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Please Vote For Me

Watch the documentary here or here (34 mins)

What conclusions can be drawn about Chinese society from this film. List at least 3.
● Chinese society is isolated therefore voting was new to these students.
● The voting made the class divided and starte chaos.
● Chinese society thinks our voting system is probably not the smartest after seeing hot
the kids reasted.

Political Culture-Set of basic values and beliefs about a country or gov’t that is shared by MOST
citizens and that influences political opinions and behaviors. Describe the political culture of
China as shown in this film.
China’s political culture is to love your leader and to not question their choices and whatever
their opinions is, is right and is only fo good reason.

Political Socialization- a process by which people get their sense of political identity, beliefs, and
values. Describe how people are politically socialized in China.
People in china are political socilzalied by their leaders, their leaders tell them what they
should like and how they should act. They are told what to do and cannot rebel against them.

Can you predict why it might be difficult to obtain an accurate public opinion poll in a country like
It may be difficult to obtain an accurate public opinion in a country like china because they are
very isolated and taught to not have an opinion and only respect one opinion.

What conclusions can be drawn about human nature from this film. List at least 3.
The children will stop at nothing to get a vote and you can see how the class gradually
changes and divides into different political parties.

The end

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