibilities, my favorite of which is with one of the long crops.�
Mrs. Peregrine thought about this for some time, wrapping a lock of
her long black hair around her finger.� �I believe that would
work.� Now what about this punishment that you were telling me about,
has Brittany been so bad that it will take both of us to teach her a lesson?

Mr. Hawk smiled, �No, both of my girls have been so bad and I
thought that a little bit time under your unique talents, would straighten
both of them out.�� Sarah gasped and quickly bowed her head.
What did I do?� I whipped Brittany just like he ordered what am I
being punished for?� Sarah ran through the events of the day trying to
find what she did wrong.�
�I believe that I can accommodate you.� I will just need to send
Aaron out to the car for my tools.� Now what exactly did your two girls
do to warrant my abilities to be called in?�� Mrs. Peregrine replied
smiling and running one of her slender fingers down Sarah�s cheek.�
�Brittany was given permission to punish and play with Sarah
yesterday but she broke one of the rules of the Manor.� She used my
bathroom without permission.� Brittany was to be punished by her and
Sarah switching places and for the most part, Sarah did well.� I had
given her one of the earpiece receivers so that I could give her
instructions if she needed them.� At one point, I had given her orders to
give Brittany 10 lashings with a flogger as hard as she could.� Sarah�s
first two strikes were nothing.� She simply let gravity pull the flogger
down.� I can not accept such disobedience in my house.�
�No I daresay you can not.�� Mrs. Peregrine replied shaking her
Brittany and Aaron crawled into the living room.� Mrs. Peregrine
looked up and smiled.� �Aaron, go out to the car and fetch my
tools.� Mr. Hawk has asked me to punish these two naughty little
wenches.�� Aaron left immediately with a sigh of relief that he was not
going to be the subject of her attentions.� �Mr. Hawk has already told
me all about your behavior Brittany.� Quite frankly, I am surprised.�
Brittany bowed her head.� Mrs. Peregrine was one of the
Specialists that Brittany had actually liked.� She was strict, but the few
times Brittany had dealings with her, Mrs. Peregrine had been gentle
because of Brittany�s obedience.�
Mr. Hawk spoke at this time.� �Sarah, I want you to
take Brittany into the Punishment Room and secure her to the rings on
the wall immediately to your left.� We will be in shortly to secure you for
your punishment.�
Sarah nodded her acknowledgement and walked out of the room
with Brittany following.� Sarah began to clumsily chain Brittany to the
wall at the appointed place.�
�I wonder what they are going to do to us.�� Sarah said
�Mrs. Peregrines an expert when it comes to electric torture
methods.� She uses tens units, violet wands, and acupuncture needles
that she attaches to a control box.� I have seen her punish slaves at the
banquets and at the club.� She is a nice lady, but when it comes to
punishment, she is ruthless.�� Brittany whispered.
�Do all of the Specialists have expertise in specific areas?�
Brittany whispered again, �We will talk later in our chambers.�
Sarah waited for the others to arrive and did not have to wait
long.� Aaron was walking in order to carry the large box that apparently
held Mrs. Peregrine�s tools.� Mr. Hawk pointed to a set of rings next
to Brittany and told Sarah to stand there.� Sarah moved the few feet to
be in the correct position.� While Mr. Hawk chained Sarah, she watched
as Mrs. Peregrine opened the box and began organizing her tools.� Sarah
was chained securely and Mr. Hawk checked Brittany before giving Mrs.
Peregrine the go ahead.
�I believe that we will start out gently in order to give these two a
chance to warm up.� Aaron, please hand me my wand.�� Aaron jumped
into action taking what looked to Sarah to be a white glass rod about 12
inches in length with a black plastic handle.� Mrs. Peregrine took the
wand and pressed the button on the handle.� The wand lit up in a
beautiful violet light.� Sarah stared in awe at the beauty of the light until
Mrs. Peregrine moved the wand near Sarah�s right breast.� The light
was caused by electricity enveloping the glass tube and when given
another route, would jump, in this case to Sarah�s skin.� Sarah jumped
at the intense electric shock of the wand.� Mrs. Peregrine moved the
wand all over Sarah�s breasts before moving on
to Brittany.� Brittany received the same treatment while Sarah
Mrs. Peregrine stepped away.� Small traces from where the wand
stung the two girls were evident in the welts that were forming.� �How
much do punishment do you think they need Mr. Hawk?��
�I was thinking some time with the needles should teach them the
lesson that they need.� I would say pretty intense pulses alternating
between the two of them.�
�As you wish, Mr. Hawk, you know I could never deny one of your
requests.�� Mrs. Peregrine smiled at Mr. Hawk.� �Aaron, the needles, if
you please.�� Aaron picked up a piece of cloth out of the box and
handed it to Mrs. Peregrine.� She delicately unfolded the cloth and
showed Sarah and Brittany the long thin needles.� Aaron appeared next
to Mrs. Peregrine with several cotton balls and a bottle of rubbing
Mrs. Peregrine took one of the needles and held it a few inches
away from the top of Sarah�s left breast.� Aaron took one of the cotton
balls and moistened it with the alcohol and rubbed it on the skin below
the needle.� Mrs. Peregrine inserted the needle slowly into Sarah�s
breast.� Sarah gasped at the pain of the needle.� The routine continued
until Sarah had five needles in each breast, one at the top, bottom, each
side and one through her nipple.� Sarah was nearly delirious with pain by
the time Mrs. Peregrine moved on to Brittany.� Brittany received the ten
needles in the same places.� Mrs. Peregrine went to her box and pulled
out a set of wires with clips on the end.� A clip was placed on each of the
ten needles in Sarah�s skin and then a clip was placed on each side of
Sarah�s sex.� Mrs. Peregrine carefully gathered the wires securing them
by taping them to Sarah�s skin.� Mrs. Peregrine examined Sarah with a
satisfied smile before doing the same with Brittany.
�Do you wish them to have anything inside of them during their
torture?�� Mrs. Peregrine asked turning to Mr. Hawk.
�No, I believe that this particular punishment will be one of
pain.� They do not deserve to have the pain dulled with pleasure.� I
want them to remember this experience without fondness.�
Mrs. Peregrine nodded to Mr. Hawk.� She reached into her box a
final time and pulled out a small metal box.� The free ends of the wires
were carefully plugged into the metal box.� �How long do you wish the
pulses to last and how intense should they be?�� Mrs. Peregrine inquired
of Mr. Hawk.
�I will leave that up to you, my dear.� You are the expert.�
�Very well then, we will set the intensity to five, which is medium,
and set the pulses to last two seconds each.�� After making her
adjustments on the box, Mrs. Peregrine set the box down.� �Let me
know when you are ready, Mr. Hawk.�
Mr. Hawk walked gracefully over to the girls.� �The two of you
should feel free to talk to each other during your torment.�� He leaned
in close next to Sarah�s ear and whispered, �I thought you might like to
know that Brittany was telling the truth.� She did not walk while fetching
the brush.� I was testing you to see if you would do as I said.�� He
took a step back.� �Begin, if you please.�
Brittany received the first pulse and in the two seconds of her
cringing, all of the guilt Sarah felt about the way she
treated Brittany turned to anger.� The pulse switched to Sarah and she
took all of the pain she felt from the electricity following through her body
and let it fuel that rage.� The pulses continued as the other three left the
�I am so sorry Brittany.� I did not believe you.�� Sarah uttered
in the panting that followed one of the pulses.�
�I know that the Master was testing you.� It is not your fault.�
�It was not right that he should have me hurt you like I did over a
�Let it go Sarah.� I am alright and if you try anything, you will
only be punished.�
Sarah did not listen and instead let the pain continue to fuel her
The pulsing electricity continued to flow back and forth for several
minutes.� Both girls began to feel weak as the energy seemed to sap the
strength from their muscles.� Brittany did not think she could take
anymore when the pulsing finally stopped.
�Are we getting a break, or did they stop?�� Sarah asked after a
few moments of peace.
�I think they are stopping.� This torture is too intense for them to
let it last too long.�
As Brittany finished her statement, the Specialists returned.� Mrs.
Peregrine looked at the girls checking each one carefully.� �I do not
think they can take much more Mr. Hawk.� Not without sustaining
permanent damage.�
�Very well then, remove the needles.�� Mr. Hawk replied to Mrs.
Peregrine.� �Did you two enjoy your punishment?�
�No Sir.� I did not.�� Brittany answered quickly.
Sarah did not respond, only glaring at Mr. Hawk.� Mr. Hawk waited
for the answer for a moment.� �I asked you a question Sarah.� Did you
enjoy your punishment?�
�No sir.�� Sarah hissed.� Mr. Hawk could feel the venom in her
�And how did you feel about the news that I gave you before the
torture began?�
�I think you are an absolute bastard�.Sir.�� Sarah replied on the
edge of hearing with the last word was almost more of an afterthought.
�I am sorry.� I do not believe I heard you correctly.�
�I said I think you are an absolute BASTARD Sir!�� Sarah said
and then spit at Mr. Hawk hitting him on his face.
Mr. Hawk wiped the saliva off of his cheek and calmly looked at
Sarah.� �Aaron, would you be so kind as to release Brittany and take
her to the living room.� She is restored to her former position and could
probably use a massage.�
Aaron removed the needles and wires from Brittany and unchained
her.� Brittany collapsed on the floor.� Aaron bent over to help her up
putting one of her arms over his shoulder.� Aaron was strong
and Brittany�s weight was no problem for him to support.
�If I may, My Lord, I would like to ask you to have mercy on
Sarah.� She is angry and hurt.� She does not mean what she
says.� Please do not send her back to the prison camp because of her
�Do not worry Brittany.� I have something else in mind for
her.�� Mr. Hawk nodded to Aaron who then took Brittany to the living
room.� He then began pacing within the room making a fist so tight that
his knuckles began to turn white.
Mrs. Peregrine walked up to Mr. Hawk.� �Now you need to calm
down Mr. Hawk.� You know what happens when you act out of
rage.� Why not go to your chambers and let me handle this one.� I
think I know a way to punish her in a manner that you would approve
Mr. Hawk�s fist relaxed and he smiled at Mrs. Peregrine.� He
leaned down next to her ear, taking in the sweet smell of her hair, and
whispered, �I will let you punish her for this.� Make sure it is sufficient
�I will.� Now go to your chambers and relax.� She will curse the
day that she acted out in this fashion.�� Mr. Hawk nodded and left the
room.� Mrs. Peregrine removed the needles and wires from Sarah then
called for Aaron.�
Aaron walked into the Punishment Room.� �Yes, My Lady.��
�I want you to unchain her, but hold her.� Do not let her
go.�� Aaron followed the instructions and unchained Sarah.� Before
Sarah could take a step towards her tormentor, Aaron had both of her
hands behind her back and one arm around her waist.� Sarah struggled
to get free.� �I see you still have that little bitch streak in you.� I
thought that my ministrations would have gotten that out of you, but if
you insist on acting like a bitch, we will treat you like one.� Follow me
Aaron.�� Mrs. Peregrine left the room.� Aaron followed her with the
restrained Sarah struggling against him the entire way.�
They walked through the kitchen and out of the back door.� Sarah
could barely see in the moonless night.� Mrs. Peregrine finally stopped
and opened what looked like the gate in a fence.� �You act like a bitch
so you will be treated like a bitch.� Aaron, put her in the
kennel.�� Sarah began to struggle kicking Aaron in his shins and trying
to bite him.� After some work and force, Sarah hit the ground inside the
kennel hard enough to knock the breath out of her for a moment.� As
she regained her composure, she heard the sound of a lock closing.� She
crawled towards the gate to find it was secured by a chain and
padlock.� When she tried to stand, Sarah discovered that the Kennel was
only three feet high.
�You will find a shelter in the corner in case it rains.� You will be
brought food and water once a day.� I am going to recommend to Mr.
Hawk that you stay in this little cage until Saturday morning.� That
should be enough time for you to calm down.�
Mrs. Peregrine and Aaron walked away without another
word.� Sarah began to cry.� Her body hurt and the memories of the
events of the day still stung.� The night was cool and a light drizzle
began to fall.� Sarah crawled around the small enclosure until she found
the shelter.� She crawled inside and tried to sleep, but the cold of the
night and the small shelter prevented her from getting comfortable


Brittany woke up to her alarm wondering how she got in bed.� She
took a moment to remember the events of the previous night and figured
Aaron must have put her there.� She left the warmth of her thick
blankets and entered Sarah�s room to unchain her.� Much to her
surprise, Sarah was not there.� Brittany feared the worse until she
remembered the Master had said that he was not going to send Sarah
back to the prison camp.
Brittany took her shower and after drying herself off, got
dressed.� She received a harsh reminder of the torture she had received
as she tried to put her bra on.� Her tender breasts seemed to scream in
protest as she tried to fasten the binding material.� She decided a robe
would be better.
Brittany went to the kitchen and saw the note that the Master had
left on the table.� She was to prepare breakfast as Sarah was
unavailable due to her punishment.� Brittany went to work.� She spent
several years working as Sarah had been, so this was not new to
her.� She finished her preparations and awaited the Master.
The Master entered the kitchen from his chambers and sat at the
table.� As they ate their breakfast, Mr. Hawk explained the situation and
the rules of Sarah�s punishment.�
�Sarah is out in the kennels.� You are to bring her a bowl of dog
food and a bowl of water.� You are not to speak to her at any
time.� This morning when you take her breakfast out, you are to French-
braid her hair and place a collar and leash on her.� Attach the leash to
the shelter.� She will stay there until Saturday at the latest and until she
returns to the Manor, you are to maintain her cleaning chores.�
�Yes My Lord.�� Brittany had spent some time in the kennels and
remembered the experience with a feeling of sorrow for Sarah�s
The lord and lady of the Manor finished their breakfast and the
Master left for his office.� Brittany prepared the bowl of dog food,
remembering its foul taste, and the water.� She went out of the back
door and walked to the chain link structure that are the kennels.� Sarah
was already out of the structure testing the strength of her cage like an
animal.� She would dig along the edge only to find the concrete wall that
lined the outer edge.�
Brittany approached the cage, placed the bowls on top of the cage,
and held up the collar and leash.� Sarah glared at the cruel devices and
decided she would resist.� As Brittany opened the cage Sarah changed
her mind as she did not want to cause Brittany to get into
trouble.� Sarah exposed her neck for the collar.� Brittany placed the
collar around Sarah�s neck securing it closed and attaching the leash
with a small lock.� Brittany next attached the chain leash with another
lock to the ring on the outside of the structure.
Brittany motioned her fingers in a circle.� Sarah turned around
and Brittany began to French-braid Sarah�s hair securing the end of the
braid with a tight leather strap.� Brittany stepped out of the kennel and
placed the bowls inside the kennel and replaced the lock on the gate.
�So how long do I have to stay here?�� Sarah inquired.
Brittany glanced from side to side.� �The Master said until you
learn your lesson.� Please do not push the Master.� He is very kind
when you behave and follow his instructions.� Do not be angry with him,
his specialty is breaking down a slave�s mind and uses torments and
tortures like this to accomplish his goal.� The more you fight, the worse
the torments become.�
Sarah did not answer Brittany.� Brittany returned to the house to
complete her daily chores.� That night the Master did not say a word
to Brittany.� He retired early as did Brittany.�
The next morning when Brittany brought Sarah�s food, the food in
the previous dish had not been touched.� Brittany removed the old bowls
and put the fresh food and water.� The third morning, Friday, the food
had once again remained untouched.� Brittany replaced the bowls with a
frown.� Sarah was a mess.� She covered in the muck of the
kennels.� The weather during her time in the kennels had been rainy, so
there was plenty of mud in the kennel.
Sarah was hungry beyond belief when Friday arrived.� She let out
a heavy sigh after Brittany replaced her bowls.� She crawled over to the
bowl of dog food and sniffed it.� The smell was almost enough to prevent
her from eating, but her hunger won as she began to eat the wretched
food.� After eating, the rain once again began to fall and Sarah retreated
to the cover of her shelter.� She had been unable to do more than doze
during the nights in the kennel.�
Saturday morning, Brittany came out with her food, somewhat
relieved to see the previous day�s food gone.� Brittany placed the new
food dish in the kennel.� Sarah obediently began to
eat.� Brittany waited until Sarah had finished and entered the kennel to
detach the leash from the shelter.� Calling Sarah to heel and began to
walk to the house with the leash in her hand.� Sarah complied, tired and
covered in mud, crawling along Brittany�s side.
Brittany stopped at the porch outside the back door and picked up a
hose.� She began to hose Sarah off.� Sarah simply stayed
where Brittany had left her.� Sarah did not have the energy to fight
anymore.� She was exhausted and sore from her confinement in the
cage.� Brittany finished hosing the muck and mud off of Sarah and
proceeded into the house.
Mr. Hawk was sitting at the kitchen table.� �Did she eat this
morning?�� He inquired of Brittany.
�Yes My Lord.� She ate her food yesterday and this morning.�
Brittany brought Sarah over to the Master�s side.� He began to
stroke her head.� �Has my little bitch learned her lesson?�� He placed
his hand in front of Sarah�s mouth.� �Has she lost her bite?�
Sarah moved her mouth to the Master�s hand fully intent on biting
his hand; instead, much to her own surprise she gently licked his hand
several times before he pulled his hand away.� The Master
smiled.� �That is much better.�� He said.� �Brittany, I want you to
remove the collar and give her a good scrubbing in the shower.� After
she has been thoroughly scrubbed, let her take a nap.� She needs to be
rested for the show tonight.�
�Yes My Lord.�� Brittany replied as she led Sarah into their
Brittany removed the collar.� Sarah crawled into the
bathtub.� Brittany began to scrub Sarah gently with a brush removing
the remaining muck and mud.� Brittany then removed the braid and
washed Sarah hair.� The soft towel was soothing on Sarah�s skin as she
was dried off and Brittany took great care in brushing Sarah�s hair.
Sarah crawled to her pillow pile, dragging herself with the last
ounces of will she had.� After Sarah lay down, Brittany came in and
covered her with her heavy blanket wrapping Sarah in warmth.� Sarah
smiled at Brittany�s kindness and a tear began to trickle from her eye.
�I used to think I was stubborn, but the Master has won.�� Sarah
remorsefully said.
�He always does.�� Brittany replied smiling as Sarah drifted off
into slumber.� Sarah realized as she drifted into a deep sleep that she
had to give the Master complete dominion over her if she was going to
make it through the program.� Her only other choice was to return to the
prison camp.�
Sarah was awakened by the Master calling for her.� She quickly
crawled out of her pillow pile and found him in the living room with
Brittany, Mrs. Peregrine, and Aaron.� Sarah immediately crawled to the
Master�s side.
Mrs. Peregrine began.� �Is the little bitch calmer now?�
�I think she has learned her lesson, thanks to you.�
����������� Mrs. Peregrine lowered her hand.� Sarah sat
there with her head bowed in shame.� Mr. Hawk gave her a light tap on
her bottom to get her moving.� Sarah crawled over to Mrs. Peregrine�s
hand and gently kissed her knuckles.
�Much better.� Are you ready for the show now?�
�Yes Mistress.� I am yours to command.�
�Good.� The rules of the competition have changed.� Only the
two slaves are allowed to be on the stage.� Brittany will not be allowed
on the stage.�
�I do not think that will be a problem.�� Mr. Hawk replied.� The
two Specialists began to discuss the particulars of the show with Aaron
and Sarah paying close attention.� Brittany was both disappointed and
relieved that she was not going to be a part of the show.
Their plans completed and both slaves understanding their parts,
the conversation was complete.� Aaron crawled to the door and donned
his costume for the performance.� Sarah crawled to her chambers to pick
out an appropriate outfit.� She had decided and was taking the clothes
out of the closet when the Master walked into her chambers.
�It is very important to me that you and Aaron win the
competition.� So much so that I will give you the first privilege if you
win.� Would you like that?�
Sarah brightened at the idea.� �Yes Sir.� What would my first
privilege be?�
�I thought that you would like to have a bed like Brittany�s.�
�Really, Sir?�� She said with excitement pouring with every word
and every movement.
�Yes.� However, if you should loose, there will be consequences
for you.�
Horrified, Sarah asked, �What would the consequences be, Sir, if I
may ask?�
�That depends on how you finish.� There are four groups
competing.� I believe a week in the kennels for each place below first
would be in order.� If you come in second place, then you would be
confined for one week in the kennels.� If you come in last, then you can
expect to be confined in the kennels for three weeks.�
Sarah froze in terror.� Anymore time in the kennels was too much
let alone three weeks.� Sarah was determined to win the competition.
After she was dressed, the five left the Manor.� The drive lasted
over an hour and Sarah found that the drive only increased her tension
levels.� I wonder if Aaron has been given the same threat about
losing.� She thought to herself.� Sarah sat there self-consciously
straightening the miniskirt and dress shirt she had chosen.� The clothes
seemed like a foreign custom to her by now, having spent almost two
weeks as Mr. Hawk�s slave and naked for most of that time.� She ran
her fingers through her hair trying to make sure that it would be pleasing
to whoever was judging this contest of slaves.
The limo stopped at last.� Sarah opened the door and the other
four exited and Sarah followed.� They were at the back entrance of what
looked like an auditorium.� The five went through the back door and into
the back-stage waiting area.� Sarah saw the other three teams
waiting.� There were no Specialists in the room, only six
enforcers.� Sarah and Aaron were left there and instructed that they
were to treat this room as their chambers.
Sarah and Aaron stood up.� She began to stretch when a muscular
female slave with short red hair walked over to them.� �I hope you do
not plan on winning.� We have won the last three contests.� Mr. Shark
and Mrs. Dolphin are the best trainers in the program.�� The red-head
stated with an arrogant air.
�I only plan on doing my best performance.� It will be up to the
judges to decide who wins.�� Sarah replied trying to remain humble.
The pairs were called out by their �owners� names.� First was the
pair of Mr. Lion and Mrs. Tiger.� The girl looked to be of Middle Eastern
heritage with dark skin and long dark hair.� The boy was Robert, who
Sarah was already familiar with.
The second pair called was that of Mr. Viper and Mrs. Python.� The
girl was a lovely petite creature, stunningly beautiful with her blond hair
braided in several rows.� The boy was also quite lovely.� He was
extremely well muscled with long black hair.
The enforcers called for Mr. Hawk and Mrs. Peregrine next.� Sarah
and Aaron reported to the enforcers and waited for their
instructions.� The enforcers waited for a moment and then pointed to the
hallway that led to the stage.� Sarah�s nerves were bundled in tight
knots throughout her body.� She had to win.� She could not face any
more time in the kennels.
The pair reached the edge of the stage.� The curtain was closed
and there was a single chair on the stage.� Aaron took his seat in the
chair.� Sarah took several deep breaths before the music began and the
curtain opened.� Sarah froze for a moment at the sight of the packed
auditorium.� Checking her hair and outfit one last time, she began to let
the music run through her.� She tuned out the audience and focused
only on pleasing Aaron.� Her body began to sway and moved gracefully
onto the stage.� She danced in front of Aaron for a little before she sat
on his lap and took his hands to unbutton her shirt.� Aaron reached
around her and began to unbutton each one with care.� He opened her
shirt while Sarah continued the grinding motion in his lap.� Sarah stood
quickly and made a quick spin while removing her shirt and threw it into
the audience.� With her back to the audience, she reached up and
unclasped her bra letting it fall to the floor.� Another spin and she was
facing the audience but her hair was covering her breasts.
Aaron began to stand up to dance with Sarah, but Sarah turned
quickly pushing him back into the chair shaking one finger at him and
moving away a few steps.� In another spin, Sarah unzipped her skirt and
let it fall to the ground, stepped out of it with one foot and then used the
other foot to fling it into the audience.� Sarah began the more direct
teasing as she opened Aaron�s pants.� Sarah was surprised at the size
of the erection that was before her.� She began to caress the member
gently while continuing her dance.� It did not take long to get Aaron to
the edge.� Mrs. Peregrine tried to keep him there as much as
possible.� Sarah removed her panties bending over with the audience to
her side and taking as much of Aaron�s excitement into her
mouth.� Bobbing and swaying with the music, Sarah felt the warning
signs of Aaron�s release so she stopped. Aaron turned the chair to the
side, following Sarah�s signals and Sarah straddled his lap carefully
inserting his manhood into her.� A gasp escaped Sarah�s lips as the
large rod stretched her hungry sex and Sarah sat there for a moment in
ecstasy getting used to his size.�
Sarah felt the music again and she moved and gyrated to its rhythm
following the heavy bass beat.� Aaron was on the edge again and, on
cue, pushed Sarah off of him.� Sarah hit the ground sprawling and her
hair landing wildly around her head.� Aaron stood up and Sarah began to
crawl away.� Grabbing a handful of Sarah�s hair, Aaron positioned
himself behind the lovely girl.� He entered her again and began to thrust
hard and fast.� Sarah screamed as her �rape� began but was enjoying
the pleasure of this love making.�
It took a little time before Sarah finally climaxed exploding in a
torrent of pleasure in time with Aaron.� The curtain closed and Aaron
helped Sarah off of the stage.
As they were leaving, Sarah saw the last two performers.� If that
performance was not enough to win the contest, then she deserved the
time in the kennels.� Two enforcers guided Sarah and Aaron to the final
waiting room.� The other two pairs sat nervously waiting for the end of
the competition.�
After a long wait, the enforcers instructed everyone to return to the
stage.� The slaves were lined up each with a number hung over there
head.� The curtain opened and a voice came over the speakers.� �Now
it is time ladies and gentlemen to cast your vote for the best
performance.� Please press the number on the keypad in front of you
that corresponds with the number above the pair that you want to vote
The slaves all waited anxiously for the results to be counted.� The
announcer walked onto the stage, walking by each of the slaves before
taking the center.� A microphone rose up from the stage floor
and Brittany walked onto the stage and handed the announcer a small
envelope.� �And the winner of tonight�s competition is��� He spoke
into the microphone as he opened the envelope.� �You know, before I
announce the winners, I think that we should have a nice round of
applause for the trainers of these slaves.� I think that they all did a
wonderful job.�� The crowd began to applaud loudly.� �Now for
tonight�s winning couple�Mr. Hawk and Mrs. Peregrine.��
Mr. Hawk and Mrs. Peregrine walked onto the stage and accepted
the medals for winning first place.� Sarah felt all of her tension and
nervousness leave in one breath making her lightheaded.� She was
proud of winning the competition for her Master.� Sarah knew that if she
had lost, her guilt would have been unbearable and the time in the
kennels would not have been enough to ease her burden.�
Mr. Hawk thanked everyone for coming out to the show and wished
everyone a safe journey home.� The curtain closed.� Sarah waited for
her Master when Aaron suddenly jumped in front of her.� Mr. Shark�s
red-headed slave had charged Sarah while she was in her state of
relief.� Aaron had tackled her taking the muscular woman to the floor of
the stage.� Four enforcers were at the scene in seconds and had the
female slave and Aaron both pinned.
Mr. Hawk heard the commotion and walked towards the waiting
enforcers.� Aaron simply laid there motionless.� The girl was struggling
and fighting them. �Sarah looked at Aaron as her hero.� If he had not
stepped in, there was no telling what that girl would have done to
her. �Mr. Hawk walked over to Sarah.� �What happened?� I want the
Sarah pointed at the red-headed slave on the floor.� �She had
charged at me Sir, because we won the contest.� Aaron tackled her to
protect me.�
Mrs. Peregrine looked down at Aaron.� �Is that correct young
�Yes Mistress, it is.� I was only trying to protect Mr. Hawk�s
property.�� Sarah�s feelings of gratitude were still present, yet
somewhat diminished.�
Mr. Hawk walked over to the enforcers that had Aaron
pinned.� �Let him up, he is not at fault here.�� The enforcers complied
and released Aaron, who returned to his place next to Sarah.�
Mr. Shark entered the scene at this point.� Visibly angry, his face
reddened, he reached down to his slave and grabbed her neck in his large
hand.� The enforcers released the girl quickly as Mr. Shark pulled her off
the floor by her neck and slapped her hard across the face.� Mrs. Dolphin
ran over to him and whispered into his ear.� Mr. Shark let the girl go and
began to walk away.� The girl and her partner both followed on their
hands and knees.�
Mrs. Dolphin approached Mr. Hawk.� �I am sorry for that little
outburst.� Sonya is still new and can be very stubborn.� I trust no one
was hurt.�� Mrs. Dolphin�s voice was sweet and gentle.� It was the
exact opposite of the actions of Mr. Shark.
�Everything is fine, Mrs. Dolphin.� Aaron�s quick thinking made
certain of that.�
�When we get home, we will deal with Sonya; that I promise
you.� Good night Mr. Hawk and Mrs. Peregrine.�� She turned her head
towards Aaron and Sarah.� �And congratulations to both of you.� I
really enjoyed watching your performance.�
Sarah nodded to Mrs. Dolphin and smiled.� What a nice
lady.� How did she get involved in this program?� Sarah thought to
Mr. Hawk and Mrs. Peregrine accepted the congratulations of the
other four Specialists before they made their way back to the limo.� Mr.
Hawk did not say a single word to Sarah or Aaron, instead speaking with
Mrs. Peregrine during the short trip.� Sarah opened the door to the limo
and followed the other four inside.�
Mr. Hawk began to stroke Sarah�s hair.� �You both did wonderful
tonight.� I am very proud of you.�� Sarah smiled at his gentle
touches.� Sarah glanced up at Brittany who gave her a wink and a nod of
approval.� Mr. Hawk turned his attention to Mrs. Peregrine.� �I do not
envy Sonya.� Mr. Shark is going to go ballistic.� I hope Mrs. Dolphin can
keep him from killing her.�
�If anyone can save that little hellion�s neck, it is Mrs.
Dolphin.�� Mrs. Peregrine replied trying to contain a giggle.
Sarah was able to relax during the hour long ride back to the Manor
almost falling asleep with her head in her Master�s lap.� He continued
his soft petting throughout the ride.� Upon arrival, Sarah opened the
door and followed Mr. Hawk and Brittany out of the limo.� Mrs. Peregrine
and Aaron remained in the limo and the limo sped off as soon as the door
was closed.� Sarah opened the door to the Manor and followed her
keepers inside.�
Mr. Hawk announced, �It has been a long day and I am going to
retire.� Brittany, there you will not need to chain Sarah any longer.� As
long as she manages to keep the privilege she has earned tonight.��
The girls were left alone in the hallway.� Sarah crawled as quickly
as she could into her chambers.� Her first privilege was there, a large
four post bed with a thick mattress and heavy blankets.� Brittany walked
in as Sarah fell into its softness most ungracefully.�
�Not bad girl, not bad at all.�� Brittany said smiling at the joyful
�I don�t believe it.� It is so comfortable.�� Sarah said with
elated joy.
Sarah wasted no time getting ready for bed that evening.� She
undressed and cleaned herself up in record time.� As she allowed the
warm comfort to envelope her and doze off, she felt a kiss land on her
lips.� She opened her eyes to see Brittany standing over her.�
�So, should we break it in tonight?�� Brittany asked with a
mischievous sparkle in her eyes.
Sarah grabbed Brittany around the neck and pulled Brittany down
on top of her.� For the next several hours, Sarah and Brittany touched
and teased each other into earth shattering orgasms.
The two girls fell asleep cuddled next to each other in the warm
softness of a simple comfort that Sarah had almost forgotten

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