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Practical No: 05

Aim: Generate Part Family Code for a machine components using OPITZ Method

Thus we have learned to Generate Part Family Code for a machine components using
OPITZ Method.
Practical No: 06

Aim: Modeling and Simulation of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System



What is Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)?

Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) is the technology for integration of all the
operational and information processing functions in a manufacturing enterprise ranging from order
receipt from customers to design, process planning, material requirement planning, manufacturing
resources planning , purchasing, production planning and control, marketing and sales etc. The
integration of the total manufacturing enterprise is accomplished through the use of computer and
data communication technologies coupled with various managerial philosophies to improve the
organizational and personal efficiencies.

What is CIM cell?

CIM cell is an automated manufacturing system comprising of

• one or more automated processing stations typically computer numerical control (CNC)
machine tools,
• one or more equipment for automated material handling and transport such as robots
• storage devices to store raw materials, work-in-progress and finished products that may
include storage racks, and Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems (ASRS),
• one or more quality control equipments such as machine vision system, Coordinate
Measuring Machine(CMM), etc., and
• a CIM software for overall integration, planning and control of the various operational
and information processing function at individual stations of the CIM cell.

A typical CIM cell
The Figures show the components of some typical CIM cells and their components.

Fig: A CIM cell with two stations.

Fig: A CIM cell with six stations.

The machines shown in the cells are typically CNC machines which can be either a CNC
milling machine that is equipped with an Automatic Tool Changer (ATC) or a CNC lathe that is
equipped with an index able tool turrent. Figures below show two CNC machines. CNC Milling
machines can be employed for two/three axes machining of plane and sculptured surfaces for
various operations like milling and drilling by using rotating tools. Loading and unloading of the
parts at the CNC machine are carried out automatically using an industrial robot as shown.

Fig: A CNC milling machine & A CNC lathe machine

The robots shown in the cells having four to six axes manipulator as shown in the following
figures equipped with a gripper that is capable of automated material handling tasks such as
loading/unloading of parts to/from the machines, storage and retrieval of parts in/from storage
devices, assembling of parts and handling of parts for quality control.

Fig: A four axes SCARA robot & A five axes revolute robot
A storage station is used to retrieve raw materials prior to production, store work-
in-process inventory, as well as finished products. The storage stations may use an Automated
Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) or simply storage racks. The storage and retrieval at such
stations are automated by robot manipulators.

Fig: An Automated Storage and Retrieval System Fig: Storage Rack

The purpose of quality control station is to determine whether a product meets the quality
control specifications as defined prior to the production process. The quality control stations shown
may consist of a machine vision system equipped with a camera and image processing software
or a Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM). Handling of the parts at the quality
control stations is carried out automatically using robot. Handling of the parts at the quality
control stations is carried out using robot.

Fig: A machine vision system for inspection / quality control

It provides a centralized control of on line production operations at each of the individual
station devices of the CIM cell. It sends commands to station devices for starting and stopping the
production and receives responses from the station devices which enable it to track the flow of
parts during a CIM production cycle. It further maintains a database containing information on the
physical and communication control configuration of the CIM cell, bill of materials used to
produce each part, the order specifying the part to be produced, inventory of raw materials and
parts, definition of machines in the CIM cell and manufacturing process that they can perform and
the content of all the storage locations. It further provides a web accessible interface to remotely
access a specific CIM cell and track the production cycle in real time for online tracking of the
CIM production cycleby providing a Graphic Display tab to enables display of the image of a
CIM cell in 3D that can dynamically and accurately simulate the operations of all
individual station devices in the CIM cell, a View Scheduler tab to view the production timing and
schedule which is a Gantt chart utility to display the exact timing and scheduling of the different
phases of production, a View Program tab to view the current production status for viewing the
current production work order and track its status, a View Leaf tab to view the description of the
current production activities in the current CIM cell describing the current operation being
performed on each item as well as the operation that will follow immediately, View Order tab to
view a copy of the manufacturing order of the current cell, a View Storage tab to view part location
in the storage for viewing a list of every storage location defined in the CIM system and storage
status, a View Device tab to view device activities at various stations for viewing a list of every
robot and machine as well as a description of the current action being performed,etc..

Fig: A screenshot of the CIM software

1. To demonstrate the modeling of a CIM cell comprising of different processing stations
using 3D graphical user interface.
2. To demonstrate the operation of the CIM cell through 3-D graphical animated simulation
of the operations at different workstations.
3. To demonstrate the parts and production flow as well as interaction between the various
components involved in the CIM cell.
4. To demonstrate the monitoring of production management functions in the CIM cell.
Experimental Setup
The CIM system consists of two cells. Cell 1 is the storage, assembly and quality control station,
which consists of the following equipments:
• A storage rack for storing the raw materials, work-in-process inventory as well as
finished products,
• An assembly jig for building the assembly,
• A camera and image processing system for automated inspection, and
• A Scorbot robot manipulator.
Cell 2 is a machining station, which consists of a CNC milling machine. Figure below shows a
3D graphical view of the CIM cell. For further details on the above equipments.

Fig: 3D graphical view of the CIM cell

The Scorbot robot is used for CNC machine loading/unloading tasks, material handling for
storage/retrieval of parts to/from storage as well as for presenting the part at the quality control
station and for assembly. The manufacturing operations that can be carried out in the CIM system
are milling of plexiglass blocks, assembly operations, material handling between stations and the
quality control of parts by machine vision.
The overall CIM system is run with a supervisory host control system consisting of two cell work
station PC's for the two cells and a host computer. The host computer allows management of CIM
orders and operations via the CIM Manager - OpenCIM software system architecture. The
OpenCIM offers various capabilities like CIM management, parts definition, order definition,
machine definition, automatic CNC programs downloading for CNC machines, MRP package, 3D
graphic animated simulation for on-line tracking of the whole system, reports generator for
production reports, CIM scheduler module (GANNT chart). The CIM Manager software via
OpenCIM provides centralized control of on-line production activities. It sends commands to
station devices and receives responses, which enable it to track the flow of parts during production.

Hence we have studied Modeling and Simulation of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
System via virtual lab of IIT Kharagpur. We have also understood how to model and then simulate
a manufacturing system.
Practical No: 07
Aim: Machine Vision Based Quality Control (


Machine Vision Machine vision may be defined as the process of extracting, characterizing
and interpreting information from images of a three dimensional world.

Sensing and Digitizing

It is the process that yields a visual image of sufficient contrast that is typically digitized
and stored in the computer memory.
Image processing and analysis

The digitized image is subjected to image processing and analysis for data reduction and
interpretation of the image. It may be further subdivided into: Preprocessing - It deals with
techniques like noise reduction and enhancement details Segmentation - It partitions an image into
objects of interest. Description - It computes various features like size, shape, etc. suitable for
differentiating one object from another. Recognition - It identifies the object by pattern matching.
Interpretation - It finally assigns a meaning to an ensemble of recognized objects in the scene
Application: The current application of machine vision is inspection, part identification, location
and orientation.
Performing Inspection by Pattern Matching

A pattern matching model or template of the object to be inspected is first created. This
pattern will form the basis of performing inspection of the object. An image of the object is grabbed
with a camera. In the next step, by using the image processing software, the pattern matching
model created earlier is searched in the captured image for inspection of the object. The object is
inspected for various aspects such as its position relative to the pattern matching model, the %
score that reflects the correspondence between the image of the object and the pattern matching
model, the dimensions of the object, perimeter of the .object, surface area of the object and so on.

Sensing and Digitizing

Visual information is converted to electrical signals by visual sensors. When sampled

spatially and quantized in amplitude, these signals yield a digital image. Image sensing requires
some type of imaging device (such as camera) and a digitizer which stores video frames in the
computer memory.

Vision Cameras

The principal imaging devices used for machine vision are television cameras, consisting
of either a tube (vidicon camera) or the solid state camera (CCD, CID or silicon bipolar sensor
cameras), and associated electronics. Solid state imaging devices offer a number of advantages
over tube cameras such as, lighter weight, smaller size, longer life and lower power consumption.
However, the resolution of certain tubes is still beyond the capabilities of solid state cameras.

CCD Cameras

A Charged Coupled Device (CCD) camera is shown in which an image is projected onto
the CCD, which detects, stores and reads out the accumulated charge generated by the light pattern
of the image. Light detection occurs through the absorption of light on a photoconductive substrate
(e.g. silicon). CCD devices can be subdivided into two categories: line scan sensors and area

Preprocessing deals with techniques like noise reduction and enhancement details. There
are several approaches of preprocessing used in machine vision systems. The preprocessing
approaches typical of the methods satisfying the requirements of computational speed and low
implementation cost are discussed.

Noise reduction or smoothing

Smoothing operations are used for reducing noise and other effects that are introduced in
an image as a result of sampling, quantization, transmission or disturbances in the environment
during image acquisition and digitizing. One straightforward technique for image smoothing is
neighborhood averaging in which a smoothed image is generated whose intensity at every point is
obtained by averaging the intensity values of the pixels of the given image contained in a
predefined neighborhood of that point. One of the principal difficulties in this technique is that it
blurs edges and sharp details. This blurring can be reduced by the use of so called median filters
in which the intensity of each pixel is replaced by the median of the intensities in a predefined
neighborhood of that pixel, instead of by the average.


Segmentation process subdivides a sensed image into constituent parts or objects. It is one
of the most important elements of automated vision system, since it is at this stage of processing
that objects are extracted from a scene for subsequent recognition and analysis. Segmentation
algorithms are generally based on one of the two basic principles: Similarity and Discontinuity.
The principal approaches in the first category are based on thresholding and region growing, and
that in the second category are based on edge detection.


Segmentation process subdivides a sensed image into constituent parts or objects. It is one
of the most important elements of automated vision system, since it is at this stage of processing
that objects are extracted from a scene for subsequent recognition and analysis. Segmentation
algorithms are generally based on one of the two basic principles: Similarity and
Discontinuity. The principal approaches in the first category are based on thresholding and
region growing, and that in the second category are based on edge detection.


In its simplest form, thresholding is a binary conversion technique in which each pixel is
converted into a binary value, either black or white. This is accomplished by using a frequency
histogram of the image and establishing what intensity (gray level) is to be the border between
black and white.

Region growing

Once thresholding is established, the next step is to identify particular areas associated with
objects within the image. Such regions usually possess uniform pixel properties computed over
the area. As the name implies, region growing is a procedure that group's pixels or sub regions into
larger regions based on attribute similarities. The simplest approach is pixel aggregation, where
one can start with a set of seed points and grow regions from these by appending to each seed those
neighboring pixels that have similar properties, e.g. intensity, texture or colour.
Edge detection

Edge detection considers the intensity change that occurs in the pixels at the boundary or
edges of a part. Once a region of similar attributes has been found, the boundary can be determined
by a simple edge following procedure. For a binary image, the procedure is to scan the image from
the top left until a pixel within the region is encountered. For a pixel within the region, turn left
and step; otherwise, turn right and step until the path has returned to the starting image, when the
boundary is traversed. The contour - following procedure can extended to gray level images.
• To demonstrate inspection of parts by machine vision for quality control.
• To demonstrate various steps of image processing.
Experimental Setup
The set-up consists of the following:
• A USB colour camera mounted on a stand
• Matrox image processing system with various image analysis tools such as image
preprocessing and enhancement, colour image analysis, pattern matching, blob analysis,
1. Place the part under the camera
2. Go to the start menu and run ViewFlex by selecting Programs->ViewFlex.The ViewFlex
toolbar will be displayed as shown in figure. (insert snapshot of viewflex toolbar)
3. Click on the Image Processing Tools icon from ViewFlex toolbar to load Matrox Inspector
4. Click on the camera icon to open the camera window. Click on Snapshot icon to
grab(capture) the picture of the object and display it in a frame. The captured image will
be put into the current frame of the image.
5. Click the ROI (Region of Interest) icon and outline the perimeter of the object.
6. Click on the Pattern Matching icon as shown in figure (insert screen shot of pattern
matching dialog box) to display the Pattern Matching Model dialog box. From the
Dimension tab,you will see the object that was outlined using the ROI icon. From the
Search tab, click All. From the Angle tab, check Enable search with rotate. Then enter 180
for Delta Negative,and 180 for Delta Positive (this enables a full 360 degree search). Click
Search. This will build a Measurement Table containing all the positions of the object.
7. Save the Pattern Matching Model in the Pattern folder, located in the ViewFlex root folder.
Ensure that the Pattern dialog box is selected when saving.
8. Open the result table and expand the pattern model in the folder tree. Check that the name
you gave is listed in the tree.
9. Use this name when you find object.
10. Use step 4 to capture the image of the object. Click Search. This will build a Result Table
containing all the positions of the object, Score(% matching with the template), and the
Hence we have studied machine vision system via virtual lab of IIT Kharagpur. We also
understood benefits of online inspection system using machine vision system during quality
control process.
Practical No 09

Aim: To Study FMS system and identify various elements of FMS


To Study FMS system and identify various elements of FMS

A flexible manufacturing system (FMS) is an arrangement of machines ... interconnected by a
transport system. The transporter carries work to the machines on pallets or other interface units
so that work-machine registration is accurate, rapid and automatic. A central computer controls
both machines and transport system.
FMS consists of a group of processing work stations interconnected by means of an automated
material handling and storage system and controlled by integrated computer control system.‖
FMS is called flexible due to the reason that it is capable of processing a variety of different part
styles simultaneously at the workstation and quantities of production can be adjusted in response
to changing demand patterns.

BASIC COMPONENTS OF FMS: The basic components of FMS are: 1. Workstations 2.

Automated Material Handling and Storage system. 3. Computer Control System 1. Workstations:
In present day application these workstations are typically computer numerical control (CNC)
machine tools that perform machining operation on families of parts. Flexible manufacturing
systems are being designed with other type of processing equipment‘s including inspection
stations, assembly works and sheet metal presses.The various workstations are
1. Machining centers
2. Load and unload stations
3. Assembly work stations
4. Inspection stations
5. Forging stations
6. Sheet metal processing, etc.

2. Automated Material Handling and Storage system: The various automated material handling
systems are used to transport work parts and subassembly parts between the processing stations,
sometimes incorporating storage into function.The various functions of automated material
handling and storage system are
1. Random and independent movement of work parts between workstations
2. Handling of a variety of work part configurations
3. Temporary storage
4. Convenient access for loading and unloading of work parts
5. Compatible with computer control.

3. Computer Control System: It is used to coordinate the activities of the processing stations and
the material handling system in the FMS. The various functions of computer control system are:
(i) Control of each work station (ii) Distribution of control instruction to work station (iii)
Production control (vi) Traffic control (v) Shuttle control (vi) Work handling system and
monitoring (vii) System performance monitoring and reporting


The different types of FMS are
1. Sequential FMS
2. Random FMS
3. Dedicated FMS
4. Engineered FMS
5. Modular FMS

Sequential FMS: It manufactures one-piece part batch type and then planning and preparation is
carried out for the next piece part batch type to be manufactured. It operates like a small batch
flexible transfer line. Random FMS: It manufactures any random mix of piece part types at any
one time. Dedicated FMS: It continually manufactures, for extended periods, the same but
limited mix of piece part batch types. Engineered FMS: It manufactures the same mix its
lifetime. Modular FMS :modular FMS with a sophisticated FMS host, enables and FMS user to
expand their FMS capabilities in a stepwise fashion into any of the previous four types of FMS.
modular FMS, with a sophisticated FMS host, enables and FMS


production is most commonly observed when you produce one single unit of a product.
A typical example of the same will be tailored outfits which are made just for you or a cake
which is made just like you want it.Example of Unit type of production .It is one of the most
common types of products used because it is generally used by small businesses like restaurants,
individual products providers or individual services providers.…It is also a type of production
used by very premium companies like Harley Davidson, or Dell. Harley Davidson actually has a
lot of accessories which can be customized, and which suit the individual. Same ways, you can
design your own DELL laptop on their website with the given specifications.

Features of Unit production or Job Production :

1. Depends a lot on skill
2. Dependency is more on manual work than mechanical work
3. Customer service and customer management plays and important role

Batch type of Production:

It is one of the types of production most commonly used in consumer durables, FMCG or other
such industries where there are large variety of products with variable demands. Batch
production takes place in batches. The manufacturer already knows the number of units he needs
to a manufacturer and they are manufactured in one batch. So, if a manufacturer has the shortage
of Product X and 100 units of this product is consumed in one month, then the manufacturer can
give orders for batch production of 100 units of Product X. Example of Batch production
LG has many different types of home appliance products in its portfolio. It has to manufacture all
these different variants of the same type of product. There would be 10-20 types of mixer
grinders alone in the product portfolio of LG home appliances. Thus, a company like LG
manufactures these variants via Batch production. First, one type of mixer will be manufactured
completely and then the second type will be manufactured. They are manufactured on the basis
of demand. Depending on demand, the batch production can produce the number of units
required in one batch.

Features of Batch production:

1. Production is done in batches.
2. The total number of units required is decided before the batch production starts
3. Once a batch production starts, stopping it midway may cost a huge amount to the company.
4. Demand plays a major role in a batch production. Example – seasonality of products.

Mass Production or Flow production

• One of the best examples of mass production is the manufacturing process adopted by Ford.
• Mass production is also known as flow production or assembly line production.
• It is one of the most common types of products used in the automobile industry and is also used
in industries where continuous production is required.
• An Assembly line or mass production plant typically focus on specialization.
• There are multiple workstations installed and the assembly line goes through all the
workstations turn by turn.
• The work is done in a specialized manner and each workstation is responsible for one single
type of work.
• As a result, these workstations are very efficient and production due to which the whole
assembly line becomes productive and efficient.
• Products which are manufactured using mass production are very standardized products.
• High sophistication is used in the manufacturing of these products.
• If 1000 products are manufactured using mass production, each one of them should be exactly
the same.
• There should be no deviation in the product manufactured.

Features of Mass Production

1. Mass production is generally used to dole out huge volumes of the product
2. It is used only if the product is standardized
3. Demand does not play a major role in a Mass production. However, production capacity
determines the success of a mass production.
4. Mass production requires huge initial investment and the working capital demand is huge too.

Continuous production or Process production :

• There is a lot of confusion between mass production and continuous production.
• It can be differentiated by a single element.
• The amount of mechanical work involved.
• In Mass production, both machines and humans work in tandem.
• However, in continuous production, most of the work is done by machines rather than humans.
• In continuous production, the production is continuous,24×7 hours, all days in a year.
• A good example of the Continuous production is brewing.
• In brewing, the production goes on 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. This is because
brewing takes a lot of time and production is important.
• As a result, there is a continuous input of raw materials such as malt or water, and there is
continuous output in the form of beer or other alcoholic drink.
• The key factor in this is that the brewing and fermentation process itself is time-consuming, and
the maximum time is spent in the fermentation which is a continuous process
• There are many chemicals which are manufactured in the form of a continuous process due to
the huge demand across the world. Similarly, the Plastic industry is known to adopt the
continuous production methodology where production can go continuously for weeks or months
depending on the demand.
• Once the production starts, you only need to feed in the raw material, and the machines turn out
the finalized products.

Features of Continuous production:

1. Majority of the work is done by machines rather than humans
2. Work is continuous in nature.
3. Once production starts, it cannot be stopped otherwise it will cause huge loss.
4. A very controlled environment is required for continuous production

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