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(Short Notes)

Tarun Sir
Bacteria – Sole member
Habitat– Desert, Snow, Deep ocean (everywhere)
Shape – Coccus, Bacillus, (Most common) Vibrio, Spirillum
Glycocalyx Slime layer – Loose
(mucopolysaccharide) Capsule – thick, tough
Cell wall Peptidoglycan (NAG + NAN + chain of amino acid
Cell membrane Lipid by layer (Similar to eukaryotes)
Mesosomes In folding of cell membrane, tubule, vesicle, lamellae,
Cell wall formation secretion process, respiration, DNA replication
Chromatophore Chl a present, infolding only in cyanobacteria
Flagella present in motile cell – Hook, basal body, filament,
Absent in – cyanobacteria, and coccus
Pilli Less numerous, tubular shape
Fimbriae Bristle shape, Attachment
Plasmid Circular, double stranded, self-replicating, extra chromosomal (non-essential
features- ex- Ti plasmid – Agrobacterium,
R – plasmid – Antibiotics resistance
Nucleoid Genomic DNA, essential genes present, single chromosome, circular, histone
Ribosome 70S type, associate with plasma membrane form polyribosome
Inclusion bodies Role Storage, without membrane, insoluble form,
 Glycogen granule, sulfurgranule,
 Phosphorus granule, gas vacuole (Cyanobacteria green sulfur bacteria)
 Cyanophycean granule

Nutrition - Autotrophic
Chemoautotrophic Oxidation of inorganic compound, Recycling of Fe, S, N, P
Exp. Nitrifying bacteria (Nitrobacter, Nitrosomonas
Photoautotrophic Chl a and PS II present, Break H2O, Obxygeny product – oxygenic
Example -Cyanobacteria
Anoxygenic – not use H2, Chlorophyll absent, green sulfur bacteria, purple sulfur
bacteria ,Green non-Sulphur bacteria ,purple non-Sulphur bacteria

Saprophytic Example- Lactobacillus (most abundant bacteria)
Symbiotic Example - Rhizobium, Frankia
Parasitic Citrus canker, typhoid, cholera, tetanus (Disease)

Asexual Favorable – Fission, Unfavorable – Spore formation
Sexual -three type Some primitive mode of DNA transfer
Transformation DNA enter from medium
Transduction Transfer from one bacterium to other by virus
Conjugation Bacteria to bacteria plasmid (F-plasmid) transfer by conjugation tube
Type of Bacteria
Archaebacteria Differ in cell wall, 16s rRNA and cell membrane from eubacteria
Methanogen Anaerobic, produce methane
Halophile High salt conc.
Thermoacidophile Living acid (H2SO4)
(Thermusaquaticus High temp. 80°C
Cyanobacteria Fresh water, marine, moist soil, Unicellular, Filamentous, colonial
Chl a on Chromatophore, Cyanophycean Granule, Flagella absent, Blooms in
polluted water
Example-. Nostoc, Anabaena, Oscillatoria, Spirulina

Mycoplasma No cell wall, smallest size, Parasitic on plant or animal

Feature – Unicellular, eukaryotes, well defined nucleus, autotrophic (oxygenic) and Heterotrophic
Flagella – 9 + (2) type, Membrane bound organelle, fusion to form zygote, meiosis present

Chrysophytes Dinoflagellates Eugleinoids

Habitat Diatoms and desmid (golden Marine water Fresh water (stagnant)
algae)Marine water and fresh
Flagella Float passively – no flagella Two flagella, longitudinal Two unequal flagella apical
and transverse
Cell wall Cellulose cell wall + silica Stiff cellulose plate Cell wall absent and protein
(overlapping) shell like soap pellicle present
Pigment Chl a mainly Chl a and phycoerythrin Chl a and Chl b – like higher
Nutrition Oxygenic Oxygenic Photosynthetic (oxygenic) +
Diatomaceous earth Rapid multiplication Predator (in absence of light)
(indestructible cell wall) Form red tide (sea appear
Chief producer – ocean rod), Toxins release
,filtration, polishing

Saprophytic protist
Slime mould – Saprophytic, main stage – plasmodium, grow on decaying twig

Grow in several Fruiting body

Zygote Plasmodium Unfavorable
feet condition

Disperse by Air
Spore produces
Protzoan – Predator and Parasitic

Amoeboid Flagellated Ciliated Sporozoans

Fresh water + Marine Free living or parasitic Aquatic Thousands of Spore stage present
waterPseudopodia (to Have flagella cilia Gullet – open Exp. Plasmodium
capture prey and Disease – sleeping outside cell surface
movement) sickness(Trypanosoma) Exp. Paramaecium
Marine form have silica

Moist humid place, mainly filamentous (except yeast), network of hyphae is mycelium,
Hyphae (Two type) – Aseptate, multinucleated coenocytic orseptate and branched
Cell wall – Chitin (mainly) and polysaccharide Nutrition-Saprophytic – main nutrition, Parasitic
Symbiotic – mycorrhizae (root of higher plant), Lichen – Fungi + Algae
Reproduction – Vegetative – Fission, budding, Fragmentation Asexual – Byspore, (Conidia and sporangiospore)
Sexual steps – Plasmogamy – (Dikaryon form) Karyogamy (Zygote form), Meiosis – (spore form)
Basis of classification-fruting body, spore(sexual) , fruiting body(sexual)

Algae Phycomycetes Ascomycetes Basidiomycetes

Habitat Some aquatic and parasitic Decomposer Decomposer
Hyphae Aseptate Septate branched Septate branched
Vegetative Fragmentation Fragmentation fission budding Fragmentation
Asexual spore Endogenous (motile and non- Exogenous – conidia (on Absent
motile) conidiophore)
Sexual spore Endogamous (dikaryon not Dikaryon visible Endogenous Delayed karyogamy,
visible) zygospore show meiosis inside Ascus develop on Basidiocarp have basidium
ascocarp (Spore – ascospore) develop basidiospore by
karyogamy and
Exp. Albugo(white rust Exp. Yeast (non-filamentous) Exp. Toad stool, puff ball
crucifer) Claviceps (LSD) Agaricus-edible
Rhizopus, mucor Aspergillus (Aflatoxin, citric ustilago, smut,
acid)Penicillium (Morels and Puccinia - Rust
truffles (edible)
Neurospora (Biochemical and
genetic studies

Deuteromycetes – Perfect (sexual) stage absent, septate and branched, Mineral cycling, conidia present, fragmentation
Ex. Trichoderma, Colletotrichum, Alternaria
Acellular and non-cellular, not find place in classification, obligate parasite, intracellular parasite, enzyme present but no
pathway First discover virus – TMV

Pasture Term virus

Ivanowsky (1892) Mosaic disease to tobacco, virus pass through bacterial proof filter
Beijerinek (1898) Structure of infected plant, cause fresh infection, contagium, vivumfluidum
Stanley (1935) Crystallise virus

Virus Protein coat + Genetic material

Protein coat Unit capsomere, Helical or polyhedral
Genetic material Bacteriophage – ds DNA
Plant virus – ss DNA
Animal virus + ds DNA, ss RNA ds DNA,
TMV, HIV, Mumps, Influenzae – ss RNA
Herpes, Small pox – Ds DNA
Viroids T. O Diener – 1971
ss RNA, no protein coat, low M.W., Potato spindle tuber disease
Prions Protein only, problem in folding, size equal to virus, Mad cow disease, CJD
Lichens Mycobiont (Fungi)– 90%, Mineral and water absorb, provide shelter
Phycobiont (Algae)– single cell algae,
Pollution indicator (SO2 pollution) not growing polluted area
Mycorrhizae (Plant Absorb phosphorus mainly, genus of fungi – Glomus,
root) + Fungi Gymnosperm – Pinus – Ectomycorrhiza
Angiosperm – orchid – endo mycorrhizae

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