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On the fractional inequalities defined using cr-log-h-convex

Ali Turab1 , Sikander Mehmood* 2 , Pshtiwan Othman Mohammed„ 3 , Artion Kashuri4 ,
Nejmeddine Chorfi5 , and Sarkhel Akbar Mahmood6
School of Software, Northwestern Polytechnical University, 127 West Youyi Road, Beilin District, Xi’an 710072,
Govt. Graduate College, Sahiwal 57000, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, College of Education, University of Sulaimani, Sulaimani 46001, Kurdistan Region,
Department of Mathematical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Tirana, 1001, Tirana, Albania
Department of Mathematics, College of Science, King Saud University, P.O. Box 2455, Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Computer Science Department of Physics, College of Science, University of Halabja, Halabja 46018, Kurdistan
Region, Iraq

In this paper, we investigate Hermite-Hadamard and its weighted version (Fejér-type) inequalities
that are related to interval-valued cr-log-h-convex functions. Several special cases are deduced and some
known results are recaptured. To support our main results, we offer two examples and two applications
related to modified Bessel functions and special means as well.

1 Introduction
In recent times, there have been notable developments that have unveiled several extensions of convex func-
tions. A function’s convexity is a traditional notion that is vital to many domains, including optimal control
and game theory. However, in many real applications, functions that fall into a weaker class than convex
functions rather than the classical class of convex functions are encountered. Thus, the study of generalised
convexity of functions is an important and fascinating field of research that has drawn a lot of scholarly
interest. A large number of new generalised convexities have been developed to address practical issues. The
Hermite-Hadamard inequality, which connects convex function theory with integral inequalities, has been
widely investigated in a variety of scientific areas.These inequalities have practical utility across a range of do-
mains, including optimization, numerical analysis, and statistics. Since the Hermite-Hadamard inequality is
widely understood to be an analogous form of a convex function, the establishment of a Hermite-Hadamard-
type inequality requires the presence of generalised convexity. In the field of engineering, especially within
the context of 3D printing technology, both Hermite-Hadamard inequality and He Chengtian’s inequality are
frequently employed to approximate the highest and lowest printing speeds. This arises from the inherent
challenge of precisely forecasting printing speeds (see e.g. [1, 2]).
Keywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality; Fejér-type inequality; cr-log-h-convex functions; modified Bessel function of first
Mathematics subject classification (2020) : 05A30; 26A33; 26A51; 34A08; 26D07; 26D10; 26D15.
* Corresponding author. Email:
„ Corresponding author. Email:

Let F : W ⊆ R → R be a convex function with ć1 , ć2 ∈ W and ć1 < ć2 , then
ć1 + ć2 1 F(ć1 ) + F (ć2 )
F ≤ F(υ)dυ ≤ . (1.1)
2 ć2 − ć1 2

Fejér [3], gave the generalized form of inequality (1.1), as follows:

  Zć2 Zć2 Zć2
ć1 + ć2 F(ć1 ) + F (ć2 )
F H̃(υ)dυ ≤ H̃(υ)F(υ)dυ ≤ H̃(υ)dυ,
2 2
ć1 ć1 ć1
ć1 +ć2
holds, where H̃ : [ć1 ; ć2 ] → R is integrable, nonnegative and symmetric function about υ = 2 . In [4],
Pecaric et al. mentioned log-convex functions as follows:
Definition 1. A function F is said to be log-convex if the following inequality
t (1−t)
F (tć1 + (1 − t)ć2 ) ≤ [F (ć1 )] [F (ć2 )] ,
holds for all ∀ ć1 , ć2 ∈ W and t ∈ [0, 1].
Many different extensions, generalizations and improvements related to log-convex functions can be found
(see e.g. [5–7]).
Throughout the discussion W, V ⊆ R. Now, let’s recall the concept of h-convexity that is defined in [8],
as follows:
Definition 2. Let h : W → R be a nonnegative function. A nonnegative function F : V → (0, ∞) is said to
be h-convex function for all ć1 , ć2 ∈ W and t ∈ [0, 1] , one has the inequality
F (tć1 + (1 − t)ć2 ) ≤ h(t)F (ć1 ) + h (1 − t) F (ć2 ) .
Varosanec showed in [8] that the class of h-convex functions generalizes several other classes of convex
In [9], Noor et al. mentioned log-h-convex functions as follows:
Definition 3. Let h : W → R be a nonnegative function. A nonnegative function F : V → (0, ∞) is said to
be log-h-convex function for all ć1 , ć2 ∈ W and t ∈ [0, 1] , one has the inequality
h(t) h(1−t)
F (tć1 + (1 − t)ć2 ) ≤ [F (ć1 )] [F (ć2 )] .
Due to broad utility of Hermite-Hadamard inequalities and fractional calculus, and across various scientific
disciplines, researchers are actively exploring these type of inequalities. This research direction has gained
momentum, as evidenced by recent developments in the field (see e.g. [10–15]).
Sarikaya et. al. in [16] established the Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for fractional integrals:
Theorem 1. Let F : [ć1 , ć2 ] ⊆ R → R where F ∈ L[ć1 , ć2 ] with 0 ≤ ć1 < ć2 . If F is convex function and
positive on [ć1 , ć2 ], then we have
ć1 + ć2 Γ(ς + 1)  ς ς
 F(ć1 ) + F(ć2 )
F ≤ J ć − F(ć1 ) + Jć + F(ć2 ) ≤ ,
2 2(ć2 − ć1 )ς 1 2
with ς > 0. The following Jćς+ represents the left-sided fractional integral and Jćς− represents the right-sided
1 2
of the order ς ∈ R+ :
Z ć
Jćς+ F(ć) = (ć − ϕ)ς−1 F(ϕ)dϕ, (0 ≤ ć1 < ć ≤ ć2 ),
1 Γ(ς) ć1
and Z ć2
Jćς− F(ć) = (ϕ − ć)ς−1 F(ϕ)dϕ, (0 ≤ ć1 ≤ ć < ć2 ).
2 Γ(ς) ć

The set RI contains all closed intervals on R. For [ϑ, ϑ] ∈ RI , if ϑ > 0, then [ϑ, ϑ] is a positive interval.
The set R+
I is collection of all positive intervals.

Definition 4. ( [17]) For any λ ∈ R, ϑ = [ϑ, ϑ], σ = [σ, σ] ∈ RI , we have

ϑ + σ = [ϑ, ϑ] + [σ, σ] = [ϑ + σ, ϑ + σ],

and 
 [λϑ, λϑ] , λ > 0
λϑ = λ[ϑ, ϑ] = [0, 0] , λ = 0
[λϑ, λϑ] , λ < 0.

Let ϑ = [ϑ, ϑ] ∈ RI , the centre of ϑ is defined as ϑc = ϑ+ϑ

2 while radius of ϑ is given as ϑr = ϑ−ϑ
2 . Then
ϑ = [ϑ, ϑ] can also be presented in the form of centre-radius as:
ϑ+ϑ ϑ−ϑ
ϑ= , = hϑc , ϑr i
2 2

Definition 5. ( [18]) Let ϑ = [ϑ, ϑ] = hϑc , ϑr i , σ = [σ, σ] = hσc , σr i ∈ RI , then the cente-radius order
relation is given as: 
ϑc < σc , if ϑc 6= σc ,
ϑ ≤cr σ ⇐⇒
ϑc ≤ σc , if ϑc = σc .
Obviously, for ϑ, σ ∈ RI , either ϑ ≤cr σ or σ ≤cr ϑ.
A log-h-convex function is a more generic version of many types of convex functions. Additionally, they
examined the fundamental characteristics of log-h-convex functions and constructed integral inequalities for
In [9], Noor et al. proposed following inequality for log-h-convex functions:
Theorem 2. Let F be a log-h-convex function such that h( 21 ) 6= 0, then
  1 " Z ć2 #
ć1 + ć2 2h( 12 ) 1
F ≤ exp ln F(µ)dµ
2 ć2 − ć1 ć1
≤ (F(ć1 )F(ć2 )) 0 .

Liu et al. [19] generalized this concept of log-h-convex function to interval-valued functions.
Definition 6. Let F : [ć1 , ć2 ] → R+
I be an interval valued function where F = F, F and F ∈ IR([ć1 ,ć2 ]) and
let h : [0, 1] → R+ be a nonnegative function. Then F is said to be cr-log h convex on [ć1 , ć2 ] if
h(t) h(1−t)
F (tć1 + (1 − t)ć2 ) ≤cr [F (ć1 )] [F (ć2 )] .

Remark 1. For F = F, the function F reduces to log-h convex.

Definition 7. ( [19]) Let F : [ć1 , ć2 ] → R+
I be an interval-valued function where F = [F, F] and h : [0, 1] →
R+ . Then F is called cr-log-h-convex on [ć1 , ć2 ] if

F(tx́ + (1 − t)ý) ≤cr [F(x́)]h(t) [F(ý)]h(1−t) ,

holds for every t ∈ (0, 1) and x́, ý ∈ [ć1 , ć2 ].

Here, we write SX(cr-log h, [ć1 , ć2 ], R+
I ), the set of all functions that are cr-log-h-convex on [ć1 , ć2 ].

Theorem 3. ( [20]) Let F = [F, F] is an interval-valued function where F : [σ, υ] → RI . Then the function
F is called Riemann integrable on [σ, υ] , provided F and F are Riemann integrable on [σ, υ] and
Z υ Z υ Z υ 
F(µ)dµ = F(µ)dµ, F(µ)dµ .
σ σ σ

Theorem 4. ( [21]) The functions F, H̃ : [σ, υ] → R+
I are interval-valued functions where F = [F, F] and
H̃ = [G, H̃]. If F, H̃ ∈ IR([σ,υ]) and F(µ) ≤cr H̃(µ) for all µ ∈ [σ, υ], then
Z υ Z υ
F(µ)dµ ≤cr H̃(µ)dµ.
σ σ

In the main section, we give various type inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard and its weighted version
specifically for functions that are cr-log-h-convex. To further illustrate the validity of our findings, we present
two applications and two examples. Finally, in the last section, we wrap up the paper by summarizing our
conclusions and offering suggestions for potential avenues of future research.

2 Main results
Theorem 5. Let F be an interval valued function with F : [ć1 , ć2 ] → R+
I , F = F, F and F ∈ IR([ć1 ,ć2 ]) ,
where h : [0, 1] → R+ with h( 12 ) 6= 0. If F ∈ SX(cr − log h, [ć1 , ć2 ], R+
I ), then we have

ć1 + ć2 h( 1 )
2 Γ(ς) ς ς

F ≤ cr exp ς Jć2 + ln F(µ) + Jć1 − ln F(µ) (2.1)
2 (ć2 − ć1 )
R 1 ς−1
0 (
ϕ +(1−ϕ)ς−1 )h(ϕ)dϕ
≤ cr (F(ć1 )F(ć2 )) .

Proof. As F ∈ SX(cr − log h, [ć1 , ć2 ], R+

I ), then
u1 + u2 h( 1 )
F ≤cr [F(u1 )F(u2 )] 2 . (2.2)

We can write (2.2) as  

1 u1 + u2
ln F ≤cr ln F(u1 ) + ln F(u2 ). (2.3)
h( 21 ) 2
On substituting u1 = ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 and u2 = ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 , we get
1 ć1 + ć2
ln F ≤cr ln F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 ) + ln F(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 ). (2.4)
h( 12 ) 2

On multiplying (2.4) with ϕς−1 and after integrating between 0 to 1 w.r.t. ϕ, we obtain
1 ć1 + ć2
ln F
h( 12 ) 2
Z 1 Z 1
≤ cr ϕς−1 ln F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ + ϕς−1 ln F(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 )dϕ. (2.5)
0 0

From (2.5), we have

1 ć1 + ć2
ln F
h( 21 ) 2
Z 1 Z 1 
ς−1 ς−1
= ϕ ln F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ, ϕ ln F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ
0 0
Z 1 Z 1 
ς−1 ς−1
+ ϕ ln F(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 )dϕ, ϕ ln F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ .
0 0

After suitable substitution, we get
1 ć1 + ć2
ln F
h( 12 ) 2
"Z #
ć2 Z ć2
1 ς−1 ς−1
= ς (ć2 − µ) ln F(µ)dµ, (ć2 − µ) ln F(µ)dµ
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1 ć1
"Z #
ć2 Z ć2
1 ς−1 ς−1
+ ς (µ − ć1 ) ln F(µ)dµ, (µ − ć1 ) ln F(µ)dµ
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1 ć1
"Z #
ć2 Z ć2
1 ς−1 ς−1
= ς (ć2 − µ) ln F(µ)dµ + (µ − ć1 ) ln F(µ)dµ
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1 ć1

Γ(ς) h ς ς
= ς Jć2 + ln F(µ) + Jć1− ln F(µ) .
(ć2 − ć1 )

Similarly, as F ∈ SX(cr − log h [ć1 , ć2 ], R+

I ), we obtain

h(ϕ) h(1−ϕ)
F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 ) ≤cr [F(ć1 )] [F(ć2 )] ,

h(ϕ) h(1−ϕ)
F(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 ) ≤cr [F(ć2 )] [F(ć1 )] .

ln F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 ) ≤ cr h(ϕ) ln F(ć1 ) + h(1 − ϕ) ln F(ć2 ). (2.6)

ln F(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 ) ≤ cr h(ϕ) ln F(ć2 ) + h(1 − ϕ) ln F(ć1 ). (2.7)

On multiplying (2.6) and (2.7) with ϕς−1 , and after integrating between 0 to 1 w.r.t. ϕ, we have

Γ(ς) ς
ς J ln F(µ) (2.8)
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć2
Z 1 Z 1
= ln F(ć1 ) ϕς−1 h(ϕ)dϕ + ln F(ć2 ) (1 − ϕ)ς−1 h(ϕ)dϕ.
0 0
Γ(ς) ς
ς J ln F(µ) (2.9)
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1
Z 1 Z 1
= ln F(ć2 ) ϕς−1 h(ϕ)dϕ + ln F(ć1 ) (1 − ϕ)ς−1 h(ϕ)dϕ.
0 0

On combining (2.8) and (2.9) , we get

Γ(ς) h ς ς
ς Jć1 − ln F(µ) + Jć2+ ln F(µ)
(ć2 − ć1 )
Z 1
(1 − ϕ)ς−1 + ϕς−1 h(ϕ)dϕ.
= [ln F(ć1 )F(ć2 )]

Corollary 1. Taking F = F and ς = 1, we obtain ( [9], Theorem 4.3).

Corollary 2. For h(ϕ) = 1, we have
ć1 + ć2 Γ(ς + 1)  ς ς

F ≤ cr exp ς Jć2 ln F(µ) + Jć1 ln F(µ)
2 2 (ć2 − ć1 )
≤ cr F(ć1 )F(ć2 ).

Corollary 3. If h(ϕ) = ϕς , we obtain
ć1 + ć2 h( 12 ) Γ(ς)  ς ς

ln F ≤ cr exp ς Jć2 ln F(µ) + Jć1 ln F(µ)
2 (ć2 − ć1 )
≤ cr + B(ς + 1, ς) ln F(ć1 )F(ć2 ),
where Z 1
B(x, y) = ϕx−1 (1 − ϕ)y−1 dϕ.
Corollary 4. For ς = 1, we obtain ( [2], Theorem 3.8):
  1 " Z ć2 #
ć1 + ć2 2h( 12 ) 1
F ≤ cr exp ln F(µ)dµ (2.10)
2 ć2 − ć1 ć1
≤ cr (F(ć1 )F(ć2 )) 0 .
Corollary 5. If h(ϕ) = 1 and ς = 1, we have
s  !
 Z ć2
ć1 + ć2 1
F ≤ cr exp ln F(µ)dµ (2.11)
2 ć2 − ć1 ć1

≤ cr F(ć1 )F(ć2 ).

Theorem 6. Let F be an interval valued function where F : [ć1 , ć2 ] → R+

I with F = F, F where F ∈
IR([ć1 ,ć2 ]) and h : [0, 1] → R+ with h( 12 ) 6= 0. if H̃ : [ć1 , ć2 ] → R+ is function which is symmetric about
ć1 +ć2 +
2 . If F ∈ SX(cr − log h [ć1 , ć2 ], RI ), then
1 ć1 + ć2 Γ(ς) h ς ς
1 ln F ς Jć1− H̃(µ) + Jć2 + H̃(µ) (2.12)
2h( 2 ) 2 (ć2 − ć1 )
Γ(ς) h ς ς
≤ cr ς Jć2 + [ln F(µ)] H̃(µ) + Jć1 − [ln F(µ)] H̃(µ)
(ć2 − ć1 )
Z 1
+ (1 − ϕ)ς−1 H̃(ϕ)H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ.

≤ cr (ln F(ć1 )F(ć2 )) ϕ

Proof. As F ∈ SX(cr − log h [ć1 , ć2 ], R+

I ), then
ln F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 ) ≤ cr h(ϕ) ln F(ć1 ) + h(1 − ϕ) ln F(ć2 ). (2.13)
ln F(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 ) ≤ cr h(ϕ) ln F(ć2 ) + h(1 − ϕ) ln F(ć1 ). (2.14)
Multiplying (2.13) by ϕς−1 H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 ) and integrating between 0 to 1 w.r.t. ϕ, we get
Z 1
ϕς−1 [ln F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )]H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ
Z 1
≤ cr ϕς−1 H̃(ϕ)[ln F(ć1 )]H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ
Z 1
+ ϕς−1 H̃(1 − ϕ)H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )[ln F(ć2 )]dϕ.

We obtain
Z ć2
1 ς−1
ς (ć2 − µ) [ln F(µ)]H̃(µ)dµ (2.15)
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1
Z 1
≤ cr ln F(ć1 ) ϕς−1 H̃(ϕ)H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ
Z 1
+ ln F(ć2 )] ϕς−1 H̃(1 − ϕ)H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ.

Multiplying (2.14) by ϕς−1 H̃(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 ) and integrating between 0 to 1 with respect to ϕ, we have
Z 1
ϕς−1 [ln F(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 )]H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ
Z 1
≤ cr ϕς−1 H̃(ϕ)[ln F(ć2 )]H̃(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 )dϕ
Z 1
+ ϕς−1 H̃(1 − ϕ)[ln F(ć1 )]H̃(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 )dϕ.

We get
Z ć2
1 ς−1
ς (µ − ć1 ) [ln F(µ)]H̃(µ)dµ (2.16)
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1
Z 1
≤ cr ln F(ć2 ) ϕς−1 H̃(ϕ)H̃(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 )dϕ
Z 1
+ ln F(ć1 )] ϕς−1 H̃(1 − ϕ)H̃(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 )dϕ

On combining (2.15) and (2.16), we obtain

Γ(ς) h ς ς
ς Jć2 + [ln F(µ)] H̃(µ) + Jć1 − [ln F(µ)] H̃(µ) (2.17)
(ć2 − ć1 )
Z 1
+ (1 − ϕ)ς−1 H̃(ϕ)H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ.

= (ln F(ć1 )F(ć2 )) ϕ

Now, multiplying (2.4) by ϕς−1 H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 ) and after integrating between 0 to 1 w.r.t. ϕ, we have
 Z 1
1 ć1 + ć2
ln F ϕς−1 H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ
h( 12 ) 2 0
Z 1
≤ cr ϕς−1 H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 ) ln F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ
Z 1
+ ϕς−1 H̃(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 ) ln F(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 )dϕ

Utilizing definition of generalized fractional integral

1 ć1 + ć2 Γ(ς) ς
1 ln F ς J H̃(µ) (2.18)
h( 2 ) 2 (ć2 − ć1 ) ć2
Z ć2
1 ς−1
= ς (ć2 − µ) H̃(µ) ln F(µ)dµ
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1
Z ć2
1 ς−1
+ ς (µ − ć1 ) H̃(µ) ln F(µ)dµ.
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1

Multiplying (2.4) by ϕς−1 H̃(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 ) and after integrating between 0 to 1 w.r.t. ϕ, we get
 Z 1
1 ć1 + ć2
ln F ϕς−1 H̃(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 )dϕ
h( 12 ) 2 0
Z 1
≤ cr ϕς−1 H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 ) ln F(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ
Z 1
+ ϕς−1 H̃(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 ) ln F(ϕć2 + (1 − ϕ)ć1 )dϕ.

Utilizing definition of generalized fractional integral
1 ć1 + ć2 Γ(ς) ς
1 ln F ς J H̃(µ) (2.19)
h( 2 ) 2 (ć2 − ć1 ) ć1
Z ć2
1 ς−1
= ς (ć2 − µ) H̃(µ) ln F(µ)dµ
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1
Z ć2
1 ς−1
+ ς (µ − ć1 ) H̃(µ) ln F(µ)dµ.
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1

On utilizing (2.18) and (2.19), we obtain

1 ć1 + ć2 Γ(ς) h ς ς
ln F ς J ć1 − H̃(µ) + Jć2 + H̃(µ) (2.20)
h( 21 ) 2 (ć2 − ć1 )
Z ć2
2 ς−1
= ς (ć2 − µ) H̃(µ) ln F(µ)dµ
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1
Z ć2
2 ς−1
+ ς (µ − ć1 ) H̃(µ) ln F(µ)dµ
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1
2Γ(ς) h ς ς
= ς Jć2 + [ln F(µ)] H̃(µ) + Jć1 − [ln F(µ)] H̃(µ) .
(ć2 − ć1 )

On combining (2.17) and (2.20), we complete the proof.

Corollary 6. For ς = 1 we obtain

  Z ć2
1 ć1 + ć2 1
ln F ln F(µ)dµ (2.21)
2h( 12 ) 2 (ć2 − ć1 ) ć1
Z ć2
≤ cr H̃(µ) ln F(µ)dµ
(ć2 − ć1 ) ć1
Z 1
≤ cr (ln F(ć1 )F(ć2 )) H̃(ϕ)H̃(ϕć1 + (1 − ϕ)ć2 )dϕ.

Corollary 7. For H̃(µ) = 1 in (2.21), we obtain (2.1).

3 Examples
Example 1. Let F(µ) = eµ , e2µ , µ ∈ [0, 2] , h(ϕ) = ϕ and ς = 2. Then, we have

ć1 + ć2
= 1,
ć1 + ć2 2h( 2 )
F = [2.72, 7.39] ,
Γ(ς) ς ς

exp ς Jć2 + ln F(µ) + Jć1 − ln F(µ)
(ć2 − ć1 )
= [2.72, 7.39] ,
(1−ϕ)ς−1 +ϕς−1 )h(ϕ)dϕ 1
[F(ć1 )F(ć2 )] 0 (
= [e2 , e4 ][1, 1] 2
= [2.72, 7.39].

Since [2.72, 7.39] ≤cr [2.72, 7.39] ≤cr [2.72, 7.39], then Theorem 5 is verified.

Figure 1: Comparison of eµ and e2µ

Example 2. Let F(µ) = ecos µ , esin µ , µ ∈ π4 , π2 , h(ϕ) = ϕ and ς = 2. Then, we have


ć1 + ć2
= 1,
ć1 + ć2 2h( 12 )
F = [1.46, 2.51] ,
Γ(ς) ς ς

exp ς J ć2 + ln F(µ) + J ć1 − ln F(µ)
(ć2 − ć1 )
= [1.52, 2.46] ,
ϕς−1 +(1−ϕ)ς−1 )h(ϕ)dϕ 1 1
[F(ć1 )F(ć2 )] 0 (
√ √ 1
= ([e0 , e][e 2 , e 2 ]) 2
= [2.02, 5.51].

Since [1.46, 2.51] ≤cr [1.52, 2.46] ≤ [2.02, 5.51], then Theorem 5 is verified.

Figure 2: Comparison of ecos µ and esin µ

4 Applications
4.1 Bessel functions
Let recall the function ψυ (ź) : R → [1, ∞] given by Waston [22]:

ψυ (ź) = 2υ Γ(υ + 1)ź −υ Fυ (ź), ź ∈ R,

where Fυ (ź) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind defined by
∞ ź υ+2n

Fυ (ź) = .
n!Γ(υ + n + 1)

Then, ψυ0 (ź) and ψυ00 (ź) are first and second order derivatives of Fυ (ź) given by

ψυ0 (ź) := Fυ+1 (ź).
2 (υ + 1)
1 ź
ψυ00 (ź) := Fυ+2 (ź) + 2Fυ+1 (ź) . (4.1)
4 (υ + 1) υ + 2

Let Fυ (ź) = ψυ0 (ź) and h(ϕ) = 1. Then, from inequality (2.10) and utilizing the identities in (4.1), we can
  " Z ć2 #
ć1 + ć2 ć1 + ć2 1 0
Fυ+1 ≤ cr exp ln ψυ (µ)dµ
4 (υ + 1) 2 ć2 − ć1 ć1
ć1 ć2
≤ 2 Fυ+1 (ć1 )Fυ+1 (ć2 ).
4 (υ + 1)

4.2 Special means

1. Arithmetic mean:
ć1 + ć2
A (ć1 , ć2 ) := .
2. Geometric mean: p
G (ć1 , ć2 ) := ć1 ć2 , 0 ≤ ć1 < ć2 .

Proposition 1. Let ć1 , ć2 ∈ R+ where ć1 < ć2 and m ∈ N, then
Am+1 (ć1 , ć2 )
≤ cr exp [ć2 (ln ć2 − 1) − ć1 (ln ć1 − 1)]
(ć2 − ć1 )
≤ cr G (ć1 , ć2 ) .

Proof. Obviously F(υ) = υ m+1 is a convex function on R+ . From (2.11), we get the required inequality.

5 Conclusions
In this paper, using the notion of cr-log-h-convexity for interval-valued functions several types of Hermite-
Hadamard and Fejér inequalities that are related to interval-valued cr-log-h-convex functions are given.
Moreover, several special cases are given and some known results are recaptured. To show the validity of
our main results, we offer two examples and two applications related to modified Bessel functions of the
first kind, and special means. We believe that this class of convexity is a powerful type to find various type
inequalities in the fields of fuzzy systems and real analysis, and with possible applications to optimization
problems with convex shapes associated with them.

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