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What is Counselling?

• It comes from Latin word “Consilium” means Advice.

• There are different types, kinds, and formats of counselling.

• Some are direct action, teaching and advising and some are not.

This presentation will focus on the counselling that is not direct, nor advise or
teaching based.

• It is a process where an individual, couple, family, or a group meets with

a trained professional counsellor to discuss or talk about issues and problems
that they are facing in their lives in a peaceful, safe and non-threatening
environment or space.

• This process should be confidential and non judgemental.

Another definition of counselling is:

• Counselling is a type of talking therapy that allows a person to talk about

his/her problems and feelings in a confidential and dependable

• The counsellor is trained to listen with empathy to the problems and help
that person to deal with negative thoughts and feelings of that person.

There are different types of counselling:

• Individual counselling: Focuses mainly on improving one’s mental health.

• Family counselling: A family works together on complex family dynamics to

work on strengthening relationships and wellbeing of the client.

• Couples counselling: Focuses on assisting couples in overcoming conflicts

and adjustment issues to work on strengthening healthy relationship.

• Group counselling: Facilitates discussion and common mental health

issues in a group setup.
What does counselling offer:

• Counselling can provide people with the opportunity to share their

views, listening and gain a new perspective on the situation.

• The role of a counsellor does not limit to suggesting doing this or do that
but support the clients to speak about the problems in details to identify the
primary cause behind it.

• It also guides clients to develop an action plan to help them to cope with
the issues, find a resolution or gain clarity of issues.

• The client and the counsellor work together to set realistic future goals
and achieve the desired outcome.

Why is counselling needed:

• Effective counselling can provide and make a profound impact on the

lives of individuals, families, and communities.

• This modality helps people negotiate difficult life situations: such as

death of a loved one, divorce, natural disaster, school stress and loss of a job to
name a few.

• Counselling is aimed at helping the client in solving problem that are

already present, preventing the occurrence the same in future and enhancing
personal, social, emotional, educational, and vocational development.

• Counselling can be remedial, preventive, and developmental in nature.
Role of a counsellor:

• Counsellor offers help, support, gives suggestions and offer new

perspectives on client’s issues.

• Helps to clarify the problems and identifies different options.

• Helps to set a goal / target which is Specific , Measurable, Achievable,

Realistic and Time bound.

• Helps to work out what the client hopes to achieve and how to

• Provides support and advice / suggestions as the client works towards


Goals of a counsellor:

• Allows the client to vent their feelings in a safe and non-threatening


• Helps the client to see the problem in a realistic way without being
carried away by emotions and improve decision making.

• Helps the client to choose possible options that seems good for them to
prevent reoccurrence of same issue.

• Helps to make the client fully functional and productive individual from
feeling as a patient to human excellence.

• Helps to-get out of the present problematic situation and rediscover the
potentials of client.

• Helps to achieve positive mental health and personal effectiveness.

• Facilitates changing thought patterns and behaviour modification.

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