Ponygirl For Hire

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Ponygirl for Hire by Arnold Puttywn

Synopsis: Erin van Daalk needs a job, when her old high school
friend offers her a job as a ponygirl, she has to take it.

Erin becomes a Real Ponygirl.�

���� Erin ran through the cool morning air.� She felt
good and she felt fast.� Erin had just one more week until she
completed the Ponygirl School, then she would start to work
for the campground and get paid to pull a sulky or a little
trailer.� At 5�9� and 128 pounds with medium sized breasts,
large nipples and a small waist Erin was very pretty, her dark
brunette hair was in a French-braid, it swung across her back
as she ran, it hung down her back like a tail.� She liked the
whole idea of running naked and pulling a sulky too.� Erin had
been in good condition when she started, because she ran and
had good workouts five times a week.� She had gotten into
even better shape during the last few weeks; her waist was
now down to 22 inches, she was very proud of her small waist
and her abs. that showed for the first time ever.� She had
worked so hard so many times before but she could never get
more than just a hint of muscle bulges. Her hips had gotten
down to 34 inches, and thighs slim enough that her anus and
pussy were visible from behind.� If she had worn a bra, it
would have been a 34A. Her nipple rings jiggled as Erin ran,
and in the early morning cool freshness they were quite cold,
and made Erin�s nipples so very hard.� She loved working
here for her childhood friend Wendy.
���� When Erin graduated from Western High, she had
moved to Phoenix to work in an office for her uncle, Mark
Lewiston, and after four and a half years lost her position
when the business was sold to a foreign company.� She had
received a decent separation settlement, so she could afford to
take some time off in Centerville, in
southern Arizona.�� When she came back to Centerville, she
saw Wendy walking along the sidewalk, near McGregor�s
Ladies Emporium.� Erin and Wendy had been friends through
junior high school, when Wendy was sent to a private school
in Delaware they lost touch.
���� Wendy�s real name was Candace Portia Cooper-
Wendell; Erin started calling her Wendy, because she loved
Wendy from �Peter Pan�. She even had an Old
English Sheepdog, named Nana of course. Wendy�s parents
were real angry because they thought it was because it was
short for Wendell.� Erin had known Wendy since they were
both children and didn�t even think of her last name.� Martin
Wendell had started a campground and dude ranch where
campers could rent horses to get to the camps, or rent a
cabin. It was about twenty-five miles from Centerville, far
enough to seem isolated but close enough for
convenience.� The business did quite well for many years,
and Wendy had most everything that the Wendells could think
of to spoil her with, including an exclusive high school.� After
she came back from school, Wendy found the business was
faltering.� Wendy had met two girls in high school that were
considered too �kinky� for proper company.� Janine and
Michelle were in a room together right next to Wendy; Michelle
liked to have Janine dress her as a pony then run her around
until she could hardly move.� Michelle wore a bridle harness
with a bit and reins and had her arms lashed behind her
back.� Janine let some others ride in Michelle�s sulky for a
few dollars, but it was not for the money, she did it to
humiliate Michelle.���
�� When Wendy�s parents were killed in a small plane
crash she had to find a way to make the ranch work
again.� The ponygirl idea came when Janine called to express
her feelings when she heard about the accident.� Michelle was
the first ponygirl.� That lasted for about one month, until
Janine found out how well Wendy was treating her.� Wendy
treated Michelle like a business resource and took good care of
her. When word about Wendy�s changes got around there
were dozens of campers making reservations to stay.� Wendy
had to get ten more ponygirls real fast.� Now she had twenty
ponygirls pulling sulkies with campers or trailers with
equipment to the campsites.� The rules for ponygirls and for
campers alike stipulated, no sexual contact between any of
them.� Wendy did not want to have any sort of legal
problems, or prostitution charges.��

���� When Erin agreed to become a ponygirl and

attend the academy, Wendy had made sure the she
understood ponygirls were naked all the time, and had to live
in a stylized stable.� Each ponygirl had to be cared for as
though she were a real pony not capable of self-control or self-
discipline.� They met in Wendy�s office at the ranch at about
9:00PM on a Tuesday evening, Erin was a bit nervous, which
made her jabber and run on.� When she realized what she
was doing, she stopped in mid sentence and laughed.
���� �Is everything ok, Erin?� Wendy asked.
���� �Yes everything is fine,� she said
pleasantly.� �I�m just a little nervous, but I want to do this,
but you know I�m a perfectionist and hate to do something
wrong and just halfway.� So even though this is for just two
years, it�s a big step to me.�
���� �Well take your time, you do not have to
hurry.� I don�t have anything to do until tomorrow at
about 10:30,� Wendy chided.
Erin�s contract stipulated that she had to have her
tongue, navel, and nipples pierced, but Erin had already had
those piercings done.� She also had to have a couple of
tattoos, her name on her left breast about two inches above
her nipple and Wendy�s logo, sort of like a brand. The idea of
a tattoo sounded much better than having a brand burnt onto
her.� Erin took a deep breath and signed the contract where
Wendy indicated.
���� �Here too, Erin,� Wendy said as she turned back
the top page.� �And I�ll sign here on this page.�� Wendy
smiled and stepped back a step.����
���� �Ok you�re mine now, take off your clothes,�
Wendy had said then.� Erin took a deep breath and
unbuttoned her blouse.� When she was naked, Wendy took
her clothes and unceremoniously dropped then into her

����� A handler named Glenda was waiting for Wendy

to call, just outside the office door and led her over to the
tattoo/piercing shop near the stable.� The ranch�s main
tattoo artist, Bart was all ready and tattooed, Erin on her left
breast.� He also touched up the tattoo across Erin�s lower
back.� It was an abstract tribal design, but Bart re-did it and
incorporated Wendy�s ranch logo, a circle with CP-CW in the
center. He also made it bigger so that it went completely
across the small of her back.� She had it done several years
ago, in Phoenix. and it was time for a bit of a touch up. Bart
also replaced Erin�s little nipple rings with bigger ones.� She
had 18 gauge, half inch rings in already and Bart replaced
them with 14 gauge, one-inch rings. She sat still while Bart
handled her nipples; he carried on a conversation with Glenda
and only spoke to Erin to tell her to move or to change
positions.� As they were leaving, Bart told Erin that two
weeks would be long enough to heal enough to start the
ponygirl academy.� Elaine was Erin�s training groom, and in
charge of Erin�s orientation and made sure the tattoos healed
���� Elaine woke Erin up on her first morning,
after Erin finished her breakfast, Elaine said to her,� �Erin,
we have to take some measurements for your harness and
tack.� Lets go over to he training stable and get that
done.� It won�t be too awful.� Elaine opened the door and
led Erin outside.� Erin felt really naked, last night it had been
dark and quiet, but this morning there was grooms, handlers
and trainers working all around, they were all wearing
clothes.� Erin could see a couple of ponygirls near the stable
but they seemed quite far away.� Erin felt naked and alone.�
���� In the stable two handlers, Pecos and Glenda
were waiting for Erin; they started with foot measurements
and took a cast of each foot.� Pecos measured Erin�s head;
he measured around her brow at the largest part of her head,
and lower around at her mouth.� The last measurement was
vertical over the top from under her chin.� Glenda measured
her legs, inseam and outside seam from the top of Erin�s leg
to her ankle.� Then Pecos did her arms.
���� �Ok, now for the hard part,� Glenda said
gently.� �We have to measure your butt-hole size, and how
deep your pussy goes.� Just relax and it won�t take too
long.�� Glenda had a long, cone shaped, dildo-looking tool,
with rings all the way around it.� She applied lube from a
green tube to the end.� �Get up on the table and kneel
facing that end,� she said pointing toward the left end of the
table.� Erin stepped onto a step stool and then up onto the
table she knelt facing where Glenda had indicated.
������ Glenda put her right hand between Erin�s
legs and gently tapped the insides of her knees, �I need you a
little more opened, please.�� She said, �good,�
when Erin moved her knees about ten inches apart.� �Not
too much, or you�ll start to get tighter.� Now lean forward
and put your arms flat on the tabletop, then rest your head on
your arms.�� Erin leaned forward and put her head down, as
instructed.� She had her head down and her rear up in the
air, she felt totally exposed and completely
helpless, she knew Pecos was standing there looking at her
rear sticking up.� When Glenda started to push the measure
into her anus she forgot all about Pecos standing there.
���� �Ooohhh, she moaned, �Ooohh god,� and,
�Mmmummm.� This is not much fun at all,� She
said.� Erin wriggled a bit, but stopped immediately.
����� Glenda laughed, �I�m sorry, I�m not laughing
at you, but most girls don�t say anything, very nice.� Pecos,
I got a size six, maybe six and a half.� She pushed in a little
harder, as Erin moaned again, � Let�s make her a seven,�
she pulled the measure out of Erin. �Just one more to
go.� Erin turn over and slide down to the foot end of the
table. Just put your feet into the gyno� stirrups for
me.� Pecos had pulled up two foot stirrups and locked them
into place.� Erin slid to the end and put her feet into
place, Pecos put a strap over each ankle to help Erin keep her
feet in place.� She lay on the table with her legs up and feet
about two feet apart.� Pecos had a smooth wooden rod about
eight inches long and an inch in diameter; there was a handle
about two inches long, with a stopper between the handle and
the measuring portion.� He had already applied a generous
glob of lube from the same green tube Glenda had used.� He
put his left hand on Erin�s lower belly and pushed the rod into
her vagina.� The rod went into her smoothly to the stopper at
the handle.� Pecos stopped pushing and pulled it back out.
���� �Glenda, it�s not long enough, I need the next
size,� he said as he turned toward the cupboard across the
room.� Erin struggled around a little bit.� He was back
momentarily, with a different measurer, it looked like a
yardstick to Erin.
���� �You�re not going to put all of that in me, are
you?� she cried.� Her legs jerked involuntarily, but she
relaxed quickly.� Erin wanted to co-operate she really wanted
the $208,000 that Wendy a promised for her two year
���� Glenda stroked Erin�s forehead, �No, not all of
it, just enough to get the measurement we need. You�re
doing fine, try to relax for a few more minutes.� Turning
to Pecos, she said, �Go ahead, let�s get her done and out of
here.� The measure Pecos had gotten was about twenty-four
inches long and two inches in diameter.� Pecos applied plenty
of lube and placed his hand on her belly again and gently
started to push the measure into her.� The larger measure
filled Erin�s vaginal canal, it felt so very large to her, she
writhed a little, but the stirrups held her in the proper
���� �She�s ten and a half inches deep,� Pecos said
as he looked at the numbers on the measure.
���� �Hold that for about two more minutes, and then
push a little more, that first one went in so fast we need to
make sure.� I�m sure Erin does NOT want to do this all again
because we didn�t do it right the first
time.� Right Erin?� Glenda asked.
���� �Mmmmumm,� groaned Erin. �Yesss make sure
it�s right.� The two minutes seemed like an hour to Erin,
while she waited, she thought about buying a new Corvette, a
red one, with a black leather seats.� Pecos pushed a little
more and the measure went in deeper.
���� �Now we have eleven and three
quarters,� Pecos said,� �He said if we give her a little more
time it�ll go twelve inches, let�s give it a try
Glenda.�� Pecos walked up to Erin�s head, �We haven�t
seen twelve inches here in over two years.� Lets give it a try,
����� �Ok, ok I�ll try to relax for a little more.� That
thing is really big around,� she said.
������ �Is it too big, is it hurting?� Glenda sounded
����� �No, not too big, but there sure is plenty big
enough, and no, it doesn�t hurt, but I sure can tell that it�s
there,� replied Erin.
������ Pecos went across the room and got Erin a
glass of water; he put a few ice cubes in it from the small
refrigerator, on the counter.� He returned with it and held it
for Erin to get a few sips, He didn�t really think she needed a
drink, but it gave her something to do while she waited for his
next push.� He went back to the end of the table, �Ok, let�s
give it a go, this is the last time then we�re all done.� He
pushed gently the measure went in some more, �Whew,
thirteen and a half inches.� Now that is a record. Glenda,
please come here and confirm it.�� Glenda went to the end
and looked down at the measure, she
nodded.� Pecos carefully pulled the measure out of Erin. As
he took the measure to the sink with the other tools, Glenda
unhooked the straps over the stirrups���
���� �Come on, sweetheart, you can get up now,�
Glenda said gently.� �It�s time to get you to your stall.�
���� Erin said, �I don�t have a stall, I was in the
guesthouse last night.�
���� �Elaine is supposed to be getting you all set up in
a stall in the training stable now.� Let�s head over there and
see if she�s done yet.� Glenda led Erin to the training stable
and inside.� They found Elaine working in the third stall from
the door.� Glenda ushered Erin inside and turned her over to
Elaine.� �Here you go, Elaine, all done.� She needs a good
shower, now.� Erin is very sensitive; she got quite stimulated
by the measures.� And guess what! She took thirteen and a
half inches of a two-inch measure.� She could hardly walk
over here.��� Erin nodded, she was wet and her knees felt
���� Elaine said, �lets get you down to the bath
stall.� This is just like in a horse stable.� All you have to do is
stand there, and I�ll take care of you.�� She led Erin to the
end of the stable and opened a bath stall door for her.� She
turned on the water; it felt so good to Erin.� Elaine
shampooed Erin�s hair, washed her arms, and back.
���� �Turn around, so I can get your front,� Elaine
said matter-of-factly, like she did it all the time.� Actually she
did, she had been a groom for a racehorse stable until Wendy
had hired her away.� She just had a better deal, more money
and less hard work, but especially more money.� After Elaine
finished all of Erin�s body and appendages she said,
�Erin turn around, I need to get all of that lube off
you.�� After Erin turned she soaped her hand and
washed Erin�s butt and then pressed against anus very
gently, she was tender because the measure had stretched her
some.� She stopped and pulled her hands back; Erin knew
this meant it was time to turn around so Elaine could wash the
���� Erin turned partway and hesitated, �Can I do the
rest?� she asked.
���� �No dear, I�ll have to do all of you.� It�s my
job,� she said pleasantly, �besides I�m real good at
it.� You�ll enjoy it a bunch.� Erin turned the rest of the way
so Elaine had complete access to her pussy; she moved her
legs apart a little.
���� �I need a little more room, a little more
separation, please.�� Erin opened a little more for
her.� Elaine poured a bit more soap on her hand and pushed
it between Erin�s thighs.� She gently stroked Erin�s lips and
vulva; her stroking became firmer and more insistent
until Erin gasped and moaned, she leaned against the back of
the stall.� Erin opened her legs a bit more so Elaine could
have even better access to her.� After about two
minutes Erin gasped and climaxed, Elaine kept stroking
until Erin had a second orgasm.� After she got Erin�s juices
rinsed off both Erin and her hand she opened the wash stall
gate to get Erin out.
���� � Let�s get you dried off.� I want to show you
your stall before lunch.� Does that sound good to you?� she
���� �Ooohh yeah, most anything sounds good to me
right now,� purred Erin.

��� That was Erin�s first day; she soon became
accustomed to having to give any handler and Elaine
complete, intimate access to her body whenever
instructed.� Not only did she not mind, she enjoyed the
������� During the next three days Elaine
shaved Erin�s pubic hair, three times. All of her hair had to be
removed, after shaving Elaine put a depilatory cream on the
shaved area.� After three applications the hairless effect was
permanent.� Erin didn�t realize it for about two days after
the final application.� When she asked Elaine about it, Elaine
just said, �yes.�� The final treatment Erin had to endure was
for sun protection.�� There was a large stainless steel tank
set up outside the stable�s back entrance, it looked like a flea
and tick dip tank, but smaller.� After Erin�s tattoos healed
enough, Elaine took her out to the tank.
���� �Erin, please climb up the ladder and step into
the tank.� I need to get you dipped before we start any
���� Erin looked at the tank, she wrinkled her nose at
the smell of the brown liquid inside,� Is flea dip?� she asked
���� Elaine laughed, �No, it�s sun block, industrial
strength sun block.� We only need to apply it about once a
week.� You�re going to need it when you start staying out all
day long with nothin� on.�
���� Erin�s strangest lesson was to learn to urinate
outdoors standing up, with all the equipment on.� Elaine took
her out to the training corral where a blue and white-stripped
pole set into the ground at the far end.
���� Elaine took her up the pole, �This is the marker
where you can go to pee, and they�re out on the trails.� Miss
Wendell has a hand go out every couple of days and pour
come chemicals on them, unless it rains, of course.�� She
had Erin stand with her feet about two feet apart and bend her
knees, then arch her back.� She would urinate without getting
her hoof-boots all wet, the stream would go out behind her.
Some of the customers wanted to see her urinating on
the ground, and to those who didn�t it was a necessary part
of handling ponygirls.

���� Erin ran back to the training corral, it was a fast
trip.� She had to be there for the first session at 7:30
AM.� Her day had started at 5:30 when Elaine came in to
wake her and get her hair braided before she was ready to
run.� She wore only running shoes; she had been naked since
she started, at �Ponygirl Adventure Ranch�.� Erin wondered
about her permanent groom who should be introduced before
the end of her academy training.
���� � Keep moving, you ran too long, here�s your
breakfast.� Just eat it while I get you ready,� said Elaine her
training groom.
Elaine handed Erin a thick breakfast drink and protein bar.
She wiped Erin down with a damp towel, and made sure her
French braid was all in order.� Erin sat on the stool in the
middle of the room and put her feet out, so that Elaine could
put on the �hoof-boots� that looked like pony feet and left a
horseshoe footprint.� They were lace-on shoes that
kept Erin�s feet pointed and the soles were so firm that there
was no need of a heel underneath. With the boots on, she was
over six feet tall.� Elaine told her that they had been made
from the measurements taken that first day when, Erin was
measured by Pecos and Glenda.� Erin finished eating and
went over to the sink to brush her teeth; she just had to brush
before the bit went in.
���� Elaine had Erin�s bridle harness ready, it
consisted of leather straps that went around Erin�s head and
framed her face.� There were two leather straps that ended
on the sides of her face for the bit to clip onto, and a vertical
strap that went under her chin and over her head.� It was
also fitted to her from those first day measurements.
���� Elaine said, �Erin, today I have a new type of bit
for you.� So open your mouth, I need to take out your tongue
stud.� Then this piece goes through the hole in your tongue
and then out the through this hole on the bit.� She indicated
a bit that was new to Erin. �It�s the one we�ll use from now
on.� She held up a sterling silver, L-shaped tongue stud,
about three inches long,� �this long end comes out through
your bit, and the other end goes through your tongue and has
a round ball on the end under your tongue.��
Erin held out her pink tongue for Elaine, after the bit and
bridle harness was on, Elaine laced up Erin�s �pony-hands�
so that she had hooves on both hands and feet.� The pony-
hands had a bar for Erin to grasp with her fingers, they laced
up her forearms. The pony-hands kept her hands totally
enclosed; her hands were inside the hoof portion so that she
didn�t look like her arms were real long.� Wendy had seen
arms that looked like they could reach the ground, she thought
they were grotesque.� With the hoof-boots, pony-hands, and
the tongue bit Erin was almost helpless, but she could run.�
���� �When you are done today, you�ll get to meet
your permanent groom, he should be in this afternoon.� Said
Erin was surprised,� �HE, NO I want a female
groom�.� But it sounded more like �LAH, LO Yih eaha
loo.�� Elaine snapped a lead to the ring on right end
of Erin�s bit.�
���� Elaine led Erin out to the training ring and turned
her over to one of the handlers there. It was Pecos,
and Erin was a little uncomfortable around him since the first
day measurements.� He must have known that she had
gotten so turned on and aroused.�� The trainer was already
there and so there was no time to worry about the handler,
the daily exercises began.� Today�s trainer, Marlene, had a
little surprise for Erin.
���� �You know,� she began, �some customers
prefer to use a �butt-tail� so we�ll be working with one for
the next couple of days.�� She held out a horsetail with a
large butt plug on the end.� The color of the hair was dark
brown, but didn�t match Erin�s hair.� �We will have one
made for you with hair that matches your hair.� Pecos, bring
that lube over here, please,� she said matter-of-
factly.� Pecos brought a green tube and applied a generous
glob to the butt plug.� Marlene said, �I�ll put it in.�� Much
to Erin�s relief.� She had Erin turn to the side and said
�Erin, arch nice for me, and it�ll go in much easier for
you.�� Erin stood very still for her, and tried to relax.� The
butt plug felt huge, Erin groaned a little, Marlene twisted the
plug as she pushed it into Erin�s anus.� She walked over to
the sulky after she had pushed the butt-tail into place, �
I�ll be over here by the sulky. Please don�t be too long,
we�ve got plenty to do today��
��� �Ok, just walk around a few turns round the corral
�til it gets settled, that size 7 holds you open about two and
three quarters inches.� It�ll take a few minutes to get
settled,� drawled Pecos.� �Then come back over here and
I�ll hook up the sulky.�
After Erin had walked around the corral for a few minutes,
she walked up to the sulky and stepped between the
rails.� She turned around and raised her arms so
that Pecos could put the wide, heavy leather belt around her
waist, and buckle it in place.� The pulling-belt actually rode
low so she pulled with her hips, she couldn�t have pulled with
her stomach for very long.� Then he hooked up the rails from
the sulky, and snapped the reins on the rings on the end of
her bit for Marlene to use to give the commands.�
�� ��Marlene had her pull the sulky around the corral
and then the whole barnyard for over a little over four
hours.� When the lunch whistle blew Erin was ready to stop
for a while, but then she found out she had to eat with the
new bit in place, like she would out on the trail.� She also had
to keep the butt-tail in, too.� After lunch, it was sulky pulling
until quitting time at 7:30 PM.� Pecos was there to
lead Erin to the stable.�
���� Elaine met them at the door; � I�ll take it from
here, thanks Pecos.� To Erin she said, �Ok, here is your
permanent groom, Erin.� This is Patrick Fits-Simmons, he is a
real groom, and he�s worked in Ireland and at the Kentucky
Derby. I think you�ll get along fine.�� Elaine indicated a
small man across the room.� He came forward, but not too
close, so Erin could look him over.� He was about 5�5� and
slender.� Patrick looked to be about 45 years old and had a
ruddy complexion.� He didn�t seem too threatening to Erin,
so she was less apprehensive.� Elaine stayed back, but she
watched closely.� She wanted to let the new groom
handle Erin, but she stayed to keep Erin from getting too
skittish.� It really was just like handling horses.� Elaine had
started as a horse groom, too.
�Please call me Paddy.� I know, every Irishman is called
Paddy, but that�s really my name.� He said, with a slight
accent.� �To be sure, I can take real good care of you.�� He
stepped forward, carefully, and put out his hand like he
wanted to shake hands, but he just touched Erin�s right
pony-hand.� � We�ve been goin� over things all day,� he
nodded toward Elaine, �I got in this mornin� about 9� O-
the-clock.� Let me get things done for ye, and then yer
dinner.� Ok?�� Erin nodded slowly, and then
stepped forward, she really wanted the butt plug out.�
���� �Come-on here girl, I�ll help you with that
first,� he said, motioning toward the tail.� Erin turned to the
left so that Paddy could get it out.� �The other way, please.
I�m left handed,� he said.� After she turned, he carefully
pulled and twisted the tail until it slipped free.� At six feet and
five inches tall, Erin towered over him, he felt like he was next
to a real horse. Next Paddy reached up and unhooked the bit,
and slipped it out.� Erin put her tongue out so he could take
out the long stud. He lifted the tongue bar and carefully slid it
out of her tongue. �Are ye ready for your stud to go
in?�� Erin kept her tongue out for him.� After Paddy finished
with the bridle, he unlaced her pony-hands.� He looked
toward the stool, and nodded toward it, too. �Are ye ready to
sit down for yer shoes?�� Erin nodded slowly, and then
walked slowly to the stool and carefully sat down.� Paddy
unlaced the hoof-boots, and then slid them off.�
���� �After I get ye washed up, I git yer dinner. Ok?�
Paddy seemed a little apprehensive; he was concerned about
washing her down.� Elaine had said just to wash her as
though she was a real, skittish racehorse.� Paddy had been
looking forward to getting started, the idea of taking care of a
woman like this sounded like a great idea to him.� But now
that he was here to take care of Erin it seemed like a real tall
order. She was so much taller than he had imagined, she
towered above him like a real horse. He was worried, and very
excited, as the next step would have him washing her, just like
a racehorse.�� Marlene had waited for today to start the
butt-tail training and the long hours pulling the sulky, so
that Erin would be more pliable. It worked, Erin had really
wanted the tail out, and she was very beat, and hungry.
������ By the time Paddy started at the
ranch, Erin no longer thought about being naked at all.� She
was just naked.�� Lately she was getting turned on and
excited, by being naked in front of other people, but she had
been feeling a new freedom.� She no longer had to worry
about the things that had been such a controlling affect on
her.� Having Elaine wash her was a unique experience to get
used to, but all ponygirls were cared for completely.� Putting
on her tack, or bathing, or having her meals prepared, and
served it was all part of being treated like a pony, unable to
handle those things for herself.� She had gotten used to
having all of the necessities handled by her groom.� Now that
Paddy, a man she had just met was going to be handling her
was, kind of scary and thrilling and the same
time.� Erin looked around for Elaine, but Elaine was gone.
���� Paddy saw her look around, �Elaine went to
check on yer dinner.� Come on, it�ll be okay, just like
washin� a real pony.�� They walked toward the wash racks.
They were at the end of the stable, farthest from Erin�s
stall.� When they got there, Erin stepped meekly into the rack
as Paddy held the door open.� The rack was similar to a real
horse stall.� Erin had only enough room to stand still and
have Paddy bathe her.�
���� �Do ye want the water real hot or jus� warm?�
asked Paddy as he reached for the faucets.
���� � Today I need hot,� Erin said with a
sigh.� Paddy turned the water on and adjusted the
temperature for her. �Just right,� she said.
Paddy took out Erin�s French-braid before she got into
the wash stall, he shampooed her hair, after he rinsed out the
shampoo and cream rinse, he started to wash Erin�s
shoulders, then her arms.� He washed her back and stopped
so she could turn around.� Erin turned around carefully, and
took a breath.
���� �Ok, go ahead, we�ll have to get this
sometime,� she held still so he could wash of her
breasts.� He was careful of her nipple rings, but he had to
make sure all of the dust and road dirt was washed from her
nipples, and the ring holes. He gently washed her breasts, and
chest and belly, stopping before he touched her
pussy.� Paddy skipped all the way down to her feet, and
worked up her legs to the tops.�
���� � I guess I�m ready if you are.� Let me do the
back first. Ok?� Paddy made a little turning gesture with is
right hand.� Erin turned around and stood with her legs
slightly apart.� Paddy had put more soap on his hand and
began at the top of her butt, and slowly worked down to her
anus, he washed her carefully to make sure he washed all off
of the lube.� Erin arched her back as Paddy washed her
between her legs.� She knew that he had to get all the lube
off.� Erin turned around and Paddy carefully began to wash
her pussy, he pushed the side of his left hand between her
lips, so that his thumb pressed against her clitoris.� The soap
made his hand slippery, but she was slippery from more that
just the soap.� The butt-plug tail had really turned Erin on,
and then having Paddy washing her was even more exciting to
her.� Erin moaned softly, Paddy kept up his ministrations to
her pussy.� After a few minutes Erin cried out and slumped
back against the side of the stall.� Paddy rinsed her off,
carefully and shut off the shower.
���� � I guess that�s it, we need to get back to get
your dinner,� he said, his accent was almost
gone.� Erin stepped out so he could dry her off, and dry her
hair.� �Now that we�re done, let�s get you back for your
���� � Please keep your accent, you�ll be more like a
groom to me, ok?� she asked as they walked back to her
���� � Aye, I can do tha�,� Paddy put on his accent
very heavily, � Ow�s� �at?�
���� Erin laughed,� � It�s all I could ask for,� she
said with mock seriousness.� To herself she thought, this
might work after all, none of the other girls have a man to
take care of them.�� Erin asked, � Did Elaine tell you about
giving baths, and all that goes with it?�
���� � Aye, that she did.� She said that you
�specially needed extry care.� That you get verra� turned�I
mean that you�re sorta exci�...� Did I do it right?�
���� Erin turned and looked at Paddy, � Yes, you
did.� Maybe a little firmer and for longer next time.� Paddy
nodded as they walked along to her stall.� Paddy opened the
door to Erin�s stall, Elaine was inside and had Erin�s dinner
all ready, a vegetarian cutlet with green beans and corn, and
lots of it.� None of the ponygirls ate any meat; it helped to
keep them slender.� It�s impossible to hide fat when you�re
naked, so they all needed to stay slender.�� After she
finished eating, Paddy brushed her hair very carefully and
made sure he got it all.� When he was done he led Erin to the
corner of the stall where she had her cot, and tucked her
in.� As Erin fell asleep she heard Paddy whisper, �Good
night, my big, beautiful ponygirl.�

�Erin becomes a Star

���� The next morning Elaine was there to
wake Erin up at 5:30, �Come on, sleepy-head, it�s time to go
again.� Get up and get ready to go for a run.��
���� Erin looked around, for Paddy. �Where is
Paddy?� I thought he would be here this morning.�� Elaine
smiled, but didn�t say anything.� She had Erin�s running
shoes ready for her.� Erin put her feet into them for Elaine to
lace up.� After Elaine French-braided her hair, Erin stretched
and went outside to start her morning run.
��� �Just make it a short run, this morning.� We have
some things to go over before you start training.� Elaine
called as Erin went out.� Erin ran the short 5K loop and was
back in less than half and hour.� When she got back, Paddy
was there; he had her breakfast ready in the tack room, all set
out on the table in the middle of the room.� There was an
egg-white omelet and veggie sausage, with toast and
coffee.� She saw all of her tack laid out on the counter on the
far wall.� The butt-tail was there, too.� Erin gave a little
shudder, and quickly turned to her breakfast, so she wouldn�t
have to look for now.� When she finished eating, Erin went
over to the sink to brush her teeth.� After that she walked
slowly to the counter and stood there for Paddy to start
putting her tack on.� First he put her bridle on and then held
out the long tongue stud.� Erin stuck out her tongue for him,
he took out her small stud and then put the longer one in
place, he held the end up to fit into the hole in the bit.� The
end came about an inch out between her lips.� The bit was
made of titanium, a small bar covered with surgical rubber, to
protect Erin�s teeth, and lips.� The rings on the ends
snapped to her bridle.� Paddy picked up her pony-hands
���� �If ye don�t mind, I�ll be doin� the shoes last,
so you won�t be so tall that I canna� reach,� said
Paddy.� He looked at the tail, ��Cept for that, we�ll save it
for the last thing.� Ok?�� Erin nodded,
enthusiastically.� She sat on the stool and held her right foot
out for Paddy, then her left.
��� Just as he finished Elaine came in, � Ok here�s the
deal for today,� she said.� �This is the last day before we
open for the season, you won�t be going outside anymore
without your tack on.� While you are out at training today, we
will be moving all your things to your permanent stall in the
stable with the other girls.� Your stall has two parts, one like
a pony stall, where customers and visitors can come by and
see you, and they will.� There�s also an inside, private part
for your bedroom, and closet space for your clothes.� You�ll
have to stay naked until the first ninety days are past, and of
course, and when you are in the outer stall.� Elaine turned to
Paddy,� �Go ahead with the tail, so she can get started, this
is the last time for it.� So the quicker started, the sooner
done.� After today you�ll have to wear these little bells on
your rings whenever you are outside in a customer area,�
Elaine held up two small, silver bells with short little chains on
each for Erin to see. She held them up to Erin�s nipple rings,
so she could see where they would be clipped.
���� Paddy applied plenty of lube to the end of the
butt-plug, he turned to Erin, and she turned to her right so he
could put it in her anus.� Erin arched her back for him.� The
hoof-boots raised her up and made her stand with her back
arched, but she arched even more to get the plug in as easily
as possible, she took a deep breath and let it out to help
relax.�� Paddy put his right hand on Erin�s hip as he pushed
the plug into her.� Erin gave a little gasp and then it was all
the way in.� Paddy snapped a lead to her bridal and
led Erin out to the corral for the day of training.�
���� The handler, Glenda was there today, waiting
for Erin.� She had the belt to hook her to the sulky, �
Right here dear,� she said holding out the belt.� Erin walked
over, after Paddy unsnapped the lead.� She stopped between
the rails and turned around, she lifted her arms so Glenda
could put the belt in place, and buckle it.� She hooked on the
sulky rails and then snapped the reins to Erin�s bridle.� The
trainer today was Miss Lisa; she insisted the all the handlers
and grooms call her �Miss Lisa�.� Lisa was smaller and
lighter than Marlene, so she was easier to pull in the
sulky.� Lisa came into the corral, and she walked to the sulky,
she got in and sat down carefully.� Glenda handed the reins
to Lisa, who took up the reins, and gave them a little
shake.� Erin started by going around the corral three times
and then Lisa drove her out through the gate, Glenda had
opened it when Lisa came in.�
���� Lisa snapped the reins sharply, �Hah,
faster, lets go Erin. Today�s all about speed, let�s get
running,� she snapped the reins again.� Lisa
kept Erin running for an hour until they stopped near a small
brook that Erin had never seen before.� Lisa got Erin a drink
of water from a canteen she had on the sulky.� �Here
drink plenty, we�re going for another hour when we start
up.�� Erin took another big, long drink letting some water
dribble down her chin and off the ends of her
breasts.� After Erin nodded, Lisa got into the sulky and picked
up the reins, she gave them a snap, and they were
off.� Erin ran easily, and smoothly until Lisa gave the reins
another hard shake.�
���� �Git up,� Haw,� Lisa yelled. �Faster, come on
you can do it, FASTER,� Lisa, snapped the reins harder.� The
reins jerked Erin�s bit and hit her shoulders.� She tried even
harder, and ran faster.� After two more stops for water
breaks they headed for the barnyard for lunch.�
���� After a lunch break, it was more of the same
procedure all afternoon.� When they pulled into the corral
at 7:45, Erin was beat, she had kept running, but she was not
really going very fast. Erin was quite tired, she had been
running all day, but she had been turned on and sexually
excited for so long that she was about to orgasm right there,
her pussy had been lubricating so much that her thighs were
wet almost halfway to her knees.
���� �Whoa,� Lisa pulled up gently on the
reins.� She got out of the sulky so that Pecos could
unhitch Erin.� Pecos noticed that there was a lot of dust
clinging to the wetness on Erin�s pussy and thighs.� After
she was loose, he snapped a lead to her bit, and looked
around for a groom.� Lisa walked up to Erin, �You were
wonderful, and I had a small bet with Marlene and Pecos.� I
won, just like that, I won.� She took Erin�s lead from Pecos,
and started toward the training stable, but Paddy was
approaching the gate to take Erin to her new stall.�� She was
relieved to see him; she pulled toward him Lisa let her go.�
����� To Paddy she said, �Hi, I�m Miss Lisa, the
head trainer, Erin just ran the best she has ever run
here.� She probably doesn�t like me very much right now,
but I think she�ll be fine after a little rest.� Tomorrow we
won�t start until 10:00AM, so you can let her sleep
in.�� Lisa turned to go, �Oh, by the way no running in the
morning, either.� Lisa smiled to Erin, �Take it easy tonight,
and rest well.� Tomorrow we�ll start something entirely new,
it should be fun for you.�� Lisa turned to go to the training
���� �Thank You, Miss Lisa,� said Paddy, �Nice to be
makin� yer acquaintance.� Paddy took Erin�s lead and
started toward the main stable.
�We got everything all set up for you, you�ll like your
new stall.� You even have your own bathroom.� You still
have to get washed up in the wash stall, but that�s for the
tourists and payin� customers to see.� When you�re off you
can use your own private toilet.�� Paddy looked around
at Erin carefully, �I�ll still wash ye up if ye want it, ye
know.�� Erin nodded, that sounded real nice to her, right
now, she wasn�t thinking past tonight�s bath.� They got
to Erin�s stall, and went in from the outside entrance, each
stall had it�s own entrance from the corral around the
stable.� As soon as she stepped into her stall Erin stopped,
and turned so Paddy could get the tail out.
���� �Hold on, let me get the door closed,� said
Paddy, as he pushed in and passed Erin.� He led her to the
counter on the far wall.� �Here turn for me now and I�ll git
it out of ye.�� She stood still so he could pull the butt-plug
out.� Paddy carefully pulled and twisted the butt-plug out
of Erin�s anus.� �I�ll bettcha that feels better,� he said
without looking at Erin.� Next Paddy unclipped her bit and
gently lifted it from between her lips.� He put it down on the
counter and held the end of her tongue stud.� Erin kept her
tongue out so he could get it out easier, and kept it out so he
could put the little stud in place.� Her pink tongue slipped
back into her mouth.� Next paddy unlaced her pony hands
and pulled them off.�
���� �If ye go on over an� have a seat, I�ll get the
shoes off ye,� he said nodding toward the stool in the middle
of the room.� This stool was different from the one in the
training stable; it was upholstered with a nice soft top. It
looked like nice furniture, not just a stool.� Erin looked around
at the room, it was nice, a decent place to live.� Erin was
impressed; she had only been in training stalls until
now.� She hadn�t known that the permanent stalls were
quite so nice.� The inside wall was all bars like the board walls
an actual horse�s stall.� That way the stall was open to the
hallway in the middle of the stable; it was an area open to
customers.� Paddy unlaced the hoof-boots and pulled them
off Erin�s feet, she wriggled her toes and then stood up, to go
to the wash stall.� Paddy went to the gate and opened it
for Erin, they stepped into the hallway.
���� �This way,� said Paddy and he headed down the
hall toward the wash stall.� Erin padded along behind Paddy
to the end of the hallway where it opened into a large room
with six wash stalls.� Paddy went over to stall number 2,
�This one�s yours, and you have to share it with one other
girl.� There�s six more at the other end of the hallway, so
that makes showers for 24 girls.� The only drawback is that
customers can come in and see what�s goin� on.� The
stables are only open to customers
from 9AM� �til 9PM.� That starts tomorrow, the first day of
the season.� Come on here and I�ll get ye all washed up.�
Paddy started undoing Erin�s French-braid, � As soon as I
get you done, I�ll pick up yer dinner.� It�s some sort of Eye-
talion casserole, it�s pretty good really.�� Paddy opened the
gate to the wash stall and ushered Erin onto the cement floor
of the stall.� He turned the water on real hot, just the
way Erin liked.�� He shampooed her hair, and then put lots
of cream rinse onto her head, he worked it into her
hair,� �This is a different sort of rinse, and it needs to stand
for about five minutes, to do its work.� So we�ll let it be
while I wash yer back.�� Paddy soaped her back and
shoulders, Erin turned around so he could wash her front
side.� Paddy put more soap on his hands and then did the
front of her shoulders and chest.� He was careful to wash her
nipples and the holes through where her nipple rings
dangled.� He motioned her into the spray of water to get the
cream rinse out of her hair.� When her hair was completely
rinsed, Paddy started on Erin�s feet and legs, he washed to
the tops of her thighs.� Erin turned so he had access to her
butt, and Paddy washed her between her legs from the rear,
he had to wash off all the lube from the butt-plug.� She
turned around so Paddy could wash her pussy.� She closed
her eyes as he gently stroked between her lips.� Paddy
pushed his left had between her pussy lips and pressed his
thumb against her clitoris.� Today he pressed a bit harder and
as Erin had an orgasm he kept up the pressure and gentle
rubbing, until she had a second orgasm, it only took about two
more minutes.� He stopped when he saw her lean back onto
the side of the stall, he was afraid she might fall.� When she
was done he helped her out of the shower stall, and dried her
off with a big thick towel.� Paddy then dried her hair with a
blow drier.
���� � Let�s go get ye some dinner,� he said as he
started toward Erin�s stall.� Elaine was there, and
had Erin�s dinner all ready for her, but she only ate a few
bites, and was done.� �I�m too tired to eat any more,� Erin
said sleepily, �I need to get in bed, I�m going to go to sleep
and I might as be laying down when I do.�
Erin meets her Partner.

���� Erin woke up on her own and about 7:30, Paddy
was already there getting her tack ready.� She looked up at
him, �goo morming� she mumbled.� Paddy looked at her
and sighed, � I have something to tell ye.� You�re not
supposed to talk around here during the open season.� So be
careful, the trainers and handlers will turn ye in to Miss
Wendell.� I heard that from one of the other grooms last
���� �Do ye want a bath this mornin� before you get
started?� Paddy asked. �We have plenty of time today.�
���� �Yes, I do, that sounds real good, kind of
luxurious, you know?� Erin said with no regard for the idea
that some handler might tattle to Wendy on her.� �Paddy,
it�s not 9: O-The-Clock, yet,� she said mimicking his
���� �All right then. Lets go get all washed up fer
today,� he said, dropping the bridal he was putting together
onto the bench.� Paddy opened the gate onto the hallway and
led the way to the bath stall.� When he got there, he turned
to Erin, �do ye want to wash yerself this time?�
��� Erin looked at him and smiled, she shook her head,
no, �you have to do it.�� Erin stepped into the bath stall;
she turned and faced Paddy, and put her arms down at her
sides. Erin stood there waiting for Paddy to take care of
her.� She didn�t know how much it meant to Paddy, she
wanted him to take care of her even though she wasn�t too
tired or too busy to do it for herself.� Paddy started the hot
water and Erin stepped into the spray.� He gave her hair a
quick wash; she wasn�t all covered with dust and road grime
this morning so this shower was just to start clean for the
���� As Paddy washed her carefully, Paddy asked,
�Would you want me too��
���� �Yes,� Erin interrupted.� She turned and moved
her legs slightly apart so he could wash he between them, and
bathe her anus.� She loved the feeling when he touched her
there.� She turned around so Paddy could wash her
pussy.� He washed her gently and then he pressed the side of
his hand between her lips and pressed his thumb over her
clitoris.� After a few minutes Erin moaned as she climaxed
and leaned back against the side of the stall.� When Paddy
started to pull his hand out Erin grabbed his wrist and held his
hand between her legs, Paddy started pressing and massaging
her pussy again.� This time it took almost ten minutes for her
to climax, but she had two orgasms.� She did almost fall this
time.� Paddy caught her and lifted her out of the stall.� He
stood her in the middle of the floor, and began to dry her
off.� After he finished with her hair they went back to her
���� Elaine was there with her breakfast all laid out on
the table in her stall.� You have to be finished by 9:00, so we
can get all your tack on.�
���� �Do I have to have the tail today?� Erin asked
carefully, she was almost afraid to ask about.� Elaine just
smiled and shook her head, no.� While Erin ate Elaine braided
her hair.� After she finished eating, Erin brushed and walked
over to the tack counter where Paddy was finishing her
tack.� He had cleaned it all up real nicely; she stood still so
Paddy could put her bridle harness on her head.� When that
was done she put out her pink tongue so he could change her
tongue studs, take out the small one and install the longer
stud to go through her bit.� After he clipped the bit to the
bridle, Paddy held up her pony hands, Erin slipped her hands
in and grasped the center bars through the center of the
hooves.� Paddy finished the lacing and picked up her hoof-
boots.� Erin sat down on the stool and held her feet out for
him to put the boots on.� When they were done Paddy picked
the little silver bells, he turned to clip then onto her nipple
rings, she held still for him to get them in
place.� When Erin stood up the bells tinkled and jiggled her
nipples.� Erin took a quick breath; she got a little thrill as
they shook on the ends of her
���� �Ok, lets head over to the training stable,� said
Paddy as he started toward the outside door.� He stopped at
the door,� �Remember there may be customers outside
now.�� Paddy snapped a lead onto her bit and lead Erin out
the door.� There were quite a few people around by the main
office area, but no one nearby.� As they walked to the
training stable Erin looked at all the people about, she
understood that Wendy had made a real business
here.�� She felt a bit scared about being naked and helpless
with all of the people around.� They got to the stable and
went inside.� Lisa was waiting for her, and there was another
ponygirl with her.� She was as tall as Erin and also had dark
brunette hair.� She also had little bells hanging from her
nipple rings, that jingled as she moved, the tattoo on her left
breast was Chloe in a gentle curve above her left
nipple.� Wendy�s tattoo was on her belly, just above her
pussy.� The circle was about three inches around with CP-
CW in the center. Chloe was also wearing a tongue bit just
like Erin�s with the little end pushing out between her lips,
she smiled at Erin.�
���� �Good morning, I hope you feel good this
morning.� Erin this is Chloe,� Lisa gestured toward Chloe�s
tattoo.� �Today were are going to start getting you two
working together so you can pull as a team.�� Lisa went over
to a large sulky that looked more like a rickshaw, �This is the
sort of sulky that needs two ponies to pull it.� Don�t worry;
today you�re just going to do some exercises to learn to work
together and to pull together.� We�ll be working inside for
the rest of today, so none of the customers will be around here
to see any of this stuff. We won�t actually do any pulling for a
couple of days.�� Glenda had a harness that had belts for
each of them, and several other belts and leather straps.�
���� �Come on, and we�ll get the harness on you,�
Glenda said softly. �Erin lets start with you,
babe.�� Erin stood where Glenda indicated and lifted her
arms so Glenda could buckle the belt around her waist.� After
she was done with the belt, Glenda looked toward Chloe and
nodded for her to come over.� Chloe came over and stood
on Erin�s right she put her arms up for Glenda to put the belt
around her.� After she had both belts on she attached the
rest of the straps and reins for both of them.� The other
straps were so the two ponygirls could stay together and pull
evenly.� The reins were long enough for the drover to control
both of them and keep them pulling together.� Glenda stood
behind them and drove them over to a turnstile that they
could pull around in a circle while Lisa rode in a seat that hung
from the horizontal bar.� Glenda hooked the ends of the
straps to the loops on the turnstile, and handed the reins to
���� �When you pull in a team the pony on the left is
the lead, so Chloe you must follow Erin�s lead, step out when
she does and try to match her pace.� You two were put
together because you have very nearly identical stride lengths.
Be careful, there is very little resistance so don�t try too hard,
just walk.� Ok, gitty up.� Start carefully, and try to match
your steps.� When you start both step off�� with your left
foot.� Lisa shook the reins gently, and they began.� Within
an hour they were completely together, and by the end of the
day it was automatic, every step was together and the same
stride length.�
����� When Glenda had unhitched the girls at the end
of the day they were close.� They worked together well and
obviously enjoyed it. Lisa was very happy with their progress,
�you two are doing a whole lot better than I imagined you
might, we�re going to knock off early today and start pulling
outside in the morning.�� Lisa smiled and went into her office
to put the proper notes in both girls� files.� Glenda finished
unhooking the harnesses, as their grooms came in the
door.� The girls smiled at each other and went to their
grooms.� Paddy snapped his lead onto Erin�s bit and
Chloe�s groom a tall, middle-aged Asian woman, named Xian,
took charge of Chloe.� They all walked together to the

Miss Evie and the Pet Girl.

���� As they neared the stable Erin saw that Wendy

was walking toward them, she had two other women with
her.� One was about 35 to 40 years old; she was very well
dressed in a western style skirt with a matching vest over her
silk blouse.� She also wore a real Stetson on the back of her
head.� The other woman with them was the most interesting,
she was naked, not even shoes.� She was tiny, less that five
feet tall, and she had shiny black hair.� As they got
closer Erin could see that she also had a black collar and
matching wrist and ankle cuffs.� The other woman held the
end of a leash from the tiny girls� collar. Wendy had Nana
with her, Nana was very interested in trying to sniff the
tiny girls pussy or her butt, and whichever was the best
target.� The tiny girl was constantly turning and twisting
trying to keep her pussy and butt away from Nana, and keep
the leash from getting tight.�� Wendy stopped and scolded
Nana, and made her leave the girl alone.�
���� Wendy spoke first, �Hi you two,� to the
girls.� To the grooms she said, �I need to talk to both of you,
so please hang out here for a few minutes.� Ok?� They both
nodded, and Paddy said, �Certainly, Miss Wendell.�
��� �Erin, this is Miss Evangeline Davis, Miss Evie, to
everyone.� She wants to be your first customer.� Actually
she wants to everyone�s first, right Evie?���
���� She smiled,� �Yep, I sure do.� I hired Chloe
first,� Eh Chloe?�� Chloe nodded.� �I feel a need to be
first, and I pay top dollar for that privilege.�
���� Wendy said to Erin,� �She does pay well, she
wants to hire you for a weekend, she has a campsite reserved
for the first weekend you will be out of training.� That�s in
three more weeks.�� She was telling Erin and Paddy
that Erin would not be released before then.� Erin nodded
slowly.� �I know you really don�t care for the butt-plug tail
very much, but Evie will pay a tip, to you, of five thousand
dollars a day.�� Erin caught her breath, She was glad she
had the tongue bit in place right now.� She started to shake
her head, and tears welled up in her eyes.� The tears started
to run down her face.� She wanted to do her best for Wendy,
but that tail was just too much.�
���� �Erin, you get the tip, that�s five thousand a
day,� Wendy said softly.� Erin tried to take a step back, but
Paddy�s lead stopped her.� Wendy said,� �Maybe I can get
her to go to six a day.�� Her tears continued to fall
quietly.� She just stood there not moving.
� Miss Evie broke the silence, �Tell you what, I really
want you, for that weekend.� I�ll make it ten thousand
day.� Does that help?�
���� Erin nodded.� She would do it; she had to do it
for thirty thousand dollars.� Chloe had been trying to get a
better look at the tiny girl with Miss Evie; Every time Chloe got
closer the little girl would duck behind Evie. At six feet and one
inch Chloe must have appeared as big as a horse to her.� She
was afraid to let Chloe get too near.� One misstep and she
could get trampled.� If she got too near Nana, the dog would
put her nose between her legs.
��� �Let me introduce you to my pet,� she pulled the
leash and pulled the tiny girl out in front of the girls.� �This is
Ione, I don�t know if you�d call her a miniature or a toy.� I
got her a few months ago in Hawaii.� Ione tell everyone here
all about yourself.� How tall you are and how much you
weigh, all the stuff everyone is too polite to ask.�� Evie
nodded toward the two grooms, �Those two ponygirls
couldn�t ask for water if they were on fire,� she said.
� Ione stepped forward, �I�m four feet and five inches
tall, and I weigh sixty-five pounds.� I�m nineteen
years old, my measurements are 24AA-14-25.� As Ione
spoke Erin could see that she had two tongue studs, they were
gold and looked like little spires sticking up through her little
pink tongue. One was in the middle where most studs are
placed, and the second was halfway between it and her tongue
tip.�� She stepped another step forward, her little nipples
were pierced and had a tiny gold bell dangling from each
nipple.� There was also a tiny chain with a bell dangling from
between her smooth pussy lips.� On her left breast, Ione was
tattooed in tiny letters, but it was along the left side, not
across the front like Wendy�s ponygirls.�� Her right breast
had a tiny tattoo on her areola, just below her nipple, ED. As
she turned Erin could see the end of a butt plug as it protruded
from Ione�s tiny anus.� She didn�t seem to
mind, Erin guessed that was just part of being Miss Evie�s
property. ��She looked very Asian; she had black hair and
dark, almost black nipples, her skin was almost transparent,
her nipples glowed in the sunlight.� Her skin was several
shades darker than Chloe�s groom, Xian. Even though she
was so under sized, she was perfectly proportioned, her
almond eyes were very pretty, and she was a beauty, just real
small.�� Nana had walked quietly up behind Ione and took
this opportunity to lick her between her legs from
the back, Nana�s big tongue slurped all the way through
and Erin could see when it came though to the front and then
pulled back licking Ione�s hairless pussy and anus all in one
slurp.� She yelped, and jumped and tried to get behind Evie,
her bells swinging and tinkling as she jumped.�
���� Evie laughed, and pulled Ione�s leash, �Did that
tickle, a little bit?� You know she won�t hurt you; she just
wants a little taste.� Come on back out here, Ione. �Erin
when we go for the weekend Ione will be your groom that will
be Friday afternoon and night, Saturday all day and Saturday
night, and then Sunday �til about noon.� I�m going to bring
Ione here for three days of groom training.� After the classes
I want her to work with you and your groom for a while, so
she can learn what she needs to do for you.���
���� Wendy spoke up,� �That will be my decision, If
she passes my groom training, I�ll see to it that she has a
chance to work with Erin, and probably a couple of others,
too.� She looked at Ione with some concern; her ponygirls
care was her responsibility, morally and contractually.� Ione
looked mighty small to her.�
���� �Thank you,� said Evie.�� I�ll bring her back
here on Monday, a week before we go out for the
weekend.� We are going to head out.� I�ll see you in two
weeks, when I drop little Ione off.� Evie pulled on Ione�s
leash, �Let�s go tiny.�� As they walked away, Wendy
turned to the two grooms,� �That�s what you can buy when
you have more money that god,� Wendy said to no
one,� �Listen, I need to make sure that I have someone to
help cover all of the girls, so if one of you gets sick or hurt,
I�ve got coverage.� I want you two to change girls for
tonight and tomorrow morning.� After they go to their
training class, you can go back to your regular
stalls.�� Paddy nodded, he held out his lead to Xian, she took
it and gave her lead to Paddy.
����� As they turned to go inside, Wendy
said,� �Xian, hold on a please, I need to talk to Erin a
minute.� Please bring her around onto the dock in
back.�� She started to walk around the stable, toward the
rear of the building.� Xian followed with Erin.� When they got
around to the rear of the stable she led Erin up onto the
dock.� It was about three feet high, and put Erin�s pussy on
the same level as Wendy�s face.� Wendy motioned Xian to
bring Erin closer to the edge, up to the rail running along the
edge.� Wendy reached carefully between Erin�s pussy
lips.� She touched Erin�s clitoris, her clitoris was about an
inch and a half long and rounded, and it was the same size as
her little finger�s last joint.�
���� �Erin, Elaine told me about this,� she said as she
rolled it between her fingers.� Erin squirmed and wriggled a
bit.� On your first night Glenda and Bart were supposed to
check for this,� she continued rolling Erin�s sensitive flesh
between her fingers, almost absently.� Erin started to breathe
hard and moaned a little.� �They were supposed to get you
pierced then, we�ll have to get you pierced right
away.� Elaine didn�t say anything, because at first she
figured that Bart and Glenda had been told not to pierce
you.� You�re going to finish your team training tomorrow, so
we will get you pierced on Thursday.�� Wendy was still
rolling Erin�s clitoris, she began pulling gently, too.� �That
will give you three full weeks to get healed before you go out
with Evie.�� Erin started to get very wet, she was lubricating
heavily, Wendy seemed to suddenly realize what she was
doing and that her hand was getting wet, She let go and pulled
her hand back suddenly, looking for something to dry her
fingers on.�� Wendy looked at Xian, �Please take real good
care of her tonight, you know what I mean.�� Wendy turned
to go, she felt a little bad for Erin, she didn�t mean to get her
all turned on and then leave.� She was just intrigued by her
big clitoris.�
���� Xian let Erin stand there for a few
minutes,� �Come on let�s go inside, and get all this
equipment off.�� She led Erin toward her stall.� As Wendy
walked away Nana was trying to lick her fingers, Wendy kept
pulling her hand away, to keep Nana from reaching it.
���� When they got to Erin�s stall, there were several
people in the hall outside her door; they stopped to watch as
Xian started unhooking Erin�s bit.� She took the bit out
of Erin�s mouth, she held on to the end of the long tongue
stud.� Erin put her tongue out so Xian could take it out of her
tongue; she stood still and kept it out so Xian could put the
small stud back into the hole. She unbuckled Erin�s bridle
harness, and pulled it off Erin�s head.� After she unlaced
both pony-hands and hoof-boots, she released Erin�s French-
braid.� Xian ran her fingers through Erin�s hair so it all came
free.� Then she went to the gate to the wide hallway, �Come
on, and lets get you washed up.�� Erin was reluctant to
follow; she motioned Xian to come back.
���� Erin leaned close to Xian�s ear, �Are you going
to give me a complete bath now?� She whispered while
glancing at the people in the hallway.
���� Xian smiled, �Yes, We can�t wait for them all to
leave.� Let�s go ahead, after I get started you won�t even
know that they�re around.�
���� When they got to the bath stalls, Erin found that
there were quite a few people hanging around, watching as
grooms were bathing two other ponygirls.� Erin had seen
them before, but her training had kept her away from them
around the stable.� Erin�s bath stall was empty, as she
walked toward it the stall door beside it opened and the
ponygirl inside stepped out.� She was not quite as tall as Erin,
probably five feet, seven inches, even all wet her blonde hair
was very curly.� She was tanned from the sun, but her skin
was golden not brown.� Her nipples were a soft and puffy
pink, with smaller nipple rings than Erin�s. Her
name Shia tattooed on her breast, and CP-CW on her belly
almost matched her eyes.� She smiled dreamily as she
passed Erin.� Obviously a very satisfying shower, Erin thought
as she passed.
��� Erin�s shower was very satisfying, too.�� She had
been so turned on by Wendy that just having Xian�s hands
washing her turned her on all over again.� Xian�s style was a
little different that Elaine�s or Paddy�s, not that Erin was all
that much of an authority on the subject.� Until she came to
Wendy�s ranch she had never had anyone masturbate her
regularly, nor so clinically.� The grooms were so impersonal
about the whole procedure, to them it was just part of the
bath process.� Xian put her hand, palm up against Erin�s
pussy and then put her two middle fingers into Erin�s
vagina.� She only put the first two joints in, so it was only
about two inches, then she squeezed and relaxed.� The effect
on Erin was electric, she climaxed within the first minute, and
a second time almost immediately after.� Xian let her lean
against the back of the stall, with the water running for a few
minutes.� When she was almost composed, Xian shut off the
water and helped Erin step out of the stall.� Erin noticed that
several people were watching closely, but she acted as though
she was alone.�
���� As Xian dried Erin she whispered to her, �Let�s
finish your hair back in your stall.�� She ushered Erin down
the hall, and back to her stall. Erin noticed that several people
followed quietly, most were women.�
� Erin had her dinner and read a book for the rest of the
evening, and Xian cleaned her tack.� At 8:45PM a
loudspeaker announced that the stable would be closed soon
and that all guests must make their way to the front
doors.� Bt 9:PM the stable halls were empty.� One of the
handlers, came through and checked all the doors, He stopped
and looked in at Erin, but didn�t say anything.� After he left
and Xian heard the door locked behind him, she said. �Wow!
You�re getting famous.� You are probably the hottest girl
that has been through here. You get turned on by just about
anything.�� Erin just looked at her as she spoke.� Xian
continued, �When you get your clit pierced, you�ll have a
little chain and bell, then you�ll really be turned on all the
���� �That �Miss Evie�s� little bitch was quite
something, wasn�t she,� Xian asked.� She was thinking
about the chain and bell that had been hanging from Ione�s
tiny vulva.� �Do you suppose she had a clit big enough to
���� Erin looked up and asked,� �Don�t you like
her.�� Erin smiled as she feigned innocence.�
���� �No.� I think she is an abomination to all
Asians,� she said vehemently.
���� �But what else could she do?� At four feet
nothing she can�t do much else, maybe get a job putting little
screws and bolts in packages in one of those places for
handicapped people,� said Erin.� �She�s not really
handicapped, just really, really small.� I don�t do anything; I
just sort of live here like a pet.� To anyone who comes by.�
���� �I don�t know,� Xian said thoughtfully.� �You
have a job here, and you do this like it�s a profession, with a
contract and real income, those people who come by, have to
pay a lot of money to treat you like a pet.�
���� Erin was quiet for a few minutes, �Yeah, I guess I
do.� This whole thing has been getting me so turned on, and I
get wet here between my legs,� Erin glanced down toward
her lap, �I guess I liked this so much that I forgot about the
real part.��
���� Xian looked up suddenly, �Come on, it�s time to
get you tucked in, You�ve got that team training tomorrow,
and you have to be able to get it all done, because Thursday is
already planned for you.�

���� Erin and Chloe did very well all morning, so Lisa
decided to try doing some speed exercises after their lunch
break.� When they started running, Lisa had told them to be
careful and to do their best to achieve smoothness, and that
speed would come from proper form.� As the afternoon
progressed they did better and better, until they were both
running as fast as they could, Lisa felt like she was
flying.� They stayed out until 8:PM; they came into the corral
to a crowd.� Paddy and Xian were both there waiting, but
Wendy was also there.� There were also several people from
Wendy�s office there, too.� Erin was just a little anxious, she
had been so turned on and lubricating all afternoon that she
had a big patch of road dust clinging to her pussy and the
insides of her thighs.� Pecos, Glenda, and Marlene were also
waiting.� Glenda and Marlene both came over to unhitch the
girls, they were turned over to their grooms, and they all went
to where Wendy was waiting.
���� Wendy looked around, �Any customers
around?� Please take out their bits, I need to have a few
words.� The grooms got busy as Wendy continued, �You two
have just broken all of my training records, I�m really proud
of both of you.� What I came here to tell to you about is that
I have started a new service, team pulling.� We will take
several people and their belongings to a new section of the
campground.� It�s almost finished, and I intend to open it for
business in about two months. �The trip to the nearest
campsite is ten kilometers, about six miles.� Are either of
you�actually I need you both, as a team, interested?�
���� �I would like to work with Chloe, We haven�t
ever had a chance to talk, but we�ve sort of hit it off with
each other,� Erin said.
���� �Oh Yeah, we really do good together,� added
Chloe.� �I love to pull with Erin.�� She turned to Erin, �
You are so neat, and fun to pull with.� I�ve tried this before
with a couple of others, but I never hit it off with any of then
like I have with you.�� She leaned forward and kissed Erin on
the cheek.
���� �All right, Let�s get these two washed up and
ready for bed.� It looks like our Miss Erin needs some special
attention,� said Wendy as she leaned back and looked
at Erin�s sticky, dusty pussy.� When she saw Erin�s
discomfort she said,� �Erin, I hope you know that everyone
here is really very jealous of you.� We all think it must be
heavenly to be able to get turned on so easily.� Just having
the nerve to work here naked all the time is quite a feat, but
to be so turned on by it has got to be a bonus.� Let�s go,�
Wendy started for the gate.
���� Erin stopped her, �Wendy, I need to talk to
you,� Erin looked around at all the people, �in
private.� Okay?�
���� Wendy pulled her to the side,� �Of course, let�s
go over here, by the stable.� What�s wrong, you look like
something�s wrong.�
���� �I�m worried about tomorrow, and I�m afraid of
what will happen after that.� I get so turned on and I�m wet
so much, if I have a little chain dangling from me there, I
won�t be able to control myself.�
�� Wendy smiled,� �You don�t have to control
yourself.� That�s why all of this happens now, your grooms
and handlers are your control, WE are your control,� Wendy
looked around toward all of the people in the corral.�� �You
don�t have to decide what to wear and what time to get up,
you don�t even decide where to run or how fast.� When you
stopped having to be in control, you started letting loose and
you started being turned on so much of the time.�� All of
these people from the office came here to see you because
you are a star.� They all wish they could be so personally
free. To be able to get so turned on that you just walk around
all wet is special.� I am jealous, too.� Please go ahead and
get pierced and enjoy it, walk and run around all turned on,
and remember very few others get to enjoy their time like you
do.� Wendy turned and walked toward the others in the
corral,� �All right, everyone who is supposed to be working,
let�s get back to it.� All the rest, let�s break this up before
customers start coming back here to see what�s goin� on,�
she said pleasantly. Wendy turned toward Erin, Erin nodded,
she looked down at the dust clinging to her pussy and thighs
she smiled, she looked back to Wendy and nodded again.

Erin gets a new hole.

���� Elaine came to Erin�s stall just as Paddy was

getting her around to go to Bart�s tattoo shop.� Paddy had
already taken her out to the dip tank; she would have to stay
out of it until the piercing healed.� The chemicals would really
set off any raw flesh.�� Elaine told Paddy that she only
needed to wear hoof-boots and pony-hands, her bit and bridle
was not necessary.� Elaine said she would take Erin over to
the shop, since this should have been done during the first
week she should be there with Erin, now.� They went over to
the shop, Bart was ready for them, and he had the tools all
laid out on the counter nearest the last chair, of four.�
���� This time he spoke directly to Erin, �Come on in,
and sit in that last chair.� I�ll have to take a couple of
measurements to get the correct ring size.� Then we�ll get
started.�� Erin sat in the chair Bart indicated, there were
straps on each chair arm.� Erin was careful to keep her arms
in her lap; she didn�t want them to be strapped
down.�� Bart came back with a tray of tools covered with a
���� �Erin please put your arms up the chair,� he
���� �Please, I don�t want to be hooked down.�
���� �When I pierce you, it might hurt a bit, I can�t
have you moving around, or it could screw up the hole and
then your ring would be crooked.� Miss Wendell has already
told me that you were a friend of hers and she wants this to be
perfect, not just real good, perfect. So put your arms on the
chair.� Please.�
���� Erin raised her arms over her head, and then
dropped them onto the chair, she was not happy to comply,
but she did as Bart asked.� He looped a strap over each wrist
and pulled them snug.� There was a waist belt, like the seat
belt in a car, and four leg straps, for each ankle and lower
thigh, just above each knee.� The chair was an automatic
recliner, Bart picked up the controller.� As he manipulated the
controls the chair tipped back, the ankle rest moved nearer,
and the thigh straps pulled her legs apart.� Now she lay there
completely open and helpless.� Bart had a wire loop that he
put inside Erin�s pussy lips, which held them apart so he had
access to her clitoris. Bart called it a lips spreader.� He had on
a pair of surgical gloves, they felt strange to Erin, and the
whole procedure was very clinical.� Bart had a couple of
tools Erin felt him handling her clitoris, but she couldn�t see
what was going on.
���� He leaned back, �I�ve got you all measured,
now for the finish.�� She felt a sharp pain and then it became
an ache, she could feel a pulling as Bart fitted the ring through
the hole he had just pierced in her.���
��� �That�s it, all done,� Bart said, as he released the
straps on Erin�s wrists.� �Tell me something, did Glenda
really put a two inch measure thirteen and a half inches into
you?�� Erin nodded without saying anything.� �Wow, no
one has ever been measured that deep here.��
���� � Now will you tell me
something?� Erin asked.� Bart nodded.� �Why did they
measure me there?��
���� �Well when we first started Miss Wendell would
put chastity belts on some of the ponygirls; some of the
customers wanted it.� You know more control.� The part that
went through their legs had a dildo that went up inside.� Now
we don�t do that anymore. I think there are still come of
those chastity belts around, so Lisa, excuse me, Miss Lisa,
wants the measurement for her records.� Right now you have
that record.�� He re-checked the ring; his fingers were very
gentle on Erin�s pussy.� �This is just what Miss Wendell
wanted.� You have a very big clitoris, it was easy to find the
center and poke a hole right through it.� Bart released the
rest of the straps, Erin relaxed her legs, but her knees felt
weak and shaky.� She also realized that she was getting wet,
too.� Bart was still looking at his handiwork; he was holding
her clitoris with between his finger and thumb,� �Damn!� �
he said, �you�re getting all wet.�� He let go of her clitoris
quickly, and pulled his hand back.� He reached back to her
pussy, to remove the wire lips spreader.�
���� As Elaine helped Erin to her feet, she said,
�Come on let�s go on back to the stable, you can lay down
for a little bit.� While we were here, Paddy was getting things
set up for you in the training stable; it�s not open to
customers.� So we�ll try to keep things nice and quiet for
you, for a couple of weeks.�
���� �Erin you�re probably going to be kind of tender
for a few days, and you�ll hurt for about a week to ten
days.� You will be all right after that, but it will be three
weeks before you�re all healed up.� This tissue heals than
any of the other parts that you�ve had pierced,� Bart said as
he gestured toward her nipples,� �Especially faster than
them.� Nipples probably take longest to heal, sometimes as
long as six weeks.� I�ll check on you tomorrow, I�ll come by
to make sure you are healing properly.�
��� �You won�t have to, if I have any sort of problem,
I�ll come by,� replied Erin.
���� �Yes I do have to, Miss Wendell has ordered me
to make sure every day, you have a deadline so there is no
time for a problem.� She also assured me that she could get
particularly unpleasant if you don�t heal perfectly.� A
hematoma could cause your clitoris to get shriveled on one
side, and go crooked.� Miss Wendell would be most unhappy
if that happened.� So, I�ll come to you, every day.�
���� Erin nodded as she left with Elaine, �See you
���� Erin was really sore for the next few days, and
true to his word Bart came to see her every day.� He checked
her new ring and then sat with her from 11: until 11:30 every
morning.� Then he left to go back to his shop.� Erin acted
like this was unnecessary, but she really liked his
attention.� When he appeared at her gate, Paddy let him in
and Erin went to her cot and laid down for his inspection.� He
had his pussy lips spreader; he put it in place and checked her
clitoris.� He was done in about ten minutes; he stayed there
to talk for the rest of the time until 11:30, then he would take
the spreader out and go back to his shop.� Erin didn�t really
mind when he left the spreader on her for the extra
time.� She was there to be controlled and she got to lay back
and enjoy the attention.� Wendy was in control of her, and
Wendy had put Bart in charge of her pussy.�
���� After two weeks of recuperation, Paddy moved
her back to her home stall.� Erin thought of that stall as
home, she liked being back there.� The ranch was busy over
the weekend, lots of campers and plenty of customers taking a
tour of the stable.�
Erin�s new Groom.

���� It was Erin�s first morning to go back to

work, She had all of her tack on and Paddy was leading her
out to go running with Chloe.� The ring though her clitoris
now felt like it had always been there.� She no longer had any
little twinges of pain.� Even the little ache that had come at
the end of the day had finally stopped. While Paddy was
leading Erin to the training corral to get more team running
with Chloe, Erin looked toward the ranch office and saw Miss
Evie�s dark blue Lincoln pull in to one of the parking spaces in
front of Wendy�s office.� She got out and pulled Ione�s
leash out. Paddy took Erin into the corral behind the training
stable, Miss Evie and Ione were lost from sight, and she went
running with Chloe.� They pulled Lisa across the ranch for the
rest of the day.� Miss Evie stepped back and naked little Ione
got out, Miss Evie snapped the leash to Ione�s collar, and
they started to walk toward the office.� Miss Evie lead the
way and Ione followed along behind on her leash.� Miss Evie
opened the door and they went in, she just needed to drop
Ione off for her groom training, she had to hurry because she
had a plane to catch.� She had to go to New York for some
business meetings, she would be done and back in time for her
reservation with Erin.
���� Wendy was waiting for them to arrive; she had
her receptionist usher them right in to her office.�
���� After their greeting Wendy looked at
Ione.� �Ione, are your collar and cuffs locked on you?� Do
you have a way to get them off to wash underneath?�
��� Ione said, �No ma�am, I�m always
locked.�� She looked around at Miss Evie; she also looked
around for Nana.�
���� �Evie, groom work is kind of dirty at times, She
will need to take off the leather cuffs and that collar to get
����� Miss Evie looked at Ione and then back to
Wendy,� �I have everything for her in this bag right here,
I�ve brought a couple of little dresses and a couple of pairs of
shoes, too.�� She held up a valise.� She set the bag on the
edge of Wendy�s desk, she was careful to keep it at the very
edge.� She would not like someone to come into her office
and put his or her bag on top of any of her paperwork.� She
opened the bag and took out a small blue box that rattled as
she picked it up.� When she opened the box she took out a
little chain that looked like a big bangle bracelet, with a small
padlock on one end.� She motioned for Ione to come closer,
Evie took out her key ring and unlocked Ione�s collar, she put
the collar she had just taken out around Ione�s neck and
locked it with a click. She used the same key to unlock the
leash and transferred it to the new collar and then used it to
unlock the cuffs on Ione�s wrists, she handed Ione the keys
to unlock her ankle cuffs.� When she was done she handed
the keys and cuffs to Miss Evie.� She dropped them into the
bag, she handed the keys to Wendy.� Wendy put them in the
top drawer of her desk.� Miss Evie handed the end of the
leash to Wendy, she turned to Ione, and bent to give her a
very passionate kiss, Ione hugged her around the neck very
tightly.� Miss Evie straightened and turned toward the
door.� She said �Good Bye,� over her shoulder as she went
out the door.�
���� Wendy called down to the training stable, and had
Lisa send Glenda up to the office to take over Ione, and take
her to a room in the Groom Room, the area set aside for
the grooms private area.� Arraignments had been made for
Ione to have a room there, and a couple of the grooms were
assigned to help her get situated.� Glenda was ready for
Wendy�s call; she had been keeping alert for Miss Evie�s
arrival.� She was there within five minuets of Wendy�s
call.� She went in through the private entrance.
���� �You rang?�� Glenda asked when she went into
the office.
���� �Here please take Ione, take her to Bart�s office
first and have him check her over, and take that butt plug out
of her.�� She had noticed the end of the plug protruding
from Ione�s little anus.� Ione smiled at Wendy, as Wendy
gave Glenda the key ring with Ione�s leash key on it.
���� �Please don�t take the collar off me,� Ione
���� They went to Bart�s shop, when they got there
Bart was finishing up a tattoo on a ponygirl, Denise, this was
elective, she had wanted a tribal tattoo across the small of her
back.� Ione stood next to Glenda when she sat in a chair by
the phone,� �Don�t you want to sit down for a few minutes,
Ione?� Glenda asked.
���� �No thank you, I�m all right,� she
answered.� Glenda remembered about the butt-plug, in
Ione�s anus.� Glenda took Ione over to the sink in the back
of the shop.
���� �Turn around for me, please,� she said to
Ione.� When she did, Glenda took hold of the end of the butt-
plug, she pulled and twisted and took the butt-plug out of
Ione. She dropped it in she utility sink. She sent Ione onto the
bathroom to wipe off.� When she got back she stood beside
Glenda and handed her the end of her leash.� When Bart was
done with the Denise, she looked the tattoo over and then
pulled her top down over it.� She was on her off time, so she
wore clothes over to the shop, so she wouldn�t have to wear
all of the tack.� Denise was wearing a sleeveless t-shirt that
left her shoulders bare, the arm openings were quite large and
left Denise�s sides bare clear to the bottoms of her
ribs, she also had on a very short tan denim skirt, so short
that it just barely went past the bottom of her bottom.� She
wore a pair of sandals on her feet.� Denise was so very used
to being naked, she didn�t care that her clothes didn�t cover
her very well.� Bart thought she was very sexy, since he was
used to seeing her naked, her revealing clothes were
enticing.� Ione came over after he finished up Denise.
��� �Hi Bart, how are you doin�?� she asked.� Her
little bells jiggled and tinkled.� �Miss Wendell wants you to
check me over before I start the groom class, tomorrow.��
� ��Glenda was surprised, �Do you know her?� she
��� �Yeah, I did the little tattoos on her boobies,� he
said.� �Her owner liked the way Miss Wendell tattoos the
names on each ponygirl.� He turned to Ione, �Get up on the
chair and lay back, and I�ll check you out.� Denise was
interested in Ione; she was looking her over closely.� She
wasn�t hard to check, she was naked.�
���� �How big are you?� she asked Ione.� �You
really are tiny.�
���� �I�m four feet and five inches, and I weigh
forty-seven pounds, and I�m nineteen years old,� Ione
smiled at Denise,� �My measurements are 24AA-14-25.� Are
you a ponygirl?� she asked her own question.� Denise
nodded.�� �Then why are wearing clothes?�
���� �I came over here to get a tattoo of my own, and
I didn�t want to wear all of the tack, because my groom was
busy. It�s too hard to open the gates and doors without help,
so I just put this on.�
���� Ione was interested in Denise�s name tattoo,
�Can I see your name tattoo.�� What she didn�t know was
that if anyone asked a ponygirl to see her name she was
required to show it.� Denise stood up and pulled her top off
over her head. Her name Denise was tattooed in an arc on
the top of her left breast.� Denise also had a circle of the
same color around the outside of each areola.
��� �Oohhh, nice,� said Ione. She touched each
tattooed ring, tracing each ring completely with her index
finger. She looked to Bart, �Can you do that to me?�
���� �Sure, do you want to match your name?� he
asked.� She nodded enthusiastically.
��� �Denise had been looking at Ione�s tattoos,
�What�s that ED, on your areola for?� she asked.
���� �That�s for Evangeline Davis, I�m her
pet.� Some people have pet dogs or cats, she�s real rich and
has a pet girl.�
���� � I know Miss Evie,� Denise said. �I pulled her
around all day, and she made me wear a butt tail the whole
time.� Does she make you wear a butt plug? �
��� �Yeah, Glenda just took it out and put it in the
sink, over there,� Ione nodded toward the sink.� �I have to
stay naked all the time too.� I always have a collar locked on,
like this one,� she pulled up her chain by the lock.� Glenda
still held the other end of her leash.� �Miss Wendell made her
take the leather cuffs and collar off while I�m here.� She was
afraid I�d get infection under them.� All the dust and dirt
from being outside all the time here.��� Wendy had told
Glenda that she had to keep the leash on Ione while she was
in a customer area.� Just like a ponygirl, either clothed, or on
a leash.��
���� �What about if you go to get something in a
store?� Glenda piped up.�
���� �Well I can put something on to go in a store,�
she answered.� �I can�t wear any panties or a bra
underneath though.�
���� �Does she always keep you on a leash, too?�
Denise asked.� �Did I see you two here about two weeks
���� �Yup, that was us.� I was the one on the
leash,� Ione laughed.� She held her little bare chest out to
Bart.� �Are you ready?�
���� �Yeah, as small as you are it�ll only take about
five minutes each,� He answered.�� He was almost right; it
took about fifteen minutes for both.� Bart used his finest
needle, and drew a very thin line around each areola.� He
looked a her pussy when he was done with the tattoos, �What
do you have pierced there? He asked.� �Do you have a
clitoris big enough to pierce?�
�� Ione laid back and open her legs for him to have
access to her pussy, �No, I had my triangle and my nipples
pierced about two years ago, Miss Evie put the chains with the
bells, on me.�� Bart had a real small pussy lips spreader; he
fitted it into Ione�s tiny vulva. The spreader held her open so
he could check her over.� He checked for inflammation and
infection at all three of her pierce sites.� Bart noticed she was
starting to get wet, she was lubricating from his checking.�
���� �Ione you�re getting wet,� he said.� �Does
this happen a lot?��
���� �Yeah,� she answered, �Miss Evie makes me
get a towel to sit on at home.� She has some antiques that
I�m not allowed on.�
���� �Yeah, some people don�t let their cat on the
sofa,� Denise observed seriously, She couldn�t keep her face
straight, and started to laugh, her laughter was
infectious.� Soon they were all laughing, Ione the hardest.
���� Glenda said, �Ok we have to get a move on,
I�ve got to get Ione down to the Groom Room.� There is a
spot there for her. We just had to wait for Paddy, to get done
with Erin; today he�s going to get Ione all settled in.� How
long before she can get in the dip tank?�
��� Bart looked up as he removed the lips spreader
from Ione,� �As small as these tat�s are, she could probably
go right now. They won�t discolor, but they might sting a
little.� You should probably wait until tomorrow
afternoon.� Give her twenty four hours.�
�� As Glenda took Ione toward the door she said,
�Denise, don�t forget your top.� I have to bring Erin back
over here later, Bart.� After Paddy gets her washed up this
evening, Miss Wendell wants permanent rings and bells on
her.� I got them in this morning, they are real nice, little
round gold bells and chains.��� She led Ione out to the
Groom Room it was near the ponygirl stable.� She unlocked
the door, and they went inside.� The door was kept locked,
even though it was posted
�Private Residence.� Not Open to Public�

���� Paddy was in the lounge waiting for Glenda and

Ione to arrive, he was finishing a cup of coffee.� Glenda left
Ione and her bag with him and headed out to the training
stable.� Paddy took the end of the leash from her and just
stood there holding it for a few minutes after Glenda�s
���� �Paddy, Is everything all right?� Ione asked.
���� �Oh, to be sure, I�ve taken care of horses, dogs,
cats, and now ponygirls, but I never believed I�d have to look
out for a little pet girl.� I was just wonderin� about what to
do next,� Paddy related.
���� �How about a cup of that coffee, for starters,�
Ione suggested.� Paddy got her a cup, and put it on the
table.� She got up into one of the chairs on her knees, so she
could reach the tabletop and her coffee.� After a couple of
sips she put the cup down, �Thanks, Good coffee.� She was
completely at ease and unselfconscious as she knelt on the
chair sipping coffee.� Ione stayed naked all the time when she
was home with Miss Evie.� Miss Evie�s great wealth allowed
her to hire numerous people as housemaids, other domestic
help, Ione was naked whether any of them were present, or
���� Paddy had collected himself as he realized that he
only had to get Ione settled, he did not have to take care of
her, like he did Erin.� He wanted to get Ione a settled and get
back to Erin�s stall; he had a ton of work to handle.� She
had just gotten all healed and back to her �work� this
morning.� He looked up to see Wendy come into the room.

���� �Miss Wendell, what can I do for you?� Do you

need somethin�?� I mean I�ve never seen you here
before.� Is everything all right?�� He asked.
���� �You can start by getting me a cup of that
coffee.� Hi, Ione.� New tattoos?� Wendy asked.� Ione
nodded slowly, she saw that Wendy�s appearance here was
not part of the normal procedure.� She sat in the chair next
to Ione and opposite Paddy�s chair; he was up getting her
cup of coffee.� �Ione where are the keys for your leash?�
���� �I think Glenda put them in the bag.�� Ione
nodded toward the valise with her things, it was on the floor
by the door where Glenda had left it.� �I�ll go get it,� she
said.� Ione got up and retrieve her bag, she brought it to
Wendy and got back onto her chair.� Wendy opened it and
dumped it on top of the table.�
She picked out the key ring, and picked out the same key
she had seen Evie use to unlock Ione�s leash earlier.� She
unlocked Ione�s leash and reached for the lock on her
���� Ione pulled back,� �Please don�t take my
collar,� she begged.� Wendy shrugged and put the keys
down on the table.� She began looking through the rest of the
things that had been in Ione�s bag.� She picked up several
little dresses; they were of silk in very pretty colors.� She
held them up, she could see that each of them was very small
capable of only meager coverage.� One dress was just
mesh net, it could be no protection, neither from eyes nor the
elements.� She picked up a small case, it was held closed by
a spring latch.� When she opened it she saw several tiny butt-
plugs each in it�s own pocket.� �You sure have a bunch of
these,� she counted them silently.� �There�s ten
here.� Why do you have so many?� I thought Evie made you
wear them.�
���� �She does, but that doesn�t mean I don�t like
it,� Ione smiled. �Do I have to wear clothes all the time
around here?� she asked.
����� Wendy smiled, �Does this look like the kind of
place where we require any clothing?�� While Wendy was
looking at Ione�s dresses Paddy had returned with her coffee,
she took a sip while she watched Ione.� Before Ione could
answer Wendy said,� �When you are outside in a customer
area, if you are naked you must have your collar and leash,
with someone on the other end of the leash, or wear
clothes.� Those are the rules here, if it�s one of the ponygirls
they either have to have tack or clothes.�
���� �If I have on one of my dresses, can I still wear
my collar?� Ione asked.� Wendy nodded
��� �Here try one of these dresses on, not the net
one.� Wendy said.� � Paddy I came here to talk to you
about something important that has just come up within the
last hour.�� She looked at the dress Ione had picked out a
red silk one and nodded.� She had taken charge of Ione; it
was obvious to her that Ione was not willing to be
responsible.� She got down from the chair and put the dress
on over her head, it was very short stopping about an inch
below her pussy.� The bell on the end of her chain was visible
below the hem.�� The top had thin shoulder straps; they
looked almost too long letting the top drop so low that it
stopped just above her nipples.�� The top was cut low
between Ione�s breasts cut about halfway to her navel.� As
she moved about the dress uncovered first one breast then the
other.� She turned and spun it the middle of the floor as she
����� �Ione, I need to talk to Paddy for a few
minutes, if you decide to go outside be sure to wear clothes,�
Wendy turned back to Paddy.�� �My Head Groom and
Training Director just left, she had a family problem
in England, and I need to replace her fast.� You have done so
well here in the short time you�ve been here, I think you are
my best choice for the job.� It pays quite a bit better than
your groom job; it�s actually double your current rate.� You
have shown that you know that ponygirls and horses are just
about the same to deal with.��
���� �I don�t quite know what to say, um what
about Erin?� She and I have hit it off.� Well yeah, I can do it.
Actually I have run stables before,� Paddy finally
answered.� �I know that if you are payin� twice the money
it�s probably three times the work.�
���� Wendy laughed,� �Yes it probably is, like any
management job, all of your own work and any responsibilities
the your employees don�t want, or won�t take.� You will
have some trouble; Elaine thinks she is getting it.� She has
already told me how she will reorganize the training
stable.� What do you want to do with the training stable?�
���� �Is anything wrong with it?� he asked.
���� �No.�
���� �If it ain�t broke don�t fix it,� he responded.
���� �One more thing,� Wendy handed him the
Ione�s little case of butt-plugs, �put one of these in Ione for
me.�� Ione picked up a small green pack of lube from the
things on the table and handed held it out for Paddy.� When
he took it she turned around and lifted the rear hem of her
little dress.� She arched her back to give him better access,
and waited for him to push it into her.
��� As he selected one of the butt-plugs and opened the
lube he said to Wendy, �Ok, but this isn�t one of my regular
duties.�� He applied a glob of the lube and gently pushed the
butt-plug into her. Ione wriggled as the butt-plug slid into her,
she gave a little gasp when the widest part passed through her
anus.� �Ok, walk around a few steps for me darlin�, to get it
settled in,� he advised Ione.
���� When Erin and Chloe got back to the stable with
Lisa in the sulky, Xian and Glenda were waiting for them in the
corral.� Pecos came out and unhitched the girls, Xian stepped
forward and put her lead on the ring on the end of Chloe�s bit
and Glenda snapped a lead to Erin.� They both lead their girls
to the stable and their stalls.� When they got
inside Erin looked around for Paddy, but he was not
there.� Glenda removed Erin�s bit and held the long end of
her tongue stud, she picked up Erin�s little stud and held it
out until Erin stuck her tongue out for Glenda to change the
studs.� Erin started looking around for Paddy, she couldn�t
say anything to yet because there were several customers out
in the hallway, but she was worried.� Glenda finished
with Erin�s tack and released her French-braid.� She
ushered Erin to the bath stall, and opened the gate for
her; Erin stepped in and noticed that the floor was wet.� This
was the closest that she had come to meeting the ponygirl
who shared her bath stall.�
���� Glenda turned on the water,� �Do you want it
hot?� she asked.� Erin nodded.� Glenda adjusted the water
and Erin nodded when it was the correct temperature.� Today
was the first time Erin had gone out to run on a trail since she
had been pierced, so Glenda had to take extra care to make
sure she washed all dust away from Erin�s clitoris
ring.�� After she finished washing Erin she pressed her hand
over Erin�s pussy and slid two of her fingers between her lips,
she continued to slide her hand back until she could slide
those fingers up into Erin�s vagina.� She inserted her fingers
into Erin as far as she could. She pressed harder then she
pulled her hand down until she had more space and put her
other two fingers into Erin and pushed up again.� Now she
had all four fingers and most of her palm inside Erin, she
turned her hand so her thumb was pointed to Erin�s
front.� Glenda curled her thumb up so she could press Erin�s
clitoris.� She clenched and unclenched her hand and pressed
with her thumb.� It took Erin about five minutes to start to
climax, Glenda relaxed her hand and stopped pressing with
her thumb.� Erin moaned, she said �Nnoo� softly.� Glenda
began her ministrations again until Erin almost had another
orgasm.� Again she stopped, until Erin moaned again, she
started again this time she didn�t stop, Erin had an orgasm,
then another almost immediately after and then a third two
minutes later.� After she got Erin dried and back to her stall,
her dinner was there waiting.� Erin sat down and ate.� She
was quiet, she had rarely had three orgasms like that before,
she was enjoying the afterglow as she sat and had her
dinner.� After she was done eating Glenda had fresh hoof-
boots and pony-hands to put on her, she didn�t put a bridal
or bit on Erin, but she put one finger to her lips and
shushed, Erin nodded.� Glenda picked up a box that had been
setting on the end of the counter; she led the way over to the
tattoo shop.�
���� Bart opened the door and let them in, he smiled
at Erin,�� �Please have a seat in the last chair.�� He turned
to Glenda,� �let�s see her jewelry.�� Glenda handed him
the box.� He went to one of his counters and put the box
drown, and opened it.� He laid out the items; they were
already sterilized when they were shipped.� He turned
to Erin; she placed her arms on the chair so he could put the
straps over her wrists.� After she was strapped down he
brought the packets over to her chair.� Bart put on his gloves
and then put the lips spreader in the vulva, spreading her lips
so he had unrestricted access to her clitoris.� He removed all
her three rings; both nipple rings sand her clitoris ring.�
���� He held up her new nipple rings, �These
are segmented rings, that means that instead of a little ball
like your old rings they have a ring segment or arc that goes
into the open space.� The ones you had we call CBR�s, for
captured ball rings. Once in place these will look like a solid
rings.� These are gold plated titanium,� Bart held up a small
pair of pliers, �I�ll have to use these special pliers to open
and close them with.�� He looked ay Erin,� �You have to be
very still so I don�t slip with these pliers,
OK?�� Erin nodded.
Bart opened the rings and put the large portion through
her holes, he put the ends of the chains to the bells on the
rings.� Bart used the pliers to fit the last segment of each ring
in place, just before he released each ring he put in a tiny drop
of �super glue� and made sure each segment was perfectly
straight and then moved to the next.� When he was done he
stepped back to survey his handiwork.
���� �Well what do you think?� he asked Glenda.
���� �They�re real pretty, aren�t they? I think Miss
Wendell will like this.� She replied.
���� Erin looked down as best she could, trying to see
what had been done to her.� Bart released the all the straps
holding her in place.
She sat up so she could see the rings and bells better she
smiled and nodded.
���� Bart said, �Lay back, I need to get my lips
spreader out.�� Erin lay back on her elbows, Bart removed
the spreader and stepped back so she could get
up.� Erin stood and walked to Bart�s full-length mirror, she
stood there looking at the way the bell looked as it hung on
the chain from her clitoris. The chain was about two and a half
inches long. It felt exotic and swung around as she walked,
causing jiggling sensations.� Erin wriggled and shifted, this
was very stimulating, and she was getting wet from the
constant jiggling of her clitoris.� The new nipple rings were
also having an effect, the rings were the same size, but the
chains were just a little longer, and these bells were slightly
heavier.� Glenda ushered her out and back to her stall very
quickly, Erin didn�t get a chance to ask about Paddy.� By the
time she walked back to her stall, she was all wet; the juices
had come out onto her thighs.�
��� When she got back in her stall Paddy was there, she
rushed up to him and put her arms around his neck, she
didn�t know what was up, but she could tell that things had
changed.� The closing of the stable was announced as Erin
and Glenda were coming in, so Erin knew that she could talk to
Paddy now.
���� �What�s going on?� Why is Glenda here?� Do
you like my new jewelry?�� She stepped back and jiggled her
chest so the bells tinkled.
���� �Ok, first things, first,� said Paddy.� Glenda
started to speak up, Paddy held up his hand and she stepped
back a step and stopped talking.� �You have a new groom,
you have already met her.� I�ve been reassigned, to the
groom office and the training center.� Glenda had wanted to
be your groom ever since you got here.� So when I had to
move she took the job, because she wants to be here and take
care of you. And number three; those are
beautiful.�� Erin looked around and noticed that Ione was
there sitting on one of Erin�s stools.� Ione jumped down and
came up to Erin, her little bells jiggling and tinkling.� She had
taken off the dress and had the leash locked to her
collar.� She smiled up at Erin.� Erin held out her arms to
Glenda so she could untie her pony-hands.� After they were
off, Glenda untied the hoof-boots, so Erin could get them off.�
���� Erin stepped up to Paddy, �I don�t know what to
say, I guess Wendy promoted you today,� Paddy
nodded.� �When did you find out, did you know this
���� �The head groom quit and had to go
to England this morning, after you and Chloe went out.� If I
had known I would have told you.� There was already a bit of
a crisis and I couldn�t meet you at the corral. I asked Glenda
not to say anything so that I could tell you myself.� Oh, and
Elaine is gone. That was the crisis.�� Erin turned quickly and
her nipple bells jerked around, she looked down at them, she
turned to Glenda.
���� �Can you get these off me, please?� She
asked.� They were bothering her and she did not want to
have that distraction.
���� Glenda shook her head; �they�re permanent,
always with you.� That�s why I wanted to be your
groom.� You are the sexiest ponygirl we�ve ever had
here.� I want to help you learn how to enjoy every aspect of
���� �Were these bells your idea?� Erin asked
���� �No, Miss Wendell ordered them.� She wants to
see how far you can go, too.� Looks like you need to get
washed up before you go to bed,� Glenda nodded
toward Erin�s juicy pussy.�
���� �I�ll help,� Ione piped up.� Paddy looked at
her, then Erin.� Erin shrugged, and nodded.� �Miss Evie
gives me showers sometimes, and there�s this maid we have
that works in our bedroom, sometimes she gives me baths,
and sometimes, when Miss Evie is away we take showers
together.� So I know what to do.�
��� Paddy had to get back to his office so Erin, Ione and
Glenda went down to Erin�s bath stall.� Glenda got the water
adjusted and Erin went into the stall.� She turned so that her
hair didn�t get wet; the water sprayed on her below her
waist, and rinsed her pussy.� Ione got some of the soap
from Glenda, her little hands went between Erin�s legs easily.
She washed Erin�s thighs and fondled her clitoris.� Ione was
intrigued by Erin�s big clitoris, to little Ione it seemed huge, it
lay across her palm, she grasped it with her hand, not just a
couple of fingers.� Erin moaned softly, Ione was getting her
really turned on, and it hadn�t been very long since Glenda
had been doing the same thing. She told Erin to turn around
so she was facing away.� Ione reached between Erin�s legs
she washed her anus and then forward to her pussy from the
rear.� She pushed her hand between Erin�s lips, and pressed
her fingers into Erin�s vagina, Ione pushed harder her whole
hand went into Erin.� Ione pushed her hand farther into Erin;
her arm was in nearly to her elbow.� Erin leaned, she held
onto the rails around the bath stall.� Ione withdrew her arm
back to her wrist and pushed it back into Erin.� She closed
her fingers into a fist and continued pushing in and pulling
out.� After a few strokes Erin cried out, if she hadn�t been
holding on she would have fallen. While Glenda was behind
Ione she saw the end of the butt-plug protruding from Ione�s
anus.� Glenda began pressing and pulling on the end
gently.� Ione was panting and moaning she was writhing as
she pushed her arm in and out of Erin Glenda kept up her
pressure. When Erin climaxed, Ione climaxed, she leaned
against Erin�s stall.� It took them both a few minutes to
recover.� Ione pulled her arm out of Erin; she picked up some
more soap and washed off with it.

In Chapter One:� Erin discovered her extreme sexuality

through subservience.� When she surrendered personal
control to Wendy, she lost all control, and she found that
everything in her life caused intense sexual response.�

Ahead in Chapter Two: Ione flunks out, Miss Evie is not

pleased!�� Erin is mated, but to whom or what!

Chapter: Two
Ione flunks out.

���� Glenda woke Ione at 7:00 the next morning,
�Wake Up.� We�ve got things to do before the first class
starts.� I�ve brought you coffee,� She put the mug on the
end of the small dresser in Ione�s room.� Ione came out of
her room in less than five minutes.� It doesn�t take long if
you don�t put on any clothes.� She sipped the coffee from
the huge mug as she walked. It would have been a big mug to
anyone, but in Ione�s tiny hands it was huge, �I can�t drink
this much coffee, it looks like a lake, I�ll be up for two days.�
����� The bells hanging from the rings pierced
through her tiny black nipples and her vulva tinkled as she
walked across the kitchen floor.� Glenda smiled as she
watched Ione crossing the kitchen.� At four feet five inches,
Ione was unique.� She was very small, tiny actually, but she
was perfectly proportioned.�� She weighed forty-seven
pounds, and her measurements were; 24AA-14-25, and she
told anybody and everybody who asked.� Ione belonged to
Evangeline Davis, Miss Evie, to everyone, who was probably
one of the richest people on southern Arizona. She was
literally Miss Evie�s naked pet, kept on a leash whenever they
were out. Ione already had her nipples and hood pierced when
Miss Evie acquired her, but Miss Evie hung a short gold chain
with a bell from each ring.� The bells were small and she
tinkled when she walked.� Miss Evie had found Ione in Hawaii,
living in a small cabin near the beach on one of the smaller
islands.� Miss Evie was intrigued by Ione�s tiny size and
attracted by her dark Asian beauty. Miss Evie convinced Ione
to sign a contract with her; Ione literally belonged to her for a
full year, with an option for a second year.
��� Ione�s black hair fell to the middle of her back and
her skin was so dark that her tiny nipples looked almost black,
she had beautiful dark brown almond shaped eyes. Miss Evie
hired two women from a beauty shop to come out to her ranch
home and permanently remove all of Ione�s pubic hair, with
electrolysis.� With the two working it only took them two
sessions, Ione�s pussy was very small and she didn�t have
very thick hair. When she visited the ponygirl ranch for the
first time after she signed the contract, she had Ione tattooed
along the left side of her left breast, and her own
mark ED tattooed on Ione�s tiny right areola, below her
nipple.� The light color glowed on Ione�s dark skin.� It was
a service Wendy did not mind providing to a good
customer.� Miss Evie had given Bart, the tattooer/piercer a
very generous tip. Miss Evie wanted Ione naked all the time,
she kept a collar locked around Ione�s neck, and had her on a
leash whenever they went out.� Ione really belonged to her

���� Now Ione was here at �Ponygirl Adventure

Ranch� for groom training, a three-day course offered
for selected customers who were keeping their hired ponygirl
at their campsite overnight.� Miss Evie had reserved Erin, she
wanted to be her first customer, she tried to be each of
Wendy�s ponygirls� first.� This was the first time she was
keeping a girl overnight, and for a whole weekend.� Miss Evie
had sent Ione to the three-day course while she was in New
York attending some business meetings.� Paddy, Patrick Fits-
Simmons, the Head Groom and Training Director, wasn�t sure
Ione was big enough, nor strong enough to handle the duties
she would be required to perform to take care of a ponygirl,
Wendy was concerned also.� She wasn�t sure she could trust
Ione�s sense of responsibility to care for someone as
important to her as Erin had become.�
���� Glenda waited while Ione took a quick shower,
she led her outside, with her leash, to the sun block dip tank.
���� �Ione can you climb up the top of that tank?�
she asked.� Ione nodded and climbed up the steps and got to
the top, she looked at the thick brown liquid inside.� �Get in
and duck hour head under the surface, and don�t drown.�
���� Ione looked into the tank, �What is it?� It looks
like flea and tick dip.�
���� Glenda smiled, �It�s sun block, really strong sun
block.� You�ll need it need it out here on the ranch if you run
around naked all the time.�� Ione nodded, she slipped into
the tank.�
���� When she surfaced she clung to the rail around
the top,� �I don�t have anything to step on, I can�t get out.
And it�s COOLLD.� Glenda climbed up onto the top step and
lifted her out.� Soon they were both covered with sun block.
���� �Ione, see that shower at the other end of the
dock?� Go over there and pull the chain, rinse off out
here.� If you take this much sun block into the inside shower
it�ll take three days to get it all washed out.�� Glenda
didn�t tell Ione the water would be cold.
��� �Eeyaaahhh!� Ione yelled, and shut the water
off.� Glenda walked to the shower, she led Ione back under
the shower by her leash.
���� �Stand still,� She ordered.� Ione stood where
Glenda put her; Glenda pulled the chain for Ione
herself.� When she was completely rinsed they went inside,
Ione shivered so much as they walked inside that her bells
jingled.� Ione went into the shower and took a hot shower to
finish washing off and warm herself.�
���� When she came out, all dried, she complained to
Glenda, �I had to wash my hair twice to get it all out.� I hope
I don�t have to do that again.�
���� Glenda just answered matter-of-factly, �Your hair
needs sun protection too, and you�ll have to get in there
again in three days for the best protection.� The ponygirls get
in once a week.�� She didn�t tell Ione that they waited until
the sun had shined on the tank all day, to warm it before the
ponygirls were dipped.� �Ok get dressed and wear shoes, we
need to go get Erin ready, then I�ll drop you at the groom
classroom.�� Ione went into her room; she was back in a few
minutes wearing a very short white silk dress, carrying a pair
of the tiniest work boots Glenda had ever seen.� The dress
was so short that the bell dangling from Ione�s pussy hung
below the hem.� It was so thin that her little dark body clearly
showed through it.� She had one of her little butt-plugs with
her, too.�
���� Glenda shook her head and mouthed,
No.� �Don�t you have any panties with you?�
���� Ione looked surprised, �I don�t own any
panties.� Where are all the other grooms?� Ione asked as
she looked around.
���� �They are already out, getting their girls
out.� We have customers that get here at sun up. Erin is still
in training, so I don�t have to
get her around quite so early.� That will change when
she gets done and ready to go to work.� Ione nodded

���� When they got to Erin�s stall she was already up,
and looking for her breakfast.� While she ate Glenda braided
her hair.� Erin went to the sink to brush and Glenda went to
the tack counter and waited for her to get done.� Ione stayed
near, as though she were still on a leash.� Erin sat while
Glenda put on her hoof-boots and pony-hands.� When Erin
walked across the room her bells swung around and
jingled.� She stopped close to Glenda, so she could fit Erin�s
bridal harness.� When Glenda finished Erin put her tongue out
so Glenda could take out her small tongue stud and replace it
with the long L-shaped stud that went out through a hole in
her bit.�
���� �Look at what I have for you, a new stud.� See
it�s gold to match your bells.� Now all your jewelry
matches.�� Glenda proudly held out the tongue stud for Erin
to examine.�
���� �Oh, Ok.� It�s kind of neat,� replied
Erin.� She put her tongue out for Glenda to install the new
stud.� The long portion of the L-shaped bar protruded through
a hole in Erin�s bit and then out through her lips.� When she
stood with her mouth relaxed the end came about an inch past
her lips.� The short part had a flattened ball on the end under
her tongue.� The ball was big enough that it wouldn�t come
out through the hole pierced in her tongue.� The new gold
tongue stud replaced a sterling silver stud that she had been
wearing for the past few weeks.� While Erin stood still for
Glenda, Ione was looking at the bell dangling from her
clitoris.� When Ione reached out and touched the bell
dangling there Erin squirmed and moaned.�
���� �I don�t know how this is going to work.� Ione
observed,� �She�s wet already, she�ll be nuts by
tonight.� I know I couldn�t do much of anything.� These
rings and bells keep me excited all the time.� It�s ok for
living with Miss Evie, but I couldn�t really do much of
anything if I was out on my own.�� She continued to pluck at
Erin�s ring and bell.
���� Glenda looked down at Ione,� �All she has to do
is pull whatever she is hitched up to.� The driver sets her
direction and speed. When she isn�t pulling I�m here to take
care of her.� She has no decisions to make.� You�ll get all of
that in the groom classes.�
���� Glenda snapped her lead to Erin�s bit and they
went out the door and dropped her at the training corral.� No
one else was there yet, so Glenda made sure the gate was
closed when they left.�

���� When Ione came out for her lunch break Wendy
and Paddy were waiting for her.� Paddy suggested they all go
to lunch together, in his office.� The people catering the meal
were from the customer cafeteria, the food there was gourmet
���� It was another of Wendy�s innovations to keep
the ranch making money, more than just the ponygirls she
generated income from seven different aspects of her
ranch.� Her father had only brought in funds from the dude
ranch and the sale of horses.� There was also a successful
southwestern souvenir and antique shop where the driveway
to the ranch crossed the highway.� In addition to the souvenir
shop, it was also the entrance gate.� It kept casual tourists
from driving around just to see what was going on.�
��� After the caterers were done Paddy began, �Ione I
have,,,,� he looked toward Wendy,� �,,,We have had some
concerns about you taking this class.� I didn�t believe you
were big enough and strong enough to do what needs to be
done to care for a ponygirl.�� He looked to Wendy to
�� She did, �that�s not all, I�m not sure you are the
person to be responsible for Erin.� She is very important to
me. You know how special she has become here.� I�m going
to let you continue on in the class, but after you are through, I
can�t allow you to be responsible for Erin�s care by
yourself.� After lunch we can go to my office and call your
Miss Evie if you want.��
���� Ione looked relieved, she smiled, �No, I�ll tell
her when she gets here to pick me up next Tuesday.� If I can
still stay here that long.�
���� Wendy nodded, �Of course you can stay, I think
you�re wonderful and very sweet, just not �groom
material�, and by-the-way your strength has nothing to do
with my decision.�� They finished lunch with small talk.

Ione Reaches the End

���� Thursday afternoon Ione finished her class; Miss

Lisa presented each graduate with a diploma.� Ione did well
in the class, but she was happy that she would not have to be
responsible for Erin.� She knew that Miss Evie would not be
happy about it, though.� She went to the Groom Room; she
was sitting there in the kitchen when Glenda came in.� She
was naked and had her leash coiled on the table.� She
hopped down from the chair when Glenda came in, her bells
jingled.� She showed Glenda her diploma, and Glenda smiled
and nodded seriously.� Glenda got a cup of coffee and sat
down by Ione.
���� �Where is your butt-plug, Ione?� Glenda�s
voice was firm.� Ione responded immediately, she rushed into
her room and returned quickly, with the little case.� She
handed the case to Glenda.� Glenda opened the case and
selected a butt-plug, she had a tube of lube in her pocket, she
always carried one.� She applied a generous dollop to the
end, and motioned for Ione to turn around.� Ione turned so
fast that her bells jingled.� She arched her back so that
Glenda had access to her little anus.� Glenda carefully pushed
the butt-plug into Ione.� Ione moaned when the thickest part
went through her anus.� Ione turned around and smiled at
Glenda, in obvious appreciation, and enjoyment.
����� Glenda looked out the window and saw Lisa
driving over the hill; she had Erin and Chloe running at top
speed.� They would be in the corral in a few minutes.� She
locked Ione�s leash to her collar, and headed toward the
corral.�� They got there at the same time as Lisa.� Pecos
and Betty, the new handler, were also waiting.� Pecos was
showing Betty how to unhitch the ponygirls so Glenda stood
back and waited.� Betty had just started, to replace Glenda as
a training handler.� Betty was a pretty blonde haired girl in
her early twenties. She was slender and wore a pair of very
tight jeans and a red and white checked shirt.� The bottom
was unbuttoned and tied in a square knot at the bottom of her
ribs.� She was popular with many of the male handlers, many
of the female handlers and grooms were not real happy that
Paddy had not hired a male.� There was a shortage of
available males at the ranch, and it was twenty-five miles to
Centerville.� The ponygirls were considered livestock and not
seriously considered available, Wendy made sure everyone
knew the ponygirls were off limits to everyone, male or
female.� Betty had been a handler at a Tennessee horse
farm; Paddy had met her when he was working at the
Kentucky Derby. She had been a handler for several years.
���� Pecos had Xian�s lead and Betty had Glenda�s,
the only change Paddy had made in their procedure was to
have handlers snap leads on while they were unhitching, just
like a racehorse.� He wanted the ponygirls treated like the
high-strung animals they were.� He did not like the casual
way the grooms and handlers treated the girls at the training
���� Lisa approached Glenda and Xian while they were
waiting for their girls, �will you bring your girls to the training
room tomorrow morning?� I�m having Pecos show Betty how
to measure.� We haven�t had any new girls in lately, but
we�re getting several in during the next two weeks, for Miss
Wendell�s new campground.�� Both grooms
nodded.� �Good, Xian please come by at 8:00 and Glenda
come in about 9:00.�� Lisa turned to leave, but she stopped
and turned back, �Thanks, both of you.�� She had been
quite a bit more polite since Paddy had become her boss.� No
one heard �Miss Lisa� much any more.
���� Betty brought Erin to Glenda; Ione reached for
the end of the lead, but Glenda took the lead above
Ione.� She pulled up on the lead and Ione let go.�
���� Betty looked concerned,� �What�s with her?�
she asked in a loud stage whisper,� �She�s all wet, look at
all the dust stickin� to her pussy.�
���� Glenda looked at Ione and then Erin when she
realized which one Betty meant, �Yeah, she�s quite
something,� was all Glenda said.
They all headed for the stable, Glenda had Erin�s lead in
one hand and Ione�s leash in the other.

��� After Glenda got Erin�s tack off, and her hair let
down, they headed for the bath stall to get Erin washed, she
smelled strong and needed to be washed.� Glenda ushered
Erin into the stall, she didn�t need to adjust the water for her,
she had bathed Erin enough that she got it right the first
time.� She finished Erin�s hair, her back, and arms, and then
she had to give some extra attention to Erin�s nipples.� For
some reason she had gotten a lot of dirt into the holes in her
nipples.� When she was done Ione started with Erin�s feet
and legs.� Ione had a lot of dirt and dust to wash off Erin�s
thighs and belly.� She began to wash Erin�s pussy.
�� �Make sure you get real good around her clitoris
ring, and inside the hole,� Glenda cautioned.� Ione
nodded.� She took Erin�s clitoris in her little hands and
carefully washed her, turning the ring to make sure she did a
complete job.� Erin began moaning, quite loudly.� Customers
nearby heard her and came over to see what was
happening.� Glenda heard a woman say, �This is the girl I
told you about, look at this.�� �She is so turned on.� and
�Do you think she�ll faint.��
��� Ione held Erin�s clitoris with both hands, squeezing
and releasing first one hand and then the other, Erin heard her
little voice �Erin turn around.�� She started to turn and Ione
released her clitoris.
���� �Oh, no,� Erin said softly, she continued
turning.� She opened her legs so Ione could reach in from her
rear.� Soon Ione�s tiny fingers were probing between Erin�s
pussy lips.� She felt Ione�s fingers press into her
vagina.� Ione pressed her right hand and wrist into Erin�s
vagina, and she pushed three fingers of her left hand into
Erin�s anus.
��� Ione looked back over her shoulder at Glenda,
�Don�t let me fall.�� Glenda nodded, she grasped Ione�s
left shoulder to steady her.� Ione nodded.�
���� �See if you can put your hand all the way in her,
to the end,� said Glenda.� Ione nodded.� She pushed her
arm farther into Erin.� Her arm was inside Erin past her
elbow.� The three fingers in Erin�s anus became four.� Erin
slid down to her knees, she put her hands on the floor of the
shower, and she started sobbing.� Erin cried out and fell flat
on the floor of the shower; Ione took her fingers out of Erin�s
anus, but kept her arm inside Erin�s vagina.
���� �Come on, get back up Erin,� Ione said.� She
lifted with her arm and pushed and Erin started to
rise.�� After Erin stood, Ione stepped into the stall with
her.� She was completely wet.� She didn�t mind, she
wanted to see how much of her little arm she could push into
Erin.� In a few minutes Erin had another orgasm, and she
stopped struggling.� Ione slowly pulled her arm out.� She
picked up the bottle of soap and poured some into her palm.
She washed her arm and hands.� Then she washed off Erin�s
thighs and outer vulva.� Glenda turned off the water; she
helped Erin out and began to dry her with a large towel.� She
handed a towel to Ione, to dry herself.� They went back to
Erin�s stall, several people followed.� Ione thought she was
in a parade.� Glenda had a blow dryer for Erin�s hair in the
stall.� She had to help Erin walk down the hallway.� The
8:45PM announcement came while they were on their way, the
crowd started to leave.� By the time Erin�s hair was dry,
they were alone.� Erin sat in a chair and Ione came up to her,
she put her arms out and Ione cuddled up to her.� Ione laid
her head on Erin�s breast.�
���� Erin sobbed, �I�ve never felt anything like that
before, how far did you reach into me?�
���� �Clear to the end, I touched the end of you,
inside,� she answered.� �She held up her right arm, and
indicated above her elbow with her left hand, �Up to
here.�� Her bells tinkled as she moved.�
��� Erin slid her hand down Ione�s back as she slid
over Ione�s butt she felt the end of the butt plug where it
protruded from Ione�s anus.� �You�ve got one of these in
you?�� Ione nodded shyly.� Erin smiled at Ione and slowly
shook her head

�Miss Evie�s New Pet���

���� Miss Evie was very unhappy; she glared at Ione

and looked at Wendy.� Miss Evie was not someone to
disappoint, but she was not someone to yell and throw things
�� ���I just can�t give the responsibility for Erin�s
care to Ione,� she repeated.� �Erin put her trust in me when
she signed the contract, I�m sure you understand.�
���� �Yes, I do,� said Miss Evie.� She looked at Ione,
�Ione why don�t you go out and sit with the receptionist for
a few minutes.�
���� Ione nodded, �Is that dog out there?�� She was
afraid of Nana, Wendy�s Old English Sheepdog.� Nana had
never bitten or even tried to bite her.� Nana was just so big,
and she wanted to put her head between Ione�s legs.� Once
she had even gotten away with licking her pussy, from the
���� �She�s in her kennel, I just fed her.� So you�ll
be safe,� replied Wendy.� Wendy didn�t really want Ione in
the outer office, she was naked, which Miss Evie
preferred.� Wendy did not wish to disrupt the office
business.� Miss Evie obviously wanted to talk alone.
���� �Why didn�t she pass?� Miss Evie
asked.� �She�s not too dumb, is she?�� Wendy shook her
���� �No she�s not dumb.� She just isn�t someone
that I can trust with the care of one of my girls.� Answered
Wendy. Especially not Erin, she added silently, to herself.�

���� �Well do you have a groom I can take with

me?� What about her regular groom?� asked Miss Evie?
���� �Her regular groom has to go to New Jersey that
weekend, she made plans when she thought Erin was going
out.� So I don�t even have anyone to take care of her
here,� Wendy added.� Actually she knew Paddy would gladly
fill in.
���� Miss Evie�s demeanor brightened, �I have an
idea, let me take her home with me for the weekend.� It�ll
be just like we agreed, Friday afternoon and evening, Saturday
all day, and I�ll bring her back around noon on Sunday.� I�ll
double your fee and she will still get her ten thousand dollar a
day tip.�
���� Wendy looked at her thoughtfully,� �I don�t
know, I have an exclusive contract with her to be a ponygirl
here at the �Ponygirl Adventure Ranch�.� I don�t want to
violate my own contract.�
���� �I�ll just have her as my pet, just like Ione, no
ponygirl stuff,� responded Miss Evie.
���� �I don�t want any men near her, well I mean
none,,,you know,,,messing around with her.� Said Wendy.
���� �I don�t let any men touch Ione.� Although
she�d like some to once in a while.� Said Miss Evie
���� �One more thing, you seem to have a butt-plug
in Ione all the time,� noted Wendy.� �We�ll have to work
out something about that.�
���� �We have an agreement in our contract, no
overnight butt-plugs, it�s limited to ten hours a day, and one
time a day.� Once it goes in, there are ten hours �til it comes
out.� If it is taken out before that, that�s it until the next
day, that�s my rule.� Ione would run around with it in her
rear all the time.�
���� �It sounds to me like we can do business here,�
said Wendy.�
��� Miss Evie held up her hand,� �There�s one more
small matter, I want to leave Ione here for that weekend.
Leave her when I pick up Erin and pick her up Sunday when I
drop Erin back here.� Do you want a hostage?�
���� �No, I don�t want a hostage, but yes I�ll keep
her, for those days, and I won�t charge a boarding fee,�
Wendy smiled.
���� �Great, I�ll be back Friday afternoon.�� Miss
Evie held out her right hand to shake on the deal.� They
shook hands.� Miss Evie went out through the office, picked
up Ione and they went out to Miss Evie�s blue Lincoln.

���� When Glenda delivered Erin to the training stable

she was not sure she was real happy with the situation.� She
knew Betty needed to learn how to do the measurements, but
using Erin, her Erin, as a test mule.� She knew Pecos would
be careful with Erin, but it still rankled her.�� When she took
Erin over to the training stable she didn�t put any tack on
her.� They just walked over to the door and went
inside.� She didn�t care if she broke Miss Wendell�s rule
about taking a ponygirl outside without tack, she�d have tack
there to put on Erin when they were done measuring.� Pecos
had already showed Betty how to measure and what to
measure for the forms.� Then when Chloe came in he helped
Betty measure Chloe.� This time would be the test, he would
watch as Betty made the all of the measurements.� She
measured Erin�s feet and legs then moved to her head, arms,
and body.� Erin knew what to do next, but Pecos had
cautioned her not to do anything until Betty gave the
instructions.� Betty directed her up onto the table and had
her kneel.� Next she had Erin bend at the waist and place her
arms on the tabletop and then lay her head on her
arms.� Erin was now on the table with her head down and her
butt up with her legs parted.� Betty lubed the anal measure,
with a large glob of lube from a large green tube.� She
carefully pushed the cone shaped measure into Erin.�
���� �Ok, I�ve got size 8.� She said
incredulously,� �Pecos, that�s pretty big.�� She looked on
a chart, �That�s three inches.�
��� �Pecos said,� �Yeah when she first came in here,
Glenda measured her at size 7, - two and three quarters.�
���� She went to the other end of the table and pulled
up the gynecological foot stirrups up and latched them into
place.� Then she said,� �Erin please slide down here and put
your feet up in these stirrups.�� She put the leather straps
over Erin�s ankles, to help her keep her feet up where they
needed to be.� Betty picked up the first measure, it was eight
inches long with a two-inch handle on the end, and there was
a stopper between the measure and the handle.� She applied
lube to the measure and pushed it into Erin as she lay there on
the table.� It went in easily completely to the stopper. She
pushed a little more an pushed the stopper in also.
�� ��Pecos said,� �Betty, stop, you�ve hit the end.�
���� �Oh, I guess I need a bigger one.�� Pecos
���� Betty went to the cupboard and picked out a
much bigger measure, it was twenty-four inches long and
three inches in diameter.� Betty applied lube along the
���� �I don�t think I really need this lube, she�s
already really wet.� Betty put her left hand on Erin�s belly
and pushed the measure into her.� She kept the pressing,
Erin moaned.� She stopped, and checked the measurement.
���� �I�ve got thirteen and one��
quarter��inches.� Can that be right?� Thirteen inches, I�ll
bet she has a hard time finding a satisfying relationship, Betty
said.� She was amazed.
���� �Uumm what do I do with this now?� she asked.
She was still holding the end of the measure, she pushed
���� �I�ve got thirteen and one half,� she said she
regained her composure, and gently pulled the measure out of
���� �She has a really big clit, too,� she touched
Erin�s clitoris, with her index finger.
���� �I don�t see the end of this ring, how does it
come off?� Betty squeezed Erin�s clitoris with her finger and
thumb.� When Erin moaned again she stopped.�
���� Pecos said gently, �None of her rings come off,
they�re permanent.�
���� �How can that be,� Betty asked as she removed
the straps over Erin�s feet.� �Couldn�t you just cut them
���� �They�re titanium, gold plated titanium, you
can�t cut them with clippers and if you try to saw through the
titanium will just eat up your saw, and it�ll get so hot that
she�ll fry,� Pecos answered.�
���� �I�ve seen cutters that would cut titanium,�
Betty responded.
���� �Look at what they�re hooked to,� would you
want to put your nipple in one of those cutters?� Pecos
asked.� �Besides have you seen one of those cutters around
���� Betty had to agree, �Yeah I guess, she is pretty
well done for life.� Pecos nodded.� Glenda came back and
had all of Erin�s tack,
�I�ve got to get her all ready, and Lisa is taking them up
to the new campground area for today.������

������ ���The ten days until Miss Evie�s Friday

came quickly, Erin was hitched with Chloe and together they
pulled Lisa or Marlene across the countryside, throughout the
week.� They grew together as friends and as ponygirls.�
���� Wendy hired several new ponygirls; she hired her
first Latinas, surprising in southern Arizona.� The two were
from Florida, Ivette and Yasmin.� They looked like sisters;
both were five feet and five inches tall and had similar bodies,
they were both very pretty, with large dark brown eyes and
thick black hair.� Ivette�s measurements were 35B-26-36,
but Wendy knew that with a little work that would
change.� Yasmin looked a little slimmer, her measurements
were 35C-25-34, and they hadn�t known each other before
starting at the Ponygirl Adventure Ranch. Wendy also hired an
Asian girl, Keiko, she was tall at five feet and seven inches she
weighed 157 pounds.� Her measurements were 36A-28-40; a
little running and good diet would be helping to change that,
too.� Keiko was gorgeous she had straight black hair to the
middle of her back, and brown eyes with little black flecks.
���� Bart had been real busy, the two Latinas, were
tattooed in the same color and style, Miss Wendell had told
him she intended them to run as a
team.� So Ivette and Yasmin each had their names tattooed
on their left breasts and CP-CW on each of their bellies, in a
circle just above their pussies.� He also had to pierce each of
their nipples.� He had to replace a large ring in the outer edge
of Yasmin�s left nostril, with a much smaller one.
���� Keiko took a bit more work, she needed all of the
piercings, and he started with the tattoos when Betty brought
her in that first evening.� Her tattoo color was harder to find,
he knew she would get darker when she started spending a lot
of time in the sun. �He decided to do a couple of piercings
now and the rest in two days. When Betty brought Keiko in
there were a few problems. She had agreed to the tattoos and
piercing, but she had hoped to convince them not to actually
do them.� She sat in the chair and Bart had strapped her
wrists in place, she started to get antsy while he was putting
the seatbelt around her middle.� With Betty�s help she was
strapped in place, Bart explained that she had signed a
contract agreeing to the tattoos and he would be doing them,
she sat back resigned for now.� When he had
completed Keiko, she wasn�t quite so upset.� Then after
the CP-CW, she was calmed quite a bit.�
���� �That wasn�t so bad,� she said.� �I thought it
would hurt a lot more.� That�s kind of pretty.�
���� Bart brought the piercing tools over to the chair;
he took a deep breath, �This will hurt a bit more.�� With
that he prepared the skin on her nipples for piercing, after he
washed each nipple.� He applied disinfectant, and with one
smooth stroke pushed his piercing needle through Keiko�s left
nipple, he put the ring through and moved to her right side.
���� �Are you ok,� he asked?� She looked a bit pale,
but she nodded.� Bart pushed the needle through Keiko�s
right nipple and put the ring in place.�
����� �I need to do two more, I figured to wait until
tomorrow or the next day.� What do you think?� he asked.
���� She looked up at him, �Am I going to be real
sore then?�
���� �Yes probably pretty bad.� This is actually the
best time and that way you won�t come back over here all
sore and tender, and they can heal all at once.�� Bart looked
at her carefully.� She closed her dark brown eyes.
���� �Let�s keep going, then I can just lay there and
suffer tomorrow,� she said, keeping her eyes closed.� Bart
pierced her navel quickly.
���� Then he said to her, �this next one will be a bit
harder.� You have to be perfectly still, if I don�t get it
perfectly straight your tongue stud will be crooked
forever.�� She nodded and put her tongue out; Betty held a
small plastic foam block under her tongue for him.� Five
minutes later she had her tongue stud in place.� Betty
assisted her out and to her stall.� Bart checked on her a
couple of times over the next few days.� She did very well;
she actually healed faster than usual.� She was healed
enough to be back on her feet in three days, her nipples were
still sore for a couple of weeks, but she was healed enough to
get her training started.�
���� Ponygirls with larger breasts, like Yasmin, had an
extra strap that was part of the pulling harness that went
around their chest below their breasts to hold them up and
control motion.� Without any sort on motion control they
often got sore breasts and many have had to take days off to
heal.� Time costs money, Wendy made sure that each
ponygirl who needed her breasts supported had it.� Often a
girl started believing she would need the extra strap found
that she didn�t need it after she lost the extra weight, when
they lost excess fat, their breasts lost weight too.
� ���Miss Wendell had a pair of permanent rings and
bells for Chloe.� One evening after Xian had bathed and fed
Chloe, she put a fresh pair of hoof-boots and pony-hands on
and took her without a bridal or bit to the tattoo shop.� Bart
met them at the door, and sent Chloe to the last chair.� Chloe
put her arms on the chair for Bart to strap down.� He put the
waist belt around her and removed her CBR�s.� Chloe sat
very still while he installed the new segmented rings, with her
new bells hanging from longer chains.� He put a drop of
�super-glue� on each end and made sure each was aligned
perfectly before he pronounced them done.�� Chloe found
out they were permanent when she got back to her stall and
wanted Xian to remove the bells so she could go to bed.
���� On Friday morning Glenda was late getting to
Erin�s stall, Erin was awake and standing when Glenda
arrived.� Glenda was pushing a small cart; among other
things Erin�s breakfast was on the cart.� After she ate Erin
brushed her teeth. She went over to the tack on the counter
and stood there waiting for Glenda to put her tack on.�
���� �We�re not putting tack on today Erin.� Please
come over here and sit down.� Erin did as she was
instructed.� Glenda had a black leather collar trimmed with
sterling silver on the cart, she locked it around Erin�s
neck.� Next she had a set of wrist and ankle cuffs that
matched the collar, she put these on Erin.� Also on the cart
were several silk dresses that fit Erin like the one�s Miss Evie
had sent for Ione.� Glenda had Erin try each one on.� Each
dress was very short, so short that the bell from Erin�s clitoris
showed beneath the hem.� The top was a so small that
Erin�s breast showed when she moved around.� Glenda
folded the dresses and put them into a valise.� Glenda�s cell
phone rang; it was Miss Wendell letting her know it was time
to bring Erin to the office.� She didn�t know that Miss
Wendell knew her cell phone number.� She locked a leash
onto Erin�s collar, and took her to the office, entering through
the private entrance. The only time she used the private
entrance to Miss Wendell�s office was when she was
expected, if she came for some business of her own, she came
in through the front.�
���� Miss Evie and Ione were already there; Miss
Wendell took the leash from Glenda.
���� �Thank you, Glenda, now go ahead and have
your weekend. We will see you on Monday.� She said. Glenda
went to Erin and hugged her and whispered good-bye in her
���� After Glenda left, Wendy turned to Erin,� �Are
you all-right,� she asked?� You seem unusually reserved.�
���� �No, I�m fine,� she answered.� She looked
around at Ione and Miss Evie, �What�s up?�
���� �You know that Ione isn�t going to be your
groom for the weekend like we had hoped, but Evie still wants
to have you for the weekend.� I�m sending you with her, to
her place.� This way you still get your pay and she will also
give you the tip you agreed on last month.� You won�t be
doing any ponygirl duties, but you will be her pet.�
���� Miss Evie stood up, �I think we should get this
show on the road, here�s your check.� She handed Wendy a
check, and Wendy gave her the end Erin�s leash.� She
handed Wendy the end of Ione�s leash.�
���� Miss Evie smiled as she stood next to
Erin,� �This is like having a standard instead of a toy.�� She
looked over at Ione, �I�ll see you Sunday, this isn�t forever
just for the weekend.� She picked up Erin�s bag and led her
toward the door.� Erin�s bells were jingling and tinkling as
Miss Evie led her through the outer office.� They got into Miss
Evie�s Lincoln.

���� When they got to Miss Evie�s home she led Erin
into the house.� Erin was surprised to see all the people
working there; they were not surprised or upset to see Miss
Evie leading a naked woman with a collar and cuffs.� She took
Erin upstairs to the master bedroom.
���� �This is our room, just stand right here for a
minute,� she said to Erin.� Miss Evie picked up the end of a
long chain that was attached to a loop set in the floor, and
locked it to Erin�s collar at the same time she unlocked the
leash.� �You can reach the toilet from here.�� She went
into the bathroom and returned with a small case; she put the
case down on the table beside the bed.� Miss Evie opened the
case it held several butt-plugs, all of them size seven.� She
selected one of the plugs and applied some lube to the end.�
���� �Erin turn around for me.�� She pressed the
butt-plug against Erin�s anus.� �Arch for me, and it�ll go in
easier,� Miss Evie suggested.� Erin arched her back and her
butt turned up, the butt-plug slid into her easily.� Erin
moaned slightly when the widest portion entered her anus.
��� They spent the rest of the afternoon quietly at
home.� Erin didn�t mind, but things seemed quiet and
tame.� Miss Evie made her sit on a towel if she sat in any
fabric-covered chair, and pointed out the chairs that she was
not allowed to use at all.� When evening came and all of her
outside help quit for the day, Miss Evie took Erin for a walk
outside.� They came back and stopped on the patio next to
the pool, there was a long chain coiled next to Miss Evie�s
chair.� She locked the chain to Erin�s collar and unhooked
the leash.
���� �You can reach the pool from here, if you
want.� It shouldn�t be cold the sun has been shining on it all
day,� Miss Evie suggested.
Erin nodded enthusiastically and went to the edge of the
pool, it was huge obviously Olympic sized, Erin slipped into the
water, she was afraid to jump, she didn�t want to come up
short and hit the end of the chain.� She looked back to see
she still had several coils of chain left.� She swam around a
bit and got out, when she looked around for a towel, a maid
was there immediately to hand her one.� The maid was
dressed in a gray and white stiffly starched uniform she had
several towels on a large wicker tray. This is really strange,
she thought.�� I�m here on a leash and this maid is bringing
me a towel. The maid was looking at her nipple rings and the
bells. Erin realized she was looking for the way to take them
��� �They don�t come off,� Erin told her.�
��� The maid looked at them, �Oh my,� was all she
said.� She put another towel on the chair next to Erin, and
went back inside the house.�
���� Miss Evie called Erin, �Please come over here a
minute.� Let me take a look at you.� When Erin stepped up
beside the lounge chair that Miss Evie sat in.� Her pussy was
even with Miss Evie�s face, Miss Evie picked up the bell
hanging from Erin�s pussy.� She pulled gently, Erin moaned
slightly.� Miss Evie put her fingers between Erin�s lips as she
traced the chain to the end.� When she got to the end she
grasped Erin�s clitoris between her thumb and
forefinger.� She rolled Erin�s clitoris between her fingers,
Erin writhed, but did her best not to pull too far.
���� �You have a huge clit, I�ve never seen one this
big.� It�s real sensitive too, isn�t it?� she said as she
pinched her fingers harder.� Erin moaned again, quite
loudly.� Miss Evie suddenly let go of Erin; she turned back to
her book.
���� �Go get back in the pool!� she said to
Erin.� �And keep your hands up where I can see �um.� Erin
just stood there for a few minutes.� Miss Evie pushed gently
on Erin�s hip.� Erin turned and went back to the pool and she
slipped into the water.
���� In a while Miss Evie called Erin to come over to
her, she attached her leash and unlocked the chain.� �After
you get washed up, we can have dinner,� she said.� They
went in the house then upstairs to the room she had shown
Erin earlier.� Erin stopped by the end of the chain so Miss Evie
could lock her up again.� Miss Evie shook her head, �No I�ll
take your collar and cuffs off so you can take a shower.� I
don�t really think you�ll run away, I just like having a really
good lookin� woman on a leash.� Erin nodded.�
���� �Do you want me to give you a bath?� she
asked.� �Ione told me that a groom gives you a bath every
day.� Turn around and I�ll take that butt plug out of
you.�� Erin turned around for her; she arched to make it as
easy as possible to get the butt plug out of her.� Miss Evie
pressed on the end and gently pressed it in small
circles.� Erin began to moan softly, Miss Evie grasped the end
of the butt plug and twisted while she pulled and removed it
from Erin.
���� �Well the groom does bathe me, I�ve only been
there for a couple of months, so I still remember how.� If you
want to wash me, it�s your deal, it would probably be real
nice,� Erin responded.� She hoped that she let Miss Evie
know that it was her call, she could wash herself, but it would
be nice to just stand there and have Miss Evie wash her off.�
���� �Good come on in the bathroom,� said Miss
Evie, as she walked into the bathroom, �check out the
shower.� Miss Evie took off her clothes as she walked,
dropping them as she went.� When she got to the shower she
was naked.� Miss Evie slid the shower door open.� The
shower was huge at least eight feet square, with six shower
nozzles.� Miss Evie was not exactly beautiful, but she was not
bad looking.� She was about five feet and four inches tall and
weighed about 130 pounds.� Her breasts were medium sized
and had large dark brown areolas.
���� She stepped back so Erin could get in too.� She
washed herself while Erin waited, then she started washing
Erin. When she was done with a very thorough bath, she
began to fondle Erin�s pussy and anus.� When Erin started to
moan and writhe about.� Miss Evie turned off the water and
said, �Let�s get dried off, and get our dinner.�� Miss Evie
had a real big blow dryer and Erin�s hair was dry in a matter
of minutes.
���� �Where did you get this dryer, I want one of
these,� remarked Erin. �We all have real long hair and it
seems to take forever sometimes.��
���� �Aren�t you still all turned on?� Miss Evie asked
���� �Yes, I am,� Erin answered, �but I am so
turned on so much of the time I�m used to it.�
���� �Ione said you ran all day everyday all turned
on.� That sometimes you are so wet that you come in to the
corral with dust and dirt stickin� to your pussy and
thighs.� This evening we are going to see what you can do,�
Miss Evie smiled bleakly.� Erin had a sinking feeling in the pit
of her stomach.� They walked down the stairs and went to the
dining room.� Dinner was all laid out on the table; a chair was
set-aside for Erin, a towel was folded and lay on the seat.
���� Erin finished most of her dinner, she ate plenty of
vegetables and a few bites of roast turkey, but she had lost
her appetite for meat.� She was surprised, on some days she
believed that the meatless diet Wendy provided was terrible
the rest of the time she just disliked it immensely.� She knew
that being naked all the time left no place to hide any body
fat, and that Wendy�s menu was superb for fat reduction.
���� Miss Evie made small talk, and Erin nodded and
said, �yes� at the proper times.� Miss Evie thought Erin was
a wonderful conversationalist.� When they were done Erin
went upstairs to brush her teeth.� When she was done Miss
Evie was waiting in the bedroom for her, she had a set of wrist
and ankle cuffs with a matching collar.� This set was polished
stainless steel, the collar was contoured to fit her neck
comfortably, not just a flat two inch steel band.� Miss Evie put
the collar around Erin�s neck and locked it with a small
polished brass padlock.� The wrist and ankle cuffs had self-
locks mounted on the outside of each band. The collar had five
rings evenly spaced around the outside to lock on to. The wrist
cuffs had three rings and the ankle cuffs had two. Each was
decorated with gold appliqu�s of ED, just like the tattoo on
Ione�s breast.�� Miss Evie snapped her leash on the collar
and took Erin downstairs.� The house was empty of servants
and domestics, except for a couple of voices from the
� �Tomorrow evening I�m having a little party, just a
few people, maybe ten couples.� They are all members of a
small club that I have.� In each couple one of them is the
Master and the other is a slave.�� We have parties as often
as we can, someone has to provide entertainment and
tomorrow it�s my turn. Tomorrow night you will be the
���� �Oh, what will I have to do?� Erin asked
���� �Nothing, I�ll take care of everything,� Miss
Evie smiled.� The sick feeling in Erin�s stomach returned.�
���� �Come on over here, sit by me for a little while,�
Miss Evie patted the upright chair on her right.� Erin sat there
and Miss Evie fondled her breasts and nipples.� She began to
play with Erin�s pussy and her clitoris. She fondled Erin
carefully, she intended to make Erin as turned on and
stimulated as possible without letting her have an orgasm.� If
she went too far and gave Erin an orgasm, she could just start
���� After about an hour and a half Erin started to sob,
tears streamed down her cheeks.�
���� �Would you like to have an orgasm,
Erin?� Would you like me to finish you?� she asked.
���� Erin continued to cry,� �Yes, please,� she
���� �Uumm, No,� Miss Evie said coldly. �Would you
like to finish yourself, while I watch?�
���� �Oh-ok,� Erin said softly.
���� �No, maybe not,� Miss Evie said again.� �Erin
put your hands behind your neck.� When Erin put her hands
up behind her neck Miss Evie locked her wrists to two of the
collar rings with two short pieces of chain, giving Erin�s each
of arms about eighteen inches of movement.
She effectively kept Erin from touching herself below the
���� �Erin do you know what a Sybian Horse
is?� Have you ever seen one?� Miss Evie asked.
���� �No, I�ve never heard of that breed.� She
���� �That�s not what it is, Erin,� She said. She took
the leash and led Erin into another room. It looked like a small
dance floor, or party room. At one end of the room was a short
heavy table; on top of the table was a rounded device that
looked like the seat part of an English riding saddle, but a bit
smaller, from the center of the seat a large dildo stood up.� It
was curved slightly forward.
��� �Ione told me how far into you she put her arm,
she also told me that you almost fainted.� Tomorrow we will
find out if you actually will get so turned on that you do
faint.� Erin didn�t say anything; she just looked at the dildo
sticking up from Miss Evie�s toy.� She realized that was why
Miss Evie was doing so much to turn her on and the not let her
have an orgasm, just get so close, and then stop.
���� �This isn�t as big as Ione�s little arm, but it�s
the best I could find on short notice, looks pretty good,� Miss
Evie was pleased with herself. �Come on, it�s bedtime, let�s
go upstairs.� When they got upstairs, Miss Evie locked the
chain to Erin�s collar.
���� Miss Evie looked at her gravely, �I think maybe I
should leave the chains on, help you keep your hands away
from where we wouldn�t want to see them.

��� Erin woke up in the morning when she heard the

maid cleaning up in the bathroom, and muttering about
picking up Miss Evie�s clothing.� Erin got up and went in to
the bathroom.� The maid looked up and saw Erin coming into
the bathroom she looked at Erin carefully.
���� �Wow, Ione said you were very tall, and very
beautiful,� she said softly.� Erin stepped closer, she nodded
and then looked toward the toilet, the maid realized what Erin
wanted and opened the lid for her.� Erin was unselfconscious
about using the toilet with her still in the room. When she was
done, she sat there a minute trying to decide what to
do.� With her hands locked above her waist she couldn�t
even reach the paper, let alone to apply it to its
purpose.� She smiled to herself � In other words, I can�t
even wipe my own butt.� The maid showed Erin the value of
good domestic help.� Without a word she stepped forward
and got a handful of paper and held it until Erin leaned
forward. �When Erin did she wiped her anus carefully, and
then got a second handful and did it again for her.
���� �She�s crazy, you know,� she whispered in
Erin�s ear.� Erin nodded quickly with a couple of little
motions.� She held up her hands demonstrating the wrist
cuffs and shrugged.� She knew there was nothing she could
do.� Miss Evie was going to try to get her so turned on and
then see if she could make her actually pass out from the
sensations.�� Erin didn�t mind that Miss Evie wanted to
show her to her friends, but trying to make her faint was just
mean, especially telling her about it before.� Erin knew that
she could not resist, once Miss Evie started to fondle her
nipples and play with her clitoris she would be unable to resist
or stop from getting so very stimulated.
��� The phone in the bedroom beside the bed rang, Erin
heard Miss Evie answer it. Miss Evie was not happy when she
was done.� She came into the bathroom, she had the keys for
the collar and cuffs, she unlocked Erin.
���� �Something has come up,� she said, �I�ll take
you home.� Please hurry and get your bag and get ready to
go.�� Erin waited in the bedroom, all she had to do was pick
up the bag and she was ready. She hadn�t worn any clothes
for two months.� When Miss Evie came out of the bathroom
she was dressed in designer jeans and a western shirt, with
the tails out.
�� �I need you to put on a dress,� she opened Erin�s
bag and picked out a pale blue silk one.� �Here this
one.�� Erin put it on, the silk was nearly transparent, and it
was so short that the bell dangling from her clitoris was visible
below the hem; her body was clearly visible through the
material.� Miss Evie had a leather collar that she locked
around Erin�s neck. She put a leash on the collar.�� Miss
Evie opened the little case of butt-plugs she had for
Erin.� She looked through the contents as though she had to
choose one.� Actually all of the butt-plugs were
identical.� She finally decided on one and picked it out.� She
had a little disposable packet of lube, after she applied lube to
the butt-plug she turned to Erin.
���� �Step over here for a minute Erin,� she said
brightly, as thought she wanted to show Erin an interesting
photo or a pretty hat.� Erin approached and turned around,
she arched her back to present her anus to Miss Evie.� Maybe
she had to let Miss Evie put a butt-plug in her, but she didn�t
have to let her enjoy it too much.�
���� Miss Evie glowered at Erin, but she pushed the
butt-plug carefully into her anus.� Erin gasped when the
larger part went through; Miss Evie turned the end of the butt-
plug in a circle to get it seated correctly.� Erin moaned
slightly, Miss Evie stopped and stood.
���� �I guess we better get this show on the road,�
she said as she started getting around to leave.� She picked
up a package from a stand behind the bed and dropped it into
Erin�s bag.� She took the end of the leash and led Erin out to
her car and they got in and she backed out of the driveway.�
���� As soon as they were on the road, Miss Evie made
several phone calls, she called Wendy and told her something
had come up and that she had to leave town and go to
Atlanta, that she was bringing Erin back and would be there in
about an hour and a half.� Then she called her pilot to make
arrangements to fly to Atlanta.� She settled back and started
to drive faster. After about an hour she pulled off the highway
and went through a drive-thru and got food for each of them,
and they were back on their way.� They got to Wendy�s
ranch exactly when she said she would.� Wendy was in her
office, and Xian was there with her, Ione was not there.�
���� �What�s going on?� Wendy was
concerned.� She looked at Erin.
���� Miss Evie held up her hand, and shook her
head.� �The CEO of one of my companies, in Atlanta, was
arrested by the SEC, the CFO left town.� He probably went to
New Hampshire.� Erin was wonderful, but I�ve got to go to
Atlanta, now. I may be as long as three or four months, can I
leave Ione here?�
���� �Of course, whatever you need,� replied Wendy.
���� She looked at Erin,� �You may want to give that
package I gave you to Miss Wendell for safekeeping, and you
look beautiful in that dress.� She handed Wendy a cell phone,
it had a small tag with Ione hand written on it.� With that
Miss Evie, got up and headed out.� Erin got the package out
of her bag, and opened it, she brought it to Wendy, and it was
full of money.� Bank banded packets of one hundred dollar
���� �It�s your tip, the whole thirty thousand
dollars.� What do you think of that?� said Wendy.� �I�ll
put it in my safe now and I�ll take it to your safety deposit
box Monday morning.� Before you go out take off the dress,
and it does look good on you.�� She looked toward Xian,
�Take that butt-plug out of her when you get to the
stable.�� Wendy obviously did not share Miss Evie�s
fascination with butt-plugs.
���� Erin said, �Thanks, it�s hardly much of a dress,
though.�� She stood up and took it off; she dropped it into
her bag.� Xian had the
end of her leash.� They went out and headed for Erin�s
stall.� Erin�s bells jingled and tinkled as she moved across
the room and through the door.�

Erin Meets an Old Friend

���� Erin spent the day in her stall, since Glenda was
out of town and the training handlers and grooms were all
dealing with the new ponygirls, Erin was pretty much on her
own.� Xian came by with her lunch and promised to be back,
at bath time.
���� �Maybe I can bring a friend to visit later, after
hours,� she said.� After hours was slang for after 9PM when
the customers had to leave.
���� Xian was back to bathe Erin a little early, at 8PM,
and she had Ione with her.� Ione was naked and on her
leash, Xian seemed to have made peace with Ione.� She even
had a butt-plug in Ione�s little anus.� Ione was having a
great time hanging out on the ranch.� She was a bit surprised
to see Erin.�
���� She came up to Erin and put her arms around her
waist.� Erin wanted to talk to her and to Xian, but there were
quite a few people around in the hallway.� She didn�t realize
that most of them were there to watch her getting her
bath. �Xian led her to the bath stall and turned the water on
for her. She adjusted the temperature for Erin and ushered her
inside.� Xian washed up Erin�s top half and Ione started with
Erin�s feet when they met in the middle Ione stepped into the
shower behind Erin and applied soap to her hands. She started
washing Erin�s butt, while Xian washed her belly and worked
down to her pussy.� Erin was moaning softly, she was getting
turned on quickly, all of the things Miss Evie had done got Erin
going quickly.� Ione had finished washing Erin�s anus and
was just fondling her.� Xian pressed her palm against Erin�s
pussy and Ione pushed two fingers into Erin�s anus.� Xian
pressed harder and then pulled her hand back, she folded up
her two middle fingers and inserted them into Erin. Ione
pressed harder and then released her hand pulling it back
entirely.� Xian pulled her hand back and then folded it and
pushed it into Erin, at the same time Ione folded her tiny hand
and pushed it into Erin�s anus.� They were both there with a
whole hand inside Erin.
��� Erin moaned loudly, and cried out loud, �Ooh My
Godddd!�� They didn�t stop; both were clenching and
unclenching their hands, and pushing in and out.� Erin
moaned again as she had an orgasm, but they didn�t stop
they kept up for ten more minutes, Erin had several more
orgasms, Xian didn�t try to count them, she thought that was
too tacky.� Ione had a different perspective, she counted
seven, but she was wrong, there were more.� They got Erin
dried off and back to her stall, when Erin looked at her clock,
she had been gone for over an hour.� Erin�s dinner was
waiting; it wasn�t much a soy lunchmeat and soy cheese
sandwich and a large bowl of salad.� There was a small note
from the kitchen �Sorry, We didn�t know you would be back
so soon.��

���� On Sunday morning Xian was there to wake Erin

about 6:00, she had Ione with her she just put hoof boots and
pony hands on Erin and they went to Wendy�s
office.� Wendy was there already, sitting at her desk. She was
wearing jeans and a white silk top.� Her little pink nipples
were clearly visible through the top.� It was the first time in
many years she had seen Wendy in casual clothes. She had
always dressed very well, since they were twelve years old in
about the sixth or seventh grade. �
���� She looked at Ione as though she was surprised
to see her there, �Do you have one of those butt-plugs in
you?�� Ione shook her head she looked a bit
scared.� Wendy continued, �I just got a call from Glenda,
it�s daylight back east.� She is getting married and not
coming back to work.� She will be back in a couple of weeks
to get her car and her stuff out of her room in the Groom
Room.� She looked at Erin, �Did you know what was going
on?�� Erin shook her head. Her bells tinkled as she did.�
���� �You know that I�m not exactly �In the Loop�
here.� You told me all I have to do is run in the direction I�m
pointed,� Erin responded.� She felt a bit abashed about
talking back to Wendy, but Glenda didn�t tell her
anything.� More than most everyone else, Glenda treated her
like livestock.� You wouldn�t tell a horse about secret plans,
Glenda didn�t tell Erin anything.
���� �I wasn�t accusing you of conspiracy, when you
were going with Miss Evie, she hugged you and whispered
good-bye in your ear.�� Erin realized how observant Wendy
really was.
���� �I wondered about that, but then I thought she
was just being sweet about my first paying customer and
leaving here with someone else,� responded Erin.� �You
know Miss Evie is crazy.� She had some pretty nasty plans for
me.�� They both looked at Ione.
���� �Maybe you should tell me about it later,�
Wendy said thoughtfully.� Erin nodded.
���� �But, Guess What!� said Wendy.� �I have a
surprise for you.�� She turned to her desk.� �Do you
remember, Alicia Perez, from our biology class.� She looked
at Xian.� �The three of us used to sit in the back together
and play with all of the display stuff the teacher had back
there.� We almost got caught when we opened a jar with a
pig fetus and stunk-up the whole room.� Well she has been a
groom on a ranch in south Texas, now she�s here.�� Wendy
went to the door to the outer office and opened it she ushered
Alicia in.
���� �Alicia just had to take the one day groom class
here.� Now I have someone I know that I can put with
you.� Xian did you bring the rest of Erin�s tack?�� Xian
nodded and held out a black nylon bag to Alicia.�
���� Alicia came up to Erin, she put her arms around
Erin, and she laid her head on Erin�s chest, and said �We�ll
talk later Hummm� she ushered Erin to a chair where she
could French braid her hair. After she was done she put Erin�s
bridal over her head and retrieved the long tongue stud and
bit from the bag Xian had brought, it was in a small box in the
bottom.� After everything was in place she got Erin up onto
her feet.� Erin was much taller with her hoof boots than
Alicia; she was taller than Alicia�s five feet and four inches
���� �Alicia will take you out for a few bites of
breakfast and then put you today�s line-up, there are so
many customers that I just barely have enough ponygirls to
keep them all moving.� No campers to today, just day-
trippers.�� Day-tripper was Wendy�s name for daily
customers who just wanted to have a ponygirl for a ride
through the country.� It could be the toughest assignment on
some days.�
���� Wendy had each customer checked through her
database.� Wendy had procured the same facial recognition
software that casinos used to look for undesirable gamblers,
card counters, and cheaters, and that airports used to look for
known terrorists trying to board planes, even
disguised.� Wendy�s observation abilities made her
undesirable in Nevada.� When she discovered {the hard way}
the usefulness of the program, she procured it
immediately.� Her people checked everyone who came here
against all of the files of offenders that were available on the
Internet.�� She did her best to keep her ponygirls
safe.� She really had two reasons, the first was that a
ponygirl was practically helpless, except to run, and she had to
do what she could to keep them safe from the customers. The
second was financial, each ponygirl represented an asset she
had to protect, and she made nothing on a ponygirl who was
laid-up.� She had health insurance, but business insurance
would not help her with any loss relating to ponygirls.
�� Alicia led Erin out to the stable. She stopped at the
cafeteria where she procured a bunch of food for Erin. Erin was
not too pleased when she found out that she was going to
have to eat with her bit and tongue stud in place and with her
pony hands, she had to let Alicia feed her.
�� When they got to the sulky corral Erin had gotten
interested in all the activity, there were customers and
ponygirls all around.� Once the customer was in the sulky, a
handler led the ponygirl to the corral gate.�� When they were
out the gate the handler let them go, the ponygirl had to start
going and get out of the way so the next one could get
going.� If the customer didn�t do anything the girl still had to
go somewhere, to get away from the corral gate.� If the
customer bought a ponygirl by the hour it was up to him or
her to get back on time or pay for the extra time, in fifteen-
minute increments.� There were extra charges for making the
girl wear a butt tail; the girl got seventy-five percent of the
extra fee Wendy charged.� This was not considered part of
the one hundred � four thousand dollars she was promised in
her contract.�
��� Erin got in the line for daily customers, or walk-
ins.� When she got to the front of the line the handler had a
small case with her name lettered on the top.� He opened the
case, Erin could see inside it was her butt-tail!� She had a
sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.� The handler had the
same green tube of lube in his hand that each groom and
handler used.� He applied a large glob on the end of the
plug.� He stepped up to Erin�s side and put his left hand on
her belly and held the tail in his right.� Erin arched her back
so that her butt turned up, this gave the handler better access
to her anus.� He pressed the butt-plug end firmly into Erin.
She gasped as the wide portion went through her anus; he
gave it a quick twist and moved it around to settle it in
her.� He helped an older woman into the sulky and led Erin
out through the gate and let go of her bridal.� Handlers in the
sulky corral didn�t have time to put a lead rein on each girl so
he just led her out by holding the side of her bridal.� Erin
started walking on the main trail immediately; the old lady
snapped the reins and wanted Erin to start going faster. The
pathways were marked in minutes to complete the loop. That
way the customer could pick the appropriate path to complete
their ride when the wanted to avoid excess expenses.�
� Erin ran through the path the old lady picked so fast
that they could also go around a short loop too.� The old lady
was so appreciative that she left a one hundred dollar bill for
� When she got back into line she thought a handler
would come and take the butt-tail out of her. The same
handler that had put the tail in her came up and led her near
the front of the line and had her stand still until it was another
old lady�s turn.� He came over and led Erin to the front of
the line.� He helped the old lady into the sulky.�
���� While he was leading Erin to the gate he
whispered in her ear, �Request,� was all he said.� She got
another tip when she was done.
By the end of the afternoon she had pulled about ten or
maybe even fifteen customers.� Not everybody left a tip,
fortunately no one else wanted to pay the extra fee for the
butt-plug tail.� All-in-all Erin thought it was a pretty good
day, especially for her first day.
After she was done Alicia, was waiting for her just out side
of the sulky corral gate, she snapped her lead to Erin�s bridal
and hey headed for the stable.� Erin pulled toward the blue
and white pole in the corner of the corral, Alicia went with her
so she could pee on the ground.�
���� As they walked along Alicia asked, �Well how was
your first day?� Erin nodded, she was tired but she liked
having the first day behind her.� Alicia noticed the wetness
and the dust clinging to Erin�s pussy and thighs.
���� �Do you want to eat first?� Alicia asked. Erin
shook her head. �Bath first?�� She nodded.
���� �I�ll give you a really good bath,� Alicia said
with a sweet smile.� They walked the rest of the way quietly.

��� Erin had been a bit concerned about Alicia giving

her a shower, but now that they were here and she was
getting wet her concerns seemed smaller.� Alicia was very
efficient, she had gotten Erin�s tack off and her hair braid
removed, very quickly, they were on their way to the bath stall
in just a few minutes.� Alicia got the water temperature
correct and held the gate open for Erin, after she was in the
stall Erin was not concerned about their prior relationship, but
Alicia was.� After Alicia washed Erin�s hair and arms and
then her legs, she started on Erin�s body.� She washed
Erin�s back, and then she stopped when Erin turned around
to get the front washed.� Alicia hesitated, her hands were up
she had already put more soap.
���� �Ok, it�s time,� Erin whispered.� Alicia
nodded.� Hesitantly she reached forward and washed Erin�s
breasts she continued with the rest of her upper body and
then returned to Erin�s nipples.� She carefully turned Erin�s
nipple rings to make sure she got any dirt or dust out of the
holes.� Alicia continued to squeeze and pinch Erin�s nipples,
until Erin started to breath heavier.�
���� �I guess there�s more to wash,,,huh?� Alicia
said softly.� Erin nodded.� Alicia stepped closer to Erin, and
reached down between them. She gently stroked Erin�s
pussy, and then she inserted her index finger between Erin�s
pussy lips.� When she touched Erin�s clitoris she pulled her
hand back, quickly.� Alicia stepped back and applied soap to
her hands, this time when she touched Erin it was to finish
washing her.
���� �Turn around, please,� said Alicia, and made a
twirling motion with her right hand.� Erin turned and arched
her back so Alicia had the best access to her anus.� Alicia
washed her carefully, to get all the lube from this morning�s
customers, and the dust and dirt clinging.� When Erin turned
around Alicia was ready to continue bathing her pussy.� Alicia
made sure the she did a good job with the ring through her
clitoris.� When she finished washing, she gently stroked
Erin�s inner lips with her left hand while she pinched and
pulled Erin�s clitoris with her right hand.� Alicia did not have
large hands and Erin�s vagina easily fit over her entire right
hand.� Alicia stroked her hand in and out until Erin had an
orgasm.� Alicia started to pull her hand back; Erin grasped
her wrist and held her inside, she shook her head and silently
mouthed, no.
���� �Please, not yet,� Erin said softly.� Alicia
nodded and reached around Erin with her left hand and began
to stroke Erin�s butt where she pushed two of her fingers into
Erin�s anus.� They were so close they were nearly hugging;
Alicia was getting wet in the shower, too.� When Erin had an
orgasm, Alicia pulled back and removed her hands.� She had
to assist Erin back to her stall, and dry her hair there.� She
got Erin�s dinner and left to go to the Groom Room.� Alicia
came back at 9:PM, she was walking with the handler who
came through to lock the doors, and she also had Ione with
her on her leash.
���� Alicia came in and sat next to Erin on a stool, Erin
�s stall didn�t have chairs there was a set of four matching
stools.� It was easier for a groom to get tack onto or braid
hair and put bridles on with the ponygirl on a stool.� Erin�s
were covered with red leather, and nice to sit on. The stools in
her stall were a bit higher because she was so tall, at five feet
and nine inches, her inseam was thirty-six inches and with her
hoof boots she was six feet-two inches tall, she needed a tall
stool.� She put her arm around Erin and leaned her head
against Erin�s shoulder.
���� �I�ve wondered where you and Wendy were,�
said Alicia, �your file said you�ve got just six more weeks
�til you get off the probationary status.�
���� �No four weeks,� answered Erin.
���� �Those first two weeks don�t count on your
ninety days of probationary running, you get paid for them of
course.� You still have to be running for ninety days.�
���� �Yeah, I just got stared here, I was in Phoenix
before,� Erin responded.�
���� �Did you do all right with me bathing you
today?� Alicia asked slowly.� �I felt funny at first, but after I
got started I felt a little better.� I did get it, from Paddy when
I got back to the Groom Room.� Getting in the shower with
you and getting all wet was too much like participating rather
than just giving you a bath.� I�m supposed to just bathe you
like giving a bath to a horse in the bath stall at any horse
ranch.� Then just masturbate you like it was part of washing
you up.�
���� Erin nodded, �I was a bit anxious at first, but I
got over it once you got started.� Lately it hasn�t taken
much to get me real hot.� Did you notice how wet I was when
I came in from the corral?��
���� Alicia nodded, �Yup, I sure did, do you get wet
like that often?��
���� Erin nodded, �I get wet everyday, especially
since Wendy had these rings put in me permanently.� Erin
gestured toward her breasts and the rings.
���� �Wendy did that?� Alicia looked in amazement.
�Did she say why?�
���� Erin nodded, �To see how hot I could get, and to
keep me turned on all the time. It works.�� Alicia reached
out and tenderly touched Erin�s left nipple ring.� �She did
what she thought would be best for me to enjoy all of the time
I spent as a ponygirl.�
���� �Well she treated you like livestock,� answered
���� �I am livestock.�
���� While they were talking Ione was quiet, she came
over to Erin and put her arms around her waist, even sitting
Erin was so much taller than Ione that she could only reach to
Erin�s waist.� Ione touched the bells hanging from Erin�s
nipple rings.� She played with Erin�s rings while they were
finishing their conversation.�
���� �Erin, the next time I help give you a bath, like I
did with Xian the other day, you have to have an enema
first.� I told Alicia all about it.� I also told her how far I
pushed my arm into you, and how much you were turned on
by that,� Ione related.� �I�m sorry about Miss Evie, I knew
that she was competitive, and that she wanted to show you to
her �special� club, but I had no idea that she was going ot
try to do that.�
���� Alicia looked at Ione, �Tomorrow we are going to
be running late, day-trippers until after 9:PM, and we�ll get
things ready for her when she gets done.� There won�t be
any customers in the stable, and as long as I stay dry, there
won�t be any problem.�
���� Erin smiled and nodded.
���� Ione looked at Alicia like she had just gotten all of
her wishes granted, �We can get everything ready for her,
and be all set up when we pick her at the corral.�� Ione was
ready to leave then so she could get back sooner.

���� Alicia woke Erin up at 8:AM and got her ready to

pull.� She took Erin to the sulky corral to start pulling at
9:30.� Erin had a pull that wanted her to wear a tail right
away, and then didn�t have another one until almost quitting
time, but then it was four in a row.
Then it was time to go, Alicia was waiting outside the gate
for her, and she had Ione on a leash.� When Erin saw them
Ione had her back turned and Erin saw that Ione had talked
Alicia into putting a butt plug into her.�
���� They walked to the stable with Alicia in the
middle, Ione was on the right, and Alicia had her leash in her
right and Erin�s lead in her left.� When they got to Erin�s
stall she quickly removed Erin�s tack and undid her French
braid.� Alicia had unlocked Erin�s inside room, and had
everything ready for Erin.��
���� �Erin stopped at the door, �I�m not supposed to
go in here yet.�
���� �You are not supposed to go in here yet, on your
own.� You have to go where I take you,� Alicia
corrected.� �I checked with Paddy, just to make sure.� Here
get up onto this table and lay on your right side, and draw
your knees up a little bit.�
���� Erin got up on the table as Alicia
instructed.� Alicia picked up a green tube and put a dab of
lube on the index and middle fingers of her right hand.� She
applied the lube to Erin�s anus and pushed her fingers into
���� While she was lying there looking up she saw the
enema equipment hanging from the stand by the head of the
table, �How big is this bag of water?�� Erin was concerned
that she wouldn�t be able to old it all.
���� �Just lie there and be quiet, Erin,� Alicia
cautioned.� Alicia had a long enema tube on the end of the
hose from the bag and started inserting it into Erin�s anus.
The tube was four feet long with a red line along it�s length,
and bands around it a foot apart.� Alicia pushed the tube into
Erin; she carefully fed the tube in, all four feet.� Erin stirred a
bit as Alicia was feeding the in the tube.�
���� �Be still, this won�t take too long,� Alicia said
as she patted Erin�s hip.� She opened the stopper and let all
of the water flow into Erin, and then she pulled the tube out
for one foot, the bag was empty, so she replaced it with
another two quart, bag of sterile water, and then released a
quart of water.� Alicia pulled the hose out another foot and
released another quart.� She changed the empty bag for a
third full one.���
���� �Erin started groaning, �I can�t take any more,
let me get up.�
���� �Lie still, only a little more.� I�ll tell you when
you won�t take anymore,� Alicia responded firmly.� Alicia
pulled the hose back about six more inches and then released
all of the water.� Ione had been watching the entire
procedure, she had a size 8 butt plug lubricated and ready to
�� ���Lie still, and don�t let anything leak out,� Alicia
ordered.� She withdrew the tube completely, and held out her
hand, Ione quickly put the butt plug into her hand.� She
inserted it quickly, but as gently as she could into Erin�s
���� �How long will I have to keep this in?� Erin
asked in a small voice, �will it be much longer?�
���� Alicia stroked Erin�s forehead, she shushed Erin,
�Be still, I�ll get you up in about five minutes. Then we�ll try
to go fifteen more.�
Erin nodded, she hoped it wasn�t for fifteen more after
that, she felt very full and she felt an uncomfortable
���� �I feel like I�m about to go right now, Alicia,�
she said, after almost five minutes.
���� �Go ahead.� With that butt plug in you nothing
will come out, but you�re welcome to try,� Alicia
responded.� Erin started sobbing silently, her shoulders were
shaking and tears were coming out of her eyes, but no sound
came out.� When Alicia saw this, she got Erin up, and they
started walking slowly down the hall toward the shower
stalls.� When they got to the back, they continued through to
some toilet commodes that were out side the rear doors,
setting in the open on the rear dock.� When Erin saw them
she tried to pull back, she wanted to use the ones inside, as
she had done since she got here.� Alicia didn�t allow her to
pull back.�
���� �If you want to go at all, you�ll go here, Erin,�
she said.� She continued to guide Erin to the toilets.� Erin
nodded.� When they got there Alicia guided Erin to the proper
position, to use the first toilet, the one most in the open.� She
reached behind Erin and touched the butt plug. She began to
gently press and push it in small circles.� Erin moaned she felt
her rings the bells swung around causing even more intense
sensations.� Erin started to have an orgasm; the feeling was
intense as it swept over her. She fell back Alicia held her up,
until she could pull out the butt plug.� Ione just watched as
she was amazed by the intensity of Erin�s response.� Alicia
and Ione stepped back while Erin expelled the water.� In
about ten minutes she wanted to get up, Alicia made her stay
sitting for a while longer.� In about five more minutes she
had some more to get out. When she was done Alicia and Ione
came up to her and got her to get up.
���� �Shall we go to the bath stall now,� asked
Alicia?� Erin just nodded, she felt quiet and peaceful.� Ione
snuggled up to her as they walked to the bath stall.� They got
Erin into the stall and washed her together, Alicia washed the
top parts and Ione the lower.� When they got together they
were done washing.� Alicia began to press her right hand
firmly against Erin�s outer pussy lips.� Ione had soaped her
right hand and pushed three of her fingers into Erin�s anus.
She intended to see how far she could put her arm into Erin
again, but this time into her anus, she and Alicia had made
this plan earlier.� She had heard from Betty that she had
measured Erin�s anus at size 8, nearly three inches.� Alicia
continued to fondle Erin�s pussy lips she was being careful to
keep from getting in Ione�s way.� They had gone over
anatomy charts to make sure Ione could get her arm inside
and follow Erin�s internals.� Erin stood with her legs slightly
apart and arched her back so Ione could get the best access to
her anus.� She wondered why Alicia wasn�t doing more and
trying to push her fingers inside.� She forgot about that when
Ione pushed her whole hand into her. Ione kept pushing and
more of her hand and arm went into Erin.� Erin began to very
hot, she was glad the water was running.� Alicia began to
pinch Erin�s clitoris gently, and began to pull also. She began
to pinch harder and pull farther.� Erin began to moan and
sob, and Ione continued to push her arm into her.� Alicia
started to grind her index finger and thumb together
squeezing Erin�s clitoris as hard an she could.� Erin began to
cry out loud Alicia kept her pressure on Erin�s clitoris, and
Ione actually had her arm into Erin nearly ten inches.� Erin
had the most tremendous orgasm she had ever had and then
again, when she had a third orgasm she fainted.
���� Erin opened her eyes and she was back in the
stall lying on her bed.� She felt odd, her clitoris hurt and her
anus felt tender, she was dry even her hair was dry, she tried
to imagine how long she had been there. She looked around
for her clock, but someone was standing in the way, Wendy.
���� �Hi there, Pervert,� Wendy said. She, Wendy,
and Alicia had called each other �Pervert� when they went
out together.
���� �Bite Me, Pervert,� Erin answered. �Where�s
the other Pervert?�
���� Ione came up, �You mean me?�� She was
naked, and had her collar on without a
���� �Yeah, you and that other Pervert,� Erin
answered.� She looked for Alicia.
���� Erin saw that she had a line drawn around her
arm, just above her elbow, with Erin written beside it.�
���� �That far?� How far is that? Did you measure
it?� Erin asked all at once, forgetting about her hurting
clitoris.� Ione turned her arm around and showed her where
she had written 10 � in.
���� Alicia came over; she knelt beside Erin and
hugged her around her neck.� �For a while I was afraid that
I�d killed you!�
���� Then Paddy came over; he looked down at Erin,
�Ya Know, I should Frie all Three of Ye!� nobody mentioned
that he couldn�t actually fire any of them, nor fry them
either.� Erin looked around her whole stall was full of people.
Chloe was there, and the ponygirl Shia, both of them were
naked, Chloe�s bells were tinkling as she moved around
talking to others there.� Shia didn�t have bells, hers were
removable, and her groom, Andrea, had taken them out when
she took the tack off.� The handler Betty came over and
smiled at Erin and patted her shoulder.� She straightened and
gave a quick wave; she was off headed to her room.�
���� �She has to work early,� Wendy said.� �I�ll be
seeing you three tomorrow, in my office.�� Wendy didn�t
sound too threatening as she said good-bye to them; she
leaned down and gave Erin a very sweet kiss on her
lips.� Soon everyone else was out and she had her stall all to
herself again.� The next morning would have to wait � until
the next morning � tonight Erin was going to sleep for a
while.� She�d heard people from her office � when she
worked in another life � about sleeping so well after having
sex.� She had not found sex very exciting before, tonight she
felt very satisfied and relaxed.

���� She woke up on her own and looked around; she

had expected Alicia to be there when she woke up.� There
was only one drawback about this whole life, her stall really
was locked, and she really couldn�t get out on her own.� Like
I told Alicia �I am livestock.��

���� Wendy�s office was pleasant, and it seemed

crowed with Erin, Alicia, Ione, Paddy, and Betty all
there.� Erin was wearing all of her tack, hoof boots, pony
hands, bridle and bit, and a sulky pulling belt.� She had been
out pulling since the first customers got there, thankfully none
wanted a tail.� It could have been a bit uncomfortable.� She
felt fine just that her clitoris was a bit tender,,,,,, no her anus
was a bit tender, her clitoris hurt like hell.� Erin, Ione, and
Alicia were all standing in front of Wendy�s desk; it was
obvious that Wendy was not terribly upset. She was bothered
that they were so hasty with their preparations.� She sent
everyone back to work, except she kept Erin and Alicia to talk
for a few minutes.� She still did not want Erin�s bit out
though.� Wendy had something more for Erin, she wanted to
find out of Erin was interested in doing something even more
extreme.� Erin could not ask anything she had to agree or
not, she wanted so much to see what she could do to achieve
sexual satisfaction.� When Wendy looked at her to have an
answer she could nod or not.� She nodded.�
���� Wendy told Alicia to take Erin back to work and
then come back to discuss a few matters.� Alicia clipped her
lead onto Erin�s harness and took her back to the sulky
corral.� When they got there she released Erin and turned
back toward Wendy�s office.� Erin felt a little bit anxious; she
knew they would be talking about doing what Wendy wanted
to do to her without her input, just like livestock.� She didn�t
get to worry about it too long though; she had to pull for most
of the afternoon, one customer right after the other.�
���� The next two weeks went by; as well as possible,
Alicia didn�t have anything to tell Erin. Erin didn�t know if
that meant Alicia didn�t know anything or if she wouldn�t tell
her anything.� She went out and pulled sulkies all day and
then Alicia and Ione took her back to the stable, gave her a
trip to the bath stall.� She needed Alicia and Ione to take care
of her every evening, she ran pulling a sulky all day, the rings
through her nipples and her clitoris stimulated her so much
that she came in every evening with dust sticking to the juices
on her belly and thighs.�� Erin had become very popular with
three different older women that came in often to take her
around the track.� They liked the fact that she was so fast,
and that she would go fast enough that they could get to run
an extra trip around a smaller loop for the same cost.�
��� Alicia brought Erin�s dinner one evening after her
bath; there was an envelope on the tray beside Erin�s meal.
���� �You got a letter so I brought it to you,� Alicia
said cheerfully.��
���� Erin practically tore the envelope open, �Who
would send me a letter?�� It was from Glenda, she was sorry
that she left the way she did; she was coming soon to pick up
her car and things she had left in the Groom Room.� She
expected to be there in two weeks, she would be bringing her
new husband too.� She told her new husband what type of
stable she had worked in.� He wasn�t sure he believed her,
so she wanted to show him around the ranch.�
���� Betty had been aiding Wendy and Alicia designing
some equipment for the Erin�s next step to get her as
stimulated as they could. Betty was familiar with a framework
to hold a skittish mare for breeding; it had been designed at
the horse farm in Tennessee. She re-drew the plan scaled to
fit a ponygirl.� Wendy had it made at a shop in
Centreville.� Wendy also purchased some other equipment, to
make the event more memorable for Erin. Betty used the
measurements she made during her practice test that day with
Pecos, to keep the whole project as quiet as possible. Erin had
gotten so much more excited when she had no control, so she
would be brought to the corral behind the training stable and
secured into the breeding frame without being informed what
was going to happen to her.�
���� Wendy had Paddy take Glenda�s car to
Centerville and had it detailed and checked over so Glenda
wouldn�t have any trouble with it when she was ready to
head out with it.�

Erin is finally Bred

���� Erin was out with one of her regular customers

when Glenda arrived; Wendy greeted her and met her new
husband. Edgar was a very nice man and Wendy could see
why Glenda had married him, but he was totally out of his
element here.� They left to go look around and Glenda got to
introduce him to everyone she could find.� Wendy�s plan for
Erin had been scheduled for tonight, she told Glenda that there
was a special treat for Erin and she was invited to bring
Edgar.� Wendy wouldn�t say more so nothing would possibly
get back to Erin.�� Wendy had invited Erin�s three special
customers to join them in the corral after the 9:PM
closing.� They all assured her that they would be there.
���� Keiko had gotten into good shape, she lost weight
to 134 pounds and her measurements were now down to
36AA-26-34.� The two Latina ponygirls were also getting into
shape. They had been a little slow to start, but now they were
competing with each other to see who could do the
best.� Ivette had gotten down to 34A-22-34 and Yasmin was
down to 34B-21-35.� Each had lost several pounds and was
proud of her new shape and figure.� Glenda had a chance to
show Edgar how the process started and what steps were
taken to achieve those results.� Both Glenda and Edgar had
taken care of horses for several years, so Edgar soon shared
Glenda�s attitude toward the ponygirls, livestock.�
���� Alicia was at the sulky corral to get Erin early; she
took Erin to her stall and then got her ready for her
bath.� They went to the bath stall and Alicia got the water
started.� Glenda and Alicia traded places then.� Glenda
stepped in when Alicia got Erin into the stall and ready to have
her hair washed.� When her hair was rinsed she realized that
it was Glenda doing the bathing.� There were several
customers watching the procedure as Glenda finished the bath
and started masturbating Erin.� She had Erin turn so she
could reach between her legs from the rear.� She pressed her
thumb into Erin�s anus and her two middle fingers into Erin�s
vagina.� She squeezed her hand and fingers together, and
inserted all four fingers inside Erin.� Glenda closed and
opened her hand to fondle Erin.� She didn�t take too long to
finish today.� When she got Erin out of the bath stall to dry
her, Edgar came up to help.� They chatted about washing
horses and washing ponygirls, and how they compared. The
only part Erin had in the conversation was that she was the
ponygirl.� When they were done Alicia took Erin back to her
stall.� Ione was there and she had Erin�s lunch.� Ione had a
matching collar and cuff set, they were black leather with twin
polished bands around each.� The collar also had a plate
riveted in the center of the front, with CP-CW engraved in the
center.� When she saw the collar, Erin wanted to ask what
was up, but there were so many customers in the hallway that
she could not speak out loud.� Ione smiled and
nodded.� Wendy had purchased Ione�s contract from Miss
Evie.� The only problem Ione had with the whole process was
that Wendy did not share her appreciation of butt
plugs.� Ione found out what Erin had learned, Wendy did
what she wanted with her livestock.����
���� Ione stayed with Erin through the evening, Alicia
booted her out when she came to put all of Erin�s tack on
her.� She braided her hair and put her bridle on her before
Erin realized things were not following the usual course, but
Alicia had gotten started before the 9:PM closing so Erin
couldn�t ask anything. Alicia had Erin all ready to go
quickly.� She snapped her lead to the right end of Erin�s bit
and led her out of the stable.� They headed toward the
training stable and as they walked Erin noticed that there was
quite a bit of activity around.� When they got near the rear
corral, Alicia took out a large black silk scarf she rolled the
scarf into a blindfold.� She put the blindfold around Erin�s
head, and made sure Erin could not see anything.� Erin knew
that there were no obstructions to trip over so she was not
concerned about that, but she knew that something was
happening and that she was part of it.� When she got into the
corral she could hear that there were several people trying to
be quiet in the corral.� The special guests included the three
customers that Wendy invited, Glenda and Edgar, plus Chloe,
because she and Erin were friends, and Shia, for Wendy�s
own reasons. Wendy had Ione with her; she held the end of
Ione�s leash.� Several other grooms and handlers were also
there to assist with the mating.� Erin was scared now, she
couldn�t see what was happening and heard nothing to
reassure her. Alicia led Erin to the breeding frame, Betty was
there to assist getting Erin secured into the framework.� They
secured Erin�s legs, then leaned her forward and attached the
straps to her arms and upper body.� The frame was
adjustable, so Betty pushed the forward part of the frame into
position.� Once Erin was locked into place, Alicia turned a
crank that moved Erin�s thighs apart giving complete access
to Erin�s pussy from the rear.� She was spread open for
everyone in the gallery to see.� The gallery was quiet in
anticipation of the next step.�
� Two handlers, Pecos and Betty, stepped forward and
lifted a covered table around and set it behind Erin.� Pecos
removed the cover, Betty finished the assembly and set a
stand behind Erin.� The machine was a motorized dildo; the
dildo was 12 inches long with a��� 3-� inch diameter. The
machine was already adjusted for Erin, the dildo would move
in and out 9 inches. Wendy had wanted to be sure that it
would not go far enough inside Erin to cause any damage, and
that that 3-1/2 inch diameter was large enough to fill Erin
without hurting her.� After the machine was set and the dildo
inserted in Erin, Betty removed the blindfold, and Pecos turned
on the motor to start the dildo moving in and out of
Erin.� The blindfolded trip had gotten Erin so turned on that
Betty didn�t need to use any lube to get the dildo started, and
once it was moving in Erin she made even more. Erin�s bells
were now dangling straight down from her nipples, and
swinging around from the motion of the machine.� Erin�s
sensations were so very intense, her nipples and her pussy
were both being stretched, and she was strapped to the frame
and held in an open position. Erin started to have orgasms
almost immediately. Wendy kept the machine going for half an
hour. Then she signaled Betty to pull the plug. Wendy had the
machine shut down and Erin was nearly unconscious,
again.� Alicia went to Erin and started untying her; Betty
came up to help immediately.� When they got Erin untied she
was very peaceful, and she just wanted to lie there.� Alicia
got her up and took her to where Wendy was sitting with her
guests.� �Erin, is very responsive for us, the more we take
control of her the stronger her response.� Shia was rapt, she
was also a quite jealous, and she saw how strongly Erin
responded.� She wanted the same for herself.� That was why
Wendy had her brought to the corral.
���� Chloe and Shia were the only other ponygirls that
Wendy had brought to the corral; both were in their finest
tack. Chloe was happy for Erin, she knew how intense Erin�s
response was,� she had come into Erin�s stall the night Alicia
and Ione had made her faint.� Shia wanted to be taken to the
same heights.� She came up to Wendy and stood beside Erin,
she hoped that Wendy understood what she was trying to tell
her.� Wendy smiled at Shia; she knew exactly what she
wanted.� That was why Wendy had her brought to the corral
that evening.
���� Wendy saw her guests out and then had Shia
brought to her office, in her tack.�
���� �Shia, do you want to try to go where we have
just taken Erin?� she asked.� Shia nodded.
���� �How much do you want to turn yourself over to
me?� was her second question. Shia shrugged, she did not
know the answer.
���� �Does that mean you will do anything I ask?�
and Shia brightened she nodded and smiled.� Yes, Yes,
Yes,� anything, YES she would have shouted if she could
���� The next morning Wendy checked with Bart, �Do
you have another set of permanent rings there?�� Yes he
���� �I�ll be sending Shia over this evening, please
install a set for me,� she suggested.
���� �I�d be glad to help out,� Bart responded.

Shia Gets Hot

���� Wendy asked Shia�s groom Andrea about getting

Shia more turned on all the time.� Andrea said she didn�t
believe Shia was that hot, she only asked to be masturbated
every two or three days, besides she didn�t really want to be
doing it all that much anyway.� Wendy had Joan take over for
her that day, Andrea took Shia over to the sulky corral and
she was transferred to one of the new girls.�
���� Shia finished up pulling from the sulky corral; one
of her customers was one of the ladies from last night.� She
had wanted to get a better look at Shia.� When Wendy
explained how Erin had gotten more intense orgasms the more
self-control was taken from her, and now Shia was interested
too.� So she came out and rented an hour to get a good look
at Shia.�
�� Shia was ready to go when Joan got there to get her
from the sulky corral, her last customer had just gotten done
and the handler unhitched her and then Joan was there to get
her.� Wendy had called earlier to have her released early and
called Joan to get there to pick her up.� Joan snapped her
lead to Shia�s bridle and led her to the stable.� When they
got there Joan removed Shia�s tack and led her to the bath
stall.� Joan adjusted the water for Shia; she didn�t want the
water all that hot she preferred to cool off at the end of a hot
day with a comfortable shower.� Joan washed Shia�s blonde
hair first then she worked down to her shoulders.� She had
Shia turn around she washed her upper body then washed
Shia�s breasts paying special attention to her pink nipples,
making sure the holes were clean of all road dust.� Joan
finished Shia�s body and then skipped to her feet working up
her legs.� Joan washed Shia�s butt first making sure she did
a good job around Shia�s anus.� Shia�s pussy was washed
carefully; Joan pressed the palm of her hand on Shia�s
pussy.� Joan pushed her middle fingers into Shia until she
stared to moan.� She had Shia turn around and open her legs
so she could fit her hand between them.� Joan pressed the
palm of her hand on Shia�s pussy and put her two middle
fingers into Shia and then pressed her thumb against Shia�s
anus.� She pressed harder until her thumb went into
Shia.� She grasped and released until Shia had an orgasm,
but she didn�t stop. Joan continued until Shia had a second
orgasm.� Shia just stood in the stall until Joan took her by the
shoulders and moved her out to the center of the room.� She
got Shia dried and her hair blown dry.� They went back to
Shia�s stall and found Shia�s dinner was there waiting for
her.� Shia ate and brushed while Joan was gone to check with
Bart. She came back and put hoof boots and pony hands on,
they left without bridle and bit.
���� Bart was waiting for Shia when they got there; he
opened the door for them.� Bart locked the door during the
busy season because so many customers came in to see that
was going on that he was concerned about sanitation.� He
directed Shia to his favorite chair, the last one, at the end of
the line of four.� He strapped her wrists down on the arms of
the chair and put the waist belt around her.� Bart removed
the CBR�s from her pink nipples and got the new permanent
rings ready to go in.� Shia asked if these rings were
permanent, Bart nodded.� He wasn�t sure if she was aware
of the plan or if she was willing to take a permanent
step.� Shia sat still for him to complete the installation of her
new nipple rings.� When Shia stood she jiggled her chest so
the bells jingled, she got a surprise.� She had more intense
feeling than she had ever had.
���� �Ooh! Wow! These are really something,� Shia
was overjoyed.�
���� Bart said, �You know they don�t come out,
���� Shia stopped, �Ever? Never, ever?� Bart shook
his head gravely.
���� �They are made of titanium, it�s gold plated
titanium, I had to open them with this tool,� he held up the
special pliers, �and before I released them, I put a drop of
this �super-glue� on each end.� Now I can�t open them
with the little tool and a saw will just get so hot you�ll get
burned real bad.�� He turned to Joan and had her take Shia
back to her stall.� She went quietly with Joan.�
���� In the morning Joan got her out to the sulky
corral and she went right out with her first customer.� While
she was out pulling, Joan and Betty opened a different stall for
her.� There were four stalls on a raised platform in the center
of the hallway; Wendy had closed them because they were all
open, on all four sides.� It left the ponygirl completely in the
open at all times.� Even the little toilet commode was in the
open.� She wanted Shia in one to take some more self-control
from her.��������
���� When Joan met Shia at the sulky corral, she had
Ione with her.� Joan had heard from Paddy how much Ione
helped with Erin, so she got permission from Wendy to use her
to help with Shia.� Wendy�s motives were not entirely
altruistic, she saw how much Erin was in demand by
customers and how much more she made. Having a ponygirl
that was all turned on and getting wet while running was good
for her too.� When Joan and Ione brought Shia in from the
sulky corral, they took her to her new stall.� There were
several customers around watching as she took Shia�s tack
off.� They took Shia down to the bath stalls and put her in her
stall.� Ione helped washing her, Joan started on top and Ione
with Shia�s feet.� By the time they met in the middle, Shia
was getting really turned on, she was breathing heavy and
moaning softly.� Joan washed her soft, pink nipples carefully
making sure she turned the rings so they were clean in the
centers.� Shia�s nipples were very sensitive, the jiggling and
shaking from running all day with heavier bells and chains
affected her more than she thought possible.� Ione started to
wash Shia�s butt and worked down to her anus, Ione soaped
her fingers and pushed her index finger into Shia.� Shia
arched her back so Ione had better access to her anus; Ione
pulled her hand back to put another finger into her.� Shia�s
anus was not as easy to push into as Erin and been, but Ione
knew she would be soon.� Joan put three fingers into Shia,
they were a tight fit at first, so she kept spreading them to
help make more room and stretch Shia.� Shia had an orgasm,
but Joan and Ione kept on.� Joan intended top stretch Shia
enough to get four fingers inside, and she hoped Ione could
get three fingers in too.� By the time Joan had Shia stretched
enough to get another finger in she had two more
orgasms.� Ione didn�t get Shia stretched enough to insert a
third finger.� Joan got Shia out of the bath stall and rubbed
her dry with a large bath towel.� Wendy wanted each girl
dried by the stall, so she was taken down the hallway
completely naked, and not partially wrapped in a towel.� It
was important to have them naked for the customers who paid
to go into the hallway to watch bathing and care by the
grooms.� W hen Joan got Shia back to her stall, dinner was
waiting, and after Shia ate and brushed Joan left her for the
night.� Shia started to wonder as she lay on the bed, she felt
more like she was on display than she had since starting
��� After Joan got Shia out for the next day, she
checked with Paddy, about getting a butt plug for Shia to get
her anus stretched a bit.� Paddy called her later and told her
Wendy wanted to see her in the office, and to go in through
the private entrance.� When Joan went into Wendy�s office
Ione was there already.� Wendy was not in favor of butt
plugs, but Ione had come to her with the same idea for
Shia.� Wendy was surprised when Ione and Joan had the
same idea.� Ione said she thought that stretching Shia�s
anus would help getting more fingers into her.� Joan wanted
to just get Shia to be able to relax her anus.� Wendy agreed
that relaxing Shia�s anus would help her to achieve the
sexual heights she sought.� Wendy explained that Shia really
couldn�t be stretched; they could get her to relax her anus for
maximum penetration.� So she agreed to letting Joan use a
butt plug to get her opened more.� She checked the file and
found Glenda measured Shia when she first started as size 6,
two and one-half inches.� Wendy told Joan she was
authorized to go to size 6, the few moments she would be
open larger to get the butt plug in were not important.� After
they left Wendy called to the sales office, and had them offer
half-price for anyone to promote interest in getting a butt tail
in Shia.� Within ten minutes Shia had her first customer with
a butt tail in several days.� The handler brought Shia to the
front of the line and brought the box with Shia lettered on the
top.� She opened the box and took out the butt tail; she
stepped to Shia�s left side.�� After she applied lube, the
handler put her left hand on Shia�s belly and held the butt tail
in her right hand.� Shia arched her back to give the handler
better access to her anus.� Shia moaned softly as the handler
pushed the wider part through her anus, the handler gave the
tail a twist and pulled gently to make sure it was seated
properly.� When she released Shia on the trail she began to
run immediately, the customer was not quite ready and was
surprised.� He had rented Shia previously, he liked the way
she looked from the rear, but this tail swaying before him was
very nice.� When this ride {ponygirl slang for customer} was
done the handler got Shia from the rear of the sulky line and
brought her to the front, a second customer wanted her with a
butt tail. Shia ran the best she had in quite a while.� Ivette
was next in line when the handler brought Shia in front of her
for a small man who looked pretty light; Ivette had three
heavies on a row and really wanted a light ride, the next ride
was another heavy.��� Wendy wanted each of the girls to
pull from the sulky line when they first stared for the
experience.� Ivette and Yasmin pulled from the sulky corral
three times a week and worked together the other
days.� Shia finished this ride and the handler took the tail
out, which was the last butt tail customer for the rest of the
���� Joan and Ione were waiting for her when the
handler released her; before Joan led Shia to her stall she
inserted a size 6 butt plug, then Joan led her to her
stall.� Joan opened a small box with the butt plug
inside.� She opened the box so Shia could see it before she
took it out.� After she lubed the end she stood at Shia�s side
and put her left hand on Shia�s belly, and pushed the butt
plug into her with her right hand.� Shia was excited, very
excited, her nipples and anus were very tender, and her pussy
was wet.� Joan had noticed the dust sticking to Shia�s pussy
lips and thighs.� Tonight she and Ione would give Shia
another �good� bath.� Shia was looking forward to it;
Andrea had not been all that interested in helping her after a
hard day.� She had to ask for relief and then Andrea just did
as little as necessary.� Joan had been masturbating her daily
like it was part of the bath.� Shia wanted to run to the stable.

���� Erin ran with Chloe beside her, they had been there for
the Grand Opening of Wendy�s new campground.� They pulled the
first customers to the first campsite opened, in the new
campground.� Erin and Chloe were moved to the new stable a
week before the place opened for customers.� The first night there
was quiet.� There was little activity around, the only grooms there
were their own, and the usual activity of other grooms and hands
getting food and cleaning was all still working at the old area.� The
services were still all being handled from the other ranch.�
���� The first customers wanted to go to the farthest
campsite. They had some equipment; they also wanted a butt plug
tail in each girl. They ran together side by side all the way to the
campsite, the full ten kilos without stopping even for a drink.� After
they ran to the campsite the customers unloaded their gear.� They
turned the girls around and sent them back to the front.� They
watered the girls and sent them on their way back.� In two days
they would have to come back here and pick them up.� There were
some concerns, but things started quite well.� Wendy stood by the
ribbon that she had set up to cut for the opening of the new
campground.� She held Ione�s leash in her left hand and cut the
ribbon with her right.� Ione had come here with Wendy for the
grand opening.� They saw Erin and Chloe in their full tack, standing
side-by-side. Erin and Chloe were both six feet-two inches tall in
their hoof boots. The girls were so impressive when they moved out
with the first customers, their nipple bells jingling and sparkling in
the sun, that Wendy had to hold back a tear.�� She was overjoyed
at the opening of her new campground; she had saved the old dude
ranch from extinction. Wendy had done well, and provided a serious
income for many people in the area, but to Wendy that was her
father�s original ranch, this triumph was her own.� Ione was
standing beside Wendy. She wore only a collar and cuffs, wrist and
ankle.� Not only had she convinced Wendy to allow her to wear a
butt plug, she also cajoled Wendy to push it into her.� Wendy had
not shared Ione�s interest in butt plugs.� Wendy purchased
Ione�s contract from Miss Evie, who held Ione for almost one
year.� Miss Evie obtained Ione from Hawaii, and kept Ione with
her.� She had to leave Ione with Wendy for a time.� Wendy
developed affection for the tiny girl, so she purchased her from Miss
Evie.� As their relationship developed, Wendy found that she was
keeping Ione with her more every day.� Wendy didn�t mind so
much that Ione wanted to have a butt plug in her anus
often.� Today with the opening of her new installation she felt
magnanimous and even pressed the butt plug into Ione herself.�

��� �One week to the day later was Wendy�s twenty-fourth
birthday; Erin made plans to give Wendy a surprise party.� Erin felt
a very strong affection for Wendy.� Since Wendy signed Erin to be
a ponygirl for her ranch, Erin had been closer to achieving sexual
ecstasy than ever before.� The plan was to give her a birthday ride
in a sulky, pulled by Erin and Chloe.� When they came back into
the corral the rest of the guests would be assembled for the
party.� The sulky ride would take at least an hour and forty-five
minutes, preferably two hours.
���� �As much as I hate tails we should consider wearing
them,� she said to Chloe.� �Let�s get out best new tack, and
we�ll tell her we want to give her a birthday present, a ride around
the new campground. I know she has been up there lots of times,
but in her Jeep.�
���� Chloe nodded, �I�ve never seen her riding in a
sulky.� If we tell her we want give her a birthday present, she
won�t be able to turn us down.�� They were in Erin�s stall, they
had gotten Alicia to put them in together for a while and keep an
eye out.� Erin had been naked since she started here for Wendy;
she had been moved to a stall without the small private section that
came when the probationary period was complete.� Wendy began
taking control of Erin slowly, at first slightly; doing things for Erin
without consulting her, later she ordered permanent rings with
chains and bells installed in Erin�s nipples and her clitoris.� The
permanent rings kept Erin stimulated so that she was always wet,
and lubricating. Lately she has been on the verge of orgasm, she
loved Wendy for seeing this in her.� Now it was her turn to help
pull a surprise on Wendy for her birthday.
���� On Wednesday afternoon Wendy called Joan into her
office, �I�ve got something more for Shia, since she doesn�t have
a clitoris big enough to pierce, we�ll get her hood pierced. I noticed
that she has a very fleshy triangle, get it pierced, two deep holes.
I�m not comfortable about permanent rings there.� Let�s put in
two of those new-segmented ones, but not put any glue on the
ends. She won�t know that they aren�t permanent because she
won�t be able to get them off herself, and we won�t tell her.�
���� Joan agreed to take care of Shia�s, new
piercing.� She would check with Bart and get things started in the
morning.� Joan started to leave to get to Shia�s stall, to get it
cleaned up for Shia to come in to after work.
��� �Oh, keep her in full tack tonight, bit and tail,� Wendy
smiled.� Amazed Joan just nodded.� �Please don�t say anything
to anyone else.�� Joan shook her head, no.

���� Erin and Chloe ran across the campground Wendy was
in the sulky, she was holding the reins, but not giving any
directions.� She decided to go ahead and take Erin�s invitation to
go for a sulky ride.� She was enjoying watching her two ponygirls
as they ran; they had gotten all of their best tack and even had butt
plug tails.� She watched their hips as they swayed in front of
her.� Erin wanted to show Wendy what she had accomplished, how
hot she had become under Wendy�s control and instruction.� As
they ran along they pulled Wendy at a fast clip, she was proud of
them.� They had become strong and fast.�� They started to turn
so they could start back toward the stable.�
���� When the two pulled into the corral behind the training
stable, everyone there was ready and yelled� �SURPRISE�
Wendy was suitably surprised.� Alicia and Betty hurried to unhitch
Erin and Chloe, and remove their bits and bridles.� Joan had Shia
with her and she had a lead on Shia�s bridle and a butt plug in her
anus, she made no move to take off Shia�s bridle or to remove the
butt plug.� Chloe�s new groom Alyssa took the tails out of Chloe
and Erin, and unlaced their pony hands.� They went over and
joined the line for ice cream and cake, and then went over to Wendy
for the presents.� Erin stepped up to Wendy and hugged her.
���� �Happy Birthday, from all of us,� she whispered in
Wendy�s ear.
���� �And especially from you. Thank You. I appreciate all
you�ve done,� Wendy whispered back to her.� Wendy held Ione
by her leash so she stayed close to Wendy.
���� Denise was there with two other ponygirls, who were
dressed; Denise was wearing her favorite clothes.� She had on a
very short skirt, and a sleeveless top, a dark blue skirt and light
blue silk top.� She also wore a pair of high-heeled sandals.� Her
top was just one layer of light blue silk and was completely
transparent; her skirt was so short that her pussy peeked out below
the hem.� When most ponygirls actually put clothes on they were
usually covered.�
���� �Denise, do you have any clothing that actually covers
you?� Wendy asked smiling.����
���� �Don�t these?� Denise sounded surprised. Denise
looked down at herself.�
���� Ione stepped behind Denise and touched her on the
bottom of her butt; Denise turned slowly, and smiled down at
Ione.� She arched her back even a little more, the high-heels kept
in an arched position, but she arched even a little more, for
Ione.�� Ione touched her index finger against Denise�s
pussy.� Then Ione pushed her index finger between her pussy lips,
Ione gently stroked her inner lips.� Denise started to wriggle, she
moaned softly.� Denise had started to lubricate, Ione pushed two
of her fingers into Denise, when she pulled back out Denise turned
around.� Ione put these two fingers in her mouth, and smiled at
���� Denise had small outer lips but her clitoral hood was
quite large, a large piece of flesh protruding from between Denise�s
lips.� Ione took this delicate flesh in her fingers.� She pulled gently
and rolled it between her fingers. She looked down at Ione, and
���� �We�ll have to meet soon, Ione,� she said. �I can�t
keep this up for too long, without falling down.�� Ione nodded.
���� �Soon then,� she said.� Denise smiled.
���� Joan got Shia and led her by her lead up to Wendy,
Shia couldn�t speak with her bit in place, but she stood in front of
Wendy.� Wendy smiled she thanked Shia for coming to her party.
Joan led her to her stall.� In her stall Joan unclipped her bit, and
held the end of her long tongue stud, until Shia put her pink tongue
out for Joan to slip it out and replace it with the small stud.� Joan
finished removing her bridle, the she unlaced Shia�s pony-hands
and hoof-boots.� When Joan had these off Shia turned so she could
remove the butt plug.��
���� �Ya know, that thing really gets me turned on.� I was
surprised when you put it in this evening.� Thank you,� said Shia.
����� The next morning, Joan woke Shia, and got her
around to go to the sulky corral, she didn�t tell Shia about the
plans for her for after she finished.� Her first customer was waiting
when she got there, the handler came and got her from the rear of
the line and brought her to the front.� Shia was surprised when she
had the box with Shia�s butt-tail in it.� The handler took the tail
out and applied lube from her tube and had Shia turn to the side,
she put her left hand on Shia�s belly and pressed the tail into
Shia�s anus with her right hand.� Shia�s customer was a big
woman, she needed help to get into the sulky, once she was in Shia
got going easily.

Erin�s New Owner

Shia�s Scare

���� Erin and Chloe were pulling customers everyday; the

new campground was a hit.� Wendy was overjoyed; her plan was
coming to fruition.� She felt like Christmas was here early.� Erin
was having more intense reactions than she ever had before,
customers wanted to pay extra to have her pull them around, just
to see how hot she got for them.� Erin came into the stable every
night with dust clinging to her pussy; she was so intensely turned
on, sometimes Wendy wondered what to do next. Wondered of
there was anything more that she could do to take her further.�
���� She was very surprised when one of Erin�s first
customers Lydia Carstairs came to her with an offer.� She had been
a guest at the corral the night of Erin�s mating.� She had wanted
to have Erin since that night, seeing her secured into the breeding
frame had given Miss Lydia some ideas of her own.� When she
explained to Miss Lydia that Erin represented significant investment
and that she had a contract that would cost almost $200,000 over
the next year and a half, plus what she would make for Wendy, she
was worth close to half a million. Miss Lydia had to
reconsider.� That had given Wendy an idea; she could lease Erin to
Miss Lydia for a couple of days. If she let Erin think she belonged to
Miss Lydia, it could have the same effect.� It took Wendy just two
days to get things all arraigned.� She had to get things set-up for
Erin after she was delivered, Miss Lydia needed something for Erin
to do.� Erin�s life here was quite busy, she had complained that
Miss Evie didn�t really have anything for her to do.� Other than
wanting to try to stimulate her into unconsciousness, she was just
there.� Wendy would see to it that Erin was given something to
���� Erin went out with Chloe to pick-up a couple they had
taken out two days ago.� A handler hitched them to the sulky and
reminded them of the campsite number they were headed toward.
When they got there the campers were ready to go.� They
watered the girls turned them around and packed their things, and
headed out.�
���� When they got back Wendy was waiting, she had Ione
with her on her leash, with a golden chain collar and matching
cuffs.� Ione had her hair braided in cornrows, a little golden bell on
each braid.� She was very beautiful, Wendy had Ione�s naked skin
oiled, and with the cornrow braids and golden chain she looked very
���� She had Alicia bring Erin to her small office here at the
new campground, where she signed the papers with Miss
Lydia.� When they were done Miss Lydia handed her a check, Erin
didn�t see that the check was for $1100.oo, the cost of the 2-day
lease.��� After they signed the papers Lydia rose to leave, she
walked to Erin and put her hand on Erin�s arm. She took Erin�s
lead from Alicia and pulled Erin�s face a little lower.� She kissed
Erin on the cheek, and whispered in her ear.�
���� After she left, Wendy had Alicia bring Erin
closer.� �You know there are times in business that you may have
to do things that seem a little uncommon,� she began, �to be
successful you sometimes have to anticipate business trends.� That
paperwork was where I just had to sell you to Miss
Carstairs.� She�ll be back to pick you up in a couple of hours.
Right after Alicia bathes you, and gets you ready to
transport.�� Wendy took Ione with her to her Jeep. They got in
and left.
���� Alicia took Erin to her stall and began removing her
bridle and bit.� When she had all of Erin�s tack off she led her to
the bath stall.� As she worked she had to ignore Erin�s tears,
Wendy had to bring her into the whole plan. She wanted Alicia to
treat her like livestock, traded away and soon she would have
another ponygirl to look after.� She was also supposed to give her
just a quick orgasm and then get her back to her stall, like she was
looking forward to getting her next assignment.� She adjusted the
water for Erin and opened the gate for her so she could get
inside.� After she was in Alicia washed her hair and started on
Erin�s back, she washed down to the top of her butt, and stopped
so Erin could turn around.� She washed Erin�s breasts and paid
attention to get all the dust out of the holes in Erin�s nipples, Alicia
turned the rings to be sure they were clean all the way
through.� Alicia skipped to Erin�s feet and legs, and worked her
way up to her pussy, she washed Erin well and made sure her
clitoris piercing was clean. Erin was getting very turned on.� She
was getting so very hot she couldn�t help it; over the last few
months she was trained to be very responsive.� Alicia pressed her
right hand against Erin�s pussy and pushed her two middle fingers
between Erin�s lips.� She slid her hand further between Erin�s
legs until her fingers were over her vagina.� Alicia bent her two
middle fingers up and into Erin and then pushed in and out until Erin
had an orgasm.� Alicia stopped immediately; she turned off the
water and got Erin out of the stall.� She dried Erin quickly but
carefully.� When she was dry she took Erin back to her stall and
dressed her in good, but everyday tack with a bridle and bit.� She
took Erin back to the main stable where Miss Lydia was waiting with
a van.
�� The handlers secured Erin in the back of the van with four
ropes tied to her arms and legs, and Miss Lydia set off with Erin
sobbing in the back.�� They drove for nearly two hours and pulled
into a small ranch.� She had two hands there to help get Erin out
of the van; they took her into the stable.� A trainer was waiting for
her there and told her she wanted to get started right away.� When
Erin looked at her, she told Erin that this was a racing stable, and
that Miss Lydia was going to make her a racer.�
���� Before the trainer took her out to the corral, she used a
small chain to lock Erin�s hands together behind her back.� She
took Erin outside and snapped a lunge line to her bridle. They spent
the next several hours running, and accelerating from a stop, in a
large circle in the center of the corral.� Miss Lydia wanted to do the
washing herself.� She was intrigued with the idea that she could do
anything she wanted to Erin. She came out to the corral and got
Erin for feeding and bathing.� She took Erin into the stable and
stripped all of her tack off, and then led her to the bath stall.�

���� When Shia was done for the day, Joan met her at the
sulky corral gate, with a butt-plug. She snapped her lead to Shia�s
bridle and led her to the side out of the way of the other ponygirls
and grooms.� When Joan lubed the end of the butt-plug Shia
turned to her right, and arched her back to turn her butt up to give
Joan better access to her anus.� Joan pressed the butt-plug into
Shia.� Then she led Shia back to her stall.� Joan didn�t feel the
butt-plug was necessary, for the few minutes that it was in Shia,
but Wendy explained that it was not the presence of the plug that
was important.� She wanted Shia to have to submit to having it
pushed into her, not just the fact that it was there.� The butt tails
were worn longer when a customer purchased it; she had to wear it
for an hour, or more.� Joan took Shia to her stall; there was a large
customer presence in the hallway while she took Shia�s tack off
and took the butt-plug out.� She led Shia to her bath stall, when
she got there she released Shia�s French braid and then adjusted
the water for her.� After she washed Shia�s hair she began on her
back, but she found five welts, obviously from a riding crop.� She
finished washing her, but didn�t masturbate her.� Joan wanted to
report the incident, as soon as possible.� She called the office and
spoke directly to Paddy and told him of the welts she found.� Paddy
was there with Betty and Lisa, in less than five minutes.� Paddy
told her to continue drying Shia, and get her ready to be taken to
the training stable.� There was more room there to work and some
camera equipment.� Betty had brought a hackamore type bridle; it
fit onto Shia�s head but didn�t have a bit.� Joan hadn�t had time
to French braid Shia�s hair, but she did get fresh clean hoof-boots
on her.� Lisa snapped her lead onto Shia�s bridle and led her to
the training stable.� They took photographs of the injuries, and
interviewed her to try to find out who had used the crop on
Shia.� While they were there talking to her, Wendy came in to see
what was happening to her ponygirl.
���� �Do we know which one it was, yet?� she asked
bluntly.� Paddy nodded.� �Was it the fat guy, should be the third
one for her today?�
���� �Yeah, that�s the one, there�s note in the file.� He
wanted a bigger butt-tail, too,� he said.�
���� �Who wrote the note?� Was it Daniella?�� Wendy
asked.� Paddy looked at the computer screen, and nodded
again.� �Is she still here?�
���� �I�ve called the front, she�s on her way down,� said
Lisa.� �I�ll have her give us a written statement.
���� �I�ve got someone who�ll take care of him, I had to
do it before,� Wendy said quietly. �The police say they can�t do
anything.� When we release her to him, it�s no longer a crime,
it�s just a disagreement over what his limitations are.�� Wendy
left Shia to Paddy and the others, after telling Joan to let Bart know
Shia wouldn�t be in until tomorrow afternoon.�
���� Wendy went up to Shia, �I�m sorry, honey.� I�ll see
to it that he never comes here again.� I know two Indians from the
Pima reservation who�ll deliver the message for me.�� Wendy left
to go take care of what she needed to do.

���� When Miss Lydia was finished with Erin, she took her to
a stall where dinner was waiting.� Wendy had told her that she fed
only vegetables to Erin.� Miss Lydia was prepared to feed grilled
steak to her.� She mentioned it while she was bathing her and Erin
turned it down.� She had all of the preparations made to give Erin
a night to remember.� She had invited several guests to her
garden party including the same two ladies that Wendy invited that
night to the corral.� When she was done with the bath she put a
wide leather collar and matching wrist and ankle cuffs.� She also
put a wide belt with eight rings evenly spaced around the bottom
edge.� Erin was concerned when she opened the small package and
withdrew a medical style catheter.
��� �This will probably go in easier if you turn around so I
can get to you from the back,� Miss Lydia said as she made turning
motions with her left hand.� Erin looked at her and then turned
slowly, and moved her feet apart. Erin bent forward and arched her
back to give the best access to her pussy from the rear.� Miss Lydia
had put on a pair of surgical gloves; Erin had always liked the feel
she was handled by gloves like these.� Miss Lydia located Erin�s
urethra and inserted the end of the catheter; she pushed it into Erin
until she reached her bladder.� She put a clamp on the tube and
then made a final push and the end went into Erin�s bladder and
took even more control of her.� She inflated the tip so it wouldn�t
pull out.� Miss Lydia took her to a stall, and left her to go to her
own dinner.� There was no way to lock the stall so she locked a
chain to the collar.� When they were done eating the handler
brought Erin out.� Erin had her hands locked behind her back with
a short chain between the cuffs.
���� When she was brought out Miss Lydia had an
attachment for the belt.� It connected onto three of the rings, two
from the front and one in the center of the rear.� There were short
leather straps to a triangular shaped piece of leather, it was pressed
up against Erin�s pussy.� There were two dildos from the middle of
the leather triangle. One was very large, about twelve inches long
and four in diameter the second was for her anus, and it was eight
inches long and three in diameter.�� The guests had finished
dinner and were looking toward some more entertainment.� The
device was heavy, but Erin was in good shape and she didn�t
notice the extra weight.� It was for the batteries and vibrator
parts.� Erin was brought out and then the vibrator/chastity belt
was put in place.� She was bent over a specially made stand; Miss
Lydia had it made just to bend Erin over to make her accessible for
the placement of the vibrator.� The stand was four feet high and
had a three foot padded bar across the top.� Her ankles were
strapped to the lower legs and she was pulled across the bar by a
leash from her collar, since her hands were still locked behind her
back.� By the time the handler was through tying Erin to the rail,
she was wet, the anticipation made the intensity even
greater.� The gigantic dildo was pushed into her to the point where
the anal dildo was pressing into her too.� The handler found the
little hole through for the end of the catheter, and put it through,
she had a different clamp for the end.� Only a few drops had
dripped out while she was changing it over. She started to push
both into place when she noticed Erin was moaning softly.� When
she hesitated Miss Lydia urged her to keep on.� Once it was fully in
place, and both dildos were seated the leather straps were secured
to three of the rings on the bottom of the belt. Erin was released
from the rail and brought around to the party.� Her hands were not
released, but she was brought into the group, for everyone there to
talk to.� Miss Lydia didn�t turn it on right away, but after half an
hour she covertly turned the first vibrator on, the one in Erin�s
pussy, to the lowest setting.� As the evening went on Miss Lydia
turned the vibrator on to higher settings, she noticed that Erin was
less talkative.� She also had a vacant look and at times and her
speech became disjointed when she forgot want she was talking
about.� There were five guests in all, three men and two women,
which made for a nice pairing for the evening.� The men wanted to
dance with Erin, she was a very good dancer and with her hands
secured behind her back she stood very close.� Her nipple bells
tinkled and jingled as they danced with her, the bell from her clitoris
was under her chastity attachment.� Miss Lydia made sure they
understood that Erin was off limits to them, but she liked the idea
that she would get them well turned on for later.� After two hours
Miss Lydia had both of the vibrators turned on to the higher of the
level one settings.� Erin was so distracted that Miss Lydia was
afraid that she might be doing too much.� She left to call Wendy
and found out that she didn�t have anything to worry about.� She
came back and selected the lowest level two range.� Erin knew
immediately that she had vibrators inside.� The only thing she
could do about it was to just enjoy, beside it was starting to make it
hard for her to concentrate.� The men she was dancing with had
worried her at first.� While they danced they held her close she
could feel their hard-ons.� She realized Miss Lydia was letting them
dance with her so they would be turned on for later.� When Miss
Lydia turned the setting up to the third range, Erin fell down, she
tried to get up, but she couldn�t do it.� The intensity was
exquisite.� She had an orgasm, it had come on slowly and she
didn�t realize how turned-on she had gotten.� When the setting
was raised, she had the most intense orgasm she had ever
experienced, but Miss Lydia kept the vibrator humming. A second
orgasm shook her, Erin�s vision got blurry and black around the
edges.� When the third orgasm came Erin fainted.�

���� Erin woke up later she was back in her stall.� She still
had the chastity belt in place and her hands were still locked behind
her back, and the catheter was attached to a large bottle.� She got
up and got around to see if she could see what time it was. It was
hard to do with her hands behind her back, but she did it.� As soon
as she stood the vibrators started again.� Gently at first in the
lowest setting, but they got more intense quickly, when they
reached the highest intensity the vibrations slowed gradually to the
lower settings and shut off.� Erin realized that it restarted when
she moved around the stall.� This it time was not on enough to
make her faint, but she did have a couple of orgasms.�
���� When morning came Erin was ready to go out again
and run some more.� The trainer from the yesterday came in to get
her up.� Miss Lydia was with her.� They unlocked Erin�s arms and
took the chastity belt and catheter off, and out, of her.� Miss Lydia
took her inside the house, and had her sit for breakfast.� There
was a large omelet and grits, hash browns, sliced tomatoes, toast,
and coffee.� She piled a plate high for Erin and served it to her, she
would not take no for an answer.� The others all came in to
breakfast, including the trainer.� Erin was still naked it was hard for
the men to keep from staring at her.� After they ate, everyone that
didn�t live there left for home, but all of the women came by and
thanked Erin and each and gave her a kiss on the cheek.� Miss
Lydia told Erin that she managed to get the men all turned on and
then the women reaped the reward.� Then the trainer took Erin out
to the stable and put her tack and equipment onto her.� She was
unfamiliar so it too a bit longer than it would have with
Alicia.� When she was done she hitched Erin to a sulky; that looked
just like the ones Wendy used at her ranch.� She led Erin to the
front of the stable and Miss Lydia was there to get in for a
ride.� The trainer gave Erin a good drink of water and then Miss
Lydia snapped the reins and they were off.� They went for about an
hour when Miss Lydia stopped for a little while.�
���� She brought Erin a drink, �You know, this isn�t real
don�t you?�� Erin nodded slowly. �Well let�s go for a little more
then we�ll head back. Miss Wendell should be along to pick you up
this evening.�� They went on for about another hour, and Erin
could see the rear of the barn, across the field, Miss Lydia stopped
again and got Erin another big drink. Then stared again
immediately, they were back at the barn in about another half-
�� The trainer was there waiting for them and unhitched Erin.
She took Erin into the stable, and took her tack off, and then led her
to the bath stall.
� ����She put Erin into the stall, and Miss Lydia came
along, �You need to wash her up, just like she was your
pony.� She has been a ponygirl for a while now; she doesn�t get
to do any of that.� She has a groom that washes her up.��
���� �That must be the life, just stand there and get
washed up,� said the trainer.
���� �Well I suppose,� Miss Lydia responded.� �But she
has to do what ever her owner wants. That�s how we ended up
with her; I leased her for yesterday and today. She had no say in
the matter.� Now let�s get her washed up, her owner should be
here to pick her up in a little bit.� They worked together and Erin
was washed in just a few minutes.��
���� �Have you ever had a chance to do whatever you
wanted to?� Miss Lydia asked.� The trainer just shook her
head.� She had been washing Erin�s pussy, but carefully. Miss
Lydia said, �Go ahead wash there some more, see how hot she
gets.� Keep it up �til she finishes.�
���� Erin started to breath heavier, as her pussy became
���� �Wow, that�s not just water.�
���� Erin gasped gently and had an orgasm; she pushed
down on the trainer�s wrist with her hands.���
���� She got the idea and stopped, �Was that
enough?�� Erin nodded.
���� She got Erin out of the shower and dried her off.� She
didn�t put tack on Erin, but she had a collar and matching cuffs for
her.� They went back to the house for lunch.
����� While they were chatting over coffee Erin saw Wendy
drive into the yard. She was driving her black Mercedes SUV, Wendy
came to the door in a few minutes and Miss Lydia let her in.�
���� �Well did you have a good time?� she asked cheerily.
���� �Wendy, did you do this?� I passed out again, it was
wonderful,� she said all at once. They chatted for a few minutes
and then Wendy had some alarming news.
���� �Shia was beaten by a customer with a riding crop,�
Wendy said gravely.����
���� �Is she going to be ok?� asked Miss Lydia.�
��� �She�ll be fine she just needs to rest for a few days,�
said Wendy, then she changed the subject. �Miss Lydia�s niece
agreed to be the trainer, but you had too much stamina for her.�
���� She spoke up then, �I�ll be sore for the next week,
what do you do to be so strong?�
���� Wendy spoke up, �She works for me, and she really is
a ponygirl.� She pulls sulkies all day everyday.� �Wendy
continued explaining the campground and how the ponygirls pulled
sulkies with customers in them.
���� She turned to Miss Lydia, �Aunt Lydia, is this the place
you were tellin� me about?�� Miss Lydia nodded. �Wow, and you
don�t have an ounce of fat on you.� Too bad you don�t have a
program, like a fat farm,� she said to Wendy. �I�ll bet you could
clean-up.� I�m an aerobics instructor, but she is in better shape
than I�ve ever gotten anyone.�
���� �I already do clean-up.� But you know that�s not a
bad idea.� Maybe we could talk sometime, soon,� said Wendy
thoughtfully.� She opened her purse and took out a card, �this is
my private line, call me after about 10:30 in the morning, when you
get a chance.� I�ll be extra busy for the next few days, but call me
after this weekend.�

���� Shia was sore the next morning, but Joan was there
with some salve for the spots.� It was horse salve that Paddy had
come up with; it worked well, and helped to relieve the pain
some.� Shia was in her stall when Alicia brought Erin in on a
leash.� She had a collar and cuffs, and she was barefooted, but she
stopped at the stall to look in to see Shia. Shia looked up to see Erin
and smiled weakly.
���� �She�s pretty sore today,� said Alicia, �but she�ll
be ok in a couple of days.�� She took Erin to her old stall right
next to Shia it was still empty.� They couldn�t talk, but Erin could
be there near-by, there were many people around in the hallway.�
���� �Come on, Erin let me get you a nice bath,� Alicia said
softly, after about a half an hour.� She unlocked the collar, and
then she went to the cuffs.�
���� �I need to talk to her, and I need to find out who did
this. Then I need to figure what to do for her,� Erin said
���� Alicia looked at her, �Come on, let�s get you a bath
now.� Please don�t get into any trouble talking when you�re not
supposed to.� It won�t help Shia at all.�� She opened the gate
and led Erin out and toward the bathing stalls.
���� Erin followed Alicia and looked back toward
Shia.� When they arrived, Alicia turned on the water for her, and
adjusted the temperature.� When she finished, she nodded to Erin
who stepped into the water.� She washed Erin�s hair and put in
cream rinse.� While she waited for the rinse to work, she washed
Erin�s back and shoulders.� She saw how tanned Erin�s skin had
become and how smooth, too.� Alicia had seen the welts on Shia�s
back and shoulders, and thought it would be a shame to see Erin�s
beautiful back hurt like that.� When Erin turned around to get the
front washed Alicia was startled, she had been lost in her own
���� �Are you ok?� Erin asked.� �I couldn�t have scared
you that badly.�
���� �I�m fine,� Alicia answered. �I was just thinking how
it would be a shame to see your beautiful back and shoulders all
beat-up like Shia�s.� You know, Wendy said she knows someone
who will go and deliver a message to this guy for her.� When they
get done, he won�t even want to think about coming here
anymore.�� She began to wash Erin�s chest and breasts; she paid
special attention to her nipples and rings.� Since Erin had not been
out in the dirty conditions she was not especially dusty.� When
Alicia finished Erin�s legs, she moved on to her butt, Erin arched
her back to give Alicia better access to her anus.
���� �Please be careful,� Erin cautioned, �I�m a bit
tender there. Miss Lydia had a really big dildo for me last night.�
���� Alicia smiled, � I know, I heard about it.�� She
carefully continued washing Erin. �Turn around for me,
please.� Do you want me to�?�
���� �Yes, very much,� Erin interrupted.� She turned
around and opened her legs for Alicia to have better access to her
pussy.� Alicia gently pressed on Erin�s pussy, and slid her hand
down to Erin�s vagina.� Alicia�s had small hands, so when she
pressed on Erin�s vagina, Alicia pushed her hand into her.� Erin
gasped as Alicia�s hand went into her, she didn�t try to push past
her wrist, but she did open and close her hand. After about five
minutes Erin had an orgasm, and she took Alicia by the wrist and
gently pushed.� Alicia understood and gently pulled her hand
out.� She got Erin out of the bath stall, and dried her off.� Alicia
had a complete set of tack for Erin and after she was dried she got
Erin�s tack on her.� They went to Wendy�s office. When they got
there Wendy was in a meeting and they were not able to get in to
see her.
���� Erin had gotten back to find that Chloe was very upset,
she was not aware that the whole sale had been a ruse by Wendy.
Wendy intended to tell Chloe, but the whole nasty deal with Shia
had caused a bit of an uproar.� Chloe was teamed with Keiko
actually they did well together.� Keiko�s gait was nearly identical
with Chloe�s gait and their stride lengths were equivalent.� Wendy
had wanted to get Keiko out to the new campground, but she
didn�t have a ponygirl to put her with.� When Erin was traded the
handlers teamed Keiko with Chloe.� Erin and Alicia arrived just in
time to see them pull out of the corral.�

���� Two nights later, at a small bungalow near Phoenix,

two dark men walked slowly to the front door. They were careful to
avoid being noticed.� They had to walk a fine line, not too late so
they wouldn�t stand out just by being there and not too early or
the neighbors could easily see them.� They carefully confirmed the
address and the tag number on the vehicle.� If they had not
matched the records that Miss Wendell gave them they would pull
out.� The two men Joe and Ramon, both Pima Indians didn�t use
last names, they were both named Brown, after a landowner that
their fathers had worked for many years ago.� They went to the
front door and Joe knocked gently.� If the pale, fat man didn�t
come to the door they would make another approach at a different
time.� Their luck held tonight, when the door opened the fat guy
looked at them and became very belligerent.� Ramon told him that
they had a message from Miss Wendell, he looked inside to see if
anyone heard, and came outside closed the door behind.� When
Joe told him that he was not welcome to come out to the ranch
anymore.� He puffed up and glared at Joe.� That�s when the
lights went out, Ramon hit him on the back of the head.� Ramon
had a small wooden club wrapped with cloth, covered with
leather.� It rendered the fat man unconscious, but left very little
damage, some bruising could not be avoided.� Joe caught him and
lowered him to the porch surface.� They left immediately; they had
to travel two blocks to their car, they left headed south back toward
the reservation.� The Pima reservation had the oldest continually
inhabited pueblo known, nearly eleven hundred years.� Before they
had gone three blocks Ramon discarded the club and their black
jackets and baseball caps, in a dumpster behind a grocery
store.� When his wife found him, the man insisted he had heard a
noise that he thought was the neighbor�s dog in the flowerbed in
front of the house, and just slipped.�

Erin�s New Partner

���� Stacy got her job at the ranch because Wendy needed
more girls to pull to the new campground.� Stacy was very tall,
which attracted Wendy; she liked tall girls for ponygirls. She
thought they looked best with hoof-boots, and were impressive
being taller than most customers.� Stacy had ash blonde hair and
green eyes and long nipples.� Her nipples were nearly one and a
half inches long and very thick with areolas that were only a little
larger.� When Wendy saw them she wanted two holes through
each nipple, the first near the base and the second hole two-thirds
of the remaining distance to the end.� Stacy was as tall as Erin five
feet � nine inches. Her ash blonde hair was to her waist and her
green eyes very enticing.� After being at the ranch for over six
weeks she had gotten in beautiful shape.� Her figure was 35B-23-
36, her stomach was quite flat and her hairless pussy was very full,
her sensitive pussy lips were quite thick.� Stacy�s inner lips were
also very thick and caused her outer lips to spread open.� She was
already pierced when she started; Stacy had three holes in each of
her outer pussy lips, her navel and tongue were also already
pierced. Bart had to pierce two holes in each nipple, and to order
rings to fit Stacy�s pussy holes, so that everything
matched.� When Bart tattooed her name Stacy on her left
breast and CP CW on her belly he also put the new rings into the
holes she already had.� �When she was outfitted to pull for
customers she had ten bells, hanging from her rings.� There were
four bells from her nipples and six more from the rings through her
pussy lips. Each bell was quite small and on a very short gold chain,
about one half inch long.� The chains were kept short so they
didn�t get tangled.� When Stacy walked she made plenty of
jingling and when she ran even more.�

����� She had been hired several weeks ago and Wendy got
her trained at the old campground and stables. Xian was her groom
starting with her training, and then stayed with her.� She was in
the new stable when Alicia brought Erin in, so Betty teamed them
together, she put Erin on the left and Stacy on the right.�� Betty
had been reassigned to the new campground, Paddy needed
someone he could trust there, and his office was still at the old
stable area.� When Erin was teamed up with her they looked good
together.� Stacy saw Erin�s permanent nipple rings and Erin saw
Stacy�s dual rings and each liked the others.� They ran to the
farthest campsite, with two young males, obviously gays.� After
they got their equipment out of the sulky, they watered the girls
and helped them turn around, and sent them on their way back to
the stable.� While they were on their way back down they met
Chloe and Keiko bringing out a single camper with a whole bunch of
When they got in Erin had hoped that they might be able to
hang around for a little while to see Chloe, but there was another
haul waiting for them.� It was a couple, with some gear.� The
husband rode in the sulky and the wife had to walk along beside
it.� She was naked with a collar and leash. The leash was tied to
the rear of the sulky.� They were about thirty-five years old; he
was obviously a desk jockey, sort of fat and very pale.� The female
was his slave; she was naked and in excellent shape.� She had
medium breasts with large dark brown nipples and shaved pussy.
They were getting loaded into the sulky and she was already tied to
the rear of the sulky, and didn�t seem to relish being naked here
around everyone else.� She didn�t try to cover herself, but she
wanted to, she almost did a couple of times.� Erin was a little
worried that having her leashed to the sulky might slow them a
bit.� The husband made sure they didn�t go too fast, he just
wanted to pull along easily.�� When they got to the campsite she
watered the girls and unloaded their gear, she went to the campsite
and he tied a long leash to a stake and tied her out.� He then he
turned them around and they headed back to the corral.� They
decided to run back to the corral. With the sulky empty and both of
them motivated they were there in just a few minutes.� Most of the
handlers were gone for the day, there was no more business, so
just one hung back to take care of the last two to come in.� As
soon as they were unhitched their grooms were there to get them.�

���� Shia had been off and resting all day, she had Erin
come by for a few minutes, but she was left alone for the rest of the
day. After she ate her dinner, which was the first thing she felt like
eating today, Joan came and had her get around.� Joan had hoof-
boots and pony-hands; Joan also brought a tail for her, she lubed
the end of the butt plug and stepped to Shia�s side. Shia arched
her back so Joan could get the tail into her anus easier. Joan took
Shia over to the tattoo shop for Bart to pierce.� Shia knew what
was coming, but she didn�t know that Bart was piercing two
holes.� Bart put her into a chair and strapped down her wrists and
put on the waist belt, to do pussy piercing she had to have her legs
spread apart and strapped down.� After Bart had her ready to go
he brought his tools over to the side of her chair.� He put on the
sterile gloves and put a lips spreader inside her vulva, to hold her
lips apart while he did the piercing.� Bart marked where he would
put the holes.� Then he pierced the first hole and then fed the ring
through it.� About the time Shia thought she was through, Bart
pierced a second hole through her hood, and fed a second ring
through. Wendy wanted 14ga. three-quarter inch rings in Shia�s
hood.� After he had both rings in place he used the special pliers to
open them a little to fit the arc segment in place.� Then he played
it up acting like he had to be sure they were in place before he took
the pliers away.� Shia left thinking that Wendy had permanent
rings installed.�� Which is what Wendy wanted her to think.� Joan
took her back to her stall, she knew Shia would be sore for the next
few days, but Wendy didn�t want her out until the welts were
gone.� If customers saw welts or bruises they would get the idea
that they could administer a few themselves.� Joan sort of pooh-
poohed the idea and Wendy said it had happened before.� She
showed Joan some pictures of a ponygirl that had been beaten,
quite badly. Wendy then had photos of several others that were also
injured.� We had to shut down for almost six weeks until I got
things under control. So Joan understood then that Shia had to be
kept in until all the bruises were gone, for the benefit of each
ponygirl. Since the piercing was done through Shia�s fast healing
delicate inner pussy tissue, so she would be back on her feet before
the bruises were completely healed, and gone.�

���� When Erin saw Stacy�s pierced pussy lips she was
intrigued, she wanted to touch them to see what the felt like.� She
asked Alicia if she could ask Stacy about her pierced holes.� When
Alicia got back to her, she agreed.� They would meet in the room
near the bathing stalls; there were benches there that Stacy could
stand on so Erin could see her holes better.� The grooms got them
there at the same times after the stable had closed for the night,
and gave then their baths so they came out of the stalls
together.� Alicia got Erin washed and then masturbated her until
she had an orgasm, and took her out of the shower and dried her
carefully.� When they were done Stacy stepped up onto the bench
so Erin could look at her rings.� Erin carefully lifted the rings and
opened Stacy�s lips so she could see how they looked from the
���� �Wow!� These are great,� Erin gushed. She was
clearly impressed. �How long have you had them?�
���� �About two and a half years, since the first one was
done.� I didn�t have them all done at once. I had the top two done
and about six months later the next four holes,� Stacy
answered.� �I heard you have a permanent ring through your clit,
when you�re done there I�d like to see it.�� Erin smiled and
nodded.� She climbed up and stood beside Stacy.
���� Stacy stepped down and turned so she could look at
Erin�s pierced clitoris.� Stacy parted Erin�s lips gently and lifted
her clitoris with her finger and thumb. �This really is permanent,
how did you get it in there?�� Stacy continued to hold Erin�s
clitoris.� �This is so big, I�ve never seen a clit like this before.� Is
it real sensitive?�� Stacy started to roll Erin�s clitoris between her
thumb and fingers.� �Oh my, you�re getting wet.�
��� Erin gasped, �Yeah, pretty much.�� Erin was breathing
a bit harder.
���� �How big is it?�� Stacy asked
���� Alicia stepped forward, �It�s an inch and a half long
by about three quarters.� There aren�t very many that size.� She
just comes undone when anyone handles it.�
���� �So I see,� Stacy responded.�� She was amazed
that the little handling she had done was responsible for Erin�s
current state.�
���� Alicia took over then.� �Erin, lie down on the bench,
and pull your knees up.� Stacy keep that up for a few more
minutes.� Now that you�ve got her started, we need to help her
finish.� It wouldn�t be very polite to leave her like that.�� Alicia
gestured at Erin as she said that.
���� Erin pulled her knees up and apart so that Stacy and
Alicia had better access to her pussy.� Stacy kept up her handling
of Erin�s clitoris, and Alicia stood by Erin�s butt and began
pressing on her anus with two of her fingers.� Alicia pressed those
two fingers into Erin�s anus, while Stacy continued to pull and roll
Erin�s clitoris.� Erin moaned and cried out, then she relaxed and
she had a dreamy look in her eyes.�
���� �Erin do you need more?� Stacy asked.� Erin just
shook her head, slowly.� �If you get your pussy pierced like this
you�ll be helpless.� These little bells jiggling around get me going,
but you�re too easy to turn-on.�
��� Alicia chuckled, �I�ll bet that doesn�t stop her.� She
was just at a party where she was the entertainment.� They put a
vibrator into her, and ran it �till she passed out. She wants to stay
as turned on as she can get.� I think Miss Wendell wants her all
turned on too.�� She helped Erin to her feet.� She guided Erin
back into the bath stall, and washed her pussy and thighs gently,
she didn�t want to turn her on any more.�
���� The next morning Wendy had a message that Erin
wanted to see her.� She left word that she would be busy until
after lunch, but she could head to the new campground area in the
afternoon, and would do her best to try to get there, today.� Erin
and Stacy pulled several campers right away when the first started
and then they had a break for a while.� Then they got four
customers that just wanted to take a sulky ride and then come back
in.� It was a new program that Paddy had started in response to
several requests by customers, several had wanted to go for rides
and not stay in a site overnight.� Today�s last customers were all
couples, and they wanted to have tails in both girls.�
���� When they came from the last customers, Wendy was
waiting to talk to Erin.� She had Ione with her; Ione had been with
her nearly constantly, since Wendy had bought her from Miss
Evie.� Ione was wearing a dark brown leather collar with gold
bands and a gold colored padlock.� The leash was also locked in
the padlock.� She had matching wrist and ankle cuffs.� The end of
a butt plug was protruding from Ione�s anus.� Wendy had also
brought Nana; she had gotten used to Ione and didn�t spend so
much time trying to sniff Ione�s butt or pussy.� Wendy collected
Erin and Alicia, and headed toward the training stable where there
was an office she could use for a few minutes.� The training stable
was not open to customers, so she could have Erin�s bit taken out
to talk before 9PM.�� Erin wanted Stacy to come with them, so she
could point out Stacy�s rings and the little bells on her pussy
lips.� Wendy took them to an office where they could be alone;
Alicia led Erin and Xian led Stacy.� When they were inside Wendy
nodded to Alicia so she could remove Erin�s bit and tongue stud.�
���� �What�s up Erin?� What can I do for you?� Wendy
asked.� She had been concerned the there was a problem; Erin had
just gone out to the party for her.� Wendy made plenty of good will
for that night, and a fair amount of money.� Miss Lydia had given
Erin a nice tip, too.
���� �Wendy I�d like to get my pussy lips pierced like
Stacy�s pussy lips.� See all the bells there, she says it makes real
intense feelings,� Erin said
���� �I�ll look into it, Erin.� Do you think it might interfere
with the ring and chain that�s already there?� Wendy answered,
���� �I think the outer lip piercing will be above what I
already have. Besides if it�s going to interfere I can always make
adjustments,� She replied.
���� �I like it.� I�ll have to look into it and get back to
you,� Wendy answered.
���� Alicia spoke up, �Look Wendy, I�m not so sure about
this, she is nearly out of it at times. The ring through her clitoris
sometimes makes her right out of it.� If you pierce more she will
just be worse off at times.� Sometimes I think she is helpless.�
���� �Sometimes she is helpless,� Wendy agreed. �But
she has us to take care of her.� Erin and I talked about this
sometime ago.� I promised her to do whatever I could, to get her
as free as possible.� I�m only concerned that it will look like too
much junk hanging from her pussy lips.�
���� Wendy turned to Erin, �I�ve got to go, but I�ll check
on this and get back with you when I find something.�� She got up
and hugged Erin, she gave her a kiss on the lips. ��Bye
Sweetheart.�� She squeezed Alicia�s hand, �It�ll be all right.
Oh, Ione wants to stay here for a little while, can you bring her up
when you come up, later?�� Alicia nodded.����
���� Alicia put Erin�s bit back into place, and led her out
side, heading to the stable.� There were several people
around.� They were waiting to watch Erin getting bathed.� She
was tall and beautiful, and so responsive.� There was a lot of
money made when customers paid extra to watch as Erin was
bathed.� The incident when Ione pushed her arm all the way into
her got plenty of people into the stable to watch Erin�s baths.� As
they walked across the corral, quite a few people walked along with
���� When they got to the stable, Xian took Stacy to her
stall and Alicia took Erin to her stall.� Since they were so late their
dinners were already waiting there for them.� Alicia took Erin�s
bridle and bit off.� After removing Erin�s pony-hands, Alicia let
Erin go ahead and have her dinner.� Alicia and Ione left for a while,
so Erin could eat in peace.� When they came back they would give
Erin a bath.
���� Erin was ready when they got back.� After she ate she
brushed her teeth, and took her French braid down but didn�t
remove her hoof-boots, or the butt-tail.� The ponygirls were not
allowed to handle the tack, so Erin had to wait for Alicia to get back
to remove them.� When Alicia and Ione got back they got Erin
ready to go to the bath stall. They all went down to the bath stalls;
Alicia led Erin and had Ione on a leash.� When they got there Alicia
turned the water on and got it adjusted for Erin, she stepped
inside.� Alicia washed Erin�s hair and started on her back, while
Ione started with Erin�s feet and legs.� When they got to the
middle Erin turned around so Ione could wash her from the back
and Alicia was washing from the front.� Erin arched her back for
Ione, to wash her from the rear.� Ione had to wash the excess lube
from the butt-tail off, she carefully soaped Erin�s anus and gently
washed the lube off.� When she was done she pushed three fingers
of her left hand into Erin�s anus.� She also started putting her
right hand into Erin�s pussy.� Alicia reached around Erin�s side so
Ione took her fingers out of Erin�s anus so Alicia could get her
fingers in, but she continued to push her hand inside Erin.� Erin
started to writhe and moan softly.� Ione continued to push her little
arm into Erin.� Her arm was smaller that the dildo Miss Lydia had
used, just two days ago.� Ione pushed her arm further into Erin,
who was starting to gasp and moan quite loudly.� Ione had her arm
in almost to her elbow when Erin almost fell to the floor; Alicia had
to pull her fingers out to keep Erin from falling down.� When she
was a little more stable, Erin took Alicia�s arm and pulled it back by
her butt.� Alicia knew what Erin wanted, and started pushing her
whole hand inside Erin�s anus.� Erin was leaning on the side of the
bath stall and holding herself up.� When Erin started having
orgasms Ione and Alicia continued, for about ten more minutes.
Then Alicia stopped and slowly removed her hand.� Ione gradually
slowed and then pulled her arm out of Erin.� They got Erin washed
off and took her out and dried her off.� She was very tranquil and
she stood easily for them to get her dried.� As they were leading
her back to her stall the 9PM closing was announced.� Alicia smiled
a little bit, she hadn�t even heard the 8:45 warning.� By the time
they got Erin back to her stall the hallway was empty of customers.

���� Shia�s first day back out was not as easy for her as
she had thought it would be. The welts and bruises were only a
memory, but she was scared the whole day.� When one of her
customers wanted to stop she almost kept pulling, but she
stopped.� The passenger got out for a few minutes and found a
spot in the brush to pee.� When he came back he graciously got
her a drink of water.
By the end of the day she was doing better, the little chain and
bell hanging from the new rings, in her clitoral hood were starting to
give her some intense feelings.� When Joan had brought the bell
and �Y� shaped chain to clip onto her rings.� The Y part had a
little clip the end of each arm, and there was a small bell on the
long portion.� The whole thing was about one and a half inches
long. The two clips were hooked to both rings.� Joan was waiting
for her at the gate when she was done; Joan had her butt-plug with
her too. Once they got out of the gate to the sulky corral Joan
pulled her to the side and got the plug out.� She lubed the end and
had Shia turn and arch her back.� Joan put her left hand on Shia�s
belly and pushed the butt plug into her with her right hand.� Shia
moaned softly and the larger portion passed through her
anus.� They walked to the stable and Ione was waiting there for
them. She was naked and her skin was oiled she glowed in the sun,
her little black nipples jiggled as her rings with the little bells pulled
on them. Her hair was in a French braid, with gold bands braided in,
she was beautiful standing in the sun.
���� Ione handed the end of her leash to Joan, �Miss
Wendell would like to see you two in her office for a few
minutes.� Please.��
��� When they got into Wendy�s office, she was having a
party.� There were several grooms and handlers there, Bart and his
assistant were in attendance.� Erin and Alicia, and Stacy and Xian,
came in just after Shia.� Wendy had their bridles, bits, and pony-
hands removed. The kept their hoof-boots on, there were lots very
tall naked girls at the party.� There were huge trays of
Hors d�oerves, Wendy knew she would need them because
ponygirls used a huge amount of energy running and pulling all day,
and a few polite trays would not do.� Denise showed up after she
went to her stall and got changed into regular clothes, her dark
green mini skirt actually covered her nearly to mid-thigh, and her
top was not see-thru.�
���� Wendy looked at her with a bit wry smile, �Denise, do
you feel all right?� I can�t see through your clothes.�
���� Denise shook her head slowly, �If it�s any
consolation, I�m not wearing panties.� I have to go to Centerville,
this evening, some family business stuff.�
���� �I�m not wearing any panties either,� said
Ione.� She made a curtsy.
���� �You�re not wearing anything Ione,� said Denise.
�Do you even own panties?�� Ione made a face and shook her
head, no.
���� �I don�t own any clothes, those dresses I had before
were Miss Evie�s, she kept them when she sold me to Miss
Wendell,� Ione answered.� She turned and arched her back, �But
she let me keep the butt plugs.� She stayed arched so everyone
could see the end of her butt-plug.
���� Wendy stood up and said, �OK Everybody!� Thanks
for coming by � This little group party is for our fourth
anniversary.� Today marks four years since I had the chance to re-
start the ranch, and now here we are four years later and still
going.�� She nodded to one of the caterers, who opened a bottle
of champagne and poured the first class, which he handed to
Wendy.� She held it up to toast everyone there, �Let me toast all
of you!�� Then everyone began toasting each other.
Shia still had on her hoof-boots and the butt-plug; Ione came
up to her and lifted the bell dangling from her hood.�
���� Shia gasped, �Oh God. Ione. That�s so
sensitive.�� Ione smiled up at her.� She grasped the end of
Shia�s butt-plug, and began moving it in small circles, and pushing
in on it.�
���� Shia moaned softly, �I can�t believe how sensitive I
am now.�
���� �Let�s go get washed up a bit, Shia,� Joan
suggested. �This will be going on for a while yet.� Do you want to
come and help, Ione?� Ione brightened and nodded.� She handed
the end of her leash to Joan.� They left without putting the tack on
Shia.� Alicia and Xian got around too, they all left at the same
���� They all went over to the stable and the grooms gave
them all baths, quickly.� Except for Shia, with Ione helping her
Joan decided to give Shia a more complete bath.� When she got
Shia�s hair done she began to wash her back while Ione started
with her feet.� Shia had heard about Ione�s help washing
Erin.� When they meet in the middle Ione started washing Shia�s
pussy.� Joan�� washed the lube from Shia�s anus.� Ione soaped
Shia�s pussy and carefully turned the rings through Shia�s hood,
then she pushed her tiny left hand into Shia.� Joan inserted two of
her fingers into Shia�s anus.� Together they masturbated Shia to
two orgasms, and then they got her out of the stall, and dried her
off.� They went back to her stall and found some clothes for Shia,
they let her get dressed, in a tiny pair of shorts and a cropped top
that barely covered Shia�s breasts.
���� �Joan, I can�t wear these shorts, they�re too tight on
my pussy.� I think I have a mini skirt there, the same color as
these shorts.�� Joan looked and found the mini skirt; it wasn�t
much longer than the shorts.� They walked with Shia back over to
the party.� When they got back Stacy and Erin were all ready done
and back.
���� Stacy was also dressed in a tiny mini-skirt and short
top; her top was just one layer of pale pink silk and completely
transparent.� She wore it to show off her huge nipples.� Since she
had gotten pierced she had become quite proud of them, before
that she had been sort of belligerent because everyone thought of
her as an oddity.� Erin was like Ione in that she didn�t own any
clothes; she had to wear a collar and cuffs.� Ione had gotten most
of her oil washed off helping Joan bathe Shia.� Erin volunteered to
help get her re-oiled.� They left to go to the back room.� They
were gone for about twenty minutes. When they came back Ione
was glowing again.� Erin liked the look, �I�m taking tomorrow off
anyway, and I�m going to get oiled like this,� she thought to
The party moved outside to the corral behind the training
stable.� Where Wendy had set up a huge grill for steaks and
chicken.� It was also used to keep the vegetables warm.� Erin and
Ione walked there together and held each other�s leashes.� Until
Wendy saw them, when she came up to them and started to scold
them they both handed the ends of their leashes to her.� She rolled
her eyes and then took the leashes.� She walked along talking to
her employees and leading two naked women on leashes.� Ione
wearing black leather collar with silver trim, and Erin wearing a
silver chain collar with matching wrist and ankle cuffs.�
���� �Erin,� Wendy said, �you�ve been here almost nine
months, I think you could afford some clothes.� I think you must
have almost $170,000, now.�
���� �I know, but I like the idea of not even having clothes
to wear,� Erin answered.� �It kind of makes me feel like you
really do own me.�
���� �Miss Evie is coming to see me tomorrow, for lunch,�
Wendy related. �She says that she has a new pet, girl. I can hardly
wait,� Wendy was very acidic.
���� That gave Erin an idea, �I�m taking tomorrow as a
day off, and I was thinking of getting oiled up like Ione and getting
my hair done in cornrows. I could come up to your office and be
there as your pet.��
���� Wendy said, �You�re so evil!� I think that�s a great
idea. Ione has already told me she isn�t interested in seeing Miss
Evie.� Come up to the office about 8:AM, and we�ll get you all
fixed up.� I�ll have someone in to get you all done up.�

Wendy�s New Pet

���� In the morning Erin went for a run with running shoes,
she set out at 6:30AM. The only thing she had to wear was the pair
of shoes. The cool morning air was cold on her nipple and clitoris
rings it made them all stand out, her nipples felt so hard to
her.� Erin�s clitoris felt like it was pushing out through her
lips.� All of her bells jingled as she ran.�� After she ran for about
an hour she ended up at the main stable. She went in to her old
stall and met Alicia there.� Alicia was waiting there to get Erin
washed up for her day of pampering.� She was going to get her
hair braided into cornrows and have little bells on the end of each
braid.� Her hair was nearly waist length so when the cornrows were
done they would end about the middle of her back.�����
��� When Alicia got her washed and ready to go she headed
over to Wendy�s office.� Wendy was there and had two women
from a beauty shop in Centerville, they knew about Miss Evie, and
Wendy�s rivalry.� Wendy also partially prepared them for
Erin.� They really did not expect her to show up naked, nor that
she would be so pretty. The two, Louise and Carmen, wanted to ask
a thousand questions, they lived in Centerville when Wendy started
the ranch.� They remembered all the negative press she received,
until many of the customers started coming to buy things in town,
on their way to or when leaving the ranch.� Now she was famous,
but many of the local citizens were not very learned about what
may really be happening �out there�.�� Meeting Erin was a new
and exotic experience for them.� Carmen was really surprised when
she found out that Erin had spent the last eight months here at the
ranch and that she didn�t even own any clothing.� Louise expected
to find out that Erin was a prostitute, but she was amazed to find
that she hadn�t had sex with a man since she had started here.�
���� �I want to look real good for Wendy to help her give
Miss Evie a hard time,� she told them. �Miss Evie has to have a
pet woman.� She is always bragging about how beautiful her pet is,
so I want to give Wendy something to brag about of her own. So
make me really pretty.�
���� Carmen said, �You�re already so beautiful, I can�t
believe you don�t have a boyfriend.�
���� The both were intrigued with Erin�s pierced nipples,
and the little bells hanging from the rings, but when the saw her
clitoris and the ring pierced through it, they were amazed.
���� �Now I see why you don�t have a man, none are good
enough for you,� remarked Carmen.� �You don�t have any tan
lines, even your pussy is tan.��
���� When they were done with her hair, it felt good to Erin.
She thought it was very pretty, and she loved the way her hair laid
across her arms.� The last step was to get her skin completely
oiled; it made her look and feel sleek. The oil Ione had used
yesterday was baby oil, today Carmen had much better oil for Erin,
it was imported from the Mid-East.� The oil was a blend of
sandalwood and sesame oils, specifically made for make-up use.� It
made Erin�s skin glisten and glow beautifully.� Ione came in with a
butt-plug for Erin, she lubed it with some of the oil and stepped
behind Erin and gently pushed it into her anus.� Ione had a small
gold chain leash that was six feet long, with a tiny clasp on the end.
When Louise and Carmen helped with Erin�s collar, they thought it
was quite exotic. Erin�s collar was gold chain without wrist or ankle
cuffs.� The gold looked very good against Erin�s dark tanned skin.
When they were done with Erin, Ione snapped the leash to her
clitoral ring and led her into Wendy�s office.
���� �Holeee Shit!� Wendy was awed. �You are
beautiful,� she said in a hushed voice.� She took the leash from
Ione, �Are you sure about this?� Wendy held up the end of the
leash. Erin nodded.
���� �I want to make Miss Evie feel real bad, so just loop it
around your wrist and don�t worry about it.� It�s six feet long
and I�ll keep up.� Erin paused,� �Actually I�ll have to keep up.
���� Ione took Louise and Carmen to the cafeteria for
brunch, she handed Carmen the end of her leash.�
��� �It�s a rule here, for me or any of the ponygirls, if
we�re outside where customers are it�s either clothes or a leash.
The ponygirls have to have a groom or handler take them on a
lead,� Ione said as she showed them to the cafeteria.
���� When Miss Evie got there for lunch she brought her
new pet in with her.� Her name was Leeann; she was about five
feet and five inches tall, with light blonde hair, and blue
eyes.� Leeann had a nice figure with rounded breasts and pink
nipples.� Her measurements were 36C-26-36.� Miss Evie had a
black leather collar and matching wrist and ankle cuffs on her.� She
would not agree to have her nipples pierced, so there were no rings
or bells. Miss Evie stared at Erin.
���� Leeann crowded close the Miss Evie, �She�s
beautiful.�� Miss Evie just nodded.
� ����Let�s go get a cup of coffee,� suggested Wendy. � I
have some plans to show you, but I was just getting ready to get a
cup. So come on, and we�ll talk after that.�
���� Miss Evie recovered quickly, �Sure, we�ve just driven all
morning, and I�m ready to stop for a few minutes.�� She led her
pet woman to the door, and Wendy snapped her leash to Erin�s
clitoris ring and followed her out.
���� Ione took her charges to the new campground where
Wendy had made arrangements for them to go for a sulky ride in
one of the sulkies for two passengers. They went in Ivette and
Yasmin�s sulky, they took about an hour.� When their ride was
done, they were back at the main ranch area.� Ione was waiting for
them; her leash was looped over a pole right beside where they
stopped.� Ione unhooked the leash and handed the end to Carmen,
and then they went to Wendy�s office.
���� �Well what do you think?� Do you like the place? It�s
not quite as bad as you thought, is it?� Wendy asked.� They both
shook their heads no at the same time.
���� Carmen spoke up first, �No it�s not at all what we
expected, we had heard that this place was like a whorehouse, but
there is none of that here.�� Wendy nodded.
���� Then Wendy handed Louise a check, �Here�s the fee I
promised your shop.�� Then she handed each one an envelope,
�This is from me to you, there�s a little token from me, and a pass
for each of you to bring your husbands out for a ride and dinner at
the cafeteria.� Wendy smiled at each of them.� �It�s not entirely
unselfish, I want to get a few more people from town to understand
that this isn�t a whorehouse.� She nodded to Erin who was
standing near-by.
���� Erin handed each of them a $100 dollar bill, �Thank
you, you made me so pretty, and made Miss Evie really jealous.�
���� Carmen smiled, �No it�s me who should thank you.
Besides you were so beautiful already, we didn�t do very
much.� When I bring my husband out, I want us to go with
���� Louise looked like she wanted to ask something �Is it
true, you really don�t own any clothes?�
���� �Nope, not a stitch,� replied Erin.
���� �But she could if she wanted,� added Wendy.
���� �If you were this pretty, you wouldn�t wear clothes,
either, Louise.�� Carmen laughed.
���� After they left, Erin asked Wendy if she could keep her
hair like that for a while, Wendy nodded.�
���� �I�ve also got some news about your pussy lip
piercing,� she added.� �I have a new type of ring for you to
try.� It�s called a standing ring; there is a little base that goes
through your hole from the inside.� It has a wide base that holds it
up, then this gold part screws into the base, down to,,,,� till this
washer on top gets to your skin.� Then this little part holds a ring
up horizontal to your skin, so you�ve got the ring, but it doesn�t
go through the hole.�
���� Erin nodded appreciatively, �That�s nice, I can hang a
little bell, or I could use a fine, little chain and make it like shoe

Erin Reaches Nirvana

��� Erin was not happy with Wendy, she found the new rings
for Erin�s pussy piercing, but she had not approved the
procedure.� Erin wanted to have the piercing done immediately,
but Wendy wanted to wait until business tapered off for the
season.� She told Erin that she would be off and unable to pull for
four to six weeks, and in four weeks the busy season would be
over.� Wendy would approve the piercing then.
��� Erin asked Alicia to help her get to the tattoo shop, and
that she would get it done anyway.� Alicia told Erin that she would
do what she could, but she would not go against Wendy�s word,
and she would do her best to see that Erin didn�t either.� Alicia
kept Erin under control, she didn�t let Erin out without her bridle
harness or lead, and made sure she kept Erin�s stall locked.� Erin
didn�t have any clothing so she couldn�t just take off.� She knew
better than to just show-up at the main stable area naked, without
her groom.
���� Alicia went to Wendy with an idea, she wanted to put
Erin into the breeding frame again and give it to her really well. She
also wanted to include the amazing response from the day she had
given Erin the enema.� After she explained her idea to Wendy, she
went for it.
���� It took Alicia three more days to get her equipment all
together.� On the chosen night Alicia met Erin at the corral after
she was unhitched from the sulky.� Alicia snapped her lead onto
the end of Erin�s bit, and led her to the stable.� When they got to
her stall Alicia took off Erin�s tack and loosened her French braid,
and then took her to the bath stalls, Alicia adjusted the shower for
her and opened the gate and put Erin into the stall.� Alicia didn�t
want to do too much and spend a lot of time, but she didn�t want
to tip Erin off either.� After she washed Erin, she carefully pressed
her hand against Erin�s pussy and then gently massaged her for a
few minutes, until Erin was getting quite turned on.
���� She pulled her hand back, �Ouch, oh my hand
hurts!� Let�s do this later.�� Alicia got Erin out of the
stall.� Alicia got her dried off, and headed back to her stall.� When
they got there Alicia had Erin�s best tack laid out for her, and
started putting it on her.� Erin knew she was required to do as
instructed, by her groom, so she co-operated with Alicia, and soon
she was equipped completely.� Her bridal harness was soft, dark
brown leather with gold trim.� Alicia had also found another piece
of tack. It was made up of four chest straps, that came together at
two gold rings, one in front and one in the back.� The one in the
front was in the center of Erin�s chest, right below her breasts, and
the other ring in the middle of her back.� Two straps went around
her chest, and two went over her shoulders.� Alicia led Erin to the
corral behind the training stable, when they got near Erin could see
the lights were on, and she heard people talking.� Alicia stopped
and put a blindfold around her eyes, Erin didn�t want to be
blindfolded, and she turned her head left and right.� Alicia stopped
and held the blindfold out.� Erin resigned herself and put her face
into the blindfold, Alicia tied it around her head, and then made sure
Erin could not see.� Erin was used to trusting Alicia, so she walked
confidently, even though she could not see.� Alicia led Erin to the
breeding frame and made her stand at the opening.� Betty and
Alicia strapped Erin into the frame and then leaned her into position.
When they were done Erin was almost prone with her legs open and
knees drawn up, giving Alicia complete access to Erin�s pussy and
especially her anus.
��� Alicia stood in front of the small crowd; �Erin�s colon is
three times al long as she is tall, so at five feet and nine inches, her
large intestine is seventeen feet and three inches long.� This tube
for her is eighteen feet long,� she held up a rolled hose. �I�m
going to start feeding it in now.� It should take about half and hour
to get it all the way in.�
���� Erin heard all of this and tried to pull around and
jerked, but she couldn�t get loose.� Alicia took lube in her hand
and applied it to Erin�s anus.� Erin jumped and tried to struggle
when Alicia touched her anus.�
��� Alicia held up the hose again, �You see, I�ve already
gotten it filled, that�s because it�s so long that this much air would
be too much.� She began to slowly slide the hose into Erin.� Betty
came up and held the end of the hose for her while she worked it
in.� The hose was slightly curved at the tip, and had a red line
down one side, so she could turn the hose around to get the curved
end to follow the curves inside Erin.� There were also rings around
the hose every foot. Erin had gotten tired and stopped struggling so
much, but Alicia was relentless.� She continued to gently push the
hose into Erin.� It took nearly half and hour to get it all the way
into her.� After the hose was all the way in until it wouldn�t go
deeper, Erin had to urinate.� She was so scared that she just
urinated right there on the ground.�
��� �Ok, we�ll give her a few minutes to relax and then
we�ll start the water,� Alicia said loud enough for everyone to
hear.� �I learned this from a groom I worked with, in Texas,
whose husband gave her a really deep enema about once a
month.� She turned back to Erin, �Ok, let�s get started.�
���� Alicia attached the hose from the enema bag to the
tube in Erin.� There were four-one gallon bags of sterile water all
set and hanging on a stand.� Alicia started water running into Erin,
she put two quarts in and stopped the flow.� Alicia pulled the hose
out two feet and put two more quarts in.� After she changed the
water bags, Alicia pulled the hose back two more feet and released
two more quarts she pulled the hose out two more feet.� Alicia
stopped to let Erin settle down and relax a bit.� After a few minutes
she released two more quarts.� Alicia changed to a full bag of
water, and pulled the hose out just one foot and released one
quart. �Alicia waited for about five minutes and pulled it back one
more foot and then another quart.� Erin started to sob and cry,
tears were running from the bottom of the blindfold.� Alicia started
giving Erin even more time between hose adjustments.
���� Betty was looking at Erin�s pussy, �Alicia she�s
getting really wet.� Look at this�.�� Betty waved to Joan and
Pecos to bring the dildo machine over.
���� They got around and set it in place behind Erin, Betty
began assembling the dildo attachment for Alicia. �
���� �Ok, I�ve got four quarts left to go and five feet-three
inches left,� Alicia announced. �We�re going to start the fuck
machine now.�� Erin began to struggle more and tried to
yell.� The breeding frame effectively held her struggles, and her
yells were little more than loud moans.
���� Betty stepped behind Erin with the dildo, the same
twelve inch by three inch one, they used before. �She�s very wet
already, so I don�t need to apply any lube.�� She started pushing
it into Erin; she was amazed at how easily the huge dildo entered
into Erin.� Betty hooked up the arm of the dildo and stepped back
so the little audience could watch when Pecos switched it on.
���� Alicia held up her hand, �Not quite yet,� she
said.� We�re down to two quarts.�� Alicia pulled the hose out
one more foot and released one more quart of water.
���� �Ok, turn it on now, Pecos,� she said; as she pulled
the hose out to the last position.
���� The dildo began to move out to the end of its nine-inch
stroke slowly, on the slowest setting.� Erin started to struggle
harder, but she could not pull loose from the frame.� Alicia opened
the water for the last quart of water.� When it was done she pulled
the hose the rest of the way out of Erin.� She had a butt plug ready
to go and pressed it into Erin�s anus.� Alicia stepped back and
Betty turned the dildo speed up to the next notch.� When Betty
turned the speed up to the next speed, Erin began having an
intense orgasm.� The orgasm lasted for several minutes; Erin
struggled slightly and moaned softly.� Then another orgasm began,
Erin gasped and moaned louder.� The intensity was even higher
this time, Erin felt weak as the orgasm passed.� Alicia intended to
make Erin orgasm until she passed out again, before letting the
water out of her.� She didn�t have to wait long, when she turned
the dildo machine to the highest speed, Erin started to cry out loud,
even though she had a bit with the tongue stud, she was quite
loud.� Alicia stepped up to Erin and began massaging the butt
plug.� She began pressing on the end and moving it in little
circles.� The intensity of Erin�s response increased even more, this
time Erin did faint when she had the orgasm.� Alicia left Erin in the
breeding frame, and she turned the dildo machine off.� Betty
didn�t make any attempt to start removing the equipment. Alicia
left Erin in the breeding frame, and let her rest for about ten
minutes.� She had a surprise for Erin; she had an ammonia capsule
for her.� After letting Erin rest. She broke the ammonia capsule
and held it under Erin�s nose, until Erin started to stir.� When Erin
started to stir around Alicia turned the dildo machine on to the
lowest setting again, and broke another ammonia capsule.� Erin
began to really struggle harder, and looked panicked.
���� Alicia stepped closer, so she could whisper in Erin�s
ear, �Erin, come-on relax, honey.� Just relax and go with it.� I�ll
let the water out of you soon.
���� �Uuhh-Huh,� Erin answered and stopped
struggling.� Alicia threw the capsule away and went back to the
machine, where she turned it up to the fastest speed.�
���� Erin responded by having an orgasm immediately, her
intensity scared Betty. She started forward to turn the machine off,
but Alicia waved her off. Erin only lasted for two intense orgasms
when she passed out again.� This time Alicia, Betty, and Pecos
began to get Erin out of the frame.� Betty unhooked the dildo
machine and gently pulled the dildo out of Erin while Pecos moved
the machine out of the way.� Alicia started releasing the straps
holding Erin in the breeding frame, by the time Betty and Pecos
were ready, she had enough straps undone so they could start
getting Erin lifted out.� They carried her to a bench set up near the
rear of the corral and lay her on her side, with her knees drawn up a
little bit.� Alicia looked around and then she carefully pulled the
butt plug out of Erin.� There was an immediate rush of water from
Erin�s anus, and even though she was still unconscious Erin
moaned softly.� Alicia made no move to take the blindfold off Erin.
���� �It�s going to take quite a while to get the water out
of her,� Alicia said loud enough for everyone there to hear. �I�m
going to let wake up on her own, too.�
���� It took almost twenty minutes for Erin to wake
up.� When she did she was still blindfolded, so she raised her arm
toward her face to try to brush the blindfold away, but Alicia
stopped her arm.� She had a small chain that she used to secure
Erin�s hands behind her back.� Erin made little begging sounds
hoping to get Alicia to remove her blindfold and release her
hands.� Alicia had already gone over to her chairs where Wendy
was sitting.
���� Wendy had brought Ione with her, and held her leash.
Tonight Wendy had a polished stainless steel collar and matching
cuffs on Ione and a fairly large {for Ione} butt plug.� The larger
butt plug made her shift from one foot to the other.� Wendy told
Ione that the more arched she stayed, the less uncomfortable she
would be.� Ione stood beside Wendy�s chair, where Wendy had
told her to stand.� Lately she had been firmer with Ione, and made
Ione walk behind her and stand beside her.� Tonight she had made
Ione were a bigger butt plug, too.� Ione was a little worried about
Erin, but she didn�t dare say anything, or leave to go over there.�
���� Erin continued to have water leaking from her
anus.� She finally started to wake up, Alicia and Pecos got her up
and took her to a toilet commode that Pecos had set-up earlier just
for tonight.� It was a portable unit that was setting in the
corral.� It had no privacy screens around it, so Erin had to sit on it
in the open. She had to sit there while Alicia and Betty went to wash
their hands and have some of the food laid out for Wendy�s
guests.� There were bar-b-que ribs, chicken, burgers, and
sausages, plus the things to go along with them.
���� Wendy had invited Lydia Carstairs and her two friends,
and several others who were Erin fans.�
She told them she was going to turn Erin on, to see how hot
she could get.�� She also invited Louise and Carmen, and their
husbands.� Louise wouldn�t come out, but Carmen came without
her husband.� She really loved Erin and wanted to see just how hot
she could get.
�� �Miss Lydia, what do you think of that?� asked Wendy.
��� She just shook her head, �I certainly never expected any
thing that.� I hope she�s all right.��
��� Joan had brought Shia, and Xian brought Stacy and
Keiko, they were all wearing their tack.� The only ponygirl there
with out tack was Denise.� She was wearing blue denim micro-
miniskirt, and a see-thru white silk t-shirt.� This skirt was as usual
for Denise, about one inch below her pussy.
���� Denise was standing beside Carmen�s chair, when
Carmen looked around she was right level with Denise�s pussy.
���� �Are you a ponygirl, too?� she asked Denise
seriously.� Denise smiled and nodded; she knew that Wendy had
invited Carmen, so she was very polite.� �I�m glad I didn�t bring
my husband tonight.�
���� Denise didn�t know what to say, �Oh, did he have to
���� Carmen smiled and shook her head, no.� �No, I
didn�t know quite what to do about bringing him.� Since I met
Erin the other day, and she told me about trying to find satisfaction,
I understood what she meant.� My husband really wouldn�t have
appreciated it.��
���� Erin was feeling much better, now. Alicia got her up
and took her into the training stable.� They went to a bath
stall.� She needed to get Erin washed off.� She had gotten pretty
messy from the water, but she was also very sweaty.� After she
was finished, and got her all dried, Alicia had a black leather collar
and matching cuffs for Erin.� When she got Erin ready to take back
outside she had another blindfold for her.� Alicia used a piece of
chain to lock Erin�s hands behind her, and put the blindfold on her
head.� Erin didn�t have any trouble walking.� She trusted Alicia
completely so she walked along confidently.�
���� �Alicia, what if I have to go some more?� Erin asked.
���� �Just hold it as long as you can, then I�ll take you
someplace where you can go,� she answered.� She took Erin to
stand in front of Wendy.� She reached out and gently opened
Erin�s pussy lips and massaged her clitoris, Wendy rolled her
clitoris between her thumb and fingers.� Erin writhed a bit, but
stood still for Wendy.� When Wendy was done Alicia led Erin to
stand in front of Carmen.� Carmen was too self-conscious to try to
touch Erin�s pussy, and shook her head, no.� Alicia didn�t lead
her away.� Denise leaned over and whispered in Carmen�s
ear.� Carmen looked at Denise and then reached out slowly and
fondled Erin�s pussy. �She reached between Erin�s lips and pulled
gently on Erin�s clitoris.� After a few minutes Erin began to twist
and writhe, Carmen pulled her hand back.
���� But Denise said, �Don�t leave her like this.� So
Carmen began to pull Erin�s clitoris again, and rolled the sensitive
flesh between her fingers and thumb, like Wendy had done.� Erin
had a gentle orgasm; she just relaxed and stood calmly.� Carmen
stopped and pulled her hand back.� She looked to Denise.� Denise
���� Erin leaned over to Alicia, �I can�t hold it anymore,�
she whispered.� Alicia nodded and led her to the same toilet
commode setting out on the middle of the corral.
���� Wendy started getting everybody around to get done
for the night.� She escorted Carmen to the washroom so they could
wash their hands off.� She brought Ione with her, Ione did
everything the Wendy wanted, and she was very obedient.� She
wanted to be as good as she could; Miss Evie had let her get away
with being a character.� Wendy explained she would not put up
with that from her.� Ione believed her; she actually loved Wendy
for it.
��� �Thank You for coming out tonight, I know Erin
appreciates it.� It�s a fairly long drive out here.�
She said to Carmen as they washed their hands, �I have
another reason to ask you out. �Do you suppose you would be
interested in coming to work for me, out here?� I know it�s quite a
drive, but the job pays very well.�
���� �I�d have to discuss it with my husband. But there�s
another problem. I�m not sure how it would work to have him out
her around these beautiful girls.� To him, if they�re naked it
means that he can have them. All he wants,� replied Carmen.
���� �Let me talk to him, I�m sure if he sees the amount
of money you can earn here, he will be interested in co-operation,�
Wendy suggested.� �Besides he can come here and fill his eyes all
he wants, as long as he stays out of the way.�
���� Carmen was a little surprised, �You mean you don�t
���� �That�s what they�re here for.� �To Look At.� They
don�t care either,� Wendy said matter-of-factly.
���� When they got back to Wendy�s office, she gave
Carmen some papers with her job offer and the outline of her new
business idea.� It was for a spa for customers who saw how slender
her ponygirls were and wanted that for themselves also. �She
wanted to offer a quality beauty shop, too.� Actually she started a
while ago, and was collecting her people now, too.

���� Shia went back to her stall with Joan quietly.� She had
been quiet ever since Erin had finished.�� When they got back,
Joan asked Shia if she needed another bath.� Shia nodded, after
watching Erin she needed relief. Shia was quite aroused from
watching Erin�s treatment by Alicia. Joan took the tack off her and
loosened her hair; she led Shia to the bath stall.� Joan got the
water adjusted for Shia, and open the gate for her.� Shia went into
the shower, she had pinned Shia�s hair up, it didn�t need to be
washed.� Joan washed Shia�s back and shoulders, and pulled her
hands back so Shia could turn around.� When Shia turned Joan
carefully washed her breasts and nipples, she had to take special
care of her nipples because her rings were permanent.� Joan had
to turn them to be sure she got the inside of the holes washed out
completely.� After Joan finished the top she skipped down to
Shia�s feet, and legs.� Shia turned around so she could wash her
butt. She arched so Joan could reach her anus, and pussy.� After
she was done Shia turned again so Joan could reach her pussy, and
wash around the rings through her hood.� The rings were not
removable; Joan had to wash around them.� Joan�s handling of
Shia�s pussy and clitoral hood caused her to get turned on.� She
had Shia turn around and arch her back, so she could handle her
anus and pussy more easily.� Joan pushed all four of her fingers
into Shia�s pussy and her thumb into her anus.� She clenched and
released her hand until Shia had an orgasm, but she didn�t
stop.� Joan continued to masturbate Shia until she had a second

���� Erin walked along slowly; the road to the stable was
dark, moonless and quiet.� As Erin walked along she cold hear her
bells tinkling soothingly.� Alicia walked along next to her, holding
the end of her leash.� Neither spoke for a long time.
���� Erin broke the silence,� �Thank You, that was
���� �You�re Welcome,� Alicia answered.
���� They walked along for a bit more, �I still want my lips
pierced,� Erin told her.
���� �Ok,� she answered.
���� �I can wait until the busy season is over,� Erin said
���� �Good idea,� Alicia replied.
���� They stopped so Erin could go to the side of the road,
she moved her feet apart and bent her knees, and then she leaned
forward.� Erin had to expel more water.� When she was done,
Alicia had some paper for her.
���� �How much longer will that go on?� Erin asked.
���� �Don�t know, you�ve got tomorrow off,� Alicia

Alicia Has a Surprise

��� Erin ran lightly along the trail, she was getting in her

morning run, she had been running every morning since the slow

season started.� She had been pretty mad with Wendy when she

told Erin that six more holes, especially in her labia would look too

busy.� When she went running with Stacey she saw that Stacey

couldn�t keep up, because the rings joggled around too

much.� She agreed with Wendy, but she didn�t like to be told, no.

���� When Erin returned to the stable, Paddy was there

waiting for her, he was filling in for Alicia while she was visiting her
family and friends in Texas.� Paddy loosened her French braid
when she got in, and accompanied her to the bath stall.� He
adjusted the water for her and opened the gate so she could get in.
He began to wash her hair, and worked down to her shoulders and
back.� He continued on to her butt and backs of her legs, and then
pulled his hands back so she could turn around.� Paddy soaped his
hands and washed Erin�s breasts, taking care to make sure he
turned her nipple rings to clean inside the holes pierced
through.� Erin started to get aroused and she tried to step closer to
Paddy, but he was outside of the stall.
���� �Can�t you press a little harder, to make sure I�m
clean all the way through?� she asked.
���� �Aye, that I can,� Paddy answered.� He began
pressing harder and squeezing more firmly.� �Do ye think that�ll
get you cleaner?�
���� Erin smiled and replied, �MMmmm, I�m sure that
will help.�
���� He washed her front all the way down to her toes, and
came back to finish her pussy.� When he was done, he pressed
the side of his left hand between Erin�s pussy lips.� He noticed
she had gotten harder to satisfy lately, it took more rubbing and
more pressure to get her to climax.� Paddy pressed his thumb
against her clitoris, and pushed firmly.
���� �Ooooo, not quite that hard,,,,� Erin said softly.
���� �Sorry, I was just thinkin� about how it was harder
now to get ye off,� he responded, and lightened up a little.
���� Soon Erin was moaning and gasping, she leaned
against the stall side, and opened her legs more for Paddy�s
convenience.� She had a long orgasm, but Paddy didn�t
stop.� He kept up his attentions to Erin�s pussy, until she had a
second orgasm.� He turned off the water and helped her out of
the stall.� After he dried her, he led her back to her stall.
��� As he walked along he told her about the two� new
grooms he had just hired, they would be starting tomorrow and
since he had to go out of town for Miss Wendell tomorrow night, he
would introduce them before he left.
���� �Nooooo, I don�t want someone else, I only want
you,� Erin pouted, unconvincingly.
���� �Will that work?� Erin asked calmly.
���� �Ye can come with me, if ye like.� It�s not that
there�s so much here for ye to do,� he answered. �But you�ll
have to buy clothes and wear them.�
���� Erin shook her head, �No, I�ve only got to go for one
more month and I will have been naked for a full year.� And I�m
going to make it. Thanks though.�
���� After he put her in her stall he closed the gate but
didn�t lock it.� She had the day off, her groom was out of town,
so Erin got to just sit back and relax.� She looked down at all of
the changes Wendy had made to her body.� The first was
Wendy�s tattoo, �Erin on her left breast, about two inches above
her areola, and curved to match it�s angle.� Bart had tattooed
her CP-CW on her lower back instead of a tattoo on her lower
belly, he incorporated it into the tattoo she already had on her
lower back.��� The tattoos were individualized for each girl, Bart
changed the colors and style on each one.� Erin had already had
her nipples, navel and tongue pierced, but Wendy had made her
get her clitoris pierced.� Then she had permanent rings
installed.� The segmented rings were gold-coated titanium. The
titanium made them so stiff that Bart had to use a little press to
open them; he put the end of a little chain with a tiny round bell
on the other end and sealed the arc segments with �super-glue�
so the press wouldn�t open them again. The rings were so hard
sawing was out, and could be cut only with a huge cutter.� The
three bells kept Erin aroused, and really turned her on when she
ran. There were only a few customers around at this time of
year.� When the weather got cold at night the campground
business dropped off.� Not because it was too cold for the
ponygirls, but because it was too cold for the customers.� There
were always a few hard-core campers, so there was a call for a
few girls.�
���� When they were working outside it wasn�t so
cold.� Running raised their temperatures about twenty-five
degrees. If the outside temperature was fifty-five degrees the
temperature to a running ponygirl was eighty degrees, but to a
seated customer it was still fifty-five, a little chilly.� Wendy had
gotten coats for the girls that looked like horse blankets, they fit
around the girls� shoulders and covered them down their backs
but left the front open.� Each fastened at her neck and had a
waistband that snapped over their bellies.� The temperature was
not an issue here, except at night, after the sun went
down.� There were so few campers then that after the ponygirl
dropped her customers at the campsite she left and as soon as she
was out of sight a handler in a Jeep picked her up.� Wendy always
had a ponygirl available so even if someone wanted to spend
Christmas at a campsite, there was a ponygirl to pull him or her
���� When Erin came in from running there was no one
there to meet her.� She went to her stall, and took off her
running shoes.� Her breakfast was already laid out, so she sat
and ate while she waited.�
She had just finished brushing when she heard Paddy talking
to someone as they walked along.� She heard a woman�s voice
answer, no,,, two women�s voices.� They came around the
corner, Erin realized it was Glenda�s voice she had been
hearing.� Erin jumped up and met them at the gate, when Paddy
opened it she hugged Glenda around the neck.
���� �OH! I�ve missed you, so much..� Erin gushed.
���� �I�ve missed being here with you, too,� Glenda
responded.� The other woman with Glenda was her sister-in-law,
Kim, Edgar�s sister.�
���� �Oh Well. I�ve got another surprise for ye,� said
Paddy, �This is the new groom I�ve been tellin� ye about, girl.�
���� Glenda explained that Edgar was selected to go to
England with his boss�s team.� He was going to be gone for
several months, so Glenda and Kim, his sister, came out here to
work while he was away.
���� Paddy had to get moving to catch his plane, so he left
Erin with Glenda and Kim.� Glenda was going to help Kim learn to
groom ponygirls.� She had been a horse groom for several years,
just like her brother. Glenda decided that Erin needed a bath so
that was where she started to show Kim the differences between
horses and ponygirls.� They all headed to the bath stalls. When
they got there Glenda turned the water on for Erin, and opened
the gate for her.� Erin went inside and stood in the spray, Glenda
and Kim stood outside and reached in past the narrow bars. There
were only two bars on a side, so the grooms had unrestricted
access to the girls.� Wendy had to give the girls some release,
and she allowed no sex between the ponygirls and
customers.� Wendy insisted that the grooms stay outside of the
small bathing stalls.� She had two reasons, the first so there were
no accusations of sex shows.� So when the grooms masturbated
the girls it was done with detachment, so the grooms had to stay
outside the stall.� The second was that the customers, who paid
to see the ponygirls being washed, could see.
���� Glenda applied shampoo to Erin�s hair and worked it
into a lather.� After she got it rinsed, Glenda began washing
Erin�s shoulders.� When she was done she had Erin turn around
and asked Kim to come closer.� She had Kim put some soap on
her hands and then start with the front of Erin�s chest and
shoulders.� When she got down to Erin�s breasts she wanted to
stop, but Glenda made her keep washing.
���� �You�ve got to make sure the you get all the dirt out
of the holes pierced through her nipples,� Glenda told
her.� �Just keep washing, she�s just like livestock.� When
they�re out it�s pretty dusty and dirty, so make sure that you get
all the dirt out of all of their pierced holes.�
���� Kim washed Erin�s nipples and worked her way down
her belly.� Erin turned around as Glenda had Kim skip down to
her feet. They both worked on her feet and legs, when they got to
the top of her thighs, Glenda had Erin turn around.� After she
turned she arched her back and opened her legs to give better
access to her anus.� Glenda put some more soap on Kim�s hand,
and nodded to go ahead and wash her.� Kim washed Erin�s butt
and worked her way to her anus, when she touched it, she was
���� Glenda saw that she was timid, �You have to wash
her completely, because she isn�t allowed to wash
herself.�� When they got around to the front, Glenda made Kim
do the washing.�
���� �Now, not many girls have a clitoris like Erin�s, it�s
about an inch and a half long,� Glenda said.� �She has it
pierced, too.� It also has a permanent ring, and has to be washed
carefully, just like her nipple rings.� Glenda poured more soap
into Kim�s palm, �Go ahead.�� When Kim started to turn the
ring Erin gasped slightly, and Kim pulled her hands back
quickly.� She realized it wasn�t because she had hurt Erin, so
she started again.� This time she kept on when Erin started to
writhe a little bit.
���� Kim looked at Glenda, �She really needs
it.�� Doesn�t she?� Kim observed.� Glenda nodded.
���� �Erin is aroused and turned-on all the time,� She
told Kim.� �She was hot right from the start when we got her in
here, and just kept getting hotter. These rings drive her crazy.�
Kim had finished the washing, and stepped back.�
���� Glenda said, �Ok, I�ll take care of her this time, but
next time, you have to do it.�� She started to fondle Erin�s
pussy, and rub gently between Erin�s lips.� She grasped her
clitoris between her fingers and thumb, and began to roll it softly,
and she pulled tenderly.� She slid her hand lower, going farther
between Erin�s pussy lips to her vagina.� Glenda raised two of
her fingers up into Erin; she began to press more firmly and then
pushed a third finger into her.� Kim got over her unease about
touching another woman and began compress Erin�s anus, then
she pushed her index finger into Erin.� Erin moaned loudly, and
pushed back against Kim�s hand.� When Erin had an orgasm she
relaxed against Kim�s hand and Kim pushed her middle finger into
Erin�s anus.�
���� Glenda leaned over to her and said, �Put all of your
fingers in.�
���� �Ok,� she answered.� �But I don�t think they�ll
all go in.�
���� �Just give it a try,� suggested Glenda.
���� �Damn,� Kim was amazed, as she inserted the rest
of her fingers.� �Her butt-hole is really big.�
���� Erin had another orgasm this time it lasted
longer.� When she was done, she pushed down on Glenda�s wrist
with her right hand.
���� �Had enough?� Glenda asked. Erin nodded, with
short quick motions.� �Kim, let�s stop for now.�� They washed
Erin�s pussy and butt again, and helped Erin out of the
stall.� After she was out they dried Erin, and took her to her stall.
���� �Guess what.� You have been selected to assist me
with a special project,� Glenda said to Erin.
���� �MMmm?� Anything.� Erin replied absently.
���� �You may not be quite so enthused when we�re
done,� Glenda answered.� �I need to show Kim how to measure.
Are you up to it?�
����� Erin was quiet for a little, then she nodded.� �Ok,
When do we start? Erin paused�.�I didn�t really have a choice,
did I?�� Glenda shook her head slowly��
���� �She will be here to get you after lunch.� So for now
just take it easy,� Glenda suggested.
���� As they left she heard Glenda telling Kim about
hitching Erin and another girl to one of the team sulkies, and going
for a ride this evening.�
���� Lunch came and Erin was not too hungry, she didn�t
use much energy just sitting and waiting.� About the time she
finished brushing, Glenda and Kim were back to take her to the
training stable for measurements.� Glenda had Kim put all of
Erin�s tack on her, it took Kim a little longer to get her completely
equipped.� She did real well and when she became more familiar
with the tack she would be faster.� Often new grooms were quite
rough until they became more adept; Kim was very gentle and
careful as she fit the tack on Erin.� Glenda snapped her lead onto
Erin�s bridle and they headed for the training stable.�
���� When they got there, Wendy and Ione were waiting
for them.� Wendy wanted to have Ione measured, too.� She had
them put Erin in a stall at the side of the room and measure Ione
first.� Erin was frustrated, she had her tongue bit and couldn�t
say anything, all she could do was stomp her foot and try to pull
from Glenda.� Pulling didn�t help, Glenda�s simply pulled Erin
into the stall and closed the gate.�
���� Wendy wanted Glenda to run the process on Ione and
then have Kim take care of Erin.� She wanted to stay and see the
results for both.� Glenda agreed and started with Ione.
���� �Ione please come over here and get weighed,� she
said.� �You weigh forty-seven pounds. Come on let�s go over
here and get the rest of your numbers,� she led Ione over to the
examination table.
���� There was a little step to make getting on the table
easier, Glenda had Ione step up onto the step to make getting the
measurements easier.� She measured Ione�s arms and legs and
her body sizes.�
���� �Ok, your measurements are � 24AA-15-25 � and
you�re four feet, five inches tall. Climb up on the table and kneel
there, facing that end,� she said pointing to the left end.� After
Ione was on the table she had her put her arms on the table in
front of her legs and then put her head down on her arms.� Ione
was now on the table with her head down and her butt up,
���� �Oh Damn! This is awful,� Ione lamented.
���� �It�s going to be a little worse, I have to measure
your little butt hole,� Glenda told her.
���� Ione took a breath, �Ok, go ahead.�� She sounded
���� Glenda had an anal measure, a cone with lines around
it and a handle on the end.� She lubed the end from a green
tube,� �Ok, try to relax,� she said as she laid her left hand on
Ione�s back.� Glenda very carefully pressed the measure into
Ione�s anus.�
���� She looked at the results, �Size 2, you�re bigger
than I thought you would be.� That�s three quarters of an
inch.� Ok, now turn over and slide down to the end of the table,
we�re going to try the gyno� stirrups.�� She lifted the stirrups
and locked them into place.
���� Glenda helped Ione get her feet into the stirrups and
put the straps over her ankles, to keep them in place.� Glenda
had a small measure to insert into Ione�s pussy.�
���� �Try to relax, this won�t take too long, but I�m
going to push this into you.� We will find out how deep you are
and about how big.�� Glenda lubed the measure, and began
pushing it into Ione.� When she got to the end Ione took a quick
���� �Wait a couple of minutes and I�ll try to get it in a
little bit deeper,� Glenda said.�
���� �This part isn�t so bad, can you pull it out and then
back in real fast a few times?� Ione requested.
���� Wendy spoke up, �Don�t you even do that,
Glenda.�� She laughed.� �I�ve go to go to a meeting, I don�t
have time to wait while you play with her pussy.��
���� Glenda said, �Ok the last push, and let�s see how
deep you are.� I�ve always kind of wondered.�
���� She pushed the measure a little farther into Ione,
�I�ve got four inches, and this is a one inch measure.�� She
released Ione�s ankles from the stirrups, and helped her off the
���� She turned to Kim, �Ok that�s how to do the
measurements, you go get Erin and do her measurements. Come
on Ione, let�s get out of her way.�
���� Kim went over to the stall and went inside, so she
could remove all of Erin�s tack. Once she got done, they came
��� Erin was very angry, with Wendy, �You just left me
standing in there, like I don�t matter, like livestock!�
���� �You are livestock, Erin.� Just calm yourself, and
remember you are livestock, my livestock.� I can do what I want
with you.� PONYGIRL.� Do You Understand?�
���� Erin nodded, �I�m sorry, Wendy.�� She realized
what Wendy meant, she was livestock, and she got wet when
Wendy told her.
���� Kim got Erin around and got her arms and legs
measured. Her body measured at 34B-22-36 and 133
pounds.� Erin stood waiting for Kim to tell her what to do next,
Wendy had cautioned her not to do anything unless Kim told
her.� She wanted to make sure Kim could do the measurements
all on her own.� After Erin was on the table with her head down
and her butt up, she measured Erin�s anus as size 8, maximum of
four inches.� Then she measured Erin�s pussy, it was thirteen
and a half inches deep, with a three-inch measure.�
���� �That�s damn deep,� Kim said as she was getting
Erin�s tack back onto her.
���� �Well she is five feet-nine inches tall,� said
Wendy.� �So that�s not too big a portion of her, if you consider
that she�s so tall.�
���� Kim looked at her, �No, that�s really deep, and I
used a three inch measure.� That�s pretty big around,
too.� According to the records her boobs are bigger, too.�
���� �So is her butt measurement, that�s probably from
the running and pulling,� suggested Wendy.

���� They were outside, hitching Erin and Chloe to a team

sulky, �Glenda, did you see how wet she got when I put that
measure in her?�� Glenda just nodded.� �Is she really that
hot?� Glenda nodded again.�
���� Erin was overjoyed; she hadn�t been pulling with
Chloe for a long time. Since they were both used to teach new girls
team pulling. When they pulled out of the corral Erin had a hard
time not running at top speed, but Glenda held her back.� She
was showing Kim around the stable area, before they set off to
look at the whole campground.� Erin constantly tried to run faster
than Glenda wanted to go.� So Glenda held her back all the time,
she held back on the reins, until Chloe was getting mad, because
her mouth hurt.� When they stopped for a water break, Glenda
pulled Erin to the side and told her if she didn�t straighten up, she
would be punished.� When they got back, and Glenda was
hitching Erin back into her pulling belt, Erin tried to pull away
again. Chloe had enough; she used her left pony hand and hit Erin
on the side of her head.� Erin fell to her knees; Chloe was about
to kick her when Glenda jumped in.
���� �Chloe No!� Glenda yelled, and turned her
away.� �Don�t do it.� I�ll take care of her.� Glenda quickly
unhitched Chloe, and snapped her lead onto Chloe�s bridle.�
���� She turned to Kim at the same time and said; �Check
on Erin, for me please. I�ll get Chloe over here.�� She led Chloe
to the side of the roadway and tied her lead to a fence post.
���� The next morning Erin was nervously standing in
Wendy�s office and she was scared.� Kim had gotten her up and
readied this morning, with good tack and a butt-tail, Kim also
locked her hands behind her back with a short chain.� When she
walked in the office door, she saw a piece of equipment in front of
Wendy�s desk.� There was a platform with outlines for feet, and
an upright rod between the footprints.� Kim made Erin stand on
the footprints.� The center part was movable and Kim raised it up
to, and then into Erin�s pussy.� Erin jumped when it was raised,
but Kim made her stand still.� The whole thing went into Erin for
about twelve inches.� When it was raised it clicked into place, and
would not move. Erin had to stand with her back very arched,
because the top was angled. Erin could not move in any direction,
it was too long for her to try to jump off.
���� Wendy came in to her office with a file in her hand,
she did not look very happy.
���� �Well how do you like my slave stand?� It�s pretty
good at keeping you in one place, isn�t it?� Wendy asked
casually.� She waited for Erin to answer.� Erin nodded slowly;
she did not want to be part of the conversation.
���� �The slave stand was developed in Europe in the
1800�s, slave girls were not always cooperative, but a stand kept
them in one place for a while.� Wendy told her. �You caused a
bunch of shit the other day.� Chloe has a sensitive mouth; your
pulling caused her quite some pain.� Now you are going to suffer,
some for her and some more for me.� Do you understand?�
���� Erin tried to speak, but her bit kept her from saying
anything. She gave up and nodded.
���� �This is not a matter for discussion.� If you�re trying
to apologize,� Wendy said loudly, �Don�t bother.� I�ll let you
know when you�re sorry.�� Wendy stood and went out, leaving
Erin standing in her office.� �I�m going to lunch, we�ll finish this
discussion when I get back.�
���� It seemed like hours before Wendy was back; Erin had
to stand on the slave stand with the dildo holding her in place.� It
didn�t seem so big, maybe two inches, but it got uncomfortably
after standing there for so long.� Then Nana {Wendy�s Old English
Sheepdog} came in to the room.� Nana sniffed all around the sides
of the room, and then she found Erin.� Nana was named after the
dog in Peter Pan; Wendy had loved the movie since she and Erin
were little.� Nana came up behind Erin and sniffed her between her
legs.� Nana didn�t like the tail, so she came around to the
front.� Erin tried to get her to leave, but she couldn�t say
anything, the slave stand was high enough that Erin could not raise
either foot to kick at the dog.� Nana was big enough that she could
put her nose right up to Erin�s pussy,,,or her tongue.� Nana licked
Erin�s pussy a couple of licks and Nana stopped and went to the
wastebasket sniffed inside it.� Then Nana came back to Erin, she
stepped right up to Erin and began licking her pussy.� Erin
thrashed around as much as she dared, trying to get Nana to leave
her alone.� It didn�t work; Nana�s licking became more insistent.
���� Erin heard the door and Nana stopped and went to her
blanket and lay down.� Wendy came in laughing with Glenda and
Kim, and Alicia; she was back from her mini-vacation.� They were
all laughing at some joke when they came in the door.� Nana
looked up from her bed in the corner, and hurried over to Wendy to
get petted.�
���� Wendy walked by Erin, �Get this out of here,� she
said to Kim.� Kim went to the back of the stand, and stepped on a
lever, Erin could feel the dildo part slide down.� Kim snapped her
lead to Erin�s bridle and led her outside were a sulky was
parked.� Kim hitched Erin to the sulky and got in, she ran her to
the parking lot and found a woman getting out of her car.� Kim
asked her if she would like a free hour. Of course she would.� Kim
had her go to the front office to sign the usual papers.� While she
was inside, Kim made Erin run around the stable.� Kim got out and
the woman got in.
���� Kim said, �Go ahead and let her run the long path, she
loves to run so keep her running.� Have a good time.�
���� �Thanks,� she said as she left.
���� They were back in an hour, Kim was there in the sulky
corral to meet them. �Well how did it go?� Kim asked.
���� �Great, she�s fast, but she started so get a little slow
toward the end,� was the answer.
���� �Oh, I�m sorry. Go ahead and take her around again,
she can do better.� It was a couple of days ago we couldn�t get
her to slow down,� Kim told her.
���� Erin heard all of this, but the customer snapped the
reins to get her going.� Erin started and got out onto the trail with
tears starting.
���� By quitting time Kim had gotten one customer after
another, until Erin could hardly stand. Let alone run, or even run
fast.� When she was done for the day Kim got into the sulky and
drove to the new campground stable, where Erin�s stall was.� She
didn�t make Erin run, they just went along a comfortable
pace.� When she got there Alicia was there to help unhitch Erin,
Alicia and Kim chatted amiably while they worked.� They took Erin
into her stall, where her dinner was waiting. Alicia unhooked Erin�s
bit and held the end of the tongue stud, she replaced the long bit
stud with Erin�s shorter regular one. After her bridle was removed
and pony hands taken off, she was allowed to go eat her
dinner.� She still had her hoof-boots and butt-tail, she was so tired
and hungry that she didn�t care.� By the time Alicia and Kim were
back Erin finished eating and was ready for them to finish her
equipment.� When the rest was removed they took her to the bath
stall.� Alicia got the water adjusted for her, and sent her into the
stall.� The two grooms chatted while they washed Erin, and paid
little attention, just like washing a horse.� The only part Erin had
was being washed.� Alicia carefully washed Erin�s nipple rings and
the holes, making sure she got out all the dust or dirt.� When Kim
got to her anus she washed off all the lube and then moved
on.� Alicia did her pussy; she washed Erin�s clitoris ring.� She
was careful and turned the ring to be sure Erin was clean.� Erin
was getting aroused; she started to breathe a little harder.� Alicia
stopped and Kim turned off the water, and opened the gate for Erin
to get out.� They dried her and took her back to her stall.� Alicia
had a black leather collar and cuffs, with little padlocks.� There
were short chains about a foot long between the collar and each
wrist cuff, and a chain about two feet long between the ankle
cuffs.� Erin was so tired she didn�t mind going to bed, but she
really expected to have Alicia masturbate her.� Alicia did such a
good job that Erin missed her while she was gone on
vacation.� Kim helped Alicia lock Erin in her chains, then put her in
her bed; there was a chain from the top to Erin�s collar and
another at her foot of the bed to the chain between Erin�s
feet.� Erin was locked so she couldn�t reach her pussy with either
hand, and she couldn�t curl enough to bring her pussy any closer
to her hands.� Neither Alicia nor Kim had spoken a single word to
her for the whole evening. They gave her a bath and didn�t do
anything other than wash her.� Now she was locked into her bed,
for the night.� She was so tired she didn�t mind just going to bed.
���� In the morning, Glenda and Kim were there to wake
her and get her ready, after she was up and around, Glenda put
Erin�s hoof-boots on her and Kim put the butt-tail into her anus,
then her breakfast was ready.� Erin ate and brushed, so she was
ready when Glenda and Kim returned.� Kim put the rest of her
equipment on her, and locked hands behind her back.� Then she
took her out and hitched her to the same sulky she had pulled
yesterday; they went to the other stable area and the sulky
corral.� Kim spent the day finding customers for Erin.� Erin spent
the day pulling constantly.� When she was done Kim took her back
to the stable where she and Alicia bathed her.� She was fed her
dinner and locked to her bed, so she couldn�t masturbate.� Alicia
added a solid aluminum brace that went between Erin�s ankles, to
keep her from rubbing her thighs together.

���� On the last day of two weeks, Erin was pulling a young
woman and Keiko was pulling her mother.� They had stopped to
take a break.� The daughter noticed that Erin�s clitoris bell was
not jingling, so she checked it.� The bell was full of pussy
secretions, and more were dripping off or running down Erin�s
thighs.� Both of the women were amazed.� Erin stood still for
them, she was just about beside herself she had been treated like
livestock for the last two weeks.� The daughter went to find a towel
for her hands, the mother touched Erin�s labia a little.� Erin tried
to get her to press harder and tried to push onto her hand, but all
she would do was open Erin�s lips and very gingerly lift Erin�s
���� �Wow, come look at this, look at the size of this
clitty.� It�s huge,� she said.
���� After they looked Erin over they got around and
finished their rides.� Kim was waiting for them when the rides were
done.� They had to leave, even though Kim offered them another
ride.� The end of the day came and Kim took Erin back to her
stable.� Kim and Alicia took care of her for the night and put her to
bed.� Erin no longer tried to talk to them, but she was so aroused
that she could hardly stand it.� After she was in bed she cried for
almost an hour.
���� In the morning Alicia brought Erin�s breakfast early,
by the time she was done eating Kim was there too. They took Erin
to the bath stall and gave her another good washing.� After that
Alicia took her to the spa and gave her to Carmen.� Carmen fixed
Erin�s hair into cornrows and oiled her completely with the sesame
and sandalwood oil blend.� Alicia was there to pick Erin up a about
8:30 and had a gold chain collar and cuffs, Carmen helped put them
on Erin.� Carmen must have known Erin was in trouble because
she didn�t try to talk to Erin once.� When the collar and cuffs were
all locked, Alicia had a pair of black leather spike heeled, platform
shoes for her. The shoes had a link on the back that hooked to
Erin�s ankle cuff; she couldn�t remove the shoes herself.� Alicia
snapped a leash onto Erin�s collar, and led her out.
���� They went to Wendy�s office, so Wendy could see how
beautiful Erin was.� Her hair was braided into cornrows with a little
gold end on each braid, and her dark tanned skin was oiled and
���� Wendy looked up from her desk, �Did you get enough
running?� she asked.
���� �Yes,� Erin nodded. �Wendy, I�m��.�
���� Wendy interrupted, �You don�t need to apologize, like
I said before, I�ll tell you when you�re sorry.� Right?�
� ���Erin nodded.
���� �I have some company coming in later.� Would you
like to be my pet again today?� Wendy asked.� Erin nodded.� �I
need to keep you just like you are now.�� Erin nodded again.�
���� �Alicia, before you go, would you take care of this for
me?� she held up a butt-plug.
���� Alicia lubed the butt-plug and stepped to Erin�s side,
she put her left hand on Erin�s lower belly and gently pushed the
butt-plug in with her right hand.� Erin moaned softly when the
Alicia pushed large part through Erin�s anus.� Alicia left through
the backdoor when Wendy�s outer office called to announce her
���� �Not A Word!� she cautioned Erin.� �No matter
what.�� Erin nodded.
���� The door opened and two men came into the office,
Erin thought she would faint.� She hadn�t been this close to men
in nearly a year.� The grooms and handlers didn�t count; the
ponygirls were strictly off limits to them. The girls were required to
allow grooms and handlers do what was necessary to care for
them.� These two men were different as they were not
restricted.� Both were dressed in expensive business suits, and
smelled of nice cologne and aftershave.� Erin could feel herself
starting to secrete from her pussy.� They sat in chairs Wendy had
for them.� After a few minutes it was obvious that the older man
wanted to buy the ranch from Wendy, and not for the price Wendy
had given them.� After about half an hour, Wendy had coffee
brought in.
���� The younger of the two took this opportunity look Erin
���� �Hey, Markus,� he called, �You�ve got to see
this.�� He gingerly lifted the bell, dangling from Erin�s
clitoris.� �She has the biggest clit I�ve ever seen.��
���� He asked Wendy if Erin was part of the deal, or if she
was Wendy�s personal property.� Wendy didn�t answer.�
��� They all went out for a stroll around the property, Wendy
snapped Erin�s leash to her clitoris ring and brought her with
them.� They walked along; Erin was so aroused that she could
hardly walk.� By the time they were back in Wendy�s office Erin
was sure she was about to climax.�
���� The older of the two men gave Wendy a file with their
proposal.� Wendy looked at it quickly, and shook her head, no.
���� �This is less than half of my price, there�s no deal at
this price,� she said.
���� �Well if you think you want to sell, you�ll have to re-
consider, this is a good offer,� He responded.
���� �I don�t want to sell, you approached me,
remember.� I think you should leave now.� We�re done,� She
responded. �And no, she is not part of the deal.� Wendy looked at
the younger man.
���� After they left, Wendy unsnapped her leash from
Erin�s clitoris ring, and said �Coffee?� Have a seat,,,,,Um,,,,Use
that chair,� she pointed to a leather chair near the inside door.�
���� Wendy poured each of them a cup, and brought them
to a little table near the chair she pointed out to Erin.� She didn�t
say anything while she was getting the coffee around.
���� �I don�t want to sell this place,� I grew up
here.� Two times, once when I was little, and again when I made
this business work.� I gave them such an unbelievable number that
I thought they would go away, she said.� �What did you think of
them, that one guy was pretty hot, eh.�
���� �I thought I was going to come just standing there,�
answered Erin.� �Am I all done?� You can be sure I�ll never do
anything like that again,� she also asked.
���� Wendy nodded.� �Alicia will be here to pick you up
soon.� She wants to tell you all about her trip, she�s been diein�
to tell you.� She said.� �You know when you do something like
that it interferes with a lot of people.�
���� Erin was laying on her side, while Alicia gently pushed
the long enema tube into her anus; she had been working for
almost half an hour, so Erin knew she was almost done.� In a few
more minutes she got Erin up, the end of the tube was out through
her anus just a little less than a foot.� They walked to the training
stable, where Alicia had gathered several people to watch her
proceedings.� They walked in and Erin could see five big plastic
bags of sterile water hanging on the stand.� When Erin tried to pull
back, Alicia took her arm and led her on into the room.�
���� �This time we are going to put five gallons of water
into Erin, this tube goes all the way in to the end of her large
intestine.� It�s seventeen feet and three inches to the end; I�ve
been working for the last half hour to get it all the way there.� It�s
the same tube I used last time; the major change I�m going to
make is the speed of the water flow.� The last time I wasn�t too
careful about that, but you can see this time the bags are just a few
inches higher than the tabletop.� This way the water will flow quite
slowly, and reduce the chances of cramps,� Alicia announced.� Her
little group included Glenda and Kim, plus several other grooms and
handlers.� The only other ponygirls there were Shia, and
Chloe.� Denise had been there earlier, but she had to go to
���� Alicia got Erin laid on her side on the table at the front
of the room, facing away from the group.�� Everyone had a good
view of Erin�s anus and the tube.� Alicia adjusted the level of the
stand holding the water bags; she attached the hose from the first
bag to the hose inserted into Erin.� Alicia started the flow of water
into Erin�s anus.� The water felt cool to Erin, but felt pretty
good.� Alicia let a whole gallon into Erin, she changed the water
bags and pulled the hose out a foot.� She opened the water and let
another gallon flow slowly into Erin.� After that she began pulling
out a foot and flowing a quart into Erin.� Alicia continued sending
water into Erin very slowly, but Erin had very little sensation of
it.� She could feel the water filling her it was not too
uncomfortable.� Alicia took nearly forty-five minutes getting all the
water into Erin.� When she was done she had a butt-plug ready to
put into Erin�s anus when the tube was completely out.
���� Alicia had Erin stay on the table, and draw her knees up
to her chest.� She had a huge dildo it was fourteen inches by four
inches.� Erin was so aroused that Alicia pushed it into Erin and met
very little resistance.� Right then Alicia wished she had gotten a
bigger dildo.� When she had it fully inserted into Erin, she got Erin
up and seated in a chair.�
���� �Did you know this dildo was a vibrator, too?� she
asked Erin.� Erin shook her head.� Alicia adjusted the controller,
�Can you feel it?�� Erin nodded.
���� �Originally I thought I would make you orgasm �till
you faint again, but I think I�ll see if I can get you to faint without
an orgasm.� Sound like fun, to you?� she asked Erin.� Erin
���� Erin was looking for the next step, she had been forced
to orgasm until she passed out three times, and now this might be
the next step.�� She had gotten so horny over the last two weeks
that she thought she could not stand it.�� Now she could make use
of the time, it was a chance to recover a little of what she felt she
had lost.�
���� The vibrator was starting to make her feel even more
aroused, Erin was breathing harder and writhing in the chair.� She
was trying make the end of the dildo push against her tender,
sensitive pussy.� The vibrations slowed, she moaned, �No.�� The
dildo stopped completely, as soon as Erin calmed a little bit, Alicia
started it again.� Erin started to feel the weight of the water inside
her; it felt heavy.� She tried to stand, Alicia turned the vibrator on
faster, and she couldn�t get up.� When Erin sank back the
vibrations slowed.� Alicia carefully modulated the vibrations; Erin
was constantly getting close to orgasm and then stopping.� The
five gallons of water was getting harder to stand, but with the butt-
plug in place she couldn�t expel it.
���� The room was getting harder to keep in focus, and it
was getting harder to stay upright in her chair.� The room started
to swirl and the voices of the people became a single buzz.� Erin
came so close to having an orgasm, so close.� When Alicia turned
the vibrator off, Erin started to sob.
���� �Please let me finish,,� she cried.
���� �No not quite yet, baby,� Alicia, answered.� Erin fell
out of the chair.

���� Erin was lying on a bench in the corral; she could feel
the water as it ran from her anus.� When she fainted Alicia had
gotten some help to carry her outside, they laid her on a bench that
Alicia had placed earlier.� Alicia pulled the butt-plug out of Erin�s
anus, water rushed out for a long time.
When she woke, Erin felt the water running out of her
anus.� She felt sated, and tranquil.� Erin just wanted to lie there,
alone and quiet, she felt a gurgling inside again, she was
comfortable letting the water just run out when necessary.� Soon
she started to feel her need again, and she wanted to get up and go
looking around for Alicia.� As soon as she moved there was more
water, she was there nearly an hour.� Alicia and Glenda came back
to see her and she felt so miserable, but she was glad to see
them.� She had been naked since she came to the ranch; she was
no longer self-conscious about nakedness in front of anyone
else.� She had to stop and urinate when she was out pulling
sulkies, so adding the expulsion of the water was not a big step for
her.� The three of them sat and chatted for over an hour while
waiting for Erin�s bowels to empty.� When she felt better they all
went to the bath stall in the training stable.
��������� They got Erin into the bath stall and started
bathing her.� She had been washed this morning, but she was
ready for more bathing.� Her hair was still in cornrows so they kept
her hair out of the water.� They shared the chores and when they
got to Erin�s pussy Alicia had to wash very carefully. To make sure
she didn�t have anything from the huge enema on her.� Glenda
noticed that Erin was getting so very sleepy.� They decided not to
do anything tonight, Erin would be too tired and sleepy to
appreciate it.� when they were done washing Erin, Alicia had a
collar and cuffs for her, they secured her in a stall in the training
stable, and let her sleep for the night.� She had her wrist cuffs
locked directly to her collar and ankle cuffs to the foot of the bed.�
���� �Let�s get her oiled up again and take her to
Wendy�s office in the morning,� suggested Glenda.
���� �I�ve got some of that oil, we can do her ourselves
and take her there,� answered Alicia.� �I�ll go call Wendy and
see if she can take her tomorrow.�

The Newest Ponygirl

���� Erin walked across the garden, behind Wendy.� The

sun was bright and Wendy�s flower garden smelled sweet. If she
hadn�t been on Wendy�s leash Erin would have stayed in the
garden all day.� Alicia had waked her at 7:AM, when she first
opened her eyes Erin couldn�t move her arms. She felt panicky,
but Alicia was there to keep her calm.
���� �We didn�t want to do anything last night, you were
falling asleep, so we got permission from Wendy to get you all oiled
up again today and take you there again.� When you are done this
afternoon you�ll be all turned on and hot for this
evening.� �Sound good?� Alicia suggested.
���� Erin sat up. �Yeah.� If she�s going to be around.
Sure,� she nodded.

���� Wendy told her that she had two women showing up
today to see about staying in the spa.
���� �Please answer any questions that they may ask.� I
want them to use this place, only if they are sure,� Wendy
cautioned her.� �If they decide they don�t like it here, then I
want them to leave.�
���� The P.A.R. {Ponygirl Adventure Ranch} Clinic, it was a
weight loss center for women who wanted to lose a lot of fat, fast,
but healthily.� There were medical, and nutrition experts and
exercise leaders, all dedicated to healthy reduction.� Wendy also
had plenty of exposure to ponygirls for motivation and
inspiration.� Today�s guests were here to see about staying for an
extended visit, for one of them.� Diane Rush brought her mother,
she hoped to get in to stay for several weeks before going off to
college. Diane wanted to be slender for college.� She was about
five-six and had light brown hair; it was just past her shoulder
blades and very curly and framed her face.� She had to brush it
back constantly, she was very attractive when she did this.
���� They brought doctor reports and Wendy�s doctor�s
approval to Wendy and payment for the first six weeks.� Diane�s
mother was of course concerned for her daughter�s safety, but
when she had chance to interview Erin she felt a bit better.� Erin
had been free to walk around naked for almost a year without fear
of attack, from the customers {and the workers}.� Mrs. Rush was
very interested in Erin; she wanted to know about her tattoos and
each piercing.�
���� �How much do you weigh, and what are you
measurements? I hope you don�t think I�m being too forward,�
She said.
���� �No, it�s fine.� I weigh 133 pounds and I measure
34B-22-36, and I�m five-nine,� Erin answered.
���� �You have your name tattooed right there?� She said
gesturing toward Erin�s breast.�
���� Erin nodded, �Yes, it�s part of my contract to work
here, so are most pierced holes.�
���� �This, too?� Mrs. Rush asked.� She touched the chain
to Erin�s clitoris ring?� Erin nodded her head, �It�s in the
contract, that a large clitoris gets pierced.� I love it.�

����� She was walking along behind Wendy through the

garden, the oil made her skin glisten.� Wendy�s leash was clipped
to Erin�s permanent clitoris ring.� Wendy strolled along chatting
with her guests and holding the leash absently.� When they left the
office Wendy brought Erin along on a leash, Mrs. Rush kept looking
back at Erin.� When they got to the gate, Wendy stopped and
picked up a chain there and locked it to Erin�s collar and she
unlocked her leash.
���� �She�ll be fine here.� She would probably rather stay
in the garden than go into the spa anyway.�� Wendy said.� They
went on chatting and Erin stood in the garden.�
���� Erin had twenty-five feet of chain so she could go
around most of the garden, she went and looked at all the flowers
and enjoyed being there in the quiet.� Her bells tinkled softly as
she moved along the pathways, the swinging and swaying pulled
her rings gently.� She was already very frustrated, and it didn�t
take much to arouse her.� When Wendy chained her out, she
almost fainted.� Erin loved the sheltered feeling she got when
Wendy locked that chain to her collar.� Diane came back in about
half an hour; Erin had been sitting on a bench, when she stood
there was wet place where she had been sitting.�
���� �Are you wet all the time?� she asked.� Erin
nodded.� �Do you enjoy it?� Isn�t it hard on you?� Do you ever
get any satisfaction?� Diane asked all at once.
���� Erin laughed, �Yes, Yes, and Yes, to all three.� I like
the idea that I�m constantly aroused.� My groom washes me
every evening and then masturbates me, maybe a couple of times.
Since I�ve been here I�ve been getting more and more
aroused.� I�ve been fondled and handled to orgasms so intense
that I�ve fainted.�
���� �Really?� I�d like to see that sometime,� Diane
said.� �How do you get so turned on like that?�
���� �These rings with the little bells dangling from my
nipples, and clit get me so hot sometimes that I can hardly stand
it.� When I run with a sulky, I have to wear equipment that keeps
my hands covered over.� That makes me pretty much helpless; of
course that�s the point.� All I have to do is run; the drover
controls my speed and directions.� So when I get too aroused to
even think, I don�t have to,� Erin explained. �Then when I�m
here my groom takes care of me, totally.� So I get to just enjoy all
the sensations.�
���� Diane looked serious, �What about men?� Are there
any around?�
���� �Nope none.� Wendy says her lawyers decided that if
I have anything to do with any men, it could be a legal problem,
since I�m naked all the time.� Even the other employees are off
limits.� Actually, I�m off limits to them.�
���� �No. I meant me, around here,� she corrected.
���� �Oooohh! I don�t know.� There are lots of
customers, but actually most are female,� Erin told her.�
���� Erin saw Alicia coming to pick her up.� Erin explained
that Alicia was her groom, and would be taking her for
bathing.� Diane looked like she wanted to ask something.
���� �Do you want to go and watch the process?� Alicia
asked her.� Diane nodded.
���� Alicia had a key for the lock on Erin�s collar; she
snapped her own leash to the collar.� She had a package with her
too.� She opened it and showed it to Erin, and Diane.
���� �What�s that?� Diane asked.
���� �It�s a polished aluminum butt-plug, for Erin.� Alicia
told her.� She took out a green tube out of her pocket, and applied
lube to the end of the butt-plug.� She turned to Erin, who turned to
her right and arched her back, to give Alicia better access to her
anus.� Alicia put her left hand on Erin�s lower belly and pushed
the butt-plug in.� Diane watched carefully as she pushed in the
butt-plug.� The outside end of the butt-plug was round about the
size of a golf ball.� They all headed toward the stable.
���� The walked along the roadway, Diane was chatting
amiably and having a good time.� When her cell phone rang, it was
her mother, saying good-bye and that she would see her next
week.� They covered the distance quickly because they were
having a good time talking and joking.
���� �This is really something,� Diane started. ��Here we
are walking along, with a pet woman on a leash.� I�m amazed,
this really is a different culture.�� She was quickly catching on to
the idea that Erin was treated like a pet, or livestock.
���� When they got to the stable Alicia took Erin to her stall,
�Start takin� your hair down, Erin. We�ll be back after you eat
and then get you washed.����
����� �Alicia?� Will you be bringing Diane with you?� Erin
asked tentatively.� Alicia nodded. Before they left Alicia took the
butt-plug out of Erin.
���� As they left to show Diane around,� �Would it be
better if I went on back to the spa before bathing time?� she
���� �No, you can come watch, if you want,� said Alicia, as
they walked away.
���� �She seemed a bit worried about me being there,�
Diane suggested.
����� Alicia shrugged, �She�s not in charge of it.� The
only part Erin has, is being washed.�

���� Alicia adjusted the water so Erin had a nice hot bath,
and opened the gate for her. Erin went ahead, she looked at Diane
again, and stepped in to the stall.� Alicia was giving Diane a
running commentary of the bath process.� She shampooed Erin�s
hair and started with her back and shoulders.� When she pulled her
hands back Erin turned around, so Alicia had access to her breasts
and nipples.� Alicia carefully washed Erin�s nipples and turned her
rings to make sure they were well cleaned.� Alicia continued with
the rest of Erin�s legs and body, until she got to Erin�s butt.
���� �Arch for me, sweetheart.� I need to get all the lube
off you,� Alicia said.� Erin arched her back to give Alicia the access
she needed.� Soon Alicia said,� �Turn for me, please.�
���� Erin was starting to breathe harder, and moan a little
bit.� She turned around when Alicia pulled her hands back.� Alicia
carefully started kneading Erin�s vulva; she pressed her two middle
fingers between Erin�s labia.� Alicia slid her hand farther between
Erin�s lips, fondling as she moved back.� When she got to Erin�s
vagina she turned her whole hand up and pressed it into Erin�s
opening.� She began to move her hand up and down, Erin moaned
loudly and began to climax.� Erin leaned against the side of the
stall and opened her legs to give Alicia better access.
Erin had a very long orgasm, but Alicia didn�t stop she kept up
her activities and Erin had another orgasm immediately.� Alicia
slowed a little bit, but continued working her pussy tenderly.� Erin
started having a third orgasm; Alicia turned to Diane and nodded.�
���� The had a little surprise for Erin, Diane stepped behind
Erin and pressed her left hand against Erin�s anus and then pulled
back a little so she could push her two middle fingers into
Erin.� When she did Erin had such and intense orgasm that she
nearly fell down.� Diane and Alicia held Erin up so she didn�t fall
to the floor.� They got her out of the shower and dried off.� By the
time Erin was all dried off she was feeling fine, for the first time in a
little over two weeks.� Alicia had introduced Diane to Glenda and
Kim, they told her what Erin had done and what Wendy did to
punish Erin.� That�s when she and Alicia made their plans for
Erin�s shower.

The Newest Ponygirl:� Diane�s New Look

���� Diane ran along the same path Erin used every morning
she could.� Diane stayed at the spa for twelve weeks and she lost
quite a lot of excess weight.� When she wanted to start spending
her time naked, like Erin, she was found that was not one of her
choices.� When she was caught she ended up in Wendy�s
office.� Diane was worried that she would be booted out and her
mother would be called to come and pick her up, again. Wendy had
another idea entirely.
���� �Diane, there are certain rules and regulations in life
that we can�t get away with breaking.� When we went to the spa
we left Erin in the garden, remember?� Wendy reminded.� Diane
nodded.� �If you are going to go around naked, you have to be
here, and there are rules for that here too.� My business is to make
a living for me and about a hundred and fifty people that work for
me.�� Wendy proceeded to tell her the rules about ponygirls, and
pet girls and the stable area.
���� This jogging trail was out in the back area, and Diane
was not required to wear clothes, so she was naked.� As she ran
along she thought over Wendy�s proposal, she could be a ponygirl,
although she was not as tall as Erin, at five-six she was tall
enough.� She called her mother that night and told her of the
offer.�� Ponygirls were given complete care, food, and housing and
a guaranteed minimum of $104,000.oo a year, an average of $2000
a week.� The offer was for a two - year contract, with an option at
the end.� She could delay going to college and have enough money
to live well while she was at school.� Her mother was not terribly
averse to the idea, as Diane had imagined.� Diane knew the
biggest reason was so she could lose more weight and get into good
condition.� When she got back to the spa area she called Wendy.

���� Diane stood in Wendy�s office; she had the pen in her
hand.� She already handled all the things she needed to do.� She
could be busy for two years without creating a business problem.�
���� �Well ok, here I go,� Diane took a deep breath.� She
leaned forward and signed the contract and stood back.� She let
out her breath, �There I�m done and I�m all in.�
���� Wendy smiled, �Good, I�m sure you�ll enjoy it
here.� And coldly she said, �Take off your clothes.�
��������� �Yes ma�am,� Diane said and went to
Wendy�s wastebasket.� As she removed each garment she
dropped it into the can.
���� �Kim will be your groom, I don�t have anyone for a
training groom so you�ll have Kim, all the way through.� She�ll
be here in a few minutes, I called and she was on her
way.�� About the time Wendy finished there was a knock on her
outer door. �Come on in, Kim.�
���� �I know you already know Diane, Kim, but she just
signed her contract.� I don�t have a training groom, so you�ll be
it for her.� Please ask Glenda if there are any questions, I know
she�ll help you out,� Wendy told her, with a smile.� �Here�s a
list of the things to do to get her started,� Wendy handed Kim a
sheet of paper.� �Next time when I call, you don�t have to knock,
I�m already expecting you,� Wendy gave it a dismissing
wave.� She turned to Diane, �This is the last time you get to go
around naked without tack or a collar.�� She went to the door and
opened it to let Diane and Kim out, into the night.�
���� Kim led Diane to the Tattoo Shop, where Bart was
waiting for them.� He opened the door when they got on the top
step and closed it behind them.� He sent Diane to the last chair in
the line, while he locked the door.� She sat in the chair, and put
her arms down for him, Bart walked up and strapped her wrists
down.� He told Diane that he would tattoo her name on her breast
and then Miss Wendell�s logo on her belly.� Then he would be
doing her piercing.� She already had her navel and tongue done, so
would only be piercing her pale pink nipples.� He carefully washed
Diane�s left breast and both nipples, and her lower belly.� Diane
was a bit uneasy at the familiarity she had to afford him.� Bart had
the tattoo equipment tray to her side and began the work.� He
carefully drew the curved tattoo on her breast, �Diane� and
��CP-CW���� �on her belly.� Bart rolled the tattoo equipment
away and brought over the piercing tools.� After he wiped her left
nipple, he pushed the piercing needle through and then used it the
pull the ring through as he pulled it back out of the hole.� Bart
went around to the other side of the table, and pierced her other
nipple.� She looked down at her new jewelry. Bart didn�t have to
pierce Diane�s tongue and navel; they were already pierced, like
most other young women her age.�����
����� �Are these rings permanent?� she asked Bart.� He
shook his head, no. �I was just wondering if these were like
\���� �You�ll need almost six weeks to completely heal,
before we can talk about other rings,� Bart answered.�� �I have
one more thing to check, Miss Wendell wants me to check for a
large clitoris.� If you have a real big one, I�ll have to pierce it
too.�� Bart carefully pulled Diane�s labia apart and put a lips
spreader inside the fold.� He gently pressed on her hood, and
found her clitoris.�
���� Diane started, and writhed a little, �Ooohh, that�s a
sensitive spot, I think you�ve found it.�� She writhed again when
Bart rolled her sensitive pussy flesh between his forefinger and
���� �It�s too small to pierce, but it is sensitive,� Bart
deadpanned.� They both laughed.
���� �You two sure are having a good time playin� with her
pussy,� observed Kim.� That set them both off laughing
again.� Bart removed the lips spreader and released Diane�s
wrists from the straps.� They joked a bit more as they went to the
���� Kim escorted Diane over to the training stable, �This is
your stall for now, and I�ll see you in the morning.� We have to go
to the training room for measurements and sizes.� Your hoof-boots
are orthopedic designs and made from the casts we will make
tomorrow.� Kim looked at her carefully, �I have one more
question.� Are you a virgin?�
���� �No, I had a boyfriend for a little while, but not for
long.� I�m not very experienced but I�m not a virgin,� she
answered. �Why?� What difference does it make?�
���� �That�s not important, so I�ll fill you in tomorrow,�
Kim answered.� �Here�s your stall.�� Kim guided her
inside.� �Go ahead, go to bed and I�ll be back to get you up in
the morning.� Good night,� Kim closed the stall gate as she left.�
���� Diane walked around in her stall and looked it over a
bit.� The training stable had eight stalls along the wall, two sets of
four.� The stalls had one solid wall, and three walls of horizontal
bars, like planks.� When she got back to the gate she tried it and it
was locked.� She felt a little scared, but also protected.� The stall
had a small table and a couple of stools, tall enough to use wearing
hoof-boots.� There was also a tiny refrigerator with a few bottles of
water and diet cola, Diane checked.� At the rear of the stall was a
toilet commode, but no walls or screens.� To use it Diane had to sit
right out in the open.� Being kept naked all the time sounded like a
good idea when she started, but right now her nipples hurt and she
felt exposed.� The other stalls were empty, so Diane was
alone.� She wasn�t cold the temperature was set high enough for
comfort, but when she went to bed she found there was no top
sheet or blankets.� Diane had to just lie there in the open.� She
didn�t go to sleep right away.�
���� Diane opened her eyes; Kim was there, �Diane, wake
up, dear.� Come on babe, it�s time to get up.� We have a few
things to take care of this morning, and then you can sit and take it
easy for a while.��
���� Diane got up slowly, �Oooohhh Damn!� My nipples
hurt!� Diane got up when she saw that Kim had her breakfast.
���� After she sat on one of the stools, Kim laid out vitamin
supplements and Diane�s food, and some more pills.
���� �What are these pills, here?� Diane asked holding up
the pills.
���� Kim smiled, �Advil.� I figured you could use a little
��� Diane took them immediately, �Thanks.� I was afraid
you would just let me sit and hurt.�
���� �I�ll take care of you.� I want you to know you can
depend on me,� Kim told her soberly.�
���� Diane nodded, �Thank you.�� She felt a strong
affection for Kim.
���� � Like I said earlier, we have a couple of things to take
care of today and then you can relax,� Kim repeated. �I�ll have to
get a bridle adjusted to fit you,,,,�
��� �I thought they were custom made to fit,� Diane
��� �Yes, but the measurements for the customs have to be
made,� Kim responded.� �That�s what we have to do
second.� Then we�re back here for the rest of the day.�
���� After she finished eating and brushing, Kim had a bridle
that she fit to Diane�s head.� There were several small buckles for
her to adjust, and the bridle fit properly.� Kim had a regular �V�
bit for the bridle.� Kim brought three different widths to choose
���� She had Diane stand still in front of her, �Arch for me
please, you must learn to stand very arched all the
���� Kim put the first one into Diane�s mouth and clipped
the ends in place.� The part within her mouth was shaped to press
on her tongue, all the way to the back.�
���� Kim pressed Diane�s cheeks gently, �MMmm, too big,
let�s try the next smaller one.�� Kim
unsnapped the bit and picked up the next one.�� Diane
didn�t want to try another one, she really didn�t want to open her
mouth for Kim.
���� �Diane, it�s important that you cooperate with this
process, there are ways to make you take the bit.� I�ve been a
groom for many years, I can assure you that I can make you take
the bit,� Kim said carefully.� �Last chance,� she held the bit
close� in front of Diane�s lips.� �This one is a little smaller than
the last one,�� Kim nodded as she spoke.� Diane opened a bit for
her, and then closed her lips again.�
���� �Do you need to talk again?� Do you have something
to say before we go on? Kim asked.� Diane nodded, and Kim
lowered the bit.
���� �I felt like I was going to gag, or something.� This
isn�t like the ones I saw Erin wearing,� Diane said.
��� �No this is the original style.� The new ones are made
for the custom made bridles,� Kim explained.� �This one
shouldn�t trigger your gag reflex, when it�s properly fitted.� So
let�s try again.�
���� Diane opened her mouth slowly, and let Kim place the
bit in place.� She felt Diane�s cheeks, gently feeling the fit of the
bit.� Diane nodded.
���� Kim clipped her lead to the bridle and they headed for
the other side of the training stable.� When they went outside the
sun was up and there were plenty of people around working, only a
few looked toward Diane.� It was enough to make her feel even
more vulnerable and helpless.� She balked a little, but stayed with
Kim.� She felt that Kim would be there for her and to keep others
away, and that she could depend on Kim to protect her.� That was
of course the idea, Wendy knew that the girls each had to depend
and know they could trust their grooms.
���� When they got to the stable Kim opened� the door and
they went inside.� Betty and Pecos were waiting for them to arrive,
Kim began removing the bridle.� As she unsnapped the bit she told
Diane that she had to cooperate, and that she would be right here,
with her.
���� Betty stepped forward and smiled at Diane, �We need
to measure you completely so it�ll take a while, but it won�t be
too terrible.� Do you need to go, before we start?� Betty
asked.� Diane nodded.� �OK you can go right here,� she led
Diane to a toilet commode setting in the corner of the room.
���� Diane pulled back, �Right Here!!?� I don�t know if I
can go right here.� Right in front of everybody.�
���� �Sure you can, you�ll have to learn to do it outdoors,
whenever you need,� Betty countered.� �Go ahead and try,
maybe you�ll be surprised.�� Betty led Diane by the arm to the
toilet and said,
�Go ahead.�
���� Diane sat down, and amazed herself by peeing right
there.� Kim was standing nearby and handed her a baby wipe, �Be
sure to do a careful job.�� Diane beamed, she was really proud of
���� �Ok, are you ready?� Betty asked. Diane nodded.
���� Betty had her stand on the scale,� � One hundred-
forty four pounds.� We need to get your height and foot sizes.�
���� Then Pecos stepped forward and measured her arms
and legs, both for length and sizes around.� Betty measured her
head in three places, around her brow and lower around her mouth
and over the top of her head.� Then Betty got her body
measurements, while Pecos wrote them down.
���� �Did you ever wonder what your measurements really
were?� she asked Diane.� She nodded. �You are 35C-29-38, not
too bad.� Now for the last part, step onto the table here.��
Diane climbed up using a nearby step stool. �Ok kneel facing
that way,� Betty pointed to the left end of the table.� Betty
stepped beside Diane, �Move your knees a little more apart,� she
said as she tapped the insides of Diane�s knees.� Diane moved her
knees, �Just a little more, please,� Betty said tenderly.� Diane did
as Betty asked, �Thanks, that�s it.� Bend forward and place your
arms on the table, for me please.�� When she did, her head was
down and her butt was up above.� �Arch for me now,� Betty
asked next.�
���� Betty had a cone shaped measure with numbered
rings; she lubed it from her green tube.
���� �Ok Diane, relax for me and I�ll be done
quickly.� Ok?� Betty asked.� Diane nodded with quick little
motions.� Betty put her left hand on her back, and carefully pushed
the measure into Diane�s anus.� She stopped and then started
pushed again; it went a little deeper into Diane.
���� �Ok Pecos, I get size five here,� Betty said as she
pulled it out. �Just one more measurement and we�re all
done.� Please turn over and lie on your back and slide to the other
end of the table, and put your feet in the stirrups.�� As Betty was
talking Pecos latched the stirrups into place at the other end of the
table.� Diane slid to the other end and put her feet onto the
���� �Please slide a little more, so your knees are bent a
little,� Pecos suggested.� When she got into place he put two little
straps across her ankles, to help her stay in place.� Pecos had a
twelve-inch by two-inch measure, lubed and ready.� Diane felt
helpless; she lay there with hr feet up in the stirrups, and her knees
pulled back, her pussy was open and exposed.� Pecos pressed the
end of the measure into Diane; he carefully pushed it in to the
end.� Diane felt the end of the measure touch her deepest point.
���� �Betty I have eight and three quarters,� Pecos
reported.� He stepped to Diane�s head, as he spoke, �I need to
leave it for a couple of minutes, and we�ll see how deep you go.�
���� �Kim,,,� Diane called out almost crying.� Kim hurried
to her, and grasped her outstretched hand.
���� �I�m right here sweetheart,� Kim responded.� �Just
a few more minutes and we�ll go.�
���� �Oh damn,,,,this is awful,� Diane
moaned.� �OOOhh,� She yelped as Pecos pushed the measure a
little farther into her.
���� �Betty, I�ve got nine inches, that�s enough,� Pecos
said as he pulled the measure out of Diane.� He took the measures
to the sink as Betty unhooked the ankle straps to get Diane off the
�� ��She helped Diane off the table, they went to a chair so
she could sit while Kim put the bridle harness back onto her.� They
went back to Diane�s stall, when they got back Kim started to undo
the bridle and Diane reached up to help.
���� �Diane, Stop.� You must never touch any of the
tack.� It�s your groom�s responsibility to handle your tack, I�ll
wash and polish and just take care of it.� You don�t have to and
you mustn�t touch it at all.� Right?�� Kim was adamant.� Diane
���� Diane had the rest of the day to recuperate, in the
evening Kim came back to feed.� After eating she went with Kim
for her first bath by her groom.� They only had to walk to the end
of the room, and through the door.� The training stable was not
open to customers, so they were alone in the bath stall.
���� �We can�t get into the stall together, it�s considered
participation not bathing,� Kim explained. �Since you are naked all
the time, I can�t do anything sexy with you.� If I reach into the
stall and masturbate you while you are getting a bath, it�s not sex,
its just manipulation.�� Then Kim went on
�You are off-limits to customers and all other employees, male
or female.� They can loose their jobs if they touch you, even if you
initiate it.� Do you know why?�
���� �I guess because, it would interfere with work?� Diane
guessed.� She really knew, Erin told her that day in the garden.
���� �No, not quite,� Kim responded.� �The legal people
call you too beguiling, so any sexual contact between you and
someone that you�re not married to has to be less than
voluntary.� You are so attractive they couldn�t resist if they
wanted.� Since the customers have to pay us to be here, any
sexual contact with any of them could be prostitution.�
���� �What if I get horny?� Diane asked.
���� �You will, probably so horny that you can�t stand it,�
Kim answered.
���� �You mean, like Erin?� Diane asked.
���� Kim nodded, �sort of like Erin.� I don�t believe
anyone has been quite so horny as Erin.� She gets horny just
talking about how horny she gets.��

���� Diane�s next step to living as a naked ponygirl was the

sun block dip tank.� After she had three days of healing from her
tattoos and nipple piercing, Kim took her out to the dip tank on the
rear dock of the stable.� She let the sun shine on the tank all day
to warm the chemicals, the tank got cold sitting out on the dock all
night.� So waiting until evening was the least unpleasant way to
dip each girl.� Diane climbed up the steps and stepped into the
brown gooey liquid.� Kim told her she had to dip entirely,
completely under the surface.� Her hair needed protection as well
as the rest of her skin.
���� Diane dropped into the tank, �YYAAAGGGHHH,� she
yelled.� The stuff was cold.� �You said it would be warmed up,
this is awful,� Diane complained.
���� �Did you get you head under?� Kim ignored her
complaints. �Your hair needs protection, too.�
���� �Yes, I went completely under,� Diane called to
her.� �This is really cold.� Do I have to stay here, long?�
���� �No, there�s a step there, find it and climb out,� Kim
���� �I�ve got it,� Diane called back to her.� �I�ll be
right out.�� Diane got out of the tank, and stood dripping where
Kim showed her.� Kim pointed out an outdoor shower to her.
���� �Use that shower for a little bit, if you take all that sun
block inside it�ll take three days to get it all cleaned out of the
shower,� Kim told her, as they walked to the shower.
���� �Oooohhh!! This is cold too,� Diane
complained.� They walked to the inside shower, just inside the door
from the dock.� This was the working stable; Kim just selected a
shower at random, and turned on, and adjusted the water.� She
conducted Diane in and closed the gate.� Kim shampooed, and
bathed Diane completely two times, to get all the residual sun block
���� �What kind of sun block was that?� It really smells
terrible,� Diane said. She wrinkled her nose, �Yyuucckk!�
���� Kim laughed, �It�s some sort of super strength sun
block, Miss Wendell gets it through a customer who works for a
suntan lotion company.�
�� ���Do I have to do this every day?� Diane moaned.
���� �No, we have to go again in three days, and then once
a week after that,� answered Kim.
���� Diane was all washed off and her hair rinsed, Kim
slowly pressed her left palm against Diane�s lower belly. �She slid
her hand lower and let her middle fingers slid between Diane�s
labia.� After she rubbed Diane�s clitoral hood for a few minutes,
she slid her hand lower and put her two middle fingers inside
Diane.� Diane was much smaller then Erin so two of Kim�s fingers
made her feel full, she loved the feeling.� Kim�s fingers slid into
her and back out for about five minutes, the Diane had a gentle,
sweet feeling orgasm.� Kim relaxed her hand and pulled her fingers
out, but she paid close attention to Diane to see if Diane wanted
more.� Diane straightened because she was done; she had enough
for now and wanted to get out of the stall.� Kim got her out and
dried, they left to back to the training stable.
�� Diane did well for the next few days, she hadn�t had the
opportunity to shave her pussy and she was getting a little
stubble.� She asked Kim for the use of a razor, she knew that she
had never seen a ponygirl here with any hair or stubble on her
���� Kim said, �You don�t have to worry about it.� I�ll
take care of it tomorrow.�� The next morning Kim took Diane for a
bath after breakfast.� When the bath was done she had Diane lie
on a bench near the bath stall door.� Kim lathered Diane�s pubic
area and carefully shaved her lower belly, and lips, all the way to
her anus.� When she was done, Kim had a tube of white cream and
she spread a little on the shaved area.� Kim had waited until
Diane�s pubic hair grew out enough to tell where she needed
treat.� Two more shaves and a treatment on the next two
mornings and Diane�s pubic hair was permanently gone.� Diane
went for four more days before she realized that it wasn�t growing
in.� When she asked Diane if it was gone completely, Kim had just
answered, �Yes�.� Diane soon�� understood that she was
livestock and she had little control of herself.� Diane also
understood that she had to give complete intimate access to her
body, to any groom or handler at any time without explanation.�
���� Diane started her training program after three weeks;
her first few days were classes giving her explanations for the
required conduct she was to use while a ponygirl there.� What the
customers expected and how she would fulfill their
expectations.� When the fourth week started Diane was ready for
some action, her nipples were almost completely healed and she
was tired of sitting and ready for something a little more �action
oriented.�� Kim had brought her custom made tack and she had
worn it several times.� The first time was just to see if it all fit
correctly.� They put on her hoof-boots, and pony hands, the first
day.� She wore them for a few hours, and then Kim got her bridle
and the bit, which she wore for a couple more hours.� Kim had
them for her everyday; each day was a little longer than the day
before.� On the last day of class she went to school wearing the
tack and kept it on the whole day.� She went to the first day of
practical exercise and Lisa put her in a harness to pull a sulky, she
had the sulky in a class previously, but today she was hitched to
one for several hours.� By the end of a week she was an old hand
with lots of experience at pulling.
���� When she went in for the first day of the last week of
training she got to everyone�s least favorite part of sulky pulling,
the butt-tail.� Lisa showed her the tail and had her stand to have it
���� �Ok Diane, turn to your left and move your feet a little
apart,� she began. �� Whenever a handler or your groom has the
tail for you, turn like this and stand with your feet shoulder width
apart, and arch as much as you can.� This way it�s easiest for the
end to get started into you.� The handler will put her, or his hand
on your belly, like this and press the end into your anus.�� Lisa
pushed gently on the butt-tail and it went into Diane.� She pushed
it to the side and gave a little tug to make sure it was seated
properly, and securely.� Betty was waiting by the sulky for her so
after she walked around a few steps, she went to the sulky and
stood between the rails with her arms up, so Betty could fasten the
wide belt around her waist.� Lisa had Diane run for the whole day,
with the butt-tail in her.�
���� Kim was waiting for her when they got back to the
corral, Betty unhitched Diane from the sulky and Kim snapped her
lead to Diane�s bridle.� Kim led Diane to the stable, not the
training stable.� She led Diane to one of the center stalls, the one
vacated by Erin.� It stood in the middle of the stable and all four
walls were open. The side stalls had two or even three solid
walls.� All four of the walls of Diane�s stall were of bars, laid out to
exhibit her to the customers, best.� When they got into the stall,
Kim had Diane stop in front of her.
���� �Ok Diane, turn to the left,� she instructed.� �I�ll
get the tail out, and then we can go to the bath stall.� You�ve got
your stall assignment, and I�ll show you which one is
yours.�� Diane turned and arched her back; she wanted to make it
as easy as possible for Kim to get the butt-tail out.�
���� After Kim got the rest of her tack off, and led her to the
bath stalls, Diane�s was number 4.� As Kim was getting Diane�s
water adjusted, another ponygirl came out of stall number 5.� She
smiled at Diane, but didn�t say anything.� The girl was only an
inch taller than Diane, but she was thicker and more
muscular.� Keiko smiled at Diane and her bright white teeth stood
out against her dark Asian complexion.�
���� �Just getting started, huh?� Keiko said to
Diane.� Diane was a thrilled that someone other that Kim actually
spoke to her, but a bit scared too.� Kim had cautioned her about
talking in a customer area.
���� �The busy season doesn�t start for two more weeks,
yet,� Keiko said.� �So there�s no rule about talking,� She looked
at her groom, �I�m Keiko, but I guess you could tell.�� She down
looked at her Keiko tattoo, on her left breast.�
���� �Did you loose a lot of weight when you started?�
Diane asked.� She glanced down at her own belly and at Keiko�s
superb abs.
���� Keiko�s smile brightened, �Oh Yeah! When I started
my measurements were 36A-28-40.� Now they�re 35A-25-36, and
I�ve lost 22 pounds.��
���� Diane looked at her with some concern, �Do your
rings, jiggle around a lot and get you real hot?� Sometimes I get so
aroused that I almost come right there while I�m running.��
���� Keiko nodded, �There are days that I can hardly wait
to get back here, to get a �good� shower.�
���� �Do a lot of people come in here to watch?� Do they
say anything?� Diane asked.
���� Keiko shrugged, �I�ve never noticed how many, and
they don�t get to say anything to you. Anyway they know you
won�t answer, so they don�t want to try to talk to someone who
won�t be answering.��
���� Diane brightened, �Yeah, I guess not.�� Kim urged
her into the shower.
���� Kim carefully washed her hair and put cr�me rinse in
through it.� Kim washed Diane�s shoulders and back, she pulled
her hands back so Diane could turn around.� Kim started to wash
the front of Diane�s shoulders; she worked her way down to
Diane�s breasts and nipples.� After getting more soap on her
hands, she gently washed Diane�s nipples; she also carefully
turned the rings so they were cleaned all the way through.� These
rings were captured ball rings or CBR�s and were easily removable,
but Wendy wanted the grooms to treat them like they were not
easily removed.� Kim worked her way down to Diane�s lower belly
and then skipped to her feet.� Kim applied more soap and washed
Diane up her legs to the tops.
���� �Ok Diane turn for me so I can get your behind,� She
said casually.� Diane slowly turned her back.� �Arch, please,�
Kim said.� Diane arched her back and moved her feet a little bit
farther apart.
���� �This feel so strange to me,� Diane whispered.
���� �You�ll get used to it, probably even start to like it a
lot real soon,� Kim said softly.� �There�s no one here but us, so
you can speak up if you want.��
���� �I like you a lot, but having you fondle me like this, it
makes me feel peculiar,� Diane said ardently.�
���� �Is it because of me or in spite of me,� Kim asked.
�that you feel this way?�
���� �Neither, it�s your job, if it wasn�t me it would be
someone else,� Diane responded, �Wouldn�t it?�� Kim smiled
and nodded.� She continued to wash the excess lube from Diane�s
���� She felt relieved, she had been afraid that Diane
disliked her.� Especially when Diane started talking to Keiko.�
���� She had Diane turn around so she could reach Diane�s
pussy.� A little more soap and she carefully washed Diane�s vulva,
outer, and inner labia.� When she finished washing and rinsing
Diane, she slowly massaged her pussy.�
� �Let�s try something different this time, Diane,� Kim
suggested.� �Turn around and arch real high for me.�� Diane
turned and arched as Kim asked.� Kim pushed her hand between
Diane�s thighs and depressed Diane�s anus with her thumb.� She
continued to reach forward and laid her fingers on Diane�s
pussy.� She inserted her two middle fingers into Diane and
continued to depress her anus.� She felt her thumb starting to
open Diane�s anus and slip inside.� When she had her thumb fully
inside of Diane, she began to squeeze and relax her fingers and
thumb.� Diane became very aroused and then she started to have
an orgasm, and it lasted for a long time. These were the most
intense feelings Diane ever had.� Kim continued to manipulate
Diane�s pussy and anus, Diane�s orgasm continued longer.� The
feelings were unrelenting this orgasm became a second, the feelings
washed over her.� Diane�s knees became shaky, she leaned
against the side of the bath stall.� Kim slowed her squeezing, and
then withdrew her hand.� She washed her hand and Diane�s pussy
and anus, and then she helped Diane out of the stall. After she dried
her they walked to Diane�s stall, where Diane�s dinner was laid
�� She sat to eat, it was plenty of grilled vegetables and a
vegetarian cutlet, and Diane ate it up.� She had never been a fan
of Vegan type diets before, but since she found how much fat she
could loose she made herself like it.� Now she was beginning to like
it, relish it actually and she ate it all.� While she was eating, Diane
tried to imagine what it would be like with customers going through
the hallway and looking at her, and talking about her, like she
didn�t understand.� Now she had a different attitude about them,
now she didn�t care.� They paid to come here knowing she
wouldn�t talk to them. Soon it was bedtime, she had worked hard
today and she was ready to go to bed and get some sleep.� She
went to bed wishing she had covers on her bed.� The stable and
stall area was kept warm enough that she didn�t need covers to
sleep, she wanted at least a sheet, but Kim didn�t offer to bring her
anything to use for covers.�

���� She had only the rest of this week and she would be
through with her training and she would be sent to the sulky
corral.� She would have to run for Lisa or Marlene for the rest of
the week, and then for customers after that.� She just really hated
that butt-tail, and to wear it for the rest of the week sounded pretty
unpleasant to her.� She did have to admit that it did make for
strong feelings.������ The �busy season� would start on the
same day Diane stared at the sulky corral.� Kim showed her the
little round bells that would be hung from her nipple rings.� She
knew that they would jingle� pleasingly when she ran, and provide
continuous supply of stimulation too.�
���� Kim woke her the next morning with a cheerful
greeting, and her breakfast.� Diane noticed that she�d lost quite a
bit of stomach size just since she had been here for training. Kim
noticed Diane lost lots of hip and thigh size too.� Diane�s thighs
and buttocks were much smaller much leaner, and when she ran,
her pussy and anus were visible from the rear.� She was hungry
most of the time, her food was measured for her, and the proper
amount was sent to support her at the goal weight set by Paddy and
Wendy.� Her healing time and training had taken six weeks so far
and would be seven weeks total when she was released.� She was
on the proscribed diet for that same time and it worked wonders,
she was really proud of her new figure, and could hardly wait to get
even slimmer.� When she was finished eating Kim gave her time to
use her toothbrush.
���� �Ok Diane, come on over here and we�ll get all your
tack on so you can go out and run all day,� Kim said to
her.� Diane walked up to her and sat on her stool, and waited for
Kim to get her hoof-boots ready to go on her feet.� When they
were on Kim got her pony-hands out and laced them into
place.� Diane�s bridle was next and then she put out her tongue
for the longer stud to be put through the hole pierced through the
center.� Kim held the end of the stud while she put Diane�s bit in
place, and then clipped it to Diane�s bridle.� Then Kim picked up
Diane�s butt-tail and put some lube on the end.
���� �Diane please turn to your left for me,� she
asked.� Diane turned and then arched her back for Kim.� Kim
pressed the end of the tail against Diane�s anus, and carefully
pushed it into Diane.� After it was inside she pulled gently, to make
sure it was seated properly. Kim stood and clipped her lead to
Diane�s bridle and led her out to the training corral.� There was no
one at the corral so Kim put Diane in, and closed the gate.� She
left to go have her own breakfast.� Diane watched her go around
the corner of the stable and realized she was closed in, just like
Ponygirls for Hire
Chapter V
By: Long Johnson
���� Diane walked along with Kim to Wendy�s office; Kim
met her at the sulky corral and had a handler unhitch her from her
sulky when she came in.� Kim snapped her lead onto Diane�s
bridle and led her to the blue and white-stripped pole, where she
could urinate before they left the
corral.������������������ After Kim looped her lead
over the hook on the side of the pole, Diane stood beside it with her
feet about eighteen inches apart and bent her knees
slightly, then she leaned forward and arched her back.� When she
urinated, the stream went about two feet behind her. When Diane
was done, Kim got out a wet wipe and stepped behind her.� Kim
carefully wiped Diane�s inner labia and all around her urethra
opening.� Diane stopped being even slightly self-conscious about
having her delicate, most private tasks handled by Kim several
weeks ago.� Diane stood for Kim and calmly waited for her to
complete the cleanup.� Kim got out a second wipe and carefully
wiped Diane�s anus and the surrounding area to get any lube that
may have been left over.� Kim picked up her lead and they left the
corral, headed toward Wendy�s office.
���� When they got to the office Kim opened the door and
led Diane inside, the air-conditioned room was much cooler that the
hot Arizona sunshine.� Diane�s nipples hardened immediately and
stood straight up from her breasts.� The change from outdoor
sunshine to the relatively dim interior office lights, left Diane unable
to see momentarily, but she clearly heard her mother�s gasp.
���� �Oh My!� She yelped.� �This will never do!��
���� �You didn�t know I hired her to be a
ponygirl?� Asked Wendy calmly.� �Kim, take her bridle,
please.� And wait for us in the outer office.� she said to Kim.�
���� Kim nodded and unsnapped Diane�s bit and removed
it.� She had Diane�s shorter tongue stud in her pocket, in a little
jewelry box; she replaced the longer stud with the shorter
one.� Wendy employed the longer �L� shaped stud when she
found some customers were too rough on the girls� mouths.� The
longer stud went through a hole pierced in the center of each
ponygirls� tongue and out the front of their mouths, through a hole
in their bits.� Then with the attaching point on each side of her
mouth it kept the customer from pulling too her bit too deep or too
far to either side pulling it out of place.� Kim put the longer stud in
the little blue box.� She finished with the bridle harness and went
out into the front office.� Miss Weiss, Wendy�s secretary had a
note there from Wendy telling Kim to go to lunch.����
���� Diane looked around when her eyes adjusted to the
inside lighting and saw that they were not alone; her mother
brought her lawyer, Mr. Jung.� She felt like she was oversized and
out of place in the office while wearing her hoof- boots and other
tack.� When she moved or turned the bells suspended from her
nipple rings tinkled softly, but they seemed quite loud here inside
the office.�� Diane�s still wore her pony-hands also, so she did
not have the use of her fingers.��
���� She smiled slightly, �Hi, mother,� Diane said
brightly.� �How are you, Mr. Jung?� she asked, speaking each
word carefully.� Mr. Jung was about seventy-five years old and
didn�t hear well, so Diane was careful to make sure he knew she
was speaking to him.�� She also pronounced his name properly,
so it sounded �Young� not �Joung� like her mother.� He had
told her once that he appreciated her thoughtfulness.�
���� �Diane, we�ve come to get you out of this.� You
don�t have to worry I contacted Mr. Jung and we�ll find all the
loopholes so you can go home with me now,� she said
condescendingly.� Mrs. Rush glared at Wendy.�
���� Diane stood with her hands on her hips, her back
was very arched and her chest thrust out prominently.� She wore a
chest harness that Alicia got for her from someone she knew,
in Texas.� It was made of soft leather, and had two gold color
rings.� One of the rings was in the center of her chest below her
breasts in front and the other in the middle of her back, opposite
the front one.� There were four soft leather straps that connected
the rings.� Two went around her chest, two up between her breasts
and over her shoulders, to the ring in back.� The two lower straps
that went around were up under Diane�s C-cup size breasts and
supported her when she ran.� Diane stood in the middle of the
room; wearing her hoof-boots and pony-hands.
���� �Yes, Miss Wendell, Mother knew what was going on,�
Diane said.� �She had a copy of the contract before I signed
it.� Mr. Jung was the attorney I contacted to make sure of it before
I signed it.�
���� Mrs. Rush looked surprised, �You knew what all of this
was,� she turned to Mr. Jung.� �Why didn�t you say anything, to
���� �Miss Rush contacted me with her contract.� She was
my client, Adrienne, it would be improper for me to tell one client�s
business to another,� he answered.� Mr. Jung smiled sweetly, and
turned to Mrs. Rush.� �She is after all an adult, and responsible for
herself.� I wish I had gotten a job that paid me like this out of
����� �So you see, Mother, I�m not leaving.� Do you
know that I have made almost forty-five thousand dollars in the last
four months,� Diane said.� �Plus over six thousand in tips, but
most importantly, I weigh only 129 pounds, and my waist is only 25
inches now. I haven�t been that small since I was twelve years
old.�� Diane turned toward Wendy, her bells jingled, �I do not
want to leave, I�m not sure why Mother has come here like this,
Miss Wendell.�
���� Diane walked around a little as she spoke and ended
standing in front of her mother, with her back turned.� She had
lost enough weight so her thighs and hips were quite slender, her
anus and vulva were easily visible from behind.
���� Mrs. Rush stirred around behind Diane, �Can�t you do
something about this, and she doesn�t need to be completely bare
like this.� What do you say, Mr. Jung?�
���� The old lawyer sat up on the edge of his seat and
looked at Diane from the rear, he looked very carefully up, and then
down to her feet,� �Look�s all right to me,� he declared.� Both
Diane and Wendy cracked up.�
���� �Mrs. Rush, I can only say that I�m being very careful
of Diane.� There many safe guards in place to protect
her.� Keeping her safe is my top priority, if anything happens to
her I stand to loose twice.� Once because something will have
happened to someone I care very deeply about and because I
promised her that I would keep her safe, and secondly it would be a
financial loss.� Wendy said soberly.� �Let�s go get some lunch, I
have a reserved table at the restaurant.�
���� Diane spoke up, �Miss Wendell, I can�t go with you, I
don�t have my bridle on.��
���� �That�s ok, we�ll clip a leash to your top.� You�ll
just have to promise not to talk to anyone when we�re outside,�
Wendy suggested.� So Diane nodded.
���� When Wendy got the leash snapped to the ring in the
center of Diane�s back, Diane took the end and handed it to her
���� �Would you do the honors please, Mom?� Diane
asked.� She smiled at her mother.� Mrs. Rush looked at her
uncomfortably, and then she took the leash.
���� Wendy opened the door and she walked along with Mr.
Jung.� He was quite small; his head only came to Diane�s
shoulder.� Mr. Jung walked arm in arm with Wendy, Diane and Mrs.
Rush walked behind them.� They walked past the front entrance to
the restaurant to a door on the side, where Wendy had a key to get
everyone in.�
���� After they had lunch, they walked back to the office
where Wendy called for Kim to return.����� Mrs. Rush and Mr.
Jung were getting ready to leave; Wendy gave each of them a pass
to have a sulky ride on her.� Mr. Jung said he would be back soon
to claim his ride, Mrs. Rush insisted she could not take a
ride.� Diane agreed and said to be especially certain that she did
not try to get a ride from her.� Mrs. Rush took the pass with her
when she left.� Diane hugged her mother, and then Mr. Jung good-
bye.� Her naked breasts were pressed into Mr. Jung�s face, but he
didn�t seem to mind too much.� When they were gone, Kim came
back in and sat in the chair Wendy pointed out for her.
���� �Well, what do we do now?� Diane asked.� �I think
she was pretty happy when she left.�
���� Wendy looked surprised, �Do you think she�ll try
something else?�� Diane shook her head, no.
���� �Wendy, I call her at least once a week, sometimes
twice and also on special days.� I didn�t see this coming, I would
have warned you,� said Diane.� Wendy nodded.� �Wendy, before
I go back out, do you have and more of those
permanent rings, like Erin�s?��
���� Wendy answered, �I�m not sure, but I can check.�
���� Kim asked Diane if she was ready to go, Diane was
ready, she wanted to get back out.� Kim got her bridle back on her
and her tongue stud and bit in place.� They headed out the door
and back to the sulky corral. Kim delivered her to a handler who got
her harnessed right away.� The handler, Carla, had a little wooden
box, with Diane lettered on the top.� Diane looked around to see if
she could see who wanted the tail, she saw a small woman wearing
a tan pants suit.� She turned to her right and arched as much as
she could for Carla.� After she lubed the small end of the cone
shaped plug she put her left hand low on Diane�s belly and pressed
the end of the butt-tail into her anus.� She gave a little pull to
make sure it was seated correctly, and went to get the customer
and help her into the sulky.� Carla led Diane out of the corral and
started her on the trail, she let go of Diane�s bridle, and stepped
back.� Diane took off immediately, running easily and waiting for
the customer to give her some directions.�

���� Diane was a little worried, she came around the last
curve where she could see into the corral and didn�t see Kim there.
She was pulling the last customer of the day and expected to see
Kim waiting for her either in the sulky corral or just outside the
gate.� The only one there was the handler, Carla.� When the
customer was out of the sulky, Carla led Diane to the side of the
sulky barn and unhitched her.� She had a lead with her, and
snapped it to Diane�s bridle harness.� She led Diane to the blue
and white-stripped pole and looped her lead over the hook on the
side of the pole.� Carla had to go take the sulky inside for the
night.� Diane moved her feet apart, bent her knees, and
arched.� Diane urinated on the ground and she pushed hard
enough that the stream went way out behind her.� By the time she
was done, Carla was back and picked up the end of her leash to lead
her out of the corral.� They went to the stable, as they walked
Diane was looking around for Kim.� They got to Diane�s stall and
went inside.� There were several customers in the hallway, so
Diane could not talk to Carla when she removed her bit and tongue
stud.� Diane smiled when her mouth was free of the
equipment.� Carla continued removing Diane�s tack, until it was
all off.� Carla told Diane to come with her; they headed toward the
bath stalls.� When they reached the stalls, Kim was there and had
a man there with her; she was talking softly with him.�� As Carla
got there with Diane, Kim looked up and smiled.�
���� �Come on over here, Carla,� said Kim.� �I�ll get
you two started, then I have to go find Glenda.�� Carla headed
toward Kim; Diane followed, Kim was in front of her bath stall.�
���� �Carla, please take out Diane�s braid,� Kim said.
�Diane, I just received a call from home.� Glenda and I have to
leave right away, so we have two new grooms to get up to speed
right away.� They both took the class last week, so it shouldn�t
take too long for them.��
���� Kim looked at Diane, �I�m sorry that I didn�t get to
tell you sooner, but I just found out myself,� Kim looked very
sad.� �My brother, who�s also Glenda�s husband was in a bad
accident in Germany, he�ll be back in New Jersey by the time we
are back there.� He�s being brought back right now, we are
leaving from the airport in just a few hours.�� Kim hugged Diane,
then stepped back to look at her face, �I�ll do everything I can to
come back, I won�t stay in New Jersey, but I�ll be there for a
���� Diane looked at her gravely, �I�ll be all right, you just
take care of Glenda.�� Diane spoke even though she wasn�t
supposed to, she was standing as still as she could, while Carla
loosened her hair.
���� Kim got the water in Diane�s stall adjusted the way
Diane preferred, plenty warm, but not real hot.� Diane was worried
about the man standing there Kim called him Mack.
���� Kim said, �Ok, Mack, this is Diane.� We�ve had her
pulling here for about four months, so she is getting real good and
very popular.�� She opened the gate into her bath stall, and
ushered Diane inside.� Kim stepped back and urged Carla and Mack
forward to get Diane washed.� Carla shampooed her hair and
applied cr�me rinse.� Mack put soap on his hands and started her
shoulders, he washed her shoulders and down her back to the top of
her butt.� When he got done with her back she turned and held her
chest out for him to wash her front.� Mack was a little hesitant to
start on her front, Carla poured soap on her hands and started on
the front of Diane�s left shoulder, and indicated to Mack to start on
her right arm, they washed her arms, and came back up to her
���� Diane leaned over to Mack, �Go ahead,� she
whispered.� �It�s ok to wash me.��
She nodded when he looked up at her.
���� Mack started on her chest and right breast while Carla
started on her left side. They both carefully washed the holes
pierced in her nipples, and worked down her belly.�� When they
pulled their hands back Diane turned around, they both started with
Diane�s feet and ankles, now Mack had her left and Carla her
right.� They carefully washed her legs and thighs, Diane turned
toward Carla when they got to the tops of her thighs.� Carla began
to wash Diane�s pussy and Mack washed her butt.� He had gotten
less self conscious about touching her more intimate areas,
especially since he was out of her gaze.� Carla continued to wash
Diane�s vulva and inner labia, when she was through she began to
stroke Diane gently.� Mack washed the left over lube from Diane�s
anus and the area around it.� Carla suggested that he use some
more soap for lube and insert two fingers in her anus.� When he
did Diane began to gasp and moan softly.� Carla pressed three
fingers of her small right hand into Diane. They worked together to
bring Diane to an orgasm, but they continued for a second orgasm
and then Carla slowly withdrew her hand, and Mack slowly pulled his
fingers out of Diane�s anus.�
���� �Was that enough, Diane?� Carla asked.� Diane
smiled and nodded.
���� She liked Carla and hoped this would work out well for
them.� Diane looked toward Mack, he seemed quite nice, and she
surely thought he was handsome enough.� Whoever got him could
be happy.� They got her out of the bath stall and started drying
her, and then Carla got out a very big blow dryer and started taking
care of her hair.� When they were done they all went to Diane�s
stall, where Diane�s vegetarian dinner was waiting.� They two
grooms left her there to eat and went to take care of the tack she
had used earlier.� She finished and brushed her teeth before either
groom was back, she sat back and rested for a while.� She had
been busy all day and didn�t mind having the opportunity to take a
little break.� Diane heard someone coming and looked up to see
Mack approaching.
���� �Hi, we need to get ready to go to the shop, next door
for an appointment,� he saw Diane looking around.� �Carla will be
along in a little bit.� Miss Wendell called her to the office.� I�ll get
your hoof-boots and pony-hands on you.�� He picked up her
equipment, and Diane went to her stool in the middle of her stall.
���� Carla came up just as they were finishing with Diane�s
tack, �We need to go to Miss Wendell�s office.� She wants you to
give a little pep-talk to three new ponygirls.�� Carla went to
Diane�s gate and opened it for her.� �She said you don�t need
your bridle.�
���� They walked to the back door of Wendy�s office and
went inside.� There were three girls in the office; they were all still
dressed so Diane figured they had not yet signed their
contracts.�� The three looked at Diane with a little awe and a little
fear.� They stared at Diane while she walked around in the office,
her naked presence seemed almost overpowering to them.�
���� They had a hundred questions about her,� �Does she
have to stay naked all the time? Does she get to wear clothes when
it�s cold?� Do her nipples still hurt?� Do men try to touch her all
the time?�
���� Diane smiled, �Here�s the whole deal, the answer to
all those questions.� No.�� Diane walked around in the office a
few steps.� �I have to pull naked, but after the probation period I
can get dressed and leave for my day off, if I want.� When you are
working you don�t get cold, it keeps you warm.� My nipples only
hurt for the first two or three days.� Unfortunately no one touches
you except the grooms and handlers.�� Diane winked and looked
toward Wendy, �Was there any more?�
���� �Well you could tell them all about how you got here,�
Wendy suggested.�
���� �When I first started I had been here to loose weight
at the spa.� I met Erin, a ponygirl you�ll hear about later.� She
had a twenty-two inch waist, after twelve weeks at the spa; I was
down to twenty-nine inches.� So when Miss Wendell offered me the
chance, I took the contract to my lawyer and he liked it.� I get a lot
of money and complete care, all I have to do is be naked and pull a
little sulky around.� I�ll tell you the most surprising part is that
many of the customers are women.��
���� The three girls all had a little huddle and then each of
them signed their contracts.� Wendy thanked Diane, and she left to
go to the tattoo shop.� Mack took her to the shop and Carla stayed
there to get the new girls over to the shop and then to their stalls in
the training stable.�

���� �Ok, you�ve got your business affairs all handled, and
people all notified, and now your contracts signed, eh?� Wendy
said.� They all nodded.� �Well then you all belong to me, now.�
Wendy said pleasantly.� �Take off your clothes,� She said a little
less pleasantly.� �This is the last time you�ll get to go around
outside, without your tack, and without a lead to your groom or
handler.� Mack took Diane to the tattoo shop.
���� They went to the shop and Bart opened the door for
them.� There were three other tattoo and piercers there, they
would get the work done, but using the tattoos that Bart
designed.� When Carla got there with the three new
ponygirls.� They were all naked and feeling a bit self-
conscious.� When they got inside Diane was already in the last
chair with her wrists strapped to the chair arms.
�� Bart stopped with Diane; he had removed her nipple rings,
but had to stop for a few minutes to get things under way for the
new girls.
���� He stepped to the chair next to his, �Please, lets have
Melissa, sit here please.�� He stepped behind the next chair,
�Veronika, please sit here.�� He moved to the first chair, �Maya
please sit here in this chair.�� When he called their names each
moved to their seats.� Melissa, a tall brunette with brown eyes, sat
in the chair and put her wrists on the arms for the
straps.� Veronika, a pale blonde with green eyes went to her chair
and placed her wrists on the arms.� The last chair went to Maya, a
little shorter with jet-black hair and deep blue eyes.� When her
wrists were secured Bart went back by and put on their seatbelts.�
���� Bart had the tattoo stencils all ready made up for
them; Melissa and CP-CW were ready for her.� He
had Veronika and CP-CW ready for her and Maya and her CP-
CW ready for her body. After he got them all started, he came back
to Diane to finish her nipple rings.� He got out the gold-coated
titanium rings and used the little press to open them.� The rings
were fourteen ga. by one inch, they would look very good on her c-
cup breasts, and the chains holding the bells were one and a half in.
long.� He put the rings through the holes and put the end of the
chain to the bell in the ring he used the �super-glue� and sealed
the segments in place.� When he was done, he released Diane�s
wrists, and waist belt.� Diane stood up and shook her chest a little
so her bells jingled.� All the other girls looked to see what was
going on.� Diane looked down at her new jewelry; she smiled at
Bart, and thanked him.
���� Diane looked at Carla, �Can you take back to my
stall?� I really need to get to bed, tomorrow should be really
busy.�� Carla smiled and shook her head, no.
���� �Mack is your groom,� she said. �I�ll be staying here
and taking these three to the training stable and getting them
settled for the night.� There will be grooms for everybody
���� �But I have Mack for my groom?� Diane asked.� She
had a little apprehension, but she was thrilled.� �Ok, Mack let�s
go to my room.�
���� �If you don�t want me for your groom��
���� �Nonsense,� Diane interrupted.� �I haven�t had a
man near me in months.� I�ll be in heaven.�
���� Mack started, �There are rules about me being too
near you.�
���� �I know that, just having you taking care of me will be
quite a treat,� Diane answered.� �I don�t want you to get
into trouble, Miss Wendell would take you away.� Just think, I get
to have you play with me everyday, and see how much you can get
me turned on.�� They were talking as they went out the door, but
as soon as they stepped outside Diane stopped talking.�
���� They walked along together to Diane�s stall and went
inside, Mack unlaced her hoof-boots and pony-hands, by the time
they were done it was past the 9PM closing time for customers, in
the stable.� Mack got her all done and went out and locked her
���� �Hey!� Will you wake me up in time to go for a good
run before breakfast?� Diane asked.
���� �Certainly, I�d be glad to,� Mack replied.

���� Veronika was in heaven; she loved being completely

and totally served.� Her first few days were a little rocky but after
the pierced holes in her nipples stopped hurting so much {her
tongue and navel were already done} and the humiliating
measuring was over, she spent her time naked and she saw that
people lusted over her.� She was a little concerned when the tattoo
artist had put the stencil on her breast, her name looked so long to
her that she was afraid it would look oversized.� She wanted to
suggest that maybe her nickname �Ronni� might fit better.� Bart
told her he has very carefully chosen the font and size for her
tattoo, besides a name other than her own, might prove a problem
later.� After the stencil was laid on though she saw it fit properly
and was quite beautiful. After it was finished the color stood out on
her pale skin, and looked very good.� Veronika was tall, nearly
five-ten and very slim.� When Betty and Pecos did Veronika�s
measurements they found her to be 35A-23-34 and her weight was
134 pounds.� Although she was originally afraid that her name was
too long to have tattooed on her small breast, she had to admit it
wasn�t so bad when it was done.
���� Maya was the same height as Diane, five-six and had
larger breasts than the others, her measurements were 36C-26-36
and she weighed 142 pounds.� She knew she would loose some
weight and some stomach size when she started to work everyday
at the sulky corral.� Her tattoo was a bit bigger that Veronika�s
and looked good on her breast.� She had a little more trouble
getting used to having everything done for her, to her.� Maya�s
navel was already pierced, but she had to have her tongue and
nipples done, so that every hole Miss Wendell wanted was there.�
���� Maya�s adjustment easier than Melissa�s, she seemed
a little afraid of everyone, and had a bit of problem with the tattoos
and the piercing.� She needed all of the holes pierced, and she
tried to insist on having Mel tattooed instead of her full name, but
she was already strapped in the chair so Bart took over the chores
and she had Melissa in a gentle curve over the top of her left
breast when he was done.� All of her newly pierced holes left her a
bit uncomfortable and crabby for the next day�s
measuring.� When they were finally done she measured 35A-25-36
and weighed 127 pounds.� Wendy preferred to select ponygirls that
were tall and small breasted, it was less work to get them into
shape and had less flesh to flop and jiggle.� Melissa was a bit
scared when she went t into the bath stall the first time, but her
groom was so nice to her and made her feel so much better, she
was very careful of her tattoos and pierced holes and didn�t hurt
her even slightly.� The three of them were in adjacent stalls so
they could talk a little bit.� It did Melissa a lot of good to talk to
Veronika; they sat on the floor side by side with the open stall wall
between them.� Instead of feeling trapped Veronika felt like her
stall kept everyone else out.� She liked being naked and felt free of
the responsibilities of daily life.� When she was fully healed she
would get to go out and pull sulkies, without any other required
tasks.�� Melissa soon saw Veronika�s viewpoint, until the day her
groom, Ana, shaved her pussy. It was the worst thing anyone had
done, she almost fainted when she found out she had to get shaved
two more times.� She didn�t mind too much when Ana bathed her,
but after the third day Ana started to masturbate her in the bath
stall.� It scared her at first, but she felt pretty needy and accepted
it.� Then she found that Ana was going to masturbate her every
day.� After a week she got into the routine and looked forward to
her time in the bath stall with Ana.� The daily manipulations made
her even hornier and wanting more, she was surprised when Ana
told her to be careful and not masturbate herself.� When she was
in the regular stable there would be someone watching over her
most all of the time and she did not want to be caught
masturbating. �It took Melissa three full weeks to get used to the
idea that she had to give her groom and all handlers complete
access to her body, at any time.� Veronika on the other hand
gloried in the program,� it gave her a chance to feel
free.� Veronika�s attitude reminded Wendy of Erin�s attitude,
when she first started at the ranch.�
���� Maya was Wendy�s second youngest ponygirl, Diane
was the youngest when she was hired she was eighteen years old,
just a few months short of her nineteenth birthday, and Maya was
nineteen and a few months when she signed the contract.� Maya
was also the only ponygirl, other than Diane with large breasts, as
both had �C� size breasts.��
���� Maya�s groom Iris had a chest harness like Diane�s
for her to wear; she obtained it from Alicia, when she saw that
Maya�s breasts were C-cup.� At nineteen years old both Diane and
Maya had very firm breasts that stood put from their chests without
any support, but daily running without extra support would soon
cause soft breast tissue to break down and leave their breasts
sagging and floppy.� Veronika also had a newly hired groom,
another male, Frank.� Paddy made several female grooms and
handlers happy when he hired two more men to work
there.� Paddy knew he could hire men and that the ponygirls were
safe because there were so many female grooms and handlers that
the men would be too busy to have time to try to mess with the

The Ponygirl Adventure Racing Enterprise.

Erin�s sale, For Real

���� Erin shifted carefully on the slavestand in front of

Wendy�s desk; the dildo on the end was getting to her.� Alicia
brought her in almost an hour ago and mounted her on the
stand.� Wendy sent Alicia to have a coffee break, and told her she
would call when she was ready.� Erin was wearing her full tack and
tongue bit.�
���� In the office with them was Denise Winters, Wendy�s
longest serving ponygirl, and Miss Lydia Carstairs.� Denise was
wearing her usual, a too short mini-skirt with a sleeveless top.� The
skirt was brown and the top pale beige with high-heeled
sandals.� Miss Carstairs sat primly, in a sapphire blue suit with calf
length skirt, looking at Erin and trying not to look at
Denise.� Denise�s skimpy clothing was more annoying to her
than Erin�s complete nudity.
���� �Erin, I�ve joined the Ponygirl Racing
Association.� That means I�ll be having entries in ponygirl races all
over the western U.S.� I have been thinking about this for quite a
while, and so I�ve even built a racetrack here on the
property.� It�s actually about sixteen miles from here; I have
quite a bit of land.� It was very costly and I need to recover some
of my financial outlay.� So tonight I�m selling you to the highest
bidder.� You already know Miss Lydia, but maybe you didn�t know
that Denise has been here with me from near the start.� Her
ponygirl contract is about up, she has saved quite a bit of money
from her proceeds and wants to start racing, as an owner,
too.� So,� Wendy looked around at the others, �Lets get
started.� The bidding will start at $300,000 and in increments of
���� Miss Lydia immediately bid, �I�ll bid� $300,000.�
���� �350,000,� was Denise�s answer.� Wendy looked
toward Miss Lydia.
���� She paused, �$400,000.�� Was her answer.
���� Denise immediately said, �$450,000.
���� Miss Lydia paused for a short while, �May I bid
$475,000,� she asked?
���� Wendy shook her head, no.� �We are bidding in
increments of fifty, so your bid is $500,000.�
���� She paused again, then shook her head, �I�m not
going any higher.�
���� �Sold, she�s your ponygirl
Denise.� Congratulations!�� Wendy turned to Miss Lydia, �Thank
you for coming, we are going to have dinner in a few.� Would you
please join us?��
���� Denise got up and walked toward Erin with a large
smile, her tiny skirt showing the slightest little bit of her pussy
lips.� She slowly walked around Erin, and looked her over as
though she had never seen her before.� Erin stood on the
slavestand; she had to be careful because trying to move around
too much was uncomfortable.� The stand was inserted ten inches
inside her pussy, and kept her from moving more than an inch or
two.� Denise ran her hands over Erin�s thighs and butt, feeling her
���� �She has great muscles, they�re bigger than when
she started.�� She stepped up beside Erin and leaned close to her
ear, �I�ll come and talk to you when we�re done with
dinner.� Hhhhummm?��
���� Wendy picked up her desk phone and pressed a few
buttons, �Alicia, please come and get her, we�re all done
now.�� She paused, listening, �No we�ll be waiting for
you.�� She hung up the phone, and smiled at Erin.�
���� �There are some things that you need to know to do
your best.� Denise will come by your stall later this evening and
explain it all to you.� �� She stood on the stand in front of Erin,
and leaned forward close to her face and kissed her gently on the
���� Alicia came in just as Wendy stepped down; she
stepped on the release for the center pole and after it dropped she
assisted Erin off the stand.

���� When Erin and Alicia got to the training stable, the
doors were closed, and there were no other ponygirls in the training
stable.� They could talk when Alicia got Erin�s bit out.� Erin�s
eyes began to water and tears ran down her face.�
���� �Alicia, she auctioned me off, like she owned me.�
���� �She does, or did,� Alicia said gravely.� �Who
bought you,� She asked?
���� �Denise did, for $450,000.� Now she�s a ponygirl
and an owner,� Erin said softly.
���� Alicia finished getting the rest of Erin�s tack off, a
hand from the cafeteria came by with her dinner.� Alicia got the
food for Erin and laid it out in her table.� She pulled one of the
stools up to the table for Erin.� Erin sat and picked at her food, she
just wasn�t really interested in eating.� She knew she needed a
little food, today was pretty busy and she had used a lot of
energy.� Alicia left with Erin�s tack to get it cleaned up.
���� Alicia was back in about ten minutes, and Erin had
decided that she was done eating about the same time.� Alicia
opened the stall gate and got Erin out, to go to the bath
stall.� When they got there she turned the water on and set it to
the proper temperature, after that she ushered Erin in to the
spray.� Alicia washed Erin carefully; she didn�t really have too
much washing to do because she washed her up just before the
���� �Do you want me to take care of you now,� she
���� Erin looked at Alicia absently,� �No thanks, lets just
go back for now.�� Erin started to step out of the stall, but Alicia
didn�t move out of her way.� Alicia put both of her hands
on Erin�s shoulders and pushed her firmly back into the bath
stall.� Alicia stepped in with her; she put her arms around Erin�s
neck.� Even with her shoes off, Erin was still taller than
Alicia.� Alicia tipped her head back to be able to reach Erin�s lips
and kissed her very sweetly.� They kissed for several minutes,
when Alicia pushed her tongue insistently against Erin�s
lips.� Erin opened her mouth for her.
���� �I have always loved you, Erin,� Alicia
whispered.� �I am trying to go to the racing stable with
you.��� Alicia slid her hands down Erin�s back and
stroked Erin�s butt, and she slid her fingers into the
cleft.� Erin moved her feet apart to give Alicia better access, and
Alicia pushed two of her fingers into Erin�s anus.� Erin had a very
intense orgasm immediately, and cried out.
���� �Oh my god!� Erin, you�re so hot.�� They hugged
in the stream of water still running from the showerhead.� Alicia
turned off the water and they got out of the stall.� Alicia dried Erin,
even though she was wet too.� She picked up a second towel after
she got Erin�s hair finished.� She dried off as they walked back
to Erin�s stall.
���� When they got back to the stall, Denise and Wendy
were waiting there for Erin.� Alicia took off her t-shirt while they
were walking down the hallway.� She wasn�t as blas� about
nudity as the ponygirls, but she didn�t try to hide her breasts and
dark brown nipples when she saw Wendy and Denise.�
���� �Erin I sold you to Denise, she wanted to buy you to
be a racer for her at the new complex.� She is just about to finish
up her last contract and retire from sulky pulling.� She got married
last year and is pregnant, or she would probably race
herself.� Actually if she wasn�t pregnant I would race her, she�s
been pretty fast.� She�s never been as fast as you are,� Wendy
said thoughtfully.
���� Denise stepped closer, �Erin, there are quite a few
changes ahead for you, but I think you�ll see most of them as
advancements.�� Denise looked at Erin and smiled, �I�ve been
here a little over four years, and I�ve made plenty of
money.� I�m looking forward to taking this step; we�ll have a
great time and win some money.� Hell! We�ll win a bunch of
money.� You go to bed and I�ll see you in the morning, we have
to get you enrolled in the PRA tonight, I�ll have you all done when I
see you.
���� She hugged Erin quickly and then she left with
Wendy.� They were talking animatedly as they went out the
door.�� Alicia took her wet shoes and jeans off, and hung the
jeans over a stool.� She pulled her panties off as she walked up
to Erin.� Erin put her arms around Alicia and they moved to the
small bed.� Alicia did not have sex with Erin; they just lay in the
small bed in the training stable and cuddled together.� Erin laid her
head on Alicia�s brown shoulder and cried softly until she fell

���� The next morning started late, Alicia put on her jeans
and t-shirt and left.� She was back in about an hour; she was all
showered and had on clean clothes.� Erin was up and sitting on a
stool waiting for her.� The gate locked when Alicia went out, all the
training stalls locked when the gate closed.�
���� �Denise said that all the stalls in the racing stable are
kept locked all the time, to keep you safe.� There were some
rustlers caught in California last week.� They stole four ponygirls in
the last two weeks,� Alicia told Erin while she laid out her
���� Alicia took Erin to the bath stall and washed her
completely, she put new tack from Denise on Erin.� The bridle was
made of smaller and lighter leather straps.� They also had
provisions for blinkers and blinders around Erin�s eyes.� The hoof-
boots were lighter, and the platform where the �hoof� was only
one inch rather than the two Erin had worn.� The horseshoe was
replaceable, with several choices including hard rubber, soft rubber,
aluminum, polished aluminum, and chrome-plated
aluminum.� There were several variations of each type for hard and
soft surfaced tracks and long and short grass surfaced.� The new
hoof-boots Alicia had were fitted with hard rubber shoes, the best
for walking on any surface.� Usually racing �boots had lower heels,
but Erin had worn and run in the highest heels for well over a year,
so she wasn�t outfitted with the lower heels.� After she was
determined to be at her peak, a pair of hoof-boots with lower heels
would by tested to determine if she would benefit from the
configuration.� After she had Erin outfitted in the new tack, Alicia
clipped her lead to Erin�s bridle and they headed to the tattoo shop
to meet Denise and Wendy.
���� Bart was ready to tattoo the new designs on Erin.� He
also had a small hydraulic press to dismantle the �permanent�
rings installed in her nipples and clitoris.� He took care of the rings
first; Erin had to stand close to the jaws.� There was a large c-
clamp to hold the ring solid, so the press wouldn�t pull against her
nipple.� Bart took off the right ring first, it came off without any
problem and then the left ring came right off too.� Bart used the
small hand press for Erin�s clitoris ring, and then he admitted it
wasn�t super glued.� He replaced her nipple rings with � inch,
16ga. captured ball rings or CBR�s, and a � inch 18ga. CBR
through her clitoris.
���� The next step was to put Denise�s tattoos
on Erin.� The first one was the Ponygirl Racing Association number.
It was tattooed on Erin�s right areola in a curve above the
nipple,�1081221�.� He had Alicia hold up Erin�s hair while he
tattooed �1081021�, the number in USPS bar code, on the back of
her neck.� The last tattoo was Denise�s logo, her initials
�DLW� within an inverted triangle shaped outline on Erin�s lower
belly. The triangle outline wasn�t pointed, but the ends were
slightly rounded. It was so low that the rounded point ended right at
the top of the cleft of her pussy lips.��� Just as he finished,
Denise came in to see how things were going.
���� She was wearing a dark blue mini skirt that actually
covered her almost to mid-thigh and a silk t-shirt.� The t-shirt was
pink, while not transparent, the dark circles of her areola showed
through the material.� She also wore high-heeled sandals that
wrapped up over her calves.
���� �Hi Erin,� she gushed.� �How are you doin� this
morning,� she asked?
���� �I�m doing better today.� What does this number
mean?� Are there over a hundred thousand other ponygirl racers?�
���� Denise laughed, �No, that number has three
parts.� The first is the 108, that�s my number.� Then the 102 is
for the 2nd of May, and then 1.� That means you were the first one
registered, from here on the 102nd day of the year, any year.� If
another one were registered next year she would be 2.� The tattoo
on the back of your neck is the same number in USPS
barcode.�� Denise smiled very warmly at Erin.� �Was there
anything else you wanted to ask?�
���� �Did Wendy really collect $450,000 for me?�
���� �Well no, not exactly, you get forty-four percent,
that�s like $197,230 and Miss Wendell gets $252,770.� That�s
fifty-six percent.� You and I split the costs for your board and
groom fees equally from our winnings, and then ten percent to the
jockey then you get one third of the balance and I get two thirds,
from your winnings.� I have to pay for your training and travel
costs.� These numbers are mandated by the PRA.���
���� �What if I don�t do well
enough,� Erin asked.� �I�ve never raced before.�
���� �Well, your contract calls for $104,000 a year, you�ll
get that much, but from what I�ve seen of other racing girls,
you�ll clean-up.�
���� �I�ve got just a little less than a year to go on my
contract, do you really think I�ll win enough to make up the
���� Denise looked at her strangely, �You�ve got almost
five more years.�� Erin looked at her, and shook her head.� �The
initial two years, and you signed an extension for two more that
same night, and then Miss Wendell extended it again.� You know
there were two contract extensions in a clause.� Right?�
���� �Well, yeah, but I thought it was to be extended at the
end of the current contract.� Like if I decided to stay for another
two years,� Erin said.
���� �You signed it that same night.� Actually that was a
good move, because if you got hurt and couldn�t pull any more,
you were still under contract and had to be paid off in full.� Or if
Miss Wendell sold the ranch whoever bought it had to pay you off, in
full,� Denise said brightly.�
���� Denise started toward the door; �I�ll see you this
afternoon, at the stable when you get to meet one of the jockeys,
either Jacqui or Willa.� Miss Wendell is trying to see if she can get
both here today.�

The Jockeys
���� Erin stood beside Stacy on the rear dock of the stable;
they both wore racing tack and were standing on a raised platform
about one foot high.� They were surrounded by grooms and
handlers and jockeys all looking them both over like livestock.� The
new head trainer Margot Werner was feeling their leg and butt and
muscles to make an evaluation of fitness.� She was giving
information to the head groom Mona Lindeman, who was making
notes on a clipboard.� Two small slender girls were looking over
their nipple and pussy rings and jewelry.� They both sort of
reminded Erin of Ione, they were very short and small, although not
as tiny as Ione.� Jacqui Martinez was the head jockey and
a trainer, she was five-one and weighed about ninety-five
pounds.� She specialized in physical problems causing reductions in
speed potential.� Wilhelmina den Woorden, who wanted everyone
to call her Willi, was five feet tall and weighed ninety-two
pounds.� Willi was very knowledgable about psychological
motivation, internal problems that might reduce a ponygirl�s
maximum speed.
���� Jacqui was dark with dark brunette hair and very dark
brown eyes.� She had small breasts with tiny, hard nipples that
constantly pushed her t-shirt out.� She was wearing a tan t-shirt
and tiny brown shorts.� Willi was very light with white blonde hair,
and pale blue eyes.� Her hair was cut very short, she did not have
to spend a lot of time styling it for her day.� Her arms, legs and
body were very hairy, her skin was sparsely covered with the finest,
tiny pale hairs that looked almost like down.� The time she spent in
the sun made her skin darker than her hair and all the little hairs
stood out, they appeared luminescent or glowing, and much thicker
than they really were.� She wore a light blue sleeveless top, dark
blue shorts and white sneakers.� Erin thought she was beautiful.
���� Jacqui was talking to Willi about the CBR�s through the
four pierced holes in Stacy�s huge nipples and the six holes in her
outer labia.� �These are too big,� she said as she gently lifted a
ring. �We�ll have trouble getting her to go as fast as she
can.� That would be a shame.�� Jacqui moved in front of Erin as
Mona and Margot went to evaluate Stacy.� �See how she has real
small rings, these are good, the best would be to have none, but
that�s not our choice.�
���� �Yes,� Willi said.� �In European Racing there none,
but here they all have to have the rings,� she said with her lilting
German accent.� She gently lifted Erin�s clitoris, and absently
rolled her sensitive flesh between her forefinger and thumb.� �This
is huge, they don�t come this big very often.�� While they were
inspecting Erin, Wendy and Denise walked up.� Denise was wearing
a white mini-dress, with a skirt so short her pussy lips peeked out
with each step and the top cut so small so she was constantly
working to keep her breasts and nipples inside.� Wendy had Ione
with a leash snapped to her collar, and the end of a black butt-plug
stretching her anus.
���� �You might want to be careful Willa,� Denise
said.� �You could get all wet there.�
���� She smiled at Denise, �I�ve been wet before.�� She
pulled her hand back, rubbing her fingers together and lifted them
up so she could touch her own tongue, �Tastes sweet.�
���� Denise laughed, �I�ll bet she does.�� She changed
the subject, �Well, what do you think?� Think she might be fast
���� Jacqui looked up, from where she was checking Erin�s
feet and ankles, and how they fit into the hoof-boots, �Yeah, I
think she�ll be able to win a bunch.��
���� Ione pestered Wendy until she finally asked what she
wanted, �What?�� Ione got Wendy to lean down so she could
hear, and whispered in her ear.� Wendy smiled and nodded, �Wait
until everyone�s done with her.��
���� When Wendy got through talking to Ione, Margot and
Mona finished with Stacy and walked over to where Mona�s laptop
computer was setting on top of a tall crate near the stable
door.� Jacqui and Willi finished with Erin at about the same
time.� Wendy unsnapped the leash from Ione�s collar and Ione
ran to the steps and rushed to see Erin.� She hugged Erin around
her knees.� Erin was still on the stand so she was quite high up for
Ione to embrace, so she had to settle for Erin�s knees.�
���� Jacqui watched her and smiled, �She�d make a good
jockey.� She would have to wear clothes though.�� Ione looked at
her and grimaced while she shook her head.�
���� �She is littler than both of us,� remarked Willi.� She
turned toward Denise; �It�s Willi, if you don�t mind.
Please?�� Denise nodded.� �Are you a runner, too?� she asked
as she appraised Denise�s conditioning.
���� �Well I have been for a while here,� she
answered.� �But now that I�m pregnant I�ll have to start taking
it a bit easy.� I have to stop after my sixth month.�� Denise
looked to Willi, �Are you going to run Erin?�
���� �We were working on that now, I�ll probably run her
most of the time, but we may have to trade off once in a while.� I
like her looks so far,� Willi told her.� �Did you change her rings
out?� I noticed that the holes are larger than the ring
size,,,or width?�
��� �Jacqui spoke up, �I think you mean the gauge.� That
means the size of the wire itself.� Right?��
���� Willi nodded, �The gauge, yes the gauge.�� Her lilting
accent gave Erin little shivers, almost goose bumps.� She was
definitely infatuated with her; she knew she would run so very fast
to get Willi�s attention.� She took Erin�s lead and had her step off
the stand, �Please step down, and pony, you may greet your little
���� Wendy went to where Mona and Margot were looking at
Stacy�s file on the laptop.� Margot noted that there was no PRA
number for her, Wendy told her she had just finished registering her
and gave Margot a form, with the information on it.� Margot began
inputting the info in Stacy�s file.
���� Margot held up another file, �What�s this,� she
asked?� �Who is this?�� She read the name on the file,
�Veronika Dylon.� Oh, she looks European,� she held out the file
for Willi to look over.� �Willi, what do you think of this?�
���� �Veronika,� Willi said thoughtfully, she pronounced
it Vero-Nika.� �Can she run?� was her response as she looked
over the paperwork.� �She just started, we must evaluate her
first.� She looks good on the papers.�� Willi held the file open for
Jacqui to look at, too.� �Veronika, is she from Europe?�� Willi
asked no one in particular.
���� Wendy had another file, �This is another one, that I�ll
be sending out for evaluation.� Keiko Ide, from Hawaii, she�s of
Japanese descent.� She has good running form, but I�ve never
tested her for speed.�
���� Jacqui took the file from Wendy, �does she have good
endurance?�� She asked as she looked over the file and then held
it out to Willi.�
���� �She is only five-seven, that�s the shortest we would
want to go,� That works out to two or three extra steps for each
one hundred meters,� Willi observed.� �Even with a racing shell,
that�s the most extra work we can ask and still remain
competitive.�� Wendy just stared, she realized that Willi really
knew her business when it came to ponygirl racing.
���� �Lets test her before I register her with PRA,� Wendy
suggested.� �Should we test her here, or take her to the race
���� �We�ll want her for four or five days, to make sure
her stride length is right to make it a proper test, so we should have
her at the track,� replied Jacqui.� �I�ve only had one natural
racer.� That was Lenore, when I was working at Old Mission for my
���� Denise looked up, �You raced Lenore?� She was really
good.� Whatever happened to her?�
���� �She won all four of the US regional finals and The
Canadian, after that we went to England and won three locals and
the final.� When we were in the cool off lap two girls ran into each
other right in front of us and Lenore couldn�t avoid piling up
too.� She broke her right ankle,� Jacqui shrugged.� �Even after
surgery I couldn�t get that speed back.�
���� �Did you put her down, or we called it zerstort,� Willi
���� �She wanted me to, she only wanted to win more
races for me.� She wanted me to take her to Mexico into the desert
and shoot her in the head and bury her there, but her original
owner wanted to buy her back.� She still looked good, she just
wasn�t as fast anymore.� So I sold her back,� Jacqui
explained.� Erin was listening, and nodding in agreement.
���� Willi saw her, �You know what she felt don�t
you, Erin?� Do you want to win for me?�� Erin approached her
and nodded.� Willi reached up and unsnapped Erin�s bit.� �Did
you want to say something to me?�
���� �I�ll do anything for you,� Erin said solemnly.� Willi
replaced Erin�s bit, it was easy because she wasn�t wearing the
long tongue stud, and stroked Erin�s cheek.� Willi reached up to
scratch Erin behind her left ear.� Erin moaned softly and pushed
against Willi�s hand.
���� �When you will run for me.� I�ll take care of
you, liebchen,� Willi said softly.� Erin�s nipples stood out from her
chest, they were so hard and tender she even felt the breeze.� Willi
turned to Jacqui, �I will run her out to the track, I need to see how
she does with the racing shell.�� She turned to Erin, �Have you
ever pulled a racing sulky, Erin?� The verdrieblich.�� Erin shook
her head no.
���� Denise came up to Erin, �I�ve gotten new racing style
tack for you, I�m sure you noticed it was a bit different than the
commercial stuff we wear here.�� Erin nodded she noticed the tack
was different.� She wore bridle harness, pony-hands and hoof-
boots; her pulling harness was on the sulky parked outside the
stable doors.
���� �This is not a racing bit that you have, the jockeys and
trainers will find the bit that works best for you.�� Denise put her
arms around Erin�s neck, �I won�t be out to see you for a few
days, I have to pull for a few days myself.�� She stepped back and
looked toward Willi, �Go ahead, I�ll check after you have a few
days to make a good evaluation.� Sound good?�
���� Willi nodded and said, �We should have a report for
you in four days.�� She looked toward Jacqui, who nodded
also.� She and Jacqui returned to their discussion, �I never had to
put one down, and thought I never could do that.� Lately I have
seen how much they get to liking the racing, it�s the machtgier the
lust to rasse.� They are very strong to want to run in
the madelponyrennen, and when they cannot do this further they
must die, they are not longer complete.�
���� �What�s model pony,,,,What you said,� Jacqui
���� Willi smiled, �Yes,
its madelponyrennen� that is madelpony is ponygirl and rennen is
like a� footrace.� It�s our own fault, we make them want it so
much.� We make them want to please us so much, and they want
only that.�� Willi stepped over to Erin, �Are you
the lesbierin?�� Erin looked at her blankly.� �Do you like the
woman?�� Erin nodded, and smiled shyly.� �Do you like a man,
too?�� Erin nodded again.� �So then you are the� bissexuelle,
liking the man and woman too.�
���� Ione was standing by Erin, and listened while Willi was
asking Erin about sex.� She smiled and nodded, too.
���� Jacqui asked Ione if she liked women and men
too.� She looked toward Wendy and then smiled.� �Do you belong
to Miss Wendell?� Ione nodded, and smiled.� �Do you love
her?�� Ione beamed, and her dark Asian features softened as she
���� Jacqui saw a young dark man approaching the stable
dock, and she went to meet him.� They met up near the parked
sulkies, about fifty feet from the group examining the
ponygirls.� He was only an inch or two taller than Jacqui and quite
slender.� He had black hair and dark eyes, like Jacqui.� After they
embraced Jacqui stepped back a little and unzipped his blue jeans,
he tried to pull back, but Jacqui reached into his pants and pulled
his penis out.� She paid no attention to the grooms and trainers on
the dock.
���� �Jacqui, please not right now,� he moaned.� He
looked around and saw Erin watching closely.� He tried to turn
away, but Jacqui would not let go of his penis.
���� �Ione, what do you think of this?�� Jacqui turned
around so that her back was toward her boyfriend, but she
continued to hold his penis with her right hand as he stood behind
her right shoulder.� Ione approached them slowly, with a small
smile.� �How long has it been since you�ve seen one of these,�
she asked glancing toward her right hand.
���� �It�s been a while, not since I left Hawaii,� she
���� �Would you like a little taste?� You know for
old times sake,� Jacqui pulled harder as Elias, her boyfriend tried to
pull back.� Ione looked toward Wendy to see if she was watching,
Wendy nodded with a resigned half-smile.
���� �Don�t mind if I do,� Ione said as she stepped
closer.� She was so short that she only had to bend a little to take
the head in her mouth.� She ran her tongue over the end of the
head of his penis, Elias gasped as she did.� Ione stepped back and
smacked her lips, and licked them too.
���� �That�s as good as I remembered,� she whispered to
Jacqui.� �Now I�m hungry, I�ve been on a diet for a long
time.�� The both laughed, quietly.� Jacqui let go of Elias penis,
and they started to walk back to the dock.
���� �Jacqui.� Wait, can I put this away?�� Elias called to
her.� She stopped and went back to him, as he stood with his penis
out of his pants.� Ione walked with her, she didn�t want to pass
up a chance to be near a penis.
���� �Put what away, Elias?�
���� �Please, do I have to ask,� he moaned.� Jacqui
smiled and nodded.� �May I put my penis away?�
���� �Why?� Are you afraid it�ll get sunburned?�� Ione
reached out and touched the head with her index finger.� Elias
jumped, he hadn�t seen her reaching.� Jacqui gave a slight
laugh,� �I guess you better put that away, or Ione will get it and
try to take it home.� Then you�ll be totally useless to me.�� They
walked to the dock, together.
���� �Hey, this is Elias Ruiz-Gonzales, my sometime
boyfriend,� Jacqui said politely.� Erin looked at Elias like she
wanted to get closer.� �Willi, how do you say penis in German,�
Jacqui asked innocently.� �Is it like, peckerren?�
���� Willi laughed, �No, it would be glied, and the pussy
is kitzler.��
���� �What�s clitoris,� Ione asked.� She was looking
at Erin.� �How about giant clitoris?�
���� �That�s the same, clitoris.� It�s a Latin word,
and riesigclitoris, is giant clitoris, or maybe gewaltigclitoris.� she
looked toward Erin too.�� They looked at each other and both
smiled and sighed.
���� �Why did you speak such good English when we were
talking about ponygirls, but didn�t know so much just now,� Jacqui
���� �It�s because I learned those concepts and used them
everyday, the other things weren�t taught in school.� So I had to
just pick them up as I went around,� Willi responded.� �Come
along Erin, we are going to hitch up and go out to
the rennbahn.� That is the racetrack, to you.�� She picked up the
end of the lead one of the grooms left dangling from Erin�s bridle.
���� When they got to the tiny racing sulky, Erin stepped
between the rails and turned toward the front for Willi to put her
harness and belt on her, it was already attached to the sulky
rails.� The harness and belt Erin wore was different from the one
she wore to pull the big sulkies.� This harness had a smaller belt,
there were several rings spread around the belt for connecting to
the sulky and for any other possible uses.� They were reinforced so
the sulky�s pull was spread all around the belt.� It also had a large
strap from the center of the front up between Erin�s breasts and
split into a Y, then two straps went over her shoulders and down
both sides of her back to the rear of the belt.� There were three
sets of straps around her chest, one set above her breasts and
another below them.� The third strap was just under Erin�s lowest
ribs.� The mid straps were high up beneath her breasts for support
when she ran. Each strap also had an extension that went between
the verticals at each side of her back.� On top of each shoulder
strap was a small ring for the reins to keep them from
tangling.� The rings held the reins loosely enough for responsive
handling.� There were four straps from the sulky rails to Erin�s
harness; two from each side.� Both of the straps were attached to
the rail behind Erin, one crossed her back and hooked to the
opposite side of her belt, the other went to the front on the same
side. Two short chain links also went from the rail in front to Erin�s
belt on each side, mainly to aid when backing.� These were locked
when at races to help avoid theft; the confusion at tracks on race
days often gave rustlers the opportunity to try.� The whole setup
looked complicated, but Willi was familiar with it and she
had Erin hitched in just a few minutes.� Erin felt quite comfortable,
and the sulky responded to her slightest move.
���� �It feels light, doesn�t it,� Willi
asked?� Erin nodded.� �Stand here,� Willi said, and laid the reins
over the rails of the sulky on Erin�s right.� She went over to
Denise and had a few words, final ideas and final directions.
���� Willi got into the sulky and took up the reins, �Let�s
go, and take it easy. Let�s get warmed up, for about the
first meile.� Then I�ll let you know when to gerannt, to
run.��� Willi wanted to teach Erin to respond to commands given
in German.
���� Willi kept the speed down until they had been running
for ten minutes; Willi didn�t need to keep a stopwatch, she knew
when ten minutes had passed.� Willi shook the reins
and Erin started to run faster.
����� �Schneller, run faster Erin,� Willi
ordered.� Erin increased her speed, she pulled back slightly on the
reins, �Easy, that�s fast enough, liebchen.�
���� She kept Erin at a medium pace for twenty more
minutes, �Now for some more, Erin, schnell,�
Willi said as she snapped the reins, a little harder.� They were
headed along the roadway from the sulky corral to the turn off for
the customer trails.� Erin saw the last turn off the longest sulky
trail, she knew that the end of the road was coming soon, she tried
to ease off a little.� Willi, snapped the reins again, �schneller, do
not slow, I will tell you when to slow,� Willi said sternly.�
���� They rounded a curve and Erin saw that the road
continued and the huge pile of dirt that marked the end was
gone.� She could see a gate about another half mile ahead.� Then
Willi snapped the reins and gave a sharp whistle, Erin speeded up
more and ran until Willi pulled her up to stop at the gate.� She
pulled Erin next to a blue and white striped pole while she opened
the gate then she pulled the reins back and looped them over the
back of the seat.� Erin used the opportunity to urinate in the road;
there was no pole out here.� Erin stood with her feet shoulder
width apart and arched her back, her urine streamed out behind her
onto the ground.� Willi came up to her, she had gotten a pack of
wet paper wipes.� Willi pulled out a couple of wipes and carefully
cleaned Erin�s inner labia and area around her
urethra.� Erin pushed back against Willi�s hand and wriggled with
small, little motions.
���� �Do you like this, liebchen,� Willi asked,
softly?� Erin nodded gently.� �Erin do you think you love
me�?� Erin stopped nodding, and then started again.� Willi
stepped in front where she could see Erin smiling even with the bit
in her mouth.� Willi reached up and stroked Erin�s cheek and then
gently scratched behind her left ear.� She led Erin through the
opened gate and stopped her in the middle of the new roadway.�
���� �Stand here, wait, and in Deutsh, hier markt, warten�
Willi said patiently. She went back and closed the
gate.�� �Wasser, a drink,� asked Willi as she held a water
bottle?� Erin nodded again.�
���� Erin tried to speak to thank Willi, but she pressed her
index finger against Erin�s lips.� �You must never try to speak
unless I tell that you may.� Do you understand, liebchen?� Even
with the bit out, you will not speak, es verboten.�� Erin nodded;
she had tears in her eyes.�
���� Willi remounted the sulky and held Erin for five
minutes, she wanted to make Erin wait for her command and not try
to go on her own.� She had watched the sulky corral and knew the
ponygirls were required to get started to get out of the way of the
next customer, but now she had to learn to move only when the
command was given.� The jockey planned and carried out the
strategy to win the races, the ponygirl had to provide the power
through the harness to the sulky. She would not punish Erin for
trying to start, at first, but she had to learn that the jockey was
always in charge of the sulky. Erin�s previous non-professional
jockeys were not at all good for discipline; she now had to learn to
follow the jockey�s directions.�

��������� �Don�t try to kiss me before you brush your

teeth,� Wendy said as she snapped her leash to Ione�s
collar.� After Ione had the little taste of penis, she went back to
Wendy to get her leash snapped on.� Wendy smiled behind Ione�s
back; she didn�t really care.� However Ione wanted to believe she
had tasted forbidden fruit, literally, so Wendy gave her what she
wanted.� She didn�t have anything against men she just thought
them messy.� They were physically messy and didn�t care where
they left their sticky messes, and morally messy trying to get any
woman nearby.������� (And, Wendy chuckled to herself,
and make her all messy.)� Ione was very passionate and to keep
that for herself would be unfair to Ione; she would need to allow
some latitude, or Ione would stop being fun.�
���� Later when they watched Erin leave with Willi Ione
came to her and clung to Wendy�s hip as the sulky passed.� They
both shed a few tears, as the sulky went around the curve and out
of sight.� Wendy slid her hand down Ione�s back and over her
butt; when she reached the bottom her fingers found the end of the
butt-plug.� She pressed the end and began pushing the end in
small circles, as she did Ione began to moan softly.
���� �Ooohh, Miss Wendell, you are turnin� me on so
much,� Ione whispered.� �I�m gettin� so hot.�
���� �We need to walk to my cabin, right away Ione,�
Wendy answered.� �Come on, let�s go now.�� Wendy called to
Denise,� �I�m going to my place Denise, and do you want to
meet me in the cafeteria in about an hour?�
���� �Yeah, I�ll be there,� Denise, answered.� �I�m
going to get Stacy and her info to the tattoo shop.�
���� �Good idea, thanks,� Wendy said as they moved
away.� �Don�t forget to brush when we get in, Ione.�
���� Denise smiled as she watched them leave; she really
liked Wendy and was glad for her.� She had seen Wendy try to find
the right man, over and over only to be disappointed until she
finally decided that maybe men were not the right answer.� She
was happy for her now that she had finally found someone for
herself.� Denise turned to one of the new grooms, Jack Loos who
was assigned to Stacy.
���� �Jack, lets take Stacy to the tattoo shop and get her
done, I think Jacqui will run her out to the track, what did Willi
call it, the rennbahn,� She said smiling.� �It�ll only take Bart
about twenty-five minutes to do her.��
���� He nodded as he turned to Stacy and clipped his lead to
her bridle, he smiled up at her, �Let�s go honey, come on we�ll
get your numbers on.�� They started to head past the front of the

���� Bart opened the door for them when they got to the top
of the steps, �Come on in, I�ve got her stencils all made
up.�� He looked toward Denise, �Yes, I�m in a rush, when I�m
done with Stacy I�m headed out for a long weekend.�� He turned
to Stacy, �Right over here Stacy, sit right down and put your arms
down please.�
���� Stacy sat down and put her arms on the chair for Bart
to strap in.� He unsnapped the bit from her bridle.� Jack stepped
forward, but Bart continued and laid the bit on the counter along the
wall behind the chair.
���� �My shop, my rules,� He said brightly.� �I want to
be able to converse if necessary. Period.�� Jack smiled and nodded
���� Mona had hired Jack from the ponygirl training ranch
where they both worked, they had been in
southern Oklahoma together for over a year.� The owner was
starting to try to train for sex and not racing or running his
own girls, his latest customers brought their wives or girlfriends in
for a few days and then try to run around the track.� Most of them
were so out of shape that Jack was embarrassed for them.� Mona
and Jack both wanted to work on a real racing operation.� When
Wendy approached them and showed her plans and that she had
adequate financing to make it work they both took her offer.�
��� Bart got the stencils for Stacy�s PRA number, and
applied it number on the upper portion of her right areola, in a
curve that matched the natural curve of her nipple.� Bart picked up
his tattoo equipment from the counter and started within ten
minutes he had her number finished, Stacy looked down at the
finished tattoo, it read �1071231�.�� He had Jack hold Stacy�s
hair up to tattoo the bar code on the back of her neck
�1071031�.� He didn�t have to put Miss Wendell�s tattoo on
Stacy�s belly it was already there.� Next he had to change out all
the rings in her nipples and outer labia. When he was done she had
two new rings in each nipple and three new rings in each outer lip,
all were 16ga. by � inch.�
���� �Bart I thought the number was 108, that�s what�s
on Erin,� Denise said as she looked at the paperwork from PRA.�
���� Bart shrugged, �That�s what was on the paperwork.�
���� Jack spoke up, �Maybe you are 108 and Miss Wendell
is 107.�
���� �Oh, ok.� I�ve been here so long, that I didn�t even
think about that, I did make my own separate application,� Denise
observed.� �I�m really an owner.�
���� �Yes, Miss Winters,� Jack answered.
���� �If we�re going to do it right, I�m Mrs. Winters,�
Denise said laughing.� �Tomorrow I�ll be pulling a sulky with little
old ladies riding behind, trying to act like they aren�t doin�
anything odd.�
���� �I guess tomorrow you�ll be Denise, but for it to work
for me, tonight you�ll have to be Mrs. Winters,� Jack smiled.
�Mrs. Winters, I�ll take Stacy out to Jacqui and they�ll get out to
the�..� Jack stopped as his cell-phone rang, he answered
it.� �Yes.� He paused, listening.� �Mrs. Winters.� Yes I�ll tell
her.� Ok, bye Jacqui.�� Jack looked around and at
Stacy,� �Stacy, who�s your groom, or who was your groom,� he
���� �Xian, but she left this morning for San Francisco, for a
week.� Why, what�s up?�� Stacy looked concerned.
���� Jack turned to Denise, �That was Jacqui, she wants to
wait until tomorrow morning, so she has more time to evaluate and
Stacy�s fresh enough to run well, out to the track.� I guess
you�re stuck with me this evening,� he said and winked at
Stacy.� �You may have to tell me where to find someone to help
me find the stuff I�ll need for you.�
���� Denise spoke up, �She may not know, I�ll take you to
the Groom Room and introduce you around.� She can�t go in
there, no ponygirls allowed inside.� I�m not a ponygirl until
tomorrow.� When we�re done here we�ll take her to the training
stable, and let her rest in a stall, and have her dinner sent, then go
to the Groom Room and find someone to help you.��
���� While they were talking Bart finished up with Stacy�s
rings and put her bit back in place.� �We�re all done here,� He
said.� �Now, I�m out of here.�� Bart sort of ushered them to the
door and they all went out, �I�m not tryin� to give you the
bum�s rush, but I�ve got a plane to catch, and I have to drive to
the airport first.�
�� �Thanks for waiting for us Bart.� Have a nice weekend,�
Denise said as they headed to the training stable.�
���� Jack walked along holding Stacy�s lead, she was much
taller than his five-six, with her hoof-boots she stood six-
three.� They got to the training stable and went in, they found all
stalls were empty and put Stacy in one.� Jack took the bit, bridle
and pony-hands off, he applied some antibiotic ointment on her new
tattoos, leaving a thick layer over each one.� He closed the gate
and made sure it locked, he then accompanied Denise out.�
��� Denise took him to the Groom Room, and they went
inside, they found Alicia sitting at the table.� She agreed to help
Jack get Stacy fed and settled for the night.
���� �Alicia, his room is in the Groom House at the track,�
Denise said.� �Do you think there is room here for him tonight?�
�� ���I�m sure I can find a bed for him,� Alicia
smiled.� �Somewhere cozy and warm.�� Denise thanked her and
headed out to meet Wendy for dinner.�

���� When Erin and Willi arrived at the track, Mona and
Margot were there working out a training schedule for her and
Stacy.� They were looking at Keiko and Veronika�s records, to see
where to start with them.� Keiko had six months of files to look
over and Veronika had six weeks of files.� The only groom there
was Lena Weise she wasn�t Erin�s groom, but she was ready to
take care of her for tonight.
���� Willi unhitched her from the sulky, and took her into
the stable; Lena was in the second stall from the door, waiting for
them.� Willi handed the end of the lead to Lena and headed back
outside to take care of the sulky.� Lena carefully stripped all the
tack off Erin, and took the French braid out of her hair.
���� �Do you want to go get washed up now, or rest a little
first,� Lena asked?� Erin smiled and shook her head, she didn�t
want to rest yet, a bath sounded real good to her.
���� Willi came in just then, �You may speak
now, Erin.�� She stopped by Lena; �I need to help with her
bathing, to see if I need to develop any other muscles.� Her legs
are beautiful, but I think maybe her shoulders and arms need some
development.�� Willi left to go to the rear of the stable to the bath
stalls.� Erin heard a shower start from the end of the stable.
���� �Come on, lets go get a bath, we�ll get you washed
off and come back for some dinner,� Lena said, she sounded so
sweet to Erin.� �Look at all the clothes,� Lena was talking about
Willi�s clothing on the floor of the hallway.� Where she had taken
it off and dropped it on the floor as she walked to the bath
stall.� Lena picked the clothing up as they walked along the hallway
and handed each garment to Erin as they went.� The little blue top
was just outside Erin�s stall, and dark blue shorts a few feet farther
���� When they got to the end, she lifted the top of a
trashcan setting by the last stall for Erin to discard the dropped
garments, which she did.� Then they both laughed.
���� There was a tiny pair of light blue panties on the floor
by the door of the bath stall where Willi was finishing her shower,
and a pair of sneakers setting nearby.� The sneakers were placed
carefully out of the way, obviously not discarded.
���� Willi opened the gate and said, �Step inside,
please.� Geh hinein, bitte,� she said.� �Walk inside, please.��
���� �Damn, here�s more,� Lena said as she picked up
the panties and walked toward the trashcan.� Willi laughed.
���� �I guess I won�t have to worry about doing laundry
for now, eh?� I need those shoes.� My sportschuhe.� Please
don�t toss them.�� Her tiny breasts didn�t shake or jiggle, when
she laughed each was firm, with a soft puffy, pink nipple.� Her
nipples were pale pink, and her pubic patch was white blonde like all
of her hair.� Her patch was not heavy, but soft down grew almost
to her navel.
���� Erin got under the spray with Willi; she towered over
Willi.� At five-nine she was nine inches taller, but she knew Willi
was in complete control of her.� Willi washed Erin�s hair and put
cr�me rinse through it; she piled her wet hair up on top of her head
while she washed Erin�s shoulders and body.� Willi was careful as
she did Erin�s neck around the new tattoo.
���� �This looks good, it�s healing
up, ausheiland.� That�s healing up,� Willi repeated.
���� �I�m going to learn German, aren�t I?� Are we
going to speak German all the time,� Erin asked?
���� �Well we will be using Deutsch, that�s German for
German, on the track.� It will give us a psychological advantage;
we are ahead before we step onto the racetrack, rennbahn, the
racetrack.� Willi continued to wash Erin and soon had her
completely washed, but didn�t try to masturbate her.� �I need to
check your shoulder muscles,� said Willi as she ran her hands
over Erin�s shoulders.� �Now for your arms, liebchen,� Willi
whispered, as she felt Erin�s arms.� She carefully squeezed each
muscle group from end to end.
���� �Did your groom take care of you everyday?� Did
he masturbieren, or hatschelt, is fondle,
everyday?�� Erin nodded.� �Well we take care tonight, but not
everyday.� You must earn your pleasures.� Do you
understand?�� Erin nodded again.� Willi slowly began to
rub Erin�s pussy and her clitoris.�
���� She took Erin�s clitoris between her index finger and
thumb, and rolled the sensitive flesh gently.� Willi stepped
around Erin�s right side so she could keep her right hand on Erin�s
pussy and reach Erin�s anus with her left hand.� Willi pressed two
fingers of her left hand into Erin�s anus and slid her right hand
to Erin�s vagina and put her two middle fingers into Erin.� She
was surprised by the size of Erin�s pussy and anus, and she soon
had both hands fully into Erin.� Willi clenched her hands, first left
then right until Erin gasped to an orgasm.� She had planned to
stop after one orgasm, but Erin was still so aroused that she
continued.� Erin had a second orgasm immediately and a third
right after that.� Erin gently pushed down on Willi�s wrist.
���� �Is that enough, liebchen,� Willi asked?
���� �Yes, thank you,� Erin leaned down to Willi�s ear and
whispered.� Erin kissed Willi�s ear softly, �I love you,
completely.� I need you to know that.��
���� �Yes liebchen, but you will work very hard for me.�
Willi said sternly.�
���� She shut the water off and they got out Lena was
there, she tossed a towel to Willi and she began to dry Erin, herself.
���� Willi laughed, �Aren�t you going to dry me?�
���� �No,� was all Lena said.� They all laughed and
finished drying.� Willi had to remain naked, until she found her
luggage.� It was in the Groom House, where the grooms, handlers,
and trainers had their rooms.� The jockeys, head trainer, and head
groom were in another small outbuilding, set aside for them, as
supervisors.� Mona and Margot had gone to dinner, so Willi, Lena,
and Erin were alone there.� Willi came into Erin�s stall, pushing a
small stainless steel tray cart.� Erin�s dinner was on the top shelf
and Willi had her clothes on the second shelf.� Lena got Erin�s
food out and left to find her own dinner.
���� �Do you have any clothing, Erin,� she asked?
���� �No, none.� I haven�t worn anything in over a
year,� Erin answered.� �Livestock doesn�t wear clothes.��
���� �Yes, I noticed that you are tan all over, so you stay
naked, nackte, naked.� You have a total sonnenbrand, sunburn,�
Willi said.� �Maybe I will stay nackte.� No, maybe I will put on my
clothes, now,� She laughed.� �I�m not nudistin.�� Willi picked
up her clothes from the second shelf of the cart and left the stall.�
���� She was back in about ten minutes, wearing a light
brown macram� dress, it was mostly holes; her pink nipples were
sticking out through the dress.� She had a light brown thong, also
of macram�.� She wore sandals, with straps that buckled clear to
her knees.� She stood in front of Erin, and turned so Erin could see
her little dress.
���� �You look nice,� Erin said.� �Do you have a date
tonight?�� Willi just shook her head no.� �Your boyfriend
visiting?�� No again.� �Do you have a boyfriend?�� No again.
���� �I�ve never had a boyfriend,� Willi said sadly.
���� �Never?� Erin asked.
���� �Nope, nein, I never had time, I have worked for the
last few years to get ahead in training,� Willi told her.
���� Erin asked her if she trained horses in Germany, there
were so many horse grooms and handlers here that came from
horse farms Erin wondered of Willi started there too.
���� �No in Germany I trained schutzhund, that is dogs
trained to search for hiding subjects, like police dogs.� I preferred
Doberman, but I also trained the German Shepard.� She looked
toward Erin.� �You know that all animal training is about the
same.� Once you have developed the technique, it works for any
animal.� You just have to know the desired result, to achieve it is
about the same.�� Willi looked at Erin, �After you win the
championship, we could go out and maybe find some men, ehh?��
���� Erin nodded, �you may want someone else for that.� I
haven�t been outside the gate for over a year.� My man hunting
abilities have faded to nothing.� Maybe Jacqui could help us both
find one.�
���� �I�m not sure I would like what she might find,� Willi
snickered.� �I didn�t say that.��
���� Erin shook her head, �I know what you
mean.� Erin changed the subject, �I have to ask you something,
your name is Dutch, but you speak German.� Where are you
���� Willi laughed, �I am from Germany, my father was an
automotive engineer, from Holland.� He worked for a manufacturer
in Stuttgart, and my mother was from Bavaria.� We lived
in Stuttgart until I was five years old, we moved to Wolfsburg for a
few years, and then back to Stuttgart.� That�s where I started to
train the dogs.� I was the dompteuse.�
���� �How do you say virgin,� Erin asked?
���� �It�s jungfrau, virgin,� she said.
���� �Erin, I must go, it�s time for bed, we will be getting
up at 5AM, and starting at 5:30.� Then breaking for breakfast
at 8AM.� You may talk this evening, but when we get up tomorrow,
no more talking.� Tomorrow you will learn to
whinny, wiehern, whinny.�� Willi stepped to the gate, she looked
back as she closed it, gute nacht, liebchen.�� Willi turned and went

���� Erin learned to whinny, it took Willi most all of the first
morning, and Erin had it down quite well.� The vet took the
afternoon of the first day.� He came right after lunch, and Willi
brought Erin into the examination room.� Jacqui was already there,
she was there to observe and make sure the vet�s directions were
carried out.� He would make a written report, but direct
communication was best.� The vet removed the birth control
hormone implants, from her inner arm.� It was for birth control,
but also for menstruation control.� With it Erin had only three or
four periods a year, but it might slow her a step or two over a
quarter mile, it had to go.� The vet replaced it with a new
fiberglass IUD coil.� The IUD had tiny spurs or hooks along its
length and would not slip out of place with heavy exercise.� More
importantly the material was impregnated with a similar, but much
lower dose of a hormone that also restricted menstruation.� This
method was much safer, and did not slow the racer.� The major
drawback was that the hooks made it nearly impossible to
remove.� Breeding for reproduction was illegal, although ponygirls
were basically owned; they were adults when they signed the
contract.� Children could not be kept as property.� It was morally
and legally wrong.�
���� A trainer took Erin out after the veterinarian was
finished with her.� Joshua Gray, everyone called him Josh,
had Erin on a lunge line.� He was working on her stride
length.� After about an hour with the lunge line and the long, but
light whip, he called a halt to the exercise.� Jacqui came out and
called for Willi to meet them in the conference room.
���� �Erin, you may speak with us,� Willi said to her, as
she unsnapped the bit.� All three of them were very happy
and excited, Jacqui finally told Erin what the excitement was all
about.� She did not need any further instruction regarding her
stride length.
���� �Have you ever had any formal instructions or training
for your stride length,� Josh asked?
���� �Yes, I was a runner on the first girl�s track team
here at Centerville High School.� Not the first ever, but there
hadn�t been a girls� running team for several years, so I had to
work out with the boy�s coach.� He was real good, and I learned
about striding.� It�s been so long that I don�t even think about it,
I just do it.�
���� �Well you do it very well.� We have no corrections to
make.� The only lunge line work will be the prancing steps for the
pre-parade and the victory laps you�ll be making,� Josh said as he
smiled greatly.� �Do you feel all right, did the vet cause any
���� �No, why,� Erin asked?
���� �Let�s go back out and work on parade steps until
dinner, or until you get tired of it.� It�s not real interesting,� Josh
scowled.� �For either of us.�
���� Willi and Jacqui were talking to each other by the door.
Jacqui came over to Erin smiling greatly.
���� �You know, you�re much more of a natural runner
than I�ve ever seen.� I�ll bet the old coach didn�t really have to
change much to get your stride correct.� He may have had to
refine you a little, but no changes,� Jacqui looked over at
Willi.� �Anything?�
���� �You will begin working on learning to run for me,
tomorrow morning.� Right now you think that you control your
speed and course, but to win consistently you must learn to give me
complete control.� You will provide the motive power and I will
provide the direction.� We,� she indicated Jacqui also, �will
provide the racing strategy.�
���� �Yes, tomorrow morning may be difficult for you,�
Jacqui said solemnly.� �If you do exactly as instructed, it will not
be painful.�����
���� When Erin�s handler Marina Burton, brought Erin out
to the track in the morning, her bridle had blinkers or blinders
installed.� Erin could not see up or to the sides, at all.� The
equipment was very efficient.
���� Willi came out and they ran around the track for ten
laps, then pulled in to the corral, where Marina was standing.� Willi
pulled Erin up by a blue and white post and stopped, Erin used the
opportunity to urinate on the ground behind her.� Marina was there
to wipe her carefully and gently.� Willi had given strict instructions
about wiping Erin, less than perfect cleanliness was
unacceptable.� Willi�s German attention to detail required perfect
sanitation, without compromise.� When she was
done, Marina loosened the screws on the blinkers and the blinders
and moved them over Erin�s eyes.� Erin could see nothing at
all, neither up, down, nor to the side.
���� �Erin,� Willi came up to her, �You know that
the rennbahn is flat and there are no obstructions, no grades with
elevation changes.� Now you will learn to trust me.� I will control
the speed and direction totally.� From this day forward you will run
for me, not for yourself.� Not until I am sure you can do that will I
have the blinkers opened.��
���� Erin nodded slowly, to herself she thought, �Hell, I�m
game.� Let�s do it.�
���� �When I stop you, you will be free to urinate, unless I
tell you that you may not,� Willi said, just before she remounted
the sulky.
���� They went out onto the track and ran carefully for
several laps.� Willi snapped the reins,� �Schnell, Erin.� Run
faster.�� Erin heard a whish and felt a slight smack on her butt.
She realized it was a whip of some sort.� Willi must have brought it
up after the blinkers were closed.� Erin took off; she was so
surprised by the whip that she didn�t even think about the
blinkers.� She followed Willi�s directions and turned when the
reins pulled her.
���� After an hour Willi pulled her up, they walked for a
distance and stopped.� Erin had to pee; she moved her legs apart
and urinated on the ground.� She felt Willi beside her so she was
not surprised and didn�t jump when Willi wiped her inner labia.
���� �Wasser,� Erin opened her mouth and Willi inserted
the end of a water bottle, and squeezed and drink out for
her.� While she was giving Erin a drink she said softly, �You did
not hear me, but you felt me here with you, didn�t
you?�� Erin nodded, and whinnied softly from deep in her throat.
���� Over the next two days she learned the German words
for the main commands she would be using.� Walk was wandelnt,
and trot was trotten, canter, kantor, and lastly gallop
was galopp.� Willi had already taught her run, lauf, and gerrant, for
their purposes gallop and run meant the same.� Walk, trot, and
cantor were controlled paces, but gallop was all out, hold nothing
back.� Erin ran around the track at her top speed without regard,
she came to trust Willi completely, she wasn�t afraid Willi might
run her into something.
���� Willi pulled Erin to a stop, she felt like she was in the
middle of the track.� Willi cautioned her not to urinate, �nicht
uniniert.�� After about three minutes, she realized they were not
alone on the track, Erin could hear the squeak of other tack on
other ponygirls around her.� When Willi snapped the reins and they
were off.� They took off and were soon galloping at full
speed.� Willi had her moving left and right across the track as they
passed the other sulkies.� Erin soon forgot about the others.
���� The other sulkies were driven by handlers and trainers
at medium speeds to give Erin some obstacles to pass.� Soon they
were speeded up a bit, so Erin had to slow a little to wait for an
opening to pass.� Willi found she could run Erin through even the
smallest space at speed without concern, that Erin would follow her
commands instantly.� That complete trust was the hardest step to
make a successful racing ponygirl.� She had accomplished it in the
first week!
���� But after doing so well for seven days, and whinnying
instead of talking, Erin messed up.� They had been working with
the smaller racing bit.� Erin tried to tell Willi that she needed to
stop to pee.� Willi let her stop to urinate, uniniert.� When she was
through Willi took her to the sulky barn.
���� �I gave the rules about talking,� Willi spoke very
harshly to her, and Erin was scared.� �You will be punished
now.� Remember when I told you that you would not want to find
out about the punishment for talking?�
���� She made Erin kneel between the sulky rails, and put
her hands behind her back.� Willi had a short chain that she
snapped between Erin�s pony-hands.� She had two small
aluminum clamps that she tightened one on each nipple with a
thumbscrew.� Willi tightened each one until it just barely
hurt.� She took Erin back out onto the track, with blinkers
opened.� After an hour they had become quite painful.� They went
back to the sulky barn and Erin knelt again, she thought Willi would
remove the clamps, but she turned each one tighter.� Erin started
to sob, Willi got back into the sulky and they went out for another
hour.� They returned to the barn again, and Willi tightened them
again.� Erin was in so much pain now that she almost
vomited.� Willi took her out for another hour, when they returned
the barn the next time Erin was afraid to try to think Willi might
remove them.� Erin�s hands were encased in the pony-hands and
secured behind her back.� She was helpless to do anything to ease
the pain, she felt totally dependant on Willi for relief.� She knelt
between the rails, again.� She could feel Willi standing before her.
���� �You did not try very hard that last time out, I will give
you the opportunity to try again.� If you can keep your efforts at a
high level, I will not punish you for slacking off.� I cannot stand a
slothful animal.� You will keep your efforts up or you will be
punished.� You cannot finish this punishment until that one is
over,� Willi said gravely.� �Please liebchen, you must let me finish
this,� she urged.
���� Erin tried to whinny, but it sounded almost like a
moan.� Willi stroked her cheek gently.� She believed that it was
her own fault, and Willi wanted to take the clamps off.
���� Willi got back into the sulky and they went out for a
fourth hour.� Erin didn�t know if she did any better, but she tried
with all of her heart.� When they got back, Willi had her stand
while she went inside to get a drink of water.� When she came
back out, Erin knelt between the rails, of the sulky.� Willi
unscrewed the nipple clamps, and gently massaged each nipple, she
kissed each one.
���� �Please do not make me put the clamps on you
again, liebchen.� You must be careful about the talking.� Do not
expect to speak again for the next ten days,� Willi spoke softly
to Erin.� She released Erin�s hands and helped her stand.� She
took her over to the blue and white post near the back fence of the
corral.� When she was done Willi carefully cleaned her vulva and
urethra with a wet paper wipe.� Willi wanted to stop for the day,
but it was important to take Erin out again for at least half an

���� Erin worshipped Willi, while Willi did her training she
was in heaven.� Her speed was greater than anyone had dared
imagine Erin capable of producing.� Erin learned to trust Willi
implicitly, when they went onto the track Willi knew she could get all
the speed Erin had available to cover the distance required.� The
track Wendy had built was one eighth of a mile long.� The race
distances Willi was training Erin to cover were one-eighth and one
quarter mile, for the preliminary and qualification races.� The finals
and championship races were one half mile and a full mile and one
and a half and then two miles. The longer distances were not all run
at each meet.� She had to run Erin until she could not move
another step, to know how much she had available.� Erin did not
have another talking violation, she felt so sorry for Willi.� When she
spoke out of turn, Willi was forced to put the nipple
clamps, brustwarzeklemmbacke, on her.� She could tell that Willi
felt bad having to do that to her.
���� Willi found a pair of pony-hands that were weighted,
the first set Willi had for her weighed five pounds extra, after a
week they were replaced by a ten-pound set.� She had to wear the
ten pound pair for the next two full weeks, all day every day.� Willi
substituted a fifteen-pound pair, after the ten pound set.� At
first Erin�s arms were a little tired, but when Willi went to the ten
pound set, her arms were sore for a few days.� She became used
to that set soon, and ten pounds on each arm was
manageable.� The fifteens were easy for Erin to handle, and she
soon mastered them too.� When Willi evaluated her arms, she was
pleased with the results.� She told Erin that she would need to
wear the weights only twice a week to maintain her fitness.
���� Willi had begun taking Erin out on the pathways away
from the track, with the blinders closed.� Erin ran for her without
the slightest concern.� Marina led her out to the corral and hitched
her to a sulky setting out for them.� Willi came out with a picnic
basket that she put on the sulky.
���� �Would you like to take me for a picnic today?� We
haven�t had a nice day for ourselves lately,� Willi suggested.
���� Erin whinnied and neighed, to show her
approval.� Marina closed the blinders, and stroked Erin�s
cheek.� She petted the side of her head, and behind her
ear.� Erin sighed and whinnied softly.� Willi had a snap link and
secured Erin�s wrists behind her.
���� �Today I am asking you to trust me, even more.� You
must believe I would not even let you fall, so you hands will not be
in front of you.� You will not need them.�

���� They walked until Erin felt comfortable, and began to

run easily.� When she was warmed up, they began to run
harder.� When they broke for lunch, Willi took her from the sulky
rails, and fed her by hand.� Erin had the tack and blinders on all
day, after lunch Willi re-hitched her and they walked slowly so their
lunches could digest.� Soon they were running at full speed across
the countryside.� They returned to the paddock for the night
at 6PM.� Erin didn�t know where they had been all day.�
���� When Erin�s blinders were removed, she was standing
in the same spot she was in when they were closed.� Erin started
laughing, it was definitely unpony like, but very infectious.� Soon
they were all laughing,� Willi and Marina didn�t know why, but
they felt the hilarity Erin brought.� Finally Willi had Marina remove
the bit, she told Erin to speak.
���� �What is so damn funny,� Willi asked between laughs.
���� �The whole picture, I was standing right here this
morning, right exactly here.� There are my hoof prints and the
sulky tracks.� Now here I am, but I couldn�t see anything all
day.� It�s sort of like I didn�t really go anywhere, but we
did.�� Erin tried to explain the two realities concept.
���� �Yes, I know what you mean,� Willi
agreed.� Marina nodded.� Then they all cracked up again.
They were laughing like idiots when Denise and her husband
came around the corner of the barn.� Wendy was behind them,
with Ione on a leash.� Never one to pass up a good
time,� Ione insisted Erin go over the whole thing again.� She
laughed, but she really didn�t get it.� Denise did though.
���� Denise introduced her husband to Willi, Marina, and
Erin.� Aaron was amazed with Willi, her accent, enchanted him and
her mannerisms were different than anyone he�d ever met.�
���� Marina clipped her lead to Erin�s bridle, and they all
headed for the stable.� While they walked along Denise told Willi
about the travel plans for the upcoming race.� The would have to
leave in five days, to have two full days before the first races, to get
Erin ready to run.� Her first race could be rough on her
nerves.� Willi shook her head, Erin could run anywhere.�
���� �The PRA has a course for new ponygirls, it�s just
starting this season and Erin has to attend,� she told Willi.� �I
need to have you there to watch over Erin, and Jacqui to watch out
for her.�
���� �Yes, she knows most of the people we will be dealing
with, and the tricks they may pull,� Willi said thoughtfully.

���� Erin ran around the track for the seventeenth or fifty-
first time, her long slender legs pumped rhythmically, as she
finished another lap.� She did not like the track, and she did not
like the other ponygirls, and she did not like the stall, and she did
not like �..anything.
���� Erin thought the track was too short to stay on all day,
but the neighbors would not accept naked ponygirls running around
outside the race park.� It was old and the stables were
shabby.� Her stall was less than half the size of a guest stall at
home.� The other ponygirls were no fun to be around, they all
seemed to be afraid of her.� She didn�t understand why they
didn�t seem to like her, but they didn�t seem to like each other,
either.� Willi saw that Erin was having a problem with the
amenities, and the other �girls seemed to be wary of her.� Willi
knew she could take care of the track and facilities problems, but
the other ponygirls were not ever going to like Erin.� She was too
beautiful, like a model and with her flat belly, slender hips and
thighs the other ponygirls were quite resentful.� Even though Willi
was careful to keep Erin from running them into the ground.� After
the first practice she knew this competition was settled.�
���� When they went out for the second practice session,
Willi had an old gray sulky that she found in storage and hitched it
to Erin.� Irina brought a case of water and loaded on the sulky,
that way she could get Erin drained beyond just tired, really
beat.� She could do it without giving away Erin�s speed because it
would be so much harder to pull. It worked, Erin was happy to have
a new adventure, even if the facilities were poor.� When her mind
was as a ponygirl, she didn�t care about the facilities, the track
surface, the others.� Following Willi�s commands was her whole
life, her reason for being.

���� The trip to the track was uneventful, Erin had never
been in a small plane before.� They got up early and got Erin
ready, she was taken to a small landing strip with Willi, Irina
Luvoloff, and Denise; they rode from the ranch in Wendy�s
Mercedes SUV.� They drove out to the plane, and Wendy dropped
them off right at the door of the little Cessna.� Erin was wearing a
tiny white dress and high-heeled sandals, she didn�t have any
panties underneath, and so she had to be careful getting into the
plane.� She really wasn�t too careful, and the pilot had a good
look at her from below.� Willi put a collar around her neck while
they were on the airplane; it was polished stainless steel with gold
rings all around.� The plane trip was only a little over an hour, and
they landed at another little airstrip.� Willi locked the leash on
when they were on the ground, she got out of the plane and turned
to Erin as she stepped down.� She didn�t reach out to help Erin
down, she clipped her leash to Erin�s collar.� The leash locked
when Willi clipped it in place.
���� �I can�t have anyone steal you from me, liebling,�
Willi whispered.

���� Jacqui was already there when Erin was brought in; she
met them at the plane with a rented van. They got in, putting Erin
in the back seat, farthest from the door.� Jacqui drove to the track,
the business entrance was off a side road, away from the main
entrance.� The security was very good.� Armed guards attended
the gate, everyone had to have proper identification to get in.� Willi
had Erin�s paperwork in a large envelope, she handed it to the
guard that came to the window.� The forms identified Erin, Willi,
Irina, and of course Denise as participants.� When Erin was
brought in, everything was prepared.
���� Erin was sent to the �clinic� where a urine specimen
was taken.� When Erin got out of the van Irina took the dress and
put it on a hanger.� It was sent to a cleaner to be ready for the
ride home.� Denise had to take her into the clinic with the
paperwork from the envelope.� She gave the proper forms to the
���� The attendant had a small cup she put under Erin�s
pussy; she held it there for a little bit.
���� �Ok pony, piss in the cup for me,� she said
gently.� �Can you stimulate her a little?�
���� �Erin go in the cup for me,� Denise said, put her hand
on Erin�s back, and slid it down over her butt.� Erin urinated
immediately, overflowing the cup and spilling onto the
floor.� Denise tried to stifle a laugh, the attendant laughed too.
���� �We didn�t say how much, did we?� We have a mop
right here, this happens quite a bit,� she said, still laughing.
���� Jacqui had been there for two days already, she took
care of getting Erin all settled, her stall was assigned and meals
planned and ordered, incidentals like bottled water she
brought.��� It was stored in the back of the van; no one could be
trusted, so it was kept secured.� Erin would not eat or drink
anything she or Willi had not approved.� Irina took care of Erin and
Denise�s job was to stay out of the way, and of course as the
owner she was there to head off any bureaucratic entanglements.�
���� When Jacqui drove to the track, she brought Linda
Stewart, a handler, with her.� It was their job to protect the sulky
and the supplies they brought from Centerville.� Linda marked each
bottle so they could not be changed for another with the same
label.� Jacqui had seen �girls given any number of chemicals to
make them too ill to run, or to run well enough to win.� She had
never heard of anyone causing permanent damage or death,
however lately the money was much greater and a �girl that
couldn�t run anymore was no longer competition.� Erin was an
unknown quantity; she was trained away from the other
competitors so they had no idea how much speed she had
���� Willi had trained her to respond to her running
commands in German.� Partly to cause other jockeys and spotters
to worry and partly to confuse the scouts watching the two days of
practice, before the experienced racing ponygirls arrived.�
���� All first timers were required to attend the Ponygirl
Racing Association orientation classes, to keep the races proceeding
in an orderly fashion.� The real reason was to handicap the new
�girls and get times to set the odds so the house didn�t
loose.� That sounded fair, but it made it easy for other owners�
scouts to check out the competition.� If Erin did too well the
handicappers set the odds low and bets wouldn�t pay off well, and
Erin would be a target.� Wendy and Denise planned to make more
betting than from the purse.� Denise couldn�t bet except for Erin
to win, which was to keep her from giving Erin orders to do
something other than win.� If Denise bet too much too early that
could affect the odds, too.�
����� Josh and Jack were there too, but didn�t meet with
Jacqui or Linda to keep their affiliation private.� Officially they were
there, as Wendy�s representatives, but Wendy had no racers there
so they looked like they might be scouts.� Wendy only had time to
attend the last day to watch the finals and the feature race.� Jack
and Josh�s real function was to protect Erin from scouts and
rustlers.� The track owners would be interested if they found
rustlers or a saboteur, but pre-scouting was considered just good
business.� They looked for anyone who seemed to be paying
attention to Erin, they were careful to interfere without seeming to
do it on purpose.� They interrupted, distracted or confused anyone
working on trying to get near Erin or trying to time her runs.� Willi
had ordered blinkers that kept Erin from being distracted by the
girls and sulkies at her sides.
����� Willi�s German commands did confuse the other
jockeys and spotters and caused the other ponygirls, some
concern.� Some ponygirls were allowed to take part in the actual
race strategy, but Willi did not consider those ponygirls much of a
threat.� Nearly half of the entries fell into that classification.�

���� The first timer races were called �The Basics�.� Two
girls were lined up and raced one lap.� The winner advanced and
the looser was sent to the secondary heats.� The Secondary races
were slower and those winners advanced to a semi-final race that
got only the winner and second into the championship round. The
winner of �The Basics� went into the big time races and big money
races.� Willi carefully kept Erin just two steps ahead, in her
Basic.� There was no purse for these races, the purse started when
the champions started racing, too.� Erin�s time was poor, but she
won the race and moved into the prime division.� The next race
was for six girls, the top three moved on to the next heat.� Willi
took third, two steps ahead of fourth.� Erin performed
perfectly.� When Willi had to keep Erin slowed, the German
instructions were like secret code.� None of the other jockeys
understood them, German wasn�t an uncommon language, but not
within this bunch.� They sat out the next day, it was all the slower
girls.� They had the elimination races and the semi-final to chose
the two entries into the finals.�
The track had room for eight girls at a time; the last day had
thirty-two ponygirls left. After four heat races, where the first and
second places were moved up, the final had those eight
ponygirls.� The race was two miles, sixteen laps.� Erin drew the
fourth gate.
���� Erin pulled her bright candy red and polished chrome
sulky into the forth gate.� Her hoof-boots thudded on the hollow
floor as she adjusted the position for the start.� Her beautiful
tanned skin shone with sweat, Willi had gotten her warmed and
ready to run her fastest behind the wall as they waited for the bugle
call to the track.� She looked straight ahead; she didn�t see the
other ponygirls as they moved into their assigned gates.� She was
completely engrossed in the ponygirl mind-space; she saw no other
racers, only the gate in front.� When the gate swung out she would
explode onto the track and charge as hard as she could.�
���� Willi sat poised for the start; her light whip was tucked
tightly under her arm to keep it out of the way during the
start.� She looked around at the other jockeys and smiled.� In her
heart she knew she had the fastest ponygirl here today.�
���� The race was a total anti-climax; Willi jumped to the
front and kept Erin two steps ahead for the entire race.� When they
came around the last turn, the second jockey tried to pull up
alongside so, she had to turn up the speed a little.� Erin was
commanded to schneller, when she started to pull too far ahead,
to drosselung, slow down.� Willi did not pull back on the reins, but
didn�t snap them either.� The threat was short-lived because the
girl could not maintain the pace and started to drop back, but she
kept up enough to maintain second.� Erin won the race
easily.�� The same technician from the race clinic took a urine
specimen right there on the track.

���� Erin returned to a hero�s welcome.� Mona met them

at the landing strip with Wendy�s black Mercedes SUV.� Willi
helped Erin off the plane last, Denise and Irina got out first and
walked away to act as lookouts.� When Erin was safely inside the
vehicle, they both came to the right side, Denise got in the front
seat and Irina in the right rear door.� Mona left immediately, they
rushed out through the gate and back to the ranch.� When they got
to the ranch, Erin got an idea of the extent of the intensity of
everyone�s elation.� Not only was Erin the first winner from
Wendy�s ranch, she was the first entrant.� There were small signs
by the roadside at the gate, and a huge banner strung between the
gateposts.� Mona had to drive underneath it, there was also an
alarm circuit in it to warn everyone inside they were almost
back.� Mona stopped just out of sight of the gate, and put the SUV
in park.� Willi got Erin out and had her take off her dress; she got
back in and rode back to the racetrack with just her high-heeled
�� At the track a gigantic group of well-wishers, made up of
grooms, handlers and ponygirls, was waiting.� When Erin got out a
big cheer went up.� Wendy and Denise had planned a big reception
for tomorrow evening at the main ranch.� Today was a party for
Erin�s friends and co-workers. Wendy�s reception tomorrow was
as much a business venture as celebration, tonight was
spontaneous to share Erin�s joy.� The party wasn�t planned, but
anyone who wanted to attend was there.� The Cafeteria, Wendy�s
name for her gourmet restaurant provided the food and manned the
grill.� Willi leaned over to Erin as she was getting out of the vehicle
and gave her permission to speak, then Willi started to laugh; she
tried hard to stifle it.� Erin was mobbed immediately by other
���� The grooms and handlers all kept back and let the
ponygirls go first.� Chloe and Shia, Erin�s oldest friends from the
ranch had tears in their eyes, they might have been as happy as
Erin, but no one was happier.� Erin felt like she had just won the
Kentucky Derby, the Preakness Stakes, and the Belmont Stakes,
The Triple Crown all at once.� Chloe and Shia had pulled sulkies to
the track; they brought their grooms to the party.
���� Veronika and Stacy were just finishing their training
day when Mona drove in with Erin and Willi. Stacy�s first race was
coming in less than a month and she was getting a bit flustered if
she wasn�t busy.� Jacqui was her jockey and left detailed plans for
her training while she was away.� Jacqui spent a lot of time at the
track keeping notes and telling Linda what to watch for to spot
cheaters and saboteurs.� Linda had been to ponygirl races
previously.� She hadn�t covered them as a monitor or lookout
before. At the next race Jacqui would be jockey and not have as
much time to devote to security.�
���� Tomorrow Stacy would have Willi for her jockey, Erin
had the whole day and evening off.� Willi didn�t want Erin and
Stacy to spend any time together until Stacy had run a race too.� If
she thought it was too easy or hard for Erin, she could decide she
could never do it.� Psychological problems were Willi�s forte; it
was easier to just keep them apart than to repair a head case
later.� Their handlers and grooms took them right in for baths and
a little rest.� They would of course be back later to eat and
congratulate Erin, but not to have any long conversations with
���� Erin heard a squeal and felt like a truck hit her.� Out of
the corner of her eye she saw Alicia, just before the big
bash.� They both fell down in a pile of arms and legs.�
���� �I�m so glad for you!� Ooooh, You�ve done ssoo
well!� Alicia yelled and shouted at the same time.� They fell in a
pile of arms, legs, and mud from Erin�s Coke, and Alicia�s
beer.� Erin was back on her feet instantly, and grabbed Alicia under
the shoulders lifting her easily.
���� �Wow, you�re so strong,� Alicia said as her legs
kicked around about six inches off the ground.� They both laughed
until Erin couldn�t keep Alicia up anymore.� She put Alicia down
and sat on the bench of a picnic table to take her muddy sandals
���� Willi was right there instantly, �What�s going on,�
she asked, sounding concerned.�
���� They both laughed even more, Erin fell off the bench
onto the ground.� She had Coke and beer mud on her butt and
legs, still laughing.� Willi caught on to the whole fun aspect of the
situation and began to laugh too.� Alicia explained that they were
old friends from high school.� The first track event Erin won ended
the same way, except Erin wasn�t naked.�
���� �I�ll take her in and wash her off as soon as the stalls
are empty,� Alicia said.� Willi was surprised she knew what the
plan was about Erin and Stacy.� Alicia smiled, �I want to transfer
here to stay with her.�� She said, pointing over her shoulder at
Erin, with her thumb.
���� �Do you think they know,� Willi asked?� Referring to
her plan to keep Erin and Stacy apart.� Alicia shook her head no.
���� �Go ahead and get washed up, Alicia wants to help,�
Willi said to Erin.
���� �Is it all right if she,,,uh,,,,ummm,� Erin stammered.
���� �Yes, it�s all right,� Willi said firmly.
���� Denise was coming by as Erin and Alicia headed for the
bath stall.� She had heard the commotion and wanted to see what
was going on.� Her husband, Aaron, was with her.�
���� He was still a bit taken aback by the casual attitude the
ponygirls had toward the naked lifestyle they had to live.� Denise
explained that it didn�t matter to them.� Wendy�s philosophy was
that they were livestock, and not considered otherwise.� They were
kept naked, because as livestock there was no other
option.� Denise and Aaron had been married for a little over a year,
he stayed away from the ranch when Denise was at work.� He
wasn�t sure he would like to come here to see her naked and
pulling a sulky, and he didn�t want to think of her as livestock, and
he didn�t want to be there while she considered herself
livestock.� They were friends before Denise started at the ranch,
and started dating after Denise finished the probationary period,
and could leave the ranch.�
���� While she was being a ponygirl she didn�t really think
of herself as livestock, she didn�t think of anything.� She was a
ponygirl.� Now owning a ponygirl validated the philosophy even
���� Alicia told Denise what they were doing as they headed
for the bathing stall.� She knew Alicia missed Erin, but Erin had to
change her attitude about her place, and that required all new
personnel around her.� Now that she saw what she could achieve,
Denise wanted to get Alicia and Erin back together.� Wendy would
have to approve that move.� Denise knew that Wendy, Alicia, and
Erin had a history, but not the true extent.�
���� Erin stopped as she walked by Denise and got an evil
smile and reached over and patted Denise�s belly.� It was starting
to get rounded her flatness was going away and Erin was envious.
���� �Oh, Denise you are so lucky.� I really would like to
be having my own baby.� Some day,� She gushed.�
���� �May I take pictures of you,� Aaron asked?� He was
asking Erin and Denise.
���� �Sure.� Why not,� Denise asked?
���� �Well,,,,� Aaron said.� He nodded toward
Erin.� �She doesn�t have anything on.�
���� �I know,� Denise answered.� She nodded her head
toward Erin.� �Go ahead.�� She stepped closer to Erin, and put
her arm around her back.� He took a few shots; Erin went back to
touching Denise�s belly.
���� He went to Erin, �Are you sure it�s all right for me to
take pictures?�
���� �Yeah.� It�s really all right,� she answered.
���� �You don�t think it�s like girly pictures?� I just
don�t really want to upset things,� he said.
���� �It�s ok, I don�t think of myself that way.� Besides
you are an owner, community property, right,� Erin smiled.� �You
can take photos of anything you own.�
���� �Oh, I didn�t think about it that way, but I guess so,�
Aaron said thoughtfully.� He wasn�t sure he wanted to consider
himself the owner of anyone.� After he thought about it for a bit,
he began to accept the idea.� To himself he thought, �If I own
someone, at least she�s a good one, she just won the race.�� He
was very devoted to Denise and didn�t want to have the distraction
of such a beautiful naked woman right there, but it was all right
with her and with Denise.
���� �Is that all right,� Erin asked?� Aaron nodded.� �Go
ahead with the pictures.�� Erin turned to Denise, �He�s still
learning this,� she whispered.� Denise smiled and nodded.�
���� Stacy ran comfortably, around the track pulling Jacqui
in a sulky.� They were out for the second time today, they ran
around the track several times and then out through the gate onto
the road toward the main ranch.� Jacqui got back from the race
where they took Erin late last night and she was up at 6AM, to start
training.� The week she was gone didn�t mean that much to
Stacy, Jacqui left detailed lesson plans for whoever filled in for
her.� Usually it was Margot Werner, {Willi pronounced it, Margo
Verner} another German trainer, but she had been training horses
here for the last ten years. Some times Willi sat in for
Jacqui.� Stacy noticed that Willi�s name was pronounced with a
�W� and Margot�s last name with a �V�, she wondered how to
tell the difference.� Jacqui snapped the reins, hard and yelled for
Stacy to move faster.
���� �HEY, get a move on, and quit fuckin� around,�
Jacqui snarled.� Stacy took off, speeding up considerably.� Jacqui
had never used a whip on Stacy; the only whip used was the long,
light one used for the lunge training.� It wasn�t used to strike
with, only a slight touch to get her attention.
���� Wendy had not really asked Stacy if she would like to
become a ponygirl racer.� There were a few time trials and when
they were done, Stacy found out she was a racer.� Erin was ahead
of her and was sent to the first race.� It was like a test run, several
of the personnel were sent to the track to watch and to see what
happened.� When they came back with Erin, she had won the main
event.� Stacy wasn�t given a lot of time to spend with Erin, but
she said that the training here was superior to anyplace that sent
�girls to that race.� Stacy�s first race would be in two more
months, in Oklahoma, a little farther away than Erin�s race.�

���� The party was just what Wendy wanted, the guests
were polite and interested in ponygirl racing and several wanted to
invest, too.� Miss Lydia Carstairs was avid to invest and her, niece
from the health club thought she might like to work at the track as a
trainer.� Wendy told her she might be interested in a trainer for her
club, but the track was well staffed.
���� Erin was brought to the garden and kept there; Wendy
sent word through Willi that she was free to pee in the garden
during the evening.� Veronika was also displayed in the garden, at
the other end from Erin.� They both wore hoof-boots and pony-
hands, but stainless collars and not wearing bridles or bits. Veronika
had her new PRA number tattooed on her right areola.� It was
�1071321� and the barcode �1071321� was on the back of her
���� Veronika didn�t know what to think of the
presentation, she had to pee really badly.� She finally got Paddy�s
attention.� He told her to go ahead, preferably in a flower bed so
she didn�t make a peddle for the guests to walk in.�
���� �What will these people say,� she asked?� She
looked around, �I understand going out on the trail, but here in the
���� �They all know you�re a ponygirl, that�s why no one
has stopped to talk to you,� Paddy responded.� �If they get wet,
too bad.� Please give them a chance to get out of the way,� Paddy
chuckled.� �Actually there are them as want�s t�see it,� he said,
putting on his best Gaelic.� �Gotta go,� he said as he walked
toward the office.
���� Veronika waited until he was safely away, and turned
her back to the flowerbed.� She moved her feet apart and bent her
knees; lastly she arched her back and urinated.� The flow went out
behind her into the flowerbed.� It felt so much better she almost
moaned, only almost.�
���� She heard several people behind her talking to each
other, �Wow, she just went.� And, �Look at that, she really is a
ponygirl.�� She felt Iris�s hand on her shoulder.� Iris was here
tonight to take care of Veronika and Erin in the garden.� She had a
wet wipe for Veronika�s vulva and urethra opening; she didn�t
want her to jump here in front of everybody.
���� Wendy was getting around to everybody she wanted to
talk to about investing in ponygirl racing.� The results were
promising; Miss Lydia scheduled a meeting and Diane�s mother,
Mrs. Rush was mildly interested, and the lawyer Mr. Jung wanted to
leave his investment tonight.�
���� The rest of the guests were happy to look at ponygirls,
for now.� The males liked looking at them, as prime, but
unobtainable examples of female composition.� Sort of like women
looking at pro-football players, the women reacted like men do in
that same position, �I could look like that if I had time.��
���� Erin was waiting to be taken to the front to tell what
happened at the race track, and how much better prepared she was
than the other ponygirls at the event.
���� After the party Erin and Veronika were hitched
together, on a double sulky and they pulled Willi and Alicia to the
track.� Wendy had approved Alicia�s transfer to the track, so she
was moving out there tonight.� She really had moved out earlier
with her pickup, and rode in with Paddy from a meeting.� She could
officially move this evening by having ponygirls take her
there.� Erin didn�t get to see Ione, and felt a little bad about that,
Wendy sent her for a vacation in Hawaii.� She didn�t want to try
to deal with her while she was getting the racing program
underway.� Ione was a pet that took a lot of extra care; she
insisted on extra care.
���� The party moved inside about 9PM.� Willi was there
almost immediately to get Erin and Veronika.� She had bridles for
each on them; she put the bridles on both before she unlocked the
collars from either.� Veronika thought she was being a bit
excessive with her security measures. Willi had impressed her with
the need to refrain from speaking, but she had to tell Willi that her
security procedures were too extreme.�
���� Willi just smiled, �We will discuss this tomorrow, for
now,� Willi smiled even larger, �we will follow Miss Wendell�s
instructions.�� Veronika�s eyes got big and she looked away and
nodded.�� They got into the stable after midnight, Alicia took care
of Erin and Irina bathed Veronika.� Erin went to bed happy, but
Veronika was frustrated.� Willi had cautioned Irina to just wash
Veronika and put her to bed.

���� Erin and Veronika got to sleep in; they were very late
getting in to the racing stable.� Alicia came around and woke the
two ponygirls about 10AM, with coffee and fresh fruit.� They were
harnessed after lunch, Jacqui took Erin out for an easy run, and Willi
dealt with Veronika.
���� �Sprechen Sie Deutsch, liebling,� Willi said to
Veronika?� Linda, a handler had just finished harnessing her to a
sulky.� Veronika shook her head.� �You don�t speak
German?�� Willi looked at her with a bit of pity.� She got into the
sulky and took Veronika out to get warmed up a bit.
���� After about half an hour of easy laps she pulled into the
stable yard.� They pulled up to the blue and white post at the far
side of the corral.� Willi left Veronika tied to the pole and left for a
few minutes.� When she came back she had a wet wipe for
Veronika�s vulva.� Willi had a pair of clips the secured Veronika�s
pony-hands behind her back.� Willi led her to the shade at the side
of the corral. Veronika whinnied for her.
���� �Very good, liebling, it�s too bad you didn�t do that
last night.� Willi looked at her gravely, and made her kneel
between the rails of the sulky.� When she was kneeling, Willi had
two little square nipple clamps to put onto Veronika.�
���� Willi loosened each one in front of Veronika�s face, so
she could watch.� Willi carefully fitted a clamp to each nipple and
tightened them so they were tight but not very painful.� She took
Veronika out onto the track and then out onto the road.� After an
hour they came back to the corral.� Willi got Veronika a drink of
water while she was kneeling.� She tightened the clamps a half
turn.� Veronika gasped, she thought Willi would take them off.
���� An hour later they were back in the corral, Veronika
knelt while Willi tightened the clamps again.� They went out for
another hour and this time when they came in Veronika was crying,
tears were streaming down her face. Willi tightened the clamps
again, Veronika started to moan and cry out loud.� She was totally
dependant on Willi for relief, and Willi wasn�t bringing her any
help.� They went back out with Veronika crying.
���� When they came in for the after the third hour,
Veronika wanted to promise her first born to Willi just to loosen the
clamps a little.� Willi went inside to get herself a drink and let
Veronika urinate.� When she came back out Veronika had tried to
urinate on the ground, but she had gotten all over her legs and
feet.� Willi took her over to the garden hose and rinsed her off.
���� �Veronika, liebling, I can�t have you pissing all over
yourself.� You must be ashamed; I will take you back out, and let
you return and urinate again and stay clean.� I will never mention
this to anyone, I can�t have others knowing that you would piss on
yourself.�� Willi took her out for another hour.
���� When they came in this time she stopped Veronika
while she went to get a drink.� She came back and made Veronika
kneel while she took the clamps off.� She massaged each of
Veronika�s nipples very gently, and kissed each tortured nipple.�
���� �Have you ever heard anyone tell that you did not
want to find out why you should never speak over your
bit, liebling,� she asked softly?� Veronika nodded, and
whinnied.� Willi took her back out for half an hour.� Veronika knew
she would never speak over her bit again.
���� Jacqui had Stacy out all day, they stopped for lunch at
the main ranch, she left Stacy in a stall where her lunch would be
delivered and went to The Cafeteria with Wendy, for a
lunch/meeting.� They planned the strategy for Stacy�s race.
���� This race had a better reputation than Erin�s, but they
would need to keep alert for harm to Stacy and their race
efforts.� Jacqui said she had heard from some of her friends that
the ponygirls from Wendy�s ranch were targets for theft.� She
wanted to have a big security guard with a leash locked to the
�girls collar when traveling.� Wendy said she would find someone
to handle it.�

���� This plane ride was uneventful and comfortable; they

drove to the same small strip Erin�s party used, where the plane
was waiting.� This time the plane was a twin Beechcraft, with seats
for eight.� There were only five passengers.� Wendy and Stacy of
course, Jacqui, and Stacy�s groom; Jack Loos, the fifth was the
guard Wendy hired.� She called her friends from the Pima Indian
reservation and had a medium height man, Arnell, which looked to
be about fifty years old, come to be the guard.� He had a leash
from the collar Stacy wore around his left wrist; Stacy liked him
immediately and felt safe with him.� Even thought she spent most
of her time as a ponygirl, Stacy knew and understood the need for
security.� She just didn�t think about it.� She sat next to Arnell in
the plane seat and looked out the window, watching the
clouds.� Wendy had her dressed in a white mini-dress and white
high-heeled sandals.� The ponygirls wore their hoof-boots so much
that they were not comfortable with flat-heeled shoes.� Except Erin
of course, she wore running shoes to run on her own.� She was
able to wear any shoes.� Lately Denise had to reduce her solo
sessions to once a week.�
���� Even then a guard was out in the area, in a jeep.� She
had stepped up security by hiring more of the Pima�s to patrol the
ranch perimeter regularly.� Willi called someone in Germany and
had four trained dogs sent to her.� She introduced one to each
ponygirl to stay with her in her stall at night.� Erin got to run on
her own again if she took Ajax running too.� He loved to run,
too.� Willi thought it was a match made in heaven, she felt
rightfully proud if her idea. Veronika didn�t change the name of
Bruno, he was a very light color and had eyes almost as blue as her

���� The dogs she had sent were German Shepard, she
originally wanted Doberman�s, but they don�t handle the desert
temperatures as easily as the Shepard breed.� Erin and Veronika
took to theirs right away, Stacy was a little less positive and Keiko
was afraid of her dog.� They both became more enthusiastic when
the news of the theft of two ponygirls from a ranch in southern
California was reported.� The rustlers slipped in at night and took
the two ponygirls, without anyone noticing until the next
morning.� They were recovered two weeks later when they showed
up at a PRA race in Mexico City.� The new owner had paid a lot for
them and claimed that he had no idea that they were stolen.� The
girls had not had real good care and really had no chance in the
race.� They were returned to their owner�s ranch.� They were
terribly upset and required extra care, and would be too skittish to
race for a while.�
���� Stacy wanted to bring Jake, her dog, to the racetrack
too, just to be certain.� Arnell looked quite capable and Stacy felt
confident of the security measures Wendy had taken.� The dog was
not allowed to be at the track by the owners.� It could cause too
many liability concerns for the safety of the other ponygirls and
handlers there.� Keiko kept Musashi, very close too.

���� Stacy was scooting around and constantly changing

position in her seat. Wendy moved to the seat behind her and asked
what was wrong.
���� �I can�t stand these panties,� She
whispered.� �They are terrible.�
���� �Hold on for a minute,� Wendy said.� She went to
the rear of the pilot�s seat.
���� �What sort of place are we heading to, is the landing
strip at a big airport,� she asked?
���� �Nope,� he shook his head, �it�s no bigger than the
strip where I picked you up.� Is everything all right?�
���� �Oh it�s fine, thanks.�� Wendy got back to Stacy.
���� �You can take them off if you want, the pilot says the
place we�re headed isn�t much bigger than at home,� Wendy said
conspiratorially.�� Stacy shifted and pulled the panties off, when
she got them off over her sandals, she sighed in relief.� Arnell
watched, but didn�t say anything, until they were off.
���� �Are you okay?� Why did you take off your
underpants,� he asked?
���� �I�m fine, they were just so uncomfortable, and I
couldn�t stand them.�� Stacy smiled, �I usually don�t wear
anything and these just got so that I couldn�t wear them
���� Arnell turned to Wendy, �Don�t you care if she�s not
covered up?�
���� �No.�� She smiled when Arnell looked
confused.� �Do you have any ponies?�� When Arnell nodded, she
went on, �Do you care if anybody can see them?�
���� �No, not really, but my daughters, I do care,� Arnell
���� �She�s not my daughter, she�s my ponygirl.� We
are going to a racetrack; I�ve entered her in some races
there.� That�s why we need you to watch over her,� Wendy
���� �She is very fast, and will probably win.� I�m
concerned about rustlers,� Wendy said to Arnell.

���� This track was much nicer than Erin�s first

racetrack.� The facilities were newer and with a much more
efficient operation.� Jacqui was very much on her guard and she
gave Arnell pointers for consideration and what to look out for.� He
was very proficient as a guard and sentry, with Jacqui�s coaching
he was even better.
���� The races were run the same way by Jacqui that Willi
used.� She ran Stacy hard enough to advance up to the next level,
but slow enough to avoid close examination.� Wendy wanted to
make as much as she could from betting, the purse was not all that
big.� It would pay for the trip and some of the training, but Wendy
wanted to recover some of her investment on her track.� She
would meet Mr. Jung and Mrs. Rush there, they would be coming in
for the last day.
� The races went just as planned, Stacy made the final without
drawing undue attention, and kept the odds favorable.� Wendy
made a killing; she brought home enough to recover the entire cost
for the track construction.� The owner of the track came by as
Wendy was getting Stacy ready to go, he looked Stacy over
���� �I guess I should have seen it when she came in,� he
said with a smile.� �She looks too good for the times she ran.� I
didn�t lose much on her, everyone wanted to take advantage of
you so they weren�t betting at my windows.� lf you had taken me
for all you took all off them, I�d be complaining. I recommend you
don�t do it like this again.��
���� �I�m sure I don�t know whatever you could mean,
sir� Wendy said shyly.� �But thank you for the advice.�
���� They went back to the ranch, not the track when they
got in.� There was a large group waiting to greet them, ponygirls,
grooms and handlers, and well-wishers. After the initial greetings
Wendy sent Stacy to the bath stall with Jack to get her washed
up.� There were cosmetics available for tonight; they would go out
to the track after Wendy�s party was over.� Stacy didn�t have
any clean tack, so she was collared and given a pair of black spike
heeled shoes.� Arnell was recruited to handle the end of her
leash.� He got washed up in the Groom Room, while Jack was
bathing Stacy, and some new clothes were found for him at
Wendy�s souvenir shop.� While he was getting washed,� one of
the grooms polished his black boots put them back where he had
left them while he was in the shower.
���� When the party was over, Jack took Stacy to the track
in his pickup.� They were there by mid-night, he put Stacy in her
stall.� She had been gone for five days and her dog was glad to see
her.� When she lay down he got right beside her on the floor and
wanted to stay curled right there until morning.� She had to wear
the collar and chain at night.� Wendy and Denise felt they were
safe enough with the dogs beside them and their collars at night.
���� Erin�s dog, Ajax was also glad to see Stacy when she
got in.� He woke Erin with all of his running and bouncing around,
he didn�t bark, but he made a big disturbance.
���� Erin made the night handler come down and get her
out to see Stacy.� They sat up late petting their dogs and drinking
some wine that Mr. Jung sent over.� They were both old hands at
the racing game, now.� Erin had no one else there who had
experienced ponygirl racing until now.� Although Jacqui and Willi
had been to hundreds of races, neither one had done the running.�
���� They sat on the floor of Stacy�s stall with their dogs
lying beside them, their heads in the ponygirls naked laps.� The
main thing that Stacy had to brag about was that Jack finally
masturbated her in the shower.� She had been quite disappointed
when she found that Jacqui didn�t see her relief as a necessity, or
that it might to help her run faster.

���� Veronika was running with the blinkers closed, she had
to follow Willi�s commands exactly.� She had complete faith in
Willi�s ability.� Like Erin, Veronika was willing to run full speed
entirely dependent on Willi for guidance.� Although neither realized
it, their worship of Willi came after she put the clamps on their
nipples, and made them run.�
���� The tall blonde woman watching smiled to herself; she
had her brown alligator shoe on the lower rail of the corral fence
where she stood in the shade.� Mona approached and put her foot
up on the rail too.
���� �Well, is that who you�re looking for,� she asked?
���� She nodded, �Yeah, that�s my little sister.� She�s
beautiful isn�t she?� When will I have a chance to see her.�� She
added brightly, �Well I can pretty much see all of her, so when
might we have a chance to talk?�
���� �They�re on their way in.� So as soon as we get her
washed up, she�ll be free until tomorrow morning,� Mona told
her.�� �We just have to sure of her safety.��
���� While they stood there, Willi brought Veronika into the
shade of the same tree.� She stopped right beside them.� Orson
was right there to unhitch Veronika, and remove the
blinkers.� Veronika blinked in the bright sun, but her vision cleared
soon.� When she could see, she gasped.
���� �Hello Veronika, good to see you,� She looked down
to Veronika�s feet and back to her face.� �All of you.��
���� Mona stepped forward, and started unhooking
Veronika�s bridle, but Veronika turned her head so Mona�s hands
fell away.� She kept her head up so Mona still couldn�t reach her
very well.� Orson soon had her unhitched from the sulky; Veronika
stepped from between the rails and headed toward the stable as
Orson snapped his lead to her bridle.�
���� �No.� That�s all right,� the stranger put her hand on
Mona�s arm.� �Please let her go for now. It�s been a long time
since we�ve seen each other.�
���� Mona nodded, and stopped following Veronika.
���� Willi stepped up to the woman, and held out her hand,
�I�m Willi den Woorden,� She said expectantly.
���� �Ekaterina Dylon, Veronika�s sister.� We haven�t
seen each other for quite a while.� I gather you could tell, it
wasn�t under the best of circumstances, that we last saw each
other,� she said to Willi.� �What is it that you do here?� There
can�t be much call for just running around naked.�
�No,� Willi chuckled.� �We have a racing rennbahn for
���� �A what?� she asked.
���� �A racing facility.� I am a jockey and trainer
here.� We are just starting this track, but soon there will be our
own racing,� Willi said proudly.
���� �And Veronika, does she race well?�
���� �Yes, she�s superb, very fast,� Willi said.
���� �Do they always run naked?� Don�t you have
something to put on her?� She wondered.
���� �Have you ever seen a pony wearing clothes?� Willi
���� �Well, no,� She laughed.
�� ��Mona stepped forward, �Let�s go inside and have a
cup of coffee while we wait for Veronika.�
���� They walked to Mona�s office, at the door Willi
stopped.� �I�ll go see Veronika, and get her around so you can
chat, catch up on old times.�� She left heading toward the stable.
���� She went to Veronika�s stall, but no one was there so
she headed to the bath stalls at the back of the stable.� They were
there, Veronika was in the stall and Jack was washing her.
���� �Jack, she was superb today, make sure she has a
good bath, a very good bath.� She deserves it and I think she
needs one too,� Willi said softly.

���� Veronika stood between Mona and Willi.� She refused

to put anything on, except a pair of white high-heeled
sandals.� She asked Jack to put a little gold chain between her
nipple rings, and a gold chain anklet, around her left ankle.� He put
on her stainless steel collar.� She told Willi she would like to see
her sister again, but wanted her there too.
���� �She always gets me to do whatever she wants.� If
you are there with me, I can say no if I must,� she said to Willi.
���� �It�s nice to see you again Kate,� Veronika said
pleasantly.� �How�ve you been doing?� I must say you look
���� �Ronni you don�t have to try to be nice to me if you
don�t want,� Ekaterina answered.� To Willi she said, �We didn�t
do real well the last time we saw each other.� It was my fault,
I�ve come to apologize.�� She nodded her head as she spoke to
Veronika.� �Do you have to go around naked, all the time?�
���� �Yes, I do,� Veronika, said soberly.� �Ponygirls
don�t wear clothes, just a little jewelry sometimes,� she gestured
toward the chain between her nipple rings.
���� �Miss den Woorden says you are an excellent
ponygirl,� she said.� �Very fast.� Miss Lindeman said they have
to be careful for your security.� Why?� What could happen to
���� Willi spoke up, �We don�t want her stolen, and her
speed and racing abilities make her very valuable, like the
Ahnentafel Kleines.� When they both looked at her funny she
added, �pedigree pony.�� Willi finally decided to ask about their
names, �Are you from Europe, you both have names from there?�
���� �Our mother was from Czech Republic, but our father
was from New Jersey, we grew up in upper New York State,�
answered Ekatrina.
���� Veronika added, �Our mother wanted us to be
American so she taught us only English.� There was no one left
from our family in Czech Republic.�� She looked toward Ekaterina,
�We had to go there on out own to find out what things were like
���� �So the German running commands I�m using are
new to you,� Willi observed.� They both nodded.
���� �We wouldn�t have learned German anyway, our
mother didn�t like anything German,� said Veronika.� �But I like
German Shepard dogs.�
���� �Do you have one,� Ekaterina asked?
���� �Yes, his name is Bruno.� He�s very pretty, light tan
and gray, with blue eyes.� And real big teeth,� Veronika said
���� Willi nodded and added, �He�s trained to protect
Veronika.� Actually each ponygirl has one.� He sleeps right beside
���� �Can we go to dinner somewhere,� Ekaterina asked?
�Do you have any clothes to wear?��
���� �We can eat here,� Veronika answered.� �The food
is excellent, and we can spend the evening, but I will need to go to
bed here.� It�s true, I�m not safe without extra security.�
���� �There are rustlers, who steal the ponygirls, and then
sell them in foreign countries,� Willi added.� �We have gotten
extra security and the dogs, but Veronika shouldn�t go without her
security.� So far we believe she is safe here, but she may not be
when she is out.�
���� �Will you wear clothes to dinner,� Ekaterina
asked.� She turned to Willi, �I suppose it would be all right for her
to dress.�� Willi nodded.
���� �I�ll sort of wear something, but I kind of like going
naked,� Veronika smiled.� �It�s a special sort of freedom.� I
have no responsibility to fashion and I don�t have to wear
anything.� You know I kind of enjoy making people nervous.�

���� They decided to eat there; the cafeteria sent some

excellent gourmet meals.� Beef bourgeon and vegetables. Followed
with ice cream and very rich chocolate fudge sauce.� Veronika wore
a very short, blue silk, mini-dress and the white sandals from
���� �What about men,� Ekaterina asked over
coffee.� �Do you bother them?�
���� �I don�t really know if I do, I don�t get to find out,�
she said glumly.� She nodded toward Willi, �She probably
knows.� Actually when I�m being a ponygirl, I don�t notice much
human sort of stuff.�
���� Willi smiled, �Yes they do notice, some.� I would get
to reap the benefit if I had the time.� Mostly they just see them as
pony, you know, livestock.� The ponygirls are off limits to
them.� It�s their job if they stray, and this pays quite well.�
���� �I noticed there�s a lot more women than men,�
Ekatrina observed.
���� �Men are a premium here, so they are too busy to try
to mess with the madelpony,� Willi gave her a mischievous
smile.� �So if you�re looking for a date, I�ll go with you maybe
we can find two.�
���� �Kate isn�t really interested in men for dating, she�d
like to go on a date with you, but not to find men, just to go with
you.� Right Kate,� Veronika said, acidly.� �That�s why we
haven�t had much to say for a while, I wouldn�t date her.�
���� �Ronni, I came here to apologize to you for that, I�m
really sorry I did what I did,� she
replied.���������������� �When that was over, I
didn�t even go back home for months.� I was afraid Mother would
know, and I couldn�t face her,� she turned to Willi as she
spoke.� �I wanted Ronni to come to bed with me.� When she said
she didn�t want to, I tried to insist.� I thought if she was really my
sister she�d do this for me.�
���� �I didn�t say anything to mother, I was afraid it would
hurt her,� Veronika replied.� �It probably wouldn�t have
bothered her at all.� I�ve come to know that now.� She probably
wouldn�t even mind of she saw me run someday.�
���� �It�d probably be all right, she always was so very
proud of you,� Ekaterina said smiling.� �You couldn�t do
anything wrong at all.�
���� �Well maybe not anything,� Veronika said
dryly.� She shifted around and her tiny dress top slid to the side
and let her right breast out.� Veronika absently pulled the top back
over her chest, and covered her breast.
���� �What�s that number, there on your nipple,�
Ekaterina asked?� �I saw it earlier, and I wondered about.�
���� �My Ponygirl Racing Association registration number,�
Veronika told her.� She pulled the dress over to show her the
number again.
���� �What does it mean, there can�t be over a hundred
thousand ponygirls,� Ekaterina was incredulous.
���� �No, it�s a three part number.� The 107 is for Miss
Wendell, the 132 is the day of the year I was registered on and the
1 is me, the first ponygirl registered on that day, ever.� One thirty
two means the twelfth of May.�
���� �Who is Miss Wendell?�
���� �She is my owner.� Well she actually owns my
contract.� For the next five and a half years,� Veronika told
her.� They chatted amiably for the rest of the evening.� Veronika
started to yawn.
���� �You know, I worked real hard today, and I�m
getting� real sleepy.� I�m about to fall asleep, so I should
probably be laying in my bed when I do.�

���� Veronika was hitched to the sulky and Orson lowered

the blinkers, over her eyes, she couldn�t see anything.� Willi had
brought a picnic lunch out to the sulky.
���� �Liebling, we shall go for a picnic today,� Willi said
softly.� She turned to Orson, �We will be back at 6PM.��
���� �He nodded I�ll be ready, and with the new groom
too.� She just came in from the main ranch, used to work with
Erin,� Orson related.� �Well I�ll see you later,� he said as he
stepped back.� He could tell Veronika was already a ponygirl in her
mind, and she no longer cared about anything but pulling her sulky.
���� Ekaterina stood by the door to the stable and watched
Veronika as she pulled the sulky out of the corral.� She admired
Veronika; they had agreed that she would get their mother to come
to her first race, coming up in two more weeks.�
���� At 6PM, Orson was waiting under the shade tree by the
side of the corral when Willi brought Veronika in.� They stopped
right beside Orson; he gently put his hand on Veronika�s shoulder
to let her know he was there. He didn�t want to scare her when he
stared to unhitch her from the sulky.� His first step was to open the
blinkers, and then unhitch her straps from the sulky.� Veronika
looked around and smiled.� She had been out all day with the
blinkers closed; she couldn�t see anything at all.� She had to
depend on Willi for everything, and she couldn�t open the blinkers
herself, her pony-hands prevented that.� Her only function was to
pull the sulky Willi was everything to her.� She loved Willi.

Veronika�s Race
Eukata�s Pride
���� Veronika stood at the side of the track, waiting for her
turn to go out.� She had won all of the races so far.� The only race
left was the final, the feature race.� Wendy had turned them loose
to run.� She knew that there was no other choice, her ponygirls
had used up their chances, and they no longer had the benefit of
the doubt.� So Wendy had them try to win everything they could.
����� Veronika drew the second gate for this last
race.� She went out and Willi drove her into the gate and waited
for the gate to drop.� When the other ponygirls were in there was a
ten second delay, and the warning bell sounded and the gate
���� They were off; Willi easily pulled into the lead and went
to the rail.� She stayed ahead for the entire race, and won going
away.� They had to stand in front of the officials stand for the urine
The technician from the clinic held the cup under her pussy and
Veronika urinated into the cup, when she had a full sample she
pulled the cup out and Veronika finished on the ground.� The
technician poured the sample into a sample container and sealed it
in front of Willi, who then initialed the seal.� The others cleared the
track while the sample was being collected.� Wendy came out onto
the track for photos and a little interview.
���� Ekaterina came out with Wendy and a tall blonde
woman who looked like Veronika.
���� �Mama, it�s our Veronika,� Ekaterina said softly, as
they stood by Wendy.�
���� �Yes, she�s so beautiful, and so fast,� Mrs. Dylon,
said.� Veronika just stood there while this was all going on around
her.� She was still a pony in her mind; she didn�t know anyone
was there.� She didn�t care if anyone was there.
���� �I�ll get you in to the back after she gets her tack off,
so you can say hello to her,� Wendy suggested.� She took Mrs.
Dylon by the arm and they left the track.� Willi drove Veronika to
the gate where Linda was waiting with her lead to take them back to
the stall.
���� After a bath, she dressed Veronika in a dark blue mini-
dress and gold-colored leather spike-heeled sandals to go to the
airstrip to fly home.� She wouldn�t wear panties; she thought they
were too uncomfortable, like Stacy did.� She had no choice about
the stainless steel collar and leash, held by Arnell.� When she came
out Mrs. Dylon was waiting for her, to say hello.
���� When Veronika came out she was ready to see and
greet her mother.
���� �Oh Mama, it�s so good to see you,� Veronika said
warmly.� �Did you see my race?� I won, pretty good, huh?
���� �I�m so proud of you, you�re so fast,� she
said� �Your Miss Wendell sent me the tickets to come.��
� ����Thank you, Miss Wendell,� Veronika said to Wendy.
���� �It was my pleasure, Veronika.� It�s been real nice
to meet your mother, too,� She answered.� �I think our ride to
the plane is ready.� We can�t stand around too long, you know.�
���� �Yup, let�s go,� Veronika, she looked around
nervously and turned to Arnell, �Ready when you are.�
���� �Eukata is coming back to the ranch to stay with us for
a little while,� Wendy told her.� �Let�s head out.�

���� �Why do you have to wear the leash all the time,
Veronika?� Are they afraid you�ll leave,� Mrs. Dylon asked, after
the were on the plane.� �Ekaterina told me that it was a strange
sort of life, but this leash?��
���� Wendy spoke up, over the drone of the plane, �Please,
let me interrupt.� We are concerned that someone might try to
steal her.� She is very good, and fast, so that makes her a
target.� We want to keep her safe.�
���� Veronika smiled, �I thought it was a bit much, until a
girl was taken last week.� They were at a race in northern
California and two men just hustled her away.�
���� �I can�t have something like that happen to
Veronika.� She has put her trust in me to keep her safe.� And she
represents a substantial investment,� Wendy said.
���� When they were back at the racetrack, the ponygirls
were all waiting for Veronika.� There was a big cookout already
going and plenty of attendants.� Erin was getting ready for her
next race and she was allowed to stop for only a few minutes.�
���� Erin was wearing her hoof-boots and still had her bridle
on, but without the bit.
���� �I�m so glad for you,� she said as she hugged
Veronika.� �It makes quite a difference in your training and
attitude after you win one.� I don�t feel so bad about training
���� �Do you even notice training now,� Veronika asked?�
���� �Not really, but sometimes I�d sort of feel like I was
missing something when I was done for the day.� Now I feel like it
must have been good, cause everybody is smiling when I see
them,� Erin shook her head while she answered.� �I got some
poor news earlier, the next race, in Kansas, is a tail race.� I
haven�t been wearing one for training.� So now I�ll have to wear
one all the time for the next two weeks.�
���� �Yuch, those make me feel funny,� Veronika
said.� �When do you have to start?�
���� �Right after my shower.� Congratulations again,�
Erin hugged her again.� She left headed toward the stable.�
���� �Please come back when you�re done and meet my
���� �Sure, I�d love to,� Erin said over her shoulder.
���� Willi came by Veronika; �We are going to our next race
in two weeks, then every other week for the rest of the season.
���� �Are we going to the same one as Erin,� Veronika was
concerned.� Willi smiled, and shook her head no.

���� Keiko�s first race went off well; she won very
decisively, and without question.� The first attempt at theft came
here though.� The collar and leash proved their worth, and
Arnell�s abilities, too.�
���� Keiko was just coming out of her stall to go to the van
for the ride to the airstrip for the flight home.� Two men and a
woman tried to push in between Keiko and Arnell.� Arnell elbowed
the woman in the ribs and kicked the back of the right knee of the
nearest man, who had also gabbed the leash about halfway between
his hand and Keiko�s neck.� The man fell down and the woman
tried to start a big disturbance over getting elbowed.� Two security
guards stepped in, but didn�t take her side; they all went to the
�security office�, a table near the clinic door.� They had to get
info from Keiko and Wendy, but the three were held for the track
owner and the police to deal with.
���� It was the first time any of Wendy�s ponygirls bar code
was used.� The security supervisor, was actually a PRA agent, had
a reader. He ran it over the back of her neck �1071331� the code
represented the number Bart tattooed on the right areola
�1071331� she was registered the day after Veronika.� Wendy
stood beside Keiko and gently stroked her cheek and scratched
behind her ear.� She was shaken and skittish for a little while, but
everything happened so fast that it was all over before she realized
something was wrong.
���� While the subjects were in the security area, Wendy
used her cellphone camera to take several pictures of each
one.� When one man tried to object, the security supervisor
punched him over the left ear, real hard.� When she was done she
emailed them to her self.

���� Keiko�s was double celebration, winning and getting

back home.�
���� �I want to take Musashi with me to the next race,�
she said defiantly.� She petted the big Shepard�s head.
���� �I know, I�d like it, too,� Wendy said to her.� She
looked at Keiko�s dark dog, she thought to her self, �We might
just take them anyways.�
���� At the party, Mr. Jung decided he wanted to buy a
ponygirl, he really liked Diane, but Willi explained to him that she
was too short to do well regularly.� She could probably do all right,
but to be a consistent winner was questionable and too much work
to ask from her.�
���� The next ponygirl came from Carmen Mendoza from the
beauty shop at the spa; she had a niece from Las Vegas who was
interested in trying out for the racing stable.� When Mr. Jung heard
about her he contacted her to see if she was serious.� He rewrote
one of Wendy�s contracts, since she was the first racer only
ponygirl; there was no contract for her.

����� Nineteen year old Elise Mojica was five-nine and

weighed 129 pounds, she was very dark with black waist length hair
and black eyes.� Elise had been a dancer in Las Vegas, but didn�t
take to the loose lifestyle the boss required of her.� She didn�t
mind dancing naked, but she wasn�t willing to indulge in the sex
games there.�
���� The final meeting was in Wendy�s office at about 9PM,
on a Tuesday evening.� They discussed the social requirements of
a ponygirl racer.� Carmen was there with her; she had taken the
contract to another lawyer for Elise.� Mr. Jung insisted on it.� He
even paid the fee.
���� �I don�t want to be used for sex.� I couldn�t stand
that,� she said shakily.� Carmen nodded, with a grim look on her
���� �What�s wrong here, Carmen,� Wendy asked?
���� �My �supposed� husband tried to get into her room
last week.� He claimed he was drunk and opened the wrong door,�
she said bitterly.� �I�ve had her in a motel since then.�
���� �I really need to get a job away from there, not away
from mi tia, my aunt, but I need to be self sufficient,� Elise
said.� �I want to choose my boyfriends, too.�
���� �You might be disappointed after a while, the ponygirls
have nearly no sex at all.� The grooms and handlers will lose their
jobs if they are found trying to mess with the girls.� The males or
females, none can touch the ponygirls for their pleasure, but they
have each other.�
���� �Do we ever have a chance to date,� Elise sounded
��� ��Yes, but not until the racing season is over, we also
have to careful of safety. We had a theft attempt at a race last
week.� I have security people here and at the

���� �Here�s what I have done for the contract,� Mr. Jung
said.� �Since I cannot afford to keep a ponygirl that cannot race, I
set up a two week period for testing.� If you are found to be
unsuitable to race, you�ll be released.� I don�t want to make you
try if you�re unable to do well, that would be too frustrating for
you.� You�ll get the two thousand for each week you�re at the
track, and we�ll know within two weeks, so it won�t be hanging
over your head.�
���� �What about the tattoos?� When will have to get
them,� Elise asked?
���� �When we get you registered.� After the testing is
complete.� Do you have any of the piercings,� he asked?� She
nodded, and looked uncomfortably at Carmen.
���� �It�s okay, all the ponygirls here have them, and
I�ve gotten used to the idea.� Actually I think some of them are
kind of pretty,� Carmen smiled.� �But I don�t want any,� she
added quickly, and laughed.� Everyone had a chuckle.�
���� Elise picked up the pen and signed the contract, and
Carmen witnessed it.� Wendy�s secretary notarized their
���� Elise stood up and took the contract over to Mr. Jung,
�Thank you for this chance.�
���� He looked the contract over, �Well you belong to me
now, take off your clothes.��
���� �Carmen, mi tia,,,,,,,.�� She looked at Carmen, who
just sat there and didn�t seem to care.
���� �It�s all right with me. You signed the contract,�
Carmen smiled.
���� Elise took a deep breath, and slowly let it out, �I
didn�t realize it would be right now.�� She removed her t-shirt
and cutoffs.� She unhooked her lacy pink brassiere and slipped off
her pink silk thong.� She crossed her arms over her chest.
���� �Put your arms down, Elise,� Wendy said firmly.
���� She put her arms down at her sides, her black nipples
were pierced with gold rings and she had a ring through the top of
her navel.� Wendy made a phone call and Betty came right
in.� She went up to Elise with a collar and leash.� After locking the
collar on her neck she snapped the leash on.� She looked to Mr.
���� �Please take her to the shop, we�ll need smaller navel
jewelry, but everything else is on hold until we test her at the
track,� he said to Betty.� �And thank you, Betty.�
���� �If you don�t become a racer, I might be interested in
a ponygirl here for my regular pulling operation.� It doesn�t pay
quite as well as racer, but one hundred thousand a year isn�t too

���� The next morning she went out to the racetrack with
Mona Lindeman, in her pickup.� Mona turned her over to Margot at
the track.� She was taken into the tack room for measurements
and weighting.
���� Margot and Joshua did the measuring.� When she
went into the tack room, Josh had her step onto the orthotic foot
measures and then used a conventional shoe measure to get her
sizes. Margot got her weight.
���� �You weigh 129, did you know that,� Margot
said?� She used her tape measure to get her sizes.
���� �Your measurements are: 33B-23-34.� You have
pretty legs.�� She pulled Elise�s hair back into a ponytail, and
measured her head for the bridle harness.� Margot measured
around her head at her forehead and around at her eyes, then at
her mouth.� The last was vertical from under her chin and over her
���� �I have one more measurement to take.� Please get
up onto the table and kneel facing the head of the table.�
���� When she was in the correct place, Margot pushed the
insides of her knees a little.
���� �Please move a little apart.�� When she did, �Bend
over and put your arms flat on the table and put your head on your
arms, please.�
���� Elise did, her head was down and her butt was up and
her face was red.� She felt very vulnerable.
���� �Mio Dios, esta terible,� She said.
���� �I know, honey, but it won�t last for long,� Margot
reassured her.� She stepped back and Josh had the anal measure
���� He put his left hand on her back and carefully pushed
the cone shaped measure into her.
���� �Ohhh, that�s COOLDD!� Elise yelped.
���� �I�ll hurry, as much as I can.� We do want to make
sure it�s right.� I�m sure you don�t want to come back for this
again, just because I tried to hurry too much.�
���� �No, let�s get it right the first time,� she said.
���� Josh pushed the measure as far as he could, while
watching her anus to see that it was opened but not overly
���� �I�ve got size 5, Margot,� he said.� �Please confirm
this, and let�s get Elise out of here.�
�� ���Okay, that�s it, size 5.� Pull it out.� Wait right
there Elise and I�ll wipe you off, honey.�
���� When they were done and she was off the table, she
asked what that was for.� Margot explained that some races
required a tail on the end of a butt-plug. And that she had them
custom made, so they weren�t any bigger that necessary, and big
enough that it didn�t fall out while she was running.� Elise nodded.
���� �You think I�ll make it ok,� she asked?�
���� �Unless there is something wrong with you, I can
teach you to run well enough to win.� It might be a bit of work, but
we can do it,� Margot confidently.
���� Three days later Elise was back at the ranch sitting in
Bart�s chair for her tattoos.� He had her tattoo stencils ready
when she came in, with Marina.
���� �Hi, it�s good to see you again, I was sure you�d be
back to see me.� It�ll just be a minute,� he said, as he strapped
her arms down and hooked the waist belt. �Then we�ll
start.�� She nodded.
���� He had the tattoos and the color already chosen for
Elise.� He carefully applied the tattoo stencil to her left breast
�Elise� and followed it for the tattoo.� Next he tipped the chair
back and put Mr. Jung�s logo on her lower belly, inside an inverted
triangle, that ended at the cleft where her pussy lips came
together.� She had her pubic hair removed by electrolysis when
she was in Las Vegas; most all the dancers had it taken off, for
convenience.� He put �LrJ� for Leonid Ruston Jung. Next he did
her PRA number �1101421� on her right areola, in a curve that
matched the edge of her areola.
���� �Ok, just one more to go,� he said.� �It�s on the
back of your neck.�� He showed her the barcode stencil.� �It�s
the same number on the front, in barcode.�
���� He had Marina hold her hair up, after he loosened the
seat belt.� He put the tattoo stencil on her neck and traced
it.� Soon �1101421� was on the back of her neck.
���� �You�ll get even darker with the sun on you all the
time, these colors will stand out and look nice even when you get
more tanned,� Bart said proudly.� �There�s one more thing, I
have smaller rings for you.�� He got out a set of 16ga. �� inch
rings for her nipples.� After they were in, he released her strapped
wrists and walked her to the door.� She smiled and her white teeth
stood out against her dark features.� The polished stainless steel
collar showed brightly as Marina snapped the leash to it.� Marina
had her barefoot with a tiny gold chain around her left ankle.
���� She went out with Marina and walked directly to the
stable and through to the pickup from the track, they headed out to
the track slowly.� They had to go through the old road, Wendy
didn�t want them driving through the customer area, nor using the
public road without anyone from security with them.
���� When she got back to the track, Willi was there with a
surprise for her.
���� �Please come over here, liebling, I have something for
you to see,� she said pleasantly.
���� When Elise went around the corner, Willi was standing
beside a German Shepard dog.� The dog was sitting and alert, he
immediately looked at her and ducked his head.� The dog made a
soft yelp as she walked toward him.� He was a big dog about
ninety-five pounds, and was light, almost blonde with dark brown
���� �His name is Piotr, but you can change it if you want,�
Willi said.� �He�s a trained protection dog, he�ll be with you
whenever you�re not in training.� You know, not in your
harness.�� She held out the dogs leash, �Here take this, you�ll
have to take care of him for about two days, then he�ll know he�s
your dog, you won�t need the leash after an hour.� He�ll sleep on
the floor beside your bed, and you�ll have a chain on your collar
during the night hours.� That will keep you safe, and here with
us.�� Willi smiled.� �We�ll start in the morning, so you two have
the rest of the day-off.�� She held out a ball, �He loves to play
with the ball, just don�t run him out into the sun too
much.� Okay?�
���� �Si, muy bueno, Bonito Pedro esta,� she said,
amazed.� �This is so strange, I�m going naked, corito, and no
one thinks anything of it.� And now you bring me this beautiful
dog, for me to play with.�� She looked toward Willi and asked
conspiratorially, �Where do we find men?�
���� �Well, you don�t.� From now on we will only do
things to make you faster, and sex with men won�t necessarily
make you any faster, in some cases you could lose a few
���� �Erin told me not to get caught touching myself,
either.� So what do I do?�
���� �When you have earned it we will tell your groom
when you may be masturbated in the shower.� Until then, don�t,
someone is watching over you, for protection, but if they see you
they are required to report it,� Willi said carefully.�� �Once we
get started with your training, you�ll be tired enough that you
won�t even think about it.�
���� �Will that start tomorrow?�
���� �Tomorrow will be another easy day, you�ll see the
vet and have more time to bond with Piotr, or what ever you decide
to call him,� Willi told her.
���� �See the vet?� A doctor checked me before I
started,� Elise told her.� Willi nodded.
���� �This is for you to get started racing, not an
employment check-up.� It won�t take long.�
���� Jack walked by and smiled at them, both.
���� �Oohh. He�s nice,� Elise said, after he went around
the corner.
���� Willi nodded, �Yeah, but Mona has him all to
herself.� They�re in the room right across from mine.� Besides,
you are totally off limits, and the grooms and handlers work with
you so much that you are livestock to them.�
���� Willi started to go and Elise threw the ball for Pedro to
chase.� They played for about an hour, he always brought the ball
back to her and gently put it in her hand.� She heard the call for
diner and they went on in to eat.� There was a bowl and can of
food for Pedro, too.

���� The vet was there to see her at 10AM; Linda, who took
her in, stayed there to assist if necessary.
���� The vet asked if she had birth control implants, she
showed him the implants under the skin of her left inner arm.� The
doctor removed them carefully.���
���� �I�ll be replacing them with this intrauterine device,
you know IUD.�� He showed her a fiberglass coil.�
���� �It has a quantity of mild hormone to keep
menstruation to three or four times a year, safely.� The implants
you had could cause you to slow a little.� The IUD has a line of tiny
spines along the outside to keep it from slipping out when you run,
so it�ll be safe for you,� he said.� �Your groom checks at least
once a month, to make sure it doesn�t slip out.�
���� When she was done, it was time for lunch and then
Josh took her out to the corral for lunge line training to help get her
stride length corrected.� After about three hours he released her to
go work with her dog.
���� �Who is your groom?� Do you have one assigned, or
just whoever is free?�
�� ���It�s Alicia, she told me this morning.� Why?�
���� �I�ll give her permission for you,� he said blandly.
���� �Thank you,� she said shyly.� Her beautiful dark eyes
lowered as she spoke.
���� �More of the same in the morning,� Josh said as he
���� Elise went to the kennel and got Pedro out.

���� Erin was ahead at the first pole and stayed ahead
through the rest of the race.� She did everything Willi
wanted.� The race was a given, there was no question from the
time the first heat was started.� She stood in front of the judges�
stand while the technician held the cup under her pussy.
���� �Urinert bitte, liebling,� Willi said to her.� Erin
urinated into the cup, and onto the ground when the cup was
withdrawn.� Willi heard people around her, �What�s she saying?�
and �That should be outlawed.�� Willi smiled to herself.
���� When the technician nodded, Willi was ready to sign the
seal.� She drove to the exit and waited for Orson to come out and
snap his leash to Erin�s bridle.�� He led them to the stall and
dropped the sulky in front.� He gave the lead to Irina and began to
dismantle the sulky, while she took Erin inside to take the tack off,
and get her to the bath stall.� They were ready to go in half an
hour.� Erin had her tiny white mini dress and white leather sandals,
with her stainless steel collar.� She had finally become Erin again
and Willi told her that she won.
���� �Oh thank you,� she looked around for Denise.
���� �Well you are doing great.� Did that tail bother you,�
Denise asked?� She had just come from the owners� booth.� Erin
looked like she didn�t understand, and shook her head, no.
���� �You really get into the pony-mentality, don�t
you?� Sort of like off in the ozone, or off in the ponyzone,� Denise
���� �Yeah, and it gets easier all the time.� I don�t
remember the last two days, at all,� Erin sounded
surprised.� �Willi had to tell me that I won.�
���� �Yes ponyzone, we can call it
that.� The madelponyeinflusszone, ponygirl zone of influence, yes
we will call it that,� Willi declared.� �She does it so well, when she
is the madelpony no one can beat her.�
���� They went to the van to go to the landing strip, it was
right here on the property.� So, the security was very good, but
Arnell still held the leash to her collar.
���� It was a short drive to the landing strip, the benefit of
winning meant they could call the landing strip and be moved to the
front of the rotation.� Mr. Jung had developed the plan when a
second attempt to steal a ponygirl was made later the came day as
Keiko�s incident.� That try was on the second place �girl.� The
top three finishers, win, place, and show, were moved to the front
to take off as soon as possible.
���� �We got your bet made and collected for you,� Denise
told her.� �Arnell has it in his belt.�
���� She always gave Willi ten percent of the winnings, she
got ten percent of the purse and then Erin�s ten percent,
too.� She gave Irina, her groom, ten thousand dollars as a bonus,

Elise�s first race:

���� It took Elise, four months before Jacqui pronounced her

ready to race.� She had gotten even darker spending so much time
in the sun.� The glowing pink tattoos that Bart put on her were
beautiful against her dark skin.�
���� The racing season was about half over when she
started.� She went to her first race in northern Arizona, Mr. Jung
passed up a race near Las Vegas, and he didn�t want to take her
there for her first race.� After she won a few races she could go
there with confidence and not have to worry about a poor showing
���� They flew in to the airstrip, and drove to the track
without incident.� She wore a pale yellow version of the silk mini-
dress Denise and Wendy used.� Against her dark skin it was nearly
transparent and she casually showed off the bright yellow thong
Alicia had for her.� She also wore a pair of spike-heeled sandals,
with gold buckles.� Mr. Jung bought them for her to wear to the
���� �I want you to feel pretty,� he said when Elise told
him she could have worn the sandals Wendy had for the others.
���� �They are very nice, Muchas Gracias, Mr. Jung,� she
���� They went to the track to check in and Jacqui took her
through the clinic. The technician took a urine specimen, and looked
her over quickly.� She was looking for obvious problems and
possible infection spots that could infect the other
ponygirls.� Jacqui had to sign the forms, and initial the seals on the
urine specimen vial.�
���� Wendy had hired a second Pima man to go as a guard,
and if Mrs. Rush decided to get started she would need another
traveling guard.� After the attempt on Keiko, the guard had to sit
outside the stall whenever the ponygirls were inside.� Ramon was
with Elise all the time at the clinic, and stayed very close while the
collar was off for her check-up.�� Ramon replaced the collar
immediately when the technician was done with Elise.� They went
to find Marina, who had come in early yesterday and got Elise�s
stall assignment.� Marina was waiting outside the clinic door for
them to come out.� She led them to the assigned stall, Elise looked
around at the stall.� She was not real impressed with the
���� �Don�t worry too much, once we get started, you�ll
get into your pony mindset and forget all about this place.� Last
week you did it for three days, and that was at home,� Jacqui told
her.� Elise nodded.
���� �The sooner the better,� she said, as she wrinkled her

���� Jacqui decided to just run away with the

competition.� In her first race the match with another new racer,
Jacqui left her the length of the straightaway behind and gaining
when the race was over.� This late in the season there were not as
many new racers, so the second qualifications were only one
day.� They were back for the finals after just one day of
rest.� That was all right for Elise; she only had the one lap race the
day before.�
���� When they lined up for the final, Elise had drawn the
number one gate, but when Jacqui got there another ponygirl was
already in the gate.� It caused a bit of problem.� The jockey
agreed to move to her assigned gate, but wouldn�t get out of the
gate.� Mr. Jung came out onto the track, and stopped to talk to
���� �Can she win from another gate?�
���� �She�ll beat these nags from behind the gates,�
Jacqui said.� �It just frosts my ass, that she won�t get out of the
���� �Well I made a bet with her owner, he seems to be
behind this little coup.� If Elise comes out behind what�s-her-
name I will give him fifty thousand. However when we win, he will
pay one hundred thousand, and I�ll give it to you and Elise.�� Mr.
Jung smiled, and nodded.� Jacqui nodded back to him.� She went
to gate three and lined up.
���� �When the bell rang and the gates opened, she held
Elise for one full second, and then sprang from the gate.� The two
sulkies on each side came together in front and then pulled away,
but Elise wasn�t there.� She came out after they had hit each
other.� Jacqui drove her to the rail and easily caught the
leader.� She passed just after they cleared the turn and ran away
with the race.� The track was one-eighth mile and the race was
sixteen laps.� Elise lapped the two who had tried to hit her at the
start by halfway through, and was about to lap the interloper at the
finish.� Jacqui slowed her as they went around again, and went
back to the stand for the urine specimen.� Mr. Jung was there with
Ramon to make sure nothing happened to Elise.� They walked to
the track gate together and then track security was there to escort
them to the stall.
���� When Elise came out of the bath stall and Marina had
her dressed in the tiny mini-dress and high-heeled sandals they set
out for the landing strip.� The track owner was at the gate when
they were ready to leave.� He flagged them over before they left.
���� �I�ve gotten word that something is planned for you,
between here and the strip,� he said gravely.� �It might be best if
you go to the public airport, and have your plane pick you up
���� �Ok, thanks.� How much longer will that take us, to
get going,� Mr. Jung asked?
���� �Well I made arraignments with the strip, your plane
can take off right now and come into the airport.� You can meet
the plane on the taxiway.� The local head of the NTSB* was here
today, and approved it all ready.� All you have to do is call your
pilot and tell him to meet you there,� he said expansively.� �You
know, he won a bunch on your �girl.��
���� After that there was no further incident, they went
home winners.� There was the usual celebration at the
ranch.� Mrs. Rush even had Diane brought in for the party, but
Diane wouldn�t wear clothes.� She had her hoof-boots and upper
chest harness on.
���� Mrs. Rush decided then to find a ponygirl and start
racing herself.� She wanted to make as much as she could and buy
Diane�s contract.� She would then put Diane in charge of her
racing team.

Erin wins it all.

���� Erin was getting warmed up for the final at
the PRA Championship West.� It had been a rough
series.� She won every race she entered; Stacy won
most of her races.� Veronika had also won most of hers,
too.� The three of them were here all trying to win the
championship.� Willi was her jockey, and Jacqui ran
���� The new jockey China was Veronika�s
jockey.� Wendy hired China to jockey for her when she
realized there could be three ponygirls in the
championship.� She was four feet-eleven inches tall, the
shortest that PRA would let in.� Anything shorter than
that was considered handicapped, and an unfair
advantage.�� She weighed ninety pounds, also the
minimum.� China was her nickname, her given name
was Ying Ying Oha.� She was not dark like Kieko and
Ione, she was very light and had dark brunette
hair.� Wendy thought China was a good nickname for
her, she was tiny and cute, �just like a china doll�.�
���� China was a good jockey and had been in
the PRA for three years.� She was also willing to ride as
a training jockey.� She wore the silks Wendy had for
Willi, they were a light and dark blue top with white
jodhpurs, and black knee boots.� Denise�s colors were
a bright yellow and dark blue, with red piping, top with
white jodhpurs and black knee boots.�
���� Keiko and Elise hadn�t run enough races to
qualify for the finals.� The three were in adjacent stalls,
to make it easier for the grooms, handlers and security
personnel to care for them.� Wendy and Denise decided
to take their dogs, too.� They just showed up with the
dogs, and refused to remove them.� Each girl felt very
secure with her Shepard sleeping right next to her cot
each night.

���� The preliminaries were much simpler for the

championship series, the �girls were divided into three
groups by drawing and then those groups were raced in
elimination races, the winner and second of the
eliminations made up the six finalists.� Erin and
Veronika were in one group and Stacy in another.�
���� The fastest in the third group was a tall
black ponygirl from the northern California area.� None
of them had ever raced her before.� She was the only
black ponygirl in ponygirl racing, and she had a bad
attitude toward the other ponygirls.� She had knocked
one girl down during the first race, by swinging her sulky
into her as they ran along together.
���� Willi knew that if the jockey let the ponygirl
help during the race, she could beat them.� They
progressed through the eliminations smoothly.� When
they got to the feature race, Erin and Stacy were first
and second from their group; Veronika was first from her
group.� When they drew the numbers for the gate
assignments, Erin was in gate one and Veronika had
gate two, and Stacy was in gate four.� The black
ponygirl, Letitia, was in gate five.� Her owner was not
very happy about that.� He insisted that the three
preliminary winners should draw for the three inner
gates and the others could draw for the other gates.
���� �I could just pull out, and leave you all
standing here,� he shouted.
���� �Then we could move the sixth gate to
five.� If your girl was any good you could win from any
gate.�� The track owner was not very upset by the
���� �If anything goes wrong out on the track,
you�ll never race in PRA again,� the PRA Rep. told him.

���� Erin went into her gate slowly, Willi made

sure she would not get hung up coming out.� The
jockey for Letitia tried to harass her, but Willi just
smiled.� She knew she had the fastest ponygirl in the
race, and she was in the first gate.� Veronika was
getting into her gate, and Stacy was getting ready
too.� Letitia was not trying to get into her gate yet.� If
she delayed the start more than the PRA Rep. thought
was necessary, she would be disqualified.� She stepped
into her gate at the last second.� The bell rang and in a
few seconds the gates opened.
���� Willi brought Erin out and was onto the rail
as soon as possible.� She hugged the rail and stayed
tight.� China couldn�t keep up and brought Veronika in
behind her.� They stayed like that for almost the whole
race.�� Letitia was finally closing on Stacy, but
couldn�t pass before the race ended.
���� After the parade lap, the top three were
required to give urine specimens after the race.� They
lined up so the technician could get the urine cups
���� Letitia�s owner was very loud about his
disappointment and that he had the whole off season to
get even with Letitia for losing the championship for
him.� She was practically in tears as he ranted.
����� �Why don�t you sell her if you don�t like
her, get one that will run,� asked Denise.
���� �I�d sell that nag for a thousand, if I could
find someone dumb enough to give it,� he answered.
���� �Done,� was all Denise said.� She looked
around at the PRA Rep. He nodded.
���� The owner was still mad at Letitia; he pulled
back like he was going to hit her�
PONYGIRL!� Denise yelled at him.
���� �What do you mean?�
���� �You said you�d sell for a thousand.� I
took you up on it,� she said back to him.� Denise called
to the PRA Rep.
���� �Yeah, I heard it, and I�ve got the
paperwork all drawn up.�� He went over to Letitia and
ran his reader over the barcode tattooed on the back of
her neck.
���� �What�s your number Mrs. Winters,� he
���� �One-oh-eight,� she answered.
���� �I�m not releasing her until I see the
thousand,� he growled.
���� �Hold out your hand, PLEASE.�
��� �He held out his hand and Denise counted
out ten $100�s to make one thousand dollars into it.
���� �Please send all of her things sent to me at
this address,� she said, politely, as she gave him her
���� �Of course,� he said as he nodded.�
���� Denise took the bridle and walked Letitia
and the sulky to the gate for the stable.� When they got
to the gate Taylor Wallace the newest groom was there
and she sent her to Letitia�s stall the get her things and
to take her newest ponygirl to the bath stall.�

���� When Erin came out of the bath stall, Willi

was right there to meet her.� She jumped up and
hugged Erin around the neck.� Erin gathered Willi up in
her arms and held her like a baby.
���� �We did it, liebling!� Willi whooped.� �We
won it all, you are Landesmeisterin, the champion of the
land.� We have the Meisterschraft, the championship.
���� �We won,� Erin
yelped?� �Really?�� �Oh, thank you, thank you.� I
love you so��� Erin was overjoyed, she was so excited
she couldn�t talk anymore.�
���� She carried Willi back to her stall,� Ajax
was there and he got all excited when he saw that Erin
was.� He began jumping around, too.� Erin had to stop
and make him calm down a bit.� Denise was there
waiting for her.� She was at six months, her belly was
getting bigger, but not gigantic yet.� She was so excited
that she was talking as fast as she could.� Irina was
there to get Erin ready to go home.� They had driven to
the track in a four-vehicle convoy, of vans and
SUV�s.� The trip home would be wonderful, but
long.� Denise had made arrangements to put Letitia in
the vehicle with Wendy, Erin, and herself.


���� When they got Letitia the owner wouldn�t

give her anything to wear, he owned the dress she wore
in, and wouldn�t let her wear it away.� He offered to
sell it for another thousand dollars. Denise had an extra
dress for Erin, and put it on Letitia.� Letitia had a tiny
black leather bag with her, she handed it to Denise.
���� �What�s this?� You can have a bag if you
want,� Denise said.
���� �It�s my bank books and safety deposit
keys, ma�am.� I thought you would want to know what
I was bringing,� Letitia said, very respectfully.�
���� �Thank you for saving me, from him.� I
might not have lived through the winter.�� Letitia had
tears in her eyes.
� ����The only reason I got anything was
because the PRA took my winnings and deposited it for
me,� she said glumly.
���� �Is there a copy of your contract in here
too,� asked Denise.� Letitia nodded.
���� �Where is she, the one who beat me?� Is
she here, I was afraid, but now I�m thankful.�
���� �We�ll all ride together, you�ll have a
chance to talk, in a while,� Wendy told her.
��������� They had traded the driving duties,
so the drive took the all of next day and part of the
night.� They arrived just before midnight, but the party
was going full-tilt when they got there.� The ponygirls
had to take their dogs to the kennels, except Erin, Willi
took care of Ajax for her.� The dogs would be left in the
kennels tonight, the party would go until morning, so
there would be someone awake all the time.�
���� When they got to their own racetrack,
nearly one hundred revelers were there to greet
them.� All of the track personnel and friends of Wendy
and Denise, many of the ponygirls were there
too.� Customers who wanted to be part of the
celebration had driven some ponygirls to the track from
the ranch.�

���� Erin was toasted by almost everybody all

evening and now that she was here, it started all over
again.� She was taken to the bath stall by Alicia and
given a quick bath, and brought back out.
���� Alicia asked if she wanted to wear anything,
all she wanted were hoof-boots.� She came back out
wearing her hoof-boots and a collar.� Alicia took Letitia
to the bath stall after she got Erin done.� She was back
with her in just a little, too.� While she was in the bath
stall, Irina found a pair of high-heeled sandals for her.
���� Erin ran out of gas about 2AM, and got
Orson to take her to her stall.� She also wanted to have
her collar chain secured.� Orson had to go and get Ajax
for her, too.� She was asleep before Orson was back
with Ajax.� He went over to Erin and sniffed her over
and then lay down beside her bed.
���� The next morning started about 10AM, for
the grooms and handlers.� It didn�t start until noon for
Erin, Stacy, and Veronika.� Ajax woke her up and
wanted out, she got Mona, who was on the desk to come
down and let her out.� She took Ajax out to the far side
of the corral, and she urinated right beside him.� She
heard a step� from the rear of the stable and looked
around to see Willi coming toward her. She stayed in her
urinating position while Willi wiped her vulva and inner
labia.� She smiled at Willi.
���� �It�s still like a dream,� Erin said
calmly.� �I can hardly believe it, won it all.��
���� �A few years ago, the championship could
be won with just three or four races.� Now you have to
win that many just at the finals to get into the
championship race,� Willi said.� �Lenore, that Jacqui
had was only in five races total to win the Zone One
championship.� Now it�s the whole west side of the
���� �Yeah, good thing for me there�s no race
to consolidate the East and West championships,� Erin
sounded relieved.
���� While they were talking Denise and Aaron
came around the end of the stable. �They came over
and hugged Erin.
���� �Well how does it feel to be the
champion,� Denise asked?
���� �We were just talking about that.� I�m
not sure I really know.� I was out of it for the whole
time.� I actually remember going into the clinic for the
urine test, and then when Willi told me that we�d
won,� Erin told her.
���� �What I actually came for was to ask you if
you want to get the championship tattoo,� Denise said.
���� �What is it?�
���� Willi spoke up, �It�s a tiny tattoo on the
side of your Brust.�� She touched the left side of
Erin�s left breast, beside her areola.� �Right about
there, only you can have the championship tattoo put
���� �What�s it look like,� Erin asked?
���� Denise was given the stencil after the race
by the PRA Rep. she got it out for Erin.� It was a
�W-05� for western championship, in 2005 and it
was colored red.� Erin looked at it, it didn�t seem to
bad to her.
��������� �No one else can have it, you won
it all,� Willi said.� �You are Landesmeisterin.�� She
was smiling, at Erin.��
���� �Well I guess so, it doesn�t look too bad to
me.� Yeah, let�s do it,� She said.� �Yeah, let�s go
and do it now,� she said. �I like the idea.�
���� �Before you go, we,� Denise pointed to
Aaron and herself, �have a little something for you.�
���� �It�s for all you�ve done for us, getting us
started, with ponygirl racing,� Aaron said.
���� �Let�s go over by the office Erin,� Denise
���� When the walked around the corner of the
stable, Erin could see several people gathered around
the parking lot.� As they walked closer she could see a
covered shape in the parking lot.� When they got near,
the crowd parted and she could see it was a car with a
cover over it.� As they approached the little crowd
moved back so Erin and Denise could get close to the
���� �Erin when you won the championship for
me, it really put my team on the map.� I knew of a little
something you once mentioned that you really
wanted.� When you got the championship for me,
something I really wanted, I, or we,� Denise indicated
Aaron, �got this for you.�� She stepped back and
pulled the car cover off, with one sweeping pull.�
���� There was Erin�s dream car, a red
Corvette, with black leather interior.� She just stood
���� �Wow! That�s beautiful.� Thank You, so
much,� Erin was overjoyed.
���� �Here�s the keys,� Aaron held them out
to her.� �I guess you can�t really put them in your
pocket,� he chuckled.� She took them in her hand.
���� �I do know where to put them,� she went
to the door and opened it to put the key in the
ignition.� She ran right into a photographer.
���� �Oh, sorry,� she stopped and posed for
him.� She held her arms out toward the little car.
���� �Wait a minute,� Irina was there with a
comb and brush and a small make-up kit.� �I�ll just
take care of a couple of things.�
���� She combed and brushed Erin�s hair, and
had a little make-up for her eyes and lips.� She also put
a little gold chain between her nipple rings.

���� �Do you want these shoes,� she asked?

���� Denise stepped forward, �How about hoof-
����� �Aaron has another set of keys, how
about if we get come pictures of him presenting them to
you?� Then you can change and go driving.�� She took
the keys from Erin and put them into the ignition.
���� Denise had a little red �W� sticker she
gave it to Irina.� �Willi will you show Irina where to
place this sticker, so the tattoo will be in the
pictures.�� Irina placed it on Erin�s breast, where Willi
���� They all posed for pictures as Aaron
presented the keys to Erin, then as Denise presented the
keys, then all over again with Willi in the pictures,
too.� They had to wait for Irina to get the right color
make-up for Willi, and put it on.�
���� When they were done, they went to the little
dining room for a luncheon. �Wendy had it catered by
her ranch cafeteria; she was there and had Mona get
Veronika and Stacy to attend.� She called earlier and
they were ready when she got there.
���� �I want to toast my three favorite winning
ponygirls,� Wendy started.� �I got some interesting
news this morning.�� When she had everyone�s
attention she went on.� �The PRA called this morning,
it seems that Letitia�s jockey was hitting the other
jockey and ponygirl, and then tried to hit Stacy.� So
they disqualified the entry.�� Everyone was quiet.�
���� �A little investigation showed that the
owner, and I use that term loosely, Mr. Rip Miller was
behind it.� Also the jockey was not approved by the
PRA, so the entry was never valid,� Denise
added.� �The sale of Letitia was not valid, because the
contract she signed has no termination date, so I�ll be
getting my money back, too.�
���� �What happens to Letitia,� Stacy asked?
���� �Well when I talked to her about it earlier,
she was a little disappointed, I told her she could sign a
real contract with me and be a racer with Erin.� She and
I have already made the deal.�
���� �Where is she, now,� Erin asked?� About
that time Letitia came in with Mandy Wills, a handler
from Tennessee.
���� She was escorted to a seat beside Erin,
which had been left empty.
���� When the luncheon was over, Denise got
Erin, Letitia, and Willi aside to talk to them.� She told
them about the plans she had for building her facility
here on the track property.� It would be another
building exactly like the one Wendy had here.� It would
include eight full sized stalls and twenty more guest
stalls.� The ground breaking had already taken place
and the foundation was in the ground.� She expected to
be up and going within the next month.� She hired Willi
from Wendy and several grooms and handlers were on
the way here.
���� �The only disappointment I have is that
Wendy would not let me hire Alicia for Erin,� she looked
a little sad.� �I really wanted to be able to tell you that
Alicia would be here with you,� she said to Erin.
���� �The only other thing to tell you that might
directly affect any of you is that Mrs. Rush will be leasing
room from me for her ponygirl.� She�s found one in
Colorado,� Denise said.� �In fact she�s there now
getting her and her stuff brought here.�

���� Willi had a double sulky for Erin and Letitia

to pull to the ranch the next morning, for their
tattoos.� She had Orson put their harnesses on
them.� He had Erin�s harness from the ranch and an
adjustable harness from the training stable.� The racing
harness would not work for pulling double.� Letitia
would be getting custom made racing harnesses, but she
wouldn�t need the commercial harness from the ranch,
so Orson got the one for today.� He also had the chest
harness that Alicia got for breast support, for each of
them.� Orson told Letitia that Erin, on the left set the
pace and the she was to match her, the sulky would go
straight when she matched Erin.
���� Willi started them walking first, then she
increased their speed until they were running easily
together.�� They covered the sixteen miles in just over
four hours.� Two grooms were waiting to take them to
training stalls for their lunches and baths.� Willi went
over to the shop to give Bart the tattoo stencils, and
then she went to lunch with Wendy.

���� Betty came by after they had lunch and

were given baths; she had collars and leashes for
them.� Erin was back at the ranch, and was required to
wear a collar and leash or bridle and check rein.� Betty
took them both to the tattoo shop for Bart to do.� Bart
welcomed them into the shop, and had them sit in the
chairs.� He fastened the wrist straps and seat belts.
���� �I�m glad you won and I�m glad you�re
letting me put the tattoo on.� I got the location and the
stencil is ready.��
���� �You don�t have any of the tattoos that
Denise requires.� He went to Letitia and introduced
himself.� �You are keeping the same PRA number, but
it�s only done in the barcode, so I�ll have to put it in
numbers over your nipple and your name and Mrs.
Winters� logo on you.� I�ll get started with Erin since I
only have to do the one on her.�
���� He had the stencil ready, and did the tattoo
quickly.� When he was done she had the �W-05� on
the left side of her left breast beside her areola.� He
released Erin�s seat belt and wrist straps, and then he
went over to Letitia�s chair.
���� �I�ve never tried to do any tattoo�s on
black skin before, but I�ve picked a pretty color for
you.�� She nodded.� �Mrs. Winters also wants your
nipples pierced, like Erin�s.� Are you ready to start?�
���� �Yes, I�m ready,� she said.� �Is it going
to hurt my nipples much?�����
���� �Well some, but not too bad, and not for
too long,� Bart answered.
���� He put the stencil on and then began the
tattoo; soon he had �Letitia� on the upper curve of her
left breast.� The next tattoo was her PRA number
�603634� on her right areola.� Her number remained
the same, she was just registered as Denise�s
ponygirl.� Bart adjusted the chair back so he could
apply Denise�s sign low on Letitia�s belly.� Miller had
permanently depilated her pussy and armpits, so there
was only the matter of applying the tattoo.� He put on
the stencil and then tattooed her, when he was done she
had �DLW� within an inverted triangle with rounded
points that ended at the cleft of her vulva.
���� �The only thing left is the nipple piercing.�
���� Bart wiped her nipples with disinfectant and
marked each for the holes.� When he was done Letitia
had a 16ga, by � inch, gold CBR in each dark brown
���� �Are you going to do my tongue too, like
Erin�s,� she asked?
���� �It�s not required by Mrs. Winters.� I can
if you want,� Bart answered.�
���� �Well Erin and all the other ponygirls have
���� �They were required by Miss Wendell, for
ponygirls here at the ranch.� They were not racers when
they were here,� Bart said. �But I don�t mind, if you
want it.�� He picked up a tongue needle.� �I�ll be
glad to do that, too.�
���� They walked out a few minutes later.

���� Willi was waiting for them at the training

stable, and with Betty�s help harnessed them
both.� They took them out to the corral and hitched
them to the sulky for the trip back to the racetrack.
���� �We go to the Rennbahn,� Willi
said.� �We will start to walk, schritt, walk.�
���� They started for the track, along the main
road, Willi snapped the reins, �schneller, faster,� she
said, loudly.� They started to run, �lauf, run,� Willi
���� They ran easily as they went past the
customer trail area, they went to the gate marking the
end of the open trail.� Willi pulled up by the blue and
white striped pole.� She got out to open the gate, and
Erin calmly moved her feet apart and arched her back to
urinate.� Letitia was amazed; she watched and looked
around for Willi.�
���� Willi wiped Erin�s vulva and led them
through the gate. She stopped them after they were
clear of the gate she walked to Letitia�s side, and
stroked the side of her cheek, very gently and then the
side of her head behind her ear.
���� �Liebling, you must piss on the
ground.� You saw Erin, you should go too,� Willi said
softly.� Then she went to close the gate.� Letitia moved
her feet apart, and bent her knees like she had seen Erin
doing.� She arched her back and stood for a little while,
but nothing came out.� Willi came back from the
gate.� She put her hand on Letitia�s lower back.
���� �You can urinate, just try one more
time, liebling,� Willi said to her.� A little stream started
and then became a flood.
���� Letitia moaned softly, and then sighed in
relief.� She got a big smile on her face.� Willi got out a
wet wipe and cleaned her vulva and around her
urethra.� Letitia wriggled her bottom a little.
���� �Does that feel good, liebling?� Does it feel
good to you,� Willi asked?
���� Letitia nodded, and stamped her foot.� Willi
laughed, as she went back to the sulky to head on to the
racetrack. She snapped the reins and whistled. Erin and
Letitia started walking, and then moving a little faster,
but they didn�t go faster than a slow trot.� Willi
snapped the reins, hard.
���� �Schneller, faster, Galopp, schneller, let�s
run,� Willi yelled.� They ran at a good fast pace, Letitia
did well matching Erin�s pace.
���� They ran for almost an hour, Willi pulled
them up for a rest stop, �nicht pissen,� she said as she
got out of the sulky. Letitia started to spread her feet
apart, Erin tapped her on the shoulder.� When she
looked, Erin shook her head, no.� Letitia moved her feet
back, and stood up straight.� Willi came back quickly
and she put her finger in front of her lips, to shush the
girls.� She began unhooking their harnesses from the
sulky as quickly, and quietly as she could.�
���� �When I get you undone, head for those
trees, over there,� she nodded to the left.� �When you
get there, wait for me.��
���� As soon as the �girls were loose they
moved to the trees and stopped. Willi was right behind
them.� She released their pony-hands, and their bridle
harnesses.� She told them to start back to the ranch,
that there were rustlers nearby.
���� �Do you know where the ranch is from
here,� she asked Erin?� Erin nodded and pointed
toward the ranch house property, Willi nodded.
���� �Go off the road.� I saw a pickup right
over the little hill in the road; if you stay in the bushes
they won�t be able to drive through there.� No one can
keep up with up on foot.� Go now, liebling.�
���� The two ponygirls hurried toward the ranch
and stable, they did their best to stay low.� Willi called
the track on her cellphone to report and get some help
headed this way.� Then she went back to the sulky and
moved it off the roadway, behind a clump of brush.�


���� The Pima Indians came up behind the

pickup and had the three men laying on the ground
when Willi got up to them.� They hadn�t heard
anything until they were surrounded.� Wendy was there
in twenty minutes, in her black Mercedes SUV.� She had
the pictures that she had taken of the three who tried to
take Keiko.� Two of the men were there in front of her.
screamed at them.� �This is my home, you think you
have enough nerve to come here.�
���� �Why don�t you shut the fuck up!� one of
the men said.
���� Wendy walked up to him, and kicked him in
the side of the head.� �Do we have pictures, of this
���� �I have Fotografien of each,� said
Willi.� �So if there are bruises, it�s ok.�
���� In a few minutes a sheriff�s car pulled up,
and the deputy got out.�
���� �Miss Wendell, These are the trespassers?�
���� �Yes, they tried to steal my livestock,� she
���� �Cattle theft is a serious offense, here on
the rangeland,� he said to the three lying on the
���� �We didn�t try to steal no cattle,� one of
the men said.� �We were just lost.�
��� �My how amazing, a criminal denying his
guilt,� the deputy said, as a second car drove up.� The
county sheriff himself got out of the car.
���� �We�ll take care of this Miss Wendell,� he
said.� �My that�s a nasty cut on your head, how did
that happen?� Did you fall down?�� He nodded.�
���� �Whose handcuffs are these?� Do we have
enough to for them,� the sheriff asked?�
���� �Keep them for now, � one of the Pima�s
said.� �We�ll get them back, later.�
���� �Wait, that little Nazi bitch wanted to cut
me up.� I want to make a complaint,� one of the other
men said.� The deputy ignored him.
���� The sheriff and deputy collected the three
up and into the patrol vehicles.� While they were getting
them packed off, Wendy�s cellphone rang; it was the
guard barn with news that Erin and Letitia were there
and all right.
���� �We�ll get these three out of here, sorry
we couldn�t get here sooner, Miss Wendell,� the sheriff
said as the deputy drove off with two of them in the back
of his car.� The sheriff took the other one.
���� �If one of them tells you who hired them to
take my livestock, please tell me,� Wendy asked.�
���� �Well that pickup doesn�t belong to any of
them, it�s registered to a Rip K. Miller, of Oregon,� he
said.� �Mean anything to you?�
���� �Yeah, it does,� Wendy, said.� She told
the sheriff about the theft attempt of Keiko, at the race
near Reno, and that two of these men were involved.
���� �Do you want to contact the owner about
his pickup,� he asked.� �That way I�ll have a bunch
less paperwork.�
���� �Thank you, very much,� Wendy handed
him a free pass for a ponygirl sulky ride, and one for the
���� �I�m not sure he would want it, he�s
���� �It�s good for two.� I�ll bet you�d be
surprised to know how many of our clients are women,
well over half,� Wendy smiled as she told him.
���� Betty was waiting at the security barn with
the two guards when Erin and Letitia ran up.� She had
been there since the phone call, on her private
cellphone, from Wendy.� She was surprised by the call;
she didn�t even know that Wendy knew her
number.� She got to the guard stand within about ten
minutes, and stood by for Erin and Letitia.
���� They had left the corral in bright afternoon
sunlight, but the sun was down and the moon up and
bright by the time they returned.� Erin was glad to see
Betty, Letitia was just glad.� Her pierced nipples had
started to hurt and she was very uncomfortable.�
���� �Come on, we�ll go over to the training
stable where you can get cleaned up.� It�s safe here;
the Pima�s got them and then gave them to the
sheriff.� He has already taken them away.�� Betty
took each one by the hand and led them off to the
training stable.
���� Two grooms, Joan and Alyssa were waiting
there for them and took each in for a bath and then put
them in stalls in the training stable.� Betty sat with
them until Wendy and Willi got there.
���� �The sheriff took them off to jail, but I
don�t know how long he can keep them
there.� Ponygirl rustling isn�t really a crime on the
books here in Arizona,� Wendy told Betty.� �We have
them for trespassing; they can be kept until they bond
out.� Mr. Jung said that since none of them have local
addresses they could be held until they post a cash
���� Paddy came by trying to blink the sleep out
of his eyes, and got the keys to Wendy�s SUV and took
the �girls and Willi back to the track.�
���� They were there by 10PM; Paddy dropped
them off and headed back to the ranch.� Willi took them
to the stable where their grooms were waiting.� Irina
took Erin and Taylor took Letitia, to their stalls.� Since
they were bathed at the training stable, they were
secured in their stalls.� Erin and Irina went to the
kennel, first and got Ajax.� They were secured with
their collars and, of course, the gates were locked.� The
rustlers were in the county jail so the extra locking was
just for the girls� peace of mind.

���� The next morning, Wendy called Rip Miller
and told him that his three �goons� were in jail, and
she had his pick up.� He had no idea what she was
talking about, but he would look into it to see what he
could do to help.� Wendy also called the PRA and
reported the incident to them.� The operator at PRA
gave her a secured email address to use to send the
pictures to the office.�
���� She got a call from the Pima guard detail;
they found where the pickup was driven through the
fence.� The front gate, at the souvenir shop called and
said they had a package dropped off by a delivery
���� Wendy went to see what it was; she wanted
to know what it was before she brought it into the
ranch.� When the clerk handed it to her she saw that it
was from Oregon.� When she opened the large
envelope she found it was the title of the pickup, signed
off by Rip Miller.� It was no longer his pickup; he had
put her name in the new owner space.
���� The sheriff called her and said the lawyer for
the three came in with a statement from Mr. Miller.� He
said they were delivering the truck to her ranch, and had
a copy of the title signed over to her.� The judge signed
the release without bond, and set a court date for three
months away.� Wendy said that she had just received
the title by courier, and yes she saw that the date was
for three days ago.� She also saw the shipping date and
time for the courier company was at 2:30 AM this
morning.� She told the sheriff that she had also
reported the incident to the PRA and that they could
probably do more than the legal system.� Maybe they
could put Miller out of the racing business.
���� She took the title to the ranch and made
arrangements to have the pickup titled in Arizona and
registered in the ranch�s name.� She called the Pima
Guard office, and told them to send someone to come by
and get the vehicle for another perimeter patrol
vehicle.� The pickup was a Ford F150 Lariat XLT, the top
of the line.� It made for a very deluxe patrol
vehicle.� They had to keep it on the ranch property until
the title and new plates were in.
���� Letitia was taken to the tack room, for
measurements by Margot and Joshua they needed to get
her new tack and orthotic soled hoof-boots
ordered.� She was amazed by the idea of having
custom equipment made to order for her.� Rip Miller
had only adjustable harness and mail ordered hoof-boots
for her.� Margot explained that better equipment would
allow her to apply more of her abilities to the
track.� She agreed that the cheap tack did some times
cause painful abrasions, and the mail-ordered hoof-boots
were not comfortable.� When the delivery came she was

Free Time����

���� The months before the new racing season

were a slow time for Erin, she had several weeks off and
then she had to get back so she was in top condition for
the first race.� She wanted to go to Centerville, to the
�Women�s Emporium� and shop for clothing.� But
she didn�t have anything to wear to the store to get
clothes.� Erin called Denise and told her the
problem.� Denise said she would be there in the
morning and the two of them could go shopping
together, and she would bring something for Erin to
���� Denise and Aaron showed up right after
breakfast.� Erin had finished getting Ajax exercised and
fed and was walking back when they walked around the
end of the stable.� Denise was carrying the baby and
smiling, hugely.� Erin just had to hold the baby for a
while and then Irina got her turn.� Denise and Erin
headed for Erin�s stall and Orson went to Denise�s car
and got the big box of clothes for them.� Erin was
overjoyed to find that just about everything Denise
brought was the right size.� She settled on a dark blue
mini-skirt and lacy white sleeveless top.� She had a pair
of white high-heeled sandals to wear.� Denise also had
several pairs of panties for Erin to choose from.
���� �Denise, I don�t want any panties,
they�re too uncomfortable,� Erin complained.
���� �Well you can�t go shopping for clothes
without underpants,� Denise said.� �These people are
not ready for a girl with your looks to come in without
���� �Well I�ve been a year without wearing
anything between my legs,� Erin moaned.� �It�s too
tight on my pussy.�
���� �Here try these thong panties, your behind
will be uncovered, maybe that will help,� Denise
suggested.� �You have to wear something
underneath.�� Denise said with finality.
���� Erin sighed and took the thong, she
carefully slipped it on.� She smiled at Denise and
wriggled her bottom.
���� �Come on, let�s go,� Erin said to Denise,
as she jingled her car keys.� They left headed toward

���� Many other ponygirl owners� let their girls

start the season in mediocre condition and that made
them free meat for Wendy�s racers.� Denise and Aaron
were enjoying the time with their new baby.� They
didn�t mind a bit that Wendy took care of things for
them. Wendy didn�t mind either.� Erin was just
relaxing for a few weeks, but her conditioning would
never be in question.� She went running for
relaxation.� Willi was training Letitia to respond to her
German commands.����

���� The new stable that Denise built was

finished so Erin and Letitia were moved in without
delay.� Mr. Jung had Elise moved in right away,
too.� They had the grooms transferred with them and
had to get a few more handlers.� Taylor, Elise�s
groom, had a brother, named Miller, who was hired as a
handler, but he was a disappointment to the female
grooms and trainers because he was more competition
for the female personnel.� He didn�t really cause
problems for anyone there weren�t any takers; he had
to leave to find his own companionship. The ponygirls
liked him because they liked everyone; they were not
available to anyone.� It didn�t matter where Miller�s
interests lay.�

���� Mrs. Rush bought her ponygirl Monica
Maarae in Boulder, Colorado and brought her to the
stable.� Denise hired a groom for her.� Leslie Kort,
found by Mona, was another European trainer who was
also an excellent groom.� She loved the ponygirls, the
idea that they were trained and raced like any other
animal was fascinating to her.�
��� �Grooms were not servants of the ponygirls,
nor were they masters, but the groom worked closely
with the trainers to keep a consistent atmosphere for the
best performance.� The jockey was the final word for
the treatment of a ponygirl to obtain her best
performance.� Leslie was very good at taking care of
ponygirls just as the jockeys and trainers required.� She
and Monica hit it off immediately, they were great
together.� Leslie was careful to be Monica�s groom and
friend, but not her buddy.�
���� Monica was from Indiana, and had� been in
Colorado for about three years.� When she found the
ponygirl lifestyle it was like a revelation, the fact that
she was not beautiful did not matter.�
���� Monica was a plain looking girl with medium
brown hair, and brown eyes.� She was five feet and ten
inches tall, and weighed 135 with small breasts and
slender waist.� Her measurements were 34A-24-34 and
her slender figure was anything but plain.� Her body
was excellent and her long legs gave her an
advantage.� She had been a ponygirl at a private club
for about a year when Mrs. Rush heard about her, and
that she was for sale.� Her boyfriend had convinced her
to sign a private contract just between the two of them,
just a month before. He made videos of her working out
and running, he also made her times available to
prospective purchasers.�
���� She didn�t know the contract was real and
enforceable, he didn�t know the PRA would not let him
take advantage of her.� Mrs. Rush got her for
$25,000.� $11000 was put in an account for Monica and
her �boyfriend� got $14000.� He was very upset and
angry when he found out that he didn�t get all
$25,000.� Monica was upset that she would be taken
from him, until he put on his little show about the
money.�� Mrs. Rush was there for her, and to give her
a shoulder to cry on.�
���� When Mrs. Rush brought her to the track in
Arizona, Monica was ecstatic.� She got to live as a real
ponygirl, and be compensated for it.� Monica was
actually grateful for the chance.� She brought Monica to
the ranch for tattoos before taking her to the
racetrack.� They arrived about 10AM; Monica had a few
minutes to look around.�� Then Leslie was there to get
her; she took Monica to the training stable and put her in
a stall there.���
���� �Take off your clothes Monica,� Leslie
said.� �We need to get a bath for you.� I have to take
care of a few things and I�ll be right back.�� Monica
nodded, and began disrobing; when she was naked she
gave her clothes to Leslie.
���� �I�ll be right back with your lunch,� Leslie
told her as she took her clothes and left the stable.� She
was back in a few minutes with a standard ponygirl lunch
of vegetarian cutlet and vegetable casserole, with a liter
of bottled water.�
���� �I didn�t need to be naked to eat,� she
said to Leslie.
���� �You�ll be naked all the time from now
on,� Leslie said as she smiled.� �It�ll be okay, you�ll
���� Leslie left again to get her own lunch, �I�ll
be back.� There�s a new toothbrush for you by the
sink.� I�ve got to get my own lunch.�

���� She was back in about an hour and took

Monica to the bath stall, and got the water set to
Monica�s preference.� She ushered Monica in and
picked up the bottle of shampoo.� Monica reached out
to take it from her.
���� �No, I�ll do it for you,� She said
smiling.� She poured shampoo into her hand while
Monica got her hair wet.� Leslie lathered Monica�s
brown hair and washed it thoroughly for her.� After
rinsing she put cr�me rinse through it and put it up on
top of her head to wait for the cr�me rinse to work.
� ���Leslie got soap from a bottle and began
washing Monica�s shoulders and upper back.
���� �Please turn around for me,
Monica.�� When she turned Leslie started at the top
and washed her face, working her way down to
Monica�s neck and upper chest.
���� �Time to rinse your hair, Babe.�� Monica
was getting the idea and didn�t mind-having Leslie
bathe her.� It made her feel as special as Mrs. Rush and
Leslie felt.� When her hair was done Leslie got more
soap and went back to washing her back.� When she
was done she pulled her hands back.
���� �Ok turn around,� Leslie said
brightly.� Monica turned slowly, and Leslie began to
wash her chest.� She worked carefully but washed
Monica�s breasts and nipples without any more obvious
concern than if she was washing the dishes, or a
ponygirl.� She worked her way down to Monica�s lower
belly and then skipped to her feet and worked up her
legs to the tops of her thighs.
���� �Want me to do the rest?� I can take care
of it from here,� Monica suggested.
���� �No, I�ll get it, just relax and enjoy,
sweetheart,� Leslie said.� She put more soap in her
hands and made a twirling motion with her
fingers.� Monica turned, gratefully and Leslie began to
wash Monica�s butt.� She worked her fingers into the
cleft of Monica�s butt, until she touched Monica�s anus.
���� �Relax for me, sweetheart, I need to get
you washed off,� Leslie said to her.� Monica took a
deep breath and let it out, and relaxed her butt for
Leslie.� She felt a rush as Leslie washed her
anus.� Leslie pulled her hands back and Monica turned
slowly so Leslie could wash her pussy.� Leslie began
with her lower belly and worked down to her outer
labia.� She gasped softly and moved her legs apart to
give Leslie better access to her lower vulva.� Leslie
washed her inner lips and vaginal opening and Monica
began to moan softly.� Leslie kept up her efforts and
Monica began to moan out loud.� Monica moved thighs
even farther apart to give Leslie better access.� Leslie
pressed her left hand over Monica�s pussy and slid her
two middle fingers into Monica�s vagina.� She reached
around behind Monica with her right hand, and pressed
her index finger slightly into Monica�s anus to the first
joint.� She stopped pushing her finger into Monica and
began squeezing and relaxing her left hand and fingers
in Monica�s pussy.� Monica felt a little self-conscious so
she didn�t have an orgasm right away, but in a few
minutes she started to have an orgasm.
���� �Oh My God!� Monica cried.� She was
having the most intense orgasm she�d had in a long
time.� The feelings lasted for several minutes, and she
slumped against the side of the stall.� Leslie slowed her
ministrations and slowly slipped her fingers out of
Monica�s pussy and her anus.� She washed Monica�s
pussy and anus and then her hands.� Leslie turned the
water off and helped Monica out of the shower.� She
dried her with a huge towel and then did her hair with a
big blow drier.�
���� She had Monica lie on a bench by the bath
stalls and got out a razor and shave cr�me.� Leslie
lathered Monica�s lower abdomen and pussy.� She
carefully shaved Monica�s pussy and underarms and put
some lotion on where she had just finished.
���� �Ooh, that lotion�s kind of tingly,�
Monica, said.� Leslie looked at her watch.
���� �It need�s to be there for five minutes,
then I�ll get it off,� She said.
���� �What was that for?� Monica asked as she
watched Leslie wiping it off.
���� �It�s a depilatory cr�me, to permanently
remove all your pussy hair,� Leslie said calmly.
���� �Permanently?�
���� �Yeah, permanently,� Leslie said as she
also cleaned it from under Monica�s arms.� They
walked back to the stall.
���� �Do you like my bathing talents?� I�ll
bathe regularly from now on.� Leslie said.�
���� �Do I get washed like that everyday,�
Monica asked?
���� �Well maybe not like that everyday, that�s
up to your jockey and trainers, but as often as allowable.
You�ll get bathed everyday.� We have to go to the
tattoo shop and get your PRA numbers done.�� She
had a collar for Monica; she put it around her and locked
it on.� Next Leslie snapped a leash to the collar, and
they headed out the door.��������
���� �Come on in,� Bart said as he opened the
door.� He ushered them into the shop, �Here you go,
please sit in the last chair, Monica.� I�ll be right with
you.�� Leslie went to the straight-backed wooden chair
he indicated and sat to wait.
���� �Put your hands on the chair arms,
please,� he said.� He put the straps over her wrists and
the seat belt around her waist.� �I have your tattoos all
done and Mrs. Rush was just here and approved
them.� He laid the stencil over the top curve of her left
breast and started the tattoo.�
���� Her name took about twenty minutes and
she had �Monica� on her left breast.� She had no
other tattoos, she thought them to be tacky, but this
wasn�t too bad.� Next he had to do her PRA number
�1123331� on her right areola.� She was getting tired
of the tattoo process.
���� �You�ll have to put up with it for a little
while yet, I�ve got a couple more to go,� Bart told her.
���� �It�s ok,� she sighed.� �I�ve just been
through a lot.�
���� Bart tipped the chair back and tattooed
�RUSH� on her lower belly, halfway between Monica�s
navel and the top of her pussy.
���� �Ok, last one, the PRA requires their
number in barcode on the back of your neck, so he
loosened the seatbelt and had Leslie hold Monica�s long
hair up.� He put the stencil on the nape of her neck and
began �1123331� was on the back of her neck when he
was done.�
���� �All of the ponygirls here have their nipples
pierced,� Bart told her.� �Mrs. Rush left it up to you.
Do you want me to pierce your nipples?�
���� �Gosh, I don�t know.� Will it hurt a lot?�
���� �Well some, but not a lot,� He answered.
���� �Do I have to decide right now?� I mean if
I decide to later�� She asked.
���� �Sure, I�m here every day.� Sounds like
you sort of want to get it done,� Bart added
suggestively.� She nodded.
����� �Ok, I�ll do it for you, now,� he decided
for her.� She nodded again.� He got out his equipment
and disinfected her nipples.�
���� When he was done she had a 16ga. by �
inch CBR in each nipple.� Bart released her wrists and
escorted her to the door. Leslie snapped the leash to her
���� �I won�t try to run away.� Where could I
go naked and on foot anyway,� Monica joked.
���� �Miss� Wendell�s rules, she owns the
place.� It�s something you will have to get used to,
and there are reports of rustlers stealing ponygirls.� As
a racer you�ll be valuable property,� Leslie told her.
���� �Property,� Monica said?� Leslie
nodded.� Just then her cellphone rang, she answered it
quickly, �Yes Miss Wendell,� she said.� �Yes we�ll be
right there.� Yes, I can see it from here.� Bye.�� She
looked to Monica, �Miss Wendell.� I wonder how she
got my cell number.�
���� They walked across the wide yard and went
to the door on the side of the building, that a little sign
said was �OFFICE�; Leslie opened the door and went
in.� It was the door right into Wendy�s inner
office.� Leslie was surprised, she started to back out,
and Wendy called to her.� She went on in and held the
door for Monica.�
���� There were several people already there;
Wendy introduced them to Monica and Leslie.� Mrs.
Rush was there, but also Denise and Aaron and Mr.
Jung.� She sent Leslie for a coffee break, at the Groom
�� �Mr. Jung is a lawyer,� Wendy said with a
funny grin.� �Even though he�s a lawyer, he�s pretty
much all right.� Mr. Jung has some paperwork for you,
She said and nodded to Mr. Jung.
���� �What I�ve got here for you is an
addendum to your contract,� he said.� �Your contract
is legitimate, it has all of the legal requirements to bind
you to Mrs. Rush, as your owner.�� Monica
nodded.� Mr. Jung handed her a copy of the addendum,
she looked it over and saw that it was quite long, with
numerous numbered sections.
���� �I�m going to go over it with you, right
now, but I�m going to hit the high points.� I�m not
going to bore you by reading it to you in its
entirety.� The major parts of it give you the PRA rules
about your share of your winnings and charges.� It says
that you and Mrs. Rush pay costs for your upkeep, from
your winnings and ten percent to your jockey, then you
get one third of the balance and Mrs. Rush gets two
thirds.� She has to pay for training and travel, to and
from, races from her portion.� These rates are
mandated by the PRA.� Now for the harder part,� Mr.
Jung sighed.
��� �Section two says how and where you will
live and work.� We have built a very nice racetrack and
a stable for you to live in.� You will remain naked and
you may not speak unless given permission, by someone
in charge of your training.� That would be, a jockey,
trainer, handler, and of course Mrs. Rush, but not
necessarily your groom.� You may not handle any of
your tack or harness, that is to put it on or take it off.�
���� �When will I get to talk and such?�
���� �It�s not as bad as it looks right here,
basically this is to make sure you understand how
important your training is.� Section three says that you
can be punished for not trying hard enough or for
violating these other rules.� It doesn�t actually spell
out what punishments could be used.� Our involvement
in ponygirl racing is to make money; none of any sort of
punishment will do anything stringent that could slow
your running.� From now on, from this very moment,
you must obey all of the rules spelled out on this
form.�� Monica nodded.� She didn�t dare to say
���� Mrs. Rush stepped forward, �You may
speak, Monica.� You were wondering how to handle
that, right?�� Monica smiled and nodded, �I was
wondering what to do next.�
�� ���We won�t do anything that doesn�t do
something to make you faster.�
���� �I�ll read my copy later,� Monica added.
���� �That�s fine.� Do you have any idea what
happened with your so called �boyfriend� and his
wife,� Wendy asked?
���� �Wife?� He wasn�t married.� Was he?�
Monica had tears in her eyes.
���� �He was married to Arlene Louise Smith,
you knew her as Joanne, his cousin. Right?� They were
playing you from the start,� Wendy said
soberly.� �They were trying to sell you as a racing
ponygirl, though the PRA � that�s Ponygirl Racing
Association - got involved.� They had a representative
contact him about an hour before Mrs. Rush did.� The
price went from $200,000 to $25,000 in that
hour.� They wanted to get enough to get out of
town.� Mrs. Rush didn�t say anything there because
she wanted to get you away from them.�� Monica�s
eyes teared up and she began to sob.�
���� Mrs. Rush started to go to her, but Mr. Jung
stopped her, quietly.�� Denise walked up to her, and
put her arm around Monica�s bare shoulders.� Mrs.
Rush realized that she had to remain as Monica�s
owner, and may have to make her do what was
necessary to be a successful ponygirl, and not try to
mother her.� She looked at Mr. Jung and nodded,
���� The door opened and Betty came in, she
had several large shoeboxes with her.� She went to the
couch at the far side of the office and put them down.
She sat waiting expectantly for Monica.� Mr. Jung and
Aaron came by and patted Monica on the arm and
stroked her cheek.� Denise continued to hold her
around her shoulders.� She gave Monica a little kiss on
her temple and then patted her cheek.� She went over
to Mr. Jung and Aaron, they left headed for the
restaurant for coffee.�
���� �Come on over here and we�ll get some
hoof-boots for you, we can�t have you going out to the
racetrack barefoot,� Betty said.� Monica went to the
sofa and sat beside Betty.
���� �When you�re done take her to the stable
and get Leslie, and take them both out to the racetrack,
please.� We have a meeting at the restaurant and
Paddy will leave the key to his pickup on his desk.� He
will be in the meeting with me,� Wendy said to
Betty.� Betty nodded.� She left with Mrs. Rush, headed
to the restaurant.
���� She got the hoof-boots fitted and gave
Monica some time to get used to them.� With the boots
on she was six feet, three inches tall.� The boots were
high up over Monica�s ankles and built like very high-
heeled shoes, with a two-inch platform and as high as
seven inch heels.� Betty explained that the sole was
firm enough that there was no heel under her foot.� The
front portion was shaped like a horse hoof, which is why
they were called Hoof-Boots.� They spent half an hour
in the office while Monica got used to walking in them.
���� �The easiest way to walk in them is to
stand like you were up on tippy-toes and arch your
back.�� When Monica tried it, she felt immediately
more stable and under control.
���� When they were ready to go, Betty told
Monica that talking outside in a customer area was not
allowed, but that she could after they got away from the
ranch area, until they got to the track.� Then it would
be up to the trainers or jockeys.� They went to the
training stable and found Leslie and Paddy�s pickup
keys; they got in and headed for the track.

���� Monica threw the ball for Marcus, the big

German Shepard ran after it again.� He got it and
brought it back to her and sat in front of her, proudly
holding the red ball for her.� She took the ball and
threw it again.� Marcus ran after the ball again.� She
watched as Elise threw the ball for Pedro, she looked
around at Monica.� They both laughed as they threw
their balls again.� Willi called Monica to come in; she
was expecting a visit from the vet.
� �Come on Marcus, time to go,� she said and
started for the stable.� The big black Shepard forgot all
about the ball and immediately ran after
Monica.� Marcus was as dark as Erin�s dog Ajax, they
were almost identical, but Ajax was slightly smaller than
Marcus, and he ran with Erin everyday.� Monica was
amazed, she thought she was crazy to run, but Erin was
over the top.� She ran faster and farther than any of
the other girls.� She�s probably not able to win the
Olympics, but the Ponygirl Champion was the champion
for a good reason.� Monica was intrigued by the red W
tattoo on Erin�s breast.� It was marvelous to have the
trophy tattooed on like that.� She wanted one of her
���� She went into the stable to the clinic where
the vet was waiting.� When she walked in Willi was
there talking to the vet.�
���� �Hi, come on in,� he said.�
���� �I�m sorry it took so long to get here, I
had to put my dog away,� Monica said.
���� �It�s fine, I knew you were busy, besides
I�m over an hour early,� the vet responded.� �Do you
have birth control implants?��
���� �My boyfriend insisted,� Monica said as
she nodded.� She held up her left arm, so the vet could
see where the implant was inserted.� He carefully took
the little hormone strips out of the arm, without causing
���� �Wow, the doctor that put them in said
they weren�t removable, that easy,� Monica
����� The vet smiled, �Technology has changed
lately.� Okay I have another little medical marvel for
you.�� He held up a package with a small intrauterine
coil inside.� �This coil is fiberglass, totally inert.� It�s
impregnated with a hormone similar to the hormone in
the implant, but it�s less intense.� So all it really does
is menstruation control, three or four a year.�� He
looked at his clipboard, �Twenty years old, probably
four times for you.�
��� He got Monica to lie on the examination table
and put her feet into the stirrups and then he put the
straps over her ankles, to keep her from taking her feet
down before he was ready.� He pushed the insertion
tool into Monica�s vagina and immediately found her
cervix and gently pushed into her uterus, and placed the
IUD inside.� When he was done he pulled the tool out
and tossed it into the sink.
���� �Won�t the IUD slip out when I run or
workout real hard,� Monica asked?
���� �There are tiny little barbs or spurs and it
won�t ever slip out of place.� Your groom will be
checking for it regularly, also,� he assured
her.� �We�re all done for now, go ahead.�
���� �You have an appointment right back here
after lunch for measurements,� Willi told her.� �The
measurements are necessary to get your tack and hoof-
boots, and other equipment.�

���� Margot came into the clinic with Joshua;

they were a little late and had rushed to the clinic.
���� �We are sorry to be late and leaving you
sitting here waiting.� We went to the tack room that�s
where we�ve been doing the measurements; we didn�t
know we were doing it here now.�
���� �That�s ok.� What do you want me to do
first,� asked Monica?
���� �Nothing, just stand there while I measure
you for the tack, and bridle harness,� said
Margot.� �Then we will get your foot casts for the inner
soles of the hoof-boots,� she added.
���� �Inner soles?� What sort of inner sole,�
Monica asked?
���� �We get orthotic insoles, they�re custom
made for your feet,� Joshua spoke up.� �When she�s
done, come over here and I�ll get the casts made.�
���� Margot measured her arms, legs, and body
for the sulky harness and her head for the bridle.� She
sent Monica to Joshua for the orthotic casts.� When the
casts were done, Margot got Monica up onto the
examination table.
���� �Please kneel facing the window, Monica,�
Margot said. � Okay, place your arms on the table in
front of your knees, and put your head on your arms.��
�� �Oh shit, what is this for,� Monica said when
she was knelt down.
���� Margot said, �I know this pretty bad, but
it�s not for long.�� Margot pressed on the insides of
Monica�s knees, �Open up a little, Monica.� We have
to measure your anus.�
���� �Oooh, why?� What do you need to
measure there for?�
���� �Some races require a butt-tail,� she said
as she applied lube to the end of the measure.��
���� �Please relax as much as you can, for
me.�� Margot placed her left hand on Monica�s back
and pressed the measure into her anus.�
���� �I get the butt-plugs made to your size, so
it�s not any bigger than necessary, and big enough that
it won�t fall out while you�re running, that�s a
disqualification.� You work too hard to get into the races
to get disqualified for that.�� Monica agreed with
���� �Josh, I�ve got four, what do you
see?�� Josh stepped forward and looked, and
agreed.� Margot pulled the measure out of Monica and
carefully wipe the excess lube from Monica�s anus.
���� �Okay, come on get down.� You can go to
the office and have a cup of coffee.�� She smiled at
Monica, � Please rest for half an hour.�

���� Monica stood between the rails of the sulky;

Miller was attaching the sulky straps to her pulling
harness.� The sulky was attached by four straps, which
were anchored to the sulky at two points one placed on
each rail.� Two straps one from each side went across
her back to attach on the opposite side of her wide belt,
and two others went from the same attachment to the
belt at the same side.� Then he had to hook two loose
chains from points in front to the same side to back up,
or reverse the sulky.� She wore pony-hands that
covered each hand and halfway up her forearm with a
dainty hoof shaped mitt, but left her arms free.� She
could swing her arms while running for better balance
and speed.� Monica had never pulled a sulky before; the
club in Colorado had several chariots.� They were not
allowed outdoors very often, so pulling a chariot used all
the available space in the big dance hall.
���� The sulky felt very light to her and very
responsive.� Every move she made was translated
through the rails to the sulky.� Miller led her through
the gate onto the track; where Joshua was waiting.�
���� �Josh says he wants you to get used to
having a sulky behind, so just start running around the
track and he�ll stop you when it�s time,� Miller told
her.� Monica whinnied, as Miller stroked the side of her
���� She had spent the morning with Willi, under
the tree behind the stable.� Willi started by telling
Monica that she would learn to whinny today and she
could expect to whinny only for the next ten days at
���� �You have heard a pony whinny, haven�t
you?� So go ahead, try it yourself.�
���� �Whee Hee Hee,� Monica tried.
���� �That�s good. Try again, but this time
while you are making the whinny, make a ha ha
aa.� Make this sound deep in your throat.�
���� �Whiinnyy, whiinnyyy.�
���� �Perfect absolutely, the proper wiehern,
whinny,� Willi was genuinely happy for Monica.� �Now
try the same sound with your lips closed, and shake your
head, for no.�
���� Willi had an adjustable bridle for Monica,
and a training bit.� The training bit was very different
from the racing bit.� The bit was shaped like a �Y�
where the single end pressed on the root of Monica�s
tongue.� The bit�s material was aluminum, coated with
soft plastic material.� The bit felt smooth to Monica�s
tongue and lips, and if pulled back firmly by the jockey
the end pressed into her tongue.� If the jockey had to
pull hard, if would move back far enough to almost
trigger her gag reflex.� Willi held the bit up, and Monica
opened her mouth for Willi to put it in place.� When the
bit was in Willi snapped it to the rings on the bridle and
attached the reins.
���� �To get practice, you must whinny only for
the next ten days.� You do not have to keep track of the
days.� I will tell you when you may speak again,� Willi
told her gravely.� �Be careful, liebling, do not make the
mistake.� The punishment could be severe.�
���� Monica nodded, and then whinnied.� They
both had a laugh.
���� �Liebling, have you ever had to urinate
outdoors, while wearing your tack, or hitched to a
���� �Whinny,� and �Wmummmy,� and she
shook her head.
���� �Ok, we are going to learn to do that this
morning,� Willi had a water bottle, which she gave
Monica a big drink from.� �You�re going to need lots
of water so drink up, now.�� She led Monica to the blue
and white striped pole at the far side of the corral.�
���� �Do you know what this is for?� No?� This
is for urination, pissen, is urinate in German.� When you
are here in the corral and around the stable, you must
come here or to another pole.� Then you will urinate on
the ground.�� Monica whinnied and nodded.� �When
you are out on the track or out on the roadways around
here,� Willi waved her arm to indicate the roads and
paths out and around the track.� �You may go
anywhere.�� Willi raised her hand and her index
finger.�� Unless I tell you not to urinate or nitcht
pissen, in German.� Otherwise whenever we stop, you
may pee on the ground.�
���� Willi gave her another drink of water, she
wasn�t sure she wanted one but when Willi put the
bottle to her lips she had to drink.� �If you need to
urinate and we are in a place where I have told you not
to go, like over there by the picnic table, just whinny the
same sound for �no� but paw the ground with your left
foot.�� Monica whinnied and nodded.
���� Willi smiled and chuckled, she reached up
and took the bit out of Monica�s mouth, �You�re
getting this down, quite well.�� Monica smiled and then
whinnied and nodded.
���� �Very good, liebling, very good,� Willi
stroked her left cheek and then snapped the bit back in
place.� �Oh, one more thing, if the bit is in place, do
not speak over it, even if I tell you that you may speak,
you have to wait until the bit is out.� That will be
punished severely.�
���� Monica stepped over to the pole and stood
there, she needed to pee.� She looked at Willi, and
shrugged.� She didn�t really know what to do next.
She started to squat to pee on the ground.
���� �No, liebling, you must stand to urinate.�
Willi cautioned.� �Stand and move your feet about
eighteen inches apart.�� Monica moved her feet apart
as Willi instructed.
���� �Now bend your knees, and lean
forward.�� Monica complied with her
instructions.� �Now arch your back, that�s very
good,� Willi pressed her left hand on Monica�s lower
back.� �Now is the hardest part, you must take a
breath and then let it go.�� Monica started to pee and
then stopped.�
���� �Come on with it, you can do it,� Willi
urged and pressed harder on Monica�s lower
back.� Monica finally went on the ground.� When she
was done she stayed in the position while Willi wiped her
vulva and urethra with a wet wipe.� Willi insisted that
the ponygirls must be kept absolutely sanitary.
���� When Monica was finished Willi led her to
the stable and had the handler, Miller hitch a sulky
up.� Monica liked him he was kind to her and gentle
getting the sulky hitched to her harness.� When she
was done he sent her out onto the track.
���� Letitia�s training was also Willi�s
responsibility, and Letitia took to the training without the
slightest hesitation.� She felt she was so much better
off here, which meant anything Willi wanted she did
immediately.� Letitia was in very good condition, but
Willi wanted perfect.� During her second week Willi had
her blinders closed and they started the confidence
���� Letitia was afraid to try to take even one
step.� Willi had her light whip but even two strokes with
it failed to convince Letitia to take even one step.�
���� �Do you think I would run you into a
wall, liebling?� Willi asked as she walked to
Letitia.� �Liebling, do you really believe your Willi
would want to harm you?�� She was so close she
practically whispered in Letitia�s ear.� Letitia shook her
head, no.� Tears ran down her face as Willi spoke so
softly to her.
���� �Would you like to try walking with me
right here with you?� Willi asked sensitively.
���� �WWHuummm,� was Letitia�s answer,
Willi was impressed, as Letitia was doing so well.
���� �Come liebling,� she stayed with Letitia
and took the rein where it joined her bridle.� �Walk
with me, now.�� Willi walked Letitia around in the
corral for nearly half an hour, talking gently to her until
she was more relaxed and confident.
��� Willi sat in the sulky and took up the reins and
gently shook them, without saying anything.� This time
Letitia took a cautious step; she paused and then took
another.� Soon Letitia was walking around the corral,
but still very carefully.
���� �Whoa, liebling, whoa,� Willi pulled Letitia
up.� She got out of the sulky and walked to the
ponygirl.� �Letitia, liebling, we will stay in the corral
today, you do not need to worry.�� Willi had a water
bottle and gave Letitia a big drink.� Willi let water flow
all over so it ran down Letitia�s chin until it dripped off
her nipples.�
���� �Oopps, too much,� she had a cloth and
she gently dried Letitia�s chest and her breasts and
���� �Whummm,� Letitia said from deep in her
chest.� Willi laughed and softly stroked Letitia�s head
and ear.� She went back to the sulky and took up the
reins again.� Letitia was moving confidently and she
regained her form by evening.� When Willi was done for
day she guided Letitia to the side of the corral and
stopped her.� Miller was there to get her unhitched; he
gently stroked Letitia�s shoulder and cooed gently to
her so he didn�t scare her.� Letitia waited for him to
open the blinkers.� After he got her eyes uncovered she
smiled at him.�
���� Miller finished unhitching Letitia and led her
to the stable for Andrea to bathe and feed.� Andrea was
waiting for her in her stall and had her dog for
her.� Letitia named him Jerome, after her uncle.� He
had been there for her when she was little, right up until
he passed away from heart trouble when she was in high

���� Willi had finished getting their lunch out of

the picnic basket and a bottle of cold water for each from
the small cooler, it had been on the sulky since this
morning.� They left the corral and made four circuits of
the track before she directed Letitia out through the gate
and onto the road.� She kept Letitia running for the
entire morning, until lunchtime.� They pulled up in a
shady spot that she used for lunch with each blinkered
ponygirl.� She fed Letitia without opening the
blinkers.� Letitia had no idea where they were, but she
knew they were not at the track.� They finished and she
looped Letitia�s reins over a tree limb and helped her
lay down.� They took a good rest and Willi got Letitia up
to go for the remainder of the afternoon.� They pulled
into the corral and stopped almost exactly in the same
spot where Letitia�s blinkers had been closed.�
���� Willi liked Erin�s reaction when she was run
all day with blinkers and re-opened in almost the same
spot.� Erin had said they went all day but that she had
not gone anywhere.� Letitia looked around and whinnied
softly while Miller unhitched her harness.
���� Letitia was the first ponygirl to be able to
trust Willi completely without being tortured with the
nipple clamps.� Letitia didn�t ever do anything she was
not supposed to do, so punishment was not called
for.�� It just took longer for her to come around, and
trust Willi enough to run full speed without being able to
see where she was going.�
���� �You have done so well liebling,� Willi said
to her.� �I will be sure your groom gives you a very,
very good washing tonight.�
���� �Thank you, Willi,� Letitia blushed.� She
was very shy and couldn�t look at Willi.

Erin and Letitia

���� �Wake up, please,� Letitia gently touched

the side of Erin�s head; she didn�t want to scare Erin
while she slept.� She leaned forward and softly kissed
Erin�s right temple, next to her right eye.� When
Erin�s eyes opened she saw Letitia�s dark brown face
smiling down at her, she smiled too.� �Please hold me,
Erin,� Letitia sat on the side of the small bunk.�
���� �Are you all right?� Erin sat up and put her
arms around Letitia�s naked shoulders.� �Is something
wrong?�� Letitia smiled and shook her head, no.
���� �I need to hold you and have you hold
me,� She whispered.� �I�ve wanted you since the day
you won that race.� I�ll do anything for you, I love you
so much,� Letitia�s leaned forward and kissed Erin�s
lips.� She was so gentle and sweet.������
���� Letitia�s kiss became more insistent and
more awakening.� Erin was not averse to the attentions
of a woman, as she told Willi that first day so long
ago.� She was surprised by Letitia�s interest.�
���� Letitia�s pink tongue darted quickly
between Erin�s soft lips.� She probed Erin�s mouth,
their tongues met and Erin�s light brown eyes opened
wide as she looked into Letitia�s dark brown eyes.� She
returned Letitia�s sweet kiss and followed Letitia�s
tongue back between the luscious full lips.
���� �Mmmmuhh,� Erin said as she returned
Letitia�s kisses.� She lay back as Letitia pushed lightly
on the front of her chest.�� Letitia knelt beside Erin�s
cot as she stroked slowly down Erin�s flat tummy.� She
tenderly touched Erin�s navel, Letitia�s lips followed
her hand over Erin�s petite breasts and quickly kissed
each hard nipple.� She continued to kiss a trail over
Erin�s tanned belly to her large mons.� Letitia slowed
and licked at the very top of Erin�s pussy, just where
her outer lips began to fill out.�
���� �Oh god, Letitia,� Erin gasped.� �Oh
please, don�t stop.�� Letitia slowly pushed the first 2
fingers of her right hand into Erin�s vagina, she sucked
Erin�s huge clitoris between her lips, and licked the
sensitive tip.� Letitia�s left hand closed on Erin�s firm
right nipple, and pinched roughly.� Erin folded her
knees and held her legs apart so Letitia had better
access.� Letitia responded by adding her other fingers,
so she now had four fingers inserted into Erin.� With her
left hand she tugged on the tiny gold ring through
Erin�s right nipple.�
���� She realized there was even more room
inside Erin, so she also pushed with her thumb.� She
had her entire right hand inside Erin�s pussy.� Erin was
trying to touch Letitia�s breasts, but she couldn�t get
arm between them.� She slowly stroked Letitia�s back,
her hand slid gently over Letitia�s back and followed
around the curve of Letitia�s sleek bottom.� Erin�s
fingers found Letitia�s wet vagina, she quickly slipped
her index finger between the engorged, full pussy
lips.� When her finger was wet, she began to pull back
from the slippery flesh.
���� Erin felt the wrinkled skin of Letitia�s
anus.� She slowly pushed her slick index finger into
Letitia�s tight anus.� Letitia gasped and moaned softly,
she slowly pushed her entire hand farther into Erin�s
pussy.� Letitia did not have very large hands, but she
was still so amazed the she was able to reach so far into
Erin.� Her wrist was fully inside, and Erin kept her knees
pulled up.� Letitia began to open and close her hand, as
Erin gently pushed her finger in and then slightly pulled
back, only to press anew.
���� Letitia and Erin climaxed together, Erin
moaned loudly and Erin�s pussy lips muffled Letitia�s
gasps.� When they both finished, Erin grasped Letitia�s
wrist and pulled.� She wanted to kiss Letitia�s lips
again, but Letitia was intrigued by the sheer size of
Erin�s vagina.� She wanted to continue to explore
inside Erin.�
���� �Oh, please Letitia, take it out now,� Erin
begged.� Letitia slowly withdrew her hand; it was wet
with Erin�s secretions.� Letitia sat back and licked her
entire hand.
���� �Erin, you taste so good,� she said
between licks.� �I love you.� I�ve been dreaming of
this since you beat me that day.� She smiled, her white
teeth showed up in soft glow of the night-lights.� �Do
you remember the day we ran away from the rustlers?�
she asked, but didn�t wait for an answer.� �I wanted
us to hide together out there so you could just hold
me.�� She leaned forward and softly kissed Erin�s
lips.� She was so tender and sweet to her that Erin
started feel a lump in her throat.
���� �Letitia, how did you get in here?� Erin
���� �Miller is on tonight, he let me in here,�
Letitia giggled.� �I told him how much I needed to have
you.�� Letitia leaned close to Erin�s right ear, �He
loves you too, you know?�
� ����Miller?� Erin was surprised.� �I thought
he was,,,,well not interested in girls.�
���� �I know, but he loves you too,� Letitia
repeated.� �He told me you�re the only girl he�s ever
wanted.� That�s not too weird, Erin, all of us here want
���� Letitia turned and slipped away, when she
got to the gate to Erin�s stall the electric lock
clicked.�� Miller had activated it from the front desk.
���� Erin smiled as she closed her eyes, she lay
awake for a long time until sleep found her again.

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