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NAME: ________________________________________ STRAND & SECTION: ___________________________

DIRECTIONS: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer in CAPITAL letter. Avoid any erasures or alteration
in your test paper.

________1. Human life is in the symbolic realm. Which core principle is this?
A. Structural functionalism B. Symbolic Interactionism C. Marxism D. Humanism

_______2. Which of the following describes Social Interactionism?

A. Human action and interaction are understandable only through the exchange of meaningful communication or
B. human beings have behaved primarily in reaction to the significance that events have for them, and these
interpretations, in effect, originate from encounters with others.
C. Social, economic, psychological, and cultural aspects of human actions
D. None of the above
_______3. Which is NOT the main principle of symbolic interactionism?
A. Human beings act toward things based on the meanings that things have for them
B. These meanings arise out of social interaction
C. Social behavior may vary depending on their status and power.
D. All of the above.
_______4. The truth in symbolic interactionism is created based on what factors?
A. Self, gender, and culture C. Both A and B
B. Language and communication and symbols D. None of the above.
_______5. Human action and interaction are understandable only through the exchange of meaningful communication or
symbols. What theoretical perspective is it?
A. Structural functionalism B. Symbolic Interactionism C. Marxism D. None of the above
_______6. What is the core principle of symbolic interactionism?
A. Action concentrated on the synthesis of social, economic, psychological, and cultural aspects of human actions
B. Human life is in the symbolic realm
C. Social Interaction
D. None of the above
_______7. Which of the following statement is NOT true about Psychoanalysis?
A. Psychoanalysis lost its practicality due to its lengthy procedure
B. This approach is a breakthrough in psychology
C. Psychoanalysis is a practical method
D. Psychoanalysis theory discovered by Sigmund Freud
_______8. All of the following constitute the meaning of rational choice EXCEPT one:
A. Take action with reason when making choices.
B. Therapeutic techniques and sets of psychological theories.
C. Used to know why a person behaves or acts the way he/she does.
D. People act as they think of their action has much profit than costs.
_______9. How is rational choice theory defined?
A. Choices are made based on the experience and the education of the individual.
B. People base a decision on available options and then use certain criteria to decide.
C. The decision is made haphazardly based on the mood of the individual at the time.
D. Choices are made by consulting an expert.
_______10. The basic tenets of psychoanalysis include the following EXCEPT:
A. Therapeutic techniques and a set of psychological theories.
B. Man thinks rationally in making choices and decisions in life.
C. Human behavior is largely determined by irrational drives.
D. Attempts to bring drives into awareness lead to defense mechanisms.
_______11. Which of the following is NOT a part of the personality structure theorized by Sigmund Freud?
A. Defense mechanism B. Ego C. Id D. Superego

_______12. Which of the following situations show a rational choice?

A. Buy an iPhone rather than an Android phone with the same value.
B. Patronize Pinoy rice with much more quality over commercial rice
C. Watch a pirated movie at home rather than watching it on theater.
D. Choose branded products over local products with the same quality.
________13. Which of the following is NOT an underlying assumption of rational choice theory?
A. Assumption of completeness, which every action is ranked.
B. People seek to rationally maximize their profits.
C. Assumption of transitivity.
D. Independence of alternatives.
_______14. Identify whether the following statements are TRUE or FALSE.
I. Psychoanalysis is not a practical method since it takes weeks, months and years to get the result
II. Psychoanalysis is a breakthrough in Psychology since it is used to treat patients with mental illness

A. BOTH statements are TRUE C. The first statement is TRUE, but the second statement is FALSE
B. BOTH statements are FALSE D. The first statement is FALSE, but the second statement is TRUE
_______15. Which of the following describes the composition of the “id” personality structure?
A. Includes primal urges and operates based on instinct.
B. A technique that the ego uses to defend itself from distress.
C. Opposes the desires of the id by enforcing moral restrictions.
D. Operates based on reality, control, and balances the urges of the id.
________16.. Upon his arrival from school, Joshua went directly to their kitchen looking for food to eat. While eating, he was
thinking of playing mobile legend when done eating. A moment later, he remembered that Mr. Generoso gave an assignment on
that day. So, he did the assignment first before playing mobile legend. What personality structure operates when Jimmy decided
to do his assignment before playing mobile games?
A. Defense mechanism B. Id C. Ego D. Superego
_______17. Which of the following developed the Psychoanalytic theory?
A. Karl Marx B. Edmund Husserl C. Sigmund Freud D. Erik Erikson

_______18. Which of the statement does BEST describe Institutionalism?

A. Institutionalism focuses on the implementation of laws
B. The institution plays an important role in politics
C. The institution becomes the focus of academic studies
D. Institutionalism studies the correlation between policies and behavior.
_______19. Apply the relevant approaches in this social phenomenon: FAMILY PLANNING
I. Institutionalism IV. Psychoanalysis
II. Feminism V. Rational Choice Theory
III. Hermeneutic- Phenomenology
A. I, II, V B. I, II, III C. II, IV, V D. III, IV, V
_______20. Jessica, a Political Science student, decided to employ Institutionalism as her chosen approach for her research.
Which of the following thesis statements BEST suits her chosen approach?
A. Questions on Human existence C. Role of women in nation-building
B. Impact of Balik - Probinsya Program D. Environmental degradation
_______21. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
I. Feminism seeks equality for all sexes
II. Feminism advocates the primacy of women in all its interactions.
A. BOTH statements are TRUE
B. BOTH statements are FALSE
C. The first statement is TRUE but the second statement is FALSE
D. The first statement is FALSE but the second statement is TRUE
________22. The following legislators advocate Feminism, EXCEPT
A. Christine sponsored a bill increasing the paternity leave
B. Carla suggested that there should be a separate comfort room for those
belonging to the third sex
C. Jenny proposes a bill increasing the years of a sentence for those convicted in
the crime of concubinage
D. Mary voted “No” to a bill denying paternity leave
________23. Michael studies the environmental degradation caused by large-scale mining companies. He proposes a solution
that might change the political environment in the mining industry. Which approach is evident in Michael’s initiative?
A. Institutionalism C. Feminist Theory
B. Phenomenology D. Psychoanalysis
________24. Which of the following BEST describes Feminism?
A. Feminist struggles for equality of all sexes
B. Feminism is sexism
C. Feminism is promoting discrimination
D. Women were acknowledged to be of equal footing to men
________25. Apply the relevant approaches in this social phenomenon: MINING
I. Institutionalism
II. Feminism IV. Human-Environment System
III. Rational Choice Theory V. Psychoanalysis
A. I, II, III C. I, IV only
B. I, III, IV D. All of them are relevant
________26. Apply the relevant approaches in this social phenomenon: CONCUBINAGE
I. Institutionalism IV. Psychoanalysis
II. Feminism V. Rational Choice Theory
III. Hermeneutic- Phenomenology
A. I, III, IV B. II, IV, V C. I, II, III D. III, IV, V
________27. Which of the following may NOT be an object of study of Institutionalism?
A. Governmental structure C. Approval of Anti-Terror Bill
B. The emergence of zoonotic disease D. Discovery of vaccines
________28. Michael studies the environmental degradation caused by large-scale mining companies. He proposes a solution
that might change the political environment in the mining industry. Which approach is evident in Michael’s initiative?
A. Institutionalism C. Feminist Theory
B. Phenomenology D. Psychoanalysis
________29. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the Human-Environment Systems?
A. Pressure in the environment affects humans
B. There is no correlation between the impact of environmental degradation on
the policy of the government
C. The government directly suffers from the disturbances in the physical
D. Zoonotic diseases are emerging due to the effect of human activities in the
________30. This school of thought deals with the project of understanding what it is like and how it is possible to be a human
A. Hermeneutic B. Feminism C. Phenomenology D. Institutionalism


DIRECTIONS: Write your answer/s in CAPITAL letter.

A. It aims to explain the correlation between institutional policies and how it affects the
F 1. Sigmund Freud
behavior of individuals and groups.
B. It involves the suspension of the natural attitude or the scientific attitude, a predominant
D 2. Feminism
belief in which we see ourselves merely as part of a whole governed by natural causal law
3. Transcendental
I C. It is a tactic developed by the ego to protect against anxiety
G 4. Rationality D. The goal of _____________ is the equality of all sexes.
5. Human-environment
H E. He is famously known for his phenomenological method called phenomenological epochē.
F. He believed that the id, ego, and superego are in constant conflict and that adult personality
B 6. Epochē
and behavior are rooted in the results of these internal struggles throughout childhood.
C 7. Defense Mechanism G. It is a property of a series, or pattern of choice, not an individual choice.
H. Its academic focus is geared towards mitigating the impact and pressure on humans by
M 8. Institutionalism
exploring several activities that might help in any abuse in the physical environment.
I. It is the process of reducing the meaning of a particular activity to one’s experience to
K 9. Psychoanalysis
highlight one’s consciousness of the object.
J. It is the process of reducing one’s experience to its essence, which is to look for something
O 10. Gender Equality
that makes things different from others.
N 11.Feminist Theory K. It is commonly used to treat depression and anxiety disorders
12. Rational Choice L. It is a school of thought that deals with the project of understanding what it is like and how
Theory it is possible to be a human being.
13. The Eidetic
J M. It is an approach to studying how societies are being organized and managed.
L 14. Phenomenology N. It focuses on empowering women and addressing inequality between men and women.
15. Hermeneutical O. __________, being a fundamental human right, is necessary to achieve peace in all aspects
Phenomenology of life.
A 16. Institutionalism P. It is used in framing individual behavior to easily predict individual preferences and choices.
E 17. Edmund Husserl Q. It highlights human experience and consciousness in the study of society and social phenomena.
TEST III: ENUMERATION. Write your answer/s in CAPITAL letter.

Give at least 5 Theorist of Functionalism Give the 3 Major Social Sciences Theories

1. _____________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________


Give at least 12 types of defense mechanism

9. ________________________________________ 15. _____________________________________________

10.________________________________________ 16. _____________________________________________

11.________________________________________ 17. _____________________________________________

12. ______________________________________ 18. ____________________________________________

13. _______________________________________ 19. ____________________________________________

14. _______________________________________ 20. ____________________________________________

Give the 6 different Social Science ideas

Give the 3 assumptions underlying rational choice theory

21. _____________________________________________
27. _________________________________
24. ____________________________________________


26. ____________________________________________

Prepared by

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