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Teachers Bet


Holly shut out the inane chatter of her colleagues and the pounding music in the
bar and raised her glass of vodka lemonade and took another large gulp, drained
it and slapped it on the counter and motioned for the barmaid to give her
another. It would be her sixth and she knew it was more than she should drink
and much quicker than she should but she didn't much care. As she waited on
her drink she glanced round and her eyes met with PE teacher Joe Price he
raised his glass of beer in mock salute and Holly felt sick, she grimaced in return
and hurriedly returned to her freshly served glass and angrily started on it.

Holly Will was a pretty, buxom, blonde, 33 year old drama teacher at St.
Cameron's School in Oxbridge. The reason for her antagonism toward Mr. Price
involved another teacher who wasn't there that night on the teacher's night out
and in all likelihood wouldn't be back at school. Ken Brook was a gay English
teacher and had made a great friendship with Holly in their three years together
at the school (they even started on the same day). But from the off Ken had
butted heads with Mr. Price and so had started a fairly deep seated feud.

Holly was sure that Price was just an old bigot that hated homosexuals , and she
was right but he seemed to take a particular dislike towards Ken and tried to
make his life hell at all times. In part it was also because Ken was so close to
Holly because there was nothing the old letch like better than leering at pretty
young blonde women. Things built and escalated until a series of claims from
boys (all over 18) on the senior soccer team that Price ran seemed to
incriminate Mr. Brook as making inappropriate advances towards them. When he
was caught entering the changing rooms when they were naked his number was

Of course it had all been at set up. Mr Price seemed to engender a zealous
following from the boys in his team so that they would seemingly do anything he
told them. And he told them to ingratiate themselves to Mr. Brook, become his
friend and then they set him up to be in the changing rooms at the wrong time.
So now it seemed certain he would lose his job and that bastard Price was
grinning at Holly like the cat that got the cream. She hated it and she hated him.

A couple of vodkas later and half the rest of the teachers had gone home or
were thinking of it when Joe Price sidled up beside Miss Will at the bar and
hissed in her ear.

"Don't look so happy Miss Will, what's wrong? Your little playmate ready for the

"Fuck off you old fuck!" she hissed back under her breath.

He just laughed and drank some more beer before leaning in and retorting.

"Damn you look sexy when you're angry, I'd just love to fuck you while you
were wild like that, be a hell of a ride."

"Drop dead you old pervert, under no circumstances I can think of would you get
near this."

"That so? You know Miss Will you look so pretty when you're angry and I'm
guessing you want some kind of revenge on me for what I did to that faggot
friend of yours, well if you're brave enough I got a proposition for you.

Maybe it was the drink, maybe not but Holly was interested and listened in
horror and interest in equal measure to the proposition Mr. Price put to her and
she, in the end agreed to it. Next day when she had sobered up she considered
backing out but she was sure she would win it and the reward for that was just
too good plus she was a competitive person and didn't like to back down from
anything, in that regard she was very like Mr. Price himself.

During a long, angry, drunken exchange that, by the time they were finished,
saw the bar empty of all of their colleagues, this was the deal they came to.
Fittingly it centred on Price's Senior soccer team, if they could lift the inter
county championship then Miss Will would come into the dressing room after and
offer her sexual services to both the coach and the boys on the team for the
night. If they were to fail to win the championship then Mr. Price would submit
to visit Mr. Brook and apologise to him while naked, on his knees and sucking
his cock while Holly filmed the event and the film would be shown to the team

As an add on if the team failed to win Mr. Price would agree to get his full head
of hair shaved bald and also his trademark bushy moustache shaved off, to
Holly's surprise Price demanded the same forfeit from her, that after his team
had lifted the trophy and she had serviced his boys she would get her head
shaved bald too -- a terrible shame given how alluring her long, blonde hair was.

Despite these fantastical stakes they both agreed and both felt they would win.
The coach was confident in his motivational abilities and also knew he had a
good group of lads this year. Miss Will knew that St. Cameron's school had not
won this competition in decades and indeed, last year had finished third bottom
out of the eighteen schools that entered it. And, as alluded to earlier, both
participants in the bet were, in their own ways, fierce competitors that never
backed down, so while others would have flinched the next day at the enormity
of what they were betting both Holly and Joe instead woke up determined that
they would win the wager and were already looking forward to humiliating the
other hugely.

Still though, neither fully trusted the other to honour the bet if they lost so they
came up with a back up try to ensure that they did. Both wrote letters of
resignation from their jobs addressed to the Headmaster and left the letters with
Mrs Cotton, a science teacher they both knew and trusted to be discreet. Even at
that she didn't know the nature of the bet only that if in May both of them came
to her and asked her to post their letter that she would. This in effect allowed
either Miss Will or Mr. Price to forfeit the bet but in actuality lose their job and in
the current climate both knew that they could not afford to lose their job. Both
were not worried about this though as they were both equally certain they would
win and that if they lost they would honour what they had claimed.

The team won the first six games of the season much to Holly's dismay. After
each game Mr. Price seemed to find her and give her a knowing smirk. Indeed
after that sixth victory which confirmed them top of the league he went further,
after a class he entered as the kids left her drama class and with her sitting at
her desk writing he sneaked up behind her and leaned down to whisper in her
ear one word.


She nearly shit herself in fright and jumped up half in anger half in fright and
confronted him.

"What was that! What do you mean?"

"I said, Miss Will, Bukkake. If you don't know what it means then look it up on
the internet, though not on the school computers. Though judging by the look on
your pretty little face I guess you've come across the word before. How
interesting, guess I was right you are a dirty bitch, aren't you? Well goodbye for

Holly stood and glared at the asshole as he exited her room and hurried after
him to shut the door and sit down again to catch her breath. The worst thing
was he was right. She did know what a Bukkake was, she had seen videos and
pictures on adult sites that showed a single woman getting ejaculated on
multiple time by many men and she had masturbated and dreamed about that
fantasy before. She was experienced sexually and had had several partners
(though she was happily single at that time) and she had done a lot of pretty
dirty, kinky stuff. How else would she have taken on this damned bet? But still
she was not prepared to lose it. All afternoon during class though she could not
shake the image of her on her knees in the boys changing rooms, her face and
body absolutely covered in semen and her gagging and begging for more...

Things had changed a month or so later though after the team lost two games
then drew their next one and dropped to third in their league. This time it was
Holly that paid Joe a visit as he sat in the changing rooms after a class. She
strutted in and dropped a magazine open in front of him, it was a gay porn mag
she had been given by a hugely supportive Ken and the picture on the page was
that of a bald older man on his knees submissively sucking the cock of a
standing younger man.

"Like what you see old man? That'll be you come May, sucking away at Ken's
dick and being his fucking bitch!"

Mr Price just glared at her then snarled.

"You're the fucking bitch around here! Now go on get out of here and take that
faggot shit with you!"

Holly turned the page and showed him the next shot in the hardcore photoshoot
where the older guy was licking the younger guys arsehole.

"Yeah, and that'll be you too Price, wait until your team see you as a
cocksucking asslicker, be a real eye opener for them and their hero, won't it?!"

Holly scuttled out as a shoe was thrown after her and she had to nip into the
loos on the next floor to quickly frig herself at the thought of their revenge on

But around Christmas time the team won a couple of back to back fixtures to go
back into first place and this time it was Price's turn to goad, it was turning into
a twisted game for the two of them. Waiting until the end of the day he stepped
into her class, strode over to her and dropped a neatly wrapped Christmas
present on her desk. Holly looked up surprised (though with the team top again
she had expected him to put in an appearance).

"What's this Mr. Price?"

"Early Christmas present for you Miss Will. Why don't you go ahead and open it."

She paused but curiosity got the better of her and she undid the red bow and
ripped open the paper to pull out the sluttiest looking air of red bra and panties
imaginable. The bra was a peep hole one, designed to show nipple, the panties
had no gusset and opened easily for access. Holly held them up with a look of

"You can wear them in May when we lift the trophy Miss Will, I'll be looking
forward to it. In fact I'm already imagining you in them."

And with that he stuck his right hand down the front of his shorts and clearly
started to fondle himself while looking straight at her. She didn't react just
looked pityingly at him before sneering.

"I bet you've got the smallest dick imaginable you old fuck."

"Yeah? Well you're going find out soon enough slut" was his exit line.

After Christmas results were variable to the extent that Holly was visiting Mr
Price again with only four games to go and the team in third place. She was
wearing a light Summer dress and stepped up to Joe and held out her hand
holding her phone and pressed a video message. The screen came to life with
the image of Ken Brook naked and leaning back on his sofa masturbating (he
had officially been released from his job just two weeks prior after months on
suspension), Ken peered into the camera and played with his large, stiff dick and
spoke to Mr Price as he played with himself.

"Well you old prick, getting nervous? You should be? I'm gonna choke you with
this thing, I'm gonna ram it so far down your throat, you're going to cry and beg
me to stop but won't and by the time I'm done you are going to crave the taste
of my cock."

The video went blank and Holly set it down then reached under her dress and
neatly took off her bra and panties under her dress and handed them to Mr.
Price, they were the slutty ones he had given her at Christmas.

"Better hang onto these, asshole because you are going to be wearing them
when you visit Ken. Red is the team's colour isn't it?"

And that proved to be the end of their mutual goading as things got busy
towards the end of the school year and things got awfully tight in the soccer
league. So tight, in fact, that the outcome of their bet and the school's attempt
to win the league for the first time in forever would come down to the last match
of the season with them in second place and two points behind the team in first
place, who they were playing at home on that last day.

Holly couldn't help but attend with pretty much the whole of the rest of the
school and she felt she was probably the only one of them praying for a defeat.
The prospect of losing was horrible but at that she had a wetness in her panties
at that prospect and would be lying to herself if she didn't admit to a few
fantasies about what would happen were she to lose this bet. But no, on the
whole seeing Price either humiliated in a homosexual situation or agree to hand
in his notice was much the more preferable option the pretty blonde thought.

In the end it came down to almost the last kick of the game, with the game tied
at one all and nearly at the end the home team earned a late corner, they threw
everyone up and when it was swung in the tallest of the boys rose like a salmon
leaping and slammed a powerful header home sending the home crowd into
hysterical celebration, especially as the referee called a halt to the game mere
seconds later. As everyone around went wild Holly just sat stunned in place as
she contemplated what she was going to have to do (and she would do it , she
was no welcher on bets plus she just could not afford to not have a job).
Amongst the delirium on the pitch, even as he was mobbed by excitable players
Mr. Price scanned the crowd and seemed to lock eyes with Miss Will and she
knew what he was thinking right then.

Holly made all the right noises to the kids and other teachers but she just
wanted to escape, she had sent Ken a heartbroken text and was trying to flee
when Joe cornered her and handed her a plastic bag, she knew it had that
damned lingerie in it.

"Tomorrow morning at the changing rooms here at 8am, me and the boys will be
waiting, and wear those Miss Will!"

She paused and fought back tears of frustration.

"Unless you want to go with me to Mrs Cotton and ask her to send your
envelope, either way is good for me."

She bit her lip and stammered.

"No, 8am, I'll be there."

It would be no great surprise to learn that Holly spent a restless, fitful night
during which she achieved very little sleep. Before going to bed she had spoken
with Ken who was crushed that his opportunity to humiliate the man who had
made his life hell was gone and did not seem overly sympathetic to what Holly
faced. They hung up not on the best of terms.

Then she must have changed her minds a hundred times about going through
with it or agreeing for her resignation to be handed in. She imagined her life
with no job and no money coming in and couldn't see how she could cope with
that scenario. Yet there was a part of her that was aroused by the situation,
excited at what she was going to be made to do in the morning with all those
horny young men. But it wasn't the team that really bothered her, it was Mr.
Price. She had spent the year going back and forth with him, trading insults and
threats, she hated him more than anyone she had ever known and tomorrow
she would effectively be submitting to him. She did not think he would be
pleasant about it. And yet she finally did find a little sleep imagining him doing
all manner of unmentionable things to her and even she could not deny her
pussy was soaking wet at the thought.

So with a confusion of thoughts and feelings infusing her Holly drove to the
school that Saturday. The place was deserted except for a variety of cars in the
car park at the PE block outside the changing rooms. She recognised Joe Price's
car and several belonging to senior boys (again they were all well over 18 years
of age, so at least Holly didn't have to worry about anything untoward in that
direction). She got out of her car and locked it and was disconcerted to find her
hand shaking as she put the keys into her designer handbag. She smoothed
down the hem of the yellow summer dress she was wearing and steeled herself
before walking on her matching yellow high heels over to the changing room

A smell of manliness assailed Holly's sense the moment she opened the door. A
musky, sweaty, deodorant laced stench that overcame her and seemed to
weaken her resolve as she passed through the inner swing doors and was faced
with 15 men all in just their shorts waiting on her (and yes Price stood amongst
them in just his shorts).

There was a cheer at the entrance of Miss Will. Of course there was, she was the
hottest teacher in the school by a mile, many of the males in that dressing room
had grown up having wet dreams about the busty, blonde drama teacher and
now they were about to live them out.

"Well, well. So you showed up Miss Will. I'm impressed, I had you down as a
quitter, thought you'd back out of our little bet."

Holly fixed the gloating Price with the harshest stare she could muster, before
muttering "no."

Then from the boys themselves came a chant.

"Get your tits out for the lads! Get your tits out for the la-ads!"

It was a laddish, humiliating refrain, made all the worse because she knew them
all and because she was about to do what they were singing about. She did hope
it would die down, but when it didn't and they kept on singing she sighed and
reached down and pulled her yellow dress up and over her head and stood
before them in all the glory of the red slutty peep hole bra and crotchless
knickers the Coach had goaded her with. At least it stopped them singing as
most were struck speechless at the sight of her, some had doubted Coach Price
that this would happen but there she was, stripping off.

Holly felt like a cheap slut taking off her dress on demand like that, standing
there in these tacky under garments as they wolf whistled and ogled her. Her
cheeks went red with shame but actually she also secretly enjoyed the reaction
her little strip had engendered in the males, who didn't want to be lusted after?
And judging by the stiff ridges emerging in their shorts she was certainly
arousing something in them!

"See, I knew those would suit you Miss Will. Really shows what a slut you really
are. Still as good as you look in them I want to see you out of them, strip them

Price's words were tinged with real dislike for the pretty teacher. She paused a
moment but in the end caved and undid her bra and dropped it then stepped out
of her panties and defiantly kicked them at him as she stood bare naked before
them. Showing lighting reflexes Price caught her discarded panties and held
them up to his nose and loudly inhaled them.

"Just as I thought bitch, you are wet as fuck for this. No, don't bother denying it
I can smell it here, the thought of sucking and fucking all these dicks has got
you wetter than the Thames in flood!"
She just stood there and burned with shame. The thing was he was right and it
killed her that he knew it for certain now. He dropped his shorts to reveal a
thick, stiff cock and walked confidently up to her. He smirked at her and it really
hit home how she had lost. The whole year's goading and sniping between them
had led to this moment. He placed his hands on her shoulders and slowly but
firmly pressed down to push her to her knees before him. When she was on her
knees he grabbed his cock and slapped her cheeks with it several times and
when she opened her red lips to complain he shoved it right in.

If Holly had thought she could control things while dishing out blow jobs that
morning she was quickly proven wrong. Price fucked her mouth like it was a
cunt, pounding in fast and hard, his balls slapping noisily on her chin as he did
so. He grabbed her hair and held on tight meaning she couldn't withdraw and for
a few minutes just treated her like a piece of shit cheap whore until he grunted,
pulled his dick from her gasping lips and sprayed a thick load of cum all over her
surprised face. As is slowly dropped from her nose and lips he stood back and

"Right boys, she's all yours, treat her like all sluts deserve to be treated."
Holly remained kneeling as cocks closed in on her from all sides. There were four
in front of her and two probing in stiffly from the side. Giving in to her inner slut
Holy reached up and began jerking off a couple of the cocks before her as a third
aimed for her mouth, she opened her lips and took it in as another rubbed
across her forehead whilst another seemed to be trying to fuck her ear.

Of course that still left plenty males waiting for their turn and a couple of more
inpatient ones got in behind her and one seemed transfixed by her long golden
hair wrapped it around his dick and began wanking off with it whilst the other
got down on all fours and began to explore Holly's arsehole and then her pussy
with his greedy little fingers.

These were young men with little experience and even less self control so it was
not long before the cum began to flow and to fly. First of the team to shoot his
load was one of the one's Miss Will was wanking off in her hand, it even took her
by surprise as it spurted up and landed right on her right eye. That seemed to
set off the cock in her mouth as it spasmed and fired a load of hot, salty semen
right down her throat. The spent dicks were swiftly replaced by new and eager,
straining cocks, slippery and stiff. Two tried to go to Holly's mouth at the same
time and for the briefest of moments she had the tips of two cocks in her mouth,
she felt like the dirtiest porn star imaginable.

Time passed but Holly was not aware of it passing. All she was aware of was
cock and cum. Her face was getting progressively more and more covered in
multiple loads of cum, many more were spilled down her throat and she
swallowed them all down. Then the guys got more brave and lifted her over to
one of the benches and laid her down on it facing up and parted her thighs and
easily slid his cock right into her soaking pussy and began fucking her. Quickly a
cock found her mouth as a guy clamber over her and knelt on the bench and
shoved his cock down into her gullet. She lay there and took a cock in her mouth
and one in her cunt whilst hands fondled and played with her big tits and
moaned in arousal.

That first cock had cum deep inside her before she even considered that none of
them had condoms but she still couldn't speak with a mouthful of cock and
another dick was swiftly filling up her pussy anyway. So things continued all
morning with eventually guys returning for seconds once they had recovered,
Holly had a sore jaw by the time Coach Price blew his whistle and demanded
attention. She was back on her knees and couldn't see a thing so thick was the
layer of cum over her face by that point.

"Boys! That's just about time but before we finish up I want to show you how
you need to deal with any bitch that thinks she can get one up on you. You need
to show that cunt where her place is!"

With that he moved over to Holly, grabbed her by the hair and spun her around
and bent her over before pulling her arse cheeks apart and sliding his fully
recovered and hard again dick into her tight, puckered little asshole. She gasped
at the invasion and gave a sexy little mewl as he began to pound into her. He
ass fucked the sexy drama teacher like that on the tiles of the changing room
with a rapt young audience until he finally grunted and came deep in her bowels.
Then he plucked his dick straight from her asshole and spun her around and
jammed his dick into her mouth and instructed her to lick him clean. Disgusted
she did so, any resistance long since broken. Then he led her by the hair into the
communal showers and was followed in by all the team. They stood in a circle
around Holly and she looked around with blurred eyesight expecting to get a

She got one alright -- a Golden Shower! As first Coach rice and then one by one
his team pissed all over Miss Will in the showers. They targeted her face and
mouth and as the cum was washed off with piss she grimaced at this further
humiliation. When they were done they did actually shower and one by one the
team got dressed and left, leaving holly to eventually shower herself.

When she exited the showers though Price was waiting on her and she spied
instantly what was in his right hand -- an electric shaver!

Price grinned at the look etched on Holly's face as she saw the hair shaving

"What? Did you think I had forgotten, Miss Will?"

"Please, Joe! I could..."

"You could what? Suck my cock? Done that. Let me fuck your asshole? Done
that. Let me piss on you? Done that. Let me fuck you? Nah, who knows what
you've got after all those randy gits have fucked you. There is nothing that will
change my mind. Now take a seat on this bench and prepare for things to get a
bit cold around your head. Unless you want to hand that letter in?"

After all she had already done Holly couldn't bring herself to quit now. With a
resigned air she flicked her long blonde hair one last time and sat on the bench
in front of her tormentor. For the next fifteen minutes Holly sat stock still as her
beautiful locks were slowly shorn from her head. She was determined not to
shed a tear in front of this bastard but failed even at that as her hair wafted
down her nude body as they fell to the floor. Finally, the buzzing stopped and
Price lifted her to her feet and led her to one of the large mirrors on the wall and
she gazed on her shaven bald new look.

"You should let that be a lesson to you young lady, don't make bets with your
betters. Come over here, I've got one last thing to show you."

Holly's stomach lurched as he led her towards one of the toilet cubicles in the
changing rooms, her mind swirling with thoughts of what new depravity he
intended. But he left her standing at the entrance as he removed a black
permanent marker from his pocket and scrawled graffiti on its wall.


"If you want a make a bet for next year baby then just let me know."

Holly grabbed her dress (her underwear nowhere to be seen by now) scrambled
into it and ran from the block, the light breeze on her bald head a fresh reminder
of what she had just lost.

Teachers Bet Ch. 02


It was a fraught weekend for Holly as she relived her Saturday morning
humiliation at the hands of Coach Price and his team over and over. The taste
and smell of cum and piss seemed unmoveable from her mouth and nose, no
matter how much mouthwash or toothpaste she used. And of course every time
she passed a mirror and caught sight of her bald pate it brought home even
more harshly how she had lost their bet. Ken Brook, whom she had taken the
bet on to get revenge on Coach Price for, was ignoring her now that she had lost
and all in all it had been a horrible weekend.

Monday morning was even tougher though. Facing up to her pupils and
colleagues with her bald head was hard enough but seeing a few of the members
of the senior team was hugely embarrassing, especially the way they looked at
her now and then horror of horrors the old bastard himself, Mr. Joe Price came
to gloat during lunch hour as she hid in her classroom. Holly groaned as he
entered then closed the door behind him. Then leaned on it and chuckled as he
stared at her.

"Well I must say Miss Will I do admire your fortitude. Not only did I not think
you would go through with our bet when you lost but I did not imagine you'd
have the guts to come in with that skinhead you're now sporting."

Holly hated him. Hated that he had got her (now it seemed former) friend to
lose his job. Hated that he had fucked her like a bitch on Saturday morning
before giving her over to his Senior team (actually she hadn't totally hated her
time with them though!). Hated that he had then pissed on her and above all
hated that he had then shorn her once long and beautiful blonde locks off. In
short he had beaten her and she hated that.

He came over to her and creepily ran his hand over her skull.

"Hmm. Feels nice! I bet you'll pull all the bull dykes over the Summer holidays
looking like that!"

"Fuck off asshole! What do you want anyway?"

"All right be like that loser. What I thought was that we should go and get our
letters from Mrs Cotton now, seeing that neither of us has to hand in our
resignations. How about now baldie?"

Holly gritted her teeth wanting to grab him by the nuts and twist them so hard
but she instead just put her pen down and sighed her agreement. So they
walked in an uncomfortable silence through the school to Mrs Cotton's classroom
and took the letters back that she had agreed to hold onto for them (without
knowing what they held). Mrs Cotton was visibly stunned by Holly's new
appearance and after Price had grabbed his letter and headed off she called out
to Holly and asked her to hold back.

Fern Cotton was a slim, attractive blonde with long straight blonde hair and a
very quiet demeanour. She had been married but that had ended in divorce and
at school, at least, kept very much to herself. She was a couple of years younger
than Holly at 31 year of age but had always quite liked the bubbly blonde and
had in fact always admired her hair, wishing her own was more like Holly's.

She showed concern and asked Holly what had happened, what had she changed
her look so radically? The concern and caring in Fern's voice seemed to break a
dam in Holly's resistance and she broke down in tears and regaled Mrs Cotton
with the whole sordid tale, what she had done, why and especially the

"The bastard! If I had known what was in that envelope I would have handed it
in straight away. What an absolute shit going through with cutting off your hair,
the fucker!"

Holly smiled weakly at Fern's anger. She wasn't judging her just anger at Joe

"Tell you what girl, you need to have a good old drink, come on after work I'm
taking you to the bar and you can get it all off your chest."

By nine thirty that night Mrs Cotton was straddling Holly's chest, both of them as
naked as the day they were born. Fern had spent the afternoon dreaming about
what Holly had done and was well on the way to being obsessed, while for Holly
the interest Fern had shown in her was a real compliment and a fillip after a
hard couple of days. Add to those feeling a liberal dose of man bashing
conversation and alcohol and that was how the two teachers ended up in bed
together. And boy did they not hold back.

They shared a taxi back to Fern's flat and could not keep their hands off each
other in the back seat. There was just an attraction between them, they both
needed someone at that point in their lives and both fancied the other. By the
time they were in the front door of Fern's flat, Fern had pulled Holly's blouse
open and pulled her bra down to expose her large breasts as and was fondling
them and licking them while Holly had her fingers inside Fern's knickers and was
fingering a soaking wet cunt.

They undressed each other as they stumbled along the corridor and onto Fern's
bed, their mouths all over each other kissing passionately, licking eagerly and
sucking frantically. Before long they were nude and in a sixty nine position, their
tongues equally eager to eat out the soaking wet pussy before them. Their
fingers finished the job, bringing both to crashing orgasms within seconds of
each other, spraying their juices all across Fern's bed before they cuddled up
together and drifted into a warm haze of sleep.

And things weren't awkward the next day, they were problematic as Holly
eventually had to phone in sick as the logistics of her getting to school were too
much, but then so did Fern and they spent the day together in the flat making
love and finding out about each other and discovering they had so much in
common. They only had a week or so before school broke up for the Summer
holidays and during those seven weeks Holly and Fern became lovers and
entered new phases of their lives. The only shadow on the horizon was Holly's
humiliation at the hands of Price. She couldn't get over it. It didn't help that she
was reminded of it each day with her head (she refused Fern's pleas that she try
a wig). She hated to lose and burned with a sense of injustice all Summer so
that in the end, despite some misgivings, Fern backed what Holly did on the first
day back of the new year.

Holly chose lunchtime to approach Mr. Price. Entering his office once his class
had charged out. She was relieved that all his Senior boys who had participated
in her gang bang at the end of last season were now away from the school. She
did though chance a glance at the changing rooms where it had all happened
and gave an involuntary shudder. And the thought of the graffiti contained in
there about her made her mad too.

She barged into Price's office as he sat at his desk. Looking up he smirked at

"Hair's coming back nicely babe, short look suits you, you here to thank me?"

"No you smug arrogant asshole. I'm here to challenge you again, if you're brave

"Oh yes? And what is your bet"

"Same as last year, that your team doesn't win the league. If I win, you resign,
completely. I never have to see your smug face around here again."

He smirked, "Is that all?"

"No it fucking isn't! When your precious team come up short we'll meet in those
fucking changing rooms again and this time I get to shave you bald and shave
off that awful, pervy moustache of yours. And then I get to fuck your damn
asshole with whatever strap on dildo I want whilst your players watch me make
you my bitch!"

"Oooh! Feisty cunt aren't you? You and Mrs Cotton come up with that over
Summer? Aw what? You thought I didn't know you spent your vacation eating
carpet? Well wrong I know all about you. So there won't be any letters to her
this time. Not that there will be a this time though Miss Will, why should there
be? I've fucked your mouth, fucked your arsehole, pissed on you, watch you
satisfy a group of young men and then shaved you bald. What on earth can you
still offer as your side of the bet? Nothing, now go on, get the fuck out of here

Holly growled at him.

"What's the matter Coach? Scared you might lose this time? Chicken? I'll give
you free rein to choose my side of the bet you bastard, I'll come back this time
next Monday to see if you've grown a set by then."

And with that she turned on her heels and stormed out. Leaving Joe Price
rubbing at his crotch at the sight of her delectable ass as it left and wondering
just what he could do with this horny little bitch this year.

Fern insisted on accompanying Holly a week later for her date to Coach Price's
office. She had completely fallen for Holly and was willing to help her however
she could but was not willing to let Holly go back to that place and that man on
her own. Slightly unwillingly (seeing it as a sign of weakness) Holly agreed and
so it was that two hot blondes burst into Joe's office as he sat smugly at his

"Brought the missus have you? I assume with that short hair of yours and talk of
strap on's that you're the husband in this perverted little relationship of yours?"

They both scowled at this dig as he continued.

"You know it would almost be worth it to say I'm not taking your bet Miss Will.
Just to see that fury on your face and the knowledge you couldn't do anything
about it. But I've had a think and there are some things I think I could get from
you, so here's are my demands. I'll agree to all yours if you agree to mine.

Holly's heart gave a leap at his words but she kept her voice steady as she

"And what are those?"

"Firstly, just to get me to agree to this bet you have to give me three blow jobs
on demand during the course of this year. No argument, I say get on your knees
and suck and you have to do exactly that. That is just to get me to play again.
Secondly, upon losing this bet you and I will pay a visit to a local tattoo parlour
and you will get a tattoo of my face inked on your sweet little ass with the words

Holly and Fern blanched at this suggestion but stayed quiet as he continued.

"And finally, after we win the league you and your little friend there and a paid
for by me hooker will put on a hot lesbian show for everyone in the locker

The room was deathly silent, Holly turned to look at Fern. Fern was scared but
still managed to nod back at her lover, she would do it, she understood how
much it meant to Holly to not only be rid of this misogynist prick forever from
the school but also to beat him fair and square. Holly glared at her nemesis and

"OK, I agree, if your team wins the league again we'll do that you sick fuck and
if they lose you do my demands?"


"OK then, it's set."

She turned to leave with Fern when his voice called out.

"Where the fuck you think you're going whore? You agree? Fine, then I want my
first blowie right fucking now!"

Holly watched in horror as he reached down and slowly unzipped his trousers to
flip out a quickly stiffened cock. Fern stared at him in equal horror and grabbed
Holly's arm as if to say not to do this, but Holly shrugged her hand off and
swallowed before saying.

"OK, I agreed so fine. No, it's fine Fern, I'll be fine, you just head back.."

"No, no. You just stay there Mrs Cotton. You wanted to make sure your special
friend was OK didn't you? You just stay there and watch. And you? Get on your
knees bitch!"

Holly glared at him but still sunk slowly to her knees, hating the way this had
played out and mentally imagining doing the same to him when her time came
with her strap on. Fern backed into the corner and held herself up with the wall
as Coach Price came around his desk and allowed his tracksuit bottoms to fall to
his ankles and for his long, hairy cock to prod out and poke Holly on the cheek.
Holly recoiled as the memories of how he had taken her orally in the changing
rooms before all the team came flooding back to her and now the audience was
even worse as she heard Fern stifle a sob as she opened her mouth and Price
drove his slick cock all the way in until it pressed at the back of her throat and
she gagged involuntarily. With little hair to grab he reached down and gripped
her ears as he squatted down slightly and began to fuck Holly's mouth hard and
fast and rough. His balls slapped noisily against her chin as he fired in and a
mixture of pre-cum and saliva slowly began to dribble from the corners of Holly's
stretched mouth.

He pulled his dick from her gasping lips and as she tried to catch her breath he
gripped his stiff rod and began to slap it on her face, her checks, her chin,
rubbing it all over her features. He looked at Fern as he did this, savouring her
look of revulsion. And then he plunged into her mouth again and this time it was
for keeps, fucking her lips again and again until with a grunt he pulled out and
sprayed a thick load of cum all over her messed up face, he pumped out stream
after stream, creating sticky white lines along her face and then squeezed out
the last onto her nose. He chuckled and zipped himself back up before barking.

"Bet is on bitch, bet is on!"

They stopped at the bathrooms in the PE block to wash Holly's face clean but
really it was Fern that was more upset than Holly.

"Calm down babe, it's over now anyway."

"It was awful, that horrible man, that beast, he raped you!"

"No he didn't. I allowed him to do that. Just like I allowed him to shave me. I
lost the bet so I paid up. Just like he will when I win it this year."


"No buts. His rinky dink team will not win two seasons in a row and in less than
a year I will never have to look at his face again and will have given him the ass
fucking of his life that he will never forget me by. Now that is worth this is it

"I guess."

"Good, because baby I cannot continue to work for much longer knowing he is
here so if we can get rid of him forever then it has to be worth the risk."

So with Fern's guidance Holly steered clear of Price for the next couple of
months. She saw with glee that the team had had a sluggish start to the season
and were mid table. A fact that coupled with Fern being away for a week on a
school field trip saw Holly finally tempted to head down to Price's office to goad
him further. Taking with her a very interesting object...

Making sure his office was empty bar the man himself Holly barged in stormed
over to his desk and slammed a monster sized black dildo down on his desk. It
was eye wateringly thick and long and had a harness at the end for strapping
around the wearers waist/crotch. Holly was pleased to see the slight look of
uncertainty it created on Mr. Price's face though he covered that up quickly
enough with his trademark sneer.

"What? You actually think you're going to win? How did that work out for you
last year bitch?"
Holly lifted the enormous dildo and held it at her crotch and mimicked thrusting
in and out.

"Wonder if you'll be so smug when you are bent over one of those benches in
the changing rooms and I am dry fucking your arsehole with this while your
precious team watch on?"

With that she made to exit until he called out.

"I've still got two oral adventures with that filthy mouth of yours Miss Will. I bet
you thought I would take the second right now, well tough luck you won't goad
me into wasting it like that. Be seeing you."

Holly's second payment of a blow job to get the Coach to take her bet was
however, taken up at Christmas. The team had rallied and were sitting in third in
the table and although a few points short of first they were once again looking
strong. Holly and Fern had watched the results improve with concern and had
been expecting Price to make good on this oral token sometime soon, but
neither expected it to happen the night of the staff Christmas Night Out.

Holly was dressed sexily in a red dress and black stockings and black heels and
had been drinking and enjoying herself with Fern and several of the other
younger teachers in the bar they had all retreated to after they had had their
annual meal. She was dinking shorts and enjoying herself and looking forward to
the two week break and had barely even noticed that Price was even there when
she moved off towards the toilets and was pushing to door inwards when she
found his hand on her elbow, propelling her in and then a sharp turn into the
disabled stall just inside the toilets. Taken aback she shrugged his arm off
angrily and turned to have a go at him then stopped mid rage as she saw who it
was and the wry smile playing across his face. She knew instantly what he
"That's right darling, been watching over here and knew it was empty and then I
saw you coming in, thought I'd make good on the second of those blow jobs you
owe me."

Holly made to argue but knew it was pointless, her good mood and night had
been ruined now anyway.

"Well at least let me have a piss first."

She huffed as she sat on the bowl but if she was expecting him to leave she was
to be disappointed as all he did was lean back on the door and slam the bolt
home and when she finally realised he wasn't leaving and began the piss he
slowly undid his zipper and flipped out his stiffening cock. She looked at it and
imperceptibly opened her lips, it was all the invitation Coach Price required and
he stepped forward and rubbed his erection along the length of her red lipstick
covered lips and eased it between them. She was still pissing. He held her hair
and pulled it up so she was looking at him.

"You know my boys are gonna win the league again, I can just sense it, I can
feel it in my bones and you are going to have to come down and humiliate
yourself again. Still you must be getting used to it by now, proving to be quite
the good loser, aren't you? Something tells me you'll enjoy it again if you lose
the bet, won't you?"

Holly really wasn't in a position to argue but was going to make some response
before she quickly stifled it on his thick helmet as the sound of the outer door
opened and she heard two female voices enter the toilets. Price didn't seem to
care and kept sliding his cock in and out of her lips, clearly further aroused at
there being others so close by.

"Did you see that dress she was wearing?! Christ with the all the rumours about
her you would think she would go out of her way not to inflame them!"

Holly recognised Mrs Marsh's voice, a colleague and Biology teacher.

"Well she certainly dressed slutty tonight but come on you don't believe those
stories, there's no way she fucked the football team last year, I can't believe

That was the voice of Miss Pinder, an English teacher and it was increasingly
obvious to both inhabitants of the disabled cubicle who it was they were
discussing. Holly's cheeks burned with shame as she realised she was the topic
of conversation.

"Thought she was into girls now anyway, dating Foxy Fern."

"Yeah but dating, come on who do you think wears the trousers, or the strap on
in that relationship! Anyway, I reckon that's just for show to get away from the
rumours and seeing as you ask yes, I could well believe that blonde slut fucked
the football team, I mean what other reason was there for that god awful
haircut? I think the word whore was invented for women like our Miss Will."

The two voices moved on to other things and eventually left leaving Holly sitting
there with tears in her eyes that this was how she was thought of. Price smirked
and reached down to wipe the tears from her cheeks and rubbed them on his

"I just bet your tears taste as good as they look bitch!"

And with that he grunted and gave an extra hard thrust and fired a heavy load
of salty sperm down her throat. Holly just took it and swallowed the lot, not
wanting cum on her face or on her dress when she returned. Coach Price
squeezed the last drops out onto her tongue and zipped himself up again and
making sure the toilets were deserted he made to leave but not before ruffling
Holly's hair and hissing.

"Still got one more to give me whore and then it'll be the end of season bash!"

That was Holly's night over. She made a tearful exit from the bathrooms and
quickly conveyed to her lover, Fern, that Price had taken his second payment
and the two of them made hasty exits from the evening and returned to their
love nest where Holly relived her ordeal and Fern ended up eating her out to
'make her forget about it'. The fact Holly was already pretty wet when she got
down there did not prevent Fern from licking her to an orgasm.

The holidays and the term that followed passed quickly. The team's results
varied but they were still in the hunt for the championship right the way up to
the last match against the league leaders . If St. Cameron's could win they
would leap to first place on the last day of the season, any other result would
see them finish either second or third, either way Price would lose and Holly
would gain her revenge. Price had dedicated his work to the team and his
coaching and had barely seen Holly since their Christmas gobble but on the eve
of the last, important match he sneaked into her room just after her last class of
the day had ended. She didn't even need to ask what he was there for. She was
pretty much already slipping to her knees when he stopped her.

"Not now, though it's nice to see you so keen Miss Will. No I thought we could
finish things off where it'll all be decided tomorrow, on the football pitch. So I'll
see you on the playing fields about 10 o'clock tonight. Unless you want to do it
earlier in daylight? Ha! Thought you wouldn't be there bitch and then we'll see
who wins this bet of yours."

Holly agreed. She had been on tenterhooks for weeks now, wondering when the
bastard would ask for his last payment. Although she was not ecstatic of
meeting him at night on the playing fields she did have to admit it was better
than in her classroom or in some other public place where they may be
discovered. Fern wanted her to turn him down at first but knew Holly had agreed
to it and was not the type that baulked at her debts. She then wanted to
accompany Holly but Holly dissuaded her of that too, insisting she didn't want
her to see this, knowing that Fern was already worried about what they had to
do if they lost and knowing that Price would make great play of that if Fern did
come. And anyway it was unnecessary anyway as after the team failed the next
day they wouldn't have to worry about the old pervert any more.

So on a mild and humid night Holly made her way to the school playing fields
and headed out to the football pitches where she found Mr. Price waiting on her.
The nets were already up in the goals for the next day's game and he pointed
over towards one of the goals and directed her to it. He pushed her into the net
and barked.

"Take your natural position bitch. On your knees and ready to suck!"

Holly grimaced at his words but was long past the point where she argued them.
Envisaging him on his knees tomorrow and her sporting her big strap on was
enough to get her through this ordeal so she thought of that and dropped to her
knees on the damp, soft grass and mug in the goal mouth. He was stood on the
other side of the net and pulled down his tracksuit bottoms to release his cock
and reached through the net to pull Holly's face into it and jammed his dick into
her mouth like that with the net pressed into her face between them. Holly just
knelt there and took it, wanting this over with as soon as possible. Price,
meantime, was intent on making it last as long as he could and was going
deliberately slow in and out of her lips and taunting her as he did.

"I bet this brings luck to these goals for tomorrow eh? Can't wait to see footballs
nestle in the net rather than just my balls! And oh boy wait until after, you're
going to look good with that tattoo you know and wait until you see the whore
I've got lined up to perform with you and Miss Cotton."

Holly tried to block his voice out, concentrate on making him cum and get out of
here and pray his precious team lost the next day but it seemed like an age until
finally he started to grunt and shudder and he pulled out this time to spray his
lines of cum right into her face, spurting in her eye, on her nose, in her hair, just

"Heh, been saving that up for you. Be seeing you tomorrow Miss Will, no doubt
you'll be here to cheer the team on to victory, eh?"

In the end the match was a rout. The other team had their goalkeeper sent off
early for fighting and St. Cameron's took full advantage. They were 4-0 up at
half time and amidst the wild celebrations of the crowd stood two stunned,
blonde teachers, holding hands and trying to reassure the other that it would be
OK. There was a brief flicker of hope when the opponents made a comeback in
the second half, reducing the deficit to 4-2 but that was it and St. Cameron's
held on to win and to clinch the championship for the second year running.

Holly and Fern watched Coach Price wave at them and slowly make his way
through the celebrating crowd toward them.

"We can't do this Holly. I can't do it!"

Holly squeezed her lover's hand tight to reassure her, even though it was Holly
that had made the bigger bet and stood to face losing so much more, and just
the thought of working with that sick bastard next year was almost too much to
bear. But she had already proven she stuck to her bets and she would make
sure Fern did too. But when Price stood before them she hated him and hated
the fact she knew her panties were wet beneath her dress.

"Ladies, hope you enjoyed the game. No? Oh well. Now I've made the
arrangements and you're to be at the PE block changing rooms at 10 tomorrow
morning. As you know Miss Will from last year, Saturday mornings are nice and
quiet so you ladies can put on your show for the team without interruption. And
after that, Miss Will we can pay a little trip into town and get that body art
sorted out for you."

It proved to be a restless and unsettled evening for the two female teachers. As
Fern first refused to go through with things and then, when Holly persuaded her
that she had to for her sake it became apparent that Holly was unable to stop
herself and was on some base level looking forward to the humiliation. This
could well be the wedge driven between them that could end their relationship
and the thought of that was too much for Fern who then spent the night sobbing
and promising she would do whatever Holly wanted.

The Senior team (all well over 18) were all sitting on their benches in the
dressing room when Miss Will and Miss Cotton tentatively emerged into it. There
was a cheer at their arrival though it was tinged with regret because they would
not get the treat that last year's team got, that of the sexy Miss Will as a fuck
doll for a few hours. Still they were looking forward to what the coach had lined
up for them.

"Alright, Miss Will, Miss Cotton, now that you're finally here we can get started. I
have to say though that the third member of your little act doesn't seem too
happy that you've kept her waiting. I'll let her tell you, Ladies here is your
Dominatrix for the morning!"

At that a short young woman clad in a form fitting black leather catsuit strutted
out from his office. Holly and Fern stood agog, they knew that they would have
to entertain the team with a hooker that Price would provide but not one that
they would know, and have taught!

Because occupying the skin tight fetish wear was Leona Parker. A tarty, mouthy
blonde 18 year old who was expelled from St. Cameron's only a year previously
for various misdemeanours. Leona was a short blonde with a hot body and an
even hotter temper and she was known throughout her tenure at the school for
giving pretty much the entire female faculty a fucking hard time – most
definitely including the better looking members like Holly and Fern.

"Right then bitches, put your eyes and your tongues back in and get naked, let
us all see what you've got!"

Fern and Holly had discussed this on the way there that morning, again Fern
sounding like she wanted to back out, Holly insistent that having made the bet
they had to uphold their end, in fact she was adamant about it and in the end
Fern agreed. But that had been before they had known who would be interacting
with them, who would be bossing them about and no doubt humiliating them.
Holly had thought it bad enough last year when Price and his charges had fucked
her senseless but this was even more demeaning.

Leona smacked the riding crop she held on her own palm harshly and snarled.

"Are you bimbo cunts so fucking thick you don't understand me? Or maybe you
aren't used to someone younger giving the orders? Well you'd better get used to
it sluts, now get fucking undressed!"

She may not have been long out of education but young Leona had a certain
impressive manner that put everyone on edge and a nervous atmosphere was
already pervading the gym hall as everyone waited to see who blinked first.

It was Holly. She sighed and pulled her dress up and over her head and unveiled
her white cotton bra and panties to her audience. Fern quickly followed suit to
much wolf whistling from the football team. Leona grinned knowing that this was
just the beginning of the embarrassment for this two older women and that
having stripped now meant they, having shown their submission to her
commands, would be all the easier to dominate.

"And the rest sluts, this isn't going to be some soft core playtime, this is going to

Neither teacher liked the sound of that but both obeyed and reluctantly peeled
off their underwear to stand bare naked before Leona, Mr Price and the crowd of
senior boys. They tried to cover their boobs and their pussies with their hands
but it was fairly pointless and anyway, such concerns over exposure were soon
to be forgotten about.

"Now I want you to bitches on your hands and knees and to crawl over to me
and you can each choose a boot to clean with your tongue."

Leona wore spiked heeled leather jack boots, that looked amazing. Holly looked
at Price, Fern looked at Holly but in the end they did what this little Madame told
them to. Holly dropped to her knees and crawled over to her former pupil and
burned with humiliation as she began to tentatively lick the toe of the boot that
was thrust at her mouth. Fern did likewise and with their hands flat on the hard
wooden floor of the gym changing rooms there was no further chance for them
to hide their nakedness. The boys all crowded round for a close up inspection of
these lovely, naked female teachers.

"Get the sole Miss Will, I think I trod in some dog shit coming over here!"

Holly scowled but as Leona lifted her boot Holly still dipped her head further and
began licking the dirty sole of the boot. Minutes later Fern got the same
message .

Once she was quite satisfied that she had exacted maximum humiliation for her
former teachers from that scenario, Leona reached down with her hands and
took a big handful of their hair and forcibly pulled them both up to their feet
before dropped to her knees herself. And from there Leona then used the middle
finger of each hand to thrust into Holly and Fern's pussies, both were wet, and
her digit easily slipped in. She smirked up at the blushing teachers, knowing that
on some level both were getting off on this and knowing this meant even more
power for her. She certainly understood her sexual power dynamics.

With the team and Mr. Price egging her on she began to slowly push each finger
in and out of their holes and slowly finger fucked them before their audience.
Holly, more than Fern, could not prevent herself giving off soft little moans of
pleasure but as soon as the young Dominatrix heard them she halted her

"Don't want you two sluts enjoying ourselves too much, do we?" she teased as
she removed her fingers from each of them and stood up before holding the
fingers out to Holly and Fern's mouths for them to suck clean. Shamefacedly
they did as bidden.

In their heightened state of sexual arousal Holly and Fern were noticeably
becoming easier to dominate. Leona demonstrated this by holding their heads
and slowly turning them so they faced each other and gently pressing them
together. She spoke a single word.


Within a second the team had taken up the word into a growing incessant chant.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"

Their lips came together and the crowd went quiet as the two blonde teachers
began to snog, at first awkwardly but before long they appeared to be really
getting into it, their tongues exploring each other's mouths and their hands
roaming over their bodies until Leona grabbed a hold of their respective hair and
literally tore their faces apart.

"Enough sluts. You, fatso (cruelly indicating Holly who was not fat but certainly
the bustier of the two) get on your back. You skinny, on your knees over her and
park that skinny arse on her nose. Now!"

They looked at each other in with misgiving but there was a dawning acceptance
to them now, that they would do whatever it took to get this over with. Holly
scowled at Leona as she carried out her instructions and lay flat on her back,
naked, in the centre of the boys changing rooms. When she was positioned Fern
gently lowered her pert little arse right onto Holly's face, squatting just over her
to avoid putting any weight on her.

"On your knees bitch, don't make it easy for you cunt friend!"

Leona gave Fern a push so she fell forwards onto her knees and properly
straddled Holly's face with her ass flesh.

"Now get licking fatty" bellowed an amused Leona to the struggling to hear

"But my pussy's not over her mouth" complained Fern.

"I fucking know that Miss Cotton, but your arsehole is, isn't it? She can fucking
lick that first!"

Despite her position and restricted hearing, Holly gathered what was required of
her and cleared enough space around her face to get her tongue out and
extended it until it met Fern's tight, puckered arsehole and began to tentatively
probe at it. Tasting her lover in a way she had never done with her before. Fern
squirmed at the intrusion but it gave her a thrill that was hard to hide until
Coach Price leered at her.

"She's good at that isn't she, I had the bitch do it to me last year when she lost

Leona had them continue like that for a few minutes before instructing Fern to
come forward and into a sixty nine position. This got a cheer from the watching
boys, after all it was a fantasy for most to watch these two hot, blonde teachers
in such a sexual activity. In truth Fen and Holly were relieved too. Sure they
could have done without the audience but licking each other out was not new for
them. Fern slowly fell forward until her face was pressed against Holly's
surprisingly soaking pussy lips and this movement allowed Holly some much
needed air and access to Fern's not quite as wet lips. From there both teachers
knew what to do, and despite the humiliating circumstances they were soon
emerged in their own little muff diving world as the licked each other closer and
closer to orgasm.

Leona just stood over them and enjoyed the view, she wasn't finished with them
yet by a long shot but she was keen for them to make each other cum so they
wouldn't enjoy what came next.

Eventually their bodies began to buck and spasm, and their moans and
whimpers grew loader and they each came over the others face within seconds
of the other, to a rapturous round of applause from their audience. The clapping
took them out of the little bubble they had retreated to and they both burned
with embarrassment as she got to their knees, their faces glistening and shiny
with the other's sex juices.

Leona smirked and grabbed Holly's hand as she went to wipe her face with it.

"No, No you just leave that there slut. In fact we're going to add to it. Boys!
Have you heard about bukkake!"

Whether they knew anyway or had been primed wasn't clear, but what was clear
was that they knew this was their cue to surge forward, their dicks out and to
surround Miss Will and furiously masturbate. Fern just knelt to the side watching
on stunned. Holly did nothing but kneel there and glance around at five, six
young cocks all hard and all being pumped fast and aimed at her head.

Given the hot lesbian action they had been viewing for some time now, nearly all
the team were just about ready to pop and in no time at all arcs of thick, white
cum were flying and splattering on Holly's pretty, waiting face. She got streams
in her hair, across her forehead, in her eyes (seemed to be a popular target), in
her nostrils, on her lips, on her chin and finally onto those bounteously large
bosoms. And it kept cumming. And each time Holly made to lift her hand to try
and clear some of the sperm from her face Leona's hand caught it and restrained
her until finally she produced a pair of handcuffs and used them on Holly's wrists
behind her back, meaning she just had to kneel there and take load after load of
hot cum on her features.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Holly the last boy finished up ( a limp
dribble, but it was his second shot, that he squeezed into her right ear) and
Coach Price was out with his phone to snap a few pictures and goad her some

"It's a good look for you Miss Will, hopefully it'll be good for your complexion

"More importantly will they enjoy the taste" cut in Leona.

Fern glanced around at Leona at this and was aghast to see she had strapped on
a double headed dildo around her crotch. Address her former teacher, Miss
Cotton, Leona explained further.

"I'm going to ram this in both her asshole and cunt at the same time and fuck
her and you Miss Cotton have a job to do if you want me to stop any time soon.
You have to lick and suck all that cum from your friend's face and spit it into her
mouth – I will not stop until you've hoovered up the lot!"

That took Fern aback and she just knelt there dazed as the young former pupil
adjusted her strap on and dropped to her own keens behind the cum covered
Miss Will. With her arms cuffed there was little she could do to prevent the
young hooker slipping first one cock into her pussy and then the second, above
it into her oh-so-tight arsehole. Holly gave a groan as she was double
penetrated and then Leona started to fuck her.

"Come on! She's your girlfriend, do you like seeing her get satisfied like you
could never manage? Well if you want to stop this you'd better getting sucking
all that teenage cum off her and spit it into her mouth!"

'Christ! The crazy little bitch is serious' Fern thought to herself and so despite
deep misgivings Miss Cotton scooted over on her knees and began the not
simple task of sucking / licking all that sour tasting, hardening cum from her
lover's face.

Of course, that bastard Price still had his camera out and was recording the
three women in action. Leona ploughing into Holly, her shuddering with each
thrust and Fern, desperately trying to suck up the cum and feed it messily back
into Holly's mouth. It was quite the tableau.

After three mouthful's of cum had been placed in Holly's mouth both teachers
were feeling pretty queasy and either could have puked up at any time but they
held it together long enough for the sadistic Leona to finally be satisfied they had
put enough cum into Holly's mouth. She pulled her double dildo from Holly's
holes and held it aloft triumphantly whilst Holly and Fern knelt cowed at her feet.
Leona was done and handed out cards with her number on it to the boys before
taking her leave. The boys too started to drift off, leaving Price to come and
stand over the still kneeling bet losers.

"Well one more thing to do to make good on the bet Miss Will

In truth it was Fern that was more outraged by this final indignation.

"You've got to be kidding! After all we've done, all she's done! You still want to
make her get that tattoo?"

"That was the bet Miss Cotton, your little buddy didn't have to accept it and you
can be damned sure he would have made me follow through with my terms if
the team had come up short. Wouldn't you?"

Holly lifted her head and glowered at him.

"Damned right I would have."

"Only fair then, isn't it. Come on get washed and dressed and I'll take you to the
tattoo parlour in town. Got him primed your coming."

"No! Isn't there something else? Come on Mr. Price, you can't!" wailed Fern

"Fern, it's OK, leave it."

"No! It's not OK. Please!"

Price grinned at the two of them, like a cat that has a mouse captured with no
hope of escape.

"Tell you what, you make a compelling argument. Maybe I could be persuaded
to void that part of the bet. But you'd have to do something else in return."
Both blondes looked at him with differing levels of expectation. Fern thought
they had a way out while Holly thought she knew better.

"I tell you, you see last year I sure did enjoy shaving that beautiful hair from
your head Miss Will. But like I said at the start of the bet, I've done that, don't
need to do it again. But maybe If I was to shave two heads of beautiful blonde
hair I might be tempted. And if the owners of those heads were to agree to keep
them bald until I leave employment at the school then, sure, I might be tempted
to change the stipulations of the bet."

Fern let out a horrified gasp but Holly just continued to glare at Price and shook
her head.

"No. Not going to happen. This isn't Fern's bet, it's mine, she's done more than
enough. I'll get dressed and you can get your fucking tattoo carved into my ass.
It'll serve as a permanent reminder of what I fool I am."

Fern tried to protest but they noticeably held less conviction than before, and by
the time they had got up and struggled into the showers to wash off she had
clearly accepted things as they were.

Fern waited at home all afternoon for Holly to come back, she had been
reluctant to let her go off with Price alone but Holly had insisted and besides
deep down she knew she could not have watched as Holly allowed her ass to be
inked with the words "PROPERTY OF COACH PRICE" and a little picture of the old
pervert above them. Instead Fern had yet another shower and had a quick sob
about what had gone on that morning and then tidied up and braced herself for
the return of her lover.

Holly returned after four and came into the flat like a zombie. She refused to talk
at first and once she did she likewise refused to let Fern see the artwork. She
saw it soon enough in the shower though and was aghast that Holly was now
branded with that and had allowed herself to do it just because she had made
the bet. It was a major factor in why they would have split up within three

The next Monday was the last before the Summer holidays and everyone at
assembly got a surprise when, after giving a quick speech on how the team was
delighted to have retained their trophy, it was with a little regret that Coach Ken
Price was actually retiring and leaving the school.

Holly and Fern turned and stared at each other in shock. Then it dawned on
them. The bastard was quitting anyway, if she had won the bet he was going to
leave the school anyway, there was little advantage in it for her at all even if she
had won. And if they had agreed to him shaving their hair the term of until he
left the school would have been just one more week and by the time the
holidays were over they would have had enough hair back to look pretty good,
just as Holly had at the start of this term. Holly mechanically joined in the
applause for the retiring coach and winced as he seemed to look directly at her
and wave. Once again he had fucked her over royally.


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