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36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:50: Startup

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:50: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:50: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:50: instance MA==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:50: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:50: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:50: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:50: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:50: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:50: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:51: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:51: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:51: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:51: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: resume -> enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54:
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Error reading file:
BCC163AA93BE/Documents/key_mapping.json (Absolute)
com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException: Error reading file:
BCC163AA93BE/Documents/key_mapping.json (Absolute)
at com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle.read(FileHandle.java:149)
at com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle.reader(FileHandle.java:169)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.util.Files.readTextFile(Files.java:57)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.util.Files.readTextFile(Files.java:73)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$4.run(LoadingStage.java:181)
at io.blueflower.stapel2d.gamestack.GameStack.update(GameStack.java:154)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.TheoTownX.render(TheoTownX.kt:179)
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.iosrobovm.IOSGraphics.draw(IOSGraphics.java:265)
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.iosrobovm.IOSGraphics$1.$cb$drawRect$
at org.robovm.apple.uikit.UIApplication.main(Native Method)
at org.robovm.apple.uikit.UIApplication.main(UIApplication.java:433)
at io.blueflower.theotown.aios.IOSLauncher.main(IOSLauncher.java:300)
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException:
BCC163AA93BE/Documents/key_mapping.json: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:409)
at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:78)
at com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle.read(FileHandle.java:146)
... 15 more
Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or
at libcore.io.Posix.open(Native Method)
at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.open(BlockGuardOs.java:110)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.open(IoBridge.java:393)
... 17 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: Max texture size 4096

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:54: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:55: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:55: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:55: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:55: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:55: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:56: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:57: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:56:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 09:57:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:00:18: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:00:18: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:00:18: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:00:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:00:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:00:26: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:00:26: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:00:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:00:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:00:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:11: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:11: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:11: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:11: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:11: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: leave GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: drop GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:22: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:22: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:26: instance MTA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:57: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:57: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:57: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:02:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:01: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:01: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:06: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:06: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:03:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:31: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:31: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:31: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:43: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:57: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:57: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:05:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:08: instance MTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:08: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:08: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:08: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:13: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:13: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:06:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:09: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:09: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:51: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:51: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:51: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:51: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:51: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:56: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:56: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:56: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:56: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:56: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:07:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:52: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:52: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:52: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:53: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:53: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:57: leave GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:57: drop GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:57: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:57: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:57: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:58: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:58: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:58: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:08:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:09:01: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:09:01: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:09:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:09:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:09:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:13: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:13: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:13: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:17: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:18: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:19: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:19: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:19: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:11:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:12:55: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:12:55: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:12:55: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:12:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:12:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:13:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:13:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:13:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:13:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:13:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:14:31: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:14:31: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:14:31: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:14:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:14:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:14:31: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:14:31: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:14:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:14:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:14:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:16:55: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:16:55: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:16:55: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:16:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:16:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:20: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:20: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:20: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:21: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:21: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:17:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:19:48: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:19:48: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:19:48: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:19:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:19:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:19:48: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:19:48: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:19:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:19:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:19:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:15: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:15: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:15: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:17: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:33: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:33: prepare SpecialOfferStage:
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:33: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:34: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:34: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:35: bind FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:35: prepare FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:35: enter FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:36: leave FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:36: drop FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:20:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:24:57: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:24:57: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:24:57: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:24:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:24:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:24:57: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:24:57: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:24:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:24:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:24:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:25:58: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:25:58: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:25:58: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:25:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:25:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:04: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:04: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:04: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:41: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:41: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:41: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:43: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:43: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:45: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:45: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:45: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:46: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:46: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:56: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:56: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:56: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:58: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:58: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:26:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:27:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:27:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:27:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:27:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:27:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:27:38: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:27:38: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:27:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:27:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:27:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:17: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:17: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:17: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:17: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:17: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:32: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:32: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:32: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:49: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:49: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:49: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:51: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:51: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:53: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:53: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:53: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:30:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:31:08: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:31:08: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:31:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:31:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:31:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:31:27: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:02: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:02: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: instance MTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:03: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:04: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:05: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:05: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:05: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:05: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:05: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: instance MTE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: instance MTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:16: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:16: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:16: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:25: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:25: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:25: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:45:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:32: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:32: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:32: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:47: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:47: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:46:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:47:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:47:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:47:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:47:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:47:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:47:09: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:47:09: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:47:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:47:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:47:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:41: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:41: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:41: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:41: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:45: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:45: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:48:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:49:56: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:49:56: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:49:56: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:49:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:49:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:00: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:00: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:32: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:32: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:32: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:43: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:43: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:50:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:09: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:09: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:09: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:19: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:20: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:21: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:24: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:29: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:31: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:56: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:56: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:56: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:51:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:10: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:44: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:44: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:44: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:52:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:53:54: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:53:54: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:53:54: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:53:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:53:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:53:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:53:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:53:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:53:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:53:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:56:06: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:56:06: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:56:06: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:56:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:56:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:56:13: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:56:13: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:56:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:56:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:56:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:57:53: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:57:53: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:57:53: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:57:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:57:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:57:53: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:57:53: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:57:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:57:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:57:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:58:07: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:58:07: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:58:07: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:58:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:58:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:58:11: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:58:11: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:58:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 10:59:08: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:22: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:23: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:25: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:26: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:26: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:26: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:26: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:26: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:26: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:27: instance MTM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: prepare SpecialOfferStage:
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:29: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:29: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:29: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:26:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:27:51: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:28:21: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:28:21: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:28:21: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:28:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:28:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:29:26: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:21: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:21: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:21: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:25: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:25: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:25: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:27: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:27: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:32:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:33:09: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:33:46: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:33:46: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:33:46: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:33:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:33:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 14:33:58: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:54: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:55: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:57: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:57: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:58: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:58: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:58: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:58: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:58: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:58: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: instance MTM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: prepare SpecialOfferStage:
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:13:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:01: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:01: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:07: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:07: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:24: Download
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.ConfigManager$$Lambda$1.run(Unknown
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:25: Backend

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 14 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:14:25: General

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 14 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:27: bind CityInfoStage

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:27: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:27: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:29: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:29: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:29: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:56: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:56: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:56: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:58: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:58: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:15:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:16:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:16:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:16:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:16:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:16:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:16:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:16:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:16:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:16:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:16:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:18:57: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:18:57: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:18:57: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:18:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:18:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:18:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:18:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:18:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:18:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:18:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:01: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:01: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:01: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:01: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:01: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 16:19:03: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:49:38: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:49:38: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:49:38: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:51:25: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:51:25: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:51:25: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:51:26: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:51:26: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:51:26: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:51:26: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:51:26: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/21 17:51:26: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:08: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:08: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:08: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:08: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:08: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:08: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:08: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:08: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:09: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:09: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:09: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:09: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:09: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:10: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:11: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:11: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:11: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:11: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:11: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: instance MTM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:20: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:20: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:12:22: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:36:54: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:36:54: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:36:54: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:36:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:36:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:37:09: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:37:09: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:37:09: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:37:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:37:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:37:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:37:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:37:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:37:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:37:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:38:00: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:38:00: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:38:00: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:38:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:38:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:38:20: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:38:20: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:38:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:38:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:38:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:12: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:12: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:12: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:13: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:13: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:36: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:36: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:36: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:57: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:57: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:57: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:57: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:57: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:57: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:39:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:40:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:40:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:40:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:40:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:40:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:41:37: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:41:37: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:41:37: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:41:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:41:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:07: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:07: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:07: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:07: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:07: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:08: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:08: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:42:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:43:46: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:43:46: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:43:46: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:43:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:43:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:43:46: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:43:46: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:43:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:43:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:43:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:44:17: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:44:17: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:44:17: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:44:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:44:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:44:19: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:44:19: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:44:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:44:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:44:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:24: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:24: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:24: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:27: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:27: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:34: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:34: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:34: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:34: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:34: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:36: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:37: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:37: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:37: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:38: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:47:38: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:13: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:13: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:15: instance MTY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:15: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:15: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:15: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:35: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:35: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:40: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:40: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:40: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:43: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:43: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:48:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:50: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:50: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:50: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:53: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:53: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:53: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:53: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:53: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:53: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:49:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:50:34: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:50:34: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:50:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:50:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:50:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:12: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:12: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:12: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:21: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:21: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:21: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:23: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:23: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:52:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:53:26: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:53:26: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:53:26: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:53:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:53:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:53:28: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:53:28: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:53:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:53:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:53:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:06: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:06: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:06: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:06: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:06: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:38: instance MTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:39: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:39: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:39: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:42: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:42: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:54:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:03: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:03: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:03: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:03: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:03: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:18: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:48: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:48: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:48: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:55:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:59:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:59:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:59:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:59:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 11:59:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:00: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:00: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:01: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:01: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:01: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:04: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:04: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:04: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:08: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:09: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:09: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:09: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:09: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:00:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:03:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:03:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:03:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:03:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:03:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:03:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:03:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:03:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:03:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:03:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:02: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:02: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:09: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:09: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:42: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:42: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:42: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:51: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:51: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:04:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:05:36: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:05:36: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:05:36: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:05:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:05:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:05:36: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:05:36: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:05:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:05:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:05:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:06:38: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:06:38: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:06:38: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:06:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:06:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:06:56: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:06:56: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:06:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:06:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:06:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:37: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:37: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:37: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:43: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:43: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:43: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:43: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:43: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:43: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:07:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:17: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:21: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:21: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:38: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:38: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:38: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:39: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:39: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:08:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:29: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:29: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:47: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:47: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:47: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:48: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:50: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:50: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:10:59: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:00: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:00: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:00: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:01: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:01: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:01: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:41: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:41: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:41: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:42: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:42: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:50: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:50: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:50: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:50: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:50: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:11:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:14:47: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:14:48: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:14:48: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:14:48: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:14:49: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:14:49: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:14:49: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:14:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:14:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:38: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:38: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:38: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:43: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:43: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:45: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:47: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:47: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:47: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:48: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:48: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:48: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:49: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:49: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:49: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:17:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:02: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:02: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:17: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:17: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:30: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:30: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:30: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:31: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:31: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:31: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 12:20:55: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:30:40: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:30:40: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:30:40: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:30:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:30:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:26: instance Mjg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:29: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:29: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:30: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:30: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:30: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:30: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:30: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:30: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:31:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:08: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:08: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:45: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:45: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:45: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:46: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:46: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:32:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:36:26: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:36:26: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:36:26: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:36:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:36:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:36:26: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:36:26: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:36:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:36:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:36:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:27: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:27: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:27: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:29: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:29: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:29: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:29: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:39:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:40:21: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:40:21: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:40:21: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:40:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:40:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:40:23: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:40:23: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:40:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:40:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:40:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:41:35: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:41:35: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:41:35: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:41:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:41:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:41:35: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:41:35: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:41:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:41:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:41:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:13: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:13: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:13: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:20: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:40: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:40: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:40: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:43:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:45:49: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:45:49: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:45:49: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:45:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:45:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:45:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:45:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:45:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:45:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:45:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:33: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:33: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:33: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:47: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:47: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:52: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:52: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:52: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:53: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:53: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:46:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:48:02: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:53:43: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:53:43: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:53:43: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:53:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:53:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:56:27: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:42: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:42: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:42: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:51: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:51: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:51: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 13:57:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:01:11: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:07:00: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:07:00: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:07:00: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:07:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:07:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:09:36: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:20: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:20: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:20: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:25: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:25: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:25: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:26: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:26: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:11:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:12:32: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:12:34: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:12:34: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:12:34: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:12:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:12:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:13:22: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:13:22: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:13:22: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:13:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:13:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:13:23: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:13:23: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:13:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:13:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:13:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:14:07: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:14:07: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:14:07: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:14:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:14:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:14:11: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:14:11: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:14:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:14:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:14:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:15:31: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:20:58: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:20:58: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:20:58: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:20:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:20:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:21:27: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:21:27: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:21:27: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:21:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:21:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:21:29: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:21:29: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:21:29: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:21:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:21:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:24:25: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:41: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:41: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:41: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:42: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:43: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:43: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:43: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:28:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:35: instance MzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:35: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:35: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:35: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:53: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:53: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:32:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:57: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:57: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:57: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:57: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:57: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:33:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:02: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:02: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:02: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:02: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:02: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:36: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:36: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:34:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:37:57: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:37:57: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:37:57: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:37:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:37:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:37:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:37:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:37:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:37:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:37:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:03: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:03: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:03: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:04: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:06: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:06: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:38:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:35: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:35: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:35: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:35: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:35: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:48: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:48: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:48: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:55: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:55: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:39:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:48: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:48: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:48: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:50: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:50: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:50: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:50: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:50: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:50: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:40:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:41:23: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:41:23: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:41:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:41:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:41:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:43:06: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:43:06: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:43:06: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:43:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:43:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:43:12: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:43:12: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:43:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:43:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:43:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:58: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:58: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:58: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:44:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:01: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:01: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:01: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:03: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:03: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:03: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:03: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:03: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:03: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:45:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:16: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:16: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:16: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:19: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:19: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:19: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:19: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:19: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:19: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:46:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:17: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:17: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:35: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:35: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:35: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:35: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:35: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:47: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:47: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:47: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:58: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:59: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:47:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:04: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:04: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:04: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:04: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:04: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:09: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:09: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:48:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:49:00: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:49:01: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:49:01: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:49:01: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:49:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:49:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:20: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:20: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:20: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:42: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:42: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:52:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:45: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:45: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:45: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:46: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:47: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:48: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:51: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:51: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:53: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:53: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:54: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:55: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:53:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:21: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:21: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:21: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:22: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:42: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:42: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:42: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:42: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:42: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:54:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:58:06: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:58:47: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:58:47: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:58:47: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:58:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 14:58:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:02:11: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:02:11: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:02:11: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:02:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:02:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:02:12: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:02:12: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:02:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:02:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:02:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:03:49: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:03:49: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:03:49: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:03:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:03:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:03:49: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:03:49: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:03:49: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:03:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:03:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:08:56: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:08:56: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:08:56: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:08:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:08:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:08:56: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:08:56: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:08:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:08:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:08:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:09:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:09:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:09:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:09:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:09:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:09:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:09:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:09:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:09:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:09:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:18: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:18: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:18: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:18: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:38: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:38: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:10:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: leave GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: drop GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:56: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:56: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:56: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:56: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:56: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:56: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:11:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:23: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:23: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:23: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:26: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:26: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:13:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:18:29: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:18:29: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:18:29: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:18:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:18:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:18:29: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:18:29: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:18:29: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:18:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:18:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:21:41: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:21:41: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:21:41: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:21:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:21:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:21:42: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:21:42: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:21:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:21:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:21:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:22:02: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:22:02: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:22:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:22:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:22:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:22:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:22:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:22:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:22:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:22:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:23:09: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:29:37: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:29:37: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:29:37: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:29:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:29:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:30:26: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:30:26: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:30:26: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:30:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:30:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:30:28: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:30:28: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:30:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:30:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:30:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:31:32: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:31:32: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:31:32: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:31:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:31:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:31:34: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:31:34: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:31:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:31:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:31:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:19: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:19: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:19: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:25: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:25: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:25: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:27: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:27: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:28: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:28: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:33:45: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:34:01: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:34:01: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:34:01: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:34:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:34:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:36:53: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:36:53: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:36:53: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:36:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:36:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:36:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:36:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:36:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:36:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:36:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:37:35: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:37:43: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:37:43: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:37:43: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:37:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:37:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:38:43: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:42:13: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:42:13: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:42:14: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:42:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:42:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:43:27: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:43:33: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:43:33: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:43:33: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:43:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:43:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:46:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:46:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:46:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:46:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:46:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:46:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:46:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:46:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:46:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:46:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:15: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:15: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:15: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:18: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:18: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:36: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:36: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:47:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:14: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:15: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:15: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:15: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:24: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:32: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:32: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:32: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:48:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:49:12: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:49:44: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:49:44: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:49:44: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:49:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:49:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:52:49: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:53:23: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:53:23: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:53:23: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:53:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:53:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:54:46: bind FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:54:46: prepare FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:54:46: enter FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:54:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:54:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:54:48: leave FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:54:48: drop FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:54:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:54:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:54:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 15:55:01: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:00: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:00: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:00: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:27: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:27: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:27: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:36: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:36: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:10:42: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:09: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:09: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:09: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:09: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:09: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:09: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:09: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:09: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:09: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:10: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:11: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:11: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:11: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:11: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:11: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:11: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:12: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:12: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:12: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:12: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: instance MzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: leave GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: drop GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: leave GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: drop GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:31:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:18: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:18: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:18: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:19: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:19: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:19: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:19: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:32:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:33:31: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:33:31: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:33:31: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:33:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:33:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:33:33: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:33:33: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:33:33: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:33:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:33:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:35:45: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:39:53: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:39:53: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:39:53: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:39:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:39:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:43:22: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:47:15: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:47:15: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:47:16: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:47:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:47:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:49:40: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:49:44: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:49:44: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:49:44: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:49:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:49:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:54:42: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:54:42: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:54:42: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:54:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:54:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:54:42: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:54:42: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:54:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:54:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:54:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:56:24: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:26: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:26: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:26: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:30: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:30: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:30: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:36: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:36: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:57:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:58:07: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:58:07: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:58:07: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:58:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:58:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:58:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:58:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:58:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:58:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 16:58:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:01:31: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:01:31: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:01:31: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:01:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:01:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:01:33: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:01:33: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:01:33: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:01:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:01:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:02:35: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:02:35: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:02:35: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:02:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:02:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:02:36: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:02:36: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:02:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:02:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:02:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: leave GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: drop GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:15: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:15: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:15: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:20: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:20: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:04:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:05:18: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:05:18: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:05:18: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:05:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:05:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:05:20: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:05:20: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:05:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:05:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:05:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:09:18: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:09:18: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:09:18: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:09:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:09:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:09:18: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:09:18: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:09:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:09:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:09:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:11:48: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:11:48: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:11:48: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:11:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:11:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:11:49: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:11:49: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:11:49: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:11:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:11:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:14:19: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:14:19: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:14:19: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:14:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:14:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:14:19: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:14:19: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:14:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:14:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:14:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:16:51: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:16:51: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:16:51: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:16:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:16:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:16:53: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:16:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:16:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:17:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:17:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:17:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:17:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:17:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:18:51: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:22:22: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:22:22: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:22:22: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:22:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:22:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:22:43: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:23:54: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:23:54: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:23:54: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:23:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:23:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:27:28: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:49:27: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:49:27: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:49:27: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:49:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:49:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:19: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:19: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:19: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:21: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:21: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:30: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:30: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:30: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:34: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:34: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:50:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:39: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:39: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:39: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:39: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:39: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:54:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:56:37: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:56:37: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:56:37: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:56:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:56:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:56:38: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:56:38: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:56:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:56:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:56:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:57:11: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:57:11: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:57:11: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:57:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:57:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:57:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:57:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:57:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:57:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:57:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:59:42: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:59:42: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:59:42: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:59:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:59:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:59:42: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:59:42: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:59:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:59:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 17:59:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:02:13: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:02:41: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:02:41: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:02:41: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:02:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:02:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:07:44: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:07:44: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:07:44: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:07:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:07:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:07:44: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:07:44: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:07:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:07:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:07:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:17: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:17: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:17: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:35: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:35: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:35: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:35: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:35: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:36: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:36: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:38: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:38: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:38: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:39: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:39: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:10:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:25: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:25: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:25: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:26: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:26: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:14:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:15:36: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:15:36: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:15:36: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:15:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:15:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:15:36: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:15:36: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:15:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:15:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:15:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:17:25: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:17:25: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:17:25: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:17:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:17:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:17:26: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:17:26: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:17:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:17:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:17:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:38: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:38: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:38: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:47: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:47: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:49: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:49: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:49: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:18:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:06: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:06: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:09: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:09: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:09: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:23: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:23: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:19:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:20:29: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:20:29: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:20:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:20:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:20:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:20:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:20:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:20:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:20:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:20:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:21:06: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:24:09: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:24:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:24:09: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:24:09: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:24:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:24:10: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:42: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:42: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:42: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:55: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:57: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:57: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:57: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:25:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:27:52: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:27:52: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:27:52: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:27:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:27:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:27:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:27:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:27:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:27:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:27:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:29:57: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:29:59: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:29:59: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:29:59: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:29:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:29:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:34:59: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:34:59: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:34:59: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:34:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:34:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:34:59: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:34:59: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:34:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:34:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:34:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:36:22: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:36:22: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:36:22: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:36:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:36:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:36:23: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:36:23: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:36:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:36:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:36:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:27: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:27: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:27: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:29: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:29: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:29: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:29: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:58: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:58: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:39:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:40:28: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:40:28: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:40:28: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:40:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:40:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:40:28: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:40:28: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:40:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:40:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:40:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:45:28: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:45:28: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:45:28: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:45:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:45:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:45:28: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:45:28: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:45:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:45:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:45:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:01: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:01: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:01: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:46:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:47:01: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:47:01: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:47:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:47:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:47:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:49:19: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:49:19: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:49:19: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:49:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:49:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:49:42: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:49:42: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:49:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:49:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:49:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:50:12: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:38: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:38: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:38: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:38: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:38: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:38: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:38: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:38: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:38: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:38: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:39: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:39: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:39: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:39: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:39: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:39: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:39: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:39: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:39: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:40: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:40: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:40: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:40: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:40: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:40: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:40: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:40: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:40: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:41: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:41: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:41: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:41: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: instance MzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:43: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:43: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 18:58:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:03:45: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:03:45: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:03:45: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:03:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:03:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:03:46: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:03:46: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:03:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:03:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:03:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:05:18: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:05:20: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:05:20: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:05:20: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:05:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:05:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:06:13: instance MzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:06:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:06:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:06:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:06:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:06:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:00: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:00: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:01: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:01: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:01: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:03: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:03: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:07:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:10:18: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:10:18: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:10:18: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:10:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:10:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:10:18: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:10:18: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:10:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:10:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:10:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:11:07: instance MzY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:11:51: instance Mzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: leave GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: drop GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:13: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:13: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:13: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:13: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:13: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:13: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:53: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:53: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:53: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:53: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:53: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:53: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:15:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:16:37: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:16:37: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:16:37: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:16:37: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:16:37: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:16:37: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:16:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:16:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:36: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:36: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:36: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:38: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:38: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:38: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:38: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:17:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:21:39: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:21:41: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:21:41: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:21:41: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:21:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:21:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:22:42: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:22:42: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:22:42: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:22:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:22:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:22:44: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:22:44: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:22:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:22:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:22:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:24:55: instance NDA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:24:55: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:24:55: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:24:55: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:24:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:24:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:01: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:01: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:32: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:32: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:32: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:33: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:33: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:33: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:25:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: leave GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: drop GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:28: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:28: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:51: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:54: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:54: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:54: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:26:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:12: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:12: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:12: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:24: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:24: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:24: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:27: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:27: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:28:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:29:22: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:29:22: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:29:22: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:29:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:29:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:29:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:29:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:29:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:29:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:29:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:30:38: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:30:38: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:30:38: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:30:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:30:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:30:39: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:30:39: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:30:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:30:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:30:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:04: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:04: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:04: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:05: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:06: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:06: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:06: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:06: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:08: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:08: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:08: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:09: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:22: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:22: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/22 19:31:23: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:14: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:14: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: instance NDA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:16: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:17: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:17: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:17: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:17: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:17: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: instance Mzk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: instance NDA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:20: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:20: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:23: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:23: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:23: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:23: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:23: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:01:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:02:00: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:02:00: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:02:00: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:02:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:02:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:02:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:02:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:02:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:02:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:02:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:04:45: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:04:45: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:04:45: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:04:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:04:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:04:45: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:04:45: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:04:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:04:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:04:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:09: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:09: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:56: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:56: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:56: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:56: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:56: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:06:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:33: instance NDI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:33: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:33: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:33: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:41: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:41: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:08:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:09:36: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:09:36: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:09:36: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:09:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:09:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:09:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:09:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:09:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:09:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:09:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:31: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:31: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:31: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:34: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:34: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:43: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:43: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:43: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:48: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:48: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:53: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:53: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:53: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:56: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:56: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:10:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:11:36: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:11:36: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:11:36: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:11:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:11:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:11:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:11:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:11:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:09: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:09: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:09: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:09: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:09: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:17: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:17: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:17: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:53: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:53: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:53: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:12:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:02: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:02: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:06: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:06: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:06: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:08: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:08: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:08: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:08: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:08: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:49: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:49: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:51: instance NDQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:51: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:51: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:51: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:58: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:58: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:13:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:15:43: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:15:43: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:15:43: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:15:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:15:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:15:47: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:15:47: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:15:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:15:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:15:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:16:30: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:16:30: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:16:30: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:16:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:16:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:16:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:16:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:16:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:16:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:16:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:17:30: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:17:30: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:17:30: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:17:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:17:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:17:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:17:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:17:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:17:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:17:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:10: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:10: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:10: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:10: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:10: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:22: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:22: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:22: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:44: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:44: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:44: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:46: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:46: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:18:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:15: instance NDY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:21: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:21: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:21: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:26: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:26: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:26: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:29: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:29: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:29: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:20:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:22:58: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:22:58: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:22:58: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:22:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:22:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:22:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:22:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:22:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:22:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:22:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:11: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:11: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:26: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:26: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:26: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:27: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:27: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:23:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:11: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:11: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:11: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:12: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:12: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:12: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:12: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:13: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:13: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:14: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:14: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:14: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:40: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:41: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:24:41: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:20: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:20: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:21: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:21: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:21: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:21: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:35: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:35: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:37: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:37: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:37: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:38: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:38: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:25:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:21: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:21: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:21: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:21: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:21: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:28: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:28: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:28:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:30:34: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:30:34: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:30:34: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:30:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:30:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:30:34: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:30:34: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:30:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:30:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:30:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:15: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:15: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:15: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:15: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:15: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:42: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:42: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:42: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:46: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:46: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:46: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:46: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:46: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:53: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:53: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:31:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:32:03: instance NTA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:13: instance NTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:25: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:25: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:25: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:33:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:34:47: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:34:47: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:34:47: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:34:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:34:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:34:51: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:34:51: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:34:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:34:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:34:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:55: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:55: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:55: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:55: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:55: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:58: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:58: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:58: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:35:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:00: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:00: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:01: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:01: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:01: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:05: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:05: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:05: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:05: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:05: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:40: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:42: instance NTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:42: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:42: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:42: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:51: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:51: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:36:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:37:57: instance NTY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:23: instance NTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:33: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:33: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:33: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:36: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:36: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:39:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:08: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:08: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:09: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:09: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:09: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:40:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:10: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:10: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:10: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:18: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:18: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:56: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:56: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:56: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:56: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:56: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:41:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:11: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:11: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:11: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:18: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:18: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:18: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:20: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:20: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:45: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:45: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:45: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:51: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:51: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:55: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:55: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:55: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:56: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:56: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:42:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:43:39: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:43:39: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:43:39: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:43:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:43:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:43:41: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:43:41: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:43:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:43:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:43:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:45:44: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:45:44: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:45:44: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:45:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:45:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:45:50: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:45:50: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:45:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:45:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:45:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:21: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:21: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:21: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:22: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:23: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:23: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:23: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:24: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:24: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:24: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:46:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:47:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:01: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:01: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:01: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:02: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:02: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:43: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:44: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:44: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 01:48:44: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:04:59: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:04:59: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:04:59: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:04:59: instance NTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:04:59: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:04:59: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:04:59: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:04:59: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:04:59: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:04:59: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:00: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:01: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:01: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:01: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:01: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:01: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:01: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:01: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: instance NTc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: instance NTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:04: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:04: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:04: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:05:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:07:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:07:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:07:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:07:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:07:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:07:06: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:07:06: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:07:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:07:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:07:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:09:56: instance NjA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:08: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:08: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:08: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:08: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:08: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:56: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:57: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:57: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:10:57: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:01: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:01: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:01: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:28: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:29: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:29: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:29: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:11:33: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:21: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:21: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:21: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:21: instance NjA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:21: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:21: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:21: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:21: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:21: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:21: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:22: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:25: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:25: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:25: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:25: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:25: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:26: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:26: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: instance NTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: instance NjA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:48:07: Backend
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
api.theotown.com/ (port 443) after 20000ms
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
api.theotown.com/ (port 443) after 20000ms
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:159)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:222)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:489)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:843)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Platform.connectSocket(Platform.java:131)
at com.android.okhttp.Connection.connect(Connection.java:101)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:294)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:48:07: General

java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
api.theotown.com/ (port 443) after 20000ms
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
api.theotown.com/ (port 443) after 20000ms
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:159)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:222)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:489)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:843)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Platform.connectSocket(Platform.java:131)
at com.android.okhttp.Connection.connect(Connection.java:101)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:294)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:50:31: pause app

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:51:12: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:51:12: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:51:12: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:51:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:51:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:18: instance NjI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:33: instance NjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:33: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:33: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:33: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:34: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:34: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:36: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:36: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:36: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:38: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:39: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:39: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:40: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:40: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:52:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:54:35: bind FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:54:35: prepare FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:54:35: enter FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:54:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:54:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:54:37: leave FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:54:37: drop FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:54:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:54:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:54:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:15: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:15: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:15: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:17: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:17: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:17: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:18: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:18: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:18: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:55:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:03: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:05: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:05: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:05: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:06: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:06: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:06: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:25: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:25: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:25: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:56:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 11:59:09: instance NjY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:11: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:11: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:11: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:15: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:15: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:30: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:30: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:30: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:32: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:32: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:45: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:45: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:00:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:18: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:18: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:18: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:19: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:36: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:36: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:36: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:36: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:36: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:01:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:09: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:09: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:09: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:19: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:19: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:02:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:03:04: instance Njg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:04:47: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:04:49: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:04:49: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:04:49: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:04:50: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:04:50: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:04:50: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:04:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:04:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:04:58: instance NzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:05:06: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:05:06: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:05:06: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:05:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:05:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:05:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:05:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:05:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:05:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:05:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:06:30: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:34:57: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:34:57: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:34:57: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:34:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:34:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:01: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:01: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:01: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:01: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:28: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:28: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:38:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:40:23: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:40:23: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:40:23: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:40:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:40:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:40:23: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:40:23: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:40:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:40:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:40:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:45:25: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:45:25: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:45:25: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:45:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:45:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:45:25: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:45:25: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:45:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:45:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:45:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 12:48:16: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:40: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:40: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:40: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:41: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:41: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:41: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:41: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:41: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:41: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:43: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:43: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:39:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:41:17: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:42:09: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:42:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:42:09: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:42:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:42:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 13:43:48: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:14: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:14: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:14: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:15: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:15: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:15: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:15: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:15: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:15: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:15: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:15: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:16: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:18: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:18: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:18: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:18: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:19: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:19: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:19: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:19: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: instance NzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:33:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:34:00: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:34:00: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:34:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:34:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:34:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:38:31: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:38:31: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:38:31: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:38:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:38:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:38:32: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:38:32: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:38:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:38:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:38:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:39:30: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:39:32: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:39:32: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:39:32: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:39:32: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:39:32: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:39:32: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:39:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:39:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:44:30: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:44:30: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:44:30: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:44:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:44:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:44:31: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:44:31: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:44:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:44:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:44:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:43: instance NzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:43: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:43: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:43: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:45: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:45: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:47: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:47: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:47: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:46:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:48:00: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:51:19: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:51:19: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:51:19: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:51:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:51:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:52:09: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:52:28: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:52:28: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:52:28: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:52:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:52:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:46: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:46: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:46: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:47: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:47: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:47: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:52: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:52: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:52: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:53: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:53: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:53:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:06: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:06: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:06: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:06: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:06: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:06: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:17: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:17: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:17: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:18: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:18: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:55:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:03: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:03: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:03: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:04: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:04: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:04: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:07: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:07: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:07: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:32: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:32: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:32: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:33: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:33: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:33: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:35: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:35: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:35: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:42: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:43: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:43: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:43: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:57:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:58:38: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:59:57: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:59:57: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:59:57: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:59:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 14:59:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:05:01: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:05:01: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:05:01: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:05:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:05:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:05:01: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:05:01: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:05:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:05:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:05:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:06:04: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:06:04: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:06:04: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:06:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:06:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:06:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:06:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:06:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:06:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:06:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:08:16: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:08:16: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:08:16: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:08:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:08:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:08:17: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:08:17: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:08:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:09:53: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:09:53: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:09:53: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:21: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:21: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:21: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:21: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:21: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:10:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:35: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:35: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:35: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:38: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:38: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:38: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:39: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:39: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:11:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:21: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:21: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:21: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:26: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:26: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:33: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:33: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:33: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:34: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:34: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:50: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:50: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:50: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:51: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:51: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:13:51: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:52:02: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:52:02: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:52:02: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:52:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:52:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:53:25: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:53:25: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:53:25: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:53:25: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:53:25: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:53:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:53:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:53:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:54:39: instance NzY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:56:23: instance Nzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:57:40: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:57:40: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:57:40: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:57:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:57:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:57:40: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:57:40: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:57:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:57:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:57:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:22: instance ODA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:22: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:22: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:22: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:31: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:31: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 15:58:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:00:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:00:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:00:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:00:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:00:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:00:06: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:00:06: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:00:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:00:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:00:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:01:10: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:01:16: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:01:16: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:01:17: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:04:18: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:13:23: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:13:23: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:13:23: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:13:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:13:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:18:36: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:18:36: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:18:36: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:18:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:18:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:18:36: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:18:36: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:18:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:18:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:18:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:37: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:37: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:37: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:39: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:39: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:19:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:20:45: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:41:05: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:41:05: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:41:05: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:41:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:41:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:42:49: instance ODI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:42:50: instance ODQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:43:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:43:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:43:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:43:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:43:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:43:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:43:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:43:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:43:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:43:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:45:40: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:45:40: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:45:40: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:45:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:45:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:45:40: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:45:40: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:45:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:45:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:45:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:46:04: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:46:04: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:46:04: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:46:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:46:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:46:05: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:46:05: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:46:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:46:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:46:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:48:11: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:48:11: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:48:11: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:48:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:48:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:48:12: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:48:12: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:48:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:48:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:48:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:50:10: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:50:10: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:50:10: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:50:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:50:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:50:11: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:50:11: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:50:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:50:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:50:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:51:09: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:51:09: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:51:09: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:51:09: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:51:09: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:51:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:56:09: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:56:09: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:56:09: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:56:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:56:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:56:09: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:56:09: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:56:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:56:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:56:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:11: instance ODY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:11: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:11: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:11: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:26: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:26: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 16:58:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 17:00:06: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:23:59: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:23:59: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:23:59: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:23:59: instance ODY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:23:59: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:23:59: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:23:59: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:23:59: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:23:59: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:23:59: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:00: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:00: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:00: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:01: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:02: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:02: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:02: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:02: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:02: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: instance ODU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: instance ODY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:04: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:04: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:04: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:05: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:05: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:08: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:08: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:08: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:08: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:08: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:25:11: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:25:11: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:25:11: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:25:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:25:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:25:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:25:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:25:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:25:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:25:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:28:13: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:28:13: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:28:13: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:28:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:28:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:28:15: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:28:15: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:28:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:28:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:28:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:29:47: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:29:47: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:29:47: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:29:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:29:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:29:48: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:29:48: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:29:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:29:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:29:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:04: instance ODg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:04: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:04: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:04: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:05: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:05: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:07: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:07: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:07: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:08: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:08: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:08: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:25: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:25: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:31: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:31: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:31: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:49: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:49: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:49: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:31:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:32:27: instance OTA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:11: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:11: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:11: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:11: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:11: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:38: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:38: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:38: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:38: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:38: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:35:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:15: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:15: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:15: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:17: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:17: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:35: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:35: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:35: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:36: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:36: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:36:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:24: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:24: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:24: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:26: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:26: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:28: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:28: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:38:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:39:17: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:39:17: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:39:17: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:39:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:39:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:39:21: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:39:21: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:39:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:39:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:39:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:18: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:18: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:18: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:18: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:18: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:47: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:47: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:47: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:47: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:47: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:49: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:49: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:49: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:50: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:50: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:50: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:50: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:50: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:51: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:51: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:40:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:49: instance OTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:49: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:49: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:49: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:55: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:55: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:42:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:44:55: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:44:55: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:44:55: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:44:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:44:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:44:56: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:44:56: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:44:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:44:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:44:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:19: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:19: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:19: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:20: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:23: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:23: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:30: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:30: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:30: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:30: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:30: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:45:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:50:30: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:50:30: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:50:30: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:50:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:50:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:50:30: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:50:30: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:50:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:50:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:50:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:56:20: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:56:20: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:56:20: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:56:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:56:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:56:20: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:56:20: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:56:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:56:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:56:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 19:59:12: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:11:00: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:11:00: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:11:00: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:11:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:11:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:04: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:04: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:04: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:18: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:18: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:18: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:18: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:18: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:41: instance OTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:41: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:41: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:41: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:42: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:42: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:12:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 253 for res 828x1792
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 0 (3) with 2 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:57: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:58: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:58: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:58: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:14:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:15:01: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:15:01: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:15:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:15:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:15:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:39: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:39: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:39: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:39: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:39: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:54: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:54: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:54: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:16:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:01: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:01: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:01: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:02: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:02: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:02: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:02: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:10: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:11: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:43: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:43: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:17:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:18:17: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:18:17: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:18:17: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:18:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:18:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:18:18: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:18:18: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:18:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:18:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:18:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:19:38: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:19:38: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:19:38: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:19:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:19:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:19:57: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:19:57: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:19:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:19:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:19:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:04: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:04: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:04: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:08: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:08: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:42: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:42: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:42: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:50: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:50: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:21:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:32: instance NDQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:54: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:54: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:54: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:54: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:54: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:58: bind FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:58: prepare FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:58: enter FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:22:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:23:04: leave FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:23:04: drop FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:23:04: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:23:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:23:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:23:39: instance NjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:24:07: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:24:07: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:24:07: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:24:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:24:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:24:12: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:24:12: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:24:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:24:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:24:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:25:10: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:25:14: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:25:14: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:25:14: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:25:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:25:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:15: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:15: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:15: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:19: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:19: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:33: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:33: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:33: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:39: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:39: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:40: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:40: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:40: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:42: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:42: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:42: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:42: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:42: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:42: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:27:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:41: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:42: instance NjY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:42: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:42: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:42: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:48: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:48: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:28:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:29:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:29:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:29:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:29:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:29:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:29:11: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:29:11: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:29:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:29:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:29:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:31:28: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:31:28: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:31:28: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:31:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:31:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:31:28: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:31:28: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:31:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:31:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:31:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:32:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:32:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:32:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:32:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:32:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:32:38: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:32:38: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:32:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:32:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:32:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:34:32: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:34:32: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:34:32: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:34:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:34:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:34:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:34:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:34:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:34:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:34:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:33: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:33: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:33: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:33: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:33: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:33: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:46: instance Njg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:46: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:46: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:46: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:50: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:50: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:36:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:39:19: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:39:42: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:39:42: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:39:42: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:39:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:39:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:07: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:07: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:07: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:07: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:07: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:09: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:09: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:40:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:27: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:27: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:27: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:46: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:46: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:46: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:44:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:30: instance NzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:30: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:30: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:30: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:31: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:31: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:45:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:46:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:46:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:46:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:46:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:46:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:46:15: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:46:15: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:46:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:46:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:46:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:00: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:55: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:55: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:55: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:55: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:55: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:49:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:11: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:11: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:11: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:12: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:12: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:57: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:57: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:57: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:57: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:57: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:54:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:18: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:18: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:18: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:24: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:24: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:24: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:28: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:28: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:56:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:53: instance NzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:54: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:54: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:54: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:56: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:56: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:57:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:58:32: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:58:32: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:58:32: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:58:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:58:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:58:44: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:58:44: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:58:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:58:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:58:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:59:07: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:59:08: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:59:08: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:59:08: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:59:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 21:59:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/23 22:02:09: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: instance NzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:41: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:42: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:43: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:43: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:43: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:43: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:43: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:43: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: instance NzM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: instance NzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:46: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:46: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:52: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:52: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:52: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:52: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:52: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:52: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:07:47: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:07:47: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:07:47: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:07:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:07:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:07:49: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:07:49: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:07:49: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:07:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:07:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:58: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:58: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:58: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:09:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:00: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:00: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:15: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:15: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:15: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:10:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:11:31: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:11:31: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:11:31: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:11:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:11:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:11:31: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:11:31: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:11:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:11:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:11:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:29: instance NzY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:29: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:29: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:29: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:31: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:31: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:57: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:57: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:57: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:57: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:57: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:14:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:17:39: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:17:39: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:17:39: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:17:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:17:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:17:40: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:17:40: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:17:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:17:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:17:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:06: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:06: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:06: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:06: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:06: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:26: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:27: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:27: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:28: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:29: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:29: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:40: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:22:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:23:43: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:23:43: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:23:43: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:23:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:23:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:23:43: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:23:43: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:23:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:23:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:23:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:24:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:24:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:24:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:24:11: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:24:11: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:24:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:24:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:24:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:27:31: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:27:31: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:27:31: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:27:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:27:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:27:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:27:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:27:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:27:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:27:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:28:52: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:28:52: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:28:52: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:28:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:28:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:28:53: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:28:53: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:28:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:28:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:28:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:17: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:17: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:17: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:19: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:19: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:54: instance Nzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:54: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:54: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:54: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:56: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:56: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:31:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:40: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:40: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:40: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:42: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:42: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:42: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:42: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:42: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:44: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:46: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:33:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:34:57: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:34:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:34:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:34:58: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:34:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:34:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:10: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:14: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:27: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:27: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:27: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:27: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:27: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 00:35:37: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:25: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:25: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:25: Time
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:25: Download

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.ConfigManager$$Lambda$1.run(Unknown
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:25: translation vi_VN

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:26: instance Nzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:26: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:26: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:26: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:26: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:26: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:26: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:26: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:26: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:26: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:27: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:27: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:27: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:27: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:27: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:27: Backend
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:27: General

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:27: pause app

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: resume -> enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:30: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:31: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:31: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:31: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:31: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:31: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:31: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: instance Nzc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: instance Nzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:33: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:05:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:08:45: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:08:45: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:08:45: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:08:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:08:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:08:47: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:08:47: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:08:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:08:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:08:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:33: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:33: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:33: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:34: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:34: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:37: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:37: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:37: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:37: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:37: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:10:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:15:37: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:15:37: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:15:37: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:15:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:15:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:15:37: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:15:37: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:15:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:15:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:15:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:38: instance ODA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:38: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:38: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:38: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:39: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:39: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:39: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:39: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:39: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:40: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:40: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:18:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:20:37: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:20:37: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:20:37: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:20:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:20:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:20:37: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:20:37: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:20:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:20:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:20:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:25:37: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:25:37: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:25:37: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:25:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:25:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:25:37: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:25:37: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:25:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:25:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:25:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:29:21: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:29:21: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:29:21: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:29:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:29:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:29:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:29:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:29:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:29:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:29:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:30:38: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:30:38: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:30:38: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:30:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:30:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:30:38: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:30:38: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:30:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:30:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:30:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:56: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:56: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:56: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:56: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:57: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:57: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:31:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:10: instance ODI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:10: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:10: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:10: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:11: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:11: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:34:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:35:38: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:35:38: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:35:38: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:35:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:35:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:35:38: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:35:38: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:35:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:35:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:35:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:38:38: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:38:50: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:38:50: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:38:50: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:40:57: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:40:57: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:40:57: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:40:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:40:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:40:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:40:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:40:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:40:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:40:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:41:20: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:41:45: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:41:45: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:41:45: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:41:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:41:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:42:43: instance ODQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:42:44: instance ODY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:42:48: instance ODg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:45:16: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:45:16: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:45:16: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:45:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:45:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:45:17: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:45:17: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:45:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:45:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:45:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:32: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:32: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:32: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:43: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:43: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:43: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:44: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:44: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:46:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:47:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:47:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:47:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:47:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:47:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:47:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:47:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:47:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:47:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:47:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:49:15: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:49:15: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:49:15: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:49:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:49:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:49:15: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:49:15: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:49:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:49:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:49:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:29: instance OTA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:29: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:29: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:29: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:58: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:58: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:50:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:20: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:20: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:20: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:20: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:20: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:25: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:25: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:25: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:27: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:27: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:52:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:54:32: instance OTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:57:21: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:57:21: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:57:21: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:57:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:57:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:57:21: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:57:21: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:57:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:57:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:57:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:59:22: Invitation Check
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "theotown.com": nodename nor
servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "theotown.com": nodename nor
servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 14 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:59:22: Invitation Check

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "theotown.com": nodename nor
servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "theotown.com": nodename nor
servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:59:26: pause app

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:59:57: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:59:57: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:59:57: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:59:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 07:59:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:00:02: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:00:02: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:00:02: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:00:02: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:00:02: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:00:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:00:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:00:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:00:33: instance MTA3
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: instance MTU3
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 253 for res 828x1792
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 0 (3) with 2 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:34: instance MTcy
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:35: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:01:39: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:12:03: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:12:03: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:12:03: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:12:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:12:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:14:42: instance MjI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:20: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:20: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:20: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:23: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:23: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:35: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:36: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:36: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:41: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:41: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:15:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:17:23: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:17:23: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:17:23: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:17:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:17:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:17:23: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:17:23: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:17:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:17:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:17:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:25: instance MjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:25: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:25: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:25: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:26: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:26: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:19:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:21:00: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:21:00: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:21:00: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:21:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:21:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:21:01: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:21:01: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:21:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:21:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:21:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:22:48: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:22:48: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:22:48: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:22:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:22:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:22:48: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:22:48: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:22:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:22:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:22:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:27:55: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:27:55: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:27:55: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:27:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:27:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:27:55: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:27:55: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:27:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:27:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:27:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:28:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:28:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:28:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:28:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:28:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:28:06: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:28:06: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:28:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:28:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:28:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:26: instance MjY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:55: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:55: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:55: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:55: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:55: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:32:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:23: instance Mjg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:23: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:23: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:23: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:24: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:24: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 08:35:33: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:32: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:32: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:32: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:32: instance Mjg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:32: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:32: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:32: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:32: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:32: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:32: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:33: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:36: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:36: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:36: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:36: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:36: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:36: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:36: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:36: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: instance Mjc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: instance Mjg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:39: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:39: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:13:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:18:39: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:18:39: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:18:39: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:18:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:18:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:18:39: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:18:39: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:18:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:18:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:18:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:09: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:09: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:09: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:11: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:24: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:24: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:24: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:26: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:26: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:44: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:44: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:44: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:51: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:51: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:21:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:23:45: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:23:45: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:23:45: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:23:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:23:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:23:46: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:23:46: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:23:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:23:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:23:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:28:45: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:28:45: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:28:45: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:28:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:28:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:28:46: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:28:46: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:28:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:28:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:28:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:29:07: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:29:07: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:29:07: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:29:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:29:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:29:09: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:29:09: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:29:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:29:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:29:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:32: instance MzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:32: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:32: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:32: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:41: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:41: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:31:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:16: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:16: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:16: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:18: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:18: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:46: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:58: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:58: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:58: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:32:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:02: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:02: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:57: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:57: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:57: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:58: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:58: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:33:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:13: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:34:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:39:07: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:39:07: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:39:07: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:39:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:39:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:39:07: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:39:07: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:39:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:39:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:39:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:50: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:50: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:50: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:51: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:51: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:51: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:51: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:51: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:53: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:53: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:43:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:44:08: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:44:08: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:44:08: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:44:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:44:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:44:09: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:44:09: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:44:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:44:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:44:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:45:18: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:45:18: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:45:18: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:45:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:45:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:45:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:45:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:45:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:45:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:45:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 10:46:02: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:07: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:07: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:08: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:09: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:10: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:10: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:10: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:10: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:10: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: instance MzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:11: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:58:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:42: instance MzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:42: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:42: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:42: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:44: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:44: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 11:59:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:00:45: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:00:45: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:00:45: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:00:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:00:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:00:46: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:00:46: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:00:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:00:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:00:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:03:14: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:03:14: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:03:14: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:03:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:03:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:03:14: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:03:14: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:03:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:03:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:03:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:06:38: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:06:38: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:06:38: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:06:38: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:06:39: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:06:39: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:06:39: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:06:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:06:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:09:38: instance MjA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:09:38: instance MzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:09:38: instance MjA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:10:54: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:10:55: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:10:55: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:10:55: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:10:56: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:10:56: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:10:56: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:10:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:10:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:11:12: instance MjI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:15:25: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:15:26: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:15:26: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:15:26: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:15:26: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:15:26: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:15:26: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:15:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:15:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:16:25: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:16:25: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:16:25: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:16:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:16:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 12:16:26: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: instance MjI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:05: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:06: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:07: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:07: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:07: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:07: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:07: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:07: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: instance MjE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: instance MjI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:09: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:09: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:09: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:09: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:15: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:15: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:24:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:25:48: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:25:48: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:25:48: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:25:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:25:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:25:51: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:25:51: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:25:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:25:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:25:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:27:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:27:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:27:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:27:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:27:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:27:08: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:27:08: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:27:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:27:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:27:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:09: instance MjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:09: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:09: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:09: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:10: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:10: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:12: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:12: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:12: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:14: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:14: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:15: leave GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:15: drop GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:15: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:15: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:15: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:16: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:16: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:16: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:32: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:32: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:29:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:03: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:03: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:03: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:05: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:05: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:05: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:05: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:05: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:58: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:58: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:30:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:45: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:45: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:45: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:50: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:51: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:51: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:33:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:07: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:07: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:12: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:12: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:12: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:14: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:19: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:19: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:34:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:35:51: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:35:51: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:35:51: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:35:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:35:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:35:51: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:35:51: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:35:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:35:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:35:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:15: instance NjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:18: bind FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:18: prepare FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:18: enter FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:26: leave FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:26: drop FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:27: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:27: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:27: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:29: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:29: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:30: bind FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:30: prepare FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:30: enter FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:37: leave FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:37: drop FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:36:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:35: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:36: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:36: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:36: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:37: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:37: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:37: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:39: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:39: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:39: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:51: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:51: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:51: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:37:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:38:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:38:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:38:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:38:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:38:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:11: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:11: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:11: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 13:41:43: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:30: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:30: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:30: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:30: instance NjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:30: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:30: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:30: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:30: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:30: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:30: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:31: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:32: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:32: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:32: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:32: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:32: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:32: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:32: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:32: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: instance NjM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: instance NjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:35: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:35: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:40: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:40: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:40: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:40: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:40: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:31:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:32:37: instance NjY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:32:49: instance Njg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:29: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:33:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:02: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:05: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:05: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:05: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:06: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:06: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:06: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:06: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:06: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:51: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:51: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:51: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:52: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:52: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:52: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:35:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:00: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:00: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:00: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:03: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:03: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:11: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:11: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:11: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:11: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:11: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:55: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:55: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:55: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:56: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:56: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:40:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:41:53: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:41:53: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:41:53: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:41:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:41:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:41:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:41:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:41:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:41:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:41:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:44:37: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:44:37: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:44:37: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:44:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:44:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:44:42: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:44:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:44:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:43: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:43: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:43: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:47: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:47: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 20:45:51: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:02: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:02: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:02: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:02: instance Njg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:02: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:02: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:02: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:02: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:02: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:02: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:03: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:03: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:03: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:03: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:03: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:03: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:03: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:03: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:03: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:03: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:04: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:04: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:04: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:04: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:04: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:06: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:06: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:06: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:06: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:07: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:07: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:07: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:07: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: instance Njc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: instance Njg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:14: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:14: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/24 23:23:18: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: instance Njg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:27: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:28: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:29: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:29: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:29: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:29: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:29: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:29: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: instance Njc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: instance Njg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:34: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:34: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:38: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:38: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:38: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:38: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:38: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 10:58:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:01: instance NzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:01: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:01: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:01: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:02: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:02: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:02:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:03:43: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:03:43: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:03:43: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:03:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:03:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:03:44: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:03:44: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:03:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:03:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:03:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:04:38: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:04:38: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:04:38: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:04:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:04:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:04:38: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:04:38: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:04:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:04:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:04:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:18: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:18: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:18: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:58: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:58: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:58: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:05:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:06:02: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:06:02: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:06:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:06:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:06:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 11:06:17: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: instance NzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:47: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:48: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:49: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:49: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:49: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:49: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:49: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:49: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: instance Njk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: instance NzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:52: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:52: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:52: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:38:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:41: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:41: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:41: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:48: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:48: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:51: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:51: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:51: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:55: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:55: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:39:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:09: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:09: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:09: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:16: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:16: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:41: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:41: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:41: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:42: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:42: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:41:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 15:42:59: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:13: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:13: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:13: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:13: instance NzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:13: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:13: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:13: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:13: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:13: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:13: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:14: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:14: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:14: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:14: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:15: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:16: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:16: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:16: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:16: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: instance Njk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: instance NzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:20: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:20: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:51: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:51: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:51: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:56: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:56: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:36:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/25 20:37:03: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:26: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:26: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:26: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:27: instance NzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:27: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:27: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:27: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:27: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:27: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:27: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:27: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:27: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:27: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:28: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:30: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:30: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:31: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:31: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:31: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:31: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:31: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:31: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: instance Njk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: instance NzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:34: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:34: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:51:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:52:32: instance NDA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:52:41: instance MTIw
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:53:16: instance MA==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:15: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:15: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:15: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:20: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:20: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:20: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:36: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:36: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:36: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:36: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:36: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:38: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:38: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:54:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:55:17: Invitation Check
java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to theotown.com/ (port
443): connect failed: ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed out)
java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to theotown.com/ (port
443): connect failed: ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed out)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:222)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:489)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:843)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Platform.connectSocket(Platform.java:131)
at com.android.okhttp.Connection.connect(Connection.java:101)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:294)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed
at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method)
at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
... 14 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:56:21: bind CityInfoStage

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:56:21: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:56:21: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:56:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:56:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:56:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:56:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:56:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:56:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:56:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:00: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:00: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:00: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:00: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:00: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:57:47: Invitation Check
java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to theotown.com/ (port
443): connect failed: ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed out)
java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to theotown.com/ (port
443): connect failed: ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed out)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:222)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:489)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:843)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Platform.connectSocket(Platform.java:131)
at com.android.okhttp.Connection.connect(Connection.java:101)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:294)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed
at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method)
at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
... 14 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:20: pause app

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:20: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:20: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:20: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:24: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:25: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:25: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:25: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:58:36: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:06: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:06: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:06: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:08: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:08: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:08: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:08: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:40: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:40: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:40: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 07:59:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:17: instance Mg==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:17: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:17: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:17: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:18: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:18: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:46: bind FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:46: prepare FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:46: enter FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:03:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:04:07: leave FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:04:07: drop FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:04:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:04:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:04:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:04:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:04:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:04:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:04:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:04:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:05:01: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:05:01: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:05:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:05:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:05:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:05:17: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:14: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:14: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:14: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:09:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:10:30: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: instance Mg==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:42: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:43: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:45: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:45: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:46: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:46: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:46: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:46: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:46: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:46: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: instance MQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: instance Mg==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:48: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:48: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:48: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:48: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 08:59:51: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 09:02:39: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 09:02:39: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 09:02:39: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 09:02:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 09:02:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 09:02:39: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: instance Mg==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:45: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:46: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:48: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:48: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:49: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:49: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:49: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:49: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:49: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:49: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: instance MQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:50: instance Mg==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:51: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:51: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:51: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:52: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:52: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:52: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:52: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:56: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:56: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:52:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:56:24: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:56:24: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:56:24: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:56:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:56:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:56:27: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:56:27: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:56:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:56:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:56:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:57:48: instance NA==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:58:12: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:58:12: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:58:12: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:58:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:58:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:58:12: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:58:12: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:58:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:58:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:58:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:59:40: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:59:40: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:59:40: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:59:40: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:59:40: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:59:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:59:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 11:59:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:15: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:18: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:18: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: instance NA==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:19: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: resume -> enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:00:20: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:09: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:09: resume -> enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:09: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:09: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:10: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:10: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:10: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:10: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:10: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:10: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: instance Mw==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: instance NA==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:12: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:12: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:12: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:12: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:01:49: instance Ng==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:19: instance OA==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:42: instance MTA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:48: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:48: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:48: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:49: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:49: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:49: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 12:02:59: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: instance MTA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:46: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:47: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:48: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:48: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:48: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:48: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:48: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:48: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:48: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:48: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: instance OQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: instance MTA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:48:53: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:49: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:49: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:49: resume -> enter SpecialOfferStage:
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:50: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:50: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:52: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:52: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:52: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:52: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:52: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:52: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:49:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:01: Time
java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to data.theotown.com/
(port 80): connect failed: ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed out)
java.net.ConnectException: failed to connect to data.theotown.com/
(port 80): connect failed: ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed out)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:114)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:222)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:489)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:843)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Platform.connectSocket(Platform.java:131)
at com.android.okhttp.Connection.connect(Connection.java:101)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:294)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.ErrnoException: connect failed: ETIMEDOUT (Operation timed
at libcore.io.Posix.connect(Native Method)
at libcore.io.BlockGuardOs.connect(BlockGuardOs.java:85)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:127)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:55: bind CityInfoStage

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:55: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:55: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:50:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:13: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:13: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:13: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:20: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:20: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:20: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:26: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:26: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:40: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:40: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:40: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:40: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:40: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:51:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:53:33: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:53:33: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:53:33: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:53:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:53:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:53:39: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:53:39: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:53:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:53:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:53:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:21: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:21: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:21: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:21: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:21: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:39: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:39: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:39: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:42: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:42: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:44: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:44: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:44: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:47: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:47: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:56:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:58:43: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:58:43: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:58:43: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:58:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:58:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:58:46: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:58:46: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:58:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:58:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 16:58:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:04: instance MTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:04: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:04: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:04: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:13: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:13: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:00:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:26: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:26: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:26: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:28: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:28: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:01:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:02: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:17: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:17: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:25: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:27: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:28: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:31: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:50: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:51: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:51: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:52: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:52: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:52: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:53: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:53: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:56: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:56: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:56: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:57: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:57: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:02:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:39: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:39: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:39: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:44: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:51: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:54: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:57: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:03:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:00: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:02: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:06: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:10: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:12: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:13: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:14: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:14: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:16: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:16: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:20: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:21: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:22: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:04:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:05:11: bind FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:05:11: prepare FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:05:11: enter FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:05:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:05:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:02: leave FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:02: drop FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:22: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:22: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:22: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:06:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:06: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:06: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:06: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:54: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:54: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:54: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:55: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:55: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:07:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:09:48: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:09:48: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:09:48: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:09:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:09:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:09:48: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:09:48: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:09:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:09:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:09:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:10:00: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:10:00: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:10:00: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:10:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:10:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:10:07: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:10:07: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:10:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:10:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:10:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:12:06: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:12:06: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:12:06: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:12:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:12:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:12:08: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:12:08: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:12:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:12:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:12:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:13:41: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:13:41: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:13:41: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:13:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:13:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:13:44: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:13:44: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:13:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:13:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:13:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:56: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:56: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:56: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:56: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:56: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:14:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:01: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:07: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:07: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:20: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:20: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:20: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:38: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:38: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:38: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:39: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:39: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/26 17:15:43: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: instance MTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:38: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:39: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:41: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:41: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:42: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:42: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:42: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:42: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:42: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:42: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: instance MTE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: instance MTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:45: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:45: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:47:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:01: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:01: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:01: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:06: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:06: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:47: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:47: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:47: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:48: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:48: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:50: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:50: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:50: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:50: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:50: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:53: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:53: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:53: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:56: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:48:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:49:00: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:49:00: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:49:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:49:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:49:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:51:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:51:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:51:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:51:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:51:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:51:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:51:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:51:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:51:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:51:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:52:52: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:52:52: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:52:52: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:52:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:52:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:52:52: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:52:52: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:52:52: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:52:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:52:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:55:17: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:55:17: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:55:17: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:55:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:55:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:55:18: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:55:18: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:55:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:55:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:55:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:10: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:10: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:10: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:10: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:13: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:13: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:18: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:18: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:18: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:19: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:19: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:56:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:57:57: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:57:57: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:57:57: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:57:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:57:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:57:57: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:57:57: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:57:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:57:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 12:57:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 13:00:27: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:00: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:00: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:01: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:02: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:03: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:03: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:03: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:03: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:03: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: instance MTM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:04: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:05: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:05: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:05: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:06: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:06: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:22:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:23:02: instance MTM0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:06: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:24:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:26:12: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:26:39: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:26:39: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:26:39: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:26:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:26:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 15:27:15: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:34: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:34: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:34: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:34: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:34: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:34: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:34: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:34: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:34: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:34: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:35: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:35: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:35: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:35: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:35: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:35: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:35: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:35: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:35: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:36: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:36: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:36: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:36: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:36: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:36: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:38: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:38: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:38: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:38: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:39: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:39: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:39: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:39: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: instance MTM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:26:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:27:20: instance MTY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:27:21: instance MTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:27:26: instance MjA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:23: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:23: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:23: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:24: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:33: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:33: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:33: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:36: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:36: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:36: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:36: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:36: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:28:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:30: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:30: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:30: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:36: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:36: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:36: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:36: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:36: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:29:58: instance MzU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:10: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:10: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:10: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:10: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:10: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:32: instance NTA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:35: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:35: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:35: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:35: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:35: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:30:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:31:05: instance NjU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:31:40: instance NQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:32:22: bind FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:32:22: prepare FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:32:22: enter FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:32:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:32:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:32:25: leave FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:32:25: drop FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:32:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:32:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:32:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:33:26: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:33:26: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:33:26: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:33:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:33:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:33:26: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:33:26: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:33:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:33:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:33:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:12: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:12: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:12: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:15: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:15: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/27 16:38:21: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:04: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:04: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:04: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:04: instance NQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:04: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:04: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:04: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:04: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:04: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:04: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:05: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:05: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:05: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:05: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: resume -> enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:06: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:07: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:07: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:07: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:07: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:07: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:07: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: instance NA==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: instance NQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:11: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:11: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:48: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:48: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:48: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:48: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:49: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:49: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:28:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:30:29: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:30:29: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:30:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:30:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:30:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:30:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:30:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:30:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:30:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:30:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:33:10: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:33:10: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:33:10: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:33:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:33:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:33:11: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:33:11: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:33:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:33:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:33:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 10:36:29: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:02: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:02: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:02: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:02: instance NQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:02: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:02: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:02: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:02: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:02: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:02: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:03: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:04: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:04: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:04: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:04: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:04: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:04: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:04: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:05: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:05: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:05: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: instance NA==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: instance NQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:07: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:07: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:02:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:05: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:05: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:05: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:29: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:29: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:29: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:29: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:29: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:29: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:03:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:05: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:05: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:05: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:05: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:05: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:05: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:49: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:49: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:49: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:49: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:49: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:49: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/28 23:05:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:48: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:48: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:48: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:48: instance NQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:48: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:48: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:48: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:48: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:48: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:48: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:49: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:50: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:50: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:50: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:50: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:50: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:50: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:50: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:50: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: instance NA==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: instance NQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:53: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:53: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:56: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:56: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:56: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:56: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:56: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:20:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:48: instance MjU1
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:52: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:52: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:52: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:55: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:55: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:55: bind FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:55: prepare FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:55: enter FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:57: leave FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:57: drop FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:21:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:22:37: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:22:46: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:22:46: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:22:46: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:22:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:22:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:25:02: instance MTgw
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:27:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:27:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:27:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:27:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:27:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:03: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:03: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:03: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:28:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:29:50: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:29:50: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:29:50: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:29:50: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:29:50: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:29:50: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:29:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:29:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:31:09: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:31:09: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:31:09: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:31:09: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:31:09: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:31:09: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:31:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:31:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: instance MTgw
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:47: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:48: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:49: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:49: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:49: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:49: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:49: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: instance MTc5
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: instance MTgw
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:51: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:51: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:51: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:51: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:32:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:03: instance MTgy
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:04: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:04: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:04: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:05: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:05: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:34:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:17: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:17: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:17: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:17: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:17: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:36:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:37:17: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:37:17: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:37:17: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:37:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:37:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 253 for res 828x1792
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:38:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 0 (3) with 2 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:20: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 253 for res 828x1792
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:39:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 0 (3) with 2 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:06: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:08: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:08: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:09: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:09: resume -> enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: instance MTgy
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:16: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:18: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:18: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:18: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:18: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:19: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:19: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:19: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:19: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: instance MTgx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: instance MTgy
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:20: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:40:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:23: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:23: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:23: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:51: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:51: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:51: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:51: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:51: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:51: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:44:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:22: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:22: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:22: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:22: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:22: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:22: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: instance MTgy
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:55: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:56: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:57: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:57: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:57: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:57: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:57: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: instance MTgx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: instance MTgy
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:59: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:59: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:59: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:59: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:46:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:51:58: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:51:58: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:51:58: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:51:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:51:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:51:58: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:51:58: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:51:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:51:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:51:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:52:58: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:52:58: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:52:58: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:52:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:52:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:52:58: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:52:58: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:52:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:52:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:52:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:54:19: instance MTA3
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:55:52: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:55:52: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:55:52: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:55:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:55:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:55:56: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:55:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:55:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:08: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:09: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:11: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:22: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:26: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:29: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:30: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:31: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:33: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:33: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:35: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:38: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:39: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:40: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:40: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:41: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:41: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:41: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:42: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:56:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:57:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:57:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:57:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:57:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:57:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:57:12: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:57:12: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:57:12: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:57:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:57:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:58:03: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:58:03: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:58:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:58:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:58:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 10:58:04: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:55: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:55: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:55: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:55: instance MTA3
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:55: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:55: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:55: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:55: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:55: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:55: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:56: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:57: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:57: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:57: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:57: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:57: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:57: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:57: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:57: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:58: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:58: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: instance MTA2
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: instance MTA3
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:55:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:56:02: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:56:02: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:56:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:56:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:56:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:48: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:48: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:48: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:49: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:49: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:49: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:49: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:49: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:49: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:57:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:58:27: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:58:27: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:58:27: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:58:27: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:58:27: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:58:27: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:58:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:58:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:59:44: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:59:44: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:59:44: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:59:44: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:59:44: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:59:44: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:59:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 12:59:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:35: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:35: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:46: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:46: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:46: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:47: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:47: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:47: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:47: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:47: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:48: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:48: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:00:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:02:51: instance MTA5
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:02:54: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:47: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:47: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:47: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:47: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:47: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:03:56: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:10: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:11: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:12: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:12: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:12: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:12: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:12: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:12: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: instance MTEw
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:43:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:47:16: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:47:16: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:47:16: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:47:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:47:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:47:17: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:47:17: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:47:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:47:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:47:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:17: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:17: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:17: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:17: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:17: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 13:48:34: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:32: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:33: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:36: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:36: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:36: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:36: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:36: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:36: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:36: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:36: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: instance MTEw
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:39: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:39: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:41: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:41: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:41: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:41: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:41: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:40:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:09: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:11: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:11: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:14: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:35: bind FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:35: prepare FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:35: enter FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:37: leave FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:37: drop FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:38: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:38: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:38: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:39: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:39: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:41:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:42:34: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:42:34: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:42:34: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:42:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:42:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:44:10: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:44:10: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:44:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:44:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:44:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 19:45:48: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:02: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:02: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:02: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:03: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:04: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:06: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:06: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:06: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:06: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:07: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:07: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:07: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:07: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: instance MTEw
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:09: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:09: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:09: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:09: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:51: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:51: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:51: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:56: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:56: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:40:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:41:00: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:41:00: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:41:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:41:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:41:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:19: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:19: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:19: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:20: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:20: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:56: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:56: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:56: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:58: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:58: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:45:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:46:49: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:46:50: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:46:50: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:46:50: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:46:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:46:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:49:06: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:49:07: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:49:07: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:49:07: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:49:09: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:49:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 20:49:09: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:43: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:43: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:43: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:43: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:43: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:43: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:43: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:43: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:43: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:43: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:44: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:44: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:44: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:44: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:44: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:44: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:44: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:44: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:45: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:45: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:45: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:45: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:45: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:45: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:45: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:47: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:47: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:47: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:48: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:48: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:48: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:48: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:48: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: instance MTEw
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:50: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:50: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:50: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:50: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:01:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/02/29 21:02:24: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:01: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:01: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:02: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:03: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:04: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:04: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:04: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:04: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:04: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:04: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: instance MTEw
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: instance MTEx
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:07: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:07: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:08: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:08: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:08: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:08: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:08: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:39:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:40:02: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:44:34: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:44:34: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:44:38: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:44:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:44:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:31: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:33: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:33: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:33: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:45: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:45: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:45: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:46: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:46: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:47: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:47: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:47: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:49: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:49: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:49: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:45:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:02: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:02: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:04: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:07: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:07: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:47:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:00: instance MTEz
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:00: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:00: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:00: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:03: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:03: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:48:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:50:39: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:50:39: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:50:39: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:50:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:50:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:50:39: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:50:39: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:50:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:50:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:50:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:52:07: instance Mzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:40: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:40: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:40: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:54: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:54: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:54: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:54: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:54: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:54: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:55:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:57:27: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:57:27: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:57:27: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:57:27: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:57:27: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:57:27: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:57:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:57:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:58:58: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:58:58: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:58:58: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:58:58: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:58:58: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:58:58: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:58:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:58:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:18: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:18: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:18: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:47: resume -> enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:51: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:51: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 16:59:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:01:29: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:01:29: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:01:29: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:01:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:01:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:02:16: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:02:16: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:02:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:02:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:02:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/01 17:02:22: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: instance Mzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:41: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:42: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:43: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:43: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:43: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:43: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:43: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:43: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: instance Mzc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: instance Mzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:50: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:50: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:52: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:52: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:52: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:52: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:52: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:52: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:04:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:06:36: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:06:36: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:06:36: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:06:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:06:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:06:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:06:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:06:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:06:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:06:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:07:52: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:07:52: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:07:52: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:07:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:07:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:07:53: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:07:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:07:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:04: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:05: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:06: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:07: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:08: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:08: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:22: instance NDA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:22: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:22: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:22: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:23: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:23: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:08:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:11:10: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:11:10: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:11:10: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:11:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:11:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:11:10: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:11:10: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:11:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:11:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:11:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:16:12: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:16:12: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:16:12: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:16:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:16:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:16:12: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:16:12: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:16:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:16:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:16:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:20:29: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:20:29: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:20:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:20:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:20:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:20:29: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:20:29: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:20:29: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:20:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:20:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:14: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:14: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:14: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:14: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:14: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:16: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:16: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:16: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:31: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:31: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:31: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:31: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:31: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:31: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:21:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:21: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:21: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:32: instance NDI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:32: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:32: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:32: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:34: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:34: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:38: instance NTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:54: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:54: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:54: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:57: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:57: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:57: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:22:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:23:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:23:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:23:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:23:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:23:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:23:31: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:23:31: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:23:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:23:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:23:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:27:35: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:27:35: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:27:35: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:27:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:27:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:27:35: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:27:35: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:27:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:27:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:27:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:09: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:09: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:09: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:58: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:58: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:58: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:59: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:28:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:29:01: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:29:01: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:29:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:29:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:29:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:39: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:39: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:39: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:40: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:46: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:46: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:30:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:00: bind FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:00: prepare FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:00: enter FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:01: leave FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:01: drop FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:31:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:00: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:00: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:00: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:01: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:32:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:33:03: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:33:03: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:33:03: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:33:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:33:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:33:03: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:33:03: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:33:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:33:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:33:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 00:36:15: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:19: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:19: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:19: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:19: instance NTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:19: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:19: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:19: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:19: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:19: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:19: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:20: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:23: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:23: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:23: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:23: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:23: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:23: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:24: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:24: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: instance NTE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: instance NTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:27: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:27: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:33: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:33: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:33: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:33: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:33: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:33: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:12:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:14:26: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:14:26: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:14:26: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:14:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:14:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:14:27: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:14:27: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:14:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:14:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:14:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:39: instance NTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:39: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:39: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:39: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:42: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:42: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:42: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:16:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:06: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:06: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:06: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:11: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:11: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:47: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:47: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:47: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:50: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:50: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:51: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:51: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:51: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:17:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:03: instance MjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:10: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:10: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:22: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:22: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:22: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:18:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:02: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:02: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:11: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:12: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:12: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:13: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:14: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:17: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:17: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:18: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:18: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:18: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 08:20:21: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:03: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:03: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:03: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:03: instance MjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:03: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:03: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:03: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:03: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:03: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:03: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:04: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:07: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:07: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:07: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:07: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:07: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:07: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:07: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:07: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: instance MjM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: instance MjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:09: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:26: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:26: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:26: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:43:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:44:45: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:44:45: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:44:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:44:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:44:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:44:56: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:44:56: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:44:56: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:44:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:44:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:45:17: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:45:17: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:45:17: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:45:17: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:45:17: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:45:17: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:45:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:45:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:46:32: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:46:32: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:46:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:46:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:46:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:56: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:58: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:58: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:58: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:58: instance MjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:58: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:58: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:58: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:58: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:58: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:58: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:47:59: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:00: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:00: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:00: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:00: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:00: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:00: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:01: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:01: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: instance MjM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: instance MjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:48:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:35: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:35: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:35: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:37: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:37: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:47: instance MjY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:49:53: instance Mjg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:50:00: instance MzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:50:00: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:50:03: instance MzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:08: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:08: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:08: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:08: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:08: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:33: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:33: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:33: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:35: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:36: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:45: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:45: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:53: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:53: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:53: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:58: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:58: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:58: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:59: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:53:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:54:17: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:54:17: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:54:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:54:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:54:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:11: instance MzY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:11: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:11: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:11: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:12: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:12: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:12: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:12: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:12: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:12: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:13: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:13: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:56:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:22: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:22: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:22: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:23: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:23: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:47: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:47: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:47: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:47: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:47: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 09:58:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:03:46: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:03:46: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:03:46: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:03:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:03:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:03:47: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:03:47: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:03:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:03:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:03:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 10:07:53: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:06: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:06: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:06: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:06: instance MzY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:07: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:07: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:07: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:07: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:07: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:07: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:07: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:07: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:07: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:08: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:10: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:10: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:11: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:11: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:11: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:11: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:11: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:11: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: instance MzU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: instance MzY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:15: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:15: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:25: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:25: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:25: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:25: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:25: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:38:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:40:49: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:26: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:26: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:26: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:37: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:45: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:45: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:45: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:41:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:42:18: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:44:09: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:44:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:44:09: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:44:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:44:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:49:09: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:49:09: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:49:09: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:49:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:49:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:49:10: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:49:10: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:49:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:49:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:49:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:36: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:36: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:36: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:37: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:39: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:39: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:50:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:07: instance Mzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:07: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:07: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:07: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:08: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:08: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:24: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:24: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:24: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:29: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:29: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:29: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:51:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:53:25: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:55:33: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:55:33: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:55:33: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:55:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:55:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:58:04: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:58:04: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:58:04: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:58:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:58:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:58:04: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:58:04: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:58:04: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:58:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:58:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:13: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:14: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:14: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:14: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:15: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:15: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:15: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:30: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:30: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:30: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 13:59:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 14:00:55: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: instance Mzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:33: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:34: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:36: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:37: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:37: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:37: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:37: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:37: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:37: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:37: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: instance Mzc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: instance Mzg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:40: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:40: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:43: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:43: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:43: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:43: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:43: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:52:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:53:31: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 18:53:55: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:15: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:15: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:15: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:15: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:15: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:15: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:15: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:15: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:15: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:15: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:16: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:19: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:19: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:19: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:19: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:19: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:19: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:20: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:20: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: instance NDc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:43: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:43: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:43: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:44: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:44: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:01:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:02: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:02: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:03: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:03: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:20: bind FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:20: prepare FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:20: enter FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:22: leave FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:22: drop FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:24: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:24: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:24: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:02:43: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:09: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:09: resume -> enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:35: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:35: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:35: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:35: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:35: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:35: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:03:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:24: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:24: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:29: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:32: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:32: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:33: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:34: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:35: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:35: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:35: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:35: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: instance NDc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:37: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:37: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:37: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:37: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:04:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:05:38: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:05:38: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:05:38: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:05:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:05:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:04: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:04: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:04: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:05: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:05: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:05: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:15:

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:31: bind IOSVideoAdStage

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:31: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:31: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:31: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:31: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:31: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:06:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:05: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:05: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:14: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:19: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:19: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:19: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:20: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:21: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:21: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:21: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:23: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:23: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:23: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:23: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:24: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:24: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:24: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:24: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: instance NDc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:26: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:26: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:26: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:26: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/02 19:09:46: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:25: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:25: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:25: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:25: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:25: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:25: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:25: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:25: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:25: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:25: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:26: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:27: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:27: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:27: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:27: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:27: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:28: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:28: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:28: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: instance NDc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:31: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:31: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:31: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:34: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:34: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:34: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:34: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:34: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:39:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:13: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:13: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:13: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:13: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:13: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:14: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:14: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:14: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:41: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:41: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:41: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:41: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:41: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:41: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:40:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:23: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:28: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:28: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:28: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:28: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:28: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:28: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:28: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:28: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:28: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:28: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:29: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:32: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:32: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:32: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:32: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:32: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:32: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:32: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:32: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: instance NDc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: instance NDg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:41:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:44:02: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:44:02: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:44:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:44:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:44:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:44:03: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:44:03: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:44:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:44:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:44:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:32: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:32: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:32: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:33: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:33: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:33: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:39: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:39: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:39: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:41: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:41: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:46:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:20: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:20: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:20: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:20: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:20: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:24: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:24: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:24: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:25: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:25: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:25: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:25: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:25: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:27: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:27: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:27: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:40: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:40: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:47:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:01: instance NTA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:01: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:01: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:01: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:02: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:02: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:49:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:51:37: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:51:39: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:51:39: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:51:39: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:51:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:51:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:51:46: instance NTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:50: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:50: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:50: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:51: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:53: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:53: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:54: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:54: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:54: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:55: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:55: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:52:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:53:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:53:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:53:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:53:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:53:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:53:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:53:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:53:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:53:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:53:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:54:12: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:54:57: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:54:57: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:54:57: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:54:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:54:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:22: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:22: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:22: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:27: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:27: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:27: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:28: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:28: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:28: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:29: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:29: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:30: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:30: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:30: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:31: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:31: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:31: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:32: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:32: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:55:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/03 18:59:04: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:13: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:13: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:13: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:13: instance NTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:13: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:13: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:13: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:13: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:13: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:13: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:14: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:15: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:15: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:15: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:15: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:15: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:15: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:15: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:15: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:16: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:16: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: instance NTE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: instance NTI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:32: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:32: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:32: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:34: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:34: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:34: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:34: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:34: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:01:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:02:13: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:02:42: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:02:42: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:02:42: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:02:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:02:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:02:55: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:03:03: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:05:37: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:05:37: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:05:37: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:05:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:05:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:05:45: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:22: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:22: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:22: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:22: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:22: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:22: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:22: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:22: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:22: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:22: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:23: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:24: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:24: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:24: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:24: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:24: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:24: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:24: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:24: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:25: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:25: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:25: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:25: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:25: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: instance NzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:34: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:34: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:34: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:07:53: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:00: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:00: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:00: resume -> enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:08: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:54: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:54: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:54: resume -> enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:08:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:30: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:30: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:30: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:30: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:30: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:30: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:40: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:51: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:09:51: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:17: resume -> enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:23: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:23: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:30: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:33: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:34: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:35: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:35: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:35: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:35: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:35: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:35: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: instance NzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:37: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:37: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:37: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:37: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:37: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:11:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:36: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:36: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:36: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:59: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:59: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:59: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:59: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:59: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:59: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:12:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:40: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:40: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:46: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:47: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:47: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:47: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:47: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:48: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:49: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:49: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:51: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:51: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:51: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:51: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:51: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:51: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:52: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:52: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: instance NzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:13:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:57: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:59: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:59: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:59: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:59: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:59: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:59: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:59: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:59: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:59: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:15:59: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:00: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:01: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:01: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:01: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:01: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:01: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:01: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:01: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:01: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:02: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: instance NzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: instance NzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:09: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:09: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:10: bind FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:10: prepare FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:10: enter FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:11: leave FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:11: drop FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:18: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:18: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:18: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:22: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:22: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:16:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:57: instance NzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:57: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:57: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:57: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:58: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:58: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:59: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:59: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:59: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:59: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:18:59: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:19:00: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:19:00: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:19:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:19:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:19:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:21:06: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:21:06: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:21:06: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:21:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:21:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:21:07: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:21:07: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:21:07: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:21:07: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:21:07: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:17: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:18: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:19: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:20: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:21: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:22: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:23: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:24: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:22:25: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:08: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:08: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:08: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:08: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:08: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 18:26:28: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:17: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:17: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:17: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:17: instance NzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:18: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:18: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:18: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:18: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:18: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:18: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:18: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:18: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:18: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:19: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:20: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:20: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:20: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:20: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:20: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:20: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: instance NzM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: instance NzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:23: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:23: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:45:36: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:14: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:14: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:14: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:51: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:51: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:51: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:52: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:53: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:54: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:55: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:55: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:55: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:56: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:57: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:57: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:58: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:58: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:58: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:49:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:53:02: instance MjQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:54:19: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:54:19: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:54:19: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:54:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:54:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:54:19: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:54:19: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:54:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:54:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:54:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:55:11: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:55:11: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:55:11: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:55:11: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:55:11: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:55:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:55:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:55:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:55:39: instance Mzk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:56:26: instance OQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:58:02: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:58:02: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:58:02: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:58:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:58:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:58:06: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:58:06: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:58:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:58:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:58:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:39: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:39: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:39: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 19:59:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:00:55: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:00:55: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:00:55: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:00:55: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:00:55: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:00:55: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:00:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:00:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:38: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:38: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:39: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:41: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:41: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:41: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:01:42: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:08: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:08: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:08: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:08: instance OQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:09: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:10: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:10: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:10: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:10: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:10: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:10: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:10: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:12: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:12: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:12: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:12: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:13: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:13: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:13: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:13: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: instance OA==
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: instance OQ==
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:15: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:15: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:15: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:15: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:02:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:15: bind FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:15: prepare FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:15: enter FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:21: leave FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:21: drop FeaturesStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:32: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:32: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:32: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:32: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:32: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:34: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:34: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:34: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:03:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:48: instance MTE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:48: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:48: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:48: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:49: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:49: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:49: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:05:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/04 20:06:15: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: Download
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.ConfigManager$$Lambda$1.run(Unknown
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: Time

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: translation vi_VN

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: instance MTE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:42: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: Backend
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: Engine consumes 11MB

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: General
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: loading Texture

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:43: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:44: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:44: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:44: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:44: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:44: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:44: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:44: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:45: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:45: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:45: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: instance MTA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: instance MTE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:46: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:47: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:47: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:47: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:47: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:47: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:47: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:48: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:48: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:48: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:56: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:56: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:56: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:17:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:18:02: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:18:02: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:18:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:18:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:18:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:18:28: instance MTM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:18:29: instance MTU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 15:18:53: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:02: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:02: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:02: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:03: instance MTU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:03: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:03: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:03: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:03: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:03: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:03: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:03: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:03: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:03: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:04: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:06: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:06: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:06: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:07: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:07: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:07: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:07: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:07: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: instance MTU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:09: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:09: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:09: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:09: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:09: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:32: Time
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:32: Download

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.ConfigManager$$Lambda$1.run(Unknown
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:34: Backend

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 14 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:34: General

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 14 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/05 18:21:34: pause app

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: instance MTU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:06: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:07: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:08: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:08: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:08: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:08: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:08: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:08: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:08: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:09: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: instance MTQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: instance MTU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:11: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:11: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:16: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:16: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:16: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:16: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:16: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:51:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:52:13: instance MTc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:52:15: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:52:29: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:08: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:08: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:08: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:23: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:23: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:23: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:33: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:33: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:33: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:33: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:33: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:33: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:54:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:24: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:24: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:24: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:24: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:24: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:24: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:55: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:55: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 11:55:57: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:38: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:38: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:38: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:38: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:38: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:38: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:38: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:38: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:38: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:38: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:39: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:42: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:42: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:42: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:42: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:42: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:42: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:42: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:42: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: instance MTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:54:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 12:56:05: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: Download
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.ConfigManager$$Lambda$1.run(Unknown
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: Time

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: translation vi_VN

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:36: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: Backend
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: General
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: loading Texture

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:37: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:38: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:38: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:38: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:38: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:38: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:38: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:38: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:38: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: instance MTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:40: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:41: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:41: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:33:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/06 14:34:33: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:13: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:13: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:13: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:13: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:13: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:13: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:13: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:13: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:13: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:13: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:14: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:15: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:15: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:15: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:15: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:15: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:15: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:15: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:15: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: instance MTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:17: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:18: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:18: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:18: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:20: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:20: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:20: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:20: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:20: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:08:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:00: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:00: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:00: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:01: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:01: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:19: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:19: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:19: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:21: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:09:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:11:41: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:40: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:40: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:40: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:40: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:40: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:40: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:40: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:40: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:40: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:40: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:41: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:41: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:41: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:41: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:41: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:41: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:41: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:41: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:42: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:43: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:43: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:43: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:43: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: instance MTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:45: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:45: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:45: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:45: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:45: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:17:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:06: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:15: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:15: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 16:18:41: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: Time
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: Download

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.ConfigManager$$Lambda$1.run(Unknown
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: translation vi_VN

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:49: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:50: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:50: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:50: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:50: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:50: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:50: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:50: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 0019:09:50: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:50: Backend
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:50: General

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: loading Texture

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:51: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:52: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:52: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:52: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:52: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: instance MTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:55: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:55: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:55: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:09:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:20: bind FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:20: prepare FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:20: enter FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:20: leave FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:20: drop FullPageOfferStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/07 19:10:50: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:06: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:06: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:07: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:07: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:07: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:07: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:07: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:07: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:07: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:07: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:07: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:07: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:08: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:10: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:10: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:11: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:11: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:11: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:11: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:11: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: instance MTg=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: instance MTk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:14: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:14: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:15: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:15: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:15: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:15: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:15: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:42:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:43:48: instance Mjk=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:44:00: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:44:00: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:44:00: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:44:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:44:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:44:01: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:44:01: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:44:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:44:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:44:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: instance MzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:54: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:54: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:54: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:46:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:00: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:00: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:00: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:01: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:01: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:01: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:43: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:43: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:43: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:44: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:44: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:47:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:48:13: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:48:13: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:48:13: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:48:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:48:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:48:16: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:48:16: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:48:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:48:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:48:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:51:12: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:51:12: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:51:12: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:51:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:51:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:51:13: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:51:13: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:51:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:51:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:51:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:52:45: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:52:45: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:52:45: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:52:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:52:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:52:46: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:52:46: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:52:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:52:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:52:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:24: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:24: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:24: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:45: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:45: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:45: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:54:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:05: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:05: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:05: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:05: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:05: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:05: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:41: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:41: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:42: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:44: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:44: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:44: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:44: instance MzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:45: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:46: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:46: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:46: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:46: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:46: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:46: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:48: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:48: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:48: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:49: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:49: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:49: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:49: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: instance MzA=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: instance MzE=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:51: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:51: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:51: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:51: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:51: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:51: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:55:51: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: instance MzM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:53: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:53: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:53: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:53: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:53: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 16:59:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:00:52: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:00:52: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:00:52: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:00:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:00:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:00:53: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:00:53: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:00:53: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:00:53: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:00:53: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:02:14: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:02:16: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:02:16: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:02:16: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:02:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:02:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:36: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:36: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:36: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:56: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:56: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:56: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:56: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:56: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:56: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:03:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:04:37: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:04:37: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:04:37: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:04:37: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:04:37: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:04:37: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:04:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:04:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:04:55:
java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: %a can't format java.lang.String
java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException: %a can't format java.lang.String
at java.util.Formatter.badArgumentType(Formatter.java:1489)
at java.util.Formatter.transformFromFloat(Formatter.java:2038)
at java.util.Formatter.transform(Formatter.java:1465)
at java.util.Formatter.doFormat(Formatter.java:1081)
at java.util.Formatter.format(Formatter.java:1042)
at java.util.Formatter.format(Formatter.java:1011)
at java.lang.String.format(String.java:2062)
at java.lang.String.format(String.java:2036)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.store.PluginEntry.getText(PluginEntry.java:129)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.store.PluginEntry.build(PluginEntry.java:247)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.store.PluginEntry.draw(PluginEntry.java:669)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.store.StoreStage$5.draw(StoreStage.java:567)
at io.blueflower.stapel2d.gui.ListBox.draw(ListBox.java:175)
at io.blueflower.stapel2d.gui.Gadget.drawChildren(Gadget.java:561)
at io.blueflower.stapel2d.gui.Gadget.draw(Gadget.java:538)
at io.blueflower.stapel2d.gui.Master.draw(Master.java:56)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.BaseStage.drawGui(BaseStage.java:635)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.BaseStage.update(BaseStage.java:291)
at io.blueflower.stapel2d.gamestack.GameStack.update(GameStack.java:154)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.TheoTownX.render(TheoTownX.kt:179)
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.iosrobovm.IOSGraphics.draw(IOSGraphics.java:265)
at com.badlogic.gdx.backends.iosrobovm.IOSGraphics$1.$cb$drawRect$
at org.robovm.apple.uikit.UIApplication.main(Native Method)
at org.robovm.apple.uikit.UIApplication.main(UIApplication.java:433)
at io.blueflower.theotown.aios.IOSLauncher.main(IOSLauncher.java:300)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:03: bind IOSVideoAdStage

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:03: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:03: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:03: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:03: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:03: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:43: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:43: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:44: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:46: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:46: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:46: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:46: instance MzM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:46: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:46: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:46: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:46: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:46: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:46: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:47: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:50: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:50: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:50: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:50: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:50: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:50: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:50: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: instance MzM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:05:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:06:09: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:06:11: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:06:11: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:06:11: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:06:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:06:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:02: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:02: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:02: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:02: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:04: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:04: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:04: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:06: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:06: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:06: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/08 17:07:59: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: Download
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.ConfigManager$$Lambda$1.run(Unknown
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: Time

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: translation vi_VN

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: instance MzM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:05: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: Backend
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: General

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: loading Texture

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:06: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:07: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:07: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:07: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:07: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:07: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:08: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:08: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:08: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:09: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:09: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:09: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:09: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: instance MzI=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: instance MzM=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:11: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:16: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:16: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:16: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:16: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:25:16: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:28:29: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:28:29: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:28:29: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:28:30: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:28:30: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:28:30: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:28:30: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:28:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:28:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:06: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:07: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:08: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:09: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:10: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:10: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:10: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:12: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:13: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:14: 255 255 255
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:29:58: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:34:38: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:34:38: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:34:39: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:34:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:34:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:36:57: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:36:57: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:36:57: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:36:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:36:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:36:58: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:36:58: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:36:58: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:02: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:03: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:03: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:03: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:05: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:05: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:05: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:06: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:08: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:08: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:22: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:22: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:22: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:22: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:22: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:23: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:23: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:23: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:37: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:37: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:37: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:43: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:43: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:43: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:43: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:43: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:43: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:37:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:24: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:24: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:24: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:24: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:24: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:28: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:28: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:28: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:28: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:28: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:29: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:29: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:29: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:29: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:29: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:38:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:26: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:26: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:29: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:29: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:29: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:29: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:30: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:30: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:30: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:30: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:30: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:38: instance MzU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:38: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:38: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:38: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:39: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:39: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:39: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:39: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:39: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:39:55: null|free_tunnels00
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:13: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:13: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:13: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:14: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:14: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:14: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:55: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:55: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:55: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:56: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:56: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:56: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:56: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:42:56: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:19: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:19: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:19: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:20: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:26: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:26: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:26: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:43:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:04: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:04: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:04: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:06: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:06: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:06: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:06: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:06: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:08: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:08: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:08: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:08: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:08: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:15: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:15: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:15: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:15: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:44:15: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:26: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:26: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:26: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:26: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:26: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:27: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:27: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:34: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:34: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:34: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:36: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:36: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:36: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:36: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:46:36: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:27: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:27: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:27: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:27: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:27: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:27: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:45: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:45: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:45: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:45: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:45: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:54: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:54: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:54: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:54: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:47:54: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:49:43: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:49:43: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:49:43: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:49:43: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:49:43: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:49:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:49:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:49:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:51:02: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:51:03: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:51:03: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:51:03: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:51:03: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:51:03: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 10:51:03: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:12: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:12: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:12: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:12: instance MzU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:12: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:12: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:12: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:12: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:12: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:12: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:13: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:13: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:13: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:13: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:13: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:13: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:13: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:13: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:13: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:13: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:14: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:14: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:14: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:14: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:14: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:16: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:16: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:16: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:17: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:17: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:17: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:17: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: instance MzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: instance MzU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:18: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:19: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:21: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:21: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:21: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:21: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:21: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:42: Download
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.ConfigManager$$Lambda$1.run(Unknown
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:42: Time

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:43: Backend

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 14 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:04:43: General

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 14 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:23: bind Store

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:23: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:23: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:23: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:23: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:55: bind IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:55: prepare IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:55: enter IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:55: leave IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:55: drop IOSVideoAdStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:55: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:55: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:07:55: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:08:46: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:08:46: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:08:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:08:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:08:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:08:48: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:08:48: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:08:48: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:08:48: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:08:48: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:00: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:04: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:04: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:04: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:04: instance MzU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:04: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:04: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:04: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:04: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:04: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:04: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:05: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:08: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:08: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:08: Get config drafts
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: May not find a loader for type not defined
at info.flowersoft.theotown.stages.LoadingStage$13.run(LoadingStage.java:260)
at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:237)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:08: loading Finishing drafts

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:08: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:08: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:08: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:08: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: instance MzQ=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: instance MzU=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:10: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:53: Backend
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
api.theotown.com/ (port 443) after 20000ms
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
api.theotown.com/ (port 443) after 20000ms
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:159)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:222)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:489)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:843)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Platform.connectSocket(Platform.java:131)
at com.android.okhttp.Connection.connect(Connection.java:101)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:294)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:09:53: General

java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
api.theotown.com/ (port 443) after 20000ms
java.net.SocketTimeoutException: failed to connect to
api.theotown.com/ (port 443) after 20000ms
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connectErrno(IoBridge.java:159)
at libcore.io.IoBridge.connect(IoBridge.java:112)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:222)
at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:489)
at java.net.Socket.connect(Socket.java:843)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Platform.connectSocket(Platform.java:131)
at com.android.okhttp.Connection.connect(Connection.java:101)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:294)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:00: instance Mzc=

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:01: bind RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:01: prepare RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:01: enter RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:02: leave RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:02: drop RankStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:02: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:02: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:02: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:10:20: Download
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: SSL
handshake aborted: ssl=0x108ec0cb0: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol
error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
external/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:741 0x10641b767:0x00000000)
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: SSL
handshake aborted: ssl=0x108ec0cb0: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol
error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
external/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:741 0x10641b767:0x00000000)
at com.android.okhttp.Connection.upgradeToTls(Connection.java:146)
at com.android.okhttp.Connection.connect(Connection.java:107)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:294)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.ConfigManager$$Lambda$1.run(Unknown
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
Caused by: javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: SSL handshake aborted:
ssl=0x108ec0cb0: Failure in SSL library, usually a protocol error
error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure
external/openssl/ssl/s23_clnt.c:741 0x10641b767:0x00000000)
at com.android.org.conscrypt.NativeCrypto.SSL_do_handshake(Native Method)
... 12 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/09 19:13:40: pause app

[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: instance Mzc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:56: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: resume -> enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:57: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/03/13 11:44:58: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: Download
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.ConfigManager$$Lambda$1.run(Unknown
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:837)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: Time

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "data.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:424)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at java.net.URL.openStream(URL.java:470)
Caused by: libcore.io.GaiException: getaddrinfo failed: EAI_NONAME (nodename nor
servname provided, or not known)
at libcore.io.Posix.getaddrinfo(Native Method)
at libcore.io.ForwardingOs.getaddrinfo(ForwardingOs.java:61)
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:405)
... 15 more

[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: translation vi_VN

[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: instance Mzc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:09: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: Backend
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: General

java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
java.net.UnknownHostException: Unable to resolve host "api.theotown.com": nodename
nor servname provided, or not known
at java.net.InetAddress.lookupHostByName(InetAddress.java:394)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByNameImpl(InetAddress.java:236)
at java.net.InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.java:214)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.Dns$1.getAllByName(Dns.java:28)
at com.android.okhttp.internal.http.HttpEngine.connect(HttpEngine.java:292)
at info.flowersoft.theotown.resources.StaticFiles$1.run(StaticFiles.java:47)

[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:10: pause app

[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:18: enter app
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:18: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:18: resume -> enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:18: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:18: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:18: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:18: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/01 07:54:18: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:06: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:06: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:06: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:06: instance Mzc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:06: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:06: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:06: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:06: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:06: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:06: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:07: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:07: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:07: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:07: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:07: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:07: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:07: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:07: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:08: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:08: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:08: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:08: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:08: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:08: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:08: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:10: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:10: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:11: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:11: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:11: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:11: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:11: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:12: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: instance MzY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: instance Mzc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:30: instance NDc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:34: bind Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:34: prepare Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:34: enter Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:34: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:34: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:41: leave Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:41: drop Store
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 12:59:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:20: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:20: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:20: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:27: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:27: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:27: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:33: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:33: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:33: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:35: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:35: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:35: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:35: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:35: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:41: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:41: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:41: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:52: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:52: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:52: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:52: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:00:52: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 13:01:45: pause app
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:58: Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:58: create() cold start
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:58: translation vi_VN
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:58: instance NDc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:58: create() finish
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:58: create() end
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:58: resume app
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:58: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:58: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:58: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:59: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:59: loading Warm-up
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:59: refresh
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:46:59: loading Startup
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: loading Texture
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: loading Fonts
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: loading Skin
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: loading Extract files
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: loading Frames
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: loading Scripting
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:00: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:02: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:02: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:03: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:03: loading Loading music
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:03: loading Shaders
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:03: loading Topics
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:03: loading Loading textures
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: loading Checking winter
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: loading Preparing background
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: loading Finishing
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: bind RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: enter RegionStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: instance NDY=
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: instance NDc=
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: bind GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: prepare GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: prepare SpecialOfferStage:
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:08: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:08: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_freedombuildings00
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:20: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:20: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:20: enter GameStage
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:20: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:47:20: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.36i] 2024/04/10 14:49:09: pause app
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:37: Startup
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:37: create() cold start
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:37: translation vi_VN
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:37: instance NDc=
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:38: create() finish
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:38: create() end
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:38: resume app
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:38: refresh
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:38: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:38: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:38: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:38: loading Warm-up
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: refresh
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: loading Startup
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: loading Texture
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: loading Fonts
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: loading Skin
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: loading Extract files
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: loading Frames
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: loading Scripting
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:39: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:40: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:40: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:40: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:41: loading Loading music
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:41: loading Shaders
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:41: loading Topics
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:41: loading Loading textures
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: loading Checking winter
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: loading Preparing background
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: loading Finishing
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: bind MissingScriptPermsStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: prepare MissingScriptPermsStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: drop MissingScriptPermsStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: bind RegionStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: enter RegionStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: instance NDY=
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: instance NDc=
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:42: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: bind GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: prepare GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:51:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:52:13: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:52:13: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks01
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:52:13: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:52:13: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:52:13: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:55:57: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:55:57: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:55:57: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:55:57: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:55:57: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:55:59: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:55:59: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:56:00: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:56:00: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:56:00: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:57:38: bind SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:57:38: prepare SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:57:38: enter SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:57:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:57:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:57:38: leave SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:57:38: drop SaveWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:57:38: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:57:38: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:57:38: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:58:14: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:58:14: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:58:14: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:58:14: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:58:14: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:58:43: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:58:43: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:58:43: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:58:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:58:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:59:45: pause app
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:59:46: enter app
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:59:46: resume app
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:59:46: resume -> enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:59:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 18:59:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:01: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:01: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:01: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:01: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:01: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:05: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:05: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:05: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:05: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:05: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:06: pause app
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:08: leave GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:08: drop GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/18 19:00:08: drop RegionStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:38: Startup
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:38: create() cold start
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:38: translation vi_VN
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:38: instance NDc=
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:38: create() finish
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:38: create() end
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:38: resume app
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:38: refresh
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:38: bind LoadingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:38: prepare LoadingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:39: enter LoadingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:39: loading Warm-up
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:39: refresh
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:39: loading Startup
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: Max texture size 4096
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: Max heap size is 8796093022207MB
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: Engine consumes 11MB
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: Screen size is 896x414, ppi: 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: loading Texture
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: loading Fonts
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: loading Skin
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: loading Extract files
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: loading Frames
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: loading Scripting
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: loading Collecting drafts
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: loading Prefetching images
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:40: loading Loading drafts
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:41: loading Finishing drafts
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:41: loading Loading music
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:41: loading Shaders
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:41: loading Topics
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:41: loading Loading textures
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: loading Checking winter
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: loading Preparing background
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: loading Finishing
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: leave LoadingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: drop LoadingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: bind MissingScriptPermsStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: prepare MissingScriptPermsStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: bind PluginErrorStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: prepare PluginErrorStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: bind MissingManifestStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: prepare MissingManifestStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: bind WelcomeStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: prepare WelcomeStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: enter WelcomeStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1792x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: drop MissingScriptPermsStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: drop PluginErrorStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: drop MissingManifestStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: leave WelcomeStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: drop WelcomeStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: bind RegionStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: prepare RegionStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: enter RegionStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: instance NDY=
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: instance NDc=
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: bind LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: prepare LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: enter LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: leave LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: drop LoadWaitingStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: bind GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:43: prepare GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:44: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:44: bind SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks02
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:44: prepare SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks02
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:44: enter SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks02
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:44: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:44: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:46: leave SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks02
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:46: drop SpecialOfferStage:$feature_landmarks02
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:46: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:46: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:46: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:49: instance NDk=
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:49: bind RankStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:49: prepare RankStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:49: enter RankStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:49: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:49: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:50: leave RankStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:50: drop RankStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:50: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:50: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:42:50: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:02: instance NTk=
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:04: bind Store
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:04: prepare Store
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:04: enter Store
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:04: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:04: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:08: leave Store
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:08: drop Store
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:08: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:08: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:08: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:37: bind CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:37: prepare CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:37: enter CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:37: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:37: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:41: leave CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:41: drop CityInfoStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:41: enter GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:41: ResolutionMgr perfect width 549 for res 1791x828
with xdpi 326.0 derived from 326.0
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:43:41: ResolutionMgr perfect index 2 (3) with 4 factors
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:44:08: pause app
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:44:11: leave GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:44:11: drop GameStage
[1.11.50i] 2024/04/29 18:44:11: drop RegionStage

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