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Chapter 01 : Introduction To The Object-Oriented Programming

Date : 25/04/2024

1- Introduction :
les etap de programming :
- Analysis
- Conception
- Implementaion
- Testing
- Maintenance
2- Ppt
3- OOP Concepts :
- OOP : is a methodologie or paradigm to design a program using classes
and object.
- Classes : is a Similar objects can be computationally described by the same
abstraction: a class.
A class is a definition model for objects that share common
characteristics, but the state of each object is independent of

- Objects : is an abstraction of a real-world entity .

- Abstraction :
- Encapsultaion :
- Inheritance :
- Polymorphism :
- Interface :
- Associations (Composition, Aggregation) :
3-1 : OOP Advantages :
- Modularity : OOP allows breaking a program into independent modules ,
making code maintenance and understanding easier.
- Code reusability : OOP enable code reuse by creating abstract classes or
subclasses .
- Encapsulation : OOP protects object data by hiding it from external users .
- Inheritance : OOP allows creating child classes that inherit attributes and
methods from their parent classes .
- Abstraction : OOP enables creating generic classes representing abstract
concepts .
3-2 : OOP are based in the following Concepts :
- Encapsulation : is the practice of grouping attributes within the same class.
- Inheritance : Inheritance involves defining different levels of abstraction .
- Polymorphism : An entity is polymophic if at runtime it can refer to instances
of different classes .
4- JAVA :
4-1 : JAVA Advantages :
- Modular
- Rigorous
- Portabel
JAVA is interpreted language this mean that it si need interpreteur to
transfert Bytecode to Codemachine .

Source code byte code
sourceCode file extension is .java
Bytecode file extension is .class
There is two types of .class files can be loaded : applications and
applets .
Phases of Development of a java program :
- Editing
- Compilation
- Loading
- Verification
- Excetution
JDK = Java Development Kit
JRE = Java Runtime Environment

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