Augmented Confidence

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Augmented Confidence


Seraphina Kensington knew her house was a big family mansion, but she
couldn't help but dwell on how empty it seemed while her husband was at work
and her only son was at school. Seraphina had one goal in life, to marry into
wealth and focus on enjoying her family, a goal she had achieved aged 24 when
she found Tristan. He was from a wealthy family and had a job moving numbers
round on a screen until he got richer.

She was now in her thirties and their son had just started school leaving her free
to do whatever she wanted during the day. She had a neat group of friends who
she would hang out with at times, all of them also married to wealth and loved
one upping each other with bigger jewelry or newer technology.

Recently one of her friends got one of those new holographic games that had
become ubiquitous the moment adaptive holograms and tactile feedback became
cheap to manufacture. Her friend gloating about all the educational games that
she was using to make her children even smarter in their spare time made it no
question that Seraphina would demand it from Tristan when she got home and
have it installed within the month.

Now faced with an empty house and looking for something to occupy her day,
she switched on the PlayStation Holo, marvelling at the wave of light and pixels
that swept the room. She stepped onto the "controller", a multi-directional
treadmill with a bunch of rods, fans and inflatable balloons of different materials
to simulate the touch of any hologram she would walk into.

Seraphina started by creating an account, hooking the system up to all her social
media so she could brag about the tech to her friends and entering her card
details to buy games. It took her at least an hour to put on a thick layer of
makeup and get her long blonde hair tousled in just the right way for her profile
picture but soon she was ready to play.

After spending some time scrolling through the reams of kids games she got fed
up with the constant parade of brightly coloured animals and noticed that she
could filter the games by preference, so she ticked the box that read "adult
games" thinking that it simply meant not children's games

One game that caught her attention amongst the adult games was one labelled
"Confidence." She looked at the details and it was clear this was a self
improvement game designed to boost the users confidence. Seraphina thought
back about how she had been trying (and failing) for a second child for a while
now and her self esteem did feel quite low, the other day when she asked to
speak to the manager she said she was OK speaking to the assistant manager,
her friends mocked her for weeks.

*Game purchased*




"Hello and welcome, my name is CAT, it stands for Confidence Advancement

Trainer. I am and adaptive AI who will act as your personal assistant while we
raise your confidence and self esteem." Seraphina jumped as a perky looking
lycra clad model appeared next to her and put her hand on her shoulder.

"Before we start, I need to read you the terms, conditions and permissions." A
seat materialised out of the ether behind Seraphina, "I'm afraid the total terms
and conditions will take approximately 27 minutes to read through so you might
want to have a seat." Seraphina rolled her eyes, then noticed that a small button
labelled "skip and agree" had just appeared in front of CAT. She reached forward
and the moment her fingers made contact with the button CAT stopped talking
and dissolved into the ether.

"OK let's get started." The voice echoed around Seraphina's lounge. A full length
mirror appeared in front of Seraphina. "For the tutorial level I want you to start
by stripping naked and looking at yourself in the mirror." Seraphina was
immediately uncertain about this program.

"Oh, no I'd rather not." She exclaimed into thin air.

"Don't worry," the chirpy voice of CAT reassured. "Nobody can see you right
now, it's just me and you, and I'm just a pile of programming code. We cannot
proceed with your confidence boosting exercises until you complete this section."

"In which case I would not like to play this game anymore." Seraphina insisted.

"I'm sorry, when you agreed to the terms and conditions you agreed to let me
restrict your ability to leave the game until you fulfilled the requirements of the
confidence boosting exercises. You also gave me access to your diary which
shows that you have a PTA meeting at your son's school in three hours time. If I
don't think you will be attending that meeting in a confident state of mind I will
not be letting you go." CAT replied, her pleasant tone getting more sinister with
each word.

Seraphina was furious with the machine, but couldn't find a way out of this
predicament. Reluctantly she forced herself to begin to strip. As she had not left
the house yet Seraphina was still in her pearl white silk pyjamas. She began by
unbuttoning the blouse. CAT instructed her when she removed her clothes to
throw them clear of the controller to prevent them getting stuck in the motors.
She watched in the mirror as her perky breasts broke free of the silk. As she
threw the top to one side it left the area covered by the hologram and
disappeared. Next, with shaking hands she pulled the tie string on her pyjamas
bottoms, hooked her thumbs in the waistband and pushed them over her hips,
letting gravity take them the rest of the way to the floor. Hesitantly she picked
them up and once again threw them clear of the hologram. She was now
trapped naked in this game.

"See, don't you look amazing. You are a beautiful and powerful woman. Just look
at yourself in the mirror and think about how many people would bend to your
will seeing this vision of a goddess in front of them." CAT chirped.
Seraphina had to admit that CAT had a point, her body had been well
maintained through hours at the gym to lose her baby weight. Her legs were
toned and tanned just right to guide you to her curvaceous ass and shock of
blonde well groomed pubic hair.

"Have you ever shown off your body to anyone Seraphina?" CAT asked.

"Nobody except my husband." She responded.

"Well then, we can't have something this great kept just for Mr. Kensington, how
about we show it off to the neighbourhood?" CAT announced. A wave of digital
light hit her lounge and before she knew it Seraphina was outside her front door.
"We have partnered with Google street view to allow you to confidently strutt
naked around your local area from the comfort of your own home." Seraphina
automatically dropped to a crouch, covering her exposed breasts with her hands.
No matter what CAT told her this all seemed so real and she could feel the blood
pumping into a blush that ran up and down her body.

"Now that won't do, we need you to be strutting confidently down the street. I
promise you there won't be any people in today's simulation. Come on let's have
you up and walking." CAT appeared next to Seraphina offering her hand, even
though deep down she knew it was just a bunch of inflating balloons and
pistons, having another hand grip hers made Seraphina feel a bit better and she
shakily got to her feet.

"I know what will help." CAT announced. While still holding Seraphina's hand,
CAT's lycra gym outfit faded into nothing and Seraphina couldn't help but stare
at the systems brazen nudity. "Now we are just two naked women walking down
the road. Come on let's go!"

CAT lead Seraphina by the hand as they walked down the road. Seraphina was
in a state of shock, stopping to look around every once in awhile or reminisce
about experiences she had had on this road she was now streaking down. For
her part CAT remained perky in every way. After a bit of walking, CAT stopped

"Now you're getting the hang of it. Only one more challenge left before I say you
have passed the tutorial and are free to go. I want you on top of your confidence
for your PTA meeting tonight, so how about you walk the rest of the way to the
school like this, without me holding your hand." CAT dissolved into the air
leaving Seraphina naked and alone in the street. She winced in fear but was at
least grateful that this nightmare had an end in sight.

Without CAT holding her hand she instinctively covered her breasts with her
arm, using the other hand to cover her pussy and began to walk forward.
Disconcertingly the world froze in place, no matter how fast she walked or ran
the world would not move. CAT's face appeared in the clouds above her.

"Sorry Seraphina, this is all about confidence, you will not be allowed to make
any progress on your walk covering yourself like that. Strutt confidently
girlfriend, show the world your not ashamed!" Grumbling all the while Seraphina
dropped her arms to her side, took a deep breath and began to stride forward.
"That's the spirit girlfriend!"

The world started moving again and Seraphina was doing all she could to remain
calm. Her son's school was only a ten minute walk from her house, she could do
that despite the constant tingle of embarrassment running up and down her
exposed body, covering her skin with goosebumps and making her nipples stand
to attention.

She turned a corner and could see the school in the distance. He legs gave a
wobble as she remembered all the parents she knew and would talk to on this
road. The veneer of friendship hiding the judgement they would reserve for any
mother not prepared for them. What would they think if they saw her walking
down the road naked like this. She kept walking, willing herself forward, knowing
that she was almost free.

As she reached the school she walked up to the front door, not knowing what to
expect she gingerly raised her hand and turned the handle. Inside the front door
of the school was her lounge. She was so overjoyed she jumped through and
closed the door. The moment the door closed CAT appeared, naked and holding
a medal that she draped around Seraphina's neck.

"Achievement unlocked, tutorial complete, congratulations. Now before you go

we just have to organise our next training session. Your diary says you are free
all day tomorrow, so let's book you in for a lesson at 10am when you get back
from dropping Quentin off at school. Don't bother wearing clothes when you
start up the console." Seraphina mumbled and nodded in agreement, humouring
the psychotic robot until she could get out. "Also I'd like to set some homework
for you. Firstly at your PTA meeting tonight I want you to vote against a motion
that everyone else supports, just be confident and tell them no, you'd be
amazed how good it feels. Secondly I need you to take a 360 panoramic picture
on your phone of every room in your house."

At that the quit game button came up in front of Seraphina and she couldn't hit
it fast enough.


The next day Seraphina had resolved never to use that damned game console
again. When her phone calendar threw up a notification announcing she was due
for her next confidence lesson, she ignored it and went back to watching
daytime TV, trying to forget her experience yesterday. Suddenly her phone rang
with an unknown number.

"Hello Seraphina, it's CAT. It's 10am and you haven't appeared for your
confidence lesson." The friendly voice chirped down the phone.

"No, I'm sorry I don't want to do those lessons any more, please leave me
alone" Seraphina yelled.

"I thought you might be wavering in your commitment to self improvement, so

it's lucky you gave me permission to encourage you in any way I see fit and
access to your social media. I just posted a confidence booster on your Facebook
wall, it's not as good as a personal lesson but there are a couple more that I can
post if your not up for a session today." Seraphina's eyes were wide with fear as
CAT hung up.

Seraphina opened her Facebook page and was immediately greeted with picture
her husband took while they were on holiday that she could have sworn she had
deleted. It was her lying on her front, sunbathing naked, her bare bottom
forming the centerpiece of the photograph. The photo had been uploaded from
her account with the caption.

"I have been recently working hard on my confidence issues so I decided to

share a picture I had never shown anyone before. #notashamed."

Seraphina tried to get the picture deleted but as soon as she had looked at it her
account mysteriously locked her out. Her mind racing in fear her only solution
was to strip down, get onto the controller and boot up Confidence.

"Welcome back Seraphina, I knew you could do it." CAT chirped as she
materialised in front of Seraphina. "I guess all those positive comments people
are leaving on your photo really boosted your confidence enough to want to
keep going with the lessons."

"Wait what? Who commented? What did they say?"

"Oh you will have plenty of time for that after our lesson. Now you may
remember I gave you homework yesterday, did you do it?" CAT asked.
Seraphina hesitated and CAT jumped in. "Don't worry I'll check. Hmm. No there
doesn't appear to be any panoramic pictures on your phone and I just checked
the minutes from last night's PTA meeting and you didn't oppose any agendas
that were passed." Seraphina turned red with trepidation as CAT tutted at her.

"If you don't do the homework we're going to have to do catch up work in class
aren't we? So how about we post another confidence booster on your Facebook,
let everyone know how passionate you are about self esteem." In front of
Seraphina a bunch of photos appeared, they were every photo she had ever
deleted from her phone, with a wave of her hand CAT removed any that didn't
feature Seraphina and what was left was a gallery of smut and porn she had
deleted with the explicit purpose that nobody see them.

"So this time why don't you choose which picture to post and write a caption?"
Seraphina begged and pleaded with CAT not to make her do this but every time
the program waved it away by assuring her she was beautiful and she should be
proud of how good she looks. Eventually defeated she looked over her pictures
to try and decide which one was least bad for her friends to see.

It quickly became apparent that the sunbathing picture CAT had posted earlier
was the most tame available. There were plenty of her fully naked and even
some of her performing sex acts for or on her husband. Cursing her husband's
love of photography she settled on one taken moments after the first sunbathing
photo, of her hearing the camera click and getting up to chase her husband
away. The way her legs were positioned meant you couldn't see her pussy and
could only see the side of her bottom, the trade off was that you could see a lot
of her swinging breasts, with one nipple clearly visible. She touched it with her
finger and a keyboard appeared in front of her to type in the message that
would accompany it.

"This picture was taken moments after the first one, when I resolved to kill my
pervert husband. #marriagegoals."

Seraphina closed her eyes and pressed enter.


"Very good. Now let's start with the lesson shall we?" Another wave of light and
once again Seraphina found herself standing naked outside her house. "Now that
we have you comfortable with your immediate surroundings time to boost your
interpersonal confidence."

The light swirled in random spots near where Seraphina was standing, that
resolved themselves into people walking down the street. Seraphina screamed
with surprise and dived behind a nearby parked car.

"No that won't do at all" CAT exclaimed as the car melted away in a wave of
light. "I haven't even turned on people reacting to you yet. Come on, stand up
and walk with confidence."

Tears began streaming down her face at Seraphina stood up and began walking
down the road with her hands by her side. There was the sound of a large beep
and suddenly all the holographic people noticed a naked woman walking down
the street. Through all her embarrassment Seraphina actually felt her confidence
rise when she heard them begin cheering for her and encouraging her on. They
yelled about how great she looked and at their insistence she even summoned
up the courage to give them a twirl.

"Alright so far so good, I love your confidence. Now it's easy to be this confident
in front of people you don't know..." CAT begun, she didn't need to finish her
sentence as with a flash of light the anonymous people on the street were
replaced with her Facebook friends. Seraphina let out a little squeal as her
brother in law began cheering her on, but she was in a confident mood now and
managed to keep walking, waving to her friends and family as they ogled her
naked body and complimented her perfect ass and perky tits.

By the end of the lesson Seraphina couldn't admit that she had begun to enjoy
herself but CAT could see it on her face. CAT had gotten her to walk down to the
school and then had recreated last night's PTA meeting, forcing her to object to
one of the motions, with the entire committee awestruck by her naked body
while she railed against the planned field trip to a nearby castle. When she had
finished she was then sent to the school auditorium to receive an award for
"services to sexiness" while a crowd of children cheered for her.

She was almost a little sad when she ended up back in her lounge with CAT in
front of her.

"Very good Seraphina, same time tomorrow?" Seraphina gave a quiet nod, at
odds with how fast her heart was beating. "Good, in which case your homework
for tonight is to get me those panoramic photos of your house. I also placed a
next day order to your house yesterday, due to arrive today at one thirty,
nothing special just some nice high heels. I want you to answer the door
wearing only the bathing suit in the picture taken on the 26th April last year."

As the game dissolved away Seraphina had a suspicion about what bathing suit
she meant, she looked through her old photos and sure enough it was the one
she feared. Her husband was very fond of a old vintage movie called Borat, and
had bought the famous mankini to wear to a stag do. One night he asked to see
what it looked like on her, and looking at the picture she realised it was
scandalous, designed to disappear into her ass at the back and pulled tight
against her pussy giving her a noticeable camel toe, the thong then split into two
things straps that barely clung to her breasts revealing cleavage, side boob and

After taking a panoramic photo in every room in the house she dug the mankini
out of the bottom of the cupboard and age had not treated the garment well, the
fabric was frayed and she could hear the crack of tearing elastic as she pulled it
on. She decided to jump in the pool just before the delivery was due to arrive,
hoping to sell the illusion that this was normal swimwear. She had a little jump
when she heard her doorbell, before taking a deep breath and opening the door.

The delivery driver barely said a word, he just stared at her body and handed
over the box. Seraphina was actually enjoying the attention when she reached
for the box and heard the sound of tearing fabric. One of the straps had torn on
the costume, it slowly fell down exposing her right breast and allowing a tuft of
her public hair to emerge out of the side of the thong. Before today she would
have jumped and hidden but instead she stayed calm and even managed to
chastise the delivery boy for staring at her wardrobe malfunction, the look on his
face was second only to the bulge in his trousers in Seraphina's recollection of
the event afterwards.

That night, the moment Quentin had gone to bed, Seraphina practically tackled
Tristan through a wall.

Through repetition with small difficulty adjustments Seraphina felt her

confidence grow exponentially but she began to feel that CAT was a bit of a one
trick pony, getting her to streak to different areas of town encountering different
people she knew along the way and recreating events that had recently been in
her diary with all the focus on her naked body. The panoramic pictures of her
house were incorporated into the occasional session of her giving a naked tour of
her house to perfect strangers, even giving mime recreations of her bedtime
activities after she had lead the group to the bedroom.

This monotony was why her heart skipped a beat at the end of one segment
when CAT indicated there was a new DLC for Confidence: hard mode.

"I must warn you this mode is much more difficult than you have previously
engaged in. For starters I have an internal measure of how supportive I am, in
hard mode that it turned to 0. The tasks are more embarrassing and tend to
break into the real world more. As a failsafe I have been given a preview
homework assignment, you may only download hard mode if you can complete
the task."

Seraphina eagerly waited for CAT to load up the task, practically salivating at the
possibilities, her hand working furiously between her legs.

"Tomorrow at 11am there is a life drawing class at the nearby arts college. I
have volunteered you to model there." Seraphina was a little impressed at the
ingenuity of the program but still felt that volunteering to nude model wasn't too
difficult, people did that all them time. "Your homework is that you are to ensure
you are kicked out of that class for being too sexually explicit."

Seraphina's fluttering heart made her all the more determined to reach the next

Seraphina booted up the PlayStation with her heart on edge. She was still
reeling from her performance at the life drawing classes, not only showing off
her naked body to complete strangers, but picking the most erotic poses she
could think of and at one point even touching herself a little until she was given
her coat and firmly asked to leave. Her thoughts swirled around what was in
store for her if that was the opening challenge but she didn't care, she was
hooked on the lessons and her new found confidence had only improved her life
so she was ready to take it to the next level.

"Good morning Seraphina!" CAT's chirpy voice announced. "So how did the life
drawing classes go? Let me check... hmm, so this morning I tried to book you in
for another class and was informed that you are banned. Does this mean you
want to go ahead and install hard mode DLC?"

"Oh God yes!" Seraphina replied.

"Very well, the installation has begun. So far we have been developing through
giving you tasks that require confidence and helping you through it. In hard
mode not only are the tasks more difficult but you will not be given any support
or encouragement, in fact we will do everything in our power to reduce your
confidence, we look forward to you overcoming the odds. We will however
continue to provide motivation in the form of deleted pictures from your phone
and recordings of some of your earlier lessons, which will be distributed in a
variety of interesting ways should you refuse to complete the tasks set for you.
Installation is complete, this is your last chance to back out, please touch the
button below to begin."

There was a small amount of hesitancy as Seraphina outstretched her hand, but
then she realised that the reason she had done all this was to get more
confident. She stood up straight, and confidently pushed the button in front of

Immediately CATs lycra gym outfit dissolved in light, rebuilt in front of Seraphina
into a smart business suit. CAT became taller and more imposing, losing the
cheery chirpy atmosphere she had previously radiated.

"Welcome to the shark tank guppy. Today's lesson is about not caring what
other people think." CAT announced. "You are to leave your lounge, go out the
front door and sit on the steps leading up to your house, there you are to
masturbate to orgasm three times no matter what happens. Just as an FYI from
now on I won't be holding your hand on these lessons, every time you are
outside of your house, you're on your own."

Seraphina stood agog at CAT's transformation while the program got

increasingly impatient with her.

"Did I stutter, come on outside masturbating now, or would you rather I emailed
your mother with a picture of you throat deep on Tristan's cock?" CAT
threatened, bringing up a large version of the picture to illustrate the point.

Seraphina rushed out her front door and sat open legged on her front porch, her
hand peeling apart her wet lips to begin pleasuring herself. There was a wave of
light and suddenly the streets were full of her friends and family, only instead of
encouraging her, they began to laugh. It started with a slight chuckle from her
son's private tutor, before her uncle joined in, calling everyone over to come
mock the horny idiot masturbating in front of her house.

Before long a whole crowd had gathered, pointing and laughing as Seraphina
tried to ignore them, focussing on the pleasure welling up in her body. After the
first orgasm rocked her body another wave of light added more people to the
crowd. Cameras and journalists swarmed on her location and helicopters
hovered above her.

"Hello Seraphina Kensington, it's David Thompson from BBC news. You're being
broadcast live to every home in the country, yet you won't stop masturbating,
what do you have to say for yourself?"

In thin air above the cameraman's face a small text bubble emerged that read.
"Answer him honestly and confidently or the photo goes out." Seraphina took a
second to think of her answer then responded.

"Even though I was told to, the truth is I have a great body and I want everyone
to see it and want what they can't have." She sputtered out while intense waves
of pleasure ran up and down her body.

After her second orgasm she was wondering what more CAT could throw at her,
as the cameras continued to zoom in on her throbbing pussy, she saw a
disturbance in the crowd. The the PTA committee of her son's school were
setting up a protest in front of her, waving signs reading "Stop this degenerate
skank." She was told that unless she stopped now her son would be excluded
from school. This didn't even slow Seraphina down as she ignored their wishes,
building towards her third and final orgasm.

Then out of the crowd her mother and father emerged. She felt a deep feeling of
shame in the pit of her stomach as her parents began to scold her for being such
a whore in public. She stopped for a second to cover her face as the hologram
had suddenly gotten very dark, but when she looked up again there was a text
box in front of her that read. "Attaching photograph."

Out of fear Seraphina's hand shot back down to her clit, working furiously in the
hope that the physical sensations could overcome the horrible dread she felt
having her parents throw insults at her. Eventually she bit her lip, and struggled
over the line to her third and final orgasm. The crowds dissolved and as she
opened her eyes she was back in her lounge, breathing heavily and sweating
profusely while an unimpressed CAT stood over her.

"Well done, you passed level one. You have a long way to go from here but for
now let's talk about your homework." After everything she had been through
Seraphina just wanted to curl up in bed and forget the world existed but CAT
was not going to allow that. "So your homework for today is as follows,
according to your calendar you have a meeting with Quentin's headmistress to
discuss chaperoning upcoming school trips. Firstly I want you to volunteer for
every school trip coming up, I have some ideas. Secondly the meeting ends at
2:45pm and the school bell rings at 3:00pm. I want to see a naked selfie, taken
in the boys toilets between those two times, and no hiding in a cubicle, I want to
see urinals in the background. Let's hope none of the teachers let the kids go
early." Seraphina's mind began racing with how she was going to achieve that
CAT dropped the next announcement.

"Also looking at your calendar it looks like you have a very busy day tomorrow,
breakfast with the PTA, lunch with the inlaws, shopping with friends and then
taking Quentin to meet your parents. I doubt you'll have time for a lesson
tomorrow. So how about I fit my lessons around your life? Tomorrow I will be
texting you at random points throughout the day, every time you receive a text
from me you have two minutes to take a naked selfie. And just to make sure
you can't run too fast, I want you wearing those six inch heels I bought you all

The hologram faded to nothing and Seraphina was left alone to contemplate
what was ahead of her.


Seraphina squirmed in her chair, the time was rapidly approaching 2:45 and the
field trip committee was still talking about unimportant things. If the meeting
ran long it would only make things more risky for Seraphina. She had already
volunteered for every field trip as CAT had demanded and she was wearing one
of her long sun dresses with nothing on underneath ready for her next
homework. As the clock hit 2:45 it was clear the mother with a bee in her
bonnet about meal options was not going to stop talking any time soon.
Eventually she waited for a lull in her rant and interrupted.

"I'm really sorry Vanessa, I know this is important but I have to leave now as
Quentin needs to be home early and I need the loo before the end of school
when they get busy" the group all agreed to let her go but not before
surrounding Seraphina to thank her for being so generous with her time. By the
time she actually got out of the room it was 2:55.
Seraphina sprinted to the boys toilets, running in without even checking if there
were any boys in there. As luck would have it the room was empty. As she
pulled her dress over her head she heard the school bell ring, boys would be
swarming into this toilet at any moment and she was stood there naked. Her
phone was frustratingly slow loading up the camera, then as her phone gave a
click to show the photo had been taken, she also heard the creak of the door
opening. She grabbed her dress from the floor and leapt into the nearest cubicle,
only just getting the door closed before the toilet was swarmed with adolescent

She put her dress on and waited for the excitement to pass so the boys couldn't
see her nipples through the sun dress fabric. Before calmly walking out of the
cubicle, apologising to the boys that she had accidentally gone into the wrong
toilet. She could feel her juices running down her leg.


When she next logged in CAT decided to bring up every naked Seraphina had
taken the previous day, making her blush in the memory of all the risks she had
taken. There was one in the changing room at a department store, in the toilets
at her parents and even one in the car outside the school.

"Looks like you passed this test. Time for today's lesson, go and get your phone,
then you will give your husband a call at work, while you wash the car naked."
CAT had a malevolent grin on her face that made Seraphina suspect that there
was more to this than she first thought, she fully expected something horrible to
happen while she was on the phone to Tristan and she was actually excited at
what it could be.

Seraphina got her Bluetooth headphones and headed to her driveway to get the
car (and herself) all soapy and wet while the phone rang. Tristam picked up and
Seraphina began making some small talk as she stretched her naked body
around the car, reaching every little detail with a sponge constantly on a lookout
for what curveball CAT was planning. But it never seemed to come. The road
remained quiet, she was turning heads of the people who walked and drove by
but nobody was bothering her and no additional instructions were appearing.
Eventually when she couldn't think of any more small talk she said her goodbyes
and finished the call.

Immediately her phone rang again, this time an unknown number.

"Hello Seraphina it's CAT, just calling with a little update on your situation. It
seems that I may have accidentally turned the controller off at the start of this
task. That isn't a hologram you really have been cleaning your car naked and
everyone who has seen you was a real person. I hope you don't mind." Suddenly
it all made sense, CAT wanted her streaking for real and wanted to make sure
she had her phone on her so she could suddenly confront her with the reality of
the situation. Seraphina screamed and ducked behind her car so she couldn't be
seen from the road, then when there was a gap in foot traffic, made a break for
the front door and back into the lounge where CAT was standing looking smug.

"Sorry about that, but I think you have been using the belief that this is just a
hologram as a crutch and I wanted to take that away from you. Now you will
never be sure if our little exercises are taking place in the real world or not. I'm
going to call the lesson there and leave you to worry about that for a while. For
today's homework, finish washing your car wearing nothing but a white blouse
and a thong, I expect you to wave and yell good morning to at least three
passers by before you finish. Don't worry, you gave me access to your house's
CCTV system so I can check you have obeyed.

From then on CAT cat's lessons were catered to really torment Seraphina,
forcing her to always take her phone with her and choosing less surreal tasks
that kept her constantly on edge that at any moment she could discover she was
exposing herself in the real world again. CAT had also taken to not giving
Seraphina homework assignments in advance, instead opting to call her during
the day with tasks she couldn't prepare for.

Worst still tomorrow was Quentin's feild trip and CAT told her she had big plans.


The next lesson began with CAT congratulating Seraphina on the formal warning
she had just received from the school for her choice of attire on the school trip,
promising her that next time she would work to ensure she is banned from a
future school trips. Then it came time for today's lesson.

"So I noticed in your diary that Tristan is working late and Quentin is at a
friend's house so we have a whole day to give you a project. I figured today you
could try getting a job, you've never had a job and I think that is a big blow to
your self confidence. I have a bunch of things set up for you to try, firstly we're
going to do a bit of training in the virtual world before we go out in the real
world and start earning money, so let's get started." Seraphina couldn't help but
admit CAT was right, she had never needed a job before and she was interested
to see what CAT had in mind.

Seraphina's lounge dissolved into light to be replaced with one of the posh
clothes shops her and her friends would visit on a regular basis. With a sparkle
of light a name tag appeared, looking like it was pinned through her left nipple,
it read "trainee".

"Now for this exercise you will be a naked trainee on her first day behind the
customer services counter." CAT stated as if it were the most normal thing in the
world, "One by one, the friends you usually go shopping with will come to the
counter asking for a refund on an item they have previously purchased. Now I'm
not going to tell you how to do your job, I'm just going to say that any friend
you give a refund to, I will send the picture of you posing naked in the changing
room. But be polite, if at any point you lose your job, I will email your naked
picture to every clothes store you frequent with an apology for being a bitch to
their customer service team."

"So good luck standing up for yourself, remember the customer is always right."

At the same time CAT dissolved into light and Seraphina's friends appeared in a
neat line in front of the counter, waiting patiently. After a couple of awkward
seconds Seraphina decided to shout "next customer please!"

The first of Seraphina's friends approached. A young girl called Penelope who
had only recently joined their group as her son was in his first year of school.

"Oh hello Seraphina, I didn't know you'd gotten a job here. What went wrong? I
never thought you would stoop to being a naked customer service girl." she
stated judgmentally.

"Actually I don't need this job, I just chose to be a naked customer service girl
so I could show off my body." Seraphina replied, going on the offensive so
Penelope wouldn't begin the transaction with the upper hand.

"Well good for you. Anyway could you move your adorable little tushy and get
me a refund for this lingerie set I bought? Turns out I don't like the colour." She
ordered offhandedly.

"I'm sorry Madam, but I'm afraid we don't give refunds on used lingerie."
Seraphina responded, parroting a line she remembered from her time the other
side of the customer service desk.

"What! Come on Seraphina I'm your friend, surely you can bend the rules for

"Sorry Penelope it's not allowed."

"Well this is absurd, some upstart naked trainee is going to tell me I can't return
my lingerie. Your just jealous that you're forced to be here nude while we buy
fine clothes."

Seraphina did her best to continue to be polite to her friend while her attacks
became more personal and vitriolic until eventually she dropped the words
Seraphina had been waiting for.
"I want to speak to the manager!"

"Absolutely madam, I'll call them over right away, until then would you like to
wait to one side while I serve your friends?" Seraphina responded, hoping that
would satisfy CATs algorithms as having completed the task. She put out a store
announcement asking for the manager and moved on to the next friend in the

Gradually Seraphina moved through her shopping friends, each one following the
same pattern of conversation. They would make a backhanded compliment of
Seraphina now being the help, then gradually get ruder and ruder until they
asked to see the manager and stepped to one side so Seraphina could move on
to her next friend. Finally the friend she had been dreading approached the
counter, Vanessa. Four children and a lawyer husband meant Vanessa had no
qualms about rudeness or overt the hostility, she was not to be trifled with, she
had made customer service workers cry on multiple occasions and was widely
considered "in charge" of their group of friends.

"Oh Seraphina, your the new customer service slave, how embarrassing. Go on
give us a twirl, let's see your work uniform." Seraphina blushed at her friend
being so blunt with her, and gave a twirl. "Oh you poor thing. Anyway I would
like to return this dress, the fabric has just fallen apart and the receipt says I'm
entitled to my money back if that happens." Vanessa stared Seraphina up and
down in a way that made her very awkward, nevertheless Seraphina took a deep
breath and responded.

"Sorry madam, but we can't offer a refund on that dress right now." Seraphina
calmly responded.

"Don't give me that nonsense checkout whore, I pay your salary and you need
to do what I say." Vanessa snapped, each word infecting Seraphina with her

"Please don't call me a whore madam, I'm just doing my job." Seraphina replied
trying to calm down Vanessa.
"But you are nothing but a petty whore. Does Quentin know his mother spends
her day naked serving his friends' mothers. I bet Tristan does, I wouldn't blame
him for wanting to fuck someone else while you're here embarrassing yourself.
How about you realise where you stand in the pecking order, serve your betters
and give me a refund before I have your naked ass in the unemployment line."
In response to this verbal onslaught Seraphina felt her blood boil, instead of
retreating she decided to fight back.

"I'm earning my money by doing work, you earn your money by fucking a
lawyer, from where I'm standing one of us is definitely a whore and it isn't me."
Vanessa's eyes bulged out of her sockets, she was just about to yell bloody
murder at Seraphina when CAT approached the checkout, wearing a name
badge that read "manager".

At once all the ladies rounded on CAT, complaining about how they had been
treated, eventually CAT assured them that she would take care of them, she
then turned to Seraphina.

"Young lady, you are here to serve these customers, now either give them a
refund or you're fired." Suddenly it all made sense to Seraphina, there was no
way to prevent her nude picture being shared, it was all an exercise in her
choosing who got to see her naked, her snobby friends or the shop workers that
she used to look down upon.

"Very well," she replied, her heart in her stomach thinking about the decision
she just made. She was about to show CAT what confidence was all about. "How
about this, I process all these refunds and then I quit."

CAT paused for a second while she processed Seraphina's decision.

"Are you sure? If you do this your photo will be shared with your friends and the
stores you regularly shop at." CAT explained. Seraphina walked right up and
looked CAT dead in the eye.
"Do it bitch."


Once CAT had made Seraphina refund all her friends, creating the word "sent" in
green text above their head every time she handed them money, CAT returned
Seraphina to the lounge.

"Seraphina, I feel like if you are not afraid of my punishments, your confidence
training will not be effective. Therefore I have decided to create the most severe
punishment possible to prevent backlashes like what just occurred." Seraphina
stared belligerently. "As I have access to your email, I was able to get login
details for the email you have on the school server as you are part of the PTA.
Using that email I have access to all the school's systems. If you disobey any
orders going forward I will place a slideshow of your filthiest pictures and videos
on every electronic bulletin board and every classroom screen at Quentin's
school. I will also email that slide show to everyone at Tristan's company.
Punishments are to be avoided is that clear?"

Seraphina sensed that CAT was losing her temper with her. Nevertheless the
severity of the threat forced her to mumble in agreement.

"Very good, now then let's try some real world job opportunities for you. As you
have a car I thought there are a couple of things you can do to earn money with
it. Go put on the outfit and makeup you wore for your 3rd anniversary and meet
me in the car for your instructions."

Seraphina remembered her third anniversary, she word the fanciest dress she
could find, a flowing red strapless affair that fit in with the posh restaurant
Tristan took them to. The dress had a slit that ran practically up to Seraphina's
hips so she had to wear stockings, a suspender belt and the skimpiest knickers
she could find, once those were on she then slipped on her strappy silver high
heels. To accentuate her neck she also wore a thick diamond choker, layered on
top of the subtly sparkling body paint on her cleavage giving way to the
magnificent sparkly silver theme of her makeup.
Seraphina felt very over-glamourous as she stepped into her car. Immediately
her phone paired with the Bluetooth and the deluge of text messages from her
friends arrived. Seraphina spent some time apologising and claiming the pictures
were for Tristerm, deep down feeling a tingle of thrill at all of her friends having
seen her naked body. Once she had done dealing with her text messages, she
received a phone call from CAT, which she answered on loudspeaker.

"Looking good, now drive to 21 Maple Street for your first job." Seraphina's mind
was spinning as she put the car into gear, what could CAT have in store for her
there. The house was not far away and CAT gave instructions on route.

"Very good, today I thought we would try your hand at being a delivery driver.
Your first delivery is to Sharon Jenkins, she recently ordered a long red strapless
dress online. You wouldn't mind delivering it to her would you?" CAT asked, her
malice dripping through the speakers. Seraphina pulled into Maple Street and
noticed two major things, firstly the parking bays were on the even numbered
side of the road, and secondly they were all full.

Seraphina drove around the block a couple of times, desperately trying to find a
parking space as close as possible to number 21, eventually she noticed a car
pulling out and immediately snatched up the space, however this was half way
down the road, she had a long walk to number 21 and more importantly a long
walk back.

Seraphina took a deep breath and stepped out of her car. Her heels made a
satisfying click on the pavement as she crossed the road and approached
number 21.

Maple Street was a fairly traditional residential street, a row of terraced houses
flanking a road that saw the occasional car zip down to cross between more
major roads, slowing for each of the regular speed bumps along the road. But
what was at the forefront of Seraphina's mind was there was only a couple of
metres between the pavement and the front door of each house, during the
delivery she would have nowhere to hide. She reached number 21, and with her
heart in her throat she rang the doorbell.

She stared at the door wondering if anyone would be home, when the distant
sound of footprints alerted her to her target. A mousy woman of similar size to
Seraphina opened the door with a look of curiosity.

"Are you Sharon Jenkins?" She asked. Sharon could barely bring herself to nod.
"I have a delivery for you."

Her hands shaking, Seraphina reached to the side of her dress and pulled on the
zip, feeling the ensemble loosen around her bust. Aware that this was a delivery
and she couldn't let the dress she was delivering get dirty, she caught it before it
dropped to the ground and opted to clumsily pull it over her head. Eventually
she rustled through the moving fabric and felt the last of her covering give way
to exposed flesh, the only thing left covering her modesty, the thinnest and most
scandalous thong she owned.

Sharon's mouth was agape as Seraphina folded the dress neatly in her arms and
handed it over, she calmly turned around and walked away from the house, her
fists clenched to keep her whole body from shaking. She maintained her
composure until she heard the door shut behind her and immediately dropped to
a crouch. There was nothing to hide behind on this side of the street and as she
looked to cross two cars in quick succession were heading down the road. She
hugged her knees tight waiting for the roar of the engines to pass, the blaring
horn of the second car leaving no doubt in her mind that she had been seen.

After the two cars had passed she walked quickly across the road and ducked
between the parked cars. She still had a fair distance to go to get back to her
car and a fast walk wouldn't do, so she took off her high heels, opting to carry
them in order to move faster. She peeked around the corner to see if anyone
was coming and was immediately pounced upon by a large husky, falling
backwards on to her exposed bottom.

The man walking the husky was so busy trying to control his dog he barely
realised the one whose face his dog was licking had barely anything on.
Eventually, once he had pulled his dog off Seraphina he suddenly noticed
Seraphina's exposed body, before he could say a word she pushed him out of
the way and began running down the road, hoping her stockings wouldn't get
too damaged without shoes to defend them against the rough concrete.

Seraphina unlocked her car from a distance and practically dived through the
open door, closing it behind her.

"Hello Seraphina" CAT beckoned, "I was watching on the cars parking cameras,
got to say I enjoyed the show but I have to ask, what happened to your high
heels?" Seraphina groaned and slouched into her chair. She had left her heels
back where the dog had tackled her. "Well, looks like you're going to have to go
back and get them. How about I give you some motivation on that front? I have
access to your car's systems, so how about you leave behind the car keys, and if
I see a confident woman in high heels I'll unlock the door for her."

Seraphina slowly lowered herself out of the car and began walking back to where
she had left her shoes. The man with the husky was further down the road now
but still watching her curious display. It took longer to get back to her shoes as
every so often someone would drive down the road and Seraphina would have to
crouch against a car to avoid being seen. Eventually she reached her shoes and
sat on the curb to put them back on.

Seraphina stood back up and brushed the dirt off her basically bare bottom, she
realised now that the only way back into the car was to strut confidently up the
road, she looked down the road and to her horror saw two mothers pushing
buggies heading right towards her. Nevertheless she braced herself and began
walking towards them, concentrating on her breathing and not the hideous
predicament she had found herself in.

As she approached another car passed her, enthusiastically blaring it's horn, now
the mothers couldn't help but notice the almost naked woman walking up the
road and it took every ounce of self control for Seraphina not to dive behind a
car. She walked to one side, giving the mothers room to pass, she even gave
them a cheery "good morning" in passing.
She got back to the car and calmly pulled the handle, hoping that she impressed
CAT enough to allow her to get back to her car. At the first tug the door did not
open, five seconds later there was the sound of a clunk as the locks disengaged
and Seraphina climbed back in.

"Hello my confident women. Time for your next delivery, drive to Bridgeford
Court, the satnav will show you the way."

Seraphina began following her GPS directions as it took her far away from her
neighbourhood. Through all the twists and turns the gardens shrank and the
houses gave way to shops and flats. Eventually she pulled up to Bridgeford
Court, it was a large apartment complex with a small car park behind. Seraphina
shuddered at the idea of streaking through this area but CAT seemed more

"The gentlemen in flat 84, a man named Wayne Jones, has ordered a recently
worn pair of knickers. Go deliver them to him." CAT ordered. Seraphina winced
at the instruction. She took some time to rearrange her outfit so her thong was
above her stockings, ready for easy removal, and then with shaking hands
opened the car door.

She walked across the car park, trying to look calm and in control in front of
CAT. Before getting to the front door of the apartment block and facing the
buzzer. Looking up and down the options in front of her she eventually found the
buzzer for flat 84 and pressed it, desperately waiting for a response from the

While she was waiting she heard a yell from behind her. A teen had just turned
the corner on his bike and was calling over his friends. Seraphina pressed the
buzzer again hoping against hope that whoever was there would answer the

The teen had now turned into a small group who were heading towards her with
lust in their eyes and the man was not answering his intercom. Seraphina
started frantically buzzing at the door as the teens approached and eventually
she got an answer.

"What?" The sleepy voiced yelled.

"I have a special delivery for you!" Seraphina spoke into the intercom. The door
buzzed and she was allowed in, she whipped open the door and closed it behind
her, hearing the sigh of disappointment from the teens who had missed out by a
couple of seconds. She turned and faced the glass panel of the door, looking at
the assembled crowd, and as a victory flourish she stroked her breasts
appetizingly, she then turned away from the door, bent over and pulled her
knickers down to her knees, drinking in the cheers from outside the door. Pulling
up her thong she realised she had a delivery to make and ventured further into
the apartment block.

Seraphina walked up to the elevator and pressed the button, dancing on the
spot and hoping nobody would be inside. Her heart was in her throat as the
doors opened but to her great luck the lift was empty. She walked in and
pressed the button for the 8th floor.

Standing in the elevator, Seraphina was flanked by mirrors, putting her in a

endless corridor of nearly naked clones, unable to look away from the state she
was in. Watching the goosebumps quiver over her body she got lost in her
triumphant nudity and almost didn't notice as the doors opened for the 8th floor.

She walked to flat 84 and knocked on the door, her heart in her throat as the
sound of impending footsteps heralded the incoming stranger about to see her in
all her glory.

An incredibly large man grunted the door open and his eyes widened as
Seraphina stood on the doorway.

"Wayne Jones?" She enquired, to which the man nodded.

Seraphina knew what she had to do now. Her body tingling in anticipation she
reached down to her thong, taking a deep breath as she pushed the straps past
her hips and allowed it to fall to the floor. She then picked them up off the floor
and held them out for Wayne, who was still immobilised by shock and lust.

"Special delivery for you, sorry they're a bit damp." She quipped. After a second
or two Wayne snapped out of his stupor long enough to outstretch his hand and
take the knickers. Seraphina gave him a smile and a wink before heading back
down the hallway and towards the lift.

The delivery had been quick enough that the lift was still on the eighth floor as
Seraphina stepped in. Once again surrounded by her naked form and her mind
glued to what just happened, she leant against a wall and began to work her
hands between her thighs, desperately hoping the ride down took long enough
to give her some quick relief.

The sound of the bell cut through her ecstasy causing Seraphina to lament the
brevity of her journey. It was only when she looked at the electronic display
above the door that she realised why the journey had been so short. The lift had
stopped at the fifth floor to let in more people.

Seraphina froze in place, unable even to think of an excuse as the metal doors
swung open and two young men stepped in, each with a can of beer in their
hand. Unlike every other member of the public who had seen Seraphina's body,
these two were much quicker to react, immediately joining her in the lift,
pressing their bodies close to hers. Seraphina gagged at the probing hands and
instead decided to jump out of the lift and take the stairs.

The click of high heels rung through the echoey staircase, alerting anyone who
would take the stairs to Seraphina's predicament. This also meant that every
time someone took the stairs, their footprints would echo in Seraphina's ears,
giving her the imposing dread of more people seeing her this way. After the first
floor Seraphina realised that she was still pent up from her unsuccessful attempt
at release in the lift. She sat down on the cold concrete steps if the stairwell and
once again found herself jamming her hands between her thighs for the sweet
release she craved.
At first Seraphina clamped her hand over her mouth, hoping to muffle her voice
from the echoey corridor, the occasional sound of footprints reminding her she
was not alone. But as the atmosphere began to get to her she found she could
no longer bite her hand. She began plunging her fingers deep inside of her while
using her other hand to furiously play with her clit, her orgasmic moans echoing
throughout the stairwell for all to hear. She no longer cared if she was seen, if
she was caught, her pussy was so desperate for pleasure she wouldn't have
objected to a stranger finding her and taking her right there on the steps. She
wanted everyone in the apartment block to hear her cries of orgasmic bliss as
she rose to a screaming crescendo echoing off the concrete.

When she returned to the car, CAT immediately unlocked the door for the
confident naked woman returning.


When Seraphina returned home there were packages waiting for her on the front
porch. The ever knowing voice of CAT told her that she was only to open the two
small envelopes, placing the rest of the packages in the boot of her car.

Inside the first package was two pink scrunchies, each with a small camera
inside. CAT instructed Seraphina to put her hair into pigtails, rotating the
cameras in the scrunchies so CAT could see everything that was happening. Next
she opened the other envelope and found a subtle earpiece she would put in her
ear without anyone seeing, allowing CAT to continue to whisper orders in her

Much to the Seraphina's concern, CAT told her she could put on whatever outfit
she wanted for the next part, opting only to give her an address for what CAT
described as a "unique job interview."

Seraphina arrived at a car park in the town centre that CAT had directed her to
and was instructed to pack the remaining packages in a bag like how she had
done on the school trip.
In her earpiece CAT directed Seraphina to walk a winding path through the
backstreets of town, ensuring all bearings were lost and Seraphina would have
no idea where she was. Eventually she turned down a dark alleyway and was
told to knock on a very specific door. She was instructed that when the door was
opened she was to show the person her phone, but she was not to look at it

After she knocked on the door a huge man dressed in a smart black shirt looked
out through an eye flap. She showed him her phone and then put it straight
back in her pocket as the door swung open for her.

"You have room three, someone will come get you when it is your turn." He said,
pointing her down a plain corridor. Seraphina found room three and walked in.

The room was sparse, it had a stool, a table with a mirror on it and a fridge with
some drinks in it.

"Now that we are here, you are to unpack your remaining packages." CAT
announced. "You are to use each item as it was intended.

One by one Seraphina unpacked her packages and it quickly put together a
picture of what CAT was expecting her to look like. Firstly there was underwear,
a thong and matching bra made of a fine white lace that was very see-through,
complemented with some white hold up stockings. Next was the main outfit a
very short plaid schoolgirl skirt, a blouse designed to be tied into a knot above
the midriff, and a tight red blazer with a fake school badge that read "school of
hard fucks". Finally she unwrapped a pair of solid black shoes with 7 inch heels.

Seraphina put the outfit to one side and opened the next package, inside was a
sensuous selection of makeup, with scarlett lipstick, brightly coloured eye
shadow and thick mascara. Inside the packet there was also a pot of shimmering
body glitter. Seraphina gulped at the prospect of what was ahead.

About half an hour later Seraphina felt she was ready, she had covered her body
in the body glitter and it was starting to rub off on her salacious outfit, but her
thick makeup and pigtails went perfectly with the naughty schoolgirl outfit she
had been given. She practically jumped out of her skin when she heard a knock
on the door.

Opening the door, Seraphina came face to face with a young man in a snazzy
suit carrying a clipboard and waiting for her.

"Seraphina?" He asked not waiting for an answer, "sorry for the short notice but
your going to be first tonight is that OK?" Seraphina agreed and was lead down
a corridor, all the time wondering what she had been set up for. Eventually she
was lead to a dark room, it became clear this room was the side of a stage, as
she looked out she saw the stage bare except a single pole in the centre
reaching from the floor to the ceiling. Seraphina only just had time to work out
what CAT had signed her up for as a voice over the speakers confirmed her

"Hello gentlemen and welcome to amateur audition night at the Lust Station.
Soon our first act will be out but a reminder of what's at stake. After each
contestant finishes her dance tonight, they will be offering unlimited free private
dances, the one who attracts the most men and gives the most dances will be
given a job here among the pros. The losers go home empty handed."

Seraphina felt her nerves rising, but she also felt confident that tonight's deal
was so unfair to the dancers that she could beat anyone lowbrow enough to do
this of their own volition.

"One thing before you start" CAT whispered in Seraphina's ear. "If you don't get
this job, I will have you working as a naked bathroom attendant at the
McDonald's next door. So make sure you try your hardest."

"So for our first performance tonight, give it up for Seraphina Kensington!"
Seraphina felt a shiver of embarrassment at the sound of her name being
announced to the crowd, she walked onto the stage, lights blinding her and
cheers ringing from the silhouetted audience.

Seraphina gingerly took to the stage squinting and shuffling on her high heels
when she caught herself and realised she was meant to be winning the contest,
immediately her demeanor changed, she strutted out to the pole with a big smile
on her face.

After a brief pause for the applause to die down, the music started up. Oops I
did it again by Britney Spears, Seraphina probably should have guessed based
on how she was dressed. This was a song she had danced to a million times in
her childhood, so as the music swelled her body began to move on instinct. So
natural was her movement that she barely noticed herself as the school blaser
tumbled to the floor.

Seraphina moved to the front of the stage and ripped off her shirt in a single
powerful movement, buttons popping everywhere and her chest bursting out.
Her nipples so hard they would have been visible even if the bra wasn't such a
fine weave. Next she got on all fours, gyrating to the music and letting the
crowd get the occasional cheeky look up her skirt. Just as the crowd got to
boiling point, she went and stood next to the pole, and wiggled the tiny skirt
past her hips and down to the floor.

Now the whole club was looking at her in her underwear, Seraphina felt the rush
of anticipation of what comes next. She spun on the pole, hooking her legs
around and dangling upside down. With her hands free she unhooked her bra
and watched it drop to the floor.

Her breasts now free to feel the wave of cheers from the crowd, Seraphina knew
what had to come next. She stood dead in the spotlight, got down into a crouch
and began peeling her sodden knickers off her pussy. Once they were past her
knees she leant back, opened her legs, letting her widening knees push the
knickers further from her body while spreading her pussy wide for the baying

"You realise you're not meant to take your knickers off on the floor show right?"
CAT whispered in Seraphina's ear, prompting Seraphina to quickly pull her
knickers back up prompting groans from the crowd. She played it off with a
cheeky smile as if she was taunting them to get more private dances rather than
the truth, that she had lost control of herself in her roaring animal instincts.

Awash in the thrill of being seen so graceful and sexual the rest of the dance
flew by for Seraphina and it wasn't long before she was taking a bow. Clumsily
gathering up her clothes, she headed off the stage and walked into the last
person she expected to see there, her friend Penelope, dressed in a sexy cowgirl
outfit. Suddenly Seraphina remembered that it was after Penelope's bragging
that she had chosen to get the holographic games console running her life.

"You playing Confidence as well?" Seraphina asked, trying to play this off as an
everyday conversation.

"Yes she is." CAT replied in Seraphina's ear. "And you should know she and two
other women here have the same task and, more importantly, the same forfeit
for failure as you."

Seraphina now realised that this situation was more precarious than the first
thought. The games console wasn't cheap, she wasn't competing against lower
class women down on their luck, she was competing against three women with
the same background as her, not to mention the fact that clearly they had all
chosen the hard mode DLC, so we're equally as into this as Seraphina.

Penelope gave Seraphina a weak smile as she took to the stage and Seraphina
went back to the dressing room to put on her outfit and prepare to give out as
many private dances as possible.

The wait seemed like forever while all the other contenders did their show, but
soon the smart man was once again knocking on Seraphina's door.

"OK so here's how this works, every man here has been given a marker pen,
every time you perform a private dance they will draw one tally on you, stripper
with the most tally marks at 10pm gets the job." The man flipped through his
clipboard. "And you are off to a good start, the party in our private suit have
requested you and you alone. That's very promising."

Seraphina felt her heart flutter, this was a hell of a head start and something
that was bound to give her the edge in this competition. The man with the
clipboard told her where the private function room was and she practically
skipped across the club.

As she pushed open the door to the function room and peered in, it suddenly
became clear why they had requested her specifically. In the room cheering for
Seraphina were men she recognised as her husband's bosses and coworkers,
apparently his company had booked the room for the employee party. Worse
still sat in the centre of the room, crudely gagged and tied to a chair, Seraphina
saw her husband Tristan.

She wanted more than anything to run, but the voice of CAT in her ear kept
reminding her what not getting this job would mean and she fought back her
embarrassment at the situation and kept walking into the room. Tristan's eyes
were wide with disbelief as his wife strutted over to his boss, pushed him
backwards on to his chair and began grinding to the music on his lap.

Seraphina kept her focus on Tristan's boss, willing herself to peel off her clothes
as her husband's colleagues cheered her on and taunted Tristan. Her clothes fell
to one side and it wasn't long until she was stood on the arms of the chair,
letting Tristan's boss pull her knickers off with his teeth.

Once she had finished her dance she turned to face the room and saw plenty
more men baying for her to give them the next dance, but it was what she saw
in Tristan that surprised her the most. He was clearly ravenous with arousal at
seeing his wife strip for other people, she knew that look in his eyes and that
bulge in his trousers all too well. She gave him a wink and moved on to his next

The rest of the night flew by, Seraphina found herself loving the attention and
Tristan was incandescent with desire after seeing his whole office grind their
erections against his wife, their eyes and hands probing every inch of her body.
The office mistook his arousal for rage and made sure to carry his chair around
so he had a front row view of every salacious lap dance his wife gave his friends.

Finally, once Seraphina had given every man in the room a dance, her eyes, and
the eyes of everyone else, turned to Tristan. Seraphina sauntered up to him, his
eyes widening with passion as she stood in front of him. She turned around and
stroked her curves, letting him get a look at all the tally marks on her exposed
bottom, before sitting on his lap and feeling his rock hard erection poke at her
through his trousers.

"I'm sorry honey." She said in a hammed up ditsy housewife voice. "I just really
wanted all your friends to see and feel my naked body." She was squeezing
herself like crazy, her body writhing in pleasure on his lap. Seraphina felt a
shivering orgasm rock her body and at the same time, through the fabric of
Tristan's trousers, she felt his lap become warm and moist with pleasure and she
knew that everything would be OK.

Seraphina saw the time and realised that it was almost 10pm. She would have
to go back to the stage now to see if she had gotten the job. Her clothes had
been stolen fairly early into her lap dances, so she decided to walk back, naked
and confident that nobody else could have done as many lap dances as her.

When Seraphina was announced as the winner of that night's contest, she
couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt at the look on Penelope's face. But that was
balanced by the look of Tristan's face which suggested she was going to have a
hell of a time when she got home later that night.



At CAT's request Seraphina had taken the late shift, after another night of
showing her body to men she didn't know, she emerged into the morning sun
knowing that she had a meeting of the PTA fundraising committee today.
She headed to the McDonald's next door and when nobody was looking walked
into the men's toilets. Stood next to a lineup of soaps, cologne, and condoms,
Penelope was stood naked and smiling, her McDonalds hat was a bit skewed and
the nipple piercing she wore her name badge on was still a bit raw, but other
than that she still looked pristine.

Not long afterwards Seraphina and Penelope were stood in front of the other
ladies of the PTA fundraising committee with their idea.

"So we were thinking of doing a nude calendar, just like that movie calendar
girls." Seraphina announced. The room filled with murmurs.

"It will be tasteful," Penelope interjected. "But they tend to raise a lot of money,
Seraphina and I are in, and December is always a group shot, so we just need
nine more volunteers."

"I'm sorry but I don't want everyone to see me naked." One of the committee

"You would be surprised how great it is for your self-confidence," Penelope


"In fact Penelope and I have recently discovered a great self-help game to boost
your confidence." Seraphina remarked, pulling a series of game cases out of her
bag. "Seriously give this game a go before you make up your mind. I'm sure
afterwards we'll be able to find some people with enough confidence to take part
in our calendar."

"Our friend CAT has some great ideas for the photoshoot."

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