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Careless Wishes

Part 1

*author's note: I wrote this sometime last year (2008), my first in

this genre. Originally "Abigail" was "Ayla" since this was written for

my online friends and we like to write about ourselves�but then I

wrote Future Shocked which also starred "me" in a completely

different setting so I figured I'd better change this one to avoid

confusion! Hope you enjoy!

Careless Wishes

By Ayla Jaxxon

"You are so naughty!" giggled Abigail. Iza just grinned that

feral grin of hers. "This skirt is too short to not wear panties!"

"Oh, come on!" encouraged Iza, "you know you'll like it. It will

be our little slut secret. And no bra either."

"Iza! With THESE boobs?!" In the end, Iza won out, as she

always did. They had been friends for almost a year and had

becomes friends with benefits. Iza had opened Abigail's eyes to all

sorts of things. Abby was a small town girl moved to the big city

and sophisticated Iza took her on as a willing student.

Iza said, "Looking good, Hun. You're going to really enjoy

tonight, this party may change your life." Abby gave her a

mockingly dubious look. Iza continued, "Come on, the limo should

be here."

Abigail followed with a bouncing, excited step, "I can't believe

they sent a limo to pick us up! How cool is that?!" Iza just smiled.

The limo was indeed waiting. The driver, an attractive blonde,

opened the door to let the two girls into the back. Abigail made

note of the driver's uniform, a take on the classic chauffeur's outfit,

but the black leather jacket was oh so tight and she was wearing a

leather mini-skirt and high, lace-up, stiletto heeled boots. Her hair

was pulled back in a severe French braid under her black leather

cap. They rode a bit and picked up yet another two girls,

introductions were made. One, Vera, was apparently already a

pretty good friend of Iza's as they shared a very friendly kiss. The

other girl was very cute, petite, and seemed just a bit nervous. Her

name was Ariel. The four girls chatted and had a very nice time in

the luxury of the limo, each had a glass of champagne�or two, as it

was a rather long drive to the party. Abby couldn't help but notice

how Iza and Vera kept exchanging knowing glances, to the point

where she even kidded them about it.

All they would say was, "Girls, tonight's the night we make our

wishes come true."

Time passed quickly as they giggled and flirted their way out

of town, and soon the city lights were far behind. Ariel blushed

furiously when it was discovered that, like Iza and Abigail, she and

Vera had been playing bedroom "tie up" games. Iza looked at Ariel

with mock wonder, "Goodness, Ariel, you're almost as bad as

Abby! She can have a screaming orgasm just by being tied

up!" Abigail gave Iza a "I can't believe you just said that" look,

Ariel just continued to turn bright red. Vera just laughed.

Soon, just as Abigail was beginning to wonder where the heck

they were�the limousine slowed. They came to large, wrought iron

gates that opened slowly and, it seemed, automatically. A sign over

the gate read, "Chateau Esclavage".

"Anyone know French?" asked Abigail.

"I know a little." Replied Ariel, "House�slavery? That can't be


Iza spoke up quickly, "I think it's an idiom, means something

like 'This house takes a lot of work to maintain' or something like

Abigail giggled, "I am not an idiom!"

"No, you're an idiot! You goof." Replied Iza. "How many glasses

of champagne have you had?"

"Just a couple!"

The Limousine pulled up to an enormous house, a near castle-

like mansion. Another limo was just pulling away and the girls saw

four other young ladies just entering through the huge iron bound

doors. "Holy shmoly, Iza!" exclaimed Abigail. "You said these folks

were 'well off' but this is ridiculous!"

Their driver opened the door and the four girls went up the

wide stone stairs. The doors opened for them and they were

greeted by yet another beauty. She was a dark skinned young

woman, tall, and wearing a tight, copper-colored latex micro

dress. She smiled, "Ah, Iza, Vera, so glad that you've made

it. Tonight is your big night, my dears. And this must be Abigail,

oh, and Ariel�what lovely girls you are! Mistress will be so pleased

that you are here!" Abigail smiled back, trying not to look unnerved

by the greeter's familiarity. "And," the woman continued, "You'll

need to wear these! We will be having party games and these

denote the teams." She produced four silk scarves, two red and two

white. She tied them around each of the girl's upper left arms. Iza

and Vera got red, Abigail and Ariel white.

"Awww, I wanted to be on Iza's team. No offense Ariel." said

Abigail. And then in a quieter voice, "And besides, this scarf doesn't

go with my outfit!"

"Don't worry." said Iza, "If everything goes right, we'll be on

the same team later."

They went in through the great hall and into a wondrous room,

it was large, beautifully appointed, and looked like something out of

'Masterpiece Theater'. There were leather, overstuffed chairs and

couches, iron chandeliers, oriental rugs, a large fireplace, rather

risqu� paintings on the wall done in a renaissance style, and many

beautiful women. There were perhaps twenty five or thirty young

ladies in the room. Many, around half, were dressed in leather or

even latex outfits, many quite revealing. Nearly all of these girls had

red scarves tied to their arms. Most of the rest were in typical club

wear, as were Abigail and Ariel, sexy, but not too unusual. They

wore the white scarves. There were a few women, five or six with

black scarves; they looked like hostesses, at the doorways and

such. A few other women, just a few very confident looking ones,

had no scarves at all.

A string quartet, all women, played chamber music in the


Abigail whispered to Iza, "Hey, there's no guys here�."

She just replied with a "mmhmm."

"And every one of these girls is gorgeous!"


"You didn't tell me this was going to be a lesbian fetish party!"

"And do you mind?"

"Iza, this is kinky even for you!"

"Just wait, it's going to get better."

It was surprisingly easy to relax. The girls were all friendly and

excited. Abigail found herself kissing and touching�and being

touched by, complete strangers in a matter of moments. Everyone

seemed to be in a very flirty mood.

"Abby," Iza had come to her, "I want you to meet

someone." Iza led Abigail over to a statuesque woman with auburn

hair. She was stunning, but more than that, she was intimidating

and alluring at the same time. "Mistress Shift, this is my friend,


The woman smiled warmly. "Abigail, what a lovely name for a

lovely creature. I do so hope that we will become�.close." Abigail

blushed and didn't know why.

"Yes�..Mistress, that would be�nice." stammered the girl.

"I'm sure we'll chat more latter, my dear."

"Yes, Ma'am�"
Mistress Shift smiled again, then turned away to confer with a

black scarf girl.

As the two girls walked away, Abigail asked, "Iza! Is that the

'Mistress' you were telling me about?! The one know�got

you 'into' this bondage stuff?"

Iza laughed, "Well yes and no, she certainly got me 'into'

bondage, but I had a previous interest. Just like you have had

those 'fantasies' since you were a girl?"

"Shhh! God, Iza, shut up!" Abigail laughed.

The two wandered around for a bit. Abby noticed that several

girls were 'wondering' themselves, even out of the room. In fact,

she remembered two girls, a red silk with her arm around a white

silk�head out down a hallway. They were followed closely by two

black scarf girls. She remembered because the red scarf girl was

particularly stunning and there she was again, chatting�her former

partner no where to be seen. In fact, they seemed to be several

white scarf girls missing. Curious.

Just then, Ariel grabbed Abigail by the arm and pulled her away

from the others. She hissed into her ear, "There's something weird

going on here!"

"You mean besides an all girl latex and leather fetish party in a

"I'm not kidding!" whispered Ariel, worried. "Haven't you

noticed? Our 'team' is getting smaller!"

"Yes, but come on Ariel, I noticed but don't you think that

maybe they're �sleeping it off, heaven knows that I want to sleep

after I cu�."

"Abigail! This isn't funny! I think we should get out of here,

right now!"

Abby sighed, "Ariel, don't be so jumpy, you get Vera and I'll

get Iza and we'll stick together. Safety in numbers, right?"

"I think they're IN on it!"

"Oh for heaven's sake, relax. You and I will keep and eye on

each other."

Iza taped Abigail on the shoulder, Abigail jumped. "Damn,

Iza! You scared the shit outta me!'

"Sorry, come sit with me, Sweetie. We need to talk."

"Sure, Iza. I'll be right back Ariel, stay here."

They moved off, leaving Ariel standing there, biting her

lip. Ariel watched them walk away and did not notice the black

scarf girl moving smoothly up behind her, a white cloth folded on

her gloved palm�

Iza and Abigail sat on a comfy couch and Iza began, "So,

Ariel's looking a little scared�"

"Ya, she's been watching too many spooky movies."

"She's right, you know."

Abigail gave her a smirking look, "Ya, right Iza. You can't scare


Iza nodded, "I think I can, actually. Here goes�You know I

love you right?" Abigail nodded. "And I only want what's best for

you?" Again, Abby nodded. "Well, I've been planning on this for

myself for some time and tonight's the night. I am giving myself to

Mistress Shift as her permanent sex slave."

"What!?" Abigail looked incredulous, "You can't be serious!"

"Yes, and there's more. All of the red scarf girls are giving

themselves to Mistresses tonight. None of us will ever be free

again. There's a whole underground world here, Abby, full of

complete and total slavery." Abigail just stared at her friend, her

mouth an 'O' of shock. "And here's where you come in, they don't

just take�.willing slaves her, Abby, they take�unwilling girls

too." Understanding began to dawn on Abigail. "Abby, you are my

gift to Mistress Shift. All of the white scarf girls are gifts�to prove

our commitment to our Mistresses." Iza put her hand on Abigail's

arm and continued quickly, "But Abby! I just know that you will be

happy here! You love to be bound, you always talk about your

kidnap fantasies, how you want to be forced!"

"Oh my God, Iza! Those are just fantasies!!! I don't want to

be a sex slave!"

Iza looked her friend in the eyes, "Well, it's too late now."

Abigail stood, anger and confusion on her face, "This is crazy,

Iza! I'm leaving, now!"

"That won't be possible dear." came a smooth voice from

behind. Abigail whirled and saw Mistress Shift, standing with her

arms folded across her formidable bosom. She was flanked by two

black scarf girls. Another two came in from behind Abigail,

surrounding her. Iza leapt up and rushed over to her Mistress,

dropping to her knees before her.

"Did I do well Mistress? Are you pleased?"

"Yes, my sweet. I am pleased with the gift of yourself, I now

take you as mine, you are my slave." Iza beamed. "As for your

other gift, that pleases me as well. In fact, I think it's time I

unwrap her�and then maybe wrap her up again�"



Chapter 2
Abigail was no pushover. She grew up on a farm, she was

tough. She aimed a swinging blow at the nearest black scarf girl,

and missed completely. These girls were trained. Abigail had the

briefest moment of surprise as the other girl calmly ducked under

her punch and came up with a strike to her midsection. Tough she

may have been, but Abby had never taken that kind of hit in her

life. She doubled over, the air knocked out of her. They were on

her in an instant; one of them kicked her in the back of her knees,

causing her upper body to fly back so that the assailant could grab

her hair and jerk her back even further. Another grabbed her right

arm with both hands and twisted it behind her back, pulling it up

hard and painfully. The third attacker came in low, aiming rapid

strikes to her inner thigh, her side and her stomach. Iza gasped,

horrified, "Oh God! Stop! Don't hurt her any more!"

Iza's head snapped to the side from the slapping blow her

Mistress leveled on her. A second, backhanded, sent her reeling

back to collapse on the floor. She rolled to her side, groaning,

pushing herself up with her hands. She looked up in shock, the

taste of blood in her mouth. "It's not that I don't like to hear my

slaves beg, Iza, I do." said her Mistress, calmly. "But that wasn't

begging, it sounded more like an order. If I hear you talk like that

again, you will regret it."

Abigail was gasping for air, her mind a haze of pain. The black

scarf girls were stripping her, quickly, efficiently. It wasn't

hard. Her tight, thin blouse was torn off, her mini skirt, her shoes;

she was completely naked in mere moments. They had ropes, thin

and nylon, sliding loops already tied in the end of each one. She

tried to fight but she could barely breathe. The ropes were quickly

looped and tightened around her wrists; they were pulled up

behind, her hands to her shoulder blades. They then wrapped the

ropes around her neck and wound them down around her body,

under her arms and above and below her breasts. Forced to the

ground, facedown, they looped her ankles, and wound the ropes

around her thighs, hogtieing her. Abigail wheezed, drawing in what

little air she could, her eyes wide, her face red, her back

arched. The Black scarf girls stood, not even winded.

Mistress Shift grabbed and handful of Iza's hair and drew her to

her knees. Then she dragged her over to kneel before Abigail's

stricken face. "Look at her Iza, this is what you said she wanted,

yes? To be taken, forced, kidnapped�.hurt." Iza shook, tears

running down her face. "Don't be jealous my pet, there will be

plenty of pain for you as well. I know how much you like it." Then

she looked thoughtful, "I suppose we should let her breathe, my

black scarves do get ever so carried away, she made a big mistake
fighting them. That just makes them go into 'fuck her over'

mode." The Mistress paused for a moment�a long moment, and

then motioned towards bound girl. The black scarves immediately

went to untie her. "That's not any way to leave a girl that I want to

keep alive. Pity though, she does look so nice like that."

Choking and coughing, Abby felt them retie her hands behind

her back in a U shape, each wrist tied just above the opposite

elbow. Her legs were untied but they hobbled her with just a foot or

so of cord between her ankles.

"Gag her."

They jerked her up to her knees and one of her tormentors

slapped the side of her breast, hard. She opened her mouth the cry

out and one of them stuffed a large sponge right into it. Her jaw

was forced shut by one as another girl slapped a wide piece of duct

tape over her lips. In panic, Abigail finally found her voice and

screamed. The sound was greatly muffled. "Ahhh," murmured

Mistress Shift, "I do so love the sound of gagged screaming." The

Mistress looked around the room, "Well, the party's over

girls. Abigail was the last white scarf to take. The others are

already being prepared to go�wherever they're going. All of the

Mistress's are eager to get their new pets home. Fortunately, mine

already are home. Girls, make sure sweet Abigail is comfortable for
the night. I may make time for her tomorrow. Tonight, my new

slave gets to scream. Come Iza."

Two black scarves hoisted Abigail up to her feet and dragged

her, stumbling, away. They urged her to cooperate with swift slaps

to her ass and thighs, but she couldn’t help but struggle. Her

constant squeals and screams still muffled by the gag. Down a

dark, arched hallway they went, down stairs, through heavy wooden

doors. They came into a hall of cages, cells like in some medieval

prison. Abigail saw a girl hanging by her wrists in the first, it was

Ariel. Her naked body was glistening with sweat, it swayed

slightly. Her head hung down but Abby could see that she was

gagged with a knotted cloth. Her body was stretched so tightly, her

arms straining, her wrists bound with rope and attached to a sturdy

hook and pulley. Flickering shadows danced over her body as she

hung there. Abigail screamed again.

They dragged her further, through yet another door, and

another, and into a large dark room. There was but a single light

source high above, illuminating a large, rough hewn table with iron

rings�.and chains�

Abigail fought with renewed strength. Her body bucking and

twisting, she tried to kick only to come up short, held by the corded

hobble. Her high pitched and stifled cries echoed from the stone
walls. One of her captors pulled forth a simple blackjack, and struck

her across the back of her head, low. Her eyes rolled back as she

slumped in their arms, unconscious.

Iza was well secured. She looked up at her own right arm,

stretched out above her. She was on a rack, nearly upright, and

spread eagle. The worn leather straps, and there were many of

them, were not buckled, rather each one went around part of her

body and into a slot in the thick wooden rack�behind, a wedge kept

it in place; Mistress had tapped each wedge in with a wooden

mallet. They were very tight. Fours straps on her arm alone held

her, wrist, forearm, upper arm near the elbow, and one near her

shoulder. Her legs were done in a similar fashion; her feet did not

touch the ground. Mistress Shift seemed to almost be talking to

herself when she said, "Sometimes, simple is better." She turned to

Iza with a coil of rough hemp rope in her hand. She forced a length

of it between Iza's teeth and wound it around her head and through

her mouth three times, shoving her head forward and back with

each turn. It too, was very tight. The rope cut into Iza's cheeks;

she could feel the harsh texture on her tongue. Her breath was

ragged, her eyes wide as her Mistress tied a knot in the rope at the

back of her head. Mistress Shift reached under and gripped Iza's
jaw, slamming her head back against the wood, to inspect her own

work. Iza's eyes flickered a bit from the blow. "Good, still able to

scream�but no silly words." The Woman picked up one more strap,

wider than the others. She curved it and placed it around Iza's

neck, fitting it into the slots. She went behind and fixed the

wedges, pounding them in. Iza winced, her head immobilized, the

strap tight about her throat. Mistress Shift walked briskly back

around and pulled a wheeled cart, like a small table, with her. The

objects on the cart were covered with a cloth. The Mistress smiled

and paused, silent. After a few torturously long moments, she

delicately took the cloth in her fingers. She watched Iza's face as

she slowly pulled the covering away. Iza screamed.

It was the sound of the chains rolling through the pulley that

woke her. Ariel groaned, her head aching, her arms throbbing. She

felt her toes touch the cold stone floor but she could not support

herself and continued to be lowered until she was nearly on her

knees. She heard a hazy "This is one tiny slut." But her head was

still foggy. She gasped as icy cold water hit her. She shook her

head to see two leather clad girls in her cell, one was holding an

empty bucket; both were black scarves. Ariel's awareness dawned

with terror.
"Mistress says we get this one."

The other girl made a snorting noise, "Humf, our very own toy

slut. Just what we needed."

"Well, I'm in the mood so let's start her training." The woman

held up a device, a long thin device with a pronged end, it was a

cattle prod. "Listen slut, if you do anything, anything, that I don't

tell you to do�I'm going to stick this up your ass. Got it?"

Ariel nodded, horrified. "Please�please don't hurt me�.."

She screamed as the prongs dug into her flesh, jolting her. "I

did not tell you to talk."

They grabbed her and forced her out of the cell and into

another room. The knot on her wrists was too tight to untie so they

cut her free with a knife. The room was full of�devices. Ariel,

shivered uncontrollably. She was trying to cover her naked body

with her hands as the two women considered the

possibilities. Decided, they dragged her over to a narrow bench;

she was forced to her knees at one end, her back to the device.

They cuffed her ankles underneath with handcuffs run through an

iron ring fastened to the floor. She was made to lie back on the

bench and her tiny wrists locked together beneath. "Now, slut, I am

going to sit on your face and you're going to make me cum. If I

don't think you're doing a good job, I'm going to fry your cunt with

this cattle prod. Got it?"

Abigail woke up. Horror, disbelief, pain. She was alone. She

was kneeling, her thighs spread wide and her torso slumped

forward, on the round wooden table. She was wet, cold. She

straightened, her head lulled back weakly. She heard the clinking

sound of chain links. She squinted, looking up at the single light. It

was raining. The drops in the light made it look like she was

zooming through space. Somewhere, up above her and beyond

sight, a shower head rained down on her bound body. And bound

she was. By chain, lots of chain. Lengths of chain were wrapped

around her upper body, above and below her breasts, crossed

between them, over her shoulders. Her wrists were wrapped as

well, crossed up high on her back, under the coils of larger links. It

was so heavy. Chains ran from her to points around the table, that

fact was the only thing holding her upright. She gazed dully at the

locks, they were large and formidable. More chains secured her

legs, crossing over her thighs, to the wooden platform. And she

was gagged. There was a bit between her teeth. It was big, at

least two fingers wide. It was something hard, wood perhaps,

covered with a layer of black rubber. It was pulled back firmly into

her mouth, strapped there. She could not begin to budge it, try as

she did. A moan escaped her, followed by racking

sobs. Water dripped down her face, her body. Soon, her mind

played tricks on her. She was hopelessly bound, beaten,

shivering. And yet she almost chuckled. What did they expect of

her? These chains would hold a bull, they would tow a truck. She

was just a girl, just out of college. And they used this to hold

her. It was mind numbing. She was alone, so far from home, so

completely and utterly held. She waited, trembling from cold and

fear as the water poured down.

Abigail had no sense of time, but sometime later, the water

stopped. She heard the creak of an opening door. Mistress Shift

had arrived. She came in with two of her enforcers. "Did you have

a good night, my sweet?" Abigail just looked at her, lids lowered.

The Mistress smiled. "Good, I see that you are not completely

broken yet. Girls, bring her to my playroom." She whirled and left.

She could not fight them, she could barely stand. The black

scarf girls had unlocked each chain; it took awhile, and used

standard hand and ankle cuffs to bring her out of the dungeon. The
Mistress's "playroom" was a dungeon also, just one with lovely

furnishings as well as ...implements.

Iza was there, curled in a ball in a very small, ornate

cage. Leather straps bound her arms behind her back, her elbows

touching. More straps kept her legs doubled up underneath

her. Her whole head was encased in a leather hood, with additional

straps over her eyes and mouth. Abigail only recognized her by her


Ariel was there. She was tied to a whipping post, blindfolded,

gagged with a red ball, buckled in. Her back was crisscrossed with

red welts. Her arms were tight over her head. Her toes barely

touched the ground.

The Mistress was lounging on a couch, smiling still. The guards

brought Abigail to a waist high wooden bar and bent her over. Her

legs were pulled wide apart and new ankle cuffs, leather ones, held

them there. One of the girls buckled a black leather collar around

her throat, and attached a leash which she fastened to a ring on the

floor, holding Abby in this forward position. Finally, they locked a

chain to her handcuffs, a chain that ran to a pulley on the ceiling,

and pulled her hands up behind her back, higher, higher, straining

her shoulders. Abigail groaned through gritted teeth. "That will

do." said Mistress Shift. "Oh. They've left your gag

downstairs�that's alright, I have others."

A little strength was finally returning to the bound girl, Abigail

jerked on her chained wrists. "�don't���please �."

The Mistress ignored her, and held a large soft rubber ball in

front of her face. "No gag makes one completely silent, but this

one's pretty good. Open up."

Abigail turned her head away, clamping her mouth shut with a

murmured refusal. The two guards were on her immediately. They

grabbed her head and one pinched her nose but Abby still struggled,

breathing through clenched teeth. One of them was about to hit her

when Mistress Shift raised a hand. "Stop. The dear girl doesn’t

want to open her mouth for her Owner. I will make her open her

mouth the hard way this time�and rest assured, she will obey me

in the future. The girls released Abigail's head with a

shove. Mistress Shift opened a small chest. There were electrical

components in it. She held up two alligator clamps, each attached

to wires running to the box. "Can you guess, Abigail dear, where I

am going to put these?"

Abigail's breath quickened. "Please�..Mistress�..I will obey, I'll

do �anything. Just�please, don't�"

"Too late for that dear." She walked behind the bound

girl. "After this, I will fuck you up the ass with a ridiculously large

strap-on. But first, the mouth opener." She attached the clamps to

Abigail's vulva, one on each side. That pain alone made the girl cry

out. She yanked against the restraints holding her. "Oh for

heaven's sake, girl, I haven't even turned it on yet." Her guards

stood by Abby's head, one held the rubber ball at the ready, the

other a harness style panel gag to keep it in her mouth.

Abigail looked at them, "You can gag me! I'll obey! I'll

obey! Please don't do this!" Mistress Shift pushed the button. The

pain was unlike anything Abby had ever experienced. Her body

stiffened, her back arched. It only lasted for an instant, her body

shook. She hung limply, panting. Her body trembled in anticipation

of the next shock. Mistress Shift pressed the button. Abigail

screamed, and screamed, and screamed. Her wide open mouth was

an easy target for the guards. The pain stopped and Abigail's body

slumped again. She groaned as they buckled and secured the

harness about her head, an under jaw strap held her mouth closed

around the mouth filling ball. She was well gagged. Mistress Shift

pushed the button. Waves of pain shot through the helpless

girl. Her screams were but anguished humming. Tears sprang to

her tightly closed eyes. Her still wet hair flew around her face as
she thrashed about. Her hands stiffened, claw-like and

grasping. Then it was over.

Mistress Shift slapped Abigail's ass. "Next time I Tell you to

open your mouth, then open your fucking mouth slut!" She moved

to where the bound girl could see her. "And now, back to our

regularly scheduled activities." The two black scarf girls helped the

Mistress undress. Her body was perfect; she stood proud and

unabashed. One brought a large jewelry box to her and she drew

forth her strap-on. The dildo was a huge, studded, evil

thing. Abigail nearly fainted. The Mistress licked the inner part, the

part for her own pleasure, and slid it up inside herself with a smile

of ecstasy. The guards buckled it about her waist. She strode to

Abby and yanked her head up by the hair. "You see this? I'm going

to ream your ass with this, and your cunt, not necessarily in that

order. And do you want to know something else? You're going to

cum when I do Abigail. I know you; I've known a hundred whores

just like you. This is what you've dreamed of�what you've

wanted�your whole sad, pathetic life. And I'm going to give you

this gift, Abigail. Remember that, remember when your body is

betraying you, when you think that I am going to split you in two

and you cum like the slut you are�in pain�in agony�..remember

that it was I that gave this to you. This gift of inevitable release."
Abigail's eyes were wide opened now as she stared, unblinking,

into Mistress Shift's eyes. She was breathing quickly, her nostrils

flaring. She tried to shake her head "no" but all she could do was

make pitiful humming noises. The Mistress gave her head a final

shake and a shove.

Abigail's neck was leashed to the floor, her arms cruelly pulled

up behind; her body bent over the rack, her legs splayed wide and

cuffed�.Mistress Shift moved behind her and spread her ass


"This is not what I wanted. This can't be what I wanted!"

Abigail's mind screamed. "Not this, not like this. I want a kind

Mistress...a loving Mistress�please, please, please��oh God�oh

God! She's going to kill meeeeee!!!!"

"Abby? Abby?! Wake up silly." Abigail's eyes flickered

open. "Did you fall asleep in the cage again?!" Iza said with mock

disapproval. "Mistress Alt says you can come out now. She sent

me to fetch you."

Abigail looked around, still fuzzy headed. "Oh ya, I lost that

dumb card game. Cage forfeit." She giggled. "Wow, I had the

weirdest dream. We were taken by Mistress Alt's evil twin sister�"

"Damn," replied Iza, "do we really want to meet her MORE evil

twin sister?" She laughed out loud.

Abigail sighed contentedly, thinking of her cherished Mistress,

her treasured sisters, her wonderful friends�."Only in dreams, Iza

dear, only in dreams." Then she looked pensive, "Well, maybe YOU

want to meet her�" and then Abigail smiled.

The End

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